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HOLIDAY FUN 86 Hi there,

I Remember the fun we had last year. Holiday Fun '86 promises to be bigger and better.

Organised by qualified teachers. Venue: TALLOW COMMUNITY CENTRE. Date: July 21st to 251 li Subscription: £10 per child. Completed application and subscription before June 7th to Siobhnn Ryan, "The Grange," Tallow. Telephone No. 058/56247.






Saturday next May 24 will mark the beginning of what promises to be a memorable nine days in the parishes of Dungarvan and Abbeyside and indeed for the people of all the other adjoining parishes as well. On thiat day the Solemn No-vena to our Mother of Per-petual Succour will come to this area for the first time and it will be preached and cele-brated in St. Mary's Parish Church, Dungarvan and in Abbeyside Parish Church.

There will be four sessions in each church, dfaily for the nine days and tihe times are published elsewhere in this issue. The Novena or Festival of Faith will be preached by seven Redemptorists—six from Limerick and one from Aus-tralia who is at present in this country doing a post-gradunte theological course.

Members of the Order have been in the area over the past fortnight laying the founda-tions for the running of what is hoped to be a most successful and fulfilling period of religious renewal for all.

As one of tlhe Order explain-ed last week-end this is a re-gional novena rather than a parish novena nor is it a mission either. It will embrace not only the parishes of Dun-garvan and Abbeyside but all the parishes within a radl us of many miles of the town. For j that reason huge crowds are! expected to converge daily and nightly on both centres of celebration.

We welcome the Redemp-torists and hope that the wea-ther will show an overdue improvement and so help in the success of the Novena.


Sparks flew on a couple of occasions at t'he monthly meet-ing of Dungarvan Urban Coun-cil last Monday night when the County Manager was involved in verbal cltishes with members-

In the first instance a depu-tation from the Dungarvan Rowing Club headed by John R. Walsh a founder member and including Maura Curran, Captain and Greg Ashe was received by the Council. Read-ing from a prepared letter, copies of which were circulated to the Council members and press, Mr. Walsh recalled the near drowning accident in the Colligan estuary involving two teenage members of the club a fortnight before. The letter went on to accuse the County Council of "callous indiffer-ence" and referred to "the hypocrisy of commentators and supposedly responsible officials who constantly bemoan van-dalism, etc." and claimed that "t'he manner in which Dungar-van Rowing Club has been crushed out of existence will stand as a testimony to those who ordained it and allowed it to happen."

Mr. Walsh made no bones about being angry in reading the Letter wh ch ended, "If you, the members of Dungarvan Urban District' Council wish to retain a Rowling Club in Dun-glarvan, we respectfully request that you get a full engineering report on ways of dissipating the strength and flow through the new bridge (to be built at the new Causeway). The con-sultant engineer to be bv agreement with the Rowing Club and the cost to be got from the By-Pass budgeit. The Club will remain open until the end of this regatta season in July. Its future will depend on the response made."

When the members of the deputation had withdrawn Cllr. D. Goode said that he did not see eye to eye with the remarks of John Wai^h about the Coun-cil and he did not for one moment accept that any callous indifference had been shown. All the members of the Council agreed that every possibilFty of helping the club should be explored.

The Ghairman, Cllr. R. Walsh maintained that an in-land lake at the Colligan estuary such as he had always been looking for was still feasible and would prove the ideal solution to thie problems of the Rowing Club. He then launohed into a scathing attack of the evidence given by the engineers on behalf of Che Council at the public sworn inquiry held in connection with the making of a Bridge Order for the new Causeway bridge. He referred to blatant lies and alleged that "steamrollers had been brought in to crush a nut."

When he asked the County Manager, Mir. Dan Hurley, if he wished to make any comment on the Rowing Club letter, the latter at first replied that he really did not wish to do so-However following further re-marks by the Chairman, the County Manager told him that "both the language of the letter and of yourself has been most provocative and emotive and does nothing to help the posi-tion of the Club." Mr. Hurley went on to say that if further discussions on the club's prob-lems were required htis door and that of the Council's senior officials were open. He added that the many offers made to the Rowing Club to help had all been turned down. In re-gard to the suggestion that money for an engineering re-port should be got from the By-Pass budget as oon;itined in

•the Rowing Club letter, he said thiat the Department of the Environment would never agree to this. Mr. Hurley said that it might be dangerous to publish the Rowing Club letter but that was a matter for the people concerned.

Finally the Chairman an-nounced that the Rowing Club letter would be referred to the County Council and that ended that.

The second verbal clash occurred between the Manager and Cllr. B. Kyne following the Council's rejection, on the Chairman's casting vote, of the Engineer's recommendat!:on that the existing town dump at Ballinamuck be extended (the report on this discussion appears elsewhere).

Incidentally the Council meet-ing was adjourned at 10.30 p.m. when only five of the eighteen item agendla had been, dealt with. The meeting will reiume next Monday night at 8.30 p.m.


While out in Helvick last Sunday evening I spotted the first swallow of the summer flying over the pier. It is diffi-cult to mention the word summer in this context as all we have had so far is winter without any spring.

Accepting the old say'ng that "one swallow doesn't make a summer" we paid no more attention to the matter until we saw a few more of the swift moving visitors flying around Abbeyside on Monday evening.

It just shows how wonderful nature is. Perhaps the arrival of the swallows presages better weather ahead. Let's hope so!


Despite the protests made by the Irish. Fishermen's Organisa-tion, by t'he inshore fishermen themselves and by local authorities such as Waterford County Council to the Minister for Fisheries on the need to legalise monofilament nets for use in the capture of salmon, we noted a contra view ex-pressed in the minutes of a meeting of the South Eastern Regional Development Organ-isation (SERDO).

At the SERDO meeting held at the end of March Cllr. P. Ryan (Carrick-ion-Suir UDC) stated that it was important that the Board object to a pro-posal to make monofilament nets legal because of the very serious effects this would have on salmon fishing in the Re-

(Conl inued on Page 8)

Casey Electronics Got An Offer They Couldn't Refuse I n the course of a prepared I then, due to the intervention of

statement on the decision o f ; Minister for Agriculture, Aust in Casey Electronics to locate their new industry in the Industr ia l Estate in Waterford City in-stead of being able to locate in Dungarvan , Cllr. B. Kyne at the May month ly meet ing of Dungarvan Urban counci l criti-cised the lack of co-operation by various agencies which the Oasey Company had been sub-jected to in setting up the in-dustry.

He said tha t nobody in the Dungarvan area had to be told of the efforts of the Casey T.V. Company and how, over the years, this fami ly business has progressed to be now In the position to compete wi th the Japanese in the production of h igh qual i ty T.V. sets.

The Company like anv other needed support not just from the IDA but from the Banks and the Local Authori ty, he said. He went on to say t ha t in November, 1983 and December 1984 the Casey Company seek-ing a suitable factory premises were informed by the IDA tha t a site, later acquired by O'Reil-ly's Ir ish Foods In Dungarvan could not be given to them for various reasons. However since

Deasy, the IDA re-evaluated the Casey project and had agreed to grant aid it.

"But In the meant ime, " said Cllr. Kyne, " the Casey company have been buffeted by the con-tinuous need for f inance to continue their research and de-velopment for this h igh tech-nology project. They were forced to borrow at interest rates of up to 28% and you can appreciate the difficulties this caused. The Local Author i ty and coun ty Development Team helped to the best of their abil-ity but the fact of life is tha t a suitable IDA factory was avail-able In Waterford City and they offered it to the company . "

Cllr. Kyne then added: " I t was exactly wha t was wanted and was an offer t ha t the Com-pany could not refuse as It was obviously much cheaper to ac-cept it t h a n to develop from a green field. But it galls me to th ink t ha t this Dungarvan based company was twice-re-fused by the IDA for a site in Dungarvan which was given to O'Reilly's Foods while our Bank ing interests locally were not entirely wi thout some blame either."

Cllrs. Comments On Manager's Urban Orders

At the month ly meeting of Dungarvan Urban Council held last Monday n igh t reference was made to some of the orders made by the County Manager dur ing the previous mon t h (see page 6 of this issue).

Cllr. B. Kyne reierring to the refusal of the p l ann i ng appli-cation by Abbeyside A.F.C. for permission to erect a club Dav-ilion. said tha t this involved the p i tch known as "Dog Leaf Park." He saw no reason why the club's appl icat ion should be turned down and he propos-ed tha t the Council's Engineer should meet officers of the club to discuss the mat ter further. " I am very disappointed at this decision and i am not totally convinced t ha t the club is get-t ing a fa ir shake," he said.

The proposal was seconded by Cllr. B. Cotter who also expres-sed d isappointment at the de-cision and it was passed unani-mously.

IT INERANT HALT With reference to an order

directing t ha t the council 's seal be affixed to the contract be-tween the Council and Michael Miurphy, Engl ishtown, stradbal-ly in connection wi th the con-struction of an I t inerant Hal t at Shandon, the co. Manager. Mr. D. Hurley said tha t he had been told t ha t work on this would start on June 1. " I f not ," added the Manager, " t hen I will lake a certain course of action." HIGH COURT INJUNCTION

With reference to the orders referring to the High Court in-junction and the unauthorised development by Mr. K. S. Thompsen at c lod iagh cottage,

WORK AT RING N.S. The Minister for Agriculture,

Mr. Austin Deasy, T.D. has been informed by Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D., Minister of State, Depart-ment of Education, t ha t in con-nection with work to be carried out at R i ng N.'S., contract docu-ments are being prepared for this project at present. When these have been completed con-sideration will be given by the Department of Educat ion to allowing the work to go to tender.

Strandside North, Abbeyside, the Co. Manager told Cllr. M. O 'R iordan t h a t the current position in regard to the in-junct ion was tha t all further development be stopped unt i l a retention appl icat ion has been dealt with.


Cllr. Kyne concluded his statement by saying t ha t he could well appreciate the ef-forts of Sean Casey and his family and he understood why ht- had to move to Waterford and he wished the Oasey pro-ject every success. "But , " he said, "there is a sense of dis-appointment in this town over the news but I feel people should appreciate the rebuffs and disappointments experi-enced by this company in get-t ing this project off the ground. The hard facts of business life are that Dungarvan wasn't able to match what Waterford could offer and what has been Dun-garvan's loss has been Water-ford's gain."

Cllr. R. Walsh, Cha i rman said tha t they were all very sorry to hear t ha t this industry was to go to Waterford.

Pictured at St. Joseph's Hospital, Dungarvan, recently, is Mrs. Nellie Meskill who retired after 16 years service as attendant and who wr.s the recipient of several presentations. Left to right: Miss Susan Duffy, Sr. Augustine Matron, Mrs. Nellie Meskill, Fr. Griffin, Nurse-Maureen Ryan, Billy Kelly, Male Attendant. (Photo: David Steairn)


Casting vote knocks proposal for town dump extension

Slrong recommendat ions by the County Manager, Mr. Dan Hurley and by Mr. J ohn O'Flynn, County Engineer and Mr. Tom Mulcahy, Town Engin-eer submitted to the month ly meeting of Dungarvan Urban

PROMOTION FOR BANK OF IRELAND MANAGER Bank of I re land recently an-

nounced the promot ion of Mr. Frank O'Beirne to the position of Manager of its Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, co. Dub-lin Branch.

Frank's two year spell as Branch Manager In Dungarvan was his second term of duty ln the town. He served for five

PLEDGED SUPPORT FOR "SELF AID" Clashmore Commun i ty Ser-

vices who last year raised more t h an £1,600 from a concert held at Gallagher's, Ardmore, for "Live-Aid" Famine Relief Fund, will aga in this year raise funds for "Self-Aid" Employ-ment Fund.

Early on Saturday morn ing last the Group's Cha i rman , J im Fitzgerald, was on the 'phone pledging support for the cause, and since then he has been busy organising a couple of concerts for the same—de-tails of which will be announc-ed next week.

Last year the group also held an "Employment Opportunit ies Seminar' ' at Monatrea House Hotel, and will now examine possibilities where some jobs could be provided in commun-ity Work, in the West Water-ford area.

Their proposals will then be put before various Government Agencies, and are hopeful t ha t at least some job opportunity would be created ln the area.

years from 1970 to 1975 as As-sistant Manager in the Branch dur ing which t ime the Nat ional Bank and Bank of Ireland Branches were rationalised.

Frank is part of a very long historical l ink with the Efank as his father worked wi th the then Nat ional Bank while his son, Frank J n r „ is with the Bank ln Cornelscourt in Dubl in. Furthermore Frank's grand-father was a member of the London Board of the Nat ional Bank.

While in Dungarvan Frank has been a very active member of both the Sea Angl ing and Sai l ing c lubs and also managed to play some golf. His wife, Una, is also a very keen mem-ber of the Dungarvan F'lower Club. Their many friends and colleagues will wish the O'Beirnes continued success and happiness on their trans-fer to Dubl in.

At Lawlor's Hotel recently. Helen Barron, Treasurer, presented a cheque on behalf of the Society to Mrs. van and District Soroptomists, proceeds of a raffle Jubilee Dinner.

Dungarvan Choral and Musical Society Kathleen Phelan, President, Dungar-

lield at the Choral Society's 25th (Photo: David Stearn)

Council last Monday n ight tha t the proposal to extend the town d ump at Ba l l inamuck be ap-proved were rejected by the casting vote of the Cha i rman , Cllr. R. Walsh, following a 4-4 tie vote. The decision resulted in a verbal clash between the Manager and Cllr. B. Kyne.

Before the meeting was a re-port from the County Engineer which stated tha t following the discussion on the matter at the Council's March meet ing he asked Mr. T. Mulcahy to ex--i}i amine the five a l tgmai ixg sites 'l for a d ump suggested by Coun-cillors. He also personally ex-amined the sites himself which were located at K i lm in ion (for-merly used by Quigley Magne-sltei, two quarries at Ballyhar-rahan , Strikes Hil j (occasional-ly used in the past by Ir ish Leathers), and the marsh land beside the old rai lway line at B'allymacmague.

would be involved In this or whether the cost would be pro-hibitive," he said.

Cllr. R. Walsh, Cha i rman said tha t he had submitted a proposal which had not been included in the Engineer's re-port. (At a later stage of the discussion he said t ha t th is suggested t ha t the Western Bay be used as a dump ing area wi th a view to reclamation").


The report ended with the following conclusions and re-commendat ion :—

"None of the above sites are ln the ownership of Dungarvan U.D.C. and accordingly substan-tial purchase costs would be in-volved. There would also be significant costs Involved in carrying out detailed site in-vestigation to establish the pre-cise scientific suitabil ity of each site. I am satisfied from the ex-aminat ion I have carried out tha t none of the sites merit such investigation at this time. We have carried out a detailed and critical examinat ion of the proposal to extend the existing waste disposal site at Ballina-muck. This examinat ion has been carried out by An Foras Forbartha, who are an inde-pendent State Agency set up to provide such environmental ad-vice to Local Authorities. Their report has shown tha t the Bal-l inamuck site is suitable for the purpose and, t ha t provided cer-tain controls are exercised, It will not have any adverse en-vironmental affects. Ballina-nruck is ideally located in rela-tion to Dungarvan and its h inter land, and it is already in the ownership of the Urban Council. Accordingly, I again recommend strongly that the U.D.C. proceed with the devel-opment of the Bal l inamuck site as a matter of extreme urgency as the nresent site has reached the end of its useful life."


Cllr. Mary Dixon said tha t she had suggested the quarry at B'allincoush as an alterna-tive site but tlio Co. Engineer said tha t as this was a lime-stone quarry and subject to fissures any dump ing there might tend to pollute the near-by town water supply, while there were also a number of houses in the locality.

Cllrs. Kyne, M. O'Riordan, T. Wright and B. Cotter all ex-pressed opposition to the engin-eer's recommendat ion to extend the existing dump at Ballina-muck as it would be too near the river Colligan and would cause pollut ion in the river.

Cllr. A. Ha l l ahan said tha t he was inclined to accept the expert opinion of the engineers and of An Foras Forbartha that Bal l inamuck was a suitable area for dump ing and tha t with proper supervision it could be operated without causing any danger to the river.

He suggested as an extreme solution that the course of the river might be diverted from the back of t h c sawmills which would bring it away from the dump area. " I don't know wha t

Mr. J. O 'Flynn. County En-gineer then stated tha t the pro. posed extension of the d ump at iBall lnamuck would not cause 'pollution in the river provided tha t it was operated as set out in the Foras Forbartha report and no toxic materials were dumped there. "Time is run-n ing against us as the existing dump is almost filled," he said, " and it is now urgent t ha t a firm decision on the matter be taken and I recommend strong-ly tha t the Council take the advice contained in the Foras Forbartha report."

Mr. Dan Hurley, CO. Manager then stated that he was satis-fied from the Foras report and from all the arguments on the matter which he had listened to tha t f ishing interests in the river would not be affected by the proposed extension. He re-'•orrmended to the counci l t ha t If they accepted this proposal he would ask the Co. Council to develop it and to enter into a partnership agreement wi th the Urban. " I th ink if we do this tha t we can control the dump and operate it properly," h,; said


Cllr. D. Goode then proposed and Cllr. Dixon seconded tha t the recommendations to extend the existing dump at Ballina-muck be approved.

C'llr. M. O 'R iordan and Cllr. T. Wr igh t proposed and second-ed a direct negative.

Before a vote was taken the I Manager reminded the mem-bers: "This Is decision n igh t and if you say 'no' to the r>ro-

[ posal then the d ump will close wi th in a week to alj the people from West Waterford."

The vote was then recorded as follows: For the uroposal to extend — Cllrs. Dixon, Goode, Cotter and Ha l l ahan (4): Against — Cllrs. Kyne, Wright , O R iordan and Walsh (4).

The Cha i rman . Cllr. Walsh then gave his casting vote against the proposal and de-clared it to be lost.

At this announcement , the Manager declared tha t he would have to put a notice in the papers declaring tha t the d ump is to be closed forthwith.

Cllr. Kyne interjected tha t the Manager w ou ld have to ac-cent defeat as well as victory. " I t is now your duty and tha t of the officials to go out and look for an alternative site and a display of oique does not help the situation," he added.

The Manager denied tha t he was piqued but said that he was now out in an Impos-sible position by the Council's decision

The discussion then ended.





" T R Y I R I S H " AT—

Dungarvan Ceader and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT

Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork

Vol.48 No. 2461 FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1986 ^ S O E ^ A S T N S ^ I R PRICE 25p (inc. VAT)

A L I C I A ' S Test Drive The New STARLET


S A L E New range of—


New Shades — New Styles Sizes 10 to 26.

10% Discount Off During Sale.

ALICIA BROWNE Ladies Fashions & Children's

Wear 83, O'Connell Street, Dungarvan

HORNIBROOKS of LISMORE : Tel. 058/54147




AND SALES COMPOUND Standing on about one acre.


(Unless previously sold) Solicitors: I. F. Williams & Co., Lower Main Street,


Detailed particulars later or frdrn the joint Auctioneers: JACKSON, STOPS & MoCABE, M.I.A.V.L

Estate House, Dawson Street, Dublin Telephone (01)771177




FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY Solicitors: J. F. Williams & Co., Lower Main Street,



(No Buildings) For Sale by Private Treaty

Solicitors: Murphy & McCullagh, Dungarvan. Details and maps from the undersigned.

E d m o n d S p r a t t & S o n | M.I.A.V.I. T E L E P H O N E (058 ) 4.2211" ;


1 am instructed by the Personal Representatives of the late John Keane—


on the Lands 73 ACRES FOR GRAZING


TOM CURRAN, Auctioneer Cr Valuer Grattan Square, Dungarvan. Telephone 058/41324

SALES BY MICHAEL McCARTHY DUNGARVAN — 5 St. Garvan's Tee. (end house)

Dwelling for Immediate Sale

Comprising: 3 bedrooms, sittingroom, kitchen/dining-room, toilet, sun-porch; outside: fuel shed and store houses; walL in garden at front, secluded garden at rear with access to road. Freehold.

ABBEYSIDE — 44, Mu r phy Place — D W E L L I N G (Freehold) FOR SALE

Comprising: 3 bedrooms, sittingroom, diningroom/ kitchen, bathroom/toilet. Gardens at front and rear, fuel shed and stores. Separate entrance to back garden Freehold.

KILMACTHOMAS: RATHMAIDEN (2 miles from Kilmac')

COTTAGE ON 1 ACRE — Freehold For Sale by Private Treaty.

MICHAEL MCCARTHY, Auct ioneer/Valuer, Dungarvan . Telephone 058/41468



For Miss B. Lane. General Household Furniture & Effects.

Viewing from 12.30 p.m. Items ito be removed and paid for on day of sale.

BRENDAN O'MIEARA, M.I.A.V.I. Fermoy. Telephone 025/31389


County Waterford — Telecom Bireiann (Accommodat ion Sec-t ion) Dubl in 2, intends' to apply to Waterford County Council for ful l p l ann ing permission to eretot a smal l bui ld ing to house an unsibaffed Rura l Automat ic Telephone Exchange1 on a site a t tihe junct ion of Mass Lane and Ma in Street, i n Cappoquin.

County Waterford — Telecom Bireann 'Accommodat ion Sec-t ion ) Dubl in 2, In tends to amply to Waterford County Council for full p l ann ing permission to ere/at a smal l bu i ld ing to house a n unstaffed Rura l Automat ic Telephone Exchange on a site on the North side of West Street* Lismore.


on 38 calls. Colour: orange. 84 50 80 42 10 69 33

49 1

38 54 36 77 12

73 3

32 66 78 74 4

3 40 89 31 35 67 58

75 83 70 26

27 71 55


63 6 0 6 2


29 14

51 82 8 1 20

24 39 41

15 47 2

44 17 86

* Denotes end of Snowball. Prizes must be claimed on or

bflore Monday, May 26 at 6 p.m. sharp from Bat Moore, 11, Thomas Terrace, Dungarvan . Ful l sheet must be returned when claiming.

Last week's winner: Philo-mena McCarthy, 18 St. Thomas Terrace, Dungarvan , £50.

Numbers drawn this week by J o h n Sul l ivan, Ferm'oy, Co. Cork.

Pictured at the Causeway Tennis Club recen tly, Mrs. Eileen Stacey, P.R.O., presenting the Boys u-13 Shield on behalf of Mr. G. P. Quinlan, Waterford, to the winner Trevor Byrne. Also included: Mrs. Suzanne Dalton, Preside nt and Patrick Veale, runner-up. (DLavid Stearn)


Congratulat ions to Mir. and Mrs'. Michael Kenneality, Bally-duff on the birth of a baby girl •and to Mr. and Mrs. Pius Wialsh, B'allysaggartmore, also on the bir th of a baby girl. COMHALTAS NOTES

The County Fl'eadh Cheoil last week-end was a huge suc-cess wi th large crowds' in at-tendance throughout the three days. The local® were very successful' i n the set danc ing competit ions on Friday n ight , w inn ing the u-12, u-15, 15-18 and' adult . The u-15, 15-!16 and seniors' go forward to t,he MUn-s'tier Fleadh Cheoil in Tipperary Town on the week-end of July 11, 12 and 13.

Wfe. will have the results of the other competit ions next week. Meanwhi le we congratu-late all members of the branch who were succ'esistful.

