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I'ubliahn] every Fridav gvenlng, Vy

GEO. S. MERRILL & (>,., Proprietors,

Ow. £•*« A- 4*MH fid., l^iereiiw.

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Ko charge of less Ui.rione square, (one Inch.) Assignees' ami Administrator*' Notices, »3.»;

HMMH|MIM1; rrolxw tml othur Legal HalltM, (!i]n r «riu:irr for Ihreo liisurtlonaor lee*.

Smwlel Xotlrv-. Xi per com, extra. KoUeu*in rawllne; column*, !«u ccnti por Una. HO

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TA» •IrwHlaf Ion •/ lAa tawrtaM <laMfi> tan 4a ware (Ami TUItKK TZMMB thai •/ any other irrrlrltf paper »«>***» *< »» (Jala

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laa a/*rg* atrralatlaa omeSag I public, affording a very deilrnble advcitlslDg



si n.s< iti|'TinN»-lN ADVAKCIt.

One Year. ■ • ■ 91 M | Six Moaiba, . •|I« W htn no) paid la ad reece, at-


ri/jr. AMKmiCAX

STRAM PRINTING OPFICR I* thr large*! aad tnusi thoronjrhlr furalesved I eastern Ma**aciiH**tta, II .1 (lag Hit- aMI Improve* Mudrru I'r, ss*s,eud with eon steal osfcUUOM ef the


aad alih «ur rxinHvpvariety ol work, we ara able to furnish the Bait Quality of Work, aapedl • iloaily, and at low priori. Order« by sail promptly III ltd.

080.8. MERRILL a CO., Proprietors, 1M MUX »T„ LAWPItWCt.






**>. 7 I*fv^rrano© -treat,


Semi-Centcnuial Expose.




JULY 1, 1869.

Cash Assets-, •5,352,582.06

Total Liabilities, 266,782,33


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IT'S H"i'i;UK UsefuIociB and Duly must bu

shaped and meuered only by the Wraith and

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fourth! of the Insurance Companies

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difficulties in a profession based on calamity and

mlifortune, with an Important part or It"

development In Ibe sphere of broad human

benevolence. It la a rare and uncommon event

for one of theie tnatltnllona (o make Ita fiflietk

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Another of life'* plained old lessons, "A* you

•ow that yon iball reap." Hatei and term* na liberal at comiatenl with

moderate profit and lubatanllal lecarily.

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No. 7 Lawrenoe atreet,




baa a remedy f« dlaemaa wr*a wrMed. Oa Ml la and ralleya iboaml with root* and berbrwWehJ^ MlentlaVally prepared and oowtponidrd. wlllirr- •tor< health and *t«or to the In.aUd To And nek a remedy we aiiowld tr«k one that baa »taod tbe te»t of Bf c.


n wai placed before the public, thirty year* MMM all the prejudice of *o called "P"1'"1 mrdleloc" operatloKiialnatIt; but«raduallr It* aaae known, and now, to-day. It *und* at Ibe bead »f all nrawaration* of il> alan.wlta thaaw- Kme~c^!n"ntJiLd1;c-,l.wyeM,eJeTa7men *nd pbyilolana.

Head IhefJllowlnn *ympiotn»,aDd If you ded that your iy»tein In affected bv any of them, you may re«t auuretl tint tuaaajl ha* commrm* 1 it* attacka on the mo*t Important orR*u* of your body, and unlcm anon chenkeil by the u«o of pnw- eriul remedle*. a mlieiable llfp, aoon terminating In death, will bo tlic mult:—

ilontlipalion, Flatulence. In-

ward Pile*, Fullnen* of Blood to the Head,

Acidity of tbe Stomach, Nauiea, marthurn, Dl«-

iruit fur Food, Fullnc** or Welrht in tbe Stomach. Sour Kructatiom, Sinking or Flat-

terlna at thB Hiot tlieHtomach, Swimmlni of Ihc Head. Hurried or

Dilbcult Breathing. Flutterlnn at the Heart, Choklna or Suffooatlni Senia-

llou* when In nLylnir Po.ture, Dlmue.* of VlaloD, Dot* or Wrbi before the hlaht.

Dull Pnln In the Head, Deflelency Of Per- ipiration, Yellownea* of the Skin and Kyei

Pain In the Side, Hook, Cheat. Limb*, etc.. Sudden Flu*he* of Heat, Burning In

tbe Flc*h, Conatant IrnarlBlng* of K*ll and tlreat Depre*rion ol

Spirit*.-AH tb**o Indicate Dlaeate of the LUer or

Dljteative Organa com- bined with Impure









They will Purify the Blood.

They will give Tone to the System.

They will give Strength to the Deblli


They will give Energy. *

They will give Health and Vigor.

They do all thla by PURIFYING THE BLOOD

and itrengthcntng the





I* eaUrely yen-HaMr .end contain* no liquor. It la a compound or Khild K*tract*. Tha Root*, Herb*, and Bark* from which there extract* are made, are gathered In (iermany; all the medical ylrluea are extracted from term bra Bclrnlirio chemUt. Tbete extract* aro then forwarded to till* country fo be u*cd eaprrialy for the manu- facture of thla Bitter*. There I* no alcoholic *ab- itance of any kind u*ed In compounding the Bitter*; hence It 1* free from all tbe object Ion* In- cident to the ii- ■■ of a liquor preparation.



__wllb rum and agreeable Savoring ex-

MISS H. S. ANDERSON, Would mott retpectfully Inform her former cui- tdmer* and the publl-*. that aho now occuple* the ■tore formerly occupied by C AM rIIEI.I. it TAYLOR,

Cor. of Newbnry oaat Eaaei Streela,

Wnere *be la now prepared to ihow Uie beat and l-AIKST STYLES OF

Fall and Winter Millinery,

Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Flowers,

Laces and Ribbons.

Alio, a One lot of Ladle*'Wear, In Cotton and Woolen Oooda, In Balmoral*, oprlna Bklrti, French and American Coraet*, Under VcaU, Ho.e, Olorei, Collar*, Cuff*, Uaakercblef*. Clond*, Hood*, Sbawlt, Mlltcn.. For Children'* Wear, all kind* and description*.

Mill Andernn would al*o call attention to her

DresB Making Department, Where you can hare yonr Dreaae* and Cloak* Fitted, by tho moat oompatent hand*, aad at the l.oweat Prl«a In lh. rity. She alao keepe Water- proofa, of all iiualltle* lor Cloak*, and TrimrnUf* oralldeicrlptlona, for both Dreiaci and Cloak*,

V el re la, Frfag-ca, Taaaela, Bulloaa,

Mui'lilm- Htltolklnir. I'liiUlnit ■ind estumpliiu.


Soap and Candle Factory, L. UHAOH * BOM, Proprietors,

llanuiacturan o

Scouring I Fulling Soaps For Woolen Hllli, Hat HaanraMoriaa, etc.

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow, NHAT'S FOOT OIL, ETC.

Our houso having been ••tablUh- od upwards of twenty yoars, with faollltla* to command tha beet •took in tho market, and a manu- factory perfect In every detail, un- der our constant suparvlslon, pur- chaser! oan rely on finding the quality of all our gooda aa ropra*

Corner of Lawrence & Maple Sts., J-1 LAWBKNCK.

or all the ingredli-nttof the Bitter* cotnbl Kre SanUCrat rum and agreeable flam „

iet*. Ita nac I* recommended when *omepuro ■tlmnlaut li reqnlrrd In connection with the tonlo propertloe of the Blttcra.

I.on of Appetite, Loia of Appetite, LaM of Appetite, I I,-.. of Strength, l.oiaof Strength, l.oi* of Strength, I.o*i ol Sleep, I,oa« of Sleep, Loaa of Sleep,

Lo** of Nerrou* Action, Loi* of Nerrou* Action, Loai of Nerron* Action, Broken DownSy*icui, Broken Down Hy*Iem», Brokan«9own Syitem*. Snfferera from Dyipepila,

Sufferer* from I.lvcr (Jomphilat, Sufferer* from Headache, Sufferer* from Headache,

TESTIMONY like the following wa* never before offered in be-

half of any medicinal preparation ;—

HUN ■ OBOROE W. WO0DWAKD. Chief Judloe of the Supremo Court Ot Penniyl-

V»HIH write*; pun.AI*KI.rut A, March tu, 18*7.

I And "Hoofland'* liormiii Hitter*" liagood tonic, uteful In dl*ea*et of the dlge*tlve organ*, and of great benefit In cete* of debility, and want of nervou* action In the ayatem.

Your*, truly, GBO. W. WOODWAED.

UON.JAUKB THOMPSON, Judge of th* Supreme Court of Penn*)Irani*:

run AnKirin A , April','«, IBM. 1 cou-I.Lr "IloofUrirt,» Herman Bitter*" a valu-

able medicine In ca*e of ntlack* ol Indlgeitlon or ■Jyapeuiia. I can certify thi* from my experlr— Ot if. Yean, with rflaaaat



DR. A. W. HOHI.ANK, auoosaoK TO


)FJNT1BT, ■Ml tun ST.,


•aT-Nllroai Oxide (Ja* AdmlnUtered.

a-Befereaee-Faoalty, Pblla. Dental College

New No. 9S8 Ewe* *■. (old No. 142.)

IJON.aKOBQK BRARSWOOD, Jurilee of the Supreme Court of renmylvnnla

1'iiii.Ai.JMini, .in in- i.isati. I hare found by experience that "Uoofland'a

German Hitter*" 1* every good tonlo, relieving dyiiH'iilic nymiiium* almoat dlreotly. qy.pepiic > p.o GEOK,Jt: flifAKSWOOD.

HON. WM. F. BOGEBU, Mayor of the city of Buffalo, N. T. MAvou'aOmcalBurr*Lo,Jnae23,'de.

I tiavn atSn "Hoofland'* German Bitter* and Tonlo" In my family during thepait year,andI can reromiuend ihtm ■• an excellent tonic, Imparting tonn and vigor lo tbe *yitem. Their u*e ha* been productive of deddrd.y benrflrUl jftj*^,.^

U0N.JAME8 M.WOOD, Ex-Mayor of Wllllamiport, Pa,

I take great plranre In rrcommendlef "Hoof- land'* German Tonic" lo any one who may he af- flicted with Dy«pep*la. I bad the Dy.pep.l* IO badly It wa* imponlble to keep *ny lood on my ttomaih, «'d I became to weak at not to be able to walk half am" ed a perfect cure,

jnUH EUTKKMAUKB.Eaq., A i.awj er of Willlamaport, Pa.

Tin* li In leilli'y tiiut I have uM'd "Houfland'l German Bitten" for Dyapcpala, and found It at UtvalnibU- ■ ■ ■>. ■ ■ ■ v-


CAUTION, llootlonU'* German remedle* are counterfeited.

Sea that the .Ignelure of C. H. JACKSON I* ou Hie wrapper or ench bottle. All otbera arc coun- terfeit. Principal Office aud Manufactory at the Oerma ■ Medicine Store, No. 631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

ril AH. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. «. JACKSON A CO.

PRICES: Hoofland'* Herman Bitter* per botue, $1.00 Hoofland'* German littler* per half dot. 6.00 Hoofland'* German Tonic, put up In quart bot-

tle*, jfJO per bottle, or a half doaen for tr.Mi. »#-I»u not fOrget to examine well the article

yon bay, In order to get the genuine.

For gale by all Druggists anil Dealers in Medicine everywhere.

For sale by \V. C. 11KIGIIAM. Lawrence. «axfl»leop*ly*ep3S


How varied the eniotloni of the human mind wlierflitewteaexpreHiedIn ao lew words becomes aTOislble reality, and to a reflective mind how forcibly does the thought of a new era In the history of time react, and Instinctively as It were, set the busy mind io work te retrace the years that have fled and depart*) Into the baie of obscurity. How wonderfully active la the soul of man during these way-mnrkx or life, and sueb we may aptly call the exit and advent of passing and approaching seasons. All the prom- inent Incidents of past life are brought before the eye of tho imagination, while the minor scenes are mhre Iwdlsllnrtly viewed bv the partially obscured vision of tho soul. Tin ee other words are sadly sounding on our ear?, even as we greet tho advent of the ne-v year,—the old year. What it sense ol solemn awe thrilU oiirflouls when we realize ltn departure, when we whisper a sad farewell, forever, and chant a mournful requiem over Ils hoary head Is id low! We remember 'twas as bright and fair when 11m we greeted Us light a» the present year, and how our ardent wish was, that It might prove happy. On some It smiled, aad beauteous Mowers ofhappinees sprung up around them; their skies were fair, tlielr daya were days of joys and pleasure, and to'them the old vear brought only peace and delight. 0. would that all could have enjoyed Its fleeting pleasures! but alas, to others It was n season of nfllle- lion. sorrow, and death! How many bright hopes have we seen crushed, how many fond anticipations doomed lo bitter disappointment, how many strong hearts and brawny hands have been shorn of their strength .and stiffened lu tho em- brace of death! how many ties of kin- dred, rendered doubly dear by long com- panionship have been torn asunder; and when the keen affliction of bereavement has been experienced, bow fast have fal- len the tearB. and how frequently have been heard the sighs of grief stricken mourners since the past "new year." How many vows have been made and broken, bow many schemes formed and abandoned, how many striving between the spirits of Good nod Evil, and who shall tell tbe countless supplications breathed from sincere hearts to the Giver of every blessing; hew many wanderers have been reclaimed from paths of vice. and how many changes, in as many ways have been wrought during the old year. Truly, each season brings Its vicissitudes, and eacb yenr Its own variations.

On passing Irom the old to the new year, wo are reminded that we are surely progressing towards the limit of the journey of life. Each succeeding revolu- tion of the great circle of time <wrrles "B nearer and nearer the dreaded goal of Human probation, until at last the final turn to us arrives, anil then we must bid adieu to life and time, and enter upon that existence which admits of no limita- tions. Nor months, nor years comprise Its vast domains, but all is Immeasurable Eternity? Hew awfully grand the con- ception, how overwhelming must be the lullnite reality!

To counterbalance the thoughts of the past, our hopeful souls enueavof to thread the labyrinths of futnrlty.and we traverse with ardent hope the coming scenes of the New Year; we picture to ourselves beau- tiful visions of happiness in store, and fresh pleasure we fondly covet for the new year. We talk of wealth and gain. and seem to think that soon (lie acme "i our desire will he realized; we boast of health, and desire to feel that the Invigor- ating Influences of the coming year may help that blessing to maintain Its sway. We talk of friends, and speak In terms of affection to those we love, desiring thnt all may still enjoy a share of our regards. and that those in whom we have confided miiy coutlnue worthy of our love through- out the coming year. In fact, wo long. we look, we deaire that joys as yet un- tested may be our portion through the advancing seasons. On the other hand we glancn with stealthy eye upon the pos- sibilities that may ensue, and simply give a hasty thought upon the dark and oft- recurring mls-haps whleh befall our way. Perhaps our path will be pleasant, and the sun ot peace Bhlne upon us; let me but wish that thus It may be. and let me but knew that my wish could be thy Dicta* Ing. then would I wish thee joy; l'-l wish that tho vernnl Spring may refresh Ihee. and its balmy Influence Impart the flush of health to thy cheek; that the first flow- ers of spring may bloom for thee and shed their fragrance lor thy delight; that ibe suubeams Boon may shlue upon thee with genial rays and light tbine onward path, and the sylvaa bowers shield Ihee from the sultry glare oft he noontide hour; that the air perfumed with imbroslal odors, and the leafy bowers with warblers notes resounding, may calm thee tollstless rest, or lull tbee to repose. I would wish that Autumn with Its mellow fruit and golden grain may gratify thy tastes, and the hues of the forest captivate thine eyes; that its stores of goodly things may enrich thee, and give thee sustenance nnd life. I would wish that winter wlih Its cold blasts, may whlBtle around thy home In vain, that Its sighing, and nioanlng-through the leafless trees may give thee keener relish for thine own fireside, and the crystal snows Hint old Winter so lavishly scatters all around, may not distress thee, but prove a source of comfort and Joy. and when all the Joys summed up herein shall have transpired, I would wish thee many succeeding sea- sons of parallel felicity, until at last, whet thy year of life shall have attained unto its winter, may thy soul's true state form a fair likeness of purity even as the win trr snow. VlATOIt.

Salem, N. H-, Jan. 1870.

SATURDAY NIGHT. — Safurday night makes people human, sets their hearts te beating softly, as they used to do before the world turned them Into war drums and Jarred them to pieces with tattoos. The ledger closes wltn a clash, the iron- doored vaults come to with a bang, up go the shutters with a will, click goes the key In the lock. It Is Saturday ntght. and business breathes free again. Home- ward, hot The doer that has been ojuf all the week gently closes behind him. the world Is all shut out. Shut out? Shut In, rather. Here are his treasures after all. and not hi the vault, ami not in the book—save the record In the old fam- ily Bible—and not lu the baak. Maybe you are a bachelor, frosty and forty. Then, poor fellow. Saturday night Is nothing to you. just as you are iiothinir to any bod v. Get a wife, blue-eyed or black-eyed; but, above all, true-eyed. Get a little home—no matter how lltile— a sofa. Just to hold two or two and n t»:ilf. and then get tho two or two HIUI a luilf In It, of a Saturday night, and then rend this paragraph hy the light of your wife's eyes, and ihank (>od aud take courago. .

A GAME Of BLUFF.—We heard the other day a good "(loak" on one of the young "blooda" of this city who went down to the edge of the Arkansas on bun- loess. Willie down there he went to a party, and while at Hie party danced often, and became very familiar with one of (he settler's wives. Cackeusack stood il long as he ceuld, but finally becoming enraged he went up to the blood and says: "Look here. Mister, that Is my wife you are dancing with." "Well, what of Bf was the reply- "Why this: you dance with her again; you apeak to her; you even look at her again; and I'll blow the top of your head oil!'1 "Now, look here,'' said the blood, coolly; "do you BOO that umbrella setting tharf" "Well, 'spose I do!" "Well, you handle that umbrella, and I'll ram It down your throat, and FU spread it}" Rackensack •'snooted."— Port Sent Prtu.

Tun FOCB GATES OF HELL.—William Reynolds of Peerla Is well known ns an enthusiastic worker In the Sabbath Hchon) cause. He Is perhaps better known than any other man In tbe State, and we give the following story as he tells it. aa uenr as we can remember. He was In the Southern part of the state recently, organ- izing Sunday Schools, when he encoun- tered a hard-shell Baptist neighbor hood. The minister settled over the little flock looked with jealou«y upon the move- ments of the new light, aad Anally an- nounced his Intention of preaching a ser- mon against them. On the Sabbath des- ignated, the Sunday school men gathered in force, when the preacher announced the well known text:

"Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

After giving Peter n good setting out, Ihe minister closed as follows: Id that peculiar singing tone that Is Indescribable, except lo those who have heard It:

•Yes. my brcthcring. all—an' tilt gates of hell SIIHII not prevnll agin it, nh. Now you would like to know nil nbont these ere gates ol hell, ah! Well, my brother- In, there air lour gates to hell, ah!

'That is ftistly. the Sunday Bchool sys- tem, ah. Thai there Is one gate to hell, nh, whnr they bring young men, and wluimcu together. HII, and under the Idee of teachin'on em Ihe Bible, they set em hnnkerln' after one another, ah, and so open wide that gate of hell, nh.

'An' tlic next gate o'hell. Is wuss'n the fust. nh. That tlinr Is Bible So-cMtles, ah, whnr they put the word Into the hands o'them as lialnt larnltt' sufficient ah, fur to understan* It, nh; an1 this here, breth- erlng, Is one of the wust gates o'hell nh, which we read about In the Bible, ah.

'An the uext gate o'hell, my brether- ing. Is temperance societies, ah, whnr they go rite into yer house and bust Into yer rooms, ah, and try to dlskiver ef ye hav any thin' ah that Is good fur the stum- mlck's sake nh, and when they And It. they spill It out onto the grouu'ah, and let It run to waste, ab.

[Signs of dissatisfaction among his church members. Greatly excited, he continued:]

'Yes, bretherlng, they do, ah They are houn' to bust up all o' our bizness, an'—an' ah, thnrby they open another gate o'hell ah. Thero are the men that air. all. goin1 to come amongst us. and prevail nh agin the rock on which 1 will foun' my church, ah. Yes, bretberlng. ah, they sot out to do It, ah. an1 we must iine hguds. ah' an' war agin them, ah, that they she! not prevail, ah.

'An' the next gate o'hell, ah, my breth- erlng, Is the republican party, ah. [Signs of applause from his auditors.] Yls, bretherlng, ah. the republikln party, ah, wot hez set all the niggers free, uh, ami turned'cm agin thar master*, all. again them ns put thar nmnev In 'em. nh. nit' liez chceted and robbed the south, ah. onten It's nateral rites, an' the gates o'hell shel not prevail again it, ah.'

Wo can give the preacher's tinme and address' if necessary. The party were toe much amused te take accurate uotea. But Mr. Reynolds himself will vouch for the truth of what wo have written. Truth is stranger than fiction.

THE TALK OK A SIIIKT.—Hcpry Clay P JNit.-the meat Waxtorn copperhead ora- tor, has the reputation of being the filthi- est white man who ever addressed au au- dience. Ho seldom wears a clean shirt. How he got Ihe last two he ever were. Is pleasantly told by tho Wintersct (Iowa)

Years ngo. when Mr. Albert West was one of the leading Democrats of this coun- ty. Henry Clay Dean enme to WlnterBCt to make a Democratic speech. Mr. We«t, who has an unfaltering aversion to dirty shirts. Informed the Committee that Dean should not speak unless he put on a clean shirt. Demi wns ihe possessorof only one ot those useful articles, and that was on his back. Tho only remedy was to bor- row, and Mr. West was the only Demo- crat whose physical proportions were sufficiently developed lo require n sblrt long enough to tit Dean. Henry Clay was accordingly ensconsed in the bank- er's "Anc linen." mnde his speech, and departed In triumph, hearing off a Ave- dollar shirt belonging to Mr. West. Tho shirt was never heard from until the fall of 1808, when Dean enme to Wintersct to make another speech.

That time he took up hU abode with our genial friend, George W. Seevcrs. Now. George has a cleanly desire to see folks look tidy, and Dean's shirt was an abomination in his eyes. He therefore suggested to the orator that be would do well to get on the Inside of a clean one before addrexsing tho people. Dean ac- quiesced In Ihe theory of the change, but lacked the clean garment necessary to put it in practice. George promptly tendered him one of his own. Dean accepted the offer, and made his speech arrayrd In George's bestuhlrt. Denn weighs about 300; George ICO. Dean has n large sur- plusage of abdomen; George is "bulll" as trim nsn racehorse. Tlieconncquencv (if this dissimilarity In SIZB made It Impos- sible for George's shirt to At worn in the ordinary manner.

But the orator wns full of expedients. mill by putting on the shirt wrong end down and tall up he " made tho riffle "' astonished bis hide by bringing It In con- tact with clean linen, electrified the audi- ence by the size of his shirt collar, and at the close of his address continued his travels to anol her point, taking our friend's shirt with him.

Mr. Denu left his soiled garment In the room. And when, preparatory to its being wasbed. It was carried out on a chip into tbe sunlight, there, on one corner ot its narrative, appeared the name—Albert West. Eleven 3'eara that shirt had abode on the back of the orator. The great re- bellion, the total eclipse, the Pacific Rail- road, the election of three Presidents—all had passed away before our eloquent hero found time to change his shirt; and when (he great change was made, he kindly returned to the spot where he got his first clean shirt to Invest in his second one. ♦•■♦■o-cj ■

A MOHMON BHUTK. — Tho Mormons

have among them n man named Porter

Rockwell, who appears u> come as near

being a bruto ns It Is possible for one

gifted with Ihe powers of reason. HE

has gained notoriety as ono of Hie lead

ers orBrlghain Young's murderers. Tin

Cor In ne Reporter says of him:—

"At the meeting recently at Salt Lake City, at whleh Colfax s|ioke, tilts llend Rockwell was allowed t<> be present In a drunken condition, and permitted to in- terrupt the spetker hy BOW andlhen cry- ing out 'All wheat.' If It hud been a Gentile in a Mormnti miciliig, alas, poor GetitHe. good bye to you; but this Por- ter Rockwell was not molested. Not only so. but after Col tux bad finished this drunken (lend Rockwell wns put upon the stand lo Insult our nation's Vice President. During tha time this Rockwell occupied ihe stand and tried to speak, he must perforce boast of his mur- ders, which was applnudcd by the Mor- mon thrung. 'I never killed anv one but needed killing.' says this. .Saint Rockwell. 'I never murdered any one that didn't need murdering. I never shot a person that didn't need shooting,' snya the flend, and these horrid confessions were ap- plauded by that dehnscrl, licentious and blasphemous crowd of Mormon**"

That was a musical time In a Georgia family not long ago, when a mother and her two daughters each bore twins, ihe same day, under the Bame roof.

Aad now Tom's River has put In ita claim for the national cnpltol Bite. Hut Is whiskey abuudaut In that locality?


Olty Government OF 1870.

The City nail was Ailed to Its utmost

capacity this morning, the gallery as well aa the lower floor. There were perhaps

a dozen or twenty ladles In the lower part

of the house, and twenty or thirty In the

gallery. The audience was called to order

by His Honor Mayor Davis, who called

upon the City Clerk to read the result of the election for eity offerer*. The follow

log list of Ihe officer* eject was rend :

A i. ii KB WEN,

M.S. Dodge, John R, ferry, James Payne, John Hart, Win. Bower, Alonzo Wlnkloy.


Ward 1,—T. J. Cote, Win*low Eager, W. F. Fornuam.

Word 2,—S. B. W. Davki. A. C. Stono, E. McCoy.

Ward 3,—A. S. Bunker, M. O'SuIlivan, W- F. Gear in.

Ward 4,—H. J, Couch, F. Marphy, James Kiley.

Ward 5,—James W. Bailey, Cyras Williams, Richard Wheelwright.

Ward 9,—Mark MaaahM, p, E. Wbectcr, Oeo. R. Nelson.

The oath of office was then administered

to N. P. H. Kelvin. Mayor Caleb

Saunders, Esq. Mayor Melvln then ad-

ministered the oath to me Aldermen and

COuncllmen elect.after Milch he read the following:

l\.U in It It. 4DDLEB3.

lentlemen of tht Board of M<l*rmtn and Common

In obedience to the leccrlly eierclied preroga- tive on tbe part of oar relloU-clliiene, and In com- pliance wllh the requlrumeiite of our muntelpel irganliatlon, wo are called UL-vtli.-r at Ihl* time lo

take upon ourtelve* ihc mende of ofllelnl iruat, and nco the labor and re>ponalblltv of govern-

mental acliou. A* gnardlaneaf ihe public Inlereil* of a community ao highly fwored ai our own,— bleeeed In an uuu*aal degree vllli heallh.peuco.and general proaperlly In every brar-eh of Industry, it beoomca u* at this lime lo remember wlih ever grateful heart* our Indeblefoca* io a bountiful Providence, and lo humbly «k a continuance or that Divine favor which baa Icon *o kindly vouch- i*fed lo u* In tho put.

In accordance wllh the niuil cuntom. It devolve* upon me at thla time to nfu lo Ihc condition uf the vurlirii ■ hiti-reii* thut will require attention, and

,ako aueh reoommend*tf»n* a* I may conddcr neceaaary. And In rehrringjo ihe different depart.

of the government I iliall itvc the amount provided in tbe laat annual appropriation for the lupport of each, and alao the amount expended, for Ihepurpoae of Imprcealng "fen ynur attention In leglilallve action, the Importance; of a cloie eoml.l eratlon of the relation which the eapenee* ought In " .-.ii 111 i tie appro p rial Ion.

Our echoota, which demand an Appropriation much larger than any other department of the gov- -**e»en%:*Aa» ■'■ !l ■[«!»* a* may* be neo*i»aVft» T* *\ ,aawwfa grewlag community, and lo provktrinu rtqulatlo mean* for their aupport.

The Aaaeeaor* relnra tfiii children between the agea of flve nnd nfiemi veara, whleh I* an Inereaee

•at lent year of 30S.

Amount appropriated, eio.OOO 00 " ' expended, 44.BOT M

which baa been dl*bur*ed a* fulluw*:— Y.-n.-I,. ,-.' talerle*, 55,00* as Furl, i,;ii: 5S Janitor'* lalarle*. 1,7*1 M Uliccllaneoua taptniea, 1.M1 10 Wblto the leghlalure placet the management of

tbe public cehook In tbe band* of a committee *pe- clally created foi Ibat purpoae, It doca not confer □pon that comdlltre authority to Incur liabilities

itemplaKd In Uw appropriation which you have made. Bhiuld necessity require an Increased expenditure in tbl* department, the meana muat Am be provide* by your action.

Tho rreabyMrlau Chapel, on Oak street, which haa been occupied by the city for school pnrpoae*,

offered for aale, and ihentd the proprietor* sac. oil In dlapoabg of Ihl* bnildlng, there would be i Imperative ■atasal for additional school aecom.

modatlonln tmt locality. I believe Ibal the want* of tha *chool* can be bet. r met each .'ear aa tbey become apparent lhan Inn neccat It) compel* action, and If our growing immunity recnlre* additional ecbooi room, I con-

alder It aa our duty to make preparation* to meet hat want.

Tin re wa* afeo appropriated for Ihe ordinary re- pairs of achod houaoe, |4,000, a„d St,.10.1 SI ex- pended,

MMeffe, Tho amount appropriated for ihe Street Depart-

ment we* aii.wMj 00 Amount expcoled, 9U,SW IS

It haa beon Ihe policy of Ihe government for many year* to make an appropriation barely suffi- cient lo perform tbe Indlipentable work of tbe de- partment, without making any perceptible advance In permauenily Improving Uie coodlUon of tbe street*. A few year* ago tbe aubject of macada. mltlng waa favorablj considered by the govern- ment; an engine and ipparato* for crushing atone purchased nnd put Inn operation; but for tbe last three year* tbl* machine baa remained Idle. Tbta mode uf conatructlng atroat* I* tucceeifully prnc- llccd liy mo*t of our sUler clllci; but the result of our experience haa not been eaUifaclory. Thli, however, may be owinr to Ibe manner In which this work haa been done, of to toe toft character of the atone need. 6UII f *m*f the oplnlonjbat thla mode of eonstmctlug itreeta with properly paved gutter*, which give* a tin I* bed appearance, can be profitably and latisfactorlly pnraned npon many of our street*, and with Ihe advantage ef aver after maintaining such slreeta at the required grade, whleh lies been loo little regarded, Tbe •■pent* of ma cade mix In*; at a depth of twelve Incba* Would not vary far from thirty eenta a aqnare yard.

Without any plan of pav1fc| or macadamizing,end wllh mean* only *urocleot to carry on a system of patch-work, the remedy ftr a worn and m elreet ba* been top-d rolling of sueb material aa tho Judgment of our dlfl> rent conualealonera ha vetbooght proper to eelect. Tbil pulley ban beon loo long pnnued, and si the raault, ear street* are poor and many of them far above the established gradi While the Legliliture glean to ell lei tbe power to lay oul itrecle and establlei a grade for the eame, and require* abutliin In faking Improvement! to conform lo the grade thna Established; there I* no authority for changing gratea tl,us eatabllabed. I, l«, therefore, Important ibat our itreets ahould be kept as near a* possible to the grade established.

Under Ihe menigeinvnt uf * practical and ener- getic luporlntendeiit, I am eonflilenl a larger appro- pi lallon for ihl* department might be a,lvantageoua. ly expended.

Nul purposing to make any recommend ai Ion that ■ .'.- 'i- i be pro el led for In onrennual spproprlnllun, and convinced by cxprrlunte thai the ordinary ex* penseaof ihogovsriimeni can bo mel, and a liberal mm expended In public Improvements, 1 (hall re- tpecirully urge an approprlallon lo be expended tr, |iavlng a portion of Essex etreet, of eueb maleiial a* the Judgment of Ilia Council may direct, and I herewith aubinlllhe estimated coat of Ihe dlflcrenl material* In general use,

Nicholson, $4 *0 per iquaro yard. Uranlla, 3 I* " " Cobble, 1 00 " " That you may belter Judge of tbe amount expedi-

ent lo appropriate for thla purpoae, II My, I will glvo an estimate or tbe coat or pavlag thai porUon ofKiaeiitreet between Ameabury and Appleton ■treei*. aeco4fl,K '" *n 'dea I at present entertain, which I* to pave tho gaiiera upon each *lde of the ■treel.ata width of four and a bal'fret, with cob- ble-stone; the remainder with granite block*, which an- ihc moat used In rlilee largely engaged In paring.

The width of Kaeei street between the curb-itoae bit feet; the dlitanco between the point* above mentioned ii sou feet, making M00 square yard* of granite paving.

Coet of cobble paring, Colt of granite paving.

Aa the llorae Railroad Co. may properly be re- qnlrrd lo pay the expenio of paving between the track and eighteen Inehee outside, which wonld glee S00 square yard*, or $1,600 ni their portion of the co*t; leaving a bnlaaoe of SIS,824 aa tbe total coat IO tbe city. This subject I Iru.l will receive your niMlderailon, and If favorably entertained, an early contract for itone may be advautageou*.

BIDKWAUS.. In too matter of sidewalks the dly has made rapid

progree*. The liberal pouey adopted lu furnishing edge-none* to partlea (Ignlfying their Intention construct a permanant ildewalk of inch material will be acceptable to tbe city government, ba* be tbe mem* of creating an Intareal In Ihladrpartmei consequently a commeodaWa advance. For the laat live y»ai* Uw material aaad la cenatrnctlng ■Ida- walks, haa been almost cxelnelvely concrete, which afford* a smooth and alaan •arteea, aaay to walk upon, and generally naillirij aaperior to any

our present system are lo ba kept In repair by tha city, it I* Important that the durability of tbe terial need should be considered.

t'pon examination It will be found that some of ihe walk! recently constructed aro already worn through the covering, bringing to view the cobble- alone* underneath, leaving a rough and uneven sur- face, and to appearaneee will soon require to lie re- constructed. I am Inclined to the opinion Ibat the Interest onhe cliy would be best served by requir- ing abuttora to use brick Inatead of concrete. The drat oo*t of thetwo material* would be nearly equal, nod wllh a walk constructed of bard bnrnt,br1ok the cliy I* In poaaeaiionof malarial lo maintain a anb- atanllal sidewalk for at least thirty year*.

As Ihe comldaratlon of tbl* inbjaet 1* of some importance to Ihe cliy I wonld respectfully ask that II may receive your attention, n.5,000 00 ■pproprl, ated, and (1,770 28 expended for thla department. 7033 lineal feet of edgeatona act, at a coat of 88 cents per foot. Where a permanent sidewalk baa been laid upon both side* of n atreet eroeelng, I would recommend that such walk* be connected with suit- able nagging alone.

appropriated for tbe Bridge Depart- ment wa* giu». Tbe amount expended, |2,SS3 US.

ago laat J uly, prevloua lo the meeting of tbe County Commissioner* for the purpoae of ley log out aa highway* the Andover and Lawrence Brldgea, I employed a gcnlleman from Lowell of considera- ble experience In bridge building, to make an cum-

illon ufthe condition of the two brldgea. He pro- .n.i < .1 die Andover brUga lu good repair; but the wrence bildge waa ranch in need of repair, many

uf Ihe small Hinder* belbg decayed; nnd a* a rough eatimsle gave the oplnloa lliat an outlay of gIMO waa I ice Jed lo put Ihe bifdgo In repair. The bridge will alao require new planking Ihe [in sent season.

Tbe bridge arros* the Bplckot river on .Jackson sueel 1 am Informed will require rebuilding, and from appearances the demand upon thla department will bo In' .'i .

I will also call your attention lo a contract mnde by your predecessor* fur Ihe widening ot Salt llaver- hlll ilrcel bridge. Tbla bridge waa built In lBSn, at n cost of gBOOO; Ihe contract provide* lo Inereaee ibe width about twenty-six feet, nl a coitof gwawtj

he Cliy Treasurer la authorized to borrow a lufflclint lo meet thi* liability, and would there-

fore recommend that thu necessary amount be por- vtded fur by aaseaamenl.


The police force n* at present organixed ronslita of City Marshal, two Aaaietanl Marshals, and six- teen IVlice Onicer*.

Sum appropriated, $12,000 00 Amount received fof fee*, 2,528 *S Tbe eipuneei ef the depart-

ment have been, 18,244 2B llc*ide» tbta 1'ollee, whlak la equal lo the prewar-

rallon of order and iho execution of the raw* Id the *all*fKCt1on or a great majority of our cltlxeni, we have Hirer lurperfluoua official*, deputlea of tbe State Constable, quartered among u*. So long a* Ibe Slate chooeca to hold u* under the aurvellaoce of this foreign police we must submit will, tbe bait

But, having full oonltdenoe In the disposition and abilllyof the ell lien* of Lawrence

manage their local police urTalis satisfactorily, I irast Ihc State will epeedlly relieve our ciuaena from tbla annoying espionage by a police nut controlled by or responsible to them.

PAUPER in I- Mi , --H ■■ i ■

The amount expropriated for department as 04,000 00

Itecelple from ihc l'oor farm, S04 14 u „ Stale, 1,11(32

Kipended, 6,401 ST The average number supported at the Aim*

llouae during Ibe year haa been eight. The power of municipal government to raise and expend money le derived wbolly from the Legislature. The stat- ute* provide for what nurno*** tbe people aball be taxed, and among thi objects are Ibe support of Ihoee who are without moana, and unable to pro- vide for Ihemeelvaa, and have acquired a legal resilience by birth or other wiya specified by Ibe •lalutei; but for tho aid of oilier* we have no au- thor lly to use the money of the public. Tbe Slats aaeume* Ibal dnty.

It hi* been Ibe policy ofthe Hoard of Overaeera tu render assistance to such of our poor a* are not Inmate* of the Aim* Home, when through their Own exertions or from other sources a partial aup- port can be obtained. Thi* policy la'aallafaclory

id cannot fall to be approvrd. The policy adopted by the Overecera of Hie l'oor

laat year, of placing the general management of tho department In Ihe hinda of one peraon, Inslead of

before practiced, a* far a* the Investigation and the rendering of aid I* required, haa proved an Improvement upon the former lyilrni, nnd the cliy haa made a laving by the change.

SEWXa iiinhiiiNi

Appropriation for aeweri, |:,.<"» no Received for aiicaanienli, 5,331 TS Expended, IM14 7T There have been con*tructcd 4-161 lineal feet uf

■ewer*; dimendon* 2n x 24 Inchc*. TIIK l-IUI. 1)1 IAKI m M

Of Ihl* department there I* Mule to be eald other than Ibat It Is ail thai we could dealrc. For *evera| year* wo hav* been fortunate In loaare by (Ire. Thla may be owing eomewhat to facilities for oblainlmg water and a perfect Fire Department.

Approprlallon made waa, (ItuOOOO Received for watering stuel-, 1,31808 Kipended, i-.i■■< 3a

1 will bere expna* my views with regard to the manner punned In drawing the engine* to lire*. Tbe Pacific Is drawn by boreee connected wllb tbe Street Department. Tbe Atlantic and Kaeex are furnished wllh a driver and pair of horse* oach. and No. 3 haa a driver and one horse. During a few month* In the Bummer season Iheee horee* hai been employed In watering the itrarti, for which the city receive* »ome compensation; the reraali der of the year they are Idle. Wllh the imount i work onr itriete demand, 1 cannot rrA-alo from ai pressing the opinion Ibat these buriea should be turned over lo IbaSlreet Department for nee. Thli would be a great belp, and materially lessen the ex pemuiof the Fire Department.

This euggeidon may not meet wllh favor from tbe Hoard of Engineer, ; but if they consider Ihe ad van- tage* tbe oily wonld derive from such a change, It hi- io mc there cuuld be no *crlotn objection*.


which I* Justly appreelaled for ll.beauly and utility In promoting the health and plearuro of ihe people, will require but Hull legislation nt jour liandi The fence >>y which il Is enclosed v« hull! In ls;,ii from obeervallon during my former term of office 1 became convinced that It wa* very much decayed, ■ eenlrlng considerable care and liigeniiliy io keep It* dlflrrc t part* connected.

Tbe walk* In eofl weailur ale lu n ileplorabl' condition. Two year* Ago I urged ihe Finance Committee lo recommend an appropriation sufll- dent lo conslruot two concrete walk* u* an experi- ment, but It failed to receive favor wllh Iho Council, and waa stricken from Ihe resolution. Should ihe pn-.i-iii material be removed from (he walk* depth uf twelve or fifteen Inches, and such gravel lUbstlluted a* lome In Ibe poaaeealon of tbe city, I

(1000 DO 100 00

1210 10

Total, 18,421

think a groat Improvement Amount appropriated, Reoetved for gran, Kipended,

•utd be .,

axi'KwitH). The total amount allowed for payment

during the year lHrto, lute bewa aa loi-

For payment of Permanent Debt, (t.Koo 08 for payment of Temporary Debt, xlO,S73 43 For payment of Stale AM to Soldiers,

Sailors and Panltlea, is.oOO 00 For State and County Taxes, 40,030 50 For Interest on Permanent aud Tempor-

ary Debt, 30,108 34 For amount advanced Military Compa-

aiea on requisition from Common- wealth, B.rtlB W

For Ordinary Kxpeoaea of Ibe several Department*, tW.lOS 74

Total Expenditure, (313^84 01

la toe Ham of " OSdlaary Kxpeaaea of Department*" aa stated above, tha following expenditure, are Inoladed, via.-

Co*t of" Telegraphic Fire Alarm,* H.OOti OS Kalarglng Craas Street Bcbool Hoaac, 1,000 00 Coat of land, about four acre*, on War-

ren atreet,for gradlcg purpose*, 3,:i7* 00 Coat of land on (1st.leu atreet, ilia for

engine house, 2,200 80 School Homo and Land on Woodland

itreet, 1,740 00 Cost of balldlng New Koad from Ceme-

tery to Lowell road, near Barfcer'i realdenoe In Methuen, 2,s*o 00

Coat of completing Warren Street School Bouie, 2,007 32

Total indebted ne** In Not e*, Bondi and other claim*, (•'.':," 14 W

Tbe Caali aaaeti are, 02,000 oo

Leaving aa tha net dabt Jan. 1, lb70, i:i4,hH 40 Tbe net dabt Jan. 1,1800, waa 413,873 28

Increase In debt during the year, (lv,0ii 14 It la not io much the amount ni the use to

whleh money I* applied that demand* attention. If at the end of our terrai of service we have aome- thlng adequate to ihow for the money eapended, there will be no complaint from ihose who pay Uw taxei. A liberal appropriation ahould be made for the different department* of the govern- ment, and It should be judlclomly and eronoml-

illy disbursed. Tbe appropriation! once made, I ahall reapectfally Inalat that tha expenica be confined to the provision" thu* made; treating that with the future Interrtli of Lawrence In view, we shall endeavor to make both end* meet. True policy repair's Oils. There are elrcomstan-

when a permanent debt I* unavoidable; for Inatanee, Ihe Introduction of water, tbe cttabllih- meat of an eapcnilva iy*tem of sewerage, or the erection of coitty public bulldlngi. Hut to accu- mulate a large pnlilie dvbt for Ihe ordtnsry rx- petaaeiol tbe government, aad la tlmei ol a de- preciated currency, Ii without JaitlHeatton. I thluk wc can reel assured that those whn will pay the taxes In tbe neat generaUon will find thr burdena of government mfflclently heavy without being obliged to pay the i-xpeniei of ibe present.

*.'. «i/fr.ii II of tin ("Uf ,—The legislative dutlei ot OUr City have been assigned lo your Care; thoio Impoied upon iho office of llnyor are exec, utlve. To i mine wise and Judlcloni action upon matter* pertalulng to ihe prrienl and future In- terval* of Lawrence, information lilndl*pen*uble; but advice Ii not always *ntu to act upon. The opinions ni tl advice of other* will be urged upon you; tbeae ahould be trenled wllh respect aud dnl/welghed; but upon ountetve* mutt reitlhe reaponilblllty of action.

Honored lor tbe third time with the position I to-day enter upon—unsolicited nnd In oppoilllon to my expressed feellngi—and not pnrpoilog lo be ■caadldote for n ilettiou, l geiire to return my fellow citizen* toy sincere tlnnka, with tbe aeeuranec that tbe leoolirctioa of their partiality will ba long treasured In vivid memory, and that

ill icek to dlecharge tbe duttea or the Halloa aialgaed me with a conaclcntluui regard for the public wel fa re.

And with thought* turned toward Thee, Al- mighty Buler we would humbly and lo weaknoai

that we may receive tbe aid ol I hine Omnipo- tent strength, and ibat Tby favored band may for another year rest upon u* ami car beloved city.

At Ibe conclufiou ol

members of both boardi respective rooms.

nrairur MH

if ijjkadd iiililir-.. Die

to their

COUHON COUNCIL, ) Monday, Jan. 3d, 1870. s

Tbe new Council was called to order hy Mr. Williams of Ward 6, the oldeat member. Oo motion ol Mr. Bailey, of Ward il, the Council proceeded to elect a President. Tlio following was tbe result -.

Whole oumbcr of nites. 18 Necessary to a choice. lu B.W. Darli received, 12

II. J. Couch, 6 Mr. I)nvii was declared elected, and *worn

In by the Clerk.

Mr. Davis addressed the Council as


-It Is rllli H


RKOKIVKD. The receipts iuto Treasury daring tbe

yeareading Use.ll, l«W, bar* been: On account of Taxes, (228,01* 20 Borrowed a* a permanent loaa to fund

Floating Debt, oo Borrowed, temporary loan, 202,0T3 43 Received of the Commonwealth, reim-

bursement* on a. foili,t of Stale Aid rlaluia and Military, 28,130 00

Revenue* on account ofthe several Da- • pertinents, 24,331 85

Total received. (040,188 38

i.iiitit""iiof tht t

lancy that I decide to aisumc the duties of the iponalblu po.ltion to whleh, by your suffrage!, you have elected me. I am well aware tbal member! of thi* ;Hoard have II In their power, If lhay wilt, to make thli place a difficult ami perplexing one to a

not versed In parliamentary pracUce, and well acquainted wllh the rale* and order* of the.Council. Bat having Ihe fullest aaauranoa Ibat there I* a fall- ing of cordial acquiescence on the part of ench mem- ber of tbe Council, in the result of your ballot, and feeling eonflilenl ihel you will generously overlook

■ny abort-coming* and blunder! of Ihe chair In the I" ginning, and strive In all our deliberation! lo fa- c 11 Kate rather than retard and embarrass our legiti- mate builneii. I uCcepi the poslllon wlUi the vol- untary pledge on my part that 1 will make all po**l- ble halt* to ao far acquaint myself with Uiedulke of lh* office, aa to enable na todlipalohour builneie with all the ahmrlly con*l*tent wllh a thorough In- veaiigallon of ihe rnrlou* mailer* upon which wo m*f be called to act.

Constituting, a* we do, ihc popular branch of our City (Jovernmenl, and composing, a* we thill, a majority of all thu Joint (landing committee! of Ihe various Departments, no email share of the reapon- elblllty or giving to our people a Just, wise, and economical admin let rat Ion for the year oniulng, de- volve* upon u*. And I trust we all feel, and lo the end aball continue to feel Ihe jnit weight of thi* re- aponilblllty, and feeling it, ahall endeavor to lay aside all party feeling and prejudice, and eel ■tantly from tha higher and nobler motive of pi Ing the best Intern*!* of onr rlly at large. So that when all our official Beta, a* members ofthe Common Council tot 1HT0 shall hive been recorded and paseed Into history, we (hall be enabled ever to point to each of them with a feeling of law* pride and satis- faction, having acted conselenelously, honorably and wisely, wllh an rye single to Iho Jilghest good ofthe grenleal number of our fellow cltlien*

Thanking you, gcnllemcn, for the honor y conferred upon me, I now propone, without fun her consumption of lime, [fiat went once apply lo Iho builnen before us.

A ballot waa (hen taken for Clerk of the Council with Ihc following

Whole numocr, 1H Ncri-i-nry lo a choice, HI

K. U. O'good had VI II. N, Hill.mill, 8

Mr. Ongood was declared cleric,1, -unl sworn In hy Andrew C Rione, SSBJ,

On motion of Mr. Duller, notice wa» sent io ihc other iiion11 timt IbeCoaadl wasorwattlaed, and ready lu proceed io hu*lneas.

On Mint Ion of Mr. Couth, the Council pro- ceeded io draw for seals. When ltd* was done, on motion of Mr. Itallcy, the rule* and orders of tbe Council of IboD were adopted until farther ordcicd.

A rociM'to. was receive.! from the Aldernicu, propoiitip a jnlni convention for iho choice uf City Clerk, Cliy Treasurer nnd Collector, two Overaeera of the Pwor, one Ancsaor for ihrce yeara, and a Street OommUiloaer.

The propoial wu accepted, and in a fsrw mo- ments tho Aldermen, beaded by tho Mayor, entered the Counell chamber.

JOIKT COHVKXTIU*. Mayor Melvln In tbe chair. The coavootion proceeded to ballot for City

Clerk, with tbe following result:— Whole number of votes, 21 N'ecesaary to a choice, 13 George R. Howe had 24, and wai declared


V) i dissolved, t

City Treasurer aad Collector :— Whole number of votes, 1<I Neceaaary to a choice, 11 It. 11. Tewkabtur had U, and wu elected. Overseer of the Poor :—

..Whole number of rotes, 24 Neceaaary tii a choice, IS

James Payne had Alonio Wlnkley, M. S. Dodge, Blank,

Mr. Fay tie was declared elected. Overseer of the Poor:— Whole number of votes, , 24 Necessary to a choice, tl

John R. Perry had M. S. Dodge, Alonio Wlnkley,

Mr. Perry was declared elected. Assessor three years :- Whole number of votes, 5*1 Necessary to a choice, 13

S. A. 1 iiihiish, John 11 Howard,

Mr. Fnrbtuh was declared elected. Street Commissioner:— Wbole number of rotes, 34 Necessary to a choice, 13

H. P. Simmons bad Joha L. Hutchlnson, S. M. Davis, John B. Howard,

The Convention tbea dissolved, tbe Alder- men retiring to their room.

IN COUNCIL. Thu Council then proceeded to ballot for

choice of City Physician, wllh the following result:

Wholo number, Is Necessary to a choice, 10

11. M. Chase had 13 Seneca Sargent, a

Dr. Chase was declared elected on Ibe part of tbe Council.

City Solicitor :— Whole number, 18 Necessary to a choice. 10

T. A. Parsons, U C. Sounder*, ft Blank, l

Mr. Parsons was declared elected on the part ofthe Council.

An order from the Board of Aldermen that the Joint rules nnd orders of tho two Hoards of

he adopted for the present city govern- s ndopted In concurrence.

Messrs. Stono and Murphy were appointed a commlttco to confer with iho other Board, and agree apon tome evening of each week for boih Boards to meet.

A message wu received from tbe Aldermen that Daniel Floyd bad been elected City Mes- senger on the part of that Board. Concurred In oy ballot, ayes 10, noes I.

A message was received from the Aldermen that they had non concurred wllh the Council In the choice of City Physician, and bad cboaen Dr. Dnvid Dana for that position. Tho Council hy n vote ot 11 nays to 7 ayes, refused to recede.

A measoge announcing similar action In re- gard to City Solicitor, Ihe Aldermen having chosen Caleb Saunders, was announced. Tha Council refused to recede; nays II, ayes 7.

Tbe Council (hen adjourned to 7 l-2r.a,

BOABD or Ai.iiKNMr*t, | Monday, Jan. (d, 1870. i

Mayor Melvln assumed ibe chair. Full Board.

The rules and orders of the Board of Alder- men of ih'iu were adopted to govern tbla Board until farther ordered,

The Board proceeded to ballot fur Inspector f Milk, with ihe following result:— Wlllinin'C. Merrlck had 0, and was declared


A message was sent to tbe Council, proposing for a Joint Convention for the choice of City Clark, Treasurer, Overseer*, Assessor and Street Commissioner. Tbe proposal being accepted, tbe Aldermen proceeded to the Council cham- ber.

(See Joint Convention.)

Alter returning from tbe Council Room, tbo Board proceeded n, hwllot for City Solicitor; Caleb Saunders, Jr., had 0 votes, and waB da- dared elected oo the part of tbe Board.

City Messenger.— Whole number of votee, 6 Necessary to a choice, 4

Daal. Floyd bad 4 C. T. Beedle, 2

Mr. Floyd wu declared elected on (ba part of Ihe Board.

City Physician r- Wbolo number of votea, 0 Necessary to a choice, 4

Dnvid Dana had 2 II. M. Chase, 1 J. O. McAllister, 1 Seneca Sargent, 1 J. D.'Young, 1

Second ballot:— David Dana, 4 Seneca Sargent, 2

Dr. Dana wu declared elected on the part of ■ his Board

The Council non-concurring, another ballot wns hail for City Physician, as follows;— Dr. Seneca Sargent, 4 Dana, 1 McAllister, 1

Dr. Sargent wu declared elected on the part of this Board.

Tho Council non-concurring, another ballot wu hod for City Solicitor :—

Caleb Saunders, Jr., bad 0, and wu declared elected oa the part of this Board.

The Board then went info executive session, nnd the Mayor made the following appoint- ments, all of which were conOrmcd :—

MARSHAL,—James E- Shepard, ASSISTANT MAMIIIAI S,— David Beanie, A.

G. Clark. RMvUB I'm in — MOIIIIOII Bntchelder,

Patrick Murphy (trader), Jamei T. O'SuIlivan, fidwln Small, John Dunn, JnmesT. Bonrdman, William Banian, Albert P. Ingalls, James A- Quinn, William W. t*)*hi i, P. B. Vandyke, John Filigurald, Gcrtnun Lyons. (Three vacancies.)

Sni-ni. POLICE— Michael O'Drlcu, William Jordan, Henry P. (llcnn, Oeo. H. Farnaworth, Jesse, Stanford, Henry Burkcl, \. Sims, Thoa Allen, W. W. Buardmnn, Michael Dcvlne, U',„. tii.Hi-.K., Chgs. Merrill, Strphrn Mills, John Sln-haii, John Kurpcnt, Michael Mclley, John Gorman, AiiRunits Hurdy, A. K. Currier, Mel vln Bock,

SI'KCIAI. Oriicr.ns, r*rtvic,—Amoa Wig- gins, t'hurlcs Martin, Q, F. .Small, 110. Dolblcr, llnmiiii HumIIion, B. F. Bcde, John L. Cook, tad.

KVKUBTT,—Vernon S. Jackson. (The appointments for Measurers, Field

Drivers, Ac, will U Riven hereafter.) Hoard ii.ij'iiuin-.I lo Thursdsy evening.

IN noaan ott UKAI.TH.

The Hoard proceeded to tho election of Sn pcrinlcndcnt of Cemetery:

Whole number, 9 Necessary to a choice, 4 First Ballot, John Brcen, 3; Henry Cutler, 9

John L. Hutchlnson, 1. Second Hnltot, Brcen, 2; Cutler, 2; Hutch

Inson, 2. Third Ballot, same. Fourth liiili..t, Hutchlnlon, |. Cutler, 2

I in .II. I. Filth Ballot, Hneii, 2: Cutter. 2; Hulchla-

soo, i. Sixth Ballot, Hutchlnson, t| Cutler, 2;

Brcen, 1. Seventh, eighth, ninth nnd tenth ballots,

same. Eleventh Ballot, Hutchlnson, 4; Cutler, Sj

and Mr. Hutchlnson wu declared elected. John Brcen, Clark Spauldlng and John Ha-

bony were oppoiotcd undertaker*

lotrd art <u«t*i Saa Francisco la eating Eastern chesteuts at

73 eenti a pound.

A 9130 nighi-dreea forma part of a bridal trouMcau, In New York.

Down-town nore rents ID New York are 2.1 per cent- lower than two year* ago.

Another duel la New Orleans. The parties breakfasted together alter the shooting.

The oldest married couple lu Warren county N. J. were taken to tbe poorhottae lost week.

The belle of Covlngton, Ky., ween namber eights, and is passionately toad of bear's meat-

"Fenian overcoats" lor tea cent* are adver- tised In New York. TheyarowaJskBystralghts.

Il Lus begun to be considered gentlemanly » Saa Franc+sco la regard five ceats la making change.

A Detroit belle bu had one toe amputated from each foot with greet success, as regards small boots.

A Liverpool girl killed herself because her sister refused lo allow her to butter her breed on both sides.

A young lady aged seventeen ha* been ar- rested In Buffalo for bigamy. She began marry- ing at tbe age of fourteen.

Awomanbujut died In a Scotch colliery village who for fifty years bu passed for a man. She had two wives, with one of whom she lived for 23 years.

A man in California, who was bitten on ih4 lip by an Insect "black la color and resembling very mueb an overgrown bedbug," died three days after In consequence.

Tbe wrath of Cincinnati moralists is launched at those desperate criminals who frequent tho free lunches, and eat fifty cent*' worth on the strength of a five cent glamor beer.

Every time the river over at St. Louis the people get together and resolve to build a bridge, when they adjourn uatil called together by the committee at the next freexc.

It Is enfortaoate for the New Jersey Railroad that ibe passenger recently dumped off a bridge in tho dark, had a wife, for she made ibe com- pany pay *."<000 for tbe privilege of killing her husband.

An Injured husband in Dayion, O., cnnnht bis wife Just on tbe point of elopinu: with a handsome man. He look a demoniac ven- geance by locking up a:i her good clothes and then telling her io go.

A San Francisco woman engaged a servant girl to do tbe work of a family of five persons. There proved to be an average of nine Instead of five persona, ami at the end of five months the girl sued for 820 per month extra, and re- covered it.

Some undent tumuli, at Durham, Eng., were recently excavated and found to contain nuaer- oui skeletons, and a great variety of drinking vessels, (lint knives, broncedillli, arrows .spears, sawi and other articles, relic* of a people of a remote age.

In the trial of tbe Wood-Green murderer, la London, the judge charged that, while a maa might kill the seducer of bis wife, the fact that Boyd was Jealous of his mistreat, did not au- thor!** him lo shoot the woman and beat her lover's brains onf.

Io a cue or marital separation In Cincinnati, the plaintiff addressed Ihc Court: ''Judge," said she, "I can't love dat dar nigger; ba kicked me In de riba once until be loosened all my insldes, and when dat occurred my affection for him vanished.''

A Paris woman boagbt a " blonde wuh " of a druggist, and her hair, Inatead of taming yellow, all came off until she Is at bald u a glaxler. The facta came to be known, whan her husband sued tbe druzglst for damages— and won the rase.

A parly of Russian peasants settled their bill at a tavern kept by a Jew near Nktid, by mur- dering tbe family of flve women and children, piling tbe bodies up inside and Hrlng the hoe**. Tbe father and son coming up during the burn- ing, they tossed them into the flames.

Order* for a funeral salute to Ibe late Frank- lin Pierce were received at Fort Trumbnll, Now Londoo, only !ut week, aad the guns were And. A llartford paper feere tbe Now Lon- doners arn liable n> get up next week and fire a salute In honor of Mr. Baffin, the discoverer of Baflln's Bay. ■ '

A Now York baehe'.or saw a nice young wo- man helping a bllod man across tbe street, and forthwith wu Introduced, wooed end married the girl. She told her lady friends all about It, and tbe consequence Is thai a new society bu been started, called "The Young Ladies' Hu- manitarian Association for Helping Blind Men Across the Street."

A Berkshire paper tells a funny story about a vary inexperienced youth of twenty wbo got himself engaged to a strong-minded woman of thirty, and then as the time for tha wedding drew near became so much alarmed tbai be offered her 823 to relinquish her claim; bat she scorned his cub sad insisted oa baring blm, and bs wu finally compelled to face the pereoa.

la a lecture at Buffalo tho ot her evening, Ol- ive Logan remarked; "I never saw a pretty girl In all my life, one upon wboae cheeks the roses were blooming, but that I wanted to fold her In my arms nnd kiss her." This wu too much for one of the male audilors lo hear In illence, and Ignoring the propriety of tbeocca- aton, be exclaimed: ''I feel)ustso,too." (Tre- mendous applause.)

Carrie Diamond was a pretty San Francisco milliner wbo made over 890,000 wonh of prop- erty to a "friend" liefore falling la business. After making aseucoeasful failure she wanted tbe money back- Her friend weuld'nt agree lo that. Soon after she fall sick, her friend watched with her, and oin morning early she wu found dead, fames of chloroform lu her lungs and prnstlc acid in her siomacb.

Huntoon's wlnuow has the ring of tbe true

metal lo If. Tho doctors are pains taking men. Tbey

take many pains entirely away.

A Buaton womau advertises her services to lay out the dead. A gentleman named O'Bald- win, residing at the Hpickei lintel, In this eity, has followed the buainca* of laying out ibe

living. Tbo little girl who asked if bees were while

because *he had heard that "Mary had a liltio Ismti, wlih fleas u while aa anew" labored un- der a misapprehension In regard to that popu-

lar "pome."

The t'oiifs'* Companion Is a very nice com- panion for vary youthful people, hot still nicer companions fur male youth a little more ad- vanced, can bo fmimi among Ike bright eyed weavera end spinners of our ratlss.

Wblto cravats tor gentleman for ell full dress occasions, and big ticel buckles oa tbe bat for ladles are coming. Tbe girl of tee period a hundred years ago wore a long sharp needle at the top of her stays, io make her hotel her head np. Nothing is said about Inlrodaclng fAs*,

fashion. It may be welt for ihoae idiots who still per-

sist in sending money to tbe swindlers la New York and other places, who advertise gilts, lot- teries, and everything of that kind, lo know that the Post Master General hat Jtiaed posi- tive orders that all such letters be eeet to the dead letter office, and that they will not reach their desHnation. It will he quits aa well not to send 810 for that "8200 gold watch which yea have drawn" any more.


\ "32.81





KB wa a vatmA B r .

SATVKU.IT.— The govrnimcnt haa received Information I" Hi-.' SSHNt tint the Cubans have ubtiuiloneil their Miuggle fur liliet h, m,I iii.i! the. Spunianls are triumphant tin the Island.— #l«i,00» will lie rained lor tin- Dually of Ex- Secrelary Stautmi, of which Moat on will give S.HJ.OOO. -There ini ■ fearful gat* ut t.lincrhl., Ireland, mi Friday; ten per urn* were killed; the gale also Jlil LIKJI damage un tka Kngll-h coast. .Many vessels were: wrecked, aud jK-upli- (Jruwncil.— Tbe vcaibtn of ihe froldem'- cabinet bitve agreed to i'nriii-li aottalnj tint ran huoaUww during the holiday*.—. There hur. been it MI..iv aiurm In Sjiuln —A yam:,' twly in Wheeling, Vs., utally shut a lover wl.n bad abandoned her, and wan ju-t about to marry aoothar, ijQaM ijo 1-4.

MOMUV.—Tin- Canadian Parliament have |j.t--i'1 anim|tortaDi act, llie eflferl «f which wilt lie to ipoll that email? lot' a icfiigc fur icuinidrHi., genteel <ir otherwise, with their plunder, ll.nli will In- rendered up.—The hoi Hoar Mill In Iowa u. W per Iwrrel, turkey»ten cent* |ier pound and cbk-hrn* tight cent*.—Tlie ruptirt Hint the Canadian* wire engagingthe Indian* to Pit-lit the Wtanepfgers, In denied.— Tho li.iii-i' nter n mine In I'lviiunilh, IVnn , took tire Friday uighi, liy grii«« earelesswess of the j-fo|>rletor>. It was Ibrtutiatel* estin- iiiii-.ii--.I ur »eveitlylive more mtuera might lave perished.—New Year l« observed at tbe south especially Iqr the rtdored pr.ipie u IJVIIIE; the sunlvcrMiry m' I heir emitiu'i|Hiii J lie President hud it grand reeeplkm on Sat unlay, -The Hover, N. II. strike \* ended - The ap-

plication or Mr*. Biadwell to he appointed no- tary la Illinois, |i denied l«eaH»e 11 married wuma 11 cannot excettle .1 i.ili.l liotiil In thai Male.—All Ine liinnlli' asylums at the Honlll ant crowded.—A Hiolbern paper says that the

ed long iielme It .lid, luid it tint lawn lor .State ton.—The L'oiidlliillonalUt, ■ leading dcmix-ruih- journal, "scoroa" to en 11 the gor- cminent "our" government, and i-aIN inoti ilia amilh not to pay it n dollar.—PretIdem 0 rant believes In paying tor Bantonn Bay ami the Island of si. i'boma*, the latter pnreluiicd by Mr. Heward, uf Denmark. Gold 1211 II

Tin POLICE MUDDLS.— We imagine that siueo the jiolico appointments of Monday, those people whom Mayor Mel- • in'.- fine words anil fuir promises hsVT"e< deluded into thinking hiru .1 very mild sort of n Dcniocrnt, have nwiikcncd from that liulu delusion; nover in llio history of our eity, 1M* Intense jiarti/Huship made siicli liarou. with honest merit and inii lihi! services,-as in the police ehnngen made by Mr. Mclvin. Uiiriiig the cam- paign, tlm fairest promises were made both to the English and Irish voters, ami " Iteattiu and Itoanlman," was tho slogan willi wliiclt tin' ekniM rushed into tho conflict. Hut Mr. BoatUe, with Ids long years of residence in our city. Ills irre- prwtcuablfl peraonal Vhnrscter, and Ida valualilc cxperitnice upon llie [tollrc, 1* tliruat aside, and mud'! to take n subor- dinate position In a total •.Hanger, who has not- been in tiio stale or city long i-iiougli to rust u altiglo vote here, un- known lo almost fveryliody, anil with some personal ult.icbmcnts not (|Utlu tin- best sort uf reconitiientlatloita lor Mich an ullici-.

And Mr. iloaidtnan. whose personal Iriciids alone gavo Mr. Mclvin more votes llian bis late majority, is o He red a position in the uiglit watch, with near ly half a score, of green appolnleea, white Al. Clark, lite hero of llie recent KSM-X street saloon brawl und aatault, is promoted over Ids head to lie Assistant Marahtil. I.iltle wonder is It. that even among the faithful, there, is cursing bold loud and deep. The whole police ap- pointments me a muddle of the worst kind, and only exhibit lha intense. |mr- tlxaDihln coulr.illiog ihu Mayor in bis iiclion.

liKATit or *'OL. luteM-;it.—We regret In record ihe deceuse in Snleut, on Stitui- day,.lair, lat,of r0l. Jeflortl II. Keeker, for many years one o| our most respected citl/ens. Col. Decker came lo our city

Uieeii luemlw

leld, about I the City lie

Ml, anil

1 IS


it is about u year since, that tin- as- tounding proposal ol Mr. Ullmore to gather to gelher the thousands who hud studied the science of Inttllc, the imteieul militia ol New England, so to speak. In one vast army of voice, to mutter ut Boston, burst upon the world. The Idea wa* lir:t regarded us cblmericul, and rid- iculed by a groat many persons, some of them sensible thinkers, but tbe originator persevered und succeeding In securlny some powerful and earnest seconders; the prospect soon resolved itself into a fixed fact, and the result was the Coli- seum and Ihe Peace .Jubilee. That great event passed into history but a tremen- dous Impetus ami xWcn to the cause of educated musle. it wm very properly recommended ilmt the hundreds of mus- ical societies who reported themselves at llie metropolis, at the cull of Ihe great leader, should preserve Ibeir organtta- tlons. nnd ideHs o( a still greater demnn- sfrntimi at some future lime were hinted at. At nil events it WHS ileslrahla for the cause, Ilmt Die societies should not dis- band because the grand gathering had lilsperactl 10 their homes. In their several towns and cities the efforts ol nil would [11 the aggregate ticeotuplUli more for musical -ciem-c thtni even the Jnhllee itself.

Ihe societies from I his locality not long i)IIor ttieir re!urn form ihe grandly sne- les-lul campaign in ItiMirJii. or^ani/rd under Ihe uante of the " Lawrence Chora! liiion." They liuvv eiiergvlk manajrers who have i-pared 110 pains or expense to make ihe org.inl/uthm ri|iud lo any ol its size In the euuntiv. and the unanimous

near uaariao. 'I'hv follciwli!^ i^nillrint'ii. ntumlici* at 11.■ ■ IUIICMII

cunimlllee, met on Tui-iday evening, Hi- Hunor, M ■. ■ i H.'lvln, )■>•■ i !ir .- by virtue ut Us Oflba.

Want l.-II. A. Pmcoll, ». W, Wilder. Waril J.-K. K. Ulorke.J. II. lluore. Ward 3,-J. 0. Howker. H. P. I.lnn. W«rd4.-L.U.Eilg.-. Ward 5.-[>. llnrily, C. L. Auitln. W.i 1.1 0,—Caleb tfaundera, Jr. »FM. Abboll, id Ward 4, nn.l Kilni, id Ward B,

ui.reaUtiil. Tin- tir.i aailaeM fa aroaf wu. aaauaaiwd w 1--

llic Stacnoa ut B Secretary »t ihe I unoiill imd ■aBfriataadMt of Hntirah. A bnllot ««■ bud with Uic'roJlowlnKiMult:-

Wlwle number <>\ vvle«. III \.■.■.■ to lo ,1 rliolrc, S

II, K. Hood lci-1 6 <(. A. Walton. tt O. P.Weiivir, 1 Mr II..0.I wan dcatarad ttoeud. Tlir tfaadlni aab'SemairUuM i.f Ihu yea. wi-ra

;n 1 .i- -1 I II- fullowf : — MH*>r» fommUtrr,- C, -.uoi.l.i,, Jr., ]\ K.

Clarke,.I. 4\ Itowker. High SchootfU. Maandrn, Je., I.. II. KJ»e, II.

A. frr.coii. Octree Untmwur Srlutol, f/vuf mpptr HirUlon; <

Danli-I Hardy, .1. II. Moore, W. [.'. AUIM.II.

dltli : Jin i-r, II

that th isful. The pi Buncetrrd 1

I'. 1.1 mi, s. W Wilder.

.S'lH th Side irumatnr Srkoot,- v.. f uuiider,, JJr„

1.. N Bd«a, -1 C. Hawker, C. W. Kiln . ffi ■re« Sit r,/ N, ««,,(._ |). 11. rdv, \ I..

.I.B. Hoar*. Tn iuii'H N *<-/,- It. Hardy, «'. »i nuiidn«, Jr.,

V. K ClurL.-. /', »piri,JUWa«oi.i.rHi Wm-U. •11I • reer Kitnol;

II. \ I'reneiit ,M. W. Wilder.

A a *nr*. . 11.t Kim, ,i,i,/ ik,, A'ii •rt Primnrg

«Jr*oi I;~Y. K. Clarke,.!. II. MIM TF.

ihd- tirrtt ttdtth uiiii pnwtu ill tmr,l».'<j

it itr whnoh —1 C\ Ib.wker. II. 1'. Una.

/n tnttt* n Ml fin* •trrrl teht (!.'<,- 1.. Bt.Kdajs, W. I Ab bull

l,o ii-K tin t ,i„.l kirtrtU* tr mJs - b. Hardy,

C. J, Auaim. So rt tJifi 3/iVJI, ,„..! fii* araaoli,— 0,

fllUI ten, Jr. C. W.KIiiu. I'l adtowl i;r •-»lillnilNleuli..U i.i- eoatvad hum

IN* 1 rlnelpal ■r ibuJUgfe Hekoal -

I'l - The filial Junta denonnei- tbe itaieunaf that their i-anau In ln»t, rnt iitterly ralse.—The San Prandseo Directory sets ib'c

■ popnuuhn uf that piste at 170,'jM, pruhalrty over 70,0011 more than the I . S. eencus taker- will nn.l It. There are ■ n Clilaantcn, ami MiO i-olnred ptuple.—There WBl an aiteinpi to rob the franlaghani it.mi. Mouduy nighl.— There are ■.•i.isto InehrUtei in Uaasaehuselti. • A petition to lie r'reiu-h -Setiute prays Ilmt every child burn he nunibervd. and that llie ilnni ■ he tattooed upon it,— A jealous hu»- Ip.uid In Memphis broke but wile's n.i-e beeaUBt the was too handsooiu, and attracted too ranch notice.—A male tencher ol one of the llrouklyn tcuools shot u female teacher of the school hi 11 bouse ol III 1.inn' in New York, and then shot himself. Doth died,— The Storm of Sunday extended 11 great dfstanee, hut was abont here the earliest.— tiold 119-3-8.

WRMNBS&IT.—The Massachusetts Leglsla- lure ussemhles to day, In Boston.—The sale of new* in llev. H. W. needier's church realised $tit>,U0O, yetterday ; this docs not look like un- popularity much.—There Is no donht tluit the Spanish volutdicrs have exercised the most iavage cruellies In Culi.i; ihelr lust luusnnerc was that uf u tnua muncd i.-mmi. for cmtuicl- pstlng his SIHVCM. 1 lie Mormon schism Is rap- idly increasing ut Salt Luku, there are now two thouvnud bolters from the church, and (hey are tu have a newspupcr. "Sstan's kingdom Is tumhllui; down."—Tlio (jovcruor of Georgia thinks that itutc will adopt the I Jth ninendincut. The lAindou Times nays that were It not for the continual cry of repudiation hy the demoeratle party in America, and the fears from that Kiiurce, U. S. bonds would be equal with these of the must favored Kurupeuu country, -A barbecue was given at Syracuse, N. Y., New Years'; three oxen were cooked, and they uud luoo loarai of bread distributed to tho poor.— A tunnel is balag dna; under a portion of Broad- inn, N.V-i nnd the street h.i- tuuk six to nine Indies. The Muyor remonstrates, hut the eoni- pany dalles him.—Gold tin .%*.

Tin 1 aniv.—The legislature »f tlila state nu-t yesterday; Hon. lloruic If. Coo lid gc was choscu Prealdeiil, nnd Stephen N. (lllford.l lerk of the Senate, and lion. 11m vey Jewell, Speuk- er, and Wm. S. Robinson, Clerk of the House. Hull, presiding oftlrers are from Boston. Alter tho two aoaset were fully orgaalaod they, heaced hy the Oorernor nnd state officers, were encortcd liy ihe First Independent Cadets to t in- * > I -1 Smith church where n sermon was de- livered by Prof, Seelye, uf Amuerst College, whose suldeet wm, " The Cbrlstbin Klemenl hi Ilia State.'— The ministry in Spain have re, slgued because Ihu Duke of Genoa would not accept the crown. —Camp & Co., sngar letluers In New York, lulled lor §840,0011.- The Massachusetts state Prison has paid $7H,Jta pioiit lii three years. — Mushrooms are raised ii.'iui Boston by gardeners, and sell readily at «T per do/en.-The Governor'' inuugurat will be delivered on Saturday.- The Texas leglsla tare !■ republkan in both brunettes. — Uutli ti.iu-.r- ol' ihu New York legislature have been guilty of ihe foolish and Impotent attempt .it rescinding the Irrevocable act irf their prede- cessors in ndiipling ihe I Jib amendment.—A COnaeetlcul man 1ms Invented paper eofflns.— Boston ha> a Iree evening High School, well attended .—Hume ol the Mormon* have become wroth with their chief, .mil Intimate that be Is not Infallible by eonshlerahte, nor impregnshle agaln-t a pistol ball.—Gold 111) , ».

r'aiDAV.—The impoiiuiit project 01 annexing the whole Bl Ihe republic of Sun Domingo and ihe purchase of the Uanlsli Islands, will soon come iH'lore t'ougress. The President la an* derslood in U1 lavoruble. .Some members pre- ler annexing Canada and the Provinces If the consent orBngland can lie had.—Clark, West 1 Co. have lolled In New York fur 4:iUU.OOO.— Ucnerul Banks snd Uurnsidu have arrived in lew York.—The State Priions of New York, coat that suite 3000,000 over receipts lust year. The MuNSsehusctts prison* brought In #Js,.i.(0' to the state.—Boston Is to have two lines of ■learners to England—There are 3£i democrats to 118 republicans In the New Orleans Custom llou»e — There was a selrous riot at the elec- tion In l.ouciiir.l Ireland. The t'enlun enmhd- utu was defeated,—The house of the Amerieun Minister in London, was robbed of - one nlgbi recently.—Bold tvn.iS.

TllK AMKBICAM UAI.RKDAU r'OR 1*711. Our usual (Itiimintttcd Calendar for the new year has just been issued from tlm AUKUtCAN ST!*!! PulMTINa UBYICK, nnd with some pride, wo invite attention to its merits as a specimen of decorative prlutiug, which wu believe, will compare favorably with specimens hum the best omi'is uf New England. Any of our readers who have been missed in the (II*- nil uiioti, will be supplied, upon appli- cation ut tall office.

•■ WHO IS IIK?"-—SIICII is the cxclanm- liuii upon every man's lips, when told that Major Mclvin has appointed James K. Shepiud City Marshal; a new man, not having resided in Lawrence long enough to become a citizen, utterly 1111- l.ituiliar with the duties or rciptirements id our police force, lie iti hoisted by .Mayor Mclvin into the chief position, "uppbi ited by thai valorous partlxan, Al. Clark, who, mil a mouth ago, was under nrruat belore our own jiolico court, lor a Violent personal assault upon a i iti/.en, and given u force from wbiun thu nidi-si ami best ollioeis are excluded, to make iiiuin lor purly elamorers ; ibis is the w«> in which Major Melviu redeems his piuiiiise to regard the interests ol thu city abuvu Ilmt of puny. *Thu Dein- iHiiitn* party have twenty men, whosu ii|.poimiiieiit lo the MarshaUtiip would inspire i-utilhlciKt*, it uot enduraenient. I.ut thai id Mr. Mehin's lujimnoo bus iilrs.dutrly nothing tube Mhl iii it- lavorj

and ls:.fl. ||e look ail ucjlve llllore-t in militia, having been Col. of Ihe old )Uth Ueglmont. ami was chnsetl Cupi. ol Ihe Wnrreii Light (iunrtl. Ill this city, wliicli lie made a splendid um lil/.a I ton. '

lluiing tiio war he served as Lieut.- Col. of the hill., uud afterwards oa Ad- jutant of thu 'iL'nd, retiring with a con- stitution unpaired by disease contracted in the service,T'rom which be never re- covered, but has gradually failed in health : lie removed his family lo Salem, alter thu war, mid has since resided there; ho was a man of generous im- pulses, high character, nnd will be most kindly remembered by his hosts of friends.

TllK I'u itiiK liAi.i.Uii.—A very inter. on PUT i tiiotiioideation upon llie Art Hal- lei \ ui the lute fair. I* crowded over In next weik. by Ihe pressure ol l.'Hy Uov- rri.Uieiil proceedings.

TIIK WALKS OS TUE COMMOM—We cordially endorse Mayor Uelvilt'l recom- mendation to the City Covcriuneiit, to make u beginning ol decent paths on our Common; three or four of the principal walks arc more general t bo rough fares than any street sidewalk, except Essex street, in Ibis city; they have been but shabby sflairs from tliollrst, and in moist weather, only quagmires; it Is unite use- less to erect signs "keep off the grass walk on the paths," in tho present con- dition of affairs; the way, and the only way to keep people off the grass Is to make the puths a little better for walking than the grass, and we trust the City Council will make an appropriation for this pur- pose; 110 single Improvement will Insure ho many grntcful thanks as to put the Common paths Into good order with con- crete.

I'AViNii ESSK\ tlTllKKT.—Wo trust our City mtlwra will think, not only once, but many limes, before endorsing Hie recommendation of Mnyor Melvlu'a >>>- uugurnl, lu favor of paving Essex sireel with stone; this thoroughfare ought, and must soon be paved, but Um exper- ience ol every lending Clfy in the bind is against the use ol stone, the day of which has gone by forever, and it would be the sheerest folly and waste, lor Lawrence to begin putting #73,000 Into stono pave- ments, Which Is being everywhere dis- carded, and if the experience of Ifostou. Philadelphia, Chicago and the other lead- ing cities, leaches anything, wo should be morally certain to tear up and replace with something belter, within hull a score of years.

It Is protty nearly decided that wood Is in be the paving material ol the present quarter century, but nothing is more Mire than thai stone has been tried and found wanting. And we hope our city government will Indulge in no such waste of Ihouaamls, as stone paving In- volves. Let ns have n short section ol wood pavement laid ai once, as an exper- iment, and perhaps also, a section of con- crete, which is ns,.,I with splendid me. cess in Paris, and why not here, and give our ciil/ens a trial of its merits, and we are quite sure they would be a unit against the rough, uncomfortable, wear lug, noisy, ami every way dlsagreable for man and beast,—stone paving.


Mayor Mclvin is evidently not of a for- giving spirit; two years ago, at the in- stigation of his benolnnan, Clark, Mr. Mclvin in his hnstu to " run a muck " against tbe State Constables, decidedly "put Ids foot in,"'by ordering his min- ions at tho Police Station to receive no more prisoners irom llio constabulary. but a visit from Maj. Jones, inviting bis attention to a little statute law on the subject, caused our doughty Mayor very considerably to haul in bis horns, ami apologize lor his interference; but ho lias not forgotten ids humiliation, und cannot let pass the occasion of his address, to vent his petty spite, by going outofhis way, Bgninstutstvuuililecunry, to slur the stale police; Slicp:iri< and Al. Clark are not such immaculate-bounties in public estimation, but that Ihu |K>ople will be quite willing to have them under thu "surveillance" uf even a " forubni police force!"

»■*■♦♦ — TIIK lilt) t)\.—One of the famous big

oxen, about which there has been so much talk, is being cut up at II. V. (,'ltAMuT.Kri & Co's meat market, corner of Common and Newbury streets, and tbe steaks and roasts therefrom nro such as lo draw tears from the eyes of 1111 epi- cure. We can personally testify to their exceeding excellence, and there are a few pounds left.

At.Aim OK KIRK.—About quarter past live o'clock Sntutdny nttcnioou, nn alarm of lire was given from Box 0, turner of Oak and Jackson streets. Mr. Brewater who keeps the hey ol the box, bud bis door hell rung violently a moment before by 11 inun out nl breath who (old him there was a lire In Chestnut street, and asked lor ihe Key. Mr. Urewster asked the man it he was sure and lie said that he was. and Mr. Urewster accordingly .tepped over, unlocked box. and pulled ihe -lule. It is suppii-eil thu! the alarm really cu I ruin bundiik' bush at HalUvlllc. A single stroke ol the alarm was given about ten minutes before, from I bo City Hull, lor some cause.

TllK I.'NAMIMUUS KK-KLKCTIOM nl'City Clerk (ieo. It. itowe, and City Treasur- er, li. II. Tcwksbury. is a deserved com- pliment to two us Inllblul and capable idllcials us our, or any other city, bus ever hud.

alter ihu society was formed or reorgan- ized to prepare themselves to give to the people of Lawrence and -vicinity, Haydn's -iihllnie oratorio ol the Creation, and re- hearsal* were commenced at once. The Old ol Mr. Curl /.crrului the leader ol ihe great Collceum chorus ol ten thousand, was obtained, and every week for ninny mouths thu members assembled at Ihe High .school Hall ami were taught uud drilled In every possible minuiiuc of Ihe compilation, fhe result of all ibis labor was given mi Wednesday evening, and the managers and llie Indies and gentle- men of Ihe chorus had good reason to be sulistb-d willi the re-ttlt of their efforts. The stage of the City Mall had been built out mi each *ide. . We suppose It Is use- less lo agnbi reecomend that this exten- sion should he permanent), and there wa- ample i-puco lor the two hundred lingers, the oiohertra, ihe solos, and the famous director, (tic alone requires con- siderable space.) The gas bad been car- ried along tbe back of the stage in a manner to throw light upon nil of those upon the scuts. The IloOrof tho ball uud the gallery were both full and there was sullleient evidence Hint our people were determined lo encourage the cultivation of music in their midst. The orchestra was composed of six gentlemen from the Qertnaiiln, Hand of llostou, and music such us they brought from (heir Instru- ments, our people seldom listen to at home.

The oratorio commenced with the rc- presentatlon ofehaos by the Instruments, which could only be understood by those who bad studied (be explanation ofthe piece, such as the very able and well written one of General Oliver lu Ihe American. The vocal portion opened With the recitative of the Angel Raphael, (bass), represented by Mr. M. W. Whit- ney. " In the beginning God created tbe Heaven and tbe Earth." Those who have ever listened lo Ibis gentleman can Imagine what tho effect would he. Ho Is the best in that department*of music who ever visited us.

The chorus of the angels followed, hi, " And the spirit v( Cod moved upon the face of the waters." Uriel, Mr. William Winch, a tenor of great promise, then gave a solo, descriptive of the creation, ol light and the terror of the evil spirits who Hy before the beams of day. A cho- rus depleted the ■•despairing, cursing rujto" attending their lull. The princi- ple solos were supposed lo be sung hy angels, Qabrle) (soprano), Crlel (tenor), and Knpliiiel (bsis), and the choruses throughout were supposed to be siinsf by the angelic host.

The creation of the llrniiiincnt succeed- ed, of thunder,lightning, rain, hull, snow, tbe gathering of the waters, the appear anoeofdry land, the trees and plants, and la-ih ol the sun, 1110011 and stars. The description of this wus all in solos, Inler- Spersed, however, by choruses of angels, und amongst I hem were "The* marvel- lous work." solo accompanied by cliorus "And to the ethereal vaults resounds." " With verdure clad " a trio by Miss Houston and Messrs. Whitney and Which, was a very sweet and tender piece. The gem of (be whole oratorio was "The Heavens are telling the glory of God." " V oh level] isj-he glorious work" was another grand chorus considered* worthy lobe selected for the Coliseum Jubilee. The closing chorus "Sing the Lord ye voices nil." was well rendered but is uot considered by judges of music as cijual to some in other portions of Ihe oratorio. The soprano solos by Miss Julia Houston were liiiely given. The lady hns a rich pleasing and powerful voice, and her de- partment was most satisfactorily sus- tained.

There was some idling inaccuracies by the solo singers, which however would not be delcelcd, except by one entirely familiar with the piece, but tbe chorus were as thoroughly prompt and accurate throughout, as it was possible lo be. Whether the affair was n pecuniary suc- cess or not with the heavy expense at- tending it. we are unable lo say. A bet- ter house could hardly have been expect- ed, uud the loud applause which Jo I lowed the several pleees. showed that there was plenty present who appreciated Ihe inn* sic. though there were ilmibt Ic-s many who could not eitjii) ii m much us those who »ere liioillbir Mlih the siylc. and u-lio attended solely Irom it desire to en- coinage what liny knew to lie a good study in ihe in imiuiiiiy. am] from eurlos-

ity- _.♦.*

Cut., (MAM. I'tlllJUEICK, who has been set aside by Mayor Mclvin and Ids Dem- ocratic associates, lor a new, unknown and inexperienced man, retires from office with the satisfactory record of tho most efficient and best City Marshal Lawrence has ever had ; rogues of every degree havo learned most thoroughly to fear him, nnd bis administration has been marked by a wonderful degree of success, the city having never, during its history, been so free from villainy, little and great, as since Col. I'hilbrick has been in office; and we very much fear some of our citizens will sorrowlully learn, before the yeur has expired, (lie real value of such an officer.

THK CITV GovKitSMEsi re-organlzed promptly Monday A. H. The elective offi- cers chosen are Kepubllcuus, while the pollccilorce, under tbe control of the Minor and Aldermen has H decidedly Democratic and foreign aspect. The ceremonies were noticeable from the neg- lect of the Mayor, —for the llrst lime lu ihe history of our city,—lo have present a clergyman to oiler prayer at the Open- ing, The proceedings will be found lu loll elsewhere, ami the list of new appoint- ees Is speclully commended to the alten- liod of lux-pujers,

I.A it llm ■-( January 4lk, IBJI

JaXrl.KMBN »)' TIIK l^eliiiol. CiMIMlTTEK:- Durtofl ilie ia-i l*u yearn, liy 1Mb JlrecUon uf lbs

■.' I Mire, I but.- furnliliej H-IIIMII book* lu be puplla ..f llie illtfl! rtebiMil at llie WBokaUUa .rite.. Will yun pk-SN ilWBt 11111 What la ilu In eferciii-e lu ihe luntlei for tbu nu-H-ut y«r?

ItesBeelfally Yours,

It ii iW ■ UiH


■id ) el clufurc

..iKiialluiiii or ('. W. r'llBl, of Wunl ... an. rvMult, uf Ward 1, i» un-iuber* uf |rm cum «rra presented and seespied, and the Bus a> directed lu iiutlly lbs Uijgr :i!i.] Abler

I llunday evuiilr. Uf each ...el, I

„t,iti.» ./. It. I'viry. fYn

On New Year'a nig-hl, al about • u'eluvk, llie uver- ■ears aadOlbsn soanaatod with ihu Bvsrstl HUls,

met at their urtiee for llio purpose of prciMiitlus to their rstpeeted aftnt, John It. I'erry Bsq., u valua- ble parlslaa Karbta clock. After the sissUaa bad been called tu order, Mr. II. W.Culburu waa ebOSSB Ohslrrasa, an.) Wa. A. Parry, use, Mr. ferry wu telcgraluW for it hli buuau and loun made bin aji- ]iearauce, wbeti tlm fulluwliiK wa* read by Ur. T. W. Kanada:

Ha. I'KKHV.—Vuumay lb Ink It »traii»-e to meet u« here to-tilgUt, but I havo no doubt yuu will par- don 11a fur the freedom we bare taken In sending fur you.

In behalf ur tliLu company I will to you a ■mall token uf our eilevm and frlendrlilp toward* you, fur tho many kiiidtieaaca.aucialfeeling*, friend; ly aonllinotita, and coiumun lympathtea thown tu all In your employ. Although It may not be u* rcmark- iilile a piece of in.cliiiiil-ni aa Uie clock at Slraa- lioura, wblcb al every hour, a golden cock napped lu> 1, in« . and alretoblug lu neck, crowed, yet It will lu a *ouvcrilr of Iboao who irare It with lha ulmoat Huod fuetliif, und have no doubt will be accepted by you In Ihoaumu manner; au may It ever be cburlabcd and preiervad. Wo have been called upon to *ay " Oood Bye' to an old and valuable friend, lstl'J, It t-is- .' .n. frum u* forever, baa paaaed away with Ita Joy* and grbfa, ha hupca and fears, but not ita iiu'inui ien. Linked aruund tbe hoartitrlngi of our ■XlStSSSS IbCSS remain und will contribute to iad- den or make brighter ihe " New Year " upon which we bnvu juat entered. Uayyourllfu be (pared to ace many new and happy yean, and receive many New Year* itlft*. This I deal re you to accept wlln tba beat wishes uf yuur buinblu atrviiiili.

Ueu. W.C'oll.uni, Win. A.l'erry,

Iku. D.Croia, C. b. Bikes, C. C. fuaraun, .liio..lackaun,

I.. K. Currier, llan'l Daley,

Win. Oroaaley. Uanj.Urceii,

IIBBl UcCarthy, V.II. Jackaon,

Cspstiek, Tho*.

I...J. French, Thoa. It. Taj lor,

Wm.T.Urelg, Atsa.HryMB,

Henry Cue.

Mr. Terry responded lu a very neul ami .ppru-

lule ipeceli, aflei wliicli IM-liivlti-J Ihe party to

pair lo llulcbhi'* Saluui where they parloot uf

11 oyaleraupper.

07- The Pastor ol the Central church |.ii;u li.-.| 11 sermon lunt Snhlmth uiornlDg, re- viewing the work of Ihe church daring the last year. The audience was diminished on ac- count of thu Itcrm, hut the facts presented were of a very encouraging character. The church has accomplished a great deal during the psst year, The membership has increased, the 11- 11.11111'- have been greatly Improved, nnd tho Sahhath .School is In a very nourishing condi- tion. The charities have liecn very largo In proportion lo the meaiia of the church. The pastor utated that the preaching, the Hnhhalh School, ihe charities, were only menus to an end; that end was the conversion of incn. The church had reason to thank (Jod fur the past, and great encouragement to labor more than ever during ihe coining year.


On Krhlay ulght as William 11. Salis- bury, Ksi|,, the popular and respected Agent ol Ihe Washington Mills was about to retire lo his home. Mr. K. II. Herrick remarked to him that be would like to consult with him on a little matter of business that evening ui his bouse, and Mr. .Salisbury replied lliat he should be at home. No sooner bad be got out ol sight than busy bands willi the aid of Mr. Andrew Daly transformed ihe shawl room Into a hampict hall. When all was ready ami Mr. A. I'. Chills had been chosen to preside and Mr. .1. Frederick Clark. Secretary, a despatch was sent over the wlics iii Mr. Salisbury's house "The Agent wanted." lie hurried ut once to the mill ami «ns Introduced to ihe com- pany at Ihu table. After recovering Iron) bis surprise he addressed those present in a few pertinent remarks. Mr. I'arker P. Kirk, who like Mr. Merrirk had been deputed, then read the lollowluir: W. 11, kUUSBtmV, Kan.

UEAH :-IC- -luiir frlemla cunnecled Wllb the vurloii* ilrparliueut* on Ibl* corporation, buve re qnaatad your nttcn.lancu ibla evening, Ibal they may perauiially eipreaa to ydu Ibeir raleem and frieiidahlp. Tbe obi year ha* nearly expired j we are entering upon the new, and tbe beat wldiea we

llie relation* dialing between yum..-If nnd ua may roiiliuue aa In Ihe pant. " tiauta Claua " haa gone through bl* roun,l of rc.erry I'hrlalma* cnlle, ami real* again. Hut there la a t[u.)d old cualora Ihat at tbe cluiu uf the year, a pleaaant but mure aolemn greellug (called li.illi by the remluitcaDCeii uf lha |..i..| and llie hopea of the future] allow* u* tu ei- preaa oar reeling* by a leallmunlal, no maltcr how ■light Ihe gift may be, which I* recognize* a* aunic- llilug more lllau a mtia merry paallrne, we there- fore aak yuur acceplanco of flail volume*, wlihlnir ynu and youra a happy Now Year, with many if

A. I'. Clark, B, B. llerrlck, Ueo. 8. fayne, Jss. Krr.l Clark, U M. atoJ.larJ, Uobt Chrlalle, p, c. Kirk, Wm. K. Vaaon, 8. S. Fuller, Wm. V. Parn- bam, .John .luwatt, l.ewla Hefner, Itlclmrd BykSS, I.. \i Buransr, L. l> Harrow, Kbm Wllh-y, Wins-

low Kager. ON. (i. Davla, Junta U. Hln«, U. Ten- deriasl, H. Uann, K.-l. tlarklas, Jabn Loftua, I,. I.. Blood, Hiram ll.-l.-hir, Itub't Dad*. J.D.IUmlek, JOBS. Uareer, Daalsl Kelly, Wm. WtsaBtr, K. B. Wei la, J. Itoblnaon, Kdward CampU'll, Kdwanl UcCoy, A. II. hull.bury, It. II. lloocra, lleuj. Ilo.lg- raan, Charlea W. Brown, Juaeph Uaaaey, Thumaa Wllkimon, N. 1'. II Uelvln, Warren .). Abboll, Tbeudure IV-kird, J. B. Hoiohisaon, Prank Davis, .loaeph Weight, Wm. War.lmaii, W. I.eeioan, Henry Aiwood, Kben Carter.

Tho books were sixteen handsomely bound volumes ol Appletou's American Encyclopedia from the establishment of Clark A Co., of lloston. They' were pro- cured by Mr. John C. Dow. Addresses were made by several gentlemen. Tbe affair was a most tboroughlv social nnd pleasant one and testified strongly and creditably lo the kindly feelings or the parlies engaged to wan U each other.

■;: r'l i. In Medina'* window for Ihe I I) le of chignon.

PlttlM AMI iKCtaDIABTSM. — About (I mirier past one o'clock Kridny night, a barrel of shuving* In a shed attached to UM residence of Mr. Jesse llauford, :»<> Spring street, was discovered to be on lire by iif of the neighbors who had been out to tho watch meeting, and who bad ■tot yet retired. The people were uroused, and the tire extinguished with a few buckets of water, but not before It bod communicated to tlm hide of ihe shed, which was somewhat cluu red. Tlm bar- rel was against the rear ol the structure and there were wide cracks between thu boards through which a lighted match might have been thrust, or Ihe Incendia- ry could have filtered the shed as tlie door was not locked. There was no gen- eral nlarni. Scarcely was this lire extin- guished when an alarm was sounded from Box 4. Garden Street < 'liureli. ami it was found (lint a story and a half ham, though not used at "imh. on the alley in the rear "t the Atlantic Kngine Mouse, was on lire. The Allilitlc ttss taken to the corner of Newbury and Summer street", and us somi as po<llbte. (though Steiniers are slow all'alrs at the best, however efficient and superior when once ul work,) a stream was uot Upon tbe lire ami ail danger was over. Tlie I'.-u-ille was |.n-t.'il at the corner of Jackson and Common streets, and the K*«es at Jack- sou and Harden. All did good service. The Thjer wns on hand in very good sea- son, fiotn the Mouth Side, but it was not thought necessary to set ii at work. The tire burned very leisurely, a* there was no wind. About half of the bulldlnff was destroyed. It wus used by Mr. M. (i. Merrill, for fuel, nud the altlc for tin1 sto- rage of sundry hoiisehcld articles, not In Immediate use, IP being attached tn Ids premises. His h— will he about S'.TXl. The building wu*lulled '>y Miss Care- Hue Smith, ami m{ thaiiriAl by Mr. Cur- rier. It Is damav.-d probably lo the uuionnt of 81"tW. The tire was undoubt- edly the work of an Incendiary.

Tbe occurrence lias suggested the old petllieii of property holders in that Ideal- ity for water pipes through Newbury street, which would give tbeni so much additional safety. It also -hows the fact that llie telegraphta slnrni however good tn Indicate the totality ol the lire, Is en- tirely uiMiilldent lor the purpose of arous- ing the Iii emeu al night, and that nil of llie bells and especially the City Hull bell, should be rung by the night police In ud- dltlon, us before llw tire alarm was con- st rncted.


Till: HTOItll OKSI NU.w. -The crowded state of our ColIIllUII mi Mondny forbade even an allusion a> tbe violent storm ol the day before, l'owards night on Hut- unlay, the clouds gathered and by eve- ning, rain coinmeiced falling and In the course of the eve dug, snow was Inter- mingled with it. Sunday morning dawned cold, wet. and miserable. All day long the mil poured ilpwu, some- times furiously, bit never Idling up until far Into the evenlig. In tbe earlier part of the day the wiu.l commenced blowing -. gale from (b« noitheasf, changing gradually to tbe southeast, south and west before nighl. It continued with great violence. Idling slightly towards Monday morning. Few could go out on Sunday, day or evening, and In some .■;c-c- the holdiun of service was aban- doned. We have tot beard of any great amount of damage In this vicinity, though it would seem (but much must buve been caused. One of life chimneys of Garden Street Church was blown down. The boards of the awn h;: In front ol Die store of Kills .\ Snomwete ripped off and hurled across the street to Itrigham's drug storo. The wafer lu (he Mcrrlmuck WU already high, and Ihe new deluge was adtled to It. We notice many accidents sonic fatal, yused by the washing uwuy of rsllrouds lu Xew Hampshire, >Uli.« audVefmonC- >*** I****

The water overflowed n portion of tbe district ui-i of the rallrotnl, though not so badly as lu October. It crossed !■-■■ ■■>■ \ Street ut the foundry, hut not Waler street. The ice In the river about this vicinity bus all disappeared, though the stream wus full of broken Ice from above. iJtiite a number of logs Hunted down and there were quite ii numbs* secured. There was a very animated leene Below the lower bridge, several busts being en- gaged. The river nt the foot of tbe locks stood Saturday Dee. 2.1th, 10.10; 37th, 10.1.1; 38th, 11.(17; 40th, 13.$; SOtb, 14, JO; JUt. 14.80; Jan. 1st, 13.15; 3d, 16,00; ith, 21.70. A* Urge portion of the works in several of ihe mills w|s stopped.

Altarilk Miiry!.. Wdlla, who boarded It SI *ctl bvraelt lu thu elolblus ol a room- or iwo alncc, and went out. She was I realed for auine olleiice and »enl up

Tor two nioiiilf. Tbu ulotliori tveru diacovcred at tbojall, aavbuj bMntsUatT byUwprlsoaai to ua- ■ umethu uniform of Ihu home. Fur lid* abu go- ■la inuntln uddltloual. _ Not long ago ikl " bort rowed1'a pair uf boot* fruii uu aequululanro and waa (..'ui.'HIT i lu thirty days, but Ihe icntence waa aiayed. Thi* waa added, inaklup a grand total of

are iwu ur three ruapeelablo me In town. Few people havo

iiilliely lo Ihi-maelvea. llnudrui.k, alxty day a. Sentence itayed daring

guVI behavior. TLLSIIAV.—Pinion Sbanaban, a young ruugb well

known lo Ihe late police department, waa srrcaicd by two cltlieut, Messrs, Tbomai Aabwortli and Albert Ul'ioi], un a Uethuen horu- tar Jlondny evening, sbaiioban t.ji upun Ihu rur at Ilaverhlll ■ireei In an luloxlealei] I and when ed lu pay lili I m- ie -.| u. do au. Tile ear waa

I "»w»-' ' ! Mm bu atti

1 win ■„,,.l a cl.-ii

ittackcd all IttOSS srouint Inn. IIMIIIX III UMat profane and llhby lan^uuue puallble. Tlier wero ni-iiij liidlca lu tho ear. After a great ,leal ■ ■iruggllug In wbkli he am aialaled by a Irleru alau drunk, he vsi aecured nnd Iwu large rueka which he Int.I in hii pucket taken frum bbn belore bu had au uppuvlunlly l.i lot than drive, rllber nt liiepeuplo In llio ear or any one el«e. Tbla muni- lug be wua lined % 10 un,l cuala, uinuuuilug lu abuiil S l.j wllb Ihe alternative of tiny day* lu Ihu Houiu uf Curreeiluu. So* Ibal lha rougba havu got rid at "Dull d-d I'hilbrick " and hi* men, plvnly uf ibla Murk n.ay bo eipccled.

KHIUAV— TWO buy* wbu were i,.-.i. ■ : , week ur two •luce,with i .in. ■ ., waleb, were dUtbarged yealerday, Mnnbiil I'tiilbtlek having been removed




A uuiive of this (own. now a resident of Nevada City, Oil., bus tent us a full description of a mountain apple ol ihe gloria "uiutidi >peeles," raised in that city, tlie past season, measuring in cir- cunilereucu I'i.' inches one way. and 174 the other, weighing 3lt ounces. Such large apples and grapes as sro raised there don't mate tis well as ours ofenmller dimensions-

Daniel Games at the deput. has the stream of good luck, referred lo lust week continued. Besides the presents already mentioned be lias received from friends u beantilul lantern, a copy uf tlm life is ltd adventures <>i John It. (JULIKII, and a 82 ereenbaik Dnulel must um forget that

| he had m, boa living out:*, us well ■"i i-.-i.l-.

TIIK CITY QovEBiuttHT O( lbby.wlioso work hat; just been closed, his madu a very creditable record ; not with standing (In; taxes wero kept at the low figure of NJ.i. ■" per (MOO", there has been ex- pended a large amount in addition ID

the current necessities of tiio year; among the items Which may be classed as extraordinary expenditure), are the following : —

Land of Henry Arnold, lor gravel, $3d00; land on Garden street for engine house, <•::<"<, land on I.,m ..■!.' street, for schoolyard, *bU0; pair horses for Firo Department, $0W; Fire Abtrm Tele- graph. 18000; addition to Cross street school house (appropriated). $,KKK); land and .school house, l'rospect Mill. (appropriated), 03000; road near ceme- teries, about ■«■:■ ; bank wail on Low- oil . ii n :, near Dr. lliirlcigli's, cost abont $UXM>; two reservoirs, about $3000,

Making a total of ft!*,000. The limit showing of the past i" M years is as fol-


SLTlaiMTKHDKKT 0V BCHOOIJt.—Tho ■School Committee, on Tuesday evening, reflected Gilbert K. Hood, Katr:, Secre- tary of thu Hoard and Superintendent of Schools, a position which lie has for sev- eral years faithfully; ami efficiently filled. *>*>».. ♦

Moum. 1'OIJOI OrFtcEu.— It is nut four weeks since one af Mayor Mclvin's new Assistant Maillmls, was before our I' ■■ Court upon charge of assaulting a citizen in n public saloon brawl; and this is thu man selected by our Demo- cratic Mayor to enforce law and good

AN ATTKJIITKH BUROLAIIY-— All at- tempt was made Monday night tn enter the store of Mr. ltrady, corner uf White and Chestnut street* by cutting ilimmth the panels ot (he door, hut Ihe itoruls were ie piled up Inside that au entrance, was not ellected.

LUCK YOUR Dooaa.—WO advise mir eltiateiis, whose properly Is In any way ex- posed, who have been aeCUnbtitled III rt- IMtse uny confidence In security d mn ix- perienit'd I'ol'ce lorce, lo teiul the lisl nl Mr. Kelvins appointees. In another enl- itniu, ami then carefully lock their dour* ut night.

WHAT IS C'OHIM).—The City II.ill is engaged Friday night for Mrs. Weaver's readings; Saturday night for Kale lleigiuitds; Sunday night, Elder Seurlcs; Wednesday night, l.'lli. White lecture; lllb, Fenktn ball; Wednesday 10th, At- latilic ball; -tltli. 9lit and 83d, Myers' theatre; 84th,Orphan Asvlum lecture; 36th, White lecturei :101b. Elder B««riea.

REAL ESTATE ttl.i iilil'

Augu*tu* vVtKttI to 1 li:.ii..ii. Wion. Lot on Uak &i. »rj;,u.

Uourgs llarlwull tu 1'hebu J. Jenklna; I.ol on Oak St. ;1J-'

f'bebu J.Jeuklui lu W.I*. Jopliu. Lot on Oak St. *1MI.

E. W Carhrlon to Mra. Jnaon hi.:..11 -. Lai sod ln.ii.lir,.;. in llainpilihe ureet. s.wi.

K.l'.. ,i I Uaga lu Neuell Alklli*. Lol, j.". Cbaa. K Damon lo Abllbu ll>gjr,ius. Woodlmul.

K.iatx SAVINGS BASK— Deposits made on or before the thhd Wednesday or this month Ku on Interest thai day. All >ums arc received front Hvc caati r,> one thousand dollars. Dui- ii'.: thu last two years the Bunk i>ald its depot 1 tursslx per cent, coupOHBdlng it seml-sunu ally, und reserved a surplus of S37, fur future division. The lime tu deposit Is when you have ihe money. Those who wait for quarter days act unwisely ; the money enrm nothing while in their pockets, and is liable lit be lost or aiolcn, When deposited It Is not only sale, hat is immediately [tut at work, and whatever it earns, goos to swell the dividend, thus lucrcajing the rate of Interest.

Remember the limt to deposit is ROW, the amoMiit what you can conveniently spare, uad the/j(W.,No, 301 Essex ntreet, where yoa gel six per cent, compound [otttlMt five from tax, and yuur share uf the extra dividend.

Dunk open every day except Saturday, friun DA. M. to I P.M.

|3 0

wllholb.r lr*. Xancy

.H) on is M

13S 60

« E O tt U K TO t X.

RITSIXKSS, lu cniisciiiieiicu of ihe custom of ■aHnslIng

their accounts yearly, and takiiij; an Inventory at tho close of the year, hy the hoot and shoe manufacturers, that branch of business has been rather quiet for ihe past few weeks, hut with llio advent of the new yeur business i- re- vlvlnn, nnd a prosperous, condition of affairs is confidently expected. Or REAL tSTATK. Mr. DeWIt 0. Miirhill has dispotcd or his

farm, known as the " Dr. Migliill Kstate," to Mr. Paul Spoffurd, or N'. V., who does not pro- pose to occupy [t at present, hut makeafitic purchase In order to retain It in possession of tho family by Whose ancestors it was formerly occupied.

Mr. Stephen A.buns, whose farm, situated partially in West Boxford, was recently din- posed of, proposes to remove, together with his family, and settle in IteadinR.

STATE COX8TA1ICI..VUY. All the State Constables of Es*e.x County, to-

gether with their ladlei, dlued with Capt. U W. lloynton, on Now Years day. After the ap- petites, (and such appetites as state coimahlcs alone possess) had been appeased, Cupi, Boyn- ton was pleosanly surprised hy the presentation of a massive gold badge, the Insignia of his rank, and hearing this Inscription, " Presented to Capt. Ueo. W. Bovnton, by the nicmhen of ilu- !>.-;.(. Stnto Police u( Essex County," JIB. 1., 1870.

At'ttOaU- Those persons who were out hue Smiduy

night, or up early Mundny morning, Ipesk of a remarkable auroral display, such as ii rarely seen in this latitude, Ihe whole heavens being lighted up with brilliant dashes, and streamers of pink nnd crimson. But people of a fjMiel conscience, being asleep, did not enjoy a llcht of this heaiiiiftil phenomenuu.

The fullowing penons were Installed as utll- een of Protection Lodge, No'. 147, 1. 0. of 0. P., on Jan. .lib:—

J. B. Bailey, K.O.j D. K. Moulton, V . li ; M. K. Chase, Chap.; W. Wiley, Marshal; II. I.. Perkins, Sec; John Preston, Trass,; ¥.. Daniels, I. U.; T. L>- Barter, O. G.

VOLUMTABY l'lHSOKERS.— Two re- spectable looking young; men, between twenty-five and thirty years of age, com- plained of themselves In the Police Court on Tuesday, as vagrants, with llie view of getting food and shelter, being una- ble to obtain employment. They were sent up lor three months, but of course will bo released whenever tlmy desire it. It docs not speak well for the times.

TIIK NEW VBAB'S BAM..—It seemed as If all of the young people ol Lawrence bad turned out on the occasion of the Military Ball of the Lawrence Light Infaniry, Capt. Vamnm, on Friday night. Ai one time, there were no iuts than live hundred and fitly dancers present, BUII of course the Hour was well filled. AHI.III„

ihe guests wu Gen. Cunningham, Adjutant General of Massachusetts. Tho Infantry were were ijiiiio numerous, ami a inrgo number of battery uniforms were moil agreeably sprinkled shout ihe hall, PAjflerkom's Hand gave their usual amount of pleasant and diversified music, and everything went off pleasantly und us mer- rily as a marriage boll.

Kvaavaonv who i.. ., i, ..,[,!.,..- ,i i,,., BUS will be lutervMcd In the new Window I'a.t

Just i In.,-.] hy the tfosiua and M. ml, n UNIIU-

faelurlng Cumpany; Iti name logical Inn jn .1 »|1Hi II la, viz., "Never i..i.n,.- ind Bftf I.ilckhix."- 'I'hi'y nut only auptritde llie BM of wclffhli and l-ulltjs, but In 111 mi j reipcctsari' pualtlvrly au|H- rlur; and yet an- MM lo cheap that everybody who baa a window enn aO'urd lu lake off the old wurihlvia ifriaga, which are aueli a lourre ol liiutl I. .nn.l. I..- J.I.MIUJ: un lhes,',|.|ijuy Ihe luxury of knuwlnx 111. lr wludow* nn-^lwujs lucked, wherever and however left, froiii behiu forecd either up or iloivu— H-ttnn

I'or lull deseril tiou of the sbeva, see our :,.:-. ,-r-

I'lUTizANsiitr,—The removal of Mr. Henry Cutler, from tbe Superintiiidency ofthe Cemetery, to make place lor Ihat bitter parti/an, doiiu L. Bntohlnsoa, It 11 petty and contemptible specimen of Oemocratla engineering.

Wan AMK«IU;HV.—(i.A. R.—On Friday svenlHf ■ new Poll uf (he Urand Array of tbe Itepublle, No- Ill, wan nrgaalied, by Capi. Ooo. g. Merrill, AMI.

luijiecior, In Weal Ameabury; Iwenty-lliraa mem- be ra were preaent at IIIM Inaliluilon, and lb* I'oal euuiuieii,-i-a ll* work under mo*t favorabla auinlce*. Tliarulluwlng uHlcer* were e lee led for Ihn euinln(

7'o*( (i.niHinHoV, Ak-i. .Smart; Stnior Vice (■.,i»iii,,i„l,i,W.y. Martlas; Jr. Vb*Cmmm*kr, O. li. Barytal; Ai'jt., llaib-y Sargent; Quarter itattrr. Win. II. Foai.r; SuraeoM, Ueury J. Cuih- ii'S: 1 hi'iiliiin, Joseph HT.Sargaal) Seta*. Miijor, Wm. u. Ta*iuj Qnartrr Mtulrr Serat., Jaasss Uurubvi ''>•■''-' .//'»(i, Wm. II. Ulodgatj QBttr uf i.'M.irrf, Newell II. Murtlua;

IMegme lo Depnrlmiiil.-W. 1' yarllna; >ub- .11111 i, ,lm .liy.

Alter ibr argsBlsatlon, ■

parluken uf, and a L- I [lino enjoyed; the l*0»t can hardly fall uf a areaperaas future.

L'MIEIISAI.IST CIIVKCII —Kev. I. Klce, of Kiillini, New York, Will pieaeli in tho forenoon. llev. sir. Weaver will deliver bis tilth lecture on Moses und .Modern Science, in the evening tli M 'clock.

It is suggested 10 tin Mayor ibal several New Yoik poUllciane, whoso democracy cannot he doubted, cuu ho had for any ufnee* which he in.'.* Involving ornand looie.

itituto Ml llalirhlne. II. II.,

ti lot land, 1,'oiiK- -liureli and aoclaly, II aver bill, CeSIN Cong, eburth and aouiuly l[is»li-h. III,Cong, ehur.b and society, 30 60 ','. I'm :i .- .11, Itiv, f. II, I . In in;, |0 QQ llutfuril. KalfltuOamllnu K. I'.abody,

by »Io«.-a Dorman, Kxj. M 00

I'.ot. J, W. Churchill WHS registered ..1 ihe 1 nice of Bowles Brothers *Co. Paris, Dee. ICtb, 1-1:'.

Am:.-,i Clark -I lids town has been ad- mlireda partner iii 1I1.- Ilrui uf.Strong, Platttt l«, Wool Coin; new llrm Iloa- ton, successors to fleo. W. Ityley A* Co.

William Hardy lias been drawn (iraud Juror for the current year.

The Sabbath School connected with the Free Church, had their annual Festival on Friday evening, in the vestry, com- mencing with a beautiful tree brilliantly Illuminated. The presents were not sus- pended upon the Iree but wero distri- buted during the Illumination, tbe chil- dren receiving 1 hem with very great plea- sure as their names were announced. They were utlerwards furnished with an abundant supply of cake, confectionery etc . and ihe occasion was one of much enjoyment.

James A. Roberts has cr-tablished a street lump *p Abbott Street, near Ids residence, uud it le understood that other gentlemen In ditlcrent localities about ihe village are about lo follow bis pralse- worthy example.

. Kev. Justin Perkins, 1>. I)., for ifdyears a missionary among the Neitortaus, und one of ibe most useful and honored mis- sionaries of the American Hoard, died at Chloopee, Dec :ilst, 1808, aged 00 years. He arrived In tills country In August lust, out of health, and lias been gradually sinking since. During Ids rcsidetico In Persia, 11 of ids colaborers have died, among whom were Dr. A. lirant, ltev. D. T. Shul.inul, and Kev. J. S. Everett. In addition to many other Important la- bors, far several years bo was edilor of a Christian monthly publication, known as the "Kays of Light," published lit the Xcstorlnu language, being the only re- ligions paper in Persia; and the only pa- per of any kind beside, Is a government paper printed In the Persian language. During the years 18:11-32. Dr. Perkins was a member of the Theological -Semi- nary in this town, and while here took great interest in tho young, and during these two years was Superintendent of the Sabbath-School connected with the South Church, a position'which ho had previously Hilled during lils college course in Auiherst, und ho will be nflec- tlonately remembered by many of (he older people in this town for his falth- tulness and efficiency In these labors. There bring but one church wllhln Ihe limits ef Ihe south part of the town nt tills period. Ibe school was quite large, numbering at one lime W0 scholars. It was during Ihese years Ihat the great revival, under the ministry of Dr. Badger occurred, when nearly 300 wero added to the church. Dr. Perkins retained his In. lerest in this school after be reached his Held of inlsfelotiary labor, and wrote a se- ries of monthly letters in Die Sabbath School Visitor," addressed "to Ihe Sab- bath Schools of Amhcrst and Audover." Dr. Perkins visited this country in 1842, accompanied by Mar Yobannan. one of the XestorLin bishops, whom many will remember, and Bpent several weeks in this town, supervising ibe priming of his "Residence of eight years In Persia," and sniled from Boston on his return, March 1, ls43, having, with severs! other missionaries, received their Instructions in the Chapel of tbe Seminary In lids town on the preceding Sabbat li evening.

W. P. Draper hns just published nn ex- ceedingly neat volumu of 233 pages, en- titled. A collection of the Proverbs of all the Nailons. It is indeed a choice book and should be read extensively. Varied proverbs upon n wide range of subjects, unique, pertinent, and pithy ssyiugs. ju- dicious remarks by the author, and llie Hue illustrations throughout, make it a readable work which will undoubtedly have a large run.

Tho Congregational ohuicb at Wsp- plttg, Conn., has three deaeeas and three deacon essei.

Rev. Hubert Soulhgale, Inle of Ip- swich, Is now preaching for the' West Church atOrford, Nf. 11.

Itet. J. I,. Metculf. will preach at the Itaptlsl church next Sabbath,

■John I,. L. [>., will deliver Ids lecture on Daniel Webster, in Academy Hull, on Tuesday evening next. January 11th. Dr. Jiunl Is one of ihu most popu- lar lecturers in llie country, uud always secures a. full house. This lecture was' tlrs- delivered in Horticultural Hall, Ilos- lou, and subsequently before tbe Itarah- field (lub, and was regarded us llie best In llie course.

The ritcr enjoyed the benefit of several of Dr. John Lord's lectures at Beverly, last winter. He begs to call Ibe nl tendon of his friends In Audover, to llie Doctor's lecture, to bo delivered here next Tuesday evening. Thu Warned gentleman Is u well read, attractive, and Instructive speaker. J.'J'.

Methodism in the United Stales com- prises a membership of *t,8e7dM8 and an itinerant ministry of l-l,07tl,— a body mote ;ii :n three times as large, in the limt particular, uud more than four limes hi the sevoild, as the corresponding body in F.iigluud and Scotland. The aggre- gate, lu all lands, Is ministers, and ;l,.i.i:i S-l" members; a number lurge euuttgh for a nation. TTvt three are only the cttumiuulcnnts. 'Ihu number would be lit bled .should we reckon lu all who behmg In tl.em In family relationship, conviction nnd sympathy, The denomi- nation in this country now have eighty- live iiciuleniii's, willi "'HI Inslruelora nnd I'-l.llK) undents; iwcnty-ihrco colleges, with 181 instructors, uud 5,i00 aiudcuts; and the theological seminaries, three of Which, the Itosion. ibe (iarrelt, and the Drew, have each, besides bulldliigs nnd libraries, more [linn §330,000 In endow- ments alone. About O'l.tNJU.tKHI are b.vcsl- ,' ed lu these illllerent educational Institu- tions. They also support MM iinni tt-rly, two monthlies, nine official, and six un-j official weeklies, and live Suuduy-.Mdiool and missionary papers; expend over twenty ihnitsund dollars a year lu ftir-

' tract-; about one , live thousand dollars in chiiicl ) slon ; und over six hundred tlm i missionary work, employing in the It eign Held about one hundred mission

. lies, nild one hundred and littv a-si-iaiil


Died at Audover, un ihe Mlb of December e- ■taot, Hon. tiamuel .Merrill, al tbu af" of oiflny- threo year*, One nn.] Uvenlyvuie day*, after a ahurt lllnei*,—imeuriinnlo,—of ou'y four days.

Mr. Merrill waa burn In Hul.lon-, N. It., where hi* father, a man uf marked ability uud leartdDf, and of alagular aim pile Ity", purity, itr«B|tb and Urmneai 'of character, «.1- lonK tlie tetllcd minister. Ha waa prepared fur collage al 1'bllllj.a Academy, Eider, N. II., under lbs hut ruction or tho la inonled Joienh .Steven* UuckiululiUr, und With 111" brother, the lala Judgo Jainoi Merrill, or Boston, waa graduated at Harvard L'nlvertiiy In tho clan of 1&0T. tie aoon after begin ibe itudy of tbe la the ■ i'i.-.. of Ihe Hon. Jobs Vurnura, of Uavei and In 1*11 he wan ldmltie.1 11 member of Ihe 1.. Knaeil.'ounty, and opened an uiUce In company wllb Ihe late Samuel Kurrar, Ksf., al Andover, where hi continued tu reside and prastlos bla profeaalon for nearly aluy yearn. He rcpreaonted hi* tc county In both branehea of tbe leglalati acted aa a local magistrate, until he declined further aervlce, a few yeari ilnec

Ho waaoflvn called lo ill I placea uf honor, Irunt and confidence, and waa l'rcihlont of Ihe Merrlmac Firs Inaurancu Company, from Jti orgunl In 1 s.j- to tbu day of hla death. He wa* a -., struded lawyer, of aound judgmeiu. a salS Mllor, a learned acholar, ajuat and Impartial trato, a niodeal, unaaiuuihig gentleman, a firm, faithful and alncerc friend, a useful, honored cit snd a bumbbi, devoul CbrUllau. tjunb I* a t.inline of Ihe llfo and character uf UT. Merrill, yet it fa.ll* to ,A,U v.y any juat Idea af the man aa be waa known aud loved by hla frlcudi

II ia not ca*y to deicribo In word* the delightful li.'.uiiy of Ids character, which made him more laarnod, more than pure, more Ihau upright faithful. There wa* an Individuality about rleb, genial, delicate and cultivated, which pervidcd all bla tboutfbla and action* arid gavo a pcculb .'li.iiiH to all aaioclillun with him.

E«ly Imbued with a lovo for claailcal etudl", under the Inlluence, 1* ho waa accuatomed to »ny tbo gentle and aci-ompllahed Buck ml utter, he be- came a profound and accurate elaaalcal icholar, but even hla crhleal knowledge of the Greek mid I.alln tonguea woe aurpasaod by hla lino appreciation of tho beat elaaalcal wrliera. Nothing could bi agreeable or Inatruetive Ihau to hear bbn point oul Ihe peculiar, delicate and poetical boauiy,eipre»« or implied, In a aiugle woid ol Uorucr or or Vrfgl I'll Imps hi* reading would not be called eiteunlve : a college profe**or, bul It waa accurate, thorough, and oft repealed. IIumer,*Virgll, Horace and Ihe Qreak tragic poet*, llerodotu*, Thucydldc*, I.lvy. Cicero and Tacitus, furmed the circle In which bu ■ an whh ever iucrcaalug pkaauro. With Mr. Durki be thought ilmt on lha whole, Virgil wa* the moa woodcrrul poet that ever wroie, and be cultivated l.i.1. accordingly. II. Ircuucntly regretlcd the well negh-cicd or wai unable to report that et Mian at il..' club belwecn Burke and Johom which each maintained tho inperlor excellency uf Ihelr respective favorltca, Itoraor and Virgil. Among proao writer*, Ihu omate copiouinci* ol Cicero never failed to excite hla admiration. But perhap* ihe Inflexiblevtriuc and aenienlloua brevliy of Tacltu* rame nearei thinking and apeiklng, and to him be devoted the greateit attention, eapeclally during hla li,

He waa ei|ually aelect la Id* rending of Kn| literature. Shakeipuare, Bacon, Hooker, Itryden, Addlaou, Swift, I'i,]!,., Burke, Jotm*on und Uold- ■mlih, aud, lu fact, all tbe old and beat KnglUh au- tb..i... he Luew aa few men know them. lie waa not only familiar wllb their words and Idea*, but be had Imbibed tbe very color aud flavor, aa It were, ef their miii,]-. With language aa felicltuua oi tbe word* of hi* great favorite*, ho could point out their cberactorlallca, ihelr eicellaucy, beauty ond power. In all 1 hla there waa 10 little of pretence Ihat thero waa hardly tho appearance of learning. All was ■weet, clear, aimple, natural. White all these writ- er* challenged bl* reipect and love, Edmund Bnrke tilled him with wonder and veneration, l'robabiy few men of hia day were 10 familiar with, and 10 well underatood, all ihe writing* of Mr. Burke.

Uul It mult not be auppoaed, bccauio be wu 10 devoted to tho great Ungliah eleailc*, that be neg- lected Ibe current literature ol more modern llmrs. ne knew all that waa paailng, and he read all that wa* worth reading, except pcrbapa the production* of nuvell.ia. lie wu eapeclally familiar wllh hla- terloal literature, and there aoemed to be nothing political, military or dlplomnlla lu Ihollve* 1.1 \.i],..- leon or of Wellington which be could not Stats, n plain and Illustrate al a mominl'l notice.

With these acquirement* aud powers, he wa* a mo*l aft 1'iiilve observer of men and mannora, and of pa**lng events. Nothing eiesped bla observation, howeeor Inattentive he leemeil al the time to be. With hla clear perception*, aud wllh hi* veneration far the good, the true, the beautiful and the noble, he of course aaw much that waa Mrdld, low, mlae and preianiloua. At tlmea fa* eould aapraaa hla In- dlgnaUon at oppression, injustice, vice, and Irrtll- glon, In worda of terrlblo energy, but he leldom or never scolfcd or *acered, or Indulged hi latin or aaroaira. Generally there came a alngle *eutence ofuualnt humor which touched tbu offencu through all lu dlaguUea, and ciposed ll In all lu deformity, abiurdlty aud folly.

During bl* long ond active life he hod met and known moat ot ihe prominent men ofthe profuaalon during bla time, from CWef Juitlco Parsona down lo Ibe latest leader* ofthe KMCX bar, and, with bl* bablti of otoio obiervallon, he had accumulated a fund of SBWStnf and Inatruetive anecdote. Nothing could be more apt than hi* quaint and cut loua de- lineation! of character ur Incident, in. wit and humor flowing In a gentle cuirent rarely excited bolsierou* merriment or laughter, but they gave in... to thoie Inward umullena and amllo* of aatla- facllon which ever accompany the highest Ptcaaurca of conversation.

, From what ho* been laid It wilt be easily Inferred thai ho loved contemplative art* and (port*; and ■uch was ibe fact. Ilu wa* a genial and akllful brother nf the angle, and ho loved to wander with hi* rod through green meadowa und bealde running watera. To couverao wllh him on auch Subjects, or, mill belter, to accompany him, Waa like reading a chapter oul of ihe " Complete Angler," or more like anting with Iiaak Walton blmiclf upon a shad- ed bank In June, white Ihe ilreara flowed by, (low- era aralled aad bird* aung.

To portray Iruly theie bl* aimple trail.and habll* and eapeclilly the eager leit with which, with ehoaen frlendi, ho Indulged lu a rubber of whlat, which, In hi* quaint way, be would call " a canoni- cal game," would require the nicest touehca of the pen oflhe " gentle Klla " And here It may be -aid, that bad ha and diaries Lamb familiarly known each other, It would be hard to lay which would

ivc received or imparted the greater delight.

