Download - A Comprehensive Guidebook to Volunteering Abroad




ABROAD A Comprehensive Guidebook



Table of Content

Preface --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

FAQs: Volunteering Abroad ------------------------------------------- 3

Why should I volunteer abroad --------------------------------------------------- 3

Why pay for volunteering --------------------------------------------------- 5

Who can volunteer Abroad --------------------------------------------------- 5

Opportunities available Abroad --------------------------------------------------- 6

How much will a program Cost --------------------------------------------------- 7

How Much Money Should I Carry For Personal Expense --------------------- 8

Visa requirements for Volunteering Abroad ----------------------------------------- 8

Safety concerns while volunteering abroad ----------------------------------------- 9

Dos and Don’ts --------------------------------------------------- 9

Things to do while volunteering abroad -------------------------------- 10

FAQs: Volunteering through Volunteering Solutions -------------------- 14

Why Volunteering Solutions ----------------------------------------------------- 14 What qualifications do I need to volunteer through VolSol ----------------------- 14

What all programs are available through Volunteering Solutions ------------- 15


Volunteering Abroad – Preface

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of

living.”–Miriam Beard

Traveling is known to be one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate from a stagnated

lifestyle. And what makes your expedition more meaningful is adding some ground level

humanitarian work to your travel. Many gap year travelers, backpackers, and other explorers

have started taking volunteering projects abroad to add to their sojourn. And the trend shows

that it’s the women travelers who take part in volunteer programs more than their opposite

gender. Indulging an extensive volunteer abroad work to your expedition has its own merits, especially,

for the students/gapers. Not only does it helps in inculcating the traits of independent living in the

candidate, but also helps in career boosting and enhancing academic credits.

This guidebook intends to help the readers by providing all necessary information related to

volunteering abroad, travel tips, what to expect when traveling for a volunteer project, and lots more.

The paper is split into two parts, FAQ – Volunteering Abroad and FAQ – Why Volunteering Solutions, to

provide a proper understanding of the subject. From project details to living arrangements, meals,

excursions, visa assistance, and much more; the paper discuss everything. Volunteering Solutions, with

its experience of over 8 years in the industry of volunteer placement, make sure of providing one of the

most unique volunteer experiences to all of its overseas participants. The details provided in this paper

is a result of some extensive research* and observation work done by the team of Volunteering

Solutions in these last 8 odd years.

To know more on volunteering abroad through Volunteering Solutions, visit

*The information is based on surveys and research done in the past and is subject to change. Kindly do a proper background research or contact

Volunteering Solutionsfor latest updated information.


FAQs: Volunteering Abroad

1. Why should I volunteer abroad?

The question rather should be, why not? The first and foremost thing is that it adds meaning to your

travel is one thing. And then there are several advantages attached with it, which you will realize with

time as you move along with your sojourn. Whilst you get to stay with a local host family, you learn a lot

about the local culture and traditions; in depth, which you may not be able to otherwise. Also, it

differentiates you from being just another regular tourist. Volunteering abroad is a brilliant way of

obtaining unique travel experience; something that will remain with you for eternity.

It is, also, a two way beneficiary thing. Think Newton’s third law of motion: “For every action, there is an

equal and opposite reaction”. Most of the volunteer projects, in any country, are located in the rural or

small towns of that country. And the almost all of these countries are developing nations.This goes to

show that the difference you would make while providing a helping hand, will be enormous. For

example, the children under an Orphanage Project might not even have an idea about the flag of your

country. Once you leave after sharing some days with them, and teaching them, they might now know

even the name of the president of your country; let alone the flag color. The gist is, volunteering abroad

helps you gain massive exposure in international volunteering work, while helping the kids (or any other

recipient of a particular project) in developing some or the other skill, or learn something new that may

help them in nurturing their future.


Figure 1: Volunteers in Thailand

Apart from these, volunteering abroad provides various other elementary benefits to someone taking

up this act of altruism as a part of their expedition; such as,

- One can get to learn a new language.

- Can not only get the taste of a special local cuisine, but also can try their hands in preparing one.

- Meet new people from all corners of the world.

- Make friends for eternity.

- Learn about the culture and traditions of different countries from fellow volunteers of their

respective states.

- Add an unforgettable chapter to your life.

- Accelerate your career with unparalleled experience.

- Tear off the fear of travelling alone.

- Test the level of your endurance and creativity while working under a volunteer project abroad.


2. Why Pay for Volunteering Abroad?

One of the most commonly put up query by those travellers who are not aware of volunteer traveling, is that why shall they pay to volunteer abroad? Here is an explanation to clear this doubt.

