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Siemens AG

Tipo Sociedad anónima (AG)(NYSE: SI)

Fundación 1847 en Berlín,   Imperio alemán


Werner von Siemens

Sede Berlín, Múnich y Erlangen,  Alemania; Nueva York,  Estados Unidos

Ámbito Mundial

Industria Multinacional

Productos Sistemas de comunicacionesGeneración de potenciaAutomatización industrial y controlIluminaciónEquipo médicoTransporte y automociónTecnologías del aguaTecnologías de la construcciónElectrodomésticosReactores nucleares

Servicios Servicios empresariales


Ingresos 116.000 millones de euros1

Empleados 405.000 (2011)

Divisiones Sector Industrial, Sector Energético,Sector Salud

Sitio web


Historia de Siemens

En todo el mundo existen pocas empresas industriales de la magnitud de Siemens, que tienen tras de sí una historia tan larga y exitosa.

Sus inicios se remontan a octubre de 1847, cuando su fundador Werner von Siemens y su socio Johann Georg Halske fundaron la empresa Telegraphen Bauanstalt, en una época marcada por cambios revolucionarios en la política, la economía y la sociedad.A causa del progreso técnico, la vida de los hombres se modificó a un ritmo impresionante y con una magnitud insospechada hasta ese momento.

Werner von Siemens, nació el 13 de diciembre de 1816 en Lenthe, cerca de Hannover y falleció el 6 de diciembre de 1892 en Berlín, a causa de una neumonia.

Fue distinguido con su título nobiliario el año 1888, por el Emperador Federico III, Werner von Siemens contribuyó decisivamente a ello mediante sus inventos y a través del aprovechamiento de las tecnologías innovadoras. Su firma evolucionó desde un simple taller artesanal a una gran empresa que, al estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial, se encontraba entre los consorcios eléctricos más grandes de mundo.

Siemens marcó la electrotecnia y la electrotecnia marcó a Siemens.Actualmente la microelectrónica forma parte de todas las actividades de la empresa. Con todas nuestras áreas de negocios contribuimos al bienestar y al avance de la civilización ante una población en aumento y una escasez de recursos.

Los 156 años de vida reflejan un espíritu inventor, capacidad de innovación y coraje emprendedor. Avales de ello fueron la sobresaliente personalidad de Werner von Siemens y de sus sucesores, pero también todas las personas de todas las naciones que hasta el día de hoy han trabajado para la organización

Inventos tales como el telégrafo de agujas y la máquina dinamoeléctrica fueron elementos pioneros de la electrotecnia y base para el éxito empresarial. Las innovaciones y su rápida aplicación en el mercado fueron un requisito para la ventaja competitiva.

Werner von Siemens pensaba más allá de las fronteras de su nación. Inglaterra,Austria y Rusia, luego Asia y América, fueron para él campos de acción. La visión de fundar un negocio mundial se hizo realidad a lo largo de toda su vida.Ser un “Global Player” significa adaptarse de manera rápida a las nuevas estructuras de crecimiento de la economía mundial y aprovechar todas las oportunidades para entrar a nuevos mercados.Werner von Siemens también se adelantó a su tiempo en los referente a la política laboral y social. El reconoció que sin la motivación de los colaboradores no es posible ningún éxito comercial.Además de sus iniciativas sociales dentro de la empresa, él también se comprometía con intereses sociales generales relacionados con la ciencia y la política.

Como pionero de la electrotecnia, como inventor genial, como científico y empresario visionario, Werner von Siemens contribuyó decisivamente durante la segunda mitad del Siglo XIX al progreso técnico que cambiaría en forma

permanente la vida de los hombres.

En 1848, la compañía construyó la primera línea de telégrafo interurbana adentro Europa; 500 kilómetros de Berlín a Frankfurt-am-Main. En 1850 el hermano más joven del fundador, sir Guillermo Siemens (llevada Carl Wilhelm Siemens), comenzado a representar a la compañía adentro Londres. En el 1850s, la compañía estuvo implicada en redes de telégrafo interurbanas del edificio adentro Rusia. En 1855, un rama de la compañía dirigió por otro hermano, Carl von Siemens, abierto adentro St Petersburg, Rusia. En 1867, Siemens terminó elindoeuropeo monumental (Calcutta a la línea de telégrafo de Londres).

En 1881, una Siemens CA Alternador conducido por a watermill fue utilizado accionar la primera iluminación de calle eléctrica del mundo en la ciudad de Godalming, Reino Unido. La compañía continuada para crecer y diversificada en trenes eléctricos y bombillas. En 1890, el fundador jubilado y dejado la compañía a su hermano Carl y a los hijos Arnold y Wilhelm. Incorporaron Siemens y a Halske (S&H) en 1897.

En 1919, S&H y dos otras compañías formaron en común Osram lightbulb compañía.A Japonés el subsidiario fue establecido en 1923.

Durante los años 20 y los años 30, S&H comenzó a fabricar radios, televisiones, y microscopios electrónicos.

En los años 30 Siemens construyó Ardnacrusha Central eléctrica hidráulica en Río Shannon en entonces Los irlandeses liberan el estado, y era un mundo primero para su diseño. Recuerdan a la compañía para que su deseo levante los salarios de su pagó mal a trabajadores que se invalidarán solamente por nGaedhael del na de Cumann gobierno.

El preceder Segunda Guerra Mundial Siemens estuvo implicada en el rearme secreto de Alemania. Durante la segunda guerra mundial, Siemens apoyó Hitler régimen, contribuido al esfuerzo de la guerra y participado en el “Nazification” de la economía. Siemens tenía muchas fábricas en y alrededor decampos notorios de la exterminación por ejemplo Auschwitz y utilizado trabajo auxiliar de campos de concentración para construir los interruptores eléctricos para las aplicaciones militares. En un ejemplo, casi 100.000 hombres y mujeres de Auschwitz trabajaron en una fábrica de Siemens dentro delcampo, proveyendo la electricidad al campo. Los hornos del crematorio en Buchenwald lleve la etiqueta de Siemens.En los años 50 y de su nueva base adentro Baviera, S&H comenzó a fabricar computadoras, semiconductor dispositivos, lavadoras, y marcapasos. Siemens AG fue incorporada en 1966. El primer intercambio de teléfono digital de la compañía fue producido en el an o 80. En Siemens 1988 y GEC adquirió la compañía BRITÁNICA de la defensa y de la tecnología Plessey. Las tenencias de Plessey estuvieron partidas, y Siemens asumió el control aeroelectrónica, radar y negocios del control de tráfico - como Siemens Plessey.

En 1991, Siemens adquirió Computadora AG de Nixdorf y retitulado le Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG. En Siemens 1997 introducida el primer G/M teléfono portátil con la exhibición de color. También en 1997 Siemens acordó vender el brazo de la defensa de Siemens Plessey a Espacio aéreo británico (BAe) y una agencia de estatal BRITÁNICA, Agencia analítica de los servicios de la defensa (DASA). BAe y DASA adquirieron las divisiones británicas y alemanas de la operación respectivamente.

En 1999, las operaciones del semiconductor de Siemens fueron hechas girar apagado en una nueva compañía conocida como Tecnologías de Infineon. También, Informationssysteme AG de Siemens Nixdorf formó la parte de Computadoras de Fujitsu Siemens AG en ese año. actividades bancarias al por menor el grupo de la tecnología se convirtió Wincor Nixdorf.

En febrero de 2003, Siemens abrió de nuevo su oficina adentro Kabul.

En 2004, Siemens asumió el control la capa del funcionario Fórmula uno timekeeper, substituyendo ETIQUETA Heuer.

En noviembre de 2005, Siemens firmó un acuerdo de 12 años con Compañía de WaltDisney para patrocinar atracciones en su La Florida y California parques.

En 2006, Siemens anunciada la compra del diagnóstico de Bayer, que fue incorporado en la división médica del diagnóstico de las soluciones oficialmente encendido 1 de enero 2007.

En marzo de 2007 arrestaron y fueron acusado a un miembro del Consejo de Siemens temporalmente ilegal de financiar una asociación de trabajo negocio-amistosa que compite contra la unión IG Metall. Lo han lanzado en fianza. Las oficinas del sindicato y de Siemens se han buscado. Siemens niega cualquier fechoría.

En abril de 2007, las redes fijas, las redes móviles y las divisiones de los servicios del portador de Siemens se combinaron con Nokia' el grupo del negocio de la red de s en empresa a riesgo compartido de 50/50, creando una compañía fija y móvil de la red llamó Redes de Nokia Siemens. Nokia retrasó lafusión[8] debido a las investigaciones del soborno contra Siemens.

En octubre de 2007, una corte en Munich encontró que la compañía había sobornado a funcionarios en Libia, Rusia, y Nigeria a cambio de conceder de contratos; cuatro ministros nigerianos anteriores de comunicaciones estaban entre ésos nombrados como recipientes de los pagos. La compañía admitida a pagar los sobornos y acordó pagar una multa de 201 millones de euros. En diciembre de 2007, el gobierno nigeriano canceló un contrato con Siemens debido a los resultados del soborno.

3. Siemens Región Austral-Andina

Siemens Austral-Andina hace parte del conglomerado mundial de Siemens,compuesto por nueve países (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina y Chile) y es líder en aplicaciones de ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica, pionera en Eficiencia Energética, Productividad Industrial, Cuidado de la Salud accesible y personalizado y Soluciones Inteligentes para la Infraestructura.

Desde inicios del siglo XX, Siemens ha estado presente en los países que conforman el cluster de Austral-Andina dando respuesta a los grandes desafíos.

Con cerca de 5500 colaboradores en la región, la fuerza laboral de Siemens Austral-Andina se suma a los 360.000 colaboradores de Siemens a nivel mundial que día a día trabajan en el desarrollo y manufactura de productos, diseño e instalación de complejos sistemas y proyectos, así como un amplísimo rango de soluciones para requerimientos específicos.