To say to Ihoie who knew him Ihat he won anly, Independent,pure, true ind wlie.would itouie votes thai ■.■■■m wholly Inadequate to

deicrlbehla vlrtgei. These word, may Indicate ly Hie absence of their opposite weabneuei

und vlcea. But all hi* qasutlci were affirmative and positive. With ■ remarkable control over all his own uppiiite* and pnnloni, he wai fall of charity for (he falling! Ot others. But what pecu- liarly distinguished him wai that manly *enti- ment and grace of life, that sensibility of princi- ple and cbsitily cf honor which rsuied him to feelaatilu like a wound, and which made the bare inipielon of a fault In blmielf fall of pain and dlatren.

Ur. Merrill accepted Chrlillanily wllh hi* whole heart, and hi* faith win childlike, Arm and trusting, l,ui he would eutrr Into no dlKuialon concerning it, He would hiten lo no conlenlloui doubt* or cavils. Ho uied lo say that acllglon WU tor the camion and eoaaolalion or man, and not lo be quarreled and wrangled over. Nur- tured In hi* )ou1h by upluui father intheboiom ofalsrueMew England family, andJna congre- gational parish, he ■ ally attended the Eplicopal Mrrlse, The devotional simplicity «n,l beauty of the prayer book seemed ever lo exert th* greatest Influence over him, audio excite Ihe iwceleitaod liveliest ■ million , of his ualure. He loved to dwell and enlargu upou the shnoal wonderful purlly of tho English ot Ita composition, and he would exclaim that almost the only llguru or mrlaphor In the whole hook was the sentence, " four upou il. - 1.1 the continual dew of Iby bleis- in-,;." Ashladevollon found expressluu In these simple and touching prayers, so beloved lo lilt up Ihe vuke of praise In those quaint aud grand old hymns and lunrs ol hi* lather*, and hi* whole

betokouert how humb!uuud sincere was lu- ■ i.blp.

Much *s we have attempted lodccrlbc him lie went in and out belore the people ol Andover for two generations ol men. He WM unmarried, but he ever found a cordial welcome it the Sresidc and In the family circle of other*, tic wa* the honored and trusted friend and vonnielloi of our fathers, he was Ihe equally beloved and revered companion and menturof Ihelr son*. Happy und useful lu his llie, he wa* fortunuto In Ihu time and manner or his death. No llngerlug Old ago deprived him of his mind and ventea, aud made him aburden to himself and others, but be pu-- ■ and enjoyed all hlilacultlet to the . i,.l. Indeed, lu hi* list hour* the same old, gentle, chi-nrlul vivacity brought haok the aum* old audio to the fuces of hi* lorrowlng frieudi aud relative* whotcnderly walehedhyhi* bed-side. Ami -u ha drparledlnthe comlorlsble hope of a better llie, U-uvIng hi* memory frc*h and fragrant to hi* Irlends, with nothing for them toexcnie or pal- liate, and nothing to regret, ilnce It I* appointed unit, all men once to die.

"Then wllh no throb* of llery pnln, No cold gradation! of decay,

Heath broke at oace the vital chain, And freed hi« *uul the nearest way.''

II IM, MID ill.*..

,'be annual meeting ot the Mill Kiujinu Company a held last Saturday evening. Tbe cbolee of

— ' 1 ouiceis ior me current year reiuueti as toiiow* — nearly as much in the circulation Of | Foreman, Lawranc* Wbiuokir; 1st a**l*tant,.(l,

"telna'.JolnButterworlbl Treai., Ick; Clerk, Henry Taylor: Steward, liieli. Comldsrabli iuteiest la taken r* in keeping tho organisation fully

l.e mail., uud hi mating it, in all reipects, 1 I ihe position ihey bold In iha community. ilu- pust year their services at a lire were

ueo ; 1. i.,:li! in rtquUltlon, Ibougli ihat WO r.llj claim, water belli,; -. far dl.tanl thai ■ and .1 -nun UMslug uf the liny ihmcnl* li llie window did moat of lb" luiiu**!. value, and tho feeling of snfrtj thst coiriea

kiiowlcdgej that w« have two very .indent npantea In our village render! Ibe luulecta

Ihat ought to be Interesting lo every one. ) llio f Ihe e


■V » U T 11 Air it o V l: It.

'Ibe chronicler uf passing event* In il.H quaint town would soon, like Ulhello, Dud hla ccoupsUon gone wm ll not for a /irtciom few whole soulad Individuals who are engaged In Ihe laudable but almost hopeles* undertaking ul infusing s spirit of cnlerprliu and social Intercourse Into the dormant denlicn* of Ibl* fair portion of Creation. Bul thanks to tin-manager* uf Ihe " SultOS Assemblie*" we are once more able to report an irteiiteiil. The fourth und lull or these Asacmblln,which occurcd on the Inat night of the old year, was emphullolly lb* crorciicr of the seile*. It su a joyous, and nilgai* llcent affair, being very ranch larger, and decidedly more ro-e-colored than any of the preccedlng par- ties, Tbe ladles, a* usual, appeared bctvitrhlngly bcQiillful, nn.l Ihu richness of the tnllellc* was Uie theme of universal admiration. Tho Intervening lapse of lime beiweeothe two la*t Auemblle* bad detracted not a icfii'f from tho charma of Ihoae fair ones lo whom *l>cclal allusion wo* mode hi our last; In fact, we aio rather uf ihu opinion that the fair M. ■ ■■■ who 1* *nppo*od to prcalda over those occasions, Iii9-1 really bestowed upon ber youthful devotee* a few additional artlatlc touches uf her magic wand. Thu Lawrci.ce ladle*, to whom we ■ me n.-iny thank* for Ihelr conalant attendence, " never looked so lovely yet " brilliantly prominent were Ihe wives, daughters and urirt* of lawyers, Judges and Divines, and not a few Divine daughters and wires of olber solid men of Lawrence.

Tho farewell to Iho old year waa at once novel and Imposing. While tn the midst of a quadrille tho solemn hour of twelve arrived, and ws were suddenly reminded thst the old year was departing. The music abruptly ceased and Professor Upton, rising and facing ihu nudlenco, proceeded lo strike upon Ibe shrill sounding Triangle,—distinctly, •low- ly, aolemnly,—11 g | 3! -JlbtUITISlOl 101 lltl^TI Tho etl'ect was electrical I For several minutes solemn silence reigned supremo, and all stoud *pcll- boiinil while Iho band played *ofl!y nnd wllh great pathos " Departed Day*." Then came llie merry greeting uf a " happy new year,''afier which the Band again itrnek up a lively waltz and tbu gay throng " like giey hound* in Ihe slip (training upon tbe -mn " ru*hed to Iho giddy mnie* of the dance —and hero we will lol fall Iho curtain, " The Stil- ton Aasembllea " aro now numbered among tho 11 II-. or ■ . ■■ 1 i .-,- and havo passed Into the aeroll of 1,1-t..iv. Header, ehould ynu now chance lo pus.' by BttrCWM Hall after nightfall, you eould see no cheerful light ihlnging through the cascmmliof thai beautiful structure, no merry voh-u salutes your ear, no delightful atraln* of aweeleil music fall upon the silence of tho " stilly night,"—"Upton'* Bells''are bustled, und " S niton'a Belle*" alas I nlaa 1 a-lack-a-day I! all, *U havo bled lb,-in to Ibeir happy home*, and you now behold nought but the Banquet Hall deaened, " whoae light* are tied, win..-.- gailanda dead, and alt depanod,1' but the pleasant reccollerilona of the bright leSBSS Ihrough which wu have so Joyously passed. " Long, long be my mind with such memories lined, Llko a vote In which roses havo once been dlatllled, Vuu may break, you may ruin Ibe vaae If you alii, Uul tho ideal of those roaea will linger Uiere still."


The bcauUful estate known as " Kim Valo " haa been leased for a term of yean to s Boiton party who propose to make e*tun*lv» ImprovemenU with q view of eitabllahlng a faahionable iumm*rre*on.

tucliiin Sales by lien, foster.

WOOD AND LAND. Will be Hold nt Public Auction, on IIONDAV, JAN1ARV It o'clock, p. M„on the tre- atise!, It 1-a acre* or Wood and Timber Lsnd, known ai'TIne Hill," illuated on tbe road lead- ing from the Boiton turnpike to the Salem road, between Ihe residence! of Ebeneier Jenkins and J. .1. Milieu. It belong! to the e*Ute of tbe lite Ssranel Abbott, deceased, and Is an excellent growth of Oak, Marble uud I'lm-, and will furntib a Urge number of board log*. J.'.O to be paid nt isle, when other condition* will be made known.

CAltOLIWE ABBOTT. Andover, Jauuiry T, 1870. Jsnm


JOHN I.OHD, LLD., Will di-llv.r bi.

Daniel Webster, ^


TUESDAY BVJ>*0, JAN. II, 1810,


Tickets for tide at W. K. Drapcr'r, and at the door. Andover, Jsnuiry 7,1070,


Farm for Sale. The ■ iii.i'i ii-.-i- ■ for uie hi* Varm, titusted

In West mile* from Lawrence and * from Lowell, containing upwards of one hundred acres, well divided Into mowing, tillage *nd pas- turing. The building* consist of a atory and-*- half house, contaiuing 8 roomi; birn 30 a 00 feet, nearly new, with collar; carriage house,granary, and other out buildings, with plenty of good waler. Thu Kami la only 1 mile from No. Tewksbury Meet- Ine House, and only I-'.' mile from tlia Ilaggctis l'ond .Station of the Lowell and Lawrence Stall- road. There are on iho Farm nacre* of wood land and li) .icreg of pent meadow; alsoayoungorcbsrd of apple, pear, and cherry tree*. For further particular*, Inquire 0r FOBTlCB KAKUKK, mi thopreinlies. amjar*

Mil. ( II AH 1.1— -., L. KTOM;, AtlTIIUItl/KU TKAlltKR OF

Mrs. Palfit's New Inductive Hathod for fhr Pianoforte nod Organ,

would respect fully call the attention of tho Inhabi- tant* of Audover and vicinity to this simple, com- prehensive, thorough, snd, *t the nine lime, ■Bcluilfug ayticra of Instruction. 80 slmplu that child can understand and pract Ice It; so thorougls

that the moit mature mind will be pleased with It. For fall particular! ami eircn/uri, fiijnrg (ti sataist ciiAiti.ts N.i.. man,

i'liiilip:. Btreet, Andover, Miai.


A MELODEON. Andover, Deo.

1 or n. M. Down. 1, lscw, at

The Andover National Bank, The Annual Jln-thie, ofthe Stockholder* of The

Andover National Hank, will be held al tho Banking .loom or *ald Bank on thu SECOND- TUKBDAY of JANUARY next, at THRi* t'elock, P. M„ for the election of Director*, and

tlie iraoiaciion or any other butlnei* tbst majr legally come before them.

JUOaKS KOSTKrt.fJaabier. Andover, Dec. a, lb»u. Ot

Wagons I WagonB!! New ind lueond hand, for iala by

E. B. & W. U. LAMB, NUHTII A.VIKIVSH, llu-,11,

alanufacturers or ivttlagtU'* mtcm Hen UM.

Carti snd Wheel* of alt kind* to order, 1 I'm ■; lyAll orders for Tin Uoullnir iironiiit-

ly attended to. a 1 1


lhe subscriber has for lalo*. Urge lot of hard suit sott wood, which he will sell 111 uuautltle* a* desired. Orders left at the periodical itoru of John II. Chandler, Hum Htre*-t, Andover, or nt the Union store tu Abbott Village, will bo uroiunl-

■ attended to. JOIihT CIIANIII.ICK' Andover, June 1, lwio, if

T. lir.Mt 1 .

Opposite Savings Hank, Andover, Msnofaelurer of


House for Sale. Well Wiit, ,1, one-third of ■ mile from Railroad

.nd Hone Cars, iiatxX water, ?.' fruit tress, grape Inea, und amall frnlt; atable. Inquire ol

lt"-oi*l W. B, 1 V M11, North Andover Depot.

for the mil. ul Catarrh. It will also cum Dull- lulu -, 1 ...iilniclic and Neuralgia; and la unaraatecd •- -Ive kaiiiiHdlun. Wo will refund th* money

ever)' hotilu that docs not help the patient.— iuvlte every 0110 to call si oar store and teat

Ihe medlciae wllh a very ingenious Patent InhsJ- 'ig Tube, free of cost, and *nti*fy tlirmielvei ot

* merit-, belore purchasing. SavfoelS* ti. II, PARKER, JOHN J. BROWN, Andover.


Wagon Manufacturer, has comtanlly on band, and make* to order,

l.iglif Express, Order, aud Business. Wagons,

wllb or without Topi, Also,light rannWsgoniaailCarU, for hones,.

Ropalrlus lit nil its branches. Andorcr, July", leoy, ti


( \



T. HE N EY, Dealer in

B UST IT URE. Agent fur Webster A I.add's

iTENT 8PRING BED. Icturo Framing, Upholstering, etc., I oil kind* uf Furniture repaired iu ■ supi t lor

Bposite Ravings Bank, Andover.

lew Firm. New Goods. gi: aubsir.b.M would rail the :itttiiii<i;i of the lens of Aniluvrr ati.I vicinity l" thHr ui-w and lee st«ck ol (ioodn tinw upt-nlnK »' *"* old llnrdiuc.uixltr lliplMOMKB Elating ID |iurt of a ■,< m i al assortment or

Goods, Groceries, Flour, Crock- jry and Glass Ware, tine Teas, pure

Coffee, Spices, etc., etc., wh ifh weoflVr to our patruua nlsall.fuc'ory

klitm ul publlu putrouuire rivpi-o.'uliy

dultvired to all parts of the villugo free

•r, AUK. 13. 1

I to all p. V.. It. FA K.NMVuilTll BCO.

HERMAN ABBOTT, IF FIN ^IWI r,n ii lint, I has always on hand alat^e aaHorttniut < 1 Has, Casket*, Robea, 1*1»tea, Ac,

■ preparoif to furnish ice and preserve bodlw .■11 lien i n-il.

lorner Main and Maaex BU., Andovnr Atniov.T. JnlyS. 1M.7.

For Sale. L Mip.-N.ii- NEW Mil.i H cow.

J, W. STKAK.VS. cr, Dec. '», 1MW. 3t .


f CITY MATTEKS.—At tlie mtTtini: of the board of Aldermen, last evening, Mayor Kelvin presided, and there was A full

■o.'inl. The following were appointed as beclal policemen;

JS. D. Webster, Daniel Floyd, Thomas kenney,Joh'n D. PrescottaDeuiiIs O'Brlne, John Oosgln, C. E. Hall, Chafl. Stevens, fceorgo Moore. Duncan Wood, Wm. W. Iluich, Ivory T. Butter, James Morton, ■oliii L. Hutelilnaou, Lewis Edmonds, Justin S. Bridges, Geo. II. Green, W. II. Davis, Win. I*. Frost, James Oearln, James HoiiEoit, Samuel Woodtinll. A.

JlUchwaxen, H. Dolbler, P. Qrlffln, O. h. IMafflct, John G. Nichols, s.iml. Barrett, I Orlando Jones, Joseph Trlckey.

The petition of A. V. Bujjbuo for uiic- Itioneer's license was granted. Petition ■ of J. It. Perry (or Hie appointment of K. I 3. Porter as undertaker, wns placed on tile. 1 A communication wns received from the I Bchool committee Kivlnit Information of I two vacancies. A. S. Flanders, John C. 1 Dow, and E. W. Matliews, were drawn I as Grand Jurors for the Superior Court I for the ensuing year. Aldermen Dodge I and Payne were appointed a committee I of conference on City Physician and So-

lli-iii. t-. en the paitof this Board. Notice I of the appointment of Benj. Booth as Fire I Alarm Superintendent by the Council, I was laid upon the table.

Order for printing onebuudred cmn- | mlttee cards, 'adopted In concurrence. I Alderman Wlnkley was appointed on the I committee on the Mayor's address on the I part of this Board. A. W. Giles and F. : E. Wheeler were appointed measurers of I grain and C. E. Hull and- D. M. Spooner

Public Weighers. U. E. Hall was ap- pointed Measurer of Wood and Bark. C. T. Chamberlain, James E. Sbepard and

{ David Beatty were appointed Truant Mil I cera. Joseph II. Keyes was appointed

Civil Constable, James E. Sbepard Con- stable, and David Benlty, Constable to serve criminal processes. All of tlie nbove were confirmed. A. G. Clark was

. nominated Constable, but was not con- [ tinned. It was voted that Thursday

!)!■ tbe regular night of meeting. Ail- (ourned to Thursday evening.

In the Council, President Davis pre- sided. Every meinbtjr was present. The

(-Inaugural address of tlie Mayor was re- ferred to a joint special committee con-

P^pUtlng of Councllmen Stone and Kiley, on the part of this board. On motion of Councilman Stone, tbe board proceeded to the choice uf Superintendent of Fire Telegraph. The whole number east was 17, necessary to a choice 0, Benjamin Booth had 12, C. K. Wlgglu 3, H. X. Butniiii! 1, A. C. Stone 1. Mr. Booth v.:!-. declared elected on the part o( the Council. A resolution authorizing the committee on public property to cause plans to be prepared for tbe enlargement of the capacity of tho City Hall, by means of galleries or extension across Pcmber- ton Street, was read twice. A resolution authorizing the paving of a portion o( Rs- sex street, and to borrow money for tlie same, was laid upon the table. Adjourn- ment to Wednesday evening, at 7 !-."> o'clock.

CENTRAL Cnuncd.—Rev. Edward G. Porter of Lexington will preach at the Central Church on the next Sabbatti. In the afternoon he will vary the exercises by giving a lecture lo the Sabbath school children upon "Bible Scenes and Cus- toms." The address will hti Illustrated by many pictures and diagrams. All aro Invited to be present.

MKTM i E .v.

The new church edifice of the Baptist Society In Methuen will be dedicated Thursday, Jan. 13. 2 1-2 o'clock \: M. Sermon by Rev. Dr. Neale of Boston, who preached at the dedication of the former house twenty-nine years ago on the 7th of this month.

Several of the religious societies have commenced tho "new year" with speoial meetings for prayer and conference, held every evening of the week, also in some cases In the altcrnoon ; the meetings are well nttended anil with an unusual degree of interest.

On Tuesday evening Bernard Glbney aud John Keenan met Mr. S. W. Dame at Corllaa Corner, and without any prov- ocation whatever nssaulted htm. throw- ing him down, pounding him, and biting him under the eye. Gibncy lied, hut Keenan wns arrested by A. Gilcreast, po- liceman. On Wednesday morning. Keen- an was brought before W. M. Rogers, Trial Justice, and Mr. Dame considering that the defendant was Intoxicated, ac- knowledged satisfaction In writing for a small sum, for the Injuries received, which being fair, Keenan was discharged.

On Wednesday Keenan again met Mr. .Dame at the same place where the affray ■oecared and again assaulted him, biting ids ear and pulling his hair. But police- man Gale and otbar persons, present suc- ceeded in extricating Mr, Dante from the jaws of this cannibal, who according to the witnesses, seemed Intent on eating the old gentleman. Thursttsy morning Keenan was again brought betore Justice Rogers. W. II. P. Wright appeared as his counsel. He was convicted and sent to the House of Correction for ninety days. A. C. Rollins arrested Glbney on the same day, hu was convicted for the assault on Tuesdny evening,—fthirty days.) IOTA.

METHUEN.—The next lecture will be dollvercd In the Town Hall on Wcdncs- day evening, 12th iiist.\ by B, -F. Bron- aon, D. 1)., of Southbrldge, a former pastor of the Baptist church In Methuen. Subject,— CUIHOSITIKS OF ClIAHACTKtl. Admission, 25 eta.

♦ »*>* ■» 1'i.tNo TU"i»a— Mr. J. O. Whitman will be In

Lawrence on the 17th lint, forth* purpose of tuning piano*, fjrdera may be tod with C. T. Ueodle, N. 6 A ]'pli-ton afreet; alao with Dyer fc Co.


*4~Rrown'a Extract (.Inner, is im excellent mil •Ota to kttp in the boose In rold weather. For a auddea chill or severe cold, It lajual what la (rallied. Telnet, 131 K***x street, aella il. + . * . ,

Ss-On accoaM nf ihn (atorm, the aervlce wlilcli m*» to have baen held at the ynllnrlan Church laii Sunday ennlnf <r«S poatponed. It Kill be held next Sunday evening, at 7 o'ctock, when Rer. Mr afoor* will prawn abont "Sampion'* Riddle." The public are invited.

JI o N n noil i r.

The majority Of the Board of Aldermen carry their nolitlcul anUDOSltlet, literally, to the grave, by tuniiug out of office, for no other than political I'-.i-ou-, lliu Superintendent of Cemetery. Plunder, plunder, plunder; noth- ing it too .-,II i-i'il for party plunder with them ; no wonder that Mayor Melvin did not think It worth while to call upon any one to pray for them. They etin do their own preying, upon the dead, as well IH upon the living. / Will they alnn "Up In a balloon, boys, by and by?" anxiouily inquired a worthy but somewhat unappreclatlve auditor at the Orato- rio of the Creation Wednesday evening 'Ye»,' said the individual applied to, who was listen- in- with all hi- enra to the line combination uf sound produced by Ulii Houston and Mr. Whitney, "only be patient and they will have that, Cbampairne Charlie, and Walking down Broadway." Just th-trilie chorus struck Ir at, some quick paiaau-es which the Inquirer took for "Johnny Scbmoker" and he was comforted.

Mayor Melvln did not anall the I'. 9. Post Office, anil the ansetiort, and collectors, in hi* message, though they were "foreign Institu- tions" quartered upon the people, and not tin- der I he control of llie Mayor and Aldermen. There were Borne people at the south who had something to bav about their government being n " foreign " power, once.

The records of the City Clerk show the sta- llMlcal coincidence, that exactly the same unm- ln'i of men na women have been married the past year.

The Catholic clergy of New York, sent a fish made of the purest gold to the Pope. A flsh was formerly a favorite emblem of Chnit and thechnrch. Kev. Mr. FaltHeld explained tho Hebrew signification of tho letters, very prettily in the last White lecture.

The New Year's Ball was kept up until "Along the Eastern aky

A Ughtfoot herald ran, Telling another day wa* nigh;

Another night waa done." Another cheerful Sunday, rain pouring down

all day, perhaps a few buckets more a minute than n week before, and keeping up tbe lick all day. What lilt about the laator first Sunday of the month governing several others? If there U any truth In this, tho churchsi could be closed lo advantage, and the clergy take a va-

lon for a few weeks. There are not many whose piety is waterproof against such an on- slaught as the first day of this week. Who wants to go lo meeting in rubber coats aud boots? Umbrellas were nowhere, and Fills should have had a rushing mending business the next day. While tho windows of the heav- ens were opened to their widest capacity at one iinn- during the day, it was enough to cause a oreful pcrKon locmlmute the altitude ofTower,

Prospect, and Clover hills, in case of a Hood, or to figure whether there was net some respecta- ble old Noah.wherc one could obtain board lor, say forty days. Our/tond'ny population should fed nitlicr in homo than otherwise In an ark. It was small consolation to the dripping people who'were compelled to ho out, to remind th.-m hat It wax only a shower, just to lay tho dust.

It is one of thowondern of the season that no such moving real estate has been seen here for two or three weeks on the stretch.

A strange appearance in tbe heavens about three o'clock Sunday night Is talked of. Two large balls of red fire, and at about five, a gen- eral redness in the skies.

Who ts this 'ere Shepherd ?" was tbe gener- al inquiry Monday. Mr Shephartt Is a gentle- man from Maine, who unfortunately did not arrive In Massachusetts in season to vote at the last election, hut would have doubtless have gona the democratic ticket bad he been a citi- zen of Lawrence at the time. It Is all right.

The Indignation meetings of the two hun- dred and tblrty.four disappointed candidates, were held in squads and at corners, Monday afternoon. It Is feared that many of them were entirely oblivious of the existence of the third commandment. Those of them that who declare that they won't stand It must lit down.

The gentleman from Maine" Is tbe appella- tion «f tho now City Marshal.

We aro pleased to learn that Oapt. Simon Blakelin has been appointed to a situation at tbe Jail and House of Correction. He Is a careful and experienced officer,and will be val- uable In that position. Mr. Blakelin was con- fined for a long time at AndenonvlUe by the rebels, and brought very near to death's door by starvation by them. This alone would be sufficient to forbid hli appointment on a demo, oratlc police.

In our notice of the Soldier's Fair we entire- ly forgot one Important Item, from amlsappre- henilon of tbe facts, Tho chaste and elegant trimming and dressing of the City Hall was accomplished by Messrs. Lamprey & Marble of Boston, the most tasteful hall dressers In that buslneis. They are tho same gentlemen who decorated the Coliseum.

Will the Sheriff" oblige Mayor Mulvin by re- moving himself, Briggs, Currier, and others of a "foreign police " which the county "has chosen to quarter among, us'" He evidently don't want to havo the survoilanco of "any sicb." His Honor "having full confidence In the disposition and ability of the citizens of Lawrence lo manage tbelr local police affairs satisfactorily," mints " that our citizens will be speedily relieved from this annoying espionage by a police not controlled by or responsible to them," As the Houso of Correction also Is not conirolled by the democratic Mayor and the democraUc Aldermon, supposing the Sberlft* takes tbat along also. Thnt is very "annoy- ing "to aome people.

Z. T. Merrill, of this city, aud Mr. Church, are soon going into the cigar and tobacco busi- ness, corner of Suduiiry and Pertland streets, Boston, a block or two from the Maine depot.

Tho White lecture tlcketa will bo distributed on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the City Hall. The fourth lecture will he delivered on Wednesday evening or next week, by Bev. Mr, Ilepwortli, of Now York, late of Boston.

Information for the benefit of a city of- ficial, a new comer In town. Essex street runs generally oast and west. Tbe streets par- alell with It or nearly so, are Canal, Methuen, Common, Havcrhlll, Oak, &c, and those at right angles. Union, Ncwbury, Jackson, Appleton, Pemhcrtoo, Lawrence, Amesbury, Hampshire, Franklin, Broadway, 4c. The Common Is an oblong'picce of ground containing about seven- teen acres, bounded by Common, Lawrence, Jackson and Haverhill streets. The City Hall Is a building of a doubtful nyle of architecture with the front door, facetiously so called, and which Is never used, on (be side of the house. Tim door may be Identified by a hand each side with a ball In It, as If aome was preparing to bowl down oometblng. Fort Saagter purbapa. The hall la on the earner of Common and Ap- pleton streets. On the other comer is the Court llntiKo, a handsome edifice, surmounted by a pair of scales emblematic of the jnitice which litigants r-xpect to get Inside. The depot Is at the west end of Essex street and tbe Jail at the northwest corner of the city. Tbe mills are along the river bank. For further information see directory. Nothing like being civil lo stranger*.

Those of the school committee who were designated on Tuesday night especially for tbe "Training " School, are not necessarily mili- tary men.

McFarlin says that be has sent bis ice crop down to Newburyport to get aaftedi he has a very comfortable supply (aomf'ortable in Au- gust,) boused, however.

There Is no truth In the rumor that the big ox that weighed 2660 pounds, is to be saved for a dinner for the Boston stockholder, who, at the last railroad meeting here, complained that he could not get anything to cat In Lawrence. The ox has been cut up, and dressed 2170 Jin. One hind quarter weighed 453 pounds; the fat averages about thrco Inches. Kastmsn & Buell arc selling the meat.

The vote [or Clerk of the Council, is incor- rectly printed on the outside. It should read B. B. Osgood 12, II- N. Butsaaa U.

Frank Leslie's pictorial has an extra plate representing a cosy party on the roof of a rail- road car on the way across the plains to Cali- fornia. There Is a railing around tbe roof and the whole resembles the upper deck ef a steam- er.

The street lantern at tbe earner of Essex and Appleton streets Is neatly lettered; On or side Is "Appleton," and the oihsr" Essex Such an arrangement is a ureat help to strang- ers, especially tn the night time.

If tbe City Hall Is altered as proposed, about dunble tbe number of people can listen to tbe While lectures that can now be accomodatcd.

It Is said that there will be a' female stage dancer here shortly. " Shortly " refers to her costume also.


■OAOoor AUWttiuat. The following Handing cummin.-, have been

appointed; t'ulice, Al-ii.". Wlnkley, U. H. Dodge. EUrilun*, Wm. llower, Juhn It. I'erry. UonMCS, John Hart, M. S. Dodge, Wm. Bower. Eurollxl >iilht Juini. Paves, M. a. Dodge, J. It.

Scatter*, J. 11. Perry, Aloiuu Wlnkley. The following have been appointed upon ihe

joint standing conmlltcci ou Ihe part of the Board, fiiuine: James l'aync. /'ublh: J'roptrty. il. U. Dodge, Alonxu Wlnkley. 5frerl«, John Hart, A. Wlnkley. Printing, M. a. Dodge. Fire Ihpartmtnt, A. Wlnkley, W. Bower. Orifjnailers, W. llower, J. It. Terry. Military, J. It. Perry, John llarl.

BLCCTIOHS m Tin: ALDXRMRW. The following have been elected on tbe part of the

Board of Aldermen. They are lo go lo tbe Council

Mtaturm of Lumbtr, Alonio Wlnkley, Warren ft. Foater, II Plummer. Hatlhew Doyle, Wm. Boll, I-:. B. Herrlck, Jeaae Glover, W, B. Reed, A. ». W right.

Attaiurtn of Brickand Stone, Baldwin Coolidge, C. II. Ltlllefleld, Cbaa. T. Bmeraon.

Metuurer* of Mattering and fainting, Baldwin Coolidge, A. L. Hamilton, C. If. I.lttlefltld, Hon- roe Baldwin.

Sealer of Leather, S. II. Stedman. Public Weightrt, 11. II. Bishop, II. A. I'reacolt,

A. S. Bunker, 0. A. Brown, F. L. Hunala, E. B. Hoyden, K. B. Herrlok, J«*M (Jluvrr, W. B. Hay.

Field Drtrers, II. bl. Dodga, W. II. SpofTord, L. Kmery, A, Buiton, J.8. lllll. (.:.]■:. Hall, K. o'tful- Uvan, D. W. Plngree, J. S. I'leraon, W. Ki-liw, J. A. B tor or.

Staler of irelytitt and itfatam, A. B. Bunker. I'ottnd Keeper*, Alotuo Bniton, Win. Keboe. Fence Vieveri, Baldwin Coolidge, I,. Kmery, Q.

W. Horn. Ufauureri of »:-i«l and Hark, S. B. llaydcn,

Daniel nardy.O.U. Bean, J. I,. Itunala, O. Payson, Itufue Reed, John B. Howard, Allen Wiison, War- ren Steveas, A. 8. Bunker.

I1.- l-i.'l-H.-. I -.■!■.. II.. I

Monday Kvenlng, Jan. 3d. j Preatdtnt Davla In the chair; every member prea-

ent. Tim appointments of Xence Viewers, Ueaiurera,

Field Driven, Pound Keeper., SeaJera, Pnblle Weighers and Surveyora, by the Board of A Idormen, were concurred In.

Tim Council non-concurred In tbe appoiniment of Dr. Seneca tiargent ai City Physician by Ihe other Board; ayes,T; nays, II.

Councllmen Utone, Murphy and Bailey were ap- pointed a committee to confer with tins Aldermen In tin- matter of Ihe City Physician and Solicitor.

The following were appointed:

STAMDIMO COMMITTEE*. Hilli, itcond reading; Kiley, UcCoy, Farnhain, Enrolled Dill* I Blone, Slurphy, Wheeler. tClection* : Kagcr, tiearln, Nelson. The following were appointed ou tbe part of Ihe


MtuMJ President Havla, Couuellmen Bailey, Williams, Couch, Stone.

.i.-.-."nit', i Uurphy, Kagvr, UcCoy. l\iblic froptrtn I Kager, Couch, Cute, Wllllnma. Streett: Uanahau, Baltey, Cnie, Coucb, O'Bulll-

Fire Department ■ McCoy, Bunker, Uearlo, Man- iilmn, Wheelwright.

Printing; Cale, Bailey. Ordinance*; rfilllama.Klley. Military; Wheelwright, Kiley, Wheeler, Nelsoo,

O'Sullivan, .S'eicers ,- Bunker, Manahan. ' ■taimi,- Parnham, Btone, Murphy. An order waa adopted for printing committee

card*. Adjaurned to Thursday, T M r. M.

«♦«♦ NATuaa'a HAIR BESTOBATIVK la the result of

four years study and tiptrlraent. It la now perfec- tion Itself, and no more to be compared with lb* other preparations now flooding the market, tbaa 'tanglefeot"wblakry la to pure Bourbon. Procter Brothers, Gloucester, Mass., sole agents. Ask your druggist for it, 76 cenla a bottle. SeeadvuT' tiament.

Woariir or Nora.—An exchange aaya tbero I. scarcely a day passes that we do not bear, either from penons coming Into oar onoe or In some ether way, of the success of Juhmon'i Anodyne. Liniment in the cure of eaugbs aud colds, so prevalent abaut town Juat now.

If we can benefit ihe readera of ilie^mrrJ<-<oi any by recommending I'arton'* I'urgutirr Pill* to be the beat anil.bilious medicine In tbe country, we

willing to do so. We have bad abont as good a chance lo know aa any one.

IKDIOUTIOX.--Very many persona are constant sufferers from indigestion, and constant, debility; particularly those «faedeutary habits, and delltato female*. Spear's "Standard Wine Hitters " are aa all auBUtant antidote to their allloga and dlbllity. Olvethamajudloloua trial. Bold by Druggists.

SPOOL ei>TTON.-We have been appointed sole agent, for the sale of tbe celebrated WltlhnonUo ■ii cord, soft finish, Spool Cotton, which we recom- mend as being tbe best Spool Cotton In use. We warrant perfect satisfaction.


Puna CREAM TARTAR and cooking soda, ail tested for Impurities before being sold, can be bad at Talbot's drug store, 114 Essex street, vary tow. Ladles, send yonr husbands to Talbot's store I

OVKB-RxaaTion, either of_body or mind, pro- duces debility and disease. The nsual remedy la to take loinu stimulant, the effect of which Is the same as giving a tired horse the whip Instead of oats. The true way la to fortify the system with a permanent tonlo like the Peruvian Syrup, (a protoxide of Iron,) which gives strength and vigor to the whole system. 11 j

NEW lNVLNrii>Nn.~Lii the older countries ol Kurope, where labor Is cheap, the Inventive fac- ulties are not stimulated to tbe extent so common In the United Stales. Wherever civilisation ex- tends, American ingenuity is recognised as lead- ing that of all other nations ia tbe number and value or Its labor saving appliances.

The three greet triumphs of tbe Electric Tele - icraph, the Lightning Press, and the Sewing Machine, arc bat shining stars In the constellation of useful inventions that enelrcle our republic.

With a weekly list of applications for new patents that Is numbered by hundreds, II Is a matter of importance to the Ingenious inventor that he should place his business In the bands ol a solicitor wbo Is not only wets versed In the present details of the Patent Offlce, bat be should seek one who Is cm fail concerning the multifa- rious letters patent heretofore granted, and whose aueoess in difficult cases In the past Is a guarantee of a favorable result when doubtful points are at l(«ue,

Ihe card of It, If, Knuv, K.ij., Boston, In our columns lo-dsy, is that of one of the most sue- cenful solicitors of American and Foreign pa- tents; and his long experience In this line, aalde from his connection with the Patent Ufllce, renders linn amply competent to furnish all needed In- formation, while his chsrscter lor business integ- rity Is too well established to need comment

lirtkf. li UKTT.—in Andover, December Ulh, a daughter

to Mr. b Mrs. Usury Hum. VASOaT.— Ia Bonferd, Jan. Mh. a daugbtsr to

Mr. * Mrs. Jamea lienry Naaon. PARSONS.—In Ibis city, Jan. 3d, a daughter lo

Mr. k Mrs. Harlan P. Parsons,

gtarriagrs. ADAMS - CliAKTS.-In Georgetown, Jan. 1st,

by Kev. O. S. Butler Mr. Jopbanua Adams lo Mrs. Carrie K. Orafla, bolb ef Georgetown.

WHtTNKV-MBTCAI,K.-ln this city. Jan. 1st, by ueo. It. Howe, staq., sir, Sunioer W.Whitney lo Miss Klliabeih Malaalf, bath of Lawrence.

tbe Lawrence Poel Office, to Mlea Sarah J. Ill moud, also of Lawrence.

8AWVBR-LOW.-Ia this city, Dec. 30lh, by IUV. Wm.E. Park, Mr. John K. Sawyer to HI.. Mary Dana Low.

WKKKS-URTf WOOD.-In Lake Village BT. II., Dec. Ittlb, by Uav. K. S. Hall, Mr. Frank A. Weeka, lo Miss limy Vrancl* Urywood, both ol Lake VII-

HADGKIL-AI.LKN.-Io Lake Village, Dec. »lb, by llev. K. rt. Hall, Mr. bid win A. badger of Natlck, to Miss Florence A. Allen of Lake Village.

KIMBALL-DAVia.-In Lake Village. Jan 1st, by Kev. li. S. Hall, Mr, Lewi* K. Kimua.ll of Korthwood, to Miss Vannls 1:. Davis of Gilford.

LOVKINa-CONNER.-[n Lake Village, Jan. •lb, by Uav. K. S. Kail, Mr. Albert G. Lovetng of Loudou, 10 Mlaa Josephine S. Conner, adopted daughter ol Mr. it Mrs. Miles Taylor, of Lake Wlige. ^s

IIAMOK-UAHMH.-In Rdan, Malnc>*y L. J. Thomas, Ken., Mr. Dean II. lUmor and Mlu So- phia Humor.

§f»tk». SKAVKH.- In ibU city, Jan. nth, Josephine

Seaver, aged ;w >r. -1 mo. 4 dye. KNOWLES— In this city, Jan. Mb, Nellie L,

Knowlos, aged 36 yrsS MS M dya. KENNALEY.-In this city, Jan. Mh, Kiln Kan-

naley, aged 1U yra, S mos. LIXNB1I AN.-In ibis city, Jan iih, William Lin-

Dalian, aged 0 wka. MARTIN.—In ibis city, Jan. 3d, Ellen Martin,

agedUyrs. MULUEY.-U Ibis city, Jan. Id, Daniel Mulrey,

aged 03 yra. LEIQBTON.-In this clly, Dec. Jflth, James S.

Lslghton, aged 34 years, I months, 11 days. IU1.KV.-In ti,i. eliy, Dec. 3*ih, Owen lilley,

aged M years. WOODBURV,—In Ibis city, Dec. iiih, John B.

Woodbury, aged So year*. DKCKKK.-In Salem. Jim. 1st, Col. Jefford M.

Decker, aged 04 years JOSSLYN.-In Klngslon, Dec. mh, Mrs, Mary

J. Josalyn,

A Klc» BWTtOTJ nf human hair Is a lliiury In which all tSU now Itwlllge. Medina la selling them below coal Tor a aburt lime. The voarac Japan swltcbea, which ahow their material and texture through the net, are cntlroly out of fashion, and nothing will now suit tbe ladles but the human hair, which is after all Hie cheapest as well as the beet.


The ufllrcrs aud members of Needbani Encamp- ment, Post He, 30, u. A. B., tender tbelr hearty acknowledgments to Itie ladles and members ol the several societies, and to the host of other generous hearted friends and workers,—none the lesa gratefully remembered because their number precludes individual menUon, — for Ihe willing co-operation, «mtlring efforts, and generous dona- tions; to the distinguished guests from abroad; our comrade* of neighboring Potts; to the City Government, and tbe Boston and Maine Railroad, for special favors; and to a patriotic and liberal public, for tbe sympathy and aid so Iraely given, rendering onr recent Fair a complete success, and establishing such a charity fund aa will enable ua lo tuitili the iirst principle In tbe mission of our order, and minister liberally to the wants of oar needy comrades and tbelr families,—In Ibe result of which charity, we trust our generous friends will tlud ample reward.

To one and all,onr individual and united ihauks. By order aud on behalf of the Post.

II 1 E.A. FISKK, Commander. J. A. UAm-t-fi-f, Adjutant.

Premiums! Premiums! The Great Local and Family

Paper for 1870. Sn.ENniD (iFFER TO 1)1.1) -I.V/i


MAGNIFICENT 0HE0M0S As Premiums to Subscribers to the A;

TheLawrence American AMD


Our SubicrlpUon List,—very Isrgely Increased during ihe year,—Is almost double that of any other weekly paper In the county,—and no other, with one exeepliob only In the Stale,—famishes so much reading matter upon SJ good a quality of paper, at the low price of our journal, and we wish

IOOO ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIBERS before the close of Winter. We are perfectly well aware that a newspaper of any stability must look tor its success to tho character of its column*; bat to show our readers that we fully appreciate their efforts for us, and to silmnlate a little extra exertion now, we have arranged lo ofAr the splendid Cbromos of L.Prang A Co.aa premium*

New and <>!<! Subscriber*** And our arrangements With these Art Publishers, aad our wishes to stimulate a generous effort on the part or our readera, are sneh as to induce

MOST LIBERAL OFFERS, and such as will enable any on*, by a little personal effort, to secure one or more of there


r any one of th* 11x it Inches.

'1 Afit. Of* I *l-«'llli UlllrS For One New Subscription.

To every subscriber, old or new, wbo will send a* bis imii subscription, and one oilier, a year lu advanee, ($4.00,) wa will sand Prang's beautiful series of miniature pictures,- - Twelve Views on the Hudson, or Twelva Views ot

American Coast Scenes, following list:—

Autumn Leave*, Maple, Autumn Leaves, Oak, " " The Winter Wren, SxS " Ruby Coronal, " " S*vann*h Sparrow, " *■ Black Throated, Blue Warbler, " Piper aad Nnt Cracker*, " " Victory; or the Kemedv worse

than the Disease, " " Tbe same Premium to any one, old or new »ab-

acrlber, lending bis own sabscriplloa two year* in advance, (14.00.)

For Three Subscription*

in advance, new or old subscribers, with I0.UO, wa will send tbe beautiful, large slie,—lOx 13 inch.,—

Piper and Nat Crackers,

after Landseer, or any one of the following :— Wood Mosses and Ferns, tl x IS Inches. Bird's Nest and Lichens, •• " Awakening ; (a litter of Puppies,) 8 X It " The rwiaaiNo.l.(l*«b*at8lieep,)l(ix It " The Twin*; Na. 2, (a Companion

Plctnre,) ■' Scotch Terrier and Ibe Puppies, 9 x 10 " Lobster Sauce, (Cat caught by a

Lobster,) ■ I x 13 " NoiCsught Vet, gx I! *• Ju*t Caught, — " *' The Frightened Ducklings, 10 M I'J " Cocker and Woodeock, 9x11 "

For Five New Subecriptloaa,

Including his own. If by an old subscriber, la advance, $10,—we will send tbe charming b>*>ure, Illustrative of Whlltler'a beautiful poemST

"The- Barefoot Boy," \

or any of tbe following Hal:— T~"^ Group of Chickens, 10 x It incnea Group of Quallr Group of Duckling., lln- runltry Yard, Poultry Lift, (A) Poultry Life, (B) Under the Apple Tree, Rest by tbe Roadside,

The Linnet, The Baby; or.Uolog to Hi Balk, 7xD| Dead Came, Our Kitchen Bouquet, Rabbits and Kittens, Morning, Vix H Evening, II X 16

For Ten New Babacrlptiona,

or nine besides hi* own, If by an old subscriber, in advance, «10, — we will present the beautiful picture of

Enater Horning,

a splendid Cbromo, Just the thing for a Christmas Present, (14 x 31 Inches,) or any oneofthe follow- ing Ust :- Early Autumn on Buopns Creek,N.Y. flx 18 inch. Late Autumn on Wblu _ Six American Landscape Strawberries and Baskets, Cherries and Basket, Flower Bouquet, Hlackberrle* In Vase, Fringed Gentian, TheKId'. Playground, Correglo's Magdalene, Sunset; California Soenery, Horse* in a Storm,

txlS i-'-'iii pr set.

I.IK IMnehe*.

11 M x IS 1-8 m-txiiM

;xio 14, 11x17 13 x 111 IB* I'J «3xl3


To any one, whether a pressnt subscriber or not, who purchase* through us, Prang'* Chromos to the amount of #4.00, from bis catalogue, we will send tbe Atiitilrsn one year, gratia. Th* order and tbe anoney must be sent to us, and the Chromos will be forwarded by express.

To any one purchasing through as, la like man* ner, Chromos lo the amount of *J.00,w* will send tbe AMXBICAX eighteen months, OXATI*.

To any one, purchasing la Ilka manner, Chromos to the amount of * to, wa wUl furnish tn* Astaal- CAM to themKlvM and to two other person*—«aeh on* year, oaana.

aWWho will have Pictures, or the AMXBKAX,

without cost I

t SPECIAL PREMIUMS. For larger clubs, will be presented splendid

inducements, full particular* of whieb will be luraUhed upon application to tbl* offlce.

Copartnership notice.

BYRNES & WADLIN, For the purpose of

Manufacturing Machinery, Tools, Ac, And doing a General Jobbing Butlnes*, and will

carry on their buslneee la Stedman 4 Fuller'*. Building, Near


January I, M70, J»n7tf

In llnnkrupny. Tbl* Is to give notice ibat on Ihe iiotb day of

December, A. D. ISOU, a warrant In bankruptcy wa* issued against the estate of

LVM AN L. KIMBALL, ot Maiden, In tha county of Middlesex, and stale of^aMassaebuaeU*, wbo ha* been adjudged a bankrupt,onhl*owa petition; that the payment of any debts and tbe delivery of any property bflongingto such bankrupt, to him, or for hi* use,*nd the transfer of any property by blm are

[forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors lol th* said bankrupt, to prove tbelr debt*, aad \ choose on* or more assignees of bis estate, Will be bald at a Court of Bankruptcy, lo be It olden at the C. 8. Court House, Boston, before Edgar J. Sherman, Register, on the 33d day of January, A. D. ueo, at 12 o'clock, M.

UKO. L. ANDBkWS, U. S. Marshal, Mass. District,

3tjin7 A* Measenger.

JOHN BIRMINftTON. The wife of John Rlrmlngton, formerly of Lon-

don, England, la In Lawrence, Mass, Her ad- dress can ba bad at Ibis offlce. Should Ibl* meet his eye, or that of any of hi* friend, wbo know where he la located, it I* earncttiy desired that he ortbey will communicate with her.

Lawrenoe, January 7,1670.

Town or Metnaen.


lowing Hate, and singled on Phillip* and Carlton Street*, in the town of Methuen. in tfa* county ot l-.'.ci lull Commonwealth of Massachusetts, are hereby notlHed that the Tax** assessed thereon by the Assessors ol Methuen, and committed to

remain unpaid; and that aaidlots and dlvlalom of real eiiate will be offered for sale, by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, the rimi day of Feb- ruary neat, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at tb* Offlce of the Treasurer and Collector, at the Town

. i. man irgai cnar^ra lierron, unle** the lame shall be previously

discharged. s. U.SARGENT. Collector of Taxes.

Methuca, Dec. 31,1*W. tl1>7 NOX-llltSIDBMT.

Robert Rnntoul, Jr., (tirlrs Of,) or a party to Assessor* unknown—Lot* No. OS, 07, OS Carlton Street, and lot* No. 74, 75, ?o Phillips Street, tax 1804, «1 It

Same property, tax 1KB, 1 Hi

Amount of tax, #1S W Itlchard Healey, or a party to Ihe AIMS

tor* unknown-Lou No. I3S, 140,143, 144, 140, 1*8, ISO, I&3, 154 Phillips Street, lax iMH, #0 U

Heine properly, tax 1802, O 84 " " 1803, I III

Amount of tax,

Cashmere Single Shaw!*,

To Hardware Dealers* Contractors, Builders and Carpenter*.


WINDOW PAST. The only substitute for weights and pulleys, *,nd

a complete and perfect SELF LOCKING spring, at less coil than tb* old unreliable aad uusafe ones heretofore introduced. A'o CatcMng, JIUck *$, tirtal-ing, Slipping, or Dropping, bat AL- WAYS HAFK-Self Locking and Kxvaa *AU> ixo. No cogs, cams, wheels, beads, or roller* to get out of order, or tempered steel (prlag* to break. Il never fall* lo hold and Uci the window jmt wkert vow teare it, from being raised or drop- ping down. It can be raised orlaWmed tbe mereet trifle, for ventilation, and then and there loci* itttlf. So other window nature pretends, doe*, or can foci' tha window securely lx everyplace or position. It wodts eijuslly well *n top or bottom *a*X, is limpie, tironger', more eSecUve.daraUr, and cheaper than any spring ever latrodaced.— Critics are challenged to Bad a single fault. It II Cheaply and emily applied by any ssecbsnlc to old or new leindom*. Kti-rj look 1* made In Ibe most thorough manner, and tcarranted perftcl. De- scriptive Circulars, with Card List sf Prise*, seat promptly on application.

liberal term* to Agent*. Owned and Manufactured Excludvely by the


1ml tlae 77 CB AMBERS ST., IXW YORK.

Why don't you use Beach's Wash- ing Soap? It la ahead of anything I over used.


R. H.TDDI, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, Led* Agent of the United SUtu Patent Offlce,

Wathington, smder th* Aclof 1817.

No. .8 State St,,oppositeKilfcy St., Boston, After an extensive practice of upwards or

twenty years, continues to secure patents lath* United States; alao In Great Britain, Irene* aad otherforelgn countries. Caveats, Speciaeatlona, Bonds, Assignments, and all paper* or drawings for Patents, executed on reasonobl* terms with dispatch. Researches mad* into American and Foreign works, to determine tb* validity and utility of Patents of Inventions, and leuaT aad Other advice rendered on all matters touching tbe

recorded In Washington. A'o Agency in Ihe United Slate* poueum su-

perior facilitif for obtaining Patent* or ascer- taining ihe patentability of innewfaMU.

Darin*; eight month* UM s coarse of his larg* practice, c jetted applications^ SIXTEEN APPEALS. EV-


ometal latereoaree. CHARLES MASON, Commissioner of Patent*."

"I have no hesitation In assarlng Inventors that they cannot employ a man more competent and try»ttrorthy and more capable ol putting their application* In a form to secure for them an early aad favorable consideration at the Patent

Late e Ma. R. II. Kn»r has made for ■* T8IRTRRR

applications, in all but ONE of which patents have been granted, and that one Is note pending, Hurh unmlitakeble proof ot great talent aad ability on his part, leads m* to reooommdhd ALL Inventor* to apply to bins to prepare tbelr Patent*, aa they may be sure of having th* moat lalthrui attention bestowed oa tbelr cases, and at very reasonable charges. JOHN TAQ11AHT."

Boetoa, Jan. ftL 1IT0. UT

Where do you buy your Soap V Where I can And Beach's Waahlng Soap. It'O the very bent SORD I oan find In the market.


Hatlford, Conn., Da*. 37th, IMS.

a*TThis la lo cettCy that BYRON TRURLL A CO, are the Sole Agent* for tb* isle of our New Six Cord Spool Cotton Thread for tha Clly ol Lawrence, Mas*. AUSTIN DUNHAM,

lit TJaO Tea*. WlUlmaalla Linen Co.

Have you triad Beach's Waahlng Soap? Try It, and you will always use It.


Great Reductions

A. SHARPE & CO. have this day commenced their regular Annual Sale before taking Beeoant of ttoek,and will con- tinue to offer, for a tew weeks, some

Very Great Bargains! Silks, in Colored and Black,

Greatly Reduced.

Poplins Greatly Roduccd.

Plaid Dress Goods Greatly Reduced.

French Reps Greatly Reduced.

Epinglines Greatly Reduced.

French Thibets Greatly Reduced.

Black Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

French DeLaines (ireatly Reduced.

Colored Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

Black Brilliantines Greatly Reduced.


in Ant radian, Beaver and Chinchilla,

at VERY LOW rrlees.

$ H A W I $ at Greatly Reduced Prices, from 12

10 540. ;

Cloths, — Flannels, - Cottons, AND


at equally Reduced Prices.

HOLIDAY GIFTS! an Immense Variety, and at LOW


213 Essex street, Lawrenoe.


Sole Agents in Lawrence for the Essex Dye House.

NOTICE. The Annual Meeting or the Stockholders ol

tbe Day State National Bank, *l Lawrence, will be held at their banking rooms, oa Tuesday, Jan. Uth, 1870, at two o'clock, P. If., for th* choice of D rector* and th* transaction of any other bash aeis that may legally come before them.

SAXI-KL WntTB, Cashier. Lawrence, Dec. Bh, 1800. f

Gre&t Bargains* UEO. D. ARMSTRONG * CO.,

aoo IGMex afreet, LAWnntM,


Fine Caabssiere l-ong Shawls, MO.00 4. at as 35.00 t. M st 30.00 U at ta VTM> ti at .. U.OO - tl at OT.50


** ** 16. OO ■* " IT.iO tt u - •« lt.00 a* *t 90.00

Heavy Woolen Double Shawl*. 5.00 M «. 5.00 « *- 0.50

•• 7.00 IS s* B.JO

Slack Alpacas, very iae, 45 " double warn, 50

pare Mohair, M " eilra heavy, TS

All Wool Poplins, 70 All Wool heavy Reps. 1.00 Heavy Reps marked treat 1.00 to SO Heavy Uranlte Poplins lion* 87 te 50 Plaids aad Dress Goods cheap. Cotton Flannel*, 30 aad 9ft Flannel*, all kinds, Terr low. Cotton Goods at wholesale prices. Hosiery and Gloves. Ladies* Under Plaaaela, 1.00 Black Velvet Ribbons. Dress Trimmings. Clonk Trimming*, doakiag*. Black Beaver, 3.00 to S.00 Fancy Cloaking*. Linen Hack Towels per donea, 1 .BO

Tbe above lln* of Good* we have Harked Down per cent. Call and examine before sBAktag your

Water-proof Racking l>otn l.OOtel.fll sSa-Oar CLOAK DcpartSnent Is la th* beat ol

bands, We warraat a rerftet Fit, or as sal*. f t OSO. D. ARMBTaOItQ % CO., ISO Kseax Street, (opposite Peaabartoa Bank.)

Byron Truell & Co's Column. CASHMERE SHAWLS

it lireatly reduced price*. Long, Irons. tiUJM to «7t.00. Dojuare, from lu.uoto si.oo.

WOOLEN SHAWLS.' Square, »om gWJO to Miw, Long, from t.aotou.w.


BLACK 1IKII.I.I ANTINES. KaUrelr Mew, aad Very Desirable.

BLUE aad GREEN SERGE PLAIDS. Una of the Bart Things of th* season.

PRINCESS SILKS. In Klegant Shades, at


Aleiaudrin Poplin*, Black Alpaeas. EPINGELIHE REPS

aad Saspras* Cloths, very ebeau; also, Beaatilal Plaids for Children'* weal, at low price*. BYBOM TKL'KLL A CO.

WOOLENS FOR MRN AND BOYS. Ladles* Uader Garments.

Blankets, Flannels, etc., at Tremendous Low Prices.


FURS I Flits it A Uood Assortment Jnit Opeacd, wblsb we

o*>r Cheap, CHKAr, CI1KA I'. IIYItON TBUKLL fe CO,

asr We would sail «qr*rtaf otie-liua to our

CLOAK DEPARTMENT, whleh Waa never la a more Bom I thin*; condition Iban BOW. Our assortment of Clo*klp«s Bud Trimmings was never more desirable, which Hiss DA'itikiT Is constantly converting latograeefal and elegant Siting gar meat*.

rkase give a* a call, reasemberlag that we will not be undersold. 11YH0N TKUKLL A CO..

940 Eases *treet, Lawreaee. November, law. V 1

Beach* Washing Soap g|V«« gen- eral eatlafnotlon, and Is worthy of public oonfldenoe. Trrlt.




Christmas AUD



Oxford Bibles AND

PRAYER BOOKS, ol evary llta and style, and at all prices.

Klegant Hi titling, Good Print, Nice Pa* per, Rich Gilt Edges aud Clasps,

all Sires and Prices, from lb* Pulpit slie to the smallest Postal

edition*. W* bar* mad* a earafhl selection of Books with

reference to the DomluH Holiday s, and ar* prepared to laltaar who ar* looking for the most Tsatt- fal aad Bleh assortment la lb* market.

Wa offer all Kdltloa* Of tb* Novel* ol

Scott, Dickens,

Thaokery, Mrs. Stewe,

George Eliot. Charles Beade,

Cooper. The famous Diamond Edition* of Ibe Poem* of

Scott, Tenneyion,

Whittier, Longfellow,

Lowell. lasrfcllow'l

" The Building of the Ship;" on* of tha saaslerpiacrs of gasrlssB art.

Also, lb* lllastrsted Kdltloa* of TanaaTBOS and WiiiTTiaa, lueladlag tha popular Sod Llaa

Srhonburtf Cotta Series, HI* Volume* for »«.- Illustrated Kdltloa of

GATES AJAR.. Sermons by Father Hyaeiath*. Siberia and'Dlbir

House* i lagham Paper*; by B. B. Hale, Little Women; by sflss Alcutl. Note* In

knglaad and Italy i by Mrs, Haw- thorn*. UoepltalBkrtahea; by HUsAloott. Prom

llsk to Olive; by Jalla Ward Howe. Tanag Asaerlca Abroad j by OI'v*r Optic.

r Book* of Interest pabl the part aeoaon.


Sii-Kr'.tMt OI'KH, First Quality lenses.

STEREOSCOPKJ VIBWf, A-nrrlean ami Kor»lgi ; ■ specially neb In I'ariaUu

View, aad Kngllsh Cathedral a. Just from LONDON,

V iews in Rible Lands. English llluitfltsd Books for Children.

TOYS, NEW AND AMUSING. Itet Iculr. and Work Baikal* i Scrap Book*; MM*

and H.ndkercblet Soaaa. 1 INITIAL STATIOMKRV .unatiully rf-

ceived of Ibe Newest Style, aad Most I asnlonasi* paltaru*.

Isaweasa atock ef ENVELOPES,

Diaries for 1870. A00ODUT BOfJlS.

BOOK BINDING. subscription* received for all the Masraalataa

and M*vv*pa*>*r* la Ibis oountrj aad kagland. Kvcrytblng la oar line farnlahed to order at

short nolle*, aad la th* beat style.


No. 183 Essex street, Lawrence.



305 Essex it* Lawrence, b,.lt| r.t.r.. d IruH


W.CT. h. .^,t oprala, »wl MlMll.f


l, m ut.; .red tu of .r tbe public tb.

Luga.t .nil Bet Selected Stock



Dree* Trimming*, etc.,

«.«r hraaghl lo tbl. .11,, ul at ,rlc

at pea CEHT.



Pattern Bonnets AMI rEOH







all Klr.t ArU.l.aad laiuorUr.o, ,rrath Klllla.ry

aad rari. No..ltl...




.11 Fltu Anl.ii 1. N.w V.ik.

froa. vboa. wa b... aud. .rraa,eai.Bta I. rMdn oalt.tB. oa th. arrival of ...t, Iroaa Karop*, Uutrab, raabllbf a, I. ha*, con- .l.atl, oa aaad tha l.l..t .t,l«. ol

Bonnets, Hats, AMD


Patterns of Children's Dresses and Suits


partlCBlar aitentlon to HMUO Ibe ■*■• b«n« one of onr sraoiaLTiKS, nnslsr lbs sMperlntend- *M* oi Has. rKI.LOWH, an long kaona a* one Ot th* Meet rasblouabla Dress Maker* of Uw- rsnss, who carries oa tb*



I, M.(dm .llh all tha lala.t (1,1,1 of

Velvet, Plush,

Satin, and Fir Kelt

HATS! Plain aad Plaid Velvets.

a ..„ lar<« .wortai.Bt, ooa.l.tlaf at

Plaid, Broad and Narrow; Plain, Solid Colors.


For Bows aud Sashes.

French Bonnet Frames ef Iks Lsuast Stvie*.

FEATHERS of m.ny wmrimtHs, aad ot tha latest importations.

Nice Freuch Flowers, great variety.

A full line of Ladies' Gloves.

Ladio..' Under Garments eonsts»tiv an band, aad mad* to order.


dona OB th* nol*el*s* WbMlOr A W ilswa'a Hen lag

Maablnr, vt*. I.antes' Kavorlt*.)

N. Ji. —■ Our rooms are all ou the


ShjrTo Irl tha public knew w* ****** what ve tag, wa meatioa a few of onr price*, vis :—

Good Velvet Hats, iWc-c»c— 7Ac. Oood Satin Top Hats, 75t--»1.00—Sl.'i.'). Oood Plash Hats, «1.(MJ-»1.2A-$1.50.

RIBBONS— frsMBlOc for No. 4 Blbbon to 76c. iotYr »— varvlnf according to quality.

Real Lace, Clunoy and Hon Ton COLLARS.

Holiday Presents

Kvsrjr one Ibat destre* to make a alee

Christmas or New Year Present,



313 Essex Street, - Lawrence.


Ladies' and Gents' Handk'f's I. Urtal


HOSIERY of .11 kind. Mllla. ..ry that, at LOW I'H h I s,

K ,oa wlih lOra




I* .uw .ad go to




Invllu tlio E8PECUL ATTENTION of


to thHr Uaa.aal Lar,* aad Spl.udld atoch o,

DRESS GOODS, •mbnelai all tbe Latest Hovctile* of tbe Forelfn

Marheu.—New and Blegant dealga* In


A Splendid Line of PLAIN GOODS,


All Wool Reps,

Empress Cloths,

Thibets, Cobergs,

Alex. I'oplins,

•Win nil Color* and Hlm,lt'r-,-%n,


O L O A. K S. Oar Cloak Department, tor the Winter *e*son,l*

V*rj Complete, OOBIUIIBK of Garment* mad*



Aatrilcanx Cloths,

Velveteens, etc.

Alto,a large a**ortmeai of


f'j id. 11.I.I, at

I^opiilfir l^rloeiii!!

com &• niiEw.

Blankets. w* bav* a spwadid stock of Blanket*, lu-4,114

aad lu-4, In all qualltla*, nblob we thatl sell at





Hosiery and Gloves,


Breakfast Shawls, etc.


SUS Essex Street, Lawrence.

Vocal Tablets For Sora Throat and Congestive Irritation of

tha Mucus Membrane.

in Bankrupt, y. This I* to five notice Ibat on Ibe Uth day ol

Daeamber, A. D., ltsM, a warrant In banhnptef wa* Ismrd a*rala*t lb* estare of

.skill ¥.,

of Charlestown, in lb* oonnlj of Mlddleiea and Stale of Matsaebaactl*. who lie* been adjudged a bankrupt on III* own petillan; that the pay

i*Blof saf debts, and th* deliver)'of any prop- crtj, MsSsjiag to "uili tiunkrnpl, to blm, or Tor his ua*, and lb* iransfrr of any property by blm, ar* forbidden by law; th.ii u uiecllng ol the creditors ol the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to I'booit- one or moru Asslgiievs ol hi* estate, will be held at a Court orllankruplry, to be l.ui.l. II at the 0, B, UtiBrt IIUUM, I -■ brlorr K'lrar .1. -h,'i nan, KOfWfT, "" tin- .'.'inl day ul January, A. II. LVt, *l U o'nloek.JI.

UkOKOK I,. AMUtKWts. U.S. Marslial. Haas. Dl.irl.t,

jtdiT a* Hsssfager.

Why don't you ouy Bonoh'» Waah- InsSoap'.' tt'a about tho only pure soap I ean find. Ueo It once, and you will use no othar.



Studio, SIMS' BLOCK, - - - Lawrence.

ttT-Blrlclly first Clnas Work.^u

Highly Finished Portraits in Oil. Saf-ricturr* Copied, Knlar|[ed, and Huiibrd *s

desired. Bluings made Irons- 10 to 1 o'tlock—by appolnl-

saeat—in fair weather only.

.ill accidental defects, such a* Vrfklrs, Hnnbui _ . md all discolor * lions, etc.. thrn-oy rendering the rvMltiag riclurc more trutblul. while II MfM it delicacy and reSn*mtnt to a marked degree. In- deed, It may be affirmed that only by tucll aid can t rut ti ful likmrsie* be obtained, Iradlu




We art- Prepared lo Take Moa.ute,




.u MAKK raox

Beet Foreign and America:! Cloths,


VERY LOW PRICES, for the next iiO days.


NEW PATIERNS of CARPETS, Bed Blankets and *Ji.ii.ts, which would make a comfortable and acceptable Present, this day opened by


CHRISTMAS and NEW VKAR GIFTS at low prices, such as a valuable Set of- Pure, custom made Cloaks, or an elegant Dress. Pattern.


SILVER SPOONS, Forks, Ladles, and other Silver Ware of our own make, suitable for Presents.


A. W. STEARNS & CO. are opeL- ing elegant Dressing Gowns, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, and Mittens for Gents.

A Wonderful Discovery I


i:l -i I or


It ConUlns No LAO SULP1IUB—No STJ3AS of LEAD- No LITHABOE-- No NITRATE of SILVER, and Is entirely free from tot Foliosou snd Hdkltfl-destroyiag Dmp: used la other Hair rrsparationi. it i» eurr ta mMprre-fd* and drlrei etif of

the eommmuttu "It the. FOISOUOVB FBK- PAUATIDSH ttotr tat *r*e. Trmnmparemt and eiemr mm ers/atW, it trill mot evil the fmrot fmorir, Xo oil, no ttiliimnl, no dirt—per- /eWts/ S^dFiV, VLKAS, and XFFICIKXT- dreldermtnme I.OSti mOUQUT Fttit, and lOlSIt AIT LAST I

It raltirm and prevent* the Ball- from '■•■ evening ilrnu, I mpart* it *oft, give*}/ nppear- omv, rTrnor.-a IMtndruf, fa roof and rrfrreh- intf ta the head, ehreke the Ilitlr/n,„, fnltiu_i of, and rrtturr* It to a great extent ir/irn }irr- enatiireltt lout, jirerrnt* Headmekrm, cine* all Humor*, rutuiic.ui eruption*, and itnmtt nral heat. USJ.Y IS CESTH Fl-P. HOT 11.1 .

It i* eceurtd tn the Patent Offer of the- United State* !>•/ Jill. C. SMITH, Patentee, tleoton Junction, Mann. Prepared onlg >■■:

PROCTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., To H-IMIII all ••ntem ehunlil hr aitrtiraerd. Hold hit nil flret-eiae* Itrnggltl* anil Fatten flood* Dealer*. The Hennlne I* pit tip in m panel bottle made rrprrtelff for it, trith the

name of the article btoirn In the ,//"■■-. A*k tftiur Deuggiot for Natnrt'e

linir Jtettaratloe, and take Jfo Other.

Tbe KKH II iKKll may be obtained in LAWRKNCK

of J. MBDISA A Otjh, and at all the I M.I ...,I- I

and FAXCT Ooui>a BTOBKI. iinj«r


II. B. PRINCE would call alteallon lo hi* stork of Hour and

tiraln which be la receiving dally from th* West.

W* are alway* well ttocked with Ibe following anli'ie. lor tan si) II-.■ :— Wheat Flour, I Rye Flour, lOalHeal, Graham Flour, llnllnl llcsl, Wlnal QrMli, Oat Flour, | Kye Keal, I Hominy,

New Bnokwheat Flour.

The following asiortinent for Fowls:

, I Huckwheal, I Itonc Heal, , S.'r.'.'iilNi/s. I Hrvr Hrr*|i*. ry, I Cracked Cnrn, I Oyster Hhrlls,

■nd ;.i ■> buahel* Hllghtril Wheat.

| ]'las I IT. nut",

-iddllngs I uolton feea steal, I nan, Kin* Feed, | Uround Bone, j Urns* Het-d.

STRAW FOR BEDS id putting under Carpet*, olway* on haad, and

delivered si tha boase at short notice. A prim* Into! Kastern Hay Juat received ami

for sal* by HENRY B. PRINCE,

Noa. :;■!.'• and 'M7 Common Street. Lawrence, Dee. li, 11*60. eodleopl

VOCAL TABLETS For Coagb* ami Cold*.

TO BE LET. A Suite o First Cli»* UOOMH In a New Teae-

sacut,ooruplrd |,y a prlvste family, alluated In ih- heart of the city, one mlnulr'a walk from th* Post Omeeand City Hall. A rare rbanrr. for parUcu ar*, Inquire at Tina orrii'K. a!3

Ci • V


"I'rraiian S|r*n." i.-."i- " 1'eru _.. Mown in the gla«*. "A Pfslp paiii|>lili-t sent IriHi. J. P. IMs-tt in: I'mjirl.-tiir, at Uey SI.. >'..*» York. Hold by all Druggists.

:it*w[ Hly»r>b

IN, a s*lu*ble property, oanalsilng of

13,000 r I:I:I LAND,

with building, nearly new, Sited for ItiGtfiaBBV, and sullable for almost any

-Mnnutiiiiurlag nnalnesa. Will be sold low, and on eaay terms, tlie prjj ■

crty would be leaat'd, it prefvrri'd. Apply in imtdil HtiDOKH A KICHAIUMO.X,

tn India Wharf, llottun.

VOCAL TABLETS Per the Voice,

Imported Birds. The subscriber ha* a lot of Gcrntun iin.l .lll|>llll.-r IllnlM.llf l*n?pluill*«f, ninth in. I- .i-lliriK a low ■- can be t nuabt in it..--i..j, or New Vork. Al»i, American Birds of all kinds, *t very low price*.

K. L. UENT.VIUIIroadhl.. wdirsw* Just north of H«v« i hill at.

Havo you tried Beach's Washing Soap v I gave It a trial, and now use no othar. It'a tha bast and cheapest I ean find.




JSpwiat Hottctj.

A BPLKMDID OPPORTUNITY to ru- ga** la llie »Uuiir..cture«l Lumber.—In the town of Wurili, New IULiii>«blrr, i I i in Mr. from 111'' village, wt have n lumber tract uf virgin furr«t ol •donl HUM acre*, beiu-* one of the beat timb.-r lulu to be found In the itate, and about all that 1* kit that It ready lor the ax aud the mill In that town. One aeetlon or thli property lien In * bruin run- ■In* up about M the hill,called anilla will knuuu in tti-it aeetiou of countrent the •■College Lot," Mt off by the IUII lor the benefit ol Dartmouth College, and contain* M acre* of aplendid Bnot aud hard wood Umber of primeval growth. (In tula lot Hie eati-nata la by Judge* aa high ai iw.-lvr uilllloua feel. (July our arm ut tlili tint territory baa been rut, uud irum lli.t wu> taken •cveuiy-rivr thousand ieet uf apruce lumber Of tha cholt-ett quality. 1 Hi. it ■ fart which Can

' b* proved beyond raill by the uiau wbo bought ■* ~'o la now ready to engage lo H

in lo c«t and manufacture rrrltury. livery log Trom thl»

lotcan be taken down bill in llie mill. It* iltua- tlou could not be better for the culling and taking off of the log'. Clo*e by ami adjoining the above wa liar* one tbouiand acre* In ten lot*,all In clot■ proximity or adjoining uaeji uiber, upou which will be found vaalnuuutltlctof turner and hard wood timber averaging n million and a halt to tbi lot, all available and ea.y of acevta. 1 ha Ian beat log from the mill I* uot over two mile*. Triuur.- auda of airtight, beautiful -■■jrure -par* ure read) to cut, and the iprucc from Milt *rclloii la well known lobeol the urnt quality, aound, ilraUM. rum up tall, aud Ire- Iroiu crack or *eaat. 1 he power U obtain..I Irum l.ak.r lin-r, nad I> amply aulflelrut s mouth* lu the year. The damn are lu perfect order, but the mill IK j.-Oliig lu decay. Near the mllll*a vrry large dwilJlDghoute mlublefor keeping a Inrgr IIUU.IM , „t men: large, room) barn* lor itock u*ed lu luuilx riuit; a tinall liuuae, carpenter'* alum, oilur bultiliut-., ull

active upcratluua. ' I In* road fioui Ihu mill I., the village la all down hill, und It nut aurnataeil ua a highway. A palrolhoraei run miikv the trip iwtev aday.takiii--*t-uut<eiat a load,during the winter. Wi-have Hen and txainlurd thi* properly, and all we aay of It I* true,and there never cnubv a better cltauce (or acoinj-aiiy to eii([u"e in *n cnterprlai- ol thlakiail.mid we would luvlie operator, to ex- amine tlila valuable limber land. They will be lully and Ireelv •linwn.niiit ivc nler to all of I lie old alandiird-ltl'eii*of Warier, lor the trulb ol our natertjuii*. J hi.r we reprmtut and huve lor *ale a very .aluable timber property, we by per' ml a* I on ruler to the lollowln* pi ..llemrii. rnrtlc


"JANE MILLER" are engaged for the aeaaon at

LBYLAISTD'S, 381 Eisex street, Lawrence,

lonttlit in telling



Tin- Ini-jcm. cheapc-t and belt stock of i J' BKIBTfl In (li« city.

COSSETS, all prices.


REMNANTS, FANCY GOODS, etc A tlridlly incrcailng bualnei* It a ture Indira-

lion lhat we are on the right track.

(Jail, examine, and be convinced Ibat l.eyland donbualnita " (is TIIK a^uaiir,"


Hie hilloHliiK ei ,,tleini')i. 1'arllc- -Col. Ituac .M mil ol I a,

N. II., (formerly ol Warren,) who _._ or 11.■ ij-■ ■ I li> aurvey nruriy nil uf thla Kail; Whlcher * Wreka, dealer* lu groeerlit aud dry good«, I), ti. Marah, proprietor or the Muo.ilauk Iloutr, Warren,N. If. i l.'alvlu W. Co ill I tin, who .■ui i.II the acre, I know* ever) foot ul Hie lot*.

The vtl-ult! ti net owned hy the pieaeut proprie- tor* to in pri-i ■ uver MM acre*, ol which about 5Uo acre* hate been ■ m dun u. ui I.VJvacrt* Intact.

John 1 i.ini, John f. Teiinry, Krauk Sunder*, ol alelhuen, are llie. proprietor*, *nd I'nlrlek * L'lo«.on,of Ijiwreiiw, Mil**., am the teller* ul the property, to whom plrna* "pl'ly, or to the prupri- •tori. A apkudld oargaln will be given, ad term* made very cat)-. ~>

FaDHICK * CLOUtftt, Real Kittle Agenta, (Jiwrrm-e, Matt.


The.Three iteinHdht, "bCUKXUK'.-i IMlLMnN- IC SVKL'l","rur the cure of tjounha, Olda, llron- ibllia. nnd every form of » onauiiinllnu. The peculiar aetlon ul thl* medicine ripen* the ulcer* lu the lunua, promote* the dlacharga uf the cur- rap* matter by rxjttittorMlal. pmiUi* the blood, and Ihu* curea Coliauii.ptii.n, whin every olhe.- remedy falla.

"SCUKHCK'fl SKAWKBD TONIC." for the ccr.-of IKifrri'laor ] nil ideation, and all dl.eaxt Bilaiug from iktillty. I hi- ionic luvi^ixttea the dlgettue ontam, .njipllei the pine? ol the ga»trle Julee when that la ihilclent and then enable* the patient to dl^eat tin.' mom nutrition* food, it la a aoverrlan rcmeity for all e*aet of ludlgeition.

"SCHKNCK'n MAMMtAKK l'U.I.S," one ol Ibe moit valuablemeDiclnet ever illacovrred.beluir a vegetable auhttllate for calomel, aud having all the uaeful propcrtlc* aacrlbed to that mineral, without producing any in lt» Injurioui efTceta.

To thrts three medicine* Dr. .1. II. Schenck, ol I'hilndelphla.owea hit unrivalled tucrea* in the freatraeut of I'ulmonle Comuniptlon. The I'ul- tnonle Syrun tlMM lb. murl.ld Iicr.illaelnrgea It. uud purlflea the blnod The Handrake I'tlla art upon the liver,remove all obatruciluua therefrom, give lie- ..ii HI u healthy tone, and cure Liver Complaint, which It one of the MOM prominent enutetiil Contumptlon. The nenwerd 'i'nnluln- vigorate* the power* of the ttomach, ami by • Irenglhrnlng llie .!■■;.--i-.-, nnd bilugln^ It to a normal and li.nliliv . i,i.,:iti..u. Improve* the qual- ity ul the Which until- I lie iunn-lli,.,, ..I Hlcera or lulu rclea In the lung, hi ininea liupo*al- ble. The combined action uf tln-.e medicine*, aa thut explained, will Cure every cn-e „t Conautnp- tlon. If the remi'dli* are uteil in lime, nnd Hie u-. of them I* licrfrverod In lalllc . ntly lo briuj; the caae tn a iuvurahle termlnnlloii.

Dr.Mohenrk'a Aliuiinue, conlalnlng a full Irratlte on the rarioua form' ol illaeaae, hi* mode of treut- mrnt, and general direct ion* how to nan hli medi- cine,can he had Krnlia.iir aeul by mall by aihlre.a Ing Id* I'rinclpul inn.-e.No, l.i N on h Sixth it reel, ntlls dalpnla, fa.

I'rlcrortllr I'ulmonlii Syrup nuil Seaw ITunlc, each, $1 SIJ per holtle. or gr.oU Hie half do/i n ; Handrake I'tlla, :'A cenl* per box. Kur aale by nil iiru«„ iM-i and drtlera, jg}

What l:. . ! v Ptnau Mtieila la remedy for habitual Coatltenea*. -I would udvlto all

thote who are Iruubled nllh Dytpepala, Cuallve-

ntia, I'lle*, llilluuaue>t, Headache, or any furut ol

Indlgcttlon, to mm In;. HAKHISON'H PU1S-

TAI.TIC l.()/KN(IKH."—KI.1SI1A lllNTlNti-


For title at No. 1 Tn ntODl Temple, BoilOa, by K.

A. IIAIIBISOM k (Ii.. l-riiprietoii, and by all I'i !■:■ . ■-. Hailed lor Co cciila. '.'indill

For Pule in No. Andovor, Ms. flu- I'onae and Land altuuted upon Muchlne

HI -tiiM, a lew rod* from HHVIH k Knrber'n tli.rl>li>i: aliup, and now oei-ii|ded by lauac C. Hur- g.M -fmnierly Hie reahkuce. of Hie ault.crlber.- ri„ hi>u*e Ian inodi-ril, two »lory hnlbling, with n large L. It contain* lu mom*, all well tin lulled iiuu HI i,,ii. .-.[ in Hn

waah boiler, two Iron *luki brouglil Into the roiim tram a well oitttde, At- tached I* a large wuuil abed ullh oilier ronve- nieueet, and rlnmilier above. There I* u good ■table, In which It t clpitem ul water.

The gurdeu belonging, contain* I l-l acre of rich loam hind, well laid oul for nil-lug fruit mid vege- table*. The Trull tree* are nuw lu their prime, oonaiallng ol cherry, pPnch ami pi ur—Die latter in many nnd .h.ilce vaili-ih-», l.oih duurf I ■tund- nrd. The tipple Ircea number about lo, embrac- ing In viirlely, Hummer, Kail mid Winter fruit, producing Irnm oil to 73 barrel* id a goud ijuality per There la nlao n good aupply of currant, gooaebi'rry.bluckberry aud ia*pberry huahe*. u ml

It ia a tlr-iiiiililf loeallon, good *trecl and nelgh- borhooil, while the majority of the mom* uver look the garden, «» It llea upon the *>mth aid.' of ihu home, tod ailjoln* (he biautilut ground* uf lluu. ' ■. ■■ 1.. !'.■■■ i- .

For further particular*, inquire of (he prrarttt occupant, ur ol (iK(). K.DAVltf,

lawtlt-UaiHl Lnwrenre Slum,

1 .....I.I .. .in. or >i». 1*- x.aa. Supreme JwdMal Court,

Xuiembir Ii HI., \ |i lnl-J. DlVOltCK.

LAI K, ..| .« ■tl' [en, li!"i|'hl"Hn ;,!!,' o,' t;


Vocal Tablets,

Catarrhal Affections Of (he Vocul Organ* nnd Auuloguui Ulteaica,at

Tonsillils, Bronchial Irritation, Influenza,

And all dlatatet of the Uucoua Urmbrane, mull- ing from

The Depressing Influence of Colds.

The peculiar composition and emcacy of thc*c

Tablet* HITS '"■'» Hie rcault of aucceaaful treat-

nun! -.i the ordinary


They will be found of real aervlce In eatei ol Cold*, Cough i, Sore Throat, Canker and Coogai- Hie Irritation of the afncou* Membrane generally.

A::i'iriiiiii', Ilarmlvaa nnd Curative, Im<

pruviii*; Circulmioii, liu|iintnu: Tone1

and Iti'-imiM!: the Vim e.

I). IIOWARTH* Apothecary


Fire Insurance Oomp'y SALEM, MASS.

Till* old and popular Company continue* lu

la*ur* the aaler cltaa of property only, at current

("ARM RISKS, DWELLING HOUSES, and other property not haiurdoui, taken by thli

Company only.

No I'oliclr* liturd on Kx(ra or Special hatard*.

( Cash AsHPts, July 1, 1868, $154,440.53


No. 4 1'finbertoii St. Lawrence

Money to Loan !

Every One Wants Money!


Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. MONEY TO I.OA.N OS


Money to Loftn oil Unrni-Hsi's, JtohpH

and Blankets.

Money to Loan on Cigars, Tobnrcii und I'lpea.

Money to Loan on (inns and Pistols,


Musical Instruments!



S'IKII of Three Void Balls.

iUii' ^tU'trtiSfmruts. qq^^^q^^qis}

TO 1 UK WOUKINIi CLASH.—We are now prepared to furaltb all elaaae* with romtant em- -)hiyinriit at home, Ibe whole of the time or for .he apart mutacuta. Ilutlnrtt ucw, light and prolli- able. Peraant of cither *cx ratlly earn from fine. to So per arealaif, and a proportional tan by de- voting their whole ttaae to the buajite**. Boya aad

earn nearly at much at men. That all who :hla notice may aend their addreat, and lett utinett, we make thl* untmrailaled offer: To

at are uot well tatlihed, we will tend $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particular*, a valuable aample.whleh will do lo commence work

, and n copy of 7T»* PmtpW* I it. rat y *"..m««n- ._»- one of thelarirett aad beat family nrwipaprr* published—all *cnt free by mall. Itcadrr.ll jou want larnnantnl, prohlnble work, addrraa K. C. ALLKN • CO., AUUUITA, HAINK.

rltAS. A. t)A«*, Fc..-_. "■i-rleewt. mint, *nd t«l »•• Tork nenppli.

t '.ni»lrll>*. II. Thif .iln.-nt. DAILY. MI Stui-

rt "i>lf-;i-lrf. (■^llr^lv>^t.^.fm^^ae«t.ll»el»^l*Ulr*,r■r«^*r^,

■-,! f.,,11 (Jr.,.-,- Ilnl,.. mi.l r n|.*tr '<«? '" ,•"'7 Wr,kiT tad Ittat-wtt^ aataljrr. A w*^tWMa«sSl

al^l^t'KSlt'" ftatj ii-r.1-. M*"lV.«,Mf"1"n;';„?i':

am™« thl iiirrnlum*. Bprtlm»pi and liatt DM. S»»a a

°OUaf *"i! W\ HifOLAItD. PnbOaWr Sun, If** *•«►'

AOBNTS WANTED t<tr a A'ew Illimlratett Hook of <irtal hUtnrlrnl

inttrnl, ttirring trrutt, nn.l tkrttllug

THE MVERof'theWEST: OR, c M.I r Ttuita IK nn II \ MmMIIW

1 M> llKMi.'S I W/ith B II I- ll.HV or the Clll-STB V aud the l.xp.rlriu-n ol a 11' TMTAIS 11 AS and I't- imiKR, Uv Jlr*.\ n r.ui,of On-ton. An Jiilin..' ly iiiieri'*ihiK work, replete with humor, pathoa and Intirucllun. Now in prrat. for circulars nnd termi, nddrraa llie 1'u'jllahera. ,

a. W. UU.1!} A CO., llartlord. Conn.


Daris BY Sunlight and Gaslight

A WOHKdeaorlptlveof Ihe MTITBBlaW, Vllt- TIKS, VIC KS,.SIM,KN DORS andCKIUKS

otlheClTYOr'I'AUIS. It lella bow I'arl* hat become ibe Gayetl and

moat lleautllal City In Ihe world , bow It* Ileanty anil ttplroilor are purchaaed at a u-arlul coatol III aery nnd suiTerliifr; bnw vlailor* are Swindled bv t'rofeaalonal Adventurer*: hnw Virtue and Vice go arm-Inarm In the Beautiful City; how (he moat Fearful Crimea are comntlttid and con cralcd; bow money la iduaodrred in utclett luxu- ry j tnd eon taint over lab line KBflMMMOr nult'd riuee*, Life and Scene* in I'arl*. Agenta warned. CanvaaainK heiika lent Irce. Addrea* NATIONAL r-L'ULOJIIlS'i CO., Boiton, Mat*.

OMEN of New York; '- I;NH!-.I!-»V.J|:I.II or TIIK

rv. —Tho tin* of every olata of ociety exposed, ^eofif the Railrva'l to ruin. Signal* of UBlirr are up. Moita; MONKY 1M IT rnn 1.1VB AORKTl TSIAJI AST OTIIKI UIIOK. Takr* three pretica all tin time m print faitciiouRlt. OntAgen

loci ITS orrfer* In Id -/out. TIO pafct. H lllui trollona. Prise ill.lW. AUKNTH WASTKU.

AddrcmN.Y.liOOKCO, MS Nattnu St., N. \

w W W ti


riuuirrdliM.ii1.ll.1i an at-

week*, l be liral |.ul>lie;iti.iii in bi- nil Inn one lu.iiilli Irniulhe ,tui,-ol tlilani.ler; nil per-on* III- lere.t.-.luim.Hiilm. .»|.| .ix n Id. iliim cam-e,


I In Hie jrariini-lhouaund light hiiuilri'danil alxty-

iiini. lie it ordained by the City Council of the

t'ily nf lawrence, an follow*, to wit:—

j M-I'. I.—The Fire A tarn Teleyrapb, and all the I niBchliu'ry,u|iunriiliia,linil*,iinil muterlal* therein

. urJiiujifiiK. .hull he ,-i.u*:i|t-rril an independent de-

vil nladvl lent, ii

In llie mntl I.ISUa, «l Hfalll*! I.HI

..fth.-lib.-lon I.AKISMA .v. mi,. . tl.ueu In -it.I eoutity of r.».ex, UK y. W. Itll.l.lMi.H, for divorce,

iitil'iiioiiv'bi-eiilere.llnf.viirolthe . 11111111-', for Ibe cm-enf Ibe de- •Hid lli-ortrn r. hi

viuthn two lirHiii-hea

[ulr.d in huhllah an at.

I in Uwrriice lu -HI.I

A. HI'MIN'iroM, t;ierk.

NOTICK. iv ir I veil 11t-it Ihe mbaerlher ha* |..lea.outrlx ol Ibe mil ul (N U \l I. tltll Kit,

I nailer provided, thai) act, In ill Keneral

pertaining.10 the *aine, nnd in Ibe (election ol

! liermm* In whom -hall lie inl rusted tin-kej * of ihe

I *lj(i»ilbOxr»,ful'jecl. however, it nil (line*, to any

! trH'Slal order or the City Couucll.

Sn-. II.-There ahall I* eleeted, annually, in

| the mmil Ii of January, by concurrent vole of the

IWObranrhraol ttierityl'ouiicll,»Sutierlnlendent

nf ihe Fire Alarm Tetexinph, who thai) bold hli

[ oihce Tor one year, or until a inert*tor 'hall be

I i hcled, unle** toom r rimnveil; and isld Super-

I I men cent thill rvi-eivi', attoh romn«t)f*tlon n>

j 'hall he determined by llir Clli Coiiuell • and the j 'alary fur the yenr 1870 all all he thre.- hundrr.l 1 dollar*. '

>Y< III. —f'tld Supriliitrm'ciil 'hull have ihe

ihnrKi' of tb.- Kir,- Alarm Telcsraph, nttder the

II reel Ion ol the befnmn<]nied Coinniliin-, and

■ hall be held reapi.naible that the aaim- be kept at •II 11 I.I ■ in thorough repair and comptvta wwrklBg


a iletkil i:,;,v;.,i •aid

t the Flint*) Ol aaldilii. trnl «r. lit tin- name and all*

>' ""r"' to

Lawrence Dec Itlh, IWe. ritwdlT

K KKX.R I.awrriice, lire. 11, IHAo,

i RMoW ,,* All

MK\ IIV ITIKSK PKKHKNTS i Huii.uier, the unirtvatee of a

i iMO II l\It

MltMIHiK, ditleit h. ti. Ill, l«o Ihe • nf Hi.. (My „| | aw

.- ■£■",' ;. 1. V |i„K.* 1 .1. Ul, IIO, heri-liy ulv.

i. r On i u H, toiilnloii* I'lenuf. .1.1.1 Ill ZKKIAH I'LUMHBR.


I alnlc .VJriry J. Jurtimi.

arerwll pawn wake i-aineit lo KVKHAKIl II KKI.I KV, Arlmr.

U«..nre, |a r. ■-■;. 1NW. ii:tl

N o T I V K •

In fiHiikrupity.

rbt Court ol - i-!ili.|. AIINKR I'. NASII.ul llotlop, J.oiM r. i ■HAsK.ot llavrrbUl.

I, not duly iiutb.i

or pull Ihe*

BBC. IV.-N.. pel

"l.en any BIKIIII bo

'In- pnrpOM of glvlni: n litae ilirm, nor tamper or

niMdit'e trllh *aid Fire Alarm Telegraph, nor any

nf llie or appurtenance* c.iLnrcteil

therewith, nor Injnrt- by breaking, cutting, ur In

any way deraclug the

Hrr. V -Any permiu who ahull be k'lillly of a

breach or the provMoM of thl* ordinance, ihall

lorlelt .nn.i pty n flue of not more than twenty

dollar*. lor rsrh oirinn.,

IN C'MMON COUNCIL, Dec, is, iscv, r i ■ ■ ■! to ■ ' i .ii. I

JOHN .1. UOI.AND, l'i...i.i..ul.


I'a.acil to he ordained.

FRANK DAMS, Major. Atruecotiy-Atte.t.

it.l.'l UKO. It. HOWK.CIty Clerk.


Fire and Life Insurance AND

REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 4 Peroherton Street, Lawrence.

W l>. .loptm, if i-l A. V. BvaBBB,


Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orirsnlted Ktpn.aly In CninpHiiTii-e with the

of Pollnb-a ot- In-uiHUce. Thia Company la not i xwlbil h, any olher.

Nn Kuil'i'iiiin'. Nn Notes. I...w Hate*. IMvhlend* the Ural year Incrrwalng

upon thi- coiilrlliullnn plan. H, K. UWMINI'K, Agent,

No. .'W7 Kssi'X S),., Lawrence.

Nome Hlerroscoplc Views. We have paekitgi-a or Twelve Htereo*C«t>lc

Vli-tr. ol onr Vublir I'liildlaai, Milla, Street! and


Its Effactt am Miglcal.


FAI lAi.ia.oft.n effecllny a perfect core In t tin cle day. No form ol Nrrvuua USSSH'fall* tc yield lo lit wonderful power. Kven In the lever- t-t OSSSS ot Chronic Neurulgla, nffecllng the entire ayttem, Ita ule Tor a lew da>*nlTorda themott na tuniahluL' r.lUf.and itrely falla lo prounn a com pleta and peruinncut cure. It contain a no materi- al* In the *llghlc»t decree injurioui It baa tho uu'iuallUnl approval or Ihe beat phyalolnn*.— ThoutnnilK.liiiierv piirtofthe ei.uutry.graiclully acknowledge ill power to BOOtlM the •"-■ nerve*, and re.tore the falllDg

" nt by nn "

Six package*, '■"". It It tuld by nil dealer* in dnig* and medicine*,

KNIT—KNIT—KNIT—K*lT AUKNTH WANI'KD .-v.-rywhere to tell thi

AUKItlCAN hNlTTINli HACU1NK, Ihe only practical Family Knlttlna, Un bine ever lover—' Price S'J.i. Will kmi .:",""' *Ui..hea per mlnu Addret- AMF.KICAN'KNITTlNir UAC1I1NB CO., Uotl*n,Hut).,«rat, l.ouli,Ho.

COMMON SEN8K!!! WANTitD-AOKNTS, Saw per month, lo tell

the only liKNUINK IUPUOVE0 COMMON SKNSF. FAMU.V SKWINO MACnlSS. PBIfr! USLY flH. Ureat luiluieiiuot* to Agent*. Thi* i* the ■oat popular Sewing Muchlne o( Ihe day— ■nuke* the famou* "Kluilic Link Stitch'—will do any kind of work that can bo done on any Ma- chine- HHt,0OO told, aud the demand cunttanlly Increasing. Now la Uie time to take *u Ageiuy. Send for clrculara. **Wlrwiire ./ iri/fWi/rra.-W Addreit HKCOMU * CO., Ito«ton. Mat.., Pltla- hiirgh, PaVi »r St. Loult, Ho.

<9ttr fplft-Stx Bo3to.iT Adventi^ftmonts

WUAI.I.ONS WIIIHKKY forSl. Inttrurllont SOntfltl. A.I.In- IH i: Ii, Port Md.

H0U8TA0DBB forced to grow In *lx week*.— Snmple by mail, itt cenlt. Addreit II. RICH-

Allin. Box MM, New York P.O.

i.(Ml'1.1, A llll'S [I* nn excellent article ol "I?!!!)!)1 V A'■> granulated Virginia;-

L l) It t IV A wherever introduced it 1* HinwklnBTobacco | niilv. i-ully admired. It it put up In handaoine mualln bac*, In which or- der* fur Meeriobaum Plpvi are dally packed.

I.OHII.I.AHO'H I la made of the choice*!

YACHT CLIB l,^".?"."iuV...'.'".'. Smoking Tobacco | the Nlcollne ha* been ea- tract 1.1; It leave* no taate liter tmok- Ingi It It very mild, Unlit lu color and weight, hence one pound will Init at long at :t of ordinary tobui'i-n. In Ibla brnml wc alto pnek order* every day for Hrat utility U.erachaum I'lpea. Try it, ■nd convince yournlve* it ia nil it clllms lu be,—

I.OIUI.l.AHirs I Thla brand of Une Cut (i I? IU TTt \i V chewing tobacco hat no OJjJ.1 1 VJ It I ciiuul or tuperior any < het*li>HTobaceo. | where. It it, without doubt, the beat chewing t.ibucco lu the country.

I.iillll.l, \ lili's I huve now been In genural j V If V l.i Q IH In the I nlteil Htnli* & 1\ U T r Movr lib year*, and .till acknowledged "the belt" wher-ver utcd.

If your itorckeeper doe* not have the*e arllele* for tnle.atk him 10 get them. They are sold by reapeclablc Jobber* ulmo.l everywhere.

Circular of price* malted on application.

P. i.iillll.l.M(l> .v CO., \...v York.

Aromatic Vegetable Soap.

For the Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children ■OLD IIY ALL DBUUGISTS.


ha* a world wide regulation for real-ring lb* life of the Hair, and pertnHni-utly miiiiiinliiliig ii* beauty. Mioi.l.l be on every Tuihl lablr.

alure "Allreil Savage" ar.'Uii.l tin- ntrt.

Illmr Taken Over S1SN In Ihree miiulli* (mm the -ale of OH T-'l-l tttcHptt, a ^oo.i

evideiat-ot their popularity. K-ml in rent* nnd HI mm- fur ...iii|.l,-. Iniiliir oiuniiiornlBtliitllio H. <i. VI II.I.IA1I-. A CO.. Fnat llii-loll. Ma--.

Sllftjk for rlr'.l nla w'T »*>l*>va PI...O*. ZVU(k>oion Irial. ll.H.PIAStil .. , New York.

A^K IN., n.ii or UltU«.Hlt*i fujrKWKHT ||IIMM -Ii i-.iual*(hitlei It^ulolne. Uanu-

Mlssnthropy tlon't pay—lliero ain't 110 limn liviuj/ ivl:,,.,. bate (lie world enres

10 CUga; lur.

Tlio iiitnio of Hit.- Clilnesu glanl at tho MiiM'iiii) i. Chant:- Hi- tttll name Is probably Clinn^ Hlj>li.

TwtgftTS U willing » glory. In whioti lie Introducon it n-rvutit uitli -.<. bucket to catch lila lieruitie when nhe burst*. Into tears.

A follow In New Orleans eat a box ol castllu xoap to get rid of freckle*, lie ■till has it few on Ills .face, but hi'lik* lie Isa't freckled a hit.

An Irlsbninn ado wa* riVitiklii:.' Ibe healtli of a-hlslioii. JJJIVO thl*toast: "May your Hlvcretue live to *at Ihv old hen

It cri>i\g over your irrave."

"Pa, how many |«jrs lias a ship;'* "A ship lias no leyg, my ehlltl."- "»Vby, pa, the paper nays she diaws twenty feet, ami that she run before the wind."

"People," sitys u inadern philosopher.- '•(to aeeordlny to tbeir bruins; If these Ua In their betid, they study; If la their UaHy, they eat: U lu their heel*, ibey dance."

A Texan paper highly extols ti new dramatic Mar. It says: --The boys jro to the theatre just lo hear her ling and see her pile on the at) If. She weara a Ore- elan bend."

The w|(o ofuii Indian chief out West I* dlscrlUed an having coma from a very aristocratic fnmily uud a* havlnjrcont her husband four ponln, tha usual price be- ing nye pony.

Votiua until: Are you waltlnj: for some door lo open Into a bmatl ami useful fu- ture? Don't wait. Select the dnnr and pry It open, even you get your tliijci-rs pinched.

•Say. Pomp, where you get .hit new lial?' 'Why. at de shop, ol course." What Is de price of such an article aa. dat?* 'I don't know, 3am—1 don'i know; de shop-man wasn't dar.1

A New York tcliool teachar had her teeth knocked out by a drunken fellow, the oilier day. and on trial lie :whled In- sult 10 Injury by .Maiming that ihey were false. But he tmd to pay 92000.

A father was winding his watch, when bfl said playfully to his little, girl. Let me wind jour nose up!' 'No,' said the child. 'I don't want my nose wound up, for I don't want It to run all day.*.

Does the dcntUt kiss you when he pulls your teeth, pa? No,n)ygon; why? Oh, nothing, only he kissed ma, and she said It took tho ache all away; and I guess It did. for she laughed all the way home.

•Dr. l'arr,' said a young student onco to tho old linguist, 'let's you and I write a book.' -Very woll,' replied the Doc- tor.''put In all that I know, and all that you don't know, and we'll make a big; one.'

'You'd better lay In your coal, soon, said Sprlggles' wife to him the other eve- ning as he MM starting to go down street. Sprtggles obeyed, for he came home "balmy." and tumbling; Into his cellar, laid in his coal all night.

A trausoendental preacher took for Wa text: 'Feed my lambs.' A plain farmer very (|iialDt]y remarked to him, on com- ing out of the church, 'A very good text, sir; but you should take caro not to put the hay so high in the rack that the lambs can't reach It!'

It was nnnounccd hi Philadelphia churches that "coal collections " would ho made last week. A Oormau, who did not understand, that the collection was to be made lu money, trundled a hand cart full of coal to a church, but found no one there lo receive It.

"I say, Haz. where do dat comet rise.* "It rltai In the forty-sixth meridian ob de frigid zodiac, as laid down lu the comic almanac." "Well, where does It set, Baz?" "Set. you black fool! It don't set nowhere. When It gels tired of shinln' it goes Into Its hole."

A colemporary says. "The women ought lo make a pledge not to kiss a man who uses tobacco, and it would soon break up thu practice." A friend of ours says "they ought also to pledge them- selves to kiss every man that don't use It—and wc go for that, too."

We remember having heard of a man who was too lazy to say his prayers. He wrote out his devotions on foolscap, how- ever, and tied them to the foot of his couch. Before retiring he would hold thriii up lo heaven and exclaim,' Them's my sentiments,' nnd jump Into bed.

The editor of a country paper who has just been presented with a female candi- date for paregoric, propose the following conundrum: What Is the difference be- tween editorial and matrimonial experi- ence? In tho former the devil cries for "copy-" In Ihe latter the "copy" erica like tile devil.

Josh Billings don't like eels. He Bays; 'Sum people ain't afraid lo tako anything with their hands that ttiey can reach, not even an eel, but If 1 should git. caught by an eel, If I couldn't settle, with htm right "M by giving him the hook and line. 1 would throw tlio pole Into tho harglti and put Tor home.'

A fdiir-year-old saw his parents pre- paring for church, and asked i IK-MI to tako lilin along with Iheiu. He was teld [bar, he was too little, and must wait till bn MiiiuM grow bigger. "Well," returned he. "you'll better take me now, for when 1 get bigger I may not wtim '» go." The par en'* «aw the pnl'it: he was taken.




St. Clautf' Favorite! Kvtrybod)'I* nlway* pli-aard after ail laVSMmcal ul



Rich Fancy (Juoils, Jewel rv,

Lava Ware, Parian Ware,

French Gill Ware, etc., elc

New Goods opened every day

Visit St. Joachim hefon* Buying.

You run liml jii-i ii hat ) mi waul :it

US \Vasliiii«l»ii SI., BoilOD,

oerosiTB oin SOUTH. M-M

Good* at Wholesale, 12S Federal St.



from $:j\")0 to $'~'0.00, lain) upon lilt- | ■.-. tit (iolil Yulur, ■'■


CLOAK MAKING to order.

A ( hoice Assortment of Mutctials, t price

It I* a will known fact llial many arllclra ii.til

In lumilir- arc more or lent *i!ulHr*t*i),

but It h not *o geni-rally known lliat 4'oafrctlon-

cry, an article «trd In tv.-ry family, la ailulteraltxl

to a Inn;.- extent. Formerly Hour anil atarcli were

utwl, but latterly an inireiirrut called "Terra

Alba, or White Karth." I* uted.

Mow, aa the Holiday* are near, when a large

amount or CoalMtloiiery will "be conauiuej, It I*

Important lo effry peraon for thrm to procure

that which I* piW*. an.l IVri-liuiu any .li'li'iiTlou*


It It better, far better, for I'arent* to refute nil

Confactloaery for their elillilren than n> ;-,■■■■■ tln-i;i

that which la *o adulterated. ,

I'urcliaaera oMHaf a pure article, are jruaraT,-

1erd nwr* particle of Confectionery monuraclured

iiy u* to bt> ■ puru a* (tie very beat htnart'a

Crutbed Sugar.

Another tact In regard to our Candy being fre*b.

we would *ay that thote cuitomer* who ate the

•amu readily know the difference between rretli

uud -iuii. (tidlet, ua our wholciale trade 1* M

t'XteuilTe that our retail department I* alwaj*

aupplied with freih Candle*.

'I tn- wholettle trade will llnd a \atgv rtni'-ut

at (he cornerof Trcmont and llroiulleld meet*,

Itotton, (undei Horticultural Uatl.)

Examine aud Compare oar Prices.



20 cents to $U.OO a yard,

I.., '.: upon the prraenl Uold Value, ni

UAMl'DKLl, je TAYl.HU'S.


Woolen & Cabliuiore Shawls, from fifty cents to fifty dollars.

I'lhi-il upon llicpn Brut (iuM Valar,at

CAMPBELL & TAYLOR'S, 230 Essex St., Lawrence.

J. 1'. OII.HKllT .V COMPANY, SucciNior* to U.S. IJotlt'i'

Dealer* In

HKK'a ANH not'a

Ready Made Clothing, HATS. TAI'S, Ac.

A large i .n 1 ol

RENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Trunk,, Valtan anil Ba«s. No. 71 E s 8 0 X Street!

'i!)7 Kssex atreet, - - Lawrence. J. Y. FRENCH & CO.

Uavlag remoted to tbi-lr large itorc.No.7l K**ea it reel, In order lo better accommodate their numer- ouicu*tomera,anil hum.,. ri'|ili-ul*hed Ihelntock with a 1 irj-i' attortnienl ol

Examine Sf Compare our Prices. Examine aud Compare our Prices. Examine *§• Compare our Prices.

"*T r Black AlpaCaS BLANKETS in every Size and Quality, BLACK REAVER CLOAKS AND from $3.25 to $11.00. Latest nnd Most Desirable Styles, P U U K M 0 II A I 11 St Flannels, all Colors & Kinds,

l l(l|.le;

from •!■> tents to $1.20 u yard, b.M'.l upon tin l'i.....I i.iil.l \ .iliu', ul

(■.i.i//'/../;/./ .(■ vi yuttrs.

Table lineiiB and Domesticp


1.1' l.Olljjl.1


Underclothing. Hosiery, duel., Trimminn,

.1 V'.lu..

OAMPBEU. & TAYI.OH, Iv'30 Essex St., Lawrenct


MARKS, „ IFANCT €00 BS, ir-, nt Hold Vufiie, ui . ul P»'«*» l*"d "*»■ l'"' pteteul (Jold Valac. at

CAMI'llKl.l, & TAVI.OH'S. (.'AMPBEIX & TAYLOR'S. iSO Ksscx St., LawreDce,

TERRA A I. » i .

What It la!

<r'Kci\t TIIK NKW YoitK VFOBLD.)

Cream ol tartar, which, with toda.It eaten«ivrlf uird all over Ihe country, for the raitlUR of bread, a* a lubitllute lor yian, 1* now cxlenalvelj- adul tented wlthterrn ctfbir.ii white earth lound imionit Ihe chalk cllfla m tome part" or Ktiglanil, which la ■uareptlble of Itlujt frrounil very finu, and there- lore well llueit 'or an adulterant. Terra itlbn la' now Importeil by Ihe xhlpload, uud Ii applied In the ad u Herat in* or a boat of nrtlele*. II la mixed wllb powdered and crutbed lugar. It It uied to adulterate carkonate of toda at welt at cream ol tartar. It It mined with toap to add tolhu welfbt, and alto with lac tulphur, lometimet In the pro- portion of ei|utl part a.

•iff'""Action era ute the white uirlh e rUn nirtly in almott ererj variety of their Imtineu.

mun OSK ritic'K ONLY.


Haverhill & Bradford Express.

All merobundln tiaiistMirttid at runson- abltt rates.

Particular attenllon itl*eti to Taylnt; and Col- lecting Nolea, Draft*, Ulllt, elc.

All ,,i i, i • :. •• atHAUNUKK'.S !■:■■ ;■;, ■.

No. 2 Applcton street, nfvt door to the I'..-- OfDce, will be promptly I ill tliet, frain one to thirteen. The largeit ■itrmlMl la. II. II, AVKIt. wellat the tmallett foot flttedwltb Call fioott

l.awr.ixx-. Aui. o. Irtw. ami

'Sent'*. Udlea', Ml-.-, ami Children'■

IIIKIIS. SIMIIS & IIIHllKltS, ll.y now f.i'l |.i"|.iii''.l to m.Pt Ih. J.niiinil, ol th.



We are Agenta for the Celebrated Premium

Hunt* manufactored by U. Kendall A Smi ; alao

agent for the VoglcGerman Slipper.

Juat received a large Invoice of


VETERINARY SURGEON. llik-ti Stroat Square, Lowell, Man.,

Treat* alldlseate*of lionet,Cattle,and the lower anlmula; performs aurglcal ojierulliiii*; curet all curable ca«ea ofapavln, ringbone,curb,njiU-ntn and thellke. Order*i)romptlyau*wpred. Addrett by mall or telegraph a* above directed. Re lira to ill •ell-knowuhorieincnln New Kngland.


Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, 258 Esaei itreci, - • LRH-rence.

.is. 11 Nearly oppoalte old ofDce.

nn. .ii A it v i-:. micii), I- ui nut Iv Rcaldent I'hyaleiati III Ihe New Kngland

lloapltal for Women uud Children, llotton,

reaprctfully Informa the l.adlea or Salem and vicinity, lliat >ht hut opened an tlfllre at

58 Washington St., Hubon Block. Office hours—Moudava mid Tburadaya, from :i to

nr.M. aletragc* .an be li-rt tl lime In ihe box ut

the door. Mill, III, .M.i.< , Am;. 1, '.■■■■>. till


Attorney and Connsetlor-at-Law, S^ F fnr INT L^ ARCTIC OVER SHOES; I AKD SOLICITOR INUANKHLPTCY. K^7 -1- V^ ^T-J b£„- -il-r which we offer at the m.nur.*tnrer.'Prlce! r'rl1^^

p ■ , , r - ' Rubber* reptlred In the neate.t and prompte.t N«* 2 Sawyet'i Dlock, Water at., Painter and Grnoer, ; B„„r.



NO 1 AI'I'LKTOV 9TBEET W Having aecured the aervlct-t of Mr. H. B, tV Collect Ion* made In all part* of the United 8HITH, a man of W yearf experience in Hie manu-jSU^e* promptly anil on the rao.t reaaonable

jhttm and *.],. of lloot. and 8ho«, we hope to | "Bo|'|nM1 MnM ,„ |n ,he gt-|, ,nd Un)trd

Hill merit a tUarcef the public patronage. ; state* Count. lyTlla.1l our Itock.

LAWRENCE Don'l forget the number,

HOUSES AND LOTS OF LAND | ^ „ B„„ ^ . . lmmm

J. Y. FRENCH 1- CO. J. Y. French, \ myi-, J, D. Ilerrick

25 FARMS FOR SALE. rSSlVr^Sn Also, suvcrul

*ry Iht


W. ii A <; E it,




AG KNT FOR. Til R C F, L E II K A.X K 1>

Kl.IAS HOWE '• Improved Family SEWING

MACHINE. Machine. Needltt, Thread ajiil Oil.

Sewing M.i. I..M-, Rrpaired m abort notice.

• .,,.1 W. U,AtlKlt, 1W Ka*.a »treet, I "Trenet.

A. -I. STEVENS. M. P.,



>.i.i"ni.'-. 1AWHHNCB.

CLOAKS. We havii reeiived our lull >!•> k of Wluter link mt *. aultetl I.i the wttila of tl .1 Cla'* Iradr,

nn mill-li and rt ell Made i.-nu. ita at rt-aaon- Hl,ll-I e prlc. t

COPPS * DREW, 323 Eaiei aireet, - - l.iiwn nt.-,

In ,i In ii.

'iljtlit.' llu i'Miiit* lulu tin- i' wbero were liis wlfa ami ilmiifliK'ra. unit jtWC llien lie Hiinbleil uver HM rrm1lr> mill It'll la-nvlly in Iliu floor. Ant'r HWIIIIF In- Hrntft ntiil i»kcd; 'WIlV. nn- yon hurtV 'No.' 'OirU, arc jnii hurlr' 'No/ Ter- rible slap, WMIl't It?'

Olive I.«i«nii waa nuketl Iiy nn Inihu- driitwajr. llie olltrrdny. Ifk w-tm true. M i in- |wperrreport. Hint «lie wrrfre •t.MO on ln'r lifMil In Ihe Miiqie oritalr. '."iii.. Itni'.' rciilli-il tlm j.'1'Mllu Olive; -ami it j| ivl-n I nn- tliaf I WfnrtW.OOfl in my moiiili ia Hit! ahnnc of IOIIJJUC. io fay iiolhinj; ol tht' billion or Iwo ni' tlotlnra in tlie lhape ol rvos. earn and xut-li NIUAII ileer. Ami lo lull Hit- trull). 1 wouldn't wll nut even it Iheae llj-un-.'

In Lewialon. Me., recently, a yoime; mini rallcil if|> n elei*|t>*rnftfl from |i|a lieil lite o»ff iiifflif, md said lie tvAnh-il t*> lit- married. 'But can't you wait till tiioru- hi«;r lnii»og»lblc.' The clergyman per- formed Hie SIT vice. 'How much to pay V* naked llie newlj wedded jroiith; 'what inn j ■ I i-ii -i ■ replied llie clergy m tin- 'Well, I've g»t to get (o New VorL. but lierti'd ii«lit)-live cenla.' Leaving Mm ■crip ilm ytmug mail retreated with Kraut ■pew).

An nvnrli'lmi* lellow In llrii«acl^ gave a Urge illnm-r. Jiiii m the itueatf sat iloivn, a piercing *lui< k w»» liear.l In Hie ronrt-yard.. Tlie boat hurried out. nil-1 returned pale, iUXjfhied, and bis hainlt eoVered tvllll Idootl. 'What 1- It?*" wa- Ihe Intmlry. 'Ala*." he «M, "n punt workiimq. falber t*( I large taniily. hat met -wit Ii a terrible aeehlent; lie ««- knocked down by il cart ant) ifrtevmialy wnimtled. Utiiaiiiill.itn." A eollei M-n waa taken up and Hie Ktieati oontrll d \'XW. Generous aeul*. It wta Ihe mi -i-r- ruse iv in;ike ili-'in pay (ortbetllli*

• I.I inyretliente utetl it legit


ri.UIJIt.STAUCII,TI£RBA ALDA, nor any other Inured lent but

PURE SUGAR In the maunlaetnre or Ihelr Confectionery; ami everythint; which comet from their manufactory is




SfiWING MACHINES are the latelt out, and are the beat practical BBW-

IM MA' nis> KVKK lUBaT. They have been

limn.uglily leitnl oil every variety at

Cloth, Muslin, Domestic and Leather

work. They will IUU by Httim Power HI the rate

of 1M0 atltebet per minute, producliif more than

double the work of any other Shuttle 'lachino

now lu u*e.

The Stitch is Tight, Uniform. Elastic and Beautiful.

Tliey are tlmplc la, ia*lly unilir-

atood.not liable to ;.. t outu[rrdcr,run llghl,nnd

are toroparatlrely iiolaelett.

la all uiiii.iiic a compact nnd complete

MfK-hine that no Family or alanutanurer, ualng aewinjt

machluea, can afTord to do wllloul.

All who have not icen Iheae wonilerfDlly

Improved Unchlnea, would do well lo cnll :<inl ace

I hem, at the OFPICB of tbtCOlfPAUT,

8:i*> Washington street,

amir tnsTON, MAS*.



and all Diteaic* of Ihe Skin.


Mutual Life Insurance Co., OK NIW YORK.

OfTiCKlta: KOlt'T UAOK, I'rea. KKKU'K W- MACV,

WKHI.KV K.»lAIJKK,N.c-y. Vlce-I're*. Itauet Policlet upon nil approve.I pluiit. nt low ratta, andwllli nun >uilllbenilitv to policy liolderr. ' All policle* Ktrlctl/ noil lurfeilahle "fur lint paymeul, under Maaaachuaetla Son-r'urf. Hun- Act, adopted bv t!iia I'limpany.

All *urplu*<IMi1.<l uniting Ihe Inaureil. No reilrlctlon-' npmi rolileac- ur travel, nnd nn

apeclal permit-, ra.iuirr.l fur mariner*, or for any occupation exiept ilime nf n | ullarly lixtnrdou* cluiaoter.

a- i. viiiiiliiriUi-O trill eonvinci- that i-vrry ROOII,

equitable ami literal lc le ul llie beat 1,11c t'on- patlieahat been ailu|iti.<l by tln> Uren* Weatern. Attire Aaent* re.tith.l ihyiti'lh—il Sen- Hm/hintl.

Apply to W.F. IH\Vl;l J Hi n't A n't for New Kn([land,or.l.«'Al:tiK\ rn I'INN, Sn.ti A iuii.-.- |U rjtalu Slrrtrl, lloaluii, "mOOU

The Best and Cheapest Place to buy

CLOTHfeS WRINGERS Ur Hiisliiim Jllnrl)ine<i,

Or toiretyoiir IVniNOKRaltRpAiRKlt, la at II, N. TIlAYEKrS,

48 Elm stieet. Itoston.

I I.;r:iiin-Ii ii.ll... \ ,. !. ..I V. ,1- II .1 i IjJj'J

For Cabinet Organs anil Moludoons. There la no Hook ICiiuul to il!

<: I. A H K E ' M N E H 'I I T II 4> I) id It

UEK 0 ORCi A N S. Already HteWMinl «» I"" Irwllht* If St boekl

fur Inatrunienta of Ibi' itrian Matt, In r.illn.'c-, Hcmlnarle*. Connernil"ni-','ti-, tinl urnl by Hn- heat trteher*. Kor s. li I iihirui-ili.ii Ii U unitcel- leil. Full of llir.lln.-rt Piece*, Vulun'atH-. elc-


Ilurd Pine l'lunk. Hurt! Tim Fluorine nnd NU'ii-IIoiirtl", For aale by


in this city. Apply to

W E 11 S T E R & DYSON,

omiinBd 53 Essex street.

Lawrence Marble Works.

WILLIAM L. DOWLING, (lateoflloaton,)

Corner Hampshire and Lowell Sta., Manufacturer of

Monumenta, Tomb*, Head Slonca, A ...

of Murble, Frecatonc and Granite.

Marble Uanula, Table Tops, and cverytliioK In the line, promptly made, delivered, and wurrantctl

ItHii;: fully prepared for ihe bualnett, he will furnish Monument* of every ileacrlplion, nnd erect them In uuy part ol the county, of new and original tletlRna, Having u-urked twelve veurs III Boatou, he 1* eonlident that lua work will prove equal to any, cither here or clacwliere, a* lila fucilllloa for bualiieta are utiexretled. tlllJyU


AUoruey •£ Counsellor at Law, SOLICITOR OF PATENT,



Baggage "Wagon ANU


Done with prompluca*.

Particular attention |>ulJ lo movltij; of Trunks and Strut Work.

«•' I', .uu will beat 1'aaienftcr Depot,connecllnf with all of the principal Iralna through the day.

Dnlcrt, check*, etc., received at Betl't Pcrlodl- »l Mlon-,neat to horte railroad alatlon; J.PIIIt- onry'a Purnilure itu.iiii-, :L">I KHSCX at.; Cooper't Kipre** Ufnce, oi>[.o*li.- l'o«t oiilce; Hule't Ha- aaiir '-i i:-:.< x ..iii.i Umiiap^o


NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. My i i n mi-, make your home beautiful.

How shall wc do II (

Why.buyoneoflhoae unrivalled BURDETT


Where can tbey be found (

found In every itriely of ityle nt


311 Court St., (opt). Court Hoimo) Boston, IjrfHB liencral New Knglaml Afjcnti.



Drain Pipe Co.

W. A. KIMBALL dr. CO. have been appointed Aftcnta for Ihe above Corn- ptuy, aud offer their Stone Ware it

Wholesale at Manufacturers* Prices. DRAIN PIPE, tho very beat, aa low at other ol

Inferior iiuallty.

WBINOING MACHINES o arranged tliat any one Tliiuh I* ihe beat. All of Uachluet repai it the 11 in -: H. in .- .-i ,|. .,;

W. A. KIMBALL Jt CO.. L'17 Essex Street, - - - Lawrenct


. nd but a abort dlatance Irom Sutton' Mllla, 1 mile from .'I churchea and Boil on A II a I mi depot, the beat of tchoolt, and only i mile* from Lawrence. A aplendld location, right opponle the line cattle of J. 1). W. French, Ktu. 7G acret of the very beat of tillaae land, tnltably dlvldid Into orcharding, Knglltu gruti. putturage, gar-

Will bold from S3 lo V) tona of hay, and tblt year wit till■-cl full, l'leiily of pure water. A nice I 1-1! ttory dwelling house, with Uunlihcd room*,prime cellar for all purpotc* for which a good cellar la needed. All the premise* are in froodoondttloti: and a farm ao neur Lawrence, of ltt data, i* hard

iblulu. There I* a ureut quantity or manure heprcrnliet.nnd the farm It under the hlghett

■late or cultivation. Mplendld opportunity to pur- chaic a beautiful couutry rcaldenco and farm com- bined. In one of the flneat portion! of New Eng- land, (North Aniliivir.■ and ltt aurrnundlngi, Ihe ■chool advantagei, the toclety, healthy tlr, fine lake and rlrer tcenery, 1* unturpatted. For more particular*, price, etc., call upon I'KDIUCIi * cni::."<>\, Lawrence, Matt., wlio have full

rot. ■19


■D 33 3ST T I S T 3 (Formerly In charge ol

il'.,i K.l). Ua:

No. " f.nwrence at..


Insurance Agency. Attetl.

Ana Ufa Ina. Co., llartforU.Cl. 110,3*0,000 / Capital.

Clovelaiid Kire In*.Co., Clevelnnd, 0. 500,000

Hide & Leather " Botlon.Uut. 300,000

Buffalo V. i. M. '• Buffalo, N.Y. 300,000

Buffalo City, " " " 300,000


Anil all Lowea Sctlletl at Ilits Agenry. For |i .111. iii.ii ■■. call aud tec 3mHajtl7


No. 283 Essex atreet, Lawrence.

Last and Best. U'Aiimvri.i.'s


Surpa**ea all olhcra In economy, durability, perfectUin of Hninh, beauty of design, convenience. The moat powerful heater ever Introduced into thli or any oilier market,

BISHOP BROTHERS, Sole Agenta for Lawrence,

Corner Common anil Jackson Sis.


We are pleated, to announce that the "Matai chuielt* Charlinhli- lliehniiic AtFoclttlon," at |i liiti- exldhlllon In Motion, awarded lo our

Pratt's Admiral' Cook Stove


liehlehe*! prize iwtrdcJ uuy i 'unking Ap|.aialua

V'. K.&.I. r. r

MACHI3MIST9, iSuccetaon to Wvb'ter, Dunlin k Co.)

Slanufacturert o|

Cotton & Woolen Machinery j .ift.jj^.tJV^ AN" iltl.Y.x PRATT a 00.

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. J'ttllaya. Gntrlnj: and Shilling, ,lnrk Sen wa.

AM v.iiii-.ji Hulls mi hand,or mad.- to order; a'ao all kind* of Korftim done.

UtWKRAL J'lll H'OIIK mil illll ri|*lrt don. promptly and faithfully.

IMlm in Manuniclurcrt' Supplh*.

Fcstrr'-i Baildiag, Corner of Frank- lin anil Methuen Streets

Mathushek Piano. |-|ie l.i.*' "eett li-t.feit nn-iit! K, .llalliu-liek'a

" EUUAItl/lNU SCAI.K." In- result of Which Ian KtMT CUH full "<ven .crnrtl'IAMi—the " Cill.lliHI." of "grent power mil *m-elneaa ill ton.-.1" ina-npyluB but tiro-thirdt ktMiHdqHe*.

■'(iHt;l|ICSTI[AI..",e..i.iimiii.lie. wllb *Vr/mtt- tttiU Settle,) "ia aenrc.-ly eipitlled by tin* beat jrii'nil Piano*."

Ti.ll aud eaamliie-. *«I*III* wanted. Imnt'.'rb Uttit-Hovm, 32" ircuAinc/to-i St., Bottom.

v.. ■ i ■■■ MiW'i.ri w i ii I. -i T,k-- k oi in." ivi*li IIUU or n»ollnra, krtp U.i- II*-I. r..f "tie trtrtjtrhere.

■■mi : * ■ ■!■ I'llUI.PB * CO-

Urn. '»'<-• ' ' C'artlau-ll St.. v. Y.


■TEX-TRA Lnl'triAl l.Y ADAPT

j.-l.Iiytlci l.Y Al»AI llalaetory ' u-r.l wti

mall pr.|iai. Ihin*. f-eltiit k'Hi'll Al.ritHni., and lliere-

'..•a neli'-r ai.-«iit.j i.-ir Irrlia-lnx; n- It con- idh-H MO.M- \t tl'IMI-M' MIAN 1'UltTKK,


|i*«t.4 TAItUAM' JL CO., NEW lOHK,

-tlll.K AtwiM ia*Uit stIS iMirvrl STATKB. lTf.

! I* i.-ci -i

V.'. 'H'»VII'W.-1 -^|. i, TM- l.i-vei,., mK |»lrrHH.ii- llcjii,. .lilt' -a ■-■■


Corner Common ami Jacksrm Stu

1 t Sole Afi-ntt fur Lawrence.

D. HOWARTH. Pharmacien,

(Member or Ibe Cullege of Pharmacy, N. Y.',

Cor. Essex and Appleton Sis.

Dr. A. I,. HCOVU.l. Ii the inventor of tevcral

i.i. .I. 11 |i ■ |.. i .:.. iv. which have lecotne var;

pupulnr. nnd have been liberally utcd. Among hit

Invention* nre "Itill'i Ilaltam for the I.ungi" and

"Liverwort and Tar." Kor the patt *ix yeart i

tii'i.i LUIIK remedy hat heeu to tin

public. Itcad the lolluwin*: Idler from Dr. Sen

vn.i., refi-rrini; loitT—

Uauiu.J.K. ii.M:ur. .■ .■«■. i—I make the folluwliifi aintenieiit from i

perleil iruvlciliin ami kuowledfe of llie brnrllt ol All* n*i i.itiiK lli.tai.n. Inrurlnu the mo* di i'P hvatetl I'rt.Mtt.SART I ii-tauMI-rion I 1 have alliiei-aeiHt* . ITeela on ihe youli-r anil the old, and 1 enii null any that it I* by far llie beat expecto- rant' wllh which I am iiopinlnlid. tor C.-iifilir, and nil llie early tlncn ol Luna com-

-.Ibrllevi. Ii io IMI n crliiiu cure, aud II In in 11) wuulil kevp Ii by iheiu, ready <oud- IT upon ilm Hm appeaiana-- uf dl*ea*v Ihe MID-;*,there would lie very frw oatet ol ...iii.Minpiiiiii. Ii cautit the phlegm and r in ralae willumt Irriialiiiu thiiae delicti.- *, (llie I.UIIKI.) and wlttioiit i.tiidiuliix i'<m- n,i. ni the bowela. Il al»o give* tlri-n-ah to

Hop* tin- n Ir li t • weal-, ami change*

The ui.iiir "!;iu ,1 deilre lo Infutm the cltlicni

of Lawrence and vicinity that their new mill It

now In perfect running order, nnd that thote

wlthlng to have their Corn, Rye, Barley, nnd

other ;:r;tin .-.iiiv.-n, d into ileal ur l-'eed.can have

It d. ue wllh promplne** und dliputch, a* the

mill hua now ampin rucllltle*.

Tl ere It alto for tale at the mill

Fit ur, Grain, live and Indian Meal


in- ;■.:■■■. Uwrenrc Grttt M:l!.

Canal street, opposite Kvcrclt Mills


The Rich and Poor Man's Piaster.

JOY TO THE NATION DR. T. CUDKM manufacturea Ihe lies! Kid

Htrenglheulug 1'leuilay aud Klicuniullc 1'lnsler tint can b.- produced In Ihe U. S., and no mlittke. The proprietor also put* up for aulc tilt Celebrated National Uah'ic CUlHiH MYRIT, lor all kiudt ol Cought, Con>umptlon, Aaibma, lloarteneta. Wheeling at the Lung*,Whooping Cough, and all DlM-atet of a like nature; warmiiteil Ihe Very Ht-si In the market.

Sp«clalNnilce.-IJr.T.Oi.'dencuretnllklndi of felont wllh hi* owupnparttloii, without the lott of a Joint, a* It *o common wltii ihe .prick* and dupet (hat Invade our ttroeli.

DB.T.UUDEN, Proprietor,

41 Union Street. - - - 'Lawrence. The weekly AHKKKAN can be had at my atorc

Gunard Line Mail Steamers 11KTWEKN

.iv.Ti.oi>] and New Vorli * 'lilting ut Qneenstown.