There are basically two ways to go for a volunteer trip abroad:

a) Individual Approach

b) Through an international volunteer placement firm

The first one would require a lot of planning, research & paper work, documentation (Visa, insurance, etc.), and many more things you would need to know, all by yourself, unguided, before you leave for your destination. Even after you reach your program destination, you will have to search for a proper accommodation, meals, information regarding local ethics and whereabouts, etc. All this might just take a huge toll on you and create a big hurdle in executing your program with a focused mind. You certainly would not want to let your focus drift away from your project and worry about your entire sojourn. That’s where these volunteer placement agencies comes into picture and justifies the reason of paying for your volunteer abroad program.

As the name suggests, volunteer placement agencies provide platform for interested volunteers to work for a project at a desired destination of your choice (given that they have volunteer projects available in that region). Not only do they place volunteers at a project in a foreign country, but also takes care of all the basic necessities; such as, accommodation, meals, local support/guide, short excursions, and much more. Also, they provide complete assistance in all your pre-departure processes such as, Visa application, travel insurance, vaccinations, information booklets, and other necessary supporting documents for international travelling. What one pays to volunteer abroad is returned back to them in the form of all these above listed facilities by the agency. This not only cancels out the chances of deviating focus from your project work, but also provides a complete extravagant volunteering abroad experience.

3. Who can volunteer abroad?

Are you a human being? Do you breath, eat, drink, and sleep? Then you can be a volunteer. In simple

words, volunteering abroad is not a rocket science and anyone with a certain amount of dedication,

enthusiasm, sincerity, and patience can volunteer abroad. Having said that, there are certain guidelines

one must follow and comply with in order to be a part of a particular program. These include;

- Candidates must be at least 17 years old.

- Must be enthusiastic about executing hard work

- Need to have an open mind and positive approach towards their projects.

- Must bring creativity to their program

- Must provide a clean criminal background certificate (when volunteering under any of the

Childcare Programs)


4. Opportunities available abroad

Volunteering Solutions has projects in more than 33 destinations all over the world. Volunteers can

choose to work under any of the several projects distributed amongst all these 33 destinations. Some of

our major volunteering destinations, popular amongst volunteers, are;

- India : Delhi, Palampur, Kalimpong, South India

- Thailand : Chiang Mai, Surin, Bangkok, Koh Samui

- Tanzania : Arusha, Zanzibar

- Nepal : Kathmandu

- Ghana : Tamale

- South Africa : Cape Town, Port Elizabeth

While these are some of the most popular volunteer destinations, there are several different programs

to choose from, as per interest and skill set. These includes;

- Childcare Program

- Orphanage Program

- Teaching Program

- Women Empowerment Program

- Medical and Healthcare Program

- Wildlife and Conservation Projects

- Sports Development Program


Figure 2: Welcome a new life while volunteering abroad

Along with these one can also avail international internship programs with volunteering solutions. Many

of the medical graduates have been observed opting for the internship program offered in India, Nepal,

Peru, and Thailand. Planning the amount of time to be dedicated towards a project abroad depends

from person to person. Those who cannot afford to shell out a month’s time or more for volunteering

abroad can go for a special 2 weeks program and club there volunteer work with traveling abroad.

5. How much will a program abroad cost?

The cost for volunteering abroad mainly depends on three things;

- The destination you choose to volunteer at.


- The program you have decided to work for.

- The amount of time are dedicating for the project.

For example: A volunteer project in Bangkok may vary somewhere from a fee of $750 for 2 weeks to

$1330 for 2 months. There are options available to extend the program once the original tenure, for

which the registration was done, gets over. There is, however, an additional fee for every extra week


Also, every volunteer traveler must get a travel & medical insurance before starting with their program.

Many agencies do not get into this process and ask you to handle it by yourself. However, few

organizations do help and guide the volunteers to get the insurance documents and charge a meager

extra cost for this additional service. Volunteering Solutions, following its trend of end-to-end services,

do help its volunteers get the insurance.

6. How much money should I carry for personal expense?

Depending upon the destination you have chosen to volunteer abroad, your daily/weekly expenses may

vary. Majority of volunteering destinations are either underdeveloped or developing countries, and the

living expenses are not that high to bear. This, however, also depends very much on the fact that

whether you have decided to volunteer through a placement organization or by self. For example; a one

month volunteering abroad stint in Sri Lanka (Colombo) might cost you somewhere around $1700 -

$2000. This is when you choose to volunteer by yourself and includes your meals, local transport,

weekly ration, accommodation rent, etc.

