Download - A Transcript of the Registers of the Worshipful Company of ...


A F A O S I M I L E o r T u n: O R I G I N A L S E A L o r C O M P A N Y,F R O M T i l l T R I O K I N G I N T u n C o m m o n

o r A n u s,L O N D O N.


is now ne arly forty years since the la te

Pro fessor Arber issued the first volum e

of his Transcript o f the Registe rs o f the

Stat ioners’Com pany , the fourth volum e

o f wh ich carries the Transcript down to

1 640 . The se Registers were continue d

by the Sta t ioners’Com pany to 1 70 8 .

From 1 7 1 0 a Register o f Copyright -Work s has be en continued a t

Stat ione rs’Hall under the provisions o f the Copyright Acts o f

1 7 1 0 and 1 842 , and the we ll- k nown phrase , “ Entered at Stat ioners’


has h itherto be en de em ed by m any the hall- m ark of copyright . The n ew Copyright Act o f 1 9 1 1 has swept away all

form alities re lating to copyright , and when the Ac t has be enadopted throughout the e ntire British Em pire , registrat ion o f copyright at Stationers’Hall w ill cease . At no tim e w as the Registercom plete , for in its inception it w as sim ply a record of the propertyof m em bers o f the Statione rs’Com pany e stablished by the Govern ingBody w ith the object o f avo iding d ispute s as to ownersh ip, and itdoes not include publications issued under Le tters Patent and otherRoyal grants, but it is the m ost valuable and extensive record of

publicat ions in this coun try . The entrie s from 1 640 to 1 70 8 varyconsiderably in th e ir interest to

_the presen t generat ion , and the

m any page s o f entries o f news le tters and serm ons m ay se em

som ewhat m onotonous . Profe ssor Arber,w ith inde fat igable e nergy


PR E P A C E .

included in his volum e s m uch varied and valuable in form ation

re lating to printe rs and printing, but m y project is confined to an

exact and com plete Transcript o f the re m a in ing volum es o f the

Register from the date when his Transcript closes to the conclusion

o f the Com pany’s Register, so that it m ay be pre served for the use

o f bibliographers and literary m en o f this and future generations .

The entrie s in the Register were transcribed by M r. H . R . Plom er,

whose valuable assistance I de sire to ack nowledge , and each pageo f the proo f has be en exam ined to


ensure accuracy in e very de tail.It w ill be se en that at tim es the spe lling o f the clerk w ho m ade

the original entries w as deplorable , but it has be en thoughtbetter to reproduce his shortcom ings and thus ensure an exact

Transcript .

King’s Prin ter and Master of the Sta tioners’



Jun e , 1 9 1 3 .

C O N T EN T S .

M iter B

Da te

4 Novem ber 1 640—5 July 1 6418 July 1 641 — 2 8 June 1 642 a n othe r- ton.

1 3 July 1 642—3 July 1 643 T. Dow nu

4 July 1 643—2 July 1 644 K .Boum e

9 July 1 644—1 0 July 1 6457 July 1 645—1 De cem ber 1 645

1m m

3 Decem ber 1 645—4 July 1 6466 July 1 646—2 8 June 1 647 8 .xsnn

7 July 1 647—2 8 June 1 648 J. Park er.

4 July 1 648— 2 6 June 1 649 J.

2 July 1 649— 6 July 1 6501 5 July 1 650— 3 July 1 6519 July 1 651 — 1 July 1 6525 July 1 652—2 July 1 6536 July 1 653—6 July 1 6541 0 July 1 654—3 July 1 655

Master and WardensW - A

{ 1 193 57 1

$ 16:53 1 m }

[E;M“ -

}w . w ley 4—1 1 Novem ber 1 640 ]

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

m aster : W illiam flames; M aster .

m aster : m i nute s Bunni es

M amet : g am ma M an .

Master Daw lm anand

Master Overton.

Master Miller.Vida page 550 .

Master Peter Cole.

Fran. Grove.

Master Mi lborne.

M arin as

4° flohem bris 1 640

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Doc tor Wrxns a table ca lledThe Coblers thred i s cult , and 3 ballads under the hand of Mas te rHANSLEY, viz‘, Never m arks Anthony“ , The kind Cu ckold , Engla ndscomf ort rev ived ij


7° fichem bris 1 640

En tred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Mas ter MAN

w arden a book e called The Sa in tes triumph delivered in sundry serm onsup on ROMANS 8 . 3 , 4 verse , w ho sha ll condem n s &c . by John Goodwyn ,pas tor of St . Stephen s in Colem an Stree t .

eohem his

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DoctorWxxns and Maste rMm w arden , a book e ca lled Cri ti ca Sa cra , observa e

ons on a ll the Radi cesor prim it ive hebrew w ords of the Old Testam ent , &c . by Edward Leigh,Mas ter of Arts of bo th Un ivers it ie s vj


1 0 ° flobcm brts 1 6140

Entred under the hands of Ma ste r Doc tor v ns and Mas te rMAN w arden , A trea ti es up on JUDE the 3 ’“l verse . Tha t you should contendfor the f aith, &c . by Mas te r John Goodwyn vj‘l

cohem his

Entred under the hands of Doctor Wxxns and Maste r MAN

w arden , a book e called A di scourse bet/w een s Upr ight the shoe m aker

Pa ti en t the sm ith d

t ot e m l i te

Entred under the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY and Maste rMAN w arden , a booke ca lled The tru e Evangelica ll tem p er , in three serm on sby Ma s ter John Jackson vjd

1 1 ° flohm bris 1 640

Entred under the hand of Mas te r HANSLEY a Ballad calledA w arn ing f or all ha rdhearted d‘ disobedien t chi ldren , &c . d


W1“ . Cooke .

Abel! Roper.

MasterCartwright .

Master Daw lm an .


Master Overton.

Master Overton .

[Page 50 1 ]Master Bellam leand Baph Sm i th.

Peter Cole.

Master Daw lm au.

Master Bart lett.

[ 1 3—2 1 No vem be r 1 640 .

[ 1 6° Ca ro/i Reg is]

1 3° flohem lirts 1 640

Entred forhis copie unde r the hands of DoctorWYKES andMaste r DOWNESw arden , a. boohe ca lled Obse rvacéns up on history -c . byWm Babington,Esq

’. d

1 8° flobm brts 1 640

En tre d unde r the hands of Doctor v ns and Maste r MAN

w arden , a play called . The Country Girls. vjd

2 0 ° flobrm hrts 1 640

Entred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas te rMAN w arden ,

a book e ca lled The natu re of truth, i ts un ion d: un ity i s"the sou le (he . discuse’d by the right hon’“ Rob“ Lord Brooke in a letterto a p riva te f riend 1 714

2 1 ° iii-Oh. 1 640

Entred under the bande s of Doctor WYKES and Mas terDOWNEB w arden , a book e ca lled The Sa ints returne of m erci es , or theadvantage of losses , delivered in sundry serm on s up on PHILEM ON,

versethe by John Goodwyn, pastor of St . Stephen s Colem an Stree t vjd

cohem his

Entred unde r the hands of DoctorWYKES and Mas ter DOWNESw arden , a book e called The condicon of the gosp ell, die . i n tw o serm on son MARK)? 1 6. 1 6. by John Rogers, late p’che r at Dedham vj‘l

w hom his


under the hand of Doctor VVYK EB and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a book e called Janua Lingua -

rum resera ta «t o . i s“the entry doore oflanguages unlockt’ d c , togei ther u

“a Porto -ll to the Janna 2 tables ,

tra n slated and enlarged by John Robutham

2 1 ° flohcm bris 1 640

En tred unde r the hands of Doctor WYKES and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a book e called The Com un ion of Sa ints , &c . bv Maste r Ainsworthvjd

com m his

En tred_

under the hands of Doc tor VVYK ES and Ma ster MAN

w arden a book e called The righteous m a ns p ra cti ce i n Pa rliam en t tym e , the .

By Richard Ward vj‘1

Entred under the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Mas te r MAN

w arden , A serm on , ca lled The true Soldi er’s Convoy . by Master Bridgevj‘l

En tre d under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a bo o k s called A light to Gra‘ iner and a ll other Arts d' Sci en ces , bvMasterWoodward Vl”

[hk fim lw w p ley 2 4—2 5 Novem ber 3

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

2 4° flobcm hris 1 640

Tho. Lam bert . En tred for his copie under the hand of Master HANSLEY , a ballad called ,

A bloody a ct com i tted by on e John Jam es a Rom a n Catholique w ho stabbedJust ice Hayw ard vjd

com m his

Master Oulton En tred under the hands of Ma ste r HANSLEY and Ma ste r MAN

w arden , a booke called The true story of Guy, Ea 1 le of lVa rru icke in p roseby Martyn Parker vj


2 4° flobcm hris 1 640

Entred under the hand of Maste r HANSLEY , a Ballad calledEng la nd reform ed, &c . Vj‘l

robrm Bic

Ffran. Co les. Entred under the hand of Master HANSLEY three Ba llads ,v iz‘, Ha 1 dsh 1f t j o r a w ife , The di u nckm ds 1 eca 1 .

,1 (ati on A f o 1 mei i a 1 n ing.

f orsw earers xvi ij“

w orm his

Hen G0 840 1 1 Entred under the hands of Doc tor WYK ES and Mas te 1 MAN

w arden a booke called The p 1 ° 1 1 1 c ip les of Ast1 o1 1 on1y . vjd

robcm his

Hen GOBBOD Entred un der the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Ma s ter MAN

w arden ,three book es or pam phle tts , v iz‘. The Joyes of heave nd c , Ma ns

three En im ies the w orld , theflesh,the Divell -c . , An Alm ana c/re butf or one

xvi ijd

colm n his

Entre d un der the hands of Sr HENRY HERBERT and Ma ste rMAN w arden , a book e called Masquerade du Ciel , p 'sented to the grea tqueens of the litle w orld &c by J . 8 .

T he se Psalm es trench 2 50 fi obm gbn’

g 1 640upon ye Com pan iesR ight dz there fore Phi llip Nevin. E Maste r Hcrossed out



ane book

gesgm bgthe

Rouse. Salvo cuius1 640 .

Master Milborne Entred under the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Master MAN




n i tw arden , a bo oke called A com entary up on the w hole Ep i stle to the

“ 8 er a e EPHESIANS by Mas te r Paul Baine vjd

2 5° flohcm bris 1 640

En tred under the hands of Ma ste r HANSLEY the se Balladsfollow ing Verses up on Toba cco . The Loya ll w ish, England up onthe m end ing hand , A true rela-Ebn of tw o young m en. that m a de a

cha llenge f or Pritty K ate , Sp ecula ébns En igm aticall, Em blem aticall d


Sam . Browne .

Phllllp Nevlll.

Master Em ery.

Master Bart lett.

Steven Bulk ley.

Master Em erey.

Jobn Stafford.

Master Mi ller.

[2 5 Novem ber—3 Decem ber 1 640 .w

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

2 5° floem bris 1 640

Entred for his copie under the hands of Master Hu ma n and MasterMAN

w arden a bo ok e ca lled Prim a et Ultim a , the first and las t things , or

R egen eration M editac'

on , serm ons in tw o treatices by IsaacAm brose Vj‘l

2 7° flab. 1 640

Entred un der the hands of doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , Three serm ons v iz‘, A Com ission for an Assize &c . ; A closehipocri te discovered, (fie . The Lawf ulnes of dosing good d c ; by Daniel lCawdrey, Re ctor of Great B illing vj


cohcm his

Butt ed under the hands of doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called Three Cen turi es of Conf eren ces by M ounsieur

Renaudot in French, translat ed into Eng lish, by Master Sparrow vj‘l

2 8° 1 640

Entred under the hands of doctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden a book e ca lled A sw eet and souls p er sw ading inducem ent , leadingunto Christ , up on these te sts , viz‘, PSAL : 1 1 8 , GALAT. 2 . d:

EPHES : 2 . by Alex : Grosse

2 8° flab. 1 640

Entred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called Poem s sa cred and satyrica ll, &c . by vj‘1

com m his

Entred under the hands of do ctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a book e called Rom e’s destru ction , or emp resse texts d n eces saryconsequences cbc . f or condem n ing the doctrine of the Rom a in e Church &c . ,translated out of Fren ch, by Jam es Mountains vjd

2 ° Becm bn’

a 1 640

Entre d under the hands of doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arde n . Eight conf erences i n French up on these heads viz'. 1 . Whetherthere be nothing new . 2 . Whether i s the m ore enclin ed to v ice , the ignorantor the know ing m a n . 3 . Why dead bodi es bleed i n the p 'senc e of thei rm urderers . 4 . Whether tru th beyett hatred and w hy

? 5. W“ is m ost tobe esteem e d, an inventive w itt , i ndgem " or courage . 6 . Of the socks, dw hether his crow ing doth af right the lyon . 7. Why w ee doe m ost earn estlydesire f orbidden things . 8 . Why f am i lia rity shou ld begett contem p t, byMounsieur Renaudot and tran sla ted in to English vj


3° Beccm bris 1 640

Entred u nder the hands of DoctorWrn s s and Master DOWNESw arden , A trea tie s up on the 2 TIM : 4 by Doctor Sibbs vj


En tred under the hands of DoctorWYK as andMaster Dow Ns sw arden A serm on called Sp eculum Sanctita tis , or the ho ly glasse , byE . Wol ley VJ


[hmm lW- h flv 4—1 0 Decem ber 5

Master Bartlett.

Master Bartlett .

Phillip Nevi ll .

Phi l lip Nevi l l.

Tho. Lam bert .

[Page 506]Master Stephens


Master Meredith.

Phi llip Nevi l l.

Phi l lip Nevin.

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

4° Beccm brts 1 640

Entred for hi s copie unde r the hands of doc tor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a booke called Com p endia Theologi e Christia nas , «t o. authors

Johe Wollebis vj‘

7° Bccm brta 1 640

Entred under the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY and both the

w arden s a book e called The doctrin e of the Sabbath, by Geo. Walker,Bach : of divin ity vjd

En tred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and both the

w arden s , a boo k e ca lled Carey’s Journ ey being

1 57 m orra ll (f: divineobservaébns , &c . vj


9° Ba rnabas 1 640

En tred under the hands of doc tor WYKES and Mas te r Dow rvnsw arden the se tw o boo ke s (v iz‘) A Trea tice of Marriag e up on HEBR . 1 3 . 5 ,

by Dani el l Rogers, A short exp lanac'bn of the Ep i stle of St . Paul tothe hebrew s, by David Dickson xij


room his

Entred under the hands of doctor Wy nne and Maste r MAN

w arden , a book e calledA treati es tending to clears the doctrine of Justificaconby John Forbes vjd

1 0 ° Beccm brifi 1 640

Entred under the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY a Ballad, ca lled,The vertue of upright dea ling vj‘l

1 0 ° mecm bria

Entre d under the hands of Master HANSLEY and both the

w arden s , a book e called A comf ortable exp osicon of the la st d; m o st difliculttp e . of the p rophesy of Dan iell , f rom the 2 6 verse of the 1 1 th chap ter , tothe end of the 1 2 th chap ter , by Tho. Brightm an vjd

cobcnt hie

En tred un der the hands of doctor Wrxns and both the

w arden s , a book e called The Song of Songs w ritten by Sa lom on , op ened d:exp layn ed, by John Cotton, late of Bo s ton vj


cohem his

Entred un der the hands of doctor WYK ES and both the

w arden s , a booke ca lled A revela con of the revela c’

bns tha t i s , the revelacon

of ST. JOHN op en ed clea rely w"‘a lo

gicall resoluC


on ab exp os icon . d c ,


byTho. Brightm an vj‘l

Master Bartlett .

Wil liam Garrett .

Master Rothwell.Vide page 552 .

Master Ftawneand

8 am . Ge llibrand.

Master Bartlett .

Master Moz eley.

[Page 50 8]Robert Bostock.

il l— 1 7 Decem ber 1 640 .

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

1 1 ° Bet . 1 640

En tred for his copie under the hands of Master HANSLEY and MasterMAN w arden , a book e called Ca tholicke Chari ty , cc'

1 1 1p layn i'1 1g m a in teyn ingthat Rom e is un cha ritable to sundry em inent p arts of the Catholicke Church,

d: esp ecia lly to p rotestants (f: is therefore uncatholik e &c . , by Fr Rouse‘


solvent hisEn tred un der the hands of doctor W yn ne and Ma ste r MAN

w arden , a bo ok e called A p attern s of Ca techi sticall doctrin e , w herein m any

profitable questions tou ching Christian religion are handled d: the w ho ledeca logue su ccin tly inditiously exp ounded, w “

additions 1 0"

1 2 ° Beccm bria 1 640

Entred under the hands of Master HANSLEY and MasterDow NEs w arden ,

a book e ca lled A learn ed treat ise up on I. TIM . 4 Chapby JosephMead,B zD : late fe llow of Christs Colledge in Cam bridge . Vjd

eobem his

Entred under the hands of DoctorWYKES andMasterDow N Esw arden ,the se tw o bo ok es , v izi , Doctor Am es Five bookes of the ca ses ofcons c ience, 80 An Arro w aga inst Idolatry, &c . by MasterAinsworth vj


1 4° Bcccm bria 1 640

En tred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and both the

w arden s , Certa i ne Serm ons up on these tes ts , viz‘1 ZACH. 1 2 . ACTS 2 .

PROV. 4 . GAL . 2 . 1 9 . by Master Cot ton, of Bo ston rja

cohem Bic

En tred unde r the hands of doc to r Wr xns and Maste r MAN

w arden , a Treati se on the A ttributes up on DEUTR . 6. A Catachism e,

cf: a Trea tice up on Justifica tmn by Master Geo. Walker, d

1 5° Beccm bria 1 640'

En tred under the hands of doctor Wrxas and Master MAN

w arden , a book e ca lled Tw o divine M editacons , one on PSAL . the otheron the l SAM : 1 5, by S" Isack Wake vjd

1 7° Brm nbris 1 640

En tred unde r the hands of do ctor WYK ES and Ma ster DOWNESw arden , the se three bo ok e s (v iz‘ The Pen iten t Pi lgrim , &c . by Mas te rBRAITHWAIT , Britta in es or ig irm ll, &c . by Phi lem on Southby . A strea steares an eligie up on the death of S

" R ich. Hutton xvi ij“

The (so should have been one sh illing.

[3TRaw-W. h p ley 1 7—2 4 Decem ber 7

Peter Cole.

Master Edw ards.

Master Nicholleand

Ffran. Egglesfelld.

Btron. Egglesfelld.

Pfran . Eggleefelld.

[Page 50 9]Master Bishop.

Jam es Cram ps.


w . Blackm ore.

Master Man.

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

1 7° Ba rnabas 1 640

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Mas te rDOWNES w arden , a booke called A godlythe Ep istles of ST PETER, ch the three Epi stles of ST Vj‘l

1 8° Bet . 1 640

En tred under the hands of doctor Wy xns and Maste rDOWNESw arden the se tw o book es A Catachism e by MasterWhately , andtw o serm ons by Maste r Hooker, one on JER . 1 4 . the other on

GAL . 6. xijd

t ot em Bic

En tred under the bande s of doctor Wrxns and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a book e called The Rose of Sha ron or the Art, & c. bv Chri :

Jelinger vjd

t ot em Bic

Entred under the hands of doctor Wrxns and Maste r MAN

w arden ,a Serm on up on EPHES : 5. 3 2 . by Doc tor Preston, being the

leading serm on to the Churches Marriage vj‘l

Assigned over un to him by vertue of a n ote under the hand and seale ofRAPH MABB subscribed by Maste r MAN w arden , All his right in thebook e ca lled , M ercy tr ium phant , or a trea tise on EPHES . 3 . 1 6, 1 7. byDoctor Preston vj


1 9° an em one 1 640

Entred for his COpie un der the hands of doctorWYKES andMas te rDOWN ESw arden , a book e ca lled Guili elm i Am esi i de Conscien tia et eius iure vetco elha s libri quinque vj


room his

Entred unde r the hands of Docto 1 WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a book e called The vi ctory of Pa tien ce dl the ben ifitt of afilicti on ,

m u ch en larged by the author , Richard Young vj‘i

t ot em Bic

Entred unde r the hands of Master HANSLEY and Maste r MAN

w arden ,a book e cal led The young m an s lookinglasse, or a sum m ary

discou rse betw een s the Aun t the GrashOpp er, by Rich Watts Vjd

2 11 ° Bet . 1 640

Entred unde r the hands of Master ESS ING Clarke of theCoflTon s house of Parliam t Maste r MAN w arden , A serm on prea chedto the ho‘" house of Com ons assem bled in p liam '

, at their publique f ast,Nov 1 7 1 640 , up on 2. CHRON’. 1 2 . , by Stephen Marshall , B : :D vj


Mas te r Bonrne .

Dan. Ffrere .

Ftran. Egglest'


Ftran. Egglesfelld.

Tho. Lam bertand

Edw . Anderton.

Ffran. Grove.

Tho. Lam bert.

[2 4 Decem ber—7 January - 1 640 .

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

2 11 ° necm bris 1 640

Entred for his copie under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and both the

w arden s a book e called The Pop u la r Error s or the Errors of the p eop le inmatter of p hi si ck w ri tte n in la tyn by Doctor Prim rose cf: translated i ntoEng lish by Rob“ Wi t tie, Master of Artes Vj


2 4° Ber. 1 640

En tred under the hand of Master HAN SLEY a pam phlettcalled, A god of steels, &c . by Henry Walker vjd

t ot em his

En tred un der the hands of Maste r ESSING Clark e of the

Gom one house of Pliam ‘ Ma ster Dow nns w arden , a serm on preachedto the hoble house of Com on s wthan Epistle to them at the ir publi



fast , Nov 1 7, 1 640 , by Doctor Burges on JER. 50 . 5 Vj

2 9° not em brts 1 640

Entred under the hands of Doctor Wrxs s and Maste r MAN

w arden , tw o book es (viz t) Supp lem entum Lucani , Au thors , Tho . May,Anglo and Lym /m ing of pi ctures , landskip s cf: histori es w "

genera llobserva tions in w orks it receip tes f or m a king colors xij‘l

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hie

Entred under the hands of doctor WYK ES and Maste r DOWNESw arden , a bo ok e called An Apology f or Laym ene w ri ting in divin ity,


bySr Rich . Baker, knt . vj


3 0 ° Beccm bris 1 640

Entred under the hands of Master HANSLEY and Maste rDOWNES w arden , Eleaven serm on s, by Tho. Goodwyn , B .D . d

As s igned over un to them by vertue of a n ote under the hand sealeof John Reynolds, the picture or table called Grea t Bri tta ines Joyfu lsight Vl


3 1 ° mcrcm bris 1 640

Entred for his copie under the hands of doc tor WYK ES andMas terDow NEsw arden tw o treat ice s (viz

‘) The Chr istia n f reedom e the def orm edf orm e,

Jt c . , 1 .1p on R 0 1 1 . and ." TIM. 3 . 5. by Doctor Preston vj


Entred under the hand of Maste r HAN SLEY , a Ballad ca lledThe Snbiect

’s prayer , &c . d

7° summ ary 1 640 [i .e . 1 641 ]Entred under the hands of Doctor Wrxs s and MasterDow NEs w arden , a book e called The lives of the kings of Eng landd‘ Qu esn es f rom Willi am the Conqu erm to n Jam es by S" WalterRaw leig

'h vjd

MasterWalbanck .

Tho. Kem b.

Master Bourne.

[Page 51 4]Master Stevens


Master Meredlth.

John Sweeting.

Master Boum e.

[ 1 4—2 3 January 1 640 . 3m m


Caroli Reg is]

1 14° mari nara 1 640

En tred for his copie vnder the bande s of Doc torWYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a book e ca lled The Vau lting m aster , or the Art of Vau lting redu cedto a m ethod, byW : Stokes . VJ

Entred vn der the hands of Doc tor Wrxns and Maste r Dow n nsw arden , a book e called, D . Joann i s Piscatoris Herbonensi s et M : LudoviciLucii Basi li ens is Scrip ta quanta/m adversaria de causa m eritaria n


7 i coramdeo j ustification is, ona cu/m Tho : Gatakeri L ond ina tis an im adoersionibus in

vtrag VJ“

1 9° $auuarii 1 640En tred vnder the handsof DoctorWYK ES and Master Dow m as

w arden , a book e called A m ost short introdu ction in sti tution or w ay oflearn ing Grain—ar, &c . , w ritten by R : R : (re serving every m an s right)vj‘1

com m his

En tred vnder the hands of DoctorWYKES and Mas ter DOWNESw arden , a booke called The Antip athie of the Fren ch and Sp aniards translated out of Ita lian by Robte Genti lis vj


Entred v nder the hands of DoctorWYK ES and Maste r Dow n s sw arden , a booke called, A def en ce of Christian R eligion aga inst Athei sm s ,

w ritten by S'Jam es Perrott , knight vjd

2 2 ° his manual?“ 1 640

En tred vnder the hands of Master HANSLEY and MasterDOWNES w arden , a book e called, A f a ithfu ll rem onstran ce of the Holy L if ehappy death of John Bre wen of Brew en - Stap leford in y‘ county of Chester,

&c . , by Wi ll nd som etim e p rea cher of god’s w ord at Bunb : in Chesheireand now published sin ce his dea th by Sam : Hind : B : D . Vj


com m his

Entred vnder the hands of Doctor WYKES and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a booke called Poem s divine «9 hum a ine by Thom as Beedom ede ceased

2 3° $am m rii 1 640En tred vnder the hands of DoctorWrxns and MasterDOWNESw arden , a book e called The com p lea te Coppy - holder, &c vj


cohem his

Ass ign ed over unto him by vertue of a note u nder the hand seale ofJohn Daw son subsc ribe d by Maste r MAN w arden , all the e state , right ,and m tere st , w

"h the said John Daw son hath in this copie , Serm onsup on the second Ep i stle of the CORINTHIANS the w hole first chap ter , byDoctor Sibbs d

In a later hand .

[gamr lw m ur 2 5 January— 1 February 1 1

Master Constab le.

Rich. C lutterbuck.

Master Bonrne.

John Wright,Jun k

[Page 51 0 ]Tho. Lam bert .

Master Lt tham .

Caroli Reg is]

2 5° manner“ 1 640

Entred for his copie vnde r the hands of Doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arde n , a booke called Ma chavi lls ghost as he la tely app ea red to his clearesonne the Modern e Proiector , divu lged f or the p'tend ed good of the kingdom es

of Eng land , Scotland , (t: Ireland in the yeare of gra ce the 3 “ of Novem ber ,1 640 . vj


2 5° Siam uarti 1 640

Assigned over un to him by vertue of a note un de r the hands and scale s ofMas te r BREWSTER and Maste r B IRD all the ir e state s , right , t itleintere st in the se s ix book es here afte r m encToned , viz


l . Thefirst p art of the gentle craf t .Thom a s of Reading.

Wi lkinson’s Jew ell f or the ca re , a serm on .

Dives di Lazarus , a. serm on by Mas te r Johnson.

Chri stian Consolaé'bns f or the afllicted .

Doctor Worship’s 4 serm on s vizt The Chri stian’s m ou rn i ngGa rm ent . Aron s Bells . The fiigher . Earths rayneing up onvjd






2 8° Slam m ing 1 640

Entred forhis copie under the hands of Master HANSLEY andMaste r MAN

w arden a bo ok e called A tru e rela tion of an App ar ition in the lik eness ofa B ird w i th a w hite brest that app ea red hovering over ye dea thbeds of som e ofthe children of Jam es Orenham of Sale -Mona chorn in Devon . vj


Entred un der the hands of Master L ITTLETON , Mas terMAULEVER ER , and Maste r GAM UL L , Burghe sse s of the low er house ofParliam en t and Maste rWECK ERLYN and Maste r DOWNES w arden , a bookcalled The Treasure of Trafiigue or a Discourse of florraine Trade byCapt . Lewis Roberts Merchan t vj


29° Sianuarn 1 640

En tred under the hands of Doctor WYK Es and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called The destru ction of i nbred corrup tion or an Antidoteaga instfleshty Luste by Alex. Sim pson vj


3 0 ° $am iarii 1 640Entred vnder the hands of Doctor WYKES a ballad calledIte pay you f or p eep ing , &c . vj


1 ° J ohn 1 640

Entred vn de r the hands of Doc tor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called Sunday a Sabba th, or , a Prep a ra tive d iscourse f ordi scussi on of Sabba thary dou ,bts be ing the firs t pte of a greate r w ork s byJohn Ley vj


Master Latham .

Master Nicholle .

Edw . Blackm ore.

Robte. Bostock .

Master Okes.

[ 1—9 February 1 640 . WA spley

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg


1 ° J ehruat ii 1 640

En tred f 0 1 his copie vnder the hands of Doc-to 1 WYKES and Maste 1 MAN

w a1 den , a booke called Ap ologet icall doubts , hop es ct 1 easons f or ref'

usa ll ofthe oath, i mp osed by the sint canon . of the la te synod, bv John Ley vj


1 ° drrhruarii £0 1 640

Re as signed over vuto him , by vertue of a n ote,1 1 nde 1 the hand seale

o t Maste r M ILLER , subsoi ibed by both the WM den s all the e state ,

right , t itle ,in tc i est w ell the said Mas te 1 MILLER hathm the se copie s

follow ing ,the w

"hw ere ass iu ned by the said Master WEAVER to the sa idMaster M ILLER , the 2 8

th day of June A° i ijs

, vjd

Maste r Boul ton’s di scourse of true happ ines~—l1 is genera ll directionsf or w a lking fw

'“ God,— his in stru ction s f or a right com forting ofaffli cted conscien ces .

The Eng lish Di ctionary , or Interp reter of hard English w ords .The Booke of Christian Exercise app erteyn ing to R esoluc



m by C : Pperused by Edm . Bunny .Maste r Stock’s doctrine ct: use of R ep entan ce , 1 0

“ his serm on a t

Pau l's Crosse .

A Regim en t f or the sea , 1 0“ the Marriner’s guide .

5° Jrchruarii W 1 61 10

En tred for his copie vnder the hands of Doctor WYKES a ballad cal ledA dia logue betw een D icke at Robin vj


8° di st rus t “ 1 61 1 0

Entred vnder the hands of Doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called A Trea ties of doubtings , (be , up on this textMATH . 1 4 . 3 1 . by Obadiah Sedgwick

com m his

Entred vn de r the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY and Maste r MAN

w arden , a book e called A threef old t1 ea t 1 se of the Saba th divided distinctlyinto the Patm archall

,M osa zca ll, d

" the Chr 1 st1 a n Sabba th, by Rich : Barnard,Re cto 1 of Batcom b vj


com m his

En tred vnder the hands of Doctor WYK ES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a booke called The New Motion s , or a seriou s cf} bre ife d iscou rse ofcerta i ne Moti on s now i n question

9° m m . 1 640

Ent 1 ed un der the hands of docto 1 Wrxns and


Mastc i MANw arden , a booke called The Ra ft trapp ,

or a d 1 e can ery of the j esm ts p lotts ,it s by Mas te r Heywood VJ


[EJ W “ PM 9— 1 7 February 1 3

Master Bonrne.

ban. Ffrere.

Master Se lle .

Jam es Crum pe .

Robte. Bostock.

Master Crooks.

Master Em ery.

Tho. Lam bert] .

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is ]

9° Hel m 1 61 1 0

En tred to 1 his cop ie un de r the hands of Doctor WYKES and both the

w arden s , a book e called The fa 1 th of the Chm ch of Engla nd concern i ngGod’s 1 0 0 1 he on m a n’s a 1 1 ll, by Francis Tayler d

t ot em hie

En tred vnder the hands of Doctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arde n , w‘"this p1 oviso (re serve ing euery m an s right The abr idgm ent of

the Cou ncell of Trent , by Sr Richard Baker, k n ight d

1 1 ° f tbt’. 1 640

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a serm o n up on the 2 1 th of JOB,verse the. By Master

Fenner VJ“

Entred vnde r the hands of Maste r ST . JOHN 8 his Ma"sollitor

ge 1 1 e 1 all, & Maste 1 M AN w arden,A sp eech 0 1 dec lara s e n delivered at a

conf erence of both houses of Pa rliam ‘co nee 1 n 1 ng Ship m on ey . BV the said

Mas te r St . Johns Vla

1 3° Hel m 1 640


under the hands of Doctor WYK ES and Ma ste r MAN

w arden ,the se tw o bo ok e s v iz t A p ref a ce to the drun ckards cara cter A

light i n the “

p orchf or him that enters . By Master Rich. Young .



t ot em hie

Entred vndéi the hands of Docto 1 WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called A m odest adverticem ent con cern ing the p 'sen't “cont1 overs i e about Chm chgouer m d

1 5° $1 1 1 1 . 1 640Entred un der the hands of Master HANSLEY and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called Mr . Buren’s his elea ven Trea tices touchi ng Eccti ca ll

p ea ce am ongst Protestants , &c .

t ot em hie

Entred vnde r the hands of Doctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a'

book e called Drerrelius de recte i ntentione , &c , tran slated int oEng lish by Maste r Dawson, clark eEntred v nde r the hand of Docto r WYK ES , N e 1 1. 1 es f ro 1 n Islingtonhere ’s New es w orth hea ri ng

1 70 1 11 1 1 1 1 . 1 61 0En tm d 1 1 nde 1 the hands of DoctorWYK ES and Maste 1 DOWNESw ,arde 1 1 a book e called Theologi n Germ a m ca Ge 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 co t1 nnsla tns ,Johann e Theophi lo in terp 1 ete VJ

Master Nicholle.

Master Moz eley.

Master Dsw lm sn .

Master Bartlett.

Master Overton.

[Page 52 0 ]Master Crook s.Lao . Chapm an.

Will Cook e.

Rich. Best.Vida page 2 1 6in the new e stbooke .

Fran. Coles .

Master Butter.Master Boom s.

[ 1 3—2 4 February 1 640 .

[ 1 6°

Caro/i Reg is]


1 7° m m . 1 640

Entred to 1 his copie un de 1 the hands of Doc tor WYK ES and Master MANw arden ,

A Treati se on PSAL . the 2 5, 1 4, by Maste r Fenner d

cohem his

Entred vnder the hands of Doctor VVYK Es and Ma ste r MAN

w arden , a book e called Englands looking in cf: out, by S’Raph. Maddisonvjd

1 9° ” t ilt ; 1 640

Entred vnder the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Mas te r MAN

w arden , a book e calledMoses his choi ce upon Hebrew s the chapte r versethe by Jerem y Burroughss vj


2 0 ° df el m 1 640

Entred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a tract ca lled The sinnfu lness un lawf ullnes 0 m aking or hausingthe p i cture of Chri st’s hum a n i ty , w

“an Essay or grant in verse ag

Cru cifixes or p i ctures of Christ, by John Dicaro d

2 3° J oint . 1 640

under the hands of Doc tor WYK ES and Master MAN

w arden , A Treatise called Vindi tia e Saba thi , or , an answ ers unto tw otreati ses of M'

. Broads, &c . by Geo Abbott

2 4° drew . 1 61 1 0

Entred vnder the hands of Doc torWYK ES and Maste r DOWNESw arden , a book e called The Office and du ty of Executors or a treati se of w i lls

executors , by JW. reserve ing euery m an s right . vj"

t ot em his

Entred vnder the hands of Doc tor WYK ES and Master MAN

w arden , Three Serm ons (viz') Tw o of them upon the 2 TITUS 1 3 cf:

GAL . 6. 1 4 . by Dr. Bi lson, Bp . of W in to n , on e Serm on up on NEHEM :

9 . 3 8 , by Maste r Brightm an

com m his

Entred vnder the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Maste 1 MAN

w arden, a book e called A cavea t aga in st Carefullnes , (t o . by Hen : Archerupon L UKE 2 1 3 4 V1

com m his

Entred vnder the hands of Master WECK ERLYN and MasterDOWN as w al de n a m a n ifest or declara con of the k ingdom s of Portugall (t oi n Portuga l] Span ish, tra nslated i nto Engl1 sh . . vj


[mx-wo w . u se» March 1 5

Master Brew sterand Hen. Hood.

Master Nicholle .

Master Sells.

Master Pawns.

Welter Edm onds.

Rich . Harper.

Master Okss.

[Page 52 2 ]MasterWalbanck .

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

5° m art“ 1 640

Entred for the ir copie vn der the hands of Doc tor WYKES and bo th thew arden s , Csrta in e serm ons up on thsss


texts (vi zt) REVEL . 3 . 2 0 . REVEL .

7. 1 4 . Esau ,2 7, 4 . 1 6, 3 , by Mas te r Cot ton of Bos ton


En tred under the hands of Doc torWrxns andMas ter DOWNES ,w arden , A Catachism s bv Maste r Obadiah Sedgw ick VJ


8° m art“ 1 61 1 0

En tred vnder the hands of S'HENRY VAN E , principall Se cre taryof Sta te and Mas te r DOWNES w arden , a booke ca lled A tract aga inst thehigh rate of usu ry , &c . vj


9° m art“ 1 611 0

Entred vnder the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a bo ok e ca lled The Mi stery of 666, the nam e of the Beast op en ed ,

&c . By Fran. Pot ter, B .D . vjd

1 0 ° m art“ 1 611 0

Entred under the hands of Doc tor WYK Es and Mas ter MAN

w arden , Three serm ons p reached at the Collegi ate church of Man chester &c .

by Rich: Heyricke vjd

cotm n his

Entred under the hands of Master WECK ERLYN and MasterDOWNES w arden , The succession of the kingdom es of Portuga ll cf: the

Algarn e an ciently a llJed to the crow ns oj Castils , d o, trans lated out ofSpan ish int o English . Vj‘l

Entred under the ha nds of Doctor WYKES and Ma ster MAN

w arden , The decla rafi m of Fran cis Cup if , la te m in ister of Contigue in thediocese of Ang iers , d c . translat ed out of French by T: WEn tred un der the hand of DoctorW inn pam phle tt called,honesties 1 stu rne into Eng land 850 . and unde i the hand of Maste r HANSLEY ,a Pam phle tt ca lled, The happ in ss of a good old age &c . xij


Entred unde r the hands of Doctor W y n ne and Master MAN

w a rden , a booke ca lled The Pru issacks Sw a llow kn zf e , &c , trans la ted ou t oflatyn vj


1 7° mart“ 1 640

As signed over u nto him by vertue of an Assignemtunder the hand

se a ls of M" . GR IFF IN , and subscribed by Mas te r DOWNES w arden , a llher e s tate right title and in tere st in the book e called , The Peram bu laéon

of K en t by Maste r Lam bard, w ‘h is one halfe of the sa id bo ok e . Providedtha t the said M" . Grifiin and her sonn e Edw a1 d Griffin

, one to havethe prin ting thereo f from tym e to tym e , paying after the rate of fourshilling s six pen ce p Be am s the prin ting vj


1 6

Tho. Lsm berd.

William Garrett.

Hen. Tw iford.

Master Rothw el l,Jun “

Raph Mabb.

[ 1 7—2 3 hIaTCh 1 640 .W. Asple y. {g‘

[ 1 6° Caroli Reg is]

1 7° ” 11 11 1 1 1 640

Entred for hi s copie under the hands of Doctor Wrxns , The Welt-h m anslife , teat/1 (f: p sr ia lt the Joviall ga lla nt

cooem his

En tred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and '

Miistéi‘DOWNES w arde n , a w elsh catechisnu' ca lled the p r inc ip les of the ora clesof god d

‘c , by Oliver Thom as and E. Roberts VJ


solvent hisEntred under the hands of Doc tor '

VVYK Esand Ma ste r DOWNESw arden , 1 1. booke ca lled The Pa tterns of Catechistica ll d octrin e a t large ,w herein i s com p rised the use (it: benefitt of Ca techizing . A defence ofChrist ia n re ligion aga in st a theists , hea thens , Turhes a m i Jew e-s , (fr a suc c in ctd? iud itious scp os ic

on of the Ten Com andem “, com prehended in 3 volum e s

in folio , in m anuscript, very large . Supp.* by L . A.

2 0 ° mart“ 1 640

En tred under the hands of Se cretary VA 1 NE and MasterDOWNESw arden , 1 1 books in titu led A 1 1 history of the Civill w arns of England betw een sthe tw o houses of York e Lan caster , in prose , written in I ta l ian bySr Francis Biondi Eng lished by Henry, Earle of Monm outh VJ


robcm his


under the hands of DoctorWYKES and Master DOWNES ,1 1 . book e ca lled Hebdom ada m agna , Or the grea t w eeks of the passion ofo" blessed Lord ct: Saviour , handled by w ay of a con ti nu ed Ewp osicon nq ion

the f ourth a rticle of the Ap ostles Creed , by John Crum pe . VJ‘1

Entred under the hands of S’ EDWAR D DEER ING (appo in tedat a Con i ittec of the Com ons hou se of parlia i nt for licen sing of booke s}and Maste r Dow NEs w arden , An An sw e rs to a boohe entitulsd An hum ble'1'

en 1 onst-

ra -1w e i n w“ the orig-inn it of Liturgy d?Ep iscop a cy is di scussed

1h Quer ies p rop ounded concern ing both, &c . VJ‘l

2 1 ° m art“ 1 640

Entred by vertue of a n ote under the hand of Master. JOHN '

Pm one of the m em bers of the house of Com ons and subscribed byMaster MAN w arden , The Sp eech or declar acon of Af r . John Pym ,Esqu ire

to the House of Lords up on the de livery of the Art icles of the Com ons

assem bled in Parlidm f‘

ag‘Will. La ud Archb’of Can t . toge ithcr w

“a tru ecop i e of the sa id Arti cles VJ



2 3 ° mart“ "

1 640

u nder the hands of Master HANSLEY , a. title books of

De le ted in register.

1 8

Master Okes.

Master Dew lm ena

Master Milborne.

Master Bartlett.

Master Kingston.

Master Sam . Mm .

Master Legatt .

[2 9 March—3 April 1 64 1 .a m a lgm



[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

29° ” art“ 1 641

Assign ed ove r unto him , by vertue of a n ote under the hand and scale s

of Master JOHN WATERSON and subscribed by both the w arden s , all thee state , right , title and in te re st w on the said Mas te rWATER SON bath inthe se thre e copie s hereafter m en tioned, viz t .

Rider’s Di ctionary,

Sydn ey’s Arcadia , and

Josephu s, hi storyEntred for his copie un der the hands of Doc tor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called The lives of king Hen ry the Eight , Cardinall,Woolsey Qu eens Mary , by Mr. Heyw ood VJ


Entred under the hands of Master HANSLEY and Maste rDOWNES w arden , a book e called Qu estion es dua e ad disp utandum p rop osi tea. Johann e Prestone , both in Latyn and Eng lish vj


1 ° apt-

an 1 64]

Entred un der the hands of Master H ANSLEY and both the

w arden s , a book e called A narracb n of the life in dea th of M'Pea cock


2 ° s pears

Entred under the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY and Maste r MAN

w arden , a booke called The great oracle resolveing the question , w hether inm an s f ree w ill com on gra ce or in gods sp eciall at efi


ectua ll gra ce,stands the saf ety of m an d: the glory of god, by Master Fr. Rouse vjd

t ot em li te

Entred under the hands of Doc torWYKES and Mas terDow nnsw arden , a book e called Bellurn in Idum eas seu Propheta Obadiascom entari o i llustratus, 9 Jo : El lis vj


2 ° spruce 1 641

Entred unde r the hands of Master HAN SLEY and MasterDOWNES w arden , a book e called Thesauru s Bibli eus seu Prom p tuarinsacrum ,w hereto i s added all the m argina ll readings , w “ the w ords of the

text, and m a ny w ords in the text exp ounded by the text. A ll a lphabeti callysett dow n s throughout the Bible , w hereunto i s ann exed an abstra ct of the

princip a ll m at ters in the holy scrip ture , by Rich. Barnard, prea cher ofBatcom b vj


3° ap t . 1 641

Entred under the hands of DoctorWYK ES and Mas terDow n nsw arden , An Exposi tion up on the first ep i stle of ST . JOHN the fif t chap ter ,delivered in sundry serm ons , by Mas te r John Cot ton ,

la te m in is te r ofBoston dEntred under the hands of Doc tor WYKES and MasterDOWNES w arde n , a book e calledA p araphrase up on the SONG OF SALOMONin ve rse , by Maste r Geo : Sandys

- u vw . April 1 9

Master Lathsm .

MasterJo. Rothw el l.

Mas ter Overtonand

Master Bothw ell .

Master Rotbw ell.

Tho. Paine.

[ 1 7° Ca roli Reg is]

5° ap t .

Entred for his copie un der the hands of Master HANSLEY and Mas te rMAN w arden , a book e ca lled The p rotection of p icty, or a Christian Nom en

cla tor, &c . , by John Ley Vla

En tred under the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a serm on on COLOSS . , the thi rd chap ter, the third verse , byMaste rBridge vj


Entred under the hands of Mas te r HANBLEY and Maste rMAN w arden , a serm on on JOB by Mas te r Hook s vj


7° spruce 1 641En tred under the hand of Maste r HANSLEY, a ballad called,The flow ler caught i n his ow ns sna re vj


solvent hisButted unde r the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas te rDOWNES w arden , a book e ca lled The article of Chr ist’5 descensi on into hell,&c . , by Richard Barnard, pastor of Batcom b vj


Entred under the hands of Doc torWYKES and Mas te r DOWNESw arden , a booke ca lled An eahortacon to brotherly com un ion betw ixt thep rotestant churches , w ritten by the right reverend father in god ,

JohnDavenant , Bishop of Sarum vj‘l

Entred un der the hands of Ma ster HANSLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a booke ca lled The Mora lity of the f ourth com a ndem ‘ in answ ersto the tra nslator’s p refa ce to D' Prideauz lecture on the Sabba th, and a

consi deracon of D' Prideaux lecture , w

“an Exam inacon of M' Brere

w ood up on the Sabbath, by Doc tor Tw isse vjd

w hom his

En tred under the hands of Doc torWYKES and Ma s ter MAN

w arden , tw o bocke s , THE ACTS of the Ap ostles histori ca lly transla tedinto verse , (t o. by Jam es Vaughan, and The Path to p ea ce, or a f am i liar«it short dialogue , &c . , by J . T. xij


9° agi tate 1 641

Entred under the hands of Mas ter HANSLEY and Mas terMAN

w arden , a book e called A pa lm ers pra cti ce , or the Chri stians dayly duty,&c . , by Tho . Palm er VJ

En tred under the hands of Ma ste 1 HANSLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , tw o bookes (v iz t . ) An exp osi tion up on the three first chap ters ofGENESIS delivered i n sundry serm ons , as is supposed , by DoctorAndrewes,late Bishop of Winche s ter, and a book e called A Manuell for the sick ,


a L etany (f: p rayers , by the sam e au thor re s

em i-

sge uery m as s


De leted in register.

2 0

Master Butter.

Mas ter Selle.

Wi ll. Adderton.

Sam . Ge l librand.

[Page 52 9]John Nicholson.


John Staflord.

Master Edwards.

[ 1 2— 1 6 April 1 64 1 .

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

1 2 ° spans 1 61 1 1

En tred forhis copie under the hands of Mas te r HANSLEY and both w arden s ,def ence of the hum ble R em onstran ce again st the f rivolous fa lse excep tion s

of Sm ectim n ius . d

En tred under the hands of Doc tor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a bo oke called An help e to Engli sh history, (t a , by Robt . Hal l ,gen t . d

En tred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called The discou ery of the m ost daungerous dead f a ith, &c .

by Johii Eaton vj‘1

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r HAN SLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a booke ca lled The w ay tow ards the finding of a deci sion con cern ingChurch goverm ent, &c ., by A. P. S.

1 5° s pruce 1 641

Entre d un der the hands of Doctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , three playe s , vi zi . A Tragedy called Cha rles , Duke of Burbon , The

Par -

roiall of Prin ces (f: Englands first happ ines, or, the L if e of St. Austinxvi ij


room his

En tred under the hands of Mas te r HANSLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a Treati es called The f our cardina ll vertues of a Ca rm eliteobserved by S'Edw . Deering, kn t.

com m his

Entred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas te rDOWNES w arden , a book e called Ep igram s divin e m orra ll, by Sr Thom as

Vrchard, kn ight vjd

Entred under the hands of Sr EDWARD DEER ING and Mas te rMAN w arden , Three sp eeches by the sa id S'Edw ard Deering delivered inthe Parliam ‘ d

En tred un der the hands of S'EDWARD DEER ING and Mas te rMAN w arden , a booke called E vp erien ce history (fid ivin it'y devided intofive

books . Wri tten by Richard Carpenter vjd

Entred un der the hands of Doctor WYKES and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a book e called The p resump tious m an’s m irror, &c .

, byBen : Austenvj‘l

1 6° spruce 1 61 1

Entred un der the hands of DoctorWYKES and MasterDOWNESw arden , a bo oke called Ten serm on s p rea ched o n sev[ er ] a ll occas ions ,


byTho : Barton ,Mas ter of Arts Vj


- A'rier 1 9— 2 8 April 2 1

MasterRichard Coles.

Hum . B lundon.

Maste r Hearne.

Master Selle.

Master Leak s.


53 1 ]Master Bourne.

Wi lliam Garrett.

Master Beale.

Master Rothw ell .

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

1 9° s prints 1 64 1

Entred for hi s cepie under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a book e called The happ i e w ay lead ing us to heaven ly f eli city ,a

byRobert Crofts. vjd

cohem his

En tred un der the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas ter MAN

w arden , a book e called The ru ins cf: rep a i rs of k ingdom es , (be ,by Dan : 8 131



2 0 ° apt . 1 641

En tred under the hands of Ma ste r HANSLEY and Mas te rDOWNES w arden , a book e called The w orth

of a p enny , or a caution to keep s

m on ey, by H. P. Vj‘1

Entred under the hands of Mas ter DOWNES w arden , byau thority and license of an order from the Lo rds hou se of Parliam t

,A serm on d recantac‘

on togeither w“ the n otes draw ne out of tw o books of

D' Pocklington’s ca lled A ltare Chn stian ii if : Sunda y no Sabbath,


byDoctor Bray vjC1

En tred under the han ds of Doc tor W YKES and Mas te r MAN

w arden , a booke ca lled A detection of a f raud of R . B : a sem ina ry preistup on tw o a rti cles of the Church of England w

“an App endix concern ing



right of Ep iscopa cy, by a lay gen tlem an vj‘1

2 4° apnus 1 641

En tre d un der the hands of Doc torWYKES and Mas ter DOWNESw arden , The ho rologi c or dya ll of prayer, (fie . w

“a p ara/phrase up on the

Lords prayer , a conf ession of si nu s com p recat ion for tem pora ll blessing,w“

generall thanksgivings if : directions f or p rep ara con f or rece i veing the ho lycom /uni on d

room his

En tred un der the hands of Doctor WYKES and both the

w arden s , a book e ca lled A sum m a ry vi ew of the goverm ent of the Com onw ea lth at Church am ong the Isra elites in the Old Testam ct of the goverm en tof the Churchp lan ted by Chri st his ap ostles in the New Tes tam ,

w r i ttenby a w orthy reverend divine w ho 1 s now w

thgod vj‘l

room his

En tred un der the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas ter MANw arden , a book e called Sol Bri tanicus Regs consecra tus , (its . vj


2 8° agi tate 1 611 1

Entred by orde 1 of the house of Com on s signed by S" EDWAR DDEER ING and Maste r MAN w arden , A serm on called Babi lons Dow n efall&c . , on REVEL . 1 4 . 8 . by Mas ter Bridge vj


2 2

Master Rothwel l .

[Page 53 2 ]Math. Sym m ons.

Thom as Underhi ll .

rm . Egglesfield.

Master Dsw lm an .

Steven Bulkley.

[Page 53 3 ]Master Bo thw e ll.

M aster Constable.

W11 1 . Garrett.

[2 8 April—1 1 May 1 641 .



[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

zso spring 1 641

En tred for his copie under the hands of DoctorBROWNR IGG vice - chan ce llorof Cam bridge , DoctorWARD , Doc tor BAI NBR IGG and Doctor BACHC ROFTand Maste r MAN w arden ,

Wth consen t of Master DAN IELL , A Treati es ofconscien ce , (t o. by Ma ster Fenner, upon ROM . 2 . 1 5. VJ“

5° m an 1 641

Entred under the hands of Doc torWYKES and Maste rDOWNESw arden , a booke called The tru e origina ll of the souls ra tiona llproveing bothby D ivine ct Naturall reason tha t the p rodu ction of Mans sou ls is n ei ther bycreation nor p ropagation , but a certaine m eans w ay betw eens both d

com m his

Entred under the hands of Ma ste r HANSLEY and MasterDOWNEB w arden , a booke called The p i cture of a puri tan s, in verse , byMaste r John Vicars vj


w hom li te

Entred under the hands of Doc torv s s and Mas ter DOWNESw arden , Certa in e serm ons up on these tests , ROM . 4 . l 2 . , ESAII 2 7.

ROM . 8 . R OM . TITUS 2 . PROV. 2 9 . 1 PROV. 8 . 3 2.byMaste r Thom as Geed-i-sg Hooker d

Entred under the hands of Mas ter HAN SLEY and Maste rDOWNES w arden , Certain e serm on s up on ROM . 8 . 34 . by Maste r Thom asGoodwyn vj


En tred unde r the hands of Doctor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a booke called The M a sse in L atyn ct E'nglishw

“a com entary and

Observam ns vp on i t, w ri tten in French by Peter du Molyn , and tran sla te din to Eng lish by Jam es Mountayne

1 0 ° m a 1 64]

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r Hu m a n and Mas te r MAN

w arden , a booke called Vinditia e Rogeri i Drake , Med . Doct. , contra an im ad

versi ones D . D . Prim rosii et doctor -is Jo . Walleij ds m otu circu la ri ssangu in i s , &e . vjd

cohem his

Entred un de r the han d of S' JOHN WRAY (one of the Com ons

house of Parlia in t) A Prayer or thanksgiveing un to God tak e n out of thef orm s of p rayer of the Chu rch Of Scotland p rinted in A° 1 575f or thei rdeliveran ce f rom the tyranny of the Fren chm en by the English, 850 . d

1 1 ° m m 1 641

En tred unde r the hands of Doc tor WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , a booke called Gods govsrm ‘of his Chu rch, (5 the depu tacfi n thereof

to m en , bothf or the C -ivill cf: Eccles ias ti ca ll esta te , &c . dDe le ted in Register.

[t ar ta n-pus . 1 1— 1 5 May2 3

Master Bart lett.

Hen. Hood.

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

1 1 ° m an 1 64]

Entred forhis copie by vertue of an order of the house of Com ous subscribedbyMaster St JOHN and Mas te rDow NEs w arden , Master S‘John s Argwm sn t

i n Westm inster Ha ll tou ching the m atter of law in the case of the Earle ofStraf ord , as a lso tw o sp eeches of M aster Prim e at the begin ing (fi' ending


ofthe tria ll of the sa id Earle vj


1 2 0 m an 1 641

As signed over un to him by vertue of a deed un der the hand and scale ofMr MOOR E and by con sen t of a full Cort of Assis tan ts , all the se copie sand parts of copie s here afte r m enconed, the w hich did la te ly be long un toMaste r RICHARD M o ons his father, de cea sed, sa lvo 1 u 1 e cuiuscunque .

l iJ'Vj


Via Recta ad vi tam longa/m , &c .

The Christia ns Storehouse , by John Gee .

The lif e Of Galia tiu s , &c .

Goo o n’s husbandry .

B IR T’S Efalconry .

Instru cti ons f or Com unicant s .

his part in Bp ANDREW’s Serm ons .

t ot em his

Assigned over un to him by vertue of a deed unde r the hand and scale ofJOHN M oons , and subscribed b Master Do w N Es w arden , all the e s ta te ,right , ti tle and in tere s t w hi ch the said JOHN MOOR E ha th in the se copie sand pte s of copie s follow ing , salvo iure cuiuscunque ilj


Via R ecta ad vi ta/m tongam , &c .

The Christians Storehouse , by John GeeThe lif e Of Ga liatius, &c .

Goo o s’s husband ry .

Bm 'r’s If a lcon ry

Ins tructi on s f or Com un i cante .

his Part in Bp ANDn Ew ’s serm on s .

1 5° M att 1 61 1 1

En tred for his copie under the hands of Docto rWYKES andMas terDOWNESw arden , a book e calledA discow rse con cern ing the great ben efitt of drayn ingim bank ing of transp ortac


on by w ater w“ in the country, by J L


concur hisAssigned over un to them by STEPHEN BULKELEY , by vertue of a n oteun der the hand and seals of the said Stephen , one full m oye ty or halfe ofhis copie called The Masse in La tyn English w

“a com sn tary and


Ons op on i t w r itten in Fren ch by Peter du Molin cfi translated intoEng lish by Jam es M oun ta in s vj

Master Downesw arden .

[Page 536]Master Bothw el l.

Master Stevensand

Master Meredith.

Tho. Underhill.

Master Paw ns.

[Page 53 7]John Stafi


h a s . Eggleselle .

Master Seyle .

[2 1—2 6 May 1 641 .w . m om


[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

2 1 1 1 1 0 his m an 1 641

Entred for his copie un der the hands of Docto rWYKES and Maste r MAN

w ,arden a book e called The Judgm ent of D'Reynolds tou ching the originall

of Ep iscop a cy, m ore large ly confirm ed out of antiqui ty , by the now Bishopof Arm agh

Entred under the hands of Doc tor WYKES and Maste r Dow NEsw arden , and by vertue of an order of the hou se of Com ou s , signed byS" Edw Deering ,

knight , a book e called A disserta con w' Doctor Heylintou ching the p'tend ed sa crifice in the Eu cha r i st, by Geo. HackWill, D

r ofDiv in ity vj


2 1 ° m an 1 641

Butt ed by vertue of an order of the hou se of Com ou s , signedby Sr EDWAR D DEER ING kn t, and Mas te r MAN w arden ,

A serm onp rea ched to the renow ned Co mpany Of the Arti llery , by Calistato Downing ,Dr

1 n Divin ity Vj‘l

solvent hisEn tred under the hands of Sr EDWAR D DEER ING kn t , MasterHANSLEY and Master MAN w arden , A tru e resolu c

on of the m urtherscom itted by En och ap Eva n , up on the bodies of his m other brother, w “ the

causes m ove ing hi m thereun to . Togei ther w”an eaam ina cun of a book s of

the sam e subisct intitu led The looking gla sse Of se ism s , by Rich. More,Esqui re vj


2 2 0 M att 1 6“

Entre d under the hands of Doc tor WYKES and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called M ed ita cons of death, &c . , by Master JohnPagett vj


2 4° M a“ 1 641

En tred by an order of the hou se of Com ous s igned by SrEDWARDDEER IN G ku t , and Maste r MAN w arden , tw o serm ons p rea ched a t Westm in ster bef ore sundry of the ho t “ house of Co mons , by Thom as Case,m in is te r of God 8 w ord 1 0


2 5° m an 1 641

Entred under the hands of Slr EDWARD DEER ING lcn t,and

Maste r MAN w arden , A sp eech of the sa id S'Edw ard con cern ing the rightOf the la ity in Na tionall councells cf: the p ow er of BF" in afia iressecu la r Vj


2 6° M att 1 641

En tred un der the hands of Sr BEN : RUD IERD kn t , and Maste rMAN w arden ,

Three sp eeches m ade by the sa id Ben : in the Com ous house ofPa rtiam ‘

. 1 . An In trodu ction to the Partiam '. 2 ud . Con cern ing m on ey

to the Scotts . 3d . Con cern ing B?"vj‘l

2 6

John Maynard .

Char. Duncan.

Master Hesrne.

John Wright,Jun “

Master Fawne.

[Page 540 ]Master Moseley.

John William s.

Tho. Underhi ll .

Master Stephensand

Master Meredith .

[3 1 May—2 1 June 1 64 1 .

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

W . goa‘xiilu '


3 1 ° m a“ 1 64 1

En tred forhis copie under the hands ofDoctorWYK Es andMaste 1 Dow N Esw arden , a book e called The u se of dar/ ly p ublike p rayers i n three

p os itions, &c . vjd

Entred under the hands of Docto r WYKES and Maste r MAN

w arden , cer'tam e serm ons , by Master Richard Hooker vj‘l

7° his 3 1m “ 1 641

Entred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and MasterDOWNESw arden , a book e called A lVestrne Court p rogresse i n the m ost glor iousct happ ie ra zgne of K i ng Jam es , the by Sr Fran : Rinaston vjd

cooem his

Entred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Masterw arden , a book e called M ercy triu mp hant over Judgm '

, a

w arning f or di ssolute Sabbath breakers , by Tho : Jones, and a serm an ca lledthe Frra te of R ep entan ce by John Jones xij


com m his

En t 1 ed under the hands of Sr EDWARD DEER ING and Maste 1MAN w arden , A Serm on up on the l . CRON . 2 8 . 1 0 . p reached bef ore thehouse of Com ons by M

' Joseph Sym m ons vjd

1 1 ° 3 mm 1 641

Entred un der the hands of Doctor Wrxns and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called The sup erfic ia ll Chr i st i an brought ba che to hisfirstp rin cip les, &c . by John Dawson d

1 5° 351m “ 1 64 ]

En tred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Master MAN

w arden , a book e called Beaten oyle f or the lam p s of the san ctuary, a treati secon cern ing sett p rayers (f? o" liturgy, by L . Wom ock e vjd

Ent 1 ed under the hands of Slr EDWARD DEER ING and Maste rMAN w arden , a litle book e or table in ve i se called, Englands R em ernbrancer,or a thanckfull a chno w ledgrn

'of Parlia m entary M erci es, (t o. by John

Vicars d

2 1 ° S i m“ 1 641

under the hands of Sr EDWARD DEER ING, ku t, and

others of the Com i ttee appoin ted for licen s ing of book es ,and Master MAN w arden , An hum ble eaam inaé


On of a prin ted abstra ct ofthe Answ eares to Nin e reasons of the house of Com ons , aga in st the votes ofBP" in Parliam ‘


2 6 June—5 July 2 7

Master Rothw ell,Jnnh

Master Bart lett.

Maste r Bourne.

Master Sparkes.

Master Sparkes.

[Page 542 ]Master Mil ler.

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

2 6° 3 1m “ 1 614]

En tred for his cop ie under the hands of Slr EDWAR D DEER ING, k n , and

Master DOWNES w arden , a book e called A vindication of the Ausw eare tothe hum ble rem onstran ce , by Sm ectym nius vj‘1

2 8° Mutt“ 1 64]

Entred unde r the hands of Doctor Wr s s s and Mas te r MAN

w arden , a book e ca lled Sa cred Poem s or brerf e m eclztacous of the clayd


gen era ll d’e of all the days in the w eeks d

2 9° m m“ 1 64 1

Entred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Maste r MAN

w arden , tw o se rm ons , on e ca lled Con s ci o ad cler um JO. 2 1 . 1 7. 1 8 . the

other ca lled, Abners f uner ,a ll on the 2 . SAM 3 . 3 8 . 3 9 . bv Mas ter Robte .

Harris, pastor of Hanw e ll vj‘l

3 0 ° 3 1m “ 1 64 1

En tred unde r the hands of Doctor WYKES and bo th the

w arden s , a book e ca lled Engla nds saf ety in trades en crease , m ost hum blyp

'sented to the Hzgh Cor' of pa rtiam 'vjd

5° Mulit 1 64 1

En tre d un der the hands ofDoc torW rxns and Maste r DOWNESw arden , a book e called A p leasant p u rge f or a Rom an Catholicke to eva cuatehis evill hum ors consisting of sund ry ep igram s , &c . byMaster Prinn d

t ot em his

Entred by order of the com ittee for licen sing of bookes, s ignedby S

r EDWARD DEER ING , kn , and Maste r DOWNES w arden , a book e calledThe ant ipathy of the Eriglzsli Lordly p rela cy both to regall M ona rchy ct:c ivi ll un ity, (t o . by Mas te r W1m Pryn vj


5° m m 1 641

Entred under the hands of Sr EDWARD DEER ING, lm t , andMaste r DOWNES w arden , Tw o Arga m " in Pa rtia m “ by M

“ Bagshaw , on e

up on the Cannons d: the other on the Prem un ire vj‘l

2 8 [8— 1 6 July 1 641 .E f fothm ton -llf‘fi‘l lL‘lf ']

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

M aster : f fetherstnn ,m aster.

m aster : a im . Em m a

m aster : sum : ark er

Ffran. Egglesfeild.

Master Lee.

Master Bellam yand

Master Overton .

M art ens .

8tb of 31 1 1 1 2 1 641

Entred for his copie un der the hands of Master WALLER , one of theBurge sse s of the house of Com on s , and Maste r PAR KER w arden , A Sp eechm ad e at a conf eren ce of both houses of p lia/m ‘in the pa inted cham ber, the6th Ju ly 1 641 , by the sa id M'Wa ller .

t ot em hie

En tred under the hands of Doc torWrxns , Mas ter HANSLEYand Master MAN late w arden , Eleaven severall serm ons up on these tes ts ,viz‘. 2 TIM . 1 . 2 TIM . 2 . another on the sam e text, 2 . TIM . 3 .

another on the sam e , JOHN 1 4. 1 ROM . 7. PHILL . 2 . 2 l . , 2 . CRON.

3 2 . 2 4 . REVEL . 2 2 . ROM. 8 . 34. by D'Preston vjd

En tred under the hands of Master HANSLEY and Mas terBOURNR w arden , a booke called A Treatice against Im ages Pi ctures inchurches , &c . by Geo. Salterne, Esq . vj


1 2 ° snag 1 64 1

Entred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Ma s te rBOURNE w arden , a book e ca lled Rea sons aga ins t the indep endan t goverm ‘

ofp ti cular congrega ti ons as a lso aga in st the tollera n of su ch congrega tions tobe erected in England , by Tho : Edwards, m iniste r of the Gospell Vj


1 5° m m 1 64]

En tred by order of the Com ittee for l icen sing of book es , s ignedby St EDWARD DEER ING , kn t and Mas te r BOURNE w arden , a book ecalled The Altar disp ute, or a discourse con cern ing the severa l innova consof the Altar, by H : P . d

En tred by orde r of the com j tte e for licen sing of booke s ,s igned by Sr EDWARD DEER ING , kn ‘ and Master BOURNE w arden ,

Serm on ca lled Reform a con sure stedf ast, or a seasonable se 1 1non , (fro .

Also another serm on called The troublers troubled, &c . by Sam . Faircloth . vj‘l

1 6° 11mm 1 64 1

Entred by order of the Com itte e forL icensi of book es , s ignedby S

'EDWARD DEER ING , kn‘and Master BOURNE w a en , a book e calledThe L ibm ty of the Subiect. or a n A1 gum up on i mp osi cons , &c . by Mas terWi l l : Haokw ell of Lincolne s Inne , Esq


[law n m ow er-m . 1 6—2 8 July 2 9

John Benson .

[Page 5545]Master Mllborne.

Master Overtonand

Master Rothw ell .


Master Hem e.

[Page 546]

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

1 6° 3 M“ 1 641

En tred for his copie by order of the Com itte e for l icen s ing of book e s ,s igned by S'EDWARD DEER ING , k nt . and Maste r PARKER w arden , The

m anner how statutes are ena cted in Partiam ‘, by passing of bills , collected

m any gea res p as t , ou t of the Journalls of the house of Com ons , toge ither w“

a ca ta logue of the Sp eakers nam es to this p'ecut , by Ma sterWi l l . Hackwel lof L incolne s Inne , Esq’

2 0 ° $ttltt 1 641

Entred unde r the hands of Master HANSLEY and Mas te rPARKER w arden , a bo oke ca lled The ChristiansAud itt, or QuatuorNoviasim a ,

«t o. by Sym on Birokbeok, m in iste r of the w ord of God at G illing vj‘l

2 2 ° S al“ 1 641

Entred unde r the hands of Sr EDWARD DEER ING and Maste rBOURNE w arden , a bo ok e ca lled The Marrow of sa cred divin ity , draw n e ou tof the holy scrip tu res cf: the Interp 'te" thereof , &c . , be ing the tran slation ofDr AMEs

’Medulla in Latyn

room his

En tred unde r the hands of DoctorWe s and Master PARKERw arden , a booke called A scrip turall ap ologi e f or the church of England, byRich : Burney vj


2 3° m m 1 64 1

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r WEC K ERLYN and Mas terBOURNE w arden , Theficrra igne Avisoes Ju ly the 2 3 " in w

“ is the convers ion of 72 Jesu ists or Pap ists in Low er Norm andy, &c .

Entred under the hands of DoctorWYKES and Mas te r PARKERw arden , a b0 0 ke called An Essay of history, or a succinct historica llnarra tive i llustra ting divers p rophe ttick p assages in DANIELL , &c . bySt Jam es Perrott, kn t vj


2 8° 3 M“ 1 614]

Assigned over un to him , by vertue of a n ote un der the hand seale ofMas ter MATR EWES and Ma s te r PARKER w arden , all the e sta te , right , titleand in tere st w "h the said M r Mathew e s ha th in the se four copie s , vi z‘,Lucans Pharsa l ia , a . bookes by Master May. The Woodm an

’s Beare byMas ter Si lvester. The Tragedy of Naero . The Virgin Martyr. Provided the said M r Mathe w e s is to have the w orkem anshi of prin tingthem (if here afte r he sha ll keepe a prin ting house ) shal oe them as

rea sonably as any other prin te r w ill doe the sam e ij‘

3 0

Maste r Butter.

Master Man .

[Page 547 ]MasterWyn. Daw son.

aster Melghen .

Master LeeMaster Pskemsn.

Master Crook s.

Wi ll . Adderton.

John Raworth .

[Page 548 ]Master Bartlett .

Master Bart lett .

[2 8—3 0 July 1 641 .s m e ar-m issu



[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

2 8° 3 1 1 1“ 1 64 1

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te 1 HANSLEY and Mas terPARKER w a 1 den , a book e ca lled A short answ ea/re to the tedious vindicaconof Sm ectym nius , by the author of the hum ble rem onstran ce Vj


com m his

Entred by orde r of the com itte e for licen sing of book e s , s ignedby S

' EDWARD DEER ING, knt, and Mas ter PARKER w arden , A serm onca lled Arons bells a sounding prea ched at a visita cb n byM'Sam u ellHearne

lat e m inister a t Modbury in Devon vj‘l

2 8° 1 64 ]

En tre d by ve rtue of an order of the Com ous hou se of Parl iam en t and Master PARKER w arden , a book e ca lled The second p art of theIns titutes of the Law es of England, con teyn ing the Emp os icon of m anyan c ient if : other Statutes , &c . , by S

'Edw : Cooke la te Lord che ife Jus ticeof Eng land vj


com m Bic

En tred under the hands of Doctor WYKES and Mas ter MANNla te w arden . f our serm on s up on these teats (viz') EPHES . 4 . 2 3 . HEBR.

1 2 ZT‘

CH 8 . ZACH. 8 . 1 9 . by John Gaw den, D' of Divin i tyVJd

Entred un der the hands of Doc t0 1 WYKES and Mas ter PARKERw arden , a book e called The new w orld, or the n ew ref orm ed church, &c . ,


byDr Holm es vj


Entred by vertue of a note of ass igne m‘, under the hand

se a le of Maste r MATHEWES , subscribed by Master PARKER w arden ,the se cop ie s follow i ng , wCh la te ly did appe rtaine un to the sa id M r Mathew e s

Three serm ons, one of them p rea ched a t C0 " , another at the B"of L ondon


on (h the other a t the choice of the Lord Mayor , by Master Thom asAdam s. The tou chston e of truth ’

Tis M erry w hen Gossip s m eet The Fa ther’sbless ing ; The Scornefu ll Lady, a p lay ; 12 Cup ids R evenge , a p la y i lj


30 ° 3 M“ 1 64 1

En tred under the hands of S’ EDWARD DEER ING kn t and

Mas te r PARKER w a1 de 1 1 , a book'

s called Vindi ta e voti , or a vindi cation ofthe true sence of the Nationa ll Covenant , 1 1 1 a b1 e i/e a nd m odera te answ eareto the p rotestacon p rotested , &c . , by John Geerie, Mr of Arts vj“

t ot em hie

Entred unde r the hands of Ma ste 1 HANSLEY and Mas terPAR KER w arden , a book e ca lled A fiery p i llar of hea ven ly truth, &c . ,


byAlex : Grosse vj


3 0 July— 1 4 August 3 1

Jam es Beckett .

Master Bourne.

Rich . Harison .

Master Rothw ell,J un k

Master Bishopp.

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

30 ° 3 1 1 1 66 1 64 1

Ass igned over un to him , by vertue of a note un der the h and scale ofMaster MATH EWES , subscribed by Maste r PARKER w arden , all thee state , right, title & in te re st of " the said M'Mathew e s hath in this copiecalled, 0 p er cc 0 , or, the Bellm an 0 ] London Provided thatM rMathew e sis to have the prin ting of it , if here after he he spe a prin tinge h

- ouse ,

doe it as re asonable as auv othe 1 w ill vjd

3° auger-ti 1 64 1

un der the s andMaste rInsti tu tio

Md that at a Cort of AssistEl he ld 7° W in 1 852 , it w as by order declared thatth e ir forffi order of 1 5° Jan 1 644 , for crossing ou t th is en trance , bee declared Nu l lVoyd , that th is en tran ce is shalbe e good 61 va lid to all in ten ts purposes

as i f the sa id forn'i order (extorted from them ) had never bene m ade .

3° augueti 1 641 prelim

En tred for his copie under the hands of DoctorWYKES and Maste r PARKERw arden , a bo ok e called The Calidon ian Grove vjd

eohem hie

Entred under the hands of Mas te r HANSLEY and Mas te rPARKER w arden , tw o book es A tru e narracon of the Roya llfishing of great britta in s ct

’: Ire land ,

by Sym on Sm i th, and A Serm onp rea ched a t the fw nerall of M

" Eliz . Deering, by Robte . Marriot t xijd

1 3° g ages“ 1 611 1

Entred under the hands of doc torWYKES and Mas te r PARKERw arden , a book e called Sp iri tua li Interva lls or the sou les Exerci se i n

certa in e m ed itacons on sundry obi ects A“

: occas ions , by Lancelott Reynoldsgen t

1 4° angueti 1 61 1 1

En tred under the hands of Master HANSLEY and MasterPARKER w arden , a book e ca lled A com en tary up on both the Epistles ofST. PRETER ,

by DrWi l l : Am os

cohem hie

Entred under the hands of DoctorWYKES and Maste r PARKERw a i den , a book e called The hon ey com b 0] f ree iu stification by Chri st,collected ou t of the m eere authorities of the Scrip tu res , &c , by John Eatonlate m ini ste 1 de ceased Vj


3 2

Maste r Butter.

[Page 650 ]Master Leeks.

Mich. Sparks.

Tho. Underhlu.

Master Pawns.

[Page 561 ]Master Dsw lm sn .

[ 1 7—2 3 August 1 641 .

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

1 7° augusti 1 64 1

En tred for his copie unde r the hands of Master HANSLEY and Maste rBOURN E w arden , A Serm on p rea ched before the king a t Whiteha ll ofAugust 1 641 , b\ Jo : Hall B”

of Exe te r Vjd

2 3° augusti 1 641

Entred unde r the hands of DoctorWYK Es and Maste r PARK ERw arden A serm on called a Dissection of the Brain e &c , p1 e ached at

the As size s 1 n Lincolne A°. 1 640 . by MichaellWigm ore vj


eohem hie

As signed ove r unto him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand seale of

Maste r MATHEWES , subscribed by Maste r PARK ER w arden , all the

e st-ate , right, title intere st w e “ the said M" Ma thew e s hath in thi sbook e (viz

‘) Johnsons Ari thm eti c/re . Provi ded that M r Mathew e s is to

have the prin ting of it , if he reafter he k eepe a printing house , doe

it as re asonable as any othe r prin te r w ill

t ot em Bic

As signed over unto him by ve rtue o f a note under the hand seale of

Maste r M ILLER subscribed b Mas te r PARKER w a rden , all the e state ,right inte re st w °" the sai M r M ille r hath in this book e -viz‘)Gri ttica Sa cra , or observa ti ons on a ll the Radi ces or p rim itive Hebrew w ordsof the old Testam ‘ &c , by Edw . Leigh. And also halfe o f the saidM' M ille r’s right in anothe r book e o f the said M'Le ighe

’s called

A Treati se of the Divin e p rom ises &c . . xijd

eobem hie

As signed ove r unto him by ve rtue of a note under the hand seals of

Master DAULMAN subscribed by Maste r PARKER w arden , all the

e state right title inte re st w “ the said M' Daulm an hath in the se3 copie s

Maste r Sym on s Case and cure of a di sserted son le .

Maste r Dyke on the Sa cram ent.The p oore doubting Christian draw ne to Christ

2 3° august“ 1 641

Ass igned over un to him by ve rtue o f a note unde r the hand se ale o f

Maste r FAWNE subscribed by Ma ste r PARK ER w a i den , all the e state ,right and inte re st w °" the said M"Faw ne hath 1 n the se Book e s (vi z‘)Maste r Goodw yn’3 Child Light.

Returne of Prayers .Van ity of Thoughts .

Grow th in Gra ce .

Maste r Dyke’s select serm ons his m oyety

3 4

Tho . Underhlll.

Francis Coles.

Master Harford.

George Badger.

Mas te r Moz eley.

Andrew Hebb.

John Maynard.

[2 2 Septem ber— 6 October 1 641 .H- f rother-w m i ifit

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is ]

2 2 ° g ent. 1 641

Entre d for his copie unde r the hands of Sr EDWARD DEERING, k n ight,and Maste r BOURNE w arde n a book e called A com p ari son of the p arliam entary p rotes ta con w

" the late Canon icall oath &c , by John Ley, pasto rof G reat Budw orth VJ


2 14° g ent. 1 64 1

Entred unde r the hand of doctor WYKES a pam phlett called,

A gui de to sa lvatio n &c , by Tho Herbert VJd

2 4° s ept. 1 64 1En tred unde r the hand of Do ctor WYKES tw o ballads (yi z')The divells brood n ew ly revived, Fa ith I m ust la sh you x1


2 8° first. 1 614]

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r HANSLEY and Maste rBOURNE w arden a booke called The Quintessence of cruelty, or m aster p eeceof trea chery, &c by John Vicars vjd

w hen: his

Entred unde r the hands of DoctorWYKES and Maste r BOURN Ew a rden a booke called The righteous m an s recom p ence or a true Christiancara cteriz ed d

’c encouraged by J Trapp Vla

room his

Entred under the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Mas te rBOURNE w arden a booke called Ins truccTons f or f orra igne travell et c . byJ: H: Esq


2 ° ®t tohrt§ 1 64 1

As signed ove r un to him by ve rtue o f a no te under the hand scale o fMas te r SPAR K Es , subscribed by Maste r BOURNE w arden , all thee s ta te , right, title in te re st, w eb the said M ” S ark e s hath in thebook e called Cam bdens B -

rittan ia in latyn Englis be ing a tw e lve th

pte there of vjd

6° Quent in 1 641

Entred for his copie u nde r the hands o f Doc torWYKES and M aster PARKERw arden a book e called An answ eare to a dia logue or co nferen ce betw eens aco untry gentlema n d: a m i nister of gods w ord about the booke of com on

prayer vjd


h i ll -M ou ton . 7— 1 5 October 3 5

Master Bourne.

John Burroughss .

Master Overton .

Master Overton .

William Bladen .

Tho. Bates .

Master Clarke.

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

7° ®m 5t t5 1 64 1

En tred for his copie by order of the house o f Com on s , te stified byMas te r SPURs'rOWE, one of the m em bers o f the said hou se , and Ma sterPARKER w arden , A S erm on called A p ea ce ofiering to god, preached to theho b“ house of Com ons at the ir publik e thank ee -

g ive ing , Sept . the byStephen Marshall, Bach . of D . vj


eohem his

En tred by ve rtue of an orde r s igned by Mas te r PYM andM aste r WHEELER and Maste r PARK ER w arden a book e called The herringbu sse trade , by Sym on Sm i th d

9° $cto .

En tred vnder the hands o f Doc torWYK ES and Master BOURNEw arden a bo ok e called Novem bri s Monstrum , or Rom e brought to Bed in

England w“ the w hores m iscari eing, (t o, by Dan. Evans . d

En trad unde r the hands of DoctorWYK ES and MasterBOURNEw arden a book e called The Sa intes nosegay, or , a p osey of 72 2 sp iri tuall

flow ers colle cted d’c com p osed by Sam : Clark e d

solvent hie

En tred by vertue of a note under the hand of Mas te r DANIELLthe printe r of Cam bridge , and Mas te r BOURNE w arden a book e calledWa rm e bears d o, w eb book e w as licen sed at Cam bridgeEn tred un der the hands of DoctorWYKES and Ma ste r PARKERw arden , a book e called The p en itent death of a w oefn ll sinner or the

p en iten t death of John Atherton , as also the serm on p rea ched a ta

hi sf unerall, by Nich. Bernard,Deane of Ardagh

1 3° ®ct0 ht i§ 1 64 1

Entred under the hands of DoctorWYKEs and Master BOURNEw arde n a book e called The land of p rom i se the covenant thereof, d c,


byJ : E d

1 4° ®tt . 1 64 1

Entred unde r the hands of DoctorWYKES and M aster BOURNEw arden , tw o book es (Viz

‘) The last w i ll (it confession of Martin Luther’sfa ith con cern ing the p rin cip les of religion d o, A treati se against gam e ing

d o, by John Phillips Xijd

1 5° Q “ . 1 64]

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Maste rBOURNE w arden , a serm on called The souldiers tri um ph the p rea chersglory by Mathias Milw ard Vi


3 6

Master Brewster.

John Dalhnn .

Mas ter Daw lm an .

John Burroughss .2 8 June ’


[Page 556]MasterCartw right.

Master But ter.

Master Lee .

MasterCartwright .

O ctober— 2 1 No vem ber 1 64 1 .n fl ethm ton

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

2 5° e st . 1 641

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Ma ste r HANSLEY and bo th thew arden s a book e called A Treaties up on the Covenant byM John Ball vj


2 6° ®t t0 1tt ifi 1 641

Entred y ude r the hands of S" EDWAR D DEERING kn ". and

Maste r BOURNE w arden a book e called The p rincip all duty of p arliam entm en di e , by Rich Ward m in iste r of the w o rd of god at Stan sted Moun tFitchett vj


En tred by o rde r of the house of Com ous,te stified by S‘ROGER

BURGOINE one of the m em be rs o f the said hou se and Master BOURNEw arden , a serm on p reached before the said hon "" hou se a t the publi ke

thankesgiveing called Syons Joy by Jer. Burrow es 17,]d

2 6° 9 m m “ 1 641

Entred under the hands o f DoctorWYKES and Maste rBOURNEw arden A catechism s ca lled a Breviate of saveing know ledge, or the

Pri n cip alls of Chri stian Religio nm ethodi ca lly digested into short Qu estion sat Answ ers, by John Brinsley VJ

9° flohm hris 1 64 1

En tred un de r the hands of the right home the Lord BROOKEand M aste r BOURKE w arden ,

a book e called a discourse op en ing the natureof Ep iscopacy d o. by the sd right home Robe rt Lord Brooke vjd

1 6° flohem hris 1 64 1

Entred under the hands of DoctorWYKES and Mas te r BOURNEw arden a booke called The life death of o

' late noble p rin cew ritten by Sir Che : Cornew allis, k n‘.

2 1 ° flab. 1 64 1

Entred unde r the hands of Sr WILL IAM DRAKE one of them em be rs of the house of Com ous , and Maste r PARKER w arden ,

A sp eechof the sa id S'Wi lliam Drake in Parliam ‘con cerning the present distem p ersputting the k ingdom e in a. state of defen ce . Nov . 1 0 . 1 641 vj


Entred unde r the hands of DoctorWYK ES and Maste r PARKERw arden a booke called Truth asserted by the doctrine at: pra cti ce of theAp ostles (t o, that Ep iscop a cy is Ju re Divin e , by S'Ffran . Worsley vjd

Entred under the hands of Master HANSLEY and Ma s te rBOURNE w arden , seve rall trac ts of M’ Hugh Broughtons hi sExp osi cb n or Com ent w on the R evela c


m of the holy Ap ocalip s , up onDan i ell, Ecclesia stes , The Lam en tae


ons of Jerem y d’é up on Job. An

Ap ologie in breif e assertions defending that 0' Lord '

dyed in the tym s

p rop erly foretold to Dan i ell. A requi re of Agreem'to the grounds of

divin ity studdy . An cap licac-

on of the Arti cle of o' Lords sou les goeingfrom his body to p arad ice d o , w th sundry Ep i stles thereto p refixed d


ann exed . An Ep istle to the lea rn ed Nobi lli ty of Eng land , and tw o litlew orks defensive of o

" redem ption (t o cf: a declaracon of the gen era llcorrup tion o f religion scr ip ture ct a ll lea rning cfcc. ij'

[hits -ston . 2 3 Novem ber—QO Decem ber 3 7

[Page 557]Mas te r Stephens


Master Meredith.

Mas ter Vavasor.

Maste r Selle .

Mas ter Miller.

John Staflord.

Mas ter Daw lm an .

[ 1 7° Careli Reg is]

2 3° flohm hris fi° 1 641

Entred for the ir copie by order of the house of Com ous and Maste rBOURNE w arden , a serm on preached be fore the home house of Com on s on

the fif t of Novem be r 1 64 1 , by D“ John Burges

2 6° flohcm hris 1 641

En tred unde r the hands of HARBOTL E GRIM STON Es one o f

the m em be rs of the house of Com ons and Do ctor WYK ES an Maste rPARKER w arden a book e called Fleta de L egibus Anglia e vj


2 7° m 3 . 1 64]

En tred un der the hands o f Docto rWYK Es and Ma ste r PARKERw arden a book e called The history of Ep i scop a cy , &c by vj


room his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r HAN SL EY and Mas te rPARKER w arden a book e called The last Rom ish con cla ve of the electi on ofthis Pop e Vrbane the 8" trans lated into English, by M r

Purefoy, Esqr

4° mu m m ies 1 641

Entred under the hands o f Maste r HAN SLEY and MasterPARKER w arden , A breif e unsw ears to the defen ce of John Ethr ington


byStephen Denisoxi, Dr Divin ity vj


7° Becm fitfis 1 64 1

Entred unde r the hands of Docto rWYKES and Maste rBOURNEw arden , A Serm on prea ched a t the Assi z es at Madeston in Kent, byJohn Reading , upon ROM . 1 6. 1 7. vj


En tred unde r the ba nde s o f Doc torWYKEs andMaste r PARKERw arden Tw o serm ons pre ached by Thom as Sheapard, the one uponCANTICLES 5. 2 . the othe r upon the 2 . COR . 7. l . vj


1 4° mea nti me 1 641

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas ter HANSLEY and Maste rBOURN E w arden a bo ok e called The grouth of Anti chr i st d o, by Ben.Yaxleyof Bon thorpe 1 n Norfolk e , Esq vj‘l

2 0 ° mea nt i me 1 64 1

En tred unde r the hands of Docto rWYKES and Maste r PARKERw arden a book e called A croni cle or history of the kings of England fromthe Saxon kings unto this p 'ecut, by Sr Richard Baker, k n ight d

The en try is no t com p le ted .

3 8

Dan. Frere .

Mas ter Meredi th.

8am . Gellibm nd.

Master Meredith.

[Page 559]MasterCartwright .

Mas ter Bloom e.

Master Kingston .

[2 0 Decem ber— 1 8 January 1 64 1 .H- rfem - {E


[ 1 7° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 ° Berm hrfie 1 6141

En tred £0 1 his copie unde r the sam e hands , a serm on called Pap istaMastix pre ached on the of Novem be r, 1 641 , by W : Sclater, B


. .D

Prebend o f 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 . d

5° s am ura i 1 641 [i . s . 1 641 42 ]

As signed over unto him , by vertue of a note unde r the hand of Ma ste rKINGSTON , subscribed by Maste r PARKER , w arden ,

all the e state ,right, title in te re st , w eb the said M r Kingston hath in thisCa-ta chism e called the grounds of Christian religion by Ez echiell Rogers


En tred for his coPie by orde r of the hou se of Com ons subscribed byMas te r PARKER w arden A serm on preached at the last fast on the 2 2 "h ofDecem b" last, be fo re the honble house of Com ous , by Stephen MarshallBach : Divin ity vj‘l

I7tb of assum e 1 6141 [i . s . 1 6m g ]

Entred by orde r of the hou se o f Com ous , subscribed byMaster PARKER w arden , A serm on preached at the late fast on the 2 2‘h ofDecem be r en tituled, Englands Looking gla sse , by Edm ond Callam y, B D :


1 8° Emm e t“ 1 611 1

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r HANsLEY and Maste rPARK ER w arden , the se severall trac ts , viz‘Our Lords fam i lie rnanyother p oin ts dep ending upon it

, etc , An Adverti sem‘of Corup tion i n o


handling of R eligion &c . Prin cip all p os itions f or grounds of the holyBible , by M

r Hugh Broughton, w “ "a fun e ral] Poem upon the death o f

the said author vjd

t ot em hie

Ass igned ove r un to him , by ve rtue of a no te unde 1 the hand seale of

Maste r VAVASOR , siibscribed by Maste r BOURNE w arden , all the

e state , fi ght , title in te re st w eb the said M' Vavasor bath in the

copie called, The help s to d iscourse—The w arr‘ is da ted the x‘“

o f

Dec . 1 64 1 Vjd

renew his

As s igned ove r to him , by ve rtue o i‘

a n ote unde r the hand seale of

M aste r WA'I‘ERSON , subscribed by both the w arden s , the se four

book es , o r pte s o f bo ok es , v iz‘. The Prea chers Plea by M ” Sam . Hieron,

Cm nbdens Rem a in es . His part o f M'Pcrk in’s w ar/res in all volum e s , and

the Collection of the history of England, by Mr Sam . Daniel] . ij

[i h as?in Fa ther- ton 2 7— 1 2 January 1 64 1 3 9

[ 1 7° Caroli Reg i s]

2 7° marinara 1 641

MasterEggb sfeild En tred for the ir copie unde r the hands of Sr EDWARD DEERING , kn ight,

anJohn Stafl'ord.

Master Rothw ell,Jun “

Master Bartlett .

Master Sparkes .

one of the m em be rs o f the hou se Com ous , and Maste r PARKER w arden ,

A Collection of Sp eeches m ade by the said 8 ” Edw ard in m atte r o fre ligion , som e form erly p 1 inted divers o the rs n ow added, all of themrevi sed for the vindicacon of his nam e &c . vj


2 7° Sam ar “ w 1 64 1

Assigned over un to him , by vertue o f a n o te under the hand seale o f

ROBERT Bo s'rOCK , subscribed by Maste r BOURNE w arden , a fullm oyety or one halfe of all the e sta te , right , title and in te re st

, w ch

the said Rob“ Bo stock ha th in the se copie s he reafte r follow ing , viz‘

M r Reynold’s on the p sa lm e

his three treati ses (viz‘) The Van ity of the creatur e &c .

his m editations on the Sacram ”.

his Passions of the Souls .

his Shei lds of the Ea rth, a se rm on .

his Pea ce of the Church, a se rm on .

D” Maye r upon 8'Jam e s Ep istle .

The Arcadian PrincesseM ” Chibbald

’s Sum of all, &c .

The Sa ints Solla ce by Peter Bostock

29° Sam ar “ 1 641

Entrad for his copie by o rder o f the house o f Com on s subs cribed byMas te r PARKER w a rden , A sp eech delivered a t a conferen ce w

“the Lords ,

Jan . 2 5. 1 641 , by occasi on of the p etiebns from the Citty of London (if: theCounti es of M idd , Essex Hertf ord by John Pym Esq'

. VJ"1

En tred unde r the hands o f S” EDWARD DEERING kn ight andMa ste r PARKER w arden , Certa ine serm ons up on these tes ts viz‘. PSAL . 1 2 6.

1 . 2 . ct EXOD . 1 7. 1 1 . by John Bond, preacher 1 n Exe te r vjd

1 2 ° airm en-it 1 6141

En tred unde r the hands of Do c torWYKES and Ma ste r PARKERw arden a boo ke called Gods goodn es ct: m a ns ing ratitud e i llustrating ea chother by R 2 Y d

Entred unde r the hands of Doc to rWYKES and Maste r BOURNEw arden a book e called A Reform a tion of Schooles digested into tw o treatises ,the first sk ew ing the grea t n ecess ity of a gen era ll reform s

—on of com on

lea rn ing ct how i t m ay be brought to p asse . The second ans-w ea res certa ine

obiections agt such undertakings describes the severall p tes «f: titles ofthe w orkss that are to follow by M

” J0 Am os Com enius Englishedby Sam . Hart lib vj


Master Clarke .

John Clifton .

Mas ter Meredi th.

Master Meredith.

Sam . Gellebrand.

[2 5 February— l l March 1 64 1 .E f fe thm tou - { il


Caroli n is]

2 5° fi feht‘

. 1 641

En tred for his copie under the hands of docto r WYKES and Mas te rBOURNE w a 1 den , a book e called Dia tribae or discou rses up on these texts ofscrip tur es (viz‘) MATH . 6. 9 . ACTS 1 7. 2 PET 1 . COR . 4JOHN 1 0 . PR OV 2 1 . GEN. 49. PSAL . 8 . 2 ZACH . 4 . 1 0 ,MARKE , 1 1 . 1 JOHN 4 . LUKE 2 4. 45. EX OD . 4 . EZE'CH . 2 0 .

MATH . 6. 1 COR . 1 1 . TIT . 3 . 5 JOS UA TIM . 5.

ACTS , l l . 5 , 1 . COR . 9 . 1 4 , by Joseph Mead late fellow of Christ’sColledge in Cam bridge vj


eohem li te

Entred un de r the hands of DoctorWYKES and Maste r BOURNEw arden a bo ok e called A lega cyf or the Queen s 12 her roya llp rogeny d c,


bythe Lady Mary Role vj


2 5° W itt . 1 641

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r HANSLEY and Ma s te rPARKER w arden , A Parap hras e Exp osicon of the third chap ter ofST . PETER, the second ep istle , by Joseph Mead BUD late fellow


o f

Christs Colledge i n Cam bri dge

9° m art“ 1 641

Entred unde 1 the hands of Maste r HAN SLEY and bo th the

w arden s a booke called A scrip ture inqu iry or hehws f or m em ory in dutiesof pi ety &c by The . Belke vj


1 1 ° m am a 1 641

Entred by orde r o f the house o f Com on s, s igned by Maste rELSING

,Clark e of the Parliam ‘

, by the appo in tm en t o f Maste r CAL LAMY,subscribed by both the w arden s , a serm on preached at the fast be forethe hob“ house of Com ons on w ednesdav the 2 3‘ll of Febr . 1 641 , on

EZECH . 3 6. 3 2 . by Edm . Callam y B.D .

cohem his

Entred by orde r o f the hou se of Com on s, signed by Maste rELSING

,Cla rke of the Parliam '

, by the appo in tm en t of Maste r MARSHALL , subscribed by bo th the w arden s , a serm on preached at the fastbe fore the ho b” house of Com ou s on w edne sday the 2 3 "h of Ffebr. 1 641 ,on JUDGES 5 by Stephen Marshall, B.D . vj


En tred by o rde r of the Hou se of Com ons , s igned by M a ste rELBING and Ma ste r PARK ER w arden , A rem onstran ce of som e rem a rkeabls

pas sages concern ing the Chu rch ct’: k ingdom s of Irela nd &c . p sen te d to

the hob" house of Com ons by Hen : Jones D”of Divini ty vj



The . Underhi ll .

Master Daw lm an .

[ Page 565]Master Bartlett


William Bladen .

Master Lee.

Master Bpark es .

Master Milborne .

Master Co tes .Master Crooke .

Master Bourne.

Master Clarke.

Ma ster Downes,J un f a ndWill. Bledon.

[9 May— 8 Jun e 1 642 .

[ 1 81

2Ca roli Reg is]

H. Ffethereton . { 35

9° m an 1 642

En tred for his copie by o rde r of the Com ittee for Licen sing of book es ,s igned by Ma ste r WHITE and Maste r PARKER w arden , A Catachism e

called Soule - saucing know ledge &0 ' by John Vicars d

1 4° ” a“ 1 642

En tred by o rde r o f the ho“ e house of Com-

bus , s igned byMaste r ELSING subscribed by Maste r PARK ER w arde n , A ser monpreached be fore the ho“ ° hou se of Com ou s at the ir late solem ne fastApr. en t ituled , Zerubbabells encouragem

'to fin ish the Temp lad

byTho. Goodw yn, B : D VJ

1 4° Bic m a“ @ 0 1 642

En tred by orde r o f the hou se of Com on s, signed by Maste rELSING dc subscribed by Maste r PAR KER w arden , a serm on called thew orkes Of Ephesus exp lai n ed, be ing preached be fore the 1 1 0 ble house of

Com ou s at the ir late so lem n e fast , Apr : 2 7, by Joseph Cat i ll, preache r toL incolne s Inne vj


com m his

En tred unde r the hands of do cto r WYK ES and Maste rw arden , a book e called The tru e p rotestant sou ldi er &c , by BennettWarde


1 6° m an 1 642

Entred unde r the hands of Master HANSLEY and Maste rPARKER w arden , Tw o forty serm on s preached upon severall occasion s ,by D

r Micklethw ai te vjd

7° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

Entred by orde r of the Com ittee for licen sing of booke s, s ignedby Ma ste r WHITE , subscribed by Maste r PARK ER w arden

,a book ecalled M' Sm art’s p ersecuti ons w th the se rm on apo logie o f the sam e


8° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

En tred unde r the hands o f docto r WYKES and Maste r BOURN Ew arden a book e called Dan iells Weekes, an In terp reta c‘ on of p art Of thep rophecy of Dan iel, by Joseph Mede, late fe llow o f Chri st-s colledge inCam bridge d

t ot em his

En tred by orde r o f the house of Com ou s . signed by Maste rEL e G


and Maste r PARK ER w arden , A Relac'

On of su ch o ccurren ces ashave happ en ed in Donegale ctrc , p

'sen ted to the house by Cap : Audley

Mervyn vjd


} a rm hm mn . 1 0—1 3 Jun e 1 642 ] 43

[Page 566]John Burroughs .

John W htJun f


[ 1 8° Caroli n is]

1 0 ° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 642

En tred for his copie by o rde r of the Com ittee for L icen sing of bo ok e ssigned by Maste r WHITE subs cribed by Maste 1 PARKER w arden , Aserm on called Good courag e discovered (it en couraged by M r Ash d

1 3° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 642

En tred by ve rtue o f a bill o f sale , from EDWARD DAWKINS .exe cutor o f the la st w i ll te stam en t o f Maste r BIRD , late ly de ceased,approved o f by a full Co rt o f As s istants , held the s ixth day o f thisin stan t Jun e , ah d by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand seale of EDWARDBREWSTER, subs cribed by Maste r w arden , all the cop ie sparts o f copie s he reafte r follow ing w ch late ly did be long unto RobtBird the sa id Edw ard Brew ste r, salvo 1 ure cuiuscun que . m


The doctr in e of the Bible in a fourth pte .

The doctrine of the Bible in 1 2° ha lf e hereo f .

BAL L’s Catachism e large . Halfe .

BALL’s Catachism e sm all. Halfe .

Gods Arrow aga inst Athe ists , by M r H. Sm i th. Halfe .

The Pathw ay to know ledge , or Tapp’e Arithm etick .

The third fourth parts of the tru e w atch.

The godly garden .

The p ensive m an’s p ra cti ce .

The garden of sp iritua llflow-

res .

The ga rland Of goodw i ll.

The schools of vertu e .

WH IT ING’s Catachism s.

BURTON’S Ca tachism s .

Dr TWI SSE’Catachism e .

WILK INSON’S Ca tachism e .

D iogenes Lanthorns .

Books of Bidles .Ffigurs Of Three .

The Case is a ltered .

Long M sgg of Westm in ster .Hosp itall f or the diseased .

The Widdow es Treasure .

A thousand notable things .The Pathw ay to hea lth.

Titan ia cf: Thesius .

The glory Of the latte r Tem p le .

The faithfull Sheap ard .

WILK INSON ’S Debt Books .

Jona s Con te station .

Master Flasher.

[ 1 3 - 1 4 June 1 642 . s



[ 1 8° Caroli Reg is]


godly m an s tourney to heaven .

Heaven’s happ ines .

Invitation to p rayer.Errors of Anabap tists .M r MULL INE

’S 5 serm ons .

The p rinc ip les of p iety, a . ca tachism e .

WHEATLEY on the Com andem “, the ir part .

Vinyard of D evotion .

The glory (6 happ ines of a Christia n , by M'Rogers.

Christ ia n p rayers if: m editations .The s inn ers inditem ent .ROBINSON’S Citharine booke .

A n eedle w orks booke .

ALSOP’S Ca tachism e .

The sinn er’s sa crafice .

Diadem f or the afilicted .

The Catechizers holy en courageA p a i r of Sp i e kna ves .Tables of the Com andem “


The ir parts o f all P ictures Tables .Dr BOYSE serm on s , a part .The History of Garagant ua .

VAUX on the Creed, y” Lords p rayer, if: ten Com andem

The Portratnre of Dr PRESTON .Fa ithes room es , or the pi cture of the m a rtyrs .Selfe satisfa ction , Ruth revived, by Fr : Taylor.Canti cum Evangeliurn Sum m it, &0 , by Mch Bradshaw .

R ecomp en ce of the R ighteous .Rew a rd of the w icked .

The thunderbolt of gods JudgernThe sa crifice of a sorrowfu tl soule .

The history of Ca elestina e .

1 40 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 2

Ass igned ove r un to him , by ve rtue o f a note un der the hand scale ofHENRY BELL (dated the 2 7th o f Fe br. subscribed by Maste rPARKER w arden , all the e state , r ight , title in te re st , w ch the saidHenry Be ll bath in the se copie s , vi z ”.

The Boolce of p retty Conce its .The Books of R idi ce .

The Sacly'

n ll of New es .

The book e of Chr istm as Cu -


This is o nly an error in pag in a t ion , the scribe having read the previous num beras 569 instead o f 567 , but it throw s the pag inat ion out throughout the rem a inder o fthe volum e .

[E'gaorfl l '

H “ abou t” . 1 4. June 1 642 ] 46

[ 1 80 Caroli Reg is ]

1 11 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 1 2

Ass ign ed ove r un to him , by ve rtue of a no te , un der the hand seals o f

Maste r YOUNG , subscribe d by Mas te r BOURNE and Maste r PARKERw arden s , a full m oye ty or one halfe o f all the e state , right, title in te re stw ch the said M r Young ha th in all and eve ry o f the copie s partsof copie s hereafte r follow ing , w ch w e re ass igned ove r from Be njam inFisher , to the sa id M r Young , the 2 7th o f March 1 63 7, v izt xl‘









2 7.

2 8 .

2 9 .

3 0 .

3 1 .

3 2 .

3 3 .

3 5.

The Attorn eys Academ y.

A con sent of Scrip ture by M r Broughton .

his observations up on the first ten fathers .his texts of Scr ip tu re chan ing the holy croni ste till theSunne lost his light .

his Ceda r Ola/m , or the order of the w orld .

his breife discou rse of the scrip tu res .his letter to a fri end tou ching Mordeca i 3 age .

his Treat ise of M elchi sedech.

Wheresoever you see m e trust to yorself s , by Tho Pow ell.Sp i ritua li food cf: Phis-icke by I M

The Sp an i sh Inqu is icon .

A Confutation of the R em ists tran slation , w th ann o tation s onthe New Te stam t

, by Tho Cartw right .The histo ry of Queen s Elizabeth in English .

Di rection f or sea rch of R ecords . A fou rth part .An Acc iden ce , or Path w ay to Exp e ri en ce &c .

The L if e db Ba ign e , or Anna lls of Hen : Edw : 6“ Qu een sMary.

A n ew advi ce tou ching the currency rfi p aym ent of Englishm on ey.

The R ep ortory of R ecords , by Tho Pow ell.The King s high w ay to horsem ansh-ip , by Ger : Markeham .

D'DUN’s last serm on be fo re the k ing . Halfe .

S” WALTER RAW L EIGH his p recep ts to his sonn e .

The Duells Anotam y.

The Ra -igne of k ing Hen : the secon d, by Tho : ‘May .

Excellent instru ctions f or travellers .by M

r May.

The w itches of L an casheirc , the play .

The Ba ign e of King Edw ard the third, by M” May, halfe .

The Etim ologi ca ll Dictiona ry by John Minshew .

The m oyety of his part of WIL CO CK’s Workss .

of M " HENRY SM ITH’s Serm ons .

of the m a rks of gods chi ldren .

o f M ” PERK IN’S w orkss .of DOD 85 CLEAVER on the Com andem

“ &c .

o f DOD CLEAVER’S Exp osicon w th doctrine rfi

uses on p te of the Proverbes .

