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Passaic an l l h r ( a t e City Vote io Faror of Conmissioa

, G o T e r n B e n t



Two more citlw Joined . yestertaT In tha onw arJ march to government by cvmmlfiiiotip aa provided by the Walab act paaead lafet winter. Paasalc, tong controlled by political machlnea, voted an overwhelming majority In favor of throw ­ing off the present method of municipal management^ whUe In Margate City, At­lantic County, an apparent opposlttoo to the new rule dwindled soon after the polls opened.

The outcome tn Paaisalc, In Addition to gratifying tho daelroB of the commlsalon government aupportera, provoked muoh favorable comment for the Geran election law, under which the balloting was held. I t was the first awUcallon of some sec­tions of the new law, and the test was satisfactory to those who had advocated Its adoption.

The resu lt In tbs two piunlclpallUM evened up m atters In the fight between the commlsston government workers and ofBonents throughout the State. Of eight communities In which the new law was si^hmHted to the votern as many have adopted a s have rejected It.


BBIDOEPORT, Conn., July 2«.—Thnt the New York, New Haven and H anford Railroad Company was criminally negli­gent and th a t A rthur M. Curtis, of New Yorkj the engineer of the Federal Ex­press. was also criminally negUgent, Is the finding of Coroner Wilson as a r^^sutt of hlB Inquest Into the wreck of the Fed­eral Express here on tlie morning of July II, when fourteen were killed and forty Injured. The wreck was caused by the tra in taking a short rro«e-over a t a high rate of speed, which threw the engine and six cars off the tracks on to a street below. That the proper signals were set against the train and th a t Engi­neer Cuftle w'as In good health were also brought In the finding,

The road Is found negligent becaw a they maintained a short cross-over on fast express trunk line tracks, and Cunts because he ran his train a t such a high ra te of speed over the orois-over.


Just Before Hajor^ Stop's Funeral Actiof Execotire

Anested on Graft Char|a



French Flier Captues the $50 ,000 Circuit Face Arosod

Great Britain



State Board to ( |ilz Piblic Serrice Aboot Gas and

Electricity Charfes.


W mnwnta Immed a t tb e lu a taaee «f flimoii FWbfiVf Retorasevt Wko Got Oiae fo r Arr««t for Crim inal L ibel o f A tlaa tia City Preaa E^dltocs W ho Bee* fiapportlng "Bo**”Loaf* K aobal* a a d U. P ., Maehlno,

RRnoKLANDf?. England, July tS.—At>' dre Reeumont (Lieutenant De t'onneau) won the $50,000 prize ottered by iho Lon- d«m rvally Mall for the circuit of Great Drlinln aviation race of 1.010 tmltis. He


PASSAIC, July 26.-81xty per oent. of the vote was cast two To,one In fav^or of .*J>*-,.«omniis&lorv . g'_ 'cr&m*nt law.-. Tl^ election resulted in the heevteat poll <m a referendum vote In the history of the city. The vntee cast for the commiMlon governm ent were 1.7S0, as against 869, giv­ing a m ajority of 930 votee for the new rule supporters.

Only one ward, the F irst, was carried by those opposed to commleeioti*. Only four of the sixteen district* In the city gave a m ajority against the comm lesions. The vote was more decisive than the most arden t supporters of tne oommle- ■Ions expected.

ThlB ia th e first election held under the new Geran law, with the city divided iTtto smaller districts. The count and return of fifteen of the ballot-boxes was made before 8 o'clock. One box came In nearly aD hour later.

The vote by wards, as tabulated by the city clerk, was as foflow's: FMrst Ward, 128 for and 283 against; Second Ward, 520 for and IGZ agalnat: Third Ward, R85 for and M against; fo u rth Ward. 606 for and Syi"' against. >

The city will hold a primary election Tuesday, August 22, when the candidates for rommlsslonerahlps will be voted on. re litlo n s of candidates m ust be filed with the city clerk within the next ten days.

The eftctlon to determine the commis­sioners will be held Tuesday. September 19, and the succeeeful candidates will take over the city government on Thursdayi September 28, when the five men will meet and select their chairman, who shall be known a s the Mayor.

The M ayor will receive a salary of 12,500 and the commlsslonerB |S,000 each. The powers of the Mayor, except In a few appointm ents, are no grea ter ^ a n the o ther commlsslotiere. Each oommlsilcmer will be head of one of the following de partm ents: Public affairs, re^■enue ttndfinance, public safetTi itre e ts and public Improvements and parks and public prop-

^ ^ n y . r ■^ Commissioners are fubjeot to recaU# but

only once during ths4r term s, and then only a fte r they have held efflce one yeei*. Twenty per cent, of the legal voter# may set the recall election In motion, and such a oommiBsloaer may run aggin for elec­tion. The law also provides fo r the Ini­tiative apd the referendum. The ward lines are obliterated In the election and the commlesloners are selected a t la rg a


MARGATE CITT, July 2fl.-Thli city declared In favor of the commission form of governm ent at a special election held yesterday. A bitter fight was expected between the faction now In oontrol of til* city governmeut and th<Me favoring the chunge, but the advocate* of the old regime were overwhelmingly defeated. Among the lenders of the opposition was the Mayor. Joslah Noroross. but CUy Clerk H a rt end several other city offi­cials came out strongly In Us favor.

t t Is the Intention of the winning ele­m ent to transform Margate City into a second Newport. They have planned an outline fo r a residential section, with ra- strtotloni, and ^he development of the back saotlon of the city along the Thor- dughfaro. Atlantic City capitalists are »ald to stand ready to spend t2,00(>,000 In m aking their plans a reality.

Thera a re Indloatlons th a t the residents of Longport, adjoining M argate City isn the east, will also be given an oppor­tun ity of voting for the commlaalon form In the near future.

The existing schfMluIe of rates oUarged for gas and electricity by the Public Ser vice Oas Company and the Public Service Electric Company are to be Invesllgatod by the Board of Public Utility Commla tloners.

The first h i r i n g will b® held i t the ■ftourthood* pTIday. 6ept«Kber-fc- and- will be followed by others as occasion may re­quire from time to time.

The determination of the board to make the InvesUgatloji was arrived a t yester­day afternoon In Trenton after careful consideration had been given "^local cora- plalnls of gas and eleotrto rates.

As the two companies lnvoj\'ed operate throughout almost all of North, Jersey and a large part of the southern section of the State, It was decided tlxat eatlsfac- tory results could only be attained, by making a thorough Investigation of the subject In Its entirety. Ther^ore, the In­quiry Is, begun upon the Initiative of the board ra th er than In direct response to any particular complaint.

The task of determining the reasonable­ness of the gas and electric rates Is the most im portant one of the kind to which the board has yet addressed Itself. H un­dreds of thousands of customers of the two corporations will be Interested In the outcome of the Inquiry.

I t ts the announced puri>o8e of the board to make Us InveciUgatlon as far reaching and exhaustive as possible. In order to do this It wlU be necessary to ascertain exactly • how much capital Is invested In the two coroporatlons, the amount of Its net and gross earnlnga;, the profits derived from the business and many other details related more or less closely to th e rates charged for service.

W ei come laveatlgatloa* public Serrioe officials said to-day th a t

the corporation will be glad to meet the Tre&tOQ Investigation with facta and ra te figures, bu t th a t Beptember S for the first bearing does not give enough time for proper preparation of data.

Ttentoo ra tes for gas and electriotty are the same as tho*e of Newark and the rem ainder of Publlo fiervlae territory, anfi the ruling which th e public utility commissioners wlU make may have an im portant bestfug on the rate* through­out the whole Btate.

The oorporatlon has a aervto* of ^60D gas meters throiighout the S tate and appioxlmately US,000 eleotrto meters.

The oorporatJon's Newark bualnei* Is Included In th a t known as the Essex dl*> triot, which takes In ail of Elssex County, except the town of Nutley, and also the towns of Chatham and Morristown, In Morris County. The gross annual earn­ings of the electric department In th is district Is $2,022,365, and of the gas de­partm ent 13,196,161.

I t was x*oI&ted out that, while N ewark uses only about one-third os much gas per mile of m ain as does New York, this city ia for ahead of the other Jersey mu- nlalpalltles. Jersey City, for Instance, has approximately th irty per oent. o£ its con­sumers using leas than r w orth of goa a year, while Newark only approxi­mately eight per cent, using so aumll an amount.

The Public Sendee Corporation will pre­sent flgin'es a t the Investigation showing th a t It has never raised a gas o r electric rate since It has operated Ua birtlneas In JAB municipalities of the State using gna and 157 uelng eleoli^lty .

On the other hand. It wtU be claimed It has reduoed ra tes In many cities, whloh were given dollar gas In cases where th* old rates tan up as high as 8L75.

Spniml (ffT9ic9 of the HSWB.ATLANTIC CITT, July Having

pondered over m atter during thenight, Bltnon Faber, a reformer, this aiom tng caused the axTesi of George W. Carmany, th » acting Mayor. Ha aJao had Albert Qllllfeon, the city building Inspec- Ipr, taken into ouatody,

Carmany Lb olurged with soliciting a bribe of |600 for a "cluck" to be sold by Henry Bolte Jr., chairman of ths license committee ot the City Coutitil.

The oJock purchased, It Is alleged, waa merely to cover tlie real perquisite, a sh- lOQQ lloense, for the Rio Qmnde Hotel. Out of respect for the funeral of Mayor Franklin P. Stoy, Fuber instruried the conatabie to serve the w arrant on Lar- many prior to 11 o'clock this morning. At this hour the body of Mayor Bioy was placed on public view In sta te In me cuy ball, with Morris Guards and th s city troop as a guard .of hojfcOT.

Carmany, a* acting Mayor, wa* In have full charge of the arrangements, Gtllleon la In trouble on a charge of con$pira<y k)dged by Faber, also before Bqulre WtMjksi "JoSeph'"'F." ' 'i£r-reated by Fiiber. tlie charge being that he had violated the election laws In run- Dlng away with official registry books which he grabbed from (lire hands of Judge Bmathers, of the ErtMrlct Court.

M clntyre alleged that he had been hired by Gllllson to steal the books, but his story was a t first doubted.

Faber believed this man to be Gillleon, and brought the two together; whe-rsupon, McIntyre Idenllfied Glljiaon poftitively os <he men who had hired him to "go get*' the registry booke. ^

Still another w arnuit obtained by Pnber to-day Is for the arrest of F ronds E. Cronsdale, editor t>f The Presa, Colonel W alter E, Edge’s newspaper, which sup* ports the Kuenhie organtxatlon, charging criminal libel ^

Sensational (estlmony, Involring Car- many, was adduced yesterday a t the hearing of Councilman Bnlte, J. T. Kil­patrick, owner of the bMldlng In which the Rio Grande cafe Is conducted, testi­fied that while on a train punning from Philadelphia to the ghnr« he met Car- many, and afte r he had told him of the difficulty th a t was being experienced In getting a license for the cafe, the alderman had said:

*T know th a t you are not In the clock business, but Bolte Is. and I think that If you were to buy a clock for five or six hundred dollars a t Bolte** store there m ight ngt be any fu rther trouble about getting your 1lcen*a*'

Lgter K ilpatrick said he had met Bolte and Carmany together oa several occa­sions, and Carmany was nJleged to have said a f te r K ilpatrick agreed to buy a clock th a t everything would be all right.


GentMoy, Eofliod and France ApparentiT in Qnarrebeme

Mood Over Morocco.


B H tlati W ill in g to G erm anyT a k e a i l i e e o f P re n e h t 'o n g o os C o e ip e aaa tlo ii fo r L e a v in g H nroceo 1o Fraack* an d Mpaln* Tmt R esea t* A ny D ea l to <;iv« G e rin a » y ilew ('oD iineyolal A d v a n tn g * In A frica ,


PATERSON, July K .-U ltle M1«red Bronillow, of 148 Jiiaper street* I* dying her bedroom w’Uh rabies. To lake away her Buffering* Hie doctor# are administer­ing opiates.

Three weeks ago the little girl saw two gIuks fighting liv the street. BUe ran out to separate them, wheii one sud­denly turned upon her and sank Its teeth hi m T hand. The vroutid seemed to heal muler a physician's case, but Monday she oomplaLned of feeling lU- Thsn II wuH discovered Uiat she hod de­veloped hydrophobia.

Mildred Is ths only daughter of Reuben Bromilow. Bhe Is seven year* old and 's loved by the little gIriH and boys In her nelghhorhoud. tUi to Saturday she wau out playing with her companions, and when the dog that had bitten her ran through the rtreot she remarked: there goes tha t naughty dug th a t bit me."

Andre BesnmotiC (C®Me*o.)reached the finish here at 2:07 o'clock this afternoon, making a splendid "volplane" from a height of l.ffJO feet.

J. Vedrtti^s re.iclierl the gonl a t S:17 o'clock. Both Fhcnciimcn received an en- Ihupiastlc reception from a huge crowd. Beaumont, on alighting, was sclxed by admirers and carried ehoulder high to hU tent.

Beaumont nnd Vcdrlnea left Brlsiol a t 6 o’clock this morning on the final stage of the race. They arrived a t Brighton a t noon.

The final section of the rar« oowred a to tal distance of 261 miles* the course being laid from Bristol to Exeter, sixly- flvo miles, to Salisbury, elghty-thre* miles; to Brighton, seventy-six nfilles, then to Brnnklanda, forty miles.

Beaumont’s total Actual flying time w'AF 22 hours W minutes, and Vedrlne'* £8 hours 39 minutes.


Son of Licnt Qaifley, Local Fire Depaitment, Rescues

Newark Yoonf W onaa


Tkirty lodictneots Banded Dp Inclodinf One Against

Sheriff Johnson.



HUNTINGTON, W. V t , Ju ly 2*.—When tha Uteamer K anaw ha left Oalllpolla, O., to-day. with the Rivera and H arbors Com- m lttee of Coiutresa ! InJlntraenta when called on to plead.


fipecHttl gsredsf of fbs ffJnVS.MAYS’ LANDING, Jul.v M .-Aboul

th irty true bills were r^ftTfied by tha- ■ pedal grand Jury of A tlantic County this afternoon In a partial presentment made before Justice Ramuel Kallach, of Newark. They Included an indictment against Bherlft Enoeh L Johnson for re­moving registrj' books from the clerk's office. Albert Ollllson, Indicted for con epiracy, wae another to plead.

Acting on Inatructlona from Justice RallBch, the county clerk refused to make pqhllc the Indictment* until tb s defend ants appeared this afternoon to plead and enter ball.

The** Indlctraentn are the result of only two days' work on the part of the Jury, whose labors have Just begun. Those who have received Intlmatloti of their Indictment are busy arranging for bonds­men, ae It Is expected justice kailBch will flx heavy ball. Attorneys for Sheriff Johnson will attack the validity of the

LONDON, July X Thai Germany will get compensation in South Africa as a result of her dascnmi upon Agadir and In return for the fm u hand which Francs Is seeking In Morocco Is conceded here, but It la a!*o clear th a t Great Britain | Is nut going td purmit the eetabUshment of a German naval base on thq west coast of Africa If she can prevent It.

Great B rita in 's great trad* roiftes to South Amerloo, South Africa, India and the Far E ast a ll pass within striking distBiicu of Agadir, Moroo4K>, and genera­tions of British itateem en have main­tained that to allow a possibly hostile power La establish Itself on the flank of these lines of communication would be a vita! menace to this country. ,

Thtre win be, however, no objection here to France giving compensation In the stisipe of a rectification of the Kom- erun u iern iar) and French Congo boun­dary. provided th a t It does not Include a changiv o f. ownership of the i^oael Jine detrlniflhtal to this ooun try r '"''

The activity of the Foreign Office to-dSy was ugiun imirked, the liidloutlons polnt-

,lng to .thfi hi'or appi.oflch. tit.a (he crlalB tiither will become acutely viru­lent or begin to dlsoolve the composition of the group of M inisters actively han- idllng the ftllufttlon. P rcrnjrr AsQUlth, Sir Edward Grey, Secretory of Foreign Af­fairs, and Chancellor Lloyd-Oeorge, Ih# la lter representing the Radical part of the Cabinet, sliows th a t th e Briysh Govern­ment is Holld, while th« fact tha t Sir Francis Bertie, tho British Ambjiasador to France, and Paul CamlKm. the F'rench AmlwsKftilor a t London, have been called Into the conferences, proves the continued solidarity of the Anglo-French erilenW.

King Alfoneu, too. appeared on the ice*>e to-day, having arrived nt Ports­mouth on the Spanish royal yacht Ql- talda otid Immediately came to London, where he conferred with Sir ICdward Grey.

King Ooorgo Is remaining In town, and mesBengerw pas* frequently between Buck. Ingham Palace and the Foreign .

Unices an arrangem ent Is reached In the mean time the Atlantic fleet, the projected visit of which to Norway was cance l^ yo-slerday, will be sent back, probably, to Its a t G ibraltar a t the end of the

'^Reginald McKenna, F irs t T.*rd of the Admiralty, vlsRed the Foreign Office dur­ing the afternoon and remained aojne In conference with Sir Edward Grey. Late this afternoon there was an uncon­firmed rumor In Stock Exchange circles th a t another conference of the power* would be held In August to dlspoes of the Moroccaa question.

PARTH, Ju ly X e T ^ h e Foreign Office adh erin g to Its p ac t w ith the Ger­

man F ore ign Offtcar re fra in s from all(ContJnaed on 3d page, 4th column.)


Bor's SereD-stwr Resolts in Seconi Arrest of the

Elentor Man,


National Goard (HGcen Aver that James R Nifent lo-

snlteJ Woolrow Wilsoa


Bee* *llab** Delawey Mmt D ew s W%e« He Heard Ncvrarli'* C ity Cnna*«r* J ib e la Proposed T e a s t—P r e s t F o l- lew rd aad Isd lg a s a t Gwardatnea Pr««- e a l IfVtt a t Od««—To Tkewi fita te C 'halraiaa Had Ju s t S ea t f io a e iM'las*



boat* on board. It was with the knowledge th g t the low w ater waa behind them, and the way wae clear for eaay ateamlng to Cairo At OalllpolU the boat was con­nected b y ’ telephone with Washington,

__________ I ]j c and metnbere of the oomroltteeH o m m J n l , * .-H c w to reanc. | ta lk ^J ^

made to-day.I>E6

rite high cost of living ho* been solved by oofiBumer# here, who eetabUshtd a perm anent m arket place to-day.

The olty officials turned the city hall lawn over to the vegetable and farm pro­duce venders. The rush of consumer* lx* gan a t 6 o'clock. Two hours later the hucksters had sold o u t

New potatoes were bought for forty-five oent* a peck, or tl.t% a buabeL where form erly the price had been 13 to 14 bushel. Apples, which had been seUlng a t twenty-five cent* a peek, were eotd fo r ten to twelve cents. Cucumbers found ready buyers a t three for ten cent*, ag a in s t tbe'prlce of ten cent* each, which had been pro'alllng.

and chtldren Jammed tho stree t In front, cd < 4 ^ ..elty -^baJL in aji.

" eTrbri id g r t to 'th e wagtina The eervlces of a squad of poHce were necessary to keep th ^ crowds |i1 line.


N E W TOEK, July t e —On r»c«tnt of a le tter from Major-General Grant, calling b is a ttention to tha fact th a t tw o privates In th e United S tates arm y were excluded from a Coney Island dancing pavUioo on Ju ly < Mayor Gayner lo-day told ths police comralsslonsr to revoke the ap­pointm ent of all special policemen hired, out to private Indlvldualii.. ”016 Mayor said:

'T t I f eo n tra rr to the flrat p rindplei of „ « ev » » « u .o t to ji.u^,BithJlo ofljesra In. the

...- tn e perthrtnahbe' o f their duties by them.”


M O N tlC B U iO , w. T.. July New Torkerg, at a aammer boarding­house here, were Injured to-day when the hoose w as stniok by lightning. One woman. Sarah Grabner, Is itlU uncon­scious and probably will die. Tbs holt entered the house a t the r o ^ passed through several roome and Went , out through th e ball In which the persona In-

-were-asagmM.'td. ---------------------------.. Eyery one of the t w e n ^ j ™ horned on top of fh f i^ e ^ i. ..... cTi..


Brandela, who was attorney for L. R. Olavls In the Balllnger-Plnohot "trWl," arrived In W ashington to-day for a pre­liminary Investigation ot the eyldenoe now before the House Commfllos on Expendi­tures In the Interior Departm ent on Alae- fca matte™.


When the grand jury met to-day eeveraJ wltmeeeB were present to testify to al­leged eleotlon trregiilarltlea, