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THE first edition of this dictionary having been exhausted, it has

been extensively revised, and certain new features and alterations

have been introduced into it.

1. The principle of arranging all words according to their actual

spelling has been to a considerable extent abandoned. It was

admittedly an unscientific one, and opened the door to a good manyerrors and inconsistencies. The head form in this edition may be

either a normalised form or one which actually occurs.

2. Words beginning with ge- have been distributed among the

letters of the alphabet which follow that prefix, and the sign + has

been employed instead of ge- in order to make the break in alpha-

betical continuity as little apparent to the eye as possible. The sign

± has been used where a word occurs both with and without the prefix.

3. References to Cook's translation of Sievers' Anglo-Saxon

Grammar, and to the Grammatical Introduction to Sweet's Reader

have been taken out, as Wright's or Wyatt's Old English Grammarwill have taken their place with most English students.

4. A new feature which, it is hoped, will prove widely useful, is

the introduction of references to all, or nearly all, the headings in the

New English Dictionary under which quotations from Anglo-Saxon

texts are to be found. A vast mass of valuable information as to the

etymology, meaning and occurrence of Old English words is contained

in that Dictionary, but is to a very large extent overlooked because it

is to be found under the head of words which are now obsolete, so that

unless one happens to know what was the last form which they had in

Middle English, one does not know how to get at it. This information

will be made readily available by the references in the present work,

which will form a practically complete index to the Anglo-Saxon

material in the larger dictionary and will at the same time put the

student on the track of interesting Middle English examples of the use

of Old English words. Besides directing the reader (by means of

quotation marks) to the heading in the New English Dictionary where

the relevant matter may be found, an indication has been given of the

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texts from which quotations are made therein, when these do not

exceed four or five1 .

5. There have been many valuable contributions to Anglo-Saxon

lexicography (by Napier, Swaen, Schlatter, Forster, Wiilfing and

others) since the first edition of this Dictionary appeared, and these

have been made use of, but (as before) unglossaried matter has not

been systematically searched for words not hitherto recorded in Anglo-

Saxon Dictionaries*.

6. The number of references to passages has been very largely

increased. All words occurring only in poetical texts have been marked.

If they occur more than once they bear the sign f, if only once, a refer-

ence to the passage is generally given. If not they are marked J. As

regards prose texts, the rule has been only to give references to par-

ticular passages in the case of rare words,—more especially a*ra£ Aeyd-

/icva. The references to AO, CP and M which were given in the earlier

edition have been retained, as a useful indication that the word occurs

in Early West Saxon or Late West Saxon prose, as the case may be.

7. By various devices it has been found possible, while muchincreasing the amount of matter in the book, to add very slightly to

the number of pages, and at the same time to reduce the number of

columns on a page from three to two. Most of these devices are more

or less mechanical, but one method of saving space may be mentioned.

Certain compound words, descriptive of places, which, as far as I know,

occur only in charters and which may often be more correctly regarded

as proper nouns, have not been separately inserted. Their meaning

can however always be ascertained by referring to their components,

and where the abbreviation Mdf is inserted the reader will understand

that examples of words so compounded, or of the components, or of

both, will be found in Birch's Carttdarium Saxonicum, or in Earle's

Land Charters, and that references to those examples are given in

Middendorfi's AUenglisches Flurnamenbuch.

8. In the List of Abbreviations, etc. at the commencement of the

book, editions of texts which are furnished with a glossary have been

specially indicated.

1 As regards the letter W and some small parts of other letters which have not

yet appeared in the NED, a reference has been given to its abridgement (The

Concise Oxford Dictionary).

* The part of the Supplement to 'Bosworth-Toller' which has already appeared

shows that Professor Toller is examining such matter with great care and thorough-


J. E. C. H.

January, 1916.

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Note 1. Where references are in italic type, quotations from the texts indicatedwill be found in the New English Dictionary, under the head of the English wordwhich is distinguished in the article by quotation marks (see Preface). In references

to special passages volumes have been marked off from pages by an inverted full

stop, and lines or verses have been shown, where (hey follow other numerals, bv smallsuperior figures. Occasionally where lines have not been given, the mark ' hasbeen inserted to show that the quotation is in the lower half of a page.

Note 2. In the following list the number (1) after an edition of a text indicates

that the edition is supplied with a complete referenced glossary or word-index,

(2) that it has a complete glossary, but without references and (3) that it has apartial glossary or word-index.

Note 3. Some of the abbreviations given below are used in combination.Examples: MtLR=the Iindisfarne and Rushworth MSS of St Matthew; BJPs =the Bosworth and the Junius Psalters; ast =accusative singular feminine. EK=Early Kentish.

* ' Quotation marks are used to enclosethe English words which should belooked up in the NED in order to find

etymological information as to, andexamples of the use of, the Anglo-Saxon words to whioh the articles in

this Dictionary relate, see Note 1

above. If they enclose Latin words,they indicate the lemmata of Anglo-Saxon words in glosses or glossaries

etc., or the Latin equivalent of suchwords in the Latin texts from whiohthey are translated. The Latin is

especially so given when the Ags.word seems to be merely a blindlymechanical and literal equivalent.

* is prefixed or affixed to hypotheticalforms. Normalised forms of Ags.words which actually exist are notusually so marked.

' See Note 1 above.

+ =ge-.

± indicates that the Ags. word to whichit is prefixed is found both with andwithout the prefix ge-.

{=occurs in poetical texts only.

=occurs in a poetical text, and onceonly.

M This sign is used to indicate that thewords which it follows, and its com-pounds, are to be found in the Dic-tionary under the heading given after

it, thus mehtKmiht is equivalent toment=mint and meht- = mint-.

a. =accusative.

A =Anglian, or, if followed by numerals,

Anglia, Zeitschrift fur Englische Philo-

logie, Halle, 1877 etc. AB=AngliaBeiblatt.

J5=jElfric. (References followed bynumerals in parentheses refer tocertain Homilies attributed to JSlfrio

in HL.) If followed by a book of theBible the refeienoe is to that book in

jElfric de vetere el novo Testamento(Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1).

jEGb= JSlfric's Qrammatik and Glossar,

ed. J. Zupitza, Berlin, 1880.

MH.=M\iric y8 Homilies, ed. by B.

Thorpe, London, 1844-6. (Quoted byvol., page and line.)

iEL=jElfric's Metrical Lives of Saints,

ed. W. W. 8keat (EETS), 1881-1900


iEP=iElfric'8 Hirtenbriefe (^lfrio's

Pastoral Letters), ed. B. Fehr,Hamburg, 1914 (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa,vol. 9).

AF=Anglistische Forschungen, ed. J.

Hoops, Heidelberg.

Alm =the poem on Alms, in Gb.An =thepoem of Andreas, in Gb; ored.

G. P. Krapp, Boston, U.S.A., 1906 (1).

AwDB=the prose legend of St Andrew,in J. W. Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader,London. 1892 (1).


8 Archiv fur das Studiumder neueren Sprachen, Brunswick*1846-1914.

AirT=Analecta Anglo-saxonioa byB. Thorpe, London, 1846 (2).

anv. =anomalous verb.

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AO=Alfred's translation of Orosius, ed.

H. Sweet <EETS), 1883. (v. also

Wfg.)Ap=the poem of the Fate of the

Apostles, in Ge; or included withAndreas in Krapp's edition (v. As).

APs=the Arundel Psalter, ed. Q. Oess(AF vol. 30), Heidelberg, 1910.

ApT=Anglo-Saxon version of Apol-lonins of Tyre, ed. B. Thorpe, London,1834.

AS =King Alfred's version of Angus-tine's Soliloquies, ed. H. L. Hargrove(Yale Studies in Old English), Boston,U.S.A., 1912 (1). See also San

As= the poem of Asanas, in 6b.B=the poem of Beowulf, in Gb; also

ed. A. J. Wyatt and R. W. Chambers,Cambridge, 1914 (1); or ed. W. J.

Sedgefiejd, Manchester, 1912 (1); ored. Harrison and Sharp, Boston,U.S.A., 1888 (1).

Bab=The Admonition of St Basil, ed.

H. W. Norman, London, 1849.

BB =Bonner Beitr&ge zur Anglistik, ed.

M. Trautmann.BC =Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. deGray Birch, London, 1883 etc., 3 vols.

Bd=Bede.BDS=Beitrage zur Gesohichte der

deutschen Sprache, ed. E. Sievers,

Leipzig, 1874^1914.BH =the Anglo-Saxon version of Bede's

EcclesiaBtical History, 2 vols., ed.

T. Miller (EETS), 1891-6. (Refer-

ence is usually made to the pages in

vol. 1 as regards the various readingsrecorded in vol. 2—not to the pagesin the latter vol.)

BK=Texte und Untersuohungen zurAE Iiteratur, etc., by R. Brotanek,Halle, 1913.

BL=The Bliokling Homilies, ed. R.Morris (EETS), 1874-80 (1).

BlPs = Bliokling Glosses to the Psalms,at the end of Bl.

Bo = King Alfred's translation of Boe-thius, with the Metres of Boethius, ed.

W. J. Sedoefield, Oxford, 1899 (1).

-BPs=die AE Glossen im BosworthPsalter, ed. U. Lindelof (Memoiresde la Soo. neo-philologique a Helsing-

fors, torn. 5), 1909 (3).

BR=An Anglo-Saxon Reader, ed. J. W.Bright, New York, 1913 or London,1910 (1).

Br=the poem of Brunanburh, in Gb or


BT =An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by J.

Bosworth and T. N. Toller, Oxford,1882-98. BTSup.=the Supplementto the above, Part I (A-EORD),1908.

^*0C=The Crawford Charters, ed. by

A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson(Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1895.

Chb=Two of the Saxon ChroniclesParallel, ed. J. Earle and C. Plummer,Oxford, 1892 (1). The poetical pas-sages are marked tCHB.

CM =the tract 'de Consuetudine Mona-ohorum,' in Anglia, vol. 13, pp. 365-454.

Cos =Altwestsachsische Grammatik, byP. J. Cosijn, Haag, 1888.

op. =compare.CP=King Alfred's trans, of Gregory's

Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet (EETS),London, 1871.

^Cp=the Corpus Glossary, in OET, or in

WW (cols. 1-54) or (if the numbersare followed by a letter), in A Latin-Anglo-Saxon Glossary, ed. by J. H.Hessels, Cambridge, 1890 (1).

CPs=Der Cambridge-Psalter, ed. K.Wildhagen, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol.

7, Hamburg, 1910. (CHy=Cam-bridge Hymns in the same vol.) (3)

Cn=the poem of Crist, in Gb.Cba =the poem of Men's Crafts, in Gb.Cbbat=the poem of the Creation, in Gb.Ct= Charters, wills and other like docu-

ments, as contained in BC, CC, EC,KC and TC.

d. =dative, dp. =dat. pi. ds. =dat.singular; etc.

Da=the poem of Daniel, in Gb; or ed.

T. W. Hunt (Exodus and Daniel),

Boston, 1885.

DD=the poem 'Be Domes Daee* ('de

die judiciie '), ed. J. R. Lumby (TSETS).

London, 1876 (1); or in Gb (vol. 2,

pp. 250-272).DsoB=the poem of Door's Complaint,

in Gb and Kl.DHy=the Durham Hymnarium, ed.

J. Stevenson (Surtees Society, vol. 23),

London, 1851. (Gl by H. W. Chap-man, Tale Studies, No. 24, Boston,1905.)

Dom=the poem 'Be Domes Dege* fromthe Exeter Book, in Gb (Vol. 3, pp.171-4).

DR=the Durham Ritual, ed. T.Stevenson (Surtees Society), London,1840. Lines of Anglo-Saxon onlycounted. [Gl by Uno Lindelof,

Bonn, 1901 (BB vol. 9).]

Du. =Dutch.E=Early.EC =Land CBarters and other SaxonicDocuments, ed. John Earle, Oxford,1888 (3).

EETS =Early English Text Society's


EK= Early Kentish.

El=the poem of Elene, in Gb; or ed.

Kent, Boston, 1889.

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Ep=the Epinal Gloss., in OET.EPS=Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter,

ed. F. Harsley, EETS, London, 1889.(EHv=Hymns in the same vol.)

Erf=the Erfurt Gloss., in OET.ES=Enghsche Studien, Heilbronn and

Leiprig, 1876-1914.EWS=Early West Saxon.Ex=the poem of Exodus, in G& or inHunt's edition (v. Da). If followedby two kinds of numerals=Exodus in

Jtlfrie de vetere et novo Testamento in

the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, VoL 1,

Cassel, 1872.

exe. = except.

1 =feminine, fp. =fem. plural.

FAp=the poem 'Fata Apostolorum,' in

FBO=Daa Benediktiner Offixram, ed.

E. Feiler (AF vol. 4), Heidelberg,1901.

For=the poem of Finnsburg, in Gb, andmost editions of Beowulf.

FM=The Furnivall Miscellany, Oxford,1901.

FT= the poem 'A Father's Teachings,9

in Gn.g. =genitive, gs. = gen. singular, gp. =; etc.

G =the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, ed. W. W.Skeat, Cambridge, 1871-87. See also

LG, NG, RG, WG. (Gl to WG byM. A. Harris, Tale Studies, vol. 6,

Boston, 1899.)

GD=Die Dialoge Gregors den Grossen,ed. Hans Hecht (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa,vol. 5), Cassel, 1900-1907.

Gen=the poem of Genesis, in Gb. If

followed by two kinds of numerals=Genesis in J&lfric de vetere et novotestamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa,vol. 1, Cassel, 1872).

Ger.=German.GK= Groin's Sprachsohatz der Ags.

Dichter, revised by Kohler andHolthausen, Heidelberg, 1912. (Acomplete referenced glossary to Gb.)

Gl= Glossary. Used also as a com-prehensive sign for all or any of theextant Anglo-Saxon glosses or glos-

saries: Cp, Ep, Erf, GPH, HGl,KGl, Ln, OEG, WW etc.

G*=The Gnomic Verses in Gb. GnE=those in the Exeter Book and GkCthose in the Cotton MS. Separateedition also by B. C. Williams, NewYork, 1914 (1).

GPH=Prudentuib Glosses, contributed

by A. Holder to Germania, Viertel-

jahrssohrift fur deutsche Altertums-kunde, vol. 11 (ns).

GB=Bibliothek der Angels&chs. Poesie,

ed. C. W. M. Grein and revised byR. P. Wulker, Cassel, 1883-98.

Gtr=the poem of St Guthlao, in Gb.Goth=the (prose) Life of St Guthlac,

ed. C. W. Goodwin, London, 1848 (pp.8-98), or ed. P. Gonser (AF vol. 27),Heidelberg, 1909 (pp. 100-176).

HBLL=the poem of Hell, in Gb.HiFT=The Heptateuohus, etc, Anglo-

Saxonioe, ed.Edw. Thwaites, Oxford,1698.

Hxx=The Hexameron of St Basil, ed.H. W. Norman, London, 1849.

HGL=Gloases in (Haupt's) Zeitsohrift

fur deutsohes Altertum, vol. 9 (1863).HL=Homilien und Hemgendleben, ed.

B. Assmann, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol.

3, Cassel, 1889. v. also M and Shb(3).

Hu=the poem 'The Husband's Mes-sage,' in Gb.

Hy=the collection of 'Hymns' at theend of most of the Ags. versions of thePsalms, v. the various Psalters (Ps).

[The numbering of verses etc. usuallyfollows that in Wildhagen's Cam-bridge Psalter (CPs).]

i. =instrumental (case).

IM= ' Indicia Monasterialia,' ed. F.Kluge, in Teohmer's InternationaleZeitsohrift fur allgemeine Sprach-wissensohaft, . vol. 2, Leipzig, 1886.

intr. = intransitive.

JAW= Eigentiimlichkeiten dee Ang-lischen Wortschatzes, by B. Jordan(AF vol. 17), Heidelberg, 1906

JGPh=Journal of (English and) Ger-manic Philology, Urbane, HI.

Jn=the Gospel of St John. v. G andNG (JnL=Lindisfarne MS; JnR =Rushworth MS, v. LG, RG).

JPs=der Junius-Psalter, ed. E. Brenner(AF vol. 23), Heidelberg, 1909 (JHy=the Hymns in the same vol.).

Jud =the poem of Judith, in Gb, or ed.

A. S. Cook, Boston, 1889 (1).

Jul=the poem of Juliana, in Gb.K=Kentish.KC=Codex DiplomaticuflAevi Saxonici,

ed. J. M. Kemble, 6 vols., London,1839-48.

KGl -Kentish Glosses to the Proverbsof Solomon (=WW 66-88, or, if

quoted by number, in Kl).KL^Angels&ohsisches Lesebuch, by F.

Kluge, 3rd edition, Halle, 1902 (2).

KlED=F. Kluge's EtymologisohesWorterbuoh, 7th edition, 1910, orJ. F. Davis' translation, London, 1891.

£. = Latin.

LoD=Leeohdoms, Wortcunning andStaroraft of the Anglo-Saxons, ed.

0. Cockayne, London, 3 vols., RollsSeries, 1864-66 (vol. 2, and pp. 1-80of vol. 3 are referred to bv the folio of

the MS, so that the references may

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also be available for G. Leonhardi'Bedition of that part of the Lcd, in theBibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6) (3).

Lxas= thepoem 'Bemanna lease/ inGb.LG= the iindisfarne Gospels, in Skeat's

ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G).

(Glossary by A. S. Cook, Halle, 1804.)

LRQ= Lindiafame and RushworthGospels, v. RG.

Lieb. =F. Liebermann (v. LL).Lk=the Gospel of St Lake. v. G andNG (LkL= lindiafame MS; LkR=Rushworth MS; v. LG, RG).

LL=the Anglo-Saxon Laws, as con-

tained in liebermann, Sohmid orThorpe. If followed by numerals notin parentheses, or only partially in

parentheses, the reference is to DieGesetse der Angelsachsen, ' by F.liebermann, 2 vols., Halle, 1903-12

(1) ; if by numerals entirely in paren-

theses, to vol. 2 of 'Ancient Lawsand Institutes,* by B. Thorpe, 2 vols.,

London, 1840 (3).

Ln=the Leiden Glossary, ed. J. H.Hessels, Cambridge, 1906 (1).

Lob=the Lorica Hymn, in Kleiner©angels&chsische Denkmaler, by G.Leonhardi (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa,

vol. 6), Hamburg, 1906.

LP8=Der Lambeth-Psalter, ed. U.Iindelof, Acta Soc. So. Fennicae,

vol. 35, Helsingfors, 1909 (1). (LHy=the Hymns in the same vol.)

LWS=Late West Saxon.LV=Leofrio's Vision, ed. A. S. Napier,

in the Transactions of the Philological

Society for 1907-10, pp. 180-188.

M=Mercian.m.=masculine, ms., mp., etc. =masc.

sing., masc. plur., etc.

Ma= the poem of the Battle of Maldon,in Gb, also in Bb, Kx or Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader, Oxford.

Mdf =Altenglisches Ilurnamenbuch, byH. Middendorff, Halle, 1902. [See


Men =the Menologium, at the end of

Chb.Met= the Metres of Boethius ; v. Bo.MF= Festschrift fur L. Morsbaoh

(Studien zur Eng. Philologie, vol. 50),

Halle, 1913.

MFH = Homilies inMF, ed. Max Forster.

MH=An Old English Martyrology, ed.

G. Herzfeld (EETS), London, 1900.

See also Shb.Mk=the Gospel of St Mark; v. G andNG. (MkL=Iindisfarne MS; MkR=Rushworth MS of St Mark; v. LG,RG.)

MLA= Publications of the ModernLanguage Association of America,Baltimore.

MLN=Modern Language Notes, Balti-

more, 1880-1914.Mod = the poem 'Bi Manna MM/ in

Gb.MP=Modem Philology, Chicago, 190*-

1914.Mt=the Gospel of St Matthew; v. Gand NG. (MtL


Iindisfame MS;MtR= Rushworth MS of St Matthew


v. LG, RG.)n. =nominative, or neuter,or note. (np.


nap., etc. =nom. plural, nom. and aco.

plur., etc.)

N=Northumbrian.NAB=Narratiunculae, ed. 0. Cockayne,

London, 1861.

NC=Contributions to Old English Lexi<qoography by A. Napier, in the Philo-

logical Society's Transactions for 1903-1906, London (mostly late texts).

NED=the New English Dictionary, ed.

Sir J. A. H. Murray and others,

Oxford, 1888-1915. (See Preface,

and Note 1.)

neg. = negative.

NG=the Northumbrian Gospels, con-tained in Skeat's edition (v. G, IX),

RG).Nio=the Gospel of Nioodemus, in Heft ;

or in MLA 13-456^541. (The refer,

ences to passages are always to thelatter edition.)

NR=The Legend of the Cross (Rood-tree), ed. A. S. Napier, EETS, London,1894.

obi. =oblique.

oocl. = occasional, occasionally.

OEG=01d English Glosses, ed. A.Napier (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Ox-ford, 1900 (1).

OET=The Oldest English Texts, ed.

H. Sweet, EETS, 1885 (1).

OF.= Old French.

OHG. =01d High German.ON. =01d Norse.08.= Old Saxon.

. = page, or plural.

>A=the poem of the Panther, in Gb.Pabt=the poem of the Partridge, in Gb.Ph =the poem of the Phoenix, in Gb orBR.

pi. = plural.

PPs=the Paris Psalter, ed. B. Thorpe,London, 1835. The prose portion

(Psalms 1-50) also ed. Bright andRamsay, Belles Lettres Series, Boston,

1907, and the remainder (verse por-

tion) in Gb.Ps=any one or more of the Anglo-Saxon

Psalters. [NB. In the numberingof the Psalms, the Authorised Versionis usually one ahead of the MSS.] v.

A, B, C, E, J, L, R, S and VPs; also



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PST=Philological Society's Tranaao-tionB (v. also LV and NC).

QF=Mone, Quellen u. Forsohungen butOeeohiohte dor teutschen lit. u.

Sprache, Aachen nod Leipzig, 1830.RB =der Benediotinregel, ed. A. Schroer,

Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 2, Gassel,

1886-8 (3).

RBL =the Anglo-Saxon and Latin Ruleof St Benet (Interlinear Glosses), ed.

H. Logeman, EETS, London, 1888.

RD=The Riddles of the Exeter Book,in 6b, or ed. F. Tapper Janr., Boston,1910 (1).

RG=the Rnshworth Gospels, in Skeat'sed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G).

Mt (all), Mk 1-2" and Jn 18" are in

a Mercian dialect, and are usuallyknown as R1

; the rest (R1) is in a

Northumbrian dialect (v. also LG).Glossary to R1 by Ernst Schulte,

Bonn, 1904; to R* by U. Lindelof,

HeLrinsfors, 1897.

Rood =the poem 'Dream of the Rood,'in Gb.

RPs=der Regius-Psalter, ed. F. Roeder(Studien in Eng. Philologie, vol. 18),

Halle, 1904. (RHy=the Hymns in

the same vol.)

RSL= Transactions of the Royal Societyof Literature, London.

Run* =the poem of the Ruin, in Gb.Run =the Rune-poem, in Gb.s.=strong; also=singular. bv.=strong

verb. swv.= strong-weak verb.

Sat=the poem 'Christ and Satan,' in = substantive.

8C= Defensor's liber Scintillarum, ed.

E. Rhodes, EETS, London, 1889 (3).

8bav=the poem of the Seafarer, in

SHK=the Shrine by 0. Cockayne, Lon-don, 1864-70 [pp. 29-33 and 46-166 =MH; pp. 36-44=HL pp. 199-

207; pp. 163-204=AS].SHy=Surtees Hymnarium=DHy


SkED=An Etymological English Dic-

tionary by W. W. Skeat, Oxford,1910.

Sol=the poem Solomon and Saturn, in

Gb (if in italics, the reference is some-times to the prose version, ed. J. M.Kemble).

Soul=the poem of the Soul, in Gb.SPs =Psalterium DavidisLatino-Saxoni-oum, ed. J. Spelman, London, 1640.(Stowe MS, but includes marginalreadings from APs, CPs and EPs.)

Swt.=The Student's Dictionary ofAnglo-Saxon by H. Sweet, Oxford,1897.

TC=Diplomatarium jEvi Saxonioi, ed.

B. Thorpe, London, 1865 (3).

tr. =transitive.

usu. =usual, usually.

v. = vide, or very.

vX=varia lectio.

VPs=the Vespasian Psalter, as con-tained in OET (1). [VHy=Hymnsat the end of the Psalter.] Glossary**also by Conrad Grimm (AF, vol. 18),Heidelberg, 1906.

VtPs=Psalter-Glosses in Cotton Vitel-

lius E 18 (noted by Wildhagen in CPs).w. =with.W=(I) Wulfstan's Homilies, ed. A.

Napier, Berlin, 1883. Glossary byL. H. Dodd, New York, 1908. (II)-West Saxon.

WA=the poem of the Wanderer, inGb.

Wald =the poem of Waldhere, in Gb.Wfg=die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds,

by J. E. Wiilfing, Bonn, 1894-1901(copious material, and indexes towords in AO, BH, Bo, CP, AS, PPs,etc.).

WG=Weet Saxon Gospels (v. G).Whalx=the poem of the Whale, in Gb.Winsthe poem of Widsith, in Gb, or

ed. R. F. Chambers, Cambridge, 1912.WiF=the poem of 'the Wife^s Com-

plaint,' in Gb.WS=West Saxon.Wt=An Old English Grammar by J.and E. M. Wright, 2nd edition, Ox-ford, 1914.

WW=01d English Vocabularies, ed. by«T. Wright and R. P. Wulker, London,1884. Cols.l-64=Cp; 66-88=KGl;pp. 89-103 =Colloq. Monast. in NED.

Wy=the poem 'Be manna wyrdum.' in

ZDA=Zeitechrift fur deutsches Alter-turn, Leipzig and Berlin, 1853-1914.

ZDFh=ZeitBchrift fur deutsohe Philo-logie, Halle, 186^-1914.

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, abrytan...SPs should be abrftan...EP8.iftcweorran : for SPs read ELPs.•safest : lor Jfc read ELsstgweta : /or LkL12« read LkL12«

: (kid Gbn76.: add LL.

SBrendung: add £2?.

aascwlga : for J read f.afaran : add DaQ.ignlend : possession should be possessor.

igntondOe should be f,Igryndan : add Mbit 111.

Ihwyllan : add to roll to MP 1-692.

i, antifonere (iEP154«)=ante«fnero.

add LV57.for CSPs read EPS.

: /or SPs read EPS.ittllan should be atiUan.

fttltag : add EC448».itorgeblaM n. swelling caused by poison,

Lcd 162b.

atfecgan: add oppress? (Tapper) Rd IV.ItJynnlan : for VHy read DHy8M.

iwarnlan: read (APs)=aswarnian.-I-bearded having a bead, GD279".bssirguQg: strike out sorrowing, VHy.beseeawere : for VHy read DHy24".

betencan: addplunge into (fire),GD317.blegan: odd +byged 6oued douTfi, in-

firm, Nio471».blffie : add (+b. occurs at Guth161»).

add LV74.cweme-=owem-+dal xl part, GD311".

\ r -dalmatic* : omt* land add GD329"*.+drtog II. : add pentfe (Aorae), GD78".Mian aaottid be ±§8ian.+ladling: add rule, dominion.fAmne(n)dlle (GD) =f«mnh4dKotAraaralng f. quick marching, GD14**.fronting f. read commendation, trust,

guardianship, GD239" ; LL58T17].fssstnung: add exhortation, MkLp2s


monument, MtL p5« ; Mk5*.'

.* ~fantbletsung f. consecration of water for

baptism, -fflP188«

feohtUng : add MP 1-610.

ferbtlto : add PPs95w.

I : odd Sol80.flogettan : substitute to fly, flutter. So


GD100".foklic : add worldly, secular, GD209".lordimednes : add GD345*.forecweden aforesaid, GD 12 ; 344.forehGs: add LV33.Iorewftung should be forewitung.forlastednes (GD227")=for]»tennesforrftda? m. traitor, plotter, MP 1 592.forsegenlic (GD233n)=forsewenliotorttromung : for GSVPs read CVPs.forflman : odd NC289.iortfttton to profit ('profcere


), GD 200.fulltremed : add -lioe after adv.fuUbil thoroughly well, GD2481


tyrdgestealla, fyrdgetrum : add f.+gang: sAd passage (lapse) of time, GD17910.

geadning f. text, MtL p8".geanoyms: delete second line of article.

gearowyrdlg : add Mod 51.

gfodaed: oddf.geondfiowende ebbing and flowing, OEG2303.

geondliean : add Ph70.geondsendan : omit t.

gest- : for gsest- read gest-giastran: add Rd 41".

gtostet : add GD10".glomung : for VHy read DHy; GD.godwebben : add GD 17ft1.

hSBftnlednas : odd GD346".±h8eftnledan should be +hnftniedan.bAtottan should be ±halettan.beale-lendllo, -igendlio: for SPS89"read APs89u : imploring, GD17"

bellegSBst : strike out f.

hellegeat: odd MP 1-610.

bellesiow f. infernal region, heU, GD332".

MWcufllic : add/arot7*ar, GD32.hnep (GD186a7)=hn»ppborsttegn : add muleteer, GD 191st


brittnes: odd £!P 136*.buselboz receptacle of the host, MP 178*.

bwllstfcoe : add GD264M.

+byldelle secure, safe, GD34810.

+Iefian : add compassionate, GD216(«).

Additional references to the NED:—bebod 'bibod* ; belQean 'belouke9

; eempa'hemp' ; eennan 'ken 9

; elipung 'cleping9

; ensspp 'knap 9

; dlbtere 'dighicr9

; draea'drake'; dysglan 'dizzy


; fAcne 'faken9

; forboglan 'forhow'; forwlernan 'for-

warn 9

; gafol 'gavel9

; gleaw'oietp'; beonon'Aen*; bleo 'lee9

; bllebban 'laugh';

hreof 'reof9

; hryre «rure'; buru •Awe'; lerre 'irre9

; lutan 'lout9

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a prep. [ =on] on, at, in, to, for,ft h (awa, 5) adv. always, ever,

conHnucusto, for ever, MjkO,CB. a onecniase; a butan ende world without end :

at amy time : in any degree. [ON. ei, ey]II. L=fi

ft- (unemphatio verbal prefix); I. orig. =

abeoflan=abifian; ab*ogan=abfiganftbeornan» to take fire, PPs 106".

Abftowan (WW 217M) =abywanat all, ftberan 4 to bear, carry : endure, suffer, Mt,

Bo; JE,GP : bear (a child), M : take away,

remove : reveal i (refl.) rerfratn onefe!/ : ao«*tfoit<,NC26&

ft-berd, -bend crafty, cunning.

ftberendlle bearable.

forth, away, bat as a role only intensitive ftbernan (N)=abeornanftberatan* to buret out, break out, M,CPbreak away, escape, fit a. break out.

abe*eolan=abedecian; ablcgan=aby<wait, remain,

survive : wait for.

in meaning. II. son- III. ym(b)- TV.a(I.) in pronouns and participles, and givesa sense of indefiniteness. V.=&-

ft&lan= on&lan; ftAtfan =ale«an; ftb=6webftbaean* to bake, £H 2*268*.

ftbaMan to compel, restrain, ward off z exact,

take toll : force out, extract.

Absellgan=ebylganabftran to disclose, bring to light, DD41.ftbeu* (W274**)=»b»reftbcernan=onbanian ; abal (Qvs 500) =alolftbannan7 to summon, convoke, command :

announce, proclaim, a. fit call out, as-

semble, Chr. .£• abanne']ftbarlan to lav bare, disclose.

fabbad, abbod, abbotXabbud.abbud (a, o) m. « abbot; BH,Chr;J& [L.

abbatem]abbudddm m. abbatial jurisdiction, BH.abbndeeee t abbess, Chs.abbndhad m. abbatial rank, dignity, LL.abbudlftast f. lack of an abbot, BC MM',abbudrfoe (o) n. abbey, abbacy, office or ftblftwan1 'to blow, blow away, breathe upon,jurisdiction of an abbot (need even of a A : puff up, swell, Led Q&b. ['ablow']

convent of nuns). ^ftbttw-nes, -ung f. inflation, Lcd.'~

abtatan7 to beat, strike, break to pieces, **blegned ulcerated, Lod.make to fall, Or. ^abeat 9

] ftblendan to blind, put out the eyes of, M,ftbeetda t ABO, alphabet. CP : dazzle, deceive, delude, JB. {'dblend'iAbedeclan (et$e-) to get by begging or asking, ablered bare, uncovered, bald, [blere]

Bo71u. ftbnean1 to shine, glitter.

L-.abedlsse=abbudefl8e; abegan=abygan ablicgan=ablycgan; ftbHgnss=&bylgnesftbelgan* to make angry, irritate, offend, ftbllndan to make blind, BlISI 4


Soli MJlO,CB : hurt, distress : be angry «blindian=ablendanwith. Pabelgenn ftblfnnan* to cease, leave off, desist, 4fi,A0,CP.

abeodan* to orSer, proclaim, bid, command, abllnnednes f. cessation, interruption, Adirect : summon, call out : announce, relate, 5*465.

declare, present, offer, AO; M. h«l a. to abllnnendHce indefatigably, HGl429*.wish one good luck, greet, bid farewell to. ftbllnnendnei =ablinnednee

VabedeJ} ftbllilan (M) = ablysian

ftbldan1 to <abide,'

remain behind, AOM : expect, MtllKto ask for, request, require, demand,

pray, pray to, pray for, M : get by asking,

obtain, M,AO,CP : call out (an army).ablflan (eo) to tremble, quake, shake.

AbUgtS, abilh*= ftbylgB; ftblran = aberanftblring= abyrging ; ftblsg-, ftblseg- = abyag-abttan1 to btte tn pieces, tear to pieces, devour,

gnaw, M,AO : taste, partake of, consume.ftbit(e)rian to turn bitter, CP341" : embitter.

abUt, abitt=abit,abitablftclan to become pale, grow faint: becometarnished, OP 135*.

AblAcan to bleach, whiten, BJPb50*.fibldenet f. pallor, gloom, Lod 1*294.

ablAcung f. pallor, HGl518.AblAst inspired, furious.

~H +


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Ablisslan to make glad, please, GD 336n. ak] IL interrog. particle, why, inhere/ore,

Ablongen=abolgen, pp. of abelgan. whether : in direct questions=L. nonne,Ablyegan (i) to grow pate, M : make afraid.^ numquid.Ablynnan=ablinnan a|^f.g&.andnp. m'oaV^CM^Mdf


Ablysian to blush. (J) ship of oak : (w. riSpr&oas) name of theAblysung f. blushing, shame, RB 133". rone for a. [OHO. eih]

Abodlan to announce, proclaim, LkR 12s. ac&gan=aciganAbolgennes t irritation, WW 230". acftgtod 'serratus,' Nae20ss


Aborgian to be suretyfor, LL : (w. ©t) borrow, aeonn-=aoenn- ; Aeserran= acirran

t Abortan=abarian ucalELn* to become frost-bitten, LcD2b.^—--Abraoian to engrave, emboss. t^—aean* to 'ache, ' suffer pain, AS.

AbrSdan L to spread out, dilate : stretch aeast acaseTTN6)==flB08out, M. Ih bake, Lod 44a. ^J^ aebeam m. oak-tree, accent m. accent. [L.]

abrasllan to crash, crackle, GD236". accutian?=aounnian<"~*


Abreac pret. 3 sg. of abrucan. Aooynn n. a kind of oak, WW 430*.

Abrftat pret. 3 sg. of abreotan. aodreno m. oak drink, drink made fromAbreean 4 to break, break to pieces, break acorns f, WW.down, conquer, capture, violate, destroy, ace=eoeJS,AO,CP : break away from. acealdlan to become cold, JB,CP. ['acold



abrMan* to move quickly, draw, uneheath, aceaplan to buy off, buy out.

wrench, puU out, Mt : withdraw, take Acelan to cool off', still, quiet, Met. ['afate']

away, draw back, free from, M.AO. ftp Acelma=ftcelma; acen=fecenabroden drawn up, raised up : start up, Aeennan to bring forth, produce, renew, Bo,awake. [\abraid


\ WO; M: attribute to. Vakennejd)



abredwlan to lay low, kiU, B2619. aoennedlto 'genuinus,' native,'UEQ.Abrtgan to alarm, terrify. acennednes (WO; M), -oennes (OP,NQiAbregdan=:abredan AO)l(trfa. ['akennlaQjus*]Abreotan1 to destroy, kill. acennend m. parent, DR197U.

Abrtotnes f. extermination, OET 182. acennlcge f. mother, DR.abreooan* (intr.) to fail, decay, deteriorate, Acennlng f. birth, Bk 16.

.) to choke ; (intr.) burn out,

'ruminatio,* WW 179*.

7 cut off, hew down, AO,CP.Abrerd- =onbryrd-

J" onweg a. to cut away. oik. to cut off, AO.

AbroSennes f. baseness, cowardice, W. Aetoaan* to choose, A0,CP.AbrQean* to eat, A 11-1". acer=»oer; aeerr-=acirr-

Abryrd-=onbryrd- . -- _ AoSgan to call, summon.Abrylan to destroy, $5Ps36s.

Ntr Acirran (e, y) (tr.) to turn, turn away or

^ /^"^^JUMIfan (= on-) adv. above, Che1090 E. aside : (intr.) turn oneself, go, return.•»^ AbOgan* (» on-) to bow, incline, bend, sub- aclrrednes v. onweg-a.

mil, do reverence, B,ChrL; M : swerve, turn Ael=acol; AelAc^ aglao

(to or from), deviate, CP : withdraw, retire : aclftnslan to cleanse, purify, bent or turned, turn one's self. ^aftoigM Aeleaf n. ooi leaf, Lod.Abunden unimpeded. Aelftofan* to cleave, EC35110


Aborod not inhabited, TC 162". Aeleoplan to call out, WW 378s.

- ^.AbQtan, -bitten, -baton. I. prep. aco. <m,«+acliant to frighten, excite, [aool]

N ^ about, around, on the outside, round about, Aelungen contracted,WW 239s7. [olingan]

CP,ChrL,JS. II. adv. about, nearly, ChrC. jAemelu n. acorn meal, Lod.

[= onbutan; 'about'] Aemlstel f. mistletoe, Lod. Aen-=eaon-Abyogan to buy,~f8g~for, requite : redeem : AonAwan1 to know, recognise, understand.

perform, execute. ^ acnyssan to drive out, expel, SPs 36".

Abyflan to mutter, WW 447s*. fr-a^-acotrian to recover, Led. [' acover *]

§Jbfgun{e)tobend,defteet:subdue,bringtow: Aeolf affrighted, dismayed.

convert. Aedllan to grow cold, CP/^>a*b?gendlic; Abylg-,abylig-=&bylgt,AeoIltus m. acolyte, ISLtLXfA-byrgan, -byrian to taste, eat. Aeolmodf fearful mindearftmid.

Abyrglng (-iri-) f. taste. +Aoolmddlan to cast down, sadden, WWabysgtan to busy, occupy, employ : engage 209lt. [aool]

in, undertake i take up, fill, GD. C hcorti&n to make terms, reconcile, Che 1120.

Abysgung f. occupation : trouble. acorenllc eligible, worthy of choice, CP409**ab^wan (So) to rub off, polish, cleanse, purify, aoostnian to try, test, prove, CM,WW.

. ac I. oonj. but : but also, moreover, never&e- acreaftan to think out, devise, A046m.

less, however: because, for {}): and {^), As Acrammlan to cram,WW 236w.

£69. ao gif unless, except, Bl 151. [Qoth. acreoplan to creep, crawl, M.

aoreooan" (intr.; to jau, aecay, aetertorate, acenmng i. o%rwx

perish, be destroyed, Ma; M. abro«en(pp.) aceoolan (tr.) to t

degenerate, reprobate, ASOr. (tr. and wk.) AcAocung f. 'rum

destroy, [v. brethe'} Aeeorfans to cut

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aerimman» (y) to cram, duff, WW.telnd f. oak bark, Lod.icnimmen pp. of acrimm&n.aes=8Bz; Ace-=aeo-; aasesaaoeAetAn m. oak-twig, Lod.Aetrfto n. oak-tree, Wnr28M.

acucian (J3)=acwicianAeul=±aool; Acuma(jE)=ftoambaAoumaa4 to come, come forth {from),bear, bring : endure, withstand, Mor from, reach, Gen. ['acorne']

\jmt : g\

AderlanM ffpdesan

oet toT6lexe=

Adattan* to defoe, oty, erawate, £^AO,CP.AdeJlht£J%, WW.AdeJstalf m. eetoer, «tn&, J3.

AdAman to judge, try, deprive of or exclude

from by a legal decision : try, afflict,

Adeorolan to become dull, obscure, tarnished,

CP : grow dark, fort, GD 219".

esa m., adeae f.lad*e,' hatchet, BH,W.

exe=&«exe<Ad-taru f. da. -irnre way or path to thefuneral

pile, B3010.Adflnl n. limit f ash-heap of a beacon tEC 354*.

•idiyr n. sacrificial fire, Ex 398.+Adglan= +eadgianAdlhtan to compose, write.

Adllitian to regulate, arrange, order, CP.A-dlleglaii, -dil(i)ffian {f) to destroy, blot

out, annihilate, devastate, CP.Adlmmlan to become dim or dull, to darken,obscure, CP.

Aeweeean (tr.) to move, swing, shake, w6rate,#adl in., adle f. disease, infirmity, sickness,

Ma; JE : (intc.) quiver, M. ['aquetch'] AO,CP.Aewelan4 to die, perish, JE,AO,CP. • AdlAg m. flame of the funeral pile, Ph 222.

Aewellan to kiU, destroy, JnL; jE,AO,CP. ±Adlian to be diseased or HI, languish, M :

[*aqttell'] cause disease, DR.AewaUadnas (e»») !. slaughter, EPs 43u. AdUg sick, diseased, M.Aewanean to quench, extinguish, Mt; AO. Adllga m. sick person. AdHht=adeIiht


fJfAeum-ba m., -be fn. 'oakum, ' hards, tow, Led,OEO,WW : ashes of oakum : parings,

• clippings, [oemban]AcumendUc tolerable, M : possible.

AcumendDonet f. possibility.

Acunnan (NG)=oncannanAcunnlan to try, test, prove : experience, CP.Acunimng t experience, triaf^AD.

L^Acman to accuse, MtL12"f£jiewaclan to tremble. \^Aewaanoan =acwencan

[^aquench*]Aeweorna m. squirrel, 01.

«Adloma m. one crippled by fire, Gu884.[lama?]

•AdbAoo sickofacontagiouediseose,'E8Q9'221&.

#Adl4Sraoul f. gs. -tinaoe/oroe of disease.

_... JUDmigttHae«,a;H1122».Aeweoan* <o «oy, *pea« oat, declare, utter, «Adlwer!lg wearyfrom Hlness, Ou981.ezpre**, aaetper, Qen : reject, oanieAy Gmr Addn (for oonj. . d6n) to take away, send

A , _.. Pagaeroe']Aeweorran* to guzzle, gorge, |Ps 77n.

Aewern=aoweorna IF LAewerren =&oworren pp. of aeweorran.

304. [*oeiPMlaf


Aewtolan ffer.) to ffatdfeen, t*t*,/y, Perevive, BJET. ['agate*']

acwlnan1 to dwindle away, disappear,out {of fire), BH,LPs.

Aawlnoan* to txmttA, 6e extinguished


A-cwuelan, -owyofansaowioianAcwudn m. an oak wood, BLC 0-218".

Aewylan=aowelanAewylman to kiU, slay.

Acwylmlan to be tormented, W22P.ftowynean= aowencanAeynned==aoeniiedpp. of aoeonan.

away i cast out, expel, destroy : (w. prepe.

(into.) to, on, from, etc) put, place, take, remove,set free, AO,CP.

oo adoea=adeea; AdrMan=ondrftdanAdriMan to drive away, shut out, expel,

or AO,CP. Vadreve']AdrAnot^adrenoed pp. of adrencan.Adragan* to draw {sword), HL IS**.

Adrlfan=adribfan«adremlnte f. feverfew.

Adrancan to submerge, immerse, drown, AO.Vadrench']

AdrAogan* to act, perform, do, practise, JB :

bear, suffer, endure. An; CP : pass time,

Uve,M. I'adree')Acyrr-=aoin>-

r fc ---*•

Ae^Ban to show, proclaim, reveal, announce, AdrAogendlle bearable,

confirm, prove. Adreohan=adreogan•Ad mn. heap, funeral pile, pyre : fire, flame. Adreopan* to drip, drop, Ax.[OHO. eit] Adrtosan* to faU to pieces, decline, vanish

AdWan to divide, separate. failAdeadlan to fail, decay, mortify, become AdrHAn1 to drive, drive away, drive out,

torpid or cattous, M. pursue, follow up, LL ; M,AO,CP : ^toJfce outAdAaflan to become deaf,WW 179" (a ford) : chase {metal), M. ['adrive']

Adeafung f. deafening, making deaf, Led. Adrtgan=&drygan[. 'adeave'] Adrtnean* be drowned, extinguished, BH;idelL=*dl; II.=&dela AO. [




. HUlela m. mud, dirt, fiUh, filthy place, M. Adrugian, adrawian (MtJR) to dry up.rt [•oAfle'] ['adroughe']


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Adrfgan (i) to become dry, dry up, wither, «cambef.=acumbeCP: dry, wipe dry. ftcan=Iecan; 890cyrn=fficern

idrysnan to extinguish, repress, NG. nee, £oe=eoe, eoe; seced=eoedadsa=adesa; adulseao^adelsSa* SBoedwIn n. wine mingled with myrrh, MkLAdumblan to become dumb, keep silence, 15tt.Mk; M. [v. 'dumb 9

vb.] Ae«aii=aoelanmc -^.a-dttn, -duna, -dune adv. down, downward, Jseebna m. chilblain, OEG,WW.**

-ffi. [= ofdfine] Acelmehte (ecil-) having chilblains, OEGadOne(A)stIgan to ciewend, CPs. 1523.

adunfeallan tofaU down, EPs 144". lAcen I. a wood o/ oaks. II. oai*n, WWtfT —adunweard adv. downwards, ChrL. ['a 270". IIL »eaoen pp. of eacan.•** downward 9

] Wjbootr nap. acras m. jCW, eoiw Jono', cut-


tooted tond, iff; JE,AO,CP; Mdf : a certain

AdwAsean (e) to jntf out, quench, extinguish, quantity of land, 'acre,' JE; v. LL 2-267 :

6to< oaf, destroy, AO : suppress, M,CP. crop,

A-dwellan to wander, «troy. # SBcerceorl m. countryman, farmer, NC 268.

Adwellan, piet. 3 sg. -dwealde to seduce, 8eceren=®cernlead <Mtray : hinder, M. secerhege m. Aedge of afield, KG3*33S


AdwAsean =adwfiscan sdoerm&lum by acres, KC 6-98*.

Adwlnan1 to dwindle or waste away. %eBcermann m. farmer, WW. ['acreman']

Adydan to destroy, mortify, hill, M. [l

adead- %»cern n. nut, mast of trees, JE (i1) : 'acorn9

en'] WW.—Adrian to overpower with sound. «8dcernspranea m. 'Hex,9 oak sapling?

Adylf=adealf pret. of adelfan. MfitoW*.Ad*Jglan, adylegian=adilegian tmeriAd n. seed enough for an acre? Chbadymman= ariimmian 1124.

Adysgtan to makefoolish, W185". ssBcerteooung t titte o/ tte produce of the

A-aocentedverbalprefix,= (l)without; (2) a-, soil, W 310".

« A I. f. also few f. (and m. or n. ? in 4ft?) fotg+SBoertynlnjt f. fencing, EC 3779.

(<imne or Awnan), custom, covenant, Xo,#9Beerweoren.JfeJd-MorJ;, GPH391.CP; WQJfQ. butan ft otitfatr : (esp. in seces=»x

' pL ) rite, ceremony : faith, religion, unrihte secest, SBoetf pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan.

A false religion. Cristes £ potpei : ecrtp- ftcUma=*celma; S9cirn=»06rn(ttf», revelation : marriage, M : (lawful) AelAca=agls3ca; «cleaw=fegl&awwt/e. For some oomps. v. *w-. [ cb ] *Acnoale degenerate, not noble, WW .

II.=ea I. III. interj. oh! alas I +Aen6sllende degenerating, WW 218".Aa I.= ea I. II. gp. of £ ; seal- =eal» tftoreeftf m. knowledge of law or ordinances,

AalAinterj. =eala; *ar-= ear- religion.

Aearglan to become remiss, AO 212*. «&CT8sftlg learned in the law ; as sb. = lawyer,

'AbAre (e" XL) manifest, notorious, public, scribe, Pharisee.

open, evident, clear, [4e6er*] sscrasv. eecer; aecren=8Boern

aebblan to ebb away, recede, Chb. Ns,4M» f. 'axe,9pickaxe, hatchet, CP; Mt (»x).

ffibbung ( =ebb-) f. 'ebbing.9

sft ». gttf/, asest, not? pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan.

bay, WW 164 «oumba=aoumba; sBOur=8eoerAbebod n. injunction of the law, command, *8&cyrf m. (wood-)choppings, BH 224".PPs 118"». nd (NG)=«t; ssd-=ed-

• Abac fp. eoofo of the law,WW 439". nddenaax (WW)= edreseaxAbAre=Sbfire ; Abasn= fcfeen ssddre, fidr= fidie

Abllg-, -bili(g)-= ftbylg- ; AblAo-= abl&o- «Adre I. f. artery, vein, pulse, nerve, sinew,B ;

HBblAoe lustreless, pale, pallid. AO : pi. veins, kidneys : runlet of water,

«Abod m. business, M : statute. fountain, spring, stream, ['eddre9

] II. adv.«Aboda m. messenger, preacher, Gtr 900. at once, directly, instantly, quickly : (t)fuUy,Abrssoe, -breca=8&wbrseoe, -breca entirely. [08. adro]•AbreoS f. sacrilege, LPs. »Adraseaz (der) n. lancet,WW 410".•Abrueol sacrilegious, QPH. 402. *Adrewag» m. artery, vein.

} .

•*&» il fir-tree, M. Ejabies] Adrifan=adrifan; SBdwlst=edwiflt

Abyi^n^sebylg^ Sijr8Bfastt= safest; AfsBtt^sawfsMt

^Abylga m. anger, LPs77«f. ©Idadl -dell (NG)=ofd»le

# ±A1^]gan, -byli(g)an to mate angry, «6Bfd^ne m. declivity, Gl.ojfend, JS. «AfeUe tritaovt *Wn, peeted, WW 190s1 .

<Abylgnes f. anger, offence, M. ^ ssfen= efen

AbylgS, -bylg^u f. anger, AO. Mc Afen (e) nm. 'even,9evening, eventide, B,

«byllg-=»bylg.; A-byl8,-bylyg«=83bylg« MUL,Qu (€fn). W fifenes t«U eventng :

Ao I.f.=ao; U.(N)= eao eve, RB.

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•AfenooJlaJlo the 'eofloJto* read before earn- ttAfnan (e) to carry out, do, perform, fulfil :

piine, NC268. am* : enanre, JMjjTer : (+)hold, sustain.

Afendrtam m. even-song, RB. [02f. efna]Afengebed n. everting service, WW 129*. nine=efneAfengereord n. evening meal, supper {often «±Afnian to ^rotc towards evening, M.weed in pi. of one meal). 'Afnnng f. 'event*?,' «t*iwef, JB.

Afengereordlan to sup, give supper to, ftfre adv. 'ever,' of a»y time, 8at,Mt : of- ~*£CM 1030. ways, constantly, perpetually, Or,BB; M,

Afengereordnng {. supper, NC269. CP : henceforth : ne ft. ; ft. ne (— nftfre)

Afengeweore n. evening work, Lod 70b. never ; ft. td aldie/or ever. A. Alo, 1P,0Kr.

Afen^glefl, -gift n. evening repast, supper, ft. ftnig any af a£, £(7.

AO,CP. »treda m. what is taken or separated from,Afen-giom, -glome m., -ddmnng (omm-, OEG (Nepier). [af ; *hreda (hxedden)] :

eom-) !. gloaming, twilight, tow, oakum (BT).Afengrom fierce at eve, B 2074. • Afremmonde pious, religious, Jul 648.eafenlan=Bfnian esfie L=efea; H.=sebsAfenlle n. evening sacrifice, evening »a9teeogan to confute, E842us.

prayer, PPb140». afrtMefettAfenlAoan to grow towards eveningf Lk 24". mttwmon n. pasturage,WW410" (=»«fes-Afenltoht n. evening light, B 403. weoro).

AfenleoSt n. evening song. aft« eft

Alenlle o/ <ee evening; adv. -Hoe. «e»fUn adv. yVoei 6eAtndt oeatnd, m Me rear, HZMvnlotm lauds (service), C&IOM. Ma. ['o/t']

Afenmete m. supper. ueftanweard adj. oeAtnd, in the rear, follow-Afenoffrnng !. evening sacrifice, NC 209. ing, Rn63s.

AfenrAdlng !. reading (during the evening f»ftemest adj. last, hindmost, MJlO.meal at a monastery), 'coUatto,* CM. ,after I. prep. (w. d., i and—chiefly N.—a.)-f£Afenrepenng f. nightfall, M. (looal and temporal) after, along, behind,

Afen-rest, -tomtit I. evening rest. through, throughout, during : (oanaal)

Afeneang m. 'evensong,9 Jl,BB. following, in consequence of, according to,

Afenteeop m. evening singer, bard, R» 0*. /or the purpose of : (objeot) after, about, in[•©op] jwrjnti of, /or. II. adv. o/ter, ften, a/ter-

Afenge&na m. eeemno splendour, Gmr2448. wards, thereafter : thereupon, later, backAfentprAe 1 evening tott, B759. (— *n return), a. "Son, Item, ttisam; ».Afentteorm m. tte evening star, Hesperus, torn ("Son, 'San) tie; afterwards, there-

Bo; M. ['evenetor*] a/ter.

Afen-ttd t, .time m. eventide, M. after* =»often*AfenSennng f. evening tertnce : evening afterA f. lae 6oo* Deiiteronomy, JE.

rejxief, supper. afterboren adj. •a/ter&orn,' partAwiuHu,Afengeowdcm m. evening eerviee or ojfbe, ^Rf.

WW 129*. aftercweoan* to epea* «/*»"» repeat nfter-

Afonung=ftfnung; Afer=ftfre ewetiendra lof praise from posterity : to

aferSe f. name o/a pfonf, Lod. renounce, abjure, Chr 1094.

8Bfes-=erfee- aftereynlng m. later £ing!BH140M B.

afesat m., aefeee (m.) I. =afeen afterealu n. «ma8 6eer, WW1294.

^ afesn, wfeeen f. relish, dainty, special pas- afterflttan. «fterfiligend=«fterfylgan, nf-turage, pannage; the charge for special terfylgendpasturage, LL. Afterfolgere m. follower, A0142n.

aofesne? =8epeent nfter-folglan, -tylgan (AO) to follow after,

^ffifett mf. envy, hatred, malice, spite, CP; succeed, pursue.

BtPs : teal, rivalry. Revest9

] »ftertylgednes f. sequel, ^L23baM.

AfesMAwinet ;/ »tt«rtjrlgend m. follower, successor, AO.atfesttulJWo/ envy. C -hoe in succession.

• ±»fetttan -igian to be or become envious. Afterfylgendnes f. succession, SHyll.• asfeitlg envious : zealous. Afterfyigung (oft-) f. pursuita»festBee= ofoet&oe Afterfyllg- snfterfylg-

s BBfgflM i. superstition, OEG. After-genga, -gengea m. follower, successor :

' Affcerefa (-groefa) • exactor, ' LkL 12*. descendant, M.Afgrynde n. aoyw, PPs 36*. Aftergengel m. successor, KC.eBfhynde=ofhende ssftergengnes f. succession, M : posterity s

Allan (-ant) to oe in a miserable condition, inferiority.

Cb1357 (or tefnant Gollanoz). »ftergyld n. further payment, LL.seOso (EC291 ) =efeao aefterhASe ft autumn drought, AO 1027 .

• Aflittm. a wanderingfrom thewayf Ex 473. Afterhyrlgan to »m»to<e, BH.

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fl&fterlean n. reward, recompense, restitution, AO,Mt (g#). II. oonj. fighwa)$er (ge)...

retribution. ge; fig5er...and 6ofa...ana*; a* t0ett...a*.

leefterlte second, WW50619. Ag-hwanan, -hwanon(e), -hwannon, -hwa-

»tterra (oompO eeeond*, following, next, nam, ^rom a# parte, everyipAert, cm everylatter, lower, CP. eide, *n every way.

after-rip (JE) -rfipe m. crupper. Ag-hwir, -hwer=fighwfirnfterrldan1 to r»<ie a/fer. Aghwele =ftghwiloeefterrdwan7 to row after, ES41m. «fhwe8er=*ghw»«er•fterryne m. 'oceursus, ' CPs 187. Aghwlder on every side, in all directions : inarftenang m. (after-song), matins, CM449. any direction, anywhere.•ftenlngallle (- -aangtio) of matins, Afhwttc adj. each, every, whosoever, whatso*CM476. ever, all, every one, Bo,Met. ft. aura each.

•ftenlnjend m. succpUor, WJtf 129**. ft. 6«er each other, Ma. ftghwilcee in every

mtt*xmJnn(0frafi*ffads,Mn, NG. «wy. [v.4eacV]

eBftenpnae f. after-claim, LL3087. Ag-hwonan, -hwonon (CP), -hwonene —

settersprecan* to claim, LL 226 [9,4]. ftghwananSBfterspyrlan to track out, search, inquire Aghwyder=fcghwider; Aghwylc=ftghwilotiUo, examine, GP. Aglft f. (m? n?) restitution, repayment,

ssfterweard adj. after, following, further, Agllde adv. receiving no 'wergild' as corn-

behind, in the rear, later, M. pensaHon, LL.ssfterweardnes f. posterity, WW464U. AgM=»gylt; AglAe^aglfioSBfterwrlten trritten afterwards, Ixn)69b. Agleaw learned in the law.

SBfterwyrean to cause, effect. Agltea=aglftoassfter-yld, -yldo f. ^advanced age, old age : Agllm m. white of egg. [Bm]o/ter age, later time, BH. peld(o)] Agmang (WW4»)=«ggemang

wfteweard =®fterweard Agmore f. root 0/ tte eye, eocfetf Lcd3-98*.ssftewearde adv. oeAind. [Sage]

»ftra=»fterra SBgnan sb. pi. atone, sweepings, chaff, Gl.seftresta superl. last. [v. egenn]

eeftum adv. a/ter, MtR24n. Agnes =agnes, v. agen; Agnten=agnian»ftyr=®fter Agra v. fig; S9gsa=egsaSBlBano, safSanoa (o, u) m. tntuft, oj^eiice : Agselll (y) f. eggshell, Ijod.

grudge, displeasure, anger. AgSer=®ghw8e«erssf-weard (CP) -ward absent. Agweard f. wafca on the shore, B241. [ieg]

sefweardnes f. absence, Bo,GD. Agwern= seghwftr

sefwela f. decrease of wealth, 1x303-170". Agwyrt f. dandelion, Lod I58b.ssfwendla (WW2231

)=wfwjrdla Agylde = ftgilde

ssf-werdelsa, -wyrdelsa m. injury, damage, Agylt m. sin, offence, [ww, gylt]

loss. Agype without shiU or cunning (BT),sefwyrdla, m. tn/ttry, domooe, foe* : jSne PPsl0610


/or tfrinry or fat*, sshher (MkR4»)=eara3lwyra(u)? f. degradation, disgrace, RB. Ahfw n. pallor, OEG4897.Afyllende fulfilling the law, pious, Cn704. Ahfwe pallid : deformed.

Atyn= ftfen Ahlwnss f. pottor, Lod 1 -294*.

Atyrm8afp.*tMefrin0*,ric66ian. [feormian] Ahtyp m. breach of the peace, assault, LL.fig n. (nap. Agra) 'ec/o,' LcdJLk,OKT,Met. [op. »thlyp]Ag=ieg; Agan=agan ssht^eahtssge=ege; Agen= agen Ant I. !. (rare in eg.) possessions, goods,

, (k) dp. of fig. lands, wealth, cattle, Mk; AO : ownership,Agerfebna f. egg-skin, Lci>20b. control [agan : 'auofti' sb.] Il.=dhtAgergelu n. yolk of egg, Gl. [fig, geoln] ientan to persecute, LkL21u.

Agflota m. seafarer, sailor, An 258. [ieg] Ahtboren 6orn in bondage, RB 1 1».

Aggemang n. egg-mixture, WW. Ante=ante pret. ag. of agan.Ag-hwi mf., -hw»t, n. pron. each one, every Ahteland n. territory, BH36814


one, everything, who or whatever, ftghwftt sehtemann m. tiller of the soil, serf, farmer,neat, anything. [»g=agi] M.AghwAr everywhere, in every direction, Ahteewftn m. swineherd who was a chattel onMk; AS : in every case, in every respect : an estate, LL4497


anywhere. ['aywAere'] Ahtgesteald n. possession, Jul 115.

AfhwaM (gs. of fishwa) altogether, in every Ahtgeetreon n. possessions, Ph506.way, entirely, whoUy, throughout, in general. Ahtgewealdf mn. power, control.

AghwsDt y. ftghwa. 83htlan= eahtianAgtawasStr (figSer, atSer). I. pron. each or +89htle f. esteem, B369.every one (of two or more), ^either,* both, eahtowe (LkR2tl)=eabta

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ahtaptd t weoitt, rushes, LPs 103**.

AhtapftdlgrM*.Ahtwelaf m. teeottft, riete*.

Ahtwellg tMaJOy, He*, Jul 18.

Ahwanne, AhwAr, -hwar=ahwanne,ahwftrAhwyrtan=ahwierianahx=*B08; alg=:»gal- prefix= Leal(l)-; ILel(e)-al m. piercer, 'awl,


Alm.VeJ,' jnF;MdtAlft=ea]aaladend m. legislator, SPsO11


AlArende m. teacher of the law, instructor inreligion, El606.AlAte L n. <2e«erf pfaee. IL deterf, empty,W47». IIL I. divorced woman.AlAten I.=alftten pp. of alatan. IL=SUetell.

Alagol tottytwuy, GPH397«W.

Alan to *t»<ik, tyfc, «ef on fire, bum, M,CP.AUrfow (-laroa) m. teacher of the law,

Pharisee, NO.alaS^ealatt; »lb©orht=eallbeorhtssIMtu (GL)=ilfetoAle [elc, ylo (VPs); v. 'each'] 1. (nron.

sabet.) any, aU, every, each (one), Js,AO,CP. «to...5*ram the one...the other. II.

(adj. pron.) each, Led : any, CP.aleeeldt altogether cold, very cold.

aleor, ©lcra=elcor, elora

aleraftlgt almighty, all-powerful.

Aleuht (AO) adownht n. everything.

aid affiled; ald-=ield-aldewnta (NO)= ealdwitaelecting= dleooungAledf m. gs. SAdeafire,firebrand, ft. weooanto kindle afire, Whale21. [ON. eldr]

Aledtyr n. flame offire, Ph3667AledMoma m. fire-brand, B3125.alegradig greedy, ML 18"». [eell-]

alegrtae (RPsl27*)=eaIlgrenealelendtoe =elelendiaoalemMde f. exact middle, J5.

Alenge I. lengthy, tedious, vexatious, CP.['denge


] II. weariness.

Alengnes f. tediousness, So, WW.alepe? *origanum,

9wild marjoram, WW

290". [»lene? BT]AltptUe I. * eel-jaw*,' 6wM WW.alee prea. 3 ag. of alan; AlcS, A0=filedaleweeJdend=eallwealdendall mf. (pL ielfe, ylfe) 'elf,

9sprite, fairy,

goblin, incubus, BJjcd.alfldl I. nightmare, Lcd 123b.

altale=eaHeloaMaru, -tor f. whole army, host, Ex66.atfeynn n. elfin race, Lod 123a.

alter=attainftl-nso, -fix m. eel, TC242U.

alfltu =yKetnaMremed, -fremd, (el-) strange,foreign,& :

(+) estranged, LPs 57* : (w. fram) /r«,

separated from, M.

(el-) m. stranger, foreigner.

alfremedung f. 'alienatio,9 RHyS".

att-eclene (FJ*)t 6ny*< as an elf or fairy,beautiful, radiant.

altelden f. elirwA foffiiaiee, nightmare,Lod 120b.aUngoSa m. hiccough (thought to have beencaused by elves), Lod 124b.

AUSeodlloe=etfi5odigli6eaUSone f. nightshade, Lod 123b.altylee (-el-)t n. L **ranye taiu*. II.

foreign band, enemy.Alhyd f. eel receptacler eel-skint (BT)LL4M".

Alio (o/ t&e fate), legal, JattftiZ, ^. adv.-lioe.

»Hfn f. sustenance, Gl? (t. £842166)Attng f. tarntn?, M : ardour.

Allng-=8Bleng-; all-=al-,eal(l)-, el(l)-

almes=almeeeealmesaeer m. ground of which the yield wasgiven as alms, first-fruits, A 11*3".

almeebaS n. gratuitous bath, W171*.almeedad f. ahnsdeed, M.almeeddnde giving alms, NC260.almesfeoh n. alms : Peter's pence, Borne-scot. ['olme/ee'l

ataaaeatull charitable.

ahneagedil n. distribution of asms.almeegeorn charitable, M.almeegtta (*) m. giver of alms, W72«.ataneagifu f. alms, charity, W159*.ataneihllf m. dole of bread, TC474»ataneaUe giving of alms, NG269.ataneslfoht n. a light in church provided at

the expense of a pious layman.ataneslle charitable : depending on alms,poor. -Hoe, adv. charitably, OET. (Ct.)

almeslond m. land granted infranhahnoigne.[almee-]

atanesmann m. 'almsman,' bedesman,beggar, Led; M.

atanefpenlng m. alms-penny.almesrfht n. right of receiving alms.almewe f. 'alms,' almsgiving, Da,Mt\ M,CP. [L. eleSmoeyna]ataneaylen (e*) f. almsgiving.

almesweore n. ahnsdeed, Bl25".almldde=sBlemidde; almlelitlg=a>hnibtigalmlhtlg (ea»,e») adj.


9 B,Ps,TC;AO,CP : m. the Almighty.

sehnShtigne* i. omnipotence, AS59".

almyrea m. one entirely black, Ethiopian,Ah432.



nhneeaeAlnet n. eel net, BH.Alplg^anUpigalren adj. of an alder tree, KC 7*316. [




alreord=elreordatayndrlf separately, LkR2t


altAwe (So, 5) complete, entire, perfect,

healthy, sound, true, £^AO,CP : noted, M.[GW*.t6wa]. -lioe adv.

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afceod (««fied-)^ieW8odal-walda, -wealda=eahrealda(Blwlhtj m. strange creature, monitor[=*elwiht] : (in pL)=eallwihta.

a>mbern=embrenAmelia insipid, WW429".Amelnea f. slackness, sloth, M : weariness,

disgust, WW.Amen, Amenne (AO) uninhabited, desolate,


Amenne solitude, AS4" (v. Wfg3).Amerge !. embers, ashes, dust, Led; M.['ember']

Amet-=fimett-Ametbed n. ant-hiU, Lod 121b.Amethwll !. leisure, M.Amethyll m. ant-hill, CP191».Ametian


fimtianAmetta m. leisure, rest, CP. [mdt]Amette I 'emmet,' ant, Led,WW; M.Amettig (CP), -m(e)ti£ (JE) 'empty; vacant,

Bl,JS : unoccupied, unthoutemployment, JS :

unmarried, CP.Amettlglan=fimtianAmlnde n. forgetfulness, Lod 1*384'.

Amftd dismayed, disheartened, JE,AO.Amt-= fimett-

±Amtlan to 'empty,9 A : to be at leisure,

have time for, M,GP.Amttgnes f. emptiness, GD35".AmtlSa m. 'caecum intestinum,

9 WW16011.

Amynde=ftmindeAmyroe excellent, WW393M.

Amyrie=&merge; Amytte=fimettefln)s{Sn; +«n- = +en-»nbrece=unbreoe; »nd-=end-Ane (ane) once, of some time, M,B : at anytime : at onee. ['end']

a»ned=senedAnes adv. once.

Anetre = anwintreAnett, finetnes=anet; Anga=angaAnganoundes in a unique way? (BT),Lod 162b.

aenge, angel =enge, engel

Angllso=£ngli0o; »nid=enedAnig adj. pron. and ab. 'any,

9 any one,

Mk,Jn. finige "Singa somehow, anyhow.[an]

Anlgge=aneageAnlgmon any one, some one, NG.Anlht=awnht; Anlnga=ammga®nlAnan=onl»nan; Anlefan—endlufonAnl«p-=anlep-Anllo one, ' only, ' singular, solitary, Ps;"Lkiunique, glorious, noble, splendid, excellent,

Bo;&,AO. adv. -lice.

Anllplg (M) = anlipig

Anne(AO,CP)v. an.

Anote useless, LL254[3,34].AnrAdnls==anrfidnee; finyge=&neageAnytte=finette; »pl;=i»ppel»pled=»pplednppel m. (nap. applas, rarely ap(p)la,

»ppla) any hind of fruit, fruit in general :

'apple,* CP,Oen : apple of the eye, baU,anything round, Bo,CPJ3ol

asppelbAref fruU-bearing : apple-bearing.a»ppelbearu m. orchard, PPs78*.a^ppelberende apple-bearing, DR98".a^ppeleynn n. kind of apple, Lod 07a.appeleyrnol n. apple pip, WW440tt


asppeltot n. appU-vessel, ZDA31-MP".asppelfealu apple-yellow, bay, B2166.asppelhfls n. fruit storehouse,WW.asppelsoealu f. apple-core, WW3711


a^pelacread n. (only in pL) apple-parings,

mppeltrtow n. 'apple-tree,9 WW.

asppeltOn m. apple or fruit garden, orchard,M,CP.AppelSorn m. crab-apple tree, BC3-93'.asppelwln n. cider, WW430*.

mppledf shaped like an apple, round,embossed, El ['appkd 9

]a»ppul-=apols «pe^»ap, »bi.npaen shameless, OBG7"*.npsenas f. disgrace.

At I. adv. oomp. firor; sap. firoet,

ftr(e)st 'ere,9

before that, soon, formerly,beforehand, previously, already, lately, tiU;

(oomp.) sooner, earlier; (sop.) just now,first of all, OET,Jn,El : early, prematurely,Qu,Mk. on fir; fir tfiasam previously,

formerly, beforehand, CP. to" fir too soon.fir o$5e after sooner or later, hwonne fir

how soon? when? hwene fir just before.

on ealne firne mergen very early in the

morning, ne fir ne aittttan neither soonernor later. &r and eilS at all times. Il.oonj.'ere,

9before that, until, £2,AO,CP. fir

>8am( ,

be) before, B. III. prep. (w.cL ) before.

IV. adj. only in oomp. and sup. (firra,

firett) q.v. V. f.=ar f. VI. n.=ar n.

Ar-= I. early,former. II. intensitive prefix.

An I. m. scraper, strigil, Gl. II.= firra

ArAt m. excessive (or too early?) eating.

®rbe-=yrfe-, ierfe-

ArbeSobt premeditated.

Arboren earlier born, first-born (or Ttwowords), Gbh973.

aare=earo; aerceWaroeArewlde m. prophecy? Mod4.

ArdAd f. former deed.

Ardsag m. (nap. firdagas) early day, early

morn, dawn : in pL former days, past times,

AO.ArdtaS m. premature death, Ex539.»rdian=eardian8Brdon=8Brndon? from »man (Grein),Ma 191.

nrdung=eardnngAre L =yre. II. in oomp. = -oared.

Artafe ( =fi«) detected, TC230".Areldo 'anteritus,

9 WW34711.

Aran made of brass, brazen, J2,AO,CP :

tinkling? [ar; op. Oer. ehern]Arendbde f. message, letter.

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(AO,CP)=ftrendraoaArende n. 'errand,

9message, BH,Ou; AO :

mission, Anfihr : answer, news, Mings, M.Arendfeeat cofamiationed' witt an errand,


Arendgast m. angel, Gnr2296.Arendgewrtt n. written maMoge, letter, JE,OP.±Arendtan fa go on an errand, carry amessage, send word to, CP : intercede, BH;M:(+)speed\ succeed, W23&. ['ernoV]

Arendraaa m. messenger, apostle, ambas-sador, angel, MJlO : representative, sub-stitute, proxy, BH276".

Arendeetp n. skiff, small boatArendseeg m. messenger, Grar66&ArendaprAo t message, Rd61u.

Arendung f. errand : errand-going, ['erod-ing*]

Arend-wraea (AO) -wreoa, (CP)=*ren-draoa

Arendwrlt=ftrandgewritAreneclp^Arenctocip; Arer=£rorArest I. adv. and superL adj. Jiret, at first,

before aU, M,CP. %i, tonne, aittSan soon as. ft. tSnga jlra* o/ afl. IL=ftriat

Arfeeder m. forefather, B2622.ArfeBat^arfesfc; arte»=darfe, yrfeArgeddn done before, CP.Argafremed 6e/ore committed.Argeltred pretrioady infracted, MtLU*.Argenemned, -ges®d=ftrnemnedArgestreont n. ancient treasure.

Argawaorot n. oaeteal twrA, work of oldentimes.

Argewlnn n. former strife or trouble, oldwarfare, Cross 19.

Argawyrbtt **• former work, deed of old.

Arglad very bright, Ex293.

Argodf goodfrom old timest, very good.ArhwOumt srewhUe, formerly.flBrlan=erian; serlg (OET)=earhArlhtf n. code of law or faith.Aiing f. day-break, early morning (A).Arise =£arisoArlst h (5) mfn. rising VPs : resurrection,

awakening, Jn;CP. ['arist9

] II.=&reetArlfof ? very dear, OEG56**.Artist =ar]eastArlle(a) adj. ; -lice adv. 'early,


Ariyft f. earfy morntny air, WW415".8enn=earmArmorgan {a1, a1, 6s) m. early morning,dawn, day-break.

ArmorgenUe of early morning, DR.sera n. dwelling, habitation, house, building,


Arn=£renaraan to 'r**,' ride, goflop,BH : (+)*> riefe,

ran to, reach, gain by running or riding,

AO : = +ieman.arndlan^srendianArne-mergen, -merigen (M) =ftrmorgen

Arnamttganlto matutinal, CM277.Araamned aforementioned.avneweg m. rood /or riding on, raca-eoaras.[iernan]

eernlan=earnianawning f. 'running, ' riding, racing, Bo,OD :

flow of blood, MtLW. (lorn-)

S9raB=ernt>awnSegen (?) m. nov«e-ojfleer, Gl.canning =earnang; Aron=£rranAror I. adv. earlier, before, beforehand,formerly, MJlO i rather. IL prep. (w. d.)


Am m. fore in. adj. earlier, former, BotEl;GP. on&miid*# the day before yesterday.



Arror=*ror; »rs=earoAnaamftt *• °W work, ancient building.

aarseheii, wrshen=ersohen; Arat=ftrestAntaef^taterfAr-Sam, -'Son, -tSamtSe v. ftr; m&-=yt$-Arwaool early awake, M.+asrwe depraved, wicked, EPslOO4.

Arwela m. ancient loeaft*, B2747.Arworald f. ancient tcorW, Cb937.Arynd=£rend; Aryr=$rorArj»tL=r*rist. II.=fereetAa n, food, meat, carrion : 6ait.

*]ease I. m. nap. aaeai 'ash

9-tree, GIJKC; Mdf


name of the nine for m : (f) spear, lance :

aaip, M. II.=»oaunshorn, untrimmed. [arieran]

to demand (legally), LL177'.(WW273ti)=«eoeapa

flMeberendt m., -boraf m. spear-bearer,


flMeberende spear-bearing, Gmr20al.


f. asking, inquiry, search, LL : claim(to insurance money for theft of cattle),

IX175>. Oeft'tb.]Aeoeap (e1) n. remnant, patch.eeeceda fpl. re/aeefWW 148".SMeagaswip n. cina*er«, aenee, TCSIS*9.

8Btcen h fm. veeeel of ash-wood, bucket, pad,bottle, cup. IL adj. made of ash-wood,ashen, Lon.

eeeofealu ashy-hued, WW204M.

assogneg oeay gray, WW204M.

8Bfchere m. naval force, Ma69.

flBteholtt n. «jxar of ash-wood, spear-shaft,

lance (v. akio Mdf).«aclan=ao8ianeeaemann m. eaijo-fnan, eailor, pirate. [»eo]

adieplegam. playofspeare, battle, Jud217.fleaorlnd f. bark of the ash-tru, Lod.eMordft orave in 6a«Zc.

SMeatede m. place of battle, Mod 17 ; Mdf.SMeatadarM f. cross marking a battlefield?


aaaoOr m. glory in war, Gew2069.Gdaooraou f. battle, Gew2153.

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ewe frote, -tfrota !. a pfcwO, ferula? vervain?

Asmnl smallness of the eye, Lod.Atmogu np. jfcm?* (0/ mafte) LoD88a. [a-

smugan]sesowert=eaowyrtesscwlga} m. (spear-) warrior.

mewlanot brave.

mewyrt f. veroena, pertxun.

Ascyldlan 'ddinquere/ PPs.AseUend (y

1) m. lawgiver.


mttiand m. {aw-faea&er, LPs.sesne- =esne- ; asp=swpe I.

mpe I. i. aspen-free, table poplar, Ol; Mdf.['(MP1 '] IL=»bsmpen adj. oepea.Aspreng, Aspring(e) =Aspryngsssprlnd (pe) f. aspen 6ari, Led. ['<up']

Asprlngnes= asprungenesAspryng nf. spring, fountain, CP. [5a] :

departure, Cbbat77.Astl.=arest. U.=est.As1Anan=ast83nan; Astan=eaetanastel m. book-marker, CP9. [L. hastula]

sesul=esolAswApe sbpl. sweepings, rubbish.

Aswlo m. offence, stumbling-block, infamy,seduction, deceit

Aswlca, Aswioend m. offender, deceiver,

hypocrite, traitor.

•twice m. wo&xfioa 0/ Gbd'e ferae (or?

adultery), W164».±Atwlelan to o/fend, deceive, M : apostatize,

WW342M : deeerf, -ffl.

Aewlcnes f. stumbling-block, LPs 105*.

Aswloung f. offence, stumbling-block, M :

deceit, JE : eedtftom.

Aswlnd idle, eioto/t*J, WW422M. [swTS]

Asyllend= ©sellend

»t I. prep. (w. d. and, more rarely, a)

Ilocal) 'at,' near, by, in, on, upon, with, be-

fore, next to, as far as, up to, into, toward :

(temporal) at, at the time of, near, in, on, to,

until : (causal) at, to, through : (source)

from : (instrumental) by. set feawumwordum in ftw words, BH : in respect to,

as to. II. adv. at, to, near, vet nehstan,

»t sittestan finally, set- in composition


at, to, from.At I. mfn. eatables, food, meat, flesh, Gu; M,AO. fit and w»t food and drink, M :

the act of feeding, eating, PPs; MkL (e).

[*eot* sb.] II. pret. 3 sg. of etan.

At-= ate-; -Ata v. self-ftta.

sstAwlan=etiewanaetan* to eat, devour, AS 17"; 37«.

artbeon anv. to be present.

astberan4 to carry to, bring, produce, show,

Da 1 carry off, B. ['atbear9


SBtberstan' to break out, or away, escapefrom,M. Vatburst']

SBtbrMan=setbregdanastbrMendllc ablative, £&r237


aat-bregdan, -bredan* to take away, carry off,

deprive of, snatch away, draw off, withdraw,Mt; M : release, rescue, enlarge : prevent,MLW. ['atbraid']

SBtcMflan to adhere, BJPslOl*.»to08an to adhere, OET181.aetdeman to refuse, give judgment against,EC202.

setddn anv. to take away, deprive.

Ate =ateaattaca (eth-) m. 'appendix,

9 OEG6311.

ceteaones=ntyonesartealdod too old, M{2™).asttew-= rotiew-, »tyw-»teean=*etycan; »tegar=»tgararteglan to harm, PPs88».ssteode pret. 3 sg. of *»tgan he came.Ateorlan=ateonan»teow-=8Btiew-, letyw-asteroyn= atorcynAtere (e1 ) m. * eater,

9glutton, Prov; NG.

Atern I. (NG) viper. II.=Atrenastlw-= tttiew-, IBt^W-ntfaastan (« eft-) to inflict on, afflict with :

fasten to, drive into, impart to, CPUS1* :

commit, entrust : marry to.

ffittSBStnian to fasten? entrust? AS211*.

eetfaran* to escape, Shb14m .

Bdtteallan7 to fall, fall out : fall away, fail, bereduced, LL; M : happen. ['at/oB']

article m. adhesion, PPs 72**.

ffitfeng m. attaching, distraint v. LL2-279.

eetfeohtan'f to grope about.

artftolan* to stick to : adhere, apply oneselfto, continue in, CP.

eetfeorrlan to take from, S0I6O7.

SBtferian to carry away, bear off.

»tfDan=0tfSolanastflfon* to flee away, escape by flight, M.['of/lee']

sstfldwan7 to flow together, accumulate,SPs61».

SBtfon7 to seize upon, lay claim to, LL.Uatfong



setforan I. prep. w. d. before, in the presence

of, in front of, close by, Jn ; M. ['atfore '].

II. adv. beforehand (time).

artfyllgan, -fylgan to adhere, cling to.

SBt-gsedere (AO), -gsBddre (CP), -gsdre,-^ffiderum adv. together, united, at the sametime, [gadrian]»t-gAre n., -gar m. spear, dart, javelin, Gl.sstgangan7 to go to, approach, Az 183.

Vatgo')SBtgeddre, -gedre=8Bto»dereBtgenumen removed, taken away, WW529".

Atglefaf (eo, i) m. food-giver, feeder.

artglfan' to render, give, B2878.SDtglldan1 to slip away, disappear, OEG718t


SDtgrApe seizing, n. weorSan seize, B 1268.SDthabban to retain, M.ssthealdan7 to keep back, So 109".ffithebban* to take away, take out, hold back,M : exalt oneself, CP113".

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l prep. w. <L behind, after, Chr; M.['athinden']

SBthleapan7 torun away, fee, escape,W 162*.

mtt&tpm. assault, [op.fthlyp]aethrlnan1 to touch, move, Mt; M. latrine


]aothrlne m. touch.

aethwft each, every one.

sethware somewhat, HGl421".aat-hwega, -hwaega, -hweg(u) adv. somewhat,tolerably, a Utile : kw.

fethweorfan' to rehtrn, 90 6oci, B2299.aathwon adv. almost, nearly.

aetbftfleviscerata; (skinned? BT), WW392'.

sBtlernan* to run att»y, JB. [*atrin *]

artlewan (08-; e, 3a, So, I, f) pret. eg.

-le(w)de, (tr.) to *Aotr, reveal, display, dis-

close, manifest, Mt(f),

CP : (intr.) showoneself, become visible, appear, Mt (f).['afete']

Attn* f. eating, So 170» (€) : jutftiref Mdf.Stlnge (y*) speechless, OEG46".astta prea. 3 sg. of etwesan, tttbSon.fftfff*= gtiew-, sstyw-wtiUbann(= o$-)todriveaway,JB. ['atiead']

fittte adj. eatoMe, WW,LkL («).

ffitncgan* to fe u«i, JB0r2». ['atfie']

astUmpan* to fall away from, escape, be lost,

M.mUMUn to lurk, hide, A. ['aOutien']astnfthstan (y) adv. of last.

setnes f. «tt6i%, WW22611.

atntanan4 to tofe away, deprive 0/, Ex414.»tol=etolAton pret. pL of etan.Ator, Storoynn 7=ator, atoreynnfitran=»trianatreccan w. d. and a. to declare forfeit,

deprive of, Lod.Atren poisoned, poisonous, MtL (-em).[*attcra»]

Atrenmod 0/ venomou* «ptrtf, malignant(or? two words), GnE163.

Atrennes f. poisonous nature, Lod 56a.±Atrlan to poison, AO : become poisonous.Cotter']

setrig poisonous, Led; &. ['attery']

astrfhte (y) I. adj. i-mA* at, near, present,at hand. II. adv. almost, nearly.

settaean* to deny, Lk; M : renounce, Mk.Vatsahe']atsamne (as, e, o) adv. united, together, at

once, AO.astsefotan' to escape, disappear, MP (Veep.Dxiv).

astscQfan' to «ftove away.astBtttan* to sit by, remain, stay, Chr.I'atsitf]

satsHpan7 to deep 6eeio*e, Lod83a.setsfldan1 to dtp, glide, fall, M.settomne (;E)=©teamneastapornaii* (a) to «<ri*e against, stumble, gowrong, CP : re6eJ (set).

artspornung f. offence, stumbling-block, mis-fortune, CM230.

astsprlngan' to i-im* /ortA, *puri oaf, £1121.['atopm*']

astsprlngnes, -sprung(en)nes f. defection,

astspurnan=©tepomanatspyrnlng=aBtepornang»tat=itet pros. 2 8g. of etan.

aatat-=o*st- *aatataal m. aid, assistance (GK);=»toteall(BT), GulSO.

aatstasppan* to step up to,.B 745.

aststandan* to stand still, stand at, near,

in or by, M : remain, stand up : check,

resist, M : cease, Lk;M. ['atstand']

aatatandend m. bystander, attendant, M.aatatandende standing by, GD284U.

aatateall m. assistance, meeting with hostile

intent (GK) : station, camp station (BT),WaldI*1.

aet-stent v. atetandan ; -atente v. atstyntan.sststUlan to still, Ixn>25b.aststrengan to withhold wrongfully, LL206'.aetatyntan to blunt, dull, weaken.aetswerlan' to deny on oath, LL.sstawlgan to keep silence about (be) QD217».aetawlmman8 to escape by swimming, swimout, Chb918.aettan (ayttan) to eat up.fitter, *ttor=ator; Attr-=fttr-aet&ingan* to tofce away from, deprive of.

aatweaxan1 to tacreoae (8wt.).

tttwegan* to 6eor atcov, carry off, B1198.Atwela abundance offood, feast, Soul 123.

artwenlan to wean from, LL368'.Ktwesan anv. to be at hand.astweiende at hand, imminent, WW.stwlndan8 to escape, M. ['atwind']

ntwtot I.f f. presence. II. = edwistSBtwItan* to reproach (with), censure, taunt,

Met,Ps;CP. ['atwite']

tBtwrenoan to seize by fraud.astyean to add to, increase, BH. [lecan]

astfenes f. increase, BH.»tynan=ont^nan; •tyng«=fttinge83tyi=»tia pres. 3 sg. of satwesan.

SBt-^wan, -ywian=S3tiewanKt^wednes f. showing, appearance, manifes-tation, revelation, GD.

astywlgendlle demonstrative, ^EGb.atywne* f. showing, manifestation, revela-

tion : apparition, M : Epiphany.astywungf. manifestation, Epiphany, CM531.«8anL(i)toma*eooiA,«tt«ar. [&«] II. =IKan

a38el=8e«ele; A8el^e«elasoelborsn of «o6te otrtA, distinguished, M :

free-born, M : tnoora, notwra/.

seoelborsnnes f. nobility of birth or nature,

M : inborn nature, OEG4518.aetteleund of noble birth.

SBSetenndnes f. nobleness, Bo46^.asoelcynlng m. noble king (Christ), M.ynlM

uguS f. fioofc reltnae, Cb1012.

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seSele noble, aristocratic, excellent, famous,glorious, Ex,Oen; A5,A0,CP : splendid,fine,costly, valuable : lusty, young : pleasant,

sweet-smelling, Oen : (+)natural, congenial,

suitable, i'athel*]

eBta-feriJlngwyrt, -fyrdingwyrt t stitch-

wort (plant), Lcd.+a8ellant to make noble or renowned, Hy.Vi-athele*]

estate =efeUio; Atato=eatielio6d8eHng m. man of royal blood, nobleman,chief, prince, AO,Chb (v. LL2-274) : fking,Christ, Qod, Cr : ^man, hero, saint; in pimen, people, Oen. Vatheling']

eeSennghid n. princely state, LOD3-438*.eaSelllo noble, excellent, adv. -Hoe.

eeSelnee f. nobility, excellence.

BeSelo=»i$elaeeSelstene m. euuei emeU, Ph195.esSettungolt n. noMe etor.

seSelu in. nobility, family, descent, origin,

CP : nohire : noble qualities, genius, talents,

pre-eminence, Bo -.produce, growth. [lother)

A8m (5) m. air, breath, breathing, CP;So/. («) : txijxnir, JB : ftfcef, £J. ['eftem*]

ASmlan to fume, exhale, emit a smell.

A8re=£dreASreeUe fem&fe, BPs95«.«Sret-=ffi*ryt-ASrot n. disgust, weariness. [eTSreotan]

ASryt L troublesome, wearisome, disgusting.

II. n. weariness, disgust, tediousness, M.A8ryte=*«rytl.ASrytae* f. ieatitm, v. OEG4582.

A&yttan to weary, J5.

aSSan (Bd, Death-eong^ottBefiwl,=£. H.=5weAwAde u»tfotd efefaee, WW230*.Awan to despise, scorn, Ps.

AwbrAee despising the law, M : adulterous,

LL.Awbreea (i, y) m. adulterer, LL (y).

['eatt&nicae8 '!

Awbryeem.aduttery, £!;££. ['eaitoriicAe1 ']

Awda, fewdamann m. witness, compurgator,LL.Awe L fn. married woman, 2E : marriedpeople. II. fatq/itf : married : font o/ MeMtnc marriage.

Awelm=5wielmAwenbrdSor m. brother by the same marriage,

WW413"Swine doubtful, uncertain.

Awerd adj. ? religious, or eb. ? regular |>r*e*i,

ANS 128-298. [op. feweweard]SDwerdla=»fwyrdlaAweweard m. priest, Bl161ot


Awfaeet upright, pious, devout, religious,

M,CP : married, M.Awfeeeten n. ZepoZ or public fast.

Awtoetiic lawful: religious, CP(«f-). adv.-lice.

Awfasetnee f. religion, piety.

Awionee f. eternity, RPsl02" (v. p. 303).

Awletan (e, i, y), -wielme m. source, fount,

spring, beginning, AO,CP. [«= Sawylm]Awlntre=anwintxe; Awto-=ftwiio-Awlio L nf. offence, shame, disgrace, dis-

honour, AO. [Ooth. aiwiaka] IL dis-

graced, shameless, indecent.

Awitcberende disgraceful, shameful, WW264".Awteee=£wi*oLAwtoe-ferinend (Gl), -firina (NG) m.shameless sinner, publican.

Awleollo disgraceful, infamous, OEG.Awlsemdd ashamed, abashed, cowed.Awteenee L shameless conduct : reverence.

Awlta m. counsellor, El455.AwUo legal, lawful, adv. -Hoe.

±Awnlan to marry, iE.

Awnung f. wedlock, OEG.Awul oaefcei with a narrow neckfor catching

fish, WW181U. r?=cawl, BT]Awumboren lawfully born, LL76'.Awung=fiwnang; Awunge=eawangeAwyD m. stream, BC 1-642.

A-wybn, -wylme=fewielmaroyrdte=cefwyrdlaAwyrp m. throwing away : what is castaway :

an abortion, [aweorpan]Awyse- =&wi9c- ; 8Mtf=!®cs, eax ; me =aeceeaxe*r f. axe-head, Chb 1012b. [yr]

eexfaru f. *apparatus, 1 naval expedition?

(- aeo-? v. E337-184), Gl.8udan=asoian; Ml=eaxl; «D=©oeifAdan=afedanaf&gan to depict, figure, BH. [fag]

afAgrian (») to ornament, adorn, BH.i-telan, .f»llan=afyllan II.

al&man to/oam o»a, PP8118"1.

UAran to frighten, PPs,Mk,Chr; AO,CP.['a/ear,'


Umtan I. to /a**, LL,W. II. to fc* on* o»aire, MkR12*.

ataeetla interj. certainly / assuredly I M.aleeetnlan (e) to JS» upon, fasten, make firm,confirm, AO : enter, inscribe, M : build.

UAttlan tofatten, anoint, APb22s; LPs 140s.

ftfandello= afandodlioftfandlan to try, test, prove, tempt, LkJLcd;M,Q2 : find out, experience, M. afandod(and afanden?) approved, excellent, M.

aiand-lgendllo, •odlio proved, approved,laudable, adv. -odlio©.

ifandung f. trial, M.ftfangennee f. reception, acceptance.

alara=eaforaalaran to go out, depart, march, travel, 2EJLO.Vafare']

aleallan' to fall down, faU in battle, Lk; CP


fall off, decay. Vaflile']aleallan =afyllanatedan to feed, nourish, bring up, maintain,support, JS;AO : bring forth, produce.


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ifegan to join, DB (oe).

ifehtan (DR^afeohtanifellan^afyllan; alelle=&felleifeohtan* to fight, fight against, attack, AO :

tear out, destroy.

ifton 'afeee,' fPs.ifeormlan to cleanse, purge, purify.ifeormung f. scouring, cleansing, purging,So.Mmitid, -feorrian (CP)=anerranifeoralan to remove, do away, expel, dispel,

JE : go away.iter=afor; afera=eafora; iterant ifftran

afertan to provide horses for team work (as

service for a lord), v. ANB 109*73 f.

i-ferlan (Ql), -ferran=afierranifmean to become fresh, Bo86M.

iferalan= afeoraian

ifestnlan fWW49^=afe*tnianafetigan= hafetianiflerran (eo, i, y) to remove, withdraw,depart : estrange from, take away, expel,

dnve away, CP. [feozr}

anerrednes (y) f. removal, NC270.kBgen fried, Qi*.

Afllgan to pursue, Gxk 14".

iflndan* (=on-) to find, find out, discover,

detect, Jn;M: experience,feel, M. [*afind9


iflr-=afierr-, afeor-, afyr-

ifiroan (- y) to remove, Lot l-294n.iflsegen pp. of anean.atWeman=afiIemaniflten9 to strip off, flay, GD.ifltgan (DR)= afliegan ; ifliman=aflfemanifleon*, -flfegan tolly, flee away, Qu : flyfrom, escape. Vaflee



ifleotan' to skim, Lcd.ifflan= aflieganafliegan (I, f) to put to flight, expel, At (I).


iffleman (f) to put to flight, expel, scatter,

disperse, rout, Chr',CP: banish, ['afieme']ifllgan= afliegan

afflgnng f. attack? Lot 1-338".

-iflfnng . mete-a.JUMwan7 to flow, flow away or from, passaway, AO,CP.


aflygennet f. attack (BT), Lot 1*366'.

ifl^nian=aflieman; af6glan=:&w6gianatol n. power, might, LL (304M).

afdn7 (—on-) to receive, take %n, take, Mk,Ps : lay hold of, seize, MtR,Jul : hold up,support. Vqfong']

atondian= afandianifor bitter, add, sour, sharp : dire, fierce,

severe,harsh,impetuous. [OBO. eivar,eibar]

afora=eaforaalornttan to be frightened, take fright,

wonder at, M.a-frifran, -frelrian to comfort, console, makeglad, CP. [frdfor]

afrem-dan, -dian to alienate, M : become

afremSan (VPe)=afremdanafremtfang f. alienation, VHy.ifrtoSan* to froth, Lcn45b.ifrton (-ia, N) to deliver, free.

afaI6g=ofal6g; after =efterifolian to becomefoul, putrefy, rot, be corrupt,


afulle perverse, v. ES42-162.ifulnend m. fuller, MkR9».ifunde rare wk. pret. 3 ag. of afindan.

atandennet f. invention, device, discovery,

m.atylan to foul, stain, defile, corrupt, CP; M.Vafile



afyUan I. (w. g. or d.) tofill,fill up, replenish,

satisfy, M\ AO : compUU,fum. VafiU'lII. (y =ie) to cause to fall, feu, beat down,overturn, subvert, demolish, abolish, Lk;Mislay, kill ['afeUe']

afyndan=afindan; aiyr-=afierr-

ityran to emasculate, affred (CP), af*rd

pp. as sb. eunuch.afyrhtan to frighten, terrify, MJlO.iffrMa^afyred; ifyrran=*fierranityiaian= afeoraian

atyaan (intr.) to hasten : inspire with longing,

Bl : (tr.) urge, impel, excite : drive away.[ffie]

iga m. proprietor, owner, GD23011.

igAlan to hinder, keep back, preoccupy,detain, hold back, retard, delay, AO :

neglect, CP : profane.

igAtwan to terrify, astonish, AO.agalan* to sound forth, sing, chant.

agaJd=ageald pret. 3 ag. of agieldan.

agaUan to become slack, CP65".agan L (oonj. Wt546) to own, possess, have,

obtain, An,Bo,Ma,Mt; AO,CP : give, give

up, deliver, restore : have to pay, *owe,t

MtJAc : have to do, ANS 123-417. a. atfind out, discover. II. pret. 3 eg. of

agjfirmi (onginnan).agin (ooni. v. gan) to go, go by, pass (of

time), Mk. of a. go away : occur, befal,M :

come forth, grow, Ps : approach : lose

strength, ['ago']

igangan=aganige f. possessions, property. [ON. eiga]

agtan^ongean; agehw*r=feghwferigeldan I. -\to punish. IL=agieldanigelwan=agftlwan; igeman=agymanigen I. ' own, * proper, peculiar, BHJ3at,Mt


AO,CP,CHR,iE. a. eyre freewill, agneedonees voluntarily, spontaneously : proper(gram.), JSGr. II. n. property, LL : owncountry. III. pp. of agan.igin^ongeanigenbewendan to return.

igeneuman4 to return, Lk8M.

igend m. owner, possessor, master, lord.

ae a. the Lord.igendfrea I. m. lord, owner. II* f. mistress?

Gxk2237.igendfrto= igendfrea

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igend&ee properly, as one '« own : imperious-ly, CP145«.

igen-friga, -frige =agendfreaigtngehweortan* to return.

Igftnhwyrfan to return.

igftnlernan" to run against, meet.

igftnlAdan to lead back, WW919.

igenllc own : owed, due, DR.igennama m. proper name, ;EGb25m.

agennes t property, M.Iffnsendan to send back, Lk.igenilaga m. slayer of oneself, suicide, M.agftnstandan* to press, urge, Lk.agenung=agnungageode=aeode pret. 3 Bg. of agio.ageolwlan to become yeuow.agtomrlan to mourn, grieve, GD.ageornan=agyrnanigeotan* to pour out, pour forth, shed, MtL;CP : melt, found (of images) : destroy :

deprive (of), Jm> 32. ['ageten *]

agfttan=agltaniglefan* (eo, i, y) to give, impart, deliver,

give up, yield, relinquish, Mt (y) : restore,

return, repay, pay, AO. eft a. give back,

return, ['ogive']

agleldan8 (e, i, y) to pay, repay, compensate,

yield, restore, reward, AO : offer oneself,

offer up (as a sacrifice) : perform (an office),

JS (y) : allow : to punish? PH408.aglemeleaatan (i, y) to neglect, despise, CP.agimeleaeod neglectful, careless, NG337.

ftgl6ta=agita; *&*** (AO,CP)=agiefanaglnan to bestow, grant, DR124".iglft=&gift; igUdan (CP)=agieldanagUde=&gildeigUpan' to exult in (w. d.)v Soul165.*giltan=agyltanaglmeliaslan (C)=agiemelSasianiglmmed set with precious stones, M.iglnnan=onginnanftgfta m. prodigal, spendthrift, CP.igltan = ongietanagttan I. to waste, destroy, Chr. Vaget']II.=ageotan

iglftehad m. state of misery, Rd549.

ig-lAc, -lacf n. trouble, distress, oppression,

misery, grief.

agldcaf (6) m. wretch, monster, demon, fierce

enemy.IglAocRBft (ao-) m. evil art, An 1364.

aglAewtt n. female monster, B 1259.

iglAdan? to cause to slip. . AB 19-163.

agleca=agl&caiglldan1 to glide, slip, stumble.

agn-=angn-agnere m. owner, ^SGallO".ignes= agones gmn. of agen adj.

ftgnett n. interest, usury, LkL19tt.

ignettan to appropriate, Gl.ignettung f. 'usurpatura'? Lkl9" (£S42163).±ignlan to 'own,' Rd : claim : appropriate,

usurp, Bo,Mt; CP : make over (to), M.

agnldan1 to rub off, WW386".agniden I. f. rubbing, Gl? (v. A 31 -533).

II. used, threadbare, WW220".ignlend (ah) m. owner, possession.

±ignlendlIo possessive, genitive (case), MQk.+ignod own, CP262".ignang f. owning, ownership, possession :

claim, declaration or proof of ownership.ftgotenes f. effusion, shedding.igrafan* to carve, hew, sculpture,& : engrave,inscribe, M.

•grafenUe sculptured, ARSPsl05».agraptan to grasp tightly, ^EL8m.

igrfttan (oe) to attack, LkLR9"ftgrlmetUn (y) to rage, GD.agrfsan1 to quake, fear, LL. ['agrise']

igrowen overgrown.igrpndan to descend.

agrfsan =agrisanagu f. magpie, WW132U.

Agustua m. August.*gyf-» agyid- =agief-, agield-, ftgild-

agylpan=agilpanigyltan to offend, sin, do wrong, jE;CP.laguUt 9


agyltend m. debtor.

agylttng f. guilt, offence, DR.igyltnet f. guilt, NC270.agyrnan (e) to regard, contemplate, AS : heal,


ag^meleaataii =agiemeleaeianigymmed=agimmed; agynnan==onginnanagyrnan to desire, be eager for, GD206™ (eo).

igytan =ongietanah (AO,CP)=»ao (oonj. and adv.)an pros. 3 ag. of agan; ah-=ag-ahahban to restrain : (refl.) abstain (fram) :


ahaoelan to pick out, ML2Sn.

ahabban =&hebbanahaldan=ahildanahalennes f. rising, lifting up : elevation,

pride. rahalslan to implore.

anangian to hang, LkL23*.ahatan to name, MtL27M.

Ih&tian to become hot, WW214".ihealdan7 (= on-) to hold, keep, DR,JnL.ahealtlan to limp, crawl, LPsl7M.

aheardlan to be or become hard, grow hard orinured, CP : endure.

iheardung f. hardening, Lod.aneawan7 to cut off, out or down, J5,CP :

cut wood into planks.ahebban* (oooL wk. pret. ahefde and pp.ahefed) (often w. up) to lift up, stir up,raise, exalt, erect, Lk;CP : take away,remove: support, uphold: leaven, ['ahcave*]

anebblan=aebbian ; ahefednes= ahafenneaahefeglan (CP), -hef(i)gian («b) to makeheavy, oppress.

aheld (VPs) =ahyld pp. of ahyldan.ahelllan? to cover over, conceal, hide,OEG6410.

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Ahelpan8 to help, support (w. g.).

Ahenan to humble, LkL : accuse, NO.[hienan; bean]

Ahaotarian to weigh, consider, Gl.Ahiran=ahyranAherlan to praise, DR.Ah*rian=ahyrianAberstan (BPB)=ahyntanAheten pp. of ahatan.ihlogan=ahyogan ; Ahlenan v. ahenan.Abierdan (i, y) to make hard, harden, CP :

encourage, animate, [heard]AhIeSan=ahy5anAhlldan (», e, y) to deal, tnctote, M : reet,

Jay dovfi (tr. and intr.) : turn away, avert :

cast down, destroy,

Abfrdan (CP)=ahierdan; ahflan=ahy«anAhladan* to draw out, lead out, draw forth,

M : exclude, Bk18.*blAea=ag]£oaAhUftnan to set oneself up, Mod53.

AhUftnslan to become lean, M.Ableapan7 to leap, spring up, AO.Ablftfan (oe) to putt out, DR55».AblfoSrlan to sound, resound, QD.Ahllehban* to laugh at, deride : foaoA out,


) -nan=alinnanAblod*nto(fyonl,GL,MtR619. [?=*alodan,cp. luoan (BT) and v. ES42165]

Abldwan to raor again, WW49211.

ahlQttrtan to cleanse, purify.MMfMmn =ahliehhanAbtyttrlan =&Jiluttrian

Ahn-=agn-Ahneopan* to pluck off, Gv819.Ahneatrian to oeeome *>/* or effeminate, AO :

weoiben. [hneaoe]

Ahnffcan1 to fall down : ooa? down.ahogtan to &n* oaf, be anxious about, GD.Abolan=aholianAboUan to AoCotr, eeoop oat, CP. at a. to

roo< on*, pfcdb oaf : enorat*, emooat


Ahdn7 to hang, suspend, crucify, MkLB;AO,CP. Vahang 9


ahoptan to Hops /or (t6), Bl17».Abrftean to eptt on*, Lci>9a.ahnescian to shake off? (BT), LPs 108"ahreddan to eel free, save, rescue, re-capture,

AO;M. Varedde']Ahredding f. salvation, deliverance, HLO"1


EC230.Ahrtofian to become leprous, MH 174".

ahrtosan' to rush : >&», /o» dowa, M : 6e


Abraplan to (real, FBO801.

Abriran (=• on-) to move, eAo&e, ma&e to

fremofe, CP.Atarfoan1 (=» on-) to toneA, handle, Lk.['arine



Ahrtafan (y) to


Ahrfnan =ahrinanahriran to caaee to/afi, destroy, Gl.

i eAafe, «#r np, CP : efofo ojjf. »i

Ahryilan= ahririan

ahte=aaoe; ahttan —*«'maht, aht=eaht, awiht; ahta=eahtaAnte, ahton pret. 3 as. and pL of agan.Antes (=g. of aht) of any account or value.

AbtOee stoutly, manfully, Chb (E).

AhwA pron. any one.

AhwAnan to vex, grieve, afflict, Lcd;M.['awhene']Ahwanne adv. when, whenever : at sometime,any time, RB : at aU times.

Ahw*r (a, 6) anywhere, Bo,LL,M : at anytime, ever, in any way. ['oioAere']

AhwArgen anywhere : in any case.

ahwat n. anything.

AbwseSer (aw8er, afJer, ator) I. pron. someone, something; any one : anything. II. adv.and oonj. either, AO,CP. a$er...o$8e=e*Aer...or, 40,£Lt [*ontfer']

Ahwanon=ahwonan; AhwAr=ahwftrAhwellan =ahwylfanAhweorfan* (tr. ) to turn, turn away, convert :

(intr.) turn aside, turn away, Qen z avert.

Vahwerf]ihw«ri=lAhw*r; ahwarfan =ahwi«rfanahwatton to whet, excite, kindle, AO : holdout to, provide : reject.

Ahwlder inany dfrection,fromany source, M,ahwlarfan to turn away, turnfrom, avert, CP.ahwile=«ghwilo; ahwlttUan v. awistlian.

ahwlttan to whiten, BJPsfiO*.Anwonan from any source, anywhere.&hwonne=ahwenne; ahwyder=ahwiderahwyltan to cover over, submerge, subvert, a. pull un, loosen.

Anwyrfan=ahwierfanAhyagant to think out, devise.

ah^dan to hide, conceal.

Ahyldendllc enclitic, ^Gb266>. [ahildan]anyttan to trip «tp9 PPsl39».anyran (e) to Aire.

ahyrdan= ahierdanahyrdung f. hardening, 80232".Ahfrlansah^ranAhyntan (=ie) to roast, fry, Loi>33b;BP8101* (e).

Abyjnan to reproach, LPs 101*.

Ahjftan (le, i) to plunder, destroy, devour.

[hu«]aldan (y)T 'eUminare,9

v. OEG710fn; BT.A-Idllan, -Idlan, -Idelian to be or make useless,

frustrate, empty, annul, M,CP : profane :

oe free from : deprive (of). [Idel]

alernan1 to ran away, ran oat, yo over : passby, go.

AleSan (&, I, f) to lay low, demolish, destroy,

cast out,

al=eall, ffil

al n. fire, burning, OEG4389; 4470. [cp.

»lan]Attdlan to excuse, Bo 144», aladlendra

* excussorum,' BPs 126«.

to catch, take, Chb 1123.

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(tr.) to lead, lead away, carry off,

withdraw, conduct, bring, M : (intr.) beproduced, grow, come forth.

Alanan to lend,M : grant, lease, ['alene9

]Aber=alorAU&ran to teach, PPS1181*Alftaon pret. pL of aleaan.

AUetan7 to let go, give up, leave, lose, resign,

lay aside, Jn; AO,CP : let, allow : release,

pardon, forgive : deliver, AS. ['alet9

]• AUMnes f. loss : remission (of sins).

alan* to nourish, produce. [Qoth. alan]Alanglan (impers.) to ajffect totta longing,

Soullte. ['along9


Alattan to grow sluggish or duU, Gl.ala8 L=ealafl (v. ealu). II. prea. 3 ag. of

AlaSian1 (Gl) to be hateful : haU : tAreofca.

alb f. toMfe garment, 'alb,' LL. [JUaid (EWS,EK^A)>=ieald; Ald=adlaleogan to put, place, lay down, lay aside,

give up, cease from, abandon, LL; MJiO,CP. aleogende word, aleegendlio worddeponent verb : put down, auay, suppress,abolish, conquer, destroy, overcome, refute,

MJjL : lay upon, inflict : diminish, lessen,

withhold, k. {'allay9

]ilid I. pp. of alecgan. U.=aled pp. of


Alton =allefanA1Uednet f. infirmity, ML21*.Aleflan to injure, maim; enfeeble, A3, pp.iU, M. [lfif]

Alenlan (K)=alynnanAltodan*t to spring up, grow.aleoflan=aliiianAleogan' to lie, deny, deceive, be false to,

leave unfulfilled, MJk.0.Alton1 (= on-) to lend, give up, DR.Aleonlan=alynnanAleoran to depart, flee away, VPs61*.AieoSian=alrSian; aleri^alor

Aies-=alie«-Alesan* to pick out, choose.

ilet(DA254)=»ledAletan=al»tan; al*8ran=aly*&ranalewe, al(u)we f. 'aloe,


Altwed pto. feeble, weak, ill [ISf]

alexandre f. horse-parsley, Led. ['alexan-



alfflBle (AN770)=ealfeloAltet n. cooking vessel, cauldron, [alan]Algeweoro n. fire-making, tinder, Gl.algian=ealgian; alh!=iealh

allbban to live, pass one's lift, AO.Allbbende everlasting.

Allegan* to be subdued, fail, cease, yield,

perish, AO.AFJefan (e, i, y) to allow, give leave to, grant,

AO,CP : hand over, yield up.AHefedJle lawful, permissible, adv. -lice

(CP,.E).AHefednes (f) f. permission.

AHeaan (6, i, f) to loosen, let loose, free,

redeem, release, absolve, Mt (y), AO,CP.['alese*]

AUes-ednas, -(e)nee (8, y) t redemption, ran-som, MtWLJt: remission (of sins), ERHy

allesend (*, i, f) m. liberator, deliverer,Redeemer, GP.

AUeeendlie (y) loosing, liberating, BH.Allealng, -names (?)=aJiesedneiam n. eternal life, MFHIOS" .

AHfan=anefan; Aliflan=aHbbanAim (DR) imperat. sg. of aleon.AUhtan to lighten, relieve, alleviate, take off,take away : 'alight,

9 MQr : (- onlihtan)light up, M.AUmpan*t to occur, happen.AUnnan==alynnan; Albend=aIIeeendAllSlan (eo) to detach, separate. Gen : setfree.I'alithe



all (strictly Anglian, but found in AO,CP)

almas- =»lmes-; aln-=ealn-alo-=ealu-alooolan to entice, AO.alor, al(e)r m. 'older,

9Cd,KCJLcd; Mdf.

alordrano m. drink made of alder sap?LoD40a.

alorholt nm. alder-wood, WW.alorrlnd m. alder-bark, Lcd12d.alo8=ealu; alr^alor; alswA=ea]swaaltar, altar(e), altre m. 'altar,* JE;CP.[L. altare]

alucan* to pluck up, puU out, separate, take

Alfltan' (=onl-) to bend, incline, bend or bowdown, A3, aloten pp. submissive.

aluwe, alwe= alewe; alwald-=eal(l)weald-alybban=alibban; Atyfan (^)=aKefanaiyied L=allefed pp. of aliefan. II. =alfifed pp. of alenan; alyfed-=allefed-

aiyht-=onliht-; Alyhtan=alihtanairman to come forth, shewforth.Alynnan, -lynnian (e, eo, i) to deliver, let go,release, loosen, AS.

Al*s-=aEes-aiySran («) to lather, Lon. PeatSor]am (NG)=eomAm m. reed or slay of a loom, Rd36*.

Amfiran I. to extol, GD206M. II. (uau*utamfer(i)an) to exterminate, BH.AmsBsUn tofeedwithmast,fatten,feedup, CP.Amaglan (hamaogian) to revive, be restoredto heaUh, Lod3184u.

Aman=onmanprep. w. d. among, amongst : while,

whilst, during, a. tSam, Viasum meanwhile.[= gemang]

Amanlan to exact, require, LL.AmAns-lan, -ung=amangum-ian, -ungAmAnsumlan to excommunicate, anathema-tise, curse, proscribe, outlaw, BH; iE,AO.['amanse 9


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aman-tumung, -eumnung f. excommunica-tion, curse, JS. ['amansing']amarod disturbed, troubled, confounded.[cp. amyrred]

amaaian to amaze, confound.amawan7 to cut down, PPslOl*.amb (A9-2d5)=am; amboht^ambihtamber (e1, o1, »*, o*, u1

) mfn. teasel, j»»Z,

pitcher, tankard : awi, <iry or Ziffttid measure(ffour bushels). [L. amphora]

ambiht (e1, o\ y1, e1 ) I. n. office,, service:

commission, command, message. II. m.attendant, messenger, officer.

+amblhtan (embe-) to minister, serve, NG.amblhtere (embe-) m. servant, LkL22m.

amblhthera obedient servant, Gu571 (o1).amblhthOs n. workshop, 'officina,' CM 1087.

amblhtmann m. manservant.amblhtmeogt (o1, e*, y*) m. servant.

amblhtnes, -aumnee (emb-) f. service, NG.ambihtacealct m. functionary, retainer.

amblhtsecg am. minister, Gen 582.

ambftitsmlo m. court smith or carpenter,

LL3(7].amblhtfagn (omb-)t m. attendant, servant.

ambyht= ambihtambyre favourable, fair, AO. [and, byre]

ambyrlan (OEGll"*)=onbyrganII.amealllan («) to become insipid, v. OEG61*.amearclan to mark out, delineate, define,

describe : destine, assign, appoint.amefm. sacred vessel, WW348. [L.]

amelcan* to milk, Lcd.ameldlan to let out, make known, betray,

JE.AO.ameoa iammeos, t

bishop-weed, Lcd 71b.


amerian=namonanamerian to test, examine : purify, refine.

amerran= amierranimetan* to measure, estimate : mete out, as*

sign, grant, bestow, M.amfttan to paint, depict, CP : adorn, M.imetendllecompendious,measurable, limited.adv.-Hce.

imefhwD= ftmethwflametslan to provision, Chr 1006s.ftmlddan=onmiddanamMl&n to be foolish, RHy6«.ftmldlod unbridled, WW220*.

imierran (e, i, \) to hinder, obstruct,

prevent, delay, CP : mar, injure, disturb,

scatter, consume, waste, spoil, destroy, Lk,Bo;AO,CP -.lose. Varnar']

amlgdal m. almond, Lcd. [Ok.]

amdd=£m6dImoleen pp. of amelcan.imotenlan to decay, weaken, W147*.amolten molten, d3L6»*.amore f. a kind of bird, yellow-hammer?[op. emer]

am-peOa, -pulla m. flask, vessel. [L.]

ampre I. 'varix,' tumour, swelling, 01.

[lamper 9

] U* t dock, sorrel, Lcd.

O. H.

imundlan to protect, defend, M.amyltan (tr.) to melt, M.imyrdrlan (LL348f66A)=amyr5rianimyrgan to delight, cheer, Sol240.imyrftan = amerianamyrran= (l) amierran; (2) (LL348,56o, b)

amyrtfrani-myroran, -myrorian to murder, kill, LL;Chb 1049c. ['amurdcr*]

an I. adv. and prep. son. IL prea. 1 ag. of

an- in compoeition represents (1) and-;

(2) an-; (3) in-; (4) on-.

in I* adj. strong mfn. (asm. anne, amne)*onet

y MttjS. in plur. each, every one, all.

an and (efter) an one by one. anea hw»tsome single thing, a part, B : a, an : alone,

sole, only; in this sense it is used also in

the weak form (se ana; he" ana, AO,CP)and with a pi. : singular, unique : single,

each, every one, aU (gp. anra) : any.

II. adv. (also wk. ana) alone, only, on ancontinually, continuously, ever, in one, once

for all, immediately, tat an only that.

ana=heonu; ina v. an.

inad, anaedt n. waste, desert, solitude. \Oer.

eindde]inaagUan to nail, Nab4w.

anftl-=on£l-anea&ellan to degrade, Bo,Mbt.-j-anan to unite, BH214*.ananbeam m. spindle-tree, Loi>29b.anawyrm m. intestinal worm, Lcd43b.anbasrnes =onbavneaanbeetlngan* to thrust in, insert, CP.anbid (— on-) n. waiting, expectation, hope,AO,CP : interval, AO.±an-bldlan (on-) intr. to wait, stay : tr.

w. g. wait for, expect.

anbidstow (on-) f. place of meeting, LL.anbldung m. wattingfor, expectation : delay,

OEG3396.anbiht=ambiht; anblndan=onbindananblsoopod=unbisoopodanborenf pte. only-begotten.

anbrlngelle =onbringelleanbroee (El 1029) =unbr&ce


anbruool ( =on-) rugged, GPH402.anbryrd-= onbryrd-ftnbQend m. hermit, anchorite, Gu59.anbugan (AO,CP)=onb0gananbyhtsceale= ambihtacealoinb*me made of one trunk, dug-out (ship),

WW181»±anbyrdan (and-) to strive against, resist,

oppose, attack.

anbyrdnes f. resistance, LL214[14].anbyrlgnea ( =on-) f. tasting, taste, (a*), -cend, only-begotten, M.aneeMancoran-eleow n., -oleowe f. 'ankle,' LcdJE.ancnawan= ononawananeor m. 'anchor,' B,Bo; CP. [L. anoora;from Gk]


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in-eory -oore m. anchorite, hermit, M. [L.anachoreta; ,from Ok.]

anoorbend (oncer-) m. cable, B1918.inoorUe like a hermit, WW463*.inoorOf n. solitary life, BH.aneonnan m. man %n charge of the anchor,WW 166*.

aneorrap m. anchor rope, cable.

anoorseti n. prow ofa chip.anoonetl n. hermitage, M.inoorsetla m. hermit, M.aneonttw f. solitary place, BH4241*.

aneorstreng (anoer-) m. cable.

anera rancorftnera (a1 ?) m. anchorite, hermit, monk,WW,M. ['anchor']

anesam^angsamanemnan* to arrive, Geh 1884.inoummum one by one, singly, NO.aneyn adj. only, A 2-368; LPs21»and oonj. 'and,

9but. ge&oe as

/...AO.and- = an-, on-, ond- (opposition, negation,

Oer. ent-); and oooaaionally a-,

anda m. grudge, enmity, envy, anger,

vexation, Mt;M : seal, J£,CP : injury,

mischief :fear, horror, NG. [' a*<fe,'

'o*4e ']

indseget /or o*e 4ay, lasting a day.

and»t-=andet-indaga m. appointed day, M.^andaglan to fix a day for appearance :

adjourn, EC 163.

andb-^anb-, onb-andbeonlan to make signs to, WW.andblta m. feast (of unleavened bread).

andeleow=anoKowandeweean 'contradicere, fruetrari,* HGl491.

andowlas f. answer, Gu992.andofSnes f. evidence, BH158*.andd- =and-, ond- ; aadeKendeandeages (ae) eye to eye, in the face, openlytB1936.

andtew arrogant, ostentatious, So.

andefn, -efen f. measure^juantity, amount,AO : capacity, nature, CP.

andel-bssr, -bftre reversed, OEG.andergllde of little cost? (BT).andet-=andett-andetla m. declaration, confession,LL 18[22].

±andetnes (ond- OP) f. confession, M :

ftanfoproa?, praiee.

andetta m. one who confesses, a. bfion to

acknowledge.±andettan to confess, acknowledge, M,CB :

give thanks or praise : promise, vow. [and,

h&tan]andett-end, -ere m. confessor.

andettlan =andettanandettung m. confession, profession, CP.andfang m. acceptance.

andfangol 'susccptor,' LP&46".AndfealdHee= anfealdttee

andfeax bald, W461.

andfang (on-) m. seizing, receiving, taking.jE,RB : defence : defender : attack, assault z

revenue, means, LIc14m,Bk10 : illegal oc-cupation of (land).

andfenga m. receiver, defender, undertaker.Pa.

andfenga I. acceptable, agreeable, approved,

fit, suitable, M,CB : that can receive : taken.II. m. undertaker : receptacle.

andfengend m. defender, Ps : receiver.

gafolee a. lax collector.

andfengestow f. receptacle, WW21S*».andfengnet f. accejiance, receiving : rsoep-tacle : acceptableness, W253n.

andfex=andfeax; andgeMmanaandlomanandgefeMandgitandgetet adj. plain, manifest, [andgiete]andglet (ond- ; e, i, y) n., andjriete t under-standing, intellect, Mt; M,CP : knowledge,perception, CP : sense, meaning, J3,CP : oneof the five senses : plan, purpose, ['angit']

andglet- -andgit-andgltful intelligent, sensible.

andgltfulllc intelligible, clear, adv. -Hoe.

andgltlias foolish, senseless, M.andglttiaat f. want of understanding, M.andgltUo= andgitfuflic

andgltol intelligent, sensible.

andgUtaoeni (ie1) n. sensible token, sign.

andheafod n. heading, unploughed headlandof a field, EC.

andhetan, andhettansandettanandhweorfan* to move against, blow against,B548. [or T onhweorfan]

andlan to be envious orjealous.andlg envious,jealous, OEG.andliman=andldmanandlang (o1, s

) L adj. entire, continuous,extended, andlangne dog, niht all day(night) long, An,Qu. Valonq'] II. prep.w. g. 'along,

9 by the side of, AB,Chr,KC;AO.andlangoempa (anl-) soldier fighting in line,

WW450*.andlata (CBl436)=andwIitaandlaanf n. retribution, retaliation.

and-leofen (ie, i, y) f., -leofa m. susten-ance, nourishment, food : money, wages,[libban]

andnenes= onfcones

andll«fen (AO,CP), andKfen=andl©ofenandldman (a*, n«) m. pi. utensils, imple-ments, vessels.

endlong=andlang; andlyfen=andleofenandmltta=anmitta

^___andrecefsdtr n. wine or oil press, WW 128*'.

andrletne =ondrysnean-drysen-, -dry8n-=ondry8(e)n-and-rysno f. respect, reverence : etiquette.

andsaea m. adversary : denier, apostate.

andseelan to dispute, deny, CP.andasee m. denial, oath ofpurgation, El>LL :

refusal : strife, resistance. [canoVesa*]

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> adj. hateful, odious, repugnant,M x

hostile. [landsete



andalyhtt m. Mow.andspeornan* to stumble against, NG.andapyrnee t offence, MtBlft".indatreeae=anetrooeaand-eumnee, -eondnea (—on-) f. purity,chastity, virginity. v. OBG1696.±andawarlan to 'answer,' Lk; £!,CP.andawara f.

lanswer>' reply, B,Jn; CP.and-awarfan (VPa), -airorian=>ancUirarian

and-ttmaer, -tymbersontimberandSraeJan= ontiiaoian

andSraaoe=ontirooeandung f. jealousy, LPs77*.andttstrtan *detcstari,

f MtB26™.aadfletrung f. 'abomination MtB24»andwOeoan«adwftsoanandwtiet moist,

andward-=andweard-aadweal- =*onweal-andwaard ( + at AS63M) present, actual,

existing, jE,CP : opposite to,

±andweardlan to present, bring before one,

(+andweardian alsosandwyrdian.)andweardtte present, actual, adv. -Hoe.

andwaaidnaa t presence, GP : present time.

andwendednes=onwendedneeandweoro n. matter, substance, material, GP



andweriMand-weazd, -wyrdandwlg m. resistance, Gul47.andwHle*anwiUeandwfadanaandwyrdanandwb expert, skilful, Jul244.

andwbnee 1 experience, WW20*.andwtst f. support? station? Ah1542.andwlata=andwlita+aadwlatod *flrontosus,

i GBG8*».andwlita (a, eo) m. face, forehead, counte-

nance, form, B,MtR;AO,CP. Vankth']andwlita n. =andwlitaandwllteful 'vuUuosus,' GPH393.andwraS hostile, enraged, Pa 17.

and-wud, -wyrdMudweard±and-wyrdan, -wyrdian (e, i) to answer*JB,Mt-, AO,CP : (+an-) '

conepirare, '

WW209«. Vandwurde 9


andwyrde n. answer, AO.andwyrdlng f. 'coiwptniffo,' WW373*1


andfda pretb of and&n (ondon).

andytt-=andett-ane (l)=«ne, (2), -«(a)gede (JEL) •oae-eyed,* MM0/ one eye.

aneege adj. having one edge, M.+aned v. anian.

antge, anSgede=aneage4nihst=anlhfltaneiniian to <mno**ce, declare, 0u. Vaname]nnetuvkto deliver, re*5«e,LPs24»; EPs49»*nee= fines; Anaaelan^ahneaoiaa

anett mn., anetnes f. solitude, seclusion, GP.

anf«=soni-an-feald, -fald, -fealdho single, unmixed,singular, unique, superior, M\ CP : simple,modest, honest, sincere, Mt; GP : fixed, in-variable, a. gerecednaa or aptfto woes.Vafald

9] adv. -Boa.

anfealdnet f. unity, concord, AO : simplicity,

OP.anfealt f. anvil, OEGll" and n. [op. anfilte]

anfengr=iandfenganfftte one-footed, (JS), .filte (01), n. 'oarO.'anflndan=onfindananfloga m. lonely flier, Sia*62.anion (AO)J=tonfonanlorht/ear/W, Cbos8117.anforUetan7 to let go, lose, relinquish, aban-don, surrender, CP : omit, neglect.

anforUetnef t loss, desertion, Bl86™ :


antorngaan in front of, MP (Veep. D xiv).

anga (o) m. stimulus, sting, goad, GP.mi& {a, &) sole, only: solitary.

angbrtoet n. tightness of ike chest, asthma,Lod.ange=engeangeald pret. 3 eg. of angildan.angaan^ongeanangel I. m. '


hook, fish-hook, Bo,MtL(oagal). II. m.=engelAngel n. Anglen, a distrust in Schleswig,

from which the Angles came, AO.Angeloynn n. the English people : England,

angeld *=angildeangelic like, similar, Bo44».angeltwlcoe fm. a certain worm used as bait,

earthworm? WWJjcd. ['angletwitch']

AngetiSeod t the English people : England.angenga I. solitary, isolated, M. Ih m.solitary goer, isolated one, B.

angerfld =ungeradingetrum n. illustrious company, Ex334.angeweald=onweald±anglan to be in anguish, B,?sW; 142*.

anglen =anginn; angOaangell.angildan=ongjeldaningllde (e, ) I* n. single payment or rate ofcompensation for damage, LL : the fixedprice at which cattle and other goods werereceived as currency, LL. ['angild'] II. be compensatedfor. III. adv. simply,

anglldes= angilde in.anginn n. beginning, M\ AO,CP: intention,

design, enterprise, undertaking, GP : action,

onset, attack : rising (of sun). [langin*]

anglnnan (AO)=onginn»nangltan=ongietftn; angltful=andgitfulAngle mp. the Angles or English (who oamofrom Anglen ; v. Angel, Engle).

angmod sad, sorrowful.

angmodnes f. sadness, sorrow, W188*.angnesgl m. corn, ' agnail,* Led30b.


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angnere (on-) m. comer of the eye, WWangnes f. anxiety, uneasiness, trouble, pain,anguish, fear.

angol-=angel-, ongol-angrlsla (y) m. terror, Bl2037


angrtalto (y») grisly, terrible, adv. -(en)lioe.

ang-tet, -seta m. eruption, pustule, car*

bunds, WW.angsum narrow, hard, difficult

±angsumlan to vex, afflict, M.angsumlto troublesome, anxious, painful.adv. -lioe M.

angsumnat t pain, M : sorrow, trouble :

difficulty, perplexity.

Angum=»migum dat. of Anig.Angyld, angylde=angildeangyn, angytan=onginn, ongietananh«=onh-Anhaga (o*)f m. solitary being, recluse.

anhentfe (—oa-) on hand, requiring attention,A088".Anhende one-handed, lame, weak, M.Anhlwe 'uniformis,

9 OEG1046.anhoga m. care, anxiety, Gn070.Anhaga=anhagaAnhorn, anhorna m. unicorn, Ps.AnhrAdllee=anrftdlioe

Anhundwlntre a hundred years old.

Anb^dlgt resolute, firm, constant, stubborn,


Anhyrne L one-horned, having one horn.II. m. unicorn.

Anhyrn-ed, «e(n)de having one horn, Pa.+Anlan to unite, BH214. ['one* vb.]Anldan («, f)

to restrain, repel : force, fit

a. expel, drive out. [nied]

Anlg=finig; an-Ige, -Igge=aneageanltastt last, in the last place,

Animan4(y) to take, GD : take away orfrom,

deprive of, Mt (y); CP. [*anim*]Anlnga=anungaAntiMan to cast down, Chb675s.anl- =andl-, onl- ; anlAe =anleo±AnU»can to unite, M.Anlaga acting alone, WW491"anlang-=andlang- ; Anlap- (NO)= anlip.

anlec m. respect, regard.

Anlegere consorting with one man,WW 171".An-lep-=anllp-Anllo only, unique : solitary : catholic :

beautiful, [op. ftnlio]

anlleplg= anlipig

An-npe (CP), -Hpig (Chb), -lipie (am-; fi, f)I. adj. single, separate, solitary, private,

individual, special, PPs\Z\BH,MtR.[lanlepi 9

] II. adv. alone, only, severally.

AnHpnes f. loneliness.

Anllpum (ep) singly, MtR26M.

Antyp- ss anlip-

anmMo n. unanimity, concord, PP854".anmMla m. pomp, glory : pride, presump-tion, arrogance : courage, fmdd]-fanmottan to encourage, AO. [mdd]

mnn&tt*m. weight, balance, scales, Ql. [and,mitta]anmdd steadfast, resolute, eager, bold, brave,

fierce, proud, CP. adv. -lioe.

imftd of one mind, unanimous, El;M.Canmod'] adv. -lioe.

anm6dnes f. steadfastness, resolution, Lcd3170".Anmodnet f. unity, unanimity, CP.ann pros. 3 sg. ofannan.anna=heonu; Anne (AO,CP) v. an.

Annei t oneness, unity, BH;M : agreement,

covenant, Chr : solitude, Qu. ['annesse']

Annlhte adv. one day old, Lcd.ano8a=andaAnpeeSf m. narrow path*

anpolle f. {&) = ampella ; anr-= onr-

Anrfid of one mind, unanimous : constant,

firm, persevering, resolute, M. ['anted1


AnriMllo constant, resolute i undoubHng,Bl13u. adv. -lioe unanimously : reso-

lutely, persistently, constantly, earnestly,

M : definitely, decidedly.

AnrAdnes f. unanimity, agreement : con-stancy, firmness, diligence, AO; M. ['an-



Anreoes (GHBl010ci>B)=an8treoe8AnrM-= anr&d- ; ana-= ands-, ons-, nns-an-tceatan (Cp), -eceotan (Erf)=onsceotanAnseld m. lonely dwelling, hermitage,Gu 1214.Ansetl n. hermitage, RB 1369.

ansetla m. anchorite, hermit, GD,RB.anden I. (on- ; 6, i, y ) fn. countenance, face,CPJLk :form, figure, presence : view, aspect,

sight, thing seen, AO : surface, ['onsenc9

]II.t t lack, want.

anspel n. conjecture.

antpUde salutary, Lcd lib.

AnsprAco speaking as one, PPs407.

Anttandende pto. standing alone, RB97. aa

sb. hermit, M.anttapa m. lonely wanderer, Pa 15.

Anttelede one-stalked, having one stem, Lcd.Anstlg f. narrow path? Gl.Anstonde=anstandendeAnstrm (ft?) resolute, determined, CP.Anttreeef (6?) at one stretch, continuously,continually, Chb894 a.antund sound, whole, entire, perfect, healthy,

M (on-).

an-Bundnei, -tnmneB f. soundness, whole-ness, integrity.

Ansunu m. only son.

AnswSgo harmonious, accordant.ansyn =ansien ; ant-= and-, ont-, unt-Anteerlst m. Antichrist. [L.]

antefn m. antiphon,'anthem, 9 BH; M.

antotnere m. book of antiphons, anti-phonary, CM.

Antld f. similar time (i.e. the correspondingtime of a following day)? B219.

antra f. radish, Lcd.Anum alone, solely, M.anunder=onnnder

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anuug f. zeal, NG.Anunga at once, forthwith : entirely, alto-

aether, throughout, by att means, uninter-ruptedly, B : necessarily, certainly.

anw- =andw-, onw-, unw-Anwedd n. security, pledge, TC20lM.

Anwlg n. single combat, duel, M,AO.AuwfcHce in single combat, WW512".Anwffit=awubtAnwfQe I. adj. toilful, obstinate,CP,WW; M.['onwiU 9

] II. adv. wilfully, obstinately.

Anwfffiea obstinately, CP.inwllnet f. self*w%U, obstinacy, persistence,

CP. mid Anwilnease wantonly, wilfully.

Anwlntra adj. one year old, yearling.

Anwfte n. single fine, LL64,31,1.anwldh (DAv685)=<mwealgTAnwuhtsAwuhtAnwunung f. solitary abode, RB134".Anwylnaa=inwilnefl; annum-=angaum-An?dan=&nidan; anfhat=anfbatanyman=animan; aufwansonywanapa m. 'ape,* Gl£cd.ApAean to seduce, lead astray.

ApAran to avert, pervert.

Aparlan to discover, apprehend, EC 164.

apalder- =apuldor-Aplualan to weigh, estimate, ponder, recount,

CP. [L. penaare]Aptuaung f. weighing, OEG1757.apl=appelaplanttan to plant, SLAplatod plated with metal? resplendent? OEQ.[. 'plate


]Aplueetan to pluck off, jEGb 170".apoatata m. apostate, LL(3221«).

apoatol (Chb), apoatel m. 'apostle,9 MtB :

disciple, MRV*. [L. apoetolua; fromGk.]

apoatolbAd m. apostleship.

apootollo apostolic, BE ; M. I'aposUy9


appal, apple^sppelApralls m. Apru, Maw56.

Aprioean to prick, W 146".aprotane f. southernwood, wormwood, Lod22a. [L. abrotonum; from Ok.]

apulder, apuldor fm. apple4ree.

apuldorrind t bark of apple-tree, Lod.apuldortun m. apple-orchard,WW (e»).

apuMre, apoldur=apulderApnlUan to putt, Lod 1-362".

Apundrlan? to measure out, requite? Bl680(OK).

Apyffan to exhale, breathe out, Gl.Apyndrlan to weigh, HGl612w ? (BT).Apytan to put out (eyes), NC338.Ar m. I.t messenger, servant, herald, apostle,

angel. {Got. aims] IL f. 'oar,9 Ohr,Gn.

IIL f. honour, worth, dignity, glory, re-

spect,reverence,BE,Gen,JnLB,Ph;AO,GPigrace, favour, prosperity, benefit, help, B :

mercy, pity, As : landed property, posses*

sions, revenue, MJLO : ecclesiastical living,

benefice : ownership, LL : privilege, LL,

76,42,2. ['are,9'ore'] IV. u. ore, brass,

copper, MJlO,CB. V. (NG)=«rAraetlan=AraaiaaArAean wv. to reach, get at, Chr : holdforth,reach out, M : get (a thing for a person),

M,Gr. Vareach']ArAd I. (6) m. welfare, LLlWn. IL pre-pared?, resolute? Wa6; GkE192T IIL=Anrftd

Arseda (Bo46«)=Aroda? v. arod.ArAdan1 (but uau. wk.) to appoint, prepare :

arrange, settle, decide, BE : guess, prophesy,interpret, utter, LkJBo,Da,CP : read, readout, read to (any one), CP. Voread']

ArAdnea f. condition, stipulation, BH.ArAfan to set free, unwrap, WW.Inafuan, -ian to carry out, accomplish :

endure, suffer, MJlO i keep in mind,ponder, M. [aefnan]

Inafulendlle endurable, possible.

ArAman to raise, elevate (oneself), M :

(t) rise, stand up.Araspean (•-rwf-) to intercept, Gl.ArAran to lift up, raise, set up, create, estab-

lish, Ohr,AnJn : build, erect, Jn : rear

(swine), LL449 : spread, disseminate t

disturb, upset, ftp A. bring up, raise up,exalt, ['arear



ArArend m. one who arouses.

ArArnaa f. raising, elevation, AO.ArAaan to rush, J&H140".ArAflan to unravel, disentangle, CP.ArAstan to lay open, search out, test, detect,

discover : reprove, correct, CP. Araaodskilled.

Arblaed n. oar-blade, M.arMaat m. cross-bow, Chb 1079d. [O.Fr.


are mf. (also earo, earoe) ark, coffer, chest,

box, M. [L. area]

area (», e) m. archiepiscopal pallium.

arceblsoeop (m\ ©*, y*, eo4) m. 'archbishop,9

OP,Ohr,KO.areeMaoopdom m. post of archbishop.

areeMaoophAd (eo) m. post of archbishop,

BH49*.areeblaooprlea n. post of archbishop, Chr.

areeMeeopetoi m. archiepiscopal see.

areedlaoon m. 'archdeacon,9 WW.

aroahAd (e) m. post of archbishop.

areerlee n. archbishopric.

areeetfl (»l ) m. archiepiscopal see, Chb.aronafttg respected, honourable, Da551.

ArdAde merciful, Bl131'.Ardagas mp. festival days, WW206".

ard]lo=arodUo; Aref.=arIII.Artanan to separate, divide, Ex 290.

Araeean to spread out, put forth, stretch out :

lift up, erect, build up : eay, relate, declare,

speak out, explain, expound, translate,

MtB; CP : astonish : adorn? deck? Rim 10.



Artealtaatan to be negligent, A9-102*.arad=arod

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artd L=irfed I. IL (strong) pret. 3 sg. of


ireddan=ahreddanartdUn to make ready, devise, provide,

arrange, carry out, CP : find,find one** way,reach : find out, understand, [r&de]

ar§dnes=ar£dnefl; aretnan=arSfnanarencan to make proud, exalt, A1M1711?

(BT).irendan to tear ojjjr, LonlOla.artodlan to re&fea, Mas*, BPs.arfosan=ahreosan; ariran==arieraniritan to cheer, gladden, M. [rot]

arewe=arweartest respected, honest, pious, virtuous, J5,CP : merciful, gracious, compassionate, J5 :

* pious, adv. -Hoe.

irtestnes f. virtue, honour, grace, goodness,

piety : pity, mercy, M.artet nap. -fata, n. brazen vessel, M.artest =arfawtirful respected, venerable : favourable, kind,

merciful : respectful, adv. -Hoe graciously, (NG)=earg; aigang=earsgangargeblond m. tumult of the sea, As 383.

argentine f. argentiOa {plant), Gl. [L.]

argeotere m. brass-founder, A064M.

argesweort n. 6nra filings. Lop 30b.argeweorc n. brass-work, WW39844


arglfa m. peer o/ 6eae/Ste, Graft 11.

arhIIoe=earhlIoearhwat eager for glory, tGmt937A.±irlan to honour, respect, JE,CP : endow :

regard, care for, favour, be merciful to,

spare, pardon, JS;CP. pare*]irldan1 to ride, A0118»arlddan=ahreddanarlgend mf. benefactor, benefactress.

iriht 'aright,1properly, LL.

irlman to niitTi^, cotttU, eaameroto, CP;AO : retoto. [


ftrlnnan* to raw on*, jxm« away, 8ol479.ilban I. (bt1 ) to 'arise,

9get up, CP^£,MtL :

rise, Mk : springfrom, originate : spring up,ascend, EL IL=+riaanI.

artet=ariBtarleas dishonourable, base, impious, wicked,

JE,CP : cruel, Jul4. [Oer. ehrloe] adv.-lioe JS.

arliasnes f. wickedness, BH, Bo.irleast f. disgraceful deed, Met.arlic AonoaroMe : fitting, agreeable, proper,

AO : delicious.

irfioe adv. L honourably, becomingly,

graciously, kindly, pleasantly, mercifully,

GP. II. (N)=fcrfioeirloe n. 'oarlock,

9rowlock, WW2S&.

arm=earmarmelu * Aarinafo,' «nW rae, Led.

annorgen=Annorgenarn pret: 8 sg. of iernan.



+arnung= +eanrangarodI.^tc*,faM, ready, GP. IL m? a kindof plant, arum?

trod pp. of arian.

arodllo quick, adv. -Hoe quickly : vigorously,

M,CB.arodnes 1 spirit, boldness, GP41".arodsetee m. energy, dexterity, GP.aron (NG) used as pres. pL of wesan.anape f. verdigris, [sape]arseamu f. shame, modesty, PPs68".imnl8 m. coppersmith.

intssff m. (often in pL) support, assistance,

kindness, benefit, grace.

art. ar5 (NG)seartv pres. 2 sg. of i

litfegn m. servant, BH378U.

arSing n. a thing of value, LkB.211.

aradi»<arodirung f. honour, respect, reverence,

pardon.irunnen=aurnen, pp. of arinnan.arwe (rew-, raw-) f.W/ LL,Chr.irwelaf m. watery realm, Ah855. [ear]

ir-weorS, -weortie honourable, venerable,

revering, pious, GP. adv. -weortie.

arweorSful honourable, M (a*).

±arweor8tan to honour, reverence, worship,



arweorSllo venerable, honourable, adv. -lioe

honourably, reverentially, solemnly, kindly,M. Varworthly



Irweorones f. reverence, honour, GP.arweorSung f. honour, Ps.irwesa respected, RB115"arwler8er=^arweort5arwlSSe f. oar-thong, rowlock, M.arwtinga, arwnnge (A)=earwnngaarwuro, -wyr&KarweorSiryddan, -rydran, -rytran to strip, plunder,Gl,WW.

ar*derlan to blush, BRPs60*.arfpan to tear off, strip, Rd767

arjo f. wave of die sea, Aw532. [ear]

isadlan to satiate, surfeit,MF (Veep. D xiv).

iassegan=aseogan ; asssgdnes=onaegedneeasAlanf to bind, fetter, ensnare.issandan=asendanasal, asald (NG)=obo1asanlan to droop, flag, Gull48.

asawan7 to sow, sow with, M.(NG) m.=aeoe; aseaean=asceacan

=asceacanisesBfen pp. of asceafan.

ascaro=£so&re; aseafan= asceafanaseamello shameful, HGl500.iseamian (e*) tofeel shame,Pe,Cr. ['ashame']aseas nap. of teso.

asebaoen (ax-) baked on ashes, GD86t0.

asee {», os, x) f. (burnt) 'ash,9 Led : dust (of

the ground), MtL.iseeaean* (a) to shake off, remove, Mt :

depart, fiee, desert, forsake, M : shake,brandish. [


ashake 9


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' (ft) to separate, hold aloof or

asunder, exclude, CP i MuJkt clear, cfeanec,

purt/y.l«ef>ifin (a) to shave off, Lop.

" ito peel off, WW.

Aaftdan (5) to Mtiate, Gx» [sad]Aaagendnes f. an offering* Nab24".

iaeeaipan= asrirpan

iaefofan=aaoufan; Aa*aon-=oneoan-ftaceortlan= aaoortian

iaeAoten' to eAoof, *&x* out, MJlO : drop©•U, fall, M : fence (mxgery), iEL20» :

eviscerate, OEG46*7.

ftaaeppan=iscieppanaaceran=aaciran; Aaoerian=asoirianAaaerpan (VPs)«aaairpanftaclan (aos-, aha-, ax-) to 'ask,' inquire, seek

for, demand, M,KC,WQ, etc.;CP : call,

summon, B,Oen : (+) learn by inquiry,

discover, hear of, Chb : (t) announce,iadendlle (ax-) interrogative, JEGbZW.fiaeleppan' to make, create, Ex : appoint, de-

termine, assign, AO. ['ashape']

ftanffihnn=aacyhhanaaefUan to protect, DR.taftlUan to separate, divide, v. OEG 1367 n.


FM100.ftaclmlan to etoie, Lod2-232.

ftaofnan1 toflash or shineforth, beam, radiate,

be clear, QT>.

aaolrant to cut off, cut away.ftaelrlan to out off, separate, divide, remove,M : set free, deprive of : arrange, destine.

AaclrigendUc disjunctive, ^SGb26914 (y»).

iaelrpan to sharpen, make acute, CP.Aaeortlan (eo) to become short, fail,M : jwe*away, elapse.

Aaerftadlan to jprane, lop.

ftaerencan to displace, trip up, cause to

stumble, CP. I'aschrench9


ascrepan* to «crayc, dear away.Aierlncan* to eArta* «p.fteeradnlan (utn) to investigate, examine.Aacotan* to drive oaf, remove, expel, banish,

M : push (away), give up (to).

aseun- =oneoon-±Aaeung f. •asking,

9questioning, inquiring,

question, Met,Bo; ^B,CP.Ascyhhan to scare away, reject, RPeSO1*.

ftseyUan to cfeeiroy, GPH393"Aacytian, aacyllan =aecilianAacyndan to separate, part (from) : drive

away (from), M.iacyr-=a8cir-a*c9ran to mdw clear, iE. [soir]

asealoan (GsH2167)=aseoloanasaarian to t«<A«r, dry i*j?,Lc<i; CP. ['(wear']

iiScan to eedfc oat, select : search out, examine,explore : seekfor, require, ask, PPs : eeorc*

through, penetrate, ['aseek ']

asecgan I, to say out, express, tell, utter,

narrate, explain, announce, AO. II.«=

ooeeoganUecfendue utterable, M.

aaellan to give up, hand over, deliver : expel,


Aaenoan to sink, immerse, OBG829.aaendan to send away, send off, send, give up,Mt;M. [


asend'1Asongan (JuL313)=aaecftanAaaolean* to oeeome slack, remiss, relaxed,

weak, M,G&.Ae+on L ev» to look upon, behold, HL16»II. er1 to strain, Lod.

Aaaonod relaxed, WW228*. [seona]AatoSan* to eeetAe, 6otf» CP : rejine, part/? :

examine.Aatowan to sew, Cp421p (io).

Aaatnat f. institute, law, LL.aaattan»onaettanAaettan to set, put, place, fix, establish, ap-point, setup or in, erect, build, plant, AO,Mt;M s transport oneself over, cross (the

sea, etc.) : take away, LL11[12]. eft or

eftem a. to perform a journey, travel.

AsfSan to Oj0&m, confirm, M. [aSS]

Aetoan L bv1 to «yA, So. II. to weaa,CPsl30*.

ialften to et/r, Lod 13b.

Aalgan1 to etnA, sink down, decline,faU down,Chr; CP. [/oeye*]

Aatnoan' to etnl; down, faU to pieces, M.iaiDgaii* to sing out, sing, deliver (a speech),

compose (verse), BH.Aaittan9 to dwell together, settle, SI : appre-

hend, fear : run aground, at a. starve out.

rasit*]ftalaeUn to become slack, decline, diminish,

JC,CP : ^roic ftred : make slack, loosen,

relax, dissolve.

ftelacigendllo remissive, j3EGb228*.

aal890can to slacken, loosen, WW.ftslaaclan = aslacdan

AalApan7 (a) to slumber, dream : be paralysed,

Lod.aalAwan to 6i«n<, weaken, make dull,

OEG18b, 65.

aalapan= aslftpan

aal&wlan to become sluggish, be torpid, CP.[slaw]

ftaltan* to eHie, 6eo«, cat, ^ : erect : moieway : paralyse, of a. *(nie off, behead,

MtL; AO. ['oelay']

ftslepen = aeleopen pret. opt. 3 pL of aalapan.

isfldan1 to sUde, slip, fall, Ps;M,CP.['aslide']

landing f. slipping, GPH38861.

aalltan1 (y) to aW, cleave, cnl off, destroy, CP.Aalapan* to slip off, escape, disappear (of),

Ps. [l



Aal?tan=aalitanAamaagan to consider, examine, investigate,

devise, elicit, treat of, think, M : look for,

demand.Aamtagung f. scrutiny, consideration,


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±ismlr-lan, -wan to smear, anointism&lan to do smith's work, fashion, Jorge,

fabricate, 2K.

ismorlan to smother, strangle, AO,GP.asmorung t choking, suffocation, Lcr>18a.asmQgan =asmeaganasnAsan (&') to spit, impale, stab, ££68, 36.


asnflSan1 to cut off, Lod.asoden (WW20") pp. of as&rtSan.

iioloen (pp. of aseoican) sluggish, idle, in-

different, dissolute, M.asolcennes f. sleepiness, sloth, laziness,

W;M. ['aswolkeness')

asollan to become dirty, A2-374.

ispanan* to allure, seduce, persuade, urge,

insinuate, AO.ispannan7 to unbind, unclasp, GD2141*.

Isparian to preserve, GD159*4.

ispeaft (JnL9»)=aspeoftispMan to survive, escape, As 1628.

aspelian to be substitute for, represent, take

the place of,Uj,R&. be exemptfrom.aspondan to spend (money), expend, dis-

tribute, squander, consume, AO;M. ['as-

pend']aspeoft pret 3sg. spit out, JnR9*. [v. speoft]

isperian=aspyrianaspide m. asp, adder, serpent, viper, Ps; M.I'aspide']

aspillan to destroy, JnL12».

isplnnan* to spin, WW.asplrian = aspyrianisplwan1

(f) to spew up, vomit, M,CP.IsplAtan ? to split. . ES49156.Ispornan to cast down, 'EPslltF. [spnrnan]

ispreadan to stretch out, extend, CSP83511 .

ispreean to speak out, speak, PPs.Isprangan to cause to spring, fling out,

MLS™.asprettan =asptyttanisprlndlad ripped up, Lod 80b.

asprlngan' (y) to spring up or forth, break

forth, spread, JS; AO : arise, originate, be

born, M : dwindle, diminish, fail, cease.

asprungen dead, ['aspring']

aspringang f. failing, VPs 141s .

isprltan =aspiyttanasproten pp. of aaprutan.ft-sprungennes, -sprungnes f. failing, ex-

haustion, death : eclipse.

isprittan* ( =eo) to sprout forth, PPsl40f.

aspryngan= aspxinganaspryttan1 (e, i) to sprout out, bringforth, M.Ispyllan to wash oneself, Boll5T


aspyrgend m. tracker, investigator, VHy.ispyrglng f.

*adinventio,' WW513".

ispyrlan (i) to track, trace out, investigate,

explore, discover.

aspfwan=asplwanaasa m. he-ass, Mt,Jn,JS; CP. ['ass']

assen f. she-ass.

assmyre f. she-ass, M.1st f. kiln, WWISBP; A9-265. ['oast']

astAgan to go up, embark, MkR6".IstAlan to lay to one's charge, LL(264U).

astAnan1 to adorn with precious stones.

istasrfan (JftB)=aatyrfaniitandan to stand up, stand forth, rise up,arise, B;M : continue, endure, £&;CP.Vastand']

astandennes f. perseverance, J5L23bWf :

existence, subsistence.

isteapan asastypanastellan L to setforth, set, put, afford, supply,display, appoint, AO,CP : set up, establish,

confirm, institute, ordain, undertake, start,

AO;M: undergo, £5. IL to fly off, rush.istemnlan to build.

Istampod engraved, stamped, WW20317.

astencan to scatter, GD42".isttopan=astfpanIsteorfan' to die, MH62".ast#p-=ast^p-; isterian=a8tyrianasterlon 'asterion,' peUitory, Led 1-164.

flstXflan to become stiff, M.Isflflclan= astyfeoian

istifean1 to proceed, go, M : (usu. w. up,nitier, etc.) rise, mount, ascend, descend,

Jn; M,CPibepuffedup,A02W. Vastye']istlgend m. rider.

istlgian to ascend, mount.Isttgnes f. ascent, SPsl03*.istlhtan to determine on, decree, Che998.

flstthttng (OEG)= Stinting

IstUllan to stiU, quiet, MF (Veep. D xiv).

isttngan* to bore out, pierce out, Chb : stab.

Isttntan=astyntan; astlrian==a8tvrian

istfSlan to become hard, dry up, wither : growup, come of age, TC203*.

istondnes=astandennesaatrftlian to cast forth, BPS75*.astreccan to stretch out, stretch forth, extend,

lay low,M : prostrate oneself, bow down, CP.['astretch']

istregdan to sprinkle.

Istregdnes? f. sprinkling, DR.astrenged (made strong), malleable, WW.astrtenan (eo, y) to beget.

astrogden pp. of astaegdan.astrowenes f. length, HGl443.astr*nan= astrfenanastundlan to take upon oneself, J3.

ast?feoian to suppress, eradicate, CP.istylian = astellan

astyltan to be astonished, LkLR.astyntan (i) to blunt, repress, restrain, stop,

overcome, OL ['astint']

astypan (e, ea, do) to deprive, bereave, GD.astypte orphans. [stSop]

astyp(ed)nes (e*) f. privation, bereavement.astyran to guide, control, AS9".ftstyrtan (», e) to kill, destroy, Cr,Mt (e).


astyrlan to stir up, excite, move, move for-ward, raise, Jn,Mk; M : be roused, becomeangry, M. astvred weorCan be or becomeanxious, JE. [


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ftstyriendllo v. un-A.Aatyrtgend m. 'ventilator,* GPH393".Aatyrrad starry, So.Astyrvng f. motion, Lob.A-aHean* -ragan to tuck, suck out, drain.

A-sundran, -gundron=onsundranAamidrlan=aeyndrian ____Aaflrlan to 6e or 6eeome sour, WW.AawAman to room, wander about : jmie,grieve, zE.

AawArn-=aawarn-AswAtan to 6ttr*tc^t*per*ptratfon,MH20u.

AswAmlan to die atcay, Gin376 : cease.

AewApan7 (bat pp. Aswdpen) to eweej) otoay,

remove, clean, CP.AswArcan to fonfaieA, LPs38u.

AtwArcUn to eo»/otmdf BSPs70".AswArnlan to 6e confounded, Ps.AswArnung f. efome, confusion, LPs43M.

Aewa&an to investigate, OEGA".Aswaartfan to turn Kmo*, 6eeome oeAy orMac*, CP.

Aswebbanf to fatf, eooMe, eet a* reef : put to

death, destroy, Jud. [*asweve*]Aawallan' to swell, CP.Asweltan* to die, Chb.Aswencan to ajfltct, DR.Aswaogan to eiotiy ojjf, eAdbe off, cast forth.

Aswaorcan* to droop, J5.

Aawaorfan* to JUe off", jwKeA, GPH.AawApa=£swftpeAawarlan* to eueor, PPa.Aawtean1 to desert, abandon, betray, deceive,

Mt : offend, irritate, provoke, ['aswike']±A*wlelaii to offend.Aswieung f. scandal, offence.

AswHan1 to wander, stray, WW.Aawlnd=&swindAswtndan* to become weak, shrink,fade away,perish, decay, dissolve, Bo; &tCP.['aswind']

Aawlngan* to scourge, DR.Aewogan7 to cover over, choke, CP411".Aaworettan to sigh, grieve, GD.Aswornlan (NC271)=aswarnianAswundennee f. idleness, BH160*».Aayndarllo remote, OEG2514.±Aaynd-ran, -rian to separate, divide, disjoin,

sever, CP,JS -.distinguish, except, ['asunder*)Asyndrung f. division,!=!»t; AtAIran(CP487»)==atiefranAtAsan to wear out, injure, strike, smite, M :

wound, CP296".alAwlan =atiewanAte (A) 1 *oofo,' £ed : tmU go**, tore*,

AUaIlan= stellan; AtAfran=atiefranaiagAr=»tgar; atelJ=iatol

Ateflan to redfccm «p, count, Bo ;AO. a. wi«balance against : toff, enumerate, CP : ex-

plain, interpret, ['ofeft']

Atemlan to tome, subdue, render quiet, CP.Atandan to set on fire, kindle, inflame, Ohr :

trouble, perplex, A8-312" ['atond']

Atendlng f. tneenJuw, So221».AtAon* to draw up, out, off or from, remove,pull out, lead out, draw, B^H; AO,CP.ftp a. draw up, move away : protract, M :

move, journey, roam : deal with, dispose of,

apply, use, Mt; M,CP. Votes*]AtAorian to fail, become exhausted, weary,cease, Ps;M:be defective, JEQ*. ['atire']

AtAorl(g)endllo transitory, perishable, M :

failing : defective, JEGb.AtAorodnea f. cessation, exhaustion, HL34**;

BPsll8".AtAorung f. failing, weariness, M.AtAowan=6«!©wan; AtaMAtorAtAran* to tear away, CP359*Aterlendlle= ateoriendlic

AUrlma (etc-) oat-bran, Lcd 3-292'.

AtartAnum dp. with poisoned twigs (orJ

•taarum with poison drops) B140O.Ateahwftn adv. oi oZZ, CM987. [awiht]ath§d(GL)=»thydAtfdrlan to grow weak, GD59" (ydd).

Atfafran (A, e, i, f) to draw, depict, CP.atfewan=3CIewan; Attht-s&tybt-Attllaa to touch, reach.

Atbnbr-an, -ian to erect, build, AO,CP.AtfmpUan to provide with spikes, NC271.Attwan= tfffiewan

AtlAag m. oaUfieldtatol L <Kre, terrible, ugly, deformed, repulsive,

unchaste, B. ['afar] ILf n. Aorror, ewJ.

atolio, atollio rfire, terrible, deformed, re-

pulsive, M. adv. -Hoe.

atoUanda disfiguring, WW220M.

Ator, at(to)r, (A) n. poison, venom, Led ; AO,CP : gaU, Gl. [* otter']

AtorbAre poisonous, Mkl-12".Atorbaranda poisonous, venomous.Atorooppe f. ejrioer, Lei. ['attercop']

Atoronstt (attor-) m. art of poisoning, W.Atoroyn (A) n. poison, 8ol219.Atordrinoa m. poisonous draught, BiH.AtorlASe f. plant used as antidote to poison,

betonica? Lcd,WW. ['atterlothe']

AtorUo poison-like, bitter, WW. ['otterKeA'l

Atoneaaeaf m. poisonous enemy.Atorepere n. poisoned spear, Rd 18*.

Atoittgan (att-) f. taking of poison, Lcd 1*4*.

atr=atorAtrahtnian to treat, discuss.

Atradan* to exlract, extort, LL.Atreddan to eearcA out, examine, investigate,

PPs.Atrendlian to roff, MttV. [v. 'trendle*]

Atras gs. of ator.

atrtim n. inifc, A 13-28". [L. atramantom]attar, attor^iatorattree gs. of attor, ator.

attrum=atrumatul=atol; Atur=atorAtwftonlan to cause doubt, A8-333*.Atyddrlan=atidrianAtydran to beget, create, El 1279. [tfidor]


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atyhtan (i) to entice, attmre, incite : be atten-

tive : produce, Rd51s: stretch, extend, turn.

Atyhtlng (i) t intention, aim i instigation,

0KG2*.Atymtaan=atimbranAtynan I. to shut off, exclude, [tan]IL=ont^nan

Atyndan=atendan; AtJrfan=atSorianatfwanarotilewanKm. 'oath,' B,Mt;A0.A8-=08-aSamans m. adamant, CP271*. [Z,.]

ASbryce m. perjury, W1647.

ASeegan (o take food, conenmetASegebAt=aWiAtaSegen distended, WW.ASenean to Ami; ok*, devise, contrive, invent,

AO : tnfeno*.

ABenenes 1 extension, VHy.A-Sennan, -tfenian to efrefcft oat, exfenrf,

oVat* otU, expand, AO : apply (tAe mtiul)

CP : prostrate.

ABenung f. extension, distension.

A8*odan=atfiedaniSeostrian (e, le, i) to become dark, obscured,

eclipsed, Bo ; CP, VPs. ['otteeter ')

A8er=&hw»5erASenean to thresh out, JEL31m».

A8ee1rIan=aSSoBtrian; ASewan=a*?wanASexe f. Hasani, OET.ASfultom m. confirmation (confirmers) of anootft, LL.

Aggehat (atfe-) n. promise on oath, oath,WW.ASlddan to rtrtMt, paeA, OEG50*.A&edan to separate, CP.A&erran to dean, CP.A&estrtan (CP)=a«€oatrianA8indaIl, to swell, puff up, inflate, increase,

CP : melt, pass away. (op. ttindan)

ASindung f. swelling, Lod 93a.A-8bMan, -tfiriSrigan (CP) =a$eoetrianASl(VPs)=adlA&oga m. perjurer, 0a 165.

A8oI=adlAeolian to hold outfendure, suffer, M.ABelware mp. citizens, GnE201.Aoor=ahw»«erA&raelan to dread : frighten.

A&Astan to twist out, wrest out, Gl.A&Awan7 to curl, twist, twine, M.Aoreatlan to weary, be irksome : force away,CP293".

ASrtotan* (pen. and unpen.) to tire of,

weary, be tiresome to, displease, disgust,

iE,A0,CP.A8reecan=atienoanA&fetan to weary, £S,A0 (f) ; Bo.ASrlngan* to crowd or press out : rush forth,

break out at &. emboss.

AfasHan to be bold, presume, GD70»ASrotennes f. wearieomenees, WW409*.A&otsam irksome, WW51011


Aordwlan to suffer, Lcn>68b.ASroxen pp. of&ttenoan.

ASrunten (pp. of *a«rintan) «coBen, Rd38*.(or? a*ruteu)

ASroten pp. (of *a$ratan) swollen, Lcd.Aoryeean to press, oppress,

torfn to rob? drive out? Gl (ES43-331).A-8rysemlan, -tiryaman (AO) to suffocate,

smother, ['athrysm*]

ASrytnes f. weariness.

Aeetsf m. oath, CPbUM*.Aoewara m? =atiswaraAoewarlng==a158weniiigASewaru f. oath-sweartng, oath, M.Aoswerlan? to vow with an oath, WW387*.Aoswerung f. oath-swearing, Ch*,RSPs104».Aoswyrd (eo) n. oaih-swearing, EPsl04»(ft1); B2064.ajum m. son-in-law, JS;A0 i brother-in-

law, ['odam']ASumtwertan mp. eon-ta-laio and father-in-< law, B84.ASandennesf. swelling, tumour, Lod : con-tumacy, WW871'.

AowAnan to diminish, soften, Lod.ASwAan* to wash, wash off, cleanse, baptise,

anoint, M,CP. ___ASwedd n. promise on oath, WW11611


aoweran4 to stir up, churn, Lcd.AeWlnan to vanish, NC338.ASwItan1 to disappoint, SPsl31u.

aSwyrSe worthy of credit, v. LL2-376.Atyan^a'SywanASylgian to bear up, ARSPs.Ao?n=att?wanASynnlan (i) to make thin, VHy8lf


A8«itrian (M)= aflfoetrian

atytan 14 to sound, blow (a horn). II. to


Atywan to drive away, AO : press out or into,

squeeze out.

Auhtsawiht; Au8er=ahw»'6erAw=ft; Awa=aawaean* (on-) to awake, JS : arise, originate,

spring forth, be bom. ['awake(n) ']

Awaolan to awake, M.AwAelan to grow weak, decline, fall, belittle,

M,CP :fallaway, lapse, desistfrom, abstain,

M.Awaonlan=aw»onian; Awseo-=awec-AwAean to weaken, weary.AwSBO-ntan, -nan (on-; a, e) to awaken,revive, M : arise, originate, spring from,AO. [

lawake(ny]AwAgan to deceive : destroy, annul, makenugatory, M.nmWmntoroU,roUfromi harass, afflict, NG.Awsaltan =awyltanAweBmmlan =awemmanAw»9nd-=awend-, onwend-Aomnlan= awenianAward pp. of awierdan.AweBrged =awiergedAwnrlan to avoid, DR39".Awmeans&wasoan; Awftttans&westanAwamttan to fear, hesitate, ^Ge162«.

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Iranian to diminish, lessen*' iwof-sawiers-, aweri-

iwannlan to become livid or black and blue, awerlan L to defend, AO : ataoer, restrain,

GD20" (. NG332). Cm : protect, cover, surround, enclose :

awanalan to diminish, KC4-243*. ward off from oneself, spurn from oneself.

awar=ahw»r II. to wear, wear out (clothes), RB.awiralan to be confounded, SPs. awerpan=aweorpanawaeean* (») to wash, bathe, immerse, Lod. aweeenes (VPs)= ftwiacneeawaaUan' to teeZZ ap, Jfote oaf, break forth, awietan to lav waste, ravage, destroy, AO;issue, swarm, CP : be hot, bum. M. ['awest*]

iwaaMlan to guard, defend. ftwM(ed)nas f. desolation, destruction.

aweaxan* to grow, grow up, arise, comeforth, aweetend m. devastator, W200M.

CP. awexen=aweaxen pp. of aweaxan.aweb=6webj aweo-=aw»c- +awlan (A842,)=+eawianaweoean to owai*, roaee, tnctte, cacOe, if*, awMUan to profane, defile.

Lk; M,CP : raise up, beget, ['awecche'] awlerdan (e, y) to spoil, injure, hurt, corrupt,

aweeenes (») f. incitement, GD199'. seduce, destroy, kal, CP.aweegan to undermine, shake, move, M. awlerdlng (y) f. corruption, blemish, HGlawftdan to be or become mad, rage, M;AO. 421".I'awede * ; wad] awierg-an, -ian (m, e, i, y ) I. to earee, down,

awefan* to weat*, weave together, M. denounce, outlaw, AB,Mt,CP;YP. e*

awe* (=on-) <ot»y,7or*a,oa*,Car,Jfl;CP. iwier(ge)dajlead,aei*7. ['oawrie'] II.-

awegan* to lift ap, carry away : wet?*, wet^A awyrganout, JB : estimate, consider, ['oweM'] awlht I. n. 'aught, * anytftn?, Mtae^tn^, P«.

awegaworpnes I abortion, LL (164"). II.adY.olaS, by anymeans, tfi&hteataU.awegeuman* to e*ea?e, JE. IIL pood, o/ value, M.ftwegaade went away, JaZ4*> [v. 'away'; awOdlan to become wild, MJUL.Code] iwfllan=awyllAn

iwagflfton* to jfy or jfee atpoy, OBG2169. awille (WW)=anwffle U.aweggan to 90 oteoy, BH326". awlndan* to triad, dead, jriail : slip from,ftwaggewltan* to deport, AO 74". withdraw, escape, CP : become relaxed?

aweggewltenes f. departure, M : oderralion W1481.

(o/faind), JP811611. awlndwlan (y) to trinnotr, 6Zotr owy, di<-

awehtnes f. arousing, BH422*, perse, Ps.awel m. hook, fork, Gl. awlnnan* to Jofour, dm*, JaX : gain, over-

aweflan=awyllan come, endure, Da. ['atria']

awemman to disfigure, corrupt. awtrgan= 1. awyrgan; ILawyrgianawemmendnes I. corruption. awlrgnes=iwyrgednes ; awlse-=*wiso-awenan to consider. awlsntan to become dry, wither.

awendan (-on-) to avert, turn aside, re- awlstilan to a«m, W14711. [hwistlian]

move, upset, Ps 1 change, exchange, alter, awlaelan to be or become lukewarm.pervert, J8;CP : translate, M,CP : turn iwIAtan to 6e/oaZ, make loathsome, defUe,&.from, go, depart, Ps; AO : return : subdue, iwlanefan to exult, to be proud, OEG1169.['attend'] awlencan to wioie proad, enrich, DR691


iwendedUc=awendendlio awlysplan to 'Usp,fML$4-279 (NC338).

ftwendednes f. caaa^e, aUerationy M. two= a (awa)iwendendllo £aol com oe changed, changeable, ftwofflan to become proud, insolent : rave, be

3L delirious, insane, &.awendendllenes f. mutability, M. ftwdgton to woo, M.ftwendennes f. change, 0EG191. ftwdh (crookedly), wrongfully, unjustly, LL.awendlng L subversion, change, £839-322. [-on w6h]iwen-nan, -ian to disaccustom, wean. iwol= awel ; awolflgan=ftwoffian

iwaodlan to roof oui, extirpate. awonlan (DR) =awanian ; tow* aforiweorpan* to throw, throw away, cast down, awordennes f. degeneration, WW87U.

eae< oui, cast aside, degrade, depose, Mt ; M, iworpednes (EPs 21')= aworpenneeAO,CP. aworpan divorced, rejected, oe- iworpenlle worthy of condemnation, CP.stroyed, apostate, of, at a. to (aroto oat. adv. -Hoe vilely.

['atcorp'] a-worpennes, -worpnee f. rejection, what is

ftweorpnes=aworpennee cast away : exposure (of children).

ftweoroan* to «om away, vanish, become iwrftnan to make wanton, Lod64b.worthless, Jf<:(NG)«+weorSan. [



] ftwrAstan to t^eel/rom, extort, WW397".

aweceunf f. ' subsistentia,' WW6164. ftwrecan* to ttrurf oaf, drive away : #trtte,

iw«r=ihwftr pierce : utter, sing, relate, recite : punish,aweraan=awierdan avenge, LL,ChrL. ['otereeJ;']

awerde (t**) m. worthlessfeUow, WW 11110, awreeean to arouse, awake, M.

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ftwregennes =onwrigeneeftwrton1'* (—on-) to disclose, discover, reveal i

cover, NO.ftwre&ian to support, uphold, OP.ftwrldlan to originate, springfrom,iwrlgenes=onwrigenneeftwringan* to wring, squeeze out, M.ftwrit n. a writing.

ftwrltan1 to write, write down, describe, com-pose, CP;M^O,Chr : mark, inscribe,

draw, carve, copy, ['awrite'}

ftwriean1 I. to turn, wind, bind up, bind,

wreathe. II. =onwriSanawrygenes=onwrigeneeftwoer,

"r, aw*8or=ahw®"5er

awuht=awiht; ftwul=awelftwuldrian to pfort/y (N).

ftwundrlan to immder, wonder at, admire.ftwunlan to remain, continue, BH.ftwunlgende pto. continual.

ftwurt-wallan, -warian= awyrtwalian*wuifcan=aweor&Mi; ftwyht=awihtftwyllan to roU, M.ftwyllan to bring into commotion, boil, M.ftwylm=*wielmftwyttan, awylwan to roll, roU away, M :

harass, DR (»).

ftwyndwlan=awindwianftwyrcan to do.

ftwyrd- (M) =awierd- ; ftwyrdla=efwyrdlaftwyrdnee hurt, harm, destruction, M :


ftwyrg-=awierg-ftwyrgan (i, ie) to strangle, suffocate, AO(i),M. ['aworry']

ftwyrgedllc, awyrgendlio detestable, shameful,abominable.

ftwyrgednee f. toidbednee*,M : evrw, oursing.[wearg]

ftwyrgodnes= awyrgodnesftwyrlgende accursed, M.ftwyrlgung f. a curse, M.ftwyrn (Men 101 ) = ahwrergenftwyrpan (=ie) to recover (from illness),MR1-534".

ftwyrtllan= awyrtwalianftwyrtwalian to root out, CP.ftwyrSung f. efatn, aspersion,, ox-; ax-=asc-; axe=&osft«dan (OEG8M8)=aidan; &«dllan=aidlianftyldan to delay, GD21". [ieldan]

ftyrnan= aiernanftftan to drive out. [fit]


Bbft nafn. and am. of begen both.

bac- v. broo.

baoan« to46ate,*^.

bacas nap. of beo II.

baoea m. ridge, BC (baooe f. Mdf).

baou nap. of b»o I.

bid I. f. forced contribution, impost, pledge,

LL : expectation, [bidan] II. (±) pret.

3 eg. of bidan.-badere . nied-b.

bidlan to take a pledge or fine, LL.bed-=ba-, be-, bea-beee h n. 'back,

9 Bo,MtLJ>s;CP. an b.

backwards, behind,'aback.* on b. settan,

Iffitan to neglect, ofer b. backwards, back.

under b. 6eAtiuZ, 6ociuwr<fr, 6adfc. ofer b.

bugan to tent 6oc£, Jfee. olftne b. habbanto 6e straightforward, honest, LL128[6].II. mfn. 6eei, brook. . ES 29-411.

beeebord n. left side of a ship, larboard, AO.beece=b®oII; bAee=beoeb*cen-=bSacen-bcecere I. m. 'baker,


H.=ba«erebeecerlng m. aridiron, WW.beseem n. bakery, bakehouse, M.beeceetre fm. baker, JR. ['farter']

beeceS, b®tf8, pros. 3 sg. of bacan.

beecietre =bseoeetre

bedding, baclinga (on) adv. backwards, be-

hind, on b. gewend having one's back

turned, M.beecalltol adj. backbiting, W72".beecoearmm. rectum; $L bowels, tntrailstM.+beecu np. back parts, LPs.b8dd I. pret. 3 eg. of biddan. II. =bedbeedan to urge on, impel, CP : solicit, require


afflict, oppress.

beedan to defile, EP&781.

beeddV4>eddbeeddseg 'epiphania,' DR.bftddel m. effeminate person, hermaphrodite,

WW. [v~fanbeeddryda=bedridabartend m. inciter, WW.b&dewtg n. drinking vessel, [wftge]

beedllng m. effeminate or impure male person,WW. ['badling']

beddon pret. pL of biddan.

b*ddryda=bedrida; beBdzere=b»zerebeefta, bwftan (Mt; ^)=bee3ftanbfiBttanslttende idle, MG*62*.-beeftlan (ea>f e>

a) v. hand-b.

bAg=b€ag; bfegen=begen; beeh=beaffbAl n. fire, flame, B : funeral pyre, bonfire.


b&lblys, -blyse, -blseaef f. blaze of a fire,

funereal blaze.

beele I.f m. pride, arrogance. IL» m.covering, cloud? Ex 73.

beeloant to cry out.

+b8dlean to root up, CPs79l«.


bseldo (CP), be3ldn=bieldobeelegea m. terror offre, Ex 121.

beelfyr n. 'bale-fire, funeral or sacrificial

fire, B.btelg, b»lig (NG)^belgbeeletede m. place of a funeral pile, B3097.beel-8raeu f. (de. -ttneoe) violence of fire,


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b&lwudu m. wood for a funeral pile, B3112.bSlwylm m. flames of a funeral-fire, Jul336.

beta=bam (v. begen); bssnd^bend-fbftne? bones, NC292.Menen made of bone, I. gsmn. Dares 'bare,' uncovered, Bo :

naked, unclothed, Gen. II. pret. 3 sg. of


Mftr I. f. 'bier,' El;M : handbarrow, Utter,

bed, BHJnR. [beran] II. a posture?

KC(BT). IIL=bar(AB14-233).+b&ran to behave, conduct oneself, OP : fare,

B2824 : 'exuliare,' PPs. ['i-bere']

besrbeer barbarous, EP81131.

bftrdlse m. tray, WW. [beran]bS9re=bere pree. 1 sing, of beran.

beers- =bere--bfire suffix (from beran); forms deriva-

tives from substantives, as in owealmb&re.[Qer. -bar]

bssre^b&r+bAre n. manner, behaviour, El : gesture,

cry : action. ['i-bere'; beran]bssrfdt barefoot.

bserhtm (A)=bearhtmbssrlte I. adj. of barley, KC6-7910. IL open,

clear, public, adv. -lioe.

b&rmann m. bearer, porter, M. ['berman']

bsern= beresdrn

±b&9rnan (e) to cause to burn, kindle, burn,

consume, Sol; AO,VPs. [v. 'bum']bflBrnelae (e) n. burnt-offering, PPs.

+b&rnes f. bearing, manner, WW529


bsarnett (v1) n. burning, burn, cautery, M :

arson, LL.bflBrnlng f. burning : burnt offering, BPB6019


bsernlsen n. branding-iron, OEQ7u$.

bsernnes, barnes f. burning.

bssro=bearu; bftronpret. pL of beran.

bears m. a fish, perch, Gl. [Qer. barsob]

+b&rselpe (LkL)=+b6orsoipebesrst pret. 3 sg. of berstan.

bsBFStt-= brastl-

bfiersynnlg m. notoriously wicked person,

publican, NG.+bAru v. +bftre; bfl*rwe=bearwebssst mn. t innerbark of trees,' bast,

9 JB,OET.bsssten made of bast.

bssstere= bsszere

bfttan I. to bait, hunt, worry, M. [v. 'bait']


(BT) make fast? (Sedgef.= 111)1 II. to

beat against the wind? Bo 144". [ON.*beita] IIL to furnish with a bit or bridle,

saddle, curb.

+b£te, +bfttel n. bit, bridle, pi. trappings,

BH.bsstera, buettra=beteraMMnng (6) f. beating (against the wind?)(BT), cable (Sedgef.), Bol44»bo8 n. nap. WBn 'bath,' action of bathing,

Led : laver, AO : liquid in which one bathes,

medicinal spring, BHJCO. ganotes b.

ganneVs balk (ie. the sea), B.

bseScere m. bather.

bflsBere s= bsaaere

be&ern n. bath-house, NC272.bflsfast n. bathing-tub, LL455[17].beeShus n. bathing-place, banianbseSsealf f. bathing-salve, m., b»*st6w f. bathing-place, WW.beeSwegt m. sea.

bsazere m. bapHser, baptist. [«L baptista]

bal-= beal-



. ['balk']

baffice(NG)=bealdncebal-sam, -samum n. 'balsam,' balm, BH.balsmtfe f. bergamot, Lcd3-90»balsmlnte f. balsam-mini, water-mint, WW136*

baizam n., balzame f. = balsambam dmfn. of begen.

+ban=+bann±ban n. 'bone,' tusk, Jn,M,Ql; AO,CP : the

bone of a limb.

bana (o) m. killer, slayer, murderer, B ; Chr :

the devil : (f.) murderess, A 10155. [' bane']

banbeorge f . leg-armour, greaves, WW.banbryoe m. fracture of a bone, Lod.bancofat m- the bodily frame.ban-cooa m., -coon f. baneful disease.

band pret. 3 sg. of bindan.

banece in pain in the thigh, Lcd.ban-festt n. nap. -fata body, corpse.

baniag adorned with bonework (deer

antlers?), B781.bangir (o) m. murdering spear, B2031.bangeberg n. = banbeorgebangebrec n. fracture of a bone, An 1430.

banhelm m. helmet, shield? Ftn30 (v. also

barhelm).banhrlngt m. vertebra, joint.

banhusf n. body, chest, breast, banhasesweard the mini, Ex523.

banlftas boneless, Rn46».bftnloeat m. joint, limb.

+bann n. proclamation, summons, command,M,CP : indiction (cycle of 15 years).

±bannan7 to summon, command, proclaim.

b. fit call out, Cm.bannend m. summoner, Gl.+banngear (-ger) n. indiction, year of the


bannuo m. a sort of cake, OEG.banrlft (y) n. leggings, leg-armour, greaves

Gl,WW (-rist).

bansealf f. salve for pain in the bones, Lod138b.

bftnsele} m. (bone-house), body.

banwssrc m. pain in the bones, WW200".banweore n. homicide, murder,LL244,32,4d.banwyrt t violet? small knapweedt Lod.Mr (A) m. 'boar,' MQr.bara, bare wk. forms of bar, adj.

barda m. beaked ship, WW289".barhelm m. helmet with the image of a boar?

Fur30 (v. also banhehn).

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barlan to lay bare, uncover : depopulate,

W310». [b«rl]barlce=bearrige; barm«bearmbarn L» pret. 3 sg. of biernan. IL.=bearnbarrlge=bearrigebarapere n. boar spear.

barspreot m. 6oor spear.

barsUung= brastlnng

bar* m barque, 'dromo,* WW181".bartJa=bardabaru napn. of b«r adj.

basiltoca m. basilisk, PP890".basing m. cloak, M.±bisnl«n to await, expect,

basnung f. expectation (N).

bastard m. bastard, Chr1O06d. [OFr.)

basu (e, ea, eo) gsrnn. baswes purple, scarlet,

crimson, baswa st&n topaz.

basuhftwen purple.

+baswlan to stain red, ES33-177.bat I. fm. 'boat,* ship, vessel, Chr. II. pret3 sg. of bltan.

battan to batten, fatten, CP173* : heal : growbetter, M.

batswegen m. boatman, EC254.

bait bat, cudgel, club, OEG18M8.b»twa=butubatweard m. ship*s watchman,*=b»*±batilan to wash, lave, * bathe* (tr. and into.),

give baths (to others), Led-, £2,AO.

batJu v. b»tt.

be- prefix. 1. specializes the meaning of atr. vb. (as in tohdn, besettan). 2. makesan intr. vb. transitive (beswfean, betten-

ean). 3. is privative (bedftlan, belfSan).

4. does not alter the meaning (beouman).be prep. w. d. and inBtr. (of place) 'by,* near,

in, on, upon, with, along, at, to. be eallumaltogether, be fullan in full : (of time) in,

about, by, before, while, during :for, because

of, in consideration of, by, by means of,

through, in conformity with, in comparisonwith : about, concerning, in reference to : onpenalty of. be awihte in any respect, befullan in excess, be sumum dftle partly.

be anfealdam single, be twifealdum two-

fold, be fullan fuUy, perfectly, be 15ammftstan at the most, be Sam (flan) Se be-

cause, as, according as, how. be nof&an,su'San to the north, south of.... be ssftan=besaftan

beaoen (e) n.'beacon,* sign, token, phe-

nomenon, portent, apparition, JnL(h) :

standard, banner, B.beaoentyr n. beacon fire, lighthouse, OET1807 (ft).

beaoenstan m. stone on which to light abeacon fire, WW.

beaon-=biecn-t bien-

baad=bedbead L pret. 3 sg. of beodan. IL (NO)beodiadoi=4beadu; baadowtg=bftdeweg

beaduf f. gds. beadawe, beadowe war, batik*

fighting, strife.

beaducaf bold in battle, Bd1u.

baaduerssft m. skill in war, Ah219.baaduenstttgt warlike.

beaducwealm m. violent death, Ah 1704.beadulotm f. battle-hand. B990.beadogrlma m. war-mask, helmet, B2257.baadubrssglt n« <*** °f ***&•

beadulaet n. war-play, battle.

beaduleoma m. (battle-light), sword, B1523.beadumsagen n. battle strength,force, Ex 320.

beadumeoe m. battle-sword, B1454.beadursss m. rush of battle. Ma 111.

beadurlnct m* warrior, soldier.

beadurdtf strong in battle, renowned in war.beaduron f. secret ofa quarrel, B501.beaduscearp keen in battle (sword), B2704.beaduscrtd n. coat of mail, B453; 2660Tbeadusearo n. war equipment, Ex572.beaduserce f. coat of mail, B2755.beadutireat m. war-band, army, El31.baaduwsspent n. weapon of war.beaduwangt m. battlefield.

beaduweorct *• work of battle, warlike


beaduwr&d (o*) m. fighting company, Lod125b.

bessftan I. adv. after, hereafter, afterwards,

behind, 40; CP (bi-). ['baft'] II. prep.w. d. after, behind.

beftwnlan to join in marriage, marry, Chb1052d. [ftw]

beaftanfo lament, MtLll". [-be-hafetian;

beag L (ft, e) m. ring (as ornament or as

money), coil, bracelet, collar, crown, garland,

JS;CP. ['6es'; bogan] II. pret. 3 sg.

of bagan.beag-gtfa, -gvfaf m. ring-giver, lord, king,

generous chief.

beagglfu (beah-)t f- ring-giving.

beaghord (h)t n. ring-hoard.

beaghrodent diademed, adorned with rings

or armlets.

beaghyrne (h) f. corner of the eye, WW 156".beaglan (5) to crown.Mag-eel n., -selef m. hall in which rings aredistributed.

beagtiegu (h) f. receiving of rings, B2176.beagwbe n. round shape, GD343".beagwrtSa (h) m. armlet, B2018.beah I. =beag II. pret. 3 sg. of bugan.beah-=beag-beabslan to ask advice, Bl 199* ; 205*.bealanlS=bealonffi

bealoan, bealoettan to * belch, * utter, bring up,splutter out, give forth, emit, Ps;M : comeforth.

beald (a) 'bold,* brave, confident, strong, Ps;AO,CP : impudent.

bealde adv. boldly, courageously, confidently :

without hesitation, immediately.

bealdlan to be bold, £2177. Vbold*]

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* 'boldly,' Jul.

bealdnes (a) f. boldness.

beaJdort m. lord, master, hero.

bealdwyrde bold of speech, M.beale-=bealu-bealg, bealh prek 3 ig. of belgan.beallucas mp. l

tesHculi,' 01. ['teOoc*']

bealo, bealo- =bealu, beelu-bealu Lt ge. b(e)al(u)weB n. 'bale,' harm,injury, destruction, ruin, evil, mischief, Sat,

Ps,Chr : wickedness, malice : a noxiousthing, M. IL adj. baleful, deadly, danger-

ous, wicked, eviL

bealubend m. pernicious bond, W178*.beatabenn f. mortal wound, Ex 238.

bealublonden pernicious, GhE 198.

bealudouim inf. oppressive bond, Hnx65.bealnereeft m. magic art, M*r26w.

bealuewoalm m. violent death, B2266.bealudftdt f. evil deed, sin.

beeluful 'baleful,' dire, wicked, cruel, Or.

bealufQs prone to sin, Rm 50.

bealo-hycgendet, -hydigj meditating mis-


bealulnwtt n. deceit, treachery, PPb54m.

bealultast harmless, innocent, ChrjOn.Vbaleless']

bealunlSt *&• malice, wickedness.

bealurip m. oppressive fetter, Cb366.bealusearu n. wicked machination, Jul473.bealui&t m. hurt, adversity : death.

bealusorg f. dire sorrow, Ph409.bealimell n. baleful message, Ex510.

bealuaone m. evil thought, Jul409.bealuwes, bealwee v. bealu.

btem I. m. tree, KC,Bd :* beam, ' rafter, piece

of wood, Ohr,Mt; CP,Mdf : cross, gallows,

Or : (t) ship, Bd i column, pillar : sunbeam,Chrfs : metal girder, AO. II. (NG)-bymeManure (lft)=bfmerebtanseeadut f. shade ofa tree.

beamtelg$ m- wood-dye, carbonaceous ink.

beamweg m. road made with logs, BC 1-417'.

btemwer m. wooden weir? BC2-242'.bean (ie) f. *bean,' pea, legume, Led; Hdf.bean-belgas, -ooddas (Lk) mp. bean-pods,husks or cods. [. 'cod']

beaneynn n. a kind of bean, WW205*.

beanen adj. of beans, Lcd 1*282*. •

beanleag f. fcmd wftere beans grow, KC5-265.[. 'from']

beanmehi n. tam meaJ, Lcd 31b.bftansAd n. 6ean teerf.

beansealu f. bean-pod, OEG608.bftar(NG)=beorbearoe (») f. barking, Gl.beard m. 'fooray F>« j A.beardltas beardless, youthfulbearg L m. * barrow* pig, hog, Mt(e),Bd.IL piet. 3 sg. of beorgan.

bearh=bearg I and II; bearhtKbeorhtbaarhtm L (br-, e, eo, y) m. brightness,flash :

ft<7»nJWtn^(ofa»eye),iiwtont. IL^breahtmbearntme adr. ttwfcmtiy.

bearbtmhwwt swift as the twinkling ofan eye,

momentary, Az 107 (br-).

bearhtmlma f. moment, twinkling of an eye,

point of time, GD.bearm I. (a) m. lap, bosom, breast, Lk :

middle, inside : (t ) possession. II. emotion,

excitement? PPb 1 18. IIL=beonnabearmoliS n. apron.bearmmgl n. apron, [hrcgl]

bearmtieg yeast-box, LL455[17].bearn I. (a, eo) n. child, son, descendant, off'

soring, issue, B,Mt,TO ; AO.CP. leoda b.

children of men, ['bairn*) IL=barapret.3 eg. of bteroan. III. pret. 3 eg. of beier-

nan. IV.=berettrnbearnan (N)=biernanbearneennlege mother, DR.bearn-eaea (CP,iE), -eaoen (CP), -eaonod,

-eaonigende (M) pregnant.

bearnende (NG)—bieroende pto. of biernan.

bearngebyrda fp. child-bearing, B946.bearngestreon n. procreation of children,

Rd21».bearallas chadless, M.bearnltast («*) f. childlessness.

bearnlnle affection (for a child), adoption,

BH454".bearn-myrSra m., -myrtire t murderer or

murderess of a child.

bearnteam m. offspring, posterity, AO : pro-creation of children, HL. ['baimteam ']

bearo^bearubearrfge f T 'braugina,' 'baruina/ Ql.bean^ben; beartelpe=b6or*oipe

i=bearu m. bearwee m. grove, wood, BE;CP;Mdf. [berwe]bearug=beargbearunaM m. woody shore, Rd58*.beaxwe (») f. basket, wheelbarrow, LL465".bearwee v. beam; bea§u=ba»u I.

+btat n. scourging, J&.

±btatan7 pret. boot and (rarely) beoft (E838-28) to* beat,' strike, thrust, dash, Bo,M,Ps : hurt, injure, Da265 : tramp, tread, B.

beatere m. beater, boxer, M.bftaw m. gad-fly, WW.bebaStan to bathe, wash (tr. intr. and refl.).

bebeodan1 to offer, commit, entrust, CP : bid,

enjoin, instruct, command, require, MJJk\AO,CP : announce, proclaim. I'bibede']

bebeodend m. commander, master, CP.bebeodendlie commanding, imperative,

MQ*.bebeorgan* to be on one's guard, defend,

protect, B. ['bibergh']

beber (WWllM)=beferbeberan4 to carry to, supply with.

beblndan* to bind about, bind fast, JR.

be-blrgan, -birigan=bebyrganbebltan (bib!-) to bite, Cp251icbeblawan to blow upon.bebod n. command, injunction, order, decree,

Mt; MJlO,CP. *a beboda the (ten) i


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j m. appointed day, A 11*102".

bebodlan wv. =beb£odanbabodrAdan I command, authority, LPs1181M.

babrddan to spread, cover, MH44".babraean4 to break to pieces, Sol296.babragdan* to pretend, LkL20».babrQean* to practise : consume (food).

babflgan* to flow round, surround, enclose :

turn from, shun, avoid, El : reach, extend.


babyegan (A) to selL

babyogung f. selling, WW.babyrdan to fringe, border, WW376*1


be-byrgan (AO) -byrian I. to raise a moundto,bury,inter,JE. ['bebury'] II.=bebeorgan

ba-byrgadnas, -byrig(ed)ne* f. burial, bury-


babyrlg-= bebyrff-

babyrwan (? = -bywan, BT) to rub over,

GD318».bec=b®c; bee . boo.

becsenan to ornament, WW 137".

+beean to make over in writing, grant by

charter, EC202'.beco=b»cH.beooa m. pick, mattock, WW ; M. ['beck';

and v. Indog. Forschungen24]beooenm.6ttyer,WW(KG)75» [-bycgend]bece m. =b»o II.

beee (oe) £. 'beech' (free), Gl (t. alao boo.)

bocftaplan1 to sell, & : buy, M.beeefed=beo»fed, pp. of beoefian.

btoen h 'beechen,' made of beechwood, Led,

WW. II.(NG)=bSaoenbeceorfan* to cut, cut off, separate, M.heafde b. to behead.

beceorlan to murmur at, complain of.

bectowan* to gnaw in pieces, Soul 111.

becepan I. to take notice of, LPs. II.—

becypanbeee* pros. 3 eg. of baoan.

becldan to complain of, ^H2*470*.

beelerran (e, y) to turn, turn round, pass by,

avoid, Met;CPiwind, twist : pervert, Chr :

give up, betray, ['bicharre']

beel&man to pilaster over, poultice, Lod.beclSnslan to cleanse, SPsl8".beclemman to bind, enclose, Sol71.

beelenean to hold fast, LPs 104".


becUngan* enclose, bind, El696.

beellpS (CP)=beclyp* pros. 3 ag. of

beolyppan.beeBfrung=beclfsongbeelyplan (eo) to accuse, challenge, sue at law,

LL. ['beelepe')

beolyppan to clasp, embrace, encompass,

hold, JK.

beolypplng f. embrace, OEG.beetysan to close, shut up, enclose, confine,

imprison, JK. [oliiae]

beetysung f. enclosure, cell, OEG 1522 :

period, syllogism, OEG.

been^beao(e)nbeenawan* to know, RB.beenedan* to knead up, Lod 93a.

becnydUo= byonendliobeenyttan to knit. He, bind, M.CP.beeol-a? m., -e? f. spectre, WW630»bec-rAdlng, -treow=boo-r£ding, -tr€ow

beortopan* to creep into, crawl, AO : be

hidden, M.beest prea. 2 ag. of baoan.beeuman* to happen, befaU, M : come,

approach, arrive, enter, meet with, fall in

with, B;M^.O,CP : happen, befall, BoJB :

(impera.) befit, MkL14». ['become']

Mcun(NG)=beaoanbeewelan* to die, LL400(1).beeweSan* to say : speak to, address, exhort,

admonish, blame, Ps : 'bequeath,' leave bywiU,KC;M.beeweSere m. interpreter, translator, EHy16 (proem.)*

bacwyddod bespoken, deposited, WW 115*.

baowylman? to torment (BT).

bapyma m. event, result, BH372".beefpan to sell.

baoyrran = beoierran

±bed I. n. prayer, supplication, M,CP :

religious ordinance, service, M. IL=beddIII.=b»d pret. 3 Bg. of biddan

bedftlan to deprive, strip, bereave of, rob,£ :

release, free from. [' bedeal']

b*dan=beodan; +btdan=+bffidanbedbAr (€) t portable bed, NG.+bedblgen f. payment for prayers. LL258(51). [byogan]

bedbolster m. bolster, pillow, WW124».bedbfir n. bed-chamber, HGl481.irbedolaofa (e, i, y) m. bedroom, chamber :

fair, Ps.

bad-eota m., -cofe f. bedchamber.

badd n. 'bed,' couch, resting-place, Jn,EC;GP : garden-bed, plot, Lod ; Mdf


+badda f. consort, wife, & ['i-beddc']

irbeddagas mpL rogation days.

baddeliS m. bed-covering; pL bed-clothes.

baddolyfa= bedcleof


beddgemana m. cohabitation, CP99*.baddlan to make a 'bed,' WW : provide onewith a bed, LL.

bedding f.

' bedding, ' bed-covering, LPs,WW ;

Mi bed,

badd-rtaf, -reda (i, y)=bed-reaf, -reda

baddrastt f. bed.

beddstfw I bed, BH410".ba-dtagUan (.deaM)=bed!glianbadaelan to beg, <ffl,CP.

bedeglian=bediglian; bedMan= bed&lanbedelfan* to dig round, Lk : bury, Rood ; AO.['bedelve']

badalfung f. digging round, WW14911.

badan pp. of (VPs), -deppan—bedlpan, -dyp-pan y+- *

badfalt mn. bed-covering, RB91U.

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I n. (ant*s) nest, LcDll8a.+bedglhtf. evening, WW 117s.

±bedhus n. chapel, oratory, M.+bedlan to pray, worship, BH408".bedMan to surround with a dyke, embank,fortify, Chr 1016b.bedldrian= bedydrian ; bedleglan=becug-Jian

be-djgllan (-dihl- ; ea, 6, ie) to conceal, hide,

obscure, keep secret,M : be concealed, lie hid.

bedlgllng f. secret place, RPs80*.boding =J>eddingbedlolan (K)=bedleglanbedlpan (%, f) to dip, immerse : anoint, CPs140*.

+bedmann m. worshipper, priestbedftn to shut, PPs 1471. fbedo*]bedol=bedul±bedrMen t prayer, intercession, M.bedragan v. pp. bedrdg.bedreat n. bed-clothes, bedding, M.bodreda (i, y) m. (and adj.) 'bedridden*

(man), J£.

bedrif=bedreafbedrtotan* to overcome, deceive f Gem628,823 : deprive of, bereave, despoil

bedrest =beddreat; bedrlda=bedredabedrtfan1 to drive, beat, strike, assail, AO :

follow up, pursue : surround, cover.

bedrlnean* to drink up, absorb, Lod.bedrlp n. compulsory service rendered to alandowner at harvest time, LL. [' btdrip ']

bedrog beguiled, Giw602.bedrflgtan to dry up, Lod 1«336*.

bedryta=bedredabedrfpas to moisten, GPH391U.

+bededpet m. cohabitation, wedlock.

+bedftow f. place of prayer, oratory.

bedstreaw n. strawfor bedding,MLWKbedOd f. bedtime, WW 176s.

+bedOd time ofpraver, MH126".bed-Segn, -iten,m.chamber-servant, chamber-lain, WW.bedu f. asking, prayer, CP. [Goth, bida]

bedflfan* immerse, submerge, drown, JB.


bedul suppliant, WW ISP*.bedwahrtft n. bed-curtain, Ct.

bedydrian to conceal from, M : deceive, M.bedffan to immerse, GD73M ; CPs68»bedyglan=bedieglan; bed«pan=bed!panbe-dyppan (e), to dip, immerse, M,Mt.Vbedip*}

bedyrnan to conceal, [dierne]

beeastan to the east of, AO,Chr.betaitannoroan to the north-east of, AO.beebblan to leave aground by the ebb tide,

strand, Chb897a.beefeslan to cut off the hair, £21.33".

beerf-=beyrf-; betedinan=befo5manbefdlon pret. 3 pL of befeolan.

betestan to fasten, fix, ground, establish,

make safe,put in safe keeping,JE,CB : apply,

utilize : commend, entrust to, M,CP.

O. H.

betostnlan (ea) to fix, M: pledge, betroth.

befartttan to fatten, anoint, LPs 140*.

befaeffiman, -mian to encircle, M.befaran* to go, go round or among, traverse,

encompass, surround, AO : come upon, sur-

prise, catch, LL230,13,1.befealdan7 to fold, roll up, envelop, clasp,

surround, involve, cover, M,CP : attach.

befeallan I. (ev1 ) tofall, Mt,CP; M : deprive

of bereave of '.fall to, be assigned to:

' befall,


AGr. II.= befyUanbefeastnlan (NG)=befawtanbefegan to join, JEL23m.

befelgan=befylgan; befellan=befyllanbefert5r*d=hefeld«r»d (HGl489)befeohtan* to take by fighting, Bd&KVbefighn

befeolan* to put away, bury : deliver, grant,

consign, entrust to, Ps : betake oneself to,

apply oneself, devote oneself to, persist, per-

severe, CP : importune : put up with, be

pleased with, ['bifele*]

beleolhan= befSolanbefton to deprive of property, OEG3157.bef«r (eo, y) m. 'beaver,

9 JBQr (eo); Mdf.befAran to surround, M : come upon, over-

take, pass by : go about : fall among, NG.beflelan to deceive, LL(320»).befDan, befilgan=befyian, befylganbelted (HGl480) pp. of befeon.

beflean* to peel, skin, flay, WW. beflagenflfieo entrails. ['bcflay*]

befleogan* to fly upon, BJi. ['befly*]

befleon* (w. a.) tofieefrom,flee, escape, avoid,

Ps;CP. I'beflee*]

befldwan' to flow round, over, Wif ['be-


]befdn' to surround, clasp, include, envelop,

encase, clothe, Bl; <£3,AO,CP : comprehend,seise, attach (at law), lay hold of, catch, en-

snare, Oen : contain, receive, conceive : ex-

plain, CP. wordum b. tell, relate, on b.

hate to do with, engage in. ['befong']

befor=beferbeforan I. prep. a. (w. d.) (local) 'before,* in

front of, in the presence of : (temporal) be-

fore, prior to, sooner than. 0. (w. a. ) before.

II. adv. (local) before, in front : (temporal)

before, formerly, in former times, earlier,

sooner : at hand, openly.

beforhtlan to dread, &23b"*.befdtlan to cut off one*s feet, M2&™.befreogan to free, liberate, Ps.

be-frfnan, -frignan* to question, ask, leam,M.befrlnung f. inquiry, investigation, OEG2309.

befrynan=befrinan; beftan-beaeftanbefullan entirely, completely, perfectly, CP5*°.

betylan (!) to befoul, defile, Led; M. ['befile']

befylgan to follow after, pursue, persevere

with, Lod.befyllan I. to fell, lay low, strike down :

(t) take by killing, bereave, rob. [feallan]

IL to flu up. [fall]

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btg=beagbega gmfn. of begen.begalan* to sing incantation* over, enchant,

Lcd;M. VUgoU 9


begin to go over, traverse, JBzgetto, come by,

fall into : go to, visit, carefor, cultivate, AO :

occupy, M,BU,Lcd : surround, Chr. ntanb. betiege : practise, do, engage in, perform,attend to, be diligent about, jE,CP : honour,serve, worship : profess, on born b. pledge

oneself, CP. Vbego']began =bleganbegang m. ^way, course, circuit, extent :

district, region : business, undertaking,practice, exercise, service, reverence, worship:cultivation, GD. [=bigeng]beganga=bigenga; begangan —beganbegangol fbigeong-) m.7 cultivator, LkR :

worship,, -gangnea f

.' calender, ' celebration,

begbeam m. bramble, thorn-bush.

bege=begen; btgea=begabtgean= bieganbegeat I. m. attainment, M : acquisitions,

property, M. II. pret. 3 ag. of oegeotan.begem-=begun-

begimen (KGL)=begimenbtgen nm. (bat where one thing is m. andthe other f. or n., the nom. ia ba, bu), nf.

ba, nn. bu; gmfn. beg(e)a, begra; dimfn.bftm, bam; am. bu; af. ba; an. bu both.

v. also butu. Vbo*]begenga=bigengabegeomertan to lament, W75u.

begeondan (AO, CP), begeonde, -geonan,prep. w. a. d. ; and adv. 'beyond, on the

other side, JR,Chr,Jn.begeotan = begietanbegtotan* to pour over or upon, anoint, in-

fuse, flood (with), sprinkle, cover with fluid,Chr ; M. [' bigeten ' ; Qer. begieaaen]

beger n. berry, Gl.beget=begeat pret. 3 eg. of begietan.

begeten pp. of (1) begeotan, (2) begietan.

bCglan=b6agianbeglellan* to sing, celebrate, Sbat24.begietan* (e, i, y) to get, find, acquire, attain,

receive, take, seize, AO,CP : happen : beget.

begletend (e) m. one who gets, WW214*.begfman (y) to look after, take care of : doservice, attend : take heed, observe.

beglmen f. attention, observation.

beglmlng f. invention, device : observance :

care, regard, OEG(y).beglnan1 to open the mouth wide, swallow.

begtanan* to 'begin,' 2R\ AO,CP : attempt,

undertake, M : attack, AO.beglr= beger; beglrdan = begyrdanbegltan (AO,CP)«begietanbegleddlan tobefoul, pollute,M : stain,dye,M.begDdan1 to leave, desert, PPsoW.begnagan* to gnaw.begneoi*? attentive, BH3701 (?=*becneord,BT).

begnldan1 to rub thoroughly, LonSOa.begnornlan to mourn for, B3179.begong=begangbigra gmfn. of begen.

begrdtan = begretanbegrafan* to bury, EIS35. ['6epvwe']

begrfttan to lament, PPs77«*.

begrlndan*t to grind, polish, sharpen :

deprive of, rob.

begrlpan1 to grip, seize : chide, Ps. [' begripe ']

begrtwen pto. steeped in, M.begroren overwhelmed. Sat62.begrornlan = begnornianbegrynlan to ensnare, entrap, [grin]

begym-=begim-begyrdan to gird, clothe, M : surround,

fortify, CP.begytan= begietan; bfih=beag, beahbehabban to include, hold, surround, com-prehend, contain, AO,CP : detain, withhold.

behadlan to unfrock (a priest), LL.behaefednea f. restraint, temperance.

behaepeian to fasten a door, JELW.behfte t promise, vow, Chb1093. [v.



behaetttan to scalp, M : make bald.

behaldan= behealdanbehameuan to mutilate, hamstring,M : strip

naked?behammen i

clavatus; (ofshoe) patched (BT),

studded with nails (Napier), GD37U.

behat n. promise, vow, /E : threat.

behatan' (often w. d. pen.) to promise, vow,

pledge oneself. £l;CP: threaten, ['benight']

behatland n. promised land, GD204"behawlan to see clearly, take care, consider,

ML ['bihowe']

behtafdlan to 'behead,' Mt; MJlO.beheafdung f. beheading, M.beheafodlle capital {punishment), OEG4042.

behealdan7 to hold, have, occupy, possess,

guard, preserve, KC; CP : contain : keep,

observe, consider, Blfs; A0,CP : to 'be-

hold,9look at, gaze on, observe, see, Oen;

M,CP : signify, M : avail, effect : take

care, beware, be cautious, CP : act, behave.

behealdend m. beholder, spectator, BH26*».behealdennes f. observance,DR : continence,

DR.behealdnea f. regard, observation, M.beheawan' to cut, chip, chop, beat, CP : cut

offfrom, deprive of.

behMan (KGL)=behydanbe-hele, -he*(e)lio suitable, proper, necessary,

M.behftfnea f . convenience, utility.

behelan4 to cover over, hide.

beheldan= behealdanbehellan to cover over, conceal, bury, CP.behelmlan to cover over, Sol 104.

behtofian to lament.

be-heonan, -heonon prep. (w. d.) and adv.oil this side of, close by.

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be-heot, -h8t, pret. 3 eg. of beh&tan.behlegan=behyogan; behMan=behydanbehldlgHce = behydiglioebehlenan (Chb)=beheonanbehUdan to depart, EP8138".behlndan L prop. (w. d., a.), adv. 'behind,


after, Chr, ete.;, -hionan—beheonanbehlrlng=behyrongbehlwian to dissimulate, RBL167


behlsemman=behlemmanbehMenan to surround.behlal {. remainder, M. [-•belaf]behleapan7 to leap upon, settle on, fix upon,devote oneself to, CP.behlehhan=behlyhhanbehlemmant to dash together.

behUdan1 to close, cover over, M,AO.behllden =beliden, pp. of bellCan.

behlyhhan4 (e)| to deride, exult over, 0m.['bilaugh']

behiyttan to rob, deprive of, Rd 15*.

behof n. behoof, profit : need, want, OEG27".

behoflan (aba. and w. g.) to have need of,

require, want, BHtLcd; CPJ& : (impen.) it

behoves, concerns, belongs, is needful or

necessary, MtL,Jn. ['behove']

behdfllo necessary, MkL. ['fefcmeJy']

behogadnes f. practice, WW42717.

bahoglan to care for, RB. ['bihogien']

behogod careful, prudent, DR. adv. -Hoe.

behon7 to hang round, CP. ['behung']

behorslan to deprive of horses, Cm.benreosan* to fall : cover, shelter, behroren

pp. divested of.

behreovratan to rue, repent of, make amends,£ : compassionate, M. [*bireusy*]

behreowsung f. repentance, penitence, JR.


behreowsungtld f. time of repentance,

Septuagesima, M.behriman to cover with hoarfrost, Wxf48.behrtngan to surround, CP.behrdpan7 to plague, importune, Lkl8*.behromlan to besmirch, WW.behramlg sooty, MH52".bent! f. witness, sign, Jttd174.behwearf I. (eo) pret. 3 eg. of behweorfan.II. (EPs)=behwearft

behwearft m. exchange, LPs43s*.

behweoifan (A)=bebwylfanbehweoifan* to turn, change, spread about :

see to, arrange, prepare, treat, M : bury, M.behwerfan=behwirfanbehwhian (e, y) to turn, change, convert,

CP : exchange : prepare, instruct, exercise.

behwon whence, BH.behwylfan to cover, vault over, Ex426.

behwyrfan (££)= behwirfanbehycgan to consider, bear in mind : confide," trust (on).

behfdan (i) to conceal, shelter, Mt; M.Vbehide']

be-hfdednes, -hjdnee f. concealment, secret


beh«dlg careful, watchful, anxious, M. adv.-hydiglloe, -h^deHce.

behfdlgnes f. solicitude, care, anxiety.

Oygdig] • MP 1-303.

behygd-=behyd-behyhtan to trust, W48*.behyldan tofiay, skin, AO.behyllan to cover, veil, ML3&m.

beh«pan(e) to surround. BK 188". [hype]

behfrlan to hang up, OEG3322.behfran to let on hire, WW.behyrung f. letting, loan, WW.

behtfellee sumptuously, WW5131.

beleroan* (i, y) to run up to, over, or into,

incur : occur to.

betgbiam=begbeam; belnnan=binnanbeinstgiUn to seal up, RHy6»«.beirnan =beiernanbelundane= begeondanbeliean7 to inclose, Rn617


beladlan to excuse, clear, MJlO,CP.belidlendllo apologetic, that can be excused,

OEG.belidlgend m. apologist, WW332>.belidung f. apology, excuse, WW.beUMan to lead astray, RB. [




belAfan to leave, spare : be left, remain,

survive, Ps ; M. [* beleave*]

betendan=belandianbelAflan to make hateful, pervert, W477


be-lAwa (M), -l&wend, m. betrayer.

belAwan to betray, M.beUftwung f. betrayal, treachery, M.belaf L pret. 3 eg. of beHfan. II. v. behl&f.

belandian to deprive of lands, Chb.beleedsweora adj. having an inflated neck,

RD791. [baric]

beleentan, beloettan=bealoettan

held, beldo=bieldo'+beldan h to cover, bind (a book)* JnLpl88». II.= +bieldan

belten* to censure, reprove : charge with :

dissuade, forbid, prevent, CP.bele-(NG)=bel«.beleogan to cover, invest, surround, afflict,

An; AO : attribute to, charge with, accuse.



belelansbeljftan; belendan=belandianbelene f. henbane.

beleogan1 to deceive by lying, OD : (impen.)

be mistaken, ['belie*]

beleoran (A) to pass by, pass over.

beleorendlle past, DR.beleoean*t to &* deprived of, lose.

beleweda (LL438,)=bel*wendbelewlt=bilewitbelfl«s n. bell-wether's fleece, LL461(14).belg (aa, i, y) m. bag, purse, leathern bottle,

pair of bellows, pod, husk. [v. 'belly']

+belg m. anger : arrogance, RB69".belgan* (intr., refl.) to be or become angry,

CP,J5 : {+) offend, provoke.


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belgnes !. injustice MtL20" (b«Hg-).+belh= +be]gbelhrtng m. beU-ringing, RB.belhfls=bellhusbeUbban to deprive of life.

bellogan* to He round, surround, hedge in,

encompass, J5,AO.benfan* to remain over, be left, JB; AO.['bcUve'}

bemend m. survivor, OEG.beflfian=belibban; beltt=belgbellman to glue together, 8o96u.

bellmp n. event, occurrence, affair.

bellmpan* to concern, regard, belong to, con*

duce to, Bo; CP : happen, B;M : become :

(impeis.) ©tf*. Cbelimp']be-Usntan, -listnian to castrate, M. be-

lisnod, -listnod pp. as sbm. eunuch, wasb. 'stupratur,' HGl507.btMsji^ to deprive of. pjt.belideai departed,

dead. As1087.bell=bellebellan* to feOou, bark, grunt, roar, Rd\['bell']

belief, 'bett,' KC;M,CP.beUhfls n. 'tefl-kmae,' 6eZ/ryf LL,WW.belltaoen n. tn<KeaJ»o» (eoimdtftyr o/(Ae Aow)6yo6efl,HLll«

belltfd f. a canonical hour marked by the ring-

ing of a belL (op. belltaoen)

belddan 'tnfeiufere,' RPB44*.belone=belenebelt m. 'belt,* girdle, WW.beloean* to lock, shut up, close, surround,

enclose, embody, Bl,CPjit,VPs; AO : stop,

impede, block up, choke, M : preserve, protect : shut out, exclude, M.

belune=belenebeltttlan to lie hid, GD293".betyfen (e) to beUeve, M. pp. belyfedhaving belief.

betympan= belimpanbefyrtan (N) to deceive, cheat, MLL2*.['belirt']

belyteglan to allure, seduce, A0112"

bemAnan to 'bemoan,' bewail, mourn over,

lament, JR.

bemanclan to maim, Lod3*214m.

bemare=bymeie; b§me=biemebemeldlan to disclose, reveal, denounce.

btaiere=bjmeiebemetan1 to estimate, account, consider, AO.['bemete']

bemffian1 to hide, conceal, GP : lie hid.

be-murcian, •muronian, to murmur at,

grumble over, A048".bemurnan* (also wk.) to mourn, bewail, de-

plore, be sorry for : care for, take heed for.

bemQtlan to change, exchange for, Gu42.[L. mntare] •

bemyldan to bury, WW. [molde]ben—bennben L f. (±) prayer, request, Lk; AO,


CP : compulsory service, LL447 (v. 2418,Fran.), ['bene'] II. pret. 3 sg. of bannan.bena m., bene t suitor, petitioner, AO.benaolan to lay bare, [naeod]benflman (5) to take away, deprive of, rob of,MJlO. [nlman]

benof. 'bench,' B.benelan to make benches, LL456(13).benestttendt m. one who sits on a bench.

beneswegi m. bench-rejoicing, sound ofrevelry, B1161.

bencftelt n. bench-board, wainscotted spacewhere benches stand, B. [v. 'theal']

bend mm. (+b. MtL) bond, chain, fetter,

BH,BltMtJ>s ; CP : band, ribbon, ornament,chapkt, crown, W W. ['bend']

btndagas mpL days of prayer, 'dies roga-Uonum,' A8-329*dbbendan to bend (a bow), Ps : bind, fetter,

Chr. ['bend']

bendfeorm= benfeonnbeneah (prat. pies, vb.) pL benngon, pret.benohte to have at one's disposal, possess,enjoy : require.

beneeed=benaood pp. of benacian,beneman=benftmanbenemnan to name : stipulate, settle, declare,


beneotanf to deprive of, rob.

beneoftan (i, y) prep. w. d. 'beneath,* under,below.

benfeonn f. harvest feast? bean-feast? foodrequired from a tenant? (BT), LL452


benfeat n. wound-gash, B112LbenMan to compel? A 91 10.

beniman4 to take, assume, obtain, AO : takeaway from, deprive of, bereave, rob, BHJlo,Gen; AO.CP : contain : catch, apprehend.['benim']

benimlng f. deprival, WW (bi-).

benffian= beneotianbtnlle (oe) tao* may be entreated, DR. adv.-Hoe beseechingly, DR.bennt f. wound, mortal injury, [bena]benn pret. 3 sg. of bannan.benne f. reed-grass, BC (Mdf).

±bennlant to wound.benohte v. beneah.benoritan in the north, northwards (of).

benoten pp. of benSotan.benotian to use, consume, ChrB. [' benote '}

benrfp n. compulsory service rendered to alandowner at harvest time, LL448. [op.bedrip]±bentian to pray, supplicate, BH.benst pies. 2 sg. of bannan.bentld f. prayer time, rogation days, Men 75.bentigfte, bentf8(ig)e granting requests,gracious, LPs : obtaining requests, success-

ful, Chr.bentJ pres. 3 sg. of bannan.benugon v. beneah.benyrS f. ploughing required from a tenant,LL448(5,2).

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benyttan=beneobanMo I. f. nap. bSon; dp. beo(n)m l

bee,f Ps;

iE. II. pros. 1 flg. of bdon.beobrftad n. honey with the comb,beoce=bSoeMooeorl m. bee-master, bee-keeper, LL448[5].

beocere m. bee-beeper, LL. [MHG. blkar]

+beod=+bedbtod m. table, Mt : bowl, dish, ['bead']

beodarn n. refectory, dining-room,M (-em).

on beoderne at table.

beodan=bidon pret. pi. of bldan.

zhbeodan* to command, decree, summon, M,AO.CP. b. at call out (an army), banish :

declare, inform, announce, proclaim, Ou,LL : threaten : offer, proffer, give, grant,

surrender, JB,Oen ; AO : (reft1

.) show oneself,

behave : exact, collect, ['bid,' 'i-bede']

bftodbolle f. table-bowl, Gl.beodclatf m. 'gausape,' table-cloth, carpet,

beoddern =beodwmbeoddian to do joiner's work, LL465(13).

beodend m. preceptor, CM967.

beodendllc =bebSodendtiobeodern (uE)=b5od»mbfodtet n. table-vessel, cup, WW204".

beodlers n. grace at meal-time.

btodgsMt m. table-companion, Ak1090.beodgeneatt m. table-companion.

beodgereordu np. feast, Qvs 1518.

beod(h)negl n. table-cloth, WW12fl».btodlafa fp. table-leavings, Bl53w.

beodland n. land from which the table of

monasteries, etc., was supplied, glebe-land,


beodlei t table-aUowance, TC474«.beodreal n. table-doth, TC530".beod-tceat n., -soyte m. table-napkin, towel,


beodwyst f. a table with food on it, LPs22*. [wist]

beofer=beofor; beoflan=biflanbeofor (e, y) m. beaver.

beoft rednpL pret. of beatan ; beoftadon is

from a later wk. •beoftian (ES38-28).

beofung=bifungbeogang m. swarm of bees, WW.+beogol (y) submissive, obedient : forgiving,

M. [bugan]beobata m. chieff prince? Ex253?beolone=beleneMom I. dp. of beo I. II.=beam. III.-

beo pres. 1 Bg. of bdon.

btemoder f. queenbee, OEG.beon h anr. [conj. in fall (WS and A) Wt548] to be, exist, become, happen, b. ymbeto have to do with. b. of to be gone. (v.

alio eom, wesan.) IL nap. of beo I.

bftona gp. of beo I.

btenbrtad =bSobreadbtenbrot n. mead? (or? beanbrotiES 38-302).

beonnon pret. pL of bannan.

beor n. strong drink,lbeer,

f mead, Lk (v.

A27-495). [beow]+btor m. pot-companion, guest, M.beora=bearu; ±beoran=beranbtorbyden f. beer-barrel, LL455(17).beore L (e, i, y) f. birch, Mdf : name of the

runefor b. II. (± ) n. barking.

beorean* (tr.) to 'bark,' CP i (mix.) bark at,

Led.beorce=beorobeoroen (i, y ) of birch.

beoreragu (e1) f . lichen from a birch-tree,

Lod99b.beorerlnd (e1 ) f. birch-bark, Lod 119b.beord(BH392«)=bordbeordnMt(e) f. dregs of beer, Lod.beorg m. mountain, hiU, Lk,AO;Mdl :

mound, tumulus,'barrow,' burial place,


+beorg n. protection, defence, refuge, W.beorgalfen f. oread.

±beorgan h gv* (w. d.) to save, deliver,

preserve, guard, defend, fortify, spare, An,Ps; AO,CP : (w. reft, d.) beware of, avoid,

guard against. [' bergh '] II.=byrgan II.

beorg-hlro n. nap. -hleotta mountain-height,


+beorgllo fitting, profitable, LL,W : safe,

prudent, M.beorgsetiel n. mountain dwelling, [setl]

beorgstede m. mound.±beorh I.i=4beorg II. imperat. of beorgan.beorhleode (WW17841)r=Durgleode

+beorhnes f. refuge, CPsSO*.+beorhrtow f. place of refuge, PPs31*.beorht (e, y) L *

bright, shining, brilliant,

light, clear, Bo,El,Qu : clear-sounding, loud,

Cra : excellent, distinguished, remarkable,

beautiful, magnificent, noble, glorious, PPs :

pure, sublime, holy, divine. II. n. bright-

ness, gleam, light eagan b. twinkling ofan eye : sight.

beorhtan= bierhtan

beorhtbldwende bright-blooming, Lod 1-404*.

beorhte brightly, hrilUanUy, splendidly :

clearly, lucidly, distinctly, CP.beorbtbwfl (OEG)=bearhtmhwIlbeorhtlan to glisten, shine, BHJPs : to soundclearly, B : to make bright, VPs. {'bright']

•fbeorhtlan= -fbeorhtnianbeorhtlle brilliant, clear, shining, splendid.

*&r.-Hce,Mk;M. ['brightly']

beorhtm=bearhtmbeorhtnes f. * brightness,' clearness, splen-

dour, beauty, JnL,Lk; CP.ibeorhtnlan (e) to grow bright, OEG534 :


beorhtrodor m. shining heavens, Ex94.

beorhtte (=-*beorgihte) pL mountainous,

AO10«.beorhtu= bierhtubeorhtword (y

1) clear-voiced, Sat238.

beorhyrde m. cellarer, butler, Cea76.beorm-=bearm-

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i m. 'barm,* yeast, haven, Ml.+beormad leavened, MtR13u.

beorn I.f m. man : noble, hero, chief, prince,

warrior, B,Ma: rich matt, Rut*12. ['berne9


II. = barn prei, 3 sg. of biernan. IIL—beam

beornan (VPs)=biernanbeorncynlng m. lord of heroes, B2148.beorne=byrneBeornlce mp. Bernieians, inhabitants ofpari

of Northumbria.beornlng (=ie) t incense, LkLlu.

beornttrtat m. troop of men, Pa50.

beornwlga m. ^warrior, hero.

beorscealc reveller, feasier, B 1240.

±beorselpe, m. feast, banquet, revel, jE,CP.

beocselet m. beer-hall, banqueting haU.

beorsetl n. ale-bench, Jul687.beonwlnlg (NG)=ba3rsynnigbeorfteguf t beer-drinking.

-beortfUng (ie) t. hyBe-b.

±beorftor (e, o, u, y) n. child-bearing, child-

birth : what is born, foetus, offspring.

beortorcweim m. abortion, WW 348».

beoruh=beorg; beosmrian=bismrianbeoat m. beestings, thefirst milk ofa cow after

calving, WW : swelling (of the ground)!

v. Mdf. ['beest9


beosu=basudbbeot h n. boastful speech, boast, threat, JB,

Gen. on b. boastfully : promise, vow, AO :

command : peril, danger, Da265. [-behat;'beot,



] II. pret. 3 sg. of beatan.

beotian=botiandbbeotlan to threaten, Jul : boast, vow, pro-

mise, AO. ['beaten9


±beotllc arrogant, exulting, boastful, threaten-

ing, M. adv. -lice.

Motmacg m. leafier, Da 266.

beoton pret. pL of beatan. •

beotung f. threatening.

beotwordt n. boast : threat.

beoVeof m. bee-thief, LL54[9,2].beoum dp. of beo.

beow n. barley, Gl.beowan=bywanbeowyrt f. bee-wort, sweet flag, Lcd.bepAcan to deceive, cheat, seduce, Mt;M.['bipeche



bepAeend m. deceiver, M.bepAeesJre f. whore, JEG*ll&.bepAcung f. deception, OEG.beprlwan (e) to wink, (NG)=b*rberam. 'bear,


beneoean=bereocanberAdan to deprive, take by treachery, rob :

betray, M : deliberate on: get the better of.

berAaan to rush upon or into, JS,CP.±beran (eo) to 'bear,' carry, bring, take

away, carry out, extend, B; JE,AOfCF :

bring forth, produce, Bl,Mt,Qen (and y.


). berende fruitful. +boren born,

own (by birth) : (with up) set forth, open

(a case), Chb 1052a : wear, AO : endure,

support, sustain, LL,Mt-,CV.berasein n. bearskin, EC250.

+berbed vermiculated, DR4».ber-bene, -bine t verbena, Lod.bero^beoro+berd-, +bere=+byrd-, +b&reberem. barley, JnLR;M. ['bear*]

baresern n. ' barn, ' LkL. [bere, tun]beriafere m. despoUer, OEG46*.bereaflan to 'bereave,

9deprive of, take away,

seize, rob, despoil. Bo; J2,AO.berftaflgend m. despoUer, robber.

berobrytta m. barn-keeper, LL451(17).bereean to cause to smoke, smoke (tr.), LcdM06».

baraoean to relate : excuse or justify oneself,

CP.bereoorn n. barley-corn.

+barad crushed, WW : harassed, oppressed,NG.

bereflan (KG) =bereafianbereflor m barn-floor, threshing-floor, LkL.[. 'bear



beregafol n. rent paid in barley, LL 116 (591).[cp. gafolbvre]

baragraM n. barley-grass, fodder, WW 148".berehalm n. barley haulm, straw, Lod 157a.baraland (ber-) barley land, KG3-3679.

baran h of barley, M. IL=biren. IIL—bere»m

barand m. bearer, carrier, Gl.barandan to peel, take off husk, Lod.berende v. beran.barandDoa with fecundity, DR328


berendnes f. fertility, DR108".berenhulu f. barley-husk, Sc95u.

berftnlan to bring about, Ex 147 : ornament,mount (with silver), KC6101".

baraoean* to fumigate, LL(164»).baraofant

t to bereave, deprive, rob of.

bereotan* to bewail, Hell6.

bereowslan= behreowsian-barare v. w»ter-b.berern (NG)=bere»rnberesAd n. barley, BH366".beretun m. barley-inclosure, threshing-floor,

barn. MtL ; &. [' barton9

]berewsBstm m. barley-crop, Lod 1 -402*.

barawle f. barley-yard, demesne farm, TC.['berewick



barg= (l) bearg, (2) beorgberg-=beri-, byrg-berh =bearh pret. 3 sg. of beorgan.berht, berht-=beorht, beorht-, bierht-

berhtm- = breahtm-berian I. to make bare, clear, B 1230. [baer]II.=byrgan II.

+berlan= +byrianberlcge=bearngebertdan1 to ride round, surround, besiege,

LL : overtake, seize, capture, occupy, Cm.['beride



berle t 'berry,9 Lcd : grape, JB.

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berlg L n. berry, RPs77«. IL=byrig, da.

of burg.berlgdreno m. drink made of mulberries,

WW 114*.berlge=berie; berigea=byrgabe-rlndan, -rindran to strip off bark,


berlnnan' to run upon, run over, wet, bedew,

Cr 1176. ['term?]bartend, bem— bereland, beresBrn

bera-=b»rn-, biern-

banian (VPs)=b»rnanbernhus n. barn, GD68M. [-beren-]berofon (pret. pi. of *berafan or *berebban)despoiled, Gen2078.

berowan* to row round, Chb897a.baxat=bynt+berat n. bursting, eruption, W186T


±bantan* intr. (tr. at Rd2") to break,


Jail, fall, B,Lcd,Ma; M,AO : break

away from, escape : break to pieces, crash,

resound.berthwn=beorhthwfl; bertQn = beretunber1^=beoii$-t byrt$-

+beru= +b£rubarOmodsbehrumod, pp. of behrumian.barunnen pp. of berinnan.

berwe da. of beam. ___berwlnde f. 'bearbind,' navel-wort, WW300".

berffan to deprive, Moi> 63. [rtaf]

berfpan despoil of, strip, spoil, plunder, rob,

M.besftgan to sink, GPH388"bessdncan= besenoanbesfttlan to lay wait for, AO 146".

besargian to lament, bewail, be sorryfor, pity,

M. [aarig]

besargung f. sorrowing, VHy : compassion,M.besawan7 to sow, A3.

besoead (bi-) n. distinction.

beseeadan7 to separate, discriminate : scatter,

sprinkle over, Lod 20b.

bascaadlan (£oZ339)=beeoeaduwianbeseeaduwlan, to overshadow, RPsl39*.['beshade')

beaceafan* to scrape thoroughly, Lod 143b.

bescean pret. 3 ag. of bescinan.

besceatwyrpan 'despondi,1

v. OEG14**5;

2"i ; E842170.besceawere m. observer, VHy24»-.basetewlan to look round upon, survey, con-

template, consider, watch, j£,AO : look to,

care for. besceawod cautious, careful,


besceawlendlio contemplative, OEG991.beseeawodnes f. vision, sight.

beseaawung f. contemplation.

btsceddan= besoeadanbesoencan to give to drink, Gu596.besceotan=beaoufanbascaoren (WW217M)=beacoren pp. of


besceotan* to shoot into, plunge into, implanthappen, occur, AO.

be-sceran, -aoerwan= besoieranbeaoarian= beaoierian

besoieran4 to shear, shave, cut hair, give the

tonsure, JB,AO. [' beshear ']

besclerednes (y«) f. deprivation, WW351"besderlan to separatefrom, deprive of, Che :


bescinan1 to shine upon, light up, illuminate,

Bd;M. ['heshine']

besclr-an, -ian=beacier-an, -ian

beseltan1 to befoul, WW507".bescreadian to scrape off, clean off, ES42*171.

bescrepan* to scrape, Cod 101a.

besettfan* to shove, impel, thrust down, hurl,

throw, i£,AO : force, M.besc«lan to look askance, Bo 121» [aceol]

bescyr-= beaoier-

beseean to beseech, beg urgently, MF (Vesp.

Dxiv).basaogan to announce, introduce : defend,

excuse oneself : (w. on) accuse, M.beselian = beeylian

basellan to surround, cover (over) : hand over.

basema=beemabesenoan to cause to sink, submerge, immerse,

drown, BltMt; AO,CP. ['besench']

basendan to send, M.basangan to singe, burn, AO.beseon I. sv* (tr., intr. and refl.) to see, look,

look round, behold, M,Mkfs\ AO : look

after, go to see, visit : providefor. b. td look

upon, have regard to, CP. ['besee']

II. bv1 to suffuse, Cb1088.beseotian to boil down, Lod.beseowian (i, y) to sew together, sew up, Ep,['besew']

be-serlan, -aerwan= besierwanbasettan to put, place, set near, appoint, M :

own, keep* occupy :* beset,* cover, surround

with, adorn, B ; CP,J2 : besiege, invest, An :

institute, set going.

besfdian to regulate the size of anything,

RB89W. [aid]

besierwan to ensnare, surprise, deceive,

defraud, oppress, AO. [eearu]

bealgan (on) to rush, T.OEG4126.besllfran to silver, VPs67M.

beslncan' (intr.) to sink, AO. [l



beslngan* to sing of, bewail : sing charms,

enchant, M.besirwan (AO,CP)= besierwanbestttan* to sit round, surround, beset, besiege,

Chr; AO : hold council : occupy, possess.


beslwlan = beseowianbesl&pan' to sleep, LL(284»).

beslean* to strike, beat, cut off, take away,deprive by violence, M.

beslepan to slip on, cover, impose, put on,


beslltan1! to slit, tear.

besma m. *

besom,' broom, rod, AO,MU

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besmfogan to consider about, inquire into,

;EL23b«+btaned curved, WW 515*. [bflem]beaming f. curve, curvature, WW, [bdam]besmirwan to 'besmear,

9 WW.besmltan1 to soil, defile, pollute, dishonour,

Bl; M,CP. ['besmit')

besmltenes f. soil, statn, defilement, degra-

dation, dirtiness, M.besmltttan to defile.

besmfttan to work (in metal),forge, surroundwith forged work.

besmoclan to smoke, envelop with incense,

Airs 84-3.

besmyred=beflmirwed pp. of besmirwan.besoAdmnt to cut, mutilate.

besnlwlan to coverwithsnow,WW. ['besnow']

be-snyffian, -snyttoant to rob, deprive of.

besoleen stupefied, dull, sluggish, inactive,

slow, CP.besorg dear, beloved, M.besorglan to regret : be anxious about, dread,

shrink from, JE.

besorh= besorgbesp&tan to spit upon, iEH2-248M.

bespanan* to lead astray, entice, incite, urge,

persuade, AO.besparrian to bar, shut, Gl.bespirlan=bespyriganbespreean* to speak about, AO : speakagainst, accuse of, Ps : claim at law, LL :

complain. [' bespeak *]

besprengan to besprinkle, Led. [' bespreng ']

bespyrlgan to track, trace, adv. (used as superl. of wel) best, most.

besta, beste wk. forms of superL adj. betst.

best&lan (e) to lay a charge against, convict.

bestSBppan* to tread upon, step, go, enter, M.bestandan* to stand round or about, beset,

surround, JS : attend to, M : beset, harass,

Jn. ['bestand']

bestealcJan to move stealthily, steal,'stalk,*

JBL32". [stealc]

bestefnod pto. provided with a fringe, WW375«

bestelan* to move stealthily, steal away, steal

upon, AO,LL ; jE,CP : (t ) deprive. [' besteal]

bestelan =be8talan; besteman=bestfmanbestepan (»i) todepriveof (children),GD76u.

besttngan* to (ArtM* in, jmsA, M.bestrftdan to 6e*ireu», cover, BH154"(b).bestreowlan to 'bestrew,' besprinkle, M.bestretifJan to bestrew, cover over.

bestrlcan1 to tnoibe a stroke, Loi>186b.[strioa]

bestrldan1 to 'bestride,* mount, &.bestrtpan to strip, plunder, despoiL

bestrudan7 to spoil, plunder, rob.

bestrfpan= bestrlpan

bestryiffian = bestrettttan

bestuddlan to be careful for, trouble about,

Kl14*.bestfman (e) to bedew, wet, flood, B486.[steam]

bestyrian to heap up, BH. ['bestir*]

bestyrman to agitate, Bo9".besusbasabesQpan* to *uj> up, swallow, Lcd 113b.besutlan to fresfmrea, GPH403".besttftan=be 8&6anbeswAlan to 6uro, ringe, scorch, JE.

beswftpan=beswapanbeswAtan to sweat, toil, Solll1*.

beswapan7 to clothe, cover over, veil, protect,

CP : persuade, BH. ['beswape']

beswelgan to swallow up, EPs 106" ; 123*.

beswemman to make to bathe, Bo 115s.

beswencan to ojjto*. CPS681*.

beswetftan to wratfta, torap up, wind round.beswie n. treachery, deceit, AO(bi-),CP :

mare.beswlca (bl-) m. deceiver.

beswlcan1 to deceive, seduce, betray, circum-vent, frustrate, Bl,Mt; AO,CP : to overcome*supplant, AO. [' fetudbe']

beswleend m. deceiver, seducer, Gl.beswtcenes f. deception : surrender.

beswicfalle f. trap, Gl.beswlelan to escape, be free from, BH.beswlcol deceitful, CP238M . (bi-)

beswlcung f. deception, WW.beswlnean* to toil, eajeri oneselft make withtoil, Jn : till, plough, M. beswunoenexhausted, tired out ['beswink*]

beswlngan* to flog, scourge, beat, strike, M\CP. ['beswinge*]

b6*wyUanto<£reftca,j!oorf,RooD23. [swilian]

besyftan to sprinkle, ML2SM. [siftan]

besyttran= beeilfran

besyllan to sully, defile, stain, M.besyr-ewlan, -i(a)n=besierwanbet adv. better, Bo. ['bet']

-beta v. d*d-b. .

betaenlan to 'betoken,* designate.

bet&can (w. d.) to make over, give up to,

impart, deliver, entrust, commend to, JB,Lk;AO,CP : appoint (for), set apart as, dedicate*,

show, point out, Lk : give orders, RB 130* :

pursue, hunt, WW92» ['beteach*]

±bfttan to amend, repair, restore, cure, CP :

make good, make amends, remedy, compen-sate, atone, pay 'bdt' for an offence, JS,Mt,Led; AO,CP : attend to (fire or light), AO.Burst b. quench thirst, [bat; 'beet' yd.]

betast= betstbetboren of higher birth, LL.btte f. *6eet,' 6eefrool, Lcd. [L. beta]

-Mte v. twi-b. ; b«el = (l) bietl; (2) bitol

beteldan*t to cover, hem in, surround : over-

load, oppress.

betellan to speak about, answer, defend one-

self (against a charge), exculpate oneself,

Chr; M.bfttend m. restorer, Ruin 28.

+bttendnes f. amendment, OEG58*.betfton1** to cover, surround, enclose, AO ; M,CP : dispose of, bestow, bequeath : impeach,accuse. ['6e<ee']

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betera 'better,9 AOJik. followed by g.-

better in respect of....

-bfttere . dSd-b.±beterlan to 'better,' improve, CP : trim{lamp), GD.

beterung f. improvement, M.beteat=bet«t; betttnan^betynanbetlhtllan to accuse, LL.betlUan= betyllanb*t*m*r*n to construct, build, B. ['beUmber*]be(Inan=bet?nan; b9ttng=bfttungb«tl=bletlbetliot grand, excellent.

bfttnes f. reparation, atonement, LL(264»).betoce =betonioebetogenes f. accusation, LL.betolden pp. of beteldan.betonice f. 'betony,* Led.betoet^betat; betr-=beter-betraoppan = betreppanbetredan* to tread upon, cover, CPs 138*.betrendan to roU ES37-180.betreppan to entrap, catch, Chr. ['betrap']

be-trymman, -trymian to enclose, surround,besiege.

betst I. superL adj. 'best,' first, AO,Chr,CR;CP. as sb. people of position, WW,Chr.II. adv. in Ihe best manner, most.

betstboren best-bom, eldest.


be-tnh, -tuoxn (CP), -tax=betwuxbetaldon pret. pL of beteldan.+b#tung f. repair, maintenance, LL.betwtnan=betweonanbetween, betweohs=betwuxbetweonan, betweonum I. prep. w. g. d. a.

between, among, amid, in the midst, Ps,Bl.IL adv. 'between,* BH : in the meantime,meanwhile : in turn, by turns, CM (-twjnn-)*

betweox, betweoxn, betwih(8)=betwuxbetwln-= betweon-betwlnforletne* f. intermission, DR.betwux (iEtAO,CP) betwuht, betwix, be-twux(t), betwiso prep. w. d. a. between,

among, amongst, amidst, during, b. ttisummeanwhile, b. tftem tie whilst, ['betwixt



betwuxalegednes f. interjection, iEGn278».betwuxaworpennes f. interjection, jEQb.10*.betwuxblinnes (twih) f. intermission, DR12».

betwuxtae (yx) internal, OEG3861.betwuxgangan7 (twih) to go between, VPs28T


betwuxgangende (twih) separating.

betwuxgesett interposed.

betwuxllcgan* (twih) to lie between, BH72".betwnxsendan to send between.

betwuxt, -twyh, -twyx(t)=betwuxbetyhtUan = betfhtlian

betyllan to allure, decoy, BH358*.betynan (I, le) to hedge in, enclose, shut, bury,

AO.CP : end, BH. [ton]

betfnting f. conclusion, OEG3210.betyran to pitch, stain a dark colour, [teoru]

betyrnan to turn round : prostrateoneself,RB.

beff L =bit5 pre*. 3 eg. of bSon. IL =bee>i$

betonean= betSencan

betfan-betiianbetfearfende needy, indigent, KGl708.betfearfllc profitable, ML2W*.bettearfod needy, ES8-474"beVeoean to cover, protect, cover over, conceal,

betfen=belongbeftenean to consider, remember, take thought

for, take care of, care for% Qu : (reft.) reflect,

'bethink* oneself, Lk; M : trust, confide in,

entrust to,, -ttennan to cover, stretch on or

upon, spread over.

befctodan to be joined (to), adhere (to),

RB134".betfersean to winnow, thrash, PPb437


beftettan to bathe, LCD3-9011 (A30-397).

dbbetflan to heat, warm, foment, Led; M :

cherish, ['beath*]

beftrawan7 to twist, GPH391M .

betSridlan to circumvent, overcome, force, AO.bettringanf to encircle, e,vcompaes : beset,

oppress, burden.

bekryoean to press down, Cb1446.betfrydlan, betfrytfoan= betfridian

betr*n to press, NG273.beftunean (RD497)=be'8enoanbetfung f. bathing, bath, fomentation, cata-

plasm, Led ; CP,M. [' beathing* ; b»S]be-tturfan bwv. pros., 3 eg. -'Searf, pL•tartan, pret. -$orfte. (w. g. or a. ) to need,

have need of, want, M,CP.be88an=be$ianbettwten* to moisten, wet, LPsg7


betfwyrlan to deprave, WW3867. [Sweorh]

betJJn to thrust, A01686.

beufan=bufan; beatan=butanbewaelan to watch, guard, M.bewadan* to emerge, Rd88m.

bewftfan to enfold, wrap round, cover over,

clothe, jE,CP.bewAgan to deceive, frustrate, BVPs.bewaagnan to offer, proffer, B1193.bewAlan to oppress, afflict, An 1363.

bewftpnlan to disarm, M.bewearlan to pass by : be free from, DR.bewarenlan to guard against, be on one*


guard, CP.bewarian to keep watch, guard, preserve,

ward off, CP.bewarnlan = bewarenianbewawan7 to blow upon, Wa76. (biwaune—biw&wene)

beweallan7 to boil away, Lod.bewealwlan to wallow, Bo 115*.

beweardlan to guard, protect : observe closely.

beweaxan7 to grow over, cover over, surround,

M.beweddendlle relaHngtomarriage,OEG 1 122.

beweddlan to betroth, marry, JB : give

security, ['bewed*]

beweddung t betrothal, LL442Ha.bewefan* to cover over, Lod 3- 148*.

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bewegan* to cover.

beweied (y») jMMoned, pofiictet*, ES38»«[w6l]

bewellan to iaetui, mix together,

bewendan to furn, turn round, JB; (refl.)



n: torn one** attention, convert, M.


bewenlant to entertain, take care of, attend

upon,beweorean=bewyroanbeweorpan* to cast, cast down, plunge, throw,

MJlO : beat, M : surround.beweorffian to adorn, DD118.beweottan=bewitianbewepan7 to weep over, mourn, bewail, J&;AO. ['beweep']

bewipendtte lamentable.

bewlpnlan =bewepnianbewerenea f. proAi&tton, BH86U.

bewertan to pwird, protect, defend, MJlO :

eaedb, prevent, forbid, J5.

bewertgend m. protector, M.bewerung f. defence, fortification.

bewestan prep. w. d. or adv. to the west of,

Chr. ['dewed']bewlolan to encamp, ChbB94w.bewlndan* to wind round, clasp, entwine, en-

velop, encircle, surround, B,Mt;AO,CP :

brandish (a sword), heafe b. bewail : turn,

wind, revolve.

bewlndla (bi) m. hedge, border, BC(Mdf).bewltan awv., pree. 3 eg. -wat, pret. 3 eg.

-wist© to keep, care for, watch over, super'

intend, administer, Had, guide, MJlO.bewitian (eo) to observe, attend to, care for,

administer -.perform.

bewlatlan to look at, behold, LPs32u.

bewHtan1 to look round, G«n29»bewdpen (pp. of bewepan) lamented : tearful,


bewreoan*t to drive : drive away, banish :

drive round, beat round.bewrenean to deceive.

bewrton1 '* to cover, hide, cover over, enwrap,proUct, clothe, 8olrMet; CP. ['bewry']

bewrethan to sustain, support, Rd81u.

bewrltan1 to record? Cheat 19 : score round,bewrffian1! to bind, wind about, surround,envelop.

bewrtxl-an, -ian to change : exchange, sell,

PPs.bewuna adj. indeoL accustomed, wont, AO.bewyddlan=beweddian; bewyied-*beweiedbewyllan («ie) to boil away, Lcd.bewylwian to roll down, roll together.

bew9ptt=bewep$ pree. 3 eg. of bewepan.bewyrcan to work, construct, surround with,

enclose, cover, B; AO,JE> : work in, insert,

adorn, Lcd. ['betoork']

bewyrpan= beweorpanbeyrfeweardlan to disinherit, A 13-321.

beyrnan=beiernan; bezera=b»zereM,bi(l)=:be(prep.); (2)f.=beobl- v. also be-; Mad=b6od

bibUoflece 1 bibboEeoco (AO) bibKSeca m.library i bible, AS. [' bibliotheca' (L.)]

Mbreed=bSobreadbteee, bioe f. 'bitch,' Lcd,WW.Weeen=bvocenMegan (J3)=byogan; Moge=bicoe±blen-an, -ian (ft, ea, le, v) to make a sign,

4beckon,* wink, nod, Lk;CP : signify :

summon, [beacn]+blenend (§), ±bicni(g)end m. indicator,

discloser : forefinger.

Mcnendllc, +bioni(g)endlio allegorical :

(gram.) indicative, JEGal24".blcnol indicating, indicative, GPH3981".

±Menung (ea, e) f. beckoning, nodding :

token, symbol, figure, M : figurative


blewlde m. byword, proverb, fable, tale, M.['bequeath



Md n. lingering, hesitation, delay, halt, Bd.Vbide']

dbbldan1 (intr.) to stay, continue, live, remain,

delay,AO^s : (tr. uau. w. g.) waitfor, await,

expect, Bl,Mt; AO,CP : endure, experience,

find : attain, obtain, ['bide']

bfddan* to ask, entreat, pray, beseech, AO.BLb. and beodan, halaian to beg and pray :

order, command, require, AO,CP. ['bid*]

+blddan* (often refl.) to beg, ask, pray, Bl,

Mt ; ^E,CP : toorenip, ^.AO. ['i-WcT]

blddere m. petitioner.

bldenfsat=bydenfatbiderlp=bediipbidet* (CP) pree. 3 eg. of biddan.

WnJBMtf firm, forced to stand outbiding f. abiding place, abode, On 180.

MdsteaUt m. halt, stand.

bIe=beo pree. 1 eg. of beon.

bleen=beaeen; Mecn-=bicn-blegan (e, i, v) to bend, turn, turn back, in-

dine, Bo,Mk : depress, abase, humiliate :

subject ; persuade, convert. [46ey,* bugan]

bleldan (a, e, i, y) to encourage, excite, impel,

exhort, confirm, CP,Ma;MjkO- Vbield3



Ueldo (y*) f. boldness, courage, arrogance,

confidence, BH;CP. ['bield']

blelg=belg; blelw-=bilew-Weme (e, i, y) f. trumpet, CP,WW : tablet,

billet. [l beme



Men =bean; bleneoddaa=beanooddaa+Merde= +byrde+Uerhtan (e, y) to brighten, be or makebright, illuminate, enlighten, CP : makeclear i celebrate, [beorbt]

blerhtu (e, eo, i, y) f. brightness, effulgence,

brilliance, CP. [beorht]

blerm=bearmblernan' (ea, eo, i, y) to 'burn,* be on fire,

give light, MJjk$x,VPs.blerstetf, bieret pree. 3 eg. of beratan.

blefS prea. 3 eg. of beran.

blesen=biaen; Ueaglan=byagianMeter- = biter-

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i (e, i, f) m. 'beetle,' mallet, hammer,CPJud(y).

bietr-=biter-M«tJ=beo"5 pree. pL of bean.bUtran to feed, e£41«*.Milan to tremble, be moved, shake, quake,

BoJ>s;M. ['bive']

Uflgendtte (byfg-) terrible, NC274.Mfung f. trembling, shaking, M.-bttung (eo1) v. eor&b.blfylce n. net^Mottrini jMopfe. [folo]

Wg=be; Mg-=be-, bi., byog-Wg-=bieg-; blge=byge+blgednes f. inflection, declension, ease,

Mgegnes =bigengneeMgeb m. arcA, vault, M : tiKtoiatioft.

+Mgendllc inflectional, <£Gs91*.+blgendnee= +bigedneeblgeng f. practice, exercise, observance, wor-ship, M : cultivation, M. ['bigeng']

bflgenga m. inhabitant : cultivator, M : wor-shipper, M : benefactor.

blgenge n. practice, worship.blgengere m. worker : worshipper.

Mgengeetre f. handmaiden, attendant, wor-shipper, Gl.

blgengnee, f


-fblget$=+byge« pros. 3 eg. of +byogan.Mglng f. fenotn?, WW21CWgleal-(eo,i)=bI]eof-Mgnes f. power of bending, bending, [biegan]

+blgnes (f) f. frequented place, assembly?EFsll7«.+blgtf=+bigetfMgyrdel m. girdle, belt, purse, JBJit :

treasury, ['bygirdle']

bJgytan=begietanUhlanda (J&5")=behindanMhst=byhet pree. 2 eg. of bfigan.

+Mh* f. abode! Gu34«. [cp. byht]Ml= bill; bUeettan=bealoettanblMan=bieldan+Mlde 6oW, froee, £!. [beald]

bne m. 'ad/,' beak, trunk (of an elephant),

WW : prow.bHe=byle; bnefa=bQeofaUlehwlt^bilewitbOeofa (i*) m., bileofen f. support,sustenance,

food, nourishment, M,WW : money, pay.


bylive*; libban]bOteflan to support, feed upon, Gttth347.


bllewit innocent, pure, simple, sincere, honest,

BH,Mt;JE,CP i calm, gentle, merciful,

gracious : plausible. [' btlewhit ']. adv. -Hoe.

bUewltnes f. mildness, simplicity, innocence,

purity, M,CP.bOgesleht =bU]gesinithUgst, bilhst pree. 2 eg. of belgan.

bflgH pree. 3 eg. of belgan.

baherge=billereWBibb-, baif-=bfleof-; blllg=belg


bfll n. *«fl,» chopper, battle-axe, falchion,sword, B,WW.

billere m. 'bibulta' (plant), WW.Mllgesllht n. clashing of swords, battle, fCn937.

bfflhete m. murderous hate, strife. Air 78.+bUod having a bill or beak, [bite]

Ml-eweetf n. (nap. -bw*ou) sword track,

wound, Ex 329.

bilw-=bilew-; bnyht=b?lihtbhna (m.T), bime=bleme; bin=binnblnama m. pronoun, A8*313.

+btnd n. binding, fetter : costiveness.

±blndan ev» to tie, 'bind,' fetter, fasten,

restrain, &£l,Mt,Jn; AO.CP : adorn.binde f. h^ad-bandf £(76-133. {'bind ']

blndele, -elle f. binding : bandage.blndere m. 'Wikfer,' JM28«.binding f. tactta?, OEG324b.binn, binne f. 'Wnf

* basket, crib, manger,BIJJkL.blnnan I. prep. (w. dL a.) within, in, inside

of, into. II. adv. inside, within, less than,

during, whilst. [*bin*]

binne =binnbint pree. 3 eg. of -beo-( bi- ; Mocmrung =biemrnngbtrce= beoro, beorce ; bird (LkLR)-bridd+blrd = +byrd; blrele=bvreleblren f. she-bear, OET(Ct).blr#=!byrg

btrfftt, birhtf pree. 3 eg. of beorgan.blrht~=bierht-Wrlg, birig-=byrig, byrg-blrlhte (v) prep. w. d. near, beside, As 860.

birihto = bi©rhtu; blrie=byreleblrnan=?beornanbint, biretetf pree. 3 eg. of beratan.

Mrst pree. 2 eg., bir(e)tt pree. 3 eg. of beran.biryhte=birihteMateo n? m? wallet, MtRlO10

. [LL. bi-

eacoium]blssee contested, disputed, LL.bbAef. visit, Gul88.btaeeop (o1 ) m. 'bishop,' CP : high-priest,

chief priest (of the Jews), heathen priest,

AO,MkL.bteeeopcyn (o*) n. episcopal (high-priestly)


blsceopddm m. episcopate, bishopric : ex-

communication.blsceopealder m. high priest, HL.blseeopfolgoV m. episcopate, GD66*1.

blsceopgegyrelan mpt episcopal robes,

BH90«.btoeeopnad m. 'bishophood,' office of bishop,

ordination as bishop, episcopate, bishopric,

CPPs.blsoeopnadung f. episcopal ordination, ML31 1*.

btoeeopham m. bishop*s estate, EC365.

bteeeophfofodlln (o1 ) n. head ornament wornby bishops, WW 162*

blsceophlred (o) m. clergy subject to a bishop.

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i to confirm, LL. ['bishop']

Ufoeopland (o) n. episcopal or diocesan land,

LL173".Mseeopllo 'bishopry,' episcopal, BH.blsoeoprfee n. 'bishopric,' diocese, province

of a bishop, BH.blaceoproce m. bishop*s rochet, dalmatic,Lcd3-202».

btaeeoprdd f. bishop's cross.

Mseeopaelr, -ecyr £ diocese : episcopate,

Mseeop-aold, -setl, -ae*! n. bishop1

s seat orsee, bishopric.

MaeeopteonoV m. synod of bishops, All-81.Maeeopstfl m. episcopal see, bishopric, KG.['toeAopetooT]

blaceopaunu m. godson at a 'bishoping' or


MaeeopVtnung f. office of a bishop, BH.Maeeopung f. confirmation, M.Maetopwlte n. fine payable to a bishopf (BT),forced entertaining of a bishop? (Lieb: .LL2-667).

btaceopwyrt f. bishop's-wort, betony, vervain,

marshmaUow.bieceopwyrtil (o1) vervain, WW13441


Maeep^biaoeopbl-eeeran, -aoerian (i1, y,)=be-8oieran,-aoierian

bteoop)=?biBoeop; btocup=bisoeopbuegu=bysgubben, biaene (y) fn. example, pattern, model,JnLR;M,AO,CP : similitude, parable,

parallel : rule, command, precept. ['bysen']

btoene (y) blind, 3RL; NC274; JAW22.['bisson'l]

±blaenian (ie, y) to give, set an example,instruct by example, Bo : follow an exampleor pattern, CP : express figuratively.

[<byen* vb.]

bnenung f. example, pattern, M(y).Maes m. the extra day intercalated in leapyear, Min32. [L. biaaextua]

±blaglan to occupy, employ, JBJ*o;CP :

trouble, afflict, Lcd,MeL ['busy']

Mflgu, biaiga f. occupation, labour, CP,M(yae) : affliction, trouble.

btegung f. business, occupation, care, CP.bUAg (y) 'busy*' occupied, diligent, Ma,Sol

Mslgnes f. * business,' MtL (Cont. p. xx).

Mammr*= burner-; blsme=beemaburner (y) nmf. disgrace, scandal, shame,mockery, insult, reproach, scorn, AO,Bl;CP : fijthiness, defilement, M(y). W bia-

mere ignominiously, shamefully : blas-

phemy : infamous deed, AO. ['Werner*]

bismerful infamous,disgraceful,ignominious,shameful, Jfe(y).

biamergltow (y) n. shameful lust, M.±biamerlan (y) to mock, revile, illtreat, blas-

pheme, Mk; AO. ['bismer » vb.]bumerlend m. mocker, KGl298.biamerleaa blameless, CBl326(y).bumerleotf n. scurrilous song, Gl.

bumtrtte shameful, ignominious, contemp-tuous, AO : ridiculous,frivolous, adv. -lfoe.

bumernes I. pollution : insult : contemptible-


blemer-sprsBC, -apfto f. blasphemy, G.±blemerung (y) mockery, scorn : blasphemy :

infamy, disrepute, AO.biamerword (») n. reproach, insult, LL10".biamor, biam(o)r-= burner, burner-bun-=bieen-+Msnere t imitator, DR45».blepell (big')n. example, proverb,M : parable,

fable, allegory, story, MtL; CP. Vbyspel']sflepeDboo (bigO f. book of Proverbs, M.buaextue, gen. -te the intercalary day of leapyear : leap year. [L.]

Mat pre*. 2 ag. of boon,but= bidet, proa. 2 ag. of bidan.

Mswflo=bosw io

Wt proa. 3 ag. of biddan.bit proa. 3 ag. of (1) bidan; (2) bitan.

bita m. I. 'bit, ' moreei, piece, /»; -ffl. ILWter, wild beast.

±bitan1 to * tote/ tear, 5,iW; £1 : cut, wound :

(+)<fa*A dourn, MkL9».bite m. 'tote,' sting, AO,Lcd : sword-cut,

Ap,B : cancer.

bkteHnm.' beetle,9 01

biter ' totter, ' sharp, cutting, Ou;M: stinging,

PP811711: exasperated, angry, embittered :

painful, disastrous, virulent, cruel, B,BLadv. -Hoe, ML

bltere=bitre±blterian to be or become bitter, CP : makebitter, ['bitter' vb.]

btternea f. 'bitterness,' grief, El; M,CP.blterwyrde bitter in speech, M.biterwyrtdrene m. drink of bitter herbs,

WW114"WU=bTetlbitmAlum piecemeal, bit by bit, JSGR23P*.bitol n. bridle,

bltor= biterbltre bitterly, sharply, painfully, severely i


bitres, bittrea gamn. of biter,

bitat proa. 2 ag. of biddan.Mtat proa. 2 ag. of bidan and bitan.

Mtt I. proa. 3 ag. of (1) biddan ; (2) beodan.II.=bytt

bltt proa. 3 ag. of bitan.

+bltt n. biting, gnashing, M.MttoMbiterblttor, bittre =biter, bitre; bitula=bitelaWt5 proa. 3 ag. of boon,blwaune v. bew&wan.blwlat fm. sustenance, food, provision^necessaries, Bo>M. [


blword (a) n. proverb, household word :

adverb, A8-313*.blwyrde n. * byword,' proverb, WW,bixen=byxenUzant m. bezant (a gold coin). [L. bytan-teum]

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bttc h (fi) 6rt?A<t tatntii?, glittering,flashing,Bd i pale, pallid, wan, AO,CP. [bHoan;'MeoV to 'Meae*'] IL pret. 3 eg. ofblican.

blae=bl»cbtteern n. lamp, catwKe, light, GP(fi).

bttehlftort twrt pate cheeks.

bUUdsn to turn pale, M.blacung t a turning pale, pallor, M.bladeslan to flame, blase, be hoi : emit anodour, 0EG554.

bladesnung (at-) t odour, WW4061.

bladetung (at-, at-) f. shining, lightning,

EPs76».bfeee (a) I. 'black,' dark, BJBHtJE. II. n.

ink, LL,WW. [4bleck



i to bleach, whiten. [Mao]1 1 black matter, OEG662.

j n. ? irritation of the skin, leprosy, Lod.bUecernleoht (a) n. ZomJern-tyAt.

btoetexedefttoci-tow^^Hl^W". [feax]

blsecgymm m. jet, BH26".btoeborn (e) n. ink-horn, m\2&*.bUboo f. pallor, Loi>.

btocpytt m. bleaching-pit? EC 383'.

blAofeustfel n. leprosy, CplOQB.bleed n. (nap. bladu) 'blade/WW : leaf, Oen.hlM(fy I. m. blowing, blast: inspiration, Mibreath, spirit,M : life, mind : glory, dignity,

splendour : prosperity, riches, success. II.

-bled I.

blAdigende renowned, B 1013.blAdbyllg m. bellows, WW241*.

blAtktofft m. day of prosperity.

btodderw&re m. jpam mi the bladder, Lod.W»ddrc=bl&dre^bUMfantf glorious, prosperous.

+bUedf8astnes 1 prowum, sustenance,

MLZ3b"*.bUMglfat m. jriwcr of prosperity.

bUMnorn m. trumpet, M.blAdnes f. blossom, fruit, A8-311. [bifid]

Mftdre (6) f. blister, pimple, AO : 'bladder,'

Led. [bl&wan]bUMwela m. abundant riches, Cb1392.bUftge t gudgeon, bleak, WW. ['May']bbegettan (a) to cry, GD278".blAn*wen light blue.

blAg=blAetblAebelg (OET28)=blftatbelgbteese (a) f. firebrand, torch, lamp, M,Jn.['blaze


]Maasere m. incendiary, LL.bUeahorn m. blowing-horn, trumpet, LL194(8).

bUtet m. blowing, 'blast9

(of wind), breeze,

Bx : to 6tou>, Andr123» : m«ftf (v. BT).MAetbelg m. dettoiw, Gl.bUBetm m? flame, blaze, MFH90V


bUttan to '6200/,' J&QrJ&d.btetafungsbladesang; bUet»-=blets-M»wen=blfch*wen

blftwett, bl&wat pre*. 2 eg., blAw(o)« pre*.3 eg. of bl&wan.

blagettan =blogettanblan pret. 8 ag. of blinnan.

blancaf m. (white?) horse, B. ['blonk1

]dbbland n. blending, mixture, confusion,turmoil.

±Uandanvt to blend, mix, mingle, Bd.


Mandenfeaxt grizzly-haired, grey-haired,old. [blandan]

blann pret. 8 eg. of blinnan.

blaie, Dlaeere=blaee, blneereblMbelg=bUB8tbelg; blaster =plasterblatf livid, pale, wan, ghastly : low, hoarse(sound)! Air 1279. [op. bleat]

blatef Uridty, pallidly, Mot.blatesnung =s bladeennngblattan to be livid, pale, Gxk981 (GK).±bttwan' (6) (tr. or intr.) to 'blow,


MuLkJn : be blown, sound : inflate : (+)kindle, inflame, WW208" : (+) spU,MkLR7M.

blawend m. inspirer, ^H2-478*.blawerem. 'blower,

1 CP.Miwung f. 'blowing,* blast, M : inflation.

bleac=bl8B0bleat miserable? 64*963. ['blete'X adv.bleate, B2824.

blflatt gentle, shy, cowardly, timid, Bd : sloth-

ful, inactive, effeminate, AO. ['blethe';

Ger. Mode]blecWbb&o; bleee=bl*oeMftcfla 'vitiligo,

1 WW53".bled.blSd^blaxl.btet-bltd I. (ft) f. shoot, branch, flower, blossom,

leaf, foliage, fruit, Mt,Lcd; CP : harvest,

crops, ['blede1

; blftwan] IL=Mftd LHMan to 'bleed,

1let blood, Sol.

bltdhweet growing quickly or profuselytRD2 .

MMre^blAdrebledu f. dish, bowl, goblet, JE.

blegen, blegne f. 'blain,1

boil, blister, ulcer,

Led.blenoan to deceive, cheat, Mod. ['blench


]blind (e) pret. 3 as. of blandan.blend-an, -ian to blind, deprive of sight, Bo :

deceive, ['blend1


blendnet f. blindness, DR38*.blent pros. 3 as. of (1) blendan, (2) blandan.±bleo n. gs. bleos, de. bleo, gp. Meo(na),dip. bleom, bleo(w)um colour, Bo; CP :

appearance, form, Sol. [' bite ']

bleobordf n. coloured board, chess-board.

bltebrygd n? combination of colours, scintil-

lation, Ph292. [breffdan]

bleooneft m. art of embroidery,WW354*.

+bleod beautiful, Cb909.bleodu=bledubltefmtnes f. 'delicics,

1 RPsl38u.

bleottg variegated, Gl.bleoh=bleobleomete m. dainty food, GD99W.

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bltona gp. of bleo.

bleorftad purple, WW.bltostAnlng 1 tesselated pavement, WW44410.

bltot pret. 3 as. of (1) bl&tan, (2) bldtan.

Meoum dip. of bite.

bleow pret. 3 a«. of (1) blawan, (2) bldwan.

bl&owum dp. of bldo.

Were, blerig bald, WW.blese= blasebltt pret. 3 ag. of (1) btttan, (2) bldtan.

ble*an=bl»tandbblttslan to consecrate, ordain, MuJnL(oe) :

'bless,' give thanks, adore, extol, DafsJJe


sign with the cross, M : pronounce or makehappy, iE. [bldd]

blitslngbde f. blessing-book, benedictional,


blitslngsetJm m. the Benedicite, RB36".blMst pres. 2 sg. of bldtan.

blfttsung f. consecration, Chr : 'blessing,*

benediction, Chr;M : favour (of God),

Bl,VPb.blew = bleow pret. 3 sg. of blawan.

bliwtJ pros. 3 sg. of bldwan.

bDean1 to glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle, dazzle,

Sol : appear, SoU44. ['blik']

bbccettan to glitter, quiver, Gl.

bUooettung f. glittering, shining, VPs.bllee m. exposure, LL6J34].bUcgan=blyoganbfloian to shine, OEG1499.blleft pres. 3 sg. of blican.


bUn imperat. of blinnan.

blind 'kind,1 Mk;CPJR : dark, obscure,

opaque, DD;M : internal, not showing out-

wardly : unintelligent : not stinging, WW322**. adv. -Hoe blindly, rashly, AO.

bllndboren born blind, JnL9»*.

+blindfelllan to blind, blindfold, HL8m.

-bllndlmn . of-b.

bUndnes f. blindness, M.bllnnf n? cessation.

±blinnan* to cease, leave off, rest from, Mt;CP : lose, forfeit : be vacant (bishopric),

['blin'; be, linnan]

bllnnes f. cessation, intermission, LL.Wis (CP)= bliss; bllsa=blysabUscan=blyscanbusgere m. incendiary, [blysige]

bliss f. 'bliss,* merriment, happiness, Bl;

CP : kindness, friendship, grace, favour,

Met : cause of happiness, Ps. [blToe]

±blisslan (intr.) to be glad, rejoice, exult,

CP,Lk;M : (tr.) make happy, gladden,

endow, jHy : applaud, ANS 109-306,


bllsslg joyful, RPs 112*.

bllsslgendllc exulting, iEHl-35411.

bllssung f. exultation, EP&64".bn1fc=*bll*e

bD*Je I. * blithe, 'joyous, cheerful, pleasant, M,A0,CP : gracious, well-disposed, friendly,


kind, El : agreeable, wiOing : quiet, peaceful,

gentle, Ps. II. adv. Ps.

MffieUe gentle, pleasant, glad. adv. -Koe

(Lk). ['blithely9


blffiemdd glad, cheerful : well-wishing,


bllVheortt happy, joyful : gracious.

+bHttlan to make glad, RPsOl4.

blffines t joy, gladness, pleasure, Led; AO.['blitheness



bIIwum=bleo(w)iiin, dp. of bleo.

bk>d=boldbiod n. 'blood,' A,QJbcd\ AO.CP : vein.

bldd-dolg, -dolh n. bleeding wound, Lcd.bldddrync m. bloodshed, AO 162*.

bftdegesa m. bloody horror, Ex477.

+blodeglan= blddgian

bidden bloody, WW217**?blddtigt blood-stained, bloody.

blodgemang n. a blood-mixture, WW220T.

blddgemenged blood-stained, W18211.

blMgeot=blddgyteblodgeotend m. shedder of blood, LP&5O10


blodgeotende bloody, LPs6*.iblodgian to be bloodthirsty, WW215** :

make bloody.

btfdgyte m. bloodshed, AO.blodhrftoung f. spitting of blood, WW113*.blddhrtow sanguinary, cruel, Ps.

blddlg 'bloody/ WW ;AO.blddlgto* bloody-toothed, B2083.bldd-U&s, -town f. blood-letting, bleeding.

blddUtettd I time for blood-letting, Lod66a.

blddUttare m. blood-letter, bloodless, MGkW1*.

bldd-ore, -m6natJ=bl6toro, etcblddriad blood-red.

blddreow =blddhreowblddryne m. issue of blood, bloody flux :

bursting of a blood-vessel, A0288".blddssex (e) n. lancet, Gl.blodsetawung f. supply of bloodt (BT) Lod83a.

blodseten something to stop bleeding, Lcd.blodsihte f. flowing of blood, LcD64a.blddttgen f. tasting of blood, LL.blddwlte n. blood-offering, LPs 16*.

blodyrnende having an issue of blood, BH78»B.

bldma m. lump of metal, mass, Gl.blon pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.

blonca= blanoa ; blond-=bland-

blonn pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.

bldsa, bl6sma==blo6tmabldstbAre=blostmbereblostm (M), bldstma mi 'blossom,



fruit, Bl,Lcd.

bldstmbftre (A&), -b&rende flower-bearing.

bloetmfreols m. floral festival, OEG4720.blostmlan to 'blossom,' bloom, BH.±bldt n. sacrifice, AO. [bldd]


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blotan7 (and ? wv) to sacrifice, kill forsacrifice, AO,CP.

blotere m. sacrificer, GPH398".blotmdnatt m. month of sacrifice (8 Oot.-8 Nov.), November.

bldtore m. sacrificial vessel, GPH397.bldtoplung f. spitting of blood, WW1137


btttung f. sacrifice, AO 102".

±bldwan I. bv7 to 'blow,* flower, flourish,

blossom. Led. IL


bl&wanWowendlic blooming, WW240*blunnen pp., blnnnon pret. pL of blinnan.-blyegan v. A-b.; blys, blyas=blieabrysa m. firebrand, torch, M.Mysean 'rutOare,' HGl4347§ (v. OEG1196and 'blush').

blysef.=blysa; blysere =blaeeere

blyston to burn, blaze, PP&178.

bfyalge=blyafi; blysalan (iE)=blietian

MJfle, bly«elioe=blioe, bllSeucebd=ba, nafn. of begen.boe I. fn. da. and nap. beo 'beech


-tree, WW;Mdf : beech-nut, NC274 : *6ooV writing,

Bible, Bl,Jn,CP;AO&. Cristas b. gospel;

deed, charter, conveyance, LL. IL pret.

3 eg. of baoan.bdeseeeras mpL freehold lands.

beebtoe (e) n. ink, W2261.

bdeee=beoebde-oest, -cist(e) f. book-chest

boeerssft m. learning, Bo. [•bookcrafi']

bdecrasftlg book-learned.

bocere m. scholar, 'scribe, writer, M.boctenn.parcJivxcnt, vellum, LL. ['bookfeU'}

boefddder n. bookcase, WW 194".

bdegesamnung f. library, WW203*.bfiegestreon n. library, BH.boehord n. library, WW. ['bookhoard']

bdehte n. library, WW185*±bdclan to grant by charter ; supply with


bdelaaden n. literary Latin, learned language.

bdeland n. land held by written title, LL;MJiO. v. LL2-323. ['bookland']

bdelftr f. book-lore, learning.

boeleden=bdclndenboellc of or belonging to a book, M : biblical,

scriptural, b. staaf 'ars liberalis,' HGl603.bdeon pret. pL of baoan.

bocriWere m. reader of books, WW439".bderfidlng f. reading of books, WW.bocread red colour used in illuminating

manuscripts, vermilion, WW.bderede f. reading of books, A10143101


boeriht n. right given by will or charter,

LL444(1).boceeyld m. beech-wood shield, TC561*.boeatSBf m. nap. -stafas letter, character, El.

['bocstqff'; Oer. buchstabe]

boeatlgel f. beech-wood stile, KC5-70*bde-tfeeung, -talu f. teaching or narrative,

written in books, LL.boctreow n. beech-tree, M.boeweoie n. study of books, LL (314").

bdewudu m. beech-wood, Rn411M.

±bod (+ exo. N) n. command, message, pre"cept, Bo,Hy;M : preaching, ['bode,'

'i-bod'; Oer. gebot]boda m. messenger, herald, apostle, angel,

M,CP : prophet ['bode'; Oer. bote]bodan=botmbode pret. of bogan.bodeg=bodigboden pp. of beodan.bodere m. teacher, NG.ztbodlan to tell, proclaim, announce, "fBy;AO,CP : preach, Mt; M,CP : foretell, El :

boast ['bode']

bodlend m. proclaimer, teacher, preacher.bodlg n. 'body,' trunk,frame, bodilypresence,

JBJBB, etc, CP : main part, Lod.bodlgendllc to be celebrated, J3L7-232.bodlae n. decree, ordinance, Cm 1129.dbbodsclpet m. command : message.bodong f. message, recital, preaching, M :

interpretation : assertiveness, RB136n,

bodungdaeg m. Annunciation Day, MB.1-200"

bog m. arm, shoulder, M; CP : 'bough,1


branch, 3ft; CP : offspring, [bogan]bogm m. 'bow,' {weapon), On;M : arch,arched place, vault, B : rainbow, M : foldedparchment [op. Oer. bogen]bdga=bo«began to boast, RB.boganet=bogenettbogelddder m. quiver, WW 143".bogen L name of a plant, Lod. IL pp. ofbugan.

bogenett n. wicker basket with a narrow neckfor catching fish, WW.bogetung f. curve, WW365".bogh=bogboglan I. ±(intr.) to dwell, M : (tr.) to in-habit II.= bogan

bogfbt full of bends, MtL7".boglncel n. small bough, OEG.bogung (bdung) t boastfulness, arrogance,display, M.boh -bogbonscyld m. shoulder shield, EC226'.

bohte pret. 3 ag. of byogan.bdhtimber n. building timber, AS 1*. [bdgian,£842-172]Wlan=b6ganbol? m. bolt, trunk, Lod 143a.

bolca m. gangway of a ship.

bold (=botl) n. house, dwelling-place, man-sion, hall, castle, B : tempU. fbotd']

boldftgendf m. homestead-owner.boldgestreon (botl)t household goods.

boldgetedl collection of houses : {political)

district, county, province, GD.boldgetimbruf npL houses.

boldweard (botl-) m. housekeeper, steward,

M.boldwalat m. wealth : splendid dwelling,

paradise, heaven i village, Qws 1799. (botl-)

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bolgen pp. of belgan.

bolgenmodt enraged.

bolla m., bolle f. 'bowl,' cap, pot, beaker,

measure, ABL,JnJjcd.

bolster miL 'bolster,* head-piOow, cushion,

B m CP.+bolstrian to support with pillows, prop up,


bolt m. 'bolt' : cross-bow for throwing bolts

or arrows, WW.boltttmber n. building timber, AS1». [botl;

v. ES42IW]

bftn I. f. ornament, Chb1063d. IL-bdgan

bon-, bond- = ban-, band-

bond* m. householder, LL : freeman,

plebeian : husband, ['bond']

bondeland n. land held by a bonda, Chb777*. [ON. bdndi]

bon6=bon+bonlan to polish, burnish, TC. [Ger.

bohnen]bonn^bannbor 6orer, oimfci, Gl : lance*, eeaJpeJ, ^ravMi^

tool, Gl. [borian]

bora m. rtder, SatSOO. [Trajdbora]

boreen pret. 3 eg. of beorcan.

borolan to bark.

bord n. 'board,* plank, JB£en : table, Ps:Me ofa ship, Gen : ship, El,Gn : shield, El.

borda m. embroidery, ornament, Gl.

bordolitt m. table-cloth, OEG56«.bordgelae n. weapon, dart, Cb769.

bordhaebbende shield-bearing, B2895.

bordnaga m. cover of shields, El662.

bordhrlotfa (e)t m. shield-ornament :

phalanx.bofdrand m. shield, B2559.bordrlma m. rim, edge.

bordrffilg a stream running m a channel

made of planks? (BT),EC4S011.

bordstaeff n. sea-shore, An442.

bordftaca m. shield-covering, testudo, Gl :

board for roofing, WW.bordweaU m. wall of shields, phalanx t buck-

ler, shield : side of ship, Rn34f.

bordwudu m. shield, B1243.boren pp. of beran.

borettan to brandish, Gl..

borg m. pledge, security, bail, debt, obhgaUon,

LL (v. 2-331 ; 641) ; CP : bondsman : debtor.

['borrow' ab.l

borgbryee m. breach of surety, LL.borgen pp. of beorgan.

borggelda m. borrower : lender.

borglan to 'borrow,' Mtfs : lend i be surety

for, OEG3812.borglend m. lender, usurer.

borg-eorg (burg-) f. trouble on account of

lending or security, Rim63.

borgwodd n. pledge, WW279".borh^borgborhfcBst/orf ootwid, HL18*«.±borhtestan to Wnd 6y pledpe or rarely,

borhhand fm. security, surety {person), M.

borhleas without a pledge, without security,

LL230[5].borian to bore, perforate.

borfloe very, extremely, fitly, excellently,

A8-302,307,329.born=barn, pret. 3 ag. of biernan.

+bonnung= +broenungborsten pp. of bentan.bor*or=beor5orb6slgm?n?etoO,crt6, LfcLA. [


boom (CP), bosuxn m. 'bosom,' breast, womb,M : surface* An : «*tp*« hold, Gen.

btanlg wwow, OEG8«.bftt f. Aefo, relief, advantage, remedy, An,Da,Led; A0 : compensation for an injury or

wrong, LL (v. 2-336) : {peace) offering, re-

compense, amends, atonement, reformation,

penance, repentance, £J;CP. to bdte to(6ooi,' besides, moreover. [Ger. basse]

bdtan=betanbfttettan to tmprooe, rejwtr.

botian to pet oetter.

±bott (CP^EHboWbottftas unpardonable, not to be atoned for bybdt.

botm m. 'bottom,' ground, foundation, B,WW : abyss, Gen.

bdtwyrtJe pardonable, that ca i be atoned for

by bdt. [op. bdtleae]

b6*=b5geC pre*. 3 eg. of bogan.

botfen mn? rosemary : darnel, M : thyme*

GPH390.b6ung=b6gungbox mn. 6ox-free, WW : 'box,' awe, ML[L. baxns]

boxtrtow n. box-tree, MQi*W*.braeoas mp. breeches, Lcd3198* [It.]

braooe (Mdf)=br»c I.

braohwn f. moment, A8-318.•braolan v. a-b.

brad h oomp. bradra, brfidra * broad,' flat,

open, extended, spacious, wide, Gen,Chr;

M,AO,CP : ample, copious, B ; El. IL n.


briUtox f. broad axe, Gl.bridbrtant n. wide sea.

bride far and wide, broadly, widely.

brideltae n. leek, Gl.bridhand f. palm ofthehand,WW264".

bridlan to extend, reach, A0234M.

bridlistsBZ f. broad axe, Gl.

bridllngaJla%, with the hand open.

bridnes af. breadth, greatness, extent, surface,

M : liberality.

bridpanne=br&depannebneo I. a strip of untitled landt (BT),KaII. =pret. 3 eg. of breoan.

brfto I. (±) n. cotorra, eou^a. II. f. 6reo*-

ing, destruction, ML&". III.=breo nap.

of broo I.

bneocc breeches, OET. [L.] ^^brAeeoSu f. falling sickness, epilepsy, WW112".+br»ceo=br&o I.

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i (8) cough medicine, WW351*.t to cackle, make a noise, QD236".

hrAcon pret. pL of breoan.

±brAcseoc epileptic, lunatic

brAd I. f. breadth, width, AO. [brad] II. f.

Jfc«», Ph240. [OJfftf. brat] III. m. fridb,

./raud, (feeett, cro/L [=*br»gd; 'braid')

IV. pret. 3 eg. of bredan, bregdan. V. prea3 eg. and pp. of bredan.

te«d-=br»gd- (bread-)

±brAdan (e) I. to make broad, extend, spread,

stretch out, BH ; AO : be extended, rise, grow.


; brad] II. to roast, toast, bake,

broil, cook, WW. ['brede9

; Qer. braten]

brttde m. roast meat, WW. ['brede9

; Qer.

braten]-brAdeb v. ofer-b.

brAdepanne f. frying-pan (v. WW363*3).brAding I. f. extension, Bo46e

: bedding, bed,

DR. II. f. roast meat, OEG3760.brAdlngpanne =brfedepannebrAdben n, ' scalpeUum,

9 Gl,WW.brAdra v. brad.brAdu, brfido f. breadth, width, extent, Ps.



-fbrogd=br*d HI; br»gdan=bregdanbraegdboga m. deceitful bow, Cr765.brasgden (e) I. (±) deceitful, crafty, AO.adv. -Hoe. [bregdan] II. fraud.

braegdnes (Ad-) IJraud, cunning.

brsegdwls crafty, Gu 58. [breed]

braegen (a, e) n. 'brain,9 Lcd&s; &,CF.

brogenpanne f. brain-pan, skull, OEG2815.broegenseoe brain-sick, mad, OEG.braegn=br»genbraegnloca (hnegn-) m. brain-house, head,

Rd72»braagpanne = bnegenpannebrsehtm (A)=breahtmbrsambel, bnemel^bremelbrAme (NG)=breme ; brAr (€)= brer

bras n. 'brass,9bronze, M.

brsasen 'brazen,9of brass, LPs; M.

bneslan to do work in brass, make of brass,

£%te215".br8»ne=breenebrAtt m. odour, scent, stink, exhalation,

vapour, AO. ['breath9


brAw (ea) m. eye-brow, eye-lid, BRJxdfs,WW ;CP. I'bree



bragen==brgegenbrahtan =bronton pret. pL of bringan.

brand (5) m. fire, flame, B; M : 'brand,9

torch, JnL,Da; M : sword, B.brandhatf burning hot, ardent.

brandhord Jo1) n? treasure exciting ardent

desires (BT); care, anxiety (GK), Rnc46.brand-Iren, -iaen n. fire-dog, trivet, grate,

WW. ['brandise9


branddm (o1 ) m. 'rubigo,9 WW44M.

brandrid (o», e1 ) f. fire-dog, trivet, Gl.brandrlda m. fire-grate, WW266".brandstsefn (o1) high-prowedt An 504.


O. B.

brang pret. 3 eg. of bringan.

brantt (o) deep, steep, high, An,BL ['brant']

branwyrt f. whortleberry plant, WW 133»braslan = braeaian

+bratti (-al) n. crackling (offlames), DD,W.brastllan (-al) to roar, rustle, crackle, M.['brastle

9', Qer. praseeln]

brastlung f. crackung, rustling, crashing, M.bratt m. cloak, MtL5". ['bratt



brtoe pret. 3 eg. of brdean.bread n. bit, crumb, morsel : 'bread,

9 JnL.+breadlan =+bredian; breag=br£wbreabtm L (bearhtm; n, e, eo, y) m. cry,

noise, revelry. II.= bearhtmbreabtmian (earht) to creak, resound.

breahtmung f. 'convolatus,9 WW370*.

breabtumhweet= bearhtmhwntbreard=brerd; breat-=breot-brentt brittle, LcdI-2607 .

breaw=brftwbreawern n. brew-house, WW 145".

brie fp. breeches, Lcd,BB. ['breech9

; r.

ES 38-346]

+bree n. noise, sound, CP.±bree= ±brAoI.±brecan L bv4 to 'break,

9shatter, burst, tear,

B,BlJ*s i curtail, injure, violate, destroy,

oppress, B,Da,KC;AO,CP : break into,

rush into, storm, capture (city). Ma; CP :

press, force : break or crash through, burst

forth, spring out, AnJ*h : subdue, tame, CP.II. to roart Cb951. [ON. braka]

brechraegl n. breeches, PPsl08»breomAlum = brytm&lum±breenes f. breach, EPs.-breetf v. A-, eodor-b.

brectfa m. broken condition, m&des b.

sorrow of heart, B171.breoung f. 'breaking,

9 LkB.bred n. surface : board, plank, CP : tablet, M.['bred



bred = (l) brjd, (2) brad, (3) brad III.

brMan L to produce, or cherish, a brood, M.['breed


] II. (±)=bregdan. HI. (±)=brAdan L and II.

breden (i, y) of boards, wooden, M.brUende decettful, cunning, AO. [bregdan]brMettan = brogdettan+bredlanf (ea) to regenerate, restore.

bredi(ng)panne =brAdepannebrMbern = briedisen

bredweall m. wall of boards, palisade, ES20148.

bredwlan (eo) to strike down, trample.

+brilan to write down, A8-30811. [cp. Qer.


breg (VP8)=br»w; brega (iE)=bregobrigan to alarm, frighten, terrify, Lk; M,CP.['bree


; broga]bregd =br»d III.

+bregd I. n. movement, change, PH57.II.= brAd III.

bregdan* (bred-) to move quickly, puU, shake,

swing, throw (wrestling), draw (sword), drag,

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B,Ma : bend, weave, 'braid,* knit, join to-

gether, MQr : change colour, vary, be trans-

formed, ExJ3ol,Ou : bind, knot : (intr.) move,be pulled : flash, M. up b. bring up (a

charge) : (+) scheme, feign, pretend : (+)draw breath, breathe,

bregden= brsegden+bregdnes f. trouble, affliction, MF162.+bregdstafas mp. learned arts, Sol2.

bregen = bnegenbregendtte terrible, RP*46».bregh=br£wbrines f. fear, terror.

bregof (eo) m. ruler, chief, king, Lord. b.

engla, manbynnes Ood.bregorlce n. kingdom, Gen 1633.bregorof majestic, mighty, B1925.bregostdlt m. ruler*s seat, throne : rule,

dominion.bregoweardf m. ruler, prince, lord.

bregu=bregobrent- =breaht-, beorht-, bierht-

brehtnlende = bearhtmiendebriman h (±) to honour, extol [breme]II. (oe) to rage, NG.

brembel (M), brember^bremelbreme (oe, y) I. *d}. famous, glorious, noble,

PPs ; AO. ['breme*] II. adv.bremel («) m. brier, ' bramble,* blackberry

bush, M,Lcd;Udi. [brdm]bremelseppel m. blackberry, Lod.bremelberle f. blackberry, Lod.bremelbrftrf m. bramble-brier.

bremellfof n. bramble-leaf, Lcd.bremelrind f. bramble-bark, Lod.bremelfyrne f. bramble-bush, &.brAmen = breme I.

bremendlic noted, OEG.bremer^bremelbremlas nap. of bremeLbremman to rage, roar. [Oer. brummen]bremung f. roaring, WW242".brenctt pres. 3 sg. of brengan.brene = brynebrenett pres. 3 sg. of *brenan to make or dyebrown f (GK;BT reads breneC = berneCpres. 3 sg. of bernan) Run 15.

±brengan (AO,CP)==bringanbrengnes f. oblation : (+) food, support,

MKL12". [*bringnes]

brenttng m. ship, B2807. [brant]breo-, breo-= bre-, brS-

breod(NG)= breadbreodlan to cry out, Mop 28.

breoht-=bearnt-, beorht-breosa (io) m. gadfly, WW. ['breeze*]

brftost nmf. (usu. in pi.) 'breast,* bosom, B,Lk,Lcd ; AO,CP : stomach, womb : mind,thought, disposition, Oen;CP : 'ubertas,*

CPs36\brtestbin n. 'breast-bone,* WW 158.brtostbeorg=breostgebeorhbreostbyden (e>) f. breast, Gl.breosteearut f. heart-care, anxiety.

breostcofat m. heart, affections.

breostgebeorh m. bulwark, WW466".breostgehygdt, -hydt fn. thoughtbrtastgettanct m. mind, thought.

breostgewaMuf np. corslet

breostgyrd I sceptre? OEG3303; 2M.

breoethordt n. thought, mind.breostUn n. stomacher, WW4071


breostiocaf m. mind, soulbreoetnett n. coat of mailbrtostnyrwet n. tightness of chest, Lod 189b.brftostroee m. chest-clothing, WW151* .

brtestsefat m. mind, heart.

breosttoga m. chieftain, Sol 184.

brtostttng n. region of the heart, Lod3*146u.

brtastwaerc m. pain in the chest, Lod.breostweall m. breastwork, rampart, WW490".

breostweortfungt f. breast-ornament

breostwybn (e8) m. breast-fountain, teat i

emotion, sorrow.

Breot-=Bryt-brtotanf to break in pieces, hew down,demolish, destroy, kill

Breotas=BrittasBreoten, Breoton = Britenbreoton= (l) bryten; (2) pret. pL ofbreatan.

breottan* to decay, waste away, Lod 63a.

±breowan» to 'brew,* AO.breowlac n. brewing, ^L171M.

brer (e) f. 'brier,* bramble, Lcd,WW.brerd (ea, eo) m. brim, margin, border, sur-

face, Jn,WW : shore, bank, M. ['brerd*]

brerdfnl brim-fuU, JBLG»*. [' brerdful*]

brerhMftw m. brier-hiUock, EC45CP.brertfyrne f. brier-bush, KC6-221".

bresan==brfsan; bresen=br®senbresne (»)t mighty, strong.

brit pres. 3 sg. of bredan, bregdan.bret- = brit-, bryt- ; breU=br*8brtftter da. of brdoor.

br§w(KGL)=br»wbrie-, brio- =bryc-, bryo-

brtoeV pres. 3 sg. of brecan.

Driest pies. 2 sg. of brecan.

brid=bridd; bifd=brydbrldd m. young 'birdy chicken, Lk; J£,CP,Mdf.

brldel, bridels (y) m. 'bridle,* rein, curb,restraint, Run;M,CP.

brldelshrlng m. bridle-ring, El 1194.

brldeltfwangas mp. reins.

briden=bredenbrld-glft, -gifu=brydgift, -gifa

±brldlian to 'bridle,* curb, Bo; CP.briengan =bringanbrlg=bryog; brlg=briwbrlgd n. change or play of colours, Pa26.[bregdan]

brigdlls (GL)=bridels; brihtan=bierhtanbrlhtilce = beorbtlioe

brlmf nm. surf, flood, wave, sea, ocean,water, B : sea-edge, shore, ['brim*]

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MmoeaMt ocean-cold.

brtanellf n. cliff by the tea, B222.brimlaro* n. sea-short (BT) Da322 (or ? 2words).

brimflod m. flood, sea,

brimfugol m. sea-bird, gull, Wa47.brlmgleBt m. sailor, Rd4».brtmhengestt "&• {sea-horse), ship.

brtmhlaestt f. sea-produce, {fish).

MmlUt f. flood-way, sea-way.

brtmH&end m. sailor : ptrafe.

Mmmannt m. sailor : pirate.

brimradt f. {sea-road), sea.

brims*! oadflyt (v. NC354).bilmstofl n, sea-shore. Air 496.

brtanstrtamt m. current, sea : rapid, river.

bflujfljyHNt'f' m. ship.

brhnwlsa m. sea-king, captain, B2930.brtmwudut m. {sea-wood), ship.

brlmwyll L {she-)wolf of the sea or lake,

B1507.brlmwylui m. ocean surge, sea-wave, B 1494.

bring m. offering, CPs60w.

±bringan*(e, y) (and wv) tolbring,* lead,

bring forth, carry, adduce, produce, present,

offer, BJBoJnL; AO,CP.-brlngelle v. on-b.; brfoaa=br6osabrtrt, britet, pree. 2 ag., brit pros. 3 ag. of

bregdan.Brit-, brit-=Bryt-, bryt-

tafir m. pottage, porridge, JBQr,Lcd. ['bree';

Qer. brei]

±brlwan to prepare food, cook.

brftrffoee as thick as pottage, Loi)190a.

broc L n. affliction, misery, care, toil, ad-

versity, BlJSo ; iE,AO,CP : disease, sickness,

M : fragment, ['broke'; breoan] II. n.

use, benefit. IIL a kind of locust? WWV brock'] IV.=broeo

brde 1. f. (T only in pi. brec, g.v.). II. m.'brook,' torrent, Bo,WW; Mdf.

broeo m. badger. Led. [' brock ']

broeoen of badger's skin, WW1521.

broeehol n. badger's hole, EC239".

broeelan to tremble, QD 156.

brdce=bryoebroeen pp. of (1) breoan, (2) braoan.±brocftan to crush, hurt, afflict, molest, M,AO,CP : blame, [broc]

brooUe fuU of hardship, W2481.

brdeminte f. brookmint, horsemint.

brtatoe = brftceeoc

broeung t affliction, sickness, MR 1-472*.

brod shoot, sprout, LHy6».brddL 'brood,' J2 -.foetus : breeding, hatching.

broddetan = brogdettanbroddlan=brodianbrdden pp. of brSdan.

brddenmAlf n. damascened sword.

brM«r=bi®6or; brddet-=brogdet-brddten to glitter, shine, OEG.brodig adj. broody, A8-309.

brdga m. terror, dread, danger, OP : prodigy.

brogden pp. of bregdan. [' browden ']

brogdenm&l=brodenm»lbrogdettan to shake, brandish : tremble,

quake.brogdettung f. trembling, shaking : figment,pretence.

±brogn bough, bush, branch, NG (v. ES38-340 and JAW),

broht 'visceUum,' WW541.

brdht pp., brohton pret. pi. of bringan.

brdhSrea m. direcalamity,Gmt 1813. [broga]

brom m. 'broom,' brushwood. Led; Mdf.brdmfeesten n. enclosure of broom, WW4147


brdmlg broomy, Bl207"?bron-=bran-; brond)=;brand, brantbrord m. prick, point : blade (e.g. r of grass orcorn).

±brosnian to crumble, decay, fall to pieces,

rot, wither, be corrupted, A0,CP.brotnlendllc {M), +brosnodlic (Bl,W) cor-

ruptible, perishable, transitory.

±brosnung f. decay, corruption, ruin, M.+brot n. fragment, G. [breotan]Broten= Brytenbroten pp. of breotan.

brvtottonto burstforth,shoot,sprout? (Napier)

-brogdettan? (BT), v. OEG1218n.brotJ n. 'broth,' Led. [breowan]brottar, brdoer^brdoorbro*hund(WW329*; 548»)=rotHrond?feoffor m. ds. brewer 'brother,' Chr,Mt,Lk.nap. (±) brottor, br68ru, Oen,Jn : feUow-man, Pe : co-religionist, Mt : monk.

brdftorbana m. fratricide {person), Gin 1526.

brdttorcwealm m. fratricide {act), GnrlOSO.brttSordohter f. niece, WW 173* .

brdftorgyld n. vengeance for brothers? Exl99.brotorleas brotherless, Rd85m.

broHorlle 'brotherly,' JBOr.brdfarUcnes f. brotherliness, BH.brdforlufu (-er) love, DR.brotforrAden f. fellowship, brotherhood, M :

membership of a brotherhood.

brtittorsclpe m. brotherliness, love, MtL : (+)brotherhood,fraternity, AO. [' brothership



brdUorslbb f. kinship of brothers : brotherly


brotforslaga m. brother-slayer.

brdflorslege m. fratricide {act), CP.britforsunu m. brother's son, nephew.

brdtfonybb= britioriibbbrottor-fflnen, -tSinenu f. midwife, M.[beortior]

broVorwIf n. brother's wife, sister-in-law.

brtiftorwyrt (e*) f. 'pulegium,' penny-royal,


+briHJ-ru, -ra mp. brothers, brethren, ML['i-brotheren']



+browen pp. of breowan.brQ f. nap. Dru(w)a, gp. brona 'brow,*

brow, eye-lid, eye-lash, Rd,WW.±brQean* to ' brook, ' use, enjoy, possess, par-take of, spend, B. brooen oyrtel a coat

which has been worn, M : eat, JnL; M :


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execute an office : cohabit with. [Oar,

braaohen]brQoendnoe serviceable, OEG531


brtkcung I function, occupation, BCM54".*bradon,bragdon pret. pi. of brSdan, bregdan.

brttn * brown,* dark, Snaky, Bofix : havingmetallic lustre, shining (v. NED).brana gp. of bra.

brtn-basu, -be(o)en brownish-purple, OEG.bruneogt withyleaming blade.

brunette m. itch, erysipelas, Lonl8a.brunewyrt=branwyrtbrnnttg burnished? brown-huedf B2615.brungen pp., brangon pret. pL of bringan.

bronlan to become brown, Lon 106b.

brunna=burnabrtnwann dusky, Air 1308.

branwyrt f. 'brownwort,* water-betony, wood'betony, Led.

brutfon pret. pL of breooan.brQwa nap. of bra.

±bryoe (i) I. m. 'breach* ('bruche*), fracture,

breaking, J&(\),QuJjL : fragment, OEG.[brecan] II. fragile, brittle, worthless,

fleeting. ['bryche*) IIL m. use, enjoy-

ment, service, exercise, advantage, gain,

profit, fruit, ^5(i),CP. [Oer. brauoh]br?ee useful, profitable, [br&oan]

-bryoel v. bus-b.

bryoett pros. 3 ag. of brecan.

bryeg f. 'bridge?M\ AO,Mdf.bryegbftt (i) f. repairing of bridges, LL.bryeggeweorc (i1 ) n. work of building or

repairing bridges.

bryeglan to 'bridge,1 make a causeway, pave,

An.bryegweard (i1 ) m. keeper or defender of abridge, Ma86.

bryegwyreende lpontifex*f DR194W.

±br?e~lan, -aian to use, enjoy, DR : profit,

pree. 3 flg. of brecan.

bryetf pres. 3 sg. of braoan.

brfd I. (6, i) f. 'bride,* betrothed or

married woman, wife, consort, CP,brydee waede wedding garment : (f) (young)woman. IL =brygd

bryd-, brfd- =bred-, brid-

brydbadd n. bridal bed, M.brydbletsung (!) 1 marriage blessing, LL72,38,1.

brfdboda m. paranymph, bridesman, OEG18b71.

brfdbQr n., brydcofa m. bride-chamber, bed-

chamber.+bryddan to frighten, terrify, Sol 16.

-bryde v. un-D.brydeala, brydealo(tt) n. bride-ale, marriage-

feast, Chr. ['bridal*]

brydelic = brydlio

brydglfta fpl. betrothal, espousals.

brydglfu f. dowry : (pL) espousals, M.brydguma (iE,CP), brydiguma (M) m.'bridegroom,* Jn ; suitor.

brydhlop n. ceremony on conducting a bride

to her new home, bridal, wedding, Chr,MtL.['bridelope*]

•fbrydlan to marry.brydlio n. bridal, wedded condition, M : (pL)marriage ceremony, M. [' bridelock*]

brfdlAo* n. epithalamium, OEG.brydlio bridal b. gewrit Song of Solomon,WW388».

brydloca m. bride-chamber, Bl.brydldp=brydh]6pbrydlufe f. love of a bride, Jul 114.

brydnlht f. wedding-night, MH14».bijilniwl f. bridal bed.

brydreal n. wedding garment, MtL22u.

brydsang m. epithalamium, WW.brydttlng np. nuptials, Bl [


brygo=brycgbrygd I. (bryd) m. drawing out, unsheathing,

brandishing, LL. IL =br*d in.bryhfc^beorht; bryhtan=bierhtan±bryldan to seise property improperly held

by another, LL. [-*brigdan? BT]brym, biyinm^nbrhn ; brym-=brem-bryne m. burning, conflagration, BE : fire,

flame, heat, MtL; AO : inflammation, burn,scald, Led -.torch:fervour, passion, ['brine,*

'brune*; beornan]brynef. 'brine,* WW;M.bryntadl f. fever, WW238*.brynebrdga m. fire-terror, Jfczlfi]—A^brynegleldf (i») jfrbufni-offering.

brynahat burning hot, Don 51.

bryneltoma m. fire-gleam, flame, B2313.brynenes f. hard, fiery trial, HGl469.brynettar m, hot tear, Cnl52.bryne-wytan, -welnvf m. wave of fire, flame,burning heat.

bryngan=bringanbryntgt fiery, burning.

brynstan m. brimstone, NC275.bryrd=brerdbryrdan to urge on, incite, encourage, Met13». [brord]

bryrdnes f. incitement, instigation.

±brys-an, -ian to ' bruise, * crush, pound,BE,DD : season, So20*.+bryiednes f. bruising, crushing, WW211*bryiewyrt f. daisy, soap-wort, Led 1-374.['bruisewort*]

bryitmian= brytsnianbryt pres. 3 eg. of breotan.Bryt m. Briton : Breton.

bryta, brytan=brytta, bryttian±br?tan to crush, pound : (+) break up,destroy.

-brytadnes v. for-b.

Bryten (ev eo, i, o) f. Britain.

bryten (eo) spacious, roomy, Sat 687.brytencyningf m. powerful king.

brytengrund m. broad earth, Cb367.Brytenlond n. Britain : Wales.brytenifee (eo) n. I. spacious kingdom, Az107. II. kingdom of Britain.

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Brytenwealda m. wielder of Britain, Bret-

walda, chief king.

brytenwongas mp. spacious plains, the

world, G&^test pros. 2 Bg. of brtotan.brytlan=brvttianBryt-land, -lond=Brytenlondbrytmftlum piecemeal OEG1553n.brytnere m. steward, CP459".±brytnlan (i) to divide, distribute, dispense,

administer, B. Vbritten9


brytnung f. distribution, WW222«.br*tofta pL espousals, WW 171*. [bryd,


Bryton = Bryten, Briten±brytsen f. fragment, FM,G.brytenlan to parcel out, distribute, OEG2195


(+) enjoy, possess, ES8«473*.brftst pree. 2 sg. of breotan.Brytfc=:Bryt

bryttaf (e) m. dispenser, giver, author, gover-

nor, prince, lord, since* b. treasure-giver,

lord, [breotan]-f-bryttan = +brytan±bryttlan (i) to divide, dispense, distribute,

CP : rule over, possess, enjoy the use of.

Bryttisc 'British,' Chr.

Bryttwealas, Brytwalas mp. Britons ofWales.

BrytwyUse British, Welsh.brytten f. brewing, drink, Oujjcd. V bur-

then'; broti]

br*wtto Offi)=breow]aoU L n. nap. by dwelling. [Oer. bau]IL v. ba, bSgen.±boan any. (intr.) to stay, dwell, live, AO :

(tr.) inhabit, occupy : cultivate. [Oer.

banen]Mo, trace m. belly, stomach,M : pitcher,M


beaver (of helmet)\f ['bouk'; Oer. bauoh]buoea m. 'buck/ he-goat, male deer, JB,Lcd;CP.

budda m. beetle, WW543*.bQde 3 Bg., budon pL pret. of buan.budon pret. pL of booaan.bflend m. dweller, inhabitant.

bufan (j«;AO,CP) h prep. (w. d.) over,1above

9: (w. a.) on, upon. II. adv.

above, overhead, before.

bnfan-cweden, -nemd, -spreoen above-men-tioned, GD.bafonsbnfan; bug-=bu-±bugan L (sv1) to

lbow,' bow down, turn,

bend, stoop, sink, J6,AOJRood : submit, give

way, JB,B,Chr : depart, flee, retire, J5,AQ :

join, go over to, M : convert, M. II.=buanbub imperative of bugan.bulan=buan; bul==bulal.bula m. I. ornament. [£.] II. buUtEC449".

bulberende wearing an ornament, WW195"; OEG8™.

bulentse f. a plant, Lod44d.bolgon pret. pL of belgan.

bulluc m. male calf, * bullock, ' 8c.

bulot, bulut raggedrobin, cuckoo-flower, Lob.bun=buanbundf?own<fle,MtL13*

Mbunda=b6nda fbunden pp., bundon pret. pL of bindan.bundenbaord with bounden tresses, B3151.+bundennes f. obligation.

bundenstefna adj. (ship) withan ornamentedprow, B1911.buna I. f. cup, beaker, drinking vessel. ILreed, cane? W


198". ['6uV]bttnes f. dwelling, NC292.bur n. *bower,' apartment, chamber, (Ten,

WW : storehouse, cottage, dwelling, KC; M.[baan]±bur (osn. + ; but bur at LL92,6,3) m. free-

holder of the lowest class, peasant, farmer,


burbyrde (»*) of peasant birth, Gt.

bOrenlht n. chamberlain, eunuch.

bureot n. bed-chamber, CP.burg (barb) f. (gds. and nap. byrig) anyimportant dweutng within a walled en-

closure,fort, castk t Chr,WW ;CP : 'borough,9

walled town, AOMt ; M. [v. Mdf]burg- v. also burn-.

burgftgend m. city-owner, El 1175.

burgat as burggeatburgbryoe m. breaking into a (fortified)

dwelling, LL : penalty for that offence, LL.burgen=byrgenburgerihta np. peasant's rights or dues,


bnrgeteldt n. pavilion, tent.

burgfassten n. fortress, Gin 1680.

burgfole n. townspeople, B2220.burggeat n. castle-gate.

burghege m. fence of a 'burg,' Ct.

burg-blttf n. nap. -bleotiu fortress-height

(or?=beorg-bll8).burglagu f. civil law, GPH388.burgleod, -leoda m. citizen, AO.burgtoeat m. fortified inclosure, walled town.

burglond n. native city, Cb51.burgon pret. pi. of beorgan.burgrsseed n. fortress, Ruin 22.

burgrun f. sorceress; pL fates, furies, Gl.burg-anlf n. nap. -salu city-hall, house.

burgaiftta (§•) m. denizen of a town, citizen,

WW.burgselpe m. borough, WW49719


burgeele m. castle-haU, house, Rim 30.

burgslttendef mpl. city-dweUers.

burgsorg= borgsorgburgBteall m. citadelt city? WW205".burgstedet m. city, castle.

burgtun m. city, Wif 31. ['borough-town']

burgftelu f. castlefloor, Fin30 (burn-), [v.


burg-waran, -waru fp., -ware (AO,CP),•waras, mp. inhabitants of a 'burg/burghers, citizens.

burgweall m. city-waU, M.

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burgweg m. road, street

burgwlgend m. warrior. El34.

burh^burgburhblscop m. bishop of a city,

burhbdt f. liability for repair of the walk ofatown or fortress, LL.

burhealdor m. burgomaster, mayor, M.burhgeard m. castle yard, EC 328.

burhgeatsetl n. jurisdiction over those belong-

ing to the'burg' ? seat in a court at the city

gate? (BT; or T two words, v. LL466,2).

burhgemet n. measure used in a town, LL477(6).burhgemot n. town's meeting, LL.burhgerefa m. chief magistrate of a town,

provost, mayor, WW. ['borough-reeve']

burhgetflngtt f. town council, LL228, 1,2.burbmann m. citizen, WW. ['borough-man*]burhr&dden f. citizenship, WW44 J


burhrest f. chamber-couch, IM1258*. [?=•burrest, ES 38-347]

burhriht n. town right, law in a town, LL477(6).

burn-run, -rune f. fury, sorceress, WW245W.

±burhscipe m. township, civil district.

burhsdr f. city limits, city, township, M,burnspr&c f. courtly speech, Gl.burhstattol m. foundation of the waU of a'burg/ Lod1-328»

burhtfegn m. living in a 'burg'; or?=burtSegnburhwarumann m. burgess, BH40*1


burhwealda m. burgess, BH40*lB.

burhweardt m. city defender,

burhwela m. treasure of a city, B3100.burhwelle f. spring that supplies a town? BT.burhwerod n. townsfolk.

burhwlta m. town councillor.

burland n. land occupied 6ypeasant*,EC 384'.

burn f., burna (CP) m., borne f. brook, smallstream, Jn; Mdf : spring or well water, CP,WW. ['burn


; Oer. brunnen]burnon pret. pi. of biernan.

burnsele m. bath-house, Ruin 22.

burnstow f ? bathing-place, KC.burreat n. tapestry, TC530*.burscipe = burhscipeburston pret. pi. of berstan.

bur-tiegn, -ben m. page, chamberlain,

burtire==byroere; burun=burgbust proa. 2 sg. of buan.but m. a vessel, LL455' (?=buc; BT).bflta= (l) butan, (2) butubutan I. prep. w. d. and (rarely) a. out of,

outside of, off, round about : except, without,

all but, but only : besides, in addition to : inspite of. II. conj. (w. ind.) except, except

that, but, only. b. ottt except : (w. subj.)

unless, save that : (w. subst.) except, but,

besides, if only, provided that. III. adv.without, outside, Chb. ['bout,




bate = (1) butan, (2) butubutere f. 'butter,' Led; M. [L.]

buter-fleoge, -flege f. 'butterfly,' WW.

butergeftweor n. butter-curd, butter.

+buterlan to butter, Lcnl21a.buter-lc, -uc=butrucbutentoppa m. butter-vessel, WW280*.buton = butan; butre= buterebutrue m. (leather) bottle, M.butaeoarl m. boatman, mariner, Chr,['buscarl']

buttorfleoge= buterfleoge

buttue m. end, small piece of land,

butu (butwu, buta, bute) both (neuter), v.

also begen.butueoh (Chb,) v. betwux.butun = butan; buturue=butrucbutwu=butu; buwan=buanb*= bu; byan(N)=buanbyecen (i) of a goat, goat's, NC275.bfcara m. =beooereibyegan (i) to 'buy,' pay for, acquire. Ml,Jn : redeem, ransom : procure, get done :

sell, LL. [Ooth. bugjan]byegend v. becoen; b?en-=beacn-, biecn-

byd-, byd=bed-, bid-, bid-

bydel m. 'beadle,' apparitor, warrant officer,

Lk',M : herald, forerunner, M : preacher,

iE. [beodan]bydeteoer m. land of a 'bydel/ KC6-152*byden f. measure, bushel : bucket, barrel, vat,

tub, [Low L. butina; Oer. butte]bydenbotm m. bottom of a vessel, WW 123*.

bydentot n. bushel, barrel

bfdla m. worshipper, NG.b?enog (DR)=bying; b?end= buend-byffan y. a-b.

byfgendllc =bifigendlic

byflan (M) - bifian ; byfor = beoforbyg-. bye- = big-, bi, be-, big-

bygan = bieganbyge (ft; i) m. curve, bend, corner, angle,

cone (ofa helmet), A0,CP : traffic, commerce,LL 128,5.

b?gel=beogolbygen f. purchase, LL(328U ).

bygendUc easily bent, flexible, BH.bygeU pres. 3 ag. of byegan.byge* pres. 3 eg. of buan.byht m. I. (±) bend, angle, corner, Ct : bay,'bight,' [bugan] II.f n? dwelling, [buan]

b?h15 pres. 3 sg. of bugan.bying = bul.byi m? byle f? 'boil,' carbuncle, WW.byleettan= bealcettan

±byld f. constancy, confidence, boldness.


bylda m. builder? householder? Cba 75. [bold]byldan I. to build, construct, KC. IL=bieldan

byldu, byldo=bieldo; b?le=bylbyledbreost (=bylged-?) puff-breasted, Rd81 x


bylewlt= bilewit; bylg= belgbylgan to 'bellow,' MH.bylgtf pres. 3 eg. of belgan.byllg=belg

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tyltht (fly-) ulcerous, LcD63b.bylwet, byl(y)witi=4bilewit

bfme (J3)=biemeItymere (WW), bymesangere m. trumpeter,

M. ['bemcr']

h9nfontoblowthetrumpet,Pe,WW. ['terne']

bynd=bindbyndele, byndelle=bindelebfne cultivated, inhabited, occupied, AO.[buan]

byre, byroe=beorc, beorcebyrenort n. 6ireA wood, WW.byretJ pres. 3 sg. of beorcan.byrd I. (i) f. birth (pi. w. sg. meaning). II.

I burden, GD2151.

•-fbyrd I. fn. ; +byrdo, -u f. Wrla, Cr : de-

scent, parentage, race, BE : nature, quality,

rank, £!,AO : (f) fate. V birds'; beran]

IL6nnfenerf,MtRll» III.=+byrded^ +byrdan to beard, fringe, embroider.

-byrdan v. +ed-b.-fbyrdboda m. herald of a birth.

+byrdda>g m. birthday, Mtl4f.

byrde ofhigh rank, well-born, noble, rich, AO.+byrde I. innate, natural. II.= +byrd I.

+byrdeHee energetically, zealously, UP 160".

byrden =byroenbyrdlcge f. embroideress, WW262*.byrdlnenu= byrCrjinenu

byrdtng t embroidering, WW294".-byrdlng v. byse-b.

byrdtetre embroiderer (v. ANS 123-418).

+byrdllc (AS5u)= +byredlic

byrdllng tortoise, 0£G23U.

-byrdllng v. in-, frum-b.byrdacype m. child-bearing, Ob 182.

+byrd-Od f., -tima m. time of birth.

+byrdu=+byrdl.+byrdwlglere m. birth-diviner, astrologer.

+byrdwltega m. astrologer.

byre I.f m. (nap. byras, byre) child, son,

descendant : young man, youth, [beran]

IL m. mound. III. (±) m. time, oppor-

tunity, M : occurrence, AS 62". IV. m.strong wind, storm, GPH400.

bfre n. stall, shed, hut, Gl. ['byre']

+byr*dHe suitable, fitting, convenient, con-

genial, DR. adv. -lice.

byrele mf. cup-bearer, butler, steward, B.VbirW]

byrellan to give to drink, serve with drink,

Gu. ['birle* vb.]

+byrellc = +byredliobyren h (and byrene) f. she-bear, M. [bera]

IL=beren-bfren v. neahge-b.byres 1 borer, graving tool, awl, chisel, Gl.[borian]

byrett I.=bierC pres. 3 sg. of beran. II.«pros. 3 sg. of byrian I.

byrg gds. and nap. of burg.

byrg- . also byng-.+byrg I. (i) n. taste, DR116». II. boon ongebyrge (w. d.) to help, protect [beorgan]

byrga m. security, surety, bail, one who gives

bail, Gl. [Oer. burge]±byrgan I. (i) to raise a mound, hide, ' bury,


inter, ^Ey; AO. U.f («» eo) to taste, eatIII. = beorgan

byrgels (e, i) m. tomb, A,CL ['buriels']

byrgelilAo* (e1 ) n. epitaph, HGl427.byrgebsang m. dirge : epitaph.

byrgen (i, a) f. burying-place, grave, sepul-

chre, El,M,A0,C? : burial ['forfeit';

beorgan]+byrgen f. caul? LoDl86a.byrgend m. grave-digger, PPs78a.byrgenleo* n. epitaph, BH94".byrgensang m. dirge, OEG.byrgenstdw *• burying-place.

byrgere m. corpse-bearer, WW. ['forier']

byrglan= byrganbyrglng I. f. burial. II. f. taste.

byrgleott n. dirge, epitaph, Gl.byrht, byrnt-=beorht, beorht-, bierbt-

byrlitoi=breahtm±byrian I. (impers.) to happen, pertain to,

belong to, befit, jB,Mk,MtR ; AO,CF. ['Wr';

'i-bure'] IL=byrganI.andII.byrio=beorobyrig = burg, and gds. of bnrg.

byrig-= byrg-, burh-byrigberge i mulberry, Lon86a.+byrigednes 1 burial.

byrlgnes I. f. burial, BE. ['fortius*']

II. f. tasting, taste.

-bfrlld y. neah-geb. ; byrts=byresbyrtsang (i) m. dirge, HGl488It.

byrl- = byrel-

byrla m. trunk (of body), LoD68b.+byrman to ferment, leaven : swell up, be

proud, [beorma]+bynned n. leavened bread.

byrnan (;E)=biernanbyrne I. f. corslet, WW;CP. ['forne']

II.=burne, burn. III.=brynebyrnete f. barnacle, N0275.byrn-ham, -bamat m. corslet.

+byrnod corsleted, MQrVMP. [' i-burned']

byrnsweord n. flaming sword, Bl109m.

byrnwlga m. corsleted warrior.

byrn-w1gend» -wiggendf m. corsleted warrior.

byrs, byrse=byresbyrst L (e) m. loss, calamity, injury, damage,defect, M. [berstan] IL n. (landslip,KC3-52* (y. also KG5112" and Mctf).

III. f. 'bristle,' Ep,Lcd;M. ['brise,*

'brust'] IV. pres. 3 sg. of berstan.

V. pres. 2 sg. of beran.

+byrsted/urnM*ed with bristlest OEG 23*.

byrstful disastrous, Chb 1116.

byratlg broken, rugged : afflicted, [berstan]

+byrtld = +byrdtidbyrtJ I. pres. 3 sg. of beran. IL =beort5byrtJenf. 'burden,' load, weight, Bl,WW; M,CP : charge, duty, [beran]byrVenmAlum a heap at a time, J3H 1 •526M.

byrt$enmAte (e*) burdensome, KGlIOII

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byrtfonstan m. millstone.

byrtfonstrang droit? of carrying burdens,

£!H 1-208".

byrftere I. m. bearer, supporter, M. [beran]

II. f. child-bearer, mother.

byrtJestre (e) f. female carrier, HOl408u.

byrffllng (e) m. oeimer, OEG4922.byiUor=beor8or; +byrt$ttd= +byrdtldbyrtffllnenu f. midwife, GPH392.bysceop^bisoeop; byBegu=bysgabyseiMbisen; byslg-, bysg- = bisg-

bysmer=bismer; bysmer-=bismr-bysmergleow n. shameful lust, M2Sbai.

bysmor, bysmr-=bismer, bismr-bysn^bysenbytt= bist pres. 2 sg. of boon,bfiting i. beestings, WW 129". [beoet]

byt I.= bit pres. 3 sg. of biddan. II.=byttbft pre*. 3 sg. of (1) beodan, (2) beatan.bjtel,bytl=bietl; byter=biterbyttat=bvldabytlan, ±bvtlian to build, erect, £J,CP. [botl]

+bytle n. building, dwelling, M.±bytlung L building, M.bytme f ? keel : food o/ a (idle,

bytming f. hulk, keel of ship, M.bytne=bytmebftst pros. 2 sg. of beatan and beodan.bytt L f. bottle, flagon, Mt,WW;M : cask['bit'] II. small piece of land, KC3-86".III. pros. 3 Bg. of biddan.

bytte=byttl.byttehlld n. butt-lid, WW213".byttfyUlng f. filling of casks, LL 178,8,1.

bytJ= bi© pros. 3 sg. of beon.b*U pres. 3 sg. of Euan.hytfane=bytmebfwan (eo, f) to rub, brighten, furbish up,adorn.

byzen made of boxwood, WW. [box]

*, o&o-=ossf-, oeac*

esederbeam=eederbeam; cmti&oesdeastertun= oafortune8Bfester(o»b-)n. tatter, Gl. [L. oapistrum]-osBflan . be-, ofer-, ymb-c.eaflng f. hair-ornament, Gl.

onfl m. holler, muzzle, WW.-cftg f., cftga m.'key' (lit. and tig.), ExJLL,Rd : solution, explanation, CP.

eftgbora m. key-bearer, jailor.

eAghlorde m. keeper of the keys, steward,

WW.c&gloca m. locked depository, LL 362,76,1.

-oAglod . a-o.

cash-= coah- ; essl- = oel-, oeal-, oiel-

0»ItJ pres. 3 sg. of oalan.

earn-; oa3n-=oem-; oen-, oyn-cftpehOs=oiepehOscseppe f. 'cap,

9 WW : cope, hood. [Lot.


esspte f. box, N0276. [L. oapsa]©SBr-=car-, oear-, oer-, oier-

e (e) f. 'cress,' water-cress, Led; Mdi

/WJo/creM,KC3121»eserte=oarteeAs=oeas pret. 3 sg. of ofiosan.

eftse=ci»e; esBstel=oastel

etMter (NG)^oeasteroaf quick, active, prompt, M : bold, brave.

adv. cafe.

eftflle bold. adv. -lioe promptly : fobtty, JE.oaflwyrt=oawlwyrtoafnes f. energy, £)H 2-282*.

eafortun (», eal, e1) m. vestibule, court, court-

yard, M : tatf, residence, M.eafsolpe m. alacrity, boldness.

+©atstrlan to bridle, curb, CP. [carfester]

cahhetan=oeahhetan; eil^oawl, oawelealan9 to grow cool or cold.

ealo L m. shoe, sandal. [L. oaloeus]-II.=oealo

ealeatrlppe =eoltetr»ppecalcrond shod (of horses), GfE143.oald (A^oealdoalend m. the beginning of a month, AO :


month, Men : (t) span of life, ['calends']

oalendewlde m. tale of days, Sol479.emll^oealfealfur (VPs) nap. of oealf.

oalic m. - chalice; LcdJLk,Mt,VPs. [£.-oatioem]

-oalla (ZDA 10-346) . hilde-o.

oalu (oal(e)w- in obi. oases) 'callow,9bare,~

bald, JUL. [Ger.kahl]calwer=oealerealwer-eJ&n, -olympe curds? WW.otma m. muzzle, collar, bit, PPs31".camb (o) m. 'comb,' crest, Ep,WW : honey-comb, LPs.

cambiht combed, crested, WW.cambol=oumbolcamel m. 'camel,' Mt,Mk.oammoo (a1) nm ? 'cammock,' rest-harrow, -

Lcd,WW.±eamp (o) I. m. combat, battle, struggle, war-fare, B,Rd. ['camp'] IL field, plain?EC 183*. [L. campus]campdom m. military service, warfare, M.campoaldor m. commander, OEG4433.campgefera m. fellow-soldier, Gl.camphad m. warfare, BH.±oampian (o) tostrive,fight,Qu;M. ['camp']eampllo military, M.eamprAden f. war, warfare, Ax4.eampstedef m. battle-field.

campung f. fighting, warfare.eampwApen (o1 ) n. weapon, Bd219


oampweorod (e»f ea1, e*) n. army, host.

campwlgt (oomp.) n. battle, combat.oampwlsa m. director of public games, HGi.406.

eampwudu m. shieldf El61.

can pres. 1 and 3 sg. of onnnan.can m. germ, sprout? PPa79lt

. [OS. oinan]

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dbeane n. jeering, scorn, derision, Gl.»eaneeler m. chancellor, Chr 1093. [Low L.

cancellariom]-cancer m. cancer, M. [L.]

eanoeradl !. cancer, Lod4U.caneerwund f. cancerous wound.eane-etan, -ettan to cry out, mock, deride.cancetung f. boisterous laughter,WW382*.cancer=cancer

I fn. lamp, lantern, * candle,* WW; M.[L. oandela]

eandelbora m. acolyte.

eandeJtayd (?=bred; BT) fiat candlestick,

IM120.eandelleoht n. 'candle-light,* RB.

-eandelmsBSse t ' candlemas, ' the feast of the

Purification, Chr.esndelmmsmfen n. Candlemas eve.

-caiidelmamedtBgm. Candlemasday,NC276.

eandelsn«tels m. candle-snuffers, WW126".eandelstaf m. candlestick, ML ['candlestaff']

-eandelstleea m. 'candlestick,' EC25W.eandettreow n. candelabrum, MtR5".eandeltwtet m. pair of snuffers, Gl.candelweoce t 'candle-wick,' torch, WW.candelwyrt f. candlewort, WW 137*.

eandol=candeloann I. f. cognizance, averment, asseveration,

clearance, LL. IL (±)prea. 3sg. of cunnan.- oanne f. 'can,' cup, WW.-canon m. canon, rule. oanonee bee

canonical books. [L. canon]canonic I. m. canon. II. canonical, M.eanonlollo canonical.

eam=oanflt pros. 2 eg. of ounnan.eentel m? n? buttress, support, A8-324".eantelcap m. cope, Chr 1070b.eantermppe t cope (vestment).

- cantere m. singer, CM 904.oanterstaf m. chanter's staff, EC260.eantto (M), oanticsang m. canticle, song. [L.]

-cap v. cantel-o.

peUan m. chaplain, EC,Chr (late). [L.]

plan to too*, up o. to tooib up, lie on its

back (of the moon), Lod 3*266*. oapiende'supinus,' GPH393a.

capitel=oapitoloapltamos n. chapter-house, IM122*.caplt-oi, .ul, -uli m. chapter (cathedral or

monastic) : chapter (division of a book),

lesson, LL : anthem. [. 'chapiUe']

canttotanaMe f. early mass, first mass.+eapitulod divided into chapters, LL(204»).cappa=o»ppe

- capon m. ecapon' WW. [L. oapdnem]* carbunculus m. carbuncle, CP. [L.]

earo-ern (AO,CP), -»m n. prison, jail[L. career]

eareernttyftru f. prison darkness, LL.caroarnweard m. jailor, MH241**1*.

earottfe=garolife; care-=car


-earful (©a) anxious, sad, Ou,8oul : 'careful,'

attentive, painstaking, Ps,WW : trouble-

adv. -Koe, LL.

cartulnes I. core, anxiety:

' carefulness, ' Led.-earfoaldor n. sorrowful *ong, Jttl618.eargtet m. sad spirit, devil, Gtr365.eartan to care for, be anxious. **-—

eartoum dp. of sb. with driedfigs, ASL23bM1.

[L. oarioa]

cartg (ea, e)t sorrowful, anxious, Cr,8oul :

grievous, DD. ['chary']

earl m. man. [ON. karl]

earleaa ' careless, " free from care, RB. •—

earleaanea, oarleast f. freedom from care,*

security, WW. ['carelessness']

oarlfugol (ea1, e») m. male bird, cock.

earnee (ea) wretchedly.

oartanann m. male, man, Chr.earr m. stone, rock, NG. [Celtic]

eaneM (ea) n. home of care, Sraf5.earaffi (ea) painful journey, B2396.earsorg f. sad anxiety, Gbn 1114.

carte (») f. paper for writing on, M : docu-

ment, died. [L. charta]

oaru (ea) f. 'care,' concern, anxiety, sorrow,-

B,Lk; AO.oarwyim (m*, e')t m. welting sorrow.

cateblU n. club, GPH394 (. A 31-66).

eacerdom m. imperial sway.Caaere (Caser, JnL) m. Censor, emperor,

Bo;&JlQ. ['Kaser']

catering f. coin with Caesar's head on it,

drachma, didrachma, NG.oneerllo imperial, WW427*.

casern f. empress, A026614.

eattue m. hassock, sedge, Lod.oatsuoleaf np. hassock or sedge leaves, Urn170a.

oactel L m. 'castle,' fort, Chr. II. n. town, *

village, Mt,Mk£k.eaatelmann m. townsman, Chr.castelweall m. city wall, rampart.

castelweore n. casUe-buUding, Chr 1137.

cattenere m. cabinet, chest, TC631'.oaaul m. over-garment, 'birrus,' cloak, WW.['chasuble']

eatua m. (grammatical) case, MQn.eatt m., oatte f. 'cat,' Gl; Mdf.—~- -

caul [S6wl]=oawl I. and II.

caweUeal n. cabbage-leaf, Lod.cawelaAd n. cabbage-seed, Lod.eawelitela m. cabbage-stalk, Lod.oawelstoo (oal-) m. cabbage-stalk, LcdI-3788.oawelwurm m. caterpillar, WW 121".

oawl I. (e, ea, eo) m. basket, AO. ['cawl']~

IL m. 'cole' ('caul,' 'cawel'), kale, cabbage,

Led.oeae am. basin, pitcher, jug, M,CP : kettle,

oai*Wroa,LL24;104;116.oeaeadl (So) f. jaw-ache, LcDl09a,U3a,oeaeban n. 'cheek-bone,' iaw, WW.eeacbora m. yoke for buckets, Gl.eeaee f. cake? (BT) WW60510


etaee (e, ei, do) f. 'cheek,' jaw, jawbone,Lcd,WW.

oeaega m. broom, furze, BC,KC.oeacl=oeafl

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-•eat (e) zl nap. ceafa 'chaff,9 Mt,Lk,WW;

£2,CP.ceaf- =oaf-, oeaf-, cief-

-ceafflnc m. chaffinch, ANS 76-206.

.ceafl m. jaw, cheek, jaw-bone, cheek-bone,

JS,WhaU. ['jowl*]

ceafladl (oealf-) {. disease of the jaws, Lcd90b.

-ceafor (e) m. cock-1chafer/ beetle, Ps,WW;


ceanhe f. daw, KC3-48*.oeahhetan to laugh loudly.

eeahhetung f. laughter, jesting, M.-eaale (a) m. • chalk, * lime, plaster, AO ; Mdf


chalkstone, pebble, Ep,WW.+eealcian (») to whiten, MtL23w.

-cealest&n m. limestone, chalk.

.eeald I. adj. 'cold* ('cheald*), cool, Mt,Jn;AO,CP. adv. cealde. II. n. coldness, cold.

cealdheort cruel, An 138 (oald-).

-eeakUan to become cold, Rim. [' cold ']

-eealdnes f. coldness, cold, M.eealer m. pressed curds, jetty of curds or

whey. [L. galmaria]oealerbrfw m. pottage of curds, Lcd.

-cealf h (», e) nm. (nap. oealfru) 'calf,* A.II.=oeafl+oealf (e) great with calf.

caalfIdl=oeafladl. eealnan to calve, M.oealfloca m. calf-pen.

eaalfre = oealre, oealer

eealfwyrt (a)leruca,* WW 136".

-cealllan to 'call,* shout, Ma9\. [ON. kalla]

eealre = oealer and das. of oealer.

eaalwa=oalwa-*efop (e, y) m. cattle, CP : purchase, sale,

traffic, bargain, gain, B; CP : price, LL.deop o. high price, biitan oeape gratis :

goods, possessions, property, Chr ; AO :

market, JR. ['cheap*]

eeapcniht m. bought servant, slave, Gl.oeapdseg m. market-day, WW.etapeadlg? rich, wealthy, Gn108.cfopaaletfel n. alehouse (v. BT).oeapgyld n. purchase money, market price :

compensation, v. LL 2*338.

-etaplan to bargain, trade, Mt : buy, Jn,Cr;AO : endeavour to bribe, Da739. [ 'cheap *


Oer. kaufen]-etapman m. 'chapman,* trader, BH,LL.eeapaceamul m. seat of custom or toll,

treasury, G.ceapsclp n. trading vessel, A01164


ceapsetl (e*) n. toU-booth, G.eiapstdw f. market-place, market, CP.oeapstr&t (e, y) f. market-place.

- ceapung f. traffic, trade, LL. ['cheaping*]

eiapunggemdt n. market, WW4501.

eear^caroearcetung f. gnashing, grinding, W2001S


eearclan to creak, gnash, A. ['chark*]

cearde=cierde pret. 3 sg. of cierran.

-l-ceaifan to cut off, kill, NG.

cearm=oirmoear-rlge, -ruoe a vehicle? Gl.ceart wild common land, KC.oearwund badly wounded? LL6[63].etas L=coast; II. pret. 3 ag. of eeosan.

-ceasega v. wuel-c.

ceaslunger contentious, v. NC276.etast (&, 6) t strife, quarrelling, contention,

WW : reproof.

coastel=casteloeaster (m, e) f. castle, fort, town, CP ;

^heaven, hell.

ecasteresc m. black hellebore, Lod.ceasterbaend m. citizen, B768.coastergewar- = oeasterwar-ceasterherpa* high road? (BT)9KC5-2171


oeasterhlld n. city gate, 0314.oeasterhof n. house in a city, An 1239.

eeaster-lftod f. np. -leode citizens, NC276.oeasternlse (as) urban, municipal, TC244".ceaster-ssBtan, -s&te mp. citizens, TO.±oeaster-waran mp., -ware, -warn f.

burghers, citizens.

oeasterweall (e1 ) m. city wall.

ceasterwlo f. village, Bl69-*.oaasterwyrt f. black hellebore, Lod.ceastful contentious.

etaw pret. 3 sg. of ceowan.ceawl(lftL)=oawlI.ceoe (FP«)=oeaoececel (ooecil) cake, Gl.cede (VPs) =ciegde pret. 3 sg. of ciegan.-

oedelo f. the herb mercury.oeder nmf. cedar. [L. oedrus] ...y^

eeder-beam mn., -treow (y) n. cedar-treeScedor-=oeder-oftdrlseo/cecfor, DR.eef (A3) = oeaf ; cet-=o®f-, oeaf-, cif-

cegan (VHy), cegian=ciegancehhettung= oeanhetungeelce (MtLR); ceig- (N)=oeaoe; olg-

celr cry, clamour, DR.cel=cawloelan (») to cool, become cold, be cold, MH,—VPs (oe) : (+) quench (thirst), refresh.


oele I. (M) m. chalice, cup. [=calic]

II.=oealooeldef f. copious spring? [op. Oer. quelle]

oeldre = oeoldre ; eele = ( 1 ) oeole ; (2) ciele

oelen-dre f., -der n. 'coliander,* coriander,

Led.eele-ttonle, -tfenie, oiletionie f. celandine,

swallow-wort, Lcd.cell (A) = oealf ; eelic = calic

oftllng f. cooling, & : cool place, M. —'—'

cells 'peditis,* foot-covering, A37*45.

cellwearte = cielewearte

cell m. (monastic) cell, Chk1129.oellender n., oellendre f. =cellendreeellod (e?)t part, round? hollow? embossed?beaked? Frs29; Ma 283.

celmertmonn m. hireling,, NG(v. ES42*172).

±celnes f. coolness, cool air, breeze, CP. [col]

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oelod y. oellod.

celras=oeallraa, nap. of oealer.

±oemban (») to comb, JB. ['kemb']eemes f. shirt. [L. oamiaia]eempa (») m. warrior\ champion, GltMa;MJL0,CP. [oamp]

eempestre f. female warrior, OEG.c*nf m. pine-torch, pine : name of the runefor o. [Oer. kien]eendHe=oYnlio

'-vine bold, brave, fierce, CPJjcd,Ma ; £*,AO :

powerful, VPs : teamed, clever, Met\&\['keen'; Oer, kuhn] also adv.

oenep m. moustache : bit (ofa bridle). [ON.kanpr]

eenllc=cynlio-oinBo* boldly, M. ['keenly



—dbeennan to conceive, bring forth : beget,

create, produce, Mt,VPs;CP : nominate,choose out, M : assign, attribute, give :

declare, show oneself, clear oneself make adeclaration in court (v. LL2-32;279'oennan/ 'Anefang'), BtLL,Ps.

oennend m. parent, Bl.cennendUo genital.

eennes f. produce, what is produced, EHy6M : childbirth : birthday.

eennestre f. mother, &.cennlng f. procreation, CP : parturition,

birth, M : declaration in court (v. oennan).eennlngstan fy1) m. testing-stone.

cennlngstow f. birthplace, M.eennlngtld f. time of bringing forth, M.eennystre=eennestreCant, Centescfr f. Kent. [L. Cantia]

-centaur m. centaur.

-aentaurie f. centaury (plant).

Canttngas mp. inhabitants of Kent, Kentishmen, Chb.

-Centlto Kentish.

Cant-land, -lond (AO) n. Kent.Centrlee n. kingdom of Kent.Centwaro mp. inhabitants of Kent, Chb.eanttu f. boldness, B2696.

v eeo f. chough, jay, jackdaw, M.eeoce (1TVP)=ceace; -ctoetan v. a-c.

oeod? oeode? bag, pouch, CP.LL.eeodor- =oeder- ; eeofl, oeol (NG)-oawl I.

~oM m. ship.

eeolas mp. cold winds, cold, As 103. [eieleT]

eeolbor-=cilfor-; ceoldre=oealreceole (e) t throat : gorge, chasm : beak ofship,Gl. [Oer. kehle]

eeolor m. throatceol-ttel n., -oelu? f. deck of a ship, Hu8.eeolwssrc m. pain in the throat, Lod 113a.eeorelng f. complaining, GPH398.

-dbceorfan8 to cut, cut down, slay, Mk,JS;LkL : carve, cut out, engrave : tear.

eeorbex f. axe, AO160".eeorflngben n. branding iron, Sc.

eeortex n. surgeon's knife, scalpel, M.±oeorlan to murmur, complain, jE,AO.eeorig querulous, complaining, OEG.

oeori m. lchurl,

9layman, peasant, husband-

man, CP : freeman of the lowest class, LL;AO,CP : man : husband, Jn,WW;CP :

hero, noble man.oeorlAs ( =oeorlleas) unmarried (ofwomen),LL360,73b.

eeorlboren low-born, not noble, LL.eeorlfolc n. common people, M.±eeorllan to marry (of the woman), LL,Mt;M. ['churl



ceorHc=oeorllioccorilsc (ie) of a * oeori, ' 'churlish,

9 common, -

rustic, LL,WW. adv. -Usee.

oaorUsenas i rudeness, vulgarity.

eeorlUc common, belonging to the peoplegenerally, adv. -lie© commonly, vulgarly.

eeorlman m. freeman, LL73; 463.

oeorlstrang strong as a man, WW 108*.oeorm=cirmeeorran L (bv*) to creak, Lcd 160a. II. (+


=cierraneeorung f. murmuring, M.±oeoaan* to 'choose? ('i-eheose


), seek out,-

select, AO ; M : decide, test : accept, approve,B,Gen.

eaosel (i, y) m. gravel, sand, shingle, Ep,Mt;M. ['chesU



oeoselbAre gravelly, shingly.

eeoselsttn m. sand-stone, gravel, WW.oeoslen (OEG7M1 ), oeoslig (4") gravelly.

oeoaol I. m? n? gullet, maw. II. =oeoeel±ceowan* to 'chew,

9 gnaw, Mt8oul : eat,

consume, M.ceowl(NG)=oawlceowung (1, y) f. 'chewing,

9 WW (I).

cep; eep-=o£ap; eeap-, cyp*otpan I. to 'beep,

9guard, observe, attend, ~


look outfor, take heed, M,Lcd,Ps : take, M :

avail oneself of, betake oneself to, take to,

bear : seek after, desire, JB : meditate :

regulate by : seize, M. II. = cypancepnlan to await eagerly, I. (e, y) n? new wine, sweet wine. [L.

oarenum] II.= oyrneer-felle, -fille f.


9 Lcd,WW.oerefolium]

eerge=oarig; cerMc=cirliocerm=oirm; oerr^oierroars- =o«ers- ; cert- =ceart-, oyrt-

eertare charioteer, MLI&"*.eeruphln cherubim, El760.

oes- ; oee- = oeos- ; cis-, oya-

eto =oeas pret. 3 ag. of ceoean.

Cesar (AO)=Caeerecester^oeaster; easttan=oy8tiane§te = oyte ; eetel, oetil= citel

o«t$an=o^6an; eewl (NG) = oawlchor, chore m. dance, choir (singers), CPchurch-choir (place). [L. chorus]

chorgleo n. dance, LPs.clan sbpL gills, Gl. [Oer. kieme]oleel=cycelcleen (y) n. 'chicken,

9 Mt,WW.

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eloene [M) =cyoenederoplso cyclopean?WW217".+dd n. altercation, CP,DR,GD.-±ddan w. d. or wifi) contend, quarrel, M,WW i complain : 'chide,' blame, Mk-, M,CP.

ddde I. pret. 3 eg. of oidan. II.=CySdepret. 3 sg. of ofttan.

ddung (y) f.e^ re&fd*, AO.clef68 = oifes

±degan («, I, y) (tr.) to call, name, M (i) :

call upon, invoke, summon, convene, CP :

(intr.) call out.

deM(o)f.eoW. [oeald]

-dele (e, i, y) m. coolness, cold, 'chill,' frost,

Bit AO,CP. [oeald]

ddegteelt (y1) m. icicle.

delewearte (e1, y1) f. goose-skin, WW.

-delewyrt (y) f. sorrel.

delf=oealfdelle (i, y) f . fire-pan, lamp. [OHO. kella]

depa (e, i, y) m. mefcAaia, trader, ^.depe=clpedepehus (ft1 ) n. dorefewse, WW 186".depemann (CP), ciepmann (LL) m.merchant.

depettng (e, y) np. goods, merchandise.deplic (y) /or safe, vendible, Sc98".depung (e, I, y) f. marketing, trading, CP :

marhet-placty market : merchandise : marketdues.

derloe=oirioe; derUfe=oeorlisoderm =oirm

(e, i, y) m. turn, change, time, occasion,&,CP,Lk,Lcd : affair, business, et samamderre at some time, once, ['chare']

±demn (eo,i,y) (tr. and intr.) turn, change,PsfSat : (intr. ) turn oneself, go, proceed, turnback, return, Mt;M: convert, be converted,

CP : submit, Chr,W : make to submit, re-

duce. [' chare, '* i-cherre ']

+derrednes (y) conversion, M : entrance,admission, RB.±derring (e, y) f. conversion, NC341.dese=otoedest, desS pros. 3 sg. of eSosan.dies (ie, e, y) f. concubine, harlot, AO. [Qer.

kebee]dfesboren adj. bastard, OEG6042.ettesdom m. fornication, OEO6042.elfesgemana m. fornication.

dfeshad m. fornication, WW.dgan=clegan+clgednes f. calling.

+clgendllc calling, vocative, £3Gr23*.dgere (ei) one who calls, DR1941


+clgnes f. calling, invocation, entreaty ;

name, A 10-143".

±dgung f. calling, invocation, NC292.- olid (v) (nap. oild, oild-ra, -ru ; gp. -ra) n.

'chttd,' infant, Mt,Lcd, etc. ; £J,AO,CP : ayouth of gentle birth, KC.

•dldamssssedsBg m. Childermas, Innocents'Day (Deo. 28).

eUdatrog = oildtrog

oUdditJas mp. swaddling-clothes.

ellderadol m. cradle, M.elMfMende nursing, MtR24».dld-fMre, -festre f. nurse, LL. [v. 'foster']

elldgeogo* f. childhood, £2,30**.dldgeong youthful, infant.

oUdhid m. 'childhood,' MkL.eildhama m. womb, & : after-birth.

eUdtoe 'childish,' Gen.dldtagoffi= oildgeogoti

emiic childish, young, BH;M. ['childly']*—oildru . oild.

elkbung f. childishness, LL.dldtrog (oilt-, cilda-) m. cradle, Gl.dle(AO)=ddeeilforiamb n. ewe-lamb, M,WW.olllan to be cold, [ciele]

elllo m. sack-cloth of hair, NO. [L. oilicium]

ellle=oyIl; elm-=oym-dmbal, oimbala m. 'cymbal,' Lcd,VPe-[L. oymbalum]

elmbalgDwere m. cymbal-player.

elmblng f. commissure, joining, WW 15s ;

200".dmbfren n. edge-iron? (joining-iron, damp?BT), LL465[16].dmtetin m. base, pedestal, 80226*. [v.


cln= (l) cinn; (2)oynn,n. ; etn-=oyndnan1 to gape, yawn, crack.

dnban n. chin-hone, jaw-bone, M. —dnberg f. defence of the chin or cheek, cheek-

guard. Ex 175. [beorg]dneung f. boisterous laughter, WW 171*.dnd=cyndelne L f. sheet of parchment, folded, '«K-

ploma,' M. II. f . chink, fissure, cavern.

dne-=cyn(e)-elneht (io) chinky, cracked, WW43".dog, ftining= oyningdun I. n.

?chin,'WW. II. =eynn n. •

dnnan to gape, yawn? Rim52.

dntfft m. front tooth, grinder, Gl.dnu f. chink, fissure, M,Bo,WW. ['chine']

do-=oeo-; doJ=toeodp =cipp ; dp-= oeap-, clep-, c^p-d|»e (le) f. onion. [L. oepa]ctyeltao n. leek, WW380*.dpenealf f. henna-ointment, WW20511


[L. oypros]dpp (y) m. log, trunk : coulter, ploughshare :

weaver's beam, A9-263.

olr=oierr; otre-=eirio-

clrcian to roar, Lcd 1-390" (v. A31-56).droolwyrde m. computer, mathematician,A8-306.

olrcul m. circle : cycle, zodiac. [L. eironlnm]dreuUdl f. the shingles, Lod.elrebald (Airl71)=cynebeald?onioAw nf. marriage to the church (as whenone takes orders), LL.

drtobeUe f. 'church-bell,' Lcd. . * „oirleboe f. 'church-book,' manual of thechurch services, W.

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otriebdt I. repair ofchurches.eirle-brAe f., -bryoe m. sacrilege, M.

""— elite-dor n., -dam church-door, LL.——olrtee (ie, y) i * cAureA, ' religious community,JBJBH,Mt; OP : cAwrcA (building), temple,

AO ; CP,Mdf : congregation (non-Christian),

P*.eJrtoend m. an ecclesiastic.

driofrfft mn. right of sanctuary : penalty forbreach of the right, v. LL2-537.

efrtelultum m. supportfrom the church.

clrlegang (y) m. going to church, LL473P7]


churching, purification {of the B.Y.M.),CM484.

elriegemana (y) m. church-membership,W103*.

etotegeorn zealous in church-going.

efrtegerllit n. church-due.

ebtegrftt (y) n. church-peace, right of sanc-

tuary, LL : penalty for breach of the right,

LL263[3]; . 2-537. V church-grith']

ebrlehid m. an order of the church, LL.ebtehilgung i consecration of a church.

ehichata m. church-tormentor, persecutor, W.——clricland (y) n. land of the church, GD.—eirtclic ecclesiastical, BH,Chr. ['churchly']

chicm&rsuiig (y) f. dedication of a church,W277W

elriemanguiig f. simony, LL.clrlemittam. churchmeasure (o/afe)/TC 144**.

drtcnftod f. requirements of the church.

olrionytt i church service, Cba91.drleragu f. church-lichen or moss, Lob51b.etrieren (y

1) n. sacrUeae, LL254x. [ran]

etototang m. hymn : church-singing.

eirlcfangere m. church-singer, BH466".— elrtesoeat m. *church-scot,* church-due at

Martinmas, BH,W.efrteeeeatweore n. work connected with the

grain given as church-scot, KC.enictdcn (y

1) f. church-privilege, sanctuary,

LL : territory of a church : attendance at


etrletU f. service-time, LL.drtct&n m. churchyard, LL.elrteVen m. minister of a church, LL.enicttenung f. church-duty or service.

efaieffing n. object belonging to a church,

LL381[27].efcricftlngere m. priest, WW 155" (yro).

olrlewseoce L vigil, LL.etricwdd f. vestment, LL258[51].ehicwag m. wall of a church, LL.drlowaru f. congregation, LL4007

; 2-530.

clrtoweard (e1, y1) m. churchwarden, sexton,

|>eam m. cherry-tree, Gl. [L. oeraaum]i L (e, y) charlock. II. =ciriolic


etrm (ef ea, eo, ie, y) m. cry, shout, outcry,

uproar, MtR,WW. ['chirm']'

elrman (e, y) to cry, cry out, call, shriek,

Qujud. ['chirm']

eJrnel (GL)=eyrnel

dry* [y) curly, ['crisp'

±elrpelan to crisp, curl. -

elrrMuerreU fastidious, [otoean]

[For oom-(fi. 8, f) m. 'cheese,' WW.pounds, v. also ofs-]

ebel, oiflil}=^oeoeel

etaermppelm. driedfig,WWW. [=ciris-?,cherry (BT)]

eber-beam, oisir- =driebSamotanes f. fastidiousness.

cist (e, y) h f. 'chest,' casket, QlJnR : coffin,-BEyLk : rush basket, WW : horn (as re-

ceptaclet), WW. IL=oystI.obt pree. 3 eg. of oeosan.

" =ditLchestnut-tree, Gl. [L, -


elitmelum earnestly, OEG4". [oeast]

eltel m. 'kettle,' cauldron, Ep (e), Led (y).—ettelhrum (e1) m. kettle-soot.

oltellan v. to tickle.

elteliing f. tickling, W


27*. [(

kittling']—eltere, oitre (y) t cithara, CJVPsoltt m. seed, germ, shoot, A : mote, CP.-['chiihe']

eftfnet well-rooted, £!H304»elwung=oeownng; ett=clea, clawuolabre (Gl) = ol&fre ; elae- = ctac-, cleao-

elaou f. injury, W8610.

+clftded (MkL5M) pp. of +olaCian.eladerstioea m. ramestick, Gl.elcecleai harmless.

etodur (ea) rattle, Gl. [olader] —-

clAlerwyrt f. clover, Lod.elAfre f. 'clover,' trefoil, Lcd,WW; MdtelAgm 4

cfay,' ffPF.-

dims; 'clayey,' Ct.

±elAman to smear, caulk, plaster, anoint,-AJjcd. ['cleam']

eUemlng f. blotting, smearing, jEGr256*.elmmman (—clem-) topress, GD.olamnes f. torture, BBL2901.

eUbne (a, 6) I. 'clean,' CP,Lk^ : pure,-chaste, innocent, M,Bl : clear, open, El,

Lcd,Ps. on olfinum felda in the open field

(of battle), CP227* : honourable, true :

acute, sagacious, intellectual. II. adv.clean, clearly, fully, purely, entirely, JE,Ct\

AO,CP.el&ngeorn yearning after purity, celibate.

eUenheort pure in heart, M.elAnlle ('cleanly'), pure, Bo,Met : excellent.-

adv. -liee=ol£ne.

olftnnes f. (moral) ' cleanness, ' purity, chastu -

ty,BH;M,CV.elAnsere (e) m. priest, CP1391*; W72«.±cUBnsian (sn-) to 'cleanse,' purify, chasten,-

CP : clear out, purge, Led : (w a. and g.>

justify, clear oneself.

clAnsnlan= eldnaian

elAntung f. 'cleansing,' purifying, chasten-


ing, castigation, expiation, Mk\& : purity,


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eUensungdsBg m. dayforpurging,Lcd 1 -330*.

eldnsungdrenc (en) m. purgative, MH72*7.

etoppettan to palpitate.

eteppetung f. clapping : pulsation, pulse, M.—*- ctopplan (a1 ) to clap, beat, throb,

«l*sn-=ctens-; cUMfe^olatS

elsewetfa= oleweoaelU pret. 3 sg. of cllfan.

«l«fre(GL)=cl£freelam I. m. paste, mortar, mud, clay, JS>Lcd :

poultice. ['cloam9

] II.=oleamdp.of olea.

elamb pret. 3 sg. of olimban.-—- clamm m. 6an3, 6on<i, fetter, chain, AnfBl,

Rd : grip, grasp. [. 'clam']

olan-=oLten-elang pret. 3 sg. of clingan.

elapplan = ciaeppian

elisnlan (VPs)=oliensianclataerop= elate


€m*Lbur,burdock,clivers,Gl,Lcd. ['dote';

Oer. klette]

clatrung f. clattering, noise.

cla* m. 'cloth,' 'clothes,9covering, sail,BH,

Chr,Jn,Lcd ; AO.CP. under (Mates olaUumin baptismal garments, Chb688x.+cia«ian (ol*8an) to 'clothe,' NO.—elaflweoce f. wick of cloth, GPH391.clauster= olustor

elawan7 to claw, M.clawian to scratch, 'claw,

1 MOrH^n.—clawu f. nap. clawe 'claw,9

J£,GlJ*h : hoof,

M : hook, M : (pL) pincers


—«lawung f. griping pain, Lod.clea-=cl»-, cleo-

clea= clawueleac f. stepping-stone, KC4-36. [CelUc]

eleaelan to hurry, M.oltal pret. 3 sg. of oleofan.

elem-, clen- =ol&m-, clfin-

-olencan v. be-o.— elengan to adhere, ita29». ['clenge9


oleo-; cleo-=cli-; clie-, du-eleo=olea, clawu—-eleofa (ea, i, y) m. cave, den : cell, chamber,

cellar, A,BR. ['cleve9


cleofan2 to 'cleave,' split, separate, A,Br,Ct,

QPH.«leonan=olifian; eleofu=nap. of clif

-— eliofung f. 'cleaving,1 WW.

elione=cleowene, as. of cleowen, oliewen.

cleop-=olip-clep-=clcep-, cleop-, olip-; elere^clerio

eler-lc (-eo, -oo; clerus, PPs67M ) m. 'clerk'

in holy orders, WW : clerk in minor orders,

LL. [L. olericus]

eleriehad m. condition of a (secular) clerk,

clerical order, priesthood.

elewetJa (»*) m. itch, CP71 lf. [ol&wan]


cllbbor clinging, Men 245. [olifian]

+ollbs (e; oleps; ctasp, y) clamour, CP.clid-ren, -rin t. clatter.

olleplan = clipian"—cllewen, oliewen? (eo, io, i, y) n. sphere, ball,

ball ofthread or yarn, skein, J&,CPfh,WW:mass, group, ['clue



cllf n. (nap. oleofu, ofifu)lcliff,

9rock, pro-*.

montory, An,B,Ct; ^,CP.oUla=oleofa; eUf»hug=clifihtigclltan1 to 'cleave,

9adhere, JS,CP. .

elite f. 'clivers,1

burdock, Lcd,WW.*clifent=clifiht

ollfer m. nap. elifras claw, M.cllferttte cloven-footed, ML25n.

cUl-hlep, -hlyp m. a cliff-leap, plunge to

ruint (BT),Gl.cliflan (eo, y) to adhere, M,CB.eUflg, olif-iht, -ihtig steep, Gl.ellfr- . olifer.

ellfrlan to scarify, scratch, JE.

ellfrung f. clawing, talon, GPH308.cllfstan m. rock, WW37L"clifwyrt f. cliff-wort, water-wort, foxglovesWW134»andir.

+ellht pp. of +*oliooan, clyecan.-dim v. oalwer-c.

ellmban* (y) to 'climb,9Sol,— -~

ellmpre=elympreelinelg rough.

clingan* to stick together, An : shrink, wither,*—

pine, M. ['cling9

]clipian (e, eo, y) (tr. and intr.) to speak, cryout, call, MtJn,Pe\ CP : (±) summon, in-

voke, jE : (w. d.) cry to, implore, ['clepe9


ciiplgendlic (y) vocalic, J2Gn5 : vocative

(gram.), jEGr23.elipol sounding, vocal : vocalic.

clipung (e, eo, y) f. cry, crying, clamour,MtR : (±) prayer, Ps : call, claim, Chb1129. oa olypunga kalends.

dipur m. bell-clapper.

cliroc=olerio; +eUstre= +olystreelite f. coltsfoot, Lod 146a.

olltJa (eo, y) m. poultice.

-oUttan v. »t-o.

clifle f. burdock.

cliflwyrt t 'rubea minor, ' clivers; Lcd 173boUwe, cliwen=cliewenoloccettan to palpitate, Lod.clooelan to cluck, make a noise, rumble,

A8-309.fcToo*hamer m. fieldfare, WW287". [v.-

^rtoaV and Mdf]clot-=cluf-+elofa m. counterpart (of a document), OC80. [cleofan]

olofe f. buckle, Gl.clofen pp. of cleofan.

clomm I. m.=clamm II. pret. 3 sg. ofclimban.

elop m? rockf v. Mdf.elott lump, mass, HG1488. ['clot



eluege f. bell, BH34O .

clQd m. mass of stone, rock, M,AOES3813. ['cloud



clQdig rocky, hilly, AO. ['cloudy9]-

elufeht (if) bulbous, Lod.elufon pret. pL of oleofan.


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elulttung, clnfounge f. crowfoot : a vegetable

poison, v. OEG896.^«lufu f. clove (of garlic, etc,), bulb, tuber.


'elufwyrt f. * batrachion,9

buttercup, Led.['clovewort



elugge=cliicgeclumben pp. of olimban.elumlan, olummian to murmur, mumble,mutter.

clungen pp. of olingan.- *cltts, close i. bar, bolt : enclosure : cell, prison.

[L. olaoBom]clusters clyster; cluster =clustor

n. lock, bar, barrier : enclosure,

cloister, cell, prison. [L. olaustrum]dllstoreleofa m. prison-cell, An 1023.elnstorloc n. prison, Gl.

m. 'clout,' patch, cloth, Ep : piece ofmetal, plate, J&.

-~+elfttod 'clouted,9patched, A.

±elycoan to 'clutch,9clench, IMJSc.

elyf = olif ; clyf- = clif-, oleof


-H-eiyfte adj. deft, GPH393. [cleofan]

-clymmlan to climb, ascend, Sol414.-clympe v. oalwer-o.

clympre m. lump of metalolyne n. lump of metal.

clynlan I. to roll up, enfold, GPH. IL=clynnan

clynnan (intr.) to resound, ring, El51<(tr.) knock, NG.

olyp-=olip-clypnes f. embrace, BH238*.clypp m., olypping f. embracing.-±clyppan to embrace, clasp : surround, en-

close, VPs : grip, Oen : prize, honour,cherish, MyMhLR (io),CP. ['clip



-otysan v. be-b. [oluse]; +clysp==+clibs-clyster, +cly8tre n. 'cluster,

9bunch, branch,

M,Cp,WW.cfysung f. enclosure, apartment, M : closing,

period, conclusion of a sentence, clause.

elyt$a=oliCa; ciywen=oliewencnaht (iW?)= cnihtenaepling m. youth, M. [onapa]ensspp (e) m. top, summit, JB,Lk : fibula,

button, WW.+enAwe (w. g.) conscious of, acknowledging,M : known, notorious, manifest, pros. 3 sg. of onawan.

-enafa, onapa m. child, youth, JB,Sc : servant,

&,Mtfs. [' knape,9




^±enawanT (usu. +) to know, perceive, JRJl,JulyOEO.


-cniwUte (6») knowledge, ES42176.+cnawnes f. acknowledgement, EC2651


cnta gp. of oneo(w).enearr m. small ship, galley (of the ships ofthe Northmen), t&ni. [ON. knorr]±eneaHan to argue, dispute.

entailing f. inquisition, investigation :

dispute, debate.


cnedan* to knead, LcdJjkL.cneht= cniht; enio>=toneoweneodan, cneoht=on6dan, cniht+oneord eager, zealous, diligent.

±eneordlAean to be diligent, M.oneordllo diligent, earnest, zealous,

adv. -lice.

±eneordnes L zeal, diligence, study, Gl.oneordnes= +cneorenes+cntor-enes, -ednes f. generation, race.

eneores= oneoriss

cneoriftn? napkin (BT)t kneehoset (Kluge),Gl.

oneorisboc f. Genesis, WW414».cneorlsn (Bl), cneorifl(s), oneomis(s) f.

generation, posterity, family, tribe, nation,race.

oneoitfUsean =cneordlAoanoneow I. (eo) n. 'knee,

9 Ao,Bl^l,Mt : step-in a pedigree, generation, M. II. pret.

3 sg. of onawan.entowMgung f. kneeling, genuflection.

ontow-ede, -ade having btg knees, WW.oneowgebed n. prayer on one's knees, M.oneowholen m. ' knee-holly,

9butcher's -

broom, Lod.eneowlan (±) to kneel, A : know camally,-MLW. ['knee



eneowllan to 'kneel,9 LL.

oniewmssg m. nap. -msegas, -magas kins-

man, relation, ancestor.

oneowrlmt n. progeny, family.eneowsibb f. generation, race (BDS 8-527).

eneowung f. kneeling, genuflection, CM.eneowwraro m. pain in the knees, Lod.oneowwynt f. knee-joint, WW.enepp=cn»pp; eniw^oneowcnldan1 to beat, MtB21M.

enleht=cniht __——-—"

enll m. knife, WW.onlht (e, eo, ie, y) m. boy, youth, AO,BlJLL :_

servant,attendant,retainer, disciple, warrior,

Chr,Mt,Met : boyhood, MQr. [' knight9


cnihtcild (eo1 ) n. male child, boy.

enlhtgebeoritor n. child-birth, child-bearing,

Bl.onihtgeong youthful, El640.

enihthad m. puberty, 'youth,9boyhood, M, -

Bo ; AO : (male) virginity. [' knighthood9


onlhttugo* f. youth, A 8-299.

cnihtleas without an attendant, M.cnihtlic boyish, childish, Outh. ['knighOy 9]^enlhtfteawas mp. boyish ways, GDI 11*.

enlhtwesendet when a boy, as a youth.

onihtwlse f. boyishness.

enissan= cnyssanonltlan to dispute, Sc51".cnlttan=cnyttan; cnoclan=cnucian±onodan (So) to attribute to, assign to, load

with,CP.enoll m. 'knoll,

9 Ps; Mdf : summit, J&,Bo.~-enop 'baUationes,

9 WW 8*; 367M.

-onoppa v. wnll-c.

+onos n. collision, WW376*. [cnyssan]

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enosl zl stock, progeny, kin, family : native


enoasian to strike, hit upon, Skat8.

cnotmftlum 'strictim,9 A13-35*1


-enotta m. * knot, * fastening, AS : knotty point,

puzzle, J&.

dbonuolan to * knock* (door), J£,Mt : beat,

pound, IMJLcd(o).cnfUan, cnuwian to pound.

•fenyoo n. bond, DR.±cnyooan pret. 3 as. onyote, onyhte to tie.

+cnycled bent, crooked, WW458".cnyht=cniht

^— cnyU m. sound or signal of a beU, RB,WW.['knell']

. ±onyllan totoUabeU i strike, knock, LkR,MtL. [' knell



cnyllslan (LkL) = onyllan ; enyrd-= oneord-

±cnyssan to press, toss, strike, hew to pieces,

dash, crash (together), beat, M,AO,CP : over-

come, overwhelm, oppress, CP.enyssung f. striking, stroke, jEGb.

, ±cnyttan to fasten, He, bind, 'knit9('i-knit,


Mt,WW),A,Lcd;CP. [onotta]

enyttels m. string, sinew, OEG2936.ooc=coeo

—^-eoc m. 'cook,9 M,Ps\ CP. [L. coquns]

-—oooo m. cock, male bird, J£,Lcd,Mt ; CPJidf


oooool m. 'cockle,9darnel, tares, Mt.

oocer m. quiver, case, sheath : sword, spear.

eoeerfia f. 'framea,9 APsl6M.

eooerpanne f. cooking-pan, frying-pan.

+c6cnlan (o6oa-) to season food.eoonung f. seasoning, Lcd.oocor=oocercdcormete m. seasoned food, WW281s.

+c6cslan to cook, roast, RPslOl*.eocunung==c5cnung; ooour (iE)=cooer—oodd m. 'cod,

9husk, Led: bag, Mt : scrotum.

"^coddseppel m. quince, WW411U.

oodlc (ooydjo)elapsana,

9charlock? A 37*47.

ooo-, ode- (N)=oe- f c5--—-oofa m. closet, chamber : ark : cave, den.



oofgodas mp. household gods, Gl.

ooflncel n. tittle chamber, WW.-oofrlan v. a-c.

-—mftetan to make a noise, cough? Jud270.—-~coTn., nap. colu, cola 'coal,

9live coal,

&,CPJjcd,YPs.edl I. 'cool,


cold, B,BoJjcd : tranquil, calm.

II. pret. 3 sg. of calan.

-col© v. 6den-, win-c.

cdlcwyld f. 'frigida pestis,9 ague? WW24311


-—<odllan to ' cool, ' grow cold, be cold, An,Gv,Lcd.~—collandre f. coriander, Lcd.

edll= col ; -oolla v. morgen-c.—oollecta f. collect, CM,LL.+oollenferhtan to make empty, exhaust.

oollen-ferhff, -fyrhtJ, -fertJf proud, elated,

bold. [*cwellan (to swell)!]

eolloncrog m. water-lily, nymphcea.—-eolmase f. 'coal-mouse,9tit-mouse, WW.—edines f. 'coolness,

9 Ps

oolpyti m. (char-)coal pit, Ctr-

eolsweart coal-black, NC277.colt m.' colt,


eoltetnsppe t a plant, 'caltrop,9 WWt—

ooltgrsBg f T coWs-foot, WW 136" --eoltrappe=ooltetr&ppeeol-IMd, -Bred m. plumb-line, Gl.oolumno f. column.odm pret. 3 ag. of cuman.ooman (AO 70M)=oumaneomb, oombol=camb, oumboloomita m. comet, fCmi975. [L.]

oommuo=oammoocomon pret. pL of ouman.oomp^campeon=can pres. 1, 3 eg. of onnnan.eondel=candeloonn=oann pree. 1, 3 ag. of onnnan.eonsolde f. comfrey. [L.]

oonst= canst pree. 2 sg. of ennnan.consul m. consul, AO. [L.]

ooorte f. cohort, AO. [L.] ,

cop=coppodp m? ependytes,

9cope, vestment -

+o5p proper, fitting, CP.oopel unsteady, rocking? (BT),BC3-624.oopenere m. lover, CP.coper, copor n. 'copper,

9 Lcd. [L. enprnm]-eoplan to plunder, steal, WW379".-fcdpllc proper, fitting, adv. -lice.

oopp I. m. top, summit, HOI. {'cop9

] II. m*-cup, NG. ['cop



-eoppe y. ator-o.

copped polled, lopped, poUard, Ct.

oops (WW)i=toosp

+cor n. decision, [oeosan] _^-coroltt m. increase? choice growth?Lcd 3*212*

(v. A31-56).eordewanere m. ' cordwainer,


EC. [OFr.]

±coren (pp. of oeosan) chosen, elect, choice,-

fit, M : precious, dear.

oorenbeg m. crown, A9*172. [X. corona]±corenes f. choice, election : (+) goodness.foorenllo elegant, adv. -lice, WW.±oorenseipe m. election, excellence.

corfen pp. of ceorfan.

eorfllan to mince, [ceorfan]

corn n. 'corn,9grain, Chr,CP; £C,AO : seedr

berry, CP,Jn,Lcd; M : a corn-like pimple,corn.

cornaeeceda fp. chaff, WW1181.

cornappla np. pomegranates, OEGoorn-bAre, -berende corn-bearing.

oorngebrot n. corn dropped in carrying tobam, LL461[17].

oorngesAUg rich in corn, Lod.corngesceot n. payment in corn, Ct.

oornhos n. granary, WW 185*. .

cornhwlcce f. corn-bin, JE.

cornlad f. leading of corn, LL453[21,4].oornsssd n. a grain of corn, GD2631.-

oornteoKung f. tithe of com, W.

eorntreow n. cornel-tree, WW

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eorntrog m. corn-bin, WW1071.

eornue, oornnch=oranooeornwurma m. scarlet dye, Gl.

\ m. crown. [L.]

~-+eoxaiilan to crown, FPb5m.

eorsnAd t piece of consecrated bread whichan accused person swattowed as a test ofinnocence, LL.

oorfart, cortierf fn. troop, band, multitude,

throng, retinue : pomp.curwurma=oomwurma ; omsconeoep m. fetter, bond, Bo. [' cops ']

+oocpende, +coeped fettered, LPs.-eo» m. 'kiss,' embrace, JBJ,k,WW.coeeetung f. kissing, NG.

-eort I. m. option, choice, possibility : manner,way, DB : condition. tfoe ooatea oe oncondition that, ['cost'; V.NC341] IL(±)pried, chosen, excellent. [oeoean] lll.m?cortmary, taney, j&ca\ ['cost*]

oostero L m? epode, shovel, WW 106".

II.=coetnerezfcooaHan (w. g. or a., also intr.) to temp*,

try, j*we, examine, AO,CP. [0er. koeten]

eoettgend m. tempter.

oostnere m. tempter, iB.

+eo*tnes f. proving, temptation, trial, BH218»

eoetn-lan, -igend=oost-ian, -igend

eoftnangstftw f. place o/ temptation.

-±eoftung, ooetnung f. temptation, testing,

trial, tribulation, Mt; M,GV. ['eaitntmo'j

-cot (AO) n. (nap. ootu); oote f. 'cot,

eottaoe, bedchamber, den, AO,Lk,Mt; Mdf.coteaetla= ooteetla

n. hamlet, village, manor, Chr :

dwelling, ['cotlif']

-cotaetla m. cottager, LL. ['cotseUa9


oott=cote, ootac m. mallow, Gl.

eotfa m.v coCe f. =ooCucofflg diseased.

eotAloo tfl, miserably, Mwr25*efttfon (AO) =ouoon pret. pL of ounnan.

" it disease,sickness,JB,ChrJjcd. ['cothe9


+oow n. «4ino to 6e chewed, food, NO292.

oowen pp. of oeowan.era n? crooWno, WW208".—crabba m. 'crab,

9 WW : Cancer (sign of the

zodiac), Led.oraoelung? 'crepaeula,

9 OEG561*eracettan=or&oettan

i to resound, 'crack,9 Ps.

>1, oradel m. 'cradle,1cot, WW.

~-^cradolclld n. child in the cradle, infant,

W158^.erA =oraweorAeettan to croak, GD 118*. [ora]

oAeetung f. croaking.

orwt-=crai-m. physical strength, might, courage,

AyAOJSol : science, skitt, art, ability, talent,

virtue, excellence, Bo; ;E,CP : trade, handi-

O. H.

craft, catting, BH,CPfiB-,J& : work orproduct of art, Hex : trick, fraud, deceit, Bl :

machine, instrument, ['craft']

cr»fU=cr»ftiga±e»ftan to exercise a craft, build : bringabout, contrive, M.

cnefteHoe =cr»ftHoe-t-eneftglan to strengthen, render powerful,AO.

eneftgleaw skilful, wise,»l-t(l)ca, -t(e)ga=or»ftigacroeftig etronff, powerful* AO : skilful, own- >

nino, ingenious, Bl : learned, instructive,

A 8*321 : fcnotoiio; a craft, scientific : wr-tuous. [' crafty']

enaftlga m. craftsman, artificer, workman,architect, M,CP.

orsBftfgllee skilfully.

ercBftleaa artless, unskilful —


cr»IUIcortiJfciai> A8-317:«W/W. adv. -Hoe.

croeftwyrc n. clever workmanship.orsDt n. nap. cratu, oreatn cart, waggon*-chariot, M.

crsetehori n. cart-horse, WW108*. ——^»enatwAn m. cAoriot, AO. —*enetwba m. charioteer, ML1&".orAwtt pree. 3 ag. of orawan.craflan (a) to 'crace,' a#i, implore, demand, -

Chr,LL : summon. Led.crating (») f. claim, demand, TC644.-±orammlan to 'cram,' rtttjjf, ^(?r.erammingpohha m. 'vMcorittm,' NC.orampul m. crane-poot. [=*cran, pol]

oranm. ^ane, 1


orancftail m. weaving implement, crank,-LL*55[15].

orang pret. 3 sg. of cringan.oranle m. record, chronicle. [L.I

orantewritara m. chronicler, OEG7M.

eranoa m. crane. [Oer. kranieb]eras f^ood, dainty, NauII14


crat (WW140u)=ora)t; cratu . oroi.crawa m., crawe f. 'crow,' raven, Ol,Ps. —-*

±orawanT to 'crow, ' Mt ; (oraw-) n. crow-garlic.

eraae-=oreo-oraad pret. 3 eg. of orfidan.

creaft-=or»ft-oreap pret. 3 ag. of oreopan.orbs* fine, elegant, NC277.creasUo dainty, rich. . NG277.ereasnes f. elegance : presumption, elation,

OEG1108.oraat=orotCrioai mp. the 'Greeks,

9 AO,BH.Grace =Creo&8OraaJse Grecian, Greek, AO. — • —orMa m. creed, belief, confession offaith, iE—

[L. credo]credlc? a bowl, EG29s.

craft (AS)^cneftcreneestre f.female weaver, spinster, [crane]

±oreopan* (oocly refl.) to creep, crawl, M9*—


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crdgeynn n. kind of vessel, wine-Jar, WW210"+erdged (do) 'croctus, coccineus,' OEG5204*oroh m. saffron.


or6h I. m. «*ooJ, tot?, tendril IL.=orog6rohna=croooa; croma=crumaorompeht • placenta,' a fiat cake, E842-174; -

A37-48. D**"**^!orong =orang, pret. 3 eg. of oringan.

crop=cropperopen pp. of oreopan.

erop-leae, -lee n. garlic.

croppa m. duster, bunch isgrout^

«reopel=orypel-ereopere m. cripple, ['creeper']

--ereopung f. 'creeping,' OL•rfiow pret. 3 eg. of crawan.•repel =orypelcresaa m. (Gl), creese f. soene

-crlbb (y) f. 'crib,' staU, Or 1426.

erlee=oryooerlde pret. 3 eg. of origan.

origan? to bubble up. v. OEG7101±crimman* to cram, put in, insert

crine 'cothurnus,' ZDA33-250*.erlncan= oringanertng (gr-) downfall, slaughter. El 1 16.

±oringan* to yield, fall (in battle), die.

orlngwraeu (gr-) f. torment, Jul265.

ertppan = oryppanorlptt pros. 3 ag of oreopan.

-erisma m. chrism, holy oil : chrisome-dothanointing.

erlsmal m? n? chrismale, W36".ertnnhilgung f. consecration of the chrism.

erlsmllslng (y1) f. chrism-loosing, loosing o/. crumb, crump crooked, bent, stooping, <W.-

tae cAft«maie, eoa/Ermation, Chb. ['crump' ; flfer. kramml»cramen (oramm-) pp. of orimynan.

orunoon pret. pL of crinoanu

flower, berry, ear of com, EpJJcL,WW :

'crop' (of a bird), JE : kidney : pebble.

cropplht clustered, Lcd38d.erne m. cross, Led. ['crouch'] — *—

eruce f. pot, pitcher, Gl.orucethus n. torture-chamber, Chb 1137.-

orudan*t to press, hasten, drive,-

cruft m? orufte f. crypt. [L.]

k (o) m. 'crumb,' fragment, Mt,WWs

i (2?£0=oirp8 [•crwp*]

; m. anotn<«<i one, Christ, J3,CP.'—cristaUa m. crystal, M.

erliUillac of crystal, A4- 143.

cristelmAl =cruteam&lerbtelmAlbeam m. tree surmounted by across? upright shaft of a cross? EC386'.—crfsten 'Christian,' AO,BH; M. oa criet-

nan = 1he English as opposed to the Danes,Chb 894.

-crlsten m. cri*t(e)na m. 'Christian,' AO.

erundel mn. ravine, Mdf


erungen pp. of oringan.

orupon pret. pL of oreopan.

erase f ? cruse, A37-50.—-*-"

crusene, orusne f. fur coat, Gukunohner]

orybb=oribberyec f. 'crutch,' staff, BH; M.oryeeen made of clay, GPH398.

[op. Oer.

— eristend6m m. 'Christendom,' the church, orfdetf pree. 3 eg. of orudan.Christianity, AO;M

ertstenUe Christian, DR.-^-eristenmann m. a Christian, MH170**.

erlstennes f. Christianity : Christian bap-

tism, LL412[1]; 413[13a].

crlstef-m&l (Chb), -mel mn. (Christ's mark),

the cross, wyroan c. to make the sign of the


crfstlic Christian, LL.erbtnuBtse f. Christmas, Chb1021d.erfBtna=criBteneristnere m. catechisL

crfstnes = cristennes

erymbing f. curvature, bend, inclination,

WW382*. [orumb]+orymlan, +crymman (tr.) to crumble.

+orympan to curl «" '

erypel I. m. 'cripple,9 LkL. IL crippled*-

III. m. narrow passage, burrow, drain,

OEG; v. Mdf.erypelgeat n. narrow opening in a wall or

fence? BC2-3991.

erypelnes f. paralysis.

erfret, orfpo pros. 3 ag. of oreopan.

±oryppan to crook (finger), close (hand), bend,

eryps=oirpe; crysm*=oriam-± Cristnlan to anoint with chrism (as a cote- er*t=orydeti pros. 3 Bg. of oradan.chumen), ' christen, ' baptize, catechize, BH. eu f. gs. cii(e), oy, cus ; de. oy ; nap. oy, oye ?

crfstnung f. christening, anointing with~ " ' "

chrism or holy oil, W33w.


erf6=origeti (v. crip)?-crocc f. f crocca m. crock,' pot, vessel, Led.orooohwer? m. earthen pot, OEG4672.erdced=ordgedH-crocod crooked, bent, NC292.eroesceard n. potsherd, M.—oroowyrhta m. potter, JEQr.+erod n. crowd, throng.

aroden pp. of oradan."t m. croft, small field.

: m. crock, pitcher, vessel, Gl.

ou(n)a, oyna; dp. cum;TP«;Mdf.

eQbutere f. butter, Lcd. [on]

eub*re m. cow-byre, cow-shed, Ct.

cuc^owioeoeealf (m) n. calf, Erf, LL. ['cowcalf'] —euceler, ouoe(le)re = cuoler(e)

oneelero ^copo,* WW380».oucler, cuouler, ouolere m. spoon, spoonfuL[op. L. cochlear]

cuclerm&l n. spoonful, Lod.oucu (iE,AO,CP) v. owic.

oneurblte f. gourd, Lod 02a. [L.]

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ertele f. cuttlefish, WW 181'.

cudu (JS)=cwudujsueage f. eye o/ a cow, LL 116m.cuetton = oweoan

-cufsl £. 'cowl,1

hood (v. NED2 p. viii).


eufle, cuffie= oofel-eugie, cug(e)te, ouhte f. cap, 'eotpf,' hood,

head-covering, RB (v. 'and').eOhorn m. cow's horn, LL116.

- cuhyrde m. cowherd.

etle=cugle-eulfer, oul(e)fre f. * culver,

9pigeon, dove,

Qen,VPs,WW.eulmllle f. small centaury, LcD22a.

-eulpan as. of *oulpa? m. or *ou)pe? f. fault,

sin, Cr177.eulplan to humble oneself, cringe, Bo71M.

- culterm. 'coulter,1 WW -.dagger, knife, WW.

[L. culter]

eulufrs=culfre; oflmv. cu.

cumamf. stranger, guest, IE,AO,CP. oumenairas, inn, wioung inn, guestchamber.

cuman4 to 'come,1 approach, gel to, attain,

Lk,VPs; M,AO,CP. o. up land, be bom :

(±) go, depart, £i,AO : come to oneself,

recover : become : happen (also o. forft) :

put : (-f ) come together, arrive, assemble,M :

(f) w. inf. of verbs of motion, forming asort of periphrastic conjugation for Muchverbs. o6m gangan he came, com swim-man he swam, etc,

-comb h m. valley, £C;Mdf. ['coomb1


II. m. liquid measure, BC. [v. 'comb 1


cumbelgehnad = cumbolgehnastoumhl= (1 ) cumbol ; (2) oumuleumbolt n. sign, standard, banner.

cumbolgebreei, -gehnastj n. crash of ban-ners, battle.

eumfceihaga m. compact rank, phalanx,Jul 306.

oumbolhste m. warlike hate, Jul637.

eumbolvrifcat m. warrior.

eumbor, oumbulMramboleumsn pp. of cuman.Cttmenft-e f. godmother. [*oumaxlreA37*52]

Aw* I. cow's milk, Lcd 15a.

Hers? -eras? np. Cumbrians, M.i f. entertainmentfor travellers, Ct.

[cnma, feorm]efb-mloge f. -migooa m. cow's urine, Lod.euml=cumbleumffSs hospitable, [ouma]cumllttian to be a guest.

eumlffines f. hospitality,M : sojourn as Quest.

-cummise f. a kind of bird, 'parra,1 WW

260*-oumpseder m. godfather, Che894a. [L.

compater]smul, cuml n. swelling, Lod 1*60.

cQfia v. cu ; eunsV^cynd-cund adjectival suffix denoting derivation,

origin or likeness, (-kind) as in deofol-

ound, god-ound.

eunsgteesss f. hound's tongue, Lcn41b.

[L. oynoglossum]cunele, cunelle, cnnille f. wild thyme*—


[Oer. quendel]cunlng= cyning±cunnan pros. I and 3 sg. oan(n), pLounnon ; pret. cube, pp. ofiC swv. to be orbecome acquainted with, be thoroughly con-versant with, know, AO,B,Lcd; CF,M :

know how to, have power to, be able to, can,iE,CP : express (thanks), Chr 1062. ['can,




owners m. tempter, NG.±ounnlan <w. g. or a.) to search into, try, —

test, seek for, explore, investigate, B,BoJSot;JE,CP : experience : have experience of, to

make trial of. ['cun1


ounnung f. knowledge : trial, probation,


cuopel f ? small boat, MtL. ['coble1


eupps f. 'cup,1 Lcd,WW; M. - .

curfon pret. pi. of oeorfan.

cumealls (e, i) f. centaury.* - -"*"

curnatan = oweornstancuron pret. pL of oeosan.

ours m. malediction, 'curse,1

Ct,LL,8c.curslan I. to 'curse,

1Ps. II. to plait f—

MkR16».ounumbor incense, MtL2u.

oureung f.* cursing, ' damnation, LkL : place—

of torment, MtL.cus v. cu.

ease chaste, modest, virtuous, G«n618.[Oer. keusoh]

cuscots (eo, u) f. 'cushat1

dove, wood-pigeon, 1


eOself f. cow's fat, suet, GPH392. [sealf]

eQ-slopps, -slyppe f. 'cowslip,1 Lcd,WW.~

oQsnss=oisneseQtsegl m. tail of a cow, LL169[59fe].cuU known, plain, manifest, certain, Da,Ps,Rd; M,AO,CP : well known, usual : noted,

excellent, famous, Ex : intimate, familiar,

friendly, related, ['couth']

cutis m. acquaintance, relative, CP.cOfts I. clearly, plainly. [' couth '] II. pret

3 sg. of cunnan.cuUelic=cutflic

culftan to become known. ^cuttloe = cuolioe

±cuttlAcan to make known : make friends

with, ML.cuttle known, certain, evident, adv. -lice

clearly, evidently, certainly, openly, BH;CV,M '.familiarly, kindly, affably, An,BH;jE : therefore, to be sure, hence.

sulfas* f. acquaintance, knowledge.

outtnoma m. surname, NG.cutton pret. pi. of cunnan.cuwearm warm from the cow (milk), Lod126a.

ouwon pret. pL of oeowan.cwadan to 'quake,

1tremble, chatter (of*

teeth), AB,AO,Cr,LhL,VPs.


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Dungf. 'quaking,'trembling,A,VPs;»o-=owao-ewfldon pret. pL of owetian.

ewsal pret. 3 ag., cw&lon pret. pL, of owelan.cw8dl-=owal-, ewiel-, cwil-

cwAman=ow£man; cw*n=ow6ncwsBitern=owearternovrasffl pret. 3 8g. of owotian.

ewal-=cweal-owatatow (LL666[10,21)=oweakMt6wewalu f. killing, murder, violent death, de-

struction, M,CP. [owelan]

owinlanf (tr. and intr.) to lament, bewail,

deplore, mourn, [Goth, kwainon]owinif ead, sorrowful, El377.

ewtnung f. lamentation, NC279.owartern=owearternewatern the number four at dice, Gl. [X.]

ewtad n. duna, dirt, filth. [Ger. kot]

oweaht pp. of oweccan.ewoald pp. of oweUan.

•-eweaim (e) mn. death, murder, slaughter :

torment, pain : plague, pestilence, JSH;AO. ['qualm


; owelan]

+eweahnMBran to torture.

ewealmMtare deadly, murderous, blood-

thirsty, M.ewealmbArnes (e) L mortality, destruction,

ruin, M.cwealmbealu n. death, B1940.ewealmberendllc (y1) pestilent, deadly,

NC279.ewealmeuma m. death-bringer, B792.ewealmdrlor m. blood shed in death, Gwc986.+eweatanful (y

1) pernicious, HGl428.

ewealmnes f. pain, torment, BH.ewealmttede m. death-place.

ewealmstow t place of execution, BH38i(B).

ewealmtSrea m. deadly terror, Gsa 2507.ewtarn= oweotnst&noweartern (a, m, e) n. prison, J3.

ewearternllc of a prison.

±oweooan to shake, swing, move, vibrate,

Mt, VPs ; M. ['queteh' ; owaeian]ewecoung f. moving, shaking, wagging.

-oweeatand m. quicksand, WW 367*.

+ewed n. declaration, WW423".eweddlan=owiddian; cwedel=owedoloweden pp. of owetian.

+ewedtostenf. appointedfast, A 11-99; ES43162.+ewednes t name, HGl441.ewedol talkative, eloquent.

+ewedraMen (i, y) f. agreement, AO : con-spiracy,

+ewedradnes (y) f. agreement, covenant,

NC292.+ewedst6w f. appointed place, place ofmeeting, GD183'.

owahte pret. ag. of oweooan.-owelan4 to die, M, CP.eweldaht corrupted, mortified, Lcd47d.[-•owildeht]

eweMeraVle (a)1)? evening ridert bat, Shr29«. [ON. kveld]±cwellan to kiU, murder, execute, CP;M,—AO. ['queU


]cweUend m. kUter, slayer, GPH400.eweUere m. murderer, executioner, BHJIK ;

M. ['queUer9


owelm»owealm (but v. MFH 106), cwielmewelmere, owelre=owellere±eweman (w. d.) to gratify, phase, satisfy.—propitiate, J£,AO,CP : comply with, beobedient to, serve, ['queme'; 'i-queme



±eweme pleasant, agreeable, acceptable, NO,—WG. Vi-queme']

ewamed-=owem±ewimlng t pleasing, satisfaction, com-plaisance, GP.owimlle pleasing, satisfying, DR. adv.-fioe graciously, kindly, humbly.±ewemnes f. pleasure, satisfaction, mitiga-tion.

ewtn (ft) f. woman, 8c;M : wife, consort,—AO,Ohr,Qen : 'queen,

9empress, royal prin-

cess, JBrAO,Chr,Cr, VPs. [Goth, kwena]ewene f. woman, Bd,W ;female serf, 'quean*—prostitute, AO. [Goth, kwino]owenfugol hen-bird.

ewinhlrde m. eunuch, MtL19u.

ewftntto womanlyf queenlyt B 1940.eweodu=cwuduoweorn f. 'quern,

9 handmiU, miU, MtL;CP.—eweornbill 'tapidaria,

9 a stone chisel for—dressing querns (BT)vWW438lt


eweornburna m. mill-stream, Ct.

oweorno=oweorneweornst&n m. mill-stone,ML ['quernstone

9'} -

ewaorntttf mp. molars, grinders, Gl.-eweorra v. mete-o. ; -cweorran t. a-e.

eweortf name of the rune for cw(q).ewern(NG)Wcweom ; cwertern ^oweartern±ewettanf to say, speak, name, call, proclaim,*-summon, declare, Bl,VPe; ;E,AO,CP : (+)order, give orders : ±c.(t6) agree, settle, re-

solve : (+ ) consider, regard, 1EL lu7. o. onhwone assign to one.owyst 8fi la sayestthouf'numquid. 9 cwe&e g§ think you? ['quethe']

ewle [ouo, coon (this last form is arohaio*

and has an oooaaionalasm. cuoone,cneone)}'quick,

9living,alive,BH&Bo,CPJjcd;AO.owlcftht f. live stock, LL60[18,11.owlebtam m. aspen,juniper, Gljjcd. ['quick-


beam 9


ewlebcamen of aspen, Lod.ewlebeamrlnd f. aspen bark, Lod.ewloellende moving rapidlyt totteringf OEG2234.

ewlce'fm. 'couch9('quitch^-grass, Gl,Lcd.

cwlctyr n. sulphur, LkR17*.owlohrerenda living and moving, Cexat5.±ewlolan to quicken, create, JnL : come to"life, come to one

9s self, JSJJcd. [' quick ]

owlolac n. a living sacrifice, NG.ewtello living, vital, DR. adv. -lice-vigorously.

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cwlellflgendet living.

ewtorlnd = cwicbeamrind« ewfeseolfor n. 'quicksilver? Led.

ewtosusl nf. hell torment, punishment, torture,

. jE.

cwtosuslen purgatorial, AsH26.

ewlctreow n. aspen, WW.owlou^cwio+owleung f. restoration to life, GD218".cwlewelle living (of water), JnR.ewld*= owed-, cwud-owldboc f. Book of Proverbs, CP : booh ofhomilies, MF (Veep. D xiv).

owlddian (e, y) to talk, speak, say, discuss,

report : make a claim against, LL400(3.1].ewlddung (y) f. speech, saying, report, M.

-<ewlde (y) m. speech, saying, word, sentence,

phrase, proverb, argument, proposal, dis-

course, homily, Bo; M,CP : testament, will,

enactment, decree, decision, judgment, TO;&. ['guide


; oweoan]+owMe n. sentence, decree, fate.

ewldegtedd (i) n. speech, song, Wa65.cwldeleas speechless,^ (y) : intestate,EG212.-cwlelman (m, e, i, y) to torment, afflict,

mortify, destroy, kiU, El,VPs ; AO,CP.['quelm*] For compounds t. owylm-.

owlferBce zealously, KB 122*.

cwUd (y) mfn. destruction, death, pestilence,

murrain, [cwelan]owfldbAre deadly, dangerous, pestiferous.

adv. -bffiriloe.

cwlldberendlic (y) deadly, NC279.cwlldefldd nm. deluge, CPs2&".iowlldful (y) deadly, OEG.cwlldrof deadly, savage, Ex 106.

ewllman = owielmanewllff pros. 3 sg. of owelan.-ewlnan . a-o. ; -cwlnean . a-o.

cwlne=cwene+ew1s conspiracy, OEG4955.-ewlsse . un-o.

ewtot pros. 2 sg. of oweoan.cwltJ L (also cwitia) m. beUy, womb. [Ooth.

kwitius] II. jjres. 3 sg. of owetian.

cwlttan to bewail : accuse, LL.ewftte=owideewttfenHe natural, WW412*.ewtitaes f. complaint, lament, GD.cwtftst pros. 2 sg. of oweoan.ewflJung (qu-) f. complaint, WW4888f


ewolcn pp. of cwelan.-ewolftan v. for-o.

i pret. 3 sg. of ouman., cwuou=cwic

(eo, i) n. what is chewed, cud, M :

resin of trees, hwit o. chewing gum, mastic.

owyo^cwio; cwyd-=cwed-, owid-, owidd-cwydele f. pustule, tumour, boiL

ewyldr^cwildewyldseten f. first hours of night, Gl.cwyldtld m. evening, WW, [ON. kveld]

ewyfla m. weU, spring, KG2-2W. [Oer.


ewylm=owealm, owielm-ewylmsnd m. tormentor, destroyer, GD.owylmende excruciating, deadly.

+ewylmful pernicious, HGl428.ewylmlan (intr.) to suffer : (tr.) torment, IciU,

crucify, A. [owealm]ewybnfng f. suffering, tribulation, M :

(metaph.) cross : death.

ewytannes f. pain, torment.

ewyl-seten, -tld= ewyldseten, -tld

ewylti pros. 3 sg. of owelan.cwync=cwene; ewyrn>^oweorn±ew«san to squeeze, dash against, bruise, M.ewyst pres. 2 Bg. of owetian.

cwy« pros. 3 sg. of cwettan.

ewfKan, owy6e=owitian, ewidecwyKst pres. 2 sg. of owettan.

of . cu.

oyoel (i) m. small cake, Gl.eycen=cioenoyeene f


4kitchen, * JB,WW. [L. coauina] -

oycenftenung f. service in the kitchen, NC279.eyogel m. 'cudgel,* BD8,CP. «

ofdde pret. 3 sg. of c?ban.

efdung =cldungeye hr. on. II.=o6ooff f. tub, vat, cask, bushel, AS. [' keevt

eyfesMoiefese^flm. tub, bucket.

cjgan, ofgling =cfegan, cJoTing+cygd= +cid; +e«gednes= +clgednescylean 'ructare,* OEG20s.

eyld = (l)cild; (2) oeald

eyldlaru f. carrying of children, M.eyleMrielecylen f. 'kiln,* oven, Cp,WW.eylet5cnle=oelet5onie; cylew=oyluoylln=oylencyll 1 shn, leather bottle,flagon, vessel, censer,

M,AQ,CP.cylle I. mf. =oylL II. =oielle

cylUylllng f. act offilling a botOe, GD250«.eyln=oylencylu spotted, speckled, WW 163*eym imperat. of enman.eymbala= oimbalaeyme (i) m. comingyarrival,advent,approach,

Bo,MtR ; AO,CP. ['come']

eyme (I) comely, lovely, glorious, splendid.

eymed n. germander, Lod.—


cymenl. mn.' cumin,' CP,Mt. [L.] II. pp.-of ouman. III. (and cymin)=oinimin

e^mliet 'comely, * lovely, splendid, Ps. adv.--Hoe, B.cfmnes f. fastidiousness, daintiness, Gl.eymst pres. 2 sg., oym(e)« pres. 3 sg. of

oumaneyn= (l)oynn; (2) cinncyna gp. of cu.

cynean as. of sb. smaU bundle, bunch? (BT)Lcd2-58m.

±oynd (usu.+ ) nf. nature, 'kind,* ('i-cund**)*

property, quality, Bl,Qu,Met : character, Bo :

nder, Ph : (+) race, species, Bl,BoJBl : (+)

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origin, generation, birth, +Hy : (+) off-

spring : (+) 'genitalia,' M.+eyndboc f. book of Generis.

-—f-cynde natural, native, innate, B,Bo,WW;M,AO,CP : proper, fitting, Met : lawful,

rightful, Chr,Mct. ['kind,* 'i-cunde'l— cyndeUe 'kindly,' natural, innate, Bojjcd :

generative, of generation, LL7[64] : proper,suitable, Bo : lawful, BH. adv. -Hoe, Bo.-fcyndOmn. womb : pL * genitalia.'

+cyndnes f. nation i produce, increase,

RHy6».+eynd-o, -u f. = oyndeyne = cine IL ; cjne= oeneeyneband m. diadem, NC279.eynebealdf royally bold, very brave.

eynebearn (a9 ) n. royal child, Christ.

eyneboren royally born, M.eynebdt f. king's compensation, LL.cynebotl n. palace, M.eyneeyna n. royal race, pedigree or family,£),AO.

——-cyneddm (cyning-, Da) m. royal dignity,

kingly rule, government, Chr,Ol; AO : royalordinance or law : 'kingdom* ('kindom'),royal possessions.

cyneg= cyningoyne-geard, -gerd=oyneffvrdeynegewMu np. royal robes, BH32*.eynegierela m. royal robe, Met25" (e»).

eyneglld n. king's compensation, LL462.eynegodf noble, weU-bom, excellent.

oynegoldf n. regal gold, crown.eyne-gyrd, -ge(a)rd.f. sceptre, M.eynehad m. kingly honour, state, or dignity,

CP.oyneham m. royal manor, KC.eyne-helm, -healm m. diadem, royal crown,M : royal power.

cynehelmlan to crown, ZDA20-37.

eynehlaford m. liege lord, king.

cynehof n. king's palace, GPH301.. eynette I. kingly, royal, CP : public, adv.

-Hoe. II.=oynliceynelicnes {. kingliness, BH 194**.

eynemann m. royal personage, NG.oyneren = oynrencynertce (cyning-) n. rule, sovereignty, Ckr,Cl;CP : region, nation, AO. ['kinriok;'kingrick']

cynertht n. royal prerogative, EC202"oyneroft noble, renowned.-eynesclpe m. royalty, majesty, kingly power,M.

oyneseU n. throne, capital city, AO.eynestol m. throne, royal dwelling, city, M,AO,CP.

©ynestri&t f. public road, WW 71*.

eyneffrymllc very glorious, NC279.eyneVrymrat m. royal glory, majesty, power :

kingly host, Da 706.oynewatfen [-widen T] of royal purple,TC638.

eynewfee f. state, commonwealth.

eynewlfflfe f. royal diadem, Gl.oyneword n. fitting word, Rd44m. [cynn]eynewyrte noble, kingly, A 8-308, MF157.cyng, cynigWoyningcyning m. 'king,' ruler, Bo,Bl,Chr; £S,AO,-CP : Qod, Christ, Bl,OST : (f) Satan.

cyning- =cyne-eynlngftfte man entitled to take oath as aking's thane, LL112[54bh].

eyninge £. queen, Bl 131.

eyningeswyrt f. marjoram, WW301".cynlngteonn f. king's sustenance, provisions

for the king's household.

cynlnggenffela m. great feud, El610.cynlnggcrcordH np. royal banquet, WW411"

cyntto fitting, proper, convenient, becoming,

sufficient, adv. -Hoe.

oynn I. (i) n. kind, sort,rank,quaUtyi family,-generation, offspring, pedigree, kin, race,

people, jE,Bl,CP,Chr : gender, sex, AS,Lcd :

propriety, etiquette. II. adj. becoming,proper, suitable, CP.+oynn=+oynd; cynn-=oenn-oyanjg noble, of good family, OEG.cynnrocoenes (. genealogy. NG.oynren,

(SynrCdjCEPa) n. kindred, family,"

generation, posterity, stock, CP : kind,species.

oynresu a generation, Mt (pref.).

cynryn=oynrenojo, oyp= oeo, cypp ; c«p-= ciep-

cypa m. I. (also cype) f. vessel, basket, Lkf-OBQ. ['kipe'] II. (e, I) m. chapman,trader, merchant, M.±e«pan (i) to traffic, buy, sell, barter. [Oer.

kaufen]+o*pe adj. for sale, M.cjpe- = ceap-, oiepe-

o*pedsBg m. market day, OEG.expend m. one who sells, merchant.cypera m. spawning salmon, Mwr 1911.-

cypercn (M)

oypren ; cypp = oippeypren made ofcopper, copper, AO. [oopor]oyprccsc I. cypress, Lcd 3* 1 18". [L. ]

cypsan = cyspan ; cyr- = oer-, cier-, cir-

cyre m. choice, free will, JR. [%cure']~ - -

eyreatt m. oath sworn by an accused man andby other chosen persons, v. LL 2-293.

oyreKf n. state of dependence on a lord whoma person has chosen 9

: person in such a state

(v. BT and NC279).cyren = (l) ceren, (2) oyrncyrf m. cutting, cutting off,M : what is cut offr-['kerf']

oyrtet= ovrfet

cyrfel m. little stake, peg, WW 126".oyrtet m. gourd. [Oer. knrbis]eyrfft pres. 3 sg. of oeorfan.

oyrlge v. wsbI-c.

eyrin, oym (e) L 'chum,* WW.-eyrnel (i) mn. (nap. oymlu) seed, * kernel,* *

pip, M,Lcd : (enlarged) gland, swelling,

Led. [corn]

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+eyrnod, +eyrnlod granulated, rough, OEG.cyrps=cirpeeyrriol the Kyrie Bleeson, A8-320.

=<»Bn-, oris-

t n. cherry-tree,WW 138. [oiria ; L.]sn to shorten.

*— cyrtel m. (man's) tunic, coat, JB,AO :

(woman's) gown, Ct. ['fctrfis']

eyrten I. fair, comely, JE : intelligent, adv.•fioe (and oyrteHoe) elegantly, neatly, fairly,

well, exactly. II. ornament? WW216'.cyrtenes (e1) f. elegance, beauty,

±eyrten]Aoan (e1 ) to beautify, make elegant,

M.cyrtJ pros. 3 sg. of oyrran.cys-, oye-=oyse- f oeos-, oie-

cjsetet n. cheese vat, WW379*.efsehwAg n. whey, Lod 119b.ejttot (LL465")=oysef»tefsgerunn n. rennet.

eyslrbtem=oirisbeamejalybb n. renaet, Led. [


icyspan to fetter, bind, [oosp]

__ ±eysaan tortt««, ' JStBH,Mt. [ooss]

ejastteoe n. piece of cheese.

cyst I. fan. tree-wilt, choice, election : (w. gp.)tfe 6e*t of anything, the choicest, M : pickedhost : moral excellence, virtue, goodness, CP,j93 : generosity, munificence, CP. [oSoaan]II, -cist I.

efst prea. 3 sg. of oSosan.eystan to spend, lay out, get the value of,

Cmtll24.cylbfiam = oistenbeameystel (=cist-) f. chestnut-tree.

cystellee= cystiglioe

oyttlan (e) to put in a coffin, W. [seat]^—cystlg charitable, liberal, generous, CP; M s

virtuous, good, ['custi'] adv. -fioe.

cystignes, cystines f. liberality, bounty, good'ness, M : abundance.

eystleas worthless, bad, Gi*1004.cystlio=oyBtig; cystnes = cyetigneee$*8= ciesti pree. 3 eg. of oeosan.

efswucu f. the last week in which cheese was' allowed to be eaten before Lent.

eyswyrhte !. (female) cheese-maker, LL451[16].

efta m. 'kite,' bittern, Cp.cfit (e) f. cottage, hut, cabin,M : cell, cubicle,

M.cytel=citel; eytere=citereeytwer m. weir for catching fish.

c$* = (l)c?SB, (2)oI»"—±eyUan to proclaim, utter, make known,

show forth, tell, relate, Cp,CrJn;CP :

prove, show, testify, confess, Mt,VPs :

exercise, perform, practise, B i (+) confirm,LL : (+) make celebrated, wundor c. per-

form a miracle, ['kithe'; cfiC]

-t-cftfednes L testimony, LPs 121*.

e*ttere m. witness, martyr, M.cf9t$ known : (+) knowing, aware of, DR.ejtlng !. statement, narration, GD8614


±e$tt)Acan to become known.entiling= oyfting±cytfaes f. testimony : testament (often of

Old and New Test.), M : knowledge,acquaintance.

cjW, cftJCu f. kinship, relationship : 'kith,9'

kinsfolk, fellow-countrymen, neighbours,

Lk : acquaintance, friendship : (±) native

land, home, Bo;AO,CP : knowledge,

familiarity, JSJiH.cywes- = cyfes-

cfwfl pros. 3 sg. of ofiowan.


mm t doe (female deer), M.dAd I. (*) f. (nap. d&da, dAde) 'deed,*,

action, transaction, event, M,B,Bl,VPs.II.=dead

dAdbana m. murderer, LL266[23].dAd-beta (M), -betere m. a penitent.

dAdbttan to atone for, make amends, be

penitent, repent, JR. [dfidbot]

dAdbetnes f. penitence.

dAdbdt f. amends, atonement, repentance,

penitence, Mt ; AO. [' deedbote ']

dAdbdtnhttng f. mitigation of penance.dAdbttnas = dfidbetnesdAdelne bold in deed, B 1645.

dMfrom energetic, PPslOO*.dAdfrumat m. doer of deeds (good or b*d\,


dAdhata m. ravager, B275.dAdhwsstf energetic, bold.

dAdlata m. sluggard.

dAdlean n. recompense, Ex 263.

dAdllo active, MG*.dAdon =dydon pret. pL of don.

dAdrdtf bold in deeds, valiant.

dAdrooa (Cfe257)=deatfecua?dAdweore n. mighty work, Ex 575.

d»f-=daf-±d»ftan to put in order, arrange, J3.CP.+<tefte mild, gentle, meek, Mt. ['daft


gedafen]+dsBfteDeef +daeftlioe fitly, in moderation,

in season, CP.deeg m. gs. cbeges ; nap. dagas day, lifetime,

M,MtJ£k\ AO,CP. andlangne d. all daylong, dsges, or on d. by day. t6 &, to"

drege to-day. d. n\r the day before, samedfBge one day. ofer midne a. afternoon,

on his dffige in his time, degee and nihtee

by day and by night, lange on d. faron, late in the day. emnihtes d. equinox.

ealle dagas always, Mt : Last Day, Bl :

name of the rune for d.

dsagoandel (o*)t f. sun.

dsBgooK open, clear as the day.

dAge f. (female) bread maker.dflsge-=ds3g-dssgehwele daily.

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dagenllo of this day.

dagea adv. v. cUeg.

daget-lage, -ege n. 'Aiwy,* Lcd,WW.+dagett pre*, 3 sg. <fcire«? braves? W220".dagfasten n. a day's fast.

dagfeorm !. day'* provision, EC226".

dagnluttre adv. dearly , aw day, Gu665.daghryne =degrynedaghwam adv. cfotJy.

daghwimlle o/ ciay, cfai/y, £3. adv. -Hoe,

M,AO.daghwfl f. (pL) <foy«, It/stout, B2726.daghwonllee= ctoghwamlloedaglang (o1 ) lasting a day. Sol501.daglanges adv. during a day, M.dagllo = d®ghwamiicdagmal nm. horologe, dialdagmalspllu f. (itairMm o/ a rftoZ, WW12611


ttagmliatawere m. horoscope-observer, as-

trologer, WW.dagmete m. breakfast, dinner,WW267".dftgol=dIgoldag-red (or ? dagred) (^E,CP) -red n. day-break, dawn, Lie. [


dagrtdltoma m. light of dawn, NC280.dagrtdlle belonging to morning, early.

dagredsang m. matins, RB,CM.dagridwdmat m. dawn.dagrtmt n. number of days.

dagrlma m. dawn, daybreak, morning, JB.

[dayrim]dagryne daily, of a day, WW224".

dagsang m. daily service, W290".dagieeald m? (shield by dayf) sun, Ex 79.

dagiteorra m. 'daystar,' morning star, M,Led.dagiwasendo np. a day'sfood, LL(220").dagtfd f. day-time, time, period.

dagtfdum by day, in the day-time.

dagtbna m. day-time, day, LPs 120*.

dagtferlle of the day, ofto-day, daily, present,

M.dagtfern f. interval of a day, Lod.dagtferne adj. for use by day, every-day, CM.dagwaoean fp. day-watches, WW 110".

dagweard m. day-watchman, WW 110".dagweoro n. work of a day, fixed or stated

service, Ex : day-time, ['daywork']dagweortung f. feast day, El 1234.

dagwllla wished for day, Gen 2776.dagwlne n? day's pay, Gl.dagwlst f. food, meal, J&.

dagwdmaf ssdagredwomadal I, nap. dalu n. 'dale, • valley, gorge, abyss,

AO. II. pret. 3 sg. of delan.

-dal (a) mn. (p. d»l-ae, -e) portion, part,

share, lot, Cp,Bl,Chi(k),VPs; AO.CP :

division, separation, J&(&) : quantity,

amount, Led : region, district, AO. d.

wintra a good number of years, be dftle

in part, partly, be heaJfam dele by half.

be £nigam dale at all, to any extent, beMm dale to that extent, oytian be daleto make a partial or

lex parte' statement.

some dale, be ramum dale partly : part ofspeech, word, MQr. ['deal']

±dalan to divide, part, separate, share, Da


M,CP : bestow, distribute, dispense, spend,hand over to, An,Mk : take part in, sharewith, Oen : be divided, fhilde, earfooedalan to fight, contend. Ideal']+daledHce separately.

dalend m. divider, Lkl2*.dalere m. divider, distributor, WW : agent,negotiator, M : almsgiver, M. ['dealer*]

dating f. dividing, sharing, HGl423.+dAIUmd= +daUanddalltas deficient, unskilled : destitute of,without.

dalmalum adv. by parts or pieces, M.dal-neom-, -nvm- =damim-daine* f. sharing out.

dalnlmend m. sharer, participator, M : par-ticiple, iEG*. [Oer. teilnehmend]

dainlmendne* f. participation, BJPsl2I».dainlmung f. participation, portion, share.

dalnumelnes=dalnimendnesdarn-, dan- =dem-, den- ; dap = d&opdare v. daru; darne=diernedarst, darote (e) f. leaven, NG,DR : (pL)dregs, refuse, Lcd(e),Ps. ['drast']

+darsted leavened, fermented, NG.daft, dftwig=deao\ deawig+dafen 1. n. what is fitting, GD84'. H. be-

coming, suitable, fit, proper.

+dafenlan (often impen.) to beseem, befit,

be right, M.+dafenlle fit, becoming, proper, suitable,

right, adv. -lice.

dafenllcnes time, opportunity.+dafllc = -fdafenlio; daln-=dafen-+dafnlendlle= +dafenliodig m? (dah) 'dough,' Led : mass of metal.dagai, dagee v. dag.daglan to dawn, be day, BE ; M. ['daw']dagungf. day-break, dawn, BH. ondagungeat daybreak.

dah, d&l=dag,d£ldale m. bracelet, brooch.

dalf (NG)=dealf pret. 3 eg. of delfan.

dallM (T for *dedaliso) 'deaaleus,' WW221s.

+dalland n. land under joint ownership,common land divided into strips, v. iii2-443.

dilmad f. meadow-land held in common andapportioned between the holders, KG3-200*.

dalmattce? f. dalmatic (vestment), ANS84-13.

daln v. duel; daraK, dare8=darofldarlan to lurk, be hidden, ^L23«".darotSf m- dart, spear, javelin, darotta l&fthose left by spears, survivors of a battle.

darotfhabbende spear-bearing, Jul68.

darottacende <etJ) mp. spear-warriors.darotfoceaft (deoreC-) m. javelin shaft.Gen 1984.

daru f. gdfl. d»re injury, hurt, damage,calamity, M.

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i m. (indecL) date.

daft 'bloma,' mass of metal, WW141*.D»tmo adj. of David {psalms).deacon =dIaoon

- dead (±) 'dead,9 JB,B,Mt; AO,CP : torpid,

dull d. bfod congealed blood.

4«ad-=deati-deadboren still-born, Lcd 1-206.

ideadian to die, JnX. [tdeod'l

dftadUo subject to death, mortal, perishable,

J& : causing death, 'deadly,' fatal, AO :

about to die. adv. -lioe.

deadnegel n. shroud, WW37'. [hragT)deadsprlng m. ulcer, Lod.dtadwylle 6orren, A026".deaf I. 'deaf,

9 Mt,Jul; VPs : empty, tore*.CP4U" IL pret. 3 sg. of dfifan.

-deafftan . a-d. ; d«aflte=d5feliodtefu f. deafness, Lod.deag=d»gdeag I. ftue, fuye, ^.fFlf :

4dye,* WW.

IL pres. 3 sg. of dugan.tfeagel=di(e)goldeaggede gouty, WW16111

. [deaw]ideaglan to 'dye,* OEQ.dlagol, dSagol- =dIegol, digol-

deagung f.^dying,' colouring, M.

deagwyrmede gouty, WW 161". [deaw]dean =deag I. and II.

deahl, deal=dlgol, deall

deal* pret. 3 sg. of delfan.

daallt proud, exulting, bold, renowned.dear pree. 3 sg. of *dtxrran.

dearo, deareC=deoro, darotS

dasrf I. pret. 3 sg. of deorfan. II. bold, NG.daarfllo bold, presumptuous, NG.dearftolpe m. boldness, presumption, NGdearn-onga, -unge (e1, i*) secretly, privately,

insidiously, M,AO,CP.dearo* =darotSdaarr pres. 3 sg. of 'durran.deante (VPs)=d«rtte

-d*a« (So) m. 'death,' dying, An,Bo,Mt; CP


cause of death, 2tf : in pL 'manes,' ghosts.

dea*-=dSad- (v. ES39-324).desftbAre deadly, CP.deaVMsrlle (dead-) deadly.

deatfbeaonlgende boding death.

deatfbeam to. death-bringing tree, Gxh638.deatfbeddt n. bed of death, grave.

deaffberende /o&zJ, deadly, CP.deatfbenies 1. deadltness, destructiveness,

LfcL21".deatfewaluf f. deadly throe, agony : death byviolence.

deafewealm m. death by violence, B 1670.

deaftewylmende killed.

deattdSBgf ni. death-day.

daaftdenut f. valley of death.dealldrepe m. death-blow, Ex495.

dea*f*ge doomed to death, B850.deatfflren f. deadly sin, Ce1207.dSaftgedal n. separation of body and soul bydeath, Gu936.

deaftgodas mp. infernal deities, WW447*.+dea*lantoKtf.deafflig m. deadly flame, Gb983.deatSlic 'deathly,' mortal, Bl : deadly : dead.deaffllenes f. mortality, mortal state : deadli-

deatimasgen n. deadly band, Gu867.deattrsseed (—e*) n. sepulchre, Ph4&diaftrAs m. sudden death, Ah 997.death***! n. clothing taken from the dead,spoils, WW397M.

deaftreow murderous, fierce, Ah 1316.deaft-ecQa, -seufa m. death-shadow, spirit ofdeath, devU.

deatfseyld f. crime worthy ofdeath, LL130'.deattseyldlg (LL), deadsynnig (NG) con-demned to death.

deatfcelet m. death-hall, hell.

diaflslege m. death-stroke, Rd614.

deafispere n. deadly spear, Rd4m.

deatfstede m. place of death, Ex589.dtettarnnlgnes f. guiltiness of death, DR.deatfflenung f. exequies, last offices to the

dead, funeral.deatfwang m. plain of death, Ah 1005.

deattwige n. deadly cup, Gu964. [wftge]deatiwarig dead, B 2125.deaflwlc n. dwelling of death, B 1275.deafoyrd f./ote, death, WW408"deaw mn. 'dew,' M,CP,VPs.+deaw dewy.deawdrfas m.fall ofdew? Da277. [dreosan]deawlg (S3, 6) 'dewy,' Ex.deawlgenAHeT dewy, HGl408.deawlgfetterat dewy-feathered.

deawung f. dew, EHy7^.deawwyrm m. 'dew-worm,' ring-worm*tetter, LcU.

deean m. one who has charge of ten monks.±deean to smear, plaster.

dseanbld m. office of a 'deoan.


d6canon=decanDeeembrls m. December.decIInlaD to decline, /EG*.deeBnlgendlle subject to infle

decllnuiig f. declension, A 8-313*.

dM I. (A)= dftd. II. = d§addtde (KGl) =dyde pret. 3 sg. of ddn.+dftfe (doefe once, in NG) befitting, suitable,

proper : meek, gentle, kindly, also ady.

+dtteUefit,becoming, proper, adv. -Hoe, BH.defen-=dafen ; daflio=deielio

+tfifnes f. mildness, gentleness, LPs89".+deftnoe =+da3ftlIoe; dag=da3gdig (NG) = dftag pres. 3 sg. of dugan.dsf-=d*ag.,dleg-, dig-; degn=fregndehter ds. of dohtor.

dehtnung (KGl) = dihtnnng ; del=d»ldela nap. of delu.

dllan=da3lan4-delf n. digging, excavation, iE,AO : what is

dug, trench, quarry, canal, Mdf


delfan* to•delve,' dig, dig out, burrow, M, -

Bo,G; AO : bury.


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delfere m. digger, Bo 140".

delfln dolphin, WW293". [L.]

delfben n. spade, WW.delfung f. digging, WWU911


+delglan = +telmandeU nm. dell, hollow, dak, BH ; Mdf


delu f. teat, nipple, CP4051. [OHG. till]

dem =demmdema m. judge, ruler, iE,CP.

-±deman(o'<ieem' {'i-deme'), consider, think,

estimate, compute, JB,BH : judge, determine,

decide, decree, sentence, condemn, BH,0,EI


CP : assign : (t) praise, glorify : (t) tell,

declare, FAp.demedlto that may be judged, GD336".dtaiendf m. judge, arbiter.

dtaiere m. judge, MtL(oe). ['deemer']

demm m. damage, injury, loss, misfortune,

AO,CP.-demman t. for-d.

demon demon, devil, DR.den = denn ; din =don pp. of ddn.Denalagu, f. the 'Dane taw, ' law for the part

of England occupied by the Danes, LL.den-bAre, -berende n. swine-pasture, Mdl.dene=denuDene mp. the 'Danes, 3 Chr; AO.deneland (m) valley.

Denemearo (e1, a*, e*) Denm-, f. Denmark.

dengan (ncg) to beat, strike, NC281.denge=dyncgeDenlie rDanish,' Chr. wk. nap, UDeniBcan the Danes.denn n. 'den,' lair, cave, M; WW : swine-pasture, v. Mdf.

dennlan (») to become slippery? ^CbrVoI.denstow i place of pasture, BC3144".denu f. valley, vale, dale, A,Lk,VPs; Mdl.['dean*]

deof = deaf pret 3 eg. of dufan.deofel-, deofl- =deofol-deofenlan =dafeniandeofol mn. ge. deoflee, nap. deoflu, deofol,

a 'devil,' demon,false god, B,Mt,VPs; AO :

the devil, CP,Jn,Jul; & : diabolical person,JnLR. [L. diabolua]

deofolcrseft m. witchcraft, AO.deofolound fiendish, Jud 61.

dfoioldM f. fiendish deed, Da 18.

deofol-gleM (AO,CP), -gild, -geld (AO.VHv),-gyld (M) n. devil-worship, idolatry : idol,

image of the devil, M.deofolglelda (y») m. devil-worshipper, idola-ter JEHl'70**

dtofolgteldhOs n. idol temple, A0284'.deofolgltsung (diwl-) f. unrighteous mam-man, LkL16".

deofolUo devilish, diabolical, of the devil, M.['deviUy'] adv. -lice.

deofolscln n. evil spirit, demon,deofobclpe m. idolatry, NC286.deofolstoe possessed by devils, lunatic, JE.

dtofolseoenes f. demoniacal possession.

diofolwltga m. wizard, magician, Da 128.

dtoful^deofoldeog pret. 3 eg. of deagan.deohl,deogol=*dlegol±deon (A) to suck, JAW 19.

dtop I. 'deep,' profound, Ps : awful, my**—terious, CP : (f) heinous, Ou,Jul : serious,

solemn, earnest, Ex. d. ceap high price,

great price. II. n. depth, abyss, Ex,Mi :

the deep, sea, Lk.dtope adv. deeply, thoroughly, entirely,

earnestly, solemnly, Ps.

deopnyegendef deophydigt deeply medi-tating, pensive.

deoplan to get deep, Lcd125d.deopUe deep, profound, thorough, fuuda*mental, M,CP : gnevous. adv. -lioe *deeply,


Bo,WW.deopnes f. depth,abyss,LPsJfic : profundity,

mystery, subtlety, M. [' deepness ']

deopftanool contemplative, very thoughtful,

W2487; A 8-329. adv. -Hoe.

deor I. n. animal, beast (usu. wild), Lk,Met,WW;M,CP : 'deer,

1reindeer, AO. II.

brave, bold, An,Sol i ferocious, B : grievous,

severe, violent, Da,Sol. ['dear'] III. =deoredeoran=d?randeortoren of noble birth, LL 104[34,1].deore 'dark,' obscure, gloomy, B,Ps : sad,—cheerless : sinister, wicked, LkJUaL adv.deoroe.

deorcegrAg dark grey, WW.deoroful dark, gloomy, 8c. ['darkfuU']

deorcllce 'darkly,' horriblyJouUy,QPH391"deorenes f. 'darkness,' Sc22&*.deoroung f. gloaming, twilight, M.deoreynn n. race of animals, M.deore I. 'dear,' beloved, Jul : precious, costly,

valuable, Bo : noble, excellent. II. adv.dearly, at great cost, Met,WW. IIL adv.fiercely, cruelly, [deor II.]

deoren of a wild animal.deorettaeeaft= darooeeeaft±deorf n. labour : difficulty, hardship,trouble, danger, M.

deorfald m. enclosure for wild beasts, WW201".

dbdeortan' to exert oneself, labour, M : be in,

peril, perish, be wrecked, AO. ['derve ']

deorfellen made of hides, WW328M.

+deorfleas free from trouble, Gl.+deorfnes f. trouble, tribulation, LPs45f.

deorfrltt n. preservation of game, deer-pro-

tection, Chb1086.+deorf8um troublesome, grievous, Chb1103;1005 (y).

deorgeat n. gate for animals, Ct.

deorhege m. deer-fence, LL.deorlan (CHB)=deriandeorlie brave, renowned, B585.deorllee 'dearly,' preciously, richly. El s

sincerely, acceptably, AS41*.

deorllng (i, y) m. 'darlina,' favourite,

minion, JB,Bd,CP : household god.

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deormodt courageous, bold.deornett n. hunting-net, WW 183".deornunga=deamungadeorstertlce = dyrstelice

deortun m. park, Gl.deor-wlertte (CP), -wurte (M),precious, dear, valuable, costly,


deorwyrttllo (eof, u1) precious, valuable.

adv. -lice splendidly, M i as a thing ofvalue, M.

deorwyrtines (u8) f. treasure.

deo* (NG)=dSa«; depan=dypandepe=deop ; deppan =dyppan ; dir=deorDera, Dere mp. Deirans, inhabitants ofDeira.

derian (w. d.) to damage, injure, hurt, Bo;M,AO,CP. ['dere*]

derlendlle injurious, mischievous, noxious,hurtful, lEu

dfifflng (NG)= deorling

derne, derne- =dierne, dyrne-dernegelegenetpe (derneleger-) m. adultery,

fornication, N.derneleger adulterous, NG. adv. -ere licen-

tiously, NG.dernunga (NG) =dearnungaderodlne m. scarlet dye, CP83*.derste (VPs)=dajratederung f. injury, GD.deslg= dysig ; diet . don.d§8 1. 3 p. sg. pre*, of ddn. II. 'manipulus, "

sheaf? EPS 125».

+d§9lan to JK», mortify, DR,NG.delftng f. putting to death, DR72».delftfan? to suck, LkR.dtwlg=deawigdlaeon m. * deacon,

9minister, levUt, M,BE,

Jn,dfaeongegyrela m. deacon's robe, BH90*.dfaoonhad m. office of a deacon, M.dlaconrooe m. dalmatic, CM 723.

dlaoonttenung f. qfflee o/a deacon, BH2721'.

<nan(A)=deon(A)-die mf. 'dike,* trench, ditch, moat, AO,BH,

Chr; M; Mdf : on earthwork with a trench.

dfcere m. digger, M.±dlelan to make a dyke or bank.dfeeeeard n. breach ofa dike, LL455[13].<Houng f. construction of a dike, WW.['diking*]

dfewalu f. bank ofa ditch? KC5-334*.dlde, didon=dyde, dydon (v. d6n).dlegan to die, NR38.dlegel =diegol±<HegelHce (e, eo, i

l, o«) secretly, AO,CP.

dlegelnes f. privacy, secrecy, solitude, CP :

hiding-place, recess, M (i) : secret, secret

thought, mystery, AO,CP; £! (?).

dbdleglan, -lian to hide, cover, conceal, hide

oneself, CP.dHegle= dlegoldlegol (ft, e, ea, «o, i, ?) I. adj. secret, hidden,

obscure, unknown, deep, [for compounds' P

v. dlegol-.] II. adv. secretly. III. n. con-cealment, obscurity, secrecy, mystery : hiddenplace, grave.

dlegolful (§») mysterious, RD801*.

dlett= dealf pret. 3 sg. of delfan.

dielgian= dilegian

dlend m. suckling, NG. [deon]dlere (y) *dear,* beloved, Lk : precious,costly, AO : noble, excellent.

±dlernan (e, y) to *eej> secret, hide, restrain,

repress, AO; &(y). Vdern*]dlerne (», e, y) I. hidden, secret, obscure,

remote,BJEl,Lk;CV : deceitful,evil, magical,B,CP,Gen. ['dern*] II. (y) n. secret.

dlerne-= derne-, dyrne-dlerra oomp. of diere, deore.

dlgan as deagian+<Hgan (&, f) to endure, survive, overcome.dlgel= dlegol (wk. dlgla, digle).

<H£el- = dlegel- ; dlgl-, dlhl—diegl-, dlegel-

dlgner=dInordlgol, digul, digol- = dlegol, dlegel-

dlhnlan = dihtniandlht n. arrangement, disposal, deliberation, -

purpose, M : administration, office : direc-

tion, command, prescription, M : conduct,

M : (+) piece of writing, composition,literary work.

±dlhtan, dihtian to arrange, dispose,appoint, -

direct, dictate, impose, M,Q : compose, write,

AS. ['dight*]

dihlere m. informant, expositor, WW %

steward, M (=dihtnere) : one who dictates,

Quth.dlhtfaMtendag m. appointedfast.dllitig=dyhtigdlhtnere m. manager, steward, &.dihtnian =dihtian±dlht-nung, -ung f. ordering, disposition.

dUe m. ldiU,* anxse, Ol,Mt,Lcd; CP.

±dHeglan to destroy, blot out, CP. [4dilghe '


Oer. tilgen]

dilrt pree. 3 sg. of delfan.

eUglan (CP)= dilegian

dlUgnes f. annihilation, destruction, Gl.dill, dim=dile. dimmdtrahlw of dark colour.

dlm-hof n., -hole f. place ofconcealment, &.dlmhQs n. prison, OEG.dlmlle (y) dim, obscure, secret, hidden, M.dlmm 'dim,* dark, gloomy, obscure, Bo,Qen, —Sat : blut red, faint, MH : wicked : wretched,


dimmlan to be or become dim.

dlmnes (y) f. 'dimness,* darkness, obscurity,

gloom, Lcd,VPs;& : evil : obscuration,

moral obliquity, LL476[14] : a dark place.

dlmacfla m. darkness, sin) An 141.

dincge=dynoge; diner =dinording I. v. dung I. II.= dung II.

dlnglung f. manuring, WW 104s.

dlnlg? (A8-4.50)=dungdlnor m. a piece of money, JSGa. [L.


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d!o-=d*o-, dig-; dtowl-(NG)=d*ofol-dlppan=dyppandlrige dirge,

rvigilia,' CM.

dlrling (CP)=deorlingdlrn-= diem-, dyrn- ; dte- = dys-

-dtec m. 'dish, ' plate, bowl, Gl,MLdlscberend m. dish-bearer, seneschal, WW.dlsolpul m. • disciple,' scholar, BE,Ml.dlselpula /einafc disciple, BH236".disclpulhad m. 'disdpkhood,' BE.dlse-ftegn, -«en m. dish-servant, waiter,

seneschal, steward, M.dlsg, disig = dysigdlsm («ism) m. 'tajur,' >irm; ES 41-324.dlsma m., disme f ? musk? mosst OEG464

(A30-123) : 'cassia,' Ps44» (y).dtrtsef m. 'distaff,' WW; A.dlwl- =sdeofol ; dob»=dof-, dop-doc m. bastard son, WW.doeee f



dock, ' sorrel, Led.doegmm. 'dog,' GPU.ddolnoel n. bastard.

ddefe v. +dtfe.ddeg, ddema (NG)=dasg, demaddere m. doer, worker, DR198*.doe*- = dea&-dofen pp. of dufan.dofftan (dobian) to be doting, Gl.dofung f. stupidity, frenzy, madness, Gl.ddger=d6gor; dogga=docgadoglan to endure? Rd l9.

dogor mn. (da. ddgor and d&tore) day, AO,CP.

dogor-gerlm, -rimf n. series of days, time,allotted time of life.

d6h = dag ; dohtar, dohter=dohtordohte pret. 3 sg. of dugan.dohtlg competent, good, valiant, 'doughty*Ohr. [dugan]

dohtor f. gs. dohtor, da. dohtor, dehter, nap.±doh-tor, -tra, -tru 'daughter,' Mt;MjLO,CP i female descendant, Jn.

dohtorsunu m. daughter's son, grandson,Chb982o.dohx=doxdol I. adj. foolish, silly, CP : presumptuous.[Goth, dwals; Ger. toll] II. n. folly, CP.

dolo=dalo; doleswatfa=dolgswaoudollen pp. of delfan.doig (dolh) nm. wound, scar, cut, sore : boil,

tumour, ^J.

dolgbenn f. wound, Ax 1399.dolgbftt f. fine or compensationfor wounding,LL62[23,2].±dolglan to wound, Rd.dolgUp m. idle boasting, B509.dolgrtne f. pellitory, ten 26a.dolgsealf f. poultice for a wound, Lod.dolgslegef m. wounding blow, An.dolgiwseti n., dolgswatin f. scar, M.dolh^dolgdolhdreno m. drink for a wound, antidote.dolhsmeltas mp. linen bandages, WW107n.

dolhwundt wounded.

dol-Uo audacious, rash, foolhardy, foolish,

adv. -lice, CP.dohnanua =dnlmunnadolsoeafta m. feU destroyer, B479.dolselpe m. folly, error, CP387M.

dotaneitas = dolhsmeltasdobprAo 1 silly talk, CP385*.dolwfflen I. rash, bold, Jul451. II. n.

rashness, madness, Jul202.dolwlte n. pain of a wound? (BT), punish-

ment of the wicked, pains of hell? (Tapper),

Rd27»ddm m. 'doom,' judgment, ordeal, sentence,-

BE,JnL;M,CF : decree, law, ordinance,

custom, M,VPs : justice, canity, VPs :

opinion, advice : choice, ophon, freewill i

condition : authority, supremacy, majesty,

power, might, Jn; AO : reputation, dignity,

alary, honour, splendour, AO : court, tru

bunal, assembly : meaning, interpretation,

-ddm maso. abstract suffix —state, condition,

power, etc, as in freoddm.ddmssrn n. judgment-hall, tribunal.

ddmboo f. code of laws, statute-book, manualofjustice, MJjL. [


domds&g m. ' doomsday, ' judgment-day.ddmiadlgt mighty, renowned.domere m. judge, BoJjL ; CP. ['doomer ']

domern (JS) =ddmnrnddmfsstt just, renowned, mighty.

domfsestnes f. righteousjudgment, LPs 1001

ddmgeornf ambitious : righteous.

domhOs n. law-court, tribunal, Gl.ddmhwsst adj. eager for renown? strenuous

in judgment? Cb428.ddmftan to glorify, magnify.

domlso adj. of the day ofjudgment.

ddmltasf inglorious, powerless.

lie famous, glorious, praiseworthy :

licial, JK t canonical, CM 268. adv. -floe.jud\

domne mf. lord, Chb nun, abbess. [L.]

domsetl n. judgment-seat, tribunal, M.domiettend m. jurisconsult, WW429s.

ddmstow f. tribunal, W148".ddmweortkuigt f. honour, glory.

±ddn anv.jpres. pto. do(e)nde, pes. 2 sing.-

dest, 3 deo, pret. sg. dyde, pi. dydon (m, i),

pp. ddn to 'ao' {'i-do'), make, act, perform,(*u,MetJ>s; MJkO,CP : cause (often fol-

lowed by the inf. with a passive sense or bytot), CP,VPs. nig dydon riou aettan=they caused kingdoms to be founded {—foun-ded kingdoms), AO : put, place, take (fromor to), UP,M&s. d. up put ashore, +<Lup exhume : give, bestow, confer, Ps : constder, esteem : observe, keep : to avoidrepetition of another verb, JB,Gen,Mk :

(+ ) arrive at, Chb : (+ ) halt, encamp, castanchor, Chb, : (+) reduce, Chb. cL t5hlerran hade promote, advance to a higherposition. cL td nahte annul, make of noneeffect, d. td witanne cause to know, betre,furtior, d. prefer. +d. forC manifest, showforth.

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donlle active.

dop-ened, -«nid f. diver, water-fowl, moor-hen, coot, Gl.

dopfugel m. water-fowl, moorhen, Gl.-doppa v. dufe-d. ; -doppe . fugol-d.

doppettan to plunge in, immeree, M.-dor n. (nap. dorn, dor) door, gate : pose, Led,

Ps. [v.'door9


doram. tomWe-tee^pJ^JPFP; M. ['dor']

dorian pp. of deorfan.

donte (M,AO,CP) pret. 3 ag. of *dnrran.dorwaard m. doorkeeper, N.dottm. head of aboil, Led. ['dot']

-ddung y. on-d.

dox dark-haired, dusky, Gl.dozlan to turn dark, ES43-330.

-draea m. dragon, sea-monster, B,MHJPs :

serpent, PaJ>s : the devil : standard repre-

senting a dragon or serpent, GPH302.dra-oentse, -cento, -eonae f. dragon-wort,

Lod. \L. draoontea]dreaee (N) = draoadNManT to dread, fear.

draft h f. expulsion. II. =draf±drAfan to drive, drive out.

drAfednes, drfcfnes f. trouble, distress.

[=dre?ednes]dr*fend I. m. Aimfer, Cba38. IL-drefend+drieg =+dreagdrag• f. drag net, WW. [dragan]dnegetf prea 3 ag. of dragan.

dragnet! n. drag-net, WW.drshft, dnegti pret. 3 ag. of dragan.dr&n, drono—dran, drino

dratp pret. 3 ag. of drepan.draft =d»rstdraetlg fuU of dregs, rubbishy, WW.[dante; tdmsty 9


dritt prea 3 ag. of dr&dan._drat I, 1 action of driving, Bl : 'drove,


M : company, band, W;M. [drifan]

IL pret 3 Jg. of drifan. III.=dr&fdragan* to dray,

ldraw,* JnL,CP : go.

drigense=draeentsedran (A) 1 'rfrone,' mf; A.drano pret. 3 ag. of drinoan.

drapa=dropa; drea=dr*dreag, drean pret. 3 eg. of drtogan.

+draagt (*) apparition, vision : troop,

crowd, rabble : lamentation.

dreahnlan (e) to


drain,9strain out, Led.

dreaht pp. of dreooan.

-dream m. jou, gladness, delight, ecstasy,

mirth, rejoicing, Ct,ChrJSat; AO : melody,music, song, M. ['dream 9


dreameraft m. art of music.dreamere m. musician, Bo38T


dream-haebbendet, -healdendef happy, joy-ful.

dreamleasf joyless, sad.

dreamlle joyous, musical, Gl.dreamnes 1 singing, LPs 136*.

dreap pret. 3 eg. of dreopan.dreap- (VPB)=dreop-

drearlend inrushing tide? WW2251*.

drearung=drSorungdreas pret. 3 ag. of dreooan.drec-=dreoo-±dreeean to vex, irritate, torment, oppress,

afflict, A,Qcn,OET. Vdretch9


±dreeoednes (M), dreoonng {Be) t tribula-

tion, affliction. [' dretching ']

dred =ar&d pret. 3 sg. of drftdan.±drftfan to stir up, excite, disturb, trouble,

vex, afflict, B,Jn; M,CP. [dr6f;l


]+dretedlte oppressive, A038".dbdrifednesi tribulation, trouble, scandal.drMend (ft) m. disturber, RB.drefllan to * drivel,

9 WW.taitre m. disturber, RB121". rdrof]

drifting I disturbance, WW 100*.

drege, dregan=dr?ge, dragandrennlan (MQ=dreahniandrent pp. of dreooan.dreni-= drym- ; dr6me=drymedreno m. ' drink, ' drinking, draught, M,Lcd


CP : drowning, [drinoan; 'drench,9

'drunk')drenean to five to drink, to ply with drink, -

make drunk, Ps;CP : submerge, drown, M.V drench



drenoouppe f. drinking-cup, WW3201*.

drence-=drenc-, drino-

drencHMt m. flood, deluge.

drenehorn m. drinking-horn, Ctdrenehfls n. drinking-house, WW 136**.

dreng m. youth, warrior, Ma 140. Vdreng* ;

ON.]driocraft=drfornftdreofon=drifon pret. pi. of drifan.

+drtog I. n. keeping (shoes) in good con-dition, M : usefulness? RB123*. to +<Lgin to ease oneself, RB32**. II. sober.

±dr*ogan* to lead a (certain) life, do, work,-perform,fulfil, take part in, conduct, GuJPs


AO. wide d. wander : be busy, employed :

experience, suffer, endure, sustain, tolerate,

Ex; CP : to enjoy, ['dree,9*i-dree


]+dr*oglAcan to put in order, regulate,

arrange, attend to, M.+drtogll0e (h) discreetly, carefully : meekly,modestly, humbly.drtohMlreogsbdreopan* to drop.

dreoplan (ea) to drop, drip, trickle.

dreopung f. dropping, VPs (ea).

dreort m. blood, [dreosan]dreord pret. 3 sg. of drftdan.

dreorffth bespattered with gore, B435.dreorglan= dreorigiandreor^ adj. ^bloody, blood-stained, B : cruel,*

grievous, Ou : sad, sorrotcful : headlong?V dreary


] adv. -Hoe sorrowfully, M.V drearily



dreorlgfeft sorrowful, Cr 1 100.

dreorlghleor sad of countenance, Wa83.dreoiigtan to be dreary, sad, M.dreorlgmod sad in mind, Geh 2804.

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4rtorignes I sadness, marrow* QD;J&['dreariness']

4rtortile , dreorlic= dreorig

dreorsele m. dreary haU, WjtSQ.dreorungt t falling, distilling, dropping.

[dreosan]±dreosan* to fall, perish : become weak, faildrep=orep?+drep m. stroke, blow, An 1446.

±6iopan*tostrike,kiU,overcomc,B. ['drepe']

drepet (y) m. droAe, 6tou% t*ofe*< tfeofa.

+drettan to consume., PPs70".4rf-=drv-drll I. (±) 1 /ever. MkRl"; ANS 84-324.

II. (+) driving, movement : what is driven,


-idrlfan1 to 'drive,' force, hunt, follow up,pursue, JK,AO,CP : drive away, expel, Mk :

practise, carry on, RB; M : rush against,

impel, driveforwards or backwards, CrJZC :


4rlgffi, drijgti pre*. 3 sg. of dreogan.drihtt pros. 3 sg. of driogan.drlm=dr£am

- ±drlno ' drink, ' oeveroye, Bo,Chr,0 : fara*At,Iff : clrinHiif, carousal

•drine- t. also drync-, dreno-.

drlnca (m), drinoe (f)=drino+drlnca m. cup-bearer, NC293.

-drinoan1 to drink, &,Lk ; AO,CP. pp.drunoen refreshed, elate {with drink), drunk.

+drinoan to swallow up, engulf, M.4rlneere m. 'drinker,' drunkard, MtL.4riortg = dr§orig

drisn f1false hair? hairy roots ofplants? (BT)+dAtnn1 'cacare,'Lcdl9o4K ['drws']

drtttng t 'egestio' (so. ventris), A8-449.

± drdf dirty, muddy, swampy, turbid, troubled,

Led. Vdrof; drefan]

4rdfe grievously, severely, LcdS-28611.+drofednes= + drefednes

droflg troubled.

droflle trotiMe«omet tormenting.

drdf pret 3 eg. of dragan.droge f T excrement, Lcd 118b.

drogen pp. of dreogan.

•drtigon pret pL of dragan.

drdn pret. 3 sg. of dragan.drohnlan = drohtniandroht I. m? nT condition of life. II* (6?)

puU, draught, WW486".4rohtatf m. mode of itft*J, conduct : environ-

ment, society : mndition, employment,vocation. • I

drohtlan (CP), droktnian (^S) to conduct

oneself, behave, associate with, lead a life,

live, continue, [dreogan]droht-(n)otf, -nung=droht-ao\ -ung•drohtnung t condition, way of life, reputa-

tion, conduct, CP.drone = drano pret 3 sg. of drinoan.

4ropa m. a 'drop,9 Az,Lk,VPs ; AO,CP :

gout? Lcd : humour, choler.

+dropa m. a kind of date, OEG474.

dropen I. pp. of dreopan. II. (B2891>-drepen pp. of drepan.

drop-fig, -fan I. spotted, speckled, Lea.II. starting, Gl.

droplan to 'drop,' drip, trickle, Ps.dropmAlum drop by drop, M.droppetaa, -ian to drop, drip, distil

droppetung, drop(p)nng (Ps) t 'dropping,*

dripping, falling, M.droren pp. of dreosan.+drorenlk perishable, NC293.drds, drosna (M) m., drome (VPs) I sedi-

ment, lees, dregs, dirt, ear-too*, WW.[dreosan; 'dross



drQgatt= dxugoC±draglan to dry up, wither, [dr^ge]dragon pret pL of dreogan.drwgott t, drfigooa m. 'drought,' dryness,

WW : dry ground, desert, LPs. [dryge]drugwng=drugoo*drub m. dust? Soul 17.

drunoen I. fn. drunkenness. II. pp. ofdrinoan. III. adj. 'drunken,

1drunk, 8c;

AO.druneenes =draneennesdruneengeorn hankering after drink, drunk-en.

druneenhad m. drunkenness.druneenlg drunken, LkL 12**.

druneenlAwe 'inebrious,' CP«2*.druneennes 1 'drunkenness,' intoxication,

AO,Lk;M.drunoensetpe m. drunkenness.drunoenwlllen drunken, CP401".drunemennen n, drunken maidservanttRdIS1


±drunontan to be drunk, M : sink, drown,MtL. ['drunken']

drunonlng f. drinking, LPs 22*.

dranoon pret pL of drinoan.drupian = dropiandrupon pret pL of dreopan.druron pret pL of dr&osan.

druslanf to droop, become sluggish, stagnant*

turbid, [dreosan]drut f. beloved one, DD29Ldruw-=drug-dry m. magician, sorcerer, M,AO z sorcery.

[Cell drOi]

+drycned afflicted, AO 102w.

diferasft m. witchcraft, magic, sorcery, M :

magician's apparatus.

drfenefttg skilled in magicdrfcneftlga m. sorcerer, GD27tf


dryecge=dryicg©dryian = (l)drifan { (2) drefan; dr*g=dr?±drpgan (i) to 'dry, 'dry up, rub dry, Bo,Jn


CP.dr^ge (i) 'dry,' A,Bo,Mt : parched, withered?-

Lk. on drygum on dry land, td drjgumto the dregs.

drpgnes (!) f. dryness.

drygseeod dry-shod, W29317.

dr^hst pros. 2 sg. of dreogan.

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drybt (i)t t (±)multiiudet army, company,body of retainers, nation, people, Ex : pLmen. ['dright'; dreogan]+dryhta m. comrade.dryhtbealo= dryhtenbealodryhtbearn n. princely youth, B2035.dryhtcwen f. noble queen, Win 98.

dryhtdom m. noble judgment, VPa.dryht-ealdonnan (NC), -ealdor (WW) m.

*paranymphus,' bridesman.dryhten (i) m. ruler, king, lord, prince, JRyB


the Lord, God, Christ, CP. ['drightin']

dryhtenbtag (drihtin-) m. payment {to the

king) for killing a freeman, LL.drybtenbealut n. great misfortune.

dryhtendom? m. rule, majesty, glory,

An 1001.

dryhtenhold (i) loyal, Gnr 2282.

dryhtenlie lordly : divine, of the Lord, M.acjy. -Kce.

dryhtenweard m. lord, king, Da 536.

dryhtfolet n. people, troop.

dryhtgesltt m. retainer, warrior, Fnr44.dryhtgestreon n. princely treasure, Rd 18*.

drybtguma m. t«w"<>''» retotner, follower,

man : bridesman.dryhtin- = dryhten-dryhtleoft n. national song, hymn, El 342.

dryhtllo (i) lordly, noble, B,Oen. d. gebedthe Lord's Prayer. [' drightlike']. adV.-lioe.

dryhtmann m. bridesman, Gl.dryhtmMhn m. princely treasure, B2483*dryhtnt m. warrior's corpse, Ex 163.

dryhtsclpet m. lordship, rulership, dignity :

virtue, valour, heroic deeds.

dryhtMlef m. princely hall.

drybtolbbf t peace, htgh alliance.

+dryhtu l

elemental OEG.dryhtwAmend, -wemere (i) m. bridesman,OEG 1774.

dryhtwerast mp. men, chieftains.

dryhtwunlendet living among the people.

drybtwur* (i) divine, M.dryhtwuHSa (i) m. theologian.

dr?htf pres. 3 ag. of dreogan.

drftoge f. witch.

dr+Jle magic, magicaldryman (6; =i) to sing aloud, rejoice, LPs.['dream 9


drfmann m. sorcerer, magician, M.±dr?me (€), +drymed melodious, harmoni-ous, cheerful.

drync m. 'drink' {'drunk'), potion, draught,

drinking, Cp.dryne- v. also drenc-, drino-.

dryneehom (i) drinking-horn.

dryncelian (i) n. scot-ale, the ale given by aseller to a buyer on concluding a bargain

(BT). t. LL2-56.drynofBBt (i) n. drinking vessel

dryncgemet (i) n. a measure of drink, NC287.

+dryncnes f. immersion, baptism, JSL23b,723.

dryncwnig drunk, WW437n.

±dr?pan to let drop, cause to fall in drops,

J&lAO : moisten, M. ['dripe']

drype=drepedryref m. ceasing, decline : fall, deposit,

[dreoean]dryallc terrible, WW191*.drynnlant to become obscure, gloomy.±dryinan to extinguish, NG. [droen]+dryinlan to vanish, disappear, LkL24n .

dubUan to 'dub; strike, knight (by striking

with a sword), Chr 1086s.&to*L lduck,'CLdbdfkfan* to duck, 'dive,' Rd;M: immerse,BH,Bd : (+) sink, be drowned, AO.CP.

duledopoa m. pelican, LPs. Vdivedap']dugan pros. 1, 3 dSag, dSah, pt dugon, pret.

dohte 8wr. (ueu. impers. ) to avail, be worth,be capable of, competent, or good for any-thing, MtL : thrive, be strong : be good, vir-

tuous kind, B,8aL ['dow']

dug-aft, -e$, -oC=duguCdugutf fm. body of noble retainers, people,

men, nobles, the nobility, Ex ; AO : host,

multitude, army : the heavenly host : strength,

power : excellence, worth, By; J5,AO : mag-nificence, valour, glory, majesty : assistance,

gift : benefit, profit, wealth, prosperity, sal-

vation, Cr : what is fit, or seemly, decorum,['douth']

duguftealdor m. chief man, president.

duguftgtfu (a*, e*) f. munificence, Gl.dugufflfe authoritative, chief, noble, OEG.adv. -lioe.

dugutimiht f. supreme power.dugutfa&mere m. 'municeps,' OEG7".

duhte = dohte (v. dugan).dulfon pret. pi. of delfan.

dulhrune = dolgrunedulmunus? m. a kind of warship, AO.dumb 4 dumb, ' silent, An,Mt ; M,CP.— -


-dumblan v. a-d.

dumbnes f. dumbness, NC282.dun = dunndan fm. nap. duna, done 'down,' moor,height, hill, mountain, Bl,Chr,Mt; JE; Mdf.of dune down, downwards.

dun-eBlf, -elf, -ylf f. mountain elf.

dune down, downwards, [dun]dunelfen f. mountain elf, WW 1899.dunestfgende descending, VPs87».dunfealu dun-coloured, WW.dung I. £ da. dyng, ding prison, Ah 1272.

II. f. 'dung,' WW.dungrftg dark, dusky, WW 246*. [dunn]dunh- = dimh-dunhunlg n. honey from downland,LoDl32a.

dunlendlle (danond-) falling down, tottering,

LPs 106" (BT).dunland n. downland, open country.

dunlendlse mountainous.dflnJIe of a mountain, mountain-dwellingWW376«.

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dingy brown, dark-coloured,


dunn 'dun,'

Ct,WW.dunnlan to obscure, darken, Bo.dunondllo v. duniendlio.

DQnaAte mp. inhabitants of the mountainsof Woks, LL.

dun-eera»ft n. nap. -ecrtdu hill-cave.

dura^durudurfon pret, pi. of deorfan.

durhare (durere) m. folding door, Ol.durran* (+in NG) swv. prea. 1, 3 ag. dear(r),

2 dearet, pL durron, aubj. dune, dyne,pret ag. dorate (u, y), pi. doraton to 'dare,*

venture, presume, JkjLO,BHJlo,MeLduntodl n. door-post, WW.-duru (dure) i ga. dura, da. and nap. dura,

duru 'door,' gate, wicket, B,G; CP.Chr.duruhaldand (e*) doorkeeper, JnL18".durustod (WW) = duntodldurutfagn m. doorkeever, Ax 1002.

duruffinan t female door-keeper.

duruwaard m. doorkeeper, JRJnL (dur-

weard). ['doorward*]

doat (ft) n.xdust,' MJxA\ AO.CP.

dnatdrano m. drink madefrom the pulverised

seeds of herbs, Lod.dtettgrf«j<y,OEGlS;3».dQataoeawung I (viewing of dust), visit to agrave, BlIIS*.

dOatawarm m. dust-like swarm, OKG23M.


dofthamor m. papyrus, sedge, WW.dwaal-=dwels -fdw*rtan=-fCw*riandbdwAa I. dull, foolish^stupid. II. m.clumsy impostor, JSL23**.±d«Asoan to put out, extinguish, destroy.

dwaYaftan to become stupid, HL.tmmmm fooUsh. adv. -Hoe.

+dw*amann m. fool, ML I1m.

dwAenes t stupidity, foolishness, A.dwal-=dwol-van pret. 3 ag. ol dwinan.raaMe prat. 3 ag. ol dweUan.

• asdwol-

dwattan to lead astray; deceive, &.dweUan pret. ag. dweelde, pp. dweald to lead

astray, minder, prevent, deceive, BoJSd ;A :

tobeledaetray,wander,err,M,Ml ['dwele,*1dwell']

dwaWaa Io wander, LPall8lia.

+dweola> +dweolaa= +dwoladwaoUgan-dwoDandwaorg (a, i) m. 'dwarf,* OL [Ger. iwergdweorge-dwoale, -d(w)oa(t)le tflea-bane, Qi*Lcd.dweorh=dweorg±dwlld (y) n. error, heresy, Chr.

+dwUd»ttartWfung (dwel-) i8*460; 13-318.

+dwildtte (y) deceptive? WW".dbdwt-mar (-mer) n. phantom, ghost, iUasion,<£.

illusory, unreal adv. -Roe,

Vdunld']heresy, A

dwinan1 to waste away, languish, disappear,Lcd,WW. I'dwine']+dwol heretical

±dwola m. error, heresy, BH,MtLR : mad-man, deceiver, heretic, J&^Bh : 'nenia,' MtLp. 8». ['duwfc'l

+dwolblaoop m. heretical bishop.

±dwoleraaft m. occult art, magic.dwolama^dwolma-fdwolenf perverse, wrong, erroneous.

+dwottor. n. a going astray, RHy6M.

+dwolgod m. false god, idol, image, W 106*.±dwoJlan to be led astray, err, wander, BH;CP. ['dicefe']

tocffl* foolish :erroneous,heretical, A. adv.-lloa.

±dwotana m. chaos.

±dwolman m. heretic, £2,AO,CP.+dwolmlat m. mist of error.

+dwolaprite I. heretical talk.

+dwolaum misleading, erroneous,Adwoltttng n. imposture, idoldwolung t foolishness, insanity,WW300s1.dwomer=dwimordworgadwoatle= dweorgedwoal©dwyid=dwilddwylman v. fordwilman.dwy-mer, -mor^dwimordwyrgedwyale= dweorgedwoeladybblan to pay attention to, OEG645.d«dan (-1) to kiU, LL. [dfiadl

dyde prat. 3 ag., dydon pret. pL ol don.dydar-=dydr-dydrtan to deceive, delude.

dydiin m ? yolk, Lod. [Ger. dotter]

dydrung (—i) i delusion, illusion, A.dftan (—I) to dip, immerse.

doling i immersion, W36».ityfet prea. 2 ag. ol dufan.dfgal-, d*gl., ayhl-=<fiegol., dieg(o)l-

dyht, dyhtan=dibtt dihtandyhUg(o) 'doughty,' strong, B,Q*n* [dugan]dyl©=dile; +0^1aglan=+dilegiandylsta m. festering matter,filth, mucus, Lcd.dylatflit mucous, Lcd 26a.

dym-, dvn-=dim-, din-; ±dyn=dyuedynaga f. dung, manure, litter : manured land,

fallow land, OEG. [dung]dyne m. 'din,

1noise, Satjsol

+dyngan (AO), dyngian (WW) to 'dung.*dyntan to make a 'din,

9sound, resound, JB;

& i stream? ANSI 18-385.

dfnlgef. apJo»*,LcDll3b. [dun]d^nn, dynnan==dvne, dyniandynt m. 'dint,* blow, stroke, bruise, stripe*

JnL;CP:ihua\dfp^deopdfnan I. to 'dip

9: baptize, MtR(e) : (+)

anoint EPel4&. IL to make greater, LL.d+pe=deopdypie double, A8-334».dyppan (e, i) to 'dip,* immerse, Lca\Mk :

baptize, MtB.dfn^tdeor

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dyre da. of dura.d?readj.=diere+dyre n. door-pott, M.±dyrtan to afflict, injure : imperil, endanger..£839-342. [deorfan]

dyrflng f?€

actio,* GPH395.dyrltt prea. 3 ag. of deorfan.dyrn-=diern-, dern-dyrneforlegen adulterous, LL(14419


dyrnegeUgre I. (ie, e) n. adultery, AO,CP.II. m. fornicator, DR1071


dyrngewrit n. apocryphal book, WW34718.

dyrnfaflmende (i) fornicating, adulterous,WW383".

dyrnllee secretly, Lod 3*424".

dyrnUegan* to fornicate.

dyrnmaga m. president at mysteries, GPH397.

dyrnunga=deamunga ; dyrodlne-=derodinedyrra=dlerra; dyrre v. *durran.+d?ralan to praise, glorify, hold'dear, prise,

Jin>300. [diere]

+dyrst 1 tribulation, Hell 108.

dyrste=dorate pret. 3 ag. of *durran«+dyrstelIoe = dyratigliee

±dyratlg venturesome, presumptuous, daring,bold, CP. adv. -lice. [*durran]+dyratlgian to dare, presume, BH468".±dyratlgnee f. boldness, insolence, daring,

presumption, arrogance, rashness, M,CP.dyrstingpanne= hyratingpanne±dyretle*ean to presume, dare, JE.

+dyntlAeung f. courage, boldness, GD71W.

dyratnee = dyratigneadyru da., dyrtun dp. of doro.dyr-wrurUe, -wyrtie=deorwiertiedys-= dis- ; dyieg^dyaig, dyag-dyiello (^) = dv8lio

dysgian to act foolishly, make mistakes, Bo;M : blaspheme, O.

dysgung L foUy, madness, Loi>53b.dyalan = dysgian

- dyslg (e, i) \. foolish, ignorant, stupid, Bl,Mt ;

JE,CP. [* dizzy1

] II. n. foolishness, error,

AO,CP. III. m. fool, VPsdi:dyslgan= dysgiandyslgdflm m. jolly, ignorance.

dyslgnea f. foUy, madness, blasphemy, BE;M,AO. ^dizziness']

dysigu=dyaigILdysllo foolish, silly, stupid, jE,CP. adv.-fioe.

dfstlg dusty, WW517». [dfiat]

dyttan to shut to, close, stop.

dj* f. fuel, tinder, OEG2*»; op. l«55n.dftt-homar, -homer = dufthamor

ft da. of ea.

ea I, f. (nan. indeeL in eg., but with ooel. ga.

eaa; dis. ie, 3, ft, e» ; nap. §a,ean; gp. 5a;dp. ea(u)m, ean) water, stream, river, Chr,

O. H.

Ps;M,AO. ['eo'; Goth, ahwa] II. interj. v. eala.

iae I. adv. also, and, likewise, moreover, M,AO,CP. eao 6oft...and abo." &&c...neither...nor even.... eao awa, eaoawiloe also, likewise, moreover, as if. Saogelioe likewise. eao hwsaore however, never-theless, eao Con besides. II. prep. w. <Ltogether with, in addition to, besides. [Qer.auoh]eaca m. addition, increase, reinforcement,advantage, profit, usury, excess, Chr;M,AO,CP. to Saoan (w. d.) in addition to,

besides, moreover, Bo. [4

eke ']

eaoan=Iecanteoen increased, augmented : richly endowed,strong, great, vast, vigorous : pregnant.

eaoeneratttg huge, B2280.taoerse f. water-cress, Lod 35b. [6a]eaclan to increase, CP.±eaonlan to add, increase, be enlarged : be-come pregnant, conceive, bring forth, M,CB.eaenlendlle adj. to be increased, OEG1078.±taonung t increase, Gl : conception, bring-ing forth, M.•adt n. riches, prosperity, good fortune,happiness.ead-=ed-eadenf (pp. of *eadan) granted.eadeaa=adesatodfrumatm. giver of prosperity.eadga wk. form of eadig.eadgian =eadigantedglefaf m. giver of prosperity.tedglefiif f. gift of prosperity.

tadhrWlfft happy, blessed, triumphant.eadlg wealthy, prosperous, Cr '.fortunate,happy, blessed, perfect, Ou,VPs;M,CP.[l



±tod^^ to countfortunate, caUblessed,BI,:enrich, make happy.

oadlgilo prosperous, rich, happy, blessed.

adv. -Hoe.

tadlgnea 1 happiness, prosperity, M.eadlean*=<edleantadlufu f. blessed love, Jul 104.eadmM, eadmdcLt=<eatim6deadmttto =SaSmettueadnee f. inner peace, ease, joy, prosperity,Bun : gentleness. [* sadness* ; eafl]

eadoeee f. water-lily.

eador= (1) geador, (2) eodoreadorgeard m. inclosure of veins, body? (GK)An 1183 (or Tealdor-).

eaduae (A10-143,0) = adefla

fodwelaf m. prosperity, riches, v. ea. eas-= ea- ; eafera= eaforaeaflsof m. river-fish.

eafor I. mn? the obligation duefrom a tenantto the king to convey goods and messengers?(BT),Ct. II. (*) draught-horse, v. LL2-57.III.= eofor, eafor- =eofor-

eaforaf m. posterity, son, child; successor,

heir. [op. Ooth. afar]


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ealotSf xl power, strength, mighteatra=eafora; ealtra=»fterraiagseppel (a1) m. apple of the eye, eyeball

eagbr&w m. eyelid. Led 1*362. [* eyebree']

eagduru t window, MH.Cage (6) n. 'eye,* GJLcd; AO,CP : aperture,

hole, Lk.eagtce m. eye-ache, Lcd.eagfleah m. albugo, a white spot in the eye,

WW.eaggebyrd 1 no^ttre o/fte eye? Ph301.eaggemeare (eah-) n. Kmft o/ view, Aomoi>9

DD148.eaghrlng (eah-, eh-) m. eye-socket, pupil, M.eaghttyrl =eagoyrel•aghyll mu eyebrow, WW415M.

taghyrne (heah-) del corner of the eye, WW166".

eagmlst (eah-) m. dimness of the eyes, Lcd11a.

eagort=£gor; eagosplnd=hagospindeagsealf f. 'eye-eofee/ WW.eagseoung f. disease of the eye, cataract,

WW414".eagsfne vt*t6fe to fte eye. adv. -synee, M.eagtfyrel n. eye-hole, window, BH. [*eye-

eag-w&rc, -wyro, -wr&o m. pain of At eyes,

Lcd.eagwund f. womuZ in the eye, LL20[47].eagwyrt f. eye-wort, eye-bright, Lcd.eah-=eag, ea-

eaht (a, e, e) f. assembly, council e. bemttanto Aofct a eauneti : eefeem, estimation, esti-

mated value.

eaht=»hteahU (a, », e) 'ettfA*,' B,Chr; CP.eahtaleald eightfold, &.eahtahyrnede eight-cornered, jE2-496m.

eahtanf I. to persecute, pursue. II. to

estimate, appreciate.

eahtanlhte eight day's old (moon).eahtateofla 'eighteenth,' AO.eahta-Uene, -tyne 'eighteen,' Lk (eht-).

eahtatlg eighty, AO.eahtawlntre of eight years old, M.eahtend m. persecutor, PP8118"6.

eahteo«a= (l) eahtateotia, (2) eahtotfa

eahtere m. appraiser, censor, Lcd.eahtetta (AO)=eahtotia±eahUan (», e) to estimate, esteem, CP : con-

euft about, consider, deliberate : uofeA over,

M : speak of with praise. [Oer. aohten]+eahtlendlio estimable.

eahtnes=ehtne8eahtotta 'eighth,' Men; Chr.±eahtung f. estimation, valuation, CP :

deliberation, counsel.

ealJ=*eall, »1; eala^ealutall interj. alas I oh/ lot £!,AO,CP. [ea II.]

talad f. watery way, An441.taland n. island, Chr.ealaft v. ealu.

eaIbeorht=eallbeorht; ealc=»lo

eald (a) comp. ieldra, yldra; sup. ieldest,

yldest 'old, aged, ancient, antique, MyB,CP; AO : experienced, tried : honoured,eminent, great. 8a ieldstan men the chief

men.ealda m. old man, RHy6* : the Devil.

ealdbacen stale, LL(360").eald-e«98 (AO), cytS«u t old home, formerdwelling-place : old acquaintance, M.ealddagas mp. former times, AO.ealdddm m. age, AO.ealde=ieldeealdefseder m. grandfather.

ealdem6dor f. grandmother.ealder=ealdorealdfader m. forefather, A. ['eldfother']

ealdfeond (i)f m. old foe, hereditary foe, the


ealdgeeyndt n. original nature.

ealdgeta m. ancient foe, AO 118M.

ealdgefera m. old comrade, AO 152M.

ealdgeneat m. old comrade, Ma 310.

ealdgenlfflat m. old foe, Satan.

aaldgeiiht (a1) n. ancient right, Ct.

ealdgesegen t ancient tradition, B869.ealdgedVt m. old comrade.ealdgestreon n. ancient treasure, AO.aaldgeweoret »- old-standing work, the world,

ealdgewlnn n. old-time conflict, B1781.ealdgewlnna m. old enemy, B 1776.

ealdgewyrhtt n. former deeds : deserts offormer deeds? traditional usage? B2657.ealdhettende mp. old foes, Jim 321.

ealdhlalord m. hereditary lord, AO.CP.ealdhrffier? n. an old ox.

±eakUan (a) to grow old, Jn;M. {'eld,*


ealdland n. land which has been long untitled?

(BT), ancestral property? (Earle), EC327".ealdlandraden t. established law of landedproperty, LL448[4,6] (or T two words, BT).ealdUe old, venerable, M.ealdnet f. old age, M. ['eldness,' 'oldness']

ealdor (a) I. m. elder, parent, BH,Oen. pLancestors : civil or religious authority, chief,

leader, master, lord, prince, king,M : source :

primitive, MQ^. [eald; 'alder'] II.n(f?)

(t) **/e- ^^P ** : (t) °V«» °W age : eternity.

on ealdre td ealdre for ever, always, awato ealdre, to widan ealdrefor ever and ever.

[Oer. alter]

ealdorapostol (a) m. chief apostle, BH3147.

ealdorbana (a1 ) m. life-destroyer, Gen 1033.ealdorbealuf n. life-bale, death.

ealdorblscop m. chief bishop, archbishop,M :

high-priest, M.ealdor-bold, -botl n. palace, mansion, BH.ealdorburg t. metropolis.

ealdoroearu (a1) f. great sorrow, B906.ealdordeegt m. day of life.

ealdordima (a1) fm. chiefjudge, prince.ealdordeofol m. chief of the devils, NC282.ealdorddm m. power, lordship, rule, domi-nion, authority, magistracy, PPs;M,AO,

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GP : superiority, preeminence : beginning tJul190. ['alderdom



MldorddmHo 'principalis,' EPs.ealdordomselpe? m. office of alderman, Chb983o.

ealdordugtf&t t nobility, flower of the


ealdorfrea (a1) m. lord, chief, Da46.ealdorgeard m. enclosure of life, body, An1183? (or? eador-)

ealdorgedalt n. death.

aaldargeseeaft t state of life, Rd40».eaktorgewlnnat m. deadly enemy.eaMorlang life-long, eternal, fCHB937A.aaMorltas I. lifeless, dead, B15. II. de-

prived ofparents, orphaned : without a chief.

eaktorleguf f. destiny : death.

ealdortlo * principalis,9chief, princely, excel-

lent : authentic, adv. -lice.

ealdorttcnes f. authority, CP.ealdormann (o») [v. LL2-359] m. 'alder-

man,' ruler, prince, chief, nobleman of the

highest rank, high civil or religious officer,

chief officer of a shire, Chr; MJlO,CF : astrans, of foreign titles, JnL,Mt.

ealdornerut i life's preservation, safety,


eaJdoraieerd m. high priest.

ealdorsclpe m. seniority, headship, suprem-acy, sovereignty, M.

ealdorstol m. throne, Rem23.

ealdorVefnf m. chiefattendant, retainer, dis-

tinguished courtier, chieftain.

eaJdorwtea (a1) m. chief, Gen 1237.

ealdott (ald-aht, -ot) vessel, Gl.eaWrlht n. old right.

Eald-Seaxe -Seaxan mp. Old-Saxons, Con-tinental Saxons, AO.

aakbpell n. old saying, old story.

ealdsprfte f. proverb, by-word, PPS431*.

ealdung t process ofgrowing old, age, MJlQ.e*14art=iealdor

ealdwirlg? accursedfrom old times, Ex60.

ealdwtt n. old woman, M.ealdwita m. venerable man, priest, sage :


ealdwrltere m. writer on ancient history,

OEG5449.tales y. ealh.

ealfftra m. pack-horse? A4147"* (v. NG282, 342).

ealfelat very much.ealfeto baleful, dire,Asm («lfffde),RD24».

ealgearot aU ready, prepared.

±ealglan to protect, defend, M.ealgodwebb n.


9all-silk cloth,

WW395".ealgodwebben aU-silk, WW.ealh (a)t m., gs. Sales temple.

ealhstedet m. temple.

tallfer f. liver -wort? Led. [' eUeber'f]

eaJItfond m. seafaring man, An 251.

eaU I. adj. (has no weak form) 'aU,9every,

entire, whole, universal, A,Chr,MU pL aU

men, JS. II. adv. fully, wholly, entirely,

quite, Cr,QD,0en. e. swa quite as, just as.

e. swa miole swa as much as. mid e., mideallum altogether, entirely, ealra swttfostespecially, most of all. ealne weg (alsooontr. ealneg) always, ofer e. (neat.)everywhere, into all parts. I1L n. aUp


ealla=geallaeallbeorhtf all-bright, resplendent.

eallbyrnende burning all over, M.ealUroftlgt («1-) all powerful.ealldryge completely dry, M.eallenoten m. season of Lent, RB60*.eallenga=eallungaealles, ealle adv. (g. of eall) entirely, wholly,

fully, quite, e. for swioe altogether, utterly.

eallgeleaflic universally believed, catholic.

eallgod aU-good, M.eallgrenef all-green, greeneallgylden all-golden, CP (ml-).

eallhalig all-holy, PPsl31*.eallhwlt entirely of white, Ct.

ealllo universal, catholic.

ealllnga = eallungaealllren entirely of iron, B2338.ealH&lg aU-icy, very cold.

eaUnuagenf n. utmost effort

eallmftft (ol-, ®l-) adv. nearly all, 'almost,9

for the most part, A,Chr.eallmlht f. omnipotence, PPs 135u.

eallmlhtig= solmihtig

eallnaood entirely naked, Gen 871.saline*=ealnegeallnlwe quite new, M.eallnunge =eallungaealloflrung f. holocaust,WW 130" (eel-).

eallreord=elreordeallrlhts adv. just, exactly, BB131U.

eallseoloen entirely made of silk, Gl.eallswi just as, even as, 'as,

9as if, so as,

likewise, A,Mt.eallswllo jurf such, M.ealltela adv. quite well, Gbn1905.eallunga adv. altogether, entirely, utterly,

quite, indeed, A,Mt; CP. {'aUinge9


eallwealdat I. aU-ruling, almighty. II. m.God, the Almighty.

eallwaaldend m. ruler of all, M.eallwaaldende 'all-wielding,* all ruling, A.eallwlhtat fp. all creatures.

eaUwrlten adj. holograph, WW463*8.

eallwundor n. marvel, Ex 578.

ealm-=eallm-; eaJmihtig=®lmihtigealneg (AO,CP), ealneweg, ealnuweg, eal-

nig, ealning(a) always, quite, perpetually.

ealnunga=eallunga; eato^ealuealofrrung f. holocaust, WW 130".

ealogeweoro n. brewing, A02227.

ealond=ealand; ealott (AO) v. ealu.

ealowosa m. ale-tippler, Wy49.ealsealf f. 'ambrosia,

9 an aromatic plant.

ealswa=eallflwa; ealttawe=»lt<eweealu (ealo) m? n? gds. ealoS (AO), ealaS;


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gp. ealeoa 'ale,' beer, Lcd;M. [v. A27*495]

ealubenof f. 'ale-bench/ B.ealuelyfa m. beer-cellar, OEG4u.

ealuffiDt n. ale-vat, Lcn)53b.ealugafol n. tax or tributepaid in ah, LL448.•alugil drunk with ale, Gzh2408.ealugilnes f. drunkenness, NC282.ealuhtts (eft n. alehouse, LL228[1,2].ealumalt (alo-) n. mallfor brewing,Lcd 167a.salusoerwen t bitter drink? (BT), (ale-

spilling), mortal panic? (Earle), B770.salusoop m. singer in alehouses, LL:ealuwAget n. ale-flagon, ale-can.

ealw-=eallw-; Mm (VPs)=eom (. wesan)•am L m. uncle fusu. maternal; paternalunole=fsxlera),AO. ['erne'; Qer. oheim]II. dp. of 5a.

+ton yeaning, M.±toman to bring forth young (usu. lambs),P*77M. [*ean


tatter m. river-bank, MstIO".eapel, eapl=sppel ; eappul-=appel-ear l

occa,' harrow? OEG2359 (v. A36-72).

tar I. n. 'ear' (of com), Mt; AO. ILf m.wave, sea, ocean. Ill.f m. eorfa : name ofthe rune for to. IV.=*r. V.=eare

feraeu 1 ntier 6*4, KC51221*.

0aran-=earon; earb-=earf-tarbted (#) n. rfatt, 6Ja<ie (o/com), draw.•are, earce (a, m, e) f. chest, coffer, Bd :

'ark,' Mt,Ps;CF. [£.]

tareUtasend m. little finger, WW2661.

earenanstan =eorananstantarootfu 1 *|NirotMf

* a tumour near the ears,

WW113"eard m. native place, country, region, dwell-

ing-place, estate, cultivated ground, B; M,AO,CP : earth, land z condition, fate, ^Hy.Verd>]

eardbegenga m, inhabitant, LPs.eardbegengnes t habitation, BLPs.eardcytfto f. old acquaintance (eald-T).

•mrdeswnsoen (LPsll8u)=eardwTeooa•ardfsest settled, abiding, AO.•ardgeardt m. place of habitation, world.

aardgytuf f. gift from one's native place.

± eardlan tr. and intr. to inhabit, dwell,abide,

live,AOJS;M,CB. Verde']eardlend m. dweller, GD.eardlendllo habitable, BH366*.eardland n. native land, PPs 134".eardlufe i dear home? B693.•ardrlee n. habitation. Gu825.eardstapa m. wanderer, Wa6.eardstede m. habitation, Ph195.±eardung f. dwelling-abode, tabernacle.

eardungburg t city of habitation.eardunghus n. tabernacle, habitation.

eardungstow 1 habitation, dwelling-place,

tabernacle, CP.aardweall m. land-rampart, bulwark, B1224?•ardwlot n. dwelling.

i m. exile, LL51n5.

eardwunung t. dwelling in one's* owncountry, W120".

tars n. 'ear,' MtJtd,VPs;M,CP. [Goth.

ansd]tarsde having a handle, WW 122**.

tarsflnger m. little finger, WW.earellpprica= earliprioa

earendel (eo) m dayspring, dawn, ray oflight

earfafJ-=earfo6-eerte f ? tare. [L. ervnm]•arted-= (l)earfoC-; (2)yrfe-•arMfe^earfotitarflnger as earefinger ; eartod-=earfo$-earfoft L n. hardship, labour, trouble, diffi-

culty, suffering, torment, torture, AO.CP.[Qer. arbeit] II. adj. hard, difficult,

troublesome, AJBo. ['arveth']

eartoSderre (at?-) hard to convert,MH 112»earfottowlde m. hard or dark saying, M.tarfottoynn n. depraved race, PP&7719


•arfottdAde difficult, CP147".earfotttogt m. day of tribulation.

earfotJe I. (iE,CP)=earfot$. IL adv. withdifficulty.

•arloVfere difficult to pass through, AS447.

emrlctitjnae hard to find, &. [cp. eatifynde]eartotfhawe difficult to be seen.

earfofthwn f. hard time, Saar3.earfottiylde evil-disposed, obstinate, MR1-4001.

±earfo1ftan to trouble, Pa.•arfotOArs hard to teach, GDI 10s*.

earfotflAte hard to discharge,WW 113».earfoffUe difficult, full of hardship, A.['arvethlich*] adv. -lioe with difficulty,

painfully, reluctantly, hardly, scarcely, Mt.larvethliche']

tarfotfUenes (M) =earfo$nessarfotfrnsBOft m. sufferer.

•arfottnes t difficulty, hardship, trouble,

affliction, pain, misfortune, JS. ['arveth-

is hard to relate, W22".•arfotfrlhts hard to correct, NC283.earfoVrlme hard to enumerate.•arfoVsAUg unhappy, unfortunate, Cra8.sarfoVal6t m. troublesome journey : mis-fortune,

sarfoVtAens difficult to be shown, Mst20"t.

sarfotStSrig f. sorrowful time, B283.•artoUwylde hard to subdue, Lon3-436u.

earg (earh) slothful, sluggish, On : cowardly,BH;AO : craven, vile, wretched, useless,

MtL. ['argh'; Qer. arg] adv. earge.eargiat=earngeattargeblandt n. wave-blend, surge.

targsspsea m. whisperer, privy councillor,WW35R [—spreoa]eargfaruf f. shower of arrows.±sarglan (i, y) to shun, fear, turn coward,M '.terrify.

eargile slothful, shameful, bad, JS. ady.-lioe.

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eargnes (arog-) f. licentiousness, MkR8*.eargrand m. bottom of the sea, As40.eargscipe m. idleness, cowardice : profligacy,earn I. f.

*arrow, ' LL ; An. HXearg•arhrlng m. 'ear-ring,' A.•arise (So) f. rush, reed, flag. [ea]

Cuff m. tcoter-rtream, €ftrra20*.

earbeppa m. external ear, WW.•arliprtca m. jfZop o/ fte ear, external ear, NG.•arloeo m. lock ofhair over the ear,WW 162*earm (a) I. m. 'arm* (of the body, sea, etc.),

AOyLkL : foreleg,M : power, Jn. II. poor,

wretched, pitiful, destitute, miserable, Mk;M,CP. ['arm 9

; Oer. arm]earm-beag, -bean m. bracelet.

earmoearigt f*B of sorrows.

earme adv. miserably, badly.

earmella m. sleeve, RB136*eaxmful wretched, miserable, Lop 3-440'.

•armgeglrela m. bracelet, WW386U.

earmheort humble, poor in spirit, CP2091:

tender-hearted, merciful,

earmhrtad 1 arm-omamenif B1194.earmlan to pity, commiserate.

•arming m. jwor wretch, M. ['arming9


earmlle miserable, pitiable, mean, Met. ady.

-lice. ['armUch(cY)earmseanca m. dfam-&me, LL82[55].earmseeapen wretched, unfortunate, miser-


earmsHIe f. sleeve, RBL93*.eannttoe ml sleeve, IM128" .

earmstrang *«rofw o/ arm, muscular, WW168'.

earmswtt dran? ofarm,muscular,WW4358*.

earmftu 1 misery, poverty, Bo. ['armthe9


earn I. m. eo^fe, ElJ£t;M. ['erne9


II.=»nL III. =am (v. ieman)earnan (VPs)=fflrnanearnoynn n. eagle tribe.

earn-geap (v. AB19164), -geat, -geot f.

vulture, Gl.±earnlan (a) (w. g. a.) to 'earn/ merit, win


labour for, Bo,Qu.earnlngland n. land earned or made freehold

(-bocland; BT), Ct.

earnung f. merit, reward, consideration, pay,M: labour.

aaro=gearoearon (VPs)=sindon pros. 3 pL of eom(y. weaan).

earon =gearum dp. of gear.

tdark,dusky,B.i>4P. [ON. jarpr]

ja=hearpa•arplsstt m. box or blow on the ear, M.dbtarptottan to box the ears, M.•ar-preon, -ring m. ear-ring, M.•aire (N)=ierreears In) m. posterior, fundament, buttocks,

M. ['arse9


ear-scrtpel, -acrypel (eo1, ya) m. little finger,

Gl.tesealf f. ear-salve, Lop.eanendu np. buttocks, WW.

earsgang (an-) m. privy : excrement : 'anus.'

earslege m. a blow that strikes off an ear,

LL20[46].aarsUng backwards, Ps. ['arselings



earstyra? m? buttocks, breech, M. [lira]

•anode 'tergoeus,9 WW. ['arsed



tarspinl f. ear-ring, Gl.eanfterl n. 'anus,

9 WW1601.

•art 2 eg. of eom pres. of weaan.•art LWyrS. II.= eart

aartian=»r oam (v. ftr II.)

•artfe(N)=eoroeeartfyrel n. 'fistula, arteria,

9 car-passage?

(BT), WW238". [or=ears-oyrel, -tterl?]

earu=gearu; earun(VPs) = earonaarwsoro n. ear-ache, Lop 14b.

earwloga m. 'earwig,9 Lcd,WW.

aarwunga /or notAtap, gratuitously : vatAoal

a cause,

easv. ea.

ease 'oatcoofe,' an umbelliferous plant, wild

carrot? WW2021.

easprlng=fispryngeast I. adj. oomp. east(er)ra, sap. eastmeet,

easternest east, easterly. II. ady. east-

wards, in an easterly direction, in the east,

BH,Met; AO. ['east9


tasted* n. river-bank, sea-shore, Ma63.

tastan, eastane from the east, easterly, AO,['east



eastannortJan/rom the north-east, WW.•astannorttanwlnd m. north-east wind, WW364s.

east*ns<r*an from the south-east, WW 3*.

eastansttttanwlnd m. south-east wind, WW144*.

eastanwlnd (e1) m. 'east wind,9 WWU3".

eastcynlng m. eastern king, A0148M.

tastdAl m. eastern quarter, the East, AO.taste f. the East••sternest (AO) v. east.

tastende m. tasUend, east quarter, AO.tastene= eastaneEastengle mpL the East-Anglians : EastAnglia.

tastersMen m. Easter-eve, BH.tasterdseg m. Easter-day, Easter Sunday,day of the Passover, M. on dtiran Easter-

dasge on Easter Monday, Chb1053o.•asterfeasten n. Easter-fast, Lent.

tasterfeorm f. feast of Easter, LL.•asterfrtolsdsBg m. (he feast day of the

Passover, Jnl3x.

fiastergewuna m. Easter custom, JSL23bMf.

••sterile belonging to Easter, Paschal, Lk,



tastermdnaft m. Easter-month, April.

easterne east, 'eastern,9oriental, Gen, WW;

tasternlht f. Easter-eve, Hkll15; MP 1 611.

tasterrav. east.

fiastersunnandsag (tor) m. Easter Sunday.tastersymbel (tro) n. Passover.

easterttd f. Easter-tide, Paschal season, M,

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8aatcr*8nung I. Passover, Mt26».eaaterwucu f. Easier-week.

«Mt48=6astae8laateweard (e>) earf, 'eastward,* MUeeotfolc n. eastern na<Mm, WW396*.taftgirseog m. eastern ocean, AO 132»eaatgemftre n. eaafern confines, AO 132*.

tasthealf f. ecu* rife, Chr894a.tastland n. the Bast, M : Esthonia, AO.

eaaUang to Me east, eastwards, extendingeast, Chb893a.

tastlftode mp. Orientals, BH.aaatmest v. test.

eaatnofft norta-ecMferiy, AO.eaatnoiltorne nortA-earf.

eaatnorlfwlnd m. north-east wind, Ol.•aatar-»=eaater-

testportlo n. eastern jure*, JS.

taatrav. east,

ftaatre (am. in pL eastron, -an; ga. -ea in N.)f. 'Easter,* BH,WW : Passover, Bl,Mh :


tatrtam m. stream, river, Da385.

+taatrUn to efajwe (dwtn^ Pewter), W208M.

eaatrfce n. eastern kingdom, eastern country,

empire : the east, J5,A0 : Jftw* Anglia.

tastrthte <fae east, eastwards, AO 17" (y).

aaatrlhtea (Sat-) due east

taatro, eaatru=8aatre; ftaatro-=eaater-

iaatrodor m. eastern part of the sky, PPs102".

teatron dp. of eaater.

taataA f. east sea.

Eaat-Seaxan, -Seaxe mpL East-Saxons,people of Essex : Essex.

taststffitf n. east bank of a stream, Ct.

eaststttt south-eastwards, AO. be eaatantian

to ttc south-east.

CaataOtfdAl m. south-east part, BH264".•aatstttnangyrom ecu* to «ottfA, A02217


ftaattteod f. an eastern people.

east-weard, -ward east, 'eastward,' Ct,Mt,ftaatweardes eastwards, M.eaatwegt m. path in or from the east.

eata (N)=eta imperat. of eian.

eatan=etan; aatol=atolfe* (8, y)= (l) 8a8e, (2) ie«

8atM>ede, -bene easy to be entreated, Pa.eatfbe-geate, -g8te «wy to pel.

MSbylgnas f. irritability, NC288.eatfbyllg (y

1, e") eoitfy irritated, W253u.

faftcnfiwe easy to recognise, jEGr 147*.

eattd&dc (y) etuy to do.

fotie (8, eo) I. easy, smooth, agreeable, kindly.

II. adv. easily, lightly, soon, JE,AO,CP :

willingly, feadily, M. a. maeg perhaps,lest III. n. an easy thing.

Mfelto easy, possible, Mt : insignificant,scanty, slight, BH(&) ; M. ['eathly'] adv.-Hoe (Lk).

•atJellcnes (8B-) f. easiness, WW400*.Mfere ouy/or tratvZZtn? ewer, WW146*.•atttynd© (6, y)f ewy to)ind.

eatJgeorn (88-) easily pleased, WW218".8aftgef«ne (e1, y1

, 8»)t eoatfo aee», visible.

8att-g8te, -gSate «wy to obtain, prepared,ready, M.

eaflhrettg =6adhr8CigaaUhyWe contented, satisfied, RB.Mf-IAae (a"L -l&cne «wy to care.

MHAra (ead-) capable of being taught, in-

±Mhntdan, -median to humble, humble one-self, prostrate oneself, adore.

MhnMe= (l) Saorndd, (2) eaCmSdueaftmadllce (ead-) humbly.eattmedu, -medo(CHB) f. gentleness, humility,

Ps : obedience, submission, reverence : good-will, kindness, affability, ['edmede*]

MhnMum humolv, kindly.

eaftmelte=eaomylte8aft-m8ttu, -metto np. humility, weakness,impotency, CP.iatS-mdd (CP), -m8de humble-minded, gentle,

obedient, Ps : benevolent, friendly, affection-

ate, gracious, ['edmede']

±aa9m6dlan to humble or submit oneself,

obey : (+) condescend : (+) adore, worship.

fe«m«Ugt=£a&mdd•athnftdlle humble, respectful, CP. adv.humbly, meekly, CP : kindly.

Mhn6dnas f. humility, meekness, con-descension, Bo (ead-). ['edmodness']eattmylte easily digested, Lcd.eatines f. easiness, lightness, facility, ease :


•atiraMe (8«-) easy to guess, ES36-326.aaflwylte (88-) easily turned, OEG1151.eaum dp. of 8a.

•aw=(l)ea; (2) Sow V.; (3) &(w).aawan=Iewanaawdnes f. 'ostensio,' disclosure, LL412[3].aawenga (AO)=Sawnngaaawese-=8awi8o- ; aawtaaat^aewtestaawlan=iewanaawlselle manifest, open. adv. -lice.

•awlsflrlna= aYwiscfirina

iawl*=§ala; fewu=8ownfewunga (CP^E), Sawunge (LG) adv.openly, plainly, publicly. [lewan]

•awyrt f. river-wort, burdock, Lod.aaz (») I. f. axis, axle, axle-tree, IL=»caaazalgaapann n. place where the two beam*of a cross intersect, Rood 9.

eaxl, eaxel f. shoulder, &.aaxlelatS m. scapular, M.aaxla=eazleaxlgesteallat m. shoulder-companion, com-rade, counsellor : competitort (BT).eb-= ef-, eof- ; 8b-=»b-ebba (sb) m. 'ebb*, low tide, Ma.±ebblan to 'ebb,* Gen.abblnd (8bind) 'tenacitas ventris,* Ln33«.[ON. abbendi]

abol-(N)=yfel-Ebrilae (et i) Hebrew, A,Jn. ['Hebreish*]

8c =Sao

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•ea wk. m. form of See adj.

ecambe=acumbe; 6can=ieeantocelto=eoelio

•ee (») m. 'ache,' pain, BH,Lcd; M. [acan]See perpetual, eternal, everlasting,OET,VPs


1E,CP. sAv. eternally,ever,evermore, ['ec&e']

eeed (») mn. acid, vinegar, M. [L. aoStnm]eeeddrene in. acid drink, Lcd.eeedtot n. vinegar-vessel, Gl.tcellc eternal, everlasting, adv. -lioe VPs.Vechliche']

tcen=eaoen; eoer=»oertcere gfs. of eoe adj.

eeg t^edge,' point, B,Lk;M,CP;Mdl : (f)toeapoa, sword, battle-axe, B.eogan to sharpen : Aafrotc, Op. ['edge']

eegbanat «• «2oyer wfta die ttoorrf, mtirderer.

ecgheard tarrf o/eoVe, An 1183.

eegheiet *** sword-hatred, war.

eeglast mf. sword's edge.

eegplega m. battle, Jxjd246.eogtfracu f. hot contest, B596.eegung f. AorrcwMif, WW 104".

eegwsel xl sword-slaughter, Gen2089.

«eUm-(M)=fioelm-eeUnga (*=ecjjl-) on the edge, IM.tones f. eternity, VPs. a on ecnesse /or ever

and eeer. ['eeheness']

eere dfs. of eoe.

ecsdU, eoadolice (NG) verily.

ed- prefix, denotes repetition, turning.

•d-=eatt-+edbyrdan to regenerate, Soul 100.

edeelnes f. a becoming cool again, VPs66n(oe).

+edeennan to regenerate, create.

edeennlng f. regeneration.

+edelegan (§*) to recaU, LPs 101*odeierr (e, i, y) m. return, CP.+edeucoda (ea1 ) m. man restored to life, M.edcwle regenerate, restored to life, CM499.

±edewlclan (owyo-, ouo-) to re-quicken,

revive, IE*.

edcwlde (e«-) m. relation, narrative, WW43.edeynn-=edoenn-; edcyrr=edcierr•de=6owde; eder^eodor; edese=edJao+edfrtolsian to re-grant by charter, EC197n.edgeongf becoming or being young again.

edgift f. restitution, TC202**.edgrdwung f. growing again, WW 149".

edgung=edgeongedgyldan* (=ie) to remunerate, Sol62u.

edgyldend m. remunerator, 8ol2717.

+edhtwlan to shape, conform, reform.

edhwyrfan to return, retrace one's steps.

+edhyrtan to refresh, recruit, GPH390.+edhyspol? (+edyppol) 'recensendus,' GPH396 (v. ES38-17).edhwyift m. change, going back (to a formerstate of things), reverse.

edise m. enclosed pasture, park, GlJ*s; Mdf.[v. •eddish''}

edfsehenn f. quail VPs."I m. park-keeper, gardener, Gl.

edlung= edgeong±edUscan to repeat, renew, J3L.edUseung f. repetition, LL(4164S).edlAht pp. of edlfioan.

edlss-=edlee-+edla»tan to repeat, ANS84-6.edlian n. reward, retribution, recompense,requital, Bo ; M,CP. [' edlen ']

dbedltanlan to reward, recompense.

±edleanlend m. rewarder.

±ediearning f. recompense, remuneration,

retribution, Gl.edlee-=edlSc-±edlesende reciprocal, relative, jEGr.edlesendllo relative, reciprocal, adv. -lice.

edlesung (»*, y*) f. relation, relating, jEGredmftle (e) n. religious festival, WW45*.edmWtld f. festival time, TC 158**.

Mmdd=eaomod; edn*ow-=edniw-ednlwan adv. anew, again.

ednlwe I. renewed, new, M. II. adv. anew,again, M.±ednlwlan (eo) to renew, restore, reform, M.ednlwlgend m. restorer, A 11*115*.

ednlwlnga (eo*) anew, again.

±ednlwung f. renewal, reparation, renova-

tion, M,CP.«do(NG)=eowde; edori=ieodor

Mr-(A)=*dr-; edreo=edrooedreooan to chew, ruminate, WW533**.[=eodoroan; op. edrooian]

edrlc=edroo; edrine=edryneedrlng f. refuge? Soul 107.

edroc m. gullet, Gl : rumination, Gl.edrodan to ruminate.

edryne m. coming again, return, meeting,

REPsl8».edsoeaft f. new creation, regeneration.

edging (etsith) f. looking again, respect,

WW43*».+edstallan to restore, A13-3661*.

±edstattettan to re-establish, restore, 2&.

edstafteUg renewed in strength.

rtedstatteUgend m. restorer, M.edstatfelung f. re-establishment, renewal, M.edsta*ol-=edsta«el-edfflngung f. reconciliation, WW 172**.

+edtfr*wen 'retortus,' OEG1062.•dultotof=§8el8tBBfed-walle, -welle= edwielleedwendan to return, RPs77**.ed-wenden,f -wend f. change, reversal, end.

edwIdJ=^edwitedwielle (a, e, i) f. eddy, vortex, whirlpool.

edwlhte? something, anything, Gen 1954.

edwille =edwielle

ed-wlnde, -wind f. 'vortex,' whirlpool, Gl.

edwlst f. being, substance, M : sustenance,

food.+edwlstlan to feed, support, LPs22*.

edwlstlic existing, substantive, J5Gb201*.edwlt n. reproach, shame, disgrace, scorn,

abuse, Ps ;AO,CP. Vedwit']

edwltan1 to reproach, VPs. Cedwite']

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edwltful disgraceful, Qu adv. -Hoe.

edwltian=edwitonedwIUM xl life of dishonour, B2801.edwftsolpe m. disgrace, shame, WaldI".edwllaprftct *• scorn.

etfwltapreea m. scoffer, Gu418.

•dwltsteft m. reproach, disgrace.

edwylm m. whirlpool offare, Whalb73.±edwyrpan to amend, become better, recover,

edwyrplnf f- recovery, MEL2-26n.

-fedyppol v. +edhyspol; efe-=efen-efen (nfen, efn, emn) I. adj. 'even,' equal,

like, level, AO : just, true, M : coJm, har-

monious, equable, CP. on efen v. onemn.II. adv. evenly, JBJ*s : equa&y, Bo : exactly,

just as, B,Cr : quite,fully, CP,Oen : namely,

Qu,MeL•fen- often=£. oon-.

Menn. =fefen•fenaVele equally noble.

efenimetan =efenmetanefenapostol (efn(e)-) m. fellow-apostle.

efenbehtfe (efn-) eguauy t«e/uZ or needful,


efenbeorhtf eyua% dnffa.

•fenblaeeop (-cop) m. co-bishop, BH112W.

•fenbllsflan to rejoice equally.

efenbUVe rejoicing with another, MH28*.efenboren of equal birth, LL(256»).efenbrid as broad as long, ES8-477.efenbyrde of equal birth, ^L33*.efeneeasterwaran mp. fellow-citizens, BH62»;GD2(NP.

efeneempa m. fellow-soldier, M.efenerfsten (em-) fellow-Christian, LL.efeneuman4 to come together, agree.

efenifyre equally dear, LL.efeneadlg equally blessed, tHy8u.

efeneald contemporary, coeval, JS,Wid\['evenold']

efeneardigende dwelling together, Cb237.efenioet (efn-) co-eternal adv. B.•fenedwlstlto consubstantial, M.efenShti f. neighbourhood^ neighbouring dis-

trict? Ghb894a (v. BT Supp.).

efenesne (efne-) m. feUow-servant, N.•fenetan to eat as much as, Rd41m.

•Unit* just as easy, Mrr20147 (efn-).

efenfela (eo*) num. adj. just so many, asmany, AO (em-).

efenfrt-fran, -frian 'consolare,1 EPsl25l


efengedAlan (efn-) to share alike, Ex96.

•fengef•on* to rejoice together, sympathise.

efengelto like, co-equal.

efengelloa m. equal, fellow.

efengemseeea (efn-) m. companion, fellow,

consort, CP.efengemyndlg commemorative, BlIOI1


efengetptttan 'conspuere,' MkL14«efengftd (emn-) equally good, Bo.efenhida m. an equal in rank, co-bishop,GD43"MenhaUg equally holy, Bl46u.

efenhtatta m. fellow, comrade, NC283.•fenhaafodltng m. mate, fellow.

efenheah equally high.

efenh§ap m. band of comrades, WW375*efenhemman? to fetter, EPS1457


efenheort concordant, harmonious.efenheort(e)? -nes? concord, harmony, DR(ttfne-).

efenherenes f. praising together, CP8321.

•fenherlan to praise together, VPslia1.

efen-hltottor} n., -hleoorung t harmony,union of sounds or voices.

efenhleotfrlan to sing together, NC283.efenhtyte («») equal In rank, BH.efen-hlytta, -hleta m. sharer, partner, M.efenietfe (S) just as easy, Mrr20iw .

±efenlAean to be like : make like, match,

imitate, JB. ['evenleche']

•fenUtoend m. imitator, M.efenlAeere m. imitator, OEG1057.±efenlAeeftre f. female imitator.

±efenlAeung f. copying, imitation, JR.

efenlang (em-) equally long : prep. (w. d.)

-lange along.

efenttfte f. the herb mercury, Led. ['even-


efenleof (em-) equally dear, AO.efenleornere m. fellow-disciple, OEG56*".±efenlle even, equal, comparable to, of like

age, Or. ['evenly'], adv. -lice equally.

evenly, alike : patiently.

•fenDea (efn-) m. equal, Met20".

+efenDelan to make equal, BH372*1: (±)

'complacere,' AV1P825,.

efenHcnes f. evenness,equality, CP,Ps. (em-).


efenllng (efn-) m. consort, fellow, EP&44'.efenm&re (efn-) equally famous, Met 10".

•fenmcenepreost m. fellow-priest, GD283*.efenmedome (efn-) equally worthy,MH 1349.efenmetan* to assemble together, EPs61» :

compare, VPs48n.

efenmleel equally great

efenmld adj. middle, PPs73".efenmlhtig equally mighty, W16T


efenmoaUee with equanimity, OEG2978.efenntah adv. equally near.

efennthti= efenenti

efennes f. equity, justice : comparison.efen-nfht f., -nihte? n. equinox (23 Sep.).

efenritfe (emn-) equally fierce, A068*.efenrtoe equally powerful, BH416*.efensaoerd m. fellow-priest, AU*74


efenaire (emn-) equally bitterly, CP413*.efensirglan to sorrow together with, com-miserate, M.efensirgung f. sympathy, GD180*.•fenslrig adj. (w. d.) equally sorry (with) :


•fenseearp equally sharp, PPs63*.efenseolere (emn-) m. fellow-pupil, AO 132*.

efenseyldlg equally guilty, LL.efensorglan (efn-) to be sorry for, GD345".efempMiglle consubstantial, BH.

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efenspr&e (efne-) confabulation, LkLpllu.

efenstallan to prepare, make ready, execute,

WW208". [**efenstaCelian]efensung= efesnngefenswlBe (efn-) jtM* a# m«eA, GP.•fenttam (efne-) m. conspiracy, JnLO11


efentowbtllc consubstanUaLefenttegn (efne-) m. fellow-servant, NG.ifenttenung f. supper.

efen-tfiow, -Siowa m. fellow-servant, M,CP.-Keowent.feUow-dervant (female), HL181".

efenftrowlan to compassionate, sympathise,

CP (efn-), M (em-).

efentirdwung f. compassion, So.

efentfw&re agreeing, CM82.

efenunwemme equally inviolate, LL250

efenwAge f. counterpoise, Gl.efenweazan to yrotc tyetfter, Lod.efenwel as well, LL(3241


efenweortt of equal rank : very worthy :

equivalentefenwerod np. comrades, WW381".efenwesende eonfempofxmeouf, co-existent,

Cb360.efenwlbt n. equal, fellow, associate.

efenwrftan (emn-) 'conscribere,' EPsl49*.efenwyreend m. cooperator, BH464tt(ae).

efenwyrhta (em-) m. fellow-worker, M.efenwyrfle= efenweoroefenyrfeweard m. co-Aetr, BH. [ieife]

efeoetDce (GHBlll4s)=ofoetiibeefer, eferfearn=eofor, eoforfearn

«fern(N)=*fenefes, efeeo t the *eaves


(of a house), LPs :

brim, brink, edge, border (of a forest), side,


efesdrypa=yfeedrype±efasUn to clip, shear, cut, MQr. ['even*]

efest (VPs)=«Bfeet, ofcwt; efestan^efstanefestHee hurriedly, NG.efesung f. shearing, shaving, tonsure, Cp,WW. Ceavesing']

•fete (WW) m., efete (M) f. 'eft,* newt,

lizard, M.efgsel* (OEG81M)=8BfgsBlC; efn^efen±efnan h to make even, level, Rd2S* : liken,

compare, MtL. [leven*; ON. jafna]

IL=«fnanefne I. adv. even, evenly, equally, exactly,

indeed, precisely, only, just, alike, likewise,

just now. e. swa even so, even as, just as if,

when. e. swa Sean even though, e. tonext to. II. (», eo) interj. behold/ truly/

indeed/ M. [efen] III. f? alum, M. [cp.

aUifne] IV. T (») n. material, DR.efne-=efen-efnenu interj. behold now, CLPS71*.

efnes quite, exactly.