46 [ 1 4 June 1 642 .

[ 1 8° Caroti n is]

The m oyety DOD CL EAVERs breif e exp lanation of the w hole

books of Proverbes .o f M r HIERON

’s w orkss .

o f M'WHATEL EY’S w orkss , Redem p tion of tym s ,

&o .

of MrWHATELEY’S caveat f or the covetous hi s

bri debush.

M HARRIS 3 serm ons , Absolons f unera ll, Sam usll’s

funeral i the d/run ckerds Cupp .

o f Mr BR INSLEYS gram aticall tran slacon o f

TULLEYS offices , Esop ’s fables , &c .

of M’ BRINSLEYs tran sla c of CATO , CORDER IUS &c .

Doctor WILLETT’S Synop s is Pap ism i 85 Lym bo Mastizc .

Doc to r WILLETT on Gen esi s Exodus .M r ROGER’S w orkss, v izt Seavsn treati ses St e .

M r G IFFORD on the Can ti cles , R evelac‘

on , ct his four serm on s .o f M'SM ITH on the Lords p rayerof BUCANU S his Institution .

o f D'TAYLER’S 3 fold Alphabstt his beauties ofBethell.

The Moyety o f hi s pte of Dr TAYLOR on Titus the tem p tac'


of Christ.of the sufficien cy of English m edi cines .o f the gla sse f or Gam esters .Of a Serm on preached at Cort on Sunday afte rEpiphany.

Of CRAIG’s Cata chism e .

Of BRIGHT de san itate tu snda hi s Medi cinasTherap euthece .

of DANEUS on the Lords p rayer .of P . RANIS Di a lectisa gram : lat cl grec .of a n ew Antidota ry of a ll sorts of m edi cin es .of the arraignsm

tof Usury by M. Moses .

o f the w orkss of M rW1 1 1 BURTON prin ted 1 60 2 .

of Reading on PR OVERBS 2 2 . 6. f or edu cation ofyou th.

of S. STURTIVANT’S Nom enclator .

o f Trop oschem atalogiae libri duo in usum s chola sSherbonensis .

of GREENHAm’s w orkss .

of the Pastim e f or Pa rents .of the veiw of false Christians .of Basi li con Daron .

of the Christians San ctua ry in 2 treatises byGeo : Dow neham .



gyhole doctrine of the Saboa th, in 4 bookes by

of Propos i tions f or observacon on the Lords day,or Christian s’Saba th.

- Ffethm ton 1 4—2 5 June 1 642 ] 47

Master Flasher.

Master Bartlet t .

John Stafford.

[Page 575, i . e .

573 ]Ma sterWardenBourne.

[ 1 8° Caroli Reg is]

The Moye ty Of the dignity of gods chi ldren cf: the basenes of a ll

0 er.

Of Christian religion substantially it m ethodi ca llytrea ticed .

of an abridgm‘m ethodi call of the sea law es .

of do ctor REYNOLD’S letter of advi ce f or studdy ofdivin ity.

of M'Forbe s’ letter how to discerns the testim onyof the sp iri tt.

The Moye ty o f his part of a K ey to heaven , or , Com en tary on

the Lord’s p rayer .o f M'ROBERT BRUCE’s serm on s .of a discourse of Sp iri tts Divelle .

of a decisi on of the cheife p oints tou ching ye


The English Hellicon db w ith delight in the Musesrecrea tion , collected by Tho : May.

1 4° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 642

As s igned ove r unto him , by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand of

GEO : HODGES , (date d the 2 0 tn August 1 63 0 ) 85 subscribed by MasterPARKER w a 1 den , all the e state , right , title in te re st, w ch the saidGeo : Hodge s hath 1 1 1 the se tw o copie s (viz‘) nijd

The Pra cti ce of qui etuss , by DrWebb.

The Map of m ortality, by M'Moore .

1 6° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

En tred for hi s copie by orde r of the hou se o f Com ous , s igned by Maste rELSIN G subscribe d by Maste r PARK ER , w arden , a serm on preachedbe fore the hon orable hou se of Com on s May be ing the fast day


byM 1? Robt° Harrie, pastor of Hanw ell vj


1 8° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

Entred unde r the hands of docto r WYKES and Master BOURNEw arden , a book e called Certa in e serm ons up on these tes ts PR OV. 1 .

PHILL . 3 . 1 8, 1 . COR . 6. 2 COR. 1 1 . HAGGAI 1 . byM " Fenner

2 5° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

En tred unde r the hands Of docto r WYKES and Maste r PARKERw arden , a book e ca lled The Marrow of Christian ity, extracted ou t of the

w orkss of Reverend doctor PRESTON , The first p te con tey-

ning, 1 . The

treati se of the attributes of god . 2 . The n ew Coven‘, or, the Sa intsp ortion . 3 . The breas t p late of fa ith (9 love . 4 The saint’s qualifica tion .

5 of p rayer d


Master 8 0 1 1 11 1 0and

Master Young .Vide L iber E ,page 1 63 , toWm . Dugard.

Mas ter Bourneand

Master Young .Vide L iber E ,

page 1 63 , toWm . Dngsrd.

Mas ter Fawne.

Sam . Gellibrand.

Law . Blacklock .

H. Ffetherston . { gig?r

efif '

][2 55—2 8 June 1 642 .

[ 1 8° Caroti Reg is]

2 5° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 642

Entred for the ir copie under the hands of doctorWYK EsandMaster PARKERw arden , A bre if s Co ncordance , or, table to the Bible in 4to o f the las tTrauslac

ou carefully pe ru sed enlarged by M’John Dow nham ,B . D .

allow ed by his Ma“

speciall priviledge to be prin ted boun d wth the

Bible in all volum e s d

coocm o1 c

En tred un de r the hands of doctor WYKES and Mas te r PARK ERw a rden , A brsife con cordan ce or table to the Bible in 8° of the lastTranslacon care fully pe ru sed enla rged by M

'John Dow nham B : D

allow ed by his M a"s

spec iall priviledge to be prin te d bound wth the

Bible in all volum e s d

2 8° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

Entred by orde r o f the Com ittee for Licen sing of Book es ,s igned by Maste r WHITE subscribed by Maste r PARKER w arden ,

Csrtai ne serm ons up on ESAII the chap, ve rse the byM’ Thom as Case vj


En tred by orde r of the hou se of Com ous , s igned by M asterELSING . subscribed by Maste r BOURNE w arden , A serm on preachedbe fore the ho ble hou se of Com ous 0 1 1 the 2 btn of May, be ing the fast day,by M

Ir Obadiah Sedgw ick vjd

2 8° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 642

Entred under the hands Of Do cto r VVYK Es and Ma s te rw arden a book e called Isra ells redemp tion , or , the p ropheticall

history of o"

Savi ou r’s k ingdom s on Ea rth, etc, w th a discou rse of Gog d:M agog, &c, by‘Rob

te Maton d

t ot em his

En tred by orde r of the Com ittee for prin ting , s igned byMaste r “ ’HITE d}: subscribed by Mas te r M EAD w arden , a book e calledA vade m ecum or table eonteyning such Statutes cf'c togeither u)" an

Ep itom e of Stamford p leas of the Crow n s the , by M "Walter Young , Esq”vjd

50 [ 1 6 - 3 O August 1 642 .T t hat ]

[ 1 8° Caroli Reg is]

1 6° augusti 1 642

mu m" L993 “ Ass igned over un to him , by ve rtue of a n ote unde r the hand scale of

Maste r WATERSON , subscribed by Maste r EDWARDS w arden , all the

e state , right , title in tere st w ch the sa id M r Wate rson ba th in the secopie s follow ing (v iz‘) 135

The Prea chers Plea , by M Ir Sam Heiron.

Cam bden’s R em a in es .

his part of M r Perkin’s w orkes in all volum e s .A Collection of the history of England, by Sam Daniell.

2 1 1 ° augusti 1 642

Francis Sm ethw ick Entred for his copie by o rde r of a full 0 0 “ holden this day, all the secopie s he reafte r m enc‘

oned, the w hich did be long un to M " John Sm e thw ick , his late father deceased, salvo iure cuiuscunque ix‘

M 'BRAYTONS Poem s .Euphu es’ golden Lega cy.

G reene ’s ARCADIA.

his n ever too late .

his Ta llies Love .

Mr. Sm ith’s 3 serm ons .Ham blett, a play .

Witts Com onw ea lth.

The ta/m eing of a shrew .

Rom eo cf: Ju liett.Loves Labou r lost.SM ITH

’S Com onw ealth of England .

Pe irs Pen n ilesse .

Agnu s Dei .

Tale of Troy.

DONE on the Canti cles .OWEN’S Ep igram s , in Engl.

JonNSON’s relac

ons of the w orld .

30 ° augusti 1 642

Entred for the ir copie by orde r o f the honble hou se o f Com ous , signed byMaste r ELSING and Maste r M EAD w a rden , The Scotts decla ra con inAnsw eare to the decla raé


m sent u nto them by thorr com iss ioners a t Londonfrom the ho“ " house of Parliaon‘of England vj


These m en had recen tly been a ppo in ted o ff i cial “ prin ters to the House o fC om m ons , bu t the y w ere ne i the r o f them prin t ers by trade . The y farm ed thew ork out . Wi th the exce p t ion o f spe e ches and serm ons this is the first con troversia lpo lit ical pam phle t m e t w i th .

[8 } 1 Dow nes 3 0 August— 1 2 Septem ber 1 642 ] 51

Master Stevensand

Master Meredith.

Master Overton .

Master Overton.

Giles Calvert .

Master Marri ott .

[ 1 8° Caroli Reg is]

30 ° Qumran 1 61 1 2

En tred for the ir copie unde r the hands of Maste r HAN SLEY and Maste rEDWARDS w arde n , a serm on called ,

The good of p ea ce 1511 i ll of w a 1 re &c .

by Eph : Udall, Re ctor of St Aust in s London vj‘1

2 ° éw tem bris 1 642

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r WH ITE and MasterBOURNE late w a 1 den , a bo ok e called A p ropheticall evp osicon of the w holeBooks of the Canticles, by Thom as Brightm an vj‘1

6° 5 1 1 1 1 . 1 642

En tred by orde r of the Lords Com ous a ssem bled in Parliam en t , s igned by Maste r JOHN BROWNE his li/Ia “ m essage of the , five d

tw enti eth of August, 1 6451 , w'h the An sw eare of both how ses to the sam e ;

a lso a declaracon of both hou ses of the ‘7 " of Sep tem ber 1 642 , f or the

app ea sing of tum ults et c , w M an o1 d 1 nan ce of both how ses f 0 1 supp ressingof stage p lai es xijd

7° g eptcm ht is 1 61 1 2

En tred under the hands of Maste r BROWNE and M aste rELSING

,Clarke s of the Parliam "

,Instrucaon s agreed up on by the Lords ct

Com ons in Partiam ‘f or the dep uty Le if ten " f or the County of Sufiolk e


1 2 ° éeptcm hn’

s 1 642

Entred by orde r of the hou se of Com on s , signed by Mas te rELSING and Maste r EDWARDS w arden , a serm on preac hed at the last fast,August the 3 1 th be fore the ho ble house of com on s, by M

rW1m Carter upon

JUDGES 2 0 . 2 6, 2 7, 2 8

t ot em his

Entred by vertue of a note under the hand 81. scale of

FRANcrs SM ETHWICK , subscribed by both the w arden s all the e state ,

right , title in te re st W Cb the said Fran cis Sm ethw ick hath in M r Sm ithe s3 se1 m ons the w ch did lately be long to M ‘

John Sm ethw ick deceasedvjd

[The leaf con tain ing pp . 58 1—2 has be en rem oved or torn out of the

registe r . ]


[ Page 583 , i . e.

58 1 ]JohnWright, Jun ?

Mas ter Flasher.

[Page 584, Le .

582 ]Ralph Bounthw aj t .

Master Daw lm en .

Rich . Harper.

[ 1 4 - 2 4 Septem ber 1 642 .

[ 1 8° Caroli Reg is]

1 11 ° his Sem tem hria 1 61 1 2

Entred for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste r JOHN BROWNE Clark eo f the Lo rds house o f Parliam ‘

, Tw o decla 1'1


1 671 1 1s f or the County ofCheste r vj‘l

As s igned ove r un to him , by vertue of a n ote unde r the hand seale of

Farme rs SM ETHWICK subscribe d by both the w arden s , all the e s tate ,right , title in te re st w e llthe said Fran cis hath in the se copie s he re afte rfo llow ing the w eh did late ly be long un to M r John Sm e thw ick his fathe r

de cea sed Vi ij’d

M r Drayt on’s Poem s .

Eup hu es golden Lega cy.

Greene’s Arcadia .

his Never too late .

his Ta llies Love .

Ham lett, a p lay.

Wi lls Com on - w ealth.

The tam e ing of a shrew .

Rom eo cf: Juli etl.

Love’s labour lost .SM ITHE’s Com -onw ea lth of England .

Peers -Penn i lesse .

Agnu s Dei .

Ta le of Troy.

Dovn on the Canti cles .OWEN’S Ep igram s in Eng : verse .

JOHNSON’S rela cons of the w orld .

of 3 11 1 1 131 1 1 1 1 “ 1 61 1 2

En tred for his copie by o rde r of the Com it tee appo in ted for prin ting ,s igned by Maste r WHITE 85 both the w arden s a book e called PlottsConsp i ra cie ct Attemp ts of Dom estich' f orra ign e Enem i es of the rom ishReligion ay

'the Prin ces cf: k ingdo m es of England. Scotland (f' I reland.

Collected by G . B . C. d

2 4° s ept. 1 61 2

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r HANSLEY and Maste rEDWARDS w arden a book e ent ituled The great danger of litle sin -

1 i s byFran : Pecke vj


t ot em his

Entred under the hands of Doctor WEEKES tw o Pam phletts ,viz ‘, The comp leat schoole of lVarre , cf: Severull strange Prophe cies full ofw onder viz‘, of M other Skip ton ,

Igna t iu s , Si billa es , Marlyn , M" Brightm a n


M “ Trussell «f‘c Vjd

[af ftvt‘hat lT-Dow m 1 2 October— 1 6 January 1 642 ] 53

William Logger.

Master Meredith .

[Page 585, t.e .

583 ]Bernard Alsop .

Master Thrale .

Abell Roper.

Master Man .

Master a ssell.

Vide L ibe r E ,

fo l.

[ 1 80 Carroll Iteg is]

lz tb of ®t tober 1 642

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Doctor WYKES and MasterEDWARDS w arden a bo ok e called The Boa tsw a in es Art or or the Com p lea tBoatsw a ins &c d

Entred by o rde r of the house of Com ous , signed by Maste rELSING subscribed by bo th the w arden s a book e called Virtum nu s

Rom anus , or a discou rse p en ned by a Ro mish p riest tou ching the lawfu ln esf or a Pap ist to goe to the p rotestan t church (t' receive the co mun ion d c , w '”an inm dversion up o n the sam e , by D

r Eas tley d

Entre d by orde r of the house of Com ou s , s igned by Maste rELSING subscribed by Maste r EDWARDS w arden , a serm on preachedbe fore the ho'J’” house of Com ou s , the fift of Nove m be r

, 1 642 , on

NEHEMIAH the 4" di the 1 1 " verse , by Mathew New com en vjd

1 6° flohem hrfis 1 642

En tred Fabri ciu s H ildam us his trea t/ice of Com bustion-s

burn ings w gunp ow der, (be , tran slated i nto English by John Steere on e ofhis Ma

" su rgeon s d

[The om ission o f the nam e s of the licen se rs from this en try w a s

probably an ove rsight ]

1 7° flab. 1 642

En tred unde r the hands o f Do cto r WYKES and Maste r M EADw arden a book e called A Treaty of Pa cification or Condi cons of p ea cebetw een e God cf Man , by Hen : Isaack son vj


8° Beccm bn’

s 1 642

Butle d by o rde r o f the hou se o f Com ons , s igned by Maste rELSING subscribed by M aste r EDWARDS w arden ,

A Serm on preachedbe fore the ho hle house o f Com ons at the ir late solem n e fast , the 3 0 th of

Nov . 1 642 , by M“ Richard Vynes

1 6° manuat ii 1 642 [i . e . 1 642 43 ]Entred by orde r of the house of Com ous , s igned by Maste rELSING subs cribed by Maste r EDWARDS w arden , A serm on preachedbe fore the he ” e hou se o f Com ou s at the ir late fast, Decem br the byM r Tho : Valentine vj


eohem his

Entred by o rde r o f the Com itte e for prin ting , signed byMaste rWHITE , by approbacb n of Maste rHANSLEY andMaste rEDWARDSw arden , Deodate’s la rge n otes up on the Bible in Ita lian , translated intoEngli sh by M r Bob“ Gentiles vj



[Page 586, al e .

584]Tho. Underhlll.

Master Man .


[2 4 Jannary—2 5 February 1 642 ne

[ 1 8° Caroli Reg is]

2 14° sanuat ii 1 642 file . 1 642 53 ]Entred for hi s copie by orde r o f the com i ttee for prin ting , sign ed byMaste r WH ITE , subscribed by Mas te r EDWARDS w arden , tw o book e s

v iz‘ one o f them called The Cause (f?use of f eares &c ; the othe r calledThe k ings Cron i cle , treating up on the w a i ss of the w i cked d’ the good leingsof Juda «be , both o f them m ade by Ez ek. Woodw ard xij


9° Jl'


ehr. 1 642

Entred by o rde r of the hou se Of Com ou s Signed byMaste 1 ELSING subscribed by Maste r EDWARDS w ar

,den a fa st serm on

preached by M'Arrow sm i th at We stm be f0 1 e the hou se of Com ou s the

o f Janualy 1 642

2 5° w et t e s t“ 1 642

Entred by o rde r of a full Co“ , held the s ixth day Of Februa rylast all the se copie s parts of cop i e s hereafte r follow ing (w ch w e rebelonging unto M r Robe rt M ilbo rne de ceased) 1 1 1 trust acco rding to thesaid order . Salvo iure cuiuscunque xvij


A Com en tary on the 2 3“(it 24“ chap ters of S T . JOHN, byM

'Dan: Dike .

A Com en tary up on the Ep istle to PHILEM ON, by M‘rDan : Dyke .

The S choo le of affliction , by Mr Dan : Dyke.

A Discou rse of m a rriag e , by M rWm Dyke .

A Com en tary on the seaventh chap ter of the R OMANS by M r



A Co-

unterp oison aga in st Covetuousn es , by Jer : Dyke .

A Caveat f or Archippus , a vis itation serm on , by Jor Dyke .

An Espos ic‘

on on the first 5 Com m andem ents of God’s law , byEdw : Elton.

M ” WM DYK EB Cata chism e .

ELTON on the 8“ of the R OMANS .

The a rra iguem 'of Urines , by D" Hart .A Com entary on the 2 , 3 , 4, 5 (it 6 chap ters of the EPHESIANS, by

M " Paul Bayne.

Good Conscien ce , by Jer Dyke.

A than ckf ull re mem bran ce of God’s M ercy, by D'Carleton .

The Anatom y of Urines , by D" Hart .

ELTON on the X Com andem " Lords p ray er.Som e help es to fa ith, by JohnWilson .

A treaty of the p erp etu ity of the Morrall L aiw , by Rob“ Cleaver .

Antisem eus Pelagian ism us autore Da n : Efea tley, D'D .

Pelag ius redevivus &c , by D" Fl‘


A ioynt attestation of the synod of Bart.

Gratia discrim ina ns (fro, by Sam Ward.

2 5 February 1 642— 8 April 1 643 ] 55

Edw . Husbands .

Master Stephens .

Master S tephens .

[ IS—1 9° Caroli Reg is]

by S'Hum Lynde .

Praxi s totia s La tinae Syntaxe os 1 3 Jo Clarke.

Ff orm ula Ora toriae 4) Jo Clarke .

Wille tt on LEVITICUS .

The m ischeife if: m ise ry of scandalls , by Jer : Dyke .

An Exp osic‘

on on the Lord’s p rayer cf: the 6 Princip les , by Mr Paul

Bayne, his part .Pacata Hibern ias , the w a rre of Ireland , by the LO : Carey.

The Protestants evidence , w ”addition s , by M ' Burbeck.

CLARKE’S La tyn ch Eng lish phrases .

A Com entary on the w hole Ep istle to the EPHESIANS , by M" Bayne .

On e halfe .

The Chr istian auditt, by M'Burbeck.

Tw o (tr fo rty serm ons by D‘" Mick lethw aite . A part .

7° m art“ 1 642 [i . e . 1 642 43 ]

Entred for his copie by order of the Com ittee for licen s ing of book es ,s ign ed by Maste r WHITE and Maste r EDWARDS w arden ,A short Catachism e exp ressing the fa ith. if: sp iri tuall condi c

bn of those w ho w e m eet to1p tahs at the Lord’s table , by Hum . Cham bers

2 8° m art“ 1 643

Entred for his copie by order of the Com ous house o f Parliam ",signed by

Maste r ELSING and Maste r M EAD w arden , a book e entituled An exa ctCollection of de cla ra tions , Orders , vote s , (t o. vjd

8° spans 1 643

Entred under the hands o f Maste r HANSLEY and Maste rEDWARDS w arden a booke called Sabbato Dom in ica , or , a few p rop osi tionstending to reconc ile the seem ing difi‘

erence, betw een s the letter of the law , A?Christian liberty, in the doctrine of the Saboth if: L‘ord’s day See , byIrenaeus Philalethes vj


so am ass 1 643

En tred for his copie by orde r o f the Com itte e for licensing o f book es ,s igned by Maste r WHITE and Maste r EDWARDS w arden ,tw o booke s

vi z “, A disp lay of Ar-m in ian ism e by John Ow en, A key of the

R evelacon w r itte n in Lattyn by Joseph Mead tran slated in to Eng li shby Rich : Moore Esq' xij



[Page 589 , i .a.

587]Master Sparkes,Sen t

Master Rothw ell.

Master Lathamand

Master Ro thw ell.

Master Bellam y .Master Bothw ell.Raph Sm ith.

Baph Sm ith .

[ 1 9—2 8 April 1 643 .T “ m a g

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 9° s pring 1 643

Entred by o rder of the Com itte e for licen s ing o f book es , s ignedby Mas te r "VHITE subscribed by M as te r EDWARDS w arden a book ecalled The sovera igne p ow er of Pa rtial/m “

and hingdom es , or The Trea cherya nd disloya lty of p ap ists to the ir som ign es in 3 tracts , byM lrWm Fryn, Esq


eobem hie

Entred un der the hands of Master WHITE and M asterEDWARDS w arden a booke called Usefu ll instru ction s j or these evill tym esup on Nich. Lock ier, M

”of Ar ts vJd

eobem hie

Entred by orde r of the home house of Com on s , subsoi ibedby Master EDWARDS w arden , A serm on preached be fore the house thelast fas t day called, The sole p ath to a sound p ea ce, by John Ellis vj


zso spruce 1 643

Entred by o rder of the hob" hou se of Gom one subscribedby Maste r EDWARDS w arden , A serm on preached before the said hou se on

the fast day in January las t , by M r Jor Whi taker vjd

2 8° agi tate 1 643

un de r the hands of Maste r WHITE and Mas te rEDWARDS w a rden a book e called Scrip ture reason p leaded f or defensivea rm es &c . vjd

cohem hie

As s igned over un to him , by vertue of a n ote un de r the hand seale ofMas te r BELLAM Y , subscribed by Master EDWAR DS w arden , one fullm oyet or halfe of all every the copie s parts o f copie s he reafternam e vi z i iiJvj‘1

WEAM E’S hi s w orkes com pleat.

AIN SWORTHS w orkss , except Cant-iclea w hereofSIM PSON 0 1 1 the p eneten tiall p sa lm es .

R OGERS on the Sa cra/me ri t.

his p racticall Ca tachism e .

Ronm son’s Essa ies .

Ovid de Tri stibns in Eng ] .

GOODWYN’S S" happ ines one halfe .

BI rEILD’S touchstone, one third part .

[2 4—2 9 June 1 643 .T- Dm u - idt‘ifim j

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 4° 3 1m “ 1 643

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te rWHITE and Mas ter M EADw arden a book e called The rise , grouth ct danger of Soccinian ism e (t o, bv

Fran. Cheynell, late fellow o f Merton Colledge vjd

t ot em his

En tred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Certa ine i nf orm aains from seval



vp ts of y kingdom e from Jun e y

‘ 1 9“

to June y‘ 2 6" 1 643 , collected by Ingler vj


[An orde r had been m ade by the Hous e of Com m on s tha t all new sbook s and pam phle ts should be en te red in the hall book and bear thenam e of printer and publisher. Thi s accounts for the m arked increase inthe num ber of entries from this date ]

2 6° 351 1 1 1 “ 1 611 3 .

Entred forhi s copie unde r the handof HENRYWAL LEY, A declaracon of theLords Com ons , of the Lords of his Ma“

privie Councell (f: Com "of

Scotland, «t o, printed 1 1 1 Scotland . vjd

w hom his

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett ca lled ,

The Parliam ‘Scout, com un ieating his Intelligence to the Kingdom s vj‘l

2 70 man“ 1 643

Entred by o rder of the Lords house of Parliam ‘subs cribed byMa ste r EDWARDS w arden , A serm on called The Noblem ans p attern e of truereall thanlfullnes , preached Jun e the before y

° Lords , at the irsolem ne day of thank sg ive ing &c, by M'Callam y . vjd

29° 3 1m “ 1 643

Entred by o rde r o f the Lords house of parliamt subscribed by

Maste r EDWARDS w arden , A se rm on called, Davids song of three p tes&c , preached be fore the Lords on the day of the publike thank sg ive ingJune 1 5“ by Charles Herle Vj


room his

Entred by orde r of the house of com ous , subs cribed byMas te r EDWARDS w arden , A serm on called, The song of Moses cf: theLa/m be , preached be fore the said house June 1 5th be ing the day of thank sgive ing for discovery of the late Plott &c . by Steven Marshall, B : D


A leaf, pp . 593 - 4, has been torn out of the register here .

h am " . 3 0 June—3 July 1 643 ] 59

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

30 ° 351 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 1 3

Bob“ Austen and Entred for the ir copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlettAndrew called, The Roundheads Ca tachism e &c by Thom as Nutt vj


1 ° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 643

Geo. Bishop and Entred un der the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Bohte Whi te . Certa ine Inf om na cons from seva ll p ts of the k ing/dom e , f rom June the

2 6“ to July the 3" collecte d byW1m Ingler d

t ot em hie

m . Cole and Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Lew . BN Ck'OCk ' A pf ect D iurna ll of som e p assages in Pa rtiam ‘

ct other pts ofdthskingdom s from June 2 6, to July collected by Sam . Pecke VJd

3° $1 1 1“ 1 643

Mrs. Purslow . Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A tru e Relac'

o n

of the serv i ce done by the Ant ilop e d‘ som e other shipp s &c , from a gentd

ofquality to a friend in Lond on d

com m his

Geo. Bishop and Entred under the hand of HENRY VVAL LEY a pam phlett called ,

ROD“ Whlte. The ki ngdm nes m eskety Intelligeneer , &c . d

60 [4— 5 July 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is ]

N. Bourne . {59 151 1 1 1 1 1 ]

m astsrzfl irholas mourns , masterM ast éam nru titanm asterm irharhw h itak er

M art ens

[Page 596, al e.

594 ]Nich . Gamage .

Geo . Bishop andRome White.

Master Overton.

Pe ter Cole.

Geo. B ishop andBoots White.

Fran. 0 0 1 85 andLaw e Blalck lock .

4° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 643 $0 1 9° GEM . MB .

En t 1 ed his copie s under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled, R oom es t1 eaehs1 ons p lotts agt Engla nd 81 0 , byBo.Whi te, At a balladcalled Engla nd’3 la m entacon i n great d 1 st1 esse

com m his

En tred u nder the hand of HENRY WAL LEY a pam phle tt called,The K ingdom es Weekely I ntelligsncsr sent abroad to p revent



cobem his

Ent 1 ed unde 1 the hands Maste rWHITE and Mas te 1 WHITAK ERw arden , A t i eatice called, God o n the Mount or the P 1 1 1 l17am e-ntaryC'1 0 1 1 1 cle &c by John Vicars

5° $1 1 1 “ 1 611 3

Butl ed under the hand of Master WALLEY , A 1 el 1 1 1~on f 1 omHu ll, about the tak ing of S

'John Ho t/1 am in a letter sent to M ’ Cole , a1 ne1 1 li 1 1 nt i n I rem onge 1 lan e , dated the fi1 st of July p rese nt d

room his

Entred by orde r o f the Com i tte e for Licen s ing of Rook e s ,s igned by Maste r Wm TE, The Confession s of Na tha n iell Tom k in s d'

Ri chard C’hallenor vJ‘l

eobcm his

Entred unde 1 the hand of HENRY WAL LEY a pam phlett called,The Pa 1 l1





‘Scout d 1°

sco 1°

1 1 ng his Intelligence to the Kingdom s ctrc VJd

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlett called,A Con ti nuacon of certai ns sp eciall ct rem arksable p assages , doc d

l“ . Bourne

[Page 597 , 12 11 .595]Ben . Allen .

Tho. Bates .

John Dallum .

Tho . Underhlll.

Tho. Underhlll.

Sam . Gelllbm nd.

Goo. Bishop andRob“ White

John Greensmlth.

Fran . 0 0 199 a ndLaws Blalck look .

7—8 July 61

[ 1 9° Caroti Reg is]

7° $1 1 1“ 1 643

Entred for hi s copie '

unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD a book e calledA Rep licaE


on to D'Ferne his last treati se by Jl/I’W" Br idge VJd

w hom hio

En tred unde r the hand o f HENRY WVALLEY, In struce‘


p rop osié’

éns draw ne up 16 agreed up on by divers w ell afi'

ected p sons in the

Citty of London VJd

oohom hio

Butt ed unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD , The Ana lisiserp licacan at app licaEOn d o, of the Covenant 1 1 0 1 11 VJ


8° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r WHITE and Maste r MAN

w arden a book e called Englands Ala rum to w arr in 3 p les &c vjd

w hom hio

Entred unde r the hand of CRANFORD and Maste r MAN

w arden A rep ly to the Answ ere of the m ini sters of New England to then ine 1 1 0 8 11

76 1 1 8 &c , by John Ball VJ


w hom hio

Butt ed under the hands of Master DOWNEHAM and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called Sa tisf ace'on concern ing 1 1 1 1°

xl com un ion e ,in answ ers to the doubts of som e w ho abstegne from the Sa cra m ‘

of the

Lord’s supp er because w i cked p son s are p rese nt VJd

oohom hio

Entred unde r the hands of HENRY WALLEY,Certa ine

m aé'

onsfrom sevall gate of the ki ngdom s

w hom hio

Entred unde r the hands of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett, Thew eekelg Accom p

'of the p assages of both hou ses of p artiam ‘


8° 1 643

Entre d unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,A Letter from the Ea rle of Wa rw i ck vid

w hom hio

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY,A p erfect Biur-na ll

of som e p as sages i n Parliam ‘1h other p tes of the k ingdom s, from the

3 “ of July to the 1 0“ by Sam . Peck


Maste r Bellam yand Baph Sm ith .

Master Bellam y ,Rsph Sm i th, and8am . Gellibrand.

Geo. Bishop andRobert White.

Hen. Sheapard.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright,Jun?

Tho. Underhill.

[Page 599, i .e.

597 ]Geo . B ishop andRobert Whi te.

Tho. Warren.

John Grism ond.

[IO— 1 4 July 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli n is]

N. Batu-no. i w uu rl

1 0 ° new 1 643

Entred for the ir copie by orde r of the house of Com ous , sign ed by Maste rELSING subscribed by both the w arden s , A ser mon preached at the latefast,June the 2 8‘h last, before the said house , byM'Tho. Carter VJd

w hom hio

Entred by vertue of the afore sa id order, A fast serm on preachedthe said 2 8‘h o f June last , before the sa id house byM rPalm er o f Ashw e ll.The one halfe of the said serm on be long s to MrBe llam y Reph Sm i ththe o the r halfe to Sam Ge llibrand

w hom hio

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY The K ingdom es

w eekely Intelligencer sent abroad to p revent m i sinf orm acon d o, from u lythe 4“ to July the 1 1

“ 1 643 VJ‘1

1 2 ° 31 1 1 1 16 1 643

En tred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A letter fromIreland from M ' Grim p sheir to the Lady Rogers in London vj“

w hom hio

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett calledMercurius Civi cus &c VJ


w hom hto

Entred by con sen t of Maste r DAN I ELL under hi s hand a bookecalled An endeavor of m aking the p rin cip les of Chri stian religion , nam ely,

The Creed, the ten com m andem ", the Lord’s p rayer cfi the Sacram -

‘flp la ins

easy, by M Pa lm er , w ch book e w as form e rly printe d at Cam bridgevj‘l

1 2 ° 1 611 3

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WAL LEY a pam phlett calledThe Parliam ‘S cout discovering his Intelligence to the Kingdom s VJd

w hom hto

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY,A Letter sent from

the Maior of Bri stow to a friend of his in Bristow vjd

1 4° sum

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a table called An ecessary adverticem ‘to a n eedfull f ortificaEbn (its , by Wm Webste r vj‘l

[i w‘

m enfi - Boum 1 4— 1 5 July 1 643 ] 63

Gregory Dexter.

Peter Cole.

Fran . (9Peter] ColeandFran . Leech.

Hum . Blunden.

Mas te r Meredi th

Master Bm lster.

Law . Blacklockand Fran . Coies.

Master Mi ller.

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 4° 1 643

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Master WHITE , A sp eech m ade byM” Waller in y’ house of Com ons on Tew sday the 4

“of July 1 643 , being

brought to the Barr before they p roceeded to esp elt him the house VJ‘l

w hom hto

En trad under the hand of Mas te r WH ITE , The 8 1 1 17171 1 1 3 of theEa rle of New castle to the Tow ns of Manchester Al the ir answ ers , cfic vjd

1 5° $q 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of Sr NATHANIELL BRENT a book e calledPlotts discovered 1h the Parliam ent vind icated 1&1 . d

w hom hie

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD , a. bo oke calledA state m istery concern ing the late Scottish Bishop s , &c . d

w hom hto

Entre d under the hand of Maste r BROWNE and Maste r ELSINGclark e s of the Parliam ‘, An order of the Lords cf: Com ons of the a


Aprill, 1 643 , aga inst Pap ists d c, concern ing the County of Sa lop VJd

w hom hio

En trad unde r the hand of Mas te r WR ITE, A letter from the

Synod of Zea land to the Com "of the generall Assem bly of the Ki rke of

S cotland , togeither w th the hum ble rem onstran ce of the Com "

, the genera llAssem bly (foe , do The Answ ers of the Convention of the Estates d c VJ


1 5° 3 1 1 i“ 1 643

Entred un de r the hand of - H ENRY WALLEY , Certa in e Inf orm acbns from scvall p ts of the kingdom s , from July the 1 0

“ to the 1 7“ 1 641 3

w hom hio

Entred un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY A pf ect diurna llof som e p assages in parlia/m ‘from the 1 0 “

_July to the 1 7

" 1 643 VJd

w hom hto

En tred by o 1 de r o f the Com ittee to1 I 1 ish affaire s A true

extra ct of severall letters relating the m ost rem arksable p assages ofdthsEng lish cfi Scotti sh Arm y in the p rovince of Ulster . VJd


61 1 0 . B ishop andBobta Whi te .

Gregory Dexter.

Bern. Alsop .

Hum . Blunden .

Ge o. B ishop andBohte White .

The . Bates andJohn Wright .

Hum . Biunden.

Geo. B ishop andBob” White .

JohnWright,Jun “

John Sweating .

[ 1 7—2 2 July 1 643 .N

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 7° ssw 1 611 3

Entred for the ir copie un de r the hands of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled, The K ingdom cs w eekely Intelligencer VJd

w hom hio

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY A tru e relo tfin ofthe late fight betw eens S' W'” Wa ller’s forces ct those sent from Oxford .sent in a letter to a friend in Lond on VJ


1 8° 3 1 1 1“ 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of the Lord WEYNMAN , A tru e relaeon

of S'W'” Wa llers regayning of his a/m m un iebn i n the la tefight, d o VJ


w hom hio

En tred unde r the hand o f H ENRYWALLEY a pam phle tt called ,

Wensda ies Mercury or the sp eciall p assages d c VJd

1 9° 3 1 1 1“ 1 643

En trad under the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , The Pa rtiam ‘Scoutd iscovering his Intelligence to the w hole kingdom s

w hom hio

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, llIercu/rius Civicus ,or London’s Intelligen ce vjd

1 9° $1 1 1“ 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A letter out ofStafi


ordshe ire con cern ing the taking of Bu rton by the Queenesfo rces vj‘1

2 2 11 s 1 611 3

Entred unde r the hand of HENnY WALLEY a pam phlett called,The Passages con tinued, d c . VJ


w hom hio

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY,Certa ine Infor

m ac’

ous from severall p tes of the k ingdom s (its VJd

w hom hio

Entred by o rde r o f the Lo rds Com ous in Parliam en t signedby Maste r BROWNE

, An Ordinance of the sa id Lo rds (t’: Com ous , f or theExc ise of severall Com odi ties , cfic . VJ‘l

w hom hto

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r HENRY MARTEN , Maste rBAINTON and Maste r BLAIKSTON , m e m be rs o f the house o f C om on s .

Ap etic

bn of the w ell af fected inhabita nts of the Cittics of Lo ndon. Westm ‘

1 0 th the subu rbs hereof, (fie , delivered to the house of Com ous the 2 0 " July,1 643 vid


Master JohnPartridge and

Law . Biaiok iock .

Geo. B ishop andRohte White.

Fran . 0 0 198 andLaw . Blsicklock .

Be rn. Geliihrand.

Rich. Harper.

John William s.

Master Overton.

Edw . Bisckm ore .

Hum . Blunden.

Bern. Alsop .

[2 9 July—2 August 1 643 .

N~Bonm thw iak erj

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

29° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 643

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of Maste r WHITE , A1 1 Apologiem ade by an English officer of quality in the I 1 ish w arrs, 1 0 th a lette1from the Ea 1 le of Wa rw i ck Vj


t ot em hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,1 1fo1 1 naéfins from seve 1 allp tes of the kingdom s &c d

Entrad unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,A pf ect d1 urna ll of som e sp ecia ll passages in Partiani'&c VJ‘1

3 1 ° 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of Mas ter WHITE , The sp eeches ofM 'Pym i f others up on the 1 eading of the P1 ocla 1 na con from the k ing read1 1 1 Gu i ldhall on Saturday last 850 VJ


1 ° angina“ 1 643

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden , a book e called The Anat om ie of theAntinom ian , et c byJohn Sedgw ick vj


En tred the se tw o things w ch w ere prin ted be fore the Ordinancecam e forth, viz‘a litle book e called A Chri stian declarat’on 0 1°




unto true Rep entan ce &c , a ballad called, The discontented lover &cxij


2 ° augusti 1 643

Entred under the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM , a Se1 1non ofReform a tion &c by Thom as Fuller d



Entred unde r the hand o f H ENRY WALLEY , A letter f 1 om a

gentlema n of Bristoll 1 1 1th a Copi e of the a rt icles upon the surrendringup of B1 1


stoll VJd

eohem his

Entre d under the hands of HENRYWALLEY A letterf 1 om ColonetlCrom w ell con cerning the rai sing the seidge at Gainsbm ough dEntred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Wensda ies Me 1 cu 1 y, or, the Sp ecia ll passages vjd

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Mercurius Civicus &c Vj


En tred unde r the hands of HENRYWALLEY tw o pam phletts viz‘,The K ingdom es fw eekely Intelligencer & The Pa rtiam ‘S cout . xij“

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,The w eekely Accom p t &c d

[t fi en iR Bom -ne . 3—8 Aug lISt 67

Maste r Meredi th.

Tho. s catt .

Geo . Bishop andRich. White .

Master Miller.

Francis Coles andLaw . Bis icklock .

Master Bellam yand Bsph Smi th.

Mas te r Bellam yand Reph Sm ith.

Fran. Colss.

[ 1 9° Caroti Reg is]

3° g ages“ 1 643

En tred for his copie unde 1 the hand Mas te r WH ITE a T1 eat1 ce calledRoam os Masterp eece, 0 1 the grave consp iracy et c . d

w hom hio

En tred unde r the hand of Ma ste r CALLAMY , The etic‘

On the

divin es of the Assem bly to bothhou ses oj 'p arliam ‘, July the 1 9

“ 643 d

w hom hio

Entred un de r the hand of Sr NATH . BRENT, A sho rt ct exa ctna rracon of the m ost rem arlceable p assages done by that !grand p oliti tian ofFrance Jean Arm a n , ef: o. d

5° e ngine“ 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r WHALLEY a pam phlettcalled, Certa ine Inf orm aéhns from severall p tes of the kingdom e (t o


7° augusti 1 643

En tred under the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Ma ste rWHITAKER w arden , a booke called An other extra ct of severall lettersfromIrela nd (t o .

w hom hio

En tred un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , The Diurn atl or

som e Sp eciatt p assages in Pa rt-£1 1 1 1 1 t at other p tes of the k ingdom s d o


w hom hto

Entred by orde r - of both house s of Parliam ‘, a Serm on by

MT Hill, preached be fore both house s the of July, 1 643 , be ing an

extraordinary day of hum i liacon vjd

w hom hio

En tred unde r the hand of Ma ste r CALAMY , a litle treatiescalled A case of conscience concern ingfl/yeing in tym es of trouble et c VJ


w hom hio

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a Ballad, called,Heaven i s angry, Lord send p ea ce et c Vjd

8° augusti 1 643Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle tt called,The ktngdom e

’s w eekely Intelligencer, &c .


Rob“ Dunscom band Peter Cole .

Robert Dunscom b.

John Ham ond.

Robert Austen.

Tho. Underhlll.

Gregory Dexter.

Geo. B ishop andBohte White.

Geo. B ishop andBohte White.

John Hancock .

[8— 1 5 August 1 643 .N- Bom e - ihw im er]

[ 1 9° Caroti Regs ]

8° fiagosti 1 643

Entred for the ir copie un der the hand of MasterWHITE , ColonellNathaniell

Fyn es his sp eech i n the Com ons house con cerning his su rrender of Bristoll(t seve1 all letters touch1 ay the sam e bus 1 nes VJ


cohem hie

Ent 1 ed un der the hand of Master WHITE An Ordina n ce of theLords et Com ans assem bled 1 1 1 Parliam f o 1 securing ct selling the p eace ofthe County of Surrey et c VJ


9° augnsti 1 643

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Englands M etam orphosis , or sudda ine alteraébn , (t o VJ‘1

1 0 ° august “ 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WAL LEY,'ninetee 1 1 e hum ble

p rop osicbns f or p eace & 0 by T . N.

1 1 ° augusti 1 643

Entred un de r the hand of Maste r WHITE 11 . bo oke called AVindica tw n of the late vow and covenant &c d

cohcm hie

Entred un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A p retious et m ostdivine lette r f-m m that fam ous ct renow ned Earle of Essex father to y“

n ow

L o 1 d Gene 1 all &c VJd

Ent 1 ed unde 1 the hand of H ENRY WALLEY tw o pam phle tts

v iz “, The Partiam ‘Scout Certam e Inf orm achns &c xijd

1 4° augusti 1 643

Entred The answ eare of the Convention of the Estates to . theR em onstran ce of the Com issioners of the genera ll assem bly of Scotlandet c , 1 oth the second Rem onst-rance of the sa id Com issioners &c , prin te dby com aund of the sd Estate s , by Evan Tyler, Printer to the K'Ma"


1 5° august-i 1 611 3

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a.



phlett called,The Partia/ m Scout, (t o . d

cohcm his

En tred under the hand of HENRY WAL LEY , a Pi cture of thelilaligna nts trea che rous (t blo ody Plott ag‘ the Partiam 'ct Citty ofLondon , 8.x: d

[hiWha m }N Boum e .

Bern. Alsop .

Master Overton.

Master Meredith .

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

Geo. B ishop andBobte White .

[ Page 60 7 , 1' .e .

60 5]Master Daw lm sn .

John Wright .

Law . Blsicklock .

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blsick lock .

1 5— 1 7 August 1 643 ] 69

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 5° augusti 1 643

Entred for hi s 0 0 pie unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , A letter from ,

a gent 1 n Exeter to a friend of his in London vid

cohcm his

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste r MAN

w arden a book e called The w hole p ropheci e of Dan iell exp laned

p araphrase , Ana lysis breif e cem en t et c . by Ephr : Hew i tt

cohcm his

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r BROWNE by orde r o f theLo rds house of Parliam t subscribed by Ma ste r MAN w arden , A serm on

called, Jerusale m ’s Watchm an et c, by Mr Mathew New com en, preached

be fore both house s of Parliam "the As sem bly upon the ir fa st,

July 1 1“ 1 643 vj


1 6° s agas“ 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WAL LEY a pam phlett called ,

Mercurius Civi cus et c . VJ“

cohem his

Entred un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,The Parliam ent Scout &c vj


1 7° augusti 1 643

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r JOSEPH CARROLL andMaster MAN w arden a bo ok e called An Exp osic


on up on the first thr e echap ters of Hosea , delivered in sundry lectures at llf icha ells Cornchill byMr Jerem y Burroughes


cohem hie

Entred by orde r o f the Lords House of Parliam en t threeo rdinance s v iz “, An ordinan ce f or the sp eedy p ressing of sou ldi ers et c .

An ordinan ce con cern i ng the late rebellious insu rrection in Kent et c . Anordinan ce f or the safety of the Citli ce of London ct Westm '

«t the L i‘

b‘t iesthereof &c xviij


cohem his

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A Relacon ofthe Dorsettshe ire afi

a i -

res ct p ticularly of the surrender of the tow n e ofDorchester &c Vj


cohcm hicEntred un de r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY

, The Continuaeonof the w eekely p assages et c VJ



Geo. B ishop andRobte Whi te .

Master Meredith.

Tho . Bates andJohn Wright .

Geo. Bishop andBOW White .

Tho. Underhill.

Law . Blacklock .

Fran. 0 0 1 0 3 and

Law . Blaick locke .

Giles Calvert .

Geo. B ishop andBobte Whi te.

1 9—2 6 Au li st 1 643 .R.g

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 9° z itgusfi 1 643

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of H ENRY WALLEY , a pam

phle tt called, Certa ine Inf orm arTons from sevall p tes of the kingdom ed

et c


eohem hie

unde r the hands of Maste r ELSING by o rder of theCom ons o f; Parliam ‘

, signed by Maste r MAN w a1 den , A serm on preachedbe fore the said house at a solem n e day of hum i liacon on the 2 6th of July1 643 , by M

'Conant vj‘l

2 1 ° sagas“ 1 643

Entred by o rde 1 o f the LORD MAYOR the Militia of London ,

A1 1 ordinan ce of y” Lords et Com ons assem bled in Partiam f or the sp eedysupply of m oneys d o d

2 3° augustt 1 643

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett. called,Mercurius Civicus et c vj


cohem hie

En tred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Pa rl1 am ent Scout et c vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY, a letter j 1 on1

Colonell Fynes to the Earle of Essex tou ching the delivery up of Bristolldd

Ent 1 ed £0 1 the ir copie s , one of them by or‘de i of the hous e of Com on s.called, An Ordinan ce of eap lana con it further enlargem ‘

of an Ordm an ce

j or Seyn estm é‘

bn of delinquents estates , the o the i by orde r of ye Com itte ef 0 1 the Naw e , called, Severa ll letters Of (great im p ortan ce xij


En t 1 ed f 0 1 the ir copie un de 1 the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle ttc ,alled A continua con of certa ine sp ecia ll et rem a rheable p assages vjd

2 5tb august 1 643

Entred under the hand of Ma ster DOWNEHAM a booke ca lledAn Ala rum to London d

2 6° augusti 1 643

En tred unde r the ha nd o f HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Certaine Informaébns from severall p ts of the kingdom s vjd

[htmm nh moum 2 9 August—2 Septem ber 7 1

[Page 0 0 9 , 1°


60 7 ]Geo. B ishop andBob“ White .

John Bellam y andBaph Sm ith

Tho. Bates andJohnWright,Jun"

Geo . Bishop and8 0 t White .

Sam . Gelli brand.

Peter Cole.

Mas ter Bellam yand Raph Sm ith.

[Page 61 0 , i .e.60 8

Sam . Gellebrend.

MasterWalbenck .

Geo . B ishop and1 1 0 t White .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

29° augusti 1 643

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled, Mercu riu s Brztan icus com un icating the afi'

a ires of great Brittainevjd

cohem hie

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r BIFEILD , A letter fromM'JiIarshall ct M Nye out of S cotland to the said M Bifei ld &c vj


3 1 ° s agas“ 1 643

Entred un de r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,Mercuries Muzle or An antidote, «t o. vj


eohem hie

En tred un der the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,M ercurius Ci vicus et c d

eohem hie

Entred un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlett called,The Parl1 am ‘Scout et c

Entred by orde r of the house o f Com ou s A breif e narrac'

on ofthe ca rriage ct successe of the Engl1 sh afia ires in the hands of the Co1 n" '

1 1 1

Scotland vid

Entred under the hand of Maste r WHITE 21 Proclam acbn bythe king dated the 1 8" of August 1 643 vj


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste r MAN

w arden , a sm all tract called, Rea sons f or assist1 1 1g the p arliam‘of England

ag‘y' Papists ct Prelaticall A1 m 1 e et c. by the genera ll Assem bly of

dthsK irhe of Scotland vjd

3 1 ° augusti 1 643

Entred under the hand of Maste r CRANFOBD a litle book ecalled, The Undeceiver et c.

2 ° s eptem bris 1 61 1 3

En tred under the hand o f HENRY WALLE Y a pam phlett called,The new oath or covenant to be taken by a ll p sons 1 0

"'1 n the ‘2. kingdom es ofEnglan d et Scotland, etc vj


eohem hie~

Entred un de r the ha nd o f HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Inf orm acons from severall p tes of the kingdom s etc d


Fran . Coles andLaw . Blaicklock .

Sam . Enderby.

MasterCartwright .

Baw . Blackm oreand Tho. Bancks .

Geo . Bishop and3 0 t Whi te.

Idem .

[P e 61 1 , i .s.

Maste r Sparkes,Sen?

MssterWaibanckeand Bern . Alsop.

Edw . Blackm oreand Tho. Bancks .

B ernard Alsop .

[2—6 Septem ber 1 643 .K h an 's- {hw mm rj

[ 1 9° Carolz

' Reg is]

g entem hris 1 61 1 3

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled, A p erfect Diurnall, &c vj‘1

cohem hie

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r DOWNHAM , a Treaties called,A Sal1 e f or every sore &c by Phillip Skippon vj“

4° éeptm hn’

a 1 643

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rw arden a bo ok e called A den of theives discovered or certain e

errors del1 ve1 ed in a serm on by Hen. Denn, confuted by Tho : Attw ood,Ratheram &c . vj


5° 3 1m. 1 643

under the hand of Maste r CRANFORD a sm all treaticecalled, A short view of the An t1 n o1 n 1 an Errors , &c , by Thom as Bakew eilvjd

eohem hie

Ent1 ed unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,M ercur ius Brittani cus &c d

cohem hie

Entred by order under the hand of the LORD or LONDON abook e called A collection of certain statutes in force f or suppressingunlawfull p astim es (1

5° g entem bris 1 61 1 3

Entred under the hand of Ma ste r WHITE a booke called Anhum ble rem on stran ce aga in st the tax of ship m oney d o by M

” lNm Pryn

also a Cata logu e of su ch p rinted bookes as have 1 vr 1 tte 1 1 by the sam e

author vjd

6° g eptem hn’

s 1 643

Entre d underthe hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The w eekely Accomp t VJ


cohem hie

Entrad under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,The p ictm e of London’s m 1 sery &c VJ


eohem hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY A letter from one 1 n

the Arm is sent from the Citty to the Gloster, &c VJd


Geo . B ishop andRobte Whi te .

Master Bellam yand Baph Sm ith.

Maste rWalbanck

and Bern. Alsop .Baw . Husbands.

Idem .

Master Bellam yand Baph Sm ith .

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

Geo. B ishop andRobin White.

Master Overton.

[ 1 2—1 5 Septem ber 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 2 ° “ ept. 1 643“

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled, B 1 itan icus M ercuriu s, &c vj‘l

eohem hie

Entre d by orde r of the hou se of Com on s a Lette r from y'

Assem bly of Divines in England, to the Assem bly in Scotland, u th the ira nsw ers thereunto et c vj

eohem hie

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,The w eek ely Accom p t, &c . d

Entred by dire ction of Master RUSHWORTH , Tw o Acts fromEdenborough the on e f or p utting that kingdom s into a p ostu re of defen ce &c ,d the other f or the loans «f: taxt, &c . xijd

1 3° s eat. 1 61 1 3

Entred un de r the hand of Maste r WALLEY a Letter to an hob"

p son in London , con cern ing the releiveing of Gloster (h A Relacontouching the sam e 81 0 d

Entred by o rder of the house of Com ous . a se rm on called,Gosp ell Cou1 age et c , preached at the fast, May the 3 1 th 1 643 " byM’Pearne vj


1 11 ° hie éept. 1 643

En tred un de r the hand of Mas te r ELSING , by order of thehou se of Com ous , The declara c

on of both houses of p arliam'; to the

Convencon of the Estates in Scotla nd , w th their Answ ers d} The

declaracon of both houses to y' Assem bly of the Kirk of Scotland w ththeir answ ers, the vj‘1

echem hie

Entred unde r the hand of HEN : WALLEY , a pam phlett called,Mercu rius Civicus &c . vj


eohem hie

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALL EY , a pam phlett called,

The Partiam ‘ Scout, &c .

1 5° g ent. 1 643

Entred by orde r of the house of Com on s , A Letter ca lled, TheAn sw ers 0] the genera ll Assem bly to the Letter of som e of their Reverendbrethren of the M in zsters in England , et c d

iii.wfitak er.iN Bonn i e .

Geo. B ishop and

[Page 61 4, i s.61 2 ]Fran. Cole andLaw . Biaicklock .

Jam es Young.

Master Crook s.

Geo . Biéhop andRobte White

Thomas Underhiii .

[ Page 61 5, i s.

6 1 3 ]Master Meredi th.

Maste r Walbanck

and Bern . Alsop.

1 6—2 0 Septem ber 1 643 ] 75

[ 1 9° Reg is]

1 6° s ept. 1 643Entred for the ir copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlettcalled , Certa ine Inf orm a cTJns from sevali p tes of this ki ngdom s , &c


1 6° g ent. 1 643

under the hand of HENRYWALLEY a Pam phle tt called,Vld

En tred

A Diurna ll 0 1 certa in p assages in Parliam ‘, &c

1 6° g ent. 1 643

Entred by order Of a CO" of As sistants held the tw elveth

day Of August last, the m oyety o f the Bo ok s called, A large and com p lea tCon corda n ce to the Bible in English a ccording to the last Translocon ,firstcollected by Clem ent Cotton , cf: now m u ch en la rged 1h am ended by Sam u ell

Newm an , be ing in folio , w ch said book e w as late ly entred to Mr Tho s

Dow ne s sen “ NF Robte Youn g dec", the fathe r of the said Jam e s Yogn g


1 8° 1 611 3

Assigned ove r un to him by ve rtue of a n ote un de r the hand scale of

JAM ES YOUNG all the e state , right title and in te re st w ch he the saidJam e s Young ha th of in the full M oye ty or o ne halfe of the copiecalled, A large com p leat Con cordan ce to the Bible in English, a ccordingto the last Trans laé‘

b nfirst collected by Cle ment Cotton ch now m uch enla rgedd: am ended by Sam uell New m an , Provided that the said Jam e s Young is

to have the w ork em anship Of prin ting the sam e from tym e to tym e (incase he k eepe a prin ting - house ) do the sam e as w ell 81 reasonable as

ano the r prin te r w i ll vjd

eohem hie

En tred for the ir copie unde r the hand Of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlettcalled, M ercurius Brittan icus &c d

2 0 ° éept. 1 643

Entred under the hand of Maste r LANGLEY A D 1 urna ll of the

p a ssages of Glocester f or the tym e of the la te se idge gathered byJohn DorneyEsq

" Tow neclarke of Gloster . vjd

2 0 0 s eat. 1 643

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r ELSING Clark e Of the houseo f Com ou s , subscribed by Maste r MAN w arden , a Serm on preached befo rethe hon “ house of Com on s, August the by Thom as Colem an 81 0


eohem hie

Entred under the hand Of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The w eekely Accomp t &c d

Tho . Bates andJohn Wright, J on“

Jam es Cm mpe .

Edw . Husbands .

John Feild.

Geo. B ishop andBobte Wh ite.

John Wright, Juh r

Geo. Bishop andRobte White .

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blaick lock .

Geo. B ishop andRob“ White .

[2 0— 2 8 Septem ber 1 643 .N

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

zoo am t. 1 611 3

Entred for the ir copie un de r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlettcalled, Mercu ri us Civicus , (f'c

2 1 ° g ent. 1 643

Entred un de r the hands of Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste rWHITAKERS w arden a book e called An abstract of som e la te Ca ra ctere , or ,how the pr incipall m eanes app ointed f or a reform a con 1 s becom e the m a ins

fuell of o'w ickednes cbc, by Vj


t ot em Bic

En tred by o rde r of the house of Com ous , s igned by Ma ste rELSING, The solem ne Leagu e cfi Coven‘f or refe rm a con (be , i n hi s Ma" three

k ingdom es vj

Entred unde r the hand of H ENRY WALLEY, A Speech m a de , in

the first Pa rlia 1 1 1‘ of k ing Cha rles , by 15" Dudley Diggs , touching the Duke

of Bu ck ingham

2 2 ° sw tem hcr 1 643

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, Tw o pam phle tts ,v iz ”. A Esta con of the Surrender of Kings Lyn , (fie The Pa rtiam ‘

S cout xijd

2 5° inept . 1 643Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , A true Bela c

an ofthefight a t Ne wbery se nt 1 1 1 a lette 1 from a souldier i n the Arm y to a fr iendi n London d

com m his

En tred under the hand of H ENRY VVALLEY, Certam e

m a cons from seva ll p arts of the k ingdom s

2 6° s ept. 1 61 3Entred unde r the hand of H ENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,llIercwrm s Brita n i cas &c Vj


t ot em his

En tred unde r the hands o f HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle ttcalled, A prset D iurna tl &c VJd

2 8° g ent. 1 61 1 3

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,The Parliam ‘S co ut 81 0 . d

2 8 Septem ber— 4 October 1 643 ] 77

Math . Sym m ons .

Gregory Dexter.

MasterWalhanckand Bern . Alsop.Tho . Bates andJohnWrisht,’Jun“Fran . Coies andLaw . Blalck iock .

Geo . B ishop andRobt . White.

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blaick lock .

Ben . Allen .

Geo. Bishop andRom e White .

M aster Walbanckand Bern. Alsop .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 8° g ent. 1 643

En tred for his copie under the hands of Maste r JOHN DOWNEHAM andMaste r MAN w arden , a Treaties called, A Christian p lea f or Chri stian sBap tism s

,&c vj fl

29° i ept. 1 643

En tred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A Letter f rom Hu llcon cern i ng the p sen t state of that tow ns dated the 1 9“ of Sep t . 1 643vjd

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,

The w eskely Accomp t <cEn tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY tw o pam phle tts ,viz‘

, M ercurius Britan icus The t1 u e inform er d c xijd

En tred un de r the ha nd o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle t t called,A con tin ua con of certa in e Sp ecia-ll (if: rem arheable p assages , (fie . vj


290 51 1 1 41 1 . 1 61 3En tred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY

, a pam phlett called,Csrta ine Inf orm acons &c VJ


cohcm hic

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,

a p erfect diurnall, cfic d

3 0 0 s ept. 1 61 3En tred un der the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle tt called,A R eta-c on of a p lott to betray the To w ns of Poole cite VJ


2 ° 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 15 1 643

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , An esa ct R ela con

of the m a rching of the R eal cf: blew R egim en ts of the trayned bands of thisCitty to Gloster , (i s

cohem hic

Entred un der the hand of HENRYWA] 1 EY , a pam phle tt called,hl ercurw s Br itann i cus , (fie . vj


4° Q t t. 1 643

Entred unde r the hands of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle ttcalled, The Weehely Accommt, d o d

This is clearly an error fo r Mercwm’

us C ivicus, the publishers of Mere -


Bri tann icus be ing Geo . Bisho p an d Robert White .

78 [5—9 October 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

5° 9 1 1 0 1 1 1 15 1 643

Law . Chapm an and Entred for the ir copie un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlett

Law . Biaicklock .

Mrs . Okes.

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

Geo. B ishop andRome White.

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blaick lock .

Ma ster Meredi th .

Geo . B ishop and1 1 0 t White.

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blacklock .

RalphBonnthw aite .

called, The Scotch M ercury, 12 0 vjd

cohem his

Entred un de r the hand of Mas te r CRANFORD , a treatice called,A p iou s p rsiden t to both kingtlom es f or a sa cred covena nt 12's .

com m his

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,

M ercm 1 1 1 8 C'im cus c2'c Vjd

com m his

En tred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,

The Parliam ‘Scout 1 2 13 . Vjd

t ot em his

En tred un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle tt calledA con tm ua c

—on of certa in e sp ecial-l 12: rem arksable p assages 19 0 . vj‘l

cobcm hie

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r CALAMY , and Maste rWHITACRES w arden , a Tract called, The solem n e Coven‘ of the threekingdom es, 12 .c H : W vj


6° ®ttoht i5 1 61 1 3

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,The Tragedie of the k ings a rm iesfidelity sin ce thei r entring into Bristoll, &c .


7° 9 d . 1 643

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLE Y, a pam phle tt called,Certa ine Inf orm a cons from sevallp te . of the kingdom s 12 1: d

t ot em bio

Entre d unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt ca lled

A pf sct D in/m a ll of som e p assages in Pa rtiam ‘12 0 . vj


9° 9 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 11 1 643

En tred by orde r of the hou se of Com ou s s igned by Ma ste rMAN w arden , A true RelaEBn of the late Exp ediéfin of his excel R obtsEa rle of Essexf or the Rele if e of Gloster, w th the descrip tion of t ta t New bery et c

Win k" . }N Boum e . 9— 1 3 October 1 643 ] 79

Master Overton.

Peter Cole .

John Dallum .

Mas ter Meredi th.

[Page 62 1 , i .s.

61 9 }Geo. Bishop andBobte White .

MasterWalbanckand Bern. Alsop.Tho. Bates andJohn Wright, J 1 1 1 1 ?

The. Underhill.

Hum . B lunden.

Fran. Cole .

[ 1 9° Caroti Reg is]

9° Q d ofirifi 1 643

Entred for his copie un der the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rMAN w arden a book e called Satisfa cti on con cern ing m iat Com un ione

un satisfa ctory 12 0 vjd

t ot em his

En tred by o rder of the hou se of Lo rds , a Serm on p rea ched on

Friday the 2 1 “ of July, a t the p ublike hum i liac'

hn , by M"W"n Spurstow


1 0 ° d oht‘

ifi 1 643

En tred unde r the hand of Ma ste r CRANFORD , a tract called,An Ana lisis sap licacon 12: app lica con of the sa cred 12: solem ne league £1Coosn

‘d o . by Rich : Ward vj


1 1 ° ®d ohrts 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of ELSING , by order of the Com ons

house of Parliam ‘a Serm on p rea ched by M’ Colem a n at the taking of theCoven‘Sep t the 2 9“ 1 643 Vj


1 2 ° e nem as 1 61 1 3

En tred un de r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phletts,viz “ M ercurLus Britann i cus The Parliam ‘Scout &c xu


t ot em his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,The w eehely Accomp t, &c vj


Butl ed un der the hand of HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phle tts(vi zi ) M ercurius Civicus the true In form er , &c xijd

1 3° Q “ .

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r ELSING , by order of the hou seo f Com ons , The Coven'w th a Narra lfon of the p roceedings 12 s vj


cohem his

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,The ScotchM ercury, 12 0 vj


eobem his

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD a book e calledThe kingdom es hea ling p laister by G . S. d

A leaf ha s been rem oved from the Register here .


Edw . Husbands.

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blai cklock .

Bohte White andGeo. B ishop .

Mathew Walbanck .

[Page 62 2 , i .s .

62 0 ]Hum phreyBlunden

John Orm e .

Bohte White andGeo. B ishop .

Law . Chapm an andLaw . Blaick lock .

Hum . Blunden.

Master Downes,


Master Boum e.

Mas ter Mead .

Master Whitaker.M aster Legatt .Mas te r Brew ster.Master Stevens.Master Thrale .

Master Meredi th.

[ 1 6—2 1 October 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

N. Bourne . itw h i ch ]

1 6° O d obrta 1 61 1 3

En trad for his copie unde r the hand o f Maste r ELSING by o rde r of thehouse o f Com on s , A p rocla m a con con cerning a csssa con of Arm e s in the

kingdom s of Ireland , 860 d

1 7° 1 643

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett calledA pf ect d 1 1 1 1 1 1 a l l 12 c vj


rohcm his

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phle ttsviz', Certa in e Inform al “

1 1 3 M ercurius Britann i cus &c xij‘1

1 8° O rtohrts 1 643

Entred un der the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlett called,The w eekely Accom p t 12 0

1 8° O ctohria 1 611 3

Entred un der the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlett called,fresh Intelligence 12 0 vj


eohcm his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, A cop i e of a letter

w ritten to a p rivate friend tovchi ng the L O : Say vjd

1 9° O ctobrta 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called.

The Partiam ‘Scout &ccohem hie

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY, The S cottish

Dave &0 d

com m hie

Entred under the hand o f HENRY WALLEY The ScotchMercury, &c v


2 1 ° 9 11 0 1 1 1 15 1 61 1 3

Entred un de r the hands of Master JOHN DOWNHAM andMaster Tn om a s GATAK ER an dMas te rWHITAKER w arden a book e entituledAnnotacons up on all the Book es of the old 12 n ew Testam ‘

w here in the texti s exp layn ed , doubts resolved , scriptures p aralelled 12; va 1 io us readingsobserved, by the ioyn t labour of certa i ne lea rned divin es thereunto app oi nted12: therein im p loysd vj



[Page 62 4, 1° .c.

62 2 ]W“ Lea.

Robte White andGeo. B ishop .

Fran. Coies andLaw . Blaicklock .

Peter Cole .

Rich. Lownes .

Andr. Coe .

Mathew Walbanck .

Geo. B ishop andBohte White .

Tho. Bates.

[2 7 October—4 No vem ber 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 7° 0 3d . 1 643

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled, The WelshMercury 161: VJd

2 8° Q “ . 1 643

Ent 1 ed unde 1 the hand of HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phlettsviz , The Pa rtia m ‘Scout certain e Inf orm acons 1£c . xija

eohem his

En tred u nder the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,A p erfect diurnall VJ


30 ° (Bac ilt‘tfi

En tred under the hand of Tw o Sp eeches sp oken (a tCom on Hall) by S' Henry Vane 1% M’Ma rshal l in Guildhall on friday the2 7“ of this instant October

3 1 ° $11 . 1 611 31

Entred u nde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, 1 1 Letter w ri tten by

Hen : Davy a t B 1 idgw a ter to a friend i n London , 81 0 d

En tred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,Good 1% true new es from Bedf ord vjd

1 ° fi ehem hris 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle ttThe w eekely Accom p t

2 ° fi ehem bria 1 643

But l ed unde r the hand of HENRY WAL LEY , tw o pam phle tts(viz

‘) Mercurius Brztanicus The Pa rtiam 'Scout d o l d

eohcm his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a.

pam phle tt calledMercurm s Civicus di e The true Info rm er d c xijd

21 ° flohem hrts 1 643

Entred under the hand of Maste r CRANFORD , A letter w rittenby M

” John Dury p rsented in Sw eden to the tr usty n oble 1t religiousLord Forbes 81 0 d

1 0 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a1


pa1m phlett called,The Scottish dove 1£f c vjd

lg !”lin ker.lN. 3 0 1m m.

Fran . Coles andLaw . Blaick lock .

Geo . B ishop andRobte White .

Andrew Coe .

Tho. Underhill.

Phillip Lane.

Tho. Bates.

Jo.Wright, Jun f

Tho. Bates andJohnWright .

4— 1 0 No vem be r 1 643 ] 83

[ 1 9° Caroti Beg in}

1 1 ° flobem hris 1 611 3

En tred for his copie un de r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlettcalled, The Welsh Mercu ry cfic vjd

Entred un der the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,A p erfect diurnall, d c . d

6° that . 1 643

Entrad unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , thre e pam phlettsv iz‘, Certa in e Inform ac


ons &c hf ercurius Br ita -

1 1 170 1 1 11 &c The PartiamScout &c xvi ij


cohem his

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett calledRem arkeable p assages d c d

7° 1 1 0 8 . 1 643

En tred under the hands of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,Shrop sheires M isery di Mercy Vj


eotm n hie

Entred under the hand of HENRYWA ,LLEY a pam phlett called,The w eekely Accom p t, dis c d

8° flab. 1 643

En tred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY,a pam phlett called.

The Welsh M ercury ctrc d

eohem Bic

En tred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,M ercu r ius C’im cus et c d

9° flab. 1 643

En t 1 ed under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,A letter f 1 0 1 1 1 the p artiam ‘forces at Newp ort, d c vjd

1 0 ° iii-oh. 1 643

Entred by order of the house o f Com ous , A declaraEbn d?

ordinan ce of the Lords A} Com ons assem bled in Parliam ‘, touching the

Great Sca le of England the vid

w ho m hie

En t1 ed under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The true Inf orrne i d c . vj



Maste r Harper.

Geo . B ishop andBohte White .

Fran . Colon andLaw . Blacklock .

Hum phrey B lunden .

6 130 . B ishop andBohte White

Bern. Alsop .

Tho. Bates .

Law . Chapm an .

[Page 62 7. t.e .

62 5]Master Meredith.

Maste r Meredith.

[l l—1 6 No vem ber 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

N. Bourne. aWh

itak er-J

1 1 ° flab. 1 643

En tred for his copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlettcalled horrible (ft strange New es from Ireland et c , by Hen : Lovell d

t ot em hie

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,Certa ine Inf orm acons from senall p tes of the kingdom e d o VJd

eaaem hie

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,A p erfect‘

diurna ll d'


1 3° flab. 1 643

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The k ingdom es w eekely Intelligen ce d o d

eaaem hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phlettsviz‘, M ercurius Br ittam cus the kingdo ms w eekely Intelligen ce &c x



1 4° flab. 1 643

under the hand of HEN : WALLEY , The WeelcelyVJd

eaaem b it

under the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , Mercurius Civicusvjd

1 5° flab. 1 643

En tred under the hand of HENRYWAL LEY , a pam phlett called,The Scotch dove d'c Vj


1 6° flabem brie 1 611 3

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r CRANFORD , a ser mon p rea chedHooker up on DEUTERONOMY the 2 9

“ the 2 4“ 2 .5'h versesvjd

caaem hie

Entred unde r the hand of Master CRANFORD A ve in of the

solem n e League Covenant, &c by T. M. M'of Arts vi


[it in Hom e 1 6—2 1 No vem ber 1 85

Master Meredith.

Master Overton.

Geo. B ishop andBobt White .

Tho. Bates .

Wm . Lee .

Geo. Bishop and3 0 t Whi te .

Fran . Coles andLaw . Blacklock .

Mas ter Grim .

[Page 62 8 ,62 6]Robte Austen .

Master Sparks,Sen“

Master Miller.

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 6° flabem bris 1 643

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Ma ste r CRANFORD a book e calledFor the Soboth breif e som e n ew Argum ents in ye n ew Testam ent d o . byJo : Law son vj


roam his

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called ,A true 18 exact Bela can of the instant estate of Ireland, d o vj‘l

1 7° flab. 1 643

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called ,

The Partiam ‘Scout (fie . vjd

w hom an

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The true Inform er d'

c vj“

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called ,

The Welsh Mercu ry (be d

1 8° flab. 1 61 1 3

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,Certam e Inform a cons , &c d

eaaem ate

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,A p erfect Diurn all (t o Vj‘

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , A true Relaé‘

on ofthe Sk ir mishes a t Ow nley, &c d

1 8° flabem bt ts 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFOBD a book e calledThe Scotch Counceller, &c Vj


2 0 ° flab. 1 643

Entred un der the hands of Maste r WHITE and Maste r MAN

w arden A Treatice called The Pop ish Roya ll favorite &c d

2 1 ° flab. 1 643

Entred under the hands of Maste r WHITE and Maste rMAN w arden a book e called T he tin t Centurie of scanda lous m a li gnan tp re iste d c vj



Geo . B ishop andBohte White

Hum . Blunden .

Bern. Alsop.

Wm 'Lea

Geo . B ishop and8 0 t White.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Geo. B ishop andRobte Whi te .

Law . Chapm an .

Geo . B ishop andRob“ Whi te.

Fran . Coles andLaw . Biaick iock .

[2 1 —2 5 No vem be r 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Car/1 1 11 Reg is]

N Bourne . h.Wftak erj

2 1 ° flob. 1 6413

En tred for the ir copie unde r the hands o f HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle ttcalled , T he 71 1 1 1J1 1 0 1 1 1 es w eekely Intelligen ce d

cohem Bic

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Com p leat Intelligen cer (t o d

2 2 ° £ 0 0 . 1 643

En tred under the hand of HENRY WAI LEY, a pam phlett calleda pam phle tt called, (s ic ) The m eckelJAcco 1 1 1p t &c vjd

eohcm his

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWAL LEY, a pam phlett called,The Welsh MercurJ, 81: 0 . vj


eolm n Bic

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,Mercm iue Britan icus, die . v


cohem his

Entred un der the hand of HENRYWAT.LEY , a pam phlett called,

M e1 cur1 u <1 Civicus (t o vj‘I

2 3° flob. 1 643

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,

The Parliam ent Scout, d

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Scottzsh (lave , £1


2 11 0 flobcm brie 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called ,

The t1 ue Inf ornm r «t o vjd

2 5° flob. 1 643

En tred under the hand of HENRYWAL LEY, a pam phlett called,Certain e Inj brm ac'

one from eevall p tes of the k ingflom e £1:

room his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,A p erfect diurna ll (fee d

Mi ami “ . }N. Bonrne .

Widdow Pum iow .

Mas ter Meredith.

Maste r Meredithand

Sam . Gellibrand.

Master War.Whitaker andMas te r Crook s.

[ Page 63 0 ,62 8]Geo. B ishop andRobte White.

Geo . B ishop andRohte Whi te .

Master B ishop .

Philli p Lane andBern . Alsop.

Geo . B ishop andRobb

,Whi te.

2 7 No vem be r— 1 Decem ber 1 643 ] 87

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 7° flob. 1 643

Entred to 1 he r copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlettcalled, A true Relacon of the great 1 1 1 1 torJ bJ the Parliam t forces n eereChester

2 7° flobem bris 1 643

Entred by orde r o f the hou se of Com ons , signed by Ma sterELSING , 81 subscribed by Maste 1 MAN w arden , A Serm on called Ha ltingat1gm atize 1 l &c, reached Oct . 2 5, at the publique fast be fore the saidhouse , by M r 8 8. w ey, &c vjd

cohem Bic

Ent 1 ed unde r the hand of Maste 1 EL SING by o rde r of theHouse of Com ons subsc1 ibed by Maste r M an w arden , a serm on calledBabilon

’s Ra ine 1h Syons rise ing 1c , preached at the publique fast , Oct .


2 5

by Mr Ben : Wilkinson vj


eohem hie

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rMAN

w arden a book e called A p eaceable p lea f or the goverm en t of the Chuw h ofScotland dtc , by Sam : Rutherford profe sso r o f divinity at S‘Andrew s inScotland vid

2 7° flob. 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,The kingdom ee w eehelJ Intelligencer vj


29° flob. 1 643

En tred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,Mercu rius Britan icus d

30 ° flob. 1 611 3

Entred unde r the hands of SrNATHANIELL BRENT , and Maste rMAN w arden a booke ent ituled De Ann e Civili a c Calenda rio veteris

Eccles ia e sen Rei p ublica e J1 1 1 ta 1 °cae d’éc p Johen Se lden

eohcm hie

Ent 1 e d unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The w eekelJAccom p t vjd

1 ° Ber.

Ent 1 e d un de r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,The Parlia/ m‘Scout &c d


Law . Chapm an .

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright.


Msth. Byu‘



Robte Austen .

Fran . Coles andLaw . Bls ick lock .

Master B ellam y.

Geo. B ishop and80 t White.

Mas ter Overton.

Anth. Wildgeese .

[ 1—5 Decem ber 1 643 .1 1 . Bom e ikwmxa ]

[ 1 9° CCaroli Reg is]

1 ° Bet .

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle ttc ,alled The Scottish dove d'c .

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,Mercurius Civicns cfzc . vj


2 ° Bet . 1 643

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD , a letter fromD' John Bastw ick to M'S‘John , Rom ishp reist VJ


w hom hic

Entred under the hands o f Master CRANFORD , and Maste rWH ITAK ER w arden , A dialogue called Gods voi ce from heaven f ordirection d o . VJ

t ot em hie

But 1 ed under the hands o f Mas ter LANGLEY and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called A p oem entituled, Cam p o Musae &c ,by Cap : Geo : Withe r vj‘l

2 ° Bet . 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,Ce rta ine Inf or macons f m seva ll d o d

collem Bic

Entred unde 1 the hand of HENRYWALL EY, a pam phlett called,A pf ect 11 1 1 1 1 nall (t o VJd

11 ° an . 1 643

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste r MAN

w arden a book e called Sea sona ble (f: comfortable directions how to ccf: ca re the afi icted d o, by Jo : Forbes

cohcm hie

Entre d unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The K ingdom es w eekelJIntelligen cer (he VJd

Ent 1 ed unde r the hand of Maste r CAI AMY and Maste r MAN

w arden a booke ca lled Pow er to be res isted. or a d 1 alogue argne ing the

Part1 11 71 1 " la 1 qf1 1 ll resistan ce of the p ow ers now in Arm es £0 vj"

En tre d by dire ction of Maste r DOWNEHAM , as appeai s by a

note under his hand, a sm all treatice ca lled, The 1young m a ns secondw m m g peece , &c by


Anth 1 Wildg‘0 0 80


Tho. Bates .

Master Pawns.

Geo. B ishop andRobte Whi te.

Bern. Alsop .

Tho . Bates andJohnWright.

Geo. B ishop andBohte Whi teLaw . Chapm an .

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright.Geo. B ishop andRome White.Fm . 0 0 1 88 andLaw . B lacklockGeo. B ishop andBobte White.

[Page 634, i .e .

3 2 ]Law . Chapm an and Entred

[l l—2 0 D ecem ber 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroti Reg is]

N. Bourne 5°Whitak ero]

1 1 ° E 1 1 . 1 643

Entred for his copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlettcalled , The Confess ion obsi 1 1 1 n eJ 1C ignoran ce of Father Bell, 1i’¢ c vjd

Ent 1 ed under the hand of his Excellency the LO : G EN ERALL abook e called The Law es d: ordinances of Warre &c vj


1 3° Berem bris 1 643

Entred unde 1 the hands of Maste r WHITE , and Ma ste r MAN

w arden a book e called The Mistery of in iqu ity et c vjd

com m his

Ent 1 ed unde r the hand of HENRYWAL LEY, a pam phle tt called ,

The kingdom es u eekely Intelligence (fro vjd

w hom his

En t 1 ed unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The w eehelJAccomp t d’f c vjd

1 11 ° Ber. 1 643

Ent 1 ed under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,Mercu rius Cic ione 1f7c vj


cohcm li te

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r WALLEY , tw o pam phle tts ,viz

, Mercur 1°

us B1 1°

ta nnicus The Pa rtiam ‘Scout, &c xij“

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,The Scottish dove d c vjd

Entred unde 1 the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The true Inj orm e1 d

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,Certain e I1 1/ or1 1 1 ac'1'1 ns £70 d

Entred unde 1 the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,A pf ect diu rn ali d o Vj‘l

Butt ed unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called ,

The kingdom es w eekely Intelligen ce 1£~c vjd

2 0 ° merom hris 1 643

unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,MasterWai banck The w eehely Accomp t £0 vjd


‘fm er im m m 2 0 — 2 9 Decem ber 9 1

Tho. Bates.

Geo. B ishop andHome Whi te

Geo . B ishop andRobte Whi te.

Law . Chapman andBern. Alsop .

Tho. Bates .

Geo. B ishop andBohte White.

Fran. Coies andLaw . Blaicklock .

Geo. B ishop andBohte Whi te .

Law . Chapman.

[Page 635, 1° .e .

63 3 ]Edw . Blackm ore.

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 ° Beccm bris 1 643

Entred for his copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlettcalled, M ercu rius Civicus cfic

t ot em hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,

M ercun us Britanni cus &c vjd

2 2 ° Bet . 1 643

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called ,

The Parliam ‘S cout 18,-c .

t ot em his

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called ,

The Scottish dove c!c d

t ot em hie

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The tru e Inform e 1 (t o d

2 3° Bet . 1 643

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYVVALLEY, a pam phle tt called,

Ce 1 ta1 1 1 e Inf orm acons f 1 o1 n sevall cfic d

cohem hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,A p erfect diurnali cfic d

2 6° B 1 1 . 1 643

Ent 1 ed unde r the hand of HENRY WALI EY , The K i ngdm nesu eehelJ Intellige ncer Mercu 1 1


us Britan icns &c

2 8° Bet .

Butt ed unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The w eekely Accom p t VJ


29° mecem bris 1 643

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,A true Rela con of the m arching of the trayn ed bands ch Auanlli ari es (he'



Maste r Bartlett.

Master Daw lman.

Master Dawlm an .

Geo . B ishop andBohte Wh ite.

Law . Chapman.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

[Page 63 6, 1° .e.

63 4]Geo. B ishop and1 1 0 t Whi te .

Law . Biaick lock .

[2 9 D ecem ber—1 January 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

29° Barnabas 1 643

Entred for his copie under the hand of Maste r WHITE , A na rracan ofthe decease death of M

'Pym Esq'

attested under the hands of his

phisi tions, die . d

30 ° 73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 1 61 1 3

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r HENRY ELSING , by orderof the Parliam

, and Maste r MAN w arden , a serm on p rea ched at y‘ late

f as t 2 9“ of Novem ber 1 643 , 1 1po1 1 ZACH : Chap 2 , verse 1 8, 1 9 , &c ,a

byWm Bridge vj


t ot em his

Entred under the hands of Maste r HERLE and Master MAN

w arden , a sm all tract, called, A1 1.Ap ologetica ll Narra‘

c of som e m in isters ,form erly exi les in the Netherlands , 1 1 0 1 0 m em bers of the Assem bly of divin esp'sen ted to the ho"" hou ses of Parlim n

', die , by Tho : Goodw yn, Phill

Nye, Wm Bridge, Jor Burroughs 81 Sidrah Sym pson vjd

cohem his

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,The Partiam ‘Scout (t o

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,The Scottish Dove , ti c d

com m bio

But 1 ed under the hand of HENRY WALLEY, tw o pam phle tts,viz‘M ercur1 1 1 8 C ivicus The true Infor mer (he xijd

1 ° manual?“ 1 643 1 621 3 421 ]

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WAL LEY , tw o pam phle ttscalled, Certain e Inf orma cons f or seva ll p tes of the hm gdom e cfic The

K ingdom es w eekely Intelligen ce xijd

cohem his

Ent1 e d unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,

A pf ect diurna ll &c vjd

Steven Bow tell.

Geo. B ishop andRobte Whi te .

Fran. Cole and

Law . Blacklock .

Peter Cole.

[Page 63 8 , 1° . e .

636]Geo. B ishop andBohte White.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright, Jnu"~

Geo. B ishop andBob“ White .

Law . Chapman.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright .

[6— 1 2 January 1 643 . 1 1 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg /is]

6° 3 11 1 1 1 1 11 t 1 643 [ i .e . 1 61 1 3 1 4]Entred for his copie by orde r of the house of Com ons by con sent ofMaste r MARSHALL , A serm on p rea ched at the funerall of M

’Pym , byd


sa id M'Ma rsha ll d

7° 1 643 [ i . e . 1 643 1 4]Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,

The kingdom es w eekely Intelligence 8120 vjd

8° 361m .

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,The w eekely Accomp t d

eohem his

Entred unde 1 the hand of H ENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,The w eehely con tinuaw n of the Sp ecia ll p assages, 1£-c Vj


solvent his

Entred by orde r of the Com ous hou se of Parliam ‘, of the

Com ittee for Exam inacon of the late de s igne , &c, by Maste r RILEY ando the rs a book e called A cunn ing p lott to dec ide 1% destroy the Pa rtiam '


the citty of London 630 vjd

1 0 ° 3 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 “ 1 643 [ i . e . 1 643 1 4]Entred unde 1 the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,Mercu/r'ius Britanicus cfic d

cohem his

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,

Merc urius Civicus

1 1 ° manne r“En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlett calledcalled , (sic) The Pa rtiam ‘Sco ut (Ge vj


com m his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,The Scottish Dove 1fic VJ


1 2 0 31 1 1 1 1 . 1 61 3 1 643 1 1 ]Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY

, a pam phle tt called,T he true Inform er, &c vj


[i t“ taker. in Batu-no.

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blacklock.

Geo. B ishop andRobbe Whi te.

Bern. Alsop.

Geo. B ishop andRobte White

Fran . Coies andLaw . Blaick lock .

And. Coe .

Robto White andGeo. B ishop.

Fran . Coles andLaw . Blaicklock .

Tho. Bates and

1 3— 1 9 January 95

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

1 3° $11 1 1 . 1 643 [ i . e . 1 6435 11 ]

Entred £0 1 the ir copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle ttcalled, A Rfect Div/m all d’cc vj


cohem hie

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called ,Certa in e Inf orm acons etc vjd

1 6° 3611 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 643 [ i . e . 1 643 44]Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The w eekely Accomp t et c d

eobem hie

En trad unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phle tt , Thekingdom es w eekely Intelligenc e it s vj‘l

cohcm hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,a Con tim taefin of the sp ecial l p assages vjd

1 7° 3 11 1 1 1 1 11 171 1 1 643 [ i . e . 1 61 1 3 1 4]En tred unde r the hands of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,Mercurius Civici ts vj‘l

t ot em Bic

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,Weekely Occurences «fie d

1 8° fianuarii 1 643 [t. e . 1 643 4 11 ]Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The Partiam ‘S cout vj


com m hie

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,A pf ect di urnall (fie d

1 9° 3511 1 1 1 1 11 1 “ 1 643 [ t. e . 1 643 4 11 ]En tred unde 1 the hand o f HENRY WALLEY, a pam phle tt called,

(1The true Inf orm er (t o VJ


Robb White andGeo. B ishop.

Steven Bowtell.

Fran . Egglesfeild.

[Page 640 , 1'.e .

63 8 ]Geo. B ishop andBobte White.

Master Stevens .

JohnWright,Jou f

Tho. Bates andJohnWright,J1 1 1 1 r

Fran. Coles andFran . Leech.

Bern . Alsop and

[2 0 Jannary—l February 1 643 .N- nom e

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 ° Zianuarif 1 611 3 [ i . e . 1 6434 11 ]Entred to 1 the ir cepie under the hand of HENRY WAL LEY , a pam phle ttcalled, Certaine Inf orm aabns d o vj


cohem hie

Entred by orde r of the Lords Com ous in Pa1 liam en t Aserm on called A sacred Panegirick et c by Steven Marshall B .D d

2 2 ° manner“ 1 61 1 3

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,A Com p endious true Narradbn of the late seige of Plim oth dzo vjd

2 6° manual?“ 1 643 [t. e . 1 643 44]Entred unde r the hands of Maste r JAM ES CRANFORD and

Maste r JOHN LANGLEY, and Maste r MAN w a1 den a bo ok e called Theh1 story of the ref orm a c


bn of the Chu rch of Scotland con teyn ing 5 book es .

Togeither w th som e treatices conducing to the history d o vjd

2 9° 3 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 “ 1 611 3 [ i . e . 1 643 1 11 ]Entred under the hand of HENRYWAL LEY

, a pam phle tt calld


The k ingdom es w eekelg/ Intelli-gencer vjd

cohem hie

Entred under the hands of Ma ster DOWNHAM and Ma ste r MAN

w arden a booke called A Tossed ship m aking to safe harbor, or, a w ord inseason to a sink ing kingdom s d o, by Sam : Boniton vj


3 0 ° Sim m er“ 1 643 [ i .e . 1 611 3 1 4]But1 ed by orde r of the Lords as sem bled in Parliam en t, Thedeclaraébn of the k ingdom es of England 1h Scotland et c d

1 ° $1 1 1 1 . 1 643Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY

, a pam phle tt called,Mercuri us Civicus &c Vjd

cohem Bic

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phlett called,A continua con of the sp ecia li p assages (fro d

com m hie

Entred under the hand of HENRYWAL LEY, a pam phle tt called,The w eekely Acco'mp t, 1ftc vjd


Mas ter Miller.

The . Bancks.

Bern. Alsop.

Law . Chapman.

Rich. Horne.

Fran. Lw ch andFran. Cole.

The . Bates andJohn Wright.

Hum ph. Toy.

Law . Chapman .

[5—8 February 1 643 .N Dom e - i J

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

so 41 1 1 1 1 . 1 61 1 3 [ i .e . 1 61 1 3 1 4]Entred for his copie un de r the hands of Maste r CAR ROLL and Maste rMAN w arden, A serm on ca lled Christa subm is s ion to his fathers w ill die . byM r Estw ick . Vi


so df ehr. 1 611 3 [ i .a. 1 643 44]Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,Anti -Au li cus, (t o. vj

6° Antiw ar“ 1 643 [ i . s . 1 61 1 3 1 4]Entred unde r the hands of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,M orea rm e Anglw us , vj“

t ot em hie

En tred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,

Mercurius d o d

t ot em hie

But 1 ed under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The w eehsly Accomp t (ffc vj


7° £ 1 1 1 1 3 1 61 1 3 [ i .e . 1 643 1 4]Entrad unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The Merchants R em on stran ce et c vjd

reheat Bic

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle tt called,A co ntinuac'

on of som e p assages, (t o d

cohem hie

Entred under the hand of HENRYWAL LEY a pam phle tt called,M ercurius Cic ione, (t o d

so 471 1 1 1 . 1 643 [ i . e . 1 643 44]Entred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett cal



ed ,

VJAnti -Aulicus etc

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of H ENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Scottish dove , d'c vj


[kw h i ch N» Bourne .

Andr. Coo.

Geo. B ishop andRobert White .

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Fran . Coles andLaw . Blaick iock .

Geo . B ishop and3 0 t Whi te.

Edw . Husbands.

Geo. B ishop andRobte Whi te .

Law . Chapm an and

Bern. Alsop.

8— 1 5 February 99

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is ]

8° 471 1 1 1 . 1 643 [ t. e . 1 61 1 3 44]Entred for his copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phle ttcalled, Occu rrences from sevallp les , et c vjd

t ot em m’


Bat 1 ed under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called ,

The Parliam ent Scout, cfic vid

9° Jl'

chr. 1 61 1 3 [ t. e . 1 643 1 4]En tred under the hand of Mas te r ADONIRAM BIEEILD , s cribeto the Assem bly of divine s , An exhortaé


bn to the tak ing of the solem ne

league cf: Covena nt f or ref orm ac‘

on cf: defence of religw n , Ate vjd

1 0 0 m m . 1 61 3 [ i . e . 1 61 3 1 1 ]Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a

pam phle tt called ,

The true Info rm er, &c vj‘l

colm n hie

En tred under the hand of HENRY VVAL LEY, a. pam phle tt called,A pf ect d1 1 1 r1 1 al l (fie Vj‘1

t ot em hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,BIercum us Brittanw us , 81 0 vj


1 1 ° J cbtuarif 1 61 1 3 [t. e . 1 643 1 1 ]Butl ed by orde r of the Com ous in Parliam en t The Ordinanceso] bot/1 houses w th 1 nstr1 1 ccons f or taking the league (f: Covenant, cf: the

league cf: Covena nt w th the Com ons nam es to 1 t, &c vjd

1 3 0 471 1 1 1 . 1 61 3 1 611 3 4 11 ]En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY

, a. pam phle tt called,The kingdom es w eekely Intellzgence d

1 1 ° am t . 1 61 3 [ t. e . 1 61 3 1 1 ]Butt ed unde 1 the hand of HENRYWAL LEY , a pam phle tt called,The w eekely Accom p t, (fro vj


1 5° f obm arii 1 643 [t. e . 1 643 44]Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called .

M ercur 1 us C1 v1 c 1 1 s &0 VJ‘1

1 0 0

Fran. 0 0 188 andLaw . Leech.

Geo. B ishop andBohte Whi te .

Law . Chapman .

Master Rothw eil.

Mas ter Hem e.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Fran. Coies andLaw . Blaickiock .

Geo. B ishop andBobte Whi te.

[Page 647 ,Bobte Bostock.

[ 1 5—1 9 February 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Carols

' Reg is ]

N. 8 0 1 1 14 1 0 d w .

tak er.]

1 5° ” 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 “ 1 643 [ i . e . 1 643 1 1 ]

Entred for their copie under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phle ttcalled called, (sic) A cont1 nua con of the p assages v‘j‘I

[The christian nam e of the se cond publishe r w as clea 1 ly a cle ricale rror for Francis . See previous and subsequent entrie s .

oooom bio

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, tw o pam phle tts

(viz‘) The Partiam ‘Scout Certam e Inf orm a cons d o xij


room hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Scott1 sh dove, d c vj


1 60 m m . 1 61 3 [ i . e . 1 61 3 1 1 ]Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r WHITE , and Maste r MAN

w arden a booke called A look ing-

glasse f or Malignants d c vjd

solvent his

Entred unde r the hands of S’NATE : BRENT, and Ma ster MAN

w arden a book e called The p rehem inence (f: p ed1 gree of Parl1 am " &c

by M’How ell vj“

1 7° J ohn 1 61 3 [ i . e . 1 61 3 1 1 ]Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a


pam phlett called,The tr ue Inform er (t o vjd

cooom his

Entred un de r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,A p erfect diurna ll, (fie vj


room 11 1:

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWAL LEY, a pam phle tt called,Mercurm s Br1 ttan icus d o

1 90 J obs. 1 61 3 [ 1 1 , 1 61 3 1 1 ]Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste r MAN

w arden a booke called The good Sam ari tans Ten serm ons p reached a t

S‘Mary Woolnoth 1 1 1 Lom ba rd street by M 'Josiah Shute vjd

A leaf has been torn out of the Reg ister here .

1 0 2

Master Overton.

Master Selle.

Fran. Cole and

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Andr. Cos .

[ Page 649,647 ]Master Brewster.

Master S tevens .

Law . Chapm an and

BernardAlsop .

Math. Sym m ons.

[2 7 February— 2 March 1 643 .N Jom e - { is’tthm erj

[ 1 9° Caroti Reg is]

2 7° Jf ohr. 1 61 3 1 611 3 4 11 ]En tred for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR

, and Maste rMAN w arden a. booke called A m odest (f: brotherly answ ers to M ' Cha rlesHerle his booke ag

"the Inclep ency of Chu rches by Wm Mather Wm

Thom pson V1 “

rohem his

En tred unde 1 the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,Irelands Lam enta con by Le if” Col. Chidley Coote . VJ


2 3 0 J ohn 1 61 3 [i .s . 1 61 1 34 11 ]En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a

pam phle tt called ,

A continuacon of the p assages (to VJd

room his

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called ,

Mercurius Civi cus Via

29 areas. 1 61 3 [i . e . 1 643 4 11 ]

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,Occu rrences &c

1 ° m art“ 1 643 [ i .e . 1 61 1 3 44]

En t 1 ed under the hands o f Maste r CRANEO RD , and Maste 1MAN w arden , A bre 1j 'e narracon of som e Church courses genera lity held i n

op in ion cf: p ractice by the churches &c vJd

room his

Entred unde 1 the hand of Maste 1 HERLE, and Master MAN

w arde n , a serm on p reached at the f unerali of M’Richard Moore , Esq'd

byMr Hardw ick vjd

room Bic

En t 1 ed unde r the hand o f HENRY WAL LEY , tw o pam phle tts(viz

‘) The w eekely Accomp t The Scottish dove &c 1 1 i

2 ° {M M 1 643

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r BACHELOR , a sm all tractcalled , A coote conference betw een the Scottish Com issioners cleered ref or.

m ac—ou (f: the Holland M in isters Ap ologeticatl Na rration (fro vJ



[i nw alker. }No 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 .

Bohte White.

John Feild.

John Feud.

Bohte White .

[ Page 650 ,648)Geo. B ishop.

Bern. Alsop.

Master Sparks.

Tho. Underhill.

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright.

4—6 March 1 0 3

[ 1 9° Car'oli Reg is]

40 m art“ 1 643 [ i . e . 1 643 94]Entred for his copie s unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phle ttscalled , The k ing/dom es w eekely Intelligen er (sic ) The Scout et c xij


com m his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called ,

Mercurius Vapu lans, &c VJd

t ot em his

En tred by o rder from m y Lo : GENERALL , a pam phle tt called ,

M ercu rius Bri tann i cus &c VJ“

room his

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlett, theOrford Spi e , &c d

so 1 1m m 1 611 3 1 61 1 3 1 11 ]Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,

The kingdom es w eekely In telligen cer VJ'


5° M at tie 1 61 3 [ i .e . 1 643 4 11 ]Entred unde 1 the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called ,

The M'ilhtary Scribe , d c d

room his

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY, tw o pam phle ttsviz The w eehely Accomp t Mercuri us Veri dicus &c xij


6° m art“ 1 643 [ i . e . 1 64354]Entred unde r the hands of Maste r WHITE , and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , three booke s (viz

‘) A Sovera igne An tidote to p reve nt

appease (f: determ in e 0'na tura ll ci

; destru ctive Cie i ll w a rre -c A v indi

cation of PSAL . 1 0 5. 1 5. 81 0 , And A Moderate Ap ology in answ ers to som e

p a ssages in a booke called The Prehem inence of Parlia f

m'd o , all the sa id

booke s com posed by M rWInn Pryn, of Lincolnes Inne Esqr xvi iJd

cohcm his

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD , and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called the bi rth p r ivi ledge (t o VJ


Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWax.LEY, a pam phlett called,Mercuriu s Civi cus (fie d

1 0 4

Fran. Cole andFran. Leech .

Peter Cole.

Bern. Alsop.

Law . Chapm an.

Fran . Cole andLaw . Blacklock.

Master Overton.

Master Meredith.

Ba. Bovm nthwalt.

Ba. Bownthwait.

[7—1 1 March 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

N. Bournfi 5.w h en ]

70 m art“ 1 61 1 3 [t. e .

En tred for the ir copie un de r the hand of HENRY WAL LEY , a pam phle ttcalled, The cont1 n 1 1 acon of the passages . vjd

room his

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM , a sm all trac tcalled, The Trum p eter &c V'j


room his

En tred under the hand of HENRY WAL LEY , a pam phlett calledThe Anato m y of the Fren ch (f: Span ish faction 81 0 . d

so m art“ 1 61 3 [ i .e . 1 643 4 11 ]Entred by order of the house of Com ous , a serm on p rea chedy' 2 8“ of


Febr .being a solem n e day of hurm hac'

bn before y ho“ ‘ ho use ofCam one , by M'Young . d

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Scottish done, (t o vj


so m an“ 1 643 1 643 44]En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll, &e d

n o m art“ 1 611 3 [ i . e .

En tred unde r the hands of Mas ter CARYLL , and Maste r MANw arden , a tract, called , Gosp ell Musick &c by D‘Hom es vj


room his

Entred unde r the hands of Master HERLE and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a se rm on called , The Angell of the church of Ephesu s&c by Constant Jessup vjd

cohem his

Entred unde r the hands of Master HERLE , and Maste r MANw arden , a sm all tract, called, Hulls p illa r of p rovidenc e (ire vjd

t ot em his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD , andMaste rMAN

w arden , (re se rving eve ry m an s right) tw o litle tra cts , Viz‘, An answ ers toan Ep istle of a f ew desi ring ye know ledge of Christian Religion &c . a

Short ve iw of the Pers ia n Mona rchy be i ng 1 1 p esos of Beroaldus w orks 81 0 ,by M

” Hugh Broughton, &c . xijd

1 0 6

Master Hem e.

Master Bellam y.

Bsph Sm ith.

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blackjack .

Master Overton.

[Page 654, si s.

652 ]Master Bellam y.

John Felld.

Geo. B ishop.

Bern . Alsop.

[ 1 6— 2 0 March 1 643 .

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

N. Bourne fig;Witshm ]

1 6° m art“ 1 643 [i . e . 1 6434 ]

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT , and Mas te rMAN w arden a bo ok e called A translaG


on out of Italian into Englishcalled, S‘Pants late p rogresse up on earth (t o vj‘1

solvent his

Entred unde r the hands of Master BACHILOR and Maste r MAN

w arden , (salvo iure cuiuscunque ) a book e called The diocescans tria ll

w here in all the sinnew s of do Dow nham s defence are brought into 3 heads&c, by M

r Paul Bayne vj‘1

t ot em his

Entred under the hand of Maste r BIFEILD , A Letter from the

Assembly of divin es to the R eform ed Chu rches beyond seas in Latyn 1h

English VJd

com m his

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt ca lledA pf ect diurna ll &c vj

1 8° m art“ 1 643 [i . e . 1 6434 ]

Entred under the hands o f Maste r BACR IL OR and Maste r MAN

w arden a booke calledM . S. to A. S. An an sw ers to A S : his observaéh ns


ons up on the ap ologeticall narracon , som e m odest toucheson the Letter from Zealand cf: an Ans w ers to M' Parkers letter from New

England d

1 9° M art“ 1 643 [i .e . 1 6434 ]

En tred under the hands o f Maste r JAM ES CRANEORD and

Maste l MAN w arden a book e called A treatise of M ona rchy w“a vind i

cation of the sam e treaties in Ans w ers to D'Ferri e s R ep lie , both done bythe sam e author (t o vj


w hom his

En tred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,The Sp ie from Oxford 81 0 vjd

2 0 ° m art“ 1 643 [is 1 6434 ]

Entred under the hand o f HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,The Mi llitary Scribe &c vj


com m his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY a“

pam phle tt called,The w eekely Accomp t &c VJ

[h“ tan n in Bourne .

Fran. Cole andLaw . Blaicklock .

Tho. Bates andJohn e ght.

Fran. Coles.

Law . Blalck lock .

Peter Cole.

[Page 655,653 ]

Law . Chapm an.

Andr. Coe.

Tho. Bawe and

2 1 March 1 643—2 6 March 1 0 7

[ 1 9° Caroli Reg is]

2 1 ° m m “ 1 643 [i . e . 1 643 s 4]

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phld


called, The Co ntinua sen of the w eekly passages vjd

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phle tt called,

Mercurius Civicus &c vjd

t ot em hie

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY a pam phle tt called,An Eccoe or the trum p etts triump h, &c vj


com m hie

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY a pam phlett called,An exa ct rela con of the last n ew ss from his Excellen cy, the LO : Genera ll ofthe Scottish Arm is &c 'G'j


2 5° 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 643

Entred by dire ction approbac‘

on of Le itten‘Colonell BURY ,a R elaé


on of the seige of New arke &c d

2 6° m art“ 1 6411

Entre d for his cop ie unde r the hand of MasterCRANFORD and Maste rw arden a book e ca lled a M edia ns f or Ma lignan cy or a

p arliam‘P1 ll to p

u1 ge

ou t the M 61 1 1Jnan t hum ors of m en dw


ected to the

p ubli ck . d

t ot em his

Entred under the hand of HENRYWAI I EY, a pam phle tt called,

The Scottuh Dave , «i s . d

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,Occurrences, &c vj


Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt called,The tru e Inform er , &cEntred under the hand o f HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phle tts ,viz', A pj sct D 1urna ll &c The Con tinuaé


én d o xijd

1 0 8

John Peild.

Geo . B ishop.

Bohte White.

Bobte White.

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright.

[Page 656, i .s.

654]Baw . Husbands .

John Wri ght, Jun i

Bohte White.

3 0 t White.

Master Stevens.

[2 6 - 3O MarCh 1 644 .N

[ 1 9°—2 0

° Caroli Reg is]

2 6° m art“ 1 644

En tred for his cepie under the hand of H ENRY WALLEY , a pam le ttcalled, The Sp i efrom Oxford &c d

En tred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called ,

The M 1 llitary Scribe , &0 VJ “Entred by order of the LORD GEN ERALL , a pam phlett called,Mercu rius Britannicu s ‘Vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f HENRY WALLEY,four pam phletts ,

viz‘, Tw o Parlia 1 1 1 ‘ Scouts , Bri tta ines Rem em brancer The k ingdom ss

Intelligence ij'

2 8° 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 644

But1 ed unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phle tt called,Mercurius Civi cus &c vjd

2 8° m art“ 1 644

Entred by order o f the house , A decla rac'

on of both houses ofPartiam ', occat1 on ed by his Ma

‘ late letter tou ching a Treaty f or p ea ce , andsevall other m atters there1 n conteynsd vj‘1

i°oa his

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r BROWN E , Clark e of the

Lords house of Parliam ‘, by o rde r of the said Lords house , An o1 di 1 1 a 1 1 se

of both hou ses f or the w eekely m eals 81 0 . d

2 8° M art“ 1 644

Entred by orde r of MY LORD GENERALL , a pam phlett called,Brittan icus &c vj“

1 0 11 1 1 1 1 his

Entred unde r the hand ’

of HENRY WALLEY , tw o pam phle tts ,viz‘, Bri tta ines Rem em bran cer The hm gdom es Intelligence vj


3 0 ° m art“ 1 611 11

Ent 1 ed unde r the hands o f Maste r WHITE , and Maste r MAN

w arden , a decla rac by Sir Edwa rd Deer 1 ny, w th his p sticfi n to the houseof Com ons , &c vjd

En tred under the hands o f Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste r MAN

w arden a booke called Bab1 lon s beauty or the Bonn eh Catholicke sw eetha rt et c by John Vikars vj


Eviden tly a clerical error for xud.

1 1 0

Fran. 0 0 183 and

Law . Leech .’

Born. Alsop.

Law . Chapman andLaw . B lacklock .

Andr. Coe .

Tho. Bates .

Master Butter.

Master Bellam y.

Tho . Bates andJohn Wright

[4—1 0 April 1 644 .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

4° astute 1 644

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phle ttcalled, The Co ntm uaéb nof y'Sp ecia ll p assages

eohsm his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY, 2 pam phle tts called,M ercur ws Veredicus the w eekely Accom p t &c xijd

am ine 1 644

Entred unde r the hands of HENRYWALLEY , 2 pam phletts called,M ercurius Cirion s, 81 0 W W W

cottem his

Entred under the hand of HENRYWALLEY, a pam phlett called,The Scottzsh Dove &c vj


eohem his

Entred under the hand of HENRY WALLEY , a pam phlett called,The Occurrences &c Vjd

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett, called ,

The tru e Inform er d

6° g ot . 1 644

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste 1WHITAKER w arden a booke called The devout souls 16 the free pr isoner &c .by Bp . Hall . vj


1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and MasterMAN

w arden a booke calledAlleageance no t imp ea ched &c by Bohte Austen, D .D .


cohem his

Entred unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY tw o pam phle tts ,viz‘A pf ect diu rna l! The Con tinuaé



m of the sp ec ia ll passages xijd

1 0 ° agi tate 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of HENRYWALLEY , a pam phlett called ,

M srcur ius Cw icus &c vjd

‘The chris tian nam e o f this publisher w as “ Francis . ” See previous andsubsequen t en tries .

[i .Wtak er dN- Bfl lm fi 1 1 °— 1 6 April 1 1 1

Fran. Eggles i'


Law . Chapm an.

Nicholas Tow .

Tho. Bates .

Tho. Paine.

8am . Enderby.

[2 0° Caroti Reg i s]

n o am . 1 644

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of HENRY WALLEY, a pam phle ttcalled A Rela con of Colonell Laugha rne others thei r p roceedings inreducing of Pem brooks, &c vjd

cohem his

Entred under the hand o f HENRYWALLEY, a pam phle tt calledthe Scottish does the Vjd

1 2 ° ap t . 1 644

En tred unde r the hand of M aste r Rc snw on 'rn , a pam phle ttcalled, Occu rrences &c vjd

t ot em his

Entre d unde r the hand of Mas te r BOOKER , a Plate , called theSeam ans guide, inven te d by

1 3° aprilie 1 644

En tred unde r the hands of Maste i RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt

called, The true Inf orm er &c vjd

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD , and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a se rm on , called, A cordia ll f or a fighting Chr1 s t1 an&c . , by M

r Bolton VJd

w hom his

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phld

e tt

called A pf sct diurnall &c vjd

1 6° apt . 1 644

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste 1 CRANFORD and Ma s te rWHITAK ER w arden a book e called A tru e Trea su ry , or thirty holy vow cs ,

s o . by Phill : Shippon VJ“

1 1 th April 1 644. Upon read ing som e passage s in a pam phle t , w here inSir R ichard Onsloe w as scandalized :

I t is ordered , That no pam phle t shall be prin ted, but by the ap probation andallow ance o f M r John Rushw orth ; w ho is requ ired to ta ke espec ial] care , w ha tpam phle ts are licensed , and w ha t tha t ] M r Walle y that w as form erly a p po in tedto lice n ce the sam e , be discharged there o f.Journals of the House of Com m ons .

Vol. 3 , p . 457.

1 1 2

Tho. Underhlll.

Robte Bostock.

Fran. Cole andLaw . Leech.’

Tho. Bates and

Bobt. Whi te .

Thom as Bates andJohnWright.

Mas ter Lee, Jcm ;


Master Pakem an.

JohnWright, Junh

[ 1 7—2 4 April 1 644 .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

1 7° ant . 1 6411

Ent 1 ed for his copie unde 1 the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, A true R elacon of the vi ctory a t Sethey obteyn ecl bJ the LO

com m b io

Entred by order of the house of Com ous , a serm on p reacheda t the late f ast, Ma rch : 1 644 ” by Geo : Gillespie Vj


colm n his

Ent1 ed unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, The Con tinuacon «t o

1 8° ap t . 1 6411

Entred under the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phlettcalled, Mercurius Civicus vjd

1 8° aprilia 1 641 1

En tred under the hands o f M aster BACHELOR and Master MAN

w arden a book e called An answ eare to Adam Stew a rt his rep ly to the CooleConference &c d

Entred under the hands of HENRY WALLEY , and MasterRUSHWORTH , 8 pam phle tts viz‘ 3 p arliam

‘ Scouts , 3 Intelligen ces2 Brittan icus i iij


Butl ed under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phlettcalled, “ The true Inform er ” &c Vj‘l

2 0 ° m m 1 611 21

Entred unde r the hands of Se rgean t ROLLS and Mas te r MAN

w arde n a booke called The thi rd p te of the In stitutes of the Low es ofEngland Concerning Treason other p leas of the Crow ns (t o, w ri ttend

bySr Edw : Cook e, lm


2 2 ° aprilia 1 611 4

Entrad by orde r of the Lords house of Parliam ‘, A clecla -ra c‘ on

of both houses of Pliam ‘up on the la te p roclam a tion of the king, &c vjd

2 1 ° am . 1 641

Entrad unde r the hands of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, Mercurius Civi cus &c vj‘l

The christian nam e o f this publisher w as Franc is."

1 1 4

[ Page 662 , i .s.

660 ]Robu White.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Law . Blackl

Law . Chapm an

John Wright, Jun"

Master S tevens.

Master Stevens.

Hum . Blunden.

Master Bellamy.

[Page 663 , i .e .

66 1 ]Tho. Paine.

[9— 1 4 May 1 644 .

[2 0° Caroti Reg




9° £3 1 1 1 1 1 611 4

En trad for his copie s unde r the hand o f Ma ste r RUSHWORTH , threepam phle tts , vi z

‘, tw o K ingdom es Intelligencers one Pa rliam e nt Scout , &c

xvi ijd

1 1 ° m an 1 644

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , three pam

phle tts (v iz‘) Tw o Mercuriu s C ivicus 81 one True Infor m er &c xvi ij


room his

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect 1 1 1 1 1 1 na ll &c d

room his

Ent 1 ed by o 1 de r of the Lo 1 ds in Par”, tw o Ordinan ces of theLords d} Com o ns i n Partiam ‘for the sp eedy dem o lishing of a ll Organ s ,Im ages a ll m ann e1 oj sup stitious m onum ents &c vj


room his

Entred by c i de r of the Com on s house of Parliam ‘a Serm on

pre ached at 59 “ Ma 1 gare tts We stm ', be fo re the sa id hob" house , upon the

day of the ir publik e fi'

ast, Apr 1 644 , by Mr Greene vj


eohem his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CAR ILL and Maste rWHITAKER w a 1 den 1 1 book e called a d 1scourse touching the adm in zstra con

of things com aunded in Scr 1p t 1 1 re &c, by John Ow en d

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r CRANFORD, a tract called,

The doct 1 1 us of the An tm om ians confuted i n an Answ ere to divers dangerousdo ctrm es in y serm ons of D' Crisp s &c, by Stephen Geree vj


1 3° 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 644

Entred a R elacon of the tak ing of Lincolns by the Ea rle ofMan chester dbc vj

1 4° m aid 1 644

Entred unde r the hands of Master CRANFORD, and Maste r

MAN w arde n , A se rm on called, S‘Pa uls challenge , or the Churches Tr iu m ph

by Jor Leech of Bow vjd

The w ord Sa in t w as afte rw ards crossed through.

[ShWi nk" . iN 1 4— 2 3 May 1 1 1 5

Tho. Underhlll.

Master Overton.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Master Meredi th .

Master Overton.

MasterWalbanck .

Bohte Whi te.

Maste r Bellam y.

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

1 14° m utt 1 6411

En tred for his copie unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH a p t1 cularR elacon of the sevall Rem oves serv1 oss 1h su ccesses of the right hob“ the

Earle of Manchester &c .

roocm h is

Entred unde r the hands of Ma ste r BACHELOR , and Maste rMAN w arden a bo ok e called Of the keyes of the kingdom s of heaven cf: the

p ow er thereof according to the w ord of god, tend ing to recon cile the

Presbi teriall congrega tiona ll di scip lin e called by som e indep endent , byJohn Cotton, teache r Of the w o rd of God at Bo ston i n New England


1 6° M a“ 1 611 4

Butt ed under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, M ercuriu s Civicus &c vjd

2 0 ° M att 1 644

En tred by o rder of the house of Com ous , a serm on prea ched at

Margare tts We stm in ste r, the 2 4th of April] 1 644 be ing the so lem ne fastday, called Rup ee Israeli s the R ock of I sraell &c, by D

r Stanton d

2 3° M att 1 611 11

Entred unde r the hands o f M aste r CRANFORD and Maste rMAN w arden a Serm on called a di scovery of p eace or the thoughts of




alm ighty, die , by M r

Strickland &c vjd

com m hie

Entred under the hand of Master RUSHWORTH , tw o pam

phle tts, v iz ,Che 1fe heads of each dayes p roceedings in p arliam '&c The

exact diary, &c 1 i

” at“ 1 644

by orde r of MY LORD G EN ERAL L , tw o pam phle tts , vizTWO Brittan icusses xij


t ot em hie

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , flive pam phle tts(v iz

‘) three Scouts tw o Intelligences ij


eohem his

En tred under the hands o f M aste r BACHELOR and Maste rWHITAKER w arden . a book e called Precep ts f or Chri stian p racti ce &c

1 1 6

Edw . Blackm ore.

Law . Blacklock.

Master Hem e.

Tho. Bates .

Fm . Coles .Law .

Thom as Palne.

MasterWslbanok .

[ Page 665, Le .

663 ]MasterWalbanck

JohnWright, Juh f

2 4 Ma — 1 June 1 644 .Y

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 14° M a“ 1 644

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH, An Extra ct

or Man-

{fest of the Prince of Transi t-

van ia &c vjd

2 5° m aii 1 644

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r ELSING , Clark e of the

Com ons house of Parliam , An Ordinan ce of Pa rtiam ‘f or the better

Execution of the form er Ordinan ces f or sequestration of delinquentsp ap ish estates &c vj

2 8° m an 1 644

Entred unde r the hands o f Sr NATHANI ELL BRENT , and MasterMAN w arden a boo ke called Englands tea res (t o byM'Jam es How ell,Esqr


com m hie

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt,called, Mercur ius Civi cus , &c vj‘1

3 0 th M a“ 1 644

En tred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett ,called, A pj ect diurnall, &c d

cohcm hie

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rMAN w arde n a book e called England s R em em bran cer, or a w a rn ing om

heaven , (to

com m hie

Entred by o rde r of the Lo rds Com o ns in Parliam tan order

of the Lords it: Com ons f or M' Sollicitor

s doeing a ll Act-s w ch ought tobe done by M

'Attorney genera ll, &0

1 ° 31 1 1 11 “ 1 644

Entred under the hand o f Master RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, An exa ct D ia ry &c Vj“

com m hie

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r HERL E a booke calledAhabbsfall by his f als e flatteries &c, by the said M’Herle vj


1 1 8

Robert Bostock .

Fulke Clifton.

Tho. Underhill.

Master Crooke.

MasterWalbanck .

MasterWslbanck .

[Page 667, { .e.

665]Rich. Best.

JohnWright,Jun “

[ 1 3—1 7 June 1 N1

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

1 3° 351 1 1 1 6; 1 61 1 11

But 1 ed for his copie unde r the hands o f Mastc i CRANFORD and Maste rMAN w arden , An An otam y of Indep enc y by a breef e Com entary on the

Ap ologeticall Narracon , &c of the fiive [?five ] authors thereof &c vj‘l

1 4° 3 1 1 1 1 “ 1 61 1 11

Butt ed unde r the hands of Maste r e s and Maste rCARIL L and Master MAN w arden a booke called Ca thedrall n ew es fromCanterbury &c d

1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r Rusn w onrH , a pam phle ttcalled, A Rela con of Occurrences from the un ited forces in the North &cvjd

1 5° 351 1 1 1 “ 1 611 11

Entred unde r the hand of Master CARILL . a tract calle d,Confiding England under Confli cts &c d

1 0 11 1 1 1 1 hie

Butt ed unde r the hand o f M aster RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phletts(viz

‘) The Exact Diary &0 a Relacon touching the releif e of Lym e xij


com m Bic

En tred by order o f the house of Com ous , An Ordinan ce ofParlia m ent f or Sergeant Ma ior Brow ne , the

1 6° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phletts,v iz , Hulls m anag ing of the hingdom es cau se , &c , and A letter from m yLord of Wa 1 w i ck f or the releif e of Lym e , &c xij

1 7° 3 1 1 1 1 65 1 6411

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, A pf ect D iurna ll vjd

room his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r BROWN E Clarke of the Lo rdshouse of Parliam ent, That the Com ittee of the M i litia of London 81 0 vj


2 4— 2 8 Jun e 1 1 9

Master Selle.

Master Bellam yand

Master Stevens.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright .

Lew . Blacklock .Fran . ColesLaw . Chapuian .

Bobte Whi te .

Mas terWalbanck .

Master Meredi th.

Master Meredith.

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 11 ° $1 1 11 “ 1 644

Entred for his copie un de r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH, a pam phle ttcalled, New esfrom the seige before Yorke, being a Letter, it the PrOp osicons

w ch w ere sent interchangeably betw eene the hi arquese of New castle at the

three Genera lls d

c0 3 m 3 1 1

En tred under the hands o f Mas te r HERL E and M aste rWHITAKER w arden , A serm on called, The good old w ay gods w ay to soulerefreshing rest &0 , by Tho : Hill

1 0 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1

Entred under the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH, tw o pam phle tts

v iz‘, M ercuri us C 1vicus the tru e Inform er &c xija

1 0 3 1 1 1 1

Entred under the hand of Master RUSHWORTH, a pam phle ttcalled, A pf ect diurna ll d o vj


2 7° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 644

En t1 ed unde r the hand o f Master RUSHWORTH , 8 pam phle tts ,vi z‘

, thre e Intelligences , three Scouts , tw o Brittan icu s i i ij'

2 7° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 644

But1 ed unde r the hands of Maste r CAL LAMY and Maste 1 MAN

w arden a book e called A p rosp ective gla sse &c vjd

2 8° $1 1 11 “ 1 644

Entred under the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH,thre e pain

phle tts , viz ,tw o Exact Diaries a Re la con of the p a ssages at Lym e , &c

xvi ijd

1 0 3 91 1 1 3 1 1

Entred by orde r of the house of Com ou s , and Maste rWHITAKER w a 1 den , A serm on p reached before the hob“ house of Com ons

a t thei r m onthly fast May by Peter Sm i th, Drof D iv in ity


1 0 3 m 3 61

Entred unde r the hands o f Master CAL AMY and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , A Letter discovering the cause of Gods conceiveingw rath aga inst the Nation 850 by Nath. Rogers vj


1 2 0

Master Overton.

8 11m . Enderby.

Tho. a cett.

[ Page 669 , { . e .

6 0 7 ]Sam . Gelllbrand.

[2 8 June— Q July 1 544 .No Bourne

[2 0° Caroti Reg is]

2 8° 3 1 1 1 1 17 1 611 11

En tred for his cepie unde r the hands o f M as te r BACHELOR and Maste rVVHH AK ER w a rden , a booke called An a nsw ers to W . R . his na rra can ofthe Opin ions cf: p ra ctices of the chu rches la ted erected in New England,


dscby Tho . Weldes vjd

1 ° 351 1 1 1 ; 1 644

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CARILL and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a short discourse called the Rock , or, a setted hart inunsetled tym es , byWm Jem m e tt d

Entred under the hand of Maste 1 RUSHWOR'LH a pam phle ttcalled, The Cort Mercury, &c vj


2 ° $1 1 1 1 ; 1 644

En t 1 ed by orde r o f the hob" house of Com on s a Serm on

en titu led Heaven ravished, (he , be ing preached on the fas t day be fore thehob" house May 2 9, 1 644 , by Henry Hall Vj‘1

1 0 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1

Entred under the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt ,The pf ect diurna ll

1 2 2

[Page 67 1 , { .e .


Master Bellam y.

Math. Symm ons.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

MasterWalbanck .

Master Walbanck .

MasterWalbanck .

[ 1 5—2 2 July 1 644 .n. nae- 1 1 1

111 11 11 1 1 ]

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

1 5° 1 644

Entred for his copie under the hand o f Mas te r DOWNEHAM and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a book e called The kernell of Christian ity &c ,


byFran . Peck, m in iste r o f Harford . vj


1 0 3 1 1 1 1 3 61

Entred under the hand of Master DOWNEHAM and Maste rPARK ER w a 1 den , The Judgm en t of Martin Bucer con cern ing dive rsew ritten to King Edw . y i n his second book e of the hingdom


e of Chri st,englished by M'Milton vj


1 6° 1 644

Entred under the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phlettscalled, The pf ect Diurna ll 81 The Con tinuaé‘on xijd

1 7° 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Master RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phletts ,vi z‘, M ercur1 us Civicus the tr ue Inform er xij


1 9° 1 644

Butt ed under the hand of Master RUSHWORTH , three pamphletts, (viz

‘) Tw o Exact Diaries a Relacon of Yorke llvi ij


2 2 ° 1 61411

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWOR'I‘H, a pam phle ttcalled, A true Relacon of the Queen ss goeing to the Brest in the West ofFrance

1 0 3 1 1 1 1 3 61

Entred unde 1 the hand of Master RusHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, The Articles of the Surrende r of the GM }; of Yort e , togeither w than Esp lanacon of som e p te of the Articles

2 2 ° 1 644

Entre d by o rder o f a full Co" of As sistan ts , holden thetw elve th day of August A" 1 643 , All these copie s 81 parts o f cop ie s he reafte r pticularly expre ssed, the w eb apperteyned to M r Rob‘e Young ,his late fathe r deceased (Salvo iure cuiuscunque ) i ij


A Collectw n of p rivate devotions &c, by D" Co zen s .Janua Linguarum .

Allexander’s addition to the Arcadia .

David's vow , by D

r Haokw ell.

his part of Hen : the 7“ by Sr Ffran : Bacon.

his part of the History of the w orld by SirW : Raw leig'h.

" i s . fi n d. 2 2 July 1 2 3

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

Sw ord and Buckler.his part of the ARCADIA by Sr Phill : Sidney.

The fa iry Queene by Spencer.The felicity of m an by the LO : Barkley.

The Florentin e Histo ry.

Mam i lla ,the 2 " Pa rt .

The Card of Phantacy .

Liptius Politicks , in Engl.Plessus Lif e Death.

Sue tonius in Engl.Edm ond

’s discourse up on CAESARS Com entari es.

Drayton’s Poliolbion .

Ap othegm s n ew d’c old, by the LO : Verulam .

Ap ello Caesarem , by Mr Mountague.

Montague’s Ansu'eare to the Gagger .

Poetaster , by Ben : Johnson .

his part of_

Anthon io d: Melida .

Dow land’s Booke of Musi ck .

Jack of New bury.

Jan e Shore 2 parts .San




of Chr i stian Religi on , &c .

B"King ’s Lectures up on Jonas .Indentu res for Apprentice s .Sylve ste r’s Work ss .Delights f or Lad ies .The history of the Norm ans King s of England 3 ta pte , by

M r Martin.

5"Pants Trium phes by M'Randall.

M'Parkin son’s Kitchen Garden , &c .

Parry’s Chirurgery, in fol. one halfe .

Cotton s Concordance in '

fol. one half e .

Necess ity of Righteousn es, Christ cf: God, descrip tion of fleshly La sts ,by M

r Randall.

The Com p lea t gentlew om an , one halfe .

Jobus sive de Patientia &c .

A Con tinuacon of Ma rtins Cron icle con t the live s of Edw : 6.

Qu : Mary Qu z Eliz . by T . D. one halfe part .M'Hie ron , on the 51

“ PSALME , a. pte .

The do ctrine of the Bible in all volum es that are fitt to be ioynedw th Bible s .

Janua L inguarn in latyn Engl co rre cte d enlarged by the

Author A : Com enius, tran sla ted in to Engl by Tho : Horne.

Sunday no Sabbath, by D'Pockling’ton.

1 2 4 [2 2 July 1 644 .3 axe- 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 4

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

his part o f The Attorney’s Academ y.

o f M" Broughton’s WORKES, vi z‘, A Consent of Scrip ture ,his observation s upon the first ten fathe rs , his Tes tsof Scrip ture chay-

ning the holy Cron icle &c , his Cada rClam , his breife discourse of the Scrip tu res , his letterto a friend touching Mordecays ag e , his treaties ofMelchisedeck .

of Pow ell’s tract called, Wheresoever you see m e trust toyo

' self e .

of Spiri tuall food Phisick by J M

of the Sp an ish Inquisi tion .

of CARTWRIGHT upon the Rem ish Testam '.

of the History of Queens Elizabeth.

of the Di rection f or sea rch of Records .The Accidence , or, p athw ay to Exp erien ce by Capt John Sm ith, his

part.The Lif e Ba igne of Hen : 8 . Edw . 6. «f: Qu : Mary, his pte .

his part of a tract called, The Advi ce tou ching the Cu rrency d:Paym t of Eng m on ey.

of the R ep ertory of R ecords by Tho : Pow ell.of the King’s highw ay to horsem anship .

of D'DUN’s la st serm on bef ore the king .

of S"WALTER RAWL EIGH’S p recep t to his sonne .

of the Duells Anotam y.

of the Ba ign e of K ing'

Hen : the by M'May.

of Excellent Instru ction s f or Travellers .May.

of the Witches of Lancashei re, a play.

of the Ba igne of King Ed it) . the third, by M'May.

o f MINsnAw’s Etim ologicall Dictiona ry.

of WILcox Workss .of M'HEN : SM ITH’S Serm ons .of the Markos of Gods Chi ldren .

of M'PRRK 1 N’s Workes .

of M DO 1 ) CLEAVER on the Com andem "—the householdgovernm ent ; Tw o Serm ons on the Lam en ta c


bn , his

Serm on on S‘Jam es , ce rtaine o the r Serm ons ofthe irs one serm on of M' CLEAVER

’s on the

e1 th PSALME .

of M’Don Cns avma’s Eep osiébn w ith doctrin e 1 1 u ses on

certa in e chap ters of the PROVERBS.

o f M“ Don Cnnavs as breife exp lanat ion of the w hole

booke of PR OVERBS.

1 2 6

Vide page 73 3 .

Abell Roper.

Tho . s cott.

[2 2—2 4 July 1 644 .m a d m a n ]

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

his part o f Propos iebns f or Observacon of the Lords Day, or,Christian Sabaa th.

of the d ignity of Gods children if: the hasch ee of all others .of Christian Relig ion substantia lly d: m ethodi cally treaticed .

of an Abridgm‘m ethodicall of the sea law es .

o f D" REYNOLDS , letter of advice f or studdy of divin ity.

of Mr FORB’s letter how to discerns the Testim ony of God’s

of a key of heaven ACom entary on the LordsSupper Prayer.

of M r BOB“ BRUCE’s Serm ons .of a Dis course of Sp iritts Biville .

o f a decis ion of the cheif e p o ints touching the Sabatk .

o f the English Hellicon Witts delight, or,the Muses

Recrea tion by M'May.

The Soules Imp lanta ti on into Chri st, halfe com po sed by T . H.

M iserere m e i dom ine, a thought up on the later day w ithfive Hym nesannexed thereto .

Decup la in librum Peal/m orum autore Johe Vicaresio.

Critica Sa cra &c by M‘Leigh.

Genera ll dem ands con cern ing the late Covent in Scotland .

Duplie s of the Min isters of Abe -

rdene .

Acts Monum ents of the Church, 81 0 by DrMountacueB" of Norw ichThe Pattern s of p erfection , by T H halfe .

The Garm ents of Sa lvation , &c , by T : H halfe .

The p rin cip allp a rts of the Gram er to p rop ria quae Ma ribas as a lsop rosodia ; gram attica lly construed by Ber : Ham pton, halfe .

De usfi Au thoris &c by Tho Horne .

The ep istle cong ratulatory of Lysim achus Nicanor, halfe .

Op us Ep istolarm n des : Eras : Rode r, &c halfe .

Janna L inguarum resera ta , &c , w ith the Entry Dore of languagesunloc‘together w ith a Porta ll to a Janna if: 2 Tables translated if:

enla rged by John Robotham ,one halfe thereof .

2 1 ° 3 1 1 1“ 1 6411

En tred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r HERL E and Mas te rWHITAK ER w arde n , A serm on called, The Imp ostu res of seduc ing teachers ,&c . , preached at Chris tchurch the of Aprill by M

“ Rich Vynes


1 0 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWOR'TH , 3 pam phle tts,vi z‘, 2 Cort M ercu r ies , Englands Outcry, or, sad Lam entacon f or theChurch A} state xviij

D ele ted in Re gi ste r.

[hm'h‘hn fix Head 2 5 July—6 August 1 2 7

Tho. Underhtll.

Tho. Underhill.

Mas ter Overton.

Edw . Husbands.

[Page 678 , i .e .

676]Widdow Cos.

1 1 0 t White.

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

John Wright, Jun'o

Mas ter Lee Junkand

Master Pakem an .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 5° sum 1 644

Entred for his copie unde 1 the hand of Maste r BOOKER. A Mathem ati ca l!discourse of the n ow em inent Consum p tion of Jup iter (f Ma rs &c vj


En tred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH,A p rophecy of

the w hite king, the dreadfu ll m an A?S ibi lla Tiburti na &c vjd

2 8 Slum 1 644

Entred unde r the hands of Master CAR ILL and Mas te rWHITAKER w e ) de n a book e called The godly m an s choi ce w ritten by a

now de ceased friend&cEntred unde r the hand of Master ELSING , by orde r of thehouse o f Com ou s . An ordinan ce of the Lords ch Com ous f or the betterobserva con of the Lords day, &c d

30 ° 3 M“ 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , fou r pamphle tts , called Occu/rences &c ij'

1 ° angina“ 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r Rusn w o a'rn , ftour pam

phletts, vi z‘, tw o diurna lls 2 Con tinuacon s ij


2 ° flag . 1 644

Entred under the hand o f Maste r Rusn w o arn, 6 pam phle tts,

viz ”, 2 Bri tan icus , 2 Scouts , 2 Intelligen ces i ij‘“u

3° angina“ 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r Rnsn w oa 'rn , 4 pam phle tts ,

viz “, 2 C ir ion s a 2 Inform ers ij

5° aligns“ 1 644

Entred by o rde r of the Lords in Parliam ‘Three Ordinan ces ofthe Lords d: Com ou s in Farlianz‘, l . f or the Regu la ifbn «5 salt &c .

2 . f or the constant paym 'of 2 0 0 “ &c . 3 . An Eap lanaé'

on the late Ordina n ce of Excise vp on Yron , &c vj


6° auguati 1 644

Entred by orde r of the house of Com ous , a book e called Thefou rth p te 0] the In stitutes of the Law es of England con cern ing the

Jurisdi ction of Carts &c vjd

1 2 8

Bobte Whi te.

Robte Bosk .

[ Page 679 , { .e .

677]Geo. Badgers

Fran. Coles .

Widd. Coo.

Moses Bell.

Tho . Underhm .


Tho. Bates andJohnWri ght .

Law . Blacklockand Fran. Coles .

1 1 0 t White .

[Page 680 i .e.

678]Master Whitaker

andMasterCartwright .

[6— 1 5 August 1 644 .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

RJMe ad. ii W ilkes ]

6° augusti 1 644

Entred for his copie s under the hand of Maste r Rusa w onrn , thre epam phle tts , viz‘, M ercurius Britann i cus , The K ingdom es Intelligen ceThe Partiam ‘Scout &c xvi ij


Entre d by o rde r o f bo th house s of Parliam ‘, a serm on prea ched

at S‘Marge tts We stm “on Thursday the o f July by Alex : Hinderson

9° $1 1 12 1 644

Ass igned ove r unto him , by ve rtue of a no te under the hand of JOHN

MAYNARD , subscribed by bo th the w ardens , his m oyety of the bo ok e

called, Reynolds on the Sa cram ent VJd

1 2 ° any. 1 6 “

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw oD iurnalls of the p assages of both houses of Parliam '

1 1 i

1 2 ° augusti 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts;called, Occu rrences, a Letter, d c JIiJ'


Entre d unde r the hands of Maste r Rusnw oa rn,and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , A cap ie of a Letter sen t to Prince Rup ert &c VJ


Entrad unde r the hand of Mas te r Rusnw onTn , a Con tinua tionof the new es from the North, by Sim eon Ash VJ


En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r Be ers -e“ HERLE a serm on

called The Imp ostures of seducing tea chers, &c, by M'Vynes VJ


Entred un der the hand of Maste r Rusnw on'rn, tw o pam phle


tts ,

(viz‘) M ercur ius Cin icus the tru e Inform er, &c Vj

d i‘

1 1 0 s agas“ 1 644

unde r the hand o f Ma ster RUSHW ORTH, The tru e


com m his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH, tw o pam

phle tts (vi z‘) The kingdom es Intelligen ce the Partiam ‘Scout xij


1 5° aug .

1 644

Entred unde r the hands of Ma ste r CRAN FORD, and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called Joha nn is Buxtorj i Lexicon Hebraicum

cl Chalda icum com p lectens , &c. Salvo iure cuiuscunque VJ‘l

De le ted In Re gis te r. This had been licen sed be fore on the 2 41 1 1 July .1 Th e sum pai d should have been and probably w as xijd .

1 3 0

Tho. Underhill.

Thomas Bates andJohnWright, Jan3 0 t White.

S teven Bowtelll

[Page 682 , { .e .

680 ]lalcklock .

Math . Sym m ons.

Fran . Leech.

Ma sterWalbanck .

Mas te rWalbsnck .

Mas te r Sparkes .

Mas ter Miller.

[2 4 August—2 Septem ber 1 644 .u l n a- { it’ifi th u j

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 4° any.

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Maste r Rusnw onrn , a pcalled A Cont inuac'on of New s 850Entred under the hand of Maste r Rusn w on'

rn , tw o pam phletts ,called, M ercu rius Civicns the trn e Inform er

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r Rusn w o nrn , 5 pam phle ttscalled 1 Mercurius Brittan icus , 2 K ingdom es Intelligen ces 2 Scoutss vid

2 6° angina“

Entre d unde r the hand o f Maste r HERLE, tw o serm ons viz‘oneintituled, A divine p roiect to save a kingdom s , the o the r , Efor the'if Infants&c by Steven Marshall, B.D .

2 6° s agas“ 1 644

Entre d unde r the hand o f Mas te r Rusn w o n'rn , a pam phle tt4called, A p erfect dinrna ll &c. vj

2 7° auguati 1 644

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r JOHN DOWNHAM , a n App eals

to Heaven &7 heavens m inisters &c vjd

29° augusti

Entre d unde r the hand of Maste r Rnsn w oa 'rn An Accusaé



give n by his Ma‘”ag

'the LO : Wi lm ott

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam

phle tts , viz‘, Tw o Dia ries &c xij

Entre d unde r the hand of M as te r HERL E a serm on upon theday of Thancksgive ing &c. , by J. W. vjd

30 ° aumtsti 1 6414

Entre d by o rde r o f the Com itte e for printing , s igned byMas te rWHITE . A Brevia tt of the Life of W" Laud , Archb" of Cant. , extra cted { orthe m ost p te verbatim ou t of his dia ry, &c by W'“ Pryn Esq"


2 ° écptcm bria 1 644

Entred under the hands of Maste r WHITE and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a sm all trac t called, Infan ts baptizing p rovedby S crip ture &cEntred unde r the hand of Maste r Rusnw onrn , a pam phle ttcalled , a. pf ect di urna ll &c vj


- n. r ead . 4— 1 6 Septem ber1 3 1

[Page 683 , Le .

681 ]Widdow Coo.

MasterWalbanck .

Tho . Bates andJohn Wright .

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blacklock .

Evan Tyler.

Baw . Blackmore .

Fran. Coles andLaw . Blach ck .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

4° érptm bris 1 644

Entred for her copie s under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , fli ve pamphle tts (viz

‘) Occurences , one pam phle tt o f M

rWalker’8 i ij'

6° S eptem bris 1 644

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH tw o pallh

phle tts , viz‘A dia ry, or, Exa ctJourna ll &c o n Advei tisem 'to the Pa rtia m ‘

of Engla nd &c 1 i

9° &m tm bris

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , three pamphle tts (viz ) M ercurius Bri tan icus , W “ The kingdom esIntelligen cer The Parliam 'Scou t xvi ij


Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , four pamphle tts (vi z

‘) 2 Civicus 2 Inform ers ij'

1 0 ° s eat. 1 644

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, A Perfect Diurna ll &c vjd

1 1 ° g ent .

En tre d unde r the hand of Mas te r PARKER w arden, The


p rincipall Acts of the gen era ll Assem bly convened at Edinborcm gh the 2 9


May 1 644 vjd

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNEHAM and Mas te rWHITAK ER w arden , a litle tract called, Sixteene qu estion s of serious if:necessary consequ ence , &c vj‘l

1 3° g ent. 1 61 1 11

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r RUSHWORTH , three pamphle tt

-s , v iz‘, Mercurius Britt : The In telligencer The Scout xvi ij


1 5° g entcm l wis

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phlettsXil


1 6° ém tcm bcr

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The Perf ect D iurna ll . vjd

De le ted in Register.

1 3 2

Bohte Whi te .

Master Brews ter.

Master Flasher.

Master Meredi th.

Master Meredit h.

Maste r Overton.

Mas ter Spark s.

Baph Sm ith.

[ 1 9— 3 0 Septem be r 1 644 .R . Mena

[2 0° Caroli Reg is ]

1 9° S ept.Entred for his copie s unde r the hands of Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw o pamphle tts (viz

') The Kingdom es Intelligen cer The Parlzflam Scout, &c xija

2 0 ° g ent.

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r CRANFORD and MasterWHITAK ER w arden , a serm o n called, The p oores p en ,c


on by Sam : Rogers


cohem Bic

Entred unde r the hands of S'geant PHEASANT and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a booke called Leges Hen rici Sep tim i &c vj


2 3° g ent.

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNEHAM , and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden , An Alarum beat up in Sion or the sa r'n'e of a serm on

upon REVEL . 1 8 , a t Kn o wle in Kent , by Joseph Bodin vjd

com m hit

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r HERLE and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a learned (it full Ans w e rs to 1 1 treat-ice ent i tu led The

va nity of child1 sh Bap tism s by W’m Cooke vj‘l

2 4° first . 1 644

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD , and Maste rPARKER w arde n a booke called Vindicia Ecclesia Anglican e or , Ten casesresolved &c , by M r John Geree d

w orm hie.

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r BACHELOR , and Maste rPARKER w a 1 de n a serm on pre ached by M

' John Goodw yn in Colem an

Stree t called, The grand Im p ruden ce of m en runn i ng the hazard of fightingag'god d c d

2 7° i cpt.

Entre d unde r the hands o f Maste r WHITE and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a sm all trac t called , Indep ency exam in ed . un m asked ,refuted , by Tw elve n ew parti cular In teroga tories &c , by M rW“ Pryn, Esq'


i rpt.

En tre d unde r the hand o f M as te r BIFEILD , by vertue o f an

o rde r o f the house o f Com on s , The Ord ina nce of both houses of Parliamf or Ordinat ion of Min isters p ro te -m poro &c vj

1 84

Mas ter Sparks.

Rich. Lowndes .

gage 688 ,5]

Mas ter Overton.

Bob“ White .

John Wright.

[ 1 5—2 3 October 1 644 .“ m anne d

[2 0° Caroti Reg is]

1 5° ®t toht i§

E ntred for the ir copie unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, A p erfect diurna ll, (i313 VJd

1 8°

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r WHITE and Maste rWHITAKER w arde n a boo ke called A fu ll Rep ly to certa ine breife observatibns 1h Antequeries 0 1 1 .M’P 1 w as Tw elve qu estion s about Church goverm entd o, byWill . Pryn of Lincolne s Inne , Esq


Butred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rPARKER w arde n a boo k e called Barnabas cit Boanarges , 1f : c, by M" FranQuarles vj


2 1 ° 0 911 0 1 1 1 65 1 6164

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Ma s te rWHITAKER w arden , 2 book e s Faces abou t, or , a Recrim inacon

charged up on M'John Goodwyn &c . , a late dialogu e betw ixt a Civi llian

a divine concerning the p rse nt condic'

on of the Church of England &cxija

2 1 ° a m ber 1 61 1 4

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te 1 CARILL and Maste 1WHITAKER w arde n a book e called Innocentes trium ph, or, An Answ ere tothe back p art of a discourse &c vjd

com m bit

Entred under the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled A p erf ect Diurnall &c d

2 2 ° 9 st .

Entred unde r the hand o f Master RUSHWORTH , 6 pam phle tts ,v iz‘, 2 Mercuri as Britt . 2 In tell : 2 Scouts i ij


com m Bic

Bo tt ed unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , 4 pam phletts ,viz‘, 2 Civicus 2 Inform ers ii'

2 3°

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, Perfect Pas sages , &c Vj‘

Head . 2 4 October— 1 No vem ber 1 35


Idem .

Edw . Husbands .

[ Page 689 , i .c.

687 ]Master Lee .

Mas ter Overton.

Bobto w ine.

Robts Bostook .

Master Partridge.

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 11 ° ®ctobrte 1 644

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand o f Maste r JOHN CHERSLEY,

Secre tary to the Councell o f Sta te , A rela c‘


n of the taking of New castle , &0v"1J

2 8° fi ctobt ifi 1 644

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CARYL and Mas te rWHITAK ER w ar, The sam e of a conference d c held bet1 1 1 een e Jo : Stathamand others ags‘Tym othy Batt at others VJ


cone hisEn tred by orde r of the house O f Com ons , and Mas te r PARKERw ar : A serm on p rea ched be ore the hob“ houses of par : at Ma rgretsWest : Sept' the 1 2 " 1 644 by The : Colem an

2 9° 9 11 0 1 1 1 15 1 644

En tred by o rder o f the house o f Com ous , A Letter sent to theSp eaker of the ho“ ‘ house of Com ons , relating the Pa rliam ent s great 1 1at New bery on Sunday, the 2 7

" October , 1 644

& lflm 9 m m.“ 1 6414

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r CARILL and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden , An Answ eare to a booke intituled The doctrin ediscip line of divorse &c d

com m his

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r HEN : ELLIS Junrand

Mas te r WHITAKER w arden , A vindicac of Churches com on ly calledindep enden t, or, a breif e Answ ers to tw o books one intituled Tw elve con

question s , Indep endents exam ined d o, bothpublished by M'

by Hen : Burton

eohcm his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH three Lettersconcer ning the taking of New ca stle vjd


Entred by approbacOn of the Sco ttish Com issioners , A full it:

p erfect relacbn of the taking of the tow ne of New castle the castletherein &c d

1 ° fiohcm brte 1 644

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a booke called Englands propheticall doctr ine &c , byW“ Li lley vj


1 3 6

Mas te r Walbanck .

[Page 690 , i .c.


MasterWalbanck .

JohnWright, Jli ti r

Law . Blacklock .Fran . Coles .

Ma ster Bellamy .Master Stevens .

8am . Gellibrand.

Mas te r Stevens.

Tho. Underh ul.

John Wright .

[2— 8 No vem ber 1 644 .B r n o-d itthttitia n ]

[2 0° Caroti Reg is]

2 ° flohcm hrts

En tred for his copie s unde r the hands o f Maste r RUSHWORTH,six

phletts , viz‘Dyaries &c

2 0 flohcm hris 1 61 1

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rPARKER w arden , Serm on p rea ched a t Kingston up on Hu ll up on the day ofthanksgiveing after the batle ct: victory a t Hessam More n eere Yorke d

4° fiobcm hris 1 644

Entred unde 1 the hand o f Maste r BROWNE Clark e o f the Lordshouse o f Parliam ‘

, An Ordinan ce for the Con stituting 11 .7 1 1q of the

p'rogative Cort of Can terbury

com m his

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste 1 RUSHWORTH , 11 pam phle ttcalled, A pf cct D1urnal l Vj‘l

6° fi sh.

Entred by orde r o f the Com on s house Of Parliam en t, a serm on

preached by M'Hill on Te wsday Aug : 1 3“ 1 644 , being 1 1 Sp ecia ll day of

hum ilm con before both hou ses of Parliam ‘d o d

6° flab.

En tred by o rder o f the Com ons house Of Parliam ‘a serm on

p rea ched before the said house byM 'Obadiah Sedg'w ick, the 2 2 “ of October ,

1 644 bem g a da yf or publike hum i liacon d

Entred by o rder o f the Gow on s house o f Parlia1 n , a serm on

p reached at y'

publi kefast before the said house by M' Christopher Tisdale,the 2 8" of August 1 644 VJ


7tb 1 11-oh. 1 611 4

Entred by order o f the Com ous house o f Parliam ‘a Sermoncalled The glasse of gods p rovidence &c p rea ched a t a solem n e fas t

both houses of Parl. Aug 1 3 “ 1 644 , by Herbert Palm erEntred unde r the hand o f Mas te r GATAKER a se rm on called,The Magw trates Com ission from. heaven , by Anth : Bargeese . Vj



Entred by orde r of the Lo rds house o f Parliam ', A1 1 Ordm ance

of the Lou is 19 Com ous of Pwrliarn‘f or p aym ent of Tythes &c VJ‘l

1 3 8

Master Stephens.

Tho. Underbul.

Tho. Underhm .

JohnW ht .Tho. Rafi.

Master Overton.

Jane Coe .

[2 2—3 0 Novem ber 1 644 . on ]

[2 0° Caroli. Reg is ]

2 2 ° new 1 644

En tre d [ 0 1 his copie unde r the hands o f M aste 1 CRANFORD, and Mas te r

WHITAKER w arden a boo ke called Considerano quam ndn i n Con trover

m a rum , &0 VJ“

2 5° flab. 1 644

En tre d unde r the hands of Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called A prep araEOn 1 0 the due receiving of theSa crum ‘

of the Lords Supp : by John Dow nam vjd

2 6° flab. 1 611 4

Entred by orde r of the Co" Marshall, a serm on pre ached be fo rethe said Co" , called, Judgm “ rem oved &c, l1y Anth : Burges, &c vjd

rohcm hie

Entre d unde r the hand of Mas te r HEBLE , a litle tract called,

The sca le of fiasting &c , by Herbert Palm er d

com m his

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r Rusnw on'ru , a pam phle ttcalled, A pf ect D 1 urna ll, vj‘l

En tred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RU suw on'rn , tw o pam phle tts

(viz‘) T he Intelligence The Parliam ‘Scout &c xija

Entred under the hands of Mas te r RUSHWORTH, tw o pam phletts

(viz‘) Men

- “C 1 1 1 C 1 v1 cns the tru e Inform er, &c xij


2 8° flobcm brr 1 6414

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r CRAN FORD a discourse calledPrerogati ve a na tom izd cf: the p eop le undeceived d

29° flobem bcr 1 6144

En tre d unde 1 the hand of Maste 1 ELLIS , Jun , and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden , a Paran etich, or, hum ble address to the Parl. cf

Assem bly Vj‘l

30 ° floh. 1 6414

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r Rusn w onrn , 1 4 sevall

pam phle tts , printed to this day Vij

[The se “ fourtee n pam phle ts w e re probably back num be rso f new s shee ts , but w hat ?]

[kw glz er dn'Head. 2— 1 0 Decem ber 1 3 9

Master Meredi th.

Mas te r Meredi th .

[Page 695, i f .

693 ]

Bohte White .

JohnW t .Tho Braggh

John Felld.

Geo . B ishop .

Fran . Coles .Law . Blaick lock .

Bohte Whi te .

Tho. Bates - andJohn Wright .

[ Page 696 ,694]Edw . Husbands .

[2 0° Carol/1

' Reg is]

2 ° Bcrcm bt is 1 644

En trad for his copie s by o rde r of the house of Com ous , and under thehand of Maste r PARK ER , w arden ,

tw o serm on s (viz‘) A serm on p reachedat Westm called, The difficulty of Syons de liverance , p reached at the

publike fast there , by Hum phrey Hardw ick, the 2 0 “ Jun e , 1 644 ; The othercalled, The Beau ty at: Glory of Gods p ortiori &c , p rea ched on the aforesa idfast day by Jasper Hick s xij

En tred by o rde r o f the house of Com ons , a serm on p reached the2 2 “ October last byM’Edm Callam y, before the sa i d hou se , called England 8

Antidote ag‘the plag ue of a Civill Wa rr, 81 0 . d

3° Becom es- is 1 644

Entre d unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, a pf ect Diurna ll, &c vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle t tsThe kingdom es Intelligen ce the Parliam ‘Sco ut . xij


En tred unde 1 the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts(viz

‘) Mercun us Cw icus The h ue Inform er xijd

Entred unde 1 the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a book e called The second p te of the Duply to M :



a lias , tw o brethren , &c by Adam Stuart Vjd


Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r Rusn w o arn , Cop ies of threesevall letters of great Im p ortance &c vj


eth Ber.

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, A pf ect Diurna ll &c vjd

Entred under the hand of Master { em f HERLE and

Maste r PARKER w arden a booke called A uoyce fro m heaven , &c vj‘l

Entred under the hand o f M aste 1 RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled , M ercurius Cw icu s d

1 0 ° Bet . 1 644

Entre d by orde r of the house of Com ous , The hu m ble des ires 1Cp rop osicons f or a safe 1h w ell grou nded p ea ce , &c vj


Deleted in Reg is ter .

1 40

Master Helm s .

Vida page

Mas ter Miller.

Mas ter Mos eley.

Master Stevensan

Edw . Blackm ore.

Mrs . Okes .

Master Boum e

andRichard Royston .

RiobardBoyl ton .

[IO— 1 7 Decem ber 1 644 .x- xu d- {hWtit es j

[2 0° Caroli Reg is ]

1 0 ° Rec. 1 644

En tred for his copie unde r the hands o f Sr NATH : BRENT and Mas te rPARK ER w arden a booke calledHo Elian e Epi stole,fam iliar letters 6

(ff dom estick , w ritten by Jam es How ell Esq' the first pte

1 1 ° Bet . 1 6411

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD , and Mas te rPARKER w arden , Mem orandum s f or London the Cho ice of Com on

C’ouncell me n , 81 0

1 2 ° Bet . 1 644

En tre d unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , four pam phle ttscalled, Perfect p assag es , (t o ij'

1 1 th

Entred unde r the hands o f Ma ste r Rusn w o arn , and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden , Poem s , by M'Edw .Waller vj‘l

Entrad by o rde 1 o f the house o f Com o n s a se Im on preachedthe 3 0 “ Octobe r, 1 644 , called God’s w a rning to Engla nd be ing a solem ne

fast day, by Henry Scudder vj"

1 6° Ber. 1 64 1 1

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r RUSKWORTR , a pam phle ttcalled, A pf ect diurna li &c vjd

1 6° Eerem hris 1 6411

Entre d unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWO R’I‘H s ix pam phle tts ,

viz ", 2 Britta- 1 1 ion s 2 Pa rtiam ‘Scouts tw o Intelligen ces

cohem his

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRAN FORD, and Maste r

PARKER w arden , a serm on called , The'

m-is ticall w olfe , &c , by M'Pagett


1 7° 73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 644

Entred unde 1 the hands o f Maste r J0 1 1 1 1 DOWNHAM and

Mas te r PARKER w arden a booke called Catabap tista rum Ca ta crisis , or the

Anabaptist dip t a nd p lunged &c bv Dan : Pres tly, D .D . vjd

colt hisEntred unde r the hands of Maste r CRAN1~0 RD and Maste rPARKER w arde n a book e e ntituled Bona rges S i 1 1 1 1 y . or Judgem

'and Mercy

f or afi icted soules , by Ffrancis Quarles, w th his picture e ngraven incoppe r d

1 42

Tho. Bates andJohnWright .Ma ster Brewster.

Bohte Austen .

Peter Cole .

Master Meredith.

Ma ste r Meredi th .

Pet er Cole .

[3 0 Decem ber— 1 0 January 1 644.1 1 . w i thm sej

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

30 th Berem hcr 1 644

En tred for the ir copie s unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , tw o pamphle tts , called Perfect Diurna lls, &c vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , three pamphle tts , (vi z

‘) Britan icus , The Intelligen ce St the Parliam ‘Scout, &c


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH,four pam phletts

tw o Civicus tw o Inform ers , &c ij

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r CRANFORD, A true Relaco n,

(he , in vind icac‘


m of the Ea rle of Man chester, by Sym eon Ash VJll

1 ° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 “ 1 644 [i .e . 1 64445]

Entred under the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , four pamphle tts , viz

‘, Perfect passages , &c ij‘

2 ° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH, The Confession ,sp eeches A?p rayers of S’ John Hotha -

m , cf: M” Peters his prayer up on thescaffold on Tow er Hill a t the Eaecuccn of S" John Hotham d

$11 1 1 . 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r CALLAMY, a booke calledT he Inquiries toue hing p ea ce , &c d

Entred by o rde r o f the house of Com ons , subscribed byMaste r PARKER w arden , A serm on tend ing to sett forth the right use ofthe disasters tha t befall o

' Arm ies , d c , by Math : New com en, upon

JOSUA 7 . 1 0 . l l . ve rse s VJd

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD , and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a booke called Wholesom e severity recon ci led w thChristian Li berty, 85 0 vjd

1 0 th of $11 1 1 . 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r EDM UND CALAMY , TheArchb” of Ca nterburyes sp eech or serm on up on the 1 2 “ of the HEB . p teof the 1

“(f: 2 “ verses , L et us run , the , At his Execution up on the Sea-f old

1 1 t Tow er-hill, and alsoe his p rayer there f ryday the 1 0 " of Jan : 1 644

[This e ntry is in a diff e re nt handw riting from that o f theregular clerk at this tim e . That w orthy had pe rhaps goneto see the exe cution , and had brought back w ith him shorthand note s o f the Archbishop’s las t w ords , w hich he en te redthe sam e day. ]

This should be 1 1 1 1 11 .

in. x

Tho. Bates .JohnWright .

Master Overwn.

John Thomas.

[Page 70 2 , ice .

70 0

Tho. Bates and

n a 1 0 —1 5 January 1 43

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

of S an . 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand o f M aster RUSHWORTH , 8.called, The Perfect diurnall &cEntred under the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , fiive pam

phle tts (viz‘) 2 Bri ttain icus , 1 Intelligence 2 Scouts ij


Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r Rusnw oa 'rH , 3 pam phle tts

v izt 2 Civicus the last w eeke s Inform er , &c xvi ijd

1 1 ° $am uarif 1 644 [i .s . 1 64445]

En trad unde r the hands of Maste r JOHN DOWNHAM and

Maste r WHITAKER w arden tw o booke s , viz , one of them called, The tw oOlive trees , or the Lord’s tw o annoynted ones &c , the othe r called, Idolat ersr uine if: Eng land s triumph, or , the Medetaébn of a Maym ed souldi er xijd

1 3° a et em hrts 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled , A p fect Diurna li , &c vj‘l

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a

calle Mer e/

arias Civicus , w ch w as prin ted last w ee ke

t ot em hie

unde r the hands o f Maste r Es sa -w e ELLIS Juniorand Maste r WHITAKER w arden a booke called Calum ny a rra igned Cast,or

, a breif e Answ ea re to som e extravagan t cf: Ranchp as sages fallen from the

p en of W‘” Pryn Esq


, in a late discourse entituled Truth trium phing overfalsehood, &c, aga inst John Goodwyn m in ister of the Gosp ell &c, by the saidJohn Goodw yn vj


[The date of the above three entrie s w as doubtle ss the1 3 th January 1 644—5 ]

1 5° fianuat ii 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred under the hand o f Maste r BALDWY N , se cretary to hisExcellen cy the Earle of Es sex, A letter from Ma ior Colonell Brow ne to his

Excellency the Earle of Essex, being a tr ue relacon of the great vi ctorynere Abington , &c vj


1 5° manner“ 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttc ,alled Mercu rias Civicus , &c vjd

De le ted in Register .

1 44

Ben. Allen .

Ben. Allen .

Tho . Bates and

Mas te r Overton.

Andrew Kemh.

Mas te r Bothw ell.

[Page 70 3 , i .a.

70 1 ]George B ishop .

Jane Coe .

Mas te r Brewster.

1 6—2 0 Januar 1 644 .L i lo-s litW a " .Y

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

1 6° Slanuartf 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r JOHN DOWNHAM and

Mas te r PARKER w arden a bo oke called A defen ce of the laugfullnes of thebap tizing Infant s &c , in w ay of Ans w eare to som ething w r itten by JohnSpilsbery ag

‘ the sam e

eohem his

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r BACHILER and Maste rPARKER w arden a booke called A m oderate answ ers to M'Pryn

’s bookecalled the full Reply &c vj


1 7° Slam . 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The true Inform er &c vj‘l

cohem Bic

Entrad unde r the hands o f Mas ter CAR IL L , and Maste rPARKER w arden , a serm on called, Jehoiadahs Justice upon Baa ls ts(fro, w on 2 CHR ON. 2 3 “ Chap verses

1 8° mm . 1 644 [i .e . 1 64445]

Entred vnder the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARK ER w arden , a bo oke called Seaven Question s about the controversiebetw eene the Chu rch of England cfi the Sep a ratists if: Anabaptists ,discussed by Im m anell KnuttonButt ed unde r the hand of Mas te r CRANFORD

, a shee t o f pape r ,entituled, The danger of Treaties w th Pop ish sp iritts , &c byJ: V : vj


new man . 1 644 i s . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RusHw onTH , a pam phle tt ,called, The Lo ndon Post d

Eli e 1 9tb

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RusHWORTH , six em

phle tts viz‘, 5 Occurences a pam phle tt called, A Cup of Sack i ij‘

2 0 th of nan. 1 644 [ i . e . 1 64445]

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD, and Maste rWHITAKER w arde n a booke called The sa cred and sovera igne Church

Rem edy . or the Pr im itive , &c . By John Brinsley vjd

1 46

[Page 70 5 , i s .

70 3 ]Fran . Egglestelld.

Fran . lesieild,Edw . B acl

ém ore ,

JohnWilliam s .This is crossedout by order o fCo“ o f the thirdo fFebruary 1 644 .

T este . W. W.

Master Lee a nd

Master Packm an.

Ben . Allen .

John Raw orth.

[Page 70 6,70 4]Ma ster Partridge


Hum phry B lunden .

Robte White .

John e ght andTho. Bates .

John Wright andTho. Bates .

[2 7 Jannary— l February 1 644 .Ba n d-lkw

’en ]

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 7° alarm ist “ 1 644 [i . e . 1 64455]

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Mas te r CRAN FORD and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a booke called Occasus occidentalis , or , Job in the

West be ing tw o serm ons prea ched at p ublique fas ts , by John Bond vjd

cob his:

Entr ed unde r the hands CRAN FORD andWHITAK ER en a booke ise s , one of the n

Bodye s the o the r of th 1 i s soule &c , by SrDigby

2 8° Elan.

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r HENRY ROLLEs Se rieant a t

law s and Maste r WHITAKER w arden a booke called Statuta Pa ci s , or , aPerfect Table of all the statutes (now e I'll force) &c d

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM , and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a booke called A bre ite exp osic‘

on of the Lords pra er

by M’John Hook er i n his fam i li e vj

cohem Bic

Entred unde r the hand of M as te r RUSHWORTH a booke calledEdi cts upon the ordayn ing (f: establishing of (1 Cant on p la ce f or Merchants(to, a t Roa n tran slated out of french d

1 ° .fl'

chruam 1 6414 [i . e . 1 64445]Entre d unde r the hands o f Maste r BOOKER , and Maste rWHITAK ER w arde n a book e called Angli cus ; p eace , or n o p ea ce, 1 645. Aprobable con ierty re of the state of England (to by W

" Lilley, Student‘i

inAstrolog le d

eohrm hi t

Entred by o rde r o f MY LORD G EN ERALL a pam phle tt ca lledMere ar ia s B ri tan icas &c vj


Entre d unde r the. hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a Pam phle ttcalled. fli ercnrins Ci /vicus Vj

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle t tcalled, the True Inform er vj‘l

Entre d unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, a pf ec t din-

m a ll (t o vjd

D e le ted in Registe r.

[itw m u la xm 3—5 February 1 47

Edw ardHusbands .

Master Bellam y .

Math . Sym ons .

Robte Austen .

Francis Coles .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

3 ° th w art“ 1 644 rim } lG MeS]

En tre d for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste r LANGLEY and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a booke called The great Ass ises in Parnassus byAp ollo his Assesso" at w

“ sessions are a rra i gned Mercuri us Bri tan icuwshIercurzus Au licus «t o, be ing a poem vj


eon his

Entred unde r the. hands of Maste r CARYL and Mas te rWHITAKER w al de n , A Trea tise called the w om a ns glory Assertinge the duehon o’ of that save , the , by Sam uel Torshell d

3 ° Ai sha”

. 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r HERLE and Mas te r PARKERw arden a bo oke called The so ules Life . (be , w ritte n by R : P . d

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, Janua r ies Accom p t, &c Vjd

4° .fl'


Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARKER w arden , A Serm on ca lled Good new es f or Christian sou ldiers



by Jo : Eachard

4° J obs .

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH tw o pam phle tts ,viz

, Perfect Passages nijd

cohem his.

En tred unde r the hands of Sr NATHANIEL L BRENT and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , by order o f Co‘rt o f the third of Februaryin stan t a book e en tituled Tw o treati ces in the on e of w ck the na tu re ofbodies , in the other the Natu re of Mans soule , i s looked into , In w ay ofdi scovery of the Im m ortality of reasonable sou les . The second treati sedecla ring the nature ch op era t bns of Mans soule o ut of w ch the im m or

tality of reasona ble sca les is convinced &c , by S'Kenelm e Dig‘by d

[See the cancelled entrv of the 2 7th Jan ]

5° J obs. 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWOR'I H

,tw o pam phle ttscalled, The S cottish Dove &c xij


This is a clerica l error for Februaru .

1 48

Law . Blalck lock .

Master Lee a ndMaster Packm an.

Mas ter Stevens.

Tho . Bates and

Jo. Wright, Jim '

Bow . Blackm ore .

[Page 70 9, t.e.

70 7]Jam es Cram ps .

Fran. Coles .

[5—8 February 1 644.RI ead

[2 0° Caro/i Reg is]


ehr. 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

En tred for his copie by o rde r of the COI'

Ifbns house in Parliam ‘, An

ordina nce f or ra is ing of m on ey f or redemp tion of dressed cap tives &c[Should this not be distre ssed captive s

sot! his

Entred by vertue of an orde r from the LORD GEN ERALL , theEarle o f Es sex a book e called the Lord Digbyes designs to betrayAbingdon , &c

7° .fl'

cbr. 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r HEN : ROLLE , Serjeant atLaw e , and Mas te r WHITAK ER w arden a book e en tituled, L es Quaeres de lMou nsi e ur Plow den &c vj


sobrm his

Entred unde r the hands of M aste r BOOKER and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a book e called An Add ition to the Tables of the

Logathrism es con tra cted, the vjd

8° .fl'

chr. 1 644

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH tw o pam phle tts ,Mer scurm s Civi cus the true Inform er &c . xij

rohsm his

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , A serm on called the Sheapards fa rew ell to his belovedflock , (t o, by D" Grant vj


8° Hobs. 1 6414 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITACRE w arden , An epistle adm on itory w ritten to an em in ent Prof es



f or the seas onable p rventing of a Relap se vjd

com m his

En tred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurna ll, &c vjd

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The Scottish Dove vj"

1 50

Mas te r Husbands .

Ma ster Greene .

John Hancock .

Edw . Husbands .

Jane 0 0 0 .

[2 0—2 3 February 1 644 .

[2 0° Caroti Reg is]

f ohruary 1 644 [i . e . 1 641445]

Entred for his copie under the hands of Maste r RUSHWORTH and Mas te rPARKER w arden a book e called The w hole tryall of the Lord Machquire at

the Kings bench ba rr , w th all the Sp eeches d p roceeding s abou t the sam e


w hom b io

Entred by o rde r of the Com ou s House o f Parliam ent , An.

Ordina n ce of the Lords d: Com ous assem bled in Pa rtiam ‘f or the raising d"

levyeing of the Monthly m m of tow a rds the Maintenan ce of thecatti sh Arm y, the d

oohom Bio

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te 1WHITAKER w arden a booke called Nin e serm ons p rea ched by M' Josiah

Shi i te up on EXODUS the 8“ &c vj‘l

2 2 th

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rWHITAKER w ,a i den Three queri es tou ching the late Archbishop , da



MrWoodw ard vjd

oohom bio

Entred by orde r o f the house o f Com ous , An Ordina nce of theLords , d: Com o ns in Pa rt, That a ll officers d: soldi ers up on pa in e of deathsha ll repai re to thei r Colors w thin 48 houres after p ublicacbn &c vjd

2 3 th

Entred under the hand of Maste r RusHWORTH, tw o pam phlettsThe Ucc cu ences prin te d the last w ee ke the last sp eech ct confession

of the Lord Machqu ire a t Tiburn e , &c d'

f obm arg 1 644 [i . e . 1 64495]

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r AUDLEY , a pam phle tt called,Mercu rius Bi ila nnicus &c vj


oohom bio

Entred under the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The pj ect diurnall &c d

Tw o pam phle ts should have be en xi jd .

[swarm - m 2 4 February—4 March 1 51

Wlll. Wells .

Tho . Bates andJo. Wright, Jun f

Jo. Stafford.

Robtc Austeh.

Mathew Symm ons .

Bernard Alsop .

George B ishop .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

2 4° dram . 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r CAR-ILL and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called An im adversiones sa cra ad textwm

ha ebra icn velerie Testim entis &c autore Arnaldo Bootio , M : D : vj‘l

oobom bio

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , three Pamphle tts (viz

‘) Mercurius Civicus tw o True Inform ers &c xvi ij


25to fi f th. 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]En tred by o rde r o f the house o f Lords , and unde r the hands'

of Mas te r WH ITAKER w arden , A serm on p reached on the 2 9“ of 9b" 1 644

before the Lords in the Abey chu rch a t West . By M" Hill vjd

oobom b io

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARKER w arde n a book e called The grea te Ora cle , or, the m ayne fram e d:

body of the Scriptures w hether in m ans freew ill &c , by Fr. Quarles vjd

oobom bio

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH tw o pam phle ttsviz “, The pf ect passag es A tru e relacon of the taking of Shrovesbury byColone ll M itton d: Colonell Bo wyer, &c xij‘l

2 70 y ear. 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]Butt ed Tw o Ordina nc es of the Lords and Com ons i n Parlia/m ‘


viz', One f or the sp eedy ra is inge an d p ressing of m en f or recru ti -

ng the

forces und er the cob? of S' Tho : Ffa irfaz e And the other That the Corfi i



tee f or the Militia of London shal l have p ow er to im p ose up on p soas to findarm es , &c. xij


Entre d unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden a booke called The w ay of the churches of Christ in New

England , m easured by the golden Reed of the Sanctuary, &c , by JohnCotton vj


4m m art“ 1 644 up . 1 64445]En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and M aste rPARKER w arde n , a n ew Catachism e a book e called Direction f or rece iving sof the com m un ion . &c byW“ 1 Good d

En tred unde r the hand of MasterRUSHWORTH , Tw en ty fourPam phle tts printe d by him from M ichae lm as last to this prsen t x



[Such en trie s as this w e re a clear eva sion of the Order of theyear 1 643 , w hich expre ssly stated that all pam phle ts shouldbe li cen sed and en te red in the Hall bo ok of the Com panybefore they w ere published . The se tw e nty- four pam phle tsw e re doubtle s s the pe riodical is sue s o f a new s shee t ]

1 52

Fran. Coles .

Robto Austen.

Robto White .

[ Page 7 1 4, Le .

7 1 2 ]RobinWhite.

Master B ellamy .

Ma sterWalhanck .

Rob“ White .

Master Slater.This is entred

the next page toMas te rHom e andMaste r Slater.

[4—6 March 1 644 .

[2 0° Caroli Reg is]

t a M arta 1 644 [i . e . 1 641455]

Entred for his copie u nde r the hands of Maste r Rnsnw on'rfl , a pam phle ttcalled, The Scottish Dove, (fro VJ


En trad unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttca lled,A vi ctory obteyned by Cot Mas sey &c vj


Entrad unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect diurna ll &c d

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , tw e "a pam

phle ttsw alls-m ew called, The sen ce of the Oxford Juncto concern ingthe late treaty, (be in verse

4m m artii 1 644 [i . s . 1 64445]

Entred by orde r of MY LORD GEN ERALL pe rused byTHO : AUDLEY , a pam phle tt called , Mercu rius Bri ttann icus &c vj


col! hie

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRAN FORD and Ma s te rPARKER w arden a book e called Certeine considerations shew -inge the

im m inent danger of this citty togea ther w th the rem edies , &c vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas ter Rusn w oarn , A cop ie of a

Letter to the Earle of Wa rw ick of the taking of Cardigan Cas tle the , fromCap

‘Sw anley vj“

5t° M arni

Entrad unde r the hand of Maste r Rnsn w oa 'm , a pam phle tt

intituled, The Moderate Intelligencer , d c . Vjd

En trad unde 1 the hand of Mas te r Rusn w oarn , a pam phle ttcalled, M ercnrm s Cici on e VJ'


Entred unde 1 the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rPARK ER w arden a booke called Heresi ographie , or , a descrip tion of thehereticques secta ri es sp rang up in this la tter Age , d c , by M'Eph : Pagett

6 0 M iam i

Entred unde r the ha ste r GATAKER and tar

rden a boo ke called f or the ordiof y

“ Church of Eng

6to m art“ 1 644 [i .a. 1 64445]Entrad unde r the hand o f Mas te r Rusn w oa 'rn , a Pam phle tt( alled , Mercu rius Cic ione &c d

Dele tions as in Re g ister.

1 54

Maste r Meredlth.

Robte Wh ite .

Edw . Husbands .

Fran . Coles .

Law . Chapm an.

Law . Blacklock .

Fran. Coles .

Peter Cole .

Bobte White .

Mas terWalhanck .

Geo . Bishop .

[8—1 1 March 1 644 .R - Hu a iiaw th m ]

[2 0° Caroli Beg is]

8° m art“ 1 644 (vi e . 1 64445]

Entred for his cop ie unde r the hand o f Maste r CAL AMY and Mas te rPARKER w arde n , a booke called The Essen ce d

’c Unity of the Church

Catholi c/c vis ible , &c . by Sam . Hudson VJ“

com m Bic

Entred by o rde r o f MY LORD GEN ERALL , pe rused by THOMASAUDLEY , a pam phle tt called . Mercu riu s Brittan i cn s v


cohem his

Entrad by orde r o f the Com ous House o f Parl , a book e calledGod app ea ring f or the Pa rtiam ‘i n sund ry late Victories &c. d

9° m art“

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled , The pf ect Diurnal l vjd

1 0 ° M ai tii

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The treaty at Uxbridge, the Inducem " thereunto ch the cause ofdisolveing thereof, &c VJ


t o? his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , Three sp eechessp oken in Gu i ldhall, On Tuesday last By the Earle of Northum berland ,

Lord Low den , A} S'Hen : Vane , Jun

', &c vj“

pno Bic M art“ 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

En trad unde r the hand o f Maste r Rusn w oa 'ra , a Pam phle ttcalled , The Pe iy

ecte Passages , &c Vj"

c an hit

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam ld

e tt

called, The K ingdom es Weekely Intelligen cer, &cEntred unde r the hand o f Maste r Rusa w onrn , a pam phlettcalled T he Diary &c VJ


l l° m art“ 1 644 [i . e . 1 64445]

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt,The Londo n. Post, &c d

[iWfi m la nu d 1 1— 1 4 March 1 55

Mathew Symm ons .

Idem .

Robte White .

Master Daw lm an .

Master Sparkes .Vide L iber E ,

£0 1 .

Ma sterWalbanck

Tho. Underhi ll.

Master Flasher.

Fran. Coles .

Edw . Husbands .

[2 0° Carolz

' Reg is]

1 1 ° m am a 1 644 [t.e . 1 611 445]

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARKER w arden a book e called Trui ths victory again st heresie Att a

Conferen ce w th (t o vjd

fioh Bic

Entred vnde 1 the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste 1PARKER w arden , A Revetu e of a certaine p am phlett under the nam e ofon e John L ilb0 1 ne . By a w ell w iller to the p ea ce of S ion &c . vj


1 2 ° m art“ 1 644

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The Mode rate In tellige -

ncer &c vjd

Entred unde 1 the hands o f Maste 1 BACHILOR and Maste 1PARKER w arden ,

a bo ok e called The sound beleiver , &c , by Thom asSheapard vj


am riff") m arch 1 644 [t. e . 1 64455]Entred unde 1 the hand of Mas te 1 RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled , The w eehely Accom p t, &c vj


com m hit

En tre d unde r the hands o f Maste r LANGLEY, and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a bo ok e called J: A . Com ento Janua Linguarrtreserate , &c.

,in G l eek e. vj


com m hie

En tred unde 1 the hand Of M as te r RUSHWORTH, a pam phle ttcalled , The Dia ry, &c vj


1 4th

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r CRANFORD and M aste 1PARKER w arden a book e called Infants bap tism e freed f 1 o 1 1 1 Antichri stian ism e (90 , by Tho : Blak e 1 1 1 Answ ers to M ” Blackw ood Vj“

0 150 1? bio

En tred unde r the hands Of HENRY ROLLS , serieant at Law e ,and R ICHARD WHITTAK ER w arden , A Manual, or, an Ana lecta form erlystaled The Com p lete Ju stice , &c vj


Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH . TWO Pam

phle tts called , The Scottish Dove &c xijd

En tred by o rde r o f the house o f Co 1 1 1 ons , An Ordina nce o fd

tluof the (si c ) Lords «f Com ous 1 1 1 , Part fm rayse ing dra ught horses Vj

1 56

Maste r Rothw ell.

Nath. Webb.

John Fella.

Rom e White .

Robt e Austen .

[ 1 5—1 7 MarCh 1 644 .3 " mn d'lkFWhhghu n]

[ 2 0° Carolt Reg is]

1 s b it 1 1m m

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste 1 RUSHWOR'I'H and Maste rWHITAKER w ar : A Rem onstranc e to the p ar . touching the te

1 1 1 Iser1°

es of the p oo re w th the cu re a n d rem edy thereof, (t o

1 711 1 0 hie M art" 1 644 1 64445}

En tre d unde 1 the hands Of Maste 1 CARYL and Maste rWm *

PARKER w arden , A 1 1 exp os 1 tion up on the five [ orm e r chap te rs of the

p rophecy oj Ezek iel] vjd

(Boo hie

Butu d unde 1 the hands o f M as te 1 RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The Pe 1f ect D 1 urna ll, et c vj‘l

Entre d by o r'de I o f MY LORD G EN ERALL pe ru sed by THO

AUDLEY , a pam phle tt called, Mercurius Br ittani cus &c vj‘l

Entrad by 0 1 de 1 o f the Com ous house o f Par flliam subscl ibed

by Maste 1 PARKER 1 1 an de n A serm on p rea ch-cd by h[ ' George Walker , a t a1 1 1 1 bl1 q1 1 e fas t at Westm ” the 2 9“ January 1 644, VJ“

Entred by an m d er o f bo th bow se s o f Parliam ‘, dated the

1 3 tb March, 1 644 , w here in Maste r H EN : ROBROUGH and M aste r AD ONIRXBIFEILD the scribe s of the As sem bly of Div ine s , are authorised to cause tobee 1 1 1 ,1 1 te d The D irectory and ordi nan ce conce 1 n inge it , and by authoritieo f t e said Scribe s unde r the ir hands , The said Directm y an d Ordina n ceo f bo th bow se s o f Parliam '

conce rn inge the sam e A'c vj‘l

QEoo hie

En tre d unde 1 the hands o f Mas te 1 CRANFORD a booke ca lledThe trJa il 1 11 t 1 1


1 1 1 1 1ph of [i'

ayth or a n exp om tion oj Chr ista disp osessing the

w om a n of Ca naa n d

1 7° m art“ 1 61 1 11 1 1 6441 5]Butu d unde 1 the hands o f M 11 s Rusnw on'rn a Pap called ,

The Dem ea no r of the X inges Souldi ers Leicester shi re &c in 7 p tw u lerssent by 15" Sam uel Lake to the Co 1 1 1 1 ttees a t Hertford (t o vjd

rob b it

Entre d unde r the hands o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The kingdm nes w eekely I 1 1 tell1ye 1 1 cer, &c d

QEOU his

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH a Pam phle ttcalled, ACgrea te victory obtem ed by S

' W" Wa ller cf: Le 1f t genera-ll Cromw ell aJt l L ong s ne ere Troughbridge d c vj


D e le ted in Reg ister.

1 58

Fran Coles .

Law . Cha an.

Law . Blac lock .

Bohte Whi te .

Bernard Alsop .

Mas te rWalbanck .

Moses Bell.

8 0 t Whi te .

Mathew Sym onds .

Master Thom asonand

Mas te r Po llen.

[2 2 March 1 644—2 8 March 1 645: R- Hu d- {RWfi mJ

[2 0°—2 1 " JarolvfiReg is]

2 2 ° m art“ 1 641! [i .e . 1 64445]

Entred for his copie by order of MY Loan GEN ERALL pused.

byTHOMAS AUDLEY A pam phle tt called Merc /urius Bri ttan i cus , &c v


col? b ic

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle ttcalled, The Perf ecte Diurnall &c vjd

2 5° m am ; 1 645

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r Rvsnw onrn , a p le ttcalled, The k ingdom /es w eekly Int elligencer &c ‘1

eohcm his

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH tw o pam phletts ,viz‘, the w eekely Accomp t, &c xij‘l

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt

printed last w eeke e ntituled, The diary, &c vj‘1

2 6°

Entre d for his copie unde r the hand o f Mas te r M ABBOTT , dep to Mas te rRusnw on'

ru , a pam phle tt called, The Oxford Ca ra cter of the Londondiurnau era/m ined answ ered, &c vj


En tred unde r the hand o f Mas te r M ABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Moderate Intelligen cer, &c vj


2 7° M arc“ 1 645

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , a book e called The gain e of losse , or Temp ora l! loos esp i ritually imp roved, &c . ByWarner vj


M at ch 1 645

Entred by o rde r o f the Lo rds house o f Parlam ‘. a serm o n

preached at Westmra t the publik e fast be fo re the Lords house o fParlam ‘

the Febr : 1 644 , ent ituled, The church sinking saved by Chr istby Sym eon Ash vj


com m his

Entrad unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rWHITAK ER w arden , a booke called Spanhem i i Ep istola ad Davide )“Bucha na '

nu m , &c , Latine ct Anglicé vj“

Head. 2 8—3 1 March 1 59

Fran . Coles .

Jane Coo.

Moses Bell.

Master Bpark es .

Robt.White .

Rich. Hamper.

Bobto Whi te .

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 8tb m arch 1 645

En tred for his copie unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOT’I‘ deputyd


Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Scottish Dove vjd

En tred under the hand Of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , fou 1 pam phletts called Occurences , &c ij


29° m am ; 1 645

Entre d unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rWHITAKER w a 1d en , The causes of the fast, app ointed by the generallAssem bly of Scotland to bee kep t the last Wednesday of Ma rch, 1 645, &c


$0 5 hie

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRAN FORD and Mas te rPARK ER w arde n a book e called A vindi cation of free gra ce in Opp ositi onto an Arm in ian posit ion &c vj


En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a bo ok e called King Jesus is the beleevers p reist p rin ce«t’: law giver &c

m arsh 1 645

Entred by o rder of bo th house s o f Parlam ‘, subscribed by

Maste r PARKER w arden a Se rm on pre ached at Christa Church the 1 2 th ofMarch, 1 644 , be fore y° Lo rds Com ous at a solem ne thank e sg ive ingby M

' Arrow sm ith called, England’s Ebenesur or Stone of hdp e on the

cofi hit.

Entred by o rde r of MY LORD GENERALL and pused by THOM ASAUDLEY A pam phle tt called M ercurius Bri tann i cus vjd

col? his

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r MARBO'r deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Gen era ll Accom p t of the p ceedings

in p artiam ‘&c d

En trad unde r the hands of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, The Perf ecte Diurna ll, &c vjd

3 1 ° m ars" 1 645

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MARROT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phlett called, The kingdom es w eekly Intelligencer , &3


1 60

Edw . Husbands .

Bernard Alsop .

Fran. Coles.

Idem .

Bohte Whi te .

Bobu Aus ten.

Ralph Sm ith.

John “ w eek .

[ 1 —5 April 1 645 .

[ 2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 0 april 1 645En tred for his copie by orde r of the house Of Coff ons unde r the hand o f

M aste r ELSINGE, An ordinan ce of the Lords d: Com—ans assembled in

Parliahnt f or secureing the Eighty thousand p ounds advan ced by and

under the Eight Trers &c, c% f or a further pvis ion f or the rai sing s raagu

teyn ing e of the fo rces under the com a nd of S' Tho m a s Fairfazve , (t o


1 m o april 1 645Entred unde 1 y

° hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITTAK ER n arde n a booke called King Jesus , is the beleivers pri nceprew t and Law giver in things , &c vj


[Alre ady ente red at p . 72 3 ]

2 0 0 li fe april 1 645En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOT , Deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called , the Weekely Account, &c. vjd

3° Bic april 1 645Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT

, deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam ple tt called, the Scotti sh Dove , &c vj‘l

fiat his

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , A pam phle tt called, A full Answ ere to a sca ndalou s p amphlett ca lled A Cha ra cter of A London Diurna ll vj


Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRusHWORTH

, a pam phle tt called The Modera te Intelligen ce &c vjd

4to april 1 645Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT

, deputy to Mas


te rRusHW ORTH

, a pam phle tt called The p erfect p assages vjd

Entred unde r the hands o f Master CRANFORD and Mas te rw ar 2den , Serm o ns up on the Jof COR. called The

Temp le defiler defiled by M'Rich : Bifeild d

5to hit m m! 1 645

Entred under the hands o f Master LANGLEY and Mas te rPAR K ER w arden a book e called Sten ographie , or The schools of Mem ori e d c .

By Thom as Oxfl‘

ord Yl‘i

1 62

3 0 t Whi te.

Bern. Alsop .

Master Sparks,sen ior.

Stephen Bow tell.

Abell Roper.


Ffran. Coles .

[IO— 1 3 April 1 645.R

[2 1° Ca roli Reg is]

1 0 ° and !

Entred for his copie under the hand o f Maste rMABBOTT,Deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The Moderate Intelligen ce vjd

cob his

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MARROTT , deputy to Mas


°te 1

RUSHWORTH , A pam phle t t called, The w eekely Accomp t, &c vjd

n o sp i n

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER w ard a book e called The Church of England a true Church.

(t o, or, a Discou rse devided into tw o Tra ctates &c . Dv D'Bastw ick e


QEo’o hie

Entred unde r the hands Of Mas te r CRANFORD , a sm all treatiseEn tituled, Christs Kingdom s on earth op ened a ccording to the Scriptures , &c . vj


$0 1? his

En tred by 0 1 der of the Com ous house of Parlia1n : a serm on

p rea ched on a sole mne day of Thanksgiving a t Christ Chm ch befo re thehow houses of Pa rl. Ma 1 ch 1 2 “ 1 644 . By M

'Richard Vynes l7j‘l

1 1 ° april 1 645Entred by de s ire Com and of the Earle ofWARWICK , (te stifiedunde r the hand Of Mas te r JEssnr his se cre tary , under the hands o fMaste r PARKER w ard) a pap conte

yn inge a surrender of his L o’” Com issi on

as Lord Adm irall, d c vj"

1 2 ° ap t “

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT , Deputy to Mas


'te 1

RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called The Perfecte Diurna ll vj‘l

1 3° spat 1 645Entred by orde 1 o f MY LORD G ENERALL and pusod by THOM AsAUDLEY, A pam phle tt called Mercurius Brittannicus vj


$0 1? his

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MAREOTT, Deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , A pam phlett called, The Scottish Dove, &c VJd

1 4—1 7 April 1 68

Stephen Bow tell.

Bob“ Whi te .

Baw. Husbands .

[Page 72 9 , i .e.

72 7]

MasterWalbanck .

Bohte Austen.

Robt . Bostock .

3 0 t White.

Sam . Gellibrand.

Tho . Bates andJohnWright,Jun“

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 4° am ass

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT , and Maste rPARKER

,w arden , A Di scou rse con sisting of m otives f or the enlargem


freedom s of trade esp ecially that of cloth, &c

eon his

Entred under the hands of Master MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , A pam phlett called, The K ingdom es w eekely Intelligen cer &c

1 5° anvil 1 645

Entred by orde r of the Lords and Cofi ms as sem bled in Parilam t on the date above w ritten , An extra cts of con a ll lettersfrom Scotlandconcerninge the defeat given to the rebelle under the com

"of Jam es Ghram e ,

Earle of Mon trosse at Candy, by the Arm y of the Pa rt of Scotland, &c.



[Nora—A quan tity of ink w as at som e tim e u

pse t ove r

this page , so that som e o f the en trie s are har ly to bedeciphe red . ]

1 5° spans 1 645

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRusHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Dia ry &c vj


1 6° ap t . 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to MasterRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called The pf ect Passages vj


eon his

Entred under the hands Of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER Warden , a book e called, A m oderate aunsw er to the sp eechof the holland Em bassadors

coil hisEn tred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to MasterRUSHWORTH , ‘

A pam phle t ca lled The Moderate Intelligen ce , &c vjd

En tre d unde r the hands Of Mas te r CARILL and Maste r PARKERw arden , a serm on p rea ched by M’Mayna rd on PR OV. 2 3" chap verse 2 3Ff ebr 2 6

" 1 644 vj‘1

1 7° ap t .

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , three of the pam phle tts called Mercu rius Civicus , &c .

xvi ij‘l

1 64

Godfrey Eand Dan . From .

Richard Rolston .

Bohte White .

BernardAlsop .

11 0 t White .

MasterWalbw ok .

[ 1 8—2 2 April 1 645.1

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 8° m m! 1 645

Entred for the ir copie under the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Maste rPARKER w arden , a book e called Opu s sodicw m. Green nova &c a

P . Colem a nno . Mem orandum . It is agreed be tw eene y“ said

M" Em e rson the sa id Mr Fre re that the su rvivor of [ them shallhave the w hole right 1 n th[ 0 sam e or the said Copie w thout g ive ing anycon [ sideracon for the sam e vj



Entred un der the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Maste rPAR KER w arden a Poem called Solom ons Lam entacon , en ti tuled ECCLE »

SIASTES p arap hrased to“ tw elve soli loques . By Fr. Quarles. And also

M'Qua rles his lif e w ritten by


his w if e . li cens ed by Master CRANFORDMaste r WHITAK ER vj


1 8° am ! 1 61 15

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , 3 pam phle tts called The p eogfeete Occurren ces, &c xviij‘1

1 9° astute 1 645

Entred under the hands of S" NATHANI EL L BRENT and Maste rw arden a book e called The qu estion of the Com on w ealth related,

or a dis course relating the ground pyroses a ccidents of thi s w arr, &cvj‘1

Entre d by orde r of MY LORD GENERALL pe 1 used by THOMASAUDLEY , a pam phlett called, M ercu riu s Bri ttann icus, &c vj


Entrad un de r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Mas


te rRUSHWORTH, a pam phlett called, The pf ect Diurna ll, &c vj


2 1 ° and ! 1 645

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , A pam phlett called Veridi cus &c vj


2 2 °

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rPARK ER , w arden , a serm on prea ched at the f unerall of D' F ea tley up on

REV. 4 : 6 ; by D'Low e vj


Entred unde r the hand o f MasterMABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , 2 pam phletts, viz , The K ingdom es Intelligen ce TheModerate Intelligence xij


Entred unde r the hand of Master MABBOTT, a pam phle ttcalled, The Dia ry, &c vj‘1

Dele ted in Register.

1 66

Robte White.

Robt. Whi te.

Bar. Alsop .

Robt. Austen .


[Page 73 4, i .c.

73 2 ]Master Overton.

Mas te r Pawns.

Mas ter

Edw . Husbands .

[2 6—3 0 April 1 645.B- Mead iirfitl'lflt erj

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]


Entre d for hi s copie by orde r o f MY LORD GENERALL pe r used byMaste r AUDLEY , a pam phle tt called, Mercu rius Brittannicus vj


Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Perfect Diurnall v'jd

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, An. Abstra ct of a letter sentfrom Colon ellCr nniw ell to S' Tho : Fa irfax

zerb s pan 1 645

Entrad unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called , The kingdo mes w eekely Intelligen ce , thisVJ

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , ’i ‘w o pam phle tts called, The hengde mes M oderateintelligen ce the The Caracter of an Oxford Incendia ry xijd

En trad unde 1 the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT, deputy to Mas


te i

RUSHWOR'I H , a pam phlet called, Mercurius Verzdi cus d

30 ° m m! 1 645

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , Deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , A pam ple t (sic) called, vj greate vi ctories obteyn ed by Ma iorgen all Brow ne Leiu‘gen'all Crom w ell Coll : Pynes ag‘ the kings es

usere Oxford &c

eohrm his

Entred by orde r of a full Co’rt of Assistan ts , by ve rtue of a

note unde 1 the hand and scale of JAM ES YOUNG, subscribed by bo th the

w arde ns at the said Co“ be ing the o f Aprill, 1 645 a book e en tituled

Cri ttica Sa cra up on the new Testam ‘&c , m ade by Mr Edw ard Leigh.

Provided th‘ the said Jam e s Young is to have the w o 1 k em anship o f

printing the sam e in m anne 1 form e exp 1 e ssed in ce rtaine Article s ofAgre em

‘m ade be tw eene them dated the 1 4"h of Aprill 1 645 . 1lj


3 0 ° aprilis 1 645

En tred unde 1 the hands o f Maste r CARR ILL and Maste rWHITAKER w a1 den , a book e called An Exp osi tion continued up on the 4"

5“ 6“ ch 7“ chap ters of JOB, delivered in aarj . serm ons a t Magnns Chu rch,by London Bridge , by the said M r Carill vj‘l

t ot em m’


En tred by oxder of the Com ous house of Parliam , An Ordinan ceof the Lords cit Com on s

’t Pa rli f or Execut ion of Martia ll Law p un ishm .

of ofi'

enders on su ch as w ere in the late Com o n in Kent vj‘l

De le ted in Reg iste r.

3 0 April—2 May 1 67

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright.

Mas te r Youugeand Daniel Frere.

Master Overton .

Mas ter Young .

[Page 735,73 3 ]Master Cea se .

Law . Blaick lock .

Francis Coles .

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

Raph Sm ith.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

30 0 minus 1 61 5

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy toMaste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle called, Mercuriu s Civicns vj


ooh m’


Entre d unde r the hands o f SIr NATH : BRENT , kn‘and Mas te rPARK ER w arden a book e called J. A. Com en ii De serm onis latin i studio .

Per vestibulum , Januam , Pa latium , d o vj“

2 ° N aif 1 61 1 5

En tred under the hands of Maste r BACHILOR and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called The an ci ent bounds or Liberty ofConsci ence trnely stated (t: m odestly asserted, by J: S : M : A vjd

w hom hit

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , a book e called The Phisop hicall (sic) tou chs tone or

observacfi ns up on S'Kenelm s Bigbie

’s dis cou rses of the na tu re of bodi es (2

of the reasonable soule , &c. vj‘l

2 ° m an 1 645

Entred un de r the hands of S’r NATH : BRENT and Maste rPARKER w arden , a booke called Bellam ins Enne1 va lue, or a full Answ ereto a booke entituled, a Plea f o 1 the Com unalty of London , (t o, refuted


byIreneus Lys im a chus vj


t ot em his

En tred unde 1 the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , a book e called The second p a rt

of the Interest ofEnglan d, &c Vj


com m his

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH three pam phle tts (viz‘) The Scottish doves , &c xviij


Entred un der the hand o f Maste 1 MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called The tru e Inform er vjd

[NOTE . —No lesne of this new s shee t had been licen seds ince the 2 4th February ]

But1 ed unde 1 the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden (re serve ing eve ry m an s right) a booke called TheCovena nt of gra ce , or an Ezp osi con up on LUKE l . 73 , 74 , 75. And a lso a

treati se hereunto an nexed entituled , The certa inty of p erseveran ce , d o, bothof them m ade by Geo: Dow nham ,

B" of Derry vj“

1 68

Bob“ Whi te.

Tho. Porecett.

Mas ter Overton.

Master Overton.

Bohto White .

3 0 t Austen .

Robt. Wh ite .

[Page 73 7, ti e .

735]Fran . Coles .

Tho . Bates and

[3—1 0 May 1 645.R'W ed- {hmlfi hnj

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

3° m an 1 645

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Maste r AUDLEY by order ofMY LORD GENERALL a pam phlett called, Mercurius Britta n i cus . vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste 1 MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called The pf ect diurn all &c . vj‘l

5° m an 1 645

En trad by consent of ROBTE AUSTEN te stified by a note underhis hand subscribed by Maste r PARK ER , w arden , A serm on prea ched at

thefunerali of D'F ea tley by D'L ow w th a relacon of his life if: death a

bra s se plate of his Monum‘, w th ve rse s unde rneath it vj


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rWHITAKER w arden , a serm on in frenchp 1 eached by M'Merm ott vj


Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and bo th the

w arden s , a booke called a Reply to a confutacon of som e grounds f orInfants baptism e as a lso con cern i ng ye p ow er of a church, by Geo : Phillipsof Wate rtow ne In New England vj


Entred under the hands o f Mas te r BACHELOR and both thew arden s , a bo ok e called a Clee 1 e d inst oindicaé‘bn of the late Ordina n ceof Part. f orbidd ing p sons not ordeyn ed or n ot allow ed of as intending


theM in istery to p rea ch, &c vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The k ingdom es m echety Intelligen ce



Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, the pf ect p assages vj


7° m aii 1 645

En trad under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Ma ste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called , The Moderate Intelligence , &c vj‘l

9° M a“ 1 645

Entrad u nde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The Scottish Dove , &c . vj‘l

1 0 ° m uff 1 645

Ent 1 ed under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , Tw o pam phle tts (viz

‘) Mercu rius Cic ione the tru e


1 70

Edw . Husbands .

Steven Bowtell.

BernardAlsop .

Robt . Whi te.

Robt. Whi te.

Roble Bostock .

Robt. Austen .

Robert Austen .

[ 1 6—2 1 May 1 645.R UM - { inm at es}

[2 1° Caro/1


. Reg is]

1 6° th at“ 1 645

Entred for his copie by orde r of the Com ous house of Parl, Instru ctions ,Rules «f: di rection s to be observed and putt in Execution &c in the Arm i sestablished by both houses of Part under the coma nd of S

' Tho : Fairfax,Com ander in Cheife &c vjd

Entred by orders of the Lords Con—E ms house s of Parliam ‘


tw o seuall serm ons preached on pubhk e fast daye s , viz‘, one of them calledGods Mastefp ei ce, &c , the othe r called, The Stro

ng help er &c, by Steven

Marshall, B.D . xij‘1

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, deputye to Maste rRUSHWORTH , Tw o pam phletts, viz‘, The Weekely Account and Mercu riusVen dion s , &c xij


n o first; 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MAB BOTT , Deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle ts viz‘, The Inform er Cic ione &c nijd

co’fl hie

But 1 ed by order of MY LORD GEN ERALL and pusod byTHOMAS AUDLEY , a pam phlett called, Mercurius Brittan i cus &c vj


t on his

Entred unde 1 the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , Deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , A pam phle t called, The Perfect D iurnall, &c vj


1 9° ” all 1 645

Entred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , Deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The k ingdom es Intelligen ce , 841 0 vj


room his

Entred unde 1 the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER, w arden , a book e called, Jns R egum or a v1 1 1 dicacon Of



regall p ow er, 81 0 vj‘l

Entred un der the hand of Maste 1 M ABBOTT , deputy to Mas te 1RUSHWORTH , .1 pam phle tt called, The p erfect pa ssages , &c vjd

2 1 ° m aii

Entre d unde 1 the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and MasterPAR K ER w arden , a bo ok e called Von: p ac ifica , &c by Geo: Withersgent . vj


[limn ther l -R Mu d 2 1—2 6 May 1 7 1

Bohte Whi te.

MasterWalbanck .

Master Man.

Master Moseley .

Master Moseley .

Rob“ White .

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 1 ° m utt 1 645

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rCALAMY and bo th the w arden s a book e called A body of divin ity, or thew hole sum e (t substan ce of Christian Religi on Catachisti cally p rop oundedd: emp lan ed by w ay of Question if Answ ere , m ethodica lly fam ilia rlyhandled, by a very reverend it lea rned divine , that is to say by Jam es

Usher, BP of Arm agh vj‘l

Query. E 1 2 0 4 (l )

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT , deputy to Ma ste rRusHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Moderate Intelligence , 851 0 yj


2 2 ° m an 1 645

Entred un de r the hand of Ma ste r M ABBOTT deputy to MasterRUSHWORTH , 4 pam phletts called , The Dia ry or, pf ect Journa ll, &c


2 4°

En tred unde r the hands of Ma ste r HERL E and Maste rWHITAKER w a 1 den a catachism e called, The p rin cip les of ChristianReligion , &c, published by John Hoffm an vj


26° w aif 1 611 5

Ass igned ove r un to him by ve rtue o f a w a rrant unde r the hand scale

o f Maste r HERON , subscribed by bo th the w arden s , a bo ok e calledEp istola e Ho : Elianae , fam i lia r Letters, dom es ticlc cf f orra igne , &c , thefirst pte vj


1 0 11 1 1 1 1 his

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of St NATH : BRENT and both the

w arden s , a booke called Ep istolae Ho : Elianae , fam iliar letters dom estick

«f: f orraigne , pa rtly histori call, p oli ticall, p hilosophicall up on em ergentoccasions , by Jam es How ell Esq. The second p te in tw o sections vj


2 6° m at} 1 645

Entred by orde r o f the late GENERALL , pe 1 used by THO

AUDLEY , a Pam phlett called, M ercurius Brittan i cus vj

En tred under the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect D 1urna ll, &c vj‘l

the Dove prin ted last w eek vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te 1 MABBOTT to Maste 1RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The kingdom es I ntelligen ce . vj


1 72

Fran . Coles .

Robt. Whi te.

Peter Cole.

Giles Calvert .

Master Greene.

8am .Enderby .

Idem .

[2 7—3 1 May 1 645.R l ead {5“ I on ]

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 70 firs t; 1 645

En tred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , deputy to

Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a. pam phlett called, A cop 1 e of.

a letter from an

em inent Com ander , &c . vjd

2 8°

under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Maste rdepntr to

-B‘ a pam phlett called the Moderate Int elligen cevjd

eohem his

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The sp eech or Confession of M

’Tho .

Mercer, 181 0 Vid

29 th

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CARR IL I. and Maste 1w arden a book e called The m arrow of m oderne divin ity handled dia loguew i se, &c

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARKER w arden a booke called The doctrine cf: p ra cti ce of Pedobap tism e

asserted vindi cated by John Brinsley . vj“

30 th m ay 1 645

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MARROTT deputy to Mas terRUSHWORTH , four pam phle tts, [vi z‘] The pf ect Occurrences , &c ij


3 1 ° m an} 1 645

Ent 1e d unde 1 the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITTAKER w arden a booke called The Christian centurions observa <37>nsand ad vices , «t o. By Phi llip Skippon vj


Glob his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITTAKER , The troubles of the three f orreyne churches in Kent , &c vj‘l

colt hisButt ed unde r the hand o f Maste r CARYLL , a flunerall serm oncalled, The Good fight of fa ith. By Fra. Peck vj


Dele ted in Register.

1 74

3 0 11 1 11 Austen.

Robte White .

Mas te r Overton.

Jane Cos.

John Stafford.

Ffrancis Coles .

Fran . Coles .Lew . Blacklock .Law . Chapm an .

Bobt White .

Mas te r Bellam y .

[5— 1 0 June 1 645.R'

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

5° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 645

Entred for his copie unde i the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputyd


Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called, the pf ect p assages vj"

Entred under the hand of Master M ABBOTT deputy to Maste rRusHWORTH,

tw o pam phletts called, The k ingd

om es Intelligence 1h the

Moderate Intellige nce xij‘1

6tb 3 1m 1 645

Entred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden a serm on preached at the funeral] of M r Shute


Ent 1e d unde r the hands of Master BACHILon and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a booke called The pr im a tive pra cti ce f or preserveingt1 uth, &c vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste 1 MABBOT’I‘ deputy to Mas ter

RUSHWORTH,a pam phle tt called, The pf ect occurren ces Vj


Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPAR K ER w arden a booke con sisting of severall se rm on s , viz‘, of M Fenner


upon ROM : the first Ep i st . of JOHN, JOHN y‘ 3 " y

‘ 2 oth,LAMENT . 3 . M' Hooker up on ash - s ea r JOHN. 6. 45 ; M

r Rogersupon ROM: 6 : 2 1 , déM

' Hubbord up on GAL . 5 : HEBR . 9 .

1 PET. 2 . 2 ; EPH. 4 . l CR ON. 2 8 . EBfl: * HEBR . 9 . reserve ingevery m ans right to all or any of the said serm ons vj



Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


'te i

RUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts called, the Dove , &c . Jt ijd

Entred unde 1 the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called The pf ect diurnall vj‘l


But 1 ed unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The kingdom es Intelligence vj


1 0 th

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called A com entary up on the w hole gosp elld

ofST . JOHN, by M

'John Trapp, M'of Arts vjd

Dele ted in Register.f This le tter has be en altered , and i t is no t clear w hat i t is m ean t for.

[w as m .

[Page 745, i .e.743 ]Master Partridge


Hum . Blunden.

John Feild.

Law . Chapm an .

Robt White.

Master Coates .

Jo. Stafford.

[ Page 746, i . s.

744]Pm . Coles .

Robt . White .

1 1—1 4 June 1 75

[2 1° Caroti Regi s]

l l tb $1 1 tts 1 645

Entred for the ir copie under the hands of Master BOOKER and Maste rPARKER w arden a book e called The Starry M essinger or an Interp retacon

w hat a ccidents m ay en sew up on the 3 sunns w hich app eared the 1 9“last being his Ma

“ “ birth- day, byWm Li lley

2 tb

Butred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rPARKER w arden a book e called The divine right of chu rch goverm en t, ora dispute &c . , by Sam . Rutherford Vi“

eohcm his

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, A rela con of the late seige at Lester vj


eohem his

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , depu ty to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The Moderate Intelligence , &c vj


1 3° 3 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 611 5

En tred by order of the Lords Com ous in Part signed by theClark e s of both house s , The Ordinance f or the sp eedy getting in of theArreares form erly imp osed up on the Bill of 40 0 , the 50 subsid ies , thew eekely Assessm

‘cfi the w eehely m eale

1 11 ° mum 1 645

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWIT-Ir

" PARKER w arden , a serm on called, Christ above a ll , exa lted as in

Justification soe in sanctification , upon PHILIPIANS the 3 d cap : ver: the7. 8 . 9 . 1 0 “ by Jo: Benbrigge vj


1 21 ° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 5

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle t called, the Scottish Dove, &c vj


$0 1 1 his

Entred by o rder o f the late LORD G EN ERALL , pused by THOAUDLEY , a pam phle tt called Mercurius Brittan i cu s 81 0 . d

$0 1 1 11 1 1Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle t called The Perfects D1urnall . d

De le ted in Register.

1 76

Robt. Whi te .

JohnWrightJun f

JohnWright, .1 unr

Edw . Husbands.

[Page 747, t'.e.


l1 0 t Whi te.

Ben. Allen.

Master Miller.

[ 1 5—2 1 June 1 645.R'Need

on ]

[2 1° Caroti Reg is]

1 5° Sinus 1 645

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Mas te r MAEROT , deputy to

Mas te r RUBHWORTH, a Relacon of a vi ctory obteyn ed over the Kings forcesby S

' Tho : Fa irfax Arm y, betw een s Harborough and Knasiby, 1S’aterday



1 4“ of June , 1 645 vj“

1 7° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 5

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABEOT Deputy to Maste rRUBHWORTH , Three letters from the ri ght honourable S' Tho : Fairfaxs,L eiut. gen : Crum w ell, and the Com ittee residing in the Arm ys, w herein all

the p ert1 cu lers of the grea ts vi ctory obteyned by oo'

f orces ag‘ his Mai esties,

i s fully related , fought the 1 4 of Jun e 1 645” w th a li st of the nam es ofsu ch ofiicers both of ho rse and foote taken prisbnrs, &c vjd

( 50 5 bit

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MARBOTT Deputy to Mas te rRUBHWORTH, A m ore exact relation of the greate v1 ctory obteined by thePartiam “ forces under com a nd of S

' Tho . Fa 1 rf aa , in Naisby fei ldSaturday 1 4 Jun e 1 645, d c vj


Entred by orde r of ye house of Com ou s An Ordinan ce of yeLords dc Com ons f or Thursday n ext to be a day of thanksgiveing the

great victory at Knasbey ; togei ther i 1 1 th 2 exact relacbns thereof &c d

1 90 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 5

Entred unde 1 the hand of Maste r MAEBOTT deputy to Mas



RusHWORTH 2 pam phletts , v iz‘, The pf ect Passages xij


2 0 ° $1 1 1 1 “ 1 61 1 5

En tred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas terRusHWORTH, tw o pam phletts viz The kingdom e s Intelligen ce TheModerat e Intelli gence xij


2 1 ° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 645

Entred unde 1 the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and bo th theWM den s Certaine serm ons up on the v" of LUKE cf: the 6“ d 1 41“ of JOHN,

&c . By John Archer VJ‘l

[NOTE —The nam e of the au thor w as put in afte rw ards bythe sam e hand. This w as frequen tly done , bo th be fore andafte r this date .

Butt ed unde 1 the hands of Ma ste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARKER w arde n , a Na rra can of the se1 dge tak ing of a ester by thekings forces &c

1 78

1 1 0 t Whi te.

Tho. Paine.

Master Butter.

Jane 0 11 0 .

Francis Coles .

Peter Cole.

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright.

[Page 750 ,748 ]

Fran . Coles .Lew . Chapm an.

Law . B lacklock.

Mas te r Mlller.

[2 6— 3 0 June 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

a . m esse s ]

2 6° 3 1 1 1 1 6 1 611 5

Entred for his copie s unde r the hand of Maste r MABBO’I‘T , deputy to

Maste r RUSHWORTH 2 pam phletts (viz

‘) The kingdom es Intelligen ce the

Moderate Intelligen ce xijd

1 0 11 1 1 1 1 hie

En trad under the hands of Maste r M ABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH and Maste r WHITAK ER w arden , a pam phle tt called, ASp ectacle or Connoell of consequen ce , &c vjd

2 7° 3 1 1 1 1 6; 1 645

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , a treatise called The rem edie of dis con tentm ‘ &c,J0 8 : Hall D.D. B? of Norw ichEntred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHW ORTH a pam phle tt called, The Occurren ces , &c vj


Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT, deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The Scottish dove vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a bo ok e called The im m o rta lity of Mans soule p rovedboth by scripture (f: reason , contrary to the fan cy of R : 0 : d c vj


2 8th

En tred unde r the hand of Master MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , five pam phletts vi z', 3 Civicns 2 Inform ers ij“


30 ° mim e 1 645

But 1 ed by o rde r o f the late LORD GEN ERALL pusad by THOMASAUDLEY, a pam phle tt called, M ercurius Bri ttannw ns vj


1 0 3 1 1 1 1 hie

Butl ed unde r the hand of Maste 1 RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, The pf cct diu rna li, (to vj‘l

1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 hie

En tred unde r the hand o f S’ NATH : BRENT k n‘ and Mas te rWHITAK ER w a rden a book e called Bellam ius R eparatus , or, a rep ly to a

book e entituled a full answ ere to a p lea f or y‘ Com nna lty of ye Citty


ofLondon , by John Bellam y d


’rL 2— 1 0 July 1 645 ]

Master Overton .

Bob“ White .

Josue Kirton .

Fran. Coles .

Tho. Bates andJohnWright .

MasterWalbanck .

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 $1 1 1 1 ; 1 645

En tred for his copie under the hand of Maste rMABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect p assages vjd

2° 5M“ 1 645

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Ma ste rPARKER w arden a book e called The inercusablenes of th‘grand ac cnsaE



of the brethren ca lled An tap ologia , published som e w hile sinc e by M' Tho :

Edw a rds , com p layn ing as w ell of the w ant of truth as of Christian ity inm any of the rep orts 1 1 assertion s m a de in the said discou rse &c , by JohnGoodw yn vj


Entred unde r the hands of Ma s te r MARROT, depu ty to MasterRUSHWORTH , 2 pam phle tts called, The kingdom es, Moderate I ntelligences 1 i

so sale 1 645

En tred under the hands of Maste r MABBOTT, depu ty to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , and Maste r PARK ER w arden , a pam phlett ca lled, The CittyAla rum , &c , w hereunto is annexed , a Treatice of the excise Vj


11 ° $1 1 1“ 1 645

Entred unde r the hands of the Com ission” for Scotland, The

7 em onstrances of the yena li assem bly of the Kirke of Scotland to his Ma"together w ith the Com "and the Lord Digbi es answ eare &c vj


Entred un der the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to M aste rRUSHWORTH , Tw o pam phle tts calld, The Scottish dove 81 . The New Scho oleof Com p lem ents xij


5° 1 645

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT deputy to Ma ste rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts (viz

‘) Mercu rius Civicns The tru e


Iom o $1 1 1 0 I

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH aseven pam phle ts called The Dia ry i ij‘vjd

1 80 [7—9 July 1 645.R.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

master : 1 11 0 1 1 1 1 M ean, M aster.

master : 9 0 1 1 1 1 ark er

M entor : G eorg e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Master Bartlett .

Robert Aus ten.

Jane Coe .

M art ens .

7° 1 645 5 ° 2 1 ° Glut . 3 5.

Entred for his copie by order of the la te LORD GEN ERALL pe rusedd

byTHO : AUDLEY a pam phle tt called, Mercurius Bri ttan i cus Vj


1 0 11 1 1 1 1 his

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUBHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, the Perfect diurna ll vj


1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 his

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CARILL and Mas te r PARKER ,w arden , Tw o serm ons v iz‘, on e called, Tru e Religion in ye old w ay ofPiety 19 Cha rity, up on ACTS 1 0 : 3 1 : by M ” Robte Harris. The o the rcalled, Chri st the Chri stians choice by Alex: Grosse, upon PHILL : 1 . 2 3 .



Entred unde r the hands o f S' NATH : BRENT and Maste rPARKER w arden ce rtaine ve rse s en tituled, Pap a p erstrictus (echo) Ictusby M

'Benlow es

En tred unde r the hands of Mas ter CARYLL and Maste r PARK ERw arden a boo ke called The Church of England is a tru e church in a dis

pu ta c by D" Bastw ick M r Walte r Moun tague , &c Vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called The pf ect p as sag es vjd

9° s ou; 1 61 1 5Entred by orde r o f the Lords Com ons in Parliam ‘

ase rm on called, A sa cred record to be m ade of gods m erci es, by M'Marshallvj‘1

1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 his

Entred under the hands o f M aste r ’CRANFORD and Mas te rPARK ER , w arden a book e called A m oderate ans w eare unto D'Bastw ick


booke cal led , Ind ep endency not gods Ordina nc e &c . vjd

1 82

[Page 755, t.e.

753 ]Master Overton .

Jane Cos.

Mas ter Bellam y .

Idem .

Tho. Bates andJohnWright, Junr

Bohto White .

Idem .

[Page 756, i . e .

754]Fran . Coles .Law . B lacklock .Law . Chapm an .

Master Overton.

Edw . Husbands .

John Felld.

[ 1 9—2 1 July 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 9° 1 611 5

Entred for his copie unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden a booke called The glorious ercellen cy of the ofadop tion , by M. G .

cobem his

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWOR-TE , a pam phle tt called , The pf ect Occu rrences vj‘l

QEofi his

Entred by ve rtue of an o rde r of the Lords in Parliam t date d2 8° Maij , 1 6415, A serm on ca lled The christian s hop e trium phing in theseglorious truths , &c , by M "Whi taker d

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , A serm on p reached , bef ore the Lord Ma ior (t Alderm en at

the Sp ittle , by M'Whi taker vj‘l

Entred under the hande of Mas te r MA BBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , 4 pa1 nphle tts , viz‘2 Civicus 2 True I 1 1f orm ers , &c . ij

Glob his

Entred unde r the hand of Master MARBOT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , 2 Pam phletts v iz‘, The k ingdom es w eekely Intelligence The

m oderate Intelligence, &c i'

En tred by orde r o f the late LORD GEN ERALL , pused byTHOMAS AUDLEY, Aypam phle t called, Mercuriu s Brittan icu s vj


1 9° Slulii 1 645

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect D 1 urnall vj

En tre d unde r the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT, deputy to Maste r

RusHWORTH, a pam phle tt called, A m ore pf ect rela con from S’ Tho


2 1 ° 1 645

But 1 ed unde r the hand of Maste r ELSING by orde r o f theCom ous house of Parliam ‘, An Ordinance for the rele1f e of the Cou nt 1 ee

of Exon , Bucks , Berks Southam pton , &cEntre d unde r the hand O f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH A letter from S’Tho : Fa 1 rfaxArn1 1 e w tha hst of the p r isonerstaken a t Langp ort . V'j



1 1 m . 2 3— 2 8 July 1 83

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 3° 31 1 1 1 1 ;Robto Aus ten Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT deputy



Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect p assages vjd

eohcm his

WNW Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts , (v iz‘) The kingdom es Moderate In telligence Xijd

2 5°

Sam - Gflmbm fld En tred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD , A con tinuac‘

on ofthe Proceedings of the Arm is under the com

Ztnd of 1S" Tho : Fa irfax fromthe 1 1 “ July to ye 1 9

“ ins tan t vjd

M 0 15 0 0 1 0 8 En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , 2 pam phle tts called, the Scottish dove xij‘I

2.6tb m ay 1 645

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , a book e called A practicall Catachism e in octavo con

teyn ing tw o tw en ty shee ts a halfe . vj‘l


? and Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Ma s te r

0 n righ RUSHWORTH,2 pam phle tts , v iz

‘, Mercurius Civicus The tru e Inform er


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,Three lettersfrom the arm i s vj‘1

Bich W°°dn°tt Entred under the hands of Mas te r CARILL and Mas te r PARKERw arden a book e called The ca racter of a beleeveing Christian sett forth i n

Paradoxes, &c vj‘l

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MA BBOTT deputy to M aste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called The pf ect Diurna ll vj‘1

Entred under the hand of THO : AUDLEY by orde r of the lateLORD GENERAL L

, a pam phle tt called, M ercurius Brittan icus vj‘l

Ralph Sm ith Entred by’r nude r e i- i the hands of the Scribe s of the Assem

bly, A short dec lar aoon of the Assem bly of divines by w ay of detestaéb n ofthis abom inable blasphem ous op in ion , Tha t God is , cit hath a hand in , (f: is

the author of the sinfulnes of his p eop le d

2 8° 1 645

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r ELSING by orde r o f theEdw Husbands Com on s house Of Parl. Three letters or Rela éb ns (viz

‘) one ef f from

Slr Tho; Fairfax of the taking of Bridgw ater, one other called A breif eR elacon the other a fu ller reto c‘ou of the taking of Bridgw ater xvi ij


As there w ere tw o pam phle ts en tered the sum should have be en one shilling .1 1 Dele ted in Register.

Maste r Daw lm au.

Tho. Underhill.

Rohto Bostock .

Edw . Husbands .

Bohte White .

Robt. Austen .

[Page 759 ,757)MasterMich. Spark s.

Maste r Slater.Vida L iber E ,

1 0 1 .

Jane Cos.

[2 8 July—2 August 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

R. I n d ia'W ]

2 8° 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 5

Entred for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste r CARILL and Maste rPARK ER w arden a bo ok e called En courag em ents to fa ith draw n e fr



severall engagem", &c , by The : Goodw yn vjd

2 9° s ale 1 61 5

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CAR IL L and Maste r MI LLERw arden , a bo oke called M em oria lls of godlines Christian ity, the 2 “


by Herbert Palm er, B. .D

soocm his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r LA NGLEY a pam phlett called,A caracter of an Anti Malignan t, &c vj‘l

cobem his

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called Arti cles of the surrender of ScarboroughCastle VJ

Entred unde r the hand of Master MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts , viz ”, The k ingdom es 85 Moderate Intelligence


rprftb 31 1 1 19 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called, The pf ect p assages vj‘1

1 1 1 1 first of august 1 645

Entred in pursuan ce o f an orde r of a C 0 " o f As sistan ts , heldthe third day of Ffebruary last 1 644, a book e called Porta L inguarumres erata by J. A. Com enio tran sla ted by An corane w th the Addic

Ons o f

The : Horne John Robotham as the sam e w as prin ted by Jam e s Youngthe Edition i n A° 1 643 , called then by ye nam e of Janna Linguaru

reserata , &c d

2 ° ang ina“

En tred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Ma s te rRUSHWORTH five pam hle tts vi z Tw o Occu rren ces , M’Peters rela con


ofthe tak ing Bridgu'

ater, ij'vjd

[Non a—Only the title s o f three pam phle ts are g iven he re ,

but the com m a afte r “ Bridgw ate r ” and the space le ft ,clearly sho w s that the title s of the o the r tw o w e re to havebeen ente red, but this w as neve r done ]

1 86

Tho. Bates and

Fran. Coles .

[Page 761t. e. 759 ]

Nich . Gam age.

3 0 t Austen .

Fran. ColesLaw . Chapm an .

Law . Blacklock .

Mas ter Crooks.

JohnWright, J um

Master Overtonand Ben. Allen .

[Page 762i e. 760 ]

Mas ter Meredith.

[8— 1 4 August 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 !

8° any.

Entred for the ir copie s under the hand of Maste r Mas norr tw o palm

phle tts (viz‘) Mercu rius Cic ione The tru e Infor xij


En tred under the hand of Mas te r M ABBOTT , a pam phlettcalled, The Scottish dove vj‘l

[The num be r of this page has gone ]9° m inus“ 1 611 5

Entred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, A touch of the tym e s &c, byWm Hubby


En tred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called,M ercurius Bri ttan icus his ap ologie vj


Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT ao

pam phle tt called,The k ings answ eare to the clubm en , &c d

En tred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called, The pf ect diurna ll 81 0 . d

1 1 ° augusti

Entrad unde r the hands o f Maste r EL L I s jun' and Maste rM ILLER w arde n , A bresj e NarraEDn of the p ractice of the churches in New


1 2 °

Entred under the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Ma s te rPARKER w arden , a Books or Treaties ag

‘ the Antinom ian s w th a

Catachism e , by M‘Walter Bridges vj


1 3° g ag .

Entred by orde r o f the Lo rds’ house of Parliam ‘, An Ordi

na nce f or the sp eedy rai sing of m oney in the Basterne Assotiac‘

bn (fi' othe rCounties adiacent f or reducing of New arke vjd

Entred unde r the hands o f Ma ste r DOWNHAM .and Maste r

M ILLER w arden a book e called A tru e relacon of them ed ” Exam inacons

cf: trial l of the sevall w itches lately a rra igned (fi executed in Essex, &c 1 oth

the n am es of the seva ll w itches Vj‘l

[Nora — The num be r o f this page has gone ]of august 1 645

En tred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rPARK ER w arden , A serm on called , The still- destroyer or selfe seeking dis

covered , &c , by Wm Jenkin, pasto r o f Christchurch d

Dele ted in Re g iste r .

[1 1 1 111 1 1 a n d .

Mas ter Meredi th.

Master Dsw lm au.

Edw . Husbands .

Andrew Kem b.

John Ramon .

[Page 763t . .e 761 ]

JohnWright, Junr

1 4— 2 1 August 1 87

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 l1 th of august 1 645

Entred for his copie by o rde r of the Cofi ons house of Parliam ‘, subscribed

by Master PARKER , w arden , A serm on prea ched before that house at the

solem ne fast, July the 1 645, by Tho: Colem an vj‘l

1 5° any.

En tred un der the hands of Maste r CARYLL and Ma ste r PARKERw arden a bo oke called Hea rt divis ions in divers serm ons up on HOSEA the

1 0 “ (f?y‘ 2 “ verse, by Jer: Burroughes vj‘1

Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter CRANEORD and Maste rPARKER w arden a book e ca lled Vindi ca s Clavium &c. by a w ell w ishe r o fthe truth vj


En tred by orde r o f the house o f Com ons t h e? ” Tw o s ce attLetters from S' Tho : Ff airf aa: (9 Col. Crw m w ell touching the clubm en at

Shaftsbu ry, at: taking Sherborne Castle &c , pu bli shed the of Augd


last ’r Vjd

Entred un de r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and MasterPARKER w arden , a Tres tice called, The ar raignm '

of errors, &c vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MARRo 'r'r , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH, a pam phle tt called, Aulicus huy d' cry after Bri


[Norm—The num be r of this page has gone ]

1 8° s agas“ 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MAEBo'r'r deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The pf ect Diurna ll Vjd

cohcm his

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBo'r'r deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called , Bri ttani cu s vjd

1 9° any.

Entred by o rde r of the Lords’ house of Parliam ", The direction f or electing of Elders in the severall Congregac


bns cf: the Class1 callAssem bli es , &c vj


2 1 °

Entred unde r the hand of M aste r MABBOTT deputy to M as te rBUBHWORTH, tw o pam phletts called, The ki ngdom es Moderate Intelligence, &c Xijd

D ele ted in Registe r.1 The last six w ords added subsequen tly.

1 88

Edw . Husbands .

[Page 764762 ]

Robte White.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright .

John Maycock .

8am . Gelllbrand.

Rich. Myn.

Mlch.8park e,Jun?

[Page 765763 ]

Bohte Austen.

[2 2—2 8 August 1 645.a - l ead

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 2 °

Entred for his copie vnder the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterM ILLER w arden , a treatice called, Gosp ell R ep ent ance flow eth from fa 1 th,&c , by Ffrau : Cornw all d

Entred by o rde r of the Corh b ns house of Parliam ‘An ordina n ceof the Lords d: Comons assem bled in Parliahn‘f or the m ore speedy efi



putting in Execution the directory, &c, in all pishes churches , d: chapp ells ,w thin this k ingdom s , d o. Al so a Rem ons trance from Maior GenerallLanghorne of his p roceedings in Wales ag‘ Stradling d: Egertons’forces 1 i

2 5° g ages“ 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, Mercurius Brittan i cu s Vj


cohcm his

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas ter MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , four pam phle tts , (viz‘) 2 Mercu rius Civicus 2 True


cohem his

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRusnw o arn , a pam phle tt called The Malignant s Lam entac


bn , &c . vj‘l

cohsm his

En tred by orde r of the Lords house o f Parliam ‘, A serm o n

p reached a t the Abbey Church on the publike fast day the 3 0 “ of July last,by M

'Baley vjd

Entred unde r the hands o f Sr NATH . BRENT and Maste rPARKER w arden , A treatice called , The origina l! cause of tem p ora ll

Evan, &c vid

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MAns or'r deputy to Maste r

RUSHWORTH , a sm all tract called, A j ust defen ce of John Bastw i ck , D' in

Phisick ag'the Calum nies of John L ilborne , Leif ten‘Coll. &c Vjd

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called Flagellum Flagelli or D' Bastw i cks

qua rters beat en up , 81 0 , by J: S: M .A . vjd

[The num be r o f this page has gone ]2 8° augustt 1 645

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT, deputy to Mas te r

RUSHWORTH , three pam phle tts , 2 pfect p assages, the Citty Scout xvi ij d

Dele ted in Register.

1 90

Mas ter Dewlm an .


Master B ishop.

Bobto Aus ten .

Peter Cole.

[Page 767i .e . 665]Master Greene.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Jane Coe .

8 0 t White.

Bobu Whi te .

[2—8 Septem ber 1 645.

[2 1° Cm -

oli Iteg is]

a . m eans]

2 ° g entem hris 1 645

Entred for his copie under the hands o f Maste r CARILL and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , a Conferrence held a t Go" , betw een s D' Preston d:

D' White at others , &c vjd

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNEHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , An Antidote ag‘four dangerous Queri es , p retended to bep rop ounded to the assem bly of divin es tou ching susp en sion from the sa cram ent, &c d

Entred unde r the hands o f S’ NATE . BRENT and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a book e called Johann is Selden i Uwor Haebraica son de

Nup ti is ct Divortiis , &c libri tre s vj“

3° g ent . 1 645

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputv to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The pf ect p assages vj


com m his

Entred under the hand o f Maste r CRANFORD , a sm all trac tcalled, A look ing glasse f or the Anabap tists ct the rest of the Sep eratists,




3° g ent. 1 645

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARKER w arden , Nine serm on s up on the 1 0 6 PSALME verse the 1 9 19

by D“ Westfeild

6° g ent.

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts (viz

‘) M ercuriu s Civicus The Tru e

Inform er, &c xijd

6° g ent.

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , five pam phle tts (v iz

‘) The Occurren ces be ing four the

heads o f the Citty ScoutEntrad unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBO

’I‘T , deputy to Mas te r

RUSHWORTH , three pam phletts , (viz‘) Tw o k ingdom es Intelligence one

Moderate Intellig en ce xvi ijd

8° s ent.

Entred unde 1 the hand o f Maste 1 MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, Brztann icus


. 1 7» En d

1 1 0 t Austen .

Francis Nelle.

Bohte White.

[Page 768i s. 766]


Tho . Underblll.

Glles Calvert .

3 0 t Austen.

Edw . Husbands.

Mas terWalbanck .

8—1 1 Septem ber 1 9 1

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

8° S ept.Entred f 0 1 the ir copie unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , deputy



Mas te r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called , The pf ect diurna .” vjd

eohem his

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r Ma nno'r'r,deputy to Maste r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called , The Anabap t1 st’s Catachism e 81 0 . d

9° g ent.

En tred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called , Tw o rem arkeable Letters con cerning

dthsKings Corresp onden ce w ith the Irish R ebelle &c d

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The k ingdom es Intelligen ce vj


[The num be r of this page has gone ]

i rri tant s: 1 645

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CAR ILL and Mas te r M ILLERw arden , A brotherly ct friendly censure of the Er1 our of a deare fri end dbrother i n an Answ ers to his four qu estion s 81 0 vj

cohcm his

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , Afri endly check to D’Bas tw ick sent unto hi '

m 1 1 1 a letterfrom a Presbi terian fr iend the Vj


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden a pans


phle tts" Tra ct called , Truth vindicated or an

Answ ers to seua ll Letters sen t from the Sum-

er Iland e, &c, by Nath: Whi tevjd

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT depu ty to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called , The pf ect pas sagesAlso the head s of the Citty Scout d

Entred un der the hand of Maste r ELSING , by o rde r of the hoblehouse of ConTons , An Ordinan ce of the Lords Com


ons , f or the takingaw ay the fif th p te of delinqu ents estates allow ed form erly, by a form erOrdina nce f or Sequestracon , f or the use of delinquents w ives d: chi ldren ,

dated the 8“ Sep t. 1 645 d

l l tb g ent. 1 645

Entred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , n ine pam phletts called, The D iary or pf ect Journa ll, &c

ii ij'vjd

Dele ted in Reg ister.

1 92

Bob“ White.

Edw . Husbands.

[Page nos]767]

John e ghtJun"

Fran. Coles .

Tho. Bates andJo. Wright.

Law . Chapm an.

Robte Whi te.


Edw . Husbands.

Edw . Husbands.

[l l— 1 7 Septem ber 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

R Mu d

l l tb s ent. 1 645

Entred for his c0 pie unde r the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT , deputy toMaste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The Moderate Intelligen ce vj"

1 2 ° g ent. 1 645

Entred under the hand o f Maste r ELSING by orde r of thehouse o f Cor‘n—ons , A tru e R elaébn of the storm ing (f: taking of the Citty ofBristoll w th a ll the forts , tow n e Castle , ordinan ce , a rm es chAm m un ition byS' Tho : Fa irfax Arm ie on the 1 1 “ of th1 s p

'ecut Sep t. togei ther w



seue ll Articles conc erning the sam e

[The num be r of this page has gone ]

1 3° g ent. 1 645

En tred unde r the hand o f Mas te r MABBO'I‘T , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , A pf ect relacvn of the sevall p roceed ings betw een e S' Tho :Fai rfax d’ Pr ince Rup ert before Bristoll vjd

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOT'I‘, deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , 2 pam phle tts called, The Dove &c xijd

Entred unde r the hand o f M aste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , 2 pam phle tts , v iz‘, Mercur iu s Civicus The true Inform er

s o


1 5° g ent.

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called The pf ect D 1 urna ll vjd

1 6° g ent.

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRusHW ORTH tw o pam phle tts (viz

‘) Mercu rius Bri tan icus the kingdom es

Intelligence xijd

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r DOWNHAM a cate chism ocalled, A lightfrom Christ leading unto Christ by the sta rr of his w ord, &c ,by Jm : Bourne

eohem his

En tred by o rde 1 o f the heuse o f Com ous A decla ration of theLords (f: Com ou s , con cernm g repr isall of ship s sent into the Um ted Prov inces to be printed i n dutch English vj


1 7° g ent.

En tred by 0 1 der of the house o f Com ous , A Letter fromL e if ten

'- Ge 1 1 era ll Crwm w ell to the house of Com ous concern ing the m an ner

of the taking of Bristoll, &c vj‘l

1 94

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

G iles Calvert .

Robt. Austen.

Pe ter Cole.

JohnHanook .

John Feild.

Baw .Husbands.

Mas terWalbanck .

[2 0—2 5 Septem ber 1 645.n - Nn d dhfiffifiE]

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 ° g ent. 1 645

En tred for the ir copie s unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy toMas te r Rusnw oa 'rn , Tw o pam phle tts (vi z

‘) Mercur 'ius Civi cus The tr ue

r mer xij“

2 2 °

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called, The p fect D iurna ll Vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBo'r'r deputy to Mas te r

RUSHWORTH , 2 pam phletts called, The Mode1 ate Intelligen ce Mercw rius

Britan icus xij‘l

En tred unde 1 the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Ma sterMI LLER w arden a booke called Vind1 cia verita tis o1 truth vindi cated &c,be ing an An sw ers vjd

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The heads of the Citty Scout, &c vj



Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBo'r'r deputy to Master

RUSHWORTH , a letterfrom Col. Lilborne to a friend in London , 81 0 vj‘l

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden a booke called The Covenant of god

’s free gra ce, &c, byM r John Cotton w he reun to is added a profe ssion of faith, &c,


byM'Davenport vj


Ent 1 ed unde 1 the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRusnw on'

rn , a pam phlett called, The rela con of Supp ressingthe clubm en

in Sussex, by the Governor of Ar undell . d

2 5° S upt. 1 645Entred unde r y hand of Maste r MABBO'r'r , de puty to Maste rRusn w oa m , tw o pam phletts called, The k ingdom es Moderate In telligence xij‘i

En tred by orde r of the Com ns house of Parliam ", A Lettertou ching the Routing of Montrosse sent to M" Prideaux, ano the r le tte r of

the storm ing «it delivering up of the Devices to L eiften‘gen erall Crom

w ell, the xij‘l

room his

En tred unde r the hands of S” NATHANI ELL BRENT and Mas te rM ILLER w a1 den a booke called The M i rror of Justu ss , m ade by AndrewHorn e tran slated out of the old Fren ch into English, byW“ 1 Hughes ofGrayes Inne, Esq' vjd

This en try w as n ever fin ished .

[tzihll‘tr‘i - m d. 2 5—2 9 Septem ber 1 95

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 5° g ent. 1 645

Prim e“ Leech Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Mas te r MARBo 'r'r deputy to

Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called The Con tinuacon of the R em a rksable p assages , &c Vj


MasterWsibanck . Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBo'r'r deputy to Maste rRUBIIWORTH, 2 pam phletts called , The Dia ry, &c . xij


2 7°

Edw . Husbands . En tred by o rde r o f the house o f Com ous A reto cou of the

routing the k ings forces by Ma ior generall F oynes «f: the Cheshei 1 e forceson Routon hea th w thin 2 m i les of Cheste r, Sep t w th a list ofthe Lords , l nights, com anders souldiers slayne tak en p risoners , «t o


eohcm his

M5 3 “ ? Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rBownthw aite. PARKER w arden , a book e called Good thoughts in bad tym es con s isting ofVide page (776) psona ll m editacon s , scrip tu re observe s-one ,

ct: H istorical l applicaé'

on s , m intcontem p laé


bns , by Thom as Fuller .

2 7° g ent. 1 645

En tred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABRo 'r'r , deputy to Maste r

Rusn w on'rn , a pam phle tt called, Mercurius B1 1 ttan 1 cus vj


Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MARRO'r'r deputy to Mas


te r

Rusnw onrn , a pam phle tt called, the Dove,&c vj


{23 1 1

30 011 819

1 kEntred unde r the hand o f Maste r MAEBo 'r'r deputy to Maste r

Law . Chapman. RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect di arna ll vj‘l

2 9°

John Sw eating. En tred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden , A treaties called Theologia Germ an ica

,tran slated ou t of

high dutch into English 16 comp ared w th the La tyn , &c vjd

JohnWright,Jun' Entred by order of the Lords house o f Parliam ‘, Colonell

generall Poynt’s Le tte r w it-h Colonell Parsons re lacon o f the routingd

thek ing

’s force s at Routen heath, &c vjd

Edw . Husbands . Entred by o rder of Maste r Speak e r o f the hoble house o fCom ous , A f uller Na rrative of the la te victory obteyn ed by Catt. Genera llPoint s ag'his Mam forces ne ere Chester p ' ,es 1 1 teri by Coll. Law : Parsons ,


John Ham ond. En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, A m ost strange c

‘éw onderfu ll appar1 tionof blood m a poole a t Carraton i n L estershe ire d

Giles Calvert . Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r BACHIL OR and Maste rMI LLER w arden , A n ew Quere , &c , by M' Saltm arsh '


1 96

[Page 77477

Tho Underhlll.

Tho. Bates an dJohn Wright .

Fran. Coles .

Tho. Bates andJohnWright.

Bobts Whi te.

Ma ster Moseley.

Mas te r Bellam y.

Bobto Austen .

[Page 776{ . e. 773 ]

Mas te r Sparks.

[ 1—1 3 October 1 645.R. Un ibfilfiii ]

[2 1° Caroli Reg is ]

[The num be r of this page has gone ]1 ° Q d obt

’ts 1 645

Entred for his copie unde r the hands o f M as te r CAL LAMY and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , a a [ sic] pam phlett called, England’s Rem em brancer, or,A Catalogue of all or m ost of the victories strongholds obteyned by theParl'forces e tc Vj‘1

2 ° washris

En tre d unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , 2 pam phle tts called, M ercurius Civzcus The tru e Inform er


1 0 a m

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phlettscalled, the Scottish dove xij‘l

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH, tw o pam phle tts, viz‘Mercu rius Civicus the True Inform erprinte d las t w eek e xij


Entred unde r the hands of Maste rMAEEo'rT and Capt AUDLEY ,three pam phle tts , v iz‘, The k ingdom es Moderate Intelligen ce Mercu rius

Britta/n icus xvi ij“


Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect Diurna ll Vj‘l

w orm his

Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT and both the

w arden s abook e called Poem s in English 19: La tyn , by M'John Milton


7° Q “ .

En trad unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a Catachism e called

,Children s bread , or a breif e f orm s ,

the by Tho . Woolfe ll vjd

Butt ed unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , four pam phle tts (viz‘) three pf ect passag es the heads ofthe 0 1 1 1 3, Scout if

[The num be r o f this page has gone ]1 3° Q d ohrts 1 645

Entrad unde r the hands of Maste r CRANEORD and Maste rM ILLER w arden a booke called The lyar confounded, or, a breifeof John Lilborne

s m iserably 1 1 1'ista ted case , 81 0 , by WIn Pryn

1 98

[Page 777t .e. 775]

John Maycock .

Robt. Austen.

EdwardHusbands .

Master Sm ith.

Richard Rolston.

Master Bellam y.

[Page 778Le. 776]

Mathew Symm ons.

Andrew Hebb.

John Eam ond.

[ 1 4—2 0 October 1 645.a r ena- {tritfi’mJ

[2 1° Caroli Reg


[The num be r of this page has gone ]1 4° a nem ia 1 645

Entred for his cop ie unde r the hand of Master DOWNHAM a pam phle ttcalled, Inno cency clea red, true w orth p redi cated aga in st false assertions , ina letter sent to M" Henry Burton, &c Vj



Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r M ABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , Tw o pam phle tt

-s v iz", A p a ckett of Letters , The pf ect

p assages xi,]a

Entred by orde r o f the house of Com ous An Ordinan ce of the

Lords d: Co iT'i ons f or a dvan ce 0] 40 ,0 0 0"for S

' Tho : Fa i’

rf arc s Arm yd

byw ay of Loan e vj


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARKER w arden a book e called A looki ng tgla sse for good w oem on , &c ,



John Brinsley vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNIIAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e entituled Of Cons cience , &c vj


1 6tb w ttohr.

Entred * Assigned ove r unto him by ve rtue of a note unde r the handsscale s of THOM AS DOWN ES , NICHOLAS BOURNE , ROBT M EAD E , RICH :WHITAKER , JOHN LEGATT , EDW : BRUSTER, PHILEMON STEPHENS,R ICHAR D THRAL E CHE : M EREDITH and subs cribed by bo th the

w arden s , a full tenth pte or sha re o f into a book e called Annotat ion sup on all the books of the old ct: n ew testam ent &c . by the joy-pi t La


bour ofcerta ine D ivines the reunto ap oynted

[The num be r o f this page has gone ]t he 1 7th of Q d obet

1 6145

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r BACHELOR and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , a serm o n called, The p astor’s Cha rge dc Cu re , p reachedfirst at Oxford afterw a rds translated by the a uthor, Nath: White,Pastor of a Congregacon at Som er Ilande vj

1 8th of ®ctoher 1 645

En tred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , Aesop s Fables w ith the Fables of Pha edrus m oraliz ed ,translated verbati m according to the Latin , f or the use of gram erschooles , &c vjd

2 0 °

Entred under the hand o f M aste r MARROTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The K ingdom es w eehely Post, the vj


Dele ted in Reg ister.


lB- l u a 2 0—2 5 October 1 645] 1 99

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 °

En tred for the ir copie under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputytl


Master RUSHWORTH a pam phlett called, The pf ect Diurnall VJ"l

Entred un de r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, the Scottish dove vjd

GU“ Calvert . Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r BACHEL ER and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called The Op en ing of M

' Prynn e n ew booke

called a Vindicacon or light breaking outfrom a cloud , &c vj‘1

JOM WflshtJun' Entred by o rde r of the Lords House of Parl. The Ordinan ceRules «9 di recti ons concern ing susp ensi on from the Lords supp er w th thenam es of the M in isters (9 others to try the elders , &c VJd

[Page 779 [The num be r of this pag e has gone ]i .e. 777 ]

2 1 ° O ctobris 1 645

Master Marriott Entred unde r the hands of S' NATH : BRENT and Maste rnd


Rich.Mim e“ .

M ILLER w arden , a book e called Eglogues , by Fran . Quarles VJ

En tred unde r the hands of THO : AUDLEY and Mas te rMABBOTT tw o pam phletts (vi z‘) Brittan i cus The hingdom es Intellig enc e


2 2 ° O d ohris 1 645

Sam . Gellibrand. En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a book e called A dissw asive from the Errors of the tym esw herein the secretts of the p r incip all sects are draw n e togeithe r, &C VJ


3 0 t Austen. Entred un de r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Ma ste rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phletts (viz‘) The heads of the Citty Scout the

pf ect passages xij“

2 3°

3 0 t Whi te. Entred un de r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called , The Moderate Intelligen ce vjd

2 5°

Master Spark s, Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT , Master CRANEORDi331:

“ 1 1 d and Maste r M ILLER w arden a book e called The reform ed scholler , or , theJun r, Sparks, English Accidence , &c , sett out f or the ref orm a é‘on of all schooles f or the use

d: profi tt of young schollers &c , by Josua Poole, M' in Art s . (Salvo jurecuiuscunque )

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABEOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phlett called, The taking of Tiverton w

‘ the Castle ,Church ct: Fort, by S' Tho : Fairfax vjd

2 0 0

[Page 78 0e. 778 ]

Master Clarke.

Tho. Bates andJohnWright, I nn's

Bob“ Whi te .

Edw .Husbands .

[Page 78 1 U) .i .e . 779

Mas terHen. Overton.

JohnHancock .

Mas ter Meredi th.

O ctobe r— 4 No vem ber 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

[The num be r of this page has gone ]2 7° ®ctohr£s 1 645

Entred for the i r copie unde r the hand of M aste r MABEOTT , deputy toMaste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called A pf ect diurna ll vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, the Scottish dove vJ‘l

Entred un der the hand of THO : AUDLEY by pm ission of Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called, Mercu rius Brittan icus vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CAR ILL a book e called Abrotherly exam inac

on exam in ed, or a clea rs Justificac‘

on of som e p assages ina serm on by M

' Gillesp i e ag'M' Colema n , p enned by the said M'Colem an


1 ° flab. 1 645

En tred under the hand of Mas te r MA BBOTT deputy to Mas te rRusHWORrH , four pam phletts , (v iz‘) Tw o Cic ione 2 True Inform ers.


En tred unde r the hand of Master MAEROTT , tw o pam phle ttscalled, The The [ sic ] hingdom es M oderate Intelligen ce one pam phlett

m ore under the hand of THC : AUDLEY called, Bri ttan i cus xvi ijd

Entred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect diurnall VJ


Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The Scottish dove vJ


3° fi chem hrts

Entred by orde r of the Com ons house of Parl. An Ordinanceof both houses , f or com p os i con f or w ardship s in the Co" of Wardliveries, &c vj


[The num be r of this page has gone ]3° ill-com m ie 1 645

Entrad unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden , A defence of certaine p osition s it: S crip tures iustifieingthe Cong regationa ll w ay of Church goverm '

, &c , by Sam . Eaton John

Taylor vjd

Entred by orde r o f the home house o f Com ons a fast serm on ,

The ruin e of the au thors d: f om entors of civi ll w a rre, 81 0 . d

ate fi ohcm hris

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CAL LAM Y and Maste rM ILLER w ar : A serm on p reached at the Funerall of that w orthy m em ber ofthe house of Com


one , William Strode , Esq. By GasparHicks VJ‘l

2 0 2

[Page 783t o . 78 1 ]

MasterWalbanck .

Fran. Leech.

Master Whi taker.

MasterWalbanck .

[Page 784i .e . 782 ]

Rich. Rolston.

Richard Bolston;

[ 1 7—2 0 No vem ber 1 645.B

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

[The num be r o f this pag e has gone ]1 7° flohem hris 1 645

Entred for the ir copie s unde r the hand o f M as te r MABBOTT deputy to

Maste r RUSHWORTH , 4 pam phletts viz‘, 2 Civicus 2 Inform ers ij'

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phle tt called, The Perfect di urna ll Vj


Entred unde r the hand of MasterMABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The Scottish dove vj

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT seaven pam phletts,vizt The Dia ry seaven w eek e s printed 0 1 1 Wen sday last i lj


[QUERY . —Doe s this m ean that all seven num be rs w e rep rinted at on ce ?]

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT seaven pam phlettscalled, The Oon tinua con of the pf ect p assages , &c i ij'vj“

1 9° floh.

Entred unde r the hand of S” NATH : BRENT and Maste r M ILLERw arden , A declara t‘bn of his highnes Prin ce Rup ert, w "

a Na rrative &cvjd

Entred unde r the hands o f S’ NATE : BRENT and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called The vindica c‘ on of the Professors cfi prof ession of the Law , so fa rr forth as Scrip ture «2 right reason m ay be Judge , (fisp eedy j usti ce w

‘“exalts a Nation

,«t o by J0 : Cooke, of G raye s Inne , Esq”


En tred unde r the hand of Maste r BOOK ER, and Maste r M ILLERw arden a boo ke called A collection of an cient «f: m odern e p rophesi esconcerning these p'sent tym es w ih m odest observaé‘bns thereon w th the

Nativities of the Earle of Straflord d: the Archbp of Canterb ury, &c.d

byWm Lilley vj


[The num be r of thi s page has gone ]

2 0 ° flobem hris 1 645

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arde n a booke called Five lea rned trea tices vi z‘ 1 . Of Scandall.2 . Of w ill w orship . 3 . Of sup erstition . 4 Of sinn s of w eakenesse (fi' w i ll

f ullnes . 5. Of a late or death bed rep entance by D" Ham m ond Vjd

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w a rden , Severa ll sp eeches m ade by D'F eatley before the Assemblyof div in es , w th King Jam es his advice &0 vj


[The last six w ords w e re added afte r the previous partw as com pleted ]

[ atMilli?in Mu d

Rich. Rols ton.

Bobte Whi te .

3 0 t Leyborne.

(Jam es Crum pe.


ge m .

Tho . Bates andJohn Wright.

Jane Cos .

Giles Calvert .

Bohte Whi te.

Ralph Sm ith .

2 0—2 4 No vem ber 1 645] 2 0 3

[2 1°

Caroli Reg is]

2 0 ° flobem bris 1 645

Entred for his copie under the hands o f M aste r DOWNHAM and Ma s te rPARKER w arden a booke called The cu re of the kingdom es great curse , or an

antidote f or the tongu e that is accustom ed to sw eari ng, by Rob“ Bourm an


En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phle ttscalled, The K ingdom es Moderate Intelligenc e vjd

En tred un de r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, The Com p la int of the Northw est Countrym an vjd

Entred un de r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden . a book e called The im ortalli ty of the Soule by T . H. Vj


Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARKER w arden , a booke called, The cure of m isp ri sion , or , selected notesup on sund ry questions in controversie betw een s the w ord the w orld, byRichard Young vj


[The num be r of this page ha s gone ]

2 2 ° fiobcm hris 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOT T deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , tw o pam phle tts called, M ercu rius Civicus The true


Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MAB BOTT , deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , Eight pam phle tts, (v iz‘) 6 Occurrences , 1 Rela c

bn of a Victory&c. The Citty Scout i i ij

En trad unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT deputy to MasterRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The pf ect diu rnall VJd

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The Scottish dove vjd

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called Truth shutt out of dores, &c, by HenBurton d

En tred un de r the hand of THO : AUDLEY , by con sent of Maste rRusHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, Bri ttan i cus vj


Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT, deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The k ingdom es Intelligen ce VJd

Entred under the hand of Mas te r CRANFORD a book e called Avein of M

' Colem an’s new niodell f or Church goverm ' VJ‘l

Godfrey Em erson .

[Page 786i .e . 784]

Ben. Allen.

Edw . Paxton.

Jane Cos.


[2 9 No vem ber— 1 Decem ber 1 645.B

[2 1 Ca roli Reg is]

2 9° flow 1 645

En tred for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste 1 JOHN LANGLEY andMaste rPARKER w arden , a booke called Lexicon Hom erici


l auto [ re LudovicoCoulon [d

[The num ber of this page has gone ]

2 9° flobem hris 1 645

En tred unde 1 the hands of Maste r CARILL and Maste r M ILLERw arden a booke called The Cove" of Grace op ened, &c . , by Peter Bulkley,som e tym e preache r 1 n New England vj'l

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r MABBO'I‘T deputy to Maste r

RUSHWOR ’I‘H , 2 pam phletts called Civicus the Tr ue Inform e r 1 i

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to MasterRUBHWORTH , five pam phle tts , called The pf ect p assages ij'vjd

Ent 1 ed unde r the hands o f Maste r CAHILL and Maste r PAR K ERw arden , a t i act called, The visions p rop hesi es oj Dan iell exp ounded , & M

'Tho : Parker of New England vjd

Entred unde r y" hand o f Mas ter MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRusHW OR I H , Tw o pam phletts called, The pf ect Occurrences VJd

En tred unde r the hand o f Mas ter MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt , The kings p rocla i nac'on con cern ing the Com onPrayer booke &c vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand o f THO : AUDLEY by perm is sion o f

Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, Mercuriu s Brittan i cus vj‘l

1 ° Beccm hrie 1 645

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


te r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The pf ect diurna ll vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas


te r

RUBHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The Scottish dove VJd

[NOTE . —The oute r edge of thi s last page is badly torn ,

and som e o f the nam e s have been torn aw ay ]


[Hmiti'll 'xm 3— 1 1 Decem ber 2 0 7

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

M aster : R obert m ean, master.

M anter ark ”

w armer : G eorg e mi llerM arin a s

3 ° Beecm hris g o 1 645, 2 1 ° fiat . nits.

[Page 1 ] Entred for his copie under the hands of Master CRANFORD and Maste rMas ter Sm i th. M ILLER w arden a bo ok e called Corpu s Discip linae , or the Bodi e of dis

cip line &c , published by the m in i sters db Elders of the Dutch Church inLondon . d

Master Bothwell, Entred un der the hands of Maste r BACHELOR, and Maste r


find PARKER w arden a book e called Serm on s up on COL OS : the first Chapen .

verse the 1 3 " i nto the end of that chap ter , by Nich : Lockyer . d


Mathew Symmone. Entred unde r the hand of Maste r DOWNEHAM and Mas te rPARKER w arden a book e called An im a duersions up on M ' Tom es hisErerci tacon about Infant Bap tism s &c d


Master Meredith. Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rM ILLER , w ar : a sm a ll tract called, The doore of Truth op ened , a breij oNa rrative of the occasi on how M'Hen : Bu rton cam e to shutt him self s out

of the Church dores of Alderm anbu ry, &c , by M'Callam y d

Entred 1m der the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect diurna ll vjd

Entred un de r the hand of Maste r MABBOT'I‘

, deputy to Mas



RnsHWOR'rH, a pam phlett called, the S cottish dove vj‘l

En tred un de r the hands of THO . AUDLEY and Maste r MABBOTTThree pam phle tts (viz ‘) Brittan i cus The kingdom es Moderate In telligenee xvi ij


1 1 ° mecem hr. 1 645

[Page 2 ] E'

ntred unde r the hands ofMas te r DOWNAM and Maste rMaste 1 Meredi th.

w arden a book e e n tituled The n ew s Quere &c , exam ined byM'LEY one of

the As sem bly o f Divine s &c Vj‘l

3 0 t Whi te.

S teven Bowtell.

Master Clarke .

Jane Coe .

Mas ter Bellam y .

Maste rWalbanck .

[l l—3 0 Decem ber 1 645.B JM ihfilfi’fifi']

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 1 ° m am a . 1 645

Entred for the ir copie under the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called The oId (1 1 1 - (rt good w as] vindi cated, &c ,


byElizabethWarren vj


1 5° Berem ltrts 1 61 1 5

Entred unde r the hands of THOMAS AUDLEY , by rm ission of

Maste r Rusnw on'rH

,a pam phle tt called, Brittan i cus un er the hand

o f Maste r MABBOT'I , tw o pam phle tts called, The kingdom es M oderateIntelligence xvi ijd

cohem hie

En tre d unde r the hand o f Master MABBOTT , deputy to Ma ste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, the pfect di urnall vj


En tre d un de r the hand o f Maste r MAB BOTT , deputy to Maste rRusHWOR'

rH , a pam phle tt called , the S cotish dove vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r ELSING , clarke o f the houseof Com ous , a serm on ca lled Gods covenan t the Churches Plea , p rea ched a t

Westm ’at the lat e solem ne fa st 2 9° octobris 1 645, by Fran. Taylor, Ba ch.

in divin ity VJ"l

Entred under the hands of Maste r CAa and Maste rw arden , a tract called, Male dicio Maledicio , or a breif e rep ly to

M' Gi llesp i es , Nihi l resp ondes , a lso a breif e ve we breifly veiw ed by a

na m eles anth0 1 , 1fic . By Thom as Colem an Vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rPARK ER w arden a boo k e called A breif e discourse con cern ing that nam eheathen com only give n to the Indian s as a lso that great p o int of thatconversion , &c VJ


Eli e 2 0 tb of Berem ber 1 645

Entred unde r the hands o f THO . AUDLEY by pe rm iss ion o f

M aste r Ruu onrH , a pam phle tt called, Brittani cus unde r the hando f Maste r MAEBO'r

'r tw o pam phle tts called The hingdom es Moderate

Intelligence xviij‘

Entred un de r the hand o f Maste r MABEO'r'r deputy to Ma


ste r

RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pj ect D zu i na il vj"

3 0 tio Beccm brts

Entred unde r the hands of M aste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARK ER w ar A trea tise called, A M irro r , or Io oheinggla sse both f or sa intsA?s inn ers . By Sam : Clarke o f Benne t fiinck ton vj


En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MAnnO'r'r deputy to Maste r

Ruu o a'rH , five pam phle tts (v iz‘) The D 1 a ry, &c . to the 2 2 “ l of Decem ~

be r in stant ij'd

2 1 0

[Page 5]Master Meredi th .

Abel] Roper.

Abel] Roper.

Bohte Whi te .

[Page 6]Master Harper.

Master Sm i th .

Master Moseley.

Robte White.

Francis Coles.Law . Blacklock.Law . Chapm an.

[6— 1 0 January 1 645.

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

n . a n d

6° assum e 1 645 [ i .s . 1 611 546]Ass igned ove r un to him by vertue of a note unde r the hand scale o f

JOHN FExLD subscribed by bo th the w arden s , All the e state right titleIn te re st of him the sa id John Fe ild , of in to the se Tw o copie s orbookes The tria ll triump h of faith, or an Exp osic

—ou of Christs dis

p ossess ing the w om an of Canaa n , &c . And The divi ne right of Churchgovei m ent , or a d 1 epute d o, both o f them w ritten by M' Sam uell Rutherford. Provided that the said John Fe ild shall have the full w ork em an

ship of prin ting the sa id Book e s , doe ing the sam e as w ell, reasonablyspeedily as o ther able Maste r Prin te rs w ill (bona fide ) be w illing to doe

the sam e xij‘l

conem his

En tred for his copie unde r the hands o f S" NATHANIELL BRENT , and

Maste r M ILLER w arden a bo ok e called The Con tinuacnn of Bucha -

nonshistory of Scotland, w ri tt in La tyn by Rob“ Johnston, begin ing Anno 1 572to the yea rs 1 582 translat ed into English by T : M : d

eohem his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w a1 den , a short Catachi sm e com p osed a ccording to the Rulesd i i ections con cerning susp enc


bn from the Sacr ‘am of the Lords Supp er incas e of ignoran ce, by John Butley, m in iste r VJd

En tre d unde r the hand o f THOMAS AUDLEY and MasterMABBOTT six pam phletts (viz‘) 2 Brittan i cus 2 K ’ingdoni es Intelligen ce2 Moderate Intelligen ce ilj’

Eli e 8tb of 3 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 ? 1 61 1 5 [ i . s . 1 61 1 546]But 1 ed unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w a1 den a book e called The expia con of a s 17n"

1 1 e1 , or, a Com entaryup on the Ep i stle to the HEBREWES &c d

Entre d unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and MasterM ILL ER w a 1 den , A catalogue of m any of the Errors blasphei ni es pra ct i zes of the t_1/ 1 1 ,1 e u th som e observacbns up on them , &c by M

" Edw ardsvj"

under the hands o f S" NATH : BRENT and bo th the

Autore Jacobovj‘l

Entredw arden a sm a ll tract called Anglia susp ir ia ct Iachrim a .

How ell

1 0 ° 31 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 645 [ i .s . 1 64546]Entre d unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , 2 pam phle tts

(viz‘) The k ingdom es M oderate Intelligen ce unde r the hand of THO :

AUDLEY , a pam phlett calledM ercuriu s Bri ttan i cus xvi ij"

Entred unde 1 the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect (Ii 1 1 r1 1a ll, &c d

- W ' 1 0— 1 6 January 2 1 1

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 0 ° 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 645 [ i i

Tho. Bates and Entred for the ir copie s unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , 2 pam phle ttsW11 8“ called, Mercu rin s Ci i 1 c 1 1 s the t 1 a s Inform e r 1 i

1 1 0 t Austen. En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT 5 pam phle tts , v iztThe pf ect p assages ij


1 3m

Giles Calvert. Entred under the hands of Maste r.

BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER , w arden a bo ok e called The sm oak e in the Tem p le w herein is a

Vindi cation of the Querefrom the late book e of M’Lee of the Assem bly, &c.

w th som e sp i ritua li Princip les a w ay of p ea ce &c by John Saltm arsh '


EM 1 s of 3 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 645

[Page 7] Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATHAN I ELL BRENT , and MasterMB-Bterw ‘lbanck PARKER w arden , a bo ok e ca lled A m anu ell or breif e Treatice of som e

p erticular rights a nd p riviledges belonging to the high Co" of Pa rtiam ‘, &c ,

by Rob“ Derham o f Graye s Inne , Esqre vjd

MasterWalbanck . Entred by ve rtue of a licen ce under the hands of doc torWEEKES and Maste r RICH : WHITAKER then w arden (dated the 1 9“ l of

Novem be r 1 63 9) a book e called Select if: cho i ce observa -c'ons con cern ing theTw elve first Caesa rs Em p erors of Rom e , w "

a dd ic—on of ce rta ine french p ro

uerbes &c , by Edw ard Leigh vj‘1

cohem Bic

Thom as Paine. Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARK ER w arden a book e called A short p 'p arafi m to the w orthy receiveingof the sacram

'of the Lord’s Supp er &c , by John Bak er, a Palat ine exile


Master Dsw lm an . Entred by the o rde r of the Lords house of Parlian1 , A serm on

prea ched be fo re the ho“ e house o f pe eres the 2 6tho f Novem be r 1 645, be ing

a day a publik e fast, by Jerem y Burroughes vj‘1

Giles Calvert . Entred unde r the hands o f M aste r BATCHELOR and Ma ste rPARK ER w arden , Certa ine Additiona ll R eason s to those prsented in a

letter by the M in isters of London , &c vj‘l

1 6° $1m uarif 1 645The . Bates and Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT tw o pam phle ttsJOhnWfiGm i Jun

' c alled, M 10 1 curius Ci vicus the true Inform er, &c j‘Fran - Coles Butt ed un de r the hand o f Maste 1 MABBO I

‘T a pam hle tt

fizzfifigfififlf' called, The Perfect Diui na ll, &c p


$0 5 his

“ 1 1 0 0 0 0 » Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT , the seua ll cop ies ofthe Kings tree m essages sent to the Pa rl . &c w

M som e observa c'

onsthereupon &c VJ‘l

2 1 2

Bobte Austen.

Mathew Sym m ons .

John S tafford.

Master Young.

Bohte Whi te .

Master Bos tock.

[ Page 9]John Benson andJohn Sayw eil.

John Hurlocke.

[2 1— 2 7 January 1 645.R

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

111 11 1 z 1 tb of Sianuarp 1 645 [ i . e . 1 64546]

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste rPAR KER w arden a book e called A p racticall abstra ct of the Art ofcaob u a ssa i ling &c , by David Papillon, gen t .Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT tw o pam phlettsvi ,z

t The pf ect p assages Xijd

En tred unde r the handsof Maste r DOWNEHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden a bo ok e called The Confession of faith, of senven churchescom only called Anabap tists , &c vj‘l

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILL ER w arden , A serm on on the tw o fortie th Of ESAII , 2 4

mverse ,


byMrWm Venner “

w ho gave Jacob to the spoile ,”

&c vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARK ER w arden , a book e called A century of divine m editacons up on predesti na con it i ts adiuncts &c by Alexander Rosse vj


En tred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT and THO : AUDLEY3 pam phletts , vizt M ercurius Brittani cus , The kingdom es m oderat eIntelligence xviil


2 4° 31 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 645 [ i . s . 1 64546]

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARKER w arden a b

’ook e called Ma le audi s or an An sw ers to M' Colem an

his Male di'


s &c by Geo. Gillespie vj"

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called The p erfect diurnall vjd

En tred un der the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Maste rRU SBWOBTH

,2 pam phletts called Cici one , the true Inform er xij


2 60 1 645 1 64546]

Ent 1 ed unde r the hands of Maste r ELSING clark e o f the houseo f Gom one and Mas te r PARKER w arden , a serm on pre ached be fore thehohle house o f Con

Tons at the late solem ne fast, the 3 1 ‘h o f De cem be r 1 645,by V7

m Strong , entituled The Day of Revelacon of the righteous Judgem ‘of

god, &c

2 7° manuarti 1 645 [ i . s . 1 64546]Entred under the hand of Maste r CARILL and Ma ste r PAR KERw arden a Serm on o f the said M' Carill

’s called, The p resent duty

endeavor of the sa ints , &c vj‘l

Butred by orde r o f the house of Co‘

On s a Se rm on called, Thegood of a good Goverm

'if: w ell grounded pea ce &c. preached at the latesolem n e fast , the 3 1 “ o f De cem be r 1 645, by John Foxcroft vj


2 1 4

June 0 0 0 .

Master Overton.

[Page 1 1 ]Mas te r Overton.

MasterWslbanck .

MasterWslbanck .

Bohte White.

Bohte Bostock .

MasterThom ason.

[51—1 0 February 1 645.R. m 'd

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]


Entred for her copie unde r the hands o f Maste 1 BACHELOR and Maste rPARK ER w arden ,

a book e called the shin ing of a flam eing fyre &c , or a

cleere answ ere to 1 3 excep tions ag'the grounds of 41 1945141 1! New Bap tism s

in M'Sa ltm a rsh his booke &c , by Hanserd Knollis vj‘

Entred unde r the han ds o f Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rPARKER w arden a booke called Un iform ity exam ined w hether i t be to bej on ud in the gosp ell, or in the pra cti ce of the Churches of Christ , &c .


byWm Dell rj


Et c scabm flt of ARM . 1 645 [ i . s . 1 64546]

En tred un de r the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden a bo oke e ntituled Christ alone exa lted In the pf ect

-ion (f

encourage m'of the saints &c, la id op en i n sevall serm ons bv D' Crispe, this

be ing the 3"volum e vj


8° .fl'

el w.

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT S' Tho : Fairfaxsp roceedings about the storm ing of Eweceter &c vj


Entred un de r the hand o f Ma ste 1 RUSHWORTH s deputy, TheKings Ma" last grat ious m essag e for p ea ce &c, w th a cop i e of the Lord

Digbys LetterEntred un de r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam hle tts

called The kingdom es Moderat e Intelligen ce , one pam phle tt nu e 1 the

hand of THO : AUDLEY called, Britta ni cus xviij‘l

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phle ttscalled Civicus do the true Inform er . xijd

Entred unde r the hands o f Master MABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect diurna ll, &c vj‘l

9° ” sli t .

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARK RR w a 1 den , a booke called Treason ct R ebellion aga inst the i 1 nat ivecoun trey in stly rew a rded &c d

1 0 0 e b.

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CARYL and Maste r PAR KERw arden No m a p a c is ecclesiastica e . A treat ise tou ching the p eace of thechu rch, or , an ap ostoli


all rule how to iudge a right i n difierences 1 1 1"cancerne religion &c . BV JO Berg ! D m D . vjd

De le ted in Reg ister.

[it in 3 :M “ M

[Page 1 2 ]John Sw eating .

Godfrey Em erson.

Master Overton.

Peter Cole.

This is crest outby orde r of C o"da ted theof February A0

1 645 [ 11 e . 1 645—6]Taste . H. W.

Abell Roper.

[Page 1 8 ]Hum ph. Blunden.

Stephen Bowtell.

Tho. Bates and

1 1— 1 5 February 2 1 5

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

Et c l l tb of f ehruaty 1 645 [ i .s . 1 64546]As signed ove r un to him by vertue of a no te unde r the hand scale o f

Ma ste r ROE“ DAWLMAN subs cribed by Maste r M ILLER w arden , All

the e sta te , right, title in te re s t, w Ch the said M “ Daw lm an hath of in

the book e or copie called, The sinceere convert &c by Thom as Sheapardvj‘l


Butt ed for his copie unde r the hands of Ma ste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rM ILLER w arden , a book e called Hugon is Grotii Bap tizatorum pueroru/m

institutio , &c

cobem hie

Entred un de r the hands of Master BACHELOR and Mas te rPARK ER w arden a book e ca lled Tw elve considerable serious caution s veryn ecessa ry to be observed i n about a R ef orm a con , a ccording to the w ord ofgod &c by John Goodw yn vj


com m his


Entred by orde r of the Com ou s house of Parliam ‘ subs cribedby Maste 1 M ILLER w arden , a serm on ca lled

, The p urifieing of uncleane

hea rts hands &c . a t the late solem n e f ast, Jan : 2 8“ 1 645 [ i e . 1 645 by

Rich : Vyass . vj"

En tred by o rde r o f the Lords house o f Parliam ‘a se rm on

p'ched be fo re y' Lords en t ituled The troubles of Jerusalem s Restaurac‘ on

or the Chu rches R eform a c‘

on &c , by John White of Dorchester, being at the

late p ublike f a st, the of Novem be1 , 1 645 vj‘l

who of £ 131 1 1:a 1 645 [ i . s . 1 64556]Entred un der the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM 51 nd MasterM ILLER w arden a book e called M ’John Arndt, thatfam ous Germ a n divinehis booke of S crip tu re &c . tran sla ted out of the Latyn cop i e, by RandulphusCastrensis vj


Eire 1 sth of di et .

Entred un de r the hands o f Maste r CALAMY and Maste rM ILLER w a 1 den , A defence of Infant Bap tism s , In aunsu

'er to tw o

treatises an app end ix to them , la telypubli shed by M’John Tom bes &c .

By Stephen Marshall vj‘l

Entred under the hands of Mas te r MABBOTT " pam phle tts viztCivi cus the tru e Inform er xij‘l

2 1 6

11 0 t White.

MasterWslbsnck .


Giles Calvert .

MasterWslbanck .

[Page 1 4]Master Moz eley.

Master Moseley.


Mas te r Meredlth.

[ 1 5— 2 3 February 1 645.B l eed- ihare]

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

Et c 1 5th of .fl'


Entred for his copies un der the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phlettscalled, The kingdom es Moderate Intelligence unde r v‘hand o f THO

AUDLEY a pam phlett called Brittan i cus xvi ij‘l

Entred un de r the hand of Master M ABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diu 1 1 1 a ll vjd


Entred un der the hand o f Maste 1 MABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, The k ings Arm y in the West routed , &c Vj‘l

En tred under the hand o f Master EL SING by o rde r of thehem house o f com ou s , A fast se rm on p

'ched the 2 8“h of January 1 645,

[ i e 1 645—6] bv M r Carill entituled Heaven d: ea rth em bras ing Vj‘l

2 ]

Entred 1 m der the hand o f Maste r BOOK ER a pam phlett called,Vow Celoru , or , the voyce of the celestiall lights , &c Vj


2 1 ° v eer. 1 645 [ i . e . 1 611 546]Entred under the hands o f S' NATH : BRENT and bo th thew arden s a bo oke called Odes of Casim i rus tran slated by G : H: [ i .e . G.Hills] vj


t ot em his

Entred 1 m der the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and both theWarden s a booke called An histori cal! Anatom y of Christian Melancho lly&c , by Edm ond Gregory VJ


2 3° df cbr.

Entred by Orde r o f the Com on s house of Parliam t A Letterfrom his excellen cy S'Tho : Fairfax to M ’ Sp eake1 tou ching the routing ofHop ton

’s forces at Torrington in the West , &c, w th a letter of M’Ru sh

w o 1 ths d

com m Bic

En tred under the hands of Maste r CALAMY andMaste r PARKERw ar : a bo oke called Vindicia e Faedo -Bap tism i , or, a vindi cation of InfantBap tism s, In a full aunsw er to M ’ Tom bes his 1 2 argum ents &c . ByJo. Geree, M

ro f Arts , & 0 vj

De le ted in Regi ster.

2 1 8

0 0 1 0 8 .

1 2 0 t White .

[Page 1 6]

MasterWalbanck .

Master Latham .

Master Leaks .

Giles Calvert .

Hum . Blunden.

Gi les Calvert .

[Page 1 7 ]Mas ter Moseley .

[2—7 March 1 645.s m ug-jm fl

[2 1° Caroli Reg isj

2 0 m m “ 1 645 [ i . e . 1 64546]Entred for the ir copie [under] the hand of Maste r MABBOTT dep to

Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The p erfect diurna llEn tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT and THO : AUDLEYtw o pam phlett, viz

‘,The Moderate Intelligen ce Mercu rius Bri ttanicus


zo m aria 1 645 [ i .e .

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPAR KER w arden , a Treat ice called, being certaine serm ons

up on these texts (viz‘) HEBR . 2 2 3 8 . GEN. 6. 3 . ESAIJ 57. l . COL . 3 . 5.

Esau 55. 7. LUKE 2 9 . 2 3 . L UKE 1 1 . 9 . COL . l . 1 0 . L UKE 2 3 . 2 4 .

PSAL 1 47. 3 . by M'Wm Fenner late of Rotchford i n Essex

so m aria 1 645 [ i . s . 1 64546]En tred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH deputy Ma ste rMABBOTT a pam phle tt called, S’ Tho . Fa i rfax vi ctori ous p roceedings atthe taking of Lanceston in the w est, &c, w ith a Relacon of the regayn i ng ofAbington , &c vj


41 0 m art“ 1 645 [ i . s . 1 64546]Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste r

A se rm on p reached at the Abbey at Westm inster vp on the 2 " of CAN.

ver behold hee standeth &c , ca lled Godsp resence , m ans comfort, d c vjd

En tred under the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle t , being a letter fro Colonell Payne to Ma iorGenerall Brow n e , di a lso a letre f or on e in the Arm y to a f re ind of his 1 n

London vjd

eohcm his

Entred under the hands of Mas te r BACHELOR and Maste rPARK ER w arden a book e called Groanes f or Liberty, w ith som e Queri es 81 0 ,by M

'Saltm arsh . vj‘l

En tred unde r y° hands of Sr NATH : BRENT and Maste rM ILLER a book e called Ep igram s a single cen tury, &c vj


Entred under the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rPAR KER w arden a bo ok e called The exa ltaéon ct: lifting up of X t

in the dayes of the Gosp ell, being sundry serm ons , by Thom as Colliervj‘l

7° m art“ 1 645 [ i .s . 1 6451 6]Entred under the hands of S“ NATE : BRENT , and bo th the

w arden s by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand seals o f Maste r HEIRON

a. Tragedy called, the Unfortu/nat e Lovers , &c , by W'm Davenant d

[ar m- ix m

Mas ter Overton .

Master Miller.

MasterWalbanck .

Nath . Webb and

John Hancock .

[Page 1 8]Mathew Sym ons .

Jane Cos.

Bern . Alsop .

MasterJohn Daw son.

Baw . Blackm on .

7— 1 1 March 1 645 ] 2 1 9

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

7° m art“ 1 645 [t.e . 1 6451 6]En tred for his copie un de r the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and MasterM ILLER w arden a. bo ok e called Cretensis or a bre if e Answ eare to an

ulcerous treatice lately p ublished entituled Gangrena , &c, by John Goodw ynvjd

En tred unde r y° hands of M aste r CALAMY and the said M aste rM ILLER w arden a book e called the last confli cts death of M'Tho . Peac ockB :D . 81 0 , published by E : B vj


9° m art“En tred under the hands of Maste r G ILBERT MABBOTT dep toMaste r RUSHWORTH , a pam phle t called, A greatfight at New ark , w ith thetake ing of Lychf ei ld &c

Entred by vertue of a noa te unde r the hand scale o f Maste rMAN subs cribed by Maste r PAR KER w arden , All the e sta te right titlein te re st w Ch the said M" M an bath in the se tw o se rm on s (v iz‘)

M r Valentine’s se rm on at a fast pre ached be fore the house o f Com the

2 8‘h Dec” 1 642 , do ctor John Wincops se rm on preached at a fast the2 9th January 1 644 en tituled, Gods cal l to w eep ing m ou rn ing , &c xij


En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a p erfect List ofthe m any victori es obteyn ed by the p arliam ents forces und er the com and ofhis Excellency S' Tho : Fai rfax, from the 1 4“ of June 1 645, to thi s p '

ecutnth of March 1 645, to be printe d upon one side Of a shee t d

1 0 ° m am ; 1 645 [i .e . 1 64546]Entred unde r the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden a book e called a defence of ap ian liberty to the LordsTable 81 0 , by J. G. vj


En tred un der the hand of Master MAB BOTT e ight pam phletts(viz


5 Oc cu rren ces St 3 dyari es i i ij'

Butred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phle tts (v idz‘)

Civi cus the tru e Inform er Kij‘1

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt ca lled,The pf ect diurna ll &c vj


l l th

En tred under the hand of Maste rMABBOTT , a pam phle tt called,The w eeke ly Accom p t, &c d

Entred un der the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterPARKER w arden , a tract called, A conferen ce had w ith M'John Cotton , a t

Boston , 12 the Elders at New England , «t o, by Fran. Cornw all d

Entred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called Gods fury, England s fier d o, by John

Benbridge vjd

Robt . Bostock .

Edw .Husbands .

W1 “ Wethered .

[Page 1 9 ]Master Partridge.

EdwardHusbands .

MasterWalbanck .

Master Mosley.

8am . Gellibrand.

MasterWalbanck .

Tho. Vnderhlll.

[ 1 3— 1 7 March 1 645.R “ w i th:

[2 1° Caroli Reg is]

1 sth

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Ma ste rPARKER w arden a book e called The p eop les p lea , &c vj‘l

En tred by orde r of the Conlbn s house of Parl, Digby d

D’ Goj'

e Cabbinett a nlockt , &c . The Ea rle of Glam organ ’s Negotiaébn

cleerely dem onstrated in sevall letters o ut of Ireland taken at Padstow &cxij


En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterPARKER w arden a bo ok e called A bright starr, d?c or the thi rd p te


ofthe ru le of p erfection &c d

1 3° M arti; 1 645 [i . s . 1 64546]

Entred un de r the hand o f Maste r BOOK ER a book e ent ituled A

bloody Iri sh Alma na ck , or , Rebelliou s if: bloody Ireland di scovered in som en otes extra cted ou t of an Alm ana ck p rinted a t Waterford , 81 0 , by the sa idJohn Booker vj"

1 4th

Entred by orde r of the Lo rds Con—mus house o f Parliam ent ,The Ordinan ce con cern ing divers p a rts ct: p oints of Church Goverm ent ,



Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r R e am er“ MABBOTT deputyto Ma ste r RUSHWORTH , The w hole Arm y i n the West conquered (if: a ll

S " Ralph Hop ton’e horse and Arm es delivered up to S

' Tho : Fa i rfax, &ciVJ

En tred u nde r the hands o f S’ NATE : BRENT and bo th the

w arden s a book e called A history of the life of the late vi ctorious k ing ofFr ,an ce Lew is the 1 3 " (t: of hi s Cardina ll de R ichelieu (t o, by Jam es How ell,Esq


Entred unde r the hands o f S' NATH : BRENT and Ma ste rM ILL ER w arden a booke called The Ir ish R ebellion w ritten by the ho


S'John Tem ple, M'

of the Rolls in the king dom e of Ireland vjd

En tred unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT , S’ Tho : Fa i rfaxlas t letter of the treaty 1 0

M15 “ Ra lph Hop ton , &c d

l 7m ° M art“

Entred under the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Ma ste rM ILLER w ar : a book e called Taychoructa , or , Indep endents raysinge thei r


De le ted in Register.

2 2 2

Bohte White .


MasterWalbanck .

Mathew Sym mons.

[Page 2 2 ]

Master Clarke.

Master Meredi th.

Mas ter Greene.

[ 2 3 March 1 645—2 7 March 1 646.

[2 1°—2 2 ° Caro/i Reg is]

2 3 th of m arch 1 645 [i . e . 1 64546]Entred for his copie s unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT 3 pam phlettscalled 2 Moderates 1 Kingdom s

’3 Intelligen ce xvi ij"

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt ca lled,The pf ect diurna ll vj


25° M art“ 1 646

Entred by orde r of the Lo rds Com ou s in Parliam ', An Ordinan ce f or setting d’: regulating the Hera lds office, &c vjd

En tred'

by*order of * unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT

S'Tho : Fa irfax his tak ing o f Denn is Castle Fe lford haven &c , in a

le tte r from the w est vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rPAR KER w arden a bo ok e called The Saints ordina ry w a lks through gra ceto glo ry or the Sa ints Interest by Christ, the vj


Elie zerb of m at ch 1 646

Entred for his copie s unde r the hand o f Master MABBOTT 2 pamfihletts

viz The kingdom es Moderate In telligen ce on e othe r pam ph etta


pe rm ission o f Maste r RUSHW ORTH called Brittan i cus xvi ijd

cohem hie

Entred un de r the hands of Master CRAN FORD and Maste rPARKER w arden , Serm on called a Dum b sp eech or a serm on m ad e but none

prea ched at thefunera li of M " Ma ry O'

verm a -n , by Ben Spencer &c vjd

2 7tb of m at ch 1 646

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Ma ste rPARKER w ar : a book e called The chara cter of the old English Puri tan or

Non conform ist &c by M'John Ge erey t Geree vjd

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Ma ste rPARK ER w arden a serm on called Heres ia Ma chia , or, the M ischeife thatheresies doc, 12 the m eanes to p revent 1 t , by Jam es Cranford Vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , s. pam phle ttcalled, M ercu rius Civicus vj‘l

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , a pam phlettcalled, Colone ll Welden s taking of In ce Hou se n eere Plym outh, &c . vj‘l

The w ords “ order o f are w ri t ten over, no t dele ted , and the w ord by w as

also no t dele ted .

1 1 Dele ted in Regi ste r . The la st part o f en try added in ano ther hand .

[53m g }n. nu s.

Mas terWalbanck .

MasterWalbanck .

Ma sterWalhm ck .

John Stafford.

Mas te r Sm i th.

John Sweetlng.

Master Walhanck .

Master Sm i th.

[3 0 March—5 April 1 646.22 3

[2 2° Ca roli Reg is]


En tred for his copie unde r the hand o f Sr decla racbn

of King Jam es m ade in Scotland Anno D ifi, 1 585, con cer 1n n_q chu rch

goverm ent, &c VJ"l

t ot em his

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MARRo 'r'r a pam phlett called,The Cop ie of the sum m ons from S’ W" Brereton , Color1 ell Morgan (f:

Colonell Birch, tor the surrendring of Worcester vjd

m atch 1 646

En tred unde r the hands of Mas te r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arde n a book e called The div in e right of Presbi tery, w

“ the

reason s discussing this p 'tende ddivin e right, 81 0 , by John Saltm arsh


En tred unde r the hand of S'NATE


BRENT The Oath adm in is

tred to all ojficers soldiers 16 other p 'sons at Oxf ord, 85

0 VJd

Ent 1 ed unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT . tw o pam phlettsca lled , The w eekely Accomp t . xijd

9 p“ ! 2tb [altered from the 4th]

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNERAM and MasterM ILLER w arden , A serm on 1 141 0 1 1 JER 1 4. 9, by M

'W“ Fenner vj‘l

4ih [altered from

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANEORD and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a book e called The second p te of Gangraena &c


M’Edw ards d

com m his

En tred unde r the hands o f Ma s ter BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden a booke called R eligions p ea ce , or, a p lea lzberty ofconscience &c, by Leonard Busher vj



Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT deputy to Maste ra a w on

'rn ,

a pam phle tt called , S’ Tho . Fa irfax his L re [letter ] ofsum m ons to S'Jo : Ba rkley for s urrender of the citty of Easter 1 0 “ hi s

answ ere , &c vj‘I

Entred under the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rM ILLER w arden a book e called Anti tolleraé'bn , or , an Answ ere to a booke

en ti tu led , Tallera c‘

on iustified cf: p ersecu tion condem ned &c vj‘l

2 24 [8—1 3 April 1 646.

3 “ 11 's:m 2]

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

Ehc 8tb of m m“ 1 646

[Page 2 4] Entred for his copie unde r the hands o f Ma ste r CARILL and Maste rMaster Bartlett. M ILLER w arden , a serm on called, The Three K ingdom es Case , 12 0


John Shaw e VJd

MasterWalbanck Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,A treaty for the su rrender of Easter to S' Tho . Fai rfax &c vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT . tw o pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect diurna ll &c 1 m

En tred unde r the hand o f Master M AB BOTT a pam phle tt called,M ercurius Civi cus, &c vj


En tre d by o rde r Of the Lords hou se of Pa-rl‘, An Ordinan ce f orthe sp eedy establishing a Co" Marsha ll w " in the ci tties of Lon don , &c.

9° ap t .

Bohte White . Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT 4 pam phletts viz ,

2 kingdom es a 2 Moderate In tellcgen css by pe rm i ss ion of Ma s te r RUSH

WORTH , 2 pam phletts m ore calle Brittani cu s i ij‘

JOhflWflsm En tred unde 1 the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, a v i ndi cation of som e religious gentle men of Pembrookeshsire &csubscribed by John Eliott Robe rt Lort vj‘l


Master BellNDY Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste rPARKER w arden a book e ca lled A com sntary , or , exp osi ti on up on the w ho leNew Testam e n t (t o, by John Trapp d

3 0 h” Hu m e" Entred by vertue of a bill sale unde r y' hand seals ofM " M EDCALFE w idd a. book e entituled Sho rt w ri ting the m ost easy exa ctlyneall if: sp eedy m ethod that hath se en yet byn obteyn ed &c by TheoMedoalfe vj‘l

am 1 1 th or s pan 1 646

[Page 2 5] Butt ed unde r the hands of Maste r CRANEORD and Mas te rMas te r Meredith. PARKER w arden a bo ok e called Light f or Sm oaks, or a clears d: d 1etinet

rep ly by John L ey i n answ ers to M' Sa ltm a rshes Sm oaks i n the Temp leVJd

Mas terWalbanck En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,Easter agreed to be surrend rsd to S' Tho . Fa i rfax 1 1 1“a ll the ordinan ce ct

a/ mm un i tion , &c VJd


Maste rWslbenek En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,Three great victo ries in Wa les &c. vj

Fran. Coles . Entred unde r the hand o f Ma s te r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called ,

loci . The pf ect diu rna li , &c VJ‘l

2 2 6

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

Master Meredi th.

This is cu tt edbefore , vide 1 1 tho f this Aprill.

Fm . Coles .

Maste r Meredith.

Mas ter Thrale.

Giles Calvert.

Robtc Whi te .

[Page 2 8 ]MasterWalbanck .

Ben. Allen andTho. Underfll.

[2 0—2 7 April 1 646 .


[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

120 tb spun 1 646

Ent 1 ed for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste r CAR ILL and MasterM ILLER w arde n , a Serm on p rea ched in the Lega re before New arke ,


byRobte Ram Vi

cohsm his

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MARBo'r'r Tw o Pam phle ttscalled, M ercurius Civi cus 1 i

2 1 th spun 1 61 6

Entred Master ORANPARKER

, w ar r sm ok e or a

reply by confused an

sm oak s i

2 1 tb of anvil! 1 611 6

En tred un de r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT dep to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phle tt of the Arti cles of the surrender of Easter Vj

solve his

Entred by orde r of the Lords in parliam en t assem bled, Ase rm on preached 1 1 1 the Abbey church We stm in ste r , on a fast day called,R eform ation s Rsm ora , or tem p orizing the stop of bu ilding the tem ple . ByM'Wm Jenkin, M'

of Arts 16 m in ister of Gods w ord at Christ Church,Lond onButted unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden a booke called A sp irituall du ell betw een a Christian d:

Sathan &c , by H: J:Entred under the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and Ma ste rPARKER w arden a bo o ke called The Sp i ritt of Prela cy yet w orking in som e

81 1 3, by Robte Bacon, M rof Arts vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT tw o pam phle ttscalled, Mercurius Brittan i cu s The Moderate Intelligen ce xijd

1 1 1 1 1 2 51 1» of m an 1 61 6

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOT'r a


pam phlett called,The surrender of Bunelar ct Ti tbury Castle , &c Vj‘l

2 7th

En tred un de r the hands Of Mas te r BACHELOR and Maste rMJLLER w arde n a book e called Soda lis discipu lis , or a litle library con

teyn ing the version s d: In terp 'tac'ons of all the Hebrew ct Greek s of theBible by all authors in Hebrew Greeks L a tyn dc English com p osed alpha

betica lly, 12 being an ep itom e of M' Edw ard Leigh's his Criti ca Sacra

up on both the old d: New Testam ‘by Alexander Raw ley Vjd

[1 1 1 111 1 1 1 3 Me-d 2 7 April—3 May 2 2 7

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

2 7th

Giles Calvert . Entred for his copie by orde r of the Corfibns hou se of Parliam ent aserm on ent1 tuled , Gods dosing (f: m a ns duty, &c , preached by Hugh Petersbe fore bo th house s o f Parl. the Lord Mayor alderm en the As sem blyof di vine s , Apr. 2 , 1 646, for the re covery O f the We st VJ


Entred unde r the hand of HEN : ELSING by order of the Com—onshou se of Part , a se rm on called. Englands Plu s Ultra , &c , preached be fo rebo th house s of Parl‘, the Lo rd Mayor 81 1 3, &As sem bly of Divine s , Aprill 2 ,1 646 by J0 8 Carill vj


m 3 °15t0 0 Entred un der the hands of Ma ste r DOWNRAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a book e called Certa ine p rayers grounded on the Psalm sof David w

“ certa ine devotions thereunto an nexed (fro, bV S'Chri : Hatton


310 t ant ill

Edward Blackm ore En tred un de r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a booke called Christ alone exalted in Seaventeen eSD

m m sfinm ons'Serm on s (t o, being the second volum e , by Tobias CriSpe, Dr in Divin ity


sotb spun 1 61 6

Entred unde r the hand Of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, The p erfect diurna ll &c VJ‘i

consm Bic

Tho . Bates and En tred un der the hand of Mas te r MARROT'I' a pam phle tt calledWright . M ercu ri u s Civicus VJ


Entred ,unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 3 pam phletts viz t

Mercurius Brittan i cus , The K ingdom ss, Moderate Intelligence xviiJ'


1 ° w aif

John Feud. Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWN RAM and Maste rM ILLER w arden a Serm on called, The King of Kings p rivy m ark es f or



choi ce of n ew m em bers &c by Sarh: Kem b VJd

2 0

Entred by orde r of the house of Com on s, Questions p rop oundedto the Assem bly by the hou se of Com ons Ap 1 1 l ultim o 1 646 , tou ching

dthsp oint of Jus divino , &c d

3 0

Master Walbanck Entred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called ,

Articles f or the surrender of the castle of Bridgnorth VJ“

2 2 8

MasterRich. Whitaker.

[Page 3 0 ]John Hancock . ’

Nath. Webb andw m . Grantham .

Andrew Kam b.

Master Smi th.

JohnWTho. Batg


Robto White .

Master Walbanck .

Fran. Coles .Law . Blacklock .Law . Chapman.

[Page 3 1 ]Master Wnlbanck .

[4— 1 2 M ay 1 646 .

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

w e en ie ]

4° m utt 1 646

En tred for the ir copie unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect diu rnal i &c VJ“En tred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANF'ORD a sm all trac tcalled, A p lea f or congregati ona ll goverm

'&c , agt M’John Saltm arsh VJ“

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rPAR K ER w arden a sm all tra ct of the use of the Lords Supp er VJ“

am 8tb of M ary 1 646

Entred 1 m der the hands o f Maste r MABBOTT and Maste rM ILL ER w arden , A p fect list of the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 great vi ctories obteyn ed by godsblessing on the Pa rl“ forces , under the com and of his Excellen cy RobtsEa rle of Essex, to be printed on a shee te on one s ide , w

'"his picture VJ“En trad '

unde r the hand o f Maste r CRANFORD a sm all trac tcalled, A no segasy of Ra nch sm ellingflo w ers , by Josiah Ricraft VJ“Entred by o rde r of the ConT ons house of Parliam ‘

, A serm oncalled, The s infullnes of s in n e held forth, &c, be ing a fast se rm on prched

be fore the house , 2 5‘b March, 1 646, by Sam : Bolton VJ“

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a book e called , The sad schism e of n ew sep erac


on in old

England ara igned (t‘ convi cted &c . by John Brinsley VJ“Entred

M ercurius Civicusunde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called


Entred unde r the hand of Ma s te r MABBOT’I‘ 2 pam phletts vi z


The k ingdom es Moderate Intelligen ce unde r y° hand o f THO : AUDLEY ,Br1 ttan 1 cns xvi ijd

1 0 th

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste 1 MABBOTT a pam phlett called,Arti cles to 1 the sn rz ender of New a rke , &0 VJ“


Entred under the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The pf ect diurna ll vj


1 2 tb m ay 1 646

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called ,

The k ings m artch w" the S cotts d’: the list of the Lords d: knights gent .

that w ent. out of Ncw arke VJ“

2 3 0

Edw . Blackmoreand Tho. Paine.

h as 0 0 0 .

Jane Coo.

Mas ter Overton.

JohnHancock .

Mas ter Miller.

Master Bellam y

Mas te r Rols ton.

Mas ter Stephens.

John Grismond.

[ 1 9—2 6 May 1 646 .

[2 2° Caro/i Reg is]

a . m a g .m g ]


Entre d for the ir copie unde r the hand Of Maste r MABBOTT , a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurnall d


Entred un de r the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rPAR KER w arden , a sm a ll tract called, A w ord in season , &c VJ“

Entred un de r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT , Ten pam phlettsv iz‘, The pf ect Occurrences V


En tred unde r the hand of Maste r BACHELOR , a sm all tractcalled , M

' Edw a rds p en no slander &C, by Tho: Webb vj tl

2 1 th M ay 1 646

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r BACHELOR a sm all tractcalled, A w ord of p ea ce from the p rince of p ea ce, &C , by John Hatch


Entred unde r the hand Of Maste r BACHELOR a sm a ll catachism e

called, Milks f or Babes draw ne ou t of the breasts of both Testam ", by

John Cotton

2 2 th

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPAR KER w arden , A cata chism e of the sevall heads of Christian religionare , by Dorathy Burch vjd

Entred un de r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rM ILL ER w arden a bo ok e called A vindicac


on of the right of Tithes aga instsundry late scanda lous pamphletts , VJ“

2 3 th

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANEORD and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a book e called four sp eeches , viz‘, of M

’ Sollicitor,M'Calam y, M

"Burroughss 19: M 'Obadiah Sedgw i ck at Gu i ldha ll, &c VJ“

Entrad unde r the hand of Master DOWNHAM a sm all tractcalled, A trea ties of self e den iall &c VJ“

2 5th

Entred un de r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARK ER w arden a book e en t ituled Milks f or babes 1 0 “ three serm ons , &c ,by Robte Abbott

2 6th

En tred unde r the hand o f S'NATH : BRENT a tract called, TheArt of m ak ing devises &c , translated into English by Tho: Blount, gent .


D ele ted in Register .

[buitfil‘fl'fi MM 2 6 May

—3 June 2 3 1

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

am 2 6tb of m ay 1 646

[Page 34] Entred for hi s copie unde r the hands of Ma ste r CRANFORD and Maste rMaster Castes M EAD our Ma ste r, The hu/m bls rem onstran ce cf: p eti cb n of the Lord Ma ior

Aldreu it: Cofii bn Coun sell of the Citty of London in Con—i on Counc ell

assem bled &c VJ“

cone Bic

Mas te r BOUND}! Entred by o rde r of the Lords house assem bled in Parl‘, Arem on stran ce cf: p eti tion of the L“ Ma ior , Ald erm en c‘c’cofiTbn co uncell in

corfib n councell assem bled to the ho use of p eerce , 1 0 “ thei r aunsw er thereuntovj‘l


n r

tgngton Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste r

Nah- Brookes' PARKER w a rden , a bo ok e called The Chri stians freedom s by Christ, or

gods deed of gu if t to the Sa ints &c , by Tho: Palm er VJ“

Master Walhanck . Entred under the hand of SIr NATE : BRENT a book e ca lled” 3 “ “ Ch- Be“ Actions f or slander, &c , w ritten by John Marsh o f Grave s Inne Esq’


Master Walbanck . Entred un de r the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The taking 0] Ragland Castle , &c VJ

1 ° m m“ 1 646

I11 3m

. Coles . En tred un der the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT tw o pam phlettsw ‘ BM W“ called, The p erf ect diurnall . xiJ“

En tred un de r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phle ttscalled, M ercurius Civicus xij“

Entred u nde r the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rPARKER w arden a book e called Steppe to the Tem p le , sa cred p oem s , &c . by

Rich: Crashaw vj“

2 ° Slim “ 1 646

[Page 3 5] Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT , The a cknow ledgeMaster Overton. m ent ct’ hu/m ble p eti con of divers Inhabitants in (is about the Citty of London

p'sentsd to the hob" house of Gom one the second of June 1 646, w

" the

answ ers of the house thereunto VJ

3° 35am “ 1 646

Rich. Clutterbuck . Entred un der the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rPARK ER w a 1 den a bo ok e called Select cases of conscien ce to uching wi tchesw itchcrafts , by John Gaule VJ“

Maste r Walbanck . Entred un der the hands o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, Arti cles of ag reem‘f or su rrender of Cha rles fort n eere Pen denln is&c VJ

2 3 2

JohnMan hall.

JohnWright ;

Master Overton.

Fran. Coles.Law . Black lcck .

Law .

Law . Chapm an.

Ma ster Sparkes .

JohnWright .

Master Walbsnck .

[4—8 June 1 646 .

[2 2° Caroti Reg is]


Entred for his copie under the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARK ER w arden a book e called The descrip tio n and confu taébn ofM isticall Antichrist the fam ilists being a confutac


On of Theologia Ger

m ani ca The bri ght Starr rfi‘ Divin ity cf: Philosophy desected, byBen : Bonrnerja


En tred unde r the hand of S“ NATH : BRENT , a book e called TheAnsw eare of the Conzission ers of the Nary to a scanda lou s pam phlettp ublished by M 'Andrew es Burrell VJ

Entred by orde r of the Lords hou se of Parl‘, An o rdina nce ofthe Lords Com o ns in Pa rl‘ f or the p

'sen t setting the Prsbi teria ll

goverm ent w thou t fu rther delay VJ“

En tred unde r the hand of Maste 1 MABBC TT a p etic'

on of diversci tti z ens prsen ted to the Com on Co un sell, &c VJ“

5° Slunij 1 646

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT 2 Occu rren cesxijd


Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MARRo'rT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , and Maste r M ILLER w arden , A m oderate rep ly to the Cittissrem ons tran ce &c VJ“Entred unde 1 the hand o f Ma ste r M ABBOTT a pam phlett called,The king s letter to the Marquesss oj Orm ond . VJ“Entred under the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called, The pf ect diurna ll VJ“


Entre d unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas te rRUSHWORTH , Pap ers la tely delivered to the hob" houses of Pa rl'by theCom "

of the k ingdom s of Scotla nd con cern ing the p roceedings of the

Scottish a rm y if: thei r intentions VJ“Entred un de r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Ma ste rM ILLER w arden , Scotland s an cient obliga con to Engla nd if: publik e

acknow ledgem‘thereof &c

En tred by o rde r of the Lo rds house o f Parliam ‘A declarac’


of the Com rs of the kingdom s of Scotland co m-

srru ng hi s Mo"" letter to the

Marquesss of Orm onde VJ“

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT Pap ers con cern ingthe Trea ty o f the Co m

"a t Ma rston w th a p erf ec cop ie of the arti cles for

the surrender of Bostoll house VJ“

2 3 4

Master Moseley.

Master Lee .

Stephen Bowtell.

Law . Blacklock .

Mas ter Overton.

[Page 40 ]Master Bartlet t.

[ 1 5—2 0 June 1 646.BJ M

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

1 5th

Ass igned over un to him by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand scale

of THO : KNIGHT subscribed by both the w ardens , all the e state , righttitle , inte re st w "

the said Tho : Kn ight hath in thi s copie , (Vi z‘)

David p ersecuted w ritten by Malvessy and tran slated into Engl byMr Rob”e Ashley vj

Ass igned over unto him by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand sealeo f W M WILSON subscribed by M aste r PARKER w arden , all the e state ,

ri ght , title in te re st w ‘: h the said W'“ hath in right of his now w ifelate the w idd of M'Ok e s , of , in ,

to a book e called , Heresiographia , or

a de scription of the heret ick s &c , by Eph : Pagett VJ“En tred for his copie unde r the hand o f Maste r CRAN FORD Sixteene antiquerie s propounded to the cate chiser of Diotrep hes &c , by R. D. . VJ“

who 1 5tb of m m 1 646

Entred under the hand of Master M ABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , a pam phle tt called, The pf ect diurna ll vjd

En tred unde r the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH a pam phlett called, M ercurius Civicus vjd

Entred under the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rM ILLER w arden a book e called Reasons f or un ity, p ea ce Love w


answ ers to M' Ga ti ker &c VJ“Entred unde r the hand of Master MA BBOTT deputy to M aste rRUSHWORTH , a book e called A latter discovery of Ireland , &C , w

"h saidbook e w as licen sed the last day of Aprill 1 646 VJ“

l6th of Sli me

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT Letters from the

Com i ttee of Estates in Scotland &c VJ“

1 8th

Entred un de r the hands of Maste r EL L Is , Jun' and Maste rPARK ER w arden , a sm all tract called, A di lem a from a Paralell hwmbly

p'ssn ted to the hight [sic] Co" of Pa -rliam ‘tou ching M'Edw ards VJ“

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,Mercu rius Civi cus VJ“

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma sterPARKER w arden , a book e called The light life of a m an in Christ VJ“

Eli e zotb of 3 mm 1 61 16

En tred under the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rPARK ER w arden the se tw o book es (viz‘) one called, A case of cons ciencethat the king m a y, (t o ; the other called, Astrologo oMastix, or a discovery ofthe van ity of Juditiall Astrology, &c , by Jo: Geree xiJ

Master Sm i th.

Mas ter Coles .

Hum phrey Blunden .

sam . Gellibrand.

8am . Gellibrand.

Edw . Husbands .

Giles Calvert.

2 0—2 6 June 2 35

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

Eli e 2 0 tb of 3 1m 1 646

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD Certaine con

sideracbns (f: cautions agreed up on by the m in isters of London , Westm 'ch

the lynes of Com un icaébn , to putt i n escecuc the orders of Parlt f orPresbiteria ll goverm


2 3 th

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT , Articles ofAgreem

‘concluded d: agreed , by his Excellen cy S' Tho : Fa irfax &c of theon e p ty, And the Lords of his Ma

“ Privy Coun csll f or surrend er ofOxf ord 860

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phled


called, The kingdom s Moderate In telligen cer xij“

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANEORD and MasterPARKER w arden , A vindicac

én of the church of Scotla nd , «fee , in answ ers totw o bookes, viz

‘, A declarac


on m ade by King Jam es in Scotland the

Isachars burthsn , &c , by Rob“ Bayley vJd

En tred'

by 2 orde rs of the home house of ConTon s subscribed byMaste r PARKER w arden , vi z A fast serm on p reached by M' Nalton by2 9“ Ap ri ll 1 643 ; at another fast serm on p rea ched by M' Chensll the 2 5“ ofMarch 1 646, a t Margaretts Westm '

, before the hou se of Com ons xij“

Entred by order of the house of Com'

Ons The Art i cles f orthe sum end sr 0] Oxford &c

who of g am e 1 646

Entred under the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT deputy to Mas



RUSHWORTH , a pam phlett called , T he pf ect diurna li VJ“

2 5tb

En tred unde r the hands of Ma ste r MABBOTT and Maste rM ILLER w arden , a tract called, Manif est truthes , or an Insertion of truthes


Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rPARKER w arden , The w itches of Huntingdon thei r exam inacbn at confessions , &c , i n March 1 646 VJ“Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CAR ILL , a tract called,Predestinac


on hand led d: m a 1 n teyn ed ag‘ Pap ists Ar min ians CertaineChurches , &c by Hen : Lavor Vld

2 6th

En tred by Ol der of the Lords house of Parl‘The Marqu esse ofArgi les sp ecs/1 w “ the p ap ers concern ing the Prop os ic‘ons of Pea ce , &c


2 3 6

Master Greene.

Wm . Loy.

Giles Calvert .

[Page 42 ]EdwardWright .

[2 6—2 7 June 1 646 .n ew sman]

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]


Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r CRAN FORD and Maste rPARKER w arden , a book e called An answ ers to M ' Henry Robinson «t

others, 81 0 , by Jo : Durey Vld

2 7th

Entred un der the hands o f Maste r MAB BOTT and Maste rPARK ER w arden , A pf ect table of the victori es sin ce the kings at tem p ting toenter Hull a t the begin ing of these w a rre to the taking of Oxford VJ“Entred

under the hands of Master CAR ILL and Maste r PARKERw arden , a sm all tract called, The bu i lding of the truely Sp iri tua ll atchri stian chu rch, &c, or an Exp osicbn of the 541 chap . of ESAY VJ“

2 7th Slim e 1 611 6

En tred by o rder ofi a Co" of Ass istan ts held the s ixth day ofAprill last , 1 646 . The se copie s follow ing (be ing part of the copie s w "h

lately apperteyned to John Wright his bro ther) . All cop ie s and pts of

copie s belonging to the said John be ing m ade over to the said Edw ardas appeare s by a no te unde r his hand seale , subscribed by bo th thew arden s , vpon the file appeare s xiiJ'

The com edic of Mucedorus .

Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough &c the 2 “ pte .

The trag eca ll history of the life cf: death of Doctor Ffaustus , a play .

The history of the life (2 death of D' Ff austus .

The shoem a kers holiday, a play.

A Cri sta ll glasse f or Christian Woem en (t o being the life if: death ofM " Kath : Stubbs .

A Drea -

m e of the D ivell cf: Dives .

The Schools of good m annersKeep s w ithin com p asse , &c .

A serm on of Christs m iracles , by Arth : Dent .The Crow n e garland of golden roses, in 2 pts .

A serm on of gods p roviden ce by Arth: Dent .Andrew es R ep entance sound ing Alarum .

A short Catachism e , by Rob“ Hutchins.

Crossing of Proverbs , crosse An sw eres , d: crosse hum ors .Cross ing of Proverbs the second pa rt .The figure of fou r , the first p art.The p leasant conceites of Old Hobson .

Andrew es golden cha in c .

[6— 1 0 July 1 646 .

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

master : g am url M ann , M aster .

M aster : m irharhW hitak ermaster : w ry 3 12 11 1 9

[Page 44]

WW Ley.

Hum ph . Blunden .

JohnW t .Tho. e


Giles Calvert .

Jo. Hancock .

Master Coetes.

[Page 45]Mas ter Coates.

M arin as

6° mum 1 6116, 2 2 ° (Ear. as. as.

En tred for the i1 copie unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT , deputy toMaste r Rusn w onrn , a pam phle tt called The pf ect d1 1 1 rnall, &c VJ“

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rSEALE w a i den , a Poem called, Grea t Bri tta ine’8 Ala rm , &c vj“

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phlettscalled, The K i ngdom es Intelligen cer x'


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MARRo 'r'r , a pam phle ttcalled, Mercuri us Civicus VJ“En tred under the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rSEALE w arden , tw o treatices (Viz

‘) Of our coirfi mion w arr w “ Ang ells

&c A treatie s of Bap tism s &0 ; bo th of them w ritten by M " Law rencexij‘1

1 0 ° 1 646

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CALAMY and Maste r SEAL Ew arden a bo ok e called The p ticular ca ractere of the Ori enta itsundry othe rs 81 0Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANRORD and Ma ste rSEAL E w arden a bo ok e called A vi ndication of the hum ble rem on stran ce,by Col. Bellam y VJ


mm of m ay 1 646

En tred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEAL E w arde 1 1 . a bo oke called The m oderate Presbi ter, o r (1 form s of.1 1 orship according to the w ord of god, 814: VJ

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and M aste rSEAL E w arde n (re serve ing every m ans right) a book e called Johann isBucctorfi Thesua rus Granna ticu s lingua e san cta Haebraa e , &c Vj

[&RfiW'lw - nn 1 0 — 1 6 July 2 3 9

Giles Calvert .

John Pelld.

John Dallum .

Maste r Slater.

Giles Calvert .

3 0 t White .

Hum . Blunden .

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

Eli e of Shag 1 646

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Mas te rSEALE w arden , An Ap ologi e f or the tw o treatices 12 App endix to them concern ing Infant Bap tism s ag

‘the un iust cha rges, com p la ints (2 censures

of Doctor Nath : Hom es , M ” John C ceres, M' Stephen Ma rsha ll 1h M' John

Ley d


Entred unde r the hands o f S'NATH : BRENT andMaste rWHITAKERw arden a book e called The reason of the w arr w “ the p rogresse d accidentsthereof, &c VJ“Entred unde r the hands of SrNATE BRENT andMa ste rw arden a booke called Strafiord’s p lott dis covered the Parl‘vindicated


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,vj“

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Mas te rSEALE w arden a booke called The Citty rem on strance rem onstrated , or an

an sw ers to Col. John Bellam i e’s vindi cati on thereof , &c . VJ“

1 5° mum 1 646

Entred by order of the Lords house of Parliam 'The p rop os ic‘

on ssent to his Ma’at New castle f or a safe and w ell grounded p ea ce &c VJ“

rohcm his

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rSEALE w arden , a sm a ll tract called , The sa ints desi re , or, New es fromheaven , or a cordia li f or a fainting hea rt, by Sam uell Richardson VJ“En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r CAR ILL and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a book e called The burden of England , ScotlandIreland or the w atchm a ns alarum &c by M

'Falkner[This pam phlett w as publi shed by G iff ord Galton . ]

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r DOWNHAM a sm all tractcalled, A dispute betw ixt an Atheist cfi' a Christian &c VJ“

1 6th

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MARBOTT deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH , Tw elve pam phle tts (viz

‘) 2 Brittan icus , l K ingdom es

Int elligencer n ine Moderate Intelligen cers , the la st be ing No . (71 ) endingthis l6th of July, 1 646 vj'

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,

The kingdom es Intelligencer VJ“

2 40

Peter Cole.

Fran . Coles .Law . Blacklock .Law . Chapm an.

Robte Whi te.

Fran. Coles .

John Hancock .

Edm ond Paxton.

Blch. Harper.

Master Moz eley.

Master Moseley.

[Page 48]Tho. Bates andJohn e mi t .

[ 1 6—2 7 JUlV 1 646 .8 . Mann . {fim t

ak er


[2 2° Caroli Reg is]


Ass igned ove r unto him by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand scale of

M " ALL EN , subs cribed by Maste r WHITAKER w arden , all the e sta te ,right , title Inte re st w °“ the said M “ Allen hath, (in right o f her late

husband Ben : Allen dec “) o f , in , un to the fu ll m oyety or halfe of the

book e or copie called, The Scho llars com p an ion ,or a litle library &c VJ“

use l6tb of 351 1 1 2 1 646

En tred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a book e called The gunn ers glasse , &c byWm Eldred



Entred under the hand of M aste r MABBOTT a pam phlett calledThe pf ect diurnali VJ“

2 1 th

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,Arti cles f or the surrend er of Worster VJ“En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett cal ed,Letters con cern ing the su rrender of Worster w th the a rti cles , &c . VJ“Entred under the hand of Maste r CALAMY a shee t of pape rcalled, Eng lands m em ento to than ckfulln ss &c VJ

2 1 th

Entred un der the hands of Maste r CRANEORD and Maste rSEALE w arde n a book e called The tem p le m easu red , &c , by Jam ee Noyee


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM andMaste r SEIL Ew arden , distra cted Englands Lam entas- on &c VJ

En tred unde r the hands of Sr NATHANI EL L BRENT and Maste rSEALE w arde n a book e called Poem s at Letters , (t o, by S'John Suck lyn


Butt ed under the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT andMa ste r SEAL Ew arden a b e e ke play called The Goblins , &c , by S'John Sucklyn VJ“

nine of 1 646

Entred under the han d of Maste r MABBOTT, a pam phle tt called,

Mercurius Civicus , &c vjd

Entred under the hand of Master M ABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The pf ect diurna ll &c VJ“

De le ted in Re gister.

2 42

Hum ph . Blunden.

John Wright andTho. Bates.

Fran .Neale.

Hum ph. Blunden.

Bobto Bos tock .

Bohte White.

[3— 1 9 August 1 646.S- M a -lkm fif

m ‘


[2 2° Caroli n is]

3° g ages“ 1 646

Entred for hi s copie under the hand of Master MABBOTT , a pam phlettcalled. The kingdom es Intelligen ce &c vj“

En tred under the hand of M aste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,Mercurius Civicus VJ“Entred un de r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurnall VJ“Entred unde r the hand of Master M ABBOTT 2 pam phlettscalled, The m oderate Intelligence xiJ“

En tred un der the hand of S'gean t JARMYN and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called The rep orts of 8 ' Hen ry Hubberd LateLord C’hsif e Justice of the Com on Pleas &c VJ“

Et c of august“ 1 646

Entred unde r the hands of Master CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a sm all tra ct called, Tru th vindi catedfrom the unjustaccusafi ns of the Indep endent Soci ety in the Citty of Norw i ch VJ“Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD andMaste r SEILEw arden a book e called Jus divinu/m regim in is eccles iastici , or the divin eright of church goverm ent &c VJ“


En tred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT and Master SEALEw arden , The Lancashsire p etifi m &c VJ“

1 6th

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll &c VJ“


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Kingdom s Intelligen ce VJ“

1 9th

Butre d unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called Shaddow es w thout substan ce , or ,

p'tsnded new lights , &c, an Answ ers to M'Saltm a rsh, by M'Tho : Gattik er


Entred un de r the hand of Maste rMA BBOTT, a pam phlett called,The Moderate Intelligen ce VJ“

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MAB BOTT, a pam phlett called ,Mercurius Civicus VJ

- h nn 2 0 August—3 Septem ber 243

Master Overton.

Jo. William s.

Thomas Payne.


Fran. Coles.Blacklock

[Page 52 }

John Denver and

Robin Whi te .

Tho. Bates andJohn Wright .

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]


En tred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r CAR ILL and Maste rSEAL E w a rden a book e called A vindi cation of M

' Bu rroughss againstM’Edw ards his f ouls asp ertions &c d

Et c 2 0 tb of august 1 646

Entred un der the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and MasterSEALE w arden a book e called M ' Peters last rep ort of the Engl w arrs

occasion ed by the imp ortunity of a f riend to seaven qu eri es , the VJ“

2 4th of august 1 646

Entred under the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Maste rWHITAKER w ar : a trac t called Androni cu s , or, the unfortunate p olli ti cian ,


En tred under the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM a sm all trac tcalled, The w orlds p rosp ect, or, a com entary up on the 3 3 . ESAY. verse 1 4, byJo: Em erson . vj


En tred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to MasterRUBHWORTH , a pam phlett called, Vow p opuli , or the p eop les cry aga instthe Clergie VJ

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT deputy to MasterRUSHWORTH a pam phlett called, The pf ect diurna llEntred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate Intelligen ce &c VJ

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rSEAL E w arden , a book e called the Excellency of Jesus Christ, or , the fa ithfull souls discovery, &c VJ“


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, a pam phlett called,'

dThe pf ect diurna ll VJ

2 ° &cptem t t ia 1 646

Entred under the hand of M aste r MABBOTT, 2 pam phlettscalled, The kingdom es Intelligen cer xiJ“

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a bo ok e called Herbert’8 beleif e and Confession of fa 1 th&c, in 1 60 a rticles VJ“Entred un de r ye hand of Maste r MABBOTT , a pam phlett called,The m oderate Intelligen ce VJ“

3° g ent.

Butt ed unde hand of MasterMABBOTT , 4 pam phletts called,Mercurius C ivicus &c iJ

2 44

Rich. Rolston.

Peter Cole.

Fra . Coles .Law . Cha man.

1 .91 1 7 . t k .