Dlanclng and music classes: as usual o n Thursday and Fr iday niightsi wi th set danc ing for



TAKE NOTICE t ha t I . Sean Whel'an hav ing my principal place of business a t KHaooney, BalMnamiuilt,, County Waterford in tend it)o make appl icat ion for a Certificate of Qual if icat ion to hold -an Auctioneer's Licence at •the sit t ing of the District Court 'to Ibe held i n Dungarvan on t he 25ith day of June. 1986

Da ted this 19th day of Mlay, 1986.




Notice is hereby given t h a t Mr. Meharban S ingh Jnt l la and 'Mrs. Baldev K a u r J'utlla of 87A O'Connel l Street. Dungarvan are app ly ing to the Minister for Jtustice for a Certificate of Natural isat ion a nd t h a t any person who knows of anv reason why a Certificate of Natural isat ion should not be issued to the applicants, should send 'a writ ten and signed statement of the facts to the Secretary, Depar tment of Jus-tice, Dublin'.

Cappoquin Defeat County Champions



TAKE NOTIOE that' we. J im Harty, Patrick Harty and Mar-garet Harty t rad ing under the n a m e of "Harty & Co." hav ing our principal place of business ln the State at Cross Bridge Street, Dungarvan , CO. water-ford intend to make appl ication for a OertifMoate of Qualifica-t ion to hold an Auctioneer's Licence ait the slitting of the District Court to be hefld in Dungarvan on the 25 th day of June, 1986.

Dated th is 19th day of May, 1986.





TAKE NOTICE tha t I. Ronan E. K i ng trading under the name of " R o n a n E. K ing Estates" hav ing my principal pliace of business in the State at 36 Ma in Street, Dungarvan . County Waterford intend to m a k e application for a Certificate of Qualif ication to hold an Auctioneer's Licence at the sit t ing of the District Court to be held in Dungarvan on the 25tih day of June, 1986.

Dated th is 19t>h day of May, 1983.

Signed: RONAN E. K I N G


THE DISTRICT COURT District Court Area of

Dungarvan . District No. 21.




apply on behalf of the above n a m e d Appl icant for a n Order pursuant t;o the provisions of the Intoxicat ing Liquor Acts 1062 exempting 'the holders of 7 day Publ icans Licemesis at Kliifflneen. Dungarvan , from the provisions of the Intox icat ing Liquor Acts on the dates and between the hours specified in the Schedule hereunder on the occasion Of "Waterford Hot Rod Festival Week" and FUR-THER TAKE NOTICE t h a t the said appl icat ion will be made to the Learned Distr ict Justice sit-t ing a t Courthouse, Duingarvan on the 11th day of J u ne 1985 at 11 a.m.

Dated this. 20 th day of May, 1986.

Signed JOS5FH P. G O R D O N & CO.,

Solicitors for Appl icant , Elurgery, Dungarvan .

Co. WaterfOrd. To/ District Court, Clerk. Courthouse. Youghal . And/ Superintendent, Ga rda Sliochana, Duingarvan.

SCHEDULE Sun. /Monday, 22nd 23rd June

'86, Sunday 22ind June — 10.00 p.m.-12 midn igh t ; 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Thursi.' Friday 2G'th 27'tih June '86 — 11.30' p.m. -1.310 a.m.

Fr iday Saturday. 27th 28th J une '86 — 11)1.30 p.m.-1.30 a.m.

Sunday / Monday, 20th / 3flth Jlune '8'6 2 p.m.-4 p.m.: 10 p.m. - 1'2 m idn igh t .

Saturday / Sunday, 28'th 29th June '86 — 11.30 p.m. - 12 mid-night .

Cappoquin were ful ly deserv-ing of their six point w in over Tallow in their senior hur l ing championsh ip second r o u n d game at Lisimioxe on Sunday last. They were vastly improved on their performance against Duinhii i two' weeks earlier. They werie the fitter of the two teams and this proved vital, particul-arly i n the second half .

Tallow opened the scoring after 3 mins. w i t h a point from midfielder J o hn McDonnell'. At t he end of the first quarter Tallow led by 0-3 to 0-B and after 26 mins. they lied by 0-3 to 0-3. A minute later, Cappo-quin' were level when Firttan Mlurray finished a p a t Curran shot to the Tallow net. On the stroke of hal f t ime Michael Beecher restored Taliow's lead w i th a po in t from a 65 t0>-7 to


W i t h i n two minutes of the re-start, however, another F i n t an Murray goal had the winners 2-3 to 0-7 in front. Pat Morris-sey and Mickey curley exchang-ed points in the next three min-utes. Points from Pat Curran in the 10th and 11th minutes. F i n t an Murray in the 12th, Pa t Egan in the 17th and three fur-ther points from Curran who was now r ampan t for Cappo-quin h ad them 2-11 to 0-8 ahead after 21 minutes of the half . Michael Beecher and Fergus



District Court Area of Lismore. District No. 21.

TAKE NOTICE that I, JAMES OAMP.TON, t rad ing as "JAIME3' CAMIPHO'N & SONS" and hav ing my prime Ipial ptece of business in- the State at West Street, Lismore in the County of Wa-teirfiord/ intend to make appli-cation for a Certificate of Qualif icat ion to hold, an Auc-tioneer's Licence at the stitlUng of t he District. Court to be held at Lisim'ore on the 2nd day of July. H986.

Dated this 19'tih day of May, 1986.


(Appl icant) Signed:

NEIL TWOM'EY & CO.. Solicitors' for Applicant, Lisimore, Co. Wiaterford.

To' i . The District Court Clerk, Courthouse, Fermoy, Co. Cork.

A n d ' 2. Superintendent M.

English. Giarda. Stat ion, Dungarvan., CO. Waterford.


beginners on Monday nights. G.A.A. NOTE'S

The senior hurOers got back on the w inn ing trai l when they defeated Shamrocks bv 4-15 t,o 2-6 at Lismore on Sunday last. The result was really never in doubt. Their next game will be against Col l igan in Cappoquin on Sunday, J une 15.

The' Pr imary Schools team will play Aglish/iEiaOliinameela in Aglish on Mionday n i gh t nealt a t 7.3® p.m. Transport wil l leave the Village at 7 p.m.

im tihe u-<14 hur l i ng cham-pionsh ip we will play Four-mlUlfewiatier i n Oappoqiuin on Monday. June 2, and will play Ardmiore i n Clashmore o n Fri-day, J u ne 6.

lit, is hoped to organise a trip to Cork on Sunday, June' 8 in conjunct ion wi th the water ford v. Cork S'HC game. Mlore details nexit week.

Congratulat ions to Shamrocks on: w inn ing the U-,14 C Footbal l Champ ionsh ip on Monday n i gh t last.


McCarthy exchanged points be-fore Beecher had a goal from a free for Tallow in the 26th min-ute. The same player and Fin-tan Murray exchanged points before the final whistle leaving Cappoquin deserving winners by 2-13 to 1-10.

Best for Cappoquin were Pat Curran. Pa t McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy, J ohn Fives, Pa t Egan, F in tan Murray, Br ian Murray and sub. Fergus McCar-thy: while T immy Sheehan, Michael Beecher, J ohn McDon-nell, Mickey Curley and J im O'Donoghue tried hard for Tal-low.

Scorers: Cappoquin—F. Mur-ray 2-2; P. cu r r an 0-8; P. Egan, P. Morrissey and F- McCarthy 0-1 each. Tallow — M. Beecher 1-4 J. McDonnel l 0-2; M. curley 0-2; P- Curley 0-1; C. curley 0-1.

Cappoquin — M. Phe lan ; J . McCarthy. M. Brackett, P. Mc-Carthy- B. Murray, j . Fives, K . McCarthy; P. Curran, D. Mur-ray; S- Fraher, P. Egan, F. Mur-ray: P. Morrissey, N. Heffernan, J. Mason. Subs. — M. Brackett for Heffernan; F'. McCarthy for Fraher.

District Court Area of: K i lmacthomas . District No. 22.





above named Appl icant of Bonmlahon, in the County of Wiaterford will atjply to the District Count slitting at Kil-macthomas on the ISth day of June, 1986 a t 11 a.m. for a Cer-tif icate under Section 15 of the G a m i n g & Lotteries. Act, 1956 (2) of 1953 authoris ing the issue- of a Licence permit t ing gaming at Applicant 's premises situate at Ma in Street. Bon-mahom in the County of Wa-terfOrd i n the said Court Area.

AND F U R T H E R T A K E NOTICE that the Appl icant will rely on the following matters in support of his appl icat ion:

1) The appl icant is not dis-qual if ied by Section 8 of t h e said Act, from the pro-mot ion of gaming under Section 6 or 7 thereof.

2) Forms of enterta inment other t h an gaming are a lso provided to wit : Tom & Jerry, Kung Fu iMasiter, Flash Ga l and various other video ma-chines.

Dated this 19th day of May. 19'86.

Signed JOSEPH P. G O R D O N & CO.,

Solicitors- for Applicant, Burgery.

Dungarvan , Co. Waterford. To/ Siuipertlntendeint, Giarda Sicchana, Tram.ore, Co. Waterford. And/ District COurt Olerk. Cour thouse . Waterford. A n d ' The Chief Fire Officer. Waterford County Council, Dungarvan.



D i s t r i c t C o u r t A r e a of Cappoquin.

Dis t r i c t No. 21. VIVIAN UNIACKE

Applicant. TAKE NOTICE that the above

named Appl icant of Ma i n Street, Cappoquin in the County of Waterford will apply to the District Court si t t ing at the Courthouse, Cappoquin on the 13th day of June, 1983 at 11.03 for a Certificate under Section 15 of the G a m i n g and Lot-teries Act. 1953 'No. 2 of 1956) author is ing the issue of a licence, permit t ing gamtog at the Applicant's premises at Ma in Street. Cappoquin i n the said Court area.

AND F U R T H E R T A K E NOTICE that the Appl icant will rely on the following matters to support her appl icat ion:

(1) The Appl icant is not dis-qualified by Section 8 of the said Act from the pro mot'ing of gaming under Section 6 or 7 thereof.

(2) Forms of Enter ta inment other t h an gaming are also provided, to wit, Slot machines and push penny games.

Dated this 19th day of Mlay, 1986.

Signed: „ J F. WILLIAMS' & CO., Solicitors. Dungarvan.


AUSTIN DEASY, T.D. Minister for Agriculture

will visit West Waterford FRIDAY, MAY 23

and will be available to bhe public as follows:

Walsh's Hotel, Cappoquin 7 p.m Lismore Hotel. Lismore — 8 p.m St. Patrick's Hall, Tal low—9 p.m,

MAIN VOLVO AND SUZUKI DEALERS Phones: (058) 41994 and 42207


1984 Fiat R i tmo 65 1S82 Renaul t 5 GTL 1983 Toyota Car ina GL 1982 Datsun Sentru 1,5 G'-1983 Renaul t 4L 1981 Volvo 345 GLS, Gas 1983 Fiat Panda 45. choice 1981 Renau l t 5 GTL Auto 1983 Volvo 345 DL 1981 Toyota Car ina 5 SP 1983 Volvo 343 DL 1980/81 Toyota Starlet 1983 Honda Acclaim 1980 Datsun 140 J 1983 Fiat 131 Mirafiori 140a 1980 Fiat R i tmo 60 1982 Volvo 343 DL, choice 1979 Volvo 343, choice,


1981 Toyota Lite Ace 1982 Fiat iFiorino Van, choice.


1979 Cort ina 1300 £700 1977 Renaul t U £300 1978 Cort ina 1600 GL £650 1976 Toyota Corolla £200 1978 Toyota Corolla 1976 Renau l t 1600 £100

Estate £700 1979 Alfa Sud £850 1977 Renaul t 12 £750 1978 Opel iKadett 1979 Fiat 127 £1,200 Estate £1,500


Tallow — E. Ourley; J . O'Don-oghue, L. O'Brien, F. Ryan ; J . Geary, M. Beecher, T. Sheehan; J. McDonnell , M. cur ley; C- Cur-ley, P. Daly, P. Curley; L. Mor-oney, P. Murphy, S- Treacy. S-ub. —M. Murphy for C. Curley.

Ref. — R. Ormonde, Lismore.



At a reception held in Cherry's Brewery i n Waterford, the Rotaract Club of Waterford announced Its p lan to hold an 80 mile Sponsored Wa l k from Cork to Waterford i n aid of Leukaemia Research >(which is being done at the Research Centre attached to Our Ladies Hospital for sick chi ldren in C rum l im .

Three members of the club will leave from sou th Mal l in Cork on Friday, 23rd May at 9 a.m. and will walk to Yougha l as the first stage of their walk. Cn Saturday, 24th May they will depart Youghal at 10 a.m. and head for Dungarvan . Sun-day, 25th May is the f inal day of walking when they will re-turn to Waterford where they hope to be met by his worship the Mayor of Waterford Aid. L i am Curham.

Rotaract are mak ing an ap-peal to all businesses in the area, and indeed to the general public to contribute to this very worthy cause. Please give your generous support.


Melleray 2-9; Eire Og 0-0 On Sunday last the Melleray

hurlers began their champion-ship campa ign in -fine style by account ing for a weak Eire Og side. This was a very good oer-formance by the Glen Rovers men, especially in the first hal f . However, a big effort must be made to t ra in and especially our scoring power must im-prove. as the competi t ion will definitely get tougher.

The panel included—M. Hea-phy, P. Tobin, M. O 'Gorman , G. Power, J. Power, M. Power, M. Crowley, D. Rourke, J . Rourke, G. Horan, T. Duggan , D. Lucas, P. Walsh, B'. Whelan , A. Power, M. Power, L. O'Donnel l , T. Murphy.

The Glen Rovers footballers have also started their season on a good foot, hav ing beaten Ballysaggart and Faha in two very tough games. The founda-tion then is laid for a fine vear for the Melleray club and from here on it is up to each indi-vidual to make t h a t little extra effort.


I n the opening game at Lis-more on Sunday last Ballyduff recovered f rom their first round defeat by Lismore to score' a fully deserved f i f teen points win over Shamrocks ln a very mediocre game.

Best for the winners were Seamie Daly, Michael Quirke, L iam Drislane, Sean Prender-gast and the Walshs, while Wil-l i am Moloney, Sean Hamedy , Dan Casey, L i am Dal ton, Joe and L iam Ahern tried hard for the losers.

The winners p lay Col l igan in the next round whi le Sham-rocks play Lismore.

Ref. J. J. Landers, cappoquin .



His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Michael Russell, B ishop of Wa-terford and Lismore, wil l ad-minister the Sacrament of con-firmation to the chi ldren from Bialliyduff School, in Tallow Church o n Sunday afternoon nexit, a t 3 o.m. C O M M U N I T Y GAMES

The local athlet ic finals will take place on Sunday week, J une 1, wi th the firsts' and seconds qual i fy ing for the County F ina ls to be. held in Ballyduff this year,, on Sunday, jiuDy 0. These will be held in the c o m m u n i t y Field and com-mence a t 2 p.m. MACRA NOTES

Talent Compet i t ion — On Sa-turday n i gh t last a bus organ-ised by the club travelled to the Regional semi-final of the City of Diublln Nat iona l Talent Compet i t ion wh ich was held in Bree Hall , CO. Wexford.

Ballyduff Macra were repre-sented i n the set danc ing sec-t ion by John Murphy. Paddy Ahern, Mtossy Oasey, Ray Flyinn, Rose Murphy. Mary Murphy . Margaret Ahern and Ann Casey. Their opponents on the n ight were Balfltymiartle (Cork) and Augh r im i.Wiekilow), w i th the COrk representatives emerging as Winners:. O n behai f of the club we wish to t hank Mar t ina Kelly (Skibbereen) who pro-vided the music for the set.

F inal ly , congratu lat ions to the bal lad group from Tallow and the quiz team representing Kin-salebeg. who have qualified for the A'Jl-iEreland finals, which are to be held in the Nat ional Concert Ha l l in early June.

Field Evenings—The club has been hav ing quite a lot of suc-cess a t recent Field Evenings. /!t Ki lavul len we emerged winners of the Best Overall t eam award for the fourth year in a row. w inn ing the An ima l Husbandry and Novelty S'ecitlon and finisihing second in the Firsit Aid.

•Ait Ba l l inameela Field Even-ing held on Friday n i gh t last the club also won the Best Overall team. Ind iv idua l win-ners were E lma Kenny, R ichard Keane and Michael Leamy.

O n Sunday n i g h t nextv mem-bers please note t h a t Bart lemy will hold their annua l event. — P.R.O.

BALLYDUFF ICA NOTES The ma i n topic for d'is'ouselion

at our May meet ing was our summer outing. Many places of interest were considered and a trip to Wesit. Cork was the final choice.

Fal lowing this meeting we had a wonderful demonstration' given by Mrs. Dorothy Berry. The pa in t ing and decorating of egg siheUs is an ancient and interesting art which Dorothy learned in Eng land a few years ago. Since then she: has been a guest on The Late Late Show and hasi made mianv friend® ail around the world.

Dorothy very kindly present-ed the egg which she m i n t e d on the n i gh t for our raffle and Teresa Leamy was t.he lucky winner.

Pictured above arc (1. to r.) Mr. Frank O'Beirne, Bank Mana-ger, Mr. Eddie Keycs, St. Vincent ide Paul, Miss Hannah Lucas, Bank of Ireland, Mr. Dan Hurley, Co. Manager and Mr. Donal O'Brien, Assistant Bank Manager. (Rory Wyley)

try, north and south. Pass card holders may use their cards in Northern I re land to obtain ster-l ing and indeed those on for-eign holidays may obtain pese-tas from the Spanish tele-banco system which consists of 550 machines throughout Spa in

The Pass mach ine allows Pass card holders to wi thdraw up to £100 cash in any dav I t can also be used to order a cheque book, make a lodgement to check the balance available on your account or to order a statement. Furthermore a new service available only on Bank of Ireland Pass machines al-lows cardholders to Day certain accounts such as Access and

The official opening of the Hank of Ireland Pass Machine in Dungarvan was performed on Friday last by Mr. Dan Hur-ley, Clounty Manager, Water-ford County Council. The Intro-duction of this facility will Dro-vide a 24 hour banking service not only to the people of Dun-garvan and the surrounding areas but also to its many visitors.

To mark the occasion, Mr. Hurley, on behalf of Bank of Ireland, made a donat ion to Mr. Eddie Keyes who represented St. Mary's Conference of St. Vincent de pau l Society.

The new Dungarvan machine will be part of a 150 machine network throughout the coun-' E.S.B. cheaply and efficiently

ARE WE GETTING VALUE FOR OUR MONEY? I n a hard h i t t i ng statement

Dr. Dona l Ormonde T.D. has made an attack on the general wastefulness o f the develop-ments at Ardkeen. For years he said the staff in Ardkeen had accepted t ha t no renovations or bui ld ings were possible be-cause of the imminen t start up of a new Hospital. Now lately developments costing sev-eral mi l l ion pounds altogether have been p u t up. These how-ever are only prefabs or tem-porary structures. Now this year another £4,00,000 is needed for patch up work such as replacing Windows. Boilers and so on at a cost several more thousands of pounds. This is main ly dead money because most of these bui ldings will be pulled down when the new Hospital is built, ins tead or th rowing good money after bad Barry Desmond Min-ister for Hea l t h should order the start up of the new Hospital immediately.

Tax payers money is being spent on a herd of white ele-phan ts scattered throughout the Ardkeen campus and this is from a government who threat-ened to shoot white elephants on sight. Mr. Desmond told me months ago t h a t he was about to announce the start up. this was followed bv announcements from the Ministers for Agricul-ture and Mr. Boland. the Minis-ter for the Publ ic 'Service, who was once a pat ient In Ardkeen. :mce then noth ing . " He was aware, Dr. Ormonde said t ha t this ooor lame duck government is wa i t ing for a polit ically expec-tant t ime to make this announ-cement. H e was now cal l ing on them to out their money where their mon t h is and get on wi th the job. As a tax payer i t frus-trates h i m as it does all of them to see hard earned money con-t inue to be wasted on old build-ings instead of beginning a new modern hospital . The people of Waterford and the south east are entit led to the best, They have waited long enough.


County Executive I.F.A. held on Monday. 12th May, Mr. Harry Gray. Bal lygarron. Ki lmactho-mas, was elected County Secre-tary. Mr. Gray Is a beef and tillage farmer, and he succeeds Mr. Wi l l i am Power who resign-ed recently.


JUNIOR SCHOOL WARDEN REGIONAL FINAL — A team of Junior Wardens from the Presentation Convent, Dungarvan, competed in the Southern Regional Final of the PMPA/NRSA Junior School Warden Competition which was held in Carrick-on-Suir on Tuesday, May 13. Members of the team pictured are (left to right): Roisin Hickey, Clare Walsh, Louise De La Hunty, Edel Power, FionnuaLa Dunne, Margaret Cooney and Mariam Wright (sub.)

Also included in the picture are: standing (from left) Mr. Bertie White, Road Safety Officer, Waterford County Council, Sergeejit Terry Carty, Instructor, Sister Eucharia (Principal), Mr. Billy O'Neill, Regional Manager. PMPA (sponsors), Mr. Jim Kelly, Director, NRSA, Mr. Dick Molloy, Area Officer. NRSA.

Motorists Fined And Banned •Nicholas Turner, Kilossera,

Dungarvan was charged at Dungarvan Court last week with driving with excess alcohol at Shandon Street, Dungarvan, on November 23 1985.

'Mr. Joseph Hurley (retired Garda Sergeant) to reply to Inspector. P. J. Tienney who prosecuted gave evidence of stopping a oar driven by the defendant a t Shandon Street at 1:1.30 p.m. on the night in question. He formed the opinion that the defendant was unfit to drive, arrested h im and took h im to the .Glarda Station where' a blood sample was taken. This subsequently show-ed a Mood alcohol concentra-tion of 141 mgirms.

I'u n " i yl_y t o I^Ttr. E . F>. 1<jLi 1 / ; .

Solr. i J. F. Williams & Oo.) who appeared for the deterwianit, Mr. Hurley admitted tihat there had been a mix-up about the name of the defendant in the Station when the blood sample was being taken but said this had been rectified by the doctor.

Mr. King then told the Court that the defendant had now lelfit the country and was at present in South Africa.

District Justice. O'Connell convicted and imposed a fine of £50 with a 12 months dis-qualification from driving. He fixed recognisances' in the event of an appeal.

RECKLESiS DRIVING Felix Shields, Clash, Ballina-

courty, Dungarvan was charged with dangerous driving at T. F. Meagher 'Bridge) Street. Dungarvian on January 11. 1086 and with driving with excess alcohol at Clonea Road, Abbey, side, oni the same date.

Gardia D. Sheehan stated in evidence- that he was an obser-ver in a garda patrol car on Saturday. January 11. With tihe driver and another garda they were parked at Glriattan Square a t 2.15 a.m. He heard a revving car coming down Mary Street and then saw it drive through the traffic lights at high soeed across' the Square and along Bridge Street. There was a big .number of people on the street Who were coming out after a disico irn the hotel but the car never siJowed down.

Witness said they followed the oar across the Causeway and it shopped at the traffic lights at Abbeyside. He got out and knocked on the side win-dow of the car but the driver took no notice.

Witness went on to say that he then blan'ged on the roof of the car and shouted "gardai, please stop." The car revved up as1 the Lights, were about to change and wenit off up Sexton Street. He got back into the patrol car and they followed the other car out the OSonea Road where they overtook and stopped it. When he asked the defendant what the idea of his reckless driving was the reply he got was "thie gardai always get their way."

Inspector Tierney who prose-cutedi said that the defendant was: taken to the Garda Station where a urine sample was taken. This subsequently show-ed an allcohoi content of 243 mgirms,.

Mr. E. P. King. solr. for the defendant said tha t he was' 34, married with 5 children and a gliass cutter. He submitted that there was no real evidence to sustain a Charge of dangerous driving and asikeid that this be reduced.

District Justice O'Connell said that he would have to treat the driving as dangerous because of the garda evidence. He added that a man of the defendant's age should be more responsible. On the excess alcohol dharge he imposed a fine of £100 with a 12 months disqualification and an en-dorsement. On tihe dangerous driving dharge he imposed a

At Dungarvan Court fine of £50 with a concurrent disqualification of 1 month and a further endorsement.


Conor Clancy, 23 Murphy pllace, Abbeyside was charged with driving with excess alcohol at Youghal Road, Dun-garvan on January 28.

inspector Tierney stated that Sergeant O'Sullivan, Traffic C/o-rps was on duty at Youghal Road, aind -s!-oj>j>«'<\! a car cirl ven f>V ('i I*. • (1 f-'/VWIKI: I r if.. H« kuivc a breath test, which proved posi-tive and was toa-ken to t)he G'aidla Station where a biiood sampCfe was taiken. This subse-quently showed an alcohol concentration of 122 mgrms.

Mr. J. P. Gordon, Solr. for the defendant said that he was aged 23, a fitter-welder and stogie. He pointed out that the alcohol concentration was very low and he askied that the dis-qualification be postponed until mid-June because of the de-fendant's work-

District Justice O'Connell im-posed a fine of £25 with a 12 months disqualification a n d postponed the ban until July 1.


Tom Collender (27). Ballina-vogue. Leamybrien, single and a factory worker was. fined £50 with an endorsement and a 12 months disqualification when he pleaded guiilty to driving with excess alcohol at BiaMtaa-vogue on February 2 last.

Inspector Tierney said that Sergeant O'Sulflivan, Traffic Corp was travelling towards Dungarvan on tihe occasion and saiw a car being driven by the defendant in an erratic man-ner. He stopped the defendant and having formed the opinion that he was unfit to drive he arrested him and took him to the Giarda Station. A blood sample taken gave. a subse-quent concentration reading of 163 mgrms.


Patrick Brosnan, Brenan, Stradbally, successfully applied for the restoration of his driv-ing licence which had been sus-

pended for three years when he was convicted of driving with excess alcohol on Novem-ber 14, 1984.

Mr. J. P. Gordon, Solr., said that Brosnan, who was an agri-cultural contractor was involved in a minor traffic accident at the Clonea Road on his way home on 'November 14, 1984. A blood sample showed a reading of 180 mgrms. He had been dis-qualified for a three year period because of a previous convic-tion. Mr. Oordan .•.., 111 tl 1111. the i, pllcant required his licence back

to enable him to do the agricul-tural work which was now get-ting into full swing.

Inspector Tierney said that the defendant had not come under Garda notice since and was behaving well. There was no objection to the application.

District Justice O'Connell said that a man in the applicant's position should have been more careful because of his occupa-tion However as he had been nearly l i years off the road now. lie agreed to the restora-tlosi or wie licence .a, H from June 1.

Manager's Orders For Dungarvan Among the orders made by

the County Manager for Dun-garvan Urban Oouncil during the past month were the following:

P l a n n i n g _ That planning permission be granted to Mr. Peter Finnegan, St. Otiteran's Hospital. Wiaterford on. behalf of south Eastern Health Board for conversion- of Staff Resi-dence at St. Joseph's Hospital (Dunigarvano by alteration and extension- into a psychiatric Day Centre.

That Outline Planning Per-mission be refused to Mr John KenniealQy (Jtnr.), Hon, Sec., Abbeyside AFC, 4 shears. Street, Abbeyside for erection of club pavilion at Sltiuccolane, Abbey-side on the grounds t'hat Wav-ing regard to the residential land use zoning and to the


hElreann^ an Dr. Padraig O hirlghile, cuairt ar Rath Cairn De Domhnaigh seo caithte, 18 Bealtainie mar ar bhronn se dualseanna Chomortas Ghlor na nGael 1984,''85.

Rfath Cairn- i gCo. na Midhe, a bhuialgih priomh-dhuals an Cihomortals.—an comortas chun an baile no an ceantar is fearr a rinne larrachtai chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun clnn l saol an phoball 1 rith na bllana a aimsiu. Is e seo an 24u brOnnadh o thus a n Ohomorials, ata f a ° i urraiocht Chumann na Sagart agus a eagru ag comihdhail Naisiunta nla Gaeilge.

.Mar luach saothalr ar a gcuid oibre, bronmadh Trofai Ghlor na nGael, a d/hear Oisin Kelly, agusi duals alrgid de £1.500 ar phobal Rath Cairn. Bhuaigh Rlath Cairn an chead duals (£300) i Roinm 'F' freisin— Pobal GaeOitachta, mar aon le Duais SpelsdaJlba Udaras na Gaeltacht a '£900) don Ghae'l-taclht is fearr sa tlr.

B'ronnadh Teistlmelreacht ar R inn o gCuanach i roinn na Gaeltaahta.

Urban Mature of the proposed develop-ment and the traffic and activ-ity associated with it. it would be intrusive and incompatible and seriously Injurious to the residential amenities of the area.

That Planning Permission be granted to CO. Wiaterford Voca-tional Education Committee. Dungarvan for construction of a new Vocational School com-plete with external works at Rllngnasllloge (Quann's), Dun-garvan.

Unauthorised Development — Two orders made by the Man-ager referred to unauthorised development at Strandside North. Albbey-side. The first directed Messrs. Lanlgan & Ourran, Solicitors to apply fontihwith for a High court Unjluncticn' under Section 27 of -the Local Government (Plan-ning & Development) Act 1976

VAN WAS NOT INSURED OR TAXED (Liam H|ant(y. Faha, Ring, was

fined a total of ££0 when he pleaded guilty at Dungarvan Court to a number of offences under the Road Traffic Act.

Giarda P. Galvin in evidence •said that he stopped the- de-fendant at Sarsfieid Street, Ab-beyside oni March 15 and found that the vehicle was untaxed and uninsured.

Mr. E. P. King, SOlr., said that When the defendant bought the van he got a quota-tion for £1200 for insurance and then had to abandon the idea. On the day in question he took it out on a chance be-cause it was raining heavily. Thei van had since been dis-posed of

Distrlot Justice W. F. O'Con-nell imposed fines of £50 with an endorsement on- the Insur-ance charge and £20 oin the tax charge. An additional fine of £10 was imposed for driving without a driving licence.

to prevent an unauthorised development at Strandside North by Mr. Kaj Stottrup Thomsen.

The second order directed that Messrs. Lanlgan & Cur-nan, Solrs.. be Instructed to bring to the attention of the High court the breach of the undertaking given to the High Court on Monday May 5, 1986 on1 behalf of Mr. Stottrup Thomsen.

Emigrant Lady Celebrates 105th Birthday in

New York A Oo. Waterford woman who

emigrated to the United States ninety years ago has ju6t cele-brated her 105th birthday in a New York Nursling Home.

Mrs. Hannah Oashin, the for-mer Hannah Drohan- of Lis-arrow. Ardmore, left the shores of her native Deise county in-1893 at the age of fifteen years and onlly once ta the interven-ing nine decades has she re-turned home. That was twenty years ago in. celebration of her 85th birthday When she met her many 'relatives who still reside in the Ring and Ard-more1 areas.

When Mrs. Oashin went to America her two brothers and sisiter also went with her. Sadly tihey have al l since pass>-ed away but Mrs. Oashin re-mains the epitome of good health in a niurstog home in yonkers where she has been for the past two years.

Born ta 1'881, Mrs. Oashin married an Irish-Canadian and they had four children all of Whom however died at com-paratively young ages. They had two sons and two daugh-ters, and both sons cruelly, died of oanicer.

Among her firsft, cousins- are Mrs. Mary Hidkey who resides with her daughter (Mrs. M'arv Hickey a n d son-in-law Michael at Faha, Ring, and Miss Mary Costin, a sprightly 88-year-old now residing a t Dunabbey House to Dungarvan.

Two other first cousins in New York are Denis and John

Oostin, both .natives of Bally-oreen ita. Ring., while one of her nephews, John E. Flynn-. Is the Stiate Senator of Yonkers in New York.


Her .1'05'th birthday celebra-tion was -a memorable one in the Yankers Nursling H o m e where. Mrs. Oashto is regarded as "a very special" lady. Among messages of congratulations was one from President Reagan.

A deeply religious1 lady,. Mrs. Oashin still enjoys remarkable health, she worked hard all he® life, and While not one for alcohol, always liked nothing better than, a glass of sherry with heir ma in daily meal.

Mrs. Mary Hickey of Faha, Ring, recalls her visit to the homeland twenty years ago and remembered that on her very first n ight a t home she insisted on. 'they all going down on their knees .to. recite the rosary. "She was a deeply religious l ady " said Mrs. Hickey.

Mrs. Cashin's grandson, Paul Clashito. a towering 6'7|", vis'ited Rtog and Ardmore last year and has been a regular visi-tor to the land of his grand-miother'si birtih. He is, ta fact, contemplating living perman-ently in Ireland' in due course.

The centenarian has many other cousins in the Ring gael-tacht. and we send her many congratulations on. reaching that incredible 105-year mile-stone. Long may she continue to enjoy good health.

We've got it all for you

FIGHT FOR SIGHT CAMPAIGN The objectives of Fight For

Sight, campaign are to incre'ase the public's awareness of sight and stimulate prevention of blindness ta Ire-land by educational means; to donate a Yag Laser to the eye centre m Ardkeen; and to help Fight, For Sight.

A Committee has been formed here in Dulngarvan under the chairmanship of seamus Ahern and Johnny Organ, vice do., the objective being to raise £10,000 in West Waterford. A bank account has beien opened on behaM of IFF3C at Bank of Ireland, Dungarvan. Any dona-tions will be much appreciated. Also, we would appreciate the organising of fund raising at your place of work, at school, etc.

So come on, get something going In your area, or you could support the following events— an Irish Night at Lawlor's Hotel on Thursday, May 22 at 9 p.m.; Progressive 45 Drive at Hayes, The pike on Friday. Mav 23, at 8.30 p.m. and a dlance in Clashmore at a later date.

Next Committee meeting will be held at Lawlor's Hotel on May 22 at 8 p.m.



Clare qualified for the Mun-ster senior football semi-final when they scored a well merit-ed four points win over Water-ford in their first round game played at Cusack Park, Ennis, on Sunday last.

From a Waterford point of view the result, was not unex-




The final scoreline tells the tale of a dismal afternoon game ln the second round of the sen-ior hurling championship at Dungarvan on Sunday. Portlaw were never extended against a depleted Colligan side and won pulling up by a massive twenty-one Doints margin.

Colligan, who were totally outclassed, were without regu-lars J immy Beresford, Paudle Flynn and Billy Fraher and their interest in this champion-ship must now have surely come to an end.

The game was as good as over at the interval when Portlaw, never seriously challenged, led 0-8 to 0-2. Colligan failed to score in the second half while Portlaw notched 1-12. However the benevolence of the Portlaw attack saved Colligan even fur-ther embarrassment. The East-ern side had so much posses-sion that they were getting in each others way, but the goal they strove for did not come until the 53rd minute. It was substitute Martin Hickey who gGt the major, a very well taken score indeed, but by that time it made no difference as the winners had the points well sewn up as they led 0-19 to 0-2.

Scorers: Portlaw — R. Barry 0-6; E. Rockett 0-4- M. Hickey 1-0; M. Whelan, A. Burke, T. Larkln and P. Burrows 0-2 each; J. Kiely -and D. Foran 0-1 each. Colligan—S. Wall and P. Coffey 0-1 each.

Portlaw—J. Power; J. Galvin, M. Henebry, P. Kelly ; D. Ftoran, J. Henebry, G. O'Brien- B. Cof-fey, p. Burrows; T. Larkln, A. Burke, R. Barry; M. Whelan, E. Rockett, J. Klely. Subs. — M. Hlckey for Kiely- J. Kirwan for Coffey.

Colligan — A. Walsh; Liam Eeresford, J. Dunford. Lar Ber-esford: P. Dunford. O. Whelan, M. Power- K. Cllffe W. Ken-nedy; T. Grady, S. Wall, P. Coffey; E. Cliffe, R. Casey, J Ahearne Subs. — P. Hlckey for E. Cliffe: E. Cllffe for M. Power.

Ref. — P. Moore (Abbeyside/ Ballinacourty).

pected but what was pleasing from their point of view was an improvement over recent performances.

Playing against the breeze, Waterford showed great deter-mination in the opening quarter and held Clare to level pegging, 0-4 each after fifteen minutes.

Clare improved in the second quarter and went on to lead 0-8 to 0-4 at the break. Waterford started well again after the in-terval and reduced the deficit to a point. Clare however mounted increasing pressure after this and Aidan McDermott's goal ten minutes from time assured them of their place in the semi-final against Cork.

Clare had good players ln Noel Roche, Frankle Griffin, Pat Garry, George Fitzpatrick, Tommy Tubridy, Kieran Kelle-her and Gerry Kllleen, while Sean Curran, Eoin O'Brien, Michael Walsh, Pat Oahill and Martin Reid were best for Wa-terford.

Scorers : Clare — A. McDer-mott 1-0: K. Kelleher, P. Burke, G. Kllleen 0-2 each- F. Griffin, G. Fitzpatrick, P. Vaughan and T. Tubridy 0-1 each. Water-ford — E. O'Brien 0-3, L. Power 0-2; M. Reid, M. Walsh, S. Power and J. Maher 0-1 each.

Clare — M. Flynn; P. Garry, A. Moloney, G. Curtln- N. Roche, F'. Griffin, P. McNamara: G. Fitzpatrick, P. Blake; P. Vaug-han, P. Burke, T. Tubridy- A. McDermott, K. Kelleher, G. Kll-leen. Sub. — E. Connolly for Tubridy.

Waterford — K. Heffernan; J. Keane, S. Curran, T. Behan; P. Curran, T. Condon, P. Keating; P. White, E. Power; E. O'Brien, M. Reid, M. Walsh; S. Power, L. Power, J. Maher. Subs. — P. Cahill for White; p. Hayes for P.Ourran.

Ref. T. Sugrue (Kerry).

CLONMEL MOTORIST FINED TOTAL OF £230 Tony Long, Glenbawn, Clon-

mel, was fined a total of £230 when he was convicted on a number of road traffic offences by District Justice W. F. O'Con-nell at Dungarvan Court.

Garda H. O'Leary, Traffic Corps, waterford, gave evidence of stopping the defendant at Ballyneety, Dungarvan on July 15, 1985.

For having no Insurance, a fine of £100 with an endorse-ment was imposed and for hav-ing no tax a further fine of £100 was Imposed. In addition the defendant was fined £10 for having no driving licence and £20 for having no seat belt.

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for Farmers

There's only one Building Society that's permanent by name and permanent by nature—that's the Irish Permanent.

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Pick up a brochure at your local office for all the information you require on our services and range of schemes.

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LOCAL OFFICES WATERFORD, John Hardiman, Manager, 30 Barronstrand Street. Tel: (051)55711/75585..

TRAMORE, Roy Farrell, Manager, Strand Street. Tel: (051) 81648.

LISMORE, John Beecher, Manager, Main Street. Tel: (058) 54444.

CARRICK-ON-SUIR, Barry Walsh, Manager, 96 Main Street. Tel: (051) 40528.

DUNGARVAN, Richard J. Tilson, Manager, 32 Grattan Square. Tel: (058) 42777.



FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 23 & 24 8 P.M. (OVER 18)

Julie Waters, Ian Charleson


LATE SHOW - FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 23 & 24 - 1 1 P . M . (OVER 18)

Chuck Norris, Henry Silva

Code Of Silence




American Dreamer







Friday, May 23 — PHOENIX

Saturday, May 24 — Waterford's 'No. 1 Group THE PARTNERS

Sunday, May 25 — SATELLITE SOUND


Friday, May 23 — STARDUST

Saturday, May 24 -- CONTRAST

Sunday, May 25 — PAT TOBIN

J.C.B. FOR HIRE. Telephone 058/41538

J R ' s N I T E C L U B - LISMORE HOTEL Telephone 058/54304; 54219


Bar Extension

This Saturday Nite — VIDEO NIITE DISCO Over 18's — Neat Dress — Bar


Sunday, June 1st — DANCING TO THE DIXIES

T. R. DALLAS . . . appearing at Crotty's, Leamybrien on Saturday night next, May 24.

Week-End T.V. Viewing RTE 1


1.40 — News Headlines follow-ed by Sports Stad ium. 5.05 Alias Sm i th And Jones. 6.00 — The Angelus. 6.01 — News. 6.10 — Mai lbag. 6.30 — Cartoon Time. 6.40 — Mary. 7.10 — Highway To Heaven. 8.00 _ Rem ing ton Steele. 9.00 _ News. 9.15 — Dallas. 10.10 — Louisanna. 12.00 —Late News.


10.25 a.m. — Use Your Head. 10.50—Anlmaux Du Soleil. 11.15 —Service of Holy Commun ion . I.55 — News Headlines followed by Landmark . 2.30 — Anois Is Aris. 3.00 — Sport Aid. 5.35 — Suit Thart . 6.00 — The Angelus. 6.01 — News followed by Sports Results. 6.15 — Talk I t Over. 6.45 — Today Tonight Special. 7.30 — Late Late Extra. 8.00 — Moonl ight ing . 9.00 — News. 9.15 —Sunday Night At The Movies: Table For Five. Starr ing Jon Voight and R i cha rd Crenna. II.25 — Late News.


3.50 — Room Outside. 4.15 — A Midsummer Night's Dream by Wi l l i am Shakespeare. 6.10 — Whicker's Cities: Pa lm Bteach. 7.10—Minnie The Moocher And Many Many More. 8.10—Nuacht. 8.15 — How's Your Father. 8.50 — Mastermind. 9.25 — Pygma-lion by George Bernard Shaw. 10.55 — All K inds Of Country.



4.25 — Maya The Bee. 4.50 — Saturday Mat inee: 42nd Street. S tarr ing Warner Baxter and Ginger Rogers. 6.20 — Silver Spoons. 6.50—Sweat Of The Sun, Tears Of The Moon. 7.55 — Nuacht . 8.05 — Strangers And Brothers. 9.05 — The Soccer Tribe. 10.05 — Dy lan Thomas Growing Up.


vironmenta l Awareness Year sponsored by the EEC, Water-ford County Council are to organise a series of aniti-Qltter c o m p e t i t i o n s in schools throughout the co unity.

At the Council 's month ly meeting- held i n Dungarvan . the COunty Secretary, Mr. B. J. MtoNally submitted the follow-ing report on the subject:

"Waterford Counity Council achieved the dist inct ion of w inn ing the Bord Fai l te Award for the tldiesit County in 1984 and 1985. The achievement of this success was a combined communi ty one—the Local De-velopment / Tidy Towns com-mittees wi th the Local Author-ities. To bui ld on this effort and to encourage part ic ipat ion om as' wide a scale as possible, consideration has been given to getting the schools and school chi ldren involved In a number of projects wi th a practical application. W h a t is envisaged is a three-part competi t ion on the following l ines:—

(a) General Appearance of School and Grounds — Absence of litter in grounds and on approaches.

(b) School effort in promot-ing an anti-Hitter campaign, in the area—Foster Competit ion.

(c) Positive action i n a spe-cial clean-up and/or mainten-ance project In the town or village or some local amenity/ facility in rura l areas.

"W i t h awards being made on on electoral area basis and an overall coun ty winner It will provide a wide opportunity for the school to part icipate in the local overall effort towards lit-ter control and Improvement of the .locality.

" I f the Council agree that such a scheme be implemented it coulfi be part ly Implemented i n 1983 with the full scheme in 1987."

The report was unanimously approved by the members' of the Council.


6.00 'a.m. — Ceefax AIM. News, Sport Weather . 6.50—Breakfiast Time. 9.20 — The Parent Pro-gramme. 9.35—'Pages from Cee-fax. 10.30—Flav School. 10.5O — In terna t iona l Golf . 12.30 p.m.— Newsi After iNoon. 1.00 — Pebble Mi l l At One. 1.50—Gran. 1.55— Stop-Go! 2.05 — .International Gol f 3.52—RegUcnal News. 3.55 —The Amiaaing Adventures of Morph. 4.C0—Mike. Mop and the Moke. 4.OT—'Dogtanian a nd the T'h/ree iMfosikehounds. 4.35—Film P o p \ P i n i t o s . B o g e r I > a l i t x e y J o e Mei'.la. CTirlsit.'o.pfher B « n y , 1-. «-Arnold and Bil l Treacher fr,om •Eas'tenders' star in this 1984 film. 5.35—The Filntstones. 6.0-0 —Six O'Clook News; Weather

News. 6.35 — G a m e Set and MatiOh. 7.00 — Wogan. 7.410—I've Got A Secret. 8.10 — Dynasty. 9.00 — Nine O'Clocik New®: Re-gional News; Weekend Weather News. 9.3'0—Big Deal. 10.20 — Omnibusi: The Liasit Moguls. 11.15—The Summer of 66. The giamies and itlhe players of the 1966 WOrld Cup summer, the year England won the competi-tion. 1,1.50—Film; The Ki l l ing of Randy Weibster. 1981 made-for-ty-movie 'based On ac tua l events stars Ha l Holbrook, Dixie Car-ter and Gary McCleery. 1.25 a.m.—'Weather.

SATURDAY, MAY 24 6.45-8.25 a.m. — Open Univer-

sity. 8.310—The Saturday Picture Show. 10.40—Grandstand. 12.50 —News- Weather. 5.05 — News; Weather News. 5.15 — Sports News Wales. 5.20 — The Ke i th Harris' Show. 6.00 — Every Sec-ond Counts. 6.35—Sorry! 7.05— Fi lm: Doctor I n The House. Dirk Bogarde heads- t he cast, w i th Jlamies Robertson Jusiblce, Kenneth MOre, Kay Kendal l , Donald Sinden and J o an Sims (1954). 8.35—The Val D'oonlcan Music. 9.25—Cagney And Lacey. 10.10 —News And Sport ; Wea-ther News. 10.25—Summer of 66. i i l J ^ V < . . . . . . . .• a i . i k i i t n u l i i k .

Starr ing Richard Pryor, Beau Bridges, Vincent Garden ia and Richie Havens '1977). 12.35 a.m. —Weather.


6.55-7.25 a .m. — Open Univer-sity. 9.00 — Pages from Ceefax. 9 .45—Dayt ime O n Two. 12.30 p .m.—Internat ional Golf. 1.38— Dayt ime On. Two. 2.55—Pages From Ceefax. 3.50—Internation-al Golf . 5.25— News Summary wi th subtitles- Weather. 5.30 — Secret Nature. 6.00—Film1: Dike Normal People. Starr ing Bhiaun Classlldiy and L inda Pur l '1979). 7.35—'House And Home. 8.00 — The Kenny Everett Television Show. 8.30 — Gardeneirs' World. 9.00 — 'Entertainment USA 2. 9.30—Your Life I n Their Hands. 10.10—Stevie Wonder. 10.410 — Newsinight. '11.25—Weatherview. 11.30 — T h e Lords This Week. 12.10-l.j00 a.m. — Whlsltle Test. Live studio sessiions from Pub-lic Image Limited and tihe re-clusive Smiths.

SATURDAY, MAY 24 6.50 ia.m.-1.55 p .m.—Open Uni-

versity. 2.00 — F i lm : Conrack: S tar t ing Jon Voight (1974). 3.40 —Laramie. 4.30 — Cricket And Golf. 7.15 — Nlewsvlew. 7.55 — Around (Wttitfl 1 AilI'lss. 8.36 Ca:'-mesn. Bizet's opera (sung in French wi th Engl ish subtitles). 11.40-12.35 a.m. — In ternat iona l One-Day Cricket.


RTE 1 — 4.40 News Headlines followed by Emmerdale Fa rm: 5.10 Bosco; 5.35 Scooby Doo; 6 p.m. The Angelus- 6.O1 News-time; 6.35 Cartoon Time- 6.55 Cross Country Quiz; 7.30 Radh-arc- 8 p.m. Falcon Crest: 9 p.m. News- 9.30 Oasslno; 10.35 Miami Vice; 11.30 Late News.

RTE 2 — 6.05 The New Ad-ventures Of Zorro; 6.30 A Coun-try Practice: 7 p.m. Oh No, It's Selwyn Froggltt : 7.30 Corona-tion Street- 8 p.m. Nuacht- 8.15 F lamingo; 8.45 Festival: k i n g Pr iam; 11.05 'Newsnight- 11.25 Night Light.


RTE 1 — 4.05 News Headlines followed by Emmerdale Farm-4.35 Bosco: 5.05 Mr. T: 5.30 F'ol-lyfoot; 6 p.m. The Angelus- 6.01 Newstime; 6.35 Jackpot- 7.05 The A-Team; 8 p.m. End Of Empire: 9 p.m. News; 9.30 To-day Tonight; 10.10 Dynasty-11.05 World Wlde : 11.35 Late News.

RTE 2 — 5.40 Tomorrow's World; 6.45 A Oountry Practice-7.15 Nuacht : 7.30 Final of the 3rd European Competi t ion for Young Musicians; 10.05 Moon-face: 10.40 Liszt: Centenary Re-citals; 11.10 Newsnight; 11.30 Night. Light.


RTE 1 — 4.30 News Headlines followed by Emmerdale Farm-5 p.m. Bosco: 5.30 Ballebeg- 5 3 5 The Lone Ranger; 6 p.m ' The Angelus; 6.01 Newstime- 6 35 Seal Morn ing ; 7 p.m. Midweek Movie: Shenandoah. Starr ing James Stewart, Rosemary For-syth and Doug McClure- 9 p m News; 9.30 Hotel 10.25 Open Forum: from Waterford- 1130 Late News.

RTE 2—6 p.m. Dodger, Bonzo And The Rest; 6.30 A Cbuntry Practice: 7 p.m. Man Eater- 7 30 Coronation Street; 8 ' p m Nuacht ; 8.15 The Colbys- 9 10 Only When 1 Laugh; 9.40 The Boston Debate- 10.35 Cheers' 11.05 Newsnight; 11.25 Night Light.

Season; 11.30 Newsnight- 11.50 Night Light.


RTE 1 — 4.30 News Headlines followed by Plasticines: 4.30 Bosco; 5.10 Newsline; 5.30 Sons And Daughters- 6 p.m. The An-gelus; 6.01 Newstime; 6.35 The Sul l lvans; 7.05 Night Rider. 8 p.m. A Wing And A Prayer; 9 p.m. News; 9.30 The Late Late

Show; 11.25 Inspector Ghot te Moves I n : 12.25 Late News.

RTE 2 — 6.10 A country Prac-tice; 6.40 Gardeners' World; 7.15 Au toman ia : 7.45 Nuacht 8 p.m. Spenser For Hire; 8.55 The Fri-day F i lm: Murder At The World Series. Starr ing Bruce Boxlelt-ner, j a ne t Leigh, Hugh O'Brien and Nancy Kelly- 10.40 J a z z : Charlie Byrd- 11.10 Newsnight; 11.30 Garda Patrol.


RTE 1 _ 4.20 News Headlines followed by Emmerdale Farm-4.50 Bosco; 5.20 Bhitterfly Is land: 5.50 Garda Patrol- 6 p.m. The Angelus- 6.01 News-^ S , 6 ' 3 5 , , ^ c k p o t : 7.05 Room Outside; 7.35 Benson: 8.05 Mag-num P.I.; 9 p.m. News- 9.30 To-day Tonight ; 11 p.m. Access Communi ty Drama; 11.40 Late News.

RTE 2—5.45 The smur fs 6.10 A Country Practice- 6.40' The Three Stooges; 7 p.m. Top Of The Pops; 7.30 Mai lbag 7.50 Nuacht : 8.05 Landmark follow-ed by Mart & Market- 8.40 Pla in Tales; 9.05 The Merchant Ivory

On Saturday last the Water-ford Glass sponsored Jun ior Scratch Cup had to be cancel-led due to flooding of the course, and the competit ion has now been re-scheduled for Sat-urday, June 21st.

On Thursday next, May 22nd. the J. Bruen and P. Purcell panels travel to Thurles for tr ial matches and a tr ia l for the Brennan o u p panel will be held in Dungarvan . There will be no competit ion on tha t date.

On Friday next, May 23rd the Mixed Foursomes competit ion will continue wi th draws for partners at 5 p.m., 5.30 p.m. and 6 p.m.

The timesheet for the Cap-tain's Prize is now posted on the notice board and ls filling up rapidly. Also, in tending players should fill their names ln as soon as Dossible. A date for your diaries is May 29th — a Thursday night, on which the auction sweep will be held.


Thursday, May 15th _ 1, N. Kavanagh (111 4i pts.- 2, M. MoHugh (13) 40 pts.

Friday, May 16th — 1, F. Don-nelly and M. Fahey 311; 2, P. J. Kil l igrew and C- Terry 35.

Saturday. May 17th — Post-poned unti l June 21st.

Sunday, May 18th — 1, M. Kelleher, G. Taylor. P. Phelan, 88 pts.; 2, P. J. Kill igrew, S. O'Neill, M. Kelly, 85 pts. : 3. M. Mernin, P. Lineen, T. Melody, 85 pts.


F'riday, May 23rd — 9 Hole Mixed Foursomes.

Saturday, May 24th — 18 Hole Stableford — 2nd Group Prize.

Sunday, May 25th _ E. A. Ryan CUD 18 Hole Stroke. (Time Sheet).

LADIES GOLF Ladies Open Day

3rd June — The first ly : Tuesday, first annua l

Clarence House Open Four-somes 18 Hole Stroke will take place on Tuesday. 3rd Jiune — total prize fund £500. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, best gross, 3rd and 4th. Catering in Club House, t ime sheet from 27th May, phone after 6 p.m.

This is an occasion not to be missed, as this tremendous sponsorship is one of the high-lights of the season and much appreciated by all the members.

Jun ior League Team In to ' Semi-Finai — Another t igh t ! ma tch against Ennis at Fermoy 1 resulted in a win for Dungar-! van. The team now go on to meet Tralee at Mltchelstown on May 27th. once again well done and good luck.

Members Spr ing prize, 18 Hole Stableford (Wed. May 14) — Winner. Margaret O'Donnel i (20) 33 pts. : runner-up, Chrls-sie Terry (19) 33 pts; best gross, Sylvia McGra th (8); 3rd, Madge O'Keeffe (26) 30 pts.; 1st best nine, R. M. Foley (19) 17 pts.; 2nd best nine, Margo Booth (11) 17 pts.


Stuburt Pro-Am (were £39), now £29.

Seve Ballesteros Par 3 (were £33) , now £27.

Scorpion (Spiked) 'were £20), now £24.

Hi-Flex Waterproof, Ladies and Gents (were £15), now

£12. Offer lasts unti l May 31 at:


O'CONNELL ST., DUNGARVAN Phone 058/42587



SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS — DISCO 10 p.m.-2 a.m. - Adm. £3.50 — Bar Ext. — Neat Dreggy






Saturday, May 24 — T. R. DALLAS — 9.30-11.30 p.m.

Sunday, May 25 — CHUCK Cr JUNE (Ex Larry Cunn i ngham)

Monday, May 26 — PROGRESSIVE 45

Full Pay Out — £5 per Head — Refreshments included

Coming Saturday, June 7 — BIG TOM


THURSDAY, MAY 22 — PROGRESSIVE 45 Jackpot £50 on 11 g a m e s ; £ioo on 12 games.

SUNDAY, MAY 25 — SLATER Bar Extension — £3.00 (half-price before 10 a.m.)

Food Served.


THIS SUNDAY NIGHT Strictly Over 18 - Neat Dress Essential - Bar Extension


Friday, May 23 — PROGRESSIVE 45

In a id of Fight For, Sight Y ak Lazcr.

Saturday, May 24 — CB Night Out. Music: SLATER i p o t rltiizea — Demonstrat ion 'and Display of Videos.

Proceeds lo Char i ty .

Sunday, May 25 —- ANNER SIDE


G.A.A. Notes By Commentator

Minor Hurlers Can Surprise Cork NEXT WEEK-END , B rendan Brophy (St. Sav-

There's another week to go lours)1; before the senior footballers go s e a i J Lyons (Ba l lygunner ) ,L iam

— - - * i Hart ley (Ballygunner)-Billy Sul l ivan (Bally gtuiiner),

Ma rk Corcoran (St. Sav-iours), K ie ran Murphy (Tallow I •

Michael F l anagan (Mt. Sion) , Michael O 'Mahoney (Bally-gunner) , Derek Wyse (St. SavioursO.

Subs. — L i am O'Brien (Strad-bally), Ml. Kiely (St. Olivers), M. T. C u n n i n g h a m (Tallow), Dermot Henley (Tallow), D a n Geoghegan (Lismore,), Dec Murray (De La Salle), Brendan Daly (St. Olivers).

Into act ion on June 1st and the Divis ional Boards wil l aga in make the best of the leeway granted to t h em by the Senior Board who have no games list-ed for next Sunday. As well as the m inor hu r l i ng game aga inst Cork at Dunga r v an on Thurs-day n i gh t there are ten divi-sional games listed and these are all j un ior hu r l i ng and foot-ball grade. Some of these will be quite excit ing and in a couple the results wil l be vital as they are second round ties and the points wi l l be verv Im-portant .

Both co l l i gan and Abbeyside have w i t hd rawn f rom the jun-ior hur l i ng champ ionsh ip 'and this has altered the programme a bit.

On the face of th ings the nro-gramime at Fraher Field on Sunday would appear to be the best of the week-end, a l though there will be some excitement too at S tradba l ly and Cappo-quin.

AT L I S M O R E Tallow, do ing so badly in the

senior champ ionsh ip wil l be anxious to do better in the others and will try very ha rd to beat off the chal lenge of Ab-beyside in the replay of their under 21 hur l i ng tie. They will take no chances th is t ime and should get there.


Ardmore have had t h e bene-fit of a n out ing in the jun ior hur l i ng champ ionsh ip and this could be to their advantage w-hen they play Ki lgobinet in the opening game at Fraher Field. Tha t out ing set Ardmore back a couple of points t h a t they will need to recover now If they are to stay In conten-tion. I doubt if they can raise their game sufficiently to beat Ki lgobinet .

I n the second game at the venue, Bal lysaggart , who had a runaway win over Tour in last Sunday will be expected to beat Stradba l ly w h o m they defeated at a later stage in the cham-pionsh ip at the same venue last year. Bal lysaggart were the hard-luck team last year, hav-ing been just pipped by Bal-l inameela at the final stage of the championsh ip .

AT C A P P O Q U I N Modeligo and Vlll ierstown

who met in the exciting divi-sional final last year, renew rivalry here in the opening game. Modeligo have shown im-provement already this year and had a good win over Bric-k-.-ys last Sunday, while Vllliers-town have yet to olay this sea-son. i t is possible t h a t Model-igo will reverse last year's re-sult even t hough I heard a whisper t h a t the Vll l ierstown oiub were confident of going the full distance aga in th is season.

Go ing on the basis of last week's results, Clashmore should be good enough to beat Tour in in the second game lure . Tour in have the younger and less experienced side and may have to wai t before h i t t i ng a w inn ing sequence.

AT S T R A D B A L L Y Kilrossanty who made a good

impression in the 'B' hur l i ng champ ionsh ip last year, could start off w i t h a win aga in here against Brlckeys who were very well beaten by Model igo last Sunday.

I n the second hu r l i ng tie in tli"1 same champ ionsh i p and at the same venue, Eire Og should have too m u c h hur l i ng for the football or ientated F a h a team.


The one fixed for Abbeyside venue should see S l i abh gCua defeat Arcmore in jun ior foot-ball while at Tal low both Bal-lyduff and neighbours, Sham-rocks who are partners at un-der age level, wil l bo th be play-ins their first game of the sea-son in the grade, predict ing the outcome of th is one would be merely guesswork.


The special funct ion organ-ised by County You th Officer, J i m Greene and which was de-signed to heln school/club rela-t ionship turned out to be a dis-appo in tment . All 29 pr imary schools, five secondary schools and the 25 G.A.A. units in the West h ad been invited to send Interested representatives to this function, wh ich h ad been such a success in the East two weeks earlier. Only a smal l number of schools and clubs were represented. A lot of ha rd wort; had gone into the prepa-rat ion of the meeting. Every type of book and l iterature on the skills of the game, charts on how to play the game, hur-leys, hur l ing balls, jerseys, boots, the latest models of head-

gear, etc., were on display. I t £ missed all the action on the was wi thout doubt an excellent front , a P d have to rely

Group B Moun t Sion played 2, won 2

have 4 points. Clonea 2 wins have 4 points. Cappoquin 1 win have 2

points. Dunh i l l 1 win have 2 points. Tallow no win and no points. I t Is interesting to note t h a t

at Walsh Park the double-decker programme failed to produce a goal and all 36 scores were signalled by the white flag. I n the first round the same four teams had a total of eleven goals between them. I n the opening game, Bal lygunner's poor finish was a factor in their defeat, espec-ially ln the second ha l f w i th the wind, after being only two points in arrears at ha l f time.

The Moun t S lon / Dunh i l l clash was described to me as a 'hum-dinger' and tough, al-most to the point of being vic-ious. i t was real shoulder to shoulder stuff, w i th no quarter asked or given. Moun t Slon about deserved their win.

At Lismore both results were decisive and are reported else-where.

Col l igan are not hav ing a very happy t ime ln senior com-petit ion and have gotten more enjoyment from p lay ing in the intermediate grade. The score tells the story of the measure of their defeat against Port-law-

Having been in Ennis look-ing at the county football team,

J.F. v. T I P P E R A R Y

According to In format ion to hand . Waterford will not be able to play their second best team in "football aga inst Tipper-ary at Caoooqu in on next Wed nesday arid" th is wil l make the selection more interest ing when it is announced. Last year we got a h ammer i n g f rom Kerry at Aidmore, hopeful ly we w o n t have a repeat.


Having received a walk-over from Kerry, the county selec-tors can know very little about the real meri t of the players, but every effort has been made dur ing the past three or four weeks to assess the s tandards of the 22 players who had sur-vived f rom an or ig ina l pane l oi twice t h a t number . ,

The difference in s tandards between East and West a t tne momen t is reflected in the fact tha t only one player on the team is f rom the Western divi-sion. Supporters wil l recognise this as an effort to pu t out the very best team, regardless ot the risk of crit icism by a few who m igh t not see th ings th is way and who m igh t prefer to to 'a geographical ba ance

Cork will be very di f f icult to beat, but at the f a m e t ime our men are not fac ing an impos-sible task and w i th home ground advantage and. vooa .support on tomorrow (Thurs day , n igh t at F raher Fleld a

surprise m igh t be on the cards.


Phil F lynn (Mt. S ion ) : Stephen F ramp ton (Ballygun-

ner), Noel Kelly Er I n s Own) , L i am Qul l ty (St. Saviours) : , „, ,„„

Paul Cooley ( E r i n ' s Own - C lan C a n t w e l l (Ballygunner),

presentat ion and a credit to J im Greene and Rev. Bro. Grif-fey, Moun t Sion C.B.S.

The funct ion could not be de-scribed as a d isappointment for those who did at tend and fol-lowing a very interesting talk by Bro. Griffey, a very interest-ing discussion took place and we had interesting comments and suggestions by Eamon Mar-tin. Bro. Dormer, Bro. Hickey, Pa t Moore, David Kiely, J immy O-Gorman. Rev. Fr. P. Fitzger-ald, County Hur l ing Officer, J o hn Kiely J o hn Jackson and Pat Collins.

I n the unavoidable absence of the County Cha i rman , S. O'Brien welcomed the members who attended and thanked J im Greene for the work he h ad done in prepar ing the event.


The County Board has agreed to increase to 50 the number of scholarships for one week in Col-aiste na R l nne from August 16th to 23rd.

The scheme was outstanding-ly successful last year and this has encouraged the County Board to increase the number this year.

The interviews will take place at all four centres — Moun t Sion, Port law, Dunga rvan and Lismore on next Tuesday n igh t at 3 p.m. All candidates must be certified by a club officer and the certificates mus t be presented to the examiner on Tuesday n ight . C lub secretaries have been given all the details.


At last week's meet ing of the County Board, approval was given to a suggestion by the Cif igeach Gaeilge, Nioclas Mac Crai th , t ha t the inter-club en-ter ta inment competit ion be re-vived wi th in the county next winter. Several club delegates gave assurances t h a t they would take part .

County Scor Officer, Paddy Fitzgerald expressed concern about t h possible interference wi th the Scor competit ions wh ich were also run in the win-ter months. He was given an assurance t h a t there would be no interference.


There have been so many re-ports and rumours about this m a n t h a t clubs who have asked for his services don't quite know where they stand. The latest in format ion is t ha t he will return on June 30th after a 33/34 weeks absence from the county and recommence his coaching sessions. He will, ac-cording to reports spend a total of about five weeks in the county in 1986. This seems very little for a m a n tha t has been appointed full-time between the weaker counties. His return co-incides wi th the commencement of the school holidays and this Is unfortunate .

on my scouts for a report. All seem to agree t ha t t h e Lismore/ Roanmore game was the best of the week-end up here. Splendid hur l ing and lots of excitement and a little drama. A penalty save by Roanmore in lost t ime, denied Lismore a share of the points. I t was rather ironic for Lismore t ha t former player Tom S h a n a h a n was one of the outstanding players in their opponents line-out.

The results in the jun ior hur l ing championsh ip were just what we expected with B'ally-saggart, Clashmore and Model-igo ga in ing the points.


We are now mid-way through the Munster championships wi th four down and four to go. Over the week-end we lost the minor and senior football first round games against Kerry and Clare, respectively.

The minor footballers gave a top-class display against kerry and were a bit unlucky to have had two goals scored against them shortly before half-time. They put ln a splendid second half against the wind and showed wonderful courage and improved skill. Der Kiely, R ichard Guiry and Michael O Mahony, were outs tand ing on the side.

The game was switched to Glenflesk, because of the con-dit ion of the Ra thmore venue.

Our senior footballers were beaten by Clare but all credit to them for a very determined effort tha t brought us close enough to a surprise win. For most of the game, Waterford matched the skill and fielding of the Clare team and ln the 18th minute of the second ha l f the score stood at 0-9 to 0-7 in favour of the host county.

Strange as it may seem, we have not beaten Clare ln the championsh ip since 1958 and we have played them on seven occasions in the championsh ip since. Before that , Clare had not beaten Waterford since 1935. According to their inter-esting programme on Sunday, Ned Power from K i lmac thomas club was breaking a 50 year spell, as it was tha t long since Ki lmac ' had a player on a county senior football team.

SCORES Munster S.F.C.—

Clare 1-10, Waterford 0-9 Munster M.F.C.

Kerry 2-10, Waterford 0.10 Senior Hur l ing C.—

Cappoquin 2-13, Tallow 1-10 Ballyduff 4-15, Shamrocks 2-6 Port law 1-20, col l igan 0-2 Roanmore 2-10, Lismore 1-10 Mount S-ion 0-11, Dunh i l l 0-8 Clonea 0-11, Bal lygunner 0-6

Senior Football League— Kilrossanty 1-8, Ferrybank 1-8

Intermediate Football L.— Geraldines 2-9,

S l i abh gCua 1-7 Shamrocks 0-13, Ardmore 0-7

F IXTURES Thurs. May 22—

At Dungarvan: M.H.C. — Wa-terford v. cork. Friday, May 23 (7.30 p .m.)—

At Abbeyside: J.F.C. — Ard-more v. s l iabh gCua.

At Tallow: J.H.C. — Ballyduff v. Shamrocks. Saturday, May 24 (7.30 p.m.) —

At Cappoquin: J.H.C. — Lis-more v. cappoquin .

At Lismore: U/21 H. Replay— Abbeyside v. Tallow. Sunday, May 25—

At Dungarvan: 2 p.m. J .H .C— Kilgobinet v. Ardmore; 3.15 p.m. J.H.C. — Stradbal ly v. Ballysag-gart.

At Cappoquin: 2 p.m. J.H.C.— Modeligo v. Vlll ierstown; 3.15 p.m. J.H.C. — Tourin v. Clash-more.

At Stradbal ly: 2 p.m. J.H.C.— Brlckeys v. Ki lrossanty; 3.15 p.m. J.H.C. _ Eire Og v. Faha . Wednesday, May 28—

J.F.C. — Waterford v. Tip-perary.


"A " Final — Lismore C.B.S. and Dungarvan c.B.S. meet in the final of the West Waterford Pr imary Schools Hur l ing on Saturday afternoon next, May 24 at 3 p.m. in Cappoquin.

I n the "A" competit ion there has been some great finals be-tween these two sides in the past few years. I n the league game a few weeks ago, Lismore defeated Dungarvan by two goals, however, th ings could be different at Cappoquin on Sat-urday afternoon next.

Since the competit ion com-menced in 1980 the following schools have won—Tallow 1980; Dungarvan C.B.S. 1981- Lismore C.B.S. 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985.

For Lismore C.B.S. it will be an at tempt to win a record five-in-a-row.

The magnif icent M. j . Blake Cup will await the winners.

"B" League — The "B" league is presently in the concluding stages. The top three teams here are Aglish/Vil l lerstown, Ballyduff and coolnasmear/Kl l-brien. The final of this league will b e played in the near future.

"C" League — Teams in the " C league are — Touraneena, Newtown, Modeligo, Ardmore/ Grange and An R inn . Top teams here are Newtown and Ardmore/Grange. F ina l to be played shortly.


Roanmore Hold On In Close I n wha t proved to be one of

the closest games so far In the senior hur l ing league style championship , city side Roan-more just held on to p ip l is-more by 2-10 to 1-10 in a thril-l ing second round game play-ed at Fraher Field, Dungarvan on Sunday n ight .

Only a goal separated the sides at the finish of an en-thral l ing struggle and while Lismore will bemoan the con-cession of a soft first ha l f goal, over the hour Roanmore just about held the edge.

I t was t it for ta t hur l ing throughout wi th Lismore fighting to get back from 2-2 to 0-3 down going into the sec-ond quarter. Roanmore's first goal came from Kieran Dela-hun ty in the fourth minute but their second, from Pau l Power ln the eleventh minute was the result of a bad Lis-more defensive blunder.

Roanmore were 2-3 to 0-5 ahead by the 18th minute but Lismore cut the arrears to the m i n i m u m when Blilly Landers met a Ger Sheehan centre to crash the ball to the Roan-more net In the 20th minute.

Roanmore had the best of the exchanges for the remain-der of the ha l f and were a j goal to the good, 2-6 to 1-6 at the break.

Lismore made a mighty ef-fort in the second ha l f to sal-vage the points but a l though they created some good open-ings they failed to produce the r ight finish up front. Scoring was equal in this ha l f wi th both sides notching 0-4 but there was tremendous excite-ment as Lismore attacked as the game went over the hour and there was almost four minutes "extra t ime" played when Lismore won a close-in free.

Billy Landers struck low and hard but the shot was saved and Roanmore survived to take the points wi th a hard earned win.

Encounter ROANMORE 2-10; L ISMORE 1-10

Lismore showed however tha t with a bit more experi-ence they could yet prove a force to be reckoned wi th and on this form m igh t yet l ift the elusive title.

One aspect of the game which was not so pleasant was some of the second ha l f tack-ling which at times went be-yond the bounds and m igh t have warranted stricter dis-cipl inary action by t h e referee.

Scorers: R o a n m o r e — K . De-lahunty 1-6: P. Power 1-1; N. Crowley 0-2- E Nolan 0-1. Lis-more — B. Landers 1-4; M. Ronayne and B. Lawton 0-2; B.

Prendergast and J. Cashman 0-1 each

Roanmore — R. Sheridan D. Murphy, J. Nugent, L. Coady- T Shanahan , P. Tobin, E. Roche-J. Tebay, N. crowley; P. Power, E. Coady, G. McGuire; K. Dela-hunty, M. coady, E. Nolan. Sub. —John O'Brien for L. Coady.

Lismore—D. Buckley; L. Buck-ley, B. Ormonde, R. Ronayne; B. Lee, P. O'Neill. s. Prendergast: D. Landers, J. Cashman- M. Ronayne, B. Lawton, G. Shee-han ; B. Landers, E. Fenton, B. Prendergast. sub.—P. O'Donog-hue for B. Prendergast.

Ref. — J. Kelly (Shamrocks) .



The death of Michael Fern-combe last week overshadowed all other happenings wi th in thei club.

The dece'ased was father of one of our committee members Peter Ferncombe. and he was grandfather of Peter jnr., Mic-hael, paddy, Morrie and JOhn Jbhin, all of whom have proved outs tand ing pllayiing servants of the club.

A native of Ballycahil l . Co. Tipperary, Miohael retained a deep interest in our affairs, and more especially — understand-ably.—in the progress of his grandsons. He was' a thorough gent leman i n every respect and on behal f of everyone in the



O ' R E G A N

I t is wi th deep sorrow and regret t ha t we record the death of Battle O'Regan, Yougha l Bridge, at a young age. Her death occurred at Cork Re-gional Hospital on Friday last following a sudden illness.

Fia&tile and her liu.sibu-nd U a m were w:t'll-(kinown figures- at. all the card drives throughout the area. She was loved and re-spected by a®. £hie was a hard-working and loving mother to all her children, by whom she


End of Season Competit ion results for May 3—1st, Mrs. K. K i rwan and Mrs. M. Casey: Jo int 2nd, Miss M. Harty and Mrs. R. Prendergast- Mrs. N. Moloney and Mrs. E. Veale; 4th, Mrs. M. Phe lan and Miss C. Christopher; 5th, Mrs. B. Killi-grew and S. B'ean Ui Mh lacha in ; Jo int 6th, Mrs. M. O 'R iordan and Mrs. M. Carthy; Mrs. M. O'Connor and Mrs. M. O'Neill.

ABBEY BR IDGE CLUB 1st, Mrs. I . H. Consldine and

Mrs. P. Meade: 2nd, Miss C. Christopher and Mrs. B. Dun-phy; 3rd, Mrs. P. Clarke and Mrs. T. Keevers. COMERAGH BR IDGE CLUB

Results for May 12—1st, Mr. M. Culloo and Mrs. B'. K i rwan ; 2nd. Mr. N. Whe lan and Mrs. K. Browne- 3rd (tie), Mrs. E. Donnelly and Fr. G. Queally: Mrs. J. Kiely and Mrs. A. Mc-Guinness.


After a couole of first round shocks the sorting out process In the senior hur l i ng champion-ships has evolved more or less as expected and the results of last Sunday turned out just as we had predicted. Unless a miracle happens the county champions, Tallow, their neigh-bours, Shamrocks, co l l igan and Bal lygunner have reached the point of no return for this year. The batt le against relegation to intermediate status wil l keen their interests alive and it is going to be interesting to see wh ich c lub ends up wi th no points (or the least number) and is demoted.

Cappoquin, Ballyduff Lis-more and Dunh i l l each hav ing won a ma t ch are there wi th a •shout' and could quite easily come into contention for a

in the play-off stages. Mount Sion, Clonea, Port law and Roanmore , each have full points and one more win would assure each of a semi-final

P l T h e group s i tuat ion is:

Porr°tlawA2 wins have 4-Mints. Roanmore 2 wins h av e 4

P°Bal lyduff 1 win 2 points. Ijismore 1 win 2 points. Shamrocks no wins no points,

rol i i i ran no wins no points. All have played two matches.




Tihe 1985 Central Dairies League, which wasi r u n as a hand icap event on an- experi-menta l basils, proved to be a great success.

The ifirnal of the A and B Fleetls were r un off on Sunday, M a y 11 t n Force 5 winds and provided a n exhi larat ing ex-perience for ialll competitors. When the sums were completed two very popular winners emerged.

The winner i n the A Fleet was Tom Moloney while the B Fleet winner was Peter Hut ton from Clonmel. The' second and third positions' were taken by Pat D ineen and Vincent Mor-rissey (A 'Fleet) iand Alison Dinieen and Tony Walsh (B Fleet).

Due to t h e strong wtads- the beginners' competi t ion was not run off but was held over for l ighter conditions.

HARBOUR BR IDGE CLUB Results for May 15—1st, Miss

C. Christopher and T. Butler; 2nd. Mrs. M. Mern ln and Mrs. J. Kiely- 3rd. Mrs. J. Colbert and Mrs. N. Moloney.


tragedy was referred to by members' of Waterford County Council at their month ly meet-ing in' Dunigiarvan- when appli-cations were considered from motor oluibs in Tipperary for the closure of the road at Tallow Sweep on June 7 and at RiabhgormlacJk-Shesklitn Cross on Jiune 8 to facil itate the holding of h i l l climbs.

CoumoiHior W. MtoDonneli sa id thiat as far as Tallow Sweep was concerned, he would wan t assurances on all aspects of safeity before the- Council paved the way for the hold ing of h i l l cihnlbs. He was not against these sporting events as such, he siaid, but after the recent horrific tragedy dur ing a west Cork car rallly, they must insist on every safety precau-t ion being taken.

ICMr. Paddy Kenneal ly agreed and said t ha t dur ing thei Fas-ter Circuit of Ireland Bally, which took in much of CO. Wa-terford. the public did no t al-ways comply wi th safety re-quirements, wihlle Clllr. Sean WlheOan said tfhat very often aspects of public safety s t hill cl imbs left quite a lot to be desired. , ,,

Proposing tha t the applica-tions be granted, Cllr. Paddy Cah i l l said t h a t h i l l climbs were very different to car rallies and were not at all as dangerous. Cllr. P. Coffey seconded. .. ..

lit, was agreed to permit the closure of both roads on the dates requested—but subjeot to tihe Council being satisfied on the question) of public safety.

will be greatly missed. Her husband Liam is pos tman in the Ardsaldagh-Tiinnock area.

Her remains were removed from Frank Murphy's Funeral Home. Yougha l to St. Mary's Ohurch and her remains were taken for bur ia l in North Abbey Cemetery on Sunday afternoon followed by a large ctorte-Ko.

We wish to express, sincere sympathy to her husband L iam and her young family Kay, Sean, Fiona. Orla, R u t h and Jason, her brothers, sisters, fami ly and rnaiw friends.

ENGAGED congratu la t ions and every

good wish to Br ian Dewick on the occasion of his engagement to Miss Alison Scott, of Eng-land. COUNTY SET COMPETITIONS

O n Friday n igh t last Clash-more Under-18 and Under-15 Set Dancers both won second prize in the Oomhaita6' County Set competitions in Ballyduff.

O n Saturday n igh t Clashmore senior and alWadies' seits both won second prize i n the "Hayes, the pike" set competi-tion. We wish this talented group of dancers continued success. FIANNA FAIL

On Saturday evening and Sunday last the annua l collec-t ion was taken up a t Piltown church. The collection in Clashmore was postponed due to another collection being taken up on this date. The Pil-t own Cumanni wish to thank all who subscribed. , ,

C lashmore Cumiann will hold their A G M on this Saturday n igh t i n Beresford's Lounge. Clash-more and a new date for the collection w'l l be announ-ced shortly. ARDMORE AND GRANGE I.C.A.

The above guild held their month ly meeting on Tuesday, May 13. Congratulat ions were passed to Margiaret Conway on the birth of a baby girl; also to the R ing guild on winn ing the All-Ireland in the Eleanor Gibbon^s Oup.

The guest for the n ight was Mr. David Stearn, Photo-grapher. He spoke on the pro-per use of cameras and getting to know your camera Is all important . The n i gh t was en-joyed bv all.

Ou r nexit month ly meeting is on the first Tuesday in June.— P.R.O.

Nuacht Na Rinne BUA O L E

Bh i bua mor eille ag Comh-airle Pobiall n a R inne (£5,000) sa Chomortas Forbartha Pobal a t a dia eaginu ag Udaras na Gaeltaohta. Bihaln- An R i nn an 3u ait amach don treimhse 1991-85. C L U I C H E M O R

Beidh bus ag fagialnt na R inne ar 7 p.m. olche De Saitlhairn seo dhugalriin chun daoinei a t habha i r t go dti Craobh lar-Dhetse sa pheil faol 14, ld'ir a n R i nn agus ciiais Mhor,, a bheidh ar siul san Ard Mhor ar 7.3i0 Go n-elrl adh le buaohall l i n a Blnme agiuis an tSeania Phobail . B I N G O

S i Mairead Nil Chrotalgih a ghiabh an> £20 sia mBlngo De Domlbnalg seo aalte. Ta an "pota olr" die £54 gian buach-a in t fOs.


On Saturday next near neigh-bours and old rivals, Clashmore and Gaeltacht , meet in the Western U/14 "B " Football Final .

To-date, Clashmore are un-beaten and every outing saw them improving more and more and this is due to the hard work being done bv team trainer Brendan Griff in and his fellow officials. Saturday's game is the "big one" for the side and they start slight favourites.

Gael tacht . however, will be no pushover. Under bhe guidance of Padra ig Breathnach they have been showing tremendous form all season and they suf-fered their only defeat of the season when they went down, 1-8 to 2-3 to Saturday's oppon-ents. This defeat will only help them to make a more determin-ed effort on Saturday and al-though we give the note to Clashmore it would come as no surprise if Gael tacht proved us wrong.

The game goes on at Ardmore and John Moore Is on the whistle.


At the Fraher Field on Sun-day evening last, Dungarvan 's Maurice Butler, took the county poc fada title and so goes on to represent Waterford at Ennis on Sunday week next, June 1.

The competit ion will be held dur ing half-time of the Clare v. Limerick S.H. game.

Last Sunday, Maurice had to fight hard to hold off the chal-lenge of Lismore's Pat O'Gor-man and indeed in the end there was only a yard or two between them.

We wish Maurice the best of luck for Sunday week.

U/14 EAST v. WEST Clubs are reminded to hand

in their list of players for the upcoming East v. West game at U/14 football for the J ohn O'Regan Trophy. This game is expected to go on wi th in the next mon th or so.

RESULTS Tallow 5-15, Lismore 0-1 Cill Rosanta 2-10, Affane 2-2 St. Olivers 4-3, Brlckeys 4-3 Shamrocks 1-3, St. Patricks 1-2


Following Tallow's win over Lismore on Monday n ight last the Bord's Officers met to make the draw for the "play-off" caused by Dungarvan , Tallow and Cill Rosanta finishing level on points ln the "A" u/14 foot-ball championship . The d r a w re-sulted in Dungarvan playing the winners of Tallow v. Cill Rosanta In the final. This game goes ahead next Monday at the Fraher Field.

U/14 HURLING This weekend sees the start

of the u/14 hur l ing champion-ships. The fixtures are as fol-lows : —

Sat. 24th May: at Clashmore —Ard Mor v. St. Olivers, 2.30 p.m. (P. Dialton).

Sun. 25th May: at Dungar-van _ St. Pats v. Oappoquin (P. Moore).

Mon. 26th May: at Tallow— Lios Mor "B " v. Shamrocks (E. Cunn i ngham) : at Abbeyside — Fourmilewater v. stradbal ly (T. O Faolaln)- at Coll igan — Ab-beyside v. Naomh Brid (R. Casey).

U/14 FOOTBALL Friday, 23rd May: at Boha-

doon — Abbeyside v. Nire. Sat. 24th May: at Ardmore—

(Final) Gael tacht v. Clashmore (J. Moore).

All games at 7.30 unless stated.

SHAMROCKS WIN "C" FINAL THRILLER Shamrocks 1-3: St. Patricks 1-2

At Caopoquln on Monday evening last, Shamrocks took

the Western "C" u/14 football title in a thr i l l ing game which kept supporters from both sides on their toes r ight up unt i l the final whistle.

St. Pat's led 1-2 to 0-1 at half-time hav ing played wi th a strong breeze. Their goal came from Kevin Walsh while Colin Meade and Benny McGra th had a point each. Try as they did, they failed to score ln the sec-ond ha l f and Shamrocks wi th Dave Butler scoring a goal and two points from team capta in Mar t in Murphy took the title by the narrowest of margins. Fhamrocks first ha l f point came f rom James Hiokey

Following the game the win-ning captain received the tro-phy from Bord Chairman, John Kiely. who wished the Knock-anore side the best of luck In the county final.


Geraldines 2-9; Sliabh gCua 1-7 We had a good win over

Siliabh giCna in She' intermedi-ate football league which was played at Aglish on Tuesday evening. May 13. I t was one- of the best games played this year—a good, hard , sporting, free-flowing game of football.

Geraldines had the strong breeze to' the first ha l f and led at ha l f t ime by 1-7 to 0-3.

The two teams were on the field at 7.25 for a 7-3!0 start, but there was> no sign of the appointed referee, if there was one appointed h i the first place. After wai t ing un t i l 8 o'clock Sl iabh gCua sporttngly agreed to play under Tom "Stylo" Rliordan. I t isn't good enough to keep two teams wait ing for 35 mliimuites. How-ever,, "Stylo" did a very good job.

We have collected three points from two games played to-diate.

L ineout was: L i am O'Donnell . Patrick J. Cooney, Johnny O'Brien (capt.), James (Jiack) O'Connell, D e c l a n Gtevin, David O'Brien, Paddy Hally, Paddy COirkery, Joe Broderick, Davy Moore. Pa t O'Brien, Tony HialHy, Conor Riordan, Noel Landers. Eddie O'Grady.

NEW REFEREE Tom "Stylo" Riordan's hand-

ling of the game shows he is well1 capable of tak ing up the job of referee. He is one of the fittest m e n I have seen on the whistle this year. Referees com-mittee take note!

SYMPATHY Sincere sympathy is extended

to the O'Connor and Mesikili families' on the death of Dan O'COnnor. Bal l lngown which sad event took place last Wed-nesday, M a y 14. May he rest in P'S'cl'OG'. PlRIMAiRY SCHOOLS HURLING

Our game witih Bialliyduff was washed ou t last Saturday morning. INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP

On Sunday evening. June 1. we pliay Affane i n the first round of the championship . As this is procession' S u n d a y everywhere, i t is an evening game. A t the t ime of writlni I can't teli the exact venue.

Al l f layers are requested to at tend tra in ing sessions. All piliayersi by now know the even-ings' a n d time of training. CASUALTIES

Micko 0JConmel!l' and Billy O'Cto-nnetM are nursing leg in-juries1 a t present.

— P.R.O.

club our sympathy i s extended to his sons, daughters, brother, sister and al l the other family relatives'.

G o ndeine Dia trooaire ar a aniam.


The club executive had a very impor tan t meeting last Wednesday n igh t and once again there was a n excellent attendance. Mlany matters of importance were discussed, and of course our recent disappoint-ing championsh ip results did not pass unnoticed.

Once, or indeed twice, down is no battle, and that 's how everyone on the executive re-gards. things. There is sitill so very much to play for this year.


There was a get-together scheduled for all our adul t players last Tuesday n igh t to get the adrenal in flowing again for the important champion-ship games t h a t are on the horizon. We undoubtedly have our in jury problems but we can- sitill rely on a panel of players tha t any club would be glad to have.


Disappoint ingly our hur l ing challenge against Bal lysaggart last week failed to materialise. Appal l ing weather mistakenly led several of our players to the belief t h a t the game' would not take place and the end result was t h a t we h a d tasiuffictent players ait the vtrii'.ie:, It 's stomet'hiing t h a t has- no t hap-pened to us for years, and while no player could. Maimed for th ink ing the giaime woui.'d not be played, it was unfor tunate tha t Biallysagaart made an abortive journey.

We hope to rearrange another game however with our old rivals and friends. This t ime however we'll be doing the travelling.


Our first round senior footiball championsh ip game against Rathgormack is now little more t h a n a week away. Unfortun-ately we wild aga in be without David Burke and Morrie Fern-combe, and of cours e Eddie Meagan: has transferred to a club outside the county.

I t a l l adds up to a hugei task on June 1, but I 'm confident the players will rise to the occasion and give it one real go.


Sincere sympathy is extended to the McGra th family,. Keat-ing Street, on the recent death of Mrs. Josie Greaney. The de-ceased was' a sister of Denis McGra th and an a unit of Mossy McGra th who has been synonymous with our club throughout his lifetime. Go mdeinei Dia: trooaire' ar a h-ianam. ^


Our under 14 footballers lost their crucial game against Tal-low in the championship last week going under by five points in- the end. The proba-bility is tha t this loss: wil l in-volve us in a three-way play-off wi th Tallow and' Kilrossan-ty to decide who goes through to the Western final.

We trailed by nine points at ha l f t ime i n the Tallow game but staged a marvellous second ha l f recovery. Two goals drasti-cally out the' deficit but our opponents weathered the storm and held out for a deserved wm.

We remain live title conten-ders howe ver and the boys are determined to "go ail the way." The lesson to be learned from th is latest game is t ha t the opposition cannot be allowed to dominate the first ha l f because t h a t invariably leaves' too great pn< uphi l l cl imb thereafter.

Our panel Is: J o hn Tutty, Kieran. Wright , John MOrflissey, Michael Desmond. Raymond Kelly. Darrel Donnelly, Michael Lyons, Christopher Gough, An-drew Queally, Fergal Cunning-ham Dermot Dwyer. Garvan Curran. Michael McGrath . Mau-rice Biutler. Edward Dee, Mic-hael Cunningham,, Oran Our-ran. Vincent Denmead, Fergus Maher, Pau l Dwyer, Seamus Curran and Paul Riordan.


Congratu la t ions to club mem-ber Maurice Biutler who won the' county final of the, Bord ma nOg Puc Fada at Fraher Field last Sundiay. Maurice will now go on to represent Water-ford in the latter stages of the event.



of Meircy both in .Ireland and abroad, i t is appropr iate tha t thie promulgat ion of your re-vised constitutions should be marked by this Eucharisltfc Celebration ait Knock.

"For one hundred and fifty yeans the Sisters of Mercy have, given moat generous service to Christ's Church and to the whole h u m a n fami ly under the constitutions approved by Pope Gregory X V I i n 1835.

" I n recent years much Ward work., priayer and comirn/unity reflection have gone into the updat ing of these or ig inal con-stitutions^ Where better to siei9k GOd'ls Massing on t h e new order of thltogs t h a n here' at Knock-wberie t he MOtheir of Mercy has showered abundan t favours on her chi ldren [for more t h a n a century?

"TOdiay., therefore, mariks for the Sisters t he opening of a new era i n the history of their institute. I t is .the day of their second foundat ion, the day when a new generation of Sis-ters. commi t themselves anew to Mercy way oif life asi finist map-ped cut for t hem by; Catherine iMoAuley. Hence the participa-tion. of the Cardinal , the papa l

Nuncio a nd a representative orosisi-siectllon of the I r i sh Bish-ops. l n today's ceremonies, is both a n act, of grat i tude for the past and a .volte of Confi-dence for the future. The new constitutions, based on the Gospels and preserving al l the esisentialsi of Catherine Mc-AuJeiy'si legialcy, .will1 pfflovidie the SUsltiers wi th a sure guide for iHvltog o u t their vocation.''

For over 150' years the Sis-tiers of Mercy have lived and worked in practical ly every smal l t own i n Ireland. Their Contribution to all aspects of Ir ish life has been, immense— thelir work in hospitals: and Homes, their work for the so-cilaOiliy deprived a nd in educa-tion of incalculable value. They never 'beat .the drum' to pro-cla im their works, yet, Dun-garvan, l ike every Ir ish town, owes them an enormous1 debt.

132 years of service i n this town isi a long t ime, but ttoank God! the 'quality of Mercy is no t s t ra ined! "


The new Constitutions usher i n a new era for the Mercy Systems i n County Waterford.

A t KlnOCk, Sr. Joseph, the recemtliy^elected Regional Sup-erior, accepted a copy of the new Constitutions, wi th these words r ing ing i n her ears1:

. . receive these Constitu-t ions which embody our com-m o n faith-vlsich, a n d are after the Gospel, our Book of Lllfe. D r a w n up by tihe Sisters of Mercy to' I re land, and approved toy the Church, they are the means of preserving in us fidelity to Ithe legacy of Ca ther ine McAuley, and of con-stant ly cal l ing us to conver-sion."

As they left Knock. I a m sure many of those present looked down tihe road ahead., and hoped for a union, a t nat iona l afs> well as a t regional level. I t is a chal lenging vision, but one (Which would not have unduly worried Catherine. MlaAutey. She was always confident t h a t her Sisters would be prepared to respond generously to life's challenges, and courageously to a Changing world. Aifiter all. in a chang ing world people need love, and mercy is love-in-action.


Ait the M a y month ly meeting of Wiaterford County Counci l in Diungarvan, Cllir. J. A. wa l sh said t h a t he was glad to see t h a t the Sterl ing Drug com-pany hadi decided to go ahead wi th their p l an to locate a p l a n t in Diungarvan and he congratulated the CO. Manager, Mr. Dan Hurley and' the other members' of the County Devel-opment Team for their success-fu l efforts i n this regard. "This new industry is very welcome," he said,, "as it wil l prove' an enormous' benefit no t only to Duingarvan but to the entire Wiesit Waterford area."

Cllir. B. Kyne siaid thiat he, too wasi also very glad to hear itttue announcements about Ster-l i ng Drug. He. thanked the' Co. Manager and the County En-gineer, Mr. John' O 'F lynn for atbriaohing th is mu l t ina t iona l corporation to Dungarvan and for waylaying any doubts they mlay have had about locating here. " I 'm sure t h e people of Dunga rvan and West Waterford wiDl' endorse t h a t trust now and to the future.," he said.


This many Members felt was why the Party was not doing well in the opinion Polls. The electorate, Cllr. James A ldan Walsh said could not afford a repeat of this cheque book vote getting exercise. I t was the Taxpayers money wh ich was being committed to fool-ish orojects of doubt fu l validity. Instead of a reduction to their tax bill under C.J. Haughey they could well see a n increase to their taxes, something not even the most commit ted social-ist would wish for.

O R G A N I S E R S R E P O R T Constituency Organiser, Wil-

l i am Walsh conveyed his re-port to the meet ing on forth-coming activities throughout the Constituency. — ( J im O' Neill P.R.O. Fine Gael Con-stituency Party.)

drama, dances, meetings and Ghartbhain in Dungarvan . They bi l ingual board game. a,n all-Irish nurselry-school. The give fu l l support to their local "The c o m m u n i t y Council 's total cost was £60,000, £40,000 nursery school and provide activities' a nd the success of of wh ich was provided by Ir ish Language' classes for thiose their many worthwhi le projects Rio inn n a Glae'ltachta. The re- wishing to learn the language, can Ibe at t r ibuted to- no simall mlainder was contributed by the They activefly part ic ipate in way to a long-term. p lan pre-local' community . Slogadh, Scor n a nOg, An pared to 1980 af ter much local CULTURAL AND LANGUAGE tOireaohtas and they host the consul tat ion .to identify the ACTIVITIES annua l "Daonscoil n a Mumh- commun i ty needs."

"The Oomimunity Counci l are an." They featured on PTE's The award was accepted by very active in 'the promlction' of Gaeilvideo and ir is '&5 to 1985. Seamus MacOrai th , Oathaoir-the all-Irish schools concept ] They co-operated wi th and- sup- leach and Tomas O Ceilleach-and they have representatives ported the' development by a air, Runa i , Comhair le Pobai l Na on' the committee of Scoil I local mlan of "Focal' F u o " a new Rinne.


At last Saturday's troop meet-ing we had an equipment In-spection where the Wolfhounds, under the watchful eyes of Michael Cosgrave and Pau l Tobin came out tops. We also had a un i form check jup and this t ime A l an Ryan 's 'slick Eagle Patrol came out wi th sh in ing honours. Our revision side of the programme covered the scout prayer and the first three parts of the scout law (as we have so many new recruits). The amaz ing t h i ng here was that one of the few people to slip up was P.L. J ohn Whe lan (but somehow we hear the prompt ing of Denis Slattery m igh t have helped his down-fal l) .

We broke into our section groups later when our 'rookies' went through their drill move-ments w i t h Gerard Mullen, Brendan F lynn and others showing real promise. Our skills went into session wi th Sean, while Denis took our stars and nationals. Dur ing the meet-ing Eoin Clancy 'lit' us up as he gave a ta lk on ma tch boxes as part of his collection merit badge.

On the games front we had a speed quiz which incorporat-ed local, regional and nat iona l scout knowledge as well as some scout badge questions. 'Here also the Wolfhounds with Conor Power a n d Anthony Moore star-ring came out tops. We also had some 'fire-brigade' and 'shoul-der' relay races to which Kie-ran Higgins and Alan Beatty showed how much of a head they have for heights. Our final game of the n ight was 'doubles farmer In the orchard.'

We closed the meeting wi th notices which included a short talk by Troop Ohapla in Fr. Ahearne who also closed the meeting wi th the scout prayer.

At our court of honour we were joined by another priest, Fr. Jack Regan, a former troop


The summer of '86 Is a lmost upon us and the plans of Jun ior Chamber Dunga rvan are focusised upon G a l a Week-end '86. Ju ly 10-13 are ithe dates to remember for t h i s commun i ty event. I t 'is hoped t h a t this event wil l be bigger a nd even more successful itihian last year's revived Gala- Week.

Among the happen ings in the course of the event it Is hoped to havte: cycling, road races, a tennis tournament , v intage oar display, baby show, fancy dress competit ion, pet show, break danc ing competit ion, .treasure h u n t and much more. There willl also be 'a watersport aspect to ithe week-end With sail ing, powerboat racing, water skiing, sub aqua displays and wind-surf ing as par t of the proposed programme.

These events wil l be run off wiith the co-operation a nd he lp of the various sport ing organ-isations In Duingarvan. Dls-cusistions' have already t aken place w i th some of tihese organisations.

A variety of other entertain-ment is a lso envisaged for the week-end. Jun ior c h a m b e r would 'like 'to see en ter ta inment catering for a l l tastes as part of ithe Ga l a Week-end. For in-stance, involvement of local bands, itiraditional music ses-sions' in siome publ ic houses, qiuizzesi lin others, or a ny other type of enter ta inment tha t suits the part icu lar premises.

Jun ior Obamlber would pireatly appreciate amv ideas or sugges-tions t h a t would add to the success of t he event. Bass on your suggestions tio any mem-ber. The G a l a /Week-end should a t t rac t extra visitors t o Dun-garvan and 'add ito 'the enjoy-

men t o f locate and tourists allilke.

The support of the puMloans and shopkeepers is essential to make a success of t/he week-end and Jun ior Chamber are hopeful of a favourable re-sponse as in the past. Jun ior Chamber members will be visit-ing business premises to the coming two weeks seeking sup-port toy way of sponsorship, etc. of the various events.

CO. COUNCIL BRIEFS The following motions were

dealt with at the May month ly meeting of Waterford Co. Coun-cil held in Dunga rvan :—

Toilets in Lismore — d i r . W. McDonnel l proposed t ha t as a site in Lismore has been agreed upon for publ ic toilets, a Coun-cil Engineer meet Mr. Bur ton of Lismore Estates to finalise details.

The Co. Engineer, Mr. J ohn O'Flynn, said t h a t the Council had no money available at pre-sent to build toilets nor was there any immediate prospects of any becoming available.

Pressed by Cllr. McDonnel l he agreed t ha t there would be no objection to the Council 's area engineer meet ing Mr. Bur ton to disouss details.

Lismore Weir .— Cllr. McDon-nell also proposed t h a t improve-ments be carried out at the Wa-terfall on the river below Lis-more Bridge for the benefit of people swimming there this summer.

Mr. O'Flynn, Oo. Engineer, said tha t he proposed to carry out these improvements to the weir if and when the river was sufficiently low to enable the work to be done. He said t ha t this work had been p lanned for last year but the river had never been low enough to per-mi t it being done.

Derelict Sites — A further mot ion ln the name of Ol'lr. Mc-Donnell asked the Co. Manager to take steps on the Compul-sory Purchase Order as regards the derelict sites at (West Street, Ma in Street and Barrack Street, Tallow.

I t was decided to defer this mot ion to the next meeting.

Regional Sheep Committee — A motion in the names of Cllrs. C. O R ia in and W. McDonnel l proposed t ha t Waterford Co. Council be represented on the joint Cork/Kerry Sheep Dip-ping Committee was strongly pressed by both Councillors.

I t was pointed out t ha t the matter should be one for the local Sheep D ipp ing Committee to deal wi th as the decision to discontinue representation on the joint Committee had been taken by t hem last November.

Cllr. O R i a i n said that this had all revolved around criti-cisms in a daily newspaper about the h igh expenses for at-tending meetings of the Com-mittee drawn by members. He totally rejected these criticisms

and felt t ha t it was vitally nec-essary for the benefit of sheep farmers in Waterford to be rep-resented on th is committee.

Following a protracted dis-cussion dur ing which it was stated t h a t the mot ion was out of order, the County Manager, Mr. D. Hurley said t ha t it could be dangerous to allow the mot ion to be put to the meet-ing. i f it were passed, he said there could be an objection and it could debar the local Sheep D ipp ing 'Committee from ever being represented again on the joint committee. He suggested that the mot ion be deferred un-til next meet ing to allow the local committee to meet and submit a recommendat ion on it to the Council.

This suggestion was then approved.

Michael Hayes, Helvick, R ing , skipper of tihe fishing trawler "Inisi Ealga," appeared at Dun-garvan Court last weak on charges t ha t on October 9, 1'984 at siea off Helvick he assaulted Sergeant Patrick Casey and t ha t he used the boat i n the comimlisslion of an offence.

When the charge was read over to h im by District Justice O'Connell . the defendant elect-ed to go for tr ial before a judge and jury

The District Justice then ad-journed the .matter unt i l June ilU to allow the Book of Evi-dence <to be. served.

Mr. J. P. Gordon,, Solr.. who represented thei defendant then mlade ain appl icat ion on his beha® l'or free legal aid.

The District Justice said that he would want evidence ais to the defendant 's means before mak i ng a decision on siuch an appl icat ion.

Michael Hayes then went to .the witness box and hav ing been swlonn to ld the Count t ha t be wias a f isherman, married and wi th two children. Hie had his own boat on which there was a weekly repayment of £5iOo whi le diesel fuel cost a further £40>0 per week. His average weekly Income when a l l tine outgoings were paid would be £710 or £8'0.

To a question by the Dis-tr ict Justice, the defendant said Jthiat h e would h ave to miakie £710,0'00 a year in order to make the boat pay.

Distr ict Justice O'Oomneilll re-marked tha t to h im it, sounded mtoist unetaonomlio to have to gross £70 000' a yeair and have onlly £70 or £8>0 a week leflt.

Mr. Ga rden said t ha t the £70,!00'0 mentioned would be the gross' turn-over for the year out of which the repayments on the boat and the cost of fuel .totalling almlost £1,000 a week would have ,to be paid. When a l l these commitment's had beein met the defendant had only £TO or £80' a week for himself .

d is tr ic t Justlcei O'COnnell said, ithlait a m a n who could earn' as much as £7i0,0Qi0 a year could hard ly be entitled to free legal aid and h e accordingly ref'usied the application.

Know Your Rights Q—.la there anyth ing i Can

do about a s i tuat ion where my husband gives up hardly any-th ing for keeping the family? He gets £85 p.w. Unemployment money from sooial Welfare. I have two children to try and keep buit some' weeks' I get no money a t all—(not even for flood.

A—From wha t you say it appears your husband Is get-t ing Unemployment Benefit for you and' your 2 chi ldren as well as his own personal rate. This would bring the basic payment up to £85 p.w.

ilf th is is the aase you can apply to have the dependent Wife's; and children's portion paid to you separately.

To do this you contact the Employment Exchange where your husband gie|ts his payment and give your reasons for asking for separate payments. You may need to substantiate your claim witih Independent evidence I.e. a social worker who migh t be aware of the Situation.

•Where you find yourself Without money for your basic needs you should go a long to the Communi ty Welfare Officer a t your local hea l th centre. He is there to helip out in siu'ch situations.

(This column hasi been com-piled by Dungarvan commun i t y Informat ion ' Centre wh ich pro-vides. a free a n d confidential service to the public. Open ing times of Centre, wh ich is lo-cated to, t he Courthouse, are: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes-days! — 7-9' p.m.; Saturdays' — M a .m.-1 p.m.)

Ait the Dfetiriot Court in Dun-garvan on April 25, a young woman from the Gael tacht , Yvonne Murray, Knocken-power, Ring, was fined the max imum of £5'0 by District Justice W. F. O'Connell when she was convicted on a charge oif carryitog on a n unlicensed passenger road service on January 13, 1984.

The charge reflated to the r unn i ng on a dheap week-end bus from Dubl in t o provincial centres.

Ait, last week's sitt ing of the Count, Mr. E. P. King. Solr. (J. F. WMliams & .CO.) for t'he defendant applied for an ex-tension of t ime to allow h im to lodge a n appeal against the conviction and fine. He slliated that he had ascertained t ha t Wiaterford City and Dungarvan were the only two centres where1 convictions had been •mlade to theise case®. Similar charges ta other areas hiad all been dismissed.

Dlisitirlct Justice O'donnel l granted the application and al lowed an extension of 21 days 'for the lodgment of the appeal.

A t a meet ing of officers of all 3i2 counties called by the Pre-sident of the GAA at, Croke Park on Saturday, May 3, 'there wasi strong condemnat ion of the failure of the Government to provide for the exemption of the GiAA from t h e Retent ion Tax (DERT).

The meet ing deemed it unac-ceptable t h a t the Association, Which heretofore., in acknow-ledgment of itis role as a Na-tional, voluntary, amateur,, non profit mak i n g organCisiaittion en-joyed exemption under pre-vious Finance Adts, should now be s'o affected. The meet ing called on the GO'venrument to exempt the Association from the tax, whioh would have giriave effects on thei Associa-tion's work in promot ing Gaelic Games a n d cu l ture and i ts role In the communi ty .

The meet ing also' expressed dismay at the .failure' of the Mitois'ter for Finance' to meet the Officers ot t h e As'socfialtlon, despite a numlber of requests, and called on h i m to do so immediately.

I n the courste of a report to the May month ly meeting of 'Wiaterford County Council held ito Dungarvan , Mr. B. J. Mc-Nally, COunty Secretary pointed out t ha t Allied Ir ish Bank pic. 'became Treasurer t o the Coun-cil fol lowing the amalgamat ion some years ago of certain banks inc lud ing the Muns'ter & Lein-ster Ltd., the then Treasurer of •the Council .

The report went on to state: "The ALB are now seeking rati-fication of this position and also rat i f icat ion of the case of flacsilmliae signature on paying orders by the Council. To give effect to this, a resolution is necessary together wi th an agreement authoris ing the Bank ito. debit the Council's accounts w i th the' cheques or orders issued With facsimile signa-tures."

The Council unanimously approved of the report and passed the resolution submitted wi th it.



Free, p r o m p t c o l l e c t i o n


Phone 058/56337

U W N M O W E R S repaired and sharpened. — The Foundry Stephen Street, Dunga rvan

M c G U i R E s GARDEN CENTRE is open every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days; closed on Mon-day—-McGulre's Garden Centre, Rossduff, Woodstown. Tele-phone 051/82136.

WE SELL — Angles, R.S.J.'s, Tubing. Re-Bar, P la t ing and Galvanise and al l types of bl ieds supplied in K i t Form. Telephone 052/21455 or Rath-gormack 051/46075.

ORCHARD8TO WN GARDEN CENTRE — Top qual i ty trees shrubs, roses, fruit , etc. Open 7 days a week (Sunday 2-6 p.m.) 20 m inu tes drive f rom Dungar-van on Waterford Road, a t Tra-more Cross. Telephone o&l/ 84273. (23-5)

F ITZGERALD S MAN'S SHOP, O'Connel l street Dunga rvan — Qua l i ty suits a t £79.95.

FULL SELECTION of Levi Jeans a t Fitzgerald's Man's Shop, O'Connel l Street Dungar-van.

FOR SALE—Sol id fuel boiler, c a n be seen in use. Telephone 058/41855. (23-5)

ONE BEDROOM FLAT to let. Dungarvan . newly decorated, lovely view, private entrance. Apply Fa t ima House. Phone 058/41316.

AT COLUM'S SHOP—On your next purchase of a Kenwood wash ing mach ine sav e £20 be-tween now and June 3.2th. Also on special offer Btemdix tumble dryer, only £145. Now In stock from Pill-lips, the latest In wash-ing- mach ine technology, the Phi l ips S2& automat ic washing machine. This mach ine has a t en year guarantee on the mtotar and tub.—Colum's Shop, O'Conmeii Street, Dungarvan . Phone 058/41278.

FOR SALE—Combine Harves-ter, New Hol land 133. in per-fect work ing order. Telephone 058/54142 (day), or 54562 (evening).

FOR SALE — Homelite Excel 12, good condit ion. — Wi l l i am Geoghegan, Towmspark, Lis-more.

NOW AVAILABLE at Co l ums Shop, the- new C'lairol Heat Wrap. Heat is soothing and re-lieves' all sorts of aches and pa'lns. The Olairol Hc-at Wrap is simple to wrap and fix a round any pa r t of the body, wherever heat is desirable and whenever recommended bv your doctor for the relief of aches' and pains. The unique miassage a t t achmen t gives a comfort ing massage action, and is ideial for sooth ing tense muscles. — C o l u m ' s Shop, O'Connel l Street, Dungarvan . Phone 0'5<8/41278.

FOR SALE — 1982 Honda 90, good condit ion, price £230. Telephone 0'58'59284.

WANTED — Part-t ime milker in tlhe Tallow area. — Box No H341 "Leader" Office.

FOR SALE — 27 ft. mobile home., 2 bedrooms, kitchen, liv-ittngroom, ba throom, in. gcod condit ion, on site in Water-grasshill. price £900 o.n.o. Phone 021/884495 or 058 54070.

FOR SALE—1'976 Mk. 2 Es-cort. Phone 058 46218 (7-9 p.m.)

FOR SALE—Suzuikii DR 4C0 S. Ju ly '84. 7,0100 miles, perfect condit ion, very clean bike, £1,200 o.n.o. Tel. 025 33482.

FOR SALE—Pure Bred Here-ford Bul l , quiet and frui t fu l . Phone 058 42185.

FOR SALE — Site wi th plan-n ing at the Bridge. West Street, Tallow Phone 058 56165.

TRACTOR DRIVER available for silage work. Tallow Bially-duff area. — Box No. K339 "Leader" Office.

FOR SALE — Tomato plaints. Moneymaker land Alicante. — J. Forde. Spar Food Store, Tallow. Phone 058 56215.

HYPNOTHERAPY — Relieves worry, anxiety, tension and fear. Teaches you to relax, helps to alleviate symptoms, I f you have a problem 'phone and make an appo in tment . The cause is treated, no t just the symptom. Sessions are strictly confidenitHal and by appo in tment only. Carried out in quiet, pr ivate surroundings. — W. H. Middleton-Leyton, MBSH, The Lodge, Mocollop. Ballyduff Upper, Co Waterford. Telephone 058/60113. (30-5)

SERVICES AVAILABLE — Sheep Shearer ava i lab le—TOm Lemnorn telephone &-9 p.m. 058' 4*221.

FOR Hi f lE — SHEEP SHEAR-ERS — Sheep Shear ing, sheen pulled cut a n d shorn. Experi-enced shearers, keenest rates. Phone 024'97334 after 7 p.m.

CARPET'S AND UPHOLSTHRY professionally cleaned. H igh pressure cOeanlng house fronts, farmyards, cattle houses, ma-chinery etc. — Casey Cleaning Services, Tallow. Phone 058/ 56123.



R A L E I G H AGENTS All Leading Brands Stocked.

First Class After Sales Service.

Trade-ins accepted. PRAM & NURSERY DEPT.

Baby requirements at. unbeatable prices.

Telephone 058/41376

FOR SALE Large Portable Timber

Store Size: 50x36 '

Dismant led in sections for removal.

(Apply: — BOX NO. M340 Leader Office^

FOR SALE — 1982 DWsun Cherry, exicellent condition. Phone 038/5<J341.

WANTED — Young person to work o n farm. Teiephone 058 42163.

STOLEN OR STRAYED from Ooolisheal, Ballyduff, Co. Wa-terford — Friesian one-year-old bu'Miook. G'ardail notified. Re-ward. — John Kenny. Bailinlo-vane. Blallyduff. Telephone 058/ 60218.

OFFICE W O R K — P e r s o n wanted for varied office work, shorthand, and typing required, dr iving an advantage. Phone 058/41858.


CONWAY — Fourth Anniver-sary — I n loving memory of Eileen Conway, Aglish, Cappo-quin, who died on Miay 24, 1982. R.I.P. Masses offered.

Wi l l those who th i nk of her today,

A l'lbtle prayer to Jesus say. 'Always remembered by her

loving husband Wi l l i am) .

CONWAY — Fourth Anniver-sary — I n lowing memory of my dear mother, Eileen Con-way. Agllsh, Cappoquin, who died on May 24, 1982. R.I.P. Masses offered.

The happy hours we once enjoyed,

How sweet their memory still. ©u t death has left a vacant

place, This world never fill. 'Always remembered by her

loving daughter Anin, Frank and family.)

E A R L E Y — N i n t h Anniversary —.In loving memory of Michael Barley, Murphy Place, Abbey-side, who died on May 19. 1977. Mass offered.

Will those who think of him today.

A little prayer to Jesus say. (Always remembered by Dora l

a n d Jtosie and boys in Man-chester and his fami ly at home.)

FLYNN — E ighth Anniversary — I n loving memory of Paddy Flymn, 48 M.urphy place, Abbey-side1, who died May; 21. 1978.

As you were you will a'ways foe.

Someone special in our imiemory.

(Remembered today and al-ways by his loving wife Biddy and fami ly) .


The individual winners from the schools who participated in Con O'Tuama, AIB, Mr. Barry Foley, Deputy Manager, AIB, Regional College, Waterford (Adjudicator).

the AIB Dungarvan Art Competition. Also included are Mr. Miss Claire O'Leary, AIB and Mr. Tony Ryan, Art Dept.,

(Photo: Rory Wyley)


DUNGARVAN SCOUT TROOP NOTES (11th/32nd Waterford Troop)


We had' a ful l attendance at this meeting, main ly because of the fine weather tha t was be-stowed upon us. After the prayer we all headed straight for the CBS field for our meet-ing.

The first th ing on the agenda was our "Scout Olympics." These got underway imme-diateEy w i t h points being given for the winners in each event. The most favoured events were the sihlct putt , sprints and especially the javelin (main ly because we used B.C. for a target ! ) The overall winner will be announced nexit. week.

Our tenits were then brought up and we had some tent p i tch ing races, which included bl indfolded tent pitchtng.

A t 8.45 we wemt t ack to the dem whe.-e we wsire' told to be down on Sunday to distribute church leaflets. Next week sees the fimai) j udg ing in the Patrol of the Year Competit ion, so every patrol's box and board has to be spick and span for nexit, weeik.


The mse'ling began at 6.30 withi a poor turnout . This was due to the ra in however and by 6.45 most of the cubs were down. We kicked off the n ight with a few balloon games run by Micheal. Stephen's team won the firsit one amd Conor's team had victory in thei second.

W e then' broke up Into our testwork groups. The Bronze Arrows' concentrated on drill, while the Gold and. Silver Arrows' had more fun w i th a kdmisi game and a tracking trail. The kims game involved tast ing several pieces of fcod and ident i fying theim. Whi le most of the- cubs tried to recover afiter e.a t i ng mustard and pepper. Nicola ran another game down-stairs.

The new clans were then gin.nouoced. the sixers being S.t'eph°m Fraher, Owen Fitzger-ald. Mark Rladley and Adrian Hansiberry. The meeting finish-ed at 8 p.m. approximately.

— P.R.O.


Fund Rais ing — o u r "Nite At The Races" was an outstanding success last F'riday n igh t and the following are the results:—

Paddy O'Brien Novice Stakes —1, sean Power's Only once ; 2, J ohn Costin's Greatrakes I I : 3, Eamonn Costin's Golden De-licious.

Noel C u m m i n s Hand icap Stakes — 1, Ann Kiely's Row Boat; 2, John Coughlan's Win-n ing Mary : 3, Josie McCarthy's Graigue Lady.

Paddy O'Shea's St. Leger—1, Ann Cotter's Lovers Walk: 2, ^ohn Mesklll's Ri ta 's Choice: 3, F in tan Murray's Murray's Pine.

