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St. Hagop Armenian Church The Good News| April/May/June 2019


Pastor’s Desk Women’s Guild Report Advertisers Issue Information

Parish Council

Report Stewardship Pledge St. Hagop Events Calendar

Holy Week

Outreach Ministry

Greeters Ministry

Women’s Guild

Flower Guild

Events Committee

Valentine’s Recap

Shahnasarian Hall

2019 Pledge Update

Issue Information


7020 90th Avenue North, Pinellas Park, Florida 33782 The Rev. Fr. Hovnan Demerjian, Pastor

PASTOR’S DESK by Father Hovnan Demerjian

Turning Points

Life is full of turning points and so are our Holy Scriptures. There are always points in life where you might have gone one

way or the other, and in choosing, things were never the same again. Or, as is often the case, we don’t choose events–

sometimes events chose us.

Alfred Nobel had one such turning point. His brother Ludwig had died, but a reporter thought it was Alfred who died and

wrote an obituary about Alfred instead of his brother. Imagine Alfred’s surprise when he woke up the next morning and read

his own obituary. When he was finished reading, he was even more shocked. The obituary was titled ‘The merchant of death

is dead.’ Nobel had invented dynamite, but he saw all its great potential for construction; such as blasting holes for solid bridge

footings and blasting rock to connect people with roads and tunnels. His invention, however, was also being used for war and

destruction. And by the pen of this obituary writer, Alfred Nobel’s legacy was as the inventor of a weapon of mass

destruction. Shocked by this portrayal, Alfred Nobel turned his life efforts to creating the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to

those who dedicate their lives to peace. Reading his own obituary was Nobel's turning point.

We have many such dramatic turning points in our Holy Scriptures. During Lent we read of the dramatic individual turn-

around of the Prodigal Son. We also read of great turn-arounds by entire communities, like in the dramatic turn-around of

God’s people embodied in the words and life of the prophet Isaiah. "The spirit of the Lord God is upon me,” proclaims

Isaiah, “because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed; to bind up the

brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and

the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn (Is 61.1-2).” Please understand the history here. Isaiah is

speaking to a Hebrew people decimated by genocide, scattered in foreign lands and fighting amongst themselves about who

was ethnically and religiously pure. Isaiah is casting a vision, reminding the people of Israel that good is ahead and God’s love

is boundless if they put God first and seize this turning point.

We are all given turning points as individuals and as a community, sometimes these are dramatic, but often they are only

noticeable in hindsight. I think that we at St. Hagop might discern a turning point in the challenge our new Primate gave us in

his first visit to us this winter. Echoing the challenge of the prophet Isaiah, in so many words, Fr. Daniel reminded us over

and again that; ‘it is time for the church to be the church.’ It is time to put aside the distractions, the diversions, all we do to

entertain, educate and edify and instead put first things first. Araj Asdvadz, in doing this we might end up not only entertaining,

educating and edifying, but by God’s grace transforming people’s very lives.

Our Primate did not leave us with many details of how the church is to be a church, to do what only we can do. But during

this Lenten season of self-reflection, with the help of Isaiah and leaning on our own experience, perhaps we can fill in some

details on how the church be the church. The whole world is looking for fulfillment and purpose in their lives to be a part of

something bigger. But the church, and only the church, is the place where the Spirit of the Lord chooses to dwell in and

among his people gathered, receiving the grace of God which fills all voids and fulfills all lives. The whole world is suffering

from slavery to anxieties, addictions, sins and shames. The church and only the church says that we are a hospitable for souls,

with the medicine of the Holy Scriptures and prayer, and the power of our presence to each other which “binds the

brokenhearted, frees the captive and releases prisoners.” The whole world wants to be special and loved in the eyes of God

and in the eyes of others. The church and only the church reaches out to its members who are isolated and shut-in-because of

age or poverty or sickness-and proclaims God’s special favor on the lonely and afflicted.

Today let us recognize that a great challenge has been given to us at St. Hagop, a great turning point to bring about Christ’s

presence in the world by being his church. How will we, in the years ahead, fulfill our great opportunity, our vocation, to be

Christ’s healing, reconciling body to each other and to those whom God has brought us to serve? How can each of us as

members of St. Hagop Armenian Church, help realize a turning point where our church can truly be the church? As we

ponder these questions, let us carry in our hearts the prophet’s words; the Spirit of the Lord is here even now among our

people and we have been anointed, in Christ, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and to set all captives free; now and

always; amen.