Oneorthc above r'lratClaaa Iron Mali Steamer It Intended to anil aa lollo-va :—

From Liverpool, (calling ut Cork Harbor,) for New York dlrrct, every Saturday

'" '«■* 9 Tuetdi '^Bmjg^^SS^^ Harbor,) every Thurtday.

Certitlcatea Itaued to bring out paiienger* from anv parl of Kurope at Lowctt Itatea.

For »>eIKlit or Cabin Pataagc, apply to E. Cu- nard, 4 Bowling (ireen, New York. Fur Steerage Pattage, apply lo K. Cunard, 111 Broadway, New lurk,or lo Omltmhan

P. .Ml KI-I1Y, 123 Eaaei utreet.

Only Authorlipd Ag't for Lawrence tnd vicinity.


230 Essex St., Lawrence.

BOMOII A MIIIIM' lliitla-onn.

IStiinmer Arran-zement. May 3, 18(10. rsAim Mi.iM nos-ruii,

Forl,ortland,Sacoilllddeford,ete.,7.~0(exprett .0 Lawrence) A.W., lii M ■, S h. W. (PXpiett lo Uead- ina.landon Tueadiy.Ttiur*. and Hat. atSr.M.

For Kxpfer, Dover, (ireat Falli.and atallon. et*t I Haverhill, 7.30 (exprettto Lawi-enec) A. at., II

j., 3.00,5 P. H. (cxprett.) For fcxetcr, Dover and l'urlland on Tuetday, Thurtday md Saturday, at a P.M. (expreu.) I

For Haverlill 17.-0 (exprett), 7.40 (via Geor*je- town) A.M., Iii M.. 3.IS (TIB Georgetown), 3.00, - (exprett,) 5,16 (via Georgetown,) 6, o.l* r, M.

rlaGeorRetown.) ForMaucliCKter.Concord tiid UpperUallroada, (exprett) A.M., l'i H., 5 (exprett) P.M. For Lawrence (Soulh Side) 7, 7JC, (exprett)

10.1* A.M., ii M.,.-.00,-,,(expren to So.Ueadlof,) '.OOP, M,

For Lawrence'North Side) 7.30,(exprett) 10.18 .M., 12 M., 3,6,(exprett to So. Heading) 0.00 r.M.

roit noBTON.

From 1'ortland n.l*,8.4S a. at., 3 P.M., and on Tuetday, Thuraday and Saturday at 0 P. M.

From Great Falla 5.40,7.46,10.3S A.M.. 4M P.M. From Dover 5.50*, H.W, 10.65*, A.M., S.W" I- M.

Tuetday, Thurtday and Saturday 7.38 P. M. From Kxeter 5.3S*. M.50, 11.4*1* A.M., 0* P.M.—

Tueaday, Tliuraitny and Saturday H.W P. M.

From Haverhill ii.15, (via Georgetown) 7.16*. ?M (via Georgetown,) V.30. 11 (via Georgetown) A. M., r.'.an', :i.:io, 6 I via Georgetown,) 0.40* P.M.

Tuetday. Thurtday and Saturday SM P. M. From NorthAndover T.ib.VM A.M., U.30,3.40, From Lawrence (Norlli Side) 0.20, 7.30, A.

M.,,6.301 P.M. From Lawrence (South Side) 5.27, 7Ml. B.45 A.

*, 3.45, 6.32, 0.66* P. M. Tuetday, Saturday U.m r. M.

. arrival from the Earl, n their arrival from the N- rib. mgera are not allowed tj carry baggage

above aOO In value, nor over 80 ponnda In weight, and that pertonal,unleit notice It given, tnd nn extra amount paid at the rate of a price of a ticket for every |6O0 additional value.

WM. MKltRlTT. Sup't


Collector & Accountant. Books Opened, Posted & Audited.



Office, 289 Essex street, Lawrence, (Over Pott Office.)

ODce hour* from 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 F. M.

Referencei — J. IMItttlrt, Acent Atlantic Cot- ion Mllla; YVni. ll.Jm-uilh, Caihlcr I'emberton llauk; vY.A.KImbull ft Co. .Merchant*, Dm ttlagirl


Ju-u above Arlington Mills.

Price from 2 to 8 cents per foot. Inquire of A. J. FBEKCI1 or PKDR1CK ft

U'-OS-iON. in] laP6


UNDERTAKER, ■iV.t t.-uiiimou atreet. - - Lawrence.

i\hiMwP^'^ Mr.l'orti:r *lill continue* (he Funeral Fntnlthln*

builncit, na he hat done for the patt two yeara, at the old atand, where everything In hit line can be found, and at the loweat prlcrt.

Funeral* attended with one or a pair o horte* at required.

ICE COOLERS, for prcienini bodlet In warm wetther, can be obtained at all t'nei. N. it.-Order* It-it with Superintendent of Ilnrlal* will be promptly attended to. t-fltSl


III.,I unlioiii tua Inattl.y atat.-. ..II ■, !■ -v- i-i'.ilh.

i.i., 8COVII.I •II * ■diclne denli-rt. 4l)i7 Hold by

Cure L'i r-iiiuli' 'VcHkimaa. Thla rcim-ilv id.-f-om an Indian recipe,it en-

llrely i r-jclnbli1, ami CUrea wllliout aupportert. Circular' or Information tent on •ttinp. In- iirlilr.-.lnir ihi- niuiiulaclurer. MHa. LI- M!(i llEl.Clll.i:. Itan.liilph, U»i. WboleMle A|t.-nta, lien. I'.iioiidwin ft Co., Uotloa, Miat. r'or>-*li- 1.1 .IiI>VI-I- everywh.-rr. Ilmldl7


_ .-uin.l III DR. I;OD - SVHL'l'. Curt lor miull* an-t children warrants! w in i Injury to health. 1'rlo-;Seenit, UKO. r. i,ninnvi\ .V in , H,,.ioii, im,l alldruKfltta.


To and from Liverpool and Quecnstown.

ETNA, (IP. M.) Tuetdat lire M

CITY OF ANTWKRP.fl-i I \) ' Tuca.l.J' «' '£ CITY OF LONDON.Vl P. M.) B.?Ur%j":»

Every SATURDAY and nlternale TUESDAY. from Pier 43 North River, New York.

FlrMCabin, llOOUold | Steertae, »tSCurrenei Havre.Uromi-n.llara- I Havre,firemen I ^ „

bnr-(,etc. $llin;old lltmbun.etc *'lj Lul

Patit, llftUoldl Parlt, M »


FlrttCabln, »B0 Gold | Steera*{e, |M Currency

Prepaid Ccrtlflratet Irom all ,...i i .t moderate

Draftaon tirttlDrilaln Ireland,£| ando

Apply to OABAOfl 4 I1ERRV, Anetite, i ■■■ ■-■..: ttrct, liuaton,

r. >ii uiiiv, ;n Ewe, MMfrt| LAWRENCE.

,-£ Tickets si'Ki |\|. HOTICK.

On llie I at of January neat, nnd rvn y

alternnle Malurdny llier.aiiti, tha, |„.

tnnn Line will ilUpati U one nf their mail

alanmera from Liverpool, vll. Qnrrut- ton n anil II..III.. ., to II.,.io.,, ni,,,!,,,,

patience- a nnd freight.

The flrtt iteaiii.-r Irinn will lie II.B

CITY OF BOSTON, inllln» January .■"


8 u r u o o n ffffHafa) » « n 11 ■ t.


DB-.-W. E. B.IQC3-S. (Snooettorto Dr. r'. U. II A rat)

SURGEON DENTIS . UU Kwa»T *rt.. f,ta>ri**iri..



llnla, <"nt1-, etc.,

22!t BMCX ijrcet. - - L-wreooe. URDIOAJ, AND BUKOICAt OFFICE.

N... « Hoarinl St.. Host,,,,. DR. FKKll'K MtlMHll.l.Klve. .p.-clal attention

to dl*eatea of the ■vullo-urliniry oruant, and all chronic and dlmruli .lUeane* in built aexra- lila treat tucc.-*a I „. !:*iiiii.Un**aii.ldiltlcull catet.tucli a-, ■vrii-iorin.-i Iv i-iui-l.lirerl Incurable laiufnclent to commend lilin In ihe public at wor- thy 111-" extcnttv.. patronaic lie liai received.

I)«. MOHRII.L It admllled by the beat med- ical talent nf llie country to h*H« llu H*-* |B the Jlratmentol r < maleCmnplilnta, tnd It It no ua- atnaloerurrei'1'i'for^l.y.l.ian-liir.KularprMtlee WHfiHI!'?''I1"'"*"'" '" htm for treat mi>nt when afflicted wlili .llieaact lo Iii* api-rlally Udlea will rr.:,li e tlie mo., arl.-nlillc allentlon,

both medically and .ur-clcally. Hoard, with old and tiur.-a will )lP furnlahe.ltl.o.e wlio with to remain in Ihe city durlnir Ireatmrnt

The poor'■dvlt.-.l free gHt&n. I-liLleian. or patent, wlaliln. hli oplntau or advice, by letter and Indoalng tut- utual ree, will be aniwered fay return mail. lvTlait-*t-Vh

Medicine, tent to all parta of the ooantry.

Furnishing and Funeral UNDERTAKERS,

rt'oald eall attenllon to their


Corner Common and Amesbury Sta., Where they will keep n full aupply or everything In their line, and tell at the loweat living prieet.

They are tola A-rent • for FUk'a Metallic Catet, Crane-t Metallic Cttkett; alio Hbnler't Metallic Liitketa, a NKW aad deilrable article,

runeralt attended with agood hearte, and one or n pair or bortet.

Roaldence and Manufactory 15,' Elm St. Saloaroom corner of Common and

Amesbury atreeta. at either plane, day i


Carriage! furnlihed II detlrea.

A.W.OOOPMCB, ttt-ffMl J. 11. BBTMOLDa.


BITTERS" " 8"*-"'s itSSwl Jr'Sfi"1' "'"•■ **J

BEST tnd moit Reliable Tonic and Bitter In Ibe atari.i

which I. alwayitbe '

CHEAPEST. The llerht, Barkt and Root* un-d In

- ttr-t-" f *. ■' •»»- sfAHDAED

WINE BITTERS! ... Peni.l.D Barb,Camomile Plow... M..,..~.. »;» am "»., SESS 7",,;, .S",~i iSmo". " b" *1"" "■"**"

BEALTU-OlriSQ .nd In.lgor.lloif, to .. to Impart

BL 0 OM to the tallow, care-worn and lean peraon urn

BE A U T Y to ihelr pale nnd ilckly eonntenanct*.

Ladle a from Utah, South America and Kurope ire aendma- by ea-preai for thete llltlrr*. n tcnaiog

•illPL1**! b3r drt,""l',i ""I Rrocer. aenerallv !*>-> tint the .l-rnatur*- o( -luifin Rn*S p.,..i'B w J, It over the cop ot each boltle. "V\U" J" N<


RHEUMAfIC MEDICINE Ciiros Hlieiimali,m and Liver illfficulllci, Flcuris;, Coltla. Cramps, Sprains,

a jBrul.cs, Summer Com- pblnu, Burnt, Scalds, Chilblains, etc., etc.


l'repared by

N. PEABODY & OO.. Sanbornton Bridge, N. H.





<Tlu $umtntt $mt\n\t AN DOVER ADVERTISER,

PuMUhed every Friday Kv.-iiiti«,. 'jy

GKO. S. MERRILL & 00., Proprietors,

Tor. Etaex $ AppUton Sfj., La\trtnct.



00II 00 t UH 8 OollO '«')■■ 00 oohi wis DO-ii oo 0021 00,28 0046

siooljuou! ■■-- uiiOOltWOO

Ho chart* of le** than one square, (on* Inch.) AislgneoV and Administrators' ItoUeiw, fS.Wj

Ueaseugcn', U3; ProuaUtnnd other Legal Houeea,

Ths cirrulatlon of th* I.mterfnce Ameri- can it w*or* Ifcom THKKK TIMES that »f WHS/ «***r weoJW|f p*P*r wssettokeot f» thla

'#'#«* Hailtf •imericun ITII 1.1 li HM>

KVKBV EVENING, (ria*d*y rxceptrd,)

UM a large clreelaUoa among tk» ba*iar* public, aS'ordlag a very eoairoblf advertising

M:HS< ItirrillN.i- 1H ADVAKCK.

Dor Ve«r, • - . »l oo|M* Month*, ■ ■ (I M Wbea not paid in advance, #4.



STEAM PRINTING OFFICE I* tlir largo*t autl ami llioroughlv tarnished 1 eastrra Massachusetts. Hiving the MMI improved modern t*re**ai,oad with cuniitnt aadlUoasol the


aud with oar *at*«*lvr variety ol work, w* are ■ble to feraiah the He.l tjaallly of Work, rxpvdl -, and at low price*. Order* by wall promptly ailrd.

GE0. S. MERRILL ft CO., Proprietors, ■M S.SSSX ST.. UtWUINOB.






No. 7 Lawrence street,


Semi-Centennial Expose.



JULY 1, 1869.

Cash Assets, $5,352,532.96

Total Liabilities, 266,782,33


ITS PAST.-" fly their KmlH ye know them."

Losses paid In SO years,


IT'S PRKaBMT — " The Mo a Successful Fire

Insurance Company IK America."

Cash Assets, 5,392,S32.00.


Blow the bellow*, wield the hammur, Till the roof roll back the clamor:

Let the perspiration flow, Till tin' euglae and Ita boiler 111..' to bleu Hie gifted toiler;

Shape the reaper, plow and hoe; Spread the** helpere o'er the prairie.

There to pile the yellow grain, WMefa the .nglne-nying •* ill tie

Scetlen o'er lb* earth like rain.

Who le be that wlnneth tream re ? Who the aobleat earthly plauare ? ' Not th* moo of elaaWal mind, Not the proudeat king reelinlng, On hU throne with Jewel* ■bluing;

Bat the teller for hie kind. Shall the faw arlitoeralle

Sluggnrda, destitute of bralna, Spurn fair Nature'* nobloit worker*,

Binding lliem In clanking chain, f

.\.i' ncTerl for the nation Ratlfle* the proclamation.

Setting tolling million* free; Lei ui build fair Labor'* temple High, with niebee many, ample,

Fer each worthy votary ; There above old Homer *hlnlng,

Shall our Fulton And a place, Horae and Field,and Stepbenaon,

Nobloat toller* of our race.


Are we lowing aeedi of kindness ? They lhall bloaaom bright ere long.

Are we eowlng ieedi of dlaeord ? Tln-y "hull ripen Into wrong.

Are we lowing aeedi of honor 1 They ihall bring forth golden grain.

Are we lowing *eed* of falaehood ? We ahall reap bitter pain.

What.o'er our lowing be, Reaping, we Ite frulta muit iee.

We can never be loo careful What the aeed* our band* aball *ow;

Lave from love Uiure to ripen, Hate from hale li iure to grow.

Seed* of good or 111 we ecatter Heedleeily along our way J

But a glad or grlevoaa fruitage Walt* ua at th* harveat day.

Wbatao'er our aowlng be, Reepiog, we Ui frulta rouit ace,


IT'S FUTURE Uoefelntss and Duty mail be •heped and measured only by the Wealth aid

Growth of uur i-ountrj.

Thrae-roerths or the Insurance Companies

chartered bare failed-proving the mlitakei and

dlfflculllea Inaprofeiilon baaed on calamity and

mlafortane, with an Important part of It*

development In the iphorej of broad human

benevolence. It li a rare and uncommon event

for one of theie lutltnitom to make Ite AftUth

anneal report, and that a saUsfaetory one.—

Another of llfe'a plainest old leiioni, "Ai yon

eow that yon iball reap." Bate* end lemia aa liberal ai eonilitent with

moderate profit and lubitantial security.



No. 7 Lawrence street,


MISS M. S. ANDERSON, Would moat respectfully Inform her former eus- tomere and the pnblU, that .lie now ooeuple* the ■tore formerly occupied by CAurHLL * TATLOB,

CM. of Newbury ud Essex Streets,

Wnere ihe 1* now prepared to show thi belt and LATEST STYLES OF

Fall and Winter Millinery,

Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Laces and Ribbons.

) Col Ion and Also, a Quo lot of Ladlea' Wear. I

Dllly—otherwise Miss Amelia Turner— waa the orphan niece of Miss Penelope Turner, a dear, tweet old maul, who overflowed with love and charity for everybody, and called each Individual thief and rascal lti the neighborhood " poor fellow!" always Insisting thai. If it were not for some- opposing circum- stance, he would be it most worthy per- son. Of course she doted on Duly, and saw In the pretty young creature nil the charms and virtues under the sun. Un- doubtedly Dllly was loveable;' she was bright, good tempered, and very win- ning ; but she had one failing—she was a most thorough coquette. A cynical per- •nii um.- of iitr that she would have coquetted wliu irei «i«at KfWHF father. If no one else could be got, just to keep her hand In. But as this cynic- was one of those with whom Pllly would HO*

coquet, his severe Judgment might be classed with those coming under the term ' sour grapes.' But be It under- stood that, though Dllly had a wonderful amount of knowledge In the art ol using eyes, smiles, pouts and wiles, she used It without any bad Intent; (or. though as subtle as a serpent In coquettish ways,

was as innocent-hearted as a child— or Aunt Pen,

Dllly could not remember either the father or tho mother whose hearts had clung fondly together In life, and now rested side by side In far distant India- Brother and sister she never had; but when the little creature was brought to Miss Penelope by her faithful nurse Susan, under tho care of an old friend of her father. Aunt Pen took her to her warm heart (root that time forth.

All the little boys with whom Dllly came la contact suffered more or less from her bewitchments. Many were Ihe offerings laid at her nhrlno; and Susan, who remained with them, had often to put a positive veto upon pet squirrels, tame mice, and various choice specimens of animated nature. Aunt Pen would have allowed the house to bo over-run with them; but, fortunately for her, Susan possessed more lorco of oharacler. and, though loving Dllly dearly, could make a stand at these times. She was, In fsot, the ruling po-ver In the house, and Jenny, the muld-of-all work, looked up to her as a superior being.

Among Dllly'* youthful captives was one dark-eyed little fellow, who remained faithful through all the upa and downs of childish love. Others withdrew, or quar- reled, or formed violent attachments In other quarrels; but he never changed; and so. when she was seventeen and ho twenty. Stephen Wliltutore loved her even as her father had loved her mother. But the lime had not yet come for her to either value or understand this love. Therefore, when Stephen came to her one day. blushing and trembling like a girl to tell her that It was decided that he was to go out West with his uncle to remain a year, and would she—could

Dllly looked in Ids face with laughing eyes, and asked, would she—could she— what?

And when Stephen stammered out something, so very much confused, that no one but a coquette could hate under- stood, she replied that she neither would nor could. Whereupon Stephen turned and left her without another word, but with a look In his dark eyes that haunted ber for days. But the night before Ste- phen left he drew Dllly out under the old chegtnut trees and repeated the question more steadily and without stammering. Her heart thrilled a little at his earnest tone, but she refused him, Baying, sweet- ly that she would miss him much as a dear friend; upon which Stephen started aside aa though stung; then catching her hand he pressed it to his breast, and with a broken'Good-bye, Dllly!" disappeared from her tight. ... ,

Aunt Pen was dozing In toe parlor when poor Stephen roused her. To her amazement she found herself clasped In a pair of stout young arms and warmly pressed to a throbbing heart. In a second more she was most tenderly kWs- ed. and felt tw« tears drop onherchecke; and alien, before the words, 'tiood MO, dear, dear Miss Pen!' had ceased to

md In her ears, she was once more alone. ■ „

Susan WSB standing at tho gate medl- latlng In the moonlight; Stephen wrung her hand hard as he pnssod her. She watched hliu sadly as he hurried up the

i Miss Dllly has (ilven lilui a sore heart this night.' she thought. 'Ah, well! I lear her time will come yet.' And so It

Stephen did not return In a year's time; his parents never failed to receive letters from him each week, ami innny a token of fond remembrance was sent them; but he remained away till three years had passed, aud then he came. As far as outward appearance went, lie w»s a very dlftereut Stephen from the blushing, awkward boy that left them; he was now a tall, well-developed man. with a faco that had force and character \a every line, and yet with a certain touch of ten- derness about the mouth and a kindly gleam In the eyes that won the liking and good will of these he looked on. But If his feelings for Dllly were the same,

M-Hltroai Oxlda he concealed them so well that, although Ua* Admiaiiured. (hey were often together, the little co-

-■■ ranirr Phlla. Deatnl College quette could not discover whether he still NewKo.SSS Ease* St., <oid No. HI.) ' loved her »r not. I am a.rry to say that

the three year* ll1"' ll0t altered Dllly In respect to coquetting—in fact, she In- dulged In i! more than ever, and of course was r\ preater protictent In the art; she was prettier loo, anil thur with- out losing her charming air of freshness.

After Stephen had been home about n month, a new actor appeared upon the scene. This was a young Cuban, whose mother waa an American. She had some. Muslus In ihe neighborhood, sod re- ■ested her son to make them a visit. Sebastian Torredos was at once an ob-

ject of Interest to all the young ladles— and gentlemen, too, though not for the same reason. To be aure. the young ladlea would have liked It better had he spoken broken English; but. unfortu- nately, having passed the irreaier part of his boyhood In the United States, he spoke the language like a native. Still he looked very Spanish, and us he could speak that language also llko a native, matters were quite satisfactory. He and Dllly met on equal ground, lor both were accomplished hi the same game of skill, and neither was In danger of being In- jured.

Stephen still made no sign, and poor Dllly experienced a heart felt anxiety because lie did not, before she wns In the least aware that she entertained such a feeling- To drive It away, she flirted with the Cuban, for that reason and ulso with nu unacknowledged desire to sting Stephen. If ho cared enough for her to be stung. Each day she grew more anx- ious t« And some mark of Interest, and each day was as rar from discovering it as ever. In the midst of it all. Stephen was obliged to be absent for several days on some matters of business, and In his absence Dllly found herself growing tear- fully tired of Don Sebastian Torredos. One alternoon she set out on a long walk and staid till dusk, lest he might lounge in his usual listless way and spend hours with Iter.

Before site returned Jenny came trot- ting In Irom liiu village. -Here. Mrs. Susan.* said she. ' la a letter for Miss Amelia/

'Put It on Ihe mantel In the dining- room,,' answered Susan.

Now there was a peculiarity about the mantel piece; a mirror stretched along It, leaving a small space unoccupied at each end, on which It was well enough to place letters; but behind this mirror lurked a crack Into which. If nu article slipped. It disappeared as completely as though It hud gone Into a crevasse on Mount Blanc. Jenny knew of the crack, of course and placed the letter by the side of the mirror; but when DIUy came in. knowing nothing of it, she laid some wild flowers sho had gathered in the same place, and, hi doing so, pushed the letter a little too far, and down it went. She heard It. and began to inquire Into the matter, but when Susan told her, said Indifferently:

'It Is no matter; the letter must he from Mary Wilcox, who Is in New York ; she always writes n lot of rubbish. I know It is from her, for she said she would scud me an account of a party that was to come off this week.'

The next day Stephen returned from hla journey, n«d the same evening met nniy «u * little gathering. She- wua rather puzzled by a look In his dark eyes —a luok u wtiiuti, u aplte or himself, there waa occasionally mingled a glance of tender.,one. TBW lunjr ».«»—* ■>—., to more active flirting with the Cuban. She knew Stephen disliked him. and when she saw his troubled gaze she assumed a confidential air which her companion in- stantly caught up.

Toward the close of the evening, Dllly was seated by an open window, the Cuban by her, and Stephen standing opposite. The conversation turned upon letters.

I received one yesterday,' said Dllly

in'i- senses, but hoping the derangement wfti temporary she repeated her promise in a quivering voice, and asked Dltly to share her bed—an offer that was accepted. Miss Penelope was fully resolved to keep a diligent watch all night; but before she had the least idea of doing such a thing dropped sound asleep, and when ahe nwokc In the morning found that ahe alone occupied the bed. Before she had time to rise, Dllly entered the room, calm and serene, though a certain auxlety lurked In her eyes. Aunt Pen wisely thought ahe would not allude te the sub- ject of the mantel-piece, trusting that Dllly had been dtearning; but ahe waa at once reminded of her promise, and saw she was to be strict** held to It. In. vain did she question Wily as to her reason. At last Miss Penn said:

'Dllly, mvdear. It Is out of (he ques- tion to pulldown the wall In that man- ner without saying why. What do you suppose that Susan and every body else WOUld lllillk'''

Dllly surveyed her aunt thoughtfully. ' That Is very true,' she replied and left

the room. While Miss Penelope was still congrat-

ulating herself upon her success. Dllly returned.

' It's nil riglit now. Aunt Pen.' she said: ' 1 have slipped your great-irrand- father'g sliver watch down the crack, aud that is reason enough.'

For once In her life, Aunt Pen was In- dignant.

■ Amelia!' she cried, ' how dare you do snob a thing as that?'

Dllly threw her arms around her aunt's neck and pressed her soft cheek to here. ' Dear Aunt Pen,' she murmured, in ca- ressing tones, 'you know you said you rnuaf have n reason, and you promised me ihe mantel-piece should be taken down; you would'nt wish to breHk your promise to your own little Dllly who loves you so*'

Miss Penelope endeavored to be firm and remain Indignant, for the Insult to the treasured heir-loom was not to be pa- tiently submitted lo: but It was of no use, and she Anally yielded, as she al- ways did.

Miss Amelia coollv Informed Susan that she hud dropped the watch down ihe crack; and although Susan listened with up-raised hands and eyes, sho declared she waB not in the least astonished; Miss Dllly would do mischief, she supposed, to the end of her days.

Dilly had taken the precaution to drop In a few old advertisements; so when the chiinnev-plcco was taken down, and while Mbs Penelope and Susan were anx- iously examining the watch, sho secured the precious letter among the advertise- ments, and no one noticed It. When ilium; in lief tooiM slm carefully fastened the door, and then sat breathlessly gaz- ing at the Important document for several moments bffore daring to open It. But when she did, and read In it how deeply Stephen ioved her, how she was the only woman in lite world to lilm. her heart stood still for very rapture, she was con- scious of hutono (bought, and that filled her to the exclusion of nil others—Ste- phen loved her.

After a time she read the letter more attentively, lor at tlratlbe words swam In a golden light, very beautlfat but very bewildering; and then ahe found that be requested her, It her answer was unfa-

upon the subject "words'would*. MHK bo unendurable; If she could not accept his love, let him know It by utter silence, and In silence he would endeavor to bear It. Then site saw how he must have misun- derstood her jesting words that night, and her heart sank down from Its height of Joy when she reflected with what con- tempt he must have looked upon her when he imagined that she made a mookery of his love, and Intended telling the Cuban

laughing, written npou a most Important . (t a8'a 'ma^"r 0f Amusement. This 111 I thought waa more than she could bear;

i>ench"and American C or a eta" Under Vo.U, Ho.e, Olovei, Collar*, Cut*, Hankerchlef., Uoadt, llooda, Shawl*, Mitten.. For Children'* Wear altklndiand description*.

Mtaa Anderaon would nlio call attention to ber

Dress Making Department, Where you eon have your Dreeiaa and Cloak* lilted, by tlic moet competent handi, nnd al Lowert iVtee* In the dty. fill keep. WL... Prooft, of all uuallllea tor Cloak., aad Trimming* of all deeoriptlone, for both Dr.a.ea aad Uoeae,

each a*

Velvet*. Fringes, Taaaela, Button*,

Mn. atltoblnflt. iMiiUlnif mill MtuitiiiUiv,

Miss M. S. ANDERSON, Corner ul New bury and Essex street*.

aovS . J ,


Soap and Candle Factory, L. UEAOtI * BON, Proprietor*,

Manufacturer* ••

Scouring I Fulling Soaps ror Woolen Hill*, Hat Menul.ciurle*, etc,

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow, NBAT'B FOOT OIL, ETC.

Our house having bean oatnbllah- *»d upwards of twenty years, with facilities to command the best •took In the market, and a manu- factory perfect In every detail, un- der our oonstsnt supervision, pur- chasers can rely on finding the quality of all our goods as repre- sented. Corner of Lawreace & Maple SU.,

subject—at least to not answer It. for a very good reason.

And what Is that, pray?' asked the Cu- ban.

' Perhaps I will tell you to-morrow, when you bring that sea-view you spoke o( showing me," returned she. with the confidential air that was Intended to dis- tract Stephen; but on giving him a side glance she shivered at the change In IIIB countenance. So oold, so dark and stern was his expression, that her heart sank within her, and as sheturned her head to see him more hilly, he leaned forward, and fixing on her a look of contempt, said slowly:

' You speak of pictures—do you re- member the eno we were looking at last week, and the words underneath it, -Love desecrated dies?'

• Then he turned from her and addressed a gay remark te a young lady near him.

Dllly saw him ne more till the fellow- lug week; but she heard in tho meantime that, much to the regret of his parents, he had decided not to remain at home, but again to go West. When she did see him it was but for a moment, and with others around them; the clasp af his hand was loose and careless, the look he gave aa he bid her good bye, one of quiet indlf- ference.

Stephen wont, and Dilly, spite cf her best efforts, drooped. Some persons at- tributed this to the departure of the Cuban who made his adieux at this time. He favored Dllly with a complimentary speech and a very tender pressure ef her hand; he would have kissed It In French fashion, but she, fast losing her coquet- tish ways, restrained him by a look.

The months passed on. and Dllly grew quiet and thoughtful. Much she pon- dered on tho expression of Stephen's coun- tenance, but tho only cause she could find was her lllrllug with the Cuban. One night she sat musing, just before going to bed. On Ihe table by which she sat lay a little book In which Stephen, when ho first returned, had wrllten her name at her request. He wrote a peculiar hand, one that would at once attract attention. While thus sitting, Jenny came In to con- sult her on the color of n dress she had purchased that doy. Standing bv the table, her eyes fell on the writing In tho book. ,

' Land's sakes!' she exclaimed; 'that is for nil the world the same writing that was on your letter, Miss Dllly, that slid down the crack.'

Dllly turned pate. 'Are you sure, Jenny?'she asked, quietly, but with a great effort.

* Yes.* replied Jenny, taking up the book. •! was inoklng nt tho way the A and T were made as I brought tho letter nlong. and these arc made lust the seine,

' Perhaps they are.' said Dilly. and then turning to the dress, drew Jenny's atteti.








hla love, perhaps, had passed from her forever, but his respect she would not lose: he should know that ahe was no dishonorable flirt; he should give here place In his esteem, if not In his affections. She snatched up pen and paper, and dashed off a few hasty lines, telling him bow the letter was lost, and that If had just then been discovered by the taking down of the chimney-piece; that when It fell Into the crack she auppoaed It wa* from a friend In New York on the eub- Ject of a party; and that her Idle words applied to that. She never mentioned love, but told him ahe could not bear M

forfeit the esteem ol so dear a friend. Then, trembling with excitement, she hurried to the village and mailed her let- ter; after that she sought a secret uook deep in the woods, to which she some- times resorted, aud, lying ou the soft crisp leaves, wept ns though her heart would break. Doubu aelied her—had she dene something bold and unwoman- ly? She could not tell, all was In a maxe; and finally, sick at heart, and In body too. from lengthened weeping, she dragged herself home, and waa in bed two days, during which tlino Miss Pen- elope, Susan and Jenny stole up and down stairs and about the house like frightened mice, and In a state of great anxiety. Misa Penelope waa firmly con- vinced that Dilly waa going Into a brain fever, and that the pulling down of the chlmney-pleco waa the first gyuiploin of it. Of course ahe sent with all speed for the doctor, who Indignantly informed tin' anxious aunt that he considered It rather nn attack of irritability than any- thing else; Dilly having received him very ungraciously, flatly telling him that sho would not swallow one atom of his nasty, useless, poisonous desea. Being •f a positive nature, she did not, and In a few days emerged from her room, look- ing much aa usual, though a shade paler.

Suspense is hard to bear, and so Dllly found It; but she also made another dis- covery, aud that was that she loved Ste- phen more and more each day, and that this love had struck ita roots so deeply In her heart that poor coquetry had with- ered aud died for waut of room and mels- ture.

Stephen had asked for silence in case Dilly had no love to give him I but when. In answer to her letter, he arrived, deter- mined lo make one mare effort, ho waa not only satisfied with Dllly's alienee, but thought It more speaking than a thousand words. Fer when ho stood before her, and she started tin. shy. trembling, pale, he saw In her swiftly tailing glance the look his heart thirsted for. and when he opened hla longing arms, Dllly answered him by simply nestling In them, and holding her face upon his faithful brensl.


s A ri-it n A v. —Tho republicans of New Hamp- shire bare rtnoralnatcd Onilov Stearns for Governor. Ha wanted to dadlne, bnt they would not beer to It The detaocrnu bare re- aomleaud their ticket of last year.—Partners art plowing near Albany.—A IKde fir) In Bos- ton picked up a package >f coopoui, and was presented by the owner with SBO.—125,00(1 in bond* wa* stoien from Mean' Exprnoa la Washington, Jan. In.—A close examination

elicited the Information that several thou- sand dollars was offered for tho vote of Senator Rosa against the Impeachment of An Jrew John- son.— Severn! of the Boston letter carriers re- ceived as a New Year's present, a mm from those on their route, amounting from $100 to S200.—To-day Is the 56th annliersary of the Battle of New Orleans, fought by General Jackson after peace had bean declared between the United 8tates and England. It took two or three month* to get news from Europe then. Had there have been a telegraph many valua- ble lives might bare been saved *n both ■idea, though some glory would have been lost.— Brigbam Young Is to be brought ip to Ike bull Hog and compelled to pay taxes on the enor- mus aums which he swindles out it bis dupes. —Boys of twelve are to be enlisted ID the army as drummers and musician*.—Tb«re are bogus Life Insurance agents in New York who obtain money from women on pretenct of insuring their lives. Worse than that a logus " exam- ining physician " of the pretended company, ■trips tbem to tee If they are prtper subjects for 1 mn ranee.—A woman Su ft rare paper haa beeu started In Boston, by Mrs. Vary A. ennore and other*.—There Is a sreat array of talent In the editorial corps—There Is another desperate effort to raise the prl»o of gold.— There seems to be bnt little dcabt that the Pope will urge the Ecumenical Council to as- sert the dogma of Papal Infallibility anil that If the question comes up there will le the bitter- est row ever known In the Catbdic Church.-- Oold 121 8-1.

MOKDAT.— Oov. Claflln's annual address wa* delivered on Saturday.—There I* said to 1M a feeling of the different counirlcs In South America to put themselves tinier the protec- tion of their big brother, Uncle Sam.—The Portuguese government has granted a charter

l American company for an Atlantic cable from Portugal to New York by the Azores Isl- ands. Branches of It are proposed to France, England and Holland.—There ft a ttory of an Knglisb Lord falling la love with a New Hamp- shire farmer's daughter who I* sa attendant In tho Boston Public Library, and that a wedding Is soon to take place In consequence.—On Sun- day, Jan. «th, at Harwich,Seth fjahoon, age S3, and Mrs. Ellis, age 78, walked a mllo and a half to the minister's home and got married.— The underground tunnel In tho most populous part of Now York dty, piogrtsw* al the rate of ton feet per Oay.—The lost se***-t of {no Virginialegtalatura lasted Sdays iV*0;/t, «3

pef"mem; "uTit&mihW&Vtft.'ts'per diem i Kentucky 171 days at W per diem; Ohio 254 days, S3 per diem; The Illinois mem- bers get 01 a day In greenback* and alter tor- ty-two days only 81; California, S10 per day In gold, 111 daya.—Brlgham Yonng Is again talking of fighting the United States. He and tils Mormons wonld have been crashed out In 1858 when they attempted It before, had there hove been any one but the imbecile Buchanan at the head of the nation.—Seven hundred bills have been prepared for Congress —Senator Snmner's financial policy la said to differ ma- terially from that *f Boutwell.—It Is now »tut- ed that the dogna ol the Pope's infallibility will be adopted but not enforced.—A bill la to be Introduced In Congress declaring that the United State* will, hereafter, not forbid the snpply or aid to my colony straggling for In- dependence of European powers.—A large four story bulldtig near the depot at Concord N. II., occupied by Palmer and olhera, was burned Saturday night.—Oold 132 1-2.

deed a wonderful thane* In the Idea* and habit* of the community, molting from th*general dlffruion of loletllfonca, th* dlacuaalon of th* n*e of loloile*- tin I bvverasca, and the real raining Influence* of

Kn-ry philanthropist abould be encouraged lo continue hla labor* when he aeu. *uch progru* in publlo *enllment made In a ilnfle |enerallon. In a matter oo directly affecting the pcraonal habile and social caatocna of th* people. While the law, *o far a* It aimed lo anpaeen* common tippling, baa thua been eeoepted, it baa undeniably met with much opposition In other particular*. The dlaen*- ■lun of the whole ■abject bat been aarneat; aad to

I client already aaaomed th* form of political action. Coming directly from lha people, you can now nndarataod fully the objection* to tho law, aad the remadla* necoiaary i > remov* tJWMji. Aa awe man. deal ring Ihe beat Inter**** of tea at at*, and be- Ujrtfag that Ua raiara *aoata*sa daaaaea aa the aobrfety, Intelligence aad morality of ha poopU, you Wilt carvtolly Inquire what meaaurei are calculated to make the law Mtlafkctory to all who really dealre Ihe beet Interest* of .oclrty. All lawn of any value

: have al leaat the oaient of lb* public, If not. earni'.t inpporl. After ao mneh thorough

dlacaatlon, and with our preient aiperleooo, It would item to be poulblt, though difficult, for the leglilature to make inch enactment* on Dili aubjoct a* will be In accordance with the apliit of the age;

■sill, lo their nJmlnUlration.aecuie the cordial concurrence and co-operation of the oommunlly. The Governor remarks upon Ihe depressed con-

dition of agriculture, nndiutreeats some plan of bringing the producer and comnmer together. He Hoses by urging a shorter session than that of last year.

H.T. JAs rAa*Mor*V ;t,i/,t(af>.

i i hr Fee*

tlon to It. But when the tflrl left the room, she •tariff] lip. and with bands pressed tightly on her breast walked rap- idly up and down. Slm saw It all now Stephen had sent her that letter she hail wrllten lo all her correspondents about without finding the writer; and now she understood why he looked at her as be did that night, lie thought she had read the letter and was making a Jest of It. Oh. how her heart throbbed and pained as she thought of It nil!'

Aunt Pen was sleeping the sleep of tho just, when she was routed by 'he voice of weeping. Sluing up. she. taw Dlllv In Ihe pale moonlight, stnitrjlafl by her bed.

'Oh. Aunt Pen!dear Aunt Pen! you do love me, don't you?"

Aunt Pen luatanlly embrace*! her sob- bing darling, and drawing her beside her endeavored lo find otit the cause of her tears. She was alarmed, as Dllly was not given to such outbursts.

• I know you lave me very much dear Aunt Pen, and you will do something tor me Hint I wish so very much, won't you dear Aunt Pen?'

And then (ollawed such a flow of teara that poor Miss pwiolope promised.

Havo the dlnl"Kroom mautel-plcce

pulled down?' ebbed Dllly.

PUKSTICK ON Tiuu*.—Oeorgo D. Pli'll- tleo ^hus photographs George Prnnela Train:

"A locomiiikc ihatlias run oft llic track, turned upshlu down, with Its cow- catcher burled lu a stump, and the Wheels making a thousand revolutions a minute —a klic In tho air which haa lost Its tail —fthuinan novel without a hero—a man who climbs n ueo for a bird's nest out on the limb, and hi order to get It saws tho limb off between himself nnd the tree—a ship without a rudder-a clock without hands—a sermon that Is all text—a pan- tomime ol words—an arrow shot In the air—the apotheosis of talk-the In carna- tion of gab. Handsome, vivacious, ver- satile, muscular, neat as a cat, clean te ihe marrow, a Judge of the effect, of clothes, frugal In food, and regular only in habits—a uoon-day mystery—a aolrcd conundrum—a practical Joke in earnest— a cipher hunting a figure to pass for something; with Ihe brains of twenty men in his head all pulling different ways; not bad as to heart, but a man who has shaken hands with reverence."

•CM you tell hie how old tho devil Is?' asked an Irreverent fellow of a clergy

THE aorgmirnws ABDEEMM.

The ceremony of administering the oath of office to His Exoitlency William Claflln, gov- ernor elect, and tt the State officers elect, took place la the Repnaentatlvei Hall In Boston, on Monday. After the oath of office waa adminis- tered the governor addressed the legislature. In the course of Its remarks be alluded to the state of the finances, the Hoesac tunnel, Hart- ford and Erie railroad. South Boston 11*1*, savings banks, education, penal and reformato- ry Institutions, state charities, emigration, the donations of Ooorge Peabody and John Clarke, the militia, state aid, the sale of liquors, agri- culture, the labor question, the Indians In the commonwealth, commercial and national ar.

fairs. Of the financial condition of the state, the

governor aays that notwlt*standing the Increase or the debt, Masaachnsetts loans are more val- ued la Europe than any ^ther American secu- rities. The debt Issmal compared with the ability of the state, bnt tie legislature Is urged to caution in aiding new enterprise* which will increase II. Of the savinj-e banks he speaka highly, and recommend* that deposit* aa high aa foooo be allowed. Additional facilities for the emigrant Is called for and more protection and Information. More pay for Instructors In the school* Is spoken of. Training school* are commended highly. There are 370,000 youth In the state who are between the agea of five aad fifteen year*. 247,000 aSead school. The average number who attend schools in winter Is 300,000. The cost or Instruction Is 93,133.886 or S10.85 for each child. Tht whole expendi- ture for schools has been for tM year Sl,WO,OO0. Anew order of things Is hinted at. Of the prisons It is charged tbat the almost unrestrict- ed sale of liquors Is the principal cause of fill- ing them up. Several suggestions are made. An asylum instead of n pri*o» for Inebriates is proposed, John Clarke of Northampton has presented t'250,000 to the stall for a deaf mute school In (hat place. Tho m|lltla U composed of 9-1 companies of Infantry, B of cavalry, and 5 lmtterles of artillery, nil In t high state of ef- ficiency About half of the force senred in the war. The governor suggest* a redaction ol abcutone thousand in the aggregato num- l"T attending lite fall encampment, thus saving about 930,000.

The roenacitocnl ol ihe act which gl»« over $000,000 per year lo disables soldier*, and to ihe families or the slain, Is requested, ai Hit present law expire* this year. Or mailer* con ceming the sale of intoxicating drinks the Gov

Aunt Pen shook with terror. She took men, 'My friend, yoii nnst keep your It for granted that her niece was losing I own family record,' was Die reply.

enor says :— TbeAct concerning the manufacture and sale of

Intoxicating llqoon bo* now been In fore* ror *ix month*. Wllhln Ihla short period much haa bean

to stop the general aol* of llquon, a large number or thoa* who were colling under former law* having abandoned ilia open traffic, and many having ci-aaed to aell altogotbor. Tho law haa *e- cun.l th* acquleaconee nf lha peopU generally, and there haa boon very UUle opposition In It* oiaentlon *o far aa II om*«* lb* tippling ibop*. It appear*, alao, to have dlmlalihed another evil—tho *al« lo •nail qoantlUe* to b* used In famllle*. where th* Inevitable reaull haa elwaye bean to pioduca^miicry and crime.

The people of the Stale will not *obmlt patiently to tba restoration of lb* open bar, that relic of a leea enlightened period, which haa wrought lha ruin of .o many tamllloe, and brought to untimely grave* thouaaml* of the ooblctt and O>o*t goaeron* aplrlt* Of the land. It U m*nlf**lly no longer In accord- ance wtlh thHr character or wtshoa. There I* la-

Quite a sensation was caused In town

among the religious community lost week.

by the statement ihnt Itcv. E. O. Chad- dock of the Free Baptist Church, had

changed his theological views, to those

entertained genernlly by Ihe dennmlnn- tlon known aa the Orthodox Conjrrega-

tlonallsls. On Sunday forenoon thetrnlh of these rumors became apparent, ns Mr.

('haddock delivered hi*farewell sermon.

resigned his pastorate, nnd took a format

leave of the dcnomlnntini! a* a member.

Mr. Chnddoek mentioned casually In his

address that the work of change lu his

religious Ideas Imd been going ou for the last two years,

The lext ol the sermon was from the

110th Psalm. 17th verse.

"I am a strauircr In the earth. Hide not Thy commandments from me.

In presenting his resignation as Pastor

of the church at the close Mr. ('haddock

said :- Believing, that. In the Providence or God,

the time lias come when my relation a* pastor of tbl* people should cease, 1 hereby lender my rcsijrnation. When so Important a step U to bo taken, (be reasons for li will he naked, and it is proper that ihey should be irlven. It t* not then, because X have wearlod of lahorlinr with you, or tbat I have lost any degree of Interest In Ihe society. There has nothing occurred that should lead lo this. I have received only kindnei* from you, and in all onr associations ntdny'Wul r(tooh'Wrr;*-«&fchy™ihTtrtf,"m**irm contrary, have occurred to strensihen my at- tach moat to this people. Tn tome of your homes I have been called, when death wa* there, taking away a loved member of your family, and I have touuht to comfort yon with the consolations of religion. It has been my privilege to direct many of you to the Saviour, and when, through repentance, yon had sub- mitted to Him, to load you in obedience, irivlng Instruction; when your hearts were despondent offering encouragement; when you faltered en- treating you to press forward, and uniting with you in efforts to lead others In the same divine way- The remembrance or alt this I* the ground, of an attachment akin to that In the family; to leave you will wn to me like leav- ing my huine, and my leave-tsklna will seem as from brother* and sister*. I have felt hon- ored to be your psator. There are wealthier churches in tbl* city, but none, I believe, in which may he round more noble and true Chris- tian men and women. It would be a pleasure for me to spend my life with thts church. I should have no higher ambition than to bo a laborer with you,

Again, I do not resign because I think that you have become weary of me, I know that some churches receive a minister aa a child does a toy, wlih many expression* of delight, and afterwards cast him rudelr aside; but you have shown no such fickleness. By a unanf mou* role you received me as your pastor, and with a similar appearance of unanimity, you have sustained ma In ray labors; I' have re- calved a cordial welcome to your home*, and you have given respectful attention when I have addreased you from the publlcdeak. I be- lieve yonr heart* are true to your faces, and therefore have labored with you In the confi- dence of love.

I will now give you my reasons, and will en- deavor to do so In Christian frankness: For some time, I have bad a growing conviction that in my Idea* of Christian doctrine and polfty I was not In rail sympathy with the Free Will Baptist denomination. I have considered Ihe subject long and carefully, and my conviction* have been gradually confirmed. I havo delayed somewhat to announce the fact because of my attachment to this church, but I now (eel that Christian Integrity require* that I declare to you my convictions, and In doing so I could not do otherwise than to resign my pastorate.

la leaving you I shall not go outside the pale of orthodox Christianity; shall preach essen- tially the same doctrines to which you have listened, trust In Ihe same Saviour, and seek the same Heaven. I shall be with you yet la spirit, though differing in letter. While I know that It Is more difficult to believe tbat those who differ from us in faith act In Intcg rlty of spirit than (hose who agree with ns, yet I shall rely upon the confidence with which you have received my labors to assure you tbat I follow my conscientious convictions. I shall not expect you to approve tho step, ao far as it relates to leaving (he denomination, neither would I desire lo convince you that I am right, yet I shall not believe you on thai ncconnt any the less my friends and my brethren. During

weeks ihsl I shall remain In the ellv, 1 shall hope lo meet you frequently, and enjoy

Utian companionship ihet ha* been no dear to me, yet I shall beg (Inn the public an- nouncement which 1 have intnle In reference lu ihe reasons for my resignation mar lw deenicd sufficient, and (hn( we leave a su'ject which 1ms caused me so much unhsppineas, to talk about more pleasant topics. Hoplnir that the same real that has induced you to labor su d llll- gvntly while I havo been your pastor, shall Kill prompt you to vittorous efforts lor God, I now commend you to (he great Shepherd, and may His grace abide with you keeping you In nnlonand faithfulness until with your life work well done He shall summon you to Him- self. I shall lucre hope to meet you and find (bit nil dlffcrcncei hare becu mere illusion

CTio Art G*tt*ry »f (Ac SmUlm' Fmir.

It is not often that lbs clUzeae of any of our inland towns secure ao much real and elevating pleasure aa waa afforded to the visitors of tha "Art Gallery," In connection with the recent Soldier*' Fair held lu our city. Few dtlee, with a population of leas than thirty thousand, and whose history Is ao abort, with ao limited a number of persons claiming or accredited with, special wealth, can furnish a collection or pic- tures, or would do so gratuitously, combining more real attraction and positive merit. More than twelve hundred visitor* were tans grati- flod. aad will long reaaooaber lha plea*ore which they gained. " A thing of beauty la a Joy forever;" and hen were many such things ef sweeny. h

OU palming*, originals ud choice cop***; palntlnga In water colors; specimens ef chrouio lithography, with a few excellent photographs, of large site, made the collection to exceed one hundred works of art. A raw work* of the sculptor in marble, with one of our Rogers, In clay,all of true merit, completed the catalogue.

We learned that there could be found among trewadUxena Individuals whose taste andcul

ture enabled them to put upon canvas the work of their own bauds, which were, by no means, destitute of real merit. Those of us who have been privileged to *M the original works of the

great masters," found a few superior copies of those work* which made as thirst for more, and for Ihe originals themselves.

Tho abundant, cheerful, and on the whole, Judicious lighting of the exhibition room, which, itself. Is of fine architectural propor- tion*, gave a glow to tho palntlnga, and made every one who visited the room feel at ease, and joyous, aa If they bad found a true olytium.

Many a good painting baa been rejected be- cause of the failure to judiciously bring out lu merits by proper natural or artificial light. This was Illustrated In the Impeasslblllty of se- curing the successful concentration of light upon ths largest painting la the room. " The Gorge of the Kbono," by our countryman, 8.L. Gerry, wax not appreciated because Ita concep- tion and elaborate working could not be discov- ered with any concentration of ihe light which ibe arrangement could afford; while If It could have been la a gallery, prepared for the pur- pose, Its real merit weald have been seen. A few other paintings suffered lu like manner, but they were the exception*.

The prevailing taste of the people of this conn- try favors landscapes rather than other paint- ings. It is easier for European dealer* to sell landscapes to their American visitors than to any other clasa. Still th* dispoilton of American travellers In Italy, and other European coun- tries, to buy Inferior copies of good paintings, a* well as of marvellous strange subjects, la well known, and our country abounds with them. Carefully painted copies, made with tbe original before ihe artist, Instead of being copied from copies, which may themselves be very poor, are ol the greatest value to those who moat ftay at home, The "Beatrice Cencl" of Guide, which Is In the Barberini Palace at Rome, la a moat common subject for copying, while It la one of the moat difficult of all paintings to copy well, If indeed It was over done. Hot •xosed- Ing ten copies), could bo made In a freer, walk Many more are sold, proving that they codliJ not hare been taken from the original. The two coplea In the exhibition were aa far from being like the original, as they could well be, and might equally well receive some other

la this collection, gathered from our cltlaens, the taste for portraits, or for a combination of human figures, Is shown to be the prevalent onev *

The painting of the most real merit among the portraits waa, doubtless, the evidently ex. cellent copy of Lorenso Lotto's " Three Agea of man," wrongly credited to the I'fflxl Palace, Florence, Italy, for It I* one of the treasures of the Pitti Palace, the royal residence of King Victor Emmanuel In that dty.

The two portraits representing the bead* of ouo of our most re* pec tod famllle* were freely and justly commended. The little painting of four children by J. G. Brown, would ba an or- nament to any residence.

"The Fortune Toller," by Wateau, If toe old to please the fancy of most persons, gives proof of hla power to delineate character, which Is what we desire to see In a painting.

The copy of the " Roman Heed," may hare been taken from the walls of any of the palace* of Rome, aa such ace very abundant there, and shows to us the character of a great portion of the collection* of these galleries. The paint- ings which are of real worth are very raw In number.

" The Head of our Saviour," painted on por- celain, a copy ofGuldo Real, the most cele- brated paluier of ibis class of subjects, Is a gem, but almost too small to secure for Itself lha notice it merited. It secure* le ns ths man-

nee* which we ascribe to the Son of Han, while It indicate* tho sensibility to pain of a woman. In broad contrast wlih this la Ihe painting, In life also, of Ibe " Youthful Saviour, after Guldo," which gives us no Idea of the Man of Sorrows. Wa may query whether thla Is not a copy of the head ef the Apostle John, found In the Cental Palace, Rome.

The group of figures representing Abraham sending forth Hagar and labinael, Is a copy of the same, on wood, which Is one of the most cele- brated paintings In the celebrated Royal Gal- lery at Dresden. If defective anatomically, as in the right arm of lahmaal. In color, aad in the exhibition of tha human form In relief, It Is a truly beaustful work of art. The large por- celain pictures added much attraction to the collection.

The number of palntlnga in Europe of the Virgin Mary and Child, together or aaparate, Is legion, yet the number much esteemed I* 11 ra- iled.

year* a resident of Rosse, gave great pleasure from Its cboeriulness. The scene is one of the brightest of all Italian views, being taken front the extreme western ponton of the Bay of Sa- lerno, with Ike Island of tackle In Ike distance, guarding the entrance to the Bay of Naples.

fl-1. Brown's " Lake Lucerne aad tho Rblgl Culm," showing the Bsrnaaa Obetland lu the distance, la not equal to some of his more re- cent work. What must our artist* suffer from Ike temptation to Improve Natural

" The McGregor landing on the Mississippi River," by Brlcber, was favorably noiteed. The sky en tko painting by Vertunl, ef Rome, of the " Roman Campagna," was very noticea- ble. If it be roallr a correct rapraaaatatlon of Ihe wkiok we save kesvd so sands, k weeds' be e etaeenre1 te go tkart te see It We learn thai this young artist kaa se- cured many friend* among American visitors to Rome.

The paintings of animals, some of which specially attracted us, as wail as the trait piece*, see views, and other subjects ef painting, and tha beautiful specimens of sculpture,—(he me- dallions by Miss Foley, the portrait bust of young Connelly, and tho " Mountain Maid,"— helped to give us the fell enjoyment which waa so general; but space will not allow more par tleular notice of tbem.

The exhibition waa certainly much superior to those which we kave visited elsewhere of llko character, aad no one left the room dissat- isfied, while many lingered by ths hour.

One hundred vears ago. H>v. 8. Klrk- I'uid, living lu the Mohawk Valley, New York, wrote: 'The manner In weh ye ppl, In yse parts keep 'Xinaa day lii e0sn> niemor'g of the bin h of ye Savior, as ye pretend, la very affect'g and slrlk'g. They generally assemble for read'g pray- ers, or Ulvlne service—but after. Ihey eut. drink and make merry. They allow of no work or servile labor on ye day and ye following—their servants are free— but drink,sr. wear'g. flghtl'g and Irollc'r are not enly allowed, but seem to pe es- sential to ye Joy of ye day.'

The large photograph, an excellent copy, of tba Station Madonna, of Dresden, Raphael' greatest work, and believed by moat critics to bo the finest palming In lha world, gave us some conception of the power ef the artist to palnl a human-face which I* unlike ear one that we ever saw, and a* nearly heavenly as we can conceive.

Tho clear, suit carefully palmed copy of lha Madonna of Ihe Grand Duke," by the sane niter, from ihe original lu the I'iiil Palace, Florence, irave another view or hi* skill, while ihe " Madonna of the Tribune," by Andrea del Harm," also a vary excellent copy, though re- duced In *i*e from the ericrinal In ibe I "nisi gal' lory, Florence, showed the conception of another renowned artist of olden times. Those Ma- donna* show us what we might gala by ibe privilege of seeing the originals. They are pointing" which never tire,or grow less attract- ive from repeated examinations. We may en- quire whether the wonderful heavonllneas, or almost super-humanity of Raphael's races In his picture* of the Virgin Mary, gave origin to the doctrine of lb* Immaculate Conception, and whether Paasaglla, the historian of this dogma, found bis proof rather in the paintings of the church, than in lha writings of tho Father*.

The number of choice landscape* In tho col- lection was not large- It wonld bo difficult to write or them without criticising defects.

The large painting by Gerry, already referred to, might be raode brilliant by proper light. It hardly reaches our Imaginations of the sonny valleys of Switzerland, of which wa have read. In contrast with Its snow covered mountains. " The Way te the Celestial City," by the seme artist, abowod great elaboration, and a vast amount of works. Some very cordial commend. allons or It were made. The smaller painting, by Mis* Williams, of Boston, but for aaaay


Money given for educational purpose* has come to he considered one of the things oaatn- tlal to the Buccesa af free government. Hence no good cltiren objects to pay tha heavy taxes necessary for the support of free schools, al- though ha may have no children or his own to educate. The city government haa pursued a wise course In making appropriations to sus- tain the free evening school, thus meeting the want* of a class whose occupations compel them to forego the advantage* of a day school. But there Is still a large Haas who have al- ready acquired a fair education, and whose oc- cupations give them several hour* leisure each day, bnt whose home accomotlatlons In the crowded boarding houses afforded them ne means of passing these hours, either pleasant- ly or profitably le themselves. Tba street, the billiard (able and the drinking saloon with all their accompanying temptations, are the only alternative offered them by a chriitlan public. To remedy thla state or thlnga the Y. M. C Association fer the last two years bava maintained al a large expanse, a free reading room open every evening (except Sun- day) till 91-3 o'clock, containing a large num- ber of tbo standard periodicals ef the day, not only religion* but the literary and scientific alao, the object being the cultivation of the whole mass by furnishing an attractive place of reaort, In opposition to so many, ever open, tempting tho unoccupied to spend their ilme and money for that which brings only degra- dation. The room has been well patronised by reader*. It la filled nearly every evening and a, uwca the aeeoraodatlon* ere Insufficient, wT/uffl all be occupied. ToTn ■—«a.j ■■■* nAw aa It should be, requires from six hundred to a ibousand dollar* a year. This expense has been found te be too large to be borne hr those who thus far, hare sustained It. The rooms will have to bo closed unless others who have tho well-being of their fellow cltlwna at heart, shall come forward and lend their aid. Are there not fifteen or twenty men in this dty who will give fifty dollars a year for thla purpose and wisely Imitate Mr. Peabody by directing the dlipursement of their property themselves, rather than leave it to others to spend It for thorn. 3. H. K.

I.AiiiiKit HALL NKHJSTD.— The recent

soldiers lair, presented a pointed Illustra-

tion of tho urgent necessity In this city, of

a large public ball, aad we are glad to

see tbat the City Government is moving In the matter. In the Common Council,

en loursday evening, Hr. Bailey pre-

sented the following resolution :— cm or LawaxMCK.

/* the yf'ir on' tknuiamt Otgal ktmdrrd ami Mrraly.—A* it rasofroJ kjr lit* CUf foHncll of the City of Lnmrtwr, at Mlotet, to wit

Wnlsui,-]l ha* become ovktoat from the unparr*JI«led growth of our Oily, sad the Ineee- quaU and greatly dilapidated elate or oar Olty Hall, thai It haa long aloe* beoome incapable of mooting (bo nooeoalllo* and want* of tho com mun Ky ,and that was repairs or alteration* eheaU be made on th* earn* In aneb a way ao wUl laeroso* Ita eapodIy,aad meat lb* present and proopoetlv* want* or oar growing dly. Therefore, thai It may bo don* earl* la th* aoaooa, ao It

JJenrferd,—Tbat th* committee on FnblU Prop- erty be Hlberliod to dovio* and report a soluble plan or plan* tor th* Ineroeee ef smoounedatloa In th* Olty Hall, aad repairs, In aucb moaner a* (hoy may ueaoi OdTlaible, altfcar by th* erection of galler-

aald boll, or by It* estooalon Into F*mb*rIoa ■treat, and the clo.lng np of said street, or such part thereof oo may be assseeary, or any other plan they la thalr Judgmant may thlak boot to accomplish tbo object lo view) aad thai the eipeaao* of aay ■orvay or plan* of eeld oaaualtsae, or ihoa* •■ployed by thorn, bo paid from tao laoleeatal dapertmoat.

In Oeaaoa COLUCIT, Jan. 1th, li:o. Road once.

I. B. OSOOOD, 0»iu.

By all means, let the City Fathers give us a larger ball.

-■ ...,- *>«*>. «> ■ . .-

GLOBY HALLKLUJAH!— The Wyoming Triiiitw. (Democratic) published at Chey- enne, In ire Issue ef December 11th, thus rejoices over the passageof the Weman's Suffrage Hill:

•Woman Suffrage! Large Majority In Both Houses. Kill Approved by the Uoverner. Wyoming la the Van I 'late Infant Territory Leads the Column I All Honor to the Youngest Territorial 8tater 1

Wyoming, from her rocky eyrie, sends ^reelings to the aged Sister States, and

ivltes tliein to come up higher—even to that advanced position on the question of human rights which she seems disposed to occupy.

Forgetting heathenish prejudices aris- ing from race or sex. she Invites them to sttrM with her upon'The skirmish line of elvlllaallon.' tlie tienlua af Liliany. li nu picket duty In Wyoming. Already, the advancing sklrntl-her ha* been chal- lenged, and required to give Ihe counter- sign : he replies. ' Human rights; equali- ty before tha law,' to which the sentinel respond*. "The countersign Is correct— pass on!' Pass on i a a condition where ill mankind shall be politically regener- ated, snd stand upon an equal plane, as

they will before the Throne of God !M

AS Al*PRO|»RIAT« PniBKMTATIOX.— 'lite eminent and valuable services of a member of the democratic party were at last recognized on the 3d lu-t by his ap- pointment aa a special policeman. His associates (not political) on Saturday night fitted him out at their own expense with a leather badge, gilt, Ave Inches In diameter, a policeman's billy, two feet in length, five Inches In diameter, a steam pipe revolver, fourteen Inches long, a pair of handcuffs, of fearful dimensions, and a dark lantern about the alxe of a stove pipe hat. A slung shot is also In preparation. With all these equipments, great deeds are expected from the grateful recipient.

-.—- nei* An Irishman, with a heavy bundle en

hla shoulder, riding en the front of a

horse ear. was asked why he did not set

bis bundle on the platform. He replied;

"Be Jabers, the horses have enough to

drag tne. I'll earry the bundle."

3«tf*l ana (Quotftt Buffalo employs girls a* lamplighter*.

New York boasts forty-two murders for 1 *'•''.

Philadelphia baa a colored nun worth *VW0,. 000.

Trichina is again wiping out families In tho Wast.

Au Ohio woman has produced four boys at one birth.

An earthquake-proof church fa building lu San Francisco.

Chicago le supplying San Francisco with cheap clethlag. .,.,

A Now York taanet girl lo praet tslag to sx nib- Has a mm mi gah. -

Frataoet Is paying 990,000 a year aa heats) bill la Waahfngton.

A Chinese Sunday school of ISO pupils Is the boast of San Francisco.

Tbo world haa a maxim that "we most live," but none that " we must die."

A recklesa Canadian ha* been nt>ed Si for calling bis neighbor an alderman.

A Chicago boot end shoe dealer baa begun (o put 81(1,000 In silver lu circulation.

A Cleveland girl has dressed In male atthe and driven a horae ear for seven years.

A New York lawyer compelled hla lady client to aall her underclothes to pay hla fees.

A Pennsylvania restaurateur is under arrest for making his " free soup " of dog meat.

Pneumatle tubes are to connect the Naw York Post Office with the newspaper office*.

A medicated bath establishment In Now York ea tho same water lor three days' run of pa-


The American youth are catting up fearfully la Paris. One has Just married a demi-monde


A mad gospeller in Cleveland goes alxint town In bis night gear singing psalms and ex- boning sinners.

A Jutland farmer has made a martyr out of a Mormon missionary who converted bis wifu and two daughters.

A man at Kansas City shot himself tbrouitli the head because he couldn't And other medi- cine te cure his ague.

In Sweden, the public house license* for ibo sale of liquor* are put up at auction, aud sold to Ibe highest bidder.

A Dabuque doctor operated unsuccessfully 'lib a stomach pump upon a man smashed up

In a railroad accident. John Allen Is not a disconsolate widower.

Ha doesn't allow any more prayer meetings, bnt trains lighting pups."

A lawyer at Atlanta procured e wife a de- cree of divorce, and then look the family aiove aad a feather-bed for pay-

The manager of a ballet troupe at Kansas City, has been Indicted for "immorally exhib- iting too much beauty unadorned."

A Michigan husband agreed to leave bis wife upon payment of seven dollar*. She mort* gaged her cook stove and paid him.

Cklvairv. -Udf*0D? w»* Orleans. A young dedlned to givo up ..~f ■ none car because he

Schuulendoniovltebowegin means love, among the Cboctawa—almost anywhere else a word of that sUe wonld mean buslnesa.

Some females must have been extravagant last year, for we read that A. T. Stewart sold twenty tJOOO shawl* and one for «US00.

Gins are forward In Mariposa, Col.; they marry at twelve years of ags, In season to have a proper quantity of divorces and husbands.

Speaking of tha holidays, a Nevada paper says: " Pinfeather* with a little meat attached, coal a dollar." The editor allude* to chickens.

An English family advertise* "Fine airy rooms With board, for gentlemen measuring 3.'l feet by 17." Cardiff giants will please notice.

Merchants In Merldoo, Conn., have recently received specimens of New Hampshire granite carefully stowed la the centra of some butter kegs.

Lawyer Sam Platt, la San Frandsco, was sent by the police lodge to the county Jail for forty-eight hours (or contempt of conn In be- ing drunk,

A Jealous husband In PlUaburg followed his wlte one evening, aaw her meet a men, ran up and thrashed blm, and found out It waa hi. father-in-law.

A Cincinnati school teacher wrote some ob- scenity on a scholar's slate for the purpose of getting her expelled, but was himself kicked out of the situation.

A man of 101 years has Just moved to Chi- cago, and they ere happy there over the Idea that one dtlsee la likely te remain a re*Went for the rest of bis days.

A Canadian postmaster had a keg of dam- aged powder, and threw a lamp Into tha stove loaee whether It waa good for anything. Hla widow la now repairing the house,

Two pauper lunatics In York, Eng., scalded a fellow lunatic to death by forcing him Into a tub of boiling water. It was a mirthful way thoy bad. Tne keepers were at dinner.

An economical Jerseyman thought to sere money by deserting his family aad living with

trwomaa. He saw bis tolly when his wife sent the three small children after him.

A funeral procession stopped at a hotel la Trenton, N. i., tbo other day, to let the aveurn- ars take a drink, whereupon tho horse* ran away wlik the hearse, and tumbled the corpse into a ditch.

The Senate and Assembly Chambers of Ibe California State House are admirably arranged, Ike acoustic propenlea being suck that ne speaker can be heard, and no member's nap need ba disturbed.

A few days ago a pair or twin girls were left at a bowse la Ward I, New Bedford, and Ihe recipient has ascertained that their mother Is 13years old, and their father, IT, both belong- ing to high social circle*.

Prof. Itlot has established a central kilcben la Brooklyn, N. Y., for supplying ready-cooked food lo families realdlnir within a radius of three miles. Ii will be distributed In close cans, similar In plan tu the Norwegian kitchen*.

Referring to Iho promised article on practical farming, by Horace Greeley, a Western paper says:—" As Horace's corn ce«t* him Ofiy real* an ear, ami his potatoes a dollar and a half each, the lulerence Is that bo knows all about farming."

The "destroying angel" i* again at work In Salt Lake City- A young Genille had a love affair with one of Brigbam Young'* daughters, aud Ihe welfare of ibe church required hi* tak- ing off. Five " Danltea" were set upon him, but be shot one dead and frightened the others away.

Jamc* Freeman Clarke says be haa biraaelf known personally, or by credible testimony, of at least half a dozen Instance* of persons, who, after having allowed themselves IO become spiritual mediums, seem to have been taken possession of by a low and unclean order of spirits.

Actresses know how to advertise themselves and keep their name* before the people. The dodge of hiring a diamond pin, getting a friend to "present" It on the stage, returning It to the Jeweller the next day wlih Ike payment for Ibe use of It, and getting Ike matter Into Ike papers at twenty gve cents a line, la about played out.







LAWKKNl'K, FRIDAY. ,I.\N. 14, t"870, '

.v K w B a v if Jf .» « r .

TIMIJAV.—!* In Spain evidently JisU'llcve Mil- rtiT-itilorcil n \■mi- sent Hy ilic Bpanlanli in Culm, of the tapprtMlon ul llio Insurrection.—A p mi nine nl l-.t-iiscojial nihi- '-[■■i- Ims unit ii i- wii.' iml lira children in New York, and ruiiotr wlthn wealthy young lady.— The cashier of « Bomerit, N. Y., bonk, lias itu. leu 817,000.— In Culliouu, Ky., .. nutorlou* rebel and hi* Mother rniercd the church, knocked down a Union :imii mid cut hi* throat liri'nri- ihi' i-ungregatfoi!.—Ii i* |H*0|>o*fiJ In add to Delaware, and mtiki; It the .Stnle of Chr-is- peaks,—A itil l bat been Introduced in Hie V. s. Senate, looking to the aancxation -if BrfiUh Colombia.— Ohio Bad Georgia, me both likely to unify the I'.tli Amendment.—A new *y*tcm itf telegraphy ii to bo tried brtwceii UoMton iml New York — A bHI h» Iran Introduced Into Congrm to uxorldn a |ntiiil"ri lor dependcnti on deceased solillem, i! tlif widow should for- fell it by marrying again.— Tito colorod ncople tire about t'i Hurl it |<npiT In Wssbiafton.— Mackerel, halibut, clam* mid eel", pneked In Ice, are carried froui thocait to Ban Pranelnco — Itcv. A, J. limner, of Santa Ulnru. Cal., tnitko* wlno free from alcohol —Ookl til 7-H.

WI.I.M.-HHV.-THU friend* of Koehefort, tlie I iciirli editor, wboM paper ha* 'ten »o ob~ noxloui io tin- Hupcror,calledou rrinee Bon- sparta Monday, and after «oma w-nrU one uf iln-sii-'.ij'i':*1 hi* luce. Iluuaparlti slmi liim lend at once. The oilier lied after exrhunting n -hot oriwn Tbeiu wn« grcui cxciiemeiil. Kocbc" ion'* pup i bus iiti'n nuulii seined - •TbeCaalle- ii.n. Vi. liatik, *.-■* mhlwil oi MUM Monday nlglil. The thieve bail nut Dine to gut 4H0,«H> more » hh-li wo* in ibe aafe- -I birty dlalillcrlc*. were arlai-d hy t' S oRlcr* in New York yes- tcrduy for (until - The 'mall pox In raging <" New York rtiy—The National Rabbet Co'a work* MI Ilri-tul, it I. wen; burned yetienlny. U** MtttUrU) — r.veoutoliinen children wore

'burned t<> death liiuhuu-c in Detroit, Hunday nlghi.-IIev, Moraea Cook, uf the Went 7ih ttretl Uethodhi Bplicopal tlhnreh it the clergy ■ imiti who run off with a New York yotina lady. ■ tioldl.'l 3-1 .

SOMHTIIIXO ft i; t ri i: is i\ i.

It is always a source of jrratillcnt.on

Io receive a token of remembrance. e«-

tflem ami good will from friend!', but

when xuoli u testimonial tonics from a

elua o? jrentlemeu incli aa were assem-

bled ni Drew's on Montlay evening, it la

ilium*! priceless, tjpme forty or fifty of

I he leading citizens met ul Unit place, at

:i uiotlciiilt'ly ear')' hour, it Is very rare-

ly thai the leading Interests of the oiiy

are so well mid creditably represented.

There were present tlie mill agent*, heavy

maiiufiicturcra, phytioiana, merchants,

anil lawyer*. cillzeM of tliftercnt pollll-

< al opinions harmoniously mingled, all

occupying high aocial poaltlona In the

eoiHiiiuiiiiy. Table* were set for fifty

person* In n stylo that WHS most credlta-

lilo io fhe caterer uf the evening. Dr.

Alfred .1. Vi ejich presided, am) nil was

hilarity ami good feeling. At about

nine o'clock, 'aplul i tieorge S. Merrill

wlioby Mo- kindncmrof Ida friends, was

made tlie guest of the rvnnlnjf, was Kent

lor, found at bis ofllce, brought In by Ex-

Marshal Plillbrtek, Introduced to the

eonipaiiy, ami Invited io the tablti.

A Messing upon the rich viands was

Invoke., by Kov. George S. Weaver, and

then for aomoUmo nothing was liciuil

but lb« clutter of knives and forka nnd

plensnnl eonverajitlnn. After lliis bad

■'Ollliliuud for a stillielent season, l>r.

I ri'iii'li called tin! company lo on!er and

ublressed them as lollows:—

Tin Sir. To:

■HIM, .'ill il

■il l.n

IV|..-: il ihe . i: i.uw i.ti.11.'-: it waa referred lo

the indhiarv rum m It ice.—tine of the parties who wp* tin d U | mil hy I'rinii' Ron a pane, »"in ni' l.urieii Ihinnpanc, in I'arln, gives mi entirely .lillVinit ni ihu affair; he that Donnpnitc >l.i].|n-il, and wan not slapped in the lace; llieie In a lie out itoiiiewlierc. Uoebefort puhlnhc- a rani in the Uunu-illai* denouncing

every llonanarte a- s murderer and a cui throat Kerlotu charges of Duanclul Irregularity are niudu BgallMt Mr Clugip,Cnnerephionnl I'linler. II I- estimated that n,flfi>,i33 In fne tlonul cur rency hai been lost or destroyed.— (laid IJ'J l-l.

VIIMUV.— Henator Samner has imrnduccd bin hii' looking loapeela payPMntaand M generally, into Uongrcii, He takes >trong gronuil in Invor of poitcrlty being ollowei pay their portion of n debt contracted ua much

for their benefit *» our own.—-The ease of the Kov. Horace Cook ami MI»M Jobnalon attracts mm 11 attention in New York; Cook merly a Itowerv Thiolre actor; it ia alleged that religion* ontbuihura, created hy Cook, in dueed the school ghl to elope with him ; be iayi tlmt they potMd oi hrotber ami tlftc that ihe cansa of his art was bceauw looked no much like " a «lrl be adored " nt the age of twenty, mul tin- match ami a great deal of other nonaenie and hiim- bug. lie i* very nnxloun to i newspaper men lor pnlilMiiug uernnnta of ihe

affair. The girl U with her parents.—The- Ala- bama negotiation* have come to a. dead lock.— ftrittht ih nounivH American r'eulani,—There 1* feartnl excitement In I'IUIH. A iimu'iatrutii and aevenil policemen have been knocked down wiih Khmra, tine hundred tbounaml troops liiinii'iv. cavalry andluUierlcs, have been ait' .. io kri p order.—The I'ust llaaler Hen wi" ks Uutler'a plan to pay pension* bj itinmi i.iler*, Improcurable,— ('apt. Iloynti In.. ...... c.l a colored mini named Williams. In Ni » llump-hlrr, (or robbing Mr. Ahcl linker, in II iht-n.of *7liH Iti gold, and SHOO I.. ,\..ntin-r ncgio named Prank Uanuel, baa al in arrested. Both are UentlHed.—The BrhMi gorrrnment has aelsed aroan a large amoiiiit ul renl etiaie led '■» ■*;"',','.mi noi t« gaily hold it. - ivinee Arihnr, iTtTn) son of Vie tnrin, will arrive in lie; United Ktatrs hi a lo day*.--2SQ nutlvca. who were ponaeiigera oni French ship liom Aasimha, arose nnd lulkil all ihe nilli era and crow. They then aitempted

. I.i ,n ud ■: the -Cold i-ii :\

■ ,1M.

XKWM'.\t' ritosi'Kiii'i v.—Vio have

iifglcelnl prcvionuly lo notice the liu

proveuient In our already haiulsoiliet'on

leiuporaihn ul the other end ol the cotiu

ly, the lontl ttrpmler ami Lynn 7'mn

erW/i*, 'Ihu people of that Aouriabing

place inrwnnl iheir own hilnroaia greatly

in siistaiiiin- [wo mich Hue specimens of jmiriiiili-iii. Tlit. Ilrutuii IhmU a u

or iw.i ago »•»» greatly enlarged and

othcrwi-e Improved. Il is one ul the

beal in \ispnjo is in the metropolla. The

llaveih.ll i..*r.r/.- I na entered iU Illiieth

year, and u atiui-Wuekly Is proposed

tVearu happy to nay Dial our own pros-

perity is keeping pare with that of our

neighbors alluded to, The circulation of

the .tiaeiicuN never was Increasing io


T'llK I.KUI8I.ATIVK losiMITfKK, were

utiuoiiiieeil on Tuesday; in the senate

Mr. Howe, ■>( Metluieti. la upon Ihe Cum-

milieu on Agrluultiire; IIolden oi Salem.

in tliaiiiiian uf the .ludlcary and Labor

fominlllee. In ibe Mouse. Mr. Taibox.

ol this City, 1st chairman of the committee

on I'nibaio and Chancery; Mr. Itower Is

on I'riiiting. and Mr. Taylor ol'Andover,

un r'iuanee. Train,of Uoston, \- chairman

ol Hie Judiciary and Ikpior fommiitues.

I UK l.ffjl IMC ytHSTlUN.—Ill tlie legis-

lature, on Wednesday, Mr. Tarbox or

this lily. Introduced a bill to repeal the

Honor lu-v of last year, and restore the

lice He law enacted the previous winter. *_•«._ li.viiK KEJKCTKO AUAIH.—The nl-

i. mpt ol Major Melvin to foist Al. Clark

upon our police ilepailuunt is likely to

lail, tliuuka to (In: guild sense ol tlio Al- l" »• Tho Board nj.-etcd him us

lOliatuble, laat week, am) on Thursday,

!■> a vole id it tti 1, rulused to eonllrm

him nsapoliio ofllcer. As the city or-

dinance leipiirefl an AasinLint aliirabal

to liu " Bilectt'd from llio constublua,1'

I'hirk lias no authority wbuU-Vtr in tie

I'olieo Depnitni. nt.

Tin. SK.NIINKI. rushes to thp dtfence

n| ill ii great unknown, our new ('i)y

Mondial, with a /ml hardly tempered

witli dlscrilion, considering Ibe Well un-

.!ei.-iood. peculiar ruhuiona between

thcriu parlies; that our neighbor hail

»eiy si g personal reasons,—weighty

nnd owv-il itiguimiits. for desiring llio

bestowal of some well-pay log office

upon his protege, is gcnerully conceded,

ami considering his natural anxiety, bis

i.iowid /«(/„/■ UHtommcnU of the ex-

ii.smaiieo agent, are baldly to be won-

dere I at, porb.ips. Itul, keep your irin-

per, neighbor; we'll t. II no Lilea out of


Tut. ru.wKiM. i*«n ■ in in favor oll'lie alndit

A p. II

IHliee. and ail H In

reiorm, maj have i

e K.inid HI puoi

relnt.resied In I Id,

opporlniiitj lualgi

I'uMTK AKueiibHr.— The Nenlinel i.»

ipiite Wilcullte, uiidi»iurbe>l, In tlie new

l:,.wery si vie ol political discussion, the loss ul il- temper over htcal

dia ^.poii.tmollU, euusi-s il l„ adopt;

" in.'.in spit.-." ■*■ „m-w he «...- U-lliug .,

Iitl-.diood," " nui'h Itieiiullesn," and tl.c

tike, may siiiind viry much like cru»li.

ir.- In our neighbor's ears, but will bu

bardly aoeeptud ui ir-nunieul hj iuulii getl leaflet-.

i:-Wo have ni Wc!

real n, u few uf the many ituu.l elUaeni .if I.a« mce, in niiiliially eongratalate ench oilier apon ll niiuli, [lrngrcs*, ami primpfrily 'if ihu public 01 "fnlir yuunir mill ino«ln< t'lly. Mf.M of

• linvo h.-.-ii l.trnilllcil with lis hUlory from Ihe irlle.l years lo Ih.. ntmunt llino. Home of ua Well •member when ih» Mojeatle ami iM-auilful Karri iae w.i- nonet from il* |>rlnilllvu e.iursti to iltlvc

lie- wheel* urinilu^try.iliri-ute.l l.y UN hamls of tin tlaen* ami mannhwtnrera, anil thrunifli Ibom blea* K I lie ili.iimiii.l- uf nur W. oe with (real phnmuro ami peWa wakl.e.1 iht ib!).1 eiilerjirlne* a- ihey linvn been davoloped I iriri'mill nfler an.iiher lias aiisen aloag Ih. ink* nl l.eaniifiil H.ver unlit all llic watcl

I Ills Me, with ■ .il.ntnl i,

■ty. '

whl< 11

ne uialoualy noting the i In ln« developed on ihe other iili plemate ihe niuay prlvat

I- opening up all over nur ftl lliliini. r«j-«

m pared uf |>|.'iiniiri- mill pride an I hum with like* In mo l'u!.11.' liiKiIlnilons niiil Maoolnlloni rank iinions ihe iii.1 hi our euiiuncinnenllh. Ilur public parki lieaullfulli iiiii.uiifiiie.l and eared for, uml we h«»e .me uf Hi., mart t».u-iu:iy i.ii.i out and eared for i-emoterle* In New Uoglaad, IndtnaUni i.xii-iiml liberality of our oltlsonaj and weharitlme iwrihailartaa our churcliea, our sehool honaoa, our I'ollee Hlathni ■ lioulil not In Ihla rniineellui eogniao one uf Ihe lust slrpa In our proirci*, whkh was ihe ■eaarina t»' "■ by » LagtalaUw t'rrt I: rlilytM over the UerrimaaiOnil to our worthy repro xentniivo whose uaUrlng ieal mid morny, wo own r.ot a llille fur Ihe aceomplllhmelit uf this great blesalng lo oar ion mi unity and viclnlly; we ahull ii ill. plemuro ho glad In hear further uiftlils sub lent,from oar friend John K.Tarboi,K»|.

Mr. Taibox spoke M follows:—

ltl.llAHkS Ol Mil. TABUOX.

.Ifr. C/iriiriieiii oml UtaUetni n ,—I ice here th ri present BIIVCM of thebmlaoiaunil profesaioaale/ir of Oils i'Ity, men whose skill and energy and puhlli »j>lrll have butldrd ihu edltiee uf our prosperity and leputitllon as a community. Why I am ailvutirc.l n. the honor of apeaklng llrst attar yon, Mr. Chfltr- mall, to llio senllnicnl uf this CQUKrnltiliitory frstl val, I searee know onleaa II he from the fact llial ■in I.i Ihe manor born—the iihlesl eltlsen uf I.aa ranee. I remetnbei huw Lawrenea appeared lo my boyhood eye*—an almost barren sand was plrd by awallowf, and adorned only by I ushes. I.iiwremv lu Ilium1 iluya gave no propheey uf ihe commercial bnportanee It boa attained, u 'lie bcnuly Into wbtch It* rugued feature* bnve sine I.e. II iruiiifonned. Its grnwlb and culture nndc Iba FathlonlBg huli.l of tasle ami thrift, seein Ii purulMl and make real lo us Ihe delightful fables o iiit " Arabian Night*," which charmed our youth Inl faucle*. Allow me, sir. to forbear these rellec ll.ius, and refer lu the iidvanliigo wo enjoy III ou superior pu>tal acL'iimiiiuUatloNa uu.l nwllUka,

(.^..i/i.jsoiy/Ae I'tmtmuttr.)

(AIT. .Mi.nan.l.i This company Is not met alone lu exchange neighborhood folk I unions, but specially In eumpllinvDt lo your highly acee|>tabl* and fallh lol niliiiliililrullon of our local po^i"' ■f»Oi, 'i'L.— • Inn lumen •.,. „ >uu as ■ public oflk-UI, Hole seu.u of ..t.!i-:.ii ,ii. U waa JUulf ibought thai ibe woids of ■eXMWledgeaeal nf your crcdlia- bin eoiiduel lo oflleo mialtt he spoken with special Ki-neeby 0110 of your fellow olliaana o[.posed i ' sympathy and mil eJUtlated wlih Hie pmiy that placed you la olllclal stailon. If oih woman was nought to eiptula my aelMUoaaa spokes. nmii Io-night, 1 Ollghl suspect tho duly I* put upon ■MI a* i. penance for sundry pllgrlmagca to ii'gton, .luring the .idmltil.irulloi. of the great l'u loipeauhcd, to obtain your removal from ofllce Wink-I cannot, on the conscience uf a politician declare aiy pleasure In the failure of Hint mission, I .i.i., aa n olllaoa, aeknowledie ihe olllclal merit nfi I ...lll.'iil oppunoilt.aad thai the public welfare I, ,. ....I suffered by your retemlon In olllce.

Tliose familiar with ihu relations of uur luca l-uil i illlec. with head qnanora ul Woahlogtoa, arc iiwarn I hot imniy uecouuiiojailons and privileges are only got upon earnest and Judicious solicitation. Vi. know that your BH»l.tuliy, your knowledgn u Ihe want* of this I'omiuuully, your Inlelllieut ippl i ..Hun and your urgent persistency, havo stcured |..r us the beal facilities prorlded by our postal sy* tern, And wc owe lurjruly lo your taste, enterprise, and liberality, .. ooaaiodktua and elegantly anpedi ad 1'ost tlllk-c, equal, If noi soperlur lo any in New ICoglalid. We show It to gucsta from abroad with -..'.l-l',,. ii MI and pride, us a u

1'iibtk. s hold it

■ peoph

posiliom by the fav ot once Inducted Into ottko Ihey ruble seuse, the servants uf Ihe e are assembled here w-night, s of bolh political parlka, lo let

mr personal good will and formally eipres* ppreetaUoa of your able and aaatoua alsobarir. ir public duties, llehuld uur witness I II Ii slur mure eloquent Hlall wurj, „f m]uei yu

ll I. but silver, and Thi.i is goldsn I I will DO ill party ireaaon hy dealrUuj your couilnuance ur present poslllun so long aa this chronicler eshall mark Ibe lapie of months and juare— lead, longer than the Incoming of tit.- next •rallc adnilulslrallun—but lean In all llanerl nmpai.y ibis elegant kstlmuutal, with ray per. wlsii that llio cur.lial relations which hind you reeahlj lo your felloi I. Acecpt this lukcn; ; ll slgnllks approval of your offleial llikitlty

In the past, and promises reeugnliluu uud re< like lulegrity in Ihu lulure.

Tho gift waa a magnificent gold cli

noinetor watch from the fnmoua mn

ractory of E. Howard & Co., Huston,

is certlllcd by ibcm as being prorldud

with Reed's patent watch movement,

chronometer balunco, nnd manu

fuctumd at their establishment. It la

ocrtlfiud bj Mr. Henry l1

ikllllul regulator ol chronometer

walcbea on Essex near Araeahn

t'ltun whose establishment it

bed. ami

I & Co. f.

uy sir.


ho is authorized by ilmv-

tho purpose, to havo been

Ijusleil by him for heat am] cold, iao- and position. Appended to

lu waa a heavy gold chain and

solid gold key. It la n very tasteful nnd

I nll.iir, of which judges esti-

mate the Vilufl nt above $.11*.). Ihe fol-

list of donors accompnnled it ■.— Inssell, NO. While.

John K.Tarbui, J. It. Raton, ■ Wilder, Joluit'. Bauborn, I'i'lai'd, Kn.l'k Boiler, ■ A.Tr , A, .1. French, '. Uarland, u K Hood,

E. J. Mhi-i J. W. ami j. r».

*e rinlbilck, H. il. llavla, SlmrpcJSI'o., C. N. Cham bar lain, i. W. Sargam, , H. K. H.irgei.u tluek Uros..

apt Merrill accepted (be "Ifr ail(] ri,.

pllid to the abovo coinpliuietitiiry rc- .s ii» lollows: bulrawiM, my FHrmt u,„l nig Frinuli,-

grel thai my willing bean has no word* iiiin<K

ins- IU grateful fulness fur tho kliidncaa uf

geneious •apteaahma,— Ko'deu word* if ■dip, wlih aubatanltal embodlmunl In leaniil gift. I can unly lender you Ihe poor

.lumuliiiy thank',— and JH pcrbap* ih* beat I

.■i.ld offer, for my heart, my wbule bean guea with,—wishing unly thai 1 .■,,„:,I |1a*e urrlted one IU** of the kind cvn-hkratlon you *o generously

award. 1 shall prize this fcifl, my friends, not only because of Iti beauty and value, hut Infinitely more from th* pleasant remembrances of your good will, and Ibe happy aaaoclallons clustering around tbl* hour will ever be chcrhdied upon tbo brlgbtcat of memory'* page*; and noi leas gratefully will be re* numbered these words, from you, sir, with whom the difference* or parly and Ihu rancor of politic*, ■limp and Incisive, aa sometime* Ihey havo been, have neither divided ur dimmed thai personal friendship, begun many years ago, and cemented during tin month* spent together uuder Ihe earn* bit of cauTU, whan you laid ualdo the peaceful avo- cation* or life to follow the fortune* of the flag of the Ilcpublk. Tile finest mecliaulun of mail may

il and wear uway, gold may corrode ot bo hot lo the pu*aea*or, hut tbo fragraneu of %cneroua deed* and aim! word* I* a* eternal as memory.

II ha* been my good fortune, while In official pu- llloii, lo find alwuy* a liberal and progressive ad- ninltlrallon ol tlie general l'oslal Department, eady to granl whatever ibe buslneii wauls of a hrlviugund expanding young city like uur own equlred, *nd equally forlunale ha* been the eon- lanl appicclailun, encoiirageeirnl and earned good all) ofa generous public Trotting that the futiiie ■UP, at least keep unbroken our friendship*, again

gentlemen, accept my heartfelt, lifelong thank*.

1'be chairman with appropriate pre-

face, called in succession upon William

A. Uussoll, John C. Hundley, dames A.

Treat. Dr. (J. \V. (inrland, J. H. Eaton,

W. K. Gale, J. J. Oolantl, U. E. Hood.

Chase Phllbrick, II. G. Herriek, J. W.

Snilth,(of Amlover) Itcv. G.S. Weaver. F.

E. Clarke. J. W. Bailey, ,1. It. Perry. W.

II, Salisbury, .1. ('. Sanborn, K. .1. Slier-

in, A. Sharp*), Dr. Chamberlain. W.

II. Jmpiitli, J. II. Staiuiard ant) others, nil

of whom responded more or less ai|lenxtt

The remarks were very coinpllmeiitary

o the poHtuiR^ter. hi- ueslstuuls nnd

the letter carriers, all receiving a very

lii-li meed of praise. Most ot the ad-

dresses were well spiced with humor, and

there were not wantittjr many sharp and

rich, but ::>">-I nnlured pollticnl bli

which were received with shout a <

laughter, lu fact the table was kept. In a

roar about half (he time by the happy

unturid ami easy flow of wit that seemed

In bubble up all aroiunl. during the

whole of the pleasant entertain men I

The inicllcctiial feast was Quite equal it

the other portion, and all who have sup

ped at Mr. Drew's know what he pro

vldcs lor such occasions.

■eeelveil from Cajit


The following '

.1. II. Itolllna:

On. A.d. Kitr.Kcn. My rWiir Sir.— Fur several reason*, which I need

noi etplalu, I shall be debarred tbe pleaauro of meeting with you Ihla evening. Hut I will not I Iho opportunlly pas* lo say thai I would be glad be wlih you If 1 eould, because I ain very mil grulllled that mine Irllllng recognition l» to tuado of llic valuable scrvlee ren.lerrd 10 thu l.uv.. reneS public, byOapt. Merrill our l'ostmastcr, lu hi* lu.lnfatlgahk efforts lo furnlah every facility that osn be thought uf In his department—and that so far a* 1 know, unaullclted. 1 do not bellevo Ibat a I'. ■-■ ofllcer can be found about u* who ha* dt" ted »o much Ihougbt to the convcnlencu and ucco umdulloii of Ihe people. Wishing you a plcaal

1 am very truly fours,


z ? t ft I' . f S 1 ■' c $ « S TS .- ') t.

l!ti:l •/Si;., ISftuS






|S« S£5ES^S5£S


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j ett8B8S8ts8yJttB I = y *.' * £ ii « £ © 2 V al

I ssii^iisaaaiinr ] ; -1 -^i ; r. -1 > s .. u. -1 -_.

3 UiiEiJiS





i No. of day.

-. 3 ■

ieM 1

■0 1 Amount u

i 1. HI. lit,.. -. 10 a mail


to ' ' full, nrrl


U!EH Lift | -r-K -9

iUimrMtm* Ja-!q :; i ^: ^? -J s-H:|5-: •jfl* *1 j?

m& ?:.

\p i ?!«• ?

iljii -■ 2 a$ '

Is* ■'


NOT A WUUD FOR AL.—The Sentinel

bus a couple of columns or so, in defence

<>f the Democratic changes, Mutehlnsou,

Shepard, ami the rest, but nut a single

word fer A. G. ('lark. Our neighbor

has a Krone; stomach that accepts almost

anything fur the party, but Al. Claik is

too blif a dose even for tbe Sentinel\ it is

evidently asklnit of our neighbor too

much,to defend this appointment. Well,

such is party gratitude; everybody is

ready to kick thu dog that's down.

DEDtCATOKT I'sitTV.—The atlenlion

of tlie dancing public Is called to the ad- vertisement announcing the ripening as-

sembly at Music Hull, the Hit of man-

ages Is a guarrantee that tbe party will

Buna LA It r.— The house oi Mr. John

K. Norwood, near the residence of John

Fttllon, Esq., on Clover Hill, was en-

tered Thursday, January utb, while the

occupants wire temporarily absent, and

ransacked. About tJJO ol plunder in

jewelry was obtained.

ltov TIIIKVI.-.—YVchiire had Ire.piunt

occasion to udvert to robberies and burg-

laries, some, of tbe boldest character,

committed by boys of from ten to six-

teen years of age. A family whoso

donitcil is not in the crowded portion of

tlie city, cannot Leave it ii-r nn hour

without thu risk of having it broken Into

by sonic of these pests, ransacked tintl

robbed ol every thing which can be

readily turned into cash, to the great

pecuniary loss oi the house-holder and

oltein i-h) their greater grief at tho lossol'

keepsakes more prized from association

than from intrinsic value. Tho little

\ illiatis tire coustautly on the watch wlih

the sharpest of eyes far such chances.

In thu case of Mr. Norwood, the house

had not been previously left alone lor

three months, but was pounced upon

the wile of the. proprietor only

paid a visit (o Essex street. Stores uud

especially offices arc not safe cither, nf

tho latter must o'ten be left unlocked

The thieves visit every room in the bull'

ding ami if met ami questioned, ask il'

then* are KpttlooMS to empty

trifling evasion of the kind. Many of

them h ivu managed to steal keys also,

with which ihey enter rooms whlofa arc

locked. They are getting lo be an no*

bearable ami most costly annoyance uml

fearfully numerous. They tell of their

success to their companions and give

tin in some of the results alter bnviug

been converted into cash, confectionery,

tobnocii or even rtilii, and their example

has II ruinous mural effect upon tlie

youth of their neighborhood.

It ia -A startling and by no menm

pleasant, rcflcctiou that in many instances

: In- .!■ young thieves have older porsons,

often parents, to direct nnd shield them,

nnd aid in concealing ami disjwsing of

tho plunder. The parents of these hoys

in some few Instances may bo strictly

honest people, but wo have yet to bear

of but n solitary case where the parents

have not sustained their offspring

hidden the ill gotten gains, from the

rightful owners and iho officers, nnd we

can only account for tho parents not be-

ing hold criminally responsible in such

cases, by tho difficulty of fastening tho

guilt squarely upon them, It is far

from pleasant to know that we lmvc in

our Community at least fifty boys who

will steal anything but a hot atove, nnd

half that number of heads of families

who aii- still liiniv guilty In encourag-

ing and protecting them in theft.

These criminals are often caught, but

nrc seldom punished to any extent; It

seems very hard and does not secure

tho desirable reformation, to send such

young subjects to tho llouso of Correc-

tion, us they arc apt to come out worse

than they went in though there are

grave doubts whether thai, evil is not a

lesser one than allowing them to associ-

ate with and contaminate other youth.

Tho idea of tlie police judge seems to

havo been, in every case, old and young,

from tlie beginning, that it is better to

risk tbo contamination and ruin of hun-

dreds for tho very improbable possibili-

ty of saving tho individual, that tho

moral illness of ono man, woman i

child, should bo inoculated into llio sy

tcm of all their neighbors tlmt the moral

health of tho whole might overpower it

Tlii -. might do wero it not that some-

times such disease is more powerful

than tbo most rugged health. Tho par-

ent is usually ou hand to beg oft tbo

hoy. They promise to send him to

Father Haskins' school in Boston, an

cellent institution, to Ids undo in Now

York, or to some other place, and the

BttUy ar'alVdieVJSfmTWWV In" aVeela

or two plundering as before. Any

effort to send them to tho State Reform

School during minority requires to be

almost herculean, f*r tho parents fight

tho matter stoutly, ns they desire to

work their boys ns thoy would if thoy

were their horses or oxen, nnd receive

pay for tho use of tlieni until they

bventy-ono years of ago. If they go to

tho Reform School the stnto gets tho

benefit of their labor. They aro too of-

ten successful In such opposltiou. Until

some complete change is made in this

state of things wo can only repeat our

old enution to honsckeepcrs and others,

on leaving their rooms to hide their

valuables liable to be stolen, not in

bureau drawers, trunks, ami work

boxes, ihu first places examined by

thieves, but in those likely lo bo over

looked by them. This is their chief

safety, for locks are of little account.

Tut: WHITB LixTUHKS.—It may not oc- cur to these who feel aggrieved at not be- ing permitted to enjoy these free intellect- ual treats to the people, that on every evening upon which one Is given, there art' upwards of one hundred of the most comfortable seals entirely unoccupied. They are not perhaps the best for seeing the speaker, though far tbe best for hear- ing. We refer to those upon the rostrum. Co which we have full authority from the taauugers lo Invite any and all who may have no better position. But six or eight gentlemen usually accompany the lec- turer to tho platform, and all of tbe bal- ance of the large space U free to tlie pub- lic. Many perhaps would Teel at first somewhat uncomfortable In occupying so prominent a ponilloii. but If it became a trencral thing this would soon wear utr. II Ihe platform win built out on each side and provided With settees facing the cen- tre of tbe stage, nt least two or three hundred more eould ne seated. This, U done frequently by parties engaging the hull. Inr their oivn convenience. It could be <lf>ne periunneiitlv for one or two hun- dred dollars, win the committee on pub lie property examine Into this proposal, inatle over a year sincef It will iitnte- rlaHy .i.M to the c.imfort. convenience, and enjoymeiit of the people, for a small expenditure, and will not Interfere with tbe project for enlargement of the hull.

Ni-w RAILROAD 1'HO.IKCT.— Tho sur-

veys havo been completed, and petitions

will be presented to the present session

of tho Legislature, for a charier for a

new line of railroad, which, if carriud

Into exi cution, will afford a now, shorter

and more direct line from Lawrence to

New York. It is proposed to run over

the Lowell and Lawrence railroad, from

this cily to Tewksbury,—from thence to

build n new line, through Concord and

Ashland to Medford, and from Unit town

over a road now in use, to Providence.

It is claimed that this will open a more

direct and slimier route to Worcester,

Wooosocket and Providence. Petitions

In aid of this road, are, we understand,

to be presented to our business men

for Ibolr signatures. *>*♦»»

NATIONAL PKMBSIITOM BANK.—Tho inuul meeting was held on Tuesday;

Mr. K. L. (.hnpimin, of the bourd of Di- rectors, declined a re-election, ami Mr. A. A, Lamprey waa substituted, mid wiih tlie remainder of tho old bourd elected.

(Lf Tlieru will be a public aervk-e In the tlol- .ariuu church next Sunday ("veniniz, eomoienc- ng at 7 o'clock, Burnon by tor. Mr. Moore, ioin llio text: " Whore are tbo nine f" Seals free. The pOhlkan roritlally Invhwl.

*« it Sum

> yoi or a IN.-.- dri-ailng Tor the t.ii.n Hi at will ptwMM lh« hair from .,...- ilii- Lair to L-url anil prcaet.t a ilm- ■n«f Call for "Toilet Oil," at Tat-

: opportunity tu huy Good* cheap ol- ni Tm.-ll S. iu. Th.-) an- about ra. i-ii.,iik'lnii their *lor*. and their prta- il be sold In-fore ll Ban I-- ■!■ in-


We have Juat been informed of it desperate though not fatal affulr, which happened recent- ly at one of the well known, fiuhlonuhle board* ing bouses of oar city. It appear* that a ymniK uptl highly respectable np-town mer- chant went to his boartlint; house, and retired at his usual early hour, and after reposing In unconsclouHuess for a short time wan suddenly alarmed hy n hand ucini; placed upon his throat; supposing himself to lw immediately overpowered ho sprang upon his adversary, Uorc him to the floor, and with great force, deoll him a terrible blow with Ids Tool, The reaction from so violent a liluiv, brought our young' friend a little more tu his senses, nnd upon fully opening hi* eyes, what was his dis- may to seo lying prostmte, ni the further end of tbo room, In aa unconscious stnu-, a large Itoekiug Chair. The mm tilt this occasioned had brought Ibe inmates of the house lo the scene of this midnight attack, and not a litilc were, they relieved when informed of the true state of affairs, and inutli imiiisciuetit wns en- joyed nt the expense of the hero. Fortunate- ly Ihu gentleman h not married, niid while we

condole with him for the entire loss of his great toe nail, and ihe aul and maimed condi- tion with which he put in an appearance for tlie next few days, .-till wc cannot repress a

or some \ feeling ot sympathy lor the innocent rocker.

tin Sunday morning next, Key. X. If. Wii- lniiII-. will repeat in tlit new Daptlst church, In McthiiL-n, iho Identical sFrmon which was

Mimed on the Sabbath forenoon,last March, hen the lire was rae;init about ihu iiiietinsciou*

■ nti::u';: la thu old church.

Si. John's (Kpisoopil) church, which Ims been moved from It* sl.l location to Bradford •treat, west of Franklin, will lie open ncati! for pnblic worship on Simluv nt Ihu usual hours.

There, were 1 J-'Vl ibkets laken nt the White lecture Wednesday ccniug, ihe largest num- ber yet received on «ny one. evening, ihoup;)i UQO arelasuod. Tba avcrugu number of tick- ets received is 1160.

The " hoys," firemen and milItorr,-must not forget tho hall ofthe Atlantic engine cum puny, at tho'City Hall, next Wednesday evening. 1'ieliCTkorn and his musical boat will lie pre- sent, and thcru will be a gay time.

The set of partlui which havu lieen held nt the armory ot Company K, Tollce Uttllding under the direction of «few masoalc sjeatle- men, were concluded on Wednesday ivening, lo the reirrct of ail who have attended. Thcie waa the usual phasant company present. Another conrss I* loidly called for.

A dozan boys of twelve or lourtccti years of ajre. >ome of whom were known 10 I* ihieves,

but somehow do noi not punished, wero in the post olllce entry on Monday evening; It would li ■ well for people to look out for them.

Mr. Tarbox, ou- representative, is Chair- man of tho Homo Committee on pjohale and Chancery In Die lectstaturp, n responsible and honorable position. Our senator, Mr. Howe Of Methucn, Is on the joint standing committee on agriculture, BIr. Taylor of Andovcr, is on Iho House Finance committee, and on the House coimnitteu or expenditure. Mr. Bower or Lawrence Is on the House printing com- mittee.

On Monday eveniig the counting room of Mr. Charles A. Ilrovn, at his wood yard on Jackson, between Essex tod Methuen streets, waa entered and ransacked. There was noth- ing to steal but a pa r of new boots belonging to Ur. Kunals Iheckrk, and some gold pens, but ihe rascals, iu prosed to be boys, accom- plished considerable mischief, such as empty - lug tho Ink upon the contents of tho desk, tear- ing up and throwing nway two thousand bill heads, and dropping the tallow from the can- dles which they used, all over everything. It Is believed thai they vero in there about ten o'clock, as the clock which had been meddled with, stopped at that flgurc.

Some one said on Monday evening that con- sidering tho tone of tho recipient's paper, late- ly, it wan hardly probable that tho watch ho received, though a "light watch "as well ns day, was one of Mclvki's appointments.

Mr, Smith of Andorer remarked at the citi- zen's supper the other night, that hit left hand man sells Iron nnd " steels for a living," It wot Treat—lng him rather roughly.

New York swindlers are up to ;i new game, and aomo of their circular* have doubtless reached this city. Tbo rascals propose to sell notes of a bonk "which Is lo fait Hay lit," for $fu a* fo*tl%|" """ar. Any Idiot who sends

and will get**!" ^*" »° more oXJua mnos*

Now Year's Day ll not so much of a day for calls here as in Now York city. Jcwctt, the Collector, made the most in Lawrence.

The purchases of those who patronize our neighbor Phillips, are apt to bu worsted, but not tbe purchasers, by consldirable.

The City Hall was Ihe scone of several ex- plosions Satnrday night—of laughlcr.

Mr. S. D. Crowd!, tho saloon keeper, Is anx- ious to know who waa gnilty of sending him n hundred dollar greenback forn uowyoir'a pres- ent. It came very mysteriously aid all of his efforts to discover tho donor hare been in vain. He oot only gratefully pockets the Insult but even asks m to thank tho ono who rave It.

iltiAnrJ OK Al.DKBHKK.-~Mayor Melvin

presided at the meeting last night and

Ihcre was a full hoard. The petition of

Davis & Taylor for a lower Will referred

In'Concurrence. The petitionbf M. N".

Howe for auctioneer's license was grant-

ee". An order for filling- viicancle* on the

school committee, Jan. 27th,truadopted.

Report of conference committee (unable

t» agree) ou solicitor and plryajclan was

accepted. Order from other Hoard In

reference (o new engine boose for Atlan-

tlo No. '2, was laid upon the tallt. The

City Treasurer's report was referred In


A ballot was had for City riiynlcinn

with the following result:—Dr. Seneca

Sargent •-», Dr. Dana 2, Dr. Chase 1, Dr.

McAllister 1. 2d Ballot: Chase 2, Har-

gent 1, Dana2, McAllister 1. ;id Ballot:

Home 2, Sargent 1. (iariuinl 1,DHIIH1,

■Sullivan 1.

After a receaa there was taken the

4th ballot, McAllister .'(. Yeuug2. Sar-

gent I. 5th ballot; McAllister-I. Sargent

2, and McAllister waadeelared elected

on the part of the Board.

The ballot for City Solicitor refilled

In tbe unanimous cholie of Caleb Maun-

ders Jr. ou the part of this board. A.Q,

Clark, was nominated for Police olHepr

with power to *lo criminal, bualness.

Nomination rejected, Ayea 1, Noes 5.

IN BOARD OK HEALTH.—Henry J. itcy- imlilt was noinlnntcd nut] conllrmed as

undertaker. The petition of J. H. Terry

and others, for the appointment of K. S.

Portor ns undertaker was placed on fllo.


Lecture would be rather a doubtful cogno- men (or iho performance ol Wednesday even- Ins;, which partook largely of am moment, with a very stunt patii-ru of Insiiiidiun, It was a practical Illustration ol tbe uu.luulited truism uttered by tho s|naker in Ins assault upon hi. fellow men and their follic*, that audiences of tho present day were better pleased with the light ihan the mild. What bis discourse would bare amounted to without-tbe numerous

humorous nnurdoics well and gracefully told, it nould ho liiiii. uli to imagine. It would have been tho play of Hamlet without any Prince ol Denmark in it. There was ihe usual inert- flrc ot (net to fancy which has charnclerked his Rtldrcstca before, which particular weak- mss of mankind he showed up no pleasantly In the course of his remark*. For im-lunee, he distinctly represented in his illustration of ihe wnui of veracity of men when telling lliair owa adventures, ihnt Union llancbaosen waa mi actually existing personage who grew to believe his own stories after tullinu' ilii-m a few time". Ho may Rare existed, but the the fol- lowinij Is from ihe editorial preface to hi< ad-

Baron \Iiin--hiii:riii Is heinuiir; unit !... ..i:,; I. I. b<- reasoned inio hold Manners art very a

adroitly lurn* tbo ruuvi iiipi. ■, ui>J ihcu IL-HM u i

.1 Adv

M FT II v i; X.

A goodly number of relative* mid friend*-i ssaeinbled on Tunrsdny evening Dec. SO, ut the ' hoaie of Mm. JuMuli Dearborn, to celebrate the golden wedding; of her father and mother, Mr. ' and Mrs. Samuel H.Harris. Such family galb- :

crings lew are permitted titAVitnc**, hut they j are ^occasions of much joy. They ore bright j scenes In llre'a history, scenes that children, I and children's children will ever refer to wltb pleasure, and around which, iu the decline of life, memory will delight to linger.

Mr. Harris is a native of Methuen, and the sou of Ur. Katph Harris, who formerly practiced medicine in this town.

He has ever been familiar with the affair* or the town, having held the ofllce o( assessor and

lectnian for more than twenty years.

8. D. Chase end Son hare disposed if their Interest In the shoe business to the firm of

Tenney St Co., who have for several years been doing n very prosperous business, iu tlmt trade, and who now propose to enlarge. Alonzo P. Chase, the junior member of the firm of Chase

& Son, U now a partner with J. I'. Bean of 1'coriu, HI., In the retail ami Jnhbing limit and shoe Mi. Chose is a young liinn of real



■i.l well taJaii

man of uml nrlidual .I Hut prrhi.ll.-. .1 minds loiiiiimii sansc, auil thai it lu bully Uletr audience wiih i-llher of thrill, but

rsntloii Upon liuiliTcrrni .ory ofhlsTiavi-ls, Cam- In a manner peculiar i„

ind pii

iVOllll, Mil ji- lt dc; Mia! t

fulness. S. D.Chi

o n o y tt i. A x D.

A |H I l> OX TUB lllMllll:.. il. *t, Constable* ll'iyiiiiii, ul iit-.ri.jit.

Ueorge, of Bradford, paid a visit io Houth aruve- i.i-.| ciplurril ■-.-ni.i- i ..!■:. of Ihu ardent.

They found a iiaaDllty of Iquor un tha premises .,( Ur. Id Lard, which Die; look for safe-keiplng. They then procucded to entrr a den kept by a per-

named I'rolly, whers lli.y found iimic ul ih,- fliild, Jift.-r which thuy vbilrd tha premise* uf a Hi-Hi nanii-d M'alter, when thvy fuund morn of the

sort. The partie* wrre nullfled t<. appear 1>u- iba police court at tlavcrlillt, on Monday, ihe

Hull (nit., to answer for Ihtir evil doings hi tin- mat* tur of selllnu whiakry nud ale lo such persons as partake thereof. This I* agooif be^lnnlnn. and we hope ll will he followed up until no drop of Inlotl- ntlng liquor Is sold in lotm. The steam Shoe Faeloryot Mr. Charles Stlckncv in., very near lakln| lire on Monday lnsl, from tbe

buntlnK of o lamn lu which petroleum Huld wn* burned for beullny an Iron, it was fortunately dl*-

lU'i.'.l and bi-Turu 1b.> building ,U|(h[ tire. The shoo bii*iiio*s hu revhed (Inco Ihe mm- cnremonl of tho year, and hands find emphiymeni

moat of ihe lime si fair price*. At thl* season uf Ihe year, huslues* I* generally very dull, and ihe cluse of IftlU wlinesMrd ihe dull.-sl time In Ihe shoe business for years,

0"Kuv. D. 0. Knowlua will give a Temper- ance l .■.-nn.- at the City Hull, by Inviuitionof the Lawrence Temperance Alliance, next Sab- bath evening, at eight o'clock. Tho voting men of the city are Particularly invited.

1'NlVKRflAI.IBT OIIVKCII. —Services ai 10 1-2 at. and (1 11 P. H. The ilxlh lecture, by iho »tur, In thu evening. Subject, The Earth's

Preparation (or llan, and hi* Creation.

I'i i HAM N. II. licv. An;-u -iu- ilerry hat received from till society, donntlruig umoiiutfiig to 9100.

sham* Iho !■'•■'■ ■ uf l)hiK, ..r, as It is pollt- cullid drawing th" lung huw.

Dealt Swift wrote the travels of Gulliver w the nccoimt of I.illiput, Broddfonag ami other wonders, as a satire. Mr. Ilepworth may havo Intended hi* BMf-riion coufeming Mnn- chausen as a Joke. If so, It was only nppar- rent to the few The many wero too obtuse to sou It.

The address, if such it run lie styled, treated of the character of Ihe mind of man and his follies, nnd humbug generally, and certainly np one could well have a lictler knowledge of tho subject than tho speaker. There is no humbug however about his power tn please and cntcnain an audience (or there were few If nn) who wero nut delighted, even the gravest In i In- course of bis remarks lie alluded to Un frequent prevalence of a mania or epldemii among men In different periods, the attempfw discovery of tho philosopher's Hone which win 10tarn everything Ii touched into gold, the ex- penditttre ol hundreds of millions. In the vain attempt lo discover a fountain of life, the waters of which »cr.- to give eternal youth and life, ihe mania for suicide which existed even

iu Japan, the mania for murder which raged at ono time in Italy and Spain when one hag alone poisoned six hundred troublesome wives or husbands, and still later tlie belief In witchcraft with which even our noble ancestors wero afflicted. It was heresey lo doubt nt some periods. The speaker advanced the not novel Idea that murders and suicide should bo kept out of tho public prints, because thoy sug nested crime to tho human mind, a proposition much upon tho ontricb principal of,'. If tho matter could lie confined to two or three persons Instead of being spreud In the commu- nity In an exaggerated shape, (tbo news- papers is supposed to conllno itseir to facts), such suppression might bo lieneflclal. Politics, the lioilowness of society, public opinion, tho wortblcssncss of money, nnd other com placo matters were discussed, but no now ideas wero advanced.

Tho Munehauson story told by the spcakei was to tho effect that information being want ed of tho number of troops in an encmy'i camp, tho Baron jumped upon a cannon hall ns it was discharged, rode over to the camp and rode back on ono of tha enemy's missiles in similar style. For tlie amusement of those of our readers who ore not familiar with this great story teller, we will give another of hi* feats:

Wo broke the enemy entirely—mado a terrible havoc amongst them, sml drove thim not only back to a walled town la their rear, but even through ll, contrary to our most sanguine expectation.

Tha swlftnci* ofmy Lithuanian enabled me lo bo foremost In the pursuit; and seeing ihe c fairly flying through llio opposite gale, I thought ll would ba prudent lo stop In the market phico, It order llio men lo rendezvous. I *toppcd, gentle man; but judge of my natunlshineiil, when in Ihh markel-plncu I sow nut one or my hussnra about mol Are Ihey scouring tho other atrtata, ur what la become of Ihem ? They euuld not be fur off, and nuil, at all events, «oon Join me. In thai expects. tlon I walkp.l my panting Lithuanian to a spring In tbl* market-place, and lei him drink. IIu drank

but natural enough, for when"!' looked round for my men, what should I seo, gentlemen? The hind part of Ihe poor croalurc-crop and leg* wen' ml**- Ing, as If ho had been cut la two, and Ibe ran out a* it mum in, wlihout refreshing or doing (dm any good I How it eould have happened, wa* qolto a myatery Io me, till 1 returned with hll tho lown-gole. Thero I saw. that when I rushed In poihmcl] with Iho flying enemy, they hud dropped thu portculli*. la heavy falling dour, with nliui ■pikes at the bottom, lei down suddenly, lu prevei the entrance of an enemy into a fortified lown unpercelved by me, which had totally cul off hi* bind [..ui, thai still lay nulvering on the oulalde of tho gslo. Il would havo been an Irreparable lasi bad not our farrier contrived lo bring both pans together while hot. lln sewed thorn up with sprigs and young shoot* of laurel* lhat were ut hand—Iho wuund healed ; and what euuld not have happened hut lo so glorious ahorse, tbo sprig* look root In hi* body, grew up, olid formed o bower over so lhat afterward I eould go upon many oihe pedltlon* In tho shade of my own and my ho

COMMON COUNCIL.—At the racellng of this Hoard on Wednesday evening presi-

dent Davis presided. A lull board wai

present. Tho niiiiolulinetits of measur-

ers, ate., were concurred In. Tho City

Treasurer's report was presented nnd re-

ferred to the committee on accounts.

Petition of G. Hardy nud others foi

acceptance nud (Trade ol Durham street,

Booth Side, was referred lo oonHnlltec on

streets. Pellllou of Uavla & Tnjlor,

South Side, for Hewer, was referred lo

committee on sewers. The conmlttee ap-

pointed for conference reported it not

practicable (or both boards to meet the

aatue eveitlnjr. Report accented. The

eominiiti'M of conference on Physician

and Sollcilor reported Inability to agree.

Report accepted. An order was adopted

authorising tbe conimlilee mi public prop*

erty to prepare pinna tor engine liotn

nnd stable Iu Ward I. A resolution for

drainage of territory weal nf llroail

*v:i ; JI:I--.I-,| to 11 second reaeHlMT. It Una

voted that the regular iilj;Iit nt luce

be Wednesday erentng. Ailjmiruci

Wednesday next at "i r. it.

be best wishes ul h iii* future success an

;nior partner, hm b ly-lh-u years, and ha.

' kiiius «f business whatever ho Ims prosper in his Imn years in the lln wi


s, Hcwai

lm: I'll to ;welvc

■rly a

A In


.1 „\ It U I

ne uudieti School

/; tt

s prese IL hist

. a. th. Sabbath

evening , in the So IhCI inch ve try. and Die ex rcisca wet u of tiiuaual interest. During the servh ea. ll i- Paslo . ill lic-

half of the inenibi ■s of Ihu ECl •ol. pre- sented Deacon 'J .ylor I lie ni i-ii:/ Stl-

peri nt. French

nl.-ii', an in nolle el

i leg


nt and n token

vulftublu of their

love to him per« nally nnd MIL ir appre- elm loll of I i- loi |T 11 IU useful abnm in the sc ool, i-stu ile.l over » l i-riiui til

nearly be has H-.-.inl

Saw in. school

lilte.-n ye been abaci uf rate n who nn* enters i,|

ue.-s nnd d

t luit three Snlibatha, :i Turrrurc. Mr. II. C. charge of the >n Ida labors with un rvolcdness lo bis work,

which Uigurs we 1 tor Iho fut re pica- perliy if Ibe aebo il.

Audiozi Sales by (ico. Foster. 1 WOOD AM) TI.MDEK LAND.

Will hi- sold I JAM'AltY

.,(!>. I>. College.

The an


TON.—On Siiuilny evenings man named

John Clarke, al t forty years of ajre. nn

Irishman by birth, who boarded at No.

14 Wasbhitrton corporation, oame home about ten o'clock ami went up stairs. It

la thought Hint be was persuaded to go

out again with Mime acquaintances In iho

house. Ho came again between eleven

nnd twelve, after having visited some

place and obtained liquor. In wandering

about in apart oi the house different from where his room \\n* located, be stumbled

and fell headlong.down Hie kitchen

stnlra. Tho fall was heard by the land-

lord, who aroused two of the boarders

nud be was carried to his bed, ami his

room mute retpiested to look out Hint the

Intoxicated man did not roll out of bed.

At half past i-ix o'clock Monday morning

tho man was found to he Insensible und

that lie had vomited freely.

Dr, Lamb ihe coroner was sent for and

found him quite dead. The concussion

combined with Ihe drunkenness uiiuuttbt-

edly caused bis death, though lu some

tHi>es »f Intoxication ihe drunken man Is

not harmed by n fall, when a sober per-

Oli would bo, Clarke had boarded in the

house since October. He leaves n hoy of

light anil a chiltl Ol* four, but was n wiil-

iwer. The coroner look charge ol the

remains uud delivered them to a relative,

i was telegraphed to.

HON. HF:NRY WILSON lias our lluiuks

for the complete Congressional Globe

ul Appendix, fur second and third scu-

ms nl the tilth Congress.

IV We arc indebted to Messrs; Wright

&. Potter, State Printers, tor nil eurly

opy uf Qov, Clnflln'i Inaugural A<l-

;ailc, then for hue inaiiiilac- Chnsc would

go west :is his MIII la eainbllabeil III Inisincss there, but ne tire h'hid iu learn thin hi: ha*, no

Intention uf leaving Methuen.

The lust lecture of the course was given Wednesday evening at the Town Hull, by Rev, Dr. Ilrousuii of Houthbrli'gc, formerly pastor uf the llaptist church in this place: the hall was welt Oiled, nud all who knew Mr. Brcmson expected iu hear something new, anil they were nut disappointed.

His subject was "Curiosities of Character," anil he was master of his subject. He Interest- ed the audience for an hour ono a half, ami he evidently conld have interested them for nn hour am] u hull' lunger, It would he presump- tion in us to attempt to give even tin on Pino of

tine. Wc would simply say It was the lecture.

The Lecturer Issn original man,ho ihluks his uwii Ihoiuthta .:u - "goal through the world wiih his eye* open," andean tell human na- ture at u glance, lie says good humor, oils the machinery of lite; If this is true judging from his lecture, lie has enough of ihat oil to last for lulirlcalliig purposes, a meat many years. He Is ii young man ami always will be. He is one of those men who will never niovt old, and will never wear tint. When he has done nil fJod bus given him to do, he nlll limply de-

part. IOTA.

Tur. INSTALLATION OF OmcEU*, of Hope Lodge, No. 31, I. O. of O. ¥., occurred upon the evening of Monday, Jan. 2nd. Wc are happy to Mate that this Lodge, which has been In operation about a year, Is In n thriving con-

dition ln/lug composed ot some fifty of the best citizens or Mctliiicii. The following ll n list of the Officer*:—

N. O., O. C. Tnplcy; V. G, (J. K. Foil; Sec'y, Itcv. J.Noycs; P.Sec"y..S. A.Clarke; Trcus., T. B. Webster; W., S. W . Tuplcy ; C, II. Hyson; O. a., J. F. Ridley ; I. O., L. Cro- foot; Chap., ttcv.C. A. Bradley; R. 8.S-, Win. A. Rowell; L. S, S„ James; It. S.

N. O., A.H. Dean; L. 8. N. O..J. Mitchell; R. 8. V. 0., S. T. Coolidge ;LS.V, 0., 8. A. Harvey.

Daring lbs svenlng some excellent mmic was furnished under the direction of Bro. S. W. Taplcy, assisted by Mrs. Mcrrow,Mlss Suf- I'HII, M. --I-. Hnrris.Ilickucll and Boston, Mlsi Lfotsle liniris presiding ut the Oruuu.

McsiO HALL,—LAWIIKNCK.—This is n

somewhat novel name to our cltlnsfhs,

an 1 the inquiry will naturally be made,

•'where is Music Mall?" It is situated

on tlie corner of Ameebury and Common

street, uml has long been known to our

citizens ns Lawrence Hall, rutting a

Mansard roof upon It bus completely

Changed the OUSwawd .viiiii-iuono.. of tt."

hnlldine*. nnd the nroprietor. Mr. 11. L. Emerson, lins felt justified in giving tho

placo a new name. The greatest im-

provement, however, i* in the interior.

Tho space, in the roof is occupied by

Pedrick & ClosSOD, ns :i ftirnituio store

room. It Is connected With their estab-

lishment by a u bridge across the alley

ut the third story. The ilaneingor meet-

ing hall, so favorably remembered in

dnys of yoro under tho old nnme, 1ms

undergone a thorough change, nnd it is

now undeniably nnd by all odds the hand-

somest, most convenient nnd easiest of

access of any in the city. The Hour has

been taken up, ami n new one, resting

upon twenty-two India rubber sjirtngi

Laid instead. This affords sufficient

spring for dancers, without causing

enough to he annoying. Tho rostrum,

which tvrs at the opposite end from the

entrance, has been removed, greatly

adding io the amount of space on tho

floor of the hall. A small gallery for

the musicians has bcon built out over

the door, in front of the main gallery.

A gaily painted patent, wire rail, llko used in bank* and broker's ofllces,

ornaments tho front of both galleries.

The walls of the hull are sheathed up

about three feet from tho floor, nnd

above that is renl wooden paneling I»|-

three feet more. This is varnished, and

eiui lm washed if soiled by heads. Tho

color Is green, relieved by white. Above

tho paneling, is green paper, with largo

gill pillars, ami a heavy rich gilt top

border. The general style of tho ball Is

green, whin- and gold. The ticket uffieo

is in ihe gentleman's room-on the Antes-

bury street side. The ladles' room, on

the opposite side or the stairs, has boon

handsomely carpeted, ami nicely fur-

nished with walnut ami green plush,

The gallery can bo be made to hold

about one hundred and fifty persons,

il the ball will probably sent some six

hundred or more. The carpenter work

has been done under the direction of Mr. II. J, Couch.

Music Hall will be opened on Monday

evening, wiih n bull. Carney's full band

will bo In attendance.

pit or tbi

sale of valuable woodhi

CXI. prc-ciit* an ex.. Ii

r u -ale In vest men I ur j:

l i- located aeompnrulh


I to

I'uliiii vw'i-'

II. mi IIONUA1 . ■ M., mi the Tre-


nd 11IIi!■•■:- Land, nn tin- read lead.

< /IT Jenkins nnd null ol tin- late

j IN nu rxewlleat .and will furnish *.','! to tic piiid nt

cuiidllinii* w 1 Lc made known. AItULINK ABBOTT.

try :. bTO. janWt

Standing "Wood. a Mild al public, ou SAiLIIDAV,

•i-i, nl I uVli.ek, T. H., ou Ihe ].r.-im..i--, I.-in Hcr.nof wi.o.l.-landing im lundofW. .uiilli. near llic liuusc oi .11 list, ll, tin- mud leading Io llrnry .1. Uray's *aw in known as tin* " rhc.n r lot," uud cou-

i ifuml jjr.nuh of oak and pla.-. turulslilus; i nl lnjiiril lu^-. 'llic «ill he sold lu d >iuiill loi* io ticcuuiiiiodjtc. The proiul

Audovi It, 1

VM)in •:u s\\ i\cs HANK. At Hit- annual mrt'tliicof Ihe incuih.-rs uf said

Hank, on the lliinl ilistatit, tin' following samed iH-rsni.-. urn- i-liL-tid Trtisti-fs fur lln- rnsulnc;

\ in eecpiad MII.I umc.

n Ahhul, I- i.u: Curruth, lln-v


, Hu

Mr. i

day by Rev. SI

lu studies at N

tlon. The sot

rltb him that 1

eveinl Sabbaihs.

le proapeel lhat mi arrangement .vayba

untie for him lojeinuln there |iiiiiiiinent-

ly, tbonoli no formal action has been had

he matter. Mr. Mcdbury had been

engaged in California, previously to his

present re idenco lu this portion of ihu itisent.


uf (oiivcyanccs for Ilia u-rek Stvdlog Jan. U,

i .Istiio. P. Uuruliam.lotiiii

i V (irakhcr, lol In

i, lot on Lowell St.;

l'u- in St ; $rOO. C. II. Hchusnlaiiil lo A1 fn«

l|nllsvlllu; }M. LrwUPInaftoBlkn Blnilis

flSM, ia A. »ii.he«((timr.lhiiiH.i.I.ihaCouKhlan, loi srdcti Ml.; SHOO. la A. BaahMUJoba Uuufhlan, lol as Ch«*i.