±eflnettan (emn-) to equal, emulate : makeeven, adjust : (+) compare.efnlan=efnan I.

efol-=eoful-; eforJ=4eofor; elre=£frei=efesian

±efvtan to hasten, hurry, make haste, M.[ofoet]

efstung f. hastening.

eft adv. again, anew, a second time, AB,VPs;GP : then, thereupon, afterwards, hereafter,

thereafter, Chr; M : back, Cm : likewise,

moreover, Mt. [*e/f']

eftacenned born again, N.eftieenn(edn)e8 f. regeneration, N.eftOrlst («) resurrection, NG.eftArisan1 to rise again, VPs.eftbitung f. making whole, NG.eftboren born again, JnLR3*.eftbtt f. restoration to health, NG.eftoerran =eftoyrraneftoneoreso regeneration, DR.efteuman4 to come back.

eftcymet m. return.

ertoymett pros. 3 eg. of eftouman.efteynnes (—oen-) f. regeneration, NG.eftcyrran to turn back, return, M.•ftedwlten* to reprove, MtL21«eft«r^«ftereftern? evening, LkL24*.eftflftwan' to flow back, HGl418; 462.

eftflowung f. redundance, HGL418a.

eftforglfnes t 'remissio,' 'reconciliation

NG,DR.+eftgadrlan to repeat, GD2771


ettgeafung f. remuneration, DR591.

ettgedgan to recall, BH260U.

eftgecyrran= eftcyrran

ettgemyndglan to remember, DR.ettgemyndlg remembering, NG,DR.eftglan to repeat, CP421».U : (+) restore,


efthweorfan* to turn back, return, eft-

hweorfende, -hwyrfende recurring, M.eftlean n. recompense, CbIIOO.eftleanlend m. rewarder, DR89U.

eftllslng (S) f. redemption, NG.eftldcung f. 'respectus,* regard, DR86".eftmyndlg remembering, NG.eftnlwang f. restoration, DR.eftonfond? receiver, NG.eft-reoean pros. 3 eg. -rehtJ 'subdere, * OEG5167.eftryne m. 'occursus,* return, VPsl8T


eftsceoglan to put one's shoes on again,

CM 687.

eft-selenes, -seines, -toeelenes f. requital,

NG,DR.eftiltten* 'residue,' £2Gb157b


eftartf m. journey back, return.

eftafflgende turning back, retreating, WW491w.

eftsdna a second time, Mk : soon after, again,

likewise, Mt. ['eflsoon']

eftspellung f. recapitulation, WW491".efttferclan? (-ttoeoan) 'recalcitrare,' LkL.(v. 'thrash').

efttflngung f. reconciliation, DR88*.eftwyrd f. judgment day, resurrection dayf(or T adj. future, GK), Ex 539.

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eftyin =eftryneefubung^yfefoing; if=leg

•g-=Sg-, eag-, leg-; eg v. eg-la-eg.

-egan . on-6.

egegung (WW 104") =ecgnngage (») m. 'awe,' /ear, terror, areaa*, Pe,JflL; jE,AO,CP : overawing influence, A :

cause offear, VPs.egean (WW4691*)=eoganegeful 'awful,' inspiring or feeling awe,jE,Bo.

egelaf ? t survivors of a battle, Ex370 (or

T egoriaf, OK).egeleas fearless, CP. ['otoefe**'] adv.-lioe, CP.

egeleasnes f. boldness, Bl85».agelto teroofe, SPs75*.egenu f. chaff, husk, WW412'.egesa m. awe, fear, horror, peril : monstrousthing, monster : horrible deed, W281*. [eg©]

egesful=egefulegesfulllc terrible, adv. -libe.

egealulnes f. fearfulness, fear, JPe,LL.egeegrlma m. terror-mask, ghost,

±egesUn* to frighten, terrify, AO,CP :

fAreoten, OEG2481.agesJg (eiaig) terrible, Sat36.

egesUe aw/iu, dreadful, terrible, threatening,

CP. adv. -lice,

egesung f. threatening, terror.

egeswln n. a Km* o/jla*. v. NC284.ege«e=egoeegettgetfgu npL harrowing implements,LL465[17].egewylm m. terrible wave, PPsl06M.

+egglan to egg on, incite, MkL15u.

•ghw-=«ghw-egide I.=eogede pret. 3 sg. of ecgan.II.=eg6e

agile =egle; egto-=eges-; egffle=egtieegl fn? mote, beard, awn, ear (of barley) :

daw, talon. [Qer. aohel]

eg-la-eg 'enact' BRPs69*.±eglan tr. (Jud,Lcd) and impere. (LL)to trouble, plague, molest, afflict, M,CP.C'atT]

egle I. hideous, loathsome, troublesome,grievous, painful, M. IL = egl

egMan=eglan•gnan . on-e\

•gnesf. fear, EPs88tt.

egnwlrht 'merz,' EPsl26» (=genwyrht?BT; agenwyrht? ES381).tgo(NG)=Sage•gor n? flood, high tide, WW386»; 474*.

tgorheref m. flood, deluge.

tgorstreamt m. sea, ocean.

•**;=/*«-; *gs-=eges-, iege-agtJe f. harrow, rake, Gl.egttere m. harrower.Egyptiac Egyptian.eta^eoh; eh-=eag-, leg-, ig-

•her(NG)=ear; ehhfolo*e==heahheolooeehal=eaxl; ehti=Ueht, eaht; ehta^eahta

±entan to attack, persecute, pursue, harass,

MjLO,CP : consider, judge, observe. [6ht]

ehtefeald =eahtafealdintend m. persecutor, AO.ehtere m. persecutor, M,CP.entlan=entanihtnes f. persecution, J3,AO,CP.entre== ehterethtung f. persecution, A0274*.ehtuwe (RD37«)=eahtaWg^ieg; eige=ege; eU-=egee-el m. the letter Lel-, ele- (prefix) foreign, strange.

«= (l)n, (2) eel; elan=eglanelboga (j£)=elnboga«e(NG)=alo; eleh=eolhelelan to put off, delay, J&.

ektend m. procrastinator, 2E121M.

eloor adv. else, elsewhere, otherwise, except,

besides, BH. ['efetor']

eleora, elcra, eloran adv. else, otherwise.

eleung (A) f. delay, M.eleur=elcor; eldJ=deld; eldort=4ealdor

ale m. oil, Led; iE,AO,CP. ['efe';/,.]

ele-=el-elebacen cooked in oiL

elebeam m. olive-tree, M : elder? privet?

EC379'.elebeamen of the olive-tree, WW1287


elebeamstybb m. stump ofan elder, EC 190".

elebearu m. olive grove, NG.eleberge f. olive.

aleboga (JPJF)=elnbogaelebytt f. oil-vessel, chrismatory, WW432".

eleetre=elehtreeledroena pL dregs of oil, Lod 1-310'.

elefttt n. oil-vessel, ampulla, WW. Velvat']

elegrtofa m. oil-vessel? OEG (v. BT).elehorn m. oil-flask, WW4347


elehtre f. lupine. [L. eleotrum]eleleaf n. olive-leaf? Lod 102b.

eleltast f. lack of oil, GD44".elelendleo strange, foreign, as eb. stranger,


elene=eolone; eleedrosna=eledroenaeleeealf f. oil-salve, nard, HGl405.eleseoeche f. oil-strainer, WW 154".

elestybb m. elder-stump. [ =ellen-]

eletredde f. oil press, GD.eletraow n. olive.

eletrtowen of olive trees.

eletwlg n. oleaster, WW460".tiett m. allodium, freehold, Gu38. [=e6el]elewana m. lack of oil, GD44*.

elfen f. nymph, spirit,WW352* [=ielfen]elletu=ilfetu; elfremed*=UBlfremede!h=eolhelnygd f. distraction, ecstasy.

ell= el; eU-=el-eltorn (Cp), ellarn= ellen II. and III.

ellandt n. foreign country. ['eilland *]

elle = ealle ; ellefne {An)= endleofanellen I. nm. (always n. in f) veal, strength,

courage, B,Bo,Qu. on e. boldly, ['sine9


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IL n. 'elder1-tree, Led; Mdf. III. adj. of

elder-wood, Lod.eUenahse f. eider ash, Lcd121d. [-asoe]ellenorseft m. might, power, PPs98».eUendMt f. heroic deed.

eHende L adj. foreign, strange, exiled.

IL n. foreign parts.

eUenga=eaUungaeUengfttt m. powerful demon, B80.eUengrifa m. elder-grove, BC2-469W.

aUenheardt mighty, brave, bold.

ellenhete m. jealousy, A11-98M.

ellenlAea m. champwn, combatant, WW.ellenleaf n. elder-leaf, Lod 122a.eUenltes wanting in courage, Jul ['eflen-


eUanlte brave, M. adv. -lioe.

eHenmfertfat f. fame of courage.ellenrlnd f. elder bark, Lod.ellenrdi courageous, powerful, M.eUenseoe moriaUy wounded, B2787.eUensprfte f. strong speech, Qui 128.

eUen-etubb, -stybb m. elder stump, CtellentAn m. elder twig, Lod 116b.ellentreow n. elder-tree, Ct.

eDenflrlste heroically bold, Jud 133.

ellenweoret n. heroic deed.

ellenwdd I. f. teal, PPs68>. IL furious,Jxjl140 : zealous, earnest, OEG364.

ellenwddtanf to emulate.

ellenwddnest t zeal.

ellenwyrt f. elderwort, dwarf-elder.enenwyrttruma m. root of elder, Lod 101a.•neohl n. elision of the letter 1, OEG 5471.ellern=ellenll.eUes adv. in another manner, otherwise, Mt\M,CP : 'else,

9besides, BljSeaf; M,CP :

elsewhere, OEG2MI. e. hwor, hwergen,hwider elsewhere, e. hw»t anything else,


eflnung^elnung•Oort elsewhere, elsewhither, to some other

place, e. londes in another land.

ellorfOst ready to depart.

eflor-gSatt, -gast m. alien spirit

eUorsltS m. death, B2461.eflreord, ellreordig=elreordeDtfeod^elSeodelm m. 'elm,

1elm-tree, Led. [L. ulmus]

•lm-=8ebn-; elmboga=elnbogaalmriiid f. elm-bark, Lod.•In I. fore-arm, *efl' (a foot and a half to twofeet), Mt,WW; MjLO,CP.elnboga m. 'elbow,' WW(ele>-); CP.elne, elnes 6b. and gs. of ellen.

elnfemet n. eU-measure, Gx*1309.±elntan to emulate, be zealous : strengthen,

comfort oneself : gain strength, Lod.elnunf 1 comfort, consolation, ML2Z*U :

emulation, zeal, M.elone=eolone; elotr, elotfr (GL)=elehtreelpan- (VPs), elpen-=elpend-elpend (y

1) m. elephant, AO.

elpendbAnen (elpan-, ylpen-) of ivory.

elpendbftn n. ivory.

elpendto* m. ivory, WW397".etpent=elpendelra oomp. adj. other, B753. [*el; Goth, aljis]

el-reord, -reordigofstrangespeech,barbarous.

elreordlgnes f. barbarism, Gl.•els maao. soffix for inanimate things, as in

reoels, wfifels.

eltet (JE)=ieldest snperL of ealdL

etttod t strange people, foreign nation, (in

pL) foreigners, enemies : (pL ) all people, all

nations, Gnl084, 1337: exile, AO.eltfeod-glan, -ian to live abroad, wanderas a pilgrim : (+) make strange, disturb,


eltteodlg foreign, strange, barbarous, hostile,

Bo,Met{m\-);AO,CP : exiled, wk. formmp. el-oeodian, -1S$odig8Ji8tra7vgereyforeign-

ers, pilgrims, proselytes. ['altheodt *]

eltfeodlfe (io) abroad, LkR15u.

eltftadlglto (db\-)foreign, strange, born abroad.

adv. -hoe.

eltfeodlgnes f. foreign travel or residence,

pilgrimage, exile, AO.elBeodbo foreign, strange, Mt277


etttodung f. residence or travel abroad, BH

ettld-, eltiied-, el8eod-=elt$eod-

eluhtre=elehtre; elwiht=»lwihtemm? the letter m.em-=efen-, emn-, ym-, ymb-, ymbe-em-=ftm-emb, embet=5ymb, ymbeembeht (NG)^lambihtembehtlan=ambihtan; emblhti=&mbilitembren (&, i

1) n. bucket, pail, Gl. [Oer.

eimer]emdenes, emdemes=endemesemel=ymel; emer=omeremleoht n. elision ofm before vowels in scan'

ning verse, OEG5473.emn, emne^efen, efne, efn-

emnet n. plain, AO 186n. [efen]

emtwft (on) into two equal parts, in half,

M.-en suffix I. diminutive (neat.) as in megden(from msegti). II. to form feminities (a)

with mutation (gyden,from god), (b) with-

out mutation (Seowenjrom tSeow). III. ad-

jectival, with mutation, denoting material

en-=an-; end conj.=and+endadung f. finishing.

ende m. 'end,' conclusion, Mt : boundary,

border, limit, Ps; JE,AO,CP : quarter, direc-

tion : part, portion, division, AO : district,

region, AO : species, kind, class : death,

set (ti&m) e. finally.

ende-berd-v -bird-, -bred-=endebyrd-endebyrd f. order, Mxrl34


±endebyrdan toput in order,arrange, ordain,

dispose, M.endebyrdend m. one who orders or arranges,


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endebyrdest ** an orderly manner, regularly,


endebyrdlan=endebyrdanendebyrdlic ordinal, &Q*2&2". adv. (±)-lie© in an orderly manner, in order, insuccession, JE,CP.endebyrdnes f. order, succession, series,

arrangement, method, rule, JE,CP : grade,

degree, rank, condition, jE,CP.endedsegf m. last day, day of death.

endedogort inn. last day, death-day.

endetestend m. finisher, DR27U.

andefurh f. end-furrow, Ct.

•ndelif f. last remnant, last, B2813.endeleant n. final retribution,

endeltas, -leaslio (M) tendless,


eternal. Bo. adv. -lice, M,endeltasnes I. endlessness, infinity, eternity,

,ffiG*116»endem n. life's end, death, El585.endemann m. man of the world's (supposed)

final age, M.endemes (M,CP), endemest adv. equally,

likewise, at the same time, together, unani-mously : fully, entirely : in procession.

endemest (snde-) last, MF (Veep. D xiv).

endemestnes f. extremity (v. MF157).ende-nenst, -nSxt (I, y) extreme, final, last,

M.endeifm m. number, Sat 12.

endesAta m. border-watchman, B241.endespAo f. epHoaue, CM 1166.

endestsBff m. end, conclusion.

endetfma m. end of life, last hour.

endeftritat (aende-) f. end, destruction, GD337*.

±endlan to 'end,' finish,M : abolish, destroy,

JnB,Ps; AO,CP : to come to an end, die,

Ou; AO.endleofan (e"f i1, u1

, y1

; o») num. 'eleven,'

M,BH.endllfangUde entitled to eleven-fold com-pensation, LL3[1];470[7].end-lyfta, -leofta, -leofeBa 'eleventh,' Bl,MUendlyfte in (he eleventh place, eleventhly,

LL182[11].+endodlto finite, Bo44n.

±endungf. fending, ' end, Mt;CP :(+)death.

endwero n. pain in the buttocks, Lod 174a.[waro]ened (a1, i1) mf. drake, duck, Cfl. ['ende']

eneleao=ynneleaoenetere=anwintre; enga=angaenge I. (a, ee) narrow, close, straitened, con-strained : vexed, troubled, anxious : oppres-sive, severe, painful, cruel. II. (a, o) adv.sadly, anxiously.

+enged troubled, anxious, WW357*.engel (») m. 'angel,' messenger, Mt; iE,CP.[L. angelus]

Engel=Angelengeleund angelic, Gu72.engeloynnf n. race or order of angels.engellle angelic, of angels, M.

engetrtow=hengetreowEnglaland n. country of the Angles, 'Eng-land,' BH.Englan, Engle mp. the Angles (as oppoeedto the Saxons) : the English generally.

[Angel]engleUe=engeUioEngllse 'English,' JB,LL;CP. on E. in

(the) English (language), JBGr,BH,Mt.EngHsemann m. 'Englishman,' LL.enguf f. narrowness, confinement.

enld=ened; enig==finig; #nltre=»anwintre

enlefan=endlnfon; *nnplg=anlipeenne-leao, -leo=vnneleao; eno=neonuent m. giant, J&JLO.enteynn n. race of giants.

enttse ofa giant, 32979.entse=yndaeenwlntre= anwintreeobor, eobot=eofor, eofot; eoe=geoo•ode h pret. 3 sg. of gan, IL=eowdeeodorf m. hedge, boundary : limit, region,

zone : inelosure,fold,dweUing,house : prince,


eodor-breett t, -brice m. breach of an in-

closure, house-breaking, LL.eodoroan to chew, ruminate, BH346*.[—edrooian]

eodorgong(eder-)m.6«y^njrf (GK) -.robbery?

(Liebermann), Ob 1676.

eodorwfr m. wire fence, Rd18*.eodur=eodor; eofel=yfeleofert^eofor; eofera=eaforaeofennodlg= ofermodigeofet=eofot; eofne=efneeofole f T danewort, endivef Lod.eofon=heofoneofor (e1, ea\ e1) m. boar, wild boar, Lcd,Ps :

boar-image on a helmet. [' ever ']

eofora=eaforaeoforeumbol n. boar-image on a helmet? boar-

shaped ensign? 1£l16; 269.

eoforfearn (e1) n. a kind of fern, polypody,

Lcd,WW. I'everfern']

eoforheefodsegn (ea1) n. banner with a boar 's

head design? B2162.eoforUe m. boar-image (on a helmet), B303.eofonpere (ua) n. boar-spear, OEG7M.

eofotsprtot n. boar-spear, Gl.eoforswln n. boar, Lod 98b.

eotorSring m. (boar-throng), the consteUation

Orion.eofortfrote f. carline thistle, Lod.± eofot n. crime, sin, guilt.

eofotJ=eafo6; eoful- (A)=yfel-eofnr(VPs)=eofor; eofut(NG)= eofot

togor=egor; eogot5=eeoguCeohf nm., gs. eos war-horse, charger : nameof the rune for e. [Ooth. aihwa]eohf [«*Iw] m. yew-tree : name of the runefor to.

eola, eolo^eolh ; eoldran =ieldraneolene=eolonetoles gs. of eolh.

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eolet n. voyage? (Cosijn), B224.eolh m. [g. Solas] elk.

eolh-sand (-sang, HGl431) n. amber, Gl.eolhseog (eolhx-, eolx-, Hug-) m. 'papyrus,*

reed, sedge, Gl : name of a rune, Run 15.

•olhstede= ealhstede

eolone f. elecampane.eolofl=ealat5 (v. ealu)

eolneog= eolhseog

eom h v. weean. IL=heom, him dp. of

h5, heo, hit

•ond^geondeonde?=ende (but v. JAW31)eonu=heonu•or- ; eor- =ear-, ier- ; ear-

eoronanstan, eoro(l)an8tan m. precious

stone. [Goth, -airkns]

sored (o1) nf. troop, band, legion, company,[eon, rad]

eoredclst (o*, ie». e", v*)t t troop, company.toredgeatwe fpL military apparel, B2866.ftoredgorld n. troop of horsemen, WW2291


ftoredhiap m. troop, host, DD113.eoredmsecg m. horseman, Rd23*.foredmann m. trooper, horseman, BH,WW.eoredmenlgu f. legion, Gd.toredttrfet m. troop, host, Rd4".eored-weorod, -wered n. band, company,GD71*.

eorl m. 'earl,' nobleman (origly. a Danishtitle=the native 'ealdormanT)v Ct,LL,Ma :

(t) brave man, warrior, leader, chief, Cr,

Qcnjtd : man.eorlcund noble, LL.•orlddm m. earldom, rank of an earl, Chb.•orlgebyrdt t noble birth.

eorlgestreont n. treasure, wealth.

eorlgewAde n. armour, B1442.eortto (l)=ierlic; (2)eorlHo

eorUso of noble rank, LL173.•orllle chivalrous, manly.•orlmsBgent n. band of noble warriors.

eorhiht n. earVs right, LL468[5].•orlsolpet m. manliness, courage.

eortweorod n. host of noble warriors, B2803.•ormeneynn (y

1)t n. mankind.

eormengrund n. wide world, B859.eormenlaf !. huge legacy, B2234.eormenstrfnd f. race, generation, 8ol329.eormenttiod (y

1) f. mighty people, Men 139.

eorn-=georn-eornes t. anger, Bl123*; HL.eornesfc=teornost

eornost f. earnestness, zeal, J3,CP. oneomost(e) in earnest, earnestly, truly :

seriousness, W : battle, ['earnest']

eornoste (ea) I. 'earnest,' zealous, serious,

JR. II. adv. earnestly, seriously, courage-

ously '.fiercely.

eornostUee L adv. 'earnestly,' etrictlv, truly,

in truth, indeed, MtJjL. II. oonj. there-

fore, but.

•ornnat^eornost; torodXeoredseortfo, heoro*

eortt-ttppel m. nap. -seppla 'earth-apple,*cucumber, M : 'mandragora,' WW.

eorttorn (ea) n. earth-house, grave.

eorSbeofung (i*) f. earthquake, AO.eortfberge f. strawberry, WW242*. [bene;Qer. erdbeere]

eorttblgenga m. earth-dweller, BH268".eorttblgennes f. agriculture, WW144U.

eortibryog f. bridge ofpoles covered with earth,

BC3-223".eortt-buendt, -bug(ig)end jn. earth-dweller,man, jfi.

eortiburh= eortfbyrig

eorttbyfung =eor8beofungeorttbyrgen t grave, NC284.eortfbyrlg f. earthwork, mound, embankment,road.

eortfcafar m. cockchafer, WW122". [oea-for]

eortt-eenned, -eend earth-born, Ps.eortfcr&ft m. geometry, OEG3119.eortS-erypel, -oryppef m. paralytic, palsiedman, NG.eorttound, eortieundlio (CP) sprungfrom the

earth, earthly.

eortteynlng m. earthly king, king of the


eorUoynn n. human race, Ex370.eorftdenu f. valley, NG284.eortfdraea} m. dragon that lives in the earth,

eortfdyne m. earthquake, Chr 1000. [' earth-


eortte f. ground, soil, jEfB,LkL; AO,CP :

'earth,' mould, Gu : world, M,B,Mt :

country, land, district, Jn.eortten adj. of or in the earth, OEG3312Teorttern =eontarneortifssst ' earthfast,' firm in the earth, JSeortftat n. earthly vessel, body, Soul8.eortt-gealla, -galla m. earth-gaU, lesser


eorBge-byrst, -bent n. landslip, Ct.

eorSgemAre n. boundary of the earth, PPs21».

eorftgemet n. geometry, Gl.eorttgesoeaft f. earthly creature, Met20"*.

eorftgraf n. hole in the earth, Rd59*.eorftgrap !. earth's embrace, Ruin 6.

eortShele m. a covering of the ground.eortnirernes f. earthquake, Bl,NG.eortnios n. cave-dweuing, den.

eorttlflg (ya) n. ground ivy, Lod 1-212.

eoimio 'earthly,' worldly, Bl,Mt; M. adv.-Koe.

•ortning= yrtiling

eoHSmsBgen n. earthly power, Rim69.

eorU-mata [-maCa?] m. 'vermis,' worm, Ql.eorVmistel m. basil (plant), LcD33a.•orSnafela m. asparagus, Lod.aortfnutu f.


* pig-nut, CL [hnatn]eorVreeed n. cave-dwelling, B2719.eorVrest f. bed laid on the ground, WW362U.

eortUrfoet n. earthly kingdom, earth.

•ortMma m. a plant, Lod 120a.

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n. ds. -sorafe cave-dweUing,

cavern, CP : sepulchre.

eorlfeelet m. cave-dweUing.

eortislihtes close to the ground, M.eortfetede m. earth, PPs737


eortfetlrung=eorostyrongeortf-styren (GD), -styrennes (KG), -sty-

rang (M)L earthquake,

eorttllia m. earth-tiller,' husbandman,farmer, W305».eorlfttlV f. 'earth-tilth,' agriculture, WW.eortitOdor n. human race, PP811711


eortftyrewe f. earth-tar, bitumen, A074".eortta (N) =eorBeeorttwssstm f. fruit of the earth.

eorti-waran (CP), -ware mpL, -warn fpL

earth-dwellers, AO. V earthware']

eorttweall m.'earth-waU, mound.eortiweard m. region of earth, B2334.eorftwegt m. earth.

eortiwela m. uwottA : fertility, AO.eortfweore n. uwt on Me fond,

eorftwerodn. inhabitants of earth, W25»;203».

eoftf-westm, -yfig=eort$-w»stm, -ifig

torwtega= earwicgatoe gs. of eoh.

eosel, eoeol=eeoleosele f. she-ass, Bl.tost-=6a«t-; eosul=esoleotan(VPs)=etan; Eotas=Eotenaseotenf m. giant, monster, enemy. [ON.iotonn]Eotenas mpL Jutes.

eotend (=etend) voracious, gluttonous, WW396«;523*.

eolenlso gigantic, B. ['etenish']

Eotolware mp. Italians, BH10811.

toton=®ton pret. pL of etan.

eotonlse =eotenisoeotonweard f. watch against monsters?*e(N)=eatfetow I. dat. of g§ pen. pron. to you, you.

II. interj. wot alas/ III.=giw. IV.=Iw.V. m. sheep.

towi= tow II. ; towan=iewantowberge =Iwberge ; towelg=towooigtowd f. sheepfold, M : flock, herd, M.towde n. flock (of sheep), herd, M.towdasetap n. sheep of the flock, PPs64".towe I. gs. of town. II. = ewetowed, eowede =towd, towdetowende (dat.) 'testiculis,' LL64 [25, 1].

tower I. gp. of ge pen. pron. (2nd pera.).

IL possess, pron. your, yours.

hovretlenaiMGofyourland, vtstras, 'JEG&941.

towestre m. sheepfold.

towlan=iewantowlo ace. pi. of 6u (v. ge).

towlstre =towestretowoolg of a ewe, ewe's, Lcd 16a.

towod, towode=towd, towdetowohumele f. female hop-plant, Lod.towomeoluo f. ewe's milk, Lod 70a.

town L'ewe,' A,LL.

towunga=eawungaeplstol m. letter.

epl, eppei=aeppel; eppan=yppan•r=(l)«r,(2)fr,(3)earLer-; er-=»r-, ear-, ier-, yr-; fir-, ear-

eree^aroe; ercnastan (NQ)=eoronanstaneretle heretical [L.]

erian, erigean to plough, JS,Bo,Lk; CP.['ear']

erlnaces pL hedgehogs, PPsl03".erlngland n. arable land, Ct.

erlung f. ploughing, WW 104«.

erntJ (») f. crop of corn, BH44Mc.

erse m? stubble-field, EC282'; 290'.

ersehen f. quail, £J,WW.tea v. 6s.

esoeap=Asoeap; esl=eazlasne m. labourer, slave, servant, retainer :

youth, man, CP. [Ooth. asneifl]

esneound of a labourer, WW21244.

esnemon (i1 ) m. hireling, JnRlO1*.

esnewyrhta m. mercenary, hireling.

esnllee like a man, manfully, JS,CP.esol mf. oat, CP. [L. asellus]

ess m. name of the letter s.

esslan to waste away, RPs 1181*est mf. favour, grace, bounty, kindness, love,

An,B : harmony, consent : (in pL) delicacies,

WW;M. [leste']

estan (w. d.) to live luxuriously, W190".estan =eastaneste gracious, liberal, B,Oen. ['este'}

fetelle kind, gracious, EPs68"dainty (offood), MF (Vesp. D xiv). adv.

-Hoe, CP.estful gracious, devoted, devout, M : fond ofluxuries, WW2\%*». ['estfuU'] adv. -lioe.

fsttulnes f. devotion, teal, CP : luxury,


fetgeorn delicate,fond ofluxuries, WW218".estlg gracious, liberal, Pa 16.

esttnes f. benignity, EPs64u.


fetmete m. dainty, delicacy, luxury, M.-estre = f. agent, as in wltegestre, prophetess.

Htum freely, willingly, gladly.

esul=esolesuloweorn f. mill-stone turned by an ass,


et I. =»t prep. II. pres. 3 sg. of etan.

et-=et-,ed-; at(NG)Kvt±etan* (ea, eo) to 'eat,' M,AOJn : devour,

consume, Jn; CP : (reflex.) provision one-

self: (+) eat together.

etelond n. pasture land, KC2-95".etemest=ytemest; eten=eotenetend m. eater, glutton.

etenUes L pasture, LL462[20].etol (ettnl) voracious.

etonlse (B)


eoteniso j etsomne =a3twunneetst=itst pres. 2 eg. of etan.

ettan to graze, pasture land, AO 18**.

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ettulnes f. greediness, gluttony, So56*.

§9 h comp. adv. more easily. IL =yt$c8-=»B-, ed-«-=»«-, «a«-, «$-, f«-ettewlde (QL)=edowide•Vef barren, waste, desolate* [Qer. dde]iftel (oe, N) mn. ga. &olee country, notfee

land, home, Lk,Met;CP. t^wfilee «. <Ae

mo, Chb975a : name of the rune for m.[*e*aeT]

itfelboda m. 2cmu2'# apostle, native preacher,

Gu076.MSeloynlng m. king of the land, Cb997.itfeUrfem m. domestic joy, Gbn1607.itfeleardt m. native dwelling.

•ttelteatent n. fortress.

Mfenandt n. fatherland, country.

iVelltasf homeless, exiled.

iftebnearet f. boundary of one*s country,


ittelrleet n. naftt* country.

Mtalrlhtt n. hereditary right.

MJel-aeMt, -aetlf n. aettfcment

Mtalstsaf (ul, yl) m. heir, successor.

ttfebtaftolt m. aettfemen*.

ttSelstdlt m. hereditary seat, habitat/ion i

royal city, chief city.

ttSebtdwt f. dtoeUifig-plaee.

iVelturtt f. (da. -tyrf) fatherland.

Mtaltfrymmt m. ytery o/ one'« ouw land*,

itfelweardt m. ford o/ tae reoJm, man.tSelwynnt f. joy o/ ownership.

Mfeung f. breath, breathing, inspiration :

Aard breathing, RB688.

Man to oreoMe, GZ) : «meB. ['etAe']

•ftr(N)=*dr,fcdree**a(MtR)=ott5e•Sung I. f. Zoyt'np tMMte, destroying, Gl.[fitJe, Joan] II.=et$gungMwllte eowiZy turned, 0EG1151.tuwa inteij. woe/ Gl.§w- = fiw-, 5aw-, Sow- ; twe =Sownex, eze f. brain, Lod (v. A 30-129).

ezi=4eaz ; exen v. oza.

exUstealla T = eaxlgeatealla

exorclsta m. exorcist, MLSl 1*1.

la v. fah I.

faea gp. of faw.

fftcen n. nap. faonu deceit, fraud, treachery,

sin, evil, wickedness, crime, Mt,LL ; JE,AO :

blemish, fault {in an object), LL114[56];398[9]. ['faken']

tteendAd f. sin, crime, PPsll8u.

fftcen-ful, -fallio deceitful, crafty.

tteeafeewls f. conspiracy, WW.fieengeiwlpere n. deceit, PPs82».ficenltaa guileless ipure, KG.tteenUo decetiful,B3W*&. adv. -lice, M.Waken*]

ttoenaearut n. treachery.

mp. treachery, deceit, B1018.flcentacen n. deceitful token, Gb1666.fact; m. plaice? loachf WW 180".ficlan to try to obtain, get, AO 152*.

!icn?=tfacen; ttene=f£onefaeum dp. of feo.

±fadlan to arrange, dispose, guide, M.fadlend m. manager, OEGo^*01


±fadung f. arrangement, order, disposition,

dispensation, M.tadur(A)=f®derfade (e) n. space of time, while, division,

interval, Lk; M,CP : period of five years,

lustrum, WW431" ['fee'; Qer. fach]fSaeean=feocanfeaeele (e1 ) t torch, WW. [Qer. faokel]

fAeenUfce= faoenliee

teetul spacious, Sol86».tocUe(GL)=feeoeletAene I. deceitful, treacherous, Ps : vile,

worthless. II. adv. deceitfully, maliciously,disgracefully : (f) exceedingly.

fAenig 'dolosus't RPs72u (or T faVmigung'dolus,* ES3813).+ted orderly, well-conducted, LL : calm,composed, W51u. [fadian]

fAd-=f«d-fsader (e1 ) m. uau. indeoL in ag. 'father,' JC,VPs; AO,CP : male ancestor, LkL,Mt : the

Father, Qod, Jn,Mt,VPs : (in pL) parenUt

M. eald t grandfather. oridda, fdower-oa f. ©to. great-grandfather, great-great'

grandfather, etc.

ffladera (e1 ) m. paternal uncle, AO. [op.Qer. vetter]

+f8Bdera m. godfather (in his relation to the

father), M. [Qer. gevatter]

fasdeneiVelot npL patrimony : paternalkinship.

fatderen paternal+f8Bderen born of (he same father, A011414


fasderenbro^or m. brother {from the samefather).

fasderenenoal (fsadren-) n. father's kin, LL54[9].

faBdereneynn n. father's kin.

faBderenhealf f. father's side, Chb887a.fasderenmAa; m. paternal kinsman, Chb887b.

faBderenmOgftf.paternal kindred,LL392[3].faBderiVel m. fatherland, AO.fsaderfeoli n. dowry paid by the father of the

bride, LL.fsadergeard m. father's dwelling, Gen 1063.fsadergeitreon n. patrimony, Gl.faBderhlwlae n? 'paterfamilias,' NG.fBBdertngmaBg =faederenm*gfadderland n. paternal land, inheritance.

ChrIIOI.Ue&9T\9*B fatherless, W.faBderlle 'fatherly,' paternal, ancestral, El.adv. -Hoe.

+fSBdtte fit, suitable, proper, adv. -lioe :

orderly, quietly : crafltty, CPs82«. [fadian]

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tedera- =f»Mleren-tederslaga m. parricide, WW.tedenwlea m. traitor to one's father, ML19**.

todm=fflB&m; tedr-sfeder-+tedrlan to have the same father, AO.lAtne (LkRl»)=ffimne+tog beloved, B916. [OHQ. gifag]

-fAgan v. a-f


" doomed (to death), fated, destined,i'fey,'*#,Ua :in^ifa : deorf : unhappy, accursed, Cr ;

/eeMe, eott»r<%, (?*. Tver, feige]

±togen (w. g.) '/aw/ glad,joyful, rejoicing,

B&; AO.togenlan= fagxuantogennee 1 toy, NC286.toger (ft) L T/»tV tovely, beautiful, Bo,Gen;AO,CP : pleasant, agreeable, Ex : attractive,

Qtn;M. 11. L beauty, Bo.

tegerllce splendidly, LkL16u.

tegernee f. 'fairness,* beauty, LPsJSc; M.tegerwyrde smooth-speaking, FT 12.

togn=f»gentegnet f. dttwfMfy, LPB441*.

dbtegnlan (a) (w. g.eto.) to re^otee, 6e

plod, esuft, Bo,Met : /own, JE : applaud.

[>»»']±tognung f. rejoicing, ELSPs.+fAgon pret. pi of +fSon.togre («) /atrly, elegantly, beautifully, A :

pleasantly, softly, gently, kindly, Oen,Men :

weU,jusOy: early, LkR24*(e). ['/atr']

±togrlan to 6ecoroe beautiful : adorn,


fAgtt? f. tmrntfunt <fea<A, Aw284(GK).!Aban=feganII. tobt=feohtfAbti f. Aomftfy, e»wnt(yr violence, revenge,

vendetta, AO. [fah; pp. (7er. fehde]

fAhtfbdt 1 payment for engaging in a feud,LL266[25];286[5,2d].

lAntfe, ffthfco, fehbu=ffth«tol-=feal-,fel-, fyl-

fAlAcan= falftoan

ttUef L faithful, trusty, good, Ps :

beloved. Vfele*] II. adv. truly,


±fAlstan to expiate, condition,

purify : (+) pass through.

lAman to '/oaia, ' IfM,. [lam]fjBmhadllc


fftmnhadlio ; lAmlg=famigfffmnnnhM =sffcmnhadfAmne (8) f. maid, virgin, bride, M : (+)woman : viraoo.

fAmnhid m. virginity, maidenhood, AO.fAmnhadesmon m. virgin, RB136M.

fAmnnidlto (OEG), £*mn(en)lio maidenly,virginal.

tonxfentor I. n. (f also f.) nap. fara (±) way,journey, passage, expedition,AJJk. mannesI. highway, i£L26M1 : proceedings, life, M :

movable possessions, means of subsistence,ma: ark, ship. Vfare'] ILoepectf M*t31«.



fAr (5) h m. sudden danger, peril, BJSx :

sudden attack : marvel? Bl199m. ['/ear*]

IL=f6fer. IIL=f*egertor-= far-, for-, fear-, feor-, fier-, for-

tAr-pre6x= (l)«i«aVle»,J^Arf; (2)f5r-

tAran to frighten, JB; CP : raven, MtL7w(S). ['/ear']

lArbena m. peasant, small-holdert (Lieb.),

LL3S3[50].fArblfongen beset by dangers, B2009.fArblAd («*) m. «wW«n Mm* (o/ wind),Jul649.

fArbryne m. ecorcAtna heat, Ex72.

fArolamm (9) m. sudden seizure, Ex 119.

fArooVu t apoplexy, Lot.lArewealmm. enaaVnoeeeifenee.

fArayle m. tntonee cola, Gsx43.UbttlMm. sudden death WW351".fArdryre m. sudden fall, Cra48.tAredlic(,E)=f*rlic; terebt=f»rrihttereld (a1) nm. roy, journey, passage, ex-

pedition, MJiO,CP : retinue, company,AO : couree o/ K/e, conduct, JE : progress,

power of locomotion, M : the Passover.

teraldfriols m. passover feast.

torelt (AO,CP)=toreWterennos=teniaetoreV pree. 3 eg. of faran.

tortrlg without passage-money, Ki*M&rtyll (on) headlong, WW420*.fArgrlpet m. etKlden ^rtp.

fArgryref m. awful horror.

tt&rhagm m. hedge of terrors, Gu933.torlnga (8) suddenly, unexpectedly, quickly,

forthwith, by chance, Lk ; M,CP. Vfiringe*]ttrllo sudden, unexpected, AO,WW; M,CP.adv. -ltoe, Lk. Vferlu']

ternee t passage, traffic, BH^MtR.MernW m. hostile attack, B476.torrAe m. sudden rush, LkL8»fAnftsende («*)


repen*ta,' DR1251*.

torrlht n. passage-money, JEL23bMa.

torseeatt m. passage-money, fare, Abdb.fAnoeaKa m. enemy. Ma 142.

lArscyte m. sudden shot, Gb766.fArsearo n. sudden artifice, C&770.fAreeaV m. deep pit, WW 193*.

fAndlde m. sudden fall, PPsll4».fAnpellf n. dreadful tidings.

torst pree. 2 est. of faran.

fArettoe m. sudden stitch (pain?.

fAntylt m? amazement, LkL5M.

Uerswlge f. amazement, MkL6"{&).torS h =ferC. II. -pree. 3 eg. of faran.

fArunga, fftninge (iE)=fftringatAruntrymnee fT encUen sickness, Lcd 107b.fArwundor n. temWe wonder, Ex 279.toe (a, ea) n. /Wny«, 6oroer, iftL. ['/oe']

fAeeeaftnee= feaaoeaftnee

toelf n? seed, offspring, progeny.toenlan =f»stniantoet I. 'fast,* fixed, firm, secure, steadfast,

strong, BHJlo,Lcd : stiff, heavy, dense. Led ;

iE,AO,CP : mode strong, fortified, BH-,Mi

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religious, Christian (book). II. (Gul92)"Ituton±testan tofasten,makefirm,ratify, establish,

MkLJjkL : entrust,commit : 'fast9('i-fast



abstain from foodJL^SlJLcd; CP : atone for(by fasting), Da592.

teste (e) 'fast,9

firmly, securely,BH&> ; & :

straiUy, strictly : heavily (sleep).

teften n. fastness, stronghold, fortress, AO,GP : cloister, M : (±)fast (abstinence fromfood) BlJjL,Mt,VPs ; CP : firmament, sky.


testenbehcefednes f. parsimony, WW604".testenbryee m. breach offast, LL,W.testewtog m. fast-day, KB,W.testendle m. fort-ditch, moat, Ct.

testengangol =f*estgangoltestengeat n. castle-gate, Jtn>162.teetengeweorc xl Kaotftfy /or repair 0/ lAe

defences of a town.

tost-entto, -emtio quadragesimal, DR.testemies= fnetneetestentfdf./M*,LL.testenwuee f. week offasting, MLVSbP1.

teetermddor= fdetormdclor

teetern xl fast : Quadragesima, LG.testes 6y cAance, WW.testgsngol (o", e») steady, faithful, Cba80.testtaafol retentive, tenacious, M : sparing,

miserly, CP.testtaafolnes f. economy, CP453*.testheald rirmfy fitted, ^L23*M.

testbfdlgf constant, steadfast.

±tectUn (ea) to commend, entrust, commit,LkL.

testing 1 keeping in trust, LL68[7].tostlngan= fifwtnian

testtngmann m. a kind of retainer, EG.testUs firm, fixed, steadfast, resolute, adv.

-lice (+ in AS) fixedly, steadily, constantly,

Bo : unceasingly, M&l : venty, but, NG.Vfasilyl

testmdd constant in mind, A0288".testnes f. firmness, massiveness, stability,

Bo :*fastness,

1stronghold, M : firmament,

testnlan to 'fasten,' fix, secure, bind, An :

confirm, ratify, conclude (peace), Ma,OBT :


drtestmmg f. fastening, bond: security,

safety : protection, shelter : ratification,

pudge, engagement.testriM firm, constant, steadfast, BJSo;CP^B. ['fastrcde']

testrSdllo constant, steadfast, BO20". adv.-lice.

tesMdnes f. constancy* fortitude, Bo.teststeafl standingfirmly.ln*«=fa»ttet n. nap. fata vat, vessel, jar, cup, JRJi,JnL;AO,CPicaeket,ELl<m. ['fat']

fftt Lf n. plate, beaten out metal (especially

gold), gold ornament IL =f*tt 1.

±ffttan to cram, put (in), load, GP.

0. B.

fated Lf ornamented with gold. [op. Goth.

fStjan] II.=f*tttetedblftor with cheek ornaments, B1026.tetedslne n. beaten gold, Am478.ttteb, ffttel m. t*w«i, i40^Lc<i; iB : pouch,

bag, sack, M,CP. ['feOes9


tetefcrian= feteleian

teteltlan to put into a vessel.

tetfyDere (e1) m. cupbearer, GD.ffttgold xl beaten gold, B1921.tethengest m. riding horse, Rd23m.

tetlan=feti&nttttnee f. 'fatness,

9 Ps; M,CP : the richest

part of anything, Ps.

+tetnian= +ffettiantett I. (6) fat, fatted,A^OM- IL =ffetedttttfan (+) to become fat, Ps : (+) anoint,

Ps 1 fatten. ['/oH+1mWgfat, rich, CPsl9*.UMfo=fetieteSelas 'histrioncs

9? . OEG39*.

tettar= fetter

tetim (e) mi. outstretched or encircling arms,

embrace, grasp, Anjld : protection : interior,

bosom, lap, breast, womb : 'fathom,9cubit,

JB,Cp,WW;M : power, B,Cr : expanse,


tollman, totixnian to surround, envelop,

clasp, embrace, Anji. ['fathom 9'}

teflmlic embracing, enclosing, WW486*.-tetimnes . on-f.

teffmrlm xl fathom, cubit, Ph29.tox=feax; toxnessfeaxnesIsutelgTin. pomade, Cp379r? (v.AB6-163).

fig I. variegated, spotted, dappled, stained,

dyed, Led : shining, gleaming, Ps. ['faw9


IL=fahLlig-=fah-; faget (WW94)=faogtagen, fagen-= fsBgen, fs3gn-

fagettan to change colour, Lcd3-240*». midwoidum f. speak evasively.

fagetung f. change, <£H2*5S8".±JIglan to change, vary in colour : embroider,

RB137*.fagnes f. scab, ulcer, eruption, M : various

colours,britliancy,HL : 'qualitas,9' varietas,


OEG.fagnlan =XABgnianttgung f. variety, DR,GD.tigwyrm m. basilisk, VPs90ls


fan h nap. fa Aorftfe, B 1 (±) proscribed, out-

lawed, guilty, criminal, B. ['foe9

; fSogan]

IL (±) m. 'foe,9 enemy, LL; M,A0.

III. }=£ag I. Wfahame (-fea-, feorh-hama?) toomo, WW40*

j-fShmann m. 'focman,9 LL60[5].

fala h (WW52U ) T d. of fealh tube, pipe

(ES38-337). IL=felafalSean to be at enmity with, show hostility to,

LL160[20,7].tal-d, -»d, -od, .ad m. 'fold,

9staU, stable,

. cattle-pen, A,CH,Jn.

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lald-(N)=feald-faldgang m. going to the (sheep-) fold, W170»x.

UWhrrter n. stalled ox, MF158.laldlan to make a fold, hurdle off sheep, LL464[9]. ['/ofcT]

falew-=feal(e)w-fall- (VPs ; KG)=feall- ; talod =faldtab L adj. false, W272*. II. ^falsehood,fraud, counterfeit. [late; from £.]

falttng fiMMr food, WW33*.

lalu=fe*lu; lalud=faldtam n. '/earn,' BHJBp; M.tamblg=famig; famblawende v. lig-l.

ftmglan to foam, boil, Ex481.

famlg (ft) 'foamy,9 Bd.

ttmlgbord with foaming banks (of a stream),

Mbt26»Umlgbdsm withfoamy bosom, Ex493.famlghealst foamy-necked.tana m. banner, standard, Met; OEG.['fane'; Ger. fahne]+ttna gp. of +fa.tanbyrde standard-bearing, . OEG1744.tand pret 3 sg. of findan.

fandere m. tempter, 8o2064.

±fandfan (often w. g., bat also <L and a.)

to try, attempt, tempt, test, examine, explore,

search out, AO,Gen,MkJtun ; CP. Vfand,*

'fond' i findan]

fandung f. investigation, trial, temptation,

test, proof, M,C2.lane I. f. (NO, o1)=fann. IL=fanutang m. plunder, booty, Cm 1016. [fon]

tangen pp. of fon.

+tangian to join, fasten, Bo96".fann f. winnowing, 'fan,' CpJJcJJj. [L.

annas]tannlan to 'fan,' &186".fant (o) m. *font,' JB : baptismal water, HL16*».

fantbart n. baptismal water, lover ofbaptism,

M.tantfsst n. baptismal font, M.tanthilgnng (o) f. consecration at the font,

W36«.fanthiHg holy from connection with the font,

Lcd 140b.

fantwsBter n. 'font-water, * water used at bap-tism, laver of baptism, Lcd{o) ; J5.

fanu f. standard : iris (plant).

lira gp. of fan I.

+fara m. travelling companion, comrade.±faran* to set forth, go, travel, wander, pro-

need, Bl,Gen,JnL ; AO,CP : be, happen,exist, act, 'fare' ('i-fare'), get on, undergo,

suffer, M : (+) die, AO,CP : (+) attack,

overcome, capture, obtain, AO.faraft-sfarott-; fareld=f»re!dfaretf-=farott-

Farlseiso of or belonging to the Pharisees,OEG.WG.


Fm. shore : stream.

faroVhengest (eal ) m. sea-horse,ship,'EL22Q.

taroffiieendef swimming, sailing, as sb.


tarottrldende sailing, An440.

farofetrAtt t path of the sea.

fam f. way, going, journey, course, M :

expedition, march : procession, retinue,

companions : life, proceedings, adventures,

M : movable possessions.

fae-=faw-; fatten (NG)=fetianfata . f»t.

fafte, fatSa f. father's sister, paternal auntfathisunu m. father 's sister 's son, Chb 1 1 19.

faul m? evil spirit, Lcd43a.

fte I. (±) m. joy, A0,CP. II. n. » feoh.

IIL (feawa) adj. nap. feawe, raped. fSa-

wost, feast 'few, ' B,BH,Chr,Mt. feawamsl&am seldom, adv. even a little, at alL

faadur (A) = feder ; +ftegan (NG)=+feonfeah=feoh±feaht I. pret 3 sg. of feohtan. II. =feoht


+feald n. region, abode? Wald2u.

ifealdan7 to 'fold,' wrap up, furl, JB,Bo,Bd.

fealdestdl (y) m. folding-stool

feale, fealewes v. feala.

fealewlan=fealwian; fealfor=felofor

fealg pret 3 sg. of feolan.

fealga v. fealh.

fealglan to fallow, LL464[9] (v. A36-71).

fealh I. f. nap. fealga fallow. [Ger. falge]

II. (e) f. 'felloe,' felly {of a wheel), Bo.

III. pret. 3 sg. of feolan. IV. v. fala.

+ftelle joyous, pleasant, adv. -Hoe joyous-

ly, W284".feall = fiell

feattan7 (±) to 'fall' ('i-falle'),faU heddlong,

fail, decay, die, BJ>s-, AO.CP. on f. fall

on, attask : flow, A019u : (+) overthrow,

DR115«(»).fealle f. snare, trap, OEG.feall-endllc, -enlio unstable, perishable, tran-

sient, Bl,W.feaUetlan 'concidere,' MkLR5*(al


-feallung v. feax-f.

+fealnls f. ruin, LkL2»*(»).fealo= (l) feala; (2) fela

ftelog w. g. destitute, Gu217.fealonUte yellow-hUted, Ma 166.

fealu I. (feale) adj. gam. feal(e)wes, fealnwes

fallow, yellow, tawny, dun-coloured, grey,

dusky, dark, M. [Ger. fahl] 11. n. fallowground, E179'.

fealuwlan=fealwian; fealwes v. feala.

fealwlan to become 'fallow,' fade, wither,

Sol : grow yellow, ripen.

ftenes f. 'fewness,' paucity, BH,Ps.fear=feanr

; Iter =fearnftera gen. of fea.

fearn (», e) m. gs. feares little pig, hog, Gl.[cp. Ger. ferkel]

fearhhama m. little stem, WW 161s.

fearhrytfer n. bull, Bl. [fearr]

+fearhsugu f. sow in farrow, WW.

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fearlie of a bull, 0EG111".

ftartto=tSrliofearm m. freight, cargo, Gbk 1394.

fearn n. 'fern,* Bo,Cp; M;Udt.

Iearnbed n. fern-bed, BC,WW.fearott-=farot$-

fearr I. m. 6eo«f o/ burden, ox, bull, MJlO.ILJ=tfeorr

Ieas(VPs)=f»Bfeaaeeattt destitute, miserable, helpless, poor.

fansceaftig destitute, poor, Sbaf26.feaaeeattnes {&) f. poverty, OEG1171.feast- = test-

featu (VPs)=fatu nap. of fet.

ftew-=fea-; ftewa=feafeawllc/ew, EP8104".ftewnes f. fewness, paucity.

faaz (», e) n. hair, head of hair, B,BH,Lcd;M,CP. ['fax']

feaxclatt n. cap.

+fease furnished with hair, BH06"feaxeaean pL forelocks, WW343».faaxede long-haired (of a comet), ChrS92.['faxed']

+faaz6n (NAJt371)=+feaxefeaxfang m. seizing or dragging by the hair,

LL6[33].feaxfeallung f. shedding of hair, mange,WW 113*

feaxh&r hoary, gray-haired, Rd73*.

faaznJMel f. crisping-pin, WW 108*.

feaxnes (», e) f. head of hair.feaxnett n. aotr-nei, WW.+feaxod=+feaxefeaxpreon m. hair-pin, WW107*.

faaxacaacga m. bunch of hair.

feaxsceaegede shaggy.

feaxseeara (e1) fp. scissors for hair-cutting?

curling-tongsr WW241".

feaxtaelg? y. fextnlg.

feaxwund f. wound aacfer iAe aotr, LL20[45].feb-=fef-; fee= fasc

±feooan (») to 'fetch,' bring, bring to, draw,J£,Mt : seek : pain, take. [=fetian]

feeele=ieoele; feegan=feooanfedan to 'feed,

1nourish, sustain, foster, bring

up, Bl,MtfPs;M,CP : bear, bring forth,

produce. [fdcLa]

fMednes=fedneefedelfugol (oe1) m. fatted bird, MtR22«.fid-els, -eel m. feeding, keep : Jotted animal(birdf), WW ;Cp. ['feddle']

ftdelsswln /a««n«f pip, NC343.fader, federa=f«der, faderafading f. 'feeding,' CP.fMnes (se) f. nourishment, BH88*.fedra=f»derafefer mn. gs. fefree '/ever,* £*,#; CP.feferadlf. 7et*r,*AO.f§ferfOge f. feverfew. [L. febrifugia]

feferseoc/ewriei, WW405M.

IMor, fefur=feferfetrlan to be feverish, suffer from fever, Lod.lUrlg/eeerwA.

+feg n. joining, joint, M : composition.[Qer. gefuge]

fagan I. (±) to Join, naife, Jfce, adapt, j&ed,

£d;£!,CP. ['/ay'; Ger. fdgen] II. to

l»tn«, WW.+fagednes f. conjunction, connection : bond,fetter, DHy5«.feger, fegere=f»ger, fogre±faging f. conjunction, JSGbIO*.+fagnes f. aMocMi<ton9 componioneAip.fen =feon+feh= +feah pret. 3 sg. of +feon.feht sheepskin with the fleece on it? TC119;. ES37-177.+feht=+feoht; fehtan (N)=feohtanfenti pres. 3 sg. of fon.

fel=foU; Ml=fSolfela (ea, eo) I. sbn. and adj. (w. g., or in

agmt.: rarely inflected) many, mulch, B,G,Led, etc. II. adv. very much, many.['fele'; Oer. viel]

felaaMe 'mordax,' OEG23".felafAcne very treacherous, G*E148.felafeald manifold, many times over, Ps.


felafaaldnei (fele-) f. multitude, EPs6".felafrionet very fierce, bold.

felageomorf very sad, sorrowfulfelageong very young, FT53.

felageonge having travelled much, Gbbat3.[ganganl

felanrdr JWB of exploits, B27.feialdebprftee emptily chattering, CP174*felaleof very dear, Wif26.fela~meahtJg, -mihtigt most mighty.

felamodlgf very bold.

±f«lan I. (w. g.) to touch, 'feel,' AO : per-

ceive, Rd. II. (VPs) =fSolanfelaspeeol talkative.

fela-epeeolnes, -epreoolnes f. loquacity,


felasprfiee talkative, CP281".felasynnlg very guilty, B1379.felawlone very stately, Rd 137.

felawyrde talkative, W40*.felawyrdnes f. talkativeness.

feleyrf n. foreskin.

feld m. ob. felda, felde open or cultivated

land,field, plain, A,Met,RB ; AO.CP ; Mdf :

battle-field, on olsnnm felda in the open

field {of battle), CP22V*.feldflBlbln (WW35210)=feldetfen

feldbao f. humble bee, WW.feldbtoceopwyrt f. field bishopwort, ANS84*326.

feldclrlce f. country church, LL264[5,1];


felde =fylde pret. 3 sg. ofJyUan.feldelfen f. wood-nymph, WW189*.feldgangendef roaming over the land.

feldhrlVer n. field-ox, NC285.feldhOsf n. tent, Ex.feldland n. 'field-land,' meadow-land, plain,


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feldlle rural, M.feldmsedere t field-madder, rosemary, WW300M,

feMmlnte t field-mint, wild mint, WW.feld-more, -mora f. parsnip.

feldoxa t field-ox (i.e. an ox oat to grass,

not a stalled or fat ox).

feMradef. wild rue.

feMssBten f. field, LPs77". [seten]

Ieldswamm m. fungus, toadstool, WW404M.

feldwesten n. desert.

leMwdp m. plantain, Gl (?«s*feldboppe,ANS 110-436 ;FM200).

feWwyrt !. gentian, Lod.+fMe sensfttve, Lod.felefeald=felafealdftteltas UMeiMtMe, dearf, Wt40.felg, felge 1

*felloe, ' felly, rim ofa wheel, Bo.


felge-role, -robe 'poUpodium,9 A24-432

(v. MLN23-186).leJh =fealh pret. 3 sg. of feolan.

felhtt (KGL)=fylgtJ pies. 3 sg. of fylgan.

fellgean=fylganfell h n. 'fell?skin, hide, B,JulJ*d; £!,AO,GP. [L. pellis] II. m. = fiell

IeU-=fyll.fellen (i1) made of skins, M.felleread (eo«; -*p«IlereadT E843315)purple, NG.

f«llun=fSollon pret. pL of feaUan.

-fehna . aeger-f. ; felmen-=fylmen-±ftines f. sensation, feeling, M.felo-=fela-

felofearfl, felofor m. name of a bird, bittern?


felon (A)=fulgon pret. pL of feolan.

+felslan= +fielsian

feist pres. 2 ss. of feallan.

felstyeee n. piece of skin, Lod 1-330.

felt mtn? '/eft,' WW.felt-ere, -erre a plant, Lod.feltun m. privy, dunghill, GP.feltangrtp f. aunghiU, NC285.feltwurma m. wild marjoram, Lod.Ieltwyrt f. mullein {plant).

fel*=fiel« pres. 3 sg. of feaUan; ftt&=fyi«feffia (Cpl28s) rare gp. of feld.

fela-=felo-; fem-, femn- (VPs)=ffimn-fen=fennfenampre (o*) f. a marsh plant, Lcd38d.feneerse f. water-cress, Led. ['fencress


fenester n? m? window, GD220. [L.]

fenfearn n. marsh-fern, ' salvia,9water-fern,

WW 135*.

fenfreoVo f. fen-refuge, B851.fenfugol m. moor-fowl, Lod95b?±feng m. grip, grasp, embrace : capture :

prey, booty, [fonlftng pret. 3 sg. of f6n.fengelf m. lord, prince, king.fengelid n. marsh^path,Jm, B1359.fengnes f. 'susceptio,

9 GPs829.

fengnett n. (catching-)net, PPsl40".

fengon pret. pi. of ffin.

fengtott (») m. canine tooth, LL81nl6.fenbleottu np. fen-coverts, B820. [hlitS]

fenbop n. fen-hollowt B764.fenlx m. the bird 'phamix,

9 jEGrJPh : date-

palm.fenland n. fen-land, marsh, AO.fenUo marshy, A,Quth. ['fenlich



fenmlnte f. water-mint, Lcd 14b.

fenn nm. mud, mire, dirt, CP,WW : 'fen?marsh, moor, ByBo; AG : the fen country,Chr905.



fennlg dirty, musty, mouldy, CP («fynig) :

marshy, WW. ['fenny9


fenntoe n. fen-covering, OET (Bda).fenol= final; fenompre=fenamprefen*ee f. marsh-frog, Bd41t>


feo^feoh; also ds. of feoh.

Mode pret. 3 sg. of feogan.feogan (fia, N; feon) to hate, persecute,

LkL. ['ivee']

fftogytsung (ea) f. avarice, BH130*feoh n. gs. ffios, ds. feo cattle, herd, LLfiol;AO [tier, vieh] : movable goods, property,BoJPs; AO : money, riches, treasure, BJB,Mt; JS,GP. wit$ licgendom feo for readymoney, JEL&* : name of the rune for f.


feonbehit n. promise ofmoney, Chb865e.feohblgenga m. cattle-keeper, NG343.feonbftt f. money compensation, LL46n5;258[51].

feohfang m. offence of taking a bribe, LL318[15,1].

feohgafol n. usury, NC285.feobgeh&t n. promise ofmoney, Chb865a.feobgerftta m. steward, LkLR12«feobgeseeot n. payment of money, Bx28 ;29.feobgesteald n. possession of riches, Jul685.feobgestreon n. acquiring money : treasure,possessions, riches.

feohgldsere (CP)=feohgiteerefeongiefu f. largess.

feohgletsere (CP331«)=feohgiteereleohgltret avaricious.

feohglftf f. bounty-giving, largess.

Ieohgltsere m. miser.

leohgod n. property (in cattle), LL60nl.feobgyrnes f. greed, LL396[4].feobhord m. treasury.

feobhtts n. treasure-house, WW. ['fee9


feoblAnung f. lending of money, WW116«*.feohland 'pascua. ' PPs.Ieobleas without money : not to be bought off,past compensation, B2441.

feohleasnes f. want of money.feobseeatt n. money-payment, Da 744.feobspeaa fp. riches, GD273a


feobspllUng f. waste of money, Che 1096.feohstrang well off, Gl.ifeoht (i, o, y) n. action of fighting, BJ's :

'fight,9battle, AO: strife, itod.

±feohtan» (e, N) to 'fight,9combat, strive,

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OhrJLL;&,AO,OB. on f. attack, fightagainst : (+) gain by fighting, win.+teohtdag m. day ofbam, PPsl39*.teohtef.=feohtfeohtehorn (y

1) m. battle-horn, PPs74§.

feohtond m. fighter, OEG3806.feontere m. fighter, ES39*».feohtgegyrela m. implement of war, missile,'falarica,' WW399".

Ieohttfto n. fighting, LL. VfighUac']teohtllng (y*) m. fighter, GD 1 10".

+t*ohtsumnt*Ljoyfulness,KC292. [+fton]feohtwlte (il, y»f y») n. penalty for fighting,LL.

feohwlte n. Jlne /or coining false money, LL319coL2.

Itol pret. 3 Bg. of feallan.

f«oI(«,i)f.^ief »iM;iEL.feola=felaftolaga m. partner, 'fellow,' C*t1016d.[ON. ftlage]

±ftolan* (9) to cfewe, 6e joined to, odaere :

enter, penetrate, pose into, through or over,betake oneself to, Che : undergo : perseverein. [Ooth. ftlhan]

ftold pret. 3 sg. of fealdan.feolde=foldeftoldon pret. pL of fealdan.ftolheard hard as afiler hard enough to resist

the filer Ma 108 (or ?»*felaheard).ftollan to file, J5L32»».fMl pret. 3 sg., ftollon pret. pL of feallan.

feolu=fela; feolu-fer, -lei*, -for=feloforfeon=fennfton h (±, oau. +) bys w. in or g. to be glad,rejoice, exult, GP. II. =f«oganfeond (ie, y) m. da. fiend, fSonde, nap. fiend,feond, adversary, foe, enemy, A,B,Mt;AO,CP [f. =female enemy]: 'fiend,


Gu; CP : the Devil, Lcd,Hy. [pree. pto.of feogan]

ftondAt m. eating things sacrificed to idols,


ftondgrap f. grip of a foe, B636.ftondgyld n. idolatry, idol, GD,PPs : de-moniacal possession? MtL4M.

ftortile hateful, hostile, fiendish, WW; M.adv. -Hoe, Jul. ['fiendly


]teondr&den f. enmity, M.feondries m. hostile attack, Gen900.feondseeatSat m. enemy, robber.

feondscipe m. hostility, enmity, hatred, AO,CP.

ftondstoo possessed with a devil, demoniac,BH184*.

feondulf m. public enemy, criminal, male-factor, [feond, wnlf]ftong=fSoung; feonn=fennfeor= feorr, feorran- ; ftor =s feorh, ftowerftorn gp. of feorh.

+ftora=+ferafeorbuend dwelling far off, B254.feor-eumen, -ound=feorran-cumen, -oundfeoroftW f. distant land, B1838.

feord, feord- =fierd, fierd-, fyrd-ftores gs. of feorh.

feor#=3eorhfeorh (e) mn. gs. ftores, nap. feorh life,

principle of life, soul, spirit, AO,GP. to*

widanftore/or eternity, for ever. Lgesellan,Sgiefan to die : living being, person.

feorhadl f. fatal disease, M. .

feorhbana m. man-slayer.feorhbealut n. deadly evil, violent death.

feorhbenn f. deadly wound, B2740.feorhberendt m. living being.

feorhbold n. body, Rood 73.

feorhbona= feorhbanafeorhbora m. life-bearer, Rd92*.feorhowaluf (e) f. slaughter, death.

feorhewealmt m. slaughter, death.

feorhoynnt n. race of mortals.

leorhdagas mp. days of life, Gnr2358.feorhdolg n. deadly wound, Gnl455.feorhiacen living, Gbh204.feorhtogen/a** of life, glad to preserve one'slife,ML2V».

feorngebeorh n. refuge, Ex369.

feorhgedalt n. death.

feorhgensr n. preservation of life, LL


204[7,3].feorhgenlfflat m. mortal foe.

feorhglefaf m. aiver of Ufe.

feorhglefn f. gift of life, Rim6?fcorn-gome ? f. means of subsistence? -goma?m. jaw? Cr1547.

feorhhordf n. breast, soul, spirit.

feorhhQs n. soul-house, body, Ma297.

feorhhyrde m. life's guardian, protector.

feorhlist m. step taken to preserve life, flight,

B846.feorhlean n. revenge for bloodshed? gift ofUfe? Ex 150.

feorhleguf f. life.

feorhllo (fera-, ferh-) vital, HGl463.teorhut n. life, PPsU2».feorhloea m. breast, Gu625.feorhlyre m. loss of life, LL466[3].feorhneru f. preservation of life, refuge, sal-

vation : nourishment of life, food.

feorhr&d m. salvation, An 1656.

feorhseyldlg guilty of death, LL.feorhstoo mortally wounded, B820.feorhsweng m. fatal blow, B2489.feorhflearl f. urgent need, PPs69*.feorhwund f. deadly wound, B2385.teorlen=fyrlenfeorlle /or off, alien, strange, KlIOO*7


feorlond n. distant land, Pa 10.

feorm (a, a, o, y) f. food, provision, sus-

tenance : entertainment, meal, feast, supper,

JS,AO,CP -.goods, possessions : stores : rent

in kind, EC : profit, benefit, OP : tilling,

LL454,8(y).feorma=formafeormehim m. farm, Che 1087.

feormend m. entertainer : cleanser, polisher,


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feormendleas wanting a burnisher, B2761. t*ow*ncft9four-corneredt9quare,AO. [sceat]

feormere m. purveyor, KC4-278tt. ftowertime [teotiur-)four-teamed, VHy.

leormfultum m. help in food, LL356[69,1]. ftower-tftofia,-tfiogoa 'fourteenth, 'BH,MH


±feormlan to entertain, receive as guest : AO.cherish, support, sustain, feed : consume : ftowertfene (€*, y») 'fourteen,' MtL; AO.benefit, profit : scour, cleanse, furbish : ttowertlg '/orfy, * Jf*L ;AO.(+) Aor6o«r (stolen goods), LL108[4,6]. teowertlgfe^/orty/oW.

feonnung f. Aar5ounn^, LL : furbishing, ftowerUglle quadragesimal* BH.cleansing, LL. feowertlgotJa 'fortieth,' JR.

feornes I. distance, BH 72M. ttowertyne= feowertienefeorr I. comp. fi(e)m, fyrra; snp. fierresta ftowertfe (lft)=feor&a'/ar,' remote, ditto*/, BH,ChrJtB; CP. ftowr-=fSower-, feor-

II. adv. comp. fierr, firr, fyr(r) ; snp. ftown v., fyrreet 'far,' far away, distant, ifeowung f. rejoicing, joy, OEG1118.remote, CP : /or bach (in time) : further, [+f5on]besides, moreover, Itowur-=feower-; fer=faer

feorran I. adv.from afar,from a remote time far- =far-, fear-, fier-, feor-, for-, fyr-

or place, B,El,Qen -.far off, at a distance, far= (1) tier L; (2)fefer; fer-=f»r-, fyr-

2fo;JE,CP. ['fen-en'] II. (», y) to re- ±tera m. associate, comrade, fellow-disciple,

move, avert, turn aside, withdraw, B : AO,CP : wife : man, servant, v. LL2*427f.proscribe. ['far'] feran to go, come, *ef ottf, marc*, IraveZ, 5;

fdorranoumen come /rom a/or, efrange. JnL(oe), CP : behave, act


.(+ ) accomplish,

faorraneund, feorrcund come /rom ajar, oJtotn, o6to»n : (+) fare, speed, undergo,

foreign born. suffer, ['fere']

feorrane, feorren(e)=feorran I. ferbedd n. portable bed.

feorrtaran' 'vexari,' LkLT^i1). f€rbUM=faerbl£d

feorrlan to keep apar., JE : (±) depart, ferelan to convey, bring, Chr : support, IELNG(ea). 23™ : rfttjf «j> {with lies), ML2Zn».

feorrung f. removal, departure, GD491*. Vferk, firk']

feorsian to go beyond : put far from, expel : fercung f. sustenance, provision, food, Mdepart, remove, separate. (9"*).

feorsn=fieren ferdwyrt (ferw-)? a plant, ANS 84-325 (or?

feorstuft nf . support, WW. =feld-).

laorttng f. 'pedatio,' WW 162". fire able to go, fit for (military) service.

feorB=ferhti +fate I. f. company, community. II. ac-

ftorfta (ea, N) 'fourth,' Lk; AO,CP. feoroe cessible, Ph4. [faranl

healf three and a half. ferale f. rod, GD. [L. ferula]

faorta fourthly, LL158[15]. ftrend m. sailor : messenger.feortt-llng, -ung m. fourth part : 'farthing,' fere* pres. 3 sg. of (1) faran, (2) ferian.

MkLJjkL; M. Vferling'] fere* pres. 3 ag. of feran.

ftorum dp. of feorh. fergan = ferian

feorwag m. remote part. ferht I. honest, Gl. II. =ferhtSIaorwlt =fyrwit ferhtUe just, honest.

ftos gs. of feoh. ferhflf (fer8) mn. mind, intellect, soul, spirit :

feostnode (Can963s) =f»etnode pret. 3 ag. life, wldan f. eternally, for ever.

offaestnian. ferhttbana m. murderer, Ex 399.Xaot- =fet- ferhtfcearig ofanxious mind, Gbk2217.IWB pres. 3 eg. of feogan. ferhtf-eleofa, -oofaf m. breast.

feoffor-, feoffor-=feower- ferhfflree bold, brave, B 1146.ftoung f. hatred, CP. [feogan] ferhtSMBende (rtJ) sustaining life, Rd39*.leow-, feower- v. also fitter-, ferhffgenlftla m. mortal enemy, B 2881.ftower, feowere [indecl. before a sb. bnt ferhflgewlt (r8) n. understanding, Cb1184.when alone, nsn. g. feow(e)ra, d. feowerom] ferhtfgleawf wise, prudent.

'four, ' Cr ; JE,AO,CP : four times. ferhUgrim (rS)t savage.

ftowerdogor mn. and adj. /our day*. ferhffioeat m. breast, body.teower-ecge, -eogede four-cornered, square, ferhWufu f. heartfelt love, Aw83(y).Lod. ferbtteefaf (i, y) m. mind, thought.

ftowarfaald fourfold, Lk 19s. tarhVwarlgt soul-weary, sad.ftowarfealdnee quadruply, Bl. ±ferlan to carry, convey, bring, An,B,ttfomvrmtfour-footed, AO ; M. ['four-foot'] El; & z (with refl. a.) betake oneself to, beftowar-fdt, -fotede four-footed. versed in : depart, go, Ma. Vferry']ttow*rgll&n.fourfoUcompensation,IjL22&'. feriend m. leader, bringer.

Itowerhwtolod (fyr-) four-wheeled? RHy firing I.f f. journey, wandering, [feran]4». (v. ES3815) II. f. «»n«m«fa<»o/ Gl. [f»r]

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+ferUeean (e) to associate, unite, 2R.

+flrlle associated, adv. -lice sociably, to-

gether; -liffllce GD313".±fernes f. passage, transition, passing away.+ferri*den (usu. +) f. companionship,fellowship, M,AO,CP : friendship : society,

fraternity, congregation, JE.

ten did. verse : sentence. [L.]

ferae 'fresh* (not salt), AO : not salted, KC.-fersean v. a-f.

feraeeta m. freshet, A 20-382.

±ferselpe m. fraternity, community, retinue :

society, fellowship, companionship, CP.+fersciplan to unite, accompany, DR.ferslan to versify, ^Gb218*.fer*J=tferh«

ferta m. *Kn, MdW ASO1".

fert$an=furCumfeean, feaian=fy8an, fysian

fesfc^fswt; feet=fyst; faster- =f6stor-

festnung f. mam/icence, WW44017.

festrlan= fdstrian

fet pree. 3 sg. of fetian.

fat L pros. 3 Bg. of fedan. II. da. and nap.of f6t.

+fetan< to fall, MtR13T*fetel m. belt. Bo,Met. ['fettle



fetelhilt n. belted or ringed sword-hilt, B 1563.

fetalis f&telafetelalan to provide with a sheath? BC3-215*.+fetelsod ornamented? (BT), belted? ringed?


-ffeterlant to fetter, bind.

±fetian (m) to bring near, fetch, B,Oen :

bring on, induce : marry. [=feocan]fetor (eo1, e») f. 'fetter,

9shackle, Cp,MkL,

Ps : check, restraint, Wa.fetorwriaen f. fetter, chain, A* 1109.

+fetran, +fetrian = +feterianfeu I. pree. 3 eg. of fSdan. IL =ffttt

fettan= fetianfette pret. 3 eg. of fetian.

f§8=feh8 ores. 3 eg. of fdn.

feUa m. foot-soldier, AO : band of foot-

soldiers, troop,M : warfare, battle? Jttl389.

ftfen to lead, M : go on foot? Mi*").1§8e n. power of locomotion, walking, gait,

pace, iE^AO.fiSeeempat m. foot-soldier.

ffftegang m. journey on foot, Gen 2513.

feUegeorn anxious to go, Rd32*.ffSegeetf m. guest coming on foot, traveller.

ffftehere m. infantry, AO.ftfftehwearf m. band offootmen, Gul62.feUeliatt m- *tePt track, course.

fiSelaaat footless, crippled.

tfftemenn mp. infantry, NG,WW.fiSemund f. fore-paw, Rd 1617 .

fetter (a) f. nap. fetS(e)ra, feSre 'feather,9

Lcd\Ph; pi. wings, Bo,Mt,OET; CP : pen,

Lk;CP.fetter-= ftower-, fifler- ; fetteran =fit5erian

fetierbAre provided with feathers, winged,


fetterbedd n. feather-bed, WW 124w.

fetterberend provided withfeathers,feathered,WW485*.

fettereraeft m. embroidery, WW491*.

fetiergearwe fp. feathers ofthe arrow, B31 19.

fettergeweore n. feather-embroidery.fetierhama m. wings, plumage, Cp,Oen.Vfeatherham



ftfesptdlg speedy offoot, Cba53.feUewIgf m- battle on foot, affray.feSm=fa35mfettorbyrste split into four, Lcd 148a(A30129).

fettra, feore v. fetfor.

fettrlan to become fledged, OEG26S7.

+MrUin to load, AS V\ [fabor]

fettrlht/eoiaerei. MtL p7".Iettu(WW110»)=fe«afettling f. walking, motion, M.fex=tfeaxflag-(N)=feog-; fibulae (GL)=fifeIe+flc n. deceit, [v. 'fickle



tfo m. fig, fig-tree : (fig-disease), venereal

ulcer, hemorrhoids, Lcd. [L. ficus]

fleidl f. fig-disease (v. fib).

floeeppel m. fig.

flebeam m. fig-tree, M,CP.-flelan v. be-f.

flelaaf n. fig-leaf.

fleol 'fickle,9 cunning, tricky, KOI; W.

fletraow n. fig-tree.

fleung f. fraud, trickery, LL242[24]; 254[28,2].

flewyrm m. intestinal worm, Lcd 122a.flowyrt f. fig-wort,WW 134".fleftlene = fiftlene

fleht pree. 3 eg. of feohtan.±flell (a, e, ea, y) mn. fall, destruction, AO,CP : death, slaughter : precipice : case, in-

flection, MQnW(y). [feallan]

flell- v. fyU


flelt pree. 3 eg. of fealdan.

fleltt pree. 3 eg. of feallan.

fiend =feond, also ds. of feond.

+fiend (y) mp. foes, enemies, Lh. [' i-feond ']

flendwle n. enemy 9scamp, LPs77*.Her v. feorr II. ; fler-=feower-flerd (®, e, eo, y) f. national levy or army,Chr : military expedition, campaign, Ma,PPs;AOicamp. ['ferd



flerd- v. also fyrd-.

flerdlan (y) to go on an expedition, march,Chb.

flerdleas without an army, undefended, un-protected, Chb894a.

fleren-= firen- ; Herfete= feowerfete-flerme (eo) v. or-f.

llerra, fierreet, fierreeta v. feorr II.

flenn (e, eo, y) f. heel [Oer. ferae]

Herat= first

HI usu. indecl. before sb. ; but when alone,

has na. fife, g.fifa,d.fifnm'Jfoe,'i4,0en,Jft.

fHalde f. butterfly, Gl. [Oer. falter]

mbeo fp. Pentateuch, WW470*.

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me t. m.llfeeged* having five angles, JEGb289u.

fflel n. (huge) sea-monster, giant, Wald2w.

meloynn n. race of sea-monsters, B 104.

fUelddr n. door of sea-monsters, river Eider,

Wn>43.melef.6«e*fe,WW403'. [L. 'fibula']

fflellota 'petOus,' A8-449.flfelstrtam m. ocean, sea, Met26*.fltelwftg m. ocean, eea, El237.flffalde=fifalde

flfleaW 'fivefold,' A : five each, CM 840.

flflCted five-footed, OEG 130.

fffflngre f.ijx>tentiUa,

y'primula*' cinque-

foil, oxlipt Led. ['fivefinger']

tunire five-storied, 2R. [fl6r]

flfgtar n. t>er»oi o/JS«e year*, lustrum, WW431".

flf-hund, -hundred num. five hundred.flflseppede having five lobes, LcD59b.IB-leaf ii., -leafe f. 'potentiUa,' cinquefoU,Led. Vfiveleaf]

fttmsegen n. magic power, Sol 136. [flfel,

mngen]fllnlhte five days old, ANS 129-22.

fltta \#*V A,Mk; AO,CP.flftateder v. fseder.

flfte fifthly, LL168[16].flfteg=ffftig; fltteg*a=fifteot>a

flttene=flrtieneflfteogoUa '#)*<*,' JB; CP.ffl-teotta (?>), -tSoa, -tegfla 'fifteenth,' BH,Led.

ftttfene (y1, 6», y») (often w. g.) \#*eenf


A,B,Ou; AO.flfflenewlntre (e*)fifteen years old, BL2131


flfflg num. \flfty, Jfe : eb. a set offifty. Mh.FUttgdseg m. Penfaeoft, MkL p5w.

flftigetfa, firtigoCa= fifteogotia

flftlgfeald 'fifiyfold,' containing fifty, JB.

OUfUB (M)=zSttlenemwlntre five years old, <£Ge287".flgan1

'frtgere,' Ep.fihl n? cloth, rag, NO. [?-fliht]

flht I. pres. 3 sg. of feohtan. IL=fehtOht-=fyht-; flhtan=fyhtan-f flhfl pres. 3 eg. of +feon.ffl(GL)=f5ol+fflan= +fylan; +Alce= +fylceflld sb milking, LoD53b.flldeumb m. milk-pail, Lcd 122b.Hide field-like, of the nature of a plain, AO74".+ Aide n. field, plain, AO 12". [fold]

fllgtJ, filho pres. 3 Bg. of fSoIan.Illl-=fy]g-

ffllende ptc. rubbing, WW407*.fllftfa n. Aay.fllftfteag m. meadow, Ci.fUl^fyUfine tiymef OEG56" [-oerfiUeT]Alien =fellenfllmenjfy) n. 'film,' membrane, thin skin,Lcd; M : foreskin, M.

111st- =fylst-

1118 pres. 3 sg. of feallan.

fin f. Aeop, jnfc. v. PEG 2456.Una m. woodpecker, WW49*.

fine m. 4JSaca/ Bp,WW.


flndan' (bat ocoLwk. pret. fande) (± )to Ana*,

meet with, B,OenJut,Met : discover, obtainby search or study* Cr,MtL,Ps : provide :

consider, devise, arrange, dispose, decide,

AO.CP : show, inform, t set oofotn /rom.flndend m. finder, GPH391.±Andlg (y) capable, jEGb69«.finding f. invention, initiative, CM 1082.flnel= final

finger m. 'finger,' Mt,VPs; M,CP.flnger-seppla, -appla npL finger-shapedfruits, dates, JSL,OEG.flngerdooca? ml finger-muscle, Gl.flngerlle belonging to a finger or ring, WW291"

flngerlffl n. finger-joint, NC343.UngermsBl n. finger's length, NR22*.flnlg(y)=fynignnihtjfrtnv.

Ann m. 'fin,' JB.


flnst=finde«t pres. 2 sg. of fiadan.

flnt pres. 3 eg. of findan.

flntaf m. tail : consequence, result.

flnul (e1, yl, o»), finugl m., fino(g)le f.

'fennel,* Sp,WW. [L. foenuoulom]flnulsSd (o1) n. fennel-seed, Lod 157a.flo^feo; flr-fyrflrasf mp. men, Anman 6etn?*.

flrd=fierd; flrd-=fierd-, fyrd-

flren f. Jranepreeeion, rin, crime : oidrape,

violence : torment, suffering.

flrenbealu n. transgression, Gb1276.flrencrseft m. wickedness, Jul 14.

flrendAdt f. wicked deed, crime.

flrenearfetfo n. sinful woe, Gen 709.flrenfremmende sinful, Cb1118.flrenful (y) sinful, wicked.

flrengeorn sinful, Cb1606.flrenhlcga (y

1, y») m. adulterer, GPH389.

flrenhlege (fyrn-) f. adulteress, OEG.flrenntogend (fyrn-) adulterous, OEG.±fireman (y) to sin : commit adultery : revile.

nrenlle (y) wicked, adv. -lice vehemently,rashly, Wald1».

flrenUgerlan to commit fornication, RSPs105».

flrenlost m. lust, sinful desire, luxury,wantonness, AO,CP.

flrenlustful wanton, luxurious, A 12-5O210.

flrenlustgeorn wanton, W253*.flrensynnig sinful, Cb1379.flrentaonian (y) to commit misdeeds, RHy611.

flrenVearf (y) f. dire distress, B 14.

flrenum excessively, very, intensely

malignantly, [dp. of firen]

flrenweorot n. evil deed, sin.

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flrenwyreendef sinning, sinful.

flrenwyrhta (y)f m. evil-doer.

firfoda=fyrfodaflrgenbeam (y) m. mountain tree, B1414.[Ooth. fairguni]

flrgenbeorg (fergenberig) mountain, Rtrauc-

Casxvt.flrgenbuooa m. ibex, Lod.flrgendstream= firgenstreamArgen-gat f. nap. -gfit ibex, Gt„flrgenheafod n. mountain-headland.flrgenholt n. mountain-wood, B 1393.

flrgenstrtamt m. mountain-stream, wood'land-stream,


flrht=freht; flrh«^ferh«flrlgendstream=firgenntreamflrfnggftt=firgengat; flrmdlg=frymdigArmettan to ask, beg, AO 188*.

flrn- =firen-, fyrn-llrr, firra, fine, firrest v. feorr.

first I. (e, ie, y) mn. period, apace of Hme,time, respite, truce, B,Ohr;CP. ['frist']

II. (ie) f. ceiling, Ep. [Otr. first] III.-fyrst

flrstfardf n. ceiling.

flrtt-meare, -gemearo f. period of time, ap-pointed time, interval, respite.

lkrtf->= fyrtJ- ; flrwet-=fyrwit-flao m. r

fish,' VPs; M,AO,CP; Mdf.flso-aft, «(n)ot$ m. fishing, AO . fishpond : acatch offish. [v. NC286]

flsebrfne m. fish-brine, WW 128".flseoynn n. fish tribe, M.flsedteh L fish-dye, purple, OE05193.flseere m. *fisher,' fisherman, AO,Mt : king-

fisher (bird).

fbefell(NG)=fi8cpdlfisoflodur m. fish-flood, sea, PET.

fbehQs n. place wherefish is sold,WW 184*.ftoelan to 'fish,' Bo.flsemere m. fishpond, WW48411


fbenaft= fiscal

fbenett n. fishing-net.

ftoenott, fisooC=fisoaCflsepftl m. fishpond, JnL,WW. ['fishpooV]flseflrflt m. small fish, MtL15M.

fbewelle h m. fishpond, A 13-321. II. —fiaowylle

flsower m. fish-weir, fish-trap, LL454[9].flsewylle/utt offish, BH. [weallan]fisting i. Jesiculatio,' WW.fltelfdta tAtn, denser, WW 161".flterstlcca m. tent-nail, WW 187* (T-fitfer-


fltt I. f? struggle, contest, fight, Gen 2072.II. f. 'fit,' song, poem, £o;Gl. [? con-nected with I. v. SkED. under fit (2)1

Allele f. fiddle.

flftelere m. 'jWdfer/ 1^311".Alleles*™ i. female fiddler, WW3UM.

fitter- =feower-, fetter-

n^ereiantojltrftei^GDlOO". [fioerel

AfterdAIed quadripartite, quartered, OEG.

frSere (y) n. nap. fi$(e)ru, fioera(B) wing,ag />p

fltteVteald 'quadriga,' EHy4".Afterfltdende (y

1) flowing in four streams,

GPH390.fltterfldwende ./burin? in four streams, OEG48*.

fitternama m. trinp-coiwrtna, ^EL3474(y1).

+A8erhamod coffered with feathers, JEH1-466".

fitterhlwe 'quadriformis,' OEG177.+Afterian, fiCrian to provide with feathers,

or wings.Attentat without wings, Wy22.flfterrfoe (y) n. Utrarchy, Chb12o.Attersoeatas mp. four quarters t Sol32.

frSersleht m. flapping of wings, joy t OEG4892.A8ru v. fitter©.

flxa, fixas, fizum=fisoa( fiecas, fisoum, gp. y

nap. and dp. of fiso.

fixen^fyxenflxlan, fixott, flxnott=fisoian, fisoatt

HA f. arrow, AO. ['flo' ;-flan]

flacg cataplasm, plaster, WW380".flaeorHfym? (ofarrows), [op. Oer. flackern]

fla»-=fiea-, fleo-

fMe-=fla-, flea, fl€o-, file-; fl*o=fl&8CAAre f. eorfop, WW 157".

fiflse (8) n. 'JIe*A/ M90pJU9VP; CP : 6o*V(a* opposed to soul), B,Jn : carnal nature,

Mt : Zttnn? creators, LkJPs.AAseAt m. animal food, RB.flAsebana m. mt*rd«rer, GD.AAsoeofa m. fcriy. LPS1181".

flA»oc«ping f. meal-market, WW 146".

AAeoeht Jletfty, Lod 83a.

AAseen o/ rtaja, JO* JtoA, QPH;R.Cfleshen*]

fiAtcennes= flfisonea

AAscgebyrd f. incarnation, OEG429.AAsohama (o")t m. body, carcase.

+AAschamod incarnate, M.AAsehordt n. body.

flAschfis n. 'flesh-house,1place where meat

is sold, WW.AAsolle *fleshly,' corporeal, carnal, JB,BH.he^Jtonmi. incarnate condition, M. ['flesh*

Knees']fUtaomangere m. butcher, WW. Cflesh-

monger'J __ _

flAscmaCu f. maggot, WW 122".

flAse-mete m. nap. -mettas flesh, animalfood,LL;M,CF. Vfleshmeat'l±flfiscnet I. incarnation, Che.+flfiecod incarnate, M.flfiscsand portion of meat, NC287.flftscstr»t f. meat-market, M.fUtectftwerem. torturer of the flesh, exe-

cutioner, WW 189"flfiaototf m. one of the teeth, WW415".fla&scUenung I. use as food, NC287.flAsowellere m. executioner, hangman, WW382". [flaso, oweUere]

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flfteowyrm m. maggot, Lcd. ['fleshworm']fl«elle=fi£so!ic

fli&tfecomb m. weaver's comb, WW.flax(MtR)=fleaxflagen pp. of flean.

flan I. n. wickedness, treachery, Rim47.II.f ftdj. «*fy, deceitful, hostile.

flan mf. barb, arrow, javelin, dart, B,Ma,JB ;

AO.CP. Vflane']flinbogaf m. bow.flanc m. flank, OEG50»».flangeweorct n. shooting gear, arrows.flanhred? arrow-swift? arrow-equipped? (ofdeath), Rim 72

flaniht re atxng to darts, WW425".flftnftrecut f. onset, attack.

flasce(x)f. 'flask,9bottle.

flat pros. 3 sg. of flitan.

flaxe (QD,WW)=tLaaceflaxfdte web-footed. [=flox-]Ilia I. mf. 'flea,' Ep.Lcd. II. =fleah n.

fltag pret. 3 sg. of fleogan.

fltah I. n. albugo, a white spot in the eye, CP.II. m. =flea I. III. pret. 3 sg. of fleogan.

IV. pret. 3 sg. of fleon.

fleam m. flight, AO.^E. on f. gebrenganto put to flight, on f. weoroan to flee.

fleamdom m. flight, NC287.fleamlast m. apostacy, WW500*.tlUn* to 'flay,' Cp.±fleard n. nonsense, foUy, deception, fraud,superstition, LL; OEG. ['flerd']

fleardere m. trifler, NC287.fleardian to be foolish, err, go astray : growluxuriantly.

neat I. pret. 3 sg. of fleotan. II.= flSot

fleawyrt f. fleabane, WW. ['fleawort']

fleax (m, e) n. 'flax,' linen, CP; M(e).fleax-= flex


flecta=fleohta; fled=fiett-fledan v. ofer-f.

flMe adj. in flood, full, overflowing, AO.[Add]

flMlng f . flowing, M.flCg-=fleog-flige Utile ship, JnLG"(oe).flehta=fleohta; flem-=fliem-flene=flyne; fleo=fl£aifleogan4 (intr., op. fleon) to 'fly,' B,El,Jud,Jul; M,CP : fles, take to flight, Ma.[Oer. fliegen]

fltoge (e, y) f. any winged insect, 'fly,' M\CP. [Oer. fliege]

flfogenda m. bird, CPs.flfogendejfytn?, winged, j£Gr44b.

flfogendllc flying, winged, MQ*58*.fleogryft n. fly-curtain, WW373".fleohcynn m. a kind offlies, PPsl04w .

fleohnet n. 'fly-net,' curtain, Jud.fleohta (fleota) m. hurdle.

±fleon* to fly from, 'flee,' avoid, escape, O,Met,VPs; AO,CP : put to flight, M : fly(intr.), JR.

fleos(VP8)= flies; fleo*-=fles-

fleot (ea) m. fleota f. water, sea, estuary,

river, AO : raft, ship, Uy. Vfleet']fleotan1 to float, drift, flow, swim, sail, AB,

CP : (tr.) skim, Lod. Vfleet']

flftote (or? fleota) =fleotfleotende floating, Gen 1447. ['fleeting ']

htotlg fleet, swift, Rd62*.fleotwyrt f. seaweed, Lcd 101a.fleotfe (ea) f. water-lily, Lcd.fleow pret. 3 sg. of flftwan.

fleowtf=flewC pres. 3 sg. of fi6wan.

-flare v. tiri-, fft-f


flaring f. story (of a building), M. [flor]

Has = flies; flesc^flfeec

fleswlan (eo) to whisper? pull a wry face?BH122" (JAW 30). [or Tfieswian dis-

semble, E844-470]flet^flett; flet,fleter=fliete

fletr8BStf.coucA,B1241.fletelttendf m. sitter in hall, courtier, guest.

flett n. floor, ground, B : dwelling, hall,

mansion. [*flet']

flettgefaoht n. fighting in a house, LL 18[39].

flettgestealdt n. household goods.

flettp&tt m. floor of a house, Gen 2729.

fletwerod n. haU-troop, body-guard, B476.fletteeamb =fl®Cecombflewsa m. flowing, flux, issue (bodily dis-

order), Lcd. [fldwan]

flewti pres. 3 sg. of fldwan.

flex = fleax

flexsscer m. flax land, KC5-389".flexgeacot n. contribution offlax.flexHne f. flax-winder, reel? flax line?

thread? LL465[15],+fllan, +flyn tc drive out [fleon]

fllece n. 'flitch' of bacon, ham, CD,Ol,WW.flleorian, flicerian to move the wings, flutter,

JE. ['flicker']

flle=fleahl.fllebV pres. 3 sg. of fleon.

fllema (e, I, y) m. fugitive, exile, outlaw, AO.Godes f. excommunicate person, LL362[66].[fleam]

dbflleman (&, e, y) to put to flight, drive

away, banish, Gen ; CP. ['fleme ' ; fleam]

ffieman-feorm, -feorming f. offence of, or

penaltyfor, shelteringfugitivesfrom justice,

LL102[30]; 2-302.

+ffleme (e) adj. fugitive, DR147*.fllemlng (flymig) sb. fugitive, OEG 2965.

flies (e, eo, i, y) n. *fleece,' wool, fur, seal

skin, LLJ*s(eo).fl!et(WW 489»)=fleot; flletan= flitan

flfete (e, y) f. cream, curds ipunt. [fleotan]

fflg = fiean I. ; fflg-= fleog-, flyg-

fllgel m? nf 'flail, ' A 9-264.

fliht I. m. patch, MkLR2"(y)» [fleohtan]

II.=flyhtflihteclatJ m. patch, WW206".ftThti pres. 3 sg. of flSon.

fflma= fllemaflint m. 'flint,' rock, AJRp,WW.fllnten offlint, W2621


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fllntgrftg gray like flint, Rd4".fflo =fleah I. ; ffls = flies

±fllt (usu. +) n. strife, Ps : dispute, con-

tention : 'scandalum' ; td +flftes emulously.


±fBtan1 to strive, quarrel, dispute, contend,

B,BH;M,CP.filtcraft m. dialectics, logic, OEG.flltoraeftUe logical.

Illtend m. contentious person.Altera m. disputer, chider, quarreler, schis-

matic, Bp. ['filter']

±ffit-ful (OEG), -fullic contentious.

+flittulnos f. litigiousness, A 11- 102".±flltgeorn m. contentious person.

+ffltgeorn contentious, RB 130*°.

+flltHce emulously, BH406".±filtm£lum contentiously, emulously.•flltme? v. un-f.

fllusum (OET) =fleosum dp. of fleos.

floe n. flounder? WW.flocan7 to clap, applaud, Rd21m.

floee m. 'flock,' company, troop, M,Chr.floeemftlum in troops, AO. ['flockmeal ']

floeglan to shine forth, GPH399.floerid f. invading band, troop, Chr.floeslltem. sedition, WW116*; A8-451.

Add mn. mass ofwater, 'flood, ' wave, Mfien,Mt, VPs ; AO,CP •: flow (of tide as opposedto ebb), tide,flux, current, stream, Chr ; AO :

the flood, deluge, B,Lk; M.flddblae pale as water? pale through fear ofdrowning, Ex 497.

fldde f. channel, gutter, Gl : flood? (Earle),

EC 120"flddegsa m. flood terror, Ex446.floden of a river, WW240.flodhamm m. piece of land surrounded bywater? KC 1-289".

flodlle of or belonging to a stream, £SGb54b.

flodweardf f . sea-waU.flodwegf m. watery way, sea.

flodwudu m. ship, Cb864.flddwylmt m. flowing stream, raging billows.


flddj* f. wave of the sea, B542.flogen I. pp. of fleon. II. pp. of fleogan.

fioggettan to fluctuate, [fleogan]

flogotfa m. liquor, GPH402.fldh f. chip, WW416*.

flohtenfdte web-footed, Lon33b.flor fm. ds. flora, fldre 'floor,' pavement,ground, B,Lk;M : bottom (of a lake, etc.),


fldrtse flowery, CM44.

fldrstan m. paving-stone, tesseUa.

flot n. deep water, sea. on flot(e) afloat,


flota m. (floater), boat, ship, vessel : fleet

sailor : (f) pirate. Vfloat']+flota m. floater (whale), Whauc7.floten pp. of fleotan.

flotertan to flutter, fly, M : float, be flooded,

overflow, JEt.

flothere m. piratical fleet, B2915.flotlan to 'float, ' Chr. [fleotan]

flotlie nautical, naval, WW205".flotmann m. sailor, pirate, M.flotorlan= floterian

flotsrtp ii. ship, bark, WW.flotameru n. floating grease, fat, LL463[4].flotweg m. ocean, Hu41.fldwan7 to 'flow, ' stream, issue, PsJ3ol, VPs


AO.CP : become liquid, melt, VPs : abound :

(+) overflow, AO.fldwednes, fldwnes f. flow, flux, overflow,torrent, CP.

fldwende 'flowing,' Ma66.fiowBndhc flowing, LP814718


flowing f. 'flowing,' MtL.flugl-(OET26)=fugl-flugol fleet, swift : fleeting.

flugon I. pret. pi. of fleogan. II. pret. pi.

of fleon. III. =fnlgon pret. pi. of feolan.fluton pret. pi of fleotan.

flycerlan =flioeriannyege fledged, OEG.flyotfela« (GL)=flihteola«flyge (i)«m. flight.

fl?ge=fleogeflygepn n. flying dart, Mod 27.

flygerftow wild inflight, Gu321.flygul=fiugolfl?nst pres. 2 ig. of fleon.

flyht m. I. flying, 'flight,' JB(i),OET. onflyhte on the wing. II.=fliht

flyhthwsBtt swift offlight.fl^hV pres. 3 eg. of fleon.

flym-=fliem-; + flyn =+fllanflyne (e) f. batter, Lod.fljs (jE)=fliea? flyt, flyt-=flit, flit-

fl^t pres. 3 sg. of fleotan.

fljte I. m? 'pontamium,' boat, WW. [cp.

fleot] II. t. =fllete

flltme f. fleam {blood-letting instrument).[L. phlebotomum]

fly*=flyht±fnsed n. nap. in&du fringe, border, hem, J3.

fnftran, fnfirettan to breathe heavily, snort,

fume. v. NC366.fnsBS I. n. dp. fnaaum fringe, WW426".II. pret. 3 sg. of fnesan.

fnftst m. blowing, blast, breath, Led. ['fnast']

fnfietlan to breathe hard, Led. [v. 'fnast']

fneosan to breathe hard, sneeze.

fneotpng f. sneezing, WW. [v. 'fnese']

±Inesan* to sneeze : pant, gasp.

inora m. sneezing, JE,Gi*.

16 pres. 1 sg. of ton.

foea m. cake (baked on the hearth), ;EL181<4.

foda m. 'food,' sustenance, nourishment, JB,

CD: fuel, Sc.

fodder =fodorfoddor, foddur=foclor!6dor n. 'fodder' (for cattle), food (for man),2E,LL : case, sheath, Gl.

fodorbrytta (fodder-) m. distributor of food,herdsman, WW 111*.

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FODORGIFU 108 FONfddorglfu (foddur-) food, PPs.IMorhee (fodder-) rack for food or fodder,LL456T17].

fddornoti m. sustenance.fodorteguf *• partaking of food, feeding,repast, food.

fodorwela (foddur) m. wealth of food, pro-visions, Rd33».

fddratf m. provisions, AO.foe-(N)=fe-,fe-+fog n. joining, joint.+fdgitin (fdh) m. keystone, CP2531*.

foh imperat. of fon.foht=feohtfobten pp. of feohtan.fol(wk. adj.)=full+tol adj. with foal.tol-=ful-tola m. 'foal,

9coU, Bl,MJc; M.

folo n. folk, people, nation, tribe, J£>B; AO,CP : a collection or class of persons, laity,BlyBo : troop, army.

folcagendef ruling.

folcbealo n. great tribulation, Men 125.folcbearnt n. man.folooQ (folofi) f. people's cow, PPs67»fotecO* noted : public, BH.foleowen f. queen of a nation, B641.foloowlde n. popular saying, NC287.folccynlngt m. king of a nation.folodryhtf f. multitude of people.foloeflrent f. public crime.loJeegetrum= fologetrumfolcegsa m. general terror, PPs88»folofria m. lord ofthepcopte, Gbk1852.folefrlg having full rights of citizenship, LL13[8];344[46].

folegedrtfnat f. tribulation, NC287.fologefeoht n. pitched batik, AO.folegemdt n. meeting of the people of a townor district, LL. Vfolkmoot']

fotegertfa m. public officer, WW.folcgerfht=fo]crihtfolegesetnet f. statute.

folegeslftt m. prince, noble.

fologesteallaf m. companion in war.folegattrton n. public treasure, Gut 1981.folcgetal n. number offighting men, Ex 229.tologetrumf n. army, host.

folcgeffrang n. crowd, A0134*.folcgewlnn n. fighting, war, M*r 1M.

folcisc ofthepeopletpopular,secular,common.ioleUBsung =foloJeaaungfololagu f. law of the people, public law.fololand n. land held by freemen according totribal rules of family inheritance, v. LL2-403.

folelftr f. homily, GD.foleleatung f. slander. LL.folelle public, common, popular, plebeian.folenuBgenf n. public force, army.fotamAgtft *• *rtH, nation.Iolomftlum=floocmAlumfolcmAre celebrated, Obit 1801.

fotemfit=folcgemotfolcnM f. people's need, PPs77w.

folortMf m. public benefit.

folerAden f. decree of the people, Cba42.folorlht h n. right of the people, common law,LL. ['folkright'] IL adj. according tocommon law.

folCMBl il house, Bd2*.folMoearut f. people, nation, province z

people's land, B73 (Earle).folesceatJa m. villain, An 1595.folosotpe m. nation, people, Rd33».folosllte n. sedition, WW111".tolestedet m. dwelling-place : battlefield.

folostdw f. country place, BH160".foleswtot m? troop, muUitude, Ex577.folotalu f. genealogy.foletogat m. chiefiain, commander.fototrama m. host, LPs.folcQ=folcouttkmtleg populous, WW476W.

folewerf m. man.folowlga m. warrior, Rd 15n.

tolowlta m. public councillor, senator, Cba77.

folewdh n. deception ofthe public, ML2VKfokternt n. earth-house, grave.foMigend m. earth-possessor, earth-dweller,Ph5. (MS. folc&gend)

foldbold n. house, castle, B773.foldbflend m. earth-dweller, man, inhabitant

of a country, CP.felde (eo) f. earth, ground, soil, terra firma,B,Jud : land, country, region : world.

foMgraff n. earth-grave.

toldgrftg grey as the earth? GvC31.foldhrlrende walking on the earth, Pa 5.

foMrwt f. rest in the earth, Gb1029.foldwmrtm m. fruits of the earth, Ph654.foldwegf m. way, path, road : earth.

foldwela m. earihlu riches, Rim 68foldwongf m. plain, earth.

folen, folgen pp. of fSolan.

folga*(AO)=folgoCfolgere m. 'follower,' attendant, disciple, M,CP : successor, A0150*7

: freeman who is

not a householder.

ifolglan (often w. d.) to 'follow,' Jnjsk :

accompany, Ps : follow after, B : (+) attain,

CP383" : obey, serve, oberve, El (v. alsofylgan).

folgotf m. body oj}

retainers,following, retinue:pursuit, employment, service, dignity, office,

rule, JE,AO,CP : jurisdiction, district : con-dition of life, destiny.

folmt, folme f. palm, hand, [felan]fon=fannffin7 (±) to take, grasp, seize, catch, B,BH,Oen; CB,M : capture, make prisoner, Chr :

receive, accept, assume, undertake, B,8ol;CP : meet with, encounter, f. on take up,bcgin,rc*umc,3Litakcto,M,Bo. i. tftrloe

ascend the throne, J3,AO. f. tftgaodre jointogether, join issue, engage in battle, nim

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ttoeanes feng clutched at him, B. him on refrain, CP : suffer, endure, tolerate, humour,fnltom feng helped them, JudSOO. hlyst CP,BJSH : restrain. II.=foreberan+f. listen, ['fang, * * i-fang '1 1orbernan=forbeoraan

fond=fand pret. 3 sg. of findan. forberstan* to 6reo£, buret asunder, vanish,

fong-=fang-; fonn=fann; fontMant /aii, LL: let go by default, EC20r. ['for-

fonu=fanu burst*]

for L prep, (with d., inst. and a.) (local) forbttan=foreb5tanbefore, in the sight of, in or into the presence forblgan (5, f) to bend down, bow down,of, B,Oen : as far as, IM1191* : (temporal) depreciate, abase, humiliate, degrade,

during, before : (causal) 'for,* on account forblgels m. arch, arched roof, WW 126*.

of, for the sake of, through, because of, owing forblndan* to bind (up), muzzle, CF1067.

to, from, by reason of, JBJi,Qen,Met. for ['forbind *]

worolde as regards this world, M. for forbfsen=forebysenDryhtne by God : in order to : in place of, forbltan1 to bite through, HL18*91


instead of, equivalent to, at the price of, forblawan' to blow, AO : blow out, inflate,

JB,QuJit : in preference to, Rood : in sptte Led. ['forblow*]

of, Chr. II. conj. for, because, for hwj, forbHndlan to blind, MkRft".for hw&m, for hwon whereforef for bam, fdrbdc f. itinerary, OEG2023.for Con, for %f therefore, because, since, for torbod n. prohibition, LL ; CP. ['forbode']

oam be (by), for if be oecaase. for b*y forboda=foreboda8»t, for 6am ttot tn order ttot. III. adv. forbrecan* (»*) to break in pieces, bruise,

too, very, JE. for an only. violate, crush, destroy, Jn; AO,CP. for-

for- L denotes loss or destruction (as in brooen broken down, decrepit, ['forbreak']

forddn, forgiefan), or is intensitive or tor-breaan*, -bregdan to tear in pieces : drawpejorative, as in forbarnan, forrotian. It over, cover : change, transform, Bo. Vfor-is not connected with the preposition braid



'for.' Its original form was fer- [op. Qer. for-brttan, -brittan =forbryttanor-]. IL oocly=fore- forbryt-ednes (ESPs), -ennes (V*Ps) f. con-

fer I. f. going, course, journey, expedition, triUon.

£27; AO : way, manner of life, [faranl forbrytlan=forbryttanII. m. pig, hog, OEG. III. pret. 3 sg. of forbryttan to break in pieces, crush, bruiee.

faran. forbflgan* to bend from, refrain from, avoid,

fora (N) =foran ; fora- =fore- ; forad =forod decline, JS,Ma ; UP : fleefrom, escape, CP :

foran L prep. (w. d.) before, opposite, hold down. Vforbow*]II. adv. before, %n front, forward, Bd; M, forbfgan=forblganAO,CP : to the front. Da. foran ongean forbyrd f. abstention, AO30".opposite. Cforne'] Ph_ forbyrdlan to wait for, EPs32»

foranbodlg n. thorax, chest,WW 158". forbyrdig forbearing, NC287.forandssg early part of the day? MC8C), forbyrnan (JE)=forbeornanfirst day? (BT). force f. 'fork,* JR,WW.forane=foran n. lorcsap forestalling (in trade), LL234[2,10],

foranheafod n. forehead, J3. [«=*foreoeap]

foranniht f. early part of the night, dusk, Iorceortan* to carve out, cut down, cut off, cut

evening, M. ihrough,divide,Ali,Chr;AO,<&.['forcarve']forantf prep. (w. d.) before. forceowan1 to bite off, Bo36M.

forftS sforeaS for-clarran (CP), -oerran to turn aside, pre-

forbssrnan to cause to burn, burn up, con- vent, avert, avoid, CP : turn oneself away,i up, <

,Chr;<sums by fire, be consumed, JS,Chr; AO. escape.

['forburn*] forcierrednes (y») f. perversity, GD119" :

forbaarnednes f. burning up, Lod. turning aside, BPs 1251.forbearan =forberan forcierring (e, y) f. turning aside,CVPs 1251 .

forbearnan= forbsarnan Ioroinnan to deny, disown9 Sol 107.

forbad n. portable bed, litter, ZDA31. foretpplan (y) to cut off, RHy2". [op. Eng.forblgan=forblgan chip]

forbelgan* to be enraged, Bl. forclAman to stop up, Gl.forbtn f. prayer, DHy 138". forclas mp. prongs? NC287.forbeodan' to 'forbid,* prohibit, Chr,0;M : torellngan* to wither, shrink up, Cp. ['for-

restrain, Ps : refuse, Lk : repeal, annul, cling*]

LL42[49J, forclyccan to stop, close (ears), BPs57s.

forbiodendllo dehortative, dissuasive, MQx forotysan to close up, Lod3*92".

22611. forcnldan =forgnidanforbeornan* (e, y) to burn, be consumed by forcuman* to come before, prevent, surprise :

Jlre, AO. harass, wear out, destroy : overcome, conquer,

forberan I. (sv4) to 'forbear,* abstain from, obtain : surpass*

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forounnlan to tempi : understand.for-eflft (M) badt wicked, infamous, foul,

despicable, JB,Bo ;AO,CP. adv. -oatfe.


forcflft-Uo, -IJoe=for-oufi, -outfe

foroweftan* to «peoJb ttt o/, afaue, retrife, CP


reprove : refuse, reject, CP : focwf, promisegreat things, GnE49.

forewobtan*? to swallow, Lci>18a.forewfsan to shake violently, SPs 1097 .

forcypplan =forcippianforcyrran (iE)=fopcierran •

foreman to surpass in knowledge : under-stand i argue, urge.

ford m. da. forda 'ford,' M,AO\ Mdf.fordAlan to spend.

fordiad dead, MtL284.

fordelfan* to delve, dig, EC 120s.

fordflman to condemn, sentence, doom, Mt;M : prejudice, EC 146 : decide, So 125*.

fordftmedlle (o oe condemned, GD208*.fordimednes f. condemnation, proscription,

BH34*.fordemend m. accuser, JnL p5*.

fordemlan =fordemanfordemlng f. plunder, spoliation, OEG3149.fordemman to dam up, block up, EPs67*.fordettan (KGL)=fordyttanfordlolfan to shut out by a ditch, block up, CP.for-dUglan, -dilegian, -diligian to blot out,

destroy, abolish, BH. ['fordUghe']

fordlmmlan to obscure, darken, 8c. ['fordim9


fordlttan= fordyttanforddn any. to undo, bring to nought, ruin,

destroy, BH ; AO^J : abolish, Chr : kiU, M,AO : corrupt, seduce, defile, pp. forddncorrupt, wicked, abandoned, ['fordo']

fordrftfan to drive, compel, LL24[62].fordrenoan (») to make drunk, intoxicate, A.['fordrench'] pp. fordruncen drunk, CP.['fordrunken']

fordrlfan1 to drive, sweep away : drive on,

impel, compel, AO : drive away, expel, SL[Gcr. yertreiben]

fordrlfnee f. objection, opposition, NG.fordrlnoan* to make drunk, be drunk, CP.fordrtiglan to become dry, wither, Met.Ufordry']

fordruwlan =fordrugianforduttan (VPs)=fordyttanfordwllman to confound. Bo 14s.

fordwlnan1 to vanish, A. ['fordwine']

fordyslie very foolish, Bo4210.

fordyttan (e, i, a) to obstruct, block up, close,

Cp;M. ['fordif]

fore I. prep. w. d. a. (local) before, in the

sight of, in presence of, B : (causal) because

of, for the sake of, through, on account of, byreason of,from, BH : (temporal) before, Cr


for, instead of. II. adv. before, beforehand,

formerly, once, Ps. ['fore']

fore- occly.=for-foreald (y») very old, RB11411


foroaldlan to grow old, decay, BH;M,CV.Vforold']

foreastreccan tolaylow,overthrow,EVs 106".foreatt m. preliminary oath, LL (v. 2*646).

Vforeoath*]foreatte very easily, M.fore-beaeen, -beaon (JE), -becen n. sign,portent, prodigy.

lorebegan to intercept, Chb 1009s.foroberan to prefer, BH2947


forebttan to make legal amends (vicariously),

LL.foreblrlg =forebyrig, da. of foreburh.forebisoop m. high priest, MtLl ia(mg).foreblseglan to preoccupy, OEG 1236.foreblAsttng (e) f. shoot, branch, EPs79".foreboo (HGL454)=f6rb5oforebod n. prophecy, preaching, NG.foreboda m.forerunner, messenger, ANS84".forebodlan to announce, declare,

forebodung f. prophecy, NG.forebrAdan to prolong, EPsll9* : over-shadow, MkL9'.

forebreost n. chest, WW.foreburh f. outwork : outer court, vestibule, M.forebyrd f. longsuffering, CP41 17


forebysen f. example.foreeeorfan* 'prcecidere,' &G*V72*.

foreeeorfend m. front tooth, WW264U.

foreetoean to chose in preference, BCJRPs131"*1*.

foreellpian (y) 'proclamare, • BHy34;ANS122-266.

foreenoowrlsn progeny, EPs.forecostigan to profane, EPs88tt.

foreeostung f. profanation, EPg88*.foreeuman4 to come before, prevent, BH :

overcome? Ps : come out, come upon, NG.['forecome']

foreewettanf to preach, predict.

foreowlde m. prophecy : introduction, heading(of chapter), KG.

foreeyme m. proceeding forth, MtL p4*.fore-eynren, -oynred n. progeny.foreeflSan to make known to, TC300*4 :


y EPs 70".fored=forodfore-dyre, -dere n. vestibule, OEG (v. 136).foredyrstig?


presumptuosus,' LL409[22].forefaeger veryfair, £88*479**.fore-feng, -fong=foifangforefiran to go before.

forefez n. forelock, OEG6326 ; 2***.

forefon7 to prevent, anticipate.

foregan any., foregangan7 to go before, pre-cede, BH, VPs : go infront of, project : excel.

Uforego']forage-= for(e)-

foregearwung f. preparation, parasceve.foregeblddan* to intercede, RB62*.foregehat n. vow, iEL23b*4».foregehatan to promise : invite, NG.foregenga m. forerunner : predecessor, an-cestor, CP : attendant, Jin>127.

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FOREGENGEL 111 FOREDANCUCteagangal (lor-) m. predecessor, Chb963s. forasaaan to appeal {for justice), LLlSSttlforagaacaaw-=foraaoeaw- and nn.

LJforagaaaagan to predestine, MtL plB

. forasaogan to mention before, M : foretellforagasattan=foresettan BH;M. J J<"™»*

lorageswuteHende 'indagande, ' OEG 1504. foraaald n. first seat, MtL23*.foragatfton* to point out, HGl41 1


forasallan to spend, advance (money).Ic>raga*Ingtan=fore«ingian foraaandan to send before.foragldd n. proverb, JnR 16» foraaaon* to 'foresee,

• Ps : provide, BH


pro-foraglalpan* to vaunt, AO. tnde /or, BH.

*^foreglsl m. preliminary hostage (Swt); fore- foraaaond m. provider, BH338*mart fcwfaue (BT), Ch*878. iorasaonas f. foresight, providence, BH.

loragliaw foreseeing, provident, wise, pru- fore-tetnes, -setenes f. proposition, purpose :dent, M. Adv. -Hoe. preposition, MQn.

**-*—foragyrnan to show before, So2031T

. foraaattan to place before, shut in, VPs : pro-forahallg very holy, £88 84-3. pose : prefer : precede. ['foreset


]forahQs n. porch. foraslngand m. precentor, WW 129"forah?ran to hear of, Bil toraalttan* to preside over, BH.foraiarnand m. forerunner, WW339». fora-smaagan, -smean to think beforehand.loraiad-taow, -twa m. precursor, LkLR foresnotor very wise, B3163.

m22** tora-sp*e, -speca=fore-epr£o, -spreca.

Iare»dantofearf/or^,MtL15M. fore-sprftc (CP), -aproc, -sp*o (WW) fforelArend m. teacher, Bl 149". advocacy, defence, ercuse : agreement',foral&r f. pnaMng, MtL pl6». arrangement : jweamofc, ©re/ace, protoue.iora^ntoaeky,NC288. J5.CP : promik T/ore^cA']

^^^'foreldan =foneldan foraapraaa m. intercessor, advocate, mediator :

foreIegnls=forleffis sponsor, LL442[q.foraltoran to 90 6e/ore, pa** oy, NG. forespracan* to epeojfe or answerfor, be surety

wS**™* *• 'prmvaricatio,' transgression, for, intercede for, CP : say before, fore-EPs 100* (op. ofer-1.). spreoen above-mentioned, aforesaid. Bo-toraloccm. 'forelock,* OEQ. iforapecan. [Voreejwfan']

7 '


prospicere, respjcere, aspicere,1

torastsappan (M) =foresteppanEPs. foraataappand m. precursor^Lt22*.

loramaara illustrious, renowned, famous, M. foraataappung f. anticipation, A 8-331foramftrllc eminent, Bo75* toraatandan* to preside, lead : easce/. WWloremArnos f. eminence, /awe, Bo. 464".foremanlan to forewarn, BH412* foraatapul going before, GPH 196.loramanfg very many, MtL p 18". foresteall (for-) m. intervention, hindrancetor«meabttg=foremihtig (ofjustice) : ambush, assault, offence of way-foramaareod before-mentioned, CM378. laying on the highway, MJjL : finefor suchforameareung (ef) f. title, chapter, NG. an offence : resistance, opposition. ('fore-foremlhtig (ea) very strong, most mighty. staW]


adv. -lioe. forattemman to prevent, hinder, NG.tdramunt m. promontory, WW464"


lorasttora m. look-out man. pilot. WWforene=forane 4e4«.forenyme m. tottna 6e/ore, Gl. foraatappan* (a) to precede, 00 6e/ore, jE :torertm m. prologue. excel : forestall, prevent.forerynel m. forerunner, herald, morning forestlgan1 to excel, JEGRl54"n.*tor, ;E,CP. forattige m. vestibule, OEG4688 and n.

loraaaean* to forbid, MtL3". forestthtlan to fore-ordain, &.foraadd aforesaid, JR. ['foresaid


] foraatfhtung f. predestination, M.fore-scegdnes, -saga £. preface, NG. foreswerlan* to etoear before, M.toraseandan = foreaendan forataen n. 'fore-token, • prognostic, prodigy.forasciawara(for-)m. 'prow**,' ES 39-327. eton, wonder, Bo ; CP.

wforescftawlan to 'foreshow,


foresee, M : pre- forataenlan to foreshow, BH216".ordain, decree, appoint,M : provide,furnish forataohhung f. predestination, Bo.with, M. forataon to forc-oraain, frame beforehand,

forasaaawodHea with forethought, thought- arrange.fuUy, CM76. toretet mp. front teeth, WW. ['foretooth


]forasoaawong f. contemplation, foresight, forattgm. forecourt, porch, Mtll".prptnttenee, 8c; M. ['foreshowing


] foretynd shut in, BH386*.forasoaoton> (for-) to anticipate, forestall, foraffane m. forethought, providence, con-Bo 124". sideration, deliberation, CP.

forescieldnaa f. 'proteetio, • EPs 1208. loreUandlc thoughtful, careful, prudent. CPforescyttela m. bolt, bar, Cb312. adv -Uoe.

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foretianeol provident, prudent, considerate,

CP.forettaneolnet t. prudence, PPs48*.forettencan topremeditate, consider, be mind-ful, CP. ['farethink*]

forettingere m. intercessor, mediator, M.foretftnglan to plead for any one, intercede,


foreftlnglend m. intercessor.

fore-ttngrAden, -'Singling f. intercession,&.foretionci=tfore$ano; forewall=foreweallforaward=foreweardforewarnlan to take warning beforehand.

foreweall m. rampart, bulwark, Ex. ['fore-


foreweard (a*, e") 1. f. condition, bargain,

agreement, treaty, assurance. II. m. out-

post, scout. III. adj. *forward/ inclined

to the front, MfiE ifore, early, former, M.i. gear new year. IV. adv. (-wearde atA866«) in front, CP : towards the future,

Qen. fram foreweardum once more, RB.foreweortian* to predestinate, MkL pi*.fore-wesan anv. pret. 3 sg. -waa to be over,

rule offer, BH.torento foreknowing, HL18,M.

forewltan awv. toforeknow, Bo. Cforewit*]forewlteglan to prophesy, M.forewltegung f. prophecy, OEG.forewltlg /orelmouan?, M.forewltol foreknowing, Chb1067d.forewlttlendlle prescient, OEG 1602.

forewltung t foreknowing, presage.

foreword=foreweardforewost (e») m. cA»e/t captain, NO.forewregan= £orwreganforewrttan1 to proscribe, banish, forewritenabove or before-written, CM27flM0.

forewritennee {.proscription , exile,WW46G*.forewyreend m. servant, jEL31m.

foreword f. predestination, Gl.forfang (forefeng) m. capture, (legal) seizure,

recovery of came or other property, LL :

reward for rescuing property, LL (v. 388-391 and 2-279). tforfang*]

foiiangteoh n. reward for rescuing cattle orother property. [1X390,3,2]

forfaran* to pass away, perish, Chb : lose,

destroy, ruin : intercept, obstruct.

forteng I. pret. 3 sg. of forfdn. IL—forfangforferan (iE)=foro7eranforferlan to let die, LL68[17].forfleon* tofleefrom, escape, avoid, evade, M.forftygan to put to flight, ZDA3M6"*.forfon7 to seize : anticipate, forestall : sur-

prise : prevent : forfeit.

forfyllan to stop up, obstruct, WW463".forg-=foreg-forgftgan to transgress, trespass, prevaricate,

M : pass by, omit, neglect, OEG,W.forgfigednee f. transgression, trespass, M.forgAgung f. fault, excess, So 115*.

forgftlan to avoid, LkL.forgan I. any. to go or pass over, by or away,

JE,MtL :'

forgo,* abstain from, neglect,

lose, JE ; CPJE. II. =foreganforgedon= ford6nforgeearnung f. merit, DHy 1321


forgetones =forgiefneaforgegan =forgftganforgeldan= forgieldanforgeni- =forgim-, forgiem-forgeorne very earnestly, very attentively, Bl.forget =forgiet prea. 3 sg. of forgietan.

forglefan* (i, y) to give, grant, aUow, BH,Bl


CP : 'forgive/ overlook, Gen,Lk,Mt;AO,CP :

give up, leave off, CP : give in marriage.forglefnet (i, y) t. pardon,

*forgiveness,* re-

mission, Bl;CP : indulgence, permission,BH(i) : gift? Cb425.

forgleldan* (e, i, y) to pay for, CP : requite,

reward, Bl ; AO,CP : indemnify, make good :

pay double {as penalty), LL : give. ['for-


forglelpan' to boast in public, trumpet forth,

W234".forglemeleasian (I, y) to neglect, abandon,give up, omit, CP.

forgietan* (i, y) w. a. or g. to 'forget,* B,Ma9

Ps; AO,CP. For compa. v. forgit



forglfu f. 'gratia,* DHy 78'.

forglfung f. gift.

forglldan =forgieldanforgnnan (e, f) to neglect, pass by, transgress,

B{S). \fforyeme*]forgftneleaalan =forgiemel5asianforgitan = forgietan

forgttel(^y^u»)/or0e*M^- Vfi*'getel*]

forgttelnes (y1) t.forgetfulnees, oblivion, LPs.

forglten pp. forgetting : forgetful.

forgltfng i. forgetfulness, CM 1066.

forglendr-an, -ian to devour, swallow up, W.forgnagan4 to eat up, JE. ['forgnaw*]forgnldan1 to grind together,dash down,crushf

break, LPs. ['forgnide*]

forgnldan contrite.

forgnldennea f. tribulation, LPs 13s ; APs146».

forgnldan= forgnldanforgrlndan* to grind down, ruin, destroy,

consume.forgrlndat n. grinding, poundina, Cp. 776c.forgrlpan1 to seize, assail, attack, overwhelm.forgrowen grown up? overgrownt 2Km46.

[. 'forgrow*]

forgumlan (LL474^)=forgimanforgyf-s=forgief-, forgif-

forgyldan= forgieldanforgyltan to stn, be or become guilty, W.forgylt condemned, guilty.

forg^m- = forgim-, forgiem-forgyrd= forogyrdforgyrdan to enclose, encircle.

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forgyt-=forgiet-, forgit-

for-habban, pret. 3 sg. -h»fde to hold in,

restrain, retain, keep back : draw back, re-

frain from, avoid, M. forhafed continent,


farhSBbbenda m. abstinent, continent person,CP.

forh*fd=forheafodtorhSBf(e)dnes f. temperance, continence, self-

restraint, abstinence, BH;M,CP : parsi-

mony, ['forhevedness*]

forhfltfed burnt up.

forhatan7 to renounce, forswear, M. [l



] se forhatena the devil, Gen 609.forhtafdnes (AS22")=forh*fedneBforhtafod n.

*forehead,* brow, skull, WW;

M. [«fore-]

forhealdan' to forsake, fall away from, rebel

against, B : defile, pollute, <Sl : keep back,

withhold, LL 130,6,1 : misuse, abuse, [lfor-



forhealdnes !. unchastity, NC288.forheard very hard, Ma 156.

forheardlan to grow hard, LVP6898.

forhiawan' to hew in pieces, cut down, kill,

Ma. Vforhew*]torhefednaf = fornsfedneeforhegan (KQL)=forhogianforhelan4 to cover over, conceal, hide, protect,

JBJio; CP. flacne f. conceal a guilty man.['forhele']'

for-hellan? -hellian to hide, OEG5410n.forhergend m. ravager, Gl.for-herglan, -herigean, -heregian to plunder,

harry, ravage, devastate, destroy, AO,CP.[Oer. verheeren]

for-hergung, -her(g)iiing f. harassing, devas-

tation, A074*.forhlcgan =forhyoganforhlenan to cast down, defeat, humiliate,

humble, outrage, oppress, waste, AO. [Oer.

erhdhnen]forhlgan =forhyoganfor-hoged-, -hogd-=forhogod-forhoglan to neglect, disregard, despise, BH;M,CP.

forhogtend m. despiser.

forhogodMc contemptuous, Bl77m. adv.


forbogodnes f. contempt.

forhogung f. contempt, BPs,GM.forhohnet =forhogodnesforhradlan to hasten before, prevent, antici-

pate, frustrate, M,CV.forhrafte very speedily, quickly, soon, M.forhrired annulled, WW.forht afraid, timid, cowardly, AO,GP -.fright-

ful, terrible, adv. forttte despairingly.

forhtful fainthearted, timorous.

±forhtlan (tr. and into.) to be afraid, sur-

prised, fear, dread, M.torhtfendllo timorous, WW4421


forhtige humbly, submissively, RB70».forhflgend timid, W : dreadful, W.

0. H.

forhOte fearful, afraid, adv. -lice.

forbtmdd timorous, timid, M.forbtnes f. fear, terror, M.forhtung f. fear, M.forhuglan =forhogianforhwan, forhwan=forhwonforhweorfan* to come to an end, be destroyed.

forhwerfan =forbwierfanlor-hwl, -hwig=forhwyforhwlerfan (e, eo, i, y) to change, transform i

remove, transfer : pervert, CP.forbwon wherefore, why, for what reason.

forhw* (P) why, wherefore, Ps. ['forwhy']forhwyrfan =forhwierfanforhwyrfedlle perverse, Bl31*.forhwyrfednes f. perversity, NC288.forhyogmn to disdain, despise, reject, CP.lorttfdan to hide, Ps ; CP. [


forhide ']

forhygdelle despised, LPS118"1.

forhylman to refuse obedience to, An 735.forh*nan =forhlenantorhyrdan (i) to harden, £PPs94s

. [heard]forleldan to put off, delay, CP.forlernan* to run before, outrun, Jn2Q*(fore- JnL). P forerun*]

forlnOee thoroughly, exceedingly, Bo 94'.

forinweardllce thoroughly, genuinely, Bo137»

forlacan'f to mislead, seduce, deceive, betray.

forlAdan to mislead, seduce, jE,AO,CP :

bring out (—fortf-), M. [Oer. verleiten]

foriAran to teach wrongly, lead astray, seduce,

pervert, An ; M. ['forlere ']

forlAtan7 to let go, relinquish, surrender, lose,

leave, abandon, neglect, An,Bl; M,C? : re-

mit, pardon, excuse : loose, release : let,

permit, allow, BH : grant, give, up, in f.

to direct upwards, within. an(n)e I. =an-forlatan. ['forlct']

for-lAtennes (M), -laHnee, -ISting f. leaving,

departure, absence : loss, perdition : inter-

mission, cessation, end : remission.forlAting f. intermission.

forlegenet =forlesnesforlegenlie mean-looking, ugly.

forlegere=forligere ,

for-legls, -leges f. prostitute, adulteress, CP.for-legls-, -legor-=forliger-

forlegnes f. fornication.

forltogan* to lie, perjure oneself, slander, M.forlftoran (EPsl43l4)=foreleoranforleornung f. deception, Bl183m .

forleorte redupl. pret. eg. of forl&tan.

forleoaan* to lose, abandon, let go, B; £),AO,CP : destroy, ruin, Oen. forloren ruined,



forlettan (fore-) to prevent, MkLlO".forllegan* to commit adultery or fornication,

AO; CP : fail, lapse, LL178[7] : screen (a

thief), LL274[l2]. [l


] pp. forlegen

used as sb. adulterer, fornicator.

forllogend m. fornicator.

forttden pp. of forlffian.


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forlldennes =forli$ennesforUgan = forlicgan

tor-Ugenes, -ligne«=forlegneeforUger I. n. adultery, fornication, wanton-ness, immorality, M. II. m. whoremonger,adulterer, M : fornicatress? III. adj.


forllgerbed n. bed offornication,forllgere =forliger X.

forllgeren a&i.lomicating, OEG8n>.

forllgerhus n. house of iU fame, OEG.forllgerUo unchaste, impure, OEG.torllgerwtt (.ego) n. prostitute, MH14019


forUgei=forleriatorllggang m. house of til-fame? fornication?WW499"

forUgrian to commitfornication, ERSPb72".forflr= forliger II.

iorOVan1 to suffer shipwreck.forlfflennet f. shipwreck, OEG.tor-long, -longe adv. long ago, NG.forlor m. loss, destruction, AO,CP. tfi for-

lore ged6n to destroy, OP.forlorenes f. state of being forlorn, perdition,

destruction, VPs.[*forlornness^

for-torian, -loeian to lose, NG.forlustUce very willingly, 8o51u.

forlytel very little. Bo.form= feorm ; form- (NG ) = frum-forma (eo) first, earliest, Bo ; OP. ['forme ']

on forman at first.

for-mAl, -mil f ? n? negotiation, agreement,

treaty, LL. [mel II.]

formArnes =foremftrae8formanlg very many.formelle f. bench, ANS84-9. [L. formella]formeltan* (y ) to melt away, dissolve, liquefy,

burn upt AO; M. ['formelt »]

fonnesta=fyrmeeta wk. superL of forma,fdrmete m. food for a journey.formicel (y») very great, LL302[20,2].formogod corrupted, J3L23m.

formolsnlan to rot away, crumble, decay, M.formolsnung f. corruption, OEG 1251.

formyoel = formicel ; formyltan=formeltanformyrtJrtan to murder, LL,W.torn =foranlorn f ? m? trout, WW180*fornAman to be worn out, afflicted (with

grief), GD245».forne=foranadv.; forne f. =fornforneah very nearly, well-nigh, almost, about,

for-nian (&), -nSh, -n6on=forneahFornfttes folm a plant, Lcd (v. BT).forntfttan to expose to danger, sacrifice, AO2221


fornlman4 to take away, deprive of, plunder,waste, devastate, destroy, consume, B,Lcd;J3,AO : annul : disfigure : overcome.['/orntm']

fornfdan to coerce, compel,W 168u.

fornyman = forniman(ornyrwan to oppress, ANS 128*57.

fornytlle very useful, GD174*.forod broken down, worn out, useless, void,

abortive, M,AO,CP.foroft very often.

forpAran to turn away, lose, spoil, pervert,

destroy, M,CP.forpyndant to do away, remove.fdrraeu f. itinerary, OEG7m.

forradlan =forhradianforrAdan to plot against, betray, W i con-demn : injure, [forrede*]

torratfe very soon, M.forrepen taken, JnL p5*.forrldan1 to intercept by riding before, Chb894a.

forrtdel m. fore-rider, forerunner, messenger,AB. ['forridel']

forrotednot (a1, oP) t corrupt matter, rotten-

ness, jE.

torrodan to rot away, decay, CP,WW;M.Vforrot']

forrynel =forerynelfonaean6 to object to, reject, oppose, deny,refuse, AO,Cp,LL : give up, renounce, AO,CP. ['forsake']

foraacennet f. denia*, All-386ata.fonaoung f. denial, N0288.foraAcan =forsdcanfonAttan to lay wait for, beset, surround,A0146*

foraAtnian(e) o hedge in, beset, ERPs21".forasBwostre =forseweetrefortawen =forsewenlone m. *frog, * M (frox) ; Gl.forscad- =foreo§ad-forsessnoodnat (LPs40") =foncrenoednesfoneamlan to be ashamed (impera. w. a.),

CP. ['forshame^foraoamung f. modesty, GPH390.fonoapung (AO )= fonoeapungfortotedan7 to scatter, disperse, OP : damn,condemn? Gu449 (GK).

fortoeamfan =forsoamianfortoeap n. evil deed? Gbn898.foneaapung f. misdeed, crime, fault.

toneSaw-=foreaoeaw -

forscendlng f. confusion, LkR21".foraeeorfan* to gnaw off, bite, eat up, AO226§.

forsceotan =foresc€otanfortoeppan= forscieppanforsoeta waterfall, OET575; MF434.forscleppan* to change, transform. Gen.['forshape']

forscip n. 'foreship,' prow, WW.forsormnean =foraorenoanfoncrenean to supplant, overcome, vanquish,east down, M : dry up, OEG4926.

forscrencednec (scamc-) f. supplanting,deceit, LPs4010


forscrencend m. supplanter, 2K.

forserlfan1 to decree, Gl : proscribe, con-demn, doom, M : (f) bewitch, cast under aspeU.

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fonerlacan* (intr.) to shrink, dry up, witheraway, M. ['forshrink']

foraaQfan* to cast down {pride), Ex204.foraeyhliglan to condemn, for-scyidigod,

•aoyldegod guiUy, M.foraeyppan =foracieppanfoncyrian to separate, MHF 159.

foraeyttan to exclude, prevent, obviate, M.['forshut']

forsearlan to sear, dry up, wither, J3,CP.fotraeawennea sforaewenneafoneoan I. to afflict. II.= foreaecan.

foneegan to accuse falsely, slander, accuse,

M : to speak about, discourse on.

fonegenea f. contempt, VPsl22«.forsigon=for8awon pret. pL of forafon.

foreallan to sell, NC289.forsendan to send away, banish, send to

destruction, AO.forseon* to overlook, neglect, scorn, despise,

reject, renounce, 2K; J93,AO,CP : refrain

from, ['forsee ]

forseonet f. care, BH84T.

foneottan* to wither, consume, M.tonirian (AS104?)=!on«arianforaelnlan =fon&tniantoraettan I. to hedge in, obstruct, BH. ['for-

set*] II.=foreeettanforaettednea =foresetneatonewenUcdespicabU,ignominioustwretched,

ofpoor appearance, adv. -lice, M.fonewennea f. contempt, JS,AO.foraewestre (»*) f. female despiser, OEG4430.

forsliiglan =fonyngianforslttan* to neglect, delay, LL : block, ob-

struct, besiege, AO : injure : absent oneself

(from). Vforsit']

fontB=forDaiCforeman to perish, B 1550.

for-al&wan, -alawian to be slow, unwilling,

delay, put off, Bo ; CP. ['forslow']

loralean9 to cut through, strike, break, kill,

destroy, AO.toralegenlle mean, ignominious («forleg-?).

tonUet m. slaughter, WW28". [slieht]

forslltan to consume, devour, PPs77M.

tonmorlan to smother, suffocate, choke, stifle,

M.forsorglan to despond, W69M .

forafift indeed, verily, Bo. ['forsooth']

fonpeao= foiosprfto

forspanan* to mislead, lead astray, seduce,

entice, AB; CP. ['forspan']

fonpanlng f. allurement, OEG.forapeea= forerrpreca

forspecan* to speak in vain : deny.

fonpfcttan to speed, prosper.

forspendan to spend, give out, squander, con-

sume, AO. [[forspend*]

forapennen (OEG612)=forepenningfonpennend m. procurer, ASGr36u.

fonpann-ende, -endlio seductive, voluptuous,

defiling, OEG.

forapeniMatre f. procuress, JEQu&P*.forspennlng f. enticement, seduction, evil

attraction, au.

fonpOd m. destruction, GP294".for-splldan (CP) -spillan (AO) to waste, lose,

disperse, bring to nothing, destroy, ruin, kiXL

VforspiW]forspflladnat f. waste, destruction, perdition,

M.forapreo*>==foreepree*; forspyH-=forspitl-tonpyrean to dry up, PPb 101*.

foist (frost) m. xfrost, * PhJM. [freoean]

forataappan= foreataeppanforstal (2/X)=foreataaIlforstallan (refl.) to steal away, LL.forstandair to defend, help, protect, LL :

withstand, prevent, hinder, resist, oppose,

Met : benefit, avail, CP : understand, Bo;CF:signify,beequalto,EC,Uj. ['forstand'}

forttaaU^foreateaHforstelan4 to steal away, steal, rob, deprive,

MtBJLL;M. ['forsteal']

tenttg 'frosty: BH(y); M.torsttto glacial, frozen, WW1751*.

foratopplan to stop up, close, Lod 15b.

forstrang very strong, Rd51 #.

foratrogdnea f. 'precipitate: NC289.lorstyltan to be amazed, MkLR.forstyntan to blunt, break, crush,WW 376*.

forsflcan*, foraugan* to suck out, empty.for-sugtan (J5,AO), -auwian (M) = for-

swigianforsuwung 1 silence, OEG 2085.forawftlan to burn, burn up, inflame, con-

sume, JR. Vforsweal1


forawse* (DHy38w)=f5tew®«forswapan'f to sweep away, drive off.

forawarung f. perjury, NC289.forawaflan 'prosperare,' EPbIIT*,forawalan4 to burn, burn up.forawelgan' to swallow up, devour, consume,absorb, B ; M,CP. ['forswaUow']

foraweltan* to die.

foraweoglan =forawigianforawaolgan = forswelganforaweorean* to grow dark, obscure.

foraweortan* to polish, cleanse : grind away,demolish.

torawaotola very clearly, ES 18*333 ; 43- 162.

fonwarlan* (refl. and intr.) to swear falsely,

JtiJLL i renounce on oath, B. ['forswear']

forawlgtan to conceal by silence, suppress,

pass over, JE.CP : be silent.

forawftan1 to impair, TC584*.forawfB very great, Great 26.

forawftan, forawftian to crush, press upon,overcome, repress, CP.

forswfte adv. very much, utterly, Bo.forsworcenlic dark, obscure, Dfiy24.foraworeennea f. darkening, darkness, J5,W.forsworen fop. of fonwerian) 'forsworn:perjured, M,Chr.tonmc*tnne4tperjury,J&. ['forswornnees']

for-awuglan (CP)f aygian=forawigian


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forsynglan (i) to sin greatly, ['fortin']

forayngod m. tinner, LL.fortioen =foretaonfortendan to bum away, cauterize, sear, AO46M.

forteon1 to mislead, seduce, Cr : draw over,

cover, obscure, ['foretee']

iortlht-=fortyht-for-timbran, -timbrian to close up, obstruct.

fortogenes !. griping, spasm, Lon89a.fortredan* to tread down, trample on, A;CP. ['fortread']

fortredlng f. treading down, crushing, 8o96M.

fortrendan to block (by rolling a stone), y.

OEG114.fortrogadnes, fortruwedne8=fortruwodnesfortrQwlan to be presumptuous, over-con-

fident, rash, CP.fortrQwodnas f. presumption, CP.tortrQwung f. presumption, Bo 9*.

fortrymman to testify, confirm, NG.fortyhtan to seduce, El208.fortyhtigend m. polluter, defiler, OEG3337.lortyDan to seduce, Cb270.fortymbrlan= fortimbranfortfnan to shut in, enclose, block up, CP.tori adv. 'forth, ' forwards, onwards, further,A fBfBH,Ct : hence, thence : away,A : (time)

continually, still, continuously, henceforth,

thenceforward, B,Sp : simultaneously, tmid ealle forthwith, f. on continually.

fram orde otJ ende f. from the beginning to

the end. t. ttot until.

for*- (N)= furC- ; fortJa= forti&mfoiUadgan to call forth, BH444"torlttdllgtan to bring to nothing, blot out,

MFH160.forftAm, fortiam, fortian (CP), for&on (AO,CP) I. oonj. for (the reason) that, owing to

(the fact) that, for, because, on that account,

therefore, seeing that, for Mm tfe, etc.

with same signification. II. adv. for that

cause, consequently, therefore.

forttigoten poured forth, ML2Sb'm.

foriahting (—eaht-) f. exhortation.

forfaneful very thankful, E8 18-336 ; 43*162.

forttatton* to bring forth, produce, M. pp.for&itogen.

lorttaurnen pto. elapsed, BH280".forttb&re productive, Gbh 132.fortfbeeuman* to come forth.

fortfberan* to bring forth, produce, BE; M.Vforthbear



lorfcbeteon* to look forth, LPs 101".fortfbi, forSbie prep, by, past, CP 1Q7U.

foiUblgferende passer by, NC343.fortfbUeitan to blow forth, burst out, WWforlfblawan' to blow forth, belch forth, WW397»

fortfboren of noble birth.

fortt-brengan, -bringan to bring forth, pro-duce, Bl,Lk : bring to pass, accomplish :

bring forward i adduce, quote, M.

forSbyMtng f. emboldening, encouragement,

fortclypUn to call forth, ['forthclepe']

fortteuman* to come forth, proceed, arrive at,

succeed : come to pass, come true : be born.

fofftcyme m. comingforth, birth, A. ['forth-

come']fortSefvan to announce, declare, CVPsll8M.

forflddn to put forth, BH. ['forthdo']

forttearle very much, greatly, M.tar*aarllee absolutely, entirely, RB 11".

torttdgian (KGL)=?oroyld(g)ianforttenean (m) to mistrust, despise, despair,

Ps. pp. foroOht despaired of; as eb. poorwretch, M : reflect, DHyl38". ['forthink']

fortftotan to steal

for*ton L (bv1*) to surpass, excel, BB 131".II. to crush, oppress, Boon 54.

fortftostrlan (ie) to darken, LPs 104s.

fortftaeder m. 'forefather,* ancestor, A.fortftaran* to depart, die, Bo,Chr;M.Vforthfare']

±fortfferan to depart, die, M.fortf-ferednes, -feringf. death.

fortfnowan to flow, BH418*1.

fortftolglan tofoUow, CM 1062.

fortffftr I. f. departure, death, BH. ['forth-

fore*] II. pret. 3 ag. of forSfaran.

fortfforUstenes f. licence. Bo 12*.

fmrBframlan to grow to maturity. WW4651*.

fortfiromung t departure, CSVPs 104*fortftyllgan to follow, fall out, happen, CM1109.

fortfgan anv., pret 3 eg. -eode to go forth,

advance, proceed, pass by, go away, go on,precede, succeed, Chr,Mk. Vforthgo']

fortfgang m. going forth, progress, advance,success i privy, drain : purging, evacuation,

ML1&".fortfgangan'to go forth, Ma. ['forthgang ']

fortfgeeJfcan to call forth, KEPs67* :

exhort, BH54U.

fortfgecllplan (y) to caO forth, provoke, So,EPs.


IortfgefAran= fortiferanIortfgelAstan= fortiUtetan

fortfgelang dependent, LL(28011).fortfgeleoran to pass away, die.

tortgt\9)OT9Anmtdeparturetdeath,QI>2S2iKfortfgeldclan (BPsl01")=fort516oianfortfgenge increasing, effective, successful,

M,CP.Iortfgeong= foroganff

fortfgeorn eager to advance, Ma281.

fortfgtotan* to pourforth, BH. ['farthyete']

fortfgerlmed in unbroken succession, B59.torSgaseeaftf f. creature, created being orthing, world : future destiny.

forftgettrangian 'confortare,' LPs 68*.

forKgasfne visible, conspicuous, Cea 1.

fortfgewttan1 to go forth, pass, proceed, go by :

depart, die. forogewiten tid, tima pasttense, JEQ*.

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forftgewltenee f. departure, LPsMM".fortSgyrd m. fore-girdle, martingale, WW.fortfheald berU forward, stooping : inclined,

steep, BBS11.

fortthealdan7 to hold to, follow out, keep up,observe, JR.

forftheold L=for&heald. II. pret. 3 ag. of


fortfherge m. van (of an army). Ex 225.fortthllflan to be prominent, BH322M.

torVhrtoaan* to rush forth, Sold1*.

torto=tort$f±fofSUn tofurther, advance, Chr : carry out,

accomplish, Chr. Vforth'1fortflg=for$yfofSlndan* to swell up, Lod.fortilnglan= foretiingian

forttftdan to lead forth, bring forth, Sat; M.Vforthlead')

foifelAdnaa f. bringing forth, BH70»fortftAetan to persevere in, accomplish.forftlAtan7 to tend /orta, emft.

forttattlan to invite, Bl.forffltoran to proceed, BH31217


fortJMc/orttwrd, advanced, Chb1066d.for&Hflan= forChllfian

forfflfclan to look forth.fortlutan1 to lean forward, fall down, VPs.forttaiAre very glorious, Cmat09.foreman m. man o/ rani.fortfmaat foremost, MtL. Vforthmost']fortfollan to po wOaottf, fact, Wa38.forU-on (2f#)=furtfum; for-fan =forti&mfortfoneol = foretianoul ; forflor= furtfor

fortfrAcan (tr.) to push out, protrude, JEL26"».

fofbYAsan to rushforth, rise up :jut out, pro-trude, BPs727

. [iftaan]

forVrAetan («) to em**, afrief. oppress, VPs.Vforthrast']

forfrrAetednee (6) f. trtftdation.

fortfree- =fortSrya-

forttriccednee =forbryooedneafortSrlhte adv. straightway, at once : «n-mistakably, plainly.

forttrtngan to reeeue Jrom, defend against,

B1084 : eUoio ontf displace? BB1107.

forttryccan to prftM, egueeae, ertceA, oppress,


foitiapell n. declaration, Mod47.


forttstsapplng f. advance, DHy80".foribyllan to ptae ottf, pay out, LL175[3].Ior*tag(KGL)=for«tigfortftfon* to draw forth, bring forth.

forfltlg (e«, y») m. aerfttiOe, OEG3828.torVtlhting f. exhortation. ^.


forfltJegn m. chief noble, MLQ1U.

fortturn =furtiamfortune f. yWtteranee, ANS 125*.

fortfweard (e1) L inclinedforward : advanced,progressing, growing, ready i enduring, ever-

lasting, continual i future, adv. continually,

PPs : prospectively, JSGr : forwards, on-

wards, W17*. rVortAwann II. m. Joofc.

out man, pttotf Gxir 1436.

tortwesrim forwards, HL16w>(e).

forUweardnee I. progress, GDU7".forftweaxan7 to break forth, burst forth, QD.['forthwaz



fonfarag m. Journey, departure, in (on)

forCwege away.fOfgworfcatforCweardfortfwlf n. molran, WW309**.forflwyrft tortured, mutilated, v. OEG5028.forty L conj. /or fAat, because, therefore, Jn." ' " " II. adv. /or (hat, therefore, con-

foitiryoeednaa (i) I. pressure, oppression.

fortfryones f. extortion, oppression, tribula-

tion, LL;MFH159 (fore-).

forSryne m. onward course, Gen215.

for-ftrysman, -ttryamian to choke, suffocate,

strangle, [tiroem]

foitfaaaoan* to pass away, BPs 1434.

fortfacencan to pour forth, give to drink,

WW464*.forifecype m. progress, BH9214 (o).

foribatannaa f.lproposition MtB12*.

forflaftf m. going forth, decease, Chr; M,CP.Vforthsithe'l

fortfctttan to depart, die, M.fortSenoter (tt)t very wise, El.


for-ttyldlan, -8yld(i)gian, -tSyl(de)rian to

6ear, support, endure, wait patiently, M.fortybnan fto shut in, enclose, envelop,

obscure, cover over, overwhelm : suffocate,

consume.forttyppan to make manifest, CVPs.fortfyrnan' to run before, precede : continue,

M.foftfyrrlan to dry np, Lop 82b.

fortfytmed obscured, WW246*.

for5yUe=fortS^; forud=£orodfor-Qtan, -uton adv.; prep. w. d. except,

without, C*rll22. ['forout']



forwiemanforwaarnlan (WW4421»)=forw©omianforwana m. abundancef CP465M.

forwandlan to hesitate, be reluctant, CP : be

ashamed.forwandung I. shame, SPs68M.

forward =forweartS pret. 3 ag. of forweorVan.

forwaard I. (NG) beginning, front : heading,

title, chapter. II. adv. continually, always.

Gen 788. [?=forffweard; or foreweard,

JGPh 12-267]

forweardmeroung f. heading, JnL p3x.

forwaazan7 to progress, grow too much, be-

come overgrown, CP ; AO. [*forwax ']

forweddod pledged, [wedd]forwagan* to kill, Ma228.forwel adv. very, very well, M.forwanad insolent, [wenian]

forw«nad (enepecttM,

rBI)S3012SM. [wfinan]

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forwenednes f. insolence, AN879-89.forweoren=forworen1orweornan= £orwiernanfOrweornlan to dry up, wither,fade, grow old,

rot, decay, M.forweorpan' to throw, cast out, cast down,drive off, reject, throw away, squander, B.['forwerpe']

lorweorpnes f. migration, MtLl 1**

forweorftan* (y) to perish, pass away, vanish,

Mt;AO,CP,M. f. on mode be grieved,


forweortfenee =forwordeneaforweortHulHc excellent, Bo66u.

forweosnlan= forwianianfomerean—forwyrcan; Iorwerd=foreweardforwered= forwerodforwerednea f. old age, SPsTO1*.

forweren (WW217M )= forworenforwerennei (RPS701*) =forweredneeforwernedllee continently, W284*. [for-

wiernan]forwerod worn out, very old, JE. [werian]forwealng f. destroying.

1orwert=forewoetforwlernan (e, eo, i, y) to hinder, prohibit,

prevent, repel, refuse, repudiate, deny, with-

hold, oppose, AO,B{y) ; CP.for-wlrd, -wirn-=for-wyrd, -wiern-forwbnlan (eo) to wither away, dry up,decay, rot.

forwltan = forewitanforwUolnes f. intelligence, diligence. [=£ore-]forwlencan to fill with pride, puff up, CP.['forwlench']

forward I. n. iota, MtL5u. II. =foreweardforwordenes f. destruction, failure.

forwordenHe perishable, W263u.

forworen (pp. of +forweoean) decrepit, de-cayed, OEG2109.

forworhta= forwyrhtaforwraened banished, RB821


forwreean* to drive forth, carry away : expel,


forwrtgan to accuse, calumniate, Chr.['forwray']

forwrton* to cover over, LkR23a.

forwrltan1 to cut in two, B2705.forwrroan1 to bind up, Lcd 122a.forwundlan to wound, Chr. ['forwound']forwundorllc very wonderful, GD. adv.-Hoe.

fbrwurflan= forweorttanforwyrcan (e) to do wrong, sin, J3,CP. for-

worht mann criminal, OP : ruin, undo,destroy, Cr; JE,AO,CP : condemn, convict,

curse : forfeit : barricade, obstruct, close up.forwyrd fn. destruction, ruin, fall, death,

M,C¥. [forweoroan]forwyrdan to perish, Akdb.forwyrdendllc perishable.

forwyrht n. misdeed, MF160.forwyrhta m. agent, deputy : evil-doer, male-factor, ruined person, [fore-]

forwyrnan (J£)=forwiernanforwyrnednes f. restraint, self-denial, con-tinence, BHieo".

forwyrpnes f. casting out, LPa21*.foryld=foreald; foryldan=forieldanforyrman to reduce to poverty, bring low,

BH,W. [earm]foatere m. spade. [L. foasoriam]foeteMfdetorfdetor n. sustenance, maintenance, food,nourishment, Lcd; M. ['foster*]

foatorbaarn n. foster-child.

fostorbrottor m. 'foster-brother,' WW.foitorolld (ea) n. foster-child, ML.foatortoder m. 'foster-father,* ME.fdstorland n. land granted for the support ofthe recipients, CU ['fosterland']

foatorlian n. payment for maintenance, IX442[2];Mkh162.

fosterling m. foster-child, nursling, WW.['fosterling']

foatormann m. bondsman, security.

foatormodor f. 'foster-mother,* MB.fdstorno* m. pasture, sustenance, EPS221


foatorsweoalor f. foster-sister.

foetratt (e1) m. food : manna.fdetrian to 'foster,' nourish, £*(«).

fojtrlng m. disciple, NO.f6etiir=foBtor

lot m. da. fet, f5te, nap. fet, fdtaa foot (as

limb and as measure), BJ,L,NQ ; M,AO,CP.

fdtidl fn. gout in thefeeLfdtidlig having gout in the feet.

ffttbred n. foot-board, stirrup, WW 107*.

fdtelatt m. 'commissural MtL9M.

±f6tcopelan, +fdtcypean to fetter, Ps8.f6t-eosp, -oops m. foot-fetter, M.fdtooffu f. gout in the feet, OEO.fdteoe m. gout in the feet, Lcd.foter n. darnel, tares, MtL13*.fdtfeter f. fetter for the feet, WW 1 10*.

fdtgangende going on foot, OEG5254.fdtgemearo n. foot-measurement, space of afoot, B3043.fdtgemet n. foot-fetter, EPsl04u.

fdtgewAde fn? coveringfor the feet, RB88".+foOan to hasten up, MkL15".f6t-list (M), -lSeet mf . footprint, spoor.

fdtlic on foot, pedestrian.

fdtmAl n. foot-measure.

fdtmAlum adv. step by step, by degrees,

CM 883.

fdtrap m. (he loose part of the sheet by whicha sail is trimmed to the wind, 'propes, 'WW167".

fdtsceamol (e>, e1, uf) m. footstool, M.

fotaceaneam./oreW Lcd 1-362. [v. 'shank']

fdtsetl n. footstool, Chb 1063c.

fdtsld reaching to the feet, NC289.fdtspor n. footprints, spoor, Lcd.fdtspure n.foot-rest,foot-support, Chb 1070s.fdtstan m. base, pedestal, M.fdtitapol m. footstep, LPs 17".

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fdtsw&ft n. (nap. -swatiu), fdtewaoa f. foot-

print, footstep : foot, M.ffttswlle (y) m. swelling of the foot, Lop.

fdttfwtal n. washing of the feet, W,WW.fotwsere n. pain in the foot, gout, Lod.fdt~welm, -wylm, -wolma m. sole of the foot,

M.16* ind. pros. pL of fdn.

ffiti-or (-er, -or) n. load, cartload, Chr : food,

fodder: covering, case, basket, ['father1

]fdttorn m. faucet, Lod 19b.I6wer=fSowerfox m. l

fox,' Lk, VPs.foxeselite £. burdock, Lod 64a.

fozescme f. foxglove? greater burdock? WW135*1.

foxesfdt m. fox-foot, xiphion, Lod.foxesglole {.foxglove, WW296".foxhyll m, fox-hill.

foxung f. foxlike wile, craftiness, J3L161".

fra=fram; traced, fraceo, fraood>tfraco8fraeott I. adj. vile, bad, wicked, criminal,

impious, filthy, abominable, BE : useless,

worthless, ['fraud*] II. n. insult, con-tumely, disgrace : wickedness.

fraeoftUM (-od) f. misdeed, W188".fraeotte adv. contemptuously, shamefully.

firaeomio base, ignominious, shameful, lewd,

M,CP. adv. -Hoe, CP.fraeotf-Uenes, -nes (M) t vileness, coarse-

ness, obscenity.

traeotfieotpe (-od) scandalous conduct, BB141*.

fraoottword n. insulting word, GD1527.

fraoud, fraouoV^fraooD; frA-=frea-fnec^frec; fr»o-=freo- (v. ES39-327 ff. aato these foor forms).

fneeful greedy, OBG2445.fraternise (e) f. titmouse, WW.Me08 (GL)=fraoo&frssfel n? cunning, Gl.froefele bold, insolent, cunning. [Qer. frevel]

frssfellan to be cunning, Gl.frofelHce shamelessly, AO(e) : astutely.

frofelnes f. sharpness, shrewdness, OEG.+frftge (e) I.f n. hearsay, report, knowledge.

mine +f. as I have heard say. II. adj . well-

known, celebrated, reputable, CP : notorious,

disreputable, [fricgan]

fraegn I. pret. 3 sg. of frignan. II. fregen II.

trsegnlng f. questioning.

from- =frem-frfimieel pre-eminent, WW53011


frong= frsegn

±fropglan (NG) to accuse : reverence.

fr&t Lf perverse, proud, obstinate. II. pret.

3 eg. of fretan.

frotegung (M) =fr»twung *

frotew-, fr«etew-=frsetw-frsBtgenga m. apostasy, Gl.frfttlg perverse, proud, Jul284.fratlappa m. dew-lap, WW 179'.

frftton pree. pi. of fretan.

tratwa, fratwe fp. treasures, ornaments,

trappings, armour : m. adomer, Cb556.[+tawe]

fratwsBdnes= fnetwednes±fratwan, fret(te)wian to ornament, adorn,AO : clothe, cover over, CP83".

trari-wednes, -wodnea f. adorning, decora-

tion, ornament.fraetwlan v. fnetwan.fratwung f. adorning, decoration, ornament,M.

fragendUc=framigendlio+Mglan to learn by inquiry, MtL2M.

(ram (o) I. prep. w. d. (instr.) (local) 'from,'

by, J£,Bl,Ghr : (temporal) since. A,Ma :

(agent) by, Bl i as a result of, Mt : (withverbs of saying and hearing) of, about, con-

cerning, f. gin to depart, comps. v.

fram-, from-. II. adv. from, forth, out,

away. III. adj. (eo) strenuous, active, bold,

strong. [Qer. fromm]framacyrran==framoyrran (in this and thefollowing words fram- may often be takenas a separate preposition).

framadon anv. to takefrom, do away, cut off,

cutout.framadrytan1 to drive away, expeLframahyMan to turn from, Lod.framanpdan to drive away.framasesdean' to shake off.

tramastyrlan to remove, RPS6580.

tramatton* to draw awayfrom.framateran* 'diripere,* ^EGb16810


framawendan to turn from or away.framaweorpan* to cast away, MGjl.frambfge m. apostasy, W49".frambrlngan* to take away, Lod.framCeorfan' to cut off.

frameyme (o) m. issue, posterity, Gmr 1765.

framcynn (o) n. issue, posterity : origin.

framoyrran (e) to turn from, avert : take

from.framddn anv. to put off, stop, interrupt,


tramfsereld m? n? departure, M.framfaru (o) f. excess, DR17*.tramtundung f. departure.

framgewltan1 to apostatize, So 83*.

tramian to avail, benefit, BB.framlernlng (o1, e1 ) f. outflowing, DB81


framlgendlle effective.

framlad f. departure, Gen2098(o).

framlece turned from, GPH401.fnunUe strong, adv. -lioe boldly, strongly,

strenuously, quickly.

tramloclan (o1) to look back, CP403*.

framnes (o1 ) f. vigour, Nab7m.

framsclpe I. m. exercise, action. II. m.fraternity.

tramsetnung f. foundation, JnB 17".

framslV (o) m. departure.

framslltnes f. desolation, NG(o).framswengan to swing away, shake off,


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framweard (o) about to depart, doomed to die, +trUmAlum little by little, OEG3245.BoJSeaf; CP : enterprising? [*frontward*] +frMnes f. feeling, perception, Bo.

framweardes (o) adv. away from, Led. +fredra more acute, CP123M.

['frontwards'] frefelfoe=fraBfel)Ioe

frin pret. 3 sg. of frihan. frelernes f. consolation,

franca m. lance, javelin, M. ±frifran to cheer, comfort, console, BE ; CP.±trialan to ask, inquire,find out by inquiry : ['frover ']

tempt, try. frifrend (ie1) ml. comforter, consoler : thetrisung f . questioning, temptation. Comforter (Holy Ghost), Bl.fratwlan =fr»twian fretrian (Jn ; M) =£rtfranfraaf I. m. gs. Man rider, lard, king, master : fratrlend =fr€frendthe Lord, Christ, God : husband. [Goth. frtfrung t. consolation, Gmr37~.frauja] II. (VPs)=fr€o L +Mge= +fr«ge

trfe- intenaitive prefix (=-L. per-). fregen, fregn I. =fr*3gn prei.3 sg. of frignan*fraabeorht glorious. II. n. question, An 256.fraabeorhttan (&) to proclaim, CPs41f. fregnan =frignanfreabodlan to proclaim, declare, LPs 1 181". fregnftearle enquiringly, JBL231".

fraadrflman to exult, LPs. fregnung f. questioning, MkLp4lf.

fraadrihtent m. lord, master. freht n? *auspicium, ' DR977.

frtatsstt (ft1) t«ryM WW532". frem=fram adj.

freagltaw very wise, Dak 88. fremde foreign, alien, strange, LL ; AO,CP :

fraahrsBd (ft1, -hwetJ) very quick, Gl. unfriendly, Sol (-ede) : estranged from9

freamfirej very ceJe&rafecL <fetutd* o/, remote from, ['fremd']friamloel (&) pre-eminent, WW530U. ±fremdlan to estrange, RB : cum, MkLRfreamlht freoi «lren(r(A, RPs42». <. A 16127).freamsimi =fremanm trema I.f vigorous, flourishing, B,Gen.frean=freon [


A»«*'» fnum] II.=fremufreaofestlloe (ft1) very quickly, WW530". fremade =fremdefreareccere m. j»rince, LRPs 1 18M1. fremedlAoan to alienate, RPp 57*.

freas pret. 3 sg. of frSosan. dbfremednes f. accomplishment, fulfilment,fraaslan Afrasian effect, M.frlatorht very bright, radiant. tremful useful, profitable, beneficial, Led.freaftanclan to exult, RPs52». ['fremeful'] adv. -lice efficaciously.

fraawlnet m. lord and friend. fremfulnes f. utility, profit, RB83M.

frtawlltig very beautiful, NC290. ±fremlan, fremman to further, advance,freawrisn f. splendid chain, B 1451. support, An,B : frame, make, do, perpc-Mbran=frefran trate, commit, afford, B,Gen;CP : (w. d.)

free (», i) greedy, MtL(\); M : eager, bold, avail, benefit, do good, JB,Mt. ['fremc*]darinq, Met : dangerous (. E839-327fl\). fremlle (eo, o) profitable, BH30".['freck'] ±tramming f. purpose, effect, performance,

freeaf m. warrior, hero. progress, M.traced- =frecen-; frccclnes =frecennes fremnes=fremednesfreeelsod exposed to danger, WW466*. tremsum beneficent, benign, kind, gracious,

freeen n. gs. frecnea danger, peril. J2.CP.freoendllo, frecenlio (CP) dangerous, mis- fremsumlle benignant, kind, GD280. ady.chievous, perilous, terrible, adv. -lice, AO. -Hoe, CP.

freeennes f. harm* danger, CP. fremsumnes f. benefit, benignity, kindness,freeeo 'luccr'f 'lurcor'f Cpl240 (. ES liberality.

39-336; 42-168). fremg- (NG) =fremd-trectul (») greedy, OEG2445. +fremt&an to curse, MkL14".freellee greedily, GD311

. fremttio =frvmo,


freomaae=froomase; frton-=freeen- fremu f. advantage, gain, benefit, Bo,Sp,freone (&)l.dangerous,perilous,CP : terrible: Led; CP. ['frerne']

savage, wicked : daring, bold. [v. ES framung (eo, o) f. advantage, profit, good.

39-328 f.] II. ady. dangerously : fiercely, Frenolsc 'French,* Chr.severely : boldly, audaciously. frtndi=*freond ^_

freenas f. greediness. frendlan to anathematize, WW484n. [ep.

freenes=freoennes +fremtfian]+freenian to make bold, Da 184 : endanger, freng=fr»gii pret. 3 sg. of frignan.

imperil, JEL30-436. frao I. nap. often frige 'free,1 Bo,Sx,JnR;

frecwasend m. gluttony, A 6- 100. CP,^S : (t) glad, joyful : (f) noble, illue-

+tr*a*ntofeel, perceive,£},Bo;CP. ['frede'; trious, Gen. [freo- v. also frig-] II.f f.

fr6d] woman, lady. Ill.m. =frea. IV.hnperat+frMendUe perceptible, >EGe4«. of freogan. V. f ? freedom, immunity.

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frtobearn n. free-born child, child of gentle


frtoborh=fritiborhfrtobrfffar m. awn brother, Ex338.frtoburh f. city, B694,freod I.f f. peace, friendship : goodwill,

affection. IL pp. of frSogan. III. =fr£otfrtede pret. 3 eg. of frSogan.frtodontor f. freebom daughter, W1939


freodom m. '

freedom,9 Hate of free-will,

charter, emancipation, deliverance, Bo;AO.CP.

frftodryhtenf= freadrihtenfrfodselpe (ES39-340)=freondscipe?±fr*ogan to 'free,* liberate, manumit, AS,

Chr; AO : love, embrace, think of lovingly,

honour.+Moge = +fr«ffe; frtob=freofrtolio n, freewill offering, oblation, LPs50*.frtoMeta m. freedman, WW.±frtollc free, freebom : glorious, stately,

magnificent, noble, B : beautiful, charming.Vfreely'1 adv. -lioe 'freely,' readily, Bo,

frtols I. mn. freedom, immunity, privilege :

feast-day, festival. [origL friheale] II.=freo I.

frtolsAfen m. eve of a feast, LL383[66].frtobboc f. charter offreedom, Ct.

frtolsbryce (i) m. breach of festival.

frtototog m. feast-day, festival-day, M.triolsdom =freoddmfrtob-end, -iend m. liberator, EPs.freolsgefa m. emancipator, LL13[8].

frtolsger n. year ofjubilee, WW420".frtolslan (±) to deliver, liberate, Bl.EPs :

to keep a feast or holy day, celebrate, M.I'frels']

tr%o\MMc festive,festival, CM.350. adv. freely:solemnly.

frtolsmann m. freedman, KG3-296*.freolsnint f. eve of a festival, NC290.frtolsstow f. festival-place, LL338[38].frtolstld £. festival, feast-day, M.frtolsung f. celebration of a feast.

freom =fram III. ; freom- =fram-, frem-frtomAgf m. free-kinsman.

friomann m. free-man, 'freebom man, Gen,LL.

freonama m. surname, BH.freond m. da. friend, nap. friend, fr&ond,

• freondas*

friend,9relative, B,El,Gen; AO,

CP : lover.

treondheald amiable, Lod3-192*».freondhealdUc related, akin, WW217".freondlar f. friendly counsel, B2377.freondlattu t friendly invitation, B 1192.freondlta* 'friendless,' JnL. f. mann out-

law, LL.frtondltaet f. want offriends, ££336[35].frtondUeJWewfty, well-disposed, kindly, BH,W. adv. -lice, CP.

friondltte kind to one's friends, ES39-340.freondlufu {.friendship, love, Gen 1834.

frtondmyne f. amorous intention, Gen 1831.freondrftden t. friendship, £2 : conjugal love,

frtondseipe m. 'friendship,' B,Lcd; AO,CP : conjugal love.

frtondsped f. abundance offriends.frtondeptdlg rich in friends.frtone asm. of freo adj.

frtonoma=freonamafrtorltffreezing,frozen, cold, chilly : blanchedwith fear, sad, mournful, [freoean]

frtorig-fertf, -modf sad, Gu.frtorlht n. rights offreemen, LL,W.±Moean» to 'freeze, ' ABJSl.frtoeceat m. freedman, RB138U.

frfot m. freedom, LL. freotee tiolian to bereduced to slavery.

freotglfa m. liberator, WW.frtot-glfu, -gift f. emancipation, WW.frtotmann m. freedman, Bk,TC,W.freott-=friti-; -freosan1 v. a-f.

freotto-, freotfa- =fritSo-, friBu-

frtowlf (P) n. free-woman, LL7[73].freowine=freawine; Fre*an=FrisanFreiisc (y) in the Frisian manner, Frisian,Chb. [Frisan]

±fretan* to devour, eat, consume, CP : break,Ex 147. [for.etan]

fretgenga =fr»tgengafrettan to feed upon, consume, [fretan]

frettol greedy, gluttonous, WW 171".fretw-=fr®tw-fretto=fritiu; fretio-=fri5o-, fritfu

frt=frSoL; Ma=freafrland(A) = freondfrlborb (v. LL2-81)=fri«borhfrie(NG)=freofrtoea, friocea m. herald, crier, CP (T v. ES39-336).

frlcgan'f to ask, inquire into, investigate i

(+) learn, find out by inquiry, [frignan;op. Oer. fragen]

frlelan to dance, Mt. ['frike']

Crfolant w. g. to seek, desire.

frlelo f. appetite, LoD73a.frloo f. 'usura,' MtL25" (v. ES 39-328 f.).

frlcolo adv. eagerly, fervently.

frtctrung (OET26) =frihtrungfrldnengest= fritihengest ?

Menan =frinan=frignanfriend v. freond.

+frlend pi. friends, Lk(f). ['i-freond']

frltfstfreo; frigan=freoganWgd«g=friffedflBgfrige Lf fp. love. II. v. freo.

Mgea m. lord, master, LL (—frea).

MgeAfen m. Thursday evening, JE.

frigedeeg m. 'Friday,' LL,Ma; M.+Mgend m. liberator, VPs.frigenes=frignesfrlgenlht f . Thursday night, W306M.

frlgest, frigeti prea. 2, 3 eg. of fricgan.

+frfgian to embrace, MkLlO".±frignan1, frinan ask, inquire, B,BH,Cpp

Ps;AO,CB. Vfrayne']

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dbfrflgnes t interrogation, question.

trignung f. question, 00137*.trigst, frihat pre*. 2 sg. of fricgan.

frlhtere m. diviner, soothsayer, [freht]

trlhtrlan to divine.

frlhtrung f. soothsaying, divination, WW.irimdlg=frymdig; frfnansfrignanfrlnd= friend; frfo^frSofrfs (f) crisped, curled, GhE9&Frlsan (e) mp. Frisians, AO.frlsea=fryicafristmearc (GL)=fir8tmearcfrit, friteti, fritt pree. 3 sg. of fretan.

frrt (y) mn. peace, tranquillity, security,

refuge, AO;CP,M. t. niman to makepeace : privilege of special protection, andpenalty for the breach of it, LL10[5] :

restoration of rights (to an outlaw), LL316[13]. ['frith']

MB stately, beautiful, Rd 10*.

frffta (eo) m. protector, PPs70*.MSM m. oath of peace, Chb 1012b.trttfbtna m. suppliant, refugee, LL.frfftborh m. surety for peace, LL.frffibrsse f. breach of the peace, LL.frfftburg f. town with which there is peace,

city of refuge, LL222[2,1].trreoandelt f. the sun.

M8eltas=friolea8frttSgeard m. enclosed space, LL : court ofpeace (heaven), Cb.fMgtamln. death, Qmjx 1142. [ferhtt?]

frffigegUda m. member of a peace-guild,

LL 173 Pro.frtSgeorn peaceable, MtL6*.frtiSgswrlt n. peace agreement, LL144.trtUglld n. peace guild, LL181.Irtftglsl m. peace-hostage, LL378[9,1].frrtfhengeit (frid-) m. horse of peace? Rd23*.frffthos n. sanctuary, WW186».frffian (eo) to pipe fritJ' to, make peace with,

be at peace with : (±) cherish, protect, guard,

defend, keep, A0,Chr; CP : observe. Vfrith']trftitend m. helper, defender, PPs,W239T


frltfland n. friendly territory, Chb.frfffltas peaceless, outlawed, LL318.frttille mild, lenient, LL.trfflmal n. article ofpeace, LL220 Pro. [m*l]frltfmann m. man under special peace-

protection, LL222.frfSo^freotfu, fritS

frffiobtaoen (eo1 ) n. sign ofpeace, Gbn 1045.

frtttososslo (eo)t m. angel.

frltfoslbb f. peace-bringer, B2017.frfBospM (eo)t f. abundant peace.

frrttotien n. sign of peace, Gbn2369.

frffotttawatt (eo1 ) mp. place.

frffiowAr (eo^f f. treaty of peace.

frfftowang (eo1 ) m. peaceful plain, B2959.frtfowaru (eo)t f. protection.

frttfo-webba (eo1)} m., -webbef f. peace-

maker.frtVsolpe m. ship for defence, LL441 (? readfyrdaoipe).

frttfodon f. sanctuary, asylum, LL.frftfsplott m. peace-spot, LL(248»).frttfstfl m. sanctuary, asylum, refuge, LLJ*s.['frUhstool']

frftistow f. refuge, sanctuary.

frttfsum pacific, peaceful : (+) safe, fortified.

frtfeumlan tomake peaceful, protectfNC290.frttJu (eo) fin. peace, safety, protection, A0t

Mt : refuge, asylum, ['frith ']

frt8u-=fritio-; trocga=froggatrddf vise : old.

frodlan to be wise, Rnf 32.

Mfer^froior; trdfertan=frefran

frofor fmn. (e*, n1) gs. frdfre consolation, joy,

refuge, M\ CP : compensation, help, benefit.

[ frover ]

frdforbo* (e1) f. book ofconsolation, BO509.

frdforgist (frftfre-) m. consoling spirit. HolyGhost, Comforter, Jn ; M. [v. 'frover']

frftforllc (e*) kind, helpful, W. adv. -Hoe,

W295».frttornes f. consolation, LkL6*«(oe).frotorword n. word ofconsolation, GD3449*


frifrlan=frefranfrogga m. l

frogt* A,WW.

froht(NG)=forhtfromiB^fram; from- also=frem-, frum-froren pp. of freosan.

troec=forBc; frost =fontfrowe f. woman, DD291. [Oer. frau]

froz=fonotrugnen pp., frognon pret. pL of frignan.

frum I. primal, original, first. II. =framfruma m. beginning, origin, cause, AO,CP :

creation, Chb 33 : originator, inventor,

founder, creator : first-born, CPsl36w ;

(t) prince, king, chief, ruler, on frumanatfirst. we8tmaframan./Sr6</Httte. [fram]frumaoennes f. nativity, JnLpS1*.

frumbearn n. first-born child.

trumbyrd f. birth, TC369*.frumbyrdllng n. youth, WW 111", ['frurn-


frumcenned first-begotten, firstborn, JE,AO :

original, primitive, MGu.trumentow n. primal generation, Ex371.

frumcynt n. ancestry, origin, descent, lineage:

race, tribe.

frumcynnend=frumcennedfnuncyrr m. first time, LL164[25,2].framdyslg n. first offence, NC290.frum-garf, -g&raf m. leader, patriarch, chief-

tain, noble, [op. L. primi-pilus]

frumgesceap n. creation of the world, Cb840.frumgeweore n. original construction, A1M74«.

friimgewrit n. deed, document, W252".frumglfu f. prerogative, privilege, Gl.frumgrlpa m. firstling, W113*.frumgyld n. first instalment, LL190.fruinhfowling (I) f. originalformation, WW467*.

frumhr&gl n. first garment (so. offig-leaves),Gbb943.

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frumUdo f. primeval time, WW341M. [ieldo] fryU^=tfritS ; fry*- also =freot$-,fyrC-frumleoht n. dawn, AF4-56. fugel>=tfugolfrumllc original, primitive, adv. -lice. fugelbona m. fouter, Cra 80.

trumllda m. chief sailor, v. OEG32. fugeMoppe f ? waterfowl, WW 131*.frumtfhtan to dawn, 8l207u. fugelere (AO) =fuglereframmynetolege m. first coinage, AX234™. fugeleswfse f. larkspur, WW298*.frumrftd m. primary ordinance, LL246. fugelhwata m. draper, WW 140s.

frumrftden I. space of time. An 147. fugelttm m. ford-tone, PEG 3105.frumrlnc (a1 ) cAte/Jam, RHy4". fugelnett n. Wrrf ne«, WW277".frumrfpa m. firstfruits, LL40[38]. fugelnotf, fugeloti =fugolotStrumseeaft f. first creation, origin, primeval fugelttmber n. young bird, Ph236.condition, B : treasure : home, ['frum- fugeltrio n. perM (qf a 6trd).

schaft'] fugelweohlere m. augur, WW 108". [wig*frumsceapen/rj* created, first, M. lere]

frumtoaatt m. firstfruits, BLPs. tuglere m. '/oiufcr, ' 40.trumaoepend m. creator, DR1610

. fuglesbten f. vefcA, Gl.framseyldf f. original sin. fugllan to coto* Wroe, JBChr. ['fowl']frumsetnes f. attftortiy, DR 123s. fuglung f. bird-catehing, WW.frumsetnung f. foundation, creation, JnR fugol m. gs. fugles 'fowl,' bird, BJit; CP;17*. Mdf.

frumslAp m. first sleep, AO. fugol-, see also fugel-.

frumspeUung f. recapitulation, OEG 1163; fugofeynn n. bird-tribe, A. VfowUein*]2". fugoMssg (u«) m. feast-day, TC460*.

IrumsprAc f. first saying : promise. fugolhAlsere m. augur.frumstattol m. first state, Rp61*. fugoloft m. bird-catching, fowling, M.frumstemn m. prow, WW288*1. fugolwylle swarming with birds, BH30*-frumstdl m. first or principal seat, paternal [weallan]home, LL. fugul-= fugel-, fugol- ; fuhl-= fugl-

trumtalu f. first statement (of a witness)? fOht damp, moist. [Oer. feuoht]LL385. fohtfan to be moist, NC290.

frumtfd f. beginning, GD212*. fuhton pret pL of feohtan.

frumtyhile f. first accusation, first charge, ful I. n. beaker, cup, M. Il.Wfull

LL338(35). [Won U.] Ml I. 'foul,' unclean, impure, vile, corrupt,

frimriSsfryinti rotten, A,Bl,Cp,Cr,WW ; CP. f. beamtnmwiSMtm nd. firstfruits. black alder, Loi>29b : guilty, LL. II. n.

trumweore n. primeval work, creation, Av filth, foulness, impurity, crime, offence, El,

806. OET. ['foul3


frumwlfung f. first marriage, W304sv. fulbeorht very bright, resplendent, CP87**.

frumwylm m. new-born zeal, RB 136*. Iulbreean* to violate, LL280[2,2].frumwyrtata m. creator, DB37*. fuldon anv. to satisfy, RB70*1


frunan pp., frun(n)on pret. pL of frinan. fttle adv. foully.

frungon ==frugnon pret. pL of frignan. fultode pret. 3 sg. of fullgan.

fruron pret. pi of freoean. foletrto n. black alder, Cp430A.flr^^freo; fryeeea==frioca fulfawtnlan to ratify fuUy, Chb675e.fryht- (N) =forht-, fyrht- fulfaran* to travel, LL383[56].frylslan (Bo) =freolsian fulfealdan' 'explicare, • <EGb 138*.

lrym-=frum-, fyrm- fulgeare quite well, MLS4**, [gearwe]

firymdSg (i) curious, inquisitive, J& : desirous, fulgdd very good, iEL61M.

f. beon to entreat. fulgon pret. pi. of feolan.

ftymefflng f. young cow, LL461[13]. fulnar completely grey, very hoary, WWfrymti I. mf. origin, banning,foundation, 38011.

Bo; M^O : (in pi.) creation El : creature. fulheaMen contented, WW211*.['frumth') II.=fyrmtJ fulht-=fulwiht-

frymft-Uc, -elic primeval, primitive, first, fullan to be or becomefoul, decay, rot, AO,Ps.adv. -lice, OEG6211. full I. adj. (w. g.) 'full,' filled, complete,

frymftu, frymtto (3/*£)=frymC perfect, entire, utter, Qenfs,Lcd\M,AQ9

frymflyMo 'primanws'f v. OEG 2381. CP : swelling, plump, Lot. be fullan/u%,frjnd (M) nap. of freond. perfectly, completely. II. adv. very, fully,

frjs=frk entirely, completely, thoroughly, Bo,Ps. f.

Prysan=Friaan neah almost, very nearly. III. = ful

flrysea I. (i) m. kite, bittern, Gl. IL 'pusio't full- v. also ful-.

Gl (v. A 19-495). fulla m. assemblyf Ct.

frft/B pres. 3 sg. of freoean. IullAst (a, e ; fylst) m. help, support, Ex.fryt pres. 3 sg. of fretan. Vfi^l

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±fuIlAttan (8) w. <L to help, support, AO;Lk. ['filst']

+fullan= +fyllan1ullbenten* to burst completely, W267".fullbftten to make full amende.fullbfflfe very glad.

fullboren completely bom, CP3671* : of noblebirth.

tullbryee m. complete breach of the peace,

fullcUeae very pure, AS29".fmierafilf very efficient, virtuous.

fullettV notorious, famous.-tulle t. rin-f.

lullendlan to complete, £#. [Tuflemi 1

fullere m. 'fuller,' bleacher, Mi.fuUesto^falfaetfulfilton* to take to flight, escape completely.

tullforttan to fulfil, NC291.fullfremed perfect, CP. adv.fully,perfectly,completely, BL

tuWremednesi. perfection, BH;CP. ['fuU-fremedness']±full-fremman, -fremian to fulfil* perfect,

practise, dofully, complete, Bo ; CP. ['fuU-freme 9


tullfyligan tofollow, obey, W90": 'persequi,'

EPs7«.tulltyllan 'compare/ ^Gf-1531

. ['X/IT]fuT-gftn pret. 3 eg. -eode any., -gangan* to

accomplish, fulfil, perform, carry out, M :

follow, imitate, obey : Aeip, AO.fuUgearwIan to finish, complete, GD1261


fuUgedrlfen (w. g.) driven full of


fullgeorne very eagerly, CP255rf.tuUgewtpnea fully armed, Chb.fullgrowan' to grow to perfection, flourish,CP67M.

fulnan I. tofulfil, complete, perfect. II. (Jn)=fulwian.

tuWofull, Chb785o? : 'catholicus,9 CHyl5.

adv. -Hoe entirely, fully, perfectly, com-pletelv, A,BH;M.

ftklllo foul, unclean, objectionable, shameful,base, Lod,W. adv. -lioe.

fuIUgan=fahrianfaumannod fully peopled, BoW.full-medeme excellent, perfect, GD. adv.-medomlice, GD331 11


lullnesf. fullness.

f011nes=minesfulloo final or definite agreement? LL385.fulloft adv. very often, CP.lullttangen (M-) full-grown, RB1331


Iulfflungennes i.fuU development, MFH160.fuUuht^fulwihtfullungs adv. fully.

fullwtpnod/u&y armed, Chb 1070k.fullwer m. complete 'wer,* full atonement,Rd24"?

fullwyroan to complete, fulfil.

fulmaagen n. great power, W186".fulntah I. adj. very near. II. adv. verynearly, almost, CP.

nines I foulness, filthy smellffUon rare pret. pL of feolan.

fulrafte adv. very quickly, AO.fulrlpod mature, RB 130*.

fulrtinoende foul-stinking.futaumnee f. abundance, EPs487.

fulteam==fultumfultem- (CP), fultom-^fultam-fultruwlan to confide in, Bo60".fultum (6a) m. help, support, protection, B;A!,AO,CP : forces, army, AO. ['fultum']

+Iultuma m. helper, SPsl8".±fiiltum-an, -ian to help, support, assist,

M,CP : (f) be propitious to, overlook.

±fa]tumend, fultumiend m. helper, fellow-


fultumllM without help, A066n.

fulwam./afler,MH26»fulwearm entirely warm, CP4471.

fulwere m. baptozer, baptist.

fulwerlg very tired, MPH 160.

ifulwlan to 6ajrf«e, BH,MH;AO,CP.['full



fulwlht, fulluht (i^0 mfn. ftajrfwm, CAr»>-

tianity, Jft;AO,CP. ['Jfclfoivftt'1

±fulwlht-an, -ian to baptize, Chb,NG.fulwlhttMB* n. baptismal bath, font, X(fulluht-).

fulwihtbtna m. 'competitor, amicus vel

rogator baptismi,' WW207M.

fulwlhtere m. baptizer : the Baptist.

fulwfhtteder m. baptismalfather, godfather,

baptizer, Bl205".tulwlhthid m. baptismal order or vow, Bl109*

fulwlhtnama m. baptismal name, Christian

+fulwlhtnian (fulhtn-) to baptize, NC201.fulwfhtstfw f. baptistry, Bl140».fulwlhttld f. time of baptism, Men 11.

fulwlhttfiaw m. rite ofbaptism, MxTln.

fulwlhttftnung (-uht) f. baptismal service,

W38*.Iulwlhtwsater n. laver of baptism, NC291.fulwihtwere m. baptist, Bl161s


fulwuht=fnlwihtfunde wk. pret. 3 eg., funden pp. of

findan.-fundelnes, -fundennes v. on-f.

fundlan (w. of, td) to tend to, wiehfor, strive

after, go, set out, go forward, hasten, J&,B,

Cr,Ou;CP. ['found'!

fundon pret. pL of findan.

fundung f. setting forth, departure, Chb1106.

IQra v. furb.

turn f. gs. fure, ds. fyrh, furh, gp. fura

'furrow,' trench, BO,Bo;M.furhwudu m. pine, Cp420p.±fQrlan to furrow, OEG.furlang n. length offurrow, furlong, [furh,

lang]furtian, furtfon=furtiumfurtferlueor =furoorlioor

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fuffar adv. (of place and time) *further/mare distant.forwards, later, M,Chr : more :

superior, f. don to promote, A,lurforilcor (e*, u«) op. adv. more perfectly.

fmifra op. adj. 'further,' greater,superior,in.fuitium (-an, -on) adv. even, exactly, quite,

already, just as, at first, Bl,Mt; AO,CP :

further, previously, sytioan f. just as soonas. ['forthen']

furttumllc luxurious, indulging, A050*.furUuH={fur6or; furuh=furhfOs striving forward, eager for, ready for,

inclined to, willing, prompt, B;M : expect-

ant, brave, noble : ready to depart, dying.

Ufous']fOse=fuslioefftsleoftt n. death-song, dirge.

fOsllo ready to start : excellent, adv. -Hoereadily, gladly.

fflsnes f. quickness, EHy6tt.

lustra? 'focus,' 'ignis,' v. EG 1428.fjl-=fif-; tyhfang=feohfangfyht-=feoht-t*htan (!) to moirfen, OEG. [fiiht]


itflan to to/mi, de/Ue, poJ'nie, £).

+fylce n. band ofmen, troop, army, host, CP.[folc]

±fylolan to marshal troops, [folc]

fyld m. 'volumen,' 'ruga,' OEG.QrldstoiMealdestol±fylgan w. d. or a. tofoUow, pursue, J5,CP


persecute : follow out, observe, obey.

fylgend m. follower, observer, BH472*.fylgestre f. female follower, OEG 1228.


,DR. lH»)harroW'fylging f. I. following, ]

ing, harrow, [fealg]

fyllan, fyligan=fylganfyligendllc that can or ought to be imitated,

CM 803.

fylignes f. following, practice, BHIOO".UrU= (l)fynu; (2)fiell

±fyUan I. to 'fitt,' ftt up, replenish, satisfy,

An,Qen,Pe; jE : complete, fulfil, At. [full]

II. ± (», e; =ie) wv. to cause to fall, strike

down, 'fell,' cut down, Psjld. 4-fylled

wdg. bereft : throw down, defeat, destroy,

kill, BHJCrfs : tumble : cause to stumble,

MtR.fyllatt m. fitting, fitting up, Oxv 1513.

+fyllednes (i) f. fulness, completion, fulfil-

ment, JS.

-fyllen (fylen) v. m5natt-f.

fyllend= fylgend+fyllendlie ftttina, expletive, iEGR261».fyllestoe epUepUc.fylleseoenes f. epilepsy, Lod 1*164*.

fylle*fl6d m. high tide, Gl.fyllewssre n. epilepsy, Lod 66a.

fylMng f. fitting, completion, NC291.+fylltngtfd f. compline, WW207"n.±fyllnes i.fulness, plenitude, satiety : supple-

ment : completion, fulfilment

fyllo, fyllu f. fulness (of food), 'fill,' feast,

satiety, AO,B; CP : impregnation.fylmen=filmenfylnes I. (±) f. fatt, stumbling-block, offence*

NG : (+) transmigration, MtLl". II.=fyUnee

fyines=fulneefytot I. fm. help, aid, Mt ; JB,AO. II. pres.

2 sg. of feallan. III. pros. 2 sg. of fyllan.

+fyteta m. helper, M.±fylstan (w. d. ) to aid, support, help, protect,

M,AO. [-fulbestan]itylstend m. helper, J£,BB,J?s.

fylt pies. 3 sg. of fealdan.

Cyt9 I. pros. 3 sg. of fyllan. II. pres. 3 sg.

&I8 f. 'filth,' uncleanness, impurity, MtJSc,W. [fill]

tylwerig faint to death, 6963. [fiell]

fyn-=fin-; tynd=f6ond; +f*nd = +fiendfyndele m. invention, devising, 8c. ['findal'}

fyne m? n? moisture, mould, WW 183".TynegUn=fynigiantyiilg(i)rnouldu,^. ['fenny'}fynigian (e«) to becomemouldy,LL. ['finew'l

tft v. feorr.

tft (I) n. 'fire,' Bx,0,VPs; jE,AO,CP : afire, Gen.

tyran I.=feran II. to cut a furrow, OEG2492n : castrate.

f*ras=firastytb&rt fire-bearing, fiery> OEG.fyrb€B«t n. fire-bath, hell-fire.

tyrbend m. bar forged in the fire, B722.lfrbtta m. fireman, stoker, WW.tyrbryne m. conflagration, A025210


fyrollan (y?) to flash, flicker, Chb1106.tyrolomm m. band forged in the fire, Sat 39*tyroruoe f. crucible, Cp963o.tyrcynn n. fire, A0262«o.tyrd= fiord

fyrdorsBft m. warfare.

fyrdend enrolled for military service, ML25*».

tyrdesne m. warrior, BH 1488 .

fyrdfsareld n. fyrdfara f. going to war,military service, LL.

fyrdgeatewe fp. war-gear, Rtrw27.fyrdgemaoa m. fellow-soldier, M.fyrdgestealla m. comrade in arms.fyrdgetrum n. band of warriors.

fyrdham m. corslet, B 1604.

fyrdhrsBgl n. corslet, B1527.fyrdhwsstt warlike, brave.

fyrdlan (ie) to go on an expedition, Chb.fyrdltt f. remnant ofan army, JEL25m.

fyrdleas (ie) without an army, Chb894a.fyrdleoKf *• mar-song.

fyrdllo martial, M.fyrdmann m. warrior, Bo.fyrdnotf (e) m. liability to military service,

BC3-71*.f^Tdraoa m. fire-spewing dragon, B2Q89+['firedrake']

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fyrdrtaB wv. to serve in the army, go on a/dive

service, jEL28u.

fyrdrlnet (e) m- warrior, soldier.

fyrdaceorp n. armour, Rd 15".fyrdsdp n. 6aafe-*fo>, LL.jyrdtemrut n oeco«<remeftto.

fyrdaocn I. military service, Ct.

fyrdfttmn m. 6orfy o/ soldiers who serve fora Jiaeea* ferm, army-corps, Chb921.

tyrdtfber n. military sacrifice* (Swt), WW418«;A15187.

fyrdtruma m. martial band, army, ME.1-442".

fyrdung (eo, i) £. military expedition, arma-ment, LL;M : camp : jEne /or evadingmilitary service, LL. ['/eratiiy'1

fyrdwttn (i) m. miliary carriagef EC25011.lyrdweard f. military watch, LL444[1].fyrdwerod n. Aorf, army, WW399*.fynlwlc n. camp, JS*.

fyrdwba m. chieftain, Cea77.fyrdwlse f. mattery «fyfe, Nab9*.fyrdwfte n. fine for evading military service.

fyrdwyrtta atritnyttMfterf in war, B1316.-tyrede . twi-, Bri-f.

fyren^firenlfren I. o/ /re, Jlery, AO,CP : on Jire,

burning, flaming. II. jEre, CPs.fjrenlul Jfery, LPs;W.fyrengat (WW423u)=firgengattyrantieen n.rtery «yn, MFH131".fjrentacnian VofnpeBere*( ?) RHy6n.

tyrantecala f. firebrand, BH4761*.

tyres =fyrafyrest=tyr8t, fyrmeat super], adj.

fyrawyt= fyrwit

tfttemn fiery-haired, WW.tyrfdda (I) m. fuel, twigs for burning, OEG7".

fyrgearwuiiga fp. materials for a fire, WW401».

tyrgebeorh n. firescreent protectionfromfire?

LL466[17].ffrgebrac n. crackling offire, Gen2660.fyrgeii*=tfirgen

f*rgnist m. spark of fire, Aw 1648. [ON.gneiati]

f^rh y. rurh.

tyrhat hot as fire, burning, ardent, El['firehot



tyrheard hardened by fire, B305.±tyrhtl. afraid, timid, [forht] II.=frehtfyrht-an, -ian (fryht-, N) to fear, tremble,

DR : (±) frighten, terrify, BH. Vfright,*b.]

fryhtnes f. fear, AO.fyrhto, fyrhtu (fryht-, N) f. 'fright,


dread, trembling, Ps,VHy,MJiQ,G2 :

horrible sight, [forht]

fyrhtfe^ferhC±ryrhtfs n., fyr(h)t$ f. wooded countryt Ct.


tyrhQs n. ' caminatum, * Aoum with afireplacein itr WW. ['firehouse



tfrhweotod t. feowerhweolod.tyrlan(B378)=feriantyrlan I. to supply with firing, LL. ['fire


b.] II. (± ) to cut afurrow, [furh]

fyrlen L (eo, e) far off, distant, remote, JS.II. n. distance, M.

tfrttohtn. gleam offirt,Bl5\Q. ['firelight9

]tyrltonia m. gleam offire, Sat 128.

tyrlIoe=f»rlieeffrloea m. fiery prison, Sat68.fyrm=:feormUnnM m. mark burnt in by fire, An 1136.fyrmett (o) soperL of forma I. 'foremost,*

first, MfiPJjcd : most prominent, chief,

best, El,Mt. IL adv. first of all, in the first

place, at first, most, especially, very well,


fyrmft f. harbouring, entertainment, LL :

cleansing, washing, [feorm]fyrn I. (i) adj.former, ancient, Rd. II. adv.

(±) formerly, of old, long ago, once, ML.['fern



±tyrndagas mp. days of yore, ML. frddfyrndagom old, aged.


tyrngeart np. former years, Qn,Ps. ['fern'

year 9


fyrngearat adv. formerly, of old.

fyrn-fsOttf **• nap- -geflitu former quarrel,

old strife.

tyrngefllta m. old-standing enemy, Pa 34.

tyrngemyiid n. ancient history, El327.fyrngesceap n. ancient decree, Ph360.fyrngesetut nP- former seat, habitation.

tyrngestreon n. ancient treasure, Sol32.fyrngeweoret n. former, ancient work.ryrngewlnn n. primeval struggle, B 1689.

tyrngswrltt n. old writings, scripture.

fyrngewyrbt n. former work, fate, Gu 944.tyrngldd n. ancient prophecy, El642.fyrnlan=fireniantyrnlle former, of times past, M.fyrnmann m. man of old times, B2761.+fyrnnes f. antiquity, NG294.fyrnsaogan f. old saying, ancient tradition,

An 1491.

tyrnsceafta m. devil, An 1348.fyrnstreamast mp. ocean.

fynifynn f. sin of old times, Jul347.fyrnum= firenamtyrnweorct n. work of old, creation.

tyrnwlta (eot)f m. sage, counsellor.

tyr-panne, -ponne f. 'fire-pan,9


Bl,MH,WW.fyrr v. feorr.

tyrrace (firreoe) f. fire-rake, WW273».fyrran=feorrantyre I. m. 'furze,

9gorse, bramble, Bo,WW.

II. n.=ferstfrscofl f. 'fire-shovel,

9 WW36&"fynlaii=feonianf^rsmeortende v. smeortan; fymk^fieranf^npearoa m. fire-spark.

fynt I. 'first,9 Chr,Ex : foremost, principal,

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chief, LL. IL adv. in thefirst place,firstly,

at first, originally, Ct. III. (iE)=first I.

and II.

+fynl n. frost, LL464[11].tynt-=forst-, first-

tyrstan m. 'fircstone,9stone used for striking

fire, flint, WW.tynweart black with smoke, Ce984.ffrtang f. Cfire-)tongs,

9 A 9-263.

fyrtorr m. beacon, lighthouse, WW.tyrittng= feortfling

tyrfolle f ? furnace, stage on which martyrswere burned, OEG.±fyr*ran (Gl,AO), fyrtiian (Bo;M) to

'further, ' wye on, advance, promote, benefit

fyrtiringnes i, fyrorong (Led ; W) I. further-

ance, promotion. [*furthering']

fyrwet=fyrwitfyrwetful eurtou*, anxious.

fyrwetgeorn curiou*, angtoti*, tnguwttu*.adv. -IToe (GD174-).

fyrwatgeornes f. cariosity, Bl69m.

fyrwit L n. euruMtty, yearning, £5. II. adj.

cvrioiM, ttipttttftVe.

fyrwltnes f. curiosity, M.fyrwylm m. wave offire, B2672.±tysan to send forth, impel, stimulate : drive

away, put to flight, banish : (ubu. reflex.)

hasten, prepare oneself, Anfien. [7"**']fjslan (e) to drive away, LL, W. Vfeeze ']

tfst (8) f. 'fist,' A,OET\ CP.tystgebeat n. blow with thefist, CP315.+9stllan to strike with the fist, 8c lu.

tystsfeegen struck with the fist, WW396".

fytter-= fitter-, fSower-fyttara, fyoeras, fytf(e)ru, nap. of fioere.

fyx=fisctyxe (OET) f. she-fox, vixen.

fyxen (i) I. f. she-fox, vixen. II. adj. ofafox.fyxenh*d (i) f. she-fox's skin.

ga imperat. and pres. 1 sg. ind. of g&n.gab-(GL)=eafgabote (ua) I. side-dish, EGl. [L. gabata]gad I.f n. Jadfe, want, need, desire. [Ooth.

gaidw] IL f.tgoad,

9point, arrow-head,

spear-head, Cp,Sol.

±gada m. comrade, companion, ML. [Oer.

gatte]gaderlan (J9S)=gadrian±gaderseipe (») m. matrimony, OEG.gadertang continuous, united.

gadertangnes (») f. continuation.

±gaderung (») f. gathering together :

* gathering,9 Led : union, BH : assembly,

A,Jn.+gaderwyrhtan np. assembled workmen,ML6-m.

gad-Iren (LL456,15), -isen n. goad.

gador=geador; ±gadort(ge)an=gadriandbgadorwtrt f. companionship, WW.

igadrian (») to 'gather,9unite : (+) (refl.)

assemble, Chr : collect, store up, An,Qfs\iE,CP : pluck {flowers, etc) : compile : (+)associate (with) : (+) concentrate (thoughts),Bo. [geador]g*=gea; g*6=geacgsad n. society, fellowship, Sol449.g«d=gadl.gsadellngt m. kinsman,fellow, companion inarms, comrade, B,Da. ['gaoling*]

gasder-, gaadr- =gader-, gadr-g»f =geaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan.

gaafe=giefngaafel I. =geafl I. II. (JftI,) =gafoIgftfon=geafon pret. pi. of giefan.

-gsagan . for-, ofer-g.

gseglbarnes=gagolbftrnesgAlan to hinder, impede, keep in suspense,GP : (intr.) linger, delay, [gal]

gaaleti pres. 3 sg. of galan.g«Ung f. delay, CP391


gaBlnas=galnesgftlsa (%) m., gfels? (OEG611) f. pride,wantonness, luxury, M,W : (worldly) care,MtL 13s1 : a greedy person, [gal]

gAlsllc 'luxuriosus,9 NC291.

gaaffi pres. 3 sg. of galan.

g»mntan=gamenian; gAn-=gean-gsanan v. tog.; +g»nge=+gengeg*p=geap; gsar-=gear-, gra>gftrMgeargAred wedge-shaped, BC3-25T. [gar]

-gftrede v. twi-, Sri-g.

gam (gwee) n. 'grass,9blade (of grass), herb,

young corn, hay, plant, An,Cp,OP; M.gsersama =g®r8umagasrsbedd n. (grass-bed), grave, PPsl02u.

gaanclS m. blade of grass, A03811.

gasngrina grass-green, WW199M. *

gssrs-hoppa m., -hoppe (eMf. 'grasshopper,*locust, MtR (grass-), Ps,VPs(e).

b=gerstapai n. pasturage-swine, LL445[2].m. grasshopper, locust, JE,AO.

gaarstdn m. grass-enclosure, meadow, LL.i'garston



gaarstHndle m. meadow-dike, Gt.

gaaraum mn., giersuma f. jewel, costly gift,

treasure, riches, Chr. ['gersum 9


gaarswyrt f. 'herba,9grass, APs36*.

gsarsyrtl f. pasturage in return for ploughing-labour, £L447,4,lo. [* grassearth



gAsna (e, ea) w. g. or on. deprived of, want-ing, destitute, barren, sterile, An,Cr : dead.['geason



gsest (a, e, i, ie, y) m. (nap. gastas) stranger,

MtL(e),Bd :*guest,

9 £,0ei>(ie);RB(y) :

(f) enemy.gftst I. m.^gast. II. pres. 2 sg. of gan.

gsestsern (e1, y1, e1) n. guest-chamber : inn.

gSbsUn to frighten, Julll. Vgast9


gaasthof n. guest-house, Ce821.gaBSthtta (ie) n. 'guest-house,


inn, Mk. [Oer. gasthans]

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i hospitable : inhospitable* dreary? gaguliwlllan to gargle, Gl.Al9» gtl I. n. lust, luxury* unntonnessJoUy, levity.

gJMUlQe (i1) hospitable. IL adj. fay, tyfe, wanton, Bo,BH : jwottd,

gMtllfaes f. hospitality : «*etter, Aom«f iriefai. [r^e >

]ANS 122-248. ±galan* to tin?, call, cry, scream, B,Met :

gmtmagen (i1) n. 6aru2 ofguests? Gs*2494. sing charms, practice incantation, ['gale'}

gseetsele (e, y)f m. guest hall. galder- =galdor-g#ifl=gast galdor (ea) n moyte *m0, tncanJofum, spell,

g»t=geat; gftt nap. of gat. «ncAan<mefily JS.gAtan= geatan galdoreraft m. occa/< art, incantation, magic.gAten o/or belonging to a goat. galdorerafttga m. wizard, LL38r30].gA* pree. 3 eg. of gin. galdorcwlde m. incantation, Rd497


gaf =geaf pret. 3 ag. of giefan. gaMorgalend tump ewcfamftneato, WW.gafel= gafol galdorgalere m. wizard, WW346".gafelian <gf€n< (tout), Ct. ['gavel'] galdorltoV n. incantation.

gafelite (WW403U)= safollio gakkmang m. incantation, W253".gafelro(n)d (WW204") =gafolrand galdorword n. wiojrtc word, Rim 24.

gafelue m. spear, javelin, OEO,WW; ML. gaMre m. wizard, magician,['gavel**'] galdrigge f. enchantress, Gl.

gaffetung f. scoffing, mocking, M. gaMru nap. of galdor.gafol (», ea1 ; e, u«) L n. gs. gaflee Iri&ufe, galend m. enchanter, VPs.lax, dirty, 40,(W,2f<£(®) : interest, profit, galere m. wizard, snake-charmer,, Gi(»),JfI ; ^. [giefan] II. f. fork, gilferhtt wanton, licentious, Jud62.OET463 (t. A36-60). gilfrtols m. revel, 'lupercalia,' OEG.

gafoltore m. barley paid as rent, TC 145*. gilful wanton, lustful, luxurious, adv. -lice.

gafolgerita (a*1 , e") m. taxgatherer, MtR. galg- =gealg-gafolglelda (AO) (r\ y») m. tributary, tenant, gtllan to 6e wanton, S08719


debtor. GalUMae Galilean.

gafolgyM n. 'fiscus, • revenue? GPH396. gmlla (VPs ; DR) =geallagafolgyldere m. tributary, M. gallae =galJocgafolheord f. taxable swarm {of bees), LL Galieas, Galliaa mp. Gauls, Franks, French.448[5]. galled =gealled

gafolhwttel m. tribute-blanket, a legal tender gallic lustful, BH,Bo; M. ['goleUch']

instead of coin for the rent of a hide of land, Gallle = GalieasLL 108[44,1]. Galllao 0a«feft, French.

gafolland n. leased land, land let for rent or galloe (u«) m. comfrey, gall-apple.

services, LL 126T2]. gibndd wanton, licentious, Jud 266.

gafoIlteJtooJ, OEG6M. galnee f. frivolity, wantonness, lust, 8c; M.gafolmAd f. meadow which was mown as part [' goleness ']

o/ t&e rent, TC 145*. gUselpe m. excess, luxury, lasciviousntsst

gafolmanung (ea1, o») f. place of tribute or wantonness, JS : pride, ['goUship']

custom, MkR2M. galsere m. licentious person, W72f.

gafotpenlg m. tribute-penny, LL446. $^ism&Tefrivolous,facetious,jocose, RB30*.gafolrAden f. tribute, rent, LL. [v. 'smere']

gafolrand m. compasses, [gafol II. +rind? galung f. incantation, OEG4940. [galan]

A 36*59] Galwalas mp. Oauls, Frenchmen : France.gafolswan m. swine-herd who paid rent in gambe (o)f f. tribute.

kind for permission to depasture his stock, gamel^gamol; gamalle=gamenlieLL448[6]. gamen (o) n. sport, joy, mirth, pastime,

gafoltfnlng f. fencing-wood given as part of 'game,' amusement, B,BO; M,CP.the rent, TC 146*. gamenlan topun, play,joke, jE,8c. ['game']

gafolwydu m. firewood supplied as part ofthe gamenlic belonging to games, theatrical,, TC146*. adv. -Hoe artfuUy, M. ['gamely']

gafolyrtS f. land subject to tribute, rented land, gamenung f. jesting, pastime.

LL447. gamenwatfu (o1) f. merryjourney, B 854.±gafsprAc f. foolish speech, scurrility, ML. gamenwndu (ol)t m. mirthful wood, harp.gaful =gafol ^^ gamnlan=gameniangagatee, gagatstan (WW 148s) m. agate, jet, gamolf old, aged, hoary, ancient, [ge-, m£l]BH. [gagate'] gamolfearf- grey-haired.

gagel m? 'gale,' bog-myrtle, Led ; Mdf. gamolferhtt old, aged, Gm 2867.gageleroppan mpl. tufts of gale, Lcn>33a. gan pret. 3 eg. of glnan.gagello, gagolle f. =gagel ±gan pret. 3 eg. eode, any. to 'go' ('i-go')p

gagol= (l) gal; (2) gagel move, proceed, advance, traverse, walk, JB9

gagolbArnee (g©gl-) f. wantonness, CP. BH,0; CP : happen, turn out, take place,

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Lk : (+) gain, conquer, occupy, overrun,

AO : (+) observe, practice, exercise, effect.

gandra m. gander, JBQr; Ct.

ganet=ganotgang I. (e, eo, o, u) m. going,journeyt pro-

grese, track, footprint, BJLcdJlB ;M : flow,stream, way, passage, course, path, bed, AO,Bl : drain, privy, JB : (in pL )platform, stage,

GPH394. ['gang,' 'gong'] II. imperat.and pret. sg. of gangan.+gang n. occurrence, WW394*.

gangan7 (BJSl) pret. geng (eo, a) =gangangdSBg m. one of the three processional

days before Ascension day, Rogation day,Chr. ['gangdays']

gangehere =gangheregangelwssfre = gangewnfregangern n. privy,WW 184M. [»rn]gangewlfre (eo1, o»; »*;«*) f. (a weaver ashe goes), spider.

ganggeteM n. portable tent, WW 187*.

ganghere m. army offoot-soldiers, AO 154M.

gang-pytt m., -setl n., -st61 m., -tun m. (M)privy.

gangwag m. thoroughfare, WW. ['gang-

way']gangwuee f. Rogation week, the week of holyThursday, Mk. ['gangweek']

ganlan to yawn, gape, open, Ps ; Gl. ['gone ']

ganot m. 'gannet,' sea-bird, water-fowl, B,Chr. ganotes bat? the sea.

ganra=gandiaginung f. yawning, WW162*7


-gaplan v. ofer-g.

girt I. m. •spear,' dart, Javelin, BJ>Ps.['gore'] II. tempest? Gkn316. III.=gara(Mdf).

gara m. corner, point of land, cape, promon-tory, AO. [gar; 'gore']

girbsam m. spear-shaft, Ex246.

girberendt m. warrior.

gircane bold in fight, B1958.girollfe f. agrimony; Lod.garowealm m. death by the spear, B2043.gare=gearogarfaruf f. warlike expedition.

gargetrum armed company, Gb673.girgewlnnf n. fight with spears, battle.

girhtap m. band of warriors, Ex 321.

garholt n. shafted spear, B 1835-

garltao n. 'garlic,' Led; JR.

girmlttlng f. battle, fCHB937.girnffl m. conflict, war, GnE128.garr*s m. battle, Ma 32.

garseog m. ocean, sea, AO.gartorn m. fighting rage, Sol 145.

gar-flracu {. ds. -Ciwce battle, El 1186.

gartfrfrtt bold, daring.

garuwe=gearwegir-wlgaf, -wigendj m. spearman, warrior.

girwudu m. spear-shaft, lance, Ex 325.

gasrfc m. savage person? Rxnrx Casket.gasMgastgist (ft) m. breath, Ps,VPs : soul, spirit, life,

O. H,

Oen,Ez,Mt; GP : good or bad spirit, angel,

demon,M;BH,Mt : HolyQhost%A,Jn,VPs :

man, human being, Qu. [' ghost'


gistan to meditate? AS31.

gistberend (»)f m. living soul, man.gistbona m. soul slayer, the Devil, B177.gastbracende practising in the spirit, M.gisteola m. breast, Lias 13.

gisteund (») spiritual, Gu743.gistewalu (») f. torment, pains ofheU, Gtr651.gistcynlng m. soul's king, Ood, Gen2883.gastedom (&) spirituality, MFH112.gistgtdilt n. death.

gistgenygdf n. thought.

gistgemynd (ft) n. thought, Gu574.gistgenftla (£) m. <Jet*J, Jul245.gistgertnef n. spiritual mystery : tftoaffAi,


gastgewlnn (&)% n. soul-torment, pains ofheU.gastglfu f. special gift of the Holy Spirit (e.g.

gift of tongues), WW200*.gasthallgt holy in spirit, holy.

giatltas lifeless, dead, El. ['ghosUess']gistlte spiritual, holy, A t<fi;CP : clerical

(not lay), BH;CPJE : ghastly, spectral,

Nic. adv. -hoe spiritually, M. ['ghostly')

gistlufu (ft)f f. spiritual love.

gistsunuf m. spiritual son. Godes g.

gat=geatgit f. g». ffftte, cite, nap. g«t, g«t she-' goat,


gitahlsrde=gathyrdegitahus n. goat-house, WW 185*.

gitbueea m. he-aoat, WW. ['goat-buck*]

gitshAr n. goat's hair, M.gatetrtow n. cornel tree? Lox>32b.gathyrde (io) m. 'goat-herd,' LL.gatu . geat.

gift pros. pi. of oonj. and, also. both...and, not

only...but also; whether...or. seg(hwse) both...and; either. ..or.

ge- prefix (indicated by the sign + in this

Diet. ), original meaning together ; but it hasusually lost all collective or intensitive


gi I. (le) pron. 2 pen. pL, dp. Sow, ap.

eow(io) 'ye,' you. II.=geagia adv. 'yea,' yes, BH.geabul=gafolgteo m. cuckoo, [v. 'gowk,' 'yeke']

geaoesstkre f. wood-sorrel, Gl.geador unitedly, together.

geaduling = gssdehnsgeaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan.

gea!-=:gif-; geafl= (l)gafol; (2) oeafl

geafol^gafolgeafon pret. pi. of giefan.

geafu=giefugeagl I. mn. jaws, throat, gullet, Lod. II.—gal

geagllsc (*, §) light, wanton, BH400".geagtowlle m. swelling of thejaws, Lod.

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geagn-=gegn-; glahl=geagl

geal pret. 3 sg. of gieUan.

gealidl f. gall-disease, jaundice, Lcn40b.giallgft (gea la gea, AS) yea, ame*, RHy.geald pret. 3 sg. of gieldan.

geald- =gaid-gealga (a) m. *gallows,* cross, BJul,WW;CP-

gealglan =geealgiangealgmddt sod, gloomy, angry.

gealgtrtow (a) n. 'gallows-tree,' gallows,

cross, BJ)B.gealhi=*geajg; gea]htwUe==geagtarilegealla (a, e) m. I. 'gall,* bile, Mt,VPs,WW;M,CP. II. a galled place on the skin, Led.

VgaU'] (I. and II. possibly the sameword.)

gealladl f. 'melancholia,* v. OEG7*».gealled 'galled* (of horses), Led.geaUlg 'acris, tristis,* HGl456.gealp prei. 3 sg. of gielpan.

gealpettan (a) to boast, NC291.geaJpettung (») t boastfulness, NC291.gtemrung (VPs) = geomrunggeemung =gemunggten, geana=gen, genagean-, see also gegn-geanbde? f. duplicate charter, counterpart.

geancyme (6) m. meeting, EPs63*,ARSHy :

coming back, return : 'adinventio,* RHy l4.

geanoyrr m. (-cymes? f. RPsliP) meeting,

SPs 18* : return. [' gainchare*]

geantor n. going again, return.

gtangang (ft) return? LL8[841.gtangewrlt («) 'rescriptio,* OEG862.gtenhweorfan* to return, HGl.geanhworfennes f. return, HGl470.gtanhwurf m. return, OEG559.glanhwyrft (ft) m. turning again, LPs 1261.

geannes f. meeting, HGl513.geano*? complaint, OEG xiv. [Goth.

gaundtius]geanryne m. meeting, ERLPs58*.geanlftnglan to reply, Gkk 1009.

geanwyrde known, acknowledged, confessed.

geap I. (ft, e) open, wide, extensive, broad,

spacious, lofty, steep, deep : bent, crooked :

deceitful, cunning. II. pret. 3 sg. of geopan.geapes (gs. of seap) adv. wide.

gtaplic deceitful, cunning, M. adv. -lice, M.geapneb adj. (epithet of corslet) meshed,Wald2" (?=*geapweb wide-meshed).-geapnes . wser-g.

geapsolpe m. cleverness, cunning, craft,

deceit, trickery, artifice, M.geapweb t. geapneb.gear pret. 3 sg. of georran.gear (g, ft) nm. 'year, * JS,AO,CP. td gearein this year : yearly tribute : name of the runefor%.geara=ffearwe; geara-=gearo-geara of 'yore,* formerly, in former times,

once, ling since, AO,CP. (gp. of gear)

±gearelan to prepare, procure, supply,Mft^ [gearo]

gearcung f. preparation.

±geareungdsBg m. preparation-day, daybefore the Sabbath, G.

giareynlng m. consul, WW3751.

geard I. m. * yard, * enclosure, court, residence,

dwelling, land, Mdf. in geardum at home,in the world : hedae, GD,MtR. IL-gierd.

geardagasf mp. lifetime : days of yore,

former days.

gtardagumt ady. formerly, in days of old,


geare =gearwe L and ELgeare- =gear-, gearo- ; geare -gearagearfsse n. space of a year, W721


gearfoUMearfoCgeargemeare n. space ofa year, Gu 1215.geargemynd n. yearly commemoration, NC292.

geargerOtt n. yearly due, W1139.

geargerlm (ft) n. number of years, v. ES39-342.

gtargetal (a)1) n. number of years Lod2>284.gearhwamlloe yearly, EC226*.gtarltae = garleao

gtarlle yearly, of the year, annual, M. ady.-Hoe, CP.

gearllee = gearolioe

gearmdftlum year by year, Met Is.

gtannarcet n. annual fair, TC372U.

gearn (e) n. 'yarn,* spun wool, Gl.gearnful (NG)=geornfulgearnung=geornonggearnwlnde f. yarn-winder, reel, Gl,LL455[15].

gearo (geara) L (wk gearwa)gsmn. -(o)wes;

asm.gearone; napn. gearnprepared, ready9

equipped, finished, Chb,W. Vyare*] II.-gearwe ady.

gearo =g£aragearobrygd f. quick movement, deft playing

(of an instrument), Cba50.gearofolm with ready hand, 82085.gearolioe readily, fully, clearly.

gearor oomp. of gearo adj. and gearwe ady.gearo-snotor, -snottorf very skilful

gearoVoneol ready-witted, Jud342.gearowes gsmn. of gearo.gearowUa m. intellect, understanding, Bo.gearowltolnes (a*) f. sagacity, W53M.

gearowyrdlg ready of speech.

gearrlm n. number of years, AO.geartorht perennially bright, Gnrl561.geartfenung t annual service, LL382[38].gearu^gearo; gearw-=gearaw-gearugangende going swiftly, Rd41it


gearuw-=gearw-gearwan = gierwangearwanleaf =geormanleafgearwe I. ady. oomp. gear(w)or; sup.gear(w)ost well, effectually, sufficiently,

thoroughly, entirely, M^O,CP. [Oer. gar]Il.t i. (uiu. pi.) clothing, equipment,

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splendid, magnificent

ornament, trappings, harness,III. (a, »)f. 'yarrow,' Lod 147ft.

dbgearwlan (a, e, i, ie, y) to equip, prepare,make ready, M,CP : construct, erect, make i

procure, supply : clothe, adorn.

±gearwung f. preparation : parasceve.

gearwungdeag (eo1 ) m. parasceve, JnR.+gearwungnes f. preparation.

gMrwutol oiufere, LkL 19"*".

geaeeeaft v. geoeoeaft.giaine (Jul)= gfttne

goat n. (», e) nap. gata (geatn VPs) 'gate,'

door, opening, JiJsH&Q; AO,CP; Mdf.gtet pret. 3 8g. of geotan.gtatan (A, «, So) to asy 4yaV consent, grant,

confirm, [ate,]

gtatoUef adorned,

faattorrf m. gate-tower.

gaatwa=geatwefeatwan to equip, RD29 .

geatwe fp. arms, equipments, trappings,ornaments: organs, members.

geatweard m. gate-keeper, door-keeper,

porter, Jn. Vgateward 9


geatft t foolishness, mockery. [geao]geballlo (OET,Cp881) =gafolliogee (OET)=gdoo; geoel, gecile (GL)=gicelgad =gfed, gidd ; geddXgiddgederlan = (l)gaderian; (2) doriangee=geagel- ( 1 ) goaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan ; (2) (N) gif

gel- =gief-; gaglOM^goagliao.

gegn=gen; gegn- see also gean-.gagnowlda m. reply, answer, retort : (in pL)conversation.

+gegnlan to meet, DR.gegnlnga ^gegnangagegnpeaV m. opposing path, Rd 16m.

gegnslege m. battle, An 1358.

gegnumt adv. away, forwards, straight on,

gagnunga adv. immediately, directly : cer-

tainly, plainly, precisely : completely, fully.

gegolf=geoguC; gehar (NG)=eargehhol=geohol, geol

gehtfuf (oo, i) f. care, anxiety, grief.

gold= gield ; gold- = gild-, gyld-

galda sterile, WW226tt; 3MM.


gellet n? bowl, Lod 122a.

gelm=gilm; gek>=geolngeloitr=geolBter; gelp^gielpg«]aa=gftlaa; gelt(KGL)=gyltgime-=gieme-; gimerlan=geomriangemma=nmm; gtaroos (VP8)=giemenetgemstan (ES 7* 134) =gimm8tangimung (ea, I, y) f. marriage, MtR,DR.gimunglan to marry, DR10917


gemungilo nuptial, MtR,DR.gen I. (to) (A, rare in prose) adv. yet, now,still, again : further, besides, also, moreover ;

hitherto. II. adj. direct.

gen-=gean-, gegn-; gena=gen L

gendMgeondgende=gengde pret. 3 ag. of gengan.gende=gGiende t. gGian.gang I.=geong. IL=gang. III. pret.

3 ag. of gansan.+genga m. fellow-traveller, companion, W.gengan, pret. gengde to go. [gong]±genge I. prevailing, effectual?appropriate,BH,Qu. Vgenge*] II. n. troop, Chr;FBO,W : privy. Vging*]

-gengel v. after-, for(e)-g.

genlgend=giniend pros. pto. of ginian.

geno, gena=gengao (In) adv. own, formerly, of old, before,

already, earlier, CP (gfo). [Goth, jn]

geoo n. 'yoke,' jE,AO,CP : yoke of oxen :

a measure of land, OET (Ct) : consort, NG.geoe (eoo) f. help, support, rescue : safety :


geooboga m. yoke-bow, yoke.

gtoeendf m. preserver, Saviour.geoelan (iuo-) to yoke, joi

gaoelan (w. g. or d.) to preserve, rescue,


geoeled n. geooleta (ioo-) m. a measure ofland, OET (Ct), v. LL2-527.

geoeort harsh, terrible : bitter, sad. adv.geoore.

geoesa m. sob, Met 2*.

geooateoea part ofa yoke (8wt), bolt ofa door,

bar (BT), Gx» [stiooa]

geoanung f. sobbing, WW1794.

geoetlma (ioo-) m. animal yoked with aa-other, WW 106*.

geocffia=gio8agtodAd (»-) f. deed of old, former deed.

geof=gif; geof-=gief-,gif-geofen=geofongeofena gp. of geofn=giefngeofon (i, y)f n. ocean, sea.

geofonflod m. ocean flood, Azl26.geofonhtks n. ship, GEf 1321.

geoga*=geoguCgeo-geara, -gear© adv. of old.

geoglere, geogelere m. juggler, magician,W98*;HGl. [Ger. gankler]

geogo* (^,AO)^«eoffuCgeogutt f. 'youth* M: youna people, CP :

junior warriors (as opposed to dugutt) s

young of cattle.

geogufconosl n. young offspring, Rd 16".

geogtiffleorht n. time of youth.

geoguft-had m., -hadnea f. state of youth.

geogutftio youthful.

geogumutt m. youthful lust, Bl50*.geoguVmyrtS f. joy of youth, Rd 39*.

geoguffttottung i. tithe of calves.

geohol,geohholsgeol; geoh(h)el-=geol-geohaa=geoo8ageoht (iuht) n, yoke, v. OEG71**.

geobSusgehtSngvoln.,g^m. t Yuk 9

-tide, Christmas, ftr-

ra geola December, wftera seola Januarygeoloa=geolooa; geold=gield


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gtoldeeg (geoh(h)el-) m. Tule-day, day at geond-IIhtan (CP), -)?htan to illuminate,

Yuletide. enlighten, CP.gtolfen (id-) n. reward for poet deed, Wald feondllhtend m. iftMuaotor, DHy 128*.

27. geondmengan to confute, bewilder, Sol69.geoleea=geolooa; geolariad=geoluread geondsawan7 to etrew, eeotter.

geoJhstor==geolBter geondsetewlan to earvet/, consider, reflect

ftobnonaft (iul-) m. December, wjxm, review.

geolo=geolu geondsofnan1 to a&iae apoa, tftMataafe.

geoloea, geol(e)oa m. 'yoU;,* 42. [geolnj geondeerffian1 to pass through, traverse,

geokvandt m. buckler covered with yeUow stride to and fro, MFH163; W2OT.linden-bark. geondacrtfflng f. coaree, passage, OEG 263.

geol-etar, -etor mn. matter, ime, poison, geond-eoean pret. 3 eg. -edhte to eeorcA

|XH«mot« Attmour, dMeaee, OEG. thoroughly : pervade.

geolstrlg secreting poison, purulent, OEG. geondsendant to overspread.

geolu gmn. geolwea 'yeUoio.


geondseon* to examine, B3087.geoluhwft pale yeUow. geondsmftagan to investigate, examine*geolurtad reddish yeUow, WW37511

. discuss.

±geoMan to 6eeome yeHote. geondspAtan to egutrt tftronga, Lcd 78a.

gtomann (iu)t m. man of past times. geondsprengan to besprinkle.

geomtowle (io)t f. aged wifet B. geondsprlngan* to penetrate, OEG 2840.

gtomer- =geomor-, geomr- geondsprfltan1 to pervade, Cr42.geomor troubled, sad, miserable, adv. -more, geond-epurnan, -epyrnian to catwe to efumoie

gtanorfrdd very oW, Gmr2224. NG.geomorgtddt n. awye, efew. geond-etregdan, -etrSdan to acoffer, suffuse,

gtomorllc sad, painful, AG. adv. -lice. besprinkle, M.geomormod sorrowful, M. geondstyrian to stir up, agitate, MrrC".geomornee 1 JrtoaJatioa, LPs 1IS14*. geondfteneanf to re)lec* upon, consider.

geomorang=geomrong geondwadan* (i1 ) to know thoroughly, begeomrlanto6cw<f,<5(^ptom,iom«ia,6€t«i^, vereed »*, CP91*.

fnoarn, J3,AO,CP. geondwOtan1 to too* over, coaJempfefe,

gtanningf.Zamealatoa,9roaain9,moaa«w examine, scan.

grief, M. geondyrnan* to ma over, 43GB277*.gaomur=geomor geong h (e, i, n) oomp. gingra; superLgeon adv. 'yon,

9 CP. gingesttyottny,' youthful, MJlO,CP : re-

geon-=geond- ; geona (NG)=gena, gfin cent, new,fresh : (euperl. ) last, B. II. (NG


geonaft pree. 3 eg. of geonian. =gang. IH.=geng pret. 3 eg. of gangan.geond (e, i, y) I. prep. (w. a. and, rarely, d.) geongan =ganganthroughout, through, over, geond...innan geongerddm==geongorddmthroughout: up to, asfar as, during. II. adv. geongewlfre =gangewifreyonder, thither. geonglAcan (gyng-, iang-) to pass one's

geondan prep. (w. a.) beyond. youth, HGl608; OEG4361.geondblawan7

(i1 ) to inspire, illuminate. geongUe young, youthful, M.geondbriedan to spread over, cover entirely, geongUcnee f. youth.

B 1230. geongling (iu-) m. youth, £2Gb3*.geonddrenean (i

1) to drink excessively, get geongorddmt, geongoreoipet m. disciple-

drunk, KGl68m. ship, allegiance. [08. jungardom; jon-geondeardlan to inhabit, RPs32t

. gankepi]geondiaran7 to traverse, pervade, M. geongra (i) m. youth : disciple, follower,

geondfeolan* (only in pp. geondfolen) to fill dependant, servant, vassal, AO : assistant,

completely, Gen43. deputy. [Oer. jftnger]

geondferan to traverse : surpass, iEL23b,w. geongre (i) f. female attendant, assistant,

geondflowan7 to flow over or through, Hjell deputy, Jud 132.

105. geonian=giniangeondfolen v. geondfeolan. geonlle (MP103w) = geonglic ?

geond-gan anv., -gangan7 to traverse, go geonofer adv. thither.

round. geonsflf m. departure hence, death, MFH 163.geondgeotan1 to pour, pour upon, suffuse, J3. geonung=ginunggeondhweorfan't to traverse, pass over, pass geopan1 to absorb, swallow, Rn 24*.

through. geonnanleaf n. mallow.geondhyrdan to harden thoroughly. geormenletle mallow, WW 136w.

geondliean7 to traverse, flow over. georn I. (usu. w. g.) desirous, eager, earnest,

geonoleoean to water, LPs 103". diligent, studious, AO,CP. [Ger. gem]geond-leecnng (gynd-) t moistening, water- II. =gearn pret. 3 eg. of, So2V. geornan=giernan

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feorne adv. eagerly, zealously, eamesUy,gladly, M^O,CP : well, carefully, earn-

pletely, exactly, M. [Qcr. gem]geornes=


eomneageorneste (WW4991

)=eornoetegeorn-ful, -fullic desirous, eager, zealous,

diligent, AO,CP. adv. -Hoe, JE.

geornfulnes f. eagerness, zeal, diligence,

-ffi,AO,CP : desire.

georalan=riernangeornlle adj. desirable, AO. adv. -Hoezealously, earnestly, diligently, carefully,

M,CP.geornnes f. zeal, industry : evil desire, lust,

wickedness, NG.geornung f. yearning, desire : diligence.

geornust- = eornoet*georowyrde (BH)=gearowyrdiggeorran=gyrran; geo»t=gorstgeorstandag srientandaggeorttu interj. 0/VPs. fhleran]

gtoeceaft f. destiny, fate, B 1234.geosoeaftgiet m. doomed spirit, B 1206.

geoatra, geoetran (ie, ei, y) 'yesUr'(-dayt

•night). [Oer. geetern]g#ot=giet; -geota v. lead-g.

gtotan I. (sv1) to pour, pourforth, shed, AO,GP : flow, flood, overwhelm i (±)found, cast.

[Oer. giesaen] II.=geatangtotend m. artery, WW352*geotenltc molten, fluid, GPH394.geotere m. founder (of metal), AO 54.

-gtottng v. in-, on-g.

geotton pret. pi. of geotan II.

geoflu=geohou=gehou; gtow=gfwglower (GPH396)=Sowergeowlan = +eowan = +Iewangtowlne (in) m. departed friend, Sbap92.geoxa=geocsa; gtp^geapger-=g»r-, gearw-, gier-; gert=!gear

gerd=gierd; gerd-=gyrd-gerew-, gerw-=gearw-gernwlnde =geamwindegersdpe m. jest? Rim 11.

gte v. goa; gesea, gesoea=geooaagfee (I, y) adv. 'yes. * [gea, swa]gesen entrails, intestines, WW231".gtalne, gSane=gfesne

1st; geat-=gfiet-f gieat-

D)=ystende; get=geatof gat. II.=geat pret.

III. (VPs), g€ta=giet,

gert,gest=igestende (Oigit I.=g&t nap.3 eg. of geotan.gleta

gttan L to destroy, kM, B2940 (or? gritan).

ILsgeatangitanwyrde consenting, agreeing, [geatan]

gl-(NG,etc.)=ge-;gib=gifgfccanto'tteVZcd.gloce SfcV £»33» (y).

gleelg purulent, HGl453.glcel, gicela (y) m. icicle, ice, DD,WW.[4te«e']

gtbelgebland n. frost, RHyT*.gleeUg glacial, icy, OEG.

glcetotan m. hailstone.

gieenes (y) f. itching, itch, Gl.gtotta (ie, io, y) m. scab, itch, itching, M,CP z

hiccough, USD.gid-=gyd-; gM-=git-gldd (e, ie, y) n. song, poem : saying, proverb,

riddle : speech, story, tale, narrative.

dbglddlan (ie) to speak formally, discuss :

speak with alliteration, recite, sing, 'AO.

glddung f. utterance, saying, prophecy, song,

poetry, poetical recitation, metre,*=g*; giec*a(CP)=gicoa? gledd^giddglef (rare EWS)=rif ; glef-=gif-

glefa (eo, i, y) m. doner, GP.glefan* (e, eo, io ; ea, ia(A), i, y ) w. d. and a.

to 'give,' bestow, BJ3ol;AO,CP : commit,entrust, Da : give in marriage, Chr.

glefend (e) m. giver, DR.glefernes (GP)=gifernesgtefl (i, y) n. morsel, food.

glefnes (e) f. pardon, DR.glefu (e, eo, i, y) f. gift, B,Bo,Mt;AO, giefe, giefee gratis, freely : favour, grace,

Bljjk : name of the rune for g. ['give']

gleM (eo, i) n. service, offering, worship,

sacrifice : money-payment, tax, tribute,

compensation, substitute : guild, brother*

hood : idol, god.

±gleldan« (e, i, y) to 'yield,* pay, AO,GP : pay for : reward, requite, render, AO,GP : worship, serve, sacrifice to : punish.

-gieldere (y) v. gafol-g.

gleldra=ieldra oomp. of eald.

-glella (e, i) v. st&n-g.

glellan* (e, i, y) to 'yeU,' sound, shout.

glelp (e, i, y) mn. boasting, pride, arrogance :

fame, glory, AO.glelpan* (i, y) to boast, exult, GP. ['yelp']

glelpewldet m. boastful speech.

glelpen (i) boastful,^georn (i, y) eager for glory, BH92*.glelpgeornes (i) f. desire for glory, W.glelphlaxien (i) boastful, B868.gielplng (y) f. glory, So 144".

glelplle (i) minglorious,boastful : ostentatious,

showy, adv. -Hoe.

glelpna (i) m. boaster, GP.glelpplega (y) m. war, Ex 240.

gielpsceaflat (e1, a1) m. arrogant, boastful

enemy.glelpsprftc f. boastful speech, B981.glelpword (y) n. boast, AO.glelt=gylt; glem=gimmgleman (e, I, y) (w. g. or a.) to care for, heal,

GP : take notice of, take heed to, regard,

observe, AO,CP.gleme f. care.

glemeleas (%, f) careless, neglected, stray, GP:incurable, MtL P20


glemeleaslan to neglect, despise.

glemeitesUe careless, GP. adv. Kce.

glemeliainei (6, y) f. negligence, BH242»gleme-ltest, -Hest f. carelessness, neglect,


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gTemen 134 GINAN

glemen (%, I, f) f. core, oversight, hied,diligence, rule, AO.CP.glomend (?) m. governor, 80117*.glem(e)nes (e) f. care, anxiety, DR,NG.glemlng f. core, anxiety, CP129".glen, giena=gen, geiia; glend=geondglendan v. gynde; gleng^geonggierd (ea, i, y) f. 'yard,* rod, staff, twig, CP :

rood (measure). [Qer. gerte]

fierede prefc. 3 sg. of gierwan.±glerela (e, i, y) m. dress, apparel, AO,CP.[gearwian]

±gler(e)llan (e) to clothe.

+gl«relle (e) adj. of clothes, WW603".glutensgearwian-fgltrtng f. 'directio,' RP&138*.±glernan (eo, y) (w. g.) to 'yearn

9for, strive,

be eager, desire, entreat, seek for, beg,

demand, A0,CP. [geora]-fgJernendtto (y) desirable, EPsl811


glernes =geornesglernlng (CP) =geornung ; glerran =gyrranglerstandcBg (eo, y) m. yesterday, [gieetran]

glerstenllc adj. of yesterday, DHy47(eo).±glerwan (ea, y) to prepare : cook : deck,

dress, clothe, A0,CP.giest (», e, i, y) m. * guest,

9 OenfRB(y) :

stranger, MtL(e)JBd(m) : (f) enemy.glesthOft (e, y) n. 'pieef Aouee, * Mk.gleftlan (y) to lodge, be a guestgtestig (e) adj. being a stranger, MtL25M.

flatting (e) f. exile, Gl.glestnlng (e) f. hospitality, lodging, NC296.glestran adv. yesterday.

gtestran&fen m. yesterday evening, adv.-Afene.

gist I. («, l y) adv. 'yet,9

still, besides,

further, aaain, moreover, tft g. yet, stiU.

nu g. «nfei now. II. pros. 3 sg. of geotan.gleta sgiet I. ; -gletan v. beg.gletsere, gfetsian=gittere, ritsianglf (e, ie, y) conj. (w. indl or «ubj.) •»//

B,G, etc. ; CP : trfteifter, ftou?*, 5.glfa, gifan=giefa, giefangtfect(GL)=:gefeoht; glf©l=gieflglfen I. pp. of giefan. II.=geofonglfer m. glutton, Soul 118.

gttere=gifreglferllee greedily.

glfernes f. greediness, gluttony, avarice,

M,CP.glfetfe I. granted by fate, given. II. n. fate,

lot, B3086.glftest endowed, talented : (w. g.) capable of.

glfheall f. hall in which gifts were bestowed,B838.

glflan (ea, eo) to present, endow : glorify, DR78" : (+) wailfor, expectt DR20*.

glflgricA, A1M71.glfl=giefl

glfnetf f. grace, favour.glfol liberal, generous, bountiful, CP.glfola m. finer, AS 2".glfolnet (io) f. liberality.

gllre use/vf, Rd27»; 60».

gMre greeduf rapacious, ravenous, CP :

desirous of.

glfscestt m. present, B378.gttstdlf m. m/t-*eat, throne.

gift (y) nf. toAot t* ptt*n, price, 'fi/fc,'

porfioa, marriage p*/* (oy fte bridegroom),dowry : (pL) fMtjtfiab, wtdding, marriage,M. [giefan]

glftMr m. bride-chamber, EPsl8».glftellcsgiftlic

glftfeorm f. marriage-feast, NC207.glfthfkf (y) n. Aoaee o< which a wedding is

being celebrated, Mt22".glfttan (y) to give in marriage (ofthe woman)9

G.glftlfto* n. epithalamium, WW 165".glftUe nuptial, belonging to a wedding, M.glfn(iE)=giefu; glful=gifolglfung (y) I consent, BH86".gIg(Cpl42o)==gIwgfgant m. giant. [L. gigantemjglfeantmsseg m. son of a giant, Gbh 1268.

glgotfc^eognti; glhta=geooeaglhtta=gie&; gttitta=gehCngUd=gield; glM-=gyld-±glld (y) n.


9society, CU

±gUda m. member of a brotherhood of related

person*, T.LL2378; 445.glMans(l)gieldan; (2)gyldangllddagat mp. guild-days, festival-days.

glide . twi-g.

+glldheall (y) f. guild-hall, KC4-277*1.

gtidlle adj. of a guild.

gUdrsMen (y) f. guild-membership, Ct.

dbglldselpe m. guild, brotherhood, Ot,LL.['guildship



gfldiester (y) m. measure of bulk belonging to

a corporate body, TC606; 611.

ginan=gieUanglllliter n. gillistre, f. phlegm, pus, matter,

Lod. [«geolster1

glim, gilma (e) m. handful : shea/.

gllp^gielp; gUt^gyltgllte f. voung sow, WW119**.gfm— gimin j gtm* ^giem*gtanbAre gem-bearing, OEG.glmeynn n. precious stone, gem.glmtott (B 1272) =ginf»stglmm (y) m. (occl. nap. gimme) preciousstone,*gem,

9jewel, JB,Sl,VPs;CB: (t)«*»,

star. [L. gemma]glmmlan to adorn with gems.glmmJsc jewelled, Nar5w.

glmreoed n. bejewelled haU, palace, MrS".gimrodor m. draconite (precious stone), OEG.glmstftn m. stone capable of being made intoa gem, jewel, M ; AO. [

kgemstone ']

gtmung=gSmonggtanwyrhta m. jeweller, M(v).gin I. n. yawning deep, Ex430. II. adj. =ginn

gin, gfna=g6n,gSnaglnan1 to yawn.

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glnd^geondglnfsstt ample, liberal, [ginn]

gtof> gingeet v. geong.gingi-ber, -fer(e) f. 'ginger,


glngra I. (M) t. geong. II.=geongragtagre=geongreglnUn (eo, y) to 'yawn,' gape, make a noise,

AO. [ginin]

gtnnt spacious, wide, ample.glnnaD =onginnanglnnes f. gap, interval, Cp373i.glnnfseat=ginfsetglnnwised (y) very wise, Gxr839?gftnung (eo, y) f. gaping, yawning, Gl.glo^geo; glofol^gifol

gloh15hid=geogut5Kad; g!ow=g!wglowlan (RG)=giwianglpunf=gypungglr* =geaxw-, geor-, gier-, gyr-gird=gierd; glren (vPs)=gringlrstbltung= gristbltungglrwan =gearwisn+glscan to close, bolt, bar, Gl.glsctan to sob, Bo 88.

gtse=ge«egfsl, gfsel m. hostage, AO. [Oer. geisel]

gblhad m. state of being a hostage, Gp99o.gbUan to give- hostages, Ghb.gist I. m. ' yeast, ' froth, Lcd. II.=ga*tgist-= gast-, gieat- ; gist=ystg!stran=geostran; gtetung=gitsunggit dual of pron. 2 pen. (Si); g. inoer; d.

ino ; a. ine(it) you two. git Jonannis thouand John.

glt,glta=giet, gleta; gltrll©=git5rife

gftsere m. miser, M,CP.gltslan (f ) to be greedy, longfor, covet, M,CP


(+ ) attain, CP364w. \Ger. geisen]gitolendllo insatiable, RPslOO*.gltsung (y) f. avarice, greediness, covetous*

ness, desire, CP.gfB- ==g5^ft- ; gflta=geho*ti

glu (JE)^*gfo; glu- = geo-Glullng July, Cp70Q(A20-137).glw (60) m. griffin, vuUure, WW258'.igiwian (T? v. A 16-98) to ask, NG.glwung f. petition, N.glid pret. 3 8g. of glidan.

glad- t. gtad.gladlan (ea) (f) to gleam, glisten : (±) intr.

be glad, rejoice, JnLR,Lcd : (±) tr. gladden,

rejoice, gratify, appease, A, VPs. ['glad *]

gladlne=gWenegladung f. rejoicing, RB. ['gladding']

glssd I. (glad- in obi. cases) (t) bright,

shining, brilliant, gleaming, Qen,Ph,Scl :

cheerful, *glad,' joyous, Cr:M,CP :

pleasant, kind, gracious, M,B,Q. II. n.

joy, gladness, Wy68.glodene (a, e) f. iris, gladiolus, GI;Lct>.I'gladdon']

gMMettede =gl«dstedegladlne (GL)=gls3denegladlio bright, shining, Wid 1 pleasant,

agreeable, Ps. adv. -Hoe 'gladly,' joyfully,

kindly, willingly, BE.gtodmod glad-hearted, cheerful, joyous 1

kind, gracious.

glssdmMnes f. kindness, bounty, CP3919.

glsBdnes f. 'gladness,' joy, BE; J2,DR(+).glSBdselpe m. gladness, joy.

gUMstede=fflSdstedeglAmf m. gleam, 9

brilliance, brightness,

splendour, beauty, Oen,Jul : a brilliant

light, Qu.glang^glengglssr m. amber, resin, WW.glsoren vitreous, glassy. [gl»s]

gtos n. nap. glasu, and (once) gtosas (GPH397) 'glass/ Bo,Cr;M.

gtosen of glass, glassy, EL ['glassen ']

gtesentage grey-eyed, WW4161.

glsssfsst n. glass (vessel), BH398* (o,b).

glassful m. a glassful, BH398* (t).

glssshlutor clear, transparent.

glsotsriao to glitter, OEG,WW.gteterung f. shining, RPs48».gl8Bttlc=cI»dlic; gl*w=gleawglappe f. burdock, buckbeanf Lcd.glasu v. glues; glaw=gleawgleam m? nT revelry, joy, Gkk 12.

gleaw (a, A, «) penetrating, prudent, wise,

skilful,Q,VPs;MjLO,CP:tf)good. adv.-e.

gltewferhftt prudent.

gltewhyegende}, gleawhfdigf thoughtful,

wise, prudent.

gleawllc ($, to) wise, prudent, diligent, adv.-lice,

gleawmdd wise, sagacious, CP.gltewnes {&) f. wisdom, prudence, pene-

tration, Jxj.

gltewsctpe m. wisdom, thoughtfulness, dili-

gence : proof, indication.

glftd (oe) f. glowing coal, ember, fire, flame,Ps;M. [glowan; 'gleed']

•fglMan to make hot, kindle.

gleddian to sprinkle, throw over, Lcd 3*292".

glftdegesa m. fiery terror, B2650.gledene =gl»denegltdfat n. chafing-dish, Lcd 123b.gledlne= gledeneglednes (KGL)=gl»dnesglMseofl (oe) f. fire-shovel, Cp7xr.

glMstedet m. altar.

glemm m? blemish, spot, W678.

glencan=glenganglendran to devour, swallow, MtR.+glendrian to precipitate, LkL4".gleng mf. (nap. gleng(e)as, glenge, glenga)

ornament, honour, CP : building, NG.±glengan (») to adorn, decorate, ML : trim

(lamp) : (+)sctin order, compose.glenge=gleng+glengendllc magnificent, brilliant, adv-lice, OEG1202.

glengful decked out, adorned, GPH 395.

glenglle=glengendlic; glentrlan-=glendrangleo^gliw; gleof (. late)=gleow II.

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giooraa f. splendour, Rune34? gnssgen =gnagen pp. of gnagan.gltow L =gliw. II. pret. 3 sg. of gftwan. gnsat m. 'gnat, ' mtdge, AO,LcdtMLgliow- =glSaw-, gllw- gnagan9 to 'pmw, ' JB,CtJ)D.glftsan to pfoes, JSGr293m. [L. glossa] -gnltt y. tyr-g.

flestaf f. glassing, explanation, translation, gnUX niggardly, B,BHi frugal, [v. 'gnede'J

42Gn293". gneafllicnes f. frugality, OEG2437.glew=gleaw gntfte scanty, sparing, WW. adv. -Ike,_ _*_— _ . .. GD [v 'piMden

gntftsUene* =gn6atilioneegniflan moderate, moduL

CP : ^tofe away, twnisA. gntffaes f. frugality : scarcity.

glldder slippery, VHy. Vgtidder'] gnldan* to md, artiui together, crumble, Lkigttddrlan to jiip, 6e imsfaoie, OEG4104. JS^AO. rflmiA']glider ( IF239") =glidder gnldll m t nc66er, pesffe, Gp440r.glMeruiig (y) f. phantom, WW401*. fait pros. 3 eg. of gnldan.gilfr^gllw gnogon pret. pL of gnagan.gllnd m. hedge, fence, BC 1-296. gnornf I. sad, sorrowful, troubled, depressed.

glloda (Cp) =glida II. m. sadness, sorrow, trouble.

gltAMXi to'glitter, WW. ['gli*e'] gn©rnan=gnorniftngUsnlan (y) to 'glisten,' gleam, glitter, Shr, gnorneearig sad, troubled, Jul529.

-Bui*. gnorngan=gnoniiangUt pies. 3 sg. of glidan. gnornhoft *• prison, ceU.

gtttenlan to glitter, shine. gnornlan to be sad, murmur, complain,glitenang f. coruscation, gleam. mourn, lament, arieve, CP.gtttin- = gliten- gnornseendende hastening away m sadness,

gfl^ (So. *g» *°» la, Sow) n. '^fee,* pleasure, PPS8919. [aoyndan]

mirft, ptoy, sport, Pa : music, On. gnornsorgt f• eadness, sorrow.

gllwbeam (Ig) m. musical instrument, harp, gnornung (e)f. sadness, sorrow, lamentation,

timbrel, LRSPs 149*. MjLO,CP.gllwbydenestre (y) f. female musician, LPs gnornwordt n. sad speech, lamentation.67» gnuddian to m6, OEG 56".

gBweraft m. music, minstrelsy. gnyran =gnyrrangDwoum 'fioitV LPsl46w(f). gnyrnt f. sadness, mourning, calamity :

gOwdrtam (So) m. music, mirth, B3021. wrong, insult, fault, blemish, [gnorn]gHwere m. buffoon, parasite, OEG. gnyrnwracu f. revenge, enmity, El359.

gllwgamen (ig) n. revelry, W46w. gnyrran to grind the teeth, W138* : creak,

gllwgeorn (ig) fond of sport,. Lod.gllwhiaoKriendllo musical,WW446". +gny8an=onyssan; gnj*e=gn§a8gllwlan to make merry, jest, play (music), goat 3 p. ag. pres. of goian.sing, BH(bo)J*L : adorn, Rd27". ['okir'] g5o=g€oogHwlend m. performer, player, SPs67M. God m. np. -as, -a a 'god,' image of a god,

gDwlngman(OEG50*)?=ffUwman M,Jul,LL,P* ; AO : Ood, the (Christian)

gllwUc mimic, comic, GPH396. Deity, M,BE\ OP.gDwmAdan (ie) n. female musician, ERPs god I. comp. bet(e)ra, bettra, super!.