The Way to Serve

The Holy Season of Lent is an opportunity as well as a challenge. It’s a time to reflect on the challenges of being a Christian and recommitting ourselves to our faith. People observe Lent in many ways. Some abstain from foods or watching television. But as we know, Lent is not just abstaining from something; it is also a time to choose how you will serve God. First and foremost, we are a community of worshippers. The consequence of that is service, which is inspired by our love of Christ and followers of his commandments. As we read in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 22:37, “Jesus said, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.’ ” Give great consideration to the following St. Hagop Ministries, so we together, can serve as instruments of Christ here on earth:

Welcome people as they come in to church through the Greeter Ministry

Sing the glorious hymns of our liturgy while singing in the Choir

Chant eloquent prayers as an Altar Server

Teach Sunday School to our priceless children

Visit the sick and shut-in or take part in several humanitarian causes in Outreach

Be a member of the talented, devoted ladies of the Women’s Guild

Serve on the Parish Council, Events Committee, Auditing Committee, Nominating Committee, or the Stewardship Committee

Enjoy the many varied activities of the Junior/Senior ACYOA’s

Beautify the inside of the church, through the Altar and Flower Guilds

Beautify the buildings and outdoor space with Maintenance/Facilities Enhancement And of course, come to worship as often as possible. Feel God’s love in your life. Then go out into the world and share His love with others. Along with Der Hovnan, my co-chair, Mallory Maslar, and all of our Parish Council members, we are committed to lead this parish along the road of Christian love. Very special thanks go to Dr. Michael Shahnasarian, past chairman of the Parish Council, who served with great insight, expertise, and generosity. Special appreciation to both Michael and Jean for the love they share with all of us. We are extremely grateful. May we learn from their example. Let us all help to do what Jesus said, to “love one another as I have loved you.” May you have a meaningful Lent and a Glorious Easter. Louise M. Yardumian Parish Council Chair

Holy Week Աւագ Շաբաթ

Join us for the most important and fulfilling worship services of the entire Armenian Church year.

Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy Sun. April 14 | 10:30 am

Washing of the Feet/“Votnlva” Thur. April 18 | 7 pm

“Khavaroom” (Passion of our Lord) Thur. April 18 | 8 pm

Good Friday Burial Service Fri. April 19 | 7 pm

Easter Eve “Jragalooyts Badarak” Sat. April 20 | 7 pm

Easter Divine Liturgy Sun. April 21 | 10:30 am


The outreach ministry continues to visit the extended St Hagop family, once a quarter. With each visit, we bring a new

group of parishioners to bring the joy of the church to those members that cannot attend Badarak. We lift our hearts,

voices, and the spirits of all we visit, leaving treats along the way. This quarter, we had the additional blessing of bringing

some of the altar flowers to Marie Amoudjanian. We hope that our partnership with the new Flower Guild will provide

this opportunity again.

The outreach ministry, while not new, is one that is very important. The visits extend the reach of St Hagop beyond the

four walls of our beloved church to the edges of our community. Our new Parish Chairwoman Louise has challenged us

to stretch that reach even further. You can expect more dates on the calendar to do this important work. The blessing

though, is that it doesn’t require much to gather a group of parishioners to visit our community. The heart of the church

is so evident when we mention we are visiting on a Sunday.

Each time we visit, I ask what the visits meant to those that were in attendance. Last year, I had the opportunity to visit

Sofia, Bulgaria, which brought me closer to my already close friend Eileen Barsamian Jennings. On this visit, there were

several special connections to Sofia, which created a new closeness with people I see every Sunday, but didn’t know well.

From a face we know from the altar, Shagen Babayan, he was especially moved by getting generations together to share

and connect. “The interaction between the different generation of Armenians within our community allowed for

emotional, spiritual support cultivated by our appreciation and respect for their respective lifelong contributions” he said.

And finally, Rosanna Kyarunts, a gentle lady with a busy job, school and life found that by taking an hour or two after

church brought such joy to someone that may not have many visitors. “There is much for the youth to learn from our

older generations” She said.