Cappoquin Chicken Derby—1, Michael Ormond's Card K id ; 2, Noel Looby's Kilbree Kil ler: 3, Pat Morrissey's Affane Susie.

Auction Race — 1, Bob Troy's Stella; 2, Danny Murray's Bob Janouchek 4th: 3, Ger Mason's Triple crown: 4, Paddy O'Shea's Strawberry Kiss.

The Ra i lway Bar Stakes — 1, Mark O'Connor's Scrum Hal f ; 2, Myra O'Donnell 's Myra's Way : 3, Eily Mason's Olympic Hero.

The Drumrue Novice Stakes— 1. Mick Landers' Top Cut: 2, Billy O'Donoghue s Quick Sale: 3, Jack Culllnane's Portnaglock.

Auction Race — 1. Pat Fren-dergast's Eileen's Pet- 2, Mich-ael Murray's and T. Buckley's Slip Away. 3, Paddy O'Shea's Affane- 4, Sean Power's Little Cub.

Auct ion Race—1, Tommy Hic-key's and Paddy O'Brien's But-chers Combined- 2. joe Maher's W inn ing Fare: 3, Sean Power's Joe Johnson; 4, Ail ish Dallon's Ailish's Choice.

The club wishes to t h ank all who supported us last Friday night , especially Cappoquin Rowing Club for t h e use of their excellent facilities. We are in-debted to Mr. J ohn Byrne, Dun-garvan. for his organisat ion of the Tote. Master of ceremonies Kieran O'Connor kept every-th ing runn ing smoothly and what about his auctioneering banter.

We received further sponsor-ship on the n ight from Tommy Hickey. Billy O'Donoghue, East Cork Oil and Tom Feerick. Our thanks to them.

Championships — Wi th the wi thdrawal of Coll igan from the junior hur l ing champion-ship our game against Lismore has been brought forward to Saturday night . We expect a full turnout of olayers.

Ail intermediate footballers are expected to attend t ra in ing sessions in the field for our most imoor tant game wi th Geraldlnes.

A very much Improved per-formance from our senior hur-lers saw off Tallow in convinc-ing fashion last Sunday. The team rose to the occasion but can still improve their game.

Team — M. Phe lan ; J. Mc-Carthy, M. Brackett, P. McCar-thy B. Murray, J. Fives, K. Mc-rarthv- D. Murrav, p. Curran; S. Fraher, P. Egan, F. Murray: P. Morrissey, N. Heffernan, J. Mason. Subs. _ M. Hackett for Heffernan; F. McCarthy for S. Fraher.

On gate dutv next week (25th to 31st May i are — M. Morris-sey, M. Phelan, D. Flynn.


Ascension Thursday saw the troop doing investiture badge work, part of which consisted of a long hike covering a large area tak ing in parts of Knock-mealdown and ending in Glen-shelane where firellghtlng took place and sausages were cook-ed in tinfoil.

The meeting last Thursday n ight consisted of games and badgework.

Our senior scouts took part in a Ra i lway hike from Dun-garvan to Waterford to raise funds for the extension of the scout den. An appeal is made to parents to get their spon-sorship cards in to the treas-urer as soon as nossible.

Looking ahead, on Mav 30th the troop will cycle to Strad-bally for a weekend under can-vas and the following week will see the start of the regional competit ions for the O'Farrell Trophy. This is based on Inves-titure procedure. The cub pack are prepar ing for the father and son camp which will be held in Melleray Scout Centre next month . This weekend is the h igh l ight of scouting ln these parts and will see father and son takn part in cub projects. Down through the years this

has been a great success, great credit going to the cub leaders of the region, which consists of Stradbally, Cappoquin, Dungar-van, Clashmore, Tallow and Ab-beyside. The cub paok would like to see all the fathers of cubs at a meeting in the Scout Den on Wednesday, May 28th at 9 p.m.

The recruiting sergeant is still hard at it regarding lead-ers for the cub pack. He has had promises but noth ing de-finite. One or two could be de-tailed In the near future. So much for this week, u n t i l our next notes, God Bless.


The final stages of the com-petition will be held on next Friday, 23rd, in Deckle Walsh's and on the following Friday, 30th in the Tavern.

There was a thr i l l ing finish in Kereen on last Friday n ight wi th a seven-all draw after two matches between Deckles and Kereen. Deckles held a four to three advantage after the first n ight but Kereen fought back magnif icently on the n igh t to claw their way back and were most unlucky not to win.

After the draw the house champions had to play one an-other to decide who would go into tlie final. Milpik Surkc . was unfor tunate to lose out to Christy Keohan hav ing beaten h im earlier in the night .

The Tavern beat Morrissey's in the other semi-final 4-1, hav-ing held a four to three advan-tage from the first n ight . So the stage is set for the final with Deckles as clear favourites hav ing already beaten the Tav-ern in the West Waterford Cup.


On Sunday last Tourin com-menced their hur l ing cham-pionship campa ign in Cappo-quin against Bal lysaggart and unfortunately our opponents proved far too good for us. The result was obvious from the be-ginn ing as Ballysaggart, young, fit and well prepared were play-ing wi th greater urgency and commitment . Our same showed a corresponding lack of com. m l tmen t and unless there ls a change of heart we will find ourselves out of the champion-ship. I t is now more important t han ever to be at the field for training.

Team — O. Wilkinson: M. 0 KeefTc-. J im Barry. P. Scan-lon G. Bennett P. O'Keeffe, J. D. Leahy- W. Leahy. M. Barry: J ohn Barn-, P- Leahy. G- B'arry . P Farrell, j . Bennett . E. Sulli-van. subs. — J. Da l ton for Far-rell; .T. Collender for Sul l ivan: V. O'Keeffe for C. Barry; V. Moloney.

Next Sunday we play Clash-more in Oappoquin and now, more t h a n ever, we need to pul l out all the stops. We cannot suffer another defeat if we wish to keep our championsh ip hopes alive.


Mi l l Mav _ 1. Addle Buckley and Kath leen O 'Mahony; 2, H I Costin and Anne McCarthy: 3, Monica Walsh and Andrew Mc-Grath .

BOWLING Sundav, May 26th at 10.30 —

James McCarthy 5 v. Mossle Morrissey 10. John O'Donoghue 1 v. Tom Farrell 4.

Sunday, June 1st at 10.30 — L iam Power 1 v. J ohn Walsh 3.


Bank of Ireland were major sponsors of Cappoquin Angl ing Club's angl ing promotion since its formation. Last Saturday and Sunday 22 rods competed In most unfavourable weather conditions. Winner of the mag-nificent, first orize of £500 was Michael Moloney, Dungarvan . Jo int second were Graeme Berry, Fermoy and Noel O'Keeffe. Each received £250.


ATHLETIC CLUB On Sunday last the second

leg of the County Champion-ships took nlace in the Friary Grounds. Abbeyside. There was a large attendance of athletes from all the clubs in the county and the standard of competi-tion was high. Our athletes took hnme five county titles and won silver and bronze medals as well. ,

Michael Ahearne carried on where he left off last week win-ning the shot r>utt competit ion ami finishing in second place in the junior discus, p. J. Gul-nan won the 1,500m. under 17 and was second in the 1,500m.

race for juniors. Stephen Mc-Carthy finished in first place in the 1,500m. under 16 and th ird place in the steeplechase under 16. Kenneth Stack finished in third place in the 800m. under 11.

The girls also Derformed well wi th Corrina Walsh w inn ing the 80l'm. under 12 and Lor-raine Maher w inn ing the 200m. under 13. Frances Whyte got th? silver medal In the girls u/17 long j ump and the bronze medal In the 1,500m. N iamh Scanlon got the silver medal in the 1,500m. under 13 and Fiona Lynch got the silver in the junior ladies discus.

This was another good dis-play by our athletes but some of them would want to make an appearance at t ra in ing more often if they want to improve. Remember, t ra in ing is on Tues-days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Full results are as follows:—

Girls u/12 — Corrina Walsh, 1st 800m.

Girls u/13 _ Lorraine Maher, 1st 2C0m.

Girls u/13 — N i amh scanlon, 2nd 1,500m.

Girls u/17 — Frances Whyte, 3rd l,500m., 2nd long jump.

Jun ior Ladies — Fiona Lynch, 2nd discus.

Boys u/11 — Kenneth Stack, 3rd 800m.

Eoys u/15—.Michael Ahearne, 1st shot.

Boys u/16 — steDhen McCar-thy, 1st 1,500m., 3rd steeple-chase.

Boys u/17 — P. J. Gu inan , 1st 1,500m.

Jun ior men — Michael Ah-earne, 2nd discus.

Jun ior men — P. J. Gu inan , 2nd 1,500m.

Best of luck to all our ath-letes in the final leg of the championships in Ferrybank next week.

MRS. HANNAH PHELAN The death of Mlrs. H a n n a h

Plhslian, GffiaigueniagO'ur. Bally-m'aciaribry, took place dur.'ng the early hours of Tuesday. May 6.

che was- a we'll-loved member of the communi ty .and will be

, sadCy missied by lall those who j <kinew her, iand sincere sympathy is extended (to her relatives.

Her remains, were removed on Tuesday evening from .tihe Kiely Fulmsral Heme to 'Fourmilewater • hunch where I'jhey were blessed by Rev. P. Moran O.3.A., Augus t in ian College, assisted by Rev. M. Wialsh, C.C.

Fr. Moran was celebrant of the Rlequiem Mass on Wednes-day morn ing and also officiated a t the 'giriaveside.

Sincere sympathy i s extended to her relatives.

MR. WILLIAM TOBIN Mir. WlKliam Tobin, Shan,bally,

Leamybrien, Whose death took place on Thursday. iMay 8. had been a respected a nd hiighly-esteemed member of the com-munity.

He h a d been well kinown in coursing circles as he was the keeper of ithe hares- for the local 'Dungarvan Coursing meet-ing (held (annually at Cionea.

Sincere sympathy is extended to his daughter and grand-children on their sad bereave-ment .

His' remains were removed from the Kiely Funera l Home on Friday evening to Bal l inroad Church iand were blessed and received by Very Rev. Canon Farrell. P.P.

Rev. P. Ahearne, C.C.„ cele-brated the Requiem Miasis on Saturday morn ing a nd also officiated at the bur ia l which took place in the ad jo in ing cemetery, assisted by Canon Farrell, P.P.


Dungarvan Leader TELEPHONE <058) 41203

FR IDAY , MAY 23, 1986

CONFIRMATION His Lordship. Mosit Rev. Dr.

Michael Russell, Bishcp of Wa-


is expected to attend the Solemn- Novena to Our Mother of perpetual Help which com-mences1 in Dunigarvan this Sa-turday mornling. To cater for the big crowds there will be eight sessions of the Novena each day: four sessions in St. Mary's Church and four in Abbeyside Church.

The Solemn Novena. kinown as the "Festival of Fa i th . " ls for everyone but it has, a parti-cular at tract ion for the young. Tb judge from the venues' up and down the countrlv where the' novena has been held dur-ing the past ten years1 the big percentage of those mak ing the novema were in the 16 to 25 age bracket.

Seven Redemptorlst priests are' conducting the Solemn No-vena. They are confident tha t the festival wiltl be an out-standing success in this the In ternat iona l Year of Peace. Fr. Jilrn Travers. the Director of the Nioverba, has been very impress-ed! by the tremendous amount of preparat ion that has. been dome by the local priests, reli-gious and lay people.


.Sunday next, Mlay 25, Is going to be a special day for the babies and young children. There will be special sessions of the niovena for them and their parents in Abbeyside church at 3 p.m. and i n St. Mary's church at 4 p.m. Each baby will receive a personal blessing and get a blessed medal.

A special feature of the niovena is the communi ty sling-ing before and during each session. Those who p lan to at-tend are urged to come along early, about fifteen minutes ahead of time, to take par t in the singing.

This week Fr. Travers ap-pealed to motorists to co-operate wi th the gardai and the lay helpers who will be trying to minimise traffic congestion.

'He aisO asked Novena-goers to note the special programme for Sundays. The sessions on Sundays are as' follows: St. M'ary's: 9 a.m.. 10,St) a.m.. 12 noon, 4 p.m.. 7.30 p.m.; Abbey-side: 8.30 a.m.. 1(0.30 a.m.. 12 noon. 3 p.m., 7.30' p.m. SICK, AGED AND HANDICAPPED

The silok. handicapped and the aged wV'l receive snJeclal at tent ion 0 n Saturday, May 31 at Abbeyside Church at 11.30 a.m. and at St. Mary's Church at 3.45 p.m. Dur ing these N'ovema sessions there will be Anoint ing of the Sick. Handi-capped and Aged.

terford and Lismore, will ad-minister the Siaaramsmit of Con-firmation to the children of the United Parishes of Toivranaiena anid Uhe Nire at St. Hetar.ia's Church. Nire on this Thursday. Mlay 2*2.


A big welcome home to Terrie Burke*, Touraneema and Kevin O'Connor, Cappoqcin. who worked in Tenner if e for the past three months.


Last week's oard winners—1. Paddy Kiely. Billy Condon; 2. P. J. and Nonie Queally, Patsy MIcGrath, Bernard Ha: i inan ; last game. Pat® Condon a.nd Mick Sull ivan; lucky tia "dies, Brendan Tobin. J immy Kiely, Neddy Crotty, Maurice Condon; Rlaffle, James Condon. Mar-garet Grace, J'im and Jerry.


Congratulat ions to Miss Eliz-abeth W'helan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Whelan . Kil-cooney. Eialllnamuilt. on the happy occasion of her mar-riage to Mr. I a n Tierney, son of Mr. and Mlrs. Maurice Tierney. Cahiertairaak, Eal l toamult .

The ceremony took place at Sit. Mary's Church, Touranee-na. We wlish them both many hiappy years of wedded bliss.



I n a mara thon 10-race card (four of the six races had to be divided) at Bart lemy (Co. cork) Point-to-Point run off in ideal weather last Sunday afternoon, there were some excellent finishes.

Among the riders to score doubles was J ohn Quealy. Dun-garvan, who has had a most successful season. He scored the first, leg in Division I I of the 4-Y-O Maiden when he had 10 lengths to soare on Mr. T. N. Fitzgerald's (Midleton) "Shady Road" and completed the double with a 15 lengths win on Mr. C. Healy's (Bishopstown) "Oidcourt Lad" in the Agra Meats Championsh ip Final .

"Golden Point" owned by Mr. Tom Hurley, Tallow continued to display her recent good form when she made l ight of win-ning Division I I of the Open Lightweight race. This was her fourth win in five outings.

While another Dungarvan rider. Nicky Dee. failed on this occasion to get into the winners ring he rode two seconds and a third while John Quealy wound up a very satisfactory meeting for h im with a second on "Glcnbrook" in Division I of the 5-Y-O Maiden.



Hospitalised in Ardkeen at present where he has undergone surgery is popular Urban coun-cillor Paddy Power. We wish Cllr. Power a speedy recovery and an early return to his nor-mal duties.


Commencing Thursday, 22nd May, Connolly Chemists will remain open all day Thursday and will close for half-day on Tuesday. —(Advt.) .


The above sports will be held on F'riday. June 13th at 6.15 p.m. in Fraher Field. All schools in West Waterford should by now have registration forms. Closing date for entry. June 1st. Infor-mat ion from Da i th i O Cadhla, O.S. (42200). Dungarbhan .

PROGRESSIVE 45 DRIVE The Progressive 45 Drive at

Hayes. The Pike on this Fri-day n ight is in aid of the F ight for Sight Campaign. Help buy the Yak Lazer, come to Hayes' and enjoy a great night 's cards.

ABBEY BR IDGE CLUB Results, 13th May — 1. Mrs.

E. Frost and guest: 2, Miss C. Christopher and Mr. W. Power: •>. Miss E. McConville and Mrs. S. Queally. DUNGARVAN MART

The entry at Dungarvan Mart on Monday last was 700 cattle, 400 calves and 250 sheep. The very large number of bullocks on offer met a good steady trade. Good quality sold well and last week's prices were mainta ined. However, plainer sorts were somewhat quieter and were back by £2 to £ 3 per head.

Lamb prices were much im-proved and prices were up by £ 5 and £ 6 per head.

The heifer trade was again lively and prices here were fully mainta ined.

Calf numbers were increased on orevious weeks and good quality calves sold well but poorer calves were a quieter trade.


9th Draw — £50, Willie Fahy, Co-op. p. Billy Kiely; £30, George Young, Co-op. p. Pa Meehan; £20. L iam Gibl in. p. J im Mul l ins : £15. Ml. O'Rior-dan, Abbeyside, n. John Moore; £19, John Boland. V.G., p. Tho-mas Len ihan : £10. David Lon-ergan, Co-op, p. Peter Fern-combc.

10th Draw (May 16) — £50, Ed. Wade. Hlllvlew Drive, p. Noel Sheehan; £30, T lmmy Healy. Caseyville, p. Billy Kelly: £20. David and Sandra Fern-combe, Abbeyside, p. Peter Fern-combe; £15, Pat White, p. L i am Dwyer: £10, Mrs. Burke, Law-lor's Hotel, p. Mary Fitzgerald; £10, Mrs. Neylin, Shandon. p. Ml. Lyons.

Feelings of profound sorrow and regret were occasioned at news of the death of Mrs. Jose-phine (Josie) G-reaney, (nee Mc-Gra th ) , which sad event took place at the District Hospital, Dungarvan , on Sunday, May 11. She had reached an advanced agt and had been ill for some time.

Josie had been an extremely popular lady in the locality. A good neighbour, she possessed a kindly and courteous nature and her death has been the cause of much sorrow to her kindly neighbours and friends but more especially to her sor-rowing brother and other re-latives to whom we extend deep and sincere sympathy.

She was relict of Tommy Greaney who had been foreman at Power's Brewery for many years.

Her remains were removed on Monday evening to St. Mary's Parish chu rch and were receiv-ed by Rev. M. Cul l inan, C.C., assisted by Rev. W. Oarey, C.C., Very Rev. J. O'Sull ivan and Rev. Fr. Hooper, O.S.A.

F'r. Cul l inan. C.C.. was cele-brant of the Requiem Mass on Tuesday morn ing at which the Lessons were read by Josie's nephew Pat McGrath . Burial took place in the adjo in ing cemetery afterwards. Fr. Cul-l inan officiated at the grave-side assisted bv Rev. J. Griff in, C.C., Rev. W Carey, C.C., Rev. Fr. Hooper, O.S.A. and Very Rev. J. O'Sull ivan.

Chief mourners — Denis Mc-Grath . Keat ing Street, Dungar-van (brother), nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.

MR. MICHAEL FERNCOMBE Feelings of profound sorrow

we re occasioned at news of the death of Mr. Michael F'ern-cornbe. Cappagh, which took place on Thursday, May 15.

One of nature's gentlemen, Michael had been an extremely pomilar person in the locality ar.d his death has been the cause of much sorrow to his many friends but more espe-cially to his sorrowing sons, daughters, brother, sister and other family relatives to whom wo extend deep and sincere sympathy.

His remains were removed from the Kiely Funera l Home to Bal l inameela Churc-h on Fri-day evening and were blessed and received by Rev. P. Fitz-gerald, C.C.. assisted by Very Rev W. Cal lanan. P.P.. Very Rev. M. Russell, P.P.. Modeligo, Rev. J. Griff in, C.C. and Rev. W. Carey. C.C.

The l l o'clock Mass on Sun-day was offered up for the re-nose of his soul by Rev. D. Fitzgerald. Chapla in . Oarriglea. who also officiated at the burial in the adjoin ing cemetery, as-sisted by Very Rev. M. Russell, P.P.

MR. JOHN KIELY The death of Mr. John Kiely.

Lyreattin. BaWina.mutft. t o o k place unexpectedly on Thurs-day, May 8. ,

Possessed of 'a quiet and gentle disposition, he was ex-tremely popular and his death has been ithe cause of much sorrow, especially to his sisters and other relatives, to whom we extend sincere sym-pathy. .

His remains were removed frcm the Kielv Funeral Home to (Sit. Mlary's Church. Toura-neema on Friday evening and were blessed and received by Rev Fir Ibloyd C.C.. assisted by Very Rev. N. Walsh and Rev. L. Walsh.

Very IRev. J . Keat ing . P.P. and Rev 'L. Wa lsh were co-cele-brants of the. Requiem Mass- on Saturday mcrmtag. Also -present weire Very (Rev. N. Wafelh and Rev Fr Lloyd. C.C. Fr. Keat ing also officiated at .the buria l , assisted by the other clergy .present. _

Chief mourners — Mrs. Pegs-' Nagle, Baiiinamiu'lit. Mrs. Kitit.v Ryan. KnocMc fty (si sters), bro the rs-in-''a w.. w. nephews, nieces and relatives.

MR. DANIEL O'CONNOR We record with regret the

death of Mr. Daniel O'Connor, BaUingown, Villierstown, which occurred at the District Hospi-tal, Dungarvan on Wednesday, May 14. following a long illness.

A popular member of the farming" community, he was a native of Bantry but had re-sided in the Aglish area for over 40 years.

His remains were removed on Thursday from the Kiely Funeral Home to Aglish Church wh^re they were received by Very Rev. W. Cal lanan. P.P., as-sisted by Rev. P. Fitzgerald, C.C

Very Rev. Fr. Cal lanan. P.P. was celebrant of the Requiem Mass on Friday morn ing and also officiated at the interment afterwards in the adjoin ing cvmetery.

Chief mourners — Derry and Donal. Eal l ingcwn (sons): Michael O'Connor, Summerhi l l . Ardmore (brother); Mrs. carmel O'Connor ( daugh te r- i n- l aw) ; Alison O'Connor (grand-daugh-ter), nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.

• n a B B B M H a K s a n a s i




Delicious Fresh Cultured Buttermilk


Central Dairies Ltd. DUNGARVAN

Price 30p per litre — available in all shops and from your Roundsman.



Fridge Freezer only £215. i-in^ Fridge/Freezer only £225 Double Oven Electric Cooker now £350. Jackson Electric Cooker only £275. Gas Cooker now £185. Gas Cooker, Eye Level Grill, only £290, Deep Freeze, 9 cu. ft., only £210. Kettles, irons, Hoovers, Gas Heaters, etc., all to clear

at Cost Prices — See Window for Display.



Bord solathair an Leictreachai*

NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS In order to carry out essential improvements

and alterations to our networks, we regret

that it will be necessary to interrupt the

electricity supply as follows:


Tuesday, 27th May — From 09.30 to 4.00 p.m. — Garrybrittas, Coolowen, Coolydoody, Aglish, Ahaunboy Ballymartin, Garryclone, Glencairn, Ballygally. Ralph, Ballyvecane, Fortwilliam.


Thursday, 29th May — From 09 30 to 4.00 p.m. — Saiterbridge, Glenribbeen, Monaman, Ballygalane, Glen-faun, RatJh, Coolcrishoge, Sruh.


1—Please treat all services and installations as

live during this period as supply may be

resumed at any time for brief periods.

2— I f you own or opeiate Electrical Generating

Equipment, please inform your local E.S.B.

Office immediately.


We stock the full range of Animal Feeds at the right prices: —

Maverick Milk Substitute, Cattle and Dairy Nuts, Coarse Calf Meal, Calf Pencils, Calf Nuts, Beef Nuts (with Romensan), Barley Balance Fine Meal, Parata, Bull Nuts, Broiler Foods, Layers Mash and Pellets, pig Rations, Bonham Craep Pellets, Sheep and Lamb Nuts, K.N Z. Mineral Licks, etc., etc.