[4 Septem ber 1 646.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

4° i nept.En tred for his copie un der the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , The addisons d: App endix to the p ractica ll catachism e ,

by D’Ham ond VJ“

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r CARIL L and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a book e called Caractery or the m ost sp eedy d: exa ctm ethod of short w riting, by Jer Rich VJ“En tred un de r the hand o f Maste r M ABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll . vJ

En tred under the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The ki ngdom es Intelligen ce VJ

En tred un der the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate Intelligen ce, &c VJ“En tred unde r the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Maste rWHI TAK ER w arden , the se sevall Tragedie s Com edie s he reunde r m en

coned (viz‘) “M are -m e ning es } xxi i ij'l

Mad Lover .Wi ldgoose Cha se .

Litle Fren ch Law yer.Loyall subi eet.Sp an ish Curate .

Custom s of y‘ Country .

Double Marriage .

Wife f or a Month.

Island Prin ces .Pi lgrim s . The Law es of Candy.

Wom a ns p ri z e , or the Tam er tam ’d .

Kn ights of Ma lta .

The Cap ta ins .

The Noble En em ie,or, the hum erous L eif tenant.

The Woem en p leas ed .

Bondu ca , or , Beadi cia .

Mons i eu r m i staken .

Chaun ces .The Sea Voyage .

Maid of the M ill.

Queens of Corinth.

Coxecom be .

Noble gentlem a n .

Begga rs Bush.

Hon est Mans Fortune.

Martiall Ma id.

The Emp eror Valentin ian .

The Prophetesss .

The Lover’s p ilgrim age .

The Lover’s p rogresse .

B .

De le ted in Reg ister.

2 46

G iles Calvert .

Master Overton.

Bohte Austen.

Rich. Tom lyns .

WW Wenborne.

Rich . Myn.

Sam . Gelllbm nd.

Ma th . Sym ons andRich. Tom lyns .

[ 1 9—2 5 Septem ber 1 646.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

unde r the ha Maste r CRANE and Maste rA re lac

On of he re s ie s de scrib the originall


Entred for his copie unde r the hands o f Ma ste r LAN GLEY and Maste rSEALE w arden a book e called De praee ip ius &c , graecae diction is , pFran : Vigera vjd

Entre d unde r the hand of Ma s te r BACHELOR a bo ok e calledChrist m ighty in him selfs m em bers revealed in som e short exp ressions byw ay of catachism e &c, by M

’Bacon VJ“

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rSEALE w arden a book e called Som e m odest ct hum ble queri es con cern 1 ng a

p rinted p ap er enti tuled, An Ordina n ce p 'sented to the ho"" house ofCom ons f or the supp ressing of errors herisies ct sch ism * &c , by JohnGoodw yn vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MA BBOTT a pam phlett called,Englands Monum e nt of Mercies &c vJ‘


Et c of &w tem bet 1 61 1 6

Entred un de r the hand of Maste r MAB BOTT tw o pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurna ll xij“

Entred by orde r of the house of Con-

ibn s s igned by MasterSEALE w arden , A serm on p rea ched before the hob" house of 0 0 17 6 1 1 8 a t the irlate solem ne fa st 2 6“ Aug: 1 646, by M‘Jer: Burrow es upon MATH . 5. 6


zz tb 3 1 1 1 1 . 1 611 6

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden , a pam phlett called, Vow N0 1 w 1 c1 0 1 , the cry of Norw ichv indi cating ths 1 r m in i sters &c VJ“

Entred under the hands O f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEALE w arden a book e or se rm on called, Pantalogia , or , the Sa ints discovery op ened, &c VJ “Entred unde r the hands of SrNATH BRENT and Ma ster SEAL Ew arden , a book e called Auli Persi F lacci sa tirarum liber cum com m e nta rioIsaa ci Causabon , &c VJ “En tre d unde r the hands Of Docto r TEM PLE and Ma ste r HERLE

and Ma ster WHITAKER w arden a book e called Orm o nd’s Cu rta ins draw n e

in a short discou rse concerning Ireland , &c VJ “

2 5th s ept . 1 646Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT , A sp eech m ade

by the Lord Chancellor of S cotland to the k ing at New castle , in July 1 646vj“

Dele ted in R egister.

Man-1 1“

2 5 Septem ber— 1 0 October 247


Fran . Leech.

Ham . Bluden .

Jane Coe.

Giles Calvert .

Master Bellam y.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

.2 5tb 1 646

Entred for his copie un de r the hands of Ma ste r RUSHWORTH and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a tract called, B iothona tos a declaracon of that p aradoxor thesis that self e hom i cide '

i s not, 81 0 VJ“

Et c 2 8tb of éw tem t er 1 646

Butl ed unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll &c VJ“

Et c ascent of ®ctoher 1 611 6

En tred unde r the han ds of Maste r MABBOTT, deputy to Maste rRUSHWORTH and Maste r w arden a book e called, The L 1f s 1b

death of the late i llustrious Robte Ea rle of Essex. Com po sed by RobteCoddring

'ton, MrOf Arts d

50 9 1n wa 1 646

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABOTT , tw o pam phlettscalled, The k ingdom es In telligen ce xijd

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT, 1 7 pam phlettscalled, The w eehely occurrences viiJ' VJ“

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The p erfect diurnall vj


Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and MasterWHITAKER w arden , a book e called, The history of the Scrip tu re VJ“En tred unde r the ha nds of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rSEAL E w arden , a book e calledNi l p robas . or , a discovery d c of M’Gi lleaspies

las t booke ca lled, Aron’s rod budding, &0 VJ“

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITAK ER w a rden , a Treaties called, Christ m isti call, or , the blessedun ion , «t o ; also, an holy rap tu/re , or a p atheticall m editacon , &c, by J. H

D D . B:N vj“

Entred unde r the hands of S’rNATH : BRENT and Maste r SEAL Ew arden a book e called Poem s d: an Elsgie up on the death of the Earle ofEssex, by Tho. Phillpott VJ“

Et c of 6 11 0 1 1 1 1 1 6116

Butt ed unde r the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called M erlini Anglici Ephem eris

,1 6d

4 ,7

delivering a p robable con i ecture of su chp assages , &c, by W1m Lilley VJ “

1 0 th

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEALE w arden , A breite catachism e called, Scrip turescience , 81 0

2 48

Tho. Underhlll.

Josua Klrton.

MasterWalbanck .

Robte Whi te .


Mrs . Hanna. Allen .

Hum . Blunden.

Andrew Kem b.

[ 1 2—1 5 October 1 646.S- M~nn

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

2 th

Entred for hi s copie under the hands of Maste r CRANEORD and Ma ste rSEAL E w arden , a booke called Vinditia legis , or , a vindi cation of the law(if? the Coven“ , by Anth: Burgesse vjd

eohem hie

Entred under the hands of S'NATE : BRENT and Master SEAL Ew arden , The history &7 vind ication of Ri chard the third, in 5 bookes , byGeo : Buck, Esqr vjd

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOTT and Maste r SEALEw arden , a book e called A fu ll relac of the w onderfull w holesom efounta ine in Germ any, &c VJ “

under the hands of Maste r MABBOTT, 3 -

pam phlett scalled, Mercurius Civicus xvi ij d

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurnall vj


1 3 th

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWN HAM and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a book e called Christian Liberty vindi cated fromgrosse m istakes , &c VJ“

1 5th

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT four pam phle ttscalled, The m oderate Intelligen ce fit

Eire 1 sth of wank er 1 646

Entred unde r the hands of Master LANGLEY and Master SEALEw arden a booke called Traditio Christia n ore fidei , aut ca techism us , &c

p Tues : Berchett Lingonensem . (Salvo iure cuiu scunque) vj“

Entred under the hands of Mas te r HERLE and Maste r SEAL Ew arden a se rm on called, Self e Exam inacon if a short catachism e , byM r Caw drey vj “

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CAR ILL and Maste r SEALEw arden , a sm all catachism e called, The scrip tures con cord, &c by VavasorPow ell VJ“En tred unde r the hands of Maste r JOHN BACHELOR andMaste r SEAL E w a rden a book e called The answ ere of Ja cob Bohm en ,

otherw ise called the Teutonick Philosopher to the forty questions con cern ingthe sou le, given him by Balthazer Waller, &c Vj“

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma s te rSEALE w arden a book e called L ection es in om nes Psalm os Basidie &cAutore Gul l: Am esio, Theol D : salvo iure cuiuscunque VJ“

2 50

Master Selle,w arden .

Master Bellam y.

Master Moseley .

Master Moseley .

[ Page 62 ]Master Moseley.

Mas te r Husbands.

Jane Coe.

Jane Coe.

[2 6 October—2 No vem ber 1 l m - {BMW


[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

Eire 2 6tb oi'

E ctohrr 1 646

En tred for his copie under the hands of Mas te r ARTHUR SQUIBB ,Clarenceux, and Maste r WM . R ILEY , Norroy, and Maste r WHITAK ERw arden , The m anner of the p roceedings of the f uneralls of Rob" Earle ofEssex dec"

ultim o O rtohria 1 611 6

Entred unde r the hands of Ma ste r CRANFORD and 'Maste rWHITAKER w ar : a book e called England ’s w arn ing by Germ an is w oe , or,an histori ca ll na rration of the origena ll p rogresse, tenette , na me s severa ll

sects of the Ana baptists &c . By frederick m in i-ail Spanhem ius, Dr

pro fe ssor in Leydou VJ“Assigned ove r un to him by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand scale of

Maste r CONSTABLE and both the w arden s , all the e sta te , right, titlein te re st w e h the said M'Con s table hath in this book e or copie called,Poem s , or , the Eccoe, &c , by Jam es Shirley VJ“

As sign ed ove r un to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand scale of

JOHN BENSON and both the w arden s , All the e state , right, title inte re stw“ the said John Ben son ha th in the se tw o Playe s , viz “, xijd

The Elder Brother , by M'Flasher, half e .

The Dutchesse of Malfy, by M'Webster, half e .

Eli e of E ctohrr 1 646

Assigned ove r un to him by ve rtue of a n o te unde r the hand scale ofMa s te r WATERSON and both the w arden s , all the Estate , right , titleinte re st w e ll the said M r Wate rson hath in the se Playe s follow ing(Vi z

‘) i ij


The Elder Brother, his parte .

Mownsi eur Thom a s . by M’Fflesher.

The Noble kinsm a n .

The iust Italian .

The cru ell Brother by M Davenant .

The Dutchesse of Ma lfie , by M’Webster, his pte .

Entred for his copie by o rder of the house of Coffibns , The Ordinan cef or the custody of the great seale com i tted to the Sp eakers of both hous es , if:likew i se the Com ission f or hearing causes in Chaun cery VJ

2 ° flohem hris 1 646

Entred unde r the hand of Ma ster MABBOTT , 4 pam phlecalled, The pf ect Occu rrenc es , also anothe r pam phle tt unde r the hand ofRUSHW ORTH called, A declaraEFm con cerning the m iserablethe country under som e of the Scotts forces in 2 lettersEn tred


under the hand of Ma ste r BACHELOR a shee t ofpap

ent ituled , Truthes Retu rn ee , &c , by Theo: Jennings VJ

D ele ted in Regi ster.

[figfiy fl s "m m 2—7 No v em ber 2 51

Master Slater.

Master Overton.

[Page 63 ]

John Sw eating .

Giles Calvert .

Tho. Bates.

Andrew Hebh.

Mas ter Stephens.

Rich. Tom lyns .

8am . Gellibrsnd.

Hum . Blunden.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

2 ° floberrrlrrie 1 646

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and MasterSEAL E w arden , a book e called Pha edri fabu lae aliqu ot selectae in usump uerorum , &C vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r BACHELOR a sm a ll tra ctcalled, Tw elve w eighty queries of grea t con cernm ,ent &c vjd

Eire 4th of flohrm her 1 61 1 6

Entred un de r the hands o f Ma ster DOWNHAM and Maste rSEAL E w arden a book e called Simp licities defen ce ag

'seaven headed

p oli ci e &c vj“

As signed over un to him by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand 87. scale of

Maste r SPARK E subscribed by Maste r SEAL E w arden , All the Estate ,right, title , in te re st w eh the said M " Spark e hath i n this copie (viz‘)dJohnsons Arithm etick VJ

a tred for hi s copie unde r the hand of Ma ste r MABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, The M 1 ll1'

tary Accons of Europ e VJ“Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Welshm ans ne w Alm ana ck , &c VJ“Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEAL E w arden , A se rm on preached Ad cler um by D

r Andrew es called,Sacri ledge a m or e d o VJ


En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , A breif e Sum m a ry of 2 serm ons p rea ched at Ma rgetts ,Rochester, togeither w th som e additiona ll con clusions , by Wm Sandbrook e


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterWHITAKER w arden a bo ok e called The Sp ouses hidden gloryes , being2 serm on s , by J0 Collins VJ“

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a book e called The second p te of the dissw asive fro mthe Error of the tym es , &c , by M r Baley VJ“

Eire 7tb of floherrrhcr‘

1 646

En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,

The pf ect diurnall VJ“

En tred under the hand o f MasterMABBOTT , 3 pam phle tts called,The Moderate Intelligence xviiJ

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MARRO I‘T , 3 pam phle ttscalled, The k ingdom es w eekely Intelligen ce xvi iJ“


[Page 65]Master Meredith.

Fran. Leech.

Hum . Blunden.

Bob“ Whi te .

[7— 1 1 No vem ber 1 646 .s. m a



[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

t he 7th of flohem ber 1 646

Entred for the ir copies by orde r of a full Co"t of Ass istants holden the

xxi‘” day o f Octobe r last by con sen t of the said M " M EIGHEN , All the secopie s parts o f copie s follow ing the w‘3h did appe rta ins to M'Me ighen

dec“ (viz‘) ix'vj“

The Ma rrow of the fren ch toung.

CLAVELL’S Recantation .

BARKLAYS Argen is, halfe .

GEE’s Stepp e, or ladder to heaven .

The fa ithfull sheap ardesse, a play by M'Flasher.

Cup ids w hirligig , a play .

M i cha el Term e , a play .

The Merry Wives of Windsor, a play.

The Phenix, a play.

Ama rath the Tu rke, a play.

Ba iaz ett the Rageing Turks , a play.

The Fine Com p an ion , a play.

M r An s'rEN’s Meditation s , half e .

The Ladi es Cabin ett op en ed .

The Platon i ch Lovers .The Wi lts . by M

'Davenant .The Trium phes of Prin ce Dam our .The Tragedy of Orestes , a play .

The se cond part o f , the Institutes of the Law es of England, the ir part .

Ebe 7tb of flohem ber 1 646

En tred under the hands o f Maste r CALLAMY and

Maste rWHITAKER w arden , An help s to better hearts f or better tym es endeavored i nsevali serm ons, by Jo. Augur VJ“


Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT , An Answ ers to theScotch Pap ers m a de in the house of Com ons, &c , by Tho: Challoner VJ“Entred unde 1 the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The pf ect D 1 urnall vJd

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a booke ca lled Horas Vacivae , or , Essayes som e occassiona ll Con s ideration s , by Jo: Hall VJ “Entred unde r the hand of Maste r Man s o'r

'r a pam phle tt called ,

The k ingdom es w eekely Intelligenc e vJ“

n tb

Entred unde r the hand of Maste rMABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The Moderate Intelligen ce vj‘l

2 54

The . Bates.

Fran . Leech.

Robte Leyborne.

Hum . B lunden.

Bohte Whi te.

JohnMacock e.

John Macock .

Mas ter Bellsm le.

[Page 69]StevenPilk ington.

Glies Calvert .

[ 1 7 No vem ber 1 646 .11 . 1 1 m g ;w isher]

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

Eli e 1 7th of flohem her 1 611 6

Entred for his Copie unde r the hand of M aste r MABBOTT , a pam phld


called ,Englands p eticon f or their sova igne king , &c vJ“

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , an answ ers toseva li - ebsefi "

obiections m a de ag‘ som e things in M ” Tho : Cha lloner


sp eech VJ“Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll VJ“

1 1 11 1 2 1 th of flohem her 1 646

Entred un der the hands of Maste r CARILL and Master SEALEw arden , Certa ine serm ons by M

r Jerm y Burroughss VJ“Entred un der the hands of Maste r RUSHWORTH and Maste rSEALE w arden , A rep ly to an answ ers to a sp eech w thout dorss , &c byG. G . vj

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The kingdom ss Intelligence VJ“Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate Intelligence VJ“Entred un der the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT and Maste r SEAL Ew arden a book e called Motives to enduce the w ell afiectsd English to

undergos the n ow intended evp edicon f or Ireland , 81 0 VJ“Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWN HAM and Maste rSEALE w arden , The tym ss di sp layed in 6 sestiads &c , by S : Sheapard


2 6th

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFOHD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , A refu tacon of the loose op inions ct licentious ten ettew herew th lay p reachers &c. or, an eaam m a c

bn confutacon of Tho: M orelate a w eaver, his books en ti tu led, The un iversality of gods free grace tom ankind, &c , by Tho : Whitfeild

2 7tb flab. 1 646

Entred unde r the hands of Maste rDOWNHAM andMaste r SEAL Ew arden a bo ok e called Troden dow ns strength, or LP" Drake revived, &c. byJohn Hart vj

En tred unde r the hands o f M aster BACHELOR and Maste rSEALE w arden , A serm on up on HEBREWES the 9

“ chapter the latter p te ofthe 1 0 “ vs1 se , i n. these w ords , Unti ll the tym e of R ef orm a con , &c t . VJ “

De le ted in Reg ister.1 An author’s nam e w as added to this en try ; but afterw ards crossed out and

canno t now be read .

[fit ifilt‘fh ‘iS- Mw n 2 7 No vem ber—5 Decem ber 2 55

Master Meredi th .

Rich. Best .’

John Hancock .

Rich. Rolston .

Sym on West .

Edw . Husbands.

Robte White.

Sam . Bellini-and.

Jane Coe .

[2 2° Caroli n is]

2 7tb flab. 1 646

En tred forhis copie s by ve rtue of an Assign em un der the hand scale ofMas te r DAI NTY by order of a Go“ of Ass istan ts , tw o book es (viz

‘)Form u lae Oratorias 1 n usw m schola ru concinna ta e &c, Phrases 1 n English

d talyn , both o f them by Mr John Clarke of Lin co lns xij

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEALE w arden a book e called The Christians Sodiacks , or , the 1 2 signss ofp redestinacbn , &c, tran slated ou t of latyn , by a fellow of Trin ity Colledge


of flonem her 1 646

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam plett (sic)called , A survey of Englands Cham p ions d: tru thes Patriotts VJ“En tred unde r the hands o f M aste r CAEILL and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called Di rection s f or the reading of the scriptu res w th p rofi tt, w th the descrip tion of a sp iri tua ll m an both in hisnature op eracb ns cf: the clea ring d: asserting of the m ora lity of the f ou


rthCom andem in a ll thing s , by M r John Whi te of Dorche ster VJ“

tithe first of Beeem her 1 646

En tred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a bo ok e called A w arn ing f or England , esp ecially f orLondon , in the fam ous history of the fran ti ck Anabap tists thei r w i ldp rea ching d p ractises in Germ a ny VJ“En tred un der the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Ma ste r SEILEw arden a book e called Arts im p rovem t or short sw 1f t w riting , &c ,


bySym on West vj


En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The p erfect diurna li VJ “Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ABBOTT a


pam phlett called,The hingdom es Intelligen ce

2 ° Beeem hris 1 646

Entred by order of the hou se of Cornon s The ans w ers of theCom ons in Parliam ‘to the Scotts Com issionsrs Pap er cf: letter VJ “Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The m oderate Intelligen ce &c VJ“En tred by order of the house of Com ons a serm on preachedbe fore the house at the ir solem ne fast, the o f October, 1 646, byM’John Maynard VJ“

5tb of Bee.

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 5 pam phletts called,The p erfect Occurrences &c

2 56

Me ntor Bullnm le .

7 1 ]

WW Loy.

Fran. Leech.

Tho. Baton.

Born. Alsop.

Wm . B ishop.

Math. Bym onn 11 ndHenna Allen.

Mas te r Overton.

lP11 1 1" 79 INe ute r Moseley.

Me nto r Moseley.

else.1 1 11 1 1 .

l colt.

M l .

[ti—1 4 De ce m be r 1 646 .

[2 2°

fare li 1 1 0 1 1 17

1 1 ]

8 . ” 3 1 1 11451 2mm ]

sth of are.

Be tro d fo r his 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 by o rde r o f the Lo rds ho use o t’P1 1 1 °li1 1 1 n'The severa ll1 1 r1 l'5 '

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c1'1 1 dé 1 li'el1ir1 1 671 1 1 n of the Lords 1h 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 P1 1 1 1 } , l Ffor Iho

"hobs/1 1 1 1 11 1 1] ArnI1 I171 11 1 tL1 z. If 1 1 r 11 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1; II1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 /

"1 1 1 l1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the tltltl A‘s .

3 It'

f or of the 1 1 1 1 1 1! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 din / 31 1°e e l/ 1 1 1 g Ihc 711 1 1 1 1 1 1 0] 0 71 1


V1 1 1Ih. 1'

1 1 11 I1 ° &e


1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 646

Re tro d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the band 1 1 1 Mas te 1 MAnne'r pin npble tt ce lled,

1 1 1 1 1 1‘1 1 1 1 It &0 VJ“

l'lntre d unde r the llll llt o f H” NA'l‘ll : li lt lflN’

l‘and Maste r SEALE

w nrde n . 1 1 ho o lee ce lled Poe nm . 1 1 1th .It’l-ig ia 1 1 1 1 the .h

’o rle of 1 91 1 1 1 1 1 : 1h

The : Philllpott vj‘l


l‘lntred unde r the be nd o f Mtlutt r MA1 1 1 1 o'1 'r 1 1 pinuphle tt called,

Din / i 1 1 1 “ lIr 1 11 1 1 vj “

l°l1 1 tre d unde r the hand o l pinnphle tt called,The Web /1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 Com p/ends & 1 vj“

lilntred unde 1 the hands o f Mas te rMA1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 r 1 1 l1 1 1 1 1 1 phle tt u i lled ,771 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 e A1 1 1o 1 1 1 1 1 t VJ

Ass igned o ve r unto him by ve rtue o f 1 1 note unde r the be nd se ule o f

Maste r M nun'

nrrn subscribe d by bo th the w arde ns , all the e state ,r ight. title inte re st w “ " the so ld M t Me redith bath in the se tw obo o ke s o r co pie s (viz‘)MtOlarke his Fo rm


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 () r1 1 Ior 1°

1 1 1 1 &c bin Phras esi n. English d‘ xij “

I'lntre d fo r the ir e e pie by o rde r c l’ the ho use o f 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 A 1 rencliedb efo re the house o n the fas t. day the o f las t, by M.



I‘lntred unde r the bo nds o f Maste r llae n nno n and Maste r

w a rd e n 1 1 . bo o ke ca lled .Hogio - Ho st ile or the scourge he

b’o iuIn d isplayed. his co lo rs of i gno ra nce 1 i'r blood, &c.

who of mrm nbcr 1 61 1 6

As s igned e ve r m i te llllll by ve rtue o l'

1 1 . no te unde r the bo nd. Seule c l'

W 11 1 . 0 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 , subscribed by both the w ardens . all the e s tate , right ,title A“. inte re st the so ld W‘“ Coo ke hath in the se tw o pleyes or

1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 , ( 1 M ) j o r ho no r d’r 1‘1 1 h1 1 1 1 1‘ The T1 1 1 1 1 1 1ph of p eace ,

bvMJam es Shirley xtjd

Entred fo r his e e pie by ve l tne o f 1 1 no te unde r the hand it sc ale o f

Mas te r 'l‘n e : Ro e m so n b oo k se lhn o f Oxfou l A subscribe d 1 1 1 b oth the

w ar dens 1 1 bo o ke en tituled, Jam 1 1 1 1 ” m tg/ 1°

1 1 hem g Ihe first 11 1 1 3 7

t 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 11 11 1 by S' llo bte Stn

ple to n lt '“ the w

°“w as tox1 1 1 e 1 ly [h inted a t

O xford lo i the m id M'r llo 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 VJ “

lathunde r the bend o f Maste r MAnno'r

'r 1 1 pm nphle tt ce lled,vjd

Re tro d’I‘he RfeeI

2 58

Hum . Blunden .

Master Bellam y.

Baw . Husbands.

Hen. Jackson.

Vide page

[Page 75]Master Bellam y.

Robte White .

MasterJohn Rothw ell.

Hen. Sheapard.

Bob“ White.

Ber. Alsop.

Jane Coe

[2 9 Decem ber—2 January 1 646 .

[m l

8 . fl y ]

Caroli Reg is]

who of Borrow er 1 646

Entrad for the ir copie under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phlettca lled, The pf ect diurnall &c . vj‘1

Entred under the hands of Maste r BACHELOR andMas te r SEALEw arden, A discovery of the p robable si nns causing the great Judgm ‘

ofrayne w aters, (t o, a se rm on by John Bryan vjd

Entred u nder the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The kingdom es IntelligenceEntred by order of the trustee s for sale of y

e Bi shops lands ,Tw o ordinances of the Lords d Com ons in Parliam ‘

. 1 . F or app oin teingthe house of S

’Rich . Gurney in the Old Jury f or the use of the tru stees , &c .

2 . The alterac‘

bn d explana ifon of the oath of the surveyors &c vjd

Entred under the hand of Master ELSING by orde r of the houseof Com ous

,A declara c

on of the Com ous in Parl‘ ag‘a ll su ch p sons as

sha ll take up on them to p rea ch or exp ound the scrip tures &c, datedDec : 1 646

Ass igned over unto him by vertue of a moate under the hand sea le of

WM . BISHOP, subscribed by bo th the w a-

,rden s one full m oye ty or halfe

of all the e sta te right, title in tere st w ch the sa id W lull Bi shop ba th inthe se tw o book e s or cop ie s (viz‘) Mr Clarkes Form u la e Oratoriae (fro

his Phrases in English at: La tyn xijd

2 ° Simm er“ 1 646 [ i . e .

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden , A solem ne leagu e ch seasonable w arning to all estatesdegrees , &c, by the Com "

of the Ge nerall Assem bly . vj"

Entred under the hands of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, The m oderate Intelligence vjd

En tred under the hands of Mas te r LANGLEY and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden, Poem s divine if: hum ane, by John Hal l, fe llow of

St . John’s Co lledge 1 1 1 Cam bridge vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and MasterWHITAK ER w arden a book e ca lled Sp irituall thrift &c , byM" El ia:Warren


Entred un der the han d of Maste rM ABBOTT , a pam phlett called ,

The Moderate Intelligence vjd

Entred under the hand of Mas ter M ABBOTT , 3 pam phletts

(vi z‘) The w eekely Accomp t xviij d


tw o o the r pam phlettsunder the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , 5 Occurren ces

i ij'vjd

[hffitlfif‘w lso h lm 9— 1 5 January 2 59

Dan. Frere.

Vida £0 1 . 1 85.

[Page 76]Master Thom ason.

Tho. Underhlll.

Hum . Blunden.

3 0 t White .

StevenBowte ll .

Master Be llam y .Vide pa .

Master Partridge .

StevenBow tell.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

9th of mannin g 1 646 [i . e . 1 6464 7]Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and MasterSEAL E w arden a bo ok e called The Interp reter of the Bible being a translac'on of the Annotations of the B ible by the divines of Holland, w ch w erep ublished by com and of the States Gena ll of the Netherland ac cording tothe conclusion of the Na tiona ll Synod of Dort, held i n the ye

" 1 61 8 1 61 9,&c ; transla ted by J. F . m inis ter of the gospell vJ



who 1 2 tb of Slas hers 1 646 [ i . s . 1 61 164 7]En tred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rSEAL E w arden a book e ca lled A f oun tains of teares em p ti eing i t self e intoRivoletts of com /p uncti on &c, or sobbs of Na ture 850 , by John Featley

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORI) England’s rem em

brancer of Londons integri ty &c 'Vjd

En tred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phlett ca lled,The kingdom es Intelligen ceEntrad unde r the hand of Mas te rMABBOTT, a pam phle tt called,The Moderate Intelligen ce vjd

Entred by order of the house of Com ous a serm on p reachedbef ore that house on the f ast day D ecem ber 3 0 “ 1 646, by M

r Marshallvjd

1 5m 3km t mt‘

2 1 6146 [i . e . w ile/ 7]En tred under the hands of Maste r CRANEORD and MasterWHITAKER w ar : a sm all tra ct ca lled, The Parliam ents ru les and directi onsconcern ing sacram en ta ll know ledge draw n e into qu estions d o vj‘I

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT and both thew ardens a book e called Anglia Redeviva , Englands recovery being thehistory of the accons of the a rm is under the i m edia te condu ct of his Excellen cy S

’ Tho : Fa irf ax, kn t. Cap t . genall of the ParJ f orces in Englandvjd

En tred under the hands of Mas te r CRAN FORD and Mas te rSEAL E w arden a book e called The simp le Cobler of Agyaw an inAm erica , by

Theod: de la Guard vj‘1

Entred under the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden , Certaine serm ons by M

’ Jerem iah Burroughes vj‘1

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll vj


Entred unde r the hands of Master BACHELOR and bo th thew ardens a book e called Chri st a lone exa lted being the first vobu/m e in

f ou rteens serm ons , by D" Cr ispe d

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden , The su/m e substa nce of the Christian religion,



Edw : Tirrey .vjd

2 60

Hum . Blunden.

[Page 78]Master Overton.

Glles Calvert.

Robt. White.

Edw . Husbands.

Josue Klrton.

Law . Blacklock .Law . Chapman.Fran. Coles .

Hum . Blunden.

Peter Cole .

BobteWhite .

Tho. Bates .

Master Locke.

[2 0—3 0 January 1 646.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

8 . Xann. {fi‘migh ']

2 0 th

But 1 ed for his cOpie under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , a pam phlettcalled, T he hingdom es Intelligence d

z 1 th $anuar2 1 646 [ i . s . 1 6464 7]Entred under the hand o f Master MABBOTT a pam phle tt calledA iust Ap ology f or a w rong

’d Arm y, skew ing the unreasonablen es &c, b a

m em ber of the Arm ie Vi

Entred under the hands of Mas te r BACHELOR and Mas te rSEALE w arden a book e ca lled An af ter reckoning w th M’Edw ards vj‘l

Butred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , The ModerateIn teligence, a pam phle tt vj


Entred un der the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT, Orders to be

p'sen ted to the gena ll S

' Tho : Fairfax, f or the regu lating of the Arm i s &c,s igned by S” Thom as d

2 5th

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a booke called Jodoci Stim p eli i Cesicensis p arnassusEp ithetorum &c d

Entred unde 1 the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett ca lled,The pf ect diur nall, &c vj



Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The hingdom es Intelligence d

Entred unde r the hands o f Ma s te r BACHELOR and Maste rSEIL E w a 1 den , Diatribe, w herein the j udgm 'of the ref orm ed churchesp rotestant div ines i s skew ed concerning p reaching by those w ho are n ot

ordeyned M inisters , and other things, &c vjd

Ent 1 ed under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt calledThe Mode rate Intelligence , &c vj


2 9tb Slanuarii 1 646 [one 1 61 W?)Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT 4 pam phletts called,The pf ect Occurences The Kings Manif esto the S cots pap ers be ing2 pam phletts i ij'

Entred under the hand of Ma ste r MABEOTT ao

pam phlett called,King Jam e s his judgm ‘of a hing ch a Tyrant, &c d

3 0 th

Entred under the hands o f Master BOOKER and Maste r SEILEw arden a book e called The Art of Gunnery w th the m aking of gunp ow derfirew orhes , &c . by Nath : Nye d

2 62

Steven Pilkington.

[Page 8 1 ]Edw . Husbands .

Master Man Mr.

Ma sterJohnRothwell .

Bob“ White .

JohnMarsha ll.

John Marshall.

MasterWalbanck .

[Page 82 ]MasterWalbanck .

Fran. Egglesrelld.

[53—1 3 February 1 646.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]


Entred for hi s cop ie under the hands of M aster BOOKER and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , An Ephem eri des , or, Diary f or 1 9 ye

" to com e ,


hi ng Anno 1 646 it ending A‘ 1 665, &c . The faire s are not to be

printed in thi s book e vjd

sth di st rus t“ 1 646 [ i . s . 1 646/ n

Entred by order of the Com ou s house of Parl‘, An ordinanceof the Lords if: Com ous f or establishing Com "

of Lords rfi' Com ons to sitt atGoldsm ithes hall to com p ou nd w th delinquents , &c vjd

J ob.

Entred by order of the Coin'ons house of Par: subscribed bybo th the w ardens A serm on called, A great w oonder in heaven or, &c ,

preached be fore the ho ble house of Com ou s , the 2 7‘h of Jan : 1 646

[i e . 1 646 7] be ing fas t day at Margare ttaWe st . By Jo : Arrow sm ith ;text , revelat : the 1 2 th ver 1 ” 2 “ vj‘I

Entred under the hands of Maste r CAR ILL and MasterWHITAKER wa rden a book e called Brightm a n redevivus , or , the p osthum ianofsp ring of M

’Tho: Brightm a n i n 4 serm . 850 vjd

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , a pam phlett called,The m oderate Intelligence d

Entrad un der the hands of Ma s te r DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , a book e ca lled A voyce i n Rham a or the cry ofw eom en chi ldren , by D'Peter Cham berlyn VJ


Entrad un de r the hands of Master HEAELE and Master SEILEw arden (reserve ing every m ans right ) The Palat ina te Catachism e in greeksla tyn , by Frederick Tylbury vjd

3 ih

Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT and Maste r SEALEw arden , a. book e ca lled The Attorney of the Co

"of Com on p leas , &c w th

addi tion s vjd

Eli e of .fl'

februarn 1 646 [ i .s . lose r]

Entrad under the hands of Slr NATH : BRENT , and Master SEALEw arden , a book e called The Abri dgm ‘

of the Rep orts of.

the Lord Dyer inEng l ish . Vj


As signed over unto him by ve rtue of. a note unde r the hand sca le of

JOHN HAM OND , bro the r of Wa lter Ham ond dec", and Mas te r SEAL Ew arden , all the e sta te , right, title inte re st w ch the sa id John Ham ondhath in the book e ca lled, Sp are m inutes , or resolved m editaEbns cf.

p'm editated resoludbns &c, by Arthur Warw ick VJ


[h s. m m 1 5—2 2 February 2 63

Robte White.

John William s .

[Page 83 ]Master Thomason.

Master Brewster.

Bob“ White.

Master Be llam y

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

1 5th

Entrad for the ir copie un der the hands of Master BACHELOR and Mas te rSEILE w arden a booke called certa ine qu eries tou ching the Ordina tion ofM inisters, sober ly p rop o unded, &c

Entrad un der the hands of S'NATH : BRENT and Mas te r SEALEw arden a book e called The w a rre other che if e Occu rrences of the bestpa rt of Christend om e f rom the years 1 62 9 to 1 640 , translated ou t of Ita lianby Hen Earle of Monm oth vJ


En tred u nde r the hand of Maste r MARBOTT , tw o pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect dium a ll Kijd

En tred under the hand of Master MABBOT’I‘

, tw o pam phlettscalled, The kingdom es Intelligence xij d

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The Moderate Inte lligence VJ


Entrad under the hands of Ma ste r HERLE and Mas te r SEILEw arden a book e ca lled The cause cure of a w ounded conscience &c byTho: Fuller, B.D . VJ


1 9° his .if cbr. 1 646 [ i . s .

En tred unde r the hands of Master LANGLEY and Maste rWHITAKER w ar a book e ca lled The history of the p arliam ent of Englan dw th the last Civill w a rr : w ritten by order and com aund o f the home house so f Par. By The : May Esqr vj


Entrad un der the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rSEILE w arden a book e ca lled Johannis Ford Exp osi tio Libri Psalm ora &c ,

in la cem edita a Thom a Pagetio- in latyn vj



Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT , a pam phlett ca lled,The pf ect diurna ll Vj


Entred by order of the Lords house Of Parlt A decla rasen if:ins trucc


ons by both hou ses of Parl‘ con cer ning the Exci se vjd

En tred under the hand of Master MABBOTT , a pam phlett ca lled,The m oderate Intelligence vi


En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a book e called hip ocrisi e unm ask ed or a tru e relac‘onof the p roceedings of the governo r 43: Comp any of the Massa chusetts in New

Englan d , agt Sam : Gorton his a ccom p li ces d c Published by Edw ardWinslow

2 64

Master Leak s.

Hum . Blunden.

[Page 84]Fran. Coles .Law . Black lock.Law . ChapmanROb“ White.

Master Overton.

Master Moseley .

Master Moseley.

Master Mose ley.

MasterJo. Rothwell.

Jane Cos.

[2 7 February—8 March 1 646 .El m - { i gfiltf


[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

2 7th

Entred for h is copie under the hands of Judge PHEASANT and Mas te rSEAL E w arden a bo ok e ca lled The learned read ings of Rob“ Cattis ofGrayes Inne Esq' af terw ards sgean t a t law e , w hich he m ade there in August2 0 ’Jac A‘dn i , 1 62 2 , up on the Statute of the 2 3 ° Hen : 8 cap . 5 of sew er:


Entred un der the hand of Maste rMABBOTT , 2 pam phle tts called,The K ingdornes Intelligence xij


am w ith of w at ch 1 646 [ i .e . lew d ]Entred under the hand Of Maste r MABBOTT , a pam phlett called,The pf ect diurna ll . vj


Entred unde r the hand Of Maste r MABBOTT , a pam phle tt called,The Moderate Intell igence vj‘l

s o w arm 1 6146 [ i .s . 1 6464 7]Entred un der the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rWHITAKER w arden , A p ostscrip t or app endix to a treaty la tely p ublishedenti tuled Hagio m a stix d c being an exp licaébn of the 3 " verse of the 1 3 “Chap t of the Prophett Sachary, &c. by John Goodw yn . vj


Assigned ove r unto him by vertue Of a no te under the hand scale of

RUTH RAWORTH subscribed by bo th the w ardens , All her e sta te , right,ti tle in tere s t in the se tw o play book es (viz‘) The scornef all LadyCup ids revenge, by Mr Beom ont M'Flesher . xijd

En tred for 1 1 1 8 copie by ve rtue Of a note un de r the hand scale of HENRYHALL , printe r Of Oxford, subscribed by Master SEILE w arden a book ecalled M asea s, or, the loves of Hero and Leand er, a greche poem , translatedby 8

1’ Rob“ Stapleton vjd

Entrad under the hands o f Sr NATH : BRENT and bo th thew ardens a bo ok e called The M istresse , or severall cop ies of Love verses ,w ritte n by M‘Abr. Cow ley vj‘1

Entred unde r the hands Of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rWHITAK ER w arden a book e called Ort hodox p aradoxes, &c , by RalphVenning vj


6° mart“ 1 646 [ i . e .

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , 4 Occurrences.The Kings Letter , The Moderate Messenger, The Scotts Pap ers i ij'd

t he sth of m arch 1 646 [ i .e .

Entred under the hands of Mas te r BACHELOR and Mas terSEAL E w arden a booke called A discourse of the liberty of p rophesieing ,sk ewing the unreasonablenes of p rescr ibi ng to other m ens fa ith d: the

i n iqu ity of p ersecuting difiering op inions , &c vjd

2 66

Andrew Kem b .

Jane Cos.

Master Slater.

Master Slater.

Master Fussell.

John Stafford.

[Page 88 ]Master Coates .

[ 1 5—2 4 March 1 646.

[2 2° Caroli Reg is]

1 5th

En tred for the ir copie under the hands of Mas ter CRANFORD and Maste rSEAL E w a rden , The hum ble p eticon of the Lord Mayor, Alderm en d:Con-

Ton s in Com on Coun csll assem bled , to the Lords ConTons in Parl‘vjd

Entred unde 1 the hands of Mas ter DOWNHAM and Mas te rSEAL E w arden , a serm on ca lled , an ol ive branch j onud af ter a storm e , &c by

Sam : Ken1 b . vjd

Entred under the hand of WM . NEWHOUSE dep : to S' NathBre nt , 2 pam phletts Viz t The Occurrences xij


use 2 2 th of march 1 646 [ i . s .

Entred under the hand of WM . NEWHOUSE dep : to S'NathBrent , a pa m phle tt ca lled, The pf ect diu rna li vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r LANGL EY and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a booke called Pheadri Aug: l iberti f abula ru Esop iarfilibri v . Nich : Rigaltius vj‘l

Ass igned over unto him by vertue o f a Bill of Sale under the handscale of Mas te r SPAR K E , all his e s tate right , title , inte re st in the bookeor copie called J. A . Com en ij Janua linguar u reserata , &c , in Greeks

Entred for his cop ie by vertue of a Bill o f Sale , unde r the hand sealeOf Ma s ter SPARKE , by order o f a CO" of Ass istants , the m oyety or

ha lf e o f M r Spark e’s right in te re st , in the bo ok ca lled, Porta tingua rareserata , by J. A. Com enio, translated by Ancorane , w th the addicbns ofTho: Horne John Robotham ,

as the sam e w as p rinted by Jam es Young “

the sixth edition in A° 1 643 , ca lled then by the nam e of Janua tingua rareserata &c w ch sd book e w as en tre d joyn tly be tw eene the ed M' Spark e sand M" Slate r 1 ° Aug : 1 645. Mem orandum , M

r Jam e s Young ha thre linqui shed all his right clayn i e to the ai ore sd book e to M'Sla te rvjd

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste r SEALEw arden a book e ca lled The annotac


ons on the French bible p r inted a t

Geneva 1 644 , m ade by M'John Desdati , translated into Eng l ish d

2 4° mam a

Entrad under the hands of MasterDOWNHAM andMaste r SEYLEw arden , a boo ke called Ja cobi Usseri i Arm a chan i de Rom anc e Eccles iaesim bolo ap ostolice &c d

t he zarb of m arch 1 646 [ i . s .

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r GALAMY and Ma s te r SEAL Ew arden , a book e called Many com entar ies in one up on JOSHUA, JUDGES ,R UTH, l 2 , SAM UELL , 1 (f: 2 , KING S . 1 s 2 , CRONICLES, ESRA,NEHEMIAH, ESTHER, &c , by John Mayer, Dr Divinity vj


[ELWWJS JM ‘ 2 5 March—3 April 1 641 ] 2 67

Master Lee .

John Hanoocke.

Master Legatt.

Bern. Alsop.

Jane 0 0 0 .

Ram . Blunden.

Master Overton.

Jane Coe .

Master Overton.

Master Thrale.

[2 2°—2 3 ° Caroli Reg is]

zstb M art“ 1 647

En tred for his copie unde r the hands of Mas ter LANGLEY and Mas te rWHITAKER , w arden , a book e called a discourse of the Rom ans f oote d?dena rius f rom w hence the m easures and w eights used by the ancient

,m ay

be reduced, &c vjd

Entred under the hands o f Maste r MABBOTT and Mas terWHITAKER w arden , (dated the of Febr. la s t) A Cata logue of theEarles , Lords Knights &c alayne on the Parl‘ Kings side , &0 VJd

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rSEAL E w arden a book e ca lledAn abridgm

‘of the histor ies of Noah,Joseph,

Moses , Josua ,Hez ek iah , Zedekiah, at the tak ing of the Arlee w th m editacons

p rayers up on ea ch history, by John Jackson vjd

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT 4 WeekelyAccomp tsand under the hand o f Mas ter NEWHOUSE , 2 Weekely Accomp ts, in allsix Pam phletts i ij


En tred under the hand of Mas te r NEWHousE , tw o pam phlettsca lled, The Occurrences 8: A Rem onstrance f rom the Lords cf: Gom one a t

Dublyn ,concern ing the estate of Irelan d xij


En tred unde r the hand o f Mas te r NEWHOUSE tw o pam phlettscalled, The K ingdom es Inte lligence xijd

who serous ban,» of aprill 1 647

Entred for his cop ie under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas terSEAL E w arden a book e called An uncoveri ng of m isterious deceites by w ch

m a ny a re k ep t f rom rep entance (f: entr ing the doors of Life , in a rep ly toM ' Garner, M' Tho. Whi tf eild &c , by Tho : Moore VJ


Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM , a breif e a”: true

relacon of the great disorders com itted up on the house (é goods of Tho :

Hubberd , Esq' i n Moref eilds , the 2 1" March la st , 1 646 . vj


Entrad unde r the hand of Mas te r NEWHOUSE , a pam phlettcalled , The pf ect Occurrences vjd

Entred under the hands of Master CAR ILL and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden , a book e called The glor i ons m istery of gods m ercy «t o,by John B isco VJ



Butt ed under the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Mas te rSEALE w arden a book e ca lled The divine authority of the Scrip tu resreasserted by John Goodw yn d

Entred under the hands of Ma ste r DOWNHAM andMas te r SEALEw arden a boo k e called The sa m e substa nce of Christian Re ligion , settdow ne in a Catachistica ll w ay byH. J. vj


2 68

Fran. Coles .

Law . Blacklock.Law . Chapman.

Bum . Blunden.

Wm Lea.

John Marshall.

Jane Coe.

Fran. Coles .Law . Blacklock.

Hum . Blunden.

Master Symm ons .

[Page 9 1 ]Hum . Blunden.

[6—1 4 April 1 647 .8 . M n {fim

tfk er


[2 3° Caroli Reg is]


Entred for the ir cop ie under the hand of Maste r NEWHOUSE a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurna ll Vj‘l

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r NEWHOUSE , 2 pam phlettsca lled, The kingdom es Intelligence xij‘l

Eire 8tb of final! 1 647

En tred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and MasterSEILE w arden a book e called Som e beam es of the bright and m orning starr,&c, by Jo: Saltm arsh VJd

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterSEALE w arden a book e ca lled de obligatione jura/m ent i i p rom issori i p relec

tiones sep tem , &c . Authors Roberto Saunderson, S : Th: doctors vj<1

Entred under the hands of Ma s te r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEILE w arden a book e called Seaven p relections of the obligac of a p ro

m issory oath, &c, by Rob“ Sanderson, D‘of D ivin i ty d

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CRANEORD and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a booke called Indep ency to be abandoned d: abhorred, &c


1 2 0 am“


Butt ed under the hands of Master LANGLEY and Mas te rWHITAKER w arden a book e called Sententiae vetera p oetaru ordine a@habetice digests in usum p ueroru 1 ) Alex . Rosse vj


Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rSEILE w arden a book e called Tru ths testim ony or a w itnes bearer to the

tru th, &c d

Entred un der the hand of Mas te r NEWHOUSE 2 pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect diurna ll xij d

1 3 th

Entred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rSEILE w arden a bo ok e called The w ay to Chr ist comprehended in tw o litletreatices, &c , by Jacob Bohm enEntred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM an d Mas te rWH ITAKER w arden a book e called The causes w hy the sw ord is com e i t on

Engla nd at vp on the churches of the Lutherans , &c , byJohn Eachard vj

are of fiprill 1 647

Entred under the hand of Master NEWHOUSE , a pam phle ttcalled, The k ingdom e s Intelligence vj‘l

2 70

Master Flesher.

Rich. Rois ton.

John Clarke, Jrm r

Hob i e Bostock .

Master Partridge.

Master Wright.

Rome Ibltson.

Master Sym ons .

Master Sym onsand HannaAllen .

[Page 94]Hannah Allen.

[2 9 April—2 0 May 1 647 .

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

zeno his aprons 1 647

Entred for h is cop ie under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and MasterWH ITAK ER w arden a booke called The second part of EnchiridionArithm eticon , or , a Manu ell of M i llions d c, by M'Hodges vj


Entred u nde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Ma sterSEALE w arden , a pam phlett ca lled, The discovery of w itches &c,


byMath: Hopki ns vj


Entred under the hands o f Mas te r HERL E and Ma s te r SEALEw arden a bo ok e called The ha rm ony cron icle cfi' order of the old Testam ‘


w th the second p te of the ha rm ony, 81 0 , by Jo: L ightfoot vj‘l

t he 7ih of M ay 1 647

Entred under the hands of Sr NATHANIELL BRENT and Maste rSEYL E w arde n a book e ca lle d The m inister of stat e w th the tru e use ofm oderne p o licy f ram ed up on the m ost rem a rheable Accomp t of the la terenow ned Cardi na ll Ri chleiu , &c Vj


En tred under the hand of Sr NATH : BRENT An answ ers to thep oisonous p ap er of M

’David Jenk ins , by H . P. d

Entred under the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste r SEYLEw arden , tw o book es (viz‘) The Chri stian Astrologer, &c , the WorldsCa tas trophe , (t o, bo th o f them m ade by M

rWm L i lley irijd

M ai.)

En tred by order of the Lords house‘

of Parliam "An Ordinanceof the Lords (Q Com ons assem bled in Parliam ent f or securing of all thosetha t sha ll advance f or the service of Eng la nd (6 Ireland d

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rw arden a sm all trac t called, Cha ritable constructions of the

designs of the Trustees s itt ing a t Sadlers Ha ll, sett dow ns in questions (5

answ eres &c vjd

Entred under the hands o f Maste r CAR IL L and Master SEIL Ew a 1 den a book e ca lled The p retiousn es of Christ to beleivers , &c., byJohn Robotham vj


Entred unde 1 thc hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas terSEILE w arden a booke called The pf ection of Justificacon the p uri ofsanctifica con &c , In sevali serm ons by John Sym pson

2 0 tb of m ay 1 647

Entred u nder the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEILE w arden , D ivers p ap ers f ro m the Arm y, &c Vjd

[him ifm ls m m 2 0 May

—2 Jun e 1 641 ] 2 7 1

Master Overton.

Master Overton.

Master Sam . Man.

John Benson andJohn Sayw ell.

John Benson andJohn Sayw ell.

John Beyv ell.

Master Moseley.

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

zotb of M an 1 647

En tred for his copie under the hand of Master JOHN BROWNE by orderof the Lords house of Parliam ‘

, The Ordinance of the Lords it Com ous{ orIndemp n ity, &c

En tred under the hand of Mas te r BACHELOR a sm a ll pam phlettcalled , A i nst ap ologie f or the church of Duckingfei ld, &c Vjd

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterSEILE w arden a boo ke ca lled The exceeding riches of grace advanced &c


Entrad unde 1 the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rWH ITAKER w arden , a serm on called, Balaanns better w ish, up on NUMBERS2 3 . 1 0 . byWIn Rose vj


2 5tb

Butred by order of the Lords hou se of Parli am ‘subscribed byMa ste r WHITAKER w arden , a serm on p reached bef ore tha t house, 24" Febr .1 646 [ i .s . 1 646—7] en tituled, The w ay to the highest honor , &c , byWm Strong


29 th

Entred by order of the house of Com ous subscribed by MasterSEILE w arden , A serm on preached before that house the 2 8‘h of Aprill1 647, (be ing fas t day, ) ent ituled, The trust it: the Accom p t of a stew ard,&c byWm Strong vj


En tred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM andMaster SEILEw arden , a booke called The Abridgm

‘of Christia n divini ty &c by John

Wollebius, Drof D ivinity, of Baz ill , transla ted out of latyn into English ,

by Alex : Rosse VJ“

m ay 1 647

En tred under the hands o f Master DOWNHAM andMaster SEILEw arden a sm all tra ct called , Hosanna , or, D ivine Poem s on the p assion ofChris t, by Fran: Quarles VJ


En tred by order o f the Lords house of Pal liam A declaracon ,

Instruccons if: ordinances , concerning the Arm i s , &c d

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas terSEALE w arden , a bo ok e ca lled A n ew Grama r of the Latyn toung, &c .


byJohn Pont (salvo lure cuiu scunque ) vj


2 ° fil m“ 1 647

En tred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Maste rWHITAKER w arden a book e called The private devotions of Lancelott

Andrew s , la te L : Bp : of Winto n&c d

2 72 [2—1 4 June 1 647 .S- m nm ihi




[2 3° CCaroli Reg is]

2 ° $1 1n 1 647

Master Pawns . As signed over unto him , by vertue o f a no te unde r the hands sca le s ofROBTE LUN WM . PAGE subscribed by M'WHITAKER w arden , all thee state , righ t title In te re st w ch the sa id Robts Lun W‘" Page havei n this book e or copie (viz‘) Cha rron of Wisdom s &c, late ly be longing toM Aspley de cd vj


Master Entred for h i s copie unde r the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Ma s te rMath . 837m m " WH ITAKER w arden a book e called Certa ine scrup les f rom the Arm i s &c


Robte Bostock . Entred under the hands of Ma ster CRANEORD and Maste rSEALE w arden , The sw orn e conf edera cy betw eens the Convocation at Oxf ordd: the Tow er of London 850 vj


Elie 8tb of Slim e 1 647

[Page 96 ] Entred by orde r of the Com ons house of Parliam ‘, An addi

Master Husbands. tionall order f or indem pn ity of soldiers ch votes of both houses f or disbandingof S

' Tho: Fa irfax arm i s p aym ‘of the ir arrears vjd

Master 8m m . Entred under the hands of Mas te r BACHELOR and .Mas te rSEILE w arden , a book e called Yern ing s of Chris ta bow ells tow ards hislangu ishing friends See by Sam . Moore vj‘1

Master Wright. Entred by orde r of the Lords hou se of Parliam ‘ The LordMountagues letter w th the relac‘bn concerning the king, &c vjd

Widd. Raw orth. Entred under the hands of S’ NATE : BRENT and Maste rVide page

WHITAKER w arden , a book e called I t Pastor Fido wri ttenpriginal ly inIta li an it: now new ly translat ed i nto Engli sh 860 (salvo lure cm uscunque?


1 4th

Master Bymmonl Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rSEALE w arden a book e ca lledA discou rse of Franc is Baw dwyn of Arm s &c


Entred un der the hands of Mas te r ELSING by orde r o f thehouse of Gom one, a serm on called , The w oe -j oy trump ett, p reached at a

f ast bef ore the hou se , the 2 6" May, 1 647 vjd

Master Waterson. Entred under the hands of Mas ter LANGLEY and Ma ste rSEILE w arden a book e called Praxis Grama ticas in decalogil op era et

industria , H . Thurm an . vj‘l

Master Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANEOED and Mas te r“ h“ Bothw ell. WHITAK ER w arden a book e ca lled M isteries if: revela cons &c by Ra lph

Venn ing' o f Im m anue l] Colledge in Cam bridge[Page 97] Entred unde r the hand of Master DOWNHAM a pam phle tt called,“ drew Kem b. A vindicacon of 1 67 ojficers tha t are com e of f rom the Arm y, &c vj


2 74 [7—2 1 July 1 647.L h fl fl - {fi



[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

M aster : ark er , M am et .

M aster : fi snrg e nathammaster : y uan i tsllam g

Master Stephens .

Wm Adderton.

Tho. Underhlll.

MasterWhitaker,S enf and M asterThos.Whitaker.

Master Slater.

M arti n i s .

7° new 1 647

Entred for the ir copie under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and

M aster LATHAM w arden a book e called Clem ent the blessed Pau ls f ellowlaborer in the gosp ell, his first ep istle to the Corin theans vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and MasterLATHAM w arden , A serm on p reached before the hob" house of Com ons the

3 0 “ June last (being f ast day) up on EZECH. 1 9 . by Nath : Wardvjd

lotb 3 mm

Entred under the hands o f Master DOWNHAM and Ma sterLATHAM w arden a book e ca lled Touching the subiect of sup rema cy &c, incau ses Ecclicall vj

Entred under the hands o f Master CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a booke called Synon im a sive cop ia vocum Haebraicaru

in ordinem alphabeticam reda cta &c d

Entred under the hands of Master CRANFORD and Maste rBELLAMY w arden a book e ca lled The tou chstone of convers ion or m arkes oftrue f a ith, &c , by Arthur Mereton vj


t b

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r LANGLEY and MasterLATHAM w arden , a tra ct called, Institutiones Parep atica ru pars theori ca ,&c , autore Tho: Ang lo . vj‘l

cohem his

Entred under the hands of Mas ter DOWNHAM and Maste rBELLAMY w arden a book e called Comf ortable crum s of ref reshm ent



p rayers m editat'bns , &c vj‘l

[itfifi?‘} 3 . Parker.

[Page 99]Master Lee.Master Pakeman.M rs. Meighenand Gabr. Beadle.

W“ Taylor.

Rich. Rolston.

Master Mosley.

JohnBeyv ell.

JohnBenson andJohn Sayw sll .MasterJohnBotbw ell.

[Page 1 0 0 ]MasterWright.

Master Stafford .

Master Payne.

2 3 July August 2 75

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

an: 2 3 th of Slain 1 647

Entred for the ir cop ie under the hands o f S'NATH : BRENT and Maste rLATHAM w arden a book e ca lled,

M escella n ies divine m orra ll, w r itte n bythe Ho

“ Wal ter Mountague Esqr (The right o f the sa id cop ie by the irconsents i s thus divided, (viz‘) to M'Lee a 3 d pte , Mr Pak em an a 3 “ pte ,

to M “ Me ighen Gabr : Be adle a 3 t a pte vjd

2 4th

Entred under the hands of Ma ste r CRANFEILD and Maste rLATHAM w arde n A catachism e ca lled, Herberts carefu ll father it p iou schi ld &c Vi


Entred un der the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Ma sterLATHAM w arden a book e ca lled Of f raternal adm onition or correp tion &c


5° august“ 1 647

Entrad under the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e called The che if e events in the m onarchie ofSp a ins in the years 1 63 9, w ritten by the Marqu esse Virg illio Malvez z i ,trans lated by Robto Gent i les . vj


Entred by 0 1 de 1 of the Lo rds , a serm on ca lled , the MagistratesCha rge f or the p eop les saf ety, being p rea ched on the fast day May 1 647

byWm Hussey vjd

Entred by order o f the home house o f Com ons a fast serm onca lled

, The trust if: the accomp t of a stew ard, by Wm Strong vjd

En tred under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas terLATHAM w arden a book e called An ans w ere to the tra ct ca lled, The Judgm ‘

of the ref orm ed churches abou t Ordina c’bn , &c, by Laz arus Seam an vjd

Eli e 2 1 tb of aug ust 1 647Entred by order o f the house of pee rs , Tw o letters f rom hisExcellency S' Tho: Fa irf ax to the right honourable house of p eers , w i th a

letter f rom them «t o . Also a rem o nstrance of his Excellency, d c, w ith an

ordina nce of both houses declareinge a ll votes voyd, &c vjd


En tred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rLATHAM w ar : The Chronicle of the Bible in 7 severa ll Bookes , w ri tten byJam es Ushor, Prim at of &c . Translated ou t o f the Latyn by Tho .

Ful ler, B. in D . vjd

com m his

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rLATHAM w ar: Sp ecia ll a nd chosen serm ons of D'Martin L uther collectedout of his w ritingss and p rea chinges , &c d

2 76 [2 6 August—2 9 October 1 647 .J. Pu k er

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

Eli e 26tb

Master Garthwalt. Entred for his cop ie under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rLATHAM w ar: a. sm a ll trac t ca lled, Methodus Concionandi or , The Methodof preache inge , by M

r Wi l l iam Chappell som etym e fe llow of ChristsCollidge , Cam bridge vj‘l

Swat. 2 6 3° 1 647

3 1 0 11 Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rLATHAM w arden a book e called Of the p ow er of the keyes or of binding cf:

loosing, by D’Ham ond VJd


HumPh- Blflnfl‘m Entred s ix pam phletts called, The kingdom es Intelligence i ij'

Master Husband! Entred by order of the hoble hou se of Com ous An Ordinance ofthe Lords Com ons in Parliam ‘

assem bled against vnlicensed or scanda lou spn ntm g

"p amphletts, &c vj


2 ° ot’

wank er 1 647

Master Sym'

ons . under the hands of Ma ste r DOWNHAM and Ma sterSEYL E la te w arden a book e called Som e gosp ell truthes la i d dow ne,explayned, vindicated, &c by John Heydon vj


who 2 ° of manner 1 647

[Page 1 0 1 ] Entred by order of bo th house s of Parliam ‘, An Ordinance

Master f or the better securi ty d: encourag em ent of all if: every such p son , &c, as

already have or hereaf ter sha ll pu rcha se Bishop s la nds , the vjd

Master Balaton. Entred under the hands of MA STER MABBOTT and Maste rLATHAM w arden , a sm a ll tract ca lled, The p rivi ledges of the Un ivsity ofOxf ord, in p oi nt of vis itac’on . VJ


1 2 th

Bobu neybom e. Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rLATHAM w arde n , a book e called An ea rnest exhorta n f or read ing ofcom on p rayer vjd

Master Coatee. Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e ca lled The sam a ritans box new ly op ened &c


Master Walhanck o Entred under the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Mas te rLy m an: w arden a book e ca lled The case argum en t ag‘S' Ignoram us ofCam bridge, &c, by Rob“ Cal l ie o f Graye s Inne , Esq vj‘l

Deleted in Register.

2 78




1 0 .

Dr SADLER’S p ramis M edicar am .

1 2 .

1 3 .

1 4.

1 5.

1 6.

1 7.

1 8 .

1 9.

[Page 1 0 4] 2 0 .

Master Meredith.2 1 .

SCH ICKARD’S Horologiu Hebra i cum .

2 3 .

2 5.

[3 No vem ber 1 647.J

[2 3° Caroti Reg is]

BAKER’s Arethm etick .

M" NICK : BYFEILD’S p rincip les or p o tterne of w ho lesom e w orlds .

Hi s essaes (b sp iritua li tou chstone , that part there of,w hich som e tym e s be longed to Ben : Fisher .

M'STANEAST’S handfull of Cordia ll comf orts .

M THOMAS HOOKER’S tw o Treatices of self e den ia l! d: self etriall, &c .

M ” R ICH : BIEEILD’S light of fa ith w ay of holines .

D'BURGESSE 2 serm ons preached be fore the Parl”, viz‘, 1 onthe 1 7th Nov . 1 640 , the o the r the 3 0 th of Aprill, 1 645.

D' W ILLIAM’S best relig ion cont 2 4 severall treat ices

serm ons as they s tand m enconed in the printed ca talogueat the beg ining of the book e , the firs t be ing the M isteries ofthe Ra inbow the 2 4m be ing The duties of Christians .

GALENI Op uscu la in greek s and Latyn w ith D' GULSTON’Sannotations .

Dr JERMYN Annotacons on the w hole booke of PROVERBS .HUES on both the globes w th PONTANUS Notes translated byM r Chilm ead.

M" THO : PEIRSON’S Cure of cares w i th M "HARVEY’S condim n

of Chr istianity.

M’ROE’s contra ction of M r BR IGGS Logarithm es w i th the uses

of those Tables, by M'Edm . Wingate .

M “ DANE’s Scholia upon his light to Lyllie .

Dr DUNN’s serm on at the Lady Danvers funeral] w i th ve rse sin greche latyn ,

by Geo: Herbert .

Canans ca lam ity, or , the destruc ion of Jerusa lem .

M" BR IGHTMAN’S Com en tary on DANIELL .

Eli e 3° ot’

flobcm hrr 1 647

Master Meredith Assigned over to him , by ve rtue o f a bill of sale unde r the hand sealeo f JOAN E GR EENE subscribed by bo th the w ard ens

,all her e sta te , right ,t itle , in te re s t in the se book e s fo ll vi z “, V'







Dr VVILLETT on thefirst «9 second bookes of SAMUELL , one halfe .

M PERK INS on the lords p rayer .A case of con sci enc by Mr Perk ins, one halfe .

The estate of a Christian w ith the consolac'

on f or the afllicted, bvMr Perk ins, one halfe .

D'WILLETT on the ROMANES . one halfe .

D‘r W ILLETT on DANIELL , a th ird part .D’TAYLOR on the 1 0 “ chap ter of the ACTS , a 3d pte , on everyim pre ss ion of D rTAYLOR on the 3 2 PSALME 2 5 book e s gra tis .Dr TAYLOR on TITUS a 3 d pte .

his circum sp ect w a lking , one halfe .

On the Temp taEbns of X“a 3 d pte .

Pam ' 3—1 9 No vem ber 1 64 1 ] 2 79

Maste r Meredith .

[Page 1 0 5]Master Meredith.

[2 3° Caroti Reg is]

Eli e 3° of flobcm hcr 1 647

Assigned over unto him by ve rtue of a Bill of Sale , under the handseale of Mas te r DAINTY subscribed by bo th the w ardens , all the e s ta te ,right , t itle inte re s t w ch the sa id M " Da inty hath in the se book es foll,the w ch la te ly appertaynod to M

'M ilborne deed (viz‘) vij'

M" EDWARD ELTON on the w hole 7“ it 8“ Chap of the ROMANS .his Exp osic‘on on the X Com andem ts d Lords p rayer.W ILLETT on the w ho le books of LEVITICUS .M r JEREMY DYKE’S Good Consci enc it m ischeifes of scanda lls .

M Ir PAUL BAINE , up on the w ho le Ep istle to the EPHESIANSon ha lfe the re of.

Som e hehres to f a ith, by John W i lson.

A counterp oi son ag‘ covetousnes .

A caveat f or Archippus .Dua: Gram wticus sive p rams totiu s Latina s syn tafceos p J0 : Clarke .

A com entary on PHILEMON the school of afi iction , byDan : Dyk e .

1 1 . A com entary on the 2" 3 “ ct f ou rth chap ters of ST. JOHNS

Gosp ell ca lled, sis: Evangelicall histories , by Dan: Dyke .

1 2 . Pacata Hiber nia s , or the w a rre of Ireland, by the Lo rd Carey.

1 3 . A thanchfull rem em brance of gods M erc -ies, by D'Carleton.

1 4. Tw o forty serm ons , by Dr Micklethw aite. A fourth part .

us by Jer: Dyke .


8tb flab. 1 647

MasterWalbanck Entrad for his cop ie unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT and Mas te r

Master Clarke.


Rich .Woodnoth.

LATHAM w arde n a book e ca lled unum necessarium , &c , by John Cooke ofGraye s Inn e barister vj‘l

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and MasterBELLAMY w arden a book e called The undeceiveing of the p eop le in the

p o int of Tithes , &c, by P. T. gent . vjd


Entred under the hands of Mas te r MABBOTT , a rem o nstrancef rom his Excellen cy 8” Tho : Fairfax concerning the la te discontent d distraccon in the Arm y, &c vj


Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas terBELLAMY w arden a book e ca lled Com posi cons of 3 p arts by Hen:W'n Law es, servants to h is Maw vj


En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r BOWKER and MasterBELLAM Y w arden a book e called Merlini Angli ci Ephem er is 1 648 . No

p ositive, 850 , byWm L i l ley

was 1 9th of flobcm her 1 647

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM '

and Mas te r“

LArHAM w a 1 den , three booke s called, Quad/rip artite devotion, The chi ldbearing w om an, Married Coup le, by M rHerbert xvi ij


Bobto Austen.

Bobu Bostock .

Tho. Jackson.

Master Walbanck .

Master Walbenck .

Master Walbanck

[ 1 9 No vem ber—3 Decem ber 1 647 .

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

t he lerh of m em ber 1 647

Entred for his copie unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , his Ma“m essage

to both houses of Parl‘f rom the Ile of Wight the 1 7“ of Novem ber , 1 647vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rLATHAM w arden a booke ca lled CXI p rop

osi c‘

ons concern ing the m inistrygoverm ent of the church, &c , firs t printe i n Sco tland vj


1 ° new nes s 1 647

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Ma s te rLATHAM w arden a book e called Greca e lingua e brevia rium &c. in greche ct


latyn , authors Antonio Lanbegeois vjd

2 ° met as tasis 1 647

Entred unde r the hands Of S' NATH : BRENT and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e ca lled Observations concerning the ojfice of theLord Chancellor , &cEntred under the hands of S' NATH : BRENT and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a booke called An exa ct abridgm ent of that excellenttreaties called D octor cf: Student &c vj


Entred under the hands of S' NATH : BRENT and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a booke called A p rofitable booke of M

” John Perki nssom etym es f ellow of the Inner Temp le trea ting of the Low es of England (be ,transla ted out of French into English vj‘1

2 ° Essenti als 1 647

Entred f under the hands o f SIr NATH : BRENT and Maste rLATHAM w arden a booke called Sp eciall selected Law - cas es concerning

Master Cartwrightan

Maste r Beet.

the p ersons cf: estates of all m en w ha tsoever &c vjd

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRAN FORD and Mas terLATHAM w arden a book e ca lledAn emp osiébn of the evangell of Jes us Christaccording to Mathew , by Dav id Dixon, profe s sor Of divinity in Glascow


3° Ber.

Entred by ve rtue Of a bill of sa le under the hands seale sof Maste r LATHAM and Maste rJA : YOUNG by consent of a fu ll 0 0 " heldthe first of Decem ber instant . The book e ca lled, The History of the

World , by 8” Walter Raw ley w th the ffrontis

peece , plate s and cu ttsthe reunto be long ing vj


2 82

[Page 1 0 9 ]Master Symm ons .

John Clarke, Juuf :

Master White .

Master Fidela.

[2 2 Decem ber 1 647 .J- Fu hn - {E‘M J

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

2 2 ° Berem hris 1 647

Entred for h is copie under the hands of M aste r DOWNHAM and Ma sterLATHAM w arden , a booke called Gosp ell l iberty in the ext 'entions, lim i tac‘onsof i t, &c, i n nine serm ons up on the 1 . COR . 1 0 . 2 3 . by Walter Craddock


Entred under the hands Of Maste r CAHILL and Master LATHAMw arden a sm all tract called, A sof t answ ers to Cap t. Freem a n’s p assiona tebooke 430 , w herein the conf erence a t Dou lting i s trusty if: fully rela ted &c


Entred by vertue of a no te unde r the hand seale of Mas te rEDWARD S , subscribed by bo th the w ardens by consent o f a fu ll CO" ,these cop ie s fo llow ing , the w ch did la te ly be long to M* George Edw ards ,dec“, salvo iure cuiuscunque V'

1 . D'SIRB

’S on the CANTICLES .

2 . his Bride’s long ing, a serm on .3 . SMI TH’S EssexDove .

4 . DUGARD’S blind eye op ened .

5. AUSTEN’S presump tious m ans m irror .6. The Fa ir Maid of the Exchange , a play .

7. Perf ect Patterns of Mans Imp erf ections .8 . MOULIN’S p rayers .

by M” Adam s.

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT tw o pam phle ttscalled, The Moderate Intelligence 1“ x‘


As s igned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand se aleMa ster JOHN DAWSON subscribed by Maste r w arden , all thee state , right , title intere s t w ch the sa id JO : Daw son ba th in the setw o co ies (viz Symp son of the church Barifi


s m i litary d isc ip line , &cw th ad icons xij


2 2 ° a scending 1 647

Entred for his copie s by ve rtue o f a note under the hand seale ofM " EDWARD S , subscribed by bo th the w ardens by consent of a ful l0 0 " the se copie s fo llow ing , the w ch did late ly be long to M r Ge orgeEdw ards her husband dec", salvo iure cuiuscunque vij'VJ


1 . Dr SIBB S on HOSEA.

2 . h is Sa ints p rivi ledge .

Dele ted in Register.1 The last entry of th is new s sh e et w as on the 2 8 th June nearly six m onths

previously .

[9 Parker 2 2—3 0 D ecem ber 2 83

[Page 1 1 1 ]Master Daw lm an.

Bern. Alsop and

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

3 . M'SM ITHS 1 2 Serm ons (viz')Jonah

’s Pun ishm '.

The trump ett of the sou ls.

The sinfull m a ns search .Maries choi ce .

Noahs Drunckennes .

Tw o z ealous p rayers .The s inners conversion.The sinners conf essi on .Song of Sym eon .The calling of Jonah.

The rebellion of Jonah ”

WHATELEY on GENESIS .his sinne n o m ore , a serm on .his p oore m an’s ad vocate .

his oyle of gladnes .

The p ractice of quietnes .

HOPK INS 2 serm ons .1 0 . MOR E’S M irror of Mortal ity.

1 1 . his tw o f old cord of consolaEbn .

1 2 . L an tebabarc, &c , by P. da Molyn.

1 3 . MATHEW’S Peter’s Nett, a serm on .1 4. hi s flight of tym s, a serm on .1 5. WHITE’S Cate chism s.






Entred for his cop ie under the hand of Master MABBOTT a ba llad called,The lovely London lasse long lam enting f or a husband the vjd

Eli e soth of nu m ber 1 647

En tred by order o f the house of Com on s, Tw o se rm ons (viz‘)one called, The cloud i n w ch Christ com es & 0 , be ing a fas t serm on preachedthe 2 7th o f Octobe r last ; the o ther called, England saved, &c , preached



5“ o f Novem be r las t, bo th of them by Ph ill ip Stirrey xij‘1

t ot em his

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CRANFOBD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e called Bacon’s rem a/ynes , &c vj


Entred under the hands of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, The m oderate Intell igence VJd

There are only eleven serm ons in th is list.

Master Wh ite.

Master Bellam y .

Peter Cole andMaster Sweating.

Master Overton.

[Page 1 1 2 ]Master Stephens.

Master Bellam y.

Master Bellam y.

M aster

Master White .

[3—1 2 January 1 647 .

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

J. Parker- {gm lg -J

3° 3 am m rii 1 647 [ i . s . 1 64748 ]

Entre d for his copie under the hands of Mas te r MABBOTT a pam phlettcalled, An answ ers to the chsife and m ateriall heads p a ssages in the la tedeclarac

bn of the k ingdom s of Scotland ch answ ers of the Com "

, &c vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CALAMY andMas ter LATHAMw arden , a sm all tract called, The cleere sunshine of the gosp ell broken f orthup on the Indians in New England the vjd

Entred under the hands of Master MAB BOTT and MasterBELLAM Y w arden , A rep ly in beha lf s of the Parl‘of England , to the la teansw ers of the Scotts Com "

up on the Prop osib'

bns bi lls sent to the King inthe Ile of Wight, by Hen : Martyn Esq a m em ber of the Com on s hou se .

The right of w eb sd cop i e i s by consent devided into 5 parts , 4vjp


thereof be longs to Pe te r Co le 1 pte to John Sw ee t ing

loth $att ltil t'2 1 647 [ i . s . 1 64748]

Entred under the hands of Master MABBOTT and Maste rBELLAM Y w arden a trac t ca lled, The Scottish Mist disp ell’d, or a rep ly tothe p revari cating answ ers of the Com "

0] the k ingdom s of Scotland , 850 ,d

byan English covenanter vj


t he n th of mamm ary 1 647 [ i .s . 1 64748]

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arde n a book e called A cluster of the frui ts of Canaan &c. or,rules of direction f or the w a lking of the sa ints &c . vj


1 2 th

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CARIL L and Maste rLu nar:

w arden a book e called A survey of the sum s of Church dicip line &c.a

byTho : Hooker of New Eng land vj


w hom his

Entred under the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Maste rLATHAM w arden a book e called The w ay of Congregat iona ll Churchesclear ed in tw o trea ti ses , by John Cotton of Bo ston in New Engla nd vjd

Entrad under the hands of Doctor CLARKE , Pre s ident andthe four censors of the Phi sition s Colledge , and M r. LATHAM w arden abooke called Mellificium Chirurgia e, or the Marrow of m any good authors ,&c, w th an App end ix an Add i son of sevall Magistrall receip ts , Collectedby Jam es Cooke a Lover of Phisick (it: Chirurgery ‘llj‘l

En tred under the hand of Mas te r Ma ns on a pam phlett called,The m ode rate Intelligence , &c. vj


[Page 1 1 4]Master Stephens.


Master Legatt.

Master Legatt.

[ 1 4—1 7 January 1 647 .J- Pfl k ef

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

1 5. M' JOHN DOWNAM his Gu ide to godlinss w th his treatice ofSecu rity.

1 6. The Psalter of David i n latyn Saxon interlyned publi shedby S

'John Spe lm an .1 7. M r BYFEILD

’S Exp osic

on on the Creed, one halfe .

1 8 . M'EDM OND WINGATE’S Arithm etick w th the lyne of Prop oré‘on .

1 9.Christ’s Sta rr , by M' Narne, som e tym e be longi ngto M‘rRow n thw aite .

2 0 . M“ RICH . BIFEILD of the Saboath, ag‘M'Brerew ood.

2 1 . M r R . W ILLIS hi s Meditac'

bns ca lled, Mount Tabor.2 2 . M r Ros TE HORNE his Exp osié'on of the history of the w om a n of

great f a ith , or the Canani tish w om a n .2 3 . The hunting of the f or , a treatice ag

'flatsry byM

r Harslett .

2 4. M r ROE.TE ARROTT’S serm on of the danger of p op ery.

2 5. his thanksgiveing serm on f or cessation of the

Plague 1 62 5.

2 6. The Ita lian Schoolem aster , som etyme be long ing to M'Purfoot .

2 7.

2 8. M'R0 13“

2 9.

3 0 . M " CRUM P ch Ca tachism s.

3 1 . The Lady HARVIE’S Antidote ag‘Sinne d: Satan .3 2 . The Sinnagogus in im itac


On o f M " Herbert’s Tem p le .

3 3 . M r HIGOEN’S serm on con cerning deaf enes.

34. 8” BEN : RUDYARD’S sp eech concerning the clergi e .

3 5. Cyprian , De un itate eccles ia s w th ann otacons latyn by Jer.


3 6. Consi lia Britanica in latyn publ ished by Sr Hen : Spe lm an .3 7. M'TERREY

’S Caractere of the heart.

who of Sanitary 1 647 [ i .s .

Entred for hi s copie under the hand of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e called A Testim on ey to the truth of Jesus Christst: to o

' solem ne League «is Covsn‘ as a lso ag' the errors (the of these tym es

(t the tollera con of them , w herein is inserted a Ca ta logue of divers of thesd errors the subscri bed by the m inisters of Christ w thin the p rovinceof London VJd

com m his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rLATHAM w arden a booke ca lled Novas Solym a s VJ


com m his

Entrad unde r the hands of Master CARILL and Maste r LATHAMw arden a booke A w ay to true Christian uni ty the , by Edm : Reeve


[3 }J. Parke r.

[Page 1 1 5]Mas ter Stephens .

JohnMaycock .

Hum . Harward.

Master Overtm i .

Master Overton.

Page 1 1 6]Bobte Bostock.

Master White.

Master Sw eating.

1 9 January—6 February 287

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

1 9° manust tf 1 647 [ i . s . 1 64748]Entred for his cop ie unde r the hands of Mas ter CAR IL L andMaste r LATHAMw arden a book e ca lled Solid directi ons f or reconci ling p la ces of scrip tureseem ing repugna nt, w r itten long since f or the use of a noble lady VJ


Entred under the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e called Strange nam es f rom the North, or, thesectaries sa crifice , theEn tred by order of the hou se of Lords by consent of MasterBIFEIL D , subscribed by Maste r LATHAM w arden , The reas ons of the dissenting brethren ag

'Presbi teria/n goverm', (ii: the answ ers of the Assem bly tothose reason s, as w ell those f orm erly p rinted f or the us e of the Hous e, as

any other reasons (2 answ eres never f orm erly p rinted ; as a lso the pap s cf:answ eres of the dissenting brethren d: the Com i ttee of the Assem bly p uttint o the Com i ttee of Lords d: Com ons d

’: Assem bly of Divines f or accom o

daEbn , &c d

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT A declaraeon of theCom ous assem bled in Parl‘in answ ers to the Scotch p ap ers , &c . vj‘l

2 6tb Sanitary 1 647 [ i . s . 1 614758]En tred unde r the hands of Master MABBOTT and Maste rLATHAM w arden a bo ok e ca lled . Syon colledge v isited, or som e breif sAn im advsrsions up on a p amp hlett ca lled a Testim ony to the truth of Jesu sChri st, &c, by Jo : Goodw yn vj


En tred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rBELLAM Y w arden a book e called The sacram entall stum bling blo ck re

m oved, &c vjd

2 8tb Sanitary 1 647 [ i . s . 1 64748 ]

Entred under the hands o f Ma s te r CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arde n a book e ca lled A Paraphrase on JOB w ritten in Frenchby F . Senalt , translated into Eng li sh VJ


S he 4th of .fl'

ehruatp 1 647 [ i . s . 1 64748]

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT tw o pam phle tts(viz

‘) The Moderate Intelligence 1 l

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r MABBOT'I‘ and Mas te r

w arden , a sm all tract called, The Pa/rl“ p roceedings iustifiedi n designing a. p ersone ll treaty w th the king ,

&c , by Hen: Martyn Ed



Hum . Harw erd.


Master Flesher.

Master Moseley.

[Page 1 1 7]Master White.

Master Wright.

Master Beii .

Master Lee .

Tho. Paine.

[63—1 0 February 1 647 .

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

J. ra ked S’;£3 2352]

Entred for h is copie by ve rtue of an orde r of the ho ble house of Cofiib ns ,

A declaraébn of som e p roceedings of L eif ten‘ Col. John Lilborn e his

assotiat es w th som e exa iaé‘

bns anim advers ions up on tw o p eticon: la telyprinted if: scattered abroad , &c vj


com m hie

En tred by vertue of a no te under the hands scales of PETERCOLE and THOMAS UNDEBHIL L , all the ir right , title , in te re st in thebook e called The S challers Com panion , &c , com po sed by Alex . Row leysubscribed by bo th the w ardens vj‘l

Entred under the hands o f Sr NATE : BRENT and Maste rLATHAM w arden , a booke called Jacobi Usseri i Arm achan i de Macedonum

et Assianorum , &c vjd

Ass igned over un to him by vertue of a note under the hand seale of

RUTH Raw oarn . subscribed by Master LATHAM w arden a book e ca lledI i Pastor Fido , or the fa ithfu ll Sheap ard (fro, tran slated into Eng l ish byM'Fran. Fanshaw , w th divers other p oem s annexed thereunto by the sam e

Eire 9tb of f chrnarn 1 647 [ i .s . 1 64758]Entred for hi s cop ie unde r the hand of Mas ter MABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, The m oderate Intelligencer vj


cohem his

Entred by order of the Lords , An Ordina nce f or rep a i r ing ofChurches p ayi ng church duties

com m Bic

Entred by vertue of a no te under the hand se ale ofM" Punsnow subscribed by Maste r BELLAMY w arden , The sanctuaryof a troubled Souls , &c , by S

lrJohn Haw ard, kut . . Vj‘l

1 0 ° Arc-hr.

Entred under the hands of Mas ter Manno'rr and Maste r

LATHAM w arden , The Arra ignm‘if: a cqu itta l of S’Edm . Moseley Baronett,

at the Kings Bench Barr vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CAL LAMY and Mas te rLATHAM w arden , A serm on called, The trium ph of a good consci ence, & Paul Am irant .

The w ord be i lo has been added to th is entry at a later tim e and by anotherband.

2 90

Master Wh ite.

[Page 1 1 9]Geo. Dodington.

Master Moseley.

Master Stephens.

Master Leaks.

w m .Wells .‘

Master Husbands .

[ 1 7 February—4 March 1 647.t ru m fit



[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

1 5. The Ant ip odes , a play.

1 6. Witt in a m adnes , a play.

1 7. The Chas t m a ids of Cheap eside, a play.

1 8. The lad ies p r ivi ledge , a play1 9. Witt in a constable , a play.

2 0 . Carm ina Proverbialia .

by Henry Giapthorne.

Entred for his copie unde r the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Maste rLATHAM w arden , a book e entituled Ad gra/m aticen ordinariam supp lem entaquaedam , &c Vj


Eire 1 9th of 1 6147 [i .e . 1 64748]En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r CRANFORD and Maste rLATHAM w arden a book e called Psyche , or, Love’s M istresss i n 2 0 cantos ,disp layeing the intercourse betw ixt Christ if; the sou ls &c , by JosephBeam ont, M'

i n Arts vjd

2 2 th

As signed ove r unto him , by vertue of a no te unde r the hand seale of

THOMAS WAL K EL EY , subscribed by bo th the w ardens , all the

e state , right , t itle and inte re st w ch the said Thom as Walk eley ha th i nthe se 3 book e s viz t xvi ij‘l

Aglaura , a play, by S'John Suckl ing .

Madagascar, or, Poem s , by M "W1m Davenant .Theirs d' Theodorett, a play by M'Beam ont Fletcher.

2 6th

En tred for his copie under the hands of Master CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a treat ies called, The dea th of death i n the death of Christ


zo m am ; 1 647 [i .e . 1 64748]Entred un de r the hands of Sr NATH . BRENT and Maste rLATHAM w arden a bo oke called Cato m a ior, or, the books of old age.w ritten in Latyn by Mar. Tul l : Cicero in p ra ise of the sam e d: englishedbyWm Austen, Esq"e vj‘l

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma s te rLATHAM w arden a booke called Lutheri loci com unes co lle ct p Fabritium



Entred by order of the house of Com ous , A declaraébn of theLords ct Com ons assem bled i n Parl‘ concer ning the p ap s of the ScotchCom


, &c vjd

[9. tam-i a ru m . 4—1 5 March 2 91

Master Overton.

Master Robinsonand

Master Puiien.

Master White.

Sam . Gelilbrand.

Master Bowtell.

Master Roper.

Master Husbands.

[Page 1 2 1 ]Master Partridge.

[2 3° Caroli Reg is]

who of M arch 1 647 [i .e . 1 64748]Entred for the ir cop ie un der the hands of Ma ster BACHELOR and Maste rLATHAM w arden a. book e called Sa tans stra tagem s , or the divelle cabinett

cabinett [ s ic ] Councsll discovered &c


Entred under the hands o f Mas ter CARIL L and Maste rLATHAM w arden a serm on called, Gods sovera igne p ow er over Nations, &c ,by M

'Cordw el l vjd

who sth of march 1 647 [i .s . 1 64748]Entrad un der the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and MasterLATHAM w arden a. book e en tituled Fam ianus strada de Be llo Belgi co d o,decae p rim a et secunda latine et Angliae vj


Entred unde r the hand of Master MABBOTT , 2 pam phlettsviz‘, The Moderate Intelligence xij‘l

l l tb

Entred under the hands of Mas te r LANGLEY and Mas terLATHAM w arden a book e called Ma them aticall Magick , or, the w ondersthat m ay be pf orm sd by Mathem a ti ca ll Geom etry, i n tw o bookes, &c,


byJohn Wi lkins M : of Arts vj


eol’m n his

Butted unde r the hands of Mas te r CRAN FORD and Mas te rBELLAM Y w arden , a book e called Sa cred Chronology draw ne by Scrip tureevidence , &c by R. D. M .D . VJ


Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT and Maste rBELLAMY w arden , a sm a ll trac t called, The arraignm ‘

of S' Wa lterRaw ley

at the King s Bench Barr at Westm ', 1 60 3 vj


Entred by orde r of the hob“ house o f Com ous , The f our bi lls d:prop osicons sent to the king to the Ile of Wight . Togei ther w th the f ourteensar ti cles of the 3 9 articles m enconsd i n the prop osic

ons concerning religion,ct the ru les, &c vj‘1

1 5th of march 1 647 [ i . e .

Entred under the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Mas ter LATHAMw arden , a book e ca lled Rabdologia , or, the Art of num bring by rods , &c,


bySeth Partridge surveyor vj


eohem his

Butt ed under the hand o f Master CAL AMY a book e entituled

The true doctrine of Justificacbn asserted at vindicated, &c by Anth:

Burgesse vjd

2 92

Tho. Underhm.

Ma ster Pawns.

Peter Cole.

Edw . Blackm ore.

Master Butter.

Master Husbands .

[Page 1 2 2 ]Master Castes.

Master Bellam y.

Master Calvert.

Master White.

Master Legatt.

[ 1 5—2 4 March 1 647 .J- Pu h r- ifi’

m j

[2 3° Caroli Reg is] ,

of matrix 1 647 [ i . s . 1 64748]Entred for his cop ie unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD a pam phlettca lled , The Warw ickshe ire m in isters testim ony to the truth of Jesus , &r‘:


Entred under the hands of Mas ter CALLAMY and MasterLATHAM w arden , The harm onious consent of the m inisters of the p rovincew thin the County p a latine of Lancaster w th the m ini sters of London in theirlate Testim ony, &c Vj


1 7th

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CARILL and Maste rLATHAM w arden, Certa ine serm ons by M

"Wm Bridge , preacher

Entrad under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rLATHAM w arden , A trea tice of the dsn ia ll of Chri st , &c , by ChristopherBlackw ood VJ

2 0 th

Entred under the hands of '

Maste r DOWNHAM and M aste rLATHAM w arden a book e called Select thoughts one century, a lso the

breathings of the devou t souls, by J. H : D .D : BzN'vj‘l

En tred by order of the he “ house of Com ons, An Ordinance ofthe Lords Com ons f or ra ising s ixty thousand pounds 4) m ensem f or s ix

m o nethes d

who 2 3»tb march 1 647 [i .s . 1 64758]Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATE . BRENT and Ma sterLATHAM w arden , A history ca lled the English Am ericans trava ils by sea d:

land , by Mr Gage

2 4th

Entred by order of the house of Com ous , An addic‘

ona ll ordinance of the Lords Com ons f or the exp lanac


on d: better execud'on of thesale of B’" lands , date d the 2 3‘h of March 1 64 7Entred by order of the hob" hou se o f Com ons a fast serm oncalled, Li ght in darknesss d iscovered (t o, by M

'Wm Carter vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r CRANFORD a book e calledThe busis Bishop , or the vis itor vis ited, &c by M" Jsuk ins of Chri stchurch


Entred under the hands of Mas ter ’MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,Engla nds Alaram f rom the North, &cEntred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rLATHAM w arden a bo ok e ca lled The usag e of the p as si ons , by fa the r JohnFrancis Sennalt , translate d into Engl ish vj


2 94

Tim . Garthwaite.

Peter Cole.

Rich. Marriott.

Master Moseley.

Master White.

[Page 1 2 5]Master Sm ith .

Bern. Alsop.

Master Wright.

Master Wh ite.

Master Sm ith .

Geo. Calvert.

[2 0 April—3 May 1 648 .

[2 4° Caroli n is]

3 , Parker. 1!Si;M l

use 2 0 tb of ai n't“ 1 648

Entred for h is cOpie under the hands of Mas te r LANGLEY and MasterLATHAM w arden , a sm al l tra ct called, The p ararell (s ic) betw eens theEarle of Essen: d: the Duke of Bu ckingham , The difi


erence cfi d ispa ritybetw eens the Duke of Bu cki ngham d‘ the Earle of Essex and a short vi ew ofthe lif e dea th of Geo. Duke of Bu ck ingham . All of them w r i tten byS'Henry Wotton, kn t late Provo s t o f Eaton Co lledge vj‘l

Entred under the hands of Master CAR IL L and MasterLATHAM w arden f our serm ons by D

r H i l l vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas ter MABBOTT and Maste rLATHAM w arden , The second p te of the Legend of Cap ta ins Jones, in verse



En tred under the hands of Mas te r CARILL and Maste rLatham w arden , A di scourse w here in is exam ined w hat i s p ticularlylawfu ll during the confus ions and revolucons of Goverm

‘&c i n 3 parts byAuth . Askham ,

Esq vj‘l

En tred under the hands of Maste r MABBOTT and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a book e called severa ll p ollitick if: M i litary observaconsup on the civill ch m ilitary Goverm “ &c , by D. P. gent d

1 0 m ay 1 648

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CRANFORD and Maste rLATHAM w arden a book e called The dyety of the holy ghost p roved, or, Anansw ers to M ’B idle, by N ich . Eastw ick vj‘l

Entrad under the hands of Sr NATH . BRENT and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a bo ok e ca lled Three learned readings by Sr Jam es Dyerof w ills , S'John Brograve of Joyn tures Tho: Risden Esq' of f orci bleentrey vj


3 0

Entred under the hand of Mas te rMABBOTT, a pam phlett ca lled,The w eekely Accomp t vjd

Entred under the hand of Maste r BROWNE by order of theLords in Parliam , Ann Ordina nce of the Lords Com ous in Parl‘ agBlasp hem y Error (f: ha eres ieEntred under the hand of Mas te r M ans on a pam phlett called,The Moderate Intelligence vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden , The hum ble p eti c‘Ons, serious suggestions «9 dutifullexp ostulac

’ons of som e m oderate (f: loyall gentlem en, «t o, of the Easterns

Assotiacon vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CALAMY and Maste r LATHAMw arden a book e called The divine w a rrant of Infants bap tism e &c


byM’Church vj


[s-aaa a 4—2 9 May 2 95

Master Moseley.

[Page 1 2 6]Nich . Gamadge.

Master Wright.

Master Clarke.

Master Calvert .

Dan. Frere.

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]


Entred for his copie un der the hands of Sr NATE . BRENT and MasterLATHAM w arden a book e called Poem s ct: Playes (viz') The seige , or, Love’sConc ert , The Lady Errant ; The Citty Coz ener , or, The Ordina ry, beingTrage Com edie s , by M rWm Cartw right d

1 6° m a“ 1 648

As signed over unto him by vertue of a No te under the hand scale of

ALICE BECKETT w th the consent o f Nrcn ons s VAVASOR subscribedby both the w ardens, All the e sta te , right title inte re st w eh the 8


Al ice Be ck e tt N ich : Vavasor have in this book e or copie called, 0vipe

rSe 0 , or , the Bellm a n of London , the

1 8° N aifEntred for his copie by order of the Lords hou se of Parl‘,An ordinance ofthe Lords Com ons f or setting a new Mi litia in London, the 1 8“ of May1 648 VJ“

En tred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and MasterLATHAM w arden Diatribae , or a continuace n of certaine discou rses uponthe se texts (vi z‘) ACTS 1 0 . 4 ; PSAL . 1 1 2 . 6 ; LUKE 2 . 1 3 , 1 4 ; and

NEHEMIAH 1 3 , 1 4, 2 2 , by J0 8 . Mead, la te fe llow of Chri sts Colledge inCam bridge vj‘l

En tred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas terLATHAM w arden a bo oke ca lled Ele cta Thargum ico Rabbi nica sire

anno ta t‘

ones in Genesin &c p Christopher Cartw right vjd

2 5° m at;Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterLATHAM w arden a book e ca lled Ja cobi Usserii Arm achan i Anna lee sacra e

scripturae a m undi recordio sim ulque historia e Asiati ca e et Egip ti cae abinitio Olim p iadu , usgue ad extrem a Vesp asiano reip ublia e Juda i casexcidiu deducti . The Anna ls of Ho ly S crip ture f rom the creation of theWorld. Also the history of Asia and Egip t f rom the begining of the

Olym p iads unti ll the last destru ction of the Jew ish Com onw ea th underVesp atian ; by Jam es Usher, Bp of Arm agh , Pr Me tr of all Ire land


Entred un der the hands of Maste r BACHELOR and Mas te rw arden a book e called A looki ng glasse f or a p roud Phat/rises ,

&c , by Robto Pryer vj


2 9tb m an 1 648

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arde n a bo ok e called All the w orks of Buscan surnam ed Don

Pabalos, a lia s, Don Franci sco de Quevedo Vi lleagus, kn‘ of the order ofSt. Jago , &c, translated out of Sp anish into English Vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and MasterLATHAM w arden a booke called Enchiridion oratoriu et p osticum &c

autore Theodorics Morel l i Cam panio vjd

2 96

Mrs. Brewster.

Master Lee andMaster Pakeman.

Master Lee andMaster Pen man.

Nath. Brookes .

[Page 1 2 8 ]Master White.Bern. Alsop.

Mas ter Wright.

Rich. Marriott.

[2 9 May—1 0 June 1 648 .J- ?t rk or

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

malt 1 648

Entred for her cop ie under the hand of Maste r ELSING Cla rk e of the

Com ons house of Parli am ‘, a serm on ca lled, Self e surrender unt o God

op ened and


ed &c, be ingpre ached at We stm '

on a fas t day, the2 S"I of Febr 647 [ i . .s 1 64 by Sym eon Ashe vj‘l

En tred by ve rtue of a Note under the hand seale of

WM . Co oxn subscribed by bo th the w ardens , the se book es follow ing(viz

') 1 1


Co oxE’s Cop iehold cases .

CAL THROP’s Cop i ehold cases , one halfe .

The oflice of Executors , a fourth part .Ba/yle d: Ma inp ri se.

Entred unde r the hand of S" Nam : BRENT and by consent ofWM . COOKE a book e called A trea tice of the p rincip all grounds cf: m aanm es

of the Law es of the k ingdom s, &c byWm Noy vj‘l

3 0 ° m a“ 1 648

Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter CRANFORD and Mas te rLATHAM w arden a booke called Jerem iah his Lam enta ti ons translated intoverse w th certa ine Meditac


ons ct Poem s , by Jo. Quarles. And a serm onprea ched i n Pau ls Church called Gods Eterna ll p rovis ion f or all his sa intsi n heaven , up on the 2 . COR . 5. l . by D

'H i l l . xijd

1 ° 3 1 m“ 1 648

Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a pam phlett ca lled,The Moderate Intell igence vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Master MABBOT’I‘2 pam phletts called,

The Weekely Accom p t . xi

5° 31 1m “ 1 648

Entred by order of the Lords house of Parliam t The generallsletter w th the p ap ers f ound in the p ocketts of certaine p risoners &c . vjd


Entred under the hand of Master MABBOTT a

pam phle tt called,The w eekely Accom p t vj

1 0 ° S im “ 1 648

Entred under the hands of S' Nu n : BRENT and Maste rLATHAM w arden , a tra ct of the lif e death do Padre Pau l i, trans latedinto Eng lish

2 98 [4—1 2 July 1 648 .J- Pu k ori ta

liitf m


[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

master : moan er , master.

M aster : 0 5pm . Balsam

M aster : m m atesM at hews .

4° 3 mm 1 648 s o 2 4° C ar.

[Page 1 3 0 ] En tred for his copie unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and bo th theMil-ster 15 0 8 91 0? w ardens a book e ca lled A brsif s narration of a voyage through Ita ly in the

yeares 1 646 cf: 1 647, by John Raym ond, gent. vj‘l

6° $1 1 1 6} 1 648Bob“ Leybom e. Entred under the hand of Mas terMABBOTT a pam phlett called,

The Moderate Intelligencer &c vj‘l

Bern A150 !» Entred under the hand of Mas terMABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The pf ect Accomp t d

M3 5“ ?Whlw Entred under the hand of Mas ter MABBOTT a pam phlett ca lled,The Moderate &c Via

8tb of Siultf 1 648Master Re assigned un to him by vertue of a note un der the hand seale ofJ°‘w am n' M r ANDREW CROOKE subscribed by bo th the w ardens , Al l tha t e s tate ,righ t, title inte re s t (w ch w as conferred upon the said M " Crook e by

the sa id M’Wa te rson) of i n to the se severall book es or cop ie s (viz‘)xvi ij


RrDERs D ictionary.

SyDNEr’s Arcad ia .

JOSEPHU S History.

1 1 tb 31 1 1 1 2 1 648

Master Meredith. Entred for h i s cop ie under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Maste r LEEw arden , An a ttestaéT m to the testim ony of our reverend brethren of the

p rovince of London, &c , by the m in is ters o f Cheshe ire vjd

1 2 ° Mali} 1 648

Entred under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a book e called The touchstone of Com on Assurances, or a

p la ins (f: fam il iar Treatise, op ening the team ing of the com o n assu rances orconveyances of the k ingdom s by Wm Sheapard, Esq vj

Entred under the hand of Mas te rMABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect Accomp t vj


[s aw -M m . 1 5 July—1 1 August 2 99

Home Leyborns.

Master Wright.

Bern. Alsop.

Bob“ Ibitson.

John Stafford.

[Page 1 3 2 ]Ma ster Sym m ons .

Jam es Crum pe.

Master Kirton.

Master Latham .

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

1 5° flulif'

1 648

Entred for h i s cop ie under the hands of Master CRANFORD and Mas terLEE w arden , The testim ony of the m inisters of Stafi’

ordsheire againstd

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , A short discourseof the differences of Scotland , &c, the Moderate Intelligenc er xij


2 1 tb m ay 1 648

En tred by order of the Lords assem bled in Parliam ‘, The

declaracon of the estates of Scotlan d, the vjd


Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT 2 pam phletts called,The w eekely Accomp t &c xij‘l


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT six pam phletts

called, The pf ect Occurrences , pr inted form erly by the sa id Rob“ Ibitsoni ij'

Bu tt ed under the hands of Maste r CRANFOBD and Ma ste r LEEw arden . a li tle treatice called, A glasse f or the tym e s tou ching the tru em inisters of Christ how different f rom the fals e teachers of the tym es vjd

9° g ames“ 1 648

Entred under '

the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rDAWSON w arden , a sm a ll tra ct ca lled, A hehi e to Mem ory , or a ofthe p rincip a ll histories &c of the Bible

l l tb august 1 648Entred under the hands of Ma s ter MABBOTT and Maste r LEEw arden , a pam phlett called, The Peop les Eccho to .the Parliam ent’3 decla raébns concerni ng a p ersonall trea ty w th the king , &c vj


Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterDAw sON w arden a booke ca lled A tou chstone to try by our know ledge,beleif e life w hether w ee be Christians in nam e onely or in deed, &c ,by R. Y.

Entred under the hands of Mas te r LANGLEY and Mas te rLATHAM late w arden, a book e called An easy entrance to thein 3 p tes , by Charles Hoole M “

o f ArtsEntred under the hands of Master CRANFORD and Maste r LEEw arden , a serm on ca lled The Red Horse, or the bloodines of Warre , &c,



John Geerey . vj‘l

3 0 0

George Calvert.

Master Legatt.

[Page 1 3 3 ]Master Fussell.

Tho. Underhlll.

Master Man.

Master Partridge.

Master Calvert

2 1—2 8 Au ust 1 648 .g

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

of august 1 648En tred for h i s cop ie s under the hands of Ma s te r CALAMY and Maste r LEEw arden tw o book e s , viz‘, one en tituled Beleevers Evidences f or eterna ll lif e ,co llected out of the first ep is tle of JOHN. The other called, The K ey ofthe Bible unlocki ng the richest Treasury of the holy scrip tures ; bo th of themw ritte n by M'Fran: Roberts, pasto r o f Aust ins p"h London xijd

eohrm his

Ass igned over unto him by ve rtue o f a no te under the hand seale of

Mas te r JOHN WATERSON subscribed by bo th the w ardens , all the

e s ta te , right , t itle inte re s t w eb the sa id M rWate rson hath in the copie sand parts o f cop ie s follow ing (viz‘) ilj


l . SYDNEY’S Arcad ia , halfe .

R IDER S Di ctiona ry, a s ixt part .PERKIN S Workss in all volum e s , his part .Collection of the History of Eng land , by Saz Daniel l .CAM BDEN

’S Rem a ines .

The Prea chers Plea , by M” Heiron.

PAGETT’S History of the B ible , his part .«l






who of august 1 648Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rDAWSON w arde n , An ana lysis up on the w hole Bible w th Marlora ts Annotions [sic] up on the New Testam ‘

, both of them p rinted w ith Di oda tisAnnotac

ons in 4“ d

eohem his

Entre d unde r the hands of Ma s te r CAL AMY and Maste r LEEw arden , A bre if e cf: easy erp lanaé


on of the shorter catachism e p resented bythe Assem bly of Divines to both haw ses of Parl‘, in im itaé‘bn of a Ca tachism e ,

m ade by M'Herbert Palm er , by I. W. d

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rDAWSON w arden , A catachism e f or Christians to help e the -

m in the ir rightu nderstanding of their Chr istian obligaEOn in bap tism e , &c byM ” Hunt ,B.D .


Entred under the hands o f Master BOOKER and Mas te r LEEw arden , a booke called An astrologicall p redi ction of the occurrences i nEngla nd , p art of the ye" 1 648, 1 649 , 1 650 , &c byWm L i l ley vjd

2 8th

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te r LEEw arden a book e ca lled Som e flashings of l ightning of the son ne of m a n ,

being the substance of 1 1 serm ons up on sevall texts, by W“ Sedgw iolltVJ

3 0 2

Law . Blacklock .Master White.

Maste r Wright.

Lew . Chapman andLaw . Black lock.

Master White.

Master Roper.

JohnHardesty .

Bob“ Ibitson.

Geo. Calvert.

[2 0 Septem ber—1 0 October 1 648 .1 . m a s sag e s


[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

2 0 th s eat. 1 648

Entred for his copie under the hands of Maste r ELSING and by dire ctiono f Sr ANTHONY IREBY a trac t ca lled, Imp ropr i


ons p urchased by theCom ittee of Gouldsm i ths hall, &c vj


Entred under the hand of Maste rMABBOTT a pam phle tt ca lled,The pf ect diurna ll, &c vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste rMABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate, &c vj


Entred unde r the hands Of Mas te r CARIL L and Master LEEw arden a. booke called The m a rrow of m oderne divinity, the second p te, &c ,by E. F. vJ


3 ° ®t t0 bt i5 1 648

Entred under the hands of Mas te rMABBOTT a.

pam phle tt called,The pf ect diurnall &c vj



En tred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate com un icating intelligence &c vj‘l


Entred under the hands of Maste r CEANEOED and Mas te rDAWSON w arden , His Mat

‘“ reason w hy he cannott in con sci ence con sent toabo l ish the Episcopall goverm ent d c, w th the answ ers of the div ines,




Entred under the hands Of Master CRANFORD and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a booke called Via ad grama ti ca com p la na ta &c,to gram er m ade p la ine &c , by J8 : Sh irley


Entred by vertue of an order of the Lords house of Parl‘, fivepam phletts called, The pf ect Occurrences ij


As s ig ned ove r unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand seale of

JOHN W EIGHT , junr . all the e s tate , right , title in te re s t w ch the saidJohn Wrigh t hath in the copie called, Princip les

of Piety (be, a catachism e

by H . P. vjd

mine of am ber 1 648

Entred for h i s copie unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste rDAWSON w arden a booke called The ophecy of Hagga i interp reted it

app lyed in sundry serm ons by that fly,

am ous indicions d ivine JohnReynolds D'of divinity, &c vj

- P-rk er 1 0—2 8 October 3 0 3

Master Lee andTho. Underhi ll.