It is with gratitude that we look ahead to our summer visits. We are grateful for all that have come with us, and look

forward to sharing the love in our hearts with those in our community. If you are interested in visiting, writing cards,

making calls and the other important work that the ministry conducts please find me at church. We are always seeking

new and good ideas.


Join Our Greeters Ministry!

To warmly welcome our parishioners as they arrive to celebrate

Badarak at St. Hagop is a rewarding and fulfilling privilege. Both

members of the parish council and congregation serve as greeters

prior to, during, and after Sunday mass. Duties include readying

the church for worship services, welcoming and orienting church

attendees, counting attendees, and participating in the liturgy by

receiving and spreading the kiss of peace, assisting parishioners

who partake in Holy Communion, and distributing the collection

plate. Parish council members count, document and prepare for

deposit collection receipts and other contributions.

Please consider this opportunity to meaningfully participate in

this fulfilling ministry and actively be an important part of the St.

Hagop family.

Contact Rita Keshishian at [email protected]

WOMEN’S GUILD UPDATE by Teresa Haidarian

Lots of things to report since the last newsletter. We’ve changed

officers in the women’s guild. Lena stepped down from chair of

the guild, we have a new 2nd chair, recording secretary and

corresponding secretary. Treasurer remains the same. Our newly

elected officers for the year are

Chair Debra Kamajian

Vice-chair, Karen Minassian

Treasurer Lana Arutyunyan

Recording Secretary, Teresa Haidarian

Corresponding Secretary Nadia Anac Rodriguez

Lena Kotchounian has served as chair of Women’s Guild for

four continuous years and has decided to take a short break from

a leadership position. We are so grateful for the tremendous job

she did and recognize the hard work she put in over those four

years. Just saying thank you does not seem like enough for all the

hours she had put into making the women’s guild the hardest

working service organization in our church. I will post the tribute

that was sent out in a recent e-blast which summarizes how we

all felt about how much she gave to our congregation.


St. Hagop has formed a Flower Guild! Parishioners-men and women, are invited to join us to learn how to arrange

flowers for Sunday services. Instruction continues. The next workshop is Thursday, April 11, at 1:30 p.m. in the

Shahnasarian Hall kitchen. Please contact [email protected] for a spot in the 4/11 workshop or to learn more

information about this exciting venture!


Parishioners, you have the opportunity to request flowers for loved ones on a specific Sunday during the

year. With AT LEAST TWO WEEKS ADVANCE NOTICE, a message will appear in the Sunday bulletin

stating who has given the flowers and for what occasion (birthday, anniversary, memorial remembrance, etc.

The donation for flowers is $35 (or more). Send requests to Louise at [email protected].

DONATE FLOWERS FOR EASTER We are happy to offer you the opportunity to make a donation of $25 for flowers for Easter Day. If you would like

to remember a loved one (either a memorial, thanksgiving, in honor of), please fill in the form below and return it to

the church by Monday, April 15, so that your remembrances will appear in the Easter bulletin special insert. Thank


(Cut along dotted line)


We would like to make a request for flowers in honor of our loved one(s) for Easter Sunday.

I/We would like to make a donation for Easter flowers (choose one option below):

in memory of ___________________________________________________________________________

in thanksgiving for _______________________________________________________________________

in honor of _____________________________________________________________________________


Phone Number:______________________________________


Please send this written request, along with a check for $25 to: St. Hagop Armenian Church (memo: Easter Flowers) by April 15 so that it can appear in the church bulletin on Easter Day. For more information or to send your request via email, contact [email protected].


Genocide Evening of Remembrance – Wednesday April 24th – 7:00pm Come join us on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 7pm for a remembrance of the Holy Martyrs.

We will start with Evening Service in the Sanctuary, followed by the procession to the

genocide monument. We will then have a wine and cheese gathering to watch a short video

clip in Shahnasarian Hall. We will also have the displays from the Florida Holocaust

Museum at the hall for everyone to enjoy. If you have any questions please reach Mallory

Maslar at [email protected] .