Itev. Dr. IE. II. Siticy, of Hat

will preach nt (he South Church next

Sabbath, in exchange with Rev. Mr,


A burglarious attempt was made about

two o'clock, on Wednesday morning, to

enter the house ot Jonathan Swift. The

thieves llrst tried to open the it-outdoor

by raise keys, but falling in this they

next cm the sash ot a window on ihe

north side of thu house, near llic buck

door, removed two lights of glass nnd

were operating through the aperture

thus iiindc lor removing the lower sash.

The nol«e awakened the family, who Im-

mediately arose, lighted a lamp nnd the

Intruders heat a busty retreat. One of

the men was seen by Mrs. Swift running

down Brook Street. The window was

stained with blood. Indicating that the

rogues »ot some severe cms from the

brokeo glass.

Edward Taylor, KMJ.' Representative

from this district, will accept thanks for u

copy Of ihe Inaugural address of His Ex-

cellency, GOV. Clallin, and other legisla-

tive documents.

Itev. ,l. i". Lane, pastor of Ihe Free

Church, will preach the annual sermon

next sabbath moraine;, giving un account

oi the work of the past year wlih -laii---

titts of conlllbutlous and other matters of interest.

Itcv. L. II. Cobb. formerly of North

Andovcr, bus just received from the so-

ciety over which he is settled at Spring

Held, Vt. donations amounting to 8100.

I'rof. C. E. StOWe, uud Mis. II. B

Siowe, bare removed lor the winter, tt Mandarin, Florida.

Itev. J. (j. Merrill ofTopeka, Kansas

has been surprised by bis society In hav

ing his parlor unceremoniously furnished,

without bis own consent, at a cost of


The Unlversallsia In the United Slates

have 7D3 societies, and ,"iSS ministers*

The I'unehard school society Will bold

a ton patty In (lie town hull, on Tuesday

ev.uing next, at <i o'clock. A liberal

quantity of oyster*, roast turkey, and

other good things will he furnished.

This sociely is doing a gootl work lor the

lenetlt of the school, and should be eo- -..i.iii- ,..,.,! 1„ j., iii-jii-cwiirtliy s'athaSMI

At ihu annual meeting of thu slock

holders of the Andovcr National Bank,

en Tucsduy lust, the following gentlemen

were re-elected directors. John Flint,

Nath'l Swift, Nathan Krye, Francis Cogs-

well, John I,. Taylor, Moses T. Stevens, Joseph W.Smith. At a. Biibscquctis>meot-

Injr of the directors, John Flint was re


Tho writer is inbobted to Hon. T. J.

Marsh, superintendent of the State Alms-

house nt Tewksbury, for tho sixteenth

.annual report of that institution. Num-

ber of inmates In the house at thu com-

mencement of tho year, 086; Admitted

during the year, 1861 ; discharged, 1807;

supported, 24fl7; deaths, 194; births,

62; weekly average, 710; present ntuu

ber, (Oct. W&J) 600. Of the ntimliei

admitted during the year, there wero

from Lawrence 47, Tewksbury ,1», An

dover 7, Haverhlll 4, Dracut 2, North

Andover 1, Of the i'ti foundlings re

eeived during the year, 21 havo died.

The products of tbo farm aro given

Among tbe Items are the following:—

3,427 bushels of potatoes, 110 tons of

English hay, 18,818 gallons of milk, 836

dozen eggs, 22,528 pounds pork, .1,840

pounds beef. Mr. .Marsh has had charge

of |he establishment twelve years or

more, and h-s managed its affairs with

great efficiency. The average cost of

hoard per week, per capita, of ihn In-

mutes is J2.00. Tho board of inspectors

consists of F. H. Xourse, Lowell, 11. C.

Perkins, Peabody, (3. P. Billot, Billerica.

The annual catalogue of the Theologi-

cal Seminary his just been Issued by W.

P. Draper:— Resident licentiates, ft; Sen-

ior class, 30; Middle class, 21; Junior

class, 21; Special course. 0; Total H,'J.

The anniversary will be h.-hi ihi* jear on Thursday, July 7th.

Jol.n Lord L. I.. |). delivered a lec-

ture on Dniilel Webster, at Academy

hall, on Tuesday evening. It was an able, production, and 1M<N,,I tu by an

Attentive and appreciative nmlionee. ■-» S *>»■«■, ■.

OKM lit \t>ni:i> l'KARK AOO,

Fro,,, t/,r gutx (SakmThaitflt of Jan Si, 17TQ.

" Joe. 1«, 1770. On iho liih last,Iks uit,- of Mr. Asa t'urker of Aodom allacBpM lo l-l,™ iha Qraal I'.in.l (*o oalled) in thai Town on ll'orsehiiclt, Ifll, bit WHh aclkily fprism from oil lh.t Uorae at) to ih*lMt BH.I thu* iirovhlenllally aavmlhtf Ufa. TMlIorM WM ,,]*<■ sfafrWBlds MTC4.1

"AII.IOVIT Jnti.ll, 1770. f.ait I.or.l'* Day ticnr tha North \lc-iinit It-use in tin* Town there MMMI

mi ulil DWOlllDg lt-iusr, In llic lower f'nrl of WIIIPI,

OIITL-llvi-Ua ttarht-liir named Dsvi.l Fsrnnm nlih two inaldeii Blalaraof his; ihe man upwarjsef sil- ly, on., of hi. Slalara sovcnly-iwo. md iho oUHaT h0. twei-nsl.ty and seventy y,.ar. or ago; nuJ In Iho ahavabor over th. m than llve.l a wl,l,,w named Kill, "hell, Itcoillnaicn »l,u I, upwrrta of .U.y; which llnaaobysomt naana get cm Klro aonwllma la llio lnsl MHin, |„ ,ilu luwl.r Kllom utm (]|o ||wn <nj

his aiticra lodttw, and got .... I* .uppo.fMl) to -i.,l,'ltr.-.' ns almo.t »ulT.H-aU!d Iho p.ll)p!e |„ nift( iluom bflforo ih*, wero well ownko; a,,d m ,,„.* nisiiisantiobf Ihvm cried uut"0 Dear, what ibait Ido?" which word, wero,, lb, widow In Hut chamber, who (hy reason of iho cold) had cov- ered her Head over whbtboBad clothe*, which she liisiantly threw oir. noil found tho flro began lo Mai* U[) thruugh iho elmmber floor near lbo bend "I tl.e hid; u,.„>, which she jumped lip and catehfd „f bat rlolhe* In bra baud. cl*pp|ng then, o»er

Itmiy .ind nude her rsenpe down *lalr*, and out o 11.11 ii tut in of iho nearosluolgh-

lereand Ihey communi- i.lhatinalltiloTlrao a oplo got io iho House, OOII burnt lo Iho ground •loi-ainlt. If the wind

u. (>,,.* I,. Kri e,| lialher, loi, S7U. .ne H. U*wy lo Jnhn \V. ilodwell, kit, »07J. 'f-pli F. lugalii iu J,nrii- II. I.uney, lot, «11X1.

t.i A Itusselltu JoelW.l'n

■OHTII aSDOVCl oi. r. tVrloy Ui John 9. Daldt

laud; *mi,4u.

Ig| !■:- Ml ■-. SUM.

Ixns, nlurniiil iho l' gated Iho nlnrm la ulliet*; ronsldcrublo iiuiiiln-r of I' bm ii WHS all in Same* and wiih lhamaaaadliUiva . had been somberly ihe .ne.-ilug Hou.c would un- dOHUadly list* ,|,ared Hie aomo fat* a. iho Dwcl- HBgllsw*, a* they wero .itu.tedhut about four lt*d. apart! bam being norlh we.i U,e llcellug Ho....- wa. iinivKcullrdly pr.-.ervwl. jhl. ,1 „■ ba. ».i. .pent by a nombeyi rcoplo lu.e.rchtng tho

Huh.. f„r iho Kemalnslr iho unhnppy iunv,rUr.

nu j -am linn 11*11 watch I* a irrent f.iann in .KL«I. ne House««nrcdhyo,,,. ::;,',„ ,■;., ' ; other Wayjihei.-fureH ,„., „„, eom™amfia^o caution rctiple agafa*t .„,.[, ,' I'ractlce."

Estate John II. Woodhitry. Kulli'f is heretiy given, Ihut the subscriber bus en .lulv m-point. .1 »\i i ulor ol Ihe will ol

ilolin 11. Wondhiirv, oof Norlh Andovcr, In the e.iunty of Kssex. censed. It-suite, un.l lias tuk.'li Ulion mseir that trust, by giving bonds as tba luw dl- ctM. All prrmn-i limn:;: ilcuuitiil. upon tho ea- le of SBUI il.-cdoeil r..| .Ir.-d I.i exhibit tha ne; and nil paraons ui.libtrd in suld esutu ire

ItNnlU of Matiaeh»Mtt$.

estate of RAOHHs. II. AHI1U1T, late of and. ver, In snld county, widow, docraicd,

U reefing: ThiTeas, William M. Cowdery. the administra- of the estate of said deceased, ho* presented said t'.nirt, fur allowance, the account of hi* ii i n I strati un on sild eslatc, and application h.a

been made for a distribution of the tmlanec In hi* liuuils nmiiiig ihe widow and next of kin of aald dcct ose.l, yon are hereby cited to appear at a I'i**- bate Court, to bo holdeii at Lawrence, In said

inly, on Ihe i.cim.l 1'ucsil.iy of February next, nine o'clock In the forenoon, to ahow cause, 11 |f you bnve, why r-ni.J nci-ount should not be ll- ic 1, uml (ilnirlliutiou inn iU- uccordlug to laid

application, And -aid uiliuiiilstrntor Is ordered to serve thla

cltiillou hy ]iuhl|plilog the »arae once a week, in ■'■ i IJIWII iice A.iiericnn unit Amlover Advertiser,

liwsp.iper printed it Lawrence, three week* ■cei,sivilj*, llic InM pubilctilu u to be two days at -t brloru snhl t'uurt. Vltne.H, I ico rye V. Chuiilo, Kniuire, Judged i Court, this eleventh day of .Isnutiry, In the T uf our Lord ono lliousaiiil eight hundred and enly. J«!4 A. C. UDOUI-.LL, iteglstcr.

. i.nn of itsiui iin-ii i<>.

To the in]:iH . iiii.l others Interested In the estate or I'r.TKK MtKNCU, lute of Andover, In laid county, decciied.teslato,

(irtctlng i Wherein, HIrani W. l-'ronrh. llio trustee under

Ibe lust Hill und le*lami<ut of laid deceased, has presented lor ulluivaiiie I In- si cuiul account of hi* iruatceshlp of nal.l trust ralale.

You are hereby cited io appear at a I'robato Court, to bo holden ut l.uivrcnce, In said county, on the second 'I'm-sday ol r'ebruury next, nt nine o'clock In the lorciiooti, to show cause. If any you have, why Ihe some should not bo allowed.

And the said trustee Is ordered to icrv* this ciiiiitiin by publlshlnif Iho sarau once a week, in the Lawrence American nnd Andover Adver- tiser, a newspaper printed at Lawrence, three weak, successively, the lust publication to be two days nt least before said Tuesday.

Witness, (leurffc V. Ch.iule, Knijulre, Judge ol said "'liiiii. this eleventh day uf January, In the year eighteen hundred and seventy.

juH A. C. GOODKLL, Keglster.

Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his Varm, slluaied

In West Andover, S mile, from Lawrence and 4 Trom Lowell, emiliiliilii:: iiinvurds of ono hundred ncios, well divided into mowing, tillage and pas- luring. The buildings consist of a story-and-a- balf house, conlalnlng H room*; barn 30 x 50 feet, nearly new, with cellar; carriage house, granary, nnd other out buildings, with plenty of good water. ThfKarmlsonly 1 mile from No. Tewksbury lieei- Inff House, and only l-'J mile from thullsggetts I'ond ' II-,i of the Lowell and Lawrence Rail- road. There aro on the Farm - acrei of wood land and ln.icrriofiif ut meadow; also a young orchard of apple, pear, nnd cherry trees. For farther particulars, inquire of l'u it T Kit FA11ULK, on the premises. 3roja;>


Mrs. I'ni^i''- New Inductive Method Tor the Pianoforte aud Organ,

would respectfully call the attention of the Inhabi- tant* of Andover and vicinity lo this simple, com-

Srehcuiivc, thorough, and, at the same tine, isoinatlng syitcin oflnstructlon. Ho almplctbit

a child can understand and practice It; so thorough that tha moat naturo mind will bo pleased wlih it.

For fiir/ji...-(I*•</„*• ■-J,, apply lo Smill CHAKLK3 N. L. H/UMK,

rhilllp* Street, Andover, Mass.


A. MELODEON. Inquire of 8. M, DOWKB.

Andover, Deo, 01, lSitu. 3t

Wagons! Wagons !! New and second hand, for sale by

E. K. & W. B, LAMB,

•;-...ui ANDOVKB, in lm.

Munulrtdurers of Petlloglll's I'atrnt Hera Hon.

CarU anil Wheels of all kind* to order, lTja2j

17*All orders for Tin Rooflnc; prompt- ly attended to.

WOOH ! WOOD I The subscriber has for salt a larga lot of hard

nnd sott wood, which lie will sell In .luaullUr* aa desired Orders left al tho periodical .lore of John H. Chandler, Mum street, Andover, or at the Union store in Abbott Village, will be prompt- ly attended to. JOIIK CIlANllI.Kli.

Aadovir, June I. l.-n. tf


Opposilu Savings Bank, Andover, Maiiiif.ii hirer of

COFFINS k CASKETS. Shroudi, I'lntcs

itly band; also,

House for Sale. Well locate*', one-third of a mllo l>om Kallroatl

and Home Cars. Hood wnter, ?2 fruit trees, grapo ili..-, uud small fruit; stable. Inquire ol

•Wo* W. B. LAMU, Koitb Andorer Depot.

NOTICK.-Hc havo Wilton's Catarrh Cure,

for Hie cure of. Catarrh, ll will also cure Ilead- nclie. 1 oolhtiehe mul ,s eun.l-la, aud 1. guaranteed to glee Kuilsliictlon. We will refund Ibe money for every holtle Hut doc* not help th. patient.— We Invile f.f rv nnn .„ r.ll .• „,..'..„.."../....

n« To i- >!■■ i..

o call nt our store s_ .. with a very Ingenious Talent Inhal- >or cost, and ni l-l > ibemfelves oi

rcWhig. tu!* .I,-I . - ti. II. I'AUKBK, JOHN J.BHOWN, Andover.


Wagon Manufacturer, lm* conatantly on hand, and make* to order,

Light Kxpress, Oi-dor, uutl iiuoiiwan


with or without Top*.

a\ISO,light Farm Wagon* and Carls, for horse*.

Kupnirlng in all Its liranches,

Andorer, July 0, i.-ii-.i. tt

T. HENRY, Dealer In

FURNITUHB. Agent for Wehiler k I^idd's

PATENT SPRING BED. I'ietinc Pramlng, Uiiholsterlnjr, etc.,

and all kinds of Furniture repaired In a lonerlor manner,

Opposite Savings Hank, Anduvor.


ba.Uw.yi un li.ud . i,r,f. cf Coffins, Caskets, Hobos, PIHIOS. Stc.t

wlilob lit. will lun.l.l. ., nollc.d In the bc.t ninnnrr.

...JO, having sev.ral Cor|.,t Presorvlnu «..,,.. wbl.Vj«l"rd ^m'-b W nnd pro.wy? bonU

Oornnr Hun nnd Essei at... Ando.or ■ 'In*... July s. IKS7.

11H EIHTOH —A cood denl of illustUfacllon in. In tho IH-mocrnllc yanks since tho

dtttl8H nmju In tho potlM ilopsytracnl. It ts lllegeu thot tha mote ilyseyviny or Mayor Mel. tin's mpporteti ha>0 lioon ovoylookcd aid Ihciy Pl.lmi lololly .li.ycgardoj. We know one man, In parihmlar, who no, tan an acllyo mp. potlor or the • patty • .moo ho came to Law- rence; n ran who ,pent several days In our

Super lor Court In order to nld and fae'llluto the nitiiralKnlltm of hi. fellovy.countrrmen • tho parly nu nclcd rather Inconslderntelr In throw- lh| him n.lde, a, he hn, „ |.w ,.„,„. „d „ out of employment d„,|n« ,U„ .,„„, „,„„„,,

A mnn of his educational nullities should not covet Ih, appointment ol a policeman, hut doubtless soino permanent Job wonld snlt him We trust ,h.t he will di.coyc, ,„ Ion, „„„ „„ »,le„J,. Da«oc.„



The new and Iwiiuillul vdlllci! en? ted

I by tlio BuptUt Society ol MilhiK-n on

I tire site of their church ilcnlroyed ly lire

last Morel), was Ibrtunlly ilcdiented ti>

the service of Almighty Got), on Tluirs-

j day aitcrnoon with tin? usual services.

| The new house of worship was tl or-

ughly packed notwithstanding tliu day

iras dark, cold, rniny and uncomfuila-

I lile. The services were commenced by

[ tin Invdcntion by Rev. Sir. K<tss of North

[ Bfllericn, followed by an anthem, "The

[ perfect world by Adam trod." Then

came reading of the serlirtures by Rev.

I Mr. Rounds of Cbolmsford, and a prayer

j of supplication by Rev. Mr. Ulucklcy of

Grovclnnd. The following hymn com-

posed by Mrs. N. M. William.-', was then

I sung:

f O Tin)" wliu um.l'st tlit alilniiig world*, I Ami limitf Ilium uut in spatT, } WhoH will .bo universe controls,

Whose piessncs UN* cadi place,—

[ Thy face in Christ to an reveal, I Ami grant thy spirit's might

Tlic imilnilv 'if HIII in heal. And seal ai heirs of light,

I Ddiffn, Kra'"'nil!1 '"«■'■. "ll!l house to lake,—■ Wo do lint give thine own,—

And bless ns liii'oiir Suvinur'n sake In this sweet Sabbath home.

i Beneath ihu beavena, nglow with morn, Or robed with -1111-1 clouds,

Oh! may toy people hither come, In eager, ni|>[.llnnt crowds.

Nifiht'H Marry done In coming days Our sleeping dust shall spun ;

Hlru then nine our dear children praise The Infinite I AM.

The seminn was by Uev. Dr. Kollin

I H. Nettle, pastor of the First Itaptist

; Church in Itoston. It was not especially

of a dedicatory character, but would be

suitable for any ordinary occasion in al-

most any Christian pulpit. The text was

the last verso of St. John's gospel:

"And there are many other things which Jesus did, the. which, If they should ho written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not con- tain the books that should I10 written.''

The discourse wan principally devoted

to showing that there was enough writ-

ten, and the absence of any necessity for

more. It was well illustrated, and en-

livened with occasional flashes of humor,

Coming from such a source, the address

could hardly be otherwise than most able

and exhaustive, At the elose he ad-

dressed the people in regard to their new

place of worship, and to the interesting

nature of the occasion. lie alluded to

the fact of Ills preaching, twenty-nine

years fl£0, the dedleatlon sermon of the

I church which had been burned, to those 1 who hud passed away in that time, to

' Sharp, Blow, ami many others, men

whose memory would always be frag-

rant In the church. Ceremonies of the

present hour, were gratifying to pastor

and people, and to friends far away. But

It would give far more satisfaction to

each one here, when their unwritten his-

tory came to be written, If they would

dedicate their hearts to God, not only

members of the church, but others who

were present, and they would be per-

mitted ultimately to occupy the Temple

not made with hands, eternal in the heav-


At the conclusion the following hymn

composed by Mrs. II. D, Goodwin of

Charlesluwn, was read by Rev. Henry

A. Cooko of Boston, ami sang by the

! choir:

Fattier, who ■ L i. I' 1 In olden time A temple deign to own,

Quilt on Morlah's sacred height, Of precious wood and stone,—

A temple, rich with India'* gems, And gold from Ophlr's mine,

Accept our humbler house, wo pray, And consecrate It Thin?..

Though Lebanon lins yielded not Iti noblo cedar tree,

Nor Hiram's cunning workmen wrought Upon this house for Thee,

Yet we have sought with willing hands To make It strong and fair;

Dear Lord, we offer It to Thee, This sacred house of prayer.

Oh I make our enrtiily temple, Lore, Thy spirit'* dwelling place,

Where many a seeking, contrite HI til Shall Hud forgiving grace.

Ood of our fathers, bless this houfc.; For long years may It lie

A lieacon oa the shore of life, Pointing to heaven and thee.

And when these " houses made with hands," Shall crumble and decay,

And nil things loved and cherished heie Fade, like the setting dnr,

Give us a relugc with the litest, Dear Father, near thy throne,

A mansion with " the pnre In heart," Whom Christ shall call his own.

Tho congregation linn arose ai.d the

pastor read the following:


To Ood, tho Pouter, tho ;-.n, and the Uoly Spirit, WB solemnly dedicate (his house. Renewing the consecration uf tho rooms below to ihe service, chiefly, of prefer, wo now dcdlralo to Jehovah this upper room, (list horo may bo heard tlio Rood news or salvation by Jesus Christ; that htru tho divine life may bo lm purled to thu deed) lhat here believers may be taught ilia meaning, ami bu made (o feel the power, of tho words uf Ood; that horo the sited ■nd thu young mny ohlnin preparation for tho nobler service of tho trua tnbvriiacle; that tho children end tho children's children nf ninny who havu gone from this church lo our " Father's house," may hero receive beaoflts such si ihelr Main received In the first end second tabernacles.

To Ood wo dedicate this pulpit Tor the preaching of the truth, the whole truth, ami nothing but the truth; to Ood wo dedicate these pews, and from the Aaron and Ilurs thst will sit In them may earnest prayer arise fur Uod's blowing on tho pulpit; la Ood we (U-dJcille this buptlirmd pool, that horo din- clplca may bu burled with Christ, to Uod we dedi- cate this laerainental lablr, thut hero baptized dis- ciple) may commemorate (heir Redeemer's love, and appropriate their ltedeomcr's life* tu Ood we dedi- cate this Instrument of 111,1 -n- that It may aid in In praising our Creator.

To tho adorable Trlnlly, we do solemnly dedicate all, through our Luid Jesus Christ, Amen and

A prayer of Thanksgiving was offered

by Itev. Mr. Mor-e. of Lowell, and then

the staging of the millieiu " The Lord Is

greats,*1 followed by Old Hundred by choir and people. A benediction by Rov.

Mr. Kllngof West Ainesbury, closed the

services. A large number of tho and!

ence, especially those from out of the

town were invited to the rooms below,

which, spacious as they were, proved

none too largo lor tho company that re

paired thereto, and tin hour was spent in

congrntillations and friendly greetings

of old friends. A most bountiful colla-

tion—Buch as tho Mctliucn ladies know

so well how to provide, had been pro-

pared, and was partaken of by the very

large number present. Hon.G.W. Cocb-

raue, chairman of the building commit-

tee, was master of ceremonies, and left

nothing undone to make tho occasion

lino of life and interest. He v. Air. Field,

pastor of the church when the former

bouse was dedicated, :.'!' years ago, was

introduced and responded very appro-

priately In rhyme, reviving many old

and i touching reminiscences. Bu was

followed by Uev. II. F. lironson and K.

S. Hall, also forme;' pastors, whose re-

marks abounded in by-gono recollec-

tions, and by Rev. Mr. (jrassle, of the

Methuon Congregational Church, dipt.

Geo. 8. Merrill, ot (his city, Mr. ltlakc,

of Ohlcopee, and others, and tho com-

pany reluctantly separated, (.losing it

scene of most pleasant greeting and

social converse.

Tho building is eighty feet long, hav-

ing a projection of lour feet front the

front of the main part, and another of

fourteen feet at the rear. The tower

rises from tho western corner, project-

ing nine feet from the side of tho build*

Ing, and is Surmounted with a beautiful

spin: rising one hundred and thirty-live

feet above tho ground. Tho structure is

of wood, in tho modern Qolblo style

throughout; the roof uud steeple are

finished with the best Welsh slating;

there is a basement story under the

whole building, finished eleven feet

high, in which are two vestries so ar-

ranged with sliding (Ivors that the two

can he used as one, a room for the infant

department of the Sabbath school, n

kitchen furnislwd with tho usual conve-

niences, library room, and several clos-

ets, and a stair ease from the basement

to the organ platform, which is liehjnd

the pulpit. The main entrance to the

basement is in the lower on n level with

basement floor, and there is an en-

trance to the smaller vestry at the rear

end of the building. Tho principal en-

ce to Hie main building is in the

it end, and opens into a spacious ball,

the floor of which is three feet above the

floor of thu basement', from which two

broad stairways ascend to the audience

■ooni, and also descend to the basement.

The audience room is finished lo the

■hlge of the roof, tho height being fifty

feet. The wnlls tiro not frescoed, but

[minted In oil color, in harmony with the

finish, which is of brown ash.

There are eighty circular pews of ash

with walnut trimmings; tho windows

are ol stained glass with appropriate

crlpturo emblems, and bordered with

ieh colors; triangular windows are

placed in the roof, adding much to tho

beauty of the house; beneath the pulpit

is a baptistery, plumbed and filled with

pply and drain pipes in the best nian-

IT, The pulpit is of black walnut in

keeping with the Gothic style of tho

building. The carpet is of two colors,

drab and brown, the figure being a small

Gothic arch and A cross; the pews are

cushioned. Tho organ, which was built

by Mr. Stephens of Cambridge, is much

admired for the beauty of its ease (brown

ash) and the excellence of its tone. The

church was built by Flanders & Sever-

ance of Lawrence, tho pews and pulpit

by John Bailey & Son, of Now bury port.

The huilding is universally regarded as

a very handsome structure, an ornament

to the town, and reflecting great credit

on ihe architect, ltufiis Sargent, Esq., or

Xewbnrypoit. The building committee,

Hon. Gerry W. Cochrane, Chairman,

deserves the thanks of the community

lor the unwearied pains which it has

taken in superintending the work.

The church was organized in 1S15, and

Rev, Charles <>. Kimball was Its first

pastor. A building was erected on the

present site in 1816. k was enlarged

and altered two or three times, and in

1MB, was taken down, and one erectctl,

which was destroyed by tiro on Sunday

forenoon, March 21st. I860. It wits ratb-

n unlucky edifice from the beginning.

for when an attempt was made to place

the steeple upon it, something gave way

nd it crashed down into the cellar, seri-

ously injuring one of the workmen.

It will be remembered that tho fire,

which was discovered as the lost hymn

was about to be sting, hud been raging

under tlio uitdieuce tloor and behind the

plastering all over the house, all of the

lime during the service, In fact the con-

gregation, like the three gentlemen men-

tioned in holy writ, were worshiping in

the midst of a (lory iiirnnoe, and like

them came out equally unharmed. The

congregallou however were unconscious

of the fact. The cost of tho new and

tasteful edifice was about 820.000 and of

the organ 82000. The people of Me-

thiien of nil denominations have been

liberal in their aid and most heartily

with tho church and society, and the able and popular pastor, ull the prosperity possible.

goitre CSourt Record. SATUHPAV.—John Itoadon was arrested by Mr.

Dearborn, at the Lawrence llouso, while attempt- ing- lo make on* with some clothing which he had stolen from an employee. Two months Houso uf Coircctlon.

Two or thrco drunks were disposed of as usual. MONDAY.—Thomas Konnedy, Thomas Leary,

mid Simon McKonna were charged by Mr. J, K. Norwood with entering his house on Clover Hill, on Thursday afternoon, and stealing *M of jewelry. He gave Information lo Ihe police and (hey were arrested. Their caso was continued ten days nisi. Two of these boya were arrested for stealing a wateh n week or two since, but were discharged on Saturday.

Thrco mon were required lo pay about hi each for card-playing on Sunday, nnd the keeper uf tha hauic about #20 for selling liquor.

There were also two drunks and a disturbance.—Two or three drunks and a vagrant. WauratDAr.—Oria drunk,

TIIL'RSUAY.—Two young men, Edwla L. 1'crklni and Hvnry T. Eliot, were sent up for slit; days for appropriating nu empty trunk belonging to Mr. Vcaion of tlio 1'itcltlc house, wheio they had been boarding for a few days. They had put tholr own clothing tu II, and were about (o leave.

A man and two women weto found In one bed In Ordway's block; tho man was fined t2u and Ihe costs or tho three, one of the women paid #20, and tho olhpr was sent up for four moiiius.

Mary Ann Huffy and Kllon Green were lined IftSO ouch, or thirty days, for drunkenness, and aenlenee stayed. Kllon Lynch, another old stager, was sont up far Ihlrty days for disturbance. There ware ■ il-" two or three drunks.

KUIIIAV.—A male drunk, aad a female drunk, both vrry drunks were disposed of.

One of the three boys charged with tho robbery of Mr. Norwood's houso, was discharged on Thursday and tho otber two held In aiOJO each.

UwiiExCK Gomrcit — Tbe offlcern of this Council were Installed on Tuesday evening, hy Companion Win. P. Anderson, P, M- V. llrand Master of the Grand Council ot Mosa., as fol- lows ;—

John Huigh, M. I. G. M. ; John Stowe, R. I. Q. M.; U. Frank Itohlnfon, J. G. M. of W.; Daniel Naton, M. of C.J S. M. Stcdmaii, ofKx.; W. F. Kimball, Kec,; Alonzo Wlnkley, C of O.; G. M. Stoddard. C. of (J.; Rev. G. 8, Weaver, Chaplain; Otis Slater, 8.; G, W. Watorhviue, Tyler. > « » ■ s>

iWOni AT LAST I—A. rrincdvtliut not only re< llevei, but eurea that enemy of maiiUmt, COB. sumption, as well as the numerous satellites which revolve around It In the shape of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Inflaema, etc. The remedy we allude to is Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM

W1t.11 CnicHity, prepared by Sotb W. Fowle * SOB, Uoston. n j

n Frederlcksbur/ n length^iiosil/g

i'uiiiiiiEsa ANII lvoiiovr.miM are what all more or leas Interested In. Those acquainted with the different^qualities^ nb/lron will be bonufltted hy examining the mlueWn Virginia on tho railroad soon to bo compleled^^/Uhntng (o Mi .m. ,■ Court House, ii mil through or near aomu of the ii. \»-,i mnl be' ofordin this or any other country (except Bcotlsud), Furnacen have lately been put li atlon, and more arc soon lo bo *lsr(«di tho mini s having been tested by wealthy cl Now York and lioston. The ore la from lo percent uf soft metallic Iron, suitable foi sheet Iran, nails, &c. Now it will astonish to Icnrn Intmines* and cheapness of smolitng this ore, allowing It costs only twenty-two dullnr* the Ion delivered In Krederlcksburg; now when 1*1 per cent la made In this builr.uii an- there nut awn of menus and ontorprlio enough f> stop ihu grout amount of gold monthly going ttt Kurope for IrOu, steel, Ac. I am phrased to lenw an Englishman Is lo start a furuaca on thin bell In Ihe Spring. Tho writer is 0110 who bus had many years of experi- ence hi these mines.

CsTTho writer under ahort examination, is con- vinced, together with the testimonies ,.f .a, chem- ists, that neither heat, cold, wet or dry, has oA»t upoa Gould's 1'ateat Hooting, Ihvroforo It must he very durable. It can ho used at ail aunsons of Ihe year and upon any pitch uf roof. It has Istely comc Into some notice and practice, and being very cheap aa well as durable Is worthy Ihe notice of all. llKLPKII.

i;..- "A reader of tho AMERICAN, remitting till subscription, writes aa follows:—

"I would like to lay for your comfort that your paper i- true to tho old -.n in- i. e., black and white, and red (rcadjall over, for I hardly ever linvu it in tlio hou^e fifteen minutes he'orc some of iny nolghtiors send in lor it, and then it goes tin- rounds, somo times do not see it

again lor davs, ao have concluded that it mini he well nW." St;u&caiugit.

|'IA*O TUKiNit — Mr. ,J. II. Whitman will be In l^wrenceouthe ITih lust., fur Ihe nur|>oae of tuning n; mm. Crdors may he left with U. T. Beedle, No. I Awjlitaa streel I also with Hyer K Co.


<; 1: o u a E TO ir x .

e Uev, Chuilea Usealtvr, of Ucorgetowii, has OMooMlged on amount of fjillnu; health, la leave hi* people for the proseut and seek a home in Flor- ida. The following letter und resolutions .how the mutual leljtlona uf pastor ntnl people:—

(leorgctown, Dee. 1'Jlh, 18*9. Totkr tint fang. Church and Sorirtg;

In:AH 1;... TIUII.N iso KHII.SII*. It is with dec]) regret Unit | tlnd myself obliged lo tender my res- ignntlon ol thu puslurul chatgu aiming you. The continued feebleness of my health however leaves me no alternative. In 'leaving Ueurgelowa for another abode, I feel lluil I am leaving a home en- iloured to me hy years of mingled joys and sorrows, fur ■ :m v,.| new and strange. I -In.11 heur with me and rvi i cherish tho imniury of yeur Unduc*n In lime ol trouble, uud if I may bollovu the seed I

sown, like bread cast tipou Ihu waters, shall )i-t spring u|>, uud hour fruit unto eternal liTu I shall be happier than I can expros.

With alncerest affection Your I'j.tor and Kileud,

ClIASt-El Ur'i imt.

The church and society considered Ihu matter, and both bodies voted not lo accept his resignation, but to extend his leave uf absence, and at a meeting of tho society, Jan. 4th, (he following resolutions

' unanimously adopted I— nerOU, our beloved l'n.lor and Friouil, Uev.

Charles Boaeher, hy reusou of continued 111 health, has fell oblltfod lo request thai thn pastoral rela- tion with us, the people of his charge, bu dlsselved, and whorens thu decision of physicians and his

convictions demand uii Immcdlnle change of clln.iitc and scone, therefore

Raotoed, That with deep regret we feel con- strained lo so far accede to his request a* lu extend hi* leave uf sbsenco tu an Indellnltu time, hoping that Hi'- l»l«»M from minlslerlut lubur may ho III atrumentul in the providence of Uod, III restoring him to health.

Rtixlrtd, That as we review the twelve years in which Mr. Beecher has been our paslur, we cannot forbear tu oxpress lo him the deepest gratitude for all his labor of lovu among us, for his falthfalnesa lu dispensing thu "word of truth," and for tho les- sons taught ii" by his example ot submission under the chastening? hand of Uod, of patience tn adversity, and a Ohrlatllke spirit of forglvcneaa of Injuries.

Bcolveil, That wo loader our sympathy lo our beloved pastor and his wife, In Ihe many trials and sorrows ihcy have been, and arc constantly called lo .-.i"'! (ii. i-< ■.!>"■' lo hope thut Qod may -I ill vouch- safe to them bis sustaining grace and power In ev- ery lime of need.

JteSflfBfd further, That wo come often lo Uod In prayer that bo would bless our pastor, and if con- slstentwlth the Divine will, permit him to return to us w I ill restored health and vigor, and that wo as a church ond society ssk lo bu remembered by bin nl the '•Throne of Grace:'' that we may thus bo mutual helps to each other, and keep tlrm the bond lhat unites us, and have tbe biested hope of at last bring partakers together of tho blessings of re- demption.

"Tho oldest Inhabitant " Is sadly (.onplnsacd at the action of Iho weather this winter. In spile of all predictions, In defiance of Iho Increased Ihlek- ncsnof coruhusbs, the oracular twittering of birds, and tho prophetic conduct ef Iba beavers, lu utlcr contempt of all Ihe so Infallible signs, which foretold a cold and severe winter, the westher continues re- markahlymll,l,Dndnot tvcua "change of tho moon," the tUrntrr resort of all weather prophets, has been able to effect much of a change.

LIBBARIAK. The cares of state requiring the presence of O. B.

Tenno), librarian of tho Georgetown l'eabody Li- brary, at tho rltalu House—Mr. Uich-ird Teuney has been appointed to that position,

HEW STOKE. Mr. C, W. Tcnney has recently opened a corn

and Hour slore In the old I'osl olHeo building, where he will endeavor to servo his customers In a well

DOMBSTto mrEuciTT.

Owen Morgnnnud wlfo some difficulty In re gsrd lo financial matters, and Morgan, In exercise of his prerogative as one of Iho "Lords of Creation," expelled her from the house. The case was brought to the attention of Judge Touoo>-,whi> was of Ihe opinion that It would be most conducive lolho peaco and happiness of the family for the county to furnish Morgan with board fur a setsoli, so ho "went up" fur thirty dajs.

INSTALLATION. In the notice of the Installation of the ofllcers of

rroteetlon Lodge, No. Ml I. O. O. K., last week, several mistakes were made. Thu following Is a correct list :-

J.K.iiniky, v <;.; J). E.Uoulton, V. O.; ILL. Perkins, Sec; John Preston, Treas.; J. Q. Scatea, W.| K. B. Daniels, Con.; R. A. Ooker, U. Q. : L. H. Uolllns, I. Q; Goo. K. Adams,U. 8.N. U.; Gco. Dale, L. S. N.G.; John Hale, It. 6.S.; L. K. Per- kins, L, 8. 8.; W. U.Illsley, Chap.; MsJ. F. M. )■:.!,:■ M, l; ■•. V. i,.; 8. K. White, L.S.V.G. Tbe Inatstlallon ceremonies were conducted by D. D. U. H., Addlson B. Jeouos ond suit, of Olst. 31. At tha conclusion of tho ccreiaoulca, tha N. ii , in be- half of V. G. D. K. Uoullon, presented lo P. Q. I'iinl It. I'lckeiliir,- A beautiful Uegalla. Alter o brief and appropriate response, th- party were In- vited (o the I'entuckel House, where n supper got up In Perry's best stylo awaited them, and closed thu exercises of Ihe evening, ♦ I»I«

BONIUY KVKNINO I.I i-i i II ■■ \u-\ ■ Mr. Weaver's tilth Sutiday eveninj; lecture waa delivered lo a full and interested audience last Sunday evening. The Interest in the crcut subject of the creation increases as Ihe lecturer proceeds. Tho last lecture cov- ered Ihe fourth and flfdi dayn of ilobca. The fourth <L.v was regarded as descriptive of those atmospheric chainrcs which rendered the heavenly lunik'* vialuhi ut the earth's surtace. The ami and moon were not created then, hut made tu appcur at ihu eunh to prepare lha

atmosphere and soil for uir-breathing animals. The heavenly bodies were created before the earih. When tho earth waa made ready, ani- mals of -ten size and prodigious numbers were created, great sea-monsters of the Sau- rian type Inhabited (ho waters and low lands, and enormous birds lived by iho lakes and rivers. The bones of rcptllci) more than one hundred leet In length are now found, who lived and ruled In tho tilth mosaic day. They were very abundant and matte thotihc period of "groat whales 1" None can doubt these things who will take the pains to examine the evidence.

The next locturu will consider the sixth day of creation, near Iho closo of which man waa made lo crown tho great work. It will bo de- livered next Sunday evening nt Ii 1-2 o'clutk, in Hie UiilversaUit church. »

Premiums! Premiums! The (ircat Local and Fumily

Paper for 1870.


1» It A N (. • S


The Lawrence American A SDO1 'EK A l> IT. It TIBER.

Our Subrcripllon Ust,—?0f| largely lucreascd during, the year,—Is almost double that of any >lher weekly paper in the county,—aud no other, vitli one eXMptlOa only In the State,—furnishes 10 much reading matter upon SJ good a quality of paper, ut Ihe low price of our journal, and

IOOO ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIBERS before thi? close of Winter. We are perfectly

" uuurc that a newspaper ol tiny stability must tor its success to the character of its columns ;

but lu show our readers that we fully appreciate heir efTorls for us, and to stimulate ■ little extra

exertion now, we have arranged to offt r Ihe splendid Chrumos of L,Prang & Co. as premiums

New mill Old r*tU]>««Tlbt-rai.

And our arrangements with these Art Publishers, and our wishes to stimulate a generous effort on the purl of our readers, are such as (0 Induce


and such as will enable any one, by u little personal effort, to secure one or more of thete



JjuTwo ore requested lo statu that the aotlee of the birth of a child to sir, and Mrs. Wm, Shsrrock, some weeks since, did not refer to the well-known Wm. tfharrock, who lest his arms some years since while tiring a national suluto in this city, but to another gentleman uf Ibo ssme name.

larrups. UKCKEll—WA1IDWKLL.—In Ibis clly.Jan.o,

by Rev. John Ii. Uougb I'ldge.Caot. r-rnllh U. Heck- ur to Mi... HUM Wardwcil, bulb of Lawrence.

-.WVIKI: n.ii:\i:s, in Uoafoid, SM uli., hy St. v. W. a. Uogglu, air. tiamuel 1.. Bawyvr tu Ulu D. -Vi-lliv, dauyblvr of UenJ. H. llarnes, Bsq.

MOOltK — UBBD.-Iu I'uabwly, Jan. Wt), by K*v. C. V. Uansou, Ur. It. Newell AIOOTU and ails. Surali H. HL-.'.I. both of l'eabody.

IUtADFOUD-IIALL.-In Ihls city, I >■■■■.: ■:!.. by lluv. U. S. Weaver, Ur. William I.. Uradford uf Lawrence, tu .Ml- M.ny K. Hall of Etalum.N. II.

BAIl.KV-BEKUV.-tn this city, Jan. 8lb, by llvv. (1. H. Weavur, Ur. Kugcuu llallay lo alias Julia K. lierry.

LLoTON-LlSTO.N-ln IhlS city. Jan. Tth, hy of, JubtijU. Ciough ridge, Mlltua Llslon and aria Llalin, both of Lawrence.

, OROOKKTV—MOOItK.-ln Lnwrencu, Jan. Sib, tjv ii-v. Uoo. 1'. Wilson, sir. Alunso It. Crockett lo Mull.. Moore, hoth of Lawrence.

,.-._. VUNUssSa.—K«W Winchester, 111., Sept. I

1WU, of •CTigcstlve chill, Mrs. Cullieriuu W., wlfc of l.'irtrirab C. blunders, aged .'Hi yrs, S mos, Hi dyi, l-.n-jii'ily of Ueotgulown,iUsa.

UKAItll. —In Wlimlnulou, Jan. 10th, Kdwara IILHI.1, ngVd H'J yra, 4 mus,

(il! All. l.M. 1,1 II it,, .I,,,:. '.,„, UNII.HI. ».,., IUUII, pgril n ii'."-., 4 inoutlis, .: days.

KlXU.-Iu Ihls clly, Jan. Ila, Flora King, aged 10 years, i mouths, 1 day.

It KAIL—Jn this city, Dec. Win, Willie lhatd, aged S days,

UKlll'hEV.-ln this cll>, Dec. llith, JohnUemp- ney, uged ii yuurs.

ItltlitjXAHAX.-lu this eliy, Deo, M, Joanna Itii'siiuhsn, uged H yells.

WJw8TuS.-In this city, lieu. Kih.riinlili WiNtton, aged I year, 3 months.

t'AIUK.—lu IMrolt it Ieh., Dec. 11th, of eou- sumptluu, Mrs. Sarah IL, wife of David U.l'-itge, Ksq., aged U yeurs, u mouihs.

CHADW1CK.—In Melhueu, Jan. lUlh, Thomas Cbadwlck, aged II yra.

FOR 8ALK, ID Iho pleasant village of Methueu. lIotiaiiH, inllrely urw, uud well tii Will pay lu to lb per ceul. uu Iba ln> I'rlcu SIIIOO and S06u.

severs! I ...l~. In dlffeunt ; ,n ■■ ihe vlllsge, and one Kurlli near the vilUigc, coutaluing about in acres ol laud, wliti good t ulldliiH" on the

1 "i | ■.:..! Ii.ijuiie ol I. II. I.ANK^, Agent,

SaMOWjalf at Post Olhcc, MHIHM,

JOaaJil BIRIHIWaTOK. The wife of John lllnuliigtoti, loruiirly of Lou-

don, Kiiglaiid, lx III i.B*reuee, M«'l. Ilrr ad- dress cau he bad at this Oaade. HDOUM this sneet his eye, or thst ut uuy ol his lrien.1. who kuuw wbcrebels iseani.sKly desired lhat ha or they will cominuuicate witli her.

Lawrence, January II, IhTU, 2t

t At<i of Premiums For One New Snbacrlptlon.

To every subscriber, old or new, who will tend us his own subscription, and one other, a year In advance, {94.00,) wo will send Prang's beautiful scries of miniature pictures,— Twelve Vicwa on the Hudson, or Twelve Views ol

American Coast Scenes, or any one of the following Jin

ni m.HI Lea' Aututun I.■■:'.' . The WInl" W. . Itiiby Coronal, " " riavtinnah Sparrow, " " lllaek Throated, Hluc Warbler, riper uud Nut Crackers, " Victory j or the Itemed y worse

than the Disease, '■ ■• The same Premium lo any one, old or new sab-

scriber, seudinu; his own subscription two years in advance, , .■ i.....

l'»i Three Sub*crlptiom

In adranre, uew or old subscribers, with IH.uO, we will send the beautiful,large oize,— 10a It Inch.,—

Piper and Nat Crackers,

after l.andseer, or any one of Ihe following; :— Wood Mosses and Kerns, 11 X 16 Inches. Dlrd's Nest and l.lrhens, ■• " Awakening; (s litter ot Puppies,) 8xl! " The Twins; No. I.i l.smbi*Hhn-p,)10 x II " The Twins; No.'J, (a Companion

Picture.) '■ •■ Scotch Terrier and Ihe Puppies, V x lo " Lobster Ssnee, (Cat caught by a

Lobster,) 9 x H " Not Caught Vet, »x VI " JturtOuatt, The Frfghtened Ducklings, 10 x 13 " Cockerand Woudeoek, Oxll "

For Five New Subscriptions,

Including his own, If by on old sabscriber, In advance,910,—we will send Die charming picture, Illustrative of Whlltier'a beautiful poem,

"The Darefbot Boy,"

or any of the lultowlng list : — (iroup of Chickens, |0 x la inetu s (iruuji of IJURIIH, to x 11 ■* (Jronpuf Ducklings, lo x 12 " The f-oullry Yuri", lull ■ Poultry l.ife.lA) 61X8 " Poultry l.ile, , II i , " .i Under iiie A;■, i. Tree, 7 x B " ltest by the Ituadslde, " >> The Uullineh, | x 10 " The Linnet, The llnby; or, tioiufl lo Ihe llalh, 7 z 01 " Dead MINI. . a a II " Our Kitchen tlouquet, in x 111 " ■Ubhlts and Kittens, 19 x 18 " Morning, 13 x H " Kvenlug, 12 x IS "

For Ten New Subscriptions,

or nine beside* his own, If by aa old subscriber, in advance, #20, — we will presept Ihe beanluul picture of

Eastor Morning, a splendid Cbromo, Just ihe thing lor a Christmas Present, (1* x si Inches,) or any one of the follow- ing list:- KnrlyA l. ii.-A i. mi.i ._ Six American Landscapes, Strawberries and Baskets, 13 X 18 il Cherries and Basket, " Flower Bouquet, (3 1-2 x HI 1-2 Blackberries In Vase, i:j l-- * i:i t -■• Kilnged (ieiitlan, - Inge_ . The Kid's Playground, Correglo's Magdalene, I- x

c I?


To any one,whether a present subscriber or not, who purcliatcs through us. Prang's Chromos to the amount ol $4.«0, from his catalogue, we will send tho Aiucrlcnu cue year, gratia. The order and the money must be sent to ns, and the Chromos will be lorwarded by eipress.

To any one purchasing through ns. In like man- ner, chromos to the amount of as.oa, we will send the AMKKICAX eighteen months, QRATla.

To any one, purchasing in like manner, Chromos to Ihe amount of |I0, we will furnish the JUSK»I<

c-AK to themselves and to two other persons—each one year, (iRATia.

• »-Wh.) will have Pictures, or the AMKIIHAN,

without cost I


Kor larger clubs, will be presented splendid in. I.I-, full particulars of which will be IHI ul-li, .1 upon appllcallon to this office.

Opening- Ball! AT I

MUSIC HALL. Corner of Amesbury and Common Streetn,

Monday Evening, Jan'y 17. The sbove named hall having been thoroughly

nntodeled, i.iiin.l, and elegantly rurnlshed throughout, la now acknowledged by competent Judgra to I" the linrst Assembly Hall In the htale, and will he dedicated by a

11 H A S h O r E y 1JV (l It A I. I

sJitnunry 17tli. Mi HI. in CABMtV A OHOOOD'S rll.L nAM>.

1 MM. ii.j: lo eommence at 8 o'clock.

l-'i : II.IMI.II:\-A. C. Dawson, Uanuel PI- canco, H. ii ■■-. Jesse llamford, John Leyborn.

Tickets for lieullemeu, (with Ladies,)»IM. A llmlled number, only, may now bo proenrvd

at ihe stores of Messrs. DTRadtCo. and MARS- nis It I'liiMi -., mid nt the Ticfcft Office at the hull.

Positively no tickets will be sold at the door on Monday evening, exccpllog (lallrry Tlcketa. 1 t

At the opening of the New Year

wo desire to express our hearty

thanks for "he liberal patronage

''bestowed upon us during the year

past, and especially do we acknowl-

edge the kind favor of the trade In

presenting our Soaps to the notice

of their customers. The demand

has exceeded our highest expecta-

tions, and we are aware that the

cause of this demand has been on

account of our determination to

manufacture only a strictly pure

Soap, of the best material. We are

determined to keep up the standard

of ou r Soap, which shall be in every

respect as good, if not better, than

any to be found in the market.

L. BEACH 4 SON. l4i»reiice,.lui.*y, 1S7U. 11 ]

ioimrtiiershlp Notice. The l.-r ■■... II. it, have Ihls day furmed a Copart-

nership under tbe rirm and slyle of

ltYMES dr. WAIJLIN, KorIhe purpose of

Manufacturing Machinery, Tools, ac,

And doing udeurral Jobbing lluslness, and will carry on Ihrlr business In

Miiii,i;iii .v lull,!'-. Itailtlinc,, Nrur I'mmi fiiiert, Lawrence.

l.l,n.N.\i;ti in .til'.-. MKLVII.LK T. WAPl.lN.

January I, aSTO. *aa*tl

Hi-' ..liiiiini. The ..ii" i |,:i; II . T-.i:i|. is by mulusl sgrn nieut

this day dissolved, anil busmen» will be continued by hi n tolore 1.. i;\ )lt..i.

Lawriiuce, J„i,, h, IKO.

New Books. •t New Bjok, " Lady Hjron Vlndl.

J.d, UOW a CO.

Special Notice.

To Close Out our Large Stock OF


(irraler Keductlon in Prices.

CLOAKS AND CLOAKINOS m-have MAUKKU DOWN at prices that will


Cloaks made to order In the Latest .Slytra and at Ihe shortest uollee.

M-Our Cloak Hoomi are open all Ihe year round, nnd lu charge of a First Class Culler.

Work warranted, and prlres reasonable.

Cashmere Shawls In all styles, at

1'iiee- hull what tiny cost lo import I

DRESS GOODS of all kinds, > KRV OHaUF.

COTTON GOODS of all kinds, at Wholesale VHe. -1

«KO. D. AHMSTROrlts sit CO.,

260 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.


Great Reductions

A, BHARPE & CO. have this day commenced ihelr regular Annual Sale before laklng orcount of stuck, and will eon- llnue lo offer, lor a few weeks, some

Vory Great Bargains!

Silka, in Colored ami Black,

Greatly Reduced.

Poplins Greatly Reduced.

Plaid Dress Goods Greatly Reduced.

French Reps Greatly Reduced

KpiDglines Greatly Reduced,

French Thibcts Greatly Reduced.

Black Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

French DeLainea Greatly Reduced.

Colored Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

Black Brilliantiues Greatly Reduced.

o TJO AKS, in Ahtrachan, Beaver and Chinchilla,

■t VI-:in l.o\» I'rlrea.

at Greatly Reduced l'riccs, from $2

to $40.

Cloths, Flannels, - Cottons, AND


at equally Reduced Prices.

HOLIDAY CIFTS! an Immense Variety, and at LOW


213 Essex street, Lawrence.


Solo AgentH in Lawrence for thu Kssex

Dye House.

Dr. J. II. s. li. is. k


Dr. 8CIIKNCK will visit lloslon professionally on WKDNHHIIAV a nl Till ItSllA V, January 1W ainl -ii. Iiurliiw his staf In I he clly lie will be round at the Marlboro Hold, £17 Washington Street, where those Who desire to avail thelaselves of bis professional serviees *lll have an oppuriunlty ot doing ■"!.

Dr. 8, desires to stric that, In consequenec ot pressing enimeemenls elsewhere, Ibis will be Ihe last visit he will be ablF lo make to Boston during the present winter; atd as ail who may desire tu consult him In regard lo Iba use of his medicines may not Und It convenient to (to so at Ihe lime above specified, he would Inform sueh that full dlreetiona accompany tueh pack sue of the I'n. MOMCSTRUP, rJKAWK<[>ToNii-and MAMHIAUK Pitta. These modloluia

WILL t'l'UK CtJNM lll'IltiN, unless the lungs are so far MM that the patient i. iiillii]; lirjoiKl Hi' null nl mi ilicul iclii I.

It may be asked by those who are not fuinillar wllh lha vlrtaes of these great remedies, " How do Dr. Hchenck's medicines effect Ihelr wonderful runs ut Consumption '"

iHH ANrtWKK IS A Mlll'l.K (IMC.

klsudrsku I'illi the liver uud siomacli, pruuidlJug liealtby HOfw tlon, and rrmovliid thi- lillc and tltine wbiiti have n.-i.lMl ln-iii the In.ii'i t<>i| 1.1 i these organs and of the system Keacrnlly. Ibis sluggish slate or tbe boily, and tin- eoiiseitm-nt ae- iiiiniilniloi, of ihe uulicalihy substances named, pieeat Ihe prnj^r ili^eatlun ut lood, sud, as a natural cuntequt utr. d I seine, which results In jirusn HI inn ana filially In deallt

• hen lubrn nuularly, miuglc wHh Ihu (ood, aid the digestive OfffMW, make guort rich blood, aud, as a natural consequtliee, |(ive flesh imd strength to the HI . Lit ihe Is, ulij say what it mil, this Is the only true cure lor Cousuraiilioa. Hx- perlencc has proved It be) ond Ibo shadow of a doubt, and thousands are to-day allie and Mell whoafew yearn since, were regarded as hopeless cases, but who were Induced to try

lilt. M'llKNI h'S KK1IKD1KS, snd were restored to permanent htolih by their

system. Now, how is Ihls to he done I Certainly not by Klving medicines that exhaust slid enervate —medicines that Impslr lusttad of Improve Hie functions of the dlgusUve oryans. lit, Hehenck's medicines cleanse the stomach and bowels of all substances which are calculated la irritate or weaken iliem. liny create no uimetBe— promote lieslihfiil dlgesllou—tnakiT good lilo*l—aud ns a cunsi'iuence they luvlgoruie. and sta-nglhen the entire system, and mole irpiclally itiute parts which ure diseased. If this uauuot b* dune, then tin- ease luust he letanied us u lium lets one.

If llu'pliyslctin flnds It Impossible to make A s'AllKNi' rtSKI, UL'MUitV,

If the .11-, person .annul parlokc sf gcod I ..... il,....... .i, j |.: . . ;■■ i ii II . ,,,,.

pus ill It- mat he cuii y in n IU tl. >ii iin .'ii. i ; iii - siiil it is ><riaiiy inipussibie lu i.iluu'a ]mtUiu lo i Ins condiiiuii wi iunk .i> ihe lit ir is busdrti'd HUII dlseasitl bile and I lie .luinucl, ladtu with unlieal thy slime.

At i the liitl request nwda M tke physician by a eon>uajptiiu uaiivut Is liiat he will proscribe ii..'in in, ■■ Hi. i aill ruiiuve ur allay the oough, ulgbt swea' snd chills, H iileii are ihu sun; aiieud- uuis ou L'unsumptiuu. II.ii this should not he done, fur Ihe tough i. only an • (lull ol nature tu relieve Itseil, and the night sweats aad clillls are caused by the diseased lungs. Ihe remedies ordi- narily pr< scribe-* '■■ Impulr li.e fum ihy digestion,)

that Dr. hcli. ock relies. Nearl) all who en bis medicines in accordance mih his directions bare not only been cured of luusuupllou; but from tbe tact that UMM medklne* act with won- derful power upon the 'ligeslne urgans, patients thus cared »|.eidil> gain tlisb.

lieaiisiiigilie system ut ml Impurtlles, they lay the loumlailon lor a sound, --■' -

i-i;. ■■' nt..-. i. ■ in'ilii; are from u A. K until ;11'. U. Me will be happy

tur an raamiiiHliuii oiili the Uoplromeln Hie regular tee Is I n i UwULAKn, Adtirn tree. It

PAPER HANGINGS. Our Spring stock of Taper Hangings is at

present on the way Irum New Voik, J.C. UOW sVCO.

Byron Trui-ll & Cos Column, l .MI.IIIKi; SIIAMI.S

HOOLEN SHAWLS. rqaan, from *■;. |fi.oa,

| ■■.'.:, from ■(..>■ i,i Lt.uu. UVKON lit CELL A CO.

1.LACK HItll.i.lAMIMS. Kutiri'iy New, and Very Desirable,

111,1 K mill i;KI r> SERGE PLAIDS. Une or Die Dest Things of Ihe season.



Alexandria Poplins, Rlaek Alpacas,

EPINOELINE HEPS and Kmpress Cloths, very cheap; also,

Deaulfriil IMald* Tor^a wear,

al low prices. BYKO.V TBUELL * CO.


Ladlea* Under (iarmeMla. .

Blankota, Klnnuela, &c, at TrcuicndouH Low Prices.


FURS! FURS If A (lood Assortment Just opened, which we

oil. i Chtup, CliK.ll', C1IEAI*.


airWe would cull etpecial nutation to our


which i never In a more flourishing condition

Trimmings was never more desirable, which Mis. li.viii.Kn Is constantly converting Into graeetal and elegant lilting garments.

1'lease give us a call, remembering lhat we will aot be undersold. HY HUN TRUELL A CO.,

240 Enacts ■treet, Uwreace, November, itOV. I 1

IltnVKT Visa. A.8. UATCH.

Office of FISH «% HATCH,

Bankors and Dealers in Gov eminent Securities.

A'u. b Xaiiau Strttt, New York,

November S, law.

To our Qtttomtri and Corrttpondmti i

The surprising development of our national re- sources, and the rapidity with which the govern- ment Is now enabled to rednee the national debt, by we.kly purchases, reader it apparent that the time la approaching when the Flve-Twanly bonds mar be funded si not over fcur ot foer and a holt percent, interest.

Meanwhile their high price, as compared with other classes of securities paying an equal rale ol Interest, Is leading lo general Inquiry for more profitable forms of Investment In which money may be safely Invested.

During the war the necessities and peril of the government, and tbe consequent cheapness of Its securities, rendered them so attractive that, from Ihls cause, combined wllh the patriotic faith of tbe people In their siety, they absorbed almost the entire floating capital of tbe country, and diverted attention from otber classes of securities which had before been deemed sufficiently conservative and soand lo meet the wants of tbe most cautions Investors.

The government Is no longer a borrower. It no longer needs tbe country's capital, but desires gratefully and honorably tn repay IL

The rapid accumulation of capital for Invest- ment, and tbe reduction of the national debt and Improvement of the national credit—rendering It certain that hereafter a comparatively low rate ol Interest ran be derived from Investment In gov- ernment bonds—Is compelling the search for otber safe and well guarded channels Into which capital aot (mplojed In business may wisely Bow.

Tbe enterprises of less needful la their I line and place, fur I he rummun welfare,than were the Mssle and cost of War. now call for Ihe capital which Ihe gov mini' t no longer needs, and offer for 'Is use a rcmumrallon which the government need no longer pay, and In some coses, a sccnrlty as stsbl' and enduring as the faith ol tbe nation

The desire to capllallse Ihe premium which may now be renllaej upon live-Twenty bonds, aad which a material decline In Gold toward par, and tho ability of the Government to (nnd them at a low er rate of Interest. may at any time eit ingnlsh, Is felt by many holders who desire some satisfac- tory assurance as to which of tbe many lower priced securities In the market would afford tbe necessary safety to Justify aa exchange.

The applications for Information and advise which are addressed to us daily, show how uni- versal Is tbe desire for Ihls assurance, as to what forms ot Investment more profitable than Govern- ment securities st present msrkct rates, art enti- tled to the confidence of Investors.

Tha pressure of this want has led ns to feel tbe Importance of directing oar own attention as bankers, onr large experience, and our faellllies for obtaining reliable Information—lo Iho work o supplying It In some measure, and to offer th* re- sults of our Inquiries to Ibose who may be disposed tu confide In uu r euud fait II snd Judgment.

We are unwilling lo offer to our friends aad tha public anything which according to our best Judg- ment Is nut as secure MI the national obligations themselves, with which we have hllhrrto priori' pally identified ourselves.

Since closing I he I i UK A 1 CKNTBAL PACIFIC HA1LKOAU LOAN.whlrh meets all theau re> qulremrnll, we have can-lull* examined many others, but have found no olher which would fully do so, until the following was placed In oar bands:





The Western raciflc Kallroad, connecting latv iroento wllh San Francisco, furnishes the Una)

link In ihe extraordinary fact ol aa unbroken Una of rail from the shore of Ihe Atlantic to that ol tbel'acltlc.

It Is iw milKstn length, including a short branch, nd it will be the



onuirting III rim I ell Irs, snd traversing Ihe gardeuof the ricli and gruu log Stale of Callfor-

reoivlng, in addition lo an Immense and lure.i HI- local traffic, the through business over tin- Union nnd Central 1'scifle Kail roads -bet we rn the ;■.!.... hiiati s ind ^acramenlo.

It Is completed,fully equipped, snd in successful operation, ami Us, -ainlngs in October, lite lirst fall

miiih, uniouiilcd lo flu&.UUO in coin. The net irnlugs will, by umodrralr estimate, amount to waj.owi per annum, lu coin, * bile the Interest on S llonds will be but III*,"".

The value ot the properly and franchisee Is not less 11..HI


and tl.e amount of the mortgage Is


Ninety, and Accrued Interest,

In currency. They arc made payable, l'BINCIPAL nnd IKTKUKBT, la UOLI) COIN, In theolty ol New York. Coupons due Jsnusry and Jnly 1st,

The near upprosch uf ihe time when the United stales can probably lund Hie greater pertlon of Hi *lx.|er-ccnt.dct>t,la naturally causing Inquiry for other form- of involm.-nt, w lilch will afford satls- factory.airuihy ttltli the satM rate ol— Hie WI.STKHN PACIFIC KAlLltOAO FtKbT UOIIKIAUK UOMi-t mas) have an Immense atlvanlagl our all othtr securities Ls>ed upon inertly local ur aucimplc ,td rail ioa<l, aud maybe In Id u no UH much robDdence as government bonds, or as flrst class loorlgsges on New York Clly properly. *

iin' loan Is .in..11 in amount, its claims locoa lldcnce an apparent. Il will be rapidly taken.— ttoudswlll be delivered as the orders are race!red,

Uovrni in i.'.o.I. received at Ihelr loll ma; kst mini In exchange.

I ISI. A HATCH, Hn.krrs.

•a) We buy aud sell liovirnment Hoods, sad

reoelve the arcounta of Banks, Bankers, Corpoi j-

lions, sod ulherr, subject to check at sight. aud

sllow inlerest ou dully halanci s. twf toiMi-nj

Vocal Tablets lor Son' nml Cui'iii.tlvu Irritation of

, llC MlKOll. M,.|l,l.r..M.



305 Essex st, Lawrence, having returned from


where he spent opening week selecting


1. now prepared lo offer the public lb.

Largest and Beat Selected Stock



Dress Trimmings, etc., brouetat lo taut alt,, aad at prior.

•i5 l'KK CENT.



-Pattern Bonnets





Miss C. H. ol.NEV'S,




and Parla Noraltlea. '






all First ArtisU la New York.

and from whom we have mod* arrangements ti receive pattern* OB the arrival of every steamer from Kurope, thereby enabling ns to have oaa- slantly oa hand tha latest styles of

Bonnets, Hats, AND


Patterns of Children's Dresses and Suits


usrtlcular sitt»ntloo to 1I4KUIQ Ihe sosna being on* of oar srin.-iAi.Tins, under the'superlntend- ence ol UHS. FKLLOW8, so long known ns one of the Most Fashionable Dress Maker* of law reoce, who carries on the



1* ooMplete .lib all lb. ilyl.e of

Real Lace, Clunoy and Hon Ton COLLARS.

Holiday Presents

Keery oae that d-.lre. to toaae a aloe

Christinas or New Year Present,


313 Essex Street, - Lawrence.


Ladies' and Gents' Handk'f's ID I;real Variety.



of all kinds selling very fast, at I.Uvf FBICK8.

Ifyoa wish for s




be sure and go to


Velvet, Plain,

Sutin, and Fir Felt

H A. T 8 ! Plain and Plaid Velvets,

all color*,

a v. ry large assort meat, eonslstlng of

Plaid, Broad and Narrow; Plain, Solid Colon.


For Bows and Baltics.

French Bonnet Frames or tho Latest Style*.

FEATHERS or nsont/ MTMUI, sod of tha latest Importations.

Nice French Flowera, great variety.

A full line of Ladies' Gloves.

Ladies' Under Garments

cons u ull x on bond, and aaade to order.


dona on the noiseless Wheeler* Wilson's Scwta*

Usohlno, |iae Laaies' Favorite.)

N. B. — Our rooma are all on the


ST'lu let the pahllo know we nut* ukat tc* snj,, we aacatloo a few of our prices, sis :—

Good Velvet Hals, 50c-r»c— 76c. Good Satin Top Hale, TJo-fl.OO—f 1.2A. UooU t'lusli Hats, fl.OO-fl.2*— •!.».

ItlltlluNS -lr»iii 10c M Nu 1 Uil.lxin lo 7-k . fur .* ' 30—varying according to quality.


com & DREW



lo thrlr L'nusnal Large and Splendid Stock ot

DRESS GOODS, embracing all tbe Latest Novelties or tbe Foreign

Markets.—New and Elegant designs In


A Splemlld Line or PLAIN GOODS,


All Wool Heps,

Empress Cloths,



Alex. Poplins,

••'In UU I '>.! Klltl Slii„l,.,..,«


CLOAKS. Onr Clonk Department, for tbe Winter season,Is

Very Complete, consisting of Uarinenia made lYoni



Antrikiinx Cloths,

Velveteens, etc.

also,a targe assortmrol of


br the yard, al

l*opiilin- Ir»i-Ioe«.! !


Blankets. We bate a splendid slock of lllankets, 10 4, III

and 121, In all qnslltli s, which we shall si II al





Hosiery flinl (Jlov


COPPS & inn: us,

S!i3 Essex Street, Lawrence.

To Hardware Uealera, Coalructtm, Iluildcrs and t'nrpeiilots.


NKVEK I AM.INt;. Ml.l l.tll KI\».

WINDOW FAST. The only substltale for weights and pnlleys, and

a complete and perfert .SKI i LOCKINU sprioR, at less eott Iban the old unreliable and unsafe ones heretofore Introdared. Xo Catching, Hitch ing, Breaking, Slipping, or Dropping, bat AL- WAYS SAKK-Srlf Locking and NKVKH rAIL- IJIU. No cogs, cams, whirls, bands, or rollers to get out of order, or tempered steel springs to break. Il never fslls to h»l>l and lock the v. Indow Jasf «■*>■(■(■ yon laor* it, from bring raised or drop- ping down. It ean be raised or lowered the merest trill.■, for ventilation, and thru sad there tocli ilitlf. Xootktr vlnwow lalure |-r> lends, does,or ean lock tlit nlnduw stcuuly lu ctiry pkhra or po>ltloa. It norks (giiail) H<|I on fawvr Mbm sosa, Is s.'at,iv, ./iiiri,,.,, . i-aTirilvi-,durahh-, aud chrnptr than au> ,,HIK •■<■■ t — ('illlcs ure challenged lo Mini a rlii|t!e linn It Is cheaply and tmUg uppiinl i,\ uuy tar, IIHIIIC lo old or new WMI/USC*. Kvery Uu k Is mmlr In ihe >i Ihoroefh maunrr, snd anrpaaM ftfjket. In- setlptlvL- Circulars, wllh Card Llsl ul I'rlots, s-nl promptly on arplleatlou.

l.lhersl terms 10 AgrBtS. Uwned and ilanafaclureU Exelu*lvely by the


114 H.IH-.IIA I. ST., UOSTON, and lm' :Js« H CIIAHBKhlS RH||V YOKK.




Christmas AND



A really good book Is always an axrptabls

Oxford Bibles AND

PRAYER BOOKS, 01 every slic and slyle, and st all prices.

Elegant Binding, (Jood Print, Nice Pa-

per, Rich Gilt Edges ami Clasps,

all Sizes aud Priees,

from tho Pulpit alas to the smallest Foekel editions.

We have made a careful selection ol Books with reference to the eomlng Holiday s. aad are prepared lo suit any who are look ID* lor tbe most Taete- ral and Kiel* assortment In Ihe market.

We offer all Kdlltuns ol the \u* el. or




Mrs. Stowe,

George Eliot,

Charles Beade,


Tha famous Diamond Editions of I he I'oema of

Scott, Tenneyson,

Whittier, Longfellow,


" The Building of the Ship;" one of the masterpieces of American art.

Also, the illustrated Editions of TanxKYKO* and WitiTTIKH, Including the popular Ned Line

Schonburg Colta Series, Six Volumes for »8.- Illnstrsled Edltloa of

GATES AJAR. Sermons by Father Uyaclntbe. Sjbarls and Other

Houses^ Ingbasa l'apers; by K. E. Dale. Llule Women; by Hiss Alcott, Holes In

tngland and Italyi by air*, Haw- thorne. Hospital Sketches; by Mis* Alcott. From

Osk to Olive; by Julia Ward Howe. Yonng America Abroad; by Oliver Opilc.

A I, If I M (-..

STKREOSCOPES, First Quality lenses.


Vie w« in Bible Lands. English Illustrated Books for Children.


Hetlculcssud WurkB*ike!*| Scrap Uooks; (.lm. IIM] Ilaodkerchlcl Boaes.

1HITIAI. sTATUIIRBf soeslsnlly re- ceived ol Iho .Newest Slyle* aad slust rashluusliJa patter us.

Inati»c at ock of ENVELOFE8.

Diaries for 1870. ACCOUNT BOOKS.

BOOK BINDING. Suksorlptlon* received for all tho Mngtaalmoa

aud Newspapers In this country sod hug laud. Everything In onr line furnished to order al

(hort aotlee, snd In the beat style.


No. 183 Kssex street, Lawrence.

A Wonderful Discovery I


i in: in -i i i OF


It Contains Ho LAC SDXFHTO No SVffJaB Of LEAD - Ho LITEAEGE - Ho HITEATE of 8ILTEB, and Ii entirely freo from tho Poisonous and Hsalth-deitroylng Drags aud In other Ealr Preparitlons.

It Is ■ni>r In •iijiirfrdr and rfi-iee swl «/" th>- eowiMHIIitu ull IAe VOMHOSOVB rill .1'Ail.i TlOXtt NOW tn use. rranajMsrmf ..„./ clmr as erylnt, il trill'not soli the /fn.>f fabric. Xo oil, no s.-.l..,..■„!, sin ■!••! ■,„■,■■ ("tig Sill. CI.KAX, ••„■! Kt'FIVIKXT- sleslsferslMiHS l.OXO Ml HUT full, and rOVKO AT LAST!

Ml color* and prcccnfi the Hair front be- coming draft, iinr.,,!•. a *oft, glottu appear- ance, ri-Hwri* Itondruf, it cool and rcfrctli- Ing lo the head, check* Iho Hair front falling off, and mlonn II lo a great extent trlun pre- maturely lo»l, permit* Headache*, enre* all Humor*, cntancoa* eruption*, and MBtHsif- ssral Anst. OXI.T IS VEXTM I'll; BOTTLE.

It i* seewreet in iho Vatrni Office of the VnttOd Miatc* hg Hit. il. SMITH, Vatenle.; tlrvton Junction, Ma**, frepared onlg hg

PROCTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., To iriiiiui all order* thotild be mddrr**ed. Hold mg all flnt-rlat* Itrugglot* and lam,, tlood* Dealer*. Th* flennln* (■ put ap In a panel hoSUe made trpre**lg for il, *rlth th*

name of the article. Mows* in th* glatt. A*k yonr Itrnggiit for Xatnrr'm

Hair He*loratire, and taka ■/• I'll-,:

The ItEHTOKBH may be obtained la I.AWIIKKCK

of J. MEDINA st CO., and al all the Dnt-oGISTS

and FAKCT Uoon* STOBKB. rtaja?

VOCAL TABLETS For Contfhs aad Colds-

VO( AL TABLET8 For tbe Voice.

Imported Birds. The subscriber has a lot of Oermun II ml Jii|i,iin'-e lllrdss, ot rare uluiiiige, which he I. .rllKi* a low as cm, he i .unlit In lloslr-n or New Tata, Also, Aini-rlcan Ittrds of all kinds, si very lo* nrlBcs. *■

K. I.. KRXT, l» )li!ln>sdfl.. wdl7tw* .lust north of llsvirhlll 81.



We are always articles lor lamil) Wheat Floor, Graham Huur. Oat Flour,

sell slocked with the following

Rye Floor, I Oat Heal. Hulled Ural, Wheat (iroalt, Rye Heal, | lloiulnv,

* Bnekwheat Flour

The followlag assorlmrnt for Fowls

I Buckwheat, I Rone Meal, I (ScreenlaiTS. Brer Hrrsps,

Barley, I Cracked Corn. I Oyster shells, and li o bushels Btlj.htrd Wheat.

Rvc, I Hlee Meal, I Platlrr, Mum -. | Oil Meal, nanvr pho«|.h«ie MlddllDRs Cotton Meed Hesl, Salt, Floe Ferd, j Uroand Bone, | Urn** Heed.


A prime lot of Kaitern Hay Just received and


Nos. Mfi and :H7 Coramon Street. Lawrence, Dec. li, W,», eodleopl


»ttcM 9oti«s.




A BPL.ENDI1) OPPORTUNITY to .11 lift In Hit) Munufiu-lurrot Lumber.--In the town of Warren, New llai.ii.-lilr.■, i 11 mile, from the village, we hav>-a lumber trad of tfrgln fore*t oi about i ■>■• wn, 1... in/ oaa of tin- in -i timber lot" to be found In llo ule, i,nd about all that I* It-It that t* ready lor llieax unit llu- milt In that town. One section of this property lien In a basin run- ning up about li-Jtllic till', ealii dand is well known Hi tli;it »«tiou of country a* the "College Lot," set or by the slate lor the hem-lit of Dartmouth

■a high •■ twelve millions t.rt. Italy one tlila »«t territory bun been tut, and Iron* tint wui taken eeventy-ilve ilioii-uu-l IVil or spruce lumber of tlit cbuio-.t uualily. Thin li a fuel which ran u* fro red b voud cavil try tho man who hougln anil cut it, and who 1. now ready to engage In n lagltitnata enterprise to nil and nianmauLur, lumber from thta territory. Kvi-ry log from thin lot ran beUkemluwu hill t<i the mill. Ita tliua- tiou could nut be better for Hie cutting ami lulling of of the log*. we have uoa ihou-uifl acres In n M InH.all in cio- proximity or adjoining .«rli other, upon which will In- found vast iiuuiilltlc.of spruceuud wood lln»l--r uveraglug.i — "" ' ■■ *- - lot.ull available aud ru.iy

million nml uliull to tin .„ olaccess. Tfio farthest

log fn-m the mill Is not over two miles. Thorn-■ audi of straight, IJ-MIII if nt .-(.run- -pars lire remit to cut, and the lion, thl* section In well

... JH obtained It ■Ulttelent niu.itilh.i in the The d::tii., are In perfect order, bul the uilji [« -,.inK to decay. Near the mill i.H \,;y lutfif ilw< IllllK huUM: ailllnlile I.,I keeping « large nuuiber of imu; large barua lor slock used m IUIUIM nog; .i *ui-il

r tool • ring; a small ho

active .i|.ernil„.i-. J'he i,,,.] Hum the mil Village laull.tuwn hill, and is not surpassed a» a highway. A pair ut IHH-MA ixn in like the trip twice aUay,takiiig^uuul<etala loud,during Iho winter. We have *ecn ami i \ainln. .1 llii» properly, and all we any oflt I. tru.-.uiiil tln-r, never mil be K tie tier chance tur u t-inniijiii) l.j .i,eu ■<■ in m eHerprlae of tin. kin.:, I., i an ... nld iSviii nnmiorfl toex- anilie i!n. i . '< M, , imii riiej will be tally B.,.11,.,1, .!,.,„■, ,3f.i Won Jer t«aIlof til


"JANE MILLER" arc engaged fur tin- sea*on at


.'(SI Essex street, Lawrence, U.,,..l.t.u.ell„,I ■

N K W (illODS,


j The larsofC. cheapest and best stock nf HOOr BKlHTS in the city.

! CORSETS, nil prices.


A rieedllF Increaaing business I* a sure iudiea- | lion that we are on the right track. ! I .ill. rxamlur, and be convinced that I.oyland | do.abustntaa "i» nit-ji»i:i,'



Vocal Tablets.

Old al oar « • fin

I'hu altiilc liu.t uMutd ") Ihe present prupric- lorn uuu.prix-. uier ft" " sires, ut whiuli about JOU ucrea have been rut .1,1*11. having ualjUU acres lufact.

Joiiu liavla, John K lunnry, r'rank Handera, ot Uethueii, lire the pruprlelura, aud frtlrlek * Cloa-on.of Lawreiiiv, Mum., are. the acltera of the property, to whom pleane apply, or to the propri- etor*. A .pleudld uargilu will be Iflveu, uU . tertua made very e«»».

i'KDlllCK & CLOSHUN, Iteal Katute Agenn, l.mi ■>■, Maaa.

The Three «MMilIca, "8CHKNCKV PULSIUN- li: -sy Kl.'f," for the cure ul Omaha,, Uron- ,-llltia, mid avery furm of t'ouauluptloti. The pciiilui; action ul llu, |j,|„,. rlpctia Die ulcer* in the InDu;*, promote* the diachiirga of the cor- rupt mutter by cxpeuturatluii, piiiiti." lite blood, .if..1 limn cur.-- leii-iiiiiNti,,,!, ivlieii eieiy ullie. remedy fall".

■'DCHKKCK'H DBA WEED TONIC," for the cure of llyapepila or lad ideation, aud all dlieaaei arialng from debility. Thl« tonlu Invlgoratea the digestive orgaui, upldlva the place ol the gaalric JUlOe When that ll d flclelit and tlieu enable* the patient totll^eal the mo-t uuirlilmin food. It la a •ovrrelgn remnly for all ea.n of Indlgeallon.

"■CHEMOK-a HANDBAKH PILLa," one ot the moat valuable iru .klue. ever dUcuvertd, beluit a vegetable auhntllnte lur eulnrnel, ami having nil the uaefnl pro|H-rtle> uaorihed tu that mineral, without producing auy o It. Injurloua erlectH.

To theae three medicine* Dr..). II. Sciicuek, oi Philadelphia, owei hi* unrivalled auoceaa in the t real me nt of I'uliiionle Coiinumptiou. The l'ul- monlo .syrup rlpem Hie nierhld uiiitier,dUeharge> it, and purlHE) tin- lilco.l. The .Mandrake i'lltaart upon the liver, remove all obatructloua therefrom, give the organ u healthy tone, und cure'Liver Compbtint, which la one ol tin: moat prominent caaaetoi Conautnptlon. The beuwued Tonlo In- Tlgoratea tbe powers of the Momach, and by •trengthenlng the dlaettion and bringing It In a ....—,!,„(! beolthye I It inn, hupiovca the imal-

Catarrhal Affections i Of the ViK-al i irtiui. nnit Analogouf Diaeuaea, at

Tonsillitt, Bronchial Irritation, InHuenza,

i And ull dlaeaae* of Ibe Mucoua Membrane, reault-

Tho Depressing Influence of Colds.

The peculiar compoalllon and efficacy of these Tablela have been the reault of auceeanfu) treat-

tnent ol the urdinary


They will be found of real aervlce In cnaea of Cold*, L'ougtia, Sore Throat, tanker and Conges- tive Irritation of the Mucou* Membrane generally.

UT of the blood, by which mean* tho tortnatlon ulcera or tubercle* In the lung- becomea Impos bte. The combined action of lhe*e medlcluei,

lerra or tubercle. In ihe hmj;-. beeoinea [mpu; e. The combined action ol Ihce medlcluei,

ttiua explained, will cure everv cue of Comutnp-

Ay rt't-itlilr. Ilnrmleaa and <'urativrt Im-

incuin^ Circulation, Impnrtini; Toitr, and KeHiorine the Voit-e-

I). HOWARTH, Apothecary, Von UFPICR m ii.tiiNd. LAWRRXOI.


Fire Insurance Comp'y, 8ALEM, &[A3S.

I hi' old and popular Company contlnuea to Inaore tbe aaler claaa of property only, at current

FAKM RISKS, DWELLING HOUSES, and other property not haiardoua, taken by thla

lion, If the rctnedlea are uaed In time, aud the me of them ia prraerered In ■uflloiently lo bring tbe caae to a favorable termination.

Dr.riuhenck'a Almanac.containing a full treatlie on the vnrloua tornmof dlneaae, hla mode of treat- ment, and general direction* how to uae hla medi- cine.ran be had erall-.or at-nt by mall by nddre.*- Ing hla t'rinclpal Olllee. No. 13 Ntrill Pilxth itreet, fhlludelphla. I'a.

Price of the l'ulii!i HI U- --yrup ;<tnl Seaweed Tonle, each, • per bottle, or *r.6o the half doien; Mlndrnke i'llla. ■■;> eenu per bos. r'or "«le by all drugglata aud dealera. JU7

Win.i Evary Penan Nacda la Home remedy for hublluul L'ontlvrncts, "I would ndvlac all thoae who are troubled with Dyapepala, (oillve- BtM, I'llea, it Mi.m ■- ., li. .■:.-,.■',,■. .., ...i.i furtn id Indlgeatlun, to utc.Dn. UAKBISOH'S I'KBIS- TAI.TIC LOKEHOE8.H-.KLI8HA in'NTINU- T[IM,M.D.,Ex.I.leul.tiovemorof MaHxacliuaetti, e'or aule at No. I Trcmont Temple, Bontou, by K. A. IIAItltlSDN k CO., 1'roprlelora, aud by alt Drsitrlata. Hailed for nu stmt*. nui-H

Town or Melliuen.

COLLECTORS NOTICE. I'he owncra nod occupaula uf the aevcrutlotn

and dlvUtoiiHOl real eaiate deaeribed In the tol- lowlng Data, and alluiile.l on I'liilllp* nud Curlton Htreata, in the town of Methueu, In Ihe county oi

&t\x ^dvnliscincuts. EXECUIRIX'8 BALE.


By M. 11. I.KKI1S 4I1INER, A wrtloueera. Art Uallerl. a, KIT llroadivay, M. V.,

< liniment ilitc l-'tli, 7,aml (.inlliiu- (ii),' .lay nnti rvmlni; until told.

Tbla collection '■ the moat cxtenalve und valu- ile ever owned In the I ulted Stale*. ValAed

about fAnoo.OOO. Comprlaliig nearly two ihounand plcturea from celebrated European ar- Data, from the 1Mb century to the prem-nt time, (ineludlng muny orlgtnala of great value,) alao I'aiiitliiL'a from celebrated American artlata. Tile etatlre . olltrlloa will i.r aolrt with-

out n.fin or lliiiitf.llon, to . Iti.e llir eatat*.

tialoiiuea forwarded on receipt of Weenta,— AiMiif. the Auctioneer!.

W.....I-. Ilouaebold M>uaalMa—Price #i; aud Tit K W.iNi.Ki;, price .•;„■.; Loll, onu I ear

for Tic. .Viieejuteua '.'e. Addreaa TtlK WUNURK, Houthold, I.. I.,N. \ . Dou't delay ! .Vow i$ Ike time.

nty if CV, SpHtigfitUt, Mai:

Kaaex and ('ominonwenlih ol Muxaachuaetli hereby notlni-.l that the Taxea aaneaard therein by the Aaaenoriint Methueu, und cotnimticd I,. ne. a Collector or TlXtMfor raid town, (with the AiiHporn' Kalriint Tor the collection of the *aiFt',) remain unpaid; uud ihnt Mid Ion unit Of real eainte will he oifrred for «nle. l.y J'ublle

•nine .hull be pre H. (J.MARUEM'.

■'ol lector of Ti

A nil of lux, Klcliur.i li.;.!.), oraurttb

I Mil, I-til,

Cub AsBcts, July 1, 1868, #164,440.63


No. 4 Pembnton St. Lawrence- rttiarri

Money iJo Loan!

Every One Wants Money!


Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. MIINEY TO LOAN ON


Money to Loan on Harnesses, Robei

and 3lftnketi.

Money to Loan on Cigars, Tobacco and Plpei,

;; Nlon'.-y to Loan on GlinsuDtl Pistola.

J HONBV TO LOAN ON y \ 1 "tVIusical Instruments !


•.Riga or Three Hold Halls.

Commonwealth of Maaax huartta.

Noiember Term, A U.|W. i D1V0RCK.

In the inattcrofthe lllx-1 of SAKAII A. WAI.- LAL'K, oi llvlhu.1i, In »«ul I'ounty of Kmri, attain.[ WILLIAM II. WAI.I.Ai:*., for dWoree, it la iitiw ordered, tliut a deeree of illvnreo frutn of in it r my he entered In favur of Ihe aalil .Sarull A. Wallure lur the eatioe of Ihe ileaer tlotiul the .aid Willlnrn II. Walluee, t« he made nb-olut.. ni'ii-r tlit-t-aplratlun ol NIX uiimtliH Irom the .late ol Mil, ih-.ree, UIMIII compliance with the terma tliereot, ulilvn tuinel.iii tauae tolhecoa- Irary Khali appear.

Ami the iiht-ihiiit i> required to pnbllah in at tealed eu|iy ol thi> order in the I.IIM reiiee Amerk- <•»., a new-i-ajer prliiud in l.awr.nee iti NaU

wi eta. Ihe lir.t p'utilk-nllon to IN- wit In n I'lie'munlta Ifointhe dale „t thla order; that all pervin. in-



t ........ ralth of NMIII-huaatt a. l-inprenie .ludlelal L'nurl. i

November Term, A.l>. I^». , PIVUKtK.

iftllelllH-luft'LAItlSHA A.'IML- 1 " in *ain eoiinty .■( Ka-ew, h K. \r. lUll.iXliN.for .llvtirce, d, 'I...: n ileer.e „r dlvtiree from !■•- em, r. .1 in tH.,.r ol tint lllllln-', lor the onn.e of th,. de- ii-l irjfe K. W. ttilllnKa, to he Her the , xpiruti.iii .il alx luuntha


Initwnu Mr

A.IH.N"ri.>liTtl\,tlerk. t opy,

Attaat, «d!7 A. HUxmoTON, Clerk.

KOTICB. Notlee la hereby aivrn that Hi., aubarrlber baa

been duly H|I|MIIM"I i><i<-culrta i>t the will m JOHN tiAI.I.AtlHKK,

late of l.awrenee. eoonty of Kaaex, ilerrnaed, tea-

( a. I lie Ian dlreet-"; ,,11 per-iw hi/ OIL' ilemaoila nnou Hie eaiata at: .aid <le>'<aae<l are re.|!ilr-.l 1.1 exlnhll the name: and alt aernoii- liHiebtrd In aaide.lule are called U|,un t» make

Thai I. Heaealah I'lunimer."

it* Mtv li. iui>iit:iV-.!K!Xr"al,,H,'/t7 '*"" "^imu,^™;:;1;!::;!^;.:^,;,,^, l-r.,,,.rr«, vol. ... ,.,!)(.-. l-.-.'t. IV.. ,;:,, l..-r. t,v"'alv e

1 r l'irV'..'l"V| I'I"",,',',', i' '" ,"",',1""," ■""' 'n«rtj(»Ke


*Shxn. I.'and Ma) Wew Y"r


yllxaalt. Th-ea ealtinnai DallT. «0| «>■' .■rai.v.»J«-..l«'n:«iv.',»l •"■"'■ AI-ITHNHWI; >, .[■ i.-,.-.' rv- "I- ■ f livirkf!". M-fieulOi-i . fitri.e-i- 1 t--iiii (;-.»,..- Cluln. NIT.I a rcmi*t» ■lory In rvrrr ■r\\v ii'il Sriiil-W.-eltly n'lielK--. A !»i-ii,l ■itvilo"!"' li■- itnl vie, . in I'VI-V ..ilwii1™- '—■" .:.,„.,..,.,-,-.i. ii.m-ijf-1—

lalaa.MarMtiH, rid-- Otir- " »,<lTan.t.— Hnrirf Mnetilni", *'


Miltl, Certain, Hafe.Kmcient. It la far tho ben Cut hurtle remedy yet dlaoovered, and at once re- lieve* and Invigorate* all the vital funrtlooa with- out raUalng Injury to any of them. The moat complete aueteiH Un« long utlended iuuie In many localities; und It la uow offered to the irtnrral public wilh the conviction that It can never fall H


mui'iv dltlleulties peculiar to women. It hrlnai prompt relief mid certain rure. The heat phyal- cluna reeoiuiuend and preacrlhe it; and no per HOB who once uae* thla. will voluntarily return to the use of any other ealbartlo.

Hint by mall, on receipt of price and pontiiRe. 1 llox. ;.N .'.,. PoilufU, flcenta. ,-. Iloxi li


ll I' aold by ul 1 Jenlcra In druKa and medlcluca. TUHNKK * CO., Proprletora,

140 Triimiiit Street, Itoalon, Itlnaa,

KM I --UMI KMT—It Ml'. AOK.NTS WAHTBD everywhere to aell the

AMKltlCAN hlSITTlNti MACUINK, the only | (■'uriiilv Knh|.|:;: M.i.tih.i mr In. eulrn. l'rlee t'W. Will kmt 'M;«-> Mlt.liea per minute.— Aildrea- AMKltlCAN K.MIT1NI. MACIIISK CO., |: , Uu«>., or St. I."ilia, Ho.

i.iilti 1,1. A it us I ja nu excellent article oi "I? ITI) I? It' A " Itranuloteil Vir|(lnla;-

bUltHjKA wherever Inlroduced it la •mokliiK Tobateo | uulveraally admired. It li put ut> In hamlKoiiie uiimllu bat,'i,ln wlilcli or- dera for Meencliautn l'lpea are dairy packed.

l.mtiM.iitirs I

YACHT (1,111 HniokiiiK Tobaceo |

made of the cholceat ll I autl-


t "llttfi .llnry .1. .!«

\ KHAKI. It. KKI.LKY, Adn.'l


Last and Best. WAROWKI.I.*H



Surpaaxeii all othera In economy, duriibllltv, tierfeclinn of liniati, beaut v tifileal^n, i-onvenlence, The BMMI ptiwerful heater evrr introduced lulu

thla or any other market,


Sole Agt-Dta for Lawrence,

Cotvtr Common and Jackson St8.


We are pleiiaeil to aiinouiiee that the " Maa.n- -chuiettuCharitilble Mechanic AMiK-latlnn," al ita late exhibilloii In Itoaton, awarded to our

'Pratt'8 Admiral' Cook Stove

A SILVER MEDAL j tbe hlelieat print- awarded nny i 'ciuklujr A|iparalua eahlbUed.

(lur StOV.- Wlia rxlHllll.-.l Without HIIV OtlllT lini-li than that wliieh we give every Htuve we aell.

llll.l.-. I'RATT h Cli.j


Corner Common anil Jackson Sts.,

1 I Sole Aaeuta for Lawrence.

IIV MAJ.KM, n valuable property, rnnaUtlnji of

13*000 PKKT LAND. with bulMlujri nearly new. tilted for MAI 11 IIHIT,

MnnulnrtliriliK HUM no-.-.. Will he .old low, and on eaay lerma. Ihe prop-

erty would he leuaeit, it preferred, Apply m ImlldJI UtUH.KS ft ItlCIlAlII'MlN,

111 India Whurf, Hoaton.

T*> UK I.KT. A Suite o rirat Clana ROOMS |n a New Tene-

ment, occupied by u private family, attualed In the heart of the elty, one minute'* walk from Ihe I'oat tifnee and t'ltv It all. A rare chance. Ifor purllcu- ara. Inquire at rills OPTICK. nla

lit llimkrupiry. Thla la to give nolle that on the .loth day of

li.eemuer, A- I). 1HIHI, k wurraut in bankruptcy waa i--iie.l a&iliiHt the ratate of

L.VMAN L. KlMBALL, of M it hi en, la the county of Ulddlenex, nntl atutr of ''■) f-.i. Ii.e*. ■' ■. who haa been l6Jud){ed a bankrupt,on lila own petition; thattha payment ■ if any tlebta and the delivery of any property MoORlng-M auch bankrupt, to Mm. or for hla uae, ninl the tranafrr of nny property by him are forbidden by law; that ■ meeting of tli. creditor* ol the KM lit Wnkrupt, to prove their debta, and to chotiKe aar or more aa*lj;iiee» of hla enlaie, will be hebl at H Court of Hankniptu), lobe hohleu at the l\ s. Court llou.e. Button, befora .'. >i imaii. l-.-i;i-ni, on i li. .;-...! d.i > of .labnary, A. H. li-.-", at 1'2 o'clock, M.

(1K(I, L. ANHRKWS, U. H. Marahnl, Mnaa. Dlatrlct,

nj ,ri7 A« Mea«.ntrr.

A. J. STEVENS, M. 1>„

or rice;


t pDaplfl LAWEBNCK.

nervoua in Ita elTecta, .In- Nlcntluu baa been ex

_. jL'reeitble taate aller amok \\\v.\ It la very mild, light lu color nud weight, hence one pound will laat aa long aa :i of ordinary tobacco. In thla brand we alao pock ordera ever day for llrat quality MerDchaum l'lpea. Try I and convince youmelvea It la all it claims to be,-

LDHILI.AKD'H I Thla brand of Flue Cut

CENTURY toji'SSSU" l 'lirwliiy'l'iibai <... | where. It la, without doubt, the beat chewing tobacco lu the count

LOIt 1 I.I. \ nus I have now been lu general STVT TT V V <3 «'p '" Hw inlted tttatca

Fi U T r C5 | over HO year., ami -till acknowledged "the beat" wher-ver uaed.

rcapeotablejobberaalmoat everywhere.

Circular of prloca mailed on application.

P. i.nitu.i.Aiti) Jb CO., Raw York.

COMMON SENSE!!! WANTBD-AliKNTii. tWO per month, to iel|

(he only UKNI INK IMl'UOVKO COMMON SKNSK r'AHll.V HKWINU MAUU1NB. TRICK ONLY 018. Great ludui-enienta to Agrnla. Tlila la tho moat popular Sewing Machine of the day— makea the runioua "Kiuatlo Lock Smch"—will do nny kind of work that can be douo on any lla- cblue— too,Otto aold, and tbe demand eonajautly in. i ■ J HI. . Now ia tho time to take an Agency. Send for elrculara. »§• Harare of mr"ri,il/er<--«» Addreaa 8KCOMB h CO., Itoaton, Mm.., I'litn- burgh, l'a., or St. I.oula, Mo,

Aromatic Vegetable Soap.

for the Delicate Skin of Ladles and Children HOLD 1IY ALL 1HU (K-ISTS.

(j'q q"ij 5j 5j q VS «j TO THK WOHKINii CLASS,—We are now

prepared to fnrniah all ela.-»ea with eonatant etn- floyuieiit aa home, the whole uf Ihe time or for he apart- momenta. Iln-im *. new, light aud prollt-

able. Pcraona of either aex i aally earn from Me. to t-'per evening, mid a proporllonul IUIII by de- voting their whole time to the limineaa. lloyi and tilrla earn neiirly n» muoh aa men. That all who nee thli. nonce may nend their uil.lrera, und leat the bU*liie»H,we make tlua uniiurallcled offer: To auch aa are not well aatli-lied, we will aend #1 to pay for the trouble ot writing. Full parllculura, u viiluuble an tuple, u lii.-li it III ,ln li, columeucc work on, and u copy ol Tht Ptoptt'l I.Uerarp t;>mpan- ion—one of the largest uud heat lamil) liewapapera published—all »eii! free by mail. Reader, It )nu want periuanenl, prolltuhlc work,addreaa E, C. ALLEN* CO,, AL'ullMTA, HAIMB.

Agents! Read This! WK WILL 1'AV AtiENT.S A SALARY OF

Hl:lO I'l.K »I;I:K aud e.\peuaea, or allow u large

Addreaa «'. WAiiS ER A CO., War-hall, Mieh. '

iCTOit or UKitii.iiHT for SWEET . —It ei|uala (hitler)Culntne. Manu-

faoture.1 by STK.uixa, KA tin Ik Co., ChemlaH, New York.

ASK your Hoc nil gillNINK—It t-


iticlotr KIKTV CKNTtt If •<>•!/ one whooan truly aay, i ia not worth what we nate. M :,n ran IT, luclone urn ni.t'K srAMi's. Add rein


PnVt'SOMANCY, lASClNATlON OK SOI L CIIAItMlNtt.-liaipugea; cloth. Thla wouiler-

ful hni-lt ha.-, full lualruclioiia lu enable the reader tu luacliiate either aex, or nit animal, at will.— .Meniin rlam, S|>lrituali.m. und hundreda of other

a. It cuti be obtained by aend- ng uddr.-aa, W|th poatage, to T. W, KVAN.s & :n..No M South Klglith Street, I'hih.delphla.






*i.K,«l' I'OK TUR ; I. E II It A T K II

KLIAS llowi; Improved Family SEWING

MACHINE. Machine Needle*, Thread and Oil.

Scwini; .Muiliiiica Kepaire.l ul iltorl notice.

^ap:i W. HAUEH, I1W I'aai-x atreet, 1 "v.-ence.


Fire and Life Iusurance AN!)

REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 4 Pemberton Strt'rt, Lawrence

W. D. Jnpi.nt, tftlapt A V. Ill-dRKK.


Mutual Life Insurance Co, Organl •-.I Kipreaaljp In Pitmvllanee with th

* of Llle Inauriiuce. 1 hla Cumpuny i

it K.irl-'ilnri'. Nu Knic*. plan. 1 H. V.. LAWItKM K. Aneiil,

N'ti, UD7 KsMt'X St., I.illVli'ltCI'.

Our jJirltr-iox. A crysiiil ireddiog—marry In j; n nun

with n jilass oyc.

A yoiiii"; lady who has been itudylnjt tlnaucc fur sonic time paM,-wishes to know wbelbe> the duy rate of «olil affecta the nitrate *t silver.

Cullfortiia has ik'velopetl a new Indus- try, It chips bales «f ohapparal leavca to China, where they arc lmxcil »li und neiit bttfk us tea.

Some clitip who IIHH tloaliriia on the matrimonial market, has invented a but- ton, which screwg on [o the shin; a line thing tor bachelors-

•Lenny, you're a pig.' said a father to lils little five-year old boy. 'Xow, do you know what a pig is, Lenny'-' 'Yec, air; a pig's a hog's little boy.'

'Yon knew Father Yoiinginnn?' .Yes. what of him'?' -lie's dead.1 'Ah! whui was tbe trouble'-' 'Old age.' 'He ought to havo been more careful!'

An Iowa filliitr solemnly that he will not support a man f«r Representa- tive 'who Is n whiskey barrel In the morning. :md a barrel of whiskey at night.

■Bill.* said one apprentice to another, 'my boss Is a better man to work for than your old man. My bos« ain't always round hi* shop Interfering with his own business.'

Master Willy, in » contest with Ml brother to ww which could put the most difficult qm-Mlona. proriotuidi'd llic fol- lowing: If a mnn dies befom his' moth- er is born, will lie remember her alter lie grows up.*

Two gentlemen ol Bremen have been Hoed—one for biting ofl' a cat's tail, and the oilier lor holding tho animal during tho operation—a concatenation of crimi- nal Incidents that Is rare Indeed.

A lazy lad, who did not gn to church until the congregation were coming out, asked: " Is It all done?" •'No," was the reply, " it's all said, but I think it will be some time before it's all done."

A person who hail got some smatter- ing of zoological lore said one day to a novice that crocodiles were often seen In tears. -Oh, that Is nothing,' rejoined thb novice, 'I have often seen whales blub- ber.'

Little Sammy Brown, of Iowa Falls got down In the cellar the other day, turned the faucet of a barrel tilled with forty gallons of molasses, and when dis- covered, was having a jolly good lime wading around in sweetness ankle deep.

After marriage. — 'Henry, love wish you would throw away that book and talk to me. 1 feel BO dull.* Along pause, and no reply. 'Henry, dear, ray foot's asleep.' 'Is It? Well, don't talk; you might wake It up."

A writer in ManiiilInn's Maga/int states it Is a fact that the master of a cer- tain Sunday Ragged School in London hasto let the children out In time to pick the pockets of the people leaving church, or else lose his pupils.

An order waa soot to a Chicago book- seller which, among other things enu- merated 'Six Primitive Christianity.' It was sent back with the response pencil- ed opposite that Item and not at all in Jest: 'No Primitive Christianity to be found lu Chicago.'

The East India postal officials protest against the Oriental flowers of language. Here is the address of a letter received at Bengal: 'Most Worshipful and whose feet arc worshipped Father Thukur with prosperity Noble In mind. This letter to his respected pair ot feet.'

An Irishman in Watorbury, Conn., re- cently drew a piano Ntool at n gift enter- prise entertainment. He kept it a few days, and returned it for'repairs'to tho seller, stating that he had 'turned It, and turned it, and devil a bit of a tune could beget out oflt.'

An Ojibeway Chief, eu route for Wash- ington, got drunk in Baltimore and shout- ed the war-whoop so lustily that he was put in the lock-up. lie expressed his dis- gust at tho lodge, and finally on being released, went away saying,'Injun sick In, head; bad Are water; Injun fool.'

'Plai/.c, sir,' said an I rlslmian to a trav- eller, 'would yez be so obiagln' as to tako me great coat here to Boston wit' yez?' -Yes,' said the man In the wagon ; but how will you get it again?' 'Oho, that's mighty alsy, so It Is,' said Pat, 'fur shure I'll remain Inside uv It.'

A girl Irom the rural districts, wishing to enter one of the 'bob-tnll' horse cars in Portland, a day or two since, essayed to climb over the dasher and take a posi- tion beside the driver. To this he mod- estly objected, and, alter some delay, she succeeded in gaining admission by the proper entrance.

They have a fellow living in Lafayette, Ind., who is humility personified. The other day he asked a young lady if he might'be allowed the privilege of going home with her," and was Indignantly re- fused ; whereupon he Inquired, very hum- bly, if ho might be 'allowed to sit on Iho fence and see her goby.'

An army surgeon, a reputed iover of the knife and saw, who had just hacked and hewed a patient to his heart's con- tent, was asked by an attendant who stood eyeing the two pieces of mortality Just deposited on the table:—'Well, sir, which piece Is t„ be put to bed and which buried?'

'Dear me!1 exclaimed Stlgglns, 'that new surgeon gave rtqiiantnin'a boy a new lip from the child's own check! What a painful operation It. must haye been!" I've had a pair of lips taken Irom my cheek more than once,' replied Mrs. Sllg- gins, 'and It was'nt a, paliilul operation stall.'

l'atti Ciitix, according to a French pa- per, has rigretl a splendid engagement to t-ing in Russia. It Is stipulated In the Irealy that the diva promises—you would never guess what—to have no children during tho period of her engagement. And her husband lias written tit the hot torn uf tho contract: 'The above writing is read and approved.'

At a dance In San Francisco, a young lady who was particularly accomodaling in Iho dressing-room about assisting oth- er good looking girls Inllxlng up. putting on slippers and lacing corsets, turns out to be a young man. As ?oon as H14 girls found it out Ihey interviewed' him, und he uow uses hair rest or all vo and court plaster, besides carrying his tioio In a sling. »

'Madam,' said a polite traveler lo an old lady. If I see lit to help myself |o this nii'i.. is there any Impropriety In ft?' I don't know what you menu; but If you mean to say that there Is anvihlm; nasty in that milk. Ill giro you lo understand you've struck the wrong house, There ain't a single hair lu It, for as soon ns

I Dorothy told mo .1 rat was drowned In 1 milk, I went and strained It light

Boston Advertisements. MA.RKED DOWN!

&a. EVKKV i'Allt OK £^ Ladies*, Cents', Misses', Boy*.', mid


Boots and Shoes, cuinpriting luy KSlIltrl STOCK, Will be offered

foi noli-,

WITHOUT EKGAKD TO COST! I>rt-ri»r«tory tn rloslnt; for rrpulra.—Alao. rveij

!':m-..!- limits MliihS,,,,,, ,,. r.:,,...,, ■ the k-aat worn, will be ,,.;.! at a

GREAT SACRIFICE. Kviry pair will be marked In |JI in ! ,;,.:, Tbll

!■ an UIH-.H-Iunitj aelilotn utteioil tu buy n..-

Very Uesl tiootl-, at Extremely Low Price*!

THEO. II. BELL, 153 Washington Street, - - l!oston,

tUal! OppoillcOld.SaulliCliureJi.



It Ian well knuwurnct ilmt ..iin.i,- ■., < .1 In Li,,:..i;.. fumlllea arc more or IPM adulterated, but It la not ... n'uerally inowit (lint Confection- ery, an article n«, il In t*erj laraily, la u<lu lie ruled lo a Urge extent, runner!}' Hour and atarcli were lined, l,ni lat:»rly itn Ingredient called "Terra Albu, or Willie. Karlh," I- utcd,

Now, iM Ibe Ilolldaya are near, when a large amount ot Coniectlonery will bo conaumed, It la Important to every paraon for them to procure tbat which la pure and frit- from any deleterious natter.

It la batter, far better, for FarcnU to refuac all Confectionery for tbelr children than lo give them that which la to adulterated.

I'urcbuFiTB denlringa pure article, are guaran- teed every particle of Confectionery manufactured by m lo be ai pure aa tbe very heat Stuart'a Cruahrd Sugar.

Anotlierlact in regard to our Candy being freah, we Himiii "«y that iin... cuiiomer- who nee the ■BOM readily know the dlffsreuee between freali aud alale CaadlCI, M our wholesale trade la BO

extenilve that our retail drpaitment ia ulwaya Hupphed with Fran Candlen.

The wholeaale tradu will And a large at the comer of Tretnbnt and Itromlleld lioaton, (under Horticultural Hull.) <

Dl VI 11 TO PIN-WOHM8. Eminent phyaleiana -uv that more alehtieM

among children reauha Irom l"ln-Wtirma iban Irom anv other I-PIIM*. A Pafeamf Hfoetnal reme- dy for lhe-e trimbl—nme and ullrn riangernix peaia. la lound In UK. G(Hl|,|i'H riN-WtlHH HYKlir. Cure lur mill It- ami H.ll.lrrn warraul.-d without Injury to health. M'rie- 71 eenla. IlKtl, C.QOOnWln A CO., Uoaliti. and all drnffglala,

I .1 ■ ht'lit've iho iltl ti jolly in.

" Diin^r nu-, I world** a uhtn-lbanaw, ebrhtie, iw ho rolltil aloi

■ami I tun llu wheel revolving on n hnvii; now I'm in tho nmd," anyi he, its he HI licHtllotur iiitu t he jrntter. ' • ..nd now I'm on dry Innd," »i ho crawled on lliocurnMone; hln ooiicliiillns romatkai his hiiiiti follow cd his head don n ill open cellar-way was: '' now the whorl t» broken, mid Ihe vt'hk-le i-i out of Ik."

Examine aud Compare our Prices.



■20 cents to $3.00 u yard,

bated upon the prcarnl Hold Value, al



Woolen & Cashmere Shawls, from fifty cents to fifty dollars,

linned n, ..... the pre»cut '. "M Value, at


li:JO ESBCX St., Lawrence.

Examine £ Cmiijimr our Prices. ] Examine and Compare our Prices,

/ 7771 Black Alpacas JJLACK BEAVER CLOAKS

E.iauiinv &; Cmtpare out' Prices.

BLANKETS in every Size and Quality, from $;i.^ii tu $11.00,

Utctt mid Most Deiirablc Styles, 1* V K K M 0 H A I It S,| Flannels, all Colors & Kinds, from $8.50 tO $20.00, ' [Klpley llaltBtWaek,) ' wllWl vv KMruil„* al l.-a.t ua ,-lu-apa. I bey ear.

baacU upon the prraani Gold Value, al fioin i!5 CC»ts to $1.20 il yard,

VAMPBELt i TAYI.OlVS. i baaud upon Hie frm-m U»ld \alui-,ut

iM.v/7«r/./. i- TA vi.oirs. i Underclothing, Hosiery, CLOAK MAKING to order., Tablo UneM and Dome8tics, | ,- ..„ TAmnAnttt


i i: it it A

What It IK!


Cii-inii ol tartar, whlak, with aoda.ln ealeDtively -Jed nil over the eouutry, lor the rninltiK of bread, aa a Butiilltute lur yea.t, la now cxtvtialvcly adul- terated with icrrii alba, n white earth found among Ihe ebulk CIIITH in aome part a or Knjctaud, which la auaroptible or belDR ground very Bne, and then?- lora well lilted for an adullcrant. Terra tillm la now Imporled by Ihe ahlplond, and la applied In the adulteration of a boat of nrtlek-a. It la mixed with powdered and cruihud augar. It ta uaed adulterate carbonate of aoda aa well aa cream ... tartar. It li nixed with to up to add to the weight, and alao with lac sulphur, aometlmei in. the pro- portion of equal parta.

tWCou/Ktionert ua< tht white earth e.rtenslrflg in almott ei-ery variety of thiir hutine**.


!'I,OUIt,STAR(!H,TKRBA ALBA, nor any othi Ingredient but

PURE SUGAR u the manufacture of their Confectionery; ur i wry th log which cornea from their manufactory




SEWING MACHINES are the lalcit out, and are the beat practical 8BW mo M*< IIINE HVKH MAHK. They have beei thoroughly leatcd on every variety of

Cloth, Muslin, Domestic and Leather work. They will run by Steam rower at the ra of IKM -i 11,1,1 . prr minute, producing more thi double Die work of uny other Shuttle Machine now In uae.

The Stitch is T'ujht, Uniform Elastic ami Beautiful.

They are almplo In construction, easily under ■i i ■,),!, in f liable to get out of order, ran light, and arc comparatively nolaelcaa.

In ull making a compact and complete


All who hare not «cen thtae wonderfully improved Uachlnea, would do well to call and aee them, ul the Oh TICK wf Iho COUPAVY,

S32 Wnshiiigtorj street,





Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF JT K W YORK.


WKSLKY K.SHADKK.Nco'y. Vloe-l'rci Inuea Pollclt'i upon all approved plana, at lui. ralra, and wllh unuaual liberalltv In policy holder*.

All pollelea alrictty mm l.irfvitalile arter tlmt paymeut, under Maaaachuaetta Non-Korfell Act, adopted by thla Company.

All aurplua divided among the luiun ,1. No restriction- ii|iiin n-ulenei- ,ir travel, and

•pedal penult* required for innrlnera, nr for any ucrupaliou except llioae of a peculiarly hazardous character.

**-KxarulnaM(.u will eonvlnce that every good, eipiltable and liberal leature or the beat Lite Com- panlea baa been adopted by tin- lireat Weatem. Attne Autntt mntttl thin»i/hmt tfein Bnglutul,

Apply lo W.IMiANNKI I'.'iro'l Ag'l for New Kunlanil.or.l.WAKItl-.N en l iUN,Slate Agent, Ufflec lo MWi.. Htrvel, Itoaton. :ii.i- ■■■ ■

The Best and Cheapest Place to buy


Or tojft'tyourU'uiNtiKRs BKPAIREP, iant


42 Elm street, Boston

Kntrance from the Vard of Wllde'i Hotel. lyJy'J

For Cabinet Organs and Melodeons. thin- la no Hook Equal to it f


REE I) ORGANS. Already eniabllnhed ua the leading lext hooka

r„r Inalruinemaur the Organ claaa. In Collegea, Si-mlnarlf a, Con«erv:ii(irle», elc. and uaed by Ihe heat teaeheri-. Kor Self In-truction It la unexcel- led. Full of (he fluent Piece", Volun'arler. etc.— [Copyrighted 1B*I>.) i>rice WJO. Seut pontage paid on receipt of price, UITNON A CO., Iloiton. Ja; t'.II. UirsON kOU.,lftw Vork.

IIAKP AMI U 111 Ti: t'INt! TIMI1EII on h»inI and aawed to dlmeiialonr,

Ilitrd I'm. 1'1,-tnk.

Hard I' 1'ui.nm- and Nii-p-IIoiirtla,

Fainter and Grainer,


A ( hoicc AMortutrul of Maloiit'iU,

which we offer nl price- i-a-d upon the prct'W Gold Viiltw.


f.»30 Essex St., Lnwrencc.



„| ,.;ll ITlw. ba.v.1 11,1011 Hie

pr-MBl *ioUl Vnlue.W


.'i-'lO Essex St., Lawrence.

lur .: ,b,

25 FARMS FOR SALE. Also, aeventl

HOUSES AND LOTS OF LAND in this city. Apply to

W E 11 S T E It & DYSON,

om-iap: -53 Essex street, w

Lawrence Marble Works.

WILLIAM L. D0WL1NG, (tateof lloatou,)

Corner Hampshire and Lowell Sts., Manufacturer of

Tomb*, I le. Free at 01

Uarble Muntela, Table Topa, and everylhiug ID lie line, promptly iniuli , ileliviri il, and warranted a represented. ilelnif fully prepared for the bualncia, he will

furnlah Monument a of every description, and erect them in any part ol the county, of new and original deaigna. Jiiivinn workud twelve yeara In Boaton, he la routldenl that hia work will prove equal to any. either here or elsewhere, an hla farllltiea for bualnaal are unexcelled. UHJyU


Drain Pipe Co.


have linn appointed Agentt pany, and otter their tjtoue Wi

Wholesale at Manufacturers* f rices, other of

WRINGING MACHINES no arranged that any one In a moment can decide which la inchest. All kinds of Machine a repaired at the II .11 ■ I ■■■..' 1 ■ >IL'- of

Ir*. A. KlMBALL A CO., •>\1 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence

W, A. XI Jill ALL, agl3 W. ¥. KlMBALL.


Attorney <x Counsellor at Law. SOLICITOR OF PATENT,



NEW YEAR'S I'KESKNTS. My fru'iidit, make your home beautiful.


Why, buy one of thoae unrivalled UUHDETT CEI.ltiBTK OBQANB.

Where can Ihey be found t

r'ound in every variety of style at

JOIIX 0.1IAYNE9 & CO'S, 3J Court Ht., (opp. Court House) Boston,

lytHM (iencral New Kngland Agent*.

J. F. GILBERT & COMPANY^ . rUi.'.-i- -i.r • to M. S. Dodge

Dealera In


Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, AC.

A Urge ii.Bimiiit'iil of

GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, VHHSL'S iitul llii^s,

207 Essex street, - - Lawrence.



Haverhill & Bradford Express.

All merciinmliac transported at reason- able rates.

Particular attention Riven to Paying and Col- lecting Note*, Draft*, Itllla, etc.

All ordera left at SAUNDKB'S Kxpreii,

No. 2 Appleton street,

next door to the Poat Office, win be promptly attended to. H. If. AVER.

Lawrence. Ann. 11. Iftil). im"

FOK HALE. A Very Valuable Farm far lianlenlng and Farm-

ing purpose*, and a delightful Mtnatioo for Sum- mer boarderx, on the Ifaverhill road from North Andover.anit hut 11 xhort diatauce Irom .Suttnn'n Mllla, I mile from II ehurchea and Hoiluni Maine depot, the beat of Hchoola, and only i rollea from Lawrenec. A nii]i-iulld loentlon, rk'ht opposite the tine estate ol ,1, D. W, French, Kni. 7S«r"«"

Vo. 71 Essex Street!

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. Having; removed to tin lr large More. No. ri K»*ex itreet, In order to belteraci-oiiinioiluti-tiielriiunier. oua ou«toinera, and having replenished their stock With a large naiortment ol

Oant'a, Ladiea', Warn ninl Chlldren'a

BOOTS, SHOES & RtllBERS, hey now feel prepared to meet tliedem.iiidaot the pnbllc.

GENT'S CALF BOOTS, TH RE li WIDTH \ll sliea.from one to thirteen. The largest ■» well a* the amalleat foot til ti-d wllh Cull Hoot a.

We are Agenta Tor tbe Celebrated Premium Boot* manufactured by O. Kendall iSon; also agent for the Voglc German Hllpper.

■ i U'it received a large invoice of

ARCTIC OVER SHOES; all of which we offer at the inanufaeturera'pricel

Kabbera repaired lu the neatest and prompteat manner.

• „ - Having aecured the aonleu* or Mr. R. U. SMITH, a man of IS yeara' experience in the manu- facture and Dale of Hoots nnd •■' , »<■ hope to ■till merit a ahare of the public patronage.

Please cull and examine our atoek.

Don't forget the number,

No. 71 Essex Street, - • Laicreiicc-

J. Y- FRENCH & CO. J.V. French, HmylB J. D. Herrick.


VETERINARY SURGEON, High Street Squaro, Lowell, Unas.,

rrealinlldUeaseaof Iloraea, Cattle, and thelower anlmula; perlorma aurglcnl operutlona; cur en all curablecu*cKoi,n|i:ivlH1iiiic!>'i!ii ,e.urh,*plentaniid


Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, 358 Essex street, - - I.nnreuee.

jell Nearly opposite old oltlre.

" DR. MARY E. RREED, Formerly Hcaid.m 1'hyxlelau In the New England

llospltiil for VVomi'ii aud Children, Itoaton, respectfully Informs the Ladle* of Salem and

vicinity, lhat the has opened an Office at

58 Washington St., Hubon Block. Office hour*—Moudaya mid Thur*daya,from3lo

ar. M. Ueaangc* can be left at any time in the box at

the door. Salem, Mas*., Aug. fi, 11*10. iTtf


Attorney and Cottnsellor-at-Law, AND SOLICITOR IN BANKRUPTCY.

Particular attention paid to drawing of Deed*, tc, No. 2 Sawyer's Block, Water at.,

BAVEKHILL. *ar Collect loin made In all part* of the United

State* promptly and on tbe molt reasonable

Builne** attended to In the State and United State* Court*. ly'ihin



ery beat of tillage land, aultably divldi d into orcharding, Kngllsh grass, pasturage, ear deniilg, til luge nnd woefct land; fenced with wall; n line barn im x 10, cellar under the whole. Will hold from -;:> to lu Ion* ut hay, and this year waa full. Plenty oi pure water. Anloe-'lli atory dwelling hoiiao, with 'J tin lulled rooma, prime eellar lor all purposes for which a good cellar Is needed. All the premise* nrc In cood condition: und a farm so near Lawrence, of Us claaa, la hard lo There bat-rent quantity of manure on the premises, uud the farm Is under the highest state ol cultivation. Splendid opportunity to pur- chase a beautiful country residence and farm com- bined. In one of ihe tinest portion* of New Kng- land, 1 NorIh Andover,) anil its surrounding*, the school advantages the soeiety, healthy air, Hoe lake and river scenery, Is unsurpassed, r'or more purlieu la r«, price, tit., cull upon PKDttlCK A CJLOS-SON, Lawrence, Mas*., who have full control. nil)

O.K. A.I. P. U.SitUKY,



Cotton & Woolen Machinery AND

MACHINE WORK OEXrIKAI.I.Y. Pulleys, Gearing and Shafting, Jack Screws. All kind, ol Holts on hand, or made to order;

alao all kinds of forging done. (iKNKKAI. JOB WORK and Hill repair* done

promptly and ruithfully. Dealer* In Manufacturer*' Supplies.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methucn Streets

i,n*p4 I-AWKKUCK.


■D B 3ST X I S T ,

No. r, Lawreace at..

For Sale in No. Andover, Ms The HIIII-.I- and Land situated upon Machine

Shon street, a tew roda from Uavl* fc Eurher' Machine Shop, and now occupied by I*aae C. Sai geut—formerly the residence of the subscriber.- The house la a modern, two atory building, with a

ample closets, and a dry. cemented cellar under the whole house. Tho kitchen has a brick oven, wash boiler, two Iron slnka, and good water brought Into the room from a well outside. At tadied 1* a large wood "tied with other conve- nience*, and chamber, above. There la a good ■table. In which I* a cistern of water.

The garden belonging.contains i 1-2 acre of"rich loam land, well laid out for raising fruit and vege- tables. The fruit 11. ■.■- arc- now tn their prime, conaiatlng ot cherry, peach and pear—the latter in many and choice varieties, both dwarf and atand- ard. Tho apple trees number about <0, embrac- ing In variety. Summer. Fall and Winter fruit, produrlug Irom ISO to 75 barrels ot a good quality per year. There la also a good supply or currant, gooseberry,blackberry and raspberry bushes, and grape vine*.

It ia a desirable location, good street and neigh- borhood, while tho majority of the rooms overlook the garden, as It 1U H upon the south side or the house, aud adjoin* the beautiful grounds of Hor George L. Davis.

For lurtber puriieulm-i, Inquire of the preset occupant, or ol UEO. K. DAVIH,

lawtll-ftapA Lawrence .Ma**.


Insurance Agency. A Met*.

-I' In-.!',>.. I i.ninn.1,1!( 1*10,;!,-,(),tlOO Capital.

Clovcluml Fire Ins. Co., Cleveland, 0. 500,000

Hide & Leather " Boston, Moss. 300,000

HUM-IM, I1..-.: .',!. " is.tihi'.,, \\Y. 300,000

Buffalo City, " " " 200,000


Anil nil Losses Scltletl tit this Agency

For particulars, call and sec StaVifS!


No. 283 Essex street, Lawrence.


ft. II. EDDY, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS Late Agent of the United Stntet Patent Office,

Wiuhingttnx, under the Act of

No. 78 State St., opposite Kilby St., Boston, Alter an extensive prarllce of upwards of

twenty years, continue* to securn patents In tho United State*; alsnln Great Britain, France and Other lo —'■■ Bond*, for I'uteuts, executed on nusuriuble terms with dispatch. Kesearclies made into American aud V'oreign works, to determine the vulldltv and utility or I'tttenl* of Inventions, and le^ul and other advice rendered on all mailers touching the same. Coplea of the claim* of any patent.- '"- nlshed, by remitting one dollar. Aislgni recorded In Waahlngtr-

ft'o '"-


of hi* large nrnetiee, made on twice jecttd applications, SlXTKKN AITEALS, BV- Kin MM-: „c »l,ii'li WHS ilecijidtnnia/iiuorby the CommlsBioner of l'atent*.

TESTIMONIALS. "I regard Mr. Kddy as one of tlie most capabli

andauweis/ujpractittoner* with whom 1 have had offlcial Intercourse. ClIAKLKs MASON,CommiHslonerof Patent*

"I have no hesitation In nssurlng lnventoi that they cannot employ a man more competent ami trmiieorthi/ and more capable ot putting their applications lu a form to secure for them an early and favorable consideration at the l'atent Office. EDMUND mill. I-:.

Lule commissioner of I'sfenta." MR. It. II. Kniiv has made Tor me TH1KTKEN

applications, In ull but ONK of which patent* have been granted, and that one Is now pending Such n i. nu i J ..Mi- proof ot great talent and ability on hla part, leads me to reccommend ALL Inventors to apply to him to procure their 1'atenta a* they may be sure ol having the most luillil'ul atlentlon bestowed on their case*, and at very

Ur. A. L. SU0VI1.L ia the inventor uf several

medical prepurnlioua which have I iconic very

popular, and have been liberally used. Among Ills

Invention* are "Hall's llalsum for the Lungs" and

, "Liverwort and Tar." For ihe past six year* u

; beltrr Lung remedy bus bem ullered lo Ihe

| nubile, ttend Ibe lo]|ow:ng letter I'rnui Dr. St'n.

! VILL, relerriug toil —

< Mxaaita. J.N. IIAUIU3 i CO.: (huh —l mnke the following stulement from a

perlect Conviction and kiiiiwled:;e of llu- hi ncliu of Allen'a i i: HaiUnm in rnrlntftna most deep sealed I'ri.wos.niv I o-mtMi'Ttoa ! 1 have witnessed its efteetH on tin- ynnng and lite old.niirt I can truly siiy Unit it is by lur Ihe bent expecto- rant remedy with which 1 am nci|iinhited. For Coughs, and ull tin- early stages of Lung com- plaints. I believe It 10 bo u certain

I). HOWARTII, Pharmacien,

(Member or the College of Pharmacy, N. y,)

Cor. Essex and Appleton Sts.

Matbusbek Piano. Tbo l.a*t (Ireat Improvement I F. Mathushek'*

"EQUALIZING SCALE,*' the result of which I" n FIHHT CLASH full itrtn •flC/nre I'lANii—the "('OLillKl.'of "greal power and aweetues* of tone," oecupylna but tiro thinli ae II.I-.IJ s/iirce.

•'oat;llKNTllAI.,"|Common*lie, with £,,„,,(■ iting Scale,) "la scarcely equalled by the best Uraii.l I'luliua."

fall and examine. Agent* wanted. Imnl'.'rb Ware- /loom, ;(A1 \l'n*hinylon St., Itush,,,.

WALTEXTRACT ■d by our leading phvsiehins it .'KMl'KCIAlXY ADAl'T-

Kl> TO I.AD1 K») with the moat satisfactory re- an**. This beverage Is extensively u«ed wnerr all aplrltuuus liquors and ales are discarded, a* It differ* from all o'her malt prepamtlona, being ALMOST KltKF, FIlOH ALCOHOL, and there- fore neither Intoxicating nor Irritating; aalt enn- talna HOKK NFTltl MKN'l' THAN PORTKK, ALE.OK'i'HKSTItONdWTHRKK. imit^t TARRANT * CO., HEW YORK,

f'M.K AdbHTsniKTIlK |-.MII:I> Si MK-. ETC.

about ihe 1.nuns, there would be very frw latal consumption. It causes the plilepm ami matter to raise without irritating those dellcati.-

So d by all medlclue .leulet 41Ja7

Cure for Femnle Wenkneaa. Thla remedy, mude f,om un Indian recipe,Is en-

llrel' vegetable, and uure* without supporters. Circilara or turtlur inl'ormrillon sent on receipt ot stamp, by whlri-islng the nianufactiirer. «us. |,1. NUS IlKLCHKIt, Itandolph, Mas*. WbnleMil.i Agents, leu. ('.< Co., Boston, Muss. For tale by druggl*ta everywhere. linifldi;

FANCY GOODS, at prices bared upon Ihe prtseLI (iuld Value, nt

CAMPBELL & lAVl.t'lt'S. 230 K«»cx St., Lawrence.

The iiitiit r-1'.i.u il detlre to inform the citizen*

of Lawrence and vicinity that their new mill 1*

now lu perfect running order, and that thoae

wWbing to have their Corn, Rye, Barley, and

other grain converted Into Meal or Feed, can have

It done with promptneaa and dUpatch, a* the

milt lia* now ample facilities.

'!" ere I* al*o for aale at the mill I

Flcur, Grain, Rye and Indian Meal,

ni.I other article* ol the kind, which are Offered at ■ ^derate price*.


mVafit? Lawrence (,'rlit Mill,

Canal street, opposite Everett Mills.