Por más de 160 años Siemens se ha destacado internacionalmente por suslogros tecnológicos, calidad, innovación y confiabilidad.


Siemens está presente en Perú desde comienzos del siglo XX cuando, junto a la compañía alemana J.M. Voigt GMBH, Heidenheim, fue seleccionada para construir 3 plantas hidroeléctricas para la Empresa Eléctrica de Arequipa, compañía pública que se dedicaba a la generación de energía.

En el año fiscal 2012 Siemens Perú tuvo ventas por EUR 262 millones. Los nuevos pedidos ascendieron a EUR 281.4 millones. Actualmente, somos más de 350 empleados y en los últimos seis años, Siemens ha suministrado más de 2,000 MW de la capacidad de gas (el cual representa cerca del 30% del total del país). Durante el 2012, la Fundación Siemens (Siemens Stiftung) y Siemens Perú trabajamos en diversos proyectos enfocados en el desarrollo

sostenible de comunidades rurales. 

Siemens Perú es una empresa fuerte y respetada en el país. El récord de buen manejo corporativo y responsabilidad social está demostrado ennuestros programas de capacitación para colaboradores para generar proyectos que benefician a la comunidad.

3.2 Oficinas de Siemens en el Perú

Nuestras oficinas

Lima (oficina principal)Av. Domingo Orué 971, SurquilloLima 34Teléfono: (51 1) 215 0030Trujillo (sucursal)Av. Larco 475 - Urbanización La Merced 1ra Etapa Teléfono: (51 44)  297-963


Sistemas de comunicacionesGeneración de potenciaAutomatización industrial y controlIluminaciónEquipo médicoTransporte y automociónTecnologías del aguaTecnologías de la construcciónElectrodomésticosReactores nucleares


Servicios empresarialesFinancierosConstrucción


Sector Industrial

Sector Energético

Sector Salud

7. Automatización Industrial y Control

7.1 Sistemas de automatización

7.1.1 Sistemas de automatización industrial SIMATIC

7.1.2 Systema de control de movimiento SIMOTION

7.1.3 Sistema de automatización CNC SINUMERIK

7.1.4 Sistema de precableado

7.1.5 Software de automatización

8. Sistemas de automatización industrial SIMATIC

SIMATIC: Integrado y eficiente

Como elemento clave de nuestra amplia gama de sistemas de automatización industrial, SIMATIC es un sistema integrado exclusivo diseñado para el despliegue con todas las aplicaciones de fabricación y en todos los sectores. Tanto si necesita soluciones de fabricación como de automatización de procesos o para tareas de infraestructura, SIMATIC puede convertirse en un elemento decisivo para ayudarle a aumentar su productividad.

Esta sección contiene todo lo referente a PLCs.


Periferia descentralizada SIMATIC ET 200

Sistemas de regulación

Software para controladores SIMATIC


8.1 Controladores

The perfect SIMATIC controller for every application

Our extensive SIMATIC controller range of solutions offers the perfectprogrammable logic controller, whatever your requirements. Whether forcontrol tasks, integrating technology or archiving data —small-scale automation tasks to highly complex system solutions — failsafe or standard controller —  a SIMATIC controller represents a secure investment for the future, and allows you to respond to new challengesquickly, flexibly and cost-effectively.

LOGO! Logic Module

Modular controllers SIMATIC S7

Embedded Controller

PC-based Controller

8.1.1 LOGO! Logic Module

Logo control from Siemens: The natural choice

LOGO! from Siemens offers you the support you need at a price you can afford. Perform small-scale automation tasks more quickly and free up space in your switch cabinet. With 8 basic logic functions and 30/35 special functions, the LOGO! logic module can replace a large number of conventional switching and control devices. The natural logic module choice: LOGO! now is even more versatile for analog value applications and simple control tasks.

LOGO! modular basic variants

LOGO! modular pure variants

LOGO! modular expansion modules

LOGO! modular communication modules

LOGO! CSM Compact Switch Modules

LOGO! Text Display



LOGO! Software

A) LOGO! Modular Basic Variants

Logic module LOGO! Simply different – simply ingenious


LOGO! – the proven basic (0BA6)

LOGO! impresses customers due to the wide variety of possible applications and it allows the easy implementation of comprehensive applications – last but not least due to the possibility of selecting from among 38 integrated functions and linking them to up to 200 blocks. When operating and monitoring, the 4-line backlit display with

a maximum of 32 characters per line ensures a high degree of user-friendliness. The message text allows the display of text, set points and actual values, bar graphs and status parameters. Of course, parameters can be adjusted in the message text. Flexibility is always assured due to the diverse expansion options.

... and the new ones with Ethernet (0BA7)

You have grown with LOGO! and you want to always be able to solve moretasks with a greater demand on industrial communication? Then, the newLOGO! 0BA7 devices are the ideal solution for you. With the new basic devices, you can easily expand old programs by adding functions. In one application you can now use up to 400 function blocks.

Also possible: the supplementing of additional I/Os or the integrationof a user-friendly operator guidance via touch panels. Previously developed LOGO! programs can be used as a basis and the easy configuration continues. Five new function blocks open additional applications.

To the top of the page

Area of application

The logic module LOGO! is proven millions of times – in numerous applications:

Machine controls

Motor, pump and valve controls

Air compressors

Exhaust and filtering systems

Water-treatment plants

Woodworking machinery

Etching and purification plants

Transport facilities

Conveyor systems

Hoisting platforms


Silo facilities

Livestock feed delivery

Operational monitoring systems

Access control

Vehicle control monitoring

Alarm systems

Level limit monitoring

Traffic light control systems

Baggage handling

Residential and commercial building services

Interior and exterior lighting control

Door/gate control

Shutter, sun blind and awning control

Irrigation system control

Unique applications

Solar-electric systems


Harsh environments

Display panels and traffic control signs


the ideal controller for simple automation tasks

reduces costs - replaces many conventional switching control devices,

reduces time requirements – simplified wiring and panel layout,

reduces space requirements in the switching cabinet - modules based on a 4 width industry standard dimension replace a wide variety of relays, timer switches and contactor relays

offers the widest range of capabilities and successful implementation of extensive applications with the option of selecting from 38/43 integrated functions and linking up to 200/400 of them in the user program

Operator control and monitoring are made extremely user-friendly by means of a 4 line, 32 characters per line, backlit display.

This allows for the display of text, action items and current values, bar graphs and I/O status. Parameter values can also be changed in the message text.

Additional external textdisplay extends the possibilities for operator control and monitoring

The LOGO! is suitable for almost any small industrial or non-manufacturing commercial application.

Together with the LOGO! Soft Comfort software, configuring of thelogic module is simply intuitive: program generation, project simulation and documentation are accomplished using drag and dropfunctionality, allowing maximum ease of operation.

Design and functions

LOGO! Basic and LOGO! Pure (0BA6)

Different voltages, i. e. 12 V DC, 24 V AC / DC, 115 / 240 V AC /DC – Can be used for a wide range of applications

Automatic changeover for configured daylight saving time – Reduces maintenance overhead

Password protection – Protects your engineering IP

38 integrated, pre-tested functions – No additional devices, suchas elapsed time counter, are required

Linking of 200 functions is possible – Extensive applications canbe implemented without restrictions

Eight digital inputs (incl. four AIs at 12 / 24 V DC) and four digital outputs on board

Display of message texts, action items and current values as wellas direct modification of the values on the display (except for Pure versions)

Retentive data memory – Protects current values against loss in the event of a power failure

Flexibly expandable up to 24 DIs, 16 DOs, 8 AIs and 2 AOs– Protects original investment– Suitable for a wide variety of applications

Software LOGO! Soft Comfort V6 for user-friendly generation of control programs on PC; suitable for a variety of operating systems, such as Windows 95/98, NT 4.0, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, MAC OS X 10.4 with J2SE 1.5.0 and SUSE LINUX 10.0

Connection facility for remote text display on all 0BA6 basic devices

LOGO! Basic (0BA7)

The highlight of the 0BA7 basic devices is without a doubt the standard Ethernet interface, as a programming interface and for communicating with other LOGO! 0BA7 basic devices or SIMATIC automation components such as SIMATIC S7 CPUs, HMI Panels, and PCs.

A maximum of 9 LOGO!s can be networked

Data logging

Standard SD cards as the storage medium

Program and connection compatible with LOGO! 0BA6

400 blocks program memory

New function blocks Astronomical clock, Average value, Analog filter, Stopwatch and Min/Max Function

Editing of „User defined Functions“ (macro function blocks)

Additional reference options and display features in the functionblocks

B) LOGO! Modular Pure-Variants

Logic module LOGO!


With the logic module LOGO! Siemens offers you the ideal controller for simple automation tasks in industry and building services. The consistently modular design of LOGO! makes it extremely flexible. A wide range of modules allows individual expansion of LOGO! to 24 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs, 8 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs!

Communication modules are also available for AS-Interface and KNX (KONEX the former EIB network for building automation). It is also possible to use the analog output module to solve simple closed-loop control tasks. Heating and cooling systems can be designed with the RTD module using special functions for PI control, ramp response and analog multiplexer.LOGO! exists in the version LOGO! Basic with integrated display and inthe versionLOGO! Pure without display.

Area of application

The logic module LOGO! is proven millions of times – in numerous applications:

Machine controls

Motor, pump and valve controls

Air compressors

Exhaust and filtering systems

Water-treatment plants

Woodworking machinery

Etching and purification plants

Transport facilities

Conveyor systems

Hoisting platforms


Silo facilities

Livestock feed delivery

Operational monitoring systems

Access control

Vehicle control monitoring

Alarm systems

Level limit monitoring

Traffic light control systems

Baggage handling

Residential and commercial building services

Interior and exterior lighting control

Door/gate control

Tür- / Torsteuerung

Shutter, sun blind and awning control

Irrigation system control

Unique applications

Solar-electric systems


Harsh environments

Display panels and traffic control signs


The ideal controller for simple automation tasks

Reduces costs - replaces many conventional switching control devices,

Reduces time requirements – simplified wiring and panel layout,

Reduces space requirements in the switching cabinet - modules based on a 4 width industry standard dimension replace a wide variety of relays, timer switches and contactor relays

Offers the widest range of capabilities and successful implementation of extensive applications with the option of selecting from 38 integrated functions and linking up to 200 of them in the user program

Operator control and monitoring are made extremely user-friendly by means of a 4 line, 32 characters per line, backlit display

This allows for the display of text, action items and current values, bar graphs and I/O status. Parameter values can also be changed in the message text.

Additional external textdisplay extends the possibilities for operator control and monitoring

The LOGO! is suitable for almost any small industrial or non-manufacturing commercial application

Together with the LOGO! Soft Comfort software, configuring of thelogic module is simply intuitive: program generation,project simulation and documentation are accomplished using drag and dropfunctionality, allowing maximum ease of operation.

Design and functions

LOGO! Basic and LOGO! Pure

Different voltages, i. e. 12 V DC, 24 V AC / DC, 115 / 240 V AC /DC – Can be used for a wide range of applications

Automatic changeover for configured daylight saving time – Reduces maintenance overhead

Password protection – Protects your engineering IP

38 integrated, pre-tested functions – No additional devices, suchas elapsed time counter, are required

Linking of 200 functions is possible – Extensive applications canbe implemented without restrictions

Eight digital inputs (incl. four AIs at 12 / 24 V DC) and four digital outputs on board

Display of message texts, action items and current values as wellas direct modification of the values on the display (except for Pure versions)

Integrierte Datenremanenz sorgt für die uneingeschränkte Sicherung von Aktualwerten bei Spannungsausfall

Retentive data memory – Protects current values against loss in the event of a power failure

Flexibly expandable up to 24 DIs, 16 DOs, 8 AIs and 2 AOs, Protects original investment, Suitable for a wide variety of applications

Software LOGO! Soft Comfort V6 for user-friendly generation of control programs on PC; suitable for a variety ofoperating systems, such as Windows 95/98, NT 4.0, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, MAC OS X 10.4 with J2SE 1.5.0 and SUSE LINUX 10

Connection facility for remote text display on all 0BA6 basic devices

C) LOGO! modular expansion modules

Logic module LOGO! - flexible expansion modularity


A wide range of modules allows individual expansion of LOGO! to 24 digital inputs,16 digital outputs, 8 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs!

The use of serveral LOGO! 0BA7 units allows to expand the overall system to a max. of 88 digital inputs, 80 digital outputs, 40 anlaog inputs and 18 analog outputs.

Communication modules are also available for AS-Interface and KNX (KONEX the former EIB network for building automation). It is also possible to use the analog output module to solve simple closed-loop control tasks. Heating and cooling systems can be designed with the AM2 RTD module (forPT100/PT1000 temperature sensors) using special functions for PI control, ramp response and analog multiplexer.

Design and functions

Digital expansion modules 

Four versions for expanding the digital inputs and outputs:

DM8 230R / DM16 230R

Supply voltage 115 / 240 V AC / DC

Four/eight 120 / 230 V AC / DC digital inputs

Four / eight digital output relays, 5 A per relay

DM8 24 / DM16 24

Supply voltage 24 V DC

Four / eight 24 V DC digital inputs

Four / eight digital output transistors, 0.3 A

DM8 12 / 24R

Supply voltage 12 / 24 V DC

Four 12 / 24 V digital inputs

Four digital output relays, 5 A per relay

DM8 24R

Supply voltage 24 V AC / DC

Four 24 V AC / DC digital inputs, PNP or NPN

Four digital output relays, 5 A per relay

DM16 24R

Supply voltage 24 V DC

Eight 24 V DC digital inputs

Four digital output relays, 5 A per relay

Analog expansion modules

Three modules for expanding analog and temperature I/O:


Supply voltage 12 / 24 V DC

Two channels

0 to 10 V or 0 to 20 mA type


Supply voltage 12 / 24 V DC 

Two channels 

Type PT100/PT1000 (automatic sensor detection)

Measuring range – 50 °C to +200 °C


Supply voltage 24 V DC

2 analog outputs 

0 to 10 V or 0 to 20 mA type

D) LOGO! Communication modules

Logic module LOGO!


For communication in industrial applications as well as in the range of building automation, LOGO! provides the communication modules for AS-interfaces and for KNX/EIB.

The LOGO! can be integrated as intelligent slave into the AS-Interfacesystem with the AS-i Interface module for LOGO! The modular interface allows the different basic units to be integrated into the system depending on the required functionality. In addition, the functionality can be quickly and simply adapted to changed requirements by replacing the basic unit.The interface provides four digital inputs and four digital outputs for the AS-i system.

LOGO! as intelligent slave operates with standard sensors, controls actuators but is also able to receive information from the AS-i masteror provides status information or alarm messages for the master

The CM KNX/EIB communication module supports communication between theLOGO! master and external KNX devices via the KNX/EIB.The module can be used to integrate the LOGO! as an intelligent controller into an EIB system.

Area of application

CM AS-Interface-Slave

The expansion module has four virtual inputs and outputs, and acts as an interface between an AS-Interface system and a LOGO! system. The module enables four data bits to be transferred from the LOGO! Basic to the AS-Interface system and vice versa.

Supply voltage DC 12 / 24 V

4 DI / 4 DQ interfaces to an AS-interface Master


CM KNX/EIB is a communication module (CM) for connecting the LOGO! to the KNX.It is implemented as expansion module for the logic module LOGO! (12/24 or 115/240 volt).The CM KNX/EIB enables the LOGO! to communicate with other EIB devicesthrough the exchange of KNX telegrams. It transfers KNX telegrams to constant signals for the LOGO! so that it is able to link them with its logic functions and timing elements. On the other side it changes LOGO! signals to telegrams for the KNX devices.

The combination of the LOGO! and CM KNX/EIB provides the user with a distributed controller functionality for the EIB with the possibility of carrying out settings or modifying parameters or logic operations quickly, simply and without a programming device.

The number of I/O signals depends on the hardware configuration of theLOGO!. The I/Os of the internal process image that are not configured as expansion module can be allocated as virtual inputs and outputs to the KNX module.

Power supply 24 V AC/DC

max. 16 DI, 12 DO, 8 AI and 2 AO as interface to the instabus EIB

The LOGO! can also be used as a KNX/EIB clock master on a network

Any analog or digital I/Os not physically used in a LOGO! configuration, can be mapped to KNX communication objects for usein an ETS program

Dimming actuators and blind actuators can be controlled by LOGO! telegrams

Technical data

Communication modules (CM)

EIB / KNX CM AS-Interface (Slave)

Supply voltage 24 V AC / DC 24 V DC

Permissible range

20.4 to 28.8 VDC20.4 to 26.4 V AC

19.2 to 28.8 V DC

Digital inputs* up to 16 (also possible as ‘monoflop’)


Analog inputs* up to 8 –

Analog outputs* up to 2 (8 as –

Communication modules (CM)

EIB / KNX CM AS-Interface (Slave)

interface to KNX via multiplex function)

Digital outputs*

up to 12 4

Dimensions(W x H x D)

2 WM 36 x 90 x 53 mm 2 WM 36 x 90 x 53 mm

* ‘virtual’ LOGO! inputs/outputs;for KNX/EIB this depends on the number of physical I/O’s already used

E) Compact Switch Modules LOGO! CSM


With the compact switch modules LOGO! CSM 230 and CMS 12/24, logic modules from the LOGO! 0BA7 basic modules product range can be extended by additional Ethernet interfaces, and Ethernet networks with10/100 Mbps can be flexibly configured in electrical line, tree or star structures.The design of the switch modules has been optimally adapted to the

LOGO! series, enabling seamless and space-saving installation. The unmanaged switches can either connect two logic modules to one anotheror offer connections for additional components such as HMI devices, displays or programming devices

4-Port unmanaged switch

2 variants for the voltage ranges 12/24 V DCand 230 V AC/DC

Power supply via terminal strip connections

Diagnostic LEDs

Connection of a LOGO! and up to 3 other nodes to an industrial Ethernet network with 10/100 Mbps in electrical line, tree or star structure.


Important features of the LOGO! CSM are:

Problem-free connection by means of 4 RJ45 standard plug-in connections

1 Ethernet port on the front of the module for direct diagnostic access in the control cabinet

Space-saving, optimized for connection to LOGO!

Cost-effective solution for the implementation of small, local Ethernet networks

Support of stand-alone use as unmanaged 4-port switch for Ethernet networks

F) LOGO! Text Display


The LOGO! TD provides an affordable interface for equipment builders and their customers, even for simple switching systems.

Adjustments and troubleshooting alarms are easily handled using the LOGO! TD with built-in operator functions and diagnostics. The expansion and communications modules, as well as programs from earlierLOGO! generations are compatible when upgrading to new Basic or Pure logic module to be able to utilize the LOGO! TD.


Controllable backlight and multi-language character sets

Supports 12 or 16 standard characters per line depending on selected character set

Display of up to 50 messages on either the on-board LCD or external TD or both

Switch between 2 screens or scroll up to 32 characters on any or all lines for each message

Display of up to 4 bar graphs and 4 I/O statuses per message and per character set

Password protection of RUN/STOP options on the TD

Design and functions

Simple connection of the LOGO! TD text display

Truly Remote Text Display

You can now optionally connect an additional text display to any of the new LOGO! controllers without needing a dedicated communications module. Highlighting its ease of implementation:the same message text function block is used for either internal or

external display where the message texts can also be selectively output to either or both. For example, you can output messages relevant to operation on the text display and service information onlyin the switching cabinet.The backlight of both displays is controllable from the program and can also be set for continuous operation.