Alternatively, if you choose to volunteer through a volunteer placement organization, such as

Volunteering Solutions, your major expenses (Meals and Accommodation) are covered in the one-time

program fee that you pay to attend the program. Thus, all you need to bear are your personal expenses

for shopping and eating out (if and when you like to), which might not take more than $50-$60 a week.

The same goes for most of the volunteering destinations.

7. Visa Requirement for Volunteering Abroad

For volunteering destinations such as, Thailand, Tanzania, and Nepal, visa is available on arrival or

exempted for the first 15-30 days after arrival. However, this is confined to a limited list of countries.

Just like the above mentioned three, there are several other countries which provide visa on arrival to

volunteers. In addition to this, there are destinations for which one needs to attain a valid visa before

arriving to volunteer in that country. This includes the likes of India, Ghana, Australia, Peru, China, etc.

Volunteering Solutions provides complete guidance in attaining visas for a particular destination to

volunteer travel at and provides supporting documents as well. Candidates are advised to speak to our


program advisors in case of any visa related queries at [email protected]. Alternatively,

interested volunteers can also refer to the official websites of the embassies of the chosen country they

will be volunteering in.

8. Safety Concerns while Volunteering Abroad

One of the major concerns amongst volunteers traveling abroad, especially the ones traveling abroad for

the first time, is about the safety issues. Whilst it is to be understood that every country in this world has

some little negative entities in it, which can be kept away from if appropriate precautions and safety

steps are being followed. And, although, VolSol takes necessary steps to ensure safety for volunteers

while they are volunteering abroad, it is the responsibility of volunteers as well to take few generic

precautionary steps to stay away from any kind of trouble. This includes, but may not be limited to,

walking out on street at night alone, drinking with someone you have just met at a bar, wearing

inappropriate (short) clothes, wandering at unknown/deserted areas all by yourself, etc.

As for the concerns about local diseases/epidemics, one must always do a thorough research about the

current medical scenario in that particular destination, or alternatively can consult the Volunteering

Solutions’ program advisor. Every country requires certain vaccinations/immunizations in order to allow

volunteers to enter the country and begin their project. It is highly advised by VolSol to consult your

personal physician/doctor before leaving for your project.

9. Dos and Don’ts while Volunteering Abroad

For several volunteering destinations tourism is their main source of income, which goes to show the

nature of hospitality and warmth one can expect from the locals of these countries. This goes to show

that as a volunteer traveler abroad, there is a moral and ethical responsibility that one needs to comply

with for the entire period of stay. It must be understood that every country has its own set of traditions

and rituals, which might come across as a cultural shock to you as a foreigner. Thus, it is always better to

understand a few things you must Do or avoid doing while volunteering abroad, to make it a

memorable one.

- Do learn a few commonly used words from the local language in order to communicate with

them. This will help dearly in bonding, and quickly.

- Do take care of your dress sense when visiting a crowded area such as a market place or a holy

place such as a Shrine/Monastery, etc.


- Do remove your shoes when entering someone’s house.

- Do take prior permission before clicking someone’s picture, especially if you are a male and

hoping to click a picture of a local female.

- Do try any one of the local dishes to get the real taste of that particular country’s delicacy. You

can always try your hands in preparing one as well, which will be a different experience


- If not sure about something in a particular situation, simply follow a local and see what they are


- Do not display too much affection towards your partner in public. Most of the volunteering

destinations does not take such openness with ease.

- Do not conserve yourself from approaching and speaking to someone. Be as extrovert and

intrigued as you can. The more you ask, the more you communicate, and the more you learn.

- Do not share your personal details or belongings with someone you have just met.

- Do not lose your temper or get into any kind of scuffle.

- Do not feel offended when asked about your age, profession or marital status. It’s a common

tendency of being asked such questions, especially, by the elderlies.

- Do not move out alone at night; at least not without informing someone from the group or the


- Do not get tricked by beggars or touts.

10. Things to do While Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering travel, as the name suggests, is all about indulging in some hardcore humanitarian work

while traveling abroad and understand the culture of that country, learn about their lifestyle, an enjoy

the new side of the globe. Most of the volunteering projects are scheduled for 5 days a week, which

leaves the volunteers with the weekends off. This time can be utilized wisely by the volunteers to

explore the region and its nearby locations. Here are a few important things you can do while

volunteering abroad;


Explore the city unlike a tourist

Figure 3: Explore the heritages of the world

VolSol provides accommodation with local guest host family at certain volunteering destinations. Along

with this a dedicated local coordinator is appointed by Volunteering Solutions with the volunteers to be

their one stop guide throughout their stay. This makes way to explore and understand the place more

closely and deeply; something a regular tourist won’t get.