Maste r White.

John Crooks.

Tho. Hew er.

Master Wilson.

Law . Chapman andLaw . Black lock .

Master Roper.

[Page 1 3 7]Master Whi te.

Peter Cole .

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

am loth of (am ber 1 648

Entred for the ir copie under the hands Of Ma s te r CAR ILL and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a booke ca lled The sa ints encouragem ‘ in evdl tym es , orobservacons concerning the m a rtyrs in genera ll, &c , by Edw : Leigh, Escg




Ba tt ed under the hand of Mas ter MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate &c vj


Entre d under the hands of Master LANGLEY and MasterDAWSON w arden a booke ca lled Virgills w orkss or p oem s transla te d intoEng li sh ve rse , by Mr John Oglebe, gent . vj


Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT a pam phlett ca lled,The kings answ ers to the divines p ap concerning Ep iscop acy, &c vj‘l

1 2 th

Entrad under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te r LEEw arden a book e ca lled A confirmacon discovery of w itchcraft, by JohnSterne vj


1 6th

Entrad under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT tw o pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect Diurnall &c xij‘i

i sth

Entred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rLEE w arden , The hum ble ans


w ere of the divines attending the how co mreof Parl‘at the treaty of Newp ort, to the 2 ‘pap delivered to them by his

Ma", October the 6“ 1 648 , abou t Episcopall goverm ‘

, delivered his Mat”

1 7“ October, 1 648 Vjd

2 4th Gaol) “ 1 648

Entred unde r the 'hands of Maste r MABBOTT 2 pam phletts , viz',The Moderate &c xiid

2 6th

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rDAWSON w arden a book e called The grea t exem p lar of sanctity ho

ac cording to Christia n institution descr ibed, &c

2 8th

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te r LEEw arden , a serm on called, The best w orst magistrate, &c, by Obadi ahSedg

'w ick VJ‘l

Rich . Marriott.

Master Butter.

Fran. Sow le.

[Page 1 3 8]Master Walbanck .

Master Pakeman.

Law . Blacklock.

Master Partridgeand

Maste r White.

[3—2 0 No v em ber 1 648 .” m ashe r -


[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

3 0 flohcm ht is 1 648

Entred for the ir copie under the hands o f S’NATH : BRENT , and Mas terDAWSON w arden a booke called The p assages at a rguments pro cl contra , a tthe Kings Be nch ba rr , upon the habeus corp us concern ing the lonnes , w th thejudges cens ure thereup on vj


Entrad unde r the hands o f S’NATH : BR ENT and Maste r LEEw arden a bo ok e called The w orkes of S _

'Hen. Wotton never bef ore p rinted(viz

‘) Of edu cat ion . A tast of som e observaé


éns , Quintus Curtius f rom the

begining of the 3“ books . A p anegirick of King Cha rles at his retu rn s

f rom Scotland . The election of the n ew duke of Venice, af ter the death ofGiovanna Bem bo . A disp atch f rom Augusta , sevall paps o f ve rse sle tte rs vj


Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Master LEEw arden a booke called Resolucbns decisions of divers prac ticall cases ofconscience in continua ll use am ongst m en , in 4 decades , by D‘Hal l B.N.



Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste r LEEw arden a bo ok e called The young Gram a rians sanctua ry, or , the pra cticeof syntaccis , &c , by Paul Solam en vj


1 0 ° flohem hris 1 648

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Master LEEw arden a booke ca lled The fathers lega cy, or, Burton s co llections , &c vj


Entred under the hands of S'NATH : BRENT and Mas te r LEEw arden a book e called De Cive — ar the elem ents of the law na turall (b

p ollitiqu e , by Thom as Hobbs . VJ‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te r LEEw arde n , a serm on called, The sou les soli loquy a conf erence w th conscien ce&c by D

'Duppa Bp Sa li sbury vj


2 0 tb ill-oh. 1 648

Entred under the hand of M as te r M ABBOTT , A rem onstrance, ordeclaracon of the arm y, p resen ted to the house of Com ons on Monday, the2 0 " of Nov. 1 648, by Col Ew er d: s ia Lei/

tenant Col ct: Cap t of the Arm y,abstra cted ou t of the origina ll &c Vj


t ot em his

Entred under the hands of Master MABBOTT , A rem onstrance ofhis Excellency Thom a s Lord Fa irfax, Lord genera ll of the Parliam "

f orces ,of his gene ra ll councell of Officers , held a t S‘Albans 1 6“ Nov: 1 648

tendred to the consideracon of the w hole kingdom e &c vj“

Entred unde r the hand Of Mas te r MABBOTT tw o pani phletts

called , The Moderate , &c xij‘I

3 0 6 [9— 1 6 January 1 648 .J- Pu h t

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

9tb 1 648 [i .s . 1 64849]L N Blacklock and Entred for the ir cop ie s under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , tw o pam1" Ch“ 1mm

phle tts called, The pf ect diurna ll, &c z ij

loo z anuarif 1 648 [i . s . 1 64849][Page 1 40 ] Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNEAM and Mas te r

DAWSON w arden a book e ca lled The od ious,desp icable ,

cond ic'

bn of a drunckard draw n e to the life &c by Rich : YoungFrancis Grove. Ass igned over unto him by ve rtue of a no s te un der the hand of Mas te r

DANIELL as guardian to M r THO :WE IGHTS sonne by consent of a Co“he ld in Novem be r la s t . All the e s tate , right , tyt le inte re s t w ch the saidM'Tho : Wr ight had in the book e called, Va lent ine d: Orson vj


2 th

Entred for his cop ie under the hands of Mas te r CRAN FORD and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a book e called the dep thes of Sathan discovered or the

Jesu its last designs to ruins relig ion &c . Vj‘l

Bohte w w“ En tred by vertue Of an order o f the Lords House Of Parl',senven pam phle tts called, The pf ect Occurrences, &c i ij'Vjd

Master Meighen Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rand Gahr. Bedeu. DAWSON w arden a booke called Of liberty d: servitude trans lated out ofFrench into the Engl ish tongue, &c vj



151133: En tred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT tw o pam phle tts

(vi z‘) The pf ect div/m a ll &c . 1 i

l6tb sanitary 1 648 [i .s . 1 64849 ]M3 3 “ ?WNW Ck Entred unde r the hands of S'NATH . BR ENT and Mas ter DAWSON

w arden , a booke called Certa ine select choice p res idents d con veyancesm ade by S

'Edw : Henden , kn‘, one of his Ma" Barons of the Exchequer ab

one of the sages d: learned fathers of the Law , publ ished by John Marsh ofGrayss Inne , bari ster, w hereunto are added sun

dry other p res idents


ofM'Noy other f am ous law yers d

cohem his

Peter 0 0 10 Entred by dire ction of Col T ICHBORNE o thers o f the com on

councell Of the Citty o f London , The hum ble p etic‘ t‘ m of the Com ons of theCitty of London in Com on Counsell assem bled to the ho“ ‘ the Com ous ofEngland i n Parl‘assem bled w th the na rrat ive, vote (f answ ers of the housethereup on, &c d

1 6th mari nara 1 648 [ i . s . 1 6484 9][Page 1 41 ] Entrad under the hands of Mas ter LAN GLEY and Mas te r LEEWm Dugard and w arde n a book e called Gram atica latina i n u sum scholarum adornata &c ,Master 3 13W”

. op era cl stud io Ca rol i Hoole A:M : scholarcha e olim Rothsrham iensis i nAgra Ebor t1'j‘I

Pu lm 1 7—2 2 January 3 0 7

[2 4° Caroli Reg is]

1 7°

Master Husbands. Entred for his cop ie s by order of the 1 1 0 “ house of Com ous signed by

Ma ster Partridge .

Master Hartord.Master Calvert.

Bobts Bostock .

Bobte Ibitson.

Master Sm ith.

andSam . Gellibrsnd.

Bobts Ibitson.

[Page 1 42 ]

MasterJam es l'lessher.

Master Sm ith .

Master SCOBELL . Tw o acts of the sd how se (viz‘) one for adiourning of p te ofthe term s of Hi lary 1 648 , the otherf or regu lating of the ofiicers of the Navi scustom ss . And a declaraébn of the Com ous of England assem bled in Parl‘exp ressing their reasons f or the adnu lling and vaca ting of these ensew ingvotes , 860 xvi ij

t ot em his

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , by the appo intm '

of the Generall the gene rall Councs ll o f the Arm y, A p eticon f rom his

Excellency Thom as L o: Fairf ax the genera ll councell &c, concern ing thedraught of an Agreem

‘of the p eop le of England &c . and a dsclaraé


bn ofhis Excellency ch genera ll councell concern ing the sam e &c VJ


i sth

En tred under the hands of Maste r CRANFORD and Mas te rDAWSON w arde n a book e called M ight overcom sing R ight, or a cleereansw ers to M'John Goodw yn’s R ight (f: M ight w ell m ett, &c , by Jo: Geere


1 8th

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect Occurrences Vj


i sth

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te r LEEw arde n a bo oke called A ser ious ct fai thfu ll rep resenta c‘ bn of the judgm entsof the m inisters of the Gosp ell w thin the p rovince of London in a letter tothe Generall, &c vj‘l


Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,The stats of the k ingdom s rep resented to the p eop le concerning the k ing,Parl‘, Arm i s, d: the w hole land in a rsj oynder by w ay of Anim adversionsup on the Answ ers to the Agresm ‘

of the p eop le, byWm Ashurst &c vjd

Eli e 2 0 tb of s anitary 1 648En tred unde r the hand o f Mas te r JENNINGS a pam phle ttca lled, Collections of notes taken at the kings trya ll at West"Ha ll on Saterday the 2 0

“ January, 1 648 [ i .s . 1 648—9] &c vjd

Entred by vertue o f a no te under the hand seale of Mas terFUSSELL subscribed by both the w ardens , a booke called Deodates la rgenotes up on the Bible in Ita lian trans lat ed into English, by M'Rob“ Gent i les


2 2 th

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CEANFOED and Maste rDAWSON w arde n a book e called A usefu ll case of conscience discoveredresolved concerning Assotiaéons ct conf ederacies w th idola ters , infidells ,hereticks , &C . by Geo: G i llespie vj


3 0 8

John Cloves.

John Playford.

Master Sm ith.

[Page 1 43 ]Ma ster Sparks .

Rob“ Ibitson.

Robte Ibitson.

Ma ster Harford .

Bohte Ibitson .

Master Rothw e ll .

Tho. Underhlll.

Law .Blacklock andLaw . Chapman.

Master White.

[2 2—3 0 January 1 648 .

Caroli Reg is]


2 2 th

Entred for h is copie under the hand o fMas te rMABBOTT a pam phle tt called.

The Resolver or a short w ord to the large question of the tym es concerningthe Parl‘«f: the p roceedings abou t the k ing, &0 VJ


Butt ed unde r the hand of Mas ter MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,A p erf ect na rrative of the w hole p roceedings of the High Co" of Justi ce inthe trya ll of the k ing, &c dEn tred under the hand o f Mas ter DOWNHAM , The di ssent of them inisters of Essex f rom the R em onstranc e of the Arm i s d: the irs p recutp roceedings in relacon to religion, ki ng , p arl‘d: k i ngdom s vjd

Entred un de r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt called,A pf ect diurnali &c vj‘l

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Moderate Intelligen ce

Et c of Em i tters 1 648 [ i .s . 1 64849]Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r LANGLEY and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a book e called A vindica con of the imp r isoned secludedm em bers of the house of Com ous , &c vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Mas ter JENNINGS tw o pamphle ttscalled, Collections of Notes taken a t the k ing’s tria ll at West' Ha ll onMunday Tew sday last the 2 2 “ 2 3 “ of Janua ry 1 648 [ i s 1 648—9 ]


Entred under the hands of THEODOR E JENNINGS a. p tt

called, Pryn against Pryn &c

2 6th

En tred under the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT , The charge'

ofthe Com ons of Eng land agt Charles Stew art k ing of Eng la nd of high treasonetc , to the High Co" of Justi ce &c . vjd

Entred under the hand of Mas te r JENNINGS a pam phle tt called,

The p rop hecy of the White King emp la/yn ed, &c vjd

Butted under the hands of Mas te r CRANFORD and Maste r LEEw arden , a Just vindicac'bn of M

’White alderm an.

of the Citty of Eran i nansw ers, 80 0 vj



En tred under the hand of Mas te r CALAM Y , A vindicaebn of them inisters of the gosp ell, &c , w th a short emhortaébn d o, about the k ing (t o


Bu tted unde r the hand of Mas te r MAB BOTT a pam phlett ca lled,The p erf ect diurna li vj


3 0 th

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r MAEBOTT a pam phlett called,The Modem s}; Intelligence

3 1 0

Sam . Gelllbrand.

Robt. Ibitson.

Law .Blacklock andLaw . Chapman.Master White.

Master Calvertand Peter Cole.

Robt. Ibitson.

Master Partridge.

Master Husbands.

Lam Blacklook and

John Clov es.

Master White.

[5—1 3 February 1 648 .

Entred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r SEDGWICK , A d is courseconcerning the beauty of p rovidence in the rugged p assages of i t, &ca

byJo: Wi lki ns BD vj


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r JENNIN os , A crue ll cry inthe ca res of cavaleers, ap osta tes cf: p resbiters f or the resolve of 1 3 quer ies , &c


Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The pf ect Diurnall, &c vjd

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT a painphlett called ,

The Moderate Intelligence &c vjd


Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT and MasterLEE w arde n a booke ca lled King Charles his case, or, an app ea le to


a llrationall m en conc ern ing his triall &c. by Jo. Cooke l. Vj



Butted under the hand of Maste rMans on a pam phlett called,An answ ers to the Ci tties Rep resen taébn &c vj‘l

Butt ed under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The rep rsenta tive of d ivers w ell af ected p sons , &c vj



Entred under the hand of Mas te r SC OBELL clarke of the Parl‘,A declarae


on of the Parl‘of England f or m a inteyn ing the funda/rnenta llLaw es of this Nation vj‘l

Eire 9tb of f fehruarg 1 648 [ i .e . lo w/ 9]Entred under the hand of Master JENNINGs a ballad called,Loves t ide. or a farw ell to f olly &c vj


1 z tb

Entrad under the hand of Maste r Mans on a


pam phle tt called,The pf ect diurnall &c vj‘l

Entred under the hand of Mas te r WHALEY , The p fect Occurrenees under the hand of Maste r JENNINGS The The [sic] tSwm ary &c

l3 th

Entred under the hand of Maste r Ma ns on a pam phle tt called,

- Pu k~r~ 1 6—2 7 February 3 1 1

Master Husbands.

MasterWalbanck .

Master Husbands.

Mrs . Hanna Allen.

Bob“ Ibitson.

Law . Blacklock and

Master White.

1 6th

Entred for his copie s un der the hand of Maste r SCOBELL,clark e of the

Parliam ‘, Three Acts of Parl‘ v iz‘ ( 1 ) For tak ing aw ay the oathes of

a lleg iance d: sup rem acy d: a n ew oath f or f reem en of London &c . (2 ) Agtthe p rinting of any the p roceeding s of the High Co" of Justi ce, &c .

(3 ) For the m ore sp eedy sasy p assing the Accomp ts of Sherifi‘

s dcc



En tred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te r LEEw arden a booke called The English p rotestant, or Utop ia new m odelled, &c ,by Tho: de la More of Graye s Inne Esqr vj


Entred under the hand of Maste r SC OBELL clarke of theParl‘, tw o Acts of the said Parl‘(viz‘) 1 . For better setling of p roceedingsin Co'“ of Justi ce a ccording to the present Governm ent . 2 For enabling& authoriz ing Justices of Pea ce to act p roceed in their offices if: duti es &c ;and, A declaration of the Parl‘of Engla nd in answ ers to the Scotch com "

tw o letters &c xviijd

2 2 th

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r Mans on , King Cha rles histriall, or , a pf ect na rrative of the w hole p roceed ings of the HighJustice (t o w th a pf ect copi e of the k ings sp eech upon the scafiold &c

M et r. 1 648 [i .s . 1 64859]Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter Mans on and Maste rLEE w arden a pam phle tt called, The execution of the late k ing iustified, &c


En tred under the hands of Maste r MABBOTT and Mas te r LEEw arden tw o book es (viz‘) Encouragsm t if: councellf rom the m outh of god d o,by Ez echiell Woodw ard ; and, The k ingdom ss grand gusre w hat w arra/ntthere w as f or su ch p roceeds about the k ing , &c xijd

Entred under the hand of Mas ter MABBOTT , An answ ers to som e

of the m ost m ateriall things con teyned in a letter entituled,f rom the m inistersof the gosp ell, &c vj


Entrad unde r the hands of Judge Advoca te WHALLEY andMaste r JENNINGS three pam phle tts (vi z‘) The pf ect Occurrences , TheSum m a ry The True Inf orm aé


on o f the beginning cfi cause of alltl


troubles how they have been hatched (bp revented xvi'


2 6th

Bu tt ed under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT tw o pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurna ll &c xij‘l

2 7th

En tred under the hands of Master MABBOTT tw o pa inphle



called, The Moderate &c 1 i

3 1 2

Tho. Paine.

Fran. Tlton andJohn Playford.

Master Husbands.

MasterWalbanck .

John Clow es.

Rob's Wood.

Master Sinlth.

Master Coates .

Maste rJam es Flasher.

[2 7 February—7 March 1 648 .

2 7th

Entrad for his copie under the hands of Master MABBOTT and Mas te rDAWSON w arden , The cop ie of severa ll letters prsented to his Excellency theL 0 : genera ll Fa irfax &c d

renew his

Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlett called,The Marquesse of Orm onds proclam aébn &c . d

room his

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANFORD and Mas te rLEE w arden a booke called Nineteens serm ons on the 1 6" chap . of GENESIS ,by M

’Josua Shuts , w th his ejfigies vj"

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r SC OBELL Clarke o f the

Parl‘tw o Acts , (vi z‘) 1 For encouragsm t of ofiicers m a rri ners the o ther,Concerning a p ap subscribed by the Com re of the Parl‘of Scotland &c xij‘i

1 0 ” art“ [ 1 648 i s . 1 64849]Entred unde r the hand of Mas ter DOWNHAM a pam phle tt called,

The hum ble representac’

on of the com ittee , gentry , m inistry it other w ellaffected p sons in the county of Lei cester d

Entred unde r the hands o f S" NATE : BR ENT and Maste r LEEw arden , a Catachism e called, The sum s of Christian religion &c d

2 0

En tred under the hand o f Mas te r MABBOTT , tw o pam phle tts(viz

‘) The occurrences the pf ect sam a ry &c xij‘i

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT a pam phle tt ca lled,The kingdom es fa ithfu ll scout, &c . Vj



Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CRANEOED and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a bo oke called The Essex w at chm ans w atchw ord to theinhabita nts of the sa id county, &c vJ


cohem his

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CAL AMY andMas te r DAWSONw arden a book e called Christs w elcom e to sinners or a p roclam acon ofpardon f rom the king of k ings , &c VJ


7° M art“Entred unde r the hands o f Sr NATE : BRENT and Maste r LEEw arden , a boo ke called A descrip tion of the p rovince of New Albion

, &c


3 1 4

Robte Ibitson.

Master Robinson.

[Page 1 51 ]Master Robinson .

[ 1 4—1 6 March 1 648 .J. ru n smfim-em


1 4th

Entred for h i s copie s under the hand of Judge Advocate WHALLEY tw opam phletts (viz

‘) The Occurrences &c, The tru e p rim itive state of civil!

d Ecct icall goverm ent dis cussed d: cleered &c xij"

1 sth march 1 648 [i . s . 1 64849]Entred under the hands o f Mas te r JENNINGS and Mas te rLEE w arden , The articles of Agreem ‘ betw eens the king of Fran ce,

dthsParliam ‘ d: Pa ri sians d

1 6th

Entred nder the hands s te r CAR 1 LL and

DAWSON w a a booke called E KH. The

of his sa in h is 8Entred under the hands o f Maste r CALAMY and Maste rDAWSON w arden a booke called The f ounda con of Chri stia n Re l igi ongathered int o sis: p r inciples , by M’ Wm Perk ins, trans la ted into Welsh,w hereu nto is added the Welsh Alphabett by E. R. salvo iure cuiuscunque


Entred by consent of a Co" of As s istants by vertue of a no teun der the hand of Mas te r PARKER , the se bookes part s of bo ok e sfo llow ing , the w eb did late ly be long to M'John Be ale dec", w e reas signed by a no te to M r John Park er i n trus t as by the sa id no teappe are s , salvo iure cuiuscunque vi ij


HALL’S Con temp la c'ons , th ird vo lum e .

PERK IN’S Du ty of the m ini stry.

HEIRON’S Workes, 2

d vo lum e .

InHEIRON’S firs t vo lum e (viz

‘) Help s to devotion, halfe . The dignity

of p rea ching . The w isem ans verdi ct. The table of the doctri nes .

The Alphabeticall table . The rem edy of security. The ru ins ofgods enem ies . The w orldling s dow nefall. The Sp iritua llfishing ,the old m an it the n ew m a n .

Dr GOUGE’S w ho le a rm or of God.

BROUGHTON’S veiw of the scrip tu re, halfe .

SPELMAN’S Glossarium .

SMI TH’S Exp osition on HOSEA.

Exp osicbn of SALOMONS SONG , by Dr Gouge.

DYKE of rep entance .

S“ HEN : SPELMAN of the rights of the church.ELTON’S Catachism e .

GOUGE’S Catachism e .

BACON’S Essai es inThe English Farrier , or, Countrim ans treasure .

Garland of Delight . v" 1 1 Aug . 56.

BRINSLEY’S true w atch, 1 2 pts .

Welsh Prim er .

[Whi m 'lJ- Pfl m 2 0 .March 1 648—2 April 3 1 5

2 0 a m am ; 1 643 [i . s . 1 64849]new .Blacklock and En tred for the ir copie unde r the hand of Maste r MABBOTT a pam phlet t

Master White .

Master Husbands .

Francis Tyton.

Maste r White .

[Page 1 52 ]

Master Husbands .

called , The pf ect diurnall &c . vjd

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT a pam phle ttcalled, The Moderate , &c d

com m his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r SC OBELL clarke o f the

Parliam ‘, three Acts of Parliam L

v iz', 1 . F or the abolishing of the kingly

office in Engla nd Ireland the dom inions thereof. 2 . For the keep ing a dayof hum iliacon up on Thu rsday the 1 9“ of Ap ri ll, 1 649 . 3 . A declaracon ofthe Parl‘of Eng land , f or selling the p recut goverm ‘ in the w ay of a f reesta te &c xvi ij


Entred under the hands of M aste r BACHELOR and Mas te rDAWSON w arde n a booke called Aphor is m es of Justifica c


on w th theireap lica con annexed, &c, by Richard Baxter VJ


En tred under the hand of M asterMABBOTT a pam phle tt called apam phle t t called [ Sic ] , The Marguesse of Orm onds p ceedings p roclaym ingKing Cha rles the Second , King of England &c w th the svm ons to Col. Jonesit: his answ ers &c vj


2 7th

Entred for h is cop ie unde r the hand of Master MABBOTT a. pam phlettcalled , The Arti cles f or the surrend er of Pomphrett Castle w th a listof the p rovisions if: m a ior genall Lam berts Letter to the Sp eaker vj


Entred under the hand of Maste r MABBOTT , a pam phle tt called,

The Moderate , &c vjd

span 2 ° 1 649

Entred under the hands of Maste r CALAMY and Mas te rDAWSON w arden , a. sm all tract called, England s adm onicon &c VJ


Entre d under the hand o f Mas ter MABBOTT , The hum ble p etic‘bnif: rep rsentacbn of the sevall churches of God in London com only thoughfa lsely ca lled, Anabap tists w th the Parl‘answ ers vj“

Entred by order of the Parl‘tw o Acts , viz , one f or abolishingthe house of Peerce , the o ther agt a seditious pamphlett ca lled , The secondp te of Engla nd Cha ine s &c xij


Entred unde r the hand o f Master MABBOTT a

Eam phle tt called,

A m odest narative of Intelligenc e fitted f or the Republi e of Engla nd of:

Irela nd . vid

Entred under the hand of CRANFORD (lice nsed by him the

2 3 “ o f Febr . las t) Four p rayers used by his la te Ma" in the tym s of



suf er ings , also a cop ie of a letter of Pr i nce Charles to his father vjd

3 1 6

Law . Blacklock .Law . Chapm an .

MasterWhite .

Master Husbands.

Master Best.

[Page 1 53 ]Master William s .

Maste r Crooks.

Bob‘s Ibitson.

Tho. Bring.

Master Husbands.

John Ciow esu

[8—2 1 April 1 649 .1 .


Butt ed for the ir cop ie s under the hand of Maste rMABBOT'I‘ 2 pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurna ll &c xijd


Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r MABBOTT tw o pam phle tts

called, The Moderate &c xijd

En tred unde r the hand of Ma ste r SCOEELL clarke o f the

Parliam ‘ 3 Acts of the Parl‘ (vi z‘) 1 For prscribing certa ine tym e s tode linquents f or pf ecting their com p osicons . 2 For the raising ofp m ensem f or the Arm y f or 6 m outhes . 3 . For setting the M i litia ofWestm '

xvi ij‘


En tred unde r the hands o f S'NATE : BR ENT and Maste r LEEw arden a book e called The transaccbns of the high Co" of Cha nc ery, bothby p ra ctice &7 p residents w th the f ees thereunto belonging , d c, colle cted byM' Tothill, Esq' it reve iw ed by S

'R 0 : Holborns Vjd

1 5° aerate 1 6149

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CRANEORD and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a book e called A choragraphicall com ent on the hthe Bible, or, the des crip t ion of Judea , by The : Ful lerB.D.

En tred under the hands o f Ma ste r CRANFORD and Mas te r LEEw arden a book e called A f ree disputac'on aga inst prtended liberty of consc ience tend ing to resolve doubts , w ritten by Sam : Rutherford vj


Entred under the hand of THEODOR E JENNINGS a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect Occurrences &c vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas ter MABBOTT and Maste r LEEw arden a bo ok e calledAn ap ologie f or Pa ris f or reiecting of Juno if: Pa llas&c by Rob

“ BarronEntred under the hand o f Mas te r SC OBELL clarke of the Parl‘,Three ac ts o f Parl‘, vi z ”, 1 . Form ak ing Tresu rers f or the p m onth2 . For p riz e goods . 3 . For the hea ring '

of ma raline causes , &c xviijd

Zl fb

Entrad unde r the hands of the JUDGE ADVOCATE and Maste rJENNINGS, five su m ma r ies four occurrences i iij


Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CARILL and Mas te r LEEw arden , An exposi tion w th p ractica ll observaébns continued up on the 1 1 "1 2 " 1 3 “ d: 1 4" cha ters of the booke of JOB, be ing the sum s of 3 5 lecturesby the ed M Cari l. Each m ans proporc‘bn in the sd copie be ing as

fo llow e th , M'Ffaw ne hath one halfe , andM r Ro thw e ll M'Calvert theo the r halfe equally be tw eens them vj‘l

8 1 8

Master Harper.

Rich. Tom iyn .

Master White .

Law . Chapm an andLaw . Blacklock .

[Page 1 56]Master Husbands .

Fran. Titan.

Fran . Titan .

Master Balaton.

Maste r Clarke.

Maste r Rothwell.

[ 1 4—2 8 May 1 649 .1 .

1 4th

Entred for h is copie s under the hand of Mas te r SC OBELL clark e of

the Parl‘, 3 Acts of Parl”, viz “, 1 . For sale of dean chap ters lands .2 ; What ofl'

ences sha ll be iudged treason . 3 . For ta king of f ree quarter d:Bi llett xvi ij“

Entred under the hands of S’ NATE : BRENT and Mas te rLA'I'EAM w arden (be ing lice nsed the 4th of Ffebr. 1 647 [ i .a 1 64 7—8DPoem s ca lled La cos ta or Ep odes , Odes , Son/netts, songs , by Rich : Lovelace, Esq . vj


Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r M e an and Mas te rLEE w arden a book e called Plan taginetts tragicall story, or , the death ofEdw ard the by Tho : Wincoll vjd

2 3 th

Entrad under the hand o f Maste r JENNINGS a pam phle tt called ,A m oderate Intelligenc e im pa rtia lly com un ica ting m artiall afia ires to theki ngdom s of England &0 vj


Entrad unde r the hand of Mas te r MABBOTT tw o pam phlettscalled, The p erf ect diurna ll xij“

Eli e 2 3 tb m ay 1 649

Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL clark e o f the Parlt

three acts Of Parl‘ 1 . An addicorm l l act tou ching the 2 . Tou chingthe dea th of D' Dorislaus . 3 . For m aking this Com onw ealth a f reestat e xvi ijd

Entred by o rde r o f Parlt a booke called Parliam enti declaratio ,&c vjd

Entred under the hand of the LORD PRESIDENT , Duke Ham iltons ca se argued by M' Steele d

Entred by orde r from his EXCELLENCY , The Levellersdiscovered, by Henry DenneEn tred under the hands o f Master DOWNHAM and Maste rLEE w arden a booke called The pap ers w ch p assed at New castle betw ixt hissac red Ma

" M" Alex. Hinderson concerning the chang e of church goverm 'vj‘l

2 8th

Entre d unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rDAWSON w arde n , discou rses


on these tests of scrip ture vi z ', DE UTER 1 6.

2 . .PET and up on thefirst arti cle ofdthsc ,reed by J0 8 Mead, la te fe llow o f Chri s ts Colledge i n Cam bridge vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r JENNINGS a pam phle tt called,

Mercuriu s Republicus &cEntred under the hands o f Maste r CAB-I LL and Mas te r LEEw a rden a bo ok e ca lled the f oundac'c' m of tru e holines la id i n the know ledgeof the doctri ne of the Sabatk , by Tho : Sheapard of New England vj


- Pu k or 2 8 May—7 June 8 1 9

Master War. Lee .

Master Walbanck .


Master Best.

Master Stephens .

Master Stephens .

Master White.


88m . Batterthwsi t.

Maste r Symmons.

Vida fol. 1 78 .

2 8th

Entred for his COpie unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas terDAWSON w arden a book e called A terna ry of paradoxes . 1 . 0 f the m agne ticall cw re of w ou nds . 2 . Of the na tivi ty of Tarta r i n w yne . 3 . 0 j




im age of God in m a n , by D'Charlton vj‘l

4° 3 1 1 1 1 6; 1 649

En tred under the hand of Maste r JENNINGS tw o pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect diurna ll, &c xijd

cohem his

Entred under the hands of S" NATE : BRENT and Maste rDAWSON w arden a book e called Sergeant Thorp e , Judge of Assise f or the

Northerns Circu its , his charge delivered to the grand j ury a t Yorke , the2 0 “ March 1 648 [ i .e . 1 648—9 ] vj


reheat his

Butt ed unde r the hand o f Mas te r DOWNEHAM and Mas te rDAWSON w arden , the se 2 book e s , viz‘, Thom a s Ga takeri Londina tis dcnom ine tetragram a to dissertatio , The p rincip les of the doctrine of Christunf oulded in 2 short catachism es , by John Ow en, pastor of Fordam inEs sex xij‘l

Entred under the hands of Maste r CALAMY and Mas te r LEEw arden a book e called A bresj e rep resent acon (if: di scovery of the notoriou sfalcehood dissim ulac


bn cont eynecl in a booke ca lled, The Gosp ell w ay con

firm ed by m ira cles published by Nick : Ware Mathew Ha ll vj‘l


Ent 1 e d unde r the hand of Mas te r JENNINGS 3 pam phle ttscalled , The Modera te Intelligence &c xvi ij“

Entre d under the hands o f Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rw arden a book e called Ap othegm ata au rea Regia Carolina ,





Entred under the hands of Maste r JENNINGS and Mas te r LEEw arden a book e ca lled Terra p acis , A tru e testificacon of the sp iri tuall la ndof p ea ce &c. settf orth byH. N. w th an interlude of rim es &c vjd


Entred under the hands of Maste r CARILL and Mas te r LEEw arden a booke called Ze iglo rap hy, or , a new art of short w riting .

Provided the au thor o f thi s cop 1 e be no t M'She l to n vj‘l

Master Husbands .

John Clov es.

Master Husbands .

Peter Cole.

Master Moseley.

[Page 1 59]Master Moseley.

Master Moseley .

[7—1 3 June 1 649 .1 .

Eli e 7tb of Sli me 1 649

Entred for his copie s by vertue of a no te unde r the hand seale of Mas te rPARTR IDGE subscribed by Maste r DAWSON w arden , the se three book esor cop ie s viz‘ xviij


Clo vis l ingua e grae cae &c .

Efunda m entum l ingua e grae cae , &c .

Augustine s Conf essions in Engl ish .

com m Bic

Entred under the hand of Master SCOBELL clarke of the Parl‘,five acts of Parl“, viz‘, 1 . For setling the m ilitia w thin the ha/m bletts of theTow er of London . 2 . Resolves of the Com

—one of Eng land concerning

del inquents . 3 . For the p resent exam in ing the a ccomp ts of oflicers & sold iersnow in the Parl" servi ce of this nat ion . 4 . For setting a p art a day ofpublike thancksgiveing. 5. Instructions f or the sa le of dsa/ne chap tersland s ij


En tred under the hand of Mas te r JENNINGS e igh t pam phle tts(viz

‘) 4 Occurrences 4 Sum m aries i i ij'

1 2 th

Entred unde r the hand of Mas ter SCOEELL clark e of the Parl‘,An Actf or m a intenance of p rea ching m in isters vj


Entred unde r the hands of Master JENNINGS and Maste rDAWSON w arden a book e calledA d irectoryf or ladies and gentlew om en , &c


1 sth 31mm 1 649

As signed over unto him by vertue of a no te unde r the hand scale of

Maste r SEALE and Maste r LEE w arden , all the e state , righ t, t itleinte re st w ch the sa id M‘Seals hath in this book e or cop ie , viz‘Biathanatos ,a declaracon of tha t paradox or thes is of self e hom i c ide w ri tte n byDrDonne,dean of Pauls VJ


Eli e 1 2 tb of mim e 1 649

[Que ry, a clerical e rror for the 1 3 th . ]Ass igned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand scale o f

Master CAR TWR IGHT subscribed by Mas te r LEE w arden , all the e s ta te ,r ight, title inte re s t w eb the said M r Cartw right hath i n th is book e or

cop ie called, A m anuell f or the si cke w i th a tetany d: p rayers, by B’Andrew so f W inche ste r vj


cousin his

Assigned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand scale of

Maste r BOURNE subscribed by Mas te r LEE w arden , a book e calledD ivine eiacula tions fitted f or pr iva te devotions , by a late revere nd divine

now ow ned to be Dr Andrew s, B9 of W inche ste r

82 2 [2—1 7 July 1 649 .B- “ ct ¢

M aster : R obert M esh , M aster.

M aster : mi les ” Issuer

M aster : Stali n ethan e“M art ens

2 ° flultf @ 0 BM 1 649

[Page 1 61 ] Entred for his copie unde r the hand o f Maste r JENNINGS a pam phle ttMu terM ’ called , The Moderate , &c vj

‘lWhite .


The- Paine. Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r JENNINGS and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a booke called Rom e ru ined by Whiteha ll, &c vj


1 2 th

Muster Wh ite Entred under the hand of Mas te rJENNINGS a pam phlett ca lled,The Modera te (t o vj‘l

1 4th

Entred under the hand of Maste r JENNINGS tw o pamphle tts

called, The pf ect diurna ll, &c xij“


Master Symm ons . Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL clark e ‘

of the Parl‘,A declarati on of the Parl’of England concerning the late endea vor i n ap eaceable w ay to rem ove all m isunderstanding betw eene the Com on w ealth ofEng land cf: kingdom e of Scotland &c


Master NW “ . Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter CARILL and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arden a booke called An esp osi con w th notes upon theEpi stles of JAMES J: JUDE , by M

r Tho: Manton vjd

| 7tb

M3 5“ ?W Entred under the hands of Maste r CARILL and CHAPPELLw arden a book e called Annota t’bns up on the Testam ‘by Edw : Le igh , E




3 0W Ibltson. Entred under the hand of MaSte r JENNINGS a pam phlett called,The pf ect Occurrenc es

Deleted in Register.


ai m M 1 8—2 8 July 3 23

[Page 1 62 ]Master Pollen.

Mrs . Melghen.Gabr. Braden.

Tho . Colllns

John Martyn andJohn Ridley.

Master Husbands .

law . Chapman .Law . Blacklook .

Bob“ Ibitson .

[Page 1 63 ]Master Husbands .

m ay 1 649

Entred for h is copie under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNIIAM and Mas te rFLESHER w arden a book e called A discourse of the right of the Churchin a Christia n state, by Herbert Thornidik e vj


Entred under the hands of Mas te r JENNINGS and Maste rFLESHER w arden a bo ok e ca lled The Co" K eep es guide &c, m four tracts .The proprie ty of w eb copie i s thu s distinguished (viz‘) one Moyety thereo fto M" Me ighe n Tho : Co ll ins the other m oyety to Gabrie ll Bedell

2 1 th

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Of i cia m Quotidianum , or, a m a nuell ofp rivate devotions , by the late Arct of Canterbury vj


2 3 th

Entred under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL Clark e of the Parl‘,Reso lves of the Parl‘ concerning su ch m inisters as sha ll p rea ch or p ray agt

the p rsent goverm‘, four Acts of Parl“ (viz‘) f or the sa le of the p ersona ll

goods at: estate of the late King Queen (fi Prince . Tou ching the m oneyscf: coynes of England . What ofi'

en ces sha ll be adiudged treason . For the

sale of the honors, ma nnors land s heretof ore belonging to the lat e King,Queen s Pri nce &c ij'vj


com m his

Entred under the hand of Maste r JENNINGS a pam phle tt called,The pf ect diurnall, &c d

2 4th

Entred un der the hand of Mas te rJENNINGS a pam phlett called,The pf ect occurrences, &c vjd

t ot em his

Bu tted under the hand of Mas te r JENNINGS tw o pam phle ttscalled, The Moderate , (t o 1 i

28tb Eats 1 649

Entred under the hand of Maste r SconELL , clarke of the Parl',tw o Acts of Parl‘[viz‘] 1 . For p rom oting d: p ropagating the gosp ell ofJesu s Chri st in New Engla nd ,

the othe r further instructions to the Trusteescontractors , trea su rers reg ister f or sale of the deans d’: chap ters landsd



Bum . Saterthw aite .

Master Be llam y.

Master White.

Master Clarke.

Tho. Faw cett .

[Page 1 64]Master White.

Master Husbands .

[4—1 7 August 1 649 .l m if dttfiifij

augustEntred for h i s cop ie unde r the hands of Mas te r BOOKER. and Mas te rFFLESHER w arden a book e ca lled Stella nova , a new starr leading w isem en

unto Christ &c by Rob"0 Gel l , D.D. Vj‘l


Butted under the hands o f Maste r CALAMY and Mas te rFL ESHEE w arde n . A tract of the l ives of the fathers d other em inent d:fam ou s d iv ines w hi ch have lived Christs tym s to this p resent age ,


bySam : Clarke, pas tor of Be nne tt vj



En tred under the hand o f Maste r JENNINGS tw o pam phlettscalled, The Modera te , &c xijd


Entred under the hands Of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rFLESHER w arde n a book e called Sa cred p rinc ip les serv ices soli loquies ,or, a Manuell of devotions m ad e up of 3 parts , &c Vj


Entred under the hands of Mas te r MABBOTT and Mas te rDAWSON w arden a book e called A m em orable seafight, nned pre se rvedbyPeterWh ite . Th i s w as lice nsed the 6“l March 1 648 i s . 1 648—9] vj


En tred by ve rtue of a deed o f barga ins sale unde r the handscale of Maste r JAM ES YOUNG by conse nt o f a ful l Co" , A breif econcorda nce or table to the Bible of the la st transla t'bn &c in all volum e s ,

perused enlarged by M'John Dow nham ,

w ch Sd book e w as here toforeentred to M r Bohte Young M'N icho las Bourne The m oyety o f w eh

sd book e be long ing to the ad M r Young 1 s by th is entrey to appe rtaine to

Wm Dugard vj‘l

Elite of august 1 649Entred under the hand of Maste r JENNINGS a pam phle tt ca lled,The Moderate &c vj‘l


Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL clarke Of the

the se five Acts Of Parl‘v iz‘:1 . For continueing the Assessm

‘of p m ensem &c.

2 . For giveing p ow er to the com i ttee of Indempn ity, &c.

3 . For tak ing the Accom p ts of the navy custom es.

4. For adm itting 6 cou nt ies of North Wa les to comp osic'

on .

5. For setting ap art a day of publ ike thanc ksgiveing .

And the tru e state of the transa ctions of Col Geo : Munch.

3 2 6

Master Baum 9 .

Rom e Austen.

Master Calvert.

Robin Ibitson .

Law . Blacklock .Law . Chapm an.

Master Latham .

John Clov es .

R. Wood andGeo . Horton.

Law .Blacklock and

[ 1 8 Septem ber—8 October 1 649 .n - l e

1 8th

Entred for h i s cop ie under the hands of Master'

DOWNEAM and Mas terFLESHER w arden a book e called The Phrigian Fabu list m ora li z ed in hverse, by Leo. Wi llan, gent . d

2 6th

Entred under the hand of Maste r HATTER , secre tary to theArm y a sm all trac t ca lled, A true relation of the proceeding s of the

b uisines of Burf ord, by m a ior Wh ite d

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rFLESHER w arden a bo ok e called The Li ri ck p oett. Odes cf: sa tyrestranslated out of Horace into English verse by J. S. Vj


2 8th

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r SCOBELL , A letter f romIrela nd read in the house of Com ons on Ffriday Sep t 2 8“ f rom M'HughPeeters of the tak ing of Tredagh, Trym Dunda lks vj


1 ° ®d oht i5 1 649

Entred under the hands o fMas te rJENNINGs Som e consideraam s

touching the na ture of an oa th, m ore p ticularly rela ting to our Nationall

covenant, &c vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r BATTER 2 pam phletts ca lled,The pf ect diurna ll &c xij


3° w d ohrta

En tred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arde n a book e called An antidote aga ins t sorrow i n order tothe obteyning of sanctified j oy, &c, by CadW : Wynn,

M .A. vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r BATTER se cre tary to the

Arm is a pam phle tt called, The pf ect occurrences vj‘l

6° w ttobrta

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r BATTER , secre tary to the

Arm y, a. pam phle tt ca lled, The k ingdom s f a ithfu ll and im p artia ll [S’aoa i‘l


8° ®t tOltrifi

En tred under the hand of Mas te r HATTER a pam phle tt ca lled,The p erf ect diurna ll, &c vj‘l

[1 9 53—1 5 October 3 2 7

Rich . Tomlyns.

Master Ibitson .

Master Partridge .

[Page 1 67 ]Nath . Brookes .

Bobto Ibitson .

Geo.Whi tington .


Master Stephens .

Tho. Brewster andGregory Mouls.

Robte Ibitson.

8° fi ctohris

Entred for his cop ie under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a booke called A p reservative against false teachers , bySam pson Tow nssend vj


9° ®d oht t5

En tred under the hand of Maste r SCOEELL clark e of y° Parlia

m ent at pam phle tt called, Severall p roceedings in Parliam ent vj‘1

Entred under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Mer lini Angli ci Ep hem er is A° 1 650 or ,

generall m onthly p redi ction s , &c byW. Li l ley vj‘1

l l tb fi d oher 1 6149

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden , A serm on called, Britta nia Redeviva &c by JohnShaw Vid

l l th

Entred unde r the hand o f Maste r BATTER sec re tary to the

Arm ie , a pam phlett called, The pf ect Occurrences, &c vjd

1 2m

Entred under the hands o f Mas ter JENNINGS and Maste rFLESHER w arden (be ing licensed the 1 5th Sept' la s t) a book e cal led Anintroduction to the holy und erstand ing of the glasse of righteousnes,


byH . N. vj‘1

2 th

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and MasterFLESHER w arde n a book e called The Ho ly Cou rt, w ri tte n in Fre nch byNicholas Causin in five tom e s , w hereof 4 of them are translated intoEngli sh by Sr T. B. vjd

com m his

Entred unde r the hands of Doctor BATES and Mas te r CHAPPELLw arden a booke called De m orbie cap i tis or the cheife in term llthe head, &c , by R: Pem ell phisitionEntred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rFLESIIER w arden a book e called Herm es tresm egistus his Poem ander of the

p ow er w isedom e of god translated into English by D’Everard . vj‘1

1 5th

Bntred under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL , clark e of the Parl‘sevall proceed ing s o f the Parl‘from Tew sday October the to the 1 3


3 28

Master Symons .

Wm . Dugard .

Wm Dngard.

Tho. Brewster.

Fran. Tyton.



[Page 1 69]MasterWalbanck


Hum ph . Tuckey.

[ 1 5—2 4 October 1 649 . It l ow if'

oih‘fifilt ]

1 5th

Entred for h is copie s unde r the hand of Mas te r EROST , se cre tary to thecouncell of sta te three of the w eek ely sheets called, A breif e relacon ofsom e afia ires transa ction s &c xviu

zerb e stat es 1 649Entred under the hand of Maste r SC OBELL clarke of the

Parliam ‘, The sevall p roceedings of Parliam ‘

f rom Tew sday October y‘vto Tew sday October the 2 3 “

Ass igned over unto him , by ve rtue of a no te un der the hand seale of

Maste r LEGATT w th consent of Maste r WATER SON , all the e s tate , right ,ti tle inte re st w ch the said M'Legatt or the sa id M rWaterson have or

claim e 1 n the booke or cop ie called, S'Ph i llip Sidneys or the Counte s se of

Pem brooke S Arcad ia vj‘l

2 2 th

Entred for h i s copie s unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNEHAM and bo th thew ardens , the se tw o book es viz ”, Wend elini X tiana Theologia , Wendelin i

Philosop hia Mora l is , &c xijd

com m his

Entred unde r the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Mas terFLESHER w arden a book e called Wend elin i log ica , &c vj


cobcm his

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rFLESE ER w arden a bo ok e called A new it: clears d iscov

ery of the

flow ing of the sea , by El l is Bradshaw

2 3 th

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r SCOBELL Clarke to the

Parliam ent and Mas te r w arden a book e called A Collectionof the orders of Chancery w ih a lterac


ons & add itions agreed on by the LordsCom ission "

of the Great scale of the Master of the Rolls f or ref orm a cb n ofthe p ra ctice of the said Co" , &c vj


Entred by order of the LORD PRESIDENT and Councell o f Sta te ,

tw o sm all tracts called , The Anatom y of John Li lborne’s sp iritt (f: p afm

phletts a short dis cou rse betw eens Mona -rchi call d: Aristocraticall

goverm ent &c xijd

24th washer 1 649

Entred under the hands of S’ NATE . BRENT and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arden a booke called Thefirst p te of the young cla rkes gu ide ,or an exa ct co llection of choi ce Eng lish p res id ents , &c . Com piled by B. H .

councellor vj‘l

33 0

Wm Taylor.


Bobto Ibitson .

[Page 1 71 ]Master Moseley.

Master Moseley .

Master Moseley .

Master Meredith .

[Page 1 72 ]

m en. Lownes .

[3 0 October- 7 Novem ber 1 649 .R M


En tred for h i s cop ie s unde r the handsof Mas ter DOWNHAM and Maste rCEAPPELL w arden , tw o book e s (viz ‘) D ivi ne phi losophy leading i nto thegrounds of a ll w onders, &c, Com f ortable doctrine f or Adam s ofl

springa comp endious dia logue, &c xij‘iEntred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas terFLESE ER w arden a book e called The ore m ussled Oxf ord dryed, &c


byHum : Brow ne d

En tred unde r the hand o f Ma s te r SCOEELL clark e of the

Parliam ‘, sevall proceeding s of Parliam '&c vj


3° flab. 1 649

En tred under the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rCEAPPELL w arden a book e called 8 ' Walter Ra w ley his ap ology f or hisvoyage to Guyana w th observac

ons on the Roya ll Navi s if: Sea Servi cew ri tte n by S’Walter Raw ley &c vj


Entred unde r the hands of S“ NATE . BR ENT and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Consideraé'bns upon the lives of Alcibiadesd: Cor io lanus by Marquesse V irg i l io Malvez z i i n Ita l ian Engl ished byRob" Gent i l is vjd

As signed over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand seale of

THOMAS WAL K ELEY subscribed by bo th the w ardens, all the e s ta te ,right , title inte re s t w h ich the said Tho : Walk eley hath in the se tw o

book s (viz‘) Coop ers Hi ll, a poem byM'John Denham Esqr The Va lia nt

Cid, thefirst p art, a trage com edy translate d by J0 8 Rutter gent . xijd

com m his

Entred for h i s copie under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rCEAPPELL w arden a booke called A vindi cation of the Presbyteriall goverm ent m inistery, togeither w ith an Exhortacon to all the m inisters, elderscf: p eop le w thin the bounds of the p rovince of London w hether ioyn ing w thus or sep erating f rom us

, p ublished by the m inisters elders m et togeitherin a provinciall Assem bly 2‘Novem ber, 1 649 Vjd

6° flab. 1 649

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e ca lled The Marrow of History or the

of 8' Wa lter Ra w ley by Alex : Rosse

7° fiobem bris 1 6119

Entred un de r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNEAM and Maste rCEAPPELL w arde n a book e called Five lessons f or a Christian by JohnCol l ins . vjd

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rCEAPPELL w arden a booke called The doctrine of fa ith, or the p rim e

princip all p o ints w ch a Christia n i s to know beleive &c. by Chr istopherCartw right vj


[i‘fi t

han}l -B Mu d 9—2 8 Novem ber 3 3 1

Master Clarke.

Robts Ibitson.

Master Leech.

Tim . Gart hwaite.

Master Sym m ons .

Edm ond Paxton.

Bohte Bostock .


Entred for his copie under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Ma ste rCEAPPELL w arden a book e ca lled Paralap om ena , rem aines of M

'JosephMeade on som e p assages on the Revela t


bn , togei ther w“a tra ct tou ching

kolines of churches , by the sam e author vjd

Entred under the hand of Mas ter SCORELL , clarke o f theParliam ent , Severall p roceedings in Parliam ent &c (No . 6) vj‘l

1 3 th

Entred under the hand of Mas te r RUSEWORTE , Secre tary tothe Arm ie , Co llecti ons of letters f rom severall p arts, concern ing the afiairesof the Arm i es in Engla nd (fi Ireland d


Entred under the hand of Mas ter RUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, Apf ect relaé'én of the p roceedings of the Arm is i n Irela nd , &c Vjd

En tred by vertue of a no te under the hand seale of Mas terBELLAMY subscribed by Mas ter w arden , a book e calledA Com entary up on the five bookes of Moses by M’ John Trapp, the w ck

w as f orm erly entred to M'Bellam y Vj‘1

2 2 tb flab. 1 649

Entrad under the hand o f Maste r SCOBELL clarke of the Par

l iam ', tw o pam phle tts called, Severall p roceedings of Parl‘&c xij‘l

2 7th

under the hand of Ma s te r FROST secre tary to the

councell of State , seaven pam phle tts called ,A breife relac’

bn of som e af airestransacc

bns &c i ij'vj‘1

Assigned over to him by vertue of a note under the hand scale of

Maste r MARR IOTT subscribed byMas te r FLESHER w arden , all the e s ta teright title inte re s t w eh the said M' Marrio tt bath in this booke or

cop ie form erly entred to him by the nam e of Dispensatorium collogui

Lond inensis &c

i sth

Entred for h is copie under the hands of the PREe ENT and censors ofthe Co lledge of Phisition s o f London a booke ca lled Pharm a cop e ia Lend inensi s Collegarum hodie viventium studiis ac sym bolic orna tior, &c d

Entred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and MasterFLESHER w arden , A cop ie of a letter w ritten by M' Thom as Parker ofNew England to M " Eliz : Averey vj‘l

Entrad under the hands of Mas ter EDMOND CAL LAMY and

Maste r FL EsEER w arden , a serm on called Anima lia hom o concio lat inahabita Academ icos Oman iem is 9‘ Oct. 1 649, autore Ed: Reynolds vj“

3 3 2

Bob“ Ibitson.

Tho. Brewster andGregory Mauls .

Maste r Sm ithand

Sam . Gelllbrand.

Bobto Ibitson.

Wm 'Wells .

Fran. Bowman.

Mrs. Meighen.

[2 8 No vem ber—1 1 Decem ber 1 649 .x xm lhfifim]

2 8th

Bu tt ed for h is cop ie s unde r the hand of Master SCOEELL a am phlettca lled, Severa ll p roceedings of Parl', tw o o ther tract-s ca lledpup on Cosm ography Lectures up on navigation read at the academ y o f

S"Balthaze r Gerbie r xvi ij‘

soth flobem bcr 1 649

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rFLESE ER w arden , the se tw o book es, (viz ‘) The one called A di scou rse ofthe pass ions w th histori ca ll observac’ons up on them , the o ther called, Thelives of Kings , Queen es, Cava leers , Coi incellors, «f: ho ly m en , bo th of themcom po sed in Fre nch by Nich : Causin, translated into Engl ish


byA. S. M'

o f Arts (salvo iu re cuiuscunque ) xijd

com m his

Entred under the hand of Mas ter Scos ELL clark e o f the

Parliam ‘, a serm on preached be fore the house , the firs t o f Novem be r, 1 649,ca lled, The com eing s forth of Christ i n the p ow er of his dea th, &c by Peter

Stirrey vj‘l

Eli e ascent of nu m ber

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r CALLAMY and MasterFLESHER w a1 de n a book e called An emp osi c

bn up on the w ho le Ep istle ofJUDE, by W

m Jenkyn vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r SCOBELL the w e ek ely shee tcalled, Severall p roceedings of Par liam e nt Num be r 1 0 °


En tred unde 1 the hands of Mas ter DOWNHAM and Mas te rFLESE ER w arden a book e called Gregori i Posthum a , or certa ine learnedtra cts , w ri tten by John Gregory, M :A: &c vjd

l l th

Butt ed under the hands o f Doctor REYNOLD S vice chancelor o fOxford and Maste r FLESHER w arden a book e ca lled Hum a ine Na ture or

The Fundam entall e lem ents of w afer—f Poli cy, bei ng a philosop hicall dis

covery of the f a cu lties , a cts d: p assions of the souls of m an &c by Tho

Hobbs, of Malm esbury vjd

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNEAM and Mas te rCEAPPELL w arden , A treat ice concerni

ng bodi ly w orship the by Sym onGunton vj‘l

Deleted in Registe r.

33 4

John Mecook .

Rich. Bolston.

RICh. Ba laton .

Blch. Balaton.

Rich . Bolston.

MasterJohn Rothw ell .

Robt. Ibitson.

[2 8 Decem ber—8 January 1 649 .& m -d- {f dfigzIfl

2 8° Becem brts 1 649

Entred f cop ie un derCHAPPEL a book e cal

out of the of God, &c

29° mccm hrts 1 649

Entred under the hands of M as te rJOHN DOWNHAM and MasterCHAPPELL w arden a book e intituled Endeavours a im ing a t the glory ofGod, th‘p ea ce tru th m ay m eet together , &c , by John Black leech vj


3 1 ° Ber.

Entred unde r the hands of.

Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rFLESHER w arden a book e called A soveraigne sa lve to cure w oundedsp irritts , by Rich : Gove vj

com m hie

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rFLESHER w arden a book e called The returnee of sp iri tua ll comf ortgreif e in a devout souls &c by John Duncon vj

En tred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas terFLESHER w arden a booke called Mercuriu s Paedan eus or a short at surew ay to the lo tyn tongue , by Jo : Ph i l l ips vj


Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterFLESHER w arden a book e called Trop oschem a tologia , &c by M


Entred under the hands of Master SCOBELL tw o pam phlettscalled, Severallp roceedings of Pa rl iam ent &c xij“

En tred under the hands of Master CAR ILL and Mas te r SEALEthen w arden a book e called A very godly heart m elting exhortaébn togeither

w th a cordia ll con solac‘

on p rsen ted in a letter &c , by Rich . Mather d


Entrad under the hand of Master SCOBELL three pam phletts(viz

‘) tw o o f the w eek ely shee ts called, Sevall p roceedings of Parl‘ the

o the r called, The Crea tion of the w or ld , &c, by Hen. Walker xvi ij“

8tb maintai n 1 649 [i . s . 1 649550 ]En tred under the hands of Mas te r DOWN HAM and Maste rFLESHER w arden a book e called An histori call inven tory or brevia ry ofthe p ersecucon of the Bohem ian churches , &c vj


Entred under the hand o f Master Sco'rr , a m em be r of thecouncell of State a sm all tra ct called, The grand case of consci encestated, &c vj


Deleted in Register .


m lt la. m a.

sam . Gellibrand.



[Page 1 78]Nath . Brookes .

MasterJam es Flasher.

John Clow es .

John Bless.

Edw . Griffin andFran. Leech.

Bob“ Ibitson.


8—2 4 January 335

8tb Sanitary 1 649 [ i .s . 1 649450 ]

Entred for his coPie unde r the hands of Do ctor TEMPLE and Ma s te rFLESHER w arden a booke called Good conscience the strong est hold, thesurest ref uge, &c vj


En tred un der the hand of Mas te r SC OBELL and Maste rFLESHER w arden a book e called Virgo trium phans or Vi rginia ri c if:

trusty va lued, &c

1 4th

Entred under the hand of Maste r CAR ILL tw o sm all tracts(vi z

‘) one in def ence of the Engag em ‘

, the o the r called, Just re -

prop osa lls

to hum ble p rop osalls by John Durey xij‘l

I7tb mum my 1 649 [i .e . 1 6149450 ]

En tred under the hands of Maste r BO OKER and Maste rCHAPPELL w arde n a book e ca lled Astronom ia Brittan ica ,

or the theory ofthe Plan etts , &c, by Jonas Moore Vi

En tred unde r the hands o f Maste r CALAMY and MasterFLESHER w arden a book e called Lyra p rophetica Davidis regis cum indi ceHaebraes eiusd libri cl Gr am : Hebras , &c au tore V ictorino Bythner po lonio


En tred under the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM , a sm a ll trac tcalled, The Engagem ‘vindi cated (fi exp layned or the reasons , &c vj


2 2 1 i)

unde r the hands o f Master DOWNHAM and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called The revelac'On u


nrevea led concerning thethousand yeares ra igne of the sa ints w th Christ up on Earth, &c vj


Entred under the hands o f Mas te r Rusn w onrn five pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect Diurna ll, &c ij'vj‘l

2 4th

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r SCOBELL , thre e pam phlettscalled , The severall p roceedings of Parl‘ xv1 ij

room his

Assigned ove r unto him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand seale of

Maste r SM ITH subscribed by M aste r CHAPPELL w arden a book e

called An historicall Inventory or Breviary of the p ersecution of theBohem ia n churches &c vj

3 36 [2 5 Jauuary—8 February 1 649 .R. m a d am

2 51 i)



étwrlght Butt ed for the ir copie s by ve rtue of a no te un der the ir hands

Master Sym ons .

[Page 1 79]Master Moseley.

Master Moseley.

Francis Titon.

M rs . GertrudeDaw son.

scale s , the se tw o booke s or copie s (viz ‘) Tachigraphy or the art of shortw r iting w ith the Tutor thereunto Zeiglography, or, a n ew art of shortw riting, all of them com posed by Thom as Shelton w ith h is full consen t


ath ” em , 1 649 [i . s .

Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas te rFLESHER w arden a booke called Unheard of curiosities tou ching the

talism an i ca ll scu lp ture of the Persians , the horascOp e of the p a tria rk es

if: the read ing of the sta rrs, w ritte n in Fre nch by M' J. Gassarell

translated in to Eng lish by Chilm ead gent vj‘l

cohcm his

En tre d by ve rtue of a no te under the hand seale o f MasterWAL K ELEY and Mas te r FLESHER w arden , all the rig ht in tere s t o fthe said M r Walkeley in a play called The Sophy, a tragedy, w ri tte nby M

r John Denham ,Esq


u nder the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect diurnall, &c Vjd

Entred unde r the hand of Master SC OBEL L a pam phlett called ,Sevall p roceeding s of panip lett ” [ sic ]Entred under the hand of Maste r CAR ILL , A discourse con cerningthe engagem ent , or the Northerne subscribers p lea &c vjd


Entred by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand seale of RALPHMABB (dated the las t day of Decem be 1 1 640 ) subscribed by Ma s te rFLESEER w arden , tthe se copie s pts o f copie s follow ing salvo 1 ure

cuiuscunque vj' vj‘l

GRAYE’S p rayer p erf ection. of a Christ ian .SIBB

’s brea thing after God .

Exem p lary Novetts .The house of Mourn ing, in fo l io .

Ram sDEN’s 3 Treatices , halfe .

The Young Artille ry Ma n .

Doc tor TAYLOR on the ACTS , a third part .ELTON on the COLOSSIANS .Spare Hom ers .Hocu s Pocus .

FONSECA on the Parables .

The Mercha nts Mapp of Cornerse .

A clerica l error for Parliam ent.

3 38

Tho. Raw .

Master Grlflinand

Master Leech .

Edw . Crouch .

John Marshall.

Master Leaks .

[Page 1 82 ]Master Bellamy .

MasterWalbanck .

[2 0 February—4 March 1 649 .m a rshe s ]

2 0 tb f ebruarg 1 6149 [ i . s . IGJWSO]Entred for his copie under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and MasterFLESE ER w arden a book e called The Chr istian d iurna li com uni cating the

p racti ce of dayly duties tow ards God , 0'neighbor c

'aeluss , &c vj



Entred unde r the hand ofMaste 1 RUSHWORTH a pam phlett called,The p erf ect diurnall &c . vj


com m his

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rFLESE ER w arden a book e called Love s v i ctory or a m arr iag e betw eensRealli ty if: fancy, &c , by Tho. Bayley, D .D . vj‘l

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arde n a treatice ca lled, The w ho le booke of PSALMES

p a rap hrased by Geo . Abbott d

z i rh

En tred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arden a treat ice called The Christian m an , or , the recna ture by grace, w ri tten in French by John Fran : Senault

2 8th

Entred un der the hands o f Ma ste r DOWNHAM and M aste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called The Pa tterne of Catachistica ll doctr inea t la rge , or , a learn ed and iuditious exp osié

bn of the Ten Com a ndei nts , byLancelott Andrew es

,late B" of Winchester . This i s entred by the consent

of Wm Garre tt vj"

2 ° mart“ 1 649 [i . s . 1 649550 ]Entred unde r the hands O f S" NATH : BR ENT and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arde n a bo ok e called The Ideot in 4 bookes , the first it secondOf Wisdom s, the 3 " of the m ind the 4" of Stati ck Evp erim ts , orm eri ts of the Balla nce

2 0 m ain; 1 649 [ i .s . 1 649450 ]Entred under the hands o f Mas te r CALAMY and Mas terCHAPPELL w arden a booke called A com entary or exp osi tion upon PROVERBS , ECCLESIASTE S .e the CANTICLES , by John Trapp, M .A” vj'l

4° m art“Entred under the hands o f S'NATHANIELL BRENT and MasterCHAPPELL w arden a bo oke cal led An exa ct abri dgm ent in English of a ll

the rep brts of 8'Edw ard Cooke knt. Lord Cheif e Justice of England done

by S' Tho: Ireland of Grayes Inne ,.Esq .

corrected by Jo : March ,barrester vj‘l

[Him ala m . 4—7 March 3 3 9

Ma ster Lee .

Dan. Pakeman andGab. Bedel l .


Bobtc Ibitson .

Master Moseley .

Master Moseley .

4 0 1mm . andEdm . Packston.John Felld.

[Page 1 83 ]Edm . Paxton andJohn Feud.

Francis Ash.

14° mart“Entred for the ir copie unde r the hands of Sr NATHANIEL BRENT andMas te r FLESEER w arden a book e intituled The w hole ofli cs of the countrieJusti ce of p eace, &c, by Wm Sheppard, Esq vjd

t ot em his

Entred unde r the hands of Master CALAMY and Maste rFLESE ER w arden a book e called Eighteen e serm ons , by Ben: H inton, latem inis ter at Henden vj‘l

Entred under the hands of Master SCOBELL four pam phle ttscalled, The severall proceed ings of Parliam ', &c ij'

so m m “ 1 649 [i .s . 1 649450 ]Entred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and bo th thew ardens a book e called Dodona s Grove, or , the o ccult f orrest, the secondp art, w ritten by Jam es How el l Esq vjd

room Bic

Ent 1 e d under the hands o f Sr NATE : BR ENT both thew ardens a bo ok e called A di scou rse f or the a ttayn ing of the sci ences in a

sho rt tym s w th the Sta tu tes of theAcadem y of Cardina li R ichleu ,Engli shedby Rob

“ Genti les vj

6tb m arch 1 649 [i .s . 1 6149550 ]Entred under the hands of Mas te r CARYL and Maste r FLESEERw arden a treat ice ca lled The ho ly arbou r, or a cluster of sp iritua li grap esgathered f rom the vines of certa ine m oderne if: orthodox labou rers in God’svinyard , by J0 : Godolph in LL D .

6° m aria 1 649 [i . e . 1 6494 50 ]Entred under the hands o f Maste r CARYL and M ILES FLESHERw arden a Trac t ca lled The ho ly Pim beck , or, An extraction of the sp iri tf rom the letter of certaine p la ces of scrip ture &c, by Jo: Godolphin LL .D.


7° m ars ; 1 649 [ i . s .

Entred under the hands o f Master DOWNHAM and Ma ste rCEAPPELL w arden a book called The ru le and exercise of holy living, inw ch are described the m eanes instru m ents of obta ining every vertu e, andthe rem edies ag a inst every vi ce , by J. T. D .D . . vj‘l

Deleted in Register.

3 40

Rich . Balaton.

John Stafford.

Tho. Slater andWW Hunt.

[l l—2 3 March 1 649 .R" °fi

n tb m i tts 1 61 9 [i .s . 1 649450 ]

Entred for h is copie unde r the hands of S“ NATE : BRENT an d MasterCHAPPELL w arden a book e ca lled Theflow er of fide l ity disp laying, &c . byJohn Reynolds au tho r of that exce llent tres t ice called, Gods revenge agtm urther vj


concur hisEntred under the hands of Mas te r DOWN HAM and Mas te rFLESEER w arden a booke called Of the reasonables of Christian religion ,f or the satisfieing of som e dispu ters of these evi tt tym es , by vj


Butt ed unde r the . hands of Mas te r DOWNEAM and Maste rCHAPPELL w a rden a book e ca lled An a la ru m to a ll im p enitent syn ners,&c , by Hum : Brow ne vj‘l

1 sth of w at ch 1 649 [i .e . 1 649450 ]Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CALAM Y and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Englands afflictions fu lly dem onstrat


ed .

or , a pf ect rem edy to cu re o' ca lam ities , &c Vj

sotm n his

Entred under the hand o f Maste rRUSHWORTH , thre e pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurna li xvi ij‘l

Entred under the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Causes in Cha ncery, gathered by S’ Geo.

Carey one of the m a sters of the Chancery i n A' 1 60 1 , out of the labors ofM Wm Lam bert vj


2 3° m atte; 1 649 [ i . e . 1 649450 ]Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas te rFLESEER w arden a bo oke called De corp ore p ollitico, or , the elem ents oflaw . m ora ll if: p olliticall w th discourses up on severall heads , the second pte ,by Tho: Hobbs of Malm esburv vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSEWORTE three pam phletts(viz

‘) ca lled, The pf ect diurna ll, &c xviijd

Entred under the hand of Sr NATE : BRENT a sm all tract calledA cleere if: evident w ay f or enriching the nations of Engla nd Ireland &cvj‘l

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rCEAPPELL w arden a booke called Jew es in Am er i ca , or , probabillities thatthe Ame ri cans are of the. sam e race , &c vj‘l

3 42

Home Ibitson.

Master Griffinand

Master Leech.

Bobt Ihitson.


Hanna Allen.

Master Grilflnand

Master Leech.

Sam . Satterthwalte .

Tho. BGregory Mauls.

John Sayw ell.

[4—3 0 April 1 650 .In l and {J. W0 apps




Entred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL , A pf ect table of1 44 vi ctories obteyned by the LO: L eif ten of Ire la nd , (t' the Parliam “

f orcers [s i c] under his com and, f rom Wensda y August the first 1 649 toMarch the las t 1 650 vjd


Entrad under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phle tt called,Severallp roceedings of Parl iam ent, &c . vj‘l

am 6tb of m m“ 1 650

Entred unde r the hands of Master CALAMY and MasterFL EsnEn w arde n a booke called Am or dei , w ri tten by John Quarles


Entred unde r the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , a pcalled, The Pf ect diurna ll &c

2 0 th

Entred under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL tw o pam phletts

(vi z‘) Severall p roceedings of Parl‘&c No 2 8, 2 9 . xij‘1

Entred under the hand of Maste r CAHILL , the se tw o book e s(viz

‘) Sigp s of sw eetnes , &c, A di scovery of glori ous Love &c, bo th o fthem m a e by John Durant . xij


Entred under the hands of Ma ster CAHILL and Mas te rFLESHER w arden , a book e called An exp osicbn continued on the 6 78 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 as 1 3 chap ters of EZECHIELL , by Wm Greenhil




2 2 tb

Entred under the hand of Mas ter Rusnw onrn tw o pam phle ttscalled, The pf ect diurna ll, &c xi

2 3 th

Entred unde r the hands of Master BOOKER and Maste rFLESHER w arden , A treaties in 3 bookes of Occult phi losophy, w ritten byHen : Corne l ius Agrippa, of Netteshein , Counsellor to Ca esa r’s sa credMa

", translat ed into Eng lish by J. F : D'Phisick d

3 0 th

Ba tted under the hands of S“ NATH : BRENT and bo th thew ardens tw o book e s (viz‘) Prop ria quae m a r iba s , qua e genus As inPrasenti Engli shed explayned, ano ther book e called, Term ina coneset es em p la declina tionum et con iugati onum , bo th of the said book e s com

posed by Charles Hoole M .A. xij‘i

[ane mia M . 6—2 3 May 343

Master Griffinand

Master Leech .Ri ch . Lownds.

Bohte Ibitson.

Master Wilsonand

Master White .

Master Pollen .

Robt. Ibitson.

6tb m ay 1 650

Entred for the ir copie s under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH, tw o pamphletts called, The pf ect diu rna li , &c xij


1 sth

Entred . under the hand of Mas ter RUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurna ll, &c vjd

unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rw arden a book e called An exa ct history of the late revoluc'ons

in Nap les d: of their m onstrous su ccesses «t o


Entred under the hand of Master SCOBELL , four pam phlettsca lled, Seva li p roceedings of Parl‘&c N°ult . 3 1 ij‘

Ass igned ove r unto them by vertue of a no te under the hande sealeo f Ma s te r BELLAMY subscribed by Maste r FFLESHER w arden , all thee s ta te , right , title i nte re s t w ch the said M " Be llam y hath in the book eor cop ie called, A tra ct of the lives of the Fathers it other em inent if: f am ousd ivines w ch have l ived f rom Christs tym e to this present age , com po sed


bySam : Clarke person o f Benne tt Fink e

2 0 th

En tred for the ir copie under the hands of Mas te r EDM OND CAL LAMY and

Maste r FLESHER and Master CHAPPELL w ardens a bo oke called The

second p te of Ecclica ll history con‘the lives of m a ny em inent Christians

w ch have lived since the p rim itive tym es to the present age, &c , by Sam .

Clarke, parson of Benn e tt Fink e . Salvo iure cuiuscunque VJd

2 2 th

Entrad unde r the hands of Doctor CLARKE pre sident fourcensors of the Colledge of the Phisitions and Maste r FL EsnER w arden abook e called Phi lologia Brita ni ca , &c VJ


m ay 1 650

Entred under the hands of S' NATH : BRENT and MasterFLESHER w arden a book e called Fascicu lus Chem icus, or Chym icallColle ctions , 850 by Ja Hasell Vid

Entred unde r the hand of Master SCOBELL a

pam phle tt called,Severa ll proceedings of Parl‘, &c, No 34 vj

3 44

Master Walbanck .

George Calvert .

JohnMartyn andJohnRidley .

Bern. Alsop.

Master Moseley.

Wui Hunt.

[2 5 May—8 June 1 650 .


2 5tb m at}Entred for h is cop ie under the hands of S’NATE : BR ENT and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Brow n low es Blew p lead er, or a f orm s offa ir p lead ings w here i n are exa ctly (f: according to the Judgm t of the sevallJudges of the Co" of Com on p leas f rom the 3 6“ yr of QE liz to the 1 3 “ yrof the la te king , a ll ac ns asw ell rea ll as p sona ll issu es , rej oynders &c .

Collec ted by his ow ne hand, be ing all that tym e chiefe Prothonotary thd



Entred unde r the hands of S“ NATE : BRENT and Mas te rCHAPPELL w arden a booke called Cho i ce p res idents of p lead ing s in the

Co'“ of the upp bench ct com on p leas , Co llec ted by Richard Brow nlowEsq

" J. H . of L incolnes Inne , Esq’

room his

Entred under the hands of Maste r CALAMY and Mas te rFLESHER w arde n a book e called An exp osic


on, or , a short but fu ll , p laine ,

(f: pf ect Ep itom e of the m ost cho ice Com en tari es up on the Revela c‘ on ofST . JOHN, &c, by Hez ekia Hol land, Pa s tor o f Sutton Valence in Kent


Entred unde r the hand of Master RUSHWORTH tw o pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurnall l ija

3 0 th

Entred under the hands of Sr NATH : BR ENT and Maste rw arden a bo ok e ca lled The hi story of the r ights d: custom es at

m a nner of l if e of the p recut Jew es throughout the w orld, translated out ofItalia n by Edm : Chilm ead Vi


3oth m ay 1 650

Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBRLL a pam phle tt ca lled,Severa ll p roceed ings of Partiam ‘

Entred unde r the hand of Ma s te r DOWNHAM ,a sm a ll tract of

severall f oulded p i ctures called, the beginning, p rogresse , end of m an &c

i n verse d

Slim e stb

As signed over unto him by vertue o f a no te under the hand seale of

THO : WALK ELEY subscr ibed byMaste r FLESHER w arden , all the e state ,right , ti tle intere s t w ch the sa id Thom as Walk e ley hath in th i s book eor copie called Poem s , by Thom as Carew Esq


room his

Ass igned ove r unto him by vertue of a note under the hand scale of

Ma ster BUTT ER subscribed by Maste r CHAPPELL w arden , all the

Es ta te , right , t itle in te re st w eb the said M 'Butte r hath in th is book eor copie called, The devout soule at: f ree p risoner, by J: H : B9 N vj

3 46

Tim . Garthwaite.

Bern. Alsop.

[Page 1 91 ]Master Sym m ons.

Bohte Ibitson.

Mrs . Allen.

Master Bowtell.

Bohte Ibitson.

[Page 1 92 ]Master Walbanck .

MasterWalbanck .

[2 1 June—2 July 1 650 .& m

t b

Entred for h is copie under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Mas terFL ESE ER w arden a book e called The obligacon of a p rom issory oath,



seaven lectures up on NUME 3 0 . 2 , by Dr Sanderson VJ


En tred under the hand of S'NATE : BRENT , a shee t of pa rcalled, The f a -la cy of the great w ater drin cker discovered , &0 VJ

Eli e 2 1 tb of mi me 1 650

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rFLESE ER w arden , Certa ine serm ons preached by that fam ousDr Oldsw orth VJ


1 ° $1 1 l 1 650

Entred under the hands of Mas ter SCORELL and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden , A decla ration of the Parliam

‘of England, up

on them a rching of the arm ie into S cotland vj“

com m his

Entred un de r the hand of Maste r SCORELL a pam phlett called,Severall p roceedings of p am p hlett [ s ic] No . 3 9 vj


solvent his

Entred under the hands of Ma ster CAR IL L and Mas te rFL ESE ER w arden a book e ca lled The hop e of Israell, w r itten by ManassehBen Israell an Ebrew divine ct phi losophet , translated into Eng lish vjd

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rFLESE ER w arden a booke called The tenth m use lately sp rung up inAm eri ca , w ri tten by Ann Bradstreet VJ


Entred un der the hands of Sr NATE . BR ENT and Mas te rFLESE ER w arden a bo oke called The court cf: cara cter of King Jam es ,

w r i tte n by s Auth . W i lding, 1m . vid

Eh: 2 ° of may 1 650

Entred unde r the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e called A con tinuacon of the historicall dis courseof the goverm ent of England , untill the end of the ra igne of Queen s Elizabeth.«t o, the second p te , by Nath : Bacon of Graye s Inne Esq’ vJ‘l

room his

Entred under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas terCEAPPELL w arden a book e called TheAri thm athem aticall Treasuri e , or theroot of arts, (be , com po sed by Richard Allestrye m athem atician VJd

[ronsa n an d. 6 July 347

W“ Hunt.

John Clow es.

Master Moseley.

Master Moz eley.

6tb 31l 1 650

Entred for her cop ie under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rFLEsEER w arden a book e called '

m m ; or a conservatory of hea lth, comprised in a p la ine p racticall discourse, &c, by H . Brooke, M .E. vj‘1

En tred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and MasterCHAPPELL w arden a book e called Suswrrium cwm deo Sol iloquies orholy selfe conf erences of the devout soule d: i ts f arew ell up on ea rth, uponsundry choi ce occas i ons by J. H : D D . B.N. vj


Ass igned over unto him by vertue of a note unde r the hand sea le of

M " CONSTANCE JONEs, all her e state , right, t itle inte re st in the book eor coPie called A r ich storehou se for the d iseas ed vj‘l

Entred for h i s copie under the hands of Sr NATE : BR ENT and Maste rCHAPPELL w arden a book e ca lled The card of cou rtship or, the e

of love, byAss igned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand scale of

Mas te r WATER SON subscribed by M as te r FL ESEER w arden , all the

e state ,right, title inte re st w ch the sa id M*Wate rson hath 1 n this book e

0 1 cop ie ca lled, Him nus Tobaci autore Raphaele Thorio, also the translacon of the sam e book e , byPeter Haneted, into Engli sh verse , now calledA hym ne of Toba cco vj


348 [ 1 5—3 1 July 1 650 .a. s a m e ness ]

m asterzfi eorg c natham , master.

M asterzm i les .


M aster: h i lm on g tenhw s

Rich. Mynn .

Master Griflinand

Master Leech.Master Griffin


Master Leech .

Robert Ibitson.

Master Stephens .

John Hardesty.

Bobto Ibitson.

W artim e

1 5tb m ay'

1 650

Entred for h i s cop ie under the hands o f S’ NATE : BR ENT and Ma s te rCHAPPELL la te w arden, a booke called Pe em s

" called [ sic ] Ostella bei ngp oem s, by John Tatam . d

Entred '

under the hands of Sr NATE : BR ENT and Maste rFLESEER w arden a book e ca lled Merio i Causabon i Is . fil de quat uorL inguis Com en ta tiones

p a rs pri or, que est de L ingua Hebra i ca cl de

lingua Saxonica Vj‘l

2 7th 31 1 1 1 11 1 650

Butred under the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurnall of som e p assages of the arm i es in Engla nd d:Ireland &c d

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH , 6 pam phlettslate ly printed called, The pf ect di urna ll i ij'


Entred under the hand of Maste r SCORELL four pam phlettscalled, Severall p roceedings of Parliam ‘, &c ij'

30 1 i)

Entred under the hands of Doctor ENT and Maste r FLESE ERw arden a. book e ca lled Help s f or the p oore , co llected f or the benefitt ofsu ch as are not able to m a ke use of Phis itians &c , by Robert Pem ell,Phisit ion vj

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rFL ESE ER w arden a book e ca lled The Love of Am a ndu s it Sophon ia , inthree bookes, by Sam : Sheapard . VJ


3 1 ° 3 M“

Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phle tt called,Sevall p roceedings of Parliam ent, &c vj


Delete d in Register.


Master Sym ons .

John Grism ond.

Rich. Lownes .

Bobto Ibitson.

Mrs. HannaAllen.

Master Griffinand

Master Leech .

Wine Dugsrd.

Master Calvert.

[2 7 August—7 Septem ber 1 650 .a m m unl i‘xfifp

Entred for h is copies by pe rm i ss ion of authori ty tw o pam phletts called,Mercurius Politzcus &c xij


collem his

En tred under the hands of Mas ter RUSEWORTE tw o pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurna ll &c . xij

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rSTEPHENS w arden, a book e called Lutheri co lloqu ia divi na , or, MartynLuthers last divine d is cou rses transla ted ou t of the high Germ ane tongu einto English, by Hen: Bel l gent . Vj


Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and MasterSTEPHENS w arden a bo ok e called The history of


the Bible epi tom i z ed if:

em blem at ica lly i llustrated, &c vjd

Entred u nder the hands of Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rSTEPHENS w arden a book e ca lled Gram a tica Ang lo Latina . An Englishlatyn gram er, the ru les com p osed in English cf: la iyu verse, &c ,


byJam es Sh irley, salvo lure cuiuscunque . vj



En tred under the hand of Mas ter Scos ELL a pam phlett called,The severa ll p roceedings of Parliam ‘

2 ° g ent. 1 650

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CAR IL L and Mas ter FLESHERw arden a booke ca lled Com f ort ch councell f or dei ected sou les , &c ,


byJohn Durant vjd

Entred unde r the hand o f Master RUSHWORTH a pam phle tt

called, The pj ect diurna ll vj"

am 6tb of g entem her 1 650

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phlett called,The severall p roceedings of Partiam ‘&c d


Entred under the hand o f Mas te r FROST , se cre tary of the

Counse l] o f State,A breif e na rrative of the victory obteyn ed by the

Partia m “

f orces in Scotland, the third of Sep tem ber be ing on Tew sdaylast 850 vjd

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r DOWNHAM a book e calledThe key of w ea lth. or, a new w ayf or im

proveing of Trade , w i th the Trades

m an s Jew ell, &c , by W“ Potter

Altered from the 2 9th .

[Etta 9— 1 6 Se tem ber 1 650 .3 51P

Rich . Lownes andRobt. Boydw ell.

Dugard .

[Page 1 97]Maste r Pul len.

John Hardesty.‘Vc 7° Jun ii 1 653 .

Robtc Ibitson .

Master Griffinand

Master Leech .John Clow es .


Entred for the ir copie under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rSTEPHENS w arden a. book e ca lled A breif e rela con of the la te horridRebell ion acted in the Island of Bwrbadoes , &c


Entred by ve rtue of a w ri ting under the hand scale of

M as te r THO : WEAVER , b order of a Co"t of As sistants , he ld the dayof Augus t last, the se bo o e s or copie s follow ing , (Viz z) The w ch did

late ly be long to the said M’Tho . Weave r lij'vj‘l

M'BOULTONS Discou rse of tru e happ in es .

H i s genera ll d irections f or w alking w th god.

Hi s instructions f or a right comf orting of afi ictedcon sci ences .

The Eng. D ictiona ry, or Interp reter of ha rd Eng. w ords .The Booke of X

p ian exerci se app erteyn ing to R esolucon by R. P.

pe rused by Edm : Bunney.

Mr STOCK’S Doctrine use of Rep entan ce, w th his serm on at Pau l’sCrosse.

A Regim ent f or the sea ,w th the m ariners guide .

Entred accord ing to dire ction o f the la te Act of Parli am ‘, tw o

pam phletts , one of them called The w ounds of the ki rke of Scotla nd 850 ,by Jam es Rae, the o ther, A d iscourse of husbandry used in Brabant ,



Sam : Hart lib xij‘l

1 2 ° assum e s 1 650

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Maste rFL ESEER w arden a book e called Observac‘ons up on Anthrop ophia Theoma gi ca et anim a magica abscondita p Alaz ono Mast ix, Philalethes vj


cohem his

Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and M as te rSTEPHENS w arde n a book e called Man transform ed or the A

Changling, by John Bullet Drof Phisick

Entred under the hand of Mas te r SC ORELL a pam phlett ca lled,Severall p roceedings of Partiam ‘

, &c vj‘l


Entred under the hands of Maste r RUSHWORTH, tw o pam

phle tts called , The pf ect diurna ll xjjd

Entred under the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM a shee t of papercalled, The las t sp eech of Coll Eusebius Andrew s som etym es a l


i n

Lincolnes Inne at the tym e of his Execution vj‘l


John Martyn andJohnmoley.

Master Sym ons .

Master Moseley .

[Page 1 93 ]Master Robinson.


Bern. Alsop.

Hum . Blunden.

Bohte Ibitson.

Master Sym ons.

[ 1 9 Septem ber—1 0 October 1 650 .G- m bm

1 9th

Entred for the ir copie under the hands of Master GATAKER and Mas te rSTEPHENS w arden a book e called Cap itu a p at rum co llecta a RabbiNathan Babi lonia qui vixit A‘ Chri sti 1 3 0 , in serm on em latinum transla tap Fran : Tayleru Anglicum vj‘l

En tred by pe rm is s ion o f authority three pam phletts called,Mercu r ius Politicus xvi ij


zso éeptcm hris

Entred under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas te rFLESE ER w arden a book e called Fam ianus Strada de bello Be lg i ca ,the second p te i n a: bookes , or the History of the Low Coun trey w arre, translated i nto English by vj


2 8tb s ept. 1 650Entred under the hands of Doc tor ENT, one of the censors ofPhisition s Co lledge and Master STEPHENS w arden a book e calledInstitutions of ana tom y of Casper Bartholinus, trans lat ed ou t of Latyn


Entred unde r [the hands of Sr NATE . BRENT and Ma s te rFLESHER w arden a booke called The com p leat law yer , (t o or a trea tice ofTenures Estates i n Lands , (t o byWm Noy, Esq


2 ° Qanbt‘

tfi 1 650

Entred under the hands of Ma ster DOWNHAM a book e calledCerta ine p eeces of Pettus Messie,first w ri tten in Sp anish 3 : now translat edinto English by Jas Bialdon VJ

concur hisEntred under the hands of Ma s ter BOOKER and Maste rSTEPHENS w arden a book e called Mag ia Ada/m ica , or the antiqu ity


ofMag ick the descent thereof &c by Eugen ius Philalethes vj


Entrad under the hands of Maste r BOOKER and MasterSTEPHENS w arden a book e called A m an m ouse takentorturd to death, &c, by Eng : PhilalethesEntred under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL tw o pam phletts

called, The severall proceedings of Partiam ‘xijd

En tred un der the hand of Mas ter RUSEWOTE tw o

called, Thepf ebt diurna ll

1 0 tb

Entred by pe rm iss ion of author ity, three pam phletts called,Mercurius Poltiticus xvi ij


3 54

Master Coates .

Master Lee.Ma ster Packm an.Gabriel l Beadell.

Ma ster Pollen.

Tho. New com b .

Richard Royston.


JohnMartin andJohn Blalsy.

[2—7 No vem ber 1 650 .G- h w i i

'fm g i l

2 ° of flohm ht 1 650

Entred for the ir cop ie s un der the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar the Repo rts o f Sir Edw ard Cok e , K‘, be ing e leven innum be r, translated in to English by W. F. of Grays Inn Esq" . vj


Entred under the hands o f S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar Fi tzha rberts Natura Brevium translated i nto English


byW. F. of Grays In Esq'

4th flohem ht

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Mas te rFLESHER w ar A treatise of subi ection et c up on the 1 3 “ of the R 0 : the l

" &t

v . vjd

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNAM and Maste rFLESHER a book e ca lled S cotts Discovy of Witchcraf t, &c . vj‘l

et° flohcmhrta

Entred under the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Maste rSTEPHENS, An abr idgm ent of the eleven books of of S

' Edw :

Coke , knt som etym e cheif eJusti ce of the upp Bench, in Eng h byF. W. Ed


by Sr J0 Dav is se m e tym e



6to flohm ht ts

Entred under the hands of Mas ter DOWNHAM and Mas terSTEPHENS w arden , a com entari e or Exp osit ion up on the prop hec ies ofHABK UK , ao vj


7m ° flohem bt ts

Entred under the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Mas te rST EPHENS w ar An hero ick poem called Gondibert . By 8

"Wm Davenantvj‘l

Entrad under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar a book e called The true citiz en or, the Elem ents of phi l&c re serve ing eve ry m ans right

t ot em his

Entred The Engl ish Danc ing Master[This i s probably the shorte s t entry in the Reg is ters ]

Rutt ed a sm all book e called The Gam e of Picguett transla tedout o f Ffre nch into Engli sh Vj

D eleted in Reg ister.


Lich thm 2 0—2 9 No vem ber 3 55

[Page 2 0 1 ]Master Dugard.

EdwardBlackm ore.

Maste r Dugard.

Bernard Alsop.

John Tey .

Bobte Ibitson.


2 0 ° fiobcm . 1 650

Entrad for hi s copie undr the hands of Maste r LANGLEY Ovonasixov Boaxvsive nom enclature brevis Ango - Latino - Grae ca in usu Scho l Westm o naster


Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNHAM and

w arden, A f oref old Ap ology f or Judas , the Jew es , &c vj‘l

En tred by a note under the hand of Mas ter SAMUEL HARTL IE

the se book es viz‘ l . Linguarw m m ethodus m issim a . 2 . Vestibu lumLatinas linguae, Rerum et Linguae Cardines &c . 3 . Lati na s linguae Januaresera ta , rerum et linguae structura/m eahibens a Johanna Com enio Moravo .

Salvo iure cuiuscunque xvi ijd

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r DOWNHAM a

ca lled, The Ranters Ranting

2 3° flobem ht ia 1 650

Entred un der the hands of Sr NATEANIELL BRENT and Maste rSTEPHENS w arde n , a tragedy called The distracted state , w ri tten in theyeere 1 641 by John Tatham . vj‘l

solm n his

Bu tt ed under the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Ma ste rFL ESHER w ar a booke called The art of disti llation by John French ,m edic i 1 ) r vjd

corm s his

under the hands of Maste r DOWNAH and Ma ste rFLESHER w arden a booke ca lled S“ Henry Wotton’s Elim en ts of Architecture, A m ed itation on the 2 2 “ chap . GENESIS . The w ill and tw o le tte rs


t ot em his

Entred under the hand of Master SCOBELL tw o pam ph called ,

The savall proceedings of Partiam ‘num ber 59 60 xu“

.2 5tb m ob: 1 650

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSEWORTE , 5 pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurna ll 13'

29no his

Butt ed under the hands of Master DOWNAM and Mas te rFLESHER w ar, A collection of letters conteyning 1 50 w ri tten jo severall

p ersons of honour . By D' Donne, late deane of Paule s , puphshed [ sw ]

by h i s sonne J. D.VJ'l


Rich. Royston.

Tho. Roycraft .

Robt. Ibitson.

Idem .

Master Moz eley .

Robt.. Wood.

Rich . Harper.

[3 0 No vem ber—1 6 Decem ber 1 650 .Go w hm

a m m o flohm hrta 1 650

Entred for hi s copie under the hands of Sr NATEANIELL BRENT andMaste r STEPHENS w arden , La straton i ca di Luca. Assarino libri tre,translated into Eng li sh vj‘l

2 0 0 his mea nti me 1 650

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r DOWNAH a booke calledThe cha racter of the crying evills of the p resent tym es or Dem onollig


Theoligy &c by Dr Nathaniell Holm es .

3 tio

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Maste rw arde n a book e ca lled The hatred of Esau it the love of Jacob,

be ing an exp os ition on the 9“ chap ter of Pau ls Ep i stle to the ROMANS . BySam uel l Loveday vj



Entred unde r the hand of Master SCOBELL , tw o pam phlettsca lled, The severa ll p ceedings of Parliam en t num : 61 £7 62 xijd

Entred am der ‘ by the apoyntm ent o f the Councell of State a

book e called The non e su ch Charles his caracter extracted out of diversorigina lls &c . VJ


W O Bscsm hria

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas te rSTEPHEN S w ar Letters betw eens m y Lord George D igby

and 8'Kenelm sDigby, kn

', concerning religion , &c vjd

t ot em his

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Mas te rSTEPHENS w a i a pam phlett called, Jur ies justified, or a w ord of correction,&c , by Wm Watw yn vj


com m his

Entred under the hands of S‘ NATE . BRENT and Mas te rSTEPHENS w arden a book e ca lled Court Leet ct: Court Baron w i th the officeof stew ards of cou rts , &c . First collected by John Kitch in of Grayes Inn sand now trans lated into English vj


leth {nu m ber 1 650

Entred accordi ng to the Act of Parliam ‘for Printing tw o booke sca lled Fur pradestinatus , and Arti cul i Lam betha7 vi 1 n la tyne publisheda

byJohn Goldm an clarke xijd

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAM a

pam phle tt called,The Ranters rel igion , &c vj


D eleted in Register.



Peter Cole.

Rich. Lownes.

Fran. Tyton .

Idem .

Frs . Tyton.

[Page 2 0 5)Master Crook s .

[7—2 0 January 1 650 .G- h thm ittfu



7m ° sanuarif

Butt ed for his copie unde r the hands o f Maste r DOWNAH and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar Disserta tion es qu iqus guibus Ep iscop at i u ra em s : scrip twra

&c, contra sententia D . Blundelli et alioru . Authors H . H . vj‘l

com m his

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar An ep hem er is w ri tte n by M'Nicholas Culpepper, studentin As tro phisick , salvo 1 ure cuiuscunque vj


sob? his

Butt ed under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas terSTEPHENS w ar a book e called The republish of Venice in her govm ent, &c ,extracted out of the choysest h i sto rians &c by M" Jam es How el l . vj‘l

eons his

Entred according to the Act o f Par for regulating prin ting a

sm all tract called, A discovy of som e thoughts w herew ith m a ny pretioussoules are burthened , &c . By Danyel l King , preacher of the w oord vj‘l

En tred under the hands of Master DOWNAH and Ma ste rFLESEER w ar Grotij op era , vidlt. Anno tationes in libros evang elior st i nacta ap ostoloru et epi stolas ap ostoluas , st in novum testam ent st in ap o

Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAM and Ma s terFLESEER , a book e called Hugon i Groti i de jure belli ac p ac is vj


t o

Butt ed unde r the hand of Mas te r Jo : JONES one of the

Councell of State a booke called The English law , or a su rvey of the

hou sehold of God on earth d o, w ith an essay of Christia n Govern m ent und erthe regim ent of , &c vjd

zom o Stan. 1 650 [i . e . 1 650 451 ]

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAH and Maste rSTEPHENS w arden a tract ca lled Lev iatha n , or the m atter , f orm s , gen era.

tion d: p ow er of a corn-

on w ealth, civill Chri stian. By Tho : Hobbesof Malm esbury reserving every m ans right vjd

2 1.

—2 7 January 359

Edw ard Dod,Na .th kins,Tho. Brew ster andGregoryMole.

Master Bart lett.

Master Dow lman.

Master Symm ons.

Master Grimnand

Master Leech.

Robt . Thitson.

Rich. Marriott.Ga. Bead le.

Tym . Garthwait.

z l ib

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hands of S" NATHANIELL BRENT andMaste r STEPHENS w arden a book e ca lled The Faithfu ll Counsellor, or , theMarrow of the Law s in English, in tw o p arts vj


MEMORAND : That one third part o f this copie be long e thunto Thom a s Brew s te r and G reg o ry Mo le . The o ther tw othirds un to Edw ard Dod and Nathaniell Ekins .


Entred unde r the hands of Maste r CAR YLL and Maste rw arden , A further discovery of the state of the Indians in

New England concerning the p rogres se of the Gosp ell, d o byHen : Whi tfeildvj"

sohcm his

Entred under the hands of Ma ste r CAR YLL and MasterFLESE ER w arden , severall serm ons up on the is» —'eets—en’v1 2 " chap ter of theEPHESIANS verses the 1 4“ and by Tho: Goodw yn vjd

sexi sm his

Entred under the hand of Maste r DOWNAM , The u sua l p rayerm ade by Doctor Ou ldsw orth bef ore his serm ons

t ot em his

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH, 8 pam phle ttscalled , The Perf ect Diurnall i iij'

z3 lb

Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL , 7 pam phlettscalled, Severall proceedings of Partiam ‘,num ber 64 , 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,,



i ij‘vj

25t° nan.

Entred under the hands o f Sr NATH : BRENT and Maste r LEEw ar a booke ca lled Reliqu iae Wotton ianae or , a collection of lives , letters,p oem s of sundry p sonags , «t o . By S

" Henry Wotton, k‘ . vj‘l

2 711 1 0 his mm . 1 650 [i .s . 1 65WSI]En tred under the hands of Ma s ter DOWNAM and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar, a sm a ll poem called, New s f rom New castle up on the coals

p i ts there Vjd

Delete d in Register.

3 60

Robt. Ibitson.

Edw . Blackm ore.

Master Lee.Master Packm an .Gabriell Beadeil.

Master Griffinand

Maste r Leech .

Peter Cole.

Idem .

Idem .

Master Sei le .

Master Coles.

[3 1 January—1 9 February 1 650 .G'h m m ilt

m g‘


alt. am . 1 650 [i .s . 1 650 6 1 ]Entred for h is copie under the hands of Ma ster DOWNAM and Maste rST EPHENS w ar a pam phle t called, M ercur ius Heliconicus , or, the resa asaf e conscyence, 81 -0

W .il'

cbm arif 1 650 [ i . s .

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNAH and Maste rSTEPHENS w arden a pam phle tt called, Engla nds Ichabod Glory dep ted besi nga d ialogue betw ee ns w om en, &c vJ‘l

7m ° di sh.

Entred unde r the hands o f S" NATE . BRENT and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar : rep orts and p leas of ass iz es a t Yorke held bef ore sevall

j udge i n tha t circu it . Colle cted by M rClayton. Salvo iure cuiuscunque


lom ° di sh.

Butred under the hand o f Mas te r RUSEWORTH, three pain .

phletts called, The pf ect diurna ll &c xvi ij‘

1 3no

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAH and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar tw o treatise s called, A directoryf or m idw ives The

Phis itian . By Nicholas CulpeppEn tred under the sam e hands , all the w oorke of Ferneli


us,transla ted ou t of the lotyn into English. By Ph i l . Arm in VJd

Entred unde r the sam e hands tw o phisicall treati se s , the one off eavers , th

’o ther of the Ricketts transla ted out of Latin into Eng li sh , &c .

By Ph i l . Arm in, re serving eve ry m ans right VJ‘l

] 5l0

Entre d unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNAH and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar, a treati se ta keing notice of the f ra i ltie of creature com f ortsand the unsatisfyi ng cond iE

on of subluna rie things a nd looke ing up to the

excellency of coelestiall concernm ent, &c. Wri tte n by R.W. gent . VJd

1 91 1 0

En tred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Maste rFL ESEER , w ar, A n ew Cata chis me, or , the m ite of a m inister, &c .

Jcsusb Siston, m ini ste r at Graube i n the vale o f Bove tT h is is probably a clerical error for x1 1 d .

3 62

Maste r MeredithT h is is en tredov the leafs .

[Page 2 0 8 ]Master Meredlth.

Rich. Tom lyns.

Edw . Blackmore.

Tho. Plerrepolnt.

Master Sel la

Tho. Newcom b .

[IO—1 7 March 1 650 .G. h e m

EntredSTEPHENw ay w ith

1 0 N ew s 1 650 s 51 ]Entred unde r the hands of Master CALAMY and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar a book e ca lled The in con cistency of the Indep ende nt

w ay w ith Scripture and i t self e m anifested in a Threef old d iscou rse1 “ Vind icia vindi ciarum w i th M ' Cotton . 2 “ A revi ew of M

' HookersSurvey of Christia n discep lin s . 3" A d ia tribe w ith the sam e M ’Hookerconcerning Bap t ism s of inf ants of n on conf ederate p arents B Dan Caudrey


com m his

Entred under the hands of Mas ter DOWNAM and Ma ste rSTEPHENS w ar a booke called Veli ca tion es p olem ica : or, a rationa tivs selectdiscussion of certa ine sp eciall and select qu estions Vj


cohem his

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rFLESHER w arden a book e called Clavis clavo rellitur . A treat ise of a d isputeatt Henley in Arden i n Warw i ckshire August 2 0 “ 1 650 , w here in i s proovedby 1 7 Argum ents , The un lawfu ln es of suffering p rivate p sons to take uponthem publ i ck p rea ching the vj


i ztb

Entred under the hands of Mas ter D OWNAH and Mas te rSTEPHENS w arden , J. A. Com enius his synop s is of Phisicke , or na tu ra ll

Philosophy ref orm ed by the d ivine light of the scrip tm es &c w ith a bri ef sApp endix touching the diseases of the body cf: m yud . Salvo iure cu i uscnnque vj


eonem his

Entred unde r the hands o f S' NATH : BRENT , and Mas terSTEPHENS w arden , Religuiae Cotton ianae D ivers cho ise p eeces of tha trenow ned antiquary S'R o: Cotto n k'Ba“ by Jam es How el l Esqu ire vj

1 7° m art “ 1 650 [i . s . 1 650 451 ]Entre d under the hands o f Mas te 1 DOWNHAM and Mas te rSTEPHENS w arden , Aulicus Coquin iaria e , or the cha racter of him , w ho

satari z ed King Jam es and his cou rt Anno 1 650 vj‘l

Entred by order of Mas te r M ILTON , 6 Pam phletts called , Mer

curius Politicus ilJ"

Delete d in Register.

[EW M a M M 1 7 March 1 650—8 April 363


Master Pulleln.

Master Man.

V Aprill 1 656.

John Crooks.

Rich . Royston.

1 7° man ic 1 650 [i .s . 1 650 451 ]Ass igned over unto him by ve rtue of a No te under the hand and scale ofTHOMAS NEWOOMBE, all h is e s tate , right, t itle inte rest of and in to a

booke called Gondibert, An heroi ck p oem , w ri tten by S'Wm DavenantvJ‘1

2 0 ° M art“

Entred for h i s cop ie unde r the hands of Doctor PEU iEAN pre s ident ofPhysitions Co lledge and Doctor SMYTH one of the censors and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar a trac t called [Exerci ta tion es] Harveius De Gen erationsAnim alium . Latino and English vj


2 14 ” art“

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAH and Mas terFLESHEE w ar a book e called Chris t the f ounta ins of Lif e, con teyn ingsundry serm ons up on the l “ Ep istle of JOHN the 5

“ chap , by J0 Cotton,B in D . vj‘l

M art“ 1 651

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAH and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar a book e called p ublique devotions , or, a collection of p rayersused up on severa ll occasions by divers reverent cf: godly divines, w hosenam es , (t o

8° Sprints 1 65]

Entred under the hands Of Maste r DOWNAH and Maste rFLESHER w ar a book e called A m ethod f or m editation , or , a m anua li of ,


&c .

re serving every m ans right . By Jam es Usher, Arm augh vjd

eohem his

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAH and MasterFLESHER w ar, Certeine serm ons , the l" intituled the sp iritt of Gra ceBy Jerem y Taylor, D' i n D . vjd

com m his

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWOETH 4 pam phle ttsij'

Deleted in Register.

3 64

[Page 2 1 0 ]Rich . Royston.

Master Meredith .


Geo. Hnrlock .

[Page 2 1 1 ]Nath . Brookes.