RoMon A Main*' KaUrouti.

ter Arruiifceuicnt, Dec. IS, 18(19. CBAIItB PUOM BOBTOR,

1'orl laud, Saeii.Iliildeford,etc., 7.30(expreM to Lawr«n»e) A,JI„ IS H., :i r.M.(expuss In itcud-

For Bate Wr, Dover, Great Fulls, and ■(■UonacMl ol Haverhill, r.;:u (express to Ijiwrence) A.M., Vi M..3.0U, SF.M. lexpress.)

For Haverhill 7,:iU (exprcsa), 7.-16 [via tieorge- town) A. >!., ft >'.. 3.1fi (via (ieoruetown), 3.00, ft (express,) S.I& 1*1" Ueorgetown,) 0, 0.1S r-. M. ( V. »l.

For Manchester,Concord nnd Upper Itallroad*, 7.M (express) A. W..1S M., b U-xpiess) v. u.

For Lawrence (South Hide) 7, 7JW, (eaprea*! 10.16 A. M., la ]u.,:i.ou,:,,(expri> Wakeficld,) l.oo, n.isi P.M.

For Lawrence IN mill Stile i 7.:m,(e«pre**)10.1S A.M., ia M., il, A,(express to Wukellcld) 0.00, 11.10] P.M.


From I'ortland fl.16,8.46 A.M., ir.1t. From lireat Falls S.40,7.45, III.35 A.M., 1.60 F. M. From Dover 5.60', 8.00. lO.iS*. A. M., 6.0B" P M. From Kaeter fl.W", b,M, 11.43* A.M., 6> P.K. From Haverhill n.15. (via Ueorgetown) 7.IS*

7.30 (via Georgetown,) U.30, It (via Georgetown! A.M., la.«*, 3.30, a (via Ueorgetown,) 8.40*, «•• P.M.

From North Andover r.a.v.iuA.ii,, U.30,3.40, (1,60,11.1'.'*' P.M.

From Lawrence (North Side) fl.25, 7.30, 9.40 A. V., fl.\b. 3.40, 6.301. o.ia«* p. M.

From Lawrence (South Slden..S7, 7.«f,9.4S A. M.,*. ia.40*. 3.45, 8.32, fi.66*," v. M.

*()r on their arrival from the Kail. tOr on their arrival from tho North. [On Friday night only. -■un Frida; night only. I'aaaengers are not allowed to carry baggage

above «50 in value, nor over HO pound* In weight, and thai personal, unless notice 1* given, and in extra amount paid nt the rate of a price ofa ticket for every tSOO additional value.



Collector & Accountant Books Opened, Posted & Audited.



Office, 239 Essex street, Lawrence,

(Over Tost Offlce.)

orlit-i- hour* from 2 to 3 and 7 to b" P. U.

IbArWMM— J. P. Battle*, Agent Atlantic Cot- Ion Mill*) Win. H.Jaiiulth.Cathicr Pemberton BankiW.A.KImballaiCo.,Mcrohanli.SmlfagV4

The Rich and Poor Man's Plaster.

JOY TO THE NATION. UR. T. OUDKN manufacture* tbe Beit Kid

Strengthen Inn Plenrlay aud Rheumatic Plaster that can be produced In the l\ 8,, and no mistake. The proprietor also put* up for aale hla Celebrated Nut onal Magic Col'till sVltl'P. for all kind* of Coughs, Consumption, Ailhma, Hoarseness, Wheezing ut the Lung*,Whooplng Cough, and all Dlaeaae* of a like nature; wanauted the Very Beat In the market.

Btteelail If nilee.-Dr.T. Ogdcn cures all kind* of Feloua with hla own preparation, without the lo** of a joint, ua I* *o common with tbe quaeai aud dupes that Invade our atreet*.

DR.T. OUIJEN, Proprietor,

41 Union Street. - - - Lawrence. The weekly AUKKII-AN can be had at my atore.

Gunard Line Mail Steamers RETWEF.N

Liverpool and New York, i ':\ Din;: at QueciiRtown.






JAVA, TRIPOLI. One of the above First Class Iron Mall Steamer*

I* Intended tu sail us lolloiv* :— From Liverpool, (calling at Cork Harbor,) for

New York direct, every Saturday. From Liverpool, (culling at Cork Harbor,) lor

BOSTON DIRECT, cveryTue»day. From New York lor Liverpool, (calling at Cork

Harbor,) every Thursday. Certiorates iisued to bring out passenger* from

anv part of Europe at Lowest Hatci For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to K. Cu-

nard, ♦■ Howling: Green, New York. For Steerago

P. MVKP1IY, 345 Eaaei street. Only Authorlied Ag't for Lawrence and vicinity.

^^INMAN IINE£ To and from Liverpool and

'tllCt IKltivtll. The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia S. 8.

Company'a Mail Steamer* rail aa follow.; CITY OF PARIS, Saturday Jan IS CITY „V IHIOOKLYS, ™V"»' Jg g CITY OK BOSTON, Tuciday, Jan S CITY <IF LONDON. Saturday Jan 3

F'r,7*0/,',VS.UIN,iTON' " r-eb » El NA. (11 A. it.) Tueidar Fsh H CITY OF DALTIUORE.d P.W,)S.^day',Feb i" Every SATURDAY and alternate TUESDAY

Irom Pier « North River, New York. Flrat Cabin, .IOOUOM | Sleerage. |U Currency Havre, Bremen, Ham- I Havre, Bremen I ."

burg.ete. »noiiuld lUmhnrg eto i *36 Cur

Parii, nauoldl P»rl«, as " By the Tuesday Steamer:

Firat Cabin, |BD Gold | Steerage, ».■» Currency

KM*"4 Cer,1B'--»'e« ''<>f "11 psrta at moderate

KS'rUi! &£ "ri"1,n sud ""•MM.** Ml over. rur freight or puasage, apply at the Couiiianv' Omoe*. HKJ Slate street, Ho.iou, JOHN t !"Vy

Afenl,M.S.CREAUll,M«n«ier.0r ^ P. MURPHY, 34* BMM atreet^



U. I'lverj- alternate Salin<ln> the In- main I.hie Will ill*pat< I, „„,■ of tllf lr mtlH

■ Iramria from Liverpool, Mat. Itnmn- town Bnil lUIlrai, i„ notion, currying paaaengcra anil freight.


"fflrft' W^I>«-iilUl,


r>R,_ "w. E. Riaoa, (Succeasor to Dr. E, D. HAI Ka)

SURGEON DENTIST, IAS K«*t*>i «ii.. Lnm-rt-nrr



llntn, Oapa, ate.,

229 Kfscx street, - - Lawrence.

j UKDHJAI- AND HUUOICAL OFFICE, No. 48 llownrd St.. I.ontoii.

I Dli. FRKIVliMOItRILI. gives speelal attention . lo "I" es ol DM- t-i-iiili.iiiinary urgntia,and nil I chronic anil illtlhult liaeases In both aexe*- bl* J great .UI-OI-H- In those lom; sl«ii.1inK .,,,,1 ,|II,„„M

CiiM-s Kiirfi *s *i-ref.irtnrtlyc<iii.bli'r.-.liiieiirnbk, ; I* sufficient to cmiiiiieud him lo the publlu at wor- ; thy the extensive patronage he ha* received.

DH. MOltlilLL le *.hi.,it<d by the best med- ical talent of the cnnniry to have no jteatinent ol Female Complaints, ll JH-amirni oi rn

■ ■,ud kl*P usual oeeurropee

Heme Stereoscopic Views. We have packages of Twelve «tereo*cop1e

View* ot our Public itmlJingi, Mllla, Streets and Common, which we ulfi-r lor *i.,',u per Bos.

J. C, DOW & CO,, ■tan Kaaex itreet.

ei|u,il In tl -,-udlt la Un nn

■lui ■ Hi y«lri,nslu regular practice lallents to htm for treatment when

..... nuense* In hit sperialty. Ladle.'will re,, i,, tl.e :H.>.t .nUiuiti, nM.'iitl.m.

nolh inedlcuily ami .urglcally. Board, with oh -in.l eanerlencetl nurse, will be furnl.hed tho* vhn wish to remain in Ihe elty during treatment

The poor advl.eii free ot charge. Pliyalclan. a latent, wl.hlug hi. opinion or advice, bv Int.,

and experienced nurse, will be furnished thu.i who wish to remain in Ihe elty during treatment.

The poor advl.,,,1 free ot charge. Physicians . r pal ent. wlahliig hi. onlnloa or advice, by letter, and luclos ug the usual fee, will be aniarered by reiurninail. IwffaHMl

Medicine* lent to all Part* of Ibe country.


Just above Arlington Mills.

Price from 2 to 8 cents per foot. Inquire of A. J. FRKKCII or PKDRICK ft

OLOSSON. 1ml Yapfl


UNDERTAKER, at)3 Common atreet, - ■ Lawrence.

Ur. Porter still continue* the Funeral Furnishing builnr*<,uhe has done forthepa*! two year*, at the old aland, where everything In hia line can be found, and at the loweat price*.

Funerals attended with one or a pair o horao* a* required.

1CK COOL Kits, for preserving bodle* In warm weather, can be obtained at all times. N. B.-Orders left with Superintendent ol Bnrt*l» will be promptly attended to, j-lfexl


Furnishing and Funeral UNDERTAKERS,

Would call attention to their


Corner Common and Arneabary Sta., Fherf *J»«J will k^P a lull supply of everything In their line, and aell at tbe loweat living price*.

They are sole Agent* for FUk'» Metallic Ca*ei, crane'* Metallic Caskets; also Bholer'* Metallic Cartel*, a MKW and dcijrable article.

Funerals attended with a good henr*e, and one or a pair of horiei,

Residence and Manufactory IM Elm St. Salesroom corner of Common and

Aiticsbiiry streets.

H»$S \&$$t? '""■ *»•""«", -in * Carriage* furnUhed It dcalred.

^W^OOODRICH. Ul-Bfell J. ll.RiTKOLn*.


BITTERS" Of gPBBE** aAMBUCl WIHB with Uertra aud

Root*, anal by far the

BEST and moit Reliable Tonic and Bitter in the market

whloli la always the '

CHEAPEST. The Herb*, Bark* and Root* tiled In


WINE BITTERS! •aUteS**" Mf*! Camoanlla Klower*, Snakeroot Wild Cherry Bark, Calemu*. Qlnanf ,". ™1 «J«H«b..nd Boot. ..haii!Xbee"ndfo"ad

HEALTU-GIVINO and Invigorating, *o aa to Impart

BLOOM to tbe ..How, wre-worn and tea. pB„„n. M,a

BEAUTY to their pale and llckly conulenance*.

Ladies from Utah, Soalh America and Kurope are *endin* by e*pre*a for theie Bitten. *enomg

For .ale by drugglit* and grocer* geuerall. He. that the slgiialure ol AI,IHK*,I S«M, Raaal'c N J, la over the cap of each boltle. iVt-Ijeii.


RHEUMATIC MEDICINE Cures HhonmntiBin nnd

I-ivcr diHiciiliieB, rieiinsy,

|C(ildH, OriinipB, S|)raioa,

BmitM. Summer Com-

plaints, Hunts, Scalds,

(.'liill.l.iiii i, etc., etc.


Prepared l>y

N. PEABODY *fc OO., •Sanbornton Bridge, N. H.


i n

AN DOVER ADVERTISER, PublUliixl every Friday Kvenlog, '->y

GEO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors, Cor. Ewx $ Appletoit St*., Laurence,



c 1 w'k. 2 wk.jl iiiu.j-inio.l3niu.jauo 1 >

1 1 1 "■'>! 2 (Mil 3 Ooi 4 00 7 00 U i") 4 Oi ft IKI (100 B DOJ10 OBI* IM OOt 7 00 0 ■■ I.1 '■■'!-, 00,84 Ot

t el.l'lllll 20 u. •21 oul :vi uo 41 oiiis oo uu uo iso oo


f Ha inlay rxcented,)

U»* ■ large clreatatlua aMoug Ik* baslacs pabih , atbi Jinn a my desirable advartlllai


MUM iMniiiV- -l.\ AUVANCK.

"■' Vnr, ■ ■ . a l M| six Month*, • - |! H *' M paid la «lv»ac., #i.


THE A M /: It I f ■ A X

STEAM PRINTING OHPICH No charge of lot* than one square, (ono Inch.) AMlgnee*' anil Administrator*' lfatlcc»uai.SQ[

Notlura In rending columns, W cent* per Una. No charge uf hut than riglH line*.

H7i« cdTHloliun of the /.oii-rfMM ^snerJ- | ««» I* men (ASM TIIItEE TIMES that of j #«;/ atiker atwdtly jwper jmMf*he<I • » Uii* | *f(g. AK90TI g? i s II R.

it thtrougkljr famlahail I eastern Maaeachutett*. Having thetao*! ImproiiJ

Presses, and wltheoHitant additions of 111 * NFWIIT ITUII or TT»I,

and wltli uur exteoalvv variety ul work, n ara • Mi- tu fiirnMi tin- Be*t (Jwallly or Work, taped) - Huu.iy, and at low priori. Order* by mall promptly fllled.

QBO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors, AM KOOKX «T., LA.WSf.NCI.






No. 7 Lawrence street,


Semi-Centr-nnial Expoae.




JULY 1, 1869.

Cash Assets. $5,352,532.96

Total Liabilities, 266,782,33


IT'8 PAST.—" lly their Fruits ye know them."

Losses paid iu 50 year*,


IT'3 PRKSBNT — "The Ito.t Successful Fire

Insurance Company In America."

<nsli Assets, 5,352,532.06.

IT'S I "DTUIIE Usefuluri* and Duly unal be ■hapod and mcaaured only by the Wraith and

Growth of oar connjry.

Three-fourth* oi the Imurauce (.'ompank*

chartered have failed—provlug the mistake* and

dllsi :ulil< i In a protection tmseil on calamity and

misfortune, with an Important part of II* development In the iphure of broad human

benevolence. It la a rqre *nd uncommon event

for one or them Institution* to make htayiirm

annual report, and that a latltloclory one.—

Another of life'* plained ulJ lessons, "At yon

tow that you thai! reap." Bate* and lerma at literal at coa*l*U-Ul with

moderate prollt and tubttantlal security.

S WA N*8


No. 7 Lawrence street,




A- III iiikiml, from indlFerellon cr other rausea, baa been doomed to suffer from disease, so also ha* a remedy fur ill*, ase Wen provided. Our hllla and laUtfl sheens with root* iind herbs, which, II •clentluVally prepared uiid cumpuiiudrd, will re- atore health olid vl|ror to the Invalid. To and such a remedy we should trek one Hint haa stood the teat of aj[i'.


H wu plated before Hie public thirty yean aKO.wlth aU Lha ps^adk. otjJZa** "p.teat .aadkbM". operallncafralnH tt^ltiraJually lla ylrluea be- eawe known, and now,-today, It itandt at the head of all preparation* uf Its class, with the in- doraement of eminent", clergymen and physicians.

Head tba followlnii aymploms, and If you And that your tysUm Is alficli-d by any Of them, you may reat assured that disease fans commenceJ Hi attaekt on the must Important or^ana of your body, and unlcsa loon checked by the use of pow- erful remedies, a miserable life, soon terminally In death, will be the result:—

Constipation, Flatulence, In-

ward Piles,Fullness of llloodtolho Head,

Acidity Ol tlii'Sluiiiarli, Nautra, lUartburn, 1 ■ I - -

i: mt for Food, Fullness or

-■ring at the I'll ol the Stomach, Swimming ol the Head, Unrrhd or

Difficult Itreatbing Fluttering at the Heart. Choklni or Suffocating Sensa-

tions when In ii Lying Posture, Illiniii'SH or Vision, Dot* or Webi belore the Sight,

Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per- apiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyei

Pain In the Side, Hack. Cheat, IJmbt, etc., Hudden Flothea of lleat, Hurnlng In

(in- Flesh, Constant imaginings ol Kvll and Great Depression ol

Spirit!.— All these, indicate Dlseaan of the Liver or







They will Purify the Blood. They will give Tone to the System. They will give Strength to the Debili-

tated. They will give Energy. They will give Health and Vigor.

They do nil Ihlsby I'I'IUKVISH TUB BLOOD

and atrcngthenlng the





It entirely vegelable, and contains no liquor, It la a compound of Fluid Kxtrscla. The Roota, Herb*, and Raaka from which these extracts are made, are gathered In Germany; alt the medical virturs are extracted from them bv a scientific chemist. These exlraote are then forwarded to thla country to be used eapreasly for the manu- facture of this Blttera. There It no alcoholic sub- stance of any kind uaed In compounding the Bitter*; hence ft l> free from all the objections In- cident to the use ol a liquor preparation.


IIOOFLAND'fl GERMAN TONIC Is a pleasant preparation of Dm Blltera for thoae who do not like extreme lllttera. It 1> eompoted of all the ingredient* of the Blltera combined with pure SantaCrui rum and tgrrcablo flavoring ex- tract*. It* n*e la reommended when »ome pure ttlroulant Is required In connection with the tonic properties of the Bitten.


HISS M. S. ANDERSON, Would most respattfully Inform her former CM tomer* and the public, that she now occupies Hie atore formerly occupied by CAMFBILL k TAYLOR,

Cor. of New/bury and Easel Htreeia,

IfVuere the Is now prepared to show the beat and LATKST STYLUS OF

Vail and Winter Millinery,

Bonnets, IUts, Feathers, Flowers, Laces and Ribbons.

Also, a One lot of Ladles' Wear, in Cotton and Woo'en Gooda, In Balmoral*, spring Skirts, Franrh and American Conela, Under Veals. Hose. Ulotea, Collar*, Cutfs, Hankerchlefs, Clouds,

PHooda, Shawls, Ullten>. Fur Children's Wear, all kind* and descriptions.

lllsi Anderson would also call attention to her

Dress Making Department, When you can have your Dreaics and Cloaka Fitted, by the most competent hand*, and at the Lowest Prieea in the city. 8ha also keep* Water- Proofs, of all <iuallttet lor Cloaka, and Trimming* of all description*, for both Ureisc* and Cloak*,

Tansela, HultonH,

Us* lloofland't




Los* of Appetite, l,o.«» of Appetite, Los* of Appetite, Los* of Strength, Loit of Strength, r..J-i ■ ..t Strength, Lou oi Sleep, I.on of Sleep, Lot* of Sleep,

Loss of Na/Toui Action, Lois of Nervous Action, Los* of NerTona Action, ltroken Down Systems, Broken Down Systems,

Sufferers from Liver Complaint, MI iii 11'i - from llcndichf Sufferers from lleadachi

TESTIMONY like the following was never before offered

hall of any medicinal preparation :—


Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ol 1' vanla writes:

I'M 11.A 111.1.1-iiiA , March 14, Inn;. I Snd " HuotUiid'a German Hitler*" lingood

tonic, useful in dltcases of tho digestive organ*, and of great benefit in case* of debility, and want of

1MB OtD FISIIEttVJX'.l rtlAYEtt.


TTler* wa* a poor old man \Vh>< aat .,i-.l listened to the raging tea. And heard It thunder, lunging at tho cliff* A* like lo tear Ibcm down. Hs Iny at nlgbt, And, "■ I HI .1 have mercy on the lad*," *ald he, "That ••Dad at noon, though they be nono of ml no; For when tha gale gel* up, and when the wind Fling* at tho window; when it beat* the roof, And lull*, and atop*,and rouaeaup again, And cola the oreat clean off the plunging wavo, A»d* tt Ilk* f.alLer* up (ha 1W.1. Why, then I think of my Iwo lad-; my lad* That would have worked, and never let mo want, And never let mo lake Ih* pariah pay. N.i, none of mine; my lada were drowned at MO— If y two, before die most of these wero born. 1 know bow sharp lhat ant*, lines my poor wife » Walked up and down, nnd atlll walked up and

And I walked after; and one would not hear A word the other *ald, for wind and *ea That raged, and beat, and tbnndered In the night— The awfullcit, the longed, lightest night That ever parent* had to apend,— a moon That thono like daylight on tho breaking, wave*. Ah mat and other men havo lost Ibelr lada, And other women wiped their poor dead mouth*, And got Ihem homa and dried them in thu house, And seen the drift-wood He along the coast. That was a tidy boat but one day back,

aeen n«it tide the neighbor* gather It To lay II on their fire*.

Ay, 1 v, iii alrong And able-bodied, loved in; work, bnl now I am a useleaa hull; 'tis lime I aunk; I am in all men'a way; I trouble them : I am a trouble to my«elf; but yet I feel for marlnen of slur my nighU, And feel for wive* that watch ashore. Ay, ay; If I had learning I would pny the Lord To bring them In; but I'm no acholtr, no, Book learning 1* a world loo hard for me: But I make bold lo *sy, 0 Lord, good Lord, I am a broken down,poor man, a fool To speak to Thae; hut in tin- book 'II* writ Aa I hear aay from olHera that can read, How, when thou earnest, tbou didat love the sea, And live with flsberfolk, whereby II* Thou knowcit all tho peril they ge through. And all their trouble.

A* for mo, good Lord, I have no boot; I am too old, too old— My lada are drowned; 1 hurried my poor wife; lly llttl<< lassie* died *o long ago That moally I forget what they were like, Thou knowe*t Lord, they were *uch little ones;

iw they went to Thee, but 1 forget Their faces, though I missed them tore.

O Lord, I wu A atrong man ; I have drawn good food, And made good money ont of thy great tea, And yot 1 cried for Ibem at night*; and now, Allbongh I be so old, I miss my lad*. And there b*. many folk tbl* stormy night, Heavy wlili fear for their*; Merciful Lord, Comfort them; save Ihslr boncat boya, their pildc, And let them bear next ebb tho bleaiedest, Beit sound—the boat keels grating on the iniid. I cannot pray with finer words, I know Nothing; I have no learning, e-anuot learn. Too old, too old. They soy I want for naught. I havo the parish pay; but I am dull Of hearing, and the fire acarce warm* me through. Qodaaveme, Ihavo been a alnful man, And save the live* of thoae who still can work, For they are good to me; aye, good to me. But Lord I am a trouble; and I tit And I am lonetome, and the night* are few That any think to coma and draw a chair And alt In my poor place and talk awhile. Why tkould they come fonooth? Only the wind Knock* at my door; O, long and load It knock*, The only thing God made that haa a mind To enter In."

Yea, thua Iho old man apake; These were the lut word* of hi* aged mouth. But Ono Did Knock. One came to aup with him, That bumble, weak old man; knocked at hi* door; In tho rough pauao* of tho laboring wind, I tell you that ono knocked while It KM dark Save where their foaming pasilon* had made while Thoae livid, teething billow*. What he said In lhat poor place where be did walk awhile, I cannot toll, but tbl* I am aasured, That when the nelghbora came tho morrow morn What tuoo tho wind had bated, and the tun Shone on the old man'* floor, tfa*y taw the smile He passed away In, and they said, "He look* A* he bad woke and *een Iho face o( Christ, And with that raplurou* mi lit held out hi* arm* To come to him."

Velvela, FrUKea,

Sewing Silks

Maotilno WtitOfciWg* PlBlCln0 and Staniplna,



Soap and Candle Factory, L. HK.veil ft SON, Proprl.tor.,

Uinufuotarsr. or

Scouring: Fulling Soaps For Woolen Mills, Hat Manufaotorloa.ete.

Hard Soap. Candles. Tallow, NKAT*8 FOOT OIL, ETC.

Our house having bean establish- ed upwards of twenty years, with facilities to command the beat stock In the market, and a manu- factory parfeot In every detail, un- der our constant supervision, pur- chasers can rely on finding the quality of all our gooda as repre- sented. Corner of Lawrence & Maple Sti.,





HON. JAHKH THOMPSON, Judge ol the Supreme Court or Pennsylvania:

PHii.Anni.PtiiA, April -.'", IBM, 1 ronslder "llooflaod's German Bitter*''a valu-

able medicine tn rue of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. ' can certify this from my caperieuce ol II, Your*, wlthreipect.


UON. GGORGB SUAK8WOOD, Justice of the Supremo Court or reumylvanla

i.,w>r.i,riiiA,.Juiio 1,1608, 1 have iuund by experience that |'Hoofland'*


German liittera" fa a very good ionic, relieving dyspeptic symptom* almust directly.





javt Kaanx ST.,

LAW a not

guT-MUrou* Oild! Gai Adnlalslered

uksr-Bsiferanoo—raeslty, Pnlla. Dental College New No. 385 Essex St., (old No. 142.)

QON.WM.F. ROGERS, Mayor ol the city of Buffalo, N. Y. MAYOR'S Orrict, lln > AI.H, June 22,m » need '"

"imlly daring t

~Welr"«.__ . oi Uriel effect*.


HON. JAMK8 H. WOOD, >:x-Mayor of Wlliieim-port, Fa.

I take great pleasure In recommending "llool- lind's German Tonic" lo any one who may be af- flloled wllh Dy«pcp»la. I had the Dyspepti* so badly It was impossible (o keep any food in my stomuch, nnd 1 became so *<-ak a* not to be able lo walk half a mil.-. Twu I !e« of Tonic ilterl- ed a perfect cure. .IAMKS M. WOOD,

JOHN rXTKKHAHKH, h-„., A Lawyer of Willianispoit, Pa.

Tlil. It to fcillfy that I bare used " HooflHi.d's German lllitcre" for Dyspcpsiu, and found It in In, :i)unt,le remedy.


CAUTION. Hoiilland'* German remedies are count) rf.'lied

See that the *la;uaiure ol C. M. JACtLStIN lion Ihr wrapper of eachbotlle, All ot here sre coun- terfeit. Principal Ofllce and Manufactory at the Germ* Medicine Storr, No. 031 Arch suiTt, I'hilitdclplilB, fa.

rnAS. H. r:VAN-, Proprietor. Formerly (J, M. JACKSON A CO.

['It ICES: HooDiind's German Hitlers per bottle, 11.00 lloulland'* German Illlter* per hulf doi. 5.00 Ifoofland'* German Tonic, put up Iu quart bot-

tle*, |l J» per bottle, or a half doien far »;..,o, «• li,i not forget to examine well the artlrle

yon buy, in order lo get the genuine.

For salt; by all Druggists rind Dealers in Medicine everywhere. nls l>y W. C. UR1GHAM, Lawrence. *Uwlil«op11yMp»


I was young and hearty In those tlays. The wild and picturesque Alpine regions, wllh their roaming cataracts, their thun- dering snow-slides, their dense (breets, their glaciers, and cracked Ice fields, in- spired me with a venturesome spirit, now nnd then tempered with awe, and wonder how human beiiiK". having the wide ex- panse of God's earth before them, could choose to dwell in thsse forlorn and for- saken regions. But, even as the dwellers on the slope of fiery Etna rebuild their ruined city, over and over again, on the same spot, the hardy Swiss would not ex- change his mountain wilderness for all the luxuries of Eden,

A stranjre hamlet was Glctsclierhetm .' cottages, piled roughly on the sides of A rugged Alp; here ant) there a level space, with scanty grass, a few geat9, and fewer cows, carofully corraltd—ono would say a break nock village, where nono but the feathered tribe could dwell. But when you saw tho lioalthy Swiss tnnldcn come ont of a eottago, pall in hand, jauntily step over a pathwny cut roughly in the racky msitntaln, until she came to the swlft-rusblng brook; then till her pall, and carry It on her head as if It were a diadem—meanwhile slnging.wlth a clear. UioiiL'li somewhat tmrah votes, a song if freedom ami love — then you begin to feel there was a home there.

The girl of whom I spoke—for 1 saw such a one. white resting from my long ramble, and wishing for a drink of water —had just deposited her pa1!, and was kissing a little urchin who had run out to meet her, when, looking up, she saw me, stared long, and then cried, almost to the top of Iter voice:'Come In, stranger and rest yourself 1' 'I will cornel' cried 1, accustomed to

the hospitable manners of the Swiss moun- taineer. And I began my ascent, not with the <■;,,,■ and freedom of a native, but yet wltti tome more facility than ihe common herd of tourists.

I had almost reached Ihe level space on which the cottage was built, when mv climbing powers nearly gave out. Wllh the linlf pitying smile of superiority she enmo forward, reached me her hand, nnd. with considerable musculnr power, lifted mo tip lo the hmditig-plare.

■ This :.ii'-n!. niiiii h not from Overland,' snlil site, tnnghtn"/; I'oor gentleman! quite tired! Come In—rest Ihyscll! lint N.y bundle, my genileiimn—lliy bundle!'

'indeed. I hud forgotten my small valise! I WHS going down to fetch it. when she held me with a very decided grip, saying to ihe little boy: Hjulck, Kull! ihU gen- tleman's valise 1'

0(1'went the bay, und up he came like a bird. It took him not lialfttie time it took me to come up. But in that time I ob- served my conductress. N*»t handsome, nor falr.she had I face so good,so honest, sucli dark-brown. IttsiroiH eyas, such a well-built lorm, suoh n pure, candid ex- pression In her whole being, lhat I felt decidedly Interested In her.

'Come!', said she; 'go hi. and rest awhile.' With that she took the valise from Half's hand, and led Ilia »ay to the chalet. U was low, but III solid roof spread wide. and. nil around, climbing plants, thilfiv and hreih, showed they were cared lor. Two bwiclrss, one escli tide of the porch, of a truly rustic appear- ance, were evidently often used. The door was open, and ihe room Inside, though somewhat dark, had a neat and comfortable sppearnncu. IB the corner farthest from the door was a couch, with dizzliog white linen. Al first I law noth-

ing but the linen; but soon I perceived that the couch was occupied by an elderly woiunn, .whose hands lny folded on the coverlet, while her languid eyes rested on my guide.

'Sit down. Sir,'snld the girl, offering me a clumsv, but commodious chair, and placing my valise In a corner of tho room; then, turning to the Invalid, she added, 'A stranger, mother dear—a trav- eler.' \ ml taking one of her thin; snow- white hands, she kissed It, bent over her, and said aome fond, endearing words.

The mother tried to straighten herself a little, and said. 'Welcome Sir; always glad to see a sirnnger!" But her faintly spoken words wero accompanied by a strange smile—the smile of weariness and despondency.

The daughter se»med excited, almost flushed. "Only Relieve/ she Hid, whis- pering; "only believe, mother denr, and It will come.'

I did not exaclly know what to lay. The whole reception wns so abrupt, so kind, and yet so strange, that I felt em- barrassed. I Icoked at the furniture of the room, at the small pictures, at every thing, until my attention wns caught by two claws or an eagle, nailed crosswise on the wall, above what we would call the mantel-piece, and• surmounted by a beak of lingo proportions; the wings, each aome three feet long, inclosed tho whole, which mad'! a strange anil striking ap- pearance. I rose, to look wearer; and. turning to tho lady, who had f.illowcd my uioilons with languid eye. snld, 'A sjylendld eagle lhat must have been; was It shot In Mils neighborhood?'

The Invalid hail, ns it sceined, a shock of emotion. The color returned to her blanched cheeks; she tried to raise her- self on the couch; her right band pointed to the trophy, and she spoke slowly, but very impressively:

• Remembrance, sir, remembrance!' And. having said these words, she fell back exhausted; ami her daughter went up to her, and tenderly luaslng her, said. 'Mother dear, onlv believe—only believe.'

I was puzzled. The daughter continued whispering to her mother; and then, with a smila and beaming eye, said; 'I beg thy pardon. Sit down near my mother, and while I nin preparing a tittle bite, tnither will tell theo all—all, sir—and God grant It may bo thou!'

Thus aaylng. In a hurried, c\cited tone, she left ihe room; snd 1, more puzzled than cver.inoved my chair tn the bedside, and sat down near iho invulhl.

She looked long at me, brenthtug Intnl. but quietly ; then she took my hand, and pressing It In hers—a ■aft. feverish pres- sure—she said, with eyes lilted to heaven, ' O. dear I,onl. how long, hpw long!'

After a few minutes, during which she seemed to be absorbed In prayer, fur Jier lips moved Incessantly, she let my hand go. and tried to straighteu herself uu her pillow. Ttesting on one arm. and wllh Ihe other pointed t<> the eagle trophy, she said, 'That was the bird. Then turning to the window, uenrwhleh her conch wns placed, she pointed to a high, dead pine- tree, looming up behind I projecting rock, and slowly added, 'There wits the nest,' *M- in HerrV she continued ut last, 'what I am going to tell you, I have often told to strangers, each lima with the hope It might be the last time. O, could this ho ihe last time!' ,,

She paused. After a while sho resumed ■n with an effort: 'I was happy then, sir! young and strong. 1 hail a little dnugh- ier. just beginning to walk around. She used to fellow me when I went to'the brook to fetch a pall of water. One morn- ing. Just when 1 had placed the pall on my bend lo carry It home, I saw the little thing coming nut of the bouts to meet me, when an eagle swooped down from the high rock, snatched her up. and car- ried her aloft up to his nest there, sir, thrret and with feverish emotion, she pointed lo the withered pine-tree.

'And I dropped ilic pail, sir, and re- member having run with uplifted arms, iijlng, 'Help! help!' Then my knees bent, nmt 1 fell on [lie ground, retaining consciousness enough to lift me on my elbow, and to sec the eagle flapping his wings, as In triumph, while it seemed lo my raving brain I heard the walling of my poor, dear child. A few moments I lay thus—moments of terrible ngouy, sir —when I heard a shot, not far off. The eagle flapped his wings again, and fell down at the foot of the tree. I heard the walling distinctly. I tried to rise, but could not. 'I have got you !' cried n fa- miliar voice. I looked, ami saw Itolitud, my neighbor's sou—a boy of ten years- throwing nway his gun nnd rushing, with the swiftness of a bird, down the sleep rock which you can sec yonder, to gain the other side of iho hollow-path, which 1 snw him ascending in tt few minutes. Up be went, hanging en to bush and ■tone— up and op—ft path never tried before. My heart grew falut m Ihe child's danger; then I heard the walling high up In that eagle's nest; I knew the yonng eagles wero there; I knew they would fall upon my baby-child. | could not move, sir; I could only follow linluiul imw disappearing behind the bushes and rocks; now In view,but always advancing—till, nt last. I snw him as- cending the tree.'

'Forgive me. sir; I tremble all overl' And so she did; it was n moment as If her lifo wns ebbing away. I look her hand; It wan cold. I felt her pulse; It was scarcely perceptible. I became alarmed and was going to call for help. when "lie pressed my hand softly, and ■aid : ' I've told this often, sir, but when I come to lhat climbing of Iho pine-tree, I feel all the horror 1 then felt, over again. Well he climbed and climbed, till at last he came under Ihe nest. He hnd to work his way through, for around it he could not go. I saw him take out, his jackknlfc. and, cutting through the maze Of branches, ho disappeared ball tbrotigb the opening thus made. Then I saw three young eagles thrown, one after another, out of the nest. Then I Baw him descend with the child, air— with Ihe child 1'

Again the poor woman was overenme That fearful descent of her infant baby, hanging with her little arms across thu shoulders of the ten-year old boy—that slow descent, wherein every ate*h was cautiously measured—hnd seemed an eternity to tho terror-stricken mother.

'At last, air' — she resumed, after awhile—'at last I saw him at the foot of the tree, depositing his charge and rest- ing. I SAW hhn kiss Ihe baby, ami take her up and tllsapp-'.ir behind the rooks- another roud than lie had gone. I then became Insensible, and awoke to floii- selousnoss lo liml myself lying ou tbl> same couch, RiiiToundcd by my husband and neighbors--the bnbv last flileep near me and Roland .lining on nit hair, wlili bruised face and hand*, bill Intently gat- ing at me and ins child.

■Since Hint day. ilr, I have never been able to move; my lower lliubshavo re- mained paralyzed, and, I hough not. suf- fering, I have never boon able to do any- thing.'

•And lbs baby,'said 1. "aod Roland?" 'The baby Is Hit re.' ^:il'l" she. milling

and pointing lo her daughter, who )ust came In with snmo bread, cheese, nnd butter, nnd other things for Ihe weary traveler. 'Greta.' said who. *l have lold Uiy story over again. When, U Lord, when'/'

'And Rolandf sal.l I, with some ea- gerness; 'i:..1 in,;.- Uolniidr

'Greta will tell you. Sir Stranger,' said the mother. And looking lo Orel a. i saw her blushing and paling, ami blushing again. I began to understand. Looking lo Ihe mother, I saw her eye closed, ns If weary or sleeping.

'And Iloland.' I repeated to the daugh- ter.

'He Is hunting, sir.' said she. Mushing again. 'He will be here this evening. Come, gentleman stranger, take some re- freshment : In the meantime, mother will

repose, nnd. after awhile, tell you the rest.'

She blushed again, and this time very much.

1 said. 'Thank you,' and aat down lo the rural meal, with ns caajmon appe- tite, and more than common curiosity.

The first being aitlffied, the last be- came more and more eravlag. So I turned round to my Invalid, and looked rather Inquiringly. She smiled, as she said, art curious, dear sir?'

'Very much so!' I exclnhnad. 'Believe*t thou Jo drearasf she In-

quired. Rather puzzled brant suddsa questiou,

1 took the appeal rmse of thinking a mo- ment, then said.—'fsjat drMtuh.'

•Sit nearer/ sh«-«m, Wring again: and I had Just moved my chair, when the door opened, and a young man stepped in, somewhat out of breath, a long rifle In one ham), In the other a big, broad- rlmmed hat; ho scarcely noticed me, went straight to tha conch, laid his hat on Ihe coverlet, look Ihe invalid's wasted hand, kissed ir, knelt on one knee, and said:

■How ,lo you do mother, bow do you do? And lie looked at her with a happy smile, and rested his dark-brown eyes on her with a gaze of almost womanly ten- derness.

'Dear, dear Roland!' said the mother, 'I believe that ctranger has come.'

Then the young man turned to me, gazed at me with a ■trauge mixture of wonder, reverence, und awe, rose, took his hat, made a bow—snah as the mount- aineer knows to make—and literally glided out of the room, shutting care- fully the door after him.

I looked nt the Invalid tike one asking an explanation. She geemed to gather strength, and said In a steady, almost solemn voice:

'Thou hast seen him. sir strnnger— him. tho boy who saved Greta's lifo. He Is tin- only son of my next door neighbor, Huns Pelseu. Tie was always kind to me. When my husband died, he did all lie could lo help me In my loneliness. How often ha %9A where you sit now, reading to me from -God's Holy Gospel, and comforting me In my sffllcttou; for ever since Unit. (lav. I was an Invalid, unable to move, and looking tn others for help and relief,' And Roland was as a son to me—a u>ar son—sir: and now since two yenr|,lie wnitstnbe my son. Indeed, my Greta's htisbHiid. 'If father uiilj would.' says lie, 'I could make thee so comfortable. Uui father Is bent upon a dowry. 'If the girl has three hnndred thalers.' says he, 'thou cana't get along with what I can give thee. Thou canst have cows and goats enough to make a living.' And I can not movu hhn, moth- er: thou knnwest he la obstinate, and somewhat penurious. lie likes the sound of money, mother; and unless he hears the clinking of the silver, he will never snv 'Yat,''

'This was abatit two years ago.' con- tinued Hie Invalid; 'ami. one night, I was kept awake by the grief it caused me to seo these two young people so hope- less. At Inef, [ fell asleep, snd I had a st rannc dream. I sat on the bench oat- side ih,- door, and looking tn the left I saw my poor husband ou the other bench, just as tin often used to sit, and looking happily up to utO. Said I to him. dear husband, wbarlhall fee do fttrtbemr And thru he ■mlled, end began ta sing— nnd he used to sing very well, sir.

"Trudefaoa meln. Bee doefa IVIn,

Wenn der Premdllng koHiniul; llrlnat Iba in Ihr. L'nd dlch iu mtr

Wenn .-■ Gott nur frommel.' • 'And he had Just ended the last word,

when he disappeared, and 1 woke—the words yet soundtng in my ears. Hut soon I fell asleep again, and then was, In my dream, walking along ihe path which leads to the grave of my dear Ar- nold. I reached the spot, and there he stood, smiling again, nnd began the Mists song; but this time, he repeated twice the last Hue 'and thee to me;' then I woke trembling and wondering; and when Greta came In, I told her.

'Since that Mile, we have become ac- customed to look to a stranger as onu sent to do souHithliig for ns—vidiat, we don't know; but wo try to obey my dear husband's command, and to be kind nnd friendly. Several have passed by, heard the story, but paid no further attention to It. And so It may he agtln, In that caBe,' said she, taking my hand and press- ing It softly,' 'pray forgive us. Wo are simplo and Ignorant people, and, as you know, mountaluecrB are superstitious.'

I waft not a ihtlo nuzzled. Young and ardent In my religious faith, which then was In its full bloom, I was rather lean- ing toward suprrslltion myself. Could I be the long-foretold Instrument to bring happiness to that family? But. if I was rlcn in belief, I was very poor in purse: and -the little practical sense 1 was en- dowed wllh told me" that the purso had somelhlNg to do with this. Then, again, Ihe last line, twice repcatd, puzzled me. 'Brings thee to mo—thee to me,' sounded like n transit to the unknown world: so Unit I should be the means of bringing these young people together—which I cmtltl not: ami of sending this old lady ont of the world—which I trould not.

At last I came, out with some of those consoling, non-committal expressions which newly, fledged religious people have always so ready at hand: 'The I .ot il was merciful—we could not trust too much;* 'Faith had the promise of victo- ry,' etc. And as It had become late, mid I felt weary, I rose and said, 'The night will bring counsel.' The poor Invalid smiled wearily, and said to Greta, who had come In nt the end of our conversa- tion, 'Show the stranger his room, Greta ; and be very, very attentive.'

And so she wns. A cozy 1 iti Is- out- room, lighted with a small limp, received me. My valise was already there, and through the window I could Bee the dead pine, It* top yet crowned with thu re- mains of the eagle's nest, jest beginning to he Illuminated by ihe rising moon.

It was a strange sight, snd for a mo- ment I could not turn my eyes away. Grata, who had observed my visible emo- tion, said, smiling:

'My cradle once, and nearly my—cof- fin.'

'.My best respects to Roland,' said I deeply moved, 'and giving her mv hand.

The tears began tu roll. "Oooo night, Sir Stranger,1 said she. turning and ■.•<>■ lug, God protect you!' slw added, clos- liiK ihe door.

I then prepare) for tho night'*: rs#t. While d"ing mi. and euiiiiylnj mv pock- ets, a e rcfully folded newspnp.-r atrunk my eyes. I hid got it in Uerue, partly read It, but In the excitement of foot* liavel, fOiirnt If. It was a •reli,'loiM* pi- pet- pi luted at Lwanne. It contained many wonderful fiu'ts of r-.iiver Ions. with appeals to the unbelieving parl of ininki'td. advertisements of a 'ierlo-nV kind, etc. 1'efllng more weary lhaii sleepy, I sat down in a comfortable arm- chair, find lighting a cigar, (for I did smoke, notwithstanding my seiiotis dls- posiilou) 1 began in read—slrnng-ly enough—the Tew adverttsumeut*. There was one. headed bv out-ol-the-wnv capi- tals: '.SoeWfi ■(' iUruf-Utanes tti I. xinitp,' Its purport wns thai a rcllgli muttOH would be held at Lausanne, In iho chapel <tn Am 7W*itr, on Tuesday, Iho 2,lh lust., and nil (VireliVn- Invited, especially those who knew of •Interest- ing* cases, which might contribute to ad- vance the kingdom of God.

I jumped up. and exclaimed, loud enough to he heard by all but sound sleep- ers. "Eureka'.' Then I became serious, Considering uiy • Interesting' case, found that moBBM was nt the bottom of It, and then Ihe Implied traii-dallou of the old lady came ncrossmy hard-working brain, 'lieririilentlne, Be very kind, Whan ibe Stranger

, If UoJ should

I really did kneel down and pray lor light. I was sincere. I got up with the fullest confidence that the 'way opened,' and fell naleep white preparing my dis- course In the chapel du Ron Ptittcur, to state my -Interesting' case.

Early hi the morning I was up. A tittle sobered down from the height of my expectation*, I concluded to say nothing of my Intention, to leavo without notice, and lo hmry my steps down the Oherland, so as to be In time for the Berner stage. I accomplished my first descent successfully, then struck another Sath than the one ( had oome the day be- ire, as It seemed smoother and easier.

So It was for about a mile; but then It came to a turn round a projwstlog rook, anrT there it went along a precipice, so narrow, so broken, that I came to a stand-All), and was retracing my steps, when 1 snw Roland rifle Iu hand, ap- proaching.

'Where are you going, sir?' said he, with A broad smile. 'Let me help thee, or else th-ui mayst never come to thy Journey's end.'

Saying this, he hung the ride across one shoulder, swung my valise across the oilier, and taking a tight hold of my left arm, made me go before him. Ills grip wai so firm, and his tread so easv, that I felt no more terror than a child feels when led by her mother's arm.

'It Is very bad here,' said he, 'but it Is not far. Some years ago an English Mil- ord came very near losing hi* daughter.'

Indeed p said I, to Bay something, for I was too much preoccupied wllh my own steps to think much of others.

At last the ugly ledge was passed, and Ith a hearty shake or Ihe hand, he took

leave, 'God protect you.' I thought his voice was a little thick,

I came at last In time for the semi-week- ly. Berner Mage, and arrived on the after-

ion of the 24th In Lausanne. Tho small chapel was crowded. On a

platform were several ministers, and I recognized the one with whom I was very intimate. I went up to him. He was so Kind to *ee Ir rhrrfrcre f I staled to him i tuir I had a rose to mention. He wrote down my name; it happened to be the lost on the list. In the mean time, n beautiful hymn was being sung by the whole congregation. Then one ef the ministers offered a fervent, short prayer, and the various cases were called. To speak the truth, I was so preoccupied with my statement that I scarcely heard any thing; but I saw many hand kerchief* moving, and now nnd then a broad hand with square fingers seemed to clear the

», At last my name was called, and I Iked lo the stand with ftrem lab vnthiifl-

tism. I narrated (he occurrence some- what as I have narrated It above, and wound up with what might he called a peroration, pressing Ihe faith of these people and the providential direction or my eyes fo the advertisement.

My speech was a decided success. The tlitllllng eagle story, iho mysterious ■ream words, carried the day: a whl*- per went nil around the chapel, ' The lin- ger of iii»f. It Is clear; they must be helped.' Old people said, ' I heard of that long ago.' Voung people admired Itolund, and sympatlii/.ed wllh Gretu. At last an elderly man arose, and naked to aay a word, 'lie would move that this uigiit'n collection, and the surplus funds In the rafstt-, should be slotted to recom- pense these people's simple faith.' It was carried by acchimatUn. Whtlu a hyinu was sung, thu plates went round. Many a dialer resounded upon them. After prayer and benediction, tho congregation wn* sent home. A few remained anx-> Ions to know thu rusntt. Among them I observed nn elderly gentleman, evidently English; ho seemed to watch me when I went up to the treasurer, who had Just counted the little sum. and found It to be i'jhiy thalers.

■ We have yet twenty thalers lu the fund,' snld he. 'That makes eno hun- ilred of the three hundred needed, We are poor, sir, nnd I assure yiu, the col- lection Is larger, by far. than any w*e ever made.*

I was thankful, hut puz/.led. ' It Is neb as It Is,' said I; ' and ' Here I wn*. interrupted by a hand laid

oitmy shoulder. Turning, I beheld the Englishman, wllh a stern, but deeply moved face.

Sir,' he Bald,' excuse me. II ', .,■ was that young man's name?'

Roland, sir.' Roland I nolnnd!' he repeated. 'A

tall, handsome young man—a regular ihamols hunter?'

1 Just so, sir.' And the old Englishman let my shoul-

ders go and lifted his two hand* up, say- ing:

'Thank God! I can do something— something!'

Then he drew a pocket-book, nnd sit- ting down at a small table, he wrote A check for three hundred dollars, payable to !

He looked up to me for the name. ' Hans Felsen. of Gletscherhelm.' He seemed puzzled. ' That Is the father's name, tlr.' And down went the pen, and, with

ready hand, followed tho signature; then folded it. he rose and presented It to me : The debt Is not paid—no, not paid—but

fills will go toward It.' And the money, tdr?' said the treasur-

er, pointing to the modest pile, mndo up of many varieties of coin. • Tho moncy which our poor /met et ta-tir* havo so cheerfully collected?'

• I'll take charge or It,' snld Mr. Lynd- liui-i (for such I found his name lo be). 'I'll go and present it to the bride, an a gift from brethren far away.'

The treasurer smiled with sstlsfactlnu. piled the money neatly up in a paper roll, and handed il ID Mr. Lvndlim»r, Baying, * A fore gilt 1'

' So It IB,' eried Mr. Lyndlturat; ' so It Is! .»"" Is a debt paid late, and without Interest!'

We left the church, and Mr. Lyndhurst took my arm. ' We are going together,' he Bald.

1 So, you arc tha Bngllsh Milord Itolnnd spoke of I' said I.

'Ah! he told youV' 'Nothing. He only said, while help-

ing me across a very bad pathway, that an English Milord, some year* ngo. had nearly lost a daughter there.'

' Said nothing more?' 'That WAS all.' 'Ah! the brave boy ! lie

sir. and went behind. I :tnil ob-tlnate—thoiufhl I i lend my daughter aern<w. middle, sir- In the middle, uunr hlnlliig: myelf d'l went down, sir—how. I i|.»nt kn*»w—mine up In front; '.mm hold nf my daughter: led herln safety; earns hick for me—ami. I assure yon, ii nxm a narrow ivwain*!'

He wiped his fntebead. Tin vceollcc lion had fairly iipael him.

'I gars him the Ht'le money I could di-poseof He look it reluctantly. Rut since, I forgot him, sir. I for/ot him : Your munition brought it nil bel.ue me. I am so glad I shall see hint.'

Honest Mr. Lyndhur»t accompanied me lo Berne, where his bunker WHS, and there he spent half a day lu nho|ia and stores, and combined his journey with inc. wllh nn additional package.

It was late lu Ihe afternoon when we arrived at Ihe same spot whence | bad first beheld the lovely Greta. Wu man- aged to ascend-- leaving our packages to the cure of Half—and. in a few minutes, stood at the door of the brown, weather- beaten chalet.

The door stood half ajar. W« could MM Greta kneeling before her mother'* couch, and we heard her *ny: * Console yourself, mother; the stranger will re- turn. I'm sure he will return.

Then hearing u*. she turned: 'Oh, mother, the stranger!' And with these words hlu! Jumped up, and, I believe, but for the presenceof Mr. Lyndhurst, would

as ny gi Ide. a* Von, ter. i|t| peril etlv Hi eh i Ihe Mv dang if.'l V. The 1 If

have fallen on my neck. Vet it came to a hearty kl*i. (Tb

people are as pure-minded, reader, the air they breathe Is pure.)

• Are you here?' she said, leading me to tho couch- The poor Invalid wns ev- idently In a high fever. Her glistening eye rested wllh? a wondering expression upon mine. It was a questioning look. I bent down, and whispered In her car, 'It Is all right: the drear* U fulfilled."

Her hand, which held mine, pressed It with a sudden strength, then relaxed: her eyes were closed, and scarcely could I perceive any breathing. I applied my ear to her mouth, and then heard dis- tinctly a sort of whisper, repealing the wordi. ' She to me.'

At this moment footstep* nnd voices were heard, and Roland entered, with an elderly, rather dignified-looking gentle- men. Roland greeted me with a nod, then led the physician—for such ho was —to the couch.

The physician felt the pulse long, made sundry questions, then naid. in a quiet, distinct voice, to the Invalid, 'Mother, dost thou beer me?'

A very slight movement of the head said ' Yes.'

'Die physician then look Greta and Ro- land to n distance, and said, hi a low voice, which I sufficiently understood: 'Mother cannot last long; perhaps until to-morrow morning—not longer. She will recover somewhat from thla, but the attack will return, and be the last.*

It would be more than drffloult to de- lorlbe the consternation of these two young people. Greta's tears ran fast and thick. Roland was paler, his lips com- pressed; he then looked up to me. I took his hand and led him to Mr. Lynd- hurst. who, grasping his hand with both his own. said, ■ Do you recognize me, Roland!'

For some tlmo the young man's look was absent, as of one making a great ef- fort on himself; then he smiled and said, In his soft, low voice, -O, yes; How is the little one?'

Mr. Lyndhurst looked at me as one who did not understand. 1 explained, ' He asks after the little girl.'

Tho Engllshmuu'g eyes filled, and n real tear ran down each cheek. Grasp- ing Roland's square shoulders wilh his own somewhat broad hands, nnd almo't shaking film, he said. In H voice hoarse with eiimliiiti :

1 Man, you've saved her; she is a wo- man now —a married woman; mv Jovi my pride!'

Then he t.>i>k n in:.ll, folded paper nut of 111* side-pocket, put It In Bnlatid's hand, and snld: ■(Jnlnkl give Hint to Hans I-. l-i-n. | pay mv debt slow, verv slow; but I'll pay all with luiereet. with compound Interest—I will.'

I;,,|.iml was astounded, opened t|ie paper, read, flushed, looked up to hhn. as if doubting, said at last. ' Does ihl* man know what Mils Is?'

'Why the don't 1?' said tho Eng- lishman. In a rough voice. ' It's my debt, man! my debt! (julck! go to Hans Felsen; nnd mav yon make Greta as happy as mv Amelia l«.v

Kolaml understood. He preesed the Englishman's hand long and firmly, took Ids hat, and went out.

In Die meantime, Greta was busy with her mother; she bathed her temples, rub- bed her pulse, whispered to ber.' Mother dear, nnr sJm, mother dear.' And I spoke a few words to the physician. ' Worn out sir,' said he, 'and only kept alive by mi* hope. I know It, sir, I know It. When that shall be fulfilled, she will go sir—go quietly.'

He had scarcely utteicd thesu words when Roland entered, followed by an elderly man. with gray hair, and rather forbidding appearance. He led him straightway to the slck-bcd. and there Hans Felsen —for It was he—stood a mo- ment ; then knelt, took the mother's hand. kissed It, and said,' Frau Trudcheu!'

The Invalid Opened her eyes at once. She stared at Hans Felsen; then looked nt Oreta, who was approaching, then at Roland, standing behind Greta. Then, again, her eye fell upon Hans Felsen, and theie remained staring.

Ilsns Felsen wis not a bad man, but rough and ovcrpractlcal. When Roland Eut the check—the dowry of Greta—In

Is hand, and dragged him forth to Greta's dwelling, he understood all, felt somewhat ashamed, and when he saw the physician, the Btrangers, and, at last, the Invalid, lie felt compunctious; his stubborn heart was touched, and ho re- peated, In a half-beseeching tone, ' Frau Trudchen!'

The mother continued looking at him, at the daughter, at the son—at him again. Then Hans Felsen aro*e, and turning to Roland, said, 'Kneel down there.' Then he took Greta by the hand, and made her kneel down to the left of Roland. Then, bending over between them, he took Greta's right hand and laid It In Roland's right, holding tho two with his own right.

The mother flushed; her eyes spark- led; she laid her right hand an the brswny hand of Hans Felsen, Then she said. In a r-lear voice, with a triumphant smile on her lips, ' Vmobtf (Afilnnced.)

She remained a few moments thus; I hen tolned her hands, lifting them slightly, nnd said, In a whisper:

After a few seconds, we heard a faint whisper,

' And thee to me,' Ihen came a sigh—tho eyes remained staring, the folded hands sunk, A slight tremor seemed to run over tho wholo frame; and we all felt that we stood In the presence of Death.

Greta, kneeling at the bedside, sobbed. Bolaud, kneeling beside her, seemed to follow ihe departing spirit wllh a long gaze—a gaze of bliss and fond affection— a gaze ol love and firm determination—as If he said. ' Mother 1 mother! I'll lake care of her, thou knowest!' Hans Felsen stood—his face covered with hi* hands— as lost In thought.

He was the first to speak. ■ Children,' said he,' arise 1'

They rose, ami stood, head and eyes In-ill down, before him.

Then he stretched out hi* strong nrins. and laying his hands on their shoulders, he said: ' Kinder, I have erred ami sin- ned! I've been harsh! I'll give yon nil I have. Only tnke cars of me-, as you took nitre of Fran Tt inlehen.'

Then (he alrnttg man faltered, nnd I wnsju-t In lime to pu«h it tent forward* wherein he sunk down, and broke In lean ..f sorrow.

It wa* now the yoinhftil pair who con- soled hhn: ' Di-nr father, we shall tnke care. He comforted, he comforted, dear father; thy children will take enre."

Then came ihe laying out. the visits ef sympathizing neighbor*. Ihe ulght- walch. and. after two days, the funeral— so solemn In Its grave simplicity. Then my English friend and myself look our leave. And I confess I asked myself. 'Who was the Stranger— he or 1 ?' And I felt somewhat relieved at the thought. that, if I had helped to bring Roland and Grela*together, there was another Stran- ger who partook of the reapenslhillty of lti-liij'li;/ Frau Trudehen to her well- boloved Arnold.

Hut I almost forgot to mention how Mr. Lyndhui'st, after having taken leave, turned round, nnd presented u pretty large package to Greta.

' A lew gift,' said lie, ' from Christian friend- at Lausanne.'

'What Is lu it?' asked 1. so low thai Itnlans], our guide, eon Id not hear.

-A bridal dress ' said he. Then, raising his mice, he said. ' Ho-

land, I am to he godfather to your rir-i- boru.'

Roland lifted his hat, und tald, em- phatically, ' I thank you, sir.'




SiTi'nri.iv.- Tin. bill for the unconditional re-admission of Virginia into the Baton,passed tho U. 8. Honto of Bepreseilailves on Friday, by a vote or 98 to 96. It was bitterly opposed, though it I* nodertfood lhat the President wa* favorable. General Bank* voted la the affirm ailio. Qeaoni Butler was ahaeat.—Anotber barutresUwiaNewTofklu tea away. Re ■tolt f 130,000.—The cut of the •eceah woman asainat Oeneral Butler has not yet been kicked out of the Sew York court*. Of course, troth Ini! IB hoped from It bet the hope to annoy the defendant, -Bonaparte I* to be made to pay the family of the man he shot.—Garibaldi hs* gone to London.—A petltfbn ha* been pre- ■entcd to the authorities of Boston that the money proposed lo be expanded for a public park be devoted to the support of tho numerous working, people out of employment There Is a Rrcal deal of ill feeling among the Georgia republican*. It is pretty evident that some who claim that name ara very secesh.— The minister who ran off with the gfri In New York attempted to ihoot one of the editors of Ihe New York World, hut got locked up la the Sta- tion House. As the lady'* parent* are wealthy, the whole affair Ii to be hushed up.— The joint ■pedal committee of the legislature have voted, nine to one, for modifying the liquor law.— Tho planing mill of Mr. Keating, and other property pn Portland street. Boiton, wa* burned Friday morning;. Loti.aoo.OW.-Psris I* subdued, snd all li quiet,— The I'. S. House committee voted not to reduce the dnty on coal.—Three children of Mr. Wlivle, In New Jersey, six, eiRlit and ten year* of age, went out nutting New Year's day, got lost on a mountain, and ttarved to death.—tafijfl 121 ■■ M.

M.. , n \ v I i Ii tald lhat the bill for the ad- mission of Virginia which ha* paned the t1. fl. bouse by n majority of three, cannot pas* (he Senate unless tviih thu proviso which ma- terially modifies It. The republican member* of every state arc divided In tho matter.—The California leglslniure, heavily democratic, hare passed n hill nlloniug theatre* to be opened Sunday nights. A resolution ha* been adopted congratulating Tenneiicc upon rejecting the loth amend mm I.—Governor Durkce of Utah U dead.—nllsilMlpui baa ratMcd the litli amendment.—The Pcalssdy fleet will stop for cool nt Bermuda.—Itev. II. W. Bccclier de- cline* having his salary raised from $12,M0 lo 930,000 per annual.—Prince Arther will ar- rive at WaililnfTton on Sunday next and lie the gurat of the Drltlili Minister.—Dr. Living- stone,t In- African explorer, ha* been again heard from.—The Wlunepcggers have aelied upon the Hudson Bay Company's safe tn which wa* &1,500,000 uml uied il to carry on " the war " agalnit Canada. The chief whose name 1* Hellle has a.">0 " troop*,"—Post Master Oeneral Creawcll haa received proposition* from New York to build kteamer* 1000 feet long which will cross the ocean In five days.—It l* said that i hero 1* now n majority of TfH In the Ecu- menlcal Council In favor of Papal Infallibility. Alt previous deipatchea most have been false If this la true.—Thirty or the Tarts rioters have been sent to prison. The government have prosecuted two or three paper*.— The Cork police havo Iicen fired upon while hunting de- serters.—A Mr. Doll refttied to ihow hi* book* to a U. 8. Assessor lo liave an Income tax as- sessed, and wn* sustained by the court.—Sens- tor Sumner ha* introduced a bill lo prevent overcharge for cable despatches.—The approv- al of Maine, Iowa nnd Rhode Island, I* now nil that 1* required to make tho 13th amend- ment the law, and In all probability twenty- nine states, two more than I* necessary, will ratify It.—The New Orleans horse car* are to be run with compreiied air carried lu a tank on (he roof,—A son of Attorney Oeneral Car- ter of Halifax, attempted to save two girl* who broke through the Ice. All three were drowned. —Gold 121 3-8.

WILMIXOTOS, N, C—A recent number of the Wilmington, North Carolina Pott, has a lengthy detrrlption of the new barrel and ttave factory of our old lowmman, I.. E. Rice, K*q.

Tho Prut lay* :— "The engine room, I* of brick, in by 00 feet,

and ■ ■'■ reel high; a powerful, and decidedly aafe looking engine, (akea op nearly the entire room. J. C. Roadler, & Co., Lawrence, Ma**., aro tho makers. It I* of30 horse power, 18 Inch stroke, snd II Inch cylinder. The lumber yard had piled up, 160,000 atavei, and 580,000 feel of lumber, In the dressing room are two machlnea^ne, Ihe Buckee, receiving the *ta vein the rough, and giving It the lint form, when It goal to tha Dretaerloboflnlahed; These ma- chine* will turn out about MOO staves per day.

Immediately on the right 1* an Ingenious eon- trlvance.ihe cole Invention of Mr. Perry M.RIce, and which cannot be Inaptly called a

"BTAVIK' " KLXVATOU. Thl* remarkably novel mechanical construc-

tion i* in the form of a tread mill, and I* fifty feet In length. There are Afty.elght itays, carh of Hieto maintaining a iiave and pro- pelled upward. On a half ascent, the extreme* of the stave come* in contact with two small circular saws, performing the iluir time of 2,KW revolution* per minute! The refuse mailer falls on an Incline, which communicate* with the engine room, and I* there used for fuel. The slave after being sawed I* paaaed forward on the cureull and fall* off on ihe second turn of iho elovator, where they are taken up, and traniferred to the "Jointers." By tbl* eleva- tor—which, by-tbe-way, laves the labor of af least three men,—IS itaioa can bo trimmed, on both tide* In ono minute. The "Jointer*," aro nothing more than (able* grooved, and concaved, with circular saw; the stave being plnced lu (he proovc, I* pushed along by hand, and IH then Dimmed off, on Iho tide*. There are three of these machine* on this floor, and each one i« capable of pwMisg 2,000 slaves per day."

The drying room I* G.' by 12 feet, with a ca- pacity of 2H,000 stave*. The establishment, Which rinploy* IS hands, I* under the Immedi- ate Hi" nti'ei-.U I,,, of Perry M. Itice, vim I* alio thief nf the Fire Department of the eitv.

AMLSKUKNTS IN BOSTON,—rrtdav is tiie regular Into train night from Bos- ton. On that evening there Is English opera at the Boston Theatre. Tho Purl- tnn'a Daughter, by Ualfa, author of the Bohemian Girl. I'urcpa slugs in it. Tickets $2. "Der Frelschntz" with all its horrors and beautiful music, will bo given Saturday nflcrnoon. " Arrah Na rogue," the Irish piece with beautiful scenery and still finer acting, is atlll the attraction nt the Museum. At Selwyn'a the drama of Little E'nily, presumed to bo from Dickens' David Copperfleld, will be presented Friday night. There is a superior variety at the Adolphl nnd the Howard. The arctic regions are -nil nt tha Tremout Tompio.

I' LKDURR ALMAKAC—Mr. Geo. W. Child*, publisher of (he Philadelphia I.rdger, one of (be most wide-awake and sneeewfol pa- per* in Ihe country, hs* issued a very neat and valuable almanac for 18*0, which he diatrlbatc* among the reader* of the Ledger; it make* a lifiy-aix page pamphlet, and ihe en- terprise of Mr. Child* I* evident by hi* 80,000 edition for free circulation.

I«1f4 and (Quot'd. Watt* dashed off 8»7 hymn*. Mrs. Stows has gone to Florida. Mr*. Lincoln has bought a heats at Zurich, ujornstjerns BJorason I* coming here to read

next summer. Baa FiancUeo does a divorce I

nine braes a day. Saturday organ e

are a 11 the rags la Brookly a. San Franciaeo has received M,6«7,1T3 *saa

gold aad iflver IhU year thas last. saety hSMas a *•*■* Is the avonwe O*JV*4

"for adoption" by English awther*. One of Holier Kimball's 48 torn has bad his

head kicked open by a vicious horte- The N- Y. Seventh Regiment has been asked

to attend Mr. Peatwdy's funeral at Portland. Chinese girl* sell for 8800 In San Francisco.

An Indifferent article can be bought lor 8800. A woman recently aelaed a man and before

be could (ecure assistance brutally married him.

Sttka ha* not been overpopulated as yet. Two perton* In a townthip are now considered a crowd.

The republicans in Wltroniln thought Solo- mon the wisest man, and therefore made him Governor.

Fat people who were out long came home to, having been quite fqnoered out of their mat I proportion*.

Rev. Mr. Froihingham preached about the "Infamous blaitorers of the pros*."—I a Ntv York irorW.

There I* so truth In Ihe report that George Franc!* Train ft aeriouily affected with an at- tack of modesty.

A lady In Parl* la mourning lbs lots of ber eleventh husband. She expert* to complete the dozen ibis season.

A petition I* In circulation In Cincinnati ask- ing the Board of Education to pay female teach- er* a* much a* male*.

The abolition of frank* would relieve each Congresiman, It I* estimate.!, of one itiouian.l boring letter* a lession.

The New York paiiry cook* bad a ball last week, at which, u contemporary says, "many of i lie upper runt attended."

In a Westcin town lite church deacon* tako all Momtay to paste together (be mnillatn] uir- renry placed on the platoon Sunday.

A jealous wife In New Orleans poured bolt- ing water over ber unfaithful husband a* he lay asleep In bed, and now feel* belter.

A Pennsylvania sheriff excluded all reporter* from a recent execution, having undertaken tu write np the affair for three paper* hitnseK.

Mr. OriBlbi cams boras Christina* day, in New York, and, finding hi* wife drank, play - fully pounded her In the back until she died.

Beecber snd Frothingham are lo be indicted. Aa Bcecherhas carted the JndtrJary, snd Froth- ingham' the newspaper*, they Hand a tllui chance.

There t* a castef diartpHntin a ehteeh at St. Lout*. One or the deacon* tomahawked a brother whom he found offering *ympatby to hi* wife at midnight,

A Chicago husband, for *pitq, cut off the beautiful blonde hair of hli wife, at ihe slepi, and ean't see her now without ringing hi* mother-In-Is w's door-bell.

A gentleman of elegant leisure at Win-tor, Canada. Is ssld to be an "absent witness" In a whiskey rate, pensioned out of reach of V 8. Marshall" by a Cincinnati Arm.

A Wnrtemburg grave-digger U accused of feeding the bodies from the cemetery to bis hog*, clothing bis children In the grave-clot be*. and using Ihe coffin* for firewood.

The Chicago papers are disensalng whether a Sunday school in that heavenly city which require* the constant pretence of two police men to preserve order. Is a inccees.

An Omaha huiband revenged himself upon ie man who stole bis wife'* affection* by gat-

ting a divorce snd then compelling the lover to marry the women at the tnouteef aplatol.

A negro couple in Kentucky bare had 23 children In 81 year* of msirled life, end ihe county remits their taxc* In consideration of "distinguished services done to the Slate."

"A laJy of noble birth" has leased the in- loon* of a London theatre for tho purpose of giving the pro flu to the discharged workmen of the dock-yard*. She "tend* bar" in fall dress with two page*.

A lady In Worcester, the other evening,told a fellow on the street, who insulted her, and sought to keep ber company, that she bad been where people had the imall pox. The ruse had the desired effect.

A Clnclnnsllsn who recently hod s stone foundation laid for a house, refuted to pay his workmen. A few nights ilnce they assembled and silently took down the walls, leaving not one iton* upon another.

A New Orleans gentleman announced bis intention of thrashing another with whom be bad a difference, and his friend* collected lo see him do It. The man who was to be whip- ped (nconaklerately spoiled tbe fun by shoot- ing tbe wblpper dead.

Two New York policemen recently personated reporter*, and In this guise succeeded In (tiling access to, and arresting several parties. Yds tbe Herald thinks unfair toward tha pre***. wboee agent* will be stint oat from many sources of Information If it turn* ont that any person appearing as a reporter may All At once prove lo be a policeman.

A man can give hie neighbor a promissory note, moistened by A fluid Juit Invented by A French chemist, and In a month afterwards the holder will have nothing to show for it hut a little dust. If thl* fact become* generally known, short credits will become the rule—in order that lbs borrower may be compelled to come down with Ihe duet before hi* note does

President McOoth has sbollthod "basing" and " raking" al Princeton College, by threat- ening to expel and hand over to tbe civil an thoriiie* certain students who tot long ago In- jured a freshman by ihe pleasam paailme of "hating" ■'Kahlua" i* (he publication of anonymou* slanders against it intent* by other student-,, which haa so long prevailed in Prlncelon College.

The Krumcalcal Council I* lo decide, among other thing*, Ibe price of matte* In Prance. The number ordered In Parl* alone I* so great that Ihe priest* can't perform them, and send the order* out 10 ihe country clergy who bave let* work. The ordinary low mate cotte only thirty cent*, and the rural priest* complain that they are allowed only one-third of the price. In all France, about 1,000,000 mtiae* are ordered annually.

A lot Of California licet aegarha* been made, and the business may be regarded a* etlabllabed, say* the Alia 0aajtVr*ua, with every prospect of speedy end larss development- The process used in tbe experiment ft very simple. A re- volving cylinder washes the beet*, then revolv- ing knives cut them Into very thin ribbons, which are macerated for a short time In cold water, and which extract* every portion or *ac- rharine matter. Some lime I* used lo extract tbt bitter principle, and Qsrbenle arid ga* re- move* the lime by precipitation. Steam pipes and evaporating pass follow; boiler*, animal charcoal and tettllng vetsel* complete the process.






jrmwM M VMM AX r .

TI'WBIY.-The tontcht mum [he wlmJoiuti uf Virginia did nut ionic off in Hie BtnlU jrtjsv trr.iny us mi exprileil. Thnt body appears lo lie an nearly c,|imlly M I In' Montr upon the unction.—Seven) Hew Vork karokers hew been ranpelloi] tu nnjr (Von 1200 tu 9iuno in taxes, which they Iiave i>rcvltiiu*ly evaded. 1/tnl»vllle rails fur deliverance from the "Mn(u Fly." 80 docs most every one. -A plan i» mi foot lo base the fcpKKnlaUon or U. S. Sum tor* ii|-(,ii population, nn nro re|ire*ciilailrci There are uuw |wo from euch mate, little Rhode [stand i,r. in- ns mmiy u nighty New Vork. The war bus ended In HaytL p redden I or Emperor Salnavc, whichever he. may be. Hid In * email -il m. He wan punned by n ■learner, captured und locked up. The rcrulu lionlslt have everything their own way, Ttaej Insulted the Aincilenn Consul, hut a French ■nd hn.ih.h war iteaattr compelled them tu apologise.—They bave a story In Danvers thai ■ young lady wus buried alive, It has been proved untrue, hut la stilt believed.— Within thirty day* the elevated railway Irom the llui lery to Thirteenth street, New York, will l« In working order; liie railway under ground li also progreMlni;.— The stags manager (hot nn actress dead In a French theatre; Iho carpenter Interfered, and was also shut dead.—Gold 121 14,

WKIINESDAY.— Hon. Lot M. Morrlll ha* lieen elected V. S, Senator from Maine.— A New York and a Cinelnunil printer talk of set- ling up the President'" Message on a bet. One sels I'.IKW "emit" In ten boon.—Rhode Island ha* ratified the lath Amendment.—The Jewell printers celebrated Franklin's birth day yestcr day .—The Suffolk Street District U to Ito raised U|> In Boston, at tW9M of millions.— Then Is to in' a French Catholic church nt Fall River.—A Hie at Indianapolis Monday night burned Hie opera house and other properly; loot, $M0,0W>.—The State Constables in Boston made n raid Tuesday night, broke up three gambling houses, and captured eighty-seven gamblers, who doubtless could nut see that this " foreign police " was needed.—'I here wni a terrible tointido In the vicinity of Cave City, Kentucky, early Monday morning, nnd over thirty person* were killed by billing building*,— A gang of one hundred and fifty relic la over- powered a I quad of L:, 8. troops, dragged a judge out of bed, nnd compelled him to order the release of a prisoner. More troops have been icnt hy (leu. Terry l« the pi: ,-- (i»l,l 1-1 »-S.

Tiicinnw- An i tense mas* nieciing bus hecn held in Cooper InalltutO, New Vork, in favor i»r the recognition ol llie Cauaoi as Itel- ligercnts. Horace Oreeley presided.—The bill for tin' immediate. Hint unconditional ad- mission or Virginia has been defeated In the 0.8, Senate.—C. K. OnnrlSM and others of New Vork ask the government tit lit outlive large unemployed war vessels us mall steamers, and pay them 130,000 per round trip for carry- ing the nulls.—The woman suffrage ladies mo coaxing U. S. Scuntors to help out the cause.— A Now York rogue managed lo get a cheek for 9M of Loriilard, altered It skillfully (• 310,000, raised that sum on it and lied—A ship arrived at New York recently with 41* Ucnnuns, after a voyage of 10.1 days. They were badly treat- ed, many sickened and nineteen died.—A Span- ish General recently In Culm, tells bis people In Spain of llie awful cruelties and butcheries of Hie unfortunate Cabana by Spaniards. These atrocities, so welt authenticated, arc rousing the sympathies of humane Americans to a startling extent.—Bishop Ctiaso of New Hamp- shire kjo tie buried ut Clurcmout next Tues- day.—Boston is full of scandal about its po- lice department and Its Chlel of Police. H appears to be principally about 810,00(1 in gold stolen Iron the city treasury by tclerk, though then ore Other mutters.—There was a terrific storm ut St. Louis, Sunday evening. Much damage w:is done, many persons hurt but none killed—Mr. Iluftin of Boston, the only col orcd member of the Mass. House, made a neat ami i". in jlilo speech nduy or two since.—Trnup- man, uU<> murdered a hither, molhcr, and five Children fur money »OJ hung in forte yester- day. The Frenchmen taunted him and hooted ami jelled until be wn* executed.—The letter curriers hove had a convention In Washington and asked for more pay. The president Is fa- vorable,—A New York paper fttyi that there is to be another V, ni.m raid on Ireland, and Hint .W.OOO men are enrolled there.-Gold 121 1-1'.

FIIIUAV,— Another bill for Ike admission of Virginia Is likely to pass the U, :■ Senate, but

iv uh the Rdmandi proviso,which guards against rebeli getting the menagenienl of ofnlrs there. There will be a light over thu im.ttcr again In the House—A statue of (jcii. Green, of revo- lutionary IJIII", has been presented by Rhode Island iu ihe United states for llie Representa- tives Hull. Due was also presented of linger Williams, Ilia famous Baptist leader, who was persecuted and driven out of Massachusetts for bis religious belief, nnd 'who In Rhode Island declared for religious freedom for all—Mr. Seward was highly honored and serenaded In Havana, and made a speech, but took care not lo commit himself to either party. —The Spanish gunl>onts inado In New Voik are pro. nounced worthless affairs.—Gen. Lee is op- posed to employing Chinese at the Booth.— They hare a new exploiurc al Ihe Hoosue Tun- nel.—Coal is $] per ton, delivered, in Pennsyl- vania. It is four times that, here.—At the fat men's convention In I.cwudou, Me., a Massa- chusetts lwyuf eighteen weighs 36A pounds, um! a Maine la.Iy :;;<; pounds.-Iowa has rail- fled the l.itb amendment—It Is now said that Lopes has l-t.OOO men In the Held.-Gold 131.

TIIK POLICK 1'oitCK.— Tho Serifitul li m>t pleased with our criticisms upon the now police appointments; well, the AUKIIICAN Is nut conducted with special reference t° tho tasto of our neighbor; If It was, we .-.II|i|<••-..■ our , circulation would bo no greater than liis; but tlint law, order and juitloe has been prosti- tutetl to [inrty spirit and personal ends, in the recent police change, every well knows. Our Chief of Police is an ntler itrejigor to the people, one of his .i--.i-i.uii-. was the keeper of n low, un- derground groggery in this city, and lie.'ii, within a month of his se- lection, at llio bar of the police court for ■ saloon brawl and assault; with two or three exceptions), every efficient man WU removed from tho night-wntch ; one of the new appointees is the keeper of ;l

rum hole, another lias been before the Police Court for drunkenness, nuotlier was discharged from the force by Mayor Melvhi, two yenra ago, for incompo- teiicy; but ail were partisan!, end good men had to be removed to give them places. The appointment for Assistant Marshal was su wotully bad that of the live Aldermen elected by the HentineCs own party, only one would vote for his count niiitiim, or consent even to his se- lection ns police officer. Hut our neigh- bor, while ashamed to sny a single word in defence ul tills appointment, endorses llie whole, generally, nod has llie impu- dence to complain that we do not also swallow and whitewash such immaculate selections; it is t[uito welcome to its work.

Tll.UU r'l.O.HtiN.;.—The only spec i.f lliis description of flooring in ritjr. that wn have noticed, la at the store of Mr. II. M. Whitney, corn K-MCX and Lawrence slreels. .\ llr*t "lance, it would be taken for a painted carpel, so nicely aru the lilted together. It has all tho com. ■ d a carpet of I),is kind, ami Ihe I lagu of never wearing out like ei.veiirtgiA It is laid on alule a iiii-ni, iisft wn ere told that iho i

l ilcs

-tiness ilvan- lliose

lid CO- ■ost is

Thi'ro are several different p imtde of tho tiling. The lilea a t...rted horn hug I an. I by Kdwnrd ;*o City Wharf, Boston. Mr. \\ would bo happy to glvu nny infon upon the subject.



Tht llnuiUi-u VoriulU Steam r.'ng%ri

Ity " portable" It is meant that an article is capable ol being carried from place to place, and the machines above mentioned, are hniit with especial refer- ence to a comparatively easy removal it necessary. It may be troll to Inform those who have never seen them that it It not tu be uiidersinod ihat portable meani that they can be carried on a man's shoulders, as the weight of Hie lightest la about twenty-seven hundred pounds, but "Imply that I hey nro not stationary. Mniv Ol (bum arc mounted upon wheels and Ujjawii by horses hkc a steam lire en- gine. They are ui from five lo sixty

10 power, nnd one ll now being built of sevenly-ilve horse power, for a double saw mill in Now Hampshire. Two slaty horse power machine* have been inndiT lor that state. Their weight was about U.000 pound* each, and the cost »4,300 each. Those mounted upon wheel" are generally those often, tilieiu nnd twenty horsepower. The engines are used for *'<""( '■*">• po.-e and aiepuieh.ised for a great variety of localities. One Is used for running a steamer on Ihe A moor River In Siberia, some are In use in llrn/il, Peru, Chill, Kffypt, Constantino- ple, Sandwich (elands and Canada They are to bo found In over twenty slates of till! union, in greater or lcs« numbers,

igb California is the heaviest patron of them. The average number *eiit lo Hint slate in each ol ihejeurs |WIJ *«:i, '(il, 'li.-. and "0(1, was iH-euiy-llvc ca.'l. year. In the year [SOU seventj-tlvc, up- wards Of two-lbirds of |hose mautifaclur- fd in that year, were sent I here, where they command fifty per cent more than any machine*, ol the kind received in that atale. Massachusetts, New Hampshire. Maine and Vermont are (he next heavi- est palron* of the establishment. In Cal- ifornia the demand is principally for Ihe mounted machines which are used lo inn grain threshers on Ihe vast farms in that country. It has previously been neces- sary lo use the labor of Fourteen mules to one ol tho threshing machine*, of course at a vasi expense. These engines which are welt secured from communicating; lire, can be removed from farm to farm or ranch lo lunch, with the same facility or greater, (hall a ihfCsblng machine and other apparatus. In that slate men with machinery take contracts from the own- ers of (arms to plow, sow and harvest crops at n certain price per hundred or thousand acres aa tho case may be, of course fanning Is oil different principles there from the east. Some of tho en- gines of larger afce are al-o used [hero for saw mills. Mr. S. T. Zhnnicniiaii of Missouri has In twelve years purchased live different engines for use In that state and Kansas. A letter was received from him recently slating that " No. 118," pur- chased in 1800, wauled u new pump mid valve only lo mnko It RS good as new. There is no telling the amount of work accomplished by it In the ten years. The machines give universal satisfaction wherever used, ami It Is rather singular that of ihe 7M manufactured, many of them necessarily placed hi charge of Ig- norant poisons, but two have ever ex- ploded. No one was hint by the explo- sions. One was caused by the Interest- ing experiment of placing a hundred pound weight »»r thereabout!, upon the safely valve, and tho 1L engineer " going to dinner nod leaving It In that condition.

The manufacturers have received let- ters for years from those who have used lhe engines, expressing Ihe most un- bounded satisfaction with them and more than satisfaction. The testimonials nro entirely unanimous, and one gentleman who appears to have been used rather rough by some wlih whom he has dealt at times, writes "that it is a decided plea- sure In thu cheating world, to obtain an article not only all that it Is represented, but even far better." This reputation 1* not only creditable lo the makers, but also Incidentally reflects honor upon the eUy where thev were built.

The manufacture of these useful and valuable machines was commenced in tho old Lawrence machine simp, now Everett Mills, in 1 *;,<;, and tho sizes Ihcu mudo were from throe to fifteen Iturse power. Mr. Hoadley, who was engaged in the shop, was Ihe originator of tin m. preparing the patterns and superintending tho work. In 1H,'.7 op- erations were, abandoned iu thu shop, and llio next year Mr. Hoadley made two in thu establishment of Albert Blood, both of about fifteen liorso power. In 18.V.I and lHiln ho made about sixty In each year, of from fire to twenty horse power. Mr. Hoadley also had six, of twenty home power, and one of twelve horse, manufactured at the Amoskeng works, Manchester, N. H.,in 18i'.0. Tho present establishment on Canal street, was started in 1862, under the name of .1. C. Hoadley & Co. (Pardon Arming- ton and Frank W. Wells). Tho firm was dissolved iu 1868, but Iho style of tho linn is still tho same. Eighty-two of the engines were made before the Lawrence machine shop coased to exist. Which are included in the 7'iL' noticed. Ono improvement which Mr. Hoadley has made iu Uio original machine, and which has been patented, is placing tho cylinder at the opposite end, where it can bo surrounded by smoke ami heat, and the steam prevented from cooling, and consequently from its power being lessened. The improved machine (No. Mo), which is called iho "Cinderella," received a prize in tho Into Mechanics' Fair in Huston. Tho cost of an engine ol ten horse power is 1050 j fifteen horse, #liO»i thirty horse, 92300; Wheels and running gearing, ■-'..'."' to (SoU extra.

Tho average number of blacksmiths, boiler makers, machinists, laborers and Others employed is sixty-live. About three hundred ond fifty tons of iron, im- ported front England, is used each year. The thickness is from one-iptnrter to ono-half inch. The castings are obtained from the Mcrrimack roandry at the head of Essex street. Tho business office of ilir Hoadley establishment is at the corner of Essex and Appleton streets, in the Post Office building, iho con- cern has certainly dono its full share in making Lawrence known abroad.

UKTIUE.—The assertions of the Scnii- ml correspondent in relation to the Post Ollleo appointment ■» 1861, are from first to last not only false, but entlroly without foundation, and such stupid blunders ns only a " stranger" from " Maine," or elsewhere could possibly make; thcro is not a single Word of truth in his statements in relation to the multcr. Will he invent another slander, and preface it with another homily on " vile slurs and mean imputations ?"

FREE BAPTIST SociRrr.—At a meeting of tho First Free llaptlst Society of this city, the fullowing resolutions, accepting the resignation of ltcv. E. G. I. 'haddock, were preoontedbj Mr. S. 11. W. Davis. and unanimously adopted :—

IfSmw*, la lliu I'mvlilciicc of Ooil our beloved jiiulor, lliv. U. Q. Clia<liWk, li» sex-n tit lo reilgn bla dwrge, flvtag bis rcuoni therefor. TharaftWt

tldolrtii, That we aeatpt lita rcilg-uMlon wllli bearthtt «orr.,»-. Ami will]* vu dreply repel Ilia Moasatty wliirti lerrr* tlin nUong- il, - of clnlitlau .■. in|>ail.y which have boand u» lo him fornenrly four >. .LIB of i-oiilluued prosperity, during which lima he hm mnialncd IBS panloral rrluilon, wo lii-vvi IIICICM cheerfully accord lo hlia Iho utmuat sincerity mid honenly of pnrpoee in iho courio.'of reasoning which hm led him lo iho ikcl.ion which he tin* tinuouni', d. A nd lhou|h he c°ea from in to anotherdMomluilan,he will *iill hear with hliu mir hot wlilicn, our winuol ■ympatlilii, and our ■anmt ptjycr* fur bin pto»perliy anJ •HeM« Iu winning >oiiln to our cuiinnnn %I.i-l.-t, In Ihe m-iv held ha ha< .-Wen.

A .mil it lul V 1.411 I-■ M..UI.,

BATTKHY I'AIITIKS.—Tho scries of par- ties which have been held at tho armory ol ihe Ualtery on llavcrhill street have been so pleasant that it lias been decided to have another course of six. They commenced Monday evening, and the hoys and their lady friends have a line time before them. A battery -ball' iu time of peace is quite a different and morn agreeable ail'air from one in lime of war. I;-.ih. however, nro supposed to causa military gentlemen to dunce only ihe music is not the smut.

vkloile. won, C .:■< Chtbl, under Hro. Chad. doc*'* leadership. And while he tuMerelv believes lh:tl Ihe volco of Providence and duly culli him to M-pariUv hlmaclf from u*, mid our denoiulnallon, we distinctly roMgalzu In thai *omt voice, tho cm- jihiiile Injunction lo uc,tOclat« up our rai.hc,and Iu Ihe -me faith wo have loved to chorUh, uniludly, mid Ktaioaaly maroh forward, with llrmer, steadier nl.pln llwglorloui polhSay of chritihm ilovetop- men I ninl prufftCia, with a hop* and Iriul liner limn evel befure, th.,1 lilulHphonl ih'lnry may hu our

I'miMuN r.iisi'ii., - President Uiivls presided Wednesday evuulugi and (here was n full council. The appointmentf of nica^uicr- by I he nt her Board were con- curred in. the council noii-concm red in the clei'llon of Mr. MeAlllsrei' s^ clly phi-Man. and Caleb Sanmlcrs a- hollcl- t.n. hv lie other board. The order for tin it* for m lite bo!.-»■* \i\, Irom Ihe Klrc tlepnrtmeul i« ihe Street department was Adopted in eoncnrreiico. The City Mar- shal's (i'hllbrkk'0 report for the quar- ter ending Dec aist, 1800, was nccrpltd in coneiirr e. The resolution in regard to ihe plans Hint estimates lor cnhirg- Ulcilt of the Illy Hull, was read a Second lime nnd passid. A new resolution in regard to drainage west ol Broadway was adopted. Us features differ but little from the other. The resolution passed. The peiition for crossings on Newbury,oi Garden St. and at the slice was referred. The resolution submitted by the Finance Committee Of the two hoards, making ap- propriations for 1^70, was amended by luaertlng -v for tho new Atlantic En- gine House, and passed to a second read- ing. An order for printing municlpul registers was adopted. A ballot was had for City l'hysiclan as follows: whole number IS. Necessary to a choice 10, Dr. CluUU had 0, McAllister C, Talbot S, McFarltind one; DO choice. Second bal- lot: I>r. Chase 11, McAllister 5, Talbot 2; Dr. Chase was elected. Adjourned to Wednesday next at 74 P. M.

BOARD OF AI.DKIIMKS.— Mayor Mel- vin presided Thursday evening. Alder- man Hart was absent. Cyrus Williams, J. S. I'orkius and J. II. Stnnnard were llnwn as jurors for Uio Superior Court (criminal session), which meets nt Sa- lem Jan. 31st. Petitions from Ward Five for tho appointment of Jonas Stott and John Ilydo as regular policemen wore received. J. M. Hanson was appointed city crier, H. K. Webster, measurer of grain, J. S. P. Burnham, of wood, bark and lumber, nnd O. W. Chandler, of stone. Stolt was appointed as a regular policeman. George It, Smith, Patrick C. Murphy, Orrln Brown, John Marston, J. S. P. Uuruham, Alexander Torrio, John J. Mahony, Jas. II. Megln, nnd Daniel t'nrr, Jr., were appointed Special Police. Tho order for printing municipal registers, from the Council, was adopted in concurrence. The reso- lution in regard to plans nnd estimates for enlargement of tho City Hall, from tho Council, was passed to a second reading. Adjourned ono week.

ArrnoruiATio.vs ov THE CITY GOV-

ERNMENT. 1870.—Tho following aro Iho sums proposed lo bo expended for various city purpose! during the year 1870, as per report of llio Joint Finance Committee. It was amended by llie Council, and passed Wednesday evening. Tho aggregate of tho report of the com- mittee was $26f»,0O0, and With the sum added by the Council ♦207,000:;.-, SIJ.OUO Clly Hull, -1,M> Common, 2,iWI Clly Debt, IB.IWU

Ktre Department, la.wu Inuidenlul, 10,1100 tutorial, 34,000 I.l||liliuu, 4,500 I'ollre, lS.uOO 1'aujitr, 1,500 ll, .. n ul... and »nlit |l|"i, 'J,IM0 Hk'lmula, W.ilOO '.'- I.....I Uouaea, 4,000 HaUrUi, 10,600 Btreota, ii.OOO tfeweri, T.Mo HlJuwalki, fl.OOO I'avlDS, ao.ouo New Huliiml BOttSM, 10,000 AllanUc 1 .iih-ii,.- 11■ ■ u■■. . .1;:. .1

.lii-,.-iuiiii,-nl\ 8,001)


This Invention was shown to the Com- mon Council, and explained to tho men- Deri on Wednesday evening (3Jtb.)< hy Mr. Albert Bettoler, ihe patentee whose ' :ii ■■■ Is at -124 Kllhy street, Boston. The specimen exblbited was composed of round pieces ol wood, pome sis or ci^'bt Inches in length, mid live In diame- ter, made by cutllng up lite bodies o( young trees Into pieces of that length. They were not cut oil Mpiarely, but nngliug and when set upon thoground they Stand at an Incline of somo thirty or forty degrees, if not more. They are proposed to loan and brace against Ihe curb "lone on eaeh >ide of ihe airetl, carli tow sloping in nu n|ipOSile direc- tion. The pieces ,.f one row nro tilled luto those of tho other by means of hol- lows | , block In ahleh ihe other, be- ing round, seta In. The surface iu Die arrangement of Ihe |deves [.« peifectly level and *mooih, and Ihe -pace- between the blocks .belnir tilled will) sand nf (travel, forbids Iho slipping or horse* a* If the surface presented of eaeh block WHP

greater, li i~ claimed by lliosc potltd it, wood*, that Ihe surface exposed, fr trees cut off angling, is mure durable than Ibtil cut elf ev-n. These pieces or i.!>. ■:,■ can be made from wood alnio.-t worthless for most purposes, and if do- sired can be taircd or soaked as those who use them choose, and it is (bought that they can be put down more cheaply than any other wooden pavement.

rnuTo-lViirrit.iiTURT..—The difficulty of procuring desirablu likenesses of friends, is one which most of our read- ers have experienced; cheap common pictures are plenty enough, but first class article work is only too seldom to bo had. Mil. M. II. LUIKIN, whose skjll end taste havo won him a, high reputa- tion, has opened a studio iu Sims' Block, where ho will give his attention solely to Photo-Portraitures, giving sit- tings by appointment, and only in line weather. We have seen somo pictures of hi/, just finished, which are perfect gents of art, as finely finished, perfect and beautiful pictures ns could bo de- sired, and iu the highest degree compli- mentary to Iho artist. We are rare those who appreciate the higher clues of photographic likenesses, will be pleased by calling and looking at tho pictures Mr. LulUn has liuished.

ODD FKLI.OW PARTIES.—The Monad- nock Lodge of Odd Follows, will give a set of four assemblies at Music Hall, commencing on Monday crcning next. The tickets can bo had at the storo of E. C. Walker, on Essex, nenr Appleton St., or of either id'the managers. The com- pany will not bo confined exclusively to brethren of tho order, but any respecta- blo gentlemen, with their ladles, will bo welcome to join in tho socul gatherings. The members of thnt, and the other lodges in town aro good fellows as well ns odd fellows, and know how to enjoy thcmsolves, nnd also how to make their friends do likewise.

TIIK ATLANTIC HAI.I,. — This affair came orf on Wednesday evening, and the best music that is often heard was pro- vided. About ono hundred nnd seventy- five persons were present, and a very en- joyable time was had. The company were unusually well favored by the la- dles, there being more titan double the number ol llie fair sex present of that of the gctiilemen.

TIIK "FOREIGN POLICE."—Tho State Constables made another raid in Boston en Wednesday njxm tho gamblers. They are a great Infliction upon some people.

LAUOH UKKOUM.—A petition signed by William lloweis and 1003 others of Lawrence, for a ten hour law was presented to the legislature on Wednes-

day. ^^.^


Tho following, were on Wednesday, (12th), elected officers of Mcrrimack Lodge, No. IIH; „I this order, located in Lawrence; Chief, Willhni Werner; Second Chief, Conrad Zlekemtnilh; Sec- retary, AugUM Kii lnv.igeii; Treasurer, John Honker. The other officers aro appointed. .Inl.u Mmelirk, Deputy Grand Chief, ai,.l lour assistants wv.v present. The until' Is of a charitable character, and Iho lodges, composed largely of Germans, are very numerous in somo parts of llio country, though there are hut five in Massachusetts, and ono in New Hampshire. The hitler, which is in Manchester, is attached to the Massachusetts district. It is esti- mated that there arc 60,000 German members of tho order in America. On Monday evening;, the Secretary of iho Lawrence lodge was deputed hy the au- thorities of tho order to visit thnt place and attend an election of officers.

Rev. J. M. GHAVBS, pastor of tho Baptist Church in Uethucn, from 1817 to l*.iu, died in Cbarleetown, on Friday, at tho ago of 7'i; lie was one of ihe largest hearted, purest of men, and uni- versally beloved,

TIIK ALARM SfURCK.— The alarm ol " ono '' on the lire alarm telegraph, Sat- urday night, at twenty minutes (<> eleven, WIIH caused hy a lull of snow from a roof, breaking thu wire near Iho City Hall.

ANOTHER UuRGLAnY.-—On Wednesday evening (19th) the hottso of William Harbour, Esq., on iho northwest corner of llavcrhill and Lawrence streets, was entered nnd ransacked by burglars; the burglary was discovered by the garden- er, who resides near iho premises, the next morning. The family are absent, Mr. Harbour being in Europe, and bis lady in Saratoga, and no one sleeps in the building. Access was obtained by breaking a window iu the conservatory and opening ihe door; they entered tho dininjf room by the same means, and then Marched every room in tho house but two, which were locked; it is not known whether tho thieves obtained any plunder, or how much, ns no one seems lo he. posted in this respect but the absent ones. Il is not possible to ascertain how many of these burglaries have taken place of late as ihey are kept very quiet by the police, even il they hoar ol them. As ihe most skillful detectives of the force Jiaru been removed for political reasons, and new men suliRtltlltcd, there i» little, likelihood of any arrest or re- covery of the properly if any was stolen. We can only renew our caution lo lock doors, and what is better, to safely hide valuables.

THE FIFTH WHITK LKOTURE.—The eloquent George William Curtis, editor of Harper's Weekly, whoso burning words havo several limes thrilled our peoplo at the Cily Hall, will deliver tho lecture next week Wednesday evening. The tickets will be distributed as usual,

I. O. 0. F.—At a regular session of Kearsarge Kncampment, held Friday evening, the following officers were duly installed by D. I>. John Sagcr:— C. D. Smith. C. P. j B. II. Davis, H. P.; E. C. Walker. S. W.; Julm Beetle, Trcns.; Coo. II. Smith, Scribo; William Bowers, J. W.; Martin Davis, O. B.; Wm. Mitchell, I. S.; A. D. Swan, G,| D. S. Hall, lstW.; J.C.Gould, L>d W.; E. II. Colby, 3d W.; Thos. Watts, 4th W. : John Ilulford, 1st G. to T.; Geo. Dorrill, SdG. toT..

At tho conclusion of tho ceremonies tho members present were invited to tho saloon of Bro. Drew whore they partook of somo of Jerry's oysters, concluding by speeches and songs.

AKOTHKR COURBF.—In answer to the unanimous call of those who have at- tended the masonic parties at Company K's armory In llie Police building, anoth- er course will he given at tho same place, commencing next week Wednesday night. Those who intend being present, can obtain tickets from either of the man- agers.


A meeting under tho auspices of the Lawrence Temperance Alliance, was held at the City Hull on Sunday even- ing. A very largo number could not obtain seats. Dr. J. II. Kldder, the president of tho Alliance, presided and Introduced tho speakers. After a few remarks by Rev. Mr. Wilson, Rov. Horace James, of Lowell, addressed the mooting, and was followed by Rev, Mr. Knowles of tho Haverliill Street Metho- dist Church. Mr. Knowles was especi- ally bitter In his denunciation of tiio liquor sellers and was eloquent upon the evils of liquor drinking. Ho claim- ed that thcro were two ways of stopping tho rum traffic, ono by moral suasion and tho other by law. The pledge was circulated ami one hundred signers ob- tained.

Tho first mooting of thn series was held in the hall Nov. 20th, 1884. The first year they were hold onco a mouth, the next threo years twice a month, mid the hist year about onco a month. Two inoro were arranged, but, tho weather forbid their being held. The meetings have been large and interesting with superior speakers from abroad. A very large number of tracts and papers have been distributed. On Sunday night a collection was taken Up. » <♦.»

TIIK ESSKX COMPAHV.—The ereal quantity of broken Ice and SHOW, which has of late choked up ihe canal, bus sug- gested to Ihe engineer of the works, Mr. FHrani P. Mill', who has acted in that ca- pacity since November (Deacon t'ool- idge having become disabled), the plan of attempting ti» Increase the current at the lower end of the canal sufficiently to re h Mis difficulty. This has been thme hy reducing tie width of the canal about one half, fiom Iho vicinity of Ihe paper mill lo the waste gate, about three hundred feel, the current being confined to Ihe ccntio. This Is accomplished by building a frame work with a plank front- age towards the centre of ihe canal. This however docs not prevent the entire space between the two walls of the w being full of water, as the bulkhead so to spesk, ihi.ii-. but there is no current between It and the sides of the canal.

Mr. Mills, who Is a skillful hydraulic engineer, Is about to Institute some ex perluicnU lo ascertain tho exact amount of water used hy each mill, In Order to make calculations for tho supply which can be given from the south side canal.-

o ATLANTIC COTTON MILLS.—At the an- nual meeting of Ihls company, tho fol- owing were chosen officer* lor 18701 Clerk. I\ K. Vincent; TrenFurer, Wil- liam Gray; Directors, Joslah G. Abbott, George W. Lyman. William Amory, Martin Brimmer, Mamuel T. Morse, and Saruuul K Sawyer.

TIIK CITT II.U.L ^EMLAKUKHKHT.- ■ Nothing hat been done as jel hi the mat- ter or enlargement of the Clly Hall, though there is considerable discussion about thu matter, and there arc many plans suggested. Most peoplo seem lo agree Ihat ihe enlargement should be made during the coming summer, that by next winter we may have a hall of which we shall not be ashamed when a large body of 11 :ih...'i - vlfctl us, and also be able to nceorhhiodnie neatly double the number of our own clti/cn* when neces- sary. If Ihls was done, wo should bear but few complaints on White lecture eve- nings.

One plan pioposed Is lo extend the hull westward, across Pemberten Street, removing ihe iinsi(litly steps entirely. The distance from the west wall ol the building to ihe wall of Ihe Free Baptist Church Is fifty-seven feet, andsnexten-

I.m ol Thirty feel will leave a drive way of twenty-seven feet between the two buildings. Taking out el this a seven feet sidewalk, there would still be lift a twenty feet passage. A loweret at the north-west corner might he needed fnr symmetry. A large gallery Inside on three sides is also a part of this plan. It is thought that this would break the troublesome echo which It was necessa- ry to deaden by means of Ihe lining now upon the walls.

A door in tho new portion on Pember- toii street, or court, is suggested, and also one iu tho toweret, on Common St. It Is also proposed to set nil tho dangor- ous steps now outside of tho building, inside, and make additional rooms out of the basement at tho Appleton street en- trance. Mechanics aro or tho opinion that all of this could bo accomplished for from six to ten thousand dollars.

Another idea suggested is, to build out the north wall oven with the outside of tho present tower on Common street, introduce the galleries, ami have the rostrum at iho centre of the south side of the wall.


Wu. Roiroa:—Von linvo mi-Miono.l In your p«p«t tin.'new faclory In J'rocoaa uf erection In our tUjag*, by David N'ovlm Kaq., nuJ I i!, ■.,.-.:.: it woilU NO| k uninti-rc«lin«to the aclenlltl.- portion uf your n-auVr* to Kim a few particulars rrlallvu to Uw inornioua wheel which I* lu furrtlah the motive power Tor ii.i.- new oatabllihnenL

Thu ooniract wm taken hy Elhridge N'. Harria --. Co., of OrnnyCi ttila antic, who for nearly 2i yenra liove bi'i'ti I'll (in; I'd In thla huilnOM, aud probably have aa Knot a reptiuilou for executing auch work aa any lien In Hew KngUad. All llio d«algnlti|| hu been dime by Mr. IlurrU Mouelf, who by llie way la a rcahleal of your illT, '.»l Mromlway, and he hu BIM IMII Ihe pcraona! ■nporvlaloti of Ibcrnllre work •I nee li" fo in mi'lie,line ii I. He uppcart to bo a per- son eminently adapted lo Id* builne**, aa exhibited by h!< thorough knowledge uf mechanic*, and the rasa and preablon with Wlloa every b'olt and llio. beraiioaca it« proper poallloa under hla careful direct Ian. The wheel i* ■■ breimi wheel, and when Subbed nl" probably rank the I., it of II. kind In Nen ICngUu.l, There 1» one "J feel larger 111 dlamr- lervheufh not to long a, lUla,ln Wooneoetet, it. I., but II la >a!d not lo be Dearly nu well eonatrneted or .irotitfly umde aa Una, Tola prodigy :, its fret |;, dlainiier,and 18 feel lolangtb, Mtdwelgbe .« ma*M over KO lone. Sa ton* ul Iron are employed lu It* cuiulrueiiou. 'I he mala -I1..I1 la |:: 1-3 Inclu-a la dl- ui-ieier, and SO 1-3 feel luiii, welgbln|l] looa.andllt Uiwlnua reals oDiranlio bloeka of over 10 iun« cacb. The three Banfea, Into which ihe arma are atrongiy Lotted, eaeh weigh 11-3 Wna. The aniin nte IS 1 J fiet In length, and thoroughly aiipport,*d in every direction by etroag hrncea and inaaalvc elumpa. Booae --W bolta will be uaed, 11 eceaa Hating the Untiif by baud of nearly a mile and a lull' of I,..!.-". All ihe materials employed are of ihe Brat 'luailiy. and the praebton With wbleh it N put to- giiber lia» been il.e admiration of all who have wit- nessed Ha eonalruetlon. Many hundred peraona liaae be<» In tee II, and DoL 11 few eminent meelinn. Ic> mill writ-Ma rrum Lowell, Uwrence, Web- eter and oilier ptaeee, bare vlalted II, for the praetl. cnl Informnllon II uflorda lu Ihla brunch of niehltcc lure. The Jaek wheel* which connect with Ihe main gearing, 111 e lo hu 3 feel In dlaiuelor, and llie ■hailing au arrnnged aa lo unite Ihla with Ihsprla* ■ ipal itiaft of the old farlory, lu c/jualiie speed, and

n.1 i:. ■ Ihu power if neceaaaiy. Upon 11,1a abaft U lilaced a wind C feet acroM, and provision made for oaeeolid.tu cunmct by bevel gearing to the aloft v. !■':.!. lima Ihe entire leiigll, ur the buieinenl, to

In 1)10 building. The work v.'.n begun eonu- 5 rooulha afo, and haa

been rapidly puabed forward by cOlcleul workmen and la now faal arriving at completion. Tho water for Ihe llrat lime waa let uu to iho whcrl laat Wcdneiday afternoon, and quite a number were prcaoul to wltueea ilda BWUeMt engine make Ita maldeu revolution*.

Word wai Imuirdialely Kent lo Mr. Novlin, In BaMsa, who wu* nun',|,. to be preaeul aa lie aiilicl- paU'J. The amount of waler required lo run It, win,nn It* connection*, waa remarkably amall, torn- ,..,.-■1,1..,: le*a than one quarter of an inch lu

IhlckiiDi*. Ur. llarrl* ihlck* It will require lit week* longer to complelu the work aud adjoal the IN -I'.ill ready for Hi vailou*connection*. When BahriWd It will preaent one of the line.i apeclincn* of architecture and mechanical iklll lo bo found In thla part of thu country, and will reflect great credit not only upon Ita proprietor, but alao upon Ucnar* Uartl* k Co., who bave bad the enllro aupervUlon and (lemonsI inanngemeiit of li« eonalruetlon.




Tlio nearness lo completion of tho new station of this corporation in Boston, reveals iho oxtent of its resources nnd aecommodatiens, and shows it to ho a model of ctmirbrtnud convenience. Tho depot is now 685 feet in length, of which over 300 foot Is covered by tho rocf, which is (i'2 feet high; the corporation offices are to ho in the front portion, nearly as formerly, only the stairs there- to have been-changed and improvod, and tho ceiling over tho portion of tho track covered, is raised higher than before; the removal of tho old stairways from the front corners, permits greatly en- larged entrances, and gives a much finer and more roomy appearance to tho building.

The waiting rooms for ladies and gen- tlemen aro very spacious and commodi- ous, the baggngo room and ticket office convenient and ample, while tho splen- did refreshment room, which Mr. Spring maintains so acceptably, is among Iho greatest additions made to tho comfort of travelers. Tho newspaper stand has been enlarged, and thcro lias been intro- duced a telegraph office, nnd that bless- ing to ladies, a package, room, whero shopping bags, parcels, orcrcoals, um- brellas and tho liko may be loft, care- fully shelved and chocked for safe keep- ing. In fact, no possible eonvenience seems wanting, and President Cogswell and his associate oillceri, merit the thanks of all patrons of tho road, for the enterprise which has given tho road so elegant a depot.

POSTPONEMENT.— in consequence of tho storm of last evening, tho dedication Assembly at Music Hall was postponed until Thursday eveniug next, at which lime tho affair will eome off, " whether or no." Wo hope the dancing public will encourage tho enterprise and give Mr. Emerson a generous benefit.

THE ATLANTIC BALI..—Those who oc- easionally indulge In movements over the lloor to tho sound of music, other- wise called slinking a foot, are reminded that tho annual hall of the Atlantic En- gine Company comes of nt tho City Hall, to-morrow ovenipg, nnd thnt l'lclTer- korn's Hand, reinforced from abroad, will furnish the music. The dance will probably be kept up until two or three o'clock, and a good time Is anticipated. a 1 »**> -

THE CITY HAM, TIIEATUE.— Tho Myers company had a good house on Thursday night, and the play of Hip Van Winkle WHS well put upon the stage in every respect. The personation of Ihe principal character hy Mr. Mur- ray, was admirable, and he was most credltubl; sustained.

AN ELEOAMX STORE. — Among the many splendid stores which attract Iho attention of strangers in our city, and mark thu youthful enterprise and thrift of our merehanI*, thero is uoiie more tasteful in construction, mote elaborate in tinUli. nun'.' elegant in appearance, than iho line llnir Store of HlOtHA, Post Office Block, and we doubt if New Eng- land affords a sinru of its class, so com- plete and so attractive as this. And what is mure, or belter, Medina, by his loug experience and careful study of his business, knows just what is most fash- ionable ami desirable, and his customers can always confidently rely upon the goods he preaents, while the ladies ap- preclute the artistic and stylish manner in which bis tasteful assistants dress and arrange the hair. Of late, Medina has also added 11 splendid slock of silver plated ware, nnd llie beautiful figure of Eugenie in Me window is matched hy tho elegant display of bright metal in the other. It is onu uf those stores which are a credit lo any cily, and in which our citizens may well have a rea- sonable pride.


Em 1 oil AucitiCAN — In tfelfIn'* organ, hi* new cily marahal, who la well tnown lo be one or Ihe oJltor*, and who waa inueuled to thai fact for hla appolotoiuut, blowa for hliuaalf furloualy ami al- most conitantly. feUiepur<l iey* that Sbeparil I* a great man, and who ahould know belter than Sbrp- ard (Eicept [nrhapa itVlvln)? Aa long a* Sbepard confine* iilmaelf to Sbepard'a groat deed*, none need complain, however extraordinary each a conraa may be, but when ho brag* at Ihe cipenao of trulh It may bo well lo call attention lo the fact*. No one know* teller than hlmaelf that the inmntea of one of Ihe vllo place* referred to by blm, wore in- dieted by the nTnria of Marahal l'hllbrkk, hla predeeeuor, and Ihe other by tha Slate Conatabte*. Khepsrd nlio recorded In tho S.nfintr* j, ,!i,-.- reo- ord wlinlii mo or Ibree month*, the arreet of four partlea In the same bouie, by Thilbrlek and htl men ■MfpNlsa ha* but llttlo efleut. Thla inretcrnte blower aud braggart mint know how the people ink,- LI- iui,n...• glorification of himself at the ex. penie of the enpabje mnn who wn* removed lo give Mra room. Kx.P0r.1ce."

l'jiKSfcNTATlov.—As Mr. Julia Jowcit, over- seer of the packing room on the Washington corporation, returned from tho mill on Frills? evening last, lie found that (luring his absence Ids premises had been invaded, and ahandsomo sofa und centre table from the establishment of J. Pillsbury, Jr., which he never naw be- fore and which he had not ordered, had been put Into his room. Tho mystery, however, wu soon solved. A note wni found, informing him that the furnlturo was a gift from those emploreU by him In tbo packing room, and re- questing him to accept them as a token, but not the measure, of lueir cileem anil regard for him, etc

On llio following evening, nt tho close of work, ttliout five o'clock, Mr. Jowelt called his employees together, and mode a short nnd ap- propriate speech, expressing ihe surprise Ihoy had given him, his sincere thanks, and his beil wishes for each and all of (lie donors. He fuld be bad known by experience the blensctlneis of giving, but never heforo hail known what ll Was 10 reeelvo such a present. Ho reviewed the pact years, In which ho hod charge of Ihe room, and hoped that Hie futuro might bo as pleasant as the past. Ho concluded by inviting all to an uyoter supper, which was Ihcu waiting for them at Daley's saloon, for which arrange- ments had previously been made. Thither Ihey repaired, 11 ml spent u happy hour to- gether. „

TIIK LMUOB LAW—In the Massachusetts House of Hoprcsentatlvca Tuesday afternoon, the bill presented hy Mr. Tarbox of Lawrence, to repeal Iho present liquor law came up for discussion. Thcro was a large attendance in the galleries.

Mr. Tarbox moved to substitute bis bill lor the report of the Judiciary Committee, which advised it- reference to the Committee on the Liquor Law. He supported his motion by claiming that it would save much time for the Legislature and the discussion which would be caused, nnd would ciiljghlon the Liquor Law Committee as 10 ihu sentiment of tha Legists- ture. He was aware of the old objection ti tho repeal of ISM present law, Ihat it would leave uu law, I nit he remembered that nltci election of ltM ihcro was no attempt t( form ihe law, and (here wna what had been stiguiHti/eil ns a reign of " free rum." Ho was not aware ihat nny very great public mischief was douc. In his own city there were not M many proseciilions fur drunkenness ni before, when tho law wan nominally enforced, lit proposed to amend ihe bill, if Mm bouse al- lowed it go lolo the< intciK of ihu Day, to as to provide that Ihe repeal of ihe law sir not take effect until April t. Huwns convinced that ihe people had decline,I nt the polls iho (lu- prohibit,vry law WHS obnoxious m ihem He wan toady himself lo vole upon ihu square Issue »f prohibition, and hoped the House also.

Tho hill was sent to the com ml I lea 011 liquor law with but lew dissenting voices.

VACATION.—The Vacation of tho pub- li.' schools commences this afternoon, ami continues two weeks. The teachers ami soholnrs have been working very hard this week.

Tine—John Peimlman, next to ihe Biatlon Ilonsp, has become possessor of two or three hundred uounds of Biif- Cuhi steak, some western squirrels, am) a deer uelther of which he sells ai till dear.

Irs MOUTH STILLCtoaiD.—The Sen* (tnel still nuiintaius its llleooe in rclaUou to the appointment of Chirk ; our neigh- bor call endorse almost anything for Its party, but At. Clark is altogether loo big 11 dote to be swnllowed, anil It keeps its silence.

TIIK EXBTEH Ntwsi.KrrKit.-~This pa- per has hecn greatly improve'! in appear- ance, and is now a very large, handsome sheet, well lillcd with nutters of various kinds, iind especially local information, thu most acceptable which that or any other journal can preaent to its readers.

LoNUONDKRItY N. II.—The following is a ' "I'.v ol a bill lor "refreshments" for the singers at ihe funeral oraclllzeu In Londonderry, N. II., March Li. i-.--. Five quarts W. I. Hum, *■'! 20; 1 pliu Brandy, ,40, 1 gull. Cyder, .20; Hi pyes. 9'i; 100 fryed mils, ,7."i; :> lbs. of cheese, .08( | bunch of.Ulgara, .1.1—••"31.

SKCOSU BAPTIST t'uirncii.—BUT. A. R. IMbury will preach at (bis church to-morrow. We arc Informed Ihat the future Held ol his labors Is to bt> in Cal- ifornia.

A y norXIt 1 TK MB.

1'hc annual sermon of Rer. J. P. Lane, pastor ol the Free church, delivered last Sabbath morning, WHS listened to by a large audience. I'lie following extracts from iho discourse and report of the treasurer will bo perused with Interest by many or the readers ol this paper:

The Free Christian Church ol Andover, was organised May 7, isto, consisting of l-l members, most of whom were heads of families. The Urn pastor, Elijah C. Winchester, commenced Ids ministry three months previous to the ori/anlza- tlon, ami continued till Sept. lOih, 1H4S, two years and .-even mouths. Dm Ins; this period, there were 21 additions to the church. Tlie next pastor WM Sherlock Bristol, from Dot. lu, I3tn, io Oct. 24, ''•l'\ oue year. Additions to member- ship 17, tleorgc Trash was slated sup- ply for about six mouths, during which lime the present house ol worship, erect- ed through the liberality of Dea. John Smith, and ntrnUhetJ with an organ by John l>ove. Esq., was dedicated and oc- cupied, and there were <1 additions to membership. William U. Brown was paster from August Slat, 1850, till Aprl' 1st, 1833, four years and seven months, l>urlii>; this period s:l membeis were added to the church. Caleb K. Fisher was pastor from June 1st, Is.",, UU May 4th, ]8SD, three years and eleven Ittumbe. During Ibis ministry i|>e parsonage was built and the additions lo meinberabl| wore 101). Stephen C. Leonard was pas- tor from August loth, 1S.VJ, UN November 5th, IBGTJ. six years ami three months. Doting tula ported the Smith Fund ot (5000.00 was given to the society by Dea. John Smith, the income of which is avail- able lor the support'of pastor, aud then were U members received to the church. James 1*. Line, the present pastor, was Installed hy council April 4th, 1860, end lias therefore been pastor three year and blue month*. During ihls period « uiemhers have been received lo the church.

Changes In ihe church ami congrega- tion by removals to other places and by death, have of course been constantly going on. We have no exact data ef these excopt In the church, which ar good criterion by which those In the c gregation may he Inferred. Of the origi- nal 41 members, 22 havo died, 8 have been dismissed to other churches, U aro now on our list aud only 10 regularly worship with us. Of Ihe 21 addilieus during Mr. Winchester's ministry, 0 have died, 12 have boon dismissed to other churches, a only ou our list, all absent members. Of the 17 received during Mr. Bristol's ministry, 8 have died, :) have been dismissed to other churches, 8 are now on our list, hut of these il have been absent several years, aud only 3 are resi- dent with ua to-day. Of tho 0 received by Mr. Trask, 5 have bjon dismissed to other churches, ono U still enrolled, but has been absent a long time. Of the 83 recevled during Mr. Brown's ministry, 12 have died. 41 have been dismissed to other churches, 30 are silll enrolled, but only 17 ure resident with us to-day. Of the 10i) received during Mr. Fisher's minis- try, 10 have died, 43 have been dismissed to other churches, and .1J aro still enroll- ed, of whom 38 arc refcldent members. Of tho SB received during Mr. Leonard's ministry, 3 have died. 14 havo'been dis- missed to Other churches, 38 are still en- rolled, and 30 aro resident members. Of the 43 received during the present pas- torate one has died, » have been dismiss- ed to other churches, 33 are still enrolled aud 20 arc resident members. Among the members who uultcd with tbo church during tho tlrst pastorate, there were 17 couples of husband and wife who joined together; In all but I or these Instances cither the husband or the wlfo and in 2 ol them boih Ihe husband and tho wife have died; only ono of tho 17 remain resident wiih its to-day, unbroken by death.

During the year 1800 3 members were received to the church on profession of faith and one member by letter; 7 mem- bers took letters to other churches, and i members died. The number of deaths in the families of the congregation was 10, of whom 7 were In middle or ad- vanced life. Brief obituary netlces were given of these, and the lesson enforced " Bo ye alao ready."

The pastor next spoke of religious and charitable contributions by (he church and congregation, as an Important part of history, and Irom ihe data at hand It was evident that progress bad been made, and our motto should bo still on- ward. •

The following statement of the Income of the Society and expenses Tor the sup- port of preaching and oilier current ex- penses since 1859, is lumlshed by the Treasurer.

Income of tho Society from 1800:— 1 car real* Collec- Suberlp- Oiulll, Total.

hud, *7is n ts H %■»} 36 01.OUSS 837 U S3 11* •OS 00 604 Ul BS Tl m n

HOI ■SI H SI M 400 00 0303 00 637 31 IN IS MM 00 aoo oo

1SU Hi 00 VI 0T 7T1 SO auo uu lass Ml AS liu Dl i,r.:. 00 000 00 3,108 S3

m ^i SS M 1,160 »S H.! BO 3,361 T4 "is II ■1 SI TOO 00 SOD 00 1,003 SS

IMS S4T M SI SS 1,010 81 000 00 3,080 43

The amount raised for the Sabbath School and for charities since 1800, are as follows:— 1S0T, SJ, t|., *:,'.i :,s, ihaiiii**, #.soo It, tulal, »tu S3 IMS, " llj nt, " 043 lo. •• 704 3-j 1400, ■• su id, ■' t.n: ai, '• iaoa gl

The i.'ll,nvin ■ are thu religious and charitable ooutt IbUtlous for Iho year 1800, not Including balancrs on hand al the opening ol the year, nor tho amounts re- ni.ii.iiiw M!,ii],|>M>|.i'iH(i'tl nt tha etO«« : — l'j-tor't **lary and other ,uii,m *o>lely

aatMOOt, #i,s*i u Current c),urvli ospuatu*, JJ 4I

t>4*HSlk , li.u ilir- , 40 uo Babtiatli H.huul, -a 51

Fieaitiuell, (Am.U A.nliJ Aim Ullllngs,) 400 DO Furtlgu UatatOM, (Am. UJ.uii.l Wouiau'*

DoarJ.) i3j QQ

.Uu. i i. in and VMaujl Ciiilailan Unlun, lu on Ami'HouiiLMiis. rnloiilL'burch butldlny), 33 B4 Ulblo cuute, 20 00 A in. 8. a. Unln i :i..-:i Blunt, -io M IS ot Cong. U. S. Sad fob. Kwlet*, )o 33 Kducalloo cauie, a3u yg C'onauraullve'a llune-, Boai.m, (by ,)ni-

Uruu'a l-'i-.,m ..I, m go

Aia 1U|(|, (3>|0| jo

ill- amoun'.s above given Include only Collections and donations through the IMIIUI public channels, not private contri- butions which have doubtless been made with aeoustonied llbeialltj, hut rosneot* ing whose umoiiuls we havo ne knowl- edge.

It has also been customary to provido annually for Die sabbath *chool a CbrhnV mas I'.'-iival uiih distribution of presents or other entertalnmeuis at an expense of in-iii 75 i" li"1 dullnrs, which Is not in- cluded above.

The body ol mi iulant male child prob- nMj not mote 11 a day old, was found a h-w days since in the Merrlmaek river, lu the Went Parish, by Tristan B. Bai- ley. It mis in a mat box evidently pre- pared tor Ihu purpose, um! hi a nude con- dition. (Wooer Lamb Was applied to hut ili-mud an inquest unnecessary.

The piece i,l uoutlland known as "I'lue Hill", keluiijjuig 10 the eslale of the late tfaWUel Abthitt dewa*«d, was sold by auction, by Ueorgu Foster, on Monday, to John II. Flint. It consists of lllteen

acres and brought lllty-tivc doll re amounting to 882"i. Tho editor or the llavcrhill Hazctte

has received a note Irom Gyles Merrill Esq., of St. Albans, Vt., nephew of the \ lato Hon. Samuel Merrill of this town, I and grandson of HOT. Gyles Merrill, j lato of llavcrhill. In which he says hifi | Undo Samuel was born In llnvcrhill. j North Parish, and not In PiaUtow as stated In the notice of him in the papers. . He says also his grandfather, ltcv. Gylos Merrill, was settled over the Noilh Parish Church, in llavcrhill ami Pluistow, mi tho sixth day or March 1700, and died at tho North Parish, April -.'7. 1«H>I. We always understood that llev. Gyles Mer- rill lived in llavcrhill, and that alibis childrcu were horn here. His son Moses Voted for selectmen of Haverliill more Hum sixty consecutive years, and his sou, Gyles Merrill, now owns the resi- dence of his rather, which wo suppose was also the residence of his grandfath- er, ltcv. Gyles Merrill, who was pastor uf said church from March C, 17ii<> lo April _,7, 1801, more than :'.ii years.

Messrs. W. I). & C. G. Ilussey have leased Ihe mills at Fryc Village belong- ing to tho heirs of the lain Blijall Ilus- sey, nnd by the addition of a conven- ient building, with new and Improved stocks.aro prepared for washing clothes, carpets, and other articles,with great fa- cility ll»d without injury.

The tea party of llie Punchiird School Society at the town hall on Tuesday eve- ning, was a complete success. Amoui.t received, nearly e*'.0. Tho corpulent Major officiated as aim ion «r, lit a mo-I felicitous manner, nt the close. The members of the society led very grateful to their friends for their generous aid in contributions, and for the large atten- dance.

ltcv. Amos lllatichard, M, ll., died In Lowell, very suddenly, in hla bed, of heart disease, Jan. 14, 1870, at the nge of 08, I>r. Blanohard was the sou of Dea- con Amos and Elizabeth (Jenkins) Blanohard, and was born hi Andover, March 7, 1S07. He prepared for college at Phillips Academy, in ihls town, and graduated nt Vale College hi 1S2U. He pursued his theological studies partly in New Haven, spending ono year at the Theological Seminary in this town. In 1828 be w«S appointed Tutor iu Vale Col- lege, and held the position one year. In December, ISM, he was ordained Pastor of the First Congregational Church In Lowell, and In May, 184.1, was Installed Pastor of Kirk Street Church, in the same city, where bo remained in the faith- ful prosecution or his work, with more than ordinary success, until his death, making the length of his ministry In Lowell more than 10 years. With healtli never robust, he was seldom laid aside, until within the last two or three years, from his pastoral labors. For several years he was a useful member ofthe school committee In May, 1S,'I0. ho married Miss Caroline It. Draper, of Do- ver, X. II., who Survives him. They have had four children, of whom but one Is uow living, Amos, Treasurer of the Boston and Maine Railroad, tu 1853 he received ihe honorary degree of D from Williams College. He was chosen a Trus tee of tho Theological Seminary in this town |n 1857, which position he held until his death; he has also hold a simi- lar office In the Abbot Female Academy for a longer term ol years.

Funeral services were attended at the Kirk Street Church, In Lowell, on Thurs- day afternoon, Invocation by prof. K, C. Smyth ol Andover. Heading ol solo tlons of the scriptures by ltcv. H. James, of Lowell. Address by ltcv. Dr. K. Y Barrows, of Now York clty% iu which he paid a Just, Impressive and soloum tribute to tho character of iho deceased. Fu- neral prayer by I{«v. Dr. K. B, Foster, of Lowell. Benediction by Hev*Dr. Nathan Lord. Rev. Messrs. Hauks and .Street, of Lowell, also participated in Ihe services.

The corpse was taken to llio church lu tho morning, and during the forenoon It is thought no less than three thousand persona worn present. Tho funeral ser- vices were attended by a crowded audi- ence, embracing a large number of clergymen. Tho funeral sermon Is lo be preached at the same place next Sabbath morning by Itev. Dr. J. L. Taylor, o( Andover.

The annual spelling match for the Draper prizes by the ine tubers ofthe pub- lic schools will take place on Friday, Feb. 4th, at 1 o'clock P. M. Further particu- lars will be given next week.

Our Andover readers will bo plensed to learn that Mr. H. C. Baruabeo. at Ihe request of many friends, will soon give ono of his unique entertainments, en- titled a Palchwoik of Song aud Story, presenting a fresh programme of novel- ties. Barnabec is one of the most enter- taining vocalists New England has, and is sure to provoke merriment and grntlll- cation.

Hugh Whiiuieti was taken before Jus- tice Poor, by policeman Eames, on Thursday, fnr using abusive language at Ihe depot the previous night. Fined 85 ami costs, amounting to 90,05.

n A 1. 1. .1 11 i> t 1 1. 1 .

Ut- John Walter Lccse, from llio seminary, lalo ofthe city of Edinburgh, Scot lan.l.prcaclicl laat Sunday In tue place of the Rev. Mr. (Ireen, ofthe I'aion CoiiRreRational Society.