Expanded FunctionalityThe new LOGO! offers maximum visualisation with up to 50 four-line message texts with up to 32 characters per line, clearly displaying all relevant machine parameters on either or both the built-in LCD or remote LOGO! TD.‘Ticker-text’, bar graph or I/O signal status enhance this further.

Technical Data

shipped with interface cable for connection to any Base Module 0BA6 or higher

polarity independent power supply for 12 V DC or 24 V AC/DC

contrast and backlight control

identical display as a Base Module ‘Basic’ variant or independentmessage text displays

IP65 when correctly panel-mounted

6 tactile input buttons identical to the Base Module ‘Basic’ variant

4 additional Function keys for inputs directly into the program code

easily configured with the message text function block in the program code

supports the same 10 menu languages and associated character setsas the ‘Basic’Base Module

LOGO! TD Text Display

Supply voltage 12 V DC , 24 V AC/DC

Permissible range

10.2 to 28.8 V DC or 20.4 to 26.4 V AC (47 to 63 Hz)

Inputs 6 standard keys, 4 function keys (tactile surface buttons)

Display 61 x 33 mm, white controllable backlight, adjustable contrast

Lines / Characters

4 lines, 12/16 characters per line(depending on selected character set)

Connecting cable length

2.5 m (extend up to 10 m with standard ‘straight-through‘9-pin serial cable)

Power consumptionat 24 V DC

typ. 65 mA (12 V DC), typ. 40 mA (24 V DC),typ. 90 mA (24 V AC)

Cut-out dimensions(W x H x D)

119.5 x 78.5 x 1.5 – 4.0 mm for panel mounting(128.2 x 86 x 38.7 overall)

Protection IP 20, Front IP65 (4X/12)

G) LOGO!Power

Flat Power Supply for Distribution Boards

The new miniature power supply units offer great performance in the smallest space. The high efficiency over the complete load range and the low power loss during idle time guarantee efficient operation. Thewide input voltage range now also allows the connection of DC voltage,the switch-on response has been optimized for capacitive loads, and the operating temperature range has been extended to +70 °C. The reliable power supplies with logic module design can now be integratedextremely flexibly in a number of applications – for example, in distribution boards thanks to their flat, stepped profile.

The advantages at a glance

3 performance classes with 24 V DC

2 performance classes each with 5 V, 12 V and 15 V DC

Flat type of construction in LOGO! design with a depth of just 55mm

Wide input voltage range from 85 V to 264 V AC or 110 V to 300 V DC respectively

Constant current for switching in loads with high inrush current

Power reserve on starting up through 1.5 times rated current for capacitive loads

•Adjustable output voltage

Green LED for "Output voltage o. k."

Temperature operation range from -20 °C to +70 °C

Extensive certifications like CE, cULus, FM, GL and ATEX

You can find additional information and ordering options for the individual LOGO!Power products here.

The SITOP Selection Tool also supports you in selecting your product.

24V / 1,3A5V / 3A12V / 1,9A15V / 1,9A

24V / 4A

24V / 2,5A5V / 6,3A12V / 4,5A15V / 4A

H) LOGO!Contact

Hum-free switching module


LOGO! Contact

Switching module for the direct switching of resistive loads and motors

Hum-free switching module

For switching resistive loads up to 20 A

For direct switching of motors up to 4 kW

For high-performance loads in noise-sensitive environments

Area of application

LOGO!Contact is universally applicable:

Domestic/electrical installations  

Industry and commerce  

Design and functions

LOGO!Contact is available in two versions:

Operational voltage 24 V DC  

Operational voltage 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz  

I) LOGO! Software

Logic module LOGO!


LOGO! Software – simply professional

LOGO! Soft Comfort – stands for sensationally easy and quick configuration.This allows the creation of ladder and function block diagrams by selecting the respective functions and their connection via drag & drop.In addition, the entire switching program can be simulated and tested offline on the PC.Also possible: an online test in both program displays during operation.

Last but not least, LOGO! Soft Comfort provides professional documentation with all of the necessary project information such as switching programs, comments, and parameter settings.


Together with the LOGO! Soft Comfort software, configuring of the logic module is simply intuitive: program generation, project simulation and documentation are accomplished using drag and drop functionality, allowing maximum ease of operation.

Design and functions

The LOGO! Soft Comfort software does it all – generating and testing control programs, simulating all functions and of course documentationis sensationally easy with LOGO! Soft Comfort using drag & drop on your PC. This is how it is done:

Creating control programs

Select function and position onthe drawing surface

Link selected functions by means of connecting lines

Set function parameters using clear dialog window

Commissioning with LOGO!

Simulation of the entire switching process using all functions onthe PC

Analog signals can be simulated with real values (e. g. temperature – 20 ºC to + 80 ºC)

Time-controlled/cyclic simulation 

Simulation of clock time

Pop-up window of the LOGO! display in the simulation

Status display of all functions, parameters and current values

Online test with display of statuses and current values of LOGO! in RUN mode now in functionblock and ladder diagram representations

The documentation

Each function can be provided with additional comments

Each function can be provided with additional comments

Additional assignment of names possible for inputs and outputs

Any positioning and formatting of free text

Clear representation of control program across several pages

Professional printout with all necessary configuration information

Separate printout of parameters and interface names possible

Integration into standard Windows applications by storing as .pdfor .jpg file

More functions for LOGO! 0BA7

With the current version of LOGO! Soft Comfort, you can, of course, easily configure all of the new LOGO! hardware and firmware functions.The following five function blocks have been added:

Astronomical time switch

Min./Max. function

Mean value generation

Analog filter

Stop watch

Creating macro blocks with library function

Recurring parts of programs can be saved separately as complete blocksand used in other programs. You can build up your own block library from regularly used partial applications and quickly and easily integrate them into new projects. This speeds up testing and programming.

Data logging

Data from the production process can be saved in the internal memory of the LOGO! or on a standard SD card in order to either read it with a PC or evaluate it from the SD card at the workstation.


A real highlight of the LOGO! 0BA7 generation are the different communication modes:

Communication between LOGO! and LOGO! – the second LOGO! functions as an I/O expansion without its own program.

Communication between LOGO! and LOGO! – the second LOGO! executesits own program and exchanges some data with the other one.

Communication between LOGO! and SIMATIC S7 CPUs or Panels, which provide S7 communication via Ethernet.

8.1.2 Modular controllers SIMATIC S7

S7 PLC controllers: customized expandability

SIMATIC S7 modular controllers can be expanded flexibly at any time via pluggable I/O, functional and communications modules, providing tailored solutions for your requirements. Choose from a wide range of performance, scope and interface options depending on your application. Our modular PLC are also presented as highly available orfail-safe systems.

A) SIMATIC S7-1200

SIMATIC S7-1200: Easily adapted to suit your needs

TIA Portal Basic has task-oriented, intelligent and intuitive editors that enable it to serve as one common engineering framework for the SIMATIC S7-1200 controller and SIMATIC HMI Basic Panel; which will help you to achieve many engineering efficiencies in your daily work giving you a competitive advantage. Compact automation solutions also require scalability and flexibility,and this is achieved for your application through the integrated PROFINET interface on the controller S7-1200 for programming, HMI connections, distributed I/O's and distributed drive architectures.

S7-1200 CommunicationFast, easy and flexible industrial communicationOverview



Integrated PROFINET Interface

The SIMATIC S7-1200 supports communication with PROFINET IO devices as a PROFINET IO

controller. By means of the integrated Web-server, information can be called via the CPU

and process data via a standard Web browser. Data can also be archived from the user

program during runtime.

Utilizing established TCP/IP standards, the integrated PROFINET interface provided with the

SIMATIC S7-1200 can be used for programming or to communicate with HMI devices and

additional controllers. As a PROFINET IO controller, SIMATIC S7-1200 now supports

communication with PROFINET IO devices and drives.

The interface consists of a noise-immune RJ45 connector with auto-cross-over functionality,

which supports Ethernet networks and features a data transmission rate of up to 10/100


New with firmware version 4.0 CPU’s Profinet iDevice:

Easiest configuration for S7-1200 CPU’s into a Controller / device architecture by reading

& writing into each others IO image.

Communication with third-party devices

Seamless integration of devices from other manufacturers is possible with the integrated

PROFINET interface on the SIMATIC S7-1200. It is possible to connect and communicate with

multiple third-party devices utilizing the supported open Ethernet protocols TCP/IP native

and ISO on TCP.

This communication capability, which is configured with standard T-Send/T-Receive

instructions provided by the integrated engineering system SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic, offers you

an even higher level of flexibility in designing your automation solution.

New with firmware version 4.0 CPU’s now have more communications options:

CM IO link Master 

Fast and easy integration of the SIRIUS compact starters, M200D starters and SIRIUS soft-

starters for simple starter control as well as third party IO link devices

CB Wi-Fi Module 

Integrated direct access made simple with Wi-Fi via the new SIMATIC app or the integrated

web server.

Easy communication modules

Up to 3 communication modules can be added to any of the SIMATIC S7-1200 CPUs.

The RS485 and RS232 communication modules are fit for serial, character-based point-to-

point connections. The library functions USS drive protocol and Modbus RTU Master and Slave

protocols are already included within the SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic engineering system.


To the top of the page

Fast fieldbus communication via PROFIBUS – the fieldbus standard

Thanks to the addition of Master or Slave to PROFIBUS DB for SIMATIC S7-1200 - the powerful

fieldbus communication with fast reaction times - a uniform communication from the field

level to the control level is achievable. This supports one of the most important

requirements in the segment of compact automation.

There are two new communication modules (CMs) that facilitate the connection of S7-1200 to

PROFIBUS. Up to 16 field devices may be connected as DP slaves with the DP Master

CM 1243-5, as decentralized peripheral ET 200 units, for example. The S7-1200 may function

as a DP slave with the CM 1242-5 and may thus be connected to any other DP master. Both

modules are easily connected to the backplane of the CPU on the left side.

Simple networking

To minimize cabling and provide maximum networking flexibility, the CSM 1277 Compact Switch

Module can be used to configure a uniform or mixed network - with line, tree or star

topologies. The CSM 1277 is a 4-port unmanaged switch, which allows you to connect the


 S7-1200 with up to three additional devices.

Simple Telecontrol applications via GPRS

Together with the GPRS communication processor, the S7-1200 CPU supports simple Telecontrol

applications for monitoring and control of distributed stations using general packet radio

service (GPRS). This enables machine to machine Telecontrol via Teleserver Basic as well as

Data Acquisition. SMS messaging for event driven fault diagnostics are made possible with

the GPRS module, and full Teleservice functionally can be realized for remote diagnostics,

configuration & programming.

Easy communication via AS-i

AS-i is an open and manufacturer independent bus system transmitting process and machine

level digital and analog signals up to the control system. Universal interface between

actuators and sensors on the field level with easy integration of I/O modules, positioning

switches, signaling columns, load feeders and motor starters into SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic.S7-1200 CPUsInterplay makes the differenceOverview

Description Benefit Design and functions


The new modular SIMATIC S7-1200 controller is at the core of our new offering for simple

but highly precise automation tasks. The SIMATIC S7-1200 controller is modular and compact,

versatile, a secure investment, and is powerfully fit for a full range of applications. 

A scalable and flexible design, a communication interface that fulfills the highest

standards of industrial communication and a full range of powerful integrated technology

functions make this controller an integral part of a complete and comprehensive automation


The optimized performance of our SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels, designed for seamless

compatibility with this new controller and the powerfully integrated engineering system,

ensures simplified development, fast start-up, precise monitoring and the highest level of

usability. It‘s the interplay between these products and their innovative features that

give you an unprecedented level of efficiency for small automation systems.To the top of the page


It‘s the Interplay 

The optimized performance of our SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels, designed for seamless

compatibility with this new controller and the powerfully integrated engineering system,

ensures simplified development, fast start-up, precise monitoring and the highest level of

usability. It‘s the interplay between these products and their innovative features that

give you an unprecedented level of efficiency for small automation systems.

A modular concept for compact automation in a scalable design.

The SIMATIC S7-1200 features an integrated PROFINET interface, powerful integrated

technology functions and a highly scalable and flexible design. This enables simple

communication, efficient solutions for technological tasks, and perfectly fits individual

automation requirements in a wide variety of applications.

Highest efficiency in engineering 

SIMATIC S7-1200 is programmed via the new and fully integrated engineering-system SIMATIC

STEP 7 Basic with SIMATIC WinCC Basic. SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic is designed to be intuitive,

easy to learn and easy to use. This provides you with highest efficiency in engineering.

Smart functionalities such as intuitive editors, drag and drop functionality as well as

“IntelliSense“ tools simply let you engineer faster. This new software architecture comes

from a stable source for future innovations - Siemens has many years of experience in

software development and has thus made SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic highly future-oriented.

To the top of the page

Design and functions


The SIMATIC S7-1200 system is available in five models, CPU 1211C, CPU 1212C, CPU 1214C,

CPU 1215C and CPU 1217C. Each can be extended to meet any machine’s requirement. The

digital and analog I/Os can easily be expanded without affecting the physical size of the

controller by installing a signal board inside the front of the CPUs. Connecting signal

modules at the right side of the CPU increases the digital and analog I/O capacity even

further. CPU 1212C can accommodate two, and CPU 1214C, CPU 1215C and CPU 1217C up to eight

signal modules. All SIMATIC S7-1200 CPUs can be equipped with up to three communication

modules on their left side for point-to-point serial communication, PROFIBUS Master/Slave,

GPRS communication, AS-i and more Fieldbus systems.

New with firmware version 4.0 CPU’s

Security Integrated 

Protection against unauthorized code or process value changes; which helps to facilitate

increased operational availability.

Know-how Protection 

Through password protection unauthorized third parties are not able to open your blocks and

thus do not have access to your algorithm.

Integrated Trace Function

For more effective commissioning and faster problem solving we now have a powerful new

integrated tool for analysis of interactions with all CPU tags and analog & digital



Complete controller station configuration, programming & testing; and no hardware is


Easy and convenient installation 

All SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware has built-in clips that allow for easy and convenient mounting

on a standard 35-mm DIN rail. These built-in clips can also be snapped into an extended

position to provide mounting holes for situations where panel mounting is required. The

SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware can be installed in either a horizontal or vertical position

providing you with additional installation options. These integrated features offer users

maximum flexibility during the installation process and they make the SIMATIC S7-1200 a

practical solution for a wide variety of applications. 

Space-saving design 

All SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware has been specifically designed to save space in the control

panel. The new CPU 1217C and CPU 1215C, for instance, includes two PROFINET Ports.  CPU

1215C has a width of 130 mm, CPU 1217C is 150 mm wide, CPU 1214C has a width of 110 mm. CPU

1212C as well as CPU 1211C are only 90 mm wide. Together with the small footprint of the

communication and signal modules, this compact modular system saves valuable space and

provides highest concept. SIMATIC S7-1200 allows you to design a controller system to

exactly fit your application needs.


A modular concept for compact automation in a scalable design. 

The SIMATIC S7-1200 features an integrated PROFINET interface, powerful integrated

technology functions and a highly scalable and flexible design. This enables simple

communication, efficient solutions for technological tasks, and perfectly fits individual

automation requirements in a wide variety of applications. 


Scalable and flexible design 

Signal Modules: 

Up to eight signal modules can be connected to the largest CPUs for the support of

additional digital and analog I/Os. 

Signal boards: 

One signal board can be connected to all CPUs, allowing you to customize the CPUs by adding

digital or analog I/Os to the controller without affecting its physical size. The modular

concept provided by the SIMATIC S7-1200 allows you to design a controller system to exactly

fit your application needs. 

CPU 1211C, CPU 1212C and CPU 1214C memory 

Up to 50 KB of integrated work memory, with a floating boundary between user program and

user data is available. In addition to that, up to 2 MB of integrated load memory and 2 KB

of integrated retentive memory are available. The optional SIMATIC Memory Card enables the

easy transfer of programs to multiple CPUs. It can also be used to store miscellaneous

files or to update the firmware of the controller system with the present design. 

CPU 1215C and CPU 1217C memory

The 100 KB working memory of CPU 1215C makes it ideally suited for applications that

require a larger program process area, and the CPU 1217C has 125 KB working memory.  Both

can have 4 MB of data stored in its large data storage area, and its 85 µs bit performance

makes it the best in its class.

Integrated PROFINET interface of CPU 1211C, CPU 1212C and CPU 1214C 

The integrated PROFINET interface is used for programming and for HMI as well as PLC-to-PLC

communication. It supports communication with third-party devices using open Ethernet

protocols. The interface features an RJ45 connector with auto-cross-over functionality and

provides for data transmission rates at 10/100 Mbit/s. It supports up to 16 Ethernet

connections and the following protocols: TCP/IP native, ISO on TCP, and S7 communication. 

Integrated PROFINET interface of CPU 1215C and CPU 1217C

Both have 2 PN ports that can be used either as HMI connection and switchless I/O or as one

programming and one field device port. 

SIMATIC S7-1200 Integrated technologies Integrated technology for counting and measuring,

closed-loop control and motion control make the SIMATIC S7-1200 an extremely versatile

system for many types of automation tasks. 

1211C, 1212C, 1214C with high-speed outputs to control speed, position 

and duty cycles 

The high-speed outputs of the SIMATIC S7-1200 controller can be used as pulse train outputs

(PTO) and pulse width modulated (PWM) outputs. When configured as a PTO, a 50 percent duty

cycle pulse train is provided at a rate of up to 100 kHz for the open-loop speed and

position control of stepper motors and servo drives. When these Outputs are configured as a

PWM output, a fixed cycle time output with a variable duty cycle controls can be used to

control the speed of a motor or position a valve for instance. 

1215C and 1217C high-speed outputs control speed, position and duty cycles

The SIMATIC CPU 1215C and CPU 1217C features six high-speed counters (HSC) build in – three

with a clock rate of 100 kHz and another three with a clock rate of 30 kHz, using the

readily available Signal Boards up to 200 kHz can be achieved as well. Furthermore there

are four PTO outputs to control stepper drives simultaneously. 

The new SIMATIC S7-1217C covers even more motion applications with the addition of the 5V

Line Diver outputs.

PLCopen motion function blocks 

The SIMATIC S7-1200 supports the open-loop speed and position control of stepper motors and

servo drives. This functionality is easily configured using an axis technology object along

with the internationally accepted PLCopen motion function blocks included within the

engineering system SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic. Absolute, relative and velocity moves are

supported in addition to home and jog functions. 

Drive commissioning control panel 

The drive commissioning control panel included with the engineering system SIMATIC STEP 7

Basic simplifies the start-up and commissioning of stepper motors and servo drives. 

It provides both automatic and manual control of a single motion axis as well as online and

diagnostics information. 

PID functionality for closed-loop control 

The SIMATIC S7-1200 supports up to 16 PID control loops for simple process control

applications. These control loops are easily configured using a PID controller technology

object and the supporting editors provided within the engineering system SIMATIC STEP 7

Basic. Additionally, the SIMATIC S7-1200 supports PID auto-tuning to automatically compute

the optimum tuning values for the gain, integral time and derivative time. 

PID commissioning control panel 

The PID commissioning control panel included within SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic simplifies the

loop tuning process. It provides both automatic tuning and manual control capabilities for

a single control loop and it also provides a graphical trend view of the tuning process.

Basic Panels SIMATIC HMI KP300 Basic mono SIMATIC HMI KTP400 Basic mono SIMATIC HMI KTP400 Basic color SIMATIC HMI KP400 Basic color SIMATIC HMI KTP600 Basic mono SIMATIC HMI KTP600 Basic color SIMATIC HMI KTP1000 Basic color SIMATIC HMI TP1500 Basic color

Cost-effective operation and monitoring

This range offers panels with 3", 4”, 6” and 10” displays, keypad or touch controls, and a

15” touch device. Every SIMATIC HMI Basic Panel is designed with the IP65 protection class

and is ideal for simple visualization tasks - even in harsh environments. Additional

advantages include integrated software functions such as a reporting system, recipe

management, or graph functions.

SIMATIC S7-1500Power + Efficiency: SIMATIC S7-1500 plus TIA Portal

The ultimate plus in automation

Enhanced performance – enhanced usability:

SIMATIC S7-1500 is the new controller generation in the TIA Portal and a milestone in


Your power “plus”:

Outstanding system performance for extremely short response times and highest control


Technology integrated for perfect drive integration through motion control functionalities

and PROFIdrive

Security Integrated - integrated throughout for highest investment protection

Your efficiency “plus”:

Innovative design and ease of handling for easiest possible use and commissioning as well

as safe operation

Integrated system diagnosis for full transparency of the plant status, automatically

generated and consistently displayed

TIA Portal for maximum engineering efficiency and reduced project costsSystem Overview SIMATIC S7-1500SIMATIC S7-1500 – the ultimate productivity and efficiency boost

Through its many innovations, the new SIMATIC S7-1500 controller sets new standards for

maximized productivity. This benefits small-series machines as well as complex

installations that place high demands on speed and deterministics. The SIMATIC S7-1500 is

seamlessly integrated in the Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) for maximum

engineering efficiency.S7-1500 Central processing unitsOverview

General Features and customer benefits Technical Data Notice


The central processing units (CPUs) are the heart of the SIMATIC S7-1500. They execute the

user program and network the controller with other automation components.

Three CPUs are available in the first delivery stage:

CPU-1511-1 PN for small to medium-sized applications

CPU-1513-1 PN for medium to large applications

CPU-1516-3 PN/DP for exceptionally demanding requirements and additional communication

tasks.To the top of the page

Features and customer benefits

Thanks to numerous innovations, the CPUs of the SIMATIC S7-1500 deliver the ultimate plus

in productivity and efficiency. The hardware is extremely compact. Highly integrated,

highly versatile components and modules save space in the cabinet and reduce the spare

parts inventory overhead.To the top of the page

Maximum performance

Shortest possible machine response times for enhanced productivity (control quality)

Short cycle times for greater productivity

Expansion of the program scope within the same cycle time

To the top of the page

Display for commissioning and diagnostics

Shorter downtimes thanks to plain-text diagnostic information on central and decentralized


Adaptation of customer-specific network settings without on-site programming

Display can be unplugged and plugged during operation

Password assignment for display operation via TIA Portal

Long service life of 50,000 operating hours

To the top of the page

PROFINET standard on every CPU

PN IRT (V2.2) ensures defined response times and highly precise machine behavior

Additional Ethernet interface on high-end CPU for optimum integration in plant network

Web server for simple display of service and diagnostic informationTo the top of the page

Innovative memory concept

Sufficient memory for any application, regardless of industry

Flexible memory card concept for varying project sizes

High storage capacity: up to 2 GB card for project data, archives, recipes and documents

Optimized data modules for variably granular selection of values for remanent storage.

To the top of the page

Optimized diagnostic concept

Efficient fault analysis using a uniform display concept for STEP 7, HMI, Web server,

display on CPU

Consistently integrated system diagnostics, no additional project planning overhead even

for machine expansion

No loss of system error messages, not even when CPU is in stop

To the top of the page


STEP 7 language innovation

Completely symbolic programming for better comprehensibility

Enhanced compiler performance for shorter cycle times

Greater precision e.g. for technology thanks to support for all 64-bit data types in all

IEC languages

Consistent download with all program changes

Simplification of complex mathematic operations thanks to the Calculate box in LAD and

function plan

To the top of the page


Security Integrated

Optimized security even against unauthorized access via HMI with controller security level


Investment protection thanks to security for components and programs

High machine availability thanks to integrity and confidentiality protection of project

planning data, firmware file and secure communication

To the top of the page

Compatibility/plug & play

Investment protection of existing know-how thanks to reusability of programs on all S7-1500

CPUs and integrated migration tool for existing S7 projects

Rapid, error-free identification of hardware through upload to Engineering

Service possible even without current project through complete project upload with symbols

To the top of the page


Integrated technology

Integration of Standard Motion Control with flexible connection of all PROFIdrive-enabled


Standardized PLCopen components for simple project realization

TRACE: cycle-granular recording of up to 16 variables for precise optimization of control

programs and drives

Recording in separate CPU memory area for simple localization of sporadic errors

Integrated PID controller for simple closed-loop control tasks: time savings thanks to

optimized control parameter optimization for optimum control quality (PID controller)

PID Compact/PID 3-Step: continuous controller with analog or pulse width-modulated output

and special step controller for external actuators (e.g. valves) with autotuning

To the top of the page

Datalog (archive) and recipes

Easy access to all machine-relevant operating data using Office tools and via Web server

Easy access to machine configuration data via Web browser or SD card reader (bidirectional

data interchange to and from controller)

To the top of the page

Technical Data

  SIMATIC S7-1500 Central processing units

To the top of the page


Siemens provides automation and drive products with industrial security functions that

support the secure operation of plants or machines. They are an important component in a

holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, our products undergo continuous

development. We therefore recommend that you keep yourself informed with respect to our

product updates and that you use only the latest versions. Please find further information

on this subject at: You may also register for a

product-specific newsletter at this address.

To ensure the secure operation of a plant or machine it is also necessary to take suitable

preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and to integrate the automation and drive

components into a state-of-the-art holistic industrial security concept for the entire

plant or machine. Any third-party products that may be in use must also be taken into

account. Please find further information at: Signal modulesOverview

General Highlights and customer benefits Technical Data


The signal modules or peripheral components form the interface between the controller and

the process. The control unit registers the current process status via the connected

sensors and initiates the appropriate actuator responses.

The digital modules and analog modules provide precisely the inputs/outputs required for

the specific task at hand. They can be deployed centrally, i.e. directly at the CPU, or

decentrally in the ET200MP peripheral system.To the top of the page

Highlights and customer benefits

Like the S7-1500 CPUs, the signal modules are also characterized by maximum productivity

and efficiency. Maximum system performance enables minimum response times. Innovative

operating concepts guarantee rapid, reliable and error-free installation.To the top of the page

Scalability enables customized, cost-effective realization of applications

Modules available with different numbers of channels and functionalities

Increased function density for compact design and reduced number of variants

U-connectors for self-constructing backplane bus

Space-saving installation of additional components possible on mounting rail

To the top of the page

Maximum system performance for fast processes and maximum control quality

PROFINET IRT for cycle-synchronous operation with minimum cycle times of down to 250 µs

Digital input modules with ultra-short input delay of

50 µs

Analog modules with conversion time of 125 µs for 8 channels

All-purpose analog input module with automatic characteristic linearization for temperature

measurements and limit-value monitoring

To the top of the page

Enhanced functionality, more efficient diagnostics through consistent use of PROFINET IO

Channel-granular diagnostic messages support faster fault remediation

Electronic rating plate can be read out for unambiguous identification of all components

To the top of the page

Cost savings in cabinet assembly thanks to intelligent product design

All modules can be used centrally and decentrally in the ET200MP peripheral system

Uniform 40-pin front plug for all modules

Same signal always on the same pin, i.e. once created, circuit diagram macros are

indefinitely reusable, avoiding wiring errors

Integrated potential bridges simplify wiring

Scalable cable storage creates space for conductors with thick insulation

Pre-locking position enables pre-wiring without electrical connection

Mechanical plug connector coding prevents plug-in errors and misconnection of modules

Printed-on wiring plan permits wiring with no additional documentation

To the top of the page

Robust design ensures smooth machine operation

Shielding already integrated

To the top of the page

Investment protection: consistent firmware update keeps modules up to date at all times

Possible in installed stateSIMATIC S7-1500 Technology modulesOverview

General Highlights and customer benefits Technical Data


Technology modules offer hardware-level signal processing for rapid counting, measurement

and position registration for a variety of transducers.

Technological functions such as motion control and high speed counter are already

integrated in the SIMATIC S7-1500 CPUs and plannable via STEP 7.To the top of the page

Highlights and customer benefits

Rapid signal preprocessing for counting and measuring tasks in the high-speed range

Position registration for incremental and SSI absolute value transducers

Intuitive configuration user interface integrated in SIMATIC STEP 7 V12

Technology objects for efficient programming

Rapid responses thanks to different process alarms for internal/external results and

counter values

Behavior of modules in the event of CPU stop configurable

Can be operated centrally in the S7-1500 CPU or decentrally in the ET 200MP peripheral

system.S7-1500 Communication ModulesOverview

General Highlights and customer benefits Technical Data


Interfaces for communication via PROFINET and in part PROFIBUS DP as well already

integrated. Communication modules increase the communication capabilities of the S7-1500

through additional communication functions or more interfaces.To the top of the page

Highlights and customer benefits

Communication modules enhance flexibility and performance of automation solutions using the

SIMATIC S7-1500.

Additional interfaces enable realization of complex automation structures or process

optimization through connection to the enterprise management level. Serial interfaces can

be used to connect e.g. barcode or RFID readers for non-contact data transmission.To the top of the page

CM PtP: Serial communication via point-to-point connection

Four communication modules are available for connecting automation components via serial


Connection of legacy and external systems possible

Connection of data readers or special sensors

Can be used centrally and in decentralized ET 200MP peripheral system

Variety of physical interfaces, e.g. RS232 and RS422 or RS485

Predefined protocols, e.g. 3964(R), Modbus RTU or USS

Application-specific protocols based on Freeport (ASCII)

Uniform programming interface for all modules

Diagnostics alarm for simple fault remediation

To the top of the page

CP 1543-1: Industrial Ethernet connection with security functionality

With high-performance communication functions, the CP 1543-1 communication module opens up

additional areas of use for the S7-1500.

Secure connection to Industrial Ethernet via Stateful Inspection Firewall in addition to

CPU password protection

Configurable access rights for local and remote access

Simple alarms via email and transmission of production data to control computer via FTP(S)

file transfer

Flexible integration in IPv6-based infrastructure

Possibility of segmentation for constructing identical machines with the same IP addresses

Overall project planning – including security functionality – integrated in TIA portal   More Information

To the top of the page

CM 1542-5: High-performance PROFIBUS module

The CM 1542-5 supports the functions PROFIBUS DP-Master and PROFIBUS DP-Slave according to

international standard IEC 61158/61784. This module enables connection of PROFIBUS devices

to S7-1500 controllers that do not have a PROFIBUS interface on the CPU

Simple expansion of the system using additional PROFIBUS strands

Separation of PROFIBUS subnets for separate automation tasks possible

Enhanced system performance by relieving the S7-1500 CPU of communication tasks

Connection of PROFIBUS slaves from external vendors

Cost-effective module replacement through network separation in the event of a failure

Project planning integrated in TIA Portal V12

Human Machine Interface: a vital factor in the world of automation

As your single-source provider, Siemens’ human machine interface technology SIMATIC HMI is

engineered to meet the increasingly complex processes of your machines and systems. SIMATIC

HMI is optimized to meet your specific human machine interface needs using open and

standardized interfaces in hardware and software, which allow efficient integration into

your automation systems.

Multi-touch concept

 Learn more about innovative operation and integrated multi-touch functions in this video demonstration!

SIMATIC S7-200SIMATIC S7-200 CPUsCommunicative, modular, compactOverview

Description Area of application Benefits Design and functions


The SIMATIC S7-200 Micro PLC is in a class by itself:

Exceptionally compact yet remarkably capable – especially with respect to its real-time

performance – it is fast, features great communication options, and comes with easy to

operate hardware and software. But there's more to it than that:

The SIMATIC S7-200 Micro PLC has a consistently modular design – for customized solutions

which are not too large for the present but open-ended enough to be expanded anytime in the

future. All this makes the SIMATIC S7-200 Micro PLC a highly effective and economical

solution for automated control in the compact performance range.To the top of the page

Area of application


Micro PLC for simple automation tasks

The fields of application of the SIMATIC S7-200 extend from replacement of relays and

contactors up to more complex automation tasks in stand-alone mode, in networks, and within

distributed configurations. The S7-200 also increasingly provides access to areas in which

special electronics was previously developed for economic reasons.

In addition to the comprehensive basic functionality of the five different CPUs, the

modular system technology of the SIMATIC S7-200 offers a wide range of scalable and

specific expansion modules for an extremely high range of functionalities in accordance

with requirements.

The S7-200 has been proven worldwide in applications covering all sectors as a result of

its wide range of exceptional features:

CPU 221

Compact CPU for simple automation tasks - The best compact device if you want to change to

an effective solution that performs simple automation tasks very economically. Also

available with an extended temperature range.

CPU 222 

Expandable compact CPU for more complex tasks - The capable, compact package for more

complex machines and small system solutions.

CPU 224

CPU for higher communication and computing requirements - The high-performance CPU for

complex tasks that require speed and special communication capabilities.

CPU 224 XP

CPU for simple drive tasks - The CPU 224 version for convenient implementation of simple

drive tasks – with two interfaces, two analog inputs and one analog output, as well as two

100-kHz pulse outputs and two high-speed 200-kHz counters.

CPU 226

High-performance CPU for larger technical tasks  - The versatile high-performance CPU for

complex automation tasks with expanded inputs and outputs as well as two RS485 interfaces.To the top of the page


SIMATIC S7-200 delivers consistently economical solutions. The entire system family


powerful performance, 

optimum modularity and 

open communications.

Weltweit bewährt sich die S7-200 durch ihre Fülle an herausragenden Eigenschaften in

Anwendungen über alle Branchen:

Small and compact – ideal for any applications where space is tight

Basic and advanced functionality in all CPU models

Large program and data memory

Outstanding real-time response – being in total command of the entire process at any time

means increased quality, efficiency and safety

Easy-to-use STEP 7-Micro/WIN engineering software – ideal for both beginners and experts

Integrated R-S 485-interface or use as system bus 

Extremely fast and precise operational sequence and process control  

Complete control of time-critical processes by time interrupts

To the top of the page

Design and functions

Optimal modularity

5 distinct CPUs in the performance range with comprehensive basic functionalityand

integrated Freeport communications interface

A wide range of expansion modules for various functions:

– Digital/analog expansions, scalable to specific requirements

– PROFIBUS communication as a slave

– AS-Interface communication as a master

– Exact temperature measurement

– Positioning

– Remote diagnostics

– Ethernet/Internet communications

– SIWAREX MS weighing module

HMI functions 

STEP 7-Micro/WIN software with Micro/WIN add-on instruction library

Compelling systems engineering – now featuring precise dimensioning andoptimum solutions

for a wide range of different requirements for the completeautomation task


Memory card for data logging, recipe management, saving of STEP 7-Micro/WIN project, and

storageof documentation in various formats

PID auto-tune function 

2 built-in serial ports for extended communication options, e.g. with other manufacturers’

devices(CPU 224 XP, CPU 226)

CPU 224 XP with built-in analog inputs/output

Real-time response

The advanced technology down to the last detail ensures our CPUs deliver excellent real-

time response rates:

4 or 6 independent hardware counters, each with 30 kHz, 2 x 200 kHz with a CPU 224 XP, e.g.

for precise path monitoring with incremental encoders or for high-speed counting of process


4 independent alarm inputs, input filter time 0.2 ms to program action – for maximum

process safety

Pulse-capturing function for signals > 0.2 ms for fast events from the application

2 pulse outputs, each 20 kHz, or 2 x 100 kHz with CPU 224 XP with pulse-width modulation

and pulse no-pulse setpoint – e.g. for controlling stepper motors

2 timed interrupts starting at 1 ms and adjustable in increments of 1 ms – for bumpless

control of rapidly changing processes

Fast analog inputs – signal conversion with 25 μs, 12-bit resolution

Real-time clock

Timed interrupts

Between 1 and 255 ms, with a resolution of 1 ms

For example: it is possible to record and process signals on screw insertion machine at

3000 RPM after just a quarter turn. This enables very precise recording, for instance, of

tightening torques to ensure optimum fastening of the screw.

Fast counters

Operating independently of each other, of other operations and of the program cycle

Interrupt triggering when user selectable counted values are reached – reactiontime from

the detection of an input signal to switching of an output is 300 μs

4-edge evaluation when incremental position encoders are used for exact positioning

Modular expandability

Alarm inputs

4 independent inputs 

For registering signals in rapid succession 

Response time of 200 μs–500 μs for signal detection/300 μs for signal output 

Response to positive-going and/or negative- going signal edge 

Max. 16 interrupts in one queue depending on prioritization

Feature  CPU 221 CPU 222 CPU 224




CPU 226

Independent hardware


4 4 6 6

Independent alarm


4 4 4 4

Pulse outputs  2 2 2 2

Time interrupts 1 to 250


1 to 250


1 to 250


1 to 250


Real-time clock optional optional integrated 




Binary processing speed 0,22 μs 0,22 μs 0,22 μs 0,22 μsSIMATIC S7-200 Signal modulesOverview



SIMATIC S7-200 is designed as a consistently modular system. It provides you with a modular

system with expansion modules which can be scaled to suit your requirements. There are

expansion modules from 4/4 to 32/32 I/Os, analog modules from 4/0, 8/0, 0/4 up to 4/1 I/Os,

as well as performance modules for switching loads: 5A DC or 10A relaysSIMATIC S7-200 Function modulesOverview

Description Positioning Module EM 253 Weighing Module SIWAREX MS Thermocouple Module EM 231 (Analog Module) Thermoresistor Module EM 231 RTD (Analog Module)


SIMATIC S7-200 has a consistently modular design. In addition to expansion and

communication modules, the modular system provides a range of specific expansions for

positioning., weighing technology and  temperature measurement.To the top of the page

Positioning Module EM 253

The  EM 253 is a function module for simple positioning tasks (1 axis). It can be connected

to stepper motors and servo motors from the Micro Stepper to the high-performance servo

drive via a high-frequency pulse input.

The EM 253 positioning module is mounted in the same manner as an expansion module and

connected to the S7-200 expansion bus via the integrated connection cable.

The configuration data are read out of the CPU automatically on connection

The module has the following features:

5 digital inputs for signals from the process

24 pulse outputs for direct activation of the drive (forwards/backwards or speed/direction)

2 control outputs (DIS; CLR).

12 status LEDs

To the top of the page

Weighing Module SIWAREX MS

SIWAREX MS is a versatile weighing module for all simple weighing and force measuring

tasks. The compact module is easy to install in the SIMATIC S7-200 automation systems The

data for the actual weight can be accessed directly in the SIMATIC CPU without the need for

any additional interfaces.

Measurement of weight or force with a high resolution of 65000 parts and an accuracy of

0.05 %

Simple adjustment of the scale using the SIWATOOL MS PC program via the RS 232 interface

Supports replacement of module without renewed adjustment of scale

For use in Ex zone 2, intrinsically-safe load cell powering for zone 1 over Ex interface

To the top of the page

Thermocouple Module EM 231 (Analog Module)

The thermocouple module EM 231 is a highly accurate temperature sensor using standard

thermocouples. Low-level analog signals in the range of ±80 mV can also be detected. The

thermocouple module EM 231 can be used with CPU 222, 224 and 226.