Mother's Day – Sunday May 12th – 12:30pm Once again the Arsenaults have volunteered to organize a lovely brunch after church for everyone! This is a special day to recognize our special mothers and all they do. Please join us for a lovely celebration in Shahnasarian Hall. Father's Day – Sunday June 16th – 12:30pm We will have a lovely lunch planned for everyone to celebrate all our fathers on this special day! Please join us in Shanasarian Hall for this special day! The 12th St. Hagop Anniversary Consecration Celebration - Saturday, October 26th – 6:00pm We will celebrate our 12th Anniversary of St. Hagop on Saturday, October 26th for a special evening in Shahnasarian Hall. More information will be coming soon but mark your calendar now for this special event!

Calling all artists (painters, photographers, handicrafts, pottery): Your Events Committee is now considering an exhibition of local artwork, created by individuals of our St Hagop Church community. This exhibit will be held the first quarter of 2020. We are beginning this process by assessing any potential exhibitors we may have in the congregation. Please consider joining this artistic exhibition event, by submitting samples of your artwork to: Rita Dilanian, Event Chair [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you!

Photos From Recent Events

Haig Mardirosian Concert-March 24th Volunteer Church Clean Up Day-March 16th

First Visit of Our New Primate-Jan. 27th


What a Valentine’s Dinner dance fundraiser. My sincere gratitude to our 155 guests who were able to support our

passion in having a great time with wonderful delicacies and superior company. Of course, as you all know, any

successful event takes a team, behind the scenes, dedicated to giving their utmost to have the common goal achieved.

Our passion was to have a fun time at a reasonable price and raise some funds for the operational expenses of the

Church. To achieve that goal we needed a list of volunteers, a list of vendors and a list of donors. Our volunteers started

with the food by the Women’s Guild of St Hagop Armenian church under the leadership of Lena Kotchounian, assisted

by Hasmig Demerjian, Araxi Dulgeroff, Rita Keshishian, Annie Kouyoumdjian, Mirella Ovanesian and Maro Shaldjian.

Our welcoming team on the dance night Jean Shahnasarian, Janet Davidian, Lizette Nalbandian and Seta Serpekian. Our

volunteers who set up the tables and solicited raffle prizes specially Debra Kamajian. Our vendors starting with Natella

Mouradian from Bella- Natella Decorating and event designs for decorating the Shahnasarian Hall and the tables. Music

was managed by our own DJ Hagz, Hagop Sayegh who kept the guests on their feet dancing the night away with the

beautiful lighting effects. The Spunky Spirits were in charge of the bar services with Lena their dedicated and joyful

bartender. The Reliable Maid Service with Teresa and Terry did a great job serving the food and cleaning afterwards. All

the volunteers who helped clear tables at the end of the night. Many thanks to Chrisanne Jensen for keeping the

reservations under control. Also, thanks to Bobby Maslar for keeping an eye on our needs at the Shahnasarian Hall.

Our Donors, who make the difference in any event, starting with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shahnasarian for the wine

selection, my family for the hard spirits that were needed, Mr. and Mrs. Kazarian for sponsoring three tables. Mr. and

Mrs. Greg Ekizian for their cash donation. I can’t forget to thank Jack Dikranian for putting together the beautiful flyer

and printing the Delta raffle tickets. Our memory reminder Ara Keshishian with his beautiful pictures and video.

My sincere gratitude to Mr. Xay Salavong and Mrs. Rubina Shaldjian for donating the five $100.00 Delta Airlines gift

cards. We were able to sell all 150 tickets that we had printed, mind you last minute, raising $1,500.00 for the event.

Thanks to all the supporters who purchased the special raffle tickets. Overall, we had a very successful fundraising event

and would like emphasis the so true quote from William Saroyan:

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all

been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more

answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their

homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the

world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.”

How true...until the next event.

With gratitude,

Stepan H Serpekian

Event Chair - Valentine’s 2019

SHANASARIAN HALL REPORT by Chrisanne Jensen/Event Coordinator

We are already having a record breaking year for special events at our beautiful hall. Both clients and parishioners are

giving us rave reviews about the hall’s features and amenities. We made many improvements this year such as a

permanent pavilion curtain to add privacy to outdoor use, a tri-folding mirror in the back “bridal” room, and a new

cleaning company to keep our floors buffed and polished.

There are many events planned by our Events Committee for this upcoming year so please check our bulletins and

Avedis to plan ahead to join us! Shahnasarian Hall is a wonderful place to socialize after each week’s Divine Liturgy

and our Women’s Guild group does a great job welcoming everyone.

We have much to look forward to this upcoming year and dates are booking up quickly so if you know of any looking

for an amazing event center for any type of event, send them to me! Special discounts are available for parishioners

who need a banquet hall for upcoming events so contact Chrisanne at 727-545-0380 for more information.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to St. Hagop! Those who

have submitted a pledge to support St. Hagop during 2019 are identified below.

George & Joan Agnacian, Gloria Alvandian, Karen Anjoorian, Artak Apyan, John & Susan Arsenault, Patrick & Gail Aslanian Compton, Leon & Gloria & Mike Atayan, Grace Austin, Shagen Babayan, Bagrat & Tatiana Badalyan, Walter & Mirian Bandazian, Alice Bedrosian, Chuck & Lisa Begian, Jacob Bournazian, Robert & Janet Davidian, Fr. Hovnan & Yn. Anna Demerjian, Hasmig & Jean Jacques Demerjian, Sason & Patricia Demirjian, John & Bernadette Derderian, Rita Dilanian, Araxi Dulgeroff, Art & Adrienne Ekizian, Harbig & Mary Garabedian, Martha-Anne Garabedian, Richard & Pauline Gilgan, Adrienne Guendjoian, Gregory & Joan Hagopian, Teresa Haidarian, Berge & Tamar Hajian, Irene Hakim, Tom Hally, Janet Haydostian, Mary Haydostian, Nazdar Hermiz, Hayley Hovhanessian, Greg & Stephanie Hovsepian, Zvart Jambajian, David & Darwin Jamgochian, Eileen Barsamian Jennings, Jimmy & Lisa Justiniano, Richard & Christina Kachadurian, Dr. George & Debra Kamajian, Edward & Michelle Kapreilian, Sam & Bea Kapreilian, Sergei & Irene Kardashian, Florence Kazanjian, David & Nancy Kazarian, Lilian Kazarian, Sam & Nancy Kazarian, Lori Keshishian, Mari & Garbis Kesisoglu, Zaven Koltookian, Shahe & Lena Kotchounian, Richard & Marge Kratlian, Sophia Manoulian-Kugeares, Noubar & Ann Mahdessian, William & Christine Martin, Hagop & Tobe Mashikian, Richard & Linda Maslar, Aram & Carla Megerian, Vazken & Maggie Melkisetian, Ida Merakyan, Jack & Virginia Messerlian, Vasken & Karen Minassian, Bob Mirak, Agop & Victoria Mouradian, Bejan & Rebekah Nouri, Mirella Ovanesian, Bernard Przegendza, James Roesch, Christopher & Nicholas Sagherian, Martha Samuelian, Ayda Sarafian, Ara Sarafian, Berc & Tracy Sarafian, Dr. Vahak & Elizabeth Sarkis, Chuck & Kathy Sarkisian, Tanya Sarafian, Leon & Sharon Sarkisian, Hrach & Thelma Saroyan, Chris & Carol Sassouni, Yates & Lexy Sayers, Stepan & Seta Serpekian, Eddy & Maggie Shahnasarian, Michael & Jean Shahnasarian, Norair & Maro Shaldjian, John & Kelly Shamsey, Robert & Christina Shamsey, Daniel & Norma Takoushian, Nevere Tavoukdjian, Anna Tossoonian, Denise, Matthieu & Antoine Van Veen, Charles Vartanian, Tigran & Lucine Vartazarian, Tim & Adrienne Vartanian Milewski, Terry & Carolyn Waidley, James & Cathy Beducian Wilson, Haig Yaghoobian, Haig & Louise Yardumian

PLEDGE STEWARDSHIP- Update as of 03/28/19

So far we have been blessed with 98 pledges totaling $144,650 for 2019! Our goal is for all to participate regardless of

amount! We invite you to mail in your pledge card or make an online pledge for 2019.

Office Hours: 9 am-5 pm Monday - Friday

Worship Hours: Sunday 10:30am – 12:30pm

Fellowship Time in Shahnasarian Hall – 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Contact Information 7020 90th Ave. North Pinellas Park, FL 33782 P: 727-545-0380 E-mail: [email protected]

Newsletter Team: Editor The Rev. Fr. Hovnan Demerjian

Managing Editor Chrisanne Jensen Avedis Newsletter is a publication of St. Hagop Armenian Church in Pinellas Park, Florida.