All at unbeatable prices.





Dungarvan Urban Council invites applications for the above list. Closing date is Monday, 30th June, 1986.

Applications will be confined to persons' in the follow-ing categories:—

1.—Persons whose annual .income for the previous year is sucth that they are deemed to be unable to provide their own accommodation.

2.—Married couples or married couples with families.

3.—Single persons over the age of 50 years who satisfy Condition No. 1 above.

4.—Council tenants whose present accommodation is deemed to be unsuitable on health grounds.

Applications will not be considered from:— (a) Persons who have disposed by way of sale or

otherwise of suitable housing accommodation in the past.

(b) Persons who; are deemed ,to be adequately housed Cotter than Councf.l tenants Living alone who may wish to be accommodated in smaller Local Author-ity dwellings).

Application forms available from:



courts were to high demand. On Tuesday 13th we had the u-14 Munster SchooJs Tennis League Div. 1. semi-finals be-tween Laurel Hill, Limerick and the Mercy Convent, Dungarvan. Playing for Laurel Hill wias' 13-yeiars-old Gina Nyiand who is Munsiter's no. 1 u-«14 player. She played superb tennis, display-ing talent that justifies her Miunster ratling. Laurel Hill were victorious but our girls— Judy O'lBrien, Emma- Fleming, Aolfe Noctcr and Sandra Leo also provided us with some lovely tennis.

On Thursday 15th we had the O'Brien Cup, sponsored by E. O'Brien & Sons (Dungarvan) Ltd. This cup is an u-19 Wa-terford Secondary Schools tour-nament and again tihe Mercy Convent were involved, playing Slteflila Maris, Triamtore. in the final. This time the honours went to our girls., and playing for the' Mercy were: Helena Lenihan, J i % O'Connor. Jtudy O'Brien, Mary Creed and Ann O'Kelly. Well played girls:, and "thank you" to our sponsor.

On Friday 16th we. had the u-19 Munster Schools Tennis League Div. 11 semi-final be-tween the Mercy Convent. Ntenagh and 'the Mercy Con-vent, Dungarvan. Again our girls, — N'aoml Holand, Jilly O'Connor, Ann O'Kelly and HeCiena Lendhan — played some lovely shot® but the Mercy Convent, Nemagh, were vic-torious in that division.

Now, while these tourna-ments were being played in the afternoon, the adults were hav-ing their own fun playing in the Inter-Firms. We had an ex-cellent entry of twenty-six teams, and on Sunday we payed the finals at the Cause'-Way to' welcome sunshine and the winners were as follows:—

Section 'A': David Walshe. Office Equipment. Team: David Wlalshe and Ursula Walshe: Lar Cummins and Carmel Cum-mins.; runners-up: Carroll Mo-tors. Team: Owen Carroll and Frances Carroll, Michael Drum-my and Sue Mahony.

Section 'B' — Coffee Lounge. Team: Liam Maher and Eileen Branman, Donal Verling and Bat Flanagan; Runners-up: In-tertime. Team: Tom D'Arcy (sub for Gerard Dalton) and Theresa Keane. Nliall King and Ann Biggins.

Section 'C"—Bank of Ireland. Team: Brendan Muilen and Mary Sheehy, John O'Brien and Martha Bay-. Runiners-up: Wa-terford COuhty Council Team: Giavan Tracey and Mary Coffee, J im O'Mahony and Mary Brett.

Lovely shots were played, one in particular by Mioheal Drum-my and good fun was. had by all. Dawn Foods sponsored the Inter-Firms Tournament and this will now become an annual event.

Suzanne Dalton (our presi-dent) congratulated the win-ners, thanked our sponsor, all who participated in the tour-nament, the Mercy Convent and Waterford Glass for the use of their courts for the week.

Mossle Norris < president of St. Laurence's Club) endorsed Suzanne's, sentiments and pre-sented the winners and runners up with their trophies and prizes. Minnies was the venue for the 'get together.' where, needless to say, the celebra-tions continued.


Members of An Coiste Forbartha, An Rinn, who received the Award under the Community Development Scheme organised by Udaras na Gaeltachta from the Minister for the Gaeltacht in Galway last Friday. Included (1. to r.) arc: Tomas O Ceilleachair, Mairead Ui Mhuirithc, Seamus MacCraith, Aine Ui Cheilleachair, Minister for the Gaeltacht, Paddy O'Toole, T.D., Toinas de Faoitc, Aonghus Mac Domh naill (member of the Board of Udaras). See report on page 6.



Council at their monthly meet-ing in Dungarvan approved in principle of the creation of a number of posts of Revenue Collectors to rationalise the situation created by the ab-olition of domestic and agri-

' cultural rates and the positions of rate collectors.

In the course of a report to the Council on the matter, Mr. B. J. M:Naliy, County Secretary stated:—

"Following prolonged negotia-tions at National level on the rationalisation of Rate Collect-ors posts, agreement was reach-ed on a retirement scheme for Rate Collectors and the aboli-tion of their offices and the creation of office of Revenue Collectors.

"The Revenue Collector would have the function of collecting all revenues, i.e. rates, rents and annuities, charges, etc., in an area and the current col-lection methods would be phased out on the appointment of Revenue Collectors.

''Currently, the Council have 4 Rate Collectors to whom the option is applicable. I n ad-dition, there are 12 other col-lectors who are all part-time, except one, who would be affect-ed by the proposal. Some of these are former collectors re-tained pending resolution of the rationalisation.

"The Council is asked, at this stage, to agree in principle to— (a) Creation of 8 Posts of Rev-enue Collectors; (b) Abolition of Posts of Rate Collectors: (Ci Abolition of Posts of Rent Collectors.

"The formal approval of the Council will be sought when the details are finalised."

On the proposal of Cllr. B. Swift seconded by Cllr. B. Kyne. the Council unanimously ap-proved of the report.


B'rideview's under 10 team travelled to Youghal last Sun-day morning to play their first league match, but were convin-cingly beaten by 5 goals to one. Brideview took the lead after 18 minutes when James Tobin scored with a tremendous shot. Youghal's equaliser came just before the interval with another well taken goal. The bigger and stronger Youghal side domin-ated the second half and added four more goals.

Team—B. Power, W. Murphy K. Beecher, T. Keniry, P. Flynn, S. Woods, E. cronin, A. McCar-thy, M O'Brien, J. Tobin, T. Mc-Sweeney, B. Sheehan, j . Henley, J. Tobin, T. Mulcahy, K. Tobin and J. O'Brien.

T A L L O W G.A.A.

The club would like to extend its deepest sympathy to the O'Brien family. Barrack street on their recent bereavement.

Get Well _ Everyone in the club would like to wish Ned Power a speedy recovery from his illness and hone to see him out and about again soon. Ned is presently in a oork hospital.

Senior Hurling — Tallow's prospects of retaining the sen-ior championship took another turn for the worst last Sunday in Lismore when we went down to Cappoquin, 2-13 to 1-10 Al-though leading by one point at half-time, Cappoquin got an early goal and some points to go ahead and their superior fit-ness saw them through the rest of the game.

Unde r 14 Foo tba l l — Ta l l ow ' s

under 14 footballers got back on the winning trail with good wins over Dungarvan (2-7 to 2-5) anrl Nire (6-6 to 0-2). They beat Lismore on Monday night last and have qualified for a playoff with Dungarvan and Kilrossanty for a place to the Western final.

Under 21 Hurling—The under 21 hurlers line out again on Saturday night next in their re-play against Abbeyside at Lis-more. With a full team and a bigger effort we should advance further.

Recent Injuries — We are all glad to see Sean Pratt and Aidan Ryan out and about again after their recent in-juries.

C O N N A C O M M U N I T Y 45 D R I V E R E S U L T S

1st, divided between Mick Tobin and J. Geoghegan, Eily Cotter and Sean McCarthy: 2nd, Tom Brennock and Kieran Fen. ton. P. J. Rumbley and Mar-garet O'Neill, Moss Morrissey and Agnes Murphy. Best of the last 5 — John O'Brien and partner. Lucky tables _ Detty and Mary Leahy,. Mary and Rena O'Leary, Mrs. Barry and Tom Hurley. Tickets — Mrs. Condon, Mrs. Talon and Mrs. Morrissey. Jackpot £370.


Up to 30 people attended a public meeting held in the Credit Union House, last Wed-nesday night to discuss the un-employment situation in the Tallow area. A very open and frank meeting was held and it was quite obvious that a num-ber of people were very interest-ed in doing something to im-prove the employment figures ln the area.

Everyone was In agreement that MIA solution to the prob-lem ls far from easy and that it is not something that can be achieved overnight. What was apparent was that if the people of Tallow would not make the effort nobody else was going to either. With that in mind a small number of people were chosen to meet re-gularly over the next few weeks, discuss and investigate the em-ployment needs of the area and to report back to another oub-lic meeting at the end of June, with any ideas or suggestions they may come up with.


On Saturday last 25 boys and girls from Tallow N.S. received their Frst Communion. They were — B'arry Power. James Murray, Martin Ryan, Wayne Conroy. Jason Prescod, John Cremin, John Barry, David Cremin. John Coughlan, Roy Henley, Claire Mills, Oatriona Treacy, Maureen O'Mahony Una Beecher, Marv O'Keeffe, Lorraine Cronin, Lorraine Mc-Donnell, Pamela Grey, Joanne Kearney, Fiona Henley, Garod-ine Flynn, June Power, Lucy Hampton, Linda Beecher, Pat-ricia Feeney.

Omitted from last week's Knockanore list of those who received First, Communion was Teresa O'Brien.


The club would like to thank all those who sponsored mem-bers for the marathon. I t pro-ved a very successful day. The badminton season has now come to an end and the club would like to thank all those who supported them through-out the year, in particular the Community Centre committee for the use of the hall through-out the year.


John pratt, Ester McCarthy, •Josle Burke, Agnes Murphy, Mrs. Sheehan, Karen Cahill, Bridget Landers, Teresa Sice, Tallow. Nuala O'Brien, Midle-ton, Mrs. Barry, Modeligo, Mrs. Crosse, Knockanore, Elizabeth Ryan. West Street, John Kelly, Bill Landers, Lismore. George Coughlan, Mrs. Landers, Aglish, Bridie Cunningham, Tallow, Mrs. O'Connell, Tourtane, Brian Power. Woodview Park (£1001, Ken Murphy, Conna, James Tobin, Woodview, Mrs. Norris, Tallow.


The vacant house at Wood-view Park, Tallow has been al-lotted to Mr. and Mrs. SOnny Conroy. Cllr. Willie McDonnell made representations on their behalf.


Just by one point Catherines under 12 footballers failed to reach the East Cork final ln a thrilling match at castlemartyr against old rivals Oarrlettwo-i»m u a t Monday evening. Even on a very windy evening it did not prevent those two great exponents of football from producing a game charged with great excitement, all through to the final whistle. Catherines with wind advantage looked like going ahead to the final when well ahead at the break.

Facing a strong gale ln the second half they saw their strong lead being whittled

away by an experienced Carrig' side and despite playing them-selves almost to a standstill the result went to favour of the Carrig' lads (4-5 to 4-41 after one of the best games seen at the venue for a long time.

Team — Des Lucey, Kieran Hlckey, Pat Fitzgerald, Patrick Sheehan, J im Lane, Richard Sheehan, Brian cotter, Mat-thew Noonan, Mark Lane, Johnny Sheehan, Kieran Mor-risson, Owen Riordan, James Fitzgerald, David O'Connelly, Mark Spiliane. Subs.—Richard Cotter, Tom Morrlsson.

Junior Hurling — The long awaited tournament final in-volving St. Catherines and Fer-moy took place last Wednesday evening at Conna. On a sound pitch this game reached great heights at times and although the boys from the Blackwater town had early scores Cather-ines were there all the time with a chance which added tremendously to the contest.

Fermoy entering the second half with a four point lead seemed home and dried for a time but Catherines fought back resolutely and were just deprived of a win at the final whistle by two points after a game which reached a very high standard.

Dan Kenneally refereed. Team — P. Murohy, E. Hart-

nett, B. Neville, D. Hurley, B. Sheehan, J. Mangan, M. Man-gan, B. Buckley, J. Hartnett, R. O'Keeffe, J. Sice, K. Barry, E. Sheehan. M Harpur, D. Buck-ley Subs. — J. Cotter, W. Kearney.

I n t e r m e d i a t e H u r l i n g — C a t h e r -ines Intermediate hurlers made the long journey to B'alllnhas-sig last Saturday evening in dreadful weather conditions and were beaten by a couple of points at the hands of the home team in a league match.

Their junior footballers also had to take second place to Mlltchelstown to a friendly game at the latter's home ground last Sunday morning.


Castlemartyr and Glenville were the contestants in the above tournament at Ballynoe last Sunday evening, the for-mer winning well in the end and after a hard fought game.

Denis Walsh, St. Catherines had a good game for the divis-ional side Imokilly who drew with Nemo Rangers at Fermoy last Sunday in the second round of the senior football championship. Both Dehls and Cathal Casey figured in the Cork senior hurling selection against Tipperary at the re-opening of Fermoy pitch last Sunday.


The death took Dlace during the week of Mr. Timothy (Tim) Hogan, Temolevalley, Tallow. An octogenarian Tim in his early years enlisted in the de-fence forces and was stationed for many years at Curragh Camp. co. Kildare with his bro-thers Paddy and Jim.

A great sport lover, he inte-grated himself well with the local community and was a re-gular attendant at 45 drives. His demise will be regretted in the neighbourhood and more so by his family.

Our sympathy is extended to bis widow Ellen, daughters Mrs. Mary Walsh, cork, Mrs. Hannah Fitzgerald, Cappoquin. sons Sea-mus Templevalley, jerry. Glen. goura, brothers J im and Paddy, sister Anastatia, relatives and friends.

After Requiem Mass in Glen-goura church last Thursday, he was interred at Ballynoe ceme-tery. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.


Tommy Hurley's "Golden Point" repeated last Sunday's success winning again at Bart-lemy Point-to-Point.


Lismore played at home on Sunday last in the first round of the Munster Junior Cup when Ballincolllg were the op-position. Winning the toss, Lis-more batted first and John Campion and Eric Flynn had an opening stand of 25 before Campion was bowled. Flynn was then joined by Pollard and this pair put on 89 runs in fifty minutes. Pollard went for 33 runs and Kennedy joining Flynn hit 25 runs, and Flynn finished with 90 runs, being only ten runs short of the cen-tury, which was a magnificent achievement on a very slow wicket. Lismore finally complet-ed their innings on 179 runs.

When Ballincolllg batted they found Llsmore's bowlers in sparkling form and runs impos-sible to get. Pollard took six wickets with J. campion, Shan, ahan and Kennedy taking one wicket each and the visitors were bowled out for just 47 runs.

So Lismore go on to the next round ol the cup when again they have a home fixture on Saturday, June 14th when the opposition will be Church of Ireland. Cork. With confidence and morale high after this fine win, Lismore must fancy their chances this season.

Team — E. Flynn, J. Campion, •J. McClintock, P. Pollard (cap-tain' . G. Kennc-dy, S- Willough-by, P. Campion, D. Edwards. B. Shanahan, A. Bones, J. Crotty.

Next Sunday, Lismore play at home to B'ord Telecom, Water-ford, in a challenge. Game commences at 2.30 p.m.


Results Of Draw (Week No. -jg) — £50, Michael Condon, Parkdota. Tallow- £30, Pat Flynn. Glencairn, Lismore; £20, Nora Landers, Towns Park, Lis-more- £15, David Barry, Garry-brittas, Glencairn: £10, Miss H. Cotter, Lismore: £10, Sarah Hyland, Chanel street, Lismore.

Promoters priz« — Brenda Buckley. —^Advt.).

Junior Hurling Championship —Our juniors start their cham-pionship camoaign next Satur-day in capoo~quin against Cap-poquin at 7.15. This ls a repeat of last year's game which ended in a draw and another close game is envisaged. This team are well capable of winning and they have been showing well in challenge games.

Senior Hurling — Our senior hurlers ta.stcd defeat in the championship last Sunday

night in Dungarvan. In a game that was always exciting but never free-flowing both teams gave a whole-hearted display. Even to defeat this was a good display and there is a long way to go to this championship.


Results: May 17/18, 18 Holes Stroke, Amm-Arram—1, F. Geary (91 63: 2, S. Beecher (9) 65- 3, T. O'Donovan <181 66. Best Sat. J. O'Gorman (101 67; Best Sun. M. Byrne (19) 66.

Qualifiers — 0-7 R. Ormonde (6): 8-13 F. Geary (9)- 14-18 T. O'Donovan (18).

Fixtures: Thurs. 22nd to S'Un. 25th — Charity Open. Ladles and Gents 9 Holes Stroke. Two best cards to count.


On Sunday last, the 18th of May. Lismore athletes travelled to the Waterford BLE/BLOE County Championships ln the Friary Grounds in Dungarvan and they were not without their successes, getting amongst the medal winners in th e following


HOLY FATHER The Bishop's Secretary has

received the following letter:— Dear Reverend Father,

The Holy Father has directed me to express his thanks for the spiritual bouauet. of Masses and prayers for the Extraordin-ary Synod of Bishops and for the sanctification of priests, of-fered by the laity and religious communities of the diocese of Waterford and Lismore at the request of the Schoenstatt Marian Group.

His Holiness invokes the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus upon all those associated to this gesture. In the love of Christ our Saviour he cordially Imparts his Apostolic Blessing.

Yours sincerely in Christ.

MONSIGNOR G. B. RE, Assessor.

Secretariat of state, Vatican City.

Printed and published by the Proprietors ai their Office and Works, 78, O'Connell Street, Dungarvan Co. Waterford.

; events:— Girls u./li 800m. — 1st, Mar-

1 Una Moore. Girls u/13 200m — 2nd, Mat-

ilda Beecher. Girls u/14 1,500m. — 3rd, Lily

McCarthy. Girls u/15 200m. — 3rd, Susan

McCarthy. Girls u/15 1,500m. — 2nd,

Elthne Dahill. Girls u/15 1,500m.—3rd, Susan

McCarthy. Girls u/15 4x400m. relay—2nd

Lismore (Susan McCarthy. Kate Cunningham, Elthne Dahill, Eily McCarthy).

Girls Senior Relay—2nd Lis-more (Susan McCarthy, Kate Cunningham, Elthne Dahill, Lily McCarthy). _ (P.R.O. Lis-more A.C.).


On Friday night last an un-derstrength Waterford team were beaten by a strong Cork side in the Munster Junior Championships. Though the winning margin was large Wa-terford held the Cork girls scoreless for much of the first and second half when some great camogie was played by both sides. Waterford were more committed but Cork had the greater experience.

Panel — G. Coll, M. Prender-gast (Ardmore), T. Barry, J. Barry, M. Larkin (Gaultier), N. McMahon (Butlerstown), J. Ste-phenson M. Laffin (Ballyduff Lower', G. Sullivan (Tramore), P. Bolger (capt.), O. Flynn, T. Caples (Lismore). Subs. — P. Bolger (Erin's Own) for M. Prendergast: A. Piper (Tra-more) for N. McMahon; A. Ryan (Lismore) for P. Bolger.

On Saturday night next, 24th, the senior girls take on Sars-fields (Cork) in their first match of the season. This will be played in the C.B.S. Field at 7.30.

Cards are now available for our annual sponsored cycle to be held on Saturday, June 6th. They can, be had from the club secretary Jo Jo Tobin.

Don't forget, those who have not yet paid their insurance to do so as soon as possible. — (Runai).


l l t l i May—1st, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hales; 2nd. Mrs. C- Meaney and Mrs. K. Barry; 3rd, Miss M. Noonan and Mr. T. Roche.


We regret to record the death of Mr. Tommy Veale, Main St.. lismore. Full obituary next issue.

SPOTLIGHT (Continued from Page 1)

giion. He proposed and Cllr. ). Carey seconded and it was ag!reed that the Board inform the Minister for Fisheries of its objections to the proposal.

Cllr. I. Carey is, o.f course, the Chairman of Waterford County Council who with Cllr. W. McDonnell represents the Council on SERDO. The other local man on the Board is Cllr. M. O'R'iordian who represents Dungarvan UDC.


"There has to be a direct link between pay, performance and success," An Post's Chief Executive, Gerard Harvey told Post Office supervisors last Fnidiay. He was speaking on the need for more productivity in tile postal service at the annual conference of the Communica-tion. Managers' Union in Wex-ford.

Mr. Harvey said there were two major problems in the postal service — pressure of wage costs on revenue and relatively low output per employee. Wage costs now re-presented thiree-qurarters of all costs and high pay increases could no longer be sustained by raising postal charges.

Certainly with the hrghest postal and telecommunication charges in Western Europe at present there can be no justifi-cation for a further hike so any slack will have to be met by increased productivity.


We have received a very spe-cial request for the words of the old ballad "Patsy McCann" which was one of the "tops of the pops" a few decades ago when travelling shows were a popular part of the Irish enter-tainment scene. I t is sung to a very tuneful and lively air as befits a comical song and pro-vides an excellent choice for our ballad corner this week:—

There's a man by the name of Mike Hogan,

Who is plaguing me out of my life :

He has a big daughter named Brigid

An' he wants me to make her my wife.

She stands six foot four in her stockings,

Her waist of myself would make three:

Sure whenever I'm standing beside her

My elbow just reaches her knee.

Chorus :

Patsy McCann. will you marry ray daughter?

Patsy McCann if the girl you'll wed

Ten golden sovereigns down I will give you,

A three-legged stool and a fine 'feather bed.

And more than that, too, I'll give you

All the pictures that hang on the wall,

I'll throw them all in to the bargain,

I f you'll marry my daughter at all.

Well. I've married this big Brigid Hogan

An' she's mine now for better or worse.

But the blessings that she brought upon me,

They appear to have changed for the worse.

She beats me, she bites me and flails me,

Oh, she ties me lest I'd run away;

This six-foot-four beauty is a caution.

But, her father was worse for to say:


CEIST DALA FAOIN RINN Chuir Proinsias de Rossa, T.D.

(Pairti na nOibrithe) an cheist seo sa Dail ar 6 Bealtaine, '86: Chun a fhiafrai d'Aire na Gael-tachta cen fath gur ligeadh leis na hoibrifche aitiula sa mhon-archa, Fuinneoga na nDeise, 1 nGaeltacht na Rinne, Contae Phort Lairge agus an bhfuil aon iarracht a dheanamh ag Udaras na Gaeltachta chun an mhonarcha d'ath-oscailt agus na hoibrithe aitiula d'fhostu aris

F R E A G R A Aire na Gaeltachta (An tUasal

O Tuathail i—Tuigim o Udaras na Gaeltachta go bhfuil an tionscal sin imithe as gno agus go bhfuil leachtaitheoir le ceap-adh go luath, agus go bhfuil dochas acu go bhfeadfar an gno a athbhunu faoi phriomhaithe nua san fhoirgneamh ceanna.

WATERFORD DIVORCE ACTION GROUP The above are appealing for

funds to launch their cam-paign in the Waterford area Subscriptions' can be sent to anv branch of Trustee Savings Bank to' Waterford A/c 0'3'0334799-Q. '

People in Dunga rmn inter-ested should contact th© a.bove at 8'0, KUlcohan Park. Wiater-ford.