[53—2 5 April 1 651 .s u m mers ]

8° ap t tltfi 1 651

Entred for h i s copie under the hands of Maste r DOWNAH and Maste rFL ESHEE w ar A Parap hrase and Annota tions up on all the bookes of then ew testa m t , breifly exp la inin

ga ll the dificult p la ces thereof , by H . Ham

m ond D m D vj‘l

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAH and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar a book e called Certam en relig iosum , or a conf erence betw eensthe late King of Eng la nd , and y

' lat e Lord Marquesss of Worcester,concerning , Togither w ith a vindi ca tion of the Protestant cause, f rom the

p retenses of the Marquesse his last pap ers , w eh the necessi ty of the king safia ires dsnyed him op ortunity to answ er vj


1 7th anvil! 1 651

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r M ILTON , 5 pamphlettscalled, Mercuri us Politicus ij'vj‘l

1 9° aerate 1 651

Entred under the hands Of Mas ter CAL AMY and MasterSTEPHENS w ar, A letter of M'Thom a s Shep ha rd of 4 greats hindrances ina Christia ns ra ce the 1 is of an earthly ca rna ll ha rt , 2‘of a pude ha rt,3 “ of a self e seekeing ha rt, cf: the 4" of a slighty harte of Gods hand w th som e

other things of the like subj ect by R. H . Esq . vj‘l

2 1 ° aerate

Entred unde r the hands of Ma s te r DOWNAM and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar, a trea ti se con cerning the right use of the Fathers in thedecis ion of the controversies tha t are a t this day i n religion, translate d out

of french into Enghsh . vj‘l

2 2 ° aerate 1 651

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r BOOKER and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar , the Geom etricall seam an , or the Art of na vi gation pf orm edby Jeom etry, chew ing how all the three ki ndes of sa i ling , viz', by the p lain scha rt , by Mercator’s chart, by a great s circle d c , pf orm ed by a p la ine rulerd’: a p are of com p as ses w thout Arethm eticall conclusion by Henry Ph i l lipps

2 3° aprtlis 1 651

Entred under the hands of Ma s te r BOOKER and MasterSTEPHENS w ar a book e called Lu m en ds lum ine, or, a n ew m agicall li



discover’d and com m un icated to the w or ld

2 5° aprtlis 1 651

Entred under the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar a book e called Sem eiotica Uran ica , or an Astrologicall

j udgm t of diseases f rom the decum biture of the sick , I“ f rom Aven Esra byw ay of i ntrodu ction 2 "f rom Noell: Durrett, by

w ay of d irection, by Nich :Culpeper, gent . vj <l

3 66

[Page 2 1 2 ]Maste r Moz ley.

Master Griffinand

Master Leech .

Tho. New com b .


Rlch. Tom llns.

[Page 2 1 3 ]Rich . Marriott .

Vs page 2 96.

[2 8 April—3 May 1 651 .

2 8° ap t iltfi 1 651

Entred for h i s copie under the hands of Sr NATH : BRENT and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar, The Sovsraign ty of the seas of Eng la nd , p roved by record,history, (9 the m un icip all law es of this k ingdom s, a lso a relation of theInestim able r iches if: com m odi tyes of the Br itt ish seas . Wr itte n by S'JohnBurroughes kn ight , keepe r of the records in the Tow er of London Vj


[Th is serie s of entrie s by the gre at publi she r, Hum phreyM o se ley, m ay be said to m ark the slow recove ry of Eng lishli terature from the e ffects of the c ivil w ars and re lig iousbigotry ]

comm his

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH 3 pam phlettscalled, the pf ect diurna ll xvi ij‘

t ot em his

Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL , 7 pam phletts ca lled,sevallp ceedings in Partiam ‘

num . 76, 77, 78 , 79, 80 , 8 1 , 82 i lj'vj‘l

room his

Butt ed by pe rm i s sion of authority 3 pam phle tts called,Mercurius Politicus xvi ijd

1 ° m at}Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Maste rSTEPHENS , w ar The sp an ish heros of Lorensa Grus ian , translated ou t of theSpan ish i nto the Engl ish uja

3 ti° maltEntred under the hands of Master DOWNAM and Maste rFLESEER w ar a book e called Vindicia e m sn ssterig evangeli ci , a vi ndicationof the greats ordinance of God &c, by John Col l ins, M in A vjd

w e w as 1 651

Assigned ov un to him by virtue of a nos te under the hand seale of

Maste r JOHN MARR IOTT his fathe r, subscribed by bo th the w ardens , allhis e state , right , title , inte re s t of in to all evry the cop ie s ptes ofcop ie s , w hich the sa id M “ Marriott bath in the se book e s follow ing . Salvoiure cuiuscunque (viz‘) xviij'

QUARLE’S f east f or w orm es.

Queen s Hester .History of Sa/mp son .Eligi ss on D

'Ailm er .

Eligie on D'Wilson .

Eligie on the Lady Luck in .


dilfp'figfifi a Latham .

Ve page 2 85.

‘Vide 2 54.

3—8 May 3 67

D ivine fanc ies .Argulous and Parthenia .

Sheap ards Oracles .Enchridion .

Dr DOUN’S p oem s w th ann iversari es .

IGNAT IUS Conclave .

Dr VALENT INES p rivate devotions .MURRELL’S Cookery.

A caution f or the Credu lou s, aew e—deri e—b'y—Mw m k fiw

The Levites Revenge .

The Tragedy of L odiw ick Eased .

The Brassn Serp ent .The Legend of Cap t. Jon es .The English Ca tathism e , by D

'Mayor.HORACE de arte p oetica w th his Ep ode Engleshed by Lam brooke.

VALENT INE’S serm on at Pauls , God save the King.

Three serm ons of M’HENRY SM ITHES vid"conten tac


on .

the f aithfu ll.Albovine,the play.

The IrishHubbub.

The Crow ns of lif e , by Bar: Robinson.

A m edi tac‘

on con teyn ing 3 2 verses up on the Lords p rayer .A table con teyning ye Lords p rayer Com m a ndem “«f: Beleife verse .

CORNEWAL L I S’Essa ies .

ABBOTT’S discrip sion of the w orld .

The second books of Cookery.

Exercise f or ladies .MARKHAM’S husband ry Whole .

Fa ckelte of letters .PEACHAM ’S Arts of Lym inge .

The Revenge of B’Am boys .

89 0 m s“ 1 65]

[Page 2 1 4] Entred for his copie under the hands of Maste r LANGLEY and Maste rMaster Stephens, FL ESE ER w ar a. book e called Fam iliaria colloqu ia Opera ChristopheriWM ” Helvici &c . Salvo lure cuiuscunque

Idem En tred unde r the hands of S' NATH : BRENT and Mas te rFL ESEER w ar a boo k e called Suadas M edulla , The quintessence of Elo

qu en ce , or An exp lanation of tha t curious and Rhe tor icall f able of thecontention betw eens Aij av and Achi lles f or Ulyssss

’arm our it s , by

Tho: Hal l vj‘l

Deleted in Regi ster.

3 68 [9—2 2 May 1 651 .0 . m e s sage



9° malt 1 651

Thom as William s . Entrad for hi s copie unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAH and Maste r

Master Clarke.

Master Grlflinand

Master Leech.

Robert Ibitson.

Master Castesand

Mas ter Mi l ler.

Tho. Roycroft .

FLESHER w ar, The discrip tion and use of n ew Philosophicallfur na ces , in fivep tes , w ith a tract de Au ri Tinctura , or, true Potable gold , &c . Writen byJ61! Rudolph Glauberus and now translated into Eng lish by JohnGoldsm ith . Salvo 1 ure cuiuscunque VJ


1 omo w aif

Entre d under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and MasterFLESEER w ar a book e called App ello Evangel ium f or the true doctrine ofthe divine p redestina c‘on concorded w th the doctri ne of Gods f ree gra ceck m a ns f ree w i ll, &c vj


1 s N aifEntred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH 2 pam phletts


eohem his

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r SCORELL 2 Pam phle ttscalled,The sevall p roceed ings of Parlia/m ‘

: num : 83 , 84 j'

1 11 ° maif

Entred unde r the hands Of Mas ter DOWNAM and Maste rFLESHER w ar a book e called W ’ A com entary up on all thep rop hets greats and sm a ll, by John Mayer D 1 1 1 D vjd

1 1 1 ° w aifEntred under the hands o f Maste r GATAK ER and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar a book ca lled Vindiciae M sdiorum d: Mediatoris , or the

p resent reigning error Ara ined, by F. Ful lw ood

1 40 m ay 1 651

Butt ed [under] the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Ma ste rSTEPHENS w ar The insti tutes of the civill and im p eriall Law es of Engla nd .

Wri tten in lat in by John Cow e l l D' of the Civill law translated intoEnglish by W. G. Esq . Salvo iure cuiuscunque vj


2 2 ° M ai;Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te rM ILTON 4 Pam phletts ca lled,Mercu rius Politicus ij'

Deleted in Register.

3 70

Tho. New com b .

Idem .

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

Rich. Tom lins andBobte Boyden.

Bobte Ibitson.

Tho. New com b .

MasterWalbanck .

[Page 2 1 7]Master Dugard .

MasterWalbanck .

[5—1 6 June 1 651 .

5tb of 351 m

Entred for h is cop ie under the hand Of Master MIL TON a pam phlettcalled, Mercurius Politicus d

eohem his

Entred under the hands Of M aster DOWNAM and Mas terw arden a book e called Sion s Prosp ect in i ts first vi ew , presented in a Sum m a ry of divine truthes , &c, by Rob“ Mossom uj


eth of sums

Entred unde r the hand of Master RUSHW ORTH a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurna ll vjd

l l tb of sums

Butred under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and MasterFLESHER w ar, Euclides Elim snts of Geom etry, the first six bookes in a

com p endious f orm s contracted d: dem onstrated, by Cap‘Tho : Ruddevj‘l

t b of sli me

Entred under the hand o f Maste r SCOBELL 2 pam phletts called,Severallp roceeding s in Parlia/m 'num : 88, 89 j‘

am sam e hagEntred unde r the hand Of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercurius Politicus 0 VJ‘1

1 sth of m ore

Entred under the hands Of S' NATH : BRENT and Mas te rSTEPHENS w ar An exa ct Abridgm ent of the Lord Crokes 4 InstitutesLittleton , Magna Charta , Pleas of Crowns, and Jurisdi ctions of Courts, byTho. Moore Esq

"et all. Salvo iure cuiuscunque . vjd

Shane 1 651

Entred by authori ty a booke entituled Good w orks f or a good

Maj estrate ao, by Mr Hugh Peters vjd

l6th of Emu:

As s igned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand of Mas te rANDR EW CROOKE and subscribed by Mas te r STEPHENS w ar all hi s e state ,r ight , t itle claim s , form erly en tred unto him o thers , be ing a fourthpart of a book e or copy called, The ofiice d: duty of Executors &c ,


byW: re se rving eve ry m an s right vj


[gfiep h tham .


Stephens .

Wm Lee and

Jo. Malcook .

Master Grlmnand

Master Leach.

Robts Ibitson.

Tho. New com b .

MasterJam emr


V 2 1 th Jul y 54.

Edw ard Dodd andNathanlell Ek lns .

1 7—2 3 June 37 1

l t of sunsEntred for h is copie unde r the hands Of Mas te r DOWNAM and Maste rFLESHER w ar a bo ok e calledAvdohoy ia , or , The lif e d: death of M' Sam uellCrooks late Pastor of Wrington i n Som ersett sheir vj‘

the same hag

Entred under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and Maste rFLESHER w ar a book e in tituled Phisi call rarities con teyn ing the m ostchoyse rece ipts of Phys ick d: surgeryf or the cure &c , by Ralph Wi l l iam s,practiconer m Phys ick and surge ry vjd

the sam e bag

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phlettca lled, the pf ect diurnall Vj‘l

of firms

Entred unde r the hand of Maste r SOOBELL a pam phlettcalled, Severallp roceedings in Parliam ent . Num 90 . vjd

the sam e hay

Entred under the hand Of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phle tt called,M ercur ius Politicus vj


2 0 tb of mim e

Entred under the hands of the Lord che ife Justice ROLLS andMas te r War FLESHER a book e intituledA sum m ari e of all statutes n ow inf orce if: use, save w ha t hath besne since a ltered by som e f ew Ordinances Actsof this p resent Parl iam ent, by W. Wingate, Esq . vjd

2 3 th of s uite 1 65]

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAH and Mas terSTEPHENS w ar a book e called The ru le and exercise of holy dyeing &c,togithsr w ith prayers and Acts of Virtue to be used by si cks, d o, a lso ru lesf or the vis itati on of the s ick , by Jor Taylor, D D . Vj


The sam e Bap

under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar a book e called The good husbands Jew ell or, p la ine d: easiedirections how to know the m eans w hereby horses , beasts , sheep s d o com e to

have m a ny diseases (6 the w ay to cure them pf ecthy, by John Craw shey.

Salvo 1ure cuiuscunque . VJd

3 72

MasterAndrew Crook s.

John Crooks.

Bohte Ibitson.

Thos . New comb.

Master Pollen.

Master Griflnand

Master Leach.

Bohte Ibitson.

Tho. New com b.

[2 5 June—3 July 1 651 .G~w h-m

2 5tb ot'


Butted for h i s cop ie under the hands of S'NATH . BRENT and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar a book e ca lled A herm eticall banqu et drest by a spagiricallcooke f or the better preservacon of the M icrocosm e . vj


Eli e sam e hay

Entred un der the hands Of S" NATE : BRENT and Mas terSTEPHENS w ar 8. book s called The app lica cons of certa ine histori es concern ing am bassad ors and the irs functions , digested into several l chap t byFran : Thynn Esq

.2 6tb of mi me

Entred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phle tt ca lled ,Severall p roceedings in Parliam ‘Ni t/1 1 1 . 91 vj‘l

Eli e sam e hay

Entred under the hand of Maste r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercur ius Politicus

2 7tb of flame

Entred under the hands of Do cto r PRIDEAN , pre s ident ofphisitions co lledge and Doctor SM ITH one Of the censors and Maste rSTEPHENS w ar , a tract called, Harvey of the Generat ion of An im a lls ,translat ed out of the Latins Vj


soth of suiteEntred under the hand of Ma ste r RUSHWORTH , 2 pam phlettscalled, The pf ect diurnall j


3° of m ay

Butt ed unde r the hand Of Mas te r SCOBELL a

pam phlett called,Sevall p ceed i ngs in Parlia/m ‘

. Num . 92 . vj"

Eli e sam e hag

Butted under the hand o f Maste r M ILTON a pam phlett ca lled,Mercu rius Politicys d

3 74

Robt. Ibitson .

Tho. New com b .

[Page 2 2 0 ]Master Roper.Vida 2 1 6.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

Master Clarke.

Robt. Ibitson.

Tho. New com b .

Maste r Coles .

[ 1 7—2 8 July 1 651 .n m ass. as ]

1 7th of may

Entred for his copie under the hand o f Mas te r SCOBELL a pam phlett

called, Severallp roceedings in Parliam ‘ Num : 94. vj‘l

The same hagEntred under the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett ca lled,Mercuri us Politicus d

m b of m ay 1 651

Entred unde r the hands of S’ NATH : BEENT and MasterSTEPHENS w ar, The p ra cti ce of the High Co" of Chancery unf o lded, w iththe na tu re of the severa ll ojfices belongi ng to that Co" , and th ofm any cases w herein releife &cM EM ORANDUM th i s book e w as entred the of June , w i th anothert itle to M'Rope r.

The same hagEn tred unde r the hand o f Master RUSHWOETH a

called, the pf ect diurna ll

the same hasEntred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a book e called Dia tribae di scourses up on ESAI verses3‘ it 4“ and up om (si c) MARKE the 1 “ verses 1 4" «9 1 5" w ith an

advertisem t concerning tha t d’other his d iscou rses, w i th a short Cha racter

dr Vind i ca t ion of the author , by Joseph Meade B in D la te fe llow of

Chr i s ts Co lledge i n Cam bridge vj‘l

2 14th of 5 tEntred under the hand of Maste r SOOBELL a pam phlett ca lled,Sevallp roceedings in Partia/m ‘

. Num : 95. vj‘l

The sam e hag

Entred under the hand of Mas ter MI LTON a pam phlett calld


Mercu rius Politica s Vj‘l

The sam e hag

Entred unde r the hand Of Maste r DOWNAM a sm all pam phlettcalled, a Wa rni ng f or drunckards &c vj‘1

.2 8tb of sumEntred under the hand of Master RUSHWORTH a pam phlettca lled, The pf ect diurnall vJ



[hffio‘hilihom jN. Bourne .

Tho. New com b.

JohnMartin andThom as Young.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

Bowie Iblflson.M istaken andentrad on theother side .

Bobte Ibitson.

Tho. Newcom b.

3 1 July—1 0 August 3 75

Slst of 3 1 1 1 2

Entred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL a pam phlettcalled, Sevall p roceedings in Parliam ‘. Num : 96. vj

the sam e hag

Entred under the hand of Maste r M ILTON a pam phle tt called,M ercur ius Politicus Vi


2 ° of augustEn tred un der the hands of Doc to r ENT and Mas ter ROBINSONw ar, The History of Generation , exam ining the severall opi nions , (t o, w iththe m anner of Gen eration as w ell in Plants as Anim e l le. Also by the cureof w ounds by sym pathy by Nath°1 1 H ighm ore D' of Phys ick Vjd

4th of augustEn tred unde r the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, the pf ect diurna ll VJd

7th of

Entred unde r the hand Maste r SCOBELL a

s in Parl

Gtb of august 1 651Entred under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and Mas te rROBINSON w arden a book e called Mona rchy or n o Monarchy in England,Grebner his prop hecy concerning Charles son of Charles &c, by Wi lli amL i l ly, student in Astro logy VJ


7tb of augustEntred un de r the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL a pam phlett called,Sevall p roceedings in Parl Num : 97.

the sam e hag

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett called,VJMercurius Politi ca s

loth of augustEntred by appo intm ent Of the Councell of State , A


tru e relationof the p rogresse of the Parlia/m “

f orces in Scotla nd , togetherw i th the Ki ngsw holy abandoning Scotla nd &c, m arching into England w i th parts of g

u r

f orces in his van ,and m y Lo

" Gen : f ollow ing in his reare VJ

Dele ted in Register.


Maste r Grlmnand

Master Leech .

Jam es Crum p.

Tho. New com b .

John Grlsm ond.

Master Grilflnand

Master Leach .

Bobto Ibitson.

Tho. New com b .

Master Symm ondsand Peter Cole.

[ 1 1—2 2 August 1 651 . N‘

of augustEntred for the ir copieunder the hand of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, the pf ect Diurna llf rom Monday . d

1 2 th of augustEn tred under the hands of Mas te r GATAKER and Maste rLEGATT w arden a book e called Enough (being w ell w ayed) to m elts a ha rtof Addanuint by R: Junius, gener , in ref erence to , &c vj‘l

wi th of augustEntred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phlett called,Sevall p ceedings in Parl Num : 98 . Vj


the same hay

Entred under the hand of Master M ILTON a pam phlettcalled, Mercuri us Pol it ica s vjd

l6th of augustEntred under the hands of Mas ter BOOKER and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a sm all tract, or an advi ce concerni ng Bi lls of Exchange


byJohn Marius publ ick no tary

1 sth of augustEntred under the hand Of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a

called, the pf ect diurna ll

2 1 st of augustEntred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phle ttcalled, Sevall p ceedings in Parl. nwm . 99 vj‘

the sam e hag

En tred under the hand o f Mas te r MI LTON a pam phlett

called , Mercur ius Poli ticus d

2 2 11 0 of augustEntred under the hand of Mas te r JOSEPH CARYLL and Mas te rRUSHWOCRTH the la st sp eeches of M ' Christopher Love andGibbons , w ho w ere both beheaded on the scafiold on Tow er Hill, Augusta nn 1 651 , w th thei r p rayers at thei r death Vj


3 78

Bohte Ibitson.

Tho. Newcom be.

[Page 2 2 3 ]Ma ster Leak s.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

Richard Royston.

Bohte Thitson.

Tho. New com b .

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

Master Lee.

[l l—2 2 Septem ber 1 651 .No flonm

l l tb g entem her

Entred for hi s copie under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL a pam phlettcalled, Serattp ceedings in Part Num . 1 0 2 . Vjd

the sam e hag

En tred under the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a”

pam phlett called,

Mercurius Poli ticus vjd

1 2 th of s eaw at er 1 65]

Entred un der the hands o f Master BOOKER and M asterROB IN SON w ar a book e intituled Au la lu ci s, or, the house of Light , A discou rse w ri tten in the geare 1 651 , by S. N. A m oderne speculator vj


1 sth of s eptem het

En tred un der the hand Of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect Diurna ll

l6tb of &eptem her

Entred un de r the hands of Maste r DOWNAH and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book e called The ga llery of heroi ck w eom en , wr i tte n inFrench , by F. Peter le Moyne Of the translated into Engli sh byM. ofW vj


1 sth of &eptem het'

En tred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phle tt called,seva ll p ceeding s i n Parl Num 1 0 3 . vj

the sam e hag

Entred under the hand of Master M ILTON a. pam phle tt called,Mercurius Politicus vj


2 2 11 0 of &eptem het'

Entred unde r the hand of Maste 1 RUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurnall vj‘l

the same hay

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM , and Maste rLEGATT w ar, An answ e rs to a book e intituled , The Clergy i n the ir colours ,by John Davy vj


- Boum e . 2 2 Septem ber—2 October 3 79

Idem .

Idem .

JohnMartin .

Tho. New com b.

Ma ster Stephens .

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

Robert Ibitson

Tho. New com b.

2 2 11 0 of S eptem berEn tred for h is copie under the sam e hands a book e ca lled ScholaUrban i tatis , sive de Eligantia Mora/m et civi li conversations inter hom ines ,&c , by H. B. . Vja

Ehe sam e hag

En tred under the sam e hands a book e called Youthsbehaviou r , or , decency in conversation am ongst m en , together w i th the

Addi tion of tw enty - si ze n ew precep ts, as a lso f urther additions againstpo

w dering of ham e , black p a tches on the f a ce, naked breasts and furtheri nnovati ons of dressing and habits, translated out of French into Engli sh ,by Francis Haw k ins vj


2 14th of g entem hee

Entred under the hands Of Maste r DOWNAM , and Ma sterLEGATT w ar, .A R elation of a voyage to the Easterne India , observed byEdw ard Terry M'

of Arts vj‘l

2 5tb ot’

&eptem hee 1 651

En tred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phlett called,Sevall p ceedings in Parl, Num .

- 1 0 4 . d

the same hagEntred unde r the hand of Maste r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercurius Politicus vj


2 7tb ot’

g ent?

En tred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Maste rLEGATT w ar a book e called The Temp le , sa cred p oem s , and p rivate e iacu

la tions , by Mr George Herbert, late Oratour of the Universitie of Cam

bridge vjd

zerb ot'

g entem her

Entred under the hands of Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect diurnall VJd

2 ° w etohet 1 651

En tred un der the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phlett ca lled,Severall p ceedings in Parliam ‘

. NW . 1 0 5. vjd

Ehe sam e has

En tred under the hand o f Mas te r MI LTON a pam phle tt called,Mercur ius Politicus vj‘l

3 80

Master Clarke,Senh

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

Master Crook s .

Robto Ibitson.

Tho . New com b.

[Page 2 2 5]George Calvert.

Wm Nes land.

Idem .

[2—9 October 1 651 .m nom e h

‘i o


u d

2 ° ®etcher 1 651

En tred for hi s copie under the hands of Ma ste r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book e ca lled The purp ort of the f oure k ingdom es in

DANIEL L , f or the better understanding of the Ap oca lyp se or the f ourM ona rchies ca lled the A . B . C. of p ropheci es , ab the grea ts day of Judgm en t1 0 0 0 yrs: Reg : Sanctorum , w ith a discom se of the first Genti le inhabitants,and the late Chri stia n Plantations in Am eri ca : w ith a di scourse of our

Saviour’s dem onstration of the resurrection d o: Also of the seven lam ps inthe Tem p le , s ignifying the sevenArch Angells, by Joseph Meade : som e t im e sfelow o f Christs Co lledge In Cam bridge vj‘l

6th of ®etoher

Entred under the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett called,the pf ect diurnall vjd

the sam e hag

Entred under the hands o f S" NATE : BR ENT , and MasterROBINSON w arden a book e ca lled the Fables of Aesop i n verse adornedvet-h" and paraphra ised, w ith sculpture by John Og i lby vj


9th of washer

En tred under the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phlett called,sevall p roceed ings i n Parliam ent . Num : 1 0 6. vj


the sam e hag

Entred under the hand of Maste r M ILTON a pam phlett ca lled,Mercurius Politicus d

9th of ®etohet 1 651

Entred under the hands of Maste r CAL LAMY and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book e called Practicall directions f or w orthy receiveing ofthe Lords Supp er, by Francis Roberts M in ister of Wring ton In Som erse t tShe ir

the sam e hay

Entred unde r the hands of Doctor PRUIEAN pre s iden t of theCo lledge of the Seal-ledge “ Physitians and Maste r ROBINSON w ar a book ecalled Lexicon chym icum , by W“ Johnson t’j


eohem hie

Entred under the sam e hands , the sam e book e in English vjd

Deleted in Register

3 82

Master Orininand

Master Leach .

Master Tuckey .

Master Mozely:

Thom as New com b .

Master Selle.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

Tho. New com be.

Master Latham .

Wm Reybold.

[2 7 October—1 0 Novem ber 1 651 .N BOM O- {fiPi olbi

txibon -j]

2 7tb of a m ber

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of Mas te r Rusn w onTu a pam phle ttcalled, the p erf ect diurnall

am sam e hag

Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Maste rROBINSON w ar a. book e called The second p te of the Young Clerks gu ide, ora second collection of chaise English p residen ts , &c, by S'R. H . k night


of 9 1 1 0 11“Entre d under the hands o f S’ NATE : BRENT , and Maste rLEGA'I‘T w ar a book e called Cassandra , a Rom ance , Transla ted out ofFrench into English, by the Right Hon

b" Geo: Lord Digby Vjd

soth of ®ttoher

Entred under the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercurius Politica s vj


3 1 tb of w rtoher

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Ma ste rROBINSON w ar a book e ca lled The life of the renow ned S" Phill ip Sydney,by the p en of the Right hon” Fulke, Lord Brooke, his comp anion andf riend , re serv i ng eve ry m ans right vj


3° of m em ber

Entred under the hand of Maste r RUSHWORTH a. pcalled, the p erfect diurna ll

6tb of flobem her

Entred under the hand of Maste r M ILTON a pam phlett called,M ercuri us Po l iti ca s vjd

7th of flohem her

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNAM and Maste rLEGATT w ar a. book e called Hinds ram ble, or , the descri p tion of his m a nnerand course of lif e, &c vj


1 0 tb of flohm her

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar, A serm on p rea ched the 5" of Novem ber , at Mary Alderm anbu ry, up on the 1 2 “ of DEUTRONOMY y


(P) the verse ByWIn Jenki ns vj




m an. som e . 1 0—2 0 No v em ber 3 83

[Page 2 2 7]Master Grlflin


Master Leach .

Master Bow te ll .

Robert Ibitson.

Thomas Newcom be.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

loth of flobm ber 1 651

En tred for the ir copie under the hands o f Mas te r RUSEWORTE a pam ~

phlett called , The pf ect diurna li d

1 1 tb of flobem ber

Entred under the hands of S’ NATE : BRENT and Ma ste rROBINSON war, strange new s f rom th

’Indies or East Indiapassages , fu rther di scoveredAugust in Jubi l: 1 650 , &c : by J0 ; Darel l vj‘l

the nam e t ag

As s igned over unto him by virtue of a bill of sayle , under the hands andscale of L IVEWELL CHAPMAN and dated the of Sept" 1 651 , and

subscribed byMaste r LEGATT w ar, The se three copie s follow ing : vi z‘, Sip s

of sw eetenesse , or consolacon f or w eak e beleevers &c . 2 d A dis covery ofglori ous love or the love of Chris t to beleevers , &c . 3‘I Comf ort ct Councellf or dej ected sou les &c , by M'John Durant xviijd

1 sth of fiohem her

Entre d for his cop ie unde r the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phle tt called,Mercu rius Politica s vjd

the sam e bag

En tred the se three book s fo llow ing : v iz‘. l “ Rhetori cae Co m

p endium ,Latino -Anglice . Per Tho: Horn . 2 "d Ethicae Ci ceron iana




1 sth ot'

flobem her

Entred unde r the hands o f Maste r GALAM Y and Maste rROBINSON w ar, Fifteens serm ons on the l “ of KINGS 1 4“ chap : verse ;and the 2 " of TIMOTHY: 2 “ chap . 1 " verse , by Chri stopher Love, m inis te r


1 7th of fichem her

En tred unde r the hands of Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phlie tt

called, the perf ect Diurna ll VJ

2 0 th of m em ber

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercuriu s Poli ticus VJ


De leted in Register.The t h ird item ha s be en delete d so effectually that only a letter or tw o here

and there is decipherable .


[Page 2 2 9 ]Master Rothw ell.

John Sw eeting.

Master Gridinand

Master Leach .

Tho. Roycrof‘t.

Rich . Royston.

[Page 2 2 9]Master Sym m ons.

Idem .

[so—24 No vem ber 1 651 .

zerb of flobem her 1 651

Bntred for hi s cop ie s under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rROBINSON w ar the se 2 42 se rm ons . By Christopher Love , late m in iste r ofLaw rence Jew ry of London

2 2 th of flobem her

Ass igned over unto him by vi rtue of a no te unde r the hand scale [of ]Mas te r NATE . BUTTER , a cop ie intituled , Christ m istica ll, w i th tw o o thertracts added to i t , w hich s tands entred form e rly unto the sa id M r Butter,and all hi s right , t itle and in te re s t there in vj


z i rh of fichem her

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand of Mas te rRUSHWORTH a pam phlettcalled, The pf ect diurna ll VJd

the same hag

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar A com en tary up on a ll the bookes of JOB, PSALMES ,PROVERBS , ECCLESIASTE S , and the SONG OF SOLOMON, w ritten byJohn Mayer, D’ in Divinity . vj


the same hag

Assigned over un to him by virtue o f a noate un der the hands and Scale s

of WM . ASE and AL ExANDER ASE , exe cuto rs o f FRAN . ASE , and by o rde rof Co" beare ing da te thi s 2 1 th o f Novem b’ 1 651 , the se tw o copie s viz‘The greate exemp la r, or , the Lif e of Christ, and The ru le and exer cise ofho ly liveing xij


2 4th of flobem her 1 651 praeeeoet

Ass ign ed ove r unto him by virtue o f a note unde r the hand scale of

Maste r JOEN ROTEWELL and subscribed by Maste r ROBINSON w ar: Allhis e s ta te , right , t itle and interes t In M'Carri lls w orkss up on JOB, viz

‘, Ath ird pte i n the firs t pte , an e ighth pte in y‘ second pte , an e ighth pte:l inthe third pte , and a fourth pte in ye fourth pte there of vj‘l

the sam e has

Ass igned over unto him by virtue of a Noate under the hand seale of

Maste r G ILES CALVERT , and subscribed by Mas ter LEGATT w ar, all h ise s ta te , r ight , t itle , and in te re st in M'Carrills w orks u on JOB, viz

‘, A

fourth In ye se cond pte , a fourth pte in ye third pte , an a fourth p ts


i nye fourth pte thereof VJ



W!“ Adderton.

Master Leaks.

Tim othyGarthwalt.

ThomasNew com be.

Thomas New com b .

Master Orininand

Master Leach .

Master Soyle.

[ l l—3 0 Decem ber 1 651 .N Bourne -titm a ]

l l tb of Rest raint

Entred for hi s copie unde r the hands o f Mas te r CAR ILL and Mas te rWar, a se rm on called, The saints securiti e aga inst sedu cingsp ir its , or, the anoym ent f rom the holy one the best tea ching, by M r Am esse


1 sth of Becem her

En tred under the hands o f Mas ter RUSHWORTH a

called, the p erf ect diurnallletb of ascend s

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar, The m ou nt of Olives , or , Sollitary devotions by HenryVaughan si luri st w hereunto is added Man in Glory, or a d iscourse of theblessed stat e of the sa intes in the n ew Hier usalem Wri tten origina lly inthe Lat in , by the reverend and ho ly f ather Anselm us, Artch- bishop ofCanterbury, and now done into English by the f orem entioned authorVaughan

cohem his

En tred un der the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar, a book e ca lled Six com on Places on these texts , vi z‘

LEVIT. 1 9. PROV. 3 0 . 8 . JUDGES , l . PSAL . 40 . by M‘rJoseph

Mead, Late f ellow of Chr ist Co lledge in Cam br idge vjd

1 sth of mea nt i m

Entred under the hand of Master M ILTON a pam phlett called,M ercur ius Politicus d

2 2 tb ot'

Bessem er

En tred under the hand of Master RUSEWOETE a pam phle ttca lled, The pf ect diurna ll VJ"l

2 5tb of Bu m mer

Entred under the hand of Maste r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercu rius Politicus vjd

29th of Besse mer

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r RUSHWORTH a pam phle ttcalled, the pf ect diurna ll vj‘l

of Beccm bcr

Entred under the hands o f Maste r DOWNAM , and MasterLEGA'I‘T and Maste r ROBINSON w ardens a book e en tituled Cosm ographiein f our books , conta ining the Chorographie cf: H istoric of the w hole w orld,and all the p rincip a ll k

i ngdom es Provinces , seas If: isla nds of i t, by PeterHeylyn

[like fina lx- Bom o 3 0 Decem ber—5 January 387

[Page 2 3 1 ]Francis Tyton.

Tho. Newcom be .

Master Clarke.

Idem .

Master Moz ely.

Master Hope.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

soth of Bu m mer 1 651

Entred for his cop ie under the hands of Maste r CARRILL and Mas te rROBINSON w ar, A discourse concerning the ris e , grow th, «5fa ll of Anti chri sttogether w i th the m uch desired and w aited f or success ion of the Reigns ofOur Lord Jesus Christ VJd

lst of Sanitary 1 651 [i .s . 1 651 42 ]Butt ed under the hand of Maste r MILTON a pam phlett called,

Mercu ri us Politicus VJd

2 11 0 of mannin gEntred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar the se tract-s follow ing (viz‘) Tw o discourses , the first the1 2 60 dayes in REVEL . and 2 4" A discourse of the 1 0 0 0 yeares inREVEL . 2 0 . Interp retaebns of som e obscure p assages in Dani ellep rophetcies ; 1 0 reas ons against the kingdom s of Christ on Earth, nineans w ered by D' Tw isse , the by D

' Mead ; De num eris DANIELIS :

Chap . 1 2 . v . 1 1 . A Discrip tion of the greats day of Judgm‘on

DAN . 7, 9 . Severa ll letters betw eens M’ Tho : Haynes M’Joseph Meade

abou t sevall p assages in DANIELL the REVELACON ; Clears dem onstrations tha t the Anti christian, or, Ap ostatica ll tym e s are m ore then 3 singleyeares and a ha lf e . By M

'Joseph Mead, late fe llow of Chri sts Co lledgein Cam bridge VJd

sohcm his

Ass igned ov unto him by virtue of a no te unde r the hand seals of

TIM OTHY GARTHWAI TE and subscribed by Master LEGATT w ar, All hise s ta te , r ight , t itle inte re st , w hich hee ha th in the se ftour copie s fo llowing (vi z

‘) up on LEVIT. 1 9 . verse PROV. 3 0 . JUDGES 1 .

PSAL : 40 . 6, w r itte n by M r Joseph Mead late fe llow of Christs Co lledge'

in Cam bridge vj‘l

3° of $atm at 2

Entred for his cop ie under the hands of S" NATE : BRENT and Mas te rLEGATT w ar a book e called Cleopatra , a n ew Rom a nce w ritten by the

au thor of Ca ssandra in French, and now Englished by a gentlem an of theInner Temp le 4

com m his

Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and MasterROBINSON w ar, The Vision, or a Dia l-0 g betw eens the Souls and the bodi e,

by Mr Jam es How el l

5tb of 3&1 “ q

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r RUSEWOBTE a pam phle t t

ca lled, The pf ect diurnall VJ"

3 88

[Page 2 3 2 ]Master Sm ith.

Tho. New com b.

OM ater-Meccaand John Holden.

Idem .

Master Gflfilnand

Master Leach .

Thomas New com b.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

Master Clarke.

[7— 1 9 January 1 651 .N

7th of mandate

En tred for the ir cop ie unde r the hands of S’NATE : BRENT and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a book e called Cassandra , the w ho le ten bookes, tran slatedout o f French into Engli sh by S’Charles Cotterel l , knight vj


7tb of Batm an; 1 65] [ i . s . 1 651 52 ]Entred under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rROBINSON w ar, A trea tise up on the 1 “ of the COR : c

hap the ver . the

2 1 " 2 2 “ By M' Watson vj


. sw of SanitaryEntred unde r the hand of Mas te r M ILTON a pam phlett called,Mercu rius Politicus Vj


9tb of alarm in g

En tred under the hands of S“ NATE : BRENT , and Maste rROBINSON w ar tw o la ti n poem s , oone inti tuled, Marston -Moor s ive de

Obsidione Pra elioque Eboracens i Carm in , cum Quibusdam M iscellaneisOp era studiogus Pagani P is catorie . The o the r, Irsnodia Gratula toria , sivei llustrissim i amp lissim isque vi ri , Ol iver i Crom w elli &c, by the sam e author


solvent his

Entred under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book en t ituled 8 "Wa lterRaw leigh’8 Ghost , w ritten i n Latinby Leonard Lessius and trans lated into Engl ish by J. B. Gent vj


lt of Blam in g

Entred under the hand o f Maste r RUSHWORTH a pam phle tt

called, The pf ect diu rna ll vj‘l

1 sth of Simulate

Entred unde r the hand o f M aste r M ILTON a pam phle tt called,M ercu rius Poli ticus vj


1 sth of MandateButt ed under the hand o f Maste r RUSEW ORTE a pam phle ttcalled, The pf ect diurnall vj‘l

t ot em his


under the hands of Master DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar three discourses on these texts , (v iz ) JER . 1 0 chap . versePROV. 4 . MATH . 1 1 . by M

'Joseph Meade late f ellow of Chr istsCo lledge in Cam bridge vj‘1

Dele ted in Regi ster .


Master Clarke.

Master GridlnMaster Leach.


Thomas Collins.

Tho. Newcom b .

Thom as Bymm ons.

Jane Be ll.

Tho. New com be .

[3 0 Jannary—1 2 February 1 651 .N- Boum e

so") of TanneryEntred for h i s copie under the hands of Ma s te r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar: An Ap ologie f or the ref orm ed Churches , w herei n thenecessi ty of thei r separation f rom the church of Room s is shew n . ByJohn Dai ll ie, m in is ter of the Go spe l] in the Re fo rm ed Church at Pari


2 ° ot'

f shruam

Entred a pam phlett called, the pf ect diurnall

4th of flatw are

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar A p oem ca lled, Se lected p arts of Horace Prince of Lyricks ,concluding w ith a p eice out of Auson ius cf: another ou t of Virgill VJd

stb ot‘

Bes tiary flatw are]Entred a pam phle tt ca lled, Mercur ius Politicus

Stb ot'

stand e th [?J ehruar2 ]Entred under the hands o f Mas ter CALAMY and MasterROBINSON w ar: a bo ok called A—Gaard f ee—Lgfaei tfi ‘ The Font guarded,or a comp endiw m of tha t great-e controversy of Infants bap tism e p roving thelawfu llnes thereof by xx

‘“ Agreem e nts . By Jo : Hal l preacher of theWord

sali ent his

Entred unde r the hands of Sr NATE :_

BRENT and Mas te rLEGATT w ar: The fam ous and renow n ed hi s tory of Am adi s ds Gau le ,be ing the s ixt pte neve r be fore publ ished, transla ted out of French intoEng li sh VJd

9th of M t .fl'

shm ary 1 651 [i . e . 1 651 42 ]En tred a pam phle tt ca lled, The p erf ect diurna ll vj

Entred under the hands of Sr NATE : BR ENT and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book e called Tabu la s Fa en era tor ia or, a m ost ea sy (t

com p end ious w ay tofind out the sim p le interest of any num ber to a shillingf or 3 65 dayes 1 2 : m oneths Quarters , 1 3 yeares, at the rate of six p cent .p Ann : Calculated by Roger Clavel l VJd

um area 1 651 [ i .e . Issue]Entred a pam phlett ca lled, Mercurius Politic us

De leted in Register. f Altered in Register.

[it N Bourne 1 3—2 5 February 3 91

Gertrude Daw son.

Eadem .

Master Clark e.

Thom as New com be .

Master Stephens .

Idem .

J et ?

En tred for her cop ie un der the hands of Ma ster TE OMAS JACOB , Dr inPhis ick and Master ROBINSON w ar a book en tituled A choyse Manuall, orRare and select secrets in Physick collected f rom m any able Phyti tions ofthis Com m on Wea lth, &c, by the right hono"" the Countesse of Kent lat edeceased d: s ince p ublished by W" Ja rvis , Gent. salvo Iure cuiuscunque


com m his

En tred under the sam e hands a book e en tituled A tru e Gentlew om ans delight, w herein is conteyned all m ar


m of Cookery, preserving,conserving , drying at sanding , byWlrn Jarvis Gent, salvo Iure cuiuscunque


l6th of .fl'



Entred a pam phle tt ca lled, The pf ect diurna ll


Entred under the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and Mas terROBINSON w ar: Tw o discou rses on these tw o Texts (viz‘) on ISAIAH ,

55Chapver . d: EZRA 6 . 2 0 , by Joseph Mead La te fe llow of Christs Colledge inCam bridge VJd

letb ot'

.tf t'


Entred a pam phle tt called, Mercurius Politi cas

of df t'


Ass igned over unto him by virtue of a noate under the hand of Maste rJOEN BELLAM Y

, and subscribed by bo th the w ardens , all his Estate , righttitle and intere st w hich hee hath In a sm a ll trac t called, The Parliam entsRu les and Directions concerning sacram en ta ll know ledge, draw n int oquestions , &c . d

2 5tb of di shw are

Entred for his cop ie unde r the hands of Maste r DOWNHAM and Maste rLEGATT w arden , tw o discou rses of God d his p vidsncs 2‘ Of Christ his

m ira cles w ithAnnotations d: the authors life . An app endix concerning hisiudgem sn t i n sundry p oynts con trovted . Wri tten In Latyn by Hugo Grot iusand translated into Engli sh by Clem ent Barksdale vj‘l

t ot em his

Entred under the hands o f Mas te r DOWNHAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book e ca lled The Darknss of Athei sm disp elled by thelight of na ture . By Walter Charleton Dr in Phisicke phiSItIan to



late k ing VJ‘l

3 92

Master Clarke.

Thom asNewcom be.

ThomasNew com b.

Thom asNewcom b .

John Crooks.

Tho. New com b .

Richard Royston.

Wu' Leybourne.Ass to

Master EglesdeldVsMch 52 .

Tho. Newcom b .

[2 5 February—2 5 March 1 651 .N Bourne {B.

Li o‘ttstn j

2 5tb of Ja nuaryEntred for h is cop ie unde r the hands o f Mas te r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar, The answ ers of M' Joseph Mead unto divers letters ofteam ed m en , as the L 0 Prim a te of Arm agh, D'Potter , D'Tw isse,D

'Medda s ,Ludovicus de D ieu , M

'Haynes , M" Mason , ct others vj‘l

.2 6tb of .fl'

chw arg

Entred a pam phle tt called, Mercurius Poli ticus

4th of marchEntred a pam phlett called, Mercurius Politicus

l l tb of march1 3a a pam phlett called, Mercu rius Politicus

of mart in

Entred under the hands of S' NATE : BRENT and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a bo oke called D ianca , w ri tte n in Ita lian by GeorgeFrancesco Lordano ; translate d into Engli sh by Aston Cokaine vj


1 sth of M archEntred a pam phle tt called, Mercurius Politicus

com m his

Entred under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a booke called A short catechism f or the ins titut ion of youngp ersons , in the Christian religio n, To w hich is added . An exp l ica t ion of theAp ostolicall creed, By D'Jerem iah Taylor VJd

room his

Entred unde r the hands of S5 NATE . BR ENT and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book e ca lled The uses of a quadrant fitted f or da ilyp ract ise , published by Anthony Thom son vj


2 2 0 0 his mart“ 1 651 [i .s. 1 651 52 ]Entred under the hands of S’NATEANIELL BRENT and Maste rROBINSON w a rden, A treati ce concerning p olycy and religion , w r itten byThom as Fitzharbert Esq" , f or the benefitt of you ng stat ists, &c VJ


2 5tb of march 1 652

Entred a pam phlett called, Mercur ius Politicus

3 94

Master Moseley.

MasterMoseley .

Master Moseley .

Thomas New com b .

Master Stephens .

Goo. Sawbridge.

[Page 2 3 8 ]John Grlsm ond.

[ 1 2—1 5 April 1 652 .N. Boum e

1 2 tb ot'

ap t“!

Entred for his cop ie under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas te rBen-He" LEGATT w ar A p lay called The Widdow , w ritte n by John Fletchera Tho: Middleton gent . vid

the same hayEntred under the hands of S"NATE : BRENT andMaste r LEGATTw ar a p lay called, The Wi ld Goose Cha se . W ri tten by Fra : Beaum ontJohn F letcher, Gent . yj‘l

the sam e hay

Entred under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT andMas te r LEGATTw ar, The w ork s of Bent ivog l io, being a Relac

—on of the Warrs of the United

Provinces in Flanders . Wri tten in Ita lian Engl ished by the Earle of

Monm outh Vi“

o f £1 31 1“

Entred a pam phlett called, Mercurius Politicus

room his

Butt ed under the hands of Maste r DOWNAM and Ma sterLEGATT w ar: The labour ing saints dism iss ion to rest, be ing a serm onpreached at the funerall of the R ight Hon

b“ Henry Gre tou , &c . In the

Abby Church at We stm ins ter . By John Ow en m in i ste r o f the gospe llVJd

1 sth apt . 1 652

En tred by ass‘of Ma ste r GEO : BADGER , all his share of the

coppy called, Re inolds his three treatises VJd

Th i s to be reassigned w he n Ge o : Saw bridge has sold 50 0 o f

the sd bookes bought of M‘Badger .


anvil! 1 652

Assigned ov unto him by vi rtue of a nos te un der the hand seale of

NATE . BUTTER ,subscribed by M aster ROBINSON w ar, all the e state ,right , title & i nte re st, w hich the sa id Na th : Butter bath in the se copie sfo llow ing , (vi z‘) i ij

The cases of conscien ce .

The booke called, Ep is cop acy by D ivine R ight .The hum ble rem onstrance cf: theDef ence of the hum ble rem on strance .

A short answ er to Sm ectim nius .

Christian m oderation .A m odest offer m ade to the Synnod of Div ines at Westm ins ter .

All w ri tten by D'Hal l , Bi shopp of Norw ich .ca






Delete d in Register.


Blch. Royston .

[Page 2 89]Henry Tw yford .

John Stafford.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .Tho. Newcom b .

Master Clarke.

}N Bourn 1 7 April—7 May 1 652 ] 3 95

of fip t‘


En tred for her coPie under the hands o f Doctor WM . BUR STON andMas te r ROBINSON , w ar, A ri ch closet for physicall secrets , co llected by theelaborate p a ines of f our seva li students i n Physick (vi z‘) The Child bea rersCabinet. A p reservative ag t The Plague d Sm a ll Pox, &c VJ


ai th of spe ll 1 652En tred under the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a book e called A d is cou rse of ho ly love , by w hi ch the sou ls isu nited unt o God ; Contayn ing d c . W ritte n in Spanish by Crchi : deFonseca, translated i nto Engli sh by S'Geo : Strode, knight vj‘l

2 2 th of spe llEntred a pam phlett called, Mercurius Politicus

2 6tb of anvil!

Entred tw o pam phletts called, The p erf ect Diurnall 1 l

2 8th of em u 1 652

As signed ov unto him by virtue of a noate unde r the hand scale of

MATTHEW WALBANCE subscribed by Ma ster ROBINSON w ar , halfe hise state , righ t, title , inte re s t, w hich the sa id Matthew Walbanck ha th 1 1 1a book e or cop i e called, Brow nlow e

’s Re

ports , Plead ings , Entries d:

Declaracons vjd

room his

Entred for h is copie under the hands o f Maste r DOWNAH and Maste rLEGATT w ar a book ca lled Conjugall Counsell or seas onable advi ce bothto unm arr ied d: m a rri ed p ersons . By Tho : Hi lder of Sandw ich in Kent





7th of m ay

Entred unde r the ha nds of Mas te r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar a book calle d An antidote

agt the Schism es and Separationsof the tym s vj


of anvil! 1 652

a pam phlett called, Mercur ius Poli ticus

3° of m ay 1 652

a pam phlett called , The p erf ect Diurna ll

6tb of M ay

a pam phlett called, M ercu rius Politicus

3 96

Master Grifilnand

Master Leach .

Geo. Sawhrldge.

[Page 2 40 ]Tho. New com b .

Master Mil ler.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

Henry Ki lls .

MasterWalhanck .

Master Stephens .


[IO—2 0 May 1 652 .

loth of m ay

Entred for the ir copie a pam phlett called, The p erf ect Diurna ll d

l l tb of m ay

En tred under the hands of Ma s te r DOWNAM and Maste rROBINSON w ar, the se book s fo llow ing (viz‘) 1 . Puer iles Confabu la tiunculae2 . Corderius Coll: Angliae et Latine . By Charles Hoole schoo lem a ster.

3 . Bodius up on the Ephesi ans , Ang l iae et Latine . 4 . A Little stone out

of the Mountains . By Nich : Lockyer. L icensed byMaste r CARILL ij'

1 3 th of M ay 1 652

Entred a pam phle tt ca lled, Mercurius Politicus

lsth of m ay

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r DOWNAM and MasterLEGATT w arden a book e called The seaven th day Sabbath. By Tho:

Chafie vjd

1 7th of m ay

Entred a pam phlett called, The p erf ect diurna ll

concur hisEntred under the hands of Mas te r CARRYL L and Mas te rLEGATT w ar: A catachism e f or babes or l ittle ones , m o re suteable to the ircapac ity, then others have bin f orm erly. By Henry Jessey a se rvant ofJe sus Chri s t . Re se rving eve ry m ans right vjd

1 8tb of M ap

Ass igned over unto him by virtue of a. noate under the hand of

HUM PEREY TUOE EY subscribed by Mas te r ROBINSON w ar, halfe h i se s tate , right , t itle and inte re s t w hich bee the said Hum phreyTuck ey hathi n the second part of the Young Clei hes Gu id vj


of m ay

Entred for h i s cop ie unde r the hands o f Maste r ENT and Maste r LEGATTw ar A Tra ct or Treatise of the na ture of simp le m edsons , m ethodicallyhand led in tw o Books . By Robert Pem ell, practi tione r in physick at

Cranbrooke in Kent vj‘l

2 0 tb of m ay

a pam phlett called, Mercurius Polit i ca s

3 98

Maste r Bonm e.

Master Mi ller.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach .

Tho. New com b.

Master Griffinand

Master Leach.

Thom as New com b.

Thomas Underhill.

Master Bourne,M 1 .

[5—2 4 June 1 652 .N Jom -i h

Lfiflfia a ]

st° his mam “

Entred for hi s copie under the hands of Maste r BOOKER an d MasterROBINSON w arden a bo ok e called Posthum a Fosteri . The descr ip tion of a

ruller up on w hi ch are inscribed divers sca les, by w hi ch the m ost usuallp rop ositions in Astronom y, Navigat ion and Dyalling are f a irely p erf orm ed ,

a lso , a further use of the sa id sca les in delinea ting of farre declin eing Dy'

a lls

and of those , tha t both dec line and recline w ith the draw ing of all horiz on tall

dya lls betw eens 3 0 and 60 degrees of La titude , w i thout d/raw ing any l inesbut the hours line s them se lves . Invented amd w ri tten byM” Sam uel l Foster,late p rof essor of Astronom y i n Gresham Colledge vj


l zw man“ 1 652

Entred under the hands of Mas te r Cu m v and Master Lne s 'r'rw ar a booke ca lled The Wi ltsheere rant, or, a narative w herein the m ostunparraleld prophan e &c of Tho : Webb, late p retended m inister ofBuryhill, are discovered ; a lso the pceedings , &c

Butt ed under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Maste rROBINSON w ar: A serm on ca lled , a n af sp r ing of m ercy, issuing ou t of thew om b of cruelty, p rea ched in Chri stchurch Ow: upon ACTS 2 d v . 36,


byWm Cartw right vj


of Sam

Entred 2 pam phletts ca lled, The p erfect diurnall

i 7th of 3 am

Entred 2 pam phletts called, Mercurius Poli ticus

2 1 th of Same

Entred a pam phlett called, The p erf ect diu rnali

2 4th of sums

Entrad a pam phlett ca lled, Mercurius Politicus

sohcm his

Butt ed under the hands of Master CAL LAMY and Ma sterROBINSON w ar a book e intituled A Treatise of gra ce and as surance, bei ng1 2 0 serm ons . By M

'Anthony Burgi ss vj'l

cohem his

Entred under the hands of Mas ter DOWNAM and Mas te rLe arn and Maste r ROBINSON w ar An answ er to a cha llenge sent from



unk now ns Rom a n ist . By Daniel l Feately D .D vj‘l

[B.m itxihon .ht Bourne .

Master Bourne,Mr.

Master Man.

[Page 2 43 ]Master Griffin


Master Leach .

Tho. New com b .

Rich. Royston.

Idem .

Idem .

Idem .

Thomas Mathew es.

2 5 June—1 July 1 652 ] 399

2 5tb ot‘

s ane

Entred for h is copie under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and Maste rLEGATT w ar: An Introdu ction to M er chants Accomp ts conta ining fivedistinct questions or accomp ts , comp iled by John Col l ins stuldi ent [ sic ] inthe m athem at iques , la te pfe ssor of w rite ingMerchan tsAccounts , &c vjd

zerb ot’

mim e

Entred under the hands of Mas ter DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar: tw o serm o ns , 1 “ Gods Anger . 2‘ Mans Com f ort . ByThom as Adam s vj“

2 8tb of sums 1 652

Entred a pam phlett called, The p erf ect diurna ll

1 st of Zita-

g 1 652

Entred a pam phlet t called, Mercu rius Politicus

the same hayEntred unde r the hands of Mas ter DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w ar a book e called Devotion Digested , i n seval l d iscourses up onthe Lords Prayer , Together w th nine additiona ll Exercitations , viz , uponBap tism e , The Lords Supp er , &c By Peter Sam w aies . vj


recent his

Entred under the sam e hands a book e called The D ivis ionbetw een s the En

gfsh d Rom ish church up on the Reform a tion , &c By

Henry Ferne, D vjd

eohem his

Entred under the sam e hands , A letter of Resolution to S izeQuaeres of praesent use in the Churches of England , 1

“of the

w ay of R eso lvi ng controversies, &c . By Henry Ham m ond, D.D . d

concur li teEntred under the sam e hands ,A discou rse of Bap tism e

,i ts insti

t/ution effica cy up on all beleevers . By Jerem y Taylor, D .D. vj"

the sam e hag

Entred under the hands of Master CALAM Y and Maste rROBINSON w ar: The Doubtinge Consci ence resolved , in answ er to a p retendpurp lez d qu estion, &c . vj


De leted in Re gister.1 Th is entry w as m ade after the page w as ruled OE.

[5—24 July 1 652 .M I’M -r iteTutti:

M aster : mi les .m estt er , master.

M aster : mo . negatt

master : m . caratsw arhw s

[Page 2 44]Rich. Marriott.

Mere M hen,Gab ellfi


and Tho. Col lins.

Hen. Tw iford.

Geo . Eversden .

MasterNich. Bourne .

5° 3 M“ 1 652

Entred for h i s cop ie under the hands of Ma ste r JOHN DOWNAM and

Master HUMPH ROBINSON , la te w arden a booke called Scin ti llula Altari s ,orAp ious reflection on p rim itive devotion , &c . By Edw ard Sparkes d

Gw em hie

Entrad under the hands of Master DOWNAM and Mas te rROBINSON w arden a book e called The stat e of France , as i t stood in the


yeare of this p resent m onarch, Lew i s y‘ wi iij‘"

echem hie

En tred under the hands of S' Nara : BRENT and Mas te rROBINSON w arden a. booke called The Com p lea te Attorney vj


n o 3 1 1 1 2 1 652

Entred under the hands o f Mas ter EDM : CALAMY and Maste rTHRAL E w arden , a Treatise ca lled, The Naturall Mans case stated , or Anexa ct m ap of the litle w orld Man et c, in 1 7 Serm ons on EPHES . 2 " 1 2 “ byM' Chr. Love dece". Whereto is added the Sts Trium ph over death, be i ngM' Love's funerall serm on , by M'The : Manton vj


2 3° 3 mmEntred unde r the hands of Sr NATE : BRENT , and Maste rTHRALE w arden , A concealem t di scovered f or the Publique advantage ,bei ng the effect of a Peticn n , directed to the hono”" the Councell of State ,

Wea lth of England . ByWlIn Bagw el l John Brok eden,D iscovere rs Pla intiff s in the behalfe of the said Com on -Wea lth vj‘l

Butt) 1 652Entred under the hands o f Mas te r CALAMY andMaste r THRALEw arden , The life of Jasp er Coligni , Adm ira ll of France , w ho w as slayne i n

the m a ssacre of Paris . Together w th the lives of som e of our Englishdivines

40 2

Master Mosley.

Va 7 Jan . 51 .

[Page 2 47]Master Mosely.

Master Mose ly.

Maste r Coates.3 1 March 1 658 .

Master Ba. Sm ith.

Master Mosely.

[ 1 4—2 1 Septem ber 1 652 .M m esheri ir. fa


1 4 ém tem h.

As s igned over unto him by vertue of a note under the hand seale of

SUSAN A HOLDEN , exe cutrix of the las t w ill te stam t o f her late husbandJohn Ho lden , all her e state , right , t itle i ntere st in the sevall book e s

hereafte r m encfi med w hich y° ed John Ho lden had the re in , in any part orparts thereof . To w ch no te i s subscribed a lso the hands of Master LEGATTMa ste r THRALE w ardens . Cassandr a , the w hole tenn bookes , translated

ou t of French into English, by S“ Cha : Cotterel l , k ut . the sam e be ingentred to them ioyn tly 7

° Jan . 1 651 . Ibrahim or the i llustrious Bassa .

Cleop atra bo th w eh w ere transla ted out of French into English i'vj‘l

1 4° g m tm fi. 1 652

En tred for hi s copie under the hands of Sr NATE : BR ENT and Mas te rLEGA‘I‘T w arden a book e called A com p endium of m usi que , w ri tte n byRenat des Cartes. Eng 1 ished by D

'Charleton vj‘l

eobcm his

En tred under the hands of S’ NATE : BRENT and Mas te rLEGATT w arden a booke called An Em ia con of those Pop i sh descrip tions ofusury w ch are iustified def ended by D' Fenton som e others vj


com m his

Ass igned over unto him under the hand scale o f Master FOEL IXKINGSTON all his right title in a Book e called, Arcandum

, or Arcandrin ,

to w ch no te Master Warde n THRALE subscribed his hand Vj‘1

2 0 tb &cpt.

Entred for his copie un der the hands of Maste r CALAMY and Maste rTHRAL E w arden a book e ca lled The M isti call Brasen Serp ent, w th the

Magnetica ll vertue thereof . With a Treatise of the sa incts j oi nt m em bershipea ch w ithother , bo th byJohnBrinsley, m inister att Grea t Yarm ou th vj


2 1 th éeptm ber

As s igned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand seale of

NICH . FUSSELL , to w ch also the hands of Mas te r LEGAT'I‘ and Mas te rTHRALE w ardens are subscribed, all his rig ht , t itle and inte re s t , m oye tie or

part (w ch 1 8 the ju st ha lfe ) of and i n a book e or 0 0 p ie inti tu led A K ey to

the K ey of Scr ip ture , or , an Exp osition of the 3 first chap t: to the R OMANS ,by D

' Sclater , the said no te bearing da te the 1 6th da ie of Septe m b. instantvjd

prhid . 2 1 ° g ent. 1 652

As signed ove r unto him by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand seale of

Nxcn ona s FUSSELL , he aring date the o f Sep t . instant , to w eb the

hands of Ma ste r LEGA'I‘T and Mas te r THRALE w ardens are subscribed, allhis the said M’Fusse lls right , title inte re st , m oyetie o r part (w eb i sthe inst halfe ) of and in a boo ke or cop ie inti tuled, The Com p leats Horsem an cf: exp ert f arrier, a lre ady pri nted in tw o book es or parts . Com p i ledw ri tte n by Thom as de Grey, Esqr vj


lil‘ri‘rfitlm wlem er 2 3 Septem ber—1 9 October 1 652 ] 40 3

Master Bourne.

Master Meredith .

Master Mose ley .

[Page 2 49]John Redm ayne.

Wm Leybourne .

Vs page 3 0 2 .

Master Moseleyand Tho. Bring.

Master Mosely.

2 3° g entem h.

Entred for his copie under the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Mas terTHRAL E w arden a booke ca lled Bread f or the Poor , advan cem t of theEngli sh na tion . Prom ised by enclosure of the w as te Com on gr

ounds of

Eng land, by Adam Moore, Gent . vjd

3 0 ° g entem b.

En tred under the hands of Mas ter CALAMY and M aste r LEGATT ,

and Mas te r THRAL E w ardens , An exp lana tion of the w ho le is " Chap . of theEp

“ to the ROMANS , delived in divers se rm ons att S‘ Mary Magdalens ,Be rm ondsey in Sou thw ark . By Edw ard Elton, Ba tche lor in divinity,

de ceased d

Q d oh. 4 1 652

Assigned ove r un to him by vertue of a note under the hand sea le of

GODFR EY EM ER SON , bearing date the of Septem b. 1 652 , all his right ,t itle and inte re st , "of i n a cop ie called, The Secretary

in Fashion , w ri tten 1 1 1 French by P. S' de la serre, translated in toEng l ish by M r J0 : Massinger, to w ch no te the nam e s o f Mas te r WardenLEGATT THRALE are subscribed approve ing vj‘l

5° $6 0 1 1 . 1 652

Entred for hi s cop ie unde r the hands of Maste r THO : GATAKER andMaste rTHRALE w arden , The Greeks translaé‘c’m of the Bible , com only ca lled the

Sep tuagint, a ccording to Paris Edition d

l6tb Quak er

En tred unde 1 the hands of Mas te r BOOKER and Mas te r THRALEw arden a booke called Planom etria , or the w ho le art of surveyi ng of land ,

by Ol iver Wallinby, Philom athem at

leth Q d ober

Entred under the ha nds of Sr NATHANIEL L BRENT , and Ma sterTHRALE w ardens the LO: Bacon’s Na turall d’ Exp erim en ta ll history ofw inds . Trans la ted out of Lat . into English by Robert Gent i l is Vj‘l

t ot em his

Entred under the hands of S' NATH : BRENT and Ma s te rTHRALE w arden . a com edic called, The Changeling , w ritte n by Row ley


5‘ D eleted in Register.

40 4”

Peter Cole .

[Page 2 50 ]Master Stephens.

For yepartners

in ye Engli shstock .

Master Moseley.

Henry Tw i ford .

Geo. Bawbrldge.

[ 1 9 October— 3 No vem ber 1 652 .M m esher ii’ Lim it]

Quot es

Ass ign ed over unto him by ve rtue of a w riting under the hand sealeo f L IVEWELL CHAPMAN , n ow husband o f Hannah late w ife of Benj :Allen , dee d, all his the sa id L ivew ell Chapm an’s right , t itle , e s tateinte re st of and in tw o book e s or cop ie s called, The First, Second d: Thirdvolum e of M

' Greenh il l’s Exp osition of 1 9 chap t . of EZECHIELL . And a

book e or cop ie called a Platform s of discip line in New England, licensedby M

“ CARYLL, bo th the sa id bo ok e s be ing form erly en tred for the said

Benj : Allen Hannah Allen w iddow , as the ir cop ie s . Unto w ch

assignm t the hands of M aster LEGATT and Mas te r THRAL E w ardens aresubscribed xij


The w ord second the w ords Hannah Allen w iddoww ere interlyned , be ing le ft out by m i stak e .


2 7tb ®t tob. 1 652

En tred for his cOpie under the hands of Mas ter CALAMY and Mas te rLEGATT w arden , a book e called A Chri stia n f am i ly bui lded by God, directing all governou/rs of f am i li es how to act. By Robert Abbott , pastour ofthe church at Augustin e nears Pauls Gate i n Watling Stree ts vj


Etc coltEntred un der the hands o f Maste r JOHN BOOKERthe se sevall Alm anack s Prognosticac

bn s, under the sevall nam e s o fWha rton, Booker, Wi ng, N ighti nga le , Harfleete , Gallen , Goldsm ith, Phi llip s ,Dads, Neve , Woodhou se, White, Vaux, Herbert, Dani ell, Crooks , Cou lton ,Ja ckson , And tw o shee ts or Leafe alm anack s vjd

& m 5.

Entred under the hands o f Mas ter CAL AMY and Mas te rTHRALE w arden a book e called The S inners teares, in M editations cf:p rayers . By Thos: Fett iplace dom Pet Cantab vj


3° fi cti onal) . 1 652

Entred unde r the hands of S' NAT H : BR ENT ; and MasterTHRALE w arden a book e called Judiciall w r itts , af ter Judgem t. ByRich : Brow nlow e Esqr Pro thono tary of the Con


Tbn plea s d

3° floor

Entred unde r the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rTHRALE w arde n , tw o serm ons up on JOHN,

tw o ACTS 1 6 3 0 . Tw o

on LUKE ,tw o 1 . THESS . 5. three on MATH : 2 1 . 43 . f ours on

ROM . 7 . 9 . , seave n on 1 . CHRON. 1 6. 9 all preached by M Ir Chr. Love,la te o f Laurence Jury , Lond

40 6

Robert andWu‘Leyboum e.

Master Roper.

Geo . Sawbridge ,for 0 Partnersin t 0 English

stock .

[Page 2 53 ]Master Pollen.


Jam es Cram p.

Garthm de Dam on.

Robert Ibitson.

Tho. New com be .

[3 Decem ber—1 2 January 1 652 .E rie-har t};


-3° an em ia.

Entred for the ir cop ie under the hands of Mas ter CALAMY and Mas te rSEILE w arde n a book e ca lled A com entary up on the w ho le Old Testam ent .By John Mayer, D'

of Divin itie vj‘l

6° messiah

Entred under the hands of Maste r CALAMY and Master THRALEw arden a book e called Vindi cas Foeder is , or a Treat is e of the caveat ofGod entred w th m a nk ind , in the severall k inds ct degrees of i t. By Tho :Blake , m in ister vjd

6° a scend) .Entred a li tle book e called, The Prim er , or an easy w ay to tea chChildren the tru e reading of English , w th a n ecessary Ca techism s , &c .

Com po sed by Jno Ow en, m ini s te r of the Go .spell Approoved allow edby a Com ittee of Parl . . d

6° messiah.

Entred under the hands of Doc tor PRU IEAN , and Maste rTHRALE w arden a book e ca lled Thom as Bartholin i de lactei s thoraicis


1 7° stir

Entred under the hands o f Maste r CAL AMY and Maste r THRALEw arden a booke called Pellican icidium , or , the Chr istia n adviser agai nstself e hom ic ide . By 8

” Wm Denny VJd

2 3° mecem h.

Entred un de r the hands of Maste r GATAKER and Maste rLEGATT , w arden a booke called Philargurom a stix, or the Arraignm t ofcovetousnes and am bi tion in our grea t cf: greedi e corm orants . Bv R. IrvineGent . vj


an emia. 2 9° 1 652

Entred un der the hand of Maste r D . M OLINS, chirurg . and

Mas te r THRALE w arden a book e called Surgerie of FoelixWe rtz quondama fam ou s chi rurgeon att Baz i ll vjd

aan. 1 2 th 1 652 [ i .s . 1 652 43 ]Entred under the hand of Master SCOEEL L , cler Parl , a pamphle t called, Severall Proceedings in Parl‘num b 1 72 vj‘l


Entred un de i the hand of Maste 1 JO : THURLOE , Secr: to the

Councell of Sta te , a pam plet [ s ic ] cal led , Mere Politi c Vj‘l

M Flesher 1 2—2 8 January 1 652 ] 40 7

[Page 2 54 ]Joseph Cranford.

Robt. Ibitson.

Wm 'Gilbertson .

[Page 2 55]Tho. Underhi ll.

Master Stephens .

of s anitary 1 652 [ i . .e

En tred for his copie un der the hands of Master EDM : CALAMY and

Ma ster THRALE w arden a book e called An ap ologie f or our Eng lishM in istery Inf ant Bap tism s byWi l l iam Lyford m in iste r Of the Gospellat She rborne m Dorse ttsh vj


1 9tb 3 na

Entred under the hand Of M as te r SCOBELL , Cler . Parl . a

pam phle t ca lled, Severall Proceedings in Part, Num b. 1 73

[No sum i s ente red aga ins t this . ]

2 50 3 1m . 1 652 [ i .s . 1 652 43 ]Assigned over unto him by vertue o f a no te unde r the hand and seals o f

RICH : MARR IOTT , all his the sa id Richard Ma rrio tts right ti tle , of , inunto thre e book es or cop ie s ca lled as fo llow e th j'VJ



’s Cookeri e in Tw o bo ok es ,

A Post w th a Pa ck ett of m ad Letters , in tw o parts .To w ch assignem t the hand of Maste r THRALE one of the w ardens issubscribed.

2 5 Esta .

As s igned ove r unto him by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand 81. seale Of

Maste r JOHN HARR ISON senior , all his right , title , inte rest , of in andunto one cop ie or book e called, R ecords Arithm etique , form erly en tred

unto him the said M "Harrison , unto w ch assignem t the hand o f Mas te rTHRALE one Of the w ardens of the Com pany i s subscribed vj


B ic eon

Ass igned ove r unto him by ve rtue of a note und the hand seale of

Maste r FOEL IX KINGSTON , all his right title of in unto a copie or

book e called, Justin in Latine , unto w ch ye hands of Mas te r LEGATTw arden 1 s subscribed VJ


2 7th am . 1 652 [ i . s . 1 652 43 ]En tred for hi s copie under the hands of Mas te r CALAM Y and Maste rTHRALE one o f the w ardens a book e ca lled The lif e of Tam er la ne the gr


ea t



En tred unde r the hands o f Mas ter OBAD : SEDGWICK and

Mas te r THRALE one of the w a i dens a booke called The Civi li Mag istratesp ow er in m a tters of Religion , m odestly debated, &c . Together w th a bri ef sansw er to a certa ine slanderous p am p hlet ca lled, Ill n ew es f rom New

Eng land . By Thom as Cobbett , pre acher att Lynne in New Englandvj‘1

40 8

Robt . Ibitson .

Tho. Brew ster.Hen . Hi lls.

Tho . Paybodie.

Andrew Kem b .

Rob. Boydell .

Master Bawbridge,for the Eng.

stock .

Wm Tailor.

[2 9 January—1 February 1 652 .

29tb 3 am

Entred for his cop ie un der the hands of Mas te r CARYL and Mas terLEGATT w arden a Trea t ise called Ohel . A taberna cle f or the sunne , or m orep la inely Iren i ca Evangeli cu , an idea of Church Discip line i n three Bookes

By John Rogers, m i n i ster of Purnell i n Es sex vj‘1

02t his

Entred under the hand Of Master G ILBT MABBOT'I‘, Agent forthe Arm y, A letter f rom the Gentl Coun cell of the Arm y, m elt att Jam eses ,to the office rs of the sevall garri sons in Eng . Scottl d: Ireland vj‘l

3 1 35am .

Entred under the hands of Master DOWNHAM and Mas te rTHRALE w arden a bo ok e called Aym e a ll an up shott f or sanctification ofInfant Bap ti sm e . By Henry Wh ist ler, m ini s ter Of Whitchurch incom . Oxon

3 1 Stan. 1 652 [i . s . 1 652 43 ]En tred under the ha nds of Maste r DOWNHAM and M as te rTHRAL E w arden a book called R eason in ref orm em . By Hen . Wh istler,m inister of Whitchu rch 1 n Oxfordsh ire . vj


Etc w hom

Entred unde r the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Maste r w ardenTHRALE a book e ca lled Ba riola s redivivus , or a brief s intoodactio to thej udgm t of the starrs , by Nath : Sparks vj


We commEntred under the hands Of Master BOOKER and Mas te r THRAL Ew arden a book e called The first its second p arts of the Bri tish Tables ByJerem iah Shakerley vj‘1

Bic com m

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r LANGLEY and Mas te rTHRALE w arde n a booke called Sententiae pu eri les in English Latins .

Eng lished by M “ Charles Hoole d

1 ° am ». 1 652 [ i .e . 1 652 43 ]En tred under the hands of Maste r CAR YL and Mas ter THRAL Eone of the w ardens a book e called The Song of Songs in. m eeter


byM'Sam : Sclater, m inister vj‘1

41 0


Tho. Underhi lland Fra. Titon.

Master Pnllen.

Ve 2 0 No . inst .

Bapha. Harford .

Tho. Rat ifl‘

e and

Baw . Mottershed.

[Page 2 59]Nath . Brookes.

Nath . Brookes .

Master Fawne.

[2 1 February—5 March 1 652 .M . H ert ha -dk figfi



2 1 fi sh.

[This entry w as never com ple ted ]

2 3 J ob.

En tred for the ir cop ie under the hands o f M aste r GALAN Y and Maste rLEGATT w arden a book e called The right m ethod f or a settled p eace ofConsci ence ct sp iritua ll com f ort, &c . By R ichard Baxter, Teacher of theChurch at K eder m inster, in Wore vj


Bic eon

Entred unde r the hands o f Doc tor GEO : ENT and Mas te rTHRALE w arden a book e called Sp eedy help f or r ich it p oore, 81 0 . Wri tte nin Latin s byHerm anus Vander Heyden, transla ted into English vj‘1

2 6 area

Entred under the hands of Mas ter CARYL and Maste r THRALEw arden a book e called The curtain es w ithdraw n vi z', Letter Form es , m ansrighteousnes d

'w isedom e or the ho li est of a ll unveyled . By John Everard,

D" D . Toge the r w th som e transla tions of ould authors by him vj‘1

Bic QEon

En tred unde r the hands of Maste r CALAM Y and Mas te r THRALEw ard a book e called Geoxpar i a , or A vind i cat ion of the doctrine com on lyreceaved in the reform ed chu rches concerning Gods intent ions of esp ecia llgrace &c . From the late attem p ts m a de agt i t by M

'John Goodw in in hisbooks ca lled, Redem p tion redeem ed vjd

m o. 2 80 1 652 [ i .s . 1 652 5 ]Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter BOOKER and Master THRALEw arden a booke called Phys iognom y and Chirom ancie ; m etop oscopi c, thesim m etri call p rop ortions signa ll m oles of the bodie &c, ivhereun to i s added

The Art of M em ory. By Rich . Sanders vj‘l

h is son

Entred under the hands of Maste r BOOKER and Master THRALEw ard a book e cal led . [Entry neve r com ple ted. )

5° m am ; 1 652 [i .s . 1 652 43 ]Entred under the hands of Maste r CALAMY and Mas te r LEGATTw arden a book e called The Cat echist Catechised . or An Em ia con of an

Anabap tisticall. Ca tech: p retended to be published f or the satisfa ction d’

inf orm a con of the p eop le of God i n Lancashire &c byRichard Hol l ingw orth ,m in ister o f Manche s te r vj‘l

[t hi n kM l] ! 7 March 1 652 ] 4 1 1

Master Mose ly.

Master Mosely.

[Page 2 60 ]Master Moseley.

Master Moseley.

Master Moseley.

Master Moseley .

7° M arci;En tred for his copie under the hands of Maste r CADAM Y and Mas te rLEGATT w arden a bo ok e called Natura ll and Di vine oon tem p lacons of thep as sions défa cu lties of the sou ls of m an , in three bookes . Written byNicholas Mossly, Esq . vj


We can

Entred under the hands of S'NATHAN IELL BR ENT and MasterLEGATT w arden a book e called The w arree of the histori c of Justinian theEm p erour , w th the Persians , Gothes d: Vanda lls Wri tten in greeke byProcopius of Caesarea i n e ight bookes, translated Into Eng lish by S“ Hen.

Holcrafte, k nt


7° massif

Assigned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand seale of

THOM AS HARPER unto w ch the hands of Maste r LEGATT and Maste rTHRALE w ardens are subscr ibed all his the sa id M rHarpe r’s right, ti tle ,inte re st m o ie ty or part (w ch i s the iust halfe ) of in a book e or copieintitu led, The Com p leats Horsem an it Exp ert Farri er , alreadie printed intw o book e s . Com piled in tw o book e s or parts . Writte n by Thom as de

Grey, Esqr 4

fi ts w hom

Assigned over unto him by vertue of a no te under the hand and scale of

JOHN RHODES , and unto w ch the hand and seals of the sd w ardens is sub

scribed, all his the said John Rhode s right title inte re st of in a book eor cop ie called, The D eserving Favou rite . Wri tten by Lodow ick CarlellEsq ,

fo rm erly printed in the nam e of Mathew Rhode s his bi other, butfor the use benefite o f the said John Rhode s d

Bic com m

Ass igned over unto him by ve rtue of a note under the hand of RICHARDMARR IOTT , un to w hch the hands of bo th the w ardens afore sd is subscribed, all his the sa id M'Marrio tts right title of in a copie or

book e ca lled The tragedie of Albovine King of the Lom bards , w ri ttena

byS'Wm Davenant

mic eohsm

Ass igned over unto him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand scale o f

R ICHARD MARR IOTT afore sd, all his the sa id M r Marrio tts right , titleintere st , of and m a book e 0 1 cop ie ca lled, Ignatius Conclave , w ri tte n bvD'John Donne, Deane of S‘Pauls vj


41 2

[Page 2 61 ]Master Mosely.

[7 March 1 652 .u ri c-her ifim g]

7° M arc “ prehit tAss igned over unto him by ve rtue of a no te unde r the hand of RICHAR DMARR IOTT afore sd, unto w hch the hands of bo th the sd w ardens issubscribed, all his the sa id M r Marrio tts right , t itle , inte re st, of and in

unto a book e or copie ca lled , Essayes in divi nity, w r itte n by D" JohnDonne, Deane of S‘Pauls , London vj


7° m am “ 1 652 [i . e . 1 652 43 ]

As s igned over unto him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand scale of

ANNE SLATER w iddow la te the w ife of Thom as Slate r staébner de c’ed , all

her right title &7 intere st of in unto one book e or cop ie called JanuaL inguarum , all. her right , title intere s t of , in unto all every o therbook e and booke s , or Cop ie s w ch w ere her sa id late hu sbands en tred In

th i s reg is te r. Unto w ch assignm t the hands of Mas ter FLESHER , Mr and

Maste r LEGATT w arden are subscribed . vjd

7° m art“ prelimEn tred for the ir Cop ie s by vertue of a w arrt unde r the handseale of Ma ste r ALEX : BROOM E , the pre sent husband of M lr THOMASWH ITTAKER’S la te w i ddow , And by ve rtue o f an order o f Court grantedJan : 1 651 , upon the joynt de sire o f the said M" Broom e his now

w i fe , all the cop ie s and parts of cop ie s or book es , w ch did att anytim e be long to the said M r Thom as Wh ittak er, as follow es , salvo iurecuiuscunque . i' vjd

Natures Em baseis, by Rich : Bra ithw ait .

Essayes up on the 5 senses , by the sam e author .Rabboni , or Ma ry Magdalens teares .The lif e at death of Mary Stuart Queene of Scotts . Co llected out ofCAMDENS Annalls , his pte .

The Lord VERU LAM S Ap othegm es, his pte .

LMES . By the Lord Verulam hisparte .

The essayes (f: councell m ora ll o f Fra : Lo : Verulam h is pte .

History of Philip ole Com ines .GERHAR DS Herball w th Picture s and w i thout .MASON . Rustick

, or ye coun treyf arm er .Centum Fabu la e Faernii .

Riddles of Hera clitus (f: Dem o cr itus .Cata logue , Manu scrip t in Cant. cl Oxon opus Tho : Jones.

Morall Workes of Plutarch .System Logica K eckerm an i .

4 1 4

xvs . vjd .

[7 March 1 652 .M Flo-hor- { i


Marcus An toniu s &cfArchiepus Spalat . De Rep : Ecclesiastica .

Bradw ardin e .

Serm on s a tt M ercers Chapp ell by Spalato.

De gra tia et p erseveran tia , p Ro: Salisbury.

Necessi tie of Conf orm i tie by Jo: Spri nt .The rocks of Christian shipw rack .

Magiri Phi losophia .

R/usneri sym bola .

Davids Teares .MOL INEUS de cogi ta tione dei , in Eng . by G. K.

Quarrells agt Pau l the 5“ Venice .

Ti t les of honour , by M’ Selden .

Am s'ro

'rLE’s Problem es .

Ca llieop eia .

BOND on Hora ce .

Alm a nsor .Christ’s Supp er Prai er .

Councell of Tren t .Threefo ld Reso lu tions .Verstegan .

CAM BDEN’S Epi tom ic of the Mapp s .

French Com .

Spanish Com .

GRIM STON’S Estates Emp ires .

PASSORIS Lexi con .Testam en tu Gra cen in 8b in 1 2 ° w i th Boole’s no te s .BACON

’S Wisdom e of the Anci ents, Lat Eng .

BILL’S Arithm etiqu e .

B1 LL’8 Manuall.

Fallace of Pleasure .

Dr GARDINERS Devoc—o .

Bibliotheca Scholasti ca .

Foure serm o f the Bp of L incolne .

Hom ilies .CALVIN’S Institu tions .Cornelius Taci tus w th Malvez z i’s no te s .

Free Schoo le of w arr .

HAYWARD of sup rem a cy.

H OMER’S Battai le of Frogs .MOORETON

’S App eale .

Cannons of the Church .

[it’fi’fgfk }n Flo-her.

vis . vid .

7 March 1 652 ] 41 5

Merchant Av i sos .

Godfrey of Bulloigne .

Haven of Hea lth .

GOODWIN’S Hist . Hen : 8 cl Eduardi 6 Mariae et Elisab. in

La t ine .

The sa cred Phi losop hy of Holy Scrip ture byM'Alex. Gi ll .A su re guide to the French tongue by Paul Cougneau.

Joha nnis Scapu la Lexi con Graeco Latin cum indi ce Lauren ti i .

The Pa lgrave’s Protestac'o in Lat Fr cf: Eng .

The p arti cu lar sta te of the Goverm nt of the Em p eror Ferdinand thesecond , 2 5 M cii, 1 63 7.

Dom i Palestin i evap oratio , &c .

The History of the Norm ans Kings of England , by Wm Martin,a th ird pte .

Rep li ca , seu adversus Nup eriam conf utationem a liquotae p articu lae

p artis prioris ap o logia e Thom o Nortoni authore .

Pha rm a cop eia , cui adj ecta sunt Paraphrasi s m iscendoru m edi cam entara m odus p rim us Ga llico scrip ta nunc in Lat inu serm onem

conversa , &c Per Ph i l . Hol land.

Anton ii Run io Rodensis Doctoris the ologi societatis Jesu Com m entar yin universam Aristotelis Dia lecticam .

Rerum Ang licarum Scrip tores p ost Bedam ,&c .

The foure cardina ll vertu es of a Ca rm eli te f r ier observed byS'Edward Deering'.

Anno ta tions up on all the bookes of the old and new Testam ent ,w herein the text is exp la ined, doubts resolved, scrip tures p ara lell’d

va rious readings observed by the ioyn t labour of cer

taine learned Divi ne s the reun to appo in te d and there in employed, &c .

Johannis Buxtorfi Lexi con Hebraicu et Chalda icu comp lectens , «t o ,

sa lvo iure &c .

A decla ra tion of his Highn es Prince Rup ert , w it h a na rrative, &c .

A sm a ll tra ct of the use of the Lds supp er .

Bnac n nr’s Catech in Greek e La tine .

M istag ogus Poeti cus, or the Muses Interp reter &c by Alex: Rosse .

A trac t called Institutiones Perip ateti caru , p ars Theori ca et authore

Tho: Ang lo .

Popular errors in religion , w th observa tions on the creed ft

com andem ts, by M

’John D’Espagne in French English .

Li turgia Cra eco Pelleta .

Strada’s 2 d pte .

41 6

MasterWalbank e .

Master Crooke.

Master Crooke.

[Page 2 67 ]Master Moseley.

Robert Ibitson .

w m . Hunt.

Nath . Brookes .

[7 March 1 652—5 April 1 653 .fi n e-berrliidii i‘dfit]

7° m art “ prelimEn tred for his copie unde r the hands o f S'NATE : BRENT and Mas terSTEPHENS w arden , dat 8° Aug . 1 650 a book e called Choi ce declara tionsp leadings being the 2 " d: third p ts , Collec ted by tha t learned Pro thono ta ryRich . Brown low Esqr of the Com on Pleas . And a lso divers o thercases and p lead ings a t the Kings Bench , but now ca lled the Upp er BenchColle cted by a le arn ed clerk e of tha t Co“ vj“

1 8° m am ;Entred unde r the hands o f Mas te r JOHN DOWNAM dat

1 4° May 1 652 , and Mas te r THRALE w arde n a book e called Elem en torum

Philosop hias, in La tine and English . By Thom as Hobbes of Malm sburyvjd

Bis com m

Entred under ye hands of Mas te r GATAK ER and Mas te rTHRALE w a rden a booke called Hierasp istes , or , a defence by w a o

ap ologie f or the m in istery'

(f : m inisters of the Church of England byDr JohnGauden

2 2 ° m am }En tred (sine licen tia) a book e called The just w eight of the

Scarlet t gow n es, translated out of Ita lian into the English tonguea

byM’Henry Goghan vj


2 4 M arch

Entred under the hands of Maste rJOHN BACHIL ER , and Mas terWarden THRALE a book e called Justifica t ion Justified be ing a se rm onpreac hed by Thom as Glendon, m iniste r o f Alhallow e s Bark ing in Tow e rs treets , 1 1 ° Dec . 1 652 vjd

2 5° m am ; 1 653

Entred by assignm t under the hand seale of Mas te r NATEBUTTER da ted 2 5° Julij 1 650 , vn to w hich the hand of Mas te r THRALEw arden 1 8 subscribed, all his e s ta te , righ t and t i t le un to a book e or copieca lled, The Ba lm e of Gi lead by Dr Hal l , late Bp of Norw ich vj


5° ap t .

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas ter GATAK ER and Maste rw arden THRALE a book e ca lled The substance of pra cti call Divini ty by w ayof ques tion answ er . Com p osed by w ay of question if: answ er, byM'Love de ced vj"

4 1 8

[ Page 2 69]Master Bourne.

Rich. Boyste n;

Rich . Boiston .

Rich. Baddi ley.

Livewell Chapm an.

Master Stephens .

[Page 2 70 ]Master Bartlet.

l ewell Chapm an.

[6—2 7 May 1 653 .M Ha m i l: Em it]

6° m a“ 1 653

Entred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r LAUR : Room s, profe ssorat Gre sha

. Co lledge , and Mas terTHRALE w arden , a booke ca lled Eli/p tica llor Arim utha ll Horo logiography, com p rehending sevall w ayes of describingdia lls up on a ll kinds of sup erficiss , ei ther p la ine or curved, &c, by Sam :

Foster, late '

profe ssor of As tron in Gresha Colledge vjd

9° m a“ 1 653

Entred a book e called xxv Serm ons p reached att Golden Grove ,be ing for the w i n te r halfe yeare . By Jerem y Tai lor, D .D .

[No sum sta ted ]

this cob

Bu tted also a book e in tituled Englands fai thfu ll rsproover s

m on i tour, by NP Sam w aies vjd

1 0 ° m ay 1 653

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MABBOT , ag en t for the Arm y,

A L re w ri tten to a Gent in the Countrey tou ching the dissolucon of the la teParl‘and the reasons thereof vjd

Bic eschew

Entred by appoin tm t of the com ittee for exam in ing the sta teof the Upper be nch pri son a book e called A list of a ll the p risoners inthe Upp er Bench p rison in custody 3 ‘Maij 1 653 , &c vj“

1 40 m ay 1 653

Entred under the hands of M as te r CALAMY and Mas te r THRALEw arden a book e called The bloody husband at: cru ell neighbour, or a tru ehistory


of tw o m urthers la tely com itted in Law rence p ar ish in the Isle ofTenett i n Kent , nser Sandw ich vj

2 5° m atfButt ed under the hands of Mas te r CARYLL and Mas te r LEGATTw a rden , a book e called A bri efs discourse of m an s es tat e i n the first (9

second Adam , by R0 : Harris, D'i n Divini ty . vj


2 7 m ay

Entred by apptm t of the com ittee for prison s , A lis t of thep risoners of the Upp er Bench p ri son w ho have taken the benefi ts of the Actof Parl‘f or reliefs of p oore p risoners

[thiam i n e-hor 2 7 May—1 0 June 41 9

Master Crooks.

John Beyv ell.

Augus t. Mathewes .

Wm o Hunt.

Vs 1 2 ° Sep . 1 650 .

[Page 2 7 1 ]Ben. mus,Maste rGiles Calvert andThomas Brewster.

2 7 m ay

Entred forhis copie A Serm on preached before his la te Me“at New port m

the Isle of W igh t , Octob. 1 648 . By Dr Sanderson vjd

11 ° 3 1m .

En tred under the hand of Mas te r DOWNHAM deced and

w arden a book e called HANEEBEIA, or, A view of a ll rel'

in the w orld &c, by M r Alex. Rosse. [No sum s ta teregio


6° 31mm

Entred under the hands o f Doc tor PRUIEAN Pre sdt of the

Phisitians Co lledge , and Mas te r THRALE wa rden a book e ca lled Lexi conChim icw m I/ iber secundus , continsns Vocabula Chim ica in p riors libroom issa d o, op era st industri a Guliel : Johnsoni . Chim ici apud A

[No _sum s ta ted ]

7° 31 1 1 1t

Assigned over to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand 85 seals of

JOHN HARDESTY , subscribed by w arde n THRAL E , all his right ti tle i n a

copie (en tred to him the ed John Harde s ty , 1 2° Sep t . 1 650 ) ca lled Man

transform ed, or the artificiall Changeling vj‘l

lom 0 $1 1 1 1 “

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hands of his Excie , the Lord GsnllCROMWELL and Mas ter MALYN hi s L op“ secretary, A decla ration d orde rof his Excie , the L O : Gsnll Crom w ell d: his Coun cell of Ofli cers, f or thecontinua nce of the Assessm t f or vj m oneths from the 2 4“ of a s , 1 653 , at

£1 2 0 ,0 0 0 p m ens

mic eon

Entred a book e called Ref reshing Drop s, scorching via lls ,

by M'Chr. Goad vj


Bic sou

Entred un de r the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rLEGATT w arden a booke called A vi ndica tion of the Anno tations on

JEREMIAH chap . 1 0 verse aga ins t the scurrulous Asp ercon s of tha tgrand i/mp oster, M' W" Li lley, by Tho: Gattaker, B .D. vj


42 0

MasterGiles Calvert,Hen. Hi lls andTho. Brew ster.

[Page 2 72 ]

MasterGeo s brid e

(Phi-gi t for a]?Partners in theEnglish Stock o fthe Com pany ofS ta tioners.

Master Twiford.


Master Robinson.

Master Pawns.

[l l—2 3 June 1 653 . m Hu bs - { i M ia]

Bag of sums 1 653

Entred for the ir copie under the hand of JOHN THURLOE secre tary to theCouncell, A declara tion f rom the Genl ct coun cell of State, to inci te all thegood p eop le of these na tions to thankfu llnes it holy rej oi ceing in the Lord,f or the late grea t vi ctory at sea , obtained by the fleet of this Com m on Wea lthagt the Du t ch, up on Thursday it Fri day being the 2‘ 3‘of June 1 65?


le a—5 0m “

EW *

of sam e 1 653

En tred under the hands of Mas te r THOMAS GATAKER andMaster THRAL E w arden , a book e ca lled The PSALMES of David in m eeter ,new ly trans la ted di ligent ly comp ared w th the originall tea t , f orm ertranslacons , m ore p la ine, sm ooth cfi agreeable to the text , then any heretofore .

Allow ed by the au thori ty of the Gen era ll Assem bly of the K irhe of Scotlandapp ointed to bee sung in congregacons fa/m i lies d

rhfb Slim e

Entred un der the hand of Maste r DOWNHAM and Mas te rTHRALE w arden , a book e ca lled The life of the Ap ostle S’Pau l vjd

l6tb Slim e 1 653

As signed ove r un to him by vertue of a note un der the hand sea-le of

MARTHA HARRISON la te w i fe exe cu trix of John Harrison of London ,staconer, de ced, all her e s tate , righ t , t i t le in te re s t of in un to threeho ok as or copie s called, Dent ’s serm on of R ep en tance The Mad/m en ofGotham , bo th firs t 2‘pts, here tofore entred in the Reg is te r bo ok e of the

Com pany of Staconers as the copie s o f her said husband, un to w oh

assignm en t the hand of Mas te r w arden THRALE is subscribed vjd

3 am 1 653

Entred for his copie under the hands of Ma ste r CALAMY andMas te r w ardenTri m s: a book e ca lled A breife relation of the irreligion of the NorthernsQuak ers . by F . H . vj


2 3 th

Entred a booke called Three‘

treatises, being the substan ce ofsu ndry Discourses , on PS. 2 5. 1 5. MICAH 7. 7. cf: PSAL . 1 1 9. 4 . by

MT Joseph S im onds. [No sum stated ]

1: De leted in Register .

42 2 [6—9 July 1 653 .is. n m i fi:m am ]

m astsrzm aes f lasher , m aster.

M aster : turn g ri ts

m aster: um nhrenm obtusouM arita

[Page 2 74]Master Stephens .

Livewell Chapman .

Master Mosely.

Master Mose ly.

Master Mosely .

[Page 2 75]Master Mosely .

Master Mosely .

Gtb $1 31 2 1 653

Entred for his copie un der the hands of Mas te r GATAK ER and Mas te rWarden ROBINSON a book e called A dis course touching the Sp anishm onarchy, by Thom as Cam pellana. vj


8"j Slain 1 653

Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter CARYI . and MasterROBINSON w arden a book e called Genera tion w ork s, or a br ief s cf: seasonable w ord oflered to the vi ew of the saints (f: p eop le of God in this generation ,

relat eing the w orks of thi s p resen t age or genera tion w ee live in , w herei n issk ew ed &c , by John Ti l linghast , m ini s te r of the gospell at Trunch inNorfolk

9° 3 mmEn trad a book e called Scho lae Win ton iensis , La tin Phrases, or

The Latin Phrases of Winchester Scho ols , by Nicholas Robinson , D' inDivini ty vjd

Bic sexi sm

Entred a bo ok e ca lled A discourse of the Warre of Germ any.

W ri tten by the LO : Chance llor Bacon, w th his Peticon subm i ssion to thehouse of peere s vj‘l

We sobem

En tred a lso a booke called A Germ an Di ett, or the ba llance ofEurop e, att a solem ne Conven lbn of som e Germ an Princes in sun drye labora te Ora t ions p ro at con , by Jam es Howel l , Esq’ Vj"

9° smutEntred a booke called Sp ecim en Oratorium , Ric. Gardiner ex

Ac . de Chris ti Oxon vj‘

h is t ot em

En tred a book e called Buxtorf’sEp itom ic of theHebrew Gi a/m m er

trans la ted in to English by John David vjd

[i im in era l“ Flasher. 9—1 0 July 423

Master Mosely .

Master Mosely .

Master Mosely .

Master Mose ly .

Master Mosely.

[Page 2 76]Master Mosely.

John Place .

Master Roycrott .

Master Mosely.

9° SumEntred for his copie a Play called, The Gent lem a n of Veni ce . Wri tten byJam es Shirley vj


We eonem'

En tred a book e called MercuriusAcadem icus, or the second par tof the Academ y of Com p lem ents vj


mic cohsm

Assigned over un to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand seale ofM Y VAVASOUR w iddow , all her la te husbands right in a book e or copiecalled, The Northerns Lasse , w ri tten by M rRi ch Broom e, to w ch the handof Maste r ROBINSON w arden 1 8 subscribed vj


Bis solvent

Entred for his c0 pie assignm t from THOMAS WALKLEY, under his handscale , all his the saidWalk ley’8 righ t t i t le to a book e or copie ca lled ,Poem s , &c by M r Edm . Wal ler. Licensed by St NATH : BRENT , already

prin ted, to w ch the hands of Master LEGATT and Mas ter Ta nni n w ardensare subscribed

Bis t ot em

Entred by ass t under“ the hand scale of MAR G T : FAUL KNERw idd, all her la te husband’s righ t m a book e called , Byron’s Conspiracy if;

Tragedie by Geo: Chapm an to w hi ch the hands o f the said w arden s issubscribed vjd

9° g umEntred a book e called The History of the Kingdom s of Nap les,w i th a large descrip tion of the si tua tion , qua li ty (f? na ture of the countrey ,&c . By Sam son Leonard Esqr

lotb snagEntred


a book e called A p erfect guide f or a studious youngLaw yer . Being p recedent s f or conveyances , &c . Co lle c ted by Thom asFidel l of Furn ival Inn , gen t . vjd

his son

Entred a book e called Interiora , seu Ana tom ia tem ere incansu ltegue m ven tim n ,

&c , by Richard Whit lock vjd

mic eschew

Entred a sm all trac t called, Fas cicu lus p osm atu cf: Epigram atu

m iscellansorum , by D' Jn° Donne la te Deane of S‘Pau ls . Licen sed

Ma rch 1 5, 1 650 , by Mas ter DOWNHAM subscribed by Mas te r STEPHENSthen w arden . vj


42 4

Tho. Pierrepo int.

[Page 2 77]

Master(1Thom as Brew ster.

Master Rothw ell.

Master Eglesfleld.

Master Simonds.

[ 1 2—2 2 July 1 653 .u rn-horsem an ]

1 2 th sale 1 653

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas ter JOHN BOOKER and Mas te rw arden ROB INSON a book e called The p urcha sers p atterns or a pa th f orpurchas ers to w alks by, by Henry Phi l lips 850 vj‘l

m ay 1 653

Entred a lso under the hands of Mas te r JOBN BOOKER andMaster TBBAL B la te w arden a book e called The descripcon it use of theun ivsa ll quadra t, w hereby a lone (at yt in a p ortable si ze) is p erform ed w ih

grea t evp edi con the w hole doctrine , trigonom etri ca ll asw ell p laine as

sphri catl &c by Thom as St irrup, w e ll w ille r to the m athem atick e s vjd

Bic fionem

En tred Franconis Burgersdici Institutionum m etaphysi carim i

Lib: 2 . Opus p osthum wm Edi tio tertia p rio

ori correctior, contain ing0


1 7

shee ts s of pap vj“

ma com m

Entred Severall Inform ac'

bns and exam inaebns taken concerningLi eu tenan t Co ll John Li lbou rn his ap ostacy to the p arty of Cha rles Stuartand his intentions in com eing over into England, out of Flanders vj


1 8 snag

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and

a book e called A p ocket compani on &c , by Nath: Church , m inis ter vj“

m ay 1 653

Entred a. book e ca lled The w ay to heaven discovered and the

stum bling blocks (cast therein by the w or ld , flesh, if : divell) rem oved, &c byRobt Purnel l d


Entred a. book e ca lled Paradoxes by I. de la Sal le . Translatedout of French by John Davis vj

2 1 ° any

En tred 3 shee ts called, A List of the Com on Wea lth of Eng land ’snavy in thei r exp edi tion in May, 1 653 , &c

2s m ay

Entred a book e called A true relat ion of the unjust , cruell andbarbarous p roceedings against the English at Am boyna vjd

42 6

Maste r Jn°'Field.

assess.Tho. Collins .

[Page 2 80 ]Tho. Mathew es .

John Field .

Mas ter F. Leach.

Master Sawbrldgefor the ptners of


the Eng lishstoc k .

Tho . New berry .

John Field .

[ 1—2 2 August 1 653 .M' “ iii -om ]

let any. 1 653

Entred for his cop ie under the hand of Mas ter SCOBELL , clerk e to theParl‘a pam phle tt called, Severall Proceeding [ sic ] in Parl‘ vjd

5° flag .

Entred unde r the hand of a book e calledCaba la , or m isteri es of sta te , or the Duk e of Buckingham s p riva te cabine tunlocked, viz ,

the one m oyety of the said copie to the said Gabrie llBede ll , the o ther m oye ty to the said M ercy Me ighe n Thom as Co llin s


am . 1 653

Entred a pam phlett called, The second p art of the Trays ofAm boyna , or, &c .

Bic t ot em

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r SCOBELL clerke to the Parl“a pam phlett called, Severa llp roceedings of Parl‘

9tb august 1 653

En tred a book e called L’HEPTAMERON, or the history of thefortuna te lovers , i t being the novelle of the m ost i llustrious m ost excellentp rincesse Margt of Valois, Qu eens of Navarre , transla ted into English byRobert Codrington , M'

of Art s vj“

1 0 th aug . 1 653

Entred under the hands of Mas ter BOOKER and Maste rROBINSON w arden , Fourtee ns sevall a lm a/na cks Prognostica tion s underthe nam e s of , Ga llen, Pigo t , Goldsm ith revised by W. L . Wing , Harflset ,Phi lip s, Dads, Neeve , Woodhouse, Whi te , Vaua', Partridge , Daniell

aSm i th vjd

Bis cohsm

Entred under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Maste r THRLL Ew arden , tw o trea tise s , l . The Saints Conjunction u th Jesus Chris t onMATH : 2 6“ 2 9 v . 2 ‘Acquaintance w ith God on JOB 2 2 “ 2 1 v. by JohnBrinsley, m inis te r of the gospe ll at Grea t Yarm ou th vj


august 1 653Entred unde r the hand of Maste r SCOBELL a pam phlett called,Severall Proceedings in Parliam ent vjd

2 2 tb august 1 653Entred un de r the hand of Mas ter SCOBELL a pam phlett called,Sevall Proceedings in Parliam e nt . vj


[3 1h‘o

‘itam ix Flu her.

2 4 August—1 Septem ber 42 7

John Fie ld.

MasterJam es Flasher.

Master Sawhridge,for the par tners.

John Felld.

John Field.

Master Brookes.

2 4th of august 1 653Entred for hi s copie under the hands o f Mas te r BOOKER and Ma s te rROBIN SON w arden a bo ok e ca lled Vu lgar Arithm etigue by M’ NoahBridges, in tru s t for the u se of the authour M " Bridge s afore sd vj


Bic com m

Entred under the hands of Mas ter SOOBELL and Mas terROBINSON w arden , An Act tou ching m a rriages the registring thereof, anda lso tou ching bi rths if: buria lls

any. 3 1

En tred a book e ca lled Petri Gassend i Institutio Astronom i caNun t iu s Siderine Gal ilei Gal i lei cl Joha r'i'i s K ep leri diop trice . vjd

his cousinEntred a book e called Con iectura Cabba listica , or a conj ectura llessay, interp reting the m ind of M oses a ccording to a threefold Cabba la .

Bv Henry Moore, fe llow of Chris t s Co lledge i n Cam bridge d

B ic eooem

Entred a pam phle t called, Hem eroscop eion Anni aerd Chri stiana1 654 vj‘l

any. 3 1

Entred a book e calledAesop i Phrygis Fabu las, greek e and la t ine ,salvo iure cui uscunque . vj


Bio eoocm

Entred a pam phlett called, The w i tch of the w oodlands vjd

Bic t ot em

Entred under the hands of Mas te r SOOBELL Clerk s o f the

Parl” and Mas ter ROBINSON w arden ,An ac t f or the m ore speedy efi'

ectua l

bringi ng in of the arreares of the excise vjd

Bic com m

Entred under the hand of the said Mas te r SCOBELL a pam phlettca lled, Severall p roceedings of Parliam ent vj


1 ° S eptem b. 1 653

Entred a booke called Wonder w orking Provi dence , of SiamSavi our, being a his tory of New England from the years 1 62 8 unti ll theyear s 1 652 , by Edward Nash of New Engla nd, gen t . vj


Rich .Roys ton.

Hon . Hil ls .

Rich . Baddely.

[Page 2 851 1Master Mosely .

Master Mose ly.

Master Mosely .

[3—9 Septem ber 1 653 .x m m r- ifi:fitti n g ]

3° gent.

Entred for his copie a book e called The grand consp iracy of the Mem bersagt the Mind, or Jew es agt thei r king. De live red in 4 serm on s , byJohn Al lington a sequestred divine vjd

7° first. 1 653

Entred A Letter to L‘ Coll Jn° In'

lburne now p rison er in the

Tow er, by M'George Walk er of Linc Inn , vj‘l

8° inept.Bu tt ed un der the hand of Mas te r G . MABBOT'I‘a pam phlett ca lled,The Grand Poli tique Inf orm er, better inf orm ed, the vj


i rri tant s: go 1 653

Entred a play called Alp honso , Em p eror of Germ any, by JohnPoole vjd

an coho-m

Entred by Assignm t under the hand and seale of RICHARDMARRIOTT, all his the said R ichard’s right ti t le un to a book e or copiecalled Argalas if: Parthenia , w ri t ten by Francis Quarles, already printede n trad in this Regtr, as the copie of the said Rich : Marrio t t . To w ch

assignm en t the hand of Master ROB INSON w arden is subscribed vjd

Bis solm it

Entred also the severall playe s follow ingThe Widdow es Pri ze, by M"W1 1 1 Sam son .