67M. bet(e)«t 'oood' (o/ persons or things),

gBwman m. 'yfeetmm/ mifw^rcl, player, virtuous, B,Bl,Chr,6 : desirable, favourable,

jester, B(bo) ; CP,WW(ig). salutary, pleasant, Bl : twJia*, efficient, suit-

gllwre=gllwere able, Az,Jul,Lcd : considerable, sufficiently

gBwstSBf m. melody, joy, Wa52. great, Chr. II. n. good thing, advantage,

gllwitdl m. seat ofjoy, Rd888. benefit, gift, B,Bl,Mt\ iE,AO,CP : 'good,'

gllwung f. boisterous laughter, OEG 1472. goodness, welfare, OP : ability, doughtiness :

gHwword (6ow) n. song, poem. Met 7*. gooie, property, wealth, CP.gldf, gl5fe f. 'oto**>' B,Guth. foxes g. godnppel m. quince, WW364". [«ood-foxglove. dappel]+gl6ted gloved, AS4211

. godbearn n. divine child, Son of Ood : god-gldtungf. supplying with gloves, LL450[10]. child, W. ['aodbairn']

gldfwyrt f. glovewort, dog's tongue, lily of the godborg mt solemn pledge (given in church9),valley, Lcd. LL 18[33] ; 66[33] and v. 2-332,Id.

glfim m? gloaming, twilight, 0bsat71. godbdt f. atonement, LL258[51"|.glomung f. 'gloaming,' twilight, VHy. godound religious, sacred, divine, heaven-gldwan7 to

lalow,' M,OEQ. sent, Oen,Chr; M,CP. ['godcund'}

gldwende 'glowing, ' burning, LcdSOb. godoundllc divine, &,CP. adv. -lice divine-

gly- =:gli- ly, & : canonicaUy.gnftd prei. 3 sg. of gnldan. godcundmsBht n? divine majesty, MtL.

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godoundnes I. divine nature, divinity, God- godwntclle impious, GD232".head, MJxd : divine service. ['godcund- go*WTecne*f.%oickedness,impiety,BE.'7(PtB.nets'] gofoI=gafol

gftddftd f. good work, Or : benefit, PPs. gtlan to lament, NC346 ; JAW27.goddohtor f. 'goddaughter,' Ct. gol pret. 3 eg. of galan.gddddndf m. (nap. g6dd*nd) doer of good, gold n. 'gold,

9 Mj)ET\ GP.benefactor. goldAht I. wealth in gold, B2748.

goddrtamf m. joy of heaven. goMbeorntt 6r*aA« wit* poM.goda- =god- goMblftoh n. golden hue, WW 140".godtedar m. God the Father : 'godfather,

9 goldbloma m. golden bloom? W261";&C^X. 105»

godfraenas (BH70") =godwrecnes goMbuigf I city in which gold is given? richgMframmand m. doer of good? B299. city?

godfyrht (e, i) godfearing, pious, An, ['god- goMa f. 'solseguia,9

heliotrope? marigold?fright


) WWm: VgM']godgeld=godgield goMe-=gold-godgesprftea (BH) =god«pr£ca golden pp. of gieldan.godgleld (e*, i«, «) n. Aeo&m forf, idol, AO. goldfatt n. pften mmcLgodgUdltoo/«fofe,WW466". goldflatad plated or adorned with gold,

godglm m. heavenly jewel? El 1114. LL4«0[10h].godhid m. (if'wne noitere, CP261". goldflg variegated with gold, shining withgddton to tmprot*, ft* 6etter, Chrjjcd : mal* pott.

6etter:(±)enAw,enric*,iTC7;^. [•good »] goldfeD n. yoU plate, WW858" [?-*gold-godlng m. Son of God, LkR4». ttell]

g6dlftr f. good teaching, LL304B. goldflnc m. 'goldfinch,9 WW.

gftdllaa bad, evil, BH. ['goodies*'] goldflnger m. ring-finger.gftdlte 'goodly,

9excellent, Gen : comely, fair, goMfirartwe fp. gold ornaments.

GPH394. spl&tyld covered with gold, WW5\$*. [gold,

godmngan n. divine power, divinity. fealdan]godmddor f. 'godmother, ' Shr. goldgaarwa fp. gold ornaments, NC298.gddnas f. virtue, Bo i goodwill, beneficence, goldgeweben woven with gold, OEG4297.kindliness, Bo+M. ['goodness


] goMgewaoro n. golden object, MH222.godsAd n. (God's seed), piety, Da 90. goMgtotaf (it 7) «*• gold-giver, prince, lord.

gftdaelpe m. kindness, DR. ['goodship9

] goMhlltad golden hiUed, Rd56u.

godtoyld f. sin against God, impiety, Jul204. goldhladen adorned with gold, For 13.

godsoyldlg impious, Gu834. goldhoma m. gold-adorned coat of mail,godslbb m. sponsor, W. ['gossip


] El 992.godsJbbrMen f. sponsorial obligations, goMhord nm. treasure of gold, treasury, El,W228». VPs; M,AO.

gftdtptdlgt rich, happy. goldhordhQs n. privy, WW 184".godspal n. glad tidings, Mt : one of the four goldhordten to a»t^trea^re,Aoartf,Scl73la.gospels. An; M,CP : the 'gospeV (for the spldbroteniornamenUdtrithgoUL [hrSodan]day), Mt. goldhwwt greedy for gold, B3074T

godspelbodung f. gospel-preaching, new dis- goldtofer f. gold plate, HGl431.pensation, ML2&**. goldltaf n. gold leaf or plate, W2639

. [«l»fer]godipallbde f. book containing the four goldmmtllng (e) n. brass, WW. [cp. Ger.

gospels, LL. ['gospel-book9

] messing]godspellara m. 'gospeller,

9evangelist, Bl; goldmftftm m. treasure, B2414.

iE,CP. goldmestllng=goldm«stlinggodspelllan to preach the gospel, evangelize, golddra m. gold ore, OEG1810.Ps ; M,CP. Vgospel


] golfealef m. haU in which gold is distributed.

godspall-ia (M), -iac evangelical. goMsmltf m. 'goldsmith,9 M.

godspeUtraht m. gospel commentary. goldsmftfa f. goldsmith9s art, Wt73.

godsprftee (6) n. oracle, BH. goldsptdlg rich in gold, Jul 39.

godianu m. 'godson,9 BH,Chr. goldtorht bright like gold, Creat78.

godttrymm m. divine majesty. goldVaof m. stealer of gold, IX54[9,2j.

godHrymntt f. divine glory, AS94 ? goldMM m. gold thread, WW196».godwebb n. fine cloth, purple, CP. goldwaard m. keeper ofgold (dragon), B3081.godwabboyn? (gode-) n. purple (doth). goldwecg m. a lump of gold, OEG451.godwabban purple, Bl95". goldwlnef m. liberal prince, lord, king.

godwabgyrla m, cloth ofpurple,W 1971. goldwlanof brave with gold, richly adorned.

godwebwyrhta m. weaver ofpurple. goldwlanou f. gold ornament, Bl 195.

gtdwfflande well-pleased, EHylG . goldwyrt f. heliotrope, OEG26M.

godwnaa (e") wicked, Bl. golfatung (LPa78«)=gaffetnng

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gdlon pret. pL of galan.

golpen pp. of gielpan.

gom-=gam-gdma m. (eg. or pi. used indifferently) inside

of mouth or throat, palate, jaws, Lcd,Bd,VPs,M. Vgum*]

gombef t tribute,

gomor Hebrew measure, omer, M. ['gomer*]gon-=gan- ; gond-=raid-, geond-gop m. slave, servant, Rd60». [or ?=»geap]gor n. dung, dirt, filth, JRfipJLd. ['gore')

gorettan to gaze, stare about, OEG58: pour

fourth, emit, OPH398.gorettung f. gazing, OEG6*n.gorlan to gaze, stare about, OEQ7*.K°" (Op), gorst m. 'gorse,*furze, MH,MtR


juniper, Led.gorstbeam m. furze bush, Mk 12».

gos f. nap. gee 'goose,' LL,Rd,WW; M.gds-tugol m. nap. -fuglaa goose, Ct.

gosnafoc (u») m. 'goshawk,9 WW.

gott=gont; gdet=gastGota ag. -an pi. 'Goth,

9 BH.goten pp. of geotan.-gotennee t. td-g.

gotwotte f. goatweed, Lod.foung f. groaning, BH 76". [gfiian]

grid m. (M), gride f. step, grade, degree,

rank. [L. gradus]grAd m. grass.

grAdan I. to cry, caU out, Led : to crow (cock),

CP. Vgrede*] II. de. of wk. adj. grassy,

StLi 18***.

grAde=grfid; grAde-, grftdi- =gr*dig-grAdig (G) 'greedy,* hungry, covetous, M,B,BIJ361 ; CP. adv. -Hoe greedily, covetously,


grAdlgnee f. greediness, avarice, M.grAdum ady. greedily, Gu710.graf I. (a) n. cave, 'grave, * trench. 8eaf; Mdf.

[grafan] II. n? style for writing, WW.[t. graphiam]

grAfa? grafe? bush, bramble, grove, thicket,

WW; Mdf : brush-wood (for burning), fuel,

Chr. ['gnaw*']grafen pp. of grafan.greatere m. * sculptor, * graver,WW 164u.

grafhfks n. grave, Sat708.grafaex n. graving tool, WW. [seas]

graft mfn. graven image, carved object,

sculpture, M.graftgeweorc n. graven»ffi pros. 8 ag. of grafan.

grAg 'grey/ M,Bp,Qcn,Mct,WW


grAggos f. grey (wild) goose, Gl.grAghAwe grey, WW402* .

grAgnama grey-coated (of spearf or wolf?),

Fin 6.

griegmAl grey-coloured, B2682.grAg6s=grieggoegram-, grnn- =grem>, gren- ; grAp =gr6p+grapplan to astze, MtL.1411.

grat n. (nap. graeu)lgrass,* AnfipfiP.

graegrlne 'grass-green,* Bp (e1, oe*).

gnMhoppa m. grass-hopper, locust.

graemoMe f. greensward, B 1881.

gneswangt m. greensward.grAt L = pree. 3 eg. of ( 1 ) gr&dan, (2 ) gre*tan.II.=great

grAtan=gr«tan; graf^graefgrif did, grove, BC ; Mdf.-gr&fa t. ellen-g.

grafan* to dig, dig up, Met,RdJtim : 'grave/engrave* carve, chisel, PPs.

grafet n. trench, EC364 ; 365.gram (o) adj. angry, cruel, fierce, AO :

oppressive, hostile : (as sb.) enemy,

ygrame*]grama m. rage, anger, M : trouble, Led,['grame*]

gramatieeeraft=grammatiocneftgrambAre passionate, CP289*.grame adv. angrily, fiercely, cruelly.

gramfArnee f. wrath, LL (=*gramb»rnee).gramhegdlg=gramh*diggramheortt hostile-minded.

gramhyogende hostile, PPs 68**.

gramhfdlgt hostile, malignant.gramian to anger, enrage, W199". grami-gende raging, GPH402.

gramttc wrathful, fierce, cruel, severe, M.adv. -liee, Ps. ['gramely*]

grammattccraft m. art of grammar, BH268".

grammatfeere m. grammarian, A 8-327.

grammod cruel, Bl223m.

gramword n. evil speech, PPs74*.

grand pret. 3 ag. of grindan.grandorliaa (o) guileless, Jul 271.grinlan* to 'groan,* lament, BIJPs.granu f. moustache, Cp336M. [Ger. granne]grinung f. 'groaning, lamentation, M.grip I. f. grasp, grip, [grlpan] II. pret-.

3 eg. of gripan.±griplan to feel for, lay hold of, seize, touch,

&,B,Bl,Bd,VPs. [>ojp«']griplgendlle tangible, MR 1-230.

gripung f. sense of feeling, touch, M.['groping*]

griaelnnen made of grey skins or grey fur,Chb 1075d. [ON. giaakinn]

graslan to 'graze,* Led.grasu v. grew.

gratan sbpl. groats, Lod 3-292**.

graftal gradual, antiphon.

greada m. lap, bosom, CP,Lk. ['greade*]

great (sb) oomp. grletra 'great,* tall, large,

thick, massive, AJB,Bo,Chr,WW : coarse,

BC,Lcd.grtatewyrt f . meadow saffron, WW298T


grtattan* to become enlarged, CP. ['great']

grftatnea (€) f. 'greatness* BB8&".Grielee Greek, Grecian,^gr^d; grif- = grief


greg-=gr*g; grem-=grim-±gremlan (AOtMk),gremm*n to enrage,

provoke, irritate, jE,CP : revile, ['greme']

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granting (») f. provocation, LPs94».grene V^^. ' Cp,Ct,Lcd : youn?, tmwwtfwe,Led . growing, living, LkL(oe)


as «b., Zed.grinhAwen green-coloured, WW37flM.

grtnlan to 6eeome • green,* flourish, Met.grennes f. greenness, BH; CP : (in pi.) preentAtnye, pfonfo, A8-310.

grennlan to 'grin,* gnash the teeth, JulJSc;M.

grennung (a) f. grinning, Cpl74it.greofa m. pot, pan, WW. [Ger. griebe]gr«op=grepgrtosn (io) prat**, pebble, KGl76*. [Oer.greisa]

grtot n. 'grit,9sand, earth, AnJB,Gen; M.

greotan* to cry, weep, lament, BJ36L [v.


greothord n. body, Gu 1240.greow pret. 3 eg. of*P» grepe f. land-drain, ditch, furrow :

burrow : jirivy, OEG(J).gres-=gr»e-; grftt-=great-gretan I. (±) to 'greet,* salute, accost, speakto, challenge, M,B,Uk,Jul : (±) to eee* ottf,

approach, visit, B; W : ill-treat, attack, AG :

toiuA, to£e AoZrf o/, Aatutfe deai into, JBGr.hearpan gretan play the harp : cohabit with.

Il.f (6) to weep, bemoan, lament, deplore,Gr. [v. >ee*']

gritfngf. 'greeting,9salutation,BHJ,kL(oe):


grtttnghtks n. audience chamber, WW 184*.

grettngword n. word of greeting, ^60*209".grettasgryttagrette 'sodalis*? OEG29*.grew* pret. 3 eg. of growan.grteUan (i) to imtoto, provoke, offend, CP :

puuA Oe teeth at, creak. ['grM*]grietra v. great.

grlfrhund m. 'preyfonmd/ WWVJu*.grUlan =grieUao ; grim (GP) =grimmgrimaf m. mowfc, helmet : pAoef.

grlmena • bruchus, ' caterpillar f EPs 104*.grlmet- =grymet-grimful jlerce, riofeftt, E8 39-348.

grfmhalmt m. helmet (with visor).

griming spectre, WW448*.grimlle fierce, blood-thirsty, cruel, severe,

terrible, M,AO. adv. -lice. ['grimly*]grtmm fierce, savage, B,Bl i dire, severe,

bitter, painful, BH; Bl. ['grim*]

grtmman* f to rage : hasten on, B 306.grtmman n. terrible sin, BH 60,8b.grlmme savagely, cruelly, severely, AG,Gen.['grim*]

grimnes f. ferocity, cruelty, Bl,Gu,WW.['grimness*]

grimsJan to rage, BH.grimtung f. harshness, severity, GP125".grin * ilium, * region of the groin, LL.±grfn (I, f ; also short?) nf. snare, gin, trap,

PPs,VPs;M,CP : halter, noose, Mt(y).['grin*]

+grlnmn to ensnare.

+grtndt n. impact, crash.

±grindan* (y) to rub together, grate, scrape,

Rd : gnash, Ps : 'grind,* sharpen, M,Mt.grtnde f. shingle, BG (. Mdi).grtndel m. nap. grindlas bar, bolt. pLgrating, hurdle.

grindere m. miller, Lod3-1781.

grindeto* m. grinding tooth, molar, WW440».

grlngr^cringgrinlan to ensnare, KGl. ['grin*]

grint pree. 3 eg. of grindan.grIosn=greoengrtpa m. handful, sheaf.

^grlpan1 intr. (w. d. g. or 16) to seek to get

hold of, B,Bl,Gen : tr. (w. g.) seize, take,

apprehend, 8ol,WW. Vgripe*]gripe m. grasp, seizure, attack, B,WW;«billa g. shield : handful, LedJ>s.

grfpend m. seixer, robber, WW61618.

tgripenes, gripnes f. seizing, snare, cap~tivity, EPs 34*.

gripuf f. kettle, caldron.

gripul 'capax,* WW198". VgrippU*]-grban (f) v. a-g.

grisno 'grisly, * horrible, EL 15ut (very late).

grist n. action of grinding, WW : 'grist.*

[grindan]gristbat- =grifltbit.

gristbtte m. gnashing, W188».gristbltlan to gnash the teeth, BH,Mk,WW;M. '[jgristbite*]

grlstbltung f. gnashing of teeth, Bl,Mt.['gristbiting*]

gristtan to gnash, grind, Gugristle t. 'gristle,* Gl,WW.gristlung (y) f. gnashing.gristra m. baker, WW.gritta=gryttagrttt n. truce, (temporary) peace, Ma : pro-

tection of the person, asylum, sanctuary,

guarantee of safety, ['grith*]

grtVbryee m. breach of 'griff,' LL : penalty

for such a breach, LL. ['grithbreach*]

±grrttan to make a truce or peace, Chr :

protect, LL.grtttagu f. law of temporary or local peace,

LL470[9].gritfleas unprotected, W1587


groe-=gr§-grdf pret. 3 sg. of grafan.

grom=:grani; gron-=gran*grond pret 3 eg. of grindan.


acus,* Cpl60A (v. AB9-36).grdpian=gr*pian; -groren v. be-g.

grornf L m. sorrow, sadness. II. adj. sad,

agitated, adv. -e.

grornhof n. sad home, hell, Jul324. -

grornlan to mourn, complain.

grorntorn sadness, Rim 66?grornung f. complaint, NG.grot I. n. particle, Bo; AO. Vgrot*] II. n.

groats, coarse meal, GL [greot]

grotig earthy, GPH396.

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±grdwanT to 'grew,' increase, Bofip,Bd,WW : germinate KQl,Mk.

grdwende 'growing,' Oen, KOIgiownei f. growth, BH.grammon prat, pL of grimman.grand m. *ground,' bottom, B,Oen

t8ol, VPs :

foundation, LkL : abyss, htU : plain, countryland, earth, An^,m,Wid : sea, water.

grandbadd n. ground, soil, Rd81m.

grandbuendt m. earth-dweUer.granden pp. of grindan.grandeswelge (i*, a«, v*) f. 'mwuiM^' £«Z.grundfas hastening to heU, Mod 40.

grandbyrde m. keeper of the abyss, B2136.grandlngasgrondlangagrondliM bottomless, unfathomable, Bo :

boundless, vast. Vgroundless']

grandleaalle boundless, vast, CP417".grundUng m. groundling (fish), BC3-626(Mdf).

grandlunga (i1) adv. from (he foundation,completely, M : to the ground, prone, pros-

trate, M.gmndon pret pi. of grindan.grundsotatf m. region.

grandaelet m. abysmal dwelling.

grandatin m. foundation-stone, WW.['groundstone']

+grandataftelian to establishfirmly, ML8n .

grandwaag m. earth, Air582.grandwangf m. (ground-plain), the earth :

bottom (of a lake)., M,Lk. V ground-wall']

+grandwealllan to establish,found, EPs23*.grundwela m. earthly riches, Gin957.grundwyrgen f. water-wolf, B 1518.grunlan, grunnian (OEO) to grunt.

grannettan to'grunt,' Op.

grunting, gronnung f. grunting, bellowing,

OEO.grot m. gulf, chasm, abyss : stone, rock,

OEO 1814.grot f. (da. grvt, grot) groats, coarse meal, Cp,Ctjjcd i grains, the spentgrain after brewing,Led. Vgrout']

graft, grotte=grot ; gryllan=griellan

grym^grim(m)grymat-tan, -tian (i) to grunt, roar, rage.

grymat-ung, -tang f. grunting, roaring,


grymm=grimm ; grymman=gremmangryn=gym; gr*n=grin+grynd n. plot ofground, TC231M.

gryndan L to set, sink (of the sun), WW.[* grind'; grand] IL—grindan

gryndaf n. abyss.grynal (WW291«)=cyrnelgrfnlan =griniangrynamfff m. worker of HI, An 919.

grfra (OEG4290; 4744)=gr€pegryraf m. horror, terror : fierceness, violence,

DD8 : horrible thing.

gryrabrogat m* terror, horror.

gryraneat terribly firm, El76a.

gryraOhtadi. (needs* eh.) spotted horror, B.giyiagaart («?) m. terrible stranger, B2560.gryregeatwe fp. war-gear, B324.giyiahwll i terrible time, Air468.

gryreleottt n. terrible song.

gryrallat terrible, horrible.

gryramlhtt terrible power, W 195».

gryreatff m. way of terror, dangerous expedition, B1462.

gryrran to gnash, DD 195.

fy»-» Hrf*- ^gria-, grb-grft L prea. 3 ag. ofgreotan. IL . grot,

gryto f. greatness, Nab8». [great]

grytta, ffryttan pL coarse meal, bran, chaff,

Epjjcd,W W. ['yrif*]

grytta f. sand, Pa.grJtti*(A4151)=*grietra op. of groat.


gryfe-=grio-; guWgeoguidon prat. pL of gieldan.

gallon prat. pL of giellan.

gulpon prat. pL of gielpan.

gnmaf m. man, hero, B. ['gome']

gumeynnt an. human race, men, mankind,nation.

gttmeyitt f. excellence, bravery, virtue,

liberality, adv. -am excellently.

gumdrtam m. enjoyment of life, B2469.gumdryhten m. lord, B1642.gumfC8a m. troop, B 1401.

gumfrea m. king, Da 651.

-gamlan . ofer-g.

gammann m. man, B1028.gmnrleat n. kingdom, earth.

gumrlnat m. man, warrior.

gumitol m. ruler's seat, throne, B 1962.

gumtfegen m. man, Cea83.gumtftod f. folk, people, Gek226.gund m. matter, pus, Led. [

lgound']gundeawllge (£p,£r/,L*)=grandeswelgegung=geong; gung-=ging-gungon pret. pL of gangan.gunnon (BH) pret. pL of ginnan.

gupan 'clunibus, renibus, coxe,' WW206"(v. A31-522).

gurron pret. pL of gyrran.

guton pret pL of geotan.

guttaa mp. 'guts,' entrails, HO14J0S.

got!f f• combat, battle, war.

gOtfbeorn m. fighting-hero, B314.gotnuut n. battle-bill, sword.

gfltfbordt n. war-shield.

gttVbyrnat f. corslet, coat of mailgateearu f. war-trouble, B1258.gottaratft m. war-craft, B127.gtttfowftnt f. warrior queen.

gatfeynlngf m. warrior king.

gafteyst f. troop, warrior band? (Kluge) :

bravery? (BT), Ex 343.

gOtfdeatf m. death in battle, B2249.gfMttana m.gonfanon, war-banner, ensign*standard, MJlO.

gatf-fU ? f., -flan t mf. battle-arrow,Gen 2063.

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gttgfloga m. winged fighter, B2528.gQtilona= gnttfanagQffifrte m. warlike prince, Aw 1336.gOtttreet 6oW »n ooltfe.

gQffifreeat m. warrior,

gQffifremmendt m. warrior.

gtttffugol m. 6iri o/tcor, eagle, RD251.

gOffigaatwet fp. armour.gftfigelAoa m. warrior, £l43.gtftgemott n. oatffc, combat,gOftgetAwe=guttgeatwegOftgetfingut np. ftottfe, eonierf.

gtffigew&def a- war-dress, armour.gQtigeweorot n. loarftfe deed.

gflftgewlnnt n. fattfe.

gtt&hafoe m. war hawk, eagle, tGmn937A.gOBhaard 6oW tn faitfe, El 204.gtifhelm m. AeJmef, B2487.gfMfheret m. warlike host, army.gOfthorn m. war-horn, trumpet, B1432.gOtihrtft m. martial glory, B819.gtttfhwnt jierce «n 6attfe, Ap57.gtttSleotf n. toor-eony, B 1522.gttg-m»cga, -maga m. warrior, Sol90.gttttmddt warlike.

GOtayree pL Ethiopians, Ex 69.

gOftplegaf m. ottoc*, 6attfe.

gfffiHtat m. battle-rush, onslaught,gflftraaf n. armour, Jul 387.gflftrtowjlerce in battle, B58. [hrftow]

gatfrinef m. warrior, hero.

gOUriff tow* til tattZe.

gOtteeearu f. slaughter in battle, B 1213.gOtteeaatfa m. ravaging invader, B2318.gtfflsceorp n. armour, Jud329.gttfeorQd n. armour, El258.gtttteearot *• «wour.gttfeele m. Ao# of warriors, B443.gO&pall n. tiding ofa war, Gkr2097.gfttsweord n. sword, B2154.gfltftfracut f. hostile attack.

gttggreat m. uoWtibe troop. Ex 193.

gOVweardf m. war-lord, king.

glttweorc n. warlike deed, Ah 1068.gttTwarlg wounded, B 1586.gttttwlgaf m. uorrtor.

gflKwlnef m. battle-friend, weapon.gtttfwudu m. epear, Fin 6.

gy-=ge-; gyc=gio.; gydWgid(d)gyden (AO), gydenu f. (oocL gs. gydenan)goddess, [god]

gydenlte 'vestaUs9(-dealiel A31 -63), WW

524».gydlg (i) possessed (by a spirit), insane,

OEG5009. ['giddu9


gyf=gif; gyf-=geof-,gief-,gif-g^f-=gff-gyhtfa (jE) =gictSa ; gyhttu =gehflugyld=gield; gyld-=gUd-; +gyU=gylden±gyMan I. to oiW. II. (AO) =meldandbgyMen *golden,' BJkm; MjLO,CP.gyMenbaag (gilden-, M) m. crown.gyMenfaax golden-haired, WW348M.

gyldtnhlwe golden-kutd, OEG43*.

gyldenmftfta golden-mouthed (Chrysostom),GD94";ZDA31».

gyldenweeg (gyMing-) m. gold mine, WW241".

gyllan, gyllan to yell, shout, gyliende'garrulus,

9 OEG561".

gylm=gelm; gylpMgielpgylt (e, i, ie) m. 'gutlt,


sin, offence, crime,

fault, A,Bl,Chr,Mt\ AO,CP.±gyltan to commit sin, be guilty, CP,MtJRB,VPs. ['guilt,




gyltend m. sinner, debtor; CP.gyltlg offending, 'guilty,

9 MLgyltlng f. sin, DR.gyitllo sinful, DR.gyltwfte n. (gyld-) fine for unpaid tax,

KC514.gylung? 'garrulitas,

9 OEG66141.

gym = giroin j gym-=gim-g$m-=glem-; gymlan=gymmiangyrom = giromgymmian to cut the throat, Ml, OEG3799.gyn-=geon-,rin-gynde pret. of *giendan to drive.

-gypaf«I?)v.«-g.gyplgend yawning, GPH398.gypung f. gaping, open mouth, GPH. ^^gyr I. m. mud, marsh. II. fir tree, WW269".

gyr-=geor-f gier-; gyra=gyr L±gyrdan (pret. gyrde), to 'gird* {sword),

Oen, PPs i encircle, surround, JnL : (+)invest with attributes, PPs.

gyrdel (e) m. 'girdle,9

belt, tone, Lcd,Mt;JE : purse.

gyrdalbred n. 'pugHlar,9 WW277".

gyrdelhrlng n. girdle, buckle,WW432.gyrdels, gyrder=gyrdel; gyrdll-=gjrdel.gyrdwag m. rood with a fence on either side

(BT),KC8-412*.gyrdwlte n. affliction caused by a rod (used

of Moses9rod), Exl6.

g|ran=grih; gyrman (LPs37,)=oirm&ngyrnf mn. sorrow, misfortune.

gyrnatatat mp. injury, affliction, Jul245.gyrnwraeut 1. revenge for injury.

gyrran* [=gierran, georran] to sound, chatter,

M : to creak, grate, Aw 374.

gyrretan to roar (of lions), LPs.gynandag (MEH97)=gientand«ggyrrt= grist

gyrttandjBg (^)=gieretandaggyrtrtow n. fir tree, WW 138^.gyruf. =gyr; gyrwan=gierwiangyrwelenn n. marsh, MGvW.gyie=gSee; g^el=gialgyat= (l)g»eM2)gi8tgyit-= gsest-, gieet-

gyitarnJledasg=gier«tand»ggyt=git pron.

gjt L prea> 3 sg. of gfiotan. IL=gietgyt-=giet-, rit-

gyte, gytt (NG) m. pouring forth, shedding,

M : /fooo\ A. [gtetan]

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gytesAl m. (dp. irytesalum) joy at wine-pouring, carousal, Jin>22.

gytestrtam m. running dream, WW.gytteorm f. ploughing-feast, LL462,21,4.gffoorn (I) n. tpwye four*!/ Lon.g+tfrtfe f. eodUe, Lod.

Hfa is often wrongly prefixed to words, m inCockney English.

hi m. oar-thole, rowlock. »t hi.for each oar,

or each oarsman, Chb 1040o. [/eel. h&r]habban anv. pto. pres. hebbende; pres.

1 sg. habbe, 2. hnfet, 3. h»f5, pi. habbati,habbati; pret. 3 sg. hafde; subj. haabbe;imperat. hafa; pp. (±)h»f(e)d to 'have,


Bl,G : possess, own, hold, B,BI,0 : keep,

retain, Bl,VPs : entertain, cherish : esteem,

consider, BH : be subject to, experience, Mh :

obtain, Chr,Mt : assert, Led : used asauxiliary to indicate past tense, have, M,Ghr,Ex. h. for consider : (+) hold, keep

from, preserve, retain, CP,M. yfle +h.afflict, torment.

naea m. hook, door-fastening, Cp311p.[Ger. hake]

-haoolan v. t6-h.

haeels (as) f. cloak, coat, vestment, cassock,

'pallium,' AO,WW;M. ['hackle']

haeod (as, e) m. pike, WW. ['haked' ; Ger.

heoht]hacole, haoule= haoele

had m. (rare gs. hada) person, individuality,

JS,BH,Mt : degree, rank, order, office

(especially holy office), M,BE,CB : con-

dition,state, nature, character,form, manner,B,Sol : sex, BH,Chr : race, family, tribe i

choir. Vhad'Y•hid maso. suffix; usu. denotes state orcondition, as oildhad, mngtihad. [Bng.-hood]

•fhada m. brother monk, LL.faidbot f. compensation for injury or insult to

a priest, LL. Phadbot '1

hadbreca m. violator of (holy) orders, LL.hid-bryoe, -brice m. violation of (holy)

orders, LL.hidelloe adv. as to persons, DHy29*.hidesmann m. member of a particular order,

Chb995p.hidgrffl n. privilege (as regards peace) of holy

orders, LL471[19].±hidlan to ordain, consecrate, BH;M.['hade']

hidnotu f. office of a priest, LL458h.hidor I. n. clearness, brightness, B414 (or

T hador, =hea«or). Il.f (*) bright, clear,

fresh : distinct, loud. [Ger. heiter] adv.

hidsweipa m. bridesman, WW 174*.

hidswApe (i) f. bridesmaid, WW.

hidung f. consecration, ordination, ChrJjL.[v. 'hade'], hadunge underfon to take the


hidungdseg (i*) m. ordination day, J5L33".\h»b-(GL)=harf,harf-

=habb-, hebb-hssbbednes f. continence? A8-320*.hssbbendlto 'habilis,

9 JEQnB4J.-hssbbere v. sulh-h.

hsse fin. grating, 'hatch,9half-gate, Ct.

hs»o-=hao-+hsseea sausage, WW41 1*. rhaoian]hssoee I. f. crozier. II. gs. of Imso.

hsscwer m. hatch-weir, a weir in which fishwere caught, KC3-450.h*dor=hadorhssdref straiUy, anxiously.h#dre==hadrehssf Lf n. (heaf-, haf- in obi. cases) sea,

ocean, [cp. Ger. naff] II. (OEG)-hsifehssM=heafodhasfde pret. sg. of habban.hssfe L m. leaven. [Ger. hefe] IL =hefeh«fed=h6afod-hssfednes v. be-, for-h.

hssfegltsang? f. covetousness, EPsll8w.

hssfen I. f. property, possessions, M. [Ger.

habe] IL f. 'haven,' port, Chr. IIL-hefen. IV. pp. of hebban.

hssfen-=hafen- ; hssfenblAte-harferbl&tehsMens=h»fen II.

hssfer (e) m. he-goat.

hssferblte m. forceps, WW 198"hssferbUste f? a bird? bittern? sea-guUfWWlld^Sdl".

hssfergit= hssfer

hssfera m. crab, WW.hs»flg=hefig; h»fne=h»fenhssfreblite = hssferblfite ; hssbt v. habban.hssft I. m. bond, fetter : captive,slave,servant i

bondage, imprisonment, affliction, M i (±)seizing, thing seized, CLP8123*. [Ger.

haft] II. n. 'haft,' handle, Lcd,WW; M.[Ger. heft] III. pp. of haeftan.

±hssftan to bind, fetter : arrest, detain, im-prison : condemn, DR 197". [Ger. heften]hs»tte=heftll.hSBfteclomm m. fetter, tCHB942A.+hssftednes f. captivity.

hssftedom m. slavery, captivity, Mbt26m.

hssften f. confinement, Chb 1095.

+hssttend m. prisoner, MFH136.hSBftenfod=heftn!edbeeftincel (e*) n. slave, WW.hssfting f. fastening, lock.

hssftlto captious, 0E6.hssftUng m. prisoner, captive, M.hssftmeee m. hitted sword, B1467.±h*sftnes (v. MF165)=h«ftedneshssttnetf=n»ftnotS±hssftnlan to take prisoner : seize, detain.

hssftnM (AO), (e, f; M) f. custody, im-prisonment, bondage.

±hssltnledan to take captive, GD135".

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bmbtnTedlinq 14S TTJfefiT

h»ftnledling (5*, y>) m. captive, ML.heeftnlednes (y) f. captivity, NC299.Jueftnoft m. confinement, imprisonment.hfleftnung f. confinement, captivity.

haftatfd (iE)Wh»ftnledtoftung f. fetter, MF (Veep. D xiv).

h»fB pros. 3 ag. of haoban.Jh»fiie=hafoo; h»g-=hago-, hagt+hAgan? to t«*, Aaraaff Ex 169 (GK).[Otf hi]+h»ge n. encfottire, meadow, OEG ; Mdf.hseghal «a/e and «m«ui, DR.fcng-tes, -tie, -teeee f. witch, pythoness.hagftorn (M)


hagutiornhagweard m. Jaeeper o/ eaftfe tn a commonfield, LL462[20].hAh-=hSah-; hahtb=hagteghal n. omen, B204.hAl I. =h&lu. IL adj.-h&lhal- ; h&l- =hel- ; nil-, hel-

hAlan I. (±) to 'AeoV cure, rave, CP,Lcd,Mt,Ps;M (+) : free*, asfofe, GD36".+h*ll Hosannaf [hal] IL to castrate,


+hald=+hieldhalef m. man, hero.

hAle=h&lu; +hAled=hil+halednei f. Aeotoy, GD247U.

hAlend (6) m. Saviour, Christ ['healend'


Qer. heiland]

halendlle wholesome, OEG 153Vhalet-=hilet-haletff m- (nap. h»letfaa, haleti) man, hero,

fighter, B. {'heleth'; Qer. held]haletfhelm=heolotthelmbasmerm 'halter,' WW.hAlgere m. eanctifier, DR(a').halhiht/utf o/ corner*, [healh 1.1

hAUg unstable, inconstant, Bo 110*.

liallngf. 'Aeatoy,'tfic.halm=healmhAlnes f. salvation, safety, CP : Mmduary.['AealneM']

hAlneegrttf n. peace-privileges attaching to

a sanctuary, LL471[19].halotld f. prosperous time, Chb1065d.halsent (Cp484«)=hAlsiendhabere m. soothsayer, augur, Cp963a.±halstan to exercise augury, take omens,foretell, prophesy* Gl. [hftl]

half-lend, -igend (&) m. soothsayer, augur.hAlsung I. f. augury, divination. IL—h&lrang I.

haltt, hAltfo f. 'health,* JB : joitwtfon, Zed;^i : healina, A.hAlu f. AeaOA, prosperity, safety, salvation,

M,CP.hAlubearnf n. Saviour, Christ.

hAlwyrt f. 'pnlegium,' pennyroyal, WW300".hAtynd=h&lendbamaht (MkR l») =heahmihthAman to have intercourse with, cohabit with,

M,CP : marry, MtR.

(«) n. (nap. hAmedra) cohabitation,

M,CP i marriage.hAmedceorl m. married man, LL.hAmedgemana m. matrimony, WW441M.

hAmedlac n. coition, Rd43*.hAmedrtm m. 'lenocinium,' OEG6046.hAmedra v. hftmed.hamedaelpe m. cohabitation, wedlock, OEG.hamedtftng n. coition, cohabitation, ML :

marriage.hamedwlf n. married woman.hAmere m. consort, bedfellow, M.hamet, hAmett=h&med ; hanXhennhAnan I. to stone, Jn;M ['ton*']II.=hIenanhanep (e) m. 'hemp/ Lcd,WW. [Qer.

hanf]hanfugel=hennfagol; hamDediennhAntfu=hIentfo+hap, hmpiio fit, convenient.

+hapllcnee f. convenience.

hapee f. 'hasp, ' fastening, JB.

haptlan to 'hasp,' fasten, A.hapte (pret. 3 it.) jumped, MLZl4n .

hAr (a, e) n. 'hour,9 Led; M : a hair, JB9

Cp(i),Mk.har»=har-, hear-, her(e)-; hAr-sher-hAre f. sackcloth ofhair, Mt; M. ['hair*']

+hAref +hferede hairy.

hAren of hair, Bl^Lcd. ['hairen']

hArenfasol sb. hedgehog, SP8l03u (op.


harfeet (e) m. autumn, 'harvest*-time, A,Ct;AO; August, A 10186. h. handful hand-ful of com (a due belonging to the husband-man on an estate), LL460. [Qer. herbflt]

horfeitUo autumnal, M.hnrfestmonatt m. 'harvest-month,' Septem-ber, MQrtZK

harfeit-tld f., -tima m. autumn, harvest-


hmttettwAta m. autumn rain, AO 102v.hArgrlpa (0 ; v. late) m. seizing by the hair.

LL611.hArlht aotry, WW6139


hArlng m. 'herring,' Ql(6),WW; M.hArlngtfma m. herring season, Ct.

hArlooone m^.locke ofhair,HOI ['hairlock9

]barn f. wave, tide : (t) eea, ocean.

hArnAdl I. curling-pin, OEG 1200.

hnrnllota m. ship, Gul307.hwneaard n. hire-Up, Lod. \Qer. haien*aoharte]

hAnyle ($) n. 'hair-sieve,' A 0-264.

hAe f. 'hest,' bidding, behest, command, A,Gen. [hatan]

battel m. 'haul' shrub, OlyLcd; M; Mdf.haeselhnutu f. 'haeel^ut,' Gl,WW(s>).hAeere m. master, lord, LkLR.

hmlen of hotel, Led. {'haeelen'}

ha9sp=hjep8e; hmtue=haa«aohAstf I- violent, vehement, adv. hmt-e,•Boe. IL t violence, strife.

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hAswalwe (WW7»)=*i*«wealw©bat m. 'hat,' Cp,AO; M.bAt pres. 3 sg. of hatan.±h*tan (a) tr. to *Aeo<9

v £Ar,£ai : into.

oeconu Aof, GJ.

hAtoole=hfeocolebAte f. fteo*, iE,AO. [hat]

bseteru np. garments, ME. ['hater']

bAto=heta; hAts(,£L18*")=hjegte«bAtst pres. 2 sg. of hatan.b»tt=hs3t; hAtte=hatte, v. hatan.basttenda attacking, [hatian]

basttlan (e) to scalp, LL334,30,5.

bAtu (o\ e") f 'AeaV iaw-m<A, Bl,Mt,VPs;M : fervour, ardour, VHy.bA8 I. mn. 'AeatV vnftUed land,waste, Ex;Mdf : fteatter, 0J,Z«*. IL =h»oabAVa m. hot weather.

bABberle f. whortleberry, Lop.bAfeole f. name of a pant, WW.hAften I. (e) 'heathen,* heathenish, pagan,A&\ ; A0,CP. II. m. jpfttOe, forte* man(especially of the Danes), M,Mk.

bAtfena m. heathen, LkR21»hAtSeneynlng m. aeo<A«n W»0, Da 54.

bA&eneynn n. heathen race, Gkn2546.bAttendtim m. 'heathendom,

9false religion,

LL.hAtfenfeon n. heathen sacrificed Jttl53.

bAffenfole n. heathen people, W223".bAffengleld (i», y») n. idolatry : idolbAftengDda (y«) m. idolater, M.bAftenbere m. Danish army, Cms,hAtSentee 'heathenish,

9 pagan, AO.bAttennes f. heathenism, paganism, BH.{'heathenesse



bAtfenselpe m. paganism, idolatry, Mfihr(ei ['heathenship



hAttenstyro m. heathen calf (the golden calf

of the Israelites), PPs 105".

bAtteld m. heath-land, Bo34".hStiiht heathy, KC.bAVln-=hs3oen-bAtistapaf m. heath-stalker, wolf, stag.

[stsppan]bAtfung f. heating, MR 1-286. [h*tnng]hAwen (e) blue, purple, azure.bAwengreneeerufean, WW379*hAwenhydele f. a plant, Lod.bafa, imperat. of nabban ; hafast, hafa©=»

hafst, h»f5 pres. 2 and 3 sg. of nabban.-bata v. wan-h. hafala=h&felahalastu= hafast onhafecere m. 'hawker,

9 LL.hafeUt (ea) m. head.

halelest=hafenleasthafen pp. of hebban.hafenlanf to hold, grasp, [hebban]hafenlias destitute, needy, poor, MyWW.I'haveless

9', hafen]

hafenleast f. want, poverty, M.h&fern=hftfernhafetlan (i1) to clap, flap, M.bafoe (ea) m. 'hawk,' 0ST,Wyrd\

hafooeynn n. hawk-tribe, M.hafooere m. hawker, WW235*.hafoclugel m. hawk, LL(1621»).

hafoewyrt t a plant, Lon.nafDla=hafela; -hafol(nss) v. wan-h.hafuc=hafoohafudland (WW147u)=heafodlandhaga I. m. hedge, enclosure, curtilage, WW;Mdf : fortified enclosure, B : homestead,house, CL ['haw'] II. m. 'haw,

9 WW204* : trifle, WW 138"; 269s.

hagal^hagolhaga«orn=hagut$oni; hage-=hago-+haglan (impers.) to please, suit, gif him(nine) td o»m +hagige if he can affordit

hago- v. also hs*g-.

bagol (S31, e1, a1

, e«) m. 'hail,9 M,QentMet,

Ph : hail shower, Bo : name ofthe runefor h.hagolfaru (hsgl-) f. hailstorm, Wi.105.hagoUan to 'hail,

9 AO (-gal-).

hagobcar m. hail-shower.

hagoistan m. 'hailstone,9 M.

hagoron (ea) f. spell, NabSO1*.

hagosplnd (ea) n. cheek, [haga]hagosteald L (hsjg-, heh-) unmarried, in-

dependent. II. m. unmarried man attached

to a court, bachelor, young man, warrior,

liege man. [Oer. hagestolz] III. n. celi-

bacy, Rd21". IV. (heh-) virgin, LL,NG.hagostealdhad (h»g-) m. unmarried state.

bagostealdlto (heh-) virgin, DR661.

hagoetealdmonn m. bachelor, warrior.

hagostealdnes (heh-) f. virginity, N.hagu- = hago-haguflorn (S31) m. 'hawthorn,

9 Gl,Mt,Lcd.ha ha interj. 'haI ha!

9 MQr.hal=heal; hal-=heal(h)-; bil-=haM-dbhil 'hale,


9entire, uninjured,

healthy, well, sound, safe, genuine, straight-

forward, Lcd,Mt; M,CP. wee on h., h.

westu, h. beo on hail/

bilbAre wholesome, salutary.

halo(OET489)=healhhftlag, haleg-=halig9 halg-

halattan (fe) to greet, hail, salute.

halettend m. middlefinger (used in saluting),

WW.halettung f. greeting, salutation.

halfsBSt piousf healthy? RB 72*.

hilga I. wk. form of adj. halig. II. m.saint, M,Ct. ['hallow



haJgawarai=haligwarasihalgUn to 'hallow,

9sanctify, M,Jn :

consecrate, dedicate, ordain, BH,Bl,Chr;M : reverence, ^Hy : keep holy, Bl.

+halglgend m. sanctifier, DHy64*.±halgung f. 'hallowing,

9consecration, BH.

bUgungbde f. benedictional, NC299.halgungram m. consecrated ram, M.biU-=halig-hallg 'holy,

9consecrated, sacred, A,Lk :

venerated, JB,G,VPs : godly, saintly, CP,Mk. as sb. what is holy, MtL. adv. -lioe.

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hftUgan 1. to heal up, get well, CP. IL«

hftllgdag m. holy day, Sabbath, MkLJL.['holiday']

haUgddm m. holiness, righteousness, sanctity,

JB ; CP : holy place, sanctuary, chapel, M :

relics, holy things, LL : holy office, GP611.



haligdomhOs m. 'sacrarium, 1 CM 818.hallgern n. holy place, sanctuary.

haHgm6natt m. (holy month), September.hiUgnw f. 'holiness,' sanctity, religion, El,

Ps; M : holy place, sanctuary, CP,W : holything, relic

hallgportto m. sanctuary, CJVPs.hillg-rift, -ryft, -reft f. veil, M.haUgw&cea m. vigil-keeper, LL (224s7 ).

hillgw»t«r n. 'ftofy water/ JJff.

hallg-waras, -ware mp. aatnto, N.haUgweore n. amctoary, APs737


halm=healmbilorf n ? salvation, [hfill

halp=healp pret. 3 sg. of helpan.haJs-=heal8-; hals-=h&]B-bftls I salvation, Cb687?habere =h£lserehatagang (WW 190") = healegundhaJsian (±) (Sa) to adjure, call up, convoke,

CP,Mt,OST,VPs : exorcise, LL. [v.

'halse9 and also h&lrian, healuan]

halslgend I. m. exorcist, M. IL = h&Isigendnalstan=healBtanhalsung f. exorcism, LL. [v. 'halsing


](v. also halsung and healaung.)

halswurtfung f. (Aanbowtn? /or safety,

Ex 681. [hals]

halMhealt; hal« = heald II.

halwenda m. Saviour, M.halwende healing, healthful, salutary, M,CP : sanctifying, M.

halwendllc salutary, wholesome, adv. -lice,

iE,CP.h&lwendnee f. salubrity, BH28*.halwynde= halwendeham L m? under-garment ('subucula,


OEG), WW. ['Acme 1

] II.=hammham I. m. da. ham 'home,

9dwelling, house,

Bl,Jn,LL; AO : manor, eriate, hamlet, M,BH,Mt. II. adv. 'Aorae/ Aomttoord*,

Chr,Jn;M. III. 'cauterium,9 A30-258;

33 390.

hama m. covering, dress, garment : womb,'puerperium, 9

v. OEG : ffotfo* o/ a mafce,

NC299 : bridle? Lod3-42" (A30-267).hama m. cricket, WW. [Qer. heimohen]hametttt familiar, NG.hameyme m. home-coming, return, M.['homecome 9


hamele f. rowlock (only in phr. at Stare

hamelan for every oar, Le. rower, Chb1039x). [ON. haznla; . also ha]

hamellan to hamstring, mutilate, Chr.



hamer= hamor; -hamer v. clod-h.

0. H.

ihamettan to fcnue serfs, Ct,LL.hamterelt n. ootH? home, AO 146".hamtett resident, settled in or owning ahouse, M.himfaru f. attack of an enemy in his house,

housebreaking : finefor housebreaking, [v.

LL2-504]hamhenn f. domestic fowl, Lon92a.+hamtan to establish in a hornet JnL p 188f.hamliat homeless, Rd40».hamm I. m. piece of pasture land, enclosure,

dwelling, Ct;&L;fcdl. Vham 9

] II. f.

'ham* {part of leg), Lcd,WW; M.+hammen studded with nails (of shoes)?

GD37"-hamod . +fioer-h.

hamola (o1 ) mutilated person? ANS98-127.tO hamolan beeoiran to shave the beard off(as insult), LL68,35,3.

hamor (o1, e1) m. 'hammer, 9 Jul,WW.hamorlan (amer-) to beat out,forge, GPH396.hamortecg m. hammer-sedge, Lod.hamorwyrt f. black hellebore, waU-peUitory,Xerfl-374. ['hammerwort 9

]hamsclr f. aedUeship, Gl.-hamseyld . riht-h.

hamslUend m. home-possessor,

hamslttende living at home.hamsffi m. return home, HL10m.

hamsffllan to return home, WW118"hamadcn f. offence of attacking a man in his

own house, LL : the franchise of holding

pleas of this offence ana receiving the penal-

ties for it : the penalty itself, Ct. ['hame-sucken



hamateall m. homestead, Ct. ['homestaU9


hamstede m. 'homestead,9 Ct

hamule (Chb 1039i) = hamelehamur=hamorhamweard homewards, towards home, on the

way home, Chr ; M. ['homeward ']

hamweardes adv. 'homewards,9Chr.

himweortfang f. ornament ofa home, B2998.hamwerod (eoa, a8) n. household, BH191*.h&mwerd (;E)=hamweardhamwyrt f. house-leek, Led, ['homewort



nan f. (boundary-)stone, BC. [' hone ']

nana m. cock, M. [Qer. hahnjhanaaang m. cock-crow, MH41*.

hanerftd (©) m. cock-crow, M. [or&wan]haneredtU (ol) I. time of cock-crow, WW413".

(o) f. (gd*. handa) 'hand,9 Jn,VPs,

WW;AO,CP^. brad h. palm, on h.

gan to yield, on h. eyllan to give a pledge :

side (in defining position), M. switSre,

winstre h. right, left, hand, on gehwnoereh. on both sides : power, control, possession,

charge, Ps,RB. on h. agiefan, t5 handaUetan to hand over (to), on handa aellan

promise, bargain, to handa healdan hold

(land) ofanother, on handa settan entrust,

commit : agency, Ps, VPs : person regardedas holder or receiver of something. I


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221"f. 'dextralis,

9 a kind of axe, WWl (ea«, a1) to lament, NG.

handbanaf m. slayer by hand, B.handbell f. 'handieU,' Ouhandbde f. 'handbook/ manual, LL,WW.handbona=handbanahandbred n. palm of the hand, breadth of the

hand, ML.handcla* n. towel, JE. ['handcloth']

handoops m. handcuff, manacle.handeroft m. manual skill, power of the

hand, handicraft, JS,LL. {'handcraft']handcwyrn f. hand-mill, M. [oweorn]handiUMa m. doer with his own hand, LL.handele=handle+handtastan to betroth.

handfmtnung (e1) f. joining hands in con-

firmation of a pledge, WW.handfull nf.

•handful, ' EpJsPs.

handgang m. imposition ofhands : surrender."—-——, m. companion in labour, ML

handgemdtf n. battle, B.handgeaoeaft f. handiwork, Gxn455.handgesella (o1) m. companion, B1481.handgeeteallat m. companion, B.handgeswlng n. blow, stroke, El 115.

handgeweaM n. power, possession, PPs 106*°.

handgeweore n. *handiwork, \creation,JEJPs.handgewlnn n. manual labour, work,struggle, contest.

handgewrlt n. handwriting, agreement, deed.

handgewrttten woven by hand, B1937.[written]

handglft f. wedding present, fHy 10".handgong


handganghandgrtpe m. 'hand-grip,' £965?handgittt n. peace, protection given by the

king's hand, LL (v. 2-494). [Thandgrtth']

handhabbend red-handed (thief), LL 172[6].handhaf m? n? burden, LkL 11M.

handbamur m.


hand-hammer, ' WW44SKhandhnegl n. napkin, towel,WW 1271


bandhrlne m. touch, An 1022.handhwn f. instant, JE. ['handwhile']handle tl 'handle,' Cp.handleanf n. requital, recompense.handleng(u) f . a hand's length, IM 124w .

ihandlian to 'handle, 'feel, Led; Mi discuss,

A 8-304; 308.handBn n. hand -cloth, napkin.handllnga adv. by hand, iELllM7 : hand to

hand, at close quarters, JE. ['handlings ']

handloeent joined together by hand.handlung f. 'handling,' M.handmagent n. bodily strength,

handmltta=anmittahandnagl m. finger-nail, Lod 125a.

handplegaf m. fight, battle.

handpreost m. domestic chaplain, M.handrfis m. onrush, attack, B2072.handrol famed for strength, Ex 247.handsealu=handacolu

handsooluf f. retinue, B.handseyldlg condemned to lose a hand, LL471[13,1].

handieald given personally (by the king), LL637[12].

bandseaz n. dirk, dagger, M.handielen 'mandpafio,' WW449*.handseten f. attestation, signature, ratifica-

tion, Cthandiez=handaBax; handilyht=andslyhthanduntBll m. blow with the hand, 'alapa,'

JnLRlO*.handspltel m. hand-shovel, spade,

handsporu f. claw, finger, B986.handstoe n. cuff, sleeve, v. ES38-352.

handswigefloe adv. similarly, RB. [and-]handswyle m. swelling on the hand, WW205M.

handtam tamed by hand, MLS*.handttegn m. retainer, servant.

handtfwealn. washing of the hands,WW 140*.

bandweore n. handiwork, Rd,LL. ['hand-work']handworbt made with hands.handwundor n. marvel ofhandiwork, B2768.handwynn (o) m. a kind of insect, Cp,WW.['handworm']handwynt f. wrist, WW. ['handwrist']

+hange (o) disposed, inclined to, Roc 42.

hangelle L appendix, Rd45c.

hangen pp. of hdn.hanglan (±) (intr.) to 'hang,' be hanged, JE\CP : depend, rest on, JS:(tr.) hang, suspend,JBtLcd.

hangra m. hanger, wooded slope, Mdf


hangrAd? (ES 39-348) =hancredhangwlte? n. penalty for miscarriage ofjustice, EC. [v. 'hangwite']

bar I. 'hoar,' An : hoary, grey, old, B,Jud,Met,Wa. II.=hftr

hara m. 'hare,' Ep;Mharanhlge hare's foot (plant), Lod.haranspeocel viper's bugloss, WW299*.hiranwyrt= harewyrtharasteorra m. dogstar,WW 198M.

hard =heard; hirehane=harhunehlre-wyrt, haran- (Lcd) f. a plant,


casia,' WW1358.

harhone f. horehound.hirlan to become hoary or grey, J£,8hr.['hoar']

hirnas f. hoariness, WW. ['hoarness ']

hirung f. hoariness, age, j9£Gb295".harwelle, harwenge (M) hoary, grey-haired.harwengnes f. hoariness, old age, WW198*1.baa 'hoarse,' WW.hieata m. oarsman, rower, Chb 1052s. [ha]hasewa=haswa wk. form of haeu.haihrTm»n to sound harshly.

hasten to be or become 'hoarse, ' JE.

haslbnutu (WW


=hmelhnatnhaenes f. 'hoarseness,' WW-, M.haesue m. coarse grass, KC. rhassock']haeswtge sounding hoarsely, GFH391.

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hasut (ea) dusky, grey, ashen.hasting grey, ashen, Kd 121.

haiupad grey-coated, fCHB937.haawlgfetSref grey-feathered.bit [862] I. 'hot,


flaming, Qujjcd; M,CP,AO : fervent, excited, Bl : intense, violent,

An,QuJ>h : inspiring? attractive? Skit64.II. n. heat, fire. III. (±, not + in N) n.promise, void, LkL;CP.+hata m. enemy, WW393*.±hltan» active pret. he(h)t, h$(h)ton;passive pret. (origly. pree.) h&tte (CP,Mt)to command, direct, bid, order, Mfit :

summon, Dan : vow, promise, Jul : (w.nom. =voo.) name, caU, AO;CP:be caUed,M. f'hight']

hite adv. forty,fervidly, AB. ['hot']

hitheort (y«) I. n. anger, rage. Ih (±)wrathful, furious, passionate, M,CP :

ardent, whole-hearted, adv. -lloe.

hitheorte f. =hatheort I.

+hitheortlan to become angry.bitt&eortnes f. rage, fury, mania, M,CB z

zeal, fervour.

±hathiertan (i, y) to become angry, CP.htthlge m. anger, PPs897

. [hyge]bltbort (KGl) =hatheorthat-tan, -igan to 'hate,' treat as an enemy,CP,SL

hittan to be or get 'hot,' VPs.hattgend m. enemy, &Qn206*.hatigende becoming hot, Lod.hatigendllc hateful, MLZ*».+hAtland n. promised land, BH346*.hatol hostile, bitter, AB,WW(KQl). V hotel



op. hetol]

hitte v. hatan.hattefagol ab. hedgehog, APsl03a (op.


hatung f. haired, LPs; M. ['hating']hitung f. heating, inflammation, Lod.hitwende hot, burning, Ex 74.

+hattarlan =heaoorianhafelftfa m. elbow, Lod99a.-hawe v. earfoC-h.hawere m. spectator, CP229".±hawlan to gaze on, view, look at, notice,

M,CP.hiwung f. observation, AS.hi m., heo t, hit xl (pen. pron.) 'he, ' she, it


pl.they: (reflex.pron. ) himself,herself,itself.

hfe I. np. and nam. (wk.) of heah adj.

IL =heah adv. III. = hie, hi, nap. of h*.

h*a-= heah- ; heador= heatforhftador, hSadeor^heahdSorhiaf m. mourning, lamentation, wailing, AO.[-hoof]

hlafd-=heafod-heatdlan to behead.

heated =heafod; heafela=hafelahtanan (,ffi)=heofian

hteflle sad, grievous, Bl123*.heafo (B2478) nap. of h»f.heafoc=hafoo

heafod n. g». besides 'head,9 JBJnB,VPs.

heafdee botian to forfeit life : top, OET :

source, origin : chief, leader, CPfihr :

capital (city), AO.MafodflBoer (afn) m. chieffield. WW 147".hiafodAdre f. cephalic vein, Lod96b.hftafodbftn n. skull, Lod.hiafodbeag m. crown, Bo 112n.

hiafodbend m. diadem, crown : head-bond,fetter about the head, M.heafodbeorg f. helmet, B 1030.hiafodbeorht with a splendid, shining head,Bd20>.

hiafodblfoop m. high priest, M.htafodbolla m. skullhtatodbobter n. piUow.hiafodbotl n. ancestral seat, Ct.

heaiodburh f. chief city, M^O.heafodcla* n. head-doth, head-dress, WW;ML. ['headcloth



htafodcwlde m. important saying, LL :

chapter, DR.heafodcyrice f. cathedral, LL.htefodeee m. headache, M.healodfrsBtennes (e») t hairpin, ornamentfor the hair, WW.healod-gemsBcea, -gemaea (GP) m. mate,companion, fellow-servant.

hiafodgerlm n. number by heads, greatest

number, Jud309.htafodgetel n. cardinal number, iEGB283l.

htafodgewMe n. face-covering, veil, M,W.hiafodgllt m. deadly sin, capital offence, LL380[2J.

healodglmmf m. head's gem, eye.

heafodgold n. crown, PPs,W.htafodhAr n. hair of the head, WW.heafodhebba m. beginning, A8-304 : primemover, ML23»*.

htafodhnegl (us) n. head-dress, So74*.htafodhifeffa f. scurfiness of the head, Lod85b.

htafodlht (e») with a head or tuft.

htafodleahter m. capital crime, deadly sin,

M.heafodleaa 'headless,' WW; M.hiafodUe capital, deadly (crime), Bl.


htafodllng m. equal,feUow-servant,MtL(ud).['headling']

htafodlond n. strip of land in a field, leftforturning a plough, Ct ; WW. ['headland']

heaiod-m&gt, -magaj m. near blood-


htafodmann m. 'head-man,' leader, captain,

WW;Mhiafodmynster n. church, cathedral.

htafodpanne f. skull, ML ['headpan']

hiafodport m. chief town, Chb1086.htafodrlee n. empire, A068n .

htafodair m. pain in the head, Lod.htafodalenf t (eyesight), eye.

htafodslsege (a*) m. head of a pillar, WW3761*.


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'capitium,9part of a woman 9


Areas, WW276" ; 369".hialadstada m. chief place, AO : high place,

emend place, LL470[3,5].healodstdl m. capital, AO.haafodstow t place for the head, BH324*.haafodsw&na m. dizziness, Gee 1668.tatafodf^n= heafodfllen

haafodaynn (a*) f. deadly sin, W290*.haafodVwftal n. washing of the head, WW146*.

haalodwa&rc m. pain in the head, Led; WW.['headword]

h**Jotoe9ril.LwatehovertheheadrB2M9ibody-guard, LL444[1]. ['headword*] ILm. chief protector, leader. III. f. chapter.

htafodwlnd m. chief wind (E, 8, W or Nwind), LOD3-274.

htafodwbaf m. chief, director.

hiafodwdtt f. voice, BdO*.haafodwund f. wound in the head, LL20[44].htafodwylm m. tears, El 1133 : burningpainin the head.

hiafodwyrhta m. chief workman, iEH2-530.

haafola=haiela; hiafra =heahforehaaJaang m. dirge,WW430". [heofan]

haafu (B1862) nap. of h*f.haafua(VPs)=haIoo; haalud=heafodh*ag>=Uieah; haaga-=hago-haaga(i«)==h©ahadv.haago- = hago-, hagu- ; haagum v. heah.haah I. (e) gam. fifes, asm. hean(n)e, gp.haar(r)a, dp. heagum, heam, oomp. hierra

(S, eah, ie, y) ; sap. hiebst (ea, e, y) *high,9

tall, lofty, M,BH&cd, VPs, etc. : high-class,

exalted, sublime, illustrious, important, CP,VPs : proud, haughty : deep : right (hand).

II. adv. 'high,9

aloft, JBOr.haanattare m. high altar, W.haahbaorg m. mountain, PPs944


htahbftaaop m. archbishop, pontiff : (Jewish)high priest, HL10*».

haaHblias f. exultation, PPsll8lu.

haahboda m. archangel, Gr295.haanburg f. chief city, metropolis : (f) townon an eminence.

htahaasara m. emperor, tHy7*.htahelaofa m. principal chamber.htah-ellf n. nap. -cleofu high cliff.

haaftmft m. high shiU, Rd36*.haancroftlga m. architect.

haaheynlngt m. high king, Ood.haahdaor n. stag, deer.

haandeorhund (haador-) m. stag-hound.haahdeorhunta m. stag-hunter, Ct.

haahdlanon m. archdeacon.

haah-aald* superl. -yldest (CM 36) excellent,


hfiah-aaldor ,-ealdormannm. ruler,patrician.

haahangal m. archangel, M.haahfaader m. patriarch, M,CP : Ood.htantest permanent, immutable, Wn> 143.

htahfaastan n. fortified town, city.

haahflod m. deep water, high tide.

haahfore f. 'heifer,' M#H,WW.haahfrfet m. high lord.

htahfraols m. greatfestival, LL344[47],h*e±STbo\9as*gm.greatfeast <foy,LL262[25].htahfraoWU f. great festival, LL252[22,2].htahfru (WW)= heahfore

haahtyr n. towering flame, Whale22.

haangAst m. Holy Ohost, Ce868.haahgaaldor n. charm, PPs674


haahgerala m. high sheriff, chief officer, pro-consul, prefect, M.haahgaaamnung I. principal synagogue,Mk5».

haahgesosaft f. noble creature, Gen4.

haahgaaoaap n. fate, B3084.haahgsatrftant n. rich treasure.

haahgatimbrad high-built, Sat29.

hiahgettmbrut npL lofty edifice.

haahgaffirlng n. whelming flood, Rd4ot.

haahgatfungan=h&ahoungenhaahgeweorc n. excellent work.

htangnornungt f. deep grief.

haahgod m. Most High, Ood, PPs 66».

haabgrsatt carved in bas-relief, WW348*.hiahbid m. holy orders, LL(334<).haahhalm loftily crested, ZDA33-238.haahhaoloda (en-) f. elecampane, LoD28b.haahhaort proud, Da540.

haabhllVt n. high hilL

haahhwlolod (a*) having high wheels, WW140".

heahhylte n? high wood? Ct.

haahhyrde m. archimandrite, head abbot,

OEG910.haahhyrne=aaghyraehaahlaacs m. learned physician, MH.haahlandt n. mountainous country.

haahttraow m. head teacher, WW.haaldaaa=haahla3oeheahlaornere n. high teacher, master, OEG910.


htahlutat f. great love.

haahmeegen n. great force : power, virtue,

ML.haanmaassa f. high mass.haanmauaadaag m. high-mass day, NC300.htanmlht} f. high authority, great might,

heanmodt high spirited, exultant : proud,haughty.

htahmMnas f. pride, CP3011.

haahmunt m. mountain.haahnama m. most exalted name, tHy7u.

htehnas (J5)=heanes; htahra v. heab.haanraoadt n. high building, temple.

haahrodor m. high heaven, Gen 151.

haahrun =hagorunhtehaioard m. high or chief priest.

haahsfilt 1 great happiness.haahsfifltof T m. chief pirate, WW.haahaangara m. chief singer, BH314*.haahseaafta m. chief pirate, OEG8**.[scaCa]

haatasefewera (e1) m. 'pontifex,9 DR21*.

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htahtefreman (e1) m.•procurator,' DR1939


htehseld n. rostrum, throne.

hftahsele m. high hall, B647.heahsetl n. exalted seat, throne, judgment-seat, JlJnL(e*). [v. 'Mttfe'T

h«ahaomnung(MkL; ^)=hihtahstfop very high, Gin2839.htahstede m. high place, B286.htahstefnf having a high prow.hftahsMt m. highway, Ct. ['high street



heahtrtrengtfu f. strength, PPS1077.

heahsunne (3*) very *in/uZ,MkR2lf.

htehsynn f. deadly sin, crime.

htahttd f. /*rf>wJ, Aoty day, LL. [*A*jft


htehtlmber m. lofty building, Chu46.htehtrtew f. solemn compact, Ex 388.heahftearf f. great need, PPsll7.heahftegen m. chief officer, captain, M :

apostle, M : angel.

heahftegnung f. importantfunction, Ex96.

htahtttod (S1 ) f. preo* jieopfe.

heahttrte m. frea* terror, Gxh2645.htehttrymm} m., hSahtfrymneat f. great

h«Z$ut=fceh«uhtehttangen o/ AipA ron^, flfartriottJ, AO.htahwtefod n. At?A altar, WW186n.

htehweoro=hSahgeweorchfehwlta m. high councillor, Ghb1009.heahyldest v. heaheald.heal = (l)healh; (2) heall I.

tateI(BL)=h&lheala m. hydrocele, CP66».heatern n. hall building, B78.healdI.n.j>rota^,C7Arl03ft;XC. ['AoW*;«hie)d] II. sloping, inclined, bent+heald = +hieldheaMan7 (a) (±) (tr. and intr.) to 'hold


('t-Aa&T), contain, holdfast, grasp\ retain,

possesf, inhabit, Mfihr ; CP. t5 nanda b.

hold (land, etc) of another : (±) euro, re-

train, rule, reign, Chr,CP :(±) keep, guard,preserve, foster, cherish, defend, M,Bl,Mt,Ps; AO : withhold, lock up : maintain, up-hold, support, M,LL : regard, observe, fulfil,

do, practise, Bl\M*. take caret CP : celebrate,

hold (festival) : hoJd out (intr. ), last. ongEanh. resist : proceed, go : treat, behave to, bear


+heaMdagas mp. kalends, WW 176*.+heaMe contentedf careful? v. MF162.healdend m. protector, guardian, ruler, king,

lord, God.+heaMendgeorn continent, DR45"?(a1


heeldiend lcustodiens,

9 EPslM'.±healdnes f. keeping, observance, BH :

guard, watch, APs38*.heaWsum (hal-) sufficient, ANS 129*26.

+healdsum provident, economical, frugal,

CP : chaste, continent, ML.±healdsumnes t keeping, observance, de-

votion, M i custody, preservation : conti-


+healdung f. keeping.

hialtee (GL)=h$ahlfcoehialede suffering from hydrocele, ruptured,CP.

healf (a) I. adj. 'half,1 A,Ct,JudyLcd; M,

AO. tiridde h., etc. -t%oo and a half, etc.

[Oer. drittehalb] 11. (a) f. half, AS,0,Chr :

side, Ql(*),Mt,Cti M,AO : part, CP.healfel*med half-plastered, HL17"7


heaJfelungen (a?) half-withered, Cp265s.healfotyplgende adj. semi-vowel, iSGn.healf-cwle, -oucu half dead, AO.CP.healfdead half-dead,ljCD.healfeald (a1 ) half-grown, LoD92a.healfftte lame, OPH396.hwUffreo half-free, W171«e.heatfhir somewhat hoary, A 8*449healfhiafod n. front part of the head, MOr74«.

healfhrOh half-rough, WW 152".heatthundlng m. cynocephalus, Nab.heaUhwtt somewhat white, WW 163'.

heallhjd half a hide (of land), LL460[7,1].heaJfmann m. 'halfman,

9 JEOr21.healfnmro halfa mark (v. maro).healfpenlgwurtf n. halfpenny-worth, LL,W.healfriad reddish, WW 149*.healfwyMlg partially guilty, ZDA31-23*heal&eeterm. half a 'sester

9(measure of

bulk), WW444'. [L. sextariup]

hemtblnewealt semicircular,WW 179".healfelApende half-asleep, LV3; MH1381


healfMMlen half-cooked.

heaffler=halftethealftryndel n. hemisphere,WW 140T.

healfunga to a certain extent, partially, im-perfectly, M,CP.healfwudu m. field-balm, LcD44b.healgamen m. social enjoyment, B 1066.

healglan =balgianhealh m. (?n. at LHy6»x

) (nap. halae)corner, nook, secret place., CP,Outh,WW :

corner of land left by the stream in a river

valley, Ct (v. Mdf). ['Aafe']

healhlhte having many angles, OEG121.hftallc («) high, elevated, exalted, lofty,

sublime, JS; CP : deep, profound, intense,

iE,CP : lordly, noble, great, illustrious, dis-

tinguished, J$;CP : proud, hauqhty •

egregious, heinous, W. adv. -Hoe highly,

aloft, JB : in or to high position or rank,

loftily, BH : intensely, very, BL ['highly']

htallenes t. sublimity, majesty, M.heall I. f.

lhall,' dwelling, house, B,Mt;M$

CP. II.=healh. IIL rock, OEG41 11.

healUe palatial.

heallreai n. wall-tapestry, Ctheallwihrlft n. wall-tapestry, Ct.

heahn I. (a, ») m. 'haulm,' stalk, straw,

Lcd,MtL,VPs : 'culmen, 9thatched roof?

land? LL116[61]. II.=helmheahnstrtaw n. stubble, SPs82-«.healoe=holohealp pret. 3 ag. of helpan.

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healreoed n. haU-building, B68.healf (a) m. neck, Oen : prow of a ship.

['halse'; Oer. hals]

healfbeagf m. collar, necklace.

healsbeorg f. neck-armour, OEG.htolsbbcL phylactery, Q. [bale]

heelsbrynlge cor«fel, v. 0£Q2«U.

healstett adj. cm a «2aroe, Gsn2238.healffang n. JSne prescribed in substitution

for capital and other punishments, preferen-

tial share of the 'wergeld,' LL (v. 2-489).


heeJagebedda i beloved bedfellow, consort,

wife, B63.healsgund (a1 ) m. neck-tumour, Lod,WW.healflan to entreat earnestly, beseech, implore,

AO.CP. [v. also h&Luan, hftlaian]

healflendlte (a) that may be intreated, SPs89u. adv. -lice importunately.

heabtttendt m. sitter in hall.

healileter n. reins, OET522.healsmngeV f. beloved maid, Gut2155.heeJsmyne m. necklace, M. [mene]hamtood (a1 ; e*) mn. head-cloth.

heaJaome f. neck-tumour, LoDl32b.heabrefeter (a1) t.feathers ofa pillow, down,Rd41". [cp. OuQ. halaare *cervical']

heala-eood, -ed=heaJaodhealstAn (a) m. small cake, WW.healfung t prayer, supplication, conjuring,entreaty, [v. 'halse' and also hakung andhfilflungl

healfunggebed (a) n. litany.

healsungttma (a) m. time of supplication,

NC299.haaJswasre m. pain in the neck, Lod 113a.healfwrlfta m. necklace, Rd54


healfwyrt (a) f. a plant, daffodilf 'epicurium,auris leporis,

9 Lcd,WW;ORQ. ['hals-


healt (eo) 'halt,' limping, lame, AO.healt- =heald-healtlan to 'halt,' limp, CP,VPs(u)\M :

hesitate, ^L18M :faU away, BH.healtfegnf m. hall-officer.

healwudu m. woodwork of hall, B 1317.htem v. heah.hiam-ol, -nl miserly, frugal, Cp.heamolscipe m. miserliness, NC300.haan I, lowly, despised, poor, mean, abject,

B,VPs; M,AO. ['hean'] adv. hftane.

II. v. hftah. III. (-h) to raise, exalt, extol,

BH. [-*hlenf hjn; 'high']

heanes f. 'highness/ A(hteh-),CP : some-thing high, high place, height, Jft(heah-),

VPs. on heaniesnm tn the highest, 'inexcelsis,' M : excellence, sublimity, CP :

high rank.heanhad m. difficulty, WW.htenttc ignominious, abject, poor, AO. adv.-Hoe.

haanmddt downcast, depressed, sad.

heannes I. (e) t treading down, NG. IL-heanet

heanspedlg poor, Cra 26.

heap ml. (of things) 'heap,' Cp,CP : host,crowd, assembly, company, troop, band, Bl;J£,CP.±heaplan to 'heap ' up, collect, bring together,

accumulate, Lk.heapmAlum adv. by companies, in troops,

flocks, JS,CP; AO. ['heapmeal']heapum adv. tn heaps, in troops.

heapung f. heap, BH. ['heaping']hear-(N)=heorheera=heahra (v. heah)haaronung= heoronnngheard (a) 'hardy* harsh, severe, stem, cruel(things and persons), B,Bl,Cr,Mt,Lcd :

strong, intense, vigorous, violent, B,Bl :

hardy, bold, B;AO.heardowide m. harsh speech, abuse (or

T hearmowide), Cb1444.hearde adv. 'hard,' hardly, firmly, veryseverely, strictly, vehemently,A : exceeding-ly, greatly, M.

heardeog I.f sharp of edge. II. f. sword,El768.

heerdhara m. a fish, mullett Cp.heardhfew chisel. Cp408c.heardheort hard-hearted, M : stubborn,obstinate, M.

heardheortnes f. hard-heartednes*, M,CP.haardhlcgendet brave.

±heardlan to be or become hard, Led : harden,Led. ['hard']

haardlngt m. bold man, hero.

heardlie severe, harsh, terrible : excessive.

adv. -lice harshly, resolutely, severely,

sternly : stoutly, bravely, M : excessively :

hardly ('paulatim,' 'tractim'), ES42-174.heardlienas f. austerity.

heardmod brave, bold, over-confident, M i

obstinate, MLW".heardmodnes f. obstinacy, MRV2521*.

heardnebba m. raven, <£H2-144U.

heardnas i. 'hardness, ' Bp,Mt^cdJtB.haardra (OEG) =heardharahaardrAd firm, constant, Gs*2348.heardeMIg unfortunate, unhappy.heardsAlnes f. calamity, AO 104".heardsMf f . hard lot, calamity, unhappiness :

misconduct, wickedness, CP.heardwendllee strictly, BH365".hearg(»,e)nap.heargat, em. temple, altar,sanctuary, idol, AO,CP : grovef A* 110.

heargeard (herb-) m. dwelling in the woods.Wit 15.

hearglle (h) idolatrous, WW236'.

heergtresf (»*) n. idol-temple, B 175.heargweard m. temple-warden, priest(herig-), Air 1126.

hearhMhearghearm (e) h m. damage, 'harm,' injury, evil,

affliction, B,Oen; M,CP : grief, pain, Oen :

insult, calumny. II. adj. harmful, malig-nant, eviL


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hearma m. shrew-mouse? weasel? OET (Cp666). [OHG. harmo]

hearmaeoinnen made of weasel shins? Chb1076D.

hearmberg (») m. grave, Bums Casket.hearmowalu f. great suffering, Cb1609.heanneweodellan (VPs)wv.«hearmowe&anheannewetfan* to speak evil of, revile, NO.hearmewetfend (e1) m. slanderer, JPs714


hearmowlddlan to calumniate. Bo.hearmowldef m. calumny, blasphemy :

heavy sentence, curse.

hearmowldol evil-speaking, slanderous, &.hearmewldollan (eo», e») to calumniate,Psll81M.

hearmowldolnes f. slander, EPsU8"4.

hearmdag m. day of grief, B3153.hearmedwftt n. grievous reproach.

hearm-ful, -fullic hurtful, noxious.

-hearmgeorn v. un-h.heannheortnaa f. murmuring, complaint,

WW511*.heannlan to 'harm,' injure, M.hearmleotff n. elegy, lamentation.

heannlio harmful, grievous, M.heannloeaf m. prison : heU.

hearmplega m. fight, strife, Gen 1898.

heannaeatta m. terrible enemy, B766.heannaeearut f. affliction, punishment,penalty, [sceran]

hearmslege m. grievous blow, Cb1435.hearmaprAe f. calumny,WW 198*.

hearmataft m. harm, sorrow, tribulation.

hearmtan m. shoot of sorrow, Gsx992.hearpe (») f. 'harp,

1 JB,VPs; CP.hearpen&gel m. plectrum.

hearpere (a) m. harper, BoJ<n;M,CP.

hearpeatre f. (female) harper, WW190Vhearpeatreng m. 'harp-string,' ApT.hearptan to

lharp,' Bo; M.

hearpnraegel =hearpenggejhearpaang m. psalm, WW 129*.

hearpelege m. plectrum {instrument forstriking the harp), OEG : harp-playing.

hearpewfig m. sound of the harp, BlPsICO*.hearpung f. * harping. Bo.hearraf (», e, ie, eo) m. lord, master, Ohr(m),

Gen. ['her* ; Ger. herr]

haarra=:heahra (v. heah)hearstepanne=hieratepannehearaum= hientunheart (NG)Wheord, heorot-hearwa v. Sigel-h. ; taaaa v. heah.heasoan=hyscan; heafu=haauheatto-=hea$u- (=war)heatforf- n. restraint, confinement.

±hea$orlan (ef) to shut in, restrain, control.

heatfrym=heahttrymmheatfuhyrnet f. war-corslet.

heatfudeort bold, brave,

hemtvdrwnamtnt* fighting, El 130.

heatfafprf- n. cruelfire.healtageong young in war, Fa 2.

heattuglemm m. wound got in battle, Rd57*.

haaVugrlmt fierce.

heatJulaot n. battle-play, battle.

heatfullnd L shield of linden wood, fCHB937.

heaftuD&endet m. seafaring warrior.

hea*um*refamed in battle, B2802.heatfurAet m- onrush, attack.

heatfureaf n. war-gear, B401.haatfurlnet m. warrior,

hea&urbtf famed in war, brave.

heaftuaeeard? dinted in war, B2830? (or

? heatiuaoearp battle-sharp).

heatfuaeoe wounded, B2754.heattaaigel m. sun, Rd72w.

heattusteapt towering in battle.

heafluswatf m. blood of battle.

heattiaweng m. batOe stroke, B2581.heattutorht clear as a battle-cry, B2553.heaftuwAd f. armour, B39.heafluweorc n. battle-deed, B2892.heatSuwMg wearyfrom fighting, Wald2".beatfuwytmt (»', e») m. fierce flame.

heaum=heagam dp. of heah.

+htew n. gnashing, grinding.

heaw- =h«w- (heawi, Cp303o =hftwen)±heawanT to 'hew,' hack, strike, cleave, cut,

cut down, kill, ABJH,Chr,Jud,LL : makeby hewing, A. arftan h. to slander,W 160*.

heawen (K)=heofon-hfewara v. hrfoer-, wudu-h.-habba v. heafod-h.

dbhebban* (») pree. 3 ag. h6i, pi. hoion, pp.hafen (hafen) (wk. forma in LWS, pret.

hefde, pp. hefod) to*

heave,9raise, lift, lift

up, exalt, AB££lJ>s;CP : intr. rise9

W100'.habba =h»bbe v. habban.-habba, -nebbing v. up-h.

hebbendllc exalted, DR18114.

hebeld=hefeld; heben=heofonheber=h*efer; hebue=hafoobece=heo; haead=bacodMean n. kid, E836-332; NC357.haeg (CHE547B?)=he«ehecga-spind, -awind=nagoepindihedan I. (w. g.) to 'heed,' observe, BJLLiM : look after, care for, guard, protect, take

charge of : obtain, receive, take, M. II.—

hfdanhadelaV m. o coarse, thick, upper garment

like a chasuble, Lcd 1*346".

hUdarn (?) n. storehouse.

hSde prat. 3 sg. of began.

haden m. robe, hood, chasuble, LL.hedendlic captious, OEG3208. adv. -Hce,


hataMlan=hefeldianhefde I. (VPs) =h»fde pret. 3 sg. of habban.

II. v. hebban.hefe (m) m. weight, burden, M : 'mina,

talentum,' GPH396.hafaful severe, RB4911


hafagXhefighefeld m. weaver's beam, Gl. [v. 'htald']

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iheleldUn (a*) tofix the weft, begin the web,Gl.toleMMM m. thread (for weaving), Gl.hefelgyrd (e») f. 'liciatorium,' weaver'sshuttle, Gl.

hefe-ttc, -Uoe =hefig-lic, -HoehefenL (») f. burden, had? RB49". II.=heofon

hefeOme = hefigtimehefett pree. 3 sg. of hebban.hetglan=hefigianheflg (ib) 'Aeaey,' Met,Mt : tmporto*/, pwe,«twe, serious, A,Bl,Mt : oppressive,

grievous, PsJiL. [hebban] adv. hefige,

irheflglan to moiw Aeavy, FP# : toeigrA down,oppress, afflict, grieve, BH,CP,Mt : aggra-vate, increase : become heavy, depressed,weakened, CP,Gu. ['heavy*]

heflgllo weighty, serious, severe, burdensome,grievous, sad, M. adv. -Hoe, JB,CP,G.['heavily']

heflgmod oppressive, ERPs64«.heflgnea (») f. 'heaviness,

1weight, burden,

affliction, MtL ; GP : dulness, torpor, Bo(m).Mflgfyme (!*) grievous, severe, troublesome,oppressive, AS. [team]Mflgtfmnef f. trouble, M.Mfod wk. pp., hefB pre*. 3 sg. of hebban.hefon =heofon ; heft- =hnft-hefug=hefigu pi. of hefig, GP2851.

Mg^hieg±Mgant to perform, achieve : hold (ameeting).

hegdlg=hygdiflrhege (ea) m. 'hedge, 'fence, JB,Gl; Mdf.hegecUfe iJudge-clivers, LoD20a.hegeglan = hegianMgehymele f. hop-plant, WW3O2 .

hegel (VPb) =h»gl, hagolhegerAw f. 'hedgerow/ KG(&).lMgtT\tet.eleavers,goosegrass,Lcd\ ['hairif']

hegasahl m. hedge-stake, GD24*.hegewugge hedge-sparrow, WW. [suoga;'hayeugge']±heglan tofence in, hedge, enclose, 8c. greph. tocutagrip,U*455[lZ]. ['hay']Mgnas=heanesMgitaf m. fence, enclosure, WW205*1


hegstald- = hagsteald-Mh (VPs, N), h6h-=heah, heah-+MMn (VHy)=hean m.he he indicates laughter, MGr. ['he']

hehstald, hehstalS- =hagosteald, Legiteald-Mht pret. 3 sg. of h&tan.Mhta-hiehtta; +helge (KGL83")-+h*g©hMrta=hehsta . heah.Miweg m. highway? EC 130'.

MMhellMia (*) m. 'heel, ' JnLJjcd,OET,WW.±helan< to conceal, cover, hide, AO,VPs;CP. ['hele' ; Ger. hehlen]Mian I. (oe) to calumniate, MtR5M. II.-hfilan I.

MM L=hyld, hyMo. IL=hield——- =hieldanhsMeht tansy, Lcd,WW;M. ['held*']

II.=hyldoh»Yel subterfuge, LL(Z20"). ['hele']

hele-=helle-, ele- ; httend=hfelendMlamng= heolorung ; MM=heleCbelf-=healf-, hielf-

helfan to halve, Gp303B? (herbid).

Mlgod=heUgod; MQirfliie=heIlerane±h*XMmtoconccal,cover,hide,JBJiL. ['Me*]Mile, MUoe=heahUof healToeMU f. Hades, JS,VPs : 'heU,' infernalregions, place of torment, Gehenna, BoJIB


AO,CB,M. [helan]MUtwnd mf. bond of hell, B3072.MUenlht m. devil, demon, MLSF*.heUcrwtt m. hellish power, An 1104.MUeund of hett, W264».heUewataf f. pains of heU.heUOort n. gate of hell.

heUebealu n. heU-bale, On 1427.hellebroga m. terror of heU, LPs.hellebryne m. hell-fire, Jttd.W.hellecftgan pi. keys ofheU,MFHl2S.MUeoaall m.jaw* of hell, Air 1702.helleetnn n. hellish race, Gb 1020.helleolamm m. hell-bond, Gxn373.MUedfofolf mn. devilMUt-dorf n. y -duraf f. gate of hell.

Mltafiftr m. floor ofheU, courts of hell, Sat 70.hellefjr n. hell-fire.

Mnegftstf (»*) m- epiritofheU.Mllegeat n. gate of hell, 4SH1-288.Mllegnindt m. abyss of heU.Mltogiut m. pit of hell, GEG684.hellegryre m. horror of hell, Sat433.Mlfe-haftf, -h»ftaj, -haeftlingt m. prisonerof hell, devil.

MlleMaf m. waitings or howlings of hell,

G«N38.Mltohlnea m. heU-Umper, devil, Air 1173.[op. Ger. hinken]

Mllehund m. hell-hound, KC3-350"MUehOi n. hell-house, Gxr649.heUeMc=hellicMUeloe n. hell-prison, GD325".MUemeagen n. troop ofheU, MFH 166.Mllemere m. Stygian lake, WW.hellenft m. torments of hell, Gen 775.hellerfkne f. pythoness, sorceress, M.hellescealc m. devil, Sat 133.hellesceatta= hellseeatia

MUesiatf m. pit of hell.

hellertsl n. hell-torment, M.heilettegn (hel-)f m. devil.

hellewlte n. hell-pains, torment, M.heUewItebroga m. horror of hell-torment,W151".

hellflren f. hellish crime. Part6.

hbUtuaf bound for heU.hellgeUwlng n. confinement in hell, Gnr696.MUgod n. god of the lower world.MUMort terrified, NC301.

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heOheoto f. vault of heU, hell, 8at700 (or

T two words).heIllefeW«*,,0. r'AeKtib*]

helbeeatta m. heU-foe, devil : 'infernus.'

hell-tref, nap. -train n. devil's temple,

Ah 1693.

helltrega m. heU4orture, Gin 73.

hell-waran, -ware mp., -warn fp. dweller* inheU,M.

hellwerod n. fori o/A«ff, W.hellwlht (hel-) fn. devil, W1861


helm m. protection; defence, covering, crown,

MJLA : summit, top {of trees), jBJBo,WW ;

CP : helmet, Cp,WW : (t) protector, lord.

Vhelm']tabus m. 'helm,* rudder, Bo,Cp,WW; M.helm-bAre, -berende leafy.

helmberend m.f hekneted warrior.

drhebnian (y) to cover, crown, An : provide

with a helmet, JBQr. ['helm'; 'i-helmed']

-hehntg v. leaf-h.

helmlht Jea/y, WW396* ; 493»hehnweard (holm-) m. jrfol, Air 359.hUo=h£ln; helor=heolorhelp (y) fm.

lhelp,* succour, aid, AO,BtBl.

helpan* (w. a. or d.) tolhelp,' support,

succour, jB,CP,Ct,OXLJPs : benefit, dogood to, Lcd(intr.),LL : cure, amend, Mk.

helpef. =helphelpendm. 'helper,' Blhelpendlle auxiliary.

helrOn=hellenmahetaHna m. hellish monster, B163.helr«negu f. sorceress, witch,WW472".helspure f. heel, VPs.helt I. = hilt. II. pre*. 3 eg. of heldan.

III. (KGL)=hielt pre*. 3 eg. of healdan.heH5egn=helleCegn; helur^neolorhem m. 'hem,' border, WW1261*.

+heme? customaryf AS32M.

hemed (BC2-522') v. hemman.hemed=h£med; hime9=hfimed>

hemetfe under-garment. [Qer. hemd]hemlie {M)= hymlichemman to etopup,close,T?

1PBlW. [MHQ.hemmen]hemming m. shoe of undressed leather, WW468". ['heming'T

hen>4henn; hln=hean; hen-=hien-henan= hlenan+hendan to hold, PPs 138s. [hand]+hende near, at hand, M,Mk : handy, con-

venient, AO. adv. near, at home, M.['hend']

-hendlg v. liflt-h.

+hendnes f. neighbourhood, proximity, M.henep-hanepheng pret. 3 eg. of hfln.

hengeellf n. overhanging cliff,WW 180*.

hengen f. hanging, M : cross, M : rack, tor-

ture, St : imprisonment.hengenwltnung f. imprisonment, LL471[16].hengest, hengst m. stallion, steed, horse,

gelding, Ct,WW ; M. ['hengesT]

(enge-) n. gallows, GPH396.hengwtte n. finefor not detaining an offender,

LL496[4J.henn (») f. 'hen,' A,Mt,Lcd.henna m. fowl, LL(220").hennebelle (») f. henbane.henntagol m. hen, Ct.

hentan to pursue, attack, LL;M: (±)appro-priate, seize, Chr. Vhent, '

*i-hente '1

hentf, hentta=hyn$, h^nCu ; henu=heonaheo I. na&f. and nap. of pron. 3 pen. 'she,'

they. ILt= hfewhftodsBg adv. to-day, Grar 661. [Qer. hente]

heof I. m. wailing, mourning, grief, M^O.II. str. pret. 3 sg. of hftofan.

hfofan" (pret. h6of, h6f, heofofi) to lament,

CP.heofen=heofonhtefendlte dismal, mournful, WW. adv.-Hoe.

±heof-lan, -igian to lament, M.heoflg-=hefig-hteflgendlto mourning, lamenting, A 10*146



heofllo lamentable.

hfofod^ieafod ; heofog (BL)*»0iet1g

heofon (e) ml. (often in pi) sky, firmament,AS,Bo,VPs : 'heaven,' M,Mt : the power ofheaven, Mt,Lk.

heofon I. f. lamentation? Ex 46. II. str.

pret. pL of heofan.heofonbeaeen n. sign in the sky, Ex 107.

heofonbeorhtf heavenly bright.

heofonblggende ' Calebs, ' DHy. [ON. byg-gja]

heofonb*me f. heavenly trumpet, Cb949.heofoneandelf f. light of the heavens, sun,

moon, stars.

heofoneenned heaven-born, DHy 108*.

heofoneolu npl. heat of the sun, Ex 71.

heofonound celestial, heavenly, CP.heofoneundlle heavenly, W.heofoneyning m. king of heaven, Christ, Bl201. Vheavenking']

heofondCma m. heavenly ruler, Sat 668.heofondlloe=heofendliceheofondrtamt m. joy of heaven.

heofondugutf f. heavenly host, Ce 1666.

heofone (M,Vf) = heofonheofonengel m.| angel of heaven.

heofOnfugolf m. fowl of the air.

heofontyr n. firefrom heaven, W2621*.

heofonhallg holy and heaverify, Air 728.

heofonhimt m. heavenly home.heofonheah reaching to heaven, Da653.


heofonheail f. heavenly haU, LL(382»).heofonhlAft m- hread of heaven, manna.heofonhrof m. -fvault of heaven, heaven :

roof, ceiling.

heofonhwealft f. vault of heaven.

heofonhyrst f. ornament of the heavens,

Gen2189.heofonise (e1) heavenly, AO !•.

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HEOFONLEOHT 164 HBORDtootonltohtn. heavenly liffkt, Ax97Q. heonu (an(n)a, ane, eno, (he)ono) if, but9heofonleoma m. heavenly light, Aw 840. therefore, moreover, whether, ANS01-2O5.heotonUc'heavenly/ celestial, Bl;Lk. adv. heonun (if*)=heonon-noe, JBGr,DHv. heop (LPs67") =heap

hoofonmsBgwit n. heavenly force. haopbremel (y«) m. dog-rose, bramble, Lcd.heofonrleen. kingdom of heaven, Bl,Cr ;AO. [v.


['heavenric'] Mope L 'hip,9seed-vessel of wild-rose, Cp,

heofonsetl n. throne ofheaven, DD277. Led,WW;Mi bush, brier.faeofonstoomt m. star of heaven. hear= heorrheofonstdl m. throne ofheaven, G»r8. heora gp. of he, heo, hit.hMlonttmbwn. heavenly structure, Qxis\4A. heofan=hferanheofontorhtt very bright, glorious. heorcnian (e, y) tr. and intr. to 'hearken,*heofontungolf n. heavenly luminary. listen, JB,Guth.heofonttrtat m. heavenly company, Sat222. heorcnung f. 'hearkening/ listening, powerheofonVrymm m. heavenly glory. of hearing, JE.heofon-ware, -waran mo., -waru fp. inhabi- heard I. (e, io) f. 'herd,* flock, JS,Mt,WW


tants of heaven, A. [4heavenware'] CP : keeping, care, custody, CP. II. syca-

hA0fonwaaldend(e«) <amtonen«f

, 0£G23u. more, LkR 19«. [heorot-?] III.=hiredheofonweardt m. heaven's keeper, God. heordan pi. 'hards* (of flax), tow, Cp,WW.heolonwerod n. heavenly host, W. heorde I. (VPs)>=auerde. II. =heordheofonwlttlg divinely fair, NC301. ±heardnes f. custody, keeping, watch.hoofonwolcenf n. cloud of heaven. hoordrAdon f. custody, care, keeping, watch,hoofonwdmat m. terrible noise from heaven, ward, JSLftr1).hoofonwuldor n. heavenly glory, fHyd". +hoordun* f. guard, watch, ERPs38*.heofalUm. lamentable state, B,m4S J [hoof] htereLt (f) pleasant, secure, B: gentle, mild,hoofun=heofon pure, Gen. ['here'] II.=hierehtofung f. lamentation, mourning, M. hoorl =eorl ; heoroK&eoru ; heorod=hieredheofungdag m. day of mourning, M. hoorot m.


hart, ' stag, Bo(heort),VPs(-ut).hoofungttd f. time of mourning, M. hoorotborge f. buckthorn-berry, WW.hoolan = helan heorotbrembel m. buckthorn, Lcd.hoold pret. 3 sg. of healdan. heorotbrer f. buckthorn, LkR 17'(heart-).hooldan = healdan heorotolAfre f


» hemp agrimony.hoolforf n. gore, blood. Lcd.hooUrigf gory, bloody. beoroterop m. cluster of hartwort flowers.hoolor (e1, e", u*) f. scales, balance. heorotemeoru n. hart's grease, LoD46a.heolorbledu (©*, a*) f. the scale of a balance, hoorotsol n. stag's waUowing-place, Ct.WW427». heorr mf. hinge, B,Bo,Cp,LPs : cardinal

hoolorian to weigh, ponder, Gl. point, Lcd. ['harre']hoolonmg

(e1, e1 ) f.

*momentum, ' the turning heorra= (l)hearra; (2) heorrof a scale, WW460". hoort I. (± ) high-minded, stout-hearted, ML.

heolofteynn n. denizens of heU, Ce 1642. IL^heorot-heolotfe v. heah-h. hoortan=hiertanheotoffhelmf (») m. helmet which makes the heortancnys f.

*(com)pulsus cordis'? v. ZDA

wearer invisible. 3 1 * 13n.hoolp = healp ; hoolr-= heolor- hoortbuoe m. roebuck, WWU911


heolstor (e*) I. m. darkness, concealment, heortoolta f. heart disease, Lod66b.cover, hidina-place, retreat, [helan] II. hoorto f. heart (organ), Lcd, VPs : soul, spirit.adj. dark, shadowy, M. A#,Q,RB, VPs : will, desire, VPs : courage,

heolstoroota m. dark chamber, grave, Ph49. Gen, VPs : intellect, Mt,JnL.heobtorhof n. hell, El764. heortece m. 'heartache,' pain at the heart,heobtorlocaf m. prison, cell. Lcd.heolstor-soeadot f. v -wrawat m. concealing heorten (y) o/a fori, Lox> 1-216".shade, darkness. heortgeslda pi. entrails, M.

heolstrig shadowy, obscure, WW. heortgryre m. terror of heart, W861*.

heolt= healt heorthama m. pericardium, internal fat. M.heom dp. of hS, heo, hit. heorthogu f. heart-care, W177'.heona (LkL), heonan, FP«(io), heonane hawtlitm dispirited, DD124, W137M.

(Gen) =heonon(e) +heorUXoe adv. cheeringly, GD317".heono (NG) =heona heortlulu f. hearty love, JHy9»heonon, heonone hence,from here, away, Mt : heortecmf n. heart, DD39.from now. h. for© henceforth. heortseoe illfrom heart disease.heononsW m. departure, death, Don 86, heortwwrc m. pain at the heart, Lod.

wBk2L _. heart (e)m.'hearth,'fireplace,Gl,Az: house,

heononweard transient homc,MJ*L.«"***,

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heortf-=eor&- ^^heortfaLm.deer- (or 0oaJ-?)«&tn,WW337*.

II.(HGL483)=heordaheortfbaeen baked on the hearth, M.heorfcneoht m. attendant, CP361".heorfltest having a settled home, LL3227


heortfgonaatt m- retainer.

heortipenlng m. '

hearth-penny,9tax (for the

Church), Peter'* penny, LL (v. 2-606).

heortfewfepe f. bridesmaid, Cp701p.heortwerodf n. body of retainers.

heoruf m. sword.heorublae mortally wounded, B2488?heoruoumbul n. standard, El 107.heorudolg n. deadly wound, A*944.heonidrftorf m. sword-blood, gore.

heorudrtorigf blood-stained : dejected, crest*


heorudryne m. sword-drink, blood shed by the

sword, B2368.heorafsBttm m. deadly grasp, Ex 604.heorufla f. arrow, LPs60s.

heorugttret fierce, greedy for slaughter.

beorugrfidlgf bloodthirsty.

heorugiimmf savage, fierce.

heorubdelht with formidable hooks, savagelybarbed, B1438.

heorung =sherangheorusoearp very sharp, Bd6s


heorusoeorp n. war equipments, Hill73.

noorusereet *• coat of mail.heoruswealwe f. falcon, hawk, Wy 186.heoruswengt m. sword-stroke.

fceonit=heorotheoruwdpen n. sword, Jttd263.heoruweaUendei gushing with destruction.

heoruwearg m. bloodthirsty wolf, B 1267.heoniword n. hostile speech, FT84.

heoniwulf m. warrior, Ex 181.

Mow I. pret. 3 sg. of hfewan. IL=hiwhtew-= hlw- ; hfrowan=heofanhepllc=h»plic; her-= hear-, hier-

her I. adv. 'here,' in this place, JB,Q,VPs :

in this world, Bl,LL : at this point of time,

at this date, now, Chr,Ct : towards this place,

hither, B. II.=hftrMr-sh&r-, hler-, hjr-hirafter (f) adv. 'hereafter, ' feifer on, 4,B#.hirbeforan adv. 6e/ore, previously, W5211


FM361*.her-beufan, -biufan adv. *ere ooot*, jw«-viously, CP.

hirboendet mp. here-dweUers, dwellers onearth.

herbyrg^horebeorg ; herenlan=heorcnianhfireyme m. coming here, advent, Or260.herd=heord; herd-, herd-=hierd-, hierd-here (obL oases usu. have herg-, herig-) m.predatory band, troop, army, host, multitude,

Chr,Mt;AO,CP (*se h.' almost always-the Danish army in Chb) : battle, war,devastation, ['here


; Qer. heer]hire I. f. dignity, majesty, importance.

II. (VP8)=hfire

here-Maeen, -beacn n. military ensign,

standard : beacon, lighthouse.

here-beorg, -byre f. lodgings, quarters, NC346. [Qer. herberge]

herebeorglan to take up one's quarters, lodge,

Chb1048f. [Qer. herbergen]herebltetf cowardly, Ex 463.herebroga m. dread of war, B462.herebyme f. trumpet, sackbut.

herebyrglan= herebeorgianherebyrne f. corslet, B 1443.hereclrm m. war cry, Gu872.hereetst= hereoysthereeombol n. standard, El26?herecystf I. warlike band.+heredllc (LPs 106") =+ hierendlio

herefeldt m. battle-field, field.

herafeoh n. booty, AOU8*.hereftta m. war-troop, Gb1013.hereftyma(e)t m.fugitivefrom battle,deserter.

herefolof n. army.herefong m. osprey, WW.herefugol m. bird of prey, vulture, eagle,

Ex 161.

hareg-=herg-,heriff-heregang m. incursion, W3121


hare-goat In. gp -geat(w)e, -geat(w)a, -geatn

war-gear, military equipment, Bo,Ma :

'heriot,' CtJLL (v. 2-600).

heregeatland n. heriot-land, L220.hereglld (e, eo, y) n. war-tax, Danegeld,

Chrfit. ['heregeld']

heregrlmat m. helmet.

herehand f. violence of war, BH366n.

herehldtS f. war-host, troop, Gul042.hare-htttf, -hytf f. booty, prey, plunder, JS,

AO.herel&f t remains of a host, M : spoil, M.harolle martial, WW374*herelof mn. fame, glory, OEG.haremsBOg m. warrior, Gen 2483.

haremsBgent n. warlike force, multitude.

heremann m. soldier, LkL7s.

heremann=hieremannheremetfel n. national assembly, El660.

haranas (») f. praise*

herenett n. corslet, B1663.herenffi m. warfare, B2474.herepadf f. corslet, coat of mail.

her(e)-patf, -p»$ m. military road, highway,

v. CC46 and Mdf.hererfls m. hostile raid, W2711


herersBSwat m. commander.herertal f. war spoil, plunder, booty, M.hererinct m. warrior.

hereaoeaft m. spear, B336.harasoaorp n. war-dress, Fin46.heresffif m. warlike expedition.

herespM f. success in war, B64.Mrespel n. discourse, Cmat77.herestr&l m. arrow, B1436.herestr&t f. highway, main road, CP3769

and n (LL666,10,2).hereswflg m. martial sound, Bust 23.

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f. cor*KBl511.herettam m. plunder, devastation : predatoryexcursion.

hare-tima, -tjfrna m. army leader, general,

king, ruler.

hare-toga, -toha m. commander, general,

chieftain, JB,BH ; AO,CP. ['heretoga*


Oer. heraog]herettreaff m. war-band, droop.heretirym m. phalanx, WW411M.

herew&d f. mail, armour, B 1 897.herewftpen n. weapon, PPa34»herewaasma m. prowess, B677.herewfttfat m. warrior.hereweg m. highway, WW] 48".hereweore n. war-work, El666.herewlan=hierwanherewlc n. dwellings, camp, Bl.herewbat m. caplain, general.

herewdp m. the cry of an army, Ex460.hereword n. praise, renown, GHBl009r.herewdsaf m. warrior.

herewulf m. warrior, Gen2015.herewurd (HGL423)=herewordhertest=h»rfe8t; herg=heargherg-=herff-, hereg-, heri(g)-

hergatf m. harrying, plundering, devastation.

hergere m. one who praises, DR. ['heryer*]

-thergtan to ravage, plunder, lay waste,

'harry,9 A0,Chr;M,CP. I*harrow


; here]hergofl=hergaChergung (AO), hergiung t * harrying,*

ravaging, raid, invasion, attack, BH,Chr :

plunder, booty : 'harrowing,* A.herh=heargherlan I. to extol, praise, commend, M,A0,CP,VPs{tB). ['hery*] II.=hierwan. III.«-hergian. IV.= erianherig^hearg ; v. also here,

herlgendllc laudable, commendable, M. adv.•lice.

herlng=herungherlnne adv. 'herein/ A.herlle =herelichero! adv. * hereof, * of this, A.heron adv. herein, Ct ; LL. [' hereon ']

herongean adv. contrarily, in opposition,

W52».herongemong at this point, in this connection,meanwhile, CP : among others, CP.

her-patf, -potJ= herepati

herra=hSarra, hferra (v. heah)herst-=hierst-; herram^hiereumherto thus far, OEG56".hertoeacan besides, W.hertt= heor$herttan pi.

ltesticuli,* LL84[65].

hertfbeUg m. 'scrotum,' WW.herffland (NC357)=yr«landherung (eo) f. praise, A,CP. ['herying*]herutbeg (OEG64,)=heorotbergeherw- = hierw-, hirw-herwft adv. 'herewith,* EC236.has- =bvs- ; hist = heat

hit pret. 3 ag. of hatan.hetan to attack, MLW.hate (ea) m. 'hate,* envy, malice, hostility,

persecution, BtBH,VPs ; £*A0,CP.hetegrtrnf fierce, crueLheteMhetolhatalle hostile, malignant, horrible, violent,

excessive, AO,B. ['hateUch*] adv. -Hoe,

A. Vhately*]hetend=hettendhetenltft "^ hostility, spite, wickedness.

hataroffuU of hate, ks 1422.hatarfln f. charm whichproduces hate,Rd34t.

heteaprfte f. defiant speech, Gen263.

heteaweng m. hostile blow, B2225.hetetfanef m. hostile design.

hetetSoncol hostile, Jtxl 105.

hetol hating, hostile, evil, M,W : violent,

severe, RB67W.

hetolnes (e>) f. fierceness, OEG 11™.htton pret. pi. of hatan.hett (AO)=hftt pres. 3 ag. of hatan.

hettendf m. enemy, antagonist.

hettende pros. part, of hatian.

hl8en=h£oen; hewen=h£wenM=heo,hIehloamiaa f blue titmouse, WW 132s4.

htegan=hycganhlool m. woodpecker, BC1-47 (Mdf).

hid I. fn. a 'hide* of land (about 120 acres,

but amount varied greatly), BH,LL, v. ECpp457—461andLL2-513. [hiwan] II.=hyd

hldan=hydanhidanofar adv. hither.

hidar adv. 'hither, * to this side, on this side,

A,Cp,VPs. oomp. hideror nearer, h.

and Cider (Cp,CP), hidrea Vidros (owdres),Bo, hither and thither.

hidereyme m. advent, arrival, BH. [*hither-

come']hidergeond adv. thither, yonder.hlderryne adj. directed hither.

hldertdeyme= hidereymehlderweard adj. and adv. 'hitherward,


towards thu place, Chr.hldglld I. n. tax paid on each hide of land,Ct. {'hidegeld*] II.=hydgild

hidlr-=hider-Mdm*lum adv. by hides, KC6-98*.hldres v. hlder.

Me I. nap. of he, hfio, hit. ['hi, hy*]II.=heo nasf. of he. ['hi, hy*]

hieder=hiderhlag (6,1) n. 'hay,* cut grass, Gfrd,VPs.[heawan]

hleghOa (e, I) n. hay More, WW. ['hay-house*]

Meglan(CP)=hfgianhlegsltfa (e) m. hay-scythe, GD37U.

hlehra, hiehst ['highest*] v. heah.hlehtfu (6, ea, f) f. (often indecL) 'heyhighest point, summit, 8cheaven, CrJSl,Qu,8c • glory.

height*the heavens,[heah]

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±hteld (a, ea, eo, i, y) f. (usa. +) keeping,custody, guard, protection, CP : observance,observation, watching : secret place : pro-tector, guardian.±hleldan (e, ) intr. to lean, incline, slope,

2fo(e) : tr. force downwards, bow or benddawn, BJjk(y). VMM']

-hlelde (y) v. earfo8-h.

Well (e, y) m. handle, CP,WW. ['helve9


hlelfilng (e) m. mite, farthing, LkL12*.[healf]

hiellan to make a noise, EPs82*.hlelpetf pres. 3 sg. of helpan.hlelt pree. 3 sg. of healdan.-hleltan (y) v. a-h. [healt]

hlelto I lameness, MHlld^e, y).±hlenan (£, 6, f) to fell, prostrate : weaken,crush, afflict, injure, oppress : abase, humble,insult, BjjkL : (+) accuse, condemn, CP.['hean']

hiene as. of ht. ['hin']

+hlene (6) ready to fall, DR189".Menend (e1 ) m. accuser, JnLp59


hfenfa (A, 8, y) f. fomtftation, affliction,

oppression, annoyance, GP : few, damage,harm : act of hanging, DHy59*.

hiera gp. of h«, heo, hit. ['*«r']

hiera ==nierra v. heah.±hleran (6, eo, I, J) tr. and intr. to 'hear,'

Usten(to), B,Mt,Jul,VPs : (w. <L) obey,

follow, M,Uk ; CP : accede to, grant, Bl i

be subject to, belong to, A^AO^Ct.±hlerdan (i, y) to harden, make hard :

strengthen, fortify, confirm, encourage, CP.[heard]

hlerde (eo, i, y) m. shepherd, herdsman, CP,: guardian, keeper, B,Bl,Oen,Met,WW :

pastor, ['herd']

hlerdeboo f. pastoral book (translation of theCura Pastoralis of Pope Gregory), CP.

hlerdebellg (e) m. shepherd's bag, Bl31".hierdeonapa (y) m. shepherd boy, ML 23™.hierdeleas (i, y) without a shepherd or pastor,JE. ['herdless']

hierdellc (y) pastoral, CP.hlerdeman m. shepherd, JE(y). ['herdsman']htordewyrt (i) f. name of a plant, Lox>.

±hlerdnes (eo, i, y) f. custody, watch, guard.hlerdung (y) f. strengthening, restoring,WW150".

Were gds. of heo. ['her'] %

hlered= hired

Mereman (5, i, y) m. retainer, servant, subject,

hearer, parishioner, CP. [bieran]

+hlerend m. hearer, CP.+MerendUc 'awdtfiw/ LP8142W); 'audi-

endue,' JEQ*l5*(j).+hlering (S) f. hearing, hearsay, LPs1117


hleringman (e*) m. subject, A 11-377"'.

hlernes (8, J) f. (+) hearing, report : (±)obedience, subjection, allegiance, CP : juris-

dietion, district.

hlerra=hearrablerra v. heah. ['higher']

±hlerstan (e, i, y) to fry, roast, scorch, pain,CP. [cp. OHO. giharoten]

hlersto (e, y) f. hierrtepanne (ea, y) f.

frying-pan, CP.hiersttng (y ) f. frying, burning, CP.hierstlnglittf (e) m. crust, WW372"±hlemim ($, ea, i, f) w. d. obedient, docile,

BH(f),Qu(U). ['hearsum']±hlersumlan (i, y) w. d. to obey, serve,

BH(e*),Mt(J)iAQ : (+) reduce, subject,

conquer, Chr. [lhearsum']

±hlersumnes (I, f) f. obedience, submission,BH(y);CP. ['hersumnesse']±hlertan (e, eo, y ) to cheer, encourage, CP


M. ['heart' ; heort]±hierwan (e, i, y) to abuse, blaspheme, con-demn, illtreat : to deride, despise.

hlerwend (i) m. blasphemer.hlerwendUc contemptible, adv. -lioe (e)

with contempt.

hierwing (y) f. blasphemy, Sol37»hlerwnes (i, y) f. contempt, reproach :

blasphemy, W70".hlew*<hlwtalewestan m. hewn stone, A0212".Wewet (y) n. cutting, CP. [heawan]hlewlan= hlwianhlewU (CP) pros. 3 sg. of heawan.Wf-(v. OEG3913)=hiw-hig=hieL; hlgr^hlegMgan=hiwan; hlgeV^hysehlgendlloe quickly, immediately, MF (Veep.D xiv). [higian]

hlgera m., higere f. jay, magpie, jackdaw,woodpecker. [Oer. haher]hlggan—hyoganblglan to 'hie,' exert oneself, strive, hasten,

Bl,Bo,CP.Mgid = hidYOgVk'heut' RPslW.hlgleast= hygeleast ; hlgna v. hiwan.hjgo (N)=hiwan; hlgora=higerahlgre=higere; Mgscipe=hiw8cipehlgtt f. exertion, effort, ZDA. [' hight ']

hlgung f. effort, GD254M.

hlhsan=hyscan; hlht^hyhthlhtlng f. exultation, gladness, WW233".hIht5o=hiehCu; hlle=hylchlld I.t f. war, battle, combat. II.=hield,hyldo

hUdbedd n. deathbed, Ah 1094.

hlldeblllt n. sword.hlldeblac deadly pale, B2488.hlldebordf n. buckler


hildeoalla m. war-herald, Ex 252.

hlldecoi-tSor n. warlike band, Ap41.hlldeeyit f. valour, B2598.hlldadteful d. demon, PPs95».hlldedeor war-fierce, brate, M.hildefrecat m. warrior.

hlldefrdfor f. war-help, swordf shield f Wald2".

hildegeatwef fp. war-harness.

hlldegesa m. terror of battle, El 113.

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hUdegleel m. battle-icicle (blood dripping bind (y)t' hind,9(female deer), JS,Chr,WW.

from a sword), B1606.hlldegiett m. enemy, Rd64*.hlldegrasdlgt eager for battle.

hfldegrip 1 1 hostile grip.

hlldeheard bold in battle. Ap21.hUdehtomf m. crash of battle.

hlldeleomat m. Gleam of battle (name of aword), B.

hlldeleolS n. war-song, Jui>211.hfldemeoe m. sword, B2202.hlMemecg m. warrior, B799.talldanMret t war-snake, arrow.

nlMepnt m. dart, javelin.

hllderfis m. charge, attack, B300.hllderand m. shield, B 1242.

hllderlnct m. warrior, hero.

hlldesad battle-worn, B2723.hlldesoeorp n. armour, B2155.hlldeseOr m. shower of darts, Gull 16.

hildeserce f. corslet, El 234.

hlldasetl m. MkicUe, B1039.hlMaspell n. warlike speech, Ex 573.

hlldaftaango f. vigourfor battle, B2113.hlMaswat m. vapour of battler B2558.httdeswflg m. sound of battle, Gmr 1901.hlWetorht a&tftMy »n fattfe, Mit25*.hlMetux mu tusk (as weapon), B 151 1.

hUdettremma m. toamor, Jul 64.

hildetfrymm} mrirenpi*, valour.

hlldewApen m. weapon of war, B39.hlktowba m. commander, B 1064.

nlldewomat m. crash of battle.

hlldewrfien f. fetterfor captives, Sol292.hlldewulf m. hero, Gen2051.hUdiraoa=hildefreoahUdJEram valiant in war. Ax 1204.

hUdfrumat m. battle-chief, prince, emperor.

hUdlataf m. laggard in battle, coward.hlldslapa m. warrior, Air 1260.

hlldtfraeu f. onset of battle, Gbk2157.hlieV=hil8; hllhama=hylleh&mahIU=hyUv heUhllman helmet, cover, Gl. [helm]-i-hUman=helmian

hmdan from behind, behind, in the rear,

£<,AO. »t h. behind, M. [Oer. hinten]hmdanweardj adT. hindwards, at the end.

hlndberge f. raspberry, CpJBpJLcd. ['hind-berry']

hlndbrer m. raspberry bush, Loi>146b(hinde-).

fawn, WW. ['hindcalf9


if snperL adj. hindmost, last.

adj. after (thought), sad (thought),

MP (Veap. D xiv) : adv. behind, back, after,

in thefarthest part, down, on h. backwards,M. [Oer. hinter]

hlndergeap wily, cunning, deceitful, WW.['hinderyeap



hlndergenga m. one who walks backwards,OEG26" : apostate, OEG5".

hlnderhoc m. trick, Mod 34.

hlnderllng I. m. mean wretch, sneak, LL665'.II. adv. in phr. 'on hinderling* backwards,PPs. V hinderling*]

hlnomTm t. wickedness, guile,KC3Ql; MP166.

hinderselpe m. wickedness, DHy,OEG.hlnderteottrii np. nether darkness, PPs85".hinderweard backward, slow.

hlndeweard reversed, wrong end first, frombehind, GP.

hilde&y&t f., warlike hlndfalod n. hind-fold, KC6112".hlnd-hseleVe, -heolott(e) f. 'ambrosia,' wateragrimony, WW. [. 'hindheal


]±hindrtan to 'hinder, ' check,repress,Chr,LL.hmdsl8(BL)=hin0i&nine I. as. of hfi. IL=heonanhme=hiwenehlnfosf ready to depart or die.

lilngangt m..departure, death.MngH^n (Bl ; M) =hyngriannlnn- =hin- ; hinon=heonanhlnsfflf m. departure, death, [heonan]hlnsffigryre m. fear of death, Sat456.hlo . he ; hlo- =heo-hionneT f. 'dura mater,' LL5[36]. .

hlor=heorr; h!ored= hiredhIoweseHce=hiwisclioe; hlp-=hyp-

hllpestu=hilpest Cu (pree. 2 eg. of helpan hlntful (OEGH1M)=hyBpfnland pron. 2 pen. sing.) hlr=hjr; Mr-, hir- =hier-, heor-, hler-

hilpetf, hilptf pree. 3 sg. of helpan. hlra gp. of hfi, hfio, hits

hilt L. pree. 3 sg. of healdan. II. mn.«hilte hire gds. of hfio. ['her9


hllte fn. handle, 'hUt9

(of sword), B,WW ; hired (So, Ie,£) m. household,family,(pL =sg.) jB,BJ3oI AO,Bo,Mt,WW : brotherhood, com?

hlltecumbor n. banner with a staff, B1022 ""

(or T hilde-).

hilted 'hUted,9 with a hilt, B.

hlltlng m. sword, OEG758.

hUtleai having no hilt, WW142»*.±hiltu np. (as sg.) hilt.

hfltt pree. 3 sg. of helan.

him ds. of hfi, dp. of hfi, heo, hit. ['him']hhnming (Cp 1557)=hemmingUna v. hlwan.hlnan=heonan; hlnan = Menan-hlnca . helle-h.


„ „-e. j.,company, JS,

Ct. ['hird9


hlredonlht m. member of a household, JR.hlredeQtS domestic, famuiar, Sc203w.

hlredgerifa m. 'ex-consul,9 WWllO .

hlredlle pertaining to a household or court,domestic, familiar.

hlredman m. retainer, follower, MJia.['hirdman 9


htrednreost m. chaplain, EC255.hlredwllman m. female member of a house-hold, TCGSl*.

hlredwlst 1 familiarity, 80203".

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his as. of h& ['his') hUBderwyrt f. ladder-wort, Jacob's ladder,Ms (BH) =b ; hlsc- =hyw- Lod.hlBpan==hyspan; Msss^hyse hl»dhweofln-t«i/«r-u»A<eZ,u»A<eZ/ofdra«niwrMtv.bfi. [V] «p water, WW847'.hltUn (v)iofaU in with,meet with, 'hit' upon, hlssdst =hl»tet pros. 2 sg. of hladan.Cftrl066. [ON. hitta] hlssdtrendAl m. teAeeJ for drawing water,h«- =hy«- ; hltfsr=hUer OEG502.Mu(2V0)=hgo hMMdlge (a, £) t mtafreM (ot*r Mrt»nfo)9

hlw («u, Te, f ) n. appearance, form, epeeiee, LL,VPs(l),WW : chatelaine, 'lady,' queen,kind, M,BH,WW : apparition, WW2S& : Ohr.Ct : the Virgin Mary, Cr. eeo ealde h.'Aim,' eoiotir, 4,1W : fteanly : Jtpwe of the queen dowager, Chb1061o.jpeeeA. hlasfl = tofel

hlwan mp. (gen. hfwna, bl(g)na) members of +hUsg n. derision, scorn, Don 15.

a family, household or religious house, Ohr, hlssfullan (Cp317)=hlagolianG;M. ['hind, ' 'hewe'] hl8Bhan(N,VP8)=hliehhan

hlwbeorhtt radiant, beautiful. hlsshter=hleahtorhlwcund (ill- )familiar, domestic. hlAnan L to eonee to Jean, Jul63. IL—Iftnanhlwctttf (le) familiar, well-known, M,CP. -hlssnan v. a-hl.

hlwettBllc domestic adv. -lice familiarly. hlAne 'ban, ' ^ ; AO.+hlwcutftldan to make known orfamiliar to, ±hl£nlan to become lean, OP : make lean,

NC204. starve, OP. ['lean']

Mwctrttoes f. familiarity, GD71" ; 140». hUsnnss f. 'leanness,' M,OBQ.MwvMr&dnesl familiarity, WW 191**. ±hl«nsian to mdbe lean, itwien, OE0.hlwen n. househdd, M. Vhewen*] ['knee']hlwere m. dissembler, hypocrite, M. hlsspewlnee (WW) =leapewinceMwfssgsr comely ofform, MFH 167. hlssst a. burden, load, freight, BfBd. holmes «

hlwfssst come/?/, /atr, OEG. h. Jinny Jrtte. Vlast')

Mwgedil d. divorce, 6. +hl8Mtan (e) to load, burden, BH : adorn,±hlwlan I. to form, fashion, WW : colour : Jud36. [v. 'Joel* vb.]

dissimulate, feign, pretend, M : JZpure, hlssstlng f. JoU on loading a ship, TC369.signify, /& : (+) transform, transfigure, hlssstselp n. trading-vessel, Cp 147H.['Aim,' 'Awed'] IL to marry, CP3181

. hl8Bt=l«>t

hlwlend, Mwigend 'informator,' OEG365? hlSBtst pres. 2 sg. of hladan.'meditator, ' GPH390. hlAwf (&) mn. mound, cairn, hiU, mountain,

hlwlso n. household,M : hide (ofland v. hid). 2* : grave-yard, barrow, Met : hollow mound,adv. -lice familiarly. cave. Ptot©']

+hIwlAoan to form, shape, fashion, NC294. hlif m. *loaf,' bread, food, A,JnL,MtL ; M,hlwlias shapeless, WW : colourless, Led. AO.CP.['Awefe**'] hlifSto m. (


loaf-eater'), dependant, LL.hlwlio comely, Lcd,OEG. hl&fbrytta m. etave in eAaroe o/ the bread-Mwna v. hiwan. etore? EC255.hlwrssden f. /am% AofieeAotf, religious hl*f(Ue(VP8)=h]*3fdigeAoimc, £S. hlafgang m. attendance at, or participation

hlwsotpe, household : hide (ofland), in, a meal, RB : procession with the host, LL.OC 127. hlaf-gsbrtost, -gebroc n. bit of bread.

hlw* pres. 3 sg. of heawan. hlifhwAto m. bread-wheat, TC 144M .

hlwung I (eo, f) t. (±) appearance, likeness, hlftfltast f. tiont of bread.

form, figure : pretence, hypocrisy, M. hUtmsssM f.lLammas' (August 1), AO ; M.

II. f. marriage, A064M. hlftfmsssssdssg m. Lammas-day.hlaoerlan to deride, mock, LPs 24*. hlifotn m. 6oifeer

,« oven, WW411i


hlaoerung f. unseemly behaviour, or words, hlalord m. 'lord,' master, ruler, A^AOJi,LPs43". Chr,0 x M,CP : husband, Ot : the Lord, God,

d=hladan4 (m, ea) to 'lade,' draw, or take in JR. [hlaf, weard]water, JB,JnB: heap up, lay on, build, load, hlafordddm m. lordship, authority, OP :

burden, B,Gen,Bd ; CP. patronage. ['lorddom ' 1

hladung f. drawing ('haustus'), DHySS8. hlafordhyldo f. loyalty, AO.

hl« =hl*w hlifordlng m. lord, master, W2087.

hbB4n.heapr burdenfCP2V«. ['lade'] hlafordlSat without a lord, leaderless, B.hlasdder (Bl), hl»ddre=hl«der ['lerdless']

hlssddlso m. loaded dishtWW 126" hlafordllc • lordly, ' noble, OEG 1871.

hlssdelm. 'ladie,' A,ZDA. hlafordsclpe m. 'lordship,' authority, rule,

hlssden I. m. bucket, WW 123*. II. pp. of CP : 'dominatio' (title ofan order ofangels),

hUdan. .fiH 1-342".

hUMer f. 'ladder,9 A,M ; CP. hlafordsearu fn. high treason, LL.

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hmorandca I act of seeking the prciection of hltonlan to thrive, Ph26.a lord, LL. hltop pret. 3 eg. of hlfepan.

hlifordswtea m. traitor, Lcd;M. Fiord- hltor n. cheek, Lcd,WW: face, countenance,Bp,Ou. ['leer']

hJ6ormn(.EL)=teoranhlftorMn n. (check-bone), temple, LPs 131*.

hleorbolster m. piUow, B688.hltordropa m. tear, On 1315.hltonceamu I. confusion efface, PPs68*.hMonlaage m. a blow on the cheek, CP261•.hleortornt beautiful, Rd6*.hltosoeorp n. sheltering robe, Rd 10*.

hUotan1 to cast lots, M,AO : (±) get by lot,



hlifordswloe m. high treason, treachery.

hlaIo«l-fw1cung(MFN167;W225*), -syr-

wung (LL16n5) f. betrayal of one's lord,


hlAfordttrimm m. dominion, power, NC302.hUUrwc* f. oren-rake, OEG53" (hlab-).

hUUsenung f. blessing of bread (on Lammas-<fcy), MH 136*.

hliturd=hlafordhlagol inclined to laugh, W40*.hlagollan (») to sound.hltmmmaie= hlafmgaashlanc 'lank,

1lean, thin, Jud\PPs.

hland (o) n. urine, Led. ['lant']

hlattlan=la«ian; hliw=hlftwhleadan=hladan; hlaahter= hle&htorhteahterful scornful, Guth.hteahterllc rttKcvtotu, Guth.

h»o*= (l)hleow«;(2)preB.pLofhleowaiLhMoffor a. noi«e, eoufirf, voice, melody, song :


+hito*or harmonious, BH60".hWotJorcwWet m. speaking, words, discourse,song, prophecy.hJftotoreyme m. coming with trumpet-sound, Da 710.

hteahtor (e) m. * laughter,' jubilation, BJSl, hWotJorttodet m. pfa* ofconference.CP,8c i derision. hleotfrtan to sound, speak, sing, cry aloud,

hteahtonmftt m. laughter-maker, Ex43. rewound, proclaim, M.hteahtrlan (e) to deride, LPs21s. hltottrung 1 reproof, SPs37".hltepan7 to 'leap,' run, go, jump, dance, hfootfa v. hliC.

spring, JE,B,BH,Chr,CP : (+) leap upon, hMouMhleomount (a horse). +hWow L warm, sunny, Nor. adv. hleowe

hleapere m. runner, courier, Chr : 'leaper,' Led. [v. 'lew] IL= +hl6wdancer, WW : itinerant monk, RB135". ihWowan (I, f)(±)to warm, make warm,

hltapettra Lfemale dancer, WW311*hlftapettan v. to leap up, BH390*.hMapewlnee f. 'lapwing, ' WW.hltapung f. dancing, M. ['leaping']

hltat pret. 3 sg. of hleotan.

hlee leaky, CP.ORQ. [v. 'leak']

hlecan* to cohere, CP361M.

htoda, hlede m. seat, £2Gb34*.hMf =hlftw ; -hlftfan (oe) v. a-hl.

hlCga (JMrL6M)=Uewa; htohhan=hliehhan hltowstdl m. shelter, asylum, Gen 2011

cherish, Bl : become warm or hot. ['lew']hMowdrybten m. protector, patron, Wn>94.hltowtoftre fp. sheltering wings, Gbk 2740.hMowtora m. one who has lost a protector,Gen 1953.

hlftowmOgt m. kinsman who is bound toafford protection.

hMowon pret. pL of h!6wan.hltewitede m. sunny place, WW336*.

hleht-=hleaht-hlam m. sound, CP.Memman to cause to sound, clash, Whale61[hlimman]

hlence f. coat of mail, Ex 218.

htonnan =hlynnanhlenorttar m. hyssop, LPsWP.hleot m? n? (hleow), gs. nleowee (only

found in eg.) covering, refuge, deft

shelter, protection, CrJPPs : protector, lord.

hl*o-=hleow-hleobord n. book-cover, Rd27".hleoburhf f. protecting city.

hHod=hl6d+hleodu pi. of +hlid.

hleotost consoling, protecting, CR,RB.hleohraescnes f. ' supplantatio' ? LPS4010


hleoltasf without shelter, comfortless.

bleomoc m? hleomoce f. speedwell, Led.[v. *brooklime']

niton =hl§owan; hleon-=hlin-hltonatt m. shelter, Gu222.

hleow* (I, f) L shelter, covering, warmth, M.['lewtV]ihleowung (i) f. shelter, protection,favour.hlestan = blaWtan, hlystonhlet (KGl) pros. 3 ag. of hladan.hlit (VPs ; MkR) =Uiet+hlffeat m. companion, denizen. [hlo$]hle*rlan=hleoonan; hl«w=hl*whl§wesa=l6w8a

fence, hWwU pres. 3 eg. of hldwan.hlld I. n. 'lid,' covering, door, gate, opening,JR. II.=hliC

+hlld n. (nap. hlidu, hleodu) covering, vault,roof.

hndan1 to come forth, spring up, PPs79"?nUdfant closed by a lid, M.hUdgeat n. swing-gate, folding-door, ECzM;Mdf. ['lidgate']

+hUdod (eo) provided with a lid, j&ff320*.['lidded']

hltonnan* (e, i, y) to laugh, JBtCP : (±) laughat, deride, JS,MtL : rejoice.

hllep (y) mf., bllepe f. 'leap,' bound, spring,

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sudden movement, Crjjcd : thing to leap hWmWkt m* murfa by a member cfa gang offrom, AO : (?) v. OC64. malefactors, LL18[29].-hlfepe, -hliepUoe t. Btott-hL +hl6w n. lowing, bellowing, M.hnepen pree. pL of hleapan. hldwan7 to low, roar, bellow, M.hnepgeat (?) n. a low gait, KG. ['leapgate*] hlowung f. lowing, bleating, bellowing, WWhflet (fi) m. lot, chance, fortune, CP. 102' ; 196".

hlU**4(hm>-) threatening, Cv223x. hlttd adj. oomp. hl&dre, hlnddre ctowf/hllfl&n to rise high, tower, overhang. sonorous, CP;M.hnfcan" to aflrtoide (to), CP,Da. hTOdcMpol feuf, nowy, RBL35" (hint-).

hllgsa (CP) =hHea hluddre y. hind.

hllhan, hlihoan, hlihhan =hhehhan hHM» adv. loudly,aloud, Bl ; M,CP. ['loud']

hUmman3(y) to sound, resound, roar, rage, hludnes f. clamour, noise, -48-332. ['loud-

httmmef t. stream, torrent. ness']

blln I. m. maple-tree, R©56». [Qer. lehne] hlttdstetne fcirf sounding, WW416".II.=hlynn hladiwege adv. loudly, M.

hllnbedd n. sick-bed, couch, B3034. hlummon pret. pi. of hlimman.hUne m. ridge, bank, rising ground, hiU, BC9

hlupon pret. pL of hleapan.Ph ; Mdf. f'link'] Union pret. pi. of hleotan.

" rt.bankofturf,ECZ10. hUttor, hffittor (e») gsm. hlfitree pure, dear.hllndurut f. latticed door. bright, sincere, M,GP. [Ger.lauter] adv.±h!lnlan (eot y) to ' lean, ' £(eo) ;M : recUne, -Hoe.

Ke <feu»i, rerf, J»,JfkL ; CP. hlatorlkMS =hlntorneehllnrooedt n. prison. hlfktornei f. clearness, brightness, simplicity,

hHn-eeQaf, -ecnwaf m. darkness of confine- purity, M.ment. nlfttre I. adv. clearly, brightly. II. <h. of

MliMlan =hlynnan hlfitor.

hllnung f. 'leaning,* Lk : «eoi, eo«c*. Matter, hlfittor=hlfttor

nDosa= hlba ihluttrian wv. to cfeor, purify, make bright


hUpU pros. 3 ag. of hleapan. to become clear.

hHra=lTra hlyd = MidhJIia(io

J^)m.eoimd:/amev r«fNoiir9 «i8fiot0a, ±hl?d f. noise, sound : (+) ftumift, <*td*r-

pfory, Cr. bancs, dissension, [hlfid]

hlbbAre renowned, OEO. Mfda m. Ifare*, Xcd. ['Lide* ; hlud]hlleeadlgrenotfwiei, /ameJ, Bo. hfydan to mofe a notw, sound, clamour,hlftiadlgnei f. renown, Bo75". eoeiferote, -ffi,CP. [hlud]

hlbful o/ food rejmte, famous, M. ady. hl^de f. tofrenf, BCJMdf).

-Hoe, AJLO. htydig garrulous, OEQ141S. [U6dlhIJWf renowned, 0EQ8P*. hiding f. nowe, cry, MtL26*(l?.)-hllstan=hly8tan hlyhhrnn =hliehhaohttV I.f n. (nap. hleoou) cliff, precipice, hlymman=hlimman; hlyn=hlynnslope, hm-side, hill, AnJ3;M6L I'm*] hlynian = (l) hlynnan; (2) hlinian

II.5=<hlid ±hlynn I. m. sound, noise, din, tumult, AO.lffiwp-lhleow II. f. torrent, JnL. ['linn']

hloccetung f. sighing. hlynnan to make a noise, resound, shout, roar.hldd pret 3 sg. of haldan. hlynrian to thunder, WW519"4


hlodd= hlot hlynslanf (i) to resound.

hKfonpret.pL,hl6hpret.8ig.ofhHehhan. hl*p*-thliep ; hlfta (iE)=hliaaMom (WW117»), hlond=hland htfifulllce^hlifrfulllce

hldee f. pigsty, LL464[10] ; NC302 ; Mdf. hlysnan to 'listen, * MtL ; Cp.hlosnere m. listener, OEG2333. hlysnere m. hearer, DR29*(ly-)»hlosnlan to listen : wait,M : be on the look out ihlyst f. sense of hearing, M£cd : listening.

for, spy, M. hloeniend 'attonitu*.



blot, hlott n. 'lot,9part, portion, share, A, ±hlyttan (e, i) tolisten, hear, CP;M: attend

BC,Bl,G : (+) choice, decision, AjLO. to, obey, Lk. ['list*]

hloten pp. of hleotan. +hlyrte audible, NG294.+hlotland n. allotted land, inheritance, A* hlystend, hlystere m. listener, M.hldU f. troop, crowd, band, company, AO: +hlyitful attentive,


gracious, LPs891*.booty, spoil : complicity with a band of hlystung f. act of listening, Kl.robbers. h^t, hlyte m. lot, portion* M : band, troop.

hlfttfbdt f. penalty imposed on a member of a hlyta=hlyttagang of malefactors, LL. +hlyta m. companion, [hlot]

hldtSere m. robber. [hl60] hiytere m. clergyman, priest, NC302.hlottgeerod n. mass of troops, Rn4tt. h^rtm m. casting of lots, B3126 T

hlfittan to spoil, plunder, BH. Wytman to decide by lot, MFH167.

an. 11

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hlytta m. diviner, soothsayer, A0184". hnttol thrustingforwards, addicted to butting[blot] (of an ox).

+blytto /eJZoiaaVp, DR. hnitu f. louse-egg* '»*>' EpJdsdyM.Wyttor(HGL418)=hluttor,hiator tanoU m. top, crown of the head9 M,VPs.htjttrlan to fmrifr, £»n222». ['nott']

hlfttnmf f. cleaning, refining,WW 179*. hnoarian to «frife, Rd 6f.

-htfttan (=Ie) t. be-hL ; htffke =ly«re hoot bare, bald, 'clae+cropped, ' JB0r. ['not']

htyw- =hleow- ; hljwlng =hltewring hnutbeam m. mil free,

hnaood =naood ; hnAean snAoan hnutoyrnel mn. kernel ofa nut, Lot.±hnAgan I. to 60*7 down, oeiki, humble, curb, hnutu f. ga. and nap. hnyte 'nirt, * Erf,Led,vanquish, [hnigan] IL to 'neigh,' MQr. MtB;Mdi.IIL=n*can +hnyon*d wrinkled? Loi>97a.

hnJegung f. 'neya***, ' MOrflp. hnydele =hydele" " OJfo,— " ~ "

' 'm. fori, OEO,WW. ['nap' ; Oar. hnygelan (i) pL clippings, WW.napf] hn*Iung f. reclining, WW 163M.

hn»pp~=hn»pp- +hnyiean to ohma, MtR21M. [hneeoe]hnsppan to rfr&e, Bo ISO19'". hnysoe=hnesoehnwwow=nnetoe +hnyit contrite, fP«C 127.

+hnAet, +hnaet n. eo0Micm f conflict, battle, hnyte gs. and nap. of hnuta.[hnitan] h6=h6h

hnlg9 hnahL0en<<feum,a6jef4,|NMff Aifffi6{ef hftoanoa m. couca,WW280". [hfthl

foioty : niggardly. IL pret. 3 eg. of hnfean. hoe m. 'too*,' BH,WW : angle, Mtjfar.hnapplan (m, e, ea) to dose, «tan6er, tfeep, hoec m. mallow, Cpjjcd. ['hock']

CP,Mt;M. ['nap'] hdeede curved, KC. ['hooted']

hnappung (m, ea) f. napping, doting, hdoer=hoeor; -hdclht v. heora-h.slumbering, CP. hocbern n. small siclde, WW2351


hnat pret 3 sg. of hnitan. hoeMaf n. mallow, Lod.hneap- (VPs)=hnap- hdoor n. insult, derision, W 164".hneaw mean, niggardly, stingy, miserly, CP. hdcorwyrde derisive, scornful, W164".[Oer. genan] adv. -Ifoe. hdd m. 'hood, ' Ep,WW.

hneawnee f. meanness, CP. hot n. enclosure, court, dwelling, building,

hneoea m. 'neck,9 A,OP. house, hall : temple, sanctuary. [Oer. hot]

hnegan= (l)nAgan; (2)hnftgan h6I I. m. 'hoof, Bun,WW; M. IL pret.

hneofnlef.=hnifol 3 sg. of hebban.-hneopan v. a-h. [op Ooth. dishninpan] holding m. chief, leader. [ON. hSflfingi]

hneoton pret. pL of hnitan. hdto f. 'hove, ' alehoof (plant), Lcd,WW.hnepplan (KGl) =hnappian holer m. hump, Gl : swelling.

hnesee (»,i,y) soft, tender, mild, CP: weak, hoferede humpbacked, CPJJcd,WWdelicate, M : slack, negligent, CP : effemin- ['hovered']

ate, wanton, AS. ['nesh ']hoferlend, +hoferod (ML)=hoferede

±hnesdan to make soft, soften, &,CPe : be- -hdflan t. be-h.

come soft, give way, waver, CP,Lcd\ ML. hdflle pertaining to a court, OEG2996.['nesh'] +hdfod hoofed, ML25"

bneaelto soft, luxurious, effeminate, AO. adv. hdfon pret pL of hebban.-Hoe softly, gently, tenderly, CP. ['neshly'] hofor^hofer

hnesones f. softness, weakness, effeminacy, Ml-ree, -reao n. hoof-track, bridle-track, Lod.CP,Lcd,MtL ; M ; soft part of anything, hofrede confined to the house, bedridden,['neshness'] WW1628


hnett (MtL4»


=nett hdfring m. jriiUo/aaorw^aoo/t-hdfhring)hnexlan (M)


hneecian OEG 18.

hnlfol m. brow, forehtad. hofweard m. adile, WW 111"hntlol«erum>> -ornmp inclined, leaning over, hog- =hoh-prone, WW. ho& I. careful, prudent, DR,MtL. ['howe']

hnigan1 to bow oneself, bend, bow down :fall, II. m. fear, care : attempt, struggle, OEGdecline, sink. [Oer. neigen] 8*1.

ba^lanto bend down (the head), Jjcd'Is*. hoga-=hog-, hoh-; hogade=hogodehnlglan =hnvgelan hogde pret. of hyogan or hogian.

ling, lowly, HGl436. hogeleai./Veefrom care,^Uaitobowdown,Met,OEO;Mibowthe hogg hog, NC302.head, look gloomy, CP. Vnipe '] ±hogian to care for, think about, reflect, busy

hnlppan? to sink down, 0£G1579n. oneself with, M : intend, strive, wish for.hnlaee(MkR13tt)=hneece [hyge]hnitan1 to thrust, butt, knock, come into hogode pret. of hogian.collision with, encounter. hogu f. core, M.

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hogung f. endeavour, DHy8".hdh m., gs. hfo, nap. hoaa, hds, dp. hdumhough, heel, M,Jn,Ps. on fa. behind : point

of land, Ct,Nar ; Mdf. ['ho,* 'hoe']

hoh-test, hog(a)- (KG) prudent, cautious,


hdhfdt m. heel, LPs55T.

hohtul (hoga-, N) careful, thoughtful, M :

fuU of care, anxious, pensive, sad, CtjSc.

['howful*\hohfulnes !. care, trouble, KC3-349".hfth-hwyrflng, -hwerfing f. heel-turning,

circle f v. OEG18n.hohlloe (hog-) prudently, LkLHP.hohmod sad, sorrowful, W72*.hdhscanea m. leg, shank, Lod 14a,

hohseJpe (hoga-) m. prudence, N.hdhslnu f. sinew of the heel, MJLcd. ['hough-sinew 7


-hdhmlan v. on-h.

hdhapor n. heel, WW ICO1*.

hol I. hollow, Lcd : depressed, lying in ahollow, OP,Ct,MH. ['hoU*] 11. n. hollowplace, cave, hole, den, Ot,Lk,Met,WW ; AO,M : perforation, aperture, Op. ['hole,*


hdi n. calumny, slander, M.-hola v. oter-h.

-f-hola m. protector, defender, M. [helan]hole n 7 holoa? m. hole, cavity, Lcd. [' hoik ']

hold I. gracious, friendly, kind, favourable,AO,B;M : true, faithful, loyal, M,LL\CP : acceptable, pleasant. ['hold* ; ON.hollr] adv. holde graciously, loyally, Ps.Vholde 1

] II. n. dead body, carcase, Mt;M. ['hold*; ON. hold] III. m. holder

of aUodial land, ranking below a jarl

(Danish word), LL : military chief, MkR6». [ON. holdr]

holditf m. oath of allegiance, Chb.holdelloe= holdlioe

holdhttford m. gracious lord, liege lord, Chb1014e.

holdlan to cut up, disembowel, ML2Zn.

[hold II]holdlio faithful, friendly, OEG0O». adv.-Uoe graciously, AB,WW:faithfully, loyally.


holdrAden f. fidelity, faithful service, MR2150».

holdselpe m. loyalty, allegiance, Chb.holeoerae a plant, Lod.holegn=holen I.

holen I.m. 'holly,9

Op,WW; M; Mdf. adj.

of holly, Lcd. II. pp. of helan.holenga=h&ingaholenltet n. hotly leaf, Lod 127a.aolenrind f. hotly bark, Lod29b.holenstybb m. holly-stump.

holh (OP), holg n. gs. holes hole, 'hollow.'

hollan to hollow out, scoop out, M : to becomehollow, be perforated, M. [' hole ']

hdllan to oppress, Ps. [' hole ']

+holian to obtain, CP209".

holing f. hollow place, GD113U.

hollnga adv. in vain, without reason.hollsholll.holloao n. onion? WW270". [' hoUeke*]holm m. ^wave, sea, ocean, water, B : inprose, esp. in place-names) island (esp. ina river or creek), Ohr. ['holm 1

]holmssrn n. ship, Gsk1422.holmclift n. sea-cliff, rocky shore*

holmeg adj. of the sea. Ex 118.holmmsegen n. force of the waves, Rd3*.holnv-Vracnf f., m. -oweoe restless sea.

holmweaU m. wall of sea water, Ex467.holmweard (Av359)=helmweardholmweg m. sea-path, Aw 382.holmwylm m. billows, B2411.holnes f. hollow place, GD99M(o).

h6longa=holingaholpen pp. of helpan.holrtan= heolorianholstCDf m. 'apex,* tittle, MtR5".holt nm. forest, wood, grove, thicket, M,B


CP; Mdf : wood, timber, Jul, ['holt*]

holt-nana, -ana m. woodcock,WW344N.

hdltlhte f. calumny, WW.holtwuduf m. forest, grove, Ph : wood(timber), [v. 'holt*]

hdlunga=h6linga; hom^hamh6nrt=*6m; hdman=6manhon I. (ev7) pret. heng, pp. hangen to hang,suspend, crucify, M : adorn. II. pi.

tendrils of a vine? A4143.hon- = nan-; hona= (l)heonu; (2)hanahdnede having heels,WW 16l». [hoh]+honge = 4-hangehop n. privet, v. OEG36".hdp m. hoop? v. NC303.-hop v. fen-, mSr-h.hopa m. 'hope,* M. [nsu. tfhopa]h6pgehnastt n. dashing of waves.hoplan to 'hope,* expect, look for, A,JB;CP : put trust in, JBtBo,Bl

hdplg eddying, surging, PPs68a.

+hopp n. small bag, WW405'.hoppada m. upper garment, cope, WW188M.

hoppe f. a kind of ornament, AO : dog-collar,

LL194[8].hoppestre f. female dancer, M. ['hoppestere*]

hoppetan to leapfor joy : to throb.

hopplan to hop,jump, leap, dance, M : limp,;EL21»T

. [Oer. hupfenjhopso^te f. sheet, counterpane, JEiO*").hor n. adultery.

hora-=honi- ; horat v. horn,hdrcwene t whore, adulteress, LL.hord nm. 'hoard,* treasure, B,Ohr,Qen,MtR,WW.

hordsern = hordernhordburg f. treasure-city, B,BC,Gen.hord-oleofa, -clyfa m. treasure-chest,treasury,

secret chamber, M.hordeola m. treasure-chamber, closet : (f)breast, heart, thoughts.


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m. treasurer, chamberlain, steward, horsohwsBl (-horshwaal) m. walrus, AOM,KC. ['hoarder


] 17*hordern n. treasury, storehouse, M. horseUe sordid, squalid, foul, OEG 1789.horderwfoe 1 office of treasurer, Che 1 187. [horh]

hordtsrt n. treasure-receptacle, M. horselloe briskly, readily, promptly : pru»hord-feat n., gs. -gates door to a treasure- dentfy, trwely.

eAamfer, Rd43". horscniht m. master of the horse, equerry,hordgestreont a. hoarded treasure. groom, esquire, 45(8*").

hordlan to 'hoard,* AS. honenst n. 'biga,* chariot, WW194".hordtoea m. treastire-dkeef, cojflfer : (t) eeere* hortelene f. elecampane, WW. ['horseheal*]

thoughts, mind. horsern n. stable, WW.hordmeegen o. riches, Da675. hofigteittQn m. meadow in which horses arehordmiftmt m. hoarded treasure. kept, KC3-414*hordweard m. guardian of treasure : king : borshelene^honeleneheir, first-born. honhlerde (i«, y») m. osffer, groom,

hordweta m. hoarded wealth, B2344, ±horslan toprovide withhorses,Chr. ['horse9

]hordweortfung f. Ao*ottr*ny 6y giftsfrom the horsllee =honclIoeaooj-4, B952. hors-ttegn, -Ben m. osjjgr, aroom, equerry.

hordwXUn. treasure of wisdom, Kl. honwsto m. chariot, WW 14Q*.

hordwynn f. delightful treasure, B2270. horswealh m. groom, equerry, LL22 ; 132.hordwyrtfo worth hoarding, B2245T horsweard f. care of horses, 1>L445[2].hire f. whore, prostitute, OEG. horsweg m. bridle-road, KG. ['horseway*]horeht= horwiht hortan ebpL 'whortie*-berries, v. 0EO2MS.

+horglan to defile, Bk : spit. horu =horhhorh (horg) mn., gs. hor(w)es, instr. horn, horuseati m. sink, pit, Boll2u.

nap. horas phlegm, mucus, JB^lJSpJLcd : horuweg (oB) m. dirty road? KC5-173".dirt, defilement, uncleannessi Mdf. f'Aore*] horweht==horwiht ; horwes . horh.horheht=horwiht horwig = orweghortan to cry out, Pa. +horwigian to defile, spit upon.+hortan (N)= +horgian horwiht (e») mucose, defiled, filthy, Goth369


horig foul, filthy, AJjL. ['hory*] horwyll m. muddy stream, EC446"hdrtng m. adulterer,fornicator, W309n. horxttc=horeolic

horn m. horn (musical instrument, drinking, hot I. L escort, company, B924. II. f.

horn, cupping-horn), beast*s horn, Ctjbcd, bramble, briar. III. v. hdh.LL, VPs ; AO : projection, pinnacle, Pe. hosa m., hose 1 * hose,* WW.

hornbftre horned, JEQn2V*. hosebend m. hose-band, garter, OEG 4822.hornblawere m. hom-blower, trumpeter. hosp m. reproach, insult, contumely, M :

hornbogat m. bow tipped with homf blasphemy, M.hornbora m. horn-bearer, trumpeter, WW. hospowide m. insulting speech, El523.hornflse m. garfish, Ay370. hospettan to ridicule, Cp697s.homfdted hoofed, WW213". hospsprfte f. jeer, taunt, £2H2-514.horngtept broad between the pinnacles or hospul 'irritus,* BPs88M.

gables. hospword n. abusive language, contemptuoushorngattrion n. wealth of pinnacles (on a expression, [or f~hordgestreon], Roth23. hosse=hy8se+hornian to insult, MkL 12*. hdstig (MLZ6™) =fistig

hornless without horns, ES 39-349. hosu f. hose, RB : pod, husk, Cp 1867.hornple m. pinnacle, MtL. [v. 'pike*] hotor=otorhomreosd n. haU with gables, B 704. hoftmat m. darkness, the grave.hornsssl n. = hornsele hra=hr&whornseea* t pinnacle, MtL4*. hraea m. throat, Led? Vrakc*]hornselp n. beaked ship, An 274. hraea (ft) m. clearing of the throat : spittle,

> m. house with gabUs,Qvs 1821. mucus.horuungsonu m. bastard, WW456*. hraee, hraou f. throat, JB,VPs(m). ['rake 9

]horo-=horu- hrad- . hred-; hrade=hraoehorpyttm.fiMuI.Aofet EC445u. ±hradlan (ea, «) to be quick, hasten, doham n. horse, OET,WW,VPs;MM>,CP; diligently : further, prosper, jEL20»

f. horse-litter, BH;ML. ['horse- on hnedinge ptidUy, iEL.6ier'] hrav=hra-, hre-, hrea-

horsc sharp, quick, active, ready, daring : hr*=hr*w; hrsV=hrea.f hrto- r*-

quick-witted, wise, prudent. hrAea m. clearing the throat. [Jhraoa]horseamb m. 'horse-comb,* curry-comb, hrisean tr. and into, to 'reach* brina wo<*W, WW. {blood or phlegm). CPJjcd*,ti. ^ *

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+braean= +reoeanbrfteetung f. eructation, Lop69b.

brAcgebrae a. «ore tAroof, WW.bracing f. detention, DR66U.

brAetan to eructate, LcD84a.brActunge f. uvula, Lod 17a.

brAeung f. clearing of the throat, Led.['reaching']

brad (e) (hrad- oooly. in obL oases) quick,nimble, ready, active, alert, prompt, CP,CU,ML ['rod


)bradblta m. blackbeeOe,WW (hneC-).

bradftrnes f. swiftness, Bo72".bradhpdlg hasty.

hr&Bdh?dlgnes f. haste, precipitation, CP.bradlng f. haste, W22&braedllc (tJ) quick, sudden, premature, BtBo


M,AO,CV. adv. -Hoe Quickly, hastily,

soon, speedily, forthwith, JE,CP. ['nuHy,



bmdllcnes (e) f. suddenness, Gtjth : earli-

ness, EPsll8MT.

bradmdd hasty, ML 16»".

bradnes f. (± ) quickness : fagpfljy.

hrssdiipe (rod-) ripening early, WW.bradtsafle giridb at throwing dice? Gr*73(v. ES43-339).

bradung=hradangbradwAn m. *w/* cAartot.

bradwllnes f. Aajfe, prectjHtotion, CP.bradwyrde hasty of speech, Wa66.brafn I. hrrefen (e) m. raven, M,B,Q,VPs :

sign of the raven (the Danish banner).

II.=h8Bfernbrafneynn (e) n. raven-species, M.brafnesfdt m. ravensfoot, cinquefoil, OETp8.

-brAgan v. ofer-hr. ; bragel=hneglliragelgetratwodnss f. fine clothing, LL(396").

bragel&egn m. keeper of the robes, 'ves-



bragl n. (e) dress, clothing, Gl,Jn ; AO,CP :

armour : sail, ['rail']

braglcyst f. clothes-box, trunk, Ct.

braglgewAde n. dress, WW430n.

braglbus f. vestry, RB.hrceglseeara fp. shears for cutting cloth,

WW241" (r»gl-).

bragltalu f. vestment-fund, KC,RB.braglung t clothing, WW 151*.

braglweard m. keeper of vestments or robes,

WW279".brsagnlooa= brosnlooabranin, hrSm=iir83fn; bran=shjernbrAron pret. pL of hreran.brAs v. hrow ; hrcBscetong=r»eoetung•braaetan v. a-hr.

hratelwyrt f. rattiewort, WW301».hrate*hr»d. ['rathe']

brAw I. (a, ea) nm. gs. hr&e living body :

corpse, carcase, carrion. II.=hreaw I.

hrAwIo (hr&a-) n. place of corpses, B1214.hrafyll m. slaughter, B277.

hragttre deadly, WW408».brigra m. heron, Gl.bramgealla^ramgeaUa; hi*niJg=hrSmighramma m. cramp, spasm.hram-sa (o) m., -a© I. onion, garlic, Bp,Lcdf

WW. ['rams,' 'ramson 9


hramsacrop m. head of wild garlic, Gl.bran (o) m. whale, Gl.brin I. m. reindeer, AO. IL pret. 8 ag. oforinan.

brand I. =rand. II. pret. 3 est. of hrindan.brandsparwa (o1 ) m. sparrow, MtLlO**.hranflx (o) m. whale, B540.hranhund? m. deerhound? v. LL2117.branmere (o) m. sea, MBT510


branridt f. (whale's-road), sea.

bratele f. 'bobonica' (plant), WW296*.bratlan to rush, hasten, OET (=hradian?).hratte (», e) adv. oomp. hratior, superLhratioet hastily, quickly, promptly, readily,

immediately, soon, &,B,Bo,Cr,VPs ; CP :

too soon, Bo. swa h. swa as soon as, M.['rathe,' 'rather,' 'rathest']

nratier=hretier; hratSlan=hradianhraw=hr&whrawtrig weary in body, Ph564.brawllo= hreowliobrea I. f. indigestionf Lcn>94b. [hreaw L]II. =hreaw I. and II.

briae m. 'rick,' heap, stack, TC,WW.brteoeopp m. top ofa rick, LL463[21,4].brtacmete m. food given to the labourers oncompleting a rick, LL452'.

-bread v. earm-hr. [hreotfan]

brtaf^reafbrtam m. noise, outcry, alarm, A&,CP : cry,

lamentation, sorrow, B,Cr. ['ream']

breamlg clamorous : lamenting.

hreanes=hreohnesbreas pret. 3 sg. of hreoaan.brtet pret. 3 sg. of hrutan.breattemnt (a*) t bat.

hreatflan (VPs)=hradianhrftaw I. (eo) 'raw,' M,Lcd. IL=hrfewnm. III. pret. 3 sg. of hreowan.

hrtaw-==hrSow-nrtewde pret. 3 sg. wo* raw, WW216"(reaw-).

threawlc = nrfiwio

breawnat I. f. rowneaf, crudity, OEG3283.II. =hrSownes+bree= +reo; hrie-=hi«o-hred (KGl) =hr»d ; -hreda v. nfreda.

hreddan to free from, recover, rescue, save,

Cr;M : take away, ['redd']

breddere m. defender, NC303.breddung (») f. salvation, liberation, M.bredmdnav = hretJm6naCihrtfan to roof, M. [hrdf]

hrefn= (l)hi«fn; (2)h»fernbrefnan=r»fnanhrefneynn=hrnfnoynnbregrestT groin, MLN11-333 ; ZDA33 244.

brib=hreoh; brem=hr®fn I.

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I. to boast. [Otr. rfihmen] IL«

hrimlgt boasting, vauntingf exulting.

hmDm^hraln L,

±hremman to hinder, cumber, JE.

hremmlng f. hindrance, obstacle.

hremn=hrefn I.

hrenlan to smell of, be redolent of, So 106*.

hreo=hreoh, hrSow; hreocan=reooanhrtod n. 'reed,

9rush, jE,BH,01 ; CP ; Mdf.

±hreodan* to adorn (only in pp. ihroden).hrtodbedd n. 'reed-bed,

9 M.hreodoynn n. kind of reed, NC303.hriod-Ig, -iht, -ihtig (e>) reedy.

hrtodwsster n. reedy marsh, Nab20s*.hreof rough, scabby, leprous, Whale ; eh. = leper.

-hreoflan v. a-hr.

hreofl I. f. scabbiness, leprosy, CP. II. adj.


hreofla m. roughness of the shin, leprosy,

M : leper, M. [hreof]

hrtof-nc, -lig (JE) leprous.

hrtofnss i. leprosy, M.hreofol, hreoral=hr*ofl I.

hreog=hreohhrtoh (8) I. adj. rough, fierce, wild, angry,Mel ;M,AO,C¥ : disturbed, troubled, sad(v. hrebw) : stormy, tempestuous, BJto,Chr. ['reh


] 11. m stormy weather, tempest.

brtehtul stormy, ES 39-349.

hrtohlle stormy, tempestuous, W136w.

hrtohmftd savage, ferocious : sad, troubled.

hreohnes (5a) f. rough weather, tempest,

storm, iE.

hrtol 8b. 'reel,9 A,WW; M.

hrton-=r5on-hrtones= (l) hreohnes; (2)hreowneshrtop pret. 3 sg. of hropan.hreoplan=hrepianhrtorfg adj. in ruins, Runr3. [hreosan]±hreosan* to fall, sink, faU down, go to ruin,

JS,B,Cr,VPs;AO,CP:rush. ['reoee9


hreosendlle perishable.

hrtosian=hreowsianhreotfft (KGl) pres. 3 sg. of hreosan.-hreotta (fi, ea) . bord-, soild-hr.

hreoung (In) f. hardness ofbreathing, asthma.±hreow I. f. sorrow, regret, penitence, repen-tance, penance, B,Bl,CP,Cr. [*rue


] ILsorrowful, repentant. III. adj.=hreoh?IV.=hreaw I. and HI.

hreowan* (often impersonal w. d. pen.) to

affect (a person) with regret or contrition,

Bo,CP,OenJjL : distress, grieve, Cr,Oen :

fintr.) be penitent, repent, MkL. ['rue,9




hrtewosarigt troubled, sad.hreowende penitent, LkL (ft). ['rueing


]hreowesung=hreowsunghreowian to repent, MkLl1*.

hreowlg sorrowful, sad, Obk799.hreowlgferhtft ««*> sorrowful.hrtowlgmddt ^ad, sorrowful.

hreowllc (I, f) grievous, pitiful, sad, wretched,

miserable, cruel, Chrfs. adv. -lloe, AO,Chr.

hrtownes (ea) f. penitence, contrition, repen-tance, LL,OH ; CP. ['rueness, ' 'rewniss



hrtowon=reowon pret. pL of rowan.hreowssnd* = hreosende±hreowsian (y) to feel sorrow or penitence,

AO,Mt;CP. ['reusie9


hreowsung f. repentance, penitence, sorrow,CP,Lk;M. [Reusing 9


±hreplan (eo), hreppan to touch, treat, Mt


M : attack, Bk6. ['repe ']

hrepsung (iEL) =repsunghrepung f. sense of touch, touch, M.hrtr lightly boiled, Led. ['rear



±hrtran (tr.) to move, shake, agitate, [hror


Oer. rfihren]

hrirednet (f) f. haste, LPs51«.hrsremus f. bat, WW. ['rearmouse



hreran]hrirnes (f) t disturbance, commotion, tem-pest.

hnsl=hrisil+hresp n. tearing, destruction, NC294.+hraspan to tear, PPs43u.

hrist=:hr*st pres. 8 sg. of hreosan.hretf=hrndhrsUf mn. victory, glory.

hrttfa m. covering of goat-skin, Gl.hrtftan to exult, rejoice, Ex573.hretfeshraoe; hrWesretSehriVeadlgt glorious, victorious.

hre1tan6iia*=hr&5m5na8hretferf (a, m) m. breast, bosom : heart, mind,thought i womb.

hretterbealo n. heart-sorrow, B 1343.hreftercofa m. breast, Ce1323.hreKergleaw wise, prudent, Ex 13.

hrefcrloeat m. breast.

-hrMg . ead-, sige-, will-hr.

hretttas inglorious,«0m6natfm. month of March.hrsKnes f. cruelty, inclemency, N.hreflor=hre6erhrsKstgor m. glorious victory, B2583.hrtcg^hryognriolan to cut, cut to pieces, iEL23Tt.

hrtose rick, wrench, sprain, Lci>27a.hrlddel n. 'riddle,

9sieve, LL465[17].

hrlder {Gl), hridder (M) n. sieve, ['riddcr 9

]hrtdrlan to sift, winnow, Lk. ['ridder


]+hrfered destroyed, WW496».hrlewtJ pres. 3 sg. of hreowan.hrlf n. beUy, womb, MJlO.+hrtflan to bring forth, LPs 7*.+hrifnlan to tear off, A0142M .

briftiung f. pain in the bowels,WW 112*.hrffUo f. scurfiness, Lod90b. [hreof]hrlfwssre (e") m. pain in the bowels, WW112».

brltwund wounded in the beUy, LL6[61].hrig^hryoffhrtm m. 'rtrne,

9hoar-frost, Ph ; M.

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(5, f) to cry out, shout, rave, JB(f),CP(e),JnL(&) : bewail, lament, ['reme'


hrSam]-hrlman v. be-hr.

nrbnoaald icy cold, Wa4.hrUnfortt m. hoar-frost, LPs77" (rim-).

brbngtoel m. icicle, Ska* 17.

nrimig rimy, frosty, fard, Rd88t


+hrin n. morsel, EPsl47».+hrin (NG)= +rfn= +i*nbrinan1 (w. a. g. or d.) to touch, lay hold of,

reach, seize, strike, Ps. ['Kite']

brincg^hring ; hrind=rindbrindan* to thrust, push, Rd554


brine m. sense of touch.

dbhrinenes f. touch, contact, BH.bring I. m. ring, link ofchain, fetter, festoon,

B,CP,QJJcd : circle, circular group, Ph :

border, horizon, Oen : (f) (pL) rings of gold(as ornaments and as money) : (f) corslet,

B : circuit (of a year), cycle, course : orb,

globe. Il.f m. (only in wflpee hr.) sound.nrlngan to 'ring,' sound, clash, BJSol : an-nounce by bells, RB.

nrlngbln n. ring-shaped bone, WW 167.


nrflngboga m. coiled serpent, B2561.brlnge f. ring.

bringedf made of rings.

bringedstetnat m. ring-prowed ship.

bring-fag, -fat ring-spotted, variegated.

bringflnger m. 'ring-finger, ' Led,WW.bringgawlndla m. sphere, WW426*5


bringlren n. ring mail, B322.bringloca m. coat of ring-mail, Ma 146.

nrlng-mAl}, -m&ledj adorned with a ring

(of a sword).

hringmere n. bath, Rtmr455.brlngnaea m. ring-prowed ship, B 1863.bringnett n. ring-mail, B1889.brtngselet m. hall in which rings are be-


hringaetl n. circus, OEG.brlngslttande sitting round, looking on,

OEG65.brfngttegut f. receiving of rings.

brlngweortfung f. honouring by the gift ofrings, B3017.nringwban adv. ringwise, in rings, Nab16*.brining f. touch, JnL. [v. 'rine ']

+briorde Jw)= +reorde ; hrlp-= rlp-

brts n. twig, branch. [Oer. reis]

nrlao=riso; hrisoan = hrfooanhrisebt bushy, bristly, WW613*.

hriscl=ry8elbrlMl, hris(i)l f 7 shuttle : bone of the lowerarm, radius, [nriaian]

brisian (y) (tr. and intr.) to shake, move, be

shaken, clatter, An,B,Ps,VPs. ['rese']

hrfslg (ryaig) bushy, OEG8*7.

brbt pree. 3 sg. of brSoaan.brlstanda, hristlende noisy, creaky.

brtotfc f. rattU, WW391*

bristling f. shaking, quivering, rattling noise,

Lod 97a.brftf (n) m. fever, Lon80a.brtV 14 f. snow-storm, tempest. II. =hrioerbrtSidl f. fever, Lod 80a.brltfor (y) n. neat cattle, ox, bull, cow, heifer,

Bl,OtJLcd,WW. ['rather']

brffiaran of cattle, Led. ['rotheren ']

nrmerMoto (y) m. cattic-festival, OEG47 19.

brlfarbtawara (y) m. butcher, M.brlBarheord (f) herd of cattle, M. [v.


brlftarnyrde (f) m. herdsman, M.brftffald m. cattic-pen.

brlVbaorde (ie)=hriCcrhyrdebrftflan to shake, be feverish, have a fever, J5.

~(y) storm-beaten f ruined? Wa77.

bribing f. fever, Lod96b.nrIung=hrSoung; brtw-=hr$ow-hrfwtTprea. 3 ag. of nrfowan.brdo m. 'rook,' Cp,JBL.brdd=rddbrodan I. (±) covered, adorned, ornamented

(pp. of hraodan). II.=rodenhroder=rodorhrdf m. 'roof,' ceiling, M,B,Cr,Q ; AO,CPtop, summit, Bo,Cr,Mk : heaven, sky, Or.

hrdftast with a firm roof, M*r 7*.

brdflaai (rdf-) roofless, WW 186"hrdftele m. roofed hall, B1616.hrdtitan m. roof stone, ME 1-508.

brditlfcal f. roofing tile, WW.broftfmbar n. materialfor roofing, PEG2256.hrdfwyrbta m. roof-maker, builder, WW.nromsa=nramaa; hronS=&ran; hrop=ropbrop m. clamour, outcry, lamentation, El.


hropan't to shout, proclaim : cry out, scream,

howl, Ou,Ps. ['rope']

-bropt . ofer-hr.

bropwyro=ropwerohrdr stirring, busy, active : strong, vigorous,


+nror n. calamity, plague, ruin, BH2844#

[hreoaan]±hroren pp. of hrooaan.+broranas f. downfall, ruin, LPs314


+broranlie perishable, transitory, unstable,

NC204;MFH.hrdse=rdaebrdft m. perch, 'roost,' LL454[11].brostbtag m. woodwork (of a roof), Ruin 32.

brot m. scum, Lod 84a.

broUer=hr66orbrtUglrela m. crown, RPs204


broVhund (A8-450)=rooTnindhrdUort m. solace, joy, pleasure : benefit.

brum m. soot, Shb.WW.-hromlan v. be-hr.

brttmlg sooty, WW362M.

bmng f. cross-bar, spoke, Bd2S1Q. ['rung']

bruron pret. pL of hrSosan.brurul 'deciduus,' BDs3011".

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hrffawf f. earth, soil, ground.hrftt (u?) 'balidus' (validusf), WW361".hrfUan* to make a noise, whiz, snore, JBfip.['rout']

hnJtt==hriti; hrtt5er=hrfoer+hrOxl n. noise, tumult, v. ES39-344.

hrttxllan (mi-) to make a noise, MtR9»hryo =hrycg ; -hryece y. corn-hr.

hrycg (i) m. back, spine, JR,OPJLcd; AO :


ridge, ' elevated surface, BjOtJUkJPs ; Mdf.hryogbin n. back-bone, spine, Ps. {'ridge-


]hrycgbrftdan (hrig-) pL flesh on each side ofthe spine, Lod3118».hrycghAr n. hair on an animal 1

8 back, Lodl-360»

hrycghMBgl (i) n. mantle, TC529M.

hryog-mearg (i, -mearti) n. spinal marrow,WW292*.

hrycgmergtttf n. spine, WW2flgM.

hrycgrib (i) n. rib, WW.hrycg-rlble, -riple flesh on each side of the

spine, WW.hrycgweg m. 'ridge-way, ' road along a ridge,


hryclgan to plough over again, GPH398.hrydlng f. clearing, patch of cleared land,

WW 147".hrpflng f. scab, Lci>32b. [hreof]

hryg=hrycghrfman (e, I) to cry out, shout, rave, JB,GP :

bewail, lament, JnL(%). [' rente*]

hryme = hrum; hrympelle=rimpel+hryne= +rynehryre I. m. fall, ruin, destruction, decay,

jE,B,Bo ;AO,CP. [hreoaan] II. perish-

able,^re-= hrer-, hrere-

hrfsean to creak, y. £839-344.hrywl=ry8el; hiyslan,hryasan=hruianhryst=hyrsthr?st pros. 3 sg. of heoaan.hrystan=hyrstanhtfte (y?) 'balidinus,' WW163M (cp. hint),

hr^tter^hrioer ; hrfWg=hrfCighry88a=ry8oa; hi9wlie=hreowtiohrywsian = hreowsianhr^wU pros. 3 eg. of hreowaian.ha ady. 'how, GP,M. ha ger&des; hameta how. hu geares at what time of year.

hu nyta wherefore, hu ne do6. . . ? do rwrf. . . f

hd nya...? is not...? : (with comparatives)the : (±) in «>me way or other, Shr : hu nenu 'nonne.'

hues, huox=huBOhQdenlan to shake, CP461M.

huf=uf I. and II.

httecoveringforthehead,Cp,WW. ['houve';

Oer. haube]huflan to put a covering on the head,, -hugu somewhere about, h. «waabout.

hull huig! interj.

hullpe = nwilpo

hole m. 'hulk, » ship, LL,WW ;M:hut,M9

LL,WW.bulfeitre f. plover,WW 132".

hullo pron. of what sort.

hulpon pret. pL of helpan.hulu f. husk, pod, WW. ['huW]huluoo (AO) =hulic ; buma=umahumele=hymele ; human (VHy)=ymenhumeta ady. in what way, how, M.hunotttan to limp, halt, KPsl7«.bund I. n. hundred, A,AO,Mk;M : (in

oomp.) decade, ['hund'] II. m. hound,dog, Bo,CP,Jud; M,AO.

hundSBhtatlg ( VPs)= hundeahtatighund&Uef- (-andtef.)= hundendlufon-hundeahtatig num. * eighty,' M.hundeahtadgwmtere eighty years old, M.hundend-Iufontlg, -leftig (») hundred andten.

hund-endlufontigotta, -slleftiogotia hundredand tenth, CP.hundesMo f. dog's parasite, WW380".hundescwelcan pi. colocynth berries, WW364"

hundesfleoge f. dog's parasite, AO.hundasheafod n. snapdragon, Lod.hundealus f. dog's parasite, M.hundes-mlcge, -tunge f. cynoglossum (plant),

Lod.hundeswynn m. dog's parasite, dog's worm,WW 122*.

hundfeald hundredfold, A. ['hundfold']hundfrta m. centurion, MtL22tt mg.hundllo of or Hke dogs, canine, M.hundnlgonttotta ninetieth, M.hundnigontlg ninety, M.hundnlgontlgwintre ninety years old, M.hund-red, -ratJ n.


hundred' (number), 0,Ps,WW,MtL(e£) ;M : hundred (political dis-

trict) : hundred-court, or assembly of the menof a hundred, hundredee ealdor, mannhead of the hundred court, centurion.

hundredgemdt n. hundred-moot, LL.hundredmann m. centurion, M.hundredpenig m. contribution levied by the

sheriff or lord of the hundred for the support

of his office, TC432; 433.hundre* (MkR) = hundredhundseofontig num. seventy, M.hundseofontigfeald seventy-fold, M.hundseofontlgotta seventieth, CP (io1, io*).

hundseofontlgwintre seventy years old, M.hundteontig hundred, M.hundteontig-Ieald, -fealdlic hundredfold.adv. -lice, W237».

hundteonUggeare being of the age of a hun-dred, IE.

hundteondgwmtre a hundred years old, NC303.

hundtwelftlg num. hundred and twenty, M,AO.

hundtwentlg num. hundred and twenty, JS.

hundtwentlgwintre aged a hundred andtwenty, M.

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bundwealh m. servant who looked after doge,

WW111»(»«).hundwslle a hundred-fold, MtLlS*.hundwlntro aged a hundred years, M.hune f. horehound, Lod.ha ne nil 'nonne,' RPs52i ; Hy6».hanger=hungorhungerblton hunger-bitten, starving, Chb1096.

hungergtar n. famine year, M.hungerl&w* famishing, starving, LHy3*.hungerllc hungry, famishing, WW.hungor m. * hunger,* desire,An,Cr, VPs,WW;CP : famine, &,Mt,Chr.

hangrlg 'hungry,' famishing, MtL,Ou;iE,AO.

hungor=hungorhunlg n. 'honey,

9 AO,VPs ; M,CP.hunlgseppel m. pastille? ball of honey? OET(Cpl512).

hunfgbftre honeyed, OEG.hunigbln f. vesselfor honey, LL455[17].hunlgeamb f. 'honey-comb,' ScbW.hunJgflowende flomng with honey, Qv 1260.hunlggafol n. rentpaid in honey, LL448[4,5].hunigvoge f. honeysuckle? clover? privet?

Cp,WW. \'honeysuck']hunlgswtte 'honey-sweet, ' mellifluous, M.hunlgtAar m. honey which drips from the

comb.hunigtftar-en, -lie nectar-like, Gl.hunl-sugs, -suoe=huniosugehunspora m. ' dolon, ' pike ? Cp366d.hunta m. huntsman, M,AO : a kind ofspider,LcdUK.- ['hunt']

hunta* =hunto6huntatifaru i. hunting expedition,LL252[221.±huntlan, huntgan to 'hunt' (intr.), Led,WW;(tT.)jB.

huntfoge f. huntress, A6- 188.

huntigspere n. hunting-spear, WW.. huntlgystre =hunticgehuntott, huntnoti, huntnold, huntnatS m.hunting, what is caught by hunting, game,prey, AS,Ct,Lcd ; AO. [' hunteth']

huntung f. 'hunting,' WW : a hunt, chase,

DB : what is hunted, game, ES37188.hunflyrlunp. holes in the upper part of amast, WW28811


hUon^hwon; hupban, huppban=hypban-huplan v. on-h.

hupseaz n. hip-sword, short sword, dagger.[hup-= hype-]

hurnltu = hyrnetuhOru adv. at least, at aU events, however,nevertheless, yet, even, omy, LL; JE : about,

not less than, AO : surely, truly, certainly,

indeed, especially, CP. h. swfflost mostparticularly.

hnruftlnga at least, especially, M.has n. 'house,' B,Q,BB; M,AO,CP : dwell-

ing-place, Elfh : household, JnL : family,race, Ps.

±husa m. member of a household, G.

n. dwelling-house, NC303.husbonda (6*?) m. householder, master of ahouse, Mtfihr. ['husband']husbonde f. mistress of a house, M.husbryee (e\ is) m. housebreaking, burglary,

LL. ['housebreach']

husbrycel m. housebreaking, burglary, WW205».

husbryne m. burning of a house, Gt.

husbunda=husbondahose n. mockery, derision, scorn, insult,

Qen,WW. ['hux']husoarl m. one ofthe household corps, memberof the king's bodyguard, Chr,KC. ['housecarl' ; ON.]

husollo shameful, ignominious, M. adv.-Hoe.

husoword n. insulting speech, An. [v. 'hux ']

hussl=huslhosalMUgung f. attendance at the eucharist,

communicating, M.husellif {.remains ofthe eucharist,LL(to&").hOMlportto (uB) m. sacristy, BH94W.

husfsast adj. occupying a house, Ct.

hushsflen m. ceiling, WW432*. [heofon]hfkshliford m. master of the house, J3.

hushlftow n. housing, shelter, LL(282»);W74«.±huslan to * house,' receive into one's house,

LL.husfnesl n. habitation, DR,VPs.husl (-eel, -sul) n. 'housel,

9eucharist, Lord's

supper, M,BH : the host, LL : a sacrifice,

MtLW.huslbearn (-ul) n. communicant, Gn531.hosldlso m. housel-dish, paten.

hflsl-fsst n. nap. -fatu sacrificial or sacra-

mental vessel.

hoslgang m. going to, partaking of the

eucharist, M.huslgenga m. communicant, v. LL2*263.

huslian to administer the sacrament, LL.['housel']

huslttin m. acolyte, LL.hushing f. administration of the sacrament,

M. ['houseUng']huslwer (-el) m. communicant, Gtr768.

husrAden f. household, family, LPs.dbhussetpe m. house (e.g. of Israel), race.

husstede m. site of a house, n. tribunal, court (esp. in London),Chr. ['husting']

husul, hasul-=husl, hus(e)l

huswlst f. home, LPs6*.huti f. plunder, booty, prey, M.huxrfrasohwa mf., hwset n. pron. (interrog.) 'who,'

what, M,AO,CP : (indef.) any one, some one,

anything, something, M,AO,CP : each, swahwa swa whosoever, swa hwset swa what-

soever, td hwsem wherefore.

+hw& each one, every one, any one, whoever,

+hw8de slight, scanty, small, young, M.hwssder (GP)=hwider

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+hwAdnes f. fewness, insignificance : fine-ness, subtlety.

hwAg («) n? 'whey.' LL.hwal I. (aea. hwal- in obL owes) m. ' whale,


walrus, MJiO. II. pret. 3 eg. of hwelan.III.=hwalL IV. (£xl61)=wnlnThwalan like a whale? 8ol263.hwalhunta m. whale-fisher, whaler, J3,AO.hwaslhuntatf m. whale-fishery, whaling, AO.hwsBlmeret m. sea.

hwaslweg (w«l-) m. sea, 8iav63.hw»m=hwemmtawim da. of hwa, hwnt.+hwAmUc each, every, LkL9".-hw&nan t. a-hw.hwsene=hwone, asm. of hwa.hwAne=hwenehwsenne, hwame ( *when ' )=hwonnehwart=&werhwAr (a) adv. and oonj. 'where,' whither,

M : somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, M,CP. wel h. nearly everywhere, swa hw.8W& wheresoever, wherever, elks hw. else-

where, hwfer. ..hw£r aere. . .ffare.

+hwAr everywhere, in all directions, M : onevery occasion, always.hwmf^hwearf ; hwssrfan=hwierfanhw»rflung=hwyrflnnghwsBS I. sharp, piercing, Cb 1444. II. gs. of

hwa, hwaet.

hwAsan' (6) to 'lateese,* oreoiAt hard, JE.

hwAst? 6fou»fi9, v. OEG2452n.hwAstrlan (a) to murmur, mutter, NG.hwAstrung (a) f. murmur, whispering,muttering.

hwat I. (neat, of hwa, whioh see) adv. why,wherefore : indeed, surely, truly, for : interj.

whatI lot (calls attention to a followingstatement) ah/ behold/ A. II. adj. (obi.

oases have hwat-) sharp, brisk, quick,

active : bold, brave, AO. III. (CP) pros.

3 sg. of hwettan.+hwat {Or) neut. of +hwa. Vi-hwat']hwAte (8) m. 'wheat,* corn, M,CP. [hwit]hwesteadlg very brave, El 11057hwAteoorn n. corn of wheat, Lcnl3a.hwAtecynn n. wheat, PP81471.hwAtegryttan pL wheaten groats,WW 141".hwAtehealm m. wheat straw, Loi>49a.hwAteland m. wheat-land, KC3-159U .

hwAtemelu n. wheat-meal, LoDl26a.hwAten 'wheaten; M.hwAtesmedma m. wheat-meal, Loi>.

hwAtewsBstm m. corn, GPs77M.

hwathwara=hwathwoguhwat-hwugu, -hwigu, •hogn, -hwega,-hwega, -hwygu pron. and adv. somewhat,slightly, a little, something.hwat-hwugunungM (CP), -hweganonges,-hnganingas adv. somewhat.

hwsBtlloe adv. quickly, promptly.hwostmodt odd, courageous.

dbhwmtaes f. quickness, activity.

hratrtdf firm, determined. [rSd =rfed]

hwastselpe m. activity, vigour, boldness,bravery, AO,CP.

hwsstfer (e) I. adj. pron. which of two,'whether,

9 M. swa hw. swa whichever.hwsBoer...oe whether. ..or : each oftwo, both :

one of two, either, CP. II. oonj. (with sab}.


and adv. whether, JE,CB.+hwsaft«r both, either, each.

hwssftere, hw»ti(8)re I. adv. however, yet,

nevertheless, still, MJlQ,CP. H.=hw»tieradv.+hwsjttere nevertheless.

+hwaetteres everywhere.

hwal- v. hw»l; hwalf =hwealf I.

hwall {=*) forward, bold, WW499" ; 532".[hwelan]hwim ds. of hwa, hwat.hwamm (o) m. corner, angle, prominence, M,CP: porch.

hwamstan (o1 ) m. corner-stone, MtL21".hwan =hwon instr. of hwaet.hwan=hwam; hwanan=hwanonhwana =hwone asm. of hwa.hwanne=hwonnehwanon, hwanone adv. whence, M.+hwanon adv. from every quarter.

hwanonhwegu adv. from anywhere.hwar, hwara=hw&rhwast-=hw£st-hwasta? m. eunuch, Mt,WW.hwat- v. hwat.hwat-a I. m. augur, soothsayer, M. II. (jb),

-an fpl. augury, divination.

hwatend liris IUyrica


hwatung f. augury, divination, LL.hw«al (WW162«)=owealhwealf I. concave, hollow, arched, vaulted.

IL f. vault [cp. Oer. gewdlbe]hwealhaioo= wealhhafoohwealp=hwelphwearf Lf m. crowd, troop, concourse.[hweorfan] II. (a, e, eo) m. exchange i

what is exchanged : (+) vicissitude : error,

MtR27" : going, distance, LkLR24".III. pret. 3 sg. of hweorfan.

hwaartan=hwierfanhwearflan to turn, roll or toss about, revolve,

wave, CP : change : wander, move, pass by,

AO.hwearfile changing, mutable, transitory :

quick, agile, Fin35? adv. -Hoe in turn.

+hwearfnes f. conversion, CP4471*.

hwearft m. revolution, circuit, circle : lapse

{of time).

hwearftilan (y) to revolve, turn round, JE.

hwearfung f. revolution : change, vicissitude :

hwebbang=webbung; hwader=hwider+hw#dnes (KGl)= +hwAdneshwlg=hw&g; hwsgl=hweolhwelan4 (y) to roar, rage.

hwele (AO,CP)S=<hwflo±hwellan, hwellanT to suppurate, CP : cause

to suppurate.

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HWELP 171 UWli)A

hwelp (oa, y) m. *whelp/ the young of ananimal, cub, AO.hweiung f. din, WW423N.

hwem=hwemmhwemdragen sloping, slanting, Bl207".hwemm (») m. corner, angle, M. [hwamm]hwemman to bend, turn, incline, Chb1052.hwene (£) adv. somewhat, a little, jE,AO,CP.[inatr. of hw6n]

hweogl=hweolhweol, hweogul, hweohl n. 'wheel, ' Bo ; Mdf


hweollig having a circular border or decora-tion, WW375".

hweolliat m. orbit, DHy93".hwioMd f. rut, Cp233o.hweop pret. 3 ag. of hwdpan.+hweorfconverted, MtR lb* (+werf) : active?

Cra68.hweorta m. «?AorJ o/ a spindle.

±hweorfsn* (o, n) to turn, change, feohtanmid hweorxendum aigum to fight withvarying success, AO : move, go, come :

wander about, roam, go about : turn back,return, turnfrom, depart : die : be converted.

hweorfb&n (u, y) n. joint, kneecap.hweorflan (e) to return, AS.hwftoa pret. 3 ag. of hwftaan.hweottashwitiahweowl, hweowol=hw6olhwer (», y) m. pot, basin, bowl, kettle,

caldron, M.+hwer=+hw*r; hwerb*n=hweorfbanhwerf I. m. * wharf, ' dam or bank to keep outwater, EC299. II.=hwearf

hwerf- =hwearf-, hweorf-, hwierf-hwergen adv. only in phr. ellee hwergenelsewhere.

hwerhwette f. cucumber.hwesan(JE)=hw&aan; hwiMwAthw#te(KGL)=hw«tehwete-, hwet-atan m. whetstone, AO.±hwettan to 'whet,' sharpen, incite, en-courage, M,CP. [hwastl

-hwette v. hwer-h. ; hwefler=hw»oerhwetJre=hw»«ere; hwl=hw?hwioce t locker, chest, trunk, OEG 18b11.hwloung f. squeaking (of mice), GD185«(c).hwlder (m) adv. 'whither/ MJiO,CP. iwahw. awa wherever, whithersoever.

-fhwlder in every direction, everywhere, any-where, whithersoever.

hwlderryne adj directed whither, Ln43M.

hwle=hwy-hwlettan (e, y) v. a-, be"-, of-hw. [hwealf]±hwlerfan (m, e, ea, i, y) to turn, change,convert, return, CP : wander, move, go,



depart, AO : exchange, barter : (+) overturn,' destroy, [hwearf]+hwierfednes (y) f. conversion, BH.-hwlerfere v. pening-hw.hwlg=hwyhwfl f. 'while, ' time, M.CP : a long time, fta

hwOe (tSe) while, whilst, meanwhile, nfi

hwile just now, a while ago. ealle hwile

aU the while. otfre hwHe...6tire hwile at

one time. . .at another time.

hwile (e, y) interrog. pron. and adj.

which, what : (indef.) whosoever, whichever :

any (one), some (one), awa hw. swa who-soever, whatever.

+hwllo each, every (one), all, many, whoever,

whatever, anra +hw. each one.

hwllohwega=hwilohwngahwllc-hwene, -hwone pron. some, some one*

hwllo-hwugu, -hagn (hwilo is declined) pron.

any, some, some one, AO,CP.±hwllonea f. quality, M.hwllen passing, transitory, Whaub87.hwDende (So), hwflendlio (CP)=hwfl-wendlio

hwlletf prea. 3 eg. of hwelan.hwOhwega adv. for some time.

hwllon (JS)=hwflumhwllpe f. curlew? Sxaf21. [Du. wilp]

hwDsfleoe n. interval, short space of time, oddmoment, WW420".

hwOtldam adv. sometimes, at times, M,CP.hwfltidum...hwfltfdnm at some


hwDttrig f. period of time, GD2431*


hwOum adv. (dp. of hwil) 'whilom/ some-times, once, M,GP. hwOnm...hwilum now. . .now, at one time. . .at another, [whilom]

hwDwende transitory, temporary, A.hwllwendtte transitory, temporary, temporal,

M. adv. -Hoe, M.hwlmpel= wimpelhwman1 to hiss, whizz, whistle. [' whine']hwlnalan to whine, NC303.hwlnsung f. whining, NC303.hwlrfan=hwierfanhwlrfB prea. 3 ag. of hweorfan.hwlrllc (HGL434) =hwearflichwlaoettung f. squeaking (of mice), GD186« (o).

hwlaprtan to 'whisper,* murmur, NG.hwlaprung f. whispering, murmuring, JnB

hwlftie f. reed, whistle, fipe.hwlatlere m. whistler, piper.

hwlttltan to 'whistle,' hiss, Nab4317.

hwlatlung f. whistling, piping, music.

hwtt I. 'white1

: bright, radiant, glistening,

flashing, clear, fair. II. n. white of egg, J&.

dzhwltan to whiten : brighten, polish.

hwltcorn n. manna, JnL6slmg.hwft-ewldu, -oudu m. mastic, LCD.hwItehUf m. white bread.

hwltel (y) m. blanket, cloak, M. [hwit]

hwltfdt white-footed, Gl.hwltian to whiten, become white, be white, 2E.

hwttingmeltt n. whiting-powder, LoDllQb.hwltlngtreow n. whitten tree.

hwltleac n. onion, WW353*.hwltling m. a kind offish, whiting? NC303.hwlt-loet, -loooedel fair-haired, blonde, Rd.hwltnes f. whiteness, J2,Bl.hwttta m., hwiflu (eo) ft air, breeze, JS,CP.

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hwol? l

infigens,' OEG37*.bwomm=hwammhwon fonn of instr. oaee of hwa, only foundin adverbial phrases like 'to" hwon, forhwon' why.hwon I. adj. little,few. II. n. a little, trifle,

somewhat,a little while. III. adv. somewhat.

hwonan=hwanonhwone aem. of hwa.hwdnlle little, smaU, M. adv. -Hoe,

moderately, slightly, little, M.hwftnlotum (—hlotnm) adv. in smallquantities, Gl.

tawonne adv. when, then, at some time, CP :

at any time, nil hw. just now : as king as,


hwonon =hwanonhwdpan7

f to threaten.

hwortan =hweorfanhwosta m. cough, WW. ['hoastt']

hwdstan to cough, Loi>Q6b (hwoaatf).

hwotferlan to foam, surge, ^H2*388u.


hwoftrung f. murmur, a low sound, OEG26Mhwu(LWS)=huhwugudAl m. smaU part, HL18*«.hwurf- =hwearf-, hweorf-, hwyrf-hwurfon pret. pL of hweorfan.hwurful fickle, CP. [hweorfan]hwurfulnes f. inconstancy, mutability, CP.hwf (inst. of hwset) adv. and oonj. 'why.'

to hwy wherefore,

hwyder (M) =hwiderhwylan=hwelan; hwylcfr=*hwilohwyloa m. tumour, boil, WW 161".hwyion = hwflum; hwylp=hwelphwyr=hwer; hwyrf-=hweorf-,nwierf-hwyrfel m. circuity exterior, higher part?Bl125u : {meaning doubtful), EC328'.

hwyrlepdl m. whirlpool, eddy, WW383*4.

hwyrflede 'rotundus,' v. OEG23".hwyrflung (ae) f. turningf revolution, monthfv. OEG1992 : wandering.

hwyifnee f. dizziness, giddiness, Lod.±hwyrft m. turning, circuit, revolution,

motion, course, orbit: way out, outlet. +hw.geares anniversary.

hwyrftltan = hwearftlianhwyrftweg m. escape, Rd4*.hwystl- = wistl- ; hwftel = hwitelh« = hie; +h*an=hean III.

±hyegan (i) to think, consider, meditate,

study : resolve upon, determine, purpose :

-rewimber : hope. h. fram be averse to.

n?d t a 'hide,' skin, Chr,LL ; AO,CP,M.hyde oolian to undergo aflogging. II.=hid+h«d I. furnished with a skin, NabSO*.II. pp. of hean. III.= +hyg<L±h?dan I. to 'hide* ('i-hede'), conceal, pre-

serve, Bo,CP : (reft, and into.) hide oneself,

CP,Ps : sheath (a sword), bury (a corpse),

M. II.=hedanhjddern =h6ddem ; -hydele v. hftwen-h.+ hydellcnes = +hyBeltanes

kftfeb m. hiding-place, cave, MkRJJL.['hidcle']

hyder=hiderhfdglld (y

s) n. fine to save one's skin (i.e.

instead of flogging), LL. ['hidegM']hjdlg I. leathern, WW 125* II.=hygdi#+h?dnes f. comfort, Cp210o : security, CP387.

h*dselp=hyo8ciphjff. 'jhsj,' Gp,Lcd,WW.+hygd (i), hygd (at PPsl20*) fn. mind,thought : reflection, forethought.

hygdig heedful, thoughtful, careful : chaste,

modest adv. -Hoe chastely.

hjgdlgiMf t chastity, modesty, DR.hyge (i)t m. thought, mind, heart, disposition,

intention, 8eafJ>a : courage : pride, Gxzr354. {'high']

hygebend mf. heart-strings, B1878.hygebllnd mentally blind, Jul61.hft^bWSe^bUtheofheaH.giad^ioufuLhygeelAne pure in heart, PPB104*.hygeeneftt m. power of mind, wisdom.hygeeneftigt wise, prudent.

hjgwlrlht f. band of household retainers?

Rnf21. [hlw]

hygetoet wise, Rd43".hygefrdd wise, Gmrl953.hygefrdforf f. consolation.

hygegAlaa hesitating, slow, sluggish, Ph314.[g*lan]

hygegal loose, wanton, Rd13u.

hygegar m. wile, Mod 34.

hygegeomort sad in mind.hygegfyawt prudent in mind.hygegrlm savage, cruel, Jul595.hygeltes (e, i) thoughtless, foolish, rash, M.hygeliaslio (i) unbridled, OEG3170.hygeleast 1 heedlessness, folly, M.hygemfittum (i) reverently, B2909.hygemtte sad, saddening, B2442.hygerdft stout-hearted, brave.

hygerun f. secret. El 1099.

hygeeeeaft t mind, heart, Gmr288.hygemottort sagacious, wise.

hygeeorgt f. heart sorrow, anxiety.

hygestrang (i) brave, Mjdt42.hygettenaf m. injury, insult.

hygetrtow f. fidelity, Ghk2367.hygettanet m. thoughthygettanoolt thoughtful, wise.

hygeftlhtig (i1) courageous, B746.

hygeVrymm (il) m. courage, B339.hygeVrytS (i) f. pride, insolence, G»2238.hygewntan{ m. agitation of mind, anger.

hygewlanet haughty, proud.hyggean=hyogan; bygtt (LPs)=higlahytean=h^«oan; hybst v. heah.hyht (e, i) mf. (±) hope, trust, Blfs; JR,CP :

joy, exultation : (±) desire, expectation : (+)comfort. Vhight']

d:hyhtan (i) to hope, trust, Ps : rejoice, exult,

be glad : soften {hardship), Gutk86*.Vhight']

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+hyhtendlic to be hoped for, GD269".hyhtful (e, i) hopeful : full ofjoy, mirthful,pleasant, glad.

hyhtgiefa f. pleasing gift, Rnc21.hyhtgffla m. giver ofjoy, El862.

hyhtlng (i*) I exultation, WW233".hyhtieas (i») unbelieving. Gun 2387.

hyhtUet hopeful, joyful, pleasant ady.-lioe.

4-hyhtlle commodious.hyhtplegat dl Joycm* pfay, sporthyhtwlUaf m. hoped-for joy.

hyhtwynnt f. joy o/ hope, joy.

hyh«o=hieh6u; hyi=hyflhylo (i) m. 6eiuJ, tern, Gl.+hylee4 divergent, GPH398.hyld (e, i) m. puce, Oe» : fcyaty, tfe%,CAr(e),£L. ['AeW]

^^hyldan I. (e)=hieldan. II. to ./lay, sti*,2B,JPJP. ['WW; holdll.1

hyldfttt m. oa*A ofallegiance, LL396b.hylde f. declivity, elope, KC,WW(e). Shield



hyMemflgt m. near kinsman.hyldere m. ,/fciyer, fofcfer, Gl. [hold II.]

+hyldlg jutieftJ, SPs7».hyldlng 1 curve, tncKnatiott, WW3821


[heald]hyldo f. favour, grace, kindness, protection :

allegiance, loyalty, reverence, AO,CP.[hold I.]

hyUrOden 1 JbfaJty, TC610«(e*).hyWu(^))=:hyldohylest pres. 2 eg. of helan.

hyll^^hielfbyll h mf. 'hiU,

9 JF; Mdf. II.=heilhyllehama (i) m. 'cicada,* cricket, grass-hopper, Gl.+hylman=helini&n ; »bybnan v. for-, ofar-h.

hylp=helphylptf pres. 3 eg. of helpan.hyfeten baked (on the hearth), WW393".hytaung I 'tympanum, 9

timbrelf (BB4-82),EPs 160*.

hylt=hielt pres. 3 sg. of heeldan.-hylto . heah-h.hylto=hieltohylwyrt f. 'hiUwort,


pulegium, WW.hym=him ; hymbUoe (Gl) =hymlicHymbre sbpL Northumbrians, OET571.hymele f. hop plant, WW;Mdf.hamulus]hymeUe=hymlio; hymen=?menhymMe (e) m., hymlioe f. 'hemlock,


bjta=hean; hjnan (;E)==hIenanbynd^hind-hynde v. six-, twelf-, twi-h. ; of-hende.hynden f. community of 100 men, LL.hyndenmann m. chiefman in the communityof 100 men, LL 175; 178.

hyne=hine as. of he.

±hyngran, hyngrian (i) to be'hunger,

9(impers.) M,JnL\ (intr.

(trans.) hunger for, Mt5*.


hyngfIg shnngnghennas I persecution, BH34S


hynniUee (Ep) =ynnileaohJntJ, hyntiu= hfentio

+h*pan (^)s=+heapianhypban n. hip-bone,WW20V.hype m. 'hip,

9 Bl,WW;M,CP.bjpef. heap, ELhypebiii=hypDanhfrel m. heap, mound, Gl.hypeea»=hnpooax+hypsan (LFs9")=hyspan


\ hungry,r.) CrJLk :

(i1, e*) n. pain in the hips, WW


hfr (I) f. 'hire,9wages, MJLL : interest,

usury, M.hyra gp. of he, hfio, hit.

ltysa m. eertwnl, follower, mercenary, hire-

ling, CP.hyran to spU, MkB 14". [op. +horian]±hjran= (l)hleran; (2)hyrianhyrenlan=heoronianhyrdf. door, Gbn2696. [Gott.hanrds]hyrd-, heord-, hyrwd- =hierd-hyrdel m. 'nurdfe,' ^,JFJF.hyra gds. of heo ; hfre=h§orehjreborg (ie) m. interest on money, WW5151


hfrael=hiered; hfreftersherefterhyiegeoo, -geoht=h^rgeohth^regllda m. mereenory, hired servant, WW111"

h*remann=hferemannh*rgeoht n. hired yoke of oxen, LL24[00].hyrtan to imitate, Bo.hyrlan to 'hire



), M,Mt.tairigmanii I. m. hireling, A,Mk. ['hire-

man '] II.=hferemannhyrlng f. imitation.

hurling m. 'hireling,9 Mk\».

nermann = hyrigmannhyrnan to jut out like a horn, Ct.hyrne f. angle, comer, OP,Mt ; Mdf. [• hern 9

]±hyTneahorned,beaked,Lcd;M. ['i-horned


]hyrnednebbat horny-billed, horn-beaked.[horn]

hyrnen I. of horn, LRPsOT*. II. angular,OEG7»

h^rnea^hlerneahyrnet* hyrneta f. 'hornet,

9 Gl,WW : gadfly


WW\2\".hymfal angular, having many angles, OEG121.

hyrnlg angular, OEG 121.

hyrnst&n m. corner-stone, keystone,MEL 1 •106h*TOxa m. hired ox, LL116B.hyrra (KGL)=heorra, heorrhjrra I. v. heah. IL =hyrahyrstt Li (±) ornament, decoration, jewel,treasure : accoutrements, trappings, armour.[Qer. rilstung] IL m. hillock, eminence,height, wood, wooded eminence, Rd.OET;Mdf. ['hurst



hyrat- =hierst-

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±hyratan I. to decorate, adorn, ornament,equip. [Oer. rfiaten] IL (+) to murmur,LkLR15*. III.= hierstan

hyrsum^hlenam ; hyrtan=hiertanhyrten=heortenhyr* f. akin, hide, ES41-323.kyiffll (Cfr)=hyrdel+hfnmg f. hiring, WW213U.

' ljyiw-=hierw-faya=hia; hfnnTshyaean±hyeean (ea, i) (to.) to jeer at, deride, re-

proach, Julj>s : (into.) to rail, utter taunts,

W. ['heascen']

hjaeend mm. revOer, GPH398.hy»dld (WW170u)=hy^oildhyaaf naF» byeeaa m. «m, yonA, yotmyman, warrior.

hyeebeorlfor n. fte bearing ofmale offspring :

6oy, young man.hyaa-bertfllng, -byrding m. the bearing ofmale offspring.

hyaeberare f. teaman who bears a son, SHyJJO". [byrtfare]

tayMdld n. mob cAtW, iS^AO.hyeerinc m. yonny man, GD338".hyeewlee ady. a/itar ffte maiwwr o/ vaufiff men.WW417«

hyaope=yeopehyepan (e, 1) pret. hyende and hyepte to

moefc, acorn, deride, revue, AO. [hoap]

hyapand m. calumniator, BPs71*.+nyspendlle abominable, LPs 13*.

hyapful ridiculous, OEG111"hyap-nea, -ung 1 contumely.

hyaee=hyeehyt I.f AeoJ, B2649. [Otf. hit*; or 7 readhit] IL=hitpron.

h^t proa. 3 sg. of hydan.hyttan=hittanhJIJ h f. fana'tny-plaee, Aoroovr, credit, port,

Cp,Quth,MetJ>e;M,CP. Vhithe'] ILL6oa[y,prey.+h|V appropriate, convenient, M.hyfan (!) plunder, ravage, [huti]

±hytfeglan to facilitate.

hyftegung f. oatxmJaoe, So 12*.

±hytfe]le suitable, proper, convenient, ad-vantageous, adv. -fioi.

+hf«all8naa f. 'oppcrtunitas,' NCS45.hftfglld n. Aaroow offering, sacrifice or

service, OEG.hytJllc belonging to a harbour, WW.+hjttto= +hfoetio+h?tfnes f. advantage, ML2$bP* : occasion,

EPs9".hftfeelp (I) n. a fynf, piratical ffeeaeZ, Ol.hyW f. pain, advantage.

+hytRto n. subsistence, ML2Zb***.hytfweard m. warden ofa harbour, B1915.hyw^hiw; +hywan=+Iewanhynnsshyaoan




b(JS)=:gea;Iactnotua, foeintna m.hyaointhoa]

Iagul=geagl; lara=gearoiarwan=ffierwan; Ib-=if-

Id pron. (lat pen.) '/, ' Cp,Jn. [Ger. ion]kail, Ioean=Ieoan; lee=foeband m. 'onetor, ' £»n48u. [ieoan]

leeafre f. 'omari*,' ^Gb48u.

laga only in phr. 'ioge gold,' treasure-gold


rich odd? B1108.Uaagaa adv. on the same day, A.Idel L (often Ml- in obL oases) worthless,

useless, vain, JS,Cp,Gen,Mt,VPs : empty;desolate, bare, void, destitute, devoid (of),

AB,B,VPs;CP : 'Mfe,' tutempZoyerf, Jft.

on L adv. in vain, M. II. n. empfinea*,frivolity, idleness, Lce%LLJ3ol(f) : inatten-

tion, carelessness.

lae&orn slothful, idle.

Melflelp (e*, i*) n. empty boasting, vainglory,

CP,DHy,WW.Idelglld n. vain worship, idolatry, M.MelgUdoflrunf 1 offmng to an idol, M.Melhende empty-handed, empty, M,CP.Idelingm (a«) ^frivola,* GPH389.Idelllo vain, idle. ady. -Bee, FjP«. ['

Idalnaa I. frivolity, vanity, anpftneaf, _

neat, VPs ; CP. in (on) idelniaae in vain :

* idleness,* idle, vain existence, LL.-UalaprAoa v. fela-L

idea virgin : (f) loomon, wife, lady, queen.

hUt busy r activer{BT); greedyfort desirous

off (GK), PH407?Idl-v. IdeL

±Idlian to become useless.

Idol n. idol, LL. |X.]

lay. ea.

Ieoan (ft, g, ea, I, f) pret. ieote, Ihte to in-

crease, enlarge, add to, augment, prolong,

AnJbcdMM ' {+) Wfil. carry out, RSL11*486. Veche* ; eao]

leelnotus= laoinotoa

IaeaaaQra=geaoeaaure; Iedel-=idel-U*(lg)L island, [ea]

lagbQand m. islander, CP.togeUf (eg-) n. sea-cliff, B2893.togtand (€, I) n. island.

fagatrtam (&ft m. current, river, eta.

Iahtan=entan; lelo-=ilo.; leW=ieldo±Ieldan (i, y) to delay, put oft, prolong,hesitate, tarry, CP : connive at, dissimulate,['eld'; eald]

ieldcian(CP)=eloianleldef (e, ea, i, y) mp. men.ielden (m) n. delay, BH400*leldend (y) m. one who delays.leldendlle (e) dilatory, WW4411


loldeat (a), e, y) auperL of eald (JB,Mt,CP;'eldest



leldeeta m. chief.

leldful (i, y) dilatory, delaying, OEG.

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(y) to put off, delay, M.tekUng 1 delay, tarrying, CP : dissimulation.

toMo (a, ef i, y) f. age, &,QuJjcd : period :

oldage, old people, JB,Bl; CP : an age of the

world, M,Qu. ['eld* ; eald]

toMra (y) (comp. of eald) used as sbpLparents, ancestors, B&>yEl>Ra\ [* elder*]

teUratsBdar («ld-) m. grandfather,WWWleldu=ieldoielle (y) mp. elves (v. ©If).

lelien {m, e, y) L elf, fairy.

tolfig (y) raving, frantic, mad, WW. [v.



inang; terd=gierdtarf- t. also yrf-.

lerfe (a, e, i, y) n. heritage, bequest, property,

CP : arfffa. [Ger. erbe]tertian (i) to inherit, possess : (+) to stock

with cattle.

torgan to dishearten, [earg]

ierglfa f. remfone**, ffcrfA, eotoorcftce, AO.[e**g]

tarUe (i) angry, vehement, ApT.±Ierman to Aaroat, tea;, ajlief, CP. [eann]terming (eo, e, y) m. juraon o/ no account,

poor wretch, AO.CP.termtf, iermou (e, ea, eo, y) 1 misery, dis-

tress, poverty, BJk>,Ps i disease : crime :

reproach, calumny, CP8118"4. ['emO*';eann]toman* (», i, y; rinnan) pret. 3 ig. am,orn, pL urnon; pp. omen (±) to run,move rapidly, hasten, flow, spread, MJiO,CPJJcd, VPs : pursue, Boj*s : cause to moverapidly, turn, grind, AOJSH : (+) get to,

attain, meet with : (+) occur (to one's mind),QD : (+) coagulate, Led : (+) grow up.Vern']

tornlng (e) f. discharge, flow, NG.torn I. (it y) wandering, erring, perverse,

depraved, Ps,8ol : angry, fierce, JRJSlfihr,CP ;AO. II. n. anger, Bl,CPJSl,Lk.

ierremdd (y) wrathful, wild, B726.terrenga (eo1, y\ i\ u1) adv. angrily, fiercely,

CP.ierrettweorh (y) very angry, 8at399Tlersdpe (y) m. anger, 15*89*.

±lerslan (i, io, y) to be angry with, rage :

enrage, irritate, CP.lenlgendtte passionate, emotional, M(y).tenting (i, y) f. anger, CP.tersunga adv. angrily.

lert5-=eorC-, yrtS-

tosca (Ep,Erf)=geoosalesend, iesende entrails, WW. [—geaen]letett pree. 3 eg. of etan.

left adv. oomp. («eatf) easily, An,Met;AO.CP. ['eoto']

+Ieffan (8) to alleviate, Qui 179.

lefte I. easy, good-natured, pleasant, B; AO.IL (t)=««e

Iettogean= yftgian

leffeUe easy, CP : adv. -Hoe easily, AO,CP.tetfnes f. ease, pleasure, CP425".

dbtewan (ea, eo, f) to show, display, reveal,

disclose, point out, CP. [Sage; op. Sowan]Ilegn=ifigIflg n. 'ivy/ GUtLcdJShr.Iflgbearo ivy-grove, CC50.Iflg-erop, -eroppa m. cluster of ivy berries.

Iflgliaf n. tvy fee*/, LoDll7b.Iflg-tearo, -tara n. try tar, resin from tar,

Lod.Iflht fry-covere**, KC.lg=io; If -leg; ]gbOend=fegbuendlgdasges=Id»gee; lgel=Q; |gg=fegIggati, iggoB, Sg(e)oC m. 'ad/ ey<rf, «matfMbifuf, ^,C%r.

Igll,igl(^;)=aIgland (8) n. 'wfenoy BH,Bo,CKr, Whale.igoft, igC=igga«; lh=ioInto pret. 3 ag. of ieoan.

n (igil) m. hedgehog, porcupine, 8hr,WW;CP. [•«•]

nand=]glandIlea (y) pron. (always wk) the same, An,Bo,Chr,OET;CP. ['«*»]

Ilea adv. v. swa; fld-=ield-

lle (y) m. sole of the foot, J£ : callosity, corn,M. [op. Qer. eilen]

llletu, ilfe(t)te (y) f. swan, Gh ; Mdf.Ulea=ileaUleracu f. surfeit, WW378».+Illeroead surfeited, CVYbII**.Unetu (WW367")=ilfetnUugaeeg v. eolhseoff ; lmbe=ymbe II.

ImberdUng, imbyrcuing=inbyrdlingImpa? m., impef f. graft, shoot, scion, CP381". Vimp')

Implan to *imp/implant, graft, LL464[12] :

(+) busy oneself with, CP132*In I. prep, with a. and d. (instr.) (local) Hn, %

into, upon, on, at, to, among : (temporal)in, at, about, towards, during i (purpose)in, to, for. IL sb. and adv. -inn

In- (v. BH xxxiii ff.)=on-

maberan4 (inn-) to bring in, M.Inadl f. internal disease, Lod.InAJan (VPs)=on&lan ; lnigan =inganlnageode=ineode pret. 3 sg. of ingan.

Inasenrtsn to send in.

InAwrlttlng f. inscription, LkL20M.

InbSBrnednes (CPs66); inbasrnes (Gl) f.

burning, incense, frankincense, [=onb-]InbecwetJan6 to inculcate, WW429M.

InbeMMan to lead in.

lnbelQcan* to shut, Bl217«inbend mf. internal bond, Gu928.lnber-=on-, in-byr-

Inberan to carry %n, LL386[1].lnbernes (VPs)=inba3rneslnbesltan to hack into {any one), LL86[74].Inbesttngan* to penetrate, LL7[64,2].Inbst^nednes f. life of a recluse, GD212*.lnbewmdan' to enfold, enwrap.inblrdllng=inbyrdlingInblawan7 to inspire, breathe upon, JnB :

inflate, puff up, EC. ['inblow']

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i proclaimed, [onbeodan] Intanld n. in-coming, entrance,M : interior z

i exasperated, f—onb-1 vestibule.

ptc. indigenous, native* GPH89Q. tnrangene-Mof, mfangen-tifif eb. right of[* inborn


] judging thieves caught within the limits ofInborn m. bail, security in eases of theft, LL. one sjurisdiction, and oftaking thefinesforrinborgh'] i*«crtme,Cl; V.LL2-623. ['mjangthiefl

lnbrtdan* to burst in upon, GPH393. tetanm* L to enter, JBJn. ['tn/are']

tn-brengan, -bringan to bring in, present, U.»mnefaranMb. ['inbring


] fnfara t t«c«r«ic», taron*, Chb1048.mbryne (byr) m. conflagration. mlaallan7 to fall in, VP».inbryrd-=onbryrd- Inleocan to fetch in, Bl1761.tnbflan to tnAoKf, MtL23» tnllran to enter in, M.tnMend m. inhabitant, WW210". tnflht n. brawl in a house, LL597'.m-burg, -burh f. hall, WW. toflndan* tojmrf, discover, NG.tnbyrde 6or» on tfe estate, Ct InflidetASo/w1^-tnfcyrunng (e) za. slave bom in a master's mfltai* to fig from, Rm44.Aoiwe, Su tnldeter n. bringing up, rearing, LL396'.

tnbyrne (DR)=mbrvne iBtrtdf eery ayid, experienced,

mbyrti pros. 3 sg. of inberan. lug L mim 0/ tae rime for ng. H.=ging,tne (Jft,JfJ;) da. of git, dual pen. pron. geong['tnc'] -tog suffix, at in canning, lytling (originally

inca m. question, scruple, suspicion, doubt : patronymic).

grievance, quarrel, grudge, BH. inoan to-fin any. pret. -tode to 90 t», enter, BH,witan to Aove a gnutye. Jft. ['tnpo']— --1=mge8gode; inee=ynce mgaiigDutn^reM, eiarofice^acceM,^^^^^,

Incegan to call upon, DR119*. [oigan] BHJ>s (inn.) : entrance fee. I'ingang'lIneigung f. invocation, DR. mgangan* to go in, enter, M.tnoempa m. soldier of the same company, tngebed n. earnest prayer, PPB871.WW207*. mgeberigan (NG) =cmbyrgan

lneer (y) I. gen. of sit, dual pen. pron. Ingebrmgan' to bring in, LL150'.lh eA). pron. of or belonging to both of you, tnge-elg^-oggan'taiueare,' VPs;CPb90w.

JbT<. ['tater'] Ingedon any. to put in, BH434"+taefulnan to ojflfead, scandalise, MtR, [inoa] mgedrlnean (GPH391) =indrinoanlnega=inca IngefamUan7 'taokiere,' Pa.Inelt ace. of git, dual personal pronoun. lngefeoht n. internal war, BH.lndeofa (i, y) m. chamber, closet : cave, den. mgetole n. native race, Ex 142.

Inenlht m. household servant, M. tngehrif (-gerif) n. womb, LPs21*.

tnoota m. inner chamber, ML : breast, heart, Inge-hygd, -hjd (J3), -hid f. consciousness,Mxt22u. mind, conscience, sense, understanding- :

Ineotfu f. internal disease, M. intention, purpose, design.

tneuman4 to come in, go into, enter, JB. tngehygdnei t intention, LPB481.

['income'] ingelmdansinlAdanIneund interior, internal, inward, secret, ingelattlan to invite.

j£,CP. adv. -lice, M. Ingemang v. gemang prep.Incundnes 1 •award eoavfctioa, sincerity, lngemyndt fn. recollection, memory, mind.W10G*° : inward part, recess, DHy. tngemyndt wea-remembered, El896.

tnefffl rtronye, extraordinary, adv. -fioe. Ingenga m. vtMtor, tairader, B1776.Ineyme m. entrance, LV32. Ingeongan (NG)=inganganIndAlan to ta/iue, DR. Ingeotan* to pour tn, rffl.

tndipan to dip in, LkLlft". ingtoting (yn-? =ymb-) t iapoartiw, OBG.Indisc Jadtoa,A mgereo n. broil, BH. [—ungereo]indrenean=ondrencan Ingerlf =in«ehriftodrltan1 to ejdeafate, utter, 8at80. Ingeeeted^eed ta, inserted.tndrihtan =indryhten Ingeiteald AotweAoU poodt, B 1156.Indrtncan* to tmW6e, drink, indrunoen Ingesweln. internal swelling, WW113*.p^iriia^nfc lnge«ano mnjAoa^ai, mtikl, conscience, in-

Indryhtan distinguished, noble, excellent. tention, M,CP.Indryhtof f. honour, glory. tngeVtodf f. nation.Inrardlan to dwell in, inhabit, VPe. mgeweaxen implanted, WW427«.toMdSte n. household stuff, furniture, WW tngewmn n. civil war, A088»U7«. [yddiao] tngewltnes f. coiwcioiMieaf, coiwcfence, BH.

tnelle=innelfe; inerm-mmeife Ingeng (CP) =ingang

[ Mijbre J CM424. [geotan]

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i to inflame, QD29*.Inbebban (Cb313)=onhebbantnlwldan = onhieldanJnheord f. herd kept by the lord on hie lands,

LL449[7].tnhlred m. family, household, M.In-hlwan, -higan abpL members of a house-hold or community, servants.

lnhold loyal in heart, Lcd3-442».Inhumes f. possession, EC364'.

InHd f. right of water-passage inland :


InUMan 'inducere,' to introduce, NO.Intend- =inlend-±tnlaglan to reverse sentence of outlawry,

ChrJLL. ['inlaw']

Inland n. land in the lord's own occupation,domain, demesne.

mlatfIan to invite.

mlafllgend m. inviter, 80170".lnlee=in]io; Inlegan (VPB)=onlieganfaiiih^n ==infihtan

Inlenda m. native, Ol.In-tande, -lendiso native, indigenous.

mleohtan =inlihtanInllo internal, interior, inward, BH : native.

adv. -lioe inwardly : thoroughly, sincerely,

heartily, BH^Bo. ['inly']

fnHchomiing f. incarnation, DR.±tnffhtan (»on-) to shine, illuminate en-lighten.

lnHhtend m. illuminator, DR2*.Inlfhtlan (-on-) to illuminate, enfghten,NG. .

InDhtoM f. illumination, VPsInttfowac=nntttfawao

mDxan to become light, dawn, LkL23".Inlocaft BuperL adv. innermost, mostheartily, [infioe]

lntyhtan= inlfhtan

inmearg n. marrow, OPH307.InmMe close to one's heart, important in one'sestimation, RB ; Bk16.

Inn L n. dwelling, apartment, lodging,

chamber, house, JSyMt; AO : quartering

. oneself (of soldiers), ['inn'] II., inwards, within, inside of : into, ionon into.

Inn- =in- ; Inna (LkL) =innotSInnan L prep. (w. a. g. <L) from within, B :

within, in, into, Q,QenJjcd ; CP. IL adv.within, inside, in, AO. ['inne']

InnanbordM adv. (within borders), at home,CP.

mnanburhware sbpL residents within the

walls of a town, TC510".Innaneund inner, inward, internal : thorough,


Innane=innan II. ; tnnanweard=inweardlnna$=inno$Inniwrtttfng (LkL)=onwritingtnne adv. in, inside, within, in-doors, A^LO,BH,Chr,CtJjca\

O. H. • <i

= itin.) u„

adj. inward, GP139.mne-faran, -foran bowels, Lod.lnnalle n. bowels : womb.tamemest (superL of inne) adj. 'inmost,' 8c


mostintimate, deep or dose,CP. adv. inmost.lnnera (oompar. of inne) 'inner/ interior,

WW : mental, spiritual, BH,LLJ3cInneU=inno6lnne-weard, -werd=inweardJnnheardmann m. one of the household troops,

MtL8*. [inhired]

Innhere m. home force, native army, Chb1006s.

Innlan to go in, Bo: (±) put up, lodge, Chr1048 : (+) include : (+) fill, restore, mategood, JE. ['inn']

mntarle (e*) n. household stuff, furniture,goods, Bo31».

mnlffi (Cpll5i)=innelfeInnlht (WW450u)=ineniht?mnlwlan to renew, DR 168".Innon=innanlnnor (jEQt) oompar. of inne. ['inner']

lnnott mf. inside, entrails, stomach, womb,breast, heart, BH,Bo,Q; M,CP.mnoftmagen (e>) n. strength, EHy6".lnnofftydernes f. weakness of the bowels, Lod106a.

Innottwund f. internal wound, Lod 88b.Innra=inneramnung f. dwelling : contents, takings, revenue,Bo,KC. ['inning']

mnwearcUee=inweardlioemnweorud n. retainers, household, Wn> 111.Innylfe=innelfeInorf n. household goods, furniture,Inra (JS)=innerainr&ean 'ingesserunt,' WW420" (v. A31-532).

nwfiamn to rush upon. •

InrteeJs n. incense, LkR I9.

IntsBglung=inseglunglnsAte adj. dependent, WW 186*.

InasBtnes= insetnee

Insetewere m. inspector, DR 104.

Inaetowung f. inspection, view, NO.Inseettendft=unsoeSoendeIn-sagal, -aegl (») n. seal, signet, JS,CL['inseil'i L.]

±1na*gll*n(*)toseal,LL;ML. ['inseil']

Insaglung f. sealing, seal, M(m).to send in, put in, VPs.

f. regulation, DR.Insettan to institute, BH,JnL.Inatgle n. seal, signet, [inaegel]

Inslht f. narrative, JnL.Insittende sitting within, Rd47*.Insmoh m. slough, MIL 162".Insden f. brawl in a house, LL597[80,12].lnsomnlan to gather in, BH274*.

lnspinn n. spindle, WW.lnatsepe h m. entrance, iEHl-84. IL=-instaepee


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\ adv. forthwith, directly.

i (2E)=ineteppan1(o») to 6e freeeiii, DR.

Itto (o1) required far present use,

MtR6".i (y) immediately, NG.

, -etepee =inst»peeB9 (») to oo t», enter,A

> m. infernal etifcAino pain, Lcd.a1 to eUm6 tn, GD24.

i to afipoin^ arrange, LkL p2*oneting; lnetyde=inetede

i m. fertf^ swineherd, LL447.nT to intude, BH278*.

if. onme^BHllO"_ i(KGL)=intmga; lntimb-=ontimb-

tnttnga m. matter, oneine**, iE : cause i fault.

baton intinffan tn tarn, emjrfty.

Into prep, with cL (inetr.), a. tnto, to, oooifutf,

in, zE.

Intrahtnung 1 interpretation, MtL p27.

tarter adv. opoft, MtR 171.Intflooe eroee, lAidb, MtL13*.tnftlnen f. /emafe eertwnt, GPH401.tnffllng (N)=intinga ; lnftwian=onoweanIn-wave, -wrao m. internal pain.

InwBte i. internal humour, Lcd 97a.

Inweard L (innan-, inne-) adj. internal,

inward, inner, intrinsic, deep, sincere,

earnest, JBJ}JBo,Cr. at ebn. inward parts,

M,WW. VL adv. within : mentally,

spiritually, LkL. ['inward']

Inweardne (e) internal, Lcd : sincere, W.adv. -Hoe

linwardly, 'M : deeply, thoroughly,

heartily, sincerely, J£J£eLInwendan to change, VPs.Inweoro n. indoor work, LL454[11].Inward-=inweard-; inwlA=tinwitInwldda m. adversary, enemy.Inwbe f. condiment, Lcd 69a.

lnwtt h xl evil, deceit, guile. IL adj. wicked,malign, deceitful.

Inwltfeng m. spiteful clutch, B 1447.

tnwltfttn m. treacherous shaft, Mod37.

Inwlttul wicked, crafty.

Inwltgeaet m. evil guest, B2670.Inwltgeeynd n. em nature, Sol329.lnwltgyren f. treacherous snare, PPs 139*.

Inwlthlemmt (id) m. treacherous wound.Inwlthrdi m. unfriendly roof, B3123.Inwltnet n. net of malice, B2167.Inwltnftt m- cunning hostility.

InwltrQnt f. evil, crafty counsel.

Inwttacear m. murderous attack, B2478.Inwlttearo n. artful intrigue, B1101.Inwlteorht f. sorrow.

tnwltspen n. tale of woe, Gen2024.Inwlteteeft m. wickedness, evil

InwltSanct m. malicious thought, hostile


Inwttwrlmt *• hostile fetter.

lnwraM=inwsrolnwrltere m. writer, secretary, ZDA31-23.lnwrUdng f. inscription.

Inwund f. internal wound, Lcd 70a.

Inwunenas I persistence, WW426*.tnwunung t residence in, NC304.Io-=geo-; lo(»Ia)^geo; loe^geooiam=eomlonna (N) ady. within.


torf m. name of a river-fish (eel?) : name ofthe rune for to, xtuning == earning

kurn«=ierntS pree. 3 eg. of iernan.

Ionian (KGl)=iereian

Iotas mpL the Jutes.

tow m. =Iw ; Iowan =iewanlpplnglren=yppingfren; Iren^ieenlrie=ierfe; lrg|an=eargianIringee weg m. milky way, WW53n.

Inn*; irn-=ierm«; iern-, eorn-lrrexierre; fre-=iere-


If pree. 3 eg. ofeom, any.b n. 'toe,' BH.MetyPPo : (pL) pieces of ice,

BH : name of the rune for 1.

bsarn (GL)=bearnUotmlAl icy cold, MetJSeaf. ['iceeoH'lbe(N)=giwbeam (», e) m. halcyon, kingfisher.

lean L (barn, tren) n. 'iron/ AyBR<CP,Ql,LL : won instrument, Lcd : fetter, Ps : (f)troa weapon, sword, B : ordeal of red-hotwon, LL230[61. \Qer. eieen] II. adj. ofiron, 'iron,


banbendt (""-) mf- iron bond, fetter.

benbyrne (barn-) f. iron corslet, B671.' eend; baneamlg=faenemig(barn-) f. iron fetter, (ir-) m. iron instrument, Nas

m. iron-mine? KC5-234*_ (ffrai) 'iron-grey,' WW.

banbaard (Ir-) hard as iron, B112. [' iron-hard']

benbearae f. (* iron-hard'), black centaury,vervain, knapweed, Lcd.benbelm (inen-) m. iron helmet,WW 142*.benbere (-em) m. iron-clad army, Ex 348.benbyrst adj. with iron fittings, KC.

'11 (*) n. ordeal by iron, LL.f. trow mine, Gl.

m., -panne f. frying pan, Gl.f. tron shovel, Gl (berneoobl).f. shower of arrows, B3116 (-era).

banemtV m. blacksmith,benswftt m. dross of iron ? Lcd.bentang f. snuffers, WW32714


banVrtat m. iron clad troop, B330 (Ir-).

benwyrhU m. blacksmith, WW310".bem=ieeendebarn(l)^ben; (2)=bearnbgablnd n. fetters of ice, B1113.bgebUM (f) n. ice-blister, chilblain? Lob."*•//*'!*;' : Mningf glistening? coveredwith tee? B33.

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Mgietaa withfrosted wings, Sua*24.

Uht icy, MLVSti™.bftas adv. immediately, LL(338U).

bmere m. icy lobe, Mbt28".±bnlan to cover with iron. pp. fenod trcm-

cW,WW236».lteet, itet pies. 2 eg., iteo\ itt pree. 3 eg. ofetan.

I&an (ft, 6, y) to laywaste, ravage, devastate,

desolate, destroy,, iu =geo-, g&o ; iuo^geooIttdeas sbmp. (fte /etot, (*.

IOdMsc /euri**, O.tuglaii=geooian; lulh (NG)=5owic, SowIuwIan(AS71»)=fowanIw (Sow) m. 'yew,' yew-tree, M ; Mdf.Iwberge (Sow) t yew-berry, Lcd.

accusation, exculpate oneself : let off, excuse,JB,AO,CP.

ladlendUe excusable, WW233*.Ildwmnn m. conductor, grtcufe, iff. ['fede-man']

lid-rlno? -rincman nL conductor, escort, LL3[7] (v. 2-441).

KWorda beginning with k will be found

under o.

It inter! lot behold/ oh! ah/ M. la lSof

O Lord/ sir I : indeed, verily, M. hw»t\& whatl walawalato/

label= (lafel), tafel ; later (Lcd) =l«forlie ni play, sport : (f) strife, batik : sacrifice,

offering, jE,CP : pt/£ present, Jit;M: booty,

B : (f) fneMBpe. ['ZaJfce'l

4-lacf n. fumictt, cowmoeion. sweorda +Lbattle : crowd, host, Cb896.

liean7 nret. 3 eg. leolo to move up and down,leap, jump, swing, fly, Jul : play (instru-

ment) i (t) fight, contend, B ; (+) incite to,

AO : be rewarded, ['lake*]

UodAd f. munificence, OEG3833.liegeofa m. generous giver, PPs67M.

+UeJan to present, bestow.

UeUe sacrificial, LL(380").±ttenlan (&, 5) to heal, cure, treat, look after,

AB£H,LkL;AO,CP : foment, dress (awound). ['fecane'1

ttcnigendllc surgical, HGl478.Uenlmende only in beon L 'munerari, ' BHy3»

Iteming I. healing, cure : medicament,remedy.Utanng m. offertory hymn, WW130".teetuo, laotu-oe, m. -oa £ lettuce, M. [L.]

laeu f. running water, stream, pool, 'lake,'

Chr6561.ttd I. f. coufM, journey, AnJ3 ; (±) way,street, water-way : leading, carrying, LL :

maintenance, support, ['load,' 'lode'] II.

I. clearing from blame or accusation, pur-gation, exculpation, CP.ladan(NG)=hladan±UUttan to clear oneself from blame or

lidsdpe m. leadership, WW481*.UWteow, ladtJSowt=Oatteowttdung 1 exculpation, excuse, defence,apology, M,CP.

l»e= (l)leac; (2)lao; lAoa=l»oe-Mftca t. ag-, ellen-L etc.

+Ufea emulous, GPH391.lAoan to spring up, rise, flare up, Sat 716.+lAcan to emulate, GPH391 : join with,make common cause with? CPs 140*. pao]±l&ocan to seize, grasp, comprehend, M :

capture, catch, tikr,QJ,L i receive, ML.['latch,' 'iJecche'l

lAee (5, y) m. physician, doctor, BH,LkL;

l&oeboc f. book ofprescriptions, Lcd.Utoeemtt m. 'leech-craft,' art of healing,Bojbcd ; M : medicament, remedy, prescrip-tion, M.

l&ceerseftlg skilled in medicine, Lod 186b.lAeeeynn n. race of physicians, Rd610


lAcecyst f. medicine chest, GD344".Iftoeddm m. medicament, medicine, BE,WW(e);M,CF : salvation. ['leechdom']

lAoeddmlle salutary, A5-458.lAeedoninet f. cataplasm, WW.Ueoefeoh n. doctor's fee, LL(148W).

Meeefloger m. ('leech-finger'), fourth finger,Led.

lAeegeatwa? (-getea) fp. medical apparatus,v. NC304.

UeoehQs n. sick room, hospital.

l&oelren n. surgeon'e knife, lancet, GD32.lAcesealf f. medicinal ointment, WW514".l&oeseax n. lancet, CP187*.l&oewyrt f. medicinal herb, drug, M : rib-


ISontan=laonianlddan (±) to 'lead,' guide, conduct, carry,

lift, take, bring, &,BH,Bl,Chr,VPs;CP.wif 1. take a wife, marry : (± ) produce, bring

forth : pass, lead (life), BH,Met : to mark or

beat the bounds of land, EC 155 : perform, do,

An : place, lay, M : sprout forth, grow,spread.

l£de (BH400»)=l»wedelAden I. (e, go) n. 'Latin,' A,BH,CP : anyforeign language, Lcd ('leden'). II. adj.


UMenboe (e) f. Latin book, M.UMend I. m. bringer. II. m. excuser,

apologist. [*Uedan]lAdengereord n. Latin language, Lod.lAdengettftode n. Latin language, CP.lAden-lse, -lie Latin.

IMenlar f. knowledge of Latin, W1241S.


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t 'ducUlis, » £Pb97*.i m. Xatf» fioun, jEGb202m.

i (6) f. £a*»a language, M,CP.(ft) adv. mi Zotf*, Jnl9».

. Latin people, Romans, CP..jn.X<rft» word, JSGb 122*.

i f. bringing forth, BH.lMtftow=lattftowIAf= (l)laf; (2) leaf

±l*lan (ft) h to 'leave,' bequeath, B,Jn;j£,CP : efNire, leave OeJuW, Aave fc/f, ZJb,

JbTJb : remain, A. [lei] II.=hefanlsefel (e) m. spoon, basin, vessel, bowl, cup.[Qer. loffel; X. Ubellam]

Uftfend (WW168M)=:UewendlAtor f. nwA, reeti, trie, gladiolus. Led,WW


M : metal plate, M. Vlaver* ; 'levers']

U&ferbed n. reed-bed,WW 138».

IflBf pret. 3 eg. of licgan.

lAg= (l)leag; (2)lieg" =legde_de pret. eg. of leogan.

Ubgon pret. pL of licgan.

U6*t=Dgetbent pp., lahte pret. eg. of toooan.UM (ft) 1, 1£U m. rod, whip, switch : bruise,

weal, stripe, Ex.lAlan, l&kan to 6ecom« black and blue, be


i (ft) of clay, earthen, M. [lam]

lAn (a) I. nf. loan, borrowing, lease, grant,

gift, present, benefit, M,CP. [lfton] IL-=UenJand±Uftnan (ft) to 'lend,' WW;CP : give,

grant, lease, Qen, M.lAndagaaf mpL loan-days, transitory days,

days of a man's life.

tend*-, laenden-=lenden-lAne (ft) lent, temporary, inconstant, tran-

sitory : perishable,frail, poor : weak, sinful,

CP. [fen]

lAnelto passing, transitory." 1m. leader, WIP. ['tamer]=l*nelio

>m. 'fender,* IFJP189».=leng; leongten-=:lenoten-


lAnland n. leased land, v. LL2-323.

lAnllo =l£nelio ; -Iteming v. fftoh-L

bepeldra f. disk, M.leepewlnoe (e) f. lapwing, Gl.beppa (a) m. lappet, piece, section, lobe,

portion, district, CP,Lcd ; M. ['lap ']

-leoppede t. flf-L

±l«ran (ft) to teach, instruct, A#H : enjoin,

advise, persuade, urge, preach. L fortf

hand down (to others) : (+) convert : (+)\recaU, £837*197. ±tiered learned (op-

posed to Uewed), henoe clerical (as opposedto lay), spiritual (as opposed to temporal),

M,CP. ['lere']

+ltere empty, hungry, NC295. [Qer. leer]

4-lArednee f. learning, skill, BH.


f• instructress, 4F-Uergedftte adaptedfor instruction? FT61.

UMg m. edge, border (ofa shield)?*. A37-6&-l&rlgtan t. ymb-LleermgniMen n. female pupilUBringmann m. disciple, BB20*.leernee f. emptiness, Lcd22b. ['feeraeee']

leea pret. 3 eg. of leean.

Uta L (ft) adv. and eon. less, lest, <£,AO,CP.fif Ifie (Be) conj. w. eobj. lest. II. f. gs.

tieewe jxufiire, /*£(«),JPJP ; M ; Mdf.[*fea*e/



] III. f. (blood-)lettingfLCD.

Uteboren o/ taer 6trfa, LL(246U ).

Uteeet (MtR)= Utet I. ; UMan =l£ewianlAeon pret. pL of leean.

leeeaa adj. (oomp. of lytel) 'less,' smaller,

fewer, M,Bo,Chr : inferior, MtLJitB(h).eb. A,jE. adv. B£T.

lwrtf./o«*,etn,NC306. [Otf.lUeet I. saperL of lytel 'least,' Gujtd; CP,AO. oelftrtefeef,CM. IL f. performance,fulfilment, Ex 308. IIL=laetilAetan (ft) to follow, help, serve, BJZlJiet,OBT ; AO perform, do, carry out, accom-plish, AO : eiutare, Ia«t, eo»*MMie, CV ; ^Lfurnish, pay, W [

i ia^ >

; 6?er. leibten]Utate f. 'last' (for the foot), WW.Ubetend m. doer, performer, BH.+lftetfulllan to testify, LPs 80*.

leBBtwyrhto (eo>) m. eAoefnalwr, WW.lAewe t. Ubb II.

±lAewlan to depasture, graze, feed, M,Lklu['leasow']

bet I. (lat- in obL oaeee) oomp. ItBtra ; enp.beteet, lietemeet slow, B,Bl,CPJjcd\ M :

slack, lax, negligent : 'late,' Ids. II. of the class between the slave and theceorl, LL (v. 2-664). ['last']

MM pree, 3 eg. of Uedan.+U»t=+UeteII.lfttan7 pret. 3 eg. lftt, leort (tr.) to allow to

remain, leave behind, depart from, 'let*

alone, Bl,CP : leave undone, BH : (±) be-

queath, EC: allow, BIJjLi cause to do,BH :

regard as, consider, BH,Chr,CP : behavetowards, treat i (intr.) allow to escape, emit,let out, setfree, JS,Lcd i' let' (on lease), BC :

assert, pretend, Lk:(+) allot, assign, l.fromrefrainfrom (late) ; +L nftah land approachthe shore? (£837191); on bejc 1 leavebehind.

lAtanIa=tetanialaHbyrd f. slow birth, Lod 186a.+MBto I. n. manners, bearing, NC296. ION.Ueti] II. n. junction of roads, M.

l8Btemeet I. adv. lastly, finally, NG. II. v.Imt. I'latemost']

tethMlg slow-minded, dull, Cba 10.

befUee adv. slowly, Ou. ['lately']

leetmeet=laetemeetleetnee f. slowness, delay, £L23bMT : slothGD174»

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lata (JBJLL) . Ifit. ['totter']

tetrads efeto, deliberate, CP149".tetsum backward, Chr. [' to/worn ' 1

latt f. (pL latta) beam, 'lath,9 WW.

lattftow^lattfowlattewestra I. punfe, conductress, M.[latteow]

r=le1letting ; -latto v. on].MMJ n. a division of a county containingseveral hundreds, 'lathe,' £03-162 : landedproperty f (meadow) land? LL400[3,2].latai to abuse, revile, hate : cause to shun,RB11". [la«]

latW, lSttBo (CP) f. wrong, injury : haired,

malice, Bl. ['leth' ; 1&8]lauw=13owlawa (8) m. betrayer', traitor, Lh ; J3. [v.


±lawan to tefroy. [(SWA. lSwjan]-lawe y. drnnoen-, nanger-1.lawede toy, toic, unlearned, as sb. layman,BH;M,CP. ['lewd']

l»wel=l»fellawend m. betrayer, traitor, Gl.l*weroe=laweroe; leewll=l»fellax=leaxlit f. wAot is left, remnant, legacy, relic,

remains, rest, Bl,Chr;M : relict, widow,M,AO. to l&fe atone, td lafe beon <o

remain over, w&pna, darotia 1. survivors

o/ 6ott2e. hamora lata results of forging,swords, ['lave'; lifan]

laferee=lawerce±laflan to pour water on, wash, 'lave,' bathe,

ByLcd : ladle out, Led.lag- =lah- ; -laga v. lund-L ; lag*- =lagu-lagen pp. of lean n.dblaglan to appoint, ordain, W. ['law,'


lago-=lagn- ; -lagol . ft-1.

ligon=l£gon pret. pi. of liogan.

laga I. f. (old neat. pi. laga; Che1062d)'law,

9ordinance, ruts, regulation, M ; Chr,

LLJiB : right, legal privilege, LL : district

governed by the same laws. II. m. water,

flood, sea, ocean, Qen,Met : name of the runefori, ['lay



+lagi| np. extent, surface (of sea), Skat64?[08. gilagu]

lagneraftlg skilled in seafaring, B209.lagutBBstent n. sea, ocean.

laguteVm m. enveloping waves, Rd61t.

laguflod m. wave, stream, waters, sea, ocean.

laguttdf f. water-way, sea

lagumearg m. sea-horse, ship, Qv 1306.lagusIBf m. sea-journey.

lagustrat f. sea-path, B239.lagustrtamt m* water, sea, ocean.

laguswlmmendt m. swimming in the sea


lah pret. 8 eg. of feon.


lahbreea m. law-breaker,impious man, ScO*.lahbrecende impious, profane, So99.

lahbryee m. breach of the law, LL.lah-ctap, -odp m. money paid (by an outlaw)

for restitution of legal rights, LL.lame lawful, legal, 8c4&. adv. -Hoe.

lahmann m. an official declarer of the law,

££376. [v. 'lawman']lahrlnt n. legal right, LL.lah-«Utt fn., -elite m. fine for breach of the

(Danish) law, LL.lahwlta m. lawyer, LL(308").lam n. 'loam,' clay, earth, JB, WW ; Mdf.lama (o) wk. adj. and sb. m. crippled, lame,

paralytic, weak (man), JB,BH,Cp,ElJ£t,

lamb (2E), pi. lamb(e)rn, lambor (A) n.

'lamb,9 JB,0,Ql,Qu,WW.

lambyrd f. imperfect birth, LoDl86a.limfSBt n.f vessel of clay (the body).

lamp I. pret. 3 eg. of limpan. II. (KGl)=lamblamprMe f. lamprey. [L.]

ttm-pytt, -sSaoa m. 'loampit,' Ct.

lamwyrhta m. potter, G.lan=lftnlanan obi. cases of lanu.

land (o) n. earth, 'land,9

soil, B,BH,VPs$

WW-,y[di i territory, realm, province,

district, Cp,Chr,Bl,VPs : landed property,

M,Bl : country (not town), JS,BH : ridge tna ploughed field.

+landa m. compatriot, kinsman, WW211M.


landalf f. land-elf, WW616".landagend m. native, BH.landagende owning land, LL.landar f. landed property, M.landbegenga (i

1) m. husbandman, peasant,

native, CP.landbegengnes f. habitation, BPsllQ^o1).

landblgong m. dwelling in a country, BPsllS^o1


landboe f. 'land book,' written grant of land,

Ct,WW.landbraoe m. first ploughing (after land haslain fallow),WW 10&K

landbuend L ml. inhabitant, native : husband'man. II. f. colony.

landbnende dwelling on the land, native.

landbtmes f. colony, settlement,, -c6p m. fine paid to the lord onthe alienation of land, BC. [

l landcheap ']

landefen m. measure or proportion of land,

Cm 1085.landesmann sslandmannlandiasten n. natural fortress, AO^Vo1


landteob n. recognitory rent for land, KC.landtolc n. people of the counh y, inhabitants,

JB. ['landfolk')

landtruma m. ruler, prince, B31.landfyrd f. army.landgatol n. land-tax, tribute, LL. ['land-


landgehwert n. exchange of land, Ct.

landgemaea m. neighbour, OEG.

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•gemiroe n. boundary, limit,

frontier, AO.landgesoeaft f. earthly creature. Da360.

i tl fortified place, B938.i n. heap of earth? Ct.

do owning or ruling land.

i t real property, LL22[32].landlw m. nativeforce : landforce (opposedto naval force).

landhlaford m. lord of a country, lord of amanor, landlord.

landhroddlng f. redemption of land.

landlagu f. local law, LL.landleas not owning land, LL. [' landless *}

land-Mod m., nap. -leode, -leoda, -leodaninhabitant of a country, native, AO.

landlyre m. lose of territory, Chb 1106.

butdmann m. inhabitant of a country, native,

ExJjL. ['landmann 9


landmeare m. boundary.+Iandod having landed property, LL 182[11].landopenung f. first ploughing of land, WW1479.

landrMen v. ealdlandrsden.landrest I. grave. Aw 782.

landrfea m. landed proprietor.

landrloe n. territory, AO.butdrtht n. 'land-right,' right to own oroccupy land or connected with its occupation,

BJBx,Qen : that which is due from land orestates.

landsooara (a*) I. tract of land, province,

country, CP : boundary, landmark.\y. CC48]lmndsolpe m. region, Gen 376.

landsooru= landaoearulandstta m. settler, WW 111". [s&ta]landseton f. occupation of land : occupiedland, estate.

butdsslfta m. occupier of land, TC5939.

bmdsldu m. custom ofa country, CP.tandslttende occupying land, Chb.landsocnf f. search for land to settle on.

landsptd f. landed property, KC3-349".

landsptdlg rich in land, M.landsplott m. plot of land, KC4-39".landstede m. region, Wxp16(o).lmndstyeoe n. small plot of ground, QD,LL.landwara f. inhabitants, population, B2321.landweard m. coast-warden, B 1890.landwela m. earthly possessions, Ph505.lane=lanulang (o) oomp. lengra, snperl. longest 'long,


tall, AO,BH,Lcd,MH ; CP.-flang (nail. w. ®t or on) dependent on,attainable from, present in, belonging to,

JB*AO,Gu. [v. 'along*]

langafrigedag m. Good Friday.langati =langoClangbolstor mn. feather-bed, WW276M.

lange (o) Adv. oomp. lens, lenge, snperLlongest • long, ' a long time,far, B,BH,Bl,Bo.langfAre lasting, protracted, M.langftrnes f. length, long duration, Sc 291.

langflrst m. long space of time, Gu 920.

2240.n. ancient store of wealth, B

(o) (impen. with aoo. of pen.) to

'long* for, yearn after, grieve for, be pained,AO (o) : grow longer, Led i summon : belong.

+langlan to send for, summon, call, M :

apprehend, seise, LL202[6,2].langfeldo I. advanced age.

langHos adv. for along time, long, at length,

A.langDfe long-lived.

langmod constant, patient, long-suffering.

adv. -Boo.

long-suffering (v. late), NC347.• f. longsufjertng, So 10".

I. length, JS. ['longness']

langotf m. longing, unsatisfied craving, dis-


having a long shaft.

n. man of war, Chb897a.langstrang ' longanimis, ' LPs 102s.

langsum long, lasting, tedious, protracted,

B(o),Lcd; M. t ['longsome'] adv. -Hoe,

A068"(o).langsumnes I. length, Ps;M. ['longsome-


langtwldlg lasting, assured, B 1708.

langnng (o) I. 'longing,' desire, Bl : weari-

ness, sadness, dejection, M : delay, CP (o).

pangian]langunghwll f. time of weariness, As 125.

langweb n. warp (in weaving),WW 187".langwege 'peregre,' MkL13M (o», »•).

langwyrpe oblong, NC306M7.

lanland=Uenlandbum (o)t t chain, fetter.

bum (o) f. 'lane,' street, Bl.

laplan to 'lap' up, drink, Led ; M.lappa (Gl) =l»ppaUr f. 'lore,' learning, science, art of teaching,

preaching, doctrine, Bl ;M,CP : precept,

exhortation, advice, instigation, JnL ; AO :

history, story : cunning, Gkn2693.lirboo f. book containing instruction (used ofSt Paul's Epistles, and Beds's works), M.

lirbodung f. teaching, preaching, NC305.larbysn f. example, WW16348


laronlht m. disciple, LkL p 2*.

ttreneft m. knowledge, Sol3.lirowldef m. teaching, precept.

larddm m. teaching, instruction, LL258[51].lir-fow, -ow, -ow(a) m. teacher, master,preacher, BH,JnL ; M,AO,CP. ['lorthew')

liroowdom m.function ofteacher, instruction,CP : ecclesiastical authority, M,CP.

lartowMc like a teacher, OEG.llrtowsetl n. teacher's seat, pulpit.

lirtmsslareowes gs. of lareow.

lirtetten n. prescribed fast, A 11-99.

larhlystend m. catechumen, OEG2881.lirfafts n. school, HGl40/S.Uui*ast (6, f) f. want of instruction, ignor-

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ttrUe conducive to learning, instructive, M.betwux larlioum gefylonm amongst soldiers

in training, M.larsmlttt m. (nap. -smeotias) teacher,


larspell n. homily, sermon, treatise, AB.

['hrespeU']Unum teachable, NC305.l&nwlee m. trickery, W30914


Urttaw (MF), laruwa (N)= (l&rCeow),I&T§OW

llriegn m. teacher, NC305.larwita m. learned man, LL(308").laser (o") m? weed, tare, Gl.list (ft, 5, ea) m. sole offoot : spoor,footprint,

track, trace, B,Bl;M,CV. on last(e) be-

hind, after, in pursuit of, on 1. leogan to

follow, lastas leogan to go : part, step,


±ttst (ft, ft) n. accomplishment, observance,

RB5* : <fafy, <f«e, obligation, vow.+U8ttul helpful, serviceable,LL ; AO. [•&**-

/WT]listweardi[ m. successor, heir : pursuer.

I n. /owe after death, Skaf73.lasnr= laser ; lat- v. 1st-.

lata adv. oomp. lator, snp. latest 'late,* Chr,Jul : slowly, Led : at last, AO. [tot]

Urtemest=letemest II. ; litfc>w=latteow±latfan to be slow, indolent : linger, delay,

hesitate, JR.

lator, adv. comp., latest (m), snperl. slower,

later, AJSo,MtR ; AO,CP. ['latter,' 'last1


latt=l»ttlattfth f. jrw^n^r m»,WW 120*. [lad]

litttow, latteowa (ft) m. ka<&r, puds,general, Bo, VPs (lad-) ; AO,CP. ['latUw']

Utteowddm m. leadership, guidance, in-

struction, CP.latung f. delay, hindrance, 0£671M.

litttow, latuw=latteow119 I. (±) hated, hateful, hostile, malignant,evil, AOyB : loathsome, noxious, grievous,

unpleasant, Ep;CP. ['loath'] II. n.

pain, harm, injury, misfortune, AO : insult,

annoyance, harmful thing, BH,Lcd;GP.['loath'; Oer. leid]

IMblte m. wound, B 1 122.

litfe adv. inimicaUy, in detestation.

la«eow=latteowlatfettan to hate, loathe : make hurtful or

repulsive, M.ttflgenffilat m. persecutor, foe.

tttigetftonat m. enemy.Ufflgewlnna m. enemy, Rd 16**.

lattlan to tmtrife, wwwkm, call upon, ask, M,CP. [Oer. laden]

lattan to Aate, 6« hated, AO ; JE. ['loathe9


latteas inoffensive innocent.

little 'loathly,' hateful, horrible, repulsive,

unpleasant, BH;2E. adv. -Hoe.