Submissions are welcomed and should be sent to the church office. All text should be electronic format, preferably Word. Editorial board reserves the right to modify or reject any submissions. All material must be received no later than the published deadlines below:

It costs over $1,100 to print and send each issue of Avedis. We would like to communicate as often as possible with our parishioners. Will you help defray some of the costs? Please send your check memo: Avedis Newsletter 1/2 issue ($550); 1/4 issue ($275) or other ($) amount.

The Avedis is grateful to accept business ads, which help us, pay for our newsletter and help you reach your customers. Please email the office at [email protected] if you are interested. Make checks payable to St. Hagop Armenian Church. Rates are per issue: $50 for a business card, $150 for a half page and $300 for a full page

Issue Submission

July/August/September 2019 June 15th

October/November/December 2019 September 15th

Parish Council

President Rev. Fr. Hovnan Demerjian 727-545-0380 [email protected]

Co-Chair Louise Yardumian 727-576-0380 [email protected]

Co-Chair Mallory Maslar 727-481-3271 [email protected]

Treasurer David Kazarian 727-507-9222 [email protected]

Secretary-Recording Grace Austin 813-294-2531 [email protected]


Andrew Anusbigian 727-787-8072 [email protected]

John Arsenault 508-254-3066 [email protected]

Hayley Hovhanessian 860-690-0164 [email protected]

Dr. George Kamajian 727-595-0780 [email protected] Rita Keshishian (516) 872-6631 [email protected]


ACYOA Seniors Nazley Beducian Wilson [email protected]

ACYOA Juniors Hayley Hovhanessian [email protected]

Sunday School Linda Maslar [email protected]

Women's Guild Chair – Debra Kamajian [email protected]

Vice-Chair – Karen Minassian [email protected]


**Divine Liturgy & Sunday School take place every Sunday from 10:30-12:30 unless noted below Fellowship in Shahnasarian Hall to follow immediately after service

Tues. April 2nd Small Group Lenten Study – The Enneagram 7:00 PM

Sun April 7th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School

10:30 AM

Tues. April 9th Parish Council Meeting 6:00 PM

Sun. April 14th Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy/Sunday School Special Palm Sunday Fellowship in Hall

10:30 AM 12:30 PM

Thurs. April 18th Washing of the Feet/Votnlva Service Vigil/Khavaroom Service

7:00 PM 8:00 PM

Fri. April 19th Burial Service (Good Friday) 7:00 PM

Sat. April 20th Easter Eve/Jragalooyts Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM

Sun. April 21st Easter Sunday Fellowship in Hall/Easter Egg Hunt

10:30 AM 12:30 PM

Thurs. April 24th Genocide Evening Event in Hall Armenian exhibit from the Holocaust Museum on display

7:00 PM

Sun. April 28th Divine Liturgy /Sunday School

10:30 AM

Sun. May 5th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School

10:30 AM

Sun. May 12th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School Mother’s Day Lunch in Shahnasarian Hall

10:30 AM 12:30 PM

Tues. May 14th Parish Council Meeting 6:00 PM

Sun. May 19th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School

10:30 AM

Sun. May 26th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School

10:30 AM

Sun. June 2nd Divine Liturgy/Sunday School 10:30 AM

Sun. June 9th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School

10:30 AM

Tues. June 11th Parish Council Meeting 6:00 PM

Sun. June 16th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School Father’s Day Lunch in Hall

10:30 AM

12:30 PM

Sun. June 23rd Divine Liturgy/Sunday School 10:30 AM

Sun. June 30th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School 10:30 AM

Sun. July 7th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School 10:30 AM

Sat. July 14th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School 10:30 AM

Sun. July 21st Divine Liturgy/Sunday School 10:30 AM

Sun. July 28th Divine Liturgy/Sunday School Vartavar – ACYOA outside event

10:30 AM

12:30 PM

Please note that by canon law of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, no Requiem Services may be held on the following major feast days of the church; Christmas, Palm Sunday/Easter, Pentecost, Transfiguration & Exaltation of the Cross)

7020 90th Avenue North, Pinellas Park, Florida 33782 727-545-0380 | [email protected] |