4 or 8 analog inputs

Different measuring ranges: Type J, K, T, E, R, S and N thermocouples; ±80 mV analog signal


Check for open lines

Compensation of the cold connection point

Temperature scaling: The measured temperature can be specified in °C or °F.

To the top of the page

Thermoresistor Module EM 231 RTD (Analog Module)

The thermoresistor modules EM 231 are a highly accurate temperature sensor using standard

resistance temperature detectors. They can be used with CPU 222, 224 and 226.

The thermoresistor module should be installed in locations with low fluctuations in

temperature to ensure the highest accuracy and repeatability.

Two or four analog inputs for temperature detectors

All resistance temperature detectors must be the same type

Installation directly to the wall or on DIN RailCommunicationS7-200 Signal modulesOverview

Description Benefits Design and functions Technical data


The SIMATIC S7-200 Micro PLC provides a full range of communication capabilities.

The integrated RS485 interfaces can be operated at data transmission rates from 1.2 to

187.5 kbaud:

 As system bus with up to 126 participants: Programming devices, SIMATIC HMI products and

CPUs can be networked without a hitch. In pure S7-200 networks this is accomplished with

the integrated PPI protocol. In a network composed of Totally Integrated Automation

components, such as SIMATIC S7-300/400 or SIMATIC HMI, the S7-200 CPUs are integrated as

MPI slaves.

 In the freely programmable mode up to 115.2 kbaud, with user-specific protocols such as

ASCII (this supports interconnections with a modem, printer, barcode reader, PC, third-

party PLC and any other device). Up to 32 SIEMENS frequency converters can be controlled

without additional hardware by using USS protocol instructions.

A connection to a Modbus RTU network can be established via the Modbus protocol

instructions.To the top of the page


Modem communications

The S7-200 CPUs can be accessed nearly anywhere in the world by modem via wired network or


Teleservice: the modem communication option is useful for avoiding expensive service calls.

Two modems are all you need for remote use of the complete range of functions such as

program transfer, status or control; the communications tools are integrated as

a standard feature. External modems can be used as local modems.

Telecontrol: you can call up messages and measured values via modem as well as define new

setpoints or commands. In this case, one base station S7-200 can control a nearly unlimited

number of remote stations. The protocols for data transmission are freely selectable, e.g.

for text messages directly to a cell  phone, error messages to a fax machine or Modbus


Speedy PROFIBUS connection

All CPUs from 222 upwards can be run via the EM 277 communications module as a norm slave

on a PROFIBUS DP network with a transmission rate of up to 12 Mbit/s. This open feature of

the S7-200 to higher level PROFIBUS DP control levels ensures you can integrate individual

machines into your production line. With the EM 277 expansion module, you can implement

PROFIBUS capability of individual machines equipped with S7-200.

Powerful AS-Interface connection

The CP 243-2 turns all CPUs from 222 upwards into powerful masters on the AS-Interface

network. According to the new AS-Interface specification V 2.1, you can connect up to 62

stations, making even analog sensors easy to integrate. With AS-Interface, you can connect

up to 248 DIs + 186 DOs in the maximum configuration. The max. number of 62 stations can

include up to 31 analog modules. The configuration of the slaves and reading/writing of

data is supported by the handy AS-Interface Wizard.To the top of the page

Design and functions

The built-in RS 485 interfaces can operate at data transmission rates up to 187.5 kbit/s

functioning as follows:

As a system bus with a maximum of 126 stations. In this capacity, it is possible to network

programming devices, SIMATIC HMI products and SIMATIC CPUs without a problem.

The integrated PPI protocol is used for pure S7-200 networks supporting multiple masters

from a single port. In a network consisting of other Siemens components (SIMATIC S7-300/400

and SIMATIC HMI, etc.), the S7-200 CPUs are integrated as MPI slaves.

In Freeport mode (up to max. 115.2 kbaud) with user-specific protocols (e.g. ASCII

protocol). This means the SIMATIC S7-200 is open for any connected device; for example, it

enables connection of a modem, barcode scanner, PC, non-Siemens PLC and much more. By means

of the USS protocol for drives, as many as 32 Siemens frequency converters can be

controlled without additional hardware.

The Modbus RTU Library included in the package also enables connection to a Modbus RTU

network as a Master or a Slave.

OPC Driver with PC Access

PC Access is the ideal basis for data exchange between S7-200 and a connected PC –

regardless of the communication link selected (PPI, modem, Ethernet/IT CP). As an OPC

Server, PC Access offers you the option of writing or reading S7-200 data with Microsoft

Excel, or any other OPC client application.

As an OPC Client, it can be used for ProTool Pro, WinCC flexible RT, Win CC, etc. With

capability up to 8 connections, the configuration, programming and monitoring can be

implemented from a central location, saving both time and money. The Internet Technology

module CP 243-1 IT also offers you fast access by permitting a simple universal connection

of the PLC to different computers by means of FTP, HTTP, JAVA, and e-mail. The Ethernet

module CP 243-1 allows you to access S7-200 process data quickly over Ethernet for

archiving or further processing. The configuration support from STEP 7-Micro/WIN ensures

simple commissioning and convenient diagnostic options.To the top of the page

Integrated PPI interface

Integrated PPI interface as S7-200system bus or as freely programmableinterface – for

connecting printers,barcode scanners, etc.To the top of the page

PROFIBUS DP slave EM 277

From CPU 222 upwards PROFIBUS capable via PROFIBUS DP slave moduleTo the top of the page

AS-Interface master CP 243-2, max. 2 modules

From CPU 222 upwards functionality as AS-Interface master via AS-Interface moduleTo the top of the page

Modem module EM 241

EM 241 modem module with complete functions for PLC communications such as remote

maintenance, telecontrol, remote diagnostics, reporting, remote data transmission, etc.To the top of the page

Internet Technology module CP 243-1 IT, max. 1 module

CP 243-IT, Internet Technology module for communication via FTP, e-mail or HTTPTo the top of the page


SINAUT MD720-3 GSM/GRPS modem; IP communication via GSM NET; quadbandTo the top of the page

Ethernet module CP 243-1, max. 1 module

Power SupplyContinuous 24 Volts Supply: With Every Switched Mode Power Supply Unit

Because of its reputation, our SITOP switched mode power supply units are globally

recognized for their high reliability and for their coping with critical network

conditions. Our full range of switched mode power supply units provides a controlled 24vdc

power supply and other input voltages. Our unique spectrum of DC-UPS and expansion modules

extends our power supply range to protect the 24 Volt supply against mains problems and

problems on the dc side.

Micro PanelHuman-machine interface for SIMATIC S7-200

The Micro panel speaks the "language" of the SIMATIC S7-200 controller, which means that

all contacts and variables can be read or set without the need for add-ons. 

Whether you choose text display for simple applications, or graphics-capable touch or

operator panels, our micro panel ensures that you have complete control of the machine-

oriented HMI.

Micro Panels SIMATIC TD 200 SIMATIC TD 400C SIMATIC OP73micro SIMATIC TP 177micro

Software for SIMATIC S7-200 controllersOverview

Engineering Software STEP 7-Micro/WIN HMI-Software WinCC flexible Micro Communication Software PC Access

Engineering Software STEP 7-Micro/WIN

The STEP 7-Micro/WIN programming software features time-saving and powerful tools – and

that means great cost savingsin your day-to-day work. Operation of the programming software

is the same as standard Windows applications. Micro/WIN contains all the necessary tools

for programming the entire S7-200 range of controllers. You have the powerful SIMATIC

instruction set at your disposal and you can program in accordance with IEC 1131. A host of

functions such as Trend Charts and wizards make programming even easier.

STEP 7 Micro/WIN is also used for configuring the text displays inside Micro Panel product

range.   More information about Engineering Software STEP 7-Micro/Win

To the top of the page

HMI-Software WinCC flexible Micro

WinCC flexible Micro is the affordable engineering package specifically designed for

configuring operator control panels related to the SIMATIC S7-200: OP 73micro and TP

177micro. Here are the highlights: simple and fast configuration with a user-friendly

interface, pre-engineered graphic objects and intelligent tools, as well as multilingual

capability. The download requires the S7-200 PC/PPI cable. It's just as easy to use the

Compact, Standard or Advanced versions of WinCC flexible.   More information about HMI Software WinCC flexible

To the top of the page

Communication Software PC Access

S7-200 PC Access is the OPC server for S7-200 target systems. It supports the cost-

effective and progressive processing and visualization of data from the SIMATIC S7-200

automation system with standard Windows applications such as Visual Basic, Visual C++ and

Excel. S7-200 PC Access is certified by the OPC foundation for use with all OPC standard


As an OPC server, the tool provides the capability of reading and writing S7-200 data with

any OPC client. As an OPC client, it can be used with HMI software packages. An interface

for visualizing up to 8 connections supports time- and cost-saving configuration,

programming and monitoring via PC Access. 

Fast access is also provided by different expansion modules. The CP 243-1 IT Internet

module simply and comprehensively links the PLC to different computers via FTP. The CP 243-

1 Ethernet module supports fast access to S7-200 data for storage and processing. And the

configuration support of STEP7-Micro/WIN ensures simple commissioning and convenient


SIMATIC S7-300Powerful, compact and cost-effective

The SIMATIC S7-300 universal controller saves on installation space and features a modular


A wide range of modules can be used to expand the system centrally or to create

decentralized structures according to the task at hand, and facilitates a cost-effective

stock of spare parts. With its impressive array of innovations, the SIMATIC S7-300

universal controller is an integrated system that will save you additional investment and

maintenance costs.


The most powerful Automation System within SIMATIC

Superb communication capability and integrated interfaces make the SIMATIC S7-400 process

controller ideal for larger tasks such as the coordination of

entire systems. The graded range of CPUs enables scalable performance and the capacity for


periphery is virtually unlimited. What's more, process controller signal modules can be

inserted and removed while the system is live (hot swapping), making it

very easy to expand the system or replace modules.