Uttsetpe m. misfortune, Gen 2048.litisearu n? hateful, contrivance, Da436.

Utfoltt m. painfuljourney, death, Ex44.

liftspel n. sad tidings, AO.litf»ow=latteow±lattang f. caUing,invitation,CP : assembly,congregation, church, 2E. ['lathing']

litiwendef hateful, hostile, bad.

liflwendemod hostile minded, Gen 448.

laflweorc n. evil deed, PPs 106*laur m. laurel, bay, laver, Lod.laurbiam (lawer-) m. laurel.

lanrberlge f. laurel-berry, Lod.laurloe (0p)=laweroelaurtreow n. laurel-tree, Lod.lauwer, lawer= laurliweree (ft) f. 'lark,' WW ; Mdf.lea I. (VPs) =leo. II. ffdas. of leah.

Itee I. (ft, e, So) n. 'leek,' onion, garlic

aarden-herb, Led ; M. II. pret. 3 sg. of

moan.liao-=leah-liaeblsed n. leek leaf, NC305.Itaoessrse (e, )f., cress, nasturtium, Lod.leae-trog, -troo, -trie = leahtroo

leaetun (l&ah- 9Uh-),garden

of herbs, LkL,WW. ['Icighton']

MaetQnweard (e1 ) m. gardener, WW 1271*.


leaeweard (e1, o1) m. gardener.

lead (ft) n. 'lead,' BE ; ^,CP : leaden vessel,

cauldron, 49-264.leaden (5) 'leaden,' JB,LL.Madgedelf n. lead-mine, KC34017


Itadgeota (o) m. plumber, LL455[16].lftadgewlht n. lead-weight, a scale of weight,

v. OC77.Iftadstssf m. loaded stick for beating with,


leaf (i) I. (± ) f.


leave, ' permission, privilege,

BH,Chr;M,CP. II. n. 'leaf,' shoo*, pi.

foliage, MtL(So),VPs;M i sleet of paper,

BH±lftafa m. belief, faith, jB,Mt ; AO. ['leve'


Oer. glanbe]dblftafe (ft) f. leave, permission, licence, M.±lftafful believing, JnB : faithful, trust-

worthy, MtL. ['leafful'] adv. -lice,

-flftaffulnes i. faith, trust, faithfulness, M.leafhelmlg leafy at the top, GPH390.±lftafhlystend (e) m. believing listener,

catechumen, OEG.+lftafleas unbelieving, M.+leaflftasnes f. unbelief, W294».+IftaMtast, -lyst f. unbelief, A.Iteflsoht light, easy, RB5".+IeafHo credible, faithful, M. adv. -lice.

ltafnes (6, f) f. leave, permission, BH.+Itafnesword n. password, B245.Ifefseead n. leafy shade, Ph205.+leafsum beliemng, faithful : credible.

Waiwyrm (i«) m. caterpillar, ASPs77".ISag 1. (6) f. 'lye,' alkalized water, Ep,LcII.=leah I. III. pret. 3 sg. of leogan.

Itegung f. lying, Nab2". [feogan]

leah L leage (Cm) m. piece of ground, 'lea,'

meadow, BC ; Mdf. II. =leag I. and m.

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leahte pret. 3 eg. of leooan.

lMhtor^eahtorleahtor (e1) m. vice, sin, offence, crime, fault,

J3,CP : reproach : oYmom, injury, Lod.leahtorbere ArafAooie, causing laughter, RB18«. [hleahtor]

leahtorowlde m. opprobrious speech, Jul199.toahtorful (el, e*) victo**, seductive.

toahtoiitas faultless, Nameless.teahtorUoe foully, wickedly, M.-toahtorwyrte . on-1.

lMhtras nap. of leahtor.

leahtrian (e) to accuse, revile, reprove, blame,JB;AO,CF. corrupt, ['lehtrie']

toah-troe, -trio, -trog m. lettuce. [L.laotaca]

,leahtrung (S) f. blaming, detraction, WW1601.

MahtQn=leactunMan I. n. reward, gift, lean, compensation,remuneration, retribution, B,Mt; M.['lean'; Qer. lohn] II. by* (pret. 3 eg.

log, Idh) and wv. to blame, censure, re-

proach, AO,CP.Mangyfa m. rewarder, Lod3-436*».±leanian (ft) to reward, recompense, repay,requite, M,CP. [Oer. lohnen]

leap m. basket, W : basket for catching orkeeping fish, WW : measure : trunk (body),

JudIII. ['leap']

Mai I. adj. (w. g.) without, free from, devoid

of, bereft of: (±)false,faithless : untruthful,

deceitful, WW;M: vain, worthless. II. n.

falsehood, lying, Bo ; CP. ['lease']

HasbrM (-bregd) I. lying,false, deceitful, M.II. m. cheating, trickery.

Masbrida m. trickster, ES43 306.Masbrtdende wily, deceitful, MQn2S6\Masbrtdnes f. deception, falsehood.leasbregdi^leaebr&lMasereft m. false art, M.Masere m. Itar, hypocrite, MtL : buffoon,mime, jester, fool, ['leaser']

leasest (MtL)=\8*tl.Masettan to pretend, J3,RB.Mat-fern*, -fyrhC, false, NC305.Masferftnes f. levity, folly, CP.Mastyrhte=leaaferhtt

\ f. false witness, M.j m. vainglory, CP.itolie,Ps. ['lease']

liaaUo /oi*s, deceitful, sham, empty, J£,CP.adv. -lioe, M,CB.

leaaHooettan to dissemble, WW388M.

leatllcettung f. dissimukuion.Maintfdnes !. instability, CP308Vltasnes f. lying : feety, BH322tt


Masdieeean to blandish, flatter, GD34".leaedleoung f. empty blandishment, WW430*.

(n^Jyin^/olw, iE.

ran m. «w, B253.Masspell n. lie, fiction, fable.

I i. empty talk, AO.

_ f. allurement, WW462*.Mast~=last; Hast.=la*t-Mastyhtan to cajole, WW431*.Mastyhtiing f. cajolery, WW430»leasuht (=wiht?) enttcer, seducer, OEG40UHatung f. 'leasing,' lying, false witness,

deceit, hypocrisy, artifice, JnL xaUe,Ps:empty talk, frivolity.

learangipell n. idle tale, AO40*.Mai prat. 3 sg. of ffitan.

leatian=latian; +toa1ttan= +Latfian

leatfor n. soap, soda, Lcd,WW. V lather']

Maftorwyrt (IfioCo-) f. soap-wort? Lcd 16a.

leawede=l*wedeMawflngar m. index-finger, forefinger, PPs72u.

leaz m. salmon, Cp(»)fMet,WW(e);ML.['lax']

leb-=lef-, Inf-; lec=hleo+lee pret. 3 eg. of +laoan.Me I. m. look, regard, M ; A1M18". II.=Mac I. and II.

+lece-=+l®oc-leeean pret. 3 sg. leahte, le(o)hte to water,

irrigate, wet, moisten, slake, CP. [op. Qer.

leohsen]leeelng f. irrigation, watering, WW (KOI).['leaching']

Mee^lfice ; Meetere (KGl66m) =Boettere±leegan to 'lay,' put, place, deposit, set, JS,

Gen,Lcd,MtL,Rd;CP. L on (w. d.) putupon, charge with, Chr,Qu ; CP : bury, Jn :

put before, submit, At : betake oneself, fo.lastas 1. go, journey, on last L follow : lay

), Led : prostrate, cast down, lay low,

Bo,Lk,LL. [causative of licgan]

Mdwyrt (Cp) =lfioewyrtMenlan (NG)=laonianleetrie= leahtroc ; leetQn-= leahtnn-lecUa m. 'sentina,' Gl,WW.Md=lead; Mdan=l»danMde=legde, pret. 3 eg. of leogan.

Mden^lsden, leadenMf I. (I) feeble, infirm, weak, injured.

II.= leaf

Mf-=leaf-; Mfan = (l)llefan; (2)lftfan

+Hfed weak, sickly, aged.

lefel, lefil=l»fel

+ltfensctpe m. justification, JnL15tt.

Mfmon m. sick person, GwE45.left (K ;T«lyft*) 'inanis,' QF1««.Mtt(SPs)=leBtt l*et

lifting f. paralysis, ,£H2-486U.

lag («=l»g) pret. 3 sg. of licgan.

Mg= (l)5eg; (2)leah; Mg-=Ug-, fcog-

lega(A)=lftwalegde pret. 3 eg. of leogan.

+lege f ? lair, bed. Mdf.Mgelioht n. light (offlame), MFH168.lagan pp. of licgan.

lager n. lying, illness, AO,B;M : 'lair,9

couch, bed, Wif : grave, LL;M. eUtaelegere consecrated grave, on life ge onlegere in life and in death, LL. [began]

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LEGERBjERE 186 leodrJsden

legerbftre sick, ill, TC611"legerbedd n. bed, sick bed, Mi bed of death,


+legered confined to bed, M.legeitest sick, ill, RB64'.+legergleld n. 'lupercalia,' WW43714


legerstdw f. burial place, M.Iegerttam m. cohabitation, marriage.legerwlte fm. fine for unlawful cohabitation,

LL. ['lairwite']

leges =feagee gs. of leah.

legeti pres. 3 sg. of leogan.

legle£ legion, AO. [£.]-legu v. ealdor-L ; leh-=leah-leh=leah; Uh-=leao-; l*hnmn=Ifgniaii»hte=aSoht; lehtan=lihtanlehte pret. 3 sg. of leooan.

lehtor=leahtor; W1(KGl)=1*1lelotire f. sUverweedf Gl.lemb=lamblemen (KGL82»)=l*men±lemlan (») to sufefae, CP303U : fame, <K«-

a«e, B905.lempedu f. lamprey, WW43W. ['limpet*


lampreda]lemphealt limping, Gl,WW. ['limphalt']

ltaiui(KGL)=]£nanleneten (») I. m. springtime, AJLcd;M :

the fast of Lent, W. II. adj. pertaining to

Lent, A,RB(m). ['fatten']

lenetonftdl f. spiring fever, tertian ague.

lenetenbere m. Lent barley, AN884»".lenetenbryoe m. breach of the Lenten fast,

LL344[47].lenctendsag m. day of Lentlenotenerifo f. land ploughed in spring, WW105*. [eor«e]

lenctenfs&sten n. Lent, M.lenetenhAto f. heat of spring, AO102*?lenotenJlc of spring, vernal, IE : lenten, M.lenctenlifen f. Lenten fare, NC306.lenetensufel (lsengt-) n. Lentfood, LL460[9].lenctentld f. spring, Lent, I&.

lenetentfma m. spring, OEG3837.lenctenwuoe f. a week in Lent.

lencttn-=lenoten-+Iend I. furnished with land (by the lord),

LL448'. II.=+lynd+lenda m. one rich in land, OEG3154.lendan to land, arrive, Chr ; M,AO,CV : (+)endow with land, M. ['lend'; land]

lende-=lenden-lendenbin n. loin-bone, WW15W*. ['lend-


lenden-brftde, -brSde f. loin.

lendensld reaching to the loins, NC306.lendenu (») no. loins, reins, Mt,WW;M.['lend*; Oer.lenden]

lendenwyre m. a disease of the kidneys,WW113". [W»TC]

-lendlse . dfln-, up-, are-, at*Lline=lftneleng I. (m) f. length, height, M. II. ady.(oomp. of lange) longer, M,Lk. [' leng ']

±lengan to lengthen, prolong, protract, delay,

Da : extend, reach, attain : belong. [' leng )


lenge (») I. adj. (±) belonging, related : near

(of time), B83. II. t. lange.+lenge belonging to, related to, M : addictedto.

longest (Chrjik) superl. of lang, lange.


lengl&re more durable, ANS 119-436.

lenglan (impere. w. a.) to long for, ask forf

Sol270 (GK).lengllfra oomp. of langlife.

lengo=lengulengra (BH) oomp. of lang. ['lenger']

lengten^lenotenlengtogra oomp. adj. drawn outfarther, moreprolix, So 161".

lengflu f. 'length, ' 401441.

lengu f. length, Bo,BH : height, Sol. [' lengh ']

lent f. lentil, Gl. [L. lentem]lenten =lenotenMo mf. gdas. l6on, also da. leone, leonan, asf


l6o, and dp. leonum 'lion,* lioness, AO,M. [L.]

Moc(WW283")=l«*cMod I. m. man, LL14[26] :

<wergeld' for

manslaughter, LL (=leodgeld) : (+) fellow-

countryman, compatriot : (f) chief, prince,

king, B. ['lede'] II. f. (turn, in pi. leode)

peopU, nation, B9BI;MJlO. ['lede']

Ieoda=lidaMods L = +leod I. II. (LWS) =l5odeleodan* to spring up, grow : spring from.Modbealuf n. calamity to a people.

Hodbltoeop m. suffragan bishop, provincial,


leodburgf f. town.Modbygen f. sale of one's compatriots, slave-

traffic, LL20[llLd] (v. 2133).Ieodoynlng m. king, tuler, B64.leode fp. men, people, country, B,Lk ;AO(v. leod).

leoden =l^denleodfrumat m. prince, patriarch, chief.

Modgesrdf m. country.

leodgebyrgat m. lord, protector, prince,


Modgeld n. 'wergeld'/"' manslaughter, LL.leodgetSlnott f. order, rank, LL.leodgewtnn n. strife, Jul201.

leodgota=leadgeotaleodgryre m. general terror, Sol 278.leodhata m. persecutor, tyrant, GD.leodhetef m. popular hatred, hostility.

leodhryref m.fall of a prince (or nation?),

B2030,2391.ModhWflBt very valiant, El 11.

-leodlso . 9ider-L

leodmAgt m« relative, comrade.

leodmogenf n. might of the people, host

power, virtue.

leodmearet f. domain, country.

leodrftden f. country, region, GD204".

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lftodrfht n. law of At land.

Itodrflne f. pythoness, sore

Modsoeara I. tribe, nation, Ex3S7.leodsoeaftat m. public enemy.Modsetpe m. nation, people, M : country,region.

Modstefn m. race, tribe, PPs82*.leodtSiaw m. popular usage.

leodweardf I. fovenuneiilleodwerast mp. men, human being*.

ltodwerod n. host of people, Ex77.liodwtta m. wise man, elder, chief, LL466.leodwynn f. home joy, fHy4».Hodwyrhte =leoowyrhta

leohtleat <Jeeou2 of light, dark, M. ['light-


leobtUe I. light, of Uttie weight or importance

M,CP. adv. -iloe lightly, slightly, BH,Led i inconsiderately : easily, quickly :

gently, softly, slowly, CP;M. ['Ughtiy']

IL ftrtgtt, nwiiofU, Bd.toohtmod easy-going, GhE8«.toohtmodnes f. forty, tneoiutaficy, frivolity,

CP.leohtsftwend tntffor o/fyW, GPH389*.leobtsoeewlgend fyAtjeetn?, WW434«°.ltohtaosot=lfehtgesoeotleobtwyrtiU=iSoSwyrhta

leof I. adj. dear, valued, beloved, pleasant, leolo pret. 3 sg. of l&oan.

agreeable, JB,B,Chr,CP. II. m. beloved '"

one, friend : (in addressing persona) sirI

sire/ JBfBC : impure companion, GPH394. ['lief']

teofen=lifen; Italian (JW)=Iibbanltoflan to be or become dear, Qv 110.


BH. 'lion'}

m. lions' den, GD1S0*.mJK» ,

s/Iej*,Lcdl-384. [v.

leonl6t m. lion's foot (plant).

leonhwelp m. lion's cub, WW434*.

±ltoran (wv., bat rare pp. loren) to go,

depart, pass, vanish, die (A ; t. JAW44).

±leorednes I. departure, transmigration :

death, ML : vision.

leorende, +leorendlio transitory.

disciple, M,CF

m. ray of light, beam, radiance,

gleam, glare, B;Mi lightning.

+Momod having rays of light, Lod3-272«.toomu nap. of lim.

leon I. (av1) to lend, grant. [Qer. le hen]

II. gdas. of lfio.

Moflto dear, lovable, pleasant, beautiful, ltona mf. lion, lioness, M.delightful, B : precious, valued, adv.

-..--.lovingly, kindly, gladly, willingly,


Uobpell n. good news, El 1017.Mof-tAl, -t&le kind, lovable, loving, dear,

grateful, agreeable, CP.leofwende kind, loving, gracious, acceptable,

estimable, agreeable.

Mofwendum ardently.

ileogan* to 'lie,* Bl,WW : (w. d.) deceive, leornan=leomianbelie, betray, M,CP i be in error, MQ*. leoraere m. 'learner,


leogere (e1, o1) m. 'liar,' false witness, W, scholar, BH : reader.

MtL ; M : hypocrite, MkL7*. Hornet =16orednesMont (g, I) I. 'light,' not heavy, AO,BH,Bd; dbleornian to 'learn,' read, study, think about,CP : slight, easy, trifling^ inconsiderable, jB,BH,MkR ; AO,CP.

leornlngcUd n., learningeniht (,fl2,CP) m.student, disciple.

leornlngende teachable.

leornlnghOs n. school, WW.leornung f. t ds. leornunga 'learning,


reading, study, meditation, CP ; AO.leornungensft m. learning, El380.leornungmann m. learner, disciple (usedeven of women), M.

leoraungseol f. school, GD14*.leort pret. 3 sg. of Uetan.leosea (S) m. groin.

le©*=leooo v. liB; loo«-»U6..leott n. song, lay, poem, B,WW;MJiO.['leoth'; Ger.lied]

lSoftorasft m. poetic art or skill : poem, poetry,M.

ISoftorasftlg skilled in song, Dkob40.Iftottowlde m. lay, poem, AO 120s.IeotJe-=leoffu-

leolfelddlng f. lay, song, poem, As 1481.Uottant to sing, recite : soundforth, resound.leottlic versified, .EH 2- 134.]ftofto-=leotin-

leottoron f. wise counselgiven in song, El622.leoftowyrt= leatiorwyrt?leo*rtan=hl§oCri&n

CP,MtJjcd : quick, agile, Ph : gentle, Wid.II. n. 'light,' daylight, &,B,Bl,Chr,G,Ps,W i power of vision, Bl : luminary, Led.III. luminous, bright, 'light,' clear, re-

splendent, beautiful, BH,Lcd, VPs ; AO.CP.leohtan=HhtanUohtbAre brilliant, luminous.leohtbeamede bright-shining, MB. 1-010.

leohtberend m. light-bearer, Lucifer, M.leohtberende light-bearing, luminous, M.Mohtbora m. light-bearer, LV36.MohtbrAdnes f. levity, frivolity, wantonness.toohte=lehte, pret. 3 sg. of leoean.

Monte I. adv. lightly, easily, comfortably,BH. ['light'] II. adv. brightly, clearly,

brilliantly, Bt,Cr. ['light']

leoht-tot n. nap. -fata lantern, torch, lamp,light, M,CP.

leohttotels m. lamp, LPsl7».leohttrumat m. source of light.

lSoht-gesoeot, -gescot n. payment for pro-viding lights in church.

Mohtlan h o be lightened, relieved. II. to

become light, dawn, CM474 : (f) give light,


leohttng=lIhtingHohUsern (e\ NG) n. candlestick.

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Itotfeang m. song, poem, poetry, BH.leoflu 1. 1 retinue, following t Rim 14 (QK).II. v. 1HS.

leottubendf mf. chain, tetter, bond.toottucAge f. limbs which served as a key,Cb334.

leotfueraftt m. skill of hand.lfio«ucr»ft=l«o«cr»fttootfacrafttg aptte, Ph268.tootttfmt aWe, **«M Cba95.leotfullc appertoim'fig to fAe limbs, bodily.

leottus&r n. pain in the limbs,WW213*.

leotfusyreet f. corslet.

leotfuwle (i) with supple limbs, flexible,

pliant, Crate, ['leathwake']leotfawaefan to mitigate.

tooVawtcanga (life-)? 'compeditorum,' EPs78u.

±leo1Suw£ean to become pliant, be sub-missive, grow calm, soften.

Itotfweorc n. poetry, WW188* .

Moflwbe f. verse, poetry, M.WotJword n. a word in a poem, An 1490.Iftotfwrence m. poem, A8*334.

Uottwyrhta m. poet, MQn.Mow (&u) n. ham, thigh.

-Itow (e, a) t. mnnd-Lleowe f. league (distance),WW 147n.

Mower pL of Mow.lepewinoe= tapewineeleppao to feed (a hawk), Wt89 (t. ES37196).

l«ran(KGL)=l&rantore(KGL83u)=lyre; I«rtow-=lareow-Ms-=lies-lesan* to collect, pick, select, gather, glean, M.['lease


; 0er. leaen]

Msea=leosoa-lesende, -lesendlio, -lesang y. ed-LMst=laet; lesu=lyso; Mew-=iaew-Mt I. pret. 3 eg. of l&tan. II.=l£t pres.

3 sg. of lfidan. III.=Mat pret. of lutan.Mtan=l£tantetania m. litany. [L. litania]

letlg(B:GL)=lytigdblattan (») to 'let,' hinder, delay, impede,oppress, JE,Bo,Gu(w.g.), JP;AO,CP.

lettond m. hinderer, ES39-349.letting («b) f. 'letting,' hindrance, delay, RB


CP.M*=1*S; -letter t. heals., weald-1.


lefteroodd m. leather bag, WWW*, [v.


]leUeren =leSrenlefterhelm m. leathern helmet, WW 142*.

lefterhose f. leathern gaiter, WW.le*ern=let$rentotforwyrhta m. leather-maker, tanner, currier,


lettren (i) 'leathern,' WW.lfiud= (l)leod; (2)l»wedelew f T weakness, W1659 (op. lei I.).

+Mwed weak, %UfM (Ex22w, op. limlAweoor T read +l6£e<L

Mwend=lfewend; Mwer=MowerMwaa m. weakness : 'inops,' EPsl39ia(blew-). [1M I.]

lex=leax; MznUn (WW241M)=lacnianllb-,libb-=lif-,lyb-

UMrnn (y) pret. 3 sg. lif(e)de to Wive,' 6e,

eswl, JR,B#HJjcd, VPs ; AO.CP.Ubr-=lifer-ne n. body, B,Cr : corpse, AO,B;M,CF.['lich'; Oer. leichel

+Hc adj. (w. d.) 'oftfe,' similar, equal, Mt;&,CP. +lioost double, twin.

+Hca, +lice wk. forms used as sb. an equal,

jE,CP. adv. ±lioe (asu. + ; and +lic inNG), Bl. +hoe and Ziie cw t/.

Uoam-=licham-'llobeorg f. coffin, sarcophagus, Cp45s.+neMsnung f. imitation, DR76*.Robing f. cemetery, Cp433o. .

llocere, licoetere=lIcettere

llcoettan (iE)=licettanUoelan to 'lick, ' M?s : Jap, Kc* up, Led.

lloeung f. Kdbtnf, ^IH1-330M.

lIoema=liohama; UcendUc}=Jiciendlio

lloettan to feign, pretend, dissimulate, GP :

JIatter, BH.Iloettere m. deceiver, hypocrite, CP.ncettung, lieetong f. feigning, deceit,

hypocrisy, flattery.

HoewyiKe =liowyrtie

llefsett n. body.

llegan' (±) to4Ke,* 6e situated, be at rest,

remain, be, Ph;lE,AO,CP : (±) Kc ooum,Ke low, yield, subside, lie prostrate, fail, lie

dead, M,AO,B,Chr,Q : lead, extend to, JB;AO : flow, go, run, AO : belong to. 1. for

tofe the part of, LL152[3]. 1. mid cohabit

with, witt licgendum fSo for ready money.Uohama m. body, corpse, Bo,Mt;M,CP.I'Ucham'; Oer. leiohnam]

Hchamleas incorporeal, M.nohamllo (o1) corporeal, bodily, carnal, mate-

rial, Bojjk ; M. adv. -Hoe bodily, person-

ally, in the flesh, BH ; M. {'lichamly']

+IIchamod incarnate.

-Uohamung v. in-1. ; Uchom-=Ucham-nohordf n- interior of the body.

llchrege) n. winding-sheet, MH76M.

nehryre m. bodily decay, death, Gbn 1099.

lIehryft=liorest; Uehwamlle=l!ohamliollelan (w. d. or impers.) to please, M,Bl,Bo


CP. ['like']

llelendlto agreeable, pleasant, adv. -lice.

+DelAtan7 to liken, compare, MkLR4".Holeo* n. dirge, OEG.llclic relating to the dead, funeral, GPH401.+lIollc fitting, proper, adv. -Hoe equally.

llomann m. hearer, pall-bearer, M.Hcnes (±) f. 'likeness' ('i-likeness'), figure,

stature, image, J£,MtL : (+) parable.

Depytt m. sepulchre, grave, ^Gb66w ? (or ?

die, pytt).

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Bfirast f. sepulchre, tomb, M :

hearse, J&L261".

lbs-=lix-Ibsang m. dirge, OEG.Ilosirf n. wound.Bestow f. place of burial, GD340".ncsyree f. coralet, B550.DotQn m. burial-ground, M.tteftenung f. obsequies,funeral,M : laying otci

(o/ corps*), ,ffiL31M»flofeote f. por«, WW159"neftrowere m. teper, iE.

natron I. coffin, GD.noum-=IIoham-±l!oung f. pleasure, CP. [' Kfctwy ']

llowlfclung I. necromancy, LL(248*).Dewund f. wound, Ex 239.±IIcwyrtfo (e, eo, o, a) pleasing, acceptable,

Bo;CP: estimable, praiseworthy : accepted,

recognised, sterling. [' KfcetoorM ']

llowyrtflloe pleasingly, M.DcwyrVnes f. pood pleasure, LP888".Udf n. sWp, vessel, [lioan]

Udaf m. satfor.

Uden pp. of litian.

Hdefl pres. 3 sg. of leodan.

Udmannt m. seafarer, sailor, pirate.

Udrln=leoienHdweard m. ship-master, Aw 244.

Udwerlg weary of sea-voyages, Ah 482.

Ilefan (e, I, f) to allow, grant, concede, Mt{f),CP. ['leve' ; leaf]

±llefan (e, So, i, y) tr. and intr. to believe,

trust, confide in, Bl,MH(f). ['leve']

+IIefed (f) believing, faithful, pious, M.+DetedUc permissible, LL(436"°).+nefedHce trustfully, credulously, AO(y).+nofen excused, LkR14w(6).

-fOefenselpe m. justification, JnLR15M.

IlensMtan= liffestanHag (&, e, i) mn. fire, fame, lightning, B,Bl(e);CP. Vleye']

Ueget=Hgetllegett L=legeti pros. 3 ag. of leogan.

II. pros. 3 sg. of liogan.

Esht-=leoht-,lIht-Ilshti pros. 3 8g. of leogan.±Hesan («, f) to loosen, release, deliver,

liberate, Cr.(f)J,kR{&). ['lecse']

+IIesednes (y) f. redemption.Dosing I. (I, f) m. freedman, LL. II. f.

deliverance, release, LkL(6). [' letting ']

+nesnes (8, 1) f. redemption.IIetf-=li8-; n«xan=UzanIII I. n. 'life,' existence, MJ*yGhr,JnL : life-

time, RB. on life, td life, llfes alive, BH :

way of life (e.g. monastic), BH,Chr,Lk,W


CP : place where the life is according to fixedrules, monastery, Che. II.=l6f. IIL—leaf I.

m-=lief.nfbryogung f. conversation, way of life, DR71*.

Utbyslg struggling for life, B966.


nioaamt f. care about life.

nfdtag m. nap. Ufdagas (nsn. in plur.)<f^fe-

day,' lifetime, B,Cr.Hide, lifede pret. sg. of libban.

UferLf.'/twr/^o^TF;^:. II. f. a ve^Af,WW432". [£. libra?]

Uferadl f. foer eompfat**, Lcd,WW.llferb*1 m. protuberance of the liver, Lob76b.Ufernoln. hollow in the liver. Lop 76b.llferlseppa m. lobe of the liver, WW.llferwssrc m. pain in the liver, Lod 60a.

llflerwyrt n. liverwort, AN8 84-326.

llfesn=lyfesnnfladong f. regulation of life.

Ilftoe n. lifetime, life, LL,W.±nffssst living, quickened, full ofvigorous : settled.

±llfteftan to quicken, endow with life, M.+fflEaftnlan to quicken, RPsl42u.


DtMaf m. Xonf of life, God.nilrumat m. source of life {God).

llfgan=libbanIHgedal n. death, GD.mgafloaaftf f. life 's conditions or record.

IHfcetwlnnan mp. twins, Sol 141.

lWant(A)=libbaninlands (y) thai lives or has life, BH \

alive, BH,VPs : as eh. the 'living,' VHy.Dflad f. course of life, conduct, RB. [' Uveli-

hood']mUttslffleastmiaai not endowed with life, * lifeless,' in-

animate, M : dead, JR.

nfltast f. loss of life, annihilation, death,

M.nnie living, M : necessary to Ufe, vital. Hex,DHy. adv. -lice vitally, so as to impartlife, JR. VUvely



imyre m. loss of life, LL466[2].ntnera f. food, sustenance, Ax 1091.litre gs. of lifer I.


llfrlgcZottftif A30132.Iift=lyit

mweard m. guardian of life, El 1036.ntweg m. way of life, way in life.

Ufwalaf m. riches.

UfwaDs living (of water), JnL4ld.

gtwragut f protection of life.

nfwynnf f. enjoyment of life.

H*(iE)=Beg;Ilg-=lyg-llgMere, ligberend flaming, Gl.ngbrynef m. burning, fire.

Hgbyslg {&) busy with fire, RD31 1.

ngowalu f. fiery torment, El296.ngdraea («)f m. fiery dragon.Ogegesa m. flaming terror, B2780.Ilgen (e) flaming, fiery, M.Ogenword=lygeword+Ug-erf -ere n., -ernes f. concubinage,fornication, adultery, AO.

Ilget ml, Ugetu (*) f. lightning, flash oflightning, BHtBl,Mt ; MJlO. ['last' ; Ueg]


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ngelraeo m. lightning, flash of light, corns- UmrsMtn I. cloak? form? disposition of Ike

carton, Lk 10". [liget] Umbst v. OEG2630.Bgetsleht («*, »•) f. lightning-stroke, thunder- ttmaftoef *>»«, jwraJyfic.

6ott. llmwAde n. cJottoy, PPs 103*.

Bgetang f. ^mn^, EHy6*1. llmwsestm m. stature, Sat 130.Hgetf pres. 3 eg. of liogan. llmwirlg weary o/ limb. Rood 63.

Dg-fAnMiide, -famblawende vomitiM Are, lln n. Jfeia:, Knen, cfofA, naofcin, (owe/, <?/t

BH432*. JnB,MtB;CB. ['line']

Hfcfjr n. Jlre, Ex 77. Imaoer m. tfa* field, EC239.llgge= liege ds. of Heg; Dglt= liget llnd I. f. lime-tree, linden, Gl;M;Mdi :

ngUc(e)^ery,GuTHl31m . (t) «WeW (o/ icwod). ['KikH II.=lyndIlg-looe, -locoed having flaming locks, WW. MnderodaJ m. crash of shields, battle.

flfcnlan =)ygnian ; afcnese (S1, e1)—ligetrseeo Unde lime-tree, linden.

Ug-rascetung, -rneoung (y1) f. lightning. linden made of 'linden'-wood, OnB.

flgsplwel vomiting flame. llndgecrod n. shield-bearing troop, An 1222.Mgtfpree. 3 eg. of ucgan. llndgelao n. battle, Af76.Ug-tfraciit *• g<b- -tJrejoe Jlery oase*, violence Ilndgesteallat m- shield-comrade, companionofflames. in war.

flfcjfe f. wave offire, B2672. llndneabbendet m. shield-bearer, warrior.IDi imperat. eg. of ISon. Ilndplegaf m. shield-play, battle.

nhtJ=!feoht llndfyog m. ridge where limes grow, KC3-79*.llhtan (5, eo, J) l.(±)to make 'light,' easy, llndweredn. trooparmed with shields, El 142.relieve, alleviate, CPJ*dJsL : dismount, Undwlga m. warrior, B2603.'aftoA<,' B£f(y). II. (ie, J) to KoAte*, lnd-wl|^ndt,-wiggendtm.«AfeU^ii»fTtbr.tZfamtnofe, rive %**» aAtne, Jg,Jn{f) : llnef. line, caWe, rope, 8ol,WW : series, row:grow light, dawn, Da(f) :

' tightS kindle, rule, direction.

Ubttng I. f. relief, alleviation, release, LL. llneoe (WW286n)=UneteP Zt*ftn? '] II. (eo) f. shining, illumination, Bnen adj. ' linen, ' made offlax, Bp ; M,CP.light, JB: dawn -.lightning. ['lihting'] BnenhraBgl n. linen cloth, NG.

Uhtingnes f. lightness of taxation, LL(306M). Ilnenwerd drewed in linen, LL(370U).

llhtnes f. brightness, VF230". ['fyAfciew'] Unete (-eoe) f. linnet, WW286".llhtfpres. 3 eg. of leogan. Hnet-wlge, -wigle f. linnet, CpJBrf,WW.lillef. 'tily,'BlJM',M. [L. liliuml ['KmuftiV]Um (y) n. nap. leoma 'Ztm6,' faemfter, jff, -ling suffix (1) for forming personal noontBHfBl; AOtCV : branch, B : agent, off- (deorling,r*pling). (2) for forming adybs.spring? 2H»33 : 6onef CP861. (hinderhnff).

Dm m. anything eticky, 'lime,* mortar, IXnhAwen flax-coloured, Lod.eeme»*, gluten, Ep,W W. Knland n. land in flax, KC3-19*.+nman to cement, join, stick together. Hnlftag m. Jta* around, EC 166.

Umbstetnlng f. Aaaotna, cvrtetn,WW 101n. linnan* (w. inetr. or g. ) to ceasefrom, desist,

mnOat. lime-heap, BC151&1. lose, yield up (life), B. ['lin']

llmgeleeg n. shape, WW. llnaftd n. • linseed, ' A (e*)JUd.Umgatfth* f. body, A 2-364. UnwAd f. linen cloth or garment, NG.llmhal sound of limb, Gu 661. Bnwyrtf. flax, Lod.+OmUui= +liman Ho (WW438") =l*omnh*tsmearing,plastering,WW. ['liming'] llppam., Uppe? f. (LL2-136) 'lip,' Lcd,BB,limlftw f. injury to the limbs, mutilation, WW.LL(278M ). ISra m. any fleshy part of the body, muscle,

nmlAweo maimed, LL132[10]. calf of the leg, WW.Umltas without limbs, £22*270*. +Ure= +ligere

HmnriMnm adv. 'membratim,9limb by limb, Ureht fleshy, Lod 91a.

WW. ['timbmeal'] lis= lies; lis-= lies-; llsan (GL)=lesanHmmlama crippled, W4U. +llse (e) nap. +leosn n. reading, study, BH.llmnaood stark naked, Gbk 1666. +lbtan to slip, glide, CP437.+llmp n. occurrence : misfortune, accident, -Usnlan, -listnian v. be-L

CP. Use (lios) f. grace, favour, love, kindness,

dblimpan' to happen, occur, B,Bo,ChrJ£et; mercy, M : joy, peace, rest, Ph,W : re-

MJiO,CP : belong to, suit, befit, OETfit : mission, forgiveness : saving (of life).

concern, CP. ['limp,' 'i-timp'] ['liss' ; llfcel

±llmpful fitting, convenient, AS 21. llsslan to subdue, Sol294.Hmp1#fflin to unite, connect, OEG80. Ust mf. art, cleverness, cunningt experience,

+llmpUe fitting, suitable, ML. adv. -lice skill, craft, Cr. ['list'] listam cunningly9

(±). skilfully.

fllmpUenes f. opportunity. Istan=iystan


Ibte f. 'list,' fringe, border, Bp.Ustoltoe adv. carefully, Lod 11a.

j «tt//uJ, Cra95. Ilstum v. list.

i m. Jeceplkm, W81 ; 128*.

NC306 (late).

11*8 pre*. 3 eg. of leean.

ht colour '—— -

Ht=lytntan to 6e»*\ incline, Mxt26u».

Ute-,Utel=lytig-> lftel; Mttg=lytiglltigere m. dyer, NC306 (late).

Vtt- =lytl-; lltunann=liCsmannUtf I. nm. nap. leoCu, litJu limb, member, BE,Cr ; jE,AO,CP : joint, Led. ['lith'] II. n.

JkeL [ON.htS]lloLn. cider, native wine, fermented drink,

CP : beaker, cup. IL pres. 3 ag. of liogan.

III.=lioeadj. IV.=fih8fflta m. name of month* June (ana L) andJuly (eftera L).

fflUUU f. gout, Lod,WW.man1 to go, travel, eail, B,BH. ['Ittfe'l

flVe I. adj. gentle, soft, calm, mild, ApT,B,Jit ; £5,AO,CP : gracious, kind, agreeable,

sweet, Bo,Qen,M. ['lithe'] II. adv.

lfteMge flexible, yielding, M. ['litheby']

lttJeblgnes £ flexibility of Umbs, Gutk90".WagWlWigIltttllc genus, soft, mild, CP. adv. -lioet

CP. ['lithely']

+Uften (y) having travelled much. [HCan]Mercian to smooth down, fatter, Gl.ttttere f., litiera m. tftn?, slinging pouch, BE,Cp;M. Wither'; letter]

Utteren=le&renHtterllc o/ a dtiy, WW2474


+lftfewielan to calm, appease, mitigate, JEL.IfBewAean=leottnwSoanlffigeat= hlidgeat

Ifflan (CP ; M) =lffiigian

4-UtSlan (eo) to incline, accustom, A2-68.HWg lithe, flexible, bending, yielding, M,W.TWAy*]

Uelglan (± ) to soften, calm, assuage, appease,CP; Elbe mild. I lithe']

nWneel n. little joint, WW.1I611e =li6elio; li8mann==lidmannMines f. mildness, softness, gentleness, kind-ness, M,CP.

Ut5o-=leo6a-; Mt$re=li8ereJI8re=ly$re; liftrln=le8ren; lflh=lisgIHtetawn. synovia.

tttanann m. seafarer, pirate, Cm.H*u v. litJ.

ltifale m? synovia, Lod. [litf, ele]

IRtang f. alleviation, relief, Lod 1*1 12*.

H8wAge n. drinking-cup, B1982.ltttwnro m. pain in the limbs, Lod49b.ggwyrtto mild of speech, NC348.BBwyrt f. dwarfelder.Hxan to shine, flash, glitter, gleam.Uxende splendidly, LkLl6".fining f. briUiance, brightness, N.

-16 pL -Ion v. mast-, soeaft-L

lob(GL)=loflobbe I. spider, LPs. ['lob'!

loeLo. 'lock,* bolt, bar, Jt,BB;AO : en-closureJold, prison,stronghold,CP : bargain,agreement, settlement, conclusion, pucan]IL-looo I.

Ife, looa interj. look, see, look you. L hahowever. 1. hwsuine, hwonne whenever.spel L hwenne mann wille a discourse forany occasion you please, M. L hwfirwherever. L hwfttfor whichever. L hwa,L hwat, toAoever, whatever. L hwylota&tcAever.

loea m. enclosure, stronghold.

16oa-hu v. l6o interj.

loebore I. one who wears long hair, freewoman, LL7T73].

loeo L m. 'lock' of (hair), hair, curl, Et,CP,Ep;M. IL=lool.

loeead 'crinitus,' OEG56".toeeetan (MtL)?=rooettan (JAW77).±toeetan to attract, entice, soothe, CP.looen L pp. of lnoan. IL (Sat300?) =looloeer=looortoeteax n. hair,WW379".locgewlnd n. hair, WW199'.lde-hu, -hwnnne eto. v. Ido hn9 loo hwanne,etc

loehyrdel m. sheepfold, LL454[9].lftelan (±) to see, behold, look, gate, A,Bl,CP,Mt; AO : observe, notice, take heed,

Bl;M. L tft regard with favour, CP :

belong, pertain, M.looor plane, Gl.loottan m. keystone, MELW*.-Idcung v. ttarh-L

toddere m. beogar, M ; Mdf. [lytSre]

4-lodr f. backbone, spine, Lod 66a,lodrung f. rubbish, nonsense, WW478*.+lodwyrt I. silverweed.

loeige (Ep) np. of lorg.

lot I. n. (m. £1536) pratw, ^Zory, repate,Cp ; ACP : «on^ of praise, hymn. [<lof]II.f n. jprotoeiton, aefp.

16f (OEG5241) =gl«f (T), v. ES37186.lotbAre praising, giving praise.lofdAd f. praweuw-% (ieed, B24.lotgeora eager for praise, ML 16Mt : lavish?RB54*;55*.

lofherung f. praising, LP855".loflan to praise, exalt, Gen,PPs;CB i

appraise, value, ['love']

loflio n. offering in honour of any one, WloflOcaa to praise, LPs 118"'.loflle laudable, adv. -Hoe gloriously.lotaMBgen n. praise, PPslOS1


lotsang m. song of praise, canticle, hymn,psalm, BE ; M : lauds. Vlofsang']lofwalm m. the 1481a Psalm, RB36".loftlngende singing hymns of praise, OEG4912.

lotium praiseworthy, Gxv468.

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lofte (on) adv. phr. in the air, aloft, Hex,MLN. ['loft']

lofung f. praising, laudation : appraising, M.log piet. 3 eg. of lean.

-logs y. aC-, treow-, word-1. [leogan]ldges v. ldh; together =log«er±16glan to fecfye, place, put by, M : put inorder, arrange, M : discourse, M : divide,

portion out. +L Up lay by, deposit +logodspr&o {weU)-ordered speech, style.

logfer (o1) cunning, artful, WW.+logung f. order, CM69916h I. n., gs. ldges place, stood (only in phr.

on his Ion). II. pret. 3 eg. of lean II.

Idhseeaft m. boU, Sort AS 1*.

loma=lama±16ma m. tool, utensil, article of furniture,BH;Qh. ['loom



tomb, lomber=lamb±ldme (1) adj. frequent, ^L311019

; (2) ady.

*, frequently, oft (and) +L constan ly,

+ldmed=+l$omod; 15melic=lomlio±16mlAoan to frequent, M : be frequent.+ldmU*oende frequent, M : frequentative

(vb), £»b2137.

+16mUMnf f. frequency, frequenting, JCGb2137


+ldmllo repeated, AO,CP. adv. -lice /re-


+ldmllelan to become frequent, Bl109*.+IdmIloiMS f. frequented place? frequency ?

CPsll7«.lomp pret. 3 ag. of limpan.londt=0andlondMlf.rfranptry? Lod 108a. [hland]lone=lane; long)=ilang

Longbeard-an, -as sbmpL Lombards, AO.lonn, lonu=Iann, lanaloppe f. flea (spider? silkworm?), Bo,WW.

loppestre f.'lobster,* WW;M : locust.

lopust, lopystre=loppestrelor n. (only in phr. t6 lore, t5 lose) loss,

destruction, Bl ; GP. ['for*]

-lora v. hleow-1.

lorsn pp. (str.) of leoran.

lorg, lorh fm. pole, distaff, weaver 's beam,Gl.

los=lor [loaf1

]; losewist =loewistloslan (a) wv. (±) to be lost, perish, Bo,CP


M : (±) escape, get away : 'lose,' ZrfcL 15* :

destroy, LkLVt*1.

loslgendlle ready to perish, M.losing, loswist f. perdition, loss, destruction,

NG.lot n. fraud, guile, ML,CP.loten pp. of lutan.

lotwrene m. deception, deceit, cunning,

artifice, trick, jE,AO, m. upper garment, mantle, cloak, CP.loz m. Zynz, BH,WW. [Oer. luohs]

luba-, lube- =lufe-

IQean* I. (±) (tr.) to loci;, ctose, efjoiwe,

fasten, shut up, An : (intr.) close up, formone mass, Ph : interlock, intertwine, twist,

wind, CP : conclude. ['louk'] II. pluckout, pull up, Me 1

. ['louk'*]

ludgsst n. side-gate, postern gate, Gl.ludon pret. pL of leodan.lulellc=luflic

lufen f. hope? (BT; OK), Da73,B2886.lufesttoe f. 'lavage' {plant), Led. [L.leviaticum]

lufestre f. female lover, OEG.luffendnc =lufiendlio±luflan to 'love,' cherish, show love to, JB,JnL,VPs;CP : fondle, caress : approve,practise,

luflend m. lover, M.luQende affectionate, MQr. [

4loving ']

luflendlle, lufioendlio lovely, beautiful, M :

lovable, amiable, M.hMBtoamiabU,loving,Lcdilovable,Ps. adv.-lice lovingly, kindly, CP : willingly, gladly,

BR. ['lovely']

luMdsnf. love, LPs. ['lovered']

lufsum loving, lovable, pisasantf Cr. ['love-

some 1

] adv. -libe graciously.

lufsumnes f. pleasantness, kindness, Gl.luttaoen n. 'love-token,

9 £1863.luf-tyme (M), -tfme (RB) pleasant, sweet,

grateful, benevolent.

luftymllo embracing, OEG661".

lufu f. love, strong liking, affection, favour,£},BH,Jn,VPs,WW'; AO,CP z love {ofGod), JnB : amicable settlement, LL392'.

lufwende lovable, pleasant.

lufwendlie friendly, KGl73m. adv. -lice

gently, KGL8011.

lugon pret. pL of leogan.

luh n.foch, pond, NG;Mdf. [Keltic]

4-hunpenllo occasional, [limpan]lumpon pret. pL of limpan.lunelan to Ump? LPs 17**, [op. Norwranke?]

lundlaga m. kidney, J3.

lungen f. 'lung,' Lcd,WW.lungenidl f. lung-disease, Lod.lungensealf f . lung-salve, Lod 141a.

lungenwyrt f. 'lung-wort,' Led.-lunger v. oeas-1.

lungret •*• *>on9 forthwith, suddenly,


lunnon pret. pL of linnan.

lupe f. loop, leash, Gl.lus f. nap. lfs 'louse,' JS,Cp,Hex.luslan(GPH)=loeianhist I. m. desire appetite, M,BE,JnL :

pleasure, Bo,Lk (pi.) : sensuous appetite,

lust, Jul,Lcd,WW. II. adj. witting, W24610.

lustbftre desirable, pleasant, agreeable, cheer'

ful, joyous, >E,AO : desirous, JBL411*.

lustbftrUc^won/, AO. adv. -lloe.

lustMsmes f. enjoyment, pleasure, desire, CP.lustful wishful, desirous, AOl(W. ['lust-


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±uistfulttan to rejoice, enjoy,M : be pleasingto, CP70".

ilurttuinoe joyfully, gladly, heartily, EL['lustfully']

±lustfullung f. desire, pleasure, J3.

±lusttulnes f. desire, pleasure, BE ;CP.['lustful****!

tastgeornnes f. concupiscence, G.luslgryn f. snare of pleasure, Soul23.

lnstlfee willingly, gladly, Bl ; MJlO.lustmoee f. lady's-smock (plant), Lod.lustsumlle pleasant, adv. -lioe wittingly.

luttam adv. with pleasure, gladly.

IQrforn m. spindle-tree, EC445".±10tan« to 6eiu2y stoop, decltne, £!,AO+loten dasg after pari of day : bow, makeobeisance, fall down, Bl, VPs :(+)lay down,MtL8M : entreat.

±lfttlan to Ke Md, aide, lurk, M,VEy ; AO,CP. ['ton*'*]

latter, lattor=hlattor, hlatorlatter- =lyoer-lybb n. (frap, poison, charm : wifcfoq/k.

lybban=libbanlybbestre f. sorceress, WW200tf


lybcorn n. a medicinal seed, wVd saffron t Gl.lybensft m. skill in the use of drugs, magic,

witchcraft, Bl.lybesn=lyfeenlyblae nm. occult art, use of drugsfor magic,


lybUeea m. wizard, sorcerer, Gl.lybatn, lyben= lyfeml?e-=:lffio-,lio-; lycos =lygeILtyeft pros. 3 sg. of lnoan.

Uden(LWS)=I»den; l^f=lSf


lyfde, lyfede pret. 3 sg. of libban.

lyfesn (i) f. charm, amulet, knot.

lyffetere m. flatterer, M.lyffet-tan, -tian to flatter, M.lyffetung f. adulation, flattery, M.lyflan= lifian, libbanlyft fmn. air, shy, clouds, atmosphere, B,Led ;M,AO,CP. on lyfto on high, aloft.

['lift*; Qer. loft]

lyftadl f. paralysis, palsy, BH,Lod.lyftedor m. clouds, Ex261.lyfton of the air, airial, JE.

lyfttot n. vessel in the air (moon), Rd30*.lyftfleogend m. flier in the air, bird, Sol289.lyftfloga m. flier in the air, dragon, B2315.lyftgelief n. flight through the air.

lyftgesweneed driven by the wind, B1913.lyfthelmt m. air, mist, cloud.

lyftlieendet sporting in the air, flying.lyftUc aerial, NC314.lyftsoeatta m. aerial robber (raven), Wt39.lyftwundor n. aerial wonder, Ex90.

lyftwynnt f. pleasure in flying.lyge I. (i) m. 'lie,

1falsehood, BEJSat.

II. Wing, false (A; «*lygge, JAW26).IIL r

sicalia,' secale? corn? rye?WW301s.

lygen (i) f. lie, falsehood.

lygenlan=lygnianlygesearut n. lying wile, trick.

lygespell (i) n. falsehood, WW449*.lygesynnlg (i) lying, false. El899.

lygetorn (i)feigned anger or grief, B 1943.lygeword (i)f n. lying word, lie.

lygewyrhta (i) m. liar, Leas.lygnes (i) f. falseness : false things.

±lygnian (i) to give one the lie, convict offalsehood, M. +lygnod perjured, M(i).iyht-=liht-lyhtJ pres. 3 sg. of lean.

IfM pros. 3 eg. of leogan.

lym=lim; l*inan==l£omanlymp-=limp-±lynd (i) f. fat, grease.

+lyndu np. joints of the spine, WW159"lynlbor n. borer, gimlet, WW273".lynto m. axle, axletree, 'linch'-pin, Ep,WW.lypenwyrhta m. tanner? v. JGPh5-467.lyre (e) m. loss, destruction, damage, hurt,

WW;M. ['lure'; leosan]

lyrewrene m. hurtful intrigue, MFH 169.

-lyrtan v. be-L ; l*s v. las ; l**-=IIes-

lyiferht=leaaferh6lysnan, lysnere=hlysnan, hlysnerel*ssa(KGL)=l&a8a; lyssen=lyswen±]ystan impers. w. a. (d.) of pen. and g. ofthing or inf. to please, cause pleasure or

desire, provoke longing, J£,ElJto ; AO,CP.+lysted desirous of. ['list'; last]

lystere (OEG4674)= 7 lyftere, lyffetore

+lystfuinoe =lustfulhoelysa L base,false, evil. IL n. evil deed.

lyswen L purulent, corrupt, Lcd. II. n.

pus, matter, Lod.1ft adv., adj. and indecL sb. little, few, B,DD,OenJlun; MJlO.

iytan=lutan; lyteg^lytigIftal I. adj.


little, ' not large, JB*AO,Lk,Met :

short (distance, time), B : not much, Mt,Ps.IL adv. little, slightly, Ps. IIL sb. AO,Lca\Ps.

l*telh*dlg pusillanimous, GbjlIO.lyte-lle, -lioe=lytig-lio, -lioe

tytalmod pusillanimous, CP.l*telne=lytesnelytelnes f. smaUness, JBOr22»u. [' little-


lytesna, lytes(t)ne adv. nearly, within alittle, almost.

tythwon adv. and sb. (w. g.) little, but Utile,

very few, M,CP.lytlg (e) crafty, cunning, AO.lytlglan tofeign, act crookedly, Ma 86.

lytigUe (lytelic) deceitful, crafty, adv. -lioe,

CP.lydgnes f. cunning, CP.±iytUan to lessen, decrease, diminish, Bo,JnL ; CP : shorten, curtail, abrogate : failout of use, LL267[37]. ['Kftfe'l

letting m. little one, infant, child, &,GP.lytlum adv. (d. of lytol) little by little, gradu-ally, JS;CB. Vlttium



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+tytlung (i) f. inefficiency, want, S0571 (op.


lyttuecas mpL particles, smaU pieces, GPH400.

ly*=li«; lJ*a=IIoa; +ly1tatt= +li«entytferful et*J, wfe, W40*.tylferllo bad, sordid, mean, vile, AO. adv.-lice (fi


tytternes (a1) f. wickedness, HL18*.

tytfran (6) to anoint, smear, * lather,9 JnL(e),

Led. [lea«or]


IfBre I. (e, i) adj. fad, wicked, base, mean,corrupt, wretched, &,AOJjk,WW. ['Uther



adv. wretchedly, badly, Sat62. II. oomp.oflffte.

iy&wyrt=lT5wyrt; tyxan=Hxan

Mma I. adv. [oomp. of micle] more, rather,

longer, hereafter, further, JS,BH,Bo,Bl,CP,VPs (m&). ©e ma oe more than, II. ab.

(indeol.) more, JB,An,BH,Bl III. adj.

more, -«,JM. ['mo']mabuldor=mapulder; maca=+m»ocamaoaUo convenient, MkB6u.

madan to'make.


form, construct,\do, A,M :

prepare, arrange, cause, JS,Qen,Mt : use,

M : behave, fare, JE,Bo ; CP. maoian upto put up, M.

maeroftlg (=m®genor-)t mighty.

maming f. making, doing, ChbIIOI.+mad=+m»d; madmi=imaCmmadmdd n. foolishness, Mod 25.

mA=ma±msBO well-suited, companionable : similar,


msecan= meogan, mengan> +m»cca (a, e) mf. mate, equal, one of a

pair, comrade, companion, JBQr(a),MtR{e) :

(± ) husband, wife, JE,Mt,OET. ['match']

mAeeflso = meoefiso

msBCgf m- ^nan, disciple : sonmsBOga m. man, Wy52.m8Belan=mecgan, mengan+m8Dcllo conjugal, So.

+m®cnes f cohabitation, BH.+m»csoip6 m. cohabitation, Ce 199.

• mAd (e) f. da. (EWS) meda ; nap. m»d(w)a,m&dwe 'mead/ * meadow,* pasture, BC,OEG;M,AO;M6i.

» +mAd, +m©ded 'mad, 1 Rd,WW : foolish,

Cp.» mssddre f. 'madder, 9 Led ; M.+mAded=+m&dmAden (J3,AO,CP)t=tai»gdenmAdencild n. female child, girl, AO;M.

[' maiden-child*]

mAdenheap m. band of virgins, 1)1)289.

»mAdenlto maidenly, virgin, M.mflBdere =maddre "

O. H.

msederecffl m. sprig of madder% Lod.+msedla m. chatter, ioD 122b. [maeCel]mAdland m. meadow-land, KC.mAdmAwaet (=-wett) mowing ofa meadow,LL448[5,2].mAdrAden f. mowing, tract of mown grass,


mAdsplott m. plot ofmeadow-land, KC4-727.

msedwa m., m&dwe f. =m»dmAdweland=mftdlandmag I. pree. 3 sg. of magan. II. (Soi19 :

1217)=m8Bgen±mAg I. m. nap. magas (v. LL2-651) malekinsman, parent, son, brother, nephew,cousin, BJBpfr) ; MJlO,CV. ['may'] II.ff. female relation, wife, woman, maiden.mftgbana m. destroyer of kinsfolk, W242*.mAgbot f. compensation paid to the relatives

of a murdered man, LL.mAgburg f. family, tribe, race, people,

nation : genealogy.

mAgolld n. young kinsman,mAgcnafa m. youthful kinsman, BC2-329'.

mAgotUf related, OEG.mAgewalm m. murder of a relation, Cp179p(6).

nuegdan (&d) n. maiden, virgin, LL;M :•

girl, Mt : maid, servant, Bl.

magden- see also mSden-.msBgdenAw f . marriage with a virgin.

msBgdenhad m. 'maidenhood, 9virginity,*

Cr;CP.msBgdenmann m. 'maid,

9virgin, AO.

['maidenman 9


mAge=magemagen I. (e) n. bodily strength, might, 'main 9

force, power, vigour, valour, B;M,CP :

virtue, efficacy, efficiency, Led : picked menof a nation, troop, army, AO : miracle.

[magan] II. snbj. pi. of magan.magenagende mighty, B2837.magenbyrtient f . huge burden.

magenooiUor n. strong troop, Gra 1986.

magenoraftt m. main force, great strength,


msBgencynlngt m. mighty king.

magendAd f. mighty deed, Cbjl12.

magentaoa m. succour, Ax 138.

mageneaoent mighty, vigorous.

magenearfevef n. great misery or trial.

magenellen n. mighty valour, B659.magenfast vigorous, strong, steadfast, M.magenfole n. mighty company, Cb877.msBgeniultum m. mighty help, B 1456.

msBgenhftapf m. powerful band.mseganhaard very strong, Run 5.

msBgenlan (gn-) to gain strength : (+)establish, confirm, BH306".

msegenltas powerless, feeble, helpless, WW ;

JE. ['mainless'] adv. -lice,

msegenleast f. weakness, feebleness, M :

inability, RB.nuegenrAs m. mighty onslaught, B 1619msBgenrdff power}




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t m. might, power, Da20.

1 f. power, virtue.

i m. huge atone, MxtS1*.

magenstrangf of great virtue or strength.

magen-strengo, -etrengCu f. main strength,

great might.magenttegen m. mighty minister, Gu 1099.magenlfae f. violence, force, Rd281#


magenttreatt m. mighty host.

magenttrymm m. power, might, greatness,

glory, M,CP : heavenly host : (f) Christ :

(t) heaven.

magenttrymnes f. preof ftory, majesty, M.magenweoret n. mtfaly worl;.

magenwlsa m. general, Ex663.magenwudu m. strong spear, B236.magenwundor n. ririfctni iMmier, Cb927.mager meagre, lean, LcD90b.magerlan to macerate, make lean, WW.[Oar. magern]

magestor= monstermagett, iiiageo=m*gti, mngtimAggemdt n. meeting of kinsmen, A02481*.

maggewilt n. genealogy, pedigree.

mAggtoldanM lo contribute towards the fine

for manslaughter by a kinsman, LL122[74,2].mAgnAmed n. incest, BH2801


mAghand (meg-, mfii-) f. Yiatural heir,


magister =magistermAglagu t. law as to relatives, LL266[26].mAglea* without relatives, LL.mAglto belonging to a kinsman, M,mAglufu I. love, Jul70.

mAgmortfor n. murder of a relative, Gl.mAgmyrlfrs m. murderer of a relative,

parricide, OEG,GD239A.

magn)=tai»gen ; m»gnan=menganmmgon=magon pros. pi. of maganmAgraeu f. generation, genealogy, M.mAgrAden i. relationship, AO.mAgrAs m. attack on relatives,W 164*.

mAgscIr [meg-] f. division of a people con-

taining the kinsmen of a particular family(BT),DR193M.

mAgslbb f. relationship : affection ofrelatives.mAgsibbung £ . reconciliation, peace-making,JGPhl-63.

mAgalbUo related, WW375".mAgslaga m. slayer of a relative, parricide,

fratricide, M. <*

mAgsllht m. murder ofa relative, W1301.

mageter= magister

magttt L *• gP- msagoa, dp. magtium,otherwise uninflected maiden, virgin, girl,

woman, wife. \Ooth. magaos] IL (±) f.

power, greatness.

magtf (f) t. family group, clan, tribe,

generation, stock, race, people, MfAO :

province, country, M.magtfa m. mayweed.magtfblad (geC) n. pudendum muliebre,


magtfbdt f. Am /or assault on an unmarriedwoman? LL7[74].magtte f. maytoeed, [op. msBgtSa]

magtthld m. vifymtiy, chastity, purity,MH;M,CF : fond o/ young persons.


maidhood"lmAgtthad m. relationship, M.maegtftaadllc maidenly, OEG 1469.magtilagu=msaglagumAgtteas not of noble birth, WW219*.magtfmann m. maiden, virgin, LL8[82].mAgftmorfior (S1 ) run. murder of kin, OEG2*u.

magflmyrVra m. murderer of kin, OEG2s**.mAgttraden f. friendship, OEG.mAgfltlbb (y>) f. kindred, HGl623.mAgwlnef m. friendly relative, clansman.mAgwIlto (a, §) m. aspect, appearance,species, form.

m*gwlittan[ meg.] to fashion, MtLl7*.mftgwliUlce [meg-] figuratively.)SkLj>4».mahti^meaht, mint ; mah*=megBmAl I. (a, e) n. mark, sign, ornament : cross,

crucifix : armour, harness, sword : measure, +Led : (f) time, point of time, occasion,season : timefor eating,


tmeals, CP


M. II. f. (f) talk, conversation : contest,

battle. [m»oel] IIL=mal+mAl stained, dyed, AN 1333.+malan to mark, stain, Jul691.±mAlant to speak, talk, Gen. ['i-mele*;mseolan]

maleearu f. trouble of the time, B189.maid-=meld


maldagt m. appointed time, day.maldropa m. phlegm, saliva,WW240».mAldroplende phlegmatic, WW 161"mAto m. cup, bowl, bucket, £j>;Lgd(€).[<ffM0i']

malgwoeaft f. fate, B2737.mAhoeafa (ml) m. canker, caterpillar, WW.['malshave']

maltan (VPs) =meltanmAl-tang m. f tange f. pair of compasses,urw

mAl-tfdf., tlmnm. mealtime, KCM8. *

man=menn nap. of

±mAnan (e) to 'mean,' signify, intend, JS,

Bo,Sol ; CP : mention, relate, declare, com-municate to, speak of, B : associate {some-thing) with, AO : complain of, lament,bewail, sorrow, grieve, Bo ; iE,AO,CP.mAne I. l±, usu. +) common, general •

universal,Mt,WW i MJlOJCP. [*i*m*ne%


II. (+ ) n. fellowship, intercourse. III.false,

mean, wicked [man] IV. (+) subdued,overpowered. [=*+m»gne, E843-308]±mAnellc (usu. + ) common, mutual, general,

universal, M. adv. -Hoe.

+mAneUcne8 f. 'generalitas,* OEG.manibrAde relating to many things, WW116*.


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+mAnnes f. community, fellowship, inter-

course, union, Shr : land held in common,BC1-597'. [v.H-mene']+mAnscipe m. community, fellowship :

union, W248».±m&nsumian to participate in, have fellow-

ship with i live with, marry : partake ofEucharist, M.±m£nsum-D6s, -ung f. fellowship, partici-

pation, M.msBHU=menigamArfte f . boundary-oak, KC3-379".mAran (a) 1. (±) to declare, proclaim, cele-

brate, glorify, honour. II. (+ ) to determine,

fix limits, Wn>42.mArapeldre f . apple-tree forming part of aboundary, KC3-390*.mArbroe m. boundary-brook, KC.msero (l)i=*mearo ; (2) =meargmArenoll m. boundary-knoll, EC445.mArcUe f. boundary-dyke, KC.maere= (1 ) mare ; (2) mere I.

mAre I. (S)famous, great, excellent, sublime,

splendid, J3,AO,CP. [op. Oer. mare,marohen] II. pure, sterling (of money),[v. 'mere' adj.] III. (±, uau. +) boun-dary, border, Mk, VPs ; Mdf. ['mere' sb.]

mArelsrap m. ship's rope, cable, WW.meeretorht=meretorht ; maergen= morgenmeerh (CpJSp), m»rh-=mearg, mearh-mAr-hege, -haga, -hege m. boundary-hedge,

EC447.mArhlfea m. notoriety, WW38210


mArian to be distinguished, DHy.maarlngowudu n. mastic of sweet basil?

LoDl31a.+mArlacu f. boundary stream, EC387.

mftrlie (y) great, splendid, glorious, famous,M,AO,CB. adv. -lice, M.

inflames f. greatness, honour, fame.mArpul m. boundary-pool, EC446.

mArpytt m. pit thaiforms part ofa boundary(BT), KC.

msBrto=menomAnere (e) m. herald, DB5617


±mArslan (6) I. to make famous, celebrate,

proclaim, declare, announce, JE,CP : cele-

brate : glorify, honour, exalt, praise, M :

spread (offame) : enlarge. II. to mark out,

bound, limit.

mArstin m. boundary stone, BC. ['mere-


mArsung (e) f. fame, report, renown : cele-

bration, festival, M : exalting, magnifying :

(± ) magnificence, celebrity.

mArsungtfma m. time of glorifying, JEH2-3eo».mentis meartimArtt t. glory, repute,fame '.famous exploit,

glorious achievement, M,AO,CP.mArttorn m. boundary-hawthorn, KC.mArttu=mcer$mArttum (instr. of mfirti) adv. gloriously.


+mArung? 'consummation RHy510.

maarw-=mearu-±mArweg m. boundary road, Ct.

mArweore m. noble work, PPs 110*.

mArwyll m. boundary stream.

mason (»?) f. mesh, WW45010.

maesen brazen (Earle) ; of maple (BT), EC260.

maaslere m. sacristan, GD.msesllng, maston (MkL)=mmatMxigmaassanhacele= maessehacelemaasse (e) f. 'moss,

9Eucharist, celebration of


Eucharist, JB.BH,OET ; CP : special massday, festival of the church. [L. missa]

msesseAfen m. eve of a festival.

maasse-bdc f. nap. -bee 'mass-book,* missal, *

LL.maeaseerida m. creed said at mass, Nicenecreed.

m. 'mass-day,' festival, Bl. *

m. mass-vestment, surplice,

CP87".meassehaeele f. mass-veHment, cope, chasuble,

LV40,WW327".maeasehraegl n. vestment, surplice, CP.

maeaselao n. mass-offering, host, WW.meassenlht f. eve of a festival.

maessepreost m. 'mass-priest,' clergyman, *

high priest, M,AO ; CP.maeasepreoethad m. office or orders ofa mass-priest, BH.

msBSseprtostscIr f. district for which a masspriest officiated, LL.

mtpseerbana m. murderer of a priest, W166*.

maessere m. priest who celebrates mass, Az.['masser']

mroseereaf n. mass-vestment, M.mmsMwang m. office of mass.meessesteall m? seat in a church choir, v. NC307»48.

maeasetfd f. time of saying mass, LL(140ao).

maassetiegii m. mass-priest, LL460[6].msassettenung f. service of the mass, celebra-

tion of mass, A 1 1 -8.

maasse-QhtaT m. or -uhte? n. hour, or

service, of matins on a feast-day, NC307.maeasewln (e) n. wine used at mass, WW.mseaslan (±) to celebrate 'massy' M : (+)attend mass.

maast I. m. (ship's) 'mast,9 B;M,AO.

II. m. 'mast,' food of swine, acorns, beech-

nuts, BC.mAat (a, e) I. adj. (snperl. of micel), AO,Chr,Bo,Mt. ['most'] II. adv. mostly, for

the most part, in the greatest degree, chiefly,

especially, eal m., m. eal almost, nearly.

m. &lo nearly every one, M,AO,CP. 1 1 1, n.


±maMtan to feed with mast, fatten, M,CP.[Oer. maaten]

maestcyat f. masUsocket, WW.meestelberg m. fattened hog, MtL67

. [bearg]

m. mast, pasturefor swine.*


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i. right of feeding swine inmast-pastures, KC3-461 10


mastentreow n. tree yielding mast, WW137»

msMtland f. land on which there is mast, TC140".

1169.adv. (superL) particularly, CM

msestlliig I. n. brass, WW : brazen vessel,

Mk. ['mostta^ (to. messing] 11.Jading,OEG61".

mmstHngnnlg m. brass-worker,WW539*.

msMtldn sbpl. pulleys at the top of a mast,WW199".

nuMtriMoi = mttstenrfcdenmantrap m. masf-rope, Ex 82.

msMttwIst m. rope which supports a mast,

WW.mart I. pret. 3 sg. of metan. II. =mete m.±mfttan to dream (impeis.), J?; (trans*)

Led. ['mete']

mats^metemfito (e) mean, moderate, poor, inferior,

small, bad* [metan]- +m&U suitable as to size, RB, ML. ['meet



mesttest-= metlflBet-

+mfitgant to lessen, limit.

+mestgian (ML) = +metgianmfiting f. dream, Led. [ meting']

nueton pret. pL of metan.uM I. f. measure, degree, proportion, rate,

JS ; AO : honour, respect, reverence, LL :

what is meet, right, fitness, ability, virtue,

goodness, M,CP : condition, lot, state, rank,

M. ['methe '] II. n. cutting of grass, BC.['math']

mJBffi-= m&gtf-±m#8eglan to honour, respect, spare, W ; M.['methe']

maeVel (e) n. council, meeting, popularassembly : (f) speech, interview.

nuetielewldet (e) m. discourse.

meettelernt n. council-house, prcstorium.

mSBtteltrttJ (81) mn. security ('fritT) enjoyed

by public assemblies, LL3[1], (v. 2-464).

msettel-htgendet, -hergendeholdingconclave,


meslfelsttdet (e) m. place ofassembly : battle-


msettelword (e)t n. address, speech.

msMtore = m&tiremOtfful humane, MQr. ['metheful']

mMlan=met$egian; mfletfl=m®oelmeettlan (Cr) =matfelianmie&toimmoderate,rapacious,JB. ['methe-


mdftllc moderate, proportioned, befitting,

A&Qr,TC. adv. -lice humanely, courteous-

ly, ['methely')

mMDM f. payfor haymaking, LL452'.mflftre m. mower, WW.

%±mftUrlan to honour, LL.mMiing f. measure, extent, NC307.

' (ea, e) m. 'mew,' sea-guU, Cp,Shr(e).

(a) m. sea-gulls' pool, Ct.mifaaWra oomp. of manigfeald.mafllan to go astray, maffiende waxingwanton, NC307.mag-=m»g-maga I. m. 'maw,' stomach, CpJjcd,WW ;

-M,CP. II. powerful, strong.

miga I.f m. son, descendant, young man,man. IL. gp. of mfig.magan swv. pres. 1, 3 ag. meg ; 2, meant, Jmint ; pi. magon ; pret. 3 sg. meahte to

be able, nave permission or power (I 'may,


I can), to be strong, competent, avail, prevail,

JSJB,Bo,G,etc.;CP. mag witi avails

against, cures, Lcd.magas y. meg; magaj8e==mageoemag4atetitown.aZmotia'4ree,WW139u. [L.

amygdala]mage f. (WW 169") =magamage (&) {.female relative,B ;M. ['mows']migeftct pto. augmented, WW. pecan]magefte (mP, o*) f. camomile, mayweed, Lcd,WW. ['maythe']

maglan to prevail, ERPs 12s ; NC348.maglster (®) m. leader, chief, master, teacher, rM,Bo ; AO,CP. [L. magister]


maglsterdom (mttgster-) m. office ofa masteror teacher, Sc 120*. ['masterdom*]+magUc = +malio+magman to be restored to health, GD338*.magof (magu) m. gs. maga, nap. nuBcgasmale kinsman, son, descendant, man : youngman, servant : man, warrior.

magodryht f. band of warriors, B67.magogeoguft f. youth, Cri1429.magorftdend m. counsellor of men, An 1463.

magorfiswat m. chief, prince.

magorlnot m. youth, man, warrior.

magottmbert n. child, son : increase offamily, progeny.

magotodorf n. descendant, offspring.

magotte, magoe=mageoemagOfJegnt m. vassal, retainer, warrior, man,servant, minister.

magu=mago; magwMte=m»gwlite±mah bad, wanton, shameless, importunate.mahan ==magon pres. pL of magan.+mahlltf=4+malic+mahnes f. importunity, persistence : shamelessness.

maht(VPs) = mihtmil I. n. suit, cause, case, action, terms,

agreement, covenanted pay, Chr. h£ scy-

lode ix soyna of male he paid nine ships out

of commission, Chb 1049c. ['mail '] II. n.

spot, math, blemish, M. III.= mfil n.mildseg= mftld©g+mallo importunate : wanton, shameless :

wicked, adv. -lioe.

+mallcnes f. importunity : wantonnes*,shamelessness, CP.

malscrung f. enchantment, charm.malswyrd n. sword with inlaid ornament,TC660". [mftl]

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malt ((H)^mealt ; malwe(WW) =mealwemamma f . teal, GPH4Qln . [L. mamma]mamor, mamra m. lethargy, heavy sleep, Gl.mamrtan to think out, design, PPs63».

» man I. pron. indef. one, people, they, B,Mt


J3. ^man 9] II.=mann. III.pres.38g.

of I. n. evil deed, crime, wickedness, guilt,

sin, M ifalst oath, £!P216". II. adj. bad,criminal, false, AO. [ON. mein]+man (o) having a mane, WW492".man-=mann-+mana m. community, company, M : com-panionship, intercourse, BH : cohabitation.

tS +manan in common, CP. ['mone']manaV pree. 3 sg. of manian.manatt m. false oath, perjury, LL ; HL.['manath*; Qer. meineid]

manbealu n. crime, cruelty, Da45.

manbot (o1 ) f. fine paid to the lord of a manslain, LL (v. 2-676). ['manbote']manbryne m.fatal, destructive fire, Chb962a.manogere =manger©manc-s, -cas, -oos, -oua m., gp. manoessa(CP) a 'mancus, 9

thirty silver pence, one*eighth of a pound, JS,BC.

maneweaJm m. mortality, pestilence, de-

struction, Chr ;AO. ['manqualm*]manewealmnes f. manslaughter, NG.mancwyld (o)f. mortality,pestilence,BH 190s.

•manoynn n. mankind, JS,B,Bl : inhabitants,

people, men, GP. ['mankin 9


mancyst f. human virtue, MFH169.mand (o) f. basket, Cp,MtL(o),WW.['maund 9


mandAd f. sin, crime, AC,AO,CP.mandAde evil-doing, wicked.

mandeorf wicked, LL(382").mandrtamt m. revelry, festivity.

mandrino m. poison, Rd24u.

mandryhtent m. lord, master.

maneg=manigmanfAhtfu f. wickedness, Gbn1378.manfaru f. host, troop, Gu257.manfeld m. field of crime ('campus scele-

ratus'), AO108*.manfolm f. evil-doer, PPsl43».inanfordAdla m. evil-doer, B563.manforwyrhtt n. evil deed, sin.

mftnfrtot m. lord of evil, Devil.

manfremmendef sinning, vicious.

manful wicked, evil, infamous, degraded, JE>


fearful, dire.

manfulllc infamous, evil, sinful, M. adv.-Hoe, M.

manfulnes f. wickedness, 2&.

manfultum m. military force, AO (o1 ).

+mang 1. n. mixture, union : troop, crowd,multitude : congregation, assembly : busi-

ness : cohabitation, in +m. during, on+m. in the midst of. II. prep. (w. d. or a.)

among, &.mangenga m. evil-doer, BH36*.m&ngenltfta m. evil persecutor, As918.

+mangennes= +mangne8mangere m. trader, merchant, broker, M. •

mftngewyrhta m. sinner, PPs77M.

dbmanglan to trade, M,GP.+mang-nes, -ennes f. mingling, mixture,OEG.

mangling f. trade, business, M.mangunghus n. house ofmerchandise, Jn2".mannas n. home of wickedness, hell, Ex535.

±manian (o) to remind, admonish, warn,exhort, instigate, M,CP : instruct, advise,

M : claim, demand, ask. [Qer. mahnen]mftnldelf twin and bad (words),

manlehd m. admonisher, CP400" : collector.

manlf- = manigf-

manlg (»\ e1, ol, e1) nap. manega 'many, 9 •

many a, much, JB,AO,B,BH ; CP.manJgean=manian ; manlgeo=menignmanlgfeald (», e, o1

) manifold, various, com- •

plicated, M,CF : numerous, abundant :


±manlgfealdian to multiply, abound, in-

crease, extend, OEG(nl) ; CP(a»). ['mani-


manJgfealdlie manifold, adv. -lice invarious ways, CP : (gram.) in the pluralnumber. £manifoldly']

manigfealdnes f. multiplicity, great number,abundance, complexity, WW. ['manifold-ness']

manlgtXBas (mani-) adv. many times, often,


manlg-taaw (»*), -tfore, -tjwe skilful,

dexterous. M.manlgttawnea (manit^w-) f. skill, dexterity,

OEG.uninhabited, WW (o). ['manUss 9


manlle infamous, nefarious, M.manllea m. effigy, image, statue.

manllee adv. manfully, nobly, B. ['manly ']

manlufu f. love for men, Gu324.manm*=mannm-mann (o) m., nap. menfn) person (male or »

fern.), JB,Bl,Lcd,Mt,VHy ; AO.CP : man-kind, Mk,VPs : brave man, hero : vassal,

servant : name of the rune for m.mann-, see also man-.manna I. m., man, M. II. n. manna • (L>

(food), M tCV. [L.]

mannbAre producing men, MB. 1-450.

mannaaoa (mon-) m. issue, progeny, AO158".

manntan to 'man,* garrison, Chr 1087e.mannnuBgen (o)n. troop,force,cohort,JnL18*.mannmenlgu (o) f. multitude, AO.mannmyrring f. destruction ofmen, Chb1096.manrAden f. dependence, homage, service,

tribute, due, AS. ['manred']mamfmt n. number of men.minseaatt m. usury, PPs7114


manaceallat m. enemy, sinner.

manselld f. crime, fault, sin, tHy8tt.

mansetpe m. humanity, courtesy, BC.'Mt.['manship']

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minseyldlgt criminal, guilty.

manslsBht= mansliehtmanslaga m. man-slayer, murderer, M.manslagu f. cruel blow, Ah 1218.

manalean* to kill, murder, RB 16" (or ? twowords).

manslege m. manslaughter, homicide,manslieht (e% i

1) m. manslaughter, murder,

CP. ['manslaught9


manslot share in ownership of land ? measureof land f v. NC307. [ON. mannshlutr]-mansumlan, -mansnmmig v. a-m.manswAs meek, RPs249


manswara (o*) m. perjurer.

manswaru £. penury, [swerian]

manswerlan* toforswear, perjure oneself, LL.['manswear 9


manswlca m. deceiver, traitor (mann-? v. LL2-142).

mantylen (i1 ) f. traffic in men, ad of selling

men as slaves. [seUan]

mantteawt m. habit, custom (T sometimesmanoeaw sinful custom).

mantttof m. man-stealer, v. L2-542.

manttw&re (o) gentle, kind, humane, mUd,meek, ML,CP. [OHQ. mandwari]+manttwftrlan to humanize, CP362*1


mantfw&rnes (o) f. gentleness, courtesy,

weakness, Mhif^CV.— manu f. 'mane,


BrfllS2.mannng f. admonition, CP : claim : place oftoll : district for purposes of tribute or tax-

ation : residents in a taxing district.

manwamm (o*) m. guilty stain, Cal280.manweorc I. n. crime, sin. II. adj. sinful.

manweorod (o) m. collection of men, troop,

congregation, assembly, AO.manwtorttung f. adoration of human beings,

LL(248«).manwlse (o)t t manner or custom of men.manword n. wicked word, PPs58ia


manwriece wicked, WW426".manwyrhtaf m evil-doer, sinner.

manwyrtf n. value or price of a man, LL.••mapulder (o1 ) m. maple tree.

mapuldern made of maple.mapul-dre, -dor, -dur f., -treo m. (Mdf)=mapulder

—mara m., mare fn. (oompar. of mioel)greater, 'more,' stronger, mightier, M,Bl,CP. adv. in addition, Mt.maran = m&ranmarbeam (VPs) =morbeam

a/ "marc n. a denomination of weight (ueu. half

a pound), mark (money of acoount).marclan =mearcianmare I. f. silver weed, Lcd2-74*. II. f.

* nightmare, monster, Ep(e),Lcd. ['mare 9


mare v. mara; marels=m»relBrapmirenls=mearuwnes; margen- = morgen-

f** market n. market, TC42280

. [L. mercatum]W *marma m. marble. [L. marmor]

marman-st&n fmarmel-, marm(or)-) m.marble, piece of marble, M,Bl ['marmstan 9


marmstangedelf n. quarrying of marble, MB.1-660*1.

-marod . a-m.martir, martyr(e) m. 'martyr,

9 BE ; M,AO. * V>[L.]

martirloglum m. martyrology, IM 1224*. wmartr- = martyr-


martyrddm m. 'martyrdom, ' BH ; M,CP. W "*

martyrhad m. martyrdom.+mar-tyrian, -trian to 'martyr,

9 AO,BHmartyrracu f martyrology, ^L23SM.

martyrumr f. passion {of Christ), A02oAu.



marUu=mffir6marafle horehound. [L. marrubium] t-

masc=maxmise f. name of a small bird Gl. [Oer.

meiae]-maslan v. a-m.massere m. merchant : moneylender, BkIO.mast=m®st; matte(Cj>)=meattemattue (»J

, ea1, e1

, eol, o») m. 'mattock,

9 A, -

AO ;M : fork, trident.

mat* pret. 3 sg. of mloan.mafta m. maggot, worm,grub, WW. ['mathe 9


m*tfal-=mao6l-+mattel n. speech, talking, [msM]mattelere m. speaker, haranguer, WW.[v. 'mathele



matfellanf (»l, e1, a*, o*) to harangue, make ro«

a speech, speak, An (e),B,Cp,Cr(m). ['mell,9 M



mattellg tumultuous, turbulent, KGl75wmattelung f. garrulity, loquacity, OEO. [v. j*\ £'maihele



matim= matiummatfm- see also mafftmm.mtVmAhtt f • valuable thing, treasure.

mftttmeleofa (mad-) m. treasure-chamber, M(9"").

maUmcyst f. treasure-chest Mt27f.

mattmgestreon n. treasure, B,MFH.matfaihord n. treasure-hoard, Ex368matimhus n. treasure-house, treasury, AO.CP.

matfmhyrde m. treasurer, Bo 64".matiollan =maoelianmatt8uni>==;ma$um, matimmaWtam-fast n., pi. -fatu precious vessel,

M.maWumgesteald n. treasure, Jul36.

matfflumglfu f. gift of treasure, B 1301.

maWfumgyfa m. giver of treasure, prince,

king, Wa92.mfitfVumsele m. hall of treasure, Sol 189.mitffiumsigle n. cosily ornament, B2757.matttfamsweord n. costly sword, B 1023.matffiumwela m. valuables. B2750.matfu f. = mattamattum m., gs. matimes treasure, object of jQgvalue, jeivel, ornament, gift, On,Met ; CP.['madme 9


matfum- = maCm-. matftram-mawan7 to 'mow, 9 AO,BH. %

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m&wpul =maVwpul-Tnai n. net, WW. ['mask']m&xwyrt f . mash-wort (malt soaked in boiling

- water), Loi>.

me I. das. of pen. pron. io me. II. (RB35»;127M)=menn

meagol (e) mighty, strong, firm, emphatic,impressive, [magan]

meagolDoe adv. earnestly, Bl.meagolmdd earnest, strenuous.

meagolmodnes f. earnestness, Bl.meagolnes f. earnestness, strength of will,

BL.HL.meant I.i=*miht. II. prea. 2 ag. of magan.meahto pret. 3 ag. of magan.meaio pret. of meoloan.mealelrae? =meolclT6e ; mealehae=melubusmealewe=mealwe; meaJm=mealmatan

ME mealmeht sandy t chalky ? KC3-394". [v.

'malm']maabnstan m. soft stone, sandstone? lime-

stone? A0212*. [v. 'malm']*"»meaJt I. n. steeped grain, 'malt,' CtJBp.

[meltan] II. pret. 3 sg. of meltan.mealtealo* m? n? malt-ale, ANS84'*.mealtgescot n. payment in malt, W171*.mealthQan. 'maU-house,' WW.mealtwurt f

.' malt-wort, ' W W. [wyrt]

mealu = meluL -mealwe f.

'mallow, ' Led ; M. [L. malva]mear=mearh

"meare (», e) f. (±) 'mark,' sign, line ofdivision, M,MkL(*>) i standard, JBOr : (±)boundary, limit, term, border, BC,Oen;CP;Mdf. to" tSsoB +mearcea ©e in the

direction that : defined area, district, pro-

vince, AO.mearca m. space marked out.

meareere (») m. writer, notary, OEG.mearogemot court for settling boundaries ofproperties? v. LL2143.mearehof n. dwelling, Ex61.

•^fcmearclan tol

mark, tstain, brand, seal, BC,

LL,MtL,Ph : M : mark a boundary, delimit,

define, describe, designate, JBtOen : mark

out. design, Bo : create : note, observe.

mearc-Isern, -Isen n. branding-iron.mearoland n. border-land, march, moor : (f)province, country, district : sea-coast, Ri>4tt.

mearcpse«t m. road, path.

mearcstapaf m. march-haunter.mearcstede m. border-land, desolate district,

Sol217.mearettreat m. army, troop, Ex 173.

mearoung (», e) f marking, branding : mark,characteristic : (±


description, arrangement :

constellation : title, chapter, NG.mearcwaduJ np. shallows, water by the shore.

mearcweard m. wolf, Ex 168.

meard = ( 1 ) meord/med ; (2 ) meartimearea v. mearh

inearg, mearh (», e) nm. I.lmarrow, ' pith,

Led. II. sausage. [=m«erg]meargealle (e\ e1 ) m. gentian, 1jci>. [mearh]

+mearglan to be rich, marrowy, LPs65".meargllo marrowy, fat, VPs(e).mearh, mearg m., ga. mearea horse, steed.

mearhseccel n. sausage-meat, WW411*°.

mearhcofa m. bone, PPs 101*.

mearhgehaBO n. sausage-meat, WW42780.

mearmstan =marmanstanmearn pret. 3 ag. of murnan.+mearr I. n. stumbling-block, obstruction,

error, CP. [Ooth. gamanseina] 11. wicked,fraudulent, LL140[1,5].meanian to err, Bo66M.

mearti (ae, e) m. marten, EpJLO. ['mart'] • w^mearu (m, e, y), mear(u)w- in obL oaaeatender, soft, Led

:frail, QB11917

. ['meruw'] ftC-

mearullo (merwe , marw-) frivolous, adv.-lice delicately, luxuriously, GD.

mearuwnea f. tenderness, frailty, GP.meast=m&stmeatte (a) f. 'mat,' mattress, WW. [L. Lmatta]meaw=m»wmee as. of io pen. pron.+mee=+m»cmeee m. sword, blade. [Ooth. meki]meceflsc (£) m. mullet, 2EGb308*.mecg=m»ogmecgan to mix, stir.

meoh=memeohanlae mechanical, M. [L.] Lmfid I. f. 'meed,

1reward, pay, price, com- .

pensation, bribe, JSL (ga. me)dee),B,BH,Bl


GP. IL=maMmed- in comp. principally indicates medio-crity, bat often oomea to have a distinct

negative value ; 8ee,e.0.,medtrum,medwia.[midde]meda v. mad ; -mfidan v. on-m.medder=meder ; medder-, meddr- = medr-meddroana fp. dregs of mead, LcD48a.-f-meae I. n. consent, permission, agreement,

covenant. II. agreeable, pleasant.

model =m&oelmedeme (eo) middling, average, mean, little :

sufficient, considerable, respectable, proper,

fit, worthy, trustworthy, perfect, CP.imedemlan (eo1 ) to mete out, allot, assign,

place : m-oderate : respect, honour, M : (+)condescend. M : (+) advance, promote.

medemllo moderate, mediocre : worthy, adv.

-lice moderately, incompletely : suitably,

worthily, kindly.

medemlicnea f. mediocrity, OEG.medemmicel {M) =medmicelmedemnea f. dignity, worth, Bo : benignity,

condescension, Bl.medemung f. measuring, measure.meden=mngdenmeder ds. and LWS gs. of modor.mederce = myderce ; medere =m&ddremederen, medern = mSdrenmederwyrhta=meterwyrhtamedewyrt =meduwyrtm&dglan to bribe, [med]

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mMgllda m. pensioner, hireling, M.mtdl-==m«ol- ; -media v. an-, ofer-m.medlen=midlen


I. moderate-sized, short, small,

limited, unimportant, slight, mean, poor.

II. n. a little.

medmtoelnes f. smaUness (of mind), SPs54*.medmlele oomp. medmare, adv. humbly,meanly, slightly.

medo =medn ; medom- =medem -

mSdnn I. maternal, of a mother. II. n. the

mother's side {by descent), LL166[11].+mMnn born of the same mother, AO 114".

mMreneynn n. mother's kindred.

mMrengeoynd n. mother's nature,WW.mBdnnmflg m. maternal kinsman.mtdrenmftgtt f. maternal kindred, LL392[3].+m*drian to have the same mother, M.medrfoe of low rank, WW 115*.

mMseeatt m. payment, fee, reward, bribe,

gift, M,CV.medeeitt (e) f. Hi-fortune, AO.medsptdlg poor, Cka9.medstrang of middle rank, M.medtrum weak, infirm, sickly, iU, CP : oflower rank. [cp. medmicel]medtnimnee (met-; y*) f. weakness, in-

firmUy, sickness, iUness, disease, AO,CP.»medu (eo) mn. gs. med(e)wes 'mead*

{drink), B,Rd(eo);AO.n. mead-hall, banqueting-house,


medubenof f. bench in a mead-halLmeduburgt f. mead city, rejoicing city.

medudreamt m. mead-joy, joUity.medudrenc (eo1 ) m. mead, W245*.medudrtne (o1 ) m. mead-drinking, Seaf22.medufulf n. mead-cup.medugtlf mead-excited, drunk.medubeallt f. mead-haU.medum- =medem


medurSden (eo1 ) f. strong drink? (BT),dealing out of mead? (OIL), GnE88.meduscenc (eo1 ) m. mead-cup, B 1980.

meduaeld n. mead-haUt B3066.medusetl n. (eo1, o*) mead-seat, B5.medustXg f. path to the mead-haU, B924.meduwtrlgt overpowered with mead, drunk.meduwong (eo1 , o1

) m. field (where the mead-hall stood), B1643.

meduwyrt (eo1, e*) f. meadow-sweet. Led :

'rubia,' madder, OEG56"(e«). [*mead-wort']

medwls dull, stupid, foolish, CP. [cp. med-micel]

mtdwyrhta m. a hireling, Sol23u.

meg^megmeg = (I) mew; (2) megmeg- =meg-; megol^meagomeh=meo, me, as. of ic

meht^meaht, miht ; mei, meig =mftgmeige (KGl81") =mege pres. 3 sg. subj. ofmagan.

meffibftd (KGL56T)-m»g«hadmftlsmel n.

mela=melo; me*c)=;meolomeloingtot= meolcfetmeld f. proclamation, Da048.melda m. reporter, informer, betrayer, M.meMan (e) (Rd) =meldianmelde f. orache (plant), Led. ['milds* ;**%.Oer. melde]

meldfeoh n. informer's reward, LL96[17].±meldlan to announce, declare, tell, proclaim, *

reveal, Ps;M : inform against, accuse.** ^['meld'; Oer. melden]

meldung f. betrayal, BH 240*.

mtle=melemeledeaw mn. honey dew, nectar, Ph,WW(mild-). ['mildew']

metowes=melwes gs. of melo.-melle, -melnes v. e-m.melo=melu; melee =milisc±meltan I. (v) (sv*) tr. and into, to consume •

by fire, 'melt,9 become fluid, digest, dissolve, <

bum up, B,CP,El,Lcd,WW;M. II.=miltan

melteetre =myltestremeltung f . digestion, Lod.melu(ea, eo)n.,gs. me\(u)we* * meal,' fiour, •Lcd;M. [Ger.mehl] .

melugeecot n. payment in meal, W 171.meluhudern n. meal-house, LL455[17].meluhfis (ea1 , e*) n. meal-house,WW 18617.

meluw(LWS)=meluv. mann


=mynd-; +mtae-= +mene-mens (y) m. necklace, collar, ornament,jewel.[Oer. mahne]

menegian=mynegian; menego=m6nigumenen (i) n. maiden, handmaid, slave.

meneeeUllng m. moon-shaped ornament, coinworn as ornament, Gl.±mengan (») tr. and intr. to mix, combine, /*) Cunite, Lk,8at : (±) associate, consort, *cohabit with, BH,Ps : disturb, B : (f) con-verse, ['meng']+mengedlle mixed, confused, adv. -Hoe.+mengednes, +meng(d)nes f. mingling,mixture, connection, JC,BH.

mengeo, men^o, mengu=menigumengung f. mixture, composition, ZDA : fel-

lowship, GD : (+) confusion, ['menging']men! (LWS) =manig ; menlan = mynianmenlg (LWS)^manigmenigdu f. band of people, WW448".menlgu (a1, e1

, eo*) f. usu. indeol. in sg. com- ,pany, multitude, host, JS,AO,CP. [manig]menlo, meniu (LWS)=menigumenisc =mennisomenn v. mann.mennen, mennenu=menenmennese^mennisomennlee I. adj. human, natural, Bo,CP ; M.^II. n. mankind, folk, race, people, Bl;MCP. ['mannish']

mennlscllc human, iE,CP. adv. -lice, JR.

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mennlse-Uones (EHyl5M), -nee f. state ofman, human nature, incarnation, BH;M : humaneness, humanity, ['mannish-ness']

menniacu f. humanity, human state, CP.f * mantel (®) m., gs. menties mantle, cloak, CP.

[L. mantellum]mentelpreon m. mantle-pin, brooch, Ct.mornings(*mynung), mynegungmio mf ? gs. and nap, meon shoe-sole, sock?sandal? RB.WW.meoes=meox+meodnesf. dignity. DR 192'. [=»medemnee]meodo, meoda =medu ; meodom-»modem-meodoma==meoduma; meodren=m6drenmeodum- =modem


meoduma m. weaver's beam, treadle? WW.% meolo I. giving milk, milch. II. (i, M) f.

'milk/ BH;M^O.meoloan8 (e, i) to milk.

meolcdeond (i ; -teond) m. suckling, JVPs 8a .

meolefmt n. milk-pail, WW 123*.meolehwlt 'milk-white,* OPH.

•meolclan (i) to 'milk,yLcd,Shr :{±) give milk,

suckle, BLmeolclltfe (ea) milky, CM49.

meolcsueend m. suckling, WW.meolo {Bo) =mem ; meoloe (CP)=meolomeora=melu; meoluo=meolomeon v. meo.meord f. reward, pay. [Goth, miadft]

mooring f. danger? Ex 62?mooro =meordmeo* I. m. moss, M ; Mdf. II. adj. mossy.mtose =mese ; meotod, meotud^metodmeottoe (Cp)=mattuc+meotu =+metn nap. of -fmet.meotud-=metod-meotton (BH)=mition pret. pi. of mfflan.

mtowlef f. maiden, virgin : woman. [Ooth.

mawilo]•meox (e, i, y) n. filth, dirt,- dung, JB,BoJjk.

['mix']meoxbearwe f. dung-barrow, WW 336*.

meoxen=mixenmeoxaoofl (e1 ) f. dung-shovel, LL466[17].meoxwlU© (es) f. dung-basket, LPs80'.m*r-=m»r-mera m. incubus, Gl.mero(A)*=miearc ; meroe=merece+meroe =+mieroe; meroels=mircelsmeroong (NG)=mearcung

*.mere I. m. (f) sea, ocean, An : lake, pond,pool, cistern, B,Ep,Jn ; CP ; Mdf. ['mere']

II. =mare. III. = mieremere (VPs) =m&re I.

merebat m. sea-boat, vessel, As246.

mereoandel f. sun, Met 13".

merece m. smallage, wild celery, J&,Ql,Lcd.

mereelest f. sea-chest, ark. Gen 1317.

meredea*t m. death at sea.

meredtor n. sea-animal, B558.merefara m. sailor, B502.merefaroKt m. surging of the waves.

mereflx m. sea-fish, B549.mereflodf m. sea, body of water, deluge.

mere-grftot (M), -grot n., -grota m. pearl.

meregrundt m. lake-bottom, depths of the sea.

merehengestf m. sea-horse, ship.

merehragl n. sail, B 1906.

merehQsf n. sea-house, the ark.

merehwearf m. sea-shore, Ex 516.merehwtt pure white, sterling {of silver).

[mfire II.]

merelad f. sea-way, Hu27.mereHfende m. seafaring (man), sailor.

mere-menu, -mennen, -menin n. mermaid,*siren, Cp,WW. ['mermin']

mere-nsaddra m., -nseddre, -nfedre f.

'murena,' sea-adder, lamprey.meresmylte quiet as the sea, calm, Met21".meresteall m. stagnant water, MFH 169.

merestreMf f. sea-path.'

merestreamf m. sea-water.

merestrengo f. strength in swimming, B523.mereswln n. porpoise, dolphin, Cp,Lcd.[' mereswine']

meretorht (»)f {rising) bright from the sea.

meretorr m. towering waU of the {Bed) sea,


merefiysaat m. ship.

mereweard m. sea-warden, Whale53.

merewerlg sea-weary, Sbaf12.merewtf n. water-witch, B1519.merg (Cpl96M)=meargmerg-=mearg-, rneri-, mora-, myrg-mer-gealle, -geUe=meargeallemerlan to purify, cleanse. Sat : test ['mere '] -t^l.

meriee (Gl)=meroe ; merlon=morgen.merlg= (l)myrge; (2) meargmerlg- = myrg- ; merlgen {M,AO)= morgenmeiise = memomerne=mergenne ds. of morgen,merr-= mierr* ; mors- = nojers-

merso (re) m. 'marsh,' swamp, Bl,Cp;CP.~*meraemMe m. marsh hove, Lcb35b.merteland n. marsh-land, Chb1098.mersomealwe f. 'marsh-mallow,' Led. —mertemeargealle f. gentiana pneumonanthe,Lod.

merseware pL inhabitants of marshes. (1)

Romney marsh, Chb796. (2) the fens?Chb838.mBTtz*Lmerchandiee,WW$2u. (X.mereem] Umertt=mear8merVern made of skins of martens.

mftrtta (N)=m*rS ; mora (MtR) =mearomeruw-, merwe-=mearu(w)-mes (K)=mysf v. mns.mesa fpL dung, LoD37a.mesan to eat, Rd41m. [moe]mese (eo, i, y) f. table : what is placed on a i

table. [L.]u

me8s-=ms3es-mesta (KGL)=m«eta snperl. of mioel.

±met (usu. +) measure {vessel or amount), .

AS : act of measuring, appointed share,

quantity, Mt : space, distance, LL : boun-

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dary, limit, Bo,Met : manner, degree, way


ability, capacity : rule, law : mood (gram. )


metre : moderation, MtR. ealle +mete inail respects, on +m. in vain, RPs88".nannm +m. by no means, on no account,['met,' 'i-met']

+met suitable, fit, proper, apt, meet. adv.•mite.+mit= +mdt ; -mftt v. wea-m.meta (So 153) =met© ; metsBnt=metenrn

• ±metan6 to measure, 'mete9out, mark off,

M,Ex,Mt, VPs : compart,Bo ; CP : es imate,Bl : m. win* pass over, traverse, B.

* ±mfttan 1. to 'meet,* find, find out, fall inwith, encounter, Bo,Bl ; M,AO,CV. [gemfit]

II. to paint, design, JBOr. [4mete ']

metbeolg m. waUet, LkR22M.

•mete (») m. nap. mettas *meat/ food, BE,Lh,8c ; £!,AO,CP.mete=m£temeteeara n. refectory, GD,WW.meteafHiing f. atrophy, WW.meteelyfa m. food-store, pantry, OEG56179


,meteeorn n. otiowanee o/ corn to dependents,TC. ['metecorn']

meteoQ f. cow for killing, LL.meteeweorra m? surfeit, indigestion.

+m6tednes f. finding, discovery, LPb274.

metetet [met-] n. dish, GPH403., metefettels m. cupboard for food, WW 107s.






metegafol n. payment infood, LL448[4,5].metegearwafp. preparatumsoffood,Lcd 78b.metegyrd =metgeardmeteUtot= metelieet

metelif f. leavings of a meal.

metelea* without food, M.mete-Oest (AO), -l€(a)st, -list, -lyst f. lack offood, starvation.

metend m. measurer : Ood.mftenead f. requisites in the way offood, LL383'T (v. 2146).

miter n. 'metre • (poet.), A,BH. [L.]

meterMere m. reader at mealtimes, NC309.mfttererasft m. art of versifying, BH258".mttereund relating to metre, WW.mfttere m. painter.

mftterfers n. hexameter verse, BH.mttergeweore n. verse, BH484*.mtterlie metrical, OEG.metern= meteaernmtterwyrhta m. metrician, poet, WW.metesden f. craving for food, appetite, Lcd66a.

metestteoa m. measuring-rod,WW 126**.

meteswam m. edible mushroom, WW.metetld £. meal-time, GD277*4


meteftearfendet needing food, destitute.

metetfegn m. seneschal, steward, Ex 131.

metering n. operation connected with cooking,NC309.

meteutslht f . dysentery, WW.+mett8sst moderate, reasonable, modest.

+mettestan (m1, e») to compare, LPsdflP1


+mett8BStlle moderate, adv. -Hoe modestly,

humbly, meekly.+mettostnes f. moderation, modesty, BH«metfsst= metefret+metfs»t n. a measure (vessel), M.+metfest- = +metfaeet-metgeard f . measuring-stick, rod, poie, perch,

WW 147"±metgian to moderate, control, govern, M,CP : weigh in mind, consider : assign duemeasure to.

+metgtend m. ruler, governor, ASH*.±metgung f. moderation, temperance, AO,CP : reflection, meditation : rule, regulation.

metgyrd=metgeardmettan I. to supply with food, provision.

II.=metgianmiting I. (± ) £. meeting (friendly or hostile), •assembly, congregation,B,B46* : (+)finding,discovery. II. painting, picture, M.+metUsean to moderate, CP101".+metlle fitting, suitable : moderate, adv.-Hoe.

+metnes f* moderation, MF (Veep. D xhr).

+mttnes=+mitednesmetodt m. fate : Creator, Ood, Christ.

metodseeaftt *• decree of fate, doom, death.

gewitan m. soon, t6 metodseeafte to die, B.metodwang (meotud) m. battlefield, An 11.

metrap m. measuring-rope, sounding-line,

Cpl78B.mitsoeat=m§dsoeattmetselpe m. feeding, meal, ££178,8,1. *«['metcship']

metseaz n. meat-knife, AO.±met8ian to supply with food.metsung f. feeding, provisioning, Cm.+metta m. sharer in food, A. ['mette


] *f &mettae=mattuo ; mettas v. mete.mette-=mete-mstte pret. 3 sg. of metan.metten Lone of the Fates, Bol02n.

mettian = metan L; +mettlng=+meting-mttto v. wea-m. ; mettoc (Ep) =m&ttuomettrum^medtram ; metud (N)=metodmelte (t) tired, worn out, dejected, sad : trouble-

some. [Qer. mude]metfel=mseoel±m€tfglan to exhaust, tire out, impair.m&ttlan to grow weary, Lcd 57a.

mS&lg tired, weary, AO.mettl—mntil, mseoel ; metfl-=m»ol-, matSel-

meifaes f. fatigue, OET (Bd«).

+metirlan to honour.mew=m»w; mexscofl=meoxscoflmlccl-=miccl-, micl-

mleel (y) adj. comp. mara, snperL meest(a)great, intense, much, many, M,BC,Bo,Chr,Led ; AO,CP : (of time) long : loud, sb.^with gen. much, AO.CP. adv. greatly^


much, CP,Oen. ['miekle']

mlcel&te (y) greedy, Shb1610.

mleeldoend (i*) doing great things, DR45*.

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mlcelhealdede big-headed, WW3801*.

mlcellan= miclianmtcelllc great, splendid, magnificent, adv.-Hoe greatly, grandly, splendidly : very,


mleelmdd magnanimous, PPsl44*.mlcemes (y) f. greatness, size, iE,CP :

multitude, abundance : magnificence.mlcelspreoende boasting, LPs ll4.

mleelu (y) f. largeness, size, Lcd.mlegt=!myogmlcga m., micge f. urine, Lcd. [

lmig']mlcgKa= migoUa; mlcl-=mioel-mlcle, micles, miclnm adv. (obi. oases ofmicel) much, very, greatly.

±mtoHan (y) to become great, increase, An


AO : make great, make larger, magnify,extol, Bl. ['mfcUe']dbmlelung f. the doing of great things.

m!cul= micelmid I. prep. w. d. insi. (WS) and a. (A only)with, in conjunction with, in company with,

together with, JB,BC,BH,Chr : into the

presence of : through, by means of, by, BH,Oen : among, in : at (time) : in the sight of,

opinion of, JEL,MtL. m. ealle, eallumaltogether, completely, entirely, M,Chr. m.6am with that, thereupon, m. 6am bewhen. m. 6am 6set through that, on that

account, because, when. m. tiy (6e) when,while. II. adv. at the same time, together,

simultaneously, likewise, Lcd. rmid']III.=midd

•midd saperl. mid(e)mest mid, middle, mid-way, BH,CP,Lcd. td middes adv. in the

midst, ['mid'}^mlddseg m. 'mid-day,' noon, Lcd : one of the

canonical hours, sext,WW. fram middnge06 ndn from noon to 3 p.m., M.

mlddsBglle adj. mid-day, meridian.mlddSBgsang m. mid-day service, sext.

mlddssgtld f. noon, WW450*.mlddsBgtfenung f. dinner, NC309.mlddan (on) v. onmiddan.mlddandsBgllc = middegliomlddaneard («/n)^middangeard

^^j. mlddangeard m. the globe, world, earth, B


^^ M,AO,CP: mankind, ['middenerd' ; ON.ml6gar6r]

mlddangeardllc earthly, BH1181*.

» mlddansumer m. midsummer (24 June).mlddanwlnter m. midwinter, Christmas.mldde I. adj. mid, middle. II. f. middle,centre (only in phr. on middan).

* mlddel I. n. ' middle,' centre, El,Mk,Ps,WW :

waist, Bl. 1 1, adj . (superl. midleet) middle,intermediate, BG.BH.

mlddeldaeg m. mid-day, noon, Lcd.mlddeldAl m. middle, AO10*.middelflnger m. middle finger.

mlddel-flera m., -flere f. partition, septum,WW.

mlddetfdt m. instep, WW 160**.

mlddelgemAru npl. central region, 8ol255.

mlddelgeseuldrunp. part of the body betweenthe shoulders, WW 159".

mlddelnlhtt t. midnight.mlddelrlee n. the middle kingdom, Chb887a.midden-=middan-midde-nlht, -neaht, middermeht (LkL) f. *'midnight 9

[v. ES39-350]mJddesumer = middansnmermlddeweard I. adv. in the middle of, through , ,the midst, AO. II. adj. middle. HI. sb. ' ,vtmiddle, LPs. ^midword']

mlddewlnier=middanwinter «mlddun- (N) = middan-mldeard = middangeardmidel=middel; mldemestv. midd.mldfaesten m. mid-Lent.mld-foorh, -feorwe (CP), -ferh(6) mn. youth,

middle age, ('juventue' Gl).mldlyrhtnes f. middle age, Bl163.mldgearwung f. preparation, MkL p 61#.

mldgesltf n. companion, OEG 680.

midhelp [mi6-] f . help, assistance, DR2918.

midhtyte m. 'consortium,' NC309.mldhrtf nm. 'midriff,' diaphragm, Lcd : •


mld-hrittre, -hry6re n. diaphragm, Cp,WW.['midred'; hre6er]

-mldlan v. a-.

mldl n. bit (of a bridle), M : oar-thong.

mldle =middele, ds. of middeL+midleahtrlan to reproach f So 200*.

mldlen (e) n. middle, centre, midst.

mldleneien n. mid-Lent.midlest superl. of middeL _^___mldlhrlng m. ring of a bit, WW4661*.

+raldllan to halve, divide, VPs.dbmldHan to bridle, check, curb, CP : muzzle,

W191.mldllgend m. mediator, BH206".mldlung f. middle, midst, adv. -lnnga to amoderate extent.

mldmsst v. midd ; mldmyeel=medmice]mldnedeg m. mid-day.mldnes f. middle, midst.

mldnlht f. midnight, M.mldor compar. of midd, adj.

midrid f. riding in company, LL176[4].mldrece=myderce; mldrll= midhrifmldslngend m. one who sings with another,

WW 129**.

±mldsT6(eg)lan to accompany, associate with.

mldspecend m. interlocutor, MP 1*592.

mldspreca m. advocate, MR 1-388.

mldsumer (e*) m. 'midsummer,' A.mldswegan *' concincrc,' EPs57*.mldtt&m, mid6y = mid 6am, mid 6ymldfteahtlan to consent, RHy6*7


mldweg m. midway, CP399",GD314».midwinter m. 'midwinter,' Christmas, Lcd.

mldwfst f. presence, society.

mldwunung f. living in company, M.mldwyrhta m. worker together with, co-

operator, CP.midyrfenuma m. coheir, So 148*.

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mieht=mihtmielt pros. 3 tg. of meltan.Mlerce, Miercan pi. Mercians : Mercia, Chb(lit. borderers ; op. mearo).+mlerce (e) n. boundary, limit, A4-141* :

sign, token, MkL16".Mlerclsc Mercian, LL(e).mi» (e, i, y) f. 'mare,' BE,WW. [mearh]mfterra m. deceiver, MtL27**(e).rbmlerran (e, i, y) to 'mar,* disturb, confuse,CP : scatter, squander, waste : upset, hinder,obstruct, JS;AO:err, MtL.

mlerrelee (y) f. cause of offence, Jox338.mlarrend (y) prodigal, wasteful, NC311.interring (e, i, y) f. hindering : squandering,waste, CP.±ndfcan1 to make water, MQ*.mlgetJa=migo6a; mlgga (M)=


icgamlggung, miging f. making water, WW.mlgol diuretic, Cod.mlgofta m. urine, Lod.mlht (a, m, ea, e, ie, y) I. f. *might/ bodilystrength, Bl,Lcd : power, authority, ability,

BE ; M : virtue, Led : mighty work, miracle,

G. II. adj. -fmighty, powerful : possible.

mlhte pret. sg. of magan.mlhtoleas =mihtl€aflmihieUo, mihtlic possible, adv. -lice

'mightily/ powerfully, by might, miracu-lously, M,BE.mlhteeeU n. seat of power, EET834-301.mlhtlg (», ea) 'mighty, * important, BH, VPs(ae) : oMe, effective, Led : possible, adv.-lioe, £o. ['ro^Oy*]

mlhtleas powerless, weak, exhausted, M.mihtmod n. violent temper, passion, Ex 149.

mlhtu =miht onmn I. f. 'mile, * 5J,1F1F ; AO. [£.] II. n.

mOfef, FT FT. ['mite']

mile (VPs)^meolomllde I. adj. 'mild,

9merciful, kind, generous,

gentle, meek, B,BI,QuJjL ; AO,CP. II. adv.mercifully, graciously, C7n,

mlldtew = meledeawmlldelle propitious, adv. graciously, affably,kindly, AO ; M. ['mildly *]

+mUdglan to mitigate, VPs.mlld-heort, -heoruio merciful, clement, com-passionate, MtL (milt-) ; AO,^E. ['wwM-AearT] adv. -Hoe, ^J,CP.

mlldneortnes f. loving-kindness, mercy, pity,

LL;MtAO. ['mildheartness*]

mildlan to become mild, GPH399.mlldnes f. mildness, mercy, NC309.mllds^miltomlleselan to become mild, mellow, WW.[utilise]

mDgemat m. mile-measure, milestone t KC3-262».

mllgemeare n. measure by miles, B 1362.mDgetal n. mile. Nab33.minse (e, y) sweet, mild, mulled.mnito soldiers, NC309.mnitlse military, GD. [L. milee]

mllpatft m. distance reckoned by miles? roadwith milestones on it? El,Ex,Ruw.+ml]icad honeyed, mixed with honey, WW(v. mileaoian).

mllfoapuldor f. sweet apple tree, Gl.milt-= mild-±mlltan (e, y) (tr. and into.) to melt, M :

digest : refine, purge.

mllt-eofte, -ooCu f. disease of the spleen, Lod.mUte mi 'milt,* spleen, GlJLcd; M. [Ger.

milzXmllttHhMi splenetic.


miltewmre m. pain in the spleen, CP.mllto f. mercy, compassion, benevolence, kind-

ness, favour, CP : (t) joy- [milde]

±miltslan (w. d.) to compassionate, pity,

show mercy, Bo,Mt,Ps ; M,CP : soften,

make merciful, ['milce,* 'i-milce*]

±mlltatond m. pitier.

mlltstgendllc pardonable, venial, &.mlltsung f. (±) mercy, sympathy, pity, in-

dulgence, pardon, M,CP : moderation, re-

duction {of punishment), LL468[10].mlltwnBO=miltewero; mllz=miltemlma m. 'mime,* ME.+mlmor (w. d.) known, adv. -Uoe by heart.

mint? small : common, vile.

mm I. pron. my, 'mine,* M,B,Q. minesCanoes by my will. IL ga. of io of me.mmd^myndmlndom? m. state of exile, PPs647


mlne=myne; mlnet-=mynet-mlnlle petty.

mlnlloe adv. in my manner, WW4491*.

mlnnawi 'manipulos,* sheaves? EPb1287;

'magnolia,* 105*1.

minne I. nap. of min. IL =mynemlnnen =menen

to diminish.mlnwmg f. parsimony, (MtR), minte f. 'mint, * CP ; Mdf. [£.]mlo-=meo-mlreapuldur (Cp) = milseapuldor ?

Miroe, Miican = Mieroemlroe I. (y) adj. murky,dark,black,uncanny,evil, B,Ph. II. adv.? An 1315. III. n.

murkiness, darkness, Da448. ['murk*]mireels (e, y) mf. sign, token, seal, signet :

mark, marked place, ML : trophy, Gu429.[mearc]

mire = miere ; mire =minre gdfs. of min.mlrg-, mirig-=myrg-mlrgC, mirhC = myrgtt ; mlrr- =mierr-mlebegan anv. to disfigure, MtL6M.

mlebeodan1 (w. d.) to ill-use, injure, do wrongto,LL,W. i'misbede*]

mlsboren abortive, Led : degenerate, ['mis*born*]

mlftbrdden drawn aside, WW224".misbyrd f. abortion, Gl.mlsbyrdo f. malformation, Lod.mlsbysnlan to set a bad example, MK2-6Q.mlsoalflan to cast a calf, WW466".

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miseennlng f. flaw in an indictment : paymentfor correction of such a flaw, v. LL2-148



mtoclan to mix, apportion. [L.]

mlsorocettan to croak or shriek horribly,

GUTH361. [cracettan]

mlsewetfan* to speak HI, curse, NG : speakincorrectly.

mlscyrran («ae) to pervert, Met2s.

misdftd f. 'misdeed,' evil deed, sin, CP ; M.mlsddn anv. to do evil, transgress, do amiss,err, JnL,LL,W. ['misdo']mbe=meeemlsefeslan to cut the hair amiss, Zr£(254u).

misendebyrdan (i4) to arrange amiss, LL382.

mlsenlie, miflendlio^missenliomlsfadlan to order amiss, LL.mlsfadung f. misconduct, irregularity.

mlsfaran* to go wrong, transgress, CP : fareiU, M,W. ['misfare']

mlsftdan (oe) to nourish HI, EVPs.mlsfeng m. misdeed, sin, NC309.mlsfiran to do wrong, err, transgress, JE*


mlflfdn7 to make a mistake, be deceived : fail

to get.

mlsgedwield n. error, perversion, Jul326.misgehygd fn. evil thought, An 772.

mlsgellmp n. misfortune, W211M.

mlsgemynd f. evil memory, m. bad weather, storm.

mlsgrttan to greet amiss, insult, Ct.

miag^man to neglect, LL. ['misyeme']mlshabbende being iU, MtL8".mlshealdan7 not to keep, to neglect, MQ*").mlshealdsiimnes f. want of observation, care-

lessness, LL(196«).mlshernes f. act of disobedience,, -hwyrfed, -hworten perverted,


mlshyran to hear amiss, not to listen to, dis-

obey, RB,W. ['mishear* ; hleran]

mlslAdan to 'mislead,1 A.

mltlAran to teach amiss, give bad advice to,

miliar £. ill teaching, evil suggestion.

mlslic-=mialic-mlslio unlike, various, manifold, Bl,Bo ; M,CP : wandering, erratic. ['mislich'] adv.-lice in various ways, diversely, aimlessly,

Bo,Chr. ['misliche']

misHclan (w. d.) to displease, disquiet, A,CP. ['mislike']

mlsllones f. variety, diversity, M.misllmp n. misfortune.

mlsllmpan* impers. w. d. to go wrong, turnout badly, AO.

mlslybban to lead a bad life, A. ['mislive']

mlsmlcel of varying sizes t Ex 373.

mlsr&can to abuse, iEH2-590M.

mlsrssd m. misguidance,M : misconduct, M.mlsrssdan to advise wrongly, EB.mist n. absence, loss (Swt).


mlssan (w. g.) to 'miss* (a mark), B : (w. d.)escape the notice of a person.

mlssare = miseeremlsscrence distorted, shrivelled, Gttth.mlsscr?dan to clothe amiss, MB. 1*030.

mlsse- = mis-

mlssenlle various, manifold, different, diverse,

AO. adv. -Hoe, CP.mlssenUcnes f. variety, diversity : 'qualitas'tGD46».

mlsseret n. half-year, year.

misspowan7 to fare badly, A082*4.

mlssprecan* to grumble, murmur.mist m. 'mist,' JS,Met,WW : dimness (ofeyesight), AJjcd.


mlsttecan to teach amiss, A. ['misteach']mlstal m. mistletoe, GpJSp : basil, Led.['missel']

mlstellam n. birdlime, WW279".mlsteltan m. 'mistletoe,' WW(P).mlstglom mT misty gloom, Whale47.mlsthelm m. covering of mist, Jul470.mlsthllttf n. misty cliff, cloud-capped slope.

mlstlan to be or grow misty, A. ['mist']mlstld f. evil time, FM30O".mlstfdan (impers.) to miscarry, fail, Li/348'.['mistide']

mlstlg 'misty,' B.mlstthtan to lead astray, dissuade, M.mistlhtendllc dehortative, MQb226**.mistll- sb mistel-

mlstfmlan [impers. w. d.] to happen amiss,Bos. ['mistime']

mlstile^mislicmlstran to grow dim, M.mlstriwan to mistrust, DB39U.

mlstQdan to ill-treat, Chr1083,GD15.mlstteon' to mis-thrive, degenerate.

.mlsweaxan* to grow improperly, M.mlswendan to pervert, abuse,M : be perverted,err, JEi.

mlswende erring, ill-behaving, M.mlswenlan to misuse, abuse, Sc22410 ( ?»mis-werian, MLN 25-80).

mlsweorc n. misdeed, JnR3".misweorBan' to turn out amiss, W.mlswlder= misgewidermlswlsslan to mislead, LL130 ; 381.mlswrltan1 to write incorrectly, AOr.['miswrite']

mlswuittan (=eo) to dishonour, iUtreat, LL381 [25].

mlflwysslgan=miflwi88ianmite f. 'mite' (small insect), WW12V.mltta m., mitte f. a measure, bushel, Ct,WW


M,CP. ['mil' ; metan]mlttan=metan; mltte=mittamlttlng(^,AO)=mating; mlttj=mid«ymlti (LkL)—midmltfan1 to hide, conceal (tr. and intr. ), keep to

oneself, dissemble, BH,Bo,WW;CP : con-ceal oneself,remain concealed,Led : (f)avoid,shun, refrain from. [' mithe ']

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mlffl=midl; mlx=meoxmlxen (y) f. dung-heap, dung, MJAtL.['mixeW]mlxendynge (y

1) f. dung, LL464[9].

mlxenplante f. nightshade {plant), Lcd.mlxforoe (y) f. dung-fork, WW 106"mlxlmn= niiacian

mod n. (±) heart, mind, spirit,lmood,'

temper, B,BH,Bl ; JE,AO,CP : courage, B


AO : arrogance, pride, AO : power, violence.

+mdd ofone mind, harmonious, peaceful, CP.mddbllndf blind, undisceming.mddbU&slendet exulting.

modbysgung f. anxiety, Dom84.mddcearlgt sorrowful of heart.

mddOMrut f. sorrow, grief.

modoraBft m. intelligence.

modorsBftig intelligent.

moddor=mddormoddran of mothers, ApT4u.

moddrl(g)e==m6drige; mdde-=mddig-mddearfotf n. grief of mind, fHy4t7


mddeg=mddig; mdder^mddormodereynd= medrengeoyndmftderge = infringe

modful proud, haughty, Lod3188wmddgehygdf n. thought.

mddgemyndf n. mind, thought.

modgtomort sad, dejected.

mddgettanc m. thought, understanding,intellect, mind.

modgetttht m. thought, understanding, mind.mddgetyldlg patient, An983.modgewinna m. care, Gen 2797.mddglan=m6digianmddgldano (N) = modgeoancm&*&\m& joyous, Gul311.modgleaw wise, Sol 180.

modhtep? brave, Ex 242 (GK).modhete m. hatred, Gbn 1756.

mddhord n. secret thoughts, An 172.

mftdhwsett brave, bold.

m6dlg (CP), modi spirited, daring, bold,

brave, high-souled, magnanimous, B;M :

impetuous, headstrong, M ; CP : arrogant,

proud, &,CF. ['moody']modlgan, modigian to grow proud or over-

bearing, be high-minded, glory, exult, showbravery, M : take offence through pride, M.

mddlglle (made-) htgh-souled, loftyt proud :

brave, bold : splendid, magnificent, adv.-lice, Ma (mode-), ['moodily']

mddlgnes f. greatness of soul : pride, arro-

gance, haughtiness, M. [ 'moodiness ']

mddilio = mddigliomddltaa spiritless, KGl66«°.modleast f. want of courage, M.mddlftof dear, precious, FT 28.

mddlufu f. heart's affection, love.

+mddod disposed, JsHl-524*».mddor (e1) f., da. mSder 'mother,' WW;(of animals), LL; AO,CP.

modorelld (m66-) n. a child of one's (own)mother, PPs68*.

mddoroynn n. maternal descent, Che 1067d.mddorhealf f. mother's side, Chb1076d.mldorbrll n. womb, PPs.mddorltaa (e1) motherless, W228M.

modorlic (e*) maternal, JSGr. ['motherly']

modorlufu f. love for a mother, NC309.modorslaga m. matricide, WW335s


mddrige, m5drie f. mother's sister, maternalaunt, iE,AO : cousin. [mftdor]

mddrtt valiant, An 1493.

mddsafaf m. heart, mind, spirit, soul :

thought, imagination, purpose, character.

modstoe sick at heart, Gin 1235.

modatoenes f. disease of the heart,WW 199".modanotorf wise.

mddsorgt t heart-sorrow.

modstattol m. principle, character, LL(318*7).

mdd-etaffiolnes, -statiolfaxtnee f. firmness ofmind, W5310


+modsumlan to agree, CP.+mddsumnes f. agreement, concord, CP.modswf&t resolute.

mdd-ftraeu f. gs. -tiroce courage, B385.modttrea m. anguish; Bd4m.

modUwAre meek, LP&249.

mod&wArnes f. patience, meekness, W.mddur=mddormddwAg m. proud wave, Ex499.

mddwelig gifted, talented, wise, fCP.modwlanef stout-hearted : haughty.

modwyn f. heart'sjoy, property, Rd877.

moetan (Cp)=metanmohtta, mohoe (N) = mot$tSe

moloen n. coagulated or curdled milk. [op.

Oer. molke]molda? m. v. molde II.

moldasrnt n. grave.

moldeorn n. granular tuber of saxifraga

granulata, and the plant itself, Lod.molda I. f. sand, 'mould,' loose earth, dust,

soil, Cp,BH ; M : land, country : world.

II? f. top of the head, Lcd (or molda?).['mould']

moldern = moldsernmoldgewlnd n. top of the head, NC310.moldgraft n. grave.

moldhrerende moving upon earth, Cheat27. . J

moldhype f. heap of dust, MR 1-492.

moldstow f. site, sepulchre, GPH391.moldwagt m. earth.

moldwyrm m. earth-worm, Soul72.

molegn n. curds, Gl.molegnstycoe n. piece of curd, Gl.moling=molegnmolsn n? decay, NC310.irmoUnJan to moulder, decay, M.molten pp. oi meltan.momra=mamra; mon^manmdna m. 'moon,' Bo,Lcd ; M,AO,CF.monanaMen m. Sunday evening, LL.mdnandsag m. 'Monday,' A,Jn.monannlht f. Monday eve, i.e. Sundayevening, LL.

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mdnaffi m. nap. mon(e)tias, monati 'month,'BH,Bo,Lk£ed ; AO,CP. [mdna]

monattadl f. morbus menstrualis, BH.mdnattadllg menstruous, BH788


mdnatfblod n. 'menstruum,' WW.monattbot f. penance lasting a month, LL(27811 ).

monattfylen f. time offuU moon, OEG.monattgeeynd f. 'menstruum, 9 Lod.monafflle monthly, lunar, Gl.monattseoe I. menstruous, M. II.=m6nB$ocmdnatfseocnes f. lunacy, LcdI-1704.

moncus = mancus ; mond=mandmondag= mdnand&g ; mone f. = mftnamdnelic lunar, M.monetlan to despise ? As 746. [*manetian?]+mong = +mang ; monlg^manigmonlle=mdnelio; monn*=4mannmdnotf=monaCmonseoo 'moonsich,

9lunatic, epileptic, MtR.

mont=munt; mdnU=mona6monuc=munuom6r m. 'moor,' morass, swamp, 2?;Mdf :

hill, mountain, AO.moral? (5?) n. sweet boiled wine with herbs.

[L. moratum]mdrMam (a, a) m. mulberry tree, bramble,

VPs{*). [v. "more']

mdrberie f. mulberry (fruit), £)L25"*.more f. carrot, parsnip, Led,WW. ['more *]

mor*V=mora&mortosten n. moor-fastness, Chr.morfleoge f. 'cariscus, ' a kind offly, NC310.morgen (a, e) m. da. morgenne 'morn,


morning, forenoon, JS,BtMtL,VPs : sun-risef B : morrow, CP. on mor(gen)ne(1) in the morning, (2) to-morrow,

morgeneealdt chiU at morn.morgenoolla m. morning terror, Jud245.morgendsBg m. morrow : morning.morgendllo= morgenliomorgendrenc m. morning drink, Lod.morgengebedtld f. morning prayer, Guth40".

morgangifn f. gift by a husband to his wifethe morning after (he wedding, BC,WW.['moryeve



morgenleoht n. dawn, morning.morgenlio matutinal, morning : of the

morrow, morgenlica dag to-morrow.

morgenlong lasting a morning, B2895.morgenmeesse f. morning mass, first mass,ANS84-2.morgenmete m. morning meal.

morgenren m. morning rain, A*82.

morgenseoe sad at morn, An 241.

morgenspdc f. regular meeting of a guild onthe morrow after the guild-feast, TC. ['morn-speech



morgenspell} n. news published at morn.morgensteorra m. morning star, Bo. ['morn-star']

morgenswflg m. cry at morn, B 129.

morgentM (a1, e1 ) f. morning.

morgantfdlle matutinal, BPsl29*.morgentorht bright at morn, Ay241.

morgenwaclan to rise early, WW.morh&tt f. mountain-heath, PPs8210


morheald heathy, marshy? £x61.morhop n. moor-swamp, B460.mdrlg marshy, M.norland n. 'moor-land,' mountain-waste,LkL.

morne da., mornee gs. of morgen.morod, moroti= moratimorseeatta m. robberfrom mountain heights,

NG.morseeg mn. sedge, Lod 3*140s*.

morseohtre f. marshy ditch, NC310.morstapa m. traverser of moors, Run 2.

mortere m. mortar. [L. mortarinm]morS nm. death, destruction, homicide,'murder,* AO;M : deadly sin. ['murth']

mortt-= mortSor-

morftorundel mn. barrow raised over a deadbody? deadly pool? corpse-pit? KC3-23'.mortfdAd f. murder, deadly sin, crime, J£.

mortfornm.,g8. mortires (mp. mortfras) deed

of violence, 'murder, 9homicide, man-

slaughter, B,Bl : mortal sin, crime : injury,punishment, torment, misery.

morttorbealut n. violent death, murder.morflorbed} n. bed of death (by violence).

mortforeofa m. prison, As 1006.mortSorcraft m. murderous crime, As 177.mortforcwalu f. murder, NC310.morttorowealm m. murder, death, GwE 152.mortforhete m. blood-feud, B1106.mortiorhof n. place of torment, El 1303.mortforhus n. house of torment, Cb1626.mortforhyogende$ with murderous thoughts.mortforlean n. retribution for sin, Cb1612.morftoncyldlg guilty, An 1601.mortiorslaga m. homicide, murderer, NG.morttorslagu f. homicide, murder, NG.morftonlege m. homicide, murder, LL( 1481*).morftorsleht (moroaliht) m. slaughter,

murder.morttorwyrnta m. murderer.morttslaga (M)= mortiorelagamorlteUht= morCorsleht ; morthfr= mortformortfweoro n. deadly work, act which causesdeath, murder, LL.

mortfwyrhta= morCorwyrhtamora f. parsnip, carrot (=more).morwyrt f. moor-wort, Lod48b.mos n. I. bog, marsh, BC. ['moss


] II. n.

food, victuals. [Oer. mas]most, moste v. *mdtan.mot n. mote, speck, atom,mdt I. (±, uto. -f) n. 'moot

9 Cgemot 9


society, assembly, court, council, Chr,MtL


Mdf. +m. wyroan to take counsel : litiga-

tion, Bo : (+) conflict, encounter. II. f.

toll, tribute, MkL. [Oer. maut] 111. pres.

eg. of *motan.±mot»rn (e») n. place of meeting, court-

house, AO.

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mdtan* swv. pies. 1, 3 sg. mdt, pre*. 2 sg.

most, ores. pL mftton, pret. mdste (may),to be allowed, be able to, nave opportunity to,

be compelled to, must, M ; AO,CP. mdsteic would that I might/ ['mote']

+mdtan=m5tanmdtbeli f. bell for summoning a moot, LL.[v. 'moot']

±mdtbeorh m. MU of meeting, BC.mdtere m. public speaker, WW. ['mooter



motera=mat»mmdtgerifa m. moot-reeve, chairman ofa moot,EC342'.

±mdthus n. moot-haU, place of assembly,WW;W. ['moothouse*]

±m6tlan to speak to, converse with, address,

harangue, M : debate, argue, plead, Hex.['moot']

mdtUMta sbpL courts, assembliest TC433"+mdtliah m. meadow of meeting, BC.+m6tmann m. orator,WW 164w ; 310».+mdtsteda m. place of meeting, Soul 162.

±motstdw f. place of meeting, forum.mdtung f. conversation, discussion, OEO.['mooting']

mdtweorlS (a1) qualified to attend the moot,EC343'.

motitnten moth-eaten.

mdftor=mddormotttfe f. 'moth,' MtL (mohoe).mucgwyrt f. artemisia, mugwort, Lod.

< muexle=musoelle; mudriea=myderoemuga m. 'mow, ' heap of corn, M.mugan*=magan; mugwyrt=mucgwyrtmuna (Cp) =mugnmffcl m. mule. [L. mulus]mulbyrde m. mule-keeper, 4SGr36'.mutton pret. pL of meltan.+mun (w. g. ) mindful, remembering,A04811


±munan (usu. +) pree. 1, 3 sg. man (mon),2 manst, pL munon, pret. munde swv. to

think about, be mindful of, remember, Bl,

Jul,Lk ; M,AO,CY : consider. ['i-mune ']

mund f. I.| hand : palm (of the hand, as ameasure): trust, security, protection, guard-ianship,M : protector, guardian : the king'speace : fine for breach of the laws of pro-tection or guardianship of the king's peace,

v. LL2-655 ; 641. [cp. Oer. vormund] II.

m. money paid by bridegroom to bride's

father, bridegroom's gift to bride, Cb93.III.—mynd

mundbeorg m. protecting hiU, PPs 124*.

mundberd =mundbyidmundbora m. protector, preserver, guardian,advocate, J& : prefect.

mundbryoe (i») m. breach of the laws of pro-

tection or guardianship, LL : fine for the

breach of such laws.

mundbyrd f. protection, patronage, help :

fine for a breach of (he peace, LL.+mundbyrdan to protect, Bo.mundbyidnes f. protection : security, indepen-

dence : protector, guardian, advocate.

mundbyre=mandbyrde (da. of mundbyrd)mundersBft m. protecting power, Lod 1-384".munde v. munan ; +munde= -fmyndemundgripef m. hand-grasp.mundheals f. protectionr Cb446.±mundlan to protect, watch over, act asguardian of, M.mundlend m. protector, TC626*.mund-leow, -leu, -lau f. wash-hand basin,

WW. [ON. munnlauc]mundrof strong with the hands, Rd 84*.

mundwfst f. guardianship, protection, NC310.

munee>=4munuomunectan to make a monk of, LL. ['monk ']

munetere=myneteremungiinya8Tnyn<ying+munlng i. remembrance.munt m. mountain, hUl, ;EFAO,CP. [L.montem]muntmUen f. mountain-nymph, WW 189*.

muntetyse f. mountain prison, W84h.muntland n. hiU-country, Lkl**.munue m. 'monk,' BH,RB(e%

): {used also

of women), A27*265. [L. monacbus]munuebenat n. monastic vow, HL18,tt'M.

munueelld n. child intended for monasticlife, M.munueenapa m. young monk, OB.munuegegyrela m. monastic garb, BH34*7


munuchid m. monastic orders, the monasticlife,JS,BH;CY. ['monkhood']munuehtep m. company of monks.munuelan (e1) to make a monk of, LL.['monk']

munuelie monkish, monastic,BE ; M. adv.•Hoe. ['monkly']

munucllt n. monastic life, M : cloister,

monastery, M,AO.munueriaf n. monk's garb, GD27".munueregol m. monastic rule, mode of life,

M : a body of monks under a certain rule,

TC644"munuesorud n, monk's garb, JEP142*.munuestow f. place of monks, BH236**.munuoVeaw m. monastic rule, ANS84-7.munucwlse f. fashion of a monk, ML6*247.

mflr m. wall. [L. murus]mur-beam, -bene =m6r-beam, -benemure dismal, wretched, PPs 146*. [myroe]murclan to murmur, complain, repine, grieve,

CP.muren-=murc-murenere m. complainer, RB21*.mureung f. complaining, lamentation* sor-row, CP.murge=myrgemurnan' (and wv.) to care, be anxious orfearful about, An,Bo,Wald : 'mourn,'sorrow, bemoan, Wy : long after, An37.murra, murre= myrra, myrremus f. gs. mus, muse, nap. m^s *mouse, ' Bo


M ; Mdf : muscle (of the arm), WW 168*.mus-eelle, -cule t shell-fish, mussel [L.]

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muscfleote f t a smallflyfound in wine (must-neoge?BT),WW121».

muscle=musoellemuseplse f. mouse-pea, vetch,WW 148M.

musfealle (a1) f. mouse-trap, WW.mosfealu mouse-coloured,WW448*.

mfkshafoe n. mouse-hawk, buzzard, WW.musto= musoelle ; mussoel (Gl) =musoellemust m. 'must/ new wine, Bo;M. [L.

mustum]-mutian v. be-m.mutung f. 'mutuum,' loan, WW449*°.

mutJ m. ' mouth, * opening, door, gate, JS,BH,CP,MU

mtffla m. mouth (of a river), estuary, AO,Chr : (|) entrance to a house, door.

mtttfidl f. mouth-disease, WW.mfffiberstung f. eruption of the mouth, WW.mflftbona m. devourer, B2079.muftcoSu f. mouth-disease, WW.mfftettan to blab out, let out, £)(6"°).

mutttreb free to speak, PPs 1 1*.

mtfflhssl n. wholesome speech, Ex552.

mlltfhrdf m. palate, OEQ332.mQtftftas mouthless, Rd61°.muwa (WW 348*) =mugamuxle= muscellemyoe? (ES43-309), myoel (LWS)=mioelmyog (i) m. 'midge, 9 Cp,Lcd,WW.myogern (i) n. internal fat, suet, WW.['midgern ]

mycgnet n. mosquito-net,WW 183u (i).

mycl-=miol-; myd-=mid-mydd n. bushel, AO 1901*. [L. modius]myderoe f. money-box, chest, M.mygg (Gl) = myog ; m^g*=m&g6myhtlg= mihtigm?htt pres. 3 sg. of mfean.myl n. dust, JAW32 ; ES4M63. [Gar. mull]

mylc=meolomyleen adj. of milk.

myldan=miltan; -myldan v. be-m.. myle-=mylen-/ «*mylen mf. 'miU,

9 KC,LL,BB; Mdf.mylengatol n. mill-tax, mill-rent f NC310.mylenhweol n. 'mill-wheel,' Led.

mylensoaarpt sharpened on the grindstone.

mylenstan m. grindstone, WW. ['millstone1


mylentroh n mill-trough, mill-conduit, WW.mylenwaru f., mylenwer m. miU-weir, mill-

dam, Ct.

mylenwyrd, myleweard m. tenant of a(manorial) mill, WW. ['millward']

mylier (EC1791)=myle(n)wer?myllse, mylso = miliso

mylma m. retreat f GPH3981W.

myln=mylenmyltan= ( 1 ) meltan ; (2) miltanmyltenhus n. brothel, ES9-39.myltestre (e, i) f. prostitute, M. [L.

meretricem]myltestrehus n. brothel, WW 186*.

mymerian to keep in memory, remember,


O. H.

+mynan =+munan±mynd (usu. -f ) fn. memory, remembrance,J£,BB,Met i memorial, record, M : act ofcommemoration, Bl,MH : thought, purpose,Bl. on +m. niman to recollect ['mind']+myndbltte memorial, EPs 101u ; 134u(i).

+myndds9g f. commemoration day, anniver-sary, BH.+mynde I. mindful, El 1064. II. river-

mouth, BH398" (v. JAW31).+myndewyrtfe worth mentioning, BH48611


±myndgian to remember, be mindful of :

(w. g.) remind, W : intend : commemorate,mention, PPs : exhort, warn : demand pay-ment, LL206,1>2. +myndgod aforesaid,['ming*]

myndglend m. one who reminds, B1105.myndgung f. admonition, CP : remembrance.±myndlg mindful, Mk. se +myndiga the

aforesaid, ['mindy']+myndlglle = +myndlio+myndlglloiiM f. remembrance, SPs 101".±myndleas /oofoA, senseless, M.+myn6hc memorable, adv. -Uoe by heart, M.+myndl«st f. madness, ZDA31".+myndstow f. monument, tomb.+myndwyrt$e= +myndewyroemyne I.f m. memory, remembrance : feeling,

affection, love, favour, m. witan to love :

purpose, desire, wish : memorial. [|manan]II. m. minnow, WW. III.=mene+myne I. mindful, MtR6M. II. pres. Bubj.

of +munan.mynecen, mynecenu f. female monk, nun,WW;M. ['minchen • ; munuo]

myneglan =myndgianmyneglendlle hortatory, CM30,mynegung f. warning, admonition, exhorta-

tion, i£ : claim.

mynelle desirable, Wxd4.mynesollllng = menescillingmynet n. coin, money, Cp,Lcd,MtR. ['mint



L. moneta]myneteypa m. money-changer, MB. 1*412.

mynetere m. 'minter,1coiner, M : money-

changer, Mt ; jE.

mynettan to coin, LL158[14].mynetfsen n. coinage, iEL23**T


mynetslege m. minting, coinage, JSL23*7*.

mynetsmllffie f. mint, LL158[14,1].myng-= myneg-, myndg-mynlan to intend, be impelled : direct one-

&zlf towards an object, ASl*(e).mynlg-= myneg-; mynlt=mynetmynle f. desire. Met26".mynnan = mynianmynster (»*) n. monastery, nunnery, BH :

mother-church, 'minster,' cathedral, LL.[L. monasterium]

mynsterbde f ? minster-book, NO310.

mynsterelAnsung f. purification ofa minster.

mynstercltkse f. monastic enclosure, stall, cell,

CM 22.

mynsterfssder m. abbot, GD2931.


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mynsterfAmne f. nun, BH20".mynstergang m. act of joining an order ofmonks, LL(146»).

mynsteigaai n. monastery gate, GD 145*.

mynsterham m. monastic house, monastery.mynsterhata m. persecutor of monasteries,

W166»mynsterlio monastic, &. adv. -lice.

mynsterlU n. monastic life, M : cloister,

monastery.mynstermann m. monk, M.mynstermunue m. monk who lives in amonastery (i.e. not an anchorite), M.

myiistarprafost m. provost of a monastery,TC434*.

mynsterprtott m. priest of a church or

minster, LL(2548 ).

mynstenelr f. control of a monastery, BH468".

mynstentede m. monastic buildings, GD182w.

mynsterstdw f. place ofa minster, town, BH160".

mynslertlmbning f. building of a monastery,GD14711


mynstertfeaw m. monastic custom, BH452".mynstartfegnung f. monastic service, RB85".mynsterwbe f. custom of a monastery.±myntan. to intend, determine, resolve, M,Bo : think, BJud : bring forth, S02151


give up to, LL400[3]. ['mint,* 'i-munte*]

myranheafod n. mare's head (a nick-name),ChbIOIOe.

Myroe, Myrcan=Mieroe; myroe^miroemyre (JE,AO)=mieremyrenoddra =merensddramyrgan to be '"merry,

1rejoice, PPs.

myrge adj. (e, i, u) pleasing, agreeable, M,Bo,Met(e) : pleasant, sweet, DHy(e). adv.myriglice pleasantly, melodiously, GD2861



myrgeleo* n. epitaph? BH94"(b).myrgan I. f. joy, pleasure, MET(Introd.)6.II.r=4morgen

myrgnm f. melody, WW33".myrgtf (e, i), myrhti f. 'mirth,* joy, pleasure,

sweetness {of sound), M,Bo.myrig-==myrg-; myrtle =m®rlicmyiT" = mierr-

myrra I. m. sweet cicely {plant). IL (a) L'myrrh,* M.

myrre f. = myrramyrrelse f. offence, scandal, stumbling-block,

Jul338.myrtan I. n. flesh of an animal which hasdied of itself carrion, LL. II. adj. dead (ofanimals which have not been killed), LL.myrU=myrg8myrttra m. homicide, murderer.

-myrttran, -myrbrian v. for-, of-m.myrtfoing f. parricide, murder, WW467U.

myrw-=mearuw- (v. meara); myi v. mas.myiean to afflict, PPs.+mysean to defile, OEG17«T


myset sbpL flies, PPs 104*7.mysa=mese; myttlng=mitting+my6a n. (usu. pL) mouth, confluence,junction of two streams, BH,Ct.myx=meox; myx-=mix-

Nni (5) adv. oonj. not, no, not at all, not even,never, by no means, J5,AO,CP. na 6»t innot only. neither...nor. ne nanor. na ma no more, JEQrJBL ['no mo']na mare ab. nothing more, Bo,Mk. ['nomore*]

nab-=naf-nabban anv. pres. 1 ag. nebbe, 2 njefet,

3 nafaC, narfD, pL nabbatf, n»bba& ; pret.nsfde (v. habban) not to have, to lack, bewithout,Bo(+*B&d),Jn;AO,CP. [y.'have*]

naoaf m. vessel, boat, ship. [Oer. nachen]naoed=nacod±naclan, -fnacodian to lay bare, strip.

naood, nacud («) (+) I. adj. 'naked,9 nude,

bare, M ; CP : empty : not fully clothed.

II. f. nakedness.nacodnes (») f. nakedness, M.use adv. =nensebbatt, neebbe v. nabban.n»bre=n»frensBcad (Cp499a 'esterta') =nacod±nAcan (hn£can) to kill, M.nsaced^nacodneacedu f. nakedness, MFH 169.

naBct=nibt; n»dder-=n®der-nwddertah snake-coloured, HL15"*.naeddre (CP) =n«drensaddrewlnde f. adder-wort, WW2871*,nAderbtta m. ichneumon, WW.n*dl(e)f. 'needle,* 8oul,WW;M.nftdre (e) f. 'adder,* snake, serpent, viper,

Jft;AO,CP.nftdrewyrt (der) f. adder-wortnsefde pret. 3 sg. of nabban.neefebor (A9-263*)=nafugarnaeflg (NG)=n®ftig; n»toe=nefnenfttre (e) adv. 'never,' BJBo,Bl,G;CP*[ne, «fre]

naafst v. nabban.nasft f. need, want, poverty, Solol** 1


nsBttcyrrand not returning, CP77*9. [neft,

ne eft]

naaftig poor, So 1901.±n&gan I.| (e) (often followed by wordum)to accost, speak to. II. = hnftgan

naagal=n»gl; naBgan=nemngennaogl m. 'nail,* peg, AO;M : finger-nail,toe-nail, claw, M : plectrum, Wybd84 :

(in comp.) handle.

nsBgledbordf with nailed sides.

nflBgledeneaiT m. nail-fastened vessel, fCs&937.

nesgledcr&t n. iron chariot.

naagladtlnc n. studded vessel, B2023.

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to nail, ' fasten with nails, MtLR


M.nsegbex n. knife far cutting the nails, WW.[seax; v. 'nail]

nseglspere n. (sharp) nail, Cp260u.nAh=neah; nAhsta= niehetanasht (NQ,VPs)t=to3kt; nAht=nahtPfiBllflBS = neallee ; nsam=neomnAm f. taking, receiving, NC311.+n&man to take away, Guto14u.

nftmel receptive, NC311. [=numol]nAming {. bargain, contract,WW 180".n»mne=nefne-mmmnlan (LL455')=nemniannsBmnlendlle=nemniendlicnAnlg pron. no one, none, not any, no (usedsa sb. with gen. and as adj.). nfinige

Singa (S320) adv. not at aU, in no wise,

[ne, ®nig]nAnlg-wuht, -uht in no wise, nothing.

nAnlht (NG) =n&nwihtn&nne v. nan.nAp m. turnip, rape, CpfLcd. ['neep']

nApsAd n. rape seed, Lod.nsepte=neftenAre, nsron (jE,AO,CP) = ne wftre, newseron

nArende pto. not being, [ne, wesan]nArra=nearanm I. (AO,CP) =nem II. adv. not, not

at all, CP. [=nai»B] III.=nass. IV.pret. 3 sg. of nesan.mum fawn-skin, Gl,Lod.8Bse(NG)=nesennsgristte f. nose-gristle, Gl.natt-hlltt n. dp. -hleottam declivity, slope (ofa headland), B142S.

naass (e), nseesa m. 'ness,* cliff, headland,cape, B : (|) earth, ground.+nastan to contend (wi«), Rd28"».neuter 'caucale,' an umbelliferous plant?wild carrot? WW2021


nsBStyrl n. nostril, M.±nAtan to annoy, afflict, press upon, subdue,

CP.nAting f. blaming, CP35311.

nA1ft=n£dlnafa I. m. =nafa. II.=ne hafa imperat. of

nabbannafatt pres. 3 sg. of nabban.nafela m. navel, AS,AO.nafeta m. nave (ofa wheel), WW106*7


nafogir m. 'auger,' Ol,WW.nafu f. nave (of a wheel), Bo.nafula=nafelanafulsceaft f. navel, Lod3'124m.

+n&g striking, pressing? Rim57?n&gan* pres. 3 sg. nah ; pret. n&hte, n&htonnot to owe, not to be bound, not to be allowed,

to have no right to, not to own, not to have,

to lose, be unable to, AO n&hte ought not.

[ne, agan]naht (&, &u, 6) I. n. 'naught,* nothing, A :

wickedness, evil-doing, CP (n&wht). instr.

n&hte w. oomparatives= nothing, II. use-less, bad, poor. III. adv. not, not at all,

CP. [n&, wiht]n&hte v. n&gan.nahttremmend m. evil-doer, PPs68*.nahtgltsung [nauht-] f. wicked avarice, CP333*.

n&htlto good for nothing, worthless, of noavail, Cmt979x. adv. -lice wickedly, badly,

VPs(6). ['noughtly']

nahtnes f. worthlessness, Cmt449a.nahtsclpe f. worthlessness, Chb449x.n&h-wAr, -wSm adv. 'nowhere,' in no case,

never, not at aU, A,A,Bl ; GD(6).n&hwsetter pron. and eonj. neither, CP.['nauther']

nahw&r=nahwftrnahwlder 'no-whither,' nowhere, Bo,RB.nahwonan adv. from nowhere.

nates, nalas, nales (AO,CP), nalles (CP),nals= neallee

nalde (N,VPs) =nolde pret. of *nyllan.

nam I. pret. 8 sg. of niman. II. (N)=neeomnam f. (legal) seizure, LL.nama (o) m. 'name,' JB;AO,CP : noun,MGr.nambde (o) f. register of names (in a book),


nambred (o) n. register ofnames (on a tablet),

WW499". [Ger. brett]

nameflffl well-known, celebrated, M.namctrttlloe adv. by name, M.±namlan to 'name, ' mention,A : nominate,appoint.nammAlum adv. by name, OEG880.+namna m. companion, Rd63* ; 54"?riamnlan to address, inpoke, M.namon pret. pL of niman.namrAden i. learning, WW431*.

nan as. n&nne,n&nne I. pron.and adj. 'none,'

not one, no, Bl,Chr,Ct,HL. nana oinga onno account. II. sb. w. g. none, no one,

nothing, Bo,Jn,RB. [nS, &n]

nan-wlht, -(w)uht I. n. (often w. g.) nothing,

naught, AO,CP. II. adv. not at all, in nowise.

nip pret. 3 sg. of nipan.

nard m. spikenard, unguent. [L. nardus]

nart (JnL) =neart ; nam =nearunas =nas8 =ne wass

nast (=ne wast) v. nytan.nasUyrl=nfBs6yrl; nasu=noeunit (Bo,Jn)=ne w&t, v. nytan.nateshwdn (M), nateC®shw6n adv. not, not

at aU, by no means.n&thwft adj. pron. some one (nescio quis).

nithwAr adv. somewhere or other.

nithwaet pron. something or other.

nit-hwlle, -hwyle adj. pron. (indef.) (/ knownot which), some one or other.

natfhwon, n&tfitJsaehwon=nateshwdnnatfllAs (AO)=na*yl»sniter (;E,AO,CP), natJor (iE)=nahw»8er


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nafllnc n. nothing, HL18*.nftyUes notwithstanding, nevertheless, AO(€»).

nauht=nahtnawa adv. never, Lod94d. [ne, awa]n&wer=nahwer ^^niwern [—nahw£ra] adv. nowhere, WW.nftwht, nawiht=naht ; nawtfer= nahwsetSer

nawuht (CP) =nawiht, nahtne I. adv. not, no, M,CP. IL oonj. neither,

nor, jE,CP.nea-=neah-nead =nied ; n§ad- v. also nied, nyd-.neadclamm n. necessity, extremity, LPs 106*.

neadcofa m. prison, An 1311.

neadgafol n. tax, tribute, LL.neadgewuna m. enforced custom, WW22Is.

ntadgylda m. debtor, WW221".neadhid m. compulsion,force,WW480".neadhfts f. order which one must obey, LL12.±neadlan to compel, force, constrain, urge,

impel, M.niadlgnes f. obligation, OEG2106.neadlnga (AO), neadlunga =neadnnganeadtfoarflle necessary, useful, adv. -Hoe,

ntedfearfnes f. opportunity, occasion, LPs9M.

neadffing n. necessary thing,RB57 ; JSP 137 ?

neadung f. compulsion, M.neadunga, neadunge adv. compulsorily,

forcibly, M.neadwls needful, fitting, due, M. adv. ofnecessity, M.

neadwbnes f. necessity, OEG2396.neadwlte n. inevitable punishment, MF(Veep. D xiv).

neadwraea m. avenger by necessity, TC611**.neah I. (e, i) fcomp. neara, superl. niehsta

S.v.]adj. 'near, nigh, close, BH ;AO,

P : late. IL adv. 'near,' nigh, about,

almost, nearly, lately, AO,Bo,0,Lcd,Met,etc. ; CP. near and near nearer and nearer.

aet niehstan next, at length, finally. III.

prep. w. d. near, close to : according to,

EO.+neah I.| sufficiency, abundance. II. pres.

3 sg. of +nugan.neanbuend m. neighbour, Rd26*.neaheeaster f. nearest town, BH52" (neh-).

neahcyrlce f . neighbouring church, GD.neahdAl m. neighbourhood, GD71M.

neahdun f. neighbouring hill, Nab 14s.

neahea f. neighbouring river, Nas229.

neahealand n. neighbouring island, MH8417.

neahteder m. lvicinus pater,' GD1797


neah-feald, -fealdlic (GD) intimate.

neahfreond (e1 ) m. nearfriend, near kinsman,Guth5621


neahgangol (w. d.) placed near, iEL23ul.

neahgebur m. 'neighbour,' CP.neahgebyren (nehhe-) f. neighbour, LkUS*.neahgeb*rlid (nehe-) m. neighbour, LkL16».neahgehosa (e) m. neighbour, JVPs.

±neah-he, -hi(g)e (nan. +) sufficiently :

abundantly : often, frequently : earnestly.

neahhebur=neahgebur+neahhelIoe (nehl-) sufficiently, frequently,usually, LL,Guth.

neahhergung f. war close at hand.neah-hle, -hige=neahhe+neahlan to draw near to, LPs90".neahtiftoan = nealtecanntahland n. neighbourhood, GD69tt


neah-mAg m. nap. -magas near relation,

neahmOg* {. neighbouring tribe, BH.neahmann m. neighbour, BH.neahmunt m. neighbouring mountain, GD.neahnes f. nearness, neighbourhood, BH.neahnunnmynatar neighbouring convent, BH26410.

neahslbb I. adj. related. II. f. affinity,


neahsta=niehstaneahstdw f. neighbourhood, place near.

n»nht(Met)=mhtneahtld f. approaching time, BH290".neahtfln (e) m. neighbouring town or village.

neahtfeod f. neighbouring nation, AO.neahw&ter n. neighbouring piece of water,

Nab22".+neahwlan (€) to draw near, cleave to, NG.neahwudu m. neighbouring wood, GD229* .

dbnealftcan (w. d.) to draw near, approach,M ; AO,CP : be near, GD85* : cling to, CPs136«. ['nehleche' ; neah, laeoan]

nteUsoung f. approach, access, M.ntelle (e) near, neighbouring, adv. -Hoenearly, about, Bl ;CP. ['nighty']

nealles adv. not, not at all, by no means,CP.neam=neom; neam-=neahm-nean sAv. from near by : close at hand, near


nearly, about.

+n§an =+nehwian; neap=hn»ppnear comp. of neah, adv. near, nearer, AO.+near= +nerneara, nearra (AO), oomp. of neah, adj.later, latter, nearer.

neara- =nearo- ; nearo (AO) =nearanearobregd f. crafty trick, Jul302nearoerssft m. skill in enclosing t B2243.nearofah intensely hostile? B2317.nearograp f. close grasp, Rd81*.nearolie oppressive, straitened, El913. adv.-lice narrowly, closely, briefly, accurately,;E,CP : strictly, stringently, oppressively.

nearoned f. urgent need.

nearones f. strait, AO : oppression : distress,anxiety, trouble.

nearotfancnes f. wickedness, LPs27*.

nearotfearf f. dire need, Cr69.neart art not, Bo. ['nart'; neeart]nearu I.| f T n? gs. neara, near(o)we strait,

danger, distress, difficulty, n. ordwian tobe in straits : confinement, imprisonment :

prison, hiding place. II. adj . narrow, con-fined, AO,0 : limited, petty : causing of

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accompanied by difficulty, Hardship, oppres- nem-nan, -nian (± ) to name, call, jE,AO,CP :

sive, Bl,Bd : strict, severe, CP. ['narrow*] enumerate : address, speak to : nominate :

nearu-=nearo- mention, relate, M. [nama]nearusearuf f. dark cunning f imprisonment? nemne (A;=WS nymtie) conj. and prep.nearusorg f. crushing distress, El 1261. unless, except, save, only.

nearuttanc m. wickedness, OEG. nemnlan =nemnannearuwrenc m. evil trick, Mod44. nemnlendllo, nemnigendlio naming, nomi-nearwe adv. narrowly, closely, strictly, B, native, iEGn2210


Met : carefully, exactly, El ; CP : oppressive- nemnlng f., forcibly: artfully '.anxiously. [' narrow*] nem<e=nymoe

neorwelloe =nearolioe nena (WW2521) =ne na, . na.

nearwlan (±) to force in, cramp, confine, nenlg (KGL)=n#nigafflict : become smaller, shrink. neobeddt n. corpse-bed, bed of death. [Ooth.

nearxnewang=neorxnawang naus]nfeslan (VPs)=neoeian neod I. f. (3, le, y) desire, longing : teal,

neat n. animal, beast, ox, CP,VPs; pL earnestness : pleasure, delight. [Ooth.

cattle, ['neat*] niutis] Honied+ntat m. companion, follower (esp. in war), neode adv. (instr. of neod) eagerly, zealously,

Chr,WW : dependant, vassal, tenant who diligently.

worksfor a lord, v. LL2-427. [v.lgeneat*] ntodfracu f. yearning, greed, Mit311s (v.

ntaten=nieten ES 39-336).

±ntetland n. land of a dependant or vassal, neodfreond m. kinsman, friend, HL181M.

LL196,1,1. [nied]

+ntatmann = +neat needful zealous, earnest, Jul720.+ntetrlht n. regulations as to the tenure of ntodhus n. necessary chamber, NC312.'geneatland,' LL445[2]. ±neodlan (=ea; impers. w. g.) to be

+neatscolu f. band of comrades, Jul684. necessary, require, be required, MB. [' need *]

ntawett (AO,CP), neawiet (M) fm. neigh- nftodlaftuf. wish, B1320.bourhood, nearness, presence : society, co- neodlloe adv. eagerly, carefully, zealously,

habitation, fneah, weaan] diligently, M : (|) j

neawung (N) f. nearness. ntodlof n. zealous praise, PPs 148".nebb n. bill, beak, beak-shaped thing, Op,Ph : neodspearuwa m. (restless f) sparrow, PPsnose, LL : face, countenance, complexion, 123*.

JB,CP. Vneb*] isUMemrttta necessary, GD148*.nebb- =neb- neodweoiKung f. zealous honouring, PPsnebblan to retort upon, rebuke, confront, 142u.

vEH 1-256. neofa^nefa; neolMieowolnebeorn n. pimple, LodM 18. neo-l&can (VPs),-leoan (MfL)-neel&oannebgebraeo n. nasal mucus, WW. neom =ne eom (am not)

nebsealf f. antimony, face-powder, OEG. neoman =nimannebwlatful barefaced, shameless, OEG2«T

. neomlan to sound sweetly f Wyed 84.

nebwlatung f. barefacedness, impudence, neon=nIwanOEG4306. +n*opan*? to engulf, overwhelm, Ex475.

nebwllte m. face, countenance, M. neor adv. =nearnechebflr=neahgebQr ; need-= nihte- +neortf contented, Cp 544.

ned=net(t); n«d= (l)nied; (2) neod neorxnawang m. Paradise, M,0V; v. GK.nM- (A) =nead-, nied-, nyd- ; nMl =nftdl neorxnawangtte adj. of paradise, GD 1791.ntdre (VPs), neddre=n&dre nftoaan, neosian (&) to search out, find out,

nefa m. (± ) nephew, MykO : stepson : grand- inspect : (± ) visit, go to : attack, visit with

son. affliction.

nefene f. granddaughter : niece. neosffi m. death, Mod 55.

netne =nemne ; nifre = nftfre adv. neosu=nosnnef(e f. cat*s mint. [L. nepeta] ±neosung f. access : visitation, visit, M.ntfugol m. bird of prey, Gen 2158. [*neo, ntotan* (oeu. w. g.) to use, have the use of,

corpse ; Ooth. naus] enjoy, employ. [Oer. geniesaen]ntgan=nagan; negled-=n»gled- neoten=nietenn§ht=toeah; +nene, +nehh(ig)e=+neahhe neott-an, -ane (i) adv. below, down, beneath,

nehst, neh3ta=niehat, niehsta from beneath, JE,BltBo (-on), ['nethen']

nehfc=taiht neoUanweard adj. lower, WW26«(io).nelrxnawong (N) =neorxnawang neotie- =ni8e- ; neoUon^neoCannelsta=niehsta neottor, neotior- = nitfor, nitier-

nele (AO,CP)=nelle (M) pres. 1, 3 sing., neotfoweard=ni©eweard; neoVra==nitteranelt=pree. 2 8g. of nellan. neow-=niw-jneowel=neowol

nellan= *nyllan neowerno (WW454M ) =n&wdrn

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neowol (i) precipitins : headlong : prone,

prostrate, JS,Bo(i) : obscure, deep down,abysmal. ['nuel']

neowollle (i1 , e*) profound, deep, 2ELV*.neowolnes f. depth, abyss, chasm, M(P).nip only in phr. foroganges n. without powerof advancing? Ex 460.

nipflod m. neap-tide, ebb, low tide, Gl.nepte=nefte±ner (ea) n. refuge, protection, MLJlO.nir=near+ner-ednes, -renee f. deliverance.

nergend m. saviour, preserver (Christ, Qod).±nerlan to save, rescue, liberate, M,AO,CF :

preserve, defend, protect. [Qoth. naajan;Cter. n&hren]

nerlend, nerigend=nergendnlm=near(r)a+nerstede m. refuge, sanctuary, WW186*1


nerung f. guard, protection, OEG5396.nerw-=nearw-, nirew- ; nan- =neorx-±neaan* (usu. +) to escape from, survive, be


> (») adv. no, J3,CP. [ne, al]

nast I. n. 'nest,1 MtLJPh;M : young bird,

brood, II* n. food, provisions, victuals,

nast, neeta (VPs) =niehat, niehstanestan to spin, NG.nestlg=nistignestUan to make a nest, LPs 103u.

nestpohha m. wallet, MtLlO".net=nett; net-=nyt-nata m. caul, WW266*.netan=nytannatal, netele f. 'nettle,

9 Ledneten (Bo,VPs)ttneUmnetenes=nytennes; niti(Cp)=nfidlnetle (Cp) = netele

neton=nyton pree. pLof nytan.netrap m. snare, gin, WW.nett (y) n. 'wet,' JS,Bo,WW : fustttn?, net-

wort, tpuier '* weft, PPs. [Goih . nati]

netta (y) f. tAe nel-h'A-e caid, WW.nettgern n. knitting yarn, EC 377. [geam]+nettlan to ensnare, OEG4596.±nettan to venture on, dare, risk, AO. [n6t5]

+neftedllc = +nlededlic+ne$ertan = + niSeriannetting f. boldness, daring, AO.nett (A)=n«dlnaurlsn f. aneurism, Lcd.neweseotta (i

1) m. ^t< of the stomach f bowels t

Lcd.newest =neawestnext (LWS)?=^niehflt; nl-=nig-, niw-nlc, nice adv. not I (=«o). [ne, io]

nlcor (e1) m. nap. nicraa water-sprite, sea-

monster, B,Bl : hippopotamus, walrus, Nar.['nicker']

nicorhQs n. sea-monster1s dwelling, B 1411.

nld =nied ; nld- =nead-, nied-, nyd-nled I. (e, ea, eo, i, y) in. 'need,' necessity,

compulsion, duty, B(y),BH(e)jfG(e) ; AO,

CP : errand, business, JS(eo) : hardship,distress, difficulty, trouble, pain, AO : force,

violence, VPs(e) : what is necessary : in-

evitablenees : fetter, Dxob5 : name of the

rune for n. II.=neodnied- v. also nead-, nyd-.111041111 (e» i» f ) to compel, force, urge, press,

JB(f), Bo^Gte) ; AO,CP. ['aeed"]

nledbad (e, y) f. toll, exaction, blackmail.

nledbadere (e) m. toll-collector, TC29".nledbehAfdlle necessary, BH396".

nledbehefe needful, necessary, M(yl).

nledbettearf (y») necessary, CP77.

nlede, nfedee (ea. So, i, y) adv. (instr. andgs. of nied) of need, needs, necessarily, com-pulsorily, CP.+madadlte (e) compulsory, BH62»(v.l.).nledenga, niednnga adv. necessarily, byforce,forcibly, CP.nladfarat f. compulsoryjourney, death,

nledhAmed (§, y) n. rape, LL.nledhfernes (e1 , e1 ) f. slavery, DR6S


nladllng m. slave, AO : sailor.

nledmicel (e) urgent.

niadnAm f. seizure.

nledaoyld f. moral necessity, CP67*.nledsibb (ea) f. relationship, OEG.nletfVearf I. f. need, necessity, compulsion,

force, CP : distress : want, thing needed.

II. adj. necessary.

BbdSearfhas (ea, e, y) f. need, necessity :

compulsion : distress, trouble.

nled&ow (§, f) m. slave.

nledttrafung f. reproof, CP297**.niadwfidla m. poor wretch, Gbw929.nfehst I. adv. (snperl. of neah) most nearly,

in closest proximity : last (in time), Bl,

Gen(e). II. adj. latest, last, A,Jud,VPs(e)znearest, 'next,' CP, Chr,KC,MkL(h). *tniehstan at last, next.

niehsta mf. closestfriend, CP:(±) neighbour,

MkL, VPs : next of kin, LL. ['next']

nleht(CP)=nihtnierwan=nearwiannleten (6, eo, i, y) n. small animal, beast,

cattle, Bo,Lcd ; AO tCP. [' neten


; neat]nfetencynn n. kind of animalnletenllc animal, brutish, Bo36M(6). adv.-lice like an animal, W65w(y).

nletennes f. brutishness, M(y).nle15eme8t=niCeme8t; nlefer>=<niSer

nlewe=niwenlfara m. new comer, stranger, PPsSJP*.nlfol dark, gloomy [=neowol]nlft f. niece, BH,Ep,TC : granddaughter :

step-daughter, ['nift']

nlg-=niw-; nlganS=^nigon ; nIge-r=nigo-nlgecyrred newly converted, OEG3447.nlgefara=nifaranlgahalgod newly consecrated (of a king),

newly crowned, J5L18**.nlgehwyrfed newly converted, JELP*.nlgenda= nigoCa

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nlghworfen newly converted, i£H2'1301T.nlgon 'nine,' A,Bl,Chr ; AO,CP.nlgonfeald


ninefold,' MQr.nlgongylde entitled to ninefold compensation,LL470[7].

nlgonnlhte nine days old, ANS 129-22.

nlgonteotta 'nineteenth,* Chr : 'ninetieth,'

OBQ2521 (nigen-).

nlgonttene (y*) 'nineteen,' A,Men.nigontlg 'ninety,' Lk; CP.ntgontynllo containing the number nineteen.

nlgonwlntre nine years old, AO 18610.

nigotta (y) 'ninth,' Bl; MH(y) : nt*M jwrt,

nlgofe ntirfWy, LL181[9].nIgBl*ood pto. /re«My smoothed, glossy, MH206*7.

nigun=nigon; nlh (KGL56")=n€ahnlhold (Gl), nihol=neowolnlhst, nihsta=niehst, niehatanlhstlg=nistignlht (», e, ©a, ie, y) f. (gs. also nihtes) 'night(often used in enumerations where mod.Eng. uses days) ; darkness, BH,Bl,Cr,Lcd


AO,CP.nlht-=nyht-nlhtbealu n. destruction by night, B193.nlhtbutorfleoge f. beetle or moth which flies

by night, WW 121"; A8-450.nlhteage that can see at night, WW.nltateald (night-old), that has happenedyesterday, LL.

nlhtegale (a, », e) f. nightingale, Cp : night-

jar, ['nightgale']

nlhttge=nlhteagenlhtegesa m. nocturnal terror, PPs90*.nlhtelto=nihtlic

nlhterne adv. by night : during a night, Lcd.nlhternnes f. night season, Lcd3*288u.

nihtes (») adv. (gs. of niht) by night, M.nlhtfeormungt f• shelter at nightnlhtgengat m. night-goer, goblin.

nlhtgenge f. night-prowler, hyama, WW.nihtgerlmt n. number of nights.

nihtgUd n. night sacrifice or service, Gl.nlhtgldm m? gloom of night, Gu916.nihthetmt m. shades of night.

niht-hrotn, -hrefn, -hremn m. night-raven


nlhthroc m. night-raven, LPs 101 '.

nlhthwll f. space of a night, W147*.+nlhtlan to become night, grow dark, NC295.nlhtlang lasting through the night, M. adv.-langes, AR-

nlhtllc nocturnal, ofthe night, at night, JE,CP.nlhtnehstig having fasted for a night, Lod.nlhtremn =nihthnefnnlhtrest f. couch, Gin 2863.hlhtrlm= nihtgerimnlhtsang m. compline : book of service forcompline.

nlhtscadu (a*) night-shade (plant),WW 135*.

nQit-ccQat m., gs. -sou(w)an shades of night.

nlhtsUfep m. night's sleep, ML2Z***.

nlhtsum=nyhtsumnlhtwaeu f. night-watching, Seafl. ['night-

wake')nlhtwsaeoe f. 'night-watch,' vigil, Lk.nlhtwaru f. clothingfor night, RB90*.nlhtweard m. guardian at night, Ex 1 16.

nihtweorc n. deed done at night, B827.nlh* (MP 1-613) ores. 3 sg. of neahwan.nlhwyrfed (OEG3138)=nigehwyrfednllsared newly initiated, OEG3138.nile =nyle, pres. 1 sg. of *nyllan.

±nlman4 (eo, io, y) to take, assume, under-

take, accept, receive, get, Bo, VPs, etc. : hold,

seize, catch, grasp, pluck up, carry oft,

Bl(eo) : bear, carry, bring : betake oneself,

go, Bo : contain : suffer, tolerate : give : (+)grasp, comprehend : (+) take to wife, frit

+n. make peace, hi hine genam he collected

himself, reflected, sige n. gain victory, onn. take effect, Lod. \'nim']

-nhnend, -nimendnes v. dfil-n.

filming f. action of taking, LkL. ['nim-

ming']filmtfo=nymoe; n!ol=neowolnIow-=neow-nlpT sb. rope, GPH399**1


+ntp darkness, mist, cloud, obscurity, M.[nipan]

drnipan^ to grow dark, obscure.

+nlpful dark, gloomy, ES 39-347.

nlrewett (nirw-) n. narrowness : narrowplace,

defile, pass, AO : hardness of breathing.

nhrwan=nearwiannlrwtf f. prison house,WW399s. [nierwan]

nls (JE,Bo, VPs) =ne is (is not), ['nis']

nlseotta = neweseottanfeoden ptc. newly-boiled, OEG326.nlstan (VPs), nistian (8Ps) to build nests.


nlstlg adj. fasting, Lcd. [ne, wist]

nlst-lan (PPs), -ban (EPs) (y ) to build nesU.


nlt-=nyt-; nlten=nietenniton ( do) —nyton v. nytan. [' niten ']

ntU n. abyss, Sat634?nlU m. strife, enmity, attack, war : evil, hatred,

spite, Bl,Cr,VPs;AO,CP : oppression,

affliction, trouble, grief, AO. ['nith']

nfoan=neoCannltfan to fofe, GDI 17*.


nlSewalu f. violent death, destruction, Cb 1268.

nlttewealm} m. violent death, destruction.

nlttdraea m. hostile dragon, B2273.nftfemest v. nioera.

nftfar (io, y) adv. below, beneath, JB,B,Bo;AO,CP. ['nether'] .

niters (eo, y) (comp.) adj. nitiemest,

nyttemest (super!.; positive not found)lower, under, lowest, Bo,WW ; CP. ['nether ')

nitferascufan (So4 ) to push down, JE.

nlfterasttgan1 to descend, M,CY.nltteratredan* to tread down, tread underfootnftferbogen ptc. bent down, KC4-721


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nlferdJM m. lower part, PPsl38".nlftere adv. below, down, low down, Bo.['nether']

nlferfldr f. lower story, GD 170".nittorgin (y

1) to descend, M.

nitfcrgang (y) m. descent, Lcd3-246*.ntfterheald bent downwards. Met31".nlfterhreosende (y) falling down, M.nlfterhryre (y

1) m. downfall, precipitation, rOwcUct newly whitewashed, A0286,a


nlVwraout f. severe punishment.nlBwundor} n. dire wonder, fearful portenLnlwan (eo) adv. newly, lately, JC.AO.nlwanacenned new-born, MH 17011.

nlwmneumen (WW) =niwcumennlwane-nlwannlwbaoen (nig-) newly baked, M.

1 new born, BH 144s* (nic).

Sc229".±nftierian (e, y) to depress, abase, bring low,

oppress, Jud,Lk,VPs;AO,CF : condemn,accuse. +nyt5red ignominious, ML23bu.


+nltferlgendUc (y) deserving condemnation,80162".

nftterlle low, low-lying, inferior, lowly, CP.nHfernes (y) f. deepness, bottom, BH212".nl8erra= nioeranlftersoeotende (y) rushing downwards.

nlweumen (nl(g)-) neophyte, RB.nlwe (So, ie) I. (nig-, ni-, in compounds) adj.

'new,' fresh, recent, novel, unheard of, un-tried, inexperienced, JBJLO,BH,NQ,Ph,WW ;CT>. nlwan etefne again. II. adv.(JM)=niwan. ['new']

nlweb=4neowolnlwerne (y) tender, M.nlwaatofta=neweaeotianlwlan to renew, restore, El,Lcd. ['new



nlwiht=nahtnffiersoyfe m. rushing downwards, descent, nlwllc (y) fresh, adv. -lice lately, recently,

^,A0. ['newly']

nlwllnga (eo) anew, GD266**.nlwnes f. 'newness,' novelty, BH($o).nlwol=neowolnlwtyrwed newly tarred, B295.nlwung f. rudiment, OEG914.nlwunga (eo) adv. newly, anew.

HGl468.nlfterslge (y

1) m. going down, LPs.

nftterstXgan =ni6era8tigannlferitlge (y

1) m. descent.

nHfertorflan to throw down, GPH390.nftterung t humiliation, downthrow,demnation, BH(y),OEQ. ['nither']

+nl8erung f. abasement, M : condemnation, nlxtnlg=nistig

M. no(CP)=nanlfterweard adj. directed downwards, adv. noctera m? n? noctum (religious service),

weardes. CM220™.nlfteweard situated beneath, low, nethermost. +nog, +ndh I. adj. enough, sufficient, abun-nl&ful envious, quarrelsome, ill-disposed, evil,

M. ['nithfuU']

nrtfullloe maliciously, ^SH1-46M.

nlttgfestt (y1) m. hostile alien, fell demon.

nlftgetton n. attack, n. evil deed, B683.nlVgrama m. anger, malice, W 180*.

nlSgrimj fierce, hostile.

nltfgrlpe m. fierce grasp, B976 ? [or f nyd-]

dant, An,Bo,RB;CP : much, many.II. adv. sufficiently, Bo : fully, quite,

abundantly, Bo. ['enough']+ndglan to be abundant, NC345.ndh-=nah-nolde v. *nyllan.

nom pret. 3 sg. of i

nom-, nome-=nam-non m. title of senior monks, RB.

nrtheardt (and EPs27«) bold, brave in battle. ndnfn(m. RB73") the ninth hour («3p.m.),nrthell f. hateful hell, HL15"*.

' nlShetet m. hostility, evil intent : affliction,

torment : foe, An 833?nlShyogendet evil-scheming.

nltfttfdlg (fi«) valorous, B3165.nltttg envious, malicious, OEG p. 224n.

nffilng m. wretch, villain, coward, outlaw,

Chr,LL. ['nithing']

+nlUlat m. enemy : enmity, fierceness


nlffllce adv. abjectly, OEG 744.

nlttloca m. place of torment, Hbll64.nftor (eo, y) oomp. adv. lower, ^S,CP.ntifplega m. battle, fight, An414.nrtr-=nioer-nlfeoeatfa m. foe, persecutor, Rd 16m.

nlBsclpe m. wickedness, LPs710.

nfflsele m. hall of conflict. B 1513.

nlttsynn f. grievous sin, Sat 180.

nttftfast mpl. men.nffiweorc n. battle, fCHB973.

B,BH,Lcd : nones (service held at the ninthhour), BB,WW. to nones till three o'clock.

['noon' ; L. nona (hora)]

ndnbelle f. noon-bell.

ndngereord n. meal after nones, dinner, RB74«.

ndnmete m. afternoon meal, 8ol,WW.['noonmeat']

nonne=nunnendnsang m. service at 3 p.m., nones.

ndntld f . ninth hour, JE,Bl. [' noontide ']

ndnt&na m. ninth hour.

norU I. adj. comp. nortf(er)ra, snperLnoromest northern, AO. II. adv. oomp.nortfor northwards, Chr,Met : in the north,'north,' AO,B,BL

norttan- adv. from the north, AO. be...norftan prep. (w. d.) north of, AO.

norftaneastan adv. from the north-east, north-easterly, AO.

norSaneaitanwlnd m. northeast wind, WW.

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Norfanbymbre, Nortthymbre mp. North-umbrians, Chr : Northumbria. [


nortfanweard northward.nortanwestan adv. from the north-west,

north-westerly, AO.norBanwastanwlnd m. north-west wind,WW8".

norianwlnd m. north wind.norBdaM m. north quarter, northern part,

north, JB,AO,Chr. ['norihdeal*]

norttduru f. north door, Bl203.norttast sbm. and adv. 'north-east,* BC,Ohr.

norfttastenda m. north-east end, A0141*.

norifeastbyrne £ north-east corner, IN11.nortfaastlang extending north-eastwards, AO.norftemest =norbmestnortfonde m. northern quarter.

nortterne*northern,* Northumbrian, Scan-

dinavian, J8fCkr,Met.norterra (BC,Chr) oomp. adj. v. norti.



norteweard adj. northward, north, AO.norftfole n. northern folk : people of Norfolk.norftgemdra n. northern limit, AO.noronaalf f. north side, north, AO,BL['northhalf*]

nortfhere m. army from the north, Chb910a.Northymbre= (l) Nortianbymbre ; (2)Nbrtihymbriao

Nortfhymbrlso Northumbrian, iE.

norttland n. northern land or shore, AO,Chr.['northland*]

norfflanu f. north lane, Ct.

norftlftode mp. northern folk, Angles, LL.norttllc northern, WW361 1


norttmann m. dweller in the north, Scandi-navian, M,AO,Chr. [' Northman *]

nortfmest (AO,Met) superl. of nortS adj. andadv. ['northmost*]

noiUor (AO) v. nortf. ['norther*]

norflportlc m. north porch, BH 106s.

norttra v. nortf


norttrodor m. northern sky, Gtrl253.nortryhto adv. direct northwards, due north,

Aom".norifea* f. northern sea, 'North Sea, * A&,Chr.nortfsefota m. northern point, promontory,A028».

nortftftod f. northern people, BH50".noHttfanor m. thunder from the north, ES39-351.

Norft-wtalas, -walaa mp. North Welsh (i.e.

not Cornish) : Wales.Norttwealcynn n. inhabitants of (North)Wales, Chb.

norttweard adj. and adv. north, 'northward,*

Chr ;AO.norSweardat adv. 'northwards,* Chr.

norSweg m. a way leading northwards,Ex 68 : Norway.

norflwest adv. 'north-west,* AO,BC.nortfwastanda m. north-west end, AO.

norttwestgem&re m. north-west limit, boun-dary, A08».

norftwlnd m. north wind, WW3788.

nosef f. ness, promontory.nosgrlsela =ncwugrialenosle(^»r 163)=no8tlenostle f. fillet, band, CP,WW. ['nostel*]

nos-ttlrl, -«yr(e)l, -teri (WW) n. 'nostril,*

JS,Lcd.nosu {. gda. nosa, nose 'nose,* JB,Chr,CP.nosugrisle f. nose-gristle.

not m. mark, note, A 8-333. [L. nota]ndtere m. one who makes notes, scribe, writer,

OEG2846. [L. notarius]

ndtaft&snwon =nateahwdnnotgeom industrious, W72 . [nSotan]±nottan to enjoy : use, employ, Bo,RB,WW


iE.CP : discharge an office : (+ ) 'note, * MtL.notu f. enjoyment, use, advantage, utility,

AO,BB : employment, office, discharge of aduty, RB;GP. ['note*; nSotan]

notwrttara m. one who makes notes, scribe,

WW451".ndttt *• daring, boldness : booty, plunder(GK ),

Whale 28Tndfer (CP) =nabw»«er. ['nother*]

nowend m. shipmaster, sailor, NC312.n6w§r=nabw&rno-wiht (CP,VPs), -wubt, -wyht=nabt.['nought*]

nowtfar (BC) =nabw»t$er. ['nouther*]

nu I. adv. 'now,* at present, at this time,

A,AO,Bl,VPs;CV : very recently, A,Bo :

introducing commands, requests (Bl,Cr,Ps)

and arguments (JB,Bo,Cr). nu gen still.

nu glet as yet, stiU. nu <5& now, already,M( 'nowthe *). II. oonj . now that, inasmuch as,

because, since, when, Bl,Bo,VPs;AO,CP.III. interj. lot behold/ comet M. nu la now.+nugan* swv. imnen. pree. 3 ag. +neahto suffice, not to lack.

numen I. pp. of niman. II. 'vulsio,* MkLp. 211 (v. A 16-74).

numol (»x, e*, u*) 'capax,* holding much,

quick at learning, MQr,WW : 'mordax,*quick at seizing, NC313. ['nimble*]

nuna adv. now, WW 254**.

nunfAmne f. nun, GD50, 340.

nunhlred m. nunnery, TC232*.nunltt n. life of a nun, GD 199".nunmynster, nunnanmynster n. convent,

nunnery.nunne f. 'nun,* M,BE : pagan priestess,

vestal, AO.nunscrud n. nun*s dress, TC53811


nustotfa = neweseotia ; ntltfa v. nu.nybtto (VHy)=nymCe+nycled (Gl) = +cynoledn*dl.=nied, II.=neodn*d-=nead-, nled-

njFdbebod n. command, Cheat72.

n?dbe-hdf, -h6nio needful, necessary.

npdboda m. messenger of evil f Ex474.n«dbrlca (e)m.requirement,need,MB.2'l4An .

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nfdbyigu f. toil, trouble, Rm44. nystlan =nistlan ; nyt= (1 ) nytt ; (2) nettn?dbyslg distressed, Jul423. +b$% pree. 3 ug. of +nledan.n^dctoofat m. prison. nytan (e, i) any. pres. 1, 3 eg. nit, 2 nast, pi.

n^doosting f. affliction, Gu 1126. nyton, pret. nyste, nysae not to know, to ben^ddAda m. one who acts under compulsion, ignorant, M,AO,CP. [ne, witan]LL36[26]. nyton ignorant, M. [ne, witan]+n?denllc compulsory, BH62aaB. nyton (Lcd)J=<nieten

itfdfara m. fugitive, exile, Ex 208. nytonde adv. ignoranUy, M.n^dgadalt n. forced dissolution, death. nytondnes =nytenneenpdgenga m. wretched wanderer, Da 633. nytonlic ignorant, M.n^dfestoalla m. comrade in need, B882. nytonnes (e,i)f. ignorance,lazinees,ignominjfn?dg»wald m. tyranny, Cb1461. J3.

nfdglld n. exaction, tribute, W 162u . nytllc useful, profitable. [Ger. nntdich]njdgrtp f. (Rim73), nydgripe m. (B976) nytllenes f. utility, Lcd 1-314*.

coercive grip. nytnes f. use, benefit, convenience.

nydhfimestre («) f. mistress, concubine, nytt I. f. use, utility, advantage, AO,CP :

OEG4451. duty, office, employment, B : supervision,

nfdhelp mf. help in trouble, LL(278«). care, GD180*. II. adj. useful, beneficial,

±n?d-m&g m., -mage f. blood-relation, helpful, profitable, AO,CP. [neotan]cousin, LL. nytte=nettenydmaBgen (e1) n. force, DR117M. ±nyttfan to enjoy, use, Led : eat. ['mifte']

nydn#man to force, ravish, LL. nyttnes=nytnesnydne* f. necessity, LL(158M ). nyttol useful, Lcd 32b.nydnima (e) m. one who takes by force, NG. nyttung (i) f. profit, advantage, WW116*.n?dnlman' (ea) to take by force, abduct, nytu (Jf^7M)=hnutaLL 360[73,2]. nytun=nyton=ne witonn^dnlmu (€) f. rapine, forcible seizure. nytweorfl- =nytwierC-nydntanung f. rapine, abduction. nyt-wlerUe (CP), -wiroe, -wyrtJe (M) useful,

npdrlht n. imperative duty, office : d«c, profitable,

tribute. nytwlerftHe useful, profitable, adv. -Bee, CP.n?dtteowetilng m. bondslave, TC628M. nytwur*-, nytwyrS- -nytwietg-

nfdtteowlgan to reduce to servitude, exact nytwyrifoes (eo) f. utility, WW.servicefrom (an ecclesiastical establishment), nyt$an=neo6anLL381 [21 ]. ny**-, nyoer- = nitier-, niftr- ; njw-=niw-

nydwraeuf f. violence, distress. nywel, nywolMieowol ; n«xt=niebstnydwrftcflce violently, i£L23b4M .

njdwyrhta m. involuntary agent, LL.+nyhe = +neahhe Qnyhct=Uueh8t; nyhfc=!niht

w+nyht fn. ooimdance, fulness, sufficiency, o=on; 6(N)=a; ob, ob- (K)=of, of-

CP. [+nugan] obet (Cp,Ep) =ofet ; obst (Cp217s) =ofoet+nyhtful abundant, plentiful, WW40"4

. oo =ao+nyhtDee abundantly, WW3*. 6c pret. 3 ag. of acan.±nyhtsum abundant : (+) satisfied, con- doon pret. pi. of acan.tented, adv. -lice, VPs. oeusta m. armpit, Gl.+nyhtsumlan to suffice, abound, M. dden (57) f. threshing-floor.

+nyhtsumnes f. abundance, plenty, VPs. ddenoolo hollow serving as a threshing-floor,

+nyn* (W 196") = +nyht? EC121«.nyllan* anv. pret. nolde to be unwilling, JE, +odon = +eodon ; oe-=e~, 6-

B,CP,VPs ;AO : refuse, prevent, PPs5*. oeg (N)=woeg=weg['niU* ; ne, willan] deg-hwer, -hwelo (Cp)=£g-nwSr, -hwilo

nyman =niman ; -nyme v. fore-n. oebt- (N) = eht- ; oembeht (Cp) =ambihtnymne=nemne, nefne oemstfton (=ymb-) f. shoot, slip? (Swt),nymtie conj. unless, except. row [of vines)? (BT), Cp534A.+nyp = +nip oexen= exen v. oxa.nypel m. trunk (of an elephant), M(4**). of I. prep. w.d. *

of, 'from, out of, &,AO,Bl,Q,n^r= near =neah adv. etc. : among, concerning, about, A0,BH :

nyrgend =nergend ; nyrtfra=noroerra by, Chr, etc. : derivedfrom, made of, belong-

rtnyrwan, nyrwian to narrow, curtail, re- ing to, JE,AO,(XP, etc. II. adv. off, away,strict : repress, oppress, constrain : blame, absent, Bl,LL,Mt.threaten, [v. * narrow '] OfieSaplan to buy off, LL 122[74],

nyrwett =nirewett ; nys= nis=ne ifl ofaceorfan' to cut or prune off, AO,CP.nysse, nyste (Bo,Bl, VPs)=ne wiase, ne ofaeslan to find out by asking, be informed,wiflte v. nytan. [

c»mC] hear of, learn, M.

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oUddn anv. tojntHout, fear out,LL86[70,74] '

leave out, except, LL182[10].ottdrtten1 to hurt, chase, drive.

ottdrinean* to drain, M : quench, AO.ottdrygan to dry off, wipe off, CP71U.

otot=ofetofthtewan7 to cut off, ML2i)»*.ofasosaean* to shake off, CM993 : excuse.

ottsdran (e, y) to cut off, LL68[36,6].ofisSottan* to purge, purify, BH288*.ofasltan* to smite off, Chb.ofatton' to pull out, withdraw, CP.offcdan (M) = ofacsianofbftatan7 to beat to pieces, beat to death, hiUy

AO.ofbttndlan to blind, JnLR12«.ofoalan6 to chiU, make or grow cold, M,Rim24?

ofettplan to obtain by catting, callfor, M.ofeuman4 to springfrom, be derivedfrom, M.ofoyrf m. a section, cutting, M : amputation,M.

oftol inclined (downwards), Bo53".of-dsele, -dele n. decline, declivity, descent,

abyss, CP.of-don any. pret. -dyde to put out, put off,take off (clothes).

ofdrfidan7 (but wk. pp. ofdrftdd) to fear, beafraid, terrified, M,CV.

ofdrtfan= ofadrifanofdune adv. down, AO,CP.ofduneheald adv. directed downwards.ofdflnesettan to set down, VHy.ofdunestfgan1 to descend, VPs.ofdune-weard, -weardes adv. downwards,GD.

ofdunrihte downwards, MPH 170.

ofearmlan to be pitiful, ERSPs36n.

ofeannung f. compassion, BlP3102*.ofihtan to persecute, RPs4317


ofel§te=o(Ueteofen m., gs. oine* furnace, MtLR : 'oven,*


ofenan=ufenanofenbaosn baked in an oven, J3.

ofen-raea m., -racu f. oven-rake, WW.ofer I. prep. [w. d. (rest) and a. (motion)]

* over, ' beyond, above, upon, in, across, past,

M,AO,CP, etc. ofer bac backwards, back


throughout, BH : against, in contravention

of, contrary to, beyond, AO,BH,Bl,Chb :

(time) after, through, during, at the end of,

AO,Chr,Lcd : more than : in addition to,

besides, beyond, BoJLL,Mk. II. adv. above,

on high, PPs : to or on the other side, AO :

from side to side, across, AO : beyond, above(quantity), A,BH.

dfer (o*) m. (gs. dfres) border, margin, edge :

brink, river-bank, seashore, M,B,Lc& ; AO.['over'; v. Mdf]

oferAt m. gluttony, feasting, excess, CP ; M :

feast, ['overeat']

oferfete gluttonous, RB17".oferahebban= ofernebban

oferbacgetftung f. tetanus,WW 112*.

oferbebtodan' to rule, WW 178".

oferbeeuman4 to come in addition, supervene,


oferbeeumendlle supervening.ofer-Mon anv. pros. 3 pi. -sind to be over,

command, CM 112 ;WW 178".oferbldan1 to outlast, outlive, TC. ['over-


oferblternes (y*) f. excessive bitterness, 8Ps.[' overbitterness ']

oferbllea m. surface, OET18144.

oierblltfe too light-hearted, CP.oferbrddan to spread over, suffuse, be spreadover, overshadow, cover over, CP ; M.[' overbrede']

oferbrddels m. outside, surface, covering :

coverlet, veil, garment, JS,CP : cerecloth,

MF153.oferbriw m. eye-brow, Lod 3*188s. [briew]

oferbrecan4 to transgress, violate, AO.oferbreaan= oferbregdanoferbredels (KGl) = oferbriedels

oferbregdan* to draw over, cover, overspread :

be covered over, show a film over.

oferbru f. eye-brow, Gl.oferbryeglan to span as by a bridge, JR.


ofere&fed overlaid with ornament, GPH394.oferoeald excessively cold, Runll. ['over-


oferoerr m. passing over, MtL lu. [eierr]

ofercldan to chide sharply.

oferddung f. chiding, reproof, EPs 149*.

oferellf n. steep place, overhanging cliff,WW480*.

ofereHmban* to climb over, 40134". ['over-


oferereeft m. fraud, LL(166*).ofareuman4 to overcome, subdue, compel,

conquer, AO,BJjcd,WW ;CB : obtain,

attain, reach, overtake, BH,CpJud,WW.['overcome']

ofereyme m. arrival, BH436".ofercyftan to outdo by preponderance of oaths,

v. LL2-689.oferddn anv. to 'overdo,' do to excess, M.oferddne tSing excesses, JR.

oferdrene (JE)


oferdrynooferdrenean to make drunk, intoxicate, AO,CP.

oterdrlfan1 to overcome, defeat, dispense, JR,

DR : confute, M : cover (by drifting sand),

AO : outvote, LL. ['overdrive']

oferdrinc = oferdrynooferdrincan' to drink too much, get drunk,

CP,LL. ['overdrink']

oferdrinoere m. drunkard, HL \29$>1U .

oferdruneen I. n. drunkenness, LL. II. ptc.

drunk.oferdruneennos f. drunkenness, intemperance,

;E,CP.oferdrync m. over-drinking, drunkenness,

CP : revelry, feasting, [v. 'overdrink']

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oferdyro n. lintel, WW280".ofere offer, across, v. L^&ofereaea m. surplus, overplus, remainder,addition, increase, J3.

ofereald (y) very old, RB61".ofarealdormannm.cAM/o

JJic«r,BH2641<v L).

ofertea=ofereaeaofereldu (HLll*N)=oferyldaofertt=ofer»tofer-etol (CP), -eotol, -ettol gluttonous.

oferetolnes f. gluttony, CP.ofeiter n. passing over, NG.ofertoreld n. passage, journey over or across,

M^O.oferf&t too fat, WW. [




ofertotfman to envelop, overshadow.oferfaran* (intr.) to pass, cross, go over,

Ps : (tr.) traverse, go through, penetrate,

Oen,W ;M,AO : come across, meet with,overtake : pass through, withstand, overcome,['overfare']

oferfeallan7 to attack, Bl203.oferfeng I. m. fibula, buckle, clasp, Gl.II. prat. 3 ag. of oferf6n.

oforfeohtan* to conquer, CP.oferfiran to traverse, cross, pass over orthrough, ££,A0 : come upon, meet with.

ofertorlan to carry over, transport, OEG3680.oftrftrnes f. chance of crossing, fordableplace, BH581


oferftttre overloaded, y. ES43-312.oferfll=oferfyll

oforflftdan to overflow, flood, Lod.oferfltde in flood, Lod.oferneon' to fly over, M : flee from, yield

to, B2625.oferffltan1 to overcome, beat, confute, AO.oferflowan7 to flow over, run over, * overflow,


AOJuk.ofer-fldwednea, -fl6wen(d)nes f. excess,


ofer-nowend (MB), -fldwendlic (Bk18)superfluous. [* overflowing*] adv. -lice.

oferflownes f. superfluity, CP.oferfdn7 to seize, take prisoner, AO.oferfrtoednei f. pressure, oppression, V*Ps31 7


oferfroren frozen over, AO.oterfull too full, LPs. [' overfull']

oferfundennes f. trial, experiment, OEG643.oferfylgan to pursue, attack, CP.ofer-fyll, -fyfiu f. surfeit, gluttony, excess,

Bo,Lcd;M,CF. ['overfyll1


oferfyllan to cram, RB,WW.ofertylnei f. surfeit, excess, GD339*.oferfyrr f. excessive distance, A024*1

. [feorr]

ofergdgan to transgress, IE.

ofergAgednes f. transgression, M.ofergAgend m. transgressor, JEL30411.

ofer-gftn anv., -gangan7 to pass over, beyond,across, traverse, cross, JB,Lcd, VPs ; AO,CP:transgres*, MtL : overrun, overcome, over-

spread, conquer, Chr,Ex,Lcd,Rd ; IE : comeupon, overtake, seize, attack, M,An pass

off, pass away, end, AO,CP. [* overgo,9


oforgaplan to beforgetful of, neglect, RB 1 12a.

ofergeare old, Lod 19a.

oforgoatu f. oblivion, PPsl28*.ofergeatul= ofergitol

olergedrync n. excess in drinking, BL99*1.ofergedyre = oferdyreofergemet n. excess, AS,CP.ofergimnes f. watching for, NG. [gieman]ofergenga m. traveller, Lod.ofergenlhteumlan to superabound, So 131".ofergeong (=gang) m. going across.

ofergeotan = ofergietan

ofergeotan* to pour upon, suffuse, flood, over-

whelm, M.ofergeotendo forgetful, BH114". [ofer-


ofer-geotol, -geottob=tofergitol

ofergesettan to set over, CP,VPs.ofergestondan* to stand over.

oforgetUlan to overcome, jEL23bm.

ofergetlmbran to erect, Bl205.ofergetol- = ofergitol-

ofergeweoro n. superstructure : sepulchre, M.ofergewrlt n. superscription, inscription.

ofergietan* to forget, disregard, neglect, CP.ofergttre gluttonous, CP.oferglldan=ofergyldanofergbnan to neglect, disregard.

ofergltan= ofergietan

ofer-gltol, -gittol (ea, eo, y) forgetfulofergltollan (e, eo) toforoet, JVPs.ofergltolnes (e, eo, y) f. forgetfulness.

ofergtaenged over-adorned, LL(386M ). [glen-

ofergfldan1 to glide over, traverse, pass over,

overshadow, JE.

ofergrMlg too covetous, W. ['overgreedy']

ofergrdwan7 to overgrow, CP336^.ofergumlan to neglect, disregard, RB 113*.

ofergyld giU, M.ofergyldan (i) to encase, overlay or adorn withgold, iE,CP.

ofergylden overlaid with gold, LL460[10].oferg$man= ofergimanofergyrd pto. girt, GPH394.ofergytan = ofergietanofergytnes f. oblivion, forgetfulness.

oferhaoele f. hood, LL(140").oferbangen covered, GD20219


oferheafod adv. especially, in particular, M.[Oer. uberhaupt]

oferheah very tall, lofty, Run26. ['over-



oferhealdan7 to put off, neglect.

oferhealfheafod n. crown of the head, WW166".

oferhearglan = oferherganoferhebban* to pass over, omit, neglect, AO,LL ; CP. [' overheave *]

oferhellan to cover over, conceal, Sc ; CP.['overhele']

oferhetanlan to overshadow, B1364.

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oferhelung f. covering, veiling, concealing,So223*.


oferheortnes f. vehemence of feeling, AO166**. ' ' ^

oferhergean to overrun, ravage, AO.oferhldlg= oferhygdigoferhleran (eo, y) to 'overhear,' hear, AO :

disobey, disregard, neglect, AO.oferhlernes (6, 1, y) f. neglect, disobedience :

fine for transgression of law or legal orders(<=' superauditio'), LL.

oferhlgd = oferhygdoferhlge ? m. pride, PPs 87'. [hyge]oferhlglan to delude, trim the head of, B2766.oferhlran (AO) = oferhleranoferhlastan to overload, AO.oferhltepan7 to jump over, surmount, over-come, BH : pass over, Led. ['overleap']

oterhltepend m. over-leaper, WW 190*.oferhltettrian to surpass in loudness.oferhltotfur failing to hear, PPs 93*.oferhllfan1 (OEG), oferhlifian (;E,CP) totower over, overtop, excel, exceed, surpass.oferhmung f. loftiness, sublimity, Gl.ofer-hlud, -hlyde clamorous, noisy, WW.['overloud'] adv. -hlfide.

oferhtyp m. a jump (over something), A8-308; 316.

oferhlyttrian to clarify, strain, iEGB222*.oterhoga m. despiser, proud man.oferhoglan to despise (Bl,Bo). ['overhow']oferhoglend m. despiser, RB48*.oferhogodnos f. pride, disdain, GD144*.oferholt n. phalanx of shields, Ex 157.oferhrAgan (w. d.) to tower above? Sol36.oferhrtfan to roof over, cover.

oferhrtred overthrown, WW.

oferhrops greediness, WW1021*.

oferhryfan= oferhreianoferhrfred= oferhriredoferhyegean to despise, AO,CP.ofer-tyd, -hyd-=ofer-hygd, -hygdoferhygd (i) I. fn. pride, conceit, aCP. II. adj. haughty, proud.

oferhygdgian to be proud, CVPs9*».oferhygdlg I. n. pride. II. adj. haughty,proud.

ofer-hygdiglloe, -hidlice, arrogantly, NC313.oferhygdu f. = oferhygd I.

oferhylmend m. dissembler, PPsll8lw.

oferhlran = oferhleranoferhfre heedless, neglectful, LL(244*«).oferhyrned having horns above, Bun 2.

oferhprnes f. heedlessness, neglect, dis-obedience, LL.+oferlan to elevate, HGl428.oferldyUIee vainly, emptily, CPs30*.oferlng f. superabundance, Bo.oferlad f. 'translation solemn removal of thebody or relics of a saint to a shrine, DR62*.

oferMMan to oppress, Bl. ['overbad ']

oferlAfan to be left over, remain, LkLB.[' overUave']

oferiagu f. cloak, Gl.

, arrogance,

oferleogan to place over, CM899 : overburden,surfeit, HL11**;12T».

oferleof very dear, Bun23.oferleoran to pass over, or by z transgress,prevaricate.

oferleornes f. transgression, CPs 100*.oferUbban to survive, &Qr,TC. ['overlive']oferllce excessively, W. [v. 'overly']oferllfa (y») m. excess, NC348.oferUnan= oferhlifian

oferllhtan to light upon, <£L23b*M : excel inbrightness.

oferlfSan1 to pass over.

oferlufu f. too great love, W. ['overlove']oferlyfa=oferlifaoferlyftllo above the air, NC314.ofermsecgat m. very illustrious being.ofermegenf n- overpowering might.ofermsMtan to over-fatten.

ofermAte excessive, immoderate, AO,CP.['overmete']

ofermftUle vast, A0521*.

ofennAto = ofermettoofermagan awv. to have greater power, pre-vail, Sc97».

ofermaftum m. costly treasure, B2993.ofermeareung f. superscription, MkL pS1


ofermMe I. n. pride, CP. II. adj. proud,arrogant, [moil]ofermMla m. haughtiness, pride.ofermtdu (CP)= oferme'ttoofermete m. gorging, gluttony, CP.ofermetto f. (often in pL) pride, ;E,AO,CP.ofermlcel over-much, excessive, AOJtB.[' overmichle']

ofermicelnes f. excess, So 13.

ofermdd (1) n. pride, insolence, Gen,Ma.['overmod'] (2) adj. proud, overbearing,insolent, Bl;M,CP.


ofer-modgian (CP), -m6dig(i)an to be proud,arrogant.

ofermddgung f. pride, CP.ofermodlg proud, arrogant. Led ;AO. [v.'overmod']

ofermodignes f. pride, haughtiness, arro-gance, Mlc. [v. 'overmod']

ofermodllo proud, haughty, insolent, CP.adv. -lice.

ofermddnes= oferaddignesoferneod f. extreme need, Bx,LL.oferniman* (y) to take away, carry off, seize,


oferndn fn. afternoon (after 3.0, WW175*7


oferorn= oferarn pret. 3 sg. of oferyrnan.oferprfU 'over-proud,' presumptuous, arro-gant, haughty, 8c.

oferpryda m. excessive pride.oferr&dan to read over, M : consider, infer,['overread']

oferrano too luxurious, JF461. ['overrank']

oferreoean to confute, convince, convict, CP.oferrencu f. extravagance, W46*.oferricsian to rule over, CP1191*.

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oferrldan1 to ride across, BH. [' override9

] oferswlmman* to swim over or across, Boferrowan7 to row over, M. 2367. ['overswim 9


ofersAlle on the other side of the sea, BH 246*. oferswlngan* ttransverberare9

! GD344".ofersAllg excessively happy, DD246. oferowftfan (y) wv. and by1 to overpower,ofenAltff. excessive pleasure, Mbt6,t

. overcome, conquer, vanquish, JE,AO,CP :

otenAwlae from across the sea, foreign, excel, surpass.

ofersiwan7 to sow over, Mtl3M. oferswfSe adv. over-much, excessive.

ofersceadan7 to scatter over, sprinkle over, oferswfSestre f. 'victrix,9 WW224W.

LoD67b. oferswrtnes f. pressure, distress, NG.ofer-seeadJan (CP), -soeadewian to over- oferswffirian to prevail, conquer.

shadow. oferswlthing f. pressure, distress, NG.oferseeatt m. usury, interest, MtR26t7

. ofenwdgan7 to cover, choke, Bl203*,oferseeawlan to superintend, LL. oferswfBan= oferewioanofeneeawlgend m. overseer, bishop, LL. ofersylfrian (AO) =oferaeolfrian

ofersclnan1 to illuminate. ofen*man to overload, oppress, [seam]ofenefkan to overshadow. ofertwl n. odd number, Lod 1 *288.

oferseam m. bag, LkL12n. ofertftle superstitious, Sc218*.ofersecan to overtax, B2686. oferteldan* to cover over, Ex 81.

ofersegl m. top-sail, WW 7*. oferteon1 to draw over, cover, M : finish.

ofersegllan to sail across, Mt. [' oversail '] ofertogennes f. fAe cotulttion o/ being covered.

ofersegon =ofereawon pret. pi. of ofeneon. ofertrahtnian to treat of, MR 1*202*.

otenenaan to transmit, &&R1721*. ofertredan to tread down, OPH. ['over-

oferseocnes f. great illness, "LL. tread']

oieraeolfrian (y ) to cover over with silver, AO. ofertrQwa m. over-confidence, 1X180,8,7.ofeneon6 to see over, overlook, survey, observe, [' overtrow



see, Bo : despise, neglect, W. ['oversee*] ofertrQwlan to trust too much, CP.ofereettan to set over, VPs : overcome, GD ofertearf f . great need, extreme distress.

347M. oferttearfa m. one in great need, Cr 163.

ofersittan6 occupy, possess, Bo,VPs : forbear, oferfieccan to cover over, hide, M.desist, refrain from, JE,B. ['oversit


] oferteon1'5 to excel, surpass, M,CP.ofersleege =oferalege oferitoht thought over, considered, GD31010.

oferslAp m. too much sleep, Lod 1-342". oferftreawlan (a*)*increpare, * EPS67*1.

oforslesn* to raotJue, otrercome, RB32". oferflrycoednes (i) f. pressure, oppression,

oferslege n. lintel, M. CPs317.

oferslop n. loose upper garment, surplice, ofeiHrymm m. excessive power, DD52.stole, Lcd,LkL. ['overslop


] oferwaclan to watch over, AS. ['overwake9


oferslype m. over-garment, surplice, M, oferwadan* to wade across, A012n . ['over-

ofersmeaung f. too exhaustive consideration, wade 9


CP97". oferwealdan' to get the better of, LL454[7].ofersprAe f. loquacity, CP. oferwaaldend m. ovtr-lord, ruler, El 1236.

ofersprAee talkative, tattling, tale-bearing, oferweaxan* to overgrow, overspread, JC,BLiE,CP. ['overwax



ofersprAdan to overlay, cover, RB. oferweder n. storm, tempest, Chr794b.oferspreca m. onewhotalkstoomuch,OEG 28*. oferwellg very rich, NC 314.

ofersprecan* to say too much, be abusive. ofer-wennan, -wenian to be proud, becomeoferspreoe = ofersprieoe insolent or presumptuous.oferspreeol talking too much, tattling, oferweore n. sarcophagus, tomb, JB,OEG.indiscreet, CP. ['overwork



oferspreeolnes f. talkativeness, CP3081". oferweorpan* to throw over, overthrow, CP,oferstAlan to confute, convict, convince, M, Led : throw down, assault, LL56[11,1] : cast

CP. something over another, sprinkle : stumble?ofersteppan* to over-step, cross : exceed. B 1543. ['overwarp



oferstandan* to come upon, BH 308M. oferwlgan to overcome, Sol299.ofersteall m. opposition, MR 1 •534t0. oferwlllan7 to boil down, [weallan]oferstealla m. survivor, MH 210". oferwlnnan'to contend wifyovcrcome, subdue,oferstellan tojump over, BH400tt

. M,AO ; CP. ['overwin9


ofersteppan = ofersteppan oferwlntran to go through the winter, WW.ofersttgan1 to climb over, mount, scale, sur- ['overwinter



mount, overcome, AO ; M,CP : surpass, oferwlst f. gluttony, excess, CP.excel, exceed, BH ; M,CP. ['oversty


] oferwlstUc supersubstantial, MtL6".olerstfge m. astonishment, ^JL23m. oferwlenoan to be very wealthy, A044".oferstfgendllc superlative, MQr 15u. [wlanc]ofersttgennet 'extasis,

9 passing over, OEG oferwleneuf. excessive riches, Gu 389.406. oferwrecan6 to overwhelm, WW36".

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oferwreon1'* to cover over, conceal, hide, VPs :

clothe, ML ['overwry*]

oferwrlgels n. covering, Gl.oferwrlt n. epistle, MtL plO1.

oferwyllan= oferwillanoferwyrcan to cover over, overlay, Sol ; M,AO. I


oferyld (WU7l7)= o£eryldii

oferyldu f. extreme old age, MFH 170.

oferyrnan3 to go or run over, M,Lcd : 'over-

run,' cover over, overwhelm, JE,BH : runpast, cross.

ofer?6 f. overwhelming wave, SPs64M.

oleso f. oorderf KC3-393W.

ofest, ofestan=ofost, ofstanofet, ofett (ffi) n. ^tti*, legume, Qen,WW.i'ovet*]

ofetrip? n. harvest, ZDPh 36-550.

ofeweard=ufeweard; offdran=af&ranoffaran* to intercept, overtake, fall upon,attack, &,AO. hindan o. to interceptfrombehind, cut off retreat, AO.

ofleallan7 to fall upon, cut off, kill, destroy,

end, J£,Chr ; AO : fall awayfrom, be lost to,

LL144[6]. hine offeoll committed suicide,' Chb962a. ['offaU']offeUan=offyIlanoffiran to overtake (an enemy), M.oflerenda m. psalm or anthem sung duringthe offertory, iEP168w ; ANS84-5".

offerian to carry off, B 1583.offestre f. a woman ofsome unknown catting f


offMogan* to fly away.offrian to 'offer,


sacrifice, bring an oblation,

M*AO% VPs ; CP. [£. offerre]

oftrlngcla* m. offertory cloth, NG314.offrlngdagas mpl. offering days, OEG40".ofhingdlse m. offerxng-dish, paten, Ct.ofhinghl&f m. shew-bread, Mtl2«.ofbingsang m. hymn while an offering is

made, ^Hl-218»; jEP214»offrlngsceat m. offering-napkin, BC3-366.

offrung f. presenting to Ood, oblation,

sacrifice, M,Mt : thing presented, 'offering,9

JR. [offrung- v. also offring-]

offrunghus n. house of sacrifice, NC314.offrungsplo n. sacrificial bacon, ML259t


oftyllgan to follow up, LkLB la.

offyllan to strike down, destroy, kill.

of-gin anv., pret. -eode; -gangan7 to de-

mand, require, exact, extort, M : attain,

obtain, acquire, gain, M : start from, begin.

Uofgo']ofgangend-e, -lie derivative, JSGr.ofgefen (Cp)=ofgifen pp. of ofgiefan.

ofgtotan* to moisten, soak, steep, J£ : quench,M.

ofgerad fining, Bo8s.

offcestignes f. descent, MtL p6x.

ofgiefan* (i, y) to give up, resign, leave, quit,

desert, AO. [giefan]

ofnabban to hold back, M.ofnaglan to be inconvenient, W.

ofhealdan7 to withhold, retain.

ofhearmlan (impers.) to cause grief.

ofhende (out of hand), lost, absent, Met25*.

ofhlngrlan to be hungry, JB(3M1 ). [*o/-


olhnltan to gore to death, LL32[21].ofhrtosan* to overwhelm, cover over, J£ : fall

down, fall headlong, M.ofhreowan* to cause orfeel pity, A&. ['arewe ']

ofhwylfan to roll up? ARHy 2".

oflrnan* to overtake, M,Bo : tire with running,M. ['ofrun']

oflfitan7 to let go, lay aside, leave behind : let

flow, Bo66w .

ofl&te (a, e) f. oblation, offering, Ps : sacra-

mental wafer, M,Lcd. ['oficte'; L. ob-lata]

oflfithlaf m. sacramental wafer, GD343".oflanglan to long, M. ['oflonged*]

ofiftte(FP*)= oflate

ofleogan to lay down, PP&681.

oflftogan' to lie, be false, PPs 17«.

ofitte=oflaHeoflicgan* to overlay (a child), LL. [




oflloian (w. d.) to displease, be displeasing

to, M.ofllnnan* to cease, stop, BL2479.

oflonglan = oflangian

oflystan to fill with desire, please, Bo ; M.pp. of-lysted, -lyet desirous of, pleased

with, loflust*]ofmanlan to exact (a fine), LL.ofmunan swv. to remember, recollect, CP.ofmyrtfrian to murder, Ghb979b.ofn=ofenofntedlan to obtain by force, extort, TC295*.ofnet n ? closed vessel, Lod lib. [ofn]

ofnlman* to fail, LL(170*).ofor=(l)eofor; (2)ufor; (3) ofer

6for=dferofost f. haste, speed, zeal, M. adv. -lice.

on ofoste, of(e)stum speedily, hastily.

ofr (GL)=hoferofraecan to get through (an ordeal) success-

fully, LL333 col 2.

dfres gs. of 6fer.

ofrian, ofrung (AO)= offrian, offrung

ofrfdan1 to overtake by riding, overtake, M,Chr. ['ofride']

ofsaoan* to deny a charge, LLlOSBn. 5.



ofscacan* to shudder, OEG4160.ofsoeamlan (a) to put to shame, M,Bo.['ofshame*]

ofsctotan3 to shoot down, hit, kill, M,AO,CP.pp. ofscoten elf-struck (of cattle seized withsudden disease).

ofscleaones (APs43t*)= of8legennes

ofsootlan to shoot dead, AO.ofsendan to send for, summon, Chr 1048.V ofsend



ofseon' to see, behold, M. ['ofsee9


ofsetenes f. siege, WW458*.ofsetnlan to besiege, NO 349.

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ofsettan (») to beset, oppress, afflict, Hept,Lcd;M. [


qfseT\ofsettung f. pressure, So 143*.

ofslttan* to press down, repress, oppress, M,CP : occupy, Hept,Bo ; CP : hedge in, com-pass about, besiege, ['o/nf *]

otsltan* to strike off or out, cut off : strike

down, kiU,AO,BH,Led ;M,CP. V ofslay1


obtogennM f. danga/er, JRVPs43tt.

ofsHtan* to bite (of a serpent), &.ofsmorlan to suffocate, strangle, AO.ofsnlttan1 to cut off, kill, M.olsprlng m. 'offspring,* descendants, pos-terity, JB,CD.

otspyrtan to trace out, LL96[17].olst=ofoetotstseppan* to trample upon, M,ofstandan* to remain, persist, continue, Led ;

M : restore, make restitution, ['ofstand']

ofetode adv. immediately, So 193M.

ofstonde AofOninp, CM 186.

ofstloian to pierce, stab (to death), transfix,

AO.ofetlg wi/*, QPH392.ofsttngan* to pierce, stab (to death), AO,Chr


M,CV. Vofsting']

otsUnt (= ofstent) pros. 3 sg. of ofstandan.

otstUoe=ofostliceofstofen impelled, PPs.otstum v. ofost.

otswelgan* to swallow up, Bo461*n.

otswerian to abjure, deny on oath, LL.ofswlngan* to scourge (to death), AO 154s.oft adv. comp. oftor, superl. oftost often,

frequently, UP,0 ; M. oftost svmle con-

tinually, o. and gelome diligently, ['oft']

ottacan* to overtake, NC326 (late).

ottalu f. rejoinder, verdict against a claim,

TC302"oftfton* to withhold, withdraw, M,C¥.oftftftre requiring manyjourneys to carry, v.

£843-312.otthr«d-=oftr»d-oftlge m. withholding, LL.oftorflan to stone to death, J3,AO.oftrAde often or always available : frequent.

Bo 136".

oftrftdllo frequent, AO. adv. -Hoe, CP.oftredan* to tread down, trample on, tread to

death, jE,AO. ['oflread']

oftstti m. frequent occasion, AO. on oftsittas

frequently, Chb979c.oftftwtal n. frequent washing, NC314.oftyrfan to stone, AO 172*».

ofMnan to moisten, Lcd.o«e or, OEG ll 1" and n.

offieegan to destroy, Gen 2002.

oftteflan to dry upJ iEL341".

oflfencan to recall to mind, CP349".ofttennan = ofSsennanoftfinctt pros. 3 sg. of oftSyncan.

oftftnen moist (pp. of *ofoTnan).

of-Vreooan (KGl), -6riccan=of5ryccanoftfrlngan* to throng, press upon, M.

offirycean (e, i) to press, squeeze,M : oppress,

afflict, repress, M : occupy forcibly.

of-tfrycosdnes, -tiryenes f. distress, trouble,

oppression, CP.offirysean to repress, subdue, CP.oMSrysmlan, -tiiysman to choke, stifle.


offiylman to choke, suffocate, NC314.oftfynean (impers. ) to give offence, insult, vex,

displease, weary, grieve, J£JLOJi,Bo,CP,LL. ['ofthink']

oftfyrstan to sufferfrom thirst, be thirsty, thirst

(for), Hept,8oul ; M. ['athirst,' 'ofthirst']

ofttystrian to obscure, SPs73n. [Seostrian]

ofunnan swv. to begrudge, deny, grudge, envy,M,CP.

ofweard( MFH170) =arfweardofweorpan3 to stone (to death), kiU by amissile, M,AO.

ofworplan to kill (by stoning), LL.otwundrtan to be astonished, M.otfrlt (WW385w)=afyred pp. of ifyian.6ga m. fear, terror, dread, A : terrible object,

M. [ege]

dgengel m. bar, bolt, WW45919.

6-hllde (e1, y»), -heald sloping, inclined, Gi*.

6hsta=6custa6ht I.f f. persecution ffear f [op. Oer. aoht]II.=awuht

ohtrtp v. ofetrip.

6-hwAr, -hwaeoer = -a-hw&r, -hwaeCerohwanon =ahwonan ; dnylde= 6hilde

61 pret. 3 sg. of alan.

61Ac-=oleoe-; olbend=olfend±6ieaean (e, i) to soothe, caress, flatter :

please, charm, propitiate, CP. peccan]dlecoere, Sleoere m. flatterer, CP(i).

dleccung (») f . soothing, flattery, persuasion,allurement, charm, CP.

dleotend m. flatterer, Cpl619. [=6lecoendpres. pto. of Slecean]

dlectung (MFH 170) =6lehtung61ehtung f. flattery, MFH 170.

61tei=alf»tolfend mf., olfenda m. camel, Bl,Mt;CP.['elfend"; L. elephantemj

olfendmyre f. she-camel, JS.


oil n. contumely, contempt, scorn, insult, JE.on oil 'nequicquam,' OEG2000.

ollono, ollnno, ollung (LWS ; A)=andlang6«Jwong m. strap, WW379*1


dlyhtword n. flattering speech, Bl99*.[oleccan]

6m m. rust, m. ome? f. a liquid measure, v. NC314. [L. (h)ama; Oer. ohm]oman fp. eruptions of the skin, erysipelas,Lcd. [cp. he&lsome]omb-=amb-6moynn n. corrupt humour, Lcd 31a.omer (a1 , e1 ) a bird, 'scoreUus,* Gl.omlan to become rusty, So 196*.

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omlddan = onmiddandmlg rusty, rust-eaten, rust-coloured : in-

flammatory, Lod.dmlht inflammatory, Lcd.ompella= ampella ; ompre =ampre I.

on I. prep. (w. d., inatr., and a.) (local, etc.)1on, upon, on to (but ofer ifl more common),up to, among, AO,CP,Bo,BH,0 : in, into,

within, J£,BH,P8 : (temporal) in, during,

at, on, about, M,AO : against, towards, AO,BH,Mt : according to, in accordance with,

in respect to, JS,Bo,Ps ifor, in exchange for.

II. adv. on, BH,CP '.forward, onward, An :

continuously,M (forS on), on riht rightly.

on fir adv. formerly, on an continuously,

in concert : at once, forthwith. III. pres.

3 sg. of unnan. IV. (M)=ond, andon- I. often meaningless, and only rarely=prep. on. II. = an-. III.=un-onablawan1 to blow on, M.onaddn any. to put on, &L71M.

onftht f. possession, CVPs28.

onftlan to set fire to, ignite, heat, inspire,

incite, inflame, burn, consume, CAr(an-),

Oen,8ol; M,CV. [' anneal{edY]onAlend m. 'incensor,' QPH399.on&let n. lightning, LPs 1436 .

onAr adv. formerly, [on]

onatiele (w. d.) natural to, Met 13".

onfthebban* to lift up, exalt, CP56".onal n. burning : incense, what is burnt.

onarlsan1 to rise up {against), ERPs.onarn pret. 3 sg. of oniernan.onisawan7 to implant, instil, MFH 170.

onasounung=onsounungonasendan to send into, implant in, impartto, OM203.

onasendednes (») f. 'immissio,9 LPs77M.

onasetednes f. a laying on (ofhands), NC349.onasettan to set upon, place on, impress upon,;E,CM.

on&swegan to sound forth, LPs28s.

onawlnnan* to fight against, LPS341; 65s


onbac adv. backwards, bach, behind.

onbaecling (e) adv. backward, behind, o.

gewend having one's back turned, JS.

onbsarnan to kindle, ignite, heat, excite, in-

spire, inflame, burn, AO,CP.on-baerning (JPs6514

), -baernea (SPs) f. in-


onb&ru f. self-restraint? Gu 1027. ,

onbasnung f. expectation, DR 4M.

onbeblawan1 to blow upon, LP&10419.

onbecling (EPs)= onbaecling

onbecuman=oncuman; onbegan,= onbigan

onMgnes f. bending,curvature,WW. [began,biegan]

onbeht=ambihtonbel&dan to inflict upon,WW00.

onben f. imprecation, BH104*.onbeodan* to command, order,AO : announce,proclaim, ;E,AO.

onbeornan* to set fire to, inflame.onbeotend threatening, impending.


onberan* to carry off, plunder : diminish,

weaken.onbergan = onbyrganonbesceawung f. inspection, examination,


onbesceofan* to thrust out, WW220"»U.

onbest&lan to convict of crime, LL30[15].onbestingan=inbeetingan; onbldi=;anbid

onbldan1 to remain, wait : w. g. wait for,

await, expect : attend upon, wait on.

onbigan (e) to subdue, subjugate.

onbiht=ambihtonbindan* to unbind, untie, loosen : disclose.

onbirgan= onbyrganonbltan1 (w. g.) to taste of, partake of, feedupon.

onbMtet m. 'impetus,1

onrush, attack, EHy5».

onbUtetan to break in, WW4281.

onblandan* to mingle, As 675.

onblawan7 to blow into, inspire : puff up,onblawlng f. breathing upon, JnL p8*(in-)«

onblawnes f. inspiration, Bl7m.

onbllnnan (MFH 1 18) =ablinnan j

onblotan* to sacrifice, killa victim, Gkr2933.onbran =onbarn pret. 3 sg. of onbeornan.onbrecan4 to burst upon, attack, destroy.

on-bregdan, -bredan* to move, bow, start up :

burst open.onbrlng m. instigation, LL.onbrlngelle f. instigation, ^L23bm.

onbrosnung f. decay, corruption, EP82010.onbryce m. inroad, OEG2480.onbryrdan (ab-, inb-) to excite, inspire, in-

cite, encourage, M,CV. onbryrd excited,

fired, ardent : contrite, [brord]


onbryrdlng f. incitement, WW410".onbryrdnes (e*) f. inspiration, incitement,

ardour, IE : remorse, contrition.

onbOganV to bend : bow, submit, yield, to

agree with, Bl,Mt ;M,AO : bend aside,

deviate, ['onbow']

onbutan prep. (w. d. a.) and adv. about,

round about : round, around, adv. phr.

west o. faran to go west about.

onbyhtscealo = ambihtaoealoonbyrdan =anbyrdanonbyrgan I. (e, i) to taste, eat, M. II. to be

surety, v. OEG7w.

onbyrglng f. tasting, LcdI-13611.

onbyrhtan to illuminate, Bl 105s1.

onbyiignes f. tasting, BL20911.

oncelg- (N)=oncig-onoennan to bear, bring forth, M.oncer =anoor; onoerran=onoirranonclgan (ei8) to call upon, invoke, DR.onclgnes, onclgung (ei) f. invocation, DR.onolrran (ef y) to turn, alter, change, trans-

form : turn off or away, avert, prevent ;

turn oneself, go.

onoleow =anoleowonollflan (eo, y ) to adhere, stick to, persist in.

onclyflende sticking to, tenacious, Ct.

onolyplan to call upon, JS.


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0, -cnawe known, recognised.

oncnawan7 to understand, know, perceive,

observe. Ma ; J5,CP : acknowledge, confess,

disclose, JE. ['acknotc']on-cnawennes (&), -onawnes (CP) f. ac-

knowledgment, knowledge.onenyasan to cast down, afflict, GPVPs.oncnyttan=ononyttanonoor=anoor; dnora=ancraoncuman4 to come upon, befaLoncunnan awv. to know, Gl : reproach,blame, accuse, CP.

oncunnet f. accusation, JVPs ; BH 212u.

oneunnlng f. accusation, BH212"(b).onewealdan to slay, EPs61*.oncwetfan* to answer, resound, echo, M :


oncymn^oncirranoneftan to make known.oaoJftMM f. hurtful deed. Ah 1181.

oncftflg (EL725)=unoy9ifl?ono^Wf t. pain, distress of mind.ond^andond&lan to infuse, DR.ond&lend m. one who imparts, infuser.

onde-=ande-; onder- =under-ondersllc, ondeelic (DR)=ondrysenlioondesn, ondeanee f. fear, DR.ondglt=andgiet; ondlten=andl6anondllota= ondwleota, andwlitaondlong=andlang ; ondo (NG)=andaondon anv. (1) to undo, open [sun-] : (2) to

put on (clothes), CM390;So83#. [=ondon]onddung I. injection, LoD97b.on-driMan7 (and wv.) pret. 3 ag. -dr€d,

-dried, -dreord (A), also -driedde, pp. -dried

(tr.) to dread, fear, B,Chr,Mt : (refl.) be

afraid, ElfLL ['adread'}

ondriMendllc fearful, terrible, M.ondrAdlng f. dread, fear, terror, AO.ondrenoan to intoxicate, Guth62w.

ondretn =ondryanuondrlnoan* (w. g.) to drink, BH.ondrlallo =ondrysenlic

ondrunonlan to become intoxicated, EPs35*.on-drysenllo, -drys(n)lio terrible.

ondryane terrible : feared, venerated, vener-


ondryraUo= ondrysenlic

ondrysnu=andrysnoondrystllo = ondrysenlic

onds-=ands-; ondw-=andw-one=onoonealdlan to grow old, SPs 31s.

oneardlan to inhabit, GSPs.oneardiend inhabitant, indweller, GD,PPa.onefen, onefn=onemnon-tgan, -egnan (oe) to fear, dread, [flga]

I. prep. (w. d.) abreast of, alongside

of, by, near, during, AO. II. adv. together,

exactly, directly, o. o®m at the same time.

onemnftrowlgan to sympathize, ML2Zbu*.

onerlan to plough up, M, CP.onernlng f. attack, DR361

. [iernan]

dnettan to hasten, hurry forward, be quick,

M : be busy, brisk : anticipate, M,CP.dnettung f. precipitation, CP465".oneUaf=andaonWgung f. breathing on, ERPsl7".onfagnlan to fawn on, Bo 102".

onf&reld n. going on, progress, journey :

going in, entrance : attack, assault, incur-sion, Sc212».

onfSMtnlan to pierce.

onfastfmnes f. embrace, Bl7m.

onfangend m. receiver, ES9-37.onfangennes f. reception, acceptance, M.onfealdan7 to unfold.

onfeall (e) m. swelling, Led. ['onfall*]

onfeallendepto. rushing on.

onfehtan (VPs)»onfeohtan ; onlell=onfeallonteng L= (+) andfeng. IL pret. 3 ag. ofonfdn.

±onfeng-=andfeng-onfoohtan' (e) to attack, assault, fight with,

Chb.onflllende ptc. falling upon, overwhelming,WW4201*.

onfllte (WW)=anfilteonflndan' (but occL wk. pret onfunde) to

find out, learn, perceive, feel, notice, observe,

discover, CP : experience, suffer.

onflndend m. discoverer, GPH391.onflAscnes f. incarnation, Bl81*» ; BHy2".onflyge m., onflygen n. infectious disease

(BT), Lod.onion7 to take, receive, accept, BHJUd,Mt ;M : stand sponsor, Chb : harbour, favourunrighteously, LL : undertake, engage in,

Bl. onfangenum gebede after engaging inprayer i begin : conceive, Ps. ['onfang']onfond m. undertaker, supporter.

onfondlto (an-) 'accipendue,' NC314.onfongenes= onfangennesonforan I. nrep. before (time), at the begin-

ning of, Cnr. II. adv. before, in front of,

Ps. ['afore'


onforddn ptc. destroyed, LPb101u.

onforeweard-um, -an adv. in front, in the

first line, in the fore part, above all, M


A 6-456.

onforht=anforhtonforhttan to be afraid, fear.

onforwyrd n. destruction, CSPs.onfundeines f. experience, Lcd.onfundennes f. explanation : trial, experiment,experience.

onga=anga ; ong&gn, ongSn =ongeanongalan* to charm.ongalend m. enchanter, BlPs 67*.

ongalnes f. song, BRPs70*.ongtn I. = ongean. II. anv. to approach,enter into, ES38* : attack, ES41-325.ongang m. entrance, incursion, assault,


onganganY =ongan; onge=engeon-gftan (a, e) ,-geagn (», e) I. prep, towards,against, opposite to, contrary to, MJJk;

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AO,CP : against, in exchange for. II. adv.opposite, back, JS,Chr,Ct,Lk : *again.


eft o. back again, o. 8»t on the other hand,on the contrary.

ongGancyme m. return, IE.

ongeancyrrendllo relative, jEGb231 17.

ongSanfealdan7 to fold back, roll back,

So 148".ongeanferan (agean-) to return.

ongftanflowende ebbing and flouring, v. OEG

ongeanhworfennes f. turning again, OEG2713.

ongtanhwyrf (ag-) m. return.

ongeanhwyrfan (ag-) to turn again, return.

ongSanlecgan to lay up, store up, So 156*.

ongeansprecan6 to speak against, revile,


ongeanweard going back or towards, AO :

near, Bk4. adv. -weardes, M.onge^LnwBSLtdMoadversative. adv.-lioe,iEGR.ongeanwerlan to revile in return, RB17".[wyrigan]

ongeanwfterlan to oppose, So33M.

ongeanwyrdnes f. opposition, OEG3975.ongeboren in-born, OEG.ongebrecan* to attack, ravage.

ongebrlngan to bring upon : impose, CM36 :

enjoin, CM 1185 : incline, induce, ML25*4*.

ongeolgan to call upon, invoke, RHy 1*.

ongeclgung (ei») f. invocation, DR99U .

ongeeoplloe= ungecoplioeongefaastnlan = onf©stianongefeht n. attack, DR. [feoht]ongeflogen attacked by disease, LcdI'86*1


[op. onflygen]on-gegen, -gegn = ongeanongehreoaan* to rush upon, fall upon.ongehrlnan1 to touch.

ongehtffoes f. advantage, profit, LL476[12].ongel, Ongel= angel I., AngelongeMMan = ingelftdan

ongellhtan (AS2»)=onlihtanon-gemang, -gemongprep. (w. d.) and adv.among, during, CP : meanwhile, CM. o.

ftisum, $&m meanwhile.ongemat=ungemetongan, ongend=ongeanongenseman to take away (from), Guth 14u.

ongenlman4 to take away.ongaotan= ongietanongtotung f. pouring in, Loi>88a.on-gerwan, pp. -gered (VPs)=ongirwanongeseon= onseonongesetenes f. knowledge, BH4741*.

ongesttan* to slay, BH441T.

ongespanan1 to draw on, allure,WW421".onget- = ongiet-

onget&can to enjoin, CM363.ongetlmbran to build up, AO.ongettw&re =unge©weereongewlnn n. assault, So3317


ongewlss = nngewiasongewrlgennei (GD 1391) =onwrigennes


ongteldan* (i) to atone for, be punished for,pay (the penalty) for, AO : pay, offer (gtfis,

sacrifice), [Qer, entgelten]onglan= onginnonglerwan (AS 59*)=ongirwanongietan6 (e, eo, i, y) to grasp, seize : under-stand, learn, recognize, know, distinguish,

judge, consider, Iff(y) ; AO,CP : see, per-ceive : perceive by hearing, hear : feel,

experience : know carnally : get, take away(ag-). Vanget']

ongletenes f. knowledge, understanding :

meaning.onglfan* (») to give back, M : forgive.

onglldan = ongieldanonginn= anginnonglnnan* to begin, attempt, endeavour, try

hard, JB,0;AO,CP. (This vb. is oftenused periphrastioally w. another vb. in theinf., to denote the simple action of thelatter. The compound is best translated

by the historical aorist of the second vb.)


attack, assail : act (ag- ). [' ongin ']

onglnnendllo inchoative, MQr.onglnnes f. undertaking.

on-glrwan pret. -girede I. to unclothe, divest,

rtrip. [=ungierwan] II. toeZo<Ae,EPs 131".

onglt=andgiet; onglt-=ongiet-Ongle (AO), Ongliso= Angle, Engliscongnora T ongnere= angnereOngol=Angel; ongong=ongangongris-, ongrys- =angris-ongrype m. attack, W 187s.

ongryrello horrible, Guth36m.

ongaata=angseta; ongunn6nes=onginnesongy-=ongi-ongyrdan to unbuckle, unfasten, BH 196*.

ongyrnan to impose, inflict on, So 10*.

ongytan= ongietanonh&dian to unfrock, divest of holy orders,

LL66[21].onhSldan (VPs)= onhieldanonhAlef secret, concealed, hidden.

onhStan to heat, inflame, AO,CP.onnaglan (impers.) to be possible or con-

venient, be fating, suit, please, JE tGF : be

at leisure.

onhfttan1t to promise.

onhfttian to become hot, WW.onh&wlan to behold, MLZU1.

onhealdan7 (an-) to keep (peace), Met II*1.

onheaw m. trunk of tree, block of wood forhewing on, WW.

onhebban* (ocol. wk. pret. onhefde) to raise

up, erect, lift up, exalt, JE : leaven : begin :

take away.onhefednes (an-) f. exaltation, RB23*.onheld-= onhield-

onhergian to waste, ravage, BH.onherl- = onhyri-onhettlng f. persecution, OEG2180

onhlcgan =onhyoganonhieldan (CP) (i») to bend, bend down, lean,

recline incline : decline, sink.


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onhleldednes (e*f y1) f. declining, CVPs72«.

onhtorwan (u1, y") to deride, blaspheme, W


onhlglan to despoil, OEG.onhlgiend m. despoiler, OEG2209.onhlndan, onhinder adv. behind, backward.onhinderllng adv. back, PPa.onhlscan= onhyscanonhlldan1 to open, reveal, unclose : appear.onhllnlan to lean on, Gl.onhnlgan 1 to bend down, bow, worship.onhohsnlan to detest? (BT) hamstring,cripple, check? (Bugge), B1944.onhon7 to hang, crucify.

onhragl n. covering, wrap, HGl490.onhrAran=onhreran; onhrfts=onrsefionhrtodan* to adorn (or T onreodan



onhrtoaan* to fall upon, rush upon.ontartran to move, disturb, agitate, arouse,

excite, CP.onhrtnan1 (w. g. or d.) to touch, lay hold of,

CP.onhrine m. touch, contact, Lod 1-3281.onhrop m. importunity, JB.

onhuplan to step back, retire, CP441*.onhwelan4 to bellow back, resound,WW528".onhweorfan* to change, turn, reverse, CP.onhwerfan (y

s) to turn, change, turn round.

onhwerfednes (») f. change, AS 9*.

onhycgan to consider, DA473(i).onhyldan = onhieldanonhyrdanf to strengthen, encourage, [heard]onhyrenes f. imitation, CP.onhyrgend m. emulator, imitator, WW.onhyrlan (e) to emulate, imitate, CP.onhyring f. emulation, imitation, zeal, JE,

CP.onh?rsumian to be busied with, occupied in,


onhyscan (i) to mock at, vilify, reproach :

detest : deceive, [huso]

onlernan* (f) to give way, open [of a door)


'currere,' BPsll8M :

lincurrere,' LL

410[3,6].onlnnan prep. (w. d.) and adv. within, into,

among.onlAo(Cpl725) = onleao, pret. 3 sg. ofonlucan.

onlao-ean, -san to vex, EPs.ontoeeung (e») f. Hrrita,' EPs.onlsedan =inl&danonlftnan to lend, grant, let, lease, CP.onlSpnes (BH128»)=anlipnesonlStan to relax, loosen, let go, permit.frfllfrng = «.T>Hla.ngonlec=anleo; onlee-=onlseo-onleegende (salve) to be applied, Lcd.onlegen f. poultice, Lcd.onlftogan* to misrepresent, Bo.onltoht- = onliht-

onleon1 to lend, grant, give.

onlftotfIan = onlioiganonles- = onliee-

onilc (an-) like, resembling, similar, Mt ; CP.adv. -lice, AO,CP. ['anlikc']

onllcgan* to lay on.

+onlIclan (an- ; -tican, GD75*) to compare :

make like.

onllcnes f. resemblance, likeness, similitude,

Gen. : picture, image, idol, WW; AO,CP :

parable : stature, form. [* anlikeness ]+onlloung (an) f. likeness, NC270.onlleean (e, y) to loosen, setfree, release, CP.onnesednes (i1 ) f. remission (of sins), AHy9".

(y) m. liberator, CPs39M.

(e) f. deliverance.

onHgan (in-) to inflame, Ps.onlThtan (eo, y ) to illuminate, give light to,

enlighten, Bl,Bo ; CP : restore to sight : shine.


onBhtednM = onUhtneeonUhOng f. illumination, enlightenment, M.onHhtnes f. illumination.

onllSlgan (intr.) to become pliant, yield : (tr.)

loosen untie.

onloclan to look on, behold, jE,CP.onldeftend m. onlooker, spectator, M.onlong=andlangonlucan* (=un-) to unlock, open, unfold,reveal, disclose, CP.

onlutan* to bow, incline, bend down, CP.onlutungf. 'involucrum,' GPH402.oniy-=onli-; oniys- = onllee-

onmfidla=onmedlaonmftlan to speak to, Da 210.onmang (JE) = ongemangonmearea m. inscription?MkL12l% (MkRin-).onmearcung f. inscription, NG (e*).

onmMan to presume, take upon oneself,

Rd66"Tonmedla=anmSdlaonmeltan8 ? to soften, PPs88n.

onmttan I. to paint, cover over? PPs88M.

II. to come upon, find out, EPs 114*.

onmiddan prep. (w. d.) amid, in the midst,at the middle of, JS.

onmltta=anmitta; onmdd=anmddonmunan swv. pros. 3 sg. onman, pret.

onmunde to esteem, think worthy of, con-sider entitled to, CP : refl. care for, wish :

remind, B2640.onmyrran to mar, disturb, Ct.

onn = aim, pros. 3 sg. of unnan.onnhlgan (WW266fi)=onhniganonnlman4 to receive, take, PPs.onnytt=unnyttono I. inten. lo I behold / II. =heonuonoeffung (VPs) =one$ungonorettanf to perform with effort, accomplish,onorHung f


inspiration, inbreathing.

ono«a(WW)=andaonpennian to open, CP2778


onrftd f. riding on horseback, Lcd.onnefnlendUe = unrjefniendlic

onrAs m. onrush, impetus, assault, attack*


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onrsesan I. to rush (on), VPs. ['onrese']II. nap. of wk. 8b. irruptions, WW.

onred m. name of a plant, Lcd.onrtodan v. onhreodan ; onrettan=orettanonrld n. riding horse, CC.onrldan1 to ride (on a raid, etc.), Chr871a.onriht right, lawful, proper : partaking offEx358

. adv. AS138. also -lice, Bl4318


onrihtwbnes = unrihtwfsnesonrlptfd f. harvest-time, ES 39*362.

onrlsan (JE) = arisan [

lonrise ']

onryne m. running on, course : incursion,

attack, assault.

onsacan* to contest, dispute, strive against,

resist, repel : (f) attack : refuse, deny, con-

tradict : exculpate, excuse oneself.

onssao I. denying : excused. II. (LL24[41]Ld)=andsfficons&ganf to prostrate.

onssBgd- = onsaged-onsftge assailing, attacking, [sigan]

onssegednes (e) f. sacrifice, offering, JE :

oblation, (sacrificial) victim.

onasegnes f. holocaust, sacrifice, BtPs6518.

onssegung f . sacrifice, WW.ons&lan to untie, loosen.

anasst I. pret. 3 eg. of onsittan. II.—onsetonsagu f. affirmation, accusation, reproach,

Ml;JE. ['onsaw']onsand f. sending against, VPs. ['onsand']onsang m. incantation, GD73at


onsawan7 to sow : introduce into, implant,CM 668.

onsceaoan* (a) to shake, shake off, remove.onsceacnes f. excuse, EPs. [=onsacnee, Swt]onsoeamlan = ofsceamianonsceon-= onsonn-onsceortlan to grow short, MH 10488.

onsoftotan* (an-) to cut up, open, eviscerate.

onselUan (=y8) to give back a sound, reply,


onscdgan to unshoe, pp. onscod unshod.onsoi?dan to clothe, EPsJSo.onscunlan (eo, y) to shun, avoid, fear, detest,

hate, LL ; iE,CP : put away, reject, despise :

irritate, ['ashun']on-scunlendllo (CP), -scunigendlio (M) hate-

ful, detestable.

onscunlgend m. hater, BlIU 88.

onscunung f. execration, abomination :


onscynlan= onsoanianonsoyte m. attack, assault : defamation,calumny.

onseacan (Cp666)=onsceacanonsiean require, exact, Jul. ['onseek']

onsecgan to renounce, deny : offer sacrifice,

AO : impute, M : inform, M.onsegednes = onsiegednesonsen (VPs)=ansIenonsendan to send out, send forth, transmit,

yield up, AO,CP.onseon I. (sv8 ) to see, look on, behold, regard,

take notice of, AO. II. (A) =anslen

on-set, -setl, n.a sitting on, riding on, GD 183.

onsetanes f. laying on (of hands), MH841.

onsetnes I. f. constitution, founding. II. f.

snare, DR 121". [sittan]

onsetnung f. snare, DR1477.

onsettan to impose, oppress, bear down.onslcan1 to sigh, groan. Bo.onsIen=ansfenonslgan1 to sink, decline, descend : approach,impend, M : assail, M.

onslt= onsetonsittan I. sv* to seat oneself in, occupy, M :

oppress. II. sv8 to fear, dread (=ond-)»onslttend m. rider, CHy41


onstage m. blow, WW. [siege]

onsl&pan7 and wv. to go to sleep, sleep, BH.onslapan = onstiepanonslapan7 to become loose, W83.onstypan to loosen.

onsnsBsan (LL69[36]) v. snfisan.

onsnlttan1 to cut up, Lcd (ES43-321 ).

onsond= onsandonspseo f. imputation, charge, claim.

onspannan7 to unfasten, unbind, unloose,

open, disclose, release.

onspeca m. accuser, claimant, LL138 [1,3].

onspecend m. accuser, TC16917.

onspornan= onspnrnanonspornend ( =un-) not stumbling, Sc 1878


onsprSc f. speech, discourse, GD3328 (an-).

onsprecan5 to accuse : address.

onsprecean to enliven, Rim9?onsprlngan8 to spring forth, originate, rise,

burst forth, burst asunder.onsprungennes f. eclipse, WW225°.

onspuman8 to strike against, stumble.

onstsel m. order, arrangement, Gu 796.

onstAlan to impute to, accuse of, MFH 170.

onstSBpe (e) m. ingress, ESPS6788.

onstSBppan* to walk, go.

onstal (=ea?) m. provision, supply, CP41.

onstal m? charge, reproof, OEG.onstandende urgent, importunate, Sclll14


onstellan to institute, create, originate,

establish, give the example of, Bl ; AO,CP.['onstcU']

onstepan (=ie) to raisej Hy488.

onstlgend m. one who ascends or mounts,

VHy4*.onsttng m. claim, authority, jurisdiction, Ct.

onstftttan to harden, JnLR 12*8.

onstregdan8 (and wk.) to sprinkle, BJPs508

; VPs(i8).

onstydfullnes f. instability, DR.onstyran to govern, BH27611 (v.l).

onstyr-ednes, -enee f. movement.onstyrlan to move, rouse, disturb, stir, agitate,

excite, CP.onsund^ ansundonsun-dran, -dron, -drum adv. singly,

separately, apart : privately : especially.

onsundrian= asyndrianonswapan7 to sweep on, blow on, Gl : sweep

away, banish.

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onswarlan=andswarianonswebban to put to sleep, bury, Gl.onswUan1 to swing forward, turn against :

push off, put aside, turn away.onswltOlc mighty, loud, JSLSl*1


onswogan* (in-) to encroach upon, BH.onswornod confused, NC315.onsymbelnes f. celebration (of mass), BH112«.

onsfn=anBienons^net visible, evidentonsynglan=onsyngianontalu f. claim at law, TC302M.

ontftnan (KGi.66*)=ontynanontendan to kindle, set fire to, inflame, JB,

LcdJLL. [t


ontend']onfendUM (y) f. burning, fire, I& : inflam-mation, M : incitement, fuel, M : passion.

onteon* to draw to oneself, assume, undertake,

CP : pull : («-un-) untie.

onttona m. injury, oppression, ERPsl02*.ontlge m. claim, usurpation, RB140*.ontUit intent, attentive, eager, So27*.ontlhtlng I. attention, application, aim, in-

tention, instigation. So.ontlmber matter, material, M : cause, reason,

occasion, £2.

onttmbernes f. material, MF171 : teaching,


ontimbr-an, -ian, to instruct, BH.ontra=antreontrtowan to entrust, confide, Da269?ontydran to nourish, foster, AO 182*.ontfar* ' sinefoetu,


ejfete,WW. OortydreT]ontygnes f. accusation, IX.22[37].ontyhtan to urge on, incite, B3086.ontynan (e) to open,reveal,display,CP. [ton]ontyndnee= ontendnesontynnes f. opening.ontoslio (So33M)=nntfeelieonftenlan to stretch, EPs63a


ontfeodan to join oneself to, associate with,

take part in.

ontteonMt to be useful, succeed, prosper.ontfeowigan to serve, CM473.±ontfracian to fear, dread.

ontfracung (an-) f. fear, awe, LPs34*.on-tT9CA,-t$TSBoKo{8M-)formidable, dreadful,JE.

onttrtagung f. reproach, iEL23b87f.

onttreoan* reft, to fear, GUTH1321".

onttrlngan3 to press on orforward, AO : move,be moved? Gu 1300.

ontiunlan to swell upf move round? Rd41m :

exceed bounds.onttwsegennes I. washing, HL13U,'M4


ontfwtan* to wash.onu=heonuonufan prep. (w. d.) and adv. above, upon,on, Jud ; AO : beyond, after, ['anoven']onunder (an-) under, MP (Veep. D xiv).

onunwlsddm? m. ignorance, Bl8910.

onuppan I. prep. (w. d.) upon, on, GP.II. adv. in addition, besides.

onwaean* to awake, AO : originate from, be


onwacoan t. incitement, arousing, DR741*.

onwaenian=onwecnianonwadan* to penetrate into, attack, seize,

occupy.onwdcan to weaken, shake (a resolution),

soften, mollify, CP. [wac]onwaoenM f arousing, GD337W.

on-wsecnan, -waecnian (e) to awake, CP :

arise, spring, be born.

onwAld (N)^onwealdonwamme =-onwemmeonwAre? adj. unripe, Lob 12a.

onwflMtm m. increase, DR69*. [dwestm]onwaterlg =unwaeterigonwald, onwalhi=*onweald, onwealgonwarlan to guard oneself against, MFH 171.

onwealcan7 to roll, roll round.

onwaald (a1, a*) I. mfn. authority, power,

rule, sway, command, AO,Lk;CP : juris-

diction, territory, CP II. adj. mighty,

powerful, ['onwald*]

onwealda m. ruler, governor, sovereign : the

Lord, God.onwaaldend m. ruler.