On Saturday morning last, Mr. Joseph Love. Joy, in passing thruugli a piece of oroojs near this place, camo across a weasel, nol lart;c, hut very beautiful, and while as snow, worrylnu to death a young rabbit. Uu sympathy being oxelicd for iho deleiieo!esa animal, he went lo a house near by, und. borrowed a tiox trap; rc- turiiliut ho found iho rabbit dead, und Die enemy standing hv hi proud triumph. Tho rahbil waa j,le.ced i„ ,b« .raa, and tho weasel returning after a lew moments lo claim hia booty, was •ecurml,

Thu ofllcers chosen In Shawshcen Division 80ns of Temperance, for the current i|iinrlcr, nro ns follows: \V. I'.,.I. s. Stark) W. A Final Stiluger; It- B.,0. W. Towing: A.R.S Jennie Blnrray; P. »., J. W. Morrison; Trcas., Waller Hurray! Chaplain, Wllllum Harrison ; Con., John HoweHj A. Con., Henry Taylor; !. B, Jennie Morrison; O, 8., Henry llowell.

The ardeni laborers In the temperance refor- mation must doubtless think their work Is ac- compli sited, or i)l*o their interest In the innller has taken nidi n 1 urn si to leave ihem free from all farther obligations. There nro manv who claim the position ihat ihe south 10 much desired durlnp; 1U0 war, Ihat Is, to 1M let alone; only let things alone, they say, and all will be WOO, fo It miKol bo said of tho Individual who went into a blacktiuhh'i shop with his coat pockets fall 0f powder; ho didn't come out nt Hie door; iho roof was taken off for his accom- inodutlon. The society for the " prevention of cruelly to animals,- find llttlo difficulty In brlnglm to Justice thoao guilty of offence; then why oppose or hinder a law tha'. has for Hi oi.jc.t the prevention of oroelty to men I Tho quantity of powder necessary to give a man a hoisting lo his entire satisfaction, needs no ex- periment, nor docs ihe quality of whiskey; the difference lu iho danger only ll0( la the action j the one Is Instantaneous, though not always sine in Its aim, while iho other, Ilka a govern, mem contractor, Is son of his victim, but takes tils own lime.

This nruumciit uf course finds favor more psnletJlarhr with those who are opposed to teem ortruiii/iitlons, or lo signing- the pledge in any form. The timid aro often restrained ln« dents wlmiiln') themselves sckuowledge as their .luiv. by a llngte wDrd spoken in oppo. »'ii.m by ihiisc Who sro heedless and enro Hula for ihe Interests of the comrsvmliy, «o long at It does not come directly to their dour, aud invade llidr .1 n. comfort.

ice and luck of interest fo'l in il,..' ni.itiir of temperance bai brought lie urpiuiiulioii here 10 a low state of being; it IKCI um In' ,.i, if the youpB men and women would conic (mi and unite with Ihem.

riiere ure those wliosc Inborn should be ap- preciated, though their names nro never b tons In before tli« public, for their sincere, carucsi ami un*elliili devollwn to this cause. Mr. William llarti-on bus labored zealously among us for many years, giving much of his lime,—and it Is well known lie tins little to spam —and working with an ardor, and with Hint true sense of honesty of purpose that Is rarely funn■!. i'i praising Mr. Harrison tor his good works, folks need not hike it Hint wc have been a itc nd ing his funeral, not at all, for thai event no hope is iar, very far off; but he "flill lives " mid not for himself alone, hut for the good of ill who are disposed 10 listen to his wise coua- cil*. The subject of our correspondence here- (afore baa boon so much given to the hundred and one questions that have come np iu cousc- nuence uf ihe failure of ihe file works, that it in only with Ihe assistance of a double dose of MM. Winslow, that our courage has gained limi um.,.in;,,[ strength sufficient for another attack.

Most of tbe workmen residing bcre have re- ceived ihe thirty-five percent dividend, and as one of ihem remarked '* iis nac o'er niuiklc," yet there are few who have felt nt nil scrupu'ous about tatting II, One individual who has fig- ured largely 011 a new suilof clothes when he should receive his pay, exclaimed that "he

ould have a twenty-live cent necktie any- how V

We ure auihcri/ed lo contradict the report Hint Pole Hilt is to be removed to beaver Kails. [t* purchase would ho of little concern to any one except "uncle Daniel." Were it removed his chances for seeing the MID set would be greatly Improved,nnd might Increase the val-

or his estate very much, for it would then place bis residence in Ibcicnter ofsom.t veiy beautiful landscapes.

To correct another error which our Heaver dam 1..11 have been laboring under, we en dotfc tbo following, llie jiroducllon »f some Insptred qnllt: ilia) li Ihat Chtrk's Brook still

itlauci " I'D roll llx uisJtMtlc awectiiPis, 11,'iiralh ill, luTi>ul*.u load. Just In frontof It.iynor'a "

The terrible Jerk given to the intellect of tho writer of the above, renders his case almost a hopeless one.

Katntc Niiibim Clark. Nolle- I* hereby given ihat tbe fahicrlhcr haa

In in ilnl) appoiuli'd udminlhtrator ol the «state ol Nathan Clark,

lull- nf AndovtT, in Ihe county of Kn '*, yeoman, J,i',',.,.l ninl I11- tit,,, u|„]ii hm,.,ll I l.-ii trust by irivlug bonds, as Ihe law directs. All perrons liming .I, i„,111,:,- u|inu the uliiteoi ani.l d.eiBird are required lo em.iliit the same; and all persons indebted lu mid ratiilu ure CiilU.l upon lo Dl«ka liannent 10 DAMKI, CAItl.KTUN, Adm'r.

North Andover, Jan. 11, 1»;0. Jail

FOR SALE. Tbrrs .ulterior NI.W MI1.CI1 COWS. Apply

l» UANIKL CAI1LKTON, H North Andover.

"W A. S Jrl I1ST C3-. The lUQMflbCrl bai lag kMed the mllla In Krje

Villas,' twktagtog to tha heirs of the lale Klijah Bess*), deceased, mid Ita*lag creclv,! a suitabK' new build lag, and lurnlshcd it with two double ■eta uf Improved stock*, will attend lo Washing CbMbM,Carpets,etc.,ctM7 Monday.

W.P.kC.Q.IJUaSEY. Andover, Jan. SI, 1870, ll

NOTICE. All persons nre hereby fuibidjen 10 trust any

member or my family without a written order from me, -J> f H1IO.II psv nu debts of their con- trsctliiK. .IUSIAII CllOSBY.

>orih Andover, .Ian. &, Isri), 3lJ*Sl

Aiiclluii Nates by tico. Kosicr. Standing Wood.

Will be sold ut public uurllou, uu SATU1IUAV, .lnuuury '-'K, at 1 o'clock, P. II., on Hie premises, about Hit ecu acres of wood Handing on laud of W, 0. '."!,! iini li, near the house ol Jeremiah Hatch, and on the road lending lo lleury .1. tlrny's saw mill, it Is known as ihe "Checver lot," and con- sists ol a good growth or ouk and pine, furnishing a number ol board Joys. Ths wood wilt be sold lu larye mid M1111II lots to accommodate. The premi- ses are of unusually easy access,

Audover, Jan. it'. ls;u. n

Estate Jobn It. Woodbnry. Notice Is hereby given, Unit Iho subscriber ha<

been duly appolnn-d ni rutur ol the will ol Johiill.Woodbury,

Htl of North Andover, in the county or Es.ex, deccaaed. tes:ate, aud has taken uuon himself ihat trust, by giving bonds as the law di- reots. All nmotJH luwlajj demnuds upon the ta- int* or sali"deceased are rco/dred lo exhibit Ihe same: and nil peraona indebted to said estate are culled upon lo make payment to

EUJCN WUUDBUltV.Ksec'r, Juiiuiiry Dili, ISTO. Jail

f „i.'i«iiiiir,-,',tl(ft 0/ ilatiaehmttlt.

Ki-.ii.\, SH. 1'iiiiini-i. CODIIT, To ibe neat of kin, and others loterealed In tbe

estate of KACIIKL 1(. AIIUUTT, late of And- oier. In aairi county, widow, deceased,

Whrrrus, WllllnmS. Cowdcry, the udmiiii'.lrn- tor or Hie e»tate of said deceased, has presented to sstd Court, for allowunce, ihe account of hla adinlnlstratiou ou sstd elate, und application list, beeu made (or u distribution or the balance In his hands among the widow aud neat of kin or said deeeaaed, you ure hereby clred to appear at a Pro- bate Court, to be holdcn al Law route, In *ald county, 011 the second Tuesday or February IIPXI at inn,' o'clock In llie forenoon, to show cause, II any you ujn-e, why said account should not be al- lowed, and dUtribullon male according to slid application.

And said administrator Is ordered to serve thla Cltatloa by publishing Iho tame oneo a week, In tho I-awrence American and Andover Advertiser a ucwapsper printed st ■ - successively, the last pub tessi before said Court,

Witur.s, tioorge. F. Choale, Esnatre, Judije o( said Court, thla eleventh day of January, In the year of our l^rd ono thousand eight hundred aud seventy. Jail A. C. (JOOUKLL, Hegister.

Commonwealth or Maaaaehaaaetta,


To tbe In 11-., HI 1 .!„-, „„,! olhcrs Interested In tha eslateof 1'KIKIt KltKNCH, lale of Andover, In said eoutity,dtcoaaed,tetlnle,

.hevlt'B"ras,.ulirT.w.-F'outl1'lne tfWSeettiw Ihe ta.t will a of laid deceased, ha* presented for Bllowsuce the second aceount of his irustecililp of said trust eslale.

rw? S\ teffi clt.ed. to "PP'" ll ! Probate Court, to bo hnlden at I.a-renee, |n said county.

0 clock In the forenoon, to show cause ir uuv vou havo. w„ the aame should not boVlmwvO? ' J

And thu said trustee Is ordered to servo this ffVi'^t "y >",b,'"'H''fr Iho onco a week, n the Lawretica American and Andover Adicr

User, a nawspapcr prlulnl at l.awrence*iS2a Jtekl .ncce.slv'ely, ths last psbllratkS^o bo two aajraat least ber„r.- ual Tue.Suy.

..d ft GZrsK f- <"ua'"' ^inire. Judge ot said Court, thi* eleventh daj of January in the year i.|tflilei.n hundt'od. aud seventy.

A. C. QOODKLL, Register.

Fn,i;m for Sale. ..',iif,^";&fra:.."r:,Iirj;;

irs ''"" ''l,'",.,™"";1! ■ '",'»>'''• "1 ono l.uuared uriii. quo buiidiu,. ,„0.i„ "r .TB53SS.

„, RfiS1 °r *■■ '-"wclland Lawrenc«llall- lASiSyM ""'/"" M ,tr" °r wood und



.Mrs. 1'iiijrr's New Inditolive Method lor the 1 mnolortc and Organ,

woald rrap.(itnslir call Ih. atttmtlon of the luliabl lasts of Andover and vicinity to this simple, com- prrkenalve, Ihorougb, and, at the same llie "tclnalingsyilcm of Instrueli.iu. 80 simple tlutt sehldcanunderttandandpriietlceitj.otliorouBb that ihe most mature mind will he pleased win. It

torfitllfitirliculiiri uii.1 ,,',<-„;.ir., oi,«Jy /„ matl ,., *:»A"'-Ks fr, i,. BTOSfi,

riillllps Street, Andover, Haas.


A MKLODEON. Iiinuirc of s. U. DOWKf).

Andover,, isto, ;it

Wagons! Wagons I! Mew and second hand, for sale by


Wituufuclurcrs of Petliualll's I'aWut Hers

Caru uud Wheels of all kinds to order, tfja" >

( BT^brto for Tin Roofing iirompt-


''A 'lu'-'jund, |«p.J°1,iT y*««3w


Opposite Savings Bank, Andover,

Manufacturer of

COFFINS & CASKETS. . ' *-""*'?"■ M»?

mWICB.-W. Uor^wiltoii, curii

11. ,i. i-AHKim. JOII»Tkaowa, SSSS'

* WM. roon, Wagon Manufacturer,|

Lighl Kjpre

. /£ r // -I -v r. o Y 1. H .



8, Ol-.l,- , IIII.I

Wagon , or wltllDU lull".

. Yrafoii.,. .dOM.

j lu nil i( i bra;;,

1, IMH. (

11 E N It Y

N:-Acort.»p..nuentofi.nel,:h- ututof iMt Saturday, hu seen f lit' public, mi account of a y," in North Andvwr, ut whtrii e*onr,*riWlrif*.ki since. Insinuated himself Into tin pri- geutleman, warmed hlmielfat

„f liia boipltallly, mid then like ■ upon hUbcnefaetOT and sling*

, bill lie Indulges In a spleuotle e whohs household, and nil Lbo



if conveyoimis for iliu iwk ending J:n

■ vlli-d guest

f one h.M

, nllu >*ld« K<


FTJ BNITURE. ■■.,. Agent tor Webster & l.udd'*

PATENT SPRING BED. Ufa. Picture Fiuiuiug, UphoUtt'fiug, vie,

nud ill Und* of furniture repaired in i superior

Opposite Savings Hunk, Autlover.


COFFIN Jini FACT I) Ki:it,

renal love and wleem, win it KUI greeted with Itif warmest »

ry social gathering, who, nim,- thai Hi >'u,l ['.itl) " 11 i — [>..■ r-. ■ i away liom ear

hi).', ur heathen antliiully, mid was ilways 11,idly respected; out ibis m,

lie of u: have lii-ura MI I II,

ad m "in ■tlbbles mdiil a


1 lurulsli at tin In Ihebeil UN

ratal Coi

■Mali ii

in' U prepared to furnish ic- KM pn when desired. Corner Mum and fisnex 8ta., iidtftTi JaJjlitM7.

ESSEX NOUTII MEDICAL SOCIKTY.— This society, of which Dr. \V. 1>. Lamb, of this President, rmcmblcd at tlie residence t»r Dr. KiUrcdgo, in North An- dorer, ou Tuesday. About forty uicm- born were present. Alter discussing mcdtcal and surgical waiters, and dissec- tion lor a lima, the company, having thereby [icquiiuil a line Appetite, sal down to discuss and dissect a dinner, pro- vided by Doctors Ktttredge and Dale. It was got Qp iu the highest style of culi- nary arl. and proved conclusively that the caterers thoroughly underBlood at least one part of medical science, which was how to tempt the palate. The gen- tlemen had a very pleasant time.

Tin- February Magauiu l nf n'hilcoml.-'

" OLD AND Klw," a monthly magazlni: of 111 [...!!• «, edited by Bar. Edward E. Hale, cover* n wide, rsngu of literature, aud i nln - a fearless discussion uf science, business politics and religion. It iayi: " livery member will discus* tome promi- nent theological tiucatloii; and without ceualng (o be uhrlillan the Journal will have an open eyi on ibo wurld of arl, letters, politic* and aoclety,"

THE ATLANTIC contain! paprri upon Tbe Presi- uro upon Congreas; Llfelnllie Brick Moon; Kdwln at.Bunion; Ibolblrd of Among Ibo Isles bf Btwali; Joseph and lib Pilond, a serin.!; Father Merlel's Hull, and oi her articles.

H.'Ui: • AT HOME — Thli popular puiludleui com- menced lu Iba January number the publication of a •lory MtUM " Hero," by Ocorglaua 11. Cralk, wblcb will be continued during tbu greater part of the year, aud will add largely tu tbe welcome «'trial Ibli ntonlbly inaguslno receive* In many bMUI>

UoDKT'a M.ii. wis. I« too well known to nueJ comncndatlon. Altliougli forty yuan old, Ii !■ m Urely and attractWo aa aver.

DCKOliKsl'M !■ attraotlve, uaeful, elv|ulit, an un- equalled faahlou magailno.

fKTKaiON'a.—Tho aicel plate for the prtaant uumbar Ii Tbe Burial of the l'ct Bird. A colored fuhion plate, a colored pattern for ildy, on Jar caDVU, the uiual number of faiblon und fancy aril cle Uluitratloni, nllli a large amount of cheerful llrealde reading, make up lu part tbe conlouU *f this fuvorlto.

THE lIivi.H-iin., oue of the belt of the ruaguiluil fur young folki, bai a number of excellent iilu-ii ;i- lloui aud a fund of enlirtalulng reading.

Neit to having Hie foreign magiilnei, wblcb bar can afford, I* a review which cull* the bcit article*, giving them to the public In u desirable form. Tbli the MoutOTIO due*, and Ii therefure a ufeful acqul- .Iliu II. ^^.

Tim QALA3TI fur February la freighted with good thing*. Tha lorlal by Cliarlei Keodo, l'ut Vournvtf In till l'lace, occupiei tweoly pogei, and will bo continued the greater part of the year.

I,mi,n;'s Lady'* Uagazlne, Ue*ldi**tho large nuui' bcr of faihlon plate*, which alona would render 1 popular, contain* a variety of article! profuatly Illustrated.

Tnc M-iiMiiv, for youngeit rvader*, fully >ui- talm IU prevlou* reputation.

uoou Wiii.nn Ii a valuable monthly,wllh urtlclca by tha moat able writer* of KugUud, Judlcluuily llluitralad.

HARFBI'I UAUAEINE for February I* one or the but number* of thl* old e*labll*hed monthly.

PcTXAM'a UAOAXIBB. — ThU practical, wide- awake, entertaining periodical I* a welcome vlnlior to the family, containing article* by tin- unsat popu- lar and able wrlteri of the day.

ArFLETOS'i JotttX.w,. a Weekly, now entired on III third volume, waa at llrat publlibed u a id- onlltlc and art Journal of a vury high urdvr, but I* now f.illln,; a llttto more Into tha popular vein, whlrh will no doubt largely Increase lu circulation.

All the popular magailnua and periodical! of the day roeelvod promptly by I. A. Whlicomh, including Onward, The American Naturallat, Ooad Hcalib, The reoplo'a llagailne, Phrenological Journal, Manufacturer and Builder, Harper'* Weekly, Har- per1* Baiar, all of Frauk I.eillc'a periodical!, and many other*.

he •i'ml and III

■ It for publlea •top here

living upon the lame page i unierupulatii frredniu, a loo. But hi* venom Joe* i mtlilled. lie gee* further a

Invades the lanctlty of another houiehold, •I, and ii'ivi' mi I, and we lru*t iiiin- trill fc. ;

aud follow* up with uinllgiiant and *landerou* litiliiu:i11oi>* uuotlier uioit worthy guullenian, ntid hla e-liiimble lady, "Ibo bead nr.d front of who*.' offending " ron*l»la In the generoui cfforll to enliven the lidluU* dulne.- of ihere long winter •TMiBga In that ,,u . t town.

We freely admit lh*l Iheie ncjiidnloua pcrionall- i.,-- had better be paaied uiinutleed a* a general rule; but there are Instance* in wtileh a little whole- ■oine advice ndmlul.tcud to I ha assailant may prove aalulary. Ptirbapi this I* hi* flrit pub- lished effort; we hope It I*, and that ha will read and re-read It until he ■ i...ii hove become ai com- pletely dl'gii.ted whli Ii, und with Hi authorship, ns the general leiitltneai uf tbe eommutiliy aauai to be already.

Let i.liti ii.k himself what real or fancied Injury tw has received at tin- hands of the gentleman or ludy, whose guest, " by n roncour*e ol forluiloni* eircum- atauera bejroud Ids control," he happened lo be on that evening; or emanated front tbune Invited goeala that should justify thl* black iliowor of irur-

aluse upon Ihtm lndi,erlinln»tely; or of .in of omlMloit or cumniU.lon the other gen-

tleman and lady alluded It)ban been guilty,alTcrllng In any way hisjitrsomit lights, privilege! or »entl- blliile*. Hueh »elf propounded questions a* theic usually lend one's mind lo sound lellcclloii*, and naturally operate I* a corrective of peevinhue**, splecu and III humor. Then let hlui a*k himself w li.i object he ha* gained, or what *all«factory re- sult lias been aeconipllihed by 11.ii queilleunblc modo of dealing p-Ilh iirlghbot-liood matter*. We commend tlieni lo hi* attentive conildernllon. lie may tlius itvuld a permnneiil nlllimre with that claaa of setlblilcl* to nlmm an old conptel thus alluue.1. "And many n ihnn-r, whdic ii1 .-■ i . Itch to wiile, Add* aa be eon hi* v mile" «*r

Abrahuiit Hull l„ lUley, M and bulldir n slaneock itreet, $1400. OweaTIVuaniu Michael U. Itrslily. lot and bull.

mon White itrit't, $S0U, W. tlilu lo Tluiuihj llwyar, lot mi Wr

IiiMirhlli street, «M). Kuriii Ilrowu to Ultthaal Hubert*, lot und bull

if, Sluou. John J. William, lo I'alrhtk Uurvry, lot on llsm

biro street, SIIK).

S.K. riii.ll to IVielllcUillsJoHIJii. H. S. Seal lea io I'uciile Hills, lot, |iaii,W, Kiacx Co. to John !Hueon, lot, ,- i ■■.::.. Uwia Hlonf to Ellen lllughum, lot on ,-uwell Si



■ below the report of Father

etlneUje, my, $1100.

T. ii, Ulbbs I


bulldinit, tli-J. I.. i'agu to Ebeu SuOsnar, lot sud Luildluir


WUIard I'lke lo Wm. H. Jenklngs, lot on 1'lkt St.,

Truitrees of I'hlllips Academy to WUIard I'lke, it on I'lke Itreit, fSOu.

NORTH S.NDOVEK. to Patrick C'oucauuoii, lot, |1S1, . Dnattl A.Carloton, woodland,

Kdwnul Hot Kphraiiii Ii

. A.UmTrondU- H at. I, |4U


Wc lliul hy iliu ftHfjlinri hooka Hint llicte tnn lu town, 1.1 : Mny, one hiintlrctl and twen- ty- seven .!".;-, one hunilicd and filty-two i'.MH'\ seven hundred and thirteen cowg. eighty- live oxen, three hiitidrcd and thirteen horses, und forty-flve sheep. There were nlso five hundred and live dwelling houses. The exact number of Keren or land taxed, is thirteen one hundred sixty, live and one fifth.

The Clerk in IBG9 gave thirty-six marriage eorlllleates. The returns show that two mar- riages were solemnized by Rev. C. A. Bradley, two by Kov.Tltomns G. Orassie, live hy Kev. James Xoycs, nine by Rev. N. M. Williams. All of the others were solemuircd hy persons not living in Mcthncn.

The records ahew lliut there wcte stvenly. six births in town in the year ISO). In ISCi there were seventy-seven. There were forty. three death* in IStlS, and in 186s there wen forty-eight.

The Splckct Fulls Division or the Sons of Temperance hits the following officers for the prcaent quarter:—Rev. James Xoycs, W. P. Mrs. Abblo Horsey, W. A. I 1. II. Uney, R. S.; Miss Ella Cnrlcton, A. ft. S.; 8. C. Crosby, F. S.: Mrs. 3. P. Oilcrcasl, T., Ouey Taylor, C,; Miss Sarah Stiles, A.C.; F. Knox, I.S.; As* Simons, 0, S,; A. A. Farr, CLsplaln.

Mrs. 3. M. Mm: was talking with the conduc- tor of the Manchester and Lawrence Kailroud while the ears were stopping at the station lust Saturday evoninfr, and a well dressed gentle- :;<'! out of the enrs and attempted to pick her pocket, she discovering his intention, seized

hy the collar and asked hltn what ho meant, but lie attempted to apologize for step- ping on her dross; she told him It was not that, but he wus trying to pick her pocket. Ho denied

but she still held him and evidently con- vinced him that slio knew that his object was to get her money- When the cars started she let him go, and he went on his wny a humble

,if not a penitent one. When h ■ pastes through Mclbuen again, ho probably will not

>ut of the cars; if ho does ho will not pay bis compliments lo Mrs. Doe,who deserves pooh

tncndatlon for her presence of mind and courage, for she manifested a wonderful de- gree uf both. There are muny ladies who on such nn occasion would simply have fainted awny, and thin have given Iho man an oppor- tunity of showing his gallantry In holding them from fulling, and also of getting their money. The man oaght not to hnvo left Mctliuen. After the lady had caught the bird tome of tha men who witnessed the scene ought to have seen him properly caged.


SsJftsUT KVKNINH LtCTUftBB.— TttO Sixlh of Rev. Mr. Weaver's lectures was given last Sunday evening to a congregation ihut letted the capacity of his church. It was by common consent, the best of the course thus far. It treated of the preparation for lie creatie man made In the carili; lu the creation of species of plants, anlmuU and fishes; in ibo introductlou of tho grosses, grains, flowers and fruits; In putting the earth exactly into condition necessary lo his existence- The lec- turer said the earth wus furnished for homo before he wns put into it. Everything was ready, and waited for iho coming lord of enrili. Then God said, " Let us intiko ni.ii>,' and bo was mnde. Tho leciurcr said Uoiea records the introduction of plants and animals in successive steps from the lower in the higher, each succeeding ono being u new creation, not the lower developing into the higher, So he said science finds, and names a similar classification, but nowhere finds a blending of species und orders; they rise In gradation one above another, hut each one dis- tinct by Itself, ngrcciog wlih Mosct; man Is ut the top of the scale, above and master of nil.

Tlie next lecture is to bo on the sovcuih or Sabbath day, and this and the succeeding lec- tures will treat of the i aiv History of Man, i he Garden of Kdcn, Ihe Fall of Mun, tho Flood, and such Important topics. They are being given every Sunday night, lu Ihe Universulist church, at 0 1-2 o'clock. *

goiter <5rjurt gfford. Tt'fciDAY.-Two fellow* who have been "on tbe

bum " about town for inmn Iltllu lime, were lent up for three tnonihi m vagrants. Tliry bonrdud nt tho Pacific Ilnuie.and al*o at other plneei, and went off, forgetting to pay. On applying to Sir. t'olley, lie declined boarding them unle** they gave secur- ily. Necessity being Iho mother of Invention, lliey hlrtd a inclodcon of Mr. Kill* and had It conveyed to Mr. Collcy'*, representing It as their own. Tho fraud was detected a Hllle too quick, and they have now free board for the winter and part of spring.

There have been nothing fJM but drunk*, etc., for the pail throe d»yi.

WEDKKKDAV.—Fan.uel Hopping, a joung man of twenly-tlirce.wa* bound over in iho sum answer lo Ihe charge of rheest with hi* own sister, about eighteen year* ol age. 'I lie result of Ihe fear- ful crime WM a child born on C'hHitmai day, In the .Bine house In wbleli Hopping Wa* living wlih hi* wife, a respectable young womuii, lo whom he was married »bout a tnonih before. When *he ascer- tained the i*ct,*be immediately lefl. Her father, who wished tu avoid publicity, warned tho fellow lo leave and never show his held again. Hodldlcave, but bai eoitiu back lepcatcdly and Insisted upon seeing hi* wife. The extreme penally I* twenty year, lu the Ulaie Prison. The unhappy itattf has not been arrested.

• VI wa* netting gray and dld'ut Ilka ft, Sum re's llilr Re.turallro restored the color of my liulr, elismod my iciilp nud pleased me wonderfully.— Nothing like It In the mirket, nor ever wa*, or ever will be. Proctor Bros., Illoucesier, lias*., are Ihe ..ile agents, and all He dru>/gi*li icll It. TS cent* s bottle only. Bee advorllsmeiit.

t-'AirritW.—Purchaser* of Ibo Peruvian Syrnp > ii,.i..|.l solution of Ibr ptOtnxldOOf Iron) ure ciulioued n^alnst bi lu« deceived by uny of the preparations of Peruvian Bark, or Bark uud Iron which mi.) be offered I tie in. Kvery bottle ofgenu. Ins bai PsiUt-IA* BTSUP (not Peruvian Hark) blown In the glass. KNAIIIXK TUN BOTri.K IIK-


Ar TIIK.STATE Hoi.'SK.—That smitrt ami anibltloiis young Democrat from Lawrence, who Inld till plans so nicely for exploding a bombshell in tho repub- lican party, proves lo. ho n novice at his business, as be was unable to ignite the fuse. His older, more experienced broth* or. from Lowell, who Is on tbe Commit- tee on the Prohibitory law. from an indis- position to hive Ihe patty leadership taken from his hands, or from a lenr that fragment*! ol (ho . ln-11 might injure friends, advised that no vote be taken nt feesant on the fiiieslloii ot repealing; the

'robihltory Inw. Tim question U re- ferred lo llic committee having the whole mutter lu charge, and it Is t'r- Law,enOfl Solon, uud not the Republican parly thai I* Mown up. And thus emla tho lim raid on prohibition. Wc f.hall «cc how it elamls n regular fiegc, with a heavy Iralii of artillery, and Ibo Lowell engineer directing the placing of Hie guns.—HoBtuH Tritvtltcr.

PKOasOTIOM TOTlieUlUlI S<:il001..— Tito following young ladies and gentle- men have been promoted to the High School from iho Oliver Grammar School: Klin M. Bailey, Arthur Bailoj, Evany A. Beedle, Annie K. llrowii, Cora N, Hucll, George Campbell, Alice S. Clark, Susan J. Colby, Martha FouLe, Frank Fa)Ion, Haltic M. Halt, Louisa S. Hnlley, Clara K. llari'iman, Annie ,1. Kims, Fred. 1). Lamb, Rebecca M. Toiler, Joseph V. Sweeney, Ardulliv ,M. Stes>rnfl, Ambrouo Ii. Stannard. Wm. W. Spnlding, Frank Skinner, Cora P. Soraton, Lizzie M, Sal- isbury, Clarence II. Uines, Nellie C. Kith, Mary A. Itced, Emma C. Kay, John S. Porter, Timothy F. O'llcam, Frank G. Howry, George U. Merrill, John 11. McQuade, Fred. D. Lathrop, Fannie Lamprey.

GUANO AaMYOP THE REPIULIC—The an- nual meeting of the Grand Army of Iho Re- public fur tbe Department of Massachusetts wns held nt Pierian Hull in New Bedford Wednesday, Seventy-seven posts were repre- scnlcdby one hundred and eigbiy-turcc dele- gates, Qcn. A. D. Underwood of Newton pre- sided, and the following officers were elected for the current year:

Oen. James L. Bates of Weymouth, Grand Commander; Capt. II. M. Phillips, Springfield, Senior Vice Commander; Qcn. W. 0. Fisk, Lowell, Junior Vice Commander; 8. A, Green, Boston, Medical Director; Itev. Horace James, Lowell, Chaplain,

Council of Administration.—H. II. Sibley, of Charlcstown; William S. Cobb, Xew Bedford; Luke Lyman, Norihompton; J. W. Klmball, Fitebhurg; .1. K. liollls, Boston.

Delegates lo National Couventon.~A. II Quint, of Xew Bedford; Charles B. Fox, Dor- Chester; Gco. S. Merrill, Lawrence; S. F.. Cham- Iwrlen, Cambridge; C.C. Emery, Boston; A, B, Underwot.d, Newtou; and E. M Cliamberlin, Boston.

THKTIU'ASTS —Tho City government of last year, niter mature deliberation and Calculation o( expense, decided to send the more incorrigible truants of tin city to llit? Truant School In Lowell, and a bargain was made with the aulliorliicp to lake I hem nt $5.25 per week, or about that rate. Tbcy were to bo boarded, lodged,aml Intight. It was found abso- lutely necessary to do something with them as they were a nuisance to Ibo com- munity, am) were likely to become worse. The power it seems did not rest wllb the city government or with the police jus- tice to do this, and It was necessary to secure the assent of the probate or coun- ty judge to i lii- arrangement. This was refused lo* some red tape cause, and n special set of tbe legislature was sug- gested as tbe only manner In which the difficulty could be overcome.

It Is doubtful if nny more steps will bo taken to carry out that piau, ss It is un- derstood Hint Ihe present Mayor Is not fuvorublc to It, being of the opinion (hat it would be much the belter plan to es- tablish one of our own on 6oiuepaitof the Poor Farm, using the building put up for n small pox hospital, moving It from Its present position a ml enclosing four acres of the farm with the bouse with a high beard fence where the boys can cul- tlvalc tho ground, His Itlca is that the coat of preparing and currying on the school will be quite moderate.

(■ilmorc, of St. Mary's Church, of the finances, Ac, of the Free Educational Institute, nn organization Including largo and flourishing schools of both Sexes. It will be seen Unit they lire supported entirely by contributions. It is understood to lie the lielief of the Catholics generally, that their children should receive religious instruction at the sumo time that other learning is given them, and they do not consider licit ono day iu the week is enough to imbue them with religious ideas suffici- ently. Some protestauts have similar views and have established denomina- tional schools. As long as tho people of any religious faith choose to do this at their owu expense no one can rea- sonably object, either in the case of Pro- testant or Catholic. Tho former how- ever do not recognize this as a necessity as much ns Iho latter:

Srrond annual rrporl of Saint Mary's Free Educational Institute \n this city.

During tho year 1869, the attendanco was boys, 47fi] girls, 7.10. Number of girls attending night school, 8001 whole number, 1405. Expenses for the year, $o000. Ol this amount $130(1 were col- lected by some of the ladles ot St. Mary's church. The remaining 13700 were supplied from the revenue of St. Mary's church.

To those who have labored so zeal- ously in collecting tho said funds, and to those who have contributed so gener- ously, id.' members of the corporation return their sincere thanks.

J. P. GILUOKE, Sec'y-

cj a o it a K TO irx.

Nr.w I I, ■!. i I., only rhango In builneis lion*, ao far ai reported, 1* the union of the Urn ii.... II. fuii. i..M, and rfojrtS b Kendall. Tho firm will be known as Noyci, Cnrlcton S: Co.

IMPORTANT ACI.I ■. I >-..■ of Hie person* that committed the rubbery In Hamilton last week, was punned to New Hampshire, and aiTOiled by Capt, O. W. Boynton, of tho Stale police, and moil or the money recovered, briijci watches and jewelry be. longing to different Individuals.

ltEUOVAI..—Mr. Charles Boy nlou I* making prep aratlon* to remove lo tllouccilcr, whero bli bull' in1-1 require* hi* presence a largu proportion of the

ti. A. n.-The fourth of a series of ■„,.■■,;!.II.- held by Post 108, U. A.K., was held at lown hall, Wednesday evonlug, Jan. 10th.

UAsOKlC—Tho public Installation of inn ofticer* uf Churl..* O. Dona I-odgc, occurred on llic eve of the letli Insl. The riercisei were held iu Masonic Halt, (one of Ihn finest in the county) whl.ti was filled lo overflowing, with " fair women and hravo

i " for Georgetown had gathered there "all her icsuty and chivalry." Rnlem furnished leprcaenta- ive* of her wlla, and poet*, while Newhuryporl md llavcrhlll sent choice specimen* or uW./Mrt**

Pail Urand Master Charlei C. Dune, (In whose honor the l.uilge wa* named], conducted Ihe cere- monlei of Inslnllnllun In Ids usual Impressive and dlgnllled manner,and at Ihe close of Ihe imlallallon, lu behalf of ihe brethren of the I. ' ..-. pre* in led to i'.i-i Muster Bteprwtl lltgood, ni a token of their recondition of his service! In forming and sustaining the Lodge, in elegant golden Jewel, or the 1*4*1 Mniicr'i Degree, elaborately ornamented und In ■crlbcd, and tastefully dec*ruled wlih dhuuondi and brilliant*. Brief, perUnrat, anil nppropilnlo remarks wen- made lu i. . ;> :..-.. , by Mr. Osgood, succeeded by congratulatory addresie* by P. ti. M. Dome, N. 8. Klmhull, and Mr. I). Tcm.ey or Haver- lilll, and a sparkling and suggestive poem by Mr. Norris, of fJ.ilcin. A pleasing fenlure of the uiei ■Ion, wi* the mnitiHchir.y of Ihe eercm.-.iilc* wlih choice -. I.-, i MII- ..f inin-lc by an eleellrut qnartoUe, A bountiful collnilon, served in Tau.nany Hall,anil an hour uf Metal InlnrtoarM closed Ibis pleasing anniversary.

The following Is a Hal of the oflloer* fur Ihe Jenr

W. M., .Sherman .). Nelson; Senior Warden, II. B, Pinrsun; Junior Warden, II. K. Harr1m:in; Senior lieaeoii.C'luiuiiey O. N'ojes; Jnnlnr BinuOU, .1. II. Lovartngj Chaplain, O. B. Boibfi Titaj., u. ll.Tiuney; fcec, T. A. I'erley; blewanls, M. !•'. (Jailor, li. A. Chaplin) Organist, K. p. Wildes; rieiitlnil, Bob. A.Cuker | Tjler, W. A. Iliirndeii.

Hiiio: Pi us AT AUCTION.—The gteul success of the fur sale *i IV.drkL SL Cl»-*on'i,la>l ueek, have Induced the parties io make another sale, w lilch will commence Frld.iy evening. Thl* U no Peter I'liu!, mi .ii, i- .i a Inlr und stiunre sale, by reapoa- ilbli Hull.,u p"arllri, of leglilmate goods, ruanufoc tared for tlie retail trade, and aold at a aacrtlke to "rsiio tha wind," duo advertliemibt.

*»-'l"u Indies, omul Hi,, most pletislng place* of M I In lloslou I- Hi' Ijull. s' Pavilion bb Fremont Urtft Having ibo larvou retail store In America, Mr. H. H. Iloughtim, tha prupilelor, Im* dele nn In id It shall al-o I.e the moaf, popular. Ac- cardliigly, be has mniked down llic prlcrs of • lery aitlclc of hi* linnieu*!' siock of Dry aud Panel Hood*, Flannel., While Hoods, Thread*, Ittbbuus, (lent*' furnishing Hoods, l.adle*' Oarmcut*. Al- bum*, Toys, Picture*, Plated Ware, Olocks, Vuira, .V.., inn point fir below iliu regular prices for *r- licles of an equal quality.

Manhal rhtlbrUk'* Final r.r,„„l.

To Hi* fiostor the Mayor, and ih>- City Cimnrit «/ Lmc if nee: GENT*:— I liuve tho honor of laying before

yon ihe following report of the Police Depart, ment for the quarter ondfnir Dec. 31, 1800.

Arrests have been made as follows:—Drunks, lew] safe keeping, U\ larceny, 3,1; assault, SO; drunk 2d offence, IS; breaking and emcrlng 101 disturbance, 11; Idle und disorderly, 1- eommon drunkards, 5; liquor uuisancc, i; vio- lation of Sunday law, 1; raliers and brawlers, .1; l«UM,S| v^mnii, IU; Icwdncis, 5; steal. ins a ride, 4; adultery, 1; poisoning a liorsc, l| breaking glass, 3| illegal voting, || ped dllng without license, 1; forgery, 1; violation city ordinance, 1; fonilcalion, 1; fast drWiug, 1; rape, 1; bigamy, 1; disorderly house, 1; plekpockct, 1; bastardy, 1. Toul arrests for tho quarter, 371. Lodgers, 1TG. Xo money was received during the quarter.

The whole number of arrests during Ibe year, was 1G97; tho number prosecuted in the police court, IMO; discharged from the station house, i "', number of lodgers during the veur. Ma,

A very few of those who apply for lodgings at ihe station house are worthy objects of char- Ily, as a large majority or them are stroag and healthy, and some way sbonld be devised 10 compel iiiem to earn their living; they make it their i'ii-iiu ■■, to travel from place to place, and beg or sical enough lo live anon, being careful not io remain in one place long enough lo become ameuablu io the existing laws against vagrancy.

1 would respectfully call the ailentlon of the Homing city government to the necessity of reform school for children iu this city. Hun-

dreds of hoys and girls Bra being educated fur a life of crime In iho absence of such an Insti- tution; Ihey commence with truancy, and from Hint they becomo petty thieves, anil then com- mit crimes which lead Ihcm to the State Prison.

The State Reform School not having the ca- pacity to receive all of the children who need restraint, our only resource, if wc are lo di anything wlih them, Is to send then hi Un Jail or House of Correction, lu eilhcr case, It Is moral death, as lliey necessarily come in contact with crlmlnuls of all kinds and gnu" and graduate worse than ever.

An Institution where ibcy could be conli from one to two years, where they could tain an education, having rcgulur hours for lii,,'i mid recreation, would, without doubt, be the means of Hiving a inajorliy of lhat class, .ni,i ii ..ii.- 111.'in useful mem hers of society. In this connection. I would refer you lo Iho fol- lowing:—Of 1H3 arrested in ISffil f,jr lurceny and breaking und entering, 102 have been l«iys under 18 venrs nr age, and .j" over 18. The number of women over 1H wns 18; gins under 18, fl. A large majority of tbe WOTS were under 14.

'Ihe police force for the |;i.t war uitli u-0 or three exceptions, has In en nil Hint could be desired. The employment of a captain of iho Night Watch wns a step in the right dlrerlloii towards bringing the tone in a Mute or disci- pline and pcrlet'iliiii all ^■■"•■leltixcns would desire to sec. Much credit is due Capt. Simon Blabcllnfor the neiiiiiy and • .msiaui attention lo the duties of that offleo. It be had been properly sustained In ih-; execution uf his du tics by the pa*t City novcrnment, lhc success would have been more marked, mid. belter nt. Isfacllon given.

To my asshtai l, l-i'"1 M'bl'c'i Ibitrlicldu, I am much Indebted !"i valuablu aid nnd its- slsUncolndls.lnticnii: llr' duties nf my offlcf Always couricom ;"i-i nl'.iHitiB. I have rensun

to believe thai he K.HC ;iii»lartlon to nil. I have received an I I' •'"' into the city trcu.i-

uryln I860, «r2, IT. * =. »"<l there Is now due Prom the pullee e.uut »■■'"»«l ploft), making an Income from lhi< dei-nrinieiit uf altuiit »3<K)0.

All of which is rc'i>cillully submitted. C. PiinnaicK, City Marshal.

Uwrwc.Jan. 1st, 1870,

I.\v«i:ii'i, JAV. li-i II, li;0. Kui ton — Two week* of th* new year am

Ju*t expired, and of a mure confused period I do not knuw In the history of oar city. I have of- ten experienced weeks of political itrnggles, but la tho confuiton aone one would be Mtlilled; In tbe present Instance, nobody Ii utlaned, lave tbe few who are holiled on the public as efficient oflicers. Tho Democratic party must have dons icvero wile pulling when tho short spare of twelve hours made nnd unmado City Marshals. At ten o'clock Satur- day night prcvlona to the Inauguration of Mayor Me MIL David Besity wa* to ba Marshal by common consent, but Bcally'i hopci were blasted, and Mr. Sbcpard'i slock high at Ihe hnillagi; neit come* the second dispatch, and Seatty's slock came down one more per cent.; but this time Mr. Bcitty mus- tered lo*t coorage, and told Hla Honor be was not to play second fiddle to AI. Clark; consequently, Mr. Deatly Is Installed and iworn In Aiaietant City Manhal; thankful wa arc, to be blessed wlih favori.

But lot mo examine a llllle Into tbe proceeding! of our cily authorities; In Ihe first place, tha Republi- can policeman, with Iho exception of Moollon Halelielder, are swept out of office; the lint thing of the bind done In our city, and in reading over the Hit of en n firm I'd policemen, I isw such a name as Van Dyke; bo Is brought out of die Pemberton, where he earned tj.i'i per day, and placed on the watch; only three or four year* In the states, and now g Melvin policeman ; John Dunn 1* painter by trade, a worthy clilxen, but like othen, vole* for the strongest party. Now come to the plalni, and morel* Patrick Merphy, trader. I remember Mr. Murphy had a watchman at the ward rooms on elec- tion diyi lo convey to him Information aa to which way tbe election wn going, to enable him to vote lo hi* satisfaction for the strongest party; at one time a republican, at anolher time a democrat. Now, I aik. In all sober earnestness, why ihould these men have the berth of policemen, when there were par- Uc* applying for the position In all respect* supe- rior, who are forced to work for gl.&o per day; Johnny Morrlny hu been laboring Ibr that parly twenty-four yean In Lawrence, and he could not get hli brother on the staff, and only became he did not wear kid glove*, Go back only one year, ice what tbo republican party did; they not only hli old pullcemen, but gave tho Democrats live po- licemen, and lhat too, after we had voted agaJuil their and our own Inlereiti. Here wa are, Irian Democrat!, acme oae thousand voters strong, only get six men from the demagogues, and

irishmen, have you any sense of honor III your boiom* ? if you have, volo for your awn and country'* Interval; throw off the lyranutcal yok* of faUe democracy, and adhere to the party of progress and freedom, and your rights will be more re- spected ; »ma*h thai corrupt political den, the Jack, son club room ; shake yourself from Ibo grasp of tbu leader* lhat bind you; aaacrt your right* like freemen, and ihoie that now ride on your back tc office will be forced to trudge lu the political mire,

nut I forgot lhat we had a democratic admlnUtra. lion, and Indeed he must be a'great growler who And* fault bccauie tho Executive, is? hi* liberal view*, thought proper to go to Ihe State of Maine fur a City Marshal. Lawrence I* ao renowned for la learn 11 g and laical* lhat It was requisite lo hunt up a mind superior to all other claimant* for dis- tinction lo All Ihn Mut-i-hiil'sjelislr, and after a thor- ough search and a great deal of labor, he wns found In tbe person of Mr. Sbepard.

Iu my roollah Imagination, I thought Mr. Btewiler would ho Ihe lucky nuui, a* ho bad, I suppose, lhat uniform he uhlblted in ISM, wben he wai ihe graud Know Nothing leader; but poor Brewiter Ii a decade behind the sgo of progres*, and conse- quently unlit for Ihe position.

Remembering the charges agilnit Mayor Davis, what shall I iay of Melvin, who freely admitted that he had no charge! against Daule| Donovan, but yet In conicnuenco of great pressure brought to bear on him, he cauld not nominate him. I iay wlih Impunity that this Daniel Donovan Ii one of tbe most capable men Mayor Melvin had lo noinlii- aie, and lhat he knows more tbaa Iho whole force, Marshal and Assistant Manual* put together. ClUseni of Lawrence,you who are free from corrupt political citizen*, keep In light the dolngi of would' be leaders, and only vote for com potent men In fu- ture; men capable of administering lb* affairs of Iho city fur the welfare of tho wbole, without fear

Special Notice.

To Close Out our Largo Stock

DRY GOO IDS, we have made a

Greater Reduetlon in Prices.

CLOAKS AND CLOAKINGS we have MABKKD DOWN at price) thai will


Cloaks made to order In Ihe Latest btylti and at the shortest notice, ear* Our Cloak Room* ar« open all the year

round, and in charge of a First Clasi Cutter. Work warranted, and prices reasonable.

Cashmere Shawls In all styles, at

Price* half what (key coat to Import I

0&S5S GOODS of all kinds, \ Kit Y (.'HEAP.

COTTON GOODS of all kinds, at Wholesale Prices' I '


260 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.


Great Reductions

A. SHARPE & CO. nave this day commenced thilr regular Annual Sale before taking account of itock. and will con- tinue to offer, lor a few weeks, tome

Very Great Bargains!

Silks, in Colored and Black, Greatly Reduced.

Poplins Greatly Reduced.

Plaid Dress Goods Greatly Reduced.

French Reps Greatly Reduced

Epinglines Greatly Reduced.

French Thibets Greatly Reduced.

Black Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

French DeLaines Greatly Reduced.

Colored Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

Black Brilliantines Greatly Reduced.


in Astrachan, Beaver and Chinchilla,

at VERY LOW Prices.

SHAWLS at Greatly Reduced Prices, from |2

to $40.

Cloths,—Flannels, - Cottons, AMD '


at equally Reduced Prices.

HOLIDAY GIFTS! an Immense Variety, and at LOW


213 Essex street, Lawrence.


Sole Agents in Lawreuctt fur the Essex

Dye Houne.

A Vo

S*> \\ ■■ were pleased to see, not long si of our exchange!, some pretty severe remarks ad. dressed to several persons who, dating an Interest- Ing lecture by Rev. Jobu B. C. Abbolt, kept a cote llnuou* coughing, which prevented msny from bear- ing. People who cannot refrain from coughing, had belter stay away from such placei, or elislake bottle of Juhnton't Anotlyn* LMnrut wlih |hi

Tho Iraportanoe of giving SkerUiaH't ('aval Condition 1'owiltri to horses Ihsl have been out the cold rain, stood la cold wlud, or drank loo culil waler.cannot be over-eatlmated; no man *hot be without them who owns a good hone.

II) rc.ii Truell & Co's Column, . ASI11II Itl SIIUH.S

1 greatly reduced j.rlc*n. 1 ong, ii.iin g 17,00 lo *ri tu. Square, Irom lu ou to .'le.uu.

WOOLEN SHAWL-. fquarc, from •i.isjto(n.oo. I.uug, from S.MUI Uou.


BLACK 11KILLIANTINKH. EuUrrly .New,and Very Desirable.

1ll.fl-; mill <:iU'i:s SERGE PLAIDS. One of Ibe l!e»i Tbiua;* of tbe season.

PRINCESS SILKS, lu Elegant Binder, nl

1IYKOM 1 Kl 1.1.1- a CU'cl.

Al.iiiinliiu l'ujiiiu*, Black Alpacas. EPINGELinE REPS

nd lCroprm cloths, very cheap; also, Beantirnl PUlil- for Chsl*.iea*s wear, at low price. UVKON TRUELL* CO.

WOOLENS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Ladies* Under Garment*.

Bkukcts, 1'I;IIIIH'N, &c., at Tremeudous Low i*ricos.

I1YROM lltLl.l.l, a CO.

I I IIS! FURS ti A Uuod Assortment Just opened, wblcb We

oner (sc.ip.ClieAl-, CHEAP.

UVKON Tltl'KI.I. fc CO,

«*r We would eall rtpecial ultmtin* to our

CLOAK DEPARTMENT, which wai never lu a more Bomlililng condition

now. Oar assortment of Cloaking! aud mlng* wai never more desirable, which Mil*

IUIIIIKTT l* constantly converting Into graoefal and elegant filling garment*.

Please give niaeall, remembering I bai we will it be undersold. BYRON IHUKI.l, fc CO.,

240 F.aaex street, Lawrence. November, IW». 1 t

PAPER HANGINGS. Osr Spriag stock of Paper llinilug* Is at resent on tbe way from New York,




Office, 341 Essex street, (up stairs.) OrriCK UouaE—JProm 10 A. M, to 12 M., sad

from * to 9 P. It. CONSULTATIONS FlII'K.

Residence, 3« Hammer St.

Da. 1'iinn cures the following complaints In la moat •bsllaale itagres of their exlilenre, vis:

Diseases of Throat, Lungs, Ueart, Lleer and Stomach, seven,Dropsy, Itheu- mitlam, Ncnralgla, I'll* or filling- rilcbaets, and all Nervous derangement*. Alio, Olieaiei of the Spine, Joint I aud lloni I.

Also, ill diseases of the Blood, inch as Scrofula. White Swellings, Eryslp^lai, Fever Sorei, Ab- sieisra, and all other complicated oomplal: "

All formiof Pemale Dlttlcultiei attended the bap| lest reialti.

o with

It Is lo be hoped that ao one will despair of a cure until they have given thli physician a faith- iu! trial.

The tick visited at their reaidencee. EXAMINATIONS H1KK AT TIIK OFFICE.

S. C. TODD, U. D.

ifeml the following Certificate of Cure of A'>xr,.i$ 'la the Hip Joint, the Patifnt

Fifly-teren yean of ag*r To All Whom it may Concern i

Krnton, Ohio, May IS, IB07. '•I hereby certify that 1 wai stnictod lor nvc

yean with Diieaieofthe Ulp Joint, djrlng wblek time I suffered Ibe molt eaeruclatlng pain, with but very little Intermlsaloa. Prom the Joint It followed the course of the boa*, destroying- It to within about BTS Inches of the knee, when it dl*. charged from half a pint to a pint of matter a day, ■mail pleoi of bone coming awir from time to time I tried all tbe physicians I could hear ol lint I thought would be ifaalj tobenelttsc ; tbea 1 tried patent medicines.MnlmenU md islves,but derived ■• benefit, but continued to lo** itrenath. Finally, hearing of the laoceii ol Dr. 8. C, Todd In tha treatment of laeb disease, aad bring Slrong-

I plaoed myself bsppy to say that I gradually Improved, gaining in strength, the pain leaving *»♦, the sores being enUrety heeled, and my limb, which wa* swelled io nearly double the natural slsr, assumed Ihe natural shape and feelina la ala weak, time. Dar- ing the treatment the Doctor opeaed It midway between the blp and the knee, aad also at tbe blp Joint. 1 consider my general health ai good aa that of any man of my *ge. I wa* nlty-savra years of age when cured. 1 would be pleased lo ■ iisw*r any tellers from tbe alTllited.


lyjastl DR. B. Post Office Box i, Salem, Muss,

Improvement I Progress! I


Sewing Machines


305 Essex si, Lawrence, havlug returnid lions


where he apeat opening week iclecilug


Ii now pre j.ired to offer the public the

Largest and Beat Selected Stock

.Births. KIHIOUH.-lil till* city, Jan. Hlh, i

and Mr*. David N. Kilgonr. MURPHY.- in Dili city, Jan. ITib,

fc Mrs. Daniel T. Murphy. LRWIS--ln Andover, Jan. Hlh, a

It Mr. It. II. Lewli. NOLAN.—In Andover, Jan. Hlh, a daughter lo Mn.Jamei Nolan.

mio Mr

n to Mr

i lo Ml

Urriao*5. WlLSOf—OOCKItOFT.-ln this clly, at the

I nltarlaii Paraorasar. dan. lUth, by IIov. Jsme* B. Moore, Mr. Edward Wllion and Mt»* Mary A. Coekrofl, all of thl* clly.

BI8UOP— PARIUNOTON-In Melhuen, Jon. ITib, by Rev. T. O. Ornate, Mr. Henry II. Ulahop of Lawrence, lo Mils Anna M. Karrlnglon, of Meihuon.

HEED DREW.--In Melhuen, Jan. 1*1. by Id v. Henry L. Mis* Anns J.

rr, Jan.llth,

T. Q.OL_. Drew, both ot Haverhlll.

AIURX—WnBRLER.—In Worcester by Rev. Belh Bweelser, D. D., Mr. John V. Alkrn, of Andover, lo Mia* Henrietta Wueeler, of Wur-

nAVlDHON-ROliniNS.- Inlhl. cliy, January ■Juih, hy Kev. Wm. K. Unow, Mr. James lnvldson lo Jli(* Fidelia A. Robbln*.

fltaths. Illii iw.N . In Ihi* clly, January I m,, Roy.

Urown, age.1 Stfjcari, 8 month*. ClIABNOCK.-ln Ibli city, Jan. 1Mb. uf scarlet

fever, Ambrose John Chnruock, joiingesl HI Hugh and KMiabelh Chamock, liged :i)r*,<lmi

thl. clly, Jan, liih, Cellal/i

eliy.Jan. |3ili, llurcella

llee Webb,

th, lluunuh

LKBLANf — Blanc, aged Hi yi

RKYNULDS.- |n Reyaolda, aged 4b yrs,

WRUB.—In Ibis clly, January lilih, sged t'Jyri 0 iirni,

O'BRIKN.—Is Una city, January O'Brien, aged IT yn 0 mo*.

MiDKUMOTT.-In Andover, January l-,il,,.l,,l,- R. UcDermolt, aged 2M yn T mo*.

BOWMAN.-luNorlh Andover, Jan. IU||,,Job HUM DI mi, agcdSu years.

III I.I in II.I- rlty, Jan. Mb, Mr*. Mnry I-: |i,i Widow Of Ihe, I l.ii- A. Till.-. ;i,;.,l III ). SIM.

Kuner.l from the residence ol tiamucl LIII, No. I l...u 11 i.. . Hi,, ou Monday, ul i 14 ■'. u,

BARTON.-Iu ibis riiy, Jan.list, a stm to Hi Si Mrs. liar low lluiloii.


J*2U TilM Upkicl.

Hotb ii lb i ■ Sale. Well lu -:,l .1, i,

aad Hone Car*, vlnei, aud small f

e-lhlrd uf a in He trom Ralliuad iin-d water, H fruit tree*, grapi all; stable. Inquire ol

1 fl...-2: rr .North

, n. I.AMU,

Andover Depot.

PERLEY'S, 209.




ferity's Trades liu/ciie run x 11 I.I. LIST or


The Paper c*u be oblalurd at the blore.

KID CLOVES!I -■'11,1 UHKBNS,-solld Ul.UE»,-solld


and JURT inrnuTKi..

PERLEVS. lit »Ja*l


To Ihe Mi;;!,, -i llidder without Reserve,


The Fur Man Will make you anolher visit on Friday und Raturday uf iliia present

week, January 31 und 'i'i, and will be happy lu see his friend* and patrons

ul Hi,- stole ol II llltM K A IIIISM.V

corner of Essex md Amaibary ftinels, aj which he will uffrr, lor their consideration *nd

Ids, a ipleadld slock or H Its In great isrlrly. Come and secure the Qrealett Bariilui In Furs

ihsl were erer offend la the cily of l.,« i, i.e. . Mil. nn. n In conttant ailuidance lu Mil at I'll

vale Kale during- the day. Auction isles sa,III commence null In Ihe

eveulag. Thl* will be Ibe I 1ST ill.lMK lUfc rill. IBA-

-■MIX. Dua'llorgel the da) a, I■ it I it A V AND SATURDAY,

all Di) and tunings, at '-•tjI'JsW PKDB1CK * CLOfSON'd.

Vocal Tablets Kitr Sure „,,.) CunHGillvu I.■ I,,.....,. ul

III, liucuiu II. ml.,,,,,,


Stitch alike on both >i,t,-. ,he woik.

The Best Machine iu tho market,


l'lie FIRST PaiSR ill Ihe 1'iii-is Kx|io-

■iii.Hi. 1£C7, wai liwai-tl.-il Hit: U',,,1

Sswio* stsdltlM C'.i. C.r llicir New

Family Kavorito .Sowing Miirliiii,"..


Sole Agent for l.awient-p,

140 Essex Street.

Copartnerslilp Utillee.



Dress Trimming*, etc.,

...r brought to ltd, ...,, .ml .1 prlct.



Pattern Bonnets









MlU A. M. .VI'KWAU'l"S,

.11 II,.t At,l.t.,.,ai»po,t,r.ul lr,u,li M,III,,, r> ud Norsltl...




S. T. TAYLOR'S, Man. liUTCIllNCS',

all First Ai-tists iu Naw York,

and from whom we have made arraagemeut* to receive pattern* oa the arrival of every steamer from Puropc, thereby eaabBsg as to have con- stantly an band tha litest styles or

Bonnets, Hats,


Patterns of Children's Dresses and Suits


panicalar altcntloa to n.ihir-u lbs same imng on* Of oar H-S.IU1.IHCN, under lb* laperlalead- eneeof Has, ir.l.l.OWS, «o lony knows as one of tha Host Pastaktaable Drei* Maken of Law- reaee, who carrlei oa lb*



I. coBplat. «Hh .11 th. l.u.i .1,1.. or

Velvet, Plush,

Satin, ;uiil

Real Lace, Clunoy and Hon


Holiday Presents

Kveiy one thai desire* to mike- ■ alee

Christmas or Now Year Present,



313 Essex Street, - Lawrence.


Ladies' and Gents' Uandk'f's

In .,,„, Vul.-Iy.



of all kindi selling vrry fast, at LOW PRICKS.

If you wish for a




bessreandgo lo






lo ihelr ruu-uai larg> aud Splendid Mock ol

DRESS GOODS, embracing all Ihe Utcil Noveltlei of tho Purvlga

Markets.—New and Klegant design* hi


ASpl, i,lio I.i


ol I-I AIN i;, .1 n i ..


All Wool Reps,

Empress t.'loths,



Alex. Poplins,

••In nil .-..I.,„■. mud Ml,,,.!,...,-,,,

eoees A DREW.

C L, O A. K 8 Our Cloak L'ipartment, lor the W Inter iraion,It

Very Complete, eonilsllng or Uarmrnt* made Irout



Astrilcnnx Cloths,

Vl'IVftClllS etc

Alio,a large asiorlineul ^f


I.) III.' Vilil ut

Popular Prices,!! com i DREW.

RYMES &. WADLJN, l-'.-i Ibe purpose or

Manufacturing Machinery, Tools, 4c,

And dolug uiiitiirnl Jobbing If mines., and will carry on their business la

sti-.ii.nn, .v pullprfn Bulldiap;, Ni-ar i mini Mrii't. Lawreace.


.1 urn ii;, I, 1S:0. in.. 11

lllv.llllllHUl, The above partnership I* by inuluil agreement

Ibis day dissolved, and hunlne-i- will be eoullDurd by the suhaorluer, s* heretofore. I.: HYMKtl.

Lswrunre, Jin. 8, 1IC0. si IIM nim ic PM

APELETOMS' JOURNAL Lsltorctlure, SetonM uml Art,



Bla ri lv e t s,

l.iiik'i' I in uhiiiii iv In. Ii It i IMI i Rjtiye.

I hy hoili the Preuand

V 01! A L T A B L E T S F»r Coughs ud Colds.

he rutdic, a* isldeuced l> ecelnd irom not Ices uLd private hiii r* tint rsael iidill), lobelhe

Boat Family Paper ever Issued !

AprisBToas* mi n\ti. l.s rUBUtfltKD VYKkhi.,,

1-1 ll.lHl-l».,.|.11l1l., |,,r,.,, „|| ,IU„ tier mini UH'ly lllu'tr-ud. It* cout. Ul» roil

■ i.i of reriil Novel* mi) *hort hlonr*, V, -H* ui«i« I iliitiri and tiorivl

•>f Trieel Riul AduiilUM, un nil III

I' »ljr

bulMiriptioLs Kl ludfor t, d, or lii.outU

Sl'tUIIALClllI 1 ■ tha

eaailai ilslud wa appli.

Fir Felt

Ii A. T 8 ! Plain and I'lnid Velvets,

all color*.

atUal31«B@. a vtry large nsortiurat, con*i*llng of

Plaid, Broad and Narrow; Plain, Solid Colors,


I .ir Bowi nud Hashes.

French Bonnet Frames •f Iba Utasl Stylei.

FEATHERS of sauna- rarlrtitt, sad of tbe latest Importalium.

Nice Freurli Flowers, great variety.

A full line of Ladies' Gloves.

Ladies' Under Garments

cositantly oa baad, and made to order,

FAMILY SEWING dose on the nolstlTS* Wheeler* Wilson's Bewlug

llaclilue. line i.adir,' Pavorlte.)

N. B. — Our rooms are all ou the


aa lo In ihe public ksow wa weua waul v soy, we ui silon a N w of osr prlcei, vli :—

Quod Velvet Huts, 60c~«0c—75c. UoodSallaTop Hats, 75c— fl.OO—il.'i>. ii,, Pluah lists, S1.00—fl.'iA-tl.AO.

ItlHIiiiN^ -iK'iii IS* fur No. 1 Rlbbunto 7-n for V' kl—varying arcordlog loijualily.



Flannel*, Woolens,

lloaisty tiniHilovt'n

Breakfitit SliawU, etf


COFPN A inti:«'s,

3'^.'J Fs*t?i Street, Lawienrr'.



Dinlii*. I

iinl I HI pel


Wblu. Cant, ud AaUr,

Selling >t Firrv CISTS PES Box, it




Blank Book Maaufacturer,

1K3 Essex St., Lawrence.

1000 lleams VYrillng Paper.

Commercial Note, 1.00 per r»»m.

First Chu, 1.25 per ream.




183 Easel street.


Ladle* 90S,17 U. aad Couiniu cut l't


00 reals per tiro's.



Blank Book Manufacturer,

1st i:.«ei .in .1

UlUeiwfT, No. 115 Essex Street

Book FiindiriiS:

In aaerp title, aiga|i< ultli SKAistis aad

lllSfAII'll, st

1 A. WHirCOMB'd,

183 Eesox ttreot, Lawrence.

Iiiii.llii;; 17.". K«»ex Stitvt.

A Wonderful Discovery I


TIIK 111 si Li' or


It ContAlu Mo LAC BULPHm.- No SVOAs Of LEAD-No LITEAEQE-No tTITSATI Of SILVEB, Ul Is OBUrtlr fna from tho Folioooui tad Hoalth-dottwylni; Drags and la ether Hair rTtparstloiai. it ie *mr to *uprr»ede mmd Jrliw tit of

tho rommmmitu ait tk« FOJHONOVB flit - PAKATIOXH »•••"• I" war, «u>< rlrttr M erytfttl. It trill not toll tho funt fabric. \<i alt, wa oedtmrnt, no rflrf—j*er- /Vrtfp Mir. t i .i .-iv. Mst xmciKXT- drthtrralMm* LOXtt SOI OUT FOB, n.i.l KHM> AT l.lvi,'

ft eofnre *m*I nrerenM Me Ootr from br- enttilnu tlraf/, iutparl* * so/t, pfaatpajisMmr- ■Nee, rrmofi immlritff, t* omot isi1 rrfrtom- (•■(/ im IhO limit, i In -.-A-* tlie HatrfrotH falling off, an* rettorrt it to a aremt omtttit trhe* prr- »mifiirrlu lott, firerrnf llraAaehci, ouroo mil IlHtHurt, outou+ouo ri-Hptio**, «H*t MMM**f- invii hint. ONLY 7H CXSTMPJCK BOTTLE.


WINDOW FAST. The only subslitare for weights aud pulley*, and

a complete and ptrttet MI i M n i, IM; sptlng, at Iris ,, i !l,;i:i Ihe old unrellablo aad uniafe ones hrretolure Inlroiluied. So CalcMng, Hitch- ing, trotting, fulfilling, or l>rnpoing, but AL- WAYS rlAKK-nrlf Locking nnd NKVtK PAIL' Ilil, No mg*, earns, wheels, tismls, or rollers to get out of order, or irraperrd .ml springs bnak. Il ai ver nils tu hol.l nod l.n-l Ibe a Indow fmtt ichtrc gou Mart ii, from beiug rsind or drop- ping down. It cm be rilied or lowered the merest trifle, for lenlilillon, and then snd there locti itttlf. SoiAhtr almlow flalure pretends.dor*,ci

taal ihe aiadow ■■ i,,.i- lu every place st position. It aoiks . ,n .'i. ■.-. ,'■■,■ ■■.'■■;.' . tn*A, I* .,»;>'.■, ..'(...-j,;.,-, more lUecllve, duiable and eaaasmy IsnUI uny sprltg rnr iiitrmlun-V- fJrllle* are challenged to dud a rlngle fault. Il h ehasply and tailtg sHHMM by any inrchmlu io oli or net* trliiiUoti. Ku-rj hi. I. Is ssasfs fa tha mm thorough msaner. snd avirrnii/e., peritil. lie torlptlve OUtalara, aith Card Llit ol I'rlca-s, -ii promptly on ajplleiilloii. ml f I-I m < i" Aaasjl

I), ll'l'i.l To.i A OOH

Itj* :l- u> vo. VI, snd 01 i iraiiil St., M. Y.

It U trrured In tho latent thfte* of the L'ntferf Urcrle* op I»B. O. SMITH, fattnt... tlrotoM .function, Mmoo. lfrpmrod only »y

MtOCTER BH0THERS, GLOUCESTEJt, MASS., To whom alt order* ihould ba mddrooood. Hold hp mil ftr*t-rla»t Jtrmmmioto mmd James; flood* Jtrmtrr*. Tho Genuine U put tip In m mmmet bottle ,nmdo euspraaafp for U* satlA t*«

Mitine of tho mrHoU blown Im tho aimti. A*k „•■•••• VrmmoUl for irmtmro'o

Umlr Jteotormtloe, mmd toko JTaOtAar,

I he i: I - l ti!! Kit msy be obtained la LAWKKHCK ol .1. MKDINA A CO.. and st all Ihe Pai'«ill*rs and PAMIY (IIHIIIS Mnian. staja?

>„i Hai re? n«i ■ he

HOSIO\ A ■BRlDBrl MANlf'C til. IH PSDSBAL nr.. BOSTOS, and



c, ^^ si


hloaii la the gbu*. A 82-paav paa»hlvt ••■ free. J. P. ln«a*..ns\ l^oprietor, ViVor* New York. Mold by all LwugfUti.

VUCAL TABLETS F'ir Ibo Vrilce.

CARD. At the opening of tha New Yaar

wo doalro to oipreaa our hearty

thanka for iho liberal patronago

bestowed upon ui during tha year

paat, and especially doweaoknewl-

otige the kind favor of the trade In

preaentlng our Soaps to tho notice

of tholr ouetomera. The demand

has exooeded our highest expecta-

tions, and wo are aware that tho

oauao of this demand has been on

aooount of our determination to manufacture only a strlotly puru

Soap, of tho bust material. Wo are determined to keep up the standard

of our Soap, which shall be In every

respect as good, If not better, than

any to bo found In tho market.

L. BEACH A SON. Lawrence, Jau'y, IKO. * I

Imported Birds. ■ lot of <**IS'IMIIII Hint

Nettf VtMk. »*■ eerj 1..* .lie.

tllltlss.'.lra » asatabaiss ., aaseriaaa in

1 . 1. hl.Nl

ll- ol

Ml, whiek lli.sum ur


rosdt-l.. arfnt** Jest nun bof II .vililllKI.

.Mill > IIINMM:IO>

The wlfeuf J I'M, Keg-al'd.

ha li.,i.i'v :■ i - in l.aar-iie. il '.'-

■ 1} ol tss n- 11 er , d-

, i Le I..-; at tin-1 rtg iye,i.r tli.l uf any <H hi* ftjwSds wl-o kaow tii i- lie I* Iseaiti.sllydi.lndtliatba ,r ihey will rilmniialeate with her.,

Lawreace, Jsaunry it, IbTO. It



$W&&\ ilotirr,.

A SPLENDID OPFOHTUWITY to en- gage in tlit> tlunuruclurtol Lumber.—In the tow u VWMItli New Hanipahire, 4 M ml If* from HW village, m hure ■ luriibtr tract of vlrglu rore.l ul about l&OQ Mm, b.lug out' of llu- beat timber !■>(» to b* found la llie .Ulc, and about nit that U icll that U re«dy lur Ulc ax aud 111" mill In tliut lowii. OB* aecliun or tlil- property He* lu a run- ning U|> about M Ihelilt!,.-allrJand I. well known In lb it .mi..1. of country an the "College Lot,"

■01 of Dartni.iiitli a«t off by Co Urge, a and bunt


My coachman, tn |IM moonlight there. Look* through Ihe (.delight of 11.-- door

I hear hlin wltli bl» brethren »wrar, Aa [ could Jo—but only more.

FlaHfiag bla noac again.I ■!■•• pane, He onvlc. .nu my brilll.M lot,

Breathe* en lila aching II.I. In vain, And .loom* inc in a plan- mine hoi.

I comalua Ut acre* <

liigli aa iwin millioni (HI la *aal t -rr j ni

I. |lveu I-'. | el, m judgi "ion* Let. i lnl> I

!■.■!. . ill .ml fri 01

be proved beyond .-a aa<l out It, and wlio legitimate rulerpri... lumber from thia till lul call be t*k. II .I-.H1, nun could nut li> belli off of Hieing*. Cloae „ W* have UBB lllun-iill.l .lei e. ill l< prualmli, or adjoining each u will i™ tumid va»l iiuanlllic. ot wood limber uvcraalug * IMMJIUI lul.all available aud rii*y of ace. log from the mill ia not over n aud* of alniiglu, beautiful .pr

Ilium-ami Ic.-tof.pruce lumber l In- I* ft fail whlcli m i

by ilia muu who buugl.l . low niily to engage lu a ' ■ tat and uMUufatUure iry. Every log from tbl- 1 I mil It* -llil.i Ol llli- .'nil In;, .i ii'l tl

■ arc* Ml Itilo *uppcr iju, A allkco woudi-r by my tide, art* How, ban- :,,.., ,i. i.. and «if (liiunrca, for llu- door to wl

ii « Ibr above I


lie Iblnk* liow happy la my arm 'Xealh IU white-gloved ami jeweled loOal

And n labc* me aome ilicadfnl harm, Hearing llu- merry cotL* nplodr.

Meanwhile, I Inly rum the bore of burning Kill tin »ame ohl reon,

An.lrrivy him out aide III* door,

(he II loll

e.. lb

power ia obtain

perl ml o Ibr mill i k.eplag . ..

,_.J*r« readi •priice lioui r In-, -.. i!,. . I, mil

.habcM ijuiilily, aouiid, ilruiaht. id li.-- 11 inn H n' vimi, Thf

Irum lUkcr rlvrr, and I. ampli >uiiia in the yc«r. Tin- dam, arc In but tin- mill la yoiug |U decay. Near

■ry large ' „- -Jell III* luiu.c ..... lunibii of in. ii Urge, rot

syj:; I ■■I.'. I I.L.I'.I,,,,

l.ightt i. A [..,i,..: a Uav.laliiii*; 1"K t Wa Ian arm and

(mala. 1'- *». Mar.ll, ir,,:-!

ad ,n.l anolbrr h<ir.-.l without. •>»♦» »

\m:u TIIK MVownMirrn.

Ililil tl ...w.lllfl" Hie I.In...Mi. ill u (In Jlltl8, prramtnai llwtr dr -t .ini.lil.i.- and .Inn.-;

In.»i. I., tl,. Imah - r it..-:. qnlH •!■•■>V« kn-i.lnft

i.irrlii Whk.n ..US .iinahiiii- an-l .llllirl il>.-. 1 II -In. in. . nlir.-O. ilial .in-w.-crlni Birr 1h- w .'■ Iff -I.) Hil.liil|l-I and n.-nri ■

mpi i. h.

'. r'li

llu- arlli-r. Ol t

John thivK, .lul.ii V l.i

I loa.ou.of I nwr.ii.i, MB«..',~.r<< propi-rt}, to whom pli-aor ap|.ly Flora. A aplrmlld Mrjnla nlll b<- Klvvn Irrim inadi' vi-ry MM.

rfchiticK .v (:I.OSHO\, Ki-al AHi-iii., Uwrrnrr, \lH...

Cure for Female Weaknoss.

Il.i. .......!>, Hi•'!• I .,.nin, Indian nrtpr,lam. Iirrly ir^t-tiibl.-, anil inn-- uiiliuui .uppurlrra, I Irvular. or lurili.-r on test on ivri i|>l »l ■ aibiri<-iiij( tin- iii.n.i.tar r. Ml:-, t.l M'S llfcl-CIIKi:.,l.,l|.h, U„... Wliolr-tk A|rnti, ll.-.i. i . Imi, t CO., Iln.l.iii, Mala, lor .air by i, „ ■ .-,,i.. »vor*«bm.


l-'r i Inn,

i l fr" i-ln


lltillrlln il.-t-iil.t- IIT .iiiKiitar rrr

,,!.-nl li|. fniit-inl:

■•While iin> IM-IIS \ic-if ilnvinir. i.uly UIUH\ pwln wem foiiml in tin



111 .1 III.'

ollln 1.1,-1


nlk. tin


i-.l v ilulli- Tit

. llu.


nroc, N.i., Jut Ived y

SI, Ir,. ",

oirrawrrk a|n I may liod anrid yon In Hit- good work that y..u arr dolii|; aud n *<■ u.n r uirH ou rarlli, i«a. wi- inn I In hinvi-n. Tin' inidl. hie i. hrlplug mi-.

Vonr., with rwDMl, MM.HKTH U.STItOSU.

ii.iiii.,i.i.e.,, IWH), KKAII VI«»M> Mm. Ili.i.. Hr.ii;—lliivlni rt-c-Lv-

i>d «o tuurti b.-u.-lll from your mnlluiur, I havi- not betJlaird to rrcommi-ntl it to my iilmd*; and tnin of tli. in riquralid Me lu wrltr you : ■■ ii i.. i ■-, ■ butth-. ..-ul hrrr liy <xmr.-. In.-hufd. t:.

Itns. .losKI'll THUY.

tVhnmry 1". IHW. Mrs-. I IM .i Ithi t jot llvr.for

great ia Ihu comfort you have In-cu to muny tionr aaffrrlnK Irmalr,, and many more would

4 ..ii.iin.|.tl.....

TliaThrcrKeoiodka, "SCHKNCK'rJ I'Ul.MON- IC DYKUP," for the euro of Coujln, Calda, Broti- •hltli, and every form of Conaumptlon. The peculiar action of tlili mrdlcine rlpeni Ihe ulcr-r* lu the limga, promote* the diiehnraa of llm cor- rupt matter by expectoration, puiiflri. the blood, and thua curt' I'«II.IIHIJIII.HI. uln-n every oibe.- remedy rail..

"SCHKNCKS «KAWKKH TOSIC," for the _.oof I:

arlalug from drbllily. Thia tuulu luvl|;iiralra the dlKeatire orajaiii, auppllea the nine- ot lite RaatriO juice When lliut I. d ltci«nt, and [lien mabliM tln- |.HI., LI In .liye-l Hi- lini^t nutilli.iu. lu.i.l. Hi-., ■overelan reuirdy fur all raira of IndlaeXlon.

"HCHKVCK'* MAMlltAKK I'llXS," unn ot tin- moat valuable ui.nlklnea evi r ill.eovere.i, brinif u vcgHtnblu tubaiiluto for calomel, and having nil the uai-ful prouertlea nacrlbi-d to thai mineral, withi.ul producing any ul in Injurloui rflecti.

To tlieae three rurdielnra l»r. J. II. Schenck, ol I'hlladelphla.owea hi. unrivalled aaoeraa in Ihe Irialinrnt of 1'ultnnnle Cotiaainptloli. Tlia 1'al- inoti i- ritrup rl|«-m the morbid mnltt r.dlarbarge. I', mill | uriHea Hi.- Idood. I lie Mnndrake filial art upon the liver,remove all ubalruetloua Ihrrefrotu, vf.r it. organ a liealthy tone, and euro I.IV.T,mint. ■ 111- t ■ in one of IM moil promluenl '«■•" "i l'oB»uuipllon. 1'lie Mawoed Tunio In- ttu« Ihe bnwrri of the ttomacb, and by MMigtlH-alBg tli.< digeillou aud bringing III., a im, III,I I H.I.I lieu It lit en nil it ion. iinprovi ■ llir i|ual- lli ot llu- blood, by wbirh mean, the formation el ulc ra or lulu rdt. In the lunga bteomra liaiHi.-i- ■->- The c-iml-ine-l action ol thua ,, ■111 i l.e of i

or theiii la per.ever.'.l in -ulflc euil) lu hrluu Ihe i IM In a favi.rahle terminal ion.

Ur. sclienek'. Almunac.i-onlaluiiiga lull tuali.e 0* the varioua li.ruii of, hi. mode of Ireul- anrnt.aiid k'rnetal illrietl..ii. how to UBC hi. uu-iii- elfte.ran he had urnli'.or aent by uiuil by ii.l.lie-.- Injg ha rrlBeipari>n.e,Ni>. 1.1 Nisrlli Mxili .tlert, fhlla.t.lpliU.ei.

I'riceul the I'ulmuuic sjrupnud Krawet-4 fun I.', raoli, gl flu prr bolllr, or f.'./.u the hull do/.n; Mandrake 1'illa,'.'.. I'euti per bo*, tor "ale by all ,1m*,■.■!■■ aud dealera. jaf

Wh.t atvri> Pvraoii.\arilal.-.i.inerrinedy IUT babllual loativelira., " I would adviae all llluae uliu arr r I. .1 arith l>) apep^la, Coitlvi • ■>■*, I'ilr*. Ililiuuaiie.*, Ilradaihe.or any form oi ladigeiiloii, to u.e Ou. liAKIllsON S I'KltIS T'AI.TK- l.ii/KXUrU."—KLI8IIA UL'STIHU- TO.\,al.l».1Kx-l.leut.liovernorof JlH-aehu-ell., K'or aale at Ko, I Tn mont Temple, IIOKIOII, by K. A. IIAKHISON ft CO.. Pnaprltlon, and by all Urugglaia. Mailed for do Mat*. '.-inil'.-i aaaaajBFajaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaai aaaaaaa . ■ .

Town of tlrilni.'ii.

COLLECTORS NOTICE. The owner, and oecupauti of the arveral lota

and real e»'ate de.erlbed iu tin-lol luxiau li-t- ,.n n-led on I'lillllpa and Inrltou Mretrlr, In Ihe town of Met hum, lu III* county ol l.naraand Commonwealth ol Hu.aachuaeii., urr hereby uolllied that Ihe Taxea aaaeaard llnrenu by the Aacraaoraot Methuen, and committed to me, a Collector of laxe>loriald town, (with the Auraaora' warrant for Ihe collection of the name,' remain unpaid; and that aaid Iota and dlvl.lona ot real r.tatc will be olUir.l tor mtlr. by I'ntilli: Auction, on SATrRDAY, Ihe lltTIt day of r'eb

I 10 clock I


Methuen, D«l



6. D.SAIIU I'lillector of I'a

iwi''. :ll^Ja; N.IIS KKMllKNT,

Kobert, Jr., <heira of,J Or a parly to Aaaeaiora unknown— Lula Ho. .Ml. HT, <■•■. Carlton -■I.-, i. ami hila No, . I, :i, 7d Hhlllipa Streel, tax IHni,

.same properly, tax laiU, « '• | Wit,

uhatd llniley, or a party to t •or. unknown-Lola JtV I3C 114, lei, ii\ ISO, 141, '-*

Amount of tax, 111 40 ivrallli «f Mum huaatla. Ka-iHX, ii. rtuprrme Judicial Court, 1

November Term, A U.lgM, | DIVUKCK.

In the matter of the libel of HARAII A. »'.|, l.tCK, of Methaea, In aald County of Kaaex, .tun..i MII.1.1AM H. W.U.LACK, lur divorce,

il la uow in,let, .1, iliat a decree of dlvoree from Ibr bouda of m >lrimotiy be eu.rrrd In favor of the ...Id narali A. Wallace lor the uau.r of Ihe Ib.ti ol U.e .aid William II. Wallace, to be maile ■ i.-.■ luT■ - in. i the eipltallon of >lx montlia ir Mi* dale of till* ilrene, uiiiin compliance with Ihe i. rma ul, mil,.- .ml., [. ul .«....■ to the con- trary .hall a|.pear.

Ami U.e llliellant l> re.julr.d to publl-h anal leated copy ol Thia order io ilie Lawrence Ann 11

county ol lirrtlt, tlrtT a week lor ilx ■uceeaaitr

I rum Ihe dale ol tin. order: that all per-nna lu- te re-tn! mar, within aald aix looulhi, ahow oaoae, il any they have, why aald derree ahould not be

liy ihe Court, A, HUVriNliTON, Clerk.

L'opy, Atteit.

•tdir A. IIL'NTINUrON. Clerk.

I •niiuuiiwi.lih or Maaaaehnarlta. K.NM, ga, Supreme Judicial Court, i

November l.-rm. AH. Ifaw. i DIVOKCM.

In tin. matter of ihe libel of CLARISHA A. HIT.. l.iNiiS. ol M.lhuea In aald county of Laaex, .lialDat (IriOKtiK V. W. HILI.INU.t, for divorce. It la nm .idrred, that a decree uf divorce frum III. bnuda .if malrlmotiy be rnli-rcl In favor nl the • aid ClBrtaaa A. Ill I Hut", for the cnu.r uf the da-

of Ihe aald tiem a* r". W. Illlllnga, to lie ladea eaplra .urn Nil- date ol I hi. deciee, ii|»in eompllance with I,, r.iin-. Ibeleol, unleaa aulhcleul . an-e to the .niirarv .l.all alim-ar.

And the llbrlanl ia required In publlah an .1- . .teit enpy ot thia order in ihe Lawrence Amrrt- HII, a ■ ew-|iaper priuleil in Lawrence In .aid

.iiurli r, .1,1 the i ■., ..iialiilereatee) may,

,:i ii. inadcabaolul Hyth*

f thia order; that all |ier

-. why aald drcrre il,,,,.,i,-

A. HlM/lXtiTOX, Clerk

Wdir A. IIL'NTIMdTON, Clofa.




ii II iW/A-n—nil ■.nm,en l.ul wore iln-si-.! In wl.lh- riilrPg ttllll Wllltl! .'"Ml- "11 IlK'lr lll'RlN.

II..-Imli .... llu- wmiieiid l.f.ul- mi* lilt- Ix-vi-l.-.l. Scvi-ml uniiciii wept in ;i gtn- .lino iiiHiiiiiT, hill tin; rc.-t lion Icil in -in-li il \v:iv ii" to hialliy tllfl stiitt-tiK-iit DlftOf in -.iiiKi In ■lU'ini«u(Hi (lint UH-V were liiiril mutinicrn. When Hie n.illn WHS ■nit il<i»n Hit- mourner* nl"i ur <>l il -.■vt-nilli.ii.-, WL-i-ii.iia.wnllliitf.niiilihi-ow. Iitariiii il,tir hail.I*, mill Mini nil ltowi-,1 ilioiiiAolrea wllh llielr Aicoa to tiw •rrouud. mill renialiHHl in Dint [Hultlon several hours.

'•On the hlilownlk, lMtl»w the eofflu, were riinu;i;il lliree or four wide tables, itutl on thMfl wem dc|iofUci| tin- encrlll- L'lnl ofTerliuoi. 'fhcro woro live rnuiticil Imyv-lnll ni/c-ttlih tips ol linsirl on tho ■ ■.ii - iinil nreiilltcil about their HIOIIIH. ill roe slici'|i skinned nnd lnl.1 on lm .■;■■ Iitius oceilpiod iiromlneiit places. Then there were chickeiiti rousted whole, with iniuiy I-IIIIM-'! Crindlcn melted nnd run over lliom In iniliatlon ot robes. They wore set upright hi cdlblo chairs, with their necks Htruijfhtencd. and funtastlo cover-, placed on top of their heads. Their euws were bent up find made lo

■-.r.i-]> itpcars, darts, and cxerelslni; wnnd-L Several roosters had been baked till they were brown, and yet the feath- ers on their wings, the wattles on their necks and the crests on their heads were not even wilted. These, loo, were orna- mented wilh tinsel and paper.

"Several larnc eraoi from MdWi wharf lay in the centre ol tho table, and were set off With ornament! like all the rest of tho oflerlngs. There were tiuiner- .HIM pyrnmitls of fruit also—apples, pears, grapes and nuts; pyramids of hi«h-color- ed. greasy-liiokino; cakes; loaf Imitation! of iambs, xoati, docks, etc., covered with melted confectionery; piles of Josh MlCKS and sacred tapers, with nWI of them burning, smoking and splnttcrhiu on the borders of the table; strips of red while and yellow paper bearing mysteri- ous character■ i d.dl looking Images at x-vcntl points; and everywhere tinsel, piiper. smoke fumes and hi*ulVernblo -tench. The Street! were blocked by the throng of Chinamen, negroes and 'supe- rior*.'bill in the crowd next the coffin ami IV« lunch table oflhc itnds woman pre- .liiiiiliiiitcd. They were a degraded ami illM'ti-e.l l.ioklnir "m-[ lor ||io most part, 1 -e. IIM-II lo be riveted in their ranks by Idle curlosltv.

"A line of hacks and a row oCbadrer- lug luu-kmeii occupied one side Ofthfl street, walling for ibelr loads.

"Al Id M. mi ..Id white headed woman en me out of ihe house, (waring in her -klnnv arms a liuse loud ot tinseled pn- i..:■!■. Sim threw it mi the pavement, and taking a Ihrhled Josh stick set the mass .HI lire. Then other women brought out -nine enrlous looking hun^es about two leet high, and supposed lo be represen- tations of levernl prominent anil-cooli i-iics. These they ca« Into Hie flames, evidently believing IIHH possessing them would certainly appease the uiallglianl noils, and elvn Ah IVv JI safe '■u/ivc into 'he hind of the L'ood.

"At 1 i>. ii. ihe coffin was placed i hearse, Ihe mourners got Into the hacks, mill tlic melancholy procession of pagans and Christiana proceeded to Moun- tain, where the remain! will be entombed till ihe sailing of the next China itoam-

A queer suit Is pending in Missi r-i.urt-.. Some little time since HII ohl bachelor, of wealth, made it will leaving nil Ids proper! vuwny from his only needy relatives. When lit- was on his dvstli- li.-d, a parly of three roistering friends, on a spree, oonoluded to endeavor to In- duce It!tn t<> change Ids will in the favor of ihe poor relatives, lie consented, and otic of the three sal down by his bedside lo draw up (he document. Itefore the conclusion and signing of Iho will, the .nan died ; One of the party remarked to ihe scribe that It was " useless lo uo on, as the man was dead as h—I." However, alter Its conclusion, the dead man was lilted tip In a sitting posture and held, the pen was placed between his fingers and made lo trace his name, alter which the < I nest Ion was asked, "Do you a.-kiiowl- i'd>.'.- lo be your signature and hist will?" ele. The dead mail, by Ihe aid of I hone thiil held him up. nodded assent. The corpse WHS then ipiieily laid down, ami the individuals signed their respective names as witnesses to the instrument. The only seeniinir trouble now is the proper const ruction <,i the will, which under Ihe el re inn stances as.) under 'be Influence of an intoxicated brain, the scribe somewhat blended lu nift ii i n.:

A member of the Wyoming l.i'.-'i-ln ore seeking to sustain a point of order, ■■tk.'.l bis cost err, with—' Mr. Speaker, if some reliable man will hold these tlmls, I'll tea.-li hlsn that he Is out ol or- der.' The point was snstalned.


4n"a|ila LAWBIftCI.

Vocal Tablets,

Catarrhal Affections Of Ihe Total Orirana and AnaloRuBI DUealci, ai

Tonsilliti, Bronchial Irritation, Influenza,

And all diaraaea of Ihe Uut-oua Mcmbraue, rr.ult-

The Depressing Influenco of Cold*.

The iirrullnr conipualtlon and rffleary nr theae Tablet, have been ihe re.ull of anoroaaful treat-

ment ot ihe ordinary


I'hev wilt he lounrt of rral aervlcr In rUM oi Colda, Cnuichi, Sore Throat, .'anker and Vovft tive Irritation of Ibe Hucoua Uembraae generally.

\trri-iilil.-, llarmlea* and r.irntlvr, Im- I'liionn < irritlnhon, hiipnrtniK Tone,

anil Id -lotin; Ihe Voice.

II. IIII WAR Til, liinlliccitr),

t'.i- I UlTIt I III II I.l-o., I.AWHBXCS,

Mtw ^(hrrtiscwfHts.



By II. II. LKKD1 * MI PI EH, Ancllouerra, Art Oalli-iim. xtr Broadway, f». V.,

. uiiiin. ■•Bag Feb. T, aud • i.iiiliin- mrtday noil ri e IIIIIR until aolit.

Ihouiand plulur I,-.-, I.MIII Ihe 14th century lo Ihe pram m MIW, o.eliidiujr many uriulual* of great value.) alto

l-ainllnu. from eel. I.rated American artl.l.. I I., rutlre (-ollrrllou ..111 be aold .. it li-

mit reaerve or lli.iltaili.n , lu clOae (ha ealalr.

('•ttiouur* (urvi-arded on rririiil of r.renH.- A.liin -- ihe Auctioneer*.

W'ood'a It....-el...I,l M.L-.IIII. I'm ■ »1; .,ud'I'm: WOM.H-, iirke : '.<■ ; '«*(* one > ear

for:.c. .S>-.(«e„. W. Adiire.a Tin: WUNIIKII, ^OUlbol-J, t. I., N. Y. I'liiCt deluv' .Vtu- it tht

... IIANA. K»n„. ,,..1..... ami br.l Nr«- V.i.a neoiMlter, I, Ilk..', It. Thrr, ellllnn.1 Datlt. Wll S»"t- .aj-i, .„,1 W„„i,Sl.r«'. Ai.tia-.Na-. -•'. full r»".*t. ufm.ia.l'. a urr. tarmrri

I Oman-.' Chile., an* a (OB.r4er. Mnry la evrrv

™',"^ai,-*ri!* "Sl^lXr tJih^ial^ntE "t I* la-4r»nfe". Ilnail Haan..

»'Zl', I'VirWm. a i... ...■ ..,.•■ -.;,■■ liil'MH Jlel

*"i, w, i:'s(;i.ANn. rnMi.btr

ill. II pro-luce. ... iv.-e ironi Irri-

II Deraa. « ■ f the .kin, Wood, .lorn-

lie. lecuDi w.iiiirn, it In tun • The brai phyu-

erlh mtly rclu,n lo lb-

„r . ■.ilh.irli. iy mail,.." reerlpl ..1 price ;ni,I |,,.-1 !(•■■.

l-o-liiae,". II..XI , MSI,

and inrdluiiic. Tl'ltNKItAL ., lToprlclora,

1 SO ■i. in"in a res


KNIT—KfKIT—KNIT—KNIT, AtiKSTS WANIKH everywhere to sell th<

AMKItlLAN hNI'ITlNi; II Allll.NK, Ih. pmcilnil l-iitully Kiiilltn(| Marhine ever " l'rice *■.-... Will knll ai.rjno i-lll.heti per ... . Aildrra. AMKItlCAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., n., i ..II, Mu"i., or St. I.I-III., Ho.

i.Dim.i. Mill's i excellent article ot

ii put up In I B>ra for Mrcra

..-herevtr Introduced I • nmUiiiH TOIKII 'i | unlvcrnallr adralrrd.

lu liBii.l-'iiui- tiiuilln 1«««, in wlitcli , arc daily packed.

i,ultii.l:Mtl>- I |a made of the chokeat

YAillT CLUB ItoLUtft Smoking Tobacco | the Nicotine baa bern ex tracteili It Icarea DO dltairreeablelaala afterimok- 1D(T; it li very mild, light in color and weight, hence one pound will 1ml a. long a" 'I of ordinary tobacro. In till, brnn.l wo ulio pnek order* every day for ftrit quality Merr.chnum I'lpea. Try It, and convince youraelvi-* it I* till it claim* lu be,—

I.imll.l.AHIVN I Thia brand of Fine Cut C V N TIT li V ^""l"* tobBeor. haa no V'TJI-I 1 U III ritual or auperior auy-

| where. It In, without » tiibueco lu llu-country.

I.OIIII.LAIin'S I kava non been in general o v rr i; V Q u«.- in ihe Lmted mate* Oil U H' O|o;.r llu roari, ami Still acknowledged "llie heal" wbfTSVtf U*(il.

If your »torr.keeper does r.ot'hnTctl.eae Hrllelra for aale, a*k him lu vet tin m. Tliry are >uld by reHpcctablc jobbera aliuuit everywhere.

Circular of prlcfi itinik-d on appllcalloo.

P. l.iiltll.I.Min St CO., Hew York.


the only (JKNl 1M,: llintuvKI) COMMON SKNSK KAMIL1 .SK\V I Nli MACHINE. I'nlfK osi.v flH. Un-at iuiluceiiicnl* to Agent*, Tliia la the moat popular Sewing of Ihe day— mukr* the famous "Klaallo Lock Stitch"—will do any kind »f work that ran be done on nuy Ala- cUfitr—100,000 mid, and llie demand conitatilly Incrmaln^'. Now I* thu time lo take mi Agency, Send for circular*, fllti-art of m/Vlnoer..-*** Aditreia 8KCOH1I k. CO., lluiton, Mna.„ fill*- burgh, hi.. Of Bt. i ,,,.,,, .M.,.

Aromatic Vegetable Soap.

For the Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children SOLII it v A t.l, DIM CI.ISTN.


pinytneiit a. Inline, the wliolc of tin: time or for Ihe hparc moment*. Iluilura. new, llghl and profit- able. Perform of ellher *ex taaily earn Trom Wie. lo S-'ipcr evenllii;, and a proporlioiial lum by de- voting their whole lime lo llm l.u«!iic»». UoTi and Llrls earn neurly a* much in men. Hint all who ■CO llila notice may ■ ,,,| their addrein, nnd leat the buslnc, we tniik. tliln iiiipntnllelcil oiler ! 'i'o

uut well ..alibied, we will rend St lo of tlie large* t ami be»t Inmlly mw.paper* ■■ .ent free by mail. Hinder, it >ou

I, proiliable work, addre*> B.C. publl.lie.l-nll .ent free


WHO MI.KK amlexl aea.ornllow a large ('i.uiniln.ioti.lo Mil our new wunderful iiivrntluiiK. Addrea* M. WAliNKIt* CO., llat-liall, Mich.

AM, your IMctmi or USUoeiaT Tor HWKK1 giMMNL-ll e.mal-HbilterHJultiliie. Manu-

factuie.l by Mt.uiMi, ».\itu fc Co., Chemlata, New York.


PSYlllllMAMV, r-AHITNATION lilt .SOIL CIIAUHINlL- H»ip«g.-.; cloth. Thia wonder-

ful book Im.. full l.iHtrui'iion* to enable ihe reader to lu.clnale either IM, or an animal, al will.— Meamcrl.m, Mnirlluallain, and liundnil* uf other , in i MI- eaprrimrnt*. It can br obtained by *end lug addre**, with po*lage, to T "'

" Llghth l., No. 11 Hoi

I l,y -I'll, VAN.S <

rl, I'l, .:,■!■ I|, I,:.,

11*1> KSSKX S T K K K T. 199




F A N C Y d 0 0 I) S .

iEM YOU II : 1.1: li it A i K [>

KM AS lloWi: Improvod Family SEWING

MACHINE. Marhlnv. Needles, Thread and Oil.

SowiriK Miulilne* Hepiiirc.l nl short notice.

Hap3 W, UAOltR, IW KMI'I itreet, Laivrenre.

In Unnkropier. Thii la to give notio- that on the :lt)lli day of

llerembiT, A. |l. ISnU, a wurranl in bankruptcy was laaued ngaln.t the ent ale of

LTMAN L. K mil vi.i , ol Maiden, In Ihr county of Mlddleaen, and list* of Maaaachii.elt*. who ha* been a.bnih;.-.! a bankrupt,on hlauwn petition; that the payment of any debt* and the delivery uf any properly belouglngto auch bnnkrupt, to hint, or for 111* u.e, and the transfer of tiny property by him are lurbldden by law ; that u meeting of III'- creditor* ol Ihe iald bankrupt, to prove their debts, ami

■*l|ptrt, ..I lii-

wlll be held at a court ofHBBkrapieji lobahohka at Ihe L'i »■ Court llouie, Boston, before Kdifiir ,1. Sherman, Krglater, on the -..';,I day of .linuary, A. n. ITU, at I* o'clock. M.

OKU. L. ANDREWS, C. 8. Marahal, llum, Dlatrkl,

iyan7 A* Meas.-nger.


That I, Heieklah i'tnmraer.lhe norlffaffM of a certain mortgage deed ol peraoual propertr Irom IIRNKY H. IIAIMHUIIKIK, dated Veh. |rt, IN141, and rrrordrd In lha reeorda of the C'ty of 1 aw- reuee, with Ihe record* of mortgage* or prraunal properly, vol. », page* IW. I'M, IM. herebv give millca of my intention to foreclo..- .aid morlgage for breach of the oondltlona thereof.

Itldll UK/EKIAH l'i 1 MMj.:i:. Mortgagee,


®nr JSpirr-jBox.

An ohl law ncw-K-t :i mi-" lajtoodas a smile.

Ttif hlxUr ilu.- prk« of cnal Hie l«wer tB#ilrcsoftlic I'oor.

Oiuaha has an Hotel tin Nonl. The aborliclnva call It U.e 'HoltI to Unaw.'

Fine arli tk-lliiliiou—Tlic old masters (aye, antlllie niulern ones, too) J-WITM.

It has lieeu H-ke.l. • AVIieti rain fall*. dots It ever <:ut up?* m course II does j In aYw I line.

Do iinvtil eninnimiders order nil llie lur- ( buekels ot: .leek when lliey go Into a , pltelied bitllff

Lawyers must ttleep more comfortable than tiny other people in general— Il ii ItQitiatetiiil on which •II- lliey lie.

Vnnnx Illjlnk ~ ililnks wattinf upon I young Indies IU.W.HI •■. - i- only niiotlur term of Walt lag for tliem.

Cruelty-'I'lie temalu clerks In Oovem- ment oill.'i-i at Wn'sldiiyton are com- pclled to 1.-11 their aiiest

Sidney SmIMi ennipirie* llie whittle of a loci itlvt. toil,.- K|iienlofnn uilnrney. when Satiiti tlr»l gels hold of Mm.

tVIWt !- ihe dii|..i.-ii.-i- ii.-tw.-.-n a e<r- : rlaj(C-«heel ami n c-arrlaifP linrae" <>ne ojoos liefer when ill- liie.l—tl.e Other

flood -l.-.-ii i. i,t\.l to he olrtainetl by iinmei-io.i i:i litan -i mneli lielter fleep. | niitloiihledly. Ih-iiir«iue. „l helng snaked ' in - nid i!\-'

Murk Twain -penk- nl » ivli-ran of nm humlri-.l nnd al -ver ln*'.-d j drop of li.pior In hi. iih- unless von eoimt whiskey.

A finnlly in \e v Vorli Hint mads a fnr- IHIIU out of will-key, i- -ltd lo live on Tweritt-lhird *le.-.-l in ; pertwl de>llrllim

The niiti who, on li.-inr tllseoveretl upon ihoslilewHlk prom rate, nnd sahlhe was llnilinj.' Ills level, uiiqiiestiutialdy Lit Htlie tlrs* tims.

A country eschanjn liy*! Any per- son winliln^ m lake 1I1W paper ean do so li.v liiiii^im: 111 ptilntoes. ap|>le!i. butter, or :on iliimr to keep us from ilarvlnx to dentil.'

An Iowa bride, aeoonHng to a journal of that Stale, ' is a merry, wiirui-lieartcd, level-headIHI, truthful little angel, innitii- fnetiireil expressly for the chap who got her.'

Mr. Dump, lining lo»jf in arrears, com- plained one morning that his coffee was not settled. ■ You had bettor settle for the colTcc,' saltl the landlady, ' before you complain.'

An cxebanjji; says: 'You might as well ni 11'nijii to shampoo the head of an elephant; with a thimbleful of soap-suds as to attomat to do business and Ignore printer's Ink.*

'I will have order!' sheuted the cap- tain of a schooner to kls refractory cook. 'If you won't cook the dinner. Ml—do It myself. I will have discipline *>u board this 'ere vessel!'

A lady asked a child, ' What was the sin of the Pharisees f 'Sating enmsls marm,' quickly replied tho child. Sho had read that the Pharisees ' strained at gnat* nnd swallowed eninels.'

Forty-seven men who were drawn as jurors for one county «if Oeorgla were ex- cused from service on account of baring young babies at home, and the court ad- journed 'until baby season Is over.'

•Do you cull that n veal cutlet, waller?' said nil old gentleman, dining at a res- taurant. 'Why, it's an Insult to every true calf in the country!' 'Well, sir.' I didn't mean to Insult yon,* returned the waiter.

lteoder, when at your hotel, call for the dish on the bill of faro, -Fillet de boeuf et poatom da terra liaehla u i'lil- bernaU,' and you will get hash of the kind known to Ihe itnlearnetl as 'Irish stew.'

1 Yon never saw such a happy lot of people aa we had here yesterday,' ;aid a landlady lu Indiana to a newly arrived guest; 'there were thirteen couples of 'cm.' ' What! thirteen couples juat mar- ried?" '(Hi, no, sir. thirteen just divorced,

F101 represents a six yenr old In Knick- erbockers seated [11 a barber's chair, and to him the hairdresser: « Well, my little gentleman, and how would you like your haircut.'—'(Hi, like papa's, pleue—with a little round hole at the top.'

It Is snd to witness tlic propensity shown, even by the very yoiuiii. to break the laws of men.ii ami Iciuu. We saw a lltlle rogue lite other day. barely two years of age- (ah! you may slare!) who has bis father'-1 eye*, and hi- mother*! tin-..- .in,I elm,.

Said a tllstluvuUlied politician to his son :—'Look at me! I began as an al- deraaa, nn.l here I am at (he top of the tree; ami what in my reward? Why, when I die my son will bo the greatest rascal lu Ibe United State-..' To this the young hopeful replied:—'Yes, dud when you die. and not 111! Ilieu.'

A materialist surgeon of Paris lately showed to one of hi. (rleiitls one of his Instruments, th« baadle of Which was carved in bone. 'Do you know,' hu asked, 'of what thin handle is made?' 'Of Ivory, I suppose." 'No,' gaid the doctor, while tears ulmont choked his voloo,' it is Ihe thigh bone of my poor aunt.'

Keau Buchanan Im-i been playing st Grand Rapids, Michigan, In noticing which Itict the Now York Democrat says:

'N'limWersof people are leaving Grand Rapids, Michigan. MeKean Buchanan is perpetrating Slinkst-peare there. It It a nice place to live, hut people eau't stand everything.'

The Adrian (Mich.) Ttm«$ says that a recent ca*e of assault wai tried IN that city, on which six jurors voted by ballot. Juror No. 1 voted 'No cose of action.' No. -J voted ' Salt aud batery, Second De- cree." No. ;i deemed the prisoner ' Gllty of nalt.' No. 4 decided tliera was- no ac- tion of caus.' No. -*i voted it ' assaul and Batery ;' while No. I decided the pri-oni r - Gllty of an a salt only.'

The LonlntuleiTV (N. II.) nates prints the following bill for refreshment! at Dr. Morrison*! tunernl:

'LoBtlouderry, March 12,1818. A bill of rcfreahmeHts lliat wai prepared for the singers on the present occasion : .. quarts W. 1. rum, 83.30; 1 pint brandy. 40; I gull, cyder. 20; li! pyes. 82; 1UU fryeil nuts, 75; Bibs, cheese, 83; 1 hunch of cigars, 13.—17.31."

'How do I look, 1'oiupev?' said a ysung dandy lo hi* servant, as lie bad tltiNkeil dresniiio;. - Kleirant. Mnssn, you look as bold as a lion.' ' Hold as a lion. Pompey ! How do you knowF You nev- er"~MW it Ilbii." 'Ohl yea, I seed one down lo tnassa .lenks', In Ids aiablc." * Down to Jenks', Pompey ! Why, you great fool; Jenks has not got a lion; that's n jacks**.' ' Can't help it, maisa: you look Just like him.'

In a recent case, where a man was charged with the commission of an out- rnge upon ayeung flrl, the girl's father who was relating the circumstances to hi* attorney, was interrupted by the lat- ter with Ibe question: 'Why didn't yon shoot the, scuundreir 'Well.' iald he, deliberately. 'I did think I would st nrst. and then I though I wouldn't. But you ought to have heard me call him uamei though.'—Uartford Port.


y^ Lv>:.a J-AIII ot y^

lollies', CKwtsN .Mi-siV. Hoya', mill thildren'.

Boots and Shoes, cotnprl.ina mj KM11KK STOCK, will bt>olfer.-J

for aale,

WITHOUT ItH.lHIl TO COST! areparster* to iloslag fur repalra.—Also, mr>

I Mir nl UOOtb JIIII ■illui:s. ,„i t uf»l)h-,ur in the |ea*t ihun wont, will be aotil at a

GREAT SACRIFICE. Kvery pair M 111 lie uaikto' lu (.lain rlgum. I :,, ■■

la an o,.| ..r i.i.ui -. I i,,u, oBV-ied to buy the

Very llesl Uood* ul Kilremely Low Prices!

' TliKO. II. BELL. l-Vi Washington Street, - - I'oston,

1t>U Oppoillcnldxoulh ('(.ur.-!,.


i I I.I s rnii'ijs, s.ur liiiKi'M, AMI Horn,

. InlLol, lloMlii


i Mutual Life Insurance Co.,

ItOllT IIAilr... —. e»e.i.r WKHI.KV K.MIADEU.s.c'y. Vki-P

I ••iu>* I'oilcli* upon all approved phi a*. «l rate*, and wltli unu tual lifceralli i to poliai liul.l

All |„.l!-. i... -. 111. ■ 11 v non lorleltabh- aft, r i under Slai.acbnaeti* Nou-Koifeli

No rt-airlctioui upon rerldenci . .pccial penult* n-.|uircd for mariner., or for any .,, ,n|,.iii..)i ill- of a peculiarly ha**rdou.

SarKxaiulnallou will convlnee lhal every a-oo.l, i-iuilal>l. and liberal ii-alure of llie lie-t l.ile Com- liuuk-a ha* been a.loptid by the Great Wr-lern. l-il..- .(./.uf. w,in((i/ throughout Xrm Knal.inii. Apply to W. IMiASSKTT. den'l Af'tforN.-w

Kuitlaud.or J.WAItlJKN CUT I ON, State Ajteut, Offli-i- lo state strei-t, Uoilon, 3 modi J

The Best and Cheapest Place to buy

CLOTHES WRINGERS Or Wnahing Machines.

Or to get your WHINOERS RtPAinD, is st II- H. I ir writ's,

42 Elm street, lioston. Kill none f'n.tii I In Yard of Wltdr'a Hotel, lyjyf

4*> Of the Best Quality -fry* *W*J* * /ueMtaAad al all aeatont

\ ^rV/ °f '** V*ar '• *■*•# F*r- *£?/ "**> UmtMU, 1-ic-uict, J-a»H- O / «"•*. *ve., oi low rWSSS, bv tht

BOSTON IOC CREAM CO., 9 Spring Lane, Boatoa,

Examine and Compare our Priced,



20 cents to |3.00 a van],

baaed upon ibe unarm (lotd Value, »\


I'llltKK IU NlUIEl)

Woolon & Cashmere Shawls,

from fifty cents to fifty dollars, :-..■■,,I upon the preienl (iuM Value, it


i.'-.O E>eex St., J.awrentc.


S I CZN ©. Painter and Grainer,

NO. 1 AI'PLETON STllEKT, lv».HI Uwitnc*-.

25 FARMS FOR SALE. Also, several

HOUSES AND LOTS OK LAND in llii.s lily. Apply to

W i: It STK It & DYSO X, j

riniOaim •">•* I?8«eS htret't.

Lawreuoo Marble Works.


Ooiiici llumpshiic ami Lovrll Sts., .Manufacturer ol

Moi.iiiiM-m-, Tombf, II. n.i Sloue*, Ac. of Marble. Krce.luue i.ud Uraulle.

UmbleUaliti.-l*.Taliti-T«p.,*ud i-vcrytlilua In llie line, io. HI 1.11) Bade, delivered, and ivurrauleil

n.i'u.: fully prepared for llie i -.'■,. . : . luroliti Muuumi-nt. of every Jeacriplion, nnden-cl tlirmiu any part ul llie county of ucw aud orljluul dealgm. Having worked twelve year* lu floatou, lie la c.intl.lein that hi* work will prove equal IO any, either here or rla. where, *. hi. fuHlltlc* lor builnca* an.-|inexi-elled, UllJjU


Drain Pipe Co.


have born appointed Agent* for the above Cum- pany, and uirVr their Stone Wore at

Wholesale at Manufacturers* Prices.


Examine Sf Compart' our Prices.

F t F r v

BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS Utwl ami Mosl Desirable Styles,

from $:1..".0 lo $20.00, band upon lit. i-rtn-m ticlil,. ul


CLOAK MAKING to order.

A ( liul.-i, Auurtmr I" Mnt.ii.iU,


2.10 Esses St., Luwrenre.

Eiamine and Compare our Prices.

Black Alpacas AND

PURE M OH A I KS, (lllulp. I'ui.ui Blork,)

fiom 25 icnts to H.20 n yur.l, I,.,, ujion Ih. ITCIIII liulcl Value, ut

vAvruKU. .i y.i vioirs.

Table Linens and Domestics, ,,. in.

MOST Ari-iovin MAKM,

... Ill liirul .i.H.11. ul |,il.i, IJU.IJ upon II..


I.'.'IO Essex St., Lawrence.

Examine St' Compare our Prices,

BLANKETS in every Size and Quality,

li oi.i 13.23 In 111.00.

Flannels, all Colors & Kinds, ulli.l, Ul.,;!..,,,,,,., », I, u,l us, |,l .,'",,


i A.Mi'iim.i... I"A . i on.

Underclothing, Hoeieiy, .'. ,.,!-, Trin.ii.i. R<.


CA.MI'DEI.I. i lAYl.l'l.'S.

230 liira St., Lin.nun•.


VKTER1NAKY SURGEON, Uiah Btreot Bquare, Lowell, Mm,

! Treat'aildliea»e*of Ilorsea,Cattle,andthcluwer ! aulmul*, perlurroii aurgicnl operation*; curia all '■ uurnblet:i-.ei.ol spavin, rtiiKboiu,curb,-(ilenti. an.I I thi-llku. Order*promptlyauawered, Addma hy

No. 71 Essex Stroot!

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. Having rimovi.1 lo their lariiMtore, .No.; i Kttei , i*rccl.luord.'rlulii-lleinci-t>iiiniu.latelh--lri.iiijier- ,

■>ua cmtoiner*. and liavllif ri-phtilahi .1 their .tuck with a large iiatorlmi-nl U|

■ lent--., Udlea', Ml*ae* aud LhlldreH'*



DENTIST, Has Removed

no Choir should be without It.


Tunea, Anthem*,and Set Plecct wtilch hi cd the foundation of our American Church lit for the pant lilty tran. Containing 1U0U choice piece* aeleeted by WO Teacher* and Choir Leader*.

Price, $1.SO. S13 SO per doion. A »peel men copy will be aent by mill to any addre**, poat paid, on receipt of price

v York.

HAItl) AND WIIITK CINK TIMDEH on hand and aaired todltnenaioa*.

Hard Pine Plank.

Hard Pint- Flooring and Kteu-Uoarda,



For Sale in No. Andovor, Ms. The Home and Land Mtaated apoti Machine

Shop atreel, a lew rod* from Oavl* ft Kurber'i Machine Shun, and new occupied by laaao C. Har- ■cat—formerly tho realdcnce of the anbacriber.— The home I* a modem, two atory buildlntr, wllh a

II wellliniisheil With

iu i ■. ' and arranged In llm tnuat cuuveiili ample eloaeta, and a dry, ormeoted cellar under the whole h.iu-e, The kitchen haa a brick oven, waah boiler, two Iron aink*, and good water brought Into tlic room from a well outtide. At- tached I* a large wood *hed wllh other conve- nience*, and chamber above. There I* a food ■Ublu, iu which ia a olatern or water.

The garden belonging, contain* 1 !■'-' acre of rich loam laud, well laid out for railing fruit and vege- lablea. The fruit tree* are now in their prime, ronaUtlng ol cherry, peach and pcar-the latler In many and choice varlelle*, both dwarf and atand- ard. The apple treea number about 40,embrac- ing In variety, Summer Fall aud Winter fruit, producing from i*i to 7S Larrcla of a good quality per year. There ia a I no a good supply of gooseberry, blackberry a tapberry buibct, anil

, good atreet and nelgli- borhoo.1. while tho majority uf tlic room* overlook the garden, a* it lie* upon the aoath lido of the home, and adjoin* the beautiful ground* of llou. lie.iri.-e I.. Davlr



■ In.., .-Hi.,., ele.,

229 Essex street, - - Lawrence.

Money to Loan!

Every One Want* Money!


Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. MONEY III LOAN ON


Money to Loan on Harnrsst:", ROIH'9

mid Hliinkt-t-..

Money to Loan on Cigars,

Tobacco and I'ipe*.

Money to Loan on Guns and Pistols.


Musical Instruments 1



Sign of Three Sold Halls. 3ni1lja7

IN MALEM, i property, coaalitlng of

12,000 FEET I.ANI>, • Iih i.uii.iiii,:- in- irij new, Kited for HACHII ind suitable for almoat any

it:.nut.iiiiiitii- llualDent. U III be aold low, ami on raay ti

' it preferred KS.CdOl.l i.. ■»•!.».,

10 India H li.ul, H...I.HI.

Ill HE LET. Hulleo PirM ClaM IKIIIUH Hi n New Tene- I, uerupled by u private family, ailualed In Ihe

-l ol the u iy. ntie minute'* walk from Ihe l'u*t i "li, , and City 11*11. A rare chance, r ,,.■ parllcu


Attorney and ihunneUor-at-I,aw, ASH MM.UTHHt IN II.1NKI1I nil.

Pirlleular it I ml ion paid lo drawing Of Deed*, *r. No. '2 Sawytt'a lllot L, \i.n.r at.,

QATUUIILL. SaTfollection* inmle In all part* of Ihe United

States promptly ml ou the moat reaaouablr

Home Stereoscopic Views. We ti*ve rtackage* af Twelve lilereoaoopic

View* ot our Valillc Halldln*-.. Mill*, Htrret* and Common, which w* offer lor Sl.SU per Boa.

J. C. I'HW ft til., v... K.-.s .ire. I.

au arranged that any one In a moment can decide which la the beat. All kind* of Machine* repaired at the Hardware Store or

W. A. KIMBALL A CO., 217 Essex Street, - - - Lawrencs

W. A. Kliin.'LL, mill W. V. MM BALL.


Attorney d Counsellor nl Law, SOLICITOR OF I'ATENT,


NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. My friend*, make your home beautiful.

How ■hall we do It I

Why,buyoneoflbo*e unrlvullrd BUKDETT CELESTE OBOANB,

Where enn they be found f

Found in every tariety ot llsla al


88 t'ourt yt., (o(i|i. Court House) Boston, lyfeM llenernl New Kngland AgeuH.

A. F. GILBERT A COMPANY, (Succe»iora to II. 8. l>odBe In

il K N' 3 AMI ii o r ' a

Ready Made Clothing. HATS, CAPS, fte.

A large a'aortment ol

GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Trunk*, Vallsvs ami Bsys,

497 Essex street, - - Lawrence. tllfeld ONK PKICK l)M,V.


Haverhlll & Bradford Express.

All iti,Ti']i;iii.|i-i. truiiaiiDiLoit at rensoti- tiblo rates.

I'arllculur attention given to faying au.l Col- lectlng Note*, Draft*, 11111a, etc.

All order* left at S AI \l n; U'.- Kxpreaa,

No. 2 Appleton street, next door lo the 1'oit mlir.-, will be promptly altcudedto. It. ||. AYKII.

Lawrence. Aug. It. tNHI. .lu*


"JAN E MILLER" are engaged for Ihe acaion at

X. E^-XJA.3JTX)*S 381 Essex street, Lawrence,

lo MtWt in *elllnf



'VUf. IsrKQSt. clicanest nnd best stock of HOOP SKIRTS In Ihe city.

CORSETS, ill) prices.


REMNANTS, FANCY GOODS, eto A *leadl)y Inerearlng bualnc** ia a rtire hull,-,

llou lhal we are on the right (nick. Call, examine, and be convinced th.t l.eyland

dOea bu.lnt** " OS Til*: BylMia,"


FOR HALE. A Very Valuable Farm for Hardening uml Firm-

ing purpoaea, and n ilellaliltul altuatiun for Sum- mer boarder., on Ihe Haverhlll road from Norih Anduver, and but a *horl dtalance Irom rlullou'* Mill., I mile froru3 churchea and Ho*tou A HI nine depot, the beat of ichool*, and only 1! milea from Lawrence. A *pl.-ndld leeailun, rlulit oppo.ile tlie line e.tate .if .1. 1). W. French, r"«ti. 74 acre. of the very beat of tillage land, aulubly dlviih .1 Into orcharding, Ktigllah graa*, paaturage, gar- dening, tlllttgr ami wood html. fenced with alone wall; a line barn tin x 4U, cellar uuder Hie whole. Will hold from i:. t.. inl.ins .it l.nv, and thia year wa* Bllrd full. Plant* oi purcmalrr. A SlSflS 1-3 atory dwelling hou.e, with 1'finished Hiomn, inline cellar lor all purpoac* lor which a ):■■■ i cllur ■ needed. All Hie premise* tire In uood ciunllilon; and n farm ao ncttr l.nwtcn.. , .if n. rla**, I* hard to ubtaln. There la a ureat im of manure on the premlai a,uiul llu- fatm 1* under the highert •lata or cultivation. Splendid opportunity tu pur< ohaae a beniiilfal ruunlry renldencc and f.rmcotn- biticd. In one of I be fliirai purllona of New Kna- land, (Norlh Auduv.-r.) and it* ..irriniiidliig*, the ■cliuol advantage*, the (oclely, healthy air, line lake and river aoencry,!* unaurpanaed. F'or more piirtlcutar*. price, tic, call upon l-KllltlCK A t:t,(lSSuN, Luwrcuce, Haa*., who have full control. DIS


MACHINISTS, iSucce-Dora to Wi'brtrr, Iiuillii ft CO.)

Manufacturer* ol

Cotton & Woolen Machinery

MACHINE WORK OKNRRAIXV. Pullcya, Hearing and Sliafllng, Jack Screw*. All kind-nl llolf on bund, or made loonier:

al*u all kind, of r'orgluK dour. UKHRBAL i "ii M . Hi K and .Mill repair* do a.

promptly and faithfully. In .in i ■ lu Manufacturer*' 3upplie*.

Foster's Building, Cornel1 of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

NOTICE. Nutlce ia hereby given lhal the aubtcriber til

been duly appointed executrix of Ihe will ol Mil UN liAI.LAUHKIt.

late of Lawrence, county of K*aex, <l. ce-ired, 1. * talc, and ha* taken upon li.r-cli tln.i Irul h. giving bond* a* Ihr law dlrecta; allper.ou* Imv lug upon the r.late of aald dec. aaeil an rroulr.-d In eahlbil the -utiic . and all peraoni lii.ii t.ti-.l to aald t.late arr called upon to mak. payment tu

hey now i.-.-i|..ired In meet ihe uVuandnoI Ihe public.

GENT'S CALF B001 B.THRErt WIDTH \.ll ■:.: . i.-.i-i one lo thirteen. The tarfftt a* wellaa Ibe amalh-nt fool tilted wltli Call lloota.

We are Agent, for Ihe Celebrated Premium Hu.-ii. BWnsAotnrad by U. Kendall ft Son ; alao agent Tor tho Vofls Uerinau Slipper.

Ju*t received a largfl Invoice uf

ARCTIC OVER SHOES; all of which we offer at the manufadureri'price!

Rubber* repaired lu the iicate.l and prompleal

*. Having aecured the aervlce* of Mr. li li. Sun if, a man of IS yeari'exprrUuce in Ihe manu in,'! ii i ■ and aale of lloota aud Shoe*, we hop* t ■till merit ;. ahareuf the publicpulrouage,

Pieaaccatl and examine our Hock.

Don't lorgtt the number,

Ho. 71 Ksaex Street, ■ - Lawrtnct.

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. J.V. French, IfmjlS J. U. Derrick.


Mutual Life Insurance Co.

of Politic. nr Lire [n.urance. Thia Company ii not excelled by any oilier.

No forfeiture. No Notes. Dividend* lite in i year Increaalng

Matbushek Piano. The I.a*'. Great Improvement! F. Malhuahek'i

" EQUALIZING SCALE," the rcnltof which I. a Kmsr CLASS f»U trvtn ocfut-el'lAXO— the "I'D 1.1 Bid." of "great power and iweetne*. of tone," pi-cupylng but tito-thlrtti tht uinal Kpnee.

"UKCIlKSTIlAL^tciniiuiou aiio, with Equal- <i\ng Scale,) "1. .cnrcely equullcd by the beat (I rand Pianot,"

Cull and examine. Aejcnt* wanted. MmnlL'rb IFurs-Roosa, 3il WathimgUm St., Button.

^JB-INMAK IINE£ To nm! I i'o in Liverpool nnd

4)ncen*>to\vn. The Liverpool, New Vork and Philadelphia 8. S.

Company'. Idall Slnmrr. tall a* follow*: CITVOK ANTWKUP, (I P.M.) Kuturday, Jan VO CITY OK LONDON, (U A. M.) Halurday, Feb. S KTXA. (11 A.M.) Tue«Jay, Feb. B CITY OK WASlllXliTUN, ;1 P. M.)

Saturday, Feb. I? CITY . IF PA HIS, (n A. M.) Saturday, Feb. lu CITi OFNKVY YUKK,(l.>A.M,)Tutfadnj,r-cb,--» CITYOFIIllOOKLY.\,(IP.M.)Saturday,Feb.aO Every SATUKDAY and alternain TUESDAY,

from Pier -IS North Itlver, New York. Kin , .u- IIIIII. uirimn, l »_, ,. _

burg.cte. fiioiiiild HauiUrij, etc. ,3a(-"r

ParlH, 115Uold| Parla, 3d ■< liy the In.... i ].. > Steamer :

Kirai Cabin, SN> Cold | Steerage, #:i0 Currency Prepaid ('ertlllcuie. from all part* at moderate

Drailaon O rent Britain BUd Ireland, £1 and over. Kor freluhl or pannage, npply at llie Company'*

OiliM., IOJ Stale ■.licel.U.i.toU, JOHN IJ. DA1.K. Agent, M.S.i ItK AH II, Manager, or

I*. MURPHY, 243 Essex streel,



-l'i:i l \|, NOTICE. *Tar- Every alternate Saturday Ihe lit-

■nan i.In. will dUpalcli one at their mall ateamria from Liverpool, via. Uureiia- lewn ami Halifax, to llu.ton, carrying uaiaeiifcrra aud freight.


T ,

No. A I.nwrnnc ■ l.iiwirii.-,

OH. MA11V E. UREED* rormcrly Itrai.tenl Phy.lci.n In the New Kngland

Itoapltal for Women aud Children, ttoaton, ■i'*pecifulJy llm Ladle* of Salem and

vicinity, that rim haa opened an Olflce at

58 Washington St., Hubon Block. Ofnce hour*—llondaya and Thursday*, from 3 to


an be left at any 11

*., Aug. C, IBM, ' tl

Dr. A. L. SCO VI LI, ia llie Inventor of several

medlcut prepurulloun which have I ecome very

popular, and have been liberally uaed. Among hi*

Invention* are "llall'a Balaam fur the Lung*" and

"Liverwort aud T»r." For the paat ilx ycarl a

better Lunn remedy had ben offered lo the

pnbltc. Head the tallowing letter from Dr. Hco- VH.i., referring to It :—

HKSSKS. J. N. II A KIMS A CO.: Otutti— I make the iollowlng aialement from a

porlect .envlc.ion un.l knowledge of the benefil. of Allen*. Lunn ll.liiu In curlnic the mdal deepreali-d Pfi.iiiiN.iuv ( .IM^.'III-TIOX t I have wltncated It. . .Tecta tm .he yMI* aud Ihe old, aud I can truly a*y Hint it la by far Ihe beat rxproto. rant remedy with which I am acquainted. For Coughr, and all tit.- early Itage* of Lang com- plaint*, I bellevo It It) be a cerliiln Cure, and il every family would kei p It by ihrm, ready lo ail- mlnlairr upon Hie Drat *pprarnne-> of dlaeai* about the l.uiiga.ttiett- would he very few cntc* 0< latal c.itiMiiiijiii.iii. 1| eauM-t the phlegm and matter to ralae wtilnnit inliiiini;i tlio.c delicate organ*, (the Lung.,) mid ulllioui "tipation of Ihe boaei.. It nl-n give* flri-ngth lo the ayalein, atop* lite nlglil .went*, and rhungea all the murtii.l ntnti tin healthy it ale.

YourH.nanrctlitl'y, A. L. BC0TII.I.

Bold by all inedlciuedi-u <r». vtj.,7

HEATH TO I IN-UOIIMS. F.miiunt nhveti-tan* l

among t-lilldren re.uhl

dy fu'r Ihe-"-' ir.ii.lili-M.uii pe.ta, Il h'un.1 In Hit. I S V Id 1'. Cur. I..r II. Injury lo henllh. O.fJOODVTlNA LO.,Uo>

v llu.. mure *ickne>* rum l'i. U n,„i, ilie and rune- mi.l ..Men rt*ngeron< nl Mi's PIN-WUKJI

i.-iehlhlmi wurranl.-.!