Eat the local delicacies to learn the local flavours


While volunteering abroad with Volunteering Solutions, the meals are provided to the volunteers at

their respective accommodation. However, it goes without saying that one must try out some of the

favourite and popular local recipes, without which the journey will be incomplete.

Learn about the history to get a clear picture

This is one of the most important and highly advised practise that a volunteer must follow. Visiting age

old monuments and important historic places/ruins brings you closer to the early days of that country.

This will help you greatly while interacting with the locals. Imagine the astonishingly happy faces when

they would learn that you know a lot about them. The same can be shared with the kids during a

classroom session, if you have chosen to be a part of a Teaching program.

Take back some nice souvenirs

Shopping is definitely one thing that must be on your To-Do list while volunteering abroad. Every city

has a list of small to huge and cheap to expensive market places to explore. After all, there are plethora

of things which belongs to a particular country and makes it famous for the same.


Take photographs. A lot of it!

Figure 4: Adventure activities while volunteering abroad

This is a goes – without – saying factor. How else would you be able to cherish and recall your wonderful

time spent while volunteering abroad? Every place has something unique that your camera lenses must

grab. The gifts of nature and the looks of a special delicacy that you would want to see and relive again

and again. Plus, you need something more than your airplane ticket to show to your friends and

neighbours to make them jealous.


FAQs: Volunteering through Volunteering Solutions

1. Why Volunteering Solutions?

With its presence in over 32 destinations all across the globe, Volunteering Solutions manages a

plethora of volunteering programs. In the last 8 years, since its inception, VolSol has placed closed

to10,000 international volunteers on different projects as well as internship programs and, has helped

them expedite in their personal and professional lives. VolSol realize the importance of ethical and

successful volunteering, and through its deep knowledge in this field it places a candidate into a

program which suits them the best, according to their field of interest, skills, and educational


Volunteering Solutions has dedicated coordinators placed at each and every of its destinations, who

help, guide, and train the volunteers to get accustomed with the norms and culture of a particular

country. With proper accommodation arrangements and all facilities provided within them, VolSol make

sure of a comfortable and memorable sojourn for all of its volunteers. A dedicated team of volunteer

support staff make sure that any and every query flown in by an interested candidate is been addressed

and resolved in a proper and timely fashion. From the time a query comes in for volunteer program till

the time the candidate starts their program, the support staff make sure they are guided through each

process very clearly, informing about all requisites.

Apart from these, VolSol provides help in various important divisions, such as;

- Raising fund for volunteers who face financial crunch to sponsor their trip.

- Providing medical and Travel insurance at a nominal extra cost.

- Trips and tour package to explore other locations in Ghana.

- Vehicle facilities for local travelling and airport drop at some extra cost

2. What qualifications do I need to volunteer through VolSol?

As explained in the previously, for anyone to be a volunteer and work for a volunteer program abroad all

it takes is to be focused, dedicated, enthusiastic, and motivated enough to motivate others. However,

for health and medical programs, one needs to provide relevant certificates and/or documents as a

proof of their medical background. The age limit is a minimum of 17 years to volunteer abroad (18 years

for medical/ healthcare programs).


3.What all programs are available through Volunteering Solutions?

Volunteering Solutions has ample of volunteer as well as internship programs under its umbrella. Few of

them are mentioned below;

- Childcare Program

- Healthcare Program

- Community Development Program

- Disabled Care

- Journalism

- Medical Program (Dental)

- Sports Coaching

- Teaching Programs (including teaching monks)

- Wildlife Conservation Program

- Women Empowerment Program

In addition to these, VolSol provides special programs which are tailor made for those who cannot

afford to invest much time but want to experience the culture of the region while immersing in hard-

core volunteer work. This includes;

- 2 Weeks Special Program

- Language & Orientation Week

- Summer Program


Volunteering abroad is a special way to travel international and get an experience of a lifetime. Not only

does it proves helpful to the less privileged and those in need of social upliftment, but also to the

volunteers, both, personally and professionally. We, at Volunteering Solutions always thrive to place

more and more volunteers to make life better for as many in need as we can, and make this world a

better place to live in for each and every one. You can also be a part of this change brigade. Be a

volunteer and help make a difference.

Figure 5: Make a difference, share smiles!


To see more of Volunteering Abroad experiences and information regarding volunteering through

Volunteering Solutions, you can go through our social media sites.