+onwealdlan (an-) to Jiave dominion over,

get possession of, LPsFLkLR(»).onwealdlg (a1, a*) powerful.

onwealdnes I. power, possession, ERPB2*.onwealg, onwealh whole, sound, entire, un-injured, safe, AO. t

onwealgHoe (an-) wholly, completely, CP.onwealhnes f. soundness, wholeness, purity,

modesty, chastity.

onweard (=and-) adj. acting against,

opposed to.

onweenlan=onwoonianonweg (aweg) adv. 'away,' forth, out, off,

onward, along, B,Chr.onwegfteyrrednes, -cymes f. apostasy, BH176 (v.L).

onwegidrllan1 to drive away, VPs.onwegadrtfennes f. a driving away, GD185".

onwegiflrran to remove away, VHy.onwegalftdnes f. removal, BH4461*.

onweganydan to drive away, repel.

onwegftflctktan1 to push away, VPs.onwegawendan to remove, VPs.onwegtoreld n. departure, GD1191*.

onweggewlt n. aberration (of mind), VPs115".

onweggewltennes f. departure, BH17010.

onwegn*dan =onweganydanonwegoncernes = onwegaeerrednesonwegpulllan to pull away, ES 43-339.

onwendan to change, exchange : upset, end,overturn, turn aside, avert, VPs : change forthe better, amend : change for the worse, per-

vert : transgress : deprive : return.

onwendedllo changeable, Lcd3-1648 .

on-wendednes, -wendnes I. movement^change,alteration, VPs.

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onweorpan* (in-) cast in one's teeth, accuse : oroeas inviolable, unimpugned, unassailed,turn or throw aside : begin the web. Gl.

onweorpnes f. onpouring, BH 1 18s. orctasnes f. immunity, purity, Gl.onwfetan =aweetan oreerdlth f. orchard, [ortgeard, leah]onwloan1 to yield, give way, Gl. oroerdweard m. gardener, WW333M,

onwllle wished for, agreeable, Gu 700. orcgeard, oroird= ortgeardonwlndan' unwind, loosen : retire, retreat, orenAwe (8\\easily recognised, evident, well-

An531. known.onwlnnan8 to attack, assail. orcntes mp. monsters, B112.onwlnnende assailing, aggressive, M. orctJyrs m. monster of hell, Orcus, WW.onwist} f. dwelling at a place, habitation. orcyrd= ortgeardonwlite=andwlite ord m. point, spear-point, spear, B,CP :

onworpennes f. enticement, allurement, source, beginning, JE,CP : front, vanguard,inspiration. M : chief, prince; in pi. first men, the

onwrecan==awreoan flower. ['ord*]onwrion1.* to uncover, unfold, display, ordSle not participating, WW.explain, reveal, jE.CP. ordal (e) n. 'ordeal,' LL. [Oer. urteil]

on-wrig(en)nes, -wrihnes f. revelation, ex- ordMJfann. iron used in an ordeal, IJL3&&[1].posure, exposition, M. [wreon] ordbana m. (spear-slayer), murderer, Gkk

onwrltlng f. inscription, Lk20u. ['on- 1097.writing'] ordceard= ortgeard; ord«l= ordal

onwrItung=onwri&ung ordfruma m. fount, source, J3 : author,

onwrlfan to unbind, unwrap, Jud173. creator, instigator, AO : (t) head man,onwrfttung f. ligament, bandage, WW439" chief, prince.

(onwrit-). ordstope m. spear-stab, wound, Rd 71m .

onwunian to inhabit, remain, Ps. ordwygaf m. warrior.

onwunung f. dwelling-place : assiduity, -Are v. feen-5.

OEG75. orwdd very old, Bo 102". [Oer. uralt]

onwurpan=onweorpan 6red-= oret-

onwyUan to cause to boil, inflame, Gu362. oral n. robe, garment, mantle, veil, M. [L.

onwylwan to roll up, roll together, EHy2". orariom]on*8an to pour in, So200\ oreldo = orylduonfwan to show, manifest. orene I. excessive. II. n. excess.

open 'open,1

exposed, AO,B£l,Jn,WW : orenllee excessively, MF171.evident, well-known, public, manifest, plain, dretf m. contest, battle.

clear, AO^Bo,Jn. 6ret- = drett-

openmsm. medlar,WW 137M. ['openarse*] 6retfeld m. place of contest, OEG8".openere m. opener, A8-3268

. dretla m. contumely, insult, GD2002*.

±open!an to 'open,' opem up, disclose, de- dretlof n. triumph, CM497.

dare, reveal, M,BB,Ps; CP : (+) intr. oret-msBCga, -meog, -mncg m. champion,become manifest : (+) be open to, exposed warrior.

to. oretseipe (orret-) m. infamy, WW.openlie open, public, WW. adv. -lice dretstdw f. wrestling place, place of content,

'openly,* manifestly, plainly, clearly, un- OEG.reservedly, Bl,Bo,BB. drett-=oret-

opennes f. openness, publicity, OEG. ' orettaf m. champion, warrior, hero.

±openung £., opening, disclosure, manifesta- ±orettan to put to confusion, disgrace.

tion. oreft=oroti; orettan=orttianoportanle=apr*5tane orf n. cattle, live stock, JE,Chr,LL. [




or n. beginning, origin : front, [op. ord] orfewealm (a*) m. cattle-plague, murrain.or prefix (lit. 'out of

y =L. ex-) is privative, orfeynn (ia) n. cattle.

as in orsorg, orwena ; or denotes origin, orfeorme (y) (f) .destitute of, lacking : (t)

antiquity, as in oreald. [Oer. or-] empty, useless : squalid, filthy.

dra I. m. border, bank, shore, CHB;Mdf. orteormnes f. squalor, fiUhiness, Cp488s.ILm. 'ore,* unwrought metal, BH,Ps,WW : orffeeMtt n. grazing, WW149n.

brass, JEOr,Cp,CP. III. a coin of Danish orflermu £. squalor, OET96*M.

origin, LkL,LL (v. 2*601). [lora] orfyrme= orfeorme

oratJ= oroC orfyrmU refuse, OEG 609.

orblMe bloodless, WW397* [bl5d] organ m. canticle, song : voice.

ore I. m. pitcher, crock, cup. [Late L. oroa ; organa? organe? f., organ-an, -on pi.

L. uroeus] II. m. demon, GL. [L. orous] musical instrument, JS,ApT,Ps. ['organ9


or-eeape, -oSapes, -eeapunga, -ceapungum L. organnm]adv. gratis, without cause. organe I. marjoram, Led. ['organ*; L.

orc-eard, -erd (JS,Lcd)=ortgeard origanum]

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organlan = orgnianorganystre player on a musical instrument,M (Gwr4»).

orgeate=oigyteorgel I. pride, WW(o*). ['orgel'] II.=organa

orgeldrtam m. sound ofa musicpl instrument,

orgellto ignominious, CP. adv. -lice proud-ly, insolently, scornfully, M.

orgelnea f. pride, OEG 1108.orgelword n. arrogant speech, M.orgete=orgyteorgUde not having discharged a payment (of•wergeUT), LL.

orgIIce=orgellIceorgnlan to sing to an instrumentalaccompani-ment, IEQrIBI*.


orgyte (ea, e) well known, manifest, AO.orh-=org-; orhlaBttre=orleahtreorhtyte without lot or share in, destitute of, M.orlege out of sight, not visible, ANS98-128.

orl m. =oreln.orlflBgf (e) n. fate.

orleahter m. ' discrimen,' lack of vice or

defect, v. ES37 179.

orieahtre blameless.

orleg=orl»gorlegofap m. battle-booty ? Gen 1994.orlege I. n. conflict, strife, war. II. adj.

hostile, inimical.

oriegfrom keen in battle, Rd21m.

orlegglfre (a) fond of strife, Gen2287.orlaghwOf t war-time.

orlagnlSt m. war, hostility.

orlegsoeaft f.*supplicium' ? Sol456? (GK).

orlegstund f. time of adversity, Sol 374.orlegweorc n. battle, Gkn2020.ormAte I. (a, S) adj. boundless, huge,excessive, intense, JB,Chr ; AO. II. adv.['ormete'; metan]ormAUio excessive, Chb 1 1 17.

ormAtnes f. excess, immensity, M.or-mtte, -mette= ormfiteormdd despondent, despairing, hopeless, Bo,Hept;M,CP. ['ormod']

ormodnes f. desperation, despair, CP.orn (=arn) pret. 3 sg. of iernan.

orne=oreneornest n. trial by battle, LL.orotf n. breath, breathing, snorting.

orped adult, active, adv. -lioe boldly :

clearly, definitely.

orrest £. battle, combat, Chb. [ON. orrusta]

orret-=6ret-oniwto lifeless, dead, M.onoeatttnga gratuitously, BH242'.onorg (w. g.) unconcerned, without care or

anxiety, safe, CP. [OHO. ureorg]* onorgllo (w. g.) secure, CP. adv. -lice care-

lessly, rashly, M,CP : without anxiety orhindrance : securely, safely, CP.onorgnes f. security, prosperity, CP.

oraorh=onorgortgeard, orcerd m. garden, 'orchard,' CP.ortgeard-= orcerd- ; ortrtowe = ortriewe

ortreownes f. diffidence, mistrust.

ortrtewan (y) to despair of:{+) disbelieve.

ortriewe despairing, hopeless, AO,W (eo,y)


treacherous, faithless. ['ortrow']

±ortrQwlan w.g. to despair, JR. ['ortrow']

ortrQwung f. despair, So 131s' 4.

ortrow- = ortriew-

ortydre barren, A 11-2".

ortJ(KGL)=oro«orttanc I. mn. intelligence, understanding,

mind : cleverness, skill : skilful work,

mechanical art, M. [OHO. urdank]II. adj. ingenious, skilful.

orSaoebend (o*) f. cunning bond, band,

Rd43".ortfanoest thoughtlessly.

organelle intelligent? GD269".ortSancpD (o*) m. ploughshare? Rd22".orttancacipe m. mechanical art, Gl.orttancum skilfully.

ortftan to breathe, gasp, & : long for, aspire

to, M. [oro«]

ortfonc (CP)t=toroano

ortfung f. breathing, breath, M : pore.

oruft=orotiorwearde adv. unguarded, B3127.orweg trackless? A19110.orwegnes f. state of being out of (he way,WW220".

orwegstlg f. out-of-the-way track, WW.orwtaa indecl. adj. (w. g.) hopeless, despair-

ing of, M.+orwenan to despair, M.or-wine, -wena (w. g.) hopeless, despairing

of, M : despaired of, desperate.

orwennes f. despair, M.orwlge not fighting, unwarlike, cowardly :

not liable to the legal consequences (ofhomicide), LL76[42,5,7].

orw!te=orwigeorwurtt n. ignominy, CPs82".orwyrt (VPs), orwyrCu f. shame, dishonour



+orwyrttan to disgrace.

orwyrtWc shameful, MH156*1.

oryldu f . great age. [ieldo]

6s m., gp. eaa a divinity, god : name of the

rune for o.

oser 'vimen,' osier, OEG102.

6sle f. 'merula,''

ouzel,' blackbird, Cp,Ep,WW. [amael]

det m. protuberance, knot, lump.osterhlaf m. oyster-patty, Lco79a.osttg, dstiht knotty, rough, scaly, Gl.oetoracyll f. oyster-shell, LcdI-3381*.

ostre f. oyster, WW. [L. ostrea]

OtI. (VP9,N)=8Bt. II.= o«oter (ff(7)=otoroterhola m. otter's hole. KC3-23".otor, otr (Ep), ottor m. 'otter,' WW.otepernlng (KGL7019)=»teponiang

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ott I. prep. w. a. and (rarely) d. to, up to, as ottrinnan* to run off, escape, Met20U8.

far as : until, M,AO,CV. ott ttisum up to ottrowan7 to escape by rowing, row away,now, ES43166. II. oonj. until. III. as Cub897a.prefix, usu. denotes departure, separa- ottsacan* (w. g.) to deny, abjure, AO.tion, as in ottfeallan, ottwendan. otisoacan* to escape, LL 177[6,3].

ottberanf to bear away, carry off : bring. ottsoeotan* to escape, dip off, turn aside, AS.

ottberstan' to break away, escape. ottsefkian* intr. to move off, Ph 168.

ott-bredan, -bregdan* to snatch away, carry dttspernlng i. stumbling-block,, rescue, remove, withdraw, Qu ; AO. ottspurnan* (o) to dash against.

Vatbraid'] ottstandan* to stand fined, remain, stop,

ottoHfan1 to cleave to, stick, adhere, Cb1267. cease, AO : stand behind, M : perplex,

ottcwelan*focite, LL112[531. hinder.

ottcyrran to be turned from, perverted, ottsttDanfo stop, Lod 1*82*.

Jul338. [oierran] ottswerlan* to abjure, deny on oath, AO.offdon anv. to put out (eyes), LL32[19]. ottswlgan to cease speaking, become silent,

otteawan = ottiewan OET631.ottdcan to add to, VPs68*7

. [eac] otiswlmman* (y) to escape by swimming,ottehtlan to drive away, LcdI-38418. Chb915d.ottel =ettel ; otteowan = ottiewan otttfon* to take away, Lod 87a.

6Uer I. pron. sb. or adj. (always strong) one otttta^otftte

of two, M,AO,BH,Bo,LL : second, M,Bo, ottttot conj. until.

BH,Mt : 'other,' BH,LL,Mt : something otttte oonj. or, Chr,Ct,VPs. o«8e.,.o«8eelse, anything else, BR,Bo : alternate, next : either. ..or, BH. ['other'] : (=ott tte) until,

remaining, rest, A,AO,Ps : further, existing otttteodan to sever, dismember, An 1423.

besides, M,Bl,Bo : another : (in pi.) the offitot (KGL61 1,)=o«t5»trest, the others, doer.. .otter the one.. .the otttticgan8 to take away, Ex 338.other, M,Bl,CP : other...than, CP. doer ottttlngian to obtain by unfair means, usurp,

otttte... otttte either. ..or. fitter healf one LL (412*).

and a half, BH. II. ('aui') =ahweetter. otitton conj. or. [=otttte]

comp. adv. dtterlicor otherwise, RBS11*. otttirlngan* to deprive of, AO : drive out, GD.[* otherliker'] III. word, speech {' eloquium'), ottwendan to turn away, divert, deprive of,

PPsll8». [ON. 6ttr] Gen403. ['atwend']ottewan = ottiewan ottwlndan' to escape, get away, Chr897a.ottfasstant to inflict upon : set to (a task), ottwltan1 to charge with, blame, reproach with,

entrust, commit, CP. taunt, AO,CP.otffaran* w. d. to flee from, escape, Ex. ottwyrcan to harm? Lod 1 -384*.

['at/ore '] ottywan= ottiewanottfeallan1 to fall off, decline, decay, CP : fall owcestm m. shoot, branch, twig,

awayfrom, be lost to, be wanting, fail : cease dwana (N) =ahwonanto concern. 6-web, -wef (a) n. woof, weft, WW. [

labb %


ottfftolan* to cleave, adhere, WW416M . ower, 6wern (BH) =ahw«r ; owiht =awihtottferlan to take away, bear off : save {life), dwlsc f. edge, KC3'388M.

ottfleogan* to fly away, Ph347. owtter= ahw&tter ; 6wul = awelottfleon1 (w. d.) to flee away, escape, M,AO. oxa m. nap. oxan, oexen, exen, dp. ox(n)umottffitan1 to gain by legal process, Ct. * ox, ' Ct,JnL,Bd,VPs,WW ; CP.ottgftn anv. to go away, escape, B2934. oxanoelf n. ox-calf, M.ottglMan1 to glide away, escape, Sol401. oxangang m. an eighth of a *plough-land,


ottgrlpan1 to rescue, BH40827. hide.

otthealdan7 to keep back, CP. ['athold'] oxanhyrde m. herdsman, OEG,WW.otthebban* to raise, exalt, lift up, CP. oxanslyppe f.

'oxlip, ' Led.

otthelde = otthylde 6xn f. arm-pit, WW.otthltepan7 to escape, LL218[1 ,1 1]. oxnanyrde = oxanhyrdeotthrlnan1 to touch, HL16*". oxnalybb n. ox-heal {plant), Lcd.otth?dan to hide from, A09411

. oxstsBlde equal to? competent for? Cpl032.Otthylde (e) contented, Lod. (v. ES43-314).

ottlan to pant. [op. ettian] oxta=6custa ; oxum v. oxa.Ottoman* to run away. oxumelle m. oxymel.ottiewan (e, ea, eo, I, y) tr. to show, Oen ; CP


show oneself, appear, become visible, El{y).

['atcw'] Pottl&dan to lead away, carry off, snatchfrom,withdraw.


pad f. covering, coat, cloak, WW.ottran=otthran, pret. 3 eg. of otthrinan. padde, pade, £. toad, frog, BC2-377" ; Chrottridan1 to ride, proceed, Hell40. 1 137. [ON. padda]

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p£ea m. deceiver, Bas40s1. peaneg= peningpdean to caeof, aeeetee. pear-roe, -rac m. 'cZairttm, ' /ence with whichpsegel m. fitt, «matt mAMitre, t«ne veMei, a space is enclosed, 01 : enclosure, enclosed

WWlU*(AH-460). [v. 'part'] tend, £o,CAr,JTC ; iEL. ['parrock']

pSl? =pal (v. OEG 19'). peegm!^ BC3-223 (pyggt v. SkED).peril (e) m. silk robe, cloak, MQr : 'paU,' pell, pellen=pa01, pollenhanging, covering, J3 : purple garment, pelllean m. *pelican,' PslOl*.purple, BE,WW. [L. pallium] pen = penn

jieiD»n(e)ofcostly stuff,purple,JB. ['pollen'] pending, pene(n)g, penig= peningp»Ueread=feller6ad; pslm^palm pening m. 'penny, * coin, money, M,Cp,Ct,pseneg, p»ning=pening ; -pftran v. a-, for-p. Q,LL (v. 2*614) : pennyweight, Led.pearl? 'enula' ('gemmula'f Wulker), jEGb penlng-hwyrfere, -mangere m. money-3047

. changer, WW.pfittg= (prietig), pnettig penlngsteht m. coining money, MtL 1 7**.

pseV (a) min. nap. paoas 'pott,' frudfe, penlngwAg f. pennyweight, Lod47d.Cp,Chr,Ps;M : twJfcy, LfcL. peiilngweort n. peanyin^,!^,£C(u*);M.

psettffan to traverse, travel over, pass along, penn m.


pen, 9fold, BC ; Mdf. [L.]

Metjtd. ['path'] pennlg, penning= peningpal m. 'pole/ «<oi>e, po^, jnF334* : *pode. penteoosten m. 'Pentecost,' A,M.[L. pains] pen= pie

palendse (AO), patentee, pal(l)entef., patent peonle f. 'peony,' £ecU-168". [L.]

(M) m. palace. [Late L. palantium or nnott m. name of the rune for p, chessman f

palantia] Ruk38.palentllc belonging to a palace, palatial, peose (pioee, pyose)=piae; pere =peroWW342'. perewds n. pear-juice, perry,WW 128*.

palester= paletr perflnee=perwineepallium m. pallium, &LMm. [L.] pernez m. a supposed bird? (nuetranslationpalm (»), palma m. 'palm' tree, M,JnL, of L. pernix), Rd41m.

VPs. per-sle, -soc, -sno m. peach. [L. peisicum]palm-»ppel, -appel m. date,WW. persoctreow n. peach-tree, WW12BKpalmbearu m. palm-grove, WW488". peru f. 'pear, ' MQr. [L. pirum]palm-dseg (M), -sunnandsg (Lkl9*)m. perwlnoef. 'periwinkle' {plant), WW.'Palm Sunday.' peterallle f. 'parsley,' Led. [Qer. petereilie]

palm-trio, -treow m. 'palm-tree, ' M,Jn. pttfg = (prietig), prwttig ; petftan= petfttan

palmtwlg n. palm twig, palm branch, JS. phllosoph m. philosopher, AO.+palmtwlglant to deck with palm-branches, pie n. 'pitch, ' EpjSc ; M. [L. pioem]palmwuoe f. week of which Palm Sunday is pie m. point, pointed tool, p%ck, pickaxe,

the first day. Cp,WW. ['pike']

palstr, palster sb. prick, point, spike, Gl. ploen pitchy, of pitch.pandher m. panther, Pa 12. +p!oian to cover with 'pitch, ' Led 10a.

panic m. a kind of millet, Lop . ploung f. 'pricking, ' Cp572s ('stigmata ' ).

panmete m. cookedfood, WW409*. pie f. parasite, Gl.panne (o) f. 'pan,' CP,WW. plerlse Pierian, A31 -536.papa m. 'pope, ' BE ; M,GP. [L. papa] pigment, pihment (y) drug, Lcd. [L.]

p&panhad m. papal office, M. ['popehood'] plhten part of a loom, OEG. [L. peoten]papddm m. papacy, Qbr. pD m. a pointed object, spike, nail, shaft*paper mt papyrus, WW623'. stake, M : arrow, dart, javelin : pi. hairs ofpaplg =popig plants. Led 1-304. ['pile' ; L. pilum]papolstan m. pebble, M. ['pebblestone'-, pllee=pyleoe; pile=pyleIr. papula] pile f. mortar, CP. [L. pila]

pap-seld, -setl n. papacy, Bl205*. plleoe =pyleceparallsln ds. of sb. paralysis, ML. pDere m. one who pounds in a mortar, WWpard m. panther. [L. pardus] 141".-parlan v. a-p. plllan to pound in a mortar,WW 1 14M.

part m. 'part, ' MQr. [L. partem] plllsape f. 'silotrum, ' soapfor removing hair?passion f. nap. passione the part of the gospel WW127* (v. £843*334).containing the account of Christ's passion, +pUod piled up, Exl6M.

OET444". pDsteBf m. pestle, CP267«.patf=p»6 pD-stampe f. , -stoco m. , pllstre f. pestle,WW.pawa m

1pawe f. peacock, peahen, MQr,Ep, pin f. pain, torment, anguish, torture. [L.

Lcd,WW. ['pof

; Lot. pavo] poena]pto m. peafowl, PA312. ['pea'] pmbeam m. pine-tree, M. [v. 'pine']peaUT 'defrutum' (ecvinum), OEG (v.ES plnca=pyuca37184). plneewalu m? n? torture, W241".

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plhere m. tormentor. plseee f. open space, street, DR,MtLB*piH6Wlncle=winewinole ['place*; L. platea]

pingan=pyngan plasg-=pleg-; plaese, plffitse= place

pln-hnutu f. ds. -hnyte fir-cone, Led. plssttm. slap, smack, 2EH2*248M.

['iHnu-nfU'] plssttan to oajfe*, *roadfc, «/n 19*. [4jria* ']

rbplnlan to torture, torment, AO,MtL ; £J,CP. plaglan =plegian

['pine' ; L. poena] plante f. 'plant, ' *Aoo*, CP, FP*. [L. planta]

plnn sb. *^tn,' pejr, 4 : pen. [L. penna] ±plantian to 'plant/ Jl,CP,VPs.pinnan obL case of wk. sb. pinne? flask, plantstleca m. dibble, WW 106".

bottle, WW9710. plantung f. 'planting,' WW : plant, Mt.—-—-

plaster I. n.'plaster' (as medicament), DD,

r- j f. pain, torture, TCZW*. m m

plnslan to weigh, consider, examine, reflect, Led. [L. emplastrum] II.=palster

CP. [L. penaare] plasterplatlan to cover with metal plates.

plntel4j)e»Mr,'WW292w. ['pinOe'] +platod plated {of gold), OEGlltt


plntreow n. 'pine-tree, ' Led; ML. platun* f. metal plate, WW 196". [v. 'plate'


pln-treowen, -trywen of or belonging to a pleagtan=plegian

pine-tree, Lod. plega (a, ») m. quick motion, movement,

pining f. torture, torment, punishment, M, exercise, Chr,Cp(»),Cr,Gen,WW : 'P^gf.'AO. festivity, drama, game, sport, AO^Bl ; £& :

p&rangtfl n. instrument of torture, M. battle, B : applause.

pionie(OEG56«ls)=peonie; ploae=pise plegan, iplegian (a, », eo) (pros, occly.

plpdream m. piping, Ijod 3-208**. strong) t*> move rapidly, An,Qen : exercise,

pipe f.l

pipe, tube, Lcd;Udf : wind instru occupy or busy oneself, Bo,Bl,LL ''pj?y>'

ment, W,ZDA. sport with, amuse oneself, dance, CP,mtL :

plpeneale f. pimpernel. contend, fight : play on an instrument, VPs :

piper =pipor clap the hands, applaud, El,VPs : makeplpere m. 'piper,' MtR,WW. sport of, mock, jB,Oen : cohabit (with),

plperhorn m. horn for pepper, pepper-castor, JW43».LL455[17]. plegemaiiii=plegmann

plplan to 'pipe,' (blow an instrument), NC plegende 'playing,' Shr.

(ZDA 34 234). plegere m. 'player,' WW10&.plpllan (y) to show eruptions, break out in plegeat6w=plegst6wpimples, Lod. plegestre I. female athlete, OEG4736.

pIpUc musical, OEG 1644. pleghos n. 'playhouse, ' theatre, OEG1162.plpor (e*) m. 'pepper, ' AJjod. [L. piper] pleglan =pleganplporoom n. *jiepper-corn, • Led. pleglio (Gl) athletic : scenic : com%c.

ptporewyrn f. pepper mill, AN8 84-325. ptegmann m. gymnosophist, athlete, Gl.

±plporlan, -piprian to season with 'pepper,' piegol playful, jocular, ML21m.

Led. plegselp n. smaU vessel, WW 181".

plrenlse Pyrrhenian, A31-635. plegscyld (e«) m. play-shield, smaU shield,

plrge (GL)=pirie Gl.plrgrif m. pear-oichard, KC5-284**. plegstfw £. playground, gymnasium, amphi-

plrle, pirige (iE) f. pear-tree. theatre, Lcd,WW. ['playstow']

pb heavy, NG. [L. pensum] plio ds. of pleoh.

pisef. (eo,io, j)pea,Cp,Lcd,WW. ['pease'] pleogan= pleganplsle f. warm chambertWW 186*. [lot* L. pleoh n. gs. pleoe danger, risk, harm, M,AO,pfealis] CP : responsibility, LL70[36,2].

pIsUc heavy, NG. adv. -lice. pleolle dangerous, hurtful, hazardous, M,kO.plstefc=^pistol pleon* (w. g.) to expose to danger, adventure

pistol m. letter, M : apostolic letter, M. oneself, CP.['pisOe' ; L. epistola] plett f ? fold, NG. [L. plecta]

plstolbde f. book of the episUes, LL. [v. pttoe v. plyooan.

'pistle'l plleettant to play with, v. NC315.

plstolelatt m. vestment worn by the epistoUer, pllcgan to scrape, scratch, GPH396.BC 3-366'. pllht m. peril, risk, danger, damage, VPs,

plstolrsBdere m. epistie-reader, sub-deacon, WW;M. to plihte dangerously, [pleon?

CM684eto. 'plight']

plstoMdlng f. a lesson in (he church service, pllhtan to tmpert'Z, enaaafer, comjwomtee,

JS. [y.'pisOe'] LL. ['plight']

plstolroee m. vestment worn by the epistoUer, pllhtere m. look-out man at the prow, OEG.TC429**(e*). pllhtUe perilous, dangerous.

pltMpytt ploeean=plncoian

pitta wm. tntW jwrf, •pOA,' Bo; CP. pI6g,pl6hm. tr^ayo^o/a^nco^|itoup*plaounls=wlaonnis m a day, a plough-land, Led. [ ptov^a J

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plont-= plant-plot plot of ground, LL400[3].pluoclan to 'pluck/ tear, M,Mt,WW.plQmbUM f. plum, LcD86a.plume f. 'plum,

1 M,Cp : plum-tree, Cp,Ep,Erf;M6i.

plumfetfer f. down, ES 9-39. [L. pluma]plumseaw n. plum-juice, LcD3-114M (e).

plumsla f. wild plum, sloe, WW 1394.

plQmtrtow n. plum-tree, M.plyocan only in plioe 2 sg. subj. (IM 122)and plyce (imperat.) (IM 127) to pluck,pull, snatch, NC315. ['plitch*]


ptyme f. plum, plum-tree, Gl. [L. *prunea]pocadl f. eruptive disease, pox, Lgd.pooe m. 'pock,* blister, pustule, blain, ulcer,

Led.pocca (LkL) =pohhapohha, poh(ch)a m. pocket, bag, CP,MkL.Vpougk*]

pohhede baggy, RB. Vpough']pol m. 'pool, * CP,JnL ; M ; Mdf.polento ? f. parched corn, M. ['polenta*;L.]pollegle f. pennyroyal, Lcd. [L. pulegium]poUup m. scourge? (BT), LL(278«*).pon- = pan-; pond=pyndpopsBg(Cp)=popigpopelstan (OEQ 1815) =papolstanpoplg m? 'poppy,' Ql,WW.por, porr, porleac n. feefc, J3. [I,, porram]port I. mn. 'port,


harbour, AO : town witha harbour, BE ; Mdf. [L. portus] II. m.portal, door, gale, entrance, MtL,Ps ; Mdf.['port* ; L. porta]

portewtae f. prostitute, NG.portof. =port II.

portgeat n. city gate, M.portgerela m. 'port-reeve,* mayor, J£,LL,WW.

portgerlht n. town-due, KC3-13810.

iportian to bray (in a mortar), CP.portle mn. portico, 'porch,* vestibule, sanc-tuary, chapel, BH,Jn ; JR. [L. portious]

portmann m. townsman, burgess, M,WW*['portman*]

portstr&t f. public street, Ct.portweall m. city wall, JR.

port-wer, -weora (=-wara) m. citizen.

±pos n. cold in head, Lcd. ['pose*]

posa=pusaposl, postling m. pellet, pill, m. 'post, * A,WW. [L. postis]

postol m. apostle, LkR. ['postle*]

potlan to push, butt, goad, M, W. ['pote *]

pott m. 'pot,* LcdlZlS (v. late).

potter* m. potter, BC3-49'.prsstt m. nap. prattas trick, craft, art, A2,W,ZDA. ['prat*]

prsettig (e) tricky, sly, cunning, wily, astute,

WW; JR. ['pretty*]

prafost (ol , a1, e1) m. officer, 'provost* (of a

monastery), KC,MH,RB, JR. [L. pro-positus]

prafostfOlgotf m. order or rank of provost,

RB126Vpralostsdr f. provostship, RB 124".pranga v. wranga.prass m. array, pomp, JR.

prattas v. pnett ; prean =preonprMe = pryde, pryteprtdlosre m. preacher, JEGn27Q1


pridlclan to preach, Lk8l.

prMloung f. preaching, NO315.preon m. 'fibula,* pin, brooch, TC,WW.['preen*]

preost (ea, e, 10) m. 'priest,* presbyter, BH,LL,Mt,WW ;AO,CP.

preostgesamnung f. community of priests,

NC315.prtosthid m. 'priesthood,* BH,OEO ; M,CP.preosthtap m. body of priests, GD3021*.

preosthlred (ys) m. body of priests.

preostlagu f. ecclesiastical law, canon lawLL380[2,3].

preostlle 'priestly,* canonical, CM 667.

preostreaf n. priestly garment, NC316.preostregol m. canonical rule, NC316.prtostsc*r f. parish, LL. ['priestehire*]

preowthwH f. twinkling ofan eye, moment, JR.

press f. press, AO-263".prlea m., price f. * prick,* point, spot, dot, JE%

LcdyMt : smallportion ofspace or time, A ,M.-prieean v. a-p.

prieel, prioels m. 'prickle,* goad, point, Lk,OEQ : jot, tittle, MtL,LkL.±prtclan tr. to pierce,M : intr. 'prick, * sting,

Sc : (+) point out, A 8-324.

priemAlum adv. by points.

pricung f. 'pricking,* remorse, ^2-88M .

prim n? the first hour (6 a.m.) : the service

held at 6 a.m., 'prime,* WW. [L. prima(so. hora)]

prlmsang m. prime-song, service of prime.prince? twinkling ofan eye, moment, v. OEG

prior m. 'prior,* TO. [L.]

prlt=prytprodbor (prot-) n. auger? MtR.protast= prafostprdflan to assume to be, take for, LL. [L.

probare]profost= prafostprQt 'proud,* arrogant, OEQJSc.prutene (u?) f. southern-wood, wormwood,Lcd. [L. abrotanum]

prntian to be 'proud,* NC316.prQtHee adv. proudly, pompously, magnifi-cently.

prutselpe m. arrogance, pride.

prQtswongor overburdened with pride, W257" (v.l.).

prutung f. pride, arrogance, 0E0. [v.

'proud*]pryde = pryte; prydeoere=pr€dicerepryto, pryte f. 'pride,* haughtiness, pomp,M,LL,OEQ,W.

psaltere (£crf)=saltere

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PSEALM 237 RADWER*psealm {WW), psalms sealmpuca m. goblin, 0EG2&. ['puck']pucel m. goblin, GPH394™ ['puclde']

puolan to poke, creep, GPH397.pudd m. ditch, GPH399.puduc m. wart, GPH396.pull=pdlpullian to 'putt,' draw, A : pluck off (wool),

LcdZHQ.pulsper n. reed, MtLll 7 (v. A39 364).

pumlc m? pumice. [L. pumicem]pumtcstan m. pumice-stone,WW 148s.

pund n. *pound 1(in weight or in money),

pint, A,Ct,Q,Lcd ;M,AO. [L. pondo]pundar, pundor=pundurpundere m. one who weighs, MtLp2*.pundern n. pair of scales, OEG.pundm&to adj. of a pound weight, RB6318

pundur n. weight, plumb-line, Cp264D.pondere]pundw&g f. pound weight, measure (of corn),

LL.punere m. 'pounder,' pestle, £c95ls


pung m. purse, Gl.pungetung f. pricking, Lcd. [pynganj±pflnlan to 'pound, ' beat, bruise, Lcd,Sc.

punt punt, WW. [L. ponto]par bittemf sea-guUf WW.purlamb n. lamb without blemish,M (Ex 12s ).

purpl, purple (JnL) =purpur

pytt m. 'pit,* hole, well, grave, AO,Ct,Q,LL


CP ; Mdf : pustule. [L. puteus]pytted 'pitted,' dented, marked (of a sword)y

EC225.pyttol (i) m. hawk, kite, WW.

Qqu- is asaally written cw-, which see.

rft m. nap. ran 'roe,1

roebuck, BH,Erf,Led


Mdf.rabblan to rage, W84n.

racam. 'rake,' WW; GD192.[L. racca m. part of the rigging of a ship, WW*

racente f. chain, fetter, Bl,BoJSc ; AO.['rackan']

+racenteaglan to chain, jEL31w.

raoen-t&ah f. gs. -teage chain, fetter, Bl ; M*['rakenteie']

racete= racenteraceteage (if£)=raoenteahracian (w. d.) to rule, govern, control : go-

forward, move, CP,W : hasten, NR28SS.



racing (JnL)=rsbcingpurpura f

* purpur'(WW162S0) 'purple,' a racul.f. exposition, explanation, observation,

purple garment, AO,Mk ; CP. [L.]

purpuran purple, WW 151 s*. ['purpurine']pun 'purse,' OEGI&b9*. [late L. bursa]pusa (o> m. bag, scrip, J3.

pufllian to pick out, Lcd 127a.

-pule v. ffile-p.

patung f. instigation, v. NC316. ['putting']

pyean to 'pick,' Cftr796f?pyff a puff of wind, BDS24-246; ES 38-295.

pyffan, pret. pyfte to puff, blow, v.OEG 1886.

pyhment = pigment ; pylce (A 7-30) = pylecepyle (i) m. ^pUlow,' JE,AO,CP,Lcd. [L.


account, narrative, J£,CF : rhetoric : comedy.[reccan] II. f. (LL45518

) =racarad I. f. ride, riding, expedition,journey, BH,Bo,Lcd : raid, Chr,LL : modulation, Rmr5 :

name of the rune for r. ['road' ; ridan]II. pret. 3 sg. of ridan. III. m. =ried+raa I. n. reckoning, account : condition,

stipulation : reason, wisdom, M,AO :

accuracy. flus +r. such, of this kind, hu+rades how. II. adj. conditioned, cir-

cumstanced, CP : wise, clever, skilful, Bo


AO : straight, Guth. +rade spree prose,

-rftd v. brand-r.

pylece f. a warm fur garment, robe, pelisse, radcnlht m. tenant holding subject to service


Wlewer pillow, OEG56lf.


pyll=puU, pdlpylu (OEG294

), pylwe«pylepynca (i) m. point, OEG 3683. [pyngan]pynd? sb. cistern? lake? Rim49.

+pyndan to impound, shut up, CP276.


pyndlng f. dam, CP276. [v. 'pind']

pyngan (i) to prick, CP. ['ping'; L.


on horseback, v. Ll-73. ['radknight']

rade=hratie; +radeglan= +radianradehere, iadhere=redehereradelod having straight branches? BC344.radhors n. riding-horse, EL. ['roadhorse']

radian = hradian+radian to reckon with, arrange, Bo96" :

call to account.

+radllo wise, prudent, learned, J3. adv.-Hoe, M.

+radnes f. compact.rador^rodor; rador=rahdeorpypellan =

pyretretpetitory,Lcd3- 1219 . [L.pyrethrum] radogt=hrattost, v. hraoe.

pyrle, pyrige =pirie, pirige radpytt m. draw-well f RD5918.

pyrtan to strike, beat, GPH401. . +radsclpe m. discretion, Mbt22*8.

pyse (iE)=piae radstefn f. term of service performed by apysecynn n. sort of pea, Lgd 71a. mounted man, LL456[3]. [op. radeniht]

p^slan = pinsian radumbel=raradumblapytan to put out (eyes), Cm796f ? radwerig weary of travelling, Rn 21".

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rasc=rec; moan, necoan=reccaiirAean I. to 'reach* out, stretch out, M,B,CP,CrJSat : offerf present, give, grant, Jn,RB


M z extend (intr.), Oen,Rd,Sol : carry, con-

vey, LL447[4,lb]. II. =hr»oan+rAcan 'reach,' attain, overtake, BIJSat :

obtain by seizure, take, get, gain, Chr ; AO :

address, speak to : handle, deal with.

race m. setter (dog), WW2764.

rases f. (<7p)=raca; raBOSdi=<reced

rAoing f. 'reaching,* holding out, presenting,

JnL.raftd=hr®drAd I. (a, S) m. advice, counsel, M,B :

resolution, deliberation, plan, way, design,

M,AO : council, conspiracy, M,B : decree,

ordinance, CP : wisdom, sense, reason,

intelligence, Bl;J£ : patn, prq/St, benefit,

good fortune, remedy, M,Mct : AsZp :

power, might, t& rftde +niman resolve,

AO. td r&de tftncan Mem advisable, Bl.

['rede*] II. adj. = read. III. («) n. r«od-

i»y,k«*m,tfG. ['re**']

rAdan7 (e) pret. 3 eg. reord, rSd ; also wv.(±)to advise, counsel, persuade, El,Ma ;M


(± ) consult, discuss, deliberate, plot, design,

M,AO,BB : (±) ciecree, d«cui«, ^ : rule,

guide, have control over, possess, B,Bo,Da :

provide for : bring, deliver (goods), LL :

have an idea, guess, forebode, M,BUyRd :

(±) read, explain, M,Bl,Bo,Q : learn byreading : (+) put in order, BH,EC(e) : help,

['read,* 'rede"]

rAdbana (e) m. accessory to a murder, LL.rAdbora (6) m. adviser, counsellor, M :

(Roman) consul.

rAdda m. robin, WW44". [read]

rAdde wk. pret. 3 sg. of r&dan.rAde I. adj. (±) prepared, ready, ready forriding (horse). PPs. ['i-rede*] II.n.(+)(e)

trappings, armour, accoutrements, orna-

ments.rAdeoempa m. horse-soldier, WW228»rAdegafol n. rent paid in one payment (in

money or in hind), LL118[67].rAdehere m. mounted troop, cavalry, AO.+rAdelloe= +rssdlice ; rAdelle =nedelse

rAdels mf., rodelse f. enigma, 'riddle, ' ^(e):consideration, discussion : imagination, con-

jecture, interpretation.

rAdemann m. horseman, FPs32w.

-jAfleji^S) f• condition, terms, stipulcUion^JE:

ruUygovernmenty direction : estimation,^rW


±rAdend m. controller, disposer, ruler :

diviner, So75lf.

rAdendUe relating to a decree, WW.rAdengewrlt n. written agreement.

rAdere m. 'reader,* 'lector* (ecclesiastical

order), A,BB,LL : scholar, diviner, ex-

pounder, interpreter, OEG.rAdesoamol m. couch, reading-desk? WW.rAdesmann m. counsellor, adviser : steward,

EG. ['redesman']rAdewlga m. horse-soldier, WW228s8.

rAdtoft resolute, wise, M.rAdfrntam f. reasonableness, LL(306»).rAdflndende giving counsel,WW383s.

rAdgetfeaht n. deliberation, consultation,


rAdglia m. counsellor, councillor, ChrJUL :

consul. [*redegive *]

rAdglft 'consulatus,* 'senatus,* Gl.rAdhors n. riding-horse, iE(8m ).

rAdhycgsnde knowing, wise, FT26.

radio m. 'radish,* Lcd(e),WW. [L. radicem]rAdln=r&denrAdlng I. f. 'reading,* a reading (passageread), lesson, narrative, jE,CP,RB. II.=radon

rAdingboe f. lecHonary, book of the lessons.

rAdlnggowrlt=radengewritrAdinggrad m. steps to lectern, NC316.rAdlngseam-oi (-ul) m. ambo, rostrum,lectern, reading-desk, OEG (=redescamol).

rAdlstre f. female reader, Gl.rAdltaf (e) ill-advised, unwise, helpless, rash,in disorder, Da : wretched, bad, miserable.


rAdlli expedient, advisable, wise, AO.CP.adv. -lice wisely, prudently, skilfully,

cunningly,CP,HL : deliberately,on purpose :

fully, explicitly, QB10219. ['redly*]

rasdlloe= hradJioerAdmssgan n. productiveforce, Rnc 10? (or ?

radmjBgen)radnas =hradnesdbrAdnes f. agreement : decree : condition.rAdo f. (RB62» n.) =rad m.+rAdod harnessed, caparisoned, M (cp.+rrede).

radrlpt =hradriperAdsnotter clever, sage, An473.rAdtfoahtendet pto. taking counsel.

rAdfeahtare m. counsellor, AO.rAdftsahtung f. counsel, advice. AO 154".+rAdung f. decree, WW383".nsdwAn (AO) =hradw*n (or t r*d-«rad-).rAdwtta m. counsellor, adviser, DD299.rAdystre=r»distre; rAf=reafr»fen=hnefnraBtn-an -ian (GD) to perform, do : undergo.rats-= reps-

rafter (e, ea) m. rafter, beam.rAge (&) i.,roe. [ra]

r©gel=hrflBglrAgartose f . spinal muscles, Lod.rAgbar grey (like lichen), Ruin 10. [ragu]ragl = hwegl ; ragn = r6gnragolf8Mt=regolf8d8t; r8Bgu=ragarAhta pret. 3 sg. of rooan.rsBm = nrsefn ; •rAman v. a-r.

rfflnc = renco; rseng-=reng-r»p pret. 3 sg. of repan.rApan (y) (±) to bind, fetter, capture, en-slave : yoke together, ML31 1**.

rAplng^neplingrApllng m. prisoner, criminal, M. [rfepan]rApUngweard (e) warder,WW III 19


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neps^reps+rAptan to bind, fetter, Bo 1 121.

ri&ran to 'rear, ' raise, build, create, BH,Gen :

lift up, elevate, promote, Bl : establish, begin,

commit, do, Cr,W;CP : arouse, excite, stir

up, Rd. [riaan]

rfts m. rush, leap, jump, running, M,Cr :

impetus, onrush, storm, attack, M,B.['rese



r&san to rush, hasten, CP : enter on rashly :

rush upon, assault, attack, B,Bl,MH.['rese



rftsboraf m. counsellor, leader, guide.

rosoan to vibrate, quiver, DHy941.

rseacettan to crackle, creak, coruscate, DD,WW. ['reechette


]rfistan=neewianrasn n. plank, beam, wall-plate, raisingpiece, M,WW. ['rasen




rAswaf m. leader, counsellor, ruler, guide :

cAte/, prince, king.

rseswan, r&svrian to think, consider, con-jecture, suspect, CP.riafwum dp. of *riee? or riteu? f. or *weswa?suggestion, deliberation, counsel, Azl26.rAswung f. reasoning, conjecture, Gl.r»tm. 'rorf,' TnP118".rftt pree. 3 sg. of redan.raeU-=hr®C-; r8B*e=hr8etSe=hratSerA8e=r&5erftw I. (±) (a, 5a) f. rou>, ftne : succession,

Lcd(*) : hedgerow, [v. 'rew' and Mdf]II.=hr»w+rAwed, +r»we(n) arranged in rows, WW.-raflan v. a-r. ; rlge =rftgeragglg «haggy, bristly, rough, OEG.ragoflne= ragufinc

ragu (») f. lichen, M.raguflnc (ea1 ) m. name of a bird, kind offinch, WW.raha[C£|=rarfthdftor n. roe-buck, M,Lcd. ['roedeer ']

rfthte =rehte pret. sg. of rfioan.

ram=ramm ; ramesa =hramsaramgealla m. ram-gall (plant), Lcd.ramm (o) m. *ram (sheep), M : (engine ofwar) M,CP : (zodiacal sign), A.

ran pret. 3 sg. of rinnan.

ran I. n. open robbery, rapine. [ON.]II. pret. 3 sg. of rinan. III. nap. of ra.

ranc froward, proud, overbearing, M : noble,

brave : ostentatious : full-grown, mature,MLZ5". ['rank


] adv. -Hoe boldly, A :

ostentatiously, showily, LL.rancstr&t f. straight road (Cosijn), Gen2112.

rand (o) m. border, edge? KC : (f) boss ofshield, rim of shield : (f) shield, buckler,

B(o). [v. 'rand']rand-Mag, -bean m. boss (of a shield),

shield, M.randburg f. fortified city? Jul 19 : shield-wall

of waves (%n the Bed Sea), Ex463?

randgebeorh n. protecting shield of waves (in

the Bed Sea), Ex296.randh»bbend| (o1) m. shield-bearer, warrior.

rand-wlgaf* -wigendf, -wiggend m. shield-

warrior, man at arms.rann=ranIII.rap I. m. 'rope,' cord, cable, M,Bl,Bo,JnL,VPs ; AO,CP. II. pret. 3 sg. of ripan.

rapgenga m. rope-dancer, WW408W.

raplncel n. (small rope), cord, string, Gl.raplic adj. of rope, GPH399.+rftr n. roaring, howling, MH 16*.

raradumbla m., raredumle f. bittern, Gl.[Oer. rohrdommel]

rftrlan to 'roar,1beuow, cry, lament, mourn,

M,MJtl,MIL.rirung f. 'roaring, ' howling, bellowing, WW.ras pret. 3 sg. of man.rasettanf to rage (of fire), [rsesan]

rislan to explore, B2283.rattan =hratianraUe=hratferaw (J&cd89b)=r»w ['row



4-rftwan to cut in strips, WW.raxan to stretch oneself, Outh. ['rax ']

rtec pret. 3 sg. of I. 'red,

1 M,Bo,CP,Gl; (of gold) M,Gen.II. pret. 3 sg. of reodan.

rtada pi. small intestines,WW159". ['read']

rtadbasu reddish purple, LL(e*).

reade adv. with red colour.

readfah red of hue, RtnwlO.rtedgoldlsefer f . plating of (red) gold, OEG1070.

rtedlan to be or become 'red,' Lcd,MtB; M.rtadlfof red-leaved, BC(Mdf).

rtedlese 'rubricata9(pellis), v. OEG5324.

readnes f. 'redness,9 BH,Bl ; M.

rtadstalede red-stalked, Lod 1-378".

rtof (e) n. plunder, booty, spoil, LkLJPs :

garment, armour, vestment, Mt ; M. [' reaf,'


reif]+rtafa= +refareafere m. robbet , plunderer, M,Bo,Lk ; AO,CP. ['reaver



-rtefetlan v. win-(h)r.

rtafgend m. tobber. KC3-360"±reaflan to rob, plunder, take by force, waste,

ravage,MfBo,B,G, VPs,W : carry off, trans-

port : (+) strip, NG. ['reave9


reaflgende rapacious, ML. ['reaving9


rtaflac nm. robbery, rapine, MH : plunder,booty, Bo. ['reflac



rtalol rapacious, Lod.reafolnes f. rapacity, OEG.reafter=rsBfter

reafung f. spoliation, plundering, A084".reaguflne (Gl) = rasafino

reahte pret. 3 sg. of reocan.

reahtlgan to dispute, discuss, AO 130*.

ream I. m. cream, LcdllZb. ['ream9


II.=hreamreama=reomareamwln? n. a drink, OEG.

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rtat pret. 3 eg. of reotan.

reatfe=rdoe; reaw = r»wrfowde =hreawdereo m. smoke, Oen,Ps. ['reek']

+rec I. n. rule, government : decree : explana-tion. II. n. tumult, MtL27M.

recan* to bring, convey?WW420" : go, move,rush.

recan I. pret. 3 eg. rente to fumigate, exposeto smoke, Led. [v. 'reak *] II. = reocan II.

reecan I. to stretch, tend, go, CP : extend,

hold out to, give : (± ) explain, interpret,M :

tell, narrate, B,Bo,Q : correct, reprove : (+)to wield {authority), give judgment, decide,

direct, control, J5,CP : (+) prove : (+)cottnt, reckon, M. ['recche'] II. (recan)

to take care of, be interested in, JS,B,Bo,Cr :

care for, Mk : care, desire (to do something),

Bo,LcdJ,L,MkL,WW. ['reck']

recce- (CP), recci-Arece-

£&>"+** S +reeoelie = +rechoreosellest (e*, i

8) f. recklessness, carelessness,

negligence, OP.receend m. ruler, guide, M,kO.reeoendddm, reeeendom m. rule, governance,

oversight, CP.receenes=recednesreeoere m. teacher, ruler, director, CP :

interpreter, MtL p2u.

reccing f. narrative, iEL30*".reced nm. building, house, palace, hall.

recedlic palatial. WW(»).±recednes f. narrative, history, M : inter-

pretation : direction, correction, anfeald

+r. prose.

recedom=reooendomrtcel(v. MF171)=r6oelsreceleas 'reckless,

9careless, negligent, BH,

Bo,Cp,W.rficelftaslan to neglect, W. ['reckless']

receleasllee adv. heedlessly, carelessly, in-

attentively, negligently, CP (recce-), EL.['recklessly']

receleasnes f. ' recklessness,' carelessness,

negligence, LL,W;M.receBesta= recoeliest

recels (I, y ) m. incense,frankincense, Ol,Lcd


M. ['rekels' ; rec]

reoelsbuo (y) m. censer, WW.rficelstet (i) n. censer, AS. ['rekelfat']

recelslan to perfume with incense, Lcd.recelsreoee f . burning of incense, FBO 75".

reeen ready, prompt, quick, Wa : rapid,

violent, Cr,Ps. ['reken']

reeendom=reocenddmreeene (i, y) adv. instantly, at once, quickly,


+recenlan to explain, recount, relate, Ex626. ['reckon']

reeenHee (os ) adv. immediately, forthwith,

01. ['rekenly']

reeennes= receenes

rScetung (VPs) = hrfioetong

4-recllc circumstantial, detailed, ample, CP19318c. adv. -lice directly, straight :


+recnes f. direction, inclination, EPsl38*.recnlan to pay? Ct.

recon I. remuneration, Gl. IL^recenrecse=riflce; recyd = recedrM I. =r*ed. II. pret. 3 eg. of riedan.

red-; red-=ned-; red-; rMe=reoeredestan m. 'synophites,' red ochre? WW4718


v. a-r.

rtdon pret. pL of riedan.

±rtfa (ubu. +) m. high official, 'reeve,*

steward, sheriff, count ('comes'), prefect,

consul, BH,OBT,Mk,MH.+rel»rn n. court house, MH12418


+rtfland v. snndorgerSflancL+ritm£d f. reeve's meadow, Ct.

+refmann m. official, courtier, GD308'316.refsan=nBfsan+rel»clpe m. reeve's office, stewardship, M.+relsclr f. stewards office, prefecture, OEG.refter(e?)=r»fterregelllo = regollic

regen- = regn-, ren-

regn (r§n ; M,ME) m. 'rain,' VPs : showers

of rain, Bl.

regn-=ren-; regnan=rinanregnheard very hard, B326. [ON. regin]

regnlan I. to 'rain, ' MtR5**. II.=remanregnftectt m. downright thief.

regol (eo) m. rule, regulation, canon, law,standard, pattern, M : monastic code ofrules, M : ruler (instrument). [L. regula]

regolbryee m. breach ofrules, W166"regoltest (») rigid, strict, adhering to

monastic rules, Men 44.

regolian to draw lines with a ruler, NC316.regollagu f. monastic law, LL266[26].regollic according to rules, canonical,

regular, adv. -lice.

regolllf (eo) m. life according to ecclesiastical


regolsticca m. rule, ruler (instrument), M.regoltttew m. discipline of (monastic) rule,

A10-144"*.regolweard m. regulator, director, ruler,

abbot, provost.

regul^regol; rent (VPs)=rihtrehte pret. 3 eg. of reccan.

rente pret. 3 sg. of recan II.

reUogang m. visiting of relics : procession ofrelics.

reliquiae mpl. relics of saints (reliquium ie

need in sg.).

rellqulasocn f . visit to a shrine, MFH 172.

reman ==rymanremlan to mend, v. NC317.remm- =hremm- ; remn= hnefnrempan to be hasty, precipitate, CP 149".rtn (AO,CP)i=4regn+rin (i) n. ornament, CP : building, NG.renboga m. 'rainbow,' AS.

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renoo (») f. pride, orientation.

rendan to 'rend,* tear, cut down, 01.

rendegn m. house-officer, Erf 1137. [»rn,Segn]

rendropa m. * raindrop,* £cd3-278*.rene=ryne; ±rene = ±rynerenel (KGl) — rynel ; reng= regnrenge (y) f. spider, spider's web. [L. aranea]rengwyrm (») m. intestinal worm, Lod.±renlan to prepare : (+) arrange, set in

order, mend, set {trap) : (+) adorn. +r. tdbismere humiliate, degrade, AO. [*regnlan


Goth, ragindn]renlend m. arranger, El880?rtnlg (Led), renlio (iB) 'rainy.'

+renned ' coapidatus,' EPs67If.

renscQr m. 'ratn-sAouer,* M.rtnsnssgl m. snail, OEG23".+renung (regn-) f. arranging, WW37119


renwseter n.*

rain-water,' Led.

renweardm. house-guardian, B770. [aern]

renwyrm m. eart^uwra, WIP. ['ramuwm']reo I. f. (obi. cases reon) covering, rug,

blanket, mantle, [riihj II.=hreohreoc Mtn^e, furious* B 122.

reooan I. sv* intr. to emit smoke, steam,lreek,' Lcd,Ps;M : stink. II. (WW244*)=reoan

reocende (e) smoking, steaming, M,Jud,MtL. ['reeking']

reod I. 'red,' ruddy, M,Erf,MH. ['reod']

II. n. red colour, WW. III. = hreodreodan* to redden, stain with blood : (t) kill?

reodlan to sift? El 1239.

reodian= readianrftodmutta m. 'faseacus' (bird), WW234".reodnsesc (WW38")? =readlesorftofan1 (only in pp. rofen) to rend, break,

Ex463. <


reohhe f. 'ray,' ihornbackf WW1%\*.+reohnung = +remmg ; reoht=rihtreol=hreol; reoma=rimareoma (ea) m. membrane, ligament. [Oer.

riemen]rton I.=reowon pret. pi. of rdwan. II. v. reo.

reone asm. of reo.

±reonlan to conspire, plot, M.reonlgf mournful, sad : gloomy.

reonlgmodf mournful, weary.

±reonung f. whispering, muttering, con-

spiracy, & : astrology, OEG. [run]

reopa m. bundle of corn, sheaf, VPs. ['reap ']

reopan (VPs ) = repan ; reoplan = ripian -

±reordf I. fn. voice, B,Cr,Ps : language,

speech, ML. ['rerde'] II. f. sustenance,

food : meal, feast. III. pret. 3 sg. of

redan.reordan =reordian II.

reordberendf m. man.reordhus n. eating room, refectory, MkL 14u.

reordian I. to speak, discourse, B,Cr,Oen :

read. [*rerde*] II. (±) to feed, refresh,

entertain, feast.

c. n.

+reordnes f. feasting, banquet.

±reordung f. refection, meal.

+reordunghQs n. refectory, WW328".+reordungt!d f. mealtime, GD1451*.

reosan 'pissli,' name ofa plant?WW300*.

+reosan = +hreosan ; -reose v. riege-r.

rtost rest (part of a plough), WW.rtotan'f to weep, mourn, wail.

reote v. retu.

rtotlgt mournful, sad, tearful.

rtow I. = reo (hreoh). II. pret. 3 sg. of

rowan,rtowllc= hreowlio ; reowot= rewetrepan5 to reap, Chb.repel m. staff, rod, GD20M (. ES37192).reppan =hreppanreps m. response (in a church service), M,HB.[L. responsorinm]

repsan to reprove, blame, Gl.repsung (ae) f. a division of the night :

reproving. [=*r»fsung]repung=nrepung; reran =r&ran+rerdlng= +reordung; resee=riscerfisele f. answer, solution, Rd40*. [=*ra3sele]

res1an=rseswian+resp n. blame. [«*+reps]rest (») f. 'rest,' quiet, repose, sleep, M,Bo,BH,Cr,VPs : (±) resting-place, bed, couch,

Bl,Chr,MtL,MH,VPs : grave.

±resta f. bedfellow, consort, wife, J£.

restan (absol. and refl.) to 'rest,' repose, AS,

Bl,Chr,Lcd,LL : (+) (w. g.) rest from,remain, lie, J£,An,B,MkL.

restan to rejoice, exult? PPsll34.

restbedd n. bed, couch, PPsl31*.rest-dsBg (»), reste-, resten- (M) m. day ofrest, Sabbath day, CP,Mt. ['restday']

restengear n. year of rest from work, M.restgemana m. cohabitation.

resthtts n. chamber, APs,BH.restleas 'restless,' without rest, RB121 1*.

+restsclpe m. cohabitation, BH76*7.

reeling (CP) = rieswung±ritan to delight, gladden, cheer, console,

comfort, CP. [rot]

rttend m. comforter, W257*.rttu f. (only in d. reote) joy, B2457.rette righteous, just, PPs (or ?»r$5e).

rfBe (of persons) fierce, cruel, violent, harsh,

severe, JE.B,BH : (of things) terrible,

dreadful, Bl,Bo,CP : zealous, CP. ['rethe']

retfoglan = r@5ianretiehygdlg right-minded, Alm2.retfeman m. usurer (GK), PPsl08u .

[Goth. ra«jo?]

relSemodt savage, cruel, fierce, indignant.

rttfen? wild, jELIO10*.

rett-lan, -igian to rage, be fierce, M.rettg fierce, WW402».r§9lgm6d savage, fierce, Mkt2517


ri/VHe fierce, cruel, deadly, adv. -lice violently.

reKnes f . cruelty, severity, harshness, Bl,CP


AO : savageness, ferocity, BE,Led ; CP :

zeal, CP. ['rethness']


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±rtt$ra m. rower, tailor, Gl.+rt*re ready, CP306".dbriSru np. oars.

rtftselpe m. fury, anger, WW246".rtwet, rewut n. rowing, M : rowing-boat,vessel. JE. [rdwan]

riaht(K)=rihtI.rib, ribb n. 'rib,* ;BfCp,MH,8oul ; AO.rlbbe f. AouiuT^-ton^ue, ribwort, Ep,Lcd,WW. ['rib



ribbepican np. 'rib-spokes,9

the brisket


(BT), WW266".ilea m. influential man, ruler, M.rlcan (BDS16M7)=reoan (*riecan)

rfooeter, riooetere (M) =riceterrice I. strong, powerful, Da ; Lod : great,

mighty, of high rank, JB,BH,MH ; AO,CP :

*rtch,9 M,BE,Bo,Lk. II. n. rule, retgnt,

power, might, authority, empire, M,Bl,Cr,MH ; AO. fon to rice to ascend the throne :

kingdom, nation, diocese, B ; AO,CP : reign

{period of time), ['riche ']

rfeeddm n. kingly rule, W125*. ['rieMom*]riotls=reoelB; rieen-=recen-rioeter, rioetere n. force, might, power, rule,

dominion, glory, greatness, CP : ambition,

M : tyranny, oppression, violence.

rfcg, rioig=hrycgrlolio sumptuous, AS 38*. adv. -lice power


fully, M,CP : sumptuously, Lk. ['richly1


rieone=recene; ries=rieortceere m. ruler, DR113».ricslan to bear rule, reign, govern, tyrannize,

J2,AO,CP : dominate, prevail.

rleslend m. ruler, DR1028.

rlesiing f. domination, DR1741*.

-rfda v. brand-r.

rldan1 (±) to 'ride,1 B,BH,Mt; AO : move

about, swing, rock, ride (at anchor), B,Bo :

float, sail, Qen : chafe {offetters) : (+)rideover, occupy (a country), seize : (+ ) ride upto.

rldda m. rider, man on horseback, horseman,horse-soldier, JE.

riddere =ridere ; -ridel v. for(e)-r.

rldend m. rider, cavalier.

rldere m. 'rider,* trooper, knight, CAt1086l.ridesoht f ? fever, NG. [hritt? aunt?]ridon pret. pL of ridan.

ridusende swinging, Gl.rldwlga m. horse-soldier, WW110*8


rle©e=rice; riehte=friht; rif=hrifrlf I. fierce, ravenous. II. generous, Kl.+rlf n. seizing, catch {offish) : number caught.

+rlf garment, v. NC296.-rife . hege-r.

rlfelede wrinkled, OEGlSb™. ['rivclled9


rllellng m. shoe or sandal of raw hide, WW126. ['riveUing



+rlflan to wrinkle, iEH 1-614".

rift, rifte (y) n. cloak, veil, curtain, M,Cp,MtL. ['rift']

rllter m. reaping-hook, sickle, scythe, Gl.riftre, riftere (y) m. reaper, M.

rlge^ryge; rlgnan=rinanribsian = rlcsian

±riht I. (e, eo, y) n. (what is straight),

'right,' equity, justice, law, canon, rule,

M,B,Bo,Bl,BH,CP,Ct : cause, legal action,

M : a right, privilege, Bo,CP,Gen,LL :

correctness, truth, on r. ; mid rihterightly, correctly, properly : what is due,duty, obligation, CP(y), Gen : reckoning,account. II. (e, e, y) adj. straight, erect,

direct, BH,Bl,Lcd,VPs : 'right,9 proper,

fair, just, equitable, lawful, permissible,Bl,Bo,Lk,W : true, correct, Bl,WW : filling,

appropriate, BH,LL : real, genuine, M,BB,Bl : right (as opposed to left).

rihtartelewftn f. lawful wife, W298u.

rihterielo (y) npl. true nobility.

rlhtAw f. lawful wedlock,W : lawful wife, LL.±rihtan (e, y) to set right, correct, amend,Bl,LL,TC ; M : guide, govern, direct, rule,

Bl,Bo : set up, restore, replace, erect, Gen.Vright



rihtandaga m. proper (fixed) day, LL.rlhtandswaru f. retort, reproof, PPs37".rlhtcynecynn (y

1) n. legitimate royal family


AO(y*).rlhteynlng m. lawful king, BH360".rthteynn n. true stock, W 13*.

rihtdonde pto. doing what is right, Bl.rihte adv. 'right,* due, straight (of direction,

as in right on, due east), outright, CP,Met :

precisely, exactly, just, AO,Bl,Bo,Ps :

rightly, duly, well, correctly, truly, properly,

fairlyJustly,B,Bl,Lk : directly, immediately,M. o»r rihte thereupon, straightway.

+rihte n. right, due, ^,<7Ar(1074L) : religiousrite, office, ML. +rihtu pi. last offices, on+r. straight on. np on +r. upright.['i-riht



rlhtebred n. measure, rule, square, WW.rihtend m. director, leader, guide.

rihtendebyrdnes f. right order, NC317.rlhtere m. director, ruler, Bo. ['tighter


]rthtes (e) adv. right, straight, KC3-392*.rlhtfaedrenoynn (e, y) n. direct paternaldescent or pedigree.

rihtfsesten n. properly ordained fast, LL132[8].

rlhttsestendeag m. properly appointed fast-day, M.

rihtfaestentld f. duly appointed time offasting, M.rihttremmende (y)f acting rightly.

rlhtful * rightful, ' honourable, Chb 1 IOOl.rthtgeftg n. proper joint, GD248**.rlhtgetromed catholic, orthodox, BH4661*.

rihtgegylda m. duly appointed member of aguild, TC606".

rihtgehatan7 topledge oneself, swear, RPs 14*.

rihtgehlwan pL lawfully married persons,LL22nl6.

rthtgeleafful orthodox.

rlhtgeleafllee adv. in an orthodox manner,CM 1167.

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rlhtge-tyfed, -lefed ptc. having the rightfaith,

orthodox, catholic,

rlhtgetyfende believing rigidly,faithful, Bl.rlhtgemet n. proper measure, NC317.rlhtgesamhlwan pL lawfully marriedpersons,LL22[38].

rlhtgeseead n. right understanding, GD561.

rlhtgeset duly appointed, canonical, CM4 12.

rlhtgesetednes f. right ordinance, NC317.rlhtgetfanood right-minded, LPs.rihtgewltt (y ) n. right mind, MH 192".

rlhtgewlttlg in one's right mind, GD246M.

rlhtglfu f. irrevocable gift, LL366[81] ; 385.

rintha&med n. lawful wedlock, CP(y).rihthamsoyld m. main entrance to a home'Head? LL5[32] (v. ANS115-389).

rihthamsdcn f. actual 'hamsoon* (v. ham-sdcn), LL614[49,581.

rihthand f. right hand, Nio492 ; 008.

rlhthandd&da m. actual perpetrator, LL188[1,3].

rlhtheort righteous, just, CPVPs.rlhthlwa m. lawful consort, CP(y).rlhthlUord m. rightful lord, LL.rlhthlafordddm m. lawful authority, Chb918o.

rihthlftfordhyldo (e») f. loyalty, W.±rlhtUeoan to put right, rectify, set in order,

BB,W. ['rightleche']

rlhtlAce m. duly qualified physician,W 1211.

rlhtl&eung (y) f. criticism, correction, J3,CP.rlhttagu f. regular legal ordinance, W.rihtlie (y) right, proper, just, fit, righteous,

M : adapted, fitted, adv. -Hoe justly,

uprightly, virtuously, M,Bl : properly,' rightly,* regularly, BE : correctly, precise-

ly, A,CP(y).rihfDoetton m. downright hypocrite, W6414


ifhiDf n. right life, regular union (of marriedpeople), Lod3176m.

rthtHflad m. right way of life, GD3361.

rihtlKUc articulate, WW355*.rlhtmMrencynn (e1, oes) n. direct mother'sline, OET651.

rlhtmtterfen n. correct hexameter verse,

A 8-314.

rlhtmunue m. true monk, BB7319.

rlhtnes (e) I. 'tightness,' rectitude, equity,

Ps : perpendicularity, straightness, WW :

reckoning, account, MtL(e) : (+) correction.

rthtnqrSanwInd m. north wind, A01717(y).

rlhtraclend m. expounder of righteousness(the preacher, Ecclesiastes), GD264".

rlhtracu (y ) f. correct account, TC 170* : right

reason, GD262.+rihtreeean to guide, direct, AS267


rihtregul m. right rule, canon, EG5304.rihtryne m. right or straight course.

rlhtaclr (LL252")=rihtecriftscirrlhtserttend m. jurisconsult, lawyer, WW.rlhtscriftaelr f. properly assigned district

of a confessor.

rlhtseylUng m. shilling of sterling money,

rlhtscytte (y) sure ofaim, Cba51.rlhtsmeaung (e1 ) f. right reasoning orargument, MtL P910


rlhtstefn f. ordinary voice, GD28**.rlht-tid f., -tima m. proper time.

rlht-fteow, -oeowa m. lawful slave, GD180*.rlhtung £. action of guiding aright, direction,

order, rule, guidance, JS,BB : correction,

reproof, M : body of rights, privilege?privileged district t Chb963e : 'regularis'(in computation), ['righting']

rihtungttr&d m. plumb-line, WW 150*1.

rihtweg m. right way, W.rlhtwer m. lawful husband : legally correct

'wergild/ LL466;467.rlhtwestende m. extreme western limit, AO

rihtwH n. lawful wife, LL348[64,1].rlhtwUlende wishing to do right, Bo ll 17


rlhtwb 'righteous/ just, Bl,Bo,Chr ; CP :

right, justifiable, Bl.

rlhtwbend m. Sadducee, Mt37.

rlhtwlsian to make 'righteous,9

justify, Lk,VPs;M : direct aright, rule

rlhtwlallo righteous CP(y). adv. -Hoe right-

ly, reasonably, Bo. ['righteously ']

rlhtwlsnes f. 'righteousness,* justice, Mt :

rightness, reason : righteous acts, jR.+rlhtwbung f. justification.

rlhtwiltere m. correct writer, Gl.rlhtwuldrlende orthodox, BH310nB.rlhtwyrie proper, fitting, AS 13".rlhtymbren n. duly appointed Ember tide,

W117.rlhtymbrendagaa mp. duly appointed Emberdays, Will.

rfm- = hrim-±rtm n. number, counting, reckoning, VPs


^E,AO,CP. ['rime']rima m. 'rim,' verge, border, coast, Cp,WW.riman (± ) to count, number, AO,Ps ; M : tell,

enumerate, relate, CP : account, esteem as.


rimati m. oath by a number of persons, LL154[9].+rlmbde calendar, jEH1-98m.

±rlmcraft m. arithmetic : calendar, J5L101.

rimcraftlg skilled in reckoning.

rlmcroftiga m. one skilful at figures, A8-301".

-lime v. earfoti-r. ; rImfont=hrimforstrlmge-tal, -telf n. number.rimpan v. +rumpea.rtmre m. reckoner, calculator, A8*307M .

ifmtsal = rimgetffil

rfmtalu f. number, El820.

+rtn (NG)>=i+ri§nrlnan1 (and wv.) impers. and intr. to rain,

(impers.) JB»£Z» (intr.) Bl^Lk, VPs. ['rine*


regn]+rfnan = +hrlnanline m. man, warrior, hero, B,Cr,Met*['rink']

rinegetal n. number of men, Ex 234.


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rlncsetl (HGL489)=hringsetlrind, rinde f. 'rind,' bark, outside, Bo,Cr,Led ; CV : crust, jB.

-rindan, -rindran v. be-r.

rindeellfer f. wood-pecker? nuthatch? WW427»

rinden of bark, GPH390.rindleas having no bark, WW 190".rlne = ryne; ring =bring; lining =hrinung±rlnnan8 to 'run,' flow, Cp,Cr,Ps,8at : (+)run together, blend, coagulate. [=iernan]

rinnelle f. runnel, rivulet, stream. [iynele?]±rlp n. harvest, BH,Chr,Mt : cut corn, sheaf


ripeness, maturity, PPsll8M7. ['ripe,9




ripe 'ripe,* mature, BH,Bo.rtpemann m. reaper, MtL {hi-), ['reap-

man 1


rtpere m. 'reaper,1 Mt.

rtplan to become 'ripe,' ripen, A,A.iiplsera n. sickle, MtLR4tt


rlpnes f. 'ripeness,* harvest, LPs.rlptere=riftere

riptlma m. time of harvest, Mt. ['reaptime ']

rfpung f. ripening, ripeness, maturity, A,RB,VPs. ['riping']

+rls n. fury, Gl.±risan1 I. (usu. +) to 'rise,' stand up, Ps :

be fit, be proper, M,Qu. ['irise'] II. to

seize, carry off.

rise, riace (e;=y) f. 'rush,' Cp;Udi. [L.]

risebedd n. bed of rushes, EC. [. *rush ']

rlsoen made of rushes, M. ['rushen' ]

riseleae n. rush leek, rush garlic, WW 356*.rise*?lei m. rush-bed, Ct,GL.risen- = nan -

+risen seizure, Guth78*. [risan]

rbende ? rapacious, Bl225".+rl8enlie convenient, suitable, becoming, AO,CP. adv. -lice.

ristondum 'odorato'? OEG234.

±risne fit, meet, proper, convenient.+risnes f. congruUy, WW383".

+risnlan to agree, accord, WW330".+risnu np. what is fitting, due, dignities,

AO.risoda m. rheum, Lod 2-282".

rit pres. 3 sg. of ridan.

rttJ {.favour, indulgence, So224T.

rf8 fm. f rifle? f. rivulet, stream, M,Bo,CP\Mdf. ['rithe']

rffifald m. catUe-pen, cow-shed, WW195M.


rrolg n. streamlet, Mdf.rHroa=rytioa; rix(^) = risc

rlxlan (&) = ricsian ; ro=r6w II.

roe n. what is chewed, cud, WW.roee m. over-garment, rochet. [Oer. rook]roocettan, rocettan to eructate, belch forth,

utter, NG,VPs.roeelan to rock (a child), Kl 1011M.

.rod f. 'rood,1cross, gallows, M,Ct,Q,MH\

CP : rood (land measure), plot of land of asquare rod, BC (Mdf).

rodblgenga m. worshipper of the cross, WW216".

rodbora m. cross-bearer, GPH389.rodd m? 'rod,' stick {to beat with), HL15"» (v. late).

rddegealga m. cross, MP 1*610.

rodehengen f. hanging, crucifixion, M.roder=rodorrodewyrfte deserving hanging, HL18m.

+r6dfs»tnlan to crucify.

rodor (a) m., gs. rod(o)res ether, sky, heavens,firmament, M,CP.rodorbeorht heaven-bright, Da 369.rodorcynlngt m. king of heaven.rodorlle of the heavens, heavenly, celestial, M.rodorHhtung (roder-) f. dawn, LPs.rodorstol (a1 ) m. heavenly throne, Geh 749.rodortorht heavenly-bright, Gen 1416.rodortungol n. star of heaven, Gkn 1667.rodwurfflend m. cross-worshipper,HGl403*°.roe*e(Cp,NG)=r€oerdrf vigorous, strong, brave, noble, renowned.rofen pp. of rdofan.

rdfleas=hrdfleasroglan to flourish, GnE 119.

rohte pret. 3 sg. of reoan.

rom=rammRom, Romeburg f. Rome, AO.Roman f. Italy.

Roman-e, -an pi. Romans, AO.rdmanlsc Roman, AZ,AO.Rdm-feoh, -gesceot (LL) n., -penig [LL,W


m. ' Rome-penny,' ' Romescot, ' Peter 'spence.rdmlan (w. g.)tp possess? Gen 350.romm=rammRdmwalb (u1

) m. inhabitant of Rome.[wealh]Rom-ware (AO), -waran pi. inhabitants ofRome, Romans.rond=randrop I.? broth, WW2729

. II. =ropprop liberal, Rd58».replies f. liberality, WW.ropp m. intestines, Lcd,WW (hi-), ['rope']ropwsero m. colic, WW211".rdrend= rowendrdsbedd rose-bed, OEG23*.rose, rose t'rose,'A,jE,Bl,Bo,MH. [L.roea]rdsen made of roses, Led : rose-coloured, rosy,&,ZDA. ['rosen']

rtog rosy, MR23W.+rosod roseate, OEG3278.rost=rust+rostlan to roast, dry, WW.rot = hrotrot glad, cheerful, bright : noble, excellent*

r6t(e)1 'root,' NC31&.rdtfasst (root-fast), firmly established, Che1127. [ON. rot]

rothwfl f. time of refreshing, PPs,rotlan to 'rot,' putrefy, M,CPJjc*\rdtlloe gladly, cheerfully, BH348S


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rotnes f. gladness, cheerfulness, DR : refuge, ilbinmbAUc ampU, large,fuU,liberal,, Pss. adv. -lice.

rotslan to make sad, afflict, CP4179. rummodnes f. large-heartedness, liberality,

rotsung £. refuge, protection, comfort, EPs910. kindness.rotung f. corruption, ulcer, WW11414

. rQmnes f. breadth, abundance, M.[rotian] rQmod=rummdd

rdtfer I. m. rower, sailor, CP. [rowan] rfkmor adv. comp. still further.

II. =r6«or +rumpen twisted, wrinkled? WW36640.

rotthund m. mastiff, WW. [ryBoa] rQmwelle spacious, MtL.7 1*.

rottor n., gs. roores oar, scull, CP,WW. ran f. mystery, secrecy, secret, El,Jn£i :

['rudder'] counsel, consultation, B,KC,Wa : (secret)

r6tfra=reora council : runic character, letter, BB :

rdw I. quiet, calm, gentle, soft, mild, CP. writing, An,Da. ['roun']

II. f. quietness, rest. [Oer. ruhe] 4-rana m. councillor, Gl.±rowan7 pret. pi. reowon, rSon to go by rQneofa m. chamber of secrets, breast, bosom,water, 'row, ' sail, swim, LkL(hr-),WW ; M. Mbt22m.

rowend m. rower, CP : sailor, M. rOneraftlg skilled in mysteries, Da 734.

rowett= rewet runere m. whisperer, tale-bearer,M. [ ' rouner ']

rownesf. rowing, BH38481. rQnian to whisper, murmur, talk secrets,

t&vnmg t. 'rowing,' NQ. conspire, JE,Psj3ol. ['round']

rudduo m. robin, WW. ['ruddock'] rOnlende whispering, WW441. ['rouning']

rflde I. m. scabbiness, scab, WW 161 14 runlfoul? running? Lcd3-3617. [?=*hranol]

(=*hrada?A30-253). UA.rue. [I,, rata] rOnlle mystical, MtL pS11.

rudig rubicund, 'ruddy, ' OEG2932. -runn v. cys-gerann.rudon pret. pL of reodan. +runnen pp. of -f rinnan.rudu f. red colour, ApT : ruddy complexion, +runnenes f. that has been cooled or congealed,WW : red cosmetic, JUL. ['rud'] GPH398.

rues =ryges gs. of iyge ; rOg =rah rQnstaf m. runic letter, rune, JE,B. ['rune-

rugern m. month of rye-harvest, August? stave']

LL12Pro. rOnung f. whispering, wheedling, M.rQh gs. rawes 'rough,* Outh,Rd; M : coarse ['rouning']

(of cloth) : hairy, shaggy, M : undressed, runwltat m. private adviser, counsellor, wiseuntamed, WW. man.

ruhna? m. ray (fish), NC324 (suhha). rQst m. 'rust,1 Cp,MtL,RB : moral canker,

['rough'] CP,HL.ram I. adj. (±) roomy, wide, long, spacious, rOstig 'rusty,

9 A0251*1.

ample, large, liberal, B,Bo,Mt,vPs;M, rate = rudeCP : unfettered, open, unrestricted, loose : rQwa m., rawe f. covering, tapestry.

noble, august. II. m. (±) space (extent or rawes v. rah.

time), 'room, ' Oen,Lk z scope* opportunity, rQzIan to make a noise, MtR9n. [hruxl]

B,Mct. on +ram at large, apart. *y®-» ryc-=reo-, reo-

+rumat m. space, place. ifedpres. 3 eg. of reocan.

raman =ryman rjd (LL 192,2b)= rad I.

rame (once + ) adv. widely, spaciously, -ryddan, -rydran v. a-r.

roomily, amply, liberally, extensively, abun- +rfd(e) ? prepared, ready.

dandy, Oen,Lcd : light-heartedly : in detail, ryden n. name of a plant, Lop 122a.

Jul314. ['room'] ryderian v. a-r.

rtimed-=rammdd- r£e = ryherflmg&l revelling in release from confinement rjfe ' rife,' frequent, Led (v. late).

(Noah's dove), Gen 1466. adv. -lice rytt (i, e) n. covering, veil, curtain, cloak, CP.widely, NC318. ryge (i) m. 'rye,' Cp.

rOmgifa (eo2) m. bountiful giver, BH 194tt. rygen (i) made of rye, Led. ['ryen']

rOmgitul (y*) bountiful, jE,CP. rphe f. rug, blanket, Gl.rQmgtfulnes f. liberality, bounty, profusion, ryht^riht; rfm-=rim-M. ±r?man (e) to clear, open up, A,B,Lk,Met,

rOmbeort large-hearted, generous : free from W : widen, extend, prolong, enlarge, M,CP :

care. make room, retire, retreat, yield, J5. ['rime';

rfkmheortaes f . liberality. ram]rOmlan to become clear of obstructions, Led r*met n. room, space, extent, M : comfort,

1-76". ['room'] benefit.

ramllo benign, liberal : plentiful, M. adv. r?metleastf. want ofroom, JEH1-34M .

+ramlioe at large, fully, kindly, liberally, r^mtJ f. amplitude, CM 17.

abundantly, M,Bl,MtL. ['roomly'] r^n, rynan to roar, rage.

rammdd liberal, lavish, kind, CP. ryne (e) m. running, onward course, A,M,

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Bo,VHy ;AO : flux, flow (water, blood),

Lk; M: period of time, cycle, course of life :

expanse, extent : orbit, ['rune']

±ryne n. mystery, dark saying.

ryneglest m. running spirit (^lightning)?rain-foe? (Tupper), Rd4".•rfnegu v. hel-r.

rynel (e) m. runnel, stream, Bl,OD,VPs :

runner, messenger, M. ['rindle']

ir^nelic mystical, adv. -free,

rynellce? 'cursim,' QEGV*.rynemann} m. one skilled in mysteries.

rynestrong strong in running, Rd207.

ryneswlftf swift in running.rynettrag f. space of time, Gu 184.

rynewdnf m. swift vehicle, chariot.

ryng-=reng-rfnig good in counsel? Cra5\. [ran]ryniga? m. liquid that runs off? Lcd.rynnlng f. rennrf, WW 128"r^nstfiBf (MF172)=runst«f ; rjp= rip

±rypan I. to spoil, plunder, rob, Chr,MtL,LL,W. ['ripe'] II. pL sheaves, CSPs.III.= rsepan. IV.= ripan

rypere m. robber, plunderer.

raping m. plunder, spoliation, OEQ3149.Vriping']

ryplen 7 ma<Je o/6room [A 3 1 »536].

ryps =repe ; -r^ric v. s©-r. ; rysc-= risc-

rysel, ryel (M), ryg(e)le m. lard, fat.

+rysen-, +rysn- = +risn-

»yslg(OEG8MT)=hiiBigryt rubbish for burning, underwood, UL36[27].

ryK I.=ri6. II. pies. 3 sg. of ryn.r^Uer=hrtBerrytfta m. a species of dog, mastiff, M.[Qer. rude]

8sft m. tub, bucket, GL [ON. sir; v. 'say']

saban m? «*eef, WW602".aae= (l)sacu; (2) asBO

saca nap. of saou.

±saca m. opponent, foe, M.aaean* to struggle, dispute, disagree, wrangle,

fight : accuse, blame, bring a criminal or

civil action against any one, lay claim to, LL.taco (ae) m. 'sack,

1bag, JR. [L. saccus]

sacerd mf. priest, priestess, JE,CP. [L.


aftoerdbana m. priest-slayer, W.sacerdgerfsne befitting a priest, BH206".aftoerdhad m. priesthood, CP.sacerdland n. land allotted to priests, 2&aftoerdllo sacerdotal, priestly, BH.aftoerhad = sacerdhadaaeful quarrelsome, contentious,M. ['sakful']saclan to wrangle, strive, M.ascites innocent, LL : unmolested, safe, KC,MtL. ['sackless']

i f. (oblique cases often have sax?-) (±)

conflict, strife, war, battle, feud, sedition,

dispute, JR,B ; AO : affliction, persecution,trial : sin, fault, B,Ph : prosecution, law-suit, action, a and 66cn jurisdiction, right

of holding a court for criminal and civil

matters, LL (v. 2-466). ['sake9


sad- v. and.•Ida m. snare, cord, halter, [op. Qer. saite]

tadel=aadol±aadellan to 'saddle,' JS,KC ('saddled').

aadlan to be sated, get wearied, Bo : (+)satiate, fill, Ps. ['sade' ; asd]

aadol (e1, u1) m. saddle.

aadolbeorbt with ornamented saddle, B2175.sadolbogam. 'saddlebow,' WW.sadollelg 1 pommel of a saddle, Gl.Saduceiso Sadducean; as sb. m. Sadducee.aadul=sadolaft ml often indeoL but also gs. aSs, sewe,seo; nap. ses, gp. sfiwa, dp sewum,an(u)m sheet of water, 'sea,' lake, pool, AS,B,Bo,0,Lcd, VPs.

afifil m. sea-eel, WW447*aftcelfen= aeelfenaftbatf 1 'sea-boat,' vessel, ship, B.aftbeorg m. cliff by the sea : mountain ofwaves? An308.

aftburg t seaport town, MtL4M.

ss&c I. offensive, odious : guilty. II. (KGl61M)=sacc

aw©-, saw- =sec- (and v. aaou)t seo-

tflBee h I strife, contest [saoan] II. m.sackcloth, JR. ['sack' ;=saoo]

sssooe pres. 1 sg. of saoan.

ssdoolng m. sacking, pallet, Mk6u.

ssecddm=soeacddmaftceastor f. seaport town, MtR4u.

s&ceosol m. sea-sand, shingle, M.SBBcerdHisacerd ; a83Cgen=s»genaftclr m. sea-ebbing, Ex 291.

aftolian (C£r)=8icliansftenfn. cliff by the sea, Bo. ['seacUff']

aflooeo m. cockle, WW94".afteol n. jet, WW416*. ['seacoal']

sfteynlng m. sea-king, B2382.ssBcysul= aseceosol

asdd (occl sad- in obL cases) w. g. sated with,

weary of, satiated, filled, fill, Ps,Bd. ['sad']aftd n., nap. sod, sftdu 'seed,' Jf*,VPs(S),M,CP : ^ut«, offspring, posterity, MkL,VPs : sowing, Met ; M : growth.

aftdberende seed-bearing, M.aftdcynn n. kind of seed.

aftde pret. 3 sg. of secgan.

aftdtor m. sea-monster.

aftdere m. sower, M,MkL. ['seeder']

aftdlan to provide seed, LL460[10].aftdleap m. sower's basket, A. ['seedlip']

aftdllo belonging to seed, seminal, DR 146s.sftdna* m. sowing, WW 147*.

sssdnes f. satiety, GPH391.aftdraca m. sea-dragon.

aftdsworn seed (fig. and collectively), REHy8(9)".

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sAdtbna m. seed-time, Hex 12s8.

sAearm m. arm of the sea, A022*.sAetten (»*) t sea-elf, Naiad, WW.aAfareld n. passage of the (Bed) sea, A038".sAtesten f. watery stronghold, ocean, Ex 127.

sA-faroti, -fearotff m. sea-coast,

totem f. Severn. [L. Sabrina]sAflse m. 1

sea-fish,' Cr.

sAflod mn. tide, inundation, flood, flow of the

sea, flood-tide, AO : (f) sea. [' seafood*]sAflota m. (sea-floater), ship, An381.

sAfor £ sea-voyage, Sbaf42.±sAgan to cause to sink, settle : cause to fall,

fell, destroy, [aigan]

s®gd-=B»ged-sagde pret. 3 sg. of seogan.

ssegdlg (N)=s«gde io

aAgfep spacious (ship), B1896.±iAgednM £ sacrifice, MkLR12" ; APs65":mystery, mhlZ*(gi-).sAgem&re n. sea-coast, G.±s89gen (e) f. speech, statement, MJlO : pre-

monition, prophecy, AO : '*[**% story,

legend, seo halge +8. Holy Writ.

sAgenga m.t ship : sailor.

sAgeset m. coast region, Gl.s®gl=sigel; SBagnian=8egniansAgon pret. pi. of aeon.

sAgrund m. sea-bottom, abyss, M,CP.S»h=seahsAheali f. side next the sea, Chb 1072b.sAhengest m. sea-horse, ship, An488 :

hippopotamus, WW.sAhete m. boiling, surging of the sea, BH384**.

sAholm m. ocean, An 529.

rant == sent; rahtMan=sahtliansAhund m. sea-dog, sea-monster, OEG26*1


sal n. nap. salu room, hatt, castle, B,Bd.['sale'; Oer. saal]

sAl (fi) I. mf. (occL dp. salum) time, season,

opportunity, occasion, condition, position,

Led ; M,AO : prosperity, happiness, joy, B.on salum happy; 'gaudete,' GD202*. tosteles in due time, NR39. H.=sel II.

sAlief n. sea-gift, sea-spoil, B.sAlfldf *• sea-way. sea-voyage.

sAUff f. sea-leavings, jetsam.

±sAlan I. (e) to take place, happen, [s&l L]II-t to tie, bind, fetter,fasten : curb, restrain,

confine, [sal ; Oer. soil]

sAland n. coast, maritime district, (XS8Bld=seldralen I. made of willow, WW518*. [sealh]

II.=selen•AleodA= sfilida ^^sA!eo« n. song at sea, rowers' song, WW379*.

-raletta v. sealt-s.

sAlic of the sea, marine, M.sAUda m. seafarer, sailor, mariner : pirate*


±sAlig (+ exo. at LL300a) happy, pros-

perous, AO,Bo,Oen. ['i-seli']

+8AUge happily, WW407**.

+aAHgUe happy, blessed, fortunate, adv.-Hoe, Bo. VseUily']+sAUgnes 1 happiness.

sA-DSend, -litiendet m. sailor.

+sAllle» +s£liglicSffilmerlge f. brine, M. [L. *Balmoria ; Ok.aXpvpls]

+raltan (NGHsealtanraltna m. name of a bird, bunting? robin?

WW44".raft t. dwelling, house, Gxn785.±sAItf (v) f. (osu. in pL) happiness, pros-

perity, blessing, Bo ; iE,CP. f i-selth ']

tAlwang (os)f m. fertile plain.; sAma=sema+aAman= +syman, sieman*""" m. *seaman,

1pirate, viking, B.

sAmearhf m. sea-horse, ship.

sAmend=semendsAmest snperl. (of *sfime?) worstsAmestre=seamestreafimitte wearyfrom a sea-voyage, B325.afimlnte f. sea-mint, WW.

sAmra oomp. (of *s»me?) worse, inferior9


ramttnges =samtinges" maritime, OEG6»

m. sea-vessel, ship, Hu26.m. cape, promontory, maze.

ranegan=sengan; S8endan=sendansAne (often w. g.) slack, lazy, careless,

negligent, dull, cowardly.

sAnet n. net for sea-fishing, WW336M.

rangan =sengan ; sAntan=senianrap (e) n. * sap,

9juice, Cr,WW.

sAp(iEL31«1)=seapraplg 'sappy, ' juicy, succulent, OEG161


sssppe f. spruce fir, WW26914. [L. *sappi-

num ; Fr. sapin]

rapspdn 1 a shaving with sap in it, Lgd 106bafire =saresArlma m. sea-border, sea-shore, coast, Chr.


sArtnet m. seaman, pirate, viking.

sArof hardy at sea, Oba56.seerwlan= BearwiansArfrto m. sea-reed? (OK) ; an ait? (BT),

Whale 10.

88B8=sess; sAsv. B&.

sAsoeafla m. pirate, WW4698.

sAsoell f. 'sea-shell,9 MHIS*.

afistt m. sea-voyage, B1149.sfi-sneegl, -sneel m. * sea-snail,' WW.sAsteorra m. guiding star (for sailors), HL.['seastar']

S83Ster= aeetersAstrand m. '

sea-strand,' foreshore, M.sAstream, as mpl. waters of the sea, An.I'seastream'l ___

sAswalwe (h&-) f. sand-martin, WW7tt.

sset pret. 3 sg. of sittan.

•At f. lurking-place : snare, gin? LL445[2].[sittan]

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+88»t xl act of sitting, MkL ptP*.

seta m? holding of land, EC447".-sAta (e) v. burg-8.

sAtan=B*etian; -sAte v. an(d)-s.

sseterdsag= asBtera(es)d«eg

sAt-ere, -noie (e) m. waytoyer, robber : #py :

seditious one, seducer (the Devil), CP.seetern-dasg, WBter(n)ee- m. 'Saturday,'BH,Bl,Lk. [L. Saturni dies]

Sflsternlht 1 Friday night, M.sAtlan (§) (w. g.) to fte »» «wrt for, plot

against, CP. [sittan]

SffitU, a»tb-toetl; sAtn-=s»t-+S8Btnes = +setnessAton pret. pL of sittan.

sAtung (e) 1 ambush, trap, plot, snare, OP :


sA*(J£L36*M)=8ea8sAffftof v. heahs&oeof


sestforle f. savory (plant). [L. satureia]

sASrenewudu =Buoernewudu ; sAum v. sfi.

sAupwearp jetsam, TC421M.

sAwAg m. sea-wave, Da384.

sAwster n. 'sea-water,' Led 10b.

sAwan=sawansAwir n. seaweed, WW 135*1. ['teawore']

sAwarott n. sea-ohortj beach.

sAweallf m. * sea-watt,* seashore, beach, cliff,

B : wall of water (in the Red Sea).

sAweard m. coast warden, LL.sAweg m. path through the sea, Ps&*.['seaway']

Awirlfft weary from a sea-voyage, An.['seaweary']

sAwet n. sowing, [sawan]sAwfdng m. sea-viking. Ex333.

sAwfht f. marine animal, BH26*.lAwong m. seashore, beach, B1964.sAwtf pros. 3 eg. of sawan.sAwudu m. vessel, ship, B226.

i m. sea-surf, billow, B393.88BZ(OL)=seazsA?5 1 sea-wave,

salens, safine f. savine (a kind of juniper).[L. sabina]

saftriende ptc. rheumatic, WW161M.

sig pret. 3 sg. of sigan.

saga I. imperat. of secgan. II. m., +sagan.=saga IL+saga n. narrative, LkLl1


sagast prea. 2 sg., sagati pres. 3 sg. t sagodepret. 3 sg. of secgan.

sftg-ol, -el m. (sagl- in obi. oases) club, cudgel,

stick, staff, pole, AO.QD,Mt\ M,CP.Csowel*]

-sagol v. leas-, s6o\ w&r-s.

sagu (±) I. f. 'saw,' saying, report, story,

traditionr tale, Lk,WW;& : presage,

prophecy : witness, testimony, [secgan]II. f. 'saw' (too ), A,WW.ah I. pret. 3 sg. » (sigan. U. pret. 3 sg.*of

eon II


sahl-=8ealh-; sahl= sagol; sahtMsehtsal mf. bond, rope, cord, rein, collar, B,Qcn.['sole'; Oer. seU]

sala m. act of selling, 'sale,' WW.salb=sealf; saleh=sealhsalde =Bealde pret 3 sg. of sellan.

salI(Cp)=sealfsalfle, salfige t sage, Lcd. [L. salvia]

salh (01), salig=sealhsaDetan to sing psalms, play on, or sing to, theharp. [L. psallere]

salm-=sealm-silnes f. silence, A8-319*9. [cp. Ooth. ailan]

salo^salu; salor=solorsalowlgpad = saluwigpadsaltHteealt

saltere (ea) m. 'psalter,9collection ofpsalms,

service book containing the psalms, BH,Ct


M : psaltery, Lcd (ps-). [L. paalterium]salthaga m. robin redbreast? WW286U.

salu I. (ea) dark, dusky, Bd. {'sallow'}

II. nap. of 88?L

salubrun (ea1, o*) dark brown, Fin 37.

salum . s&l.

salunsb dark-complexioned, Rd60*.salupad dark-coated, Rd68».saluwigpad =salwigpadsalwed ptc. darkened, painted black

pitch), GEK1481.salwigfet$era{ having dark plumage.salwlgpadf having dark plumage,salwong=Bfilwang

sam oonj. whether, or. sam...sam whether.or, AO. sam ge...sam ge; sam oe..,

tSe whether...or.

sam- (^together) denotes union, combina-tion, or agreement. [ON. sam-]

stm- (=*half-) denotes a partial or imperfectcondition. [L. semi-]

sama=same v. swa.samad-==samod-sambssrned half-burnt, OEG.samboren born out of due time, WW356*.

sambryee m. partial breach (of rules, laws,etc), LL468[9].

sam-cwlo, -cuou (o1) half-dead, J3,AO.same only in swa a (swa) in like manner,also, as.

samedMsamodsamen adv. together JnR (o1 ).

samgrene half-green, immature, WW405*.

samgung young, CM 123. [geong]samhal unwell, weakly, W27310


samhaort unanimous, PPsl49l.

isamhlwan pL members of the same house-hold, CP.samhwyle pron. some.samlAred half-taught, badly instructed, M.

together, at the same time.

„ =samnungasamlooen half-closed, NC318.sammAle agreed, accordant, united.

sammelt half-digested, Lcd69b.±samnlan to assemble, meet, collect, unite.

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join, gather together, (tr.) Da,Led; (intr.)

Ps : glean, ['mm']samnlnga=samnunga±samnung (o) f. (but oocL gs. samnunges)assembly, council, MkL;M,CP. ['samen-ing']

samnunga («, e, o) adv. forthwith, immedi-ately, suddenly. [=semninga]aamnungcwldc (o1 ) collect, DB21


samod (o1) I. adv. simultaneously, at the

same time, together, jE,AO : entirely, M :

also, as well. too. II. prep. (w. d.) together

with, at (of lime), M. [Qer. sammt]samodberan4 to bear together.

samodcumend flocking together, CM282.samodeard (o1 , u*)t m. common home,samodfSBSt joined together, Cr1581.samodgangT m. communication betweenrooms, GD170*. (v. NC318.)

samodgefllt (o) n. strife, WW38288.

samodgesKJ m. comrade, GPH400.samodherlan (o1 ) topraise together, RPs 1Id1.

samodhering f. praising, ES40-302.

+samodlAean to bring together, RPs 1 12*.

samodllce adv. together, Chb1123.saxnodrynelas mpl. 'concurrents,

1 A8*302.

samodsprAc f. colloquy, conversation,CM51 1.

samodswegende consonantal, MOrSF.samodtang continuous, successive, v. NC318.samodflyrlic (o) adj. concordant, WW378*samodwellung (o1) f. welding together, WW380". [weallan]

samodwlst f. a being one with, GD2244.

samodwunung 1 common residence, living

together, LL(422»).samodwyroende ptc. co-operating,WW384".samra=8©mrasamrad harmonious, united, MbtII96


simsoden half-cooked, LL(166*n).simstorfen half-dead, GPH401.simswAtod half burnt, OEG4388.samswege (u1) adj. sounding together, inunison.

samtingM (ib1, e1, e*) adv. all at once,

immediately, forthwith, M.samtfe conj. in phrase samoe...samoe... ('tarn'... 'quam 1

...), CM 140,

etc. [earn] ,

samweaxen half-dead, NC319.aamwlnnende ptc. contending together, WW21 V.

samwls stupid, dull, foolish, CP. adv. -lice.

samwist f. living together, cohabitation.

s&mworht unfinished, Ckb.samwr&dnes f. union, combination, Boll44


samwyrcan to halfdo a thing, do it imperfect-

ly, LL350[61,1].sane I. pret. 3 sg. of sincan. II.= Bangsanct m. holy person, saint, M. [L. sanctus]sand (o) I. £ action of sending, embassy,mission, deputation, M : message : (also m.)messenger, ambassador : sending, service,

course of food, repast, mess, victuals, Ep\M. [' sand ' ; sendan] II. n.


sand, * gravel,

A, VPs ; AO ; Mdf : sandy shore, seashore,


aandbeorg m. sand-hiU, sand-bank.sandceosol m. sand, gravel, M.sandeorn n. grain of sand, M.sandgeweorp (u8) n. sand-bank, quicksand.

sandgewyrpe n. sand-heap, KC6-228*3.

sandgrot n. grain of sand, Hell 117.

sand-hlttf n., nap. -hleoou sandy slope,

hillock, An236.sandhof} n. sand-house, barrow, grave.

sandhricg m. sand-bank, JEGr758.

sandhyll m. 'sand-hill,1


sandlg ' sandy, ' Led.

sandlht (o) sandy, dusty, AO.sandlondf (o) n. sandy shore.sandrid n. quicksand, WW1837


sang I. m. noise, 'song,' singing, B,Bo,Or,

LkL : psalm, poem, lay, Bl,CP,VPs(o).II. pret. 3 sg. of aingan.

aangboc f. singing-book, service-book, KC,LL.['songbook



sangcrsdftm art of singing, composing poetry,or playing an instrument.

sangdraam m. 'cantilena,9song, music» CM


sangere (o) m. singer, poet, BH,BL ['songer1


sangestre f. songstress, MQr. ['songster*]

sangpTpe f. pipe, GPH389*.-sinlan v. a-s. [sftne]

sann pret. 3 sg. of simian,

sip f ? amber, unguent, Gl.sipbox m. box for resin? soap-boxf LL466[17].

sipe f. 'soap,1salve, Lcd,WW;M.

sir I. n. bodily pain, sickness, BH,Bl,Cr,VPs : wound, 'sore,

1 raw place, Ou,Lcd :

suffering, sorrow, affliction, Bo,Chr. II. adj.

sore, sad, grievous, painful, wounding, CP,Cr,Qen,Lcd,LL,Bd.

sarbennj 1 painful sore or wound.sirbot i compensation for wounding, LL500[10,11

siroUffi m. bandage, WW.sarcren sore, tender, Lcn>65b.

sarcwldef m. taunt, reproach : lament.

sire (ft) adv. sorely, heavily, grievously,

bitterly, B,Cr,Oen,Ps : painfully, B. ['sore']

sirettan to grieve, be. vexed, lament, complain,

CP.sarferhU sorrowful, Gxn2244.sarga m. trumpet, clarion, Gl.

sarglan (±) to cause pain, afflict, wound,

grieve : be pained, suffer, languish, CP.[sarig]

sargung t lamentation, grief.

sirian to become painful, CP : grieve, be sad,

feel sorry for, BH.Birig 'sorry,

1grieved, sorrowful, sad, jR,Bo,


sirlgctorm (e») m. wailing, MFH1288.

sirigferhtJf sad-hearted.

sarlgmdd dejected, mournful, B. ['sorry-


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sirignes 1 Badness, grief, JS,Chr. ['sorri-


sarlle grievous, sad, doleful, painful, lament-able, bitter, JB,BJo,BL adv. .fide ' sorely,


grievously, mournfully, bitterly, painfully,

JB,Bl,Bo,Jul;CP.sinus t affliction, distress, suffering, pain,grief, JB. [' soreness']

sbssofm* t complaint, WW488*sirslsfsf m. painful blow.

sirspell n. sad story, complaint.

sarstsstt m. cutting word, abuse, insult

sar-wracuf I, gds. -wr®ce grievous perse-

cution, sore tribulation.

sarwylm m. pain, illness, Gull23.saturege i. savory (plant), Zed 147a. ['sa-


saul=sawol±sawan7 to ' sow, ' strew seed, implant, JR,Bot

Lcd,G,VPs : disseminate, Bo,CP.sawelWsawol+saweled having a soul, O.sawend, sawere (lit) m. 'sower.*

sawl (CP)wsawolsawttan to erptre, JE.

sawlung (e») f. cfytn?, flAr. ['soiiJm?']

sa-wol (-wel, -viol, -wl) f., gs. sawle 'sotri,'

life, JB,B,Bl,Bo,VPs ; CP : spirit, Blfihr :

hvt'n? 6e»ng, JB.

sawolberend m. human being, B1004(wl).sawolcund (e) spiritual, Gu288.sawoMrtorf n. lift-blood.

sawolgedalf n. death.


sawolhord (©*, wl)t n. life, body.

sawolhorf- n. (soul house), body.

sawoDftas soulless, lifeless, M.sawol-soeat (©*), -soot m. payment to the

church on the death of a person, LL.sawoKearf f. soul's need, TC474(wl).sawon pret. pL of soon,

sawuiwsawolsea-, sea-, v. also acea-, soea-.

a*abfot=scaffdt; soad=+scead Lim. crown of head, PPsQI* ['shode']

(5a) f. salve or powder {for the

head?), Lcd.+seadwyrt f. oxeye, Lcd 103a.

sees-, 8csV=scea-, scea-

sosso, soeo 'boja, ' fetters, JGPh 1-320. [Du.

schake]sessoen pp. of soeaoan.

sC8Bd= (l)soead; (2) sceabb

sessftamund= sceaftmundsc&ftt= eoeafooascsegftssoegti; scaeni-=scam-

sednan I. (±) (6, ea) to break, wrench open,

JB. ['shene'] II. (+) to render briUiantf

8ol222 (GK).§c»nc= scene; scasndan = aciendan+scAnlngnes f. collision, WW38410


sedspMsoeap ; scssptlo (Cp)= sceaftlo

sossr= soear I. and II.

pret pL of scieran.

I. (Gen) =scea«. IL=Boeg«=8ceS-, sceatS-

seata m. plane* EpJLL. ['shave']

±scafan< (a, a\ ea) to 'shave,' scrape, polish,

Cp,BH.seaff&t splay-footed, Gl.sealde =sceolde pret. 3 sg. of sonlan.

sealdhftl papyrus-plant, Cpl491 (v. £843-320).

seaMtyfel= ecealdoyfel

sealn=8cealuscamel=8camolseamfSBSt 'shamefast,

9modest, CP.

seamful (eo) modest, DR. ['shameful']

seamlan (ea, eo, o) (w. g.) to be ashamed,blush, B,CP : (unpen., w. a. of pen. and g.

of thing) cause shame, AB(ee>).CP. ['shame ]

seamlse causing shame, WW532*1.

scamMa* 'shameless,' impudent, immodest,CP.sfamMasHr shameless, CP. adv. -lioe

'shamelessly,' CP.seamltast (ea1

) f. impudence, shamelessness,immodesty.

scamlle («, ea) shameful, disgraceful, OBG ;

AO : modest, ['shamely'] adv. -lice, CP.seamlim n. private member, GPH300.scamol (se1, e1, ea1, eo1, o1 ; .e*, u1

) m. stool,

footstool, bench, table (of money-changers),JW(eo), VPs(o). ['shamble']

scamu (ea, eo, o) t 'shame, ' confusion, Cp(o),Lk{eo) : disgrace, dishonour, Cr(o) : in-suit, MkB(o) : shameful circumstance,WW


modesty, CP : private parts, Gen,WW. a.

don to inflict injury.

scamul=scamolscanning (ea) 1 disgrace, LPs68*\scan pret. 3 ag. of soman.scanea m. ' shank,' shin, leg, Ph,WW : ham?LL (scone).

scancbend (soang-) m. leg-band, garter, WW152M.

seancforad broken-legged, CP.scanogebeorg f. leg-greave, WW6359


seancgsglrala m. leg-clothing, leg-band,anklet, garter, WW467».

seancHra m. calf of the leg, WW2664.

scand I. (ea, eo, o) 1 ignominy, shame, con-fusion, disgrace, Chr,Cr : scandal, disgrace-ful thing, CP. II. m. wretch, impostor,recreant, buffoon, M. IIL 1 bad woman.['shond']

Beandtol shameful, disgraceful, MH. ['shond-full']

seandhfls m. house of illfame, MH 26M.

scandllc (ea, o) shameful, disgraceful, vile,unchaste, Bo : jE,AO(o). ['shondly '] adv.-lice shamefully, obscenely : insultingly.

seandliones 1 shame, disgrace, CP(o) : dis-graceful act.

scandlunende loving shamefully, ZDA31-25.+scandnes (e, y) f. shame, confusion, JR, Ps.['shendness']

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scandword (ea) n. abusive, blasphemous or

obscene language, W25516.

soang-=scano-; +scap- =+sceap-+8oapen pp. of scieppan.

scar-=soear-sca*-=8cea6- ; soteb (Cp)=8c6afaceaba=scafaaeeabb ro. 'scab,' CP. ['shab'] -*sceabbede purulent, having sores or scabs,

OEQ. ['shabbed']

soeacan6 (tr. and intr. ) to * shake,' move quickly

to and fro, MtL : go, glide, hasten, flee,

depart, B ; M : pa*s from, proceed, CP.sceacdom (») m. flight, M.

1 (e) m. 'shackle,' WW : plectrum.i m. robber, NG. [Oer. scbaoher]m. rough hair, wool, etc, WW.


aeeaegede hairy, shaggy, WW.sceacHne (WW182M)=sceatlinesceaones f. ' excussio, ' EPs 1404.

soeaeul=soeacelacead (a, se, e) n. shadow, shade : shelter,

protection : stye, Cpl954 (E843-326).+sotad (a) n. separation, distinction, LkL :

discretion, understanding, argument, J5;CP : reason, MF 14211 : reckoning, account,

Ml : accuracy. ['shed']

±8Ctedan7 (a, 6) (tr. and intr.) to divide,

separate, part, Soul; Lod(&) : discriminate,

decide, determine, appoint : differ : scatter,

'shed,' Led.aoeadd m. 'shad' (fish), £06-147.aotadelloe= sceadlioe

+soaaden rational, M.sceadenmfil n. damascened sword? B 1939 ?

aoeadesealf=ecadeeealf ; soeadew-^soeadw-soaadlht shady, CVHy5».soaadtte shady, OEG2886.+soeadllc reasonable, discreet, wise, accurate,

CP. adv. -lice.

+sceadnes? 'auctoritas:' NC.

soaadu (a) £., m. 8cead(u)we, sceade 'shade,'

shadow, darkness, Ex,Ps,Sol ; CP : shadyplace, arbour, Led : shelter.

soaadugaard m. shady place, Cp79r.seeadugenga m. wanderer in darkness, B703.seeaduhelm (a1) m. darkness, B660.soaadwlan (a1) to protect, shield, Ps90*.['shadow']

aoeadwlg shady, RHy5".±aotad-w1s (a), -wialio sagacious, intelligent,

rational, wise, M. adv. -lice.

seaadwtanes f. sagacity, reason.

soaadwung f. overshadowing, M.soeaf I. m. 'sheaf,' bundle. JBJLcd;CB.II. pret. 3 eg. of soufan.

8oaafan=scafansoaafmfthim adv. into bundles, Mtl3*°.sceafotfa m. chip, shaving, dip, scraping.

sceaft («, e) m. staff, pole, 'shaft,' Met,WW:spear-shaft, spear, JB ; CP.±sceaft fn., nap. -tu, -ta, -te created being,

creature, M,OP : creation, construction,

existence, jE.CP : (+) dispensation, destiny,

fate, CP : (+ ) condition, nature, [scieppan]seeaft-ld, pi -16n spear-strap, Cp (sco(a)pt-).

oeaftmund (ae) 1 span, LL. [*shaftrnent]sceaftrihte adv. in a straight line, tiC64.

sceaft= sceafboasceaga (a) m. copse, Ct ; Mdi ['show']aoaagod = sceacgedesceal pros. 1 and 3 sg. of sculan.

soealo m. servant, retainer, soldier, subject,

member of a crew, Ps : man, youth, B.['shalk']

soaaM shallow, PST 1896-8, 632.

soealde=soe61de pret. 2 sg. of sculan.

seealdttyfel m. 'alga,' seaweed, marsh plant,

shrub, GD100; 212 (v. ES38-356; 43-318).

scealfor f., scealfra (M) m. plungeon, diver

(bird), [op. OHO. soarbo]

toaalga (v) m. a fish, roachf ruddf WW.['shallow']

-aoaallan v. a-s.

sceall= sceal pres. 1 and 3 eg. of sculan.

aoaallan pL 'testiculi,' Lod.aoaaltu =scealt ou (pres. 2 sg. of sculan, andpron. 2 pen.).

soealu (a) f. shell, husk, Ep(s) : scale (of abalance), M : dish, KG. ['shale']

sceam m. pale grey or white horset Rd23*.[Oer. sohunmel]

soean pret. 3 sg. of soman. /tOt^VvBfffanan =



sceandwscandsceanfeld= soinfeld

(ft, «, i) n. ' sheep,' CP,WW.+soaap (a) n., nap. -pu ' shape,' form,created being, creature, El,Oen,WW :

creation : dispensation, fate : condition :

(±) 'genitalia,' A.-aceap v. for-s.

softapeetere (ft1, P; e1) m. sheep's carcase,

LL449[8].pp. of scieppan.

adj. of a sheep, Lod.las f. creation, formation, M.

, m. sheepfold, EC373.soeapheord f. flock of sheep, M.soeapheorden n. shed, WW 185".

+seeaphwH (») t fated hour, B26.aoaaphyrde (W;M) (i) m. 'shepherd.'

aoaapllo of a sheep, OEG ll"7.

+seaapllee ably, My, BH324«(ca)sceapscearu (§) f. sheep-shearing, M.-sceapung v. for-s.

seeapwffisce f. place for washing sheep, Ct.

seaapwle n. sheepfold, KC3-406*.seaar I. (ae, e) mn. ploughshare, Cp(n),8c(e). [' share


] II. pret. 3 sg. of Bcieran.

seaara=scearratcaarbaam m. wood to which the ploughshare

is fixed, WW196".sceard I. n. incision, cleft, gap, Ct : potsherd,

OPH. ['shard'] II. adj. cut, mutilated,

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gashed, notched, hacked : (w. g.) bereft of,deprived of.

±soearflan to cut off, scrape, shred.

loearfilan to scrape, LodM84u.

aoearfung 1 scraping, scarifying, Lcd.•oaarn (», e) n. dung, muck, Lcd,VPs.['shorn']

•oaarnbudda m. dung-beetle, j£Gr308Hlaoearn-wibba («, e) -wifel (-fiiel, WW) m.dung-beetle.

fOtaron=BCffiroii piet. pL of Bcieran.

seearp (a, ae) 'sharp,' pointed, prickly, Lcd,Soul,VPa : acute, keen, active, shrewd. Bo,Lcd : severe, rough, harsh, AOJLcd : biting,

bitter, acid, Lcd : brave, [acieran]

eearpe L adv. 'sharply,' keenly, Hex,Ps;jE. IL f. scarification, Lod.

oearpecgad 'sharp-edged,9 A.

•oearplan to score, scarify, Lcd.toaarpUe sharp, severe, effectual, adv. -lice

'sharply,' acutely, keenly, CP : painfully,severely, OET,W : effectually, CM 192 :

attentively, A : quickly, WW.seearpnas f. 'sharpness,' acutencss, keenobservation, Bo,Cp,CP; M : tartness, pun-gency, acidity, Lcd,W ; M : efficacy.

soearpnumol effective, Lod.•oearpslene keen-sighted, Bo.sooarpantewung I argument, G.ieaaipgane(ful)ltee adv. efficaciously.

•oaarpttanool quick-witted, keen, Lcd3*440*\oaarpung t scarifying, Lod.aoearra fpL shears, scissors, A,CP,WW.['shear'']

soeaneax (e, i, ie, y) n. rotor, CP.oaaru I. (a, m, y) I shearing, shaving,tonsure, M. IL (a) I 'share'-bone, groin,Lcdt WW(e).

^ aotat I. m. cornerK angle, edge, point, promon-tory, Mdf : quarter, district, region, surface

{ofthe earth) : lap, bosom, fold, CP : napkin,sheet, covering, cloak, garment, CP : inlet,

creek, BH 90s7. [Oer. echoes] IL pret. 3ag. of sceotaiL

aoeata m. angle, corner, AO : bosom, lap,lower part of a sail : napkin. [Oer. schote]

Mtetood m. wallet, WW1071. [oodd]

aoaatDne f. sheet by which a sail is trimmed to

the wind, WW288*leaatt (ae, e) m. property, treasure, coin,

money, wealth, LL : payment, price, tribute,

bribe, reward, M : money of account,denarius, twentieth part ofa shilling (Kent),. LL2G34. ['sceat']

aailwjfipmi to make the payment to the bride-

groom on which the bride passes into hispower from that of the father, WW3861 (v.

sola* (£, ej f. 'sheath,' &,JnL(et») : spike,nail, JnL20" ? [cp. homsoeatJ]

aceatJa (a) m. injurious person, criminal,

thief, assassin, B,Mt;IE : (f) warrior,antagonist : fiend, devil : injury, 0en549.['scathe']

'« day>LL455,16,1teasttaa -floeotSan

ieea*elf.ata*Zefi(v. ANS1161*5


aeeatfenes = eceonesaeeattul hurtful, (72)209. [' scatheful']

teaaVtan to injure, spoil, steal

leeatflg (») injurious, iEGR63".soeatfung 1 injury, damage, TC 138". ^ ^sotewendspr&c t scurrility, buffoonery,WW633*.

otewendwbe i buffoon's song, Rd9*.aoeawere m. beholder, spectator, observer,

spy, B-,M,CP : mirror, ['shower']

±aoeawlan to look, gaze, see, behold, observe,

B; M,\0,CP : inspect, examine, scrutinize,

Chr,Lk ; jE,AO : have respect to, lookfavour-ably on, M : look out, look for, choose, M :

decree, grant, ['show']

aoeawung (a) f. seeing, surveying, inspection,

scrutiny, examination, contemplation, AO.CP : respect, regard : show, spectacle, appear-ance^ Bl,MkL : toll on exposure of goods,


aeeb=sceabb; eceb=sceaf; aoec=Bcaecsoeoel=sceacel; scedwsceadsold prei. 3 ag. of sceadan.

foaf-=sceaf-, ecyf-

eeegtt (ae, ei) mi vessel, ship. [ON. akefti]

aaagthnami (ae) m. sailor, pirate, viking, M.aoehtJ=scegC; soaltJwacegCoal= (l)8oeal; (2) soiell

aaald = (l)Bcield; (2)ecyldl.aeeld-= scUd-, soyid-

•oelege (GL)=8oeolh5geaeelfan* (=ie) to totter, shake,


•oell L= aoeaL ILWsoiell•oelle (=ie) separation? cutting offt Cp777c(v. FM100).

oamel=Boamol; acenan — eofcnan

foene (s) m. (±) drink, drought, Lcd\MtL :

cup, CM969. ['shench']

±aaanoan to pour out, oive drink, B,LPs(m),°- • xno ['shench* ; Oer. sohenken]

I jug, TC6367.


8c; M.CP.

L (±, i, ie, j) to put to shame, con-

found, discomfort, AO,VPs : blame, CP(ie)


corrupt, injure, CrJ)R : disgrace, insult['shend'] IL=acyndanL

aoendle 1 reproach, LkLRll8.

-f-aoendnes = + acandnestoandung f. reproach, affliction, N.setae =eciene; acenfeW=ncmfeldaeennum dp. of sb. pommel of sword-hiUfplate of metal on pommel? B1694.+aeento, +acend9o (VPs) f. shame, con-fusion.

sceo L cloud? Rd4". IL^aoeob, aodhseeo- ; sceo-


boo-, ecu- ; aed-, sou-aceoe pret. 3 ag. of aoeacan.

•ceoec-=8cucc-aeeod I. =eedd pret. 3 ag. of BoeSoan. IL pp.of Bcogan.

ietofan=Bciifan; aoaogan (CP)=aodgaa

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goioh I. ' shy, ' timid, BimiB. IL= sodhsefohmdd timid, Jul672.seeol (*sceolh) squinting, awry, WW. [Oer.

wheel]sceolan=8culan; aoeoWan=eoieldanseeolh-tge, -$(a)gede (y) squinting, Msceolu=soolu; soeom-=8cam-seton (±) I.f to faU (to), occur, happen : goquickly, fly. IL=sodgan

scion- =scien-sotona gp. of sceoh.

aoeono-=8oanc-; second =soand-scop

) pret. 3 eg. of scieppan.

soeoppa m. booth, Lk2l\ ['shop']

seeoppend=soieppendsoeopu nap. of scip.

sofor=sour; sceoran=scieranseeort=scnrfseeorfan* to scarify, gnaw, AO : (+) scrape,


8oeorlan=soorianseeorp (o) n. ornament, clothing, AO : equip-ment, fittings {for a shipf), LL444[1].±sceorpan* to scrape, gnaw, Lod.soeortwscortsotes gs., nap. of sceoh, so6h.

sosotMsoot±sotot ready, quick.

soeota m. 'shoot,' trout, WW94.±soeotan* to 'shoot,' hurl missiles, cast, Bl,

Ma,ZDA ; M : strike, hit, push, thrust, AO,Lcd,Ma : run, rush, dart, pressforward,JB,Jn : contribute, pay : refer to, appeal to,

JB,TC.soeotendf m. bowman, warrior.

sosoton=scuton pret. pL of sceotan.

seeo1Sa=sceaoasofio-ttwang, -oong m. 'shoe-thong,' boot-

lace, Jn,soeowyrhta m. shoemaker, leather-worker,

GD3221 (sc6h-); WW97*.seep= scyp I. ; seep- = sciep-

+Bcep= +sceap; seep (FP*)=8ceapseepen I. pp. of scieppan. U.=scypen.III. (N)=scieppend

foeppe f. a dry measure, NC319. [ON.skeppa]

sceptidh, soeptog (GL)=sceaftl6soer=scear; socr-=8cear-, scier-, scir-

seerero (OET)=scearrascernicge (=ie) f. actress, female jester, A,1£H,Rd (Bciren-).

+soert shortened, OEG 130. [scyrtan]

foeruni=scearra80ftt=soeat pret. 3 eg. of soeotan.

seete=soyte; soetel (KGL)=scyttetsoett=8ceatt; so«= (l) sceaS; (2) sonrti

soettdAd (») f. injurious deed, crime, WW.sesti-nes, -ones f. hurt, injury.

±scct$t5an6 and wv. (ea, y) to scathe, injure,

hurt, crush, oppress, disturb, [scea&aj

soetffiendt m. adversary.

+sce*«endlle hurtful, DRllS".

soetttfa f. hurt, injury, Lod 1•342".

soetfwrieo hurtful, wicked, BLl61n.

soeu-, sceu-=scu-, sou-

softwyrhta= sceowyrhtasola m. shin, leg, Gl.sclocels, scioeel (y) m. coat, mantle, cloak.

seioelng m. mantle, cloak, cape, Gl.eld n. thin slip of wood, shingle, billet, OLWW. Chide']

sddhrtae m. rick or heap offirewood, EC351.scldweall m. wooden palings, WW 146M.

+scle = +scy-sclelan (y) v. be-s.

scteld (e, i, y) m. 'shield,' protector, m,Ph :

(±) protection, defence, VPs ; AO,CP : partof a bird's plumaaef Ph308.

scteld- v. also soild-.

±scleldan (i, eo, y) to protect, 'shield,'

('i-shield') guard, defend, defend oneself,

Jl,B,Bl,VPs; GP. +scicldod furnishedwith shields, Bl.

sclele (CP) pros. sg. subj. of soolan.

•dell f. 'sheU,' Cp,MH; OEG : sheU-fish :

scale, CP;M,AO. [soalu]

sdellflse (i, y) m. 'shell-fish,' Bo.-sctolllg (y) v. stan-s.

sclelllht (e) having a sheU, Lod.sctendan=soendanselene ($, eo, i, y) beautiful, Cr,Gcn(h), Pa,Ph(f) i bright, briUiant, light, Or(f).['sheen']

sdenes (eo, i, y) f. suggestion, instigation, GP.[scyan]

sclenn=8cinn, scin

sclentt pros. 3 sg. of soinan.

±8Cleppan6 (e, i, y) to create, form, make,Oen i order, destine, arrange, adjudge,assign, B,Wy. ['shape,' 'i-shape']

iSdeppend m. Creator, B(y) ; CP. ['shep-

pend']±scteran4 («, e, eo, i) to cleave, hew, cut, An,B : cut hair, J5,CP : receive tonsure, Outh :

'shear' sheep, BC. pp. sooren abrupt,

CP215*.actorden(e)adj.o/«Aertk,GPH400. [soeaid]

setering (e) f. shearing, shaving, CM610.

±sclerpan I. to deck, clothe, equip, ML{y).[seeorp] II. (e, y) to sharpen, A,VPs :

rouse, ['sharp']

+sclerpla (i, y) clothing, garments.

selet pros. 3 sg. of sceotan.

sdete (6, i, y) 1 cloth, towel, shroud, JB,BH,Cp,Mk,WW. ['sheet']

sdfe=scyfe±sdftan to divide, distribute, allot, LLij)

Sdld=soield; seild-=scyldplace, order, arrange, LL,W(y). ['shift']

sdldburbt (e, y) 1 shield-wall, phalanx : roof

of shields, testudo : castle, fortress, 8at309(e).

seflden 1 protection, WW52".±seild-end, -ere (ie, y) m. protector, defender.

(yi) m. warrior, B 1033.

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> m. foe, Ah 86. [soyld]

•cildhriofla (y1, e>, ea*) m. shield, buckler :

testudo, phalanx.±MUdH0s (ie) t defence, protection.

sdldtruma (y1) m. testudo, phalanx, JZ,OEG.


edldung 1 protec*K>»,Asoildweall (y

1) m. wall of shields, B3118.

selMwIga (y1) m. warrior, B288.

Mlldwyrhta (y1) m. atofci-mafer.

telle (GP) pre*, subj. of soulan.

scUfti=8cieMfloscfllor yellow, golden, OEG.ae01=ioiell

aeUttng (y) m. 'shilling' (consisting of avarying number of pence), silver coin, M,q£L(y. 2-640),WW.

dUIagritai n. count of shillings, Wn>92.•dma m. ray, light, brightness, effulgence,

splendour, CP : twilight, gloom, [sclnan]

•dmerian (y) to glisten, shine, OEG23";#C319. ['shimmer']

fiq-^*" to shine, glisten, MQrJLkL : growdusky, dim, be dazzled, bleared, M. ['shim*]


eeman1(y) to 'shine,


flash, JB,BHMBo,Cp,Mt; CP : (+) shine upon, illuminate.

elnbinn. 'shin-bone,' WW.letncdng (OET p. 26)=aciocing+Mtnelo np. the fat about the kidneys, Lcd.sclndan=8cendan; setadlie=Boin]ao•etaetrian to glitter, WW348".ecinelac=8cinlao•rfnende 'shining,

1 MH(y),WW : eminent,

distinguished, BH.sclnendllo shining, LPs 18*.

Seinfeld (ea) m. Elysian fields. Temple.aolngedwola m. phantom, WW455U.

se&Dgette} n. jugglery, magical practices.

sdnhosu 1 greave, OEG.BOtnlSe L n. sorcery, magic : apparition,

spectre, delusion, superstition : frenzy, rage,

AO. IL= scintiece LnelnMRoa m. wizard, magician, AO(a*).setnlAoe I. magic, spectral, AO. IL Isorceress, witch.

sclnlic (y) spectral, NC320.lelnn (CP) n., Bdnna m. spectre, illusion,

apparition, phantom, evil spirit.

setnnerssft (y) m. sorcery, magic, AO.lelnnoraeftlga m. sorcerer, GD271S ;LL248[7J

lelnnere m. magician, Gl.selnnes 1. 1 radiance,MxL 13". IL= soienes

efnnlilw n. spectre, illusion, phantasm.etnstoe spectre-haunted, Lcd 1-364*.

elnu(y)£. 'shin,' WW.selp (y) n. 'ship,

1 BH,Bo,Cp;AO,CP.sclpwfloeapeelpbroe n. hardship on ship-board, Bl173*.setpbruool (y) destructive to shipping, GPH401».

selpbryee m. right to claim wreckage, KC4-20& ['shipwreck']

scipbjme (y) 1 ship's trumpet, GPH391.setpeneft m. navalforce, Chb1048d.selpdrineeiMle shipwrecked, DR61".eelpe m. pay, wage, WW; jE31m : position,

rank, ['snipe']

setpehere= soiphere

setpeii (e, y) I 'shippon,' stall, cattle-shed,


getpere (y) m. shipman, sailor, Chr. ['ship-


setpfBweld n. voyage, GD273".selpfaet n. a vessel in the form of a ship,

WW 124*.

sdpfaratd m. sailor, BH3-16 (title).

sdpferend m. sailor, An250.

eeipflerd f. naval expedition, fleet, AO.tdpflota m. sailor, pirate, Chr937a.setptortfung f. equipment of ships, LL314['].iclptaltum m. naval aid, naval reinforce-

ments, Chb 1049c.ectplyllett private jurisdiction exercised overa group ofthree hundreds, KC6-240 (v. BT).


sclpfyrdung £ fleet, naval expedition : fitting

out of ships.

setpfyrft(r)ui]g I equipment of ships.

•elpgebroc n. shipwreck, AO,CP.•elpgeteoht (y) n. naval battle, GPH389.•elpgefire n. sailing, BH150*. ^^setpget&wu f. tackling ofa ship, WW181M.

eelpgyld n. ship-tax, ship-money, Ct.

ecjphamor m. hammer for giving a signal to

rowers, WW.soiphere m. naval force, fleet (usu. hostile),

squadron, armada, AO,Ghr : crew of a war-ship

selpherelle naval, HGl406".tetphUMer t ship's ladder, WW.•elphlfiMt (y) m. ship-load, crew, AO,CP :

ship of burden.

setpbttford m. master of a ship, skipper,WW181".

setplan to take 'ship,' embark : (±) man orequip a ship, Chr.

seJptnoel n. tittle, ship, WW.selplad (y) I journeying by sea, sailing, BH198»

selplaest= sciphliest

seipllo naval, Gl.selplffi n. naval force, Cbb1055c.seipltteiid m. seaman, sailor : voyager, ML33lM.

setpDSeiide pto. sailing.

•elpmArlfl m. ship's rope, cable, WW.lelpmann m. 'shipman,' sailor, rower, BH,Chr(y) : one who goes on trading voyages.

getpp-=aciepp-setprip m. ship's rope, cable, AO.aciprfttfra (y) m. rower, sailor.

dprdttor n. ship's oar or rudder,WW4C5".sclprowend m. rower, sailor, WW466M.

dpryne m. passage for ships, CteeUwett n. bench for rowers, WW.setpeoen 1 =soipfyllet5

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sctpsteall (y) m. place far ships, BC331616.

Mipsttera m. steersman, pilot, CP.scipsteorra m. pole-star, Lod3-270*°.

sclp-stfera, -Htyra=8cipsteorasclp-tearo, -ter, n., ga. -tearos 8oip-t(e)ara,

-te(o)ra m. (ship-tar), bitumen, pitch,

telptol m. passage money, M.sclpwealh m. servant whose service is con-nected with ships ? (BT) ; one liable to serve

in the fleetf (Swt), EC376.sclpweard m. ship-master, As297.BClpwered n. crew, WW461".sclpwfsan (on) adv. like a ship, JS.

Bdpwyrhtam. 'shipwright,9 WW 112*.

scSr L (y) f. office, appointment, charge,

authority, supremacy, AO,Cp ; CP : dis-

trict, diocese, see, province, 'shire,9parish,

AOJjL ; M : tribe. II. adj. bright, gleam-ing, shining, resplendent, B,Bo i clear,

translucent, Cr,JvW : pure, unmixed, B,Bo : white, Jn4". ['shire']

8Ciran=scieransciran (y) to make dear, say, teU, declare, B,OP : arrange, determine, decide, decree, act

in authority, CP : (±) clearfrom, get rid of,

AO,CP.sclrbasu bright purple, WW 193".sclrbJseeop m. bishop ofa diocese,WW 173*°.

scire adv. brightly, An : clearly : mightily,

Crll42. ['shire9


scire- =scir-

sclrecg keen-edged, LodI-3907.

Bclrenicge (RD9t)=scemicge8clre«mann=8cinnannsdrfemtte t shrew {mouse), WW477*.. [sceorfan]

BOlrgemdt n. shire-moot.

solrgerefa m. 'sheriff,9 KC.

sdrgmoeat (y) n. property ofa see, Ct.

sclrham clad in bright mail, B 1896.

±Mfrlan (e, y) to ordain, appoint : allot,

assign, grant : (+) mark off, count, reckon.

aclriendUo (y) derivative, WW222M.

BClrigmann =BcirmannBrtrlett n. piece or measure of land, Ct.

sclrm&led splendidly marked, brightly adorn-ed, Jud230.

scfrrnann (y) m. governor of a shire, prefect,

sheriff, steward, procurator, official, &C;M,CP ; v. LL2-649 : inhabitant ofa district,

jE. ['shireman9


sclraes 1 elucidation, WW279».sdrp-=8cierp-; scirseax=8cearseaxfotrtegen m. thane ofa shire, B01'644a


sctmng f. separation, rejection, RB 109s1.

sdr-waBter (soyr-) n. water forming a boun-dary, Chb666b. [wieran]

sclrwered brightly ornamented? bright? Gu1262.

sclrwlta m. chief man of a shire, W.stftan1 to ease oneself.

scIte=8oyte; sclteflnger=8oytefinger

icltol purgative, Lcn>66a.

settle I purging, Led. ['shit9



sclat (GL)=8lat pret. 3 sg. of alitan.

BCleacnes (KGL)=Bleacneescmegende (VPs)=smesgende pres. pto. ofBmeagan.

scnlcend (Gl) =snicend pres. pto. of snioan.se6=so6h; soo-=8ceo-so6aa=Bcds v. sc6h; soobl=sooflwoo pret. 3 sg. of Boeacan.soooca=8ouooasoooha ( =8cohha) 'lenocinium,

9 Ep679.seoenyll m. signal for putting on shoes, ANS84*10.

sodd L pret. 3 sg. of soe&tian. II. v. scogan*+so6e = +scysooere m. shoemaker, GL ['shoer


]wool pret. 3 sg. of sceafan.

Boofen pp. of soufan.

soolottan to drive hither and thither, CP 169".Boofl f. 'shovel,


A, Cp,Ep.scogan pp. so(e)od to 'shoe,


flcdh, sod, boSo m. gs. nap. so(e)ofl, gp,so(e)one, dp. 8o(e)on, scoum 'shoe,

9 JnL,Mt,WW.

sodhere=8o6ereseohnsegl m. shoe-nail, WW.scdhtftn (do) m. shoe-cleaner, RBL91*.sodlan=scoganscdl I 'school,

9JBJjcd; AO. - —

+seolam. debtor, WW 16". [soeal]

+sooia m. fellow-student, OEG2271.soolde pret. 3 sg. of sculan.

ac6lere m.[scholar,

9learner, A,LL. — -

soolh (WW241u)=seolh; fo611ere»Bo61ereBcolmann m. scholar, pupil : client.

•colu L (eo) f. troop,host,multitude, ['school9


scorn- =8oam-scomhylte (scomm-T) n. shady copse, thicket,

WW411*.Bo6n=8oeon v. soeoh; seon-=8oan-scop (eo) m. singer, poet, BJSo ; AO. Vecop


]scop pret. 3 sg. of Boieppan.scopcraft m. poetry, JEQr2159.Boopgereord (eo1) n. language of poetryBH.

soopleotS n. poem, AO.scoplic poetic, OEG119.Boora m. hairy garment, WW2781


Booren pp. of scieran.

Boorlan (eo) L to refuse, M. IL to jut out.

80orp=8ceorptoort (eo, y) 'short,

9not long, not tall, Bo,

GD(eo) : brief, JB,Bo,CP.BOOrUan to become 'short,

9shorten, Lcd(eo) :

(±) run short, faiL•cortUo brief, Sc2U»(eo). adv. -lioe


briefly, soon, AO;M.Boortnes 1 'shortness,

9small amount :

summary, abstract, J5(eo) : short space oftime.

soortwyrplio (eo) shortly coming to pass,LOD31661


sooru a t*core,' NC320. [sooren; soieran]—~

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soos 266 SCUCCA


tods gs. of soon.

±seol (eo) n. 'shot,1shooting, OEO ;A0 :

darting, rapid motion, Men : what is shot

forth, A0,CP : (+) soot, payment : private

apartment, sanctum, chancel, M.Booton pp. of soeotan.

+800tfeoht n. shooting, battle, PPs.seottreo scot-free, free of tribute, n*'—±toottan (eo) (tr. and intr.) to move rapidly,

shoot, hurl aJavelin, M.sootllra m. calf of the leg, Lod.seotspere n. dart,javelin, HGl405.Seottas mpL the Scots, M,CP. - -^seotung (eo) f. shooting : missile,

sedum v. sooh.

scoung f. jPfwMton of shoes, LL450[10].-acrid v. scrioend-s.

seridung=screadungserssb m. cormorantf ibis? Cpl311.±sersBf (ea, e) n. [obL oases oocly. havesoraf-] cave, cavern, hole, pit, JS,CP : hovel,

M.+serftpe= +screpeersstte 1 adulteress, prostitute, Gl. [X.


scrftwa=aoreawaaeril pret. 3 ag. of soiifan.

soraf- v. seraiscrallettant intr. to sound loudly.

seranc pret. 3 sg. of sorinoan.

soraplan to scrape, IM. ['shrape9

] ^ n.

seriti pret. 3 sg. of scrioan.

acread, screade f.4


cutting, scrap,

WW.±soreadlan to * «arerf, ' peel, prune, cut off, A.sereadung (a) f. aarei, cutting, fragment,MtL i pruning, trimming, WW. {' shred-


sereadunglsen n. pruning knife, WW. [v.


aortal= soraf

aoreawa m. 'shrew* (mouse), GLscreb=8craeb; scree =scric


soremman to cause to stumble, M.±serencan to cause to stumble, ensnare,

deceive, OP,Ps : (+) cause to shrink or

shrivel, MtLlV. [lshrench



+sorenee withered, dry, LkLO*.+sereneednes t tripping up, OVFs40M.

sereodUT. acrid; +screope = +8crepescreopu=8orepuscrepan' to scrape, scratch.. Lcd,MhR.['asrepe']


sortpan to become dry, withered, MkR9".±screpe (», eo) suitable, adapted, fit. adv.-lice.

+serepnes (oe) I convenience, Cp568.screpu (eo) f. strigil, curry-comb, Gl.scrtwa=Bcieawa; scrlban (GL)=scrifanscric (e, u) shrike, missel-thrush? Gl.acrid I. n. nap. screodn vehicle, chariot, litter.

II. quick, fleet, As496.

= scrydan

soridon pret. pL of scrioan.

eerldwAn m. chariot : curule chair.

sorldwba m. charioteer, WW1601*.

+serlf n. judgement, edict, WW.±serllan1 prescribe, ordain, allot, assign,

impose (punishment), LL;M : Aear con-

fession, * shrive,9 LL : have regard to, be

troubled about, care for, GP.serllen pto? painted! Rim 13.

sorlft m. prescribed penalty or penance, LL :

absolution,LL : confessor, CP,Cr ;M 'judge.

to* acrifte gan to go to confession, W.['shrift']

ecriftboo f. book of penances.

seriftsoir f. confessor's area of jurisdiction :

diocese, LL164[26].soriftaprAo f. confession, LL.serlmman* to shrink, contract, Led2b.['shrim



serin (y) n. chest, coffer, ark, JR,Jn : 'shrine'

JR : cage (for criminals). [L. ecrinium] L±serlncan* to * shrink,* contract, shrivel up,wither, pine away, JR,AOyLed.

scrlnd 1 swift coursef PPsl03M.

seringan =sorincan ; -eerfpel hr) . ear-s.

serlpen, scripende 'aiMtertw/XkLRlO*1.

scrips* (Cp) pros. 3 sg. of eorepan.

seripp m? scrip, bag, MEL 1-394— *"""'


seritta m. hermaphrodite, WW.sorlS (v. OEG2185)=scrid Lsaffian1 to go, move, glide, B,Ou. [*scritke*T~

Oer. schreiten]

sertte m. course, Mst28u.

-scrftol . wid-8.

seroepe, scr5pe=screpeserofel n? scrofula, Lod 182a.-^^^^^scruc=scricscrud il, ds. soryd clothing, dress : garment,vestment, M,WW. ['shroud']

sorQflslshfls n. sacristy, vestry, AN884U.

[scrydan]serQdfeoh n. money for buying clothes, NC320.

serfldfultum m. grant towards providingclothes, Ct.

serudtend n. land bequeathed as provisionforclothing, Ct.

scrtdnlan= aorutniansoiUdwaru f. garb, LL.seruf [Led]= sourf

scrunoon pret. pL of sorinoan.

aerHtnlan (ud) to examine, scrutinize, con*

sider, M.scrQitnung (ud) f. search, investigation, Lodv

£RPs.Borybb f. scrub, brushwood, TC525".aoryd v. scrud.

iscrydan to clothe, dress, ^(V),Bt,Lk,Mt.Cshride']


aerynoe withered, JnL5*.soua m. shadow, shade, darkness : protection.

aonooa m. sprite, evil spirit, demon, B^Bo,Mt(eo): the devil ['shuck']

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i (eo) devilish, NC319.scuocgyld (en1) n. idol, PPsl06*scQdan* to run, hurry? Gu828.seafan* (So) to 'shove,' thrust, push, JB,Ma,MH ;M : push with violence, urge, impel,

Met : push out, expel, deliver up : (t) dis-

play : (intr.) to move, go.

seulan anv. pros. 1 sing. soe(a)l(l), seal, pLsculon (eo), pret. so(e)olde, sc(e)alde to be

obliged ('shall,' have to, must, must needs,

am bound to, ought to), JB,AO,Bo,CP : owe,Mt,Lk.

seul-dor m., nap. -dm, -dra, +soyl-dru, -dre

'shoulder/ Bl,Ep,Lcd.culdorhragl n. cape, WW327M.

euktorweHO m. pain in (he shoulders, Lod.seuldur=souldorsoule pres. subj. of soulan.

seultneta (WW) =scyHl&ta±sounlan to 'shun,* avoid, Outh : be afraid,

DR : (tr.) abhor, TC.seaming1 abomination, LHy6tt

( ? for on-8.).

•ear (So) m(f). 'shower,* storm, tempest,

trouble, commotion, breeze, An(eo)JJclt,Ps


CP : storm of batik? shower of blows? Jud79.

searat m- shower (of rain).

soorbeorg 1 roof, Ruin5seorboga m. rainbow, Gin 1640.

,±searf (eo) n. 'scurf,9 BH : a skin-disease,

scurtah rainy, stormy, A9-369 ; MF.seurfede pto. rough, scabby, Lod.searfende ptc. scabby, Lod.

*\ searheardt made Maid by blows (epithet of a* sword). v

iseoraeeadul £ protection against storms.

seutel Lm. dish, platter, WW2SQ*. ['scuttle']

IL=aoytelsouton pret. pL of soeotan.

seawa=soua+ae? npL pair of shoes.

sc^an? soyn? to suggest, persuade, prompt,incite, tempt.

scyooel, Bcyooe]s=soiooe]s

scydd m. twist on a hillside? (Earle);

alluvial ground? (BT), KC.sepde pret. 3 sg. of soeon and sofan, soyn.

soyfe (e, i) m. shove, pushing, precipitation,

furtherance, instigation, CP. td +sc. head-long.

scyfel, scyfele £ woman's hood, head-dress,

Gl.scyit pros. 3 eg. of soufan.

seyftan=soiftan+sc?gean to furnish with shoes, TC616*.soyhnan to shy (of a mule), ES43-318.seyhtef pret. of a vb. *soycoan? impelled,

prompted, urged, Gbn898; Gtr98.seyl I. sonorous, shrill, Rim27. ['shitT]

II.=8oieUscyloen f. female servant, slave, concubine,

JEH2-162" [soealc]

±scyld I. (e) £ offence, fault, crime, guilt, sin,

0. H.

CP : obligation, liability, due, debt, CP.[scnlan; Oer. schuld] II.=scield

scyW-=8oield-, scild-

+soyldan to accuse, LL166[11].scyldfrecu t wicked craving, Gen 898.

soyldful sinful, guilty.

soyldglan to sin : (+) place in the position ofacriminal, render liable to punishment.

seyldgung f. sum demanded as 'wergeld,*

LL166[11].scyld-nata, -hetet m. enemy.scyldlan = (l)scyldgian; (2)scyldanscyldlg (e, i) (mm. w. g.) guuty, criminal,

sinful, JB,B ; CP. ealdres bo. having for-

feited his life : liable, responsible, in debt to,

CP. ['shildy1


scylcUgtan=scyldgianscyldtgnea £ guUt, DR.seyld-lAta [-hnta? cp. scultheta] m. bailiff,

WW230*>.scyldleas guiltless, Lod.scyldo=8oyld I.

+soyldni v. souldor; seylda=scyld Lscyldung= (l) Bcildung; (2) soyldgungseyldwlte n. fine for a crime of violence,

LL567[38].scyldwreccende ptc. avenging sin, Cr116LseyMwyreendef evil-doing.

scyle pree. subj. of scnlan.

scyleagede=sceolhSgedescylf m. crag, peak, Mdf : pinnacle, turret,

tower, JS.

-eoylfan v. a-s.

scylfe m. shelf : floor.

soylflg rocky, OEG (soylp-).

scylflsc=soieliafic; scyllor=8cilfor

soylfrung (i) £ shaking, swinging? Bl99" ;

WW.scyltt pree. 3 sg. of soelfan.

8ey]ga=soealgascylian (=»ie) only in so. of male to pay off,

discharge, Chrlfa. ['shiW\scyll=9ciell

scylian to resound, sound loudly, WW2l&\['shW\

scylllng= stilling; scylp^soylfscyltumend m. helper, PPs27a.

soyhin (N) = sculon pres. pL of scnlan.

scymrlan= soimeriansc^n v. scyan; sefn-^soin-±scyndan I. (e) (tr., intr.) to hurry, hasten,

drive forward, impel : incite, exhort, CP.II.=soendan

scyndel m. disreputable person? A 8*321.

scyndendDoe adv. hastily, WW.+scyndnes= +8oeandnee; sc$ne=8cleneseines, 8cynnee= science

+soynian to shun, dread, DR32*.scynn n. skin, fur, Chb1075d. [ON.]scynu (WWdtnn)=aoinnscyp L m. patch, . ES43-316. IL (Chr1048)=scip

scypen=8oipenseypuui to take shape, LCD31461*.



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seypp-=8ciepp-seyr-=8oear-, soier-, acir-; se*rMaoir±seyrdan (ie) to harm, injure, destroy,

[ceard]+scyrdan=+8crydran; scyrf= scurfseyrft scarifyingt scraping? Cpl30s.seyrft pros. 3 ag. of sceorfan.

sefrmAlum adv. stormUy, Bo47**. [scar]


±teyrtan tr. to shorten : intr. run short, de-. crease, fail, [soeort]

•eyrie f. skirt, GPH393. ['shirt']

seyrtest saperL of scort.

seyrtlng £ shortening, abstract, epitome, M.seyrtra comp. of eoort.

•oft pros. 3 sg. of sceotan.

seyte (e) m. shooting, hurling, AO : droi*,blow, ZDA : dart. ['&%«<e

r; ecfioten]

•cytet' sheet,'lincncloth,BHtCpfMk. [eoeat]

scyteflnger m. forefinger.

seyte-heald, -healden tneiinei, sloping,

precipitous, Gl.seytel I. (n) m. dart, arrow, Brf,Ps : tongue

ofa balance, ['shuttle1

] lh m. excrement.[soften]

seytelflnger=acytefinger; seyteis =8oyttelseyterOs m. foodfema neat, WW4267


seyterem. shooter, CtMfttaMOd =aoytehealdseytta m. shooter, archer, M, AO.seyttan (osn. for-sc) to frott, '&%«!' to, iff :

discharge, pay off.

seyttel, soyttels (e, i) m. 60ft, 6er, J?,JW,ZDA(e). ['shuttle' ; soeotan]

Scytttso L /Scote*, /ma. IL Irish or Scotchlanguage. [Booties]

seytftan=8oeot?ans§ m., seo 1, o»t n. pen. (dem.) pron. At,

afe, tf» <aa/, Cam : reL pron. who, which :

> del art. 'to.' IL=aft. III.=8wa9*&(OET)=rttiw; sead(NG)=seodstefe=aeaoa; seanan (NG) =seofianseen pret. 3 eg. of aeon.

• seaht=seht I. ; seal=seelhseaMe pret. 3 ag. of sellan.

±sealdnes I act of giving, WW389** : grant,

steles gs. of sealh.

sealf (a) 1 'salve,' ointment, unguent,medicament, Lcd,Mk; CP.

seaifbox (e) m. salve-box, G>Bk.sealfeynn n. an unguent, WW351M.

semMe= sealf ; sealfer-= seolfer-, seolfor-

±sealflan to 'salve,' anoint, WW.soslfln nnlfin

seatt-Ufcenung, -lttcung (WW114W) £ curing

by unguents, pharmacy.sealh (a) m., gs. sealee willow, Lcd\Ps ; Mdf.['sallow']

sealhrlnd t willow-bark, Lod.seaUan=8ellaiiseatan (a, eo) m. 'psalm,' song, RB,Ps;M,CP.

sealma (e) m. bed, couch.


[y in phr. 'on seelmfatam.


'in vasis psalmorum,' PP87010.seslmgetssl n. number of psalms, RBsealm-gOg, -gliwn. psaltery,psalmody. LRPs.sanlmlsn to play an accompaniment on the

harp, Psl(yi\ ['psalm']sealmlio* n. psalm, BlPs56*.sealmlof n. psalm, LPs.seatanloflan to sing psalms, LPs 104*.

sealnwang m. psalm : composition or singing

of psalms, JE : psaltery, CPs32a.

sealmsoop (eo*) m. psalmist, M,CP.seaJmtraht m. exposition ofpsalms, M.sealmwyrtita m. psalmist, A. ['psalm-


sealobron=aalubrunseatt I. n. 'salt,' LcdtMt(&) ; CP. IL adj.

salt, briny, Cr ; AO,CP. [v. Mdf]sealtan7 to 'salt, ' IM.sealttode (a) m. brook running from salt-

works? KC3-2O0*.seattere L hl 'salter,' salt-worker, WW;M.IL (CM362, 679)=saltere

seattern n. salt-works, BC. ['saltern')

sealttsst n. saltcellar, A,WW. ['saltfat']

seslthilgnng £ consecration of salt, OET687(al


sealtherpa* (a) m. road to salt works, KC3-206*.

sealthOs n. 'salt-house,9 WW.

ealtlin to dance. [L. saltare]

sealttoge 1 dancer, MH156".sealttng £ dancing, NC320.sealtttatn. 'moxicia,' aplantf WW.

m. brackish pond, EC449*.£ 'saltness,' VPs(s).

m. saUntss, LPs 106M ; RPs(y).

sealtstetS m. saline spring, BH26".sealtstan m. rock soli, Lgd1-374u : pillar ofsalt, Gen ; M. ['saUstone']

sealtstrftt f. road to salt-works, Ct.

sealtwle n. a place where salt is sold, KC.tesltwyU* L salt spring, KC(*). ['saltweU']

sealtyVf £ salt wave, sea-wave.

stem L m. burden, load, JB,LkL,LkR{Go) :

bag : harness of a beast of burden, M : duty

of furnishing beasts of burden. Cjeam ]

IL m. 'seam,' suture, junction, A,WW.stemere L m. beast of burden, mule, WW.[L. sagmarius] II. m. tailor, JC. [stem IL]

stamestre f. sempstress, (also of males) sewer,

tailor, M,KC,WW. ['seamster']stemhon n. pack-horse, WW 119".

stempendlng m. toUofa penny a load, KC.stemsadol m. pack-saddle, WW119".stemsttoea m. an appliance used in weaving,LL465[15f l].

step pret. 3 ag. of supan.

ster dry, 'sere,' barren, GPH402P.seara-, 8ear©-=searo-; 8tergian==sareiansterlan to become sere, wither, Shr. [**em 'Jgearo (seam) n. art, skill, cleverness, cunning


device, trick, snare, ambuscade, plot,

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treachery, MJlO,CP : work of art, cunningdevice, engine {of war) : armour, war-gear,trappings.

searoband m. artistic clasp, B2086.saarobunden cunninglyfastened, Rd56*.saaroefig t insidious key, Gulll8.searoofiap n. artistic object, Rd337


searooene very bold, fPsOlO.saaroexaft m. artifice, treachery, wile, M :

artistic skiU, art : engine, instrument (oftorture), M.

saaroersBftlg skilful, cunning.-tearofssr n. artiste a%ij»/ Rim65.

saaroOh variegated, cunningly inlaid, B1444.saarogemme=searogimmsearogimm m. cvriou* oem.searogrim jferee, formidable, B594.searohsebbendt m. warrior.

searobwlt brilliantly white, Rim67.searollc artistic, ingenious, cunning.-lice.

saaromete m. dainty, delicacy, NC321.searonet n. armour-net, eorafet, B406snaring net, An64 ; 945.

searonlSt m* cvtrnt^ Aoatiltfy, trescaery,

rtn/c, fattfe.

searopD m. artistic javelin, Rd87*.saararQn f. mystery, Gbbat15.searoafttod cleverly bound, Rd24".searotfane m. sagacity, ingenuity, skill, CP :

cunning, artifice,

searotfanool shrewd, wise,

saarowiano (y\ a*) m. artifice, trick, AO.saarowundor n. strange object, B920.seaniMsearo ; seaiw- v. aearo.

searwlan (») to be deceitful, dissimulate,


searwum (dpi of searo) skilfully.

searwung=sierwnngseatul, seatl(NG)=8etlsea* I. (£) m. Aofe, pit, lf*L; CP;Mdf :

well, cistern, spring, fountain, lake, Midi['seath


; afioSan] IL pret. 3 ag. ofseotfan.

seatta m. heartburn? LoD21a.afaw m. sap, juice, moisture, Led. [

4ww']+8§aw succulent, LopftSb.aeax n. knife, hip-knife, short sword, dirk,

dagger, A!(e),B,Cp(») ; CP. ['*»']seaxbenn (aiex-) 1 dagger-wound, B2904.Seaxe, Seaxan mpL (gp. Seazna) Saxons,AO.

Seaxland (e) n. England, Shb16*.±secan I. to search for, 'seek' ('i-eeche



inquire, ask for, look for, B,Bo,BHJutiM : strive after, long for, wish, desire, Jn


CP. a. on, tfi look to for, expectfrom, CP :

visit, go to, AO,B ; M : approach, attain to,

Bl,Ps : attack, pursue, B,Chr;AO : go,

move, proceed, M. II. (KGl) = Bycanaaooa (B600)=«eoce, gs. of sacra.

aaoful(KGL)=8aofalseog I. m. (n) 'sedge,

9reed, rush, flag, 01,

Lcd,WW;MdL ILf 1 sword. IILf m.

man, warrior, hero, B. Vsegge9

] IV. m.ocean, OET.

saoga m. sayer, informant, LL396[4].isacgan (a?) to 'say



), speak,

inform, utter, tell, recite, JS,El,0 ; AO,CPfM : signify, mean, M : attribute to : (+)avoid? LkL p 3*. 9. on accuse of, chargewith, M.

saoga f. speech, CbIOO.saogand m. speaker, narrator, CP.secggan=seogansaoggasaan 1 grasshopper, Cp464.seogihtig sedgy, WW200*7


seegliae n. sedge4eek, rush-garlic, Lcd.seogplega m. sword-play, battle, Ah 1366.secgrof orooe? Runr27.saagscara m. landrail, corncrake, WW287Uand v.

aionaa f. visiting, LkR19**(oe).sM(VPs)=sJ6d+a*amn to satisfy, VFslW. [and]side =s»gde pret. 3 eg. of seegan.MiHngWwMi= gtedmgWnn±sedl(NG)=setlseta (eo) m. mind, spirit, understanding,heart, fCP9".


sift oomp. adv. more softly.

±selte soft, pleasant, comfortable, easy i

gentle, mild : effeminate, luxurious.

sefteadlg prosperous, 8kaf66.settle luxurious, A638*.settnes 1 rest, quietness, tranquillity, pease,JS,AO.

saga-=aapg-; sagalMsegl•egen= (l)8»gen; (2) sega+saganllc (A)= +aewenlio ; sagg «eeogsagl I. mn. 'sail,

9 AO,Bo,MH;/& : veU,cwrteia, Cb1139 : pillar of cloud, Ex.II.=eigel

±aeg-lan, -lian (i) to 'sail,9 AO : (+) equip

with a sail.

saglbosm m. bellying sail, Gl.saglgarAda n. sauUackle, TC64»if


saglgyrd ml sailyard, yard, cross-pole,


sagirid 1 (sail-road), sea, B1429.saglrdd f. sail-rod, sail-yard. [v. 'rood']

segtang 1 'sailing,9 BH.

aegn mn. sign, mark, token, Gen : ensign,

banner, BH. ['senye9

; L. signum]sagnbarand m. wamor.aegnbora m. standard-bearer, Rn41*°.sagnoynlng m. king before whom a banner is

borne (BT), Ex 172.

sagna 1 'seine,9drag-net, Ez,JnL.

±sagnlan (fin) to make the sign of the cross,

cross oneself, consecrate, bless, JC,BH.Vsain



aegnung 1 blessing, consecration.

s*gon=Bawon pret. pL of sfion.

sah (VPs)=saoh imperat. of sfion.


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eht I. ml setUement,arrangement,agreement,

EC : friendship, peace, BH(ee,). II. adj.

reconciled, agreid, at peace, BC. ['taught1


±sehttan to conciliate, settle, LL. ['sought']

±sehtllan (a, ») to reconcile, to come to anagreement, Cm.±sehtnes £ agreement, reconciliation, peace,

JR. ['saughtness']

8fb8 =8eotJ pres. 3 eg. of secan.

dbsehfte [*=seh on] inter], behold/

Mfgl, seign=segl, segnsslm/at, EPs62*. [Xiote L. sagimen]arista =siexta; selsn.=sfl»l

sel L adj. oomp. selra (Mt), sella (B), sylla,

superL selest (LJfc), seloet good, great, ex-

cellent, clever, skilful, AO : noble, honour-

able t fitting, fit, advisable : sound, healthy,

happy, prosperous. [v. 'aefe'] IL (»)oomp. adv. (also selor) superL selost

better, more effectually, rather, sooner, in

preference, £2,CP. [sal]

aftan(OET>Ct)=a«lanL aeWW=seldcu«seldf (») L n. haU, palace, residence. IL n.

seat, throne, dais, VPs. ['seld']

+seldat comrade, retainer.

seldan adv., oomp. seldor, seldnor, superL

seldoet 'seldom,9rarely, CP; M.

seldefttt unusual rare, strange, novel, Bo;M i various, WW. ['selcouth



seldeyme m. infrequent coming, RnlM.

elde f. vestibule, WW 183*leldguma m. retainert B249.seld-hwanne (CP), -hwamne (M) adv.

seldom, rarely.

seldlio rare, strange, wondrous, B (syll-),

Met (sell-) : select, choice, excellent, adv.

Jioe, M. VeeUy']seldnor, seldor, seldoet v. seldan.

ieldon= seldanseld-slene (AO), -synde (KC) rare, extra-

ordinary, unfamiliar, ['seldseen']

seldun (CP), seldom (8ol)= seldan

ele m. AoS, house, dwelling, prison. [Oer.

saal]+sele m. tabernacle, EP8141


seledreamt m. hall-joy, festivity.

leletul n. hall-goblet, B619.selegesoeot n. 'tooernacufaiit,' tent, lodging-

place, nest, M. [Oer. gesohoss]

selegyst m. haU-guest, B1545.selen (y) f. grant, gift : tribute, MkL pS1


munificence, OEG. [sellan]

±selenes f. tradition : (+) giving, DR.setarftdendt m. Aafl ruier or possessor.

selerest I bed in hall, B690.seleseot= selegesoeot

seleseog m. retainer, Wa34.idlest pres. 2 sg., seletS pres. 3 sg. of sellan.

sliest v. seL

seletiegnt m. hall-thane, retainer, attendant.

seleweard m. haU-warden, B667.sell I* (eo, i, y) nron. (str. and wk.) 'self/

"~ ~"~~ mid hi]40,£,<7P.own, 5 : adj.

him selfum by himself \

same, CP. ILMsealf

(y) m. cannibal, Au 175.selfSBte t a plant, wild oatf Lcd.selfbana (o*) m. one who takes his own life.

seUcwala (y) m. one who takes his own life.

selfowalu (y) t suicide, Wy56.selfdima, self-demere (KB), -demende(OBGW) (y) m. t

sarabaita,9 monk living

subject only to his own rules.

sen*dom m. doing as one likes, independence.sells v. swa.senile (y) spontaneous, voluntary, OEG.sslfDoe Isn. self-love, 'amour propre,* pride,vanity, CP : egotism, CP267

. IL adj.egotistic, puffed up, vain, CP.

seHmyrftra (y) m. one who takes his ownlife, WW424".

settmyrttrung (y) t suicide.

selfren= seolfren

sellsoeafte not begotten, Gen 523.seliswegend (y) m. vowelselfwealdnee (eo1, e*) arbitrarily.

selfwlll n. own will, free-will.selfwllle spontaneous, voluntary. Bo,Met.adv. -wffles, JRJlB(y). [*eelfwiU'Ji

selfwfflende voluntary, LPs6710.

selfwfflendnoe indulgently, GD2895.

sellan =sylian; sellgMa&ligs§Da=selra9 v. seL±sellan (ea, i, ie, y) (w. dL pers, and a.thing) to give, furnish, supply, lend, jB^B,Mt ; AO.CP : give up, betray, JnL :

entrust, deliver to: lay by, hide, WW212411

'seB,* M,Jn : promise, atf s. make oalhiswear, LL.


(y) m. giver : betrayer.

Ie adj. to be given, NC321.solnc=aeldlio; setana (GL)=aealmasolmerlge=saalmerige; seines =seleneeselor, aelost, selra v. sel ; selt-^saelt-, 8yH-sort pres. 3 sg. of sellan.

sSrt=saMt$+s§m n. reconciliation, LL10[10J.sima (i, y) m. arbitrator, judge, ^Gr,GD±seman I. to smooth over, put right, settle*reconcile, pacify, AO,Chr,LL. ['eeem/V*eme'] IL=sieman

simann (Rx7N45)=sSmannsimend (*) m. conciliator, arbitrator, LL.semestre=seamestresemian=9eomian; semle=simblesemnendUe sudden, GD2354. adv. -Bo©by chance.

semnlnga (M)=samnungasemanges=samtinffes; senap=se*iepisencan, tr. to sink, plunge (in water), sub-merge, drown, [sincan]

sendan I. (±) to 'send1

(S-send 9

), send forth^aeepaich,BHMCP,MtL

; iE,AOT^drive, MkL : throw, hurl, cast • ij?place, lay. II. to feast, banquet, BO0O?[sand]

sendernee (KGL7487)=synderiIoesenderllpe (HGL)=synderlipe

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sendtte adj. about to be sent (on a journey).RBL113*.

sendnes 1 tending, WW.+itoe= +8iene

i m. mustard. [L. sinapi]

"Ml n. mustard-seed, Lcd.(») to ' singe,

9 burn slightly, LL449[6,2].

senlan=segnian; senn (HGL519)=synngenop=senep ; aenotf (Chb) = sinotS

eensotpe =8inBoipesenst, sent^sendest, sendee* pros. 2 and3 eg. of aendan.

senu=sinuseo I. t gas. seo(n) jwptf (o/ eye), JC.

II. pron. y. sS. ['she'] III. gs. of aft.

IV. pres. 1 sg. of soon. V. pros. 2 ag.

snbj. of boon (weaan).

seoo 'sick,' HI, diseased, feeble, weak, Bl,Bo,Chr; M,CP : (f) wounded : morally sick,

corrupt, Jul,RB : sad, troubled, FatAp,Gu.seocan=secan; seocllan=8iclianseoemftd delicate (in health), NC321.seoenes f. 'sickness,' disease, LL,W : adisease, Zed3-126.

seod (da) m. amp, puree, 6o?, M.seodo, aeodtt =sidu ; toofa =sefaseofaiald (DR)=seofonfealdseofan, seofen=seofon ; seoleft-= seofoft*

seonan (e, ea, i, y) to sigh, lament, CP.seolon 'seven,' M,AO,BR.seofonfeald ' sevenfold.' AJRJtB.seolonlealdnee adv. seven times.

seolongetel (e1) the number seven, OEG1633.seofonltafe f. tormentilla, set/oil {plant),

Lcd 1-232.

seofonnlht fp. week.

seofonnlhte adj. seven days old, Lcd.seofon-teotSa (AO), -te(o)g(e)Ba 'seven-

teenth,' BH.seofonttene 'seventeen,' BH(y*) ; AO.seofontfenenlhte seventeen days old, Lcd3180.

seofontfenewlntre seventeen years old, AO190*>.

seofontlg seventy, AO.seofonline =seofontieneseofonwlntre (y) seven years old.

seofotta L ' seventh, ' MtL ; MJlO,CP. II.»sifetia

seofote seventhly, LL168[18].seofung 1 lamentation, [seofian]

seoh imperat. of aeon.

seohbe f. sieve, [aeon IL]seohhlan to drain, filter, MP 172«seohter m., seohtre (i) £ drain, ditch, Ct(Mdf).

seolo, seol-oo, -nc m. 'silk,' silken cloth,

Bo(U>), Lcd.wonlrnn v. a-s.

seoksen (i) 'silken,' made of silk, WW ; M.seotowynn m. 'silkworm,' WW.seoles v. aeolh ; seolf (VPs) =selfseolfer= seolfor; seolfera=Beolfren

seolfor (i, io, u, y) n., gs. seolfres silver, OP


seolfortot n. siher vessel, BH252".soolforgewlht (y) m. silver-weight, Lod3-92m.

seolforhammen plated with stiver, EC225.seolfor-hllt, -hilted (TO) 'sUver-hilted.'

seoKoismttf m. ' sUversmith,' WW.seolforstycoe m. piece of silver, A9-8.

seoUren (e, i, y) made of silver, 'silvern,'

Bo,Chr.seolfring (y) m. silver coin, M.seolh m., gs. seoles 'seal,' AO,Lcd,WW.seolhbsstt n. seal's bath, sea, Rd11u.

seolnpsett? n? seal's path, sea, ocean, As1710.

seolm (WW 101") =sealmseoloe, eeolucWseolc ; seoIofr-=seoln>seolott (io1, e») m. sea, B2367?seolufr-= seolfor-, seolfr- ; seom =seam I.

seomtanf (e) to be tired, lie at rest, tarry, con-

tinue, stand : hang, swing, sway : lower (as

a cloud) ; lay wait for, B 161.

seomlnt (WW136"T)=s£minte±seon I. (8v») to 'see' ('i-see'), look, behold,

B,0,Ps,Bd : perceive, understand, Cr,Psiinspect, visit : experience, suffer, B,Cr.

sin tie lot behold/ II. (ev1) tr. to sift,

strain, filter, iE,AO : intr. run, ooze, trickle.

III. v. aSo. IV.=8ien

seondon=sind pres. pL ind. of i

seonian to languish, QD284". [OHO. aiundn]

soono (i1, u*) 1 'sinew,' AN(io) ; BjLcd.seonobend 1 sinew-bandf Dsob6.seonobenn 1 injury to a sinew, Wy 19.

soonod=ainoCsoonodolg n. injury to a sinew, Am 1408.

seonoUwainoSseonwe gs. of seonu.

seortSan* to lie with, MtL6»». [ON?]seorwum (Cp) =searwum, dp. of searo.

seosHg afflicted, Ou899. [auel]

seota=88)ta; seoU=Betlseotot=(l) setl; (2) sweotol

seotu nap. of set.

±s*o«an* 'eeetae,' boil, Lcd(f) : be troubled

in mind, brood, B : afflict, disturb.

seo98an=sitioan-seoiing (en) v. eag-s.

stow pret. 3 sg. of sawan.seowan, seowian (i, f) to 'sew, ' knit together,

link, unite, J&,Cp(io).

seox=siei; seozter=sestersep(GfPF391)=8®paipanf to instruct.

sere m., seroe 1 (y) 'sark,' shirt, WW :

corslet, coat of man.=sierwde pret 3 sg. of sierwan.

, serw-=searw-f sierw-

ser8=seortSf imperat. of seoroan.

sesele f. sixth part. [L. sextnla]

m. place for sitting, seat, bench.

to grow calm, An453.=aiexta

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"•• (^o, y) m. a certain measure of bulk,& : vessel, pitcher, M. [L. aextariua]Mi n. (±) «eot, enlraicAflieal, camp, stall,

fold : aetttn? (o/ the sun), [sitton]

+•€ n. ambush, DR37".sttsui=a«tianMto imperst. of aettan.

+se*ednes= +0eUMM,- set»l(GP)=eetlleteii LImI, dtooi, jftp, VPs : plantation :

occupied (tilled f) land, LL118[68]. ILpp.of edttan.+setenms=+aetnea

setemdaeg =sagteradaagswtgonsj=aetlgangsetbraBgl n. covering for a seat.

siftlaii=sStian; setto(GL)=Betensett (as, ea, eo, i, o) n. teat, *toJZ» sitting, place,

residence, A,BJM\ CP. ta aetle gan to

«el (o/ the sun), M : farone (of a king,

or bishop, hence) see, OVffi : neye, AO.['settle']

+setl n. oMemMy, OEG1753.+setla (») m. oae ftttfta fteritfe, -fflL2"7 :

assessor, fellow-judge, OEG56M.

sedan tolaetfJ&/ (cotae to «**), place, ptU,

ssflfnF m. setting, sinking, M.sejigangende pto. aetftiy, BH476"setDirsegel n. seat-cover, Ct.

1 1 tetftny, «nJKnflr, Ex 109.

r 1 sitting, setting.


i (+ ezo. in N) t foundation, creation,

MtL : institution, law, ordinance, decree,

wVOL, JAJiR,Mk : (+) record, narrative :

(+) sentence, paragraph, figure of speech,

composition. [' i-setness ']

setol=aetisMon=esHon pret. pL of sittan.


settan (±) to make to sit, 'set' Ci-set'), lay,

put, deposit, place, fix, &,B,El&>,QcnJLL ;

CP : set or put down, El,LL;M : (±)appoint, assign, institute, prepare, ordain,

make, found, build, A,A0£l,BHJs : sow,

plant, Cp,Cr,Qen,MtL : settle (tr. andintr.), abate, subside, Bljxd : compose, com-pile, write, Bo,Quth;M : translate : (+)people, garrison, Bl : be situated, MtL : set

off '.lay in wait, LP89*°. a. ut issue, send

firth, dismiss, a. of displace, depose. Ma. travel, journey, El ±a. wi6, ongean,compare, a. to gafole let land, [nttan]

•attend m. creator, ordainer, Da 333.

+settendllc appointed, canonical, CM362.

settere=a£tereeetfarn m. a kind of tree, EC291'.-fsetuf nP- dwelling, abode.

sttung=8&tung±s*8an to affirm, testify, M : prove. [866]se«elfNG)=eetldbsitfond m. asserter, affirmer.+sttfnes £ affirmation, NC296.aetH$e=sehoe

±eMhmf £ aJtrfaaJton, proo/, JE.•ew=sSow pret. 3 ag. of pp of aeon.+sewenUe visible, adv. -lice.

sex(NG) = (l)aiex; (2) aeaxSexland=Seaxland; 8exta=siextasi 3 p. ag. prea. aubj. of weean.atbesfeeUng m. related noble, B2708.slbb (y) (T.LL2-651) £ relationship, A09BiM i love,friendship : peace, happiness, BH,Chr,VPs;AO,CP. ['«&']

±sU>b related, akin, B,LkL,W. as ab. kins-man, kinswoman, W,SouL ['«&,' 'i-sib'1 *

slW).=8ib.J ^

m. kiss of peace, ES33«176.steoegedrlht=ribgedrvht±sU>blan (y) to conciliate, reconcile, jE,CP.


(y) m. pacific speech, Lkas29.n. degree of affinity, LL.jri t blood-relationship, Gra 1901.

sfbgedryhtt f. related band : peaceful host.stbgemigas mpL blood-relations, Ex 386.slbgeofiMS 1 pacific disposition, friendship,love,W.

stbge-«fli«t -ayhC £ vision ofpeace (lit. trans,of 'Hierosofyma'), Pa.

stbi (Gl) aibian=aife, aifian

n. peace-offering, LL146[2].vn. taeeal.

of peace, peaceable, jE. adv. -lioe.rtstbttng m. relative, kinsman, M. VsibUna 9

!sfblufuf f. friendship, love. ^ J

+stbnes £ affinity, relationship, WW345".rfbrftden f affinity, relationship, Chr 1127.

±sUwum peace-loving, peaceable, friendlyCP. adv. -lioe. [v. U-sSb^] ^^9

+slbsumlan to reconcile, M.sttaumnea £ pcac*, concord, Chr ; CP.[ stbsomeness *]

+slbsumung £ peace-maJb'ng, WW172*1

slbun (Cp) = aeofonslo n. runnel, small stream, BC ; Md£[•aitea']

"f^M***} toJ**» yeam *»* *0,PPs.

[ «cae ] II.= aycansleoet-, sicoett-, aiccit-=8icett-ilocllan=aicliansloe m. sigh, Lcdl-388". [^siche'laloel=8iool; alcellan=sicli&nsloer-=aicor-

stoerian to trickle, penetrate, ooze, CP437"['sicker


]' '

stoettan to sigh, groan, mourn, CP.

wok, Led; ML. ['nckU'; s6oc]riool m. •ttckle,' A,Mk,WW(u*)

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slcornes t sureness, certainty, NC321.['sickernees



sld ample, wide, broad, large, vast, An,B,Oen.['side



sldadlf. pain in the side, pleurisy,WW112"sMan adv. widan and a. far and wide, BC.[v. 'side']

side I. adv. amply, widely, extensively,

OEG. a. and wide /or and tc*iae, JSi.

[>*V] IL (±) t <«trfe,' JS,Bl,CP,Gl,

VPs. [Oer. seite] IILttitt. [L. seta;

(7er. Beide]

sldaee m. pain in Me mtfe, Lcd 172a.

sldsful (y) decorous, modest, pure, virtuous,

honest, M. ['sedeful9

] adv. -lioe.

stdsfulnes f. virtue, modesty, M.sldslle ao&er, etocreet, 6PH389.

\ adv. ji%, suitable, CP153.1 V. 8311-8.

\made of silk, OEG.sldewftre £ zedoary, Lcd 137b. [Zofe X.]SMfesttiiM, sidfstimedt wide-bosomed, ca-

pacious (of a ship), B.sldfeaxe, sidfeaxode long-haired, JS. [v.

•*i*V]ddfolot n. great people or number of people,sldlan intr. to ea^efuf/ Rim66. [aid]

+sldlan (y) to arrange, set right, order, [aidn]

sidlandt n. extensive land.

SMDngweg m. sidelong way, road that runsobliquely? (BT), KC3-446".

stdo=sidiisMrand m. broad shield, B1289.stdn (eo) m., gds. sida custom, practice,

manner, habit, rite, GP : manners, morality,

good conduct, purity, CP. [Qer. sitte]

sldung (y) I rule, regulation, GPH398.sidling (y) f. extension,augmentation,A 8*306.

SMwsare m. pain in the side, GD,Lcd.sldweg-f m. long road : (in pi) distance,sldwyrm (y) m. silk-worm, WW.sis pres. 1 sg. subj. of wesan (beon).

stehstpres. 2 sg., siehti pres. 3 sg. of seon.

4-8lehtJ =+sih6; sielf =aelf ; slellan=8ellan


±sfeman (a) to load, burden, JB(f), LkL(e).['seam



staml6=8imbleslsn I. (eo, i, y) f. power ofsight, sight, vision,

Jul(f), Lcd($o) : pupil, eye. [*sene]II. (=8in) pL pres. subj. of wesan.

a, sient (=eindon, rind) pL pres. of

sto98an=slogansfox (e, eo, i, y) 'six,

9 AO.sftexbenn=seaxbennslexfeald 'sixfold,

1 WW.stozhund six hundred, AO. ['sixhund



sfezta (e, i, y) 'sixth,9 Chr ; AO.

sfexte (y) sixthly, LL158[17].OeMg (e,Uj)


9 AO.slle (y) n. 'Meve,' Cp,Lcd,WW.slfefia (eo, y) m. and fpl. siftings, chaff,

bran : tares, rubbish.

sinan=8eonan; sllWa=8ifeoa; sffra^syfre

stftan (e, y) to 'sift,9JZ(y),Bo,Cp.

sJfun=seofonstg=s! 3 p. sing. pres. subj. of wesan (beon).

+8ig n. vuitory, DR28*.slgan1 1. (±) to sink, set (of the sun), decline,

GP : descend, fall, fall down, M : move,advance, go to, approach, sah fit came out,

M. IL to strain, fitter, drain out, ooze,


slgMh (NG)=sigebeah ; slgdl (Ep)=a!6eaige I. (y) m. victory, success, triumph, AO,

+sleiie (e, i) seen, visible, evident, plain,

B(j). ['sent9


+slen6lto (e, y) visible, BH2161*. adv. -lice.

sl6roe=sercestore 'sere,

9dry, withered, BC 1-515. [searian]

sJerlan=sierwan±slerwan (i, y) to plan, devise, contrive : plot,

lay snares for, entrap, GP : put on armour :

(+ ) fit out, arm, equip, Ma 159. [searu]

slerwung (ea, y) f. plotting, artifice, trap,

snare, treachery, M.

Chr;M,CP. Vsige9

] II. m. sinking, set-

ting (of the sun), Mm 13M. [suan]slge-Macn, -bSacen n. banner, M : emblem

of victory, trophy, cross (of Christ), El.sfgeMah m. vktor

9s circlet, crown.

slgebeamt m. tree of victory, cross.

dgebearat n. victor-child (Christ).

sJgetaorht victorious,

slgebeorn m. victorious hero, Fin38.

slgebr&ttor m. victorious brother, An 183.

slgetyma f. trump of victory, Ex565.

slgecempa m. victorious champion, fPsSO10.slgsewint f. victorious queen.

slgedimat m. victorious fudge.slgedryhten m. lord of victory, Ood.slgeeadjg victorious, B1557.slgefssst victorious, triumphant, BH,BL[v. 'sige



+8Jge-f8BStan, -festnian (e*) to triumph :

crown as victor.

slgefsestnes t triumph, victory.


sJgefolef n. victorious people.

Slgegealdor (y1) n. victory-bringing charm,

LodI-388".slgsgsfeoht n. victory, BH158*.slgegyrd f. victory-bringing rod, Lod.sJgebrtmlgt (») rejoicing in victory.

slgehrifl f. fame gained by victory? confidence

or joy of victoryt B490.slgshrWlgt victorious, triumphant.

Slgehwll f. hour of victory, B2710.slgel I.f (03, e) m? n? sun : name of the rune

for s. II.=sigil

stgelbeorhtf sun-bright, brilliant.


slgeMan n. reward of victory.

slgelias not victorious, defeated.

slgalioSt n- 90n9 °f victory.

Slgelhearwa m. Ethiopian, VPs.sigel-hweorfa m., -hwe(o)rfe 1 heliotrope.

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i victorious, WW.flgeltorhtt radiantStfel-waraa, -ware pL Ethiopians.

flgemeoe m. victorious sword, Cb1531.afeend m. wave, WW. [sigan]

> m. glutton, OET721".

flgereaX n. fruimjrtaJ rcfce, WW 163".fSgerlan=8igri*nalgerlan to be gluttonous, WW4891*.

ignfoef victorious, triumphant.

ftgerdff victorious, triumphant.flgeaoeorp n. ornament ofvictory, Gn 136.

dgeeftt (i1) m. successful expedition, OET.

atgefptdf 1 *«cc«**.

flgetaoen n. emblem of victory, sign.

•Jgetfber n. sacrificefor victory, Ex1


fllgetorht brilliant in victory. Sat240.flgetudor n. dominating race, Gu838.flgetfiodf. victorious people.

algettreat m. WcJortottt troop, Cb844.ftgetfuf T m. fruunpaoJ banner, Jud201.ftgewSpen n. victorious weapon, B804.algewangt m- )&eW of victory.

algewlf n. victorious woman, Lod 1-384.

ftgfBBet=aigefaB8t; flgl-=8ige-

figll, aigl n. fibula, buckle, brooch, gem.[op. fligle]


ftglan (40) =aeglanllgto L n. necklace, cottar. II. f. rye, Mocfc

«peft, Lod48a. [L. aeoale]

tiger (y) m. victory, triumph, M. [rige]

tlgorMaoen n. emblem of victory, El985.tlgorbeorht fruunjaAan*, CeIO.aJgoroynn n. victorious race, E&755.Igortadlgt victorious.

igortost victorious.

aJgorfsBetnea (riger-) f. victory, A 11-173.

IgorMant n. reward of victory.

algorUc triumphal, Gl.IgorspMt f. good fortune in war.

•igortacen n. convincing sign, Gu 1089.

Igoftlter n. offeringfor victory, Jul265.algorweorc m. deed of victory, Ex316.•Igorwuldor n. glory of victory, Gtt93.

algrlan to be victorious, triumph over, van-quish, J3.

lgrlend m. victor, DHy38«.afgaonte f. a plant, Lod.lgtfe=sTBe; slhflta=Biext»

-tint, -aihte v. blocl-, fit-a.

aihte marshy?+fIhJe=+ayhte pret. 3 eg. of -fuycan.

sIhtr©=8eohtreslb8 L £ thing seen, vision, JnL,MkL.['sight'] II. pros. 3 eg. of aeon.

fOro* pree. 3 eg. of ngan.+tth%, +aiht (ie, y) t faculty or act of fight,

JS,Bo,Mk ; CP : aspect : wAot is *een, vision,

apparition, ['i-sight']

+HMto (BPB53«)=+aeh«e+ellrb'net L vision, MtL p77


ailoen =Beoloen ; §111= self

=aeolfor; 90fren=Beolfren(iE)=Sigelhoarwa


L m. band, chain, Gbk765. IL=sema(on) adv. always, continually, AO.

[cp. aimbles]

ftmbettarende roving, nomadic, A026".•Imbelgefera m. constant companion, MetnM(y).-

tmble (e, y) adv. ever, for ever, always, con-stantly, continually, continuously, oftoat

a. continually.

•Jmblea adv. ever, always.almblian (y) tofrequent, DR1510


•Imb-tunga, -linga (aiml-) continually, con-stanOy, DR.

tlmel= (l) aimbel adv. ; (2) aymbelalinertngwyrl =ayineringwyrtalml, aiml- =8101061, aimbl-

aln L (y) refL possess, pron. his, her, its,

their. IL=sfen. III. plnr. pree. anbj.

of weaan.•In- (y) prefix, perpetual, permanent, lasting,

infinite, immense.alna<-=BeonoC-embyrnende ever burning, Mbt8m.

tine (v)t n. treasure, riches, gold, valuables,


aineald perpetually cold, Ex472.ainealdu 1 perpetual cold, Ph17.±emcans to 'sink,' become submerged, MtR :

digest easily, act as aperient? Lcd&lb.amobrytta m. distributor of treasure, prince,

A3-71 17.

ametaotf n. precious vessel.

atncflgt richly adorned.

amegestreont n. treasure, jewelalnegewa3geJ n. abundance of treasure,

slne-giefa, -gifaf m. giver of treasure, ruler,

chief, lord, king.

amcgltu f. gift of treasure, As 1511.

ameglmf m. valuable gem, jewel.

Blnegyfa= ainogiefa

alnehrodent pto. adorned with costly orna-ments.

amcmatfflum m. treasure, B2193.amoatan m. precious stone, Mar 21n.

alndSegot t receipt of treasure, [ttiogan]

ameweorvnngt f. costly gift.

find plnr. prea. indio. of weaan.amder (y) n. 'cinder,

9dross, scoria, slag,

Cp,WW ;CP.alnder-=aundor- ; dnderUce=aynderlioeamderdm m. rust, WW402*1


flndon plnr. pree. indio. of weaan.amdor= sinder

amdreamf m. everlasting joy.

amdiig (M) =syndrig ; +alne= +aieneslneht sinewy, Lod Ola. [aeono]

ilne-wealt, -weald, -w«elt (eo, y) round,globular, concave, M : circular, cylindrical[ain-]

ftnewealtlan to be unsteady, WW51G*1.

f. roundness, globularity.

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staMwlnd artery, WW362" [seonu]stnfrea m. husband, B1B34.sinlulle f. houseleek, Lod.WW.stngal perpetual, everlasting, M,CP : con-

tinuous, constant, M : tiatfy.

slngala, aingale, aingalea adv. always, ever,


slngaffidwende ptc. ever-flouring, WW177M.

+Btngal1an (y) to continue, AGPs88sl.

alngaDlo incessant, continual, GP61*1. adv.

(i) -lice.

H-ilngalllnian to continue, JPs88".stngalnes 1 perseverance, assiduity, OEG.sfngalrene m. constant flow, HGl. [ryne]

±slngans (y) to * rinp, * celebrate in song, BE,


Bl,MtL,VPs ; AO,CP


crow, sing (of birds),

M,Ph i chant, intone, OETJRB : read,

recite, narrate, Bl,Bo,VPs : (of things)

sound, resound, ring, clank, B,CP,W.+slnge (=+sinie?) f. wife, Jul64. [op.


.slngendllc that may be sung, LVPs 1 18M.

sing-ere, -eatre=8ang-ere, -estreringtaw (^S)=ayngianstngrine (y) I. f. house-leek, periwinkle,Led. ['eengreen'] II. adj. ever green :

uncooked (of vegetables).

slngrlm adj. exceeding fierce, Jul230.sinners m. huge army, B2936.8lnWg-= 8inhiw-

±sln-hlwan, -higan npL wedded couple, M,CP.

slnhlwselpe m. permanent tie (marriage),



alnhwyrtel round.slnhwyrfende pto. round, OEG 114.

+slnlg marriage, DR1087.

+slnlgan, sinigian to marry, NG.+8lnigseipe = ainacipe

+slnBce (y) adv. often, RB97M.

slnn=8ynnslnnan't (w. g.) to meditate upon, think of,

care about : ceaset [Qer. ainnen]slnnlg=synnigslnnlhtf (y

1, ea*) £ eternal night, adv.

-nihtes in continual night, night after night.

slnnffi m. perpetual misery, Kim52.

stoop =senepsfnotf (e, eo, y) t synod, council, meeting,

assembly. [L. synodns]dnotfboe (e, eo, y) f. record of the decrees ofasynod, canon law, LL46[49t8].

dnottdfim (eo) m. decree ofa synod, El662.staottgewrit n. records of a synod.slnoftlto synodical, BH.slnoVst6w t meeting-place, place where asynod is held.

slnowalt= einewealtsinrAden f. (continuing state), marriage, CP.±slnsclpe (e, y) m. cohabitation, marriage,M,CP : (+) married couple, CP.

+stasclpllc conjugal, LL(440*).

1 married, GD218*.

t large piece, B743.slnsorg f. perpetual grief, Wif45.start= Bind plur. prea. indie, of weean.sln-trendende (OEG), -tredende pto. round.fintryndel (y

l, »*) adj. circular, globular.

statiyrstende pto. (w. g.) ever thirsting, AO130».

stall =seonostauwealt, sinwealt=8inewealtstawrSnnes (y) f. constant lechery,WW 113".810= seo; stodo=aidu; sloffc=aefa

slol-=seol-, ael-

slon 'laber,' a marsh plant? Led 1-264.


slpian=sypianalplan to sink low, wane, decline, Lod3-161(y. A31-638).

sire= aigere ; slrew-, gjrw- = aearw-, sierw-

slsemoa I dormouse, WW.8l8t=flihflt pros. 2 sg. of aeon I.

sit pies. 3 ag. of aittan.


slttan* to 'sit,* sit down, recline, JB,B,Bo,Bl.

Chr ; AO,CP : remain, continue, be situated,

Bo,Bl,Oen,LL : (±) settle, encamp, dwell,

abide, reside, Chr,LkL ; AO : lie in wait,

besiege, invest, Chr,Met,VPs : preside over,

JS,MtL;CP : perch, roost, Oen,Ph : (+)sit out, finish, on cneowum a. kneel. witS

earm +a. lean, on a. (1) assail, attack;

(2) press on, weigh down,sW (y) I. m. going, motion, journey, errand,

B,BlJLcd : departure, death : expedition,

undertaking, enterprise : road, way : time,

turn, occasion, JB,Q*Lcd,VPs ;AO. onanne a. at one and the same time, Bo,Led.6t$re aI8e...oore aloe on one occasion...onanother : conduct, way of life, manner, M :

fate, destiny, experience, JB,BtChr. Vsithe*]

IL adv. late, afterwards, comp. aio, aioor

later. »r and a. always, ne «r ne a.

never, fir otitfe a. ever : a oomp. adj. aitira

late, later, and a anperL al6(e)meat, afoeat

latest, last are formed from aiti. set

sioeetan at last, finally. III. prep, andconj. after, a. oam after, afterwards. [Qer.

<seit] IV. (± ) = ±sihD pros. 3 ag. of aeon L+sI8 L m. (rare da. +a!San) (f) comrade,companion : (f) follower, retainer, warrior :

count, thane. II. n, company, v. LL2-427; 446.

sWberend m. reaper, WW236". [ai6e]

sW5b6c 1 itinerary, OEG 2023.

sISboda m. herald of departure (the pillar ofcloud), Ex260.sWboren ptc. late-born, VPsfWW.+sI9eund fit to rank as a thane.

+sl*eundlle intimate, BH120**(v.L).sISdagas mpl. later times, El639.sKem. 'scythe,' M,Cp.sWemest, ai^est v. aitfU.sffifsst (M,CP), BitJfat mn. way, journey,

voyage, expedition : path, road, course, M :

experience, conduct : period of time.

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afftfromt readyfor a journey.aftgtomor travel-weary, ApI.sttlan to go, depart, travel, wander, JBJt.I'sithe



+sf6H6= +8f5cnndlicstSBce adv. lately, after a time, M.+8l9msegent n. band of warriors.+sl6mann = +8i8stftmast, afbor, attfoa v. siS IL+sf6r*den 1 (nwpf WW206".-ftfflsolpe m. fellowship, society, BH.aWstapel «fep, frac*, LPs 16*.

196=816fftffla adv. and oonj. afterwards, JnLJJcL


Mbt. Vsith9


sfftftan, siSSon (eo, y) L adv. since, after-

wards, from now on, hereafter, further, then,

thereupon, after, later, JB,BL IL oonj. assoon as, when, since, after that, inasmuch as,

B^Bo. III. prop. (w. a.) (LW8) after.


; aft, 8am]sWweg (Gu869) =sidwegsftwerpd n. travelling troop, Gxir2114.±sl8w1I n. noble lady.

atwan=8lwiantwen pp. of aeon H.slwen-lfce, -igge, -ege blear-eyed, CP.±sfwlan (eo, y) to sew, mend, patch : knittogether, unite.

ilx=8iex ; itz- ; v. also siex-.

stxecge six-sided, hexagonal, WW.slxfete (y) adj. of six {poetical) feetattgyMe entitled to sixfold compensation,LL3[1].

ftzbynda belonging to the class whose 'wer-gekT was 600 shillings, LL.

ftzhyrnade having six angles, WWlW^e*).flxnlhte six days old, Lcd.slxteogofta

*sixtieth,' MGr.

sixteotta 'sixteenth,9 MH(&), ^Gtr(y').

sixtfgAre eOoared ship, [ax]

stxtlgleaM sixtyfold.

slxtigwmtre sixty years old, M.afxtfne (y

1, e») 'sixteen,

9 MB.sfxtffnenllito jiarfeen day* ofci, Lod.slxljnewlntre fistee* year* olrf.

sl&=dahslaeful (=*) &uy, Gl,Lod.alartan to afacfc o/f, become remiss, M.['slake



slftd pret. 3 ag. of slidan.

lAMaloastee ' slack; remiss, CP 1261 (v. A39-366).

sleeoan= slaoian

-fslflBOoan to seize, VPs7*.sMM (a, e, ea) n. valley, glade, AO;MdL['slade



-slAfan v. t6-s.

aleeg-=deg-aieege m., slaeget n. = siege

aleegen pp. of dean.sleegnAt= degneatHAga (e) f. lethargy, Qh (v. A33-387).

stent =dieht

en]to strike, slay, NO. [Ger. schiacht-

+slahtopret 3 ag. of +deecan.slash*= siiehti pros. 3 ag. of dean.

slssp L (a, *, ea) m. 'sleep,9 M,CP : sleepi-

ness, inactivity, B,CP : death, Cr. IL m?slippery place? KC.±il«pan7 (e, a) pret. 3 sg. alep, al6ap ; also

wk. slftpte, depte, alepde to 'sleep,9 BH,

Bl,VPs;CP : be benumbed, motionless,

inactive, JS,CP,Lcd : lie with, JS,LL : rest

in the grave, die, Jt(k),MLslflpMra soporific, Lod 1-284".

m. sleeper, M.(a, e) n. dormitory,

sleepless, GPH399.slsspMast 1 sleeplessness, M.sUBpnee t sleepiness, HL14*».slaspor drowsy, sleepy.

sl&pwerlg weary and sleepy, Rd5b.

slast=dieh& pros. 3 ag. of dean.

slAtan to bait (a boar), JS. ['shot9


slAtlng f. right of hunting,*w=daw; -slsswan v. a-s.

sUtw* (e) f. sloth, indolence, AJBo;CP.['sleuth

9; slaw]

stt*;=8lahslaga m. slayer, homicide, M,CP.slagen pp. of alean.


sl&h, slag! 'doe9{fruit of the blackthorn),

CPrLcd;WW;Mdi.slabs =aleasl&htSorn m. blackthorn, CpJLcd ; Mdf.



sl&hftornragu t lichenfrom blackthorn, Lcd.sUUrtornrind f. blackthorn bark, Lod.sttn I. (K,N) =slean. IL gs. of da, (aUh).

slane pret. 3 ag. of dinoan.slapwsyep; «ttpel=dapolslapfumes f. lethargy, WW641tt T

attplan to become sleepy, CP.aiftpol somnolent, lethargic.

iUpolnes f. somnolence, lethargy, 2E.slaporaes f. lethargy, A 11-98.

sttpul=alapolslarege (i») f. 'clary

9{plant), Lcd,WW.

slat pret. 3 ag. of slitan.

Slaw 'slow,9sluggish, torpid, lazy, Bo,CP,ML

slftwerm (KGL80»)=dawyrmglAwlan to be slow, sluggish, M.slawDce adv. 'slowly,

9sluggishly, CP.

slawyrm m. 'slow-worm,9

snake, OSO,Sct

WW.sMa f. slay, weaver's reed, Gl*. [alean;ep. dege]

sl*ac(v. A39-366) 'slack,9remiss, lax, slug-

gish, indolent, languid, A£,B,BH ; CP :

slow, gentle, easy, M.deadan to delay, retard, slacken, relax efforts.

sttacllo slow, languid, idle. adv. -lice.

sMaemodnes f. slackness, laziness, MFH173.sMaenas (e) t slowness, A.MJjcd i remiss-ness, laziness, CP. ['slackness 9


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\l laziness, All-98".al8aht=sliehtsHan6 to strike, beat, stamp, coin (money),forge (weapons), jB,B,Bl£ed,VPs : throw,

east, Bo,Da : sting (snake) : pitch (tent), JB :

strike across (country), dash, break, rush,

come quickly, M : "slay/ kill, M,AO,CP.wael +& to slaughter : cast into chains :

(+) strike down : play (harp) : (+) gain byfighting, win.

slftap L pret. 3 eg. of slepan, IL pret. 3 sg.

of slapan. III.=sl£psl*aw=slaw; slibtsooh^sleiesoohslee-=sleac-+sleooan to weaken, disable, Ob 140. [sleac]

stoog 1 ('sledge'^hammer, mallet, Nor,WW


steogettan to beat, throb, Lod82d.sleegwyrhta m. metal-worker, ANS 100*264.

slM=sl&d; slel=aliefe

slftlan to slip (clothes) on, Outh. + filefed

furnished wtth sleeves. V sieve']

slefeseoh m. slipper, Gl (alebe-).


doge (») m. beating, blow, stroke,M : slaying,

slaughter, murder, iE,AO,CP : crash, impact,clap (of thunder) : destruction, defeat, AO :

(weaver's) 'slay,* WW188*. [dean]slegebytl m. oeetfe, fojmwwy, Lod122d.slegettsge doomed to perish, Jud247.slegel m. plectrum, WW466"slegen pp. of slean.

stoghrffar (stagr-) n. cattle /or slaughter,

NC321.slegneat n. ca«fe/or slaughter, TC105*.8l«ga=Bl£gaslen=sleah imperat. of slean.

deht=8liehtsleM=8liehtS proa 3 sg. of slean.

sHow=sliwslip I. (M) =sl&p. IL pret. 3 sg. of slSpan.8Wp-=slfip-sMpan= (l) slftpan; (2) slypanale* (VPs)=slieh& pros. 3 sg. of dean.sliw*=slftwt5; s!I(Gl)=s1Iwsite (I?) n. beater, mallet, hammer, LL455";WW75".

-sHeod (y) v. nig-s.

sflSdan1 to 'slide/ glide, dip, fall, fall down,Outh : fail, err : pass away, be transitory orunstable, MHJLcd.sUddor=slidorsllde m. sliding, slip,faU, JS,CP.sllderian= slidrian

sHdor I. slippery, Ps,Mun. ['didder']

II. n? slippery pace, WW.slldornes t slippery pace, slipperiness, Ps.


slidrian to dip, slide, CP,PPs. ['diddern']sHefe (I) f. 'sleeve,* LL.sHefleas 'sleeveless,' &B(y),WW(e).silent (sb, ea, e, i, v) m. drofce, slaughter,

murder, death, AO(i) : animalsfor slaughter :

(+)t&o«fe. [''feyAt'; slean]

sUehtsw^n (y1) n. jritf/or Hfltwp, LL.

sllehft proa 3 sg. of slean.

slU, aliie=aliefe; -sntan v. td-s.

sitter dippery, HGl405.8llht(40,JB)=slieht

v. eorC-s.

sllhU pros. 3 sg. of slean.

sUm n. 'slime? CPs,WW.sllnean* to dink, creep, crawl.

slineend mn. reptile, JR.

attngan* to worm, twist oneself. [Ger.


sllpa=slypasllpeg, alipig slimy.

sttpor slippery, filthy, 8c : shifty, A.{'dipper']

aUpornas f. filihiness, DHyW. ['dipper-ness']

+sllt n. rending, biting, M : something to betorn or rent : backbiting, calumny.±sBtan1 to dit, tear, split, shiver, rend to

pieces, divide : bite, sting, wound, CP :

backbite, CP. [Qer. sohleissen]

sUtcwealm m. death by rending, LL(166M).

sllte I. m. dit, rent, tear, bite. IL f ? cycla-

men.sllten m. schismatic, heretic, MtL p8*.

sHtendlle gorging, WW437*.sBtere m. gorger, glutton, WW : destroyer,

W235»+alttgllw n. raillery, WW372«sHtnes f. desolation, destruction, tearing

up.stttol biting, pungent, GPH394.sntang f. tearing, biting, M.sllttan1 to injure, wound, GnE202.sllSet I* adj. savage, fierce, dire, cruel, hard,

hurtful, perilous. IL adv. savagely.

sUtJeMo graven, EPsl05w.

sffiSen crud, hard, evil

sBBheard (e») cruel, severe, savage.

aBBnes f. graven image, EPs 105*.

sllw m. a fish, tench, mullet, Gl.slog L pret. 3 sg. of slean. IL=al6h I.

sldh L mfn., gs. al6(ge)a, al6; das. slo(h)

'dough,1mire, BH,W. II. pret. 3 sg. of


-slop v. ofer-s.

slopen pp. of slupan.

slota m. morsd, So 163".slttma m. dumber, DD,Qu. ['shorn']

slttmero m. sleeper, NC322.slunoon pret pL of slinoan.

tlQpan* to dip, glide, move softly.

siytwalief; slyhtMslieht

slyfa9 =alieh5 pros. 3 sg. of slean.

slypa m. slime, paste, pulp. Led. ['slip1


Stypan (e) to dip, put onor off.

siypescoh m. dipper, WW277W.

slyppe f. paste, Lcd 163a.

slyprasn n ? 'ferna, ' WW2371. [nesn]

sl^ptt pros. 3 sg. of 8lfipan.

±smadan to coax, flatter, allure, seduce,


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•mm m. 'smack,* taste, WW : scent, odour,

WW.±smmocan to taste, JBOr. ['smatch



smsel h (often smal- in obL cases) sap.

smalost, smaelst 'small,9Bofipjbcd : thin,

slender, narrow, AO,OET : fine, BH,CP,Lcd,WW. II. . heafodam®!.


smselstterm (A 13-323) =sm«loearmesmmll m. slap, smack, JnL. ['small']

smselttearmas (ya) mp. small intestines.

) n. lower abdomen, CP.(smftre?) m. lip, Gl,Lcd.-=smeoni


smAte pure, refined, CpfMH


JR. ['smeat ']

smAtegoldn. jntrepoM, WW. ^^smAtegylden adj. of pure gold, WW.smal- v. smnLsmato finely, into small pieces, Bo(not loudly), ['smaU 9


smallan to become thin, Lod2s (Harl.).

smalung 1 reducing (of flesh), Lcd.mat pret. 3 sg. of smitan.

fmtae pret. 3 sg. of smeocan.smeade pret. 3 eg. of smeagan.smftag- v. smeah.±smeagan, smean (5) to think, think out,

reflect, meditate on, deliberate, M,CP :

examine, penetrate, scrutinize, look closely

into, M : suppose : seek (opportunity).

smeagelegen (? v. OEG4142n.) f. syllogism.

smftagendllo meditative, £2Gb211 c.

smfiagung=smeanngsmeah I. adj. (smeag- in obL cases) sagacious,

acute, subtle : penetrating. II. pret. 3 sg.

of smugan.+smeah n. intrigue, Chb1094.smtalle searching, exhaustive, careful, CP :

exquisite, adv. -lice closely, thoroughly,

carefully, exhaustively, accurately, M,CP.smeallcnes 1 subtlety, NC322.smeamettas mp. delicacies.

smean, emeang=smeagan, smeanngsmearoian (e) to smile, Bo ; M. ['smirk']

smeart smarting, painful, Tf29510. ['smart']

smeartung (e) £ tickling, A 8*451.

smea* I. f. meditation, SPsll877. IL pros.

3 sg. of smeagan. ,

smteftanolloe adv. in detail, A 8-309.

smta-ttaaool, -oancollio subtle, adv. -lice

exactly, thoroughly, exhaustively, studiously,

M.smeatiancomes f. exactness, strictness, MR2-803*.

±smeaung (5) f. reflection, thought, CP :

inquiry, search : intention, effort : intrigue.

smeawung=smeanngsmeawyrhta m. skilled artisan, A9-263.

smeawyrm m. intestinal worm, Lod.smecMsmeo; smecWsmicsmedma (eo) m. fine flour, pollen meal,Lcd;M. ['smeddum 9


smedmen adj. of fine flour, 80IM1.


iiifcflgnwjH lit=smeawyrmsmeh (iEL31M*)=smeah H.smfthwreno (—smea-) m. cunning device,

TC339.smelt L (y) m. sardine,



Cp. II.=smolt

smelting (i, y) f. amber, JS.

smtooan* to emit smoke, JSJjcd,WW :

fumigate, Lcd. ['smeek9


smeoduma=smedmasmtoh=smeah; smaolt=smoltsmeortan* to 'smart,

9A03&* (or ? fyrsmeort-



smarting like fire).

smeoni (e), smeoruw n. ointment, fat, grease,

lard, tallow, suet. [Oer. sohmeer]smeorumangestre (smere-) 1 butter-woman,

LL.smeorusealf (e1, a1) t unguent, Lcd56b.smeorufiearm (a*

1, e1) m. entraU.

smsoruwlg (smere-) rich, fat, Lod 79a.

smeoruwyrt f.ismearwort

9 Cp,Lcd.smeo1$lan=8mitJiansmer-=smear-, smeor-, smir-, smier-

smer=smfir; smera=Bmeorusmere-=smeoru-smerian to laugh to scorn, MtL9M.

smertngwyrt £ name of a plant, 'crispa,

victoriola,9 WW1351

. [cp. smeoruwyrt]smeruwan=smierwansmerwung=8mirung; smtte-=em&te-±sm0ttan to smooth, soften, polish, CP 1

appease, soothe, CP.smette(22J?)=smi«ttesmite smooth, polished, soft, Lk;M,AO,CP : suave, agreeable, CP : lenitive.



±sm&8lan to smoothen, LcdfiSO : becomesmooth, ['smeeth*]

smtftoss 1 smoothness, smoothplace, JR,WW.['smeethness



smeung=smeanngsmlo (5, y) m. vapour, smoke, MJLO,Bo,PPs,VHy. ['smeech


; 'smitch9


smloan (§) to smoke, fumigate, [smeocan]smloer beauteous, elegant, fair, tasteful, Cp,8hr,TC. ['smicker*] adv. -ere, CP.

smleernes t smartness, WW416'1.

+smtoerod well-fashioned, WW406".smloor=8micer; smldema=smedmasmtoe=BmIo±smierwan (e, i, y) to 'smear,

9anoint, salve,

Bl,0, VPs (smirian) ; CP. [smeoni]smllte=8myltenwntjng= smeltingsmlrenes (e, y) t ointment, unguentsmlrewan, smirian =smierwanmiriwgrt* m. anointing oil, /&smlrung (e, y) f. ointment, unguent, Lcd :

unction, [smeoru]smlrwan=smierwansmitan1 to daub, smear, soil, pollute, defile,

M,CpJjcd. ['smite9


smltto f? smudge, smut, blot, OEGyRB.['smit



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±smlttfan to befoul, pollute, WW : infect,

OEG. ['smit9


amltf m. handicraftsman, 'smith,9

Mack-smith, armourer, carpenter, M,B,Mt.

aml&bylg m. smith's bellows, NC322.amtfaraaft iil manual art, BH442".amHfarsBftega m. skilled workman, Gbn 1084.

amffiian (eo) to forge, fabricate, JS,OEG.['smith']

smttflloe adv. dexterously, WW.smltfte (ameoe) f. smithy, forge, M,BE,['smithe



fmoe m. 'smock,9shift, WW.

amoea m. 'smoke,9


amocen pp. of ameooan.amootan to emit 'smoke,

9 MJjPs : fumigate,Led.-amogu v. aVs. ; -anion v. in-a,

molt L (e, eo) mild, peaceful, stM, gentle,

MtL. ['smoU9

] II. lard, fat, CM,NC.['smoU



amolte=amyltesmoltnoe adv. gently, £88*477.amorlan to strangle, choke, suffocate, Gp,MtR. ['smore



amotf 'smooth,9serene, calm, 8c.

amueon pret. pL of ameoroan.amugan* to creep, J3. [Ger. aohmiegen]smogendllo creeping, LPs68M.

am$Q=amiosmjhs*8 pres. 3 ag. of ameooan.amygel, amygels m. retreat, burrow, Gl.amyllan to crack (a whip), GPH388.smylt=8melt+fmyltan to appease, BH3861*.

amylte h mild, tranquil, peaceable, calm, CP


cheerful : prosperous. II. adv. softly.


amyltelic= smyltlio

amylting (AS) =smelting

amylfllo tranquil, serene.

smyltnes f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, silence,

CP : gentleness, smoothness, mildness, com-posure, placidity, CP : evening calm.

amyr-=8mier-, amir-

smyrels m. ointment, unguent, unction, M,LL. ['smerles


; smeoru]smytta=Bmitta; ana=anawanaca m. 'snake,

9serpent, Lk,W.

anaoo m. a small vessel, war-ship, Chr.


; Dan. anekke]anfld=snfidn.-ansaeoe v. twi-a.

anAd I. m. handle of a scythe, jBH2-162.


] II. (a) m. a clearing in a wood,Ct (Mdf). III. f. piece, morsel, slice,

portion offood, MJj&L ['snede9

; anidan]

an&dan I. (e) to cut, slice, lop off, hew, Ln,OP,Mt. ['sned


; aniDan] IL to eat, take

a meal, Chb 1048.

an&del (GL)=an£deloearmanAdeltiearm m. great gut, Gl,Lod.

t meal, snack, CM.RBL.i n. cook's shop, WW1851


anAdlngsoeap n. sheep for slaughter, PPs43»snAdmfilum adv. bit by bit, LoDl27a.ansegl (e), snaegel m. 'snail,

9 CpJ*d,»l=snflBgl; anAs=anas

(or? onan&aan) to run through,pierce, spit, LL69[36]. [anas]

anaMffeld m. a defined tract of pasture orwoodland (v. Mdf). fenced]

anas (fi) f. spit, skewer, WW23717 and n.

ana* L. pret. 3 ag. of aniflan. II.(?) n?killing (v. OEG3070).anAwm. 'snow,


Bl,Chr,Met,VPs: snowstorm,Bo.anawoaald icy-cold, Mbt29*.an&wgebland n. snow-storm, AO 186M .

an&whwlt snow-white, 'snowy,


an&wlt=anahwitan&wlio snowy.aneare, anearh f. 'snare,

9 OEG.anedan=snfidan ; anCl, sneg(e)l= azuegl

anell smart, ready, rapid, keen, fresh, brisk,

active, strong, bold, AnJB,Cr,Ph ; AO.['sneU



anellio smart, ready, quick, rapid, bold. adv.-Hoe, Wy. ['snelly



anellscipe m. quickness, boldness, Chb1057d.anelnes f. agility, ApT137


aneomef adv. quickly, speedily, swiftly :

immediately, at once.

+10601*0811* (e) to shrivel, dry up, VPs3018.

aneowan7(6)f to hasten, go.

aner f. harpstring. [op. Ger. aohnnr]+anere pret. of aneoroan.

anloan1 to sneak along, creep, crawl, CP,Lcd.['snike



anld I. n. slice : (+ ) slaughter. [Ger. aehnitt]

IL m. saw, CP.ankle L m. incision : slaughter, ii.=snid IL

pp., anidon pret. pL of snioan.

n. lancet, Lcd7&l=anyrian

antte L 'snipe,9Cp,WW. ['snite



dbanltfan1 to cut, lance, CP: cut off, amputate,CP : hew down, slay, kill, M ; CP : mow,reap, ['snithe


; Ger. schneiden]anlBstrto carline thistle? (BT) choppedstrawf (JGPh 1-328), Cp358s.anHtang 1 incision, wound : slaughter.

anlwan to snow, BH,Cp,Nar ; M. ['snew9


anoca m. nook? inlet BC3-141' (v. Mdf).mod f. hood, head-dress, fillet, M.anoffa m. 'nausea,

9 CM60.

anofl phlegm, mucus, LoD9a.anoflig/uH of phlegm, A 8*299.

anofol=anonanoru f. daughter-in-law, J2,A0. [Ger.

aohnnr]+anot n. mucus, Lcd20d.snotor, anoter clever, prudent, intelligent,

discerning, MtL ; M,CP. ['snoter9

}anotorllo (e*) philosophic, wise. adv. -Uoe.

anotornesi wisdom, prudence, M.

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snotorsolpe m. cleverness in argument,dialectics, OEG3215 ; 2"*.

-snotorung (e*) v. word-a.

snotorwyrde wise ofspeech,plausible,W 1071.

snotter, snottor, snottra (wk.)=anotorsnowan =sneowangnud L adj. quickly approaching, Cb842.II. n? speed, An267.

made adv. quickly, at once.

anything 1 mucus from the nose, NC322.


snyrlant to hasten, hurry.

anyrlng sharp rock, WW371**.sn*tan to blow the nose, NC322. ['suite*]

snyteru= snyttrusn$tlngf.bloiringofno8e,WW162. £suiting*]

snytre clever, wise, Gkn2808.snytrlan to be clever, wise.

snytro, snytru^snyttrui:snyttru 1 (often in pL) wisdom, cleverness,

prudence, sagacity, intelligence, AO,CP.snyttruensftt m. wisdom, sagacity.

snyttruhus n. house of wisdom, PPs77M.

snyttrum adv. cunningly.

snytMan to go nose or beak forwards (of aplough), Ri>22*.

-snytttan, -snytioan v. be-s.

soo L (±) n. sucking, M. [lsock*] IL m.

soakings, Mdls6e L. pret. 3 sg. of saoan. IL =s6onooo m. 'sock? light shoe, slipper, Cp,RB.[L. socous]

socian to 'soak, * Led. [sucan]

adon 1 seeking, question, inquiry, case, cause :

visit, resort, M,W : attack, 51777 : refuge,

asylum, sanctuary, M : the exercise ofjudicial power, jurisdiction, right of inquisi-

tion, right of taking fines, revenue (v. saeu),

KC,LL (v. 2-454) : district in which a(socn' was exercised (Eng. Hist. Rev.27-20). ['soken'l

sdenes=seones-fsod n. cooking, boiling, CP.soden pp. of seotian.

softe L (=sefte) adj. 'soft,* mild, gentle, M :

quiet, calm, tranquil, undisturbed, M :

luxurious : agreeable, A9*28. IL adv.Oen,Lcd,Met.

softnes f. ease, comfort :* softness, * luxury, JR.

sogefta (o1) m. hiccough, eructation.

soht pp., a5hte pret. 3 ag. of secan.

sol n. mud, wet sand, waUowing-place,slough, CP.s61n.«m,PPsl20*.solar =solorsolate f. sunflower, heliotrope, Lod.sole f. shoe, sandal, WW 125**. [L.]

solere=solorsollan to soil, become defiled, Rim&l. ['sole*]

solmerca m. sundial, NC350.sdlmdnatt m. February.solor m. loft, upper room, CP,Ph : 'palatium*hall, dwelling, GD248M. ['sollar* ; L.solarium]

(SB*) t heliotrope. [L. solsequia]

somMsam; sdm-=sam-aom f. arbitration, agreement, reconciliation,

JR,LL. ['some*]

+sdm unanimous, peaceable, friendly, M.somn- =samn- ; somodWsamod

f. wedlock, CP19".

son m. sound, music, CP. [L. sonus]sonm adv. directly, forthwith, immediately,at once, Bl,Chr,GP,MtL,Sat. s. swa as'soon' as, when, Bl,CP.

sono=sano pret. of sinoan.

sonorsett m. music, A 13-38*°*.

sondMsandsong L =sang pret 3 ag. of singan. IL sb.

bed, NO. [ON. song] IIL grape, EHy0*«.

sonwald (NG)=sinewealtsopa m. 'sup,' Led. [*sope*]

sopeuppe f. sop-cup, Ci.

sopp 'offula,* 'sop,* OEQW.sopplan to soak,

csop,* Lcd&fc.

sore mote, MtL7*.sorg f. (oool. gs. in -es) 'sorrow,* pain,


trouble, care, distress, anxiety, B,Bl^Bosorgbyrtfon f. load of sorrow, An 1534.

sorgoearlgt anxious, sorrowfulsorgoearu f. sorrow, anxiety, Git939.sorgful 'sorrowful,* sad, anxious, careful, JS,

B;GP: distressing, doleful, B,Ph.sorglan (pros. pte. sorgende) to 'sorrow,*

care, grieve, be sorry for, be anxious about,B,Bl,Bo; CP.

sorgMas freefrom sorrow or care,

sorgMast (h) f. security, Lod.sorgHottt (h) dirge.

sorgUe wretched, miserable, adv. -lioe.


sorglufu f. sad love, DnonlO.sorgstafas, mp. anxiety, care, Jui.660.sorgungl 'sorrowing,* W 114*.

sorgwtte (h) n. grievous torment, W187*.sorgword (h) m. lamentation, Gen789.sorgwylm («*)f m. wave of sorrow.

sorhMsorgsorig sorry, CP227*.SOt= BOtt

sot n. (what settles down), 'soot,* Cp,, eotl, sotol=8etl+sotflg dirty, grimy.

sotman m. foolish man, NC350.sotsdpe m. dulness, folly, WW 171**. Vsot-


sort L adj. foolish, dull, stupid. IL m.dullard, fool, A. open sott downright fool,

M. ['sot*]

sott I. n. truth, justice, righteousness, recti'

tude, B,CP,Cr,Sol : reality, certainty, tosdtfe, td sdoum in truth, truly, truthfully,

accurately, to sdoan, trarb ado* veruy, intruth. IL adj. true, genuine, real, BoJU


AO,CP : just, righteous, ['sooth*] IIL-L. pro- in compounds, in DR and NG.

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soflbora m. soothsayer, astrologer, Chb075a(reading doubtful).

s&B-ewed, -oweden veracious, NG.sotfewlde m. true speech, truth, just saying :

proverb, NG.Sdttcynlngt m. King of truth, Qod.sotte adv. truly, realty, accurately, rightly,

B,PPs. ['sooth']

softs adv. verily, Mt. [v. 'a***']Stttsader m. Father of truth, God, Gb103.sfflfieast (e») frue, trustworthy, honest, Bl,

Chr,Cr,VPs : jurf, righteous, JnL,PPs.['soothfast



±ad*testian to justify, NG.sttSlsastlle(e)true,«tneere,Ax876. adv. -lice

(rt^t/, honestly, OET452. [4

«oott/a8%']sftttfaastnes f. Irtda, truthfulness, fairness,

fidelity, Bl,Bo,CP,VPs : jtuttce. ['sooth-


sMfestMaotffaKtsftSfylgan 'pnwegvt/ DR29".sfiftgld (ies)t n. true report.

sfttthwefiere oonj. nevertheless, NG.rbsfitflan to prove true, oear witness to, LL,NG. ['soothe' i 'i-sothe']

tftfllc adj. true, truthful, real, genuine, right,

Bo. -lioe adv. truly, indeed, really, cer-

tainly, BlJEl,VPs. oonj. for, now, then,

but, CP. ['soothly']

sfiffsagol truthful

sttsagu f. tntft, IT : true story, MtL.['soothsaw']

sdfleecgan to speak the truth.

soflseegendlloe truly, genuinely, GD185".sfitisegen 1 true statement, M.sHspaaoe truthful, W72lex.

dispell n. true story, history, MtL p7*.

sdtfsprAo 1 true «iy»na, DR171*8.sfttftieen n. prodigy, BR43M.

sotfta (JnLJjkL) =sitt5a

softwordf n. (rue toord.

spftca m. 'jpafce' (of wheel, etc.), Bo,WW.spade=spadu; soldi =spatlspadu (83) 1 'spade,' M. [L. spatha]speae I. pret. 3 as. of speean. Ill mn?small branch, tendril, WW.

spaao=BprftospeaeMas 'speechless,' 0PJ7898"spsanffi pres. 3 eg. of spanan.spear sparing, So62*spear- =spear-spsaren adj. of plaster, Gl.spearhende (y*) sparing, jEGb.spsarlan (N)=BparianspsBrUe (e) adj. sparing, adv. -lioe.

spaarBra (ef ea> eo) m. coi/ o/ leg, J5(ea).


spaarllred with a thick calf, WW161*7.

spsarnes L frugality, nearness.

speerstan m. gypsum, chalk, WW. ['spar-


speatan to 'spU,' spew, Mkjn ; M,CP.spaMl=8patlsp&tlan, spfttlian to spit, foam at the mouth*

spaatang L spitting, LoD66a.spala m. substitute, LL484[2,11spald(tf/)=8patL Vspold']spaldur balsam, Gl (v. £837-186).span=Bpann+span n. persuasion, allurement, CP.dbspanan7 to draw on, allure, seduce, mislead,persuade, instigate, jE»AO,CP.span-e, -u, pi. -a, -an f. teat. ^^spanere (o) m. seducer, enticer, WW.±spang fn. clasp, buckle. [Oer. spang©]spann h I 'span' (measure), BH,WW.IL pret. 3 eg. of spinnan.+spann n. fastening, band, buckle, CP.±spannan7 to join, link, clasp, fasten, attach,

CP.spannung t span, WW.-spanung (i>) v. for-, leas-B.

sparctan-spearoian±sparlan to 'spare, ' be indulgent or mercifulto, save, BH,CP,VPs : use sparingly, notto use, M : forbear, abstain from, AH.

+sparrian to shut, bar, MtL66.

sparwa =spearwasplit (ft) n. spittle, saliva, CPJicd,NQ.['spattie']

nfMUui to spit out, WW162. ['spatUe']

spltlung f. what is spit out, spittle, WWIQ2.['spatOing']

spltfl=8patlsplw pret. 3 eg. of spiwan.speaft (MkL8») =speoft ; speara =spearwaspearoa (a% e) m. 'spark,' Bo,BH ; OT.spearoian to throw out sparks, sparkle, Sat78? (v. OEG4029).

spearewa7spearwaspaartaaloe m. sparrow-hawk, WW. ['spar-hawk']

spearDr- =8p»rlir-spearn pret. 3 ag. of spurnan.spearnes =sspeernes

speamllan to spurn, kick, sprawl, M.spearwa L m. 'sparrow,' BH,Chr,Cp,VPs.II. m. calf (of the leg), Gl.

spec=8pio; spte=spftc, sprfto

speean =sprecanspeooa m. 'speck,' spot, Cp,Lcd,WW.specf&h spotted, blotched, Cp22.sped 'glaucoma,' sticky moisture, phlegm,Cp,OEQ. Vspade']spM t luck, success, prosperity, El,PPs :

riches, wealth, abundance, Cr,Oen ;AO :

opportunity, power, faculty, BlAPs : (onlyin dp. spldnm) 'speed,' quickness, Gen.on s. fluently, skilfully : offspring? PPs103". [spowan]±spMan w. d. to prosper, succeed, Ma.['speed']

spMdropa m. useful drop (ink), 11^27*.

spediende suffering from 'sped/ WW.spftdig lucky, prosperous, rich, AO : plen-teous, abundant : powerful+spMlgDee adv. prosperously, LPs44s


spMlgnes f. opulence, EG3606.

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spedHoe adv. effectually, effectively, PPb.+spedsumlan to prosper, OEG3630.spMum v. sped; spelMspell

spelc m? splint, Led. ['spelt1


spelean tofasten with splints, Led. ['spelk ']

speld n., nap. speld, speldrn ember, torch,

OJSG,WW. ['speld9


-fspell* m. substitute, representation, deputy.

spellan to be substitute for, represent, M*RB.['spele



speUend m. substitute, representative, M.spellng f. deputyship, RBIO".spell n. narrative, history, story, fable, MJ1,Bo,Da ; AO,CP : speech, discourse, homily,B,Bo,Lcd ; CP : message, news : statement,

observation, ['spell* and v. Mdf]speUboc t book of sermons, TC430".spellboda m. messenger, ambassador, angel :

speaker : prophet, [beodan]spellewlde m. historical narrative, AO 100".

±speDlan to speak, discourse, talk, Bo,Lcd,IAcL ; M : announce, relate, proclaim, Bl :

conspire, GD1061. ['speU



spellung 1 speech, conversation, narrative,

discourse, M.spelt I. m. 'spelt,

9corn, WW. [L.~\

II. 'planca,9board of a book, WW 164.



spelter (Lop 3-


36) =spaldnrspin? m. fibre, WW40317


-spendan v. a-, for-s.

spendung f. "spending,9 jBHfy66n.

sptnn (=8peonn) pret. 3 sg. of spannan.spennels m. clasp, WW238**.spenst pros. 2 eg., spent? pros. 3 sg. of spanan.speoft (MkR8»; MtL27»°) rednpL pret. of

spatant to spiL [v. ES38-281]+speoftlan to spit upon, LkL 18". [ES38-34]spSon pret. 3 sg. of spanan, spannan.speoru (Gl) nap. of spere.

speoruHra= spserlira

speow pret. 3 sg. of spOwan.speow- =spiw- ; sper- =sp»r-, spear-, spyr-

spere n., nap. spe(o)rn 'spear,9javelin, lance,

M,AO,CP,Gp t stitching pain, Lcd 175a.

sperebroga m. terror at spears, Rd 18*.

sperenand f. male line (of descent), BC3-340"

sperehealf I male line of descent, TC491"spereleas without a (spearyhead, WW1437


sperenltf n. battle, Gmr2059.spereseeaft (»») m. 'spear-shaft,

9 02)14".

sperewyrt (speru-) t 'spearwort,9


pane, Lcd,WW.+sperod armed with a spear.

sple n. fat bacon, M. [Oer. speck]

splee 1, spioa m. aromatic herb, spice 9

\L. speoies]

splehfis n. larder.

spldng m. spike, nail, ANS 125».

sptcmase t titmouse, WW28616.

spldenwlht (i?) 'spider,9 Lcd\67b.

splgettan to spit, M.BpOB0g'spilagius,

9 akindofsnake,J)B,l25u.

spUeMspelcspild m. annihilation, ruin, CP.spUdan to waste, ruin, destroy.

spUdsM m. destructive expedition, Ex 153.

splnan to sport, play, LL, W. ['spile9


±splttan to destroy, mutilate, km, Lk,JnL :

waste, DR : (late) 'spill9


spffiere m. parasite, EG679.

spOUng f. waste, Ghb999x.splK (Ql)= spild

splndsb. /at, WW.splndel=Bprindelspinel t, gs. spinle 'spindle,


splnelheaU (nl) t female line (of descent),


splnge=spynge ; splnll, spinbHspinel-splnn v. in-s.

splnnan' to 'spin,9 M,GpJicd,Mt : twist,

writhe, M.splr spike, blade, Lcd 99b.

"(y) sputtering, M : sparkling.

splrelng (y) sprinkling.

spltel m. small spade, dibble, GD201".spittan to dig in with a spud, LL454[10].±spittan to


9 LkR.MtR,MkL.sptttian to spit (for cooking).

spitu f. 'spit9

(cooking), M,BL.splwan1 to spit, spit out, 'spew,


JBMGhr,GP.sptwdrenc (i*) m. liquid emetic, Lcd.splwe m. vomiting, Lcd22b.

splwedrene=spiwdrenosplwere m. one who spews, WW10&.['spewer



splwe8a=spiw8asplwian (io) to spew, spit up (w. d.).

splwol emetic, Ixjd.

splwfta (eo) m. vomiting, vomit, M.splwung (eo) f. 'spewing,

9 WW.spl&tan? to split, v. E849-156.spUn=6pinlspiott m. spot, blot : patch (of land), M.+splottod spotted, TC637".spdn I. m. sliver, chip, shaving, BHyCp,Lcd.['spoon


] II. pret. 3 sg. of spanan.+spon, 8pong= +8pan, spangsponge f. 'sponge,

9 MLsponnMspannspor n. spoor, track, trail, footprint, CP :

trace, vestige. [Oer. spur]spor-=8pur-sporettan1 to kick, CVHyG15


sporettung (sport-) £ kicking, EHy6ls.

spornettan to spurn, kick, WW.spornlng f. stumbling-block, So 134s.sporu m. spur.

sporwreoel? m. what is tracked after beingdriven off? (BT), TC172*.dbspowan7 to succeed, thrive, M,AO,CP :

(impers.) proft, avail, help, M.spdwendlloe adv. prosperously.spraeen n. berry-bearing alder.

spnee I. n. shoot, slip, WW44*. II. pret.3 sg. of spreoan.

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SPR£!C 273 8T&FRMW

sprAc (e) f. language, M,Bo,Mt : power of* speech, ' Lcd,LL : «totemen<9 narrative,

fable, discourse, conversation, J£,Bl,CP,LPs : efoouenee, iE : report, rumour, Lk :

decision, judgment : charge, suit, CP,PPs,TC : jxnnl, question : place /or speaking,

NG(e).sprocan=sprecanspr&ocyn n. mode of speech, BH4861


+sprAce eloquent, affable.

+sprAoelio tneapaofe o/ fteui? iwerf alone (0/fte inseparable prepositions), JSGr.

sprdcful talkative, LPs 139".

sprfichus n. senate-house^ curia : auditorium,

WW ; ML. ['speech-house']

spr&oon pret. pL of sprecan.

spriedan to «prea<i : (+) stretch forth, extend.

spr&dung 1 propagation, DR 1091.

sproengan=sprengansprano^sprangspranoa m. eAoof, slip, branch, OL ['spronJfc']

Sprang pret. 3 sg. of springan.

sprangettan to quiver, MP 1 610 ; WW473*.spreawllan to sprawl,' move convulsively,

GPH392".+sprec n. faculty of speech : talk, discussion.

spree =spr»c±sproca m. spokesman, councillor, M.±sprocan1 to 'speak,' say, utter, make aspeech, AO,B,Bo,CP,0, etc. : converse, con-

verse with, B,Bl : declare, teU of, LPs : (+)agree, AO. sp. on lay claim to.

+sprecendllo (speo-) that should be spoken,Scl23".

sprecern n. placefor speaking, NO. [spr&o,

*rn]sproeolnes (speo-) f. loquacity, 80 170".sprocul talkative, SP813911.

sprengan (») (±) to scatter, strew, sprinkle,

sow, M,LL. sp. on administer a clyster :

spring, break, burst, split, [causative of

springan; 'sprenge']

spreot m. pole, pike, spear, Cp,TC,WW.['sprit']

spretttng= sprytting

spreullan (OEQ0OM)=spreawlJanspreut (Gl)= spreot

sprlett pres. 3 sg. of sprecan.

sprincel m. basket-snare (for catching fish),WW (v. ES43-322 ; FM200).sprlnd vigorous, strong, OEOjSoL ['sprind'


springan]sprlndel m? tenter-hook, Gl.-eprtndlad v. a-s.

sprindllce adv. vigorously, OEG738.spring m. 'spring,

1source, BC{j) : sprink-

ling : ulcer : flux.

±springan* to jump, leap, 'spring,* burst

forth, rise, B,Bo,Ma ; M : spread, be dif-

fused, grow, A&,Bo,MtL.sprlngd=sprindsprlngwyrt f. caper-plant, Lod.+sprintan to emit, utter, JnL pl87".sprlttfng= sprytting

O. H.

sprot n., sprota m. sprout, twig, OEQ,WW :

peg. ['sprote']

sprott m. spraU JSL,NC. ['sprot']

sprungen pp., sprungon pret pi. of springan.-eprutan v. a-, geond-s.

spryeti pres. 3 sg. of sprecan.

spryng= spring; sprutan =spryttansprytle f. chip, BH204" (v.L).

spryttan to sprout, come forth, spring, ger-

minate, yield fruit, Ba,Lcd ; M : incite.


sprytting (e, i) f. shoot, sprout.

spunnen pp., spunnon pret. pL of spinnan.spina m. spur, M.-spure v. fdt-, hel-s.

spurlettar n. spur-strap, WW9710.

±spurnans (o) to strike against, kick, *spurn,'

reject, &,PPs.spurnere (o) m. fuller, J3Gb35*.spurul (=*spurnul?) given to kicking ortrampling? OET.

spyllan v. a-s.

spynge (i), spynoge f. sponge, AO. [L.

spongia]spyrc-=»piro-spyrd m. stadium, ' race-course, NG.spyremann (e1) m. tracker, TC172.±spyrian (i) to make a track, go, pursue,travel, journey, GP : follow out, inquire into,

ask about, investigate, BE,Bo. ['speer'ispor]

spyiigend m. investigator, inquirer.

spyrlung=spyrungspyrran (e ; =ie) to strike, GPH.spyrring I striking, OEG.spyrte (e, i) i wicker basket, eel-basket. [L.sporta]

spyrung t asking, investigation, OEG6214.

staca m. pin, 'stake,' AO,Lcd ; M.staoan (stagan) to pierce with a stake, spit(or? roast, ES40-242), IM 12471


staoung f. the piercing ofan effigy by a 'staca'(a method of injury by witchcraft), LL.

strode- =stede-stsaf m., nan. stafas * staff, ' stick, rod, M,Bo,Cp,LPs,GP : pastoral staff : (often inpL)letter, character, writing, J£,Bo,Wff :

document : (in pL) letters, literature,


stssfad=stafodstaforaft m. grammar,M : (in pL) learning,SH.

stsafomttlg lettered, OEG.stsBfcyst f. letters, learningfrom books, M.stasfgefeg n. syllable : letters, LSPs70".+stsBfldrod instructed, lettered, Lod.stasfleahtor m. grammaticalfauU, OEG5467.stafleornere m. student, OEG3126.stssfllo literary : literal, M. ['staffly']stsBfllKero 1 sling, 'balista.


stafnMstenistsBfplega m. literary game, Gl.stafrdw f. row of letters, line of writing,^L23b7" : alphabet, BH484".


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I n. 'ddon,flance? javelin? WW.

J^staffsword*]stssfwb (e) lettered, learned, Lod.siwfwrfter* =st»rwritere•teeg n. I. \rfay' {rope), WTP288". II.

pool, pond. \L. stagnum]stftgel «feep. [stigan]

stAger 1 ^totr,' stotroue, M,WW. [stigan]

s«Agl=8tnffelSim L n. jStace, spo*. on stale in place of,

instead of. on stale beon stand in (good)

stead, be a help to, A0232* : situation,

condition. [Oer. stelle] IL pret. 3 sg.

of stelan.

stAl=8taool; steels = stela

±stAlan tofound, institute, carry on. synnest. to institute sin, i.e. enter on a conflict,

Ms*287 : (w. d.) put upon, impute to,

accuse of, charge with : (f ) avenge [=*st»8-lian= staoolian]

stssle = stale da. of stain.

StAlg=St®gelstSBlglest m. thievish stranger, Rd48s


stmlherige m. predatory army, CP. [stelan]

staslhran m. decoy-reindeer, AO 18u.

tett^steall; Italian (A)=stiellan

+st»llan to stall, stable, MH2P.stAlon pret. pL of stelan.

ftnltthtto f. charge of stealing, LL.starting n. theft, NC323. [stelan]

stAlwtertte serviceable, CP,ChrJ3hr. [staobl



staelwyrt 1 water-starwort, WW299*.

atAn- = stSnen-, stan-

stAna m. pitcher, jug, WW415". [stan]

stAnan (±) to stone, M,CF : adorn with

precious stones, El 151. [stan]

stsencMstencstAnen made of stone, stony, M,AO,CP.[stan]

r stony ground, NG.f=steng

i stony, LodI-216".j f. stoning, JR.

, J (e) m. usu. nap. stapas (stapan, RPs139s) ^oinor, part, 'step,* pace, M,CF : power

of locomotion : step, stair, M : pedestal :

flfroki*, degree, &. in staepe instantly.

stsepmAhim adv. step by step, by degrees,

gradually, CP.8t»pp-=8tepp-steeptf pres. 3 sg. of steppan.

steer m., nap. staras starling, Cp,MtL.['stare']

stAr (§) n. story, history, narrative, [v. A37-56]

tserbllnd stone-blind, Cp. [' stareblind ']

stsercedferhU= stercedferhCstserebllnd (^Ar)=sta3rblind

stArieoroere? m. student of history, v. OEO4145n.

stArllee adv. accurately, 0EG2"°.sterling m. 'starling,* ZZX433-241".st»m=steam

st&rtractere m. commentator, historian,


stArwrltere m. historian, AO.stsstf n. occL gds. staSe, nap. staoaa shore,

river-bank, M,AO,CP. ['staith9


stBSttBHt firm, stable, Cb981.stSBtihtype L (5) sloping, precipitous. II. f.

a deep pface, GD95M.

stsBtfhtypuoe adv. steeply, Bl207".stssttowealwe 1 sand-martin.

stasffltai to support, Rd474.

±8t89tt8tg staid, serious, M.±st89tf8lgnes f. staidness, seriousness, JK,CP.stsBtfwaftll m. barrier of the shore, Qvs 1376.stSBtiwyrt 1 a plant, LcD29a.statas nap. of staof


staflan to dictate, M.stafod striped, Ep(e),Erf(»).stag pret. 3 sg. of stigan.

stagan=stacan ?

stagga m. stag, LL624[24]. [ON. ; v. 'stag*}stan pret. 3 sg. of stigan.

+stal n. plaint, accusation, MF163 : con-tention, GD329" : opposition, W18617


8tal=steall+8tala m. accessory in theft, LL 100[25,1].stalafl=staool

staid =steald ; stale v. steel.

stalern n. court of law, WW.state*- =sta8ol-stalgong m. stealthy going, Gull 13.

stallan to go stealthily, AO : (±) steal, M.stftllan to confirm, strengthen. [=staoolian]stallMsteall

stalu L f±) I stealing, robbery, theft, Bl,MtL ; M : stolen article : fine for stealing.['stale'] II. 'stale' (wood to which harp-strings are fixed), W Jf203w.

stalling f. stealing, robbery, AO.stam (o) stammering, Gl.stamerlan (omr) to 'stammer,

9 OPH,HL.stammetan to stammer, WW447M (o).

stamor stammering, Gl.stan m. (and n. in NG) 'stone,* rock, M,CB ;

Mdf.stansex f. stone-workers' axef WW.stanbsdtf n. vapour bath made by the help ofheated stones on to which water was poured(BT), Lcd.

stanbeorg m. rocky elevation.

stanberende stony, WW427'6.

stanblll n. toolfor working stone, WW447n.

stanbogaj m. rocky arch.

stanbryog f. stone bridge.

stanbueoa m. mountain goat, MGb,6S\stanburg t town or fort of stone, Gen ; Mdf


stano I. pret. 3 sg. of stincan. IL ab.sprinkling, WW.

stanoarr m. rock, DR1911.

stanceastel (i«) m. chestnut-tree,

stanceosel (i«, y*) m. sand, OEG.sttn-cllf n., nap. -clifu, -oleofn (B) rock.cliff, crag, GD.

stanciad m. rock, M,CP.

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stancroftlga m. clever stone-worker.stancrfan to sprinkle, WW 1624*.

staneropp m. stone-crop (plant), Lcd.staneynn n. kind of stone, ZDA34-233.stanoysel=stanoeosel

stan-cyst, -cysten chestnut-tree. [L.

tanea]stand (o) m. delay, MkLRQ*\ [v. 'stand']

±standan* (o) to 'stand,1

('i-stand') occupya place, stand firm, B,Bl, VPs ; M,AO.CP :

remain, continue, abide, ; AO,CP : standgood, be valid, be, exist, take place, JR,CP :

oppose, resist : stand stiU, stop, M : (t)

appear, flash out, B : arise, come, W : (f) bepresent to, come upon (of fear), ne s. t6ahte be ofno account, W82il a on consist :

(+) stand up, keep one's feet, Bo : (+)attack, assail, ML : (+) perform,

staneht=stanihte; 8tanez=stansBZstan-faet n., nap. -fatu stone vessel.

stanfahf stone-paven.

stanflor m. paving-stone, tesseUa, OEG14*.[op. floretan]

stang prot. 3 ag. of stingan.

stangaderung I. stone wall, ERPs61*.stingeat n. opening between rocks, Ct.

stangefeall n. heap of stones, MH212".stangefog n. stone-laying, El 1021.

sttngella (i1) m. 'staniel, ' pelican, VPs,WW.stangetimbre n. stone-work, masonry, WW441".

stingeweoro n. art of building : stone-work,

masonry, J3.

stan-gripe m., dp. -greopum handful ofstones? El824.

stanhege m. stone fence, watt, LPs79".stanhttet=stanhywetstan-hlitSf n., nap. -hlitfu, -hleotiu rockyslope, cliff, rock.

stanhof n. stone building, Ruin 39.

stanhol n. hole in a rock.

stanhrlcg m. rocky ridge, OEG5465.stanhftpe f. stone-heap, KC3-431*.stanhywet n. stone quarry.

stanlg (ft) stony, rocky, AO.stanlht (ae) I. adj. stony, rocky, AO. II. n.

stony ground.

stanlnoel n. little stone, A1331M.

stanlesang f. building with loose stones, WW117M. [lesan]

stanHm m. cement, mortar, WW205*.

stlnmeroe m. parsley, WW.itanrocc m. high rock, obelisk, Gl.stansealu 1 shale, EC306".stansoraef n. rocky cave.

stansoylf m. rugged rock, HGl449.stansoylig shaly, stony, [sciell]

stanstlcee n. bit of stone, WW37618.

stanstrset I paved road, TC626"stantorr m. stone tower : crag, rock, GD12.stanweall m. stone wall, JKstinweg m. paved road, BC 1*417.

stanweoro n. stone structure, M.stanwong m. stony plain, Rd88*.

stanwunna m. mineral colour, OEG 1061.

stanwurftung t worship of stones, LL.stanwyrht? t stone structure, WW341".stanwyrhta m. stone-mason, Gl.stapa m. grasshopper, locust, WW.

oas- stapas v. stnpe; stapel= stapolstapela m. post, stake, LL387 [4,2].

stapen pp: of steppan.

stapol m. t nap. stapolas, staplas basis, trunk

of a tree, post, prop, support, stay, pillar,

column, An,MtL,WW : thresholdf £920 :

market and court, EC466. ['staple9

; v. Mdf]stapolweg m. staked-out road? KC5-281 .

-stappllan v. under-s. ; stapul= stapolstaras v. star; stare =stearostarebllnd = staerblind

±startan to 'stare,' gaze, ML,B.tatS- v. st»« ; statielMstatSol

statfol (ea1, e1, a1) m. base, foundation,

support, BH,WW;AO,GP : station, posi-

tion, state, condition, GP : stability, security :

firmament, heavens : underside of a turf,

Led, ['staddle'; standan]statSolAht 1 real estate, Rim 22.

statSoltest fixed, firm, steadfast, Bo,MtL.['stathelfast']

stafotfffifltllc steadfast, firm, M. adv. -hoe.

stattoUsMtnes (ea) f. stability.

-t-statfol-tostnlan, -festian to make firm,establish.

tatfoUflBstnung f. foundation, LPs 1367.

±statiollan (e1) to fix, establish, Bl : confirm,make steadfast. ['stathel']

+sta«ollend m. founder, LPs47*(e*).

stattolung f. foundation, settlement.

staftolwangt m. settling place.

sta*ul=staool; steal- = sttef-

stealet lofty, steep, precipitous.

-stealclan v. be-s.

stealeung f. act of going stealthily, M.['stalking']

steald pret. 3 sg. of stellan.

+stealdt n. dwelling, habitation.

stealdan7t to possess, own.

steall (a) mn. standing, place, position, state,

WW : 'stall* (for cattle), stable, Cp;M :

fishing ground.

+steallt n. structure, frame,-stealla v. eaxl-, hand-, ofer-s.

steallere (a) m. marshal, constable.

-atealllan v. forti-s.

steam (e, ie) m. 'steam,' vapour, moisture,

exhalation, M : steaming fluid, blood, Rood62.

steap I. 'steep,' precipitous, deep : high, lofty,

prominent, projecting, M : upright? B2566.II. (eo) m. 'stoup,' beaker, flagon.

steap- =ateop-steapes adv. high.

steapbeah very high, Rd264.

steapol m. catrnf Ct.

steare (a) stiff, rigid, obstinate, J&,El : stern,

severe, hard, M : harsh, rough, strong,

violent, impetuous, WW. ['stark']


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steareferft harsh, stern, Jul630.stearcheard excessive, DD200?stoaroheortt stout-hearted.

stearelan to stiffen, become hard, GPH402".V*ark']

stoareHoe adv. stoutly, strongly, vigorously,

C%r 1016d. ['starkly']

stearcmod stubborn, NC323.•team (as, e) m. sea-swallow? tern?steanra (DR)=steonasteartllan to kick, struggle, OEO. ['startle*]

stea-«el, -8ul=sta8olsteb=stybb ; stebn (Gl) =stem

%stfda m. stud-horse, stallion, M : entire

camel [* steed*]

stede m. place, site, position, station, JB,Bo,Ct,Lcd,BB ; CP ; Mdf : firmness, steadfast-

ness, fixity,& : strangury, of s. immediate-ly, [standan ; * stead



stedefsest steadfast,' firm, ML.ftedefsestaes (styd-) 1 constancy, DR50*.+stedegian to stand still, iELSl*".stedeheardf firm, strong.

stedeleas unsteady, unstable, M.stodewaogt m. field, plain.

ftedewlst t steadiness, HGl630*.fstMhors n. stud-horse, stallion.

stodlg sterile, M.stodlgnes f. sterility, ERSPs34u.

stedlngllne I stay (ship's rope), WW.stel- =staef-, staf- ; stolen= stefn I.

stefn (a3) I. f. voice, sound, M,CP. IL m.message, summons, turn (of military ser-

vice), time, niwan stefne anew, again : abody of men who take a turn at work, the

English military forcel (BT), KC5121.III. m.


stem,' trunk :foundation,root iprowor stem of a vessel, [staaf ; Oer. stamm]

stemaf (as) m. prow or stern of a ship.

stefnan I. (±) to institute, arrange, regulate :

alternate. II. (+) to provide with a fringe,

CM 288.

stefnbyrd f. control, Creat45.stefnelof n. 'vociferatio,' LPs26e


stefnlan (w. d.) to summon i (+) determine,

settle, MFH162.stela («, eo) m. stalk : support, M.±stelan4 to * steal,' rob.

sttte(GL)= stylestellan I. (y) to place, put, set, AO,CP.+stelled bSon mid have an attack of, GD.[steall] II.= stiellan

stelmele m. handled vessel, A9-264".stelsoofl (eo1) 1 shovel with (long) handle?GPH400*M.

steft pros. 3 sg. of stelan.

stem = steam; stfim-=stiem-stemlng = stemningstemmselum alternately, CM280. [stem IL]stemn (CP)= stefn

stemnettan to stand firm, Ma 122.

stemning f. border, hem : turn, shift.

stempan to pound, LcdI-37818.

stempinglsern n. stamping-iron, WW.

+sten (a)) n. groaning, PPS3011.

stenan to groan, PPs37*.stenan =8tajnanstene m. odour, scent, fragrance, M,CP :

stench, stink, iE,AO. [stincan]

stenoan to scatter : afflict? PPs43a.

stoncbftre stinking, BH4817.

odoriferous, DR77".(S3) odoriferous, Lcd 1-2821*.

n., pL -fatu perfume-casket, OEG8*»9


1 odour,

to pant, OEG65. [stenan]

steng m. stake, pole, bar, rod, staff, cudgel,

CP. [stingan ; v. Mdf]stent pros. 3 sg. of standan.stool- =stel-

steold pret. 3 sg. of stealdan.

stoop ==steap

steopbearn n. orphan, M.steopcUd (5, ea) n. orphan, unprotected one.

stoopdohtor (e) f. stepdaughter, WW.stooptseder m. step-father, AO.steopmodor I step-mother, AO.CP.steopsunu m. step-son, AO.steor I. (y) f. steering, direction, guidance,M : rule, regulation,M : restraint, discipline,

correction, iE,CP : penalty, fine, punish-ment, JE,CP. IL m. steer, bullock, youngcow, Gl.

steora (ie, f) m. steersman, pilot, guider,director, CP (stiora).

stooran=stieranstoorbord n. * starboard,' AO.steorend (y) m. corrector, director, ruler.

stoorere m. steersman, CP431*1.

steoresmann=steormannstoorfa m. pestilence : carrion.

steorfan* to die, MB. [' starve ']

steorgleaw clever at astronomy, OEG.stoorleas not under control or rule, wild,profligate, foolish.

stoorleasllc unmanageable, GD28010.

steormann m. pilot, master of a ship, M.steornsBgl m. handle of a helm, WW312*?steornede having a boldforehead?WW. [op.Oer. stirn]

steoroxa m. steer, WW120»«.steorra m. 'star,' Ohr, Lcd,VPs.steorrttira m. steersman, master of a ship.steor-rotfer, -r6oor n. * rudder, ' Cp ; CP.stoorsoeawere m. astronomer, astrologer,WW,steorsoeofol f. rudder, WW.steorsetl n. steersman's seat, after part of aship, M.

stoorsprec reproof, RPs37".steorstem m. stem (of ship), WW48218


steort (e) sm. tail, Cp,Bo : spit of land, tape


plough-tail, ['start']

stoor-weorti, -wieroe blameworthy, repre-hensible, CP194,195».

steorwlgle n. astrology, Gl.stoorwlglere m. mathematician, astrologer,OEG56».