Wi tt in MadnesssThe Lovesi ckMaid , or the ho nour of young ladies , byThe Dis creet Lover, or the Fools w ou ld bee a

Rich : Brom e .

Favou ri te, byOsm an, the grea t Turks, 0 7 , The Noble Servant , Lod’ Carlel.

bo th byThe Coun trsy Man .

The Si ege» by Wm Davenant .Tho: Decker.

The w om a n’s m istaken , by Drew Davenport .

The history of Garden ia, by M'Fletcher Shak espeare.

The Governou/r, by S’Cornelius Form ido.

The King s Mistresss .

Beau ty in a Trance , by M‘ Jn° Ford.

43 0

with Tailor.

Thomas Brew ster.

Henry Hil ls .

Henry Hills.

John Fei ld.

[Page 2 88 ]Master Mose ley .



Master Tw ifordand John Place.

John Field.

[ 1 3—2 2 Septem ber 1 653 .m m m en ififi hm j

1 3° s ent.

Entred forhis copie under the hands of Ma sterBOOKER, and Mas ter SE ILEw arden a book e calledA tutour to Astronom y if: Geograp hy&c Transla te dfrom the firs t part of Gulielm us Blaeu, by J . M. vj


S ept. 1 653Entred ca lledA stopp to the m add m u lti tude or a seasonable antidoteaga inst a da ngerou s cupp of p oyson p resented in a la te scanda lous p amphletten tituled The Grand p olique (si c) inform er, by J . H . vj


lsth gent. 1 653

Entred a book e called Choi ce exp erien ces of the ki nd dea ling ofGod bef ore, i n , and aft er conversion , by J . Turner w ife to Cap J1 1 Turner


N o room

Entred also a book e called The m oderne statesm a n f oretelling thefa te of thi s Com on w ea lth, by M'George Walk er vj


We t orrent

Entred unde r the hand of M as te r SCOBELL a pam phle t ca lled,Severa ll Proceedings in Parl‘ vj

1 5th &cptcm her 1 653

Entred a book e called Flores solitudin is , containing Ni erembergius De arts gubernands voluntatis , in English , The World cont em nd byEncheria s if: the Lif e of Pau linus Bp of Nola , all transla ted by HenryVaughan, gen t . vjd

1 9th g entem ber

Entred a book e called A short trea t ise of adhearing to God,w r itten by Albert the great , Trans la ted by S'Kenelm s Digby vj

2 4° gent. 1 653

Entre d a booke ca lled The layma ns law ier, or, A second part ofthe p ra ctique p te of the law . Co lle c te d byM rThom as Foster, gen t . vj“

2 2 i rritant . 1 653

Entred under the hand of Mas te r Sco s mLI. a pam phle t called.

Beveratl p roceedings in Parl‘ vj“

[Eh‘tlam lm - m sher 2 6 Septem ber—8 October 48 1

Master Bothw ell .’

Master Rothw e lland Tho. Maxey .

John Field .

John Harrison,Jun r

John Field.

MasterHen. Twyford.

John Field .

26° s eat. 1 653

Entred for his copie under the hands o f Mas te r CARILL and Maste rw arden ROBINSON , M' Sclater up on the CANTICLES in verse to bee sung


Bic cohemEntred unde r the hands o f Mas te r CALAMY and Maste rw arden ROBINSON a book e called The Good old w ay, by M

" Broxholm e,m inis ter vj


29° gent.

Entred under the hand of Mas te r HENRY SCOBELL clark e tothe Parl‘a pam phlett ca lled , Severall p roceedings in Parliam ent vjd

2 7th s ept. 1 653Entred a booke ca lled The New Testam t in Greeks according toPassers Lexi con, by Charles Hoole vj

Bis coltEntred tw o Acts of Parl‘1 1 nd the hands of Mas ter SCOBELL ,

called , An Act concerning the Planters of Toba cco, An Act f orcontinuance of the rects of Excise un ti ll 2 9“ Dec' 1 653 I lJ


Bic eohem

En trad a booke called M IKPOKOEMOE, a discrip ti on of thebody of m an ,

by Robert Turner, Philom athe s vj“

to"3 3 0 1m

Entred under the hand of Ma s te r HEN : SCOBELL , An Act

of Parliam en t ca lled, An Act f or the sp eedy cf: ejfectua ll sa tisfa ction of theadventurers for land s in Ireland vj"

Stb ®ct0 5. 1 653

Entre d a book e called Naturall and Universali Phi losop hy neverbef ore published by Francis Bacon o f Verulam vj

w i tch. 1 653

Entred a booke called the hum ble rem onstrance of S' JohnStayw ell

Bic t ot em

Entred under the hand of Mas te r SCOBELL Clerk e to the Parl‘An Act f or the releif e of Credi tors and p oore p risoners vj


Idem .

[Page 2 90 ]Thom asWilliam s.

Francis Grove.

Ben. Herringman.

John Field.

Master Saw brldge,for the partne rsin the EnglishS tock , andBnm ph. Blnnden

Richard Moons.

[8 - 2 1 October 1 653 .t riad s - (Em u j

8tb fi nch. 1 653

Entred also for hi s copie un der the sam e hand, An Act f or Accom p tsclearing of publique debts (b f or dicovering fra/iids or concealem ts of anything due to the Com on Wea lth vj


1 0 th e ach. 1 653

Assigned over un to him by ve rtue of a note under the hand and seale of

M “ ELLINOR Corns , la te w ife and execu trix of Richard Cote s , lateci tizen and staconer of London de ceased, one full m oyety or halfe pt of

the book e or copie called , A Christia n Dictiona ry &c by M'Tho: Wi lson,w th addi tion s byM'Andr : S im eon , to w ch assignem t the hand of Maste rw arden ROBINSON 1 s subscribed vj

1 1 th ®ctoh.

Assigned ove r un to him by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand and seale of

EDWARD BLACKM ORE,all 11 1 8 the said Edw ards righ t ti t le i n a book e or

copie ca lled, The true Chri stians p laine w ay to Heaven , by Wm S im one,

to w ch assignem t the hand of Master Warde n ROB INSON is subscribed.IVJ

1 2 ° wants.

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te r BOOKER an d Mas te rSEYLE w arden a book e called Parthcn issa , a rom ance heretof ore w ritten bythe L0 : Broghall vj


Bis eohem

Entred under the hand of Mas te r H ENRY SCOBELL clerk e to theParl“ a pam phlett called, Severall proceedings in Parliam e nt vj


mic room

Entred un der ye hands of Mas te r JOHN Booxna and Mas te rWarden ROBINSON a book e cal led M erlini Anglici Ep hem eris : Astrologica ll Predicti ons f or the years 1 654 As a lso of the Com ett scen e Decem b.

1 652 . ByWm Li l ly, s tuden t i n as tro logie vjd

1 9° m ember 1 653

En tred under the hands of Master CALAMY and Mas te r w ardenROBINSON a book e called The saints treasury, being 5 serm ons , ( 1 ) On the3 . COLL OSIANS 1 1 (2 ) HEB. (3 ) HEB: 9 . 2 7. (4) JOHN(5) EXOD US . 1 5. 1 1 . by M

’ Jerem y Burrowes, m ini s ter of the gospe lld

2 1 ° 9 th !» 1 653

Entred a book e cal led Bap tism s w ithou t bacon , &c. by Wi l l iamKay, m im ste r vj‘


Master Butter.

Mrs . Sarah Griffin.

[Page 2 93 ]Richard Royston.

Richard Royston.

Richard Royston.

Richard Royston.

Thom as Brew ster.

Master Roper.

[4—1 5 Novem ber 1 653 .M. nm r'iH:m u m ]

4° flohcm her 1 653

Entred for hi s copie a book e called T he holy order , or f ra terni ty of(l


m ourners in Syon . By Dr Hal l , Bp . of No rw i ch . vj


5° flobem h. 1 653

Entred A books of a ll the Argum ents , sp eeches ch p assages in thePartiam ', from the 1 7‘March, 1 62 7, to the 2 6 June, 1 62 8 vj<1

9° flobem h. 1 653

Entred a book e called the second part of Gloria and Narcissus .By S

'Percy Herbert vjd

9° iii- 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 » 1 653

Entred a booke called The hi story of the church of Scotla ndd

byDr Spotswood la te Archbishop Of S‘Andrew e s i n Sco t land . vj


mic t ot em

Entred a booke called The rea ll presence if: Sp iri tua ll of Christin the blessed sa cram e nt . Proved aga inst the doctrine of transubstan tiation , By Jere. Tai lor, D D . vj


We t ot em

Entred also a booke ca lled Er vhohoym ovpi xpév sive Etym ologiumParvum , by Ffrancis Grig'ory, schoolm as ter at We s tm inste r vj‘l

Bic eohem

Entre d a book e called A con temp lation of Heaven w i th an

exerci se of Love , and a descant on the p rayer in the garden . By Thom asWh ite vjd

1 2 ° fiobem her 1 653 "E

Entred unde r the hand of Mas te r CARYLL a book e ca lledVindic zc Justificationis Gra tu itas , Justifica tion w i thou t condi tion , Or thefree justification of a s inner . By W . Eyre, m in is ter of the gospe ll andpas tor of a church 1 1 1 the city Of New Sarum vj

1 5° floh.

Entred a booke ca lled Consideracons con cerning com on fieldsand enclosures , dia logue w ise Vjd

T hree o ther en trie s da ted 1 2 ° Novem ber are inserted af ter 9° Decem be r.

[Hifilbii uondhfi Flasher.

Henry Hil ls .


MasterJam es Flasher.

MasterThom as Ratclifi'e .

John Field.

John Fi eld.

[ Page 2 95]MasterWard .Robinson.


1 7 No v em ber—3 Decem ber 435

1 7 flobem b. 1 653

Entred for his copie unde r the hand o f Maste r THURL OE secr to the

Councell, A Decla ra tion f or none to bee m o lested in thei r publi que m eetings4

f or the w orship of God . VJ

2 2 ° 52 0 11 . 1 653

Entred under the hands Of Mas te r SCOBELL , and w ardenROBINSON , An Act of Parliam en t enti tu led, An Act f or the Deaflorreslacon ,

sale, im provem ts of theforrests , &c vjd

2 6° flobem . 1 653

Entred a pam phle tt called , A Breif e discourse shew ing tha t itis very p robable tha t the ca lling of the j ew es w i ll beginn in this snsueingyears of our Lord 1 6541 . vj


B ic room

Entred under the hands of Doc tor PRUEJAN and Mas terw arden SE ILE a book e called La za ri Riverii

. p raxi s m ed ica integrd

m orborwm theoria st guamp lur im is rem edi i s selectissim is locup leta ta vjd

2 8° flobcm b. 1 653

Entred unde r the hands of Mas te r GALAN Y and Ma s terw arden ROBINSON a bo ok e called Praecussor or a forerunn e r lo a Welshm in isters case rightly sta ted by John Hardwicke, m iniste i Of the Gospe ll


Bic eooem

Entred under the hand of Ma ste r SCOBBLL a pam phle tt called,Severallp roceedings of Parl‘ d

1 wom an. 1 653

En tred unde r the hand of Maste r SC OBELL , An Act for an

assessm ent at the ra ts of 1 2 0 0 0 0" by the m oneth ,f or sin: m ont hs vj


3 Bri tain. 1 653

Entred a book e called The schoolsm a stsrs Aureiliaries to rem ove

the barba rian s i ege from Athens , advanced under tw o gu ides &c . ByRichard Loyd vj


We eohem

Entred a booke ca lled The English Gram m a r, by Jerem iahWharton,M’

oi Arts vj“

43 6

Francis Titon.

Jam es Grom pa.

Jam es Crom pe.

John Bedman.

(Pag e 2 96]Master Moseley.

Master Moseley.

[3—1 2 Decem ber 1 653 .u . rum or- {hMim e ]

3 an em ia. 1 653

Entred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r w arden SEYL E a serm onca lledA voicefrom Heaven cal ling the p eop le of God to a p erfect separationfrom m isti call Babi lon , preached at Pau ls the 5. Novem b. 1 653 . ByWm Strong , prea cher of the Gospell at the Abbey, We s tm inste r vj‘1

9° inert 1 653

En tred a book e called A touchs tone to trye , by our know ledge ,beleife d: life , w hether w ee bee Christians in nam e only, or Christian: indeed, &c, by Rich : Young o f Roxw e ll in Essex

We coltEntred al so a booke called The w ho le dutieof a Christian or thecharac ter of a tru e beleiver &c , by R. Young , the author afore sd vjd

9° Becem h. 1 653

Entred under the hands.

of Mas te r THOMAS GATTAKER and

Mas ter SEYL E w arden a booke called L ei icon Geographi cum .


ByFr. Ph i l lipi Fararij

1 2 ° fi chem b. [Becm hcr] 1 653

Assigned over un to him by vertue o f a no te under the hand and scale o f

GEORGE BADGER and subscribed by Mas te r SE ILE an d Mas ter ROBINSONw arden s , all his the said George Badger righ t , t i t le in te re s t , of and in

tw o book e s or copie s (v iz’) xij


Priva te devo tions in 6 L ettanys by HenryValent ine D"i n Divini ty.

Publiqi i e devotions , or, a collection of p rayers used at sundry t im esby divers reverend and godly divines, by Thom as Reeves.

We cohemAssigned over un to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand and sea le o f

R ICHARD MARRIOTT and subscribed by Mas te r SE ILE and Maste rROBINSON w arden s , all his the said Richard’s righ t t i t le in the se1 1 copie s (vi z


Afeast f or w orm es

Hadas sa , the history of Queen HesterThe 1 1 11850 7 31 Of Sa mp son Divine Poem s w rit te n byEligies on D

'Aylm er Fran : Quarles.

Eligies on D' Wi lson

Eligies on the Lady Lu chinEnchiridion , containing Ins titu tions devine and m orall, by the sam e

Fra : Quarles.

438 [2 2 Decem ber—2 January 1 653 .x- rle -h-r

2 2 Bee. 1 653

3 0 11 11 Playford. Entred for his copie a book e ca lled Select ayres dia logues f or 1 , 2 da

3 ,voi ces , by Hen: Lawes o thers VJ


2 2 ° messiah. 1 653

En trad under the hands o f Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rw arden ROBINSON a book e ca lled Sp irituall refin ei

ng Part or a Treatis e

of Shine &c . By M'Anthony Burgesse vj


2 9‘b fi ehem h. [mi n is t er] 1 653Rich Mflfl lott Entred the severall playe s follow ing (viz‘)

The Paraside, or, Revenge f or honor , by Henry Glapthorne.

The Florentine freind .


Proxe , or Loves af tergam e .

The Eunu ch, a tragedy .

The Concei ts .Sa lisbu ry Plaine , a com edy .

The Wom a ns Master Pe ice .

Fitty the Ma id .

The Roya ll Cho i ce , by 8 “

Rob Stapleton .

The Noble Ravishers .A Foole and her m a idenhead soone p arted.

Supp osed Inconstancy.

The w om an’s law .

The Divorce .

The Bond Wom a n .Castara , or Cruelty w ithout ha te .

The Thra cian w onderTheBlac ks w edding.

The Law Case .

The Younger Brother .The Noble Triali .

3 0 th meccm hcr 1 653

Entred The govern/m t of the Com on Wea lth of Engla nd , Scotland(Cr Ire land if: the dom inions thereto belonging , w i th the Ld Protectors oa ththereunt o annexed

2 ° Saunas“ 1 653 [i .e . 1 653 44][ Page 2 99] Entred a book e called Prosodia cons trued , d- c, being an AddiconMuste r m u m to the Constra i ng of Li llies Rules , d: of lik e necessary use , by Barnab.

Ham pton vjd

[E Hu ber. 2—2 4 January 1 653 ] 439

MasterGeo. Calvert .V6 1 3 Aug . 46.

George Hurlocks.

George Hurlocke.

GeorgeHurlocks .

Ma sterHen. Tw iford,MasterNath . Brookes,and John Place

2 0 manner“ 1 653 [ i .e . 1 653 44]Assigned to him by vertue of a no te under the hand scale of JOSEPHHUNSC OTT , his m oye t ie or w ho le halfe part of in the book e or copieca lled Jus Divinum Regim inis Ecclesia sti ci , or &c , w ch booke w as form erlyentred to them ioyn tly . To w hich assignm t the hand o f Maste r WardenROBINSON rs subscribed Vj‘l

1 6th s anitary 1 653 [i .e . 1 65354]Assigned over unto him by ve l tue of a no te under hand and se ale o f

Mas te r BELLAMY , all his right in the book e or [ cop 1 e 3 ] ca lled, TheSeam a ns Di ctiona ry to w hich Assignm t the hand of Mas te r WardenROBINSON 1 s subscribed Vj

1 7th sanitary 1 653 [t.e . 1 653 44]Entred f or his copie under the hands of Mas te r JOHN BOOKER andMas te r Warden ROB INSON a bo ok e called Institutio Ma them a tica , A

m athem a ticall i nsti tu tion . By John Newton Vj“

Bic t ot em

Assigned over un to him by vertue of a no te unde r the hand of Mas terSPARKES all his right in the book e or copie called, The English, La tin ,French and Du tch schoolem aster , to w h ich assignm en t the hand Of Mas te rWarden ROBINSON 1 s subscribed . vj


Bic cohemEntre d for his copie unde r the hands Of Master CALAMY and Maste rWarde n ROBINSON a book e called A Breif e Exp osition of the p ropheci esof OBADIAH,



byM 'George Hutch inson , M inis te r at Edinburgh vjd

2 1 ° sanitary 1 653 [ i . e . 1 653 e4]Entred An Ordina nce f or rep ealing of severall Acts and resolvesof Parl‘, m ade f or or tou ching the subscribing or taheing the engagem ent


Bis eolm n

Entred also An ordina nce declarei

ng tha t the ofi'

en ces hereinm enti on ed and no other shalbe adjudged high Treason , w thin the Com onw ealth of England, S cotland (9 Ireland it the dom inions thereuntobelonging vj


2 11 ° Sanitary 1 653 [t. e . 1 653 44]Entred a book e ca lled A rela tion of a dispu te had betw ixtJohn Tom bes , B .D . resp ondent , and John Cragge and Henry Vaugha nMrs As, Opp onen ts , touching Infant Bap tism s , the 5“ Sep t . 1 653 , in the

church of Marie s in Abergaven ie 1 n Monm othshire vjd


MasterNath . Brookes.

John Place.

John Place .

Va 2 66.

Henry Hills.

[2 4 - 2 7 January 1 653 .M~n e¢ er

2 4° S him m y 1 653 [w

Entred for his copie under the hands of Mas te r CAR IL L and Ma s te rWarden ROBINSON a book e called A Breife exp osi tion w i th p racti ca llobserva tions up on ECCLESIASZIES a the CANTICLES By tha t learnedho ly divine M r J1 1 ° Cotton of Bo s ton 1 1 1 New England vj


We com m

En tred also under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te rWarden ROBINSON , A Breif e exp osi tion of the last fif tie PSALMES beingthe 3

“volum e, by M

Ir David Dick son , Professor of D in the Colledged


Edenbor. Vjd

2 5th gianua, 1 653 [t. e .

Assigned over un to him by vertue o f a no te u nder the hand and seale Of

NATH : BUTTER (w ch note beare th da te 3 0 th Mar. 1 650 ) all his the sd

Na th : righ t ti t le In the book e or copie ca lled The rem edy of di scontentw ri t te n byD‘Hal l

,to w eb assigm n t the hand of Mas terWarden ROB INSON

is subscribe d

2 5° s anitary 1 653

Assigned over un to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand and sea le of

NATH : BUTTER , all his the said Nath : righ t and t i t le in the is tw o book e sor copie s called, The f ra terni ty of the m ourners in Sion , songs in the

night , or comf orts in afi i ccon , to w ch assignem t the hand of M aste rWarden ROB INSON 1 s subscribed . vj“

m ic cousinAssigned over un to him by ve rtu e of a note under the hands and seale s o fRICH : BEST and SAMUELL CARTWRIGHT, one full 3 d pte in thre e equall

pts to bee devided ln the book e or copie called, The History of the Wor ld ,

By SrWalter Raw leigh, to w h ich ass i

gnem t the hand Of Mas te rWarden

ROB INSON 1 s subscribed vjd

We seem

Assigned over un to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand and seale Of

MATH : WAL BAN CK E one full m oye ty in the book e or copie called, Choi ceD eclaracons ct“ Pleadings being the 2 “p ts co llected byRi chardBrown lowEsq'And a lso dive other cases and p leadings a t the Upp er Bench , by a learnedclerke of the Com on Pleas , to w eh ass ignem t the hand o f M as ter Warde nROBINSON is subscribed Vjd

m i ni mum 1 653 [ i . e . 1 653 54]Entred for his copie a book e called The right constitu cbns if true subjectsof the vi sible chi n-

ch of Chri st , by Thom : Col lier


John Place.

Richard Boiston.


Joseph Cm nrord.


MasterWm Gi lbertson.

MasterWm Lee.

[9 February—4 March 1 653 .x- Plu her

9th .fl'

ehruargEntred for his copie a Trage - Com edy ca lled Passions calm ’

d or the settingof the floa ting ilaud, byWi l liam Strode gen t lem an Vj


1 7th .il'

ehm . 1 653 [ i . e . 1 65354]Entred under the hands Of Ma s ter CALAMY and Ma ste rWardenROB INSON a booke called Gosp ell Insence , or a D isco urse tou ching p rayer ,be ing the substance of ce rtaine lec ture se rm ons upo n 1 . THESALONIANS5. 1 7. By Tho: Gobbet , teacher of the church at Lynn d

2 0 Archw a y

Entred a book e called Fundam entalls in a notion ref erring toPractise . By Henry Ham m ond, D .D. vj“

2 1 i nfirm i ty 1 653 [t.e . 1 653 54]Entred a book e ca lled A tw ofold Catechism s, the one sim p lyca lled A se ture Ca techism e , the other, a brief s scrip ture Catechism e f orChi ldren . John Biddle M'

of Arts vjd

2 4 .rebm . 1 653 [ i .e . 1 653 44]Entred T he last houres of L‘Andrew R ivet , fa ithfu lly collectedch translated vj


zs ” chantry 1 653 [ i . e . 1 65344]Bu tt ed under the hand of Mas ter SEALE w arde n a book e

calledEuclidis sea: p ri m i elem en torum geom etri corum . by Georgio Fournieréso cie ta te Je su vj


w e ” act“ 1 653 [i .s . 1 653 44]Entred ye p rinted li censes f or a lehouses to bee signed by theJus ti ce of Pea ce f or the three R idings in Yorkeshire vj


so march 1 653 [ i .s . 1 653 414]Entred a book e called The History of Justine taken out of the44 bookes of Trojus Pom peius, tran slate d in to Engli sh by Robert Codrington, M

rof Art s vj

4° m ar-d iEntred under the hands o f Master CALLMY and Mas terROB INSON w arden , a serm on called, The Nature of Fa ith, by BartenHoliday, D' in Divini ty vj


dhii uon dM. t ie-her 4—1 4 March 443

Master Wm 'Lee .

Hen. Herringmnn.

Master Underhi ll.

John Crooks.

John Crook s.

Rich. Moone.

4° massifEntred for his copie a book e ca lled The innocent lady, or the i llustri ousinnocent . Transla ted out of French by S

r W'm Lower, k nt . L ic . byMas ter CAL AMY and Mas ter Warde n ROB INSON d

9° mart“En tred a book e ca lled The cou rt of Rom e , &c . Tran sla ted out

o f Italian by Cogan , in to English vj“

1 0 m ° massifAssign ed over to him by ve rtue of an in strum t under the hand scale of

Ma s te rWM DUGARD , da ted the 2 0 th day Of Jan : in stant la st , to w ch the

hand of Maste rWarden ROBINSON is subscribed , all his the sdM'Dug ard’s

righ t in a copie called, The History of the chu rch, form erly en tred to himthe said M'Dugard , the sa id assignm en t be ing in t ru st to the use of

M " Br1 dgettHarding , daug hter of M'Thom as Harding the authom , as bythe said assignm t appeare s vj


n th massif 1 653 [ i .s . 1 653 54]Assigned ove r un to him by vertue of a Bill of Sale under the hand and

scale Of RICHARD HAR PER all his the said Richards righ t , t it le and

in te re s t Of in and to the book e s or copie s hereafte r follow ing (vi z')i'vjd

Foodfrom Heaven , by D'Preston,The Unf ortuna te Son 1 “ pt ,Cup id

’s love lessons ,to w h ich Bil l the hand of Mas ter Warden ROBINSON is subscribed.

1 3° M an diEntred for his copie a book e ca lled The victory of tru th,f or the

peace of the

Church, &0 , by M on sr De LaMi literre, w i th an answ e r to the Mon sr de

la M ilitierre , &c , by John Bram hal l , D .D . Bp of Derry vjd

his t ot em

Entred a bo ok e called A vindica tion of the Church of England ,from the unj ust asp ersion of Crim ina ll schism e , &c . By Jn°° Bram hal l

D .D. L Bp o f Derry VJ"

1 4° M arc“Entred a book e called The order of causes of God

’s foreknowledge, e lection, p redestina tion , (f: of m an’s sa lva tion or Dam na tion , &c, byHenry Haggar vjd

Dele te d in Register.

Jam es Cotterelland Rich. Moons.

[Page 80 6]MasterThom . Roycroft .Ass . to MasterTwiford, 61 0 .

MasterTho. Underhlll .

Edw . Brew ster.Vs Apri l l , 1 656.

[ 1 4 MarCh 1 653—4 April 1 654 .x

1 4° M assifEntred for the ir copie a book e called Clavis ad ap eri end um Carceris Ostiaor, The high p oint of the w ri tt of Habeas Corp us discussed, being the case ofM'John Strea ter, &c vj


1 t m at ch 1 653 [ i .e . 1 653 e4]Entred 8. book s ca lledAn Enchiridion or ep i tom e of Epigra/m at icessays in La tin, Englished

I6 m am a 1 653 [ i . s . 1 653 44]Entred a book e called The second pte of the fai thfu ll Coun sellor,or the m arrow of the Law in English. ByWIn Shepherd, Esq


m am a 1 654

Entred for his copie a book e called Short w riteing shortned &c, by JohnFarthing , approved by Maste r GATAKBR and Mas ter CALAMY &c vjd

3 1 M arch 1 654

Entred Severall serm ons u on the l “ 2‘ 3 4 , 5 verses on the

Ep istle of JUDE ,is on the 2 " ACTS 4 1 . ROM . 2 1 , 2 6. MATHEW, 2 0 ,

2 . SAM . 2 4. 1 . PHILLIPIANS 1 . 1 . THESSALONIANS 4 .

3 . REVELAe‘

ON 1 . 2 . 2 . JAMES, by M'WIn Fenner, la te m ini ste r ofRochford in Essex vjd

4° apt .

Entred the Pra iers of M" Sp arkes d

’: M'W” Jenkyn , before the ir

usuall serm on s vjd

We cohemEntred joyntly by ve rtue of an assignem t under the hands andsea le s of the sad OCTAVIAN PULLEN and ANDREW CROOKE bearing datethe 1 4th of March 1 653 [i .e . 1 653 the book e or copie called, SeavenPrelections of the obliga tion of a Prom issory Oa th, &c (or Beaven lecturesread in the Divini ty schooles a t Oxford of the obligacon of Prom issoryOa ths ) by Rob‘Sanderson , D D. to w ch assignem t the hand of Ma ste rWarden


Stephen Chameld.

Master Wm Lee.

Maste rNath . Brookes.

MasterTho. Newcom be .


Tho. Brew ster.

[Page 3 0 9 ]HenryHerringman.

[IO—2 8 April 1 654 .M F1 " her- {EEthane]

1 0 th of apt . 1 654

Entred for his co

pie a book e called The Art of Cookery, refin

’d cf:

augm ented Co llec te from the prac t ise of Mr J0 8 : Cooper, chiefe Cook e to

the la te King vjd

lotb aw ful

En trad a bo ok e called Op us Astr‘

ologicum m em oriae trad itum ,

by Mr Nich: Culpepper deced. Sa lvo &c vjd

IZ‘b apt“! 1 654

En tred a book e called The Disp utation at Winchom bNovem b. 5‘

1 653 . 2 d edi tion, by M" Clem “ Barkesdale m iniste r at Gloces vjd

1 sth aprill 1 654En tred a book e called Sem igraphy or Short Writeing, by

dJerem iah Rich, profe ssor of the said art vj

1 7tb span 1 654

Entred a book e ca lled Ina uguratio Olivariana sive p ro Praefaectura Serenissim i Princip ieAnglia e Scotia s ct Hibern ia e Dor


i Protectoris

Oliva ri Carm en votivum , in Latyn an d Eng lish w ri tte n by Fitz - PayneFisher, Ge n t . VJ

Bic eonem

Entred a book e called Theatri tabidorum vestibu lum seu emercitat iones Dianoetriae cum Histori is et exp erim en tis dem onstratin is &c, by

C. Bennett MD e t Col. Londo Soc iu . Lyce nsed by FRAN C I S PRAEJEANrece s Co ll . Maed. Lond. e t EDMUND SM ITH , ED . Em m a , in Latyn and

nglish vjd

1 9° am . 1 654

Entred A curiou s, n ew ch p layne m app of Eng la nd S cotland if:

Irela nd , or a guide f or travellers , and the p laine m a ns m app , w i th a

descrip tion of Eng land , Ireland , Scotland A": Wa les ; together w th a

chrono logie of sund ry rem arkeable p assages , w ch have happ ened w i thin thesaid Na tions, f rom the yeare 1 640 vnti ll the years 1 654 vj


2 8 am “! 1 654

En trad A m ake if: com edi c cal led , The Nup tialls of Peleus if:

Thetis , Or the grea t Roya ll ba ll Acted lately at Paris . Transla ted in toEng lish by Jam es Howel l Esq" d

[fiiw iiu on dn . Flesher.

MasterJohn Crooks .

MasterJam es Flesher.

John Playford.

MasterGeorge Saw bridge.

MasterCrippsand asterLodowicks Lloyd.

[Page 3 1 0 ]Charles Addam s .

Robert Bostocks.

4— 1 0 May 447

4 m ay 1 654

En tred for his copie a book e called De Hibernia et an tiquitat/ibus ejue disquisition es authors Jacobo Warwo, Egu : Aur d

M e eobem

Entred under the hand of Master SEALE w arden a book e calledHugonis Grotlj Annota ta ad vetus Testam entum d

Bic com m

Entred a book e called A Brezj e i ntroduction to the ski lld

ofMusick , f or song and viall by J. P.

of w as 1 654

Entred a book e called Sacrinia Sacra , Secretts of Em p ire' inletters of i llustri ous p ersons . A supp lem ent of the Caba la , &c vjd

Bic concurAssigned ove r un to him by ve rtue of a no te under the hand of RICHARDMAR RIOTT, all his righ t and Tytle of and m the book e or copie called,The Art of Angling, by Gervas Mark ham to w h ich no te the hand of

Mas te rWarden ROBINSON lS subscribed vjd

9 M ay 1 654

En tred for the ir copie a book e called The orthodox Evangelist , or, a treatisew herein a grea t m any Evangelica ll Tru ths are br iefly discussed &c . ByJohn Norton , Teacher at the church at Ipsw ich in New England vj


m ay 1 654

Entred a book e called A Poem of Hunting, w ritten in Latyn byGratius the Falescian Eng lished by ChristopherWase w th anno ta tionsthereupon

B ic eoncm

Assigned ove r un to him by vertue of a no te under the hand and scale o f

GEORGE BADGER , and subscribed by Maste r ROBINSON w arden , all hisrigh t and tytle in the m oye tie or one fu ll halfe of the bo oke s or copie shereaf ter m en tioned (viz‘) i i ij


M r REYNOLDS on the 1 1 0 “ PSALME .

his three trea t ise s (vi z‘) The vani ty of the Crea ture , &c .

his m edi ta tions on the sa cram ent .hi s p assions of the souls.

his shie lds of the ea rth , a serm on .his p eace of the church , a serm on .

Dr MAYER up on ST. JAMES ep istle .

The Arcadia/n p rincesse .

M'CHIBBALD’S Sum s of all, &c .

The Sa ints Sottace by Peter Bostocks .

Richard Marriott.

Richard Marriott.

MasterJam es Flasher.

[ Page 3 1 1 ]Thomas Newberry .

MasterJohnWil liam s .

John M ord.

MasterMathew Symonds .

[ 1 3 May—3 June 1 654 .

1 3 m ay 1 654

Entred for hi s copie A serm on preached at Chris t Church at Oxford, called,

Naturall reason no sure ground to sa lvation, by Francis Palm er,M'of Arts ,fe llow of the sam e house vj


Bic com m

Entred a play called App eus and Virginia Tragedy w ri t ten byJohn Webster vj


1 8th m ay 1 654

Entred under the hands o f Mas ter SEYLE and Maste r ROBINSONw ardens , a book e called The m ost notable antiqui ty of Greats Britta ine ,Com only called Stoneheng . Re s to red by Inigo Jone s , arch i te c t genera l tothe la te king vj


1 sth of M ay 1 654

Bu tt ed a book e called Chronography, or Disquisicon of Tim esf rom the Crea t ion to Christ, by Bo: Vilvain D'


1 n Phi sick vj“

1 9 m ay 1 654

Assigned over un to him by vertue of a note under the hand and seale o f

JOHN BELLAM IE (bearing da te Octob. 1 653 ) All his the said JohnBellam ie righ t and tytle In the book e s or copie s fo llow ing , (vi z‘) Precep t:f or Christia ns Practice, A survey of the church discip line , by M " Thom as

Hook er ; The w ay of the Congregationa ll Church clear ed, by M‘Cotton ,and A M irar or Look ing gla sse f or saints d: sinners , by M'Sam : Clark e,to w h ich no te the hand of Mas te r Warden ROBIN SON is subscribed ij


2 9 m ix-1 3 1 654

Entred for his copie a book e called Dayly m edi ta tions divine it: m ora ll .Wri t te n by a pe rson of honour and pie ty

2 Slim e 1 654

Entred a book e called Tria na , or a threef old Rom anza ofMariana , Padua na , Sabi na vjd

3 3 1 1 31 8 1 654

Entred by vertue of a no te under the hand and seale of

HUMPHREY BLUNDEN (bearing da te 1 6 Aprill 1 654) All his the saidHum phreys righ t i n the copie ca lled, Wi tts R ecrea tions , to w h ich no te thehand of Mas te r Warden ROB IN SON i s subscribed . vj


[Page 3 1 3 ]Joseph Cranford .

Nathani el] Eklnsand John Allen.Vs Dec . 55.

Henry Hi lle l

Richard Royston.

Jam es Cram ps.

[2 3 June—4 July 1 654 .M- m m er

2 3 th mim e 1 654

Entred for the ir copie a book e called The Judgem ent set, and the bookesop ened , Religi on tried, w hether i t bee of God , or of m en the Lord com eth tovisi t his ow ns , in severall serm ons , by John Webster vj“

2 3 th sli me 1 6511

Entred a book e called Refreshing stream es flow ing f rom the

j u luss of Jesus Christ , he ld forth i n severall se 1 m ons by Wi l liam Colvi ll,som e tym es preacher at Edenburgh vj


2 8tb finite 1 654

Entred unde r the hands of M as te r CAR YLL and Mas te rROBINSON a book e called The Mi stery of Godlines or godlines in a M is tery,by J . 0 VJ“

soth Slim e 1 654

En tred a bo ok e called Three trea t ises tending to the establishm ent of Pea ce , both Sp iritual i , Ecclesiastica ll Politicall by M

" JohnCotton of New England

I“ 31 1 1 1 13 1 654

Entred a book e called The Doctrine of Bap tism s, and the

Distinct ion of the covena n ts, &c . By Thom as Patient 8. labourer in the

church o f Chris t at Dublin vjd

It") 3 1 1 1 2 1 654

Entred a book e called I/ iveing loves betw een Chris t and dyeingChri stia ns , be ing a serm on preached at the funeral] of M r Je rem iahWhi ttak er, w th a narra t ive of his life by Sim eon Ash, to w eb book e the

hands of Maste r CALAMY and Mas te r Warden NORTON ls subscribed1VJ

Bic cobem

En tred a bo ok e called Reasons of the p resent judgem ent of theUniversi ty of Oxford, concerneing the solem ne league if: covena nt , byDr Robert Sanderson vj“

Bic conem

En tred under the hands o f Master GATAK ER and Mas te rWarden NORTON a book e called The Poores advoca te, by Richard Young ,gen tlem an d

[Ehiifiion dn Plei ber.

Master Leach.

Ma ster New com b.

Master Ibbltson .

M aste rGeorge Sawhrldge.treasurer forthe partners inthe EnglishS to ck o f theC om pany o fS ta tioners.

5—6 July 451

EM of sum 1 6511

Assign ed ove r un to him by vertue o f a no te unde r the hand and scale

o f ROBERT DAWLMAN Esq'all his esta te , r igh t tytle and in te re s t in

Dr Sanderson’s Serm o ns (here tofore entred unto m ee as m y prope r Copie s)viz‘, Ad clerum 1 Se rm o n ; ad m agistratum 3 serm on s , ad p turn 6 ser

m ons ; and 2 se rm ons m ow , the one upon 1 PETER The o ther

Egon ROMANS the 1 4th chap verse , to w hi ch no te the hand of

s ter LEE w arden °

1 s subscribed xijd

no cobem 5° 1 654

En tred for his copie s under the hand of Maste r GILBERT MABBOT'I‘Agen tfor the Arm y Fifty - tw o w eek ly pam phle tts called, The Perfect D iwrna ll,beg ining July 1 653 ending the 2 d of July, 1 654 xxv'

etb $1 1 1“ 1 654

Entred under ye hand of Mas te r Se cre tary THO ELOE Fifty - tw o

w eek ely pam phle tts called, M ercu rius Poli tica s, beginning July 1 653 ,ending the July, 1 654 xxv

Bio cobcm 6° 1 654

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r MALYN secre tary to his

Highnesse , Fifty tw o w eek ely pam phletts called, The Perfect Occurrences,beg inning the 8um July 1 653 , ending the July 1 654 xxv'

Etc eobem 6° 1 654

Entred severall Alm ana cks for the yeare 1 655 unde r thenam e s of Wi ng , Cu lp epp er, Pond , Dove , Sw a llow , Dads , Neve Woodhou se ,Whi te , Vaux, Ga llen, Goldsm i th, Phi llip s , Perkins , Poole , Hew ett , Pigott ,Berridge , Hea ly, Sm i th, Ja ckson , rf‘ Partri dge d

452 [IO—2 1 July 1 654.B. N-Lnn -anj

M aster : g am m a m ans , M aster.

m aster : W i lliam am 8:

M aster : R og er .florton

MasterWalbank e .

Joseph Cranford.

Master Tw ifordan

RogerWingate .

V 4 Sept . 1 656.

[Page 3 1 6]Master Twlt'ord


RogerWingate .

V 4 Sep t . 1 656.

Vide 2 0 Jun . 51 .

M art ens .

Eli e loth sale 1 654

Entred for his copie The com igue history of Francion trans la ted by Ma'

orWright vi

Bic com m

Entred unde r the hand of Ma s te r CALAMY a booke ca lled Abriefe exp osi con of the Prop hecies of HAGGAI , ZECHARIAH d’ MALACHYby Geo: Hutchinson, M inis te r at Edenburgh

m ay

En tred a bo ok e called The life and dea th of the renow ned JohnFisher som etim es Bp of Rochester, &c Wherein scrol l rem arkeable p assagesof the state of those tym es are brought to light and exa ied, by Tho: Bai ly, D .D .


law may 1 654

En tred under the hand of Ma s ter CALAMY a book e calledA p rosp ect of eternity, or m a ns everlas ting condi tion op ened a/nd app li ed ,

rbiyJn° Wel ls, M'of Arts , som e tym e s fe llow of S‘John’s Colledge in Oxfo

n ow pas tor of C lave s Jury, London vj‘l

m ay

Entred a booke called The bodie of the com on law of England ,

as it stood in force bef ore i t w as altered by Statute or Acts of Pa/rl‘or Sta te ,&c , by EdwardWingate Esq vjd

of $1 1 1 2 1 654

Entred ioyntly by vertue of an asst from Mas te r JA : FLESHERto ROGER W INGATE , by ve rtue of the said Roge rWingate ’s conse n tunde r his hand and seals da te d th is ins tan t July a bo ok e or copiecalled A sum a ry of a ll statu tes n ow in force it: use d o, byW“ 1 Wing'ate Esqrw h ich copie w as entred to the sd M'Fle she r in this Regis te r. To w ch

asste the hand of Mas te rWarden NORTON is subscribed vj“


Thomas Brew ster.

MasterHum . Bohlnsonand MasterGeo. Sawbridge.

Peter Cole .

Peter Cole.

[2 1 —2 2 August 1 654 .8 a

2 1 augustEntred for his copie a pam phle tt called, Three excellent sorts of m edi cina ll

w a ters, the Sp aw at: su lp hur w ell, up on the forrest of Knaresborough,S‘Magnus Well a tt Capgrave &c vj


flag . 1 6514

Entred a bo ok e ca lled Three score one lectures up on ye eighthchap ter of CANTICLES if : the fif th verse, by M'Faithful ] Peat , M inis teratt Sudbury Vld

We com m

Entred On e hundred siz e serm ons all pre ached byM'Wm Strong late M in is te r att VVe stm r


flag . the 1 654

Seaven Serm ons p reac hed a tt the fun eralls of sevall

a ll p rea ched by M ' W‘“ Strong aforesd la te M inis te r at

B is sobem

Entred a Booke of Mapp s being a ready guide or direccion f orany stra nger or other w ho is to travell in any p art of the Com on Wealth ofEngla nd, Ireland or Scot la nd , by w ch he m ay find the w ay in any p artthereof though hee knew i t not before . Wherein are a lphabeti call tablesshew ing the longi tude if: la ti tude of all the tow nes na m ed in the said m ap 8 ,

&c by Tho : Porter vj

B is sohsm

Entred a book e called A second ga te or doore to the ho ly tongu eOp ened in English , being a comp endious Hebrew Gram er it Di ctio

Published byW'n Robe rtson , A .M .

august the zztb 1 654

Entred a book e called The w orkss of Lazarus Riverius,Phis i tianto the King of France , containing seaven teen e book es of the pra ctice ofphisiflck t ransla ted by Nich : Culpepper

,W1m Rowland, M'

of Art s , outof La t ine vjd

We t ot em

Entred a book e con tain ing Fours bookes of Observa tions , threeof them w r itten in La tine by the sa i d Laz arus Riverius cfi the fou rthim parted by o thers , tra nsla ted out of Latine by Nich : Culpepper,Wm Rowland vj


[X'hfiaa le mfl n 2 2 August— 1 Septem ber 465

Peter Cole .

Peter Cole .

Peter Cole.

Peter Cole.

Peter Cole.

Master Ibbitson.

[ Page 3 2 1 ]Robert Boydell .

august the 2 2 th 1 654En tred for his copie a book e ca lled Johanes Riolanus his Ana tom ytran sla ted out of Lat ine by Nich : Culpepper vjd

n ufit 1 654

En tred a book e ca lled The Workss of Daniel ] Senectus, transla tedout of La t ine by Nich : Culpepper Wm Rowland vj


august 2 2 th 1 654a book e called The Idea of practica ll Phisick byJohnson , transla ted out o f La tine by Nich : Culpepper vj‘1

m tg . .Zz tb 1 654

a bo oke called Bartholinus his ana tom y, transla ted out

of La tine by Nich : Cu1 pepper vjd

g ag . .2 2 tb 1 654

Entred a book e called The Workss oftransla ted out o f La tine by Nich : Culpepper

s ag . zi rh 1 654

En tred a bo ok e called The Eighth booke of M" Jerem iah Bur

roughs, being a trea t ise of the Evill of Evi lle , or the erc eeding sinfulnes of

soth . of augustEntred An Ordina nce f or the be tter regu la ting it lym iting



ju risdiction of the High Court of Chanceryhis sohsm

Entred under the hand of Mas te r MALYN,see r Eigh t new e s

book e s ca lled the -perfeet-e ee um ene es-i“ Severall Proceedings, &c . viz‘ from

6m July to the las t of Augus t 1 654 vj“

1 ° gent. 1 654

Entred under ye ha nds of Maste r L . Ro om s, Prof. As tron inCo ll Gre sh and Maste r Warden NORTON a booke ca lled The art of app arrelling fitting of any ship w ih m a sts, yards cordage , &c , by Hen: Bond,te acher of naw gat ion vjd

De le te d in Register.


John Stafford .

John Stafford .

MasterPhlll. Stephens.

Wi l liam Roybould.

Master Roycraft.

John Marshall .

[Page 3 2 2 ]Maste rGeo. Sawbrldge .

Edward Thomas .

[ 1—2 5 Septem ber 1 654. s.

1 ° gent. 1 654

Entred for his copie a book e ca lled An theologia , or the sp eech of flow ersvj“

his cousinButt ed a book e called Abel Redevivus , or, the dead yet sp eaki ngThe lives and deaths of 1 0 7 m oderne divines , w ri tten by severa ll ablelearned m en, d c vj

4th &m tem b. 1 6514

En tred under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY andMaste r NORTONw arden a book e called A Com en tary or Exp osi tion up on the tw elve m inorp rophetts, by Johu Trapp, M .A. once of C C i n Oxfo rd , now pas to r



We s ton upon Avon ln G loce s te r- sh ire

stb &cptsm h. 1 6514

Entre d a book e called True Chris tiani ty, or Chri sts absolu tedom inion , cf: ma ns necessary self e resigna tion and subjection . In tw o assizeserm on s preached at Worce s te r by Richard Baxter

1 2 th of ésptsm b.

Entred a book e called Introductio ad lection em lingnarum

orientalium Hebrai ca s , Chalda i cae , Sam a ri tanas, Syriacae , Arabeca e ,Perecia s, Ethiopi ca e , Cop tae , Arm enae , by Dr Bryan Walton 4

1 6th g entem h. 1 654

Entred The Acts ct Statutes of the i sland of Barbadoes, si nce theredu cem e nt of the sam e , under the au thori ty of the Com onw ealth of Engla nd ,

c‘x’: set tforth the 7“ Sep t . 1 652 , w th the caracter of the sam e island vj


2 1 th of gent. 1 6514

En tred a book e called His Highnes the LordProtectours sp eachesto the Pa rliam e nt in the Painted Cham ber on the 4“ ch 1 2 “ of Sep tem b. 1 654 .

Taken by M'R . Hat te r, Se cre tary to the Counce ll o f Warre &c vjd

2.5‘b g entsm b. 1 654

En trad a book e called An histori call and legall vindi ca ti on ofthe fundam entall libert ies , rights and law s of Engla nd, by Wi ll iam Prynneof Sw ainsw ick e Esqr d


MasterNath. Brookes.

Richard Mynn.Vs 3 2 4, ass. to


John Stafford.

[Page 3 2 4]Andrew Kem be .

Master JohnClarke


Vs 3 2 3 .

Vs No . 55.

Edward Thom as .

[2—1 8 October 1 654 .3 Hu n - {EEss a ]

2 ° O ctober 1 6511

Entred for his copie a book e called The Queens Clossett op ened . Phissi call

and chirogica ll receipts p reserveing, conserving , ounding and cookery, as

they w ere transcribed f rom her Mati ss rece ip t books by W. M. on e of herla te servan ts . VJd

We cohemAssigned over un to him by vertue of a no te unde r the hand and seals of

STEPHEN CLIFTON adm r of Fulk e Clifto n , all the e s ta te , right , tytle andin te re s t w hich the said Fulk e C lifton in the book e or copie called,The Fai thfu ll Farri er, to w hich no te the w arden s hands are subscribed


We eobem

En tred for his copie A serm on p rea ched at the recovery of the Coun tssse ofRutla nd f rom childbed and at S'Jn‘Davers recoveryfrom si cknes , 2 7 Aug

1 650 , at Chelsey up on 38“ ESAIAH, by M'Ful ler vj

Elie 3° O ctober 1 654

unde r the han ds of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te r LEEw arden , a book e called Di es dom ini cus redivivus , Or the Lords Dayenlivened, Or a trea ti se tending to recov the Chris tian Sabba th, &c ,,


byPhi l lip Goodwyn , M" A, Pas tor at Watf ord ln Hartfordshire vj

6 O ctober 1 6523

En tred by ve rtue of a note unde r the hand and scale of

RICHARD MYN: all his e sta te righ t t i tle and in te re s t , in the book e or

copie called The Fa i thfu ll Farri er , to w hich no te the hand of Mas te rWarden NORTON ls subscribed

l 7tb O ctober 1 654

Entred a booke ca lledADecla ra tion if: p rotesta tion agst ye illegallde testable of t condem ned n ew tax and extortion of Exc ise in gene rall


hop e a p articuler by W1m Prynne of Sw ain sw ick e Esq


1 8tb O d ell . 1 654

Entred under the hand of Maste r CALAMY a booke called Atreatise of the w ho le a rm our of God i n 3 p arts , on EPHESIANS 6 . 1 0 , byM'Wm Gournall M ini ster at Lavenham vj“

M e cohem

Entred also under the hand of Mas te r CALAM Y a book e calledThe, Wells of Sa lva tion Op ened, or a trea tise of the p rom ise on 2 . PETER1 . 4 . by D

“Wi l liam Spurstow, m in is te r at Hack ney vj“

[Ki n } s. m .

MasterGeo. Bawbrldge.

MasterGeo. Bawbrtdgs .



Maste rHum . Blunden.

MasterHum . Blunden.

John Martin andJam es Allestree.

1 8 October—l No vem ber 459

1 8th of O ctober 1 654

Entred for hi s copie a book e called An ephem eri s f or the years 1 655.

Bei ng the third after Leap s years , toge ther w ih astrologica ll p redi ctions ct:

m onethly observacons . By Nich : Culpepper gen t , s tuden t in as tro log iephisick la te ly de ceased . vjd

1 sth of O ctober 1 654

Entred a. book e ca lled OYPANO®EOPIA. Coelestia ll observations , or an Ep hem eri s of the m o tions , eclipses and pha eno

'me na s of thelum ina ries , the p lane tary app earances,p osi tion s and conjunc tions w i th thei rva ri ou s asp ects configuracons , and judg em ts astrologi call and m eteorologicall &c, by John Booker, s tuden t in astro logie phisick vjd


O ctob. 1 654

Entred a book e or pam phle t called Inquisitio Anglicana , or

the Disgu ise discovered &c 6“

2 3 th of 9 171 0 1 1 . 1 654

a shee te o f pape r cut t in coppe r printe d, co nsis t ing[N0 sum s ta ted]

Entredof Rim e Prose entituled, Wi tt Folly in a m a ze

2 7th O ctober 1 654

Entred under the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden . a booke

called Henry Cornelius Agrippa his fou rth books of occu lt p hi losop hy,transla te d into English by Robert Turner

2 8 O ctob. 1 654

Entred a book e called Mis terium Mag nu/m ,or , an exp osi ti on of

thefirst Books of Moses ca lled GENESIS &c, com prised 1 n 3 pts, w ri t te n in1 62 3 by JacohBehm en . vj

M e eobem

Entred a book e called A consola tory trea ti se of the f our comp lez ions it s, w ri t te n in 1 62 1 by the Teutonicall philo sopher Jacob BehrrzenVJ

let anaem ia. 1 6514

En tred unde r the hand o f Mas te r Warde n NORTON a book e

called An Italian English Dictionary conta ineing a ll the w ords inVocabu la/ri o dell’Accadem i ci della crusca f ranciosin i , and the best Ita lia nau thors w i th an addicon of ten thow sand ni m e then any hitherto published ;a lso ano ther di ctiona ry in English inIta lian, the like never p rinted before,w hereu nto i s added a com p lea t gram m e r , som e choi ce dia logue if: proverbesof the Italian tongue vj



MasterRich . Best .

[ Page 3 2 6]John Martin andJam es Allestree.

John Bedm an.


MasterTho. Underhi ll .

MasterOctavian Pulleyn .

John Clow es .

MasterHen. Tw i t


ord andRogerWingate.

[ 1—2 7 Novem ber 1 654 .s. m a -em

let of flobem b. 1 654

Entred for his copies by assignem t from LAUR : BLAICKLOCKE , to w ch the

hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden is subscribed the book e s hereaf te rm encioned en tituled, Vade M ecum , by Walt Young ; his pte of Am es

Cases of Consc: transla te d into Eng Poem s wri tten by Fra: Beaum ontxviij


let flobem b. 1 654

Entred under the hand of Mas te r Warden NORTON a book e

called Nichola i Up ton i de studio m i li tary libri qua tuor . Joha n de Oidoaureo tracta tu s de arm ie Hcu ri ci Sp elm ann i , Aspi logia , Edoardus Bissaeus,e codicibus Mss . p rim us publici juris f eci t notisque illustravi t, in Latyn and

Eng lish vjd’

9th flobem b. 1 654

a book e called Cornelij Schrevelij Lexi con m anua lvjd


Gra eco - La tinu d: La tino - Graecum

1 8 flobem b. 1 654

En tred a book e called Ru les and orders f or regu lation of theCom m on Bench, m ade by the Lord Cheife Ju sti ce 8 ‘ Johns , Justi ce Atki ns ,Justi ce Ha le at Justi ce Wyndham vj


We eobem

Entred a book e called The tru e doctrine of Jus tifica tion assertedif: vindica ted fro m the errors of m any, et c Or a trea tise of the na turall

righteousn es of God, and im pu ted righteousne sse of Christ, by AnthonyBurgesse, Pas tor o f the church at Su t ton Coldfield inWarw ick shire vjd

2 1 “3 flobem b. 1 654

En tred under the hand o f Mas te r ROGER NORTON w arde n abook e called Francisci Glissonij in in clyta Can tabrigia Academ ia , Medi

cinae Prof essoris publi ci it Collegii L ondinensi Socii , Ana tom ia Hep a tisVJd

flobem ber 1 654

Entred a book e called A di scourse up on the na ture of Etern i ti e,d: the condi ti on of a sep era ted sou le a ccording to the grounds


of reason , if:

p rinc ip les of Christian religion . By Wi l liam Brent o f O ra le s Inn Esq’.

dNot to bee prin ted w thout the au thors consen t V]

flobcm b. 1 6514

Entred under the hand o f Mas te r ROGER NORTON a booke

called Notes and Observa tions concerning the recep tion , en terta inm ent ,audi ences &c, given Em bassadors of f orre igne p rinces , and other p ersons ofem inent qualliti e From the tym s tha t King Jam es (of ever blessedm em ory) conferred on (S

'John Fynett, kn') the office of Assis tant Masterofthe Cerem onyes , in October 1 61 2 , in the 1 0

yeare of hisMati es ra igne VJd


MasterWE Gi lbertson.

m otharthwdlte.

Richd. Marriott.

MasterSam . Ge llibrand.

[Page 3 2 9]Master Tom lynsand Hen. Bills .

MasterHum ph . Mosely.

Master II . Mosely.

Master H. Mosely .

[2 8 Decem ber— 1 6 January 1 654 .B- Ham il

‘f‘m onj

2 8th of Beceniber 1 654Entred for his copie by vertue of a Bill of Sale under the hand scale of

Maste r M ICHAELL SPARKE de ce d (un to w ch the hand of w arden NORTONis subscribed) a book e or copie called or k now ne by the nam e of , Ovi dsHeroicall Epi stles. Eng lished by W. S . form ly be long ing to the sd

M'Spark es

2 ° summ ary 1 654 [ i . e . 1 65445]Entred under the hand of Mas te r Warden NORTON a book e

ca lled A Trea tise of Engli sh Pa rti cles f or the use of schooles byM 'Wi l liamWalk er, M r

of the free schools at Lou th d

9th of Stan. 1 654 [i . e . 1 651125]En tred w i th the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden a book e calledThe schools of fortune, to w ch i s added a w he e le " Dis course of Dream es, bySam uel l Shepheard vj


1 2 th of am . [ 1 61 54 [i . e . 1 65445]En tred w th the hand of Doc tor TEM PLE and Mas te r LEEw arden subscribed a book e called The Sp i ri t of Bondage it ado

ption, in

tw o trea tise s , by Sim on Ford B .D . m i n is ter at Reading 6“

1 6th of San. 1 654 [ i .s . 1 65455}Entred w th the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden , a booke calledThe history of Scot la ndfrom the years 1 42 3 u nti ll the yea rs 1 542 , con ta ining the lives at: reignes of Jam es the 1 “ 2 " 3 "4" it w i th severa ll m em ori a lls

of S ta te during the reignes of Jam es the 6“ it Cha rles the ByWm Drum ond o f Hauthornden

1 6th of 3 2m . 1 654 [ i .s . 1 65455]En tred a book e called Artam snes , or the Grand Cyru s , the 9" it

1 0 “ p ts , w ch fin isheth the w hole w 0 1 k . Trans la ted in to Englishd

byFra : Gitl

ard Esq . vjd

new of Siam . 1 654 [ i . e . 1 6511 45]Butred a book e cal led The Aphori sm es of Hipocrates , w th a

short com ent of Ga len Heurn inses if: Fuchsius . Trans la ted into English .

Subscribed by Master BOOKER and Mas te r NORTON w arden vjd

Matt . 1 654 [ i s. 1 65445]Entred a book e called I l Coralbo, a rom ance, w ri tten in Ita lianby Giovani Francisco Biondi , transl into Eng . vjd

De le te d in Register.

Ham 1 6—2 2 January 463

MasterHum ph. Mosely.

MasterHum ph. Mose ly.

MasterHum p. Mosely.

MasterHum p. Mosely.

Master Mosely.

Master Mosely.

[Page 3 3 1 ]

Est“ . 1 651! [ i . e . 1 65445]Entred for his copie w th the hand o f Ma ste r NORTON w arden a book eca lled Herm etica ll Phisick , by tha t fam ou s Chim ist Henry Nollyns.

Englished by Hen : Vaughan, gen t vj'1

1 6th Man. 1 654 [ i . s . 1 651445]En tred und the hand of Maste r NORTON Warde n a book e

called The history of Anaxand er it Grasia by S' de Boys Robert , a ne w

rom ance , transla ted in to Eng lish vj‘l

1 6th of ass . 1 654 [ i .e . 1 65445]Entred unde r the hand o f Mas te r NORTON w arden a booke

called ®eoe Avdpo m octdpo s, or God Inca rna te , chew ing tha t Jesus Chri st isthe only if: m ost high God, in 4 bookes, w herei n also are conta ined a f ewanim adversions up on a la te nam eles ct: bla sp hem ous com e ntary on the Epi stleto the HEBREWES, p ublished under the cap ita l-l lT’és G. M . Anno Dn i

by Edm ond Porter, B D . Prebend of Norw ich vjd

1 6th of aim . 1 654 [ i . s . 1 651445]En tred under the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden a book e

ca lled Clorinda , a n ew rom ance , t ransla te d out of French vj“

i sth of 3 m . 1 654 [ i . e . 1 65445}Entred under the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden a book e

ca lled Clslia , a new rom ance , w ritte n in French , by Mons . de Scudery,Govnor of Nos tre Dam e . Transla te d in to Eng lish vjd

1 6th of man. 1 654 [ i .s . 1 65455]Entred under the hand of Maste r NORTON w arde n a book e

cal led The Eng lish Trea sury of Wi tt cf: La nguag e , or, sho wsflow ers collectedout of the m ost d: best of our Eng lish Dram aticall Poem s . Diges ted intoCom on Pla ces by J. Cotgrave, gen t vj


l6th of S an. 1 654 [ i .e . 1 65445]Entred un der the hand o f Maste r NORTON w arden a book e

called A fourth volum e of Fam i lia r Letters p tly historica ll, p olitica ll,

p hi losophica ll, by Ja : Howel l Esq”

2s of Siam . 1 654 [i .s . 1 65445]Entred under the hand o f Master LEE w arden , a booke called

Herflnsmw Honor redivi vus, or an ana lysis of Honour Arm ory, by Math : CarterEsq


Ben. Herringm sn.

Rlch. Royston.

Rich. Royston.

Peter Cole.

[Page 3 3 2 ]Tho. New berry.

Henry Hi lls.

MasterJohnWilliam s .

[2 5 January—5 February 1 654 . s m nm lll'xitz‘aom ]

2 5 b of Siam 1 654 [i . s . 1 65455]

Entred for his copie under the hand of Mas te r Bo : NORTON , w ardena booke ca lled Anthrop ologie Abstr acted, or the i dea of Hum a iie na tu rereflected i n brief s Philosophica ll if: Ana tom icall collections vj


2 5th man. 1 654 [ i .e . lGSMS]

Entred under the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden a ‘


called A R ep ly to the Ca tholick Gentlem a n’s answ er to the m ost m a tteria llp te of the booke of schism e , &c , by H . Ham ond, DD. vj


2 5th man. 1 654 [i .s . 1 65445]

Entred under the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden a book ecalled The Golden Grove, or a Manua ll of da i ly p rayers and L ettan ies

fitted to the da i es of the w eeks Conta ining w ha t i s to be beli eved, p ra ctised ,desi red, Also f estivall hym nes a ccording to the m a nner of the a/uncient

church, by the authour of the Gr ea t Exem p lar vj"

m m m m . 1 654 [ i .e . 1 65445]

Entred under the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden a book ecalled The si zes it lengths of riggings f or all the S ta tes shipp s , if: frigga tts,as a lso p rop orcons of Boatesw aines d carp enters stores of all kinds f or8 m on ethes sea servi ce up on the coasts of Eng la nd , Together w th sund ryother usefu ll observacons Pe rform ed by Edward Hayward, clerke of theSurvey at Chattham vj


2 0 m i x. 1 654 [ i . s . 1 65445]

Entred unde r the hands of Mas ter CALAMY and Mas te r NORTONw arden a book e called Law lesss ti th robbers discovered &c Vj


so .fl'

shr. 1 654 [i . e . 1 65445]

Entred a. book e calledHis H ighne s sp each to the Parliam 'in thePa inted Cham ber att their dissolu tion up on Monday the 2 2“of Janua ry 1 654

[ i e . 1 654 Published to pvent m istakes (f: false copi es , w th the hand ofMaster LEE w arden subscribed vj


so m m . 1 654 [i .e . 1 65445]

En trad under the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden a book e

called A p eti tion f or the v ind ication of the publique use of the Books ofCom on Prayer &c, l1 l pnted to the Pa rl‘, Anno 1 654 . By Lionell

Gatford, Batch of Divini ty vj“


Richard Marriott.

Henry Hil ls andJohn Field.

MasterJohnMaoock .

[Page 3 35]Master Bartlett.

Henry Hills andJohn Field.

John Crooks.

[2 2 February—2 March 1 654. s aw m ill'imom ]

2 2 th of .fl'

ehr. 1 654 [ i . e . 1 6545 ]Entred for the ir copie a book e called An Ordina nce f or reviving the cou rt ofthe Du tchy of Lancaster, by order of his Highnes councell, da t 1 4

“ Feb. 54

[i .e . 1 654—5] to w ehbooke the hand of Master LEE w arden is subscribed vj“

2 3 th of flatw are 1 654 [ i .e . 1 65445]Entred unde r the hand of Maste r NORTON , w arden , a book e

actica ll

called Eu cho logia , or the doctrine of prie a te * p rayer , left as a legacie by a

father to his daughters , in p rivate directing them to the m a nifo ld use of our

com on p rayer booke, &c , by John PrideauxD .D. la te Bp of Wore d

2 7th of di shw are 1 654 [i .e . 1 65455]Entred w th the hand Of Mas ter Warden NORTON subscribeda book e called Holy Devotions w th direction s to p ray. Also a

eap osicon up on the Lds prai er, the creed, the a: Com dm tes &c by the

Reverend Father in God,Lancelot Andrewes, la te Bp of Worc

zztb .if ehi‘

. 1 654 [ i . e . 1 65445]Entred By his Highnes . A Proclam a tion p rohibi ting Horsera ces f or six m oneths d

2 7th or dra w. 1 654 [i .e .

Entred under the hands of Mas te r LEE w arden a booke calledThe Hi story of the Min istery Negotia c

ons of Arm and Jean da PlessisCardina ll if: Duke of Richli eu a nd the raigne of Lew is the Just, the 1 3 “of the nam e, King of France it Nava rre, w th p o li tick reflections if: diversletters, containing the transa ctions of the afia ires of Pi edm ont cf: of Mon

f erra t, in 2 pa rts, done in to Eng lish out of the edi tion in French , byHenry Cogan , Gen t . vj


2 8th of f ehruam 1 654 [ i . e . 1 651445]Entred under the hands of Mas te r CALAMY and Mas te r NORTONw arde n a book e called Tenta tions , thei r na ture , danger, cure, the 4" p te , byRichard Capel l , som e tim e s fellow of Magdalen Co lledge in Oxford vj


i m o mastic 1 654 [t.e . 1 65445]Entred a book e called An Order it: Declara ti on of his Highnes theL O: Protector , w th the advi ce of his Counsell tou ching the Continuance ofthe Du ty of Excise if: New Imp ost . To w hich w as subscri bed the handof Mas ter NORTON , w arden vj


2 ° m m . 1 654 [i . e . 1 65445]En trad a book e called A vindi cation of true liberty f rom antecedent it extr insecall necessi ty, by John Bram hal l, Bp of Derry, agtM‘Hobbs d

De le ted in Register.



w m } 8 . Mu m.

Jam es Cram ps.

MasterGelllbrand .

MasterNath. Brookes.

MasterNath . Brookee .

Master ‘

Nath. Brookes.

Maste r Ibbitson.

2—1 4 March 467

2 0 of march 1 654 [i .e . 1 65445]Entred for his copie a book e called The p revention of p overty, together w ththe cure of m ela ncholy (a lias) discontent &c . , by R. Young of Roxw e ll inEssex, Florilegus Vj‘1

Gtb of march 1 654 [t.e . 1 65445]Entred w th the hand of Mas te r LEE w arden a book e calledWisedom es Trip os , or ra ther i ts inscrip con , Detur Sap i enti , in threetrea tises , 1 . of w orldly p olicy. 2 . of m ora ll w is edom e . 3 . of Chris tianWisedom e , &c by Cha : Harte , m inis te r at Winw ick i n Lancash vj


1 2 th of march 1 654 [i .e . 1 65455]Entred w i th the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden subscribeda book e ca lled Culpepper’s las t lega cy left bequeathed to his dearest w ifefor the publique good, being the choisest and m ost p rofi table of those secretts,w ch w hile he lived w ere lock t up in his breast it reso lved never to beep ublished ti ll after his dea th, conta ining sund ry adm irable eageerim ts in

sevall sci ences , m ore esp ecia lly i n Chirurgery if: Phis ick (t o, Being a

collection out of Barrough’s Method of Phisick if: other authors vjd

wi th of

m m 1 654 [i . e . 1 651445]Entred w th the hand of Ma s te r NORTON w arden a book e

ca lled Culpepper’s Astrological l Judgm t of diseases,from the decwm biture

of the sick , m uch enlarged d o, w th a com p endious trea tise of urine vjd

leth of mat ch 1 654 [t.e . 1 65445]En tred w th the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden a book e

ca lled M ilks f or Chi ldren , or a p la ine casi e m ethod tea ching to readit w ri te, &c . As a lso an app end ix of p ra ier by Lam brooks Thom as, D .D .

now viccar of Pem sey ln Sussex

M") of mai d! 1 654 [i . s . 1 6545 ]Entre d w th the hand o f Mas te r NORTON w arden subscribeda book e called Wi tts Interp reter , or the Art of L ogick w i th sevall songs ,verses , fancies , ep igram s, le tters d o by J. Cragg


1 4th of march

En tred un der the hand of Mas te r MALYN seer XXVI] new e sbook es called, Sevall Proceedi ngs, viz “ from the las t of Aug . to the

March , 1 654 xiij' vjd

1 4th of march 1 654 [i .e . 1 651 1 45]Entred unde r the hand of Master NORTON w arden a booke

ca lled A satyr agt Hipp ocri tes , by Edward Phi llips, Ge n t . vj‘1


MasterNath . Brookes.

MasterOctavian Pulleyn.

[Page 3 3 8 ]Master Lloyd.

Master Lloyd.

Tho. Maxey.

[ 1 5—2 4 March 1 654 . 8

1 sth of m an ia 1 654 [i .s. 1 65455]Entred for the ir copie s joyntly by assignem t under the hand scale o f

M" MARTHA HAR ISON w i dd the sevall book e s follow ing , viz‘ i ij'vj‘l

MARKHAM ’S Method,Sscretts of Angling . by Lawson,MASCALL

’S books of Cattell,

Sc oGGIN’s Jests ,

The booke of ridd les ,The rap e of Lu crece ,The Gam e att Cheese,

un to w h ich ass ignm t, dated the of Mch. 1 654 [ i e . 1 654—5] the handof Mas te r NORTON w arden i s subscribed.

of march 1 654 [i . s .

Entred by vertue of an assignm t under the hand sealsOf Mas te r ARR : M ILLER , dat 1 4“ March 1 654 [ i .s . 1 654—5] (un tow h ich the hand of Master NORTON w arden is subscribed) aCulpepper

’s last legacy left to his dearest w ife f or the publique good, form ly

ou tred to the sd M'M iller in th is Regis te r

leth of m arch 1 654 [i .s . 1 65445]En tred nnd the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden a book e calledL iberti From ondi S . Th. L . Collegii Fa lconis in Academ ia Louan i ensi

Philosophia e Prof essoris Prim a rij , Meteorologi coru libri sea: Vj‘l

2 0 th of march 1 654 [i .s . 1 65445]Entred w th the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden subscribed a

booke called S i lez Scinti llans . Sa cred p oem s p riva te ejacula tions intw o bookes , by Henry Vaughan, siluris t vj <1

zotb of m arsh 1 654 [i . s . 1 65445]Entred w th the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden subsc ribeda book e called A Body of Phis ick , cons isting of 5 bookes , w herein theInsti tu tions or fundam ent alls of the w hole art both of Phisick and Chirwrgery is exa ctly handled , et c, Also the ground s of Chim istry it the w ay ofm a king all sorts of sa lves &c, w hereunt o is added the epi tom e of 4 bookesof Feavers cfi Agn es, w ri tten in Latyn by tha t grea t is lea rned phisi tianD. Sennertus. Done in tO


English by N. D. B. professor o f Phisickvj"

2 4th of M arch 1 654 [i .s. 1 65455]Ru tted w th the hand of Maste r LEE w arden , a booke calledThe Parasynagogue Paragoriz ed, or a Pa/raneticall confutacon of the

Ep idem icall error w ch asserteth sep eraébn from pa rochial church com union,&c . By John Lesly, m iniste r, neare S‘Albans in Hertfordshire vj‘l


MasterWm . Gilbertson.

1 7 June 1 656.

MasterWm Gi lbertson.

[4 April 1 655.8 m i li tia “

of floral 1 655

En tred for his copie s by vertue of an assignm t under the hand seals of

EDWARD WRIGHT, the severall book es or copie s follow ing , vi z‘ i i ij‘

1 . The lif e and dea th of the Ladis Jane Gray.

2 . Crosse and Pi le, or the crossing of p roverbs .3 . The 1

" &7 second p arts of the Crossi ng of Proverbs, by B. N.

4. The soothing of proverbs, w th only, True f orsooth.

5. The Schools of Good Manners .6. The com edy called, Mucedorus .

7. A short catachism e , by Rob“ Hutchins.

8. The story of Ka therin S tubbs .To w ch ass t the hand of Ma ste r NORTON warden is subscribed.

4th of $1 1 1 1" 1 655

Entred by vertue of an assignm t und the hand seale of

EDWARD WRIGHT , the sevall book e s or copie s com only called, as

follow e th , vi z‘ i iij‘

1 . The hand -fu ll of Delights .2 . M erry Jes ts concerning Pop es , Monkes (f?Fria rs , &c .

3 . Keep s w i thi n Com p as se .

4 . Live w ithin Comp asss .

5. A serm on called, The f ood of ye souls by A. D.

6. A serm on called, Ma/ry si tting at t Chr ists f eete preached at the

fun erall of Mary Sw aine .

7. Venus if: Adonis.8 . The firs t pte o f thefigure of 4 .

TO w ch assignm en t the hand Of Maste r NORTON w arden is subscribed.

of s pun 1 655

Entred by vertue o f an assignm t und the hand 85 scale of

EDWARD WRIGHT, the sevall book e s or copie s , com only called as

follow e th , viz “ vj'

1 . The Golden Trum p ett.2 . ANDREWRs

’R esolu tion to turns to God.

3 . ANDREWEs of R ep ent ance .

4 . A scourge from God to bew are of his rod.

5. A soveraign sa lve to cure a si ck souls .

6. A play called, The Tragica ll history of the lif e do death of DoctorFaustus .7 . A Dream s of the Devi ll and Dives .8 . The Crow n s Gar land of Golden Roses , bo th part s .9. The p leasant conc ei ts of old Hobson .1 0 . ANDRHWEs

’Golden Cha ins .

1 1 . ANDREWRs’Necessa/ry Caveat to w inne sinera.

1 2 . ANDRRWEs’Peti tion .

To w ch assignm t the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden is subscribed.

[M iam i um . 5—1 2 April 471

Maste rWu‘Gilbertson.

MasterWm Gilbertson.

Tho. Ferby.

5th of span 1 655

Entred for his copie und the hand Of Mas te r NORTON w arden , a book eca lled A rich Cabinet w th variety of inventions , &c Collec ted by J . W.


5 b of and “ 1 655

Entred the sevall book es or copie s hereafter m enconed

com only called as fo llow e th , viz‘ i i ij'

1 . Venu s Turtle doves , or Cup ids conqu est, being love’s garden p lott ,p lanted w th variety of new com p lem ts .

Thefam ou s hi story of tha t ignoble knight S'Laurence Lazi sus .

The third p art of ye Unfortuna te Sonne w th his Dea th if: Bariall,by H . C.

The Welsh Traveller, or the unfortunat e Welshm an , by H . C.

No jest like a tru e jest , be ing a com p endious record of the m errylife (5 m ad exp loi ts of Cap t . Jam es Hinds, &c .

The fam ous history of Va lentine ct: Orson, «its, draw no up in a

short vo lum e .

The second p te of Unfort una te Ja ck .

Vinegar do Mus tard, or w orm ew ood lectures f or evi e day in the

w eeks, by W. J.

To w ch sevall copie s the approbacon of Mas te r NORTON w as had.








stb of span 1 655

Entred by assignm en t from EDWARD WRIGHT , w th the

of Mas te r NORTON w arden , the sevall book e s or copie s fo llow ing1 . The history of frier Bacon .

2 . The m erry bugge, or Robin Goodf ellow .

3 . The Paradi se of Da inty Devi ces .4. The vineyard of devotion .

apt “! the 7th

Entred a book e ca lled The Saints Jew ell, shew ing how to app lythe p rom ise , cf: the sou les invitacon u nto Jesus Christ . In a serm o np rea chedby Tho : Shepheard v


1 1 tb of ant i! 1 655

Entred a book e enti tuled The Philiz er’s ofii cs , or the m easne

p rocesss they m ake out before appearance, &c . To w eh the hand o f

Maste r LEE w arden w as subscribed

of 59 1 1" 1 655

Entred w th ye hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden subscribed a

book e called A fruitfull u sefu ll dis course tou ching the honour due fromchi ldren to p arents if: the du ty of p arents tow a rds their children, by Tho :Cobbett m r of Lynn in New England vjd


MasterNath . Brookes .

John Stafford.

MasterJam es Flesher.

MasterWm Gi lbertson

Ed. Blackm ore.

Tim . Garthwaite .

[ 1 3—2 6 April 1 655.s . m - {XRR J

i sth of spi n! 1 655

Entred for his copie or book e a book e entituled The joyes of heavenpronounced p m ised to the sa ints on earth , be ing a com en t expo sic


bn on

the Bea t itude s , expre sst in Chris t s se rm ons in ye m oun t , out Of the of

MATHEWto the verse , byM'Jerem iah Burroughs, la te of Cripplega te ,London , w th Ma s te r NoRTONs hand vj‘l

1 3 tb ot’

span 1 655

Entred a book e called The Parliam en t of Pism ires, or a m ostdelightfu ll history of the fam ous clothier of England, ca lled, Ja ck ofNew berry, &c To w ch Mas te r NORTON w arden subscribed vjd

1 3 th of span 1 655

Entred a book e entituledAn antidote agt Athei sm s or an app ea lsto the na turall facultyes of ye m inds of m an , w hether there bee n ot a God.

By Hen : Moore fe llow of Chris t s Co lledge in Cam b w th an appendixthe reun to annexed vj‘1

1 3 th of sm ut 1 655

Entred a book e called The m ost notable antiqui ty of GreatBri tta in ca lled Ston eheng on Sa lisbu ry p la ine , restored by Inigo Jon es, Esq'arch i te c t Ge nll to the la te k ing , to w ch Maste r NORTON w arden subscribed


2 7th of mi t t“ 1 655

Entred a book e called The Academ y of Pleasure &c,a

bySam : Shepheard, w t h Maste r NORTON’

s hand v3

of sp i n! 1 655

Entred a book e ca lled The history of Dorastus and Faw n -ici ,very p lea sant ct delightf ull, lively exp ressing the w ho le history, beingep itom ized in one sheets ha lf , to w ch ye hand of Master NORTON w ardis subsr vj


soth of anvil! 1 655

En tred a book e called The Rogue, or the excellency of historydisp la yed in the no toriou s life of tha t incom parable thief Guzm an deAlfarach the w i tty Spanyard . Written in Spann ish if: f rom thenceep i tom i zed into Eng by A. S . Gen t , to w ch Mas te r NORTON w arde nsubscribed vj


2 6 b of span 1 655

Entred a book e called Five hundred p oi nts of Good Husba ndryby Thom as Tusser Gen t , to w ch the hand of Master NORTON w arden i ssubscribed. [No sum s ta ted ]

Entries da ted of Apri l l fo l low those da te d of Aprill .



MasterGeo. Sawbridge.

MasterGeo. Saw bridge.

MasterGeo. Bawbrldge.

MasterGeo. Sewbrtdge .

MasterGeo. s brldge.

[2 6 April 1 655.8 . 1 m

zerb of spent 1 655En tred for his copie a bo ok e ca lled A m ost easy w ay to a ttaine to the tru ereading of English, by N. W . Ge n t . To w ch the hand of Mas te r NORTONw arde n is subscribed. [No sum s ta ted ]

2 6 b of fipr fll 1 655

Entred All Prim ers Psalters drPsalm es, in m eeter p rose w i thm usi call no te s it w ithou t notes , in grea t volum es d: in sm al l volum es, in theEnglish tongue vj


2 6th of span 1 655

Entred a book e entituled A n ew booke of sp elling w th sillables or,an Alphabet if: p laine p athw ay to thefa cu lty of reading the English, Rom a n ,Ita lica it secre ta ry ha nds , w th severa ll cop ies of the sam e , &c ; to w ch the

hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden is subscribed. [NO sum s tate d ]


ap t “! 1 655

Entred a book e entituled The English Schoolem a ster tea ching a llhis schola rs of w hat age soever, the m ost easi e , short , eff: pf ect order of distinct reading if: tru e w riting, the , by Edw : Cook e M r

of the ffree schools in

S‘Edm onds Bury. To w h ich ye hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden issubscribed. [N0 sum s ta ted ]

of span 1 655

Entred a book e en tituledAp recious booke of Heavenly m editac'


ca lled, A p ri va te talks of the sou ls w th God By Tho: Rogers. To w eb the

hand of Maste r NORTON w arden is subs cribed. [No sum s ta ted ]

of ap t“! 1 655

Entred unde r the hand o f Mas ter NORTON w arden a book een tituled Of the Im ita tion of Christ in 3 bookes , by Thom as of Kem pis.

NOW new ly correc ted &c , by Thom as Rogers. [No sum sta ted ]

2 6 b of fip t‘

tll 1 655

Entred (under the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a booke

ent itu led The Conf essi on of Fa i th if: the la rger (9 shorter Cat echism s firstagreed upon by the Assembly of D ivi nes a t Westm r, it now app roved the

Genera ll Assem bly of the Kirke of Scotla nd , &c. [NO sum s ta te

2 6th of s pan 1 655

Entred (unde r ye hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden ) a bookee ntituled The grounds d: p ri ncip les of religion, con ta ined in a shorter cate~chism e, according to the ad vice of the Assem bly of D ivi nes si tting a t Westm r.

[No sum stated ]

[gukgitom 8 . Mann .

Maste rGeo. Sawbrldgo.

MasterGeo. Sawbridge .

MasterGeo. Sawbrldge.



Ma sterGeo . Sawbrldge.

MasterGeo. Sawbridge.

MasterGeo. Bawbridge.

2 6 April 1 655] 475

26 b of fipt‘

tll 1 655

Entred for his copie (under the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a bo ok eent itule d Jus Feuda le tribus libris comprehensum . Au tho rs M"0 Thom aCragio de Rivartoun . [NO sum s ta ted ]

zero of spe nt 1 655Entred (und the hand of Master NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled Christiana s Pietatis p rim a institutio ad usum scholarum .

[NO sum s ta ted ]

of sp i rit 1 655

(under ye hand o f Mas ter NORTON w arden) a bo oke

[No sum s tated ]En tred

entituled Ep istola e Joan: Ravisi i textoris .

of spent 1 655En tred (under ye hand of Master NORTON w arden) a book eentituled Puer iles Conf abula tiuncula e . Au tore Evaldo Gallo.

[No sum s ta ted ]

of and “ 1 655

Entred (under the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a bo ok e

entituled Sententia e Pueri les pro prim is la tina lingua tyron ibus ea: diversisscrip toribus collecta , p Leonard Culm an . [No sum s ta ted ]


span 1 655

Entred (un de r the hand of Master NORTON w arden ) a book eentituled Marci Ta l l ii Ciceronis ep istolarum libri i i ij . a Johanne Sturm isp ueri li education i eonf ecti [No sum sta ted ]

of aural 1 655

En tred (had the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) a book e

en tituled Publn Virgi lii Maronis op era variorum autorum annotation ibus

i llustrata [No sum s ta ted ]

of apuu 1 655

Entred (under ye hand of Master NORTON w arden) a booke

en tituled Ap thon ii Progym na sm a ta , partim a Rodolpho Agricola p a rtim a

Joan : Maria Catanaeo, &c . [No sum s ta ted ]

of m m" 1 655

Entred (unde r ye hand o f Maste r NORTON w arden) a book eentituled Terentia s Christiwnu s, sive com oedia e dua e Terentiano styloconscrip ta . Au tore Corn : Schonaes. [No sum s ta ted ]


MasterGeo. s bridge.

Ma sterGeo . Sawbridge.

MasterGeo . Sawbrldge .

MasterGeo. Sawbrldge.

MasterGeo . Bawbridge.

MasterGeo. Sawbridge.

M asterGeo. Sawbridge.

MasterGeo. Sawbridge .

[2 6 April 1 655.a l m i fi


2 6th of apt “! 1 655

Entred for his copie (unde r ye hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a bo ok eentituled Pub: Terentius A, M . Antonio Mureto em endatus , cl argum en tis

in singula s fabu la s cl scena s i llustra tus &c . [NO sum s tate d ]ot


span 1 655

Entred (under ye hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) a booke

e ntituled Catonis disti cha de Moribus cum scholiis . Des: Erasm i

Roterodam i &c . [No sum s ta te d ]


span 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a booke

[No sum stated ]

2 6th of smut 1 655

Butred (under the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) a book e

ca lled Assop i Phrygis fabu las Ind i ce correctiori pfixo . [No sum s ta te d ]

2 6th of span 1 655

(under ye hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) 3 . book s

Au tore Sebastiano Castalione.

[No sum sta ted ]


2 6th of apt “! 1 655

Entred (under the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book eca lled De Ojficiis Marci Ta l l i i Ciceronis libri i ij . Item De Am ici tia De

S en ectute ; Paradoxa de Som nio Scipionis , cum indi ce in fin e libriadjuncto . [No sum stated ]

2 6tb of ai n’t" 1 655

En tred (under ye hand o f Maste r NORTON w arden) a book e

en tituled Li ngua e la tinas exercitat io, Joan Lod. Vive au tore .

[No sum stated ]

2 6th of ant i" 1 655

(and the hands of Maste r NORTON w arden) a book e

[N0 sum stated ]Entred

entituled Isocrates Orationes .

2 6th of spun 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e ent i tuled ’





Fam i liariam colloquioru/m libellus Graece et Latine au ct : et recogn i tus , &c .

Autore Jobeahs Posselio. [No sum sta te d ]Incorrect pagination, pages 350 - 359 m issing.


MasterGeo. Sawbridgs .

MasterGeo . Sawbridge.

[ Page 3 63 ]Maste rGeo . Baw bridge.

Ma sterGeo. Saw brldge.

MasterGeo. Sawbrldge .

MasterGe o. Sawbridge .

MasterGeo. Sawbridge.

[2 6 April 1 655.& m n'lg'keoertonl

2 6th of apt . 1 655

Entred for his copie (und ye hand o f Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book eentituled Pu eri les Confabu la tiun cula e Anglo Latine &c Chi ldrens talks ,English La tine , devided into sevall clauses , &c by Charles HooleM'of Arts ,L . C . Oxon . Teache r of a priva te gram e r schools &c . [No sum s tated ]

of anvil! 1 655

Entred (unde r the hands of Master NORTON w arden) a book een tituled A trea tise collected out of the S tatu tes of this Com on Wea lth, itaccording to com on exp eri ence of the law es , concern ing the ofiiceau thori ti es of coroners (fa sherrifl'es, &c. By John Wi lk inson of BernardsInn , Gen t . vj


2 6th of spe nt 1 655Entred (un der the hand of Master NORTON w arden) a book eentituled Sen tentia e Pueri les Anglo - la tinae &c , or , Sentences f or chi ldren ,Eng lish ch Latine , collected out of sundry au thors long since by HenryCulm an it now trans lated into English by Charles Hoole .

[No sum s ta ted ]

2 t of spent 1 655Entred (and the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

en titu led Maturini Corderij Co lloquia scho lastica Ang lo - La tina d c, or

Maturinus Corderius’

s School Colloquies English at La tine &c , by CharlesHoole, M r

of Arts , &c . [No sum sta te d ]

of sm ut 1 655

Entred (und the hands of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled A ca techism e or Insti tu tion of Chris tian religi on to bee team ed ofall you th next af ter the li tle ca techism s app oi nted in the books of Com on

pra ier, by A. Nowel l . [No sum s tated ]

of ap t “! 1 655

Entred (unde r the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled TheA.D. C. w th the ca techism s, tha t is to say, An instru ctio nfitt tobee taught learned of evi e chi ld. [No sum sta ted ]

2 6 b of em u 1 655

Entre d (unde r the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book e

The A.R . C. w th the Lds Pra ier, com only ca lled Prints f or horns - bookes .

[No sum s tated ]George Saw bridge , in w ho se nam e the se nine page s of

e n trie s w e re m ade fre e of charge excep t in tw o in s tance s ,w as treasure r of the English Sto ck , and the entrie s w ereprobably m ade on behalf o f the partne rs . It is curioustha t tw o i tem s shou ld have the fee placed agains t them .

[M es m mm . 1 —9 May 1 655] 479

Henry Hi lls.


Rich. Rolston .

Rich . Royston.

lm ° m at; 1 655

Entred for the ir copie unde r the hand o f Mas te r LEE w arden , By theLO: Protector . A Proclam a c


on decla ring his highnesss p lea sure if: com a ndf or pu tting in exe cu tion the law es , sta tutes, dc ordinances m ade ag t Jesui ts if:

p reists d'

f or the sp eedy convi ction of Pop ish recusants vjd

2 0 0 m ac; 1 655

Entred under the hand of Maste r LEE w arden a book e en tituledThe history of the lives and raignes of Ma ry, Queen s of Scotla nd , of hersonne su ccessor Jam es the sixth of tha t nam e &c, by Wm Saunderson


gen t . vjd

3° N aif 1 655

En tred (under the hand of Mas te r LEE w arden) a b0 0 k e ent ituledAn a ccount of M' Cow dry

’s trip lex dia tribe concerning sup ersti tion, w i llw orship d: Chri stm a s f estivall, by H . Ham end, D .D. vj


3° m at; 1 655

En tred (under the hand ofMas te r LEE w arden) a book e entituledUnum necessa rium , or the doctrine (9: p ra cti ce of rep entance , describing thenecessi ties m easures of a stri ct, a holy cf: a Chris tia n life if: rescued fromp opu la r errors by Jerem y Tai lor, D .D .

3° m alt 1 655

Entred (under ye hand ofMaste r LEE w arden) a book e en tituledA correct cop i e of som e notes conc'hing God’s decrees , esp ecia lly of reprobacon .

Wri t te n &c Vla

so m ay 1 655

Entred (under ye hand of Mas ter LEE w arden) a book e entituledThe p la ine m ans senses exercised to discerns both good at: evill, or a discovi e

of the errors, heresies blasp hem i es of these tym es, &c byWm Lyford, B.D .


7th of m ay

Entred (and the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book eentituled Gods ho ly covenants, the grea t it: sw ee t m istery of all his holyscrip tures clearely op ened unfolded in distinct aphorism es thei rexp lana c

ons , &c . By Ffra : Robert s, M .A. pas tour o f Wrington in ComSom erse t vj


9th of m ay 1 655

Entred (und the hand o f Mas te r NORTON w arden) a bo ok e

enti tuled De com eta anni CIoIQC xvi ii dissertacbnes Thom as Fieni inAcadem ia L ovan iensi m edi cina s cl Liberti From ondi Philosophiae


MasterOctavian Pulleyn.

MasterHenry Tw iford,MasterNath . Brookesand John Place.

Va 2 7 Sep . 54 .

Robert Gibbs .

MasterJoshua Kirton.

Tho. Parkhurst.

[9—1 6 May 1 655.m arin a ]

of M ay 1 655

En tred for his cOpie (i1 nd the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a bookeen tituled De cansi s na turalibu s Pluviae Pu rp ureus Bruxellensis Clarorum


of m ay 1 655

En tred (by vertue of an assignm t of tw o third pts thereof to yesd NATE : BROOKES JOHN PLACE , under ye hand scale of ye sd

Mas te r TWIFORD , his de sire to have ye sam e entred ioyntly) a book ecalled The com p lea ts clerke, or Scriveners Gu ide form ly entred to .him the

sd M r Tw i ford, to w eh ass t the hand of Master NORTON w arden issubscribed VJ


9th of m ay 1 655

Entred (by vtue of an ass t thereof, und the hand scale o f

THO : HARPER to w ch ye hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden is subscribed)a booke en tituled The Garden of Hea lth , the w oh i s here tofore en tred toye sd M’ Harp as his copie vj


1 0 th of m ay 1 655

Entred ti nd ye hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden a book e

entituledHealth’s Im p rovem en t, or ru les com pri sing at discoveri ng the na ture ,m ethod ma nner of p repa ring all sorts of f ood used in this na tion ,


byTho. Mufi

’ett D

'm Phis . corre cted by Chr. Bennett, D .P. vj


1 1 th of m ay 1 655

Entred a book e entituled Fra terna correp tio , or the sa ints zea leagt sinf ull a ltars , in a se rm on preac hed by Z. C.

of m ay 1 655

Bu tt ed (ti nd the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled A learned and very usefu ll com en tary on the w hole ep i stle to yeHEBREWES, being the substance of 3 0 yea Wednesdayes Lectures at B la ckfri ers , London , by that ho ly learned divine WIn Gouge, D .D. and la tePas tor there vj

i sth of m ay 1 655

Entred a book e entituled A com entary or exp osi tion up ondye

w holefirst epis tle of JOHN , by John Cotton, of New Eng land VJd

of m ay 1 655

Entred (und ye hand Of Mas te r LEE w arden) a booke en tituledThe Civili w arree of Fran ce , or a short collection of ye m ost m atterial l

passages during the ra igne of Charles the 9“ vj“


MasterGeo. Sawbridge.

[Page 3 69]M asterGeo. Sawbridge .

MasterGeo. Saw bridge .

MasterGeo . Sewbridge.

Ma sterGeorge Sewbridge.

MasterGeorge Bawbridge.

[ 1 6—2 4 May 1 655.i n n - {M a d

m b of m ay 1 655

En tred for his Oopie (und ye hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book eentituled The Countrsy Jus tice , conta ining yep ractise of the Justi ces of Peac eou t of their sessions &c . ByMich. Dalton of Lincolnes Inne Esq'(f: one of yeMasters of ye Chancery. Now aga ins enla rged w i th m a ny Pres idents d:resoluc

bns of ye quaeres conteined in ye form imp ressions . Whereunto isa lso added by w ay of App end ix under thei r pp er head s all such Acts cf:

ordinances as are necessa ry to bee know ns it p ut in execuson , by the Justi cesof ye Pea ce m ade p ublished before ye years 1 655 VJd

l6th of m ay 1 655

En tred (und the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled Thefirst p a rt of ye Ins ti tu tes of ye Law es of Eng la nd , or a com entary up on Li tt leton , no t the na m e of ye authour only bu t of ye law i tself s .

Authore Edw . Coke, M ilite . [NO sum s ta ted ]

1 7th of M ay 1 655

Entred (1 1 nd the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book een tituled L es term es de la ley or certa ine difiicult ct obscure w ords if: term es ofthe com on la/w es (C sta tu tes of this rea lm s now in use, exp ounded (b exp la ined,w tha new addison of above Tw o hundred &fiflie w ords . [NO sum s tate d ]

of m ay 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

en tituled A collecé'

On of sundry sta tu tes frequen t in use w th no tes in the

m a rgent ch references to the books cases ch bookes of entri es d regis ters w herethey bee trea ted of , w th an abridgm t of the res idue, w hi ch bee expi red , &c,w th tables annexed, by Ferdinando Pulton Esq'. [NO sum s ta ted ]

of m ay 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Master NORTON w arden) a book eentituled TheDia logue in English betw eens a Doctor of Divinity, «f: a studentin the law es of England . [NO sum s ta ted ]

of m ay 1 655

Entred (and the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled Ovpav0 8e££i s. coslorum declaratio . An Ephem eri s f or the years ofChris t 1 656. Being Bissexti le or Leap s years d: from the Creation a ccordingto Kep ler 5649. Containing a descrip tion of the f ours qua rters of the year s,of the Eclip ses &c, by Henry Harfiete , Gen t . [N0 sum s tated ]

2 4 - 2 8 May 1 655.483

[Page 870 ]Maste rGeo. Sawbridge.

MasterGeo. Saw brldge.

Maste rGeo. Bswbridge.

Francis Titon.

Francis Titan.

of m ay 1 655

Entred for his copie (und the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book een tituled Sw allow . An alm ana c/cf or the years of our Lord God 1 656, beingthe Bissexti le or Leap s years d: from the Worlds Crea tion Ca lcula ted pp erly f or ye m eridian of the Universi ty cf: Tow ns of Cam bridge ,w herei n ye Pole is eleva ted 52 Degrees d: 1 7 m inu tes above ye hori zon .

[NO sum s ta ted ]

of m ay 1 655

Entred (und the hand o f Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book e

e ntituledDove Sp ecu lum anni a p artu virginisMDCLVI . An a lm ana ck f orthe years of our Lord God , 1 656, bei ng Bisseaztile or Leap s years d‘

the Crea tio n of the World 5660 . Cal cu la ted p rop lyf or thefam ou s Universi tyTow ns of Cam br idge &c . [No sum s tated ]

2 11 th of m ay 1 655

Entred (un d the hand Of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled Pond , An a lm ana ck f or the years of our Lord God 1 656, being theBissext ile or Leap s years , it from the Worlds Crea tion 5678 . Am p lified w th

m any thing s of very good use , &c . [NO sum s ta ted ]

2 5tb of th an 1 655

Entred (und the hand o f M as ter NORTON w arden) a booke

en tituled An exposicon w th practica ll observac‘

ons continu ed upon the 2 2‘2 3 " 2 4" 2 5

“ct 2 6“ chap ters of ye books of JOB, being the sum s of 3 7 lectures

de livered at Mag nu s nea re Lond on Bridge By Joseph Caryl, Pastor of yecongregacb n there

2 7th of M an 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Mas te r LEE w arden) a book e entituledThe Chiefest vertues ep i tom ized or a comp endious trea tise of the 3 theologicallgraces , Fa i th, Hop e ct Chari ty. By Rich . Ward, pre acher att Bushy 1 n


2 7tb of M an 1 655

Entred (under ye hand ofMas te r LEE w arden) abo ok e entituledHeavenly treasure, or Mans chiefest good, byWm Strong , m ln i ste r VJd

2 8‘b of M ay 1 655

Entred a book e en tituled Rep orts of sp ecia ll cases touching seva ll

custom es d: liberties of the Ci ttie of Land . Collected by S'E. Cal throp, kn t,som e tim es Recorder, &c, w hereunto is annexed divers anc ient custom es

usages of the sd cittse of London , nev before in p rint vjd


M asterAndrew Crooks.

[ Page 3 73 ]Hen. Herringman.

MasterHum ph. Bobtason.

[2 8 May—9 Jun e 1 655.

a m ni fi'ittf-aa ]

zerb of snag 1 655

Entred for his copie a book e en tituled The ref orm ed Com on Wea lth of Bees .Presented in severall letters (3: observacons to Sam Hartlib, Esq' d

zerb of m ay 1 655

Entred (unde r the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) a book eentituled A Panegerick to my Lord Protectour by E. W.


2 9th of w as 1 655

Entred a book e called An Anniversa ry on the Lord Protector byAndrew Marvel l '


of m ay 1 655

Entred by assignm t under the hand and seals of JACOB BLOOM EDat 2 4“ of June , 1 653 , w he reunto ye hand Of Mas te r ROBINSON thenw arden is subscribed, the severall book es copie s he re afte r nam ed, vi z


The Hski s to Di scourse ,The Mister ies of Art Na ture byT he Di sp lay of Hera ldry byAll his part of HERBERTs Trav ells

Am us e on PE TER .

of m ay 1 655

En tred by assignm t und the hand seale of GODFREYEM ERSON , to w ch the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden is subscribed, theseverall book es copie s en tituled as follow es, v iz


Clavi s Hom eri ca e,

LUC IAN S Dia logu es in Greek e La t ine ,The com edis called Ignoram u s,

w th,all o the r copie s pts of copie s at any t im e here tofore cutred in the

reg r as the copie s of Godfrey Em erson aforesaid.

lm ° m m“ 1 655

Butred (und the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a booke

en tituledMusarum Delitia e or theMuses recrea tion contain ing severall selectp ieces of sportive w i lt , w ri t te n by S’ Jno. Menais Fr: Sm ith VJ

9 b of mi me 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) a book e

e ntituledA Collscson of the sevallp ap ers sent to his Highnes the LO : Protector&c, concerning the bloody &c, m assa cres &c, on m a ny thow sands ofor protestants in the valley of Piedm ont &c


Robt . Bostock .

[ Page 3 75]MasterJohn Sw eating.

MasterJohn Sw eating.

MasterGiles Calvert .

[Page 3 76]Wllllam Sheares.

[2 0—2 5 June 1 655.N n - {E


zotb of mi me 1 655

Entred for his copie a book e called Joy in the Lord, op ened in a serm onp rea ched at Pau ls, May the by Edward Re inolds D .D . d

2 0 th of m m 1 655

Entred (und the hand Of Mas te r NORTON w arden ) a book e

called The Love - si ck King , an English trag ica ll history w th the lif e dea thof Cartie Mundy the fairs Nunne of Winchester . Wri t te n by AnthonyBrewer, ge n t . Vl


zotb of Sum 1 655

Entred (und the hand o f Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

called The Poore Mans comfort , a Tragicom edi e w rit te n by RobertDaw borne, M

‘ro f Ar t s vjd

zotb of sum s 1 655

Entred (unde r the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) 8. book sentituledFortune by Land (k sea , a trag i com edi e, w r 1 t ten byTho : HeywoodWm Rowley vj


zofb of sum s 1 655

En tred (und the hand of Mas te r NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled The Tw innes a tragicom edy, w ri t te n by W . Rider, M” A vj‘l

zotb of 3 1 m 1 655

Entred a pam phle tt ca lled, A true declaracon of the bloudie

p ceedings of the m en i n Ma idstone in the county of Kent d

2 0 th of 3lum 1 655

Entred a booke en tituled A na rrat ive of the p roceedings of thecom ttse f or pressrvacon of the custom es in the case of M

’ George Conym erchant, by Sam uel l Selwood, Gen t . vj


2 5tb of mim e 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Maste r LEE w arden ) a. book e entituledA ca ta logue of the Lords, knights «E gen t tha t have comp ound ed f or theirestat es d

[M ah a la- m o . 2 6—3 0 June 487

MasterRichard Thrale.

MasterJohn Macock .


2 6th of Slim e 1 655

Entred for his copie (by ve rtue Of an assignm t under the hand scale of

FRANCIS CONSTABLE dec“) eight serm ons p rea ched before King Jam es byLancelot Andrewes, D .D . la te Bp . o f Winche ste r : the firs t preachedon the of Aprill 1 60 4, text , LAMENT . OF JER . 1 " chap . l 2 m ve rse ;the se cond preached on the day o f Augus t 1 60 6, text , PSALME 1 4,4,“ I

ve rse ; the third pre ac hed on the Of Septe m b. 1 60 6, text ,NUMBERS 1 0 “l chap 1 2 verse s the fourth preached on 2 5“ Decem b.

1 60 9 , te xt , GALLATIANS 41m Chap . 1 “ 2 “ verse s ; the fifth preachedon the 5th day o f Augus t , 1 61 0 , te xt , 1 . CHRON. Chap . 2 2 “I verse ;the sixth

preached on the o f Decem b. 1 61 0 , text , LUKE , 2

" Chap .

1 0 "I l l‘ verse s ; the 7th preached on the 2 41“ March , 1 61 1 , text ,1 1 8“ PSALME , 2 2

mverse ; the e igh th serm on preached on Easter day,

1 61 4, text , PHILLI P . 2 d 1 1 a. verse s . TO w ch the hands o fMa ster LEE and Ma s te r NORTON w ere subscribed the of June , 1 655.


2 8th of s uite 1 655Entred (und the hand of Maste r NORTON w arden) 8. book s

entituled Vignola , or the Com p lea tArch itect, chew ing in a p la ine d: easy w aythe ru les of the 5 orders of Archi tecture &c , sett forth by M 'Jam esBaroz z ioof Igno ta . Transla ted into English by Joseph Moxon vj

2 8tb of m m 1 655

Entred (und the hand of Mas ter NORTON w arden) a book e

entituled A help s to ca lculation, or tw o tables the one of Decim al l num bers,«f: the other of thei r Logari thm es f or the readie com pu ting of sez agena rytables into decim all ye cont ra ry, by John Newton Vjd

2 8th of 3 mm 1 655

Entred by assignm t und the hand se als of Mas te r JOHNLEGATT dat th is of June , to w ch ye hand o f Maste r NORTON w ardenis subscribed, the sevall copie s pts Of copie s or book es hereafterm enc


oned, vi z“ i ij


1 . One sixth parts o f RIDERS Di ctiona ry.

2 . His pte Of PERKINS w orkss in all volum e s .3 . A co lle c tion of the History of Engla nd by Sam : Daniell .4. CAMBDENS Rem aines .

5. The Prea chers Plea by M r H ieron6. His pte of PAGETTS History of ye B ible .

soth of firms 1 655

Entred by assignm t from Mas te r JOHN WATERSON to w ch the0 8 0m sa'bfldg hand o f Mas te r NORTON w arden is subscribed, one sixth part of Riders


Master Ibbltson.

Master New com b.

Master Leach.

[3 0 June—3 July 1 655.B- a - {K'htt m j

s uite the soth 1 655

Entred for the ir copie un der the hand of Maste r LEE w arden a bookeentituled Natura Ewenterata , or Nature unbow elled by the m ost exqu isi teama tom iz ers of her , w herei n are contained her choi ces t sscretts &c, conta iningin the w hole 1 72 0 &c vj“

M 1 ) : it is agreed by the ptners of ye said co ie to divide yesam e into 3 Share s only, o f w ch Gab : Bede l T . Co llin sare to have but one be tw ixt them .

3° of 3 mm 1 655

Entred by license of Mas te r Secre tary MAL YN sixte ene w eek elyam phle tts called, Ye p erfect Occurrences , viz‘, from the of March 54fi e . 1 654—5] to ye 2 8m of June 55 [ i .s . 1 655] viij


3° of 351 1 1 12 1 655

Entred by lice nce Of Master Se cre tary THURLOE 51 w eek lypam ph le ts called, Mercurius Po li tica s , viz' from 6“ July 1 654 to the

of June 1 655 . xxv'vj‘1

3° of m ay 1 655

Entred by licence of Mas te r MABBOTT , Secre tary of

51 w eeklypam phletts called, The p erfect Diurnall, vi z‘from 6m

to ye 2 8 Of June 1 655 ml vj