NEW OFFICK, ■:.s Esst-x street. - - Lkwience, Jell Nrnrly o| po.lte uid Lftlce.

1). HOWAHTII, P h armacien,

(UcMbrr of the Collegt ol Phurmacy, N. Y.;

Cor. Essex and Appleton Sts.

iSuuceuor to Dr. K. D. IUYXB)

SURGEON DENTFS'l, 153 Esaei at., Lnwri-m-r-.


B. nnTDDY, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, Latt .Iy, i,l o/ the Slate* Patent Other,

in.iAii'pfoi*, under the. Act a/ \sx;.

No. /(J State St., opposite Kilbv St., Boston, After an extentlve praetice of upward* of

twenty veari, continue* to *eoure patent* In the United State*; alioln Urrat Britain, France and other foreign conntric*. Cnteata, Specification*, Bond*, A.algnmentt, and all paper* or drawing! for Putenta, executed on reaaonable term* with dlapatch. Ueiearchea made Into American and Foreign worka, to determine tho validity and utility of Patent* of Invention*, and legal and other advice rendered on ail matter* touching the lame, Cople* of the claims of any patent* fur nl.bed, by remitting one dollar. A*-'— recorded In Waibingto


„ Wi(i>«/or ooiointnc' Patentt taining the patentability of invention*.

During eight month* Ihe subscriber. In Ibe course of hi* large practice, made on iwktrt- jecttit application*, 8IXTKEN AITKALB, KV- KKY ONK of whlcli wa* decided In hlt/atw by the ('oiituil-thinner of Patent*.

TESTIMONIALS. "I regard Mr. Kddy a* one of the moil Dupable

andeuccettfai practitioners withVhom 1 hav* had titnclal interoourae. L'HAKI.KS MASON,Conimi*»loner of Patent!.

"I have no healtatlou In a**urlng Inventor* thnt they cannot employ a man atore competent and truttirorthy and more capable ot putting their apptlcallon* lo a form to .ecure for ihera an early and favorable conaideratlon at the Patent OtBce. KDMb'ND ItUltKK.

Late commlnioner of Patent!." Mil. R. II. Koor haa made for mo TIIIKT'KEN

application*. In all hot ONK ol which patent* have been granted, nnd lliat one la now pending. Such unmlttakablo proof ol great talent and ability on lii* part, lead* nu: to rcccoinmend ALL Inventor* to apply to him lo procure their Putenu


Insurance Agency, Assets,

jEinaUfelns.Co.,Hartford,Ct. •10,350,000 C.plUl.

Cleveland Firv In*. Co., Clerelaud, 0. SOO.OOO

Hide & Lealtif r " Botton, Mas*. 300,000

Hiiifiiln F.;:. M. " HutTalo, N.Y. 300,000

BulTalo Citr, " " 300,000


Aud nil LOSHCS Sclllcil at this Agent-v.

For particular*, call and lee '■>,.' ..^;;


No. 283 Essex street. Lawrence.


'Mff^' Hot'iri' ontTrrVM*****.** *>n t !■ t, No. IU EHSVX STRUT, LAWBKJICI.

Ounard Line Mail Steamers BETWEEN

ivcipoiil and New York, Calling at Qucenstowi).






JAVA, TRIPOLI. One of the above KlralClaat Iron Mall Steamer*

I* Intended to tall a* follow*:— From Liverpool,(calling at Cork Harbor,)for

New lork direct, every Saturday. From Liverpool, (calling at Cork Harbor,) lor

BOSTOX IHHKCT; evrry\ue*day. From New York for Liverpool, (calling at Cork

Harbor,) every Thursday. Certificate* limed to bring out paai. ngari frun

anv part of Europe at Loweit Kate*. Kor Freight or Cabin Paaiafe, apply to E. Cu

nurd, 4 howling Green, New York. For Steerage Paa.age, apply to E. Cunard, 111 Broadway, New York, or to DmfmhJU

P. « UK I'll V, 24S Easei atreet. Only Anthoriied Af't for Lawn-nee and rlelnltr.


The Rich and Poor Man's Plaster.

J O V TO THE NATION. DK. T. OfJDKN manufacture* Iba Beat Kid

Mlreogllifnlnt Plaarlay and Rheumatic Pla.ler that c*n be produced In Ihe U. 8., and uo mlal*ke, I lir pruiiijetor al.o nut* up for wile hi* Crlrbraled National Uaglc OOVOH SVMt.P. for all kind, ol I ouglia, Con'umpHon, Asthma, lloararnrs* Wheeling at the Luni*,Whoopint' Cough, and all Diaeaaea of a like nature | warranted ti./yiry Bo* In the market.

^Mffi'Jctf^ty-'^PS'iiPtfff '■"it**** of rekirta with 1.1. own preparation, without th. luaa of a joint, a* la ,0 cotamoa with the qaack* and dupe* that Invade our Hreel*.

DR. T. OUDKN, Proprietor, 41 Union Street. - - . fewrmoe.

The weekly AMKMKAN nu be had at my store,



Boston A M:mi

For Port land,,lilel,r.l,etc.,:.3ii,exprei.« , Lawrence) A.M.. U «-, :l k. xpten. to Head

Kxeli-r,Dover,Iireal Kail.,andaUtlonieaal ul llaverlilll, T.Ht (expre.B to Uufiic.■) A, W., 1c

., :t.l*j. f. r.W.lixpri-**.) Kor Haverhlll 7.W (eapreaa), r.4&(vl» Oeorge-

town) A. »., U «.. >.» (via lleorurtowb), a.wi, 4(exprc«»,) (»lu li.urjtet.miij o, CIS I'. .11, (vlatli-ort'i-luwn,)] r. w.

For r .< Oncol .1 mid Upper Rail t tad., 7.Su ;exprea.) A.M.,lii M.,f»(eapM>e> P. M.

Kor Lawrence (South Mile) ;, 7.:iC, (i-«prea*l 1.16 A. V., VI K..:i.uo,i1(eapr,.,.t,, Wukillrld,! ,011, .;. lii 1-.11. Kor Lawr

i Portland MS, H.4S A.M.. 91-.M. ■ IIreal Fall'0.40,7.41, 10.36 A. H., 4.iO V. II i IHiver S.5U*.M.U), lO-fifi*, A.*!-, 4.0S* r* M I Ex.-ier o.:is*,s.,',o, n.4:i* A.M., U* r.w. i llaverlilll (via lleorgetowu) 7.1S*

.:u)(vintieorp-touu.) u.:io. 11 (vi*. Heorgelowni ■■ " :W, SfvlaLieo.rgclown,) 0.4O-, I'*' ., is**,

North Audovrr 7M,*M .. .M,iA#, 0.SU,'.. :•-'*• r. ni.

From LawraBW (NortliSlde) d.ti, 7.30, t.tSA. M..IV.Ia..1.iU,6.!KJt,!" P.M.

From Lowrcuce(Soulli«lde)0.'J7,7.W|,W.lS A. M.. 12.40*, 3.4.1, &.:u, ii.iia*, i-, «.

'Or on their arrival from the Ka*i. tOr on their arrival from Die Norlb. :On Friday night only.

Paiaenger* arc not allowed to carry baggage above $40 in value, nor over HO pound* In weight, und that pemoual.uule** noUrc I* given, and au extra amount paid at Ihe rato of a price of a tlrket for every Si no additional value.

WM. MKRK1TT. yup'l


Collector & Accountant. Books Opened, Posted & Audited.


8TATKM EKT3 I'll KI'A It El), Ctc.

Office, 239 Essex street, Lawrence, (Over Poat Office.)

OiHcebuura (nun .' t» ; I 7 lu M P. II.

Reference/ — J. P. Balllca, A-int Atlantic Col ton Ml Hi | Wm. II. Jnnnllb.Cathlor Pemberton Bank; W.A.KImball It Co , Merchant*. CiuttOU'N


Just above Arlington Hills.

Price from % to 8 cents per foot. r PF.DBICK A

tm) fapfl


UNDERTAKER, 203 Common -iit-ii. - - I-awrence.

Mr.PorteritllleontinucitheFuiierolFurnlalilng pu«ineaa, a* he hi. done for Hie pa.t two year* at the old •US4, where . verytl.lngTn ,1. uYc '.n he found, and at Ihe Inwe.t prlcca"

r^ncral* attended wltf one or a pair o hor*. i a* required. r

ICE COOLERS, for prcaervlng bodlea In warm jealher, can be obtained at all t lira. N.B order* irll wllh Suptrlnlendenl ol llorlat* will be promptly attended lo. t-Vlexl


The under.ltnid dealre to luroim the cltlirn*

ol Lawnncc and vicinity lhal their new mill I,

now In perfect running order, and that ihuie

* "t l0 •>•" tfcslf Corn, Ryr,- Barley, and other |rail com cried Into Heal or Fred, can have

it nlili |,..iii|,|,i, ... ,,,,( dlapatob, ai the ■III haa uow ample i,.,■,[,■,. ..

Tl ere la alao for aale it I lie mill

Fit ur, Grain, Rye and Indian Meal, ind othrr article* ut tht kind, which are offered it a jderal* price*.


i.,' ,. ■. Lawrence (Irl.t Mill,

Canal strwl, op|K»fta Evert-u Mills.

MBDIOAI, AND SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 48 lib-Wan] St., Boston

, DH.KRED'K MlllllULl.glve. »pecla|.ttenllon lo ,ll,ca.e. of the gcnlto-urlnarVP

a\?,JJ*$ftfl ! chronic and dllOruil dl.eaie* |n buth irara' hi. ; great aureea* In llio.c long .landing and dlfiicutt

ea*e*,*uch a* were furniri iyeon*ldrred incurable I. autSclriit to commend him to the nubile aa maw.

■ ll.y the exten.lvc patronage be u,. received

iJ!",;^1'!1!.'1* " '.Jmli"213 tb« »*«« ■«* leal lalrnt of lite cumitry to bays no rou il in lb- Jleaiinrntot Kemala Aimplalnta, andltUSOM*

e atrennthenlng u.uul occurrence for phyalcUn* In rcnU..,......-

OF ALCOHOLIC Dill NK. lo the altllcled with dtaraie. la I.U apecJally n

Ladle* will receive the moai nelentlSo attention nolh medically and .urglcally. Board wltli aid and miierirnced nur.ra, will be furnl.hed tho*. wlio *ialitorernalnlntherllydurlnK Ire.lment

The poor advl«rd free ol charge. PnyaieUo* or patient* hi* opinion or ad*fee, by letter and Inuloaof the u.ual fee, will I* aaiwerrd bV return mall. Itflnaauvh

Medicine* .ml lo all part* of the coaatrj.

lluytbe Mil III X \\ JllMil'.U,. I -.,• . - take || on trial with «»y or n'loibrra, and k.< the Beat. K.r rule tnryvhtre.

Vtudt Bt. II. I'HKI.I'S aV CO., < ait. An'l*. IT CorllandtSt.. N. V.

.SOFT'S It "s*^*i -r ;= j


dehililale.l, .-.peclally . cellrnt atrcnglhen-

1 MTKlENr.and

MOTIIKKH.out Sa»i__ .. lie. uf malt liquor* lu gvnei.l. IMHI TARRAKT *X CO., fitCW YORK,


Furnishing and* Funeral UNDEBTAKKR8,

W.,111,1 ii.l I „| |, „l l.ui |,,, |,, i r


Corner Common and Amcsbury Sts.,

taiw HS? *"! tt! 'l"11 '"I'P'r H "crythtng in their line, and .ell at ihe lowe.t living priee*.

Crauff. "it*,"Slf *rI3S for *7*'' M*UUi0 c«,«- Ca.Se . . J;"10 S,"k,'1»; ■|w Hhuler'a Metallic Laiikei*, a SKW and dp.lrable article.

Funeral, attended with a good hear.e, and one or a pair of hone*.

Residence and Manufactory 15* Elm St. Salesroom corner of Common and

Amesbury streets. Order* left at either place, dav or niahl win ha

prompUy attended to * * ' wl" " Carriage* furniahed It dealrea.



SJ3 ENC T3 ' BE A iffr i %


and moat Reliable Tonic and Biller lu Ibr markel which I. alway. the "">'">.

CHEAPEST. Tlie Herb., Barki and Hoot* u.ed In

• r £ E it»i "TAN DA RD

WINE BITTERS! Wild'.^?""irkLC^owll8l'1^'-r..3n.ktroot

ZKALTB-amt/a ».d ln»lBornlliiL., .,i .. ,„ |mp.rt

IIL o o it to Ih., cM-worn ,„,| ,„n t,,.OB

BEAU 7Y to their p.le Nnd ilckly M«,|.MMM|

L adi o a .r™ lluli. Hoittl, Aroirlo. «nj .:i„01). ... „,„,,„,„ b.Miiriwu for ihi.,ii Bluer., ' """ "rndm,

.k*,?r.-"1'! by dru.l(l-t" «"d .ro..r. .,.„.r,,|. tt..„ lb. ih. .I.ii.iu,,. „i AI, ,,;,,-,., ,* .™'i "™ J. l.o..rlh.»^„|„a „„,„„ "TVjJjjj""}.*.

RnEUM„TIC°MVEBICI„E Cure. Klieiimaii..m aud

HI Jillliulil,,,,l-lcurlay,

ilil", frail.],., 8|m,ir,a,

linil«us, Samnar Own- Vlaluu, Hum,, Sntljs, Cliilliliiiufl, eto., etc.


Prepared by

KABODY & CO.. Sanloiiiiou l'i 1,1,, , N, u.



fch* ffattrnif. ameriran AN DOVER ADVERTISER,

Published every FrMeTBvtmina. ':y

GEO. S. MERKILL & Ou., proprietors.

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t t-i u i i|soo «0(

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Messengers'. *:i ITihnU' mid other Legal Notleoa, S3 per aquari- fur thn-i> liiaurllou* ur In**.

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charge of let* than eight lines.

Tfce *lrml«II«» of th' la irrewe ,(*'fts*>H- Mn ,*» mure than THREE TIMES that of ■ in/ o(h«r WtwMl? jaajter *mWt**e« •« '*'< A11@¥E1 ^VEB, ff Ilil,

77#< ttttiltf •Jtnrricmn rMMW

KVKUV KVKX1NO, (Sunday eacepted.)

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M-itsi iurrnt\>-i\ ADVAMCK.

<»a,- Year. • - -|lw|Mx Monti.., ■ ■ |1 N When HWt peW (a advance, A6.


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STEAM PRINTING pppict: : U tli« largest ami mud furnished I < m.ltru Massachusetts. llavlDgtucaaoet Improved 1 iu-iih riil',aud with constant siidit(o»»of Utr


mid with our extensive nrtflji ot work, we iri able to lurnlsb. the Best Qealitv of Work.exptai- llouily, nod at low price*. Order* by Mill promptly Sited.

0E0.S. MERRILL 4 00., Proprietors, ■H EMEK ST., LAWRCNOS.






No. 7 Lawrence street,


Seuii-Centcnnial Expose.




JULY 1, 1869.

Cash Assets, $5,352,532.96

Total Liabilities, 266,782,33


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Losses paid in 30 re*", «2S,23M85.3T.

IT'3 PBKSKNT -"The Moat SuoYutifut Fire

Insurance Company In America."


Cuk Aiiai'ts, 3,352,532.90.

Fairy fooUtrpi, Softly falling:

Birdlike ■■ i.ii i■ ■ .. ■ Sweetly talMnk-;

Fragrant pre«cnce. llresthofroacs,

Hand tbnt qultkly It, i. eolo*


Tresses golden. Bloods and curly,

It cat leas Angers, Pink anil pearly;

Checks llkctpeachbluoiu, 8mll<- like aunllliht,

Llpa like cherries, . Eye* like sunlight.

Now bewildering toll- have bound me, Little Nina'* playing round DIP.

Darling Nina! Winsome creature;

Perfect beauty, Ev'ry feature;

Fairy figure, ■loving lightly.

Ami Ibat aoftly Dug me tightly.

Cllng|ng sweets, and baby blisses Lurk In little KlnVt kisses.


No night In that fair clime I—DO sotting sun, No gathering shadow*, no declining day ;

No long, dark boors of weariness and gloom, No an tImm watching for the morning ray.

No night within (hose bright, celestial bowers There summer reigns, crowned with

bloom; No chilling blight steals o'er the fairest flowers

Within those courts, nor sin no death And r

Through earthly tntiU there gleam the sap walla,

There countlesa barpa Uirtll all the heavenl) Nor tone of discord Inharmonious falls,

Nor voice of grief, nor sighing of despair.

No night'.—for In those regions of the blest There shines OV effulgence of a perfect day ;

O blissful haven 1 home of glorious rest I My earth-worn spirit long* to flee away I



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Three-fourths of the insurance Companlasj

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Aaothcr of life's plainest old lessons, "As you

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moderate proflt and substantial security.


No. 7 Lawrence street.


MISS M. S. ANDERSON, Wonld most respectfully Inform her former oas- tomers aud the public, that the now occupl" tlie store formerly occupied by CAtirmu.k TAYLOK,

COT. of NfWbury aid Ennex Streets,

Wnere she 1* now prepared to show the beat and LATRST STYLES OF

Fall and Winter Millinery,

Bonnets, Hata, Feather-, Flowers, Laces and Ribbons.

Also, a One lot of Ladies' Wear, In Cotton and Woolen (looda, In Balmorals, Spring Skirts, French and American Corsets. Under VcsU, Hose, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, li an kerchiefs. GWMI, Hoods, Sbawl), Milieu-. For Children's Wear, kit kinds and descriptions.

Mis* Anderson would also call attention to her

Dress Making Department, Where you can have your Dresses aad Cloaks rltted, by the moat competent hands, and at the Lowest Prices In thu city. She also keeps Water- proofs, of all qualities lor Cloak', and I rlmmlngs of all descriptions, fur both Dresses and Cloaks,

Velvet., Kritnea, Taaaeia, Hut ton a.

Maotilne Mtit<l>inir. mnlcliifr mul Stniuplng;,



Soap and Candle Factory, L. UEiOE ft SON, Froprl.tor.,

U.nunMtur.r. ol

Scouring I Fulling Soaps For Woolen Hills, Hat Manufactories, cti\

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow NBAT'S FOOT OIL, ETC.

Our house having boon establish- •d upwards of twenty years, with facilities to oommand the beet •took in the market, and a manu- factory perfect In every detail, un- der our constant supervlelon, pur- chasers can rely on finding the quality of all our goods as repre- sented. Corner of Lawrence & Maple Sts.,


OR. A. W. HOWLANII, auooaaoit TO


DEMTIHTi am Baacx ST.,


rNltroui Oxide Ota Administered.

-Faeully, Palla. Dental Co)le«e

jrswKo.SoSEitMSt., (old No. 142.)

Sandy was very drunk. He was lying under an azalea bush, in rrettr much the game attitude In which he had fallen some hours before. How li.ti;;- lie had becnlyhifr there he could not tell, and didn't care; how lonjr he should He there was a matter equally htdeihilte and un- consldered. A tranquil phllosopliy, born of his physical condition, sufliised and saturated his moral being:.

The spectacle of a drunken man—and of this drunken man In parllcular— was not. I grieve to say, «f sufficient novelty in Bed Gulch to attract attention. Kar- llcr In the day.a satirist had erected a tem- porary tombstone at Sandy's head, bear- Inir the Inscription, • Effect* of McCor- kle's whiskey—kills at 4" rods," with a hand pointing to MeCorklo'a saloon. But this, 1 Imsjtitte, was, like most local sat- ire, personal; and was n reflection upon the unfairness »f the process, rather than a commentary upon the Impropriety of the result. With this facetious exception, Sandy had been undisturbed. A wander- ing mule, released trom his pack, had cropped the scant herbage beside him, and sniffed curiously at the prostrate man; a vagabond dog, with lhat deep sympathy which the species have for drunken men. had licked his dusty boots, and curled himself up at his feet; and lay there, blinking ene eye In the sun- light, with a simulation of dissipation that was Ingenious and dog-like In Its Im- plied flattery of the unconscious man be- side hint.

Meanwhile, the shadows of the pine- teees had alowly swung around until they crossed the road, and their trunks barred the open meadow with gigantic parallels of black and yellow. Little puffs of red dust, lifted by the plunging hoofs of passing teams, dispersed in a grimy shower upon the recumbent man. The sun sank lower anil lower; and still Sandr stirred not. And then the repose of this philosopher was disturbed—as ether philosophers have been—by the In- trusion of an unphiloBouhlcAl sex.

' Miss Mary "—as she was known to the little flock that she had just dismissed from the log school-house beyond the pines—was taking her afternoon walk. Observing an unusually fine cluster of blossoms en the azalea bush opposite, she crossed the road to pluck It—picking her way through the red dust,'not without certain tierce little shivers of disgust, and some circumlocution. And then she came suddenly upon Sandy!

Of course, she uttered the little ttacrato cry of her sex. But when she had paid that tribute to her physical weakness, she became overbold, and halted for a mo- ment—at least six feet frem tall pros- trate monster—with her white skirts (lathered In her hand, ready for flight. But neither sound nor motion came from the bush. With one little foot she then overturned the satirical head-board. and muttered 'Beasts!* an epithet which probably, at that moment, conveniently olassitled In her mind the entire male population of Bed Gulch. For Miss Mary, being possessed of certain rigid notions of her own. had not, perhaps, properly nppreclated tho demonstrative gallantry for which the Callfornlan lias been so Justly celebrated by his brother Callfornfans. and bad. ns a new-comer, perhaps, fairly earned tho reputation of being' stuck up-'

As she stood there. She noticed, also, that the slant sun* earns were healing Sandy's head to what who judged to be an unhealthy temperature, and that his hat was lying uselessly at his sld<-. To pick It up and to place It over his face was a work requiring swine courage, par- ticularly as Ills eve-* were open. Vet she did It, and made good her retreat. But she was somewhat concerned, or looking baek.tO see that Ihe hat was removed, and that Sandy was sitting up and saying something.

The truth was, that In the calm depths of Sandy's mind, he was ■■flailed that the rays of the sun were hcnetlclal mid healthful; that, frem childhood, he had objected to lying down in a hat; thnt no people but condemned fools. pn«t rc- dempllnn, ever wore hats; and that his right to dlspsisM with them when liu pleased WM Inalienable. Tills WSS the statement of his liner comcloiiiiiess. Unfortunaluly,its outward cxpresshm wa- vngur. being limited t» n repetition "f the folhiwlng formula: ■ Sn'shlne nil ii"! Waster near, eh? Wast up. su'shlnsP

Miss Mary Stopped, and, Inking tn'-li eonrage Irani her vantage ol distance, asked him If thorn WHS anything that he wanted?

■ Wass npV Wuser DHSrr continued Sandy. In a very high. key.

'(letup, you horrid maul' Slid Miss Mary, now thoroughly Incensed( -igci up, and go home.'

Sandy staggered lo his feet. He was six feet high, and Mlis Mary trembled. He started forward a lew paces, and then stopped.

'Wass I go hum for?' he suddenly asked, wiih grcitt gravllv.

' Go and take a bsth.' replied Miss Mary, eying his grimy person with great disfavor.

To her infinite dismay, Sandy suddenly pulled off his coat and vest, threw them on the ground, kicked off his boots, and plunging wildly forward, darted head- long over ttie hill. In the direction of the river.

'Goodness heavens!—tho man will be drowned!' said Miss Mary; and then, with feminine Inconsistency, she ran back to the school-bouse, and locked herself in.

That night, while sented at supper, with her hostess—the blocksmlth's wife, —It came to Miss Mary to ask, demurely. If her husband over got drunk. ' Abner ' —responded Mrs. Stldger. reflectively— 'let's see: Abuer hasn't been tight since last 'lection.' Miss Mary would have liked to ask if he preferred lying in the sun on these occasions, and If n cold bath would have hurt him; but this would have Involved uu explanation which she did not then care to give. So she con- tented herself with opening her grey eyes widely at the red-cheeked Mrs. Stinger— a fine specimen of south-western eltlorc*- cenco—and then dismissed the subject altogether. The next day she wrote to her dearest friend. In Boston : ' I think I find the Intoxicated portion of Hits com- munity the least objectionable. I refer, my dear, to the men, of course. I do not know any thing that could make the wo- men tolerable'

In less than a week Miss Mary had for- gotten ihls episode—except that her after- noon walks took, thereafter, almost un- coualotisly, another direction. She no- ticed, however, that every morning a fresh cluster of az-alea blossoms appeared among the flowers on her desk. This was not strange, as her little flock wore aware of her fondness for flowers, and In- variably kept her de«k bright with anem- ones, syringas, and lupines; but, on questioning them. they, one and all, pro- fessed Ignorance of the azaleas, A few days later. Master Johnny Stldger— whose desk was nearest to the window- was suddenly taken with spasniB of ap- parently gratuitous laughter, that threat- ened the discipline of the school, All Last Miss Mary could get from him was. that some OHO had been * looking in the winder.' Irate and Indignant, she sal- lied from her hive to do battle with the Intruder. As she turned the corner of the school-house, she came plump upon the- quondam drunkard—now perfectly sober, and Inexpressibly sheepish and gullty-looklng.

These facts Ml*s Mary was not slow to take a feminine advantage of, in her present humor. But It was somewhat confusing ta observe, also, that the beast, —despite somo faint signs of psjt dissi- pation—was amiable-looking—in fact, a kind of blonde Samson, whose corn-col- ored, silken beard apparently had never vet known the touch of barber's razor or Delilah's shears. So that the cutting speech which quivered on her ready tongue died upon her lips, and she con- tented herself with receiving his stam- mering apology with supercilious eyelids and the gathered skirts of uncoutamlna- tlon. When she re-entered the school- room, her eyes fell upon the azaleas with a new sense of revelation. Aud then she laughed, nod the little people all laugh- ed, and they were all uuconaclously very- happy.

It was on a hot day—and not long after this—that two short-legged boys came to grief on the threshold of tho school with a pall of water, which they had labori- ously brought from the spring, and that Miss" Marv compassionately seized the pall and started for tho spring herself. At the foot of the hill n shadow crossed her path, and a bhie-shirtcd arm dexter- ously, but gently, relieved her of her bur- den.* Miss Mary was both embarrassed and angry. * If yoti carried more of lhat for yourself,' she said spitefully, to the blue arm, without deigning to raise her lashes to its owner. ' you'd do better.' In tho submissive silence that followed, she regretted the speech, and thanked him BO sweetly at Ihe door that he stum- bled. Which caused the children to laugh again—a laugh in which Miss Mary joined, until the color came faintly into her pale cheek. The next day a barrel was mysteriously placed beside the door, and as mysteriously fllled wi'h .fresh spring water every morning.

Nor was this superior young person without other quiet attentions. ' 1'rofane Bill/ driver or the Sluiugulllon Stage- widely known in the newspapers for Ills 'gallantry' In invariably offering the box-seat to tho lair sex—had exceptcd Miss Mary from this attention, ground that he hud a habit of' ct up grades,' and gave her half the coach to herself. Jack Hamllu, a gambler, having once silently ridden with her lr the same coach, afterward threw a decan- ter at the head ol a confederate for men- tioning her niune in a bar-room. The over-dressed inothe* of a pupil whose paternity was doubtful, had often linger- ed near this nstute Vestal's temple, never daring to enter Its sacred precincts, but content to worship the priestess from afar.

With such unconscious intervals, the monotonous procession ot bine skies, glitlerlng sunshine, brief twilights, and starlit nights passed over Bed Galch. Miss Mary grew toad of walking in the sedate and proper woods. Perhaps she believed, with Mrs. Stldger. that tho bal- samic odors of the lira *dld her chest good,' for certainly her slight cough was less frequent and her step was tinner; perhaps she had learned the unending lesson which the patient pines are never weary of repeating to heedful or listless ears. And BO. one day, she planned a picnic on Buckeye Hill, and took the children with her. Away from the dusty road, the straggling shanties, the yellow ditches, the clamor of restless engines, the cheap tlnery of shop-wlndowB, the deeper glitter of paint aud colored glass, and the thin veneering which barbarism takes upon itself In such localities—what Infinite relief was theirs! Tho last heap of ragged rock and clay passed—the last unsightly chasm crossed—haw the wait- ing woods opened their long files to re- ceive them 1 How the children—perhaps because they had not yet, grown quite away from the breast of the bounteous Mother—threw themselves face down- ward on her brown bosom with uncouth caresses, filling the air with their laugh- ter; and how Miss Mary herself—felinely fastidious and entrenched as she waH In the purity ol spotless tklrts. collar, and cuffs—torgot all, nnd ran like a crested quail at the head ol her brood,until romp- ing, laughing, and punting, with a loosened braid of brown hnir. a hat hang- ing by a knotted ribbon from her throat, she came siraueiily and violently. In the heart ol Ihe forest, upon-^the luckless Sandy!

The explanations, apologies, and not OVOrwIee conversation that ensued, need not be Indicated here. It would seem, however, that Miss Mary had already established some acquaintance with this ex-drunkard. Koongh that newts soon socepted sa one of tho party; lhat tho children, with that quick intelligence which Providence gives tlie helpless, re- cngiiized a friend, end played with his blonde beard, and long, silken mustache, and took other liberties—as ihe helpless ore apt lo do. And when ho had built a lire Mgalnst a tree, and liaJ shown them other mysteries of woodcraft, their admiral ion knew no bounds. At the close of two men foolslh, Idle, happy hours, he found himself lying at the feet of the school-uiistiess, gazing dreamily In her face-as she set upon the sloping hlll-slde, weaving wreaths of laurel ami syrlnga—iu very uincli the same attltudc as he had lain when first they met. Nor was the similitude greatly forced. I'he weakness of an easy, sensuous nature, that hud found a dreamy exaltation In liquor. It Is to bo feared was now finding an equal Intoxication in love.

I think lhat Sandy was dimly con- scious or this himself. I knew that lie loused to be dolnu' something—staying a grizzly, scalping a savuge, or sacrific- ing himself in some way for the sake of this sallow-faced, gray-eyed school-mis- tress. As I should like to present him

In an heroic attitude, I stay my hand with great difficulty at this moment, be- ng only withheld from introducing such

an episode by a strong conviction that it does not usually cccnr at such times. And I trust that my fairest reader, who remembers lhat. In a real crisis. It Is al- ways some uninteresting strunger or un- romantic policeman—and not Adolphus

who rescues, will forgive the omission. So they sat there, undisturbed—thu

woodpeckers chattering overhead, and thi voices ef the children coming pleas-

ntly from the hollow below. What they said matters little. What they thought

-which might have been Interesting— did not transpire. The woodpeckers only learned how Miss Mary was an or- phan ; how she left her uncle's honse, to come to California for the sake of health and independence; how Sandy was an orphan, too, how he came to California

xcltcmont; how he had lived a wild and how he was trying to reform;

BCd other details, which, from a wood- pecker's view-point, undoubtedly must liiivc seemed siupld. and a waste of lime. But even In such trifles was Ihe after- noon spent; and when Ihe children were again gathered, nnd Sandy, with a deli- cacy which the school-mistress well un- derstood, took leave of them quietly at thu outskirts of the settlement, It had seemed the shortest day of her weary life.

As the long, dry summer withered to Its roots, the school term of lied Gulch —to use a local eiiphonlsm—' dried up ' also. In another day Miss Alary would be free; and for a season, at least, Bed Gulch would know her no more. She was seated alone In the school-house, her cheek resting on her hand, her eyes half closed In one of those day-dreams In which Miss Mary—1 tear, to the danger of school dl«cl|>llne--was lately In the habit ot indulging. Her lop was full of mosses, ferns, and other woodland mem- ories.

She WAB so preoccupied with these and tier own thoughts that a gentle tapping at tho door passed unheard, or liatislaled Itself into the remembrance of far-off woodpeckers. When at last It asserted Itself more distinctly, she started up with a flushed (-heck and opened the door. On tlie threshold stond a woman. Ihe self-as- sertion and ends city of whose drssa were In singular contrast to hur Mnilil, Irreso- lute hearing.

Miss Marv recognized at a glance the dutilotis mother of her anonymous pupil. Perhaps she was disappointed—perhaps she was only fastidious—hut as she cold- ly Invited her to enter, she half uncon- clously settled her white cuffs and collar, and gathered closer her own chaste skirts. It was, perhaps, fur this reaHon that th« embarrassed stranger, jaftcr a moment's hesitation, left her gorgeous parasol open and sticking In the dust beside the door, and then sat down at the farther end of n long bench. Her voice was husky as fihe begau:

' I heard tell that you were goln* down to the Bay to-morrow, and 1 couldn't let you goaintll I came to thank yon for your kindness to my Tommy.'

Tommy. Miss Mary sold, wns a good boy. aud deserved more than the poor at- tention she could give him.

' Thank you, Miss I Thank ye!' cried the stranger, brightening even through the color which Bed Gulch knew faceti- ously as her "war paint.' and striving. In her embarrassment, to drag the long bench nearer the school-mistress, ■ I thank you. Miss, tor lhat! and If I am his mother, there ain't a sweeter, dearer, better bay lives than him. And If I ain't much as suys It. thar ain't a swoeter. dearer, angcler teacher lives than he's got.'

MUs Mary, sitting piitnlv behind her desk, with a ruler over her shoulder, opened her gray eyes widely at this, but said nothing,

• It ain't for you to be complimented by the like or me'—sho went on, hurriedly— 'I know. It ain't for me to be comln' here. In broad day, to do it. either; but I come to ask a favor—not for me, MISH— not for me—but for the darling boy.'

Eucouraged by a look In the young school-mistress' eye, and putting her lilac-gloved hands together, the fingers downward, between her knees, she went on, in alow voice:

■ You see. Miss, there's no one tho boy has any claim on but me, and I ain't the proper person to bring him up. I thought some, last year, of sending him away to 'Frisco to school, but when they talked of bringing a school-ma'am here, I waited till I saw you, nnd then I knew it was all right, and I could keep my hoy a little longer. And O, Miss, he loves you so much; and II you could hear him talk about you, hi his pretty way. and If he could ask you whnt I ask you now, you

ililn'i refuse him. It Is natural.' she went on. rapidly. In

a voice that trembled strangely between pride and humility, 'It's natural that ho should take to you. Miss, for his father, when I first knew him. was a gentleman —and the boy must forget me, sooner or later—and so I ain't a goln' to cry nbnut that. For I come to ask you to take ray Tommy—God bless him for the bestest. sweetest boy that lives—to—to—lake him with you.'

She had risen and caught the young girl's hand In her own, and had fallen on her knees beside her.

1 I've money plenty, and It's all yours and his. Put him in some good school. where you can go and see him, and help him to—to—lo lorgot his mother. Do with him what you like. The worst, ynu can do will be kindness to whnt he will learn with me. Only take him out of this wicked life—this cruel place—this home of shame, and sorrow. Von will; I know you will—won't you- Yon will—you must not—you can not say no! You will make him as pure, as gentle as yourself; and when he has grown up, you will tell him his father's name—the name that hasn't passed mv lips for years—the name of Alexander Morton, whom they call here Sandy! Miss Mary!—do not take your hand away! Miss Mary, speak to me! Yon will take my boy? Do not put four face from me. I know It ought not to look on such as me. Miss Mary t—my God, be merciful!—she is leaving me!'

Miss Marv had risen, and. In the gath- ering twilight, had felt her way to the open window. She stood there, leaning against the casement, her eyes fixed on the lust rosy lints lhat were Aiding from the western sky. There was still some of its light on her pure young forehead, on her white collar, on her clasped white hands, but all fading slowly away.. The suppliant had dragged herself, still on her knees, beside tier.

know It lakes lime to consider. I will wait here all night; hut I can not go until you speak. Do not deny me, no*. Yon will!—I see It In your sweet fare— such a face as I have * > In my dreams. 1 seo It'In your eves, Miss Mary t—you will take my tmy !'

The last red beam ereiri higher, suf- fused Miss Mary's eves with something of its glory, flickered, and laded, and went out. The sun had set on Bed Gulch. In tho twilight and silence. UI«S Mury's voice sounded pleasantly.

' 1 will take the boy. Send hint to me, to-night.'

The hsppy mullicr raised the hem of Miss Mary's skirts to her lips, She would have burled her hot face In its virgin folds —but she dared nut. She rose to her feet.

• Does—this man—know of your Inten- tion P asked Miss Mary, suddenly.

1 No—nor cares. He has never even seen the child to know It.'

'Go to him (it once—to-night—now! Tell him what yon have done. Tell him I have taken his child, and tell him—he must never see—see—the child again. Wherever It may be, he must not come; wherever I may take it, he rauat not fol- low ! There, go now, please—I'm weary.

and—have much yet to do!' They walked together to the door. Ou

tho threshold, the wosnau turned— "Good-night.' She would have fallen at Miss Mary's

feet. But at the sarMSnomeut the young girl reached out IKT ■run, caught the sin- ful woman to her own pure breaBt for one brief moment, and then closed and locked the door.

It was with a sudden sense of great re- sponsibility that Profane Bill look the reins of the Slumgnllhrn Stage the next morning, tor I lie school-ml stress was one of his pnssengers. As he entered the high-road. In obedlfase to a pleasant voice from the 'inside' he suddenly reined ii|i tils horses nnd reafiftrtfully waited, as 'Torumv' hopped oat, at the command of Miss Mary.

' Not that bush, Tommy -the next.* Tommy whipped Oat his new pocket-

knife, and, cutting a rjtanoh from a tall azalea bush, returneu^lJaui U to Miss Marv. '-'

• All right nowf ' All right.' And the stage door closed on the Idyl

of Bed Gulch.— OMrtaetf Monthly.


From the A'ew EnglnnU Farmer.

i-Green corn-stalks, the poorest and mennest fodder over given to a cow."— Report of Dr. Loring't PUtufitld Speech,

Such a sweeping condemnation of an article so generally used, coming from one so deservedly popular as a teacher upon agricultural topics, will naturally arrest attention nnd Incite Investigation. If com stalks are worthless for fodder, the thousands who annually raise them ought to know It, hut It they renllv have nn Intrinsic value It may be well for those who advocate their use to show their reasons.

For one. I believe, Ihe main objections urged against this fodder arise enllrely from the manner of cultival Ing and using It. In order lo derive the greatest bene- fit frnm this crop, it is necessary to un- derstand the office and nature nf the stalk and Its value ut different stages of lis growth. In Its early growth the s'alk Is composed mostly of soft, cellular tissue. and the |ulce Is watery and Insipid. As tin- stalk approaches maturity, the (nice thickens and is richer in saccharine mat- ter, and when stalk and leaves arc fully developed and the ear Is forming, tho juice Is the richest, and the stalk has its greatest value. The development of the ear withdraws, the Juice from the stalk and leaves, and when It Is fully ripened Ihey posses little nutritive value. In-come tough and hard and are more suitable for beds nnd bedding, and making paper than for even the four-fold stomach ol the ox or sheep. Thus the offiee of both stalk and leaf Is to support and perfect the ear or grain, and (heir valuo varies with the growth ofthe plant.

Where the practice of planting corn Tor fodder is to sow thickly In drills which have been well filled with the strongest kind of manure, a rapid, rank growth of pnrtlully developed stalks In produced, as tho pale green, sickly yellow, or blanched appearance of n largoj>art ol the fodder Is ample evidence. There is no room for full development. Cut this when hair or two-thirds grown and you have an Imper- fect stalk at Its most valueless period. A large hulk may be produced, but the juices are watery and Insipid—not nutri- tious. It Is butter calculated to allay thirst than to satisfy hunger. It Is no wonder the butter-maker Is disappointed, and the milkman fears bin customers will grumble.

The large, cotrsu and tale varieties of corn make the poorest fodder; for they must be planted more closely and cut earlier than smaller kinds to have it eaten at all—consequently tho stalks are furth- est from maturity. It Is probably from Using fodder grown in this way that dis- appointment arises and tho cry of con- demnation Is heard. Would there were more milk-producers who take pride In having a food article and giving their customers >n equivalent for their money.

Now, it uu at he oonceded thnt bulk in growing redder li no consideration unless there Is a corresponding amount of nutri- tion; qtiauty. rntber than quantity. Is the main thlur. to be attulned. An'lnnutrl- rlmis, bully fodder unduly distends the stomach, and the labor ofthe digestive organs Is grentty increased; their power Is weakened thereby, and the food will be hnperfrctly digested. It the smaller varieties rre planted thinly hi the drill, giving endt stockroom and time to attain ks natural size, or nearly so. and to pro- duce an eir. and In cut while the ear Is forming, the stalk will be In Its greatest perfectionpnd the fodder worth raising— Its deep, rich, luxuriant green will be- token heilthv growth, and both stalk and leaf be full of the sweet juices which go to form the grain; one stalk Is worth three of the largo Western or Southern varieties bat half matured. This fodder will produce creati as well as milk. It is good for oxen ami sheep, and horses eat it readily and thrito upon It. For several years I have usei) sweet corn and And It far superior to i Is- common yellow; It Is exellentfor fattening animals, and I have fed It to working Dorses with satisfactory results.

Corn fodder is just what we make it. If we plant so thickly that the stalk can- not be well matured aud cut before It has attained Its uiaxlnstin goodness,—getting only a poor, watery article.—It Is surely no fault ortho com. Uwell planted and allowed to remain until the ear or grain nnd the weather lutve extracted all the goodness, ws have only a hard, tough and Indigestible stover. While If man- aged rightly, all th« virtue of the grain maybe retained In tke stalk and leaves, am) the whole form a palatable and nu- tritious food. Precisely the rules thnt nrc followed In raising other grains for fodder are applicable to corn. Any far- mer ofexperienee In sowing rye, oats or barley for thnt purpose would sow tolnly and cut wblle Iu the niiv,. for he knows full Well II seeded so thickly Ihe stalks could not bead out, and the result, though bulky, would bo a poof, trashy stuff.

Complete success, lipwever, cannot lie attained without audition to something more than the proper quantity oI seed aud right lime of cutlng. It requires a good soil, in tine tilth, with a liberal sup- ply of lit 111111 '■ part of which has been ploughed or harrowed In. In short, ihe cultivation should be to thorough that a good crop can be secured in nn unfavora- ble. seasfW, for it Is needed most when hav and pii-luie are falling.

Taking all things futn consideration. green corn Is the best thing yet offered for soiling or supplying a deficiency In pasturage. Its easy -ciiplvHllon, almost certainty of a large ylslit, siuall expense. ami Ihofaof that ir imparts noobjntl i- tile flavor to the milk or fiesli of animals, all commend It. Moreover, whnt is not wanted in a green Male can be cured anil fed dry with profit in the winter. We must, therefore, advocate Its use. al- though, occasionally, we hear denuncia- tions against it. v. s. T,

Lawrmee. Vast., Ike. -27, 180!).



If K W H S VMM A It .

StTMiinv.—A bill for the admission or Vir- ginia under certain restriction! has pasted tbe U. 8. Senate. It bat yet to past the House in that shape. All parties In Virginia will rele- brato the re-admission .—The three New Jersey children who wandered away New Year's Day while In search of nuts, have m t been found, as stated.—Mr. Bevel, U. 8. Senator from Mississippi, Is of the African race sad very dark thODgb not black. Ha was educated at Oberlln College fa Ohio.—It Is said that the German Bishop* ire dbsUtfafled andtmeatcn lo leave the Ecumenical CoaocU Is a body sail return borne.—Then It a great woiamgraea't strike in France which It likely to cause meew trouble to the government — The 100th anni- versary of tho Boston inatttcre, March 5th 1770, will bo celebrated In Boston. On tbe day commemorated, tbe British troops quartered In Boston, fired upon the people, canting a ter- rible excitement alt over the country —The Turkish "Minister has expended ao.000,000 in gold la tlx months In America, In baying armt for bis government.—8park■ tayt that Dr. Franklin firmly believed, In a Ood bat bad double at to the divinity of Christ.—A trunk weighing 350 pounds wot recently franked through tbe post office from Washington to San Francisco.—It it doubtful If tbe purchase of San Domingo will 1M rat I Bed.—Prince Ar- thur has arrived In New York but creates no tempt Ion —Gold 120 1-2.

MONDAY.— The death of George D, Prentice of tbe Loultville Journal, is announced- He was a fine writer, and his brilliant scintillations of genuine wit have flatbed over the whole

try for the patt thirty or forty ycart.— Chler Juftllco Chase urved the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment by Ohio.—The I', S.

pedltlon lo the Isllimuiof Darien, to make surveys for the proposed ship canal between the Atlantic and PurlAc, will soon start from Now York.-1-A verdict of $9000 has been awardeil ngalnst the St. Lnuii ItfptMiean for libel.—A USffllSU doctor lias ditrovered a sub-

lime, for morphine, which has the same effect Itbont unpleasant accompaniment*.—The Fiji " or "Foegce " Islands, in ihe Somh Pa-

rirlc. want to lie annexed to the Cnited States. native* promise, abstinence,

from eating Yankees, haked or boiled.— The workingmeu's strlko In France, has ended.— The Canadian authorities have started in to give up runaway rascals from the United Stain and their plunder- — Uoruefort, the French edi- tor, has beta convicted and sentenced to a line of $M>0, and ttx month) Imprisonment. He is still a member of the legislature.—President Salnuvo bat not been caught as stated.—Boston hat commenced giving out free soup.—The steam mill- at Norton, Vt,, were burned Satur- day night. Lots $10,000.—The southern coun- ties or California fear a dliaitrout drought like that of 1801.—The Llngard theatrical troupe attempted to pander to the teceth In Washing- ton, by Intuiting Grant, and glorifying Lee, hut the Ciiion men were too heavy for them, and a row woe the result—The pictorial papers

i a strong force fn Portland walling for the IVnimilv funeral.—The Mormon "miialonaries"

are prowling about MatMchatelti, use the very couvlocing argument that there It no prostitution at Salt Lake, because one man can

irry" forty of them.—A court In Connecti- cut hat decided that church fair lotteries are lllcgtl and Improper.—Gold 120 3-4.

What does a telegraph operator do when he receives the heads of Important news? Wait! for de tails of course.

A Western editor, speaking of a rogue who lives In his vicinity, says: 'The ras- cal has broken every bank and Jail and Sabbath we bavu had In (bit county for tho last five years.'

An extravagant man having moved into a costly mauslota, remarked to a friend, " Now everything will go ou like clock work." " Yes,'* wss the reply, " It will bs tick, tick." |

FIKKS AND INCHNIHAUISH.—There was rather a mixed alarm on Friday evening about ten minutes before nine o'clock; it appears that fire wns discovered in the barn of Mr. Charles Webster In the rear of his resilience on the corner of New- bury and Gordon streets, and an alarm was given from box 4, on the opposite corner. After tho striking of one round, an alarm was given from box 0, at the Washington Mills, from a fire fn the woodshed attached to building No. 30, Washington Corporation, corner of New- luirv and Canal streets. There was a consequent jumbling ot numbers, and o, 0 nnd 7 wore struck. The fire In the stnblo was so successfully kept under by the exertions of Individuals, with buckets, thnt the firemen all proceeded to the Washington Corporation ; as soon as Ihe alarm wns given from thnt fire tho young men nttacheil to tho well drilled hose company of that mill, ran the hose carriage ol Ihe mill out of the yard to a hydrant near the scene of the fire, clapped ou, and soon bad a power- ful stream upon the burning building, which soon squelched tbe fire. The fire department was promptly on the spot,

1 mi I heir services were scarcely needed; they were almost immediately called to th" Webster fire which hnd got beyond the control of the neighbors, and poured a deluge of water Into tbe stable.

The IOBS in both cases waa moderate, $100 covering tho damage In either, and Insurance waa ample. There can bo no doubt that the fires were the work of in- cendiaries. They make four incendiary fires of the kind within a few blocks of each ether in three weeks.

About the same lime the two fires oc- curred, ;i third was set on Oak Street, but wan extinguished without a general alarm.



thnt tho rogues have got rid of " old Phi I brick," crime i ill nhi-ond pretty much us it chooses. Incendiary fires are getting numerous, nnd the police record of little account. Saturday, at a litlle after one o'clock, the window of Mi. W. K Bald win, Jeweller, Ml Kssex street, in tho most thoroughly public and frequented part of the principal street of the city, was Itohlly kicked in, and a goltl watch seized and carried oft*.

The p:ui« was a largo one, of thick glass. Form mile ly, the watch taken, which was the nearest u> the window, was thu least valuable, being worth less than "•■''". Several much more costly watches wore quite nesr ft, but this wns the easiest tosnntch. It Is thought thnt some rings wore also taken. Mr. Bald- win hud just locked his door and gone to his dinner. Our business men aud citi- zens generally cannot in* too much un their guard under the present elrcum- stauccs.

COL. CBAIK I'ILU HULK. We sre happy to learn that Milt skilful detective has, since his unjust and disgraceful re- moval from tho utllce of City Marshal of Lawrence, solely for party reasons, hsd all the employment be desired as s pri- vate detective In ferreting out cases of crime.


A turkey far Christmas t A turkey far Christmas I We began to talk It ever at our Tbaukagivln table. An unfortunate train uf olrcnmsUnoss plaead Ihs Insrltakla ham Vafera us on that day, and it was decided that Christmas mast make amends. Onr Inlellectaal Swat had not failed us, though Bo- pbronla and Fttebe both placed It )n tbe category of the bam, at not at all la accordance with their wishes. Early la the morning, however, orders •ante from haaSnaarlere that onr whole force should be In attendance, and ae w* Bled over to tbe litlle brtiwn church at the appointed Ume. The Proela- maUun of Use Governor «1 Ibta State waa read, a very piously worded one, bat wantlni the eloetag InrocaUea that gave awsh a charm to the documsots of earU«r jura. The readtag waa followed by a urasse of awth fervor, ttwre was such a glowing future for America painted by tho preacher, mat Sopbriala'i asnrtiwlata waa areoeed awlleieatly to ■no»oie » Hj oouatry, *ae'of thee," a* a closing pleee; and the wrinkles easOMbed in PfcaWs face, MeI»>ee>edwta«oracia«. A Sean was exabtraat I H wwa Ma flrtt sain* of ac-tltlea since onmfof to this land of strawberries and sunshine, and Ma voice,

riling oul foil and strong, made the substitute far an anthem, a triumphant success t

The dinner, I mutt say, waa not appropriate m the occasion, so, for the most part, we only looked at It, while we thought, and talked of U» poetlblll-

i of a tnrkey for the neat holiday. in our way to the Office Is a very small honse, italulng but one room, with an unfinished addl-

tlonthat attracts one's attention from Its aged ap- pearance. The one room is occupied by an Indus- trious oelored family, who contracted with a while

to bntld the addition spoken of, paying him his price down. Whan about half completed, 11 was left, and It stands there dOOTloea and wlndowless, a ead proof of tbe dishonesty of a man who walks peat It to go to church, and slogs "tenor"with unc- tion while leers i

It wan to this honse lhat Adam went a few days after Thanksgiving, for "Charily Poeal" had a brood of spring turkeys, and we heard she designed

tend them to market. • I sp.-cta I git a right smart price for 'cm In Wil-

mington, and I Jls gwtna to send 'em dar," was her answer to Adam's question as to whether she would sell him one. In vain be protested his uood Inteu-

a price; the wary owner would give him no satisfaction, excsptlng Ihst *he would "Islk wllh

As nothing same of Ihe talk, iu Ilia course or a week anolhsr call was made on " Joe."

'I'll ■■■■ iloes'nt h'long to me, I'll talk wllh Char- ltr,"atitd lhat Individual, ll was arranged, huw-

i*a the Posala could agreo to it, that tho children should bring one around before night. What was our Joy lo IHIHIIHT a seared-look Ing, hiack-feathered turkey as a member of our bara-

ard circle. JII«I a* Ihe liens had arranged themselves

Tbe next morning, I went out to feed It. To my surprise, I found It confined In-a little Ibree-eor- neredpen, so small Uiat it oouldnnt turn around, In fact wllh the head and tail in contact with Ihe roof,

lo me a cruel proceeding; and as I stood there meditating on the ealAshneee of humanity, Its head came out between the slate, and the slowly wlufjIng eyee regarded me with an amloua look. I hastily pushed tbe meal wltblu reach, and In consid- erable excitement, Irft lo find Adam. That one- handed Individual, with singular enterprise, was at work on a rabbll-lrap, and looked up amused, as I ■aetatmed," Why do you put thnt poor creature ID

euch a little place * " liecause li U poor, and exercise is not favorable

to the deposition of adipose." Wall, if I wae tbe turkey, I wouldn't eat a ■eVeeML My dear," said Adam blandly, "I think the rea-

soning powers of tho lurkey bear no eon) perl ton tbe perfsctlon of tho gastric arrangements; 11

probably does not see the connection between Its eating now, and our eating et some future day.''

The neil time I eaw the " poor creature " It was under Sam Harris's arm, the day before Christmas, while Adam and he were discussing the subject of its death. " Sam " la another of the colored 'are. who had called to beg or buy a eo*t,hlaown looking " right or'n'vi" aa be thought. And Indeed be was right, for there was Just about enough of the old army blue left to support two tarnished buttons bearing the eagle.

11 likes to go to meeting, an' dla yer Is all I has," said, turning around, to give mi a better view of

hie rage. Bam " Is one of a very large family. Brothers

and slaters together, would form quite a colony. I need last summer to see the mother, an Immense, unctuous, look I n(j, loud-voleed woman, taking her meals out under a persimmon tree In her yard; lha usual lean dog not far away, a pig rnnnlng about her feet, any numbor of children around and under the table, she sat and eal her heavy oorn broad, ob- livious of anything disagreeable, either In dirt or surroundings, "Polly Benson" hae several married

and daughters, and an Indefinite number work- er Just learning to, or too yonng to do -i,

beside galUng under her capacious bare fset. I visited the little new school house Iu tbe plus

woods the other day, I thought It a freedmen's school, but learned that II waa supported by a soci- ety of Queker ladles. There were fifty scholars seated on four rows of benehee, leaving a very small space for the stove, and about as large a place for the elaeaes lo stand. It was curious to observe tbe different potlUens, the differences ID else, In age and etpresslon. The teacher wae a mulatto girl. young, smart and polite, without, however, tbe nice discernment that could dlecover and accommodate herself to tho capaelllea of her pupils, as I learned when Ibe First Class In Reading and Spelling was called up.

"iicst-lfle," the leeebsr gave out, with a ire. mendout empheala on the third syllable, et the same time tapping her book wllh a aUck she held In her band. At tbe bead of the class stood a large, fully developed girl, with a red celtoti handkerchief around her neck, and a ravelly blue strip uf silk on her hair. "Be, be." •'Pronounce It," said ihe teacher, always lo a very loud voice.

" Be-fl-eat-le 1" " Be-el-lf-le," screamed, the teach- er again. " lle-rl fac-lo,''

" Tbe neit I" This proved lo be a stolid looking young man of about twsnty, who moved not a mus- cle of his face, out even his lips, ID bis vain attempts to arrange the eight letters; Indeed, he called In (he aid of others, giving; the extraordinary mixture " He ) wiu-t-e." At the cloeo of tbe lesson, an ex- ercise In Heading proved them hardly abls to mas- ter words of two syllables,

" Jim Benson, yon have your leaeoa to-morrow, sir," and be of tbe inanimate countenance went back to a seat en the bench, mysteriously slforded him, when not au Inch of space could be seen, with- out an apparent uprising against tbe authority ef ilie teacher, so much his Inferior In physical strength. Tbe aeit class waa called. One boy, at the foot, wlU) a perpetual smile on Tils face, missed every word.

"Joe Benson, you go right to your seal, and learn your lesson;" this with a sbake of the stick that spoke volumes to Joe, 1 have no doubt.

The third class was called. These were smaller, aud knew their lessons beller, perhaps had been lo school bafore. In the midst of Ibe spelling, the teacher called oul toalall " boy,"in closely cropped bead and paper collar, " Pcle Benson, alnt this your

•' What bason are ynu learning (" Patt held up bis book, which he grasped niurb a*

If It had been a grubbing hoe. "Take your plait " waa Ihe laconic order, and llie

JJ ILJ.IT i-olliir loomed up al the foot uf Ibe elans In ul- ter Iguuralire whether "silent" ooiilalned sit let- ters or alaly, It waa while Ibis class wsa up, thnt a sudden rap of ihe sttrk un lire gray mated buck of a boy, sent a little cloud of dual Into the sir, Mini cuused a sudden change of poslllon, as the leather commanded,"l> strslgbl.Oeorge Hrnson " ll wa> rather warm work for her, taking care of ao many, though she could not see, as I did. Ibat two buys behind her were cauUously tying the fluted suns that adorned her dress. Kaoh put on annul solemn look, as aba suddenly turned to direct "Catherine" to "hist Ihe window on a slate.'' 1 left at Ihls polnl for a short walk In the fresh air, ao lhat 1 could MM test Ibe development ofthe younger Benson's Intel lect, but It seems to me If all bearing that name can be taught lo read and write, we could speak ol edu cation as being generally diffused through Ihls sec Uon ofthe state.

Over this family Mrs Benson haa presided, threatening Iu "smash their mouUis In" "double them up " " knovk their teeth down tbdr Ibrnal and using ether en das ring epithets, until some t hem, Iu other homes, repeat tbe earns gentle sdir Dillons to their offspring.

"Bam " wanting lo "go lo meelin'" Is one uf Ibe family, and be gave It as bla opinion, that lbs tur- key nader bla arm waa " too mean to hill," ao it was taken back to lu mansion, and remains there still.

But my letter Is growing long,and I will uuly add,

that Sam's piety Is not of Ihe practical kind, be be- ing extensively engaged In chicken stealing tor the past three weeks; Indeed, I am not sure, that this little habit Is DO! counted among tbe virtues of this peculiar people, so assiduously Is It practised.


THEATRE. A CEY OF FIBE.—Rev. J. B, Moore, of tbe Unitarian church, lo this city, conducted the tenth religious ser- vice of the fourth course at lha Boston Theatre on Sunday evesskat. These meetings are always crowejed, and the building will seat about three thousand persons; they have been held winter "Sunday evenings for four yesrs,and thou- sands have attended them wbo never dreamed of entering a church. The text waa the 17th Terse of the 17th chan- ter of Luke:

"And Jesus answering, said, Were there not ten cleansed ? But where sre the nineP"

, The Boston Journal says: "In commencing, the speaker alluded

to the time when Jesus was about enter- ing tbe city of Jerusalem, followed by an excited, curious and eager crowd of fieople, and was approached by ten epers, wbo lifted their hands beseeching

him to save them, as a drowning man would cling to a straw, and when he saw their need, their faith nnd ability In him, bo cured them by a word. Ten despised nnd forsaken men were thus transformed by the power of God in Christ to powerful and healthy men, with the privileges and blessings of social life restored, and the doors of so- ciety, from which they had long been debarred, again opened, and yet only one out of the ten remembered the friver of these blessings and came back to thank him. And whon Jesus, in looking upon 11n' gratitude displayed by this man, rebuked the other nine, ho but sent this rebuke to nine-tenths id' the human rnce, for not more than one in ten ap- preciated the blessings and happiness they were permitted to enjoy enough to how down in thanks to QtJd.

He did not menu to any tlmt only one in ten were grateful, but Ihey neglected to express their thanks to Ciod by giving utterance to their feelings. There was no sentiment of the soul thnt could hot anil should not be expressed, for all thoughts and motives needed communi- cation with God. (Jratitude to <Jod was the first principle we should learn, and gratitude and expression was a duty we should always perform. One great dif- ficulty was that most men keep their ac- knowledgments nnd gratitude for great events, instead of rendering praise to God for tho ordinary and dally blessings of life, but it our faith was clear we needed no reminder or eur obligation to Him.

Many men wbo wore tolling through life soeniod to think thnt unless the rou- tine of every day life wns broken by some special interposition of God, they were under no obligation to thank Him, but when they experienced a severe affliction they were brought near to God. There was no necessity of our wafting for urgent needs before wo acknowledged our gratltitdo to God, for there was not a step in life which did not give us cause to thank Him. And yet not one In ten remembered to thank Him for health until the boon was gone, and how few there were who appreciated their oppor- tunities in life, or the knowing how to use them. The fact that Jesus did good that he might inspire a recognition In others, was then dwelt upon in nn ablo manner, and it was claimed that it was the grent characteristic of true religion. The world was full of over burdened, sad nnd discouraged onus, which n word would food, or n smile inspire, nnd It was the duty of all to benefit them, and imitate tho example of Christ."

When the discourse was about half through a panic was created among tho audience, which, had it not been prompt- ly checked, must havo produced disas- trous results. It seems that a policeman had occasion to remove a young man from tho family circlo for unbecoming conduct, and in so doing some one among his friends raised the cry of " Fire."

The audience, wbo wore deeply inter- ested In the remarks ofthe speaker, were unaware that anything unusual had oc- curred until this much dreaded sound burst upon their ears, when a rush for tbe doors was made. The police force on duty, knowing what thu conse- quences must he nmid suoh excitement. Immediately closed tho doors, and upon being assured by those in the hall who had remained perfectly calm that there was no danger, many of them resumed their seats, and the preacher was allowed to finish without further interruption. Much credit is due to tbe members of the police and others who checked the stampede, for at the time it occurred ev- ery sent In tho building was fllled, and mnny people must have been crushed If it hnd not been prevented.

SOUTHERN UATII-TAKIN<J.—A gentle man wlio has been n good deal fn the south afnee tbe war, nud who knows southern sentiment and character pretiy well, records the following observation, as to tho worth of the oaths of loyalty Imposed upon cx-rebels — speaking in general terms:

One of tho most singular pcrversf- of human nature is the disregard for

eaths which pervades the south. The taking of nn oath to support the Consti- tution of the United Slates is regarded as lightly aa accepting tin invitntion to drink. 'Ironclad oaths,' specially de- vised to more thoroughly bind Hint which forms the basis of renuwed allcjrinnco are but so many * unconstitutional' triv- lulties which no white man It hound n> respect.

The consequence is that ihouaandsof wlilto rebels who fought undertint 'slurs aud burs,' and who would gladly take up arms against the government again, are voters in the southern slates. Such men are those who support iho Conserv- ative tickets, for tho most part. The ex-rebel leaders tench (his docirittc to their deluded lollowcnt. To lake nn 'unconditional Yankee*oath is no per- jury. It I* but political oppression ami devoid of moral force. Is it. then, tiny wonder that Congress, appreciating Ihls plain fact, seeks by special legfsTntloa for tho reconstruction of such HUIICS at Georgia to retain the power in the band! of the truly loyal people, rather than al low U to pass by perjnrjf into the hand of tho ex-rebel."

FLOW Kits IN JAKUARV.—Some friend has setil us some panslen picked In a gar- den Iu this cltv on Saliinliiv. They were growing In Ihe open nlr and hnd been under Ihe snow, ll is feared that much damage will be caused to trees, vegeta- tion and (lower gardens, by Ibis unnatu- ral slate of ihlngB, as the heavy frost, cold and snow, must come yit, belore Spring sets in at all earnestly.

Irtfi t»A 4Mtrl The vessel tost no woman etrieets to

In—s coart ship. Eleven cattle-tbteves were recently hanged

to one tree In Toxss. Fhlladelphlaas have green pest, bat ihey

coit two coats apiece. Yonng Lopes came to Waatdagloo to say

that his father had not changed his name la Slopes.

A man lo Mystic, Conn., paid the Stats oes dollar for calling a neighbor " a eoafooaded mutton head."

It Is said that In London 1,000,009 of goes, woman aad children protean no craed and nev- er eater a place of worship.

An Ingenious Englishman ass eoastractsd s perfect steam engine so tmall that g will steed on s three penny piece.

A traveler nay i that every where be raaad '.at houses of worship free stl over toe world ex- cept among Christ It ns.

The btack bast Introduced Into poadt In the neighborhood of Wolfborongb, N. H., have been eaten up by pickerel.

Philadelphia butchers are gloating over the largest bullock ever seen In that market, aad which weighs 3200 pounds.

Qneen Victoria haa recently sent a sum of money to a laborer's wire at Wrsxhsm who had given birth to five children.

Seventeen bridesmaids, four clergymen aad three bands of muilc managed to marry a pair \a England, not long tlnce.

O'Donovnn Boua waa pat to darning stoek- ingt in Chatham jail, asya a corraapondent, bat he would not mend hit ways.

A tradesman In Portsmouth, N. H., hat ad- vertised In every litne of a paper of thai city for tho last twenty-two yean, aad got rich long ago.

New York roaght wear curious." pet names." We read that "cat" Hoffman shot " siHritonf**' Htnea on Wednesday evenfmi laat la a Chat- ham street saloon.

The young ladles of Murfre«slH>rougb, Tsn- netce. send neat packages.of gingerWead tn ihe printers,and read riowery acknowledgment* of their klndncas In the newspapers,

'O'Donovan Rotaa suggest that he lie re- moved lo Ullhank Prison, where be can over- look ibe Parllment House, to which he bat been elected, while he ''does his bit of oakum."

California pnpert report the singular tact that the body of no person drowned In Lake TatUtS near tbe eiimmlt of tbe Sierra Nevada*, (and there have been many) bat ever come (o tbe ■nrfacfl.

The Governor of Ohio bat pardoned a young man who was tent to lbs Stats Prltoa for manslaughter, on the condition lhat he drink* . no liqnor during the time for which ho wsa sentenced.

Canadian editor*, aa a elate, are mnch more troubled about tea public debt ol the Untied Statea, which It rapidly diminishing, than they , art about the public debt of Oreat Britain, which It continually Increasing

An Austrian It said to have In rooted a tor- pedo something In the shape of a sword-Bih, wblcb, being swiftly propelled under water, with III charge of. nliro-glveerlne or dynamite, can shatter aay Iron thlp It touches

A verdant youth at Charles City, Iowa, ssnt seventy-five cent* to New York, recently, for a nietnod of writing without pen or Ink. He received the following inscription, In largo type, on a card i " Write with a pencil."

Tbe Belfast (Maine) Journal tells of a sharp woman wbo told a bag of paper rags to a tin peddler hailing from that city. Altar getting on tbe road again be discovered that he bad boagbt a Utter of kitten* at three cent* a pound.

The local editor of a Columbus (kflat.) paper having recently got married, a cotsmporary tayt i " stay bit father-in-law die rich, end en- able poor Stevens to retire from tbe pruning bnilneaa and set up a cake shop st a railway station,"

The Roman woman of the people Is Roman still. She wean a red peUlcost, a aaowy white fSaaoletu, a dagger through bar Meek hair, large pendant* In bar can, aad darts that glance from her eysa wblcb no diamond Oath can equal, aay Ibe eormpondantt.

The last mall steamer from Japan to San- Francisco brought a company of uxmen acro- bats—men, women and children—who have per- mission from tbe Japanese government to re- main away from that country live years. They are represented at very expert.

The Halifax Chronicle favors annexation and argues thu* " The market of the United State* it necessary to onr lives, Ths market of Oreat Britain Is not. Dreamt will not clothe our children. The warmth of the "bade of a brave flag wilt not compensate for a barefoot winter.

A young woman In Cavendish, Vt., s few say* tlnce discovered a skunk near her father's bouse, and telling a batcher knife chased the fellow to a ttone wall, where the dispatched him, and seising him by the caudal appeerlsgt, tbe carried blm lo Ihe woodshed, and eat bis head off.

Tbe other day several New York Journal" gave long and fulsome descriptions or a " large snd notable wedding " beld si the bouse of an ox-Congretimen on Madison avenue, where- upon tbe ex congressman la compelled to ad dress a note to tbe papers aforesaid explaining that no wedding bat taken place at hit domi- cile.

A bealthy case or disgust has Just been de- veloped. A Fort I'ltn audience were go evi- dently displeased wllh a lyceam lecturer Ihe other evening lhat ha stopped and gave those

ho were dissatisfied sa opportunity to leave the room. Tbe ball waa cleared In about live initiates He bat made the mo»t moving speech of the season,

Seven teamen wbo refuted lo proceed to tea on board tbe atilp Sklddaw, from Quebec, last fall, on tbe ground uf that vessel's unteawortbl- nest, preferring rather to remain a few weeks In jail, afterwards shipped on board the thlp Edna, from Montreal, and were lost, with the rcit of tbe crew, recently, on the coast of Ire- land. The Sklddtw arrived home tafe.

A ideating litlle incident at Ullcs, III., tx- hltiith tbe beauty or kerosene at a kindltr. The children of a Mr. Hlgglnt. In order to ex- pedite a lire In the stove, did what they bad teen Ibelr cldcra do—Ibey |ioured keroaena upon the coal*. Intiantlv an explosion entued. Tin■ b.iby lived half an hour after II, the eldest boy died the sunic u:::ht; unly one of Ibe children Is likely to recover. j.

The " queen " of ihe Imnd of depredator! In Philadelphia, known aa tbe " Forty Thieve*,'' ha* tract* captured. She I* a young woman of ■21, daughter of a clergyman, and bat tor two vents iiirci'tril the movements of her thieving subjects. Bbe presided over their rendesvou*. wblcb was a hollow near a Junction or railroad tracks, covered with board* and tails, with a treasure cave In a pile or old railroad tlet near by. She cooked Tor the band, with an old tree Hump for a ttove, snd wat fairly wedded to the vagabond life.

A New York phystassn taya the attempt to reionu a talien wesmsa oy meant ot tcrmoot is as foolish at Ibe practice or giving tracta agalnat dancing lo men without leg*. Half the fallen women of tbnt city, he aays, aeed food and shelter, and preaching afterward. It It far Ihe ordinary comforts of Ufa teat they seek Ibe road to death; and the bett way to bring them back upon Ihe path of virtue Is to victual them.






TrE»DAr.— The Virginia bill, witli tho Sen- ate restrictions, has Anally passed hoili BOOSM ■>y n unanimous republican vote. The PfM< Uont will s|Cn It. in.I VirjrJula will be admitted. There wai some sharp shooting between Ilullir ami In the House.— The Chnnh nr the Unity la Boston have Invited Ilev. Kobert Laird I'ollyVr, of Chicago, 10 become their pas- tor.—At a (Ire In St. Joseph, Mo., Saturday night, flre penoaa were killed, three of them firemen—The New Jeriey clilldreii who wan- dered away Xew Year's day. hive been found alive and well. They were kept by a family Who hoped that a reward would ba offered.— The Mormon army la 5.1,000 strong, and hate tlie United States bitterly. Their apostles promite them that ir it li necessary Ibe Lord will rain down Ire and brlm*tono upon the V.

S. troops, and the fanatical fooli lielievc it.— Both branches of tho democrnllc lcitWnturo of California have pawed the law aUowtns. tlien- trea on Sunday, against lite re mo n* I ranee* or even the actors.—There bate been shocks of earthquakes In Nevada, and the south of Oil.— Fifteen person* were inimpkd lo death,and many other* Injttrod, owing to a MM alarm of tire In St. Joseph's Chapel, In Liverpool, Sun. day.—A project it on foot In London, to CStab. llili a line from that city to Australia, via Portland, Mc., tbo Pacific Rnilrond and San Francisco. It II thought that the entire transit will require but forty day*.—Prince Arthur ha* been prcientdl to Oen. nnd Mr* Orant.— The Po*tmaste,r General la tu have a tptfltal organ. In tiiu shape or tbe Pott Office OmatU, —A German Ship WH- recently attacked by n Chinese pirate vessel wblla Itceabned oh* Macao. The captain and nncof the crow was murdered, and tbe balance fled t«> tbe rigging. A steamer faming in light, tbo vllllitni left, and they and their vessel were soon after sunk by n Chinese war vesscl,wfth anAmerlcan captain.—The Mor- mon women by order of their owners and man. trrs.bave held a meeting to denunnce the United Staua.—Subterranean noises have been heard In Cadlx, Spain, and tbe Inlmhitnnt* Tear uu earthquake. Strange to nay the Oovcrncr la Informed when the Mlses are to occur. —It U told that Waslilmme, late inhibitor to Paraguay, will be sitsUlncd, and hla OfmoHenta severely censured.—\ Mil ha* l«ea prevented to Con

grew raising tbo pay of letter carriers from *IQOO to #12011 per annum.-Tin young mllli. nerat Port Edward*. N. Y., who lint claimed for u long time that a former lover In England left her several million*, I* prom, u need liy tbe British Consul an nrrnnt humbug In every re- iptOt, IIUl (be girl own* up.—Cold 151 t-2.

WlD>a»AY,—The remains of George I'M-

body have nrrlrcd nt Portland.—The miners In England have struck for eight hour*.—It Is reported that tbe line ofsteamers runnlDf be- tween New York and San Francisco, aro to be taken off.—Cot. Knos Stutsmnn It amkl to be the real head or tbe Wlnticpcg rebellion, lie haa no feet.—Au oatcnilvo conspiracy to nljol- iih the government and to divide all property haa been discovered In Uuasls.—Twobaga of gaa exploded at an Edinburgh theatre recently with a heavy report, patting out the lights. The audience were terribly frightened and made for the doore, but they wore blockaded by a crowd trying to get la and ice what was the matter. Fortunately no great damage waa done and order waa aoon restored.—A house on Jefferson street, Lowell, wa* burned Mon- day night. A boy of twelve was saffocated.- Ex. U. S. Senator Oreen, of Mlisourl drank hlmeelf Into Imbecility and recently Into ids grave. Ite was a man of great talent.—A bill Is to he reported giving members of the legi: Intnro J000 each lor one hundred and twenty day*.—The Boston pollen Is to be thoroughly overhauled.—One of the negroes concerned In the robbery of Mr. Baker, In Hamilton, has confessed everything. Ho says murder was Intended at first.—A young woman In New Londm who was to have been married on Sat- urday, died on Friday from the effect■ of run- ning n plu Into her i, i !■ I < i: Id 121 3-8.

Tut II'DAY,—The remaini of Qeorge Pen- IHKIV will I*) removed from tbo British steamer Monarch, in grand navnl procession of limits, mi Saturday morning. They will be received nt tbe wharf by the authorities, and taken to the City Hull where they will lay in state mi- ni Tnciday, when they will becscortod by n large military force to Peabody. They will lay In state In the institute lit that town until the succeeding Tuesday, Feb. 8th. when they will be llnally burled.—Tbo bill for the ailraia- ■lon or Virginia has been signed tiy the Presi- dent.— Emigration meetings arc licing held nil over England.—An ocenn cable is to he, laid on the Pacific coasts from Panama to Peru.—(Jen. Grant I* anxious that the gold excitement affair In New York, last fall shall be thorough- ly sifted.—Mr. Dawcs ha* made a retrench- ment speech In Congress, attacking the admin- istration and Butler has replied.—A British ship ha/arrived at San Francisco, bringing the following escaped political prisoner* sent from Ireland to the British penal colonies In ISA.) and 1807, their term of sentence to trans- portation licing; from live year* to life; John Keony, Dennis Caitman, Dennis Hcnncssy, Maurice. Ftgenbohn, Patrick Lchy, Thomas Pogarty, David Joyce. John Hbcchan, Patrick Wall, Michael Moore. David Camming, Eugene Geary, John Walsh, Patrick Doran end Pat- rick Dunn. They wiy that they Buffered Indlg- nltiea such u* no other country as England offere to political offender. The Fenian* arc entertaining them In grand stylo.—Senator Wilson has Introduced a bill, giving Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, a ponalon ol fJOOO per year. —A piano dealer in Providence, gut trusted exteaslvely, sold for cash, and departed for port* unknown with another man's wife, leav- ing hi* own family,—An cany and practical canal route baa been discovered across Darlen. -Gold 131 7-8.

FBI DAT.—The Boston Juuruat is alter Gen. Butler with a big stick.—Sixty men hare been discharged from the Brooklyn Navy yard for sympathising with nod loreibly aiding Illicit whiskey distillers.—A young man who hen acted as agent lor a Hartford Insurance Co, haa made SI 15.UK) in seven years beside a good living.—They have a ghost at Woburn who Is obliging enough to wavo a lantern fur tbe rail- road train.—Salnave Is again reported cap tured.-The hill to abolish the Franking Privi- lege haa passed the U. 8. House by a voto of 174 to 14.—A lady slapped tho face of the King of Portugal in a Spanish theatre because he passed her rudely.—There lias been a false re- port of the death of tbe Pope.—The ball to Prince Arthur at Delmonlco's, New York will be very exclusive.—Gold 121 .18.

Tin: NEW RAILROAD.—Tbe project

for th.' new line of rnilrond which, ia to

onon & new route to Mllfonl, Woon-

sockt-t, end Providence, is meeting with it very general support, and the petition

to tli" legislature tins, we understand,

ilrewdy It loDff list of name!" from Mils

city. It Is proposed to run over thi)

prtjswnt truck of tho Lowell and

KltM road to Tewksbury; from that

point a new lino is to be built, through

Concord to Ashland, A lively manufac-

turing place, on tbo Hoston and Worces-

ter road, beyoDil FramiugliHiii, thence to

Millonl, where It connoota with a lino

already built to Providence. It is claimed

that, beelde Ite directness as a passenger

line, (t would prove of great advuntagu

to our city, in opening :i new rottto tor

heavy lieigbt, avoiding the changes of

cars in Huston, or Ibe lotuid-about slow-

IICHS «t' Junction und Lowell.

Several petitions have already been sent

to tbo Legislature In its favor, and others

ntv to follow.

Kci.lPsK.—Thorn will bo an eelipso of

the sun on Monday. Unfortunately it is

only visildu in tho Antarctic regions.

Those sound on tbo eclipse tpiestion can

obtain passage there nt reduced fares.

feT-YVo are Indebted to the Cotmnlfl-

Rlonerof Agriculture, for a copy of the

Annual Keport of that department for

SMALL CIIASOE.— Fivocentcoin, two

rent coin, one cent coin, in exchange for

bills or currency, at the Post Office.


burning of tho town hall In Webster in

this state by which u loss of 9U000 was

sustained, Is suggestive of what may be

the fate of our own public buildings

which aro far from being as much pro- |

tectcd ns they should and stilly could be. j

For Instance, supposing tlmt a lire should

break out In the City Hall at night. The I

polleenieu cannot well be a'lout there more than oneu In au hour or half hour.

and then he pays no particular attention

to the building u« be lias enough to do

elsewhere. When discovered be must go

all the way lo the corner ol Lawrence and

Essex street to give the alarm. The fire-

men and horses moat |be awakcuetl, the

former dresved and the latter harnessed,

■twn il to be got up, aud tbe engines

got to the lire. Ir would be very quick

work to accomplish all this in fifteen or

twenty minutes and yet directly across

the street U a hydrant from which a

powerful stream oonld be thrown on by

my one who discovered lh« lire. In two

ninnies, were the necensnrv appliances

iindsiicd ami Inatrt eilou given.

Th<' promptness with which it stream

'as Out upon (he late fire on tbe Wails.

tlfftoii by four rr IIvo well drilled men.

from n hydrant, should admonish lie of

the felly of virtually throwing away Dili

grand protection when we Imvu It at our

doors. Our firemen uud their apparatus

all that it lire department could be

for promptness and efficiency, but that

N no reason why we should not take all

the chances lor safety. The same coidd

bo said In reference lo the valuable Court

House. High School and Oliver Grammar

School. The Police Rulldlng Is supplied

with hose. It would involve but A small

expense to allow the Chief F,nglneer the

meiins lo curry out this Idea, an I il Is

somewhat strange that the proprietors of

churches and largo establishments who

hftve a hydrant within reach, do not

make similar prevision. If tho precau-

tion spoken of was adopted the city could

safely drop the heavy burthen of paying

insurance and Insure its own buildings.

I'liK li. .1. /(, Ftilr.—iigieinl K*j»r*.

!'•> the Kremtive Committet: I herewith submit n

statement ol the receipts ami expendi- tures of the O. A. R. Fair, held lire. 21, ■_'-'. '-';;. and 24th, 1W0.

awnurrs. To BMR final isjr oiTlekel*, ilflou -Ju

" 1,'im'ii Kicunlon, r>u i» eiToo ttO ■■'..]:■!■. .'■ i 1 1, •!,- I ,i.. ., . 130 lfr i 'ill. i-.ui-l :;.).-. 104 30 I'nliarlan, " 1ST 73 Harden Bt. sloth. Soc. Tahls, MOO Kllol Houlctjr Table, 224 00

" ■■:■!!.! ll.lj.1l .!


The City Hall on Wednesday evening was filled with tho usual crowd, to listen to the White lecture delivered by George Wm. Curtis, Esq., editor of Harper's Weekly. < iver a hun- dred persons, some of them ladies, stood up during the entire kcturc. Tho feeling in favor of enlarging the building is growing rapidly stronger among the people. Tho subject of the address was "Our national folly," "Tbo civil service," and Its drift was to show the evil of appointing mutt to office under the government solely on account of their services to tiieir party without regard to qualification.

Tho lecture of Mr. Curtis was smooth, flow- ing and easy and was well received, though not with the enthusiasm of his previous effort* in this city.


tempt was made in this city some time

since to organize a literary and scientific

institution with the above name, but tiie

effort (ell to tbe ground. About *!"■'-

was paid in by members und the ex-

penses have been from {ill to $:K>. As

soon rfs a, meeting can be called by the

presiding officer, who is absent from the

city much of tho time, the funds on

hand will bo disposed of as tho society

may decide and tho association dis-


ACCIDKST.—On Monday nftcrnoon, as

three sons of Mr. Robert Christie, de-

signer on the Washington, residing at

No. I, Union-street, went playing in the

yard adjoining lhe house. John K.,ngcd

two yours, fell buck Kurd* down a flight

of stairs into the collar, his heat) coming

In contact with the sharp edge ol' one of

the steps. |)r. Chose, happening to lie

in the house at the Unto, hearing the

shriek, ran out and picked up tbe little

fellow, who was insensible, and carried

him Into the house ; hu still lies in n dan-

gcrons state, internal injuries being

reared, as, snvlng a slight cut on the

right side of the head, no Injuries are

visible; the doctor is of opinion, how-

ever, that he will recover.


were three gny and lively parties on !

Wednesday evening. The largest was ati

Music Hall. It. was got up by the Dyer

Brothers and A|r. Walter Howe, aud

some forty couples ol young people ac-

quainted with each other were in attend-

ance, and bail a very pltasaut time,

l'fefierkorn's Band furnished the music.

At the armory of Company K, h: the

1'ollce Building, the masons had a very

fine party of some thirty-live couples, and

tho usual social, pleasant, family time j

was cnJDycd. Carney & Osgood's Band j

were lit attendance. The next masonic

party will be held at the same place ]

Wednesday evening, Feb. »th.

At the llnltery Armory on Ifaverhlll

street, there wus a very sociable gather-

ing of boys aud tlndr lady friends, num-

bering some thirty couples. They danced

to the music of (lark A Beely's Baud,

and had n grand good time, ns they al-

ways do. Their next patty will be given

on Wednesday evtiiiiij next. Neither of

above parlies Were continued much

after twelve o'clock, mid this fact com-

tneadi thrrn to those who believe In ■ moderate lion is lor promoting good ;

health. In the opinion of many, iltu In-I

i Church lit.

1*1. Methodlit " V.>...ll* KuUTltBllI, S.U SJ\

fMe Baptist Society Table, Ccotral Church " 1*1. Baptist Boroat* Table, Coal room, MlimliNlf lillll.-ry,

Mr*. B«ll«y It boarder*, p'Q- csod* of Tea ...■-.,

0, U. -mlti., proceeds of supper room,

Oeo. 8. Merrill, ehalrmnn of iiiliiro Kalarlalamenu,

11. .1 .SliiTinsii, on account eon lion. Thorns* Talbol,

Rtr.J. B. Uoor«, Jonatlonof Hon.O.HIenme*, Gov.X.H.

.1. D. QlMaen, Oonatloa

SB1 M li-l Ol tffl C3

COIN run SAMS.—Oue, Two, and Fire Cent pieces, in ijuuntities to suit, fur sale at tbe 1'ost Offic*.

Eteaa nmiti. lttl4go lo Supper Hall, Tables BIHI ■■ .i i ■ :. ■

terms;, $312 00 Decoration", UK) 00 1'rlntlni, silvsrtlslng, un.l posting, iso so Uusie, 123 70 Racslstor lirrnnsii.- Club, in* ..f :■,■, mry, ao.oo On nceuunt »f Supper ttouin, IDS 49 1'oltce and door kctpara, 62 3i Una and piping, tearalng, Insurance ofplet.

gallery, easy chair, uoetaniua lid Inot- dental vspunapa, 'tU 0ft

Tola! ex|uTi»r., 11130 03 Nut rush balance, 3TS0 12

$4010 IS Ri■«|"-l-tfully :•|, ,|.

II.u. IIiinmcK, Troa*. Lawranee, Jan.som, 1*70.

Tho undersigned, having oxannnod

the foregoing account, and tho vouchers

for the expenditures, certify to tho cor-

rectness of the same, and gratefully

submit to a generous public, tho grati-

tying results ef tho Fair.

J. B. Wll.llKM,




M G. IlOlllNSON.


{■'.recniirc Committee, dan. 21th.


We doubt It the records of nny city out-

side of New York show such a shame-

ful prostitution of public interests to

pnrtizan purposes ns Mayur Molvin's

degrading selections for our police force,

and, In the face of public indignation,

tho appointment of notoriously unfit and

iIU-KIUpdeni. partisans still goca on.

Among Mayur Mclvin's appointments

for police ollicers last week, to enforco

the laws and preserve order, waa that of

Alexander Terio, whose qualifications

for this poaltlon,—aside from being a

good Democrat,—is presented aa fol-

lows from the records of tho Lawrence


April 16,1860,—Keeping liquor nuisance.

■Inly 2J, i860,—Aiding prisoner in at- tempt to escape from an officer.

March 26,1868,—Attending illegal games on tho Lord's Day.

(let. Ill, 18b8,—Assault on an officer.

Jan'y *0th. 1H70,—Appointed police offi- cer by Mayor Melvln!

And with this record, notoriously

known to every policeman,—except,

possibly, the newly Imported chief from

Maine,—Mayor Melvln defiantly thrusts

such a creature Into the position of guar-

dian •!' law ami public morals, and the

reputation of our city must boar the

shame anil tho disgrace.

THE i'EABouv ruNEiiAi..—Those who

desire to see a naval funeral procession

OaD take the cars at the South Side, Fri-

day, either ut H.2.") A. M. or 12..">7 f, si.,

lor Portland* The remains will bu

brought from the ship at It A. M., Satur-

day. It M a sight seldom witnessed.

There will be another funeral demon-

stration on Tuesday.


The foundation for a new house for

Alanson llriggs, K*q., 1ms been com-

menced on the vacant lot on Common

street, just east of the Second BapUat

church. It will ho a. »oat, two-story

frame building, cottage style, and end

to tho street. The location is very con-



KEY from the premises of onu of our

city fathers, on Wednesday night, is tho

question which the residents of Elm at.

are rather pointedly asking both tho vig-

ilant night watch and the lynx-eyed


TtiEASl-'itEn SI-INNER.—The veteran of-

ficial of the Cnlted States money depart*

uient. has our thanks for a copy of his annual report.

COAl. IN HOSTON.—A retail dealer In

Boston advertises steamboat coal at

17.60; Egg |M.;,0; Furnace $8.00; and

Slove ?--..".

MATTERS AT THE 1'MNON.—There are now eighty-two prisoners in tho House of

Correction, of whom sixteen aro females.

One ol the latter has just commenced

her thirteenth term for drunkonness and

vagrancy. Several aro of the claes con-

templated for the Bridgewntcr institu-

tion. They aro seldom out ol the House

of Correction for more than a week at a

time, finding it entirely impossible to re.

slst the temptation to get drunk. When

in that condition, they generally make

great disturbance and trouble wherover

they happen lo bo, by screaming, howl-

ing and shouting in tho moat profnne

and indecent manner. Even if any of

thorn lio down in tho street and go qui-

etly to sleep, it will not do to lot thei

stay there. We aro not nwaro that more

than one of this class has been sent to

Bridgewntcr ns yet.

Tho labor of the men wus on hriday

l.i-i let to the highest bidder, for throo

years, by tho prison commissioners.

Capt. Ceo. W. Boynton, of Georgetown,

bid 20 1-8 conta per man per day, and

tho contract was awarded to him. Them

were two bids of 20 cents each and ont

of 17 cents. Tho contract run? fron:

Feb. dst. One of the parties was from

Lynn. Uo proposed to mamifactur

shoos with their labor with sowing in

chinos. •

Thero are twenty prisoners In jail, two

of whom are awaiting farther examina-

tion in the 1'olice Court, and sixteen

to bo tried In the Superior Court, now in

session in Salem. Ono of tho other two

Is Capt. Warren Gardner, sentenced last

August by tho U. S. Court for four years

for sinking his vessel to recover insur-

ance, and tho other is Isaac Martineau,

sentenced Jan. 1MH9, for four years, for

passing counterfeit money. O'BnldwIn

tho giant prize fighter, is far from being

tho quiet person supposed. The bull-

dog is strong In his composition, and It

has been necessary to give him it dose of

solitary confinement to onlorco disci,

pliuo. IBs friends nro actively at work

attempting to secure a pardon.

COMMON COUNCIL.—President Davis

presided Wednesday evening, Councilman

O'Sulllvnn was absent. Tho appointment

of measures were concurred In. A com-

tnunlcalloH from tho Mayor suggesting a

reduction of other approprlwtlons suffi-

ciently to equal the $8000 appropriation

for tho Atlantic Engine House was placed

on flic. The sub-committee on accounle

reported that of the city treasurer accu-

rate and well kept. Counclluieii Cate,

Conch and Wheelwright were appointed

on the committee on drainage west of

Broadway. Adjourned two weeks.


Floyd, the accommodating jauitor of tho

City Hall, on Wednesday evening,

opened tho doors on tho Common Street

side of tho hall, and many who dttcor-

ercd that mode of egress passed out that

way to the street. It is ono of the

strangest facts possible that these doors

have not been previously opened for

years, il ever.


Board of Aldermen, and nine of the

School Committee, mot In convention

Thursday evening, for the purpose of

filling a vacancy in the committee In

Ward I, and In Ward six. For commit-

tee in Ward 1, Dr. George Packard re-

ceived II out of 16 votes, and Charles

Saunders I. For Ward li, Jamoa Clark

received 1.1, Alonzo WInklcy 1, and ,1. B.

Howard I. Messrs. Packard and Clurko

were declared elected.

C. B, LiemBUS.—Quite a number of

perseus were summoned to Boston on

Thursday to answer to the charge of doing

bunliiess without a license. A large por-

tion of those compelled tu go down had

licenses and produced them. It Is said

that the court was very much vexed at

these mistakes, but that did not pay the

expenses ol those who were not delin-

quent. It Is but Justice lo the revenue ol-

licers here to say that they had nothing

whatever to do In the matter.

VERY NASTY.—The crossings on Essex

street were in au excessively bad con-

dition on Thursday, being inches deep

with liquid mud. The fine couiiteim

of the street commissioner or some of his

men would have been an agreeable sight

that afternoon to a great many ladles and

gentlemen who wanted to cross. The

slate of things made them cross.

ANOTHER KOHBKBY.—Oue of tbe most frequented stores In tbe most public part

of Essex Street was robbed n day or two

since of a box In which the proprietor

kept his scrip. Fortunately hut three

lour dollars were In the box,though there

Is usually much more. It Is impossible

to say how often such cases are occur-

ring, as they are only heard of by accl


JUSTICE or THE PEACE.—Oovenwi Clallln has appointed Nathaniel p

Houghtou Esq.. the well known and re-

spected ticket muster, at tlienorlh depot

a justice of the Peace for Essex County.


Ward, (baric K. French, aud Ml*s Alice.

Webb have been promoted from the

Grammar School of Mr. Cole at the South

Hide, to the High School.

Isslon advantage.

Id In" -pe etl with lu

THE Sui-KstloU CouitT.—The Grand

Jury, whose business always precedes

all others at the criminal term of this

il, assembled at Salem on Monday,

and have liccti in session during the

week. The horse poisoning in this city

is among tbe buses which thty will in-

vestigate The following are the Grand

Jury of the County for 1870:—

Andover,—Wtu. Hardy.

Beverly,—John 11. Young.

Danvers,—Geu. H. l'eabody.

Gloucester,—Edward A. Story, UichM

W. Kicker.

Haverhill,— George Stevens, Oliver


Lawrence,— A. S. Flanders, John C.

Dow, E. W. Matthews.

Lynn,—Warren H. Bmrill. Noah Uob-

inson, Wm. E. Klmbtill.

Mnrbleliead,—Wm. IC. Fetly.placc.

Xewbury,—James A. Horton.

Newburyport,—Ell Lamprey.

North Andover,—Joseph T. Blake.

Penbody,—Elzirns Decntur.

Salem,— Israel P. Harris, George P.

Must, John Pickering, Jr.

Salisbury,—David L. Bartlett.

West Newbury,—Alfred L. Moores.

The trials commence on Monday next.


of tbe White lecture committee, an-

nounced on Wednesday cveniug that

Paul du Chaillu, the great African ex-

plorer, who had been engaged through

tho medium of ltedpath's Lyceum

Agency, in Boston, had broken his en-

gagement, and that Dr. Lord, of Boston,

had been substituted tu deliver tho lost

lecture. It will bo upon some historical

subject. Tho defection of Mr. Chaillu

will be greatly regretted, ns our people

wero particularly anxious to look upon

the great traveller who discovered tho

gorilla villages. Tho blame should Tall

heavily somewhere, but certainly not

upon Mr. White, who has worked ear-

nestly to please tho public.


Paris correspondent of the Boston Jour-

nal thus speaks of the funeral of Victor

Noir, slnin by Prince Pierre Bonaparte,

a relative of the Emperor of the French:

Tho Prince is In the prison where Troppman has latoly lain ; and a decroe In tho official journal announces that said Prlnco will bo tried by a high court, chosen from the counselors-gen oral of" all tho departments. The day of Wednesday dawns dark and gloomy; it is announced that the funeral of Noir will take place ntNoullly, nt noon. Tho majority of tho shops on tho Boulovnrds nro closed, and as early as nine o'clock processions of workmen appear in all the principal streets, marching toward Nenilly, which is a suburban town just outside- tho Pnris fortifications, not far from tho Bois do Boulogne. It is tho paternal mansion from which the funeral cortcgo Is to march. All tho workshops and factories in tho Faubourg; Snint An- toine are closed, and every workinnn wears in his button-hob a white Immor- telle, such as ono sees In all French cem- eteries. The crowds thicken, incrcaso; toward the Champs Elysecs a regiment of soldiers marches away, drums beat- ing sonorously, to join other regiments mussed in tho Bois do Boulogne, Tho rain falls pitilessly; but the crowds re- lent not. By noon the huge, wide streets of beautiful Neuilly are crammed. Processions of students march solemnly forward and deposit contributions lo buy a monument. No police in uniform aro to be seen. The workmen are to have their own way. Tho father of Victor Noir has expressly requested that no vio- lence bo used. But tho workmen are not alono. All tho middle class of Paris is on foot, sullen, quiet, mourning, this youth, dead two days ago by more chance, (as his fellow would havo boon shot Instead of Noir had he answered the Prince's last question) is taken as tho typo of the nation's condition—freedom, slain by imperial power—say sonio—and fully two hundred thousand people strug- SIo for places near his gravo. Many of

io deputies of tho Left are present, and mingle freely in tho crowd, followed by processions Binging the old revolutionary songs. Paris and its environs have not resounded to such strains before for 22 years!

The excitement was wonderful to wit- ness, but all struggled bravely to keep it down. Thousands of peoplo had stood along the same lino of march for six hours, so ns to bo where they could east flowers upon tho coffin. Women fainted in the press, or wept from excess of emotion, and tho comments upon the murder were such aa chilled tbe blood. At one timo, when blocked Into a crowd before the cemetery gate, I thought tho epoch of madness had come, I never be- fore heard such molediction upon u dy- nasty.

Toward four o'clock, tho old guardian of the little cemetery struggled through the crowd, and opened the great gate. Down the avenue, amidst silent thou- sands, and a storm of immortelles, marched sixteen bare-headed men, brother journalists of young Noir, bear- ing on their shoulders tho bier. At their head walked Itochcfort, pale and resolute. It required gome courage to carry out this demonstation, as the least government interference would have been lollowed by a wild riot, aud certain death to the Republican leaders.

Itochcfort, says tho llain>el, fainted at tho grave, overcome by anxiety and emotion. Tho Fates pusn him so hard his unture gives out. It is not surpris- ing. Vengeance bad been sworn over lhe body in the most emphatic, and, I dare say, unchristian manner. Paul Mcnrice.ltnspail, Gambetta, Jules Favre, and dozens of uoticoable heads were seen in tho press behind tho coffin, Tho brother of Noir besought the crowd to utter no unconstitutional cries, and noth- ing worse than Vivo Kochefort rent the air. Tbe wild speeches at the grave gave rise to no riots; tho people inarched home in a solid body, singing Houget do risle's tnniotis air, and in the evuniug all was still.


eign police" have not only squelched sev-

eral gambling houses lu Boston, but a

detail has watched places where gam-

bling has notoriously been carried on,

and all"ropers In" ol victims have been spotted. Many green horns have been

forcibly prevented liotn entering the

houses, where they are sure to be

The city police authorities have instrnct-

ed the State Constable haters to say that

they were "Just a going to."


and a full board were present Thursday

night. Tbo petition of Call & True, for

leave' to run a small steam engine for

sawing wood, was laid on lhe table.

Petition of W. It, Bitch and others for

sewer in the allies between Concord and

Lowell streets, was referred. Petition of'

A. L. Mellen nod oilier* for sewer com- j

menciug ut junction of Concord und j

Bradford streets anil running into the j

Lowell street sewer, referred. Itesolu-,

thin authorizing the City Treasurer to i

borrow $i:i.(HK> fur Mule aid. passed to a ;

"eeond reading. Order authorizing the j

committee on public property to purchase j

100,000 feet of pine [dank for bridges was |

adopted. The appropriation resolution |

was passed to a second rendinjr. The re- !

port on fbe City Treasurer's book" was '

accepted In concurrence. Geurgo Little- !

lleld was appointed measurer of plaster*

ing ami palntUaf...The matter of pur-

chasing edge sWHs was referred to the

Mayor and Street Commissioner, A bal-

lot was had tor City Physician with the

fullowlnj: result; l«t ballot; McAUis'cr

3, Chase one. Dana one. Chamberlain

one; 2d ballot: McAllister 2, Dana 2.

CliamberlAln one, tit owe one; :;.i ballot:

Chamberlain 2. Dana 2. McAllister one.

UoherlH one; llh ballot : Chnnibi'rlaln 3.

Dana 2, McAllkter one: 5th ballot;

Chamberlain 8, Dana 2. McAllister one;

Last ballot: Chamberlain A, Dana 2.

Dr. Chamberlain wai declared elected on the piirtofllie board.

A ballot was then had for City Solici-

tor; C.Saundera had 5, and H.C Bacon 1,

Mr. Saundert was declared elected on Ibe

part of the board.. The resolution in re-

gard to enlargement of the City Hall was

amended and passed as amended. The

amendment Instructs the committee lo re-

port what repairs are needed. Resolution

In regard t<> drainage In Ward ." wau

pnssed. Adjourned twn week".


The Boston Herald has n slightly differ- ent version of the affair of Sunday eve-

ning. It says; "During the delivery of

the sermon, a police officer saw u pick-

pocket In the Family Circle, and went to

remove him from the theatre, when some

of his "pals" raised a cry oI tire, and for

a few minutes there was quite a paiile

among the crowded congregation, but by

the presence of mind of (he clergymen

and the activity of the jtollce oivduty It

was sown stopped without any one being

Injured, nnd the services proceeded, but

unfortunately the scoundrel who raised

the alarm escaped.


of tho second course of the Masonic

assemblies which afforded so much

pleasure to those who attended tbo first

course, will be held at the same place,

tho armory of Co. K, in the police build-

ing, on Wednesday ovening of this week,

They aro most emphatically family gath-

erings, those who attend them being

masons and tholr families or friends, and

thero is a pretty general average of

ages. It is very difficult to see how tho

most rigid and conscientious ceuld objoct

to dancing parties of this characte:

Carney & Osgood's band furnish the

music. The two next parlies will be

Feb. Dtli and Fob. 2Sd.

THE "FoitRt'iN POLICE.'*—A Boston pa-

per says that by tliH energy of tho State

Police who have been "quartered" upon

the people of that city, as Melvln has It,

the gambling fraternity have met with

severe "reverses,and hopes that tbe parties

who have come to grief through (dying

this nefarious trade will turn their talents

to better use aud exercise them in a more

reputable calling. It Is presumed how-

ever that Mayor Melviu will refine to be

comforted "while the state chooses to

hold ns under lhe surveillance of this

foreign police" though he "will submit

with the best grace he can" to the "BII-

no.vlng espionage." It seems that some

others will also be compelled to submit

with the best grace f/n>;/ can. In Wew

York the "respectable" gentry referred

to ore In nearly as bad a plight from

another cause. A paper of that city says:

'Hard limes have at last reached the gamblers, and they have found it severe work of late to dupe the inoet unsophisti- cated. They are now striving lo sell out their separate shares lu the business. TliU dullness In trade Is not confined lo lliespaclouaMfotw, lhe alldeil hells fre- quented by ilic merchant, lhe 'sport,' the hanker and broker, but it extends to tho small den* lu llcckinun and Spruce streets. Where lhe printer, (he mechanic nnd la- borer, playing their 'ten cent chips' week after week, sink their hard-earned wages.1

ST. MART'S CIILRCH.—The work upon

the Interior of this magnificent structui Is steadily progressing, aud though the

labor does not show much at present, a

great deal has been done and the opera,

tions have been of a most dangerous and

difficult character, such as sheathing and

furring at a great height. The outline ef

the ninny guthle arches within arc t

observable and It becomes more and

more evldout that-the Insido of this grand

taberuacleMvllI rival that of tbe outer por-

tion In Imposing beauty and splendor.

The whole will be a feast lor the admir- ers of line architecture.


new rates of fare recently went into op-

eration on tho Pacific Railroad. They

are as follows: From Sacraraonto (Cal.)

to Chicago and St. Louis, $118; to New

York, $110; to New Orleans, $160; to

Philadelphia, $I38.2.'>; and to Boston,

$148. Tho fares by second class cars

aro: To Chicago and St. Louis, $9!t; to

Baltimore, $109; and N«w York, $110—

payable in greenbacks. Tho second

class cars go through on tho first class

train in soven days from Stn Francisco

to New York.

MORE UOBHKBIES.—On Friday night

an overcoat of some value was stolen

from the store or Foster & Pirkor, cloth-

ing dealers, at the lower pnrt of tho

south side of Hssox street.

Within a night or two of that theft, a

pair of pants wero stolen from tho cloth-

ing store of Mr, J. M. Fnirileld, on Es-

sex street, near Lawrence, It is said

that Mr. Melvln's new appointee was

talking with the proprietor at the time

the fellow nabbed them.

Thieves have got so tint they carry

off anything but a hot stove, nnd even

those willsoon have lobe fastened down.

A housokeepcr on Common street, re-

cently lost her swill, barrel and all.


Reuben Merrill, the. well known teacher

ol music In lhe piblic schools and of

private pupils, was a day or two since

presented by the latter with a cosily gold

seal ring and a set ol gold sleeve buttons.

They were obtained at Ibe celebrated es-

tablishment of Palmer &, Batehelder in

Boston, and the value of them was not

far from 8(10. Mr. Merrill is an apt and

able Instructor asd is the right man In

the right place, and what is better, he

thoroughly enjftys his occupation.


forfeit fifty cent scrip is such a thorough-

ly dangorous imitation that the Secre-

tary of tho Treasury has decided to

Issue no morfl of the pattern counter-

feited, but will get out • new design.


OmciAL.—Garden Street Church where

Box 4 is located, Is on tbe corner of Gar-

den and Xewbury streets, and ono block

from the Coumom It can alBO be

reached from Isscx Street, from which

It Is distant tqo blocks. The Washing-

ton Corporation Is situated between the

Pcmbertou and New Pacific, Box ."> is at

the Washington mills counting room.

IIAl.t's ISA/.AI:. - Mr. Hale for a week

or two has been located in the store

lately occupied as a grocery In Sweeny's

building. Post otllce Block. Ho has In

addition to bis fancy goods, toys and

trifles, a large and well selected stock of

ladles and gentlemen's furnishing goods

and underclothing. , Mrs. Uale is also

engaged in tbe store.

A YOLNO HtAHEK.—A woman passed

Into the temperance meeting at the City Hall on Sunday tvi iiiug witli a_bube about

six months old hi her arms.

ST. VALENTIIE.— The first valentine ol

the season has passed through the Post

Office. St. Valentine's Day comes Feb.

ll;b. three wetks from next Moudny.

S9~We arelntlebted to Hou. James A.

Weston. Mayer ol Manchester, for a copy

ol bis Inaugural message to the city coun-

cil ; It Is a judicious and meritorious docu-



Messrs. Byron Truell & Co. have nearly completed the enlargement and improve- ment of their premises, abovo and below. The whole second story, recently occu- pied by Dr. Lougce, who has removed to Drew's building, nearly opposite, is to be used ns a carpet hall, all the parti- tions being removed, aud the clonk room Is to bu transferred to a room nt the cx- treme rear of tbo premises of the second story. Tho back stairs have been re- moved, and the space occupied by them, some eight feet in width, and fifty in length, has been thrown into the store., from which a new, wide, and commo- dious flight ascend to the second story. The carpet hall vfill be or sufficient ca- pacity to display ono of any size that may be desired. Tho second story is also provided with n wash room, and other conveniences and comforts for the tired shoppers and their children. Tho third nnrl fourth stories will be used as a tenement by Dr. Young. They aro well provided with forco pumps, hard nnd soft water, and an elevator hoists up the fuel from tho alley. Thesenre very con- venient. Mr. Truell has exercised much ingenuity in remodelling his establish- ment. *Hi« •

A NOVEL FESTIVAL.—A festival some-

what novel in its character was arranged

to come off on Tuesday night of this

week, nt the Unlversalist vestry, but

owing to the miserable state of tho

walks it was thought best to postpone It

to next week, Wednesday evening. Tho

idea was to provide about one hundred

and fifty bows (not beaux) of ribbon of

various patterns, calico and other mate,

rial, and insert a piece of each bow in

an envelope which wns to be sold at a

"post office" in the room. The pos-

sessor of each ot these specimens was

expected to hunt up the lady wearinj

the bow of that particular pattern. The

result of the discovery is not stated. It

is presumed, however, that all thingi

proving eligible, tho lucky "erfinityU

could have tho privilege of paying tho

supper bill for both if he chose, and the

supper is a very nice ono. Tho hunting

is pretty sure to produce a great deal of

amusement. Notwithstanding tho un-

favorable weather, quite a Inrge compa-

ny were gathered Tuesday night, anil

"Copenhagen" flourished among tho

young people, and "blind man's huff""

among those mero advanced. Tho lat-

ter fame wns to pin n handkerchief on

tho wall, and sec how straight tho blind-

folded ones uouidnH go for it.


of the set of assemblies held by lhe Mo-

nadnock Lodge ol Odd Fellows at Music

Hall, came off on Monday evening. Some

thirty-live gentlemen were present though

but twenty-eight ladies could be mus-

tered, that is, iIn'-.' that took part lu the

dance. The company was a very fine

ono and It was a most agreeable party

of young Indies und gentlemen. Carney

& Osgood supplied the motlvo power for

the feet of the dancers through the medi-

um of their ears. Scarcity of ladles Is a

rare difficulty In this city of the fair sex,

and another party will uoublless witness

a majority, and u much larger gathering

generally. Tbe next one takes place

next Monday.


boys havo their second party at their

m-ii-inl and roomy armory, on Wednes-

day evening next. It is tbe second

course of tbe seuson. Excellent music

Is always provided, and none who attend,

fall to have a good time.

" Soon " WEATIIKK.—Tho weather is

still the chief topic. This having May

In January, though, is a doubtful bless

ing, and many think it something clso

in disguise. Sunday uight was fairly,

mean, muddy, moist and miserable, with

just rain enough to put church goers in

terror for their new hats and bonnets,

but so little that umbrellas were super-

fluous; overcoats wero oppressive, but

it was dangorous to go without one, and

fires the same. The frost came out of

tho ground, and tho travelling, where

no sidewalks fitted lo lhe emergency

had been provided, were in n soil and

sweet condition. Of course it is of no

use to growl about the weather, but it is

some satisfaction to pour out grievances

into sympathizing ears. m »»*■*

FRENCH THEATRE.—Among the nov- elties ni' next week will bo a play "The Count do Vildac," entirely in French, with French actors and actresses. Tho nights will bo Tuesday and Wednesday, tho first and second of February. Thero will be In addition to tho sober picca a cmuic variety. We have some four hundred residents who understand the language.

WHAT IS COMING.—The City Hall is engaged for James Hayward's Pano- rama, Saturday, Feb, nth. Loslie, for a theatre, Feb. 1'Jth. Ho Is, or was, Kate Relgnolds' manager. Tho Pacific En- gine Co. Ball, the favorite of the year, when every body turns out, Is on Tues- day, Feb. 22d. P. T. Barnuni, the fn- mous, is to lecture, or do something for the Univcrsaliats, Feb. 28th. indwell's theatre comes for six nights, commenc- ing March 21st.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—J. If. Rich- ards at the old Post Office has quite a dis- play of musical Instruments, Among others there are brass cornels for child- ren. Those who have heard Kitty Blan- cbard, of Helwyn's, play on them will ad- mit that music cau be extracted in their case. ♦ »♦»■♦ ■ —

tyThe lit. Ilev. Mantou Fastburn,

Bishop of the Protestant Kpiscopal

Church in tbe diocese of Massachusetts,

will hold an ordination In St. John's

Church on Sunday morning at half-past

ten. In the evening at seven, the Dish-

op will confirm candidates presented by

the Rector.

v o it T ii A K i> o r r. it.

THE TENTH ANMVKUSAIIY of tlic wedding of Major Etna Button and Mi*» Mary Ilas- t'l.'ui I., was i.i.ilf the occasion of a uolijue and brilliant assembly ut Stevens' Ball, on Friday evening last, tiieir atanv Mends uuiiing tu ren- der it emphatically u sinning affair. Every prepHintion that liberality could suggest, liail been mudo Inr.llit! tvciiii:n',s enjoyment, and u more smiling romnany coald not ba natlicred together. Loii;; before tbe liour of evutiioR,

umcrou* packages of mysterious form,—long. and short, large and small, Hat anil round, thick tun! tbin,— but all carefully concealed from view, weru delivered at ibe ball, tbe gifta of many friends, who latsr gathered to tender

gratulalions anil good wishes to the e*- teemed recipients,—und when the guests began

convene, the spacious tablet at either side of tho hall were crowded with inch a display of wedding gifts us it rarely falli'th to mortal

io behold, while the recesses of the wln- s were'ndorned with a variety of the larger

and more elaborate works of art and virtu, lor a parallel to,wlilili the chronicles of ail histoiy may be seacrbed in vain.

No common gift* were these, ur of the ordU nary baser materials, tint with a careful ouserv. anru it! tbe ancient tradition* connected with such nwtrverurle*, every ankle was of tho purest and brightest of metals, over tho bril- Honey nnd extent of which, tbe heart of a Rev- enue AcscBsor would have throbbed with new delight. In judicious consideration or tbe mil- itary position of lhe Major, there was an out- fit of armor anil tl]UlpuKHttl patting ancient heraldry to shame| the sword, some seven Teet In length, might have proved cumbersome to Oolinh of Oath, while the shield would have sheltered even the Cardiff ginnt; several other swords there were, of lesser dimensions, huts, spurs, nml belts, while of musical Instruments, ■ulhelcnl were displayed to lit out tho orebes- Ira of the routing New York nonaWr musicalc, or a regiment of "water fowl" merchants for Friday's grand rounds. With an eye to lessen Ing the ladle's labor in the cure of the parlor conservatory, omf'frlend Bad furnished a min- iature watering pot, which stood ulono in one corner of tho hall, with u capacity of only three barrels, the sprinkler being or tbe tUo of a small wagon wheel. A finely constructed, t In HI .T!I delicate nuor, was displayed,-It should have been provided with a glass case to protect from dust,—with a blade only 47 Inches In length, and 4 3-4 «ln width,-at the point, while near It was an Indian tomahawk—from Its appearance evidently one of the old relics found along the banks of the Merrimark.

A mammoth clock, with tin case, tin dial, tin hands,—tin everything,—surmounted by the emblematic American bird of victory, of such dimensions as would awaken tlic most joyou< emotion In tbo heart of a patriot on election night;—Its face,—the clock, not tbe ronstor,— lu'iiiiii..'.- a certificate of its manufacture, and Iti adjustment to beat and cold, IsoehroDlsm and position ; an original picture by a home artist, peculiarly suggestive,—tbe picture, not painter,—of smiles, and in a gorgeous tin frame; an elaborately carved paper fan, at- tached to a bracelet set with tho choicest gems; coffeo pots with nozzles of such length as to hold more fluid than the vessel Itself; graters, which would be a fortune to any cool screening company, and a quarter thousand other arti- cles, of rare and artistic workmanship, lilua tratlng the ingenuity of tbe donors and the wonderful extent to which the metal can be made useful, ornamental and curious.

As the guests arrived, tbey wero presented to Major and Mrs. Sutton by the gentlemanly ushers, and cordially greeted, and at an early hour, to the ever excellent music of Upton*! Band, dancing commenced, the ball, with tbe bright faces, tbo brilliant toilets and the evi- dent, universal enjoyment, being radiant with mirth and beauty. Soon after eleven, came an Intermission, with a visit to the tables in the

lower hall, where, under the supervision of that prlnco of catercri, Cassefl, of Salem, a banquet was prepared, which in elegance, taste fulness, variety and richness was Iruly regal, tho aump- tuousness of the viands dividing admiration with the charming display or rich ware and beautiful mid fragrant flowers, eliciting warm est commendations of the generosity of tho hosts, no less than the skill and taste of tbo catorcr; more elegant tables we surely do not remember to havo seen.

After tho repast, a* the guests wero re.assem- Uiiig, a new legion of honor, clad in the fear ful panoply of war, and gorgeonity equipped from tbe arsenal newly stocked by tbe git'ti of the evening.undcr command of field Marshal Ingalls, preceded by a detachment of Gideon' Band, entered the bail in grand procession, aa after astonishing tbo company with the glory of their weapons and wonderful evolution:

wero massed in the contra, to participate In tho presentation to the host of u chronometer watch of miniature size and most delicate mechanism, ibe double tongucd oratory of the little speeches eliciting such touching responses from the band, n* made tho scene one of hilarity and Jollity. Dancing wns again resumed, and kept up till a late, or early hour, concluding with tbo mazy mysteries of the German. Tbe o slon, in every respect, was one of real enjoy- ment, and the fair twain, to whose efforts tbe quiet village Is so much Indebted for social a\l- vancement, have tbe heartiest wishes or all, for their continued happiness, through many more tuch i ci ins of wedded lite.

AS DoriiU I TK 31 S.

One night last week it harness worth JJ40, was stolon from tho barn of Stephen Lovejey, in the West Pariah.

A few days since some hunevolont gentlemen Were solicited to aid a poor widow, whose husband had died Icav- ng four children, as wns stated. One

gave * .\ anolhor %A. The latter ulso offered to furnish a barrel of potatoes. The potatoes havo not been called for, and from Inquiries since made, it Is evi- dent tho whole story was a gross fabri- cation. Number of blitha In IsO'j, 100

R,F.V. l-'.Mouv O. CIIADDOCK, recently pastor of tho Free Baptlit Church, having signified bis Intention of leaving; the city during the earlier part ol tbo present week, the various clergymen ot the city and Ihelr wlvea, took occasion on Monday evening to meet with the reverend gentleman at the residence or Rev. Mr. Fisher, on Haverhill street. During the evening Mr. Cbadddk was made tbo recipient of eight -volumes or Spurgeon's Sermons, nnd a copy of Dexter on Congregationalism, the gifts of those present.

During the four year's residence of Mr C. In this city, he has won boat* of friends, not only among his own congregation, but throughout tho city, and many will deeply regret that the step he haa taken in regard to hi* denomina- tional views will niska it necessary for him to seek a. now Add or labor, and especially will bis loss be felt by bis own congregation and society, with whom he has labored so ear- nestly and successfully. Sineo the church has been under the charge of Mr. Chaddock, It has received a much larger incrcaso of membership than at any previous corresponding length of time, its religious and social affairs havo been all that could be desired, and lu financial mat- ters arc in a flourishing condition. Tho entire harmony and unaniraitv of feeling throughout the church have beta decidedly marked.

Mr. Otaaddork len the city Tuesday noon, having received ueall from Union City, Mich., wbero be will prenr-h u few months, with a view to a permanent pastorate at that place.

DcitsUBUl Low in MAiiKET.-YVlihin a day or ttvo, tbe Met of land situated bet* Concord and Bradford, and Ilampsblro Fruuklln streets, and embracing about thrco fourths of that block, will be ptuced In tho mar- ket by Mr. S. M. Davis, Itesl Estate agent, in building lots of convenient size. Thero will be four lots fronting on Hampshire street, 00 feet front by 100 feet deep, it the rear or thi will bo an alloy, running Iwtween Concord a Bradford streets. I this alloy is another at a right angle, running ths length of tho tract, tin the Bradford street sklo there aro six lots, 49 feet front each, and running back to the alley bT f»et. There are ol«o sev'eh on Concord street, 44 feet lion! and bl feet deep, running back to the alley. Yt'u give the figures as about tho size of the lots. There may be a trifling variation. The piece or land referred to ha* been tilled up by Slovens Dockliam & Co., tho proprietors, to a sunlcient height Tor build- ers to operate to advantage, many hundreds or cartload* of dlrl having been brought from Tower Hill for the purpose. There is scarcely a bettor or more convenient and accessible neighborhood in tbe limits of the city. On Bradford street there have been many lint class houses erected in tbe block, or very near It, and on Concord street tbe new Presbyterian church I" In process or erection, tbe cellar wall being nearly completed. There will doubtless he a brisk demand fur the property as soon as It Is ready for disposal.

FidUKKs Too SMALL.—In our refer-

ence to the new Boston and Maine Depot

in liostoli, we thought wo madn lhe depot

large enough, but It deems we were far

below the actual size: (he length of tbe

covered portion II 470 feet, and tho roof

covers about one and u quarter acres of


TICKETS TAKKX.—There wero l-'l.v

tickets taken at tho White lecture on

Wednesday evening.



tunic KM nolicahln ns being cut In "vc ancient ylc " presided nt the "big Addle."

The dresses oi'the ladies.ntl admired; in gome

ten appeared u good deal of "waist," but here it began or left off would have been

puazllag to ii Madame Dcmorcst; in others the to " of materiel was far Irom being extrav-

agant, imitating no doubt one peculiarity |n

hlch our uncestors were distinguished. We coma near forgetting lo mention the collars, and bnlr ornaments with which the ladies were adorned, but then, to attempt a description or anything of such fcnrful dimensions would only lead us into embarassment, so wc forbear.

The Kuppcr room was quite convenient to the hail, unu tlic merits of the bill of fare was fully appreciated. No uic could say that in any particular it was a " Low" affair. Messrs. J. S. Stark, II. S. Sililcy, V. C. Foster, and others of the dramatic club, from ibis place, were present, and played the farce of "turn him

" Every one seemed well pleased with It, and making allowances for the little room Ibe stage afforded, wc think surpassed any of their

ious efforts.

" I'aoDiylvaiila, Maine,

" Nova Bcotla, " Xorth Carolina, " frliii'r Edward lalaiid, " Canada, " Niw lUmiuliirr. " Barlaad,

Scotland, " MaMicliiiai'iM, " Ireland,

Slutlit'ra turn In Connecticut, Uslne, tfeveftaua, Canada,

Vcnnout, New u..nil, .1.1 ■. Nuw Vark. Scutlainl,

" i ■: mi is ii.!, Slaaiacbiiaclla,

'* ' Ireland, TwonrtbeulilUrcn wore Ulr*.UImaio,lwi

mill there were ihreo pnlra of twin*. N birth* In ISAS, 118; decrease.IB.

Numbttr ofmarrloge certificate* laeucd I Uarrligea reglitcred, 36. aUrrlaee* solemnized by ltev. II. .I.,:I.I, 1; Key. i ',•- .iT- I'H.-K.H l. |j Kev B. H Foater, I; Rev. J. If. Merrill, I; ltev. J. V i, ■!-. ]; ltev. D. O. I.i'.il-l. I; ltev. C. E Keed, 1; ltev.T. R. Lambert, 1; llov. T. E. Yasser, 1; Rev. C. A. Brailley, 1; Rev. S. II. Tolnian, Oeo. Foster, J. P., 1; Oeo. 11. Poor, J. P., 1; Kev. J. D. KIOKibury, 3; ltev. J. I*. IsMe,4] Rev. Chat. Smith,*; Rev. II. it. '",-,,., . ; , lUr. U.F.Oslli goer, B.

H*'I.'I.II.I lu nt riut,. ,,f gTvomaT, lui,',n .,. Yuuiig. est couplo, groom IT, bride IS. Uldest couple, ■room 63, bride 44. Curtirkates issued In IWW,3ti; dgsroMe j.

Death* in 1S6U, 106; Males 00, ftfaalHW. Of croup, cancer, icrofuta, drowning, dyaeotary,

childbirth, itoppagc, ipoplctie lit, mortification, pnueamonla, dropsy on lb* brain, gravel, liver complaiut, obolora morbus, one each, 16. Heart dt*. ea*e, hemorrhage, diphtheria, palsy, 3 each, B. A I'lil'in, dropsy, typhoid fever, bsan complaint, each, 13, Brain fsvar, paralyils, 4 each, 8, chola: lnfantuem 6, Infantile T, scarlet fever 8, old age IS, 38. Con*umpltor<,a). Number of d«alb* last » 100.

The following were over 80 yesr* or age: Nalbau Clark, 84 yean, 11 months; Ruth Abbott, S3 yean, S montha; Jewst Jon**, BS year*; Orlando Lavejoy, 84 years, 4 months; Psrils French, 83years;Mary Abbott, S3 year*; Francis Baffnm, S3 years; Bbi II. Blckford, S3 year*, 9 month*; Sarah Dearborn, 83 yean, T month*; Charles K. Billing* ST year*. 10 month*.

On Tuesday ovening, quite a number of young men Visited Eira II. Vnlney, at his market-house, and extended to blm their cordial congratulations upon bis marriage. After the expression of theli kindest wishes lor tho future happiness of himself and bis, the company pre- sented to him a lino display of beautiful silver ware, consisting of butter dish, napkin ring, cups, ladles, knife-rests and spoons. It was an Impromptu affair, but mutually pleasant to contributors and recipient.

The Bnrnabeo concert, which Is to be one of the most attractive entertainments of the winter, is announced in our adver- tising columns, with particulars.

The American Missionary for February acknowledges as follows: Andovur, Old Sontb church,

O. E. Qooaell, C. M.SuiilHgaU', 3 barrels of clothing.

Haverlilll, Mary B, Jones, A friend, A bay O. Clement, Mr*. J. B.Usse,

Tewksbury, Friend*, West Draout, Mrs. S. L. Fatten, We»t -Newbury, J. Q. Tewksbury,

J. o. Carr,

State Countable Deal, on Saturday last seized a cask and several jugs and deml- jobttsofllquor, at the house of Andrew Collins, In Abbott Village. Ou the next evening (Sunday), the same official stir- red up a nest of unclean birds at the same place. Five or BIX young men were found pluylng cards and captured, while It Is said one or two others escaped throuitb the back windows. Those made prisoners were balled and appeared be- fore Justice Poor, on Tuosday, each pay- ing In Quo and costs about sixteen dol- lars. Requests have been made to with- hold the names of these persons with as- surances ol their reformation, and they will bo expected, every one of them, lo attend church, either Protestant or Cath- olic, regularly beresllcr UB an evidence of thesiucerlty of their good resolutions.

The annual spelling watch of the mem- bers of tho public school for the Draper prises, will be held at the tewn hall, on Friday Feu1. 4th, at one o'clock, P. M. There are lo be four classes, viz.

1st. Scholars under ten years of age to spell irom the first 50 pages of Sar- gent's Pronouncing Speller. .

2d. Scholars under twelve years ol age, to spell irom the first 75 pages of the samo speller.

3d. Scholars without limitation of age, to spell from the whole book.

4th. Scholars without limitation of age, to xpell miscellaneous words from the speller and from other sources.

There will bo two prizes to each or the three first illvlsloits and one prize lo lhe rottrth. .Scholars will not bo allowed to compete ror prim i„ t|l0 divisions in which ihey have hitherto bc*-n awarded the first prizes.

The public schools in town will not hold sessions on the afternoon 6f the spelling match, as the teachers and schol- ars nro expected to be present on that occasion,

Mr. Samuel It. Shlpmnii, or the last elnssoftlic seminary, wus ordained pas- tor of the church In Atwatcr, O., on the 13th lust.

The line portrait of S. II. Taylor, L. L. I)., the principal of Phillips Academy, by Billings, and paid for by the senior class, will soon adorn the academic ball. The students of lhe Institution, have unani- mously voted tu raise the necessnry funds for lhe erection of a monument over the grave of Henry H. Manning, of Warwick, Mass., «i,.. wa< a brave soldier In the late war, and became disabled lo such an extent that be could nut complete his 'ducalioii.and subsequently died.

CommoniBttUlh of M<u u-hitattti 11,-8] To ANDUKWC01.1.]*8,of Anuovrr.ln

the county of Km ex, ana to any and all other Ci'raur. claiming any Intereat In

cut Ihrw rations of whiskey Inoncluxaud DM demijohn, ' *

Aboalune-hair gallon of gin lo one Jug About t«enly-rWo gallon* of *),■ lu ona barrel

which, by virtue of a warrant lsiucrl by me have been sMieil at the dwelling liuuee of said

Audrew Colllm, lu laid An.luin-, on the. twenty-second day ol January, In the year one thousand elaht hundred and levcnty, the value of which liquor*, with the veaaela contalnlnjr then,dots my opin- IUII, i-xn-cl twenty dollar*.

You are hereby required to appear before my omce In said Andover, at two o'clock, F. M. on tha twelfth day of February, In the v'ear one thousand eight hundred aud seventy, to answer lu tin- complaint against mid linuori, nnd tbu vessel* coiiiiiinlns; them,and for trial, and to show eatm-.lfiny you have, why said liquors, and tbe vearel* contalnlns; them, should not be forfeited (orMag kept for sale by said Andrew Collins In violation of the laws of this Commonwealth.

Witness, my hand and seal,


nty. . II. I'OUK, Trial Juetlce.

MKI.VIN I1KAI.. Deputy smte Comtable.

TOWK NOTICE. All pcrMiii* bavin* BUI* against tho lown ol

Andover, nre reqaealed lo preteol them for pay- ment on or before MONDAY, February 71b, .-ii-iii..;:. when the book* will he dosed for Ibe Hical year. W. 8. JKSKLV.s, i Seleelnra

JOHN U.Aiilimi. ,„ IlKltMAN fUKLI'S,) Andover.

Aiuluver, Jan. as, tb70. St

All Evening wjtl Barnabre. TOWS HALL, ANDUVKH,

Tuesday Evening, Feb. 15, 1870, at t-4 beforu 8 o'clock.

UK. H. C.TAENABEE respectfully announce* tu tbe citizen* of Andover

and vicinity, that he will nppear a* above lahlaNOVKL KN'lKltl'AlNMKNV


A Patchwork ot Song and Story:

MR. H. M. SMITH, - - - Pianist. Admission, lucludlno; Reserved Seats, Fifty

Tickets for sale nt DIM rait'. Book Store after Uonday, February 7.