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steorwighmg f. astrology, A13-331".

atep-=Bteop-stftpanf h(±) to erect, raise : elevate, exalt,

honour, adorn, enrich : (+) help, support.

[steap] II. (±) to initiate, consecrate, WW.step©=8teepestepegong m. stepping, going? Rim22.

st§pel=stipel±steppan* to 'step,' go, advance, M,CP(n).steppesodh (») m. slipper, WW.8ttr=Bt»rsteran I. to burn incense : fumigate, [stor]

II.=8tieranstorcedferhttt (») stout of heart, determined,

bold, brave.

stfirlng 1 incense, OEG1512.stermelda m. informer? complainant? LL9[5]; v. 2-202.

stern =8team; sterra (N)=steorra8tert=8teort; starting =styrangstt6a(WW)=stecla; stftup- (Ep)=eteop-stt-=stig-; stto-=stycce-

stlcadl f. pain in the side, stitch, WW 112".

Btlooa m. 'stick,1pointer : spoon.

sttoee I. n. sticky matter. ILWstyoce8tlocian=8tician

±$tlce m. sting, prick, puncture, stab, CP :

stitch, pain in the side.

Sttcel I. m. prick, goad, thorn, CP. II.=8ticol


Btlofodder n. case for spoons? or twigs? LL455[17].

Btlclan (y) (±) tr. to ' stick,* prick, etab, trans-

fix, goad, gouge out, AO,GP : kill : intr.

stick, inhere, be placed, lie, remain fixed,

be hampered, M,CP.sttamsBlum (AZ) =8tyooem8Blumstic-ol, -ul loftu, sharp, abrupt, steep, M :

arduous, rough : scaly : biting, GPH417.stlcolnes f. height, OEG4437.stictftnel m. basket, WW403*.stteung f. pricking, goading, stabbing, AO.sticwasro m. stitch in the side, WW 112s1.

Bticwyrt f. agrimony, WW 136*1.

8tfogan=8tiganBttelTf- m. jump, leap, spring, Cb.±sttoUan (ae, e, y) to leap, rush.

stiem = steamBtfeman (e, y) to emit vapour, * steam,* exhale.

[steam]Btlemo (i) fragrant, Lod.stleming (S) f. fragrance, OEG.stfep m. downfall? Gra60?-stXepan (§, ea, eo, y) . a-s.

stfera=steora±stteran (eo, i, f) to 'steer,* guide, direct,

govern, rule, CP : (w. d. org.) restrain,

correct, reprove, punish, AO,GP. [steor]

-sttorfan (*, e, y) v. a-s.

stlera-= Btyrn-

stfsrnes (y) f. discipline, M.sttf rigid,' stiff,* GPH394. [Ger. steif]

stttearh m. little pig (kept in a sty), LL4497

. [Btig]

8tt0an to be or become rigid, iEGR.stWelan (=*styfecian) to extirpate, root out,


sHOg steep, BC (Mdf).

Btlg n. 'sty,9 pen : haU.

sttfc t narrow path, way, footpath, track,

road, course, line, CP. [Oer. steig]

ibstfgan1 to move, go : go up, spring up,ascend, rise, mount, scale, AO,CP : godown, descend, JE,CP. [Oer. steigen]

stige m. ascent, descent.

stig-el (-ol) f. 'stile,* Ct,GD24.stlgelhamm m. enclosure reached by a stile,

KC5-289*.Bttfeend m. stye (on the eye), WW 114".stlglan to shut into a sty.

stlgnes i. descent, LkL19".stigrap m. 'stirrup,* WW.BtlgU=8tigstig-weard, -wita=sti-weard, -witastlhl=Btigel

stibtan (±) to rule, direct, arrange, order,

ordain, AO,CP : incite, instigate. [Oer.


stlhtend m. disposer, Jul419.stlhterem. director,ruler,CPS9l» ; GD221"stthtlan(CP)=Btihtan±stmtung f. arrangement, direction, dis-

pensation, providence, AO.stlhtf pros. 3 sg. of atigan.

atlletf =styltJ pros. 3 sg. of atelan.

±stUlan (y) to be still : (w. d. or a.) 'still,*



i-still) quiet, calm, appease, hush, BE,Gen.

stills 'still,* quiet, calm, stable, fixed : gentle,

M,CB : silent, M : secret.


Btillloe adv. silently, CM266.atilnes (AO,CP), stillnes f. stillness, quiet,

silence : peace, AO,CP : release, relaxation,

CP.stlme=8tiemestlnoan* to emit a smell, 'stink,* exhale, AO :

sniff, B2289 : rise (of dust, vapour, etc.),


+stliioana tr. to smell, CP : have the sense ofsmell, PPs. ['i-stink*]

sting (y) m. 'sting,* puncture, thrust.

stingan* L to 'sting,* stab, pierce, pushthrough, thrust, CP. at. on lay claim to,

usurp. II. = stinoan

sttntan=8tyntan; stloro=8tiro

stlpel (fi, y) m. 'steeple,* tower, M. [steap]

stlpere m. post, prop, WW126".+stfr=+atyr; stlr-=8tyr-

stlran=8tieran; atlrap= stigrapstlro (io, y) n. calf, M(j).stlrgan=styrian; sttttan =stihtansttS stiff, thick, rigid, hard, resolute, firm,strong, brave, M : stubborn, unrelenting,

austere, strict, fierce, harsh, cruel, iE,CP.BtttJe I. adv. very much, strongly, well z

harshly, strictly, severely, bitterly, M. U.Lname of a plant, Lod160b

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sttteog stiff-edged, Rd88".stttfermlt determined, stern.

stfflhycgendet (-hug-) determined, resolute,

brave : efern, obstinate,

stf8h*dlgt determined, resolute,

sttBhygd determined, resolute, Jttl654.

+8tfoian to become hard : become strong, growup, mature, M.

StXtfllc jSrm, elout, strongy hard : decided :

foreA, stern, eeuere, JS,CP. adv. -lice.

stlthnsBgen n. powerfulforce, DD 1 14.

sttftmoo't resolute, brave, firm, unflinching,stubborn, stem, severe,

sttttnes f. hardness, rigidity, strictness,

severity, rigour,M : firmnessy constancy, JE.

8tl8weg m. ro«^A uwy, Bd4m.

sttweard m. ' steward,* housekeeper, guardian.[8tig-]

stfwlta m. housekeeper? householder f Gen2079; Rd410


stoc I. m. 'stock,' stump, stake, log, M;Mdf : trumpet, MtL6*. [(?er.stock] ILn.pface, house, dwelling, GD (v. £837-191).

stoeeen made of logs? KC3-73".stooHf n. dwelling-place, city.

stocweard m. citizen, OEG5272.stocwle n. dwelling-place, GD 172*.

tod ml post, WW106*.-etod v. wealh-s.

stdd L n. 'stud* {of horses), Mdf. IL pret.

3 sg. of standan.stodfald m. stud-fold, paddock, Ct.

stddhors n. stud-horse, stallion, BH 1381.stodla m. (weaver's) slay, LL455[159 1].

stddmyre (e») t brood-mare, LL58[16J.Btddon pret. pL of standan.stodtJeof m. horsestealer, LL54[9,2].stofa, stofn mf. bath-room, Gl. ['stove']

stofbstt n. vapour bath.

stofn mf. trunk, stem, branch, shoot :

progeny : station, position.

stol I. m. 'stool,' chair, seat, GP : throne :

bishop 's see. II. n.long outer garment, NG.stole f. stole. [L.]

stolen pp. of stelan.

stomHtetamstone =stanc pret. 3 sg. of stincan.

stondMstandstop pret. 3 Bg. of steppan.stopel m. footprint, Bl127.stoppa m. bucket, pail, GD.Gl.-stoppian v. for-s. ['stop']

stdr I. m. incense, frankincense, M. [L.

storax] II. strong, great, Chb1085. [ON.stonr]

store m. 'stork,' M,stdr-eille, -cyl(le) f. censer, M.stdrtet n. censer, NC323.storm m. tempest, 'storm' : (f) onrush, attack,

tumult, disturbance, CP.stormlg? stormy, OEG56101


storsssp n. resin, OEG4027.gtdrstlcca m. rod for stirring the incense inthe censer? (BT), EC260.

stot m. a kind of horse, v. NG323.stow f. spot, site, station, locality, position,

£U0,CP ; Mdf : (holy) place, LL.stowlgan to retain, restrain, Cpl713.stowlle local, limited by space, JR. adv. -lice

as regards place, M.strie pret. 3 eg. of strioan.

strftcJan to 'stroke,' CP.striding 1 stroking, WW 179'.

stroc (se? e) I. firm, strict, severe, stem,rigid, obstinate, hard, JR,CP : strenuous,vehement, violent, M. [streocan] IL n.rigour : violence, force, M.

strseelle strict, CP. adv. -Bee strictly,

severely, vehemently, violently, CP.strsede 1 pace, MtL5tt


strAdon pret. pi. of stredan.

sUssgd pret. 3 eg. of stregdan.strsBgdnes f. aspersion, BH446".striBgl= strain,stratt L fm. arrow, dart, missile. [Oer.strahl] IL t curtain, quilt, matting, bed,Gl. [L. stragola]

straMbora m. archer, WW.strs9lei=strall.strfillan to shoot (an arrow), RPs63*.straMwyrt f. name of a plant, Lon36b.strong* (VPs)= strength

strfit L 1 'street,' high road, M,CP; Md£[L. strata (via)] IL t bed, CPa. [L.stratum]

strfittanu t street, NC323.strand n. 'strand,' sea-shore, M.Strang (o) oomp. strengra, snperL strengest(from strange) 'strong,' powerful, bold,brave, M,CP : constant, resolute, strenuous :

strict, severe, CP : arduous : violent.

strange adv. oomp. strangor, raperl.stranffost strongly, violently, furiously,severely.

stranghynde strong of hand, M.±stranglan to strengthen, confirm, jE,AO,CP : be strong, prevail, VPs.

stranglle strong, stout, firm, solid, sound,robust, jE : severe, adv. -lice strongly,

firmly, stoutly, boldly, bravely, ^,CP :

fiercely, violently.

strangmod resolute, RB 138s8.

strangnes 1 strength, power, force.

±strangling f. strengthening, quickening,nourishing, M : vigour, JK.

strapulas mp. breeches, WW1251.

striwberlge= streawberigestrt (N), Btrea=8treawstreae=8tearcstrtad pret. 3 sg. of strudan.streaht pp. of streccan.

streal=8tr»lstream m. 'stream,' flood, current, AO,CP :

(t) pL sea.

streamfaru f. rush of water, As 1578.strtamgewlnn n. strife of waters, Rd4*.strtamlle of water, MR 1-44410.

streamracu 1 water-course, channel.

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striamrftd f. course ofa stream : sea-path,

strtamrynes adv. flowing like a stream, M.streamstsB* n. shore, Gen 1434.strtamweall m. shore, Gen 1494.strtamwelm m. surging stream, An495.strfew (e) n. 'straw,

1hay, iE(eo).

sfreaw-berige, -beriewise f. 'strawberry.*

strtawlan=strewian; strec (iE)=8trs&cstreocan (±) to stretch, Ci-stretche


) spreadout, prostrate, Led : reach, M.streeeanmod persistent, MP8010


strecednes f. bed, couch, LPs.streclic=straeolic

strecnes f. pertinacity : rigidity, GD345«.strtdan* (and wv.) pret. 3 sg. stredde, pi.

strodon (strong), pp. streaed, sired [=stregdan]

stregan =stregdanstregdan8 (and wv.) pret. stragd, strugdon(wk. stregde), pp. strogden (wk. stregd)to strew, sprinkle, disperse, scatter, straggle :

to spread, extend.

strtgl=strielH.strehte pret. 3 sg. of streocan.

strtl=Btriel; 8tren=streowenstrinan = strienanstrong I. m. 'string,* cord, ligature, sinew.

in pi. tackle, rigging : lineage, race. II.

=strengu+strengan to fortify. +strenged formed,made, OEG46*.

strenge severe, Gen 60. [v. strane]strengel m. ruler, chief, B3 1 16. [Strang]

strongest (AO,CP) v. Strang.

strengllc strong, firm, Gen273.

strengra (^!»AO,GP) v. Strang.

strength t, strengou f. ' strength,9

force, vigour :

ability, superiority : firmness, fortitude, M :

manhood, mature years : violence.

strengu f. strength, power, vigour, ability,

CP : firmness, fortitude, CP : virtue.

stren* (KGl) = strengrj

streon I. (±) n. gain, acquisition, property,

treasure, AO,WW ; M,CP : traffic, usury :

procreation, M. [' i-streon1

] 11.=streowenstrtonan= strienan

+strtones (eu) f. petty gain, GPH389.+streonful costly, valuable, precious, M.streowMstreawstreowen (e) f. resting-place, couch, bed.

strtowlan =strewianstrtownes f. mattress, bedding, Bl227.strit I. pres. 3 sg. of stredan. II.=str&tstrew =streaw; strewen=streowen±strewian (ea, eo) to 'strew,' scatter, CP.strewung f. what one lies on, LPs 131s.

dbstrle n? plague? strife ? sedition f Lcd,LL,W.

striea m. stroke, line, mark, M. ['streak']

strican1 to pass lightly over the surface, stroke,

rub, wipe : move, go, run. [' strike]strieel m. Lfount, breast, Gl. II. implementfor smoothing corn in a measure? (BT)rope? (ES43-325), Cp266r.

strlchrssgl n. a cloth for wiping? CC23U.

+8trioJan to knit together, mend {nets), MtL4».

strtdan1 to 'stride,1Gl. up on s. mount {a

horse), GD81*>.stride m. stride, step, Cpl34p.dbstrlenan (eo, i, y) to acquire, gain, amass,CP : beget, AO,CP : increase, augment?CP. [streon]

+strfenendllc (e, y) begetting, OEG : genitive,

MGr.strlgdett pres. 3 sg. of stregdan.

strlman4 to resist, oppose, Cp.

strlna m. acquirer, v. OEG271.

strinan = strienan

strinend m. acquirer, ES39-362.

strlpan (y) v. be-s.

strlpllgan * perfringere7 v. OEG46*1.

strlSj m. strife, struggle, fight, contest, dis-

pute, contention. [OS.]

strocclan to stroke, NC323.+strod n. plunder, robbery : confiscation.

strod n. marshy land (covered with bushes or

trees?) BC (Mdf); PST95/98,537.

stroden pp. of strudan.strogden pp. of stregdan.

±strogdnes f. scattering, sprinkling, DR.strong^strangstrop 'struppus,* (oar)thongt strap, WW181".

strosle (GD10011)=6roele-strowennes v. a-s.

+strud (GD162M) =+strod±strQdant to ravage, spoil, plunder, carry off.

strQdend m. robber : money-lender.

strudere m. robber, Gl.±strQdlan to plunder, NC296,M.

strudung 1 spoliation, robbery.

strugde (NG) wk. pret. 3 sg. of stregdan.

struta= strytastrutian to stand out stiffly, ^L32MS.strutnian (jEL23M8)=scrutnian±strydan to rob, deprive.

+str^dd=+stredd; strudere =strynderestr$n-=strien-, strin-

strfnd f. generation, line of inheritance, rate,

stock, tribe.

str*ndan to waste, WW. ^^str^ndere m. squanderer, prodigal, WW.+strynge m. wrestUr, WW46540


strata (u) m. ostrich. [L. struthio]

stubb=8tybbMcheap, ES 11-612.

studdlan to look after, be careful for, Kl17".

studding f. care, trouble, labour, Kl17m.

studu f., gs. stude, ds. styde (also indeoL in

sg.), nap. styde column, pillar, post,

buttress, ['stud1


stuflustt n. vapour bath, Lcd. [stofa]

stulor furtive, stealthy, stolen, M. adv.•lice, M.+stun n. din, crash, whirlwind.

stuncen, pp., stunoon pret. pi. of stinean.

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1 f. short space of time, moment, period,

time, stunde now, at once, from time to

time (v. also stundum) : hour : signal.

[Oer. stunde]+stund n. noise, Guth36* ( =+stun).-stundlan . a-s.

stundm&lum adv.from time to time, gradual-

ly : time after time, alternately.

ftundum adv. from time to time, at times, M :

with effort, laboriously, eagerly, fiercely, M.[dp. of stand]

stungen pp., stungon pret. pi. of stingan.

stunlan to crash, resound, roar : impinge,

dash, ['stun']

stunra (KGL69*1) =stuntra, gp. of stunt.

stunt dull, stupid, foolish, M.StunUlo stupid, foolish, M. adv. -lice, M.stuntnes t stupidity, folly, M.stuntsdpe m. foolishness, Mk7M.

•ttmtspresc t siUy talk.

stuntspr&ce talking foolishly, W72u.

stuntwynle talking foolishly.

stuplan to 'stoop,* AO.sturtende (DR57")=styrtendestat m. gnat, WW.stuttansceaft m. prop, AS l 1*10.

statta=studustybb m. stump, M ; Mdf. ['stub']

stycce (i) n. piece, portion, bit, fragment, M.ymbe at. after a short time : mite (small

piece of money). [Oer. stuck]

styccem&lum adv. piecemeal, little by little,

by degrees, gradually : to bits, to pieces, AO :

here and there, AO.styclan=8ticianstyde I.=stede. II. v. studu.

styfecung f. clearing? (land), Ct.

styflc a clearing in a wood, PST95/98.541.styhtan= stihtan

stflan to harden, attemper, Cb679. [Oer.


stffle (€) n. *steel: B,Gl.stffleog steel-edged, B1533.stflenf of steel, hard as steel.


styllan L to make stalls for cattle? or to puttheminstaUsfZL454[ll,13l II.=8tiellan.


istyltan to be amazed, dazed, hesitate, NG.styrS pres. 3 sg. of stelan.

styman=8tieman; styng= sting

stynt= stent, pres. 3 sg. of standan.

styntan to make dull, stupefy, Cp89H. [stunt]


-fstyr (i) n. stir, movement, DR1875.

st^r=steor; styra=styriastyran= (l) stieran; (2) steran

styro=8tiro; styrend=steorendstyrones f. power of motion, movement :

commotion, disturbance, tumult : (+) tribu-

lation, BK.styrflg adj. belonging to an animal whichdied of disease, LL. [storfe]

styrftt pres. 3 sg. of steorfan.

slyrgan= styrian

styrta, styr(i)ga (i) m. name of a fish,

sturgeon. [Oer. stor]

±styrian (i) to 'stir,' move (tr. and intr.),

rouse, agitate, excite, urge, M,CP : cause :

tell, rehearse, B873.styrio= stirc

styrlgendlic moving, J3.

styrman to storm, roar, rage, cry out, shout.

styrne 'stern: grave, strict, austere, hard,severe, cruel,

styrnenga adv. inexorably, Sol 282.

styrnllc hard, severe, harsh, adv. -lice,


styrnmdd stern of mood, Jm>227.styrtan to ' start, leap up. only in pres. ptc.

sturtende (=styrtende), DRbl1*.

styrung (e) f. moving, motion, M,CP : dis-

turbance, commotion, M : exercise.

styfle ds. and nap. of stuou= studu.

su f. sow. [=sugu]sua=swasubdlacon m. subdeacon, ANS84-15.sQcan* to 'suck: JS,Lk,PPs,VHy.sucga= sugga ; sucnt-, suet- = suht-

sudon pret. pL of seooan.sue-=8we-sufel, 8uf(o)l n. relish eaten with bread (v.

LL2-764), Jn,RB. ['sou*']

+sufel, sufl adj. with a relish added to it?

(of bread), Ct,LL.suflmete m. delicacy, relish, GD202*6


suftlfire = swiftlere

sugan1 to suck, suck in, CP.sugga m. a kind of bird, titlark? wagtail? Gl.±suglan to be or become silent, AO. [cp.

8wigian]sugu f. 'sow,' Cp,CP',M,.sunt (y) I illness, Gen472.

suhterga m. brother's son, nephew : uncle'sson, cousin.

suhtorgefsederan, suhtorfaxlrant mp. uncleand nephew.

suhtriga= suhtergasul (JE), sulh (AO) sfm., gs sule(s), ds. sykr(CP), syl(h), as. sul, sum ; nap. sylh, syfl

(M), gp. sula, dp. sulum plough : furrow,gully : a measure of land. [Mdf]




sulfer, sulfern (DR)=seolfor, seolfren A»J(JL'. £**-a strip of land for ploughing,/sulnsecer m.

LL460[9,1].sulluBlmesse 1 ecclesiastical tax on ploughedland.

sulhandla m. plough tail, v. PEG2357.sulhbeam m. plough tail, WW.sulhgang m. the land which can be gone overby one plough in a day, W170*7


sulngesldu np. ploughing tackle, LL4/55".sulhgeteog n. ploughing implements, Lod1-400". [cp. Oer. gezeug]

sulbgeweore n. plough-making, Gay 1086.sulhnsebbere m. ploughman, WW49615


sulbscear n. ploughshare.

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stUlncel n. smallfurrow, WW348M.

gull,suluh=sulsulung n. in Kent, the fiscal unit correspond-

ing to the hide (or carucate in other

counties) (NED) Cfc.LL. ['auhng']

sum indef. pron. (used substantively w. g.)

a certain one, some one, something, one, B,Bo,Q. siza 8. one of six : (used adjectival-

ly) a certain, 'some,' any, J2,AO,Bo,Bl.snme...8ume some.. ..others, hit...sum...sum...part of it...the rest... : (used adverbi-ally) about, Bo,Chr,Q. s. hand about ahundred, eumes, s. on dale to some extent,

somewhat.sumar, sumerMsumorsumnes 1 delay, MtL2519

. [cp. Ger. ver-

saomniss]fumor m-, gs. sumeres, ds. sumera, sumere

* summer,* AO.fumorbdo= sumorrsedingbdosumorhsBte t summer heat, AO.sumorhus n. summer-house, ;EL36M.

sumorlfiean to draw on towards summer,MK 1-614.

sumorlangt summer-long, of the length of asummer's day.

sumorllo of summer.sumorlida I. m. summer army or expedition(one which only comesfor the summer), Che871. [tioan] II. (=-loda) m. shoot, twig,

WW460*>(v. A 13-330).

sumormsesse f. midsummer.sumorr&dlngbdc f. summer lectionary, TC430w (e«).

sumorselde f. summer-house, WW1841.

sumsende swishing (of rain), Rd447.

sumswege =samswegegumur=8umorsunasunu m. son's son, grandson.sunbeam ml sunbeam, M.sunbearu m. sunny grow, Ph33.sunbeorht bright with sunshine, Ph436.sunbryne m. sunburn, Lcd.suncen pp., suncon pret. pi. of aincan.

Simd n. swimming, JS,B,AO : capacity for

v-vA wwmming : (f) sea, ocean, water. [* sound ']

^sund sound (

li-sound')t whole, uninjured,

^^healthy, JE,B.sund-buendet, -buend mp. sea-dwellers,

,-man, mankind.sundcorn n. saxifrage.

sundeaw rosemary? sundew? WW3017.

-fsundeUo (WW4£6"4)=+8yndlicsunderj=|8undorsunderanweald m. monarchy, ESI 1-66.

sunderfolgotf m. private office, A02866.

sunder-freodom, -freols m. privilege, Ct.

sunderHpes separately, specially, OEG206.sunderm&lum separately, singly.

sundermed f. private meadow, Ct.

sunderstow f. special place, Bo 80s.

-fmindful sound, whole, wholesome, M :

prosperous, M,Ps. [c


+sundfulllan to prosper, Ps.

+sundfuUie sound, safe, sure. adv. -lice

safely, prosperously, j9L

+sundfulnes 1 health, prosperity, M.sundgebland n. commingled sea, sea-surge,

sea-wave, B1460.sundgyrd (e*) f. sounding-rod.

sundhelmf m. covering of water, sea.

sundhengestt m. sea-horse, ship.

sundhwret good at swimming, Whale 57.

+sundJg (y) favourable, BH386wCa.+sundllo (y) prosperous, BH : safe, GD34810


adv. -Hoe.

sundllne f. sounding-line, lead, WW.sundmere m. swimming-bath, WW.sundnytt f. exercise of thepower ofswimming,B236U

sundor adv. asunder, apart : severally :


sundor- v. also sunder-, synder-.

sundorcraft m. special power or capacity.

BiindorenBftigllce with special skill, BH3248Ca.

sundorcy&ttu f. special knowledge, LL(322M).

sundorfeoh n. private property, Ct.

sundorgecynd n. special quality, Pa30.

sundorgenga m. solitary (animal), Bl199*.sundorgerftfland n. land reserved to the juris-

diction of a *gereia'? WW42111.

sundorgtfu f. special gift, privilege.

sundorhalga m. Pharisee, M.sundorland n. land set apart, private pro-perty, GD.WW.sundorUo special, CP40910

. adv. -Uceapart.

sundorllf n. life in seclusion, BH2944.

sundormsBSse f. separate mass, special mass,Bk27';RSL11-486.

sundornotu 1 special office, LL456[2].sundornytt f. special use, office, or service,

CP.sundorriht n. special right, privilege, WW.sundorseld (u*) n. special seat, throne.

sundorsetl n. hermitage, Guth.sundorspr&c f. private conversation, private

conference, jE,AO,CP.sundorweorSung f. special honour, pre-rogative.

sundorwle n. separate dwelling, BH26214.

sundorwlne m. bosomfriend, FT 29.

sundorwfs specially wise, El588.sun/lorwundor n. special wonder, Mod 2.

sundoryrfef n. private inheritance.

sundplegaf m. sporting in the waves, bathing.

sundrap m. sounding line, lead, WW35817.

sundreced n. sea-house, ark, Gen 1335.

+sundrlant to separate, ['sunder']

sundrum (on) adv. singly, separately, apart :

continuously, CM211.sundurMsundorsundwuduf m. (sea-wood), ship.

suner (MtR) —sunorsunfeld m. Slysian fields.

sunfolgend * solisequia,' marigold? helio-

trope? Gl.sunganges adv. moving with the sun% LL.

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sungen pp. of (1) singan ; (2) swingan.sungihto solstice, MH104W.»sungon pret. pL of singan.

aunbftt 'soliflua,9 OEG56M*.

siinllo solar.

sunna m. sun.

sunnanSfen m. eve of Sunday, Saturday.

[Oer. Sonnabend]sunnanoorn gromel (plant), Lod 1-314"?

sunnandssg m. 'Sunday,9 M.

sunnanlftoma m. light of the sun, sunbeam,GD17U72.

sunnannibt f. Saturday night, M : Sunday,LL52[5,5].

sunnansclma m. sunshine, MF173.sunnansetlgong m. sunset, Chr773.sunnanuhta m. Sunday morning [early), early

service time, M.sunnb-=Bunb-sunne f. *sun

9 M,AO,CB.sunnebeam=sunbeamsunnon pret. pL of simian,

sunna =8unnesunor (e*) fn. herd of swine, NG.sunsceadu 1 veil, WW23919

. ,

sunsolene radiant, Jul229.sunscln mirror, WW519*.

sunset n. west, NG.sunstede m. solstice, Lcd.sunsunuT m. grandson, v. LL40O[11xl].sunu m., gds. suna 'son,' descendant, JS,B,

Bl,0,VPs : the Son, DR,0,VPs : young ofanimals.

sunuoennloge f. mother, DR.sunusunu=sunsunusunwlitlg/atr with sunshine, GkC7.±supan* to swallow, sip, taste, 'sup,


M,CP : (+) sop up, absorb.

stir 'sour, tart, acid, EC,Led : made sour,

fermented, Lcd,WW.sure f. sorrel

sur-eagede, -egede, -fige, -ige (sour-eyed),

blear-eyed, M.-sQiian v. as.sur-mllse, -melsc, -melst adj. half sour andhalf sweet (apple).

stales f. 'sourness,9 WWMI*.

suselMsuslsQsl nl misery, torment, torture, J3,AO.suslbona m. devil, Sat 640.

sQslowalu (-sel-) f. painful death, W.sQslhof n. place of torment, fHy 10*1.

sQslstede (sel-) m. place of torment, heU,


suster= sweostor ; sutel = sweotol

sQtere m. shoemaker, AS. ['souter9

; L.]

-sfltian v. be-s. ; sutol, sutubHsweotolsfffi* I. adj. comp. suti(er)ra, syoerra,

superl. suttmest 'south,9southern, AO,Bl,

Cp,LkL. IL adv. comp. suoor, sytf

southwards, south, B,BH,Chr,Met ; AO,CP.sQftan adv. from the south, CP : on or in the

south, AO. be s. (w. d.), witJ s. (w. a.)

south of.

suttaneastan adv. in or from the south-east i

to the south-east, AO.s015an*astanwindm. south-eastwind,WW144.strtaneasterae south-eastern, LPs.Sutfanhymbre mp. Mercians.stttanweard=suoeweardsttftanwestan adv. from the south-west.

stttianwestan-wlnd, -winda m. a south-west

wind.sttftanwlnd m. south wind.sOftdAl m. southern region, the south, M,VPs ;AO. ['southdeal



sOtfduru f. south door, Bl201".suttast adv. south-east, AO.stffieastonde m. south-east end, Bo67".sutftasterne south-eastern, ,33Gb 8*.

Sutfengle p. South Anglians, people ofsouthern England, LL.

sutSerige 'satirion9

(plant). [L. satureia?

cp. 88B$erie]

sutferne 'southern,9

southerly, MyBoJxd,MtL.

sQfternewudu m. 'abrotanum,9southernwood^

wormwood.sttfterra v. sutJ.

stttfoweard adj. southward, south, southern,

AO.sfftfolc n. southern nation or people, Suf-


sffflgineeg m. southern ocean, AO.sutfgemsdre n. southern border, AO.sfffihealdf inclining southwards.

sutfhaalff. south side, AO;M. ['southhalf]

Stfflhymbre mpL Mercians, Chb.sutiland n. southern land or shore, M,Chr.['southland



sQftmfigtt f. southern province, BH.sutfmannf m. man from the south.

sufimest 'southmost,9 AO.

SQflmyroe (e) pL southern Mercians, BH238".

suitor v. sutJ.

sOftportle m. south porch, Chb 1036.

sttttra v. suB.

sulSrlhto (y) adv. due south, AO.sttSrima m. south coast, Chb,sfkSrodor (a*) m. southern sky.

SfttsA mf. south sea, sea south of England,English Channel, M.

BOrt seaxan, -seaxe pi. South-Saxons, people

of Sussex : Sussex.

suttstseti n. south coast, Chb897a.sfktfwag m. south wall, M.sttSweard adv. towards the south, southwards,

AO,Lcd. ['southward9


suttweardes adv. 'southwards,9 Met

sutfweg m. southern country, Ex 155.

sfkSwest I. m. the south-west II. adv.

'south-west,9 AO.

sOttwesterne 'south-western,9 ApT.

suttwlnd m. south wind, Ex 289.

suwlan (LWS)=sngianswa (ffi, e) I. adv. and conj. (w. incL or snbj.)

so as, consequently, just as, sofar as, in such

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wise, in this or that way, thus, so that, pro-

vided thai, M,B,Bo. swa swa so as, just as,

so that, swa same (swa) in like manner :

therefore, on that account : cm, like, B,Bo,Bl :

(w. comparatives) the. swa...swa the...

the : where : when,sosoont as soon : although,

unless, yet : if, as if. II. pron. 'so,' the

same, such, that swa hwa swa whosoever.

swa hwser swa wherever, bi swa hwatierre

ef68swaon whichever side, swa iloe= swiloe.

swa selfe in the same way. Sac swa also.

swa hwilo swa whosoever. though

...not. swa...swa whether. ..or. swa oeahnevertheless, yet, however.

swac pret. 3 sg. of swican.

sw&=swaswsee (GP), sweoo (e) m. flavour, taste :

smclly odour, fragrance.

+swflBecan (e) to smell (tr.), DD206 ; (intr.)


swuseehfiow 'insania'? RPs39* (v. ES38").swsef pret. 3 sg. of swefan.sw&fan? to burn, MET847


swsBfen=swefn; sw8eflen=8weflenswSgMsweg; sw8Bgl=swegl±swftlan (tr.) to burn.

sw8Blo=swilcswftm m. trifler, idler : vain object.

-sw&man v. a-s. ; sw8ancan=8wencansw&p enticement, persuasion, deceit? (v.

OEG2894n).+swdpa (a, e) pL sweepings, rubbish.

[swapan]swdpels (VPs) m ? swsepelse f. robe, garment.

swBpig fraudulent, OEG2894.swfir I. (a, e) heavy, sad i oppressive,

grievous : sluggish, inactive, weak. II. n.

sadness, trouble, MF173.swOrbyrd? f. difficult birth? LcDl85a.swftret (a) grievously, oppressively.

+swAre=swcer+swSred oppressed, weighed down, Lod.swSrUo adj. sore, deep, heavy, M.swSrHoe (a) adv. grievously, heavily, M.swftrmdd indolent, sluggish, W257.sw&rmddnes (a) f. dulness, stupidity, CP149".

swftrnes (a) f. heaviness^ M : sluggishness.

swart (WW2578)=8weartrbswfts (e) intimate, special, favourite, dear,

beloved : own : agreeable, gentle, benevolent :

*weet> sugary.

+BW8M6 blandly, pleasantly.

sweesenddagas mpL ides {inRoman calendar),

WW.sweesende (e) n. (mostly used in pi. swsVsendu) food, meal, dinner, banquetjdainties



swSstng-=sw&send-±swft8lftcan (e1) to wheedle.

swSsllc kind, friendly, agreeable, adv.-lice pleasantly, kindly : properly : plausibly.

±swAsnes 1 blandishment, wheedling, M :


sw&sung 1 lenitive, soothing application*

WW241".8W8Bswyrde/atr jpoien, WW190*5


±sw£tan to sweat, exude, AO : fooowr, toil,

CP : Meed, Ceoss20 : (+) oppress, CPs93*.[swat]

swssti (e) n., nap. swaou footprint, track,

CP : trace, vestige, CP. [op. swattu f.]


swesttelyne 'pinguis,' OEG27**.gwsBtter pron. whichever, whosoever, CP.[swa, hw»oer]

+sw8stfIan to trace out, investigate, EPs 138s.swsetfldcan to search out, visit, CHy9".sw8BUorian=8waCrian, sweoriansweUu=8waCaswif pret. 3 sg. of swifan.

swahwsstswa pron. whatsoever,

swahwsBffer pron. whichever.

swalewe=swealweswalo,8=8wolo6, sweoloft

swalwe=swealweswamlan to become dark, Gu 1069.

swamm (o) I. m. fungus, mushroom, M :

sponge. [Oer. schwamm] II. pret. 3 sg.

of swimman.swan (o) m. *swan.


swan m. herdsman, swineherd, peasant :

(f) swain, youth, man, warrior.

swanc pret. 3 sg. of swincan.

swancorf slender, trim, lithe, supple :

languishing, weak.swang pret. 3 sg. of swingan.swangerita m. swineherd reeve, officer set

over the depasturing of swine in forests, Ct.

swangettung f. movement, agitation, ANS101-323.

swangorMswongorswanrad f. swanks-road, sea, B200.swanrlht n. law as to swineherds, LL449[6,1].swansteorra m. evening star, Cpl45u.+swapa = +sw»pa±swapan7 to sweep, drive, swing, rush (o

wind. [Oer. schweifen]

swar^sw&rswarc- = swearc--ewarlan (e, eo, o) v. and-s.

swam-= sworn- ; swart= sweartSWaS=8W8B8swatm 7 n? * sweat,* perspiration, exudation,

CP : (t) blood i foam, LkR9» : toil : labour,

swa'tan (a?) pL beer, WW.swatottft m. t

sudarium,inapkin, MP 178*.

swatfahf blood-stained, bloody.

swatig sweaty, AO : (t) gory.

swatlghleor with sweaty brow, Gen934 (orf

two words).

swfttUn n. napkin, CP.swatswafiu f. gory track, B2946.swftttfyrel n. pore of the skin, WW 159".

swatfeah adv. however, yet, nevertheless.

swafttahhwsBfire adv however, M.swatiftana adv. however.

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swatter= swatterswatflan to swathe, wrap up, Kl1710*.

swattorian, swaorian=8weoYi&nswatiu (», e) f. footstep, track, pathway :

trace, vestige : scar. [' swath* ; op. swseti]

swatful m? smoke, B782. [Oer. schwaden]8we=swa; swealewe=swealweswealg, sweaih pret. 3 sg. of swelgan.swealt pret. 3 sg. of sweltan.

swealwe (a, o) t. 'swallow.1

swearo pret. 3 sg. of sweorcan.sweardan to become dark, M.swearcmddnes (a) f. pusillanimity, LPs 64*.

swearcung (a) f. darkness, RPsl7w.

sweard f 7 hide, rind, skin, Gl. [' sward*]swearm m. 'swarm,* multitude.

sweart swarthy, black, dark,M : gloomy : evil,

infamous, ['swart*]

sweartet adv. miserably, evilly.

swearthsswen dark-blue, purple, violet, WW376M.

±8weartlan to become black, 2& : makeblack.

sweartlast with black tracks, Bd27u.

sweartnes f. blackness, black substance, Gl.sweartung f. darkness, EPsl7S9


swear* = sweard±swebban to put to sleep, lull : (f) kill.

[swefan]sweo (KGl)^sw8bcswefan5

to sleep, slumber, rest : (f ) sleep indeath : cease.

swefeeere m. sleeper, NC324.swefecung f. sleep, NC324.swefed pp. of swebban.swefel («) m. sulphur, M. [Oer. sohwefel]

swefelrec m. sulphurous smoke, VPslO7.

swefenMswefnswefet = sweofotswefeti pres. 3 sg. of swebban.+sweflan to put to sleep, lull, appease, M.swell= swefel

sweflen sulphurous, of brimstone, AO.sweflennes (eo1

) f. sulphurousness, MF1235.

sweflenrec (APs)=sweflrecswensweart sulphurous? WW4920


sweflttrosm m. sulphurous smoke, ERSPs107


swefn n. (often pi.) sleep, jE,AO,CP.: dream,vision. [swebDan]

swefnlan (w. a. pers.) to dream ; (w. nom.pers.) appear in a dream,

swefnljgend m. dreamer, M.swefnracu f. interpretation of dreams, LL(164»).

swefnreecere m. interpreter of dreams, WW3661*.

swefot=sweofotswig (») m. sound, M,AO,CP : noise,

clamour, tumult : melody, harmony, tone,

M : voice : musical instrument :'persona,


So. [swogan]swegan to make a noise, sound, roar, crash,

JE : import, signify, M.

swtgcroftm. art ofplaying onan instrument,

music, ApT16.swegdynn m. noise, crash, Cb965.±swege sonorous, harmonious, ML.swegeli—lewegiswegendllc adj. vocal, vowel, iEGn615


sweger 1 mother-in-law, M. [Oer. sohwieg-er]

swegesweard m. organist (/) JGPhl*64.sweghleotSorf m. sound, melody.swfiglng f. sound, clang, roar.

•weglt (ae) I. n. sky, heavens, ether : the sun :

music? IL=seglsweglbefalden ether-begirt, Sat688.sweglbeorht ether-bright, radiant, Girl 187.

sweglbosm m. heaven, sky, Gbn9 (pi.).

sweglcondel f. heaven*s candle, sun, PhIOS.swegleynlngt m. King of heaven.

swegldreamt m. music, [cp. Goth, swigldn]sweglef L adj. bright, ether-like, clear,

brilliant, splendid. II. adv. clearly, brightly.

sweglhorn m. kind of musical instrument,

Gl.swegUc sonorous, CM675.

sweglradf f. modulation, music.

swegltorhtt heavenly-bright

sweglwered (gel-) ether-clad, B696.sweglwuMor n. heavenly glory, Gu 1160.sweglwundor n. heavenly wonder, Gul292.swegr=sweger+swegra= +swigra+8wegsumHce? unanimously, HL181M.

swehor (GL)=sweor ; sweig (KGL88*)=swegswelgtt=8wege$, pres. 3 sg. of swegan.+swel= -fswell

swelan* to burn, be burnt up : inflame {ofwound).

swelc (AO,CP)=swilc. [v. 'such*]

swelea m. pustule, WW11217.

swelce=swilce+swelg n. abyss, OEG.±swelgan* to 'swallow,* incorporate, absorb,imbibe, devour. [Oer. schwelgen]

swelgend (y) fmn. (±) whirlpool, vortex, gulf,abyss, CP : gormandiser, glutton, drunkard,debauchee, AO.

swelgendnes f. whirlpool, WW373*.swelgere m. glutton, WW10215


swelgnes f. whirlpool, WW51019.

swelht$=BwelgS pres. 3 sg. of swelgan.swettend= swelgend+sweU n. swelling, tumour, boil, M.±swellan» to

tsweH*swelling f. swelling, El24&±sweltan* (i, y) to die, perish, M,AO,CP.sweltendlle about to die.

-swemman v. be-s.

±swene m. trouble, tribulation, toil : (+)temptation, LkL22".±swenoan (ae) to vex, distress, trouble,

afflict, torment, oppress, M,CP. [causativeof swincan]+swenoednes f. trouble, affliction, M.sweng m. stroke, blow, cut, thrust [swingan]

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swengan to swing, rush, fly out. [' swinge



causative of swingan]sweoool (CP) =e swicol ; sweofl-= swefl-

sweofot (e) n. sleep.

8weogtan=swigian; fweoloe=swilceSweoland n. Sweden, A0192


sweoloti (a, o) m. burning Heed, glow, fire,

flame, [swelan]sweolofihat 'squalidus,' OEGSB^^o1


sweolung? f. inflammation, LcD76b(sweop-).

Sweon pL Swedes.sweop pret. 3 sg. of swapan.SW60p-= 8Wip~sweopung v. sweoluna.sweor I. (e, y) mi. polar, column, prop, CP :

bolt, bar, ES37183. II. m. father-in-law,

M,AO,CP : (±) cousin. [Qer. schwaher]IIL =sw6r pret. of swerian.

jKsweora (i, io, u, y) m. neck, nape, AO,CP.[ON svire]

sweorban n. neck-bone, neck.

swterMag (u) m. neck-band, necklace, collar,

torque, M.±sweorc (o) n. cloud, darkness, mist.

±gweorcan* to grow dark, darken (intr.),

become overcast, be obscured : be troubled,

sad, become grievous, troublesome, angry,ML -.fall out (of mind), JPs30M.

sweoroendferhtf sombre, sad, Jud269.±sweorcenes (o, en) f. gloom.

swtorettti m. neckcloth, WW210»«.sweoroops m. yoke, pillory, Gl.sweorootSu 1 quinsy, Lod.sweord (o, u, y) n. 'sword,* &,AO,CP.sweordbealo n. sword-bale, B1147.sweordberende sword-bearing, Gen 1060.

sweordblte m. sword-wound, Jul603.Bweordbora (u) m. sword-bearer, swordsman.sweordfsatels m. sword-belt, M.sweordfreca m. swordsman, warrior, B 1468.

sweordgenftlai m. swordedfoe.sweordgeswlng} (y

l) n. sword-brandishing.

sweordgifu (y1) f. gift of swords, B2884.

sweordgripe m. sword-attack, Jul488.sweordhwtta (u, y) m. sword-furbisher.


) m - flashing of swords.

+sweordod (a) provided with a sword, M.sweordplega m. fighting. Wald22.sweordrAs m. attack, Ap59.sweordslege m. sword-thrust, Jtjl671.

sweordtlg 1 'framea,' sword-sheath? LPs97

. [teag]

sweordwegende (u1) sword-bearing.

sweordwlgend m. warrior, Ex 260.

sweordwundt wounded with the sword.

sweordwyrhta (a1) m. sword-maker? Lod3-19410.

+sweorf (y) n. flings, Lcd.±sweorfan* to file or grind away, polish,

wipe, rub, scour, ['swerve']

swtorhnltu f. nit which lives on the neck ofanimals, tick, WW.

Sweorloe n. Sweden, B.

sweorraoentfth (u1) I 'catelle,' neck-chain,

WW107".sweorrod f. cross worn on the neck, EC260(a). [v. 'rood']

sweorscaeul m. yoke, pillory, WW1169.

sweorteag (e) f. collar, Gl.+sweoru (I, y) np. hills, PPs.sweorwserc m. pain in the neck, Lcd.sweostor (e, i, u, y) f. indecL in eg., nap.sweoster, sweostra, sweostru 'sister,' Chr;iE,AO : nun, BH.+sweostor, -tra, -tru fp. sisters, AO. +sweos-ternu beam children of sisters, cousins.

sweostorbearn n. sister's child, nephew,niece, WW462*.

sweofltorsunu m. sister's son, nephew, OET.[v. 'sister']

swfotf n. troop, army, company, body, swarm,sweota? sweote? 'scrotum, ' Lod, v. A30- 134.

sweotel= sweotolsweotol (i, u, y) distinct, clear, evident,

manifest, open, public, AO,CP. [cp. Ooth.

swikunos]sweotole (e, o, u) adv. clearly, precisely,

plainly, openly, visibly, CP.±sweotolIan (e, u, y) to show, reveal, makemanifest : state, explain, prove.

sweotolllc (y1) clear, distinct adv. -lice

clearly, precisely,plainly, visibly, openly, 2K.

±sweotolung (i, u, y) f. manifestation,Epiphany : definition, explanation, ex-

position, declaration, M : written testimony,

documentary evidence.

sweotolungdsBg (e, u) m. Epiphany, M.sweotul=sweotolsweotteod 1 Swedes, Sweden.sweottarian= swettrian

sweotol L m? heat, flame, B3145. [op.

swatJul] II. =sweoelsweowlan=8wigian; +swepa= +sw8epaswer= ( 1) swar ; (2) sweger ; (3) sweor±swerian6 (but oocL wk. pret. swerede) to

'swear,' ^^AO,CP : speak? Sol425. [Oer.

sohworen]swerlgendllo jurative, used in swearing (ofcertain adverbs), ^SGb.

swertllng m. titlark? warbler? WW 131".

swesMswfis; sweeter (N)= sweostor±sw6tan to make sweet, sweeten, M,CP.sw§te I. adj. 'sweet,' pure,fragrant, pleasant,

agreeable, AO,CP. II. n. sweetness, sweet[swot]

swetellan (KGL)=sweotolianswetlan to be sweet, CP425".+sw€tlAean to batten, RPs65".swetllce sweetly, pleasantly, BH4864


swetmete m. 'sweetmeat,' dainty, OP41".swttnes f. sweetness, fragrance, CP : pleasant-


swetole=sweotoleswetswege agreeable (of sound), DHy588.

swetwyrde smooth-spoken, WW : stuttering,

WW.swet$= swaetS

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swettel (», eo) m. swaddling band, bandage,binding.

awetterlan=sweonan; -swettlan v. be-.

swetfollan to relent, be appeased, Chb1123.±swe*rtan (a, te, eo, i) to reltre, tnntsa,

meft away, abate, dwindle, decrease, subside.

+swetfrung (®) f. failure, Lcd.swe1ta=swaouswelling f. poultice.

swlc n. tftwton, CM441.

+swlo n. ojflFence, MtR,WW.swlca m. deceiver, traitor, betrayer.

±swlean1(t) to wander : (|) oeparf : (w. g.)

cease from, yield, give away, AO ; CP :

(w. d.)faU, fall short, be wanting, abandon,desert, turn traitor : deceive, M. at s. goforth, from s. fall off, rebel ['i-swike*]

twice m. odour, «mttf, seen*.

swlocrseft m. treachery.

twicdom m. fraud, deception, deceit, &,AO :

betrayal, treason : scandal, offence.

swioe I. m. (t) escape, end : (f) procrastina-

tion, delay, Gul007 : offence, snare, treach-

ery, deceit. II. adj. fallacious, deceitful.

III. f. frap, mare, Gl. IV.=swiocswloend m. deceiver, HL18M»W.

+swicennes 1 abstention, cessation, & :


swtoful fraudulent, deceitful, Gl.swtalan to wander : be treacherous, deceive,

cheat, M : blaspheme : cause to offend.

+swlclng f. intermission, cessation, CM 103.

±swlcn i. purgation, clearance, discharge, LL.+twlenan to clear (of a charge), LL.swicol guileful, false, deceitful, M.twteolllo fraudulent, deceiving, deceptive,

causing to stumble, adv. -lioe.

swioolnes 1 deceit.

swleung f. deceit,fraud, deception : stumbling-

block, offence.

swlfan1 to revolve, sweep, wend : intervene,

EC 164. [Oer. schweifen]twIforuMswiporswift (y) 'swift* quick, M,AO. adv. -lioe.


swlftiere,(u, y) m. slipper, jE. [L. sub-talaris]

swlftnes f. swiftness, speed, M.swiftu f. swiftness, Met 28*.

swlgan = swigian. swfgdagas mp. days of silence (last three days

of Holy Week), M.swlge I. flwigge f. silence, stillness, rest, &,CP. II. adj. still, quiet, silent, taciturn, CP.

swfgen f. silence, -ffiH'2-532*.

swlgenlht f. night of silence, iEP154* (v.

swigdagas).±twlglan (y ; I, eo, u) to be or become silent,

keep silence, be quiet, still, CP.swlglendfloe adv. silently, HL18'11


swlglung 1 silence, ANS84-3.swlgmsesse f. silent mass, NC324.

swlgnes f. time of silence, WW211".+swlgra (e) m. sister's son, nephew, cousin.

swlgtlma (swit-) m. silent time, eventide,

early part of the night, A 8-319.

swlguht m. dawn of the days of silence (v.

swigdagas), ANS84-7.±iwlgung f. silence : time of silence : delay,

NG.swlgunga adv. quietly, secretly.

swllc (», e, y) pron. (used substantively)such a one, he, the same, JB : (used adjecti-

vally) 'such; Bl,CP,etc : (as relative)

which, (M). swilc.hwilc; so...

as. swilc.Bwilc so much (many).;as much (many), jE.B.Bt+Bo.

swilce (e, eo, y) adv. and oonj. (w. ind.)just

as, as, in like manner, in such manner, like-

wise, resembling, thus : (w. subj.) as if, asthough : also, moreover, too, Bo. ['such*]

swllenes 1 'qualitas,' nature.

wile (y) m. tumour, swelling, [swellan;Oer. sohwiele]

swlllan, swillan to 'swill,' wash, wash out,


swlllng, swilling f. swilling, wash, gargle.

§wilt=swyltswlltan = sweltanswlltt pres. 3 sg. of swellan.

swllunge = swiglungam. vertigo, dizziness : swoon, M.

swigma38se±swlmman* (y) to 'swim,' float.

swlmmendllc (v) able to swim, MQb.58*.swln (y) n. wild boar, pig, hog, pi. 'swine,


CP ; Mdf : boar-image (on a helmet), B.+twln n. sang, melody, Ph137.+twlnc n. toil, work, effort, JS : (±) hardship,Oen. [



±swlncan* to labour, work at, strive, struggle,jE,CP : be in trouble : languish, ['sunn* 9

]+twlnedagas mp. days of tribulation, Sraf2.±twlneful toilsome, painful, disastrous, M.+swlncfumes f. tribulation, LPs33v


±twlnclftat (y) without toil, i£H2-364*.swlnelie laborious? manualf (of work), W204".+swtncnes f. hardship? NC345.swind=spindswlndan* to vanish, consume, pine away,languish. [Oer. schwinden]swlnen adj. pig*s, swine's.

4-swlngt I* n. surge, fluctuation. IL»+swine

swlngan* L to beat, strike, smack, whip,scourge, flog, chastise, afflict, M,AO,CP.sw. on twa divide by a blow : * swing* oneself,fly,B22QL [Oer. Bchwingen] U.=Bwincantwinge (y) t stroke, blow, stripe : chastise-ment, CP.

swlngell f. (often swingel-, swingl- in obLcases); swingel(l)e 1 whip, scourge, rod,M : stroke, stripe, blow i affliction, CP.

swlngere m. striker, scourger, Rd287.

swlnglung f. dizziness.

swmhaga m. pig-pen, Ct.swlnnyrde (i) m. swineherd, ZDA33-239*

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swlnln (GL)=swineniwlnllo n. boar-image (on a helmet), B 1462.swinn m. melody, OEG.swlnnes £ pork food, EPsl6".swlnsUn

ty)to sound melodiously, make

melody, sing.

swinsung f. melody, harmony.swlnsungersaft m. music, WW442".swlnsweg? (y. OEQ xxxiii), melody.swlpa m., swipe £ =swipu8Wlplan| (eo) to whip, scourge, beat ['swipe


]iswipor cunning, A,BH. adv. -lice.

+swlponie8 (e») £ wile, cunning, HL,MkR.swlppan= swipianswlpu (eo, o) £ whip, stick, scourge : chastise-

ment, affliction. [Qer. schwippe]swlr-, swir- =sweor-t sweor-+swlrla= +swigraswlrman to swarm, Lod 1-384m.

swlster=sweostorswital, switel, switobHsweotolswltlma = swigtimaSwW (y) strong, mighty, powerful, active :

severe, violent, oomp. swiore right {hand,side, etc.).

±swlfian [wv. and by1 ? cp. nnforswitten] to

strengthen, establish, support : use forceagainst, & (v. A36-66).

swlfo (y) adv. very much, exceedingly,

severely, violently, fiercely, iE,AO,CP.oomp. swfSor more, rather. superL swioostmost, especially, exceedingly : almost, nearly.

for swioe, swlSe swioe very much, veryseverely, CP.

swltffsastiies f. violence, LL(138*7).

swttffeorm rich, fruitful : violent.

swttfeormende becoming violent, WW374U.

swftfferMt (y) bold, brave, rash.

±swI8from very strong, vigorous, adv. -Hoe.

swftfhwsBt very active, Run5.

swffihycgende (i)j- bold-minded.swiftIan to become strong : prevail : fix.

swftUo intense, excessive, severe, violent, M :

immense, M : effective, adv. -lice, AO,CP.swltfliones 1 excess, RBL737


swltfmlhtlg very mighty, PPs85".swltfmod stout-hearted, brave : insolent,


swttmodnes f. magnanimity.swltfnes £ excess, violence, CM458.

swftfor oomp. of swioe.

swlftra oomp. of swio\

swltfrlan =sweorianswlttrian to avail, prevail, M.swlftsnel very quick, agile, Cba82.swlftspecende (y) verbose, talkative, OEG561".

swttsprecel talkative, LPs ll4.

swlflstincende strong-smelling, WW40818.

swltfStrang very strong, BH386b.

swttstrtms having a strong current, rapid,

BH38«.swlttswege strong-sounding, heroic, OEG.swKur=8wiobr oomp. of swioe.

swlung £ spasm, cramp, WW 112".swIUnga =swigungaswodrian to be fast asleep, SPs3B


swoeg=sweg; swoesendu==sw83senduswoetnes (GL,VPs)=swetnes8swdg(VPs)=swegswogan7 to sound, roar, howl, rustle, whistle,rattle, Cr,Qen. [' sough']+swogen in a swoon, silenced, dead, &.+swogennes v. in-s.

+swdgung £ swooning, Lod.swol n. heat, burning, flame, glow, [swelan


Qer. schwul]swoleti = sweolotf

' swolgen pp. of swelgan.swolgettan to gargle, wash the throat, Lod.swollg £ burning, Lcd,WW.swollen pp. of swellan.

swolotf, ewolooa m., swolotte? £ (OEG23*6)

=8weoloCswolten pp. of sweltan.swolutf (^E) = sweoloft ; swolwe=swealwesworn=swamm I. and IL ; swon=8wanswoncor=swanoorswong=8wang pret. 3 sg. of swingan.swongor heavy, inert. [Qer. schwanger]swongornes £ sloth, laziness, CP.swonrad =swanrad ; swopu (NG) =ewipuswor (Ex239)=sporswdr I. pret. 3 eg. of swerian. II. = Bar.III.= sweor

swdra=8weora; sworeMsweorosworcen pp. of sweoroan.sword =sweordsworen pp. of swerian.sworetendUe breathing hardly, short-winded,WW365*.

sworettan to breathe hard, pant, yawn, sigh,

swdret-ung, -tung f. hard breathing, panting,sobbing, sighing, moaning, M.

sworfen pp. of sweorfan.swornian (a) to coagulate, Gl.swdron pret. pL of swerian.swostor= sweostorswot sweet, JnL,Nar,OEQ. adv. swoteMQr. ['soot



swdtlio savoury, sweet, CP3118. adv. -lice.

swotmete m. sweetmeat, dainty, Bo33tt.

swotaes £ sweetness, DR,8hr. ['sootness*]swotol=8weotolswot-stence, -stencende sweet-smelling.swoftung=sweSung+swowung= +8wdgungswugian (CP) =Bwiffian ; swule=8wileswulgon pret. pL of swelgan.swulton pret. pL of sweltan.swulung=solongswummon pret. pL of swimman.swunoon pret. pL of swinoan.-swundennes v. a-s.

swungen pp., swungon pret. pL of swingan.swur-, swur- =sweor-, sweor-swust-er, -or, -ur {&) =sweostor

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swut-el-, -ol-, -ul-=sweotol-Bwuwlan=svigian; swye-=swic-fwyftMswift; swyg-=Bwig-swyge=8wige; swyl-=swil-swyliend=swelgendswylt (i) m. death, [sweltan]8wylt-=swelt-swyltcwalut 1 agony of death.

swyltdsafff m. death-day.

swyltdMS m. death, PPsKP1.

fwylthwDf 1 hour of death.

fwym-=8wim- ; sw^nMswmswyn- =swin- ; twyp- (N) =sweop-iw^rMsweor; swyrdwsweordswyrfB pros. 3 sg. of sweorfan.

+swysnes=+swft8nee; swyster=8weostoriwytel, swytolMsweotol ; swyttMswiSswywlan=8ugian, swigian8^=816 pros. subj. of beon.

syb, sybbMsibb±s?ean (e, i) to suckle : wean, ASPsl30«.[sucan]

syoe (i, I?) suckling, OEG578.


sycomer m. sycamore, Bx4.B^eU pres. 3 sg. of sucan ; syoan.+syd n. waUowing-place, WW1461*. [s§o-

Ban]s^di-teid; +sydlan= -fsidian

sylanwseofon ; syfe=sife

sfferiBte abstemious, RB11916.

sfferlto (e) neat, cleanly, pure, sober, adv.


interne asm. of syfre.

sffemes f. cleanliness, purity, sobriety,

moderation, M.syfetta=seofooa; syflan=seofian+syflan to provide with relishes, flavour.


syflige, syfling (M) £ food, pap, broth, soup :

seasoning, relish.

gyfol=8ufel; syfon=seofons^tre (e, i) clean, pure, chaste, sober, abstinent,

temperate, M. [Oer. sauber]

syftan=siftansyge I. m. sight, aspect, view, FT64? IL.=sigeL

sygel= steel; sygor=sigorsyh =seon imperat. of seon ; syht=suhtsyhtf pros. 3 sg. of aeon I. and II.

+syh«e(BPsl204) = +8eh«e; syl=syle

s?l I. f. column, pillar, support, AO. [Oer.

saule] II. ds. of sul, sulh.

sfia m. ploughman, OEG2367. [sulh]

syifflx f. a kind of axe, WW379* (v. ES43-327).

syle, sylen miry place, waUowing-place,

OEG. [sol]

sylen =selensyleS pres. 3 sg. of eyllan.


gylfer, sylfor, sylfur (M)=seolforgylfren (M) =seolfrenyUwUl-(^)=8elfwm-

tyig ds., sylh ds. and nap. of sul, sulh.

Syinearwa=Sigelhearwa+sylhtie n. team of oxen, [sulh]

qflton to sully, soil, pollute, CP.MeL ['sub']syll I. 1 'sill,' threshold, foundation, base,basis, A&,B,CP. II. nap. of sulh.

sylla m. giver, RBL266. [sellan]

sjlla (Dbob 6)= sella (selra) v. sel Lsyllan {M) =sellan j sylle =syll I.

syllend {M) =sellend ; syllleMseldlic

sylofr, sylofran^seolfor, seolfren

•91ra=selra v. sel L±syltan (e) to salt, season, M. [sealt]

S9ma=sema; syman=8iemansymbol I. n. feast-day, festivity, revel, feast,AO : (t) festival, holy day. IlMsimbel

symbelcallc m. chalice, TC515".symbeloennes f. feast of a nativity, DR.symbeldsBg m. feast-day, festival, holiday, M.symbele=simblesymbelgil boisterous with carousing, drunk,DD79.

ymbelgereord n. banqueting, feasting,carousal, Sol407.

symbelgila m. giver offcasts, An 1419.symbelhus n. guest-chamber, LkLR22u.

symbellan= symblianymbellle festive solemn, adv. -licesolemnly.

symbelmdnafllio adj. of a festival monthfWW375".

symbelnes f. festival, feasting, festivity, M i

solemn assembly, solemn office.

symbeltld f. festival-time.

symbetwerig weary with feasting, Gnr2640.symbelwlonc elated withfeasting, Mod40.symbelwynn 1 joy offeasting, B1782.symblan to feast, banquet, OP.symble (JE) =simble adv.symblian (i) to feast, carouse, CP.symelJHsymbelsymerfngwyrt f. violet, WW322*.syml= symbel L ; syml- =aimbl-8ymnenllc=semnendlic ; syn=svnnsyn I. =sien f. II. =sln, sien pres. pL anbi.of wesan (beon). IIL =sin t

syn- v. also sin-, synn-.synbend m. bond of sin, Nio504**.synbot t penance, LL(316»1


synbryne m? burning ardour of sin, MFH143".


synbyrten f. burden of sin.synbyslg guilt-haunted, B2227.synd=sind pres. pi. ind. of wesan (beon).+synd- = +sund-syndsM f. pnful deed.syndan= sendansynder- =sundor-synderA (u«) f. special law, DR190»synderlle (e) singular, separate, special,peculiar, private, M,G& : remote, adv.-lice, [sundor]

synderllenes 1 separateness, separation,seclusion, OEG : singularity, GD28611


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synder-IIpe, -lype, -lypig peculiar, special.

adv. -lipes (y).

gynderwurttmynt fmn. special honour, pre-

rogative, WW17847.

+syndgian to make to prosper, BH3201*.

syndig skilled in swimming, Cba58.syndir-=synder-+syndUecan (synt-) to cause to prosper,

RPsll7«syndolh n. deadly wound, B817 (or=ain-?).

syndon=8indon pres. pL ind. of wesan(beon).

Syndoiilso/n<Kan,MF173,MPl-592. [L.QL]syndra? m., syndre? f. = Binder

±syndrlan to sunder, separate, divide.

syndrlg (i) separate, single :' sundry,


M ; special, private, peculiar, exceptional,

particular, M,AO,CP : characteristic :

(distributive) one each, [sundor]syndrige adv. separately, specially, apart,


syndrigendlle discretive, J3Gb2297.

syndrlglle special, peculiar, adv. -lice

specially : separately.

syndrung v. a-s.

syndurie=synderosynew- = sinew- ; and v. synu.synfah sin-stained, Cb1083.±syngian to sin, transgress, M,CP.syngrlgendlle= syndrigendlic

syn-grin, -gryn f. snare or mischief of sin,

harm.syngung f. transgression, HL121*7

. [''sin-



synleahter m. stain of sin, W13411.

synlftas 'sinless,9

guiltless, innocent, CP,Jn,W.

synleaw sinful injury, W16616.

synlic sinful, foul, wicked, adv. -lice,

synn (e, i) f. (|) injury, mischief, enmity,

feud : 'sin,1guilt, crime, Et,Bo,Chr,VPs;

CP.synn- see also syn-.

synnadssg (N) =sunnancUegsynneoge f. female sinner, MH 126*.

synnes adv. always? Kl, but v. LL455*.synnful 'sinful,


guilty, wicked, corrupt, Bl,

LkL,VPs;CP.synnglend m. sinner, EPslll10


+synnian to commit adultery, NG.synnlg guilty, punishable, criminal : sinful,

CP.synnlust m. desire to sin, M.synoK=seonotSsynriss m. pressure of sin, temptation, LL(284»).

synrfkst m. canker of sin, Cb1321.syn-sceatfa, -soaoat m. sin-stained wretch,

sinful outrager.

synscyldlg wicked, DD168.synt=sind pres. pL ind. of wesan (beon).

+synt-= +synd-±synto f. soundness, health : prosperity,

welfare, salvation, [gesund]

O. H.

synwraouf f. punishment for sin.

synwund L wound of sin.

synwyreendet sinning.

sypan= sypiansype m. wetting, act of soaking through, Bo.['sipe



sypian (i) to absorb, drink in, Zed94b.



] v

sypian =sipian; sypo, syppo=swipusyrc m., syrce f. =syric, syrioe

syre= searwe, v. searo ; s^ra =sieresyredon=sier(w)edon pret. pL of sierwan.

syretung f. lurking place,WW440s. [searu]

syrewreno= searowrenosyrewung= searwungsyrfe f. service-tree, EC373. [L. sorbus]

syrftrdow n. service-tree, KC3'37920.

syric, 8yrice=serc, serce

spring f. sour milk, buttermilk, [sur]

syrode=sierwde pret. 3 sg. of sierwan.

syrurtsearosyrwa=searwa gp. of searo.

syr-wanf -wian (JE) = sierwanSyrware mpL Syrians.

syrwung= sierwungsyrwwrenc= searowreno; syster=8estersjtf I.=sJ5. II. v. suB adv. IIL pres.

3 sg. of seoban.

sytt-=si8-; sy8an=si$oansierra (BC,Lcd) v. su«. ['souther']

sftfst pres. 2 sg. of seooan.sy8&an=si&oan; sywlan=seowiansyx, syx- (AO)=siex, siex-, six-

tihl'toe,1 Cp,LL,WW. II.f.(iE)=tanni.

tabele, tablu t, tabul m. =tabuletabule f. 'table,

9 BE : a wooden hammer, or

piece of wood struck as a signal for assemb-ling monks, CM : writing tablet : gamingtable : table of the law. [L.]

tacan6 to 'take? seize, Ghr 1072*. 6d.

+tacclan to tame, subdue, GPH402.tfioen, tacn n., nap. tacen, tacnu 'token,*

symbol, sign, signal, mark, indication, sug-

gestion, B,BH,CP,Lcd,SPs : portent, marvel,

wonder, miracle, Bl; M : evidence, proof :

standard, banner.

tftoendrcol m. indicium, TC1268.

tftcnan (Cp) =t»onantfenberend m. standard-bearer, J35GB271*.

tacnbora m. standard-bearer : guide.

±tftcnian to mark, indicate : betoken, denote,

signify, represent, Bl,Bo;CP : portend :

demonstrate, express, ['token9


+t&cnl(g)endllc typical, emblematic, MB.2-278";MP 122".

±tacnung f. sign, presage, token, Bo :

manifestation, signification, type, Bo,BH :

indication, symptom, proof : dispensation,

AO601. ['tokening



tioon, tacun=tacen


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floor, taour m. brother-in-law, M.tide, tadi(g)e I 'toad/ WW.tatoere a weaving tool? tenterhook? WW294".taean to transfer, translate M. [ON. taka]±taean to show, declare, demonstrate, JS,

AO,BHJjL,RB : 'teach9

('i-toxhe'), in-

struct, (rata, jE,Bl,Bo,Lcd,LL ; CP : j>re-

aeri&e, dtrec*, M,GP,WW. +t. from its-

mm, LL162[22].tAelng 1 teaching, instruction,M : doctrine :

direction, injunction, command, rale.

tacnan to »wwJfc 6y a tofcen, tienoJe, designate,

mark out. [Oer. zeichnen]-taene v. earfoti-t.

taonend m. indicator, A 13-329.

tacnlan =tacniantaenlng 1 ciemoTulfaMon, proo/, BO901



tcefl fn. cube, die, game with dice or tables.

[L. tabula]tafl-an, -ian to gamble, Gl.tafle adj. given to dice-playing, GnE 185.

taflere m. gambler.

taflstan m. gambling-stone, die, Gl.taflung 1 gaming, playing at dice.

tag=teagtagel, tegl (e) m. 'tail,* LL,WW ; M.taglhar n. hair of the tail, Lod 1-36010.

tagffian (M) =teogo«iantaherlan (NG) -PariantabJber(NG)=teartAhte pret. 3 ag. of t&can.tal (a, e) n. number.tal (a) 1 blame, reproach, calumny, abuse,

OP,WW: blasphemy, ['tele']

+tal I. (e, ea) n., nap. +talu number, series,

lit; M : number of people, tribe : catalogue,

WW418M : estimation, opinion, ['i-tel']

IL adj. np. -f-tale swift, ready, PPs66».tala^teladhtalan (e) to blame, censure, scold, reprove,

reproach, accuse, ;E,AO,CP : speak til of,

slander, insult, deride, Bo,LL,WW : dis-

pute, ['tele']

talberend =telgberend+talelrcul m. cycle, series, WW204".

+talcraft m. arithmetic, J£(e).

+tald=+teld; -tale v. leof-, un-t.

talend m. slanderer, backbiter : mocker,

scoffer : reprover.

talende censorious, slanderous.

tatere (6) m. derider, scoffer, KGL7516.

+talfa8t measurable, LPs38*.talful (a) blameworthy, NC325.talgHitelgtalhlehtorm.dem»on> WW1724

. [hleahtor]

tallan= talian

talla(GPH394)=telga; tallan =tellan

talitas blameless, CP. adv. -lice, CP.talllc blameworthy, slanderous, blasphemous.adv. -lice.

talmeare I date, period, Gu849. [tain]

talmet n. ntttwure, jwrtion, An 1 13. [talu]

(8) f. blame, reproof, CP : slander,

calumny, insult

+talrlm n. order, succession, Sol38.±talsum in numbers, rhythmic, OEG.talon* f. reproof, CP : slander, derision.

talweor*- =t«lwiei«-tal-wlertte, -wierolic reprehensible, blame-worthy, CP. adv. -lioe.

talwlerttllenes (eo*) t reprehensible conduct,

blameableness, CP52".+telwts discreet, capable, WW20740


skilled in arithmetictalwyrd-, tselwyrtS- ^WelwierC-

tamespDe 1 sieve-frame, sieve-standt sieve-

stake? LL456[17]. [cp. temsian]tamian (GDll 9)=temiantanel (e\ P) m. wicker basket, M,WW.['leaner-, tan]

tanen ntacie o/ to*?*, OEG. [tan]

twng-=teng-; tanU=tnneltappa m. 'tap,* spigot, IM.tappe f 7 strip of stuff or cloth, 'tape,* WW107».

tapp-ed, -et n. figured cloth, tapestry, carpet,

TC,WW. ['tapet']

tappelbred n. footstool, NG.tapper* m. tapster, tavern-keeper, 8c,WW.['tapper']

tappestre f. tapstress, female tavern-keeper,

JR. ['tapster']

tappet=toppedtapplan to open (a cask)? furnish it with atap or spoutt IM 125. [' tap*]

tappllbred=tappelbredtar pret. 3 ag. of teran; tar=teartaaan (±) to pull, tear, comb, card. Led :

(•f) wound, injure, assault, ['tease']

±tase pleasant, Met : convenient, suitable, B.['i-tase']

+tase n. advantage, convenience : pleasure,CP387 : useful thing, implement.+t«eed soothed? CP297".tAself. 'teasel' (plant), £c<* 1-282".

+tAslio convenient adv. -lioe conveniently :

?e?t%, ao/Wy, smoothly, CP.t83snoe(NG)=«»Blioe+t£snes f. convenience, WW.tSsu=teoBatatan to caress, Wy4. [tat?]

tatteoa m? ro^, totter, «Ar«d^ iE.

ta«=te», v. to«.

-tawe (So) v. aBl-t.

tagantes helde f. 'artemisia' (plant), WW296«°.

tah pret. 3 ag. of teon ELtihe(GL)=tatanspura m. spur, tip of toe?WW 19714.tahte=t»hte pret. 3 ag. of t&can.tal(N)=talu; talMtSBl; tala=telatald=teald pp. of tellan.

+tale v. tal.

talente f. 'talent' (money of account), AC

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taUan (») (-tellan) to count, calculate,

reckon, account, consider, think, esteem,

value, CP : argue, CP : tell, relate, M :

impute, M.-ftalscip© m. multitude, NO.talt-=tealt-

talu 1 'tale,' series, calculation : telling,

relation, communication, narrative, M,KG :

fable, tale, story : accusation.

+talu v. +t«Lttlwyrt-=t«lwier«-tam 'tame,' JE,Bo,WW : tractable, gentle,

mild, Bo,Qn.tama m. tameness, Bo,Mbt.

i to tame, aootfe, NC326.I v. un-t.

tin L m. fimg, rod, switch, branch : rod o/rfwiiuition. IL shooting? spreadingt Gek2380. IIL pL of ta.

tanede having a disease of the toes t WW161»

dbtang, tange (o) f. (sg. and pL ) pincers,

'tongs,' forceps, JE,BH,Gp,WW ;M.+tang (w. d.) in contact with (—pret. 3 sg.

of +tingan).

+tangflee together, RB471*.

tinhlyta m. soothsayer, augur, diviner, WW1898. [tan, hlot]

tanhlytere m. soothsayer, diviner, WW 183".

+tanned tanned, WWIV&. ['ton']

tannere m. 'toaner,' £02*411.taper {LcdtWJP)=taportapersut t smaU axe, Chb1031a;CC28m.

[ON. taparox]taper (ea1 ; e», u*) m. lamp-wick,



candle, GP : a feeble light, Ph114. [Celtic?]

taporberend m. acolyte, Gl.taran v. teoru.

targa? m., targe? 1 smaU shield, buckler, KG.[v. 'targe']

+tu&& furnished with a shield, OEG2259.taru f. tear, rent, [teran]

taaol, tasul (GL)=teosel; -t&were v. ftoao-t.

±tawlan to prepare, make ready, make : till,

cultivate, BH : harass, afflict, insult, JB,AO.t. td bysmore outrage, profane, JB,W.['taw']

te-=td-; tea(NG)=tien+tead (e) pp. of +teon.teafor I. n. red, red lead, vermilion, purple,

WW. [v. 'tiver'] II. or 7 teaforgeap

(y. GK), meaning doubtful, Ruin31.

teag {&, e) f. cord, band, thong, fetter, Gr,

WW(&) : case, chest : enclosure. ['tie']

teagan=teogan, toon ; teagor (Ou)= tear

Man I. pret. 3 eg. of teon L and IL IL—teag

teal-= tal-, tart-, tel-

teal-=t»l-; +teald=+teldtealde pret. 3 sg. of tellan; tealgor=telgortealt unstable, precarious, Run, W. [' tealt '


tealtlan, 1saltrian (a) to totter; shake, stumble,

waver : be untrustworthy : amble, [cp. Ger.


(e) m. descendant, family, race, line,

JB,Mk,TG : child-bearing, A : company,band, M : 'team' {of horses, oxen, etc.),

WW : vouching to warranty, right ofjuris-diction in matters of warranty, EC(€),LL.+teama (y) m. warrantor, surety, LL.teaman=tiemanteamful fruitful,LPs,WW. [v. 'teemfull']

tfiamtan=tiemanteamed! m. breeding pool, EC3227


tean- (A) =teon- ; teaper (K) =taporttapor(icd)=teafortear m. drop, Cr,Lcd : 'tear,'B,Bl; CP : whatis distilledfrom anything in drops, ' nectar,


WW i CM.tearfllan to turn, roU, wallow, Mk9".tftargiotende tear-shedding,tearful^ia50SLKtearlan (tteherian, e1) to weep, JnL. ['tear']

tearlg, tearlio tearful

tearighleor with tearful cheeks, (WW2867

) =steam ; tearos v. teoru.

teart sharp, rough, severe, A,ORG. ['tart';

tea, pret. of teran]

teartlle sharp, rough, M. adv. -lice, OEG.Vtartly']

teartnes L sharpness, roughness, hardness,

OEG;M. ['tartness']

teartnumol biting, effectual, LodM52».~ (NG)=o»dioe

tea* =teoC, pree. pi. of teon L and ILtebl, tebl-, tebu-=taafl, t»fl-

tie-=teo.; +t*d= +teadtftde pret. of ( ?)*ten to grow rough, [ton]

tMerWtyder; tMr-=tjMr-tefel, tefil=tnfl; t0frung=tifrungteg=teag; tfigaa (M)=tiegantege=tfee; tegl=tiegl* tegtt-=teb«-ten=tean pret. 3 sg. of teon.

tenerlan (A)=teariantehher, teher (tf0)=tearteuton =t»hton pret pL of tftoan.

teles (N)=tfisu; +telM+t«l; tel-=t&l-tela (i, ea, eo) L adv. well, fitly, properly,

rightly, very, good, CP : prosperously,

beneficially. II. interj. well/ good!±teld n. tent, tabernacle, JB,BH,TG. ['teld']

-fteldgennwung I tabernacle, A8'308N.

teldlan to spread {net), set {trap), Gp,PPs.['teld']

teMstleea m. tent-peg, M.+teldung f. tabernacle, EPs 18s

; 77".+teldwur&ung f. feast of tabernacles, WW107".

teldwyrhta m. tent-maker, M.telede=tealde pret. 3 ag. of tellan.

+telfers nm. catalectic verse, OEG.teig (sb) m. dye, colour, tincture.

telga m. twig, branch, bough, shoot, CP : pole,

stock, EC95'.+teig-an, -iau to dye, WW.telgberend yielding a dye, WW462".telgestre (sb1) m. dyer, GD342*.telgian L to put forth branches, Rm34.IL Italian. IIL=telgan


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telgor ml, telgra m.> telgre f. twig, branch,

shoot, JB,Lea\ [v. 'title']

telgung 1 dye, purple dye, WW.toUan= tilian

±teUan (», ea) to 'tefl* ('t-feflc'), redboa,

nttmfrer, compute, calculate, JB,BtJ*k :

account, estimate, consider, think, esteem,

believe, CP,Mt : charge against, impute to :

state, recount, enumerate, announce, relate,

JB,Bo,Chr. t. gelio compare, [talu]

-tellendllc v. un-t.

teltrt, teltreon. weaving-tool? tenterhook?

tent-peg? WW.tern=team; tema=tamat§man=tiemantembyrat m. failure to secure a voucher, EC202. [tfem]Temes, Temeae 1 river Thames, AO. [£.

Tamiaia]±temeslan to sift, MkL(P). ['temse']

±temian to tame, subdue, M,CB : (+) suffer,

permit, ML23*10.

temped tempi n.'

temple,9 JB&,CP,G,VPs.

[L. templum]tajnpel-= tempi-tempelgeat n. temple-door, W491*.

templgeweore n. structure of the temple,

W277».templhJUgung f. dedication of the temple,

OEG40*.tomplic adj. of a temple, OEG.±temprian v. to 'temper,' moderate, JB,8c :

cure, heal, M : control, curb, JB (refl.), LedSc [Lot.]

tempnmg f. tempering, moderation.

ten (VPs)i-*tien ; tenan = tynan, teonan-tendan (y) v. a-, for-, on-t.

tender =tyndertend-lng, -ling I burning, stinging, NC,GD.['tinding']

tene= tien ; tinel {Ep) =ta\nel

±tengan (») to press towards, hurry, hasten,

M. awes t. get away, get off, +t. onassail, AO.+tenge near to, resting on : oppressing,

burdensome, AO.tenU=tceneltennan to lure, coax? Wy4?too pres. 1 eg. of teon I. and II.

teochian= teohhian•Mode pret. of teon EEL, teogan, teohhian.

teofentant to join, put together.

tftofor=teafor; t*ofrlan=tifrian

teogan (OHO. gizehdn) =teohhianteogefta, teogooa=teobateogotflan to 'tithe,' grant or pay tithes, CP :

divide by ten, M.teon fm., gds. teohhe nice : band, troop, com-pany, society. [Oer. zeche]

teon imperat. of teon.

+teoh n. matter, material, universe? Bim2.teohhe v. teon.

±teohhian to determine, intend, propose,M :

consider, think, judge, estimate.

+teohhung I arrangement, ordering, HL13w.

teohlan=teohhian ; teol-= tel-, til-

teoftyrl n. 'foramen,' 'fenestra,' OEG.teom(MtR21*)=tamteon I. (±) sv1 to pull, tug, draw, drag, row(boat), BH,CPJjL : withdraw, take, LL356,70 : entice, allure, induce, lead, bring,

BH,Bl,Bo,Ou; CP : bring up, educate, JB,

Chr : arrogate, CP : bringforth, produce, JB :

restrain, LL : betake oneself to, go. roam,Bo : (+) string up, play (instrument).

+togen lengthened, long (of vowels), MGr49". ['tee,' 'i-teon' ; *teohan] IL av»(but forma belonging to teon L oftenfound) accuse, censure, JB,LL ; AO. [' tee '


*tihan] III. (± ) to prepare, furnish forth,

arrange, adorn, deck : produce, work, create,

make, M : fix, establish, constitute, ordain.[—teohhian] IV. num. = tien. V. n.=teona. VL=deon (v. JAW 19)

teona m. injury, hurt, wrong, Bl,Mt ; AO :

accusation, reproach, insult, contumely, JE,AO,CP : anger, grief : malice, M : enmity,

hostility. Vteen']teonan (y) to injure, irritate, vex, trouble*

grieve : slander, insult.

teonewlde m. hurtful speech : blasphemy.teonewldlan to slander, calumniate, Gl.teond I. m. accuser, LL. II. drawer, BH288".

teone f.= teonateonere m. slanderer, LPs 71*.

teonful slanderous, evil, rebellious, painful,SPs,W;M. ['teenful']

teonhetef m. malicious hate.

teonlan (y) injure, irritate, LPs : slander,


teonleas freefrom suffering, MF174.teonlegf m. destroying flameteonho destructive, shameful, hurtful adv.-hoe.

teonrftden (e*) f. abuse, wrong, injury,

humiliation, M.teonamft m. evil-doer, Gtrl76.teonttg =hundtebntigteonword n. reproach, abuse, calumny.±teorlan to fail, cease, become weary, be tired,

exhausted, Cp,Lcd,LL,WW : 'tire,' weary,exhaust, PPs. [teran]

+teorigendlic/at/tno, defective, So 181*.

teoro=teoru+teorodnes t debility, weariness.

teon m. 'calamus,' 'veretrum,' Lcd,WW.['tarse']

teoru (e) n., oocl. gs. tearos and wk. a. taran' tar, ' bitumen, distillationfrom a tree, resin,

gum, balsam, Cp,Lcd : wax from the ear.

±teorung f. exhaustion, weariness, M.teosel (a, e) m. die ('tessera'). [L.]

teosu (®, e) f. harm, injury, ruin.

teosusprdo 1 harmful speech, PPS13911.teofliiword (teao-) n. calumny, harmful speech.teoewlan (e) to injure, harm, Sol94.

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ISO'S pres. pL of'teon I. and H. ttdllo timely, seasonable, opportune, AOteofla (e)

ctenth,' M^O,Chr. teooan d&l temporal : temporary, adv. -lioe.

tenth part, ' tftte. ' [teogeSa] tldllcnes I opportunity, fit time, NG.tftotfe tefUWy, LL181[10]. tldran=tydran±teotilan to divide by ten, tithe, M : take a tfdren m. h'meZy rain, M.


tenth : give tithes, CP.t*oUing=tSoSungttottlngdaeg m. tithing day, tenth day.

ttottlngealdor m. ruler over ten,

captain of ten.

teottlngmann m. ' tithing-man, ' headborough,LL : captain of ten, AS.

ttoftung t division into ten, decimation,

tenth part, tithe, 'tithing,9 JS,Lk,LL

of ten men, LL.ttoflungeeap m. tithe, Bl39u.

tftottunggeorn diligent in paying tithes, A12-518M.

tftotfimgland n. land set apart for tithes, LL2-750.

ttotfungsoeatt m. tithing-money, tithes.


taped (KOI), tepet=t»pped ; tir (£cd)=tear+ter n. tearing, laceration : thing torn :

tumult, discord.

±toran4 (ea, eo) to tear, lacerate, Bo,Jud,LL,Sc.

terdnes (A13-34)=teartnestergan=tirgantermen m. term, end. [L. terminus]

tero, teru (Ep,WW) =teorutes-=teos-; +Utoe=r+tnaeteter m. tetter, skin eruption, eczema,

worm, Gl,CP.tetarwert f. celandine, [wyrt]

feting =tyhtnng; ti* v. totJ.

t*8a=teoSa; -tewestre v. wull-t.

•n=Tiw; ttan (N)=teon III.

ttber n. offering, sacrifice, victim.

tlbernes t sacrificing, destruction, AO5018.

ticoen (y) n. kid, jE(y),MtL. ['ticchen']

tlcgen (NG)=ticcenttcgende proudly adorned, OEG.tiela m. 'tick' (insect), 01.

tlctator m. dictotor, AO70». [L.]

UA i. time, period, season, while, M,AO,B,BH,0. on tide at the proper time : hour,

M,Chr : feast-day, festal-tide, Chr,MH

±tldrlan (y) to become feeble, weak : decay.

tidsang mn. hour-services, canonical hours,

lauds, M.tfdsoeawere m. astrologer, WW 176*

tfdscrlptor m. chronographer,chronicler,WW204" (hybrid word).

ttdtfenung f. service at one of the canonical

hours, tldum adv. at times, occasionally.

tfflung f. (usu. pL) event, tidings, news, Chr.['tiding']

tidwrttere m. chronicler, Qh.tldwurdung t service at one of the canonical

hours, HL11".tidymbwlatend (e*) m. astrologer, Lcd.tteder-=tider-; tMran=tydran±Began (e, I, y) to 'tie,' bind, JB,GP :join,

connect, MOr. [teag]

tiegle=tigle; tieht-=tyht-tlehtf pres. 3 eg. of teon I. and II.

tiel-=til-; tlema=timatfeman (*, e, I, y) to bring forth, engender,

beget, propagate, JB,W : make answerable

for another person, call as witness, M : vouchto warranty, LL. ['teem' ; team]

-ftteme I. (6, y) suitable. II. (y) team, yoke,JF

tfen (e, i, y) num. 'ten,1 CP.

tfenambre holding ten ambers, Lcd32b(y).

tlenbebod (€) n. decalogue, OEG ll108.

Uenfeald (y) tenfold.

Hfengewlntred (y) ten years old, LL19[27h].tfenhund (5) thousand.

tiennlhte (y) ten days old, ANS 129-22.

tfenstrenge (g, I) ten-stringed, VPs.ttenwlntre ten years old, M(f).tier heap? (GK), drop? (Sedget), Mbt2081 T

tife 1 bitch, LcD64a.titer =tiberttfrlan (eo, f) to paint, depict, figure, [teafor]

tOning (§) f. picture, AS 20".

-tig (6, y) v. fore-, for«-t. ; Tlig=Tiw__,_- „ a . „ . tl^in=tieffan; tigewtygecanonical hour or service, LL,WWy ['tide'] tlgel, tigele f. earthen vessel, crock, pot,

tldan (±) to betide, happen, Bo,LL : fall to potsherd : 'tile,' brick, AO; Mdf : slabs for(one's lot), BC. ['tide,' ' i-tide'] roofing, Cp,Lcd,VPs.

tfdan«enung=tidoenung tigelserne 1 tile kiln? house of brick? KCttdd-=tid, tyd- 3-130".

tlddfigf m. lifetime, tlgelen made of pot, earthenware, SPs2*.tfdeBce =tidllce tlgelfig tile-adorned, An842.ttdembwlatend=tidymbwlatend tigelgeweore n. brick-making, M.tlder, tidre (e, ie, y) weak, frail, infirm, tigeUtah m. brick-field, KC5-267*1.

faint-hearted : fleeting. tigelstftn m. tile, ES11M. [' tilestone']

tMerUe (e, ie) weak, CP. tigelwyrhta (y) m. brick-maker, potter.

tldernes (e, ie) f. frailty (of body or soul). tlgen pp. of teon II.

tfdfara m. one who travels at his own con- tiger pL tigras 'tiger,' JB,Nar.


venience? Ce1674 (or ? two words). tlggan=tlegantldgenge having a monthly course, periodical, tlglng f. tie, connection, J5Gb 14u. [tiga

GPH392. tigl= (1) tigel ; (2) tygel

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ttgle 1 'muraenula,' sea-muUettWW 180*ttgle, tigol(e) =tigel, tigele

tlgolgetel n. tale of bricks, M (Ex6»).tlgon pret pL of Won II.

tfertoe o/o fyer, A4161.ttgtttan(AO)=U6ian-Ogu v. egeogetagtL [egtte] ; tlgule=tigele

tllilan=teohnian; tthtMtyhtfflltf pros. 3 sg. of teon TLtil I. poorf, apt, suitable, useful, profitable :

excellent : frrave : abounding. IL| n. jTOCwi-

n<M, jSlneM. III. n. =tilL IV. (N) prep.

to,MtL,OET. [WiH»]tUa=telatllen 1 endeavour, GD194"tlttremmende well-doing, Bd607


ti]gan=tilian; tQl (OET)=twilictllla, tilig(e)a (y) m. tiller, workman, hind,

labourer, farmer, husbandman, Mt ; M.VtMe'l

tttbn (eo, y) to aim at, aspire to, strive after,

fry, endeavour, JS,Bl;CP : (±) procure,

obtain, gain, provide, J&,Chr,PPs z exert

oneself, work, make, generate, JE,CP : tend,

cherish, cultivate,ltiU,

9plough, CP,Chr,

LcdJjL : trade, traffic, M : (±) treat, curt.


tfflt b~ station, standing-place.


+tman to touch, attain, M.tOIIet adj. fit, good. adv. -Hoe.

tllmddlgt well-disposed, kind, good.

tH8f tiltSe (y) 1 'titih,' labour, husbandry, W :

crop, harvest, A : gain, profit, OEG.tfhmg (eo, ie, io, y) f. acgtfwt&m, procuring


care, solicitude : occupation, work, perform-ance, CP : tending, culture, husbandry, M :

produce, gain, income, M.Ubul m. ' time, ' period, space of time, JByAO :

)Sa«* time, CP,Q,WW : favourable time,

opportunity, CP : a metrical unit, A.tlman=tieman±timber n. 'timber,' building material, LL :

act of building : building, structure, BH,Lcd,MtL, VPs : trees, woods, AO. [v. Mdf]

tlmbergeweorc n. cutting hmfcr, BC1-3449.

-ftfanberhilgung f . consecration ofa building,

OEG56M7 .

tlmberhryeg m. wooded ridget KC.ttmberland n. land given for repairing andmaintaining buildings.

timber=timberirtlmbran, timbrian to build, construct, erect,

effect, do, AO,CP,PPs ;M : edify, instruct :

cut 'timber.'

+tlmbre n. building, structure, jE,AO.tlmbrend mf. builder.

tlmbrung f. act of building, M : structure :


+tbnlan (y) to happen, fall out, M.tXmllc adj. temporal, earthly, adv. •lice

quickly, soon, early, M.\ f. timbrel [JL]

t female timbrel-player, LPs67M.

tbnple 1 a weaver's instrument, LL456[15.1].tfnU 'to,' CP. II. f. beam, rafter, Gi»IIL=tinentmnnm.=tientmellan to tickle, So.


tmd m. spike, beak, prong, tooth of a fork,

Cp,EpJ3ol ['tine']

ttndig spiked, WW 116".

ttndlht forked, jagged, beaked.

tmdre=tyndretlnen made of tin, MQr. [' ftnnen *]

+Ung, tinge= +tyng, tynge+tffigan* to press against, Ak138.+ttngeraft m. mechanics, HGl479.

v. gafol-t.

beam, A 19-491.

to stretch, Gl : desire, longfor? burntRim54.

tlnnen=tinentmstrenge= tlenstrenge

tintergwtintregttntertfegn=tintregSegntlntreg {AO;M) n., tintrega m. torture,

torment, punishment, AO,Lk,W. ['tin-



ttntreglan to torment, afflict, torture, punish,M,AO.

tintregUc/utf of torment, infernal, BH346"tmtregstow f. place of torment, Guth38*.tintregSegn m. torturer, executioner.

tmtregung 1 torture, punishment, M.tlntrlan (AO)=tmtregiantlo- = teo- ; tiol- =tel-, til-

tlr (y) m. ft) fame, glory, honour, ornament :

name of the runefor t : name ofa planet anda god {Mare), Run 17.

tlrtadlgt glorious, famous.ttrfsBstf glorious, famous.ttrfruma m. prince of glory, Cb206.Urgan (e, y) to worry, exasperate, pain.provoke, excite, Ou. Vtar']

Urging (y) 1 'zelus,* provocation, BlPs.tlrlftas inglorious, infamous, B843.tlrmeahtigt of glorious might.

tlrtS pres. 3 ee. of teran.

tlrwlne m. (famous) follower, retainer, Mbt26»

ttt, tite=titt

tltellan to indicate by a written mark, entitle,

ascribe, M. [L. titulus]

tltelung f. ' recapitulation a giving of titles

or headings, OEG 1153.tltolose 'tidulosa* (plant), OEG56"*.

tltt m. 'teat,' nipple, breast, Lcd,LkLR.tittetryeel m. teat, WW158M.

titol m. 'title,' superscription, MkLIB".[L. titulus]

ttt I. f. assent, permission : giving, grant,boon, favour, concession, JB,BH (tigtf).

tioe fremian to grant, ['tithe'] II. pres.3 sg. of teon L and IL

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tr&a m., tiCe f. (only in phr. t. beon, weortfan)

sharer in, receiver, grantee, BH,Mt. [' tithe '


±tffilan (often w. g. thing and d. pers.) to

give, bestow, grant, permit, JB,AO,BH.['tithe']

ttftlDg== toothing

+tlung £ preparation, Cp684A.tturung=teorungTTw Tiw (northern god of war), Mars :

name of the rune for Utfwesdag m. 'Tuesday,* A ; RB.tlwesnlht f. Monday night, Lod.t5 I. prep, a (w. d.) (motion) 'to,* into, to

emnee abreast of : (rest) at : (figurative

direction, object of verb) conducing to, to.

fdn to rice to ascend the throne : (definition,

destination) for, as a. wyrcan to wite to

contrive as a punishment : in accordance

with, according to : (time) at. to midreniht at midnight to dag to-day. td

langnm fyrste for a long time : (with

gerunds) to express purpose, etc 6 (w. g.)

(of time) at. II. adv. besides, also, Bo :

'too,* excessively, Bl,Cr : thereto : towards,

in the direction of : in addition, besides.

adverbial phrases;—to Cam (o«m), td

ttas (1) so (adeo), to such an extent. (2) to

that end. (3) moreover, however, to hwaeawhither, to Cam ©set, td fly tSset t'n order

ffczt. to oon tSaet ur^ti. td ttes tSe wfon,where, td hwon, td hwy /or wAat, where-

fore, td sdtium tra/y. to tiearfe according

to what is needed. S»r td eacan t'n addition

thereto, ne td wuhte fry no rnean^. tdhim next or nearest to him.

to- prefix I. with accent (stress) it has themeaning of adv. td (as in tdoweoan, td-

bringan, tdouman). [Oer. zu-] II. with-out accent =asunder (as in tdbreoan).

[Oer. zer-]

toaetycan (e») to add to, increase, BH1121.


tdsetycnes f. increase, BH2-242.

toamearcian to mark out, assign, So29*.

tdaspanan7 to entice to one, allure.

toawyllan to roll to, roll.

tdb&dan to elevate, exalt.

tdbtatan7 to beat severely, destroy by beating,

AO. ['tobeat']

tdbecuman* to come to, approach.

tobefealdan' to fold together, WW34310.

tdbefldwan7 to flow round or up to.

tdbegletan* acquire, purchase, EHy416.

tobellmpan' (impers.) it belongs, behoves,


tdbeottan to threaten, BH.tdberan4 to remove, carry off, purloin, M,Bl


scatter, dissipate, distract, destroy : swell,

CP : separate. [4fooear*]

toberennes f. difference, WW390".toberstan* (intr.) to burst apart, go to pieces,

MyAO : (tr.) cause to burst apart, shatter,

M. Ctoburst'l

tdbentung 1 bursting, Lod 74a.

tdblgend bowing down, tottering, WW38680.

tftbU&dd v tdblawan.toblawan7 (but with rare wk. pp. tdblndd)

to blow to pieces, blast, scatter, M : puff up,

inflate, distend, M,Lcd. [' toblow']

tdblawennes 1 inflation, JR.

tdbodlan to announce.toborstennes f. abscess, Lcd1-322m.

tdbr&dan to spread abroad, disperse, scatter,

Bo; AO,CP : spread out, extend, Mt;M :

open, dilate : multiply, ['tobrede']

td-br&dednes, -briednes f. broadness, breadth,

Ps.tdbreoan4 to break in pieces, break up, shatter,

destroy, ruin, wreck, overthrow, annul, M,Bo,Lcd;AO,CP : break through, violate,

force, ^J^lO : interrupt, ['tobreak']

tdbrtdan L=tdbregdan. H.=tdbrredantdbregdan* tear in pieces, wrench apart, rend,

lacerate, AO,MtR : cast off, shake off : turn

to, turn about. sl£pe tdb. awake, wake up.


tobrengnea f. oblation, offering, EPs397.

tobrltttan=tdbrytantdbrocenllc brittle, fragile, W263M.

tdbrys-an, -ian to bruise, shatter, break to

pieces, Mt ; M. [* tobruise']

tdbrytan to break in pieces, destroy, JB : be

repentant, ['tobryt']

tobrytednes f. contrition, sorrow, LPs.tdbrftendllc brittle, fragile, WW242"tdbrytlng f. crushing, contrition, Sc82u.

tdbryttlan=tdbrvtantie pret. 3 sg. of tacan.

toeeorfan* to cut, cut to pieces, cut off, cut

away, M,MkL. ['tocarve']

tdoftowan1 to bite to pieces, chew, eat, M.Ctochew']

tooh=tdhtdclme=tdoymetdclnan1 to split open, cleave asunder, splinter,

crack, Cp,Lcd ; M. [* tochine ']

tdefrhus n. lodging-house, inn, WW 147**.

tdcl&fan to split, cleave, OEG18b»tdcleofan* to cleave asunder, split, divide, Bo


M. [t



tdcleoplan = tdclypian

toclifian to cleave to, adhere, stick to, BPs.tdcllfrian to be torn in pieces, scratched about,


tdollp-=tdolyp-tdclyplan to call to, invoke.

tdclyplgenclllc vocative, iEGte.

toclypung f. calling upon, invocation, M.tocnawan7

to know, acknowledge, recognize,

distinguish, discern, jE,CP.tdcnaw(en)nes f. understanding, discernment,


tdcnyssan to shake, RB121 6.

tdouman4 to come, arrive, CP.tdewsBS-cednas (RPsl05*°), -tednes (SPs) f.

trembling, shaking.

tdewetian* forbid, interdict, prohibit, M.

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tdcwfsan=tocwyaantocwyiman to torment, HL12".tfcwfnn to crush utterly, grind to pieces,

bruise, destroy : be crushed, J&.

tdewfMdnes £ crushed condition, M : con-

trition, GD125".toeyme m. coming, advent, arrival, M,Et,CP.Itocome']

tocyrcanwerd towards church, iEL31M1.

tocyrran (intr.) to part, separate, Chb.todag, todage adv. to-day, M,AO,CP.tddflU=todaltodftlan (e) tr. and intr. to divide, separate,

scatter, disperse, JB,AO,Bo,Chr,W : dis-

member, cut off, destroy : distribute, M :

discriminate, distinguish : be divided.


tftdAledllee adv. separately, distinctly,

diversely, JEQr.tddfilednes f. division : severance, separation :

intermission, respite, cessation, M.tdd&tendllc separable, distinct, adv. -lice.

todfilnes t division, separation, CP.tddal n. partition, division, separation, M :

difference, distinction, discretion, M : dis-

persion :'comma,* dividing point, clause,

section, period.

todtlan (KGl) = Wki&lantodtman to decide, judge, sentence, determine,

tddlhtntan to dispose, arrange, BlPs82«.tdddn anv. to apply, put to, add, Lcd : divide,

separate, distinguish, Hex,LL : undo, open,

unbind, PPs. ['todo']

todr&tan to scatter, disperse, separate, drive

out or apart, BH,Mt ; JE. [' todreve']

to-dr&fednes (M), -drames f. dispersion,


tddrtfan to disturb, bring into confusion,

trouble, [drdf]

todrioaan* to be destroyed, perish, decay,

MH. Vtodrese']

tddrtfan1 to scatter, disperse, drive away, B,JnL;& : destroy, repel ['todrive']

todwAscant to put out, extinguish.

tieacan prep, and adv. besides, moreover,

also, ;EtAO,CP.tifeoen ptc. joined to, added.

tdeean=tdeaoan; tdecnai=t6Icne8tdefenes, tdemnes (AO) prep, (d.) alongside.

toendebyrdnes I order, series, BH216M.

toe*(VPs)=t5«tdCtflan to inspire, GD270".tptong=tofengtdter n. departure, decease, LkLO*1


totaran* intr. to be scattered, disperse,

separate, disappear, Gen,Lcd ; AO. [' to/are ']

tofealdan7 to come to land (trans, of L.

'applicare'), iEGEl38».tdfeallan7 to fall down, collapse, AO : fall

apart, faU off, M. I'tofaW]tdfeng I. (?) m. grip, seizure, LPs 123*.

II. pret. 3 eg. of tdfon.

tfftran to go in different directions, separate,

disperse, JE : deal out, distribute, M.

toferian to carry different ways, scatter, die-perse, get rid of : put off : digest, RB32M.

tofMan to drive away, rout, W.toflndan* to find out.

toflftam m. refuge, RPs93n.

to-fleon, -fleogan* to be dispersed, fly apart,burst, Led. Vtofly']

tdfleotan* to carry away by a flood, Chb1097.

tofldwan7 to flow down or apart, be spilt,

melt, JEyCP i flow away, ebb : flow to, pourin : distract, CP.

tofldw-(ed)nes, -en(d)ne8 f. flowing, flux, &.tdfon 7 to take to, accept, bring back.

to-foran, -foren, -foron prep. (w. d.) (timeand place) before, BH,Chr,0 : (superiority)above, over, beyond, JB,Bo : besides, MB.2-584. O/ore 1


toforansettan to place before z come before,anticipate.

toforlfitan7 to dismiss, OEG606.toforlaMennes t remission, JE.

toft m. homestead, site of a house, KC,Lcd


LL400. ['toft']

tofultumlan to help, assist.

tofyllan to smite in pieces, PPs67£1.

tdtylstan to help, aid.

+tag n. tugging, spasm, Lod 1-356*.

togSBdereweard adv. towards one another,AO.

to-gtedre, -gedere, -gadere adv. 'together,9

An,BC,Mt. tdg. gin, fon, cuman to en-gage in battle, Chb. [gaderian]tdgagnes=togegnes, togeanestdgAlan to profane, defile, LPs88M.

togfinan to say, affirm, LPs93*.togan I. anv. pret. 3 sg. toeode to go to orinto : (impers. w. g.) come to pass, happen :

separate, part, depart, M. Vtogo'] II.(Lcd 1-364) =togang

tdgang m. approach, access, attack.

togangan7 to go away, pass away, BH,Rd.Vtogang']

togean prep. w. d. towards, MkL (-esegn).['togains']

togeanes prep. w. d. and a.; adv. inopposition to, against, B,Chr,SPs : totoards,to, jE,BL him tog. to meet him : >fore+CP : t» return, in reply, ['togains']

togeare adv. in this year, A8-32710.

togecliflan (eo, y)=toclinantogecliplan (y») to call together, send for.togeoorennes I adoption, DR291*.

togefacnian to add to, increase.

tfgeecan = togeicantogeefnan? to associate with, join oneself to?AS38*. [MS. toffeenan]

togefultumlan=tdroltnmiantogegnes (A) =Wgeaneetogegrlpan1 to seize, lay hold, -gehyhtan to add to.

tdgahlytto f. fellowship, union, DR109".togelean to add to, increase* A8-306 ; GD621*.

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tdgefcendtte added to, adjectival, adjective,

MGr.togelhtnes f. addition, increment, A 8-302.

togeladung f. assembly, MFH174.togel&dan to lead to, bring in.

togetiastan to accompany, WW365".

togelatiian to invite to, summon to.

to-gelengian, -gelencgan to join.

tdgelfetan =t6gel&Btantogen pp. of teon I. (and oocly. II.).

tdgentalAean = tdneal&cantogenMan =togenidantogenes (A)= tdgeanestogengan to separate, Gen 841.

togenidan (f) to compel, force.

tdgtotan* to pour away, spill : spread :


tdgeaamnlan to assemble together.

togesetadan7 to expound, interpret.

togtsoofen (CP) pp. of tdscufan.

togesettan to put to, RPs9*'.togetellan to reckon, compute : compare.togeteon* 1 to draw towards, attract, BPs.togettan impers. to twitch, be spasmodic, Lod81a. [togian]

togafttodan (ie, y) to adhere, cling to : adjoin,

BH66»».togewegen applied, BH.togewunod accustomed, AS 23*.

tdge?ean=togeioantogian to draw, drag, HL 15™. ['tow']

toggle, togifes adv. freely, gratis.

toglnan1 to be opened, split, gape, yawn. [op.

Oer. gahnen]togDdan1 to glide away, split, slip, fall

asunder, vanish, B,Met. ['toglide']

togotannas f. pouring out, effusion, shedding,

spreading, lin.+togu np. traces (ofa horse), ML3l9n.

togung f. tugging, twitch, spasm, Lod.ton * tough,' Cp,Ep : tenacious, sticky, Led.

tdhacclan to hack to pieces, ^(31M ).


tohAlan to emasculate, weaken, MFH 174.

tonaW=tohealdtoheald (a, y), adj. and adv. inclined, for-

ward, in advance.

tdhfewan7 to hew in pieces, J&,Chr. [' tohew']

tohlgung f. result, effect, DR.tdhiht=tohyhttohl=toltdhJadanet to scatter, disperse, destroy (or ?


tohldotan* to divide by lot.

tohllc tough, tenacious, adv. -Hoe.

tohlldan1 to split, open, spring apart, burst,

gape, break, AO.tohllne f. tow-line, WW [togian]

tohloc6n=tolocen pp. of tolucan.

tohlystan to listen, CP.tonnasdan to soften, Lod.tdhopa m. hope, Bo,PPs ; CP. ['tohope']

tohopian to hope, CP.tdhopung f. faith, trust, JEL231*

tdhrlosan* to faU to pieces, decay, BH,W;ML. ['toreose']

tohrftran to break, shake to pieces, destroy.

tdhrleod ptc. cutoff, dispersed, GPH 398,399.

tohrfran to shake tn pieces, v. OEG2261.+toht n. battle array, battle, Ma 104.

tohtof f. fight, conflict, battle, campaign.tdhwega adv. and sb. somewhat, some, alittle.

tohweorfan* to go away, separate, scatter,

disperse, Chb.tdhwon adv. wherefore, why : to which(point), to what extent, how far, how long :

to which end, for what purpose or reason.

tdhyht m. hope, refuge, consolation.

tohyld=tohealdtolcan (e, y) to increase, BH 112*8.

tolcnes (e*) f. increase, BH226*1.

tfternan* to run to, run together : flow away,be dispersed : run hither and thither, wanderabout.

tdlman=tdiernan; tol=toll

tdl n. 'tool,' instrument, implement, AS,Bo,LL : weapon, ZIM 9-424.

tolfigon pret. pL of tolicgan.

tolflttan7 to disperse, relax, release.

tolsetennas f. despondency, Lod 1-262*.

tolcendUce adv. wantonly, GPH401.toloettende 'indruticans,' v. OEG1218.toloetung f. wanton excitement, OEG.toleegan to disjoin, separate. [Oer. zerlegen]

t©leo*lan=t6U«ian; tdlte-=talys-

tottrio 'toll-free,' ZC4-209.tolgetung==toloetung; tollo=tohlic

tolicgan* to lie or extendindifferent directions,

separate , part, divide, A0,BC. [' tolie



tolttftan (eo) to dismember, separate, M.toll mn. impost, 'toll,' tribute, Chr,EC,Mt,OEO : passage-money, M : rent, AS : act or

right of taking toll, A.tollere m. tax-gatherer, publican, A,WW.['toller']

tollsceam-ol, -ulm. seat ofcustom, treasury, G.tollsclr f. taxing district, jEH2-468».toln f. toll, custom, duty, TC. ['tolne']

tolnere m. tax-gatherer, WW. ['tolner']

tolsetl n. place of toll or custom, IE,

tolucan* to pull apart, dislocate, destroy, BH.['tolouk']

tdtysan to dissolve, loosen, relax,M : unhinge,

separate, break open.

td-tyaednes, -lyanes f. loosing, dissolution,

dispersion, destruction, release, dismissal :

desolation, GD : death.

tdlfsend m. destroyer, WW2201*.

tdtysendllo destructive, LPs 119*.

tfiyslng (e) f. loosing, release, redemption :

destruction, Lod 3-206*°.

torn= tarn

torn adj. w. g. freefrom, Cr 1211. ['toom']

tomnldan to hinder by speech, DD26.[meldian]

tdmearclan to distinguish, describe, note

down, enrol

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tomearcodnef 1 enumeration, census, enrol-

ment, Lk2«.tft-margan, -merigen (iE)=tomorgentfimatan* to mete out, LPs 107*.

tftmhklaa prop. (w. d.) amidst, among, in ike

midst of, MJn;AQ,CB. adv. into the

midst, BJLcd. ['tomids']

tdmorgen adv. to-morrow.

ton damn, of ton.

tdnama m. other name, surname, Mk;M.['toname']

ftdnamtan v. +tornamian.tdnaalAcan to approach, Pas.

tdnamnan to distinguish by name, name, AO.tdntoDoan=tdnealafean

tong, tonge=tang, tangetonlan to thunder, £»b138».tonloe=tnnecetdnlman4 to divide, separate, take apart : take

t6nom-=t6nam-lop m. 'top' {highest part), WW\4Zn : tassel,

tuft i top {plaything)? baUt AfT13u.

toppa m. thread, OEG23".tor=tprrtorAeari (pret. 3 ag. tdrnhte) to join, puttogether, OEG4489.

tdraMMlan=t6rendan; toranaaga=torenigetfebagata (o?) hard to get, Lod431>.toreht, torct- =torht, torht-

toranl n. wine-press, MtR21n. [L.]

torcyrre hard to convert, MH110U.

tord n. piece of excrement, dung, filth, Lgd.tordwllal m. dung-beetle, Lod.toren pp. of teran.

tdreDdan (») to rend apart, tear in pieces,

MkLJPs. Vtorend']toren-eage, -Ig(g)e, -lege blear-eyed, CP.tortoaan=tohrlosantdrflan to throw, cast missiles, shoot, stone,

Mk;M : be tossed, NG326. ['tort*']

torfung 1 throwing, casting {of stones), AO.torht L n. clearness, brightness. IL adj.

bright, radiant, beautiful, splendid, noble,

illustrious, Ph. V torht']

torhte adv. brightly, clearly : beautifully,


torhtlan to show, Cp216i.torhtllct bright, clear, radiant,

adv. -lice.

torhtm6d| glorious, noble.

torhtnas f. radiance, splendour.

torinnan (CP)=tdiernantorn I. n. anger, indignation : grief, misery,

suffering, pain. [Oer. zorn] II. adj.

bitter, cruel, griewis.+tornamlan to name besides, surname, LkL614 (=t6namian, BT)

tornewidef m. offensive speech.

tornaf adv. indignantly, insultingly, bitterly,


torngamot n. battle, B1140.tornganlBlaf m. angry opponent.tornljga= torenlge

tornlie sorrowful, grievous, PPs 126s.toramdd angry, Gu621.tornsorg f. sorrow, care, FT76.

tornword n. offensive expression, Cb172.tornwracu £ revenge, Gu272.tornwyrdan to be incensedt A0641


toroe grub, weevUt WW224" (ES4M64).tororen= tdhroren pp. of tohreoaan.

torr m. 'tower,' watch-tower, CP,MtL ; AO :

rock, crag, Mdf. [L. turns]tdryne m. running together, concourse, ES39-353.

torjpan to scratch, EC16418.

toaJMan (impera., w. d. pen, and g. thing)to be unsuccessful, fail : lack, want

toaamna=toaomnetoaftwan7 to strew, scatter, spread, M.tosoa m. frog, toad, DR.PPs.tftffftafftin — toaceaoantoacadan (KGL)=t5aoeadantdaaidannaa =t6aceadene8toaasagda v. toaoeogan.

toae&nan to break in pieces, break, JB^fnL,MkLR. Vtoshene'l

t6aoeaoane (a) to shake in pieces, WW : drive

asunder, drive away, shake off, M. [l



toaceaoarian to scatter, ML2ZU.

toaoead n. distinguishing, distinction, differ-

ence, M,CP.tfaoaadan7 (a) to part, separate, scatter,

divide : set at variance, CP : discern, dis-

criminate, distinguish, decide, JRJSo ; CP


differ. Vtoshed']toaoaadend m divider, separator, WW223* .

toaoaadenes (a) £ separation : distinction.

tosoecgan (») to be separate, differ, BH160»n.


toaeeotan* intr. to spring apart, disperse, M.Vtoshoot']

tfaaarlan (KGL)=t6aoirianHadrian (e, y) to divide, detach, separate,

Gl.tdaortftan1 to flow apart, disperse.

toaoQfan* to push apart, scatter : impel, incite,

CP : do away, remove.

toaayftan to divide, distribute, [aciftan]' ~ '

_ 1-lan, -ian (e) tr. and intr. to separate,

livide, NC351.toacyrtan=tosciriantosacan to find out, AS7"?tdaandan (tr.) to send to : send apart, sendout, disperse : destroy.

tdaaotfan* to boil thoroughly, Lod.toaatadnaa £ 'disposition EPs727


tdaattan 'disponere,' Pss,Bl.toslgan1 to wear out, be threadbare, M.tdatttan* to be separated, AO.tosladan to slacken, relax, loosen, dissolve.

tdaUBtan to cut up, NR32*.tdaltan* to strike in pieces, destroy, JBtAO,Gl : drive away, RB18M. ['today']

toaHIan1 to split, WW.

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tdsHtan1 to tear asunder, rend, wound, breakopen, open, M,CP : interrupt : separate,

scatter, destroy, CP : distract : be different,

NG.tfiaUtnaf (y*) 1 laceration : division.

tosltlpan* to slip away, be relaxed, faU to

pieces, open, dissolve, M,GP : melt (with

fear) : be paralysed. tdalopen relaxed,

loose, dissolute.

toslflplng f. dissolving, dissolution, S068*.tosmeagan to inquire into, consider, Bo 148*.

tdsnftdan to cut up, NR28*.tdsnfflan1 to cut asunder, cut up : cut off,

amputate.tosdcn 1 visiting, NC326.tdftdcnes f. pursuit, DR2818


tdsdcnung £ pursuit, DR81 7.

tosomne adv. together, JB,AO,Bl;CP. t.

otunan to engage in battle, ['tosame']

toaomnlan to collect together, bring together,


toaotian adv. in sooth, in truth.

tdspecan=t6sprecan ~.

tosprfte 1 speaking to (another), conversation,

1E,CP.tbepr&dantoapreadouttIM;M. [*tospread']

tdsprlngan* to spring apart, fly asunder,crack, AS. ['tospring']

tospryttlng f. inciting, ChbIIOI.tosta=tosoatdstanean=tftstenoan

tdstandan' to be put off, not to occur : standapart, differ from, be discordant, M.

tostencan (ft) to scatter, disperse, drive apart,

drag along, M,GP : nullify, destroy : perish,

SPs82».tfi-stenoednes (M), -stenc(en)nes, f. dis-

persion, dissolution, destruction.

tfstenoend m. prodigal, Lcd.tdsteng-= tdstenc-

tfstbrfan to pierce, AO 128".

tostfhtan to order, arrange, CPslll*.tdsttncan* to distinguish by smell, 2EH2-372.tfatlngan* to thrust in, pierce,, -stredan* (and wv.) to scatter,

dissipate, disperse, CP : distract : destroy.

tostrtt (CP) pros. 3 eg. of tosfcregdan.

tosundrlan to separate.

tdswftpan7t to disperse.

tdsweUan* to swell out, M. ['toswett']

tdswengan to drive asunder, destroy, [swing


an]toaweorcan* to obscure, OEG1737.toswtfan1 intr. to separate, Met 11m.

tosyndrlan to sunder, separate, divide


4-tot n. pomp, parade, vainglory, M.tdtalu f. reputation, DR102*.tdtellan to distinguish, Mbt16u.

tdtton*. 1 to draw asunder, pull apart, rend,

destroy, AO : take to oneself, claim for one-

self, LL (or T td prep.).

tdteran4 to tear in pieces, bite, lacerate, cut

out, M,AO,CP : destroy : harass (mind).


to peep out, stick out, CP1Q&. ['toot9

]tdtihting f. instigation, Chb1094. ,

tftorflan to cast about, toss, Mt 14*.

totrsBgllan to pull to pieces, strip, GPH396*".

tdtredan* to tread to piecesf Gl.totrida m. swingt Gl,WW276w.

totwdman (e, 6a) to separate, divide, dis-

sever, AO ; M : break up, break in pieces,

dissolve : cause to cease, LL : divorce, Chr968d. ['totweme']

tdtwfimednes 1 separation, distinction.

to-twftman, -tweaman=t5tw£mantiff m. t da. and nap. t6ti, occl. da. tone andnap. toC(ae) 'tooth,' Cp,Lcd,LL,MtR,VPs;AO : tusk, WW397*7

. tGbum ontynanto utter.

tdSeee («•) m. toothache.

tittenednaa t stretching, distention, OEG5452.

tdttenlan to attend upon, serve, So 102*.

tokening t distension, OEG247*.

tdttftnung I administration, CM 1185.

tiWersean* to dash in pieces, Chb1009.

tdttgftr m. tooth-pick, Lcd13b.

tdtflndaii* to swell up, inflate, puff up, M :

be arrogant.

totfleas toothless, GPH394.tottmsBgen n. strength of tusks, GnC20.tittrfiatan to crush, destroy, CPslOO".t5t5reoma=t6Crima; t#5reaoan=tooerscantdttrlma (eo1) m. enclosure of teeth, gum.tdttrlngan to drive asunder, Rd4w.

titiaaalf 1 tooth salve, Lod.ttfettoca m. toothpick, WW219*tottunden pp. of tdtiindan.

totiundenes 1 the state of being puffed up,arrogance, M.WBundenllo arrogant adv. -lice.

tifiunlan to astonish, WW346".titfwsero m. toothache, Lod.tdtivrtnan1 to disappear HL15*00

. [dwinan]tottwyrm m. a worm in the teeth, Lod 19a.

towa&lede (NG) pret. eg. of *t6wealwian to

roll to.

td-ward, -warde8=t5-weardf -weardestowcr&ft m. spinning, HL10**9


tfweard I. adj. facing, approaching, impend-ing, BH,Bl,Lcd : future, M,El,Bo,Mk.II. prep. (w. d., g.) towards, AO,CP.III. adv. towards, forwards, ['toward,'


tiweardes=t5weard II., in.toweardllo in the future, M. adv. -lice,

BH368".tdweardnes t future, time to come.toweaxan7 to grow apart, NR22.t5wecean to arouse, excite, B2948.tiwegan* disperse, scatter, Ph 184.

tdwendan to overthrow, subvert, destroy, M9

AO. ['towend']

tdweorpan* (e, u, y) to cast down, break inpieces, dissipate, blot out, destroy, M,Bo,Mt ; AO.CP : throw out, CP. ['towarp



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toward ==tdweard; towerpan=toweorpanto-wesnes (CP), -wesenes, -weetnes (BH) Idissolution : separation, discord, dissension

towettan to associate with, LL(322»1).

towhus n. tow-house, spinning-house orchamber, WW186M.

to-wittera, -wiore prep. (w. d., a.) against : inanswer to.

towlic belonging to thread, t. weorcmaterial for spinning, WW.

towntfderce 1 tow-chestf work-box? TC538*1.

toword (VPs)=t6weardtdworpednes=tdworpennestdworpennes f. subversion, destruction, deso-

lation, M,CP : dispersion : casting out, ex-


tdwrecan*f to drive asunder, scatter, dissipate.

towrttan1 'adscribere,9

'describere,' OEG1065.

tdwrltennes t writing down, description, M.towrfBan1 to twist apart, distort, jEGb155u.

towtol n. spinning implement, LL465[15,1].tdwunderllc 'admirabUis,' SPs41*.towurpan (J5)=tdweorpantowyrd I. I opportunity, BH52». II.-tdweard

towyrpan =tdweorpantowyrpendlic destructible, 6PH394.towyrpnes= tdworpennestoxa (OEG 1858) =toscatd?can=tdican; toyman =t6iernantractorfunnel, NC351. [L. trajectorium]treed pret. 3 eg., trodon pret. pi. of tredan.tree! n., nap. tr(e)afu tent,pavilion : dwelling,

building, An844.

trogllan to pluck, pull, GPH398.tr8Bndel=trendel; trssppe = treppetratu v. trei.

trig I.| adj. evil, mean, bad. II. f. evil,

affliction, El668.trftge adv. evilly, cruelly, PPs 108*°.

-tr&glice v. un-t.

traht m. text, passage : exposition, treatise,

commentary, M. [L. tractus]

trahtati m. commentary, WW. [L.]

trahtbdc f. (religious) treatise, commentary,M. [trahtian]

traht-ere, -nere {M) m. expounder, com-mentator, expositor.

±traht-lan, -nian (M) to treat; comment on,

expound, consider. [L. traotare; Oer.

trachten]trahtnung, trahtung f. explanation, ex-

position, commentary, tragic, BH154*.tramet m. page (of a book), JSG&.trandende (o1) precipitous, steep, Cp805p.trappe=treppe; tratung= trahtungtre (NG), trea (VPs) = treow I.

treafllee grievously, PPsl02«.treatu v. tret±treaglan to sew together, mend, OEG.treaht- = traht-; trtawa==treowa±tredan* (eo) tr. and intr. to 'tread, ' step on,

trample, B,CP,PPs ; AO,JE : traverse, passover, enter upon, roam through, B.

treddan to tread on, trample : investigate,

-tredde v. ele-, win-t.

traddlanf to tread, step, walk,

into fit to tread on, firm, Cb1166.tredel m. step, WWllV : sole of foot, LL438[21]. ['treadle']

tredend m. treader, WW1979.

trtg=trigtrega m. misfortune, misery, trouble, grief,

pain, Oen,Met,BB. ['tray']

tregian to trouble, harass, vex : grieve.

+tregian to feel repugnance at, A 2-358.

trahtore==trahtere; tramMtrymtremegan==trymian, trymmantremes =trymes ; tremm-=trymm--tremman v. witS-t.

trendan to turn round, revolve, roU, NC326.trendel (», y) n. sphere, circle, ring, orb,

M,Chr,Lcd : circus, ['trendle']

trendeled (y1, y

2) made round, WW 152*.

[v. 'trindle']

trendelnes t circuit, surrounding space, RPsll»(u*).

-trendttan v. a-t. ; trtoMtreowtreodan(VPs)=tredan; trto*=treowfjtreow I. n. (nap. treowu, treow) 'tree,' M,BH,CP,VPs;U6i : wood, timber, BH :

beam, log, stake, stick, AO,Bl ; CP : wood,grove : tree of the cross, cross, Rood. II. f.

(u, y) truth, fidelity, faith, trust, belief :

pledge, promise, agreement, treaty : favour,grace, kindness. [Oer. treue]

trtowa (AO.CP) = triiwa

trtowan = triewantreowcynn n. species of tree, 2E.

trtowe I. = triewe. 1 1.=treow II.

treowen (I, y) of a tree, of wood, wooden,Led; JR. ['treen']

trftowtost true, faithful, MtL,PPs;M.['truefast']

+trtowfsstntan to be trusty, MtL p4".treowfeglng f. joining together (of boards),

WW206".trtowtugol m. forest bird, Gu707.±trtowtul faithful, trusty, true. adv. -lice.

+treowfulnes f. 'Israel' (/) RPs21*» ; Hy7«.trtowgettoftat m. faithful comrade.trtowgeweorc n. wood-work, a structure oftimber, BH272*.

trtowgewrld n. thicket of trees, Guth207.

treowian= triewan±treowleas faithless, treacherous, false, CP :


trtowleasnes f. treachery, faithlessness :

unbelief, heresy.

trtowllc true, faithful, trusty, adv. -lice,

PPs. V truly*]

trtowloga m. pledge-breaker, B2847.treowluru f. true love, Cb538.trtownes (e) f. object of trust, Bo 149*.['trueness']

trtowrftden f. state offidelity, Gen2305.

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±tr*owslan to plight one's faith, Chr,LL{y)


exculpate oneself. ['treowse9


trtowrteall n. grove, plantation, EC,KC.treowstede m. grove, WW 149".

triowteru (treot-) n. tree-tar, resin, WW.±treowt$ (ie, y) f. 'truth,

9veracity, AO :

troth, faith, fidelity, JB,AO : pledge, cove-

nant, A.triowtfrfiff t time for faithfulness, fidelity,

Rim57.triowufsMt=treowtesttrtowweastm m. produce of trees, Chb.treowweorftung (. tree-worshipping, LL.triowwyrhta (y) m. wood-worker, carpenter,


treowwyrm m. cankerworm, caterpillar,

CJVP877".treppan I. to 'trap,

9 KOI II. to tread.

treppe (a, ») f. ^ap,' snare, WW.tret (KGl) pres. 3 sg. of tredan.

treuMtreo, treowtre*w = treow ; trew-= treow-, triew-

trlbullan= trifulian

trldett, triedeo,

=tredeo\ tritt pres. 3 sg. of


trIew-=treow-±trlewan (e, eo, i, y) w. d. to believe, trust in,

hope, be confident, rely {on), B,Bo,Oen z

(refl.) exculpate oneself, LL : (+) persuade,

suggest : make true or credible : be faithful(to), ['trow']

±triewe (g, eo, I, fi, y) 'true* (' i-treowe9


faithful, honest, trustworthy, JB,B,Chr,LL,WW; AO.

trttelung f. grinding, pounding, stamping,

WW423**.toilet (KGl), trifot (Gl) sb. tribute. [L.

tributum]trifunan to break, bruise, stamp. [L. tribulare]

trig (5) n. wooden board, 'tray, * Led.

triUdl=«rili«i; trim-=trym-trlmllchl=Crimeolcetrinda? m., trinde? f. round lump, ball, Lod139b.

trindhyrst m. circular copse?

trlngan* press, APs 103M ( T *twingan, BT).trfo-=treo-, treow-trit, tritt pres. 3 sg. of tredan.


triwe =.triewe

trlwen (


rWr)=treowen ; trochsctp=trog8ciptrod n. y trodu f. track, trace, BJjL. ['trod



tredan]trog m. hollow vessel, 'trough,

9tray, BC,Ol,

JnL,Lcd : canoe, boat, AO.trog (NG)=drog pret. 3 sg. of dragan.

1 troghryeg ridge where there is a water-trough f

EC447".trogseip n. a kind of boat, WW.troh (LWS)Mtrog; Mh=8rfihtrondende precipitous, steep, Cp805p.tropere m. a book containing verses sung at

certain festivals before the IntroiL [LateL. troparinm]

trOa=truwa, treowarhtrucian to fail, run short, JB : deceive, dis-

appoint. ['troke9


trtig- =truw-trugon (NG) =drogon pret. pL of dragan.trfkht (u?) trout, M [L. tructa]

trum firm, fixed, secure, strong, sound,vigorous, active, JE,CP.+trum n. legion, army, hosttruma m. (±) legion, troop, AO ; & : regular

order, array, AO. ['trume9


trumlan to grow strong, recover health,

amend, BH : (+) make strong.

trumlng 1 recovery of strength, Lcd3-210**

trumllc firm, durable, substantial, sound,CP : confirming, exhorting, adv. -lice.

trumnaft m. confirmation, Gu729.trumnes f. soundness, health, CP : firmness,strength, stability, M : the firmament,heavens : confirmation, support.

trundulnes=trendelnestrus m. brushwood [for fuel), KG. ['trouse


]trllti m. trumpeter, buffoon, actor, M.trutthorn m. trumpet, clarion, Gl.trfkw=treow±truwa (eo, y) m. fidelity, faith, confidence,

trust, belief : pledge, promise, agreement,covenant : protection.

+truwe= +triewe±trttwlan (eo, y) ocol. pret. truwde to trust

A,CPJnL. ['trow9


-ftrHwung f. prop, stay, confidence, CPs88w.

-ftryeean to confide, trust, JnL16M.

tryddlan= treddiantrydeti=tredeti, tritt pres. 3 sg. of tredan.

trymf (e) n. small piece, short length. fStes

t. a foot's length.

trym- = tram-, trymm--f-trym n. firmament, PPs71u.

+trymednes (LPs 104") = +trymnestry-mes (Mt) ml, -messe f., -messa m. adrachm weight : an English coin (v. LL2-683) : a Roman coin, ' tremissis,

9 =Zdenarii. [' thrimsa '


trymian, trymman (e) to strengthen, fortify,

confirm, comfort, exhort, incite, CP,Chr,Oen : set in order, arrange, prepare, array,

arm, AO.Bl : become strong : be arrayed :

give (hostages), ['trim9


-trymlg, -trymmig v. un-t.

trymmend m. supporter : one who makes anagreement.

trymmendllc hortatory, encouraging.

±trymmung f. confirmation, strengthening,

encouragement, M : support, prop : edifica-

tion, M : ordinance : (+) fortress, KGl67*.

trymnes 1 firmness, solidity : firmament,prop, support : (±) confirmation, strengthen-

ing, encouragement : (±) exhortation, in-

struction : (+) arrangement, setting in order.

[trumnes]trying=trymestrymft (i) 1 strength, support, staff, prop,AS,LPs.

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trjw= treow ; trfw-= treow-, triew-

tu=ou; TQ=TIw; tu=twatua=tuwa; tua=twatube f. trumpet, GPH391. [L. tuba]±tuelan to disturb, ill-treat, torment, punish,M#o,Mct : (+) bedeck, PPs44". ['tuck



tud? mil., tudu £? shield, OEG6025 (cp.

747n)tudder, tuddor=tudortuddorfoster m. nourishment of offspring,

WW219"tuddorful prolific, fruitful, Gl.tuddonpM £ fertility, Gbn2752.tuddortftondet begetting issue.

tuddres gs. 01 tuddor.

tudor, tuder n. posterity, offspring, de-

scendant, issue, J£,CP,Lcd,WW : fruit.





tCL&ortSMt fertile, WW400**.tudornes 1 offspring, OEG3849 (tydder-).

tugon pret. pL of teon.

tul-=twi-tulge oomp. tylg, superl. tylgeet strongly,

firmly, well.

tumbere m. tumbler9 dancer, player, MGb,36*.

tumblan to tumble, leap, dance, O. ['tumb']tumblng f. dancing, NC327.tOn m. enclosure, garden, field, yard, Ckr,

Ql,QJjcd ifarm, manor, A^BCJjL : home-stead, dwelling, house, mansion, AOvGP :

group of houses, village, 'town,' JS,QltJnLt

v. LL2-352. [v. Mdf]tun-cerae («b*) I, -oressa m. garden-cress,

nasturtium, CpJ£p,Lcd. ['towncress']

tundroe f. church in a 'tun, ' TC.trader =tyndertuneoe 1 under-garment, tunic, coat, toga,

M,AO. [L. tunica]

+tuneeod clothed in a toga, GPH393.tunesman (LL)


tunmann. [' townsman']tunge 1 (m) 'tongue,' M,BH,CP,Lcd :

speech, language, CP,Mk,RB.tungebur m. inhabitant, resident, Gl.tungelMtungoltungele? talkative, OEG56"*.tungerela m. town-reeve, bailiff, M : prostor.

tungettrum tongue4igament, Led. [v. *durum ']

tungful talkative, So81*.

tungUstnwyrt=tunsingwyrttungle da. of tungol.

tunglen starry, DHy. [tungol]

tunglere m. astrologer, Gl.tungol urn., nap. tunglu, tungol and (late)

tunglan luminary, star, planet, constellation,

iE,A0 (-gul).

tungolsB f. astronomy, OEG.tungolb&re (e1) covered with stars, OEG.tungolcreft m. star-craft, astronomy, M.tungol-crseftlga, -craeitga m. magician,astrologer.

tungolorsBftwIse (e«) f. astronomy, WW346*.tungolgesetad n. astrology, Gl.

tungolgfm m. bright) star, Cb1161.tungolwttega m. star prophet, astrologer, M.tungul=tungoltungwod sharp-tongued, So223u.

UkDbMdt ground ivy, Led 123a. ['tunhoof']tunloe=tuneoetrainee! n. small property, small farm, Gl.tuningwyri=tunsingwyrttunland n. land forming a 'tun' or manor,EC446*.

ttiBto rustic, WW 127".tunmann m. villager, rustic, vVlcin, JB,WW.['townman']

tunmelde £ orach {plant). WW215»tunne £ 'tun,' cask, barrel, BC,Cp ; JE.

tunnebotm m. bottom of a cask, drum? WW123".

tunpreost m. village priest, Chb870f.tunrdd m. town council, jEL30**7


traseipe m. 'township,' population of avillage, BH,LL.

tunsofr f. administration of an estate,

stewardship, Lkl6.tunsingwyrt £ white hellebore, Lod.tunsoen £ 'viUarum jura regalia,* legal

jurisdiction over a village, TC3087 (t. LL2-465).

tunsteall m. farm-stead, farm yard? KC.tOnstede m. village, WW 144**.

tunuoe=:tuneoetunweg m. 'privata via,' by-road.

tunyneel =tuninceltOr m. 'tower,' Chr 1097 ; DR1767


turf £, gds. tyrf 'turf,' sod, soil, Cp,Quth


Lcd : greensward, BH,WW.turfhaga m. grassy plot (or ?=tyrfhaga A35141), El830.

turfhleow n. covering of turf, KC.turnan=torfianturl ladle, Cp290r. [L. trulla]

±turnian to turn, revolve.

turnlgendllc revolving.

turning £ rotation, W25314.

turtla m. , turtle£ turtle-dove, M. [L. turtur


turtur m., turture £ turtle-dove.

tQse m. 'tusk,' grinder, canine tooth.

tuu=tu, twa ; Tuu =Tiwtuwa (iE,AO,CP), tuwwa («twiwa) adv.twice.

tux=tusetuxel, tuxl m. tusk, canine or molar tooth.

twa I. (v. twSgen). IL adv. twice, tu swalang(e) twice as long.

twa-=twi-, twy-twaddung? twaedding £ adulation, NC327.twsMe num. two parts out of three, two-thirds.[twa]+twsMan w. g. to separate from, deprive of :

hinder : w. a. put an end to.

twfigen (M)=twegentwalf (M)=twelftwSm v. twegen.±tw&man (e) to divide into two, separate :

cause to cease, adjust, settle, [twa]

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tw&mendllce adv. alternately, separately,

OEG1368.twAmlng £ parting, division, separation,M :

distinction, M.twatonung=tweonung; twftm v. twegen.+twang n. sport, OEG1517.twanihte two days old, Lod.twe-=twi-twegen num. nom. m. ; nom. £. twa ; nom.n. tu, twa; gen. mfn. tweg(e)a, twegra;dat. twrom, twam two, AO,CP. tu swalang twice as long. t. and t., twam andtwam in parties of two each.

twegentlg (oe ; NO) =twentigtwelf 'twelve,' CP.twelffeald twelve-fold, M.twellgylde twelve-fold, LL3[1].twelfhund twelve hundred, LL.twelfnynde adj. belonging to the class whose'wergild* was 1200 shillings, LL.

twettnihte twelve days old, Lod3-178m.

twelfta L 'twelfth; AO. II. =Twelftad«gTweffiadag m. Twelfth day, LL296[17].twelfte, twelfthly, in the twelfth place, LL182[12].

twelftlg=hundtwelftigtwelfwlntre twelve years old, =tw»mantwengan to pinch, IM. [' twinge ']

twentlg 'twenty,' MJlO.twfntigfeald twenty-fold, JEG*.twtatigotta (io1, o», us) twentieth.

twintlgwlntre twenty years old, W3l.

tweo 7+ at AS21*) m. doubt, ambiguity,iE,AO,CP.

tweo-=twi- twy-; tweogan=tw§ontweogende doubting, BH.tweogendllc doubtful, uncertain, AO. adv.-Hoe.


tweollc (I, y) doubtful, ambiguous, equivocal

atfv. -lice, AO,CP.±tweon I. pret. eg. tweode to doubt, hesitate,

AO,CP : (unpers. w. a. of pen.) seem doubt-

ful. II. ft y) m. doubt, Bo.tweoneleoht n. twilight, WW 176™.

±tweonlan (y) (pers. and impersonal) to

doubt, be uncertain, hesitate, CP.tweonlgend, twSoniendtio (i, y) doubtful,

expressing doubt, M. adv. -lice perhaps.tweonol (y) doubtful.

tweontlg s=twentigtweonulleoht (WW 175M)=tweoneleohttweonum in phr. 'be (sam, eto.) tweonum,'between (the seas, etc.).

tweonung ft y) 1 doubt, scruple, M.+tweosa=+twisa; tweoung=tweonungtweowa=tuwa ; M, twia=tuwatwl=twig n.

twl- prefix with meaning two, double (see

also twy-). [Oer. zwie-]

twibete adj. subject to double compensation,

LL.twibill n. (two-edged) axe, M.

twibllle double-edged, WW 141*'.

twlbleoh twice-dyed, double-dyed, CP.twlbdte (adj. and adv.)= twibetetwlbrowen (y) twice-brewed, Lod45b.-twlcce (ae) v. angel-t.

twtoeen-twicentwlocere m. one who divided up the food in amonastery, WW127*8


twieeian to pluck, gather : catch hold of.


twi-oen, -oene, -oyne (y1) f. junction ofroads.

twlcere= twieoere

twidaeglic (a, y) lasting two days, BH350".twldfil m. double proportion (two-thirds),

Lod.twld&lan to divide into two : differ, So.

twideagod twice dyed, OEG1060.-twldig v. lang-t. ; twto-=twi-, twy-twl-ecge, -ecgede two-edged.

twlendllce doubtingly, Guth70. [twebn]±twl-feald (M), -fald (CP) two-fold, double,

ambiguous, jE,CP.itwllealdan (y

1, y«) to double, M.

twlfealdllo (a) adj. twofold, double, adv.-lioe.

twlfealdnes f. duplicity, CP(ie).

twlfere accessible by two ways, WW 194*°.

twlferlAean (y) to dissociate, SoG8.twilete (eo, y) two-footed, M.twlfetterede as if with two wings, forked,iEGB288u.

twiflngre (y) two fingers thick, LL 110[49,3].twlfyldan= twifealdantwliyrolede two-forked, divided into two,


l, e»).

twlfyrede two furrowed, ^Gb288u.

twig n. ' twig,' branch, sprout, shoot, small tree

iE,CP.twlg-=twi-; twlga=(l) twig; (2) tuwatwlgftrede cloven, JEG*28&">(y).twl£an=tweogan, twebntwigea=tuwa; twlgedeagod=twideagodtwlgilde (adj. adv. and ? sb.) paying double,

liable to a double fine, LL.twin num. (ace.) only in phrase *mid unotwin' between us two, Gbx2253. [op.

Goth, tweihnai]twlneafdede double-headed, jEGb(v).twlheolor t balance, Cpl40n,twlhlndeMtwihyndetwi-hlwe (eo), -hiwede of two colours orshapes.

twlhlwlan to dissimulate, So448.

twihlldede having two openings, jEGr288«(y).

twlhweole two-wheeled, Lod.twlhwyrft 'bUustris,' OEG2513.twlnynde L having ' wergild ' of 200 shillings.

II. a 'wergild' o/200 shillings, LL.twlnyndeman m. man of the Hwihynde'class, LL601[87,4}

twlioce=twiecgetwllsepped with two lappets, WW15317


twllafte two-edged, WW194*8.

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twiUbroeen woven of threads of two colours?

TC637» [twiHo]

twilie double, woven of double thread, Gl.twDle=tweolictwlmylt twice melted, OEG4462.

twin I. n. double thread, twist, 'twine,1 Unen-

thread, CP : fine linen, (byssus). II.=tweon n.

twincllan to 'twinkle,9wink, CP.

twlnebbe having twofaces, GFE.3ffl"*(y).twinen of linen, OEG.twlng? sb. cluster, HGl496.twlngan v. tringan.

twlnlgend- =tweonigend-twlnlhto two days out.

±twlnn twin, double, two by two.

+twlnn m. twin. pL twins, triplets.

+twlnnes (y) f. junction, A 8-331".

twlnung =tweonungtwlnwyrm, m. 'buprestie,' small insect, WW122".twloMweotwlrftde (io, y) uncertain : disagreeing.

twlrfidnes (v1, e*) f. disagreement, discord,

sedition, M.+twls having the same parents, Gl.+twlsa m. twin, M.twlseeatte adv. to the extent of a double pay-ment, LL84[66,11

twlscyldlg iable to a double penalty, LL90h.twiseht disunited, discordant, Sol92"(y).twisehtan to disagree, LoD3-204M(y)? ANS


twlsehtnes f. dissension, disagreement, So6u.

twlseltiffi with forked teetht WW 108".

twtala m. confluence,junction, KC5-198".twisted branched, forked.

twlsllan to fork, divide into two, KC.twisllht forked, branched, KC.twlslung 1 division, partition, Lod 3*436*.

twlsnaoee double-pointed, cloven,J3Gr288u.

twlsnese double-pointed, cloven, GPH39378.

twlspr&e 1 double speech, deceit, detraction.

twlspr&ce double-tongued, deceitful, detrac-

ting, M.twlspr&cnes (y) f. double speech, detraction.


twlspreean to murmur, NG.twlspunnen twice-spun, CP83tt


-twist v. candel-, most-t.

twistrenge two-stringed, J5Gr28810.

twltselged double-dyed, Gl,VPs.twl-tiriwen, -$r£wen twice thrown or

twisted, twice woven, CP.twlwa=tuwatwfwfig I pair of scales, WW 194s8.twlweg m. junction of two roads, WW177".

twl-wlntre. -winter adj. two years old, M.twlwyrdJg ambiguous, AO.twoelf=twelftwdgon=tiwogon pret. pL of oweaiktwuga, twuwa, twuwu=tuwatwux=tusc; twy-=twi-twy=tweotwygean=tweogan, tweon I.

twfhc (M) =tweolic ; twfnwtweontwfnlhto=twanihtetwysptcnes= twispriecnes

ty pros. 1 sg. of tyn.

tyccen =ticcen ; tycht-, tyct- =tyht-tfd I. £ = tid. II. pp. of tyn.

tfd-= tid- ; tydd- = tad-, tud-

tydde I. pret. 3 sg. of tyn. II. = tiCde, pret.

3 ag. of tittian.

tyde pret. ag. of tyn.±t$dran to bring forth, produce, beget,

propagate : be prolific, [tudor]

tfdred provided with offspring, PPsl4317.

tydrian= (l)tfdrian; (2) tydrantydriend m. propagator, WW238tt


tydrung I propagation, production, [tudor]t9frlan=tifrian; tyg-=tig-tfg=teagtyge (i) m.drawing together, pulling, tug, pull,

M : leading (waU~\ : draught {of water) :

deduction, inference, statement, M Jteag,tiegan]

tygehocg (I) m. hook for pulling, LL455[15].tygehorn (i) m. cupping-horn, Lod46a.tygel m. pulling-rope, rein, JE,WW. ['Hal'}

tygele f. 'murenula,' lampreyf WW.tygtflan=tfSian; tyhhtan=teohhiantyhst pres. 2 ag. of teon.

tyht I. (i) m. instruction, training, habit. Bo :

going, course, motion, progress, El : region,

Gul266. ['tight*; teon] IL m. charge,

crime, LL,WW. [teon II.]

±tyhtan I. (i) (+) to stretch, draw, puU, A


invite, incite, instigate, provoke, talk over,

persuade, attract, lead astray, seduce, M :

(+) teach, train, PPs. V tight* ; teon I.]

II. to accuse, [teon II.]

tyhtbyslg (i) involved in accusations, of badreputation, v. LL2-305.

tyhten f. incitement, excitement, Gl. [teon L]tyhtond m. inciter, instigator.

tyhtendllc (i) persuading, hortatory, M.tyhtere (i) m. inciter, enticer, WW.tyhting (i) f. incitement, impulse, instigation,

exhortation, suggestion, instruction, advice,

M : enticement, allurement, JR. ['tinting']

tyhtle (i) f. accusation, suit, charge, AO.[teon II.]

tyhtuan (i) to accuse, charge, LL.tyhtnes (i) f. inward impulse, instinct, con-viction, WW.

tyhti pres. 3 ag. of teon.


tyldsyle f. tent, WW 187*. [teld]

tyl«> tylgest v. tulge ; -tyllan v. fort.

tfm=team; tyma=tama; tyma=timatfman (M) =tiemantymb-, tymb-=timb-, timp-±tfn I. to instruct, teach, M,kO. lh {M)=tien

tyn-=tlen-±t£nan I. to hedge in, fence, enclose, shut,BH,LkL,LL,MkL. ['tine'] IL=teonan

tyncen n. bladderf A072".

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tynder (e, i, u) f. 'tinder,1

fuel, Bo,Sc;M :

cautery, [tyndanjtyndercynn n. combustible, WW.tyndlg= tindig ; tyndre, tyndren=tynder+tyne n. entrance, court, PPsll5*.dbtynge I. adj. fluent, eloquent. II. adv.(also -lice) courteously, OEG 2853.

+tyngnes (i) f. fluency, eloquence, M,CP.tyntreg=tintreg; tyr)-4tir; tyr-;=tir-

-tyran (=ie) v. be-t.

tyrdelu, tyrdlu npL droppings, small pieces

of excrement, Lea. [' treddle '


tyrende having watery eyes, Led 1-72. [' tear ']

tyrewa=tyrwa; tyrf v. turf.

+tyrtan to strike, afflict, GD29*. [torfian]

tyrfhaga f. hoe, mattock, Lnl7*.tyrgan=teoriant^rlaoa m. (treacle), sovereign remedy. [L.

theriaoum; Ok. Ofipuucfo]

tyrtan =teoriantyrnan to turn, move round, revolve, M. [L.


tyrngeat n. turnstile, KC3-406*.tyrnlng (a) f. turning round, rotation, OEG :

rotundity, roundness, OEG : crookedness,

deceit, OEG56*.tyro=teorutyrti pres. 3 eg. of teran.

tyrwa m., tyrwe f.' tar, ' resin, M. [=teoru]

tyr-wan, -wian (e, i) to harass, vex, LPs.['tar



tyrwlan I. to 'tar,9

£295. U.=tyrwantysca m. buzzard, WW259".tysllan to put on, CM 260.

tyslung f. dressing.

tysse f. coarse cloth. [OHO. sussa]

tytan to sparkle, shine, DD46.tytt=titt; tf*)Htiti; tfw-=tiw-

tJa I. adv. and oonj. then, at that time, M,AO,CP : after that time, thereupon, AO,Jul : when, at the time that, whilst, during,

AO,BfBl : there, where, Che : seeing that,

inasmuch as, if, when, since, as, because.

tia tia when. tia...tia (hen...when, tia

hwlle tie while, whilst, so long as. tia netv. ©aglet. ['tho


] IL asf. and nap. ofse.

tia tie which.

tiaca I. (± ) m. roof, covering. IL gp. of tisac.

±tfaocian to clap, pat, stroke, touch gently,

CP,8hr i smack, beat, GD. ['thank*]


tartan to thatch, LL464[10].taram dp. of tisBo.

tfadder (/*L7M)=tiidertoe I. (ea) n. covering, roof of a building,

Chr,MtR,PPs : '4hatch, ' JE,BH. [' thack ']

II.=tieo pron. (das. of tia).

Saccule (N) =ti«ecele ; tooe f. =tiax> I.

toeele (e) f. torch, lamp, light. [=f»cele]

tooen=tieoen; tooUe=ti89oele


toctiglle I roof-tile, Cp57i.toder, tiaBdres=tiider

toderlendlsc (MH178un.)=tiiderleoduo+tof w. g. agreeing to, consenting to.

tof {JnB)=%eot; tolet-=tiafet-toge mnp. pron. they, those, them, Lk,Jn.['thaie



togen, oagnMoegen, tiegn

togon pret. pi. of tiicgan.

ton (N) =tieah I. and II.

toht (N)WtieahttSfim (a, e) damn, and dp. of se pron. beti&m, on ti»m thereon, therein, eao tisamin addition to this, besides this, also, more-over. &r ti»m tie before, nfter tisamafter, later, next, after that {fashion), fortiifem (tie) therefore, on. that account, for thatreason, because, on tiam tie in this, in that.

Mn=tiegntonan to moisten, Lcd.tanean=tiencan; toncung=tfancungtone =tione asm. of se\

tonnan=tiennan; tonne =tionnetor (6) adv. and oonj. 'tfere,' rtrtfer,

yonder : toAere, whither : tAen : uAea :

tAoupA, */, #o /or of, toAtbf, provided that :

in JAot respect. ti»r tiftr lifters, wAeretwr.ti£r...of therefrom, tifir witi in regard to

ttattiAra gp. of se, seb, tint.

ti&rabutan about that place, M.torafter adv. thereafter, CP.torset tAereo*, BH282*.toran to dry, HL13103.Mr-big, -bie adv. ' thereby,

9thus, CP42,43".

torbfnnan (o>) adv. therein, M,A0.Wrbufan besides that, CP.tore gdf. of se.

torf=(l)tiearf; (2)»eorf; tort-=tiearf-Mrforan oonj. before that, M.terh=tiorhtorln 'therein,' wherein, Met.torlnne (e) therein, CP. [' thereinne']

torle =tiearle

Mrmld adv. therewith, M,UmtornShst next to that, LL280[2,1].ternlan to lose? Che 11 19 (v. MF174).torof adv. • thereof,


of that, Led.torofer over or above that, CP. [' thereover ']

toron adv. therein, M,CP :•

thereon/ Bl :

thereinto, thereof.

Vseronbutan =tifireabatantorongftn adv. on the contrary, W248n.

tiSronuppan adv. thereupon, M.torrlhto, ti®rrihtee (a, e) adv. thereupon,

forthwith, instantly, immediately, straight-

way, M.torso pret. 3 sg. of tieracan.

Vsanean (NG)=tiersoanKsBrse-wald, -wold=tiersoold


tiArto adv. 'thereto,9to it, to that place, JB :

besides, JB,BH : for that purpose, JB :

belonging to, JS.

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tUortdtaean adv. besides, in addition to thai,

m.Mrtogtanes adv. on the contrary, in oppo-sition thereto, M.

tJftrtftr adv. wherever, M.tferunder adv. beneath, CP. ['thereunder']

tt&ruppan thereon, M.VArttt, Cserute adv. outside, without, AO,CP.['thereout']

Mrwitt adv. against, in exchange for, M :

'therewith,' Bo.tfdrymbe adv. thereabout, on that point, W2731


tfArymbutan thereabouts.

ttees L adv. (gs. of C»t) afterwards, AO :

thence : accordingly, according as, &,BH,Bo : therefore, because, CP. oes Ce since,

after, afterwards ; therefore, wherefore, be-

cause, that; as, according as ; provided ; (to

express proportion) the. to ties to that

point, to that degree. ['thes'] II* gs. of

se and Cat.itesl&can to agree iwtt, oe Jitting, suitable,

Gl.toalle I. adj. suitable, congruous, M :

harmonious : fair, elegant. IL= oyllic

IfoesIIee adv. opportunely, suitably, aptly,

after this manner, similarly, thus.

teslienes f. fitness, convenience, M.ti&sma m. leaven, yeast, RB101*.

ti&sternes= oeosternesteste =ti&s oe v. C®s.tfset I. conj. and adv. 'that,* so that, in order

that, after that, then, thence, Cat Be OatII. nas. of se, <5»t.

tatte I. pron. which, that which. II. oonj.

that, so that, in order that, to Von Cwtteso that. [o«t «e]

+ttafa m. favourer, supporter, helper, CP.ttaletore, oafettere m. one who acquiesces in,

or condones, what is wrong, CP.+ttafettan (as, ea) to coiwen*, EHy617


±tfaflan (ea) to allow, suffer, endure, permit,

tolerate, BH,LL ; CP : approve, consent

to, submit to, AO,CP. ['i-thave']

tfaforUc==oaroflic, Cearflic

+tiafsum consenting, agreeing, NG.+t$atsumnes f. consent, agreement, NG.±ttafung t permission, consent, M.ttlg, oah pret. 3 sg. of Cicgan, Ceon.

t$age=C©geSagen=Ce agen who again, Bl167*.

flaglet, Cagyt adv. still : yrf.

t&gon pret. pi. of tiicgan.

Sahwtfeah; *am=o«mftamettan to clap (the hands) f APs97".tfan=oon adv.

San L adj. moist, irrigated, WW. II. n.

irrigated land. flSinan] IIL (LWS)=o»mUanan=Canontianc (o) m. thought, reflection, sentiment,

idea, An,PPs;M : mind, wiU : grace,

mercy, favour, pardon, Oen,PPs : thanks,

gratitude, B,Bo,OP,Gen,RB ; AO (Cone),

CP : pleasure, satisfaction, CP : reward,recompense, Gu442. Gode C. ftani* (be)

to God. Godes dances through the mercyof Ood. Drihtnes nances according to the

will of the Lord, mines nances by myfavour, of my own will on C. willingly,

gladly, an fiance acceptable, pleasant, AO.deofla Concee in honour of devils, AO.['thank']

-ftfanc mn. thought, mind, Lk. ['i-thank']

trances adv. thankfully, gladly : voluntarily,

gratis, BC,Bo,Chr. [v. 'thank']

ttancful adj. (+ ) thoughtful, ingenious, clever


'thankful,' Bl : contented, satisfied, BE,WW i pleasing, agreeable, A : energetic,

spirited, adv. -lice 'thankfully,' jEL2 19&tfanchycgende thoughtful, B2235.iztianclan (o) (w. g. thing and d. pen.) to

thank, give thanks, £},B,Bo,G,8at ; CP :

recompense, reward : (w. i) rejoice, [' thank']+tiancmetlan to think over, deliberate, Gen1917. [metgian]

tJanc-metung (o1, eo«), -metegung £. de-liberation, thought, BH88* (v.L).

±*ancol thoughtful, mindful : prudent, wise :

(+) desirous : (+) suppliant.tfanoohndd thoughtful, considerate, prudent,wise, attentive.

tianc-snotor, -snottorf wise, prudent, in-genious.

tfancung f. 'thanking,' thanksgiving, M,AO,JnL.

tfanc-weorft, -weorClio (ua, y1) thankworthy,acceptable : thankful, grateful : memorable.adv. -lice gladly, willingly, CP.

tiancword n. thanks, Wn> 137.

ttano-wurtt, -wyrC(e)i—(CancweorCSand pret. 3 sg. of Cindan.Sane (KGl)=ConeSanecan (o1) adv. whenever, as often as.+Sang= +CaneWnlan (&) to be or become moist, moisten,WW.

Sanne=SonneSanon (CP), Canone (o1, a") adv. from thattime or place, thence, away, B,Bl,MttJud :

whence, from which, of which, CP,PPs*Canon...Canon thence...whence : then, there-upon, henceforth : by which, through that['thenne']

tfanonforft adv. after that, then, thence-forward, W.tfanonweard adv. departing thence, Bo 1037


«anun=Canon*ar-=oear-, Ber-; flftrWowr«ara I.=C»r. II. gp. of sS, seo, tSset,

Uarigend =derigend ; «as= Caes gamn. of se.Uas I. afs. and nap. of Ces. ['those')II. nap. of Caw=Ceow.

ttassum (N)=Ciflsum, dmns. of oes,*at=«a3t; tMWJft v. «a.ttaw I. =«eaw I. IL=«eow+t$ftwenlan=+CwaananUawlan to 'thaw,

9 LcdfrVU.

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tie I. rel. pron. (when govd. by a prep, theprep, follows) who, which, that. 8e is oftenassociated by attraction with pers. pro-nouns, tie ic /. $e we we. tfe...his

whose, se fce his he whose. II. conj.

when : or. hwStfer tie...tie whether...or.

tie...tie the...ort either...or : (~tia) then :

(—tiaer) where, El717 : (with comparatives)than. III. art. the (indecL), Chb963e andlate. IV. particle added to tieah, for ti&m,tises, etc., without affecting their meaning[Goto. tiau] V. das. of tti.

*e=tiy; tiea(NG)=tieow1$eac=tiaec; tieaca=tiacatieada (VPs) =Seoda gp. of tieod I.

tieadom (Z>H)=tieowd6mSeal (2W?)=tieof; *eanan=tiafiantieah pret. 3 sg. of tiicgan.

tieah I. (e) conj. and adv. 'though,1


even if, that, however, nevertheless, yet, still,

BlyBo ; GP. ti. tie although, swa ». never-

theless, yet. ti. hwrotiere v. tieahhwaetiere.

II. pret. 3 sg. of oeon.tieah-hwsetiere, -hwetire adv. yet, moreover,

however, nevertheless, but, Bl,CP. swa ti.

yet, nevertheless. [* thoughwhether1


tieaht n. counsel, advice, design, M. [tiencan]

+tieaht fn. thought, consideration, counsel,

advice : design, contrivance, scheme, -33,CP :

council, assembly, M.+tieahta m. adviser, counsellor, WW99*.tieahte pret. 3 sg. of tieooan.

+tieahtond m. counsellor, WW.+tieahtondlie deliberative, LL12.itieahtere m. counsellor, BH.itieahtlan to ponder, consider, deliberate

upon, take counsel, JE,CP.±tieahtung (») t counsel, consultation.


tieana adv. nevertheless, yet. swa ti. how-ever.

tfeara= tiara, gmfp. of ti©t.

tiearf I. (a, e, y) f. need, necessity, want,

behoof, B,Lcd ; GP. to" tiearfe cw i* needed,

according to what is needed : benefit, profit,

advantage, utility, M : trouble, hardship,privation, distress, danger : duty, employ-ment, {'tharf; tiurfan] II.=tieori III.

pres. 3 sg. of tiurfan.

tiearfa (ae, eo) I. m. poor man, pauper,beggar, 2£,GP. IL destitute, poor, needy, EL


tiearfednes f. poverty, BH.tiearf-end, -igend (Bk) (o) m. poor man.tiearfende needy, in want, poor, GP.tiearfendlic needy, poor, miserable.


tiearflan to starve, be in need, want, PPs71". [Oer. darben]

+tiearflan to impose necessity, B1103.tiearfleas adj. without cause or need, jE.

adv. -lease.

tiearfllc profitable, useful, convenient, neces-

sary, M. adv. -lice.

tiearfllcnes f. want, poverty.

tiearl adj. vigorous, strong, severe, strict,

harsh, violent, heavy, excessive, adv.tiearle, ^E,CP.

tiearlle severe, cruel, harsh, violent, grievous.

adv. -lice, CP.tiearlmddf stern, severe, violent, strong,


tiearlwls strict, severe, relentless, CP.tiearlwlsllc severe, GD. adv. -lice, GP.tiearlwlsnes I severity, strictness, BH,GD.tiearlw?s-= tiearlwis-

tiearm (a) m. gut, entrail, M,Ql. ['tharm']tiearm(ge)wlnd n. windpipe (—windtiearm),OET609 (v. ES43-332).

tiearmgyrd m. belly-band, girdle, belt, WW2201.

t5earsc=tSaersc pret. 3 sg. of tierscan.

tieanm (BH426")=tirosmtieat pret. 3 sg. of tieotan.

titetan= tieotantiteter m? theatre, A0154*.tieatscipe (N) =tieodscipetieaw I. m. usage, custom, habit, conduct, dis-

position, AOJl,JnL ; CP : (in pL) virtues,

(good) manners, morals, morality, J5,CP.['then'] II.=tieow

-ftieawe customary, usual, GD.tieawfaest decorous, moral, virtuous, honour-able.

tieawtsBstllce correctly, iBL5m.

tieawfsestnes f. obedience, discipline, M.tieawful moral, virtuous, W250*.tieawlan= tieowiantieawleas ill-mannered, M.tieawllc customary, M : decent, moral, M :

figurative, adv. -lice.

+tieawod well-mannered, moral, M.t»b-(GL)=«eof-tiec das. of tiu.

tieccan (±) to cover, cover over, conceal, B,Oen,Lcd,PPs : (f) swallow up? ['thatch*]

tieccbiyoe m. tile, HGl459**.tieccend m. protector, defender, PPs 70.


tiecen f. thatch, tile, covering, roof : (fig.)

house, M. [tieccan]

tiecest pres. 2 sg. of tieccan.

tiecgan I. to consume, Lcd. IL obi. case of

sb? receptacle? (BT) or *=tieccan? (Lieb.),

LL464[10].+tiea= +tieodtiftde pret. of oeon (oywan).«M=«eoft»fan«orn, Cefonoorn (APs5710

), tiefeoorn

=8yfeoornt»fol=oyfeltteflan to pant, heave, palpitate, HGl.tteften(HGL461M)=oyften; t»f«=«Ief«tiegan to serve, Gul40.ttegen I.=Cegn. II. pp. of Cicgan.

t5egen-=Cegn-, $en-fJegeti 3 p. sg. pres. of tieogan.

«egh(GL)=8eoh; ttogln=tiegn


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(ae) [v. LL456; 2-680] m. servant,

minister, retainer, vassal, follower, disciple,

BH,W,Bo,G,Ql; AO.CP : freeman, master(as opposed to slave) : courtier, noble (official,

as distinguished from hereditary), JS,LL,WW : (t) military attendant, warrior, hero,

AO,B. Ethane']tfegn-, v. also Sen-.

tfegnboren (ttegen-) well-born, LL.Vegngylde n. legal money value of a thane,


ttegnnyse m. attendant, retainer, WW.±8egnlan (e, en) (w. d.) to terpe, minister,

wait on, B,BH,Bl,G;CP : tfuppJ^ another

with anything : perform (an office). [' tAetne ']

ttognlagu f. rights, duties or privileges of athane, LL,W.

ttegnllo noble, brave, loyal, M. adv. -lice.

tfegnrAden 1 thaneship, service.

ttegnriht n. rt^to* or privileges ofa thane, LL.ftegnsctpe m. thaneship, service, duty : ability,

AO : manliness, valour, AO : (oily o/ re-


flegnseolu 1 fond of vassals, WW371 7.

tfegnsorh 1 sorrowfor loss of thanes. B 131.

tfegnungi-45en-ung, -ins

tSegnweorud n. band offollowers, Ob751.tfegnwer m. thane's 'wergild,' LL.tfego=oeguWgon=$segon pret. pL of Ciogan-tSegn v. bean-, win-©. ; Sen (A)=oeoSen I. =«eoh I. II. (A,K) =oeahWhtWBeaht*el. Bell n. board, plank, (metal) plate, [Ger.


tielbryeg f. frufye of planks, Ct.


Mlfawten n. fastness made of planks, ship,

ar*, Gen 1482.

Milan =8illian .

-«elu v. buruh-, benc-tS. ['fft«I']

ttm=offim; tonwttegn±ttencan I. to * think' (H-thenche'), imagine,

think of, meditate, reason, consider, JB,B,Bo,Bl,LL ; AO,CP : remember, recollect,

CP,RB : intend, purpose, attempt, devise,

B,Bl : wish, desire, long for. [Banc]IL (rarely) =oyncan

VeneendJic thoughtful, MFH174.tSende=nenden; 1$ende=Ceondettenden oonj. and adv. meanwhile, while, aslong as, until.

t$ene=$oneWnest f. service, entertainment, Chb1054d.ttenestmann (So1) m. serving-man, retainer,

Chb656b.tfenestre f. servant, handmaiden, OEG1358.«eng=«egnVengelt m. prince, king, lord, ruler.

Etonian =oennanflenlan (jE,CP) =Cegniantfenlgihann =tSeningmannttinfngfnt n. serving-vessel, RB.Wnlnggfiat m. ministering spirit, M.

WnlnghQs n. workshop, GPH394.m. serving man, jE,CP.

(religious) service, EC265?1 (±) to stretch, extend, Lcd(8*),PPs i

prostrate : exert oneself : spread thefame of,

magnify, OEG. ['thin']

tanning f. stretching, extension, A 11*172.

+ttensum obedient, helpful, useful, M.[tfegen]

tfenung (Segn-) service, ministry, Bl,Bo;CP : (pL) attendants, retinue : use : churchservice, mass-book : meal-time, meal, M,['theining']

tfenungbdc 1 book for divine service, mass-book, M.

tienungwerod n. body of serving-men, MH218".Wo L=«eow m. II. da. of Seoh. IIL=aeo II. IV. prea. 1 ag. of neon.Mod 1 people, nation, tribe, Chrjbk ; AO,GP ; Mdf : region, country, province. Bo :

men, war-troop, retainers : (in pi.) Gentiles,

MMtB : language. ['thede']

+Wod pp. of +tieon, tiywan.±tteodan to join, associate (with), attach

or subject oneself to, jE,CP : (+) engagein : (+) translate. tt. fram separate,

Wodbamhit n. public calamity.

tfeodbQendet mp. earth-dwellers, humanbeings.

tfeodowen 1 queen, empress, El 1166.

fteodoynlng m. monarch : (f) God.

Mode pret. 3 ag. of neon.+**ode n. speech, language, AO,CP : nation :

translation, M.fleodegsa m. general terror, Ce834.Woden m. chiefofa tribe, ruler, prince, king :

God, Christ, [oeod; cp. dryhten fromdryht]

ftftodend m. translator, OEG 15*.

+«eodendlic copulative, JEGn259l.

tttodengedil n. separation from one's lord(through his death), Gul324.

Wodenholdt faithful to one's lord.

tfeodenleaa without a ruler or chief, lordless,

B1103.tteoden-m&tim (-madm) m. treasure given bya prince, Gen409.

ttodenstolt m. throne.

Wodeorte f. inhabited earth, W240".Wodfeond m. public enemy, W.tteodlruma m. prince, ruler, Mbt29m.

Wodgestreon n. people's treasure, great

possession, B44 ; 1218.

Wodgumat m. man, warrior.

Wodhere m. national army, host, Gen2160.-tieodlg, -Ceodig-lio, -nes v. el-tS.

Wodlae I.t n. speech, language. II. adj.Gentile, OEG8*M. [Ger. dentaoh]+Wodl»oan to adhere, cleave to, LPs24u.

Wodland n. inhabited land, district, country,empire : the continent.

Wodlic national, i£Gn65€.

+Wodllo social, intimate.

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tttedHcetere m. public deceiver, arch-hypocrite, W54".

fttodloga m. arch-liar, W.WOdmsegen n. troop, host, Ex342.

±86odnes f. (+)joining, suture : conjunction,

association : (+) conjugation, MG& : (+)translation,

^ttftodr&den £ intercourse, fellowship, M.tfeodsoeatfa m. public pest, criminal.

tSfodsclpe m. I. nation, people, community,population. IL connection, association :

discipline, training, teaching, instruction,

testimony : learning, erudition, CP : ad-ministration, law, authority : conduct

tfodstofn m. tribe, nation, PPs8310.

+toodflumnes f. agreement, LkL P81


tttodtbfta f ? m? general distress, B 178.

tttodwlga m. great warrior, Pa38.

tfeodwlta m. learned man : senator, M.tModwundor n. great wonder, Cb1156.Wof I. (», ea) m., criminal, 'thief,* robber,

0,LL,OET. II. £ theft.

ttofdenn n. robber's cave, KC315W.

tfeofend (only found in pL?) £ thieving,


tftefeforn =$yieoornWoffeng m. seizure of thieves by an owner onhis own land : right to fines payable on con-viction for theft? TC (. BT).

ttofglld n. payment tor theft, LL.±*toflan to 'thieve/ steal, LL,TC.tttofmann m. robber, brigand, AO,^EP.ttofaceafla m. robber, v. ANS 129-24n6.tttoboeolu =tiebfsoolutttotsclp n. pirate-ship, Ql.ttofscolu f. band of robbers, Bo33".Woboyldlg £ guilty of theft, LL226'.tftofslege m. slaying ofa thief, LL97.tftefsllht m. slayina ofa thief, LL104B.fttofstolen pto. stolen, LL.Wo«=«ie&fttefung £ thieving, NC327.«tetunt(N6)=oeofendWofwracu £ punishmentfor theft, LL174.titeglng £ increase, profit : advance, progress.

titeh I. (e) n. (gs. oeos, da. tSeo ; gp. tieona)

'thigh,' hip, AO,CP,Ol,Lcd,ME. II. im-perat. of oeon.

titohece m. pain in the thigh, Lcd.titehgeUBte n. thigh-joint, Lcd.tteohgeweald np. 'genitalia,' Lcd.IMohhweorfa m. *ne«-cap, Lcd.tfeohsoanca m. thigh-bone, Lcd,WW.fttohseax (»2

) n. hip-sword, short sword,dirk, WW.Mohwrsee m. pain in the thigh, LcdI-35419


±tfton I. (8V1**) to thrive, prosper, flourish,

grow, increase, ripen, J&,B,Bl,Lk,Sc : be

profitable, to become or be great, excel, CP :

lengthen (of days), ['thee,' 'i-thee'] II.

(wv. ) = ttywan. III. (wv. )t to perform, do.

fteona v. oeoh ; t$eonan=tfanontfeonde pros. pto. of Beon I.

tieonen=danon; Honest =8enest

tteonfd=tieownydWor m? inflammation? Lcd.Woradl £ inflammation? blistering heat?Lcd.

tfeoreung=deorcungWordrene m. a drink used for inflammation,Lcd.

fleort (sb, e, o) I. adj. unleavened, M,Q,WW :

fresh? skim? (milk), Lcd. II. n. un-leavened bread, J&. ['tharf]

tfeorfa=$earfatieorfdagas mp. days of unleavened bread,

A 8-330.

tfeorfhlaf m. loaf of unleavened bread, M.tieorfllng m. unleavened bread, WW.tfeorfnes £ freedom from leaven, purity, M.tfeorfsymbel n. feast of unleavened bread, M.Worgerld n. inflammation? Lcd 187a.

tfeoraewold =tierscoldfttorwaro m. inflammatory disease? Ixn>46b.fteorwenn £ inflammatory tumour or blister,

carbuncle, Lcd 123a.

Worwyrm m. inflammatory (parasitic)

worm, Lcd46a.

tfeorwyrt £ ploughman's spikenard, flea-bane, Lcd.

tffos L dem. pron., nom. fern. this. v. ties.

II. gs. of Beoh. III. gs. of (tieo=)beow.ttoossa, 8eossum=$is8a, VisumfleosterMBeostortieostor, Bebstre (le, i, y) dark, gloomy, B,BE : sad, mournfuL ['thester']

tteostorcotat m. dark chamber.Vftostorful dark, dusky, M,Mt(f). ['thester-

tfftMtorfulnes (S, y) £ darkness, OEG.VtestorUo obscure, dark, JB(e«). ['thesterly']

ttostorloea m. tomb, El486.tftostornes (», i, y) £ darkness, AO,Bo.Cthesterness']

tMo8tre=Beostor, oeostrutStostrlan to grow dark, become dim, be

eclipsed, BE : (±) darken, obscure, Bo,MU['thester']

tieostrlg dark, obscure, blinded, QD(f),Mk.I'thestri']

tfcostru £ (i, le, y), Ceostre n. (often in pL)darkness, gloom, BE ; M. [



Vtestrung f. twilight, gloom.

ttoosum=Sissum+Mot I. n. howling, Guth48*. IL pros.

3 sg. of +8eodan.Motan* (ea, u) to roar, howl, M,Bo,Met :

sound forth, resound, murmur, WW.Vtheoten']

Woto £ torrent, fountain, cataract, waterfall :

conduit, pipe, M. [oeotan]

Mow I. fin. servant, slave, AO,CP,DR,0.II. adj. servile, jE,AO,Bo,W. ['theow']

ttowa m. (^,CP)=«eow I.

+Kfiowa m. enslaved person, v. MFH 104.

tteowast= tSeowot

KSowan I.=t$eowian. IL=tSywanKSowatdom=Ceowotdom

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tftow-boren, -berde not free-born, born inservitude.

tfeowcnapa m. bondservant, iEH2-610a7.

Mowdom m. slavery, servitude, service,

vassalage, subjection, JE,AO ; CP : divineservice. ['theowdom '


Seowdombad m. service, BH48010.

titowe f. female slave, handmaiden, BH,MtL{i). ['theow']

Wowen, oeowene=oeoweMowet(iE)=tfeowotfteowetilng m. little servant or slave, M.titowhad m. servitude, service, BH.Wowlan I. (±) (ea) (w. d.) occL pret.

oeowde to serve, minister to, be subject to,

Bo,Lk,Mt(e) ; AO,CP : enslave, give overinto slavery, M. [' theow '] IL=oywan L

tt&owln= CeowenWowlnoel (io) n. little servant, CVHy3*.fttowlle servile, jEGbSS1


Wowne as. of tSeowen.

tteownyd (e1)! f. serfdom, slavery.

Mowot n. service, ministry, servitude, bond-age, M,AO,CP.

tfeowotdom m. service, CP.Wowotlle of a slave, servile, M(wt).fttowotllng (e*) m. servant, slave, M.WowotBdpe (wt) m. service, iEH23bM.

tteowraclan to threaten, menace, SPsl02».Wowraeu (iE)=oeowwracu+*towrftden (RB) =«eodr«denWowtMtSeowot; *eow*= oeofo\ olefB

fttowu=tieowe; tftowut=oeowotMowwraeu f. commination, threat, threaten*

ing,M.tteox hunting-spear, HGl423.tfcrWoffir

tieran to rush, CplGOj.ttere-, tierce- =t>ersc-

ttercan, Serccan to 'thrash,1

'thresh,* beat,

WW.tforexwold=oerscold; tforf=tieorf

Serfllcnes (KGL)=oearflicneBSerb (NG)MSurbWrtnne=t>eerinne; t$*rrthte=tf»rrihte

+t5ersc n. thrashing, beating, GD.±tterscan* (a, ae, ea, i, y) to thresh, 'thrash,'

beat, strike, CP,DR,Sol,WW.ferscel (y) I flail, WW. [' threshel']

tfencelfldr f. threshing-floor, Mt3M.

ttersc-old, -wald, -wold, tferx(w)old (e, eo,

i,y)m. 'threshold,'border,limit,JS,Bo,WW.t5es=6aesMs (e?) m., tiSos 1, tJis n. dem. pron. 'this.'

beforan tiiasom, ©r tfissum before this,


tfester- = oeostor-; «fetrtan=tteostrian

tJet, tSette=tS«et, foette

t$ew-=tSeow-, oyw-; t$I=oyffiteda (VPs 134^) =«eoda gp. of Seod-fUlan = +oeonUlcce I. adj. 'thick,* viscous, solid, AO,Bo,Lcd,BB : dense, stiff, Bo,CP,Lcd : numer-ous, abundant, AO : hazy, gloomy, M,BR.

II. adv. thickly, closely, Bl9Lcd,WW : often,

frequently, Qcnbte.fllccet n. thick bushes,' thicket,' SPs. [tticce]

tilodan tr., intr. to thicken, 1&,WW : crotoZ

topetter, £Ar. ['tttdfc']

Ulocnes=Cicne8ttieool, ISicculfat, corpulent, WW.ttlcfeald dense, OEG278.+tiictyldan to make dense, Gl.±«icgan8 (and wv.) (a, a, e, ea) to fofce,

receive, accept, Chrjjcd : partake of, con-sume, taste, eat, drink, Mk; AO,CP.

tfleUce thickly, often, continually, frequently,

in large numbers, AO.tftenes f. 'thickness,' density, viscosity, hard-ness, 0D,Lcd,8Ps : depth : anything thick

or heavy {as clouds or rain), LPs,ZDA :

thicket : darkness.

tfIdan=oyddanAider («, y) adv. on tfazf side, 'thither,'

whither, jE,BH,M{y) ; AO,CP. hider ando\ or. hidree Sidres (Caedres) Atfter andthither, CP : ta&ere, wherever.

ttidercyme m. a coming hither, NC327 (late).

tildergeond thither, M.ftlderinn (y

l, y«) adv. therein, into that


tiktorltodtec to that people, native, MH 178M.

tfiderweard, ttiderweardes adv. ' thither-

wards,' thither, M,AO,Bo.«Idres=«ider; «ed-=«eod-*toder(CP)=«ider; *fof-=«eof-tftefefeoh n. stolen goods, LL.*!•« (e, So, y) I 'theft,' Lcd(f),LL : stolen

goods, LL (tfeoft). [oeof]

+1Hegen= +Vigen; tRen=9ywantfIende=oeonde; ttenen=oinentJlenga=t5inga, gp. of Sing.

9lestr- = Ceostr- ; ttf-= fiief-, ^f


Vlgde, ttigede pret 1, 3 sg. of oWan.Klgen I. £ receiving, taking (offood or drink),eating, M : food or drink, M. [tSicgan]

II. pp. of tJeon I. and Cicgan.

Ulgetf pres. 3 ag. of Cicgan.t$lgnen=tSinen

tilgon pret. pi. of Ceon I.

tSIhsl=tSisl; tMhtlg=t5yhtigtJlhtJ pres. 3 sg. of ©eon L*Uc=Syllic; *Ue=«yleLilian (e, y) to lay with planks, board over,

M. [Oer. dielen]


Ulllng ^boarding, floor : table, GD974.

tJille n. thin board, plank, flooring, Gl.[Oer. diele]

*llilan=tSilian; t5lllle=«yllio

Ulmlama m. incense, M. [L. thymiama]Kin I. gs. of Cu. II. adj. pron. 'thine, ' thy.

III. f. =£igentftnan to grow moist, Lod 13b.tflnc= tJing

Ktncan = ( 1) ©yncan ; (2) tienoan

-f«lnct$o= -ftSyncCo+Ulnd n. swelling, Lcd.

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fllndan8 to swell, swell up, M : (wrongly,through confusion betw. *tabescere' and'tumesoere') melt, pass away, PPslll 9


1181*8: be angry.

fllnen f. maid-servant, handmaid, M : mid-wife, M. [flegn]

fling n. 'thing,9

creature, M,Lcd : object,

property, JE,Bo,Bl,Lcd : cause, motive,

reason, M : lawsuit, PPs : event, affair,

act, deed, enterprise, M,OP,Lcd,MiR :

condition, circumstances, M : contest, dis-

cussion, council, assembly, An,B,Cr,LL :

court ofjustice, v. LL2-449 : point, respect,

Bl. mid nanum flingum adv. not at all.

for his flingum for his sake, for flisumflingumfor this reason, be folium flingumabundantly, amige flinga anyhow, in anyway, somehow, raflost oinga at the earliest.

©Ices flinges entirely, in every respect.

fllngan to invite, address? Gl.+fllngan=+fleon4-flinge n. meeting, council : agreement,covenant : fate.

iflingere m. advocate, intercessor, mediator,priest, Gl,CP.flingestre £ female advocate, mediatrix, HL10M8.

fllnggemearc n.f reckoning of time, allotted


fllnglan (w. d.) to beg, pray, ask, intercede

for, LL,8at ; CP : come to terms, covenant,conciliate, compound with, settle : (refl.)

reconcile oneself (with) : determine, purpose,design : talk, harangue, ['thing']

flingleas/ree (from sin or crime), LL412.flingmann =flingemannfllngr&dan t intercession, pleading, media-tion, intervention, M.+«lngsceat m. ransom, CP33910


fllngstedef m. meeting-place, place ofassembly.

flingstow f. meeting-place, place of council :

place where ways meet, village : market.+flingflo= +flyncfloflingum adv. (instr. pL of fling) purposely.

rbfllngung f. advocacy, intercession, mediation,jE,CP.

fllnn-= flynn-

flmne asm. of om II.

flmnen=flinenfllnra=flynra comp. of flynne.

fllnra gp. of flin ILflint pres. 3 sg. of flindan.

fllo, oio- =fleo, fleo-

fllrf. afemale servant, JnLR1817. [ON. flir]

*ird-(M?)=Srid-flfre =flinre gdsf. of om II.

flirelMflvrel; flirt- =«yrl-fllrnet= oyrnihtflirsceflor, flirscelflorwflerscelflor

flirscefl pres. 3 sg. of flerscan.

flirsewald=flerscold; flint =flurat

flls y. fles ; fllsa=flissa gp. of flea.

fllsan=flisum damn, of oes.

fllses g8mn. of fles.

fllsl t, Aisle 1 waggon-pole, pole, shaft.

[Oer. deichsel]

flisnc= oyllic; flism=dismflfsne as. of fles.

fllson=Visum damn, of oes.

fllssa gp., Aisse, flissere gdsf. ; flisson,

flissum dsmn. and dp. of oes.

fllstel m. 'thistle,9 Ol,WW{y) ; Mdf.

fllsteigeblad n. blister caused by thistle,

LoDl62b.fllsteltwige 1 a kind of bird, goldfinch?linnet? Gl.

fllsternes (CP) =oeostornesfllstr-= Aeostr-

flbtra m. trace, article of harness? WW.flisum dsmn. and dp. of fles.

*tfler=flider; fllustr- (Cp) =flebstr-

fllwan=flywan ; fllwen, Aiwon =fleowenfllwwraou=fleowwracu ; flfid (Gl)= flwl

flo f. clay, loam, Gl. [Oer. ton]flocerian, flocrian to run up and down, WW.floddettan to strike, push, W.floden (6T) n. whirlwind, high wind, whirl-

pool, M,Op,OP,Chr. ['thode9


*6dor=«6«orfloft, flofte f. benchfor rowers, WW. ['theft



+flofta m. comrade, mate, J3,AO.+floftian to join, unite, associate (wifl), AC±Aoftr&den f. fellowship, M.±floftsclpe m. companionship.+flogen virtuous, excellent, [pp. of fleon]

«6h(GL)=tohflohe f. clay, Gl (=oo).ifloht (+ exo. N) mn. process of thinking,


9 LL : mind, 01 : a thought, idea,

MtR : compassion, 'viscera,9 LkLRl71



+*©hta= +«oftaflohte pret. 3 sg. of flencan.

fldiht clayey, WW348U.

flol m. 'thole,9oar-pin, Cp,WW.

flolebyrde patient. 8c ['tholeburde9


flolebyrdnes f. endurance, Sc&(i*). ['thole-




zbflolian to suffer, endure, undergo, An,B,Oen,MkL ; AO,CP : allow, KC : persevere,

hold out (intr.), survive : (w. g.) to lose, lack,

forfeit, be without, dispense with,M. [' thole ']


flolle f. saucepan, OEG4115.flolmdd I. forbearing, patient, JS,Sc,OEG.II. m. patience? ^LM6»*d. ['tholemode']

flolmodnes f. forbearance, patience, M.['thokmodencss



«olo-=«ol(e)-flon I. instr. sing, of s§. II. adv. then, now :

thence : (in negative clauses, with com-paratives) in comparison with : inasmuchas, when, after tSon after that, sbr flon

before that (antequam). no flon lange...

not long until.... t6 flon to that extent

III. (VPs)=«onne

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t$©n=Cftm; tonan=:tianon; fane=oanotons asm. of s£ Oe, that.

fantoan ==oan8can ; t$onen=oanontongMoanctonne (a, ae) adv. and oonj. then, AO ; CP :

therefore, wherefore : yet : while, when :

thereafter, henceforth : rataer tAan, P* :

since : although : (with comparatives)'*&*»,' iE,CP. Sonne...Sonne wAen...faen. tS. hwwoere yet, nevertheless. 8.

gyt a* ye/, even. $. oe «tnee.

tonon==oanonDor m. Thor, Lod,W.tor!(NG)=oeorftortest useful, NG. [tfearf]

tortendMbearfendtortte pret. 3 sg. of Curfan.torn (VP8)*-f6urh ; *orhniht=6orniht

i useless, NG. [oearf]

torn m. 'flora,' thorn-bush, JB,Bo,G,Ql;CP; Mdf : name of the rune for *, J2«n.

farncynn n. a Atntf o/ (Aom.torngebUM n. Muter eauserf 6y a flora, Lod162b.

tornlan to lose, v. MF174.tornlg 'thorny,' JS,WW.torn-iht, -eht(e) thorny.

tornlng m. thorny place, BC1-4808 (Mdf).

tornrind 1 thorn-bark, Lod 19a.

torof(JftL)=Ceorftorp (Srop) m. farm : village, Cp,Ep,WW{to), ['thorp']

torsoen pp. of oerscan.

fast m. dung, Lod.+*6t= +«eottotorian to cry, howl, lament, M(o*).toterung f. groaning, wailing, J3.

totor-, o\>tr-=ooter-

fa«(CHBll36)=oeahLtotor, Cotter m. ball

tox=dox; toa=orea+tfracen prepared, decked, JS.

toaeJan to fear, dread, shun, RHyD™.Vraeuf t, gs. orooe pressure, fury, storm,

violence : onrush, attack.

±8nee (usu. +) n. throng, force, violence :

equipment, OEG.ttrocheard brave in battle, El 123.

VroohwD £ time of misery, Jul554.8rssclan=oraoianftrocrdf keen in fight, Gin2030.

IfrsMSwald =oersooldttraeowlg m. violent combat, Ex 182.

tfraewudu m. spear, B 1246(e1).KriBd (e) m. 'thread, ' Bo,Lcd ; JE.

+<JraBf n. rebuke, censure, NC297 ?

+tfrs9f (on) unanimously.ttraeft n. tontentiousness, Mod 42.

tasganf to run.

toSglng= tireagungttrftl (ea) m. serf, 'thrall,' LL,NO.ttrAlrlht n. serf's right, W158".Vrite (e) fringe, hem, Gl.tasscan= tirostan ; tSrsBSOS (Cp) = tJrysce


±5rflstan to writhe, twist, press, force, BH :

crush, oppress, torment, [v. 'threat,'


+«ritetednes 1 contrition, GD,WW.tfrftstnes £ trouble, pain, grief : (+) con-trition.

tattling 1 affliction, torment, CP317 7.

tiriBwen=t?rawen pp. of Erawan.taBwung=&reagnng; taBXWold=8eracoldtfraflan to restrain, reprove, CP : urge, push,press, M.'

tailing f. reproof, correction, CP.ttrlg f. space of time, time, while, period, sea-son, Oen,Jul : occasion, B,Bl,Bo : evil times :

paroxysm, tinge for a time, some time,long time, tfragum at times, sometimes.ealle orage aU the time, continually,


tagbyslg long busy? Rd61.

tfragUe (Bran-) long-continued, MF (Veep.Dxiv).

ttragmfilum at times, sometimes.

tahMtirag; tall=«real, oraltang pret. 3 sg. of oringan.

±tang n. throng, crowd, tumult.

±Mwan7 to turn, twist, curl, M,WW ; CP :

rack, ['throw']

Mwlngsplnl £ crisping-pin, OEG.tawu(GL)=«rea; ta=oreoMa I. mfn. threat,menace,abuse,CP : rebuke,castigation : oppression, attack : calamity,throe. Pttreowan] IL imperat. of Creagan.taaos=oreaxtfreade pret. 1, 3 sg. of tireagan.

±taagan, Sreawian (§) to rebuke, chastise*

correct, punish, CP,Mt;M : threaten,

menace : attack, oppress, torture, afflict, vex,harass, ['threa']

ftriagend m. reprover, OEG6380.t$rtagung (a, eaw-) £ threatening, reproof,correction.

tfrsahs=Vreaz«real L £ discipline, correction, punishment,M : reproof : threat. IL= tirel

Vrtallef severe, terrible, calamitous.

tJrean (JE) =«reagan ; ttrtanUMtSreaniedfireang =8reagangUrtenledf £ affliction, misery, distress,


taanledla («, y*)f m. affliction, misfortune,r, Jul 128.

correct, CP16617.

Krtenledllc calamitous,

flrtanydMffreaniedtSreaplan to reprove,


Vreapung £ reproof, CP1671*.

Vreat I. (eo) m. press, crowd, throng, host,troop, B.El,Mk : oppression, coercion,calamity, Bl,Jul : threatening? M. ['threat']II. pret. 3 sg. of 8re*otan.

Vreatend m. violent person, MtL.Vreatlan to urge, press, force, attack, harass,JB,CpJ£H,Mt : threaten, PPs : reprove,rebuke, M,CP. ['threat']

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Krtatmfilum (5) adv. in swarms,tfrtatnes f. affliction, tribulation, NG327.flrtatnian (JS) =«reatian. ['threaten']

Vftetung f. threatening, compulsion, ill-usage,

AO : correction, reproof, CP.totaling= tfreagungtirtew pret. 3 sg. of oreowan.ttrtawend =br6wendttrtaweore n. misery, Gbn737. [OS.]ttrtawlan, ttreawung=oreag-ian, -ungAreas (e) rottenness, rubbish, refuse, Bas4SF;ML3BP*. [ON. Srekkr ; v. ES43-332]


Vreee m. oppression, force : weariness.[ftraou]

tfrecswald =oerocold ; tirtd (Cp) =$ried+ftre£an = +8rean; ftriglan==orsegantfoehtlg=tirohtig; tfoeinm)H$rymmflrto v. fine; t$reo- = on-±9reodlan (y) to think over, deliberate :


tfreodung 1 deliberation, consideration :

scruple, hesitation.

tfreohtlg =tSrohtigtfrtohnnd n. (Aree hundred, M.Vreohundwlntre of the age of three hundredyears, M.

ttreom y. tJrie.

tfreonlht f. period o/ taree daw, Pa3&tfrtora v. Crie ; ttreoseUle =rorisellic

tfetostru^tteostru; flriot==8reat

ttrfotan* to vex, weary, AS46*.

ttrtotftria 'ftirfeenft,' JB,iftf (-teg«a),Jf<(yi);AO.

flrtotlne 'thirteen,' BH(&),Men(y*).flrtotlnegeare fifteen year* old, MH216M.

*r*ott-=«reot-tfrtow I. pret. 3 eg. of tfrawan. II.=oriefMowlan=t$rdwian; tJreoxwold=t5©rsooldtftrep? 'fornix,

9 Ln34w (drep).

tfrepel=orypel; tfr6ftfSre=onr€5rettrta=ones; ttreeean=oerscantfrescold, &rescwald=oerscold*rtst-=tSr»st-; «rtt= (l)«reat; (2) Criedtfrtung=&reaung; tfrex=oreaxtfrex-=&ersc-; tirf=one; 8rta=&riwatfrlbeddod (y) three-bedded, having three

couches, WW184M.

ttrlecan=Sryocanttrldaeglio (eo, y) adj. lasting three days, BH350".

flridfiled (eo, y) tripartite, OEG.flrldda (v) num. adj. 'third, ' Bl,Cr,Lcd ; AO,CP. oridde healf two and a half.

ttrldung =tireodungtfcrfe (I, y) num. nam. ; nafn. tSreo ; gmfn.tirSora; dmfn. orim (oreom) 'three.'

tJrie-=tSri-; 9rleste= orate adv.ttrfetan to weary : force.

ftrifeald threefold.

ttrifealdlie threefold, triple, adv. -lice tn&ree way*.

ttrlfeottor= Srifetfor

tfrlfftle 'three-footed,' MQr.

ttrlfefar triangular, Gl.tfrlflngre (y) iaree fingers broad or thick, LL110[49,3].

Sriflere (y) ihree-storied, £!H2-70".ftrl-fotede, -fotad 'three-footed,' WW(y).tirilyldan= ttrifealdan

tfrlfyrede three-furrowed, iEGB288ian.

ttrig=one; tiriga=$riwattrigSrede three-pronged, iEGE288I0(eo).

ttrigeare <Aree year* ota : «paee o/ fAree year*.

tirigylde I. adj. subject to threefold payment,or compensation, LL. II. adv. LL.

ttrintaldede 'three-headed,' £}Qr61n{y).


tirihlwede having threeforms, jEGb287"(v).ftrihlldede having three openings, jEGb288«(y).

ttri-nyrne, -hvrnede (eo) three-cornered.

ttrllftfe three-leaved, as sb. = trefoil? wood-sorrelf WW133»(y).

flrllen (WW151", y), flrilig, orili adj. wovenwith three threads, Cp,Ln,WW ; LV.['thriU']

UHllc triple, threefold, VHy(y).tfrlUfte n. year urrta an ezfra month (a tatra*,

named Uoa).

thrlm L=tirymm. II. v. Crie.

tntm-= orym-tfrlmen (y) a third part, Lon47a.tfri-meolee, -milce n. May.Krlms, tirimae=trymes ; tfrindan=Srintanftrlnen (y) three-fold.

Brines 1 Trinity, M,BH. ['threenees,'


+ttrlng n. crowd, pressure, commotion, An


^IL(y). [v. 'taring']

±3rlngan8 to press, squeeze, crowd upon,throng, An,Mk,Ph : press forward, rush on,

hasten, advance, AO : oppress : (+) pinch(with cold), ['tkring']

tirtnlhte three days old, Lod.6rlnna three-fold, three times, LL. ['thrin']

Drlnnes {M) = Drines«rlntan8 to swell, Mod 24.

tJrfo =Creo. v. Urie.

ftrlostr- (KGL)=oeo8tr-CrirttJre with three rows of oars, as sb.

trireme, AO(ie).9risee=Vrysce; tSr1soelfldr=66rsceMdr

tJrlscyte (y1) triangular, AO. [sceat]

tJriselllc tripartite, NABdS^teo1).tSrisUte tripod, three-forked, A4-151(ie?).

tMsnseeoe (y1, e1) three-forked, ^Gn288ia


thisnes= Cristnes

Vrlst, oriste I. adj. daring, rash, bold : auda-cious, shameless, CP,W. II. adv. boldly,

daringly, ['thriste' ; Oer. dreist] .

tfrfstello = ©ristiglic

Vrbtful presumptuous, A 13-369.

Vristhycgendet brave-minded.

tJrlsthydJgt bold, valorous.

+ttrlstlan to dare, presume.Vrlstlglie rash, bold, daring, adv. -lice.

rbVrbtlAean to presume, dare, CP.

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ftrbtlAcnes f. boldness, GD.+«rbtl&cung 1 presumption, MF164.Srtstleaanes f. want of boldness? A 11-101.


flrfstUng m. bold person? (BT), thrush (Mdf),EC450".

tirfstlong very long? (or= bristling?) BC3-618.

tfrtstnes f. rashness, boldness.


tfrlstronge (eo, y) three-stringed, J5Gb288".tJrlt (M) pres. 3 sg. of orietan.

flritlg 'thirty,' B,Bl; AO,CP.flrltlgfeald ^thirtyfold,

9 MLflrttlgofla 'thirtieth,


tfrltigwlntre tttrfy year* old, M.flrltteofla=SreoteooaflrtttlgwSrltig; *iWw«ryt$flitting tttro" port o/ a county, riding, LL(late).

tirlttlnggerifa m. governor or sheriff of a'oriSing,' LL (late).

flilwa adv. thrice, Mk,RB ; AO. ['thrie9


tiriwln-tre, -tea, -ter ftree year* aW, IPTF.[v. 'thrinter



Uroc n. toMe, Mkllu : piece o/ 1000a* onwhich the ploughshare is fixed.


ttrdh h 'rancor,' Gl. IL 'rancidus,9 OEG.

ttrohtf I. m. ezertion, labour, endurance, tod,

trouble, suffering. II. adj. dire, trouble-

some, tormenting.

Vrohtheardf strong in enduring : hard to


Vrohtlg (e? eo) enduring, persistent, per*severing, laborious.

1forag=&rang pret. 3 sg. of oringan.t$rop=oorp; VrMte=orostlettrosm m. smoke, vapour, M.tfrosmlg vaporous, smoky, W138*ttrostle (67) 1 'throstle,

9thrush, BC,Cp,GD.

*rota(WW306")=«rotetfrotboUa m. gullet, windpipe, larynx, M,Ql,LL. ['throatboU



tfrote, Brotu f. 'throat,9 M,Bo,WW.

tfroten pp. of tireotan.

Vrotu (M) =Crote ; ftrdung=Crowungttrowen pp. of tSrebwan.

ttrowend m. serpent, scorpion, basilisk, JE.

tirowend- =orowiend-ttrowere m. sufferer, martyr.

tirowerhftd, tfrdwethad m. martyrdom, GD.dbtSrowlan (o?) to endure, suffer, die, JE,B,Bl,Bo ; AO,CP : payfor, atonefor. ['throw



tfrowlendhad (es) m. martyrdom, GD231 Bo.

ttrdw-lendlio, -igendlic suffering, enduring,passive, M. o. deaU apoplexy.

tfrowung I suffering, M,CP : passion,martyrdom : painful symptom : anniversary

of martyrdom. [* throwing *]

tirdwungrdding i. reading about martyrs,martyrology, CM286.

ttrdwung-tfd f., -tlma n. time of suffering.

ftJrflen pp. of oVeran.

flrGh fmn. pipe, trough, 01,MH : chest :

tomb, coffin, M,BE. ['through9


tfoim=onm v. tSrie.

-tirum v. tunge-C. [4 thrum



ttrungen pp., orungon pret. pL of oringan.

-tJrut y. nsc-tS.

tfrutigende strutting, bouncing, M : threaten-

ing^LUF".tfo-uton pret. pi. of oreotan.

tfrutung anger, pride : threatening, MLln.

tfoitihorn=trutfhom ; t$rj= tfrie, $ri

±tiryecan pret., tSrycte, tSryhte (tr.) to

trample on, crush, oppress, afflict, Bo ; CP :

(intr. ) press, push, Qu. [' thrutch *


+ttiyccednes £ distress, trouble, MF (Vesp,

Dxiv).ttrycnes f. tribulation, affliction, MtR.tirydda=ondda-ftJryde pret. 3 eg. of +8ryn.+«r9dfullod 'elatus,

9 RP81301.

tireodian; th$dlg=8ry&igtirydIIe*==orjr&lice; <Jrydung=Creodungttryh=oYuhtiryhte pret. 3 sg. of tirycoan.

t5ryl=oyrl, tSyrel

+«ryi n. croturf, multitude, jEL23w. pJryn]flrym=(l) orymm; (2) tSrim

tJrymcyme m. glorious coming, Gtr 1230.

ttrymcynlngt m glorious king, king of glory,

God.ttrymdom m. glory, W25414d.

tJrymen =CrimenVrymtestt glorious, illustrious, noble, mighty.ftrymfult glorious, majestic, peerless.

ttrymlloe= Crimeoloe

ftrymllc glorious, magnificent, AO : powerful,mighty, adv. -lioe.

ttrymm m. multitude, host, troop, JEL,Cr :

torrent : force, power, might, ability : glory,

majesty, splendour, CP. ['thrum*]

flrymma m. brave man, hero, An 1 141.

thymine, Crymmum adv. powerfully, vio-


tfrymrlce n. realm of glory, heaven, Bl105u .

t5rymsa=trymesVrym-seld n., -setl (M) n. seat of honour,throne.

tfrymslUendet ptc. sitting in glory, dwellingin heaven.

Vrymwealdend I. adj. all-ruling. II. m.lord of glory.

+*T$n to press, bind, v. NC328.Vryne (A07684

) =drino, imperat. of drincan.9rynen=tSrinen; Drynes = DrinesUryng sb. conduit, channel? (=$ring?)WW1981*.

Drynnes (jE) = Brines; 5ryoem=CroenitJr^pel (e) m. instrument of torture, cross?

WW22541. [Breapian]

tJrypelOl 'eculeus,9

'catasta,9 WW180".

+«ryscan to weigh down, afflict, oppress, CP.[oerscan]

Vrysee (n, i, y) 'thrush,9 WW.


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itJrysman, -ftJrysmian to press, oppress,

stifle, AO. pSroem]«ryssoe=Cryece; flrfrtKiorist

*r$st-=oeost-tjryt pres. 3 sg. of oreotan.

tJryUf f. (often in pL) might, power, force,

strength : majesty, glory, splendour : multi-tude, troop, host.

t$ryt$®rn n. noble house, palace, B657.grygbearn n. strong youth, An494.

tttftibord n. strong shield, El 151.

«r?*cynlng m. king of glory, Qod, An436.

Jr^fult strong, brave,

flryflgestealdj n. splendid dwelling, palace,

grjglg mighty, strong, Gen 1986 T

Brittle strong, valiant, adv. -lice( ?).

*ry*o=ory8tfrjttewySf n. mighty, powerful, B.tfiyBu=orytSttrySum very, violently.

ttry&weorc n. mighty work, An774.tJryUword n. lofty discourse, B643.tu (u) pron. 2 pere., gs. tfin, das. tJe, tSeo


dual n. git, git, g. incer, d. inc, a. inoit, ino


nP« gS, g*6* gP- Sower, dp. eow, ap. eowic,Sow ''thou.*

tJOl m. tuft : banner, standard, crest. [L. tufa]+tfuf thriving, luxuriant, WW.*ufb*re leafy, OEG2222.«tlle«lstel=ou«i8tel

ttuflan to shoot forth, grow luxuriantly, WW4081


•ttflg leafy, WW408».fluft m. ttidfee*, WW4081*.

tiugon pret. pi. of fteon.

+«uhslan to make misty, dark, W137*.tiuhte pret. 3 sg. of ttyncan.

+ttuhtsum abundant, MH 138".

tta!llo=oyUicttuma m. * thumb,' Ep,Lcd,LL.ttumle ebpl. entrails, Cp210u.+ttun n. Jowd noise, PPs45'.

tfunar=ounortfanden pp. of ftindan.

tSunelle= ounorlio

ttuner, ttuner- =Uunor, oun(o)r-

ttung m. a poisonous plant, wolfsbane,aconite, nightshade? Gl.

4-tfungen full grown, thriven : competent,

excellent, distinguished, virtuous, ML.[pp. of oeon]

+«ungenlIoe adv. virtuously , soberly.

±thmgennes f. growth : goodness, excellence,

virtue, perfection,

ttunlan to stand out, be prominent : be proud :

roar, thunder, crash, groan.

tJunnung=6unung; t$unnur=6unorttunor (e*, u1

) m., ga oun(o)res 'thunder/AO,Cp,Jn,Rd : thunderclap, Led : the godThunder, Thor : 'Jupiter,' WW; WW.

ttunor-=t$unr-ttunorbodu f. sea-bream? WW180»*.Vunorolcefre f. bugle (plant), Lodttunorlle (ea) thundery, OEG.

tfunorrad f. thunder, thundering, M.tiunorradllc thundering, HGl451m.

ttanorradstefn I voice of thunder, PPs76w.

ttunorwyrt f. thunder-wort, houseleek, Lod.ftunresd&g m. 4

Thursday, ' J3 ; LL.Sunresnlht f. the eve of Thursday, Wednesdaynight.

ittunrian to 'thunder,* Bo,Jn (impers.);

PPs (pers.).

ttunring f. thundering, Chb1085.tJunung 1 creaking, noise, din, WW.tfunur, ounur-=t$unor, oun(o)r-tfun-wang (e, o), -wange (®, e) f. (n?) temple

{of the head), M,WW. [' thunwang ']

Dur=Dorttaren=$woren pp. of oVeran.ttaresdsag^ounresdffig ,

tfarfan swv. pres. I, 3 ag. tfearf, pL tmrfon


pret. sg. oorfte; subj. pres. tiurfe, oyrfeto need, be required : must, have occasion to,

GenJjL ; CP : want, be needy : be under anobligation, owe. ['tharf' ; tSearf]

Vurg=ourn prep.

tJurh (e, o) I. prep. (w. d. a. g.) (space)



), O : (time) through,

during, PPs : (causal : agent, means, in-

strument) through, by means of, in con-

sequence of, because of, BH,Bl,Q,Gen. tSurh

ealle entirely : (manner) in, with, by, in

conformity with : for the sake of, in the nameof, Sat : (end, aim) with a view to, on behalf

of. II. adv. through, throughout, PPs.*Orh=oruhtturhbeorht very bright, transparent, radiant,

clear, M.tfurhbiter thoroughly bitter, sour, perverse,


tturhblawan7 to inspire, animate, CM370.tturhborian to bore through.

tJurhbrecan* to break through, M.tfurhbregdan8 to draw through, transport.

ttarhbrengan to bring through, LPs77".tfurhbrflcan* to enjoy fully, WW981


ttarhburnen thoroughly burnt, Lod 166b.

tfurhclsenslan to cleanse thoroughly, MtR3u.

ttarhcrtopan* to creep through, pass through,

Bo93».tturhdelian* to dig through, pierce, M.Vurhdrencan to saturate, Kl17148


tfurhdreogan1 to work through, accomplish,

pass (time), CM.tiurhdrlfan1 to drive or push through, strike :

pierce, perforate : penetrate, imbue.

tJurhdufan1 to dive through, B 1619.

t$urhendlan (e1) to accomplish, perfect, LL411[2,2].

Vurhetan* to eat through, consume.

tfurhfsere= fiurhfere

tSurhfsBstnian to transfix, JnLR19".tSurhfaran* to pass through, traverse, pene-

trate, pierce, CP.flurhfarennes f. inner chamber, ASPsl04M.

VurbiSran to pass through, traverse, penetrate,

BE. ['thoroughfare']

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tfurhflre h penetrable. II. n. secret chamber.*urfafUona to fly through, BH 1361.

turhfdn7 to penetrate, B 1604.

tfurh-gin anv., pret. -eode to go through,

pass through, penetrate, JR. [' throughgo9

]tturngangan7=Surbgan8urhgedon=tiurnddnfturhgefeht n. war, Cp206p(o1).tfarhgtotan* to fill entirely, imbue, saturate,


flurhglfidaii to heat through, Da 244.

tfarhh&lan to heal thoroughly, Lcd.thirhhiUg most holy.

Uurbheflg very heavy, GD 104*.

flurhholod bored through, OEG4035.tturhhwtt quite white,WW 163*.

tturhleman* to run through, traverse, pierce,


tturhl&dan to lead forth, conduct.

tfarnldran to persuade, Sc38u.

VurhlAred very learned, skilled, WW118"Uurhla* very Aate/W, WW 130s9.

fturhltor-an, -ian to penetrate, GD.JVPs.tturhldeunf f. preface, introduction, WW172".

tfarhrdaan to ni«A through, Rd4m.

tturhseiotan* to eAooi through, pierce, MJlO.tturbsclnan to shine through, be transparent,

WW 1487(y). ['throughshine



flurhie&Miidlte illustrious, splendid, LPs 16*.

tfurnscrttan1 to jfo through, traverse : examine,consider.

tturhsoyUUg very ^ut%9 J3.


tturhstcan to eeorcA through, inquire thorough-ty into, Sc209». ['ftrouffAtee*']

ttarhsfon* to too* through, examine : pene-trate, £o. ['tAorotiffoee']

tturhslean* to elrtie or pierce through, M :

attadfe, ajpicf, Hfl.

tturhsmfiagan to eearcA thoroughly, investi-

gate, think outtturhsmagan* to pierce, 6ore ttrotiflrA, eat

through : go through carefully.

tturhsmyrian to *maw, anoint, W229*.«urhsp6dlg very rich, jEHI-6028


Vurhstlccian to transfix, JnL19S7(o1).tfurhsttngan* to pierce through, thrust through,

prick, M,CP.tfurhstrang very strong, OEG601*.

tfarhswlmman* to swim through, WW621.

tiurhswlfian to prevail, LPs61*.flurhswdgan to penetrate, BH430* (v.l.).

fiurhsyne limpid, transparent, OEG23".tturhtfton' to carry or put through : finish,

fulfil, carry out, effect, jE,AO,CP : draw,drag : continue : afford : undergo.

tfurhtogennes f. a religious reading at

monastic mealtimes, RBL1187.

tturhtrymman to confirm, JnLR 10M(el).ttarhtirawan to twist through.

tfurh-tiyddan, -Syn to pierce, thrust through,M.

flurhtiyrel (i>) pierced through, perforated, LL.

fturh-tfyrellan (CP), -Syrlian to pierce, pene-trate.

tfurhut prep. (w. a.) adv. right through, M.tiurbwac-oC -el, -ul wide-awake, sleepless, M.tfurhwadan* to penetrate, go through, bore,


tiurhwseoendlio very vigilant, JSL23bM.

fturhwerod quite sweet, very sweet, Gl.tfurhwAt thoroughly wet, jEP172".tJurhwlItan1! to look through, see.

fturhwreoan* to thrust through.

tiurhwundlan to pierce through, wound badly,

LL82[61,1].tturbwunenes 1 perseverance, MF 176.

fturbwunlan to abide continuously, remain,continue, settle down, M,AO,CP : persevere,

hold out, be steadfast, CP.tiurhwunlgendlle constant, continued, adv.-lice.

tfarhwunol perpetual, NG328.tturbwunung t perseverance, persistency :

continued residence.

tturhyrnan= tturhiernan

tfuiradag=ttunresdegttarruc m. small ship? hold of a ship? WW181». [v. '^wtoc*']

tfaraoon prei. pi. of oeracan.

ttiirnlong {Jn) =ttanieedngSunt (y) m. 'thirst,

9 Led; M,AO,VPs.tturstlg 'thirsty,

9 PPs,Mt(j);JR : thirsting

after, greedy, Bo.tfuru=duru; tJuruhWtSurhtfus adv. 'thus/ in this way, Bl,Cp,Lk : asfollows, Bo,MH,MtR : to this extent

(qualifying adja), J5,B,QlttOsend num. (sbn., always followed bygen.) 'thousand,

9 Et,Chr,WW; AO,CP.tftksend-ealdor, -ealdorman m. captain of athousand men, v. OEG4747.

tttaendfdald 'thousand-fold,9 M,W.

ttnsendgerlm): n. computation by thousands.Vosendgetel n. a thousand, JSGb2844


flttoendhlwe multiform, WW1011.

ttQsendlle adj. of a thousand.tfusendm&le? adj. a thousand each, a thou-sand.

tfosandmdlumt adv. in thousands.HQsendmann m. captain of a thousand men,M.

tSQiendrloa m. chief of a thousand men, WW110"

Uttaent-=t5usend-; flusllc=SyIlictfuss=Cus; tMUan=oeotantJuClstel m. sow-thistle, Ol,WW. T'thow-thistle



+tSQxsJAH (Dom 106) = +tfuhsiantJwa (NG) =t$wea pros. 1 sg. of Cwean.VwsBgen pp. of Swean.«W8Bl=tiweal*w*le? (6) f. fillet? towel? v. OEG53*.dbVwAnan to soften, moisten, BH,Lcb.t$w®ng=Cwang; t$WBBT-=t5wer-±tiwftre (usu. +) united, concordant, har-monious,M : compliant, obedient : agreeable,

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pleasant, gentle i peaceful : prosperous.

adv. -lice.

±tiw£rlan (5) to agree, consent to : reconcile :

suit, fit.

±tfwArlAcsn1 toagree,consent(to),ML : suit.

itJwftrnes 1 concord, peace : gentleness.

tiwagen rare pp. of owean.ttw&h (A) imperat. of tiwean.

tfwang mf. 'thong,' band, strap, cord, JB,Q,

WW i phylactery, MtL(e),B(n).tJwar-=Cw8er-; t$warm=6wearmttwastrian to whisper, HL18«".tiwat pret. 3 sg. of tiwitan.

tiwea pres. 1 sg. of (ft, e) n. washing, bath, laver, CP,JnL12s : soap, ES43-334 : ointment. [Goth.

owahl]±tiweans to wash, cleanse, JS,CP : anoint,

MtL6".tiwearm m? cutting tool, Gl.«w6hl=t5weal; *wMe=«w»letiwftnan =tSwaenan ; ttareng (NG) =oVangtiweor, oweorg=oweorh+t$weor v. buter-geo\

ttweora m. perversity, CP2228.

ttwftores adv. (gen. of oweorh) athwart,

transversely, obtiquely, AO : perversely.

ttweorh I. adj., gmn. Sweores cross, trans-

verse, bent, crooked : adverse : angry : per-

verse, depraved, CP. II. n. crookedness,

wrong.ttweorh-fero, -furu, -fyri cross-furrow, Gl.tiweorhttme =tiweortiemettweorian=$weranitfweorian to oppose, thwart, be opposed to.

tfweorlic perverse, contrary, adverse, J3 : re-

versed, out of order, adv. -lice, GP.tiwtornes (y) t perversity, frowardness,obstinacy, depravity, M.

ttwfonolpe m. perversity, GP.tiweortleme (e*, i

1, y1) contentious, perverse,

wicked, CP.tfweoton (BH204M)=Switon pret. pL of


tfwer, oVerh=t?weorhtfweran4 to stir, churn : (f) beat, forge, render

malleable, soften.

ttwlhtf (ie) pres. 3 sg. of tiwean.

tiwlnan to decrease, lessen, Lcd.+tfwmglod fastened up? (BT), HL181".

tiwfr=oweorhtiWlril m. handle of a churn, whisk, WW28081. [oweran]

+ttwlt n. cuttings, BH204M (v.l.). [owitan]Italian1 to cut, 'whittle, ' cut off, cut out, BE,Led. ['thwite']

tfwdg, owoh pret. 3 sg., owogen pp. ofttwean.

tiwong = owangtfworen pp. of oweran.+tiwornes= +oweornes ; tiwurh=oweorhtiwyhti pres. 3 sg. of owean.tfwjlr (M), «wyr- = oweorh, oweor-9wyrll=twiril; VwJn=9weores

tf I. pron. (instr. sing, of se, tS»t). after byafter (that), later. II. oonj. and adv. be-

cause, since, on that account : therefore, Lcd


then : (with comparatives) the. t$f...t$f

the...the. mid oy while, when, td oy tSeet

for the purpose that, in order that, for $ftie because, oy lss (fie) lest. [* thy ']

ttyan = oyn; tJyc-=6ic-

ttydaeges adv. on fte same day.

tydan=oeodantiyddan to strike, stab, GP : thrust, press, M.['thud']

+ttyde good, virtuous. Gba68.*yderW«ider; tyft-tifcof

tytel m. tfArao, &i*A, cop«e, thicket, Lcd,LPs,WW,M. ['thyveT; ouf]

tfytettorn y? (5, eo, l) m. buckthorn? haw-thorn? bramble? Gl (e, eo), Lcd (e), IfW.['thevethorn']

tyflenT (or T ryplen) bushy, GPH309**7.

flytten f. handmaid, OEQ. ['thuflen']

«y«5=«Ief»; *fgan=oyn+ttyht pleasing, Rim 18.

Uyhtig dron?, B1668.tyhtt pres. 3 sg. of BSon.

tyUte conj. fe«t. oy l£s t$e Je*t.

*yto=oylliottylcraft (e) m. elocution, rhetoric, OEG.±*yld (usu + ) nl patience, LkLR. [' {&0<Z *]

±ftyktalle patient. adv. -lice patiently,quietly.

+t$yld-ian, -(i)gian to be patient, bear, endure,GP : give in, agree, OEG3237.

itfyldig (usu. +) adj. patient, DB; M,CP.[v. 'thild']

+«yldmod patient, W727.

+«yldm6dnes f. patience, NC297.-f*yldum patiently, steadfastly.

tJyle m. speaker, orator : jester, WW386*.«ylten(iE)=«ilian; «yltog=«il(l)ing+*yU n. air, breeze, DR121".Vyllle pron. (such like), such, such a, AO,GP.+«yllie 'densus,' OEG6* (?«+«icUc; or+oyllio, from tSyn).

+9ylmM brought down, abased, LPs 19'.

tymel m. thumbstaU, 'thimble,9Led.

ttymele adj. of the thickness of a thumb, LL110[49,3].

ittynl to press, squeeze, thrust, stab : coerce,restrain, oppress. [=6yddan] IL=oln±9yncan (i) (impers. w. d.) pret. 3 sg. Cuhteto appear, seem, Bo,CP,M,Cr ; AO. m8tSynctt methinks, Bo. him tiuhte it seemedgood to him. [Ger. dunken]itJyncUo (usu. +) i dignity, rank, office,

JE(i),GP : meeting, assembly : prtvatearrangement (to defeat justice), LL112[52].t$ynden=oenden±t5yngo progress, promotion,N : propitiation,DR231".

^ynhlAne wasted, shrunk, WW446M.

tJynne (i) 'thin,' BH,RB : lean, Lcd,WW :

not dense, JB,BG : fluid, tenuous, BHJJcd,Met i weak, poor, BH,Lcd\

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tiynnes (i) f. lack of densiy, tenuity, fluidity,

LcalSb : poverty, feebleness (of sight),

LcdllU. ['thinness']

dittynnlan (i) to 'thin,* make thin, lessen,

dilute, J&JLcd : become thin, ML.tynnol (u«) Jean, torn, WW172".t5ynnung,Synung f


' thinning, ' act ofmakingthin, LcddStk.

Synwefen thin woven, WW439»*.flyrel (y?) I. n. hole, opening, aperture, per-

j-oration, BH,MtLJ3c,WW. II. adj. pierced,

perforated,full of holes, CP. [' thirV ;&vrh]tfyrelhus n. turner's workshop, WW185»l


tJyrelian = Syrlian

tyrelung f. piercing, CP153*tyrelwamb with pierced belly, Rd79u.


ttyrfe subj. pres. sing, of tiurfan.


ttyrllan to perforate, pierce, excavate, JS(i),

WW. ['thirl']

-Syrlie v. samod-tt. ; tfyrnwSomttyrne f. thorn-bush, bramble, M ; Mdt*jm*n thorny, of thorns, M,CP. ['thornen']

ttyrnet n. thorn, bramble, thorn-thicket, OEG.ttyrnlht, Cymihte thorny, Lcd.tfyrran to dry, render dry, Rd29*.flyrre withered : dry. [Oer. diirr]

flyrs m. atant, aemon, wizard, B,Cp;MdL['thurse



tfyrsetf pres. 3 eg. of oerscan.

ttyreewold= tierscold


+*yrst&tr«ty,MH170».Vyretan (pers. and unpen.) to '(hirst,* thirst

after, oXcd,8c ; AO,CP. [Buret]

+ttyrstgUn= -fCristian

tJJs instr. smn. of ties.

*ys-=Cis-; *ysllc=Cyllic

-flyssa v. brim-C.

fljiterwCeoetor; Ifystr- =oeostr-

W» Cytt pres. 3 sg. of oeotan.

-ttytan y. &-«. [0J5TG. ddzon]«SUel(LPs79u)=«yfel«y8er= Cider; tJJw-=oeow-dbttywan to press, impress, M : stab, pierce :

ertuA, ptuA, oppress, check : ttreofen.

+ttywe= +Beawe*yw*=Sief«tywung 1 ttrcflrf, threatening, GD238".

uuce, ucu=wuoe, wuouOder n. 'udder,' WW61W.

udu(N)=wuduV& L m. oid, Gl : vulture, ^GB481Tn.

IL m. uvula, WW.ufa=ufanulan (o) adv. from above, JE,AO,GP : over,

above, on high, CP. on u.; u. on oat

besides, on uhserfest in late autumn, onu.midne winter a/fer Christmas. [Oer. obenjulancumende coming from above.

ulanound /rom afore, supreme, divine, CP.uXane=ufanufanweard adj. (often used w. d. as a prep.)

highest, topmost, M, ufanweardum above,at the top.

ufemest (superL of uferra, ufor) highest,

uppermost, topmost, M. ['ovemest']

ufentHufanufenan, ufenon I. adv. from above, Jn,W.II. prep, over and above, DD. on ufenanupon the top of. ['ovenon']

ufera= uferra±uferian to delay, put off, M : (+) raise up,Bk8 : extol, honour, M. [ufor]

uferra comp. adj. above, higher, upper, BE


CP : outer, Lcd,WW : after (of time), later,

future, AO,Lcd ; CP. ['over']

uferung f. delay, GD245*.ufeweard I. adj. upward, ascending, upper,higher up, JC,CP : later. IL sb. upperpart, outside, M.ufewerd= ufeweard; uflrlan=uferianufonMufanufor adv. higher, further away, further up,iE,CP : later, posterior, subsequentufora= uferra; ufur=uforuf-weard, -werd= ufewearduht=wuht=wiht fn.

uht, uhta (i£) m. twilight, dusk, earlymorning, dawn, on uhtan at uhtes towards dawn : nocturns.

uhtantfd=uhttiduhtantfma m. time of nocturns.

uhtcearu £ sorrow at dawn, Wif7.QhtentM=uhttaduhtfloga m. twilight-flier, dragon, B2760.uhtgebed n. morning prayer, matins.uhthlem m. crash at dawn, B2007.Qhtlle I. morning, matutinal, of matins.IL=utlic

uhtsang m. morning song, matins, M :


uhtsanglic nocturnal, used at nocturns. CM1014.

uhtsceafta m. twilight foe, B2271.uhttld £ twilight, early morning, dawn.uhtUegnung f. matins, WW 129»».

QhtwsBCca f. night watch, vigils, RB4010.

ulef. 'owl,' M,Cp.ulf(JnL101»)=wulfulmtreow n. elm tree, WW1381*. [L. ulmus]Qma I. m. name ofa plant, Lod 103b. IL m.a weaver's beam, WW.umb, umbe=vmb, ymbeumborf n. infant.

umborwesendef being a child, B.un- L negative or pejorative prefix. II.

oooasionally=on- (prefix expressing re-

versal of a previous action) as in unbindan.unabeden neg. pto. unbidden,&unabegendllo=unabygendlio

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un&berendllo intolerable, unbearable, M,CF.adv. -lice, iE,CP.un&beriende unbearable, Lod 3*260.

un&b6t=ungebetunabindendUc indissoluble, Bo.un&blinn n. irrepressible state, unceasingpresence, Guth4610


unablinnend-e, -lie unceasing, perpetualadv. -lice, iE,AO,CP.unaboht=ungebohtunabrecendllc inextricable, WW419*.unabygendllc (e) inflexible, WW42180


unacenned unbegotten, MR 1*464M.

unficnycendlic that cannot be untied or

loosened, DR10810. [cnyecan]

un-acumendllc (M), -acumenlic unbearable,

unattainable, impossible.

unaoumenllones £ unbearableness, RBl114».unacwencedllo inextinguishable, unquench-able.

unadreogendlio unendurable.

unadrugod undried, not dried, not hardened,


nnftdrysn-ende, -en(d)lic unquenchable, NG.un-&dw£sced, -adwsascendlic, -adweecedlicinextinguishable, unquenchable, M.

un&atto = uneafie

unfimta m. want of leisure, work, occupation,


unamtlglan to deprive, qf leisure, AS 36*.

un»rh=uneargunsBsecgenlio (EPs 100s) = unaseCendlic ?

un&t f. gluttony, M.un&tspornen not hindered, GD60**.unceUelboren not of noble birth, low-born, M.unffifale of low birth, plebeian, ignoble, base,

CP.unsettellan (an-) to degrade, debase, Bo,Met.unsetiellce adv. ignobly, basely, BH442U.

imsBtielnes f. ignobility, QD 151M.

unsewfsestllce adv. irreverently : unlawfully.

uns&wlsc (e) 'pudicus,' WW291".un&faehtendlle (N)=unafeohtendlicunftlandod untried, AS327


un&feohtendllo (»•) what cannot be contendedagainst, inevitable.

unaflled undefiled, LPsl7M.

un&ftUlend=unfuliendun&funden undiscovered, M : untried.

una-fylledlic, -fyllendlio that cannot be filled,

insatiable, M, adv. -lice,

unfiga m. one who owns nothing, PPs 112*.

un&g&ledllce unremittingly, Bl121*.unigftn adj. not lapsed, in force, KC.unfigetyfed= unal^fedun&gen not one's own or under one's control,

precarious, CP.unagilen unpaid, TC201M.

unftgunnen without a beginning, iEH.un&hefendllo unceasing, continual, MFH176.

UD-JUIef-, -le(a)f-=unalyf-

un&logen not false, true, NO328.

un-Al?f©d (CP), -lyfe(n)dlio (ie) not allowed,

unlawful, illicit, adv. -lice unlawfully,without permission, So.

unftiyfednes (es) f. what is forbidden,licentiousness, BH.

unftiysendllc without remission, MB. 1-50018.un&mffilt unmeUed, Gi*.

un&m&nsumod not excommunicated, inchurch fellowship, M,un&meten unmeasured, unbounded, M.un&metenUe immeasurable, immense,A2-360.

un&metgod immeasurable, immense, A 2*361.

unan-=unon-unandcyUignes (o2) f. ignorance, JVPs247


unanderglldes= unundergildeunandett unconfessed, W71 7


unandgytful unintelligent, incapable, ig-

norant, foolish.

unandhtfe (-hoife) insupportable, MtR23*.unandweard not present, absent, M.unandwendllc = unawende(n)dlioiinandwls unskilful, WW.unangyttol=unandgytfulun&nreednes f. inconstancy, Bl31m.

un&plnedllce adv. with impunity, DR113U.

unftr f. dishonour, AO.un-arafned, -araBfne(n)dlic not permissible,

impracticable, M : intolerable.

unareccendlle unexplainable, wonderful, So26«

un&refnendlic (VPs)=unaraBniendlioun&reht unexplained, Bo77".+unftrlan to dishonour, AO.un&rlmed adj. unnumbered, countless, in-

numerable, AO.unarlmedUc innumerable, immeasurable,AO. adv. -lice, AO.

unarlic dishonourable, dishonest, disgraceful :

contrary to what is fitting, unnatural {of awil), WW. adv. -Hoe dishonourably :


unarodsclpe t remissness, cowardice, CP149".

unfirwurttlan (eo) to dishonour, M.un&rwurttllc dishonourable, NC328.un&rwyrfines f. irreverence, indignity, So2241


unar^med=unarimedun&ssBcgendllo =unaseogendlioun&ssedd=unaseddun&seended unhurt.

un&scruncen not withered, undecayed, DR24".

unftscyrtgendllc inseparable, jEHI-326*unascyrod not separated, WW263'.un&secgende unspeakable, ineffable, BH264w.

un&secgendllc indescribable, unspeakable,

ineffable, M. adv. -lioe.

un&sodd unsatisfied, unsatiated, Gl.unftsftttonllc (KGl), -asetfendlic insatiable,

unfislwod (eo) unsewed, without seam, Jn19».

un&smeagendUo inconceivable, inscrutable,

unsearchable, M.

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> diligently, RB20".un-asperiendllc (KGl), -asporiendUo (GD)unsearchable.

unaspring-ende, .endlic (GD) unfailing.

unisUtSod not hardened, not firm, CP383n.

unastyr-ed, -od unmoved, GD.un-astyrfende, -astyri(g)endlic adj. im-movablc, firm : motionless M.

unasundrodllo inseparable, DR.unaswundenllce adv. diligently, BH.unataladllc (N) =unatellendlicunateald uncounted.unitoUendllo (ea) innumerable.unatemed bmbarous, BH.un&temedlle untameable, wild, fierce, BH162»

unateoriende indefatigable, OEG.unateorigendlie lasting, permanent, un-ceasing, M : indefatigable, unwearied.adv. -lice.

unateorod unwearied, OEG.un-ateriend-, -toriend-=unatebrigend-unatweogendlloe =untweogendliceunatfreotend unwearied, assiduous, persis-

tent, Cb388.unafiroten unwearied, indefatigable, vigorous,

CP171 9. adv. -ITce, CP.

unawsegendllc unshaken, TC3199.

una-weBscen, -waxen unwashed, WW.unawemmed, -lie unstained, spotless, N.unawemmednes f. incorruption, A 8*330.

una-wend, -wended(lic) unchangeable, un-changed, inviolate.

unawendend-e, -lie unchangeable, unceasing.

adv. -lice.

unawerded (oe ; =ie) unhurt, N.unawldlod undefiled, DR.unawrlten unwritten, M.un-beeldo, -bnldu=anbieldounbeerende=unberende; unbald=unbealdunbealaful guiltless, innocent, W.unbeald (a) cowardly, timid, weak, irresolute,

distrustful, CP.unbealu n. innocence, PPslOO*.unbeboht unsold, AO 18w.

unbebyrlged unburied.

unbectas incontestable, LL112[63,1].unbecrafod unquestioned, not subject to

claims, LL358[72].unbecweden unbequeathed, TC.unbeden unbidden, M.unbe-fangenlle, -feonglic (BH224"Ca) wi-intelligible, incomprehensible, M.

unbefllten undisputed, EC69".unbefohten unopposed, unattached, Ha 57.

unbefondllc incomprehensible, BH22419 o.

unbegan untitled : unadorned.unbegrlpendllo incomprehensible, Bl.unbegunnen without a beginning, M.unbeheafdod not beheaded, M.unbehftfe not suitable, inconvenient, WW608".

unbehelendllee adv. openly, without conceal-

ment, W138*.

unbehelod uncovered, naked, M.unbehreowslgende unrepenting, M.unbellmp


ungelimpunbeorhte (y) not brightly, Bo.unbereangendllc never to be taken away,jEL23b"».

unberende unbearable : unfruitful, barren.unberendlfc unbearable, Lcd3«260m.

unberendnes f. barrenness.

unbermed unleavened,unfermented [beorma]unbesacen («b*) undisputedunbesAndllo =unbeseondlicunbessenged =unbesengedunbesceawod improvident, inconsiderate.adv. -lice.

unbesooren unshorn, RB 135s9.

unbeseneed =unbesengedunbesenged not singed, unbumt, W25".unbeseondlio (BH224w)=unbefondlic?unbesmlten undefiled, pure, spotless, M.unbesmltennes f. spotlessness.

unbesorh unconcerned, not interested, MH.2-486».

unMted uncompensated, unexpiated, un-atoned, Ce1312.

unbettohte adv. unthinkingly, CP434*.unbetJyrfef useless, idle, vain.

unbeweddod unbetrothed, unmarried, M.unbewelled not boiled away, Lci>93b.[weallan]

unbiddende not praying, MRl-166*.unbleldo <») £ want of boldness, diffidence,timidity, CP.

unbUewlt (y») 'immitis,' OEG56»»unblndan* to unbind, loose, M : pay (NG;trans, of * solvere*). [=onbindan]

unblscopod not confirmed by a bishop.unbltfyrfe =unbeoyrf


unbleoh clean, bright.

unbletsung f. curse, LL(310**).unbnnnendllce incessantly, BH34*.unbliss f. sorrow, affliction, M.+unblissian to make unhappy, NC297.unbBtfe joyless, sad, sorrowful, CP : un-friendly.

unblfttaneoe sad of heart, MtL20*7.

unblddtg bloodless, GPH395".unblonden unmixed, DR68U.

unboht unbought, free, NG.unboren unborn, M,CP.unbrad narrow.

unbrsacet unbreakable, indestructible.

unbracen=unbrooenun-brece, -bri(e)ce=unbryceunbroo v. unbrooheard.unbrooen unbroken, whole, entire.

unbrocheard delicate, tender.

unbrosn-igendlic (M), -endlic (GD) inde-structible, incorruptible.

unbrosnodllce incorruptibly, GD348**.unbrosnung f. incorruptibility, M.unbryeef unbreakable : indestructible, ever-lasting, [brecan]

unbrace useless, [brucan]

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unbryde honestly, LL400[2].unbred uninhabited, desert, NG.unbyergo np. uninhabited places, DR19


unbyrged unburied, MH28U.

unbyrhte = unbeorhteunbyrnende without burning, B254&line pers. pron. (d. a. dual) us two.

une»nned =unacenneduncafscipe m. sloth, neglect, Chb47.uncamprdf unwarlike, GPH399.uncapltulod without headings (to chapters),


uneeaped gratuitous, gratis, MtL 108.

unceapunga gratuitously, Da746.

un-ceas, -ceast n? oaih of reconciliation,

LL104[35J.uncenned =unacennedunoer L g. dual of pers. pron. of us two.

II. poss. pron. belonging to us two.

unoet=unouncleemod unsmeared, GPH398.un-cldne, -cl&nlic unclean, impure, CP.adv. -lice.

unelAnnes f. uncleanness, impurity, AO,CP.

uncl&no f. uncleanness, NG.±uncUensIan to soil, pollute, AO,CP.uncl&nsod unpurified, CP.unclen-= unclsen-

uncnyttan to unbind, untie, loosen, M.[cnotta]

un-eotfa m., -coftu f. disease, M.uncreeft m. evil practice, LL,W.uneroftlg helpless, DD239.uncrafod (LL232,14)=unbecrafoduncre gdf. of unoer II.

uncrlsten infidel, BH 2*357.

uncumHtte inhospitable, W25714.

unctffl unknown, stranae, unusual, AO : un-certain, CP : unfriendly, unkind, rough.

uncutfa m. stranger.

uncutfUo unknown, adv. -lice in an un-friendly manner, unkindly.

uncuttaes f. strangeness, GD2781*.

unowaciende firmly, CP41 7.

uncweden (unsaid), revoked, WW11445.

uncw§me not pleasing, MF176.uncwetiende speechless, inanimate.uncwlsse dumb, BH290".un-ewyd, -owydd uncontested, undisputed,

LL.unc^me unseemly, mean, paltry, poor.

uncynde unnatural, Bo91uB.

un-cynn, -cynlic, -oynelio unsuitable, im-proper.

uncype gratuitous, WW514U.

uncfped=uneeapedun-cyst, -cyste f. mistake, error : vice,

wickedness, crime, M,CB : stinginess,

parsimony, M : disease, Lod. [ceoaan]

uncystlg mean, stingy, niggardly, M,CP.uncp5==uncu8uncyBlg ignorant, unacquainted with : devoid

of, Gull99.

O. H.

un-ejftffl, -cyoUu t ignorance, M,CP :

foreign country.

und&d f. wicked deed, crime.

undaaftelloe= ungedaaftellce

un-dAled, -d«ld undivided, Bo.undeaded not deadened, Lod 3a.

undtadllo immortal, for all eternity, M. adv.-lice,

undeadllenes t immortality, M.undeagolllce=undeogolliceundearnunga adv. openly.

undeatt-= undead-undeaw without dew, Lod36a.undecOnlgendllo indeclinable, JSGb.undM=und«dundeogolHoe (i) adv. plainly, clearly, CP.undeop shallow, low, CP.undtoptfanool shallow, silly, J5H 1-286".

undeor= undeore Lundeore L adj. cheap, CP. II. adv.cheaply.

undeornunga=undearnungaunder L prep. w. d. and a. 'under,* beneath,

among ibefore, in the presence of : under theshelter of, Che : in subjection to, under therule of : during : by means of, by. swerianu. God to swear by God. u. bseo=under-beo. II. adv. beneath, below, underneath.

underagendllo adj. 'subnixus, ' DR 182".underandlond (o3, oe4)

tsusceptor, ' DR 193*.

under-bseo. -bawling adv. backwards, back,behind, iE,CP.

underbtgan to subject, N. [Megan]underbeglnnan9 to undertake, purpose, M.underberan4 to support, endure.

under-brddan, -bregdan to spread under.underbCtgan* to submit (to), M.underburh f. suburb, M (Dbut32w).

underburhware mp. dwellers in a suburb.

undercerran to overturn, subvert, LkLR23a.


undercing=undercyningunderorammlan to stuff between, fill outunderneath, MR 1-430*.

undercrtopan* to be secretly grasped, seized bysomething, M : penetrate, undermine, GD.undercuman4 to assist, N.under-cynlng, -oyng m. under-king, viceroy,

M.underdelf n. undermining, ASPs79".underdelfan* to dig under, undermine, breakthrough, M.

underdlaeon m. subdeacon. ,

underdon anv. to put under, M.underdrencan to choke by drowning, MkL5u.

underdrifennes f. subjection, LkL p6w.

underbade (N)=undereode, pret 3 ag. ofundergan.

undereoton (RuiN6)=undereten pp. ofunderetan.

underetan* to eat underneath, undermine,subvert.

underfang 'eusceptor,' SPs.underfangelnes =underfangenes


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underfangen (pp. of underfon) neophyte,

underfang-enes, -elnes f. undertaking, as-

sumption : reception, hospitality, GD76M.

underfealdan 'subdere,' EHy6M.

underfeng I. m. undertaking, taking in hand,CP23M. II. pret. 3 sg. of underfon.

underflowan7 to flow under, Rd 11s.

underfolgott m. subordinate office, A02865c.

underfdn to receive, obtain, take, accept, M,AO,CP : take in, entertain : take up, under-take, assume, adopt, jE,AO,CP : submit to,

undergo : steal, GD,Lot>.underfond m. one who takes anything in

charge, LPs.underfonlte to be received, RBL978


underfyllgan 'subsequi,' LkL23".undergftn any. to undergo : undermine, ruin,

undergangan7 = underganundergend-= underigend-undergeoc under the yoke, tame, MkL21*.undergerela m. 'proconsul,' deputy-governor,

m.undergereord =underngereordundergesett placed under, GL>30712


undergestandan6 to stand under, LL108[44].undergetteoded subject, LL88'.undergetfeodnes= underoeednesundergietan* (i, y) to note, mark, understand,

perceive, AO.underglnnan* to begin, undertake, M.undergitan (J3) = undergietanundergynnan= underginnanundergytan (M)=undergietanunderhebban* to bear, support, lift, NG.underhlystan 'subaudire,' to supply anomitted word, iEGalSl.

underhlyrtung f. the act of supplying anomitted word, jEGbISI.underhnlgan1 to submit to, undergo, M,CP :

succumb to, sink under.

underholung f. 'suffossum,' LV»Ps79".underhwltel m. under-garment, WW187n.

underhwraMel = underwriedelunderl-ende, -gende, -gendlio inoffensive,

harmless, AO.underieman8 to run under :



underlfttttow m. consul, A068«o.underlecgan to underlay, prop, support,

iE,CP.underncgan* to underlie, to be subject to,

give way to, &.underlihtan to alleviate, DR.underling m. underling, inferior.

underlutan' to bow or bend under : support,

sustain, CP.undermete=undernmeteundern m. morning (from 9.0 a.m. to 12.0

noon) : the third hour (=9.0 a.m. ; later,

11.0 cm.), M.underne = undierneunderneotfan (»*, y*) adv. underneath,


underngereord m. morning meal, breakfast,

AO.underngeweore n. breakfast, GD66U.

undern-giefl, -gift n. repast, breakfast, CP32210


undernlman4 to take in, receive, comprehend,understand, M : blame, be indignant at :

take upon oneself, M : steal, Lcd.undernlftemest lowest of all, Met 20*.

undernmAl n. morning time, J£.

undernmete m. morning meal, breakfast, AO.undernrest f. morning rest, MH42*.undernsang m tierce {religious service about9.0 a.m.).

undernswAaendu np. early meal, BH 164s0.underntld f. the third hour (=9.0 a.m.), noon,morning-time, M : tierce. *

undernyftan (iE)=underneooanunderondfond =underandfondunderplanUan ' supplantare,' Sc,SPs.undersang=undernsangundersceotan* to prop up, sustain, support,

CP : intercept, pass under.

underscyte m. passage underneath, transit,

M : brake, drag-chain, OEG60".undersecan to examine, investigate, scrutinize^

CP. [Oer. untersuohen]undersettan *supponere, ' LPs36M ?

undersingan* 'succinere,' iGGal81a.

undersittan* 'subsidere,' MQnlblKundersmugan1 to creep under, surprise,

understandan (o») to 'understand,' perceive,

JC,CP : observe, notice, take for granted,

ML2Zb™ : 'subsistere,' DR.understandennes f. 'substantia,' DR31w(o*).

understanding L intelligence, So22l".understappltan

*supplantare,' LPsl6u

understattalfsest= unstafcblf®stunderstlngan* to prop up, support, CP11311


understond-= understand


understrMan to strew under, ME. 18S1.

undersyre m. undershirt, WW37980. [seroe]

undertid = underntldundertodal n. secondary division, J3GB291*.undertunge f. 'sublingual part under or

behind the tongue, tongue-ligament, WW264" (or T two words, Cp,LPs9t8 ; 66").

undertungeSrum tongue-ligament, Led. [v.

'thrum']underttencan to consider, CP49*» : (refl.)

change one's mind, repent, LL438[22] (©*).

undertttnlan to serve under, So 6*.

underfleod subjected, subject : assistant,

suffragan.undertteodan (ie, y) to subjoin, add : sub-

jugate, subject, subdue, reduce, degrade, M,CP support. OEG4339.

under-fteodendlic, -oeodenlic subjunctive,

MQtlunderfieodnes f. subjection, submission,

obedience, JS.

underflow m. subject, slave, AO.underftledan (AO,CP)=underoeodanunderttlednes (i,)=undert5eodnee

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succrescere,' So 104s.

underwedd n. deposit, pledge, M.underwendan 'subvertere,' So 196*.

underweorpan 'subjicere,' EPsl43a.

underwr&del m? waistband, WW1631.

underwretflan (eo, i, y) to support, sustain,

uphold, strengthen, establish, M,CP.underwretfung f. propping up, support,


underwrltan to write at the foot of, subscribe,


under-wrttlan, -wry$ian=underwreCianunderwyrtwallan

*supplantare,* EPsH40


underycan to add, A 13-385"*. [leoan]

underyrnan=underiernanundlerne (i, y) I. open, manifest, clearly

known : public, nuncupatory. II. adv.uncOgolIIce= undeogollice

undllegod unerased, CP423».undollen untitled, GD2024


undom m. unjust judgment; injustice.

unddmllce indiscreetly, So202".undon any. to undo, open, loose, separate,M


cancel, discharge, abrogate.

undrefed untroubled, undisturbed, undefiled,

CP31».undrlfen not driven or tossed, LL222[2].undrunoen sober, CP2958


undrysnende inextinguishable, MtL3u.

und^re=undeoreundyrne = undierneuneacen (e) barren, OEG2781


uneaeniendllc unfruitful, sterile, OEG 1030.

unearfotillce adv. without difficulty, OEG.un-earg, -earh (JC), -earhlic (J&) not

cowardly, dauntless, bold, brave.

unftatfo I. adj. tio/ easy, difficult, hard, dis-

agreeable, grievous. II. adv. JE.

uneattellc difficult, hard, impossible : trouble-

some, MP 1*611. adv. -lice.

uneaflelicnes (ya) I difficulty.

uneafl-l&ce, -iSone, -lacne not easily cured,

Lob.uneatfmylte indigestible, Lod82d.uneatfnes (e, ie) f. difficulty, inconvenience,

trouble, worry, M : severity, harshness.

uneawfaastilce=un®wf«stliceun-efen, -efn, -efenlio unequal, unlike :

anomalous, irregular, JSGb. adv. -efne.

un-tmetta, -emota=un»mtaunemn=unefenunendebyrdHee in a disorderly manner, CP.unered unploughed, uncultivated, WW 147s.

unestful ungracious, WW19117.

unW5-=unea©-, unleti-


unf&ene (a) without malice, sincere, honest,


unfsederllce adv. in an unfatherly manner,W106*.

unlAgef not fated to die.

untoger not beautiful, unlovable, unlovely,

deformed, ugly, hideous.

untogernes (e) ugliness, GD279" : abomi-nation, MtL24».

unffl&gUc not fatal, Bol07».unfeegre (») adv. unfairly, foully.

unlfiBhtS £. peace (dropping of a feud), LL100[28].

unlcele wicked, unlovely, unholy, eviL

unfsdst not fixed, not firm, loose, unsteady,tottering, CP.

unlaestende not fasting, LL(2521).

untostlloe adv. not firmly, vaguely, indis-

tinctly, CP166".-funfmstnUn to be without aim, ineffective,

MFH165.unfeestrsed unstable, inconstant, CP.unftestr&dnes f. inconstancy, CP.unlaw*- =unf»stunfah exemptfrom hostility, not under a ban,LL186[1,1].

unfealdan7 to unfold, open.

unfeax without hair, bald.

unleone = unfeecneunftferlg not feverish, Lod 1-16418.unfeger- = unfaeger-unfelende unfeeling, callous, Loo99a.unfenge not acceptable, MF176.un-feor, -feorr adv. not far from, near.

unfeormlgende (on-) inexpiable, jEL23b*M.

unfere disabled, invalided.

unfernes f. impotence, infirmity, MLN4-5.unflltme adv. ? unreservedly? B 1097.

un-flycge, -fligne unfledged, OEG 28".

unforbasrned unburnt, J3,AO.unforboden unforbidden, lawful, M.unforbugendllc unavoidable, adv. -Hoe without turning away, J3L23b*»1.

unforburnen unburnt, iEH2-4807.

unforeuti reputable, good, honourable, noble,

brave, CP. adv. -lice. TfnicoB]

unfordytt unobstructed, OEG 3613.

unforebyrdlg impatient, Sc8u.

unfored (od) unbroken, M.unforedllc (o») indissoluble. OEG.unloresoeaw-od, -odlic inconsiderate, hasty.

unlorfeored unbroken? WW231"unforgifen unforgiven, CP : not given inmarriage.

unlorgltende unforgetting, mindful, Guth76».

unforgolden unpaid, IE.

unlorhaefednes (fd) f. incontinence.

unforhladen unexhausted, WW255*9.

unforht adj. fearless, bold. adv. -e, -lice.

unforhtlgende/earfeft*, .4GH2-140".unforhtmdd/eorfc**. M.unforlAten (e) not left, NG.unformolsnod neg. ptc. uncorrupted, un-

decayed, M.unfotmolten unconsumed, ^EHl-4887


unlorod = unforedunforrot-edllo (HGl), -iendig (2EPW),-iendlic (OEG) incorruptible.

unforsceawodlloo unawares : inconsiderately,



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unfor-spornen, -spurned not hindered, GD60»

unforswftled unburnt, i£H2-20M./

unlonwfgod not passed over in silence, ML23b»

un-forswltfen, -fonwytted unconquered.unfortredde eb. the plant which cannot be

killed by treading, polygonum aviculare,


unfortreden not destroyed by treading, Lod3-299'.

unforwandigendlloe adv. unhesitatingly,


unforwandodllo adj. unhesitating, fearless,

CP. adv. -lice unhesitatingly, fearlessly,

recklessly, CP : unswervingly.

unforwealwod unwithered, Bl73m.

unforwordenlte undecayed, OEG.unforworht h innocent II. unrestricted,

free, KC.unforwyrded undecayed, NG351.un-fracodlloe, -fracoolice honourable, be-

comingly, fiUy, Bo.unfratowod unadorned, unpolished, GPH396. [frtttwian]

unfremful unprofitable, M.unfremu f. damage, hurtunfreoiufflce unkindly, Gen 2689.

unfricgende unquestioning, Gkn2649.unfrffi m. breach of peace, enmity, hostilities,

war, AO : state of being outside the king's


unfrffifiota m. hostile fleet, Chb 1000b.

unfrftthere m. hostile army, Chb.unfrlffland n. hostile land, LL222[3,1].unfrltfmann m. man of a hostile country,

LL222[3,3].unfrttfselp n. hostile ship,

unfrod not aged, young, inexperienced, B2821.

unfroforlfoe uncontestably, OEG56w ?

unfronrf inert

unful 'insulsum' (?) MkLR9*°.imfulfremed imperfect, M.imfulfremednes f. imperfection, CP.unfuUremming I imperfection, LPs 13819.

un-fullend (HGl), -fuliendlic (OEG) in-


unfullod unbaptized, LL.unfulwornt imperfect, unfinished, RB20*.unfyrn adv. not long ago : soon.

ungsenge useless, vain, MtR 15*.

ungan=ongan pret. 3 as. of onginnan.ungeaandod=ungeendodunge&sce unheard of.

un-gedwed (-iffiwed) unmarried, OEG5248.

ungeandett without confession, W 135**.

ungtara adv. not long ago, lately, recently :

soon, shortly.

ungearo = ungearuungearu, gsm. ungear(o)wee unready, un-prepared, untitled, AO,CP. on nngearweunawares, AO.

ungearwyrd not respected, WW421".

ungea*e=uneaoeungeaxod unasked, <£H 1-428*.

ungebarde =ungebierdeungebeaten unbeaten, unwroughi, Ln23*.ungebegendllc= ungebigendlioungebeorhBoe rashlyf intemperately? MIL2-322**.

unge-Mt(ed), -bett unatoned for, CP : un-acquitted, EC217.

ungeblerde (a, y) beardless.

ungeblged unbent, OEG2977.ungeblgendllc inflexible : indeclinable, MGk.ungebtooh of different colours, unlike, JEGr.ungebletsod unblessed, Jul492.ungeblfted intrepid, Gu913. [bleoh]ungeboden without being summoned.ungeboht unbought, unbribed, LL398[8J.ungeboren yet unborn, LL126 Pro.ungebrocen unbroken, WW 398**.

ungebroood unafflicted, uninjured, MiungebrosnendUo undecaying, BH.GD.ungebrosnod not spoiled, uncorrupted, un-decayed, M.

ungebroenung 1 incorruption, So7 Is.ungebunden unbound, ^Gr14u ; GD2141*.

ungebyrde I. uncongenial, Bo 92**. IL^un-gebierde

ungebyredlto incongruous, DR 179".ungecindelic= ungecyndelicungeclAnsod unclean, impure, M.ungecnawen unknown, ApT 17u.

ungeonyrdnes f. negligence, indifference, idle-ness, .EH2-552**.

ungeooplic unsuitable, unbefitting, tremble-some, adv. -lice, Sc80M.

ungecoren reprobate, n. a« oath taken bya body of persons generally (opposed to

ungecost reprobate, BH4804.

ungecweme unpleasing, disagreeable, So38M.

ungecyd unsaid, not declared, LL212[9],ungeoynde unnatural, alien.

unge-eyndelle, -oyndlic, -cynelic unnatural,monstrous, terrible, adv. -Hoe.

ungecyrred unconverted, LCD3-4421.

tmgedaBfteOce =ungedsftiiceungedaBftenllc =ungedafenlioungedffifflfoe adv. unseasonably, inowor-tunely, CP971*.


ungedaftnes f. untimely intervention orinterruption, CP97 1*.

ungedafenUo improper, unseemly, M : un-seasonable? troublesome? CP (v. A 33-272).adv. -lice improperly, unduly, unreason-ably, unjustly, unsuitably.

ungedafenllcnes 1 unfitness, inconvenience.CPs9**.

ungedatntondue (HGL492)=ungedafenlieungedalllc iiifinite, without end, GD337".ungedefe improper, not fitting, disagreeable.adv. -lice.

unge-defelle, -deflic=ungedafenlicunge-dered, -derod (M) unhurt, uninjured,unmolested.

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ungederstig= ungedyrstigungedrehtlloe adv. indefatigably, WW4288


ungedr*me inharmonious, discordant,

[dream]ungedwlmoruce dearly, without any delusion,

NC328ungedyrstig timid, CP20910.

ungeeahtendllc (», e) inestimable : in-


ungeended=ungeendodungeendlgendlic infinitive, MGn : infinite,

unge-endod (CP), -endodlio unending, end-

less, infinite, boundless.

ungated (a) want of reason, NC328.ungeffigllc = unfreglic ; ungefAr- =ungefer-ungefandod untried, having no experience in,

CP.ungefaren impassable, without a road, BlPs.ungeffta m. unhappiness, NC328.ungefeallce miserably, Chb7&5.

ungefege unfit, improper, WW191M.

unge-fele, -feled without feeling, Lod.ungefere I. impassable : impenetrable, in-

accessible, CP. IL adv. impassably.

ungeffeed inaccessible,

ungeferenUc unfrequentedf Nab 17'.

ungeferllo unsocial, internecine, adv. -lice

in civil war,

ungeferne impassible, VPs(oe).

ungefetfered not feathered, WW427".unge-fog, -fdh I. immoderate, excessive, M :

overbearing, presumptuous, unbending, M.II. n. excess, NC329. adv. -foge excessive-

ly, AO.unge-foglle (AO), -fShlio fierce, strong :

immense, adv. -lice.

ungefrSg-e, -elic unheard of, unusual, incon-

ceivable, adv. -lice.

ungefrotwod unadorned, WW41911.

ungefrtdellee adv. insensibly, callously,

CP265".ungefreglloe= ungefrregllce

ungefremed unfinished, M.ungefremmung (on-) 1 imperfection, RPs138w.

ungefuUod I. unfulfilled, Rd601*. [fullian]

II.=ungefulwodungefulwod unbaptized,

unge-fyld, -fylle(n)d(lic) insatiable.

ungefynde worthless, barren, sterile? CP41



ungefyrn adv. not long hence, not long ago,

not long after, M,ungegearwe=ungearwe, v. ungearn.unge-gearwod (£>R), -gerad (MtR) not


ungeglenged unadorned, OEG1210.ungegret ungreeted, Guth22".ungeh&dod not ordained, not belonging to anorder (used of men and women).

un-geh&lendlic, -geh&ledlic adj. incurable,

VHy.ungeh&med unmarried, OEG1174.ungeheepllc unsuitable, unfit, A 8*452.

ungehftJgod unhallowed, unconsecrated, M,ungen&ten unpromised, unbidden, Bl 189s7.

ungeheaidod not having come to a head,

Lcd1-92».ungehealdsum unchaste, M, adv. -lice.

ungehealdsumnes f. incontinence, unchastity,

M.ungehealtsumMungehealdflumungehefegod 'non..,gravis,* OEG2781


ungehende (se8) remote, HL12*.ungehendnes f. remoteness, distance, JCGr14".

ungeheort (y) disheartened, M,ungehtred = ungehyredunge-hlersum (CP), -hirsum (J£) disobedient,


ungehlrsumnes (y) f. disobedience, M,ungehlrsumod (y) disobedient, RBL128


unge-hlwod, -hiwodHc unformed.notfashion-ed, unshapen : unfeigned, genuine.

ungehleo*Sor inharmonious, WW2247.

ungehrepod untouched, M,ungehrlnen untouched, BH,GD.ungehwMe much, Lcd53d.ungehw&rnes=ungeowfirnesungehyred (S8) unheard of, untold, BH40tt


ungehfraes f. hardness of hearing, deafness,

Lod.ungeh*r-=unge-hier-, -hir-

ungehyrt=ungeheortungel m. fat, tallow, suet, M.ungelaenod unhealed, Gtjth66w .

ungeUdod not acquitted, EC217.ungelaeccendllc unreprovable, S011911 .

ungeldred untaught, illiterate, unlearned,

ignorant, rude, M,CP. adv. -lice.

ungelftredllc unteachable, GD11081.

ungelArednes f. unskUfulness, ignorance, CP.ungelatfod uninvited, ^EHM28M.

ungeleaf unbelieving, PPs6718.

ungeleaia m. unbelief,

ungeleafful unbelieving, M,CP,ungelteffullie unbelieving : incredible, adv.


ungeleaffulnes f. unbelief,

ungeleaflic incredible, M,ungeleafsum unbelieving,

ungeltefsumnes f. unbelief, infidelity, hea-

thenism, BH70*8.

ungelftf-= ungelif- ; ungeleofa=ungeleafaungelle unlike, different, dissimilar, diverse,

CP. adv. -lice.

ungeDca m. one unlike others, jEL788.

ungellollc improper, adv. -lice.

ungellenes f. unlikeness, difference, CP.ungenef- =ungelif


ungeHIed (y) I. unbelieving, M. II. illicit,

BH 2-229.

ungelH-edllc, -endlic (ie, y) incredible, ex-

traordinary, adv. -lice.

ungellfend (e) m. unbeliever, NG.ungellfnes (e) f. unbelief, NG.ungellgen =ungelygenungellmp nm. mishap, misfortune, M.

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ungettmplle inconvenient, unfortunate, disas-trous, M : abnormal, unreasonable, adv.-lice.

ungetyf-= nngelif


ungelygen not lying, true, LL.mgftp*=mgyni»

ungemaca m. 'impar,9not a match, MQr.

ungemae unlike, GD91"; WW223»ungematMungemetungem&te I. immense. II. adv. immensely.ungemAtlic excessive, A02817


ungvmMe unbearable, unpleasant. Mod 26.

ungemednes f. adversity, DR63".ungemeltnes f. indigestion, LoD68b.ungemenged unmixed, pure. Bo 100s1.

ungemengednef 1 purity.

ungemet n. excess, superfluity : immensity :

want of moderation.

ungemet not met with, unknown, EG 2488.angemete h adj. huge, GD12*. II. adv.excessively, immeasurably, immoderately,


adv. -Bee


ungemetegod (JE)=ungemetgodungemeteUce= nngemetlioeungemetes= angemete II.

ungemettest not moderate, intemperate,excessive : (f) very firm.

ungemett&stnes f. excess, intemperance, Bo109».

ungemetgod out of due proportion, excessive,

GP : unbridled, intemperate.

ungemetgung f. excess, want of moderation,JE,CB.

ungemetllo immeasurable, immense, AO :

excessive, immoderate, violent, adv. -lioe,

AO,CP.ungemetnes t extravagance, OET1808


ungemetum adv. =angemeteungemldlod unrestrained, unbridled, M.ungemlht without strength, weak.ungemlhtig= unmihtigungemlndlg=ongemyndigungemdd discordant, dissentient, quarrel*

some, CP.ungemodlgnes f. contentiousness, W8"n.ungemodnes f. strife, GP344*.ungemolsnod undecayed, MH781


ungemunecod not made a monk, LL(142<).ungemylt undigested, Lcd 2-284.

ungemynd f. madness, Lcd.ungemyndlg (w. g.) unmindful, forgetful,

heedless (of), M.ungenamnedlle unexpected, GD341".ungenldd (e, ie) uncompelled. AO,CP.ungeoclan to unyoke, J3GR2773


ungeorne negligently : unwillingly, AO.ungeoraful indifferent, remiss, slothful, GP.unger&d I. (w. g.) ignorant, foolish, unskilled,

unfit, M,CP : (w. d.) at variance, wrong,discordant, dissentient, jE,AO : ill-con-

ditioned, rude, M. II. n. discord, GP :

folly, M.unger&dnes (») disagreement, Lcd.ungerftdwungerad

ungerftde foolish, MF176.sharply, roughly, violently.

unger&dnes I disagreement, sedition, AO.ungerec n. tumult, BH.ungereccan to clear oneself of an accusation,

LL168[1,2].ongerecUc unruly, unrestrained, Bl19*.adv. -lice confusedly, recklessly.

ungeredellce = ungenedliceungerenod not ornamented, TC515*. [peg-nian]

ungereord uninstructed, barbarous, WW193*.ungereordedtic insatiable, Ps.ungereordod unfed, empty, M.ungerepod =angehrepodungertan=ungierwan; ungariht==unrihtungerlhte uncorrected, unreformed, NC329.ungerlm I. n. countless number, host, jE.II. countless, untold, M.

unge-rlmlic, -rimed(lic) countless, untold.ungerlnen= ungehrinenungerinsellce = ungerisenlice

ungerlped immature, too early, M.ungerfsedllce= ungerieenllce

ungerbende indecent, OEG3673.ungerlsene I. unseemly, improper : incon-gruous, inconvenient. II. =ungerisnn

ungerisenUo unbecoming, improper, GP.adv. -lice, CP.

ungertsnes (uni-) I impropriety, HGl507.ungerisnu n. (often pi.) inconvenience : im-propriety, indignity, disgrace, AO.ungerwan =ungierwanungerfde h rough, boisterous, harsh. IL n.rough place, Lk3f


ungerydellc rough, violent, GD265* ; LV47.adv. -lice suddenly, impetuously, M.

unger?dnes f. noise, tumult, Sc82*ungesadelod= unaadelodunges&llg unhappy, unfortunate, MjLO,CP.adv. -lice unhappily : wickedly.

unges&Ugnes I unhappiness, misfortune,BH,Bl.

unges&lHoe = unge&Sligliceunges&ffl f. trouble, misfortune, unhappiness,sorrow, CP.ungesawen = ungesewenungesawenlle=ongeeewenlicungeseafllgnes= ungescetNSigneaungescead I. n. want of intelligence, sense-lessness. II. adj. unreasonable. III. adv.exceedingly, Da 243. [cp. Oer. gescheit]

uhgesceadlic unreasonable, indiscreet, adv.•lice unreasonably, absurdly.

ungescead-wls, -wislic unintelligent, irration-al, imprudent, foolish, M,CP. adv. -lice.

ungesceadwbnes f. want of intelligence, in-discretion, folly, ignorance, CP.

un-gesceapen, -gescepen neg. ptc. uncreated,unformed, M.

ungascended unhurt, DR 146u.

ungescetitted unhurt, BH218**.nngesoeWlgnes (a) f. innocence,MFH (Veep.D xiv).


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ungeserApe inconvenient, useless.

ungesorApnes (e) f. discomfort, BH322* .

ungeserApo n. inconvenience, BH382*.ungesegenllo=ungesewenlicungeseht adj. at variance, FM35828


ungesAl-=unge8a3l-; ungesene=ungesyneungesenod not signed with the cross, [segn]

ungeseonde blind* Lod 1-368".

ungeseowenlle= ungesewenlicunge-sewen, -sewen(d)lio unseen, invisible,

M,CP. adv. -lice.

ungesfbb (t) not related : unfriendly, hostile,

BltBH.ungeslbsum not peaceable, quarrelsome, con-

tentious, CP.ungestbsumnes f. quarrelsomeness, discord,


unge8llt=unsealtungesoden unsodden, unboiled, Lcd.ungesom at variance, jEH1'478".ungesptdlg= unspedigungestsetffle-= ungestffitfSig-

ungestatftflg unsteady, inconstant, unstable,

fickle, CP. adv. -lioe.

ungestsBtftfignes f. inconstancy, frivolity, CP.ungastrton n. ill-gotten treasure, W183*.ungestroden not subject to confiscation, LL12[4,1].

ungesundlloe excessively, exceedingly, GD161.

ungesw&ge inharmonious, dissonant, dis-

cordant, out of tune, harsh, Gi*.

imgeswenoed unceasing, NC329.ungetwenoedlle unwearying, BH436".ungeswloendlloe incessantly.

ungeswunoen not laboured over, not well

done, WW43011.

ungesylt= unaealt

unges^ne (5) unseen, invisible, WW 17".

ungesynellc invisible, Bl.ungetAse I. n. trouble, hardship, severity,

CP. II. adj. troublesome, inconvenient.

unget&sllce adv. inconveniently, AS 29".

ungetAsnea f. unsuitableness, inconvenience,

WW419".ungetel innumerable.

ungetemed = unatemedungetemprung t inclemency, CM461.

ungetforiendlle inexhaustible, adv. -lice

incessantly, LL.ungetforod unfailing, M.ungates* =unget$se II.

unge-tlmu f T -time n? evil time, adversity,

mishap, AO,GD.ungetinge (IE), ungetingful (GPH) not

eloquent, [tunge]

ungetogen uneducated, M.ungetreowe (i, ie, u, y) untrue, faithless, M.ungetreownes f. unbelief, CP447*.ungetreowslan= untrSowsianungetrfiowtS f. unfaithfulness, treachery,

W160».ungetrum weak, infirm, Bo 132".

unge-truw-, -tryw- =un(ge)treow-ungetwAre (WW24817)=nnge8w«re

ungetweogendJIce (GD23


21) = untweogend -


unge-tyd, -tydd ignorant, untaught, un-skilful, CP.

ungetyred= ungeteorodungettaosUc unfit, improper, unseemly, WW191".

ungetfane mn. evil thought, W.ungeftaneful unthankful, ungrateful, W241*.ungetteaht n. evil counsel, RB11810


ungeSeahtendllce hastily, BH124".ungetfeawe adv. not customary, Goth72".

ungetSftawtest ill-regulated, RBL14".ungetftod disunited, separate, Gen 1698.

ungefllnged unexpected, CP317U.

ungetfungen base, Nab42".ungettw&re h disagreeing, quarrelsome,

troublesome, stubborn, vexatious, undutiful,

irreverent, M,CP. II. n. disturbance,

MtR26«.ungettwArlan to be discordant, disagree, be

at variance with, M.ungetfwArlic inharmonious, discordant, RB19s : hostile, GD349. adv. -lice peevishly.

ungetfwArnes f. disturbance, quarrel, dis-

cord, AO.ungetiwere= ungetfwareungetfyld fa. impatience, CP. [tiolian;

Oer. nngeduld]ungettyldelloa adv. impatiently, Bo.ungettyldlg impatient, JE,GP. [Oer. unge-

duldig]ungetfyro =ungeCyldungetiyre * discensor 7 Cp283D.ungeweeder= ungewiderungewsem-=nngewem-ungewApnod without weapons, unarmed, M.ungewealden disordered (of the stomach),

Lcd.un-gewealdes, -gewaldes adv. involuntarily,

by chance, CP.ungeweaxen not full grown, immature, WW352".ungeweder= ungewiderun-gewemmed (JE), -gewemmedlio un-spotted, unblemished, undefiled, uninjured.

adv. -lice uncorruptly, BH276".ungewem(med)nes f. freedom (from stain).

nngewende(n)dllc immovable, GD,Lod.ungewendnes f. unchangeableness.

ungewened unexpected.

ungewenedHo unhopedfor, GD347".un-gewerged, -gewSrigod unwearied, un-tiring.

un-gewldere n., gs. -gewidres bad weather,' storm.

ungewlderung f. bad weather, Chb1086.ungewlld (y) unsubdued, OEG.ungewllde (y) not subject to, independent of,

AO : untamed, unbruUed. feeweald]ungewUdelie (y) unyielding, Suun-gewlll displeasing, Chb.ungewlntred immature, young, LL 18[26].


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I=nngewi88ungewlslic unaccustomed, Bo 15**n.

vngewbnes 1 uncertainty, ignorance, BH.ungewlas I. n. uncertainty, ignorance, 2E,AO


unconsciousness : ignominy, shame, SPs82". IL adj. uncertain, JE,CP : ttnime,ignorant : doubtful, M : causing shame,shameful, KGl75».

ungewlsses unconsciously, involuntarily, CP.ungewltondllc permanent, imperishable, ML34*'8

. adv. -lice permanently, perpetually,CP441*1


ungewlttostnes 1 madness, Lob 82b.ungewlttul unurise, senseless, mad, CP.ungewitfulnes 1 madness, CP1851


ungewltllo tftoptrf, foolish, Loi>65a.ungewftnlgendllce /ree/y, unU impunity,^BGR2338n.

ungewltnod unpunished, JE,GP.ungewltt n. folly, madness, M.ungewlttlg irrational, foolish, mad, M.ungewlttigHoe (-witte-) unwisely, foolishly,

GD2;104.ungewittlgnes f. foUy, GD163 ; 247.ungewlttlg not bright, dull, AS31».±ungewlltlgian to disfigure, AS.ungeworht unwrought, unformed, unfinished,M.

ungewrlten unwritten, WW.ongewuna I. m. evil habit, vice, CP169*.IL unusual, M : uninhabited, M.

iingewunello unusual, strange, M. [Oer.

ungewohnlich] adv. -lice, M.iingewuniendlle uninhabitable, Lod.ungewyder= ungewiderungewyld- =ungewild-ungewylles = unwilles

ungewynellc =ungewunelicungewyrded uninjured, Ph181.ungewyrhtum (be) adv. phr. without a cause,CVPs.

angler-wan, -ian (e, i, y ) to unclothe, divest of.

unglire pernicious, Gen 2470.ungttu 1 evil gift, W.ungln not great or broad, GnE206.nngl=unge1; unglad=unglaedunglsed (a) cheerless, dull, Bo 14M.

nngtodlle implacable, GPH392.unglffidnes f. 'imperitia,* WW4231*. [mis-take for ungleawnes?]

unglftwi^ungleawungleaw ignorant, foolish, unwise, M. adv.-lice, CP.

ungleawnes f. want of discernment, folly,

ignorance, Pa 70.

ungleawsclpe m. folly, Sc83w.

ungienged=ungeglengedungnytto not niggardly, not sparing, liberal.

adv. -lice, GD(e).ungod I. adj. not good. II. n. evU.

ungor=hungerungraplgende not grasping, jEH1-366w.

ungrene not green, bare of grass. Gen 117.ungrlpendllc irreprehensible, EPsl88


ungrund vast, Ex508.

ungrynde bottomless, Roc49.

ungyfetSe unaccorded, B2921.un-gyld, -gylde n. excessive tax. [gieldan]ungylda m. one who is not a member of aguild, TCflW.

ungylde adv. not entitled to compensation, LL.ungyttlg innocent, A0184*.ung?men f. carelessness, BH.ungfmende careless, BH4345(e).

ungyrdan =ongyrdanungyrian=ungierwanimhadlan to deprive of orders, LL.untaadod=ungehadodunhadungf. *

ezordinatio,% RBLHO8


unhAl=unhal, unh» o+unhaMan to weaken, debilitate, So51".unh&ltt 1 ill-health, weakness, infirmity,sickness.

unh&lu 1 sickness, unsoundness, AO :

mischief, evil, B.unhAmed unmarried, WW5301*.

tinhftr=unharunh&l sick, ill, weak, CP.unhalgod unhallowed, unconsecrated.

unhalian 'tabescere,' BPsll81M.

unhalig (&) unholy, profane, ELPs42l.

un-halwende (RHy), -halwendlic (&) in-curable deadly.

unhandworht not made unth hands, Mk 14M.

unhar (=an-) hoary, grizzled, B357.unheah (5) not high, low, M.unheanlloe valiantly, Chb756.unhearmgeorn inoffensive, M.unhearsumnes=unhiersumnesun-heg, -heh =unheahunhelde (CHBl095)=unhyldounhelian to uncover, reveal, Lkl2*.un-heor-, -her-=unhier-unhered unpraised, not celebrated, Bo68M.

unheiigendlle not praiseworthy, JEH 2-406".unhetol peaceable, NC329.unhlere (e, eb, y) I. horrible, monstrous,fierce, wild, tempestuous. II. adv. horribly,

unhlerllo wild, fierce, savage, gloomy, adv.-lice(GD161M).

unhlersum (y) disobedient, adv. -lice,

unhlersumnes (y) f. disobedience, CP.unhlredwist f. unfamUiarity, Sc203u.

iinblwe formless, GPH399"8.

unhlwed colourless, OEG.unhleowe unfriendly, chill, Ex494.unhlldan (M)= onhlidanunhJb (unhlise?) infamous, disreputable,KGL68".

unhJIsa m. ill-fame, discredit, dishonour, M.unhJbb&re disreputable, WW35417


unhlfritadlg infamous, WW420U.

unhHsful infamous, Gl.unhllsig infamous, KGl56*.unhlltroe (B1129)=unflitme?unhlQd not loud, GD8£*.unhiys-= unhlis-

unhneawt generous, liberal

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unhoga foolish, MkL7u.

unhold disloyal, unfriendly, hostile, JE.

[Oer. unhold]unholda m. monster, devil, Cb762.unhrsedsprAce slow of speech, JE (Ex6w).

unhreoflig not leprous, &HM24".iinhror not bent down, erect, Bo 146*.unhuled bareheaded, OEG4466.unhwearflende unchangeable, fixed, Bo20*».unhwflent eternal.

unh?dlg ignorant, foolish.

unhyhst=unhehst euperl. of unheh.unhyldo (e) f. displeasure, disfavour, un-friendliness, CP. [Oer. unhuld]unhyr-=onhier-, onhyr-unhyr- = unhier-

unhytJlgt unhappy.unl-=unge-unlett adv. (comp.) with greater difficulty,

more hardly, CP. [eaff]

unle«-=unea©-unln-segllan, -asglian (JE) to unsealunISe=unIet$e; unlucian=ungeocianunlab=unlafunttcnigendlle incurable, LodI-2621


unlionod unhealed, CP61*.unl*c=unleaounUece m. bad physician, Lcd60d.un-l&d, -lfi&de poor, miserable, wretched, un-happy, unfortunate : accursed, wicked :

strayingf (of cattle).

unlMlle miserable, NC329. adv. -lloe.

unl«gne=unllegneunlAne permanent, W264u.

unlAred unlearned, untaught, ignorant, CP.unl&rednes f. want of learning.

unlset unwearied, indefatigable.

unlartto f. sin, GD 289. [unlfid]

unttf f. posthumous child, WW.unlagu f. abuse of law, bad law, oppression,

injustice. »t unlagum unlawfully.

unland m. desert, waste : counterfeit, supposedland, Whale 13.

unlandagende m. not owning land, LL 112.

unlir f. bad teaching.

unlftafful= ungeleafful

unleahtorwyrSe not culpable, PPs 187.

unltanod unpaid, EC 148*.

unites not false, true. adv. -lice.

unlectt =unlyct5 pros. 3 ag. of unlucan.unl«edllc=unlyfendlic; unUgne=unliegneunleoft not dear, hated.

unleotfuwac (e») inflexible, rigid, stubborn.

unleoUuwacnes f. inflexibility, WW.unlesan=unliesan; unlib-=unlyb-unllo = ungelic

unllohamllo incorporeal, jE.GD.unllctf (M) =tmlyc© pres. 3 ag. of unlucan.unUcwyrffe displeasing, iEL23bm.

unlfefed =unaliefedunDegne (», e) not to be questioned, LL.unllesan (e, yj to unloose, M : set free, puton a free footing.

unlit n. death, MFH176.

unfiles dead, ML 18-203.

unllflende, unlifigende (y) unliving, lifeless,

dead, pibban]unlltel=unlytelunHtie ungentle, harsh, severe, JE.

unllfiowac = unleotfuwacunlofod unpraised.

unlond=unlandunlucan* to unlock, open, IE.

unlust m. evil desire, lust, sensuality, JE :

disinclination, weariness. [Oer. unlust]

+unlustlan to loathe, Bl69*.unlyb-ba m., -be f. poisonous drug, poison,

IE : witchcraft, IE. [lybb]

unlybbende (MH 164u) = unlifigende

unlybwyrhta m. worker with spells or

poisons, wizard, JE.

uniyfednes= unaliefednes

unlyfendlle illicit, unlawful, ZDA318.

unlyflgende =unlifigende

unlyft f. bad air, LcD6a.unlygen untying, truthful, LL156[12].untysan (JE) = unliesan

uniyt n. a great deal, PPs 61*.

uniytel not small, much, great, very large.

unmddllce =unnueolioeunmAg? m. evil kinsmant alien? Wald2m.

unmSge not akin, PPs68s.

unmaegel =unmeagolunnuBgnes f. weariness, WW2241*.

unm&gttlJoe=unmatilloeunmsBht- (N)=unmiht-unm&le unspotted, immaculate, pure, virgin.

unmftne not criminal, honest, innocent,

truthful : free (from).

un-mfire, -m&rlio inglorious, Bo.unmftte excessive, immense, great, vast, JE :

countless, innumerable.unm&tlic enormous, A4- 152.

unm&tnes f. vastness, excessive greatness,BH.unmSfi f. transgression, sin, HL 13*234.

unm&tftul immoderate, excessive, NC329.unmAttlic excessive, IE. adv. -Hoe ex-

cessively, JE : unmercifully, cruelly, JE.

un-maga m., -magu f. needy person, depen-

dent, orphan.

unmanlg not many, few."MMnti m. monster, wicked man, JE.

un-meagol, -meahl insipid, WW.unmeaht=unmihtunmedeme (.£)=unmedomeunmedome (u*) incompetent, unfit, unworthy,

CP.unmedomlloe adv. negligently, carelessly.

unmeht=unmihtunmeltung f. indigestion, Lci>96a.

unmendlinga=unmyndlingaunmtee =unm&neunmenged unmixed.iinnrmnn nap. of iinmmiii.

unmennlsollc inhuman, Bo70M.

unmet-= unm«et-unmldlod unrestrained, unbridled, CP.unmldome=unmedome

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unmiht (ie) I. f. weakness, CP. IL («)impossible, MtL.+unmlht without strength, ML2Srn.

un-mlhtelle, -mihtlic impossible.

umnlhtlg (se, e) WTeaJfc, powerless, M : twi-

possible, NG.unmihtignes 1 weakness, Lod.unmilde not meet, Aar*A, BH100*.unmlldheort merciless, 3Lunmilts f. *wer»ty, anger, Ct.

unmlltslgendllc unworthy of compassion, un-pardonable* M. [milts]

unmllteung 1 hardness of heart, A064".uninlrigti =nnmyrhtfunmod n. depression, Lod 65a.

unmddlg humble, CP : timid.

anmobnlendlle uncorrupted, OEG60.nn-monlg, -moneg


nnmaniganmurn untroubled, PPs764


anmurnJIcet adv. unpityingly, withoutsorrowing.

unmyoel small, GD1337.



nnmihtig ; unmylts-


pnmilds-unmyndglan =unmynegianimmynd-llnga, -lenga, -lunga adv. un-awares, unexpectedly, M,AO : undesignedly.

unmynegian to overlook, not to demand, LL382[43].unmyrge unpleasant? sad? WW21116


immyrhti f. sadness, W148*.UDDa m. = rain ft

±unnan pres. 1 Bine. an(n), on(n)f pLnnnon; pret. eg. uoe, pp. ±unnen swv.w. d. pers. and g. thing to grant, allow,

bestow, give, Bo,Chr ; AO,CP,iE. unnendrehanda voluntarily : be glad to see, wish,

desire. [U-unne ]

unne 1 favour, approval, permission, con-

sent : grant : liberality.

unnftah adj. adv. not near, far, away from,un-ntde, -nedig=unnledigunntdellee (GD346* ; JAW55,56)=nngny-tSelice

unneg, nnnSh=unneahunnend m. one who grants, DB55


linnet= nnnytunnled-lg, -enga adv. without compulsion or

restraint, willingly, CP. [nead]

unnlt=unnyt II.

unnftlng m. honest man (not an outlaw),

Chb1087; v. ANS 117-22.

un-nyt, -nytt I. adj. useless, unprofitable,

JE,CP. II. m. unprofitableness, emptiness,

vanity, folly.

unnytenes= unnytnesunnytlle useless, unprofitable, foolish, CP.adv. -lice.

unnytllcnes f. uselessness, Lod.unnytnes f. unprofitableness, frivolity, empti-


unnytwyrtfe unprofitable, useless, jE,CP.adv. -wurtfllce, M.

unofercumen unsubdued, Gl.unoferfere (oe4 ) impassable, Gl.

onoferhrtfed not roofed in, Bl125u.

unofenwtft-ed, -edUc, -ende, -endlio un-conquerable, invincible.

unoferwln-nene, -nendlio invincible.

unoferwrlgen not covered, jEL23b*f.

unoferwunnen unconquered, AO 156".

unoferwunnendllo = unoferwinnendliounofllnnedlloe unceasingly, NC329.unofslegen not killed, iEH2-544*1.

unondcyfflgnes f. ignorance JVPs247.

unondgetful=unandgytfulunanl*sendllc unpardonable, GD3484


unonstyred unmoved, GD2709n.

unonslyrigendlio motionless.

unonwend-endlic, -edlic unchangeable, con-stant, immovable, adv. -Hoe.

nnorne old, worn out, decrepit, Ma 256.

unornlfc old, worn, MunpMolfc not dangerous, safe, M. adv. -lice.

unrAd m. folly, foolish plan : crime, mischief,injury, plot, i&,AO.unrAden t iU-considered act, Gen982.

unrfedtedstunreliable, incompetent,MP2121*.

unrAdtestlloe unwisely, rashly, M.unrAdllc thoughtless, Bl99u. adv. -lice, M.imrAdsItt m. foolish enterprise, Rd 12*.

unnefniend le intolerable, SPsl234 (on-).


unrehth&mdere =unrihthSmereunreordlic insatiable.

±unrfttan to make sad, AO. [rot]

unrttu f. sadness, A 4*166.

unrifte not cruel, gentle, jEH2-44u.

unrlee poor, LL,RB.unriht (e, y) I. n. wrong, sin, vice, wickedness,

evil, M : injustice, oppression, JE. II. adj.

wrong, unrighteous, wicked, false : unlawful.unrlhtcyst f. vice, LL(262»).unrthtdAd f. evil doing.

unrihtdAde iniquitous, LPs9M.

unrthtdfima m. unjust judge, W.unrihtdom m. iniquity, Da 183.

unrlhtddnd m. evildoer, Bl63u.

unrihte adv. unjustly, wrongly.

unrihtftoung f. unrighteous hate, Mbt271.

unrihtful unrighteous, wicked, NC329.unrihtgastrion n. unrighteous gain, Bl638


unrihtgestrod n. ill-gotten booty, NC330.unrihtgewllnung (y) = unrihtwilnungunrlhtgllp m. vainglory,.U,{2Q2n ).

unrlhtgltsung f. wrongful greed.

unrihthAman to fornicate, commit adultery.

unrihthAmdere (VPs4918)=unrihth8Bm«reunrmthAmed I. n. fornication, adultery.

II. adj. adulterous.

unrththAmedtremmere m. adulterer, NC330.unrlhthAmend m. adulterer, Bl63.unrihthAmere m. fornicator, adulterer, M.unrihthAmetf —unrihthSmed I.

unrlhthftmere (KGL)=unrihth»mereumihtllc (e, y) unjust, unrighteous, wrong-ful, wicked, M. adv. -lice.

unrihtlust m. unlawful desire, Bo 19M .

unrihtlyblac nm. unlawful magic, W25311.

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unrihtnes (e2) f. wrong, unrighteousness,

wickedness, Bl.unrihttld f. wrong time, improper occasion,

MFH177. '

unrihtweoro n. secular work done on Sunday,LL(130»).

unrihtwtt n. unlawful consort, mistress, TC373".

unrihtwifung f. unlawful wedlock, BH118*.unrihtwlllend m. evil-disposed person, CP89«(y»).

unrlhtwillnung f. unlawful desire, lust, am-bition, CP.unrihtwb unrighteous, wrong, unjust,MtGP.adv. -lice,

unrihtwlsnes (e, v) f. injustice, unrighteous*

ness, iniquity, JE,CP(y).unrlhtwrlgels n. covering of error, BlIOS*.unrlhtwyrcend m. evildoer, Blunrihtwyrhta m. evildoer, CP(y*).

unrlm I. n. countless number, huge host,

large quantity, mass. II. =unrimeunrlme countless, innumerable.

unrlmfole n. countless number (of people),

CP51».unripe immature, unripe, Gl.unrdt sad, dejected, M,CP : displeased, angry.

unrotlan to become sad : (±) make sad.

unrotlic sad, gloomy, adv. -Hoe.

unrotmdd sad-hearted, Bl113".unrdtnes f. sadness, contrition, disquietude,

iE,CP.±unrdtslan to be or become sad, be grieved,

M : make sad.

unruh smooth, without seams, JnLR 192*.

unryht (AO,CP)Wunrihtunr«ne m. diarrhoea, LcdI-17211.unsac not accused of anything, innocent, LCD3-288«.

unsadelod not saddled, LL.unssBd unsated, insatiable, PPslOO*.unsAd n. evil seed, W40*.uns8Bht=unsehtunsAl m. unhappiness, W236M.

uns&lan to untie, unfasten.unsAle wicked, WW421»uns&llg unfortunate, unhappy, wretched :

mischievous, pernicious, Gen637 : wicked.

uns&lfi f. unhappiness, misfortune, adversity,

misery, CP.unsspig sapless, ^Hl-1024


unsalt=unsealtunsamwrode contrary, incongruous, Bo 106*.

unsar painless, CP.unsawen unsown, LL450[10].unseated (es) uninjured.

unscSBtfful (e, ea) innocent, adv. -lice, CP.unsceBtffuines (ea, e) f. innocence, CP.unscsBttB-ednes, -ignes (e) f. harmlessness,

innocence, JE.

unscsBtftt-ende (e), -ig innocent, harmless.

unscamfsest impudent, shameless, Gl.unscamfulnes f. shamelessness, immodesty,MkL7»(eo).

unscamlg unashamed, Jul652.

unseamllo shameless, immodest,M. adv. -lice.

unseat- =unscaB8(o>un-sceadeHce, -sceadlice unreasonably.

unsceadwlslic unreasonable, JSH2-210* .

unsceaft f. monster? Rd88«*unsoeam-=unscam-unseearp not sharp (of wine), Lod.unseearpnes f. dulness, BH402".unseearpsyne not sharp-sigJUed, Lod lib.

unsceatt- = unscaeti-

unscelleht (=ie) not furnished with a shell,

Lod 33b.

unseende (y)| not discreditable, blameless,


un-scended, -scendende uninjured, un-corrupted.

unseennan to unharness, WW91U.

unsceod =unso5d pp. of unsoogan.unseeogan=un8o6ganunseeom- (NG)=unflcam-unsceotan (WW190S0)=onsoeotanunscett-= unsosatt-

unscUdlg (JE)Munaoyldigunsclrped unclothed, MtL22u.

unsoogan to unshoe, M,GP. pp. unsoSdunshod.unscom-=unseam-

unshorn.not failing, LkLR12*».

unscr?dan (e", Is) to put off (clothes), undress,

strip, deprive of, JE. unsorydd pp. naked.


unscyld f. innocency, SPS40".unseyldgung I innocence, ERPsl7tt


unscyldlg (i) guiltless, innocent, M,CP : not


unscyldlgllc excusable, Bl189m. adv. -lice

innocently, Bkl2.unaeyldlgnes f. innocence.

unseynde= unseendeunse^rdan= unscrydanunscyttan to undo, unbolt, MLSlM.

unseytfonde= unscetitiende

unseald ungiven, HL10496.

unsealt (a, y) unsalted, insipid.


(insensatus, ' RHy6U. [sefa]

unseht I. mfn. discord, disagreement, quarrel.

II. adj. not agreed, hostile, Chb.unsehtnes f. discord, quarrel, NC330.un-seldan, -seldon (M) not seldom, repeated*

ly, frequently.

unseofene not sighing, MFH 177.

unsewenlle invisible, Bo 138s.

unslbb f. dissension, contention, war, strife,

AO.unsibblan to disagree, WW.unslbsumnes f. anxiety, JnL p6*.

unsldeful immodest, unchaste.

unsldefullnes f. immodesty.

unsldelice immodestly, NC330.unsldu m. bad custom, vice, impurity. [Qer.


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H-=un0yf-unalgeteBft not victorious, ML 18M.

unilngian — """y^riftii

unstt m. unfortunate journey or expedition,

misfortune, mishap, M.

unslApIg sleepless, WW427".nuliw («, ea) not slow, active, adv. -lice,

CP38P.unaleae ncrf remiss, active, diligent, adv. -lice.

uimleacnm f. diligence.

unsMaw =unBlawundid T unslit (Cp33s) n. fat, grease, tallow.

[Oer. unachlitt; or ?=unsylt]unslttten untorn, JnLlO**.mistyped open, unloosed, W83*.unsmMe=unsmeoeunsmeorawlg not greasy, Lcd 106b (smerig).

unsmefle not smooth, uneven, rough, scabby.

unsmMtaes f. roughness, WW.niMiiruMC = OH8III6O8

unsnotor (©*) unwise, adv. -lice.

unsnotornes- (yter-) f. /o%.imsnott-=unsnot-unsnyttru f. folly, ignorance.

unsnyttrumt adv. foolishly.

unsoden not boiled or cooked.

unsdfte harshly, bitterly, severely, violently,

M : with difficulty, hardly, scarcely : un-comfortably.

unsdftHoe harshly, MB. 1*434'.

unsfim 1 disagreement, LL.unsorh free from care, Bl217".unsdft I. adj. untrue, false. IL n. untruth,


iinsdftfSBSt untruthful : unjust, unrighteous.

unsottfeestnes f. injustice, unrighteousness.

±unsdttlan to falsify, disprove.

unsfitisag-ol, -nl untruthful, M.

unspannan7 to unfasten, WW231**.unspeeende = nnspreoendeunspfd f. ttwn*, poverty.

unsptdlg poor, JE^AO : not fertile.

unsplwol tfal «top* vomitingf Lod.unspornend =oii8pomendunspreeende wo< o6fe to «peo&, jE.

unsteefwls illiterate, GPH393.unftalfflig unstable, irregular, weak, frivol-

ous, wanton, M.unstSBtftlgnes f. instability, inconstancy,

wantonness, M.'unstaltolfSBSt unstable, unenduring, weak,

fickle, M.unstattolffiestnes f. instability, weakness,

fickleness, M.unstenc m. stench, stink.

unstUle moving, changeable, restless, inquiet,

uneasy, CP.+unstllllan to cfoturfr, agitate, BH27810


un-stunes, -stillnes f. agitation, restlessness,

disturbance, disquiet, trouble, disorder,

tumult, M,AO.unstrang not strong, weak, infirm, feeble, M.unstranglan to be feeble.

unstrangnes f. feebleness.

weak, JEH2-390".unstydful inconstant, apostate, DR121".[=unatede-]

unstydftdlnes (on-) f. instability. DR.unstyrendlle immovable, hard to carry, MtL23*.

unstyriende immovable, stationary, Bo.unswSs unpleasant, disagreeable, uncon-genial, adv. -sweae.

unswfisllc ungentle, cruel, Jud 65. [swSe]unswetn n. bad dream, LOD3-28811.

unsweotoi imperceptible, indistinct.

unswete no* sweet : /on/.

unswtoen unbetrayed, unharmed, safe, Chb1048.

un-«wloende, -swiciende *r*«, faithfulunswleol trustworthy, true.

unswIB not strong, Lod. adv. -swifie.

unsydeful= unaideful

unsfferlle impure, Bl4317.

uns?fernes 1 impurity, foulness.

unsffre (i) L adj. impure, unclean, filthy.II. adv. JfflAay, Cb1484?


unsynglan to exculpate, LL98[21,l],unsynnlg guiltless, innocent, M.unsynnum adv. guiltlessly, B 1072.untAle blameless, faultless, M.untAled unblamed, CP351M.

unt&llio (a) blameless, immaculate, undefiled,praiseworthy, adv. -lice, M,CP.

untAl-wler&e (y*) blameless, CP. adv.-wierolice.

untflealto==uno'8Bslic; until- -unttal-untala(NG)=untelauntameul untameable, GPH397.unteala= untelaunteald uncounted, Lcd3*264u.

untealt stable, steady, Chb897d.untela adv. not well, amiss, badly, ill, im-properly, wrongly, CP.

untellendllc indescribable.

untamed untamed, CPa,WW.untemende =untymendeuntenan (KGL)=ontynanunttogoftad untithed, CP439*.unteola= untelauntftorig untiring, unceasing, Met28".unttdftt untimely eating, NC330.untldfyl I untimely eating or drinking,

untldgewldere n. unseasonable weather.Chr1095.

unttdllc unseasonable, AO. adv. -lice.

untfdspSe f. untimely speech, LL(322»).untldweore n. work at an improper time (eg.on Sunday), W.

untXena (AO) =onteonaunttgan to untie, loosen, unchain, M. [teas1untllad destitute, Bo 16".untbna m. unseasonableness, wrong time, CP


bad time, misfortune, W2977.

untune ill-timed, unfortunate, M.untlmnes f. evil times, W2071*.

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untlnan=ontynanuntdbrocen unbroken, M.untoclofen uncloven, ^EL2548


untod&led undivided, individual, indivisible,


untdd&ledllc inseparable, indivisible, M.adv. -lioe.

untodAlednes t undividedness, A 8-318".

untd-d&lend-, 6U&1-, dal-, -delen-=unt6>



untflAtendlloe incessantly, GDI 17".

unto-Msende, -lysende that cannot be loosed,

inextricable, WW.untdtysendllc unforgivable, GD342".untosceacen unshaken.untfetagen unshaUered, AS 22s


untosliten untorn, uninjured, CP.untospreoendllc ineffable, TO.untotwfimed undivided, M.untoworpenlte (e*, a4) inviolable, OEGll1M.

untragHoe frankly, El410.untreow = untreowSuntrtowe (y) untrue, unfaithfuluntrtowfftst (y) unfaithful, unreliable.

untrtowlloe faithlessly, AO.untreowslan to defraud, deceive, CP : offend,

G.untreowtf f. unfaithfulness, treachery, AO.untrum infirm, weakly, sick, iU, M,GP.untrumlan to be or become sick or infirm :

make weak, M.untrumllc infirm, weak, JE.

untrumnes f. weakness, sickliness, infirmity,

illness, ,E,AO,CP.untrymed unconfirmed (by a bishop), LL(1401*).

un-trymJg, -trymmig sick, infirm, NG.untrymlgan to become weak, JnL6s


untrymmlgo f. illness, MtLlO1.

untrymnes=untrumnesuntrymfi f. weakness, illness.

untryw-= untreow-untwegendlice = untweogendlioeuntweo m. certainty, Cb961.untwtod undoubting, As 1244.

untweofeald = untwiefealduntweogende unhesitating, not doubting, OP.iintweogendlle indubitable, certain, adv.-lice indubitably, unhesitatingly, undoubt-

ingly, AO,CP.untweoUc (i) undoubted, OEG. adv. -lice

certainly, with certainty, M.untweonde = untweogendeuntw§on(d)IIce = untweogendlioeuntwtonlgend (y) undoubting, A9-11548


untwl-, untwy-= untweo-, untwie-untwle-feald, -feld not double, OP : not double-

minded, without duplicity, sincere, OP.untyd unskilful, inexperienced, OP.untyddre=untydre; untydHo=untidliountydre h firm, unbending, An 1254.

II. m. monster, Bill,untydrende barren, Lci)33b.


untygtia unsuccessful (in getting one's wish),

CP257".unt^mende barren, unfruitful, M. [tieman]untynan =ontynanuntuned unfenced, LL106[40].untyti = untygCuntfserfe in pnr. * unCeerfe fling '



MtL2«. [unoearf]

untisBslic inappropriate, unseemly, unbe-coming, absurd, M. adv. -Hoe, J5.

untesllcnes f. impropriety, .EH 2-316s.

unfosUeu t incongruity, RB 124u.

unttanc m. ingratitude, disinclination, dis-

pleasure, JE,AO,CP : evil intention, an ill

turn, M. his untiances against his will,

involuntarily. [Qer. undank]unflancful unthankful, CP,GD.unflanc-ol, -ul ungrateful, N0330.untfanc-wurfte, -wyroe ungrateful : notacceptable, disagreeable, M.

untiancwyrtnice ungratefully, NO330.unttearf f. damage, hurt, detriment, ruin, M.unttearfes without a cause, PPsl3s


untteaw m. vice, sin, fault, JS,CP.unfteawtost disorderly, iU-mannered, dis-

solute, M. adv. -lice.

unfteawful uncontrolled, disorderly, WW.untfegenllce basely.

untilnged unexpected, sudden, OP.unflingod unatonedfor, OP423u.

untfolemodnes f. impatience.

unftoligendllc intolerable, So208u.

unttortost unprofitable, DR17917.

un-*rfste, -Trieste diffident, OP.untfrowendllenes f. impassibility, ZDA31-14.untfrowtgendlic unsuffering, M.untfurbseeotendlle impenetrable.

untiurhtogen unperformed, neglected, OP3291*.

unttwsegen=unowogenuntiw&re=ungeoV&re+unuwftrlan to disagree, iE,CP.unttw&rnes f. (e) discord, division, Chb.un-ttwean, -owagen, -tiwtegen, -owegen,-owen= untiwogen

untiwernes=unow&rnesuntiwogen unwashed.unflyhtlg weak, OET107.unttyldlg=ungetiyldiguntfyldllcnes f. difficulty, BH 2-340.

unundergilde (as) invaluable, Bo27s*.

unwAcllcf steadfast, strong, noble, splendid,

adv. -lioe.

unwfided (e) not clothed, MtL22u.

unwsBder=unwederunwselgrlm gentle, merciful, GD133*.unwsem- =unwem-unwser (-war- in obi. cases) incautious, care-'

less, unthinking, foolish, M,CP : unaware,unexpected, on un-wsr, -waran, -warumunawares, unexpectedly.

unwseres=unwaresunwssrllc unwary, heedless, OP. adv. -lice,


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unwwrnes i heedlessness, W2997.

unwarselpe m. folly, jEL1-684.

unwaesoen unwasheri, Leo 41b.

unwsestm mm. barrenness : tore, weed.

unwastmb&re unfruitful, barren, sterile,

M\CP.unwsestm-bsBrnes (^E,AO), -berendnes (M)f. unfruitfulness, barrenness, sterility.

unwmtmberend-e, -lie sterile.

unwffistmfaest barren, Bl 163*.

unwsestmfsBStnes f. barrenness, Bl16317.

unwaeterig waterless, dry, desert.

unwandiende unhesitating, CP381tt.

unwar- v. unw»r.unwares adv. unawares, [gs. of unwaar]unwarnod unwarned, LL382**.unwealt steady, stable, Chb897.onwearnumt adv. irresistibly i suddenly, in

a moment.unwearttMunweoro'unweaxenf not grown up, young.unwMed=unwfidedimweder n. bad weather, storm, M.unwedernee adv. tempestuously, Mtl6*.unweg=onwegunwegen not weighed, Lod 1-3767.

unwemllc unsullied, pure, WW622**

un-wemme, -wemmed unblemished, un-stained, unspotted, uninjured, M : inviolate.

unwemmend m. innocent man, REPs36u(on-).

unwemmlng f. incorruptibility, incorrupiion,

8041".unwemnes f. purity, HL184**.

+unwendnes=onwendnesunwfine unexpected : hopeless, M.unwened unexpected.

unwenlle adj. unpromising, hopeless, des-

perate, AO,CP. adv. -lice unexpectedly,

by chance, GD88".unwftnunga unexpectedly, BO14010


unwtod n. ill weed, W92M.

unweoder=unwederunweorcheard delicate, weakly, infirm, RB76*.

unweorcllc (o) unsuitable for work, A8*319*°.

unweortt (AO)=unwieroeunweortitan (o, u) to slight, treat with con-

tempt, dishonour, CP : (±) become worthless,

vile, dishonour oneself.

unweorttlic (u) unworthy, dishonourable,

AO : unimportant, humble, CP. adv. -lice

unworthily, dishonourably, ignominiously,

AO,CP : indignantly.

unweorttnes t slight, contempt, disgrace,

AO,CP.unweorttsdpe m. dishonour, disgrace : in-

dignation, CP222*.unweorttung (u) i disgrace : indignation,


unweotod =unwitod ; unwer (KGL)=unwaerunwered unprotected, Gen 812.

unwerlg unwearying, indefatigable, persis-

tent, iE,AO.

unwerUee= unwiBiiice

unwerod not sweet, GP4471*.'

unwestm=unwBB8tm; unwettar=unwederunwld not wide, NC330.unwidere n. bad weather, W.unwldlod unpolluted, DR90".unwlerfe I. adj. unworthy, CP : worthless :

contemptible, ignominious. II. adv.unwlese = unwise, unwisliceunwilla m. repugnance, displeasure.

unwillan = unwillumunwlllende unwilling, involuntary, CP.unwilles adv. unwillingly, involuntarily,

reluctantly, M.unwillum adv. unwillingly, reluctantly, his

unwillum against his will, AO : involun-tarily, unintentionally.

unwllsumUce adv. involuntarily, against

one's will, BH442**.unwlndan* (=on-) to unwind, uncover, M.unwlne m. foe, enemy.unwlnsum =unwynsumunwls unwise, foolish, ignorant, uninformed,CP.unwisdom m. unwisdom, imprudence, folly,

ignorance, CP.unwise= unwislice

unwlsllc foolish, adv. -hce, M.unwlsnes f. ignorance : wickedness, DR.unwlta m. witless person, ignoramus.unwltende unwitting, ignorant, AO.unwlmlgenduee without punishment, withimpunity, MG&233*.

unwltnod unpunished, CP.unwltnung f. impunity, So236*.

unwltod (io, u) uncertain.

nnwlttlg unconscious, ignorant, stupid, M.unwltttgnes f. folly, GD163**.unwlttol ignorant, So80".unwltweore n. foolish work, BlIU*.unwffierweard./Wen<%, CP361* .

unwitierweardllc not discordant, NC330.unwitimetenes f. incomparability, OEG687.unwltfmeteiitto not comparable, incom-parable, M. adv. -lice.

unwlite m. dishonour, WW;unwllteg= unwlitigunwlitegian to become disfigured, CP : dis-

figure, transform, CP.unwlltegung f. disfigurement, WW391*.unwllUg unsightly, deformed, disfigured, ill-

favoured, M.unwUtlgnes f. disfigurement, BH384*.unworcUc =unweorcliounworht unwrought, unfinished.unworttlan=unweortSianunwrano=unwrencunwrAne not lustful, Lod.un-writet, -wr&ste (6) feeble, weakly, AO :

unsteady, untrustworthy.

unwrSstllee adv. weakly, incongruously,A8-334".

unwreeen unpunished, unavenged.unwrenc (») m. vice, evil design, JE,CP.

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unwrton1'* to uncover, reveal

unwrfet=unwriestun-wrlgednes, -wrigennes f. uncovering,


unwrlgen open, unconcealed, MFH101 7(pp.

of unwreon).unwriten unwritten, Bo.unwrltere m. incorrect copyist, MGrSu.

unwrttSan to untwist, unbind, CP.unwunden h not wound. II. pp. of un-windan.

unwundod not wounded, Gen 183.

unwunlendllo uninhabitable, Lcd 3-262.

unwurS^unweorfc ; unwuted=unwitodunwynsum unpleasant, JE,

unwynsumnes f. unpleasantness, M.unwyrcan to undo, destroy.

unwyrd f. misfortune, trouble.

unwyrtrumlan to root out, MtL13M.

nnwyrt5-=unweor6-; unwyrte=unwieroeunymb-fangen, -fangenlio incomprehensible,

GD.unymbwendedUo unalterable, DR164".unymbwrlten indescribable, GD268M.

un^5-=uneao'-unySglan to trouble, EPs34u.

Op [8122] adv. 'up* {to a place), up stream,

up country (inland) : upwards, latan upto put ashore, up forl&tan divide.

upaberan1 to bear up.

fkpabl&wan7 to blow up, be in eruption (of avolcano), ML&*.

upabreean4 to break out, break through, boil

up, JE.

up-abregdan, -abredan8 to lift up, raise up,exalt, CP.

upadelfan8 to dig up.

upadon anv. to take up, exhume,upatangnes f. reception, assumption, A5*464.Qpah&f-= upahaf-upahatenlloe (») adv. arrogantly, OEG667.ttpanafennes f. exultation, presumption,arrogance, pride, CP : elevation, M.upahafu lifting up, NC331.upahebban* to lift up, raise up, exalt, iEfCP


rise in the air, fly.ttpahefedUoe arrogantly, HGl422».Qp-fthelednas (M), -ahefenne8=upahefennesQpahon7 to hang up, M.upamyian? to come to light, appear, HGl463 (v. OEG4784).

Ckpar&ran to raise up, lift up, exalt, AO,CP :


upareocan to erect, raise, build, VPb.Qparlsan1 to rise up, CP.up&rlsnes f. resurrection, EHyl4e


upftsprlngan* to spring up, arise,

Qpa-epringnes, -sprungnes I uprising, LPs102".

upastandan* to stand up, rise up, emerge.

upasOgan1 to rise, ascend, M,CP,up-astlgenes, -astignes f. ascent, ascension,

means of going up.

upftitreccan to uplift, CM38.

ap&tton*'1 to draw up, bring up, rear: drawout, pull out, pluck up : lift up, place in anupright position, M.

up&tJenian to elevate, lift up, CP.tLp-<aweallan, -awallan7 to well up, steam up,boil up, M.Qp&wegan* to lift up, support, M.upawendan to turn upwards, raise, M. pp.upawend supine, MGr.

upberan4 to bear up.upbeseon6 to look up.Qpbredan* to reproach with, upbraid, W248*.Qpcuman4 to come up, arise.

upcund from above, heavenly, CP.apcyme m. rising, origin, source.

Qpeard m. land above, heaven, Git 1051.upende m. upper end.

Qpengelt m. heavenly angel.

uptode pret. 3 sg. of upgan.QpisBreld n? ascension, JSH 1-444*.

upfeax bald in front, WW276".upfegan to erect, CP.Qpferan to go forth, spring forth, GPH401.fkpferlan to carry up, to raise, So 1307.

Qp-neogan (M), -Aeon* toHy up.Qpfltrlng f. upper floor (of house), M.Qpflor fm., upflore f. upper chamber or story,

garret, M.upflugon pret. pL of upfleogan.

upgan anv. to go up : make to go up, raise :

rise (of sun), Guth14841.

upgang m. rising, sunrise, M : going up,approach, ascent : landing, going inland.

upganga m. landing, Ma 87.

upgeberan4 to bear or carry up.

upgebrtdan (W249»)=upbrSdanftpgemynd} n. contemplation of things above,

upgeotan* to well up, Guth 13119*.

upgetfon*'1 to draw up.Qpgodu np. the gods above, heathen gods,

WW497*.Opgong=upgangQphafenes = upanafennesftphtafod n. upper end, KC6-7910


uphteh uplifted, high, elevated : sublime,noble, upright.

upheald n. maintenance, KC4-232*.

uphebbe 1 water-hen, coot, PPsl0317.

uphebblng f. uprising, LkL88.

up-hefenes (VPs), -hefne8==upahafennesfkpheofon m. heaven above, sky.

uphladan* to draw up, HGl418.

uphas n. upper room, WW384*.upland n. country (as opposed to town).

ttplang upright, erect : tall.

uplegen £ hair-pin, WW2231*.

uplendJse from the uplands, rural, frombeyond the town, M, [upland]

fkplto upper, supreme, lofty, sublime, heaven-ly, celestial, M,CP.

uplyft fnm. upper air, ether, sky,

upnea f. height, LPs 103s.

upniman4 to raise up, EHy38.

upon=uppan; upp=up

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i (os) prep. (w. d. and a.) on, upon, upto, against : (time) on, after : in addition to.

witJ u. above, on u. against+uppan= +yppanoppe L adv. above, aloft, up, inland, CP.n. on upon. IL.=yppe

uppe-=up-upplan to rise up, swell, CP2777


uppl-=upl-uppon=uppanuprador= uprodoruprdcan to reach up, Bl223w.

fkpriht upright, erect, M : face upwards, OEG2157. adv. -rihte.

Qprine=upryneuprooettan to belch up, EPsll8171


up-roder, -rodorf m. upper heavens, ether,

firmament.flpryne m. ascent, rising (of sun).

upstttan* 'residere,' ;EGr.upspring m. rising up, origin, birth, M :

what springs up.

fkpeprungennes 1 eclipse, BH240*b.upstlge m. ascent, ascension, M : staircase,

GD170".upstigend m. one who mounts up, rider, DR


CHy4*.uptfyddan to swell up, Oi7THl31m.

upw8Bg=upwegupwsestm m. stature, A 17*113.

ttpware mp. inhabitants of heaven, WW365».

flpweallan7 to boil up, AO.upweard, upweardee adv. up, upwards :

towards heaven.

upweg-f m. ascent, ascension.

upyrnan* (eo) to run up, grow, increase : rise.

upyrne =npryneOr m. bison, aurochs : name of the runefor u.

[Qer. aner]

Ore I. possess, pron. 'our,' ours, AO,CP,0.II. gp. of io.

UTelendlsc of our country, iEGa9317.

urlgfefleref dewy-winged.urlglast leaving a damp track, Wy29.urne asm. of fire I.

urnen pp., union pret. pL of iernan.

uron=urum damn, and dp. of ure Lus dap. of pers. pron. io us.

user h poss. pron. gen. u ses our. IL gp.of ic

Oslo, usig, usuWus ; Qsse=ure ; usser=userusses v. user ; usstc = usic, us

ussplung f. expectoration, WW113*. [ut,

spiwung]ussum dsn. of user.

ut adv. 'out,' AO,Bo,Q : without, outside.

uta-(N)=utan-Maberstan* to burst out, burst forth, CP.utablawan7 to blow out, breathe out.

utabreoan4 to break out, M.Qtabreaan* to pluck out, take out or away.utacnyssan to drive out, EBPs36u.


utacund extraneous, external, foreign, NG.utacunda m. stranger, LkL17u.

utacymen=utancymenutadalfan' to dig out, ASGjlutadon anv. to do out, put out, M.Qtidr&fan to drive out, expel, destroy, M.utadrttan1 to drive out, disperse, dispel, LL.utadr$gan to dry out.

m&ftmlan (e) to breathe out, MFH 122*.

utafaran* to come forth, go out, depart, CP.utafkeon* to flee away.utafiowan= utfiowanutaH*man to drive out or away.fUafon7 to take out, except.

ut-agan anv., -agangan7 to go out, go forth.

utageotan' to pour out, dispense.

utahrAeaii to spit out.

utalsedan to lead out, LL,VPs.utam&r-an, -ian to drive out, expel, de-

populate, BH.utan=wutonutan adv. from outside, An; Chr : on the

outside, without, Bo,Oen. utan landesabroad, PPsW. ['outen']

utanbordes adv. from abroad, CP3U.

utan-cumen, -cymen Lforeign, strange, AO


M : belonging to another, ['outcome']II. m. stranger, foreigner.

utane adv. from without, outwards, outside,

externally, AO,CP.Qtanlandes v. utan.atanweard external, outside,, WW. ['out-

ward']utan*dan to drive out, expel, RP&43*.utascftofan =utascufanutasceotan* to sprout forth, burst forth, CP :

to pierce out, AO.Qtascufan" to drive out, thrust out, shut out.

utascyndan to drive out, J3.

utaslean6 to strike outwards, break out, CP.utasHdan1 to slip out.

utasplwan' to spew forth, vomit up, CP44717*19.

utastlngan' to put out (eyes).

Otateon8'1 to draw out, M.utatynan to exclude, VPs,utatfringan* to press out.

fUattydan to thrust out, cast out, M.Qtaweard (NG)=utanweard *

fktaweorpan' to cast out, empty oututberstan= utaberstanutoumen=utancumenutcwealm (a, a) m. utter destruction,

extirpation, Cp461i.QtcyUan to promulgate, announce, A4-166.

utdrSf f. decree of expulsion, JEH21M.

utdr&fan to drive out, expel.

utdrftfere m. driver out, WW172".Qtdragan* to remove, LL454[9].Qtdrlfan1 to drive out or away, expel, scatter,


ute adv. without, outside, abroad, BH ; M :

out. [* crate']


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uten, utene=utan, utaneuterWiitorutera, uterra adj. (oomp.) outer, exterior,

external, AO,CP. superl. ytemest utter-

most, utmost, extreme, last

utermere m. outer sea, open sea, Chb897a.Qteweard adj. external, outward, outside,

extreme, last, as ab. outward part, exterior.

on uteweardan on the outside, outwardly.utfror n. going out, M.utfsereld n. exodus, going out, J5,AO.utlaran* to go out.

Qtfaru f. going out, JE,RB. ['outfare']

utferan to go out, M.tttfleon* to flee out or away.utflowan7 to flow out, JE,CF : scatter, be dis-

persed, EHy6«.utnyman=utaflymantttfdr f. evacuation (from body), Loo 6a.

uttorl&tan to cast out, iE,AO,CPutfus ready to start, B33.Qtg&n any. to go out, CP.fitgang m. going out, departure, exit, exodus


latter part, Outh,MtL,VPs : privy i dejecta,

excrement, Lcd :' anus.* ['outgang']

Qtgangan7 =utgantttgaraecg m. remotest sea, Cbrat70.(Ugefeoht n. external war, BH I, xxn.fttgegan= utgan; Qtgel&dan= utl&danQtgem&re n. extreme or remotest limitfitgenga m. exit, MtR22».utgtio


(KGl) pros. 3 sg. of utgan.Qtgong=utgangQthealf I outer side, WW 153".other© m. foreign army, Chb.*fithleap n. fine for letting a prisoner escape,

TC.tttlan to put out, expel, LL : alienate {pro-

perty), ['out'}

utimlng (io) 1 flux, MkL5».Atlftd f. right of passage outwards by water,

EC 344 : bringing together {of material) ?


utlwdan to lead out, bring out, LL54[8,1].utlsednes (e) I 'abductio,' EHy6*.fHlaenda=utlenda; Otl»ndtsc=utlendisoutMBs f. out-pastures, KC6-214.Gtlaga m. 'outlaw/ M,W.±Qtlaglan to * outlaw,' banish, Chr.utlagu ? f. outlawry. [ON. utlagi]

utlah outlawed, Ghb,LL.atland n. foreign land, PPs : outlying land(granted to tenants), TCB02. ['outland']

utlec=utlicutlednes = utlodnesQtlenda m. foreigner, stranger, alien, Gl.Qtlende= utlendiso

(itlendlao (ae) I. strange, foreign, M,Ohr.II. m. foreigner, stranger, ['outlandish']

utleoran to go out, pass, GD.utile from without, foreign, BH.utm&ran to tell out, make known, proclaim,announce, A4-166.

ut-nnfest, -mest=ytemest


fitnlman4 to take out, redeem.uton=wuton; Qton=utanatone= utanefktor (comp. of ute) adv. beyond.ttorlie (e«) external, Kl1477


utr&oan to reach out.

Otr&san to rush out, Chb.litre = uterre f. and n. of uterra.

utrldan1 to ride or go away, LL210[8].Qtrine= utryneQt-roccettan, -roccian to belch out, EJPs.Qtryne m. running away, issue, exit, outlet :

what runs out.

fUsang=uhtsangutseeotan* to abut on, EC 121 : suffer to

escape, aid the escape of, LL194[6,1].utscufan' to push out, shut out, exclude, M.Qtscyte m. outfall, outlet, exit, M.Qtscytling m. stranger, foreigner, So2004


fktsendan to send out.

Qt-slht, -aihte f. flux, diarrhoea, itt,AO.

fktslhtadl f. diarrhoea, dysentery, Lcd.Gtslon1 to issue out, A0387


utsW m. going out, departure : death.

Qtsplwung v. usspiung.utter, uttor= utor ; uttermsBst=ytemestutun=wutonutw&pnedmann m. stranger, BH354".Qtwsrc m. dysentery t Lod.utwald m. outlying wood, EC28917


utwaro 1 foreign defence, LL.tttweaUan' to well out, flowforth, A 4- 163.

tktweard adj. outside of, going away, striving-

to get out.

utweardes adv. 'outwards,9 OP.

fktweore= utwseroutwlclng m. sea-rover, Chb 1098.Qtyrnende diuretic, purgative, diarrhcsic.

utyrnlng (io») f. flux, MkL5»GflS- intensitive prefix.

tttfe pret. sg. of unnan.fffigende= utSgengeQflgenge fugitive, alien, fleeting, vanishing,departing.

ttSmAte huge, MH76*n.utton pret. pi. of unnan.ut$uta=uCwita; utfweot-=uoVit-tffiwlta (eo*, us

) m. scholar, sage, philosopher,scribe, Pharisee, M.

Qttwltello= uowitlic

tMJwltian to study philosophy, jEGb 146*.

Qtfwltlic philosophical, academical, WW.utfwuta (KG) = fiowita ; (MSwyt- = utJwit-

wwa I. (see also wea) m. 'woe,' affliction,

misery, evil, M. II. interj. (ocoly. governsd.) woe/ alas/ CP. wa la, wa la wa, wei la

wei ah/ oh/ alas/

wac I. adj. weak, soft, feeble, effeminate,cowardly, timid, pliant, M,CP : slender,

frail : insignificant, mean, poor, M : bad,


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vile. [Qer, weich] II. n. weakness, LL.IIL. pret. 3 ag. of wioan.

wac-=w®o-wacan<t to awake, arise, be born, originate.

[v. 'wake*]wacoor=wacorwace weakly, slowly, negligently.

wacel=wacolwaoen (»*, ea1, a1, o*, us

) I wakefulness :

watching, vigil : division of the night, NG :

incentive, DR63"(as).

wacian (», e) to be awake, keep awake, watch,

M,CV. [v. 'wake']wiclan to become weak, languish : (±) waver,

be cowardly, flinch. [Qer. weichen]waciende watching, vigilant.

wacllc weakly, mean, vile, insignificant,

trifling, M. adv. -lice, JE.

wacmod n. faint-hearted, cowardly,CP : weak-minded, irresolute, M.wacmodnes f. weakness (of mind or body),

cowardice, CP.wacnes f. weakness, insignificance, M.waonlan =waecnanwacol awake, vigilant, watchful, attentive, M.adv. -lloe, M.wacon=wacenwaoor watchful, vigilant, CP. adv. -Hoe, CP.waosan=wascanwaesclpe m. weakness, slackness : insigni-

ficance, contempt.

-wacu v. niht-w. ; wacul=waoolwad L n. 'wood,* JEQr; Mdf. IL (?) drag-net, OEG61" (t. A31-528).wad- v. wed.wadan* to go, move, stride, advance : 'wade,'

AO : (+) traverse, pervade.

wadom=waoumwadsSd n. wood seed, LL454[12],wftdspltl m. wood-dibble, LL455[16].wadung f. travelling, going, M.w£ (N,VPs) =wa ; waearhrod=weargrodwseb, weebbWwebb; w&c-=wao-±wftean to weaken, oppress, trouble, [wao]wsecoan (±) to watch : wake. [=wacian]W8MC6 f.



vigil, wakefulness, J2,CP.wa»coen=wacenwseccende watchful, awake.wsBCcendllce watchfully, GD2421*.

wasoeer=wacor-f-w&oednes f. weakness, iEH2-552»wsecen =wacen ; wsscg (Gl) =weogwsBOian =wacianwsecnan, wsBcnian [y. also wacan] to awake,come forth, spring from, arise, be born,


wsedf n. [usu. pL ; wad- in obi. oases] /ortf,

water, sea, ocean.

wSd f. robe, dress, apparel, clothing, garment,

covering : saU, ES 40-326. ['weeds*]

+weed n. ford, shallow, [wadan]wdd-=wed-wfidbreo fp. breeches, M.w8Bdd=wedd ; dbwBde (e) n. =w£d f.

(«) f. poverty, CP.=waden pp. of wadan.ofwood, bluish, OEG7m ; 8™. [wad]

w»der=wederwdderap m. stay, halyard; pL rigging, WW516".+w8dlan to clothe, dress, equip, furnish.wftdl (e, e«) f. poverty, CP : barrenness, AO.w&dla (e) poor, destitute, as %b.=beggar,poor man, M,CP.wAdlft=w»dlwAdltes without clothing.

wAdltan to be poor, destitute, beg, M.wfid-llg (M), -ligend (GD) poor.

wfldlnes=wtedelneswfidlung 1 poverty, want, M : begging, M.wddo=wadw»f pret. 3 sg. of wefan.+wssf= +wefwfilan to cfofte, W119».wAfels (e) mo. covering, mantle, cloak, dress,

clothing, garment, M.wafergange f. spider, CPs898

. [wefan]wafergeornnes (»?) I eagerness for sight-

seeing, LL (waefereom-).wsferhtts n. amphitheatre,ML24". [wafian]wsferlie belonging to a theatre, theatrical,

OEG62.wsBfemes f. show, display, pomp, pageant,OEG4465.

wafer-eta, -sebn=wffifersynwatersolorm. 'pulpitum,* OEGM5&.waeferatow (ea) f. theatre, Lcd.wafersyn (e», eo», S», le8) f. spectacle, sight,

show, display, M. [wafian]wafllan to speak foolishly, v. NC333.wafon pret. pL of wefan.wafre unstable, unsteady, wavering, wander-ing, restless : flickering, expiring, [wafian]

W8SfS=W9BI>Swatt, waeft f. show, spectacle.

wafung (Gl)=wafungwag h m. =weg. II. pret. 3 sg. of wegan.wag (a, 5) I. m. motion : wave, billow, flood,sea. [wegan] II. (±)=wrege. III.=wag.IV.^hw»gwagan=wegan±wagan (e) to trouble, afflict, CP : deceive,

falsify, & : (+) frustrate, DomIIS.wagbora m. child of the waves? B 1440.

wAgbord n. ship, vessel, Gen 1340.

wftgdeor n. sea-animal, Ce988.wfigdropa m. water-drop, tear, Gul030.wSge I. f. weight, scales, balance, M : 'wey*

(of cheese, wool, etc.) : 'pensum,' burden.

ILt (®) n* cuP» chalice.

+wdge n. weight, measure.wsBgel (WW124*)=p«egel?wsegenWwaegn ; W8Bgentnzl=waegneotxlwftgescalu= wtegscaluwSgetunge t tongue ofa balance, WW 148".wfigtor n. sea-voyage, An925.

wAgfsst n. water-vessel, clouds, RD4*7.

wfigfaru f. track in the sea, Ex 298.

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wAgflotaj* m. (wave-floater), ship.

wAghengestf m. ship.

wAghobn m. sea, ocean, B217.w»glAst=weglfe8twAgttftendf m. sea-farer, sailor.

wffiglttendet seafaring.

W8Bgn (waegen, wan) m. carriage, 'wain,'

* waggon,' chariot, cart, vehicle. Carles

wan; wfinea otxl tfc constellation of the

Great Bear, [wegan]-wognan v. be-w.wsegnere (fin) m. waggoner, WW.wAgnere m. enticer, WW436". [wfignian]wsegnest=wegneetwsBgn-fser (fin) n., -farn t chariot-journey.

wagngehrado (fin) waggon-plank, WW267».

wsegngerela (fin) m. 'corpentorui*, ' waggon-master? WW.wngngew&de (fin) n. waggon-cover, A9-264.+wAgnlan to deceive : condemn, NC297.waegnscllling m. tax on waggons, TCI38.

wsBgntrtow (fin) n. log given to the carter ofaload of wood, LL453[21,4T.

wsagnftol (fin) cart-pint WW343".weegnweg (fin) m. cart-road, KGwsegnwyrhta (fin) m. 'carpentarius,



wright, WW.wAgon pret. pL of wegan.wAgpundern n. weighing-machine.wAgrip? m. wave-rope, wave-bond {ice),

B1611. [orTwfilrap]wAgryft= w&grift

wAgsoalu f. scale of a balance, WW437".[soealn ; Oer. wagsohale]

wAgstatf n. sea-shore, Rd23".wAgstream m. current, Ex311.

wAgsweordJ: n. sword with wavy pattern.

wAgflelf n ship, vessel.

wAgtfria f. peril of the sea, Gen 1490.

wAgftrtet m. deluge, Gen 1352.

+wAht pp. of +wfioan and -hwfigan.

w»l L n. [nap. walu] slaughter, carnage, AO.w. +slean to slaughter : field of battle : (in

pL) dead bodies, AO. [wdl; op. Oer. wal-etatt] ILnL=wielL III.=welwAl mn. whirlpool, eddy, pool, M : ocean,

sea, river, flood.

wcel-^wel-; wAI-=w3al-W8Bla=wela±wAlan to afflict, vex, torment, Gu,MtR.wsBlbeddf n. slaughter-bed.

wsBlbend 1 death-bond, band of destruction,

B1936.weDlbenn f. deadly wound. Ex491.

wselbleat deadly-paler B2725.wseleeald deadly cold, Sol468.wsBloeasega m. carrion-picker (raven), Ex164.

walclomm m. deadly fetter, Gen2 128.wsBloraft m. deadly power, Rd 87u.

waelewealm m. violent death, RD28.

wal-cyrige, -eyrie 1 (chooser of the slain),

witch, sorceress. [Oer. Walkore]

waMfetf m. death in battle, violent death,B695.

wnldrtert n. blood of battle, battle-gore.

waelegian=weligian; waler =welerwnlfAhtS 1 deatbyfeud, B2028.wnlfatim m. deadly embrace, Ex480.w&lfag blood-stained, B1128.W8elfeaU=w»lfiUwttlfel greedy for corpses, ghoulish, El53.walfeld m. battle-field, Chb937.walflli m. slaughter, death, destruction.

W8BUQS awaiting death, B2420.W8Blfyll = waelfiU

wselfyUo f. fiU of slaughter, B125.wflBlfyrf n. deadly fire i funeral pyre.

wmlgwstf m. murderous stranger.

weolgftrt m. deadly spear.

waalgenga m. sea-monster t OEG541;&»*.

walglfref bloodthirsty, murderous.walglmm m. death-bringing gem? Rd214


wselgrAdig flesh-eating, cannibal, An 135.

weolgrlm fierce, violent, bloody, cruel -.fateful,

dire. adv. -lice, AO.weolgrtmnes f. cruelty, torture, GD.weelgryre m. deadly horror, Ex 137.

wrolherej m. army intent on slaughter.

waelhlem m. death-stroke, B2969.walhlenoef f. coat of mail.

wa&lhrtow (eas) cruel, fierce, savage, blood-

thirsty CF adv. -Hoe.

wselhreownes f. cruelty, ferocity, atrocity,

s aughter, &,CP.waelhwelp m. destroying hound, Rd 16".

waellg=welig; wAllse = wieliso

w«ll=weall; wsb11-=w8b1-wsella= willa II. ; wsBllan (N) = willanwaelle (VPs) = wille ; w&lmMwielmwalmlstt m. mist of death.

waolnett n. death-net, Ex 202.

W8BlnH$f m* deadly hostility, war.

weelnotj m. fatal mark, baleful inscription.

waelpD m. deadly arrow, dart, Gu 1 127.

wselraBst m. deadly onslaught.

waelraest = weakest ; wselrfiw= wselhreowwAlrap? m. flood-fetter, (ice), B1610?waelreat n. spoilfrom the slain : act ofspoiling

the slain.

weelreo m. deadly reek, B2661.waolregn (11) m. deluge, Gbx1350.wselreow= waalhreowwaelrest (es

)f f. bed of slaughter, grave.

walrQn f. mystery of carnage t war-song tEl 28.

wAlso= wieliso

w&lsoeaft m. deadly spear, B398.waBlscel n? carnage, Jud313.walseax n. dagger, B2703.waelsilht (ea. i, y) m. slaughter, carnage,

Che : (t) combat.

wsBlsllhta m. murderer, slayer, GD254".wsBlslItende corpse-biting, W18714

: deadly-

biting, W241".wsBlspere n. deadly spear, Ma322 ; Lcd 175b.

wsBbteng m. spear-shaft, B 1638.


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walstdw f. place ofslaughter, battle-field, AO.agan waelstowe geweald to obtain possession

of the battle-field, conquer.

walstrAl mf. deadly shaft, Gul260.waJstrtam m. deadly flood, Gen 1301.

walsweng m. deadly thrust, Gkn987.wait part of thigh, sinew, LL7[68]. [weald]waltan (wv. in NG)=wealtanwalwang m. field of the slain, An 1227.

walweg (Ssaf63) =hwslwegwalwuUf m. warrior, cannibalwAlwyrt= wealwyrtW8Bm = ( 1 ) wamm ; (2) hwammwarn- = wem- _____wambede having a great belly, WW 161".

[wamb]wamman =wemmanwfimn (LWS ) =wspenwAmntan==w&pnian; wamst-=w8estm-wan=wenn; wan- = wen


wAnMwaegn ; wanan=wenanwanes= ( 1 ) waones ; (2) wohneswang, wsBDge=wang9 wangewAnunga=wenunga; wapan=wepanwApen n. (nap. w&p(e)n, wcep(e)nu)

* weapon,1 sword; pi. arms, M,AO,CP :

membrum virile.

wApenbora m. weapon-bearer, warrior,

knight, JE.

wApend, wepened= wfipnedwapen(ge)tac n. 'wapentake* (subdivision

of a riding), LL. [cp. ON. vapnatak]wApengettrae n. encounter of spears f DR168».

wApengewrlxl(e) n. hostile encounter.

wApenbftd = wtepnedhadwApenhete m. armed hate, Ap80.wapenhfks n. armoury, WW348".w&penleas unarmed, JE.

wApenlle male, WW.wApenstral fm. arrow, PPs66s


wApentac = w&pengetseowApentiracuf f. storm of weapons.wApentSrage weapon, equipment? CbA61 ?

wApenwtfestre=wapnedwifestrewApenwlga m. armed warrior, Rd 151.

wApmann (JE) = w&pnedmannwApnMwapen; wApnah1ls=wfipenhu8wApned I. adj. male, AO. II. m. maleperson.

wApnedbearn n. male child, BH76*.wApnedclld n. male child, JE.

wApnedeynn n. male species, JE.

wApnedhftd m. male sex, JE : sexual power,GD26*>.

wApnedhand f. male line, TC491".wApnedhealf f. male line, TC491".wApnedmann m. male, man, AO.wApnedwIfettre f. hermaphrodite, WW.±wApnlan to arm, JE,CP.wApnmann =wsepnedmann+wApnu np. arms, LPs45w.

wApnung f. armour, _E : (+) army.waps m. 'wasp,* JE. [L. vespa]

war I. (napm. ware) wary, cautious, _§2,CP :

(w. g.) aware of : ready, prepared, attentive.

ILf n. sea, ocean. [ON. verr] III.= wer.IV.=wearrwAr I. adj. true, correct, Gen681. II. f.

faith, fidelity : keeping, protection : agree-

ment, treaty, compact, pledge, covenant :

bond (of friendship).

+wAr wg. 'aware' (of), watchful, on one'sguard, C7Arl095.

war- = war-, wear-, wer-, wier-, wyr-waran=werianware (wrsec) m. pain, suffering, anguish(A ; often confused with WS. weoro. v.

JAW52).to be in pain.(e)n. pain, MkR 13s .

ware = wer II.

wAre I. =war II. II. pret. 2 eg. of wesan.wArfast (e*) covenant-keeping, honourable,

faithful, trusty.

wArg=werigwargtapnes f. argument,WW 1921.

wAr-genga, -ganga (e*)t wm. one seekingprotection, stranger (or ?=wer-).wArlgian= wergian+warlAcan to warm, _E.

±warlan to go, pass by, DR,NG.warlfos incautious, careless*

wArlfosf faithless, perfidious.

warllel. careful,wary, cautious, circumspect,

CP. adv, -lice, JE. II.= werlic

wArlloe adv. truly, Gen652?waiilenes f. wariness, caution, HLIS**.wArlogaf m. troth-breaker, traitor, liar,

devil, ['warlock'; leogan]warlot n. craftiness, cunning, deceit, WW364".warna= wrenna .

warnes I. f. wariness, caution. II.=weargneswAron pret. pi. of wesan.warsagol cautious in speech, W72".warselpe m. cunning, caution, prudence,AO,CP.

wArstllc =wrAstliowarword n. word of warning, WW.warwyrde cautious in speech, FT 57.

was pret. 1, 3 sg. of wesan.wase f. ablution, washing, A 13-441

+wase n. only in wsetera +w. 'alluvium,*WW 179".

-wasee v. sceap-w.wcescen = wascen pp. of wascan.wasoere m. washer. ^^waseern n. washing-place, WW 185*.

wascestre I. f. washer, house-keeper, 'pres-bytera, ' GD276. II. m. dyer, GD 191»wasenfls n. washing-place.

waselng m. washing, ablution, Ot.

wAsend = wasend ; -wasma v. bere-w.wasp =waps; wast^weetwAst-=w€st-wastllng m. sheet, blanket, Gl.

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WiESTM 341 WMDAwastm (e) mn. (nap. wtest-mas, -me)growth, increase : plant, produce, offspring,fruit, M,CP : result, benefit, product :

interest, usury : abundance : stature, form,figure, [weazan]wastmaseten f. planting, Mtl5".wastmbare fruitful, jE,CP.+wastmbarlaii to be or make fruitful, WW.wastmbarnes f. fruitfulness, fertility, M.wastmbaro {.fruitfulness, A058M.

wastmbdorennes = waestmbserneswastmberende fertile, AO.wastmberendnes f. fruitfulness,fertility,BH74"b.wastme f. =waestmwastmlast/nirt/W, ANS122"'.wsBStmlan to grow, increase, bear fruit.WBa&tnaltea fruitless, unfruitfu'., M.wastmllc fruitful, DR18W .

wastmsceatt m. interest, usury.wasttm= waestmw*t (a, e) I. adj. 'wet,' moist, AO. II. n.

liquid, drink, M. ®t and w. food anddrink, M.

wftta m. wetness, moisture, humours, fluid,water, M,C¥ : drink, M.±watan to wet, moisten, water, MGr.wate t=w»ta m.water (e) n. (gs. wsetres, waeteree) * water,*

M,CP ; Mdf : sea.

water&dl f. dropsy, Lcd.water-a»re> -ceddre f. spring of water,

source, M.wateralf&dl f. a disease, Lcd.

wateralfen f. water-elf, WW4578.

water-berend (OEG871), -berere (WW) m.water-bearer, sutler, camp-follower.waterboh m. succulent snoot, sprig, WW149".

waeterbolla m. dropsy, Lcd.waterbora m. water-bearer.

waterbrogaf m. frightful flood.waterbQc m. water-vessel, water-pot, pitcher,

M.waterbueca m. water-spider,WW 1224 .

waterburnef. water-stream, DP3 .

waterbyden 1 bucket, cask, WW50314.

watercla* m. towel, RB59f.

watererog m. water-pot, WW48418.

watercrfkce f. water-pot, Cp283u.waterdrlnc m. a drink of water, NC331.water-egsa, -egesaf m. water-terror.

waterelfen = waeter&lfenwaterfasten n. water-fastness, place pro-

tected by water, Chb894a.water-fat n.,nap. -fatu water-pot, flagon,M.waterflaxe f. water-pitcher, 3fil4". [v.


waterflod m. water-flood, inundation, deluge,

M,AO.waterfrocga m. water frog, NG331.waterful dropsical, WW.watertyrhtnes f. hydrophobia, WW112M.

waterg&t f. water spider, WW1224.

watergebl&d n. watery pustule ? Lcd162b.watergefeall n. waterfall, CC116.watergelad n. conduit, WW339*.

watergelatn. aqueduct, WW2111*.

watergesceaft f. nature of water, GD220".watergewa&c n. 'alluvium,' WW1871


watergrund m. sea-bottom, depth, PPsl06M.

watergyte m. 'Aquarius' (sign of the

Zodiac), Lcd3-2464.

waternafern m. crab, Lcd 16b.

waterhftlgung f. consecration of water, DR1171.

waterhelm m. covering of ice, GnE74?±watertan to water, moisten, irrigate, M,CP : lead {cattle) to water, M.

waterlg watery, watered, M.waterisc (e) watery, moist.

waterleas waterless, M.waterltest f. want of water, HL9177.waterllc aquatic, GPH394.watermele («8) m. bowl, basin, MGr.watern&dre f. water-snake, WW.waterordal n. water-ordeal, LL388[2].waterpund n. * norma, libella aquatica, 'WW150".

waterpytt m. water-pit, well, M.waterrffie? f. conduit (v. OEG1714n).watersceat m. napkin, towel,WW 127s.

water-aolpe (JS.CP), -scype m. sheet ofwater, waters : conduit.

waterseyte f. towel, napkin, M.waterseatt m. water-pit, cistern.

watersfoc dropsical* M.watersfocnes f. dropsy, M.waterspryng m. water-spring, Da 386.watersteall m. standing water, pond.waterstefn f. voice of waters, PPs924


waterstoppa m. bucket, GDUM.

waterstream m. river.

waterage m. canal, aqueduct, HGl418m.

watertfftote f. conduit, flood-gate, torrent,

cataract, &.water-tiba, -Cissa m. (water-traverser) whale,

WhalbSO : ship, Gul303.watertfrflh f. water-pipe, conduit, Gl.watertfry* f. rush of waters, PPs 106M.

waterung f. watering, providing with water,

M.waterwSdlnes f. dearth of water, ^L23bsw.

waterweg m. watercourse.

waterwrlte f. 'clepsydra,' water-clock, WW378".waterwyU m. spring of water, fountain, LL312[5,1].waterwyrt f. water star-wort.

water?* f. billow, B2242.watlan to be wet, WW4471


watlg (GPH389) =p«tigwatla m. swathe, bandage, Lcd78a.

watnee f. moisture, LkL8*(e).watrian= weeterian ; watter (N) =waterwatung f. wetting, moisture, Lcd.waft n. ford, Chb 1073d. [ON. va«]-watta v. here-w.

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I to wander; roam about : hunt, [watt]

wAffeburne t fishing stream? BC (Mdf).

wMeIne8= w&delnee; wfttfl=wfidlwdwarttic good? A8-335". adv. (e, y)-lice sucrtssfuUy? A8-298; W1691


wbbk (N)WweaxwAz =weox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.weextf prea. 3 sg. of waacan.waflao to 'wave,

9 M.waflan to be agitated, astonished, amazed,gaze a f

, wonder at, admire, M : hesitate.

wiflenda 'theatralis,9

'visibilis,9 OEG233.

wafoiile =waeferlic

wafting (®, e) f. spectacle, display, pageantry,

sight, M : astonishment, amazement, M.[wafian]

wafungstede m. placefor shows, theatre,WW.wafungstow t place for shows, theatre, Lcd3-206*wig I. (a) m. watt, M,HO,CP. [Goto.

waddjua] II.=weg I.

wigbr&gel n. tapestry, vail, NG.waglan to move, shake, swing, totter, M.['wag'', wegan]

wagn=wsegnwagon =w&gon pret. pL of wegan.wigrlft (e, y) n. waU-hangingy tapestry, vail,


wigfteorl doorway? LPs61«. [tSyrel]

wigtSyllng (wah-) f. i£WMMCotf*fl, WW 147".[wag,«iUe]wagung f. moving, shaking. Lcd.wtt&Mwagwahmeta n. ^Sne faeoJ, Lcd 101b. [OHG.w&hi]wahaan=waacan; wai=w»lLwal- = wael-, weal- ; wala (N) =wela I.

walal walawa! interj. (w. g.) oh/ alas/ wo/['wellaway


; wa]walan v. wain I. ; Walas =Wealaswalc-=wealc-wal-erlgge, -cyrge=w«lcvrigewalcsplnl (o1) f. curling-tron, crisping-pin,

WW1981 ;OEG26".wald (N,VPs)Wwealdwalde (CP44311)=woldewaldmora=wealmoraWale («ea) 1 Welshwoman, female slave,

Rd.waler (DR) = weler ; walhMwealhwalio woful, lamentable, Sat 100.

wall (VPs)Mweallwallatf (DR) spree, pi. of W8ellan=willan.wahn(N)=wielmwalu I. f. ridge, bank, Ct : rib, comb (ofhelmet), B1031. II. f? m? weal, mark ofa blow, OEG. III. v. wiel I.

wMwyrt= wealwyrt ; warn=wammwamb (o) f. belly, stomach, <£,CP,VPs :

'womb 9: hollow? KC3-52.

wambadl f. stomach-ache, LoD81a.wambhord n. contents of the belly, Rd 1810.

wambscyldtgT gluttonous? v. NC331.wambetoe having pain in the stomach, Lcd.

(o)t shameful speech, curse,blasphemy.wamdaM (o)f t deed of shame, crime.wamfreht (o) n. sinful divination, WW.wamfulf impure, shameful, sinful, bad.wamlust m. allurement, enticement, A 13-28



wamm (o) I. mn. stain, spot, disgrace, defect,

defilement, sin, evil, crime : injury, loss,

hurt, misfortune. II. adj. shameful, bad.wamsceatta (o)t m. sin-stained foe f devil.

wamaeyldlg sinful, criminal, Gkn949(o).wamwllte (o) m. wound in the face, LL.wamwyroende (o) workerof sin, CR1093.wan I. (once + ; o) (nsu. undecl. and usedpredioatively) wanting, deficient, lacking,absent, CP. anee wan tie tiritig or aneswana ttrittigum twenty-nine. II. pret.3 sg. of winnan. III.=wann±wana m. lack, want, deficiency, M. w.beon to lack, fail.

wan&ht (o) f. want, povertyt tHy4Mt.

wananbeam m. spindle-tree, Gl.wanool (e) unstable, unsteady, tottering,

vacillating, weak. Bo.wand I. pret. 3 sg. of windan. IL f ? mole(animal), Gl.+wand n. shamefastness, RB688

: hesitation,

scruple, [windan]wandeweorpe f. mole (animal), &(u*).wandlan (o) to hesitate, flinch, desist from,omit, neglect, M,CP : fear, stand in awe,M : have regard to, care for. [windan]

wandlung f. changeableness, Bo 15".-wandodUoe v. nnfor-w.wandrlan to * wander,

9roam, fly round, hover,

CP : change : stray, err.

wandung f. feeling ofrespect, NC332.wand-wurp, -wyrp= wandeweorpewanf&h (o) dark-hued, Rd53*.wanleaz (o) dark haired, Rd 13s.

wanfota m. pelican, WW287 1'.

wantyr (o) n. lurid flame, I. (o) m. plain, mead, field, place :

world. II. m. =wangewangbeard m. whisker, Lcd 73a.wange (e, o) n.jaw, cheek. [Qer. wange]wangere m. pillow, bolster.

wangstede m. place, locality.

wangtott m. molar, grinder.

wangturf f. meadow-turf9 Lcd 1 -400T.

wanh»f- =wanhaf -

•fwanhftlan to weaken, &.wanhftffl L weakness, sickness, Sc54M .

wanhfiw (o) bluish, WW376M .

wanhafa m. poor man, SP9851.

wanhafol needy, M.wan-hafolnes, -baf(e)nes («) f. want, hunger.wanhal unsound, weak, ill, sick, maimed,M,CP.+wanhillan to make weak, HL12".wanh&lnee f. weakness, ill-health.

wanhiyte having no share in, freefrom, WW398"

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wanhoga m. thoughtless one, fool.

wan-hygd, -hydf f. carelessness, recklessness,


wanhygdlg (hydig)t careless, rash.

±wanlan to dimmish (tr.), lessen, curtail,

injure, impair, takefrom, J5,AO : infringe,

annul : diminish (intr.), dwindle, decline,

fade, decay, jE,CP : 'wane' (moon).w&nlan to complain, bewail, lament, bemoan,AO. [Oer. weinen]

wan-iendllc, -gendlic diminutive, JEGr.wann I. (o) dark, dusky, lurid, ['wan



II. pret. 3 sg. of winnan.wannhal=wanhalwannlan to become dark-coloured, turn black,

NC332 : become discoloured? MP 178u.

wannlht wan, pale, livid, WW431".wansAUgf unhappy.wansceaftf f. misery, misfortune.wanseeaMa m. (or -te f.) a disease, Lcd.wanscr?d poorly clad, iEHBOO".wanseoc 'commitialis*?^. OEG4937.wanslan to diminish, Chb666b.wansptd f. poverty, want, AO.wansptdlg poor, indigent, M.wanung (o) f. waning, decrease, deprivation,

diminution, loss, injury, weakening, M.wanting f. howling, lamentation, M.wanwegende waning (moon), Lcd.wfipe napkin, towelf 1M122".wapelian, wapolian to bubble, froth, exhale,

emit, pour forth.

wapul m! bubble, froth, WW.war = wean-war I. n. sea-weed, Gl : sand. II.=w»rwara, gs. of warn.-waran v. burg-, coaster-, eorB-w.waras (N) = weras nap. of wer I.

-warns v. burg-, eortJ-w.

waratt=warooward= ( 1 ) weard ; (2) wearS (weoroan)-ware v. burg-, eort5-, coaster-w.waren-=warn-; warht=worhtwarlan to beware : (± ) guard, protect, defend


warn, CP : (t) hold, possess, attend : (t)inhabit. [w»r]

waiig weedy, dirty, GnE99.wirlht/utt of sea-weed, Glwarltreo=weargtreowwarnlan (ea, are) (±) to

iwarn, * caution,M :

(±) take warning, take heed, guard oneself

against, &,CP : deny (oneself, etc. ). [wearn]warnung (ea) f.


warning* :foresight, caution.

[Oer. warnung]warott (a1, ea1, e1, a*, e1, u1

) n. shore, strand,


warott n. alga, sea-weed, Rd41m.

warottfarutf m. surf, An 197.

warotigewlnn (u*) n. surf, An439.warp=wearp I. ; warr=wearrwarsclpe= worscipewart I. (N) = warotJ. II. (N) =rwear« pret.

3 sg. of weortSan.

waru I. f. 'ware,' article of merchandise, M.

II. f. shelter, protection, care, custody, guard,

defence, vindication, M,AO.-waru v. burg-, ciric-, eortS-w.

waruft, waruo=warotS, waroCwas = was ; -wisa v. wudu-w.wascan* (*; aos, a(c)x) to 'wash,' bathe,

lave : envelop, B3116 (or T=weaxan).wase (v. OEG1818) f. mire, marsh.wasend (») m. ' weasand, [ windpipe, gullet.

wasesette f. cuttlefish, WW181 7. [wase,

sceotan]wast pres. 2 sg. of witan.wat I. pres. 3 sg. of witan. II. pret. 3 sg.

of witan. III. =waHwatel (os, u*) m. * wattle,

9hurdle, covering :

(pi.) thatching.

water= water; watol= watelwatr-=w»tr-, wseter-

watul = watelwatJt *• wandering, journey : pursuit, hunt,

hunting, chase.

wattoma= watfumaw&*Jol wandering t or m.fuU moon? Fin 8?watt-um, -umaf m. wave, flood, stream, sea.

W&Wft ^^ ^yAA

w&wan7 to blow (of wind), Rd41m .

waxan = ( 1 ) wascan ; (2) weaxanwaxgeorn = weaxgeornwe (e) pron. (1st pers. plur.) g. user, d. us,

ace. us(ic)%


wea m. misfortune, evil, harm, trouble :

grief, woe, misery : sin, wickedness.

weaoen = waecenweacw&nlan to lament, 6at320.wfiadftdff. evil deed.

waadhoe (Ep887) =weodb6cweadu (K) =wuduweafod=weofod; weag=wegweagesft m. companion in trouble.

weaglan = wagianweahte pret. 3 sg. of weccan.weahxan=weaxanweal=(l) weall; (2) w«lwaalMwealh ; weal- = weall-, wel-

wealaTf f. wretched remnant.wealand= weallandWealas (pi. of wealh) the Welsh : Wales.

West We(a)las West-Welsh, Cornish.

+wealc n. rolling, tossing motion : attack,

ChbIIOO.wealea (a) m. \b\Uow, rolling wave : ight

floating garment.wealcan* (±) to move round, revolve, roll,

toss, CP : fluctuate i revolve in one's mind,discuss, scheme, reflect, jE,CP : wrap round,

twist, curl, OEG : (+ ) traverse. [4

walk ']

wealoere m. fuller, WW4072*.

±wealelan (a) to curl, roll up, OEG.wealool mobile, not firmly fixed, GPH399**1.

wealosplnl (a, o) f. crisping-pin, OEG,WW.Wealoynn n. the Welsh kin, EC 146**.

weald I. (a) m. weald, forest, wood, grove,

AO : bushes, foliage, Gbn846. ['wold*)

II. m. power, AO (usu. +). III. powerful,

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RB1171. IV. conj. perhaps, possibly,

haply, lest, M.+weald n. might, power : control, command,dominion, his gewealdes ofhis own accord,

intentionally : protection : subjection : groin :

muscles of the neck? LL88[77].±wealdanT (a) w. g. d. (instr.) and a. to rule,

control, determine, direct, command, govern,

possess, AO,CP : wield (a weapon), exercise :

cause, bring about, CP.wealdbAre n. place affording mast for swine,EC00*.+wealden I. adj. subject (to), easily con-trolled : inconsiderable, small. II. adv.moderately.

wealdend (a) I. m. leader, controller, ruler,

lord, king {often of Ood). II. f. female ruler.

±wealdende ruling, powerful.Wealdendfsder m. Heavenly Father.+wealdendllee powerfully, PPsl35ls


wealdendras late nap. of wealdend.+wealdenmdd self-controlled, Cba70.wealdes (nan. +) of one's own accord, CP198».

wemldgenga m. robber, thief, M.±wealdletfer n. rein, bridle, JE.

wealdmoru=wealmoruwealdnes (a) f. rule, VPsl44w.

wealdswattu L forest-track, B 1403(a1).wealdung f. government, rule.

weale =wale ; weales v. wealh.wealfsesten= weallfsstenwealg nauseous, CP44718


wealgat = weallgeatwealh (a) m. (gs. weales) foreigner, stranger,

slave : Briton, Welshman.wealh&t boiling hot, red-hot, LcD96a.wealhbaso f. foreign red, vermilion, Gl.Wealhcynn n. men of Wales, Britons.

wealhen = wielenwealhisBreld (a) n. a force which patrolled

the Welsh border t KC2-60"wealh-gefera, -gerefa m. commander of the

•wealhtereld,' Chb897a.wealnhafoe m. foreign hawk, falcon.

wealhhnutu (a) f. (foreign nut), 'walnut,'

WW462".wealhlso = wieliso

wealh-moru, -more (a1) f., -mora m. carrot,

parsnip.wealhstdd m. interpreter, translator, J3,CP :

mediator, CP.WealhSeod f. Welsh nation, LL.wealhwyrt=wealwyrtweattan to be defiant ? ML12P.wtalie woeful, sorrowful, Wt12.weall I. (a, ») m. wall,

1dike, earthwork,

rampart, dam, M AO,CP ; Mdf : (f) rockyshore, cliff. [L. vallum] IL=w»l. III.


weallan7 (±) to be agitated, rage, toss, well,

bubble, seetheJoam, be hot, boil, M,AO,CP :

swarm :flowt M. up w. to rise (ofa river),

AO. [Ger. waUen]

wealland n. foreign country, Gen2706(weal-) : Normandy, Chb 1040b. [wealh


Weallas=Wealasweallellf n. sea-cliff, B3132.wealldle f. a walled ditch ? KC5-346".wealldor n. door in a wall, Cb328.wealle f. starwort.

+wealled = +weallodweallende boiling, fervid, ardent, energetic,


wealltesten n. walled place, rampart,fortification, fortress.

weaUgeatf- n. rampart-gate, postern.

weallgebrec n. wall-breaking, act of makinga breach, A0134".

weallgeweorc n. building of a wall, Mdestruction of walls, ^Gr12».weallian to go abroad, travel, wander : go aspilgrim.

wealllm m. cement, mortar, JE (Gen 11s).

weallisc= wieliso

+weallod walled, M.weallstftnt m. stone used in building.

weallsteall m. wall-place, foundation? Wand88.

weallsteapf steep as a waU, Gen.weallstUltng (y*) m. repair of walls.

weallstdw = wtelstowweallftr&d (a1) m. plumb-line, WW522".weallung (a, y) f. agitation, fervour, zeal.

weallwalat m. part of a house-wall?founda-tion?B,vis 21.

weallweg (a1) m.walled road? Ct.

weallwyrhta m. mason, Gl.weallwyrt=wealwyrtweal-mora, -more=wealhmorawealnes (CPs) = wealdneswealowlan=wealwianwealsada m. cord (for binding slaves)? PPs130*. [wealh]

wealstUllng (y*) = weallstilling

wealstod = wealhstddwealt I. shaky, unsteady. II.=wielt pres.

3 Bg. of weaidan.wealweorc n. masonry, M.wealwian (a, y) to roll (intr.), 'wallow,* CP :

roll (tr.) : dry up, shrivel, wither, decay.

wealwyrt (a, «) f. dwarfelder,endive, [wealh]wtamet, weametto f. passion, anger, M.wftamod ill-humoured, angry, CP.weamddnes f. anger, passion, impatience*JE,CP.weape=w»pswear = (l) wearr; (2) hwerwear- =w»r-


wearas =weras npl. of wer.wearo=wa3roweard I. fm. watching, 'ward,* protection,

guardianship, AO,CP : advance post, AO :

waiting for, lurking, ambuscade. II. m.keeper, watchman, guard, guardian, pro-tector, AO : (f) lord, king : (f) possessor.III. adv. towards, to. witS...weard towards*IV.=wearB. V. 'sandiz, • v. A 30-249.

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weardlan to watch, guard, keep, protect,

preserve : hold, possess, occupy, inhabitlast w. keep the track of, follow closely.

swaoe w. remain behind, leger w. keepone's bed.

weardmann m. watchman, guard, patrol, M.weardseld, weardsetl (M) n. guardhouse,watch-tower.

weardsteall m. watch-tower, WW.weardwlte n. penalty for not keeping guard,TC411'1


wearf I. (EC202) = wearp pret. 3 sg. ofweorpan. 1 1. =hwearfwearg (e) I. m. {wolf), accursed one, outlaw,

felon, criminal, M. II. (-erig, -yrig) adj.

wicked, cursed, wretched. [ON. vargr]weargberende villainous, WW407*7


weargbra&de (-geb-) f. a warty eruption,impetigo, stye in the eye, tetter, ringworm,mole, freckle, [wearr]

weargnes f ae, e, y) f. evil, malice, cunning.weargrdd f. scaffold, gallows, Gl.weargtreafu {rht) np. home of the damned,heU, El927.

weargtreow (ari-) n. gallows, Ct.

weargung (e) f. misery, EPs87".wearh Lwwearg. II. = wearrwearlht= wearrihtwearm 'warm,' M,CP. adv. -e.

wearmelle = wurmilleiwearmian (eo f y) to become warm, M,CP.wearmllc warm, Da 350.

wearmnes f. warmth, iELlllw.

wearn I. f. reluctance, repugnance, refusal,denial, CP : resistance : reproaches, abuse.[waru] II, = worn

wearn-= warn-, wearrn-wearnma&lum (e) adv. in troops, WW251


[worn]wearnwlsllce av. obstinately, WW.wearod, wearoC=waroCwearp I. (a) m. 'warp,' threads stretched

lengthwise in a loom : twig, osier, [weorpan]II. pret. 3 sg. of weorpan.

wearpf&t n. basket, WW.wearr (a, », eo) m. wart, callosity, M.wearrtg (M), wearriht warty, knotty.

wearrthtnes f. knottiness, roughness {ofskin)9Gl.

wearrnes (wearn-) f. knottiness.

weart, wearte (a, e) f. 'wart.


weartere (©) m. occupier, dweller, Chb565.[weard]

wearS I. n.=weortS. II. pret. 3 sg. ofweortian. III.=warotS

weart-= weorti-

wfos adv. by chance, accidentally, CP. midw. by chance.

weasc-=weesc-weasgeUmp n. a chance occurrence, WW410".

wftaspell n. evil tidings, B 1315.weastern (Chb 1015)= westernweastm=waestm

wtat&eenf n. sign of grid.wtatfearf f. woful need, WifIO.weax (e) n. 'wax,' AO.weazseppel m. ball of wax.±weazan (e) I. sv^to 'wax,' grow, be fruit-

ful, increase, become powerful, ^J,AO,CP.II.=wasoan

weaxberende m. candle-bearer, acolyte, DB195«(io*).

weazbred (e) n. writing-tablet, M : diagram,list, A 8-332.

weaxoandel (e1, o*) f. wax candle.

weazen pp. of weazan.weazgeorn (a) desirous of increase, very

greedy, WW10218.

weazgeseeot n. payment made in wax, W171 1


weazhlftf m. wax tablet, Lcd.weazhttfsealf f. wax salve, Lcd92b.

±weaxnes f. increase, growth.

weazscot= weazgeseeotweaxsealf (e) f. wax salve

weaxung 1 growth, increase.

web, webb n. 'web,' weft : woven work,

tapestry, M. [wefan]webba m. weaver, EC,WW.webbeam m. weaver's beam, WW.webbestre f. female weaver,WW 18811


webbgeweore n. weaving, HL,MH.webblan to weave, contrive.

webbung (hw) f. plotting, conspiracy, OEG2975 : 'scena' (=wafung? v. OEG 2920).

webgerittro np. weaver's implement f WW294".

webgerod n. weaver's implement, Cpl988.webhoc m. weaver's comb, reed? WW.webllc pertaining to a weaver, Gl.websceaft m. weaver's beam, WW293M.

webtdg (») f. weaving-thread, OET615.[teag]

webtawa m. thread, line, WW4338.

webung (Cp 180s) = wafungwebwyrhta m. fuller.

weeca=weocaweecan (±) to awaken, arouse, CP : call up,

bring forth, produce : recall : exhort, en-

courage : move, set in motion : kindle.

[wacan]weecend m. instigator, GPH393.w*ce= wao I.

wecedrenc m. emetic, Lcd.weeg m. 'wedge' : mass of metal, lump, M :

piece of money, M.weegan to move, agitate, drive hither andthither : be moved.

weelan (VPs) = wacianwecnlan=w»cnianwed=weddwMMwsed+wM I. n. fury, rage, madness. [w6d]ll.'obliquus,distortus,' ZVA3191". [woh]±w*d*n{&)tobemad,rage,M,AO,CP. [w6d]wM-beorge, -berge=wedebergewedbrloe = wedbryce •

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wedbrdtfor m. pledged brother {in a brother-

hood of compact, not of blood), Chb. [wedd]wedbryoe m. breach ofagreement, treachery.

wedd n. pledge, agreement, covenant, security,

^,AO,CP : dowry, WW.±weddlan engage, pledge oneself, covenant,

promise, vow : give to wife, betroth : 'wed,'marry.

weddung f. pledging, betrothal, Nio474M.

wMe I. raging, mad. [wod] II. (A) =wsde+wMe n. fury, rage, madness. M. [w6d]wMeberge f. hellebore.

wMehund m. mad dog, Lod,Met.wMelnes (VPs) = weSelneswMen (MF 178) =wedenwMendsftoe mad, GD 135n ; 223.wMenheort I. mad, insane, WW. II. n.

madness.wtdenheortnes f. madness, frenzy, CP.weder I. n. * weather, * air, AO : sky, firma-ment : breeze, storm, tempest. II.=weoer+weder= +widerwederblfte bleached by the weather, A 8-449.

wederburg 1 exposed town, An 1690.wedereandel f. sun, Ph187.wederdssg m. day offine weather, Az96.wederfest weather-bound, Chb 1046b.wedertan to exhibit a change of weather.wedertieen n. sun, Gul267.+wederu np. weather. [OHO. giwitiri]

wederung (») f. {bad) weather, Chb 1086.wederwoloen n. cloud, Ex75.

wedewe=wudnwe+wedtostan (wet-) to betroth, Cp635s.wftdlng f. madness, GD 164* ; WW409*.wftdl-=wsdl-wedlfte n. pledge, plighted troth, 'wedlock.'

wedloga m. violator of agreement, traitor.


+wef n. woof, web.

wM-=waf-, w£f-, weof-wetans (eo) (±) to 'weave,' M : devise, con-

trive, arrange.

well I. f. woof, warp, Gl : an implement forweaving. II. = wifel

weft, wefta m. weft, WW.weg I. (ae) m. 'way,' direction, J5.AO : path,

road, highway, Mdf :journey, M : course ofaction, ealne w. (eataeg) adv. always, onw. (aweg) adv. away. be...wege on the

way {to) [Oer. weg] II.=w«eg II.

weg= (l)wfege; (2) wigweg- = onweg-; wtg-=w£g-wegan* (±) to carry, support, sustain, bear,

bring, CP : move : wear : (±) 'weigh,1

measure,+wegan tofiaht, B2400.weg-bride, -br*de {M) f. way-bread, plan-tain, dock.

wegfarende (&, 6) wayfaring, M.wegfirend m. wayfarer, traveller, GD.wegfor f. travel, journey, WW423M.

wegg=weogwegged&l n. road-dividing, cross-way, Gl.

weggelAte fn. junction of roads, Gl,(Xwegge-sl8? -sffia? (v. OEG861) travelling

companion.weggewlt n. aberration {ofmind), GPsllS11 .

weg-U interj. 'eugc'/ PPs69«.wegltas out of the way, erroneous : withouta road.

wegleast (I>) f. trackless place, wilderness,

ARSPsl06««.wegneet n. food for a journey, viaticum.wegrtaf n. highway robbery, LL.wegtwlflung f. branching of roads, WW179". [=-twislung]

w*gur=wigarwehsan= weaxanwehte pret. 3 sg. of weocan.wei v. wa; weig=wegwel I. adv. (comp. bet) 'well,

9 abundantly,very, very easily, very much : fully : nearly :

pleonastic (as in Sac w. =also), sometimes^indeed, to be sure. tfi w. too well. w.neah nearly, almost, w. hw&r, w. gehw&rfor the most part, nearly everywhere, wellaalas/ (cp wala). II.=wael. III.= wiell

wel-=hwel-, wel-, weal-, wiel-

w§I-=wiel-wela (a, ea, eo) m. ' weal, ' prosperity, happi-ness, riches (often in pL), AO.CP.

Wftland m. the Smith-God, Northern Vulcan.welbesoeawod discreet, considerate.

welboren well-born, of goodfamily, noble.

welen=wolcenweldAd f. good deed, benefit, kindness.

weldM=weld£dweldoend [CP]=weldond pros, ptc. ofweld&n.

welddn anv. to do well, CP : benefit, satisfy,

please, MtLlS".weldond m. benefactor, Gl.weldonnee f. weu-doing, kindness, DR 1317.

weleg = (1) wilig ; (2) weligwelena gp. of wela.

weler (eo) mf. lip, M,CP.welettg rich, AN8128™.welfremmlng f. good deed, benefit, DR 187".welfremnes i benefit, DR.welg I. m. = wilig. II. adj. =welig

welga=weliga wm. of welig adj.

welg* interj. hail/

welgeboren = welborenwel-gecwime, -geowemedlic well-phasing,acceptable, SPs.

welgecwemnes f. favour, DR.welgedon well-done, good, beneficent, CP.welgehwSr = welhwfirwelgeHclan to please well : be well pleased.welgellewlrtte well pleased, acceptable, VPs1181".

welgeDcwirltaes f. good pleasure, VPs 1407.welgesprlng= welspringwelgestemned having a good voice. ANS84-6.welgetyd wen-instructed, ES39-354.

welgewende thriving, MF (Vesp. D xiv).welgewllte beautiful

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welgewlltegod well-adorned.

welglan==weligian v

welhftwen weu-hued, beautifully coloured,

CP411»welhreowllee = welhreowlicewelhwa pron. each, every.

±welhW8Br adv. (nearly) everywhere.±welhwllc (e, y) pron. each, any* nearlyevery.

wellg I. well-to-do, rich, prosperous, M,AO,CP. II. m. 'willow.*

±weIJglan to be prosperous, abound : enrich,

JR. [v. 'awelgien*]

wellgstedende (woegl-) making rich, DR08*.well = (1) will ; (2) wel ; wella= wiellawellft=wala; welle = wille

wellende (VPs) = willendepres. ptc. ofwillan.wellere bosom, fold, hollow, WW.welllbbende (y

1) living weU, well conducted,

reputable, CP.weUIolan to please well, MFH 178.weffiQung f. agreeableness, EPs.welncwyrlto (u») well-pleasing, BCPsl46".wellyrge (Gl) = wellere ; welm= wielm-welm v. f6t-w. ; Weiond=Welandwelor=weler; welp=hwelpwelrtab (Ep,Erf642)=w»lreafwehtimllce adv. graciously, DR.welrQmmdd gracious, DR12M.

wel-epring, -sprynge (CP)=wyll(ge)springwelstinoende fragrant, CP439".welswegende melodious, SPslSO*.welt, weltS =wielt, wieltJ pres. 3 Bg. ofwealdan, weallan.

welttangent honoured, in high repute.

weluc=Weolocwelting f. revolution, OEG28* . [wielwan]welweorfte of high esteem, Lon3*432M.

welwllled- =welwillend-welwillende well-wishing, benevolent, kindly,good, M,CY.

welwlUendllee benevolently, lovingly, kindly.

wel-wllle(n)dnes, -wilnes f. benevolence, good-will, kindness, M.

wel-wyll-, -wylle(n)d-=welwillend-welwyrcend m. well-doer.

welwyrcende well-doing.

wem=wammwiman to sound, be heard,An740 : announce,An 1480 : (


)persuade, convince, leadastray.wSmend m. herald, declarer, El880.wimere m. procurer, WW 171*.iwemman (ae) to defile, besmirch, calumniate,

profane, injure, ill-treat, Lk ; &,CP : abuse,

revile, [wamm ; v. 'awem*]+wemmednes f. defilement, M.zcWemmend m. adulterer, fornicator, OEG.+wemmendUc seducing, corrupting, OEG2912.

±wemmlng m. defilement, blemishing, spatt-

ing, OEG : (+) profanation,

+wemmodlIoe (») adv. corruptly.

wemnee=wemmedneswen= ( 1) wynn ; (2) wenn

wen I. f. belief, hope, opinion, expectation,

supposition, CP : probability, w. is o»tperhaps : name of the rune for w. II.—wsegn+wen to bend, twist, NC297 (A 14139).w&na m. hope, opinion, expectation, idea,

fancy, CP.±wenan (w. g. or a.) to 'ween,* fancy,imagine, believe, think, expect, hope, fear,

M,AO,CP : wonder, ES37191.wenb*l m. boil, carbuncle, Lod.wenoel I. (i) n. child : maid-servant. II.=waneolwend m. what turns up, an event.

+wend n. snail-shell, snail, WW. Twindan]±wendan to turn, direct, MCV: 1 wend * one *s

way, go, M,AO : return : change, alter, vary,

restore,M : convert : translate, CP. [windan]wende pret. 3 sg. of wenan.WendelsA mf. Mediterranean Sea, AO.-wenden v. ed-w.wendend m. that which turns round, WW489".

wendende movable, revolving, So 97*.

wendere m. translator, interpreter,OEG5259.Wendle mp. Vandals.wendung t change, turning, rotation, CP.+wene perhaps, MkR14*(oe).wenendllo to be hopedfor, GD269".w*nere=waegnere; wtaes—wSnesw§nesta=wenstii; weng=wang±wenge n. cheek, M. [wang]±wenlan to accustom, habituate, inure, train,

iE,CP : entertain, treat, w. mid wynnumtreat kindly, w. t6 wiste feast, entertain :

break off, wean 9

from.weninga=wenungawenlle comely, beautiful, M : 'conveniens,*

MkL.wenn I. mf.

'wen, * tumour. II. (K) =wynnwennan=wenianwenncleen n. little wen, ZDA31-46.wennsealf (wen-) t wen-salve, ointment for atumour, Lod. __

wenspryng m. 'ncsvus, * mole,WW451".

winstu=wenBt flu pres. 2 sing, of wenan.wensum=wynsumwent pres. 3 sg. of wendan.Wentas, Wente, Went-Saete, -Saetas mp.people of Owent (roughly=Monmouth-shire).

wintt pres. 3 sing, of wenan.winung f. expectation, hope, A01121* :


wen-unga, -unge («) adv. possibly, perhaps,

by chance, M.wenwyrt f. crowfoot? lesser celandine?

darnel? Lcd.weo (RD57»)=woh? or wea?wtobed, weobud = weofodweoee I. f. 'wick* {of a lamp or candle).

II.=wucewtoes=weox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.wfoeson pret. pi. of wacsan («wasoan).

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weocsteall (ES 11-64) = weohateaUweocu=wucuweod n. herb, grass, CP : 'weed.


weodewe =wuduweweodhde m. weed-hook, hoe, LL456[15].weodian to weed, LL454[9].weodmonatf m. August.weodo, weoduJHwudnweoduma=weotomaweodung f. weeding, WW 106s.

weofan (VPs) =wefanwetted =weofodweofod nm. altar, M,CP. [wig; beod]weofodbot f. fine for injuring a priest, whichwas applied in support of the altar, v. LL2-276.

weofodheortf (wibed-) m. altar-hearth, GD.weofodhraegl (wigbed-) n. altar-cover, BH90*.

weofod-setat (M), -soeata m. altar cloth.

wfofodsteall m. place of the altar, LL(254n).weofod-tfegn, -Sen m. altar-attendant, priest.

weofodftenung f. altar-service, LL380[2].weofodwlglere (wigbed-) m. soothsayer,WW108w.

+weofu pL of +wef.wfofud= weofodweofung f. weaving, WW490*8


weog = wigweogas=wegas nap. of weg.weohi«Hwigweonse = weox pret. 3 sr. of weaxan.weonsteall m. place of the altar, sanctuary,choir, LL.

weol = weoll ; weol- (A) = wel-

weolc I. pret. 3 sg. of wealcan. II.= weolooweolcn=wolcenweolc-read, weolcen-=weolocreadweolctselg m. purple dye, WW. [telg]

weold pret. 3 sg. of wealdan.weoll pret. 3 sg. of weallan.weolm=wielmweolme (=ea) f. choice, pick of one's fellow-creatures, Cb445.weoloc (e, i, y) m. 'whelk/ cockle, murex :

(purple) dye from the murex.weolocbasu purple, Gl.weolocbasuhftwen purple-coloured.

weolocrftad shell-fish red, scarlet, purple.

weolocscyll (e») t. whelk, cockle, shell-fish.

weolt pret. 3 sg. of wealtan.weonung= winingweop pret. 3 sg. of wepan.weop-=wep-; weor=werI.weorad=werodweorc (e, o) n. 'work,' labour, action, deed,

CP : exercise : (f) affliction, suffering, pain,trouble, distress (v. JAW52). weorcumwith difficulty '.fortification.

+weorc n. work, workmanship, labour, con-8truction ; structure, edifice, JS : militarywork, fortification.

weoroan =wyrcanweorecrseft m. mechanics OEG56*.

126".(oe1, 6*) f. action, operation* DR

_ m. work-day.

I.f adj. painful, bitter, difficult, hard.

II. adv. hardly, with difficulty.

weoroern n. workshop.weorcful active, 801691


woorcger€fa m. foreman* overseer, JSu

-weorcheard, -weorclic v. un-w.weorchOs (e) n. workshop, WW.weorcmann (e) m. workman.weorenes (y) f. working, operation.

weorcn^ten n. working cattle, LL26n.weorer&den f. corvee-work, EC3771


weoreslge m. success in work, LcdI-3881*

(v. A31-58).weorcstan m. hewn stone, M.weoresum painful, Gen 694.

weorctteow mf. servant, slave.

weore-nhtaT m., -uhte? n. hour of matins ona non-festival day NC332 (cp. maseeuhta).weoroum v. weorc.weorewyrSeJit/or work, able-bodied,lfiJP 17&.

weord=wyrdweordungdaeg (WW206M) = weorCungds?gweored=werod I. ; weoreld=woruldweoren pp. of weosan.weorf n. beast of burden (v. CC129), cattle.

weorf-=hweorf-weorfemeoluc? f. milkfrom wild cattlef Lev102a (MS tSeotfe-).

weorftord (-oruf-) m. excrement of cattle,

PPsll2«.weorht=worbt pp. of wyrcean.+weorht = +wyrht; weorlan=werianweorld (Bl) = woruld ; weorm=wyrmweormlan = wearmian ; weorn =wornweornan= wiernandbweornlan (u) to pine away, become weak,

fade, wither, destroy, M.weorod=werod I. and II.

weorold= woruld+weorp n. throwing, dashing, tossing, An306 : what is thrown up.

±weorpan (o, u, y) I. sv» to throw, cast, cast

down, cast away, M,AO,CP : throw off, out,

expel : throw upon. w. handa on lay handson (a person) : (w. d. pers.) charge with,

accuse of : (+ ) reach by throwing. [Qer.

werfen] II.= wierpanweorpere m. thrower, caster, Rd287


weorplan to pine away, ERPs38".weorras (Cpl61o) = wearras, nap. of weair.

weortMwyrt; weorteard=ortgeardweorf I. (e, ea, i, o, xx, y) n. * worth,' value,

price, purchase-money, ransom, AO,CP.II. (ie, o, u, y) adj. worthy, honoured, noble,

honourable, of high rank, CP : valued, dear,

precious, AO,CP ;fit, capable. IIL«wort5 1.

dbweortfan* (a, y) to become, be (passive

auxiliary), be done, be made, CP : happen,come to pass, arise, take place, AOJn : (+


unpen, get on with, please, agree, An,AO,Chr : think of, occur to. [

4worth, ' * i-worth *]

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weortte = weorC, wiertie

weorSere m. worshipper, JnL.weorSful worthy, honourable, honoured,glorious, good, jE(u).

weortffullic (n) worthy, honoured, honourable,distinguished, CP. adv. -lice, AO.

weorSfulnee f. dignity, honour, AO.weorBgeorn desirous of honour, high-souled.

iweortlan (o, u, y) to esteem, honour,worship, distinguish, celebrate, exalt, praise,

Bo,PPs ;AO,CP : adorn, deck : enrich,

reward, ['i-wurthi']

weorfflend (u) m. worshipper.weortHg= worftig

weortleas (u) worthless, WW130".weortUlo worthy, honourable, distinguished,

exalted, CP : valuable : fit, becoming, adv.-lice.

weortHlcnes f. worthiness, honour, estimation.

weortJ-mynd, -mynt (u) fmn. honour,dignity, glory, AO,CP : mark of distinction.

weortfoes (e, ie, o, u, y) f. worth, estimation :

splendour, rank, honour : integrity, up-rightness.

weortSsclpe (o, u) m. worth, respect, honour,dignity, glory, AO,CP : advantage, good.


weorlftearfa (u1, y1) poor man, Bk 12.

weorttung f. honouring, distinction, honour,glory, CP : celebration, worship : excellence :

ornament.weorSungd&g m. dayfor bestowal ofhonoursor offices, festival, Bk23.

weorftungstow f. place of worship, the

Tabernacle, M.weoruc=weoro; weorud=werodweoruf=weorf ; weoruldMworuldwftos gs. and nap. of weoh.weos-=wee-weosnian = wisnianweot-=wit-; weotod=witodwfioflelWweSel, wced(e)l

weotterweard =wi$erweardweottoban = witfobanweotfobend =wudubinde I.

weox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.weozlan to cleanse? A 9-261**.

±wipari7 to 'weep,9complain, M,AO,CP :

bewail, mourn over, deplore, M.w6penMwsep(e)nwepende adj. weeping, GD18*1


wependllc deplorable, mournful, adv. -lice.

wipman=w»pmannwepn, wepned^w&pen, w&pnedwepnlan = wspnianwer I. m. man, M,AO,C¥ : husband, M : (f)hero : creature, B105. II. m. the legal

money-equivalent of a person 's life, a man 's

legal value (=wergild), LL. III. m. 'weir,'

dam, fish-trap, CP ; Mdf : catch, draught.

[werian] IV. (or were?) troop, band, WW,iEL30195.wir =w»r II. ; weran = werianwerWam m. warrior, Ex 486.

wer-borg, -borh m. pledgefor the payment of'wergild.'

were (GL,VPs)=weorcwercan=wyrcanwereyn n. human race, tribe, Rim61.

werdan = wirdan ; were = wer II.

were (M) =w»re II. ; were-= wer-weredwwerod ; wireg=werigweregan (KGl)= wierganwerfdhtf f. feud by which 4

wer' is incurred*breach of the peace, LL.

werfan= hwierfanwergrt(l) wearg; (2) wyr(i)gwergan (A) = (1) wiergan ; (2) werian Lwergan wk. ds. of werig.

wergeld = wergild ; wergend= weriendwergenga=w&rgenga; wergian= wiergan±wergian to weary, exhaust, 2E,AO,CP.wergild (ae1, e*, i

1, y1

) n. compensation, value

of a man's life, [wer I., v. LL2-731]werglldtteof m. thief who might be redeemedby payment of his * wergild, LL.

wergnee =weargneswergulu f. crab-apple, Lgd3-3414


wergum damn, of werig.

wergyld= wergildwernad m. male sex, virility, manhood, JE>,

werhbr&de= weargbriedewerhta=wyrhtawerhyrde m. keeper of a fishing-weir.weri = werig±werlan (ae) I. to guard, keep, defend, AO :

ward off, hinder, prevent, forbid : occupy,inhabit, Gu322 : dam up, CP469*. II. to

clothe, cover over : put on, 'wear, ' use.

werian = wergianweriend m. defender, M.werig =wyrigwerig 'weary,' tired, exhausted, miserable*sad, AO,CP : unfortunate, [wor]

werlgan =werianwerlgcwettan = wyrgcwetSanwerigend = weriendwerlgferhttt adj- weary, cast down.werlglan = wergianwerlgmddf weary, cast down,werlgnee =wyrigneswerlgnes f. weariness, M. "

werllio=werlic; werlnes=werigneswerlng f. weir, dam, CP277*.werlad f. clearing or exculpation by the oaths

of a number of men according to a man's'wer,' LL.

werlias without a husband, LL.werlle male, masculine, JEGr : manly :

marital, adv. -lice, M.werloga=werloga ; werm- = wearm-wermAgttt *• tribe, nation.

wermet n. man's treasure, stature, WW.wermod m. 'wormwood,' absinthe, M.wern- = wearn-, wiern- ; werna= wrennawer-nagl, -nsegelm. {man'snail?), wart, M.werod (eo1, e*) I. n. [nap. werodn, werod}throng, company, band, multitude, M : host,

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army, troop, legion, JE,AO. [wer] ILsweet, M. Ill.f n. sweet drink, mead.

werodlan to grow sweet, Bo51*.+werodlAcan (e*) to make sweet or pleasant,

8c 196*.

werodlest f. lack of fighters, El63.werodlloo adv. sweetly.

werodnes f. sweetness, pleasantness, JE.

werold= woruldweron (M) = w&ron pret. pL of wesan.werotS = warotJ

werp f. recovery (from sickness), CP457M.

[=wyrpe]werpan=weorpanwerreaf n. civU clothing (Le. not seek vest-

ments), NC332.werrest (Bl) = wierrest

wersolpe = wsBrscipe

worse, werst=wiene, wierreet

werstede m. place of a weir, EC24610.

wert(KGii) = wyrt; werte=weartewer-tfhtle, -tyhtle f. charge involving the

penalty of 'wer,' homicide, LL.wart =wier8 pres. 3 sg. of weoroan.werModt f. folk, people, nation.

werttaes (K) = weortraes ; werud = werodwaruld =woruld ; werun (NG) = weronwarwulf (-rew-) m. 'werwolf,' fiend, LL.was (VPb) = wa&s pret. 3 sg. of wesan.wis* m. drunkard. [w6s]wasan anv. pres. 1 sg. eom, boo, 2 eart, bist,

3 is, bitt ; pi. sindon, Bind ; beoC ; pret.

waee, w&ron ; subj. pres. ale, sf, beo ; sin,

beon ; pret. ware, wfiren to be : happen.v. also beon. [Oer. wesen]+wesan to strive, contendf Sol 181. [cp.

-fwosa]±wasan to soak, macerate, [woe]wesand=wesend; wesc=waescwese moist, macerated, [wos]

wasend (eo) m. bison, Gl.wasendborn m. bison's horn, TC6361


wasendUoa 'essentialiter,' GD336; 337.

wasing f. 'confectio,9

* debilitatio,9v. OEG


wasle, weosule (Gl) f. 'weasel9

-{-wesnes f. dissension, BH274*.wesp= weepswast adv. westwards, 'west,

9in a westerly

direction, AO.westan, westane adv. from the west, AO. bewestan (prep. w. d.) west of.

±westan to lay waste, ravage, devastate, AO.[Oer. wusten]

wastanhaalf f. west side.

westannortfan northwest {wind), OEG.westansuttan southwest, AO.westansQtfanwlnd m. southwest wind, CVPs77».

westanwind m. west wind, AO 171S.

West-Centlngas mp. people of West Kent,Chr999.

westdaM m. west quarter, western part, M,AO.

West-Dene mp. West Danes, B.wStte waste, barren, desolate, deserted, un-inhabited, empty, M,AO.

western (VPs) =wa*tmwestema v. westernewestan L nmt waste, wilderness, desert, JE,AO,CP. IL adj. waste, desolate, M.

westende m. west end, AO.westengryre m. terror of the desert, Ex 1 17.

westensetla m. hermit, anchorite, M.westenstatfol m. waste place, Ruin 28.

westanwind= westanwindwestern =westenwesterne western, westerly ; wester(r)a morewesterly; westerns, westmest (AO) mostwesterly.

wasteweard =weetweardwesthealf f. west side, M.westig (oe) waste, deserted, desert, NG.westlang adv. extending westwards, KC.westm (VPs)J=iwa»tmwastmeare f. western boundary, OET484.westmest v. westerne.westnes f. desolation : desert place, EPs77w.



westnorttwind m. north-west wind, WW.westra=westerra; v. westerne.wastries n. western kingdom, AO.westrlhte (y

1) adv. due west, westwards, AO.

wastrodor m. western (—evening) sky.

west-M f. western sea.

West-Seaxe, -Seaxan mp. West Saxons :

Wesaex.westsuttonde m. south-western extremity,

A08».westsfltSwlnd m. south-west wind, WW.westu=wes 6u 2 pers. imperat. of weaan.West-Wealss mp. Cornishmen, Chr.west-weard, -werd adv. westwards, towardsthe west, M.westweg m. western way, PPs74°.westwlnd m. west wind, BH46817


wesuls=weslewit I. pres. 3 sg. of wedan. II. adj. =waHwet-, wet-=w»t-, waH-wetedre= wster&dre+wetfssstan = +wedfsstanwetma=weotomawetfan to assuage, make calm, PPs 106*.wWe sweet, mUd, pleasant (A ).

wettel swathe, bandage, WW2214.

wetJel = wetSl, wSdl ; wttelnes = waMelneawetter I. m. wether sheep, ram, M. II.=weder I.

wetJercynn n. the wether or male kind.

wetferwynde=witiewinde; weUlWwaedl±weKnes f. suavity, mildness.

wex (VPs)Wweax ; wexe= weaxwexon=weoxon pret. pi. of weazan.wh-=hw-wll.=w!g. II. (K)=wegwlaht(K)=wihtwiarald, wiaruld (K)= woruld

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wibba m. crawling thing, beetle, WW 121".wIbed(VPs)=weofodwlber= wifer ; wlbil (Gl) = wifel

wlbora=wigborawle nf. dwelling-place, lodging, habitation,

house, mansion, CP : village, town : in pLentrenchments, camp, castle, fortress : street,

lane : bay, creek, ['wick'; v. Mdf]wlc-=wuo-±wlcan1 to yield, give way, faU down.wlobora=wigborawlcca I. m. wizard, magician, soothsayer,

astrologer, M. II.=wicgawlooe (y)f. 'witch,' JE.

wlocecraft m. witchcraft, magic, jE.

wlocedom m. witchcraft, Bk20 ; HL111M.

wloolan to use witchcraft, LL.wiecllende ptc. tottering, Gl.wlocrseft(Cra 70)= wicceoraft? or wicgorseft(skill with horses)! (BT).

wlccung f. enchantment.wlecung-eroeft, -d6m m. witchcraft.

wlodseg= WUCdfiBg

vr\oel.mi.'wych'-dm. U.=wuce. III.—weoce

wloe f. office, M : officer, Chb1120.wloeard m. dwelling-place, Gtj907.wIoong=wicingwlcfreotfu f. protection of a dwelling, GkE129.

wlcg (y) n. horse, steed (very rare in prose).

wioga m. insect, beetle.

wlogefera (Chb897a) = wicgerefawlogerifa m. bailiff, reeve of a 'wio* or vill,

Che897bod : 'publicanus, tax-gatherer.

wlogung=wiccungwlcherpatf m. a public road to a 'wio' (BT),KC3-418".±widan to dwell, lodge, rest in, M,AO : en-

camp, bivouac. CP : harbour, anchor, AO.[wio]

wlclng m. pirate, viking, AOwlclngseeatfe? f. piracy, Gl.wlcnera, wfcnere (M) m. steward, bailiff.

wlenlan to attend upon, M,RB 127s.

wleseeawere m. provider ofa home, Bl1631s.

wicsteall m. camping-place, Ex ^2.

wlcstedef m. dwelling.

wlostow f. dwelling-place, residence : camp,encampment, M,AO.

wlctOn m. vestibule, court, PPs.wictfenwwucaegn ; wlcuMwucu ; wld=witSwld * wide, ' vast, broad, long, jE,AO,CP. w.and aid far and wide, to widan ealdre, t5widan feore, widan fyrh$ for ever.

widan adv. from far (v. also wid).

wldbrad wide-spreading, Gen 643.

wldcfitf adj. widely known, celebrated, M.wide adv. widely, afar, far and wide, -5S.AO,

OP. side and w. far and wide.

wldefeorhf = wideferhtJwldefeorllc (wider-) eternal, WW11721


wlde-ferhtJt, -fyrhtJ I. mo. (long life), long

duration, long time, II. adv. always.

wider- = witter-

+wl-der pL -dru n. weather (good or bad),storm, tempest, AO. [weder]+wlderian (impers.) to be fine weather, LL454[12].wldewe=wuduwewldlsetfrnef ample., extensive.

wldfarend m. wanderer, CP3154.

wldleorh = wideferhtSwldlerendef coming horn afar.wldferhtf =wideferh©wldflogaf m. wide-flier (of a dragon).wldiolcf n. areat nation.

wldgalMwidgilwldgangol wandering, roving, CP.wldgenge wandering (monk), OEG5810


wfd-gil, -gill (e, ie) wide-spread, broad, ex-tensive, M,CP : wandering, GD.

wldgllnes f. amplitude, spaciousness, M.wldgongel =widgangol ; wldgyl= widgilwldhergan to extol, CP43984


wldlan to become wider, GD315.wldl mnT impurity, filth, defilement.

wldlandf n. extensive country.

wldlastf I. far-wandering. II. m. longwandering, long way or road.

±wldlian to defile, pollute, profane.wldm&re far-famed, celebrated, well-known,AO,CP.±wldm&rslan (tr. f intr.) to spread abroad,divulge, M : celebrate.

wldm&rsung f. proclamation, publication tSc96u .

wldnrfrslan = widmeersianwldoban=wittobanwldor=weder; wldor-=wider-wldor corap of wid.wldrynlg far-flowing, As 1609.wlds& ml. open sea, ocean, M.AO.wldseeop adj .far extended, widely distributed,

Pa 8.

wldscofen scatteredfar and wide, B 936.wldscrlfal erratic.

wltJsItJf m. long journey ; traveller in manycountries.

wId*Il(DR98")=widl; wlduHiwuduwlduw-, widw- =wuduw-wldwegasf mp. distant regions.

wlebed = weofod ; wlebel= wifelwlece=wuce; Wleht=Wihtwlel=wealhwlelde powerful, victorious, AO 156M.

+wleldend (y) subduer, GPH391.wlelede pret. 3 sg. of wielwan.wlelen (I, y) f. foreign woman, female slave,

AO.wlelincel n. little servant, slave, GPH401.wlellsc (&, e, ea, i, y) foreign : 'Welsh 9


not free, servile, [wealh]wlell, wiella m., wielle (AO) f. (e, i, y) 'well,


fountain, spring, Mdf. [weallan]

wielle = wille pres. 3 sg. of willan.

wlelm (a, ae, e, eo, i, y) m. boiling, swelling,

surf, billow, current, stream : burning,flame,

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inflammation : fervour, ardour, zeal, CP.[weallan]

wtolmffr (») n. blazing fire, Cb932.wiehnhat (y) burning hoi, Gkn2684.wieln- = wiln-

wielt I. pree. 3 sg. of wealdan. II. = wieltS

wleltt pros. 3 sg. of weallan.wlelwan (y) to rott.

wlen-=win-wleoldon= weoldon pret. pi. of wealdan.±wlerdan (e, i, y) to spoil, injure, destroy.

wiergan (», e, i, iri, yri, y) to abuse, outlaw,

condemn, curse, proscribe, CP : do evil.

[For compounds v. wyrg-, wyrig-] [wearg]wlergen f. (gs. wiergenne) she-wolf.

wlernan (e, i, y) (w. g. of thing and d. of

pers. ) to withhold, be sparing of, deny, refuse,

reject, decline, AO,CP : forbid, prevent from.[wearn]

wlernung (as) f. refusal, LL 152[3].

wlerp m. cast, throw, shot, blow, AO.±wlerpan (®, y) to recover from illness, get

better, CP.wlerptJ pres. 3 sg. of weorpan.wlerrest (superL of yfel) * worst,


wlers (y) adv. * worse,' CP.wiersa m. , wierse fn. (comp. of yfel ' worse,


CP. [For comps. v. wyrs-]wierslan (y) to get worse, M.wlerslle (y) bad, vile, mean.wlerat = wierrest

wlcrB pres. 3 sg. of weorftan.

wlertSe (i, u, y)=weoit5 II.

wlese=wise pi. of wis.

wleste = wiste, v. witan.

wlet~, wiet- =wit-, wit-

wlexft pres. 3 sg. of weaxan.wlf n. woman, female, JE,AO,CP : 'wife,'

lady, iE,AO,CP.+wll I. n. fate, fortune, [wefan] II. n. adisease of the eye Lcd3-292*.

wlfclld n. female child, BH76*.wlfcynn n. womankind, female sex.

wlfcytMJu f. company ofa woman? intercourse

with a womani Chb755a.+wlfe =+wifwlfel I. m. 'weevil,' beetle. II.=wiferwlfer missile, arrow, dart, v. OEG1103.wfferend (KGl) = wegferendwlflssst bound to a wife, married, LL348[54].wlffex n. woman's hair, WW. [feax]

wlffrtond m. female friend.wlfgal licentious, unchaste, CP46380


wllgemine m. contact with women.wlfgem&dla m. woman's talk, Lcd 122b.

wlfgemana m. intercourse with a woman,Lcd 1-336.

wlfgeornes f. adultery, MtL16w.

wltgifta fp. dowry, outfit? marriage? JttlSS.

wtthad m. womanhood, M : female sex, M.wtfnand f. female inheritor, female side, Ct.

wlfhealf f. woman's (i.e. mother's) side.

wlfhearpe f. timbrel, CPslSO*.wifhlred n. nunnery, GD278


±wlflan to take a wife, marry (of the man),M. [* wive ' ;

* i-wive



wlflae n. cohabitation, fornication, LL.wfflias unmarried, LL(190*).wlfleast f. lack of women, iELlO*".wlfllo womanly, feminine, female, M. adv.•lice,

wfflufuf f. love for a woman.wttmann (o«) m. 'woman,' jE,AO,CP :

female servant.

wtfmyne m. lovefor a woman, Gen 1861.-wlfre v. gauge-w.+w!fsftUg fortunate. WW4968


wlfscrQd n. woman's clothing^a£P142;TC530.wltt = weftwlftSegn m. procurer, WW.wlftflng n. marriage, cohabitation.

wifung f. ( +) marrying (ofthe man), wedlock,M : (pi.) wives.

wig I. n. strife, contest, war, battle, jE,AO»CP : valour : military force, army, JE.II. (wih, weoh)f n. idol, image.

wlga m. warrior, fighter : man.wlgan1 to fight, make war, M.wlgir m. spear, lance, [wig, gar]wlgbftre warlike, WW19318


wlgbealu n. war-bale, B2046.wlgbedMweofodwlgbill n. sword, B1607.wlgblac bravely caparisoned, Ex204.wlgblM? m. luck in war, Rim26 (wilbec).wlgbora m. fighter, ^Gb27i*.

wlgbordf n. shield.

wlgcrseft m. war-power, art of war, AO.wlgcraeftig strong in battle, B 1811.wlgcyng = wicingwlgcyrm m. noise of battle, Gen 1990.wlgelung = wiglungwlgendf m. warrior, fighter.

wlgende fighting, M.wlgfrecaf m. warrior.

wlgfrumat m. war-chief.

wlgg= (l) wig I. ; (2) wicg; wigga= wicgawIggebed=weofod; wlggend=wigendwlggetawe fp. war-gear, B368. [wig, geatwe]wlgglld (wih-) n. idol.

wlggryrs m. war-terror, B1284.wlghagaf m* war-hedge, phalanx.wlgheafola m. helmet, B2661.wlgheap m. troop of warriors, B477.wlgheard brave in battle.

wlghete m. hostility, B2121.wlghryre m. slaughter, defeat, B 1619.wlghQs n. battlement, tower, AO,CP : turret(on an elephant's back), iEL25**°.

wlghyrst f. war-gear, accoutrements, Ruin35.wlgian to fight, LL132[6,5].wlgle n. divination, OEG.wlgleoti n. war-cry, battle-signal, Ex221.wiglere m. soothsayer, wizard, Je.wlglian to take auspices, divine. JE.wlgllo warlike, adv. -lice.

±wlglung f. soothsaying, augury, witchcraft,sorcery, M.

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wlgmann m. warrior, LL,W.wlgnott m. warfare, war, WW4421 ?

wlgol divining, foreboding,WW 133*.

wlgplegaf m* war-play, battle.

wlgrad (6) f. war-path, Gen 2084.

wlfer&den f. state of war, battle, Wald 1m.

wlgBlgorf m. victory in battle.

wlgsltf m. military expedition, Gen 2094.

wlgsmi* I. m. maker of idols, PPsll3M.

ILf m. warrior.

wlgsptdf f. success in war.wlgspere n. war-spear, dart, WW14314


wlgsteall n. rampart, entrenchment.

wlgstrang mighty in war, WW3A0*.wlgtrod n. path of an army, Ex491.

wlgtJracuf f. onslaught in battle, attack.

wlgflrfst bold in battle, Jul432.wlgur=wigarwlgwsegn m. war chariot, AO.wlgw&pen n. weapon of war, W1708


wlgweorBungt (eoh1) i. idol-worship, idola-


win <= wig; wlhaga=wighagawihst pres. 2 sg. of weaxan.wlht I. (u, y) fn. 'wight,' person, creature,

being : 'whit,' thing, something, anything.

II. adv. at all. ne w., naenig w. not at all.

nan w. no whit. III. n. 'weight.'

Wlht f. Isle of Wight, Chr. [L. Vectis]

wlhte adv. (d. instr. of wiht) at all.

+wlhten. 'weight.'

wlhtga=witegaWlhtland n. Isle of Wight, M.wlhtmearc f. plumb-line, OEG3005.Wlht-s&tan, -s&te mp. inhabitants of the

Isle of Wight.Wlhtwaremp. inhabitants ofthe Isle ofWight.wfhus=wighus; wil=wiellwfl n. 'wile,' trick, Chr 1128.

wil-=will-wlla (y) 'catenarum,' v. OEG3560n and 7tt7.wflamcel? (wflunoel? GPH401)=wielincelwDawei=wa la wawflbec m. stream of tears, lamentations t Rm26. [or? wigbled]+wllbod n. commandment, WW191M.

wllboda m. messenger ofjoy, angel, Gu 1220.

+wllctf n. rolling, tossing,JPs88la. [wealcan]

wlleuma I. m. welcome guest. II. = wiloumewllcume interj . welcome /

±wllcumlan to welcome, greet, M.wUd?«r0dt OEG4706n.wlldseg m. day ofjoy, Cr459.±wlldan to control, tame, subdue, conquer,

seize : (+ ) compel, LL265[15] : (+ ) temper.

wllddeor = wildeorwllddeoren pertaining to wild beasts, fierce,

So 99*.

wilddfornes f. abode of wild beasts, desert,


wllde I. 'wild,' untamed, uncontrolled, M,AO : uncultivated, desert, AO. II. adv.+wllde (y) in the power of, under the control


a h.

wiW«ar(N)= wildeorwlldetyr n. lightning, Chr : erysipelas, WW.wildeor n. (occl. dp. wildrum) wild beast,

J5,AO : deer, reindeer.

wlldeorlie animal-like, savage, CP. adv.-lice.

wilder, wildor= wildeorwlldeswln m. wild boar, ANS 129-44.

wildgos f. wild goose, WW3641.

-wildlan v. a-w.wile pres. 3 sg. of willan.

+wlle = +willwileg, wilege= wilig, wilige ; wHen =wielenwllewbe = wiligwise

wllfsegen fain, glad, M.wlltiemne f. beloved woman.wllfufflce adv. willingly, OEG.wllgsest m. welcome guest, Mod7 (e*).

wilgedryhtf f. willing band.wllgehletfaf m - intimate companion. [hldo*]

wilgeota= wilgiefa

wllgesrtf m. willing companion.wilgest=wilg«BetwUgestealla= willgestealla

wUgietaf (eo, i) m. gracious giver, king.wllhremlg rejoicing in satisfied desire, WW376».

wllhremlg exultant, El 11 17.

wilia-wiliga; willan (iE)=wielwan±willan (y)to connect, bind, Sell8

; W.wilie= wilige

wlUga m., wilige (M) f. basket.

wlllgwbe (wile-) basket-wise, Bl125 .

wlliht (y)fuU of willows, Ct.

wHlsc=wielisowill I. n. = willa m. II. (e, y) m. fountain,spring, CP.+wlll n. will, wish, desire, AO.will-=wyll-willa m. I. mind, will, determination,purpose,

jE,CP. sylfes willnm of one 's own accord :

desire, wish, request : joy, delight, pleasure


desirable thing, valuable. II. (», e, y)fountain, spring.

willan (y) anv. ores. 1, 3 sg. ind. and snbj.

wile, wille, wieile, pret. wolde to 'will,9be

willing, wish, desire, AO,CP : (denoting

habit, repetition), to be used to: to be about

to : (sign of the future tense) shall, will,

AO,CP.wilicuma=wilcumawllle (e, y) fm. fountain, spring, [weallan]

wflleburne (y)t f. spring.

wflleeserse f. watercress.

willen= wyllen ; -wlllen v. dol-w.

wlllendUc (BH) =hwflwendlicwlllendnce adv. willingly, WW.wllles adv. willingly, voluntarily, M.willestream (y)f m. stream.

willewseter (y) n. spring water, Lcd.wlllfsegen = wilfaegen

wlllflddf m. flood.

wlllgebrdftor mp. brothers, Gbn971.willgesl*=wilgesi6 ; willgespryng-wilepring

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wUlge-steald, -steall n. riches, wealth, Geh2146?

wlllgestealla m. witting companion, Gek2146?

wlllgesweostor fp. sisters, Gen 2607.wlllgetfofta} m. pleasant companion.±wlUlan to wish, desire.

wlilic {y)from a fountain, WW.wll&oe (y) adv. willingly, voluntarily,winning=


inningwlllsele m. pleasant dwelling Ph213.wlllsW^wilfllC

wUUpellt n. good tidings, El.wlUsumMwilsnm ; wiliung=wilnungwlUwong m. pleasant plain, Ph89.wllm=wielm; wDn=wielen+wilnes t desire, wish, LPs20*.±wllnlan (w. g. or a.) to wish, longfor, desire,

will, jE,AO,CP : begfor, supplicate, entreat,

petition for : tend towards, CP.drwilnlendlto desirable : capable of desire,

±winning f. desire, longing, AO,CP.wlloe=weolooWll-e&te, -a»tan mp. people of WiUs :


wnsc = wieliflc

wIlslS m. desired journey.wll-sprtng, -sprynge (e1, y1

) m. spring.

wll-sum, -sumlic desirable, delightful : ready,willing, voluntarily, spontaneous : devoted.

adv. -lice,

wllsumnes f. willingness, devotion : vow.wilt I. pree. 2 eg. of willan. II. pres. 3 8g.

of wealdan.wlltttto having obtained one's wish, glad,

OEG2219""wllfl pres. 3 eg. of weallan.wlfflegu f. agreeable food, An 163.

wlluo-= weoloc- ; w&unoel= wielincel

wllwendllo = hwilwendlicwimman, wiman=wifmannwlmpel (win-) m. 'wimple,* covering for the

neck, cloak, Gl.winWwinnwin n. * wine, ' M,CP. [L. vinum]wtnaarn n. tavern, cellar, Gl : drinking hall,

wine haU, B665.wlnbSBlg=winbelgwlnbtam m. vine, WW.wlnbeger n. grape, NG.winbelg (») m. {leather) bottlefor wine.wln-berge, -beri(ff)e f. wine-berry, grape.

wlnboh m. vine-shoot, vine, M.wlnbrytta m. wine-seller, inn-keeper, WW.wlnburgf f. festive city : walled vineyard,castle.

wlnbyrele m. innkeeper, WW377*.wlncan= wineianwince f. winch, pulley, WW4169


wlneel I. m. corner, Ct. [Qer. winkel]II. =wencel

wlnoettan to wink, PPs3419.

wineian to 'wink,' blink, M,CP.

wlnelo=wenclu, nap. of wenceLwlnclyster n. cluster ofgrapes, OEG 18b».wlncolc wine vat, WW439*.wlnoynn n. wine, NG333.wind m. 'wind,' &,AO,CP.+wind n. winding thing, winding path, WW.wlnd&ddre f. windpipe, WW.±wlndeagt m. day of strife or toil.

±wlndan' (tr.) to 'wind? plait, curl, twist :

whirl, brandish, swing : (intr.) turn,fly,

leap, start, roll, slip, go, &,AO,CP : delay,hesitate, Gu265.wlndbAre (6*) windy, OEG43w.

wlndbland (o1) n. blast of wind, B3146.+wlnde blowing, BH2027


-wlnde v. ed-, nseddre-, wudu-w.wlndecraft= wyndecneftwlndel m., gs. windles basket, M.wlndeloee m. curly lock, WW.wlndelstin m. tower with a winding staircase,


wlndelstrtaw n.


windle-straw,' WW,

wlndeltrtow n. oleaster, willow, WW.wlnd-fonaf -gefon m. winnowing fan*wlndtylled blown down, LL462f19}wlndgerette f. resting-place of the winds,B2466?wlndhtoden (a*) windy.wlndlg windy, breezy, M.wlndlht (GPH) =wundiht ; windfl= windelwlndlusooful=windfloofl

windles v. windeLwlndong something woven, hurdle.

wlndr&s m. storm of wind, MkL4tT.

wlndrenc (i, y) m. wine-drink, wine, A.wlndrunoen elate, intoxicated with wine.wlndseofl f. fan, WW478*».wlndsele m.t {windy hall), haU of misery,hell.

wlndswlngelf. (wind-whip),fan, WW1541*

wlndumAr (wudn-?) f. echo, WW4741.

wlndung f. winnowing, chaff, tares, straw,NG.

wlndwlan wv. to fan,lwinnow. * [wind]

windwig= windigwlndwlgoeaf n. chaff, OEG2439.wlndwlgsyfe n. winnowing-sieve, fan, WW141".

wlnef m. [occl. gp. winig(e)a] friend, pro-tector, lord, [wynn]

wlneardMwingeardwlne-dryhten (i*)f m., gen. -dryhtnesfriendly lord, lord and friend.

wlnegeard=wingeardwlnegtomor mourningforfriends, B2239.wlneleasf friendless.

wlnemflgf m- dear kinsman.wlnern=winaernwlneselpe m. friendship.

wlnestre=winstrewlnetreow f. conjugal fidelity, HtrSO.wlneVearfendef friendless.

wlnewlnele f. periwinkle [shell-fish).

wlntet n. wine-vessel, wine-vat, WW.

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+wln-ful, -fullic laborious, tedious, hard,BH.GD. adv. -lice.

wlngalf flushed or intoxicated with wine.wingeard m. vineyard : vine.

wlngeardbdg m. vine-tendril,WW 118s .

wlngeardhoo m. vine-tendril, WW20181.

wlngeardhrlng m. cluster of grapes or other

fruit, WW21317.

wlngeardseax n. (vine-) pruning knife,WW234".

wlngeardwealh (wineard-) m. worker in avineyard, NC333.

wlngedrlnc n.(f) wine-drinking, drinkingbout i wine, WW.

wlngerd=wingeardwtagetredde =wintreddewlngyrd =wingeardwlnh&te f. invitation to wine, Jud 8.

winhreafetlan to gather grapes, LPs79".wtahfks n. wine-house, tavern.

wlnlga, winigea v. wine.wining (eo, y) m. leg-band, garter.

wlnland n. wine-growing country, NC333.wlnleai n. vine-leaf, OEG 18b7*.wtnilc vinous, like wine, M.wlnmere m. wine-vat,WW439*°.

±winn n. toil, labour, trouble, hardship, BE,Lk : profit, gain, PPs : conflict, strife, war,Bo i AO. ['i-win']

=bwlnna m. enemy, adversary, M,CP.wlnnan* (y) to labour, toil, trouble oneself :

resist, oppose, contradict i fight, strive,

struggle, rage, BU on w. attack : (+) con-quer, obtain, gain, Chr,Met : endure, bear,

suffer, ['win'; 'i-win']

+wlnne6ful = +winf±winnstow f. wrest' g place.

wlnnung=windur , wlnpel=wimpelwlnrecedf n. win JaU.

wlnreopan* (y) to gather in the vintage,

[repan]wlnsad satiated with wine, Jud 71.

wlnsol n. wine-hall, Wa78.wlnselef n. wine-hall.

wlnsester m. wine-vessel, WW 122s1 . [L.


wlnstdw=winnstdwwlnstre I. adj. left, M,CP. II. f. left hand.wlnsumWwynsumwlnt pres. 3 sg. of windan.wlntoppere m. wine-tapster, tavern-keeper,

OEG 2652.winter mn. [ds. wintra; nan. wintra,• winter] 'winter,' JE,AO,CP : pi. (in com-puting time) years, ;E,AO,CP.

wlnterblterf bitterly cold.

wlnterburna m. winter-torrent, JnL-181.

wlntercealdf wintry-cold.

wlntereearlg winter-sad, sad with years?Wa24.

wlnterteg m. winter's day, Bo.winterdOn f. hill on which sheep were kept inwinter? LL463[1].

winterfeorm f. Christmasfeast, LL452[21,4].

winterfylle* October.

wlntergegong m. fate, WW406*wlntergerfmf n. number of years.wlntergetelf n. number ofyears.wlntergewftdet n. garment of winter, snow.wlnterge-weorp,-worp n. winter-storm, snow-storm, Ph57. •

wlnterhfls n. winter-house, jEL36*wlnterlg=wintrigwlnterlAcan to grow wintry.

winterlic wintry, belonging to winter, winter,

M.wlnterrftdlngbde f. lectionary for the winter,

TC430".wintenim=wintergerimwlnterrat= wintersetl

wlntersefkr m. winter-shower, Ph 18.

wlnterseld= wintersetl

wintersetl n. winter-quarters, AO,Chb.wlntereteal m. staUion a year old, LL378[7].wlnterstund f. winter-hour, short time, year?Gen370.

wlntersnfel n. foodfor winter, LL460[9].wlnterdd f. wvnter-time, M.wlntlber n. wine-offering, libation, WW130" (-tifer).

+wlntld f. time of affliction, GD210".wintra v. winter.

-wlntre v. an-, twi-w., etc.

+wlntred grown up, adult : aged, AO.wintredde f. winepress, OEG 2647.wlntreg= wintrigwlntreow n. vine, M.wlntreowlg adj. of the vine, GPH390.wlntrlg wintry, AO.wlntrog m. wine-vessel, MtL21M.

wlntunne f. wine-cask (or? winton wine-houst), MP19K

wlntwlg n. vine-twig, WW.wlntt pres. 3 sg. of winnan.wlntteguf f- banquet of wine.wlnwlrcend m. vine-dresser.

+wlnworuld f. world of care, Gu829.wlnwrlnge f. winepress.

wlo- = weo-. wi-, wu- ; wlohbed =weofodwlplan to 'wipe,' cleanse, M.wlr I.f m. 'wire,' metal thread, wire-orna-

ment. II. (y) m. myrtle, Gl ; Mdf.wlr-= wear-, wier-, wyr-wlrboga m. twisted wire? 3d 15s.wlro-=weorc-, wyre-+wlrdan (e, y) to spoil, injure, destroy :

violate, obstruct.

wirdlng (oe, y) f. bodily injury, LL410[3,5]


blemish, OEG649.wlrdnes f. injury, vice, DR(oe).+wired made of wire, TC537*4.

wlrg- (iE)=wierg-, wyr(i)g-

wlrgr&fe? f. myrtle-grove,

wuian =wierganwlrig-=wierg-, wyr(i)g-

wlrpti pres. 3 sg. of weorpan.wlrtriow n. myrtle, Lod,WW.wlrtreowen (y* $*) adj. myrtle. Lcd 1-2361



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wlrtruma=wyrtramawlrt L=weoro* L IL=wierC pres. 3 eg.

of weoroan.wlrfte=wor8I.wis I. adj. 'wise,' learned, MJiO,CP :

prudent, discreet, experienced, J3,A0,CP.Ii.=wise I.

+wfaw+wisswlsaf m. leader, director.

wlsan=wesan; wban(D4N36)=wisianwlsbdo f. instructive book? PPs 138".wbe- (iE)=wysc-wlsce n. a piece of meadow, PST96/98»542.wtschere m. diviner? jEL21 14*.

wisdom m. 'wisdom, ' knowledge, learning :

experience, M,C£.wbe I. f. 'iwm,' way, fashion, custom, habit,

manner, iE.CP : testamentary disposition :

business, affair, thing, matter, j£,CP : eon-

rfi<io», *fafe, circumstance, AO,CP : r«wcm,catwe, iE : direction : melody : ictiom. II.

adv. wisely. III. (y) f. sprout, stalk.

wls-tost, -fastlic ww, Mpacknw, discreet,

learned, intelligent.

+wbfullI6e wisely, GD95*1.

wlshycgende wise, sagacious, B2716.wlsbfdifft wise, discreet, sagacious.

dbwtalan (w. d. or a.) to direct, instruct, guide,

lead, iE,CP : point out, show, Oen. ['«-

VMM*]wisllc certain, sure, true. adv. (±) -lice

certainly, truly, Lcd,Lk : moreover. Viwis-liche']

wlsllo un«e, sagacious, prudent, JE,AO«adv. -lice.

wlsllgan= wistlian

wlsnlan to dry tsp, wifter, waste away.[weomian]

+wlss I. n. certainty, surety, M. II. adj.

certain, sure, trustworthy, BH,Bo,Outh,Nictd gewissan, gewissum; mid gewisseespecially, certainly, RB,HL. ['t-wit']

wlss- = wis-

wlsse= wiste pret. 3 eg. of witan.wlssefa m. wise-souled man, Sol438 f

wlsslan=wisian±wlsslan to direct, instruct, guide. M : pointout, show, M. [


i-wisse '


wlss-lend, -igend m. governor, director :

driver (of chariot), M.+wlsslIoe = +wislice

wlsste = wiste pret. 3 sg. of witan.wissum (to) adv. altogether, completely, OEG.±wlssung f. showing, instruction, guidance,M : rule, regulation, government, M (in

eomp.). [v. 'iwissc']

wist f. being, existence : loeU-being, abundance,plenty : provision, nourishment, subsistence,

food, meal, feast, delicacy, JE,CP. [wesan]wiste pret. 3 Bg. of witan.wJstfsestllo = wisfaeetlicwlstfulgend m. banqueter, EPs41*.wtstfull productive, ChbU12.±wistfulllan to feast, M.

wlsttufflee adv. luxuriously, WW513*.wlstfullnes f. good cheer.

±w!stfullung f. feasting, OEG.wistfyllo f. fill offood, B734wlstgttende/erfifc, WW457u.

+wUU*n to feast, Q.wtott-=hwistl-+wlstl*Bcan to feast, banquet, G.wlst-mete m., nap. -mettas, sustenance,iEL23b«M.

wlston pret. pL of witan.wlsttlung= wistlungwlswyrdan to be wise in speech, A 13*38.

wlswyrde prudent in speech, W72".wit I. pron. 1 pers. (nom. dual), gs. uncer,d. unc, aoo. unc(it) we two, CP. witjEthered JBthered and I. II. (±) = witt±wlta (eo, ie, u) m. sage, philosopher, wiseman, adviser, councillor, elder, senator (v.

LL2-737), M,AO : witness, JE,CP : accom-plice. ['wit


; witan]±witan (eo, y) swv. pres. 1, 3 eg. wat, 2 wast,pL witon, subj. pres. sg. wite, pL wit-en,

-on ; pret. sg. wiste, pp. witen to be awareof or conscious of, know, understand, BH,LO ; AO,CP : observe, perceive, andan w.dislike, inoan w. (to) to have a grudge(against), ege w. to fear, ddn to witanneto cause to know, inform, ['wit


; 't-wtfe']

witan1 (+) to look, behold, see, PPs79" :

guard, keep, M : impute or ascribe to,

accuse, reproach, blame, AO,CP : (± ) depart,

go, go out: die (often fortigew.).

wite n. punishment, torture, plague, injury,

jE,CP : penalty, fine : contribution, inmoney or food, to sustenance of king or his

officers, LL356[69,2] : woe, misery, distress.

wltebendf mf. bonds of torture orpunishment.wltebrdga m. tormenting dread.

wltednos = witodlice

wlte-dom (witig-) m. prophecy, prediction,

presage, oracle.

wltedomllc prophetic, Guth.wltefssst penally enslaved, TC.wlt-ega, -(i)ga m. wise man : prophet, sooth-

sayer : prophecy, [witan ; OHO. wixsago]wttegeard? m. amphitheatre, v. OEG 3333.wltegdom (i1) m. prophecy, prediction :


wltogestre f. prophetess, M.dzWltegian to prophesy, predict, M,kO.wltegnng f. prophecy, divination, J3.

wltegungboc f. book of prophecy, M.wltehrsBgl n. penitential garb, sackcloth*PPs68".

wltehus n. torture-house, prison, hell :

amphitheatre (as place of torture andmartyrdom), OEG.

wltel=hwitelwltelacf n. punishment.wltelias without punishment or fine, LL360[73,4].

wlteleast f. freedom from punishment orfine.

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wltellc toilsome* carking, MFH178 : penal,GD330;332.

wltellc* (GD 102") = witodlioewltenagemot n. meeting of the wise men,national council, [wita]

+wltende transitory, MFH 165.

wltendlle= witigendlic

+wltendlle transitory, perishable, M,CP.wltendllce = witodlice+wit-endnes, -ennes f. departure, death.

wtter&den f. punishment, fine.

+wlterian to inform, Kl 1744. [witter]

wltern n. prison, WW 199". [»rn]wltescraef n. pit of torment, hell, Sat691.wltesteng m. pole used for torture, OEG.wltestow f. place of torment or execution.

wlteswlngj m. scourging, punishment.wltetdl n. instrument of torture.

wltetMow adj. man reduced to slavery by the

law (also sbm.).

+wltfsBSt of sound mind, Guth661t.

wltg-=witeg-wltlan (eo) to order, arrange, provide, destine,

conclude, establish.

witlendlic = witigendlic ; wltig= wittigwltlg-=witeg-wlt-lgendllc, -t(i)endlic prophetic, OEG.wltiglic punitive, of punishment, GD.wlttngstow = wltnungstowrbwltlftas foolish, mad, jE.

wlUeasnes f. want of intelligence, foUy,OEG47».±wlUtast f. folly, madness, [witt]

+wlUoeat m- mind, fCP.witmsereswyrt f. spoonwortf Lcd 12a.wltnere m. tormentor, torturer, M.±wltnes f. knowledge,

'witness,* testimony,

Bl,Bo : a witness. [l


dhwltnlan to punish, chastise, torture, afflict,

iE,AO,CP.wltnlgend m. *punitory EPs78u.

wltnung f. torment, torture, punishment,purgatory, M.

wltnungstow f. place of punishment, pur-gatory, M.

wltod I. = witodlioe. II. pp. of witian.witodlie certain, sure, LkR20* (wutad-);adv. -lice truly, for, verily, certainly, un-doubtedly, indeed, thus, M,AO,CP. [witan]conj. but, and, for, therefore, wherefore.[witan]

wltol knowing, wise, [witan]witolnes f. wisdom, GD331™.wlton I. pret. pi. of witan. II. = wntonwItrod=wigtrod+wltsclpe m. testimony, evidence.

±wlts6oc possessed, insane, M.±witt n. understanding, intellect, sense, Bo,Lk : consciousness, [wit; 'i-wit']

+wltt- =+ wit-

wltter wiset prudent, Chr 1067d. [ON. vitr]

± wittig| wise, sagacious, skilful : in one'sright mind, M.

wlttlgnes f. intelligence, OEG78 (wytti-).

j (v. LL2-739).an, paranymph, OEG

wittol=witolwltu nap. of wite.

wltudMwitodwltuma (e, eo, y) m. <

wltumbora m.1774.

wltungstow = witnungstowwltword n. written evidence, wilt, covenant,LL.

Witt I. prep. (w. a.) with, by, near, against,

beside, at, through : (w. d.)from (separation),

with (opposition), for, in return for, on con-dition of, beside, near, opposite : (w. g.)towards, to, at, against, w. eastan ( 1) the east; (2) prep, east of. w. up Up-wards, above, w. Van tie because, in con-sideration of, provided that. wift...weardprep. (w. a.) towards. II. conj. until

wlttseftan I. adv. from behind, behind, after.

II. prep, behind, at, M.wiUMawan7 to blow away, CP439*4.

wft-bregdan1, -bredan* to withhold, restrain,

withstand, oppose, M,CP.wlttcamplan (o) to fight against.

wltfetosan1 to reject, pp. wiocoren rejected,

reprobate, outcast.

wlttcostlan 'reprobare,' NC333.wlttcwadenes= wiocwedenneswlttcwedennes f. contradiction,

wlttcwedolnes = wioerowedolneswttewettan*to speak against, contradict,gain-

say, oppose, resist, M : forbid, refuse, deny :

rqect, renounce, CP.wttowettenes = wiocwedenneswttdrlfan1 to repel, drive off, PPs.wtfa-= wittig-

wtfftadon (N) = witieodon pret. pL of wiog&n.wltfeastan eastward, eastwards, AO.wlttoftan = wiCaeftan

witter prep, and adv. against.

wltterbreca (a1, eo1, o*, u») m. adversary :

the devil, Satan.wttforbroclan to oppose, CVPs.witferbrdga m. adversary, the devil, Cb564.wfterbruca= witferbreca

wlttercerran to turn against, prance, [cp.

wiBercyr]wlttercora m. adversary, rebel, apostate,

sinner, iE.

wlttercoren rejected, reprobate, wicked.

wttercorennes f. reprobation, ^H2-290w.

wlttercwednes f. contradiction, CP 143*°.

wlUercwedol opposing, contradicting.

wlttercwedolnes f. contradiction, Gl.wltforcwedung f. a speaking against, con-

tradiction, SPs51«.wlUercwetJ- = wiSerowed-wltterowelfen* to withstand.

wffierewlda (y) m. contradictor, OEG 1893 :

opposer, rebel, WW110M .

wlttercwlde m. contradiction : opposition,


wittercwldel- = witSercwedol-

wlUercwyd- = wioer-cwed-, -cwid-

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wlftereyr m. rearing (of ahorse). El926.

witterdtlne (e», y») narrow, NC333.-witter© v. to-wwitforfooht* ss wiCfeoht-wtterfllta m. opponent, adversary, AO,CP.wttkrhabban to resist, PPs72»wltterhllnlan to lean against, Gl.wltter-hycgende, -hydig refractory, perverse,

antagonistic, hostile, as sb. rival, adversary.

wtterlan to resist, oppose, struggle against,

M i irritate, provoke : be provoked.

wltterlftoan (y1, e») to deprive, EPs83".

wlKerltaaf n. requital.

wltierilng m. opponent, adversary, EHy4*.wlttermal n. counter-plea, defence, Chb1052.wittermMe stiff-necked, antagonistic, per*


wttiermftdnes (oe) f. perversity,DR : adversity,

DR.wltiermMo f. antagonism : perversity :


wlttermetan* to compare to, measure with,

measure againstwltterm6d unwilling, adverse, contrary, GP212*.

wiflennddnes f. adversity, CP831*.

wttiermoednes (DR)=wiCermedneewlfterr&de contrary, opposed, adverse, per-

verse, rebellious, M : disadvantageous : dis-

agreeable, unpleasant.

wltferr&dllc contrary, adverse, MQnZte1.

wltforrAdnas f. opposition, discord, variance,

disadvantage, adversity, M.wtterrsehtes (=rihtes) eAv. opposite, B3039.wltterrlht n. recompense, WW 118".

wftersaca m.« adversary, enemy, JE : be-

trayer : apostate, M.wltforNMrian to renounce, become apostate,

OEG : blaspheme.wfttorsmcung f. apostasy : blasphemy.wltieraseo I. n. contradiction, hostility,

opposition,M i apostasy, [sacan] II. un-favourable, LcD97a.wltforsprftc f. contradiction.

wHferstdger steep, WW.wifleretandan* to resist, EPs 16*.

wltforsteall (a8 ) m. resistance, opposition, M.wiUersfnes adv.

'widdershins,* backwards,

Bl93".wlUertalu f. contradiction, i£H 1530s.

wltfertlhtto f. counter-charge^ LL.witJertrodf n. return, retreat.

wltfortyme troublesome, grievous.

wltforweard contrary, perverse, adverse :

rebellious, hostile, AO,CP : inconsistent :

unfavourable, noxious, bad.

wHSerwearda n\. adversary, Bl.witferweardlan (y*) to oppose.

witforweardllc contrary, inimical, perverse,

M. adv. -lice.

wltforweardnes f. opposition, perversity,

arrogance, enmity, M,CP : adversity,

calamity, trouble, CP.wiUerwengel m. adversary, ARHy4T


wtterwennung I. controversy, Scl46is.[winnan]

wlUer-werd-, -wi(e)rd- = wiCerweard-wltterwlnn n. contest, OEG2s.

wltterwlnna m. opponent, rival, adversaryenemy, iE,AO,CP.

wttJerwtnnan8 to revolt, GPH389.+wi*erworded (i1) opposed, DR1141


wltierwyrdMwitierweardwlttewlnd* =wiCowindewWfaran* to come off, escape, Ex 573.

wltffeohtan1 to fight against, rebel.

wHffeohtend m. adversary, CP.wltffSolan* to apply oneself to, BH.wittferianf to rescue, redeem.wtft-flita, -flitan=wi&er-flita, -flitan

wrftfon' (w. d.) to grasp at, clutch, B760.witiforan I. prep, before, in the presence of.

II. adv. before, previously.

wttf-gin anv., -gangan7 to go against, oppose :

pass away, vanish, disappear.

wlffgehflBftan= witfhaBftan

wlttgemetnes f. comparison, BH430*.wlftgeondan prep, beyond, Mt3*.wlttgrlpan1 to grapple with, B2521.wttgfnan to reject, jEL23-541.wttthabban (w. d.) to oppose, resist, restrain,

hold out, AO.wltfhsebban =wiChabbanwttheardlan to harden, ARSP&94*.wltfhlndan adv. behind, M.wltS-hoglant (w. g.) to disregard, reject.

wltthyegant to reject, despise, scorn.

wltM-=wf5ig-wtttig. wJ5i(g)e ra. withe, ' withy, ' willow, JE:band, fetter, fillet, garland.

wrtigrlnd f. willow bark, Loi>37a.

wttJlng-=wT6ig-wttlnnan I. adv. 'within,

9 from within, AII. prep. (w. d. a.) within.

wttMnne, -innen, -innon=witiinnan I.

wl«lr-(N) = wiCer-wrSMedan to lead away, take away, rescue,

Ps.wltflftdnes f. abduction.

wltflan (N) =widlanwlttticgan* to oppose, resist.

wltimetan* to compare with, liken to, M.wrSmitednes f. invention, device, SPs.[inStaii I.]

wft-metenllc, -metendlic comparative {in

grammar), >EGr. [metan]wlttmetennes f. comparison, M.witimetlng f. comparison.wffi-neottan (iE), -nitian, -nytian adv. below,

underneath, beneath.

wltfob&n (wido-) n. collar-bone.

wltfone (BL)=wit5 ConewHJor-=wioer-wittowlnde f. convolvulus, woodbine, Gl.wflfrfide = witferrade

wltJref n. resistance, opposition.

wltfrftotan' to abhor? resist f El369 (GK).wltfrlan = wi&erian

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wittsaean* to appose, strive against, AO : to

refute, contradict : forsake, abandon, re-

nounce, refuse, deny, J3,AO,CP.witteacendllc used in negations, ^Gr226s


wltfsacung f. denial, renunciation, So60".wltfsceorian (o*) to refuse, CP59".wWscrfltel= widscrioolwittecOfan* to thrust back, refute, repel, BH.wltteeon* to rebel, rise against, AO.witfsetnes f. opposition, Gl.wlttsettan to withstand, resist, M.wttfelean* to oppose, bring to naught, iE,CP.wfSsprecan* to contradict, gainsay : converse,

AS : revile : speak with, GD345*.witfapuraan* to hit against, MtL4*.witfstsBppan' to step or go out of.

wlftstandan* (w. d.) to'

withstand,* resist,

oppose, jE,AO,CP.wltfatandend m. opponent.wttisteall= witiersteall

wlttsteppan=wiostappanwlUstond-=wi6stand-wittstunlan to dash against, LcDl60b.wffistyllan to retreat, WW 17*.wHbtyltan to hesitate, doubt, MtL21u.

witfteon* to take away, withdraw : restrain,

CP.wlttoemman to step back, CP441W.

wiWe f. withy, cord, band, thong, fetter, [v.

also witSig]

witftJer-= wiSer-wltftlnglan to come to terms with, be reconciledto, MF178.

wlWlr (DR l'68«) = wifler

wttNSyddan to blunt, v. OEG4235.wltiufan I. prep. (w. d.) above. II. adv.before, previously.

wlti-uppon, -uppan adv. above.

wlfQtan I. prep. (w. d.) outside of, AO :

except : without. II. adv. from outside,

outside, JE.

wtftweorpan't to reject, repudiate.

wltSwlnde = wiCewincJewllSwlnnan* to fight against, resist, oppose,

AO,CP.wHSwitterian to resist, withstand, GDI 17".wlx9=wiex$ pros. 3 sg. of weaxan.rbwlaclan to become lukewarm, be tepid, M,CP.

wlaoo, wlacu, wltec tepid, lukewarm, cool,

CP.wlacunes = wl®cne8 ; wlaec v. wlaco.wlaece n. tepidity, GPH397.wlsecllc lukewarm, adv. -lice,

wldcnce (PPs 148s) = wrseolice

wleecnes f. lukewarmness, CP.wlseffetere m. stammerer, GPH403.wlseffian to stammer, speak indistinctly, v.

NC333.wlsenc = wlanc, wlencwlenoo=wlencowlSta=wl»tta+wl£tan to defile, debase, Bo 114".wletUce = wleeclice

wlfitta m. loathing, nausea, eructation, heart-

burn, M : an object of loathing : disfigure-

ment, OEG4461.wl&tung (a, e) f. nausea : disfigurement,

OEG4461.wlanc (sb, o) stately, splendid, lofty, magnifi-cent, rich : boastful, arrogant, proud.

wlanclan to become proud or boastful, exult.

wlancllc adj. proud, arrogant, adv. -Hoe,

Gl.wlat pret. 3 sg. of wlitan.

wlatere m. spectator, NC333.-wlatful v. nebb-w..wlattan I.f to gaze, look upon, behold.

[wlitan] II. (impers.) to loathe, M.wlatung I. f. 'spectaculum,' NC334. II.=wl&t(t)nng±wleocan to make tepid, CP. [wlaec]

wlenc, wlenco (AO,CP), wlencu f. pride,

arrogance, haughtiness : glory, pomp,splendour, AO,CP : (f) bravado : pros-perity, riches, wealth, [wlanc]+wlencan to render proud : adorn, enrich,


wHttung= wlletungwllsp, wlips (M) lisping.

wllsplan to lisp.

wllta m. countenance, Gl.wlitan1! to gaze, look, observe.

wllte m. brightness : appearance,form, aspect,

look, countenance : beauty, splendour, M :

adornment, CP. ,

wllteandet? n. confession of splendour, PPs103*.

wlitabeorhtf beauteous.

wUtetul beautiful, So21*.wltteltas «?Zy, An 1171.

wliteUce handsomely, Bl206*.wlltesclne (y*) lovely, beautiful.

wBteseon f. sight, spectacle, B 1650.

wlltetorhtt brilliant, lovely.

wUtewamm (o*) m. disfigurement of theface.

wllteweorti n. legal value of a man's life,

ransom, GD179".wlltlg radiant, beautiful, fair, comely, JE,CP.adv. -ige, -igllce.

wlltigfflBSt of enduring beauty, Ph 125.

±wlltlglan to beautify, adorn : become beauti-

ful, Sbaf49 : form, fashion, Pss.

wlltlgnes f. beauty, splendour, Bl.Wlltu=wlite; wlo=wlohwldh f., dp. wl6(u)m fringe, ornament, tuft


bit, Gu 1127.

+wloh adorned, Gen 1789.

wlonc= wlancwlott spot, blemish, OEG648?wloum v. wldh.

wlyt- = wlit-; wdMwohwoo (pret. of wacan).wdcer=wocorwocie, wocige noose, OEG962 ; 3560.

wocllc=w5nlicwdcorf f. (ga. wdcre) increase, growth : off-

spring, progeny, posterity, race : usury.

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wooorlloe =waoorlioewfiet=wd8c pret. 3 ag. of wasoan.w6d I. adj. mad, raging, senseless, JE,AO :

blasphemous. II. pret. 3 sg. of wadan.woda I. m. madman, M. II. m. storm,

flood? danger? TC341».wodawiatle =wodewistlewoddor n. throat, gulkt? Sol95.wdddrtan in. 'rfamom«m, 'RPs95» (v. ES38«).

wodeHo=wddlicWoden m. Woden : Mercury.wodendream m. madness, WW246".wddenesdaf= wodneedsegwodewistle f. hemlock, Gl.wod-frec, -fraec madly ravenous.wodheortnes f. madness, MFH 178.

wddlan=wedanwddlic mad, furious, M. adv. -lice madly,furiously : blasphemously.wodnes f. madness, frenzy, folly, M.Wodnes gs. of Woden.wodnesdsDf m. Woden*s day, Wednesday.wodnesnlht f. Tuesday night.

w6d6m=wohddmwddon pret. pL of wadan.wodselnn n. madness, folly, W80*.wodsetpe m. insanity,WW 245".wodstoe mad, GD1361


wodseocnes f. madness.wddttrig f. paroxysm, madness, rage, fury,CP.

woe- (A) = we-, we- ; woecan (N) = wsBCcanwoere- (N) = weore- ; woerd- =wird-wofflan to shout, rave : blaspheme.woffung f. doting, madness, raving : blas-

phemy.wogMw6hwdgere m. wooer, suitor, sweetheart, M.wogerllc amorous, NC334.woglan to woo, court, marry, So.wdgung f. wooing, MLV91


wdh I. n. bending, crookedness : error, mis-take, M : perversity, wrong, iniquity,

depravity, on w. wrongly, wickedly. II.

adj. bent, awry, twisted, crooked : wrong,perverse, evil, depraved, bad, unjust : false(weight),W70*. onwon wrongfully,in error.

wdhbogenf bent, crooked.

wdhoeapung f. fine for illegal trafficking, XC5-143*.

wdhdAd f. wrong deed, crime.

wohdom m. unjust Judgment, A 8*336.

wdhfoted having deformedfeet,WW 161*.wonfremmend m. evildoer, Met9*.wohful wicked, NG.wohfulnes f. wickedness, NG.wdhgeorn inclined to evil, W183*.wohgestreon n. ill-gotten property, W.wdhgod n. false god, idol.

wohhAmed n. fornication, adultery, CP.wdhhfimend m. fornicator, adulterer, CP.wdhhSmere m. fornicator, adulterer, CP401".

wohhandede maimed {of the hands), WW161".

wohhian ? to speak wildly, rave? NC334.wohllo perverse, wrong, unjust, evil. adv.-lice, ife.

wohnebb n. grimace.wohnes f. crookedness, crooked place, JE :

wrong, error : wickedness, jE.

wdhs, wohaon =wdec, woecon pret. 3 ag. andpret. pi. of wascan.wohsum evil, DR27» (wog-).

wol mf. pestilence, plague, mortality, disease,

AO.CP.wolb&rnes f. calamity, pest, A062M.

wdlberende pestilential, pernicious, CP.wolberendlie pestilential, Che 1086.

wolbryne m . pestilence, A086M .

wolc (WW17510) =wolcen

wole-=walc-, wolcen-wolcennm. (nap. wolcnu) 'convolution ball,

lump, PPsl47s: cloud, JE : sky, heavens.


wolcenfarut f. scudding of clouds.

wolcengehnast n. meeting of clouds [in astorm), Rd4w.

woloenread = weolocreadwoloenwyrcende? ptc. cloud-making (Cen-taurs), WW456".

wolcnWwolcen ; wolcread=weolocreadwolcsplnl = walcspinl

wol-eyrge, -cyrige=waBlcyrigewold -wealdwoldsag m. day of pestilence. Ruin26.

woldberendllc= wolberendliewol-de, -don pret. 3 eg. and pret. pL ofwillan.

wolgewlnn n. calamitous war, A0641*.

wdUcMwohliowoUenteare weeping, with flowing tears,

B3032.-wolma v. fdt-w. ; womKwam(m)wdm I. =w6gum dp. of won, adj. IL=w5maworn* m. noise, howling, tumult : terror,

alarm, swefnes w. dream-tumult, vision :

eloquence? OEG8b18.

woman intr. to infringe, EC151lf: (+) tr.

w. d. pers. and g. thing deprive of, EC151". [wamm]won I.=wan, wann. II. pret. 3 ag. ofwinnan.won I. wk. gdsn. and dpmn. of woh.II.=hwon

won- = wan -

wdna gp. of woh II.

wondor =wnndorw5nes=w5hne8; wongHtwangwop I. m. cry, shrieking, weeping, lamenta-tion, iE,CP. [wepan] II.=weop pret. 3eg. of wepan.

wopdropa m. tear, Sol283.wopen pp. of wepan.wdperian to weep, HL18".wdplg sad, lamenting, St.

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woplSod 361

wdpleo* n. dirge, elegy, OEG3604,

wopllo tearful, sad, M. adv. -Hoe.

wdpstdw f. place of mourning, M.w6r=w6s, was©wont gp. of w6h.woreMweoroword I.n. * word,

9speech, sentence, statement,

M : command, order : subject of talk, story,

news, report, J3,AO : fame : verb, M :

{incarnate) Word. IL rod, CPs : {goose-

berry) bush? LkL6« (v.ES38-340 ; 40-152).

III.=werodword-Motf n. , -bebtungj f. promiseinwords,plighted word.wordc&rse (WW416,)=*woroea3rae, wor-Cigcaerse?

wordeennend m. the begetter of the Word,GPH389.

wordoroftt m. poetic art, eloquence.

word-ewlde, (e, y) -cwytte m. words, speech,

language, utterance.

worden pp. of weoroan.wordes adv. with words, verbally, orally,

wordtest true to one's word, true.

wordful talkative, verbose, fluent.

wordgebeot= wordbeotword-gecwlde (a?*) n., -geoweodu np. verbal


wordgemeare n. definition or limitation bywords, Gen 2355.

wordger*net n. secret expressed in words,

dark saying.

wordgltow skilful in words, Da418.

wordgydd m. lay, dirge, B3173.wordhlfotSort n. voice, speech.

wordhordf n. treasury of words.

wordlg wordy, verbose, OEG 1416.

wordlfte n. speech, LPs 18*.

wordlir f. teaching, NC334.wordlatu f. delay in speech? An 1519.

wordlaHuf f. conversation, speech.

wordltan n. rewardfor song, Rd78*.wordllan (u1) to talk, commune : conspire,


wordllend m. speaker, OEG2321.wordloc n. art of logic, WW38811


wordtooaf m. {word-hoard), speech.

wordloga m. deceiver, liar, W401*.

worthing n. talk, discourse : emptu talk.

wordmittung f.

' collatio,fWW 178*.

wordpredicung f. preaching, NC334.wordrlan= wordlianwordrlht n. suitable word, B2631 : spoken

law, Ex3.wordsawere m. word-sower, rhetorician,

CP97*.wordslge m. success in speech, LodM881*.

word-snoter, -snotor eloquent, rhetorical,

wise in words.

wordsnoterlle philosophical, learned, OEG2270.

wordsnoterung f. sophism, OEG 2268.

wordaomnere m. enumeration, catalogue,



jt ,ooOaliof

, WW178».wordwba m. sophist, WW493"wordwiftare



wordwyneum affable, WW 191».

wore dsf. of won.wort =weorf ; worflan=womanwdrhana m. moor-cock, cock pheasant, Gl.worhenn f. hen pheasant, WW.w&rhona=wdrhanaworht pp., worhte pret. 3 as. of wyrcan.wdrlan to roam, wander, M : move round,

totter, crumble to pieces, [w&r, werig]

worldMworuld ; worm=wyrmwormod=wermodworms (a) nm. matter, pus, virus, AO,CP.worn (ea, eo) m. large amount, number, troop,

company, multitude, crowd.

worngehat n. promise ofnumerous offspring,

Gun 2364?wornluat=womlostwornmAlum adv. by troops.

worod=werod; woroht=wr6ntworold (AO,CP) =woruldworpan= weorpanworpen pp. of weorpan.worpian to cast, throw, pelt, CP.worsm=worms; wort=wyrtwort I. (eo, u) nm. court, courtyard, curtilage,

farm, Mdf : street. II.=waroSwortf-=weor8-wortNg (eo, u, y) m. enclosed homestead,

curtilage, farm, JE,CP ; Mdf : street.

wortlgei&ne f. name of a plant, Lc©3*303.

wortIgnetele f. nettle.

wortfsclpe=weoroeoipe ; worod=werod I.

woruftord = weorftordworuld (ei, eo1, ia

1; o1

) f.

' toorW, ' age, £!,AO,GP : men, humanity : way of life, life : long

period of time, cycle, eternity. t5 worulde

for ever, a on worulda world, in woruldworulde world without end.

woruldAht f. worldly possessions.

wonddafol (-el) n. secular or worldly power,

LL,W(ES45161).woruldar f. worldly honour, CP : secular


woruldbaarn n. man, Rd81".woruldblagu f. worldly occupation, LL.woruldbiagung (eo1, y

1) f. worldly business :

worldly misery, trouble.

woruldblamer (o*) nm. worldly reproach, GP61M.

woruldblln f. worldly bliss, Qv 135.

woruldbftt f. compensation prescribed by the

secular power, LL 128[2].

woruld-broe n., -bryce (o*) m. worldly

trouble, CP259* : use for secular purposes,

MH136*.wonUdbtkendf m. world-dweller.

woruldeamp m. secular warfare, LL(388*).

woruldeandel f. sun, B 1965.

weruldoearu (a8) f. worldly care, M.woruldeempa m. earthly soldier, JS.

wornldarflBft m. secular art, M.


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woraldeund worldly, secular, CP adv. -Boa,

CP.woruldeynlngt m. earthly king, M.woralddAd f. worldly business, LL(414»).worulddtad dead, PPsl42«.worulddftma m. secular judge, LL.woruldddm m. secular judgment, M.worulddrtamf m. earthy joy.worulddrlhtan m. lord of the world, Qod,MBT291


woruldduguttt f. worldly riches.

woruldearfoUf n- earthly misery.woruldege m. earthly fear, LL(310W).

woruldende m. end of the world, B3083.woruldlagenia* i. earthly beauty, MH34*.woraldfeohn. earthly goods,u>cauh,QKs2142.woruldlolgatt m. worldly occupation, Bl.woruldfrotwung (world-) f. worldly orna-ment, Bl125".worakUrtond (y*) m. friend in this world.

woruldM* m. worldly peace, LL220[1].woruldtruma m. primeval man, patriarch,


wonddgftlnas f. lust ofpleasure, W219".woruldgebyrd n. worldly origin or descent,

BH.wornldgedJU n. death, El581woruldgafaoht (o1) n. earthly fight, MH36*.woruM&Qltn.disputeflaw-suit? Lcd3*174m.

wornldgerAdnes (eo1) f. secular ordinance,

LL.woruldgeriht n. worldly justice, secular right

or due, LL210[2t l].

woruldgmtfsnu np. secular customs, LL.woruldgeafillg prosperous, Ma 219.

woruldgesAl'Sa fp. worldly fortune, AO(o').woruldgesceaftf f. creature of this world :


woruldgastrfonf n. worldly riches.

woruldgeswlnc n. earthly toil, misery, CP(oa).

woruldgetflnctt f. worldly honour, dignity,

GD,W.woruldgetoht (world-) mn. worldly thought,

Bl16".woruldgewlnn n. earthly war, M.woroldgewrltu np. worldly literature, secular


woruldgewuna m. customarylaw, LL206[la].woruldglelp (i») mn. pride of this world,glory, CP.

woruldgifu f. worldly gift.

woruldgltsera m. coveter of worldly things,


woruldgltsung f. covetousness.

woruldglenge m. worldly pomp.woruldgod n. worldly good.

woruldgylp (M) = woruldgielpworuldgyrla (o1) m. worldly garment,NC334.woruldhad m. secular state, BH.GD.woraldhlaford m. secular lord, CP.woroldhllsa m. worldly fame, M.woruldhogu (world-) f. worldly care.

woruldhremmlng (o1) i.l tmpedimentum

smculi,' NC334.

woraMhyht m. earthly joy. Am 136.

woruldlAot m. earthly physician, M.woruld-lagu t., -laga m. civil law.

woraMMan n, earthly reward, LL(422").woruldlie earthly, M : worldly, secular, M>adv. -lioe.

womldm n. life in this world.

woruldlufu £. love of this world, M.woruldlust m. worldly pleasure, Bo.woruldmAg m. earthly kinsman, Gxh2178.woruldman m. human being, man of the

world, M,CP : layman.woruldmM f. earthly reward, LL(422M).

woruldnted f. temporal need, LL267[32].woruldnytt f. worldly use or profit.

woruldprfdo f. worldly pride, Lod3-428.

[v. 'pride']

woruldrftden f. way of the world, B1143 (v.

MLN25-113).woruldrioa m. great man, M.woruldrloe I. n. earthly kingdom, CP : world-

realm, world. II. adj. having worldlypower or riches.

wonildrfoetm (o1) n. worldly power, NC334.woruldrlht (y») n. secular or civil law : Ood y


law for the world.

woruldsacu f. worldly strife,W 170*.

worulds&ltia fp. earthly blessings, Bo.woruldscamu (ea8) f. public disgrace.

woruldsceaftt *. earthly creature.

woruldsetat m. part of the world, region.

woruldietewung f. worldly sight, NC334.woruldielpe m. worldly matter, CP.woruMacfr (world-) f. life in the world (t.e.

not monastic), worldly affairs, business,

GD3*.woruldsnotor worldly-wise.

woruldaorg f. earthly care, CP.woroldspM f. worldly wealth, success in the

world, CP.woruldsptdlg rich in this world, CP3331.woruldsprdc f worldly talk, conversation

about worldly matters, LL.woruldsttor f. secular penalty, LL268[51].woruldstrang having worldly power, NC334.woruldstrengu f. physical strength, Rn 27*.

woruldstrudere m. world-spoUer, spoliator,


wornldstund f. life in this world, sojournuponearth, El363.

woruldtfearf f. this world's needs, BH.woruld-ftearf, -Searfende poor in worldlygoods.

woruldfaarfa m. poor man, PPs69°.woruldtttaw m. worldly affair, Bo7M.

woruld-tfegen, -ttegn, -Sen m. earthly orsecular servant, LL.

woruldftanung (o1) f. secular office, NC334. -

woruldtitostru (y3) f. earthly darkness.

woruldtttewddm m. secular service,

woruldfflng (o1) n. worldly affair, thing, 2E,AO,CP : earthly riches.

woruldw&pn (o1) n. earthly weapon, Bl213*.woruldwater n. ocean, sea.

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woruldwela m. worldly wealth, CP.woruldwellg rich in worldly goods, NC335.woruMweoro n. secular work.

woruldweorttscipe m. worldly honour. ,

woruldwldl n. world-filth, Cr1007.woruldwlg n. worldly contest, LL.woruldwllla m. earthly good, Bo 24s.

woruldwllnung f. earthly desire, CP.woruldwls worldly-wise, CP(o*).

woruldwlsddm m. worldly wisdom, science,

M.woruldwtte f. custom of the world, MH68fb.

woraldwlta m. learned layman, philosopher,

LL.woruldwtte n. punishment on earth : civil

punishment, fine.

woruldwlenco f. worldly magnificence, osten-

tation, CP.woruldwrenc m. worldly cunning, CP(o*).

woruldwrftere m. writer about the world,


woruldwuldor n. worldly glory.

woruldwunlende (oa) dwelling in the world,

Met 13".

woruldwynn f. earthly joy.

woruldyrmftu f. earthly wretchedness, AO.wdrung f. wandering, roving, iE,MFH 179.

wfe I. n. sap, juice, Lod. II. gs. of w6h.rhwosa m. conversation, intercourse, DR.wtaan(NG)=w8sanwdse pret. 3 sg., woscon pret. pL of wascan.wdse=waeewoslg juicy, moist, Lod.-wost y. fore-w.

w6l$t f- sound, noise : voice, song, poetry :


wfitiborat m. orator, speaker, seer, prophet,

poet, singer.

wdtioraftt m. art of speech or song.

-wotie v. got-w.

wdtiglefu f. gift of song, Rd32*.woftsong m. song, Cb46.wdum dp. of wdh, adj.

wdz I. pret. 3 sg. of weazan. II.=w6ecwraclan to be banished, be in exile.

wraoUee= wraeclice

wraonian=wreBonian; wraoo=wracuwraou (e) f. (g. often wrace) revenge,

vengeance, persecution, JE,AO,CP. on tia

wrace in retaliation : punishment, penalty,

AO,CP : cruelty, misery, distress, torture,

pain, AO. [wreoan]wraec I. (e) n(f?) misery, CP : vengeance,

persecution : exile, [wreck*; wrecan]II. what is driven, OET37". III. pret.

3 sg. of wrecan. IV. = waero (A ; v. JAW52)

wraeca=wTSBcca; wnBcan=wreoanwreecca (e) m. 'wretch,' CP : fugitive, ouUcast, exile.. AO : adventurer, stranger.

wreeocan=wrecan ; wrace v. wraon.wraeend =wrecendwraetoo n. timeofexile, banishment, misery,


wractal wretched, miserable, M.wrAehwn f. period of exile or of distress,

PH527.wraclftstt (e) m. path of exile.

wraclasttan to banish, WW.wraelio adj. foreign : strange, unfamiliar,

extraordinary/ : wretched, exiled, adv. -lice.

wrAclic=wr&tliowrae-maegt, -m«ecgaj m. exile, outcast,

miserable man.wreecmon m. fugitive, Ex 137.

wrAcnan=wrfccnianwrsecnes= wrecneewraenlan (e) to be banished, wander travel,

M.wrAoon pret. pi. of wrecan.wraosclpe (e) m. exile.

wraosetl n. place of exile, Gu267.

wraotlft m. journey of exile orperil, pilgrim-age, M : exile, persecution, £fi,AO : misery.

wraesffilan to wander, travel abroad, be in

exile, M.wraostow f. place of exile or punishment.wraowlte n. punishment, Bl.wrAcworuld f. miserable world, Wls


wrAd f. band, bandage, 'wreath,9 CP :

bundle : band, flock, [wri&an]"^wrAdmAlum adv. in companies, WW41 lw.

-wrAdnes v. sam-w. ; wrAg-=wrSg-wrAne (6) unbridled, loose, lustful, AO.wranna (M) =wrennawrAnnes f. luxury, lust, wantonness, AO,CP.wrAnsa m. wantonness, OEG2347.

m. wantonness, OEG6290(6).tobewanton, alter, change, modulate, Rd26».

wrAst (a) firm, able, strong, excellent i

delicate, adv. -e.

wrAstan I. (±) to 'wrest,* bend, twist, twang.

II. to be or make elegant? WW.wrAstlere m. wrestler, WW431*.wrAstllo I. pertaining to wrestling, WW.II. (a) delicate, elegant, WW.

wrA8tIlendwre«tfer,WW431". [wrftetan]

wrAstlung f. wrestling, struggling, GD,OEG.wrat m. =wratte f. ; wrAt=wr&ttwrAUlc artistic, ornamental : curious,

wondrous, rare. adv. -lice, [wrfttt]

wrAttf f. ornament, work of art, jewel.

wnette f. rubea tinctoriat crosswortt heUe-

boret (A30-248).

wrA* I. =wrAd. II.= wrfttitio

+wrA6an to be enraged, LOD3-2124.

wratilan=wretiian; wrA8o=wr&68owroeft-studu, -stutfa (e) f. column, pHlar

>, wr*«(«)u (a) f. *wrath,* anger,

indignation, NG.wrAzllan=wrAstiianwrah pret. 3 sg. of wreon.wrang I. n. * wrong, * injustice. [ON. rangrII.pret.3sg. of wringan. IlL(o)=wrangawranga (pr-) hold of a ship, WW.wrangwlB perverse OEG1770.

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wrSsqsn 364 WBOHT

t (ft) t band, tie, chain.


writ prat. 3 ag. of writan.

writt I. adj. * wroth, ' furious, angry, hostile,

AO : terrible, horrible : grievous, harsh,bitter, malignant, evil, cruel adv. -e.

U.L cruelty i hardship, [wrioan] IIL-wrfttt. IV. pret. 3 ag. of wrioan.+wra*ian (refl.) to be angry, Car 1070.['iuwtte']

wrttlUot grievous, severe, bitter* adv. -lloe.

wraftmddt an^ry.

wrttfsons! n. wretched hole, pit of misery,hell, Rd«1".

wi*tt8o==wrfttiouwraftu f. prop, help, support, maintenance.wrattum adv. fiercely.

+wraxl7 wrestling-place, gymnasium, OEG18b«?

WTaxlere m. wrestler, OEG.wraxllan to wrestle, M.wraxllende wrestling, contending, striving.

wraxlung f. wrestling, WW 160*.

wreah pret. 3 ag. of wreon.wrecwwraowrecan* (eo) to drive, impel, push : expel,

persecute, CP : (± )* wreak, ' revenge, avenge,

punish, AO : pressforward, advance '.fulfil,

accomplish : utter, deliver, pronounce.wreocan = (l) weocan; (2) wrecan-wreoel v. apor-w.

1 m. avenger.

i (») f. vengeance, NG.(»?) 'actuarial £843*336.

wrecu (VPs) =wracu±wr«gan I.f to excite, stir up. II. to accuse,impeach, M. [wrdht]

wrigend m. accuser.

wregendlic accusative, 1EQ*2Z*.wregere m. accuser, informer, M.wriglatre (ft) f. female accuser. ML&".wragung f. accusation, M.wrehte pret. 3 ag. of wregan.wrehtend m. instigator, WWaSO"wrentend m. accuser, KGl73m.

wren-=wrfen-wreno m. wile, stratagem, trick, deceit, AO :

(t) modulation, melody, song. [' wrench '


wrenean to twist : spin intrigues, devise plots,

Mod 33.

wrenna (s) m., wrenne f. wren, WW.wreocan= wrecanwraogan (M) = wrigon pret. pL of wreon.wreon imperat. of wreon.±wreon1.* to cover, clothe, envelop, conceal,

hide : protect, defend.

wreotan=rebtan; wreotlan= writianwreotu nap. of writ.


=wrft8wrecflenhilt with twisted hilt, B1699.[_*writienhilt]

wrao6lan=wre6ian; wreo*8len=wrIdianwretbaau 'rubeum' (?=wr«tt- or wrastte-v. A30-248).

±wretMan to support, sustain, uphold, CP.wnffatudu=wnaoatuduwrlanne (N) = wreonne gerund of wreon Lwrtetf, wrioe$ prea. 3 ag. of wrecan.wrld m. shoot, plant, bush, Lod ; Mdl+wrld n. thicket? Guth.wrldan1 to grow, thrive, flourish.

pp. of (1) wridan ; (2) wrioan.l grow, flourish, spring up. [wridan]=wrict> prea. 3 ag. of wrecan.

wrtozlMwrixlwrlgela inn. covering, veil

wrigen pp., wrigon pret. pi of wreon.wrlgennes (gn-) f. a covering, EPs60*.wrigianf to go, turn, twist, bend : strive,

struggle, pressforward, endeavour, venture.wrlhat prea. 2 eg., wrihti prea. 3 ag. of wreon.+wrlncUan to wind about, KC4-34>.

+wrlng n. liquor, drink,WW 128".wrlngan' to


wring,* twis> : (±) squeeze, pressout,M.

wringe f. {oO-)prces, GD260«.wrlnghwsBg nT strained whey, LL461[16].+wrlse= +wrixl; wrislan=wrix]anwrist f. wrtd, LL386[2].±wrlt n. writing : (±) book, treatise : scrip-tare, &-.' writ* {'i-wrif) charter, document,deed, AO,Bl : 'stilus,' GPH402.±writan1

(f) to incise, engrave, 'write,' draw,iE,*AO,CP : bestow by writing.

wrltbred n. writing tablet.

-write v. wo?ter-w. ; -writennea v. t5-w.dbwrltere m. writer, scribe, author, portrayer,painter, JE,CP.

wrftefren (MH146")=wrftirenwridan (eo) to chirp, chatter, v. OEG37*.writing f. writing, SPs44a


wrltlngfetfer f. pen, EPs44».wrttfnglaen n. style, pen, MH146"awrlttren (y*) n. writing instrument, style.

writaaax n. style, pen, MtL p2M.

wrttt-= writ-

wrltia m. band, thong, bridle, ;E : cottar,ring.

±written1 (y) I. to twist, wrap, bind up, tie,

fasten, fetter, ['writhe'] IL=wridan+wrftfellan to bind? OEG231 ?

wrlgela m. band, fillet, bandage, WW411".wrIBlan =wridianwrixendllc mutual, GD2*. adv. -Koe turnabout, one by one, by turns, in turn.

wrlxl f. f wrixla m. change, exchange, barter,CP.+wrlzl, -f wrixle n. turn, change : exchange,purchase : requital.

wrlxlan (±) to change, barter, exchange,reciprocate, lend, AO. wordnm w. con-verse : (+) recompense, requite : (+) obtain.

wrlxllan=wrixlan+wrtxUe alternating, OEG2us.

±wrlxlung f. exchange : loan.

wroegan= wreganwrogen pp. of wreon.wroht=worht pp. of wyroan.

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wrdht I. f. blamey reproach, accusation,

slander : fault, crime, sin, injustice, M :

strife, enmity, anger, contention, dispute,

AO, CP : hurt, injury, calamity, misery.

[wregan] II. m. tale-bearer, j£Gr217*.wrohtberend m. accuser.

' wrohtbora m. accuser, monster : the devil.

wrohtdropa m. bloodshed accompanied bycrime, GnE196.wrohtgemftne pledged to punishment or


wrdhtgeorn contentious, CP357.wrohtgetfme n. series of crimes f (BT), Qsn46.

wrdhtlan to do harm f HL 16"*.

wrohtlac n. calumny, W160*n.wrohtsawere m. sower of strife, CP369.wrontsclpe m. crime, Gen 1672.

wrdhtsmfSt m. worker of evil, evildoer.

wrohtspltel slanderous, EGl. [spittan]

wrdhtstseff m. accusation, El926 : injury,



wrong (WW201»)=wrang H.wrot m. snout, elephant


s trunk, WW.wrotan7 to root up, M.wrugon pret. pi. of wreon.wrungen pp. of wringan.wryctt pros. 3 sg. of wrecan.wryhta=wyrhtawr?htf =wrlhS pret. 3 eg. of wreon.-hwrjndedfounded (of a house), MtL7u.

wryt- = writ-

wryte (GM66M)=prytewr^Kan = written

wucatten = wuctiegnwuee=wucuwuc-dseg, wuce-, wicu- m. week-day, M.wuottegn (i

1) m. monk or priest appointedfor

a week's duty, weekly servant.

wucttinung f. service for a week.

wuouf. 'week,1 AO,CP.

wucubot f. penance lasting a week, LL(27811).

wuoweoro (i1) n. (compulsory) work for a

week, by a tenant.

wudeMwudnwuderem. wood-man,wood-carrier,WW37



wudewe = wuduwewudlan to cut wood, M.wudlg wooded, having trees, Az 120.

wudlgere, wudiere (WW) = wuderewudlht thick (with trees), woody, forest-like,

GPH402.WUdo- = wudu-wudu m., ga. wuda, wudes; nap. wudas,wuda 'wood,' forest, grove, A,AO,CP;Mdf : tree (the Cross) ; wood, timber, M,CP :

(t) ship, B : spear-shaft, B398.wuduaelfen = vruduelfen

wuduseppel f . wild apple, crab, LoD71a.wudubAre wood-bearing, OEG1806.wudubaemett n. burning of wood, LL 16[12]



wudubat n. wooden boat, An 907.

wudubtam* m. forest-tree.

wudubearo m. forest, grove.

wudu-bend, -bind m. =wudubindewudublU n. hatchet, GD,WW.wudublnde I. (-bindle) f. woodbine, con-

volvulus. II. f. bundle of sticks, OET36".wudublor (=bora?) m. wood carrier, HGl427.

wudublAdt (-bled) f. forest blossom.

wudubrun n. bugloss, ox-tongue.

wudubucca m. wild buck, wild goat, Lod.wudubyrtfra m. camp-follower, OEG 869.

wuduoerfllle f. wood-chervil, cow-parsley.

wuduoooo m. woodcock, Gl.wuducroft m. a croft with trees on itt (BT)KC3-376*.

wuduculfre m. wood-pigeon. WW.wuducfkneUe f . wild thyme, Lcd.wudueynn n. an aromatic ( ?) wood, JnL12*.wududooce f. wild dock, sorrel, Lod.wuduelfen f. wood-elf, dryad, WW.wudufaston n. placeprotectedby woods, wood-fastness : ship.

wuduleld m. wooded plain, PPs 131*.

wuduleoh n. forest-tax, Lcd.wudufllle = wuducerfille

wudufln f. pile of wood, MQn.wudufugol m. forest bird, wildfowl.

wudugat f . wild goat, Leo.wudugehsBg n. enclosed wood? (BT), KG3-176*.

wuduheawere m. wood-cutter, M.wuduherpatf m. public path through a wood,KC3"213*

wuduhlewei n. cutting of wood, LL667[37].wuduholt n. forest, wood, grove.

wuduhona m. woodcock, WW38*.wudunrofe =wudurof


wuduhunlg n. wild honey, M.wudulad f . carting wood, LL462[21,4].

wudu-l£s f., gs. -1*8we wood-pasture, run

(for cattle) in a wood, Ct.

wuduland n. woodland.wudu-leahtrlc, -lectric m. wood-lettuce, wild

sleepwort, Lcd.wuduleswe = wudul&swewudulle adj. woody, wooded, M.wudumfir (e») f. wood-nymph, echo, Gl.

wudumerce m. wild parsley, wood-mint.

wudur&den f. wood-regulation, right ofestovers, LL.wudurec m. smoke from a funeral pyre, B3144.wudurlma m. border ofa wood, KC3-341*.

wudurofe f. woodruff.

wudurose f. wild rose, Lcd34b?wudusnlte f. wood-snipe, thistle-finch f WW.wudusurseppel f . crab-apple? Lcd 160a.

wudutelga} m. twig or branch of a tree.

wudutreow n. forest tree.

wudutilstle m. wood-thistle, Lod.wuduwa (wyde-) m. widower.

wuduwald m. forest, WW426**.

wuduwanhad m. state of a woman who has

not a husband, chastity, widowhood, CP.

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WUDUWASA 366 WUNDORMTwuduw&sa m. faun, satyr.

wuduwe (i, eo, y1

; e«) f. 'widow.*wuduweard m. forester, LL452[19].wudu-weax n., -weaxe f. wood-waxen, genista

tinctoria, Lcd.wuduwesten inn. wild forest,

wuduwlnde f . woodbine, Gl.wuduwyrt f. plant which grows in woods,Bl69».wudwe =wuduwewuhhung f. rage, fury, madness : (pi.) the


wuht AO,CP=wiht; wuhtmg=wuhhungwulMwull; wuldor=wuldorwuldor n. glory, splendour, honour, M,CP :

praise, thanks : heaven, El.wuldor-Mag, -bean m. crown of glory, M.±wuldorbeaglan to crown, M.wuldorbl&d m. glorious success, Jud 156.

wuldorcyning m.f glorious king, King ofGlory, God.

wuldordroamt m. heavenly rapture.

WuldorfeBderj m. Glorious Father, Father

of Glory.

wuldortest glorious, adv. -faste, -faetlice.

wuldorfflastilenM f. glory, M.wuldorful glorious,M : vainglorious.

wuldorfulllan to glorify, M.wuldortulHoe adv. gloriously, M.wuldorgist m. angel, Gbn2912.wuldorgeflogena m. one who has fled fromglory, devil, LCD3-361*.

wuldorgestealdf np. glorious dwellings,

realms of glory.

wuldorgeweoro n. wondrous work, ES43167.wuldorglfuf (eo) f. glorious gift, grace.

wuldorgfm m. gloriousjewel, sun, Rd81*.wuldorhamat (o*) m. garb of glory.

wuldorhoap m? glorious troop, NC335.wuldorhelm m. crown of glory, Bl.wuldorleant n. glorious reward.

wuldorllo glorious, adv. -lice,

wuldormaga m. heir ofheaven, Gu 1067.

wuldonuago m. heir of heaven, Gu 1267.

wuldormlcel gloriously great, fHy7M .

wuldoraytttng f. glorious service, Rd81u.

wuldorsang m. glorious song, MFH 1 1410.

wuldonpM f . glorious wealth, Gen 87.

wuldorspMtg glorious, An428.

wuldortan m plant with medicinal virtuest

(BT), Lcd3-34.wuldortorhtf gloriously bright,clear, brilliant,illustrious.

wuldortfrymm m. heavenly glory.

wuldorweorud n. heavenly host, Cb285.wuldorword n. glorious word, fHy7".wuldrlan (±) to glorify, praise, extol, 2E :

boast, brag, M : live in glory, JE.

wuldrig glorious, DR.wuldrung f . glorying, boasting.

wuldurMwuldorwulf m. (he-)


wolf,' ^AO^CP; Mdf :

wolfish person, devil.

wulleseamb m. wild teasel.

wultesfbt m. buUfist, toadstool (plant).

wulfhaga m. shelterfrom wolvest OC53.wulfhoafodtrfto m. cross, gallows f Rd66u.

wulfheortf wolf-hearted, cruel.

wutf-hltft n., nap. -hleotiu hillside inhabited

by wolves, B1358.wulfhol n. wolfs hole, WW.wuUfys n. fleece of wool,WW 198*wulfmod= wullmodwulfttaft m. wolfs hole, KC3-264*.wulfU&d n. valley of wolves, KC3456Vwullf. 'wool,

1 M.wulloamb m. combfor wool, LL454[15


wullenoppa ( ? hn-) m. tuft of wool, WW.wulle=wull; wullen=wyllenwulllan to wipe with wool, Lcd l-356n.

wullte woolly, hairy.

wullmod m ? distaff.

wulltowestre f. wool-carder, Lcd.wullue cover, wrapper, A31*66.

wullw&ga f. scales for wool, WW 148*.

+wun =+wuna±wuna I. m. (usu. +) habit, custom, practice,

rite, Bo ; JE. on gew. habban to be accus-

tomed to. [' i-wune'] II. (+ only) wonted,

customary, usual.

wund I. f.* wound,

9sore, ulcer, M,CP :

wounding, injury, M. II. adj. wounded,sore, AO.

wundel f. wound, LL,RB.wundellce = wundorlicewunden pp. of windan.wundenfeax with twisted mane, B 1400.

wundenhals with twisted prow, B298.wundenloeet with braided locks.

wundonm&l etched, damascened [ofa sword),

B1631.wundenstomam . ship with curved or wreathedprow, B220.wunder=wundoriwundian to wound, £2,AO,CP.wundiend *

vulnerator,' ERHy6°.wundlht, wundig ulcerous, full of sores.

wundle = wundelwundllo wounding, wound-inflicting, GPH402».wundon pret. pi. of windan.wundor (often confused with wuldor) n.

(gs. wundres) l

wonder,* miracle, marvel,portent, horror, >E,AO,CP : wondrous thing,


wundoragrsefen} wondrously engraven.

wundorbeaeen n. strange sign.

wundorbebod n. strange order, B 1747.

wundorbleo n. wondrous hue, Cb 1 140.

wundorclam n. strange bond, Cr310.wundor-olofe, -clufe f . camphire (plant).

wundorcrsatt-j- m. wondrous skill, miraculouspower.

wundorcrseftigllce with wondrous skill, BH324»o.wundordAd f . wondrous deed, Bl.wundordeatf m. wondrous death, B3037.wundorfsBt (e1) n. wondrous vessel, B 1162.

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wundorful wonderful, M. adv. -lice.

wundorgehwyrtt (e4) wonderful turn, GPH390.

wundorgeweoro = wundorweorcwundorglefu f. wondrous endowment, Wy72.wundorhaelo (a8) f. wondrous healing, BH446".wundorhas? n. 'solarium,' upper room, GD119".

dbwundor-l&ean, -Ecian to make wonderful,magnify.

wundorlle wonderful, remarkable, strange,

JE,AO,CP. adv. -lice,

wundormattmi m. wonderful treasure.

wundorston f. wonderful sight, B995.wundorsmitf m. skilled smith, B 1681.wundortacen n. wondrous sign, PPs 104M .

wundorweorc n. wonderful work, miracle.

wundorworuld f. wonderful world, Rd40".wundorwyrd f. wonderful event, El 107.1.

wundres v. wundor.±wundrian (w. jr.) to wonder, be astonished(at), marvel, j£,AO,CP : admire : makewonderful, magnify. [Oer. wundern]wundrum adv. (d. of wundor) wonderfully,strangely, terribly.

wundrung f. wonder, astonishment, admira-tion, M : spectacle, OEG4370.

wundswatfu (e) f. scar, VPs37*.wundurMwundorwundwlte n. compensation for wounding,LL76H.+wunelle usual, customary, JE,CP. adv.-lice, BH. ['i-wuneliche']

wunenes, wununes f. dwelling, habitation :

perseverance, DR. [wunian]wungynde=wuniende pres. pto. of wunian.wunian (±) to inhabit, dwell, abide, exist,

J2,AO,CP : (+) remain, continue, stand,

jE,AO,CP : (±) be used to, be wont to : (+)habituate oneselfto,CP73u . [Ger. wohnen]wunlgend m. inhabitant, RBl5u .

+wunllc = +wunelio ; wunn =wynnwunnen pp., wunnon pret. pi., of winnan.wunones=wunenes; wunsum=wynsumwununes= wuneneswunung f. act of dwelling, living, RB1088


dwelling, habitation, J3.

wunungstow f. abiding-place, GD31".wuratfo (N) = wraCtSo ; wuroan = wyrcanwurd>=J(l) wyrd; (2) wordwurdon pret. pi. of weoroan.wurht, wurhton=worhte pret. sg., worhtonpret. pi., of wyrcanwurmWwyrmwurma m.,wurme tmurex, purple-fish : anydie, wood, purple : a plant used for dyeing.

wur-mllle, -mele f. wild marjoram, Gl.wurms=worms; wurnlan = weornianwurpan = weorpanwurpul that which throws down, Gl.wursm= worms; wurat=wierrestwurtWwyrt; wurflWweor©wur6eWweortf(e), wieroe ; wurttg—wortiig

wosebearn n. {dear) Utile child, JnL13M .

[wyscan]wuso (JnR 13M) = wuscbearnwussung=wissung ; wuta= witawutan=wutonwutedllce, wutodlice (NG) =*witodlloe

wuton 1 pers. pi. subj. of witan to go. usedto introduce an imperative or hortatoryclause let us,.. I cornel CP.wutu (M), wutum, wutun (N) =wutonwutudllce = witodlice

wutfwuta (DR) =ut$wita ; wycWwiowyc-=wic-; wyd=wid; wyd-=wud-wyder-= witter-; wyi-=wif-wyglere = wiglere ; wyht=wihtwyhtel f. quail. [Oer. wachtel]wyl- = weal-, wel-, wi(e)l- ; wyi- =wiel-wykrtJ pres. 3 sg. of wealoan.

wylf f. she-wolf.

wylfen I. adj. wolfish. II. f. she-wolf, fury,Gl.wyilscmoru=wealmoruwyllf. nwo/, LL(166n*).wyllen (i) made of wool, woollen.

wyloe =weoloo ; wyn=wynn; wyn-=win-wynbeam m. tree of gladness, holy cross,


wynblisf. jov, GD2«.wynburh f . delightful town, PPs 127*.

wyneondel f . pleasant light, «tin,Gu 1186.

wyndsegf m - *»y. of gladness.

+wynde n. weaving, Gl.wyndecraeft m. art of embroidery, Gl.wyndle f. wound, LL381[23].wyndream m. jubilation.

wyndreamnes f. jubilation, LPs 160*.

wyndrian=wundrian; wynehHwinewynele m. gladdening oil, PPs 108w.

wynfssst (e) joyful.

wynful full of bliss, joyful.

wyngeslti m. pleasant companion, PPslOO*.wyngraf mn. delightful grove, PPs94u.

wynigatf (M) = wunigao pres. pi. of wunian.

wynlandf (o*) n. land ofdelight.wynleast joyless.

wynllc pleasant, beautiful,joyful, adv. -lice,

wynlust m. sensual pleasure, JE.

wynmfig f. winsome maiden, Gv 1319.

wynn f. (occl. late as. wyn) joy, rapture,

pleasure, delight, gladness, AO [wine]

wynn- v. also wyn-, win(n)-.

wynnum joyfully, beautifully, [wynn]wynpsalterium n. psalm ofjoy, PPs6610


wynrdd f . blessed cross, Sol236.wynsang m. joyful song, W266*1


wynstatiol m. joyousfoundation, Rd928.

wynsum (e, i; once +wuns-j 'winsome,'

pleasant, delightful, joyful, merry, &,CP.+wynsunilan to rejoice, exult, DR.±wynsumllc adj. pleasant, delightful, adv.

-lice pleasantly, happily, M.wynsumnes (i) f. loveliness, pleasantness,

rejoicing, M.wynwerod n. * chorus,

9joyous band, Gl.

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wynwyrt f. pleasant plant, DD5.wynyng= winingwyorttmynd (BL)=weortimyndw^rMwir; wyrcMweorcwyroan (e, eo, i) to prepare, perform, do,

make, 'work,' construct, produce, effect, M,AO,CP. eastron w. to keep Boater, eat the

passover : amount to : (w. g.) strive after :

deserve gain, win, acquire.

+wyroe n. chitterlings (of pig).

wyreend m. worker, doer, M.wyrcnes f. work, operation, BH.wyrcta (Ep,MtL) = wyrhtawyrcung f. working work, DR.±wyrd f. (m? n?) fate, chance, fortune,destiny, iE,AO : Fate, Providence : event,

phenomenon, transaction, fact : (+) con-dition, ['wierd'; weoroan]wyrdan= wierdan+wyrde L n. speech, conversation : eloquence,

verbosity : ordinance. 1 1. = +wyroe+wyrdelic historical, authentic, M. adv.-lice eloquently '.accurately,verbatim : wisely,

OEG 208.

+wyrdellones f. eloquence,A 13-381"1.

wyrdgesceapum by chance, WW400**.+wyrdignes f . eloquence, OEG6488.+wyrdllan=+wierdanwyrdnes f. condition, state, Bo 128n.wyrdstaf m. decree offate, Gu 1325.wyrdwiitere m. historian, chronicler, M.wyred=werodwyregung = wyrgungwyrest=wierrest; wyrfan=hwierfanwyrg=wearg; wyrg-= werg-, wirg-, wyrig-wyrgan I. to strangle, M. ['worry*]II.=wiergan

wyrgcwedoi (e) ill-tongued, given to cursing.

wyrgowedollan to curse, VPs(e).wyrgcwedolnes (e1, i*) f. cursing, Pa.wyrgcwettan (e) to curse.

wyrged («) the devil, NG-wyrgednes v. aw.w$rgels = wrigel8

wyrgend (e) m. revUer, evildoer.

wyrgende given to cursing, W7018.

wyrgUu (ae, e) f . curse, condemnation, punish-ment : evil, wickedness.

wyrgung (e) f. curse, cursing, condemnation,banishment, M.+wyrht (eo) fn. work, deed, service : desert,

merit, AO,CP. mid gewyrhtum deserved-

ly : transgression : (f) decree offate?wyrhta m. 'wright,' artist, labourer, worker,

maker, creator, M,CF : (+) fellow-worker :

(+) accomplice.

wyri-=wearg-, wyrig-; wyrlan = wierganwyrlcean=wyrcan; wyrig =werigwyrlg- = wearg-, wyrg-wyrlgnes f. abuse, cursing.

wyrld=woruldwyrm (eo, o, u) I. m. reptile, serpent, snake,dragon, M,hQ : 'worm,' insect, mite.

[wurma] IL=wearm

wyrma=wnrma; wyrm*t=wynn«te(L)wyrmftte I. f. attack of worms, worm-eatenstate, A.Lcd. II. adj. worm-eaten, Lcd.±wynnan (a, e, i) to warm, make warm.wynnbaso red, scarlet, OET113".wynncynn n. serpent-kind, sort of serpent,

jE,AO.wyrmella= wnrmillewyrmfah adorned with figures of snakes,damascened? B1698.

wyrm-galdere, -galere (u) m. snake-charmer,M.

wynngealdor n. a charm against serpents?Lcd 148a.

wyrmgeard m. abode of serpents, Sol469.wyrmgeMAd n. swelling from snake-bite?Lcd 162b.

wyrmh&lsere m. diviner by serpents, WW441» %

wyrmhlw n. likeness ofa serpent, iELlO104 .

wyrmhord n. dragon's hoard, B2222.wyrmHc n. form of a serpent.

wyrmmelu n. worm-meal, 'pulvis e vermibusconfectus, ' Lcd.wyrmread (u1

) purple, scarlet, M.wyrms nm. virus, corrupt matter, M.±wyrmsan to fester, CP.+wyrmsed purulent.

wynnsele m. hall of serpents, hell, Jud 1 19.

wyrmshr&dng f . spitting up of matter,WW113>?

wyrmslg (u) purulent, WW.wyrmsttte m. snake-bite, W1881


wyrmstltsplung f. spitting up of matter,WW113s ?

wyrmwyrt f . worm-wort, Lcd.wyrn=weam; wyrnan =wiernanwyrp m. a throw, cast, Lk2241


wyrpan= wierpanwyrpe (=ie) m. revolution, change, recovery,

relief, improvement, [weorpan]+wyrpe n. heap? KC5-78» ; Mdf.wyrpel m. jess {in falconry), Wy87 (. ES37195).

-wyrplio v. scort-w.

wyrpst, wyrp© pres. 2 and 3 sg. of weorpanand wyrpan.

wyrrest=wierrest; wyrswwierewyrshr&cung= wynnshrsecingwyrsman= wyrmsanwyrst = ( 1) wrist ; (2) wierrest

wyrt (e, i) f. herb, vegetable, plant, spice, AOf

CP : crop : root, ['twrt']

wyrtbedd m. bed of herbs, Lcd.+wyrtbox f . herb or perfume box.

wyrtbratf m. fragrance, &.wyrtcynn n. species of plant.

wyrtcynren n. the vegetable world, LPs 146s.

wyrtdrenc m. herbal drink, medicine.

wyrteeeddrenc m. herbal acid drink, Lcd63b.

wyrtfaet n. scent-bottle, OEG.wyrtforbor n. restraint from action by the

operation of herbs (BT), Lcd 111b.

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wyrtgselstre f. witch who works with kerbs,


wyrtgeard m. {kitchen) garden, CPsl43u .

wyrt-gemang (JS) n., -gemengnes f. mixture

of herbs, spices, perfume.wyrtgyrd = wyrtgearddbwyrtlan to season, spice, perfume.wyrtlg garden-like?fuU of herbs? MLWP*wyrtmete m. dish of herbs, pottage, WW.wyrt-rum, wyrt-(t)ruma m., -rume f. root,

root-stock, CP : origin, beginning, stock.

[v. CC68Jwyrtrumlan to take root : (+) root out, DR.wyrttun, ±wyrtun (jE) m. garden.

wyrtttlnhege I garden enclosure, GD671*.

wyrtung f .a preparationofherbs,Lcd 1 '342u.

* wyrtwala (i, eo, ul; », e1) m. root, stock,


wyrtwalian (©*) to set, plant, root : root up,

iEGE.wyrtwalu f. =wyrtwalawyrtweard m. gardener, GD23 ; Jn20".wyrtwela = wyrtwalawyrtwweorowyrtfan to irrigate with manure, A36*77.

-fwyrtan I. (=ie) to value, appraise.

II.= +weoroanwyrtfe=weoro


+wyr*e (=ie) n. bulk, contents, amount, Lcd.wyrtfoland = yrtiland

wyrtflg I. fitting, deserved, A0266u . IL«worttig

wyrftlng m. fallow land? cultivated land?

WW495".wyruld- = woruld- ; wys-=wis(s)-wfscan (i) (w. d. pers. and g. thing) to 'wish,'

JE,AO,CP : adopt.

+wjfccednes f. adoption, RBL11M.

+w*seendllc desirable, CM 109 : optative

(mood), MGr. adv. -lice.

+wysclng (i) f. adoption, RB101.

wisdom (JE) = wlsd6m ; wyt= wit pron.

wyt-, wyt- =wit-, wit- ; wytt = wit pron.

wytuma m. paranymph, A13-30s1 . [=witum-boraT (BT)]

wy8- = wio*-

wyxtf pres. 3 sg. of weaxan.

ybllbtrende (OEG53M)=yfelberendeyean, ycean = iecan ^^yce f. 'parruca,' a kind of bird, WW468"(v. ANS 119-434).

yce (i) fm. toad, frog.

ycte pret. 3 sg. of yean.

ydaeges=Ida?ge8yddisc n? household stuff, furniture, posses-

sions, M. [ead]

*de=eode; ydeiMidel; ydes = idee

ydlsc =yddisc ; Jdl- = idl-

ytosdrype =yfesdrypeyfel I. adj. gsm. yfel(e)s bad, ill, Bl,Lcd,Mt :

* evil, ' wicked, wretched, Bl,CP,Mt. oomp.wiersa, wyrsa worse, superl. wierrest(a)t

wiersta, weorsta, wyr(re)sta worst, iE,AO.II. n. 'evil,' HI, wickedness, misery, B,Bl,CP O VPs

yfeladl f



cachexia, ' consumption,WW1 13u .

yfelberende (ybil-) bringer of evil tidings,

OEG53" (v. ANS85-310).yfelound evil, malignant, LPs.yfelcwedollan («) to speak evil, £RPs36n.

yfel-cwetiende, -cwetielgiende (EPs) evil-

speaking, SPs36M .

yfeld&d f. ill deed, injury, M.yfeldfida m. evildoer, M.yfeld&de evil-doing.

yfeldema m. wicked judge, NC335.yfelddnd m. evildoer, JnL18M.

yfeldonde evil-doing, LL(424").yfeldyslg 'stuUomalus,' WW 165"yfele=yfleyfelful malicious, wicked, A 11116".yfelglornes f . malice, wickedness, DR.±yfelian to inflict evil, hurt, wrong, injure,

Ps : become bad, grow worse, suffer, W.Vevil'l

yfellc, yfellic evil, bad,foul, ugly. adv. -lice,

yfellserrende persuading to evil, GPH390.yfelnes f. wickedness, depravity, JS ;CP.

[* evilness']

yfelsacend m. blasphemer (eoful-).

iyfelsactan to blaspheme, Bl 189 ; GD289.yfelsacung f . calumny, blasphemy.yfelseec (eoful-) n? blasphemy, El624.

±yfelslan (ebol-) to blaspheme.yfel-sprt&ce, -sprecende evil-speaking.

yfelsung (ebol-) f. blasphemy.yfeltlhtend m. inciter to evil, M.yfeltlhtende inciting to evil, M.yfelwlllende vicious, M,CP.yfelwlllendnes f . malice, LPs.yfelwllnlan to desire evily LPs.yfelwoerc n. evil deed. DR1031


yfelwyrcende evil-doing, M.yfelwyrde evil-speaking, ES 39*354.

yfemest superl. adj. highest, uppermost, CP.[ufan]

yfera =yferra ; yferdrype=yfesdrypeyferra comp. adj. after, subsequent : higher.


ylesf. =efesylesdrype (as1) m. 'eaves-drop,' ECU1U.

yng=ingyfle adv. (comp. wirs) evilly, badly, iU,

wrongly, miserably, 0,Ps. [ evil'"]

±yflian=yfelianyflung f. injury, GD197".yfmest= yfemest; ygett=iggati

*gland = igland; yg&ellce=ie8ellce

yhte = ihte ; f\= il ; ylca (M) = ilea

ylelan=elcian; yldwield; yle=ileylf, ylfe=8Blf, iefte

ylfet, ylfetu, ylfette (IE) =ilfetu

ylful (HGl629) =ieldful

yip m. elephant, WW;M. ['eip']


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ylpen (i) of an elephant.

ylpen- = elpen(d)- ; ylpesbftn=elpendbanyltsta=ieldesta wk. masc. superl. of eald.

yttwlst f T catching of birds, WW351«.ym-=ymb-, ymbe- ; ymb=ymbeymbarnan to travel round, BH28».ymbbegang=ymbgangymbbeorgan? to shield, defend.ymbberan4 to surround.ymbblgnes (bebig-) f. bending round, bend,circuit, sweep (of a river), BH42410


[biegan]ymbblndan* to bind round, MkL9".ymbbugan1 to bend round.ymbc&flan to embroider round, bedeck.

ymboeorfan* to circumcise, NG.ymbeeormes f. circumcision, JnR7n(-cornea).

ymbcerr (=ie) m. turning about, going,

migration, NG : tergiversation, trickery, DR.ymboerran=ymbcyrranymbolyooan to enclose, RPsl8X0 (. ES


ymbclyppan (i) to embrace, clasp, M.ymbolypping f. embracing, OEG4529 (erne-).

ymboyme m. assembly, convention, LL12(ymo-).

ymbcyrran (e1) to turn round, go round, makethe circuit of : overturn, change, NG.

ymbdringend=ymbhringendymbe I. prep. w. a. d. and adv. (of place)

around, about, at, upon, near, along, ]Chr :

(of time) about, at, after, before, ymb utanabout, by, around : (causal, etc.) about, inregard to, concerning, on account of, owingto. tioe y. litel soon after, y. been to set

about a thing. [* erode ] II. n. swarm ofbees, Lot> 1-384" ;Mdf.ymbe- =ymb-ymbeaht mp. 'collatio,' WW j OEG53n (v.

ES 11-492).

ymbeardlan to dwell round, VPs30".ymbebfttan to curb, restrain, Mst24st.

ymbeMgnes =ymbbignesymbeornan=ymbiernanymbesprdc f. conversation, comment, remark,criticism, M.

ymbe-ttanc, -Cone, -oanoa m. thought, reflec-

tion, CP.ymbetfencan=ymbtienoanymbeflridian to deliberate, think about, NG335.

ymb-ter (embef-) n., -faereld (M) nm.journey round, circuit.

ymbtestnes f. enclosure, DR.ymbtestnung f. monument, tomb, JnLlO41


ymbtotfmlan to embrace.ymbfaran* to surround,AO80M : travel round,GD490».

ymbfeng I. m. envelope, cover, OEG468.II. pres. 3 sg. of ymbfdn.

ymbferan to go about, journey round,44156 ;GPH396.

ymbfieogan1 to fiy around.

ymbfdn* to surround, encompass, embrace,grasp, seize, AO.

ymbfratewlan to decorate, surround withadornment.ymb-gan any., -gangan7 to go round,surround.ymbgang (eo1) m. going about, circuit, cir-

cumference, surrounding belt, AO.ymbgearwlan to clothe, dress, NG.ymbgedelf n. digging round, jEH2-408u.

ymb-gefratwlan, -gefretwian (VPs)=ymb-fretewian

ymbgeong (N) =ymbgangymbgeottng? f. pouring round, OEG (in-,

yn).ymbgerenian to adorn or deck round, BlPs143».

ymb-gesett, -geseten neighbouring,BH 2-362.

ymbgesettan =ymbaettanymbglrdan=ymbgyrdanymbgongMymbgangymbgyrdan (i) to gird about, encircle,

surround, M.ymbhabban to surround, AO : include, con-tain.

ymbhaga m. enclosure for bees, Lcd 1-396*.

[ymbe II.]

ymbhaldan =ymbhealdanymbhammen surrounded, covered,WW3401*.

ymbhangen pp. of ymbhdn.ymbhealdan' to encompass, Sat7.

ymbheaplan to heap round, crowd about,

WW.ymbhMlg=ymbhydigymbheglan to hedge round, M.ymbhepan=ymbhypanymbhlvran (WW381a)=ymbhepanymbhlennan (emb-) to surround, OEG24.ymbhoga m. care, anxiety, solicitude, con-sideration, CP.

ymbhoglan to be anxious about, LPs.ymbhdn7 to surround, deck, clothe.

ymb-hringan to surround, fence round, CP :

wind round, WW.ymbhringend m. attendant, member of aretinue, Gi*.



ymbhweorfan8 (e*, u1) to turn round, revolve

go round, encompass : tend, cultivate, CP.ymbhweorfnes f. change, revolution, DR37".ymbhweorft (e1) =ymbhwyrftymbhwerf- (u*, y1

) =ymbhweorf-ymbhwyrf (e, ea, eo, i) m. rotation, revolution,

turn : circle, extent, environment, circuit,

orbit, >E,CP : circle of the earth, orb, globe,

world, M,AO : region, district : cultivation,

M.ymbhyegan to think about, reflect on, con-sider.

ymb-h*de, -hydi- =ymbhjdig-ymbhydig anxious, solicitous, careful, sus-picious : to be observed, needing attention, &.adv. -lice.

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ymbhydlglic anxious, careful, solicitous.

adv. -Hoe.

ymbh?dlgnes f. anxiety, solicitude, M.ymbnygd f. anxiety, JBl.GD,ymbhygdig =ymbhydigymbhypan to press round, assail.

ymbhywung (-huung) f. circumcision, JnL

ymblernan8 (io, y) to run round.ymbtfedan to lead round, OET (VHy7M).

ymblSrglan (emb-) to provide with a rim,surround, OEG8m. [lftrig]

ymbllcgan* to surround, enclose, AO.ymbffttan1 to sail round, BH408**.ymbloclan to look round, NG.ymbloflan to praise, LPslie1


ymbljtm.cirdetcircuit,circumference,&ATl ?

ymbren n. 'Ember-Hide, Ember-day, LkJLL.[ymbryne]

ymbrendffig m. Ember-day.ymbrene =ymbryneymbrenfsesten n. periodical fast (at Ember-tide), M.

ymbren-wlce, -wuce f. Ember-week, LL78[43].

ymbrigdag=ymbrendflBgymbrlne =ymbryneymbryne (e*, i

%) m. revolution, circuit, course,

anniversary, JE : lapse of time, M.ymbsotewlan to look round, NG.ymbsceawlendllce adv. circumspectly, BH450".

ymbsoeawung f.'

circumspection lookinground, DR.ymbsdnan1 to shine round, M.ymbflcrfflan1 to revolve about, BfsT20aM.

ymbscrydan to clothe, M. [scrud]

ymbsonwan to screen, defend Cobumbrare'),EPsl39*.

ymbeo^nan=ymbscmanymbstan (N) =ymbseon II.

ymbsellan to surround, enclose, beset, M,ymbston I. sv* to look round. 11. {.behold-

ing, regard.

ymb-set, -setl n. siege.

ymbsetennes f. siege.

ymbsetnung f. sedition : siege.

ymbsett neighbouring, BH362.ymbsettan to set round, surround, beset, en-

compass, M : plant.

ymb-sierwan, -sirwan pree. 3 sg. -sirett to

design, plot, CP : lay in wait for.

ymbslttan* to set round, surround, invest,

besiege, jE,AO,CP : sit over, reflect upon."ymbslttendf m. one living near, neighbour.

ymbsmftagung (embe-) f. consideration,WW165».

ymbsn&tt, ymbsniden, pret. 3 sg. and pp. ofymbsnioan.

ymbsnidennes f. circumcision, M.ymbsnlfan1 to circumcise, M.ymbspnnnlng f. allurement, NC335.ymbspannan* to span or clasp round, em-brace, BH392*.

ymbsprftc f . conversation,comment, criticism,


ymbspr&ce} spoken about, weU known.ymbsprecan* to speak about, Lk 19*.

ymbstandan* to stand around, surround.ymbstandend m. bystander, M (emb-).ymb-standennes, -standnesVcircumstantialPss.

ymbstrlcan to smooth round, Loi>36b.ymbstyrlan to stir about, overturn, LkL158


ymbswftpe f. digression, WW5*.ymbswapan7 to sweep round, environ :

envelop, clothe.

ymbswape =ymbsw»peymbswlfan1 to revolve round, NC352.ymbsyllan=ymbsellanymbsyrwan=ymbsierwanymb-trymlan, -trymman (JE,CP) to sur-round : fortify, protect.

ymbtryinmlng m. fortification, M.ymbtynan to hedge round, surround,W 146w.

[tun]ymbtyrnan to turn round : surround.ymbtteahtian to consider, reflect, CP.ymbttoncan to think about, consider, GP.ymbttonc=ymbeftancymbtireodlan (embtSryd-) to deliberate, Gl.ymbtfreodung (i, y) f. deliberation, con-sideration.

ymbtfringan* to press round, throng about.

ymbftrlngend=ymbhrinsendymbtfrydung =ymboYeodungymbQtan prep. (w. a.) and adv. around,about, outside, beyond, AO,CP.ymbwftlan to clothe, LPs44».ymbwsBrlan to turn (oneself) about, turntowards, NG.ymbweaxan* to grow round, surround, AO.ymbwendan to turn round : turn away,avert.

ymbwendnes f. transmutation, change.

ymbwendung f. reviving, quickening i

behaviour, DR.ymbweorpan8 to surround, Av 1665.

ymbwlclgan to surround, beleaguer, Ex66.

ymbwlndan' to clasp round, hold : windround.

ymbwlatlan to contemplate,M 146".ymbwlatung t. contemplation, M.ymbwrltan1 to score round, circumscribe,

Lcd 124a.ymbwyroan to hedge in, wall in, CP : weave,MtL27».

ymbyrnan=ymbiernanymoyme=ymbcymeymel (©, e) m. weevil, mite, beetle, caterpillar,

JEQ*;QT>(e).ymele, ymle f. scroll, M.ymen m. 'hymn,' sacred song, Bl,Pss. [L.

ymenboc f. book ofhymns, BH484*8.

ymener=ymnereymensang m. hymn, GD,AJPb.ymestoe blind, ;EH 1-418".

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YMEST 372 YWANymast=yfemeet ; ymle (&) =ymeleymmon, ymn=ynienymnere m. hymn-book, EG260. ['hymner '


L. hymnarium]ymnyttan=emnettan; ymon=ymenymryn©=ymbryne ; yn-=in-ynce m. 'inch,

1LL,Sol. \L. unoia]

yndse f. ounce, AO : piece of money, shekel.

\L. unoia]yngrUn=hyngrian; ynn-=inn-ynneltec (ene-, yne-, ynni-) n. onion, Gl.ynse, yntse {M)=ynaaeyplen (WW) =ypplen±yppan to bring out, open, manifest : disclose,

display, reveal, betray, CP : come forth, be

disclosed : (+) utter.

yppe I. (u) f. upper room : raised place, high

seat, tribune : stage, platform, WW 150*.

II. evident, known, open, manifest.

ypping f. manifestation : accumulation,

extent, expanse? Ez498.yppinglren (ip-) n. crowbar? LL4651S (or ?

oippingiren ANSI 16- 164).

ypplen n. top, height, OEG 2862.

ypte prat. 3 sg. of yppan.Sr I.f >n. name o/ the rune for y : bow? :

poW? Aom? Run 27. IL m. ftadb o/ use,

CHR1012.yretfu=iergou; yrd=eard; yrd-=yrtS-

Jre (pi. oran) f. a coin of Danish origin,

BC3-37P.yren= iren

yrefiweorh (Jul90 ? )= ierreoweorh

yrfmn to inherit : leave {by will).

yrfcwealm (a*) m. murrain, Chb986ce. [orf


yrfe=ierfeyrfeMc fp. will, testament, M.yrfeowealm =yrfcwealmyrfefyrst m. legal formality or delay before

entering on an inheritance, WW 116*.

yrfeged&l n. division of an inheritance, M.yrfegefllt n. dispute about an inheritance,

EC145".yrfegawrit n. will, testament, charter, EC 146.

yrfehand (e1) f. natural successor, EC 11114,

yrfelaf f. bequest, inheritance : heir, Ex 403.

yrfeland n. inherited land, CP(ie).

yrfeltas unprovided with cattle, TC16217(ie).

yrfe-numa, -nama (MF179) mf. heir,

successor, M.yrfestdlf m- hereditary seat, home.yrfeweard m. heir, son, AO,CP(ie).±yrfeweardlan to inherit, CLSPs.yrfeweardnes f. heritage, CP(ie).

yrfeweardwrltere, yrfewritend m. will

writer, testator, M.yrlweard-=yrfeweard-; +yrgan=eargianyrgU, yrgtfo, yrhou=iorgouyrm- = eorm-, ierm- ; yrnan = iernan

yrrewierre ; yrs-=iers-

yrsobln f . iron 6osc,LL466[17]( ? = iBern,BT).

yrt (ea; »ie) f. ploughing, tilling, LL :

standing corn, crop, produce, BH. [' earth*]yrttland («, ie) n. arable land, CD,WW ; M.['earthland']

yrttting (», e, eo, i) m. husbandman, farmer^ploughman, WW;M : wagtail? ANS119-434. ['earthling']

yrtttilla=eor$tilia ; ys=k, v. wesan.yswis; ysel=esol; ysele=ysle?sen, ysern =isen, iaern

Jil, fsle f . spark, ember, JB. [' iscl']

yslende glowing, WW236".ysopef.,ysopo(indecl.) 'hyssop,*JRJsca\VP.Jit f . storm, tempest, hurricane, AO.CP.y»tan to storm, rage, 0E6.$stas = estas np. of est.

fstlg stormy, of the storm.

yt= itt pres. 3 sg. of etan.

ytan I. to drive out, banish, Chb1068d :

squander, dissipate, RB664. [ut] II.=

utanTtas= Iotassternest superl. adj. uttermost, extreme, last,

AO,CP. on ytemestum sf5e * in extremis.*


ytend m. devastator, WW232".yteren made of otter-skin, AO 1


n. [otor]

yterra=uterraytetJ=iteC, pres. 3 sg. of etan.

?tlng f . outing, journey, M.*/t-mest, -mast=ytemestyist, ytt=itst pres. 2 sg., itt pres. 3 sg., ofetan.

yttera, yttra = uter(r)a

yU I. f. wave, billow, flood, M,CP : (f) sea :

liquid, water. II.=IeCyU-=eat5-, ie$-

y*an = (l)Ioan; (2)yogianfftbord n. ship? ship's side? Cba57.y«eg=yCig; y*egan=yt$gianyUfaruf f. wave-course, flood.

fttgablandf n. wave-mixture, surge.

yttgewtnnf n. wave-strife, life in (he waves.yttgian to fluctuate, flow, surge, CP : roar,


^Hgung=y0ungytthengest m. {wave-horse), ship, Che 1003s.yUhoff n. water-dwelling, ship.

yUlan {M) =yogianyUlg billowy, stormy, JSL167*.

yUlad f. sea-voyage, B228.yUlaff f . aaTwi, More, freacA.

yUlIdf n. «atp, vessel.

fttlida m. ti»ve-travef«er, *Atj), B198.^Smearhf m. sea-horse, ship.

ySmare m. ocean of waves, Ph94.fSung f. agitation, commotion, M : «n-

undation, M.fKworlgende wandering on the waves, WW243».

ywan, ywian =iewan


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