Door* open at 7 o'clock. mjajjs

Kslate Cltarlca Ncitel. Notice li hereby frfren that ths subscriber haa

been duly appointed ailmlnltlrstor of the i-.taie ol Charles Seltet,

ate of Lawrence, In the oounty of K**e*-, opera- tive, deceased, *nd has taken upon blm.Hl that trnat by rUlna bonds, aa the law directs. All per- sons bavins/ demands upon lhe estate of nlcTde- ceased arc required to exhibit lhe tame; and all person* Indebted to said eitate are called uoon to make payment to *^

UKOBGK KO.STKU,l*ublIcAdm'r. Andover, Jan.: jatl

RKPOKT of the condition of •• Tim ANDOVEK NATIONAL BANK." In Andover, In th« Stale

**gM*«Mttt*,al tht- cloacor business on the a2d day ol January, 1S70.

Jtuourcti. Loan* and discount*, tan siu 38 U. S. bonds to secure circulation, awlouo 00 II. 8. bonds and securities on band, UjOOU 00 Due from redeem I an and reserve sirnt*, 38 71fl 10 Bauklnjt house, GOWIOO Cash Item., i wS Bills ol other National llsnks, ■■'-■■'( m, Fractional currency, (lucludluv nickel*,) al fti Specie, vis., ooln, iM7 Ja L«|*l tender note*, tjjg, w

•044,877 It

•25(1,000 00 42,13° *> Ut,714 14

lrfi,8ST 00 ■ tA»«i 1,1*0 00

58,784 Stt

Capital itock paid lu, Hurplu* land, Front and Ion, ClreuUUnj note* received from

Comptroller, at; Lets amount on hand, Amount outstanding, Sttft2*f* e'rculatiCD outilaodlu Dividend* unpaid, Individual depot Its,

•044,677 14 Slalt of Sftt'Hiehuieltt, County of Kitex, s*.

ttoVViTV'0.",l:r\C,l,l,1,'r or Tha Andover Na- statement 1* true, lo tha beat nf my knowled* e and belicr. MOSES FOSTEll, Ca.hlw. subscribed and sworn to before me this arih day

of January, 1870. JuuN FLINT, Justice of the 1'eacc.

Corrcct-Attest, JOHN FLINT, » '

B3itji§§H^--» Estate Nalhaa Clark.

Notice la hereby flven that the .ub.crlber hi* been duly *ppoln;ed adralntitrator of the estate ol , , Kathan Clark, J^g-M*"?*?'fr.*|M»wmii of Kiaex,yeoman, deceased, and hu* taken upon hlmielf that by Blvlng bonds, ..the law direct*. All pe aatlU demands upon the eitate oi laid dee are reoulred to exi.lblt the same i ,„d all pPr.oni Indebted to said estate ar* called upon to payment to DANIEL CAttLET^^g-??.

North Andover, Jan. 11, IB70, jtfl

WA. S HING7" The puhicrlber* bavin* leased the mills la Fry*

Village belonging to tha heirs of tbe late Elijah Ua**ej,deeeaaed,and having erected a suitable new building, and furnished It with two double set. or Improved stocks, will attend to Washing Clothes, Carpets, etc., every Uonday.

W.D.fcC.O.UUSSEY. Andover, Jan. 31, 1870. U

All persons member " from mi tractlni.

North Andover, Jan. 6,

It A I. I. A Hit v A 1. n .

Our neightiors at Tuwksbury Centre bad a

gala time on Wetneiday evening of last week. Tho ladles of tho Sewing Society, connected with tlic First Congregational church, hold a levee at Gray's hall, the entertainment consist- ing of nn antiquarian supper, old folks concert,

Gray's Hall was completely filled with old and younjf from all parts of the town. An orchestra, witli ados.cnorraoro ladles and gen- tlemen, all dressed in costume of "ye olden time," discoursed at Intervals vocal and Instru- mental music, to the delight of all who were so fortunate as to secure even ■ place to stand.

Borr March wns.the maslcal conductor for tho occasion, nml filled the position with a skill that showed experience In these matters.

Frank M. Spauldlng, a very modeii youth, aged perhapa nlneiy-flvc, or thereabouts, super- intended the organization of the choir, and rendered assistance In vaiious ways that was very valuable. Mr. Aaron Frost, whose cos-

rsons are hereby forbidden to trait any

"aW ^ffl" wilh0V » «'■«« order , a* I shall pay no debt* of their eon- JOSIAH OfOMT,

*70. Slja21

Eitate John it. Woodbnrr. Nolle*ill hereby given, that the subscriber ba*

hoen duly appointed executor ol LC, wlU" f . . -- .. JohnU.Woodbury, l«teof Korth Andover, in tho county of Ksiex M'JIfiv '"1\lei "*l a«* taken upou

IS r ,J^"oat ^»ylut.' demand* upon u,e es- II™.. 1 ■■Ne"cd "f r"iul«d to exhibit tha •ame; and all person* Indebted to said Stall are called upoa lo make payment to

EBEN WOODBUBY.Biec'r January 11 lb, 1870. jilt ' M"

CtinmontrtnUk n( i/sii<ic*.H>rif*. PBOBATBT COURT.

To the neat of kin, and others Interested In tha estate Of RAlHKl. H.AIIIIUTT'lalior And. over, In said county, widow, deceased,

Whereas, William S. Cowdery, the atuaSaiatM. or or the estate of said daecaied,laMlflmM

to said Court, for allowance, rhe 'account of'ES administration on satd estate, and application h*a baili saada (or a distribution of tha Kit hit hand. "»-« ^^w^««af^U^d

-\ he second Tuesday of February next. 'clock in the forenoon, to abow cause il

any you have, why said account should not be al- lowed, and distribution made according to said application. ■ "

And laid administrator Is ordered lo scrre this citation by publishing the same once a week, in tbo lawrcace American uud Andover Advertlarr a newspaper printed at Lawreaee, three week* "Ac.l'*!^,,'t!lf.1f,l_?,,DIlc*llcn,<1w>two ■

I _ ----ry. In tha

'd eight hundred and A.O. UOODlfi,L,Hegi,ter.

CoMmsnwsalih or UsiMofeusn.,


Wbcr.M, H.r.m W. F,.nch, ih, (.^.w^rfd.. nn I.., .in ..a lo.i.m'", .1 ffiaSBJSS

have, why the aame.saould not b. allowed 7 ' And the *ald trustee Is ordered lo serve ihu

citation by publishing th. .s.n. one. a week tu tha Lawrence America and Andover Ad"r- tlser, a newipaper printed at Lawrence thr^e week. .necvMlvely, K la.t pobllealtoaTie be two d«v. >t leatt before said Tue.d.y.

sald t idred aadTs.venty.

A. C. QOODEIL, Kaffiiter.

bat. Com

al ni-

let before'siTd- EX "*lwo *" * Witness, George F. Chonte, Ktqnlre, Jud-r ol

"ear rfow Lord V™^ ™ * B55"ftn?lS seventy. }ai4

™. suceeisiTeiy, tlio last publication to be two lays at lea.t before said Tue.Say. "* "" Witness, George V. Choite, iCiquIre, Judge ol

aid Court, thi. eleventh day of Jannnr? in he year eighteen hundred and'sovenif.

NR. (HAULS* X. L, BTOMB, a. « , AHT"<>KI/"DT«*,»"»0,■ Mrs.l'Atirfta New liiduetlvn Method Tor

the Plamoforte and rJmT Wl

would respectfully call the attention of the InhaW- ttols of Audover and vicinity lo this ll«l|*_ K-henilve, thorough, and, at the nine 'ilaie

ctnatiajr system or lot!ruction. 80 almal. ihai achlldcau understand and practice It; totbswoua. that the mont mature mind will be p usedTwUkft

ror Ml particular* m*4 drewlar.^SSmU „ <;iURLiwN.":iffoVie, I'MIIlp* Street, Andover, Mass.


House for Sale. Well located, one-third of a nils from Halfroad

and Hers. Can. Good water, TJ fruit tree., g,ap« vtnsa, and small fruit; atablo, Inquire ol

HlooW w, il, LAHB, North AndotiT Depot,



WOOIr I WOOD ! The subscriber lias for mile a large lot of hard

iDd "Oil wood, wliieh UP will -illlri .|U«nllUc» as



.lolill II. I'lUH,!!.-. Main tin- Union morvlu Abbott ly alteudi-il to. i

irlodlMl •<> , Andover, or at i', will lie prompt- CIIAKPLKU.


Wagon Manufacturer, hm constantly on hand,and m-tV.■■ - lo ord.r,

Light Express, Order, and Busiaesa Wagons,

wlib. or without Tons.

AUo, light Pa rm Wagons and Carls, for bora**.

Kcpnlrin^ in nil its branches. Andover, JulyO, IMS. Il


has always on band a |ir||i a-.urtiuini i f Coffins, Cnsketn, Hobec. l*lrilc», Ac,

o furulsh Ice aud preserve btMlIM win1 u desired. Corner Main and EWH BU., Audovor

Andover, July 6.1BC7.

Wagons! Wagons!! New and second hand, for sale by

B. K. A W. B. LAMB,


Manufacturers of rWUagWi ffttaat llcrs line.

Cam and Wheels of all kind* to order. tfji-'J IVAll orders for Tin Hoofing prompt-

ly attended to.

Farm for Sale. Ibo subscriber oflVri for sale hie Varm, situated

hi Weal Andover, 5 miles from Lawrence and 4 from Lowell, containing upwards of ono hundred acre*, will divided Into tnowlna, Ullage and pas- turing. Tho building* consist of a atory-and-n- lialf houir, conUinlngSr.->.im*, barn 30 x SO feel, nearly new, with cellar; carriage home, granary, and other oat buildings, with plenty of good water. The Farm I* only 1 mile from No. lowlnbury Meet- ink' Houie, and only 14 mile from thti Haggetis l'ond Station of the Lowell aud Lawrence Hall- road. Tbere am on the Farm & ncrcs of wood 11 ml

p« of peat meadow; ulsoayoun,; orclirinl

if o it T it A x D or K ft.

Laat Sunday rooming, when tho cleik of tho M. E. ('i:ni rh waa preparing hlmHclf Tor meet- ing ho wax Inrlied down to tho house "i Mr§. II. Sargent, a rcipectcil widow lady of this place. Hot knowing tho purpose or tho Invi- tation, what waa bli surprise to bo met at tho door by tho hidy herself and presented witli the ■nm of $50 In behalf of the socisty. A notice was Riven In the mcetinu; home in tbo morning (and. well 1 waa u;olnc to say, you might have heard the eyei map,) certainly many fares were covered with smiles, aod though I love to go with Bro. Day to a throuo of Grace, yet ho seemed to he more than usually earnest in Ids prayer for the blessing of God upon the ihmor and tbo Trustees indeed are grateful if that would express their feelings- If the church had a few more such open henrta that would give according to their ability wo mlgbt soon be able to purify and cleanso It in a thorough manner as it needs very much.

Tho U. E. Munch held a Festival In Union Hall, on Wednesday lOib Jan.; a very large number were preaem, and clam chowder, oyster stews, ice cream, and almost every other eatable, call for the many quarters and ten cents. Mr. Fhippin, chorister,and alisx M. J. Young, treble, and Miss M ■ A. Morton, alto, M. C. II. Sargent, basso, sung some very beau- tiful pieces which were highly applauded. The Festival vu a saccess, and $170.1.1 Is the net profits. Among tbe number present we notice the Hon. M.T Stevens and lady, and they patronized our tables pretty liberally ■ Excuse me a few lines more while we return thanks fo the merchants on Essex St. Lawrence, who were so liberal to our ladles who solicited at tides for tbe festival, and hope they will be able to do much good for many years to come C.T.

MINIMI CHAN a us.—Tho crazy beads who believe in mining, accomplish great changes in a very short time. The following la only a sickening repetition ef tbo folly of mankind, and Is tbe history of almost every gold and ■liver mining town in California and Nevada; It refers to the White Fine Silver District In Nevada:

From the most violent excitement and ex- travagant honea everything hat dropped down to the extreme of dullness. Unimproved real estate, which one year ago was held at inordi- nate prices, can now be had in many cases for the taking, few caring to go to the expense of a deed or to expose themselves to pay taxes upon it. Ai a consequence many holders of this species of property who. twelve months ago, were supposed to be rich, to-day nnd themselves poor. Many who could have left the country rich, had they disposed of their town lots last winter or spring, are now too much Impoverished to get away from tbe place Even stores and bnsiness placet, unless eligibly situated, aro scarcely worth contending for, rents having declined in nearly the tame ratio aa the prices of real ettate.

Storet that readily commanded monthly rents of $500 ten or twelve montht ago, can now be had for $100, the price of choice lots having fallen in equal proportion. A year ago hay was telling at $250 per ton; lumber, beat quail ty, $800, second quality, $300 per si feet; wood $20 per cord; barley $20 per loo pounds; box stoves, IT5; common cooking atovet, SMQ; applet, SO cents per pound; poultry, 7.1 cents to $1 per pound; the prices of all Imported goods being in tho tame proportion; only those obtained from tbe Mormon settlements being comparatively lower. Now hay can be bought far $4.'. per ton; lumber, $50 to $100 per M; wood, 97 per cprd; barley, $6 per 100 ponndt, and other artlclea above mentioned for about one-fourth of their former cost. Miners' wages from 93 per day have fallen to 91, many being glad to work for $3. Masons, carpenters, and other mechanics, whose services command-

ed from $0 to 9>0 per day last springe have scarcely any demand, common labor being abundant at almost any prlco tbe employer chootet to name.


Couiiuoii.viia.l.i plvcs some undoubtedly

correct iratenientt, in regard to tbe eftl-

ctency of lite State Constabulary. Were It nut lor iu connection with liquor pros-

ecutions its value and ii«e(iilneii would be universally ndmltted. It lius been a

inr greater terror to criminals of every

eriptlon than Hie local police forec.

,-ever efficient, u facilities are given It, which the city nnd town police aro not furnUhed with. No one but an old fogy, oouscrvattve, pull hawk, would desire tu

it abolished except for tlieJUptor law. The Comuioitwealth says:

Wo have known a disorderly house i.i a quiet street of toll city, unbearable by reason of noise and rlultuntl, lo all neigh- bor*, belli?; put Into the huuds of Ihe Olty'l policemen, and the report mode that It was entirely free from niolestutlwii. It being In tlielr opinion n well conducted establishment, whose whole offense, waa merely parlor-daneln^, which any citizen had a rlj-lit to present at his residence if desired. The same week we have known Hint name house to be visited by the state police, and Its custodians charged la the municipal court with keeping a noisy nnd disorderly house., a brothel, of doln™ business with otitallcense.and the charges have boen both proved and confessed, and the neighborhood at once purged 01 tho nnlsniiec.

Such a cnnli .v.t ns (Ida between Die workings of the two forces Is not singular or unUMial—t reason therefor could bo given If necesBaiy; and It is not surpris- ing that the state police has many friends in consequence. Take the numerous caitcs of house-breaking, burglary, Inceu- diarhm, and other crimes against prop- erty. In which the atnte police have been employed, and how few in which they have not won credit! The raids upon gamblliig-housca have been of almost weekly recurrence, and with results of strategy and daring that havu forced admiration from even the heartiest op- ponents In T in- liquor interest. The fact la. the statepollco mean butinct* In their operations. Th»y have no friends to re- ward, nor enemies to punish—political capital to make, nor positions to retain- by their nets. The force Itself Is, in gen- eral, composed of men of grit and nerve, many of whom have been In the militnry service of the country, and ate accu*- tomed to risks ami danger*. They have been worthy of their chief, and tho lorec worthy of the state. In our judgment, it will be an unfortunate day, alike tor Bos- ton and the state, when it is disbanded.

M X T H V M X.

Rev. J.D. Fulton, Pastor of the church that worship in Tremont Temple, Boston, will give o. lecture on Temperance, in tho Town 11:111. next Monday evonlng,at 7 1*2 o'clock. Tbo lecture will bo free, and tho hall will doubtless be crowded: all wishing to secure good scats will do well to bo prompt. The lecture is given under tho auspices of tho Sons of Tem- perance, and tin' v extend n cordial invl tation to their Lawrence brethren.

Tho Baptist Society aro holding t scries o( religious meetings every eve- ning this week except Thursday. They will also continue theni next week ex- cept on Monday and Thursday evenings. Last Monday evening. Rev, W. E. Stan- ton, of Lowell, delivered a very impres- sive sermon from the text, "Behold I stand at tho door and knock." Tho lec- ture room of the new church was well lilleil by a very nttentive aud apparently thoughtful nudienco- Thursday evening tho Rev. Mr. Padelford, of HaverhiU, preached, aud on Friday evening. Rev. Mr. Hincklcy, of Groveland, will occupy the desk. On Wednesday evening. Fob. 2d.. Rov. L. H. Hill* of Reading is ex- pectod to bo present. IOTA.


List of conveyances for the week ending Jan. 381b, uwnxHCB.

Hautlolpb Lucas to W- Q. Colby, land on Uan* MHt street, $M0. J. Urrrlll Carrier lo Itobert Copeland, lot on Oak

itroct, tooO. 8. O. Kltnball to Carlloa Kimball, lot ou Cypress

trest, |M0. Martin Hoodman to L. D. Bargent, lot ori Stay

iireet, $»0. Timothy Dcaoy to Wm, Hanrahan, lot aod bolM

of on Oak street, $2000. \V. U. Clark to John Murphy, lot on Ulver street,

$106. W. II. Wellington, (1. aU., to Huptlbah Welling-

ton, lot on Catnmon ulreet. Ben KIcbardioD to Richard Worawlck, tot on Its

verblll street, $3100. J. D, Bdsou to Ur>. O. LtQraley, lot, $lBft. L. 1 >. Sargent to J. Bladdtn, et, at., lot on Hay

street, $K0. HSTIIUXH.

Chas. Ilaieltlno to Edwin Kelley, land, $170. Joseph now, Administrator to lillea 11. Kelley,

land, $M0. Richard Ilaseltlne to A. J. Perkins, land, $)S00. Wn. A. Foster, at, »■■■., to Janes Ingalla, lot on

Turnpike, $).'-">.

AaTOOVSJB. Caroline A.Holt to John II. Pilot, Itne hill land,

$824. i.'i nililn A. Terry lo Mary A. Perry, et. at., land.

MOUTH AHDOVEB. James B. Roberta lo Joseph W. Roberts,lot,$300. rnuli'iieo Kunnelli lo H. D. Bills, pasture, $B30.

golirc (Oourt Setorfl. IDA.)-.— The business of the court for a week

past baa been principally drunks and vagrants. A was arrested on suspicion of breaking tns win- of Mi. Baldwin, but no watch was found, and cvldMice waa sll|ht. He waa humid uvcr.

Chas. Perkins, a married man, was to-day held In $500 for living with Bllia A. Jacobs aa man and wife Tbe woman was aent up for ninety days. William Leonard waa ftued $4.10 for aasaulllnf a woman who kept a saloon. Edward Taylor, a boy plead guilty lo stealing an overcoat, and was held in $300. Margaret Sullivan, ohsrgcd with assault, was allowed logo.

BUHOAT Evawnra LacninEa.—In tho nearly ten years of HOT. Mr. Weaver'i labora In Lawrence, he baa probably done nothing thai baa secured a wider or heartier public approval than the re-delivering of his lectures on '' Moses and Modern Science," by Invitation ofmany of hli [isnplu. Crowded honaea of deeply Interested hearers greet every lecture. Laal Sunday evening waa a greater preen lhan wc liav.t seen befora. The lecture waa on the seventh day of MOM. Tbe lecturer holds that that day Is the bo man era—the dynasty of men—of mind. On that day Hod reeled from bis material creation to which be had been engaged, and devoted himself to Urn creed** and care ol men. lie did not real In the

MUM of being Idle, but of changing from material to spiritual labors. That is the irue test of the Sab- bath for man. Ood's Sabbath continues yet, and will continue forever.

He created man In bis oWu Imago, which maki man a reprcaenlaUon of Clod In Ilia earth, tike Uod In Ihe qualities of hla mind aud affoctlone and per- haps In bla body. Man differ* from Uod In being fluliu, and Ignorant. In kind, hi* mind and Ood'e are alike, differing only lo degree. Tho lecturer found la Uosei'statemonl, tho philosophy or Ood's fatherhood and man's childhood, and brotherhood, a* well as the philosophy of the doe. trine of mati'a Immortality, lho great doctrines af- terwards so grandly set forth by tbe Saviour, lie called Moan-'account of the creation, the headspring of the true religion, of sound philosophy and of civilisation.

The next lecture «lll be on the Our den of Kdeo, neat Bunds? evening at S1-2 o'clock. ,

AUUSKUENTS IN BOSTON.—As the late Friday night train has brought us near to the amusements of Boston, (he recital of them for that night, will be of interest. This Is the last week of the l'arcpa Eng- lish Opera, but the pieces to bo sung Fri- day (light, and Saturday afternoou, are not announced. Mrs. Waller Is engaged for drama tbe next week. The beautiful Irish play ol Arrah Xti rogue, still coir thiues to draw crowds at the Museum, and will be continued until farther notice. AtBelwyn'ols the play of "Little Em'ly' from Dickens' David Coppcrfleld. Then is a Russian Concert in costume at Mir sic llall, Saturday afternoon. There It variety aud "fun alive'' at theAdelphi, and Howard nightly. The Arctic regions and tho Cardiff giant are also on exhlb! tlen.

n»i> jfei'-Tin' Riverside Workiugineu's Total

Abstinence Society desire to return their thanks to the parties who kindly gave their aid In rendering their entertainment, on Saturday laat, so successful in every reipaot. Jas. < IM.IHK,


APPROPRIATE.—It is said that at tho exhibition of paintings at the " Academy of Design," in New York, there is a most singular coincidence of names of artists and the subjects of their several works. A reporter of one of tho Now York journals furnishes for the press, tho fol- lowing list of paintings nnd the artists' names, which shows a very striking re- semblance, worthy of note ;



■'rom what can he Lathered from the paper* in lho western port of thi* male, it appears promote tliut this section of llie. country or even this city, may he visited by home of lho miserable wretches tent nut by Brigbam Yuunir to endeavor to persuade decent men ami wo- men tn embrace the beastly doctrines of *Ni't Lake City. It U doubtiul if there is any law, except perhaps that of rotten ecua «r ,nr and feathers, to prevent reeruitlng,either (or hou»es of Hi fnmo or the harem of Urigham Young, and iht) hoary headed rascaU who style them- selves his " apostles/' and wo have siiiali fears of any success they may meet with omonK ojr inMllkrant and virtuous imputation, hut il is well that our people should know rnnnv mailers couccmiJi£ (he Mormons, should their ruprc- sentntivei eoina here, which may have been :.■!:'.n:.■!! The Eacu are something like these:

Sim- forty years ugo one Spauldln?, who hud been a Presbyterian minister, hut whom illness and poniul insunity bad incupaciatcd (rom ac- tive duty, in his .die und insano hours wroie a manuscript soincwhut In imitation Of Scrip- ture language, hut a conglomeration of an lusanu hmla by which no rcunonul>lo or un- prejudiced person could be deceived. By some in.'.in-, ono Joe Smith, a loafing, luzy but Q,uick wilted vagabond contrived to obtain possession of tho manuscript. Ho started the slory that he hud btssn visitad hy an angel who indicated to him a spot somewhere near Syracuse, N. Y-, where some inspired documents were buried; that he went tbero and dug ihcm up; ihntthcy were inscribed on thin plates of tin In an un- known language; that he translated tbem by inspiration; and much other bumbup/. nnd the mnnuscript of tbe craiy preacher was tho re- sult. He did not pretend Ibat any one hut himself ever saw ihe plates, as " they were im- mediately hidden for fear of Itcing stolen."

It Is difficult to Imagine any possible docirine which could be Invented, but which would llnd some earnest believers among the credulous of mankind. Tho very mystery preserved raised a crowd of adherents, and Joo lived to fat upon their folly. A community was organized, and a selllcment or considerable siza in Nau- voo. Ills., followed. An amiable weakness for in.;-.' stealing, with which tho Mormons wcro aftlictod, caused the Western men lo drive them out, nnd the unlucky Joe waa shot In Jail.

As the community was ton large to disband, another lender, a sbrewd fellow, named Urig- ham Young, more unprincipled 'than even Joe Smith, took the helm, and ibey found them- selves at last at Salt 1 :i!.e. Finding that nov- elty was required to strengthen the "church," Young concluded to have a " revelation," al- lowing every one of the faithful to have aa many "wives" ai they choose. There were plenty of men sufficiently beastly In their In- stincts and women foola enough to be drawn Into tho arrangement, and this foul blot has been permitted to exist on tho American contl ilent and character for many years.

The Mormon community have always been a lawless, infamous, and rebellious people. 1853 one of tbe "apostles," Parley l'ratt, duced the wife of Capt. Hector klcLean, of the Nicaragua Steam Ship Company, In San Fran cltco. To save her, Capt. McLean sent his wife and her children to New Orleans, to the home of her parents, bo of course paying all expenses of their travel and support- l'ratt reached New Orleans by another route, and Induced Mrs. McLean to fly with him to Salt Lake, and take ber children with her. McLean discovered their flight, and with tho brothers of Mrs. McLean, overtook tho gnllty pair and killed the aposlle on the spot. This aroused Mormon vcagcanee and in the fall of 1S57, a party of one hundred and fifty men, women, aod children from tbe locality of the Pratt homicide, were murdered In cold blood, by Mormons in the guise of In- dians. This outrage aroused all California, to which placo tbe unhappy emigrants were on tbe way- Tho U. S. government officers In Utah did their best to bring the Mormons to justice, but In vain, llrlgham Young called In bis people from every direction, promised tbem that the Lord would rain down Are open the "Gemilcs," and urged a stout resistatico, The wretched crew would have been crushed ont, then and there, bad It not hare been for tbe weak, miserable, pusilanlinous and cowardly Buchanan, then President, who actually bribed Young to allow tbe government troops to enter his dominions. Tho mortification of the regu- lars, and the California volunteers was most intense.

Recently, Bilgham Young, now an old man of seventy, with as many concubines as he it years of age, enormously wealthy from the rob- bery of tho dupes who believe In him, has again raised the standard of rebellion. He has no dolt like Buchanan to deal with now, but tbe probability li that with all his bluster he has no Intention of nghtlng, and will make all tbe money possible ont of the II. S. troops which may be sent, as avarice Is now his beset- ting vice. It wonld be well for his emissaries to learn of the estimation In which ho and they are held among decent people.

A Paris journalist passing his vacation

at the Enux d'JSvians, found in a let of

old papers which ho purchased, the fol-

lowing curious document, on parchment,

and bearing tho dato of 1702:— Jacques Tarpour, a decorative painter, having

been employed In 1700 to do aome repalra In the Abbey church, made a charge of 7B florlna 10 aous, Brabant money. Tbe abbot thinking the demand too high, called for a detailed bill, which wi nlsbed In these terms :— 1. Correcting and varnishing Ihe Ten Com- f. s.

mandmtnU, 0 13 2. Embellishing Pontius Pilate and putting a

new ribbon ou bis cap, 4 17 3. 1'ulUng a new tall on Peler'a .-...■'. and

mending his comb, 3 t 4. Nailing Ihe good thief to the cross, and

putting him on a new finger, 1 S 5. IteOtllng and gilding Ihe Angel Gabriel's

loft wing, is is 0, Washing the lllgb Priest's maid servant

and putting rouge on bar cheeks, 8 13 7. Renewing tho Bcavcna, adding two alara,

[.■gliding the miii.nnd cleaning Ihemoon, '•'■ 1t> B. Trimming Iferod'a robes, putting hlm'ln

two teeth, and adjusting hla wig, 3 i B. piecing Human's leather breeches and put-

ting two buttoni on his walalcoat, t 0 10. fitting Toblt junior with now gaiters and

straps lo his knapsack for hie Journey with the Angel Gabriel, 2 0

it. Cleaning out tho ears of Balaon-'a ass, and shoeing lho same, 4 7

13, A pair of uewsarrlnga for Sarah, 3 3 13. Pulling a stone Into David's sling, en-

larging Goliath'* head and pushing bark hla legs, 4 1

14. Several teelh for Bsmson's jawbone of an

s .i II: M -V. J 1 ■

Items bf general interest lo our vicinity nrc I uut-roua, and »n ii It not for ihe railafc Ihatsu ■1

e1ghborhoods hat e fur ' village gossip," ill* n

nnlitU commonly '.- nolhli K 10 wr te ahum. 11 P-

plly enough, lids p cottar t alt tcdi ■msuafroiii B >y

hargu of r.puthy o in.] ill- ence lo tin- petty uecur


nmry "Tu. Qulle tho mosi noticeable feature of our " peettttar irait" Is a dXspcwIllon t«

rgu upon any l"|iie undergoing llie "urJeal of tonimes," so that by lucceaslve lierailun Use ■*•»■

sturlcs usuniu proportions only In be out- weighed by the audacious trass of accumulated

idal monger", or ihe "oily gammon" of wily treacherous nwslnlaa hatyboiUa*- Frequently moat trivial Incldinl* engngu lho attention or e wiaeacre*, who, In solemn cuUiultalloU or

earnest debute, decide upon them as though ihey really aa portentous and furmldable aa their

magnified scope of vision appunoily niakea plain, i our lisl of Hems we shall endeavor to grasp lho lllal r.iii-.. u n garn I shed with aller-decoratlon* of HI..viii.l developments, and to fi>r as In ua lira, jeet nit that a careful journalist would eicludc,

having regard to the feelings of Individuals, end ■Vlni; to admlnlatcr a strict impartiality With all o may bn deemed proper subjects for publlrlly,

to pny deference to ihe rights of all, to feel no squesmlfhnes* In capoilng the wrong nnd palpably bad acts of communities or individuals, to second

(Torts of His press, tho pulpit and lho rostrum llusloris to the spirit arid progrce of cllhcr, and

by all means in OOI control offer to lho renders or the Aimricun a full, wholesome and readable digest of lho interests that affect the weal of our locality.

The weather for the past month haa been re- markably mild, tho mean lempcrature of which has Indicated " n heal" of IS degrees. But few morn-

iga have been really cold, and tho common response lo remarks touching It has been " that It aceme like spring." Wc are at a loaa to account for eucb no- usual aspects In our Now Kngland winter, and can but feel that though It may be pleasant to have mild wealher, ye t It Is worse than sold. The absence of snow tends to conQrm us In the Impreaalon that to tho farmer at least, lho present winlor Is unfavora- ble. Much anilely hna been eipreaacd leat the fruit buda might expand during these mild Influen- ces, though It Is ardenlly hoped that this opcrallou will bu duferred till morn auspicious skies provoke tho latent vigor of our cherished orchards. Tbo. earth la full of waler; welts overflowing, rivers full, and abundance of moisture held In slore for the warm winds of Joyous spring to klaa, and exhale Us myriad* of vapory treasure* to bless the coming labors of lho year.

The woodman'* mo haa resounded sto'ndlly among our forosla of pine and hard timber, aud thonsanda of corda of (Ire wood ara In process of conversion to fuel, while numberless hngo logs for mill use attest to the Industry of our sturdy yeoman. Wood and lumber command a good price here, and the lucky poaaeaaor of a wood lot can And bis labors highly remunerative if lie chooteM to out It for market.

Alaska landacspcs were at n discount when com- pared with the winter glory of Wednesday's sun- rise. Tbe western slope of old Bploket hill pre- sented a display of silvery beauty seldom seen. Every tree, shrub and objective point was touched by tbe Inimitable fingers of Jack Frost, while the rising orb of day peeped over the bill, sending his myriads of brlghl beams to quicken the millions of Ice crystals that encased the torpid earth, and hang upon the swaying trees. It was a beautiful sight.

Lectures at the Depot Village. The Bev. D. C Knowlea, of Lawrence, gave his popular lecture on

'■ Mountain*" to a large and appreciative audience on Wednesday evening, and on the same night al the II. E, church In this village, Bev. Mr. Upham, or Boston, gave a lecture on " Popular Delusions." It would bo vain lo attempt an adequate description of bla address. Hollies It lo say, that It waa a model lecture, and Its composition and delivery bora Ihe Impress of scholarly thought and masterly elo- quence. Els allusions to those fond delusions of

miry brains, effecting tbo affairs of re humorously and graphically rendered, much

to the amusement and satisfaction of his auditors ■ho tould to welt appreciate anything so nearly de-

scriptive of our popular delusions. Tho stylo of delivery was excellent, and hla own slmlleof a grand topic In his discourse, would not bo more aptly ployed Ibau to exhibit a parallel of bis own or* leal powers, whose full, hearty rounds of sentences fell apon the our with a resonance and tone like the swir. sweeping surges of a New England coast, while the lulls tn tho tempest of words wero llko Ihe still deep waters, whose bosom alono shows the conscious motion of Ite latent, subdued energies. We regard these lectures aa a great advantage to our community, placing within oar reach the varied gifts Of gifted men, and opening opportuniUca for profltable education and Intelligence. Tbe slngtag by tbe choir was a pleasing feature of the occasion and Ihe noticeable excellent voices engaged, led by Uherica .Smith, Esq., of Avers Village, made up a mtlangt or inualo which waa well worth the price of admission. VUTOa.

OOKHBB8.—In Ihl* city, Jan. £Sd, a daughter to Mr. k. Mrs. duhu Conner*.

t-MITil III Andover, Jan. £ld. a son to Mrs. John i.. MIIMII,

:tt ;i x x i ;m t s. ilOltN—CAMPUKI.L.—In this clly, the z2d

Insl., by Itev.Juhn U.Ui-ugh PlUgo, Ur. Charles V. Hum, |U Miss llunnab J. Campbell, bolfaufLaw-

JOKES—KKNNKY.-tn Methnen, Jan. M, by Itev. N. U. Williams, Mr. John Jones lo Mrs. th-rah A- Kenney, both of Lawrence.

LOVKTT—NUTTKlt.—InlhUcily, Jan.27th, by ltov. t>. <;. Kimwk-n, Ur.JusophU. Lovett und alias Lix/leM. liuttor.

VALl'KV—UAVBEIIRY.—ID Andover, Jan. 31lh,by Itev. Charles ch-illh, Mr. Kara II. Valpey, lo Mis* U. Adelaide, daughter of 1'bomaa U. lUy- heriy, all of Amlover.

A very generous quantity of the bridal loafae- compauled this notice, for wblch the ihougbtful couple will accept tbauks, with the best wishes of the writer, that they may enjoy all ihe happiness and prosperity in llfu which ihelr fondest hopes anticipate.

rlLKr:PEIt-CrtOBl.S.-In Uelhuen, Jan.SOih. by Rev. T. O. lirassle, Mr. William 0, rJlveper, to Mlas II. Jennie Cross, all of MethueD.

SMlTll-KULI.KU.-ln llils city, Jan. -T.hy Ilev. Wm. [■'. throw, Mr. Aaron gmllh lu Miss llsry B, Fuller.

flraths. IILAISDKI-L.-In this city, Jan. 23d, Hauuah J. laUdell, aged MjuMgaa POLAND—In lids city, Jan. 17th, Bernard Po- nd, aged 71) yoara, UUONET.-Iu Ihl* clly, Jan. lBlh, Catherine

llooney, aged 41 years, 9 months, IS days. KKOllii [I.-In lid* city, Jan. ISth, Mary Keoagb,

agod 1 year, 3 motnhs. lU'HKK.-In ibis city, Jan. 17th, Kdward Burke,

aged S years. PKUlt.—in this city, Jan. 1Mb, William Peer,

aged ■"> moolbs, 14 days, BULL.—Io Ihla city, Jan. Id, Michael Bell, aged

M years. PEARSON.—In Wilmington, January 30th, Mrs.

Lucy Pearson, aged 7S yr*. . WOODBBIDQE.—In Andover, Jan. list, Arthur

P., sun of Fraoola Woo do ridge, aged 4 mo* 14 dye. HTICKNKY.—In Andover, Jan. 33.1, Hannah M.,

wife or Wm. Utickncy, aged 0) yr* 4 coo*. Wll.snN.— la North Andover, Jan. Ed, Isaac

Wilson, aged 77 yra. TATTEBSALL.— In North Andover, Jan. 31tlr,

Geo. V., son of Baml. Tatter sail, aged U dys. ABBOTT.—In Lynn, Jan. 17, Auna II., only child

of Essex U. Abbott, formerly of Lawrence, aged I yr.llmoa.

ABBOTT .-In Methueu, Jan. nth. alias Hannah Abbott, daughter of the late Cbarlss Abbott, of North Andover, taken lo Andove

CUfmS.-In this Clly, Jan. 3*, Henry O. Curtis aged 03 years, B moa, suu of the Isle Mev. Edward Curlla, of London, Kug.

Tho deceased waa a gentleman of superior educa- tion, and held la tbe highest eatecm among hla friend*; at tbe cocnmencemMl of the war he en- tired the military hospital at Portsmouth Grove, B. I., and served for two yean as Ward Master and steward with seal and fidelity, discharging the duties of hla station with more than ordinary effi- ciency, no then removed to Dale General Hos- pital, Worcester, under the superintendence of Dr. Chamberlain, where be served aa Ward Master until tbe close of tbe war; while there ha contracted slow fever, from the effect* of which he never re- covered. He retired from the service with well merited commendations for bis usIIring Industry a id usefulness, He laavas a widow and three chll-

Funeral services from bis late roeldence, M Cross street, at 3 P. af.,dBlurday. Worecsterond Boston papers please copy.

TUB FAT MEJT.—Tho fbt men of Now Eng- land assembled in forge numbers In con- vention at Lcwliton, Maine, a few days ago. After greeting, mcosnrlng and weighing;, and having a pleasant timo generally, tho convention escorted by tho Lewlston Hand and a large number of cltixcn", and led by a manakln only four feet high, marched from Auburn Hall to the DeWltt Clinton House before dinner. It was a droll-looking crowd, Tho thousands of spectators lining tho way screamed with do* light, and tbo Fat Men laughed nntll tbey were obliged to slap each other on tbo back to pre- vent strangulation. Tho big fellows who wero too fat too walk were hauled on a borne tied. Tbe affair ended with speeches, stories, toasts, and Jollity generally, and the Fat Men propose to do so again at no distant day.

\V i. received a verypleoaant letter of Ibanka from ourold friend Kendall, since bis return borne, for a bottle of JoAnson's Anodyne l.inimnu which we gavo him, and which he say* baa entirely cured bin of the troublesome and dangerous cough be bad when here.

On the death of one of England's most eminent physician*, all his effects wero sold by auction, and among other thing* wa* a sealed packet, marked " Advice- to Physicians," which brought a great

. The purchaser on opening the packet, read aa follow*: " Keep the bead cool, the bowel* open and the feet warm." If physic 1* necessary, use rarion'e Purgative Pith; they are the moat scien- tifically prepared pill that haa appeared In Ihe last hundred years.

SPRKR'S " HTAMIMHI WI»B BITTBHS."—When our systems ire In anywise out of order, we ara, more or less, Incapable of performiag our dull** for want of energy. Bpeer'a Standard Wine Bitter* will be found to be an Invaluable aid la ease of de- bility, arlilng from derangement of the aysiem.

Sold by Johnston, Galloway fc Co., Philadelphia, and other drugglat*.

ilng Prayers, Mountain Bcencry, tin a Lee Shore, Gamecocks, I'ralrlo on Fire, Cattle rioet, Interior of* Chapel, Catching Salmon, Power of Music, Going lo Church, A High Wind, Tbe First Theft, Group of Sioux, TheLlltleBegguri, Up Mont Blaue, On the Beach, Flowers, Buffalo on tbe Plain*, Study of Boeke, Flight of Ducks, Down In the Mine, lu the Woods, A Tempest, Study of a Horse, Dap, Tbe Haymakers, At Euchre, In tbe Jungle, Htorra In tbe Mountains, Golden llnlr, The Bun a way a, Bombardment of Charles! Tbe Duel, Tbo Kroply B leeve, The Village Forge, Study of Hares, A Corn Field, Lowland Scenery, Tho Wounded Btag, Rustic Bridal, A Balny Day,

Hill*. Brigg*. Fowl*.

Hirer*. Church. Flther. A, re*.

Parsons. Bellows.


Hyer. ■ante, Llllev.

Ilydcr. Kcrr.


I. Mi I.". Hale.

Bsrbour. I^ggett.

Bebell. Bbut*. Bailie. Smith. Beard. Cobb.

Harsh. Palnc. Knott.

Wei more.

Government Tax, ioanesl by ling ton. Cedar Kjsplds, And Minneso- ta Railroad Co.. First Mortgage and Convertible nnd Protected hy a Lib- eral Sinking Fund.

T BUSTKKH, J.EDQAB Tuonans, Pre*. Pntniflmnla Co, ClIAS. L. FKOST, Pru, Toledo, Ptorta and It'ur

sow /;. U, vo.

fully i

These Bonds, at present prle* of gold, yield ever — r.-ill-Interest, and aa an Investment they art

seeure at U. H. b-'M'i, wblou now ouly pay _, ^ent. In currency.

They are only laturd upon each section of tb* Road a* fast as the lame Is completed and In auc- c-stful operation. Over two-a&d-B-balf millions of dollars have been expended on the Koad.— ItIghty-three miles are about completed and equip- ped, and already show large earnings; aud the re- mainder of tbe line Is rapidly progressing toward completion.

lea. It* large population, eatendlng with surprli lug rapidity, and Its Immense yield of grain, pork, wool, and other agricultural pradscts, crrate a pressing demand for the construction of this road, which affords ihe hm possible guarsutte for the bondholders, raprrially a* the lino runs tbrouf h the wealthiest and nio-t thickly popululcd tecllon .fit. a.*4> ' ' r

• thrnvph iht rich nwd groir-

jrmt trunk fines in ill-

Byron Truell & Cos Column. CASHMERE SHAWLS

t urvatly reduced prlcwe. long, from 117.00 to $78 00, ;-jiiai-e. iron- lo.outo,

WOOLS! SHAWLS. Haunt. from H.<» to •A.OO. I . i.e. Imm i..'.'n.i 12.0U.


IILACK BRILLIANTINES. Entirely New, and Very Deal ruble.

Ill,I i: and GREEN SERGE PLAIDS. i 'in1 of tho Beat Things of Ihe teaton.

riu.Nt•*:: .s SILKS, In Llreant Shade, at

BYHON TUUllll. t CO'S.

Alciandria Poplins, Black Alpacas.

EPINGELIftE REPS and Empress Cloths, very cheap; also,

lleantiful Plaids for Children's wear*.

at low price*. BY BON IBUELL A CO.


Ladies1 Under Gnrnae.nU.

Blankets, Flannels, tic., at Tremendous Low Prices.


PURS I PURS 11 A Uood Assortment Just opened, wblch we


-We would call especiuf <it(eu(io*i to oar


li was nrver In a more nourishing condition ~~m now. Our aoaortmcat of Cloaklacs a«d Trimmings was never mure desirable, which Miss DAaaKTT Is constantly converting Into graeeiul and eli-({ant tit li ug garments.

Please give ■• a call, ressetaherlnr that we will » be undersold. BYRON TItUKLI. ft CO.,

349 Essex street, Lawreace. November, KM. T I

PERLEY'S, 209.



Perley's Trades Gaittte i run. UST or


The P»| er can be obtained at the Store.


KID CLOVES!! --■did USKKNB.-solld lll.CKS. -oll.l



and JUST mi'.n'.ri IL

PERIsEY'S. It: rja-i


305 Essex st, Lawrence. havibu returned Iruiu

N K W Y O R K,

where be spent opening week selecting


I, ... imv.r.d I. nff.T III. public tbe

Largest aod Best Selected Stock



Dress Trimmings, etc.,

tter broHght to tab) ell,, «ud .1 price.



Pattern Bonnets A*E FROM






Hiss C. M OLNEV'S,



.11 , ir.t Atil.Ua.d leeporteraof French Milliner,

and Peril NbTeltlee.

D It E S S



Improvement 1 Progress II


Sewing Machines

l * .. Tarring Noah's ark, 1 0 ;. Mending the prodigal son's shirt, washing

his pigs, and putting waler la their trough*, 3 40

', Putting a handle on tbo widow's crulie, 1 t


FAMILY Doa-i! or, TIIF. Hit* or A CODSTESS,

of afr*. Knma D, K. N. Bouthworth' novel, now In press, and lo be published In * few day* by T. B. Pcleraon & Brothers, Philadelphia. II will command a very large sale, as II is one ol Mrs. Bouthworth'* most powerfully written effort*, exciting and sensational, end Is fully equal, If not superior lo "The jTatnllj Doom," "The Changed Brides," "The Bride'* Kale." "Fair Hay," and "How D* Won Her" which have proved to be live of the beat novel* eu-r published, and which are having uiipretedi'iilf)! sides, for lit*. Southworlh, as a novelist, stands al tbo head of all female writ- er*. Her oencepllons ar* marked by originality, and there la a purity and sweetness about ber Ian. guage which give a peculiar charm to her writing*. Her cbaraotora ale powerfully and touchlngly drawn aud wa learn to love Ihtm because Ihey are more natural lhan affected. "The Maiden Widow" will bo Issued In a large duodecimo volume, and sold al Ibe low price of 11.14 ID cloth; or gl.tO lu paper cover, or copies will be sent by mail, to any place, post-paid, by Ihe publishers, on receipt of the price ■if Hi.' work In a letter to Ihem.

New Music, from the ptibllshJntr bouso of llossri. O. Dltson a Co., 2T7 Washington Street, Doiton. TIIK Two ROSES; Polka Ucilowa, by J- &

Knlit-ht. IIOOPLAI Whcro are WO Now P Dflleboutr

and Ilengla* latest sunsntion. Sons; and dance; words by M. II. Delebouly; music by W. F. Wellman.Jr.

I Know A LITTLE WIDOWi by E. Molten- hausr.

TIILUK'S SonBTUI.NO SKKMN WANTISO when mother is none. Poetry by Albert N. Gould,

music by J. W- Turner.

Mr HAIR WAS K U.MM. Orr, I u*cd two bottles of NATVar.'s 11 A i it UKSTORATIVB and It chocked It at onee. It la clean, safe and efficient; "S at*, a buttle. If your druggist haa not got II, send direct lo PaocTER Duos., Otoucealer, Maas. Bee adver- tlament.

SUTFor s perfectly appointed retail dry and fancy good* store, commend us to that of B. S.IIoughtoa, —the Ladles' Pavilion, So Tremont street, Boston. Almost bewildering In extent and vnrlely, hi* stuck embrace* every deelrable fabric In eetton, illk, or Billed goods,loys, and artlcl** of bijouterie for gift*; Jewelry, hosiery, ribbons, aod •mall war**;—aa eadlea* variety in ull except the prlcee, wblch are uniformly low. JeSHIt «-»*>* e

CITT HALL.—Mil** Grant, editor of "Tba World'* Criti*," will preach In lb* City llall 8uu' day, Jan 30th, at 10JO A. M., on " Practical Chris- tianity,'* and also at 3 o'clock, P. M., and at T o'clock, i.a ihe " Prophetic Hletory or lb* World,'' lllaatrated by a chart. Ur. (Irani la a fluent and entertaining speaker, and should bu beard by all.

■oaf enUrpritimg and gt ll'at, audfurnii uuti'fthrgri rr-cf ci; main Mien (ion ■"■■'* Xne York, Chicago, and St. lAJt,U, being \r "-- from Northsrn la of liinm-iota llisn by any otlici umjecied, aod also the t and H out hern Iowa.

The road Is opened for local traffic ss rapidly eons.ructed, and Hui" UEVMVRH KAJtNiXOS OX ITS COMrLKTEt) SM.CTWXS UHKAT I.YIX KXCKMi OP THE AMUVXT SSRDKI. TO PA T THE ISTSatST UPOX ITS BONDS It P. POKE TIIK ROAD IS PIXISUED. Tbe buyer of these Dead* ((therefore guarantied, by a great business already lu ralslence en Ibo route of the road, as well as by now current earnings, and has not to risk any of in* coutlnceuelc* which alwaya attend the opening ot roads In a new and unset)led country.

A limited quantily only of these Bonds are now offered at to and aseruecf Interest.

After a thorougk Investigation er the above en- terprise, we recnusncnd these Bonds is a first olass Investment, afforrhug absolute aalety, and paying an unusually liberal rate of Interest. All marketable securities at their full price,fne ol commission and txpress charges, received lu pay- ment, l'amphlels and maps fnrnlahed on appli- cation. HBNRY CLfcWH *, CO.,

Hanker*, S» Wall X,., New York. The above Hinds can be obtaiaed through tb*

BAY BTATK NAT'L BANK, Lawrence, lmjaVH


Great Reductions


Oi u H"VH AMD Oinu.—Mess. l.e« fc flhepard, Boalon, the publishers of Oliver Opilo's popular weekly Magaalue, " Our Boys and <ilrl|," have commenced the laau* of monthly part*, eapeclally for Ihe aceonimodatlon of aabacriber* at a dlatanee. having limited poaial facilities. This will net Inter- fere with tb* feature which ha* proven so accepta- ble, that or a weekly Juvenile, aud it will continue thus often to brighten and enliven (houaanda of homos, with Its wldo awake and fresh eonteals.

•*r Purchaser* of Candles should read the adverilstBssmt headed, " Bagsred Death."

THE BOSTON TIUKs.--rcople ortnoOer- nie means who vcrv nunnlbly wish lo know wlint Is jrolnjf "it In tlic world nboul them, Ma obttln tills volmiblo dolly nt six cents p*r week. Hale, In Sweeny's Block adjoining; (In1 l'""1 "■I*ce bulldlno;, receives BiibscrHierf. It ■» six cents well Invested. Tlio paper looks healthy to n printer's eyo nnd Ilknlf to live nnd do well. There Is no offensive political talk ID It.

A OTARTLIXU TRUTH I—Thousands die annuully from neglected coughs and colds, which soon ripen Into I ou, or other equally fatal diseases of the lungs, when by the timely use of a single battle of /Jr. OTsiar's «,i/.<u»i ■</ mid Cherry their live* ooald have been preserved to | green old age. 1 J

NOTICE. regular

._ ,'KIJTK-. be held on TUESDAY KVKNlNti n.'Xt, t-Vb'y I, 1K70, at LAW-REXCE BRASS BAND UOHM, at r o'clock. A full atlendanee I* desired, as bdainesi of importance will comu before Ihe meeting.

Per order, J. W. w K.-:ks, President.

P. Koun, Secretary. Lawrence, Jso.vO, IB70. It* tS


Stitch alike on both sides the work.

The Best Machine in the market.


Tli'- FIRST PIIIZE at the Fnris Expo-

sitioii, 18G7, was awarded the Weed

Sowing Machine Co. for their Now

Family Favorite Sowing Machines.


Sole Agent for Lawrence,

140 Essex Street.

Real Lace, Cluney and Hon Ton COLLARS.

Holiday Presents

Every oue Dial detlrae to make a alee

Christmas or New Year Present,



313 Essex Street, - Lawrence.


Ladies' and Gents' Handk'f'B

In Greet Vnrict*.



of all klads setting very fast, al LOW PBICBS.

If you wish for a





A KB r'KOal




nil First Artists in New York,

and from wbosa we have made arrangements to receive pattern* on the arrival of every steamer from Kuroue, thereby enabling ns to have con- stantly ou head tbe latest styles of

Bonnets, Hats,


Patterns of Children's Dresses and Suits


particular altentloa to MASLIMO the same being one of oar aratiALTiK*, under the superluteud- eneeef Ma*. VKI,LOWS, so ion,; known as one Of the Moat Fashionable Dress Maker* of Law- renee, who carries on tbe



It rassplttc with al) lb* latest styles of





to their Unusual Lug* and Splendid Slock of

DRESS GOODS, uaUraclng all tbe Latest Novell*** of the foreign

Markeia.—N ew aud Elegant deeif a* la


A Splendid Lino of PLAIN GOODS,


All Wool Reps,

Empress Cloths,


• Cobergs,

Alex. Poplins,

«W-Iu nil Color-M ssntl HIinili-H.-ki


Special Notice.

To Close Out our Large Stock or


Greater Reduction In Prices.

CLOAKS AND CLOAKINGS we neve MAKRXU DOWN >t prtee. th.t will


Cloaks made to order In Inn Lnleet Bt,lee end et tan ehwtent no, lee.

•n—Our Clonk Boon, nee open nil tnn ye.r round, nnd In ennreeof n Flrit ClneeOnlter.

Work wnrrnntod, nnd uric. reoMnnMe.

Cashmere Shawls la alt style*, at

Prices Isnit what they cswt l« insportl

DBSSS «««BS ol ell Undo, V KHY CUKAF.

COTTON GOODS of nil Und,, nt Wholennle Frloee I


260 Eaaex Street, - - Lawrence).



several I.otai la different part*of the village, and ono Farm nrar the (Ulaar. conialnfa*: aliuut 10 acres of land, with e,oo<l hiilliHusjB nB the sasae.

For partlculara, iu<|ulre at

I. II. LANK., Ajtvnl. Hmeo'-JaH' at Tost OfDee, Melliuen.

rniiiii-liiersliip Notice.

IIYMES & WADLIN, I ..:■ Ihe purpose of

Manufacturing Machinery, Tools, 4c.. Aud doing n (li-mrul Jobbing Dutlncss, and will

carry on Ihi-lr builnes, lu t-tiiliiiHii *fc rnlli'r'ii Duildiux, Near

ennui sinii, Lawrence* I.KONAK1) HVMKri, MK1.VILLK T. WAD1.IN,

January >■ 1870. I*u7tf

Dlasolnllon. The above partnership Is hy mutual agreement j

thl* day dissolved, and business will b-continued by the s»l>»orlber, as heretofore. L. HYUKs.

Lawreace, Jan. B, 1870,

have tbl* day oommenerd their regular Annual Sale before taking accouit of stock, and will con- tinue to offer, tur a few weeks, some

Very Great Bargains I

Silks, in Colored, ohd Black, urotAtiyTteihiced.

Poplins (iivatly Kt'tltifctl.

Plaid Dress Cooils (ireatly Reduced.

French Reps Greatly Reduced

EpiogHncs Greatly Reduced.

French Thibets Greatly lteducetl.

Black Alpacns Greatly Reduced.

French DcLuines Greijtly Reduced.

Colored Alpacas Greatly Reduced.

Black Brilliantines Grejitly Reduced.

in Ahtrachan, Beaver nid Chinchilla,

ul VKRY LOW Prices.

UAWU at Greatly Ht'tluced Plicea, from tS

to $40.

Cloths,—Flannels,— Cottons,


at equally Ht'duced Price..

HOLIDAY GIFTS! an Immense Vmiity, and ut LOW


213 Essex street, Lawrence,


Sole Agents in Luvrreii'VJ for tho Essex ' Dyo Hum

BLANK BOOKS, Every conceivable style of Ulead. Hook* naad* to

rder at short notice. ■ 0. DOW k CO.

CARD. At tha opanlng of the New Yonr

wa dealre to axpraaa our hearty thanka for tha liberal patronage bontowod upon ua during the year paet, and especially do we aoknowl- edge the kind favor of the trade In presenting our Soaps to the notice of their customers. The demand has exceeded our highest expeota- tlona, and we ara aware that tha cauae of this demand haa boon on aooount of our determination te manufacture only a strictly pure Soap, of the best material. We are determined to keep up the standard of our Soap, whloh shall be In every reepeot aa good, If not better, than any to be found In the market.

L. BEACH A SON. Lawrtnee, Jan'* IKu f 1

la JJaskrnptiir. Tlil* Is to give notice that ou the day ol

January, A. D. 1w;o. a warrant la bankruptcy was Issued against the estate of

WILLIAM Q.HTRONU, ol VTakrleld, In the county of IllddUtex and state of *1JM-...I:IIII-I-II«, who has been adjud|[ed a baukruut.onhlaowB pillion, that lho payment of any debts and tin- delivery or any property hi-liinnluut.i aush bankrupt, to hint, or for hla use,and ihe transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; dint a im-tilii,' of tbe credllurs ul tbe said bankrupt, to prove their dcMs, an lo choose one or more Assignees of his eslali will be held at a Court ofKaakrnptey, t„ be holden at Ibu I'. 8. Court Uonso in Ihistoa, la said dli trlol, bt-foie Hgar J- Sherman, Begtiter, on tho 10th day of February, A. t>. l*?u, *i 13 e'cloek, II,

UKU.L.ANDUKWS, t:. Si. llar.Ual, Haas, lli.irfut,

jaVS as H< ssrnger.

Velvet, Plush,

Satin, aud Fir Felt

H A. T S

Trhlte, Corn, nnd Amber,

Selling at FIFTY CBMTD PER BOX, at



Blank Book Manufacturer,

183 Essex St., Lawrence.

1000 b>ams Writing Paper.

Commercial Note, 1.00 per roam.

First Clau, 1.89 per ream.




1B3 eaaex street.

C L O A. K 8.


Chinch. Ilai,

Aitrikanx Cloths,

Velveteen!, etc.

Also,a larx* assortment of


I*opiiln.:r PriceM ! !


OrnCS WlLMMAXTII.' I.IMKM Co'll-Aav, llaitford. Conn., Use. VTtb, law.

ee Jl.i- i- ii-niiliy itVUON THUK1.L fc 00s are the etole A t. in. fur Ihe ul, of our h'rw Sllx Cord r-pi,ol i, lluiad lor the Clly ot [.awnncr, lliii'. AUSTIN 1>1 MI.\M,

n: ■ j ... 1'naa. Wllllmanllc Linen Co.

•'Lady Byron Vindicator!." Hy II.B. Sjtowe. Fur sale by

DOW fc CO.


175 (iroii Extra Quality Steel IJons.

J, (J. DOW A CO.

VOCAL TABLETS Far Conghs and Colds.

Plata sad Plaid Velvets,

aasssse. n eer, lere. eeenrtneenl, wneletlnf nt

Plaid, Broad and Narrow; Plain, Solid Colors.


For Bows and Dashes.

French Bonnet Frames •f the Latest Sty lea.

F K A. T H E R 8 of many raritliu, and or the latest Importation*.

Nice French Flower*, great variety.

A full line of Ladies' Gloves.

Ladies' Under Garments

constantly ON hand, and made to order.


done on the noiseless Wheeler A Wilson's Bewlns;

Hartlne,|ia* Ladies' favorite)

N. It. — Our rooms are al) ou the /


UIHKI Velvet Hats, !S©c~00c-;.5c, UiHid Satin Top Hat*, 7oo-»1.00— 81,25. UISLHI Flush Hal*. SI.0O—ft.2S-«l.M.

ItllUlliNS-li nm ill.- for No. 4 lEilil.m to 7'H

for y- Vh-varyinc aceordlnn lo quality.

Blankets. W* bava a (plcndld stock of Blaukeu, 10-1, lit

and Us, In all qualities, whloh wa shall sell at




Woolen i,

Hoiiery and Gloves,


Breakfast Shawlt, etc



:VZ,i Eitvex Street, Lawrence.

JOHN UINNINOTON. The wife of John ltioalU||ton,lartaraly of Loa-

don, England, I* lu Lawrence, HUBS. Her ad ■Ires cau be bad al this nflloe. Should this niret hi* eye, or Ibat of any of his friend* who know where he la located, It I* earnestly desired thsl he or ihey will ooamunlcalu with her.

I.awrrnec, Jaanary 14, INTO. It


l.,tl..:l.s IK


llm-, t'aue. etc.,

M29 Essex street, - - Lawrence.

A. .1. STEVKNS. M. 1).,


Ladles' 300,170, and Com


ercl..] Pens, ot I'll si

80 criil* per tireis.


BO0A- Bimmi,

Blank Book Manufacturer,

IM3 Keeex .t.fel.

Bindery, No. 175 Essex Street.

Book Binding every style, eirctit.d with nnATHtti


183 Essex street, Lawrence.

lltiitllnr l'A KHSDX Streat.

A Wonderful Discovery!



.naw| flyman*

PAPER HANOINOS. Our Hprls.! stock of Paper llsaaiais l*

■** • ■* "'""" "■* JSjfhoti»t-t




It CnUlu Ho LAC BULPHUB ■ - Ho SUdAIl Of LEAD -No UTaUSai-Ho HITEATE Of SILVEB, tnd Is mtlrtly frst from th* rolionom snd Healti-destroying Irnigi mod In othtr Hair FTtrpnratlou. /( fa ewsw fa lujtmrdr and driem omt af

the enmmunUit off the 1'OISOXOVM J'J.'i:- I'AIIA TIONM mm- tn war. Trmnepmremt mmd eteeur me erytnt, it trill net eeU the fineet fubrir. Km ell, no ardlment, "'■ dirt j*., feetty H.ill:, CLEAX, *m*l SffiOEXT— dettderatmm* LOXtl SOUGHT FOR, mnd kit I X It AT LAST! tt rolor* mud prrrrnt* the Itmlr /rent hr-

eotniug (Iray, impart* n tofl, aloeey mppemr- mnrr, rrsiuFfi Ikimtriiff, ie root amd rrfrrth- ing te the head, chrrkt the llair from falling eff, and realere* it te a great extent tehen frr- tnntnrrty lent, j.r.-.-r-iifa Headarkrt, curt* alt Mumort, ruttii..<.it* eraptteme, and unnat- ural heed. OXl 1' to <E\TH PXK uorrt.t:.

It I* teemred in Ihe Patent Ogtee ef Use I uitr.l Mtatee bu ""■ <•• SMITH, Patentee, 'in.tun Junction, Matt, Prepared only *■/

P30CTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., To tehetit all order* ehauld he addrrttett. Held bu all ilnt-clat* ttrnggiet* and Pmneu Oeede Dealer*. The Oennlne te ami up tn a panel bottle made e*prre*lu fee it, trith the

name of the artiele eleeen In the atom*. A*It uour lirngaitt foe Xaturr'*

Hair MeeteraUee, end tahe If a Other.

The KXBTOKKB naay be obtained In LAWansOa ot J. HROINA a CO., and at all the DnuoaiBTa aaarAncTUooDsBtoaat. latja?



*|irrut gotirfs. A SPLENDID OPPOHTUHTTY to *u-

Kaf*lu (be Muiiufiu-ttireol Lumber.—In the town of Wtrnii, Sew Haiiip.hlre,* iJmlle* from the villa**, we. huve u lumber Lmcr uf * ir«Jn fore*! ill about l,-*WatTi -, Ulititimrorihi- b'H limber luH tobcfoiiai! Ill (]|.-f|.,trlltn.Ut-(Hl nil HlKl I* Ml thattsre»dy l..r Ijiru.t tin! tin-mill In Hint tuwii. Out' Motion HI iiH- property lias l» u i.-.i run- ning up itbtiiii ■„•-.! Hi.' lull,, al'leil .,n,l |. will known la ttial ■ci'tiim of country at tin- "i ollegr Lot," seioff by the state lor lfir ueuefll of Darlmuulli Call Mil 40tl contain* MB MTM of Milcudtd rfTIM mill fcjrd wood limber of primeval growth. Ou till* lot lac nllimili litflin, liy LOIHL,PI.-UIjudge" ■■ high m twelve million* fret. Only one acre ot ■ 111* *u«t trrrllury hit' been cut, aud from Hut win Ulci-ll s*vrnly-ilvi'lhuu-an 1 I,. I uftpruc-e lumber id Ilia choice*! quality. Tl»l« I* a Itt.t which can be proved b<-ruud eavll by the mini wlm bought ■ lid cut tl.nllil who i- now r. *ly liH-n^;. in „ liKHiiimti- t-aterurW lu tut .mil ntitiiufBttur- lumber Itoni ihj* territory. Kvi ry loir from Ihl- lot can 1M' Mh a ten till! In tha- mill. Ita litua- linn eould not In- MtWr <"r IN ■MHwff u"d taking off Of llirlo- <. CloscbrundsiUulainglkeaboli welutvaunclliau-iiiid ;icr.-. In ini l„t- .all In rloar proximity or atljolulNt; oaeli mlur, upon which will be lound va*tou*u<l!le*uf -prute and hnnl wood Hmlwmtei using a in Ilium and a half lotln lol,;ill*ruilahl<- m.,1 en.v ,il set. ■■. I In- hullifH log tmm the milt in not uvcr two milm. Ihiiu*- auditor -Li.iijjM;. I . iFjiu.ij ..-■!. ,.. n.i.h lo cut,and the «pime Hum Ihla aicllon la well Known lo In- uf HIP bi-l omililv, Miami, •fralnht, rum UJI tall, and In.- limn crack or num. Tin- power 1* obtain, d l.nm taker rlv. r, mid la ampl> luillrifiitaiiiuiitlM HI the year. TheriaMt iir.-lii perliet orjer, but Ilie mi,I i. -mux In ileray. Near the mill I*:I very iuriii',1 willj»;i house auiliibli' for



"blrher A \\evk-. main. n. ar r|,- and dri Itoodi.. K. il. Hjr-h, proprietor ol ihc Mou.limit IliHiof, Warren. .V II.i l-lvlii W. Uoiuio., who cut ufl the acre, and know, every luoi ut tin-Int.,

The What* inn I ii* in U ny tbe proriil j.ri.prli'- I in. tiiu.|.u.i - over --m-Uscrc*. ol wllicli anolit .,W) Ml" have been ml down, in IHM jMII

ivdrii'k « ller-oflh. 11 ir prop r l-

t.'loaaon.oM.ul proprrty. to whom plea** apply, i etur*. A .plflHlId oaraalu Hill ov S,TVU, ..U irrmi maiU' vrtj ca.y.

I'tlMMU'K k ' I ■■ ■■■«!.■,. Keal K*tatD Arjrm*, Lawreure, Haaa,

Cure for Female Weakneis.

tlrcly vriftHtiblr, md cure, without > I trciilur* or lurlher Intorin.illou lent oi ■tamp, by addrc.-luv' the inn nil fact inn M.i llfcl.CUKt:. Rlmlolph, ila... A|eiit*. lieu. < . tioodnlu II CO., Ito. » «r tale l.y driiKKiaU iv cry where


Hit. Ukw'iikii

Ko«d work lint y meet un rarth, may v medicine !■ helping me.


„Au..:w, IHIM. — llmlur recelv.

litirtliir.l, r In w. Yl.W.SH M»rl. llhl.l II

ed ao murh btmclll frum y

of them i ■ ■! me botllri rent here by extirpm, lnelonrd. •'.'.


February 10 IW-.. Un*. Lixt s IlKKHKiii-Lonamuy you lire,for

(Mat la the comfort you have been to many poor talffrlnj; fcmalra ■ ami many morp Would liayr It If It were Dot for poverty. I inclouc til lor one cat* of medicine. Direct »« bi'lon'. limtlili;

Un*. SI.J.riAKhm,ahrrnianUll]i,Me.

Coma ram ptloa, ThaThnt>l(eiii«Ilci,"MCIJKNCK'8 I'UUION-

1CHVUUI'," for the euro ofCouiiha. Tallin, llron- rhllli, and eyery form of Consumption. Thr poauliar action of thl* inrdlclnr rlpcua tho olci-M In tba Iunc., promoter, the dJacliarv* ol ilia cor- rupt natter by expectoration, ]>m Mr* the blood, and Ihui cure« Coiuuuiptlon, when every olhe,' remedy full..

■'BCHKNCK'S MKAWBKI) TflNll," for the

"SCIIKNCK'.S MANDIUKK I'll.Ls, ... the moat valuable mixiklnpi ever dl.coTrrril bclni; a veeeU'ilc .olmt Kate [nr calomel, and havlnf nil the unTuI pro|HrtUa aicrtheU In that minrml, wllhout produolnaaiiy oi II* Injurlnui etTecla.

To Ihraa throe medirlnc* I>r. J. II. Hchanck, ol rinl iilelphla,awes hi* unrivalled *uece*a In the treatment of I'ulinonlr Coniumptlon. The I'ul- nium.: Syrup rlp.nt III. mutter,"ill*eharj[C> I-, mid i urltlr* the blood. The Uandraao I'lll* act uii"ii 11..' .HIT, remove all ulnlruelioiu therefrom, in,, ih.. .iraiiD a healthy lone, and cure Mm

The lullle In

.lubliifd action ol ihc.e nirilldin., a. Lima i'»pliihied« will cure meryia-i' of Cotmrpp- tioti, If Ihe reiuedle. ™re ii.e.l In lime, anil Hie ute ot them la p<T*rverc.l In milliu > inly lu brln^ ihe n»» to .. Iitt or able terminal Ion.

l>r. nchetick'- Alniiiiiiii:,i-<iiiUinlii( a full 1 real lie on the v.irinua lurm« ol dlieio.-, hi. mode of treat- ment, add ^enetul illrcclloKa how to u*e hi* uiedi- clne.eiiii l>e bail ;:r:ili',nr .nit by mall by addrci- luji II - Principal Oilier,.No. |j .North sUlli »trcfl, |-I,n...l. irl.l...

ITI. f the I'ulmoiilr Kjrup :,mt KwWftal Tonic, each. #1 .-in pet bottle, or *TM> the half do*t-»; MaudraLe IM1-, ij cent, per box. for cale by all dra.-i.i» Mi.d dealer*. ■ ja;

W 11 n I tal Co

iry i*.-1--Iii r... ■ranwdi lid .i.i.

tho.c who nr,. troobh.l with Uyiprp.ia, Cottlve- Ui**, I'ile.. UlilouatHMB, lleii.liiehe,orauy form ol ladU'eiiioii. to u<e Un. HAIISiaON'tl PEKI8* TAl.TIU l.iiZi:\<iKS."-Kl.isilA IH'NTIHG- TOS..M.l>.,r;x-l.leul.(;overuorof M»«*achu*ettt. p*or aule at No. 1 Trrtmmt Temple, llontuti, by K. A. MAKHIMIN A CO. I'mprlrtoi.., nud by all Hr.iK,;i-i... Mailed for l*i c.-nt«. utnil'.*4


Vocal Tablets,

Catarrhal Affections UI tin- Voratl in mi. and Analogous Dlaeatei, aa

Toniillitf, Bronchial Irritation, Influenza,

And all dUcaara of tba Ifucou* Membrane, remit- IOK from

Th« Oopienlng Influeno* of Cold*.

The prcullar compoiltlon and efflcaey of theao Tablota have been the reault of aucceaaful treat.

in. nt ol the ordinary


They will bt> found of real nervier In caiea ot ('.■Ida, Cuu(h*, Sore Throat, Canker and Conge*- live Irrllatlou of the Huron. Membrane aeiierally.

Agreeable, Harmleaa HSII Curative, Im-

piovmr, Circulntioii, ImparliHK Town.

and HrtatoririK Ibr Volre.

I). UOWAKTH, Apolhreiiry,

Last and Best. WARDWBLIi'l


surpaiara nil oilier* In economy, duraiiilltr, |. rt.*li..u of nuUh.beauIr nl iie.l»ii,eonveii|ene... I tie inoal powiTful heater ever Introduced Inlo


Sole AfMIt* for I.HWreuce,

I'iinin (Jommon and Jackson Sts.



The somewbnt Tcnerable, Uui br no means •iilieiitiiiiuatcil K««x North ^edical Sixlcty has uitiiin n Tew years adopted the plan or f|'uu in ly II.I .-! hi:'-, with nuch inniilHi ■, a* may dotln it; the l.i-; full meeting having I'e.u b-.i.lei. ut Hi. Nlcholi' Ukb-iiUe Fnrm In tbl« city. On Tuesday, the IHth tnitunt, on tho In- vitation ut Fellow* of the Society, J. Klttrcdicc and W. J. ii.:.-, of North Andover, ;>. i thirty mcrnlHira nsienibled at the time-honored ni.-iii-i'iii of the former, where for n centliry put, ;i Dr. Kitiveiljtc* hat dlapenKd agencron* h'>siiiullty to his professional brethren.

Chuaii- ground like that could not full to In- fiifie rreth [lie Into HM gathering M. D.'a, which win fjiineil Into » liln/ic by the hearty, wholc- Miithi] reeeptiuii !>y the Lilliputian boats, (*ay un areiage or *lx lect two Inches In height und two hnnilicd and thirty pound* vrcight). Cun- jTisiiiliitloim over, tin President, lit. Lnmlt, of Lawrence, culled the netting to order, and Dr. Perkins, of Newtmryport, Introdnced ns the Ionic for dUctuaton the 11Mention whether tho pfCaeht modes of treatment of di*easc were In ■Jl esrtea inure lureemfii] than the methods employed forty yean n20, on this qmatjin, the veteran* of many n luird-fou^ht epidemic, more deadly tlmn battle* fumed in xong nnd ■lory, took Ibc floor, nod showed how lives were won from the sra«p of the fell ilei-troyer long ireforo the live* of ninny present hod be- gun. ron*|i[ciioiis Hinongst these nti* Dr. SnoiTord, or Otoveland, Whosa hns graced your rolntnin nenriy every week for lolly year*,and whou ■Invml four seora win- ters have hardly ftlMted his Intolleetnal fores, •>r dh ed hi* prolesslonal eye. No hoy In tho healing ait vrjtl lull to find in the venernlile doc- tor a worthy of hi* keenest laneat, if in hi* henrln^ he avows one jot or little of eal heterodoxy, or uitcra whotCMk mieers at the praetire of the past gcnrratlou of phyil- ctana.

In the mi.!-' of ihl* ili.ciMhioti, which we m«v venture to uliscrve, did not i|iilte nettle all doubtful I'.'ini-, either in the medical science oi the pa»t or the present, marching order* were received, and under the nhlo ••on mm in! of nen. Dale, a flank movement was effected by both parties from the disputed ami theoretically un- L'lilusry Held, but only to lw precipitated upon it inn "kid battery !n the shape of a largo punch howl! charged to tho uituxlo with some mys- icrioiiH compound, not thought to lie nitro gly- cerine. Not of this generation was tho gener- Ottl roluudity of thin bowl, and sure it Is that of the ndvocnte' of Ihc i.upcriority ut tho pres- ent elegant and ctslwralc rhcmlco-pharmacy over the olden simple syrups, Infusion* and decoction*, not one was found to suggest any modern improvement* to this ancient elixir. Whether any devotee of science, heroically dared to test tho effect of tall unknown, umber colored liquid on the gastric mucons membrane may not now bo told, for with a maitcrfy itrat- egle changeoT base, we came lull upon a strong array of the substantial* and elegancies of tho modem system or euro by nutrition. Here all bclllgcranu capitulated, ami harmony reigned supreme, for however tenaciously tho veteran clings to his Inncct and his teas, ho Inevitably ■Kcomos a. dietetic convert, nnd asks no odds of the juniors In their appreciation of salad, boned turkey, Charlotte Ruiso and their accessories, but all good times have a way of coming to an end, and with what seemed untimely haste, the dock lolled the hour for retiring from tho fra- ternal icenc. So with three rouilog cheers, ami fhecs that wouldn't grow long In spite or our heartfelt regret at parting, wo hade adieu to our genial hosts, and their no less cordial r.Hiniii'-.. and Mowly wended our several way* from tho poetry towards the prose of tho pro- fession. But as one voice, all the Fellows, as they took n lost look on tho Mill stately man- sion, could not but sing, with good old Cowpcr, (■lightly modernised,)

'• Sow let na hail I Ions; life to Dale I Am] Klttreiltfo; Ion*; live bit;

Ai,(t when their lilchitrln* nnt lianas out, We'll all be there to >eo I "

"»'KI,1.0W."-/riurr*/H lia-.tttt.



H> II.II.I.KKIIM.S. M Aii.tiol.-e, .. Art Unitarian, "17 Broadway, I*. V.,

commencing I vi>. 7, and i oolluu- lii« day .mil fvniliij unlit sold.

Thl* ...!,,;■!! It the moat extemive nnd vaiu- _de ever owned la the tolled Hlate*. Vataaad ■bant *Jt.-SOO.(M>0. Coinprl.liir nearly two thoutaud picture* from eelrbrat.^ Kuropiau ur- tlata.froiu the IJth oentury to the preimt time, (Including many original* of great valuu,) ulao I'alntlng* from i-elebruted American artist*.

he entire in Mr, I to 11 Will I,, .il 1.1 >. itl.- 'i'l I iinin or Hun i ui I to cloaa

tin eatatc. 'JIJIIP; nr- forwsriiiii on rt-'tiipL of'.'.iteals.— Idrrsa the Auclioncera.

Waod'a llDu.eliold Maftartne I'rice $1; aadTlIK WOSOKII, price . ,e.; hot A one < ear .e. >>. idtru* ■,'<•- Address TitK eVolDKR,

Mouihold, I.. I..N. Y. Don't delay1 ,Ve*r I* the Umt.

i;»l.»KN NIIKAVKM.- len or Women anywhere. .1 ■unlit-) Co., Springfirht, .lf«

War Jptrt-S«x. ioston AdYe»ctiseme>nts.

S I'li A K I! I) HEATH. The I-'Mr that An nit- Tli.,-1' Who I'M

Cht'np CsBdy—Tho Poiaon t'-cd-- Kome Singular Kluteineuts.

from the N. V. Sun, Jsn'y \, Ifiru. 1 he sdulleration of enndip* In New York ho*

' . ,i.tii-1 or Into si ■'■ ,i::i:-:n!i ,r, und in order I" produce cheap article, mamilnelurer* ure s.luller- alin* with vnrloo* tXlraet* sad "uhnlsnc* whieh are either lujurlou* to il deaiily kul- sou. Muay rhlMrei. nre ilouhtl"** veurly snr/lricil

abinrpt'nn into Ihelr syilem* uf Ihein'


The «irl oi llic period—A-ln*!

A hint for I.ifc insurance Companies—

Honesty la the b*»t " policy.*1

Stylo or jH'i'i'i: .-■ the qtiealIon—Can I

bave rpnrc r|li you (fol ol Adam?

When people are hard up ihey nre about Ktirn to lie n jrooil (nr l>ad) way


Notvoitder tttltLlw.tqurrrirl \* acotwed of i-Iiaitorttig—ha I* certainly a great t:il 1-IK'H rer.

Why is lialf-pasl seven ta'clook in tho

etenlnf; like iii« next luoriilnji'i break- fast?—Only lui-iitme It Isn't < fffkt yet.

Dogs art- said t pvuk with their tails.*' Would It be proper to call a short : a*arlsfra*a, chrome prihtw, swrlli Mae.

tailed dc^ a simnp omtor? [ VUVSgA 8®?>S&$r 5^l5lSlU

A New York dllljllisil own- a llorsc SO ! "TK 'co'mmon method of nuvorln- e.ndle., I. poor that a knot ll'tK-d in hU tall to pre-

vent lii* biily Ironi ."lippltijr tliroii»h die collar.

Diirlcultlca seam nrrntCKt. Ilk« iiiniiii-

Terra \ii..,,..r ■..

loxeiiRea are prcduced bv two to nva vent* n ponnil 1 Bar at whobMule. lu th ilrop>, itlue la i.-ni '<> i former co»lluf but —r about <" c

lintea.l i>f .ujar, ;iml henp dialer* at trom * than the coil of *u- uianufneture of rum

•i- ] "-■ | ii.iii.i.un.i II,.- Yerdlftrl*, lonka beaur,

Examine and Compare oar Priced.



20 cents to $3.00 a yard,

baard upon the pr< trut I lohl Value, at



Woolen & Cashmere Shawls, from fifty centi to fifty dollar*,

based upon the pretent lloM Value, at


2.'I0 F.ssrx St., Lawrence.

Examine Sf Compare our Prim. Examine and Compare our Prices.

'■"■'•'■'' Black Alpacas BLACK HEAVER CLOAKS j Latest ami M«l Sty!,., i P V It K MOHAIRS,

Itlpley 1'iileiit lll/iek.)

from 25 rfiilK lo ll.iiO a yitnl,

ba>e,l upon the piex-nt Uol.l Value, at


CLOAK MAKING to order. Tablo Linen8 and Dome8tic8, »IMI, OK TH K '


from $3.50 lo ?:.'0.0l),

•id upon tlic preoent tioi.l Value, ut

'AMVUKI.I. .1 7Vll*/-0«'i

AChoUc AsM.ttmt'tit of Matciiuls,

: order to produce I I, l.e.'OHUttJ for.

t'fiiulne extrarti mo nil* and auaa

" which Is «-ery jn

economical]!. ion* are much chssprr than mil flavor* In candled it- u* are oblalneil from ;;. -11

, , -i.n.i.i... The bllter almond Ieil Irom otiii'lnlteriiie.1 prusilr neld:

talua, at u 'listitiict-

tlieir |iiuportiunx.

Celery and mill n* nre rot |)COI>tl> Of tVl'lll MCI VI".

ahOllltl tlOllk tlllj wmilil lie

for a weak brralli.

A man in MIHilyan i>w; f'»r a horse, Tim impi-i' il

was tlic matur uItli llie I

avor 1. Ineajiple Itrle arW. 'candle* art Msi,

d with (mil* front whtrb

totlei purporting tithe

ii'iii lie Iri.lMimi > exlra;! t- lb*

in ol denolatlon In num-

■ IJ) :In- abovi

Jllbl, l,'rlaln. safe, Il I* lurthebfit ('utliarlle relile.l) jet ill-.-'.vi |-> d, .tn-l at onee r«- llrvr* and liiviflorale* all the illnl liinetlou* with- out rau>lnic Injury lo :'"■■ of them. The moet oomtdetouoii'** hn'lonxMtl ended It* u*elu many la.-.ilitii'-; and It i* now oITerid to the public with the eiinvlrtloli thai It rail never fall to acoompllah ail that 1* claimed lor li. Itproduce* tittle or ii" jiiiin; leave* I he orxana free from irri- tation, nnd never over l*x«*a or extlle* the ncrvou* *y*lem. tn all dUesar* of Ihe akin, blood, itoin- acb, bowel*, llwr, kldneyt-ol children, and iu tnuiiy dllli.'ultie* prcullar lo women, It brinss prompt rellel and oerlnln eure. The beat physi- cian* reeommend und proscribe 11; and no person who once uiea thl*. will volunlarlly return to the use of any other cathartic.

>eut by malt, on receipt of price and poit.iRe. l'o*la|c, Ocenl*.

TIIK LATE TJUDra.—Tho proapect ol sustaining the latu Kritlay nljrht train

from Huston, was never more flatter-lux

than on the last Friday night, some three or four car loads having (-ome tip on It.

People now acait the Ooaton paper* with

irroat regularity lo ascertain what will be the Metropolitan amusements on thnt evtv

iiiri-. It, would be an aceommoiUtlon to people In the interior if our Hoston con-

temporaries would In (food season, giro

ihc fullest Information a*: to play, per- formers, and price, fur that evening, and

Wedne-ihiy anil Saturday aflvrnoons, es-

pecially, a-* our people nitiit sentl down two or three day* previously |o obtain

seate. Those who wllneind tho "I'url- tan'a Daughter "seem to agree with the

generality OCJJW Boston papers that tho

opera was very tame, and wa* not to be

oninpared with the Bohemian girl by tba

■aine author CBalfeJ.

•• PBIUOKAL " ADVEKTISKMESTS.— A young lady in Now York caused tho ar- rest of a young fellow for sending her a letter containing most insulting and iti- tlccont proposals. When it was shown llntt she caused a request for correspond- ence to ho Inserted lo a city paper, she lost what sympathy had previously been expressed for her. There are plenty of vllo fellows who watch for such oppor- tunities, and unless romantic girls wish to run the same risk as the one noticed above, they will do well to avoid such correspondence, as it is not nearly as xeeret as they may imagine.

We are plea.ed I, i.i.eit. I hnrlinl'I" Merhit


awarded is oar

Tratt's Admiral* Cook Stove


il,- t pr inking Apparatu


Corner Com moo and Jackson Sla.,

* 1 t^ola Aiant* lui L*wreae«.

1'KIKCK ARTIICR.—AS It Is very proba-

ble that Prince Arthur William Patrick

Albert, third son of Victoria Queen *>f Qntal llrltatu, may visit the Lawrence

mills, we give the following froma New Vork letter:

11 The prince arrived in New Vork from Canada and was received at the depot by Edward Thornton, Esq., the British Min- ister, an elderly man with Iron-grey Dake of Wellington whiskers, and ether offi- cial gentlemen. Prince Arthur was ac- companied by Col. Elphlnstoae and Lieut*. Packard and Filz Hoy. Immedi- ately upon the itoppage uf the elegant drawing room car, Mr. Thornton went aboard and then returned t* the platform, ai'i-onipaNietl hv HI* Royal Highness, who was drensed in a light brown over- coat, with a velvet collar, black pants, a l.'.nl Stanley scarf and pin. light kid gloves, and a black silk hat of the latest mode. He carried a cane, and Inatead nl having a soldierly bearing he stooped like a -iii.l.-i i. His face was fresh and roay, with lull lips, largo blue eyes and a prop of straw colored mutton-chop whlsk- era, which matched his hair. Ilia none I- curved, and he bore* striking resem- blance to hif brother, the Prince of Wale*, when in this country ten years

Cu.IKOKXIA MATTRH.S.—The leading business men of California who hitterly opposed the adoption of greenbacks during the war, when they could have. aided the government by adoptiug, am now moving strsmgly In favor of it. They liml that they cannot compete with Baatern states if they stick to their ex- clusive specie currency. Taxes are now required to be paid in gold.

The new police judge In San Francisco tries drunks in the prison altogether, and not in open court.

Thn manufacturers of all kinds in tho State have cut down wages, in some cases, fifty per cent.

; The valuable tin mine recently discov- ered, is near San Bernardino, in the Miutheastcrn part of tho state. It Is about si\ hundred miles from San Fran- cisco.

Morrison, one of" the new District judges of San Francisco is a Cathelie, and opposed to divorces. They will not come as readily as before.

There is an amusing light in the dem- ocratic party in Caiifurnia between the Irish element, which is about three-filths of the party.and the high southerners who huve from time to time emigrated to that state. Virginia wants all the offices, as usual, and so does Ireland. In n re- cent brisk light for a fat office, Pat camo oiil ahead, and the high southern gen- ilemon, nnin'v of whom were formerly Know Nothing leaden, are very much disgusted.

A Mr. J. J. Desmond has sued a San Francisco paper for 910,000 damages for libel. The paper is not worth lO.OOO emits. We cannot say whether the plaintiff is our Mr. Desmond.

' 1 lio*

» , 1.00.

140 Trtiuutit Mlrrat, lloaion, Nam.

KNIT—KNIT—KNIT—KNIT. AGENTS WASTKD everywhere lo sell the

AMKKICAN hMTIIXd M A1HINK, the only fracUcal Family Knitting Machine ever Invented,

rice »■.'.-.. Will knit ■-• atltehea per minute.— Addrea. AMKHIUAN KNITTlNIi MACHINE CO., Boitan,H*i*.,«r8t. Louis, Ho.

1-OHUXAlUi'H I la an excellent urtlclc <(lllni?Kk* AHuranubUi'd Virginia

IJU IlI'mA wherever Introduced I SnaaklngToiiarr.o | unlverially admired. I* pat up In hand-ioini' muilln bans, In which dcr* for M.-i rnelii , Hpti c dally packed.

I.OniLI,ARD'H I I* made of Ibc choicest VirUT *0| IIK l«af grown; It Is antl- Irlvlll vLliD neryon* la Its effectn, as Smoklma; Tobacco | the Nicotine baa been es- tfacted; It Irate, no dl*ai"reeable taatcafter amok- latfl It la very mild, light In color aud weight, hence one pound will last aa long a* 1 of ordinary tobacco. In tbl* brand wo alio |mck order* every day for Brat quality Meerschaum I'ipea. Try it, and convince yourselve* It 1* ull It claim* to be, — ■■ in i: KIMBST OF ALL."

l,oniliI.snD<H (Tbl- brand of Fine Cut / < Ti1 W T IT \i V I chewing tobacco baa no \ i i 11 1 U IV I euual or auperlor any- <-lirwtiiK'i'iih«ri ». ] where. It 1*, without doubt, Hie beit chewlnu tobuueo In the country,

l.OHl I.I.MIIvs I have now been la general 8M I [ 11 11 u ice In the t'nitetl HIalei

IN U I. V Clover 110 yean, and atlll sckaowledgcd "the best" nInr-itr umd.

If your itorekeeper does not hare these articles for sate, aak biro to get them. Tbey are sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere.

Circular of prices mailed on application.

P. LORILXAHD *. CO., Raw York.

COMMON 8 ENS Birr WANTID— AGKNT8, fi:>« per month,to sell

Ihe only GENUINE IMl'HOVED COMHON SENSE EAM1I.\ SKW I Nti MACHINE. l'llICK OSLT SIS. Ureat luducement* lo Agent*. Tbl* la the roost popular Sewing Machine of the day- make* the famou* "Elastic Lock Stitch"—will do any kind of work that can be don* on any Ma- chine— 100,000 iold, and the demand conitantly inareaalni;. Now li tho time to take an Agency. Send for rlreulars MfHtimre <•/ Is/rJtisfr*.-^* Addreia SECOUll * CU., lloaton, Ma**., l'ltta- burBb, ra.,orBt. Louis. Mo.

Aromatic Vegetable Soap.

For the Delicate Skin of Ladles and Childrei MOLD HV ALL DftUUGI&TS,

<*1<*]<*]^^^^^^^ TO THE WOItKINti CLASfl.-We arc now

prepared to fiirnisb all ctaaae* with eonatant em- 8|..-. iii'-ni a* home, tbe whole of the time or for

lie ipare moments, llusloe** new, Unlit and profit- able. IV i Mm- of either aex easily earn from sec. to IS per evenlni;, and a proporllonal sum by de- voting their whole lime lo tbe busines*. Ilov* and lllrl* earn nearly a* much a* men. That all who ■ea thl* notice may scad their addreas, and lest the bualne**, we make thl* unparalleled offer: T such a* are Dot well satlalled, we will aeod $1 pay for the trouble of writing, Full particular*,

oa, and a copy of Tht Ptoptt'* f.lttrarg Cumpati- (on—one of the largest and beatlnmlly MIlMpwl published—all sent free by mall. Header, II jou want permanent, profitable work, addrea* E. C. ALLEN k CU., AuoliaTA, llAIXR.

Agents! Read This! WE WILL PAY AUENTH A SALAHY <>i

W;lO I'KU WEKK andexpcoaei, or allow a large commission, to sell our new wonderful Invention*, Addrea* M. WAGNKK * CU., Marshall, Mleh.

ASK jour DOCTOR or Unuuuisr Ibr SWEE yCININE-It eamal*(bitter)yulnlne. Man

factared by STKARSS, FAKK^A CO., Chemist


intUnt F1FTT CKNTS to any one who can f ru/y say, li la not worth wb.t we alats. HKSD ■■ "it IT, Incline TWO BLUR HTAM r*. Aditrra*

BLISS BKOTI1KK8 A CU., Drawer 91.17, Boitaa,

PSYCHOMANCY, FAHClNATtUN UK BOUL CHAKMIND.-tnOpages; cloth. This wonder-

ful book ha* lull InslruetloD* to enable the reader to Avaclnnte either sex, or an animal, at will.— Mesmerism, Splriluallsn, and hundreds of other curloua experfa n be obtained tiy *end-







MACHINE. Machine Needle*, I aud Oil.

Sowing Machine* Kepairt-.l at ihort notice.

'»|H W. IIAUKR, |W Kisex street, Lawreaee.

For Sale in No. Andover, Ms. The Houae and Land situated upon Machine

Shop *treet, a lew rod* from Davis A Furber'* Machine shop, and now occupied liy Isaac C, Sar- feat—formerly the rr*ldence of Ihe *ubacrlbrr.— The houae i* a modern, two atory bulldlog, with a large L. It contain* 10 room*, all well nulahrd IH arranged In Ihe tmi'l convrinent manner, wllh ample rloseti, aud a dry, oemeuled cellar under the whole houae. The kitchen ba* a brick oven, wash boiler, two Iron *lnka, and good water brought Into the room Ironi a well outside. At- tached la a Inrte wood -In.I with oilier eonve- „■■:.■'■. and chamber above. There U a good ■table, In which I* a clileru ol water.

The garden belonging, omiainal l-i acre of rich loam bod, well laid oiil for ruining Trull and vege- table*. The frail Ircea are now In Ibelr prime, POU"l"tliif ot cherry, pearli and pear—IM lalter In many aud I'hoice vtrletb". both dwarf and nTimd- ard, The a|ip!e tree- nutnln-r slHiut to, embrac- ing In variety. Summer. Eull nml Winter Inilt, producing from i'*i lo 7J b.irrel- ot a good .iimllly

gooseh.-rrv, blnckliin y mi'l ni»pl>erry buahis, :mif grape v I tie i

•■-in.gooil "Ireet and Dflgll- »l. while th, .rdiu, *- Il

George I.. Davis, For lurlher pal

occupant, or id Uwlll-Hai'rt ground* of Hoi


I'l .

ber!i -* itouai bold 'I In i,n: i by ihe above statement th;

| *OMI I lilng ought to be don* lo prevenl nucb a vile Irnod belnj; praclked upon Ihi- community.

TI e citizen* of Itoaloii may real a»-ured that all our Confe-ctloutry I. STRICTLY H RF, aud made of the be.t tnn'.iTJiil* lliatcun br procured,

I ivilhout regaid tOCOSt.


h..iM... 102 Tremout street, Boston. ' 'Mil III.- HJ.W

Vocal Tablets For Sore Throat and Congestive irriiati

tbe Mu.uui Uembrane.

Tin- UIIII-VIH] -ii'kin'-i in

men In certain IVeatfn

CotintOtl lot- liy I In- iiniisiiitl iiutiilier uf

funalt! pliyali'hia.- ttmt IIT practl.ln-f.

A liotel at B«I Oak. l«\v:t, atlr«rUa»: Tha most polite lii.llo* will net an wait-

er*, dreaud in |tea (rrvuii jaeketa. illilnf

1iotipn ami bljtb-heolad bottouwt Kalteri.'

A Nevada city mcrcliaiit ndvertlfeai Oiil r.ij:a of irreonith hue, embelllahad

wltli Uiaae's phatofjranha, clieerfh11> ac- cented In pnyiiii'itt for stock.'

Tlieyliavi: an Indian In Wisconsin who has been old eiinnjrli lo dtfl for 130 years.

Thev think lie ran't laat TIIMCII longer, as he wa* seen to w:i«li hi* face laet sum-


When people borrow bad umbrellas they return them, and generally with

qualified thanks for the same. Goad ones

are kept—a« a tribute to tho courtesies of their owner!.

A lady In Kansas, JMSI from the Suit,

the other day noticed :m animal from the

car window and laqulred of the peanut boy if It was a buffalo. The boy an-

swered In a twinkling—■Them's a mule.'

A debating society at Lyons, Iowa, has been for sometime engaged in a discus-

sion of Uie question: 'If you had to have a'bile* where would you have it?' nnd

its members llnally decided 'on another fellow.*

. Mrs. Henry Minks, of WIlMMWt, 5Ie.,

who haa lived will] her husband forty- seven years, and I* tho mother of tweaty

Minks, has just obtained a divorce from

her lard on tho/reo love ground thnt she has no affinity for him. What a minx*

The following dialogue wa* recently heard In New York In an Eighth Avenue

car: First Young Lady—So poor Susan

Is dead ? Second Young Lady—Yes, poor thing. She suffered terribly, didn't she?

And anly think, she couldn't wear thnt

beautiful silk dre*s her mother gave tier, and It Is too short for her sister.

A contemporary says that a Xcw York

man who had not been out of the city for

many yenra. fainted away in the pure air

of ihe country. He was only resuscitat- ed by putting a dead fish to his nose,

when he slowly revived, exclaimed, " that'* jrood. It smells like home!"

'Mary.' said a teacher,* why didn't yon come to school yesterday ?' 'If you

please ina'ain, my aunt died, and I went

to the funeral.' 'Well, hereafter, when

your relatives die. tell them to have the funerals Saturday afternoons or Sundays,

for wo can't have our schools disorgan- ized by such things.

An Irishman being asked by his angry

master what he did to the dog every day

to make him cry out as if cruelly treated. 'Cruelly Irate him. ycr honor? Not I!

I never could hurt a poor dumb crater In

my life; but yer honor bade mo cut off

his tall, and so I ««t only a little bit off

every day to make It more alsy to him.'

A steamboat Captain on the Lakes was

recently feeling his way along in the

dark, when the lookout ahead sang out: "Schooner without a light!" It was a

close shave aud, as the steamer passed the schooner, the captain sang out.

" What are you doiug with your infernal schooner here In the dark without a

light?" To his dismay the skipper, who

was a Frenchman, answered: "Vat ze

dlabie you do here viz your ale steamer

in three feet water, eh?" And just then the steamer landed an a sand bank.

A man locked his wife Into an upper

room, and not being satisfied with this

punishment, but wishing tn aggravate

ber still further, gent his son up with a

bone. The youth innocently brought It,

and said, 'Mother, father sent this up. and says there Is a bone for you to pick.'

The gentle mother replied, 'Take It back

and tell him I say he Is not your father, and there Is a bone (or hint to pick.'

The Albany Times prints the following

advertisement: Whereas, my new hat

was taken trom the rack In a barber

shop, on Broadway, last evening, aud an

old one left In its place, now, this I* to

give notice that If my bat is not returned

to me, at the address pasted lo It, before sundown to-day. with the cost of this

publication, I will forward to the wife of

the person wtio took It, the letter found concealed in the lining of the old one.

At the battle of Malvern Hill, General

Lee encountered a tall Johnny Hub. lu

full retreat, and blubbering fearfully,

lie stopped him and shamed him, but the

fellow only avowed cowardice, and said he knew he was a coward, when they

'scripted him. 'Well,' said the General, 'that r»av be, but you need not bellow

about it like a great baby.' 'Baby!' echoed the conscript, ' I wish I wa* a baby—ond a pnl baby nt thnt r ■

A Portland nhoemaker. who had long

been In love with a pretty widow, but

had never dared to mention It to her, met

her ou tlic street, the other day, and blurted out, 'I beg pardon, Mrs. ,

but I waut to marry you! I have loved

you a leng time. I am (here he gave his

name, etc) and yiti can take a week to

inquire about me, and can see me when-

ever you wish.' With this be left, her to consider; she did consider, and a speedy

marriage was the result.

The comments of a colored preacher on

the teat: " ll Is more blessed to jive

than to renelve." are Inimitable for point ai u-ll as eloquence. " I've known

many a church lo die. 'cause it didn't jlyp enough; but I never kuowed a church to tile because it gave Ion much.

Dey don't die that wiiy. Hredren, ha* any of you knowetl a obtlPuh to ilie 'cause

it gave to much? If you do. just let me

know, and I'll make a pilgrimage to dat church, and I'M climb by de soft lightof

the noon t<r its moss-covered roof, and

I'll stand liar and lilt my hand* to Heaven and say I " BU-MSed are de dead

dat die ID de Lord."


lt.j j.iimj. -fl*kor & Randall tnwns 1* tie- '. Organs and Melodeons.

"Mill AID CHKAPKBT." Sheet Un-.ii' klu*lu llookl MM Liy H'

I'uhliahtr*' prices. i!EO. K. IttAD k CU.,

IU llaimrer HI., ItottoQ, Kouu ;u. 4. i ill HCfl OKUAX TUXIIIQ, tij*'.»



I.iniu-*, i;ciil-\ .Misses', Boys', aud Children**

Boots and Shoes,

WITHOUT Ktili.lU) TO COST! preparatory lo closing for repairs.—Also, every

pair of BOOrg sndHUUKS.out or style, or la tho lcu"i almp worn, will be sold at a


GREAT Kvcry pair will he marked ID plain flguri

I* an opportunity seldom otTeied lo buy tin

Very Beat tiood* at Extremely Low Prices!

THEO. H. BELL, 153 Washington Street, - - ltoston,

11 i iJ i Opposite DM Hontli Church.



The Best and Cheapest Place to buy


Or to get your WHINGERS REPAIRED, is at

■ U. 8. Til V V lilt's,

42 Elm Btreet, Boston.

Entrance from tho Yard of Wilde's Hotel. lyjyQ

Of the IM Quality /ui-MtsAaaf ai all SUMMON,

nr (*> Fair*, Pmr- Hotel,, P,«-H(c*, J-'om-

liiw rntct, by th*

ICE CREAM CO., Sprlnc Laos. Boston. ,

100,000 M list Itlltllts



Utorntiire, Solenoe nml Art,

MAT 111 in: i MS I.Ii HY



Large Circulation which It now enjoys.

It Is uulrersally conceded of both the Press and the rubllo, a* evldcnoed by tie warm encomlams received from notioai prlTfte letter* that reach>. In 1,1-UK-

Bost Family Paper ever laaued!



and conilst* of thirty-two quarto paxes, each uam ber attractively 11 In mated. It* content* con-

list of serial Novels sad short Stories, Kaiayi upon Liters ry and A octal

TopJcn, Sketches or Travel and Adventure, and papers upon all tbe various subjvet* that

pertain to tic pursuit* and recrea- tion* ol the people, whether ol

towu or country.


Subscription* received for is, 6, or 3 month*.

SfKci \ i, i'l t ii TfcHMB I'm Hindi ;1 on application to the Publisher*,


MJatttaj M, K, and IH tiraad St., N. Y.

DR. 8. C. TODD,


Office, 341 Xaaei street, (np stair*.) niii'i lliiti: ■- Kr.iiii 10 A. M . to I.! II.,


Hrsidencr, .ID Sunnier St.

DK. I "IM Ihe moat ab

Diseases of Throat, Lungs, Heart, Live mud Stomach, Fevers, Dropsy, It ben- iiMil-tii. Neoralirtu, Kit* or fslllue Sickness, anil all Nervous deranjtc: Spine, Joint**nd Hi

Alao, Diseases of the

ryslpclaa, Fever Sore*, Ab- cotnliiicalid complaints.

■"" attended to with ■ci'"I'*, «nil all oil... . ...

All forms ol Female Dil the bappleat *(*ult*.

It 1* to be honed that cure until tluy nave give Tut trial.

'Die mt virited tit th fir Trtidenct.

Hettil thr Jotlmoinir CertijicaU of ^"urr of AbtctM II f.'ic Hip fuint, the Patient

fyty-sec'n yean of aye: To AU Jl'Aim it map Content.

Kenten, Ohio, May 18, wor. '•I hereby rerliry that I wa* afflicted lor tire

year* with Useaae of the Hip Joint, darlna which time 1 auffend tin- moat excruciating pain, with but very lltae lulermls*lun. From the Joint It followed the oour*e of the bone, dratrovluu It tu within about live Inche* of tbe knee, when It dl*. charjjed/ronha^ttpliit^oaj.lnt of mailer_m day,

tlm. that 1 thought would be llaely to I tried patent medicine*, llnlmenta and •nlrea.sut derived no beaetlt, but continued to lose atreneth. Finally. heartBf of the *ucecss ol Dr. K. C. Todd In the tri-atmest uf *ueh dltesse.and being strong- ly persuadid hy eltliena of Kenton lo give him a trial,1 placedatyilfuiiderhlH treatment,and am happy to aay Unit I gradually Improved, gaining


' ir.ata Ing l between the hip a Joint. I ■■■>. -.1. i

year* of age wl.i- an*wer any latter

■d tbe lei'llug lu nix weeks time. Dur- the n.'i-ii.r opened It midway

ul the knee, and also at the hip my general health a* good as uf my age. I was filty-sevrn i cured. I would bo plessed to from thanffllrted,



IjJaSl OB. S. C. Tin. ii.

I'.ist OfBce 1'n'x 886, Snlem, Mass.


si GT'IST'S". Painter aud Grainer,

SO. 1 APPLETON STRKET, VTII i- : I [jwrelitv.

Uulil Yi,Iu,>.


ri;tO Essex St., Lawrence.


id In IM.ut Yattely,at prloes baaed upun tin

l-re.i ill (iold Value, at

CAMPBELL & TAYLOH-S, ^:J0 Essex St., Lawrence.

Examine ci* Compare our Prieex.

BLANKETS in every Size and Quality, JVom J.1.2S to $11.01).

Flannels, all Colors & Kinds,


Underclothing, Hosiery, CniH-lt, liiiuiiiinn..

FARC? fiflflfiS, al pi Ice* based upuu lln preaenl tiold V*lse, ut

CAMPBELL « TAYLOR'S, 2.10 Essci St.. Ltvnnce.

25 FARMS FOR SALE. Also, several

HOUSES AND LOTS OF LAND in tills eity. Apply to


tiiuflsgc 88 Essex street.

Lawrence Marble Works.

WILLIAM L. DOWLING, (late of lloaton,)

Comer Hampshire and Lowell St*., Manufacturer uf

iHonuuientn, Touibn* Head ston<_•>., A r.. of Marble, Freestone und Granite.

Usrble Mantels, Table Top*, and everything In the line, promptly made, delivered,and warranted a.represented.

lleliiH fully prepared for the. business, lie will furulaU Monument* of every deicrlptlon, nnd erect then lo any part ot tbe county.of new and original designs. Ilnviiin worked twelve year* lu Boston, ■ 7' ... I* conlldent that his work will prove equ *ny. either here or elaewhere, ** Ms faclllilri builncss are unexcelled. tlljyu


Drain Pipe Co.

W. A. KIM HA LI, it CO.

hive been pany, and

Wholesale at Manufacturers* Prices. low as other ot

WRINGING MACHINES o arranged that any on* rblchlsibebeit. All kli

st tbe Hardware Store of

IP. A. KIMBALL A CO., 217 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence

W. A. It IM HA 1.1., aJJll w. r. KIMBALL.


Attorney & Counsellor at Law, HOL1CITOK Or PATENT,



NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. My frlendi, make your borne beautiful. How shall we do III

ivitj'.liuy uneiif tlniK,- unrlvulled UUKJJETT CKLBBTE OBOAKS,

Where can thev be found I

Vound In every variety of style at


33 Court St., (."l'li. Court lluusc) Boston, lyfv■■.'"■' (lencrsl New Knglmd Agent*.


"JANE MILLER" arc t'ii|(iii;i-'l for tbe seaton at


381 Essex street, Lawrence,

, to assist tn selling



The largest, cheapest and best stock of HOOP SKIRTS III the city.

CORSETS, all prices.


Aateadlly lierraalng basinets Is a sure indica- tion that we are on the right track.

Call, examine, and be convinced that Leyland doe*bn*lniia "t>)( THB stjDAnr."


No. 71 Essex Street!

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. Havlnc retnuved to their large store. No. 71 Ksaex order lobvtt it aceouunodate their numer- ■■■ii- I-II-.I..!'U-I .-, mi. I having , i ]. I -ii )■-!,. ,L ttielrttock with a large u**orttuent ot

lieut'*, Ladles', Ut*se* sod Children'*

BOOTS, SHOES & It 11IIIKKS, lii-y now IMl prepared to meet llir demand* ol the public.

GENT'S CALF BOOTS.THRKlt WIDTH 111 sites, from one to thirteen. Tbe largest ss well as the smallest foot Kited with Calf Boot*.

We are Agents for the Celebrated Premium Hoots manufactured by O. Kendall A Son; also agent for the Vogle German Slipper.

Just received a larg-* Invoice of

ARCTIC OVER SHOES; all of which we offer at the manufacturers'price 1

Robber* repaired in tbe neateit and promptest manner.

**- Having lecured tbe aervlova of Ur. It. B. SMITH, a man of IB years' experience In tbe manu- facture and *»lc of Boot* and Shoes, we hope t still merit a snare of the public patronage.

I'leate call srnl examine our stock, ,

Don't tinj-rt the number,

No. 71 Kuex Street, - - Laurence.

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. mob, flmy is J. D. Herrlck.

(Suoceaior to Dr. B. D. IUTKS)

SURGEON DENTIST, 153 Kaaeti at.. Iswrinre.

Money to Loan I

Every One Want* Honey I


Watches, Clocks & Jewelry MONEY TO LOAN O*


Money to Loan on Harnesses, Rones

and Blankets.

Honey to Loan on Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes,

Money to Loan on Guns and Pistol


Musical Instruments AT



SIgii of Three Gold Balls Smljn7

HARD AND WHITE 1'INU TIMBER •n hand nnd sawed to dimensions.

Hard Pine Plank.

Hard Pine Flooring ana Step-Board*,

For *ale by STETSON * POPE,

, 01- Hi

No Choir should be without II.


A Collection of all the widelv popular Church Tune*, Anthem*.and Set Plecea which hitve form- ed the foundation of our American Church Mastr for the past nlty years. Containing loot) choice pieoee selected by bOOTeaener* andCnoIr I.eadei*.

I'rlre. $1 JO. |ll SO per donti. A specimen cop* will be sent by moll to any address, post paid, on receipt ot prloe.

OLIVKB nil'HUN * CO., Boston. C. II. DITSOM * CO., New York. Jnsi

heart of the city, one minute * walk rroin th* Pt)*l Office and City Hnll. A rare chance, ror partlcu ars, limulr.- at Till* OFFICE.

New Booki. ^.Stowe, H*. ^h. «^fi™ VtadU



Mutual Life Insurance Co. Organised Kipressly In Compliance with th*

Statute of U*a*aohu*ettH rcguUMn* tbe Forfeiture of Policies of Life Insurance. This Compsny 1* not excelled hy any other.

No forfeiture. No Notes. Low lutes. Dividends the tint year lncrenilug

upon the contribution plan. 1)*: ni'J 8. V.. I. A IVKKNCK. Agent,

No. 397 Essex St., Lawrence.

Mathushek Piano. The Last Oreat Improvement t f. Mathnshek'i

" EQUALIZING SCALE," the remit of which I* a FlMT CLASS full seven ocloes PlAXO— the "COf.IBKl,"of "great power and ■weenie** ot tone," occupying but fieo-rnW* Ihe uMM tpaet.

"UUCHtCSTItAI.," ^common slse, with Kqnal- i in, 3eate,) "Is scarcely equalled by the belt 0 rand Piano*."

Cnll and examine. A^enu wanted. Hmmspb II'are-/fount, \il:; Washington St., Boston.

INMAN LINE£ To and f'toiii Liverpool and

QueenBtown. The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia 8. 8.

Company's Hall (steamers tall a* follows: CITY OK LONDON, (9 A. U.) Saturday, Feb. a F.T.NA.dl A.M.) Tuesday, Feb. I CITY OF WASHINGTON, (1 P. M.)

Saturday, Feb. II ClTY(iFPAKIS,{H A.M.) Saturday, Feb. ID ClTYOFNKVyyuKK,(l0A.M.),r'eb.W CITY UF BROOKLYN, (1 P. UOSaturday.Fab.26 Kvcry SATURDAY and alternate TUESDAY,

from Pier sS North River, New York. FlritCabln, ticoaoldjjiteerage, SSSCurreney

'iMCui is ■■

I11 the Tuesday Steamer: First Cabin, IHO Gold | Btecrsge, %M Currency

Prepaid Certificates from all parts at moderate rates.

Drafts on Great Britain and Irclsnd,£l andover. For freight or pa***ge, apply st the Company'i

Ofllct'*, Iff.1 Stain street, Hoiton, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 11. S. CKKAGH, Manager, or

P. il lit 1*11 V, 34ft Euex Street, LAWBESCE.


*«J" l'lverJ H.liir.U, the In. •nan Un* will dUpslch one of tlirlr mall steamer* from Liverpool, via. Ilneena- t*WH and H.I If. i, to Iloatsu, <nrr)inH

[i»"fti|»ri and frt Ight.


"DElSTTtST, (Formerly in charge ol otBoe of the 1st*

ttf04 V.. D. 11 aye*)

No. S Lawreaee «., - • Lawrence.

DR. MARY !■:. RREED, Formerly Resident Physician in the New klnglsnd

Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, reapectfulty InTorms the Ladles of Salem and

vicinity, that she has opened an Office at

58 Washington St., Iliibon Block. Office hour*—Monday* and Thursdays, from 3 to

sr. a. Mr**sgea csn be left at any time in tbe box at


Dr. A. L. 8C0V1LL i* the Inventor uf several

medical preparation* which bave teeom* very

popular, and havu been liberally used. Among hi*

Invention* sre "Hall's Balsam for the Langi" and

"Liverwort and Tar." For Ihe psit six yesrs *

better Lung remrdy has been offered to the

public. Read Hie lollowing letter from Dr. Sco- v ILL, referring to It :—

M***K*. J. N. II AltltIS A CO.: L-VHI*,--! mab* the lollowing ilutemant from*

perfect lonvlctlon and kuowledgeof ibe benerJts of AIIen'a La** Unlearn In curing the must deep sealed PI'LMOMAST CUHSUMI-TIOI) I I bave wltnetsedltseffrcta on the young ami the old, aud I can truly say that It 1* by far the beat expecto- rant remrdy with which 1 sin acquainted. For Cough*, and all the rarly rtagr* of Lung com- plaint*, I believe It to be a certain cure, and If •very family would keep it by them, ready lo ad- minister upon tlm tint appearance of disease about the would be very few eaaes of lat*l coniumptloii. It cauar* the phlegm and matter to raise without lrrliallutf those dellcatu organ*, (the Lung*,) aad without producing cun- ailpatlou of the bowel*. It also give* strength to Ihe *)*tem.(top* tbe nlifht awrat*. and chsnies all Hie morbid recrclions to a healthy state.

Your*,r<-«prctfullv, A. I., SCOVII.l

Sold by all medicine dealers. 4ij«;

Hi:All! TO PlN.WORMft. Eminent pbyslrlan* any that more slcknes*

among children result* trom Pin-Worms than from any other csuse. A safe and rOectusl reme- dy for there Iroubli-reine nnd oflea elsngeroua

Seal*. Is found lu DR. GOULD'.S PIN-WUKM YKUP. Cure fur ailsll* anil children warranted

without injury to health. Price:scent*. i.Fo 0, GOOD WIN A CO., Boston, and all drucgut*


ll-.ivlli,' JiOVKL'I'V WRI.\(lKII,„, :,, -. ,., take It on trial with nag or alt otnert, and keep the Bast, ror i.ile ersrgtraere.

.'ni.l : N. H. PUKLPI A. CO., (..■ii. Au'ti, 17 Certlnndt ■«.(■> V.


ISO TONIC IIKVKKAOK, more *lrfnirthenliig than ale, beer or porter, or A N Y DKSCBl PTIOn OF ALCOHOLIC DKINK. Indispensable to the debilitated, especially nurvlng mother*. Iteeom- mended by pliyslclHnn »* *n rscellent atrrcglbrn- lag mUlC KVWtAai snd NLiTIllF.NT,and as tba best known preparation lor NURSING MOTHKKM, n«l having the objectionable proper- ties of molt liquor* In general, imjll TAKRAM- * CO., NEW YORK,



It U 1) K u r WOOD,

VETERINARY SURGEON. High Street Square, Lowell, HUM.,

Treat' alldlaeasrsof Uortee.Cattle, and thelower animals; perform* surgical operations; core* all curable case* uf spavin, ringbone, curb, tplent* and thellko. Order* promptly answered. Address by mallor teletrraphaiabovedlrected. itelerato all wcli-knownhoriemenln New Kngland.



Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, 258 I-'HUPX itreei, - - Lawrence.

Jell Nearly opposite old office.

FOR HALE. A Vrry Valuable Farm fur Gardening and Farm-

ing purposes, and a delightful altuatiou fur Sum- mer boarder*, on Ihe lia-erlilll road from North Andover, and but a ahort distance trom Button'* Hills, 1 mile from J churches und Bo«ton* klalue depot, the best of schools, and only 1 mile* from Lawrence. A splendid location, ri|[ht oppoaitc the Unc eetate of J. D. W. French, Esq. ?fi acres of tbe very best of tillage land, *ult*bly dlvldtd into orcha.-ding, Kngll*h gram, pasturage, gar- dining, tillage snd wood land; fenced with (tone wall; ii tine barn tin x 40, cellar under Ihe whole. Witt hold from :i4 to tu ton* ot hay, and thl* year wa* Ailed full. Plenty of pure water. A nice 2 l-V story dwelling house, with tiHnlihed rooms, prime cellar for alt purposes for which a good cellar 1* needed. All the premise* are In good condition; and a farm so near Lawrence, or its elsia, Is hard to obtain. There I* a great Quantity of manure on the prem1*r*,and tlic farm I* under the highest atate of cultivation. Splendid opportunity to pur- chaae a beautiful country residence and farm com- bined, lnoneoftbenneat portion* of New Kng- land, (North Andover,) and Its surrounding*, the school advantages, the lociety, brslthy air, line lake end river scenery,I* un*urpa**ed. For more particular*, price, etc., call upon PKDKICK A CLOSSON, Lawrence, Ho**., who have fnll control. nIS


(Sueoessor* to Webster, Dustin 4 Co.) Manufacturer* ol

Cotton ft Woolen Machinery AND


Pulleys, Gearing and Shafting, Jack Screw*. All kinds ol Bolt* on hand, or nude to order;

al*o all kind* of Forging done, GUNKItAI, JOB WORK and Hill repair) done

promptly and faithfully. Dealer* In Manufacturer*' Supplies,

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank lin and Methuen Streets LAW SUC I.

J. F. GILBERT & COMPANY, (Successors luH.H. Dodge

Dealer* is


Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, Ac.

A I arge assortment ot


Trunk*, Valises and flairs.

997 Essex street, • - Lawrence


Cunard Line Mail Steamers BETWEEN

Liverpool and New York, Calling st Queenstown.






JAVA, TRIPOLI. One of the above First Claas Iron Htll Steamer*

1* Intendtd to sail a* follow*:— From Liverpool, (ealllna; at Cork Harbor,) for

New York direct, every Saturday. From Liverpool, (colllni at Cork Harbor,) for

BOSTON DIRECT, every Tueaday. From New York for Liverpool, (calling at Cork

Harbor,) every Thursday. Certificates laaued to tiring out pasarngers from

any part of Europe at Lowest Kste*. For Freight or Cabin Paaaage, apply to P.. Cu-

nard, * Bowling Green, New York. For Steerage Passage, apply to E. Cunard, ill Broadway, New York, or to omf mb2D

P. MURPHY, 345 Essex streets Only Authorised Ag't for Lawrence and vicinity.

m ""^Jil The Rich and Poor Han's

Plaster. JOY TO THE NATION. DR. T. OQ.DIN manufacture* tbe Best Kid

Strengthening Plearlay and Rheumatic Plaiter that can be produced In tb* U.S.. end no mistake. The proprietor it«o put* up for *ale hi* Celebrated Nat unal Mafic COOGU SYRUP, for all kinds ol Coughs, Con>umptlon, Asthma, Hoarseness, Wheeling at Ihe Lungs,Whooping Cough, and alt Dlicascsor* like nature; warranted the Very U*st In the market.

Spaelal Rfitlee.-Dr.T. Ogden cures all b of Felon* with his own preparation, without His loss of a Joint, a* 1* ao common with the quacks and dupea that Invade oar street*.

DR. T. OGDKN, Proprietor,

41 Union Street. - - - Lawrence. Thr wMkly AM Kit HAS ean be bad at my store.

IN HALKM, * valuable property, consisting of

13,000 FEET LAND, with building* nearly new, fitted for MscuixsST, snd suitable for almost any

Manufacturing Bnilaeai. Will ba sold low, nnd on easy terms. The prop-

erty wimld be lessed, il preferred. Apply lo ImtdM HODUkiS, COOLIDOaT* CO.,

Mladla Wli.rf, Bo.ton.


B. H.~1TDDY, B0L1CIT0R OF PATENTS, LMt Agent of the United State* Patent (met,

Washington, under the Act«/ 1S37,

No. 78 Stite St.,oppositeKilbvSt.,Boston, Alter *n extensive practice of apwarda of

\TtDtX /••". continues fo aaeura patents Is tks United Slates; al.o In Oreat Britain. Fruac. and other foreign countrlc*. Caveats, Specifications, Bond*, AsalgnmeEU.siid all paper* or drawings for Patent*, executed on res tunable terms with dispatch. Researches made Inlo American and foreign work*, to determine tba validity and utility of Patent* or Inventions, and legal and Other advice rendered on ull matler* touching the same. Copies or the claims of any patents fur- nished, by remitting one dollar. Aailgnmrnts recorded In Washington.

A'o Agency in the United Stattt poutetet eu- perior fartlltlei for obtaining Patent! or nicer- tatnlaa the pnltittatitlitpof invention*.

During eight month) the subscriber. In th* eonrae of hla large praetire, made on twice re- jected appllcailou*, SIXTEEN APPEALS KV-

— - decided In ht.favor by nl*.

lEATIUONIALS. "I regard Mr. Eddy a* one of the oopoo/s practitioners with whom 1 have had ofBclal Intercourse. t'MAKLKs MASON, Commissioner of Patents."

"I -have no hesitation In assuring Inventors that they cannot employ a man asore competent and tmHirnrthy and more capable of putting their appllcstlons in a tbrm to secure for them an early and favorable consideration at the patent OaaM. EDMUND lll.ltKE.

Laic commiaalonerol Patents." MK. R. II. EmiT haa made for me THIRTEEN

applications, In till bui ONK at which patents have been arauled. and that onsl* NOID ptndina Sneh unmistakable proof ul great tahut .i*ii ability on his pert, lead* me to rectum mend AH Inventor* lo apply to him to procure their Pntenls' as they may be .are ot having Ilie molt faithful attention botowrd on their case*, and at very reasonable charge*. JOHN TAUUAKT "

Boston, JIB, lit, lerti. s,T


DH.FllED'KIIORKILI.glve..peel.l,Uentlon to dl>eu*e. of Hie genIto-urlnary orijans, and all chronic and dlrjrnlt dUease* In both sexes: his great turce** lu thoie Ions siandiiig and difficult caiei.such a* were former !y rouildiretl Incurable is lufllciriil to cunitnend him lo the public as wor- thy tbe extensive patronage he has received.

Da. MOItltlLL i* admitted by the beit med- ia*.] talent of the country to have In th* ileetmrnl ol Female Complaint*, and It Is no u-" u.usl oecurrerire for physicians In regular proctl to reoommin.l patient* lo him for trestn-— ■ -•' astlcted with ill*ea*rs lu hi* specialty. Ladle, will receive Ihe mull scientific ai

both medically sud surgically. Board, wit and experienced nurse, will be furnished, who wl*h to remain in the city during treojl

The poor adt l*,il free of charge. PIij-"~ patient, wl.hiiig hit opinion or advice, snd iBcloslag (be uiual fee, will ber- relurn mall. |.,

■•it to nil part* of the com

ltoston A Nnlm? Hntls'OUii.

ortlaud.Ssco.Biddeford,etc.,?.^(express i. i, ■■■■■..!■•■■'.'.. .M :<■■■ Li K. ml

In*.) For Kxeter, Dover,{.rent Fallit.autl atatlonseast

t llavcrhlll, :.:UJ (expreiai -

i..».W,o" " For Uai

town) A.M., lit si., 3.lo {via lleorwetowt,), S.OO, ~ (express,)> (via Georgetown,) U, 0.16 P.M.

la Georgetown.) 11.IftJ v. M. ForM*nche»ttT.Concord uud Lpperttallroads,

7,SO (express) A. si., 12 n.,6(exprc*«) f. M. For Lawrence (South Side) 7, 7.JC. (expreas)

1.18 A. v.. Vi w.,:i.u0,5,(vipre».io Wskrfleld,) o.oo, ii.ii] r. n.

For Uw rente (.North Sldel 7.30. (express) 10.H A.M., 12 H„ 3,«,(express to Wsketlrld] tl.OO, ll.lrjl r, a.

Frt I Po add t., ir

i Dover fi.60*.*. S.40,r.«L l0.UA,M..4J0r.M

I". I0.S4*. A.M.,0.O«* Y M From Kxrter fl.38»,».50, II,-i-t* A.M., t* T.¥. From Haverblll (via Georgetown) 7.15"

7JO (vis Georgetown.) 11.30, II (vu, Georgetown! A. «., li.-M", 3JO, 4 (via Georgetown,) •■to*, V"

From North Andover 7.H,9M A.M., IIJO.I.IO, 6^0,U.I3*sr. M.

From Lawrence (North side.) 6M, 7.30, 0.40A, M., 12.15. 3.M, SJOf, ».«•• r. M.

From Lawrence (Honlh Hide) 8.27, 7.«t,e.« A. M.. 12.IK, 11.40*, 3.14, 8.32, HAS*, V.Ib** r. M,

*Or on their arrival from the Katl. tOr on their arrival from tho North, tOn Friday nlgbt only. **On Friday night only. Passengers are not allowed lo carry bsgrage

above *5n iu value, nor over SO pounds In weight, and that personal, unless notice It given, and an •xira amount paid nt the rate of . price of* ticket for every |S00 additional value.



Collector ft Accountant. Books Opened, Posted & Audited.


Office, 239 Essex street, Lawrence,

(Over Post Office.)

Office hour* from 3 to 3 snd 7 to 8 P. M.


UNDERTAKER, 303 ConsBon street, - * Lawrence.

11 r. Porter still continue* tbe Faueral FurnltlTrar busines*, st he haa done for the past two years al the old Hand, where everything In hi* line can br found, snd at the lowest prices.

Funerals attended with one or * pair o bortat as required.

ICE nil il,Kits, for preserving bodlet lo warm weather, can be obtained at all time*.. N.B.—Orders led with Superintendent of Barlsl* will be promptly attended to, t-Vitzl


klfdMiMm^ Furnishing and Funeral


Would c.ll .ItctloB I. their


Corner Common and Amesbury Sts.,

Where lhay will keep a fnll supply of everything in their line, aad sell at the lowest living prices.

They are sol* Agents for Fi.k's Metallic Case*, Crane'! Metallic Casket*; alto Bbuler'* Metallic Cn«keii, a »«w and desirable article.

Funeral* attended with a good hearse, and one or a pair of horso*.

Residence and Manufactory 106 Elm St. Salesroom corner of Common and

Amesbury streets.

promptly attended to Carriage* farnltbed it deslrM.



BITTERS - ■"•"" usa get? <•">" >•' BEST

aad most Reliable Tonic and Bitter In Ihe mark,.i which Is alway* the ■""■«,

CHEAPEST: The Herbs, Bark* aad Root* wed In


WINE BI1TERS! 5K.?,r?.Ti"BSrktCl'nM,,,J1*"<>w*ra,8aakerooi Wild Cherry Bark,,, Ulnger antl aiih oU>^H.rtM'Md HU,,. a. hai «lwa7.'b«Vu foaili

HKALTH-airixa and IsvlgoratJnf, so at to Impart

BLOOM to the sallow, oare-worn and lean person aao

BE A UTY to their pale aad tlckly countenance*.

Ladies IVOBi Utah, South America aad Europe are irndiu. br*xpressrortbesaBItlars. v ar.senumg

For sale by druggists *d grocers generally. Her " I" *■ I N

Phar macien, (Ut'iiib.r of ih. Cull.,, of, K. Y.l

Cor. Eisei and Applcton St..


"fffrfX' ■*,. r ■ . on.^payas,,, „ „ t,.,. NO. IM JCMKX BT..BT, L.WH..C.


RHEUMATIC MEDICINE Cures Khcuinalism anil

l.i v IT difficulUes, Pleurisy^

.Colds, Cramps, Sprains.

'Bruises, 8ummer Com-

plaints, Burns, Scalds,.

Chilblains, etc., eto.


Prepared by


Htubomton Bridge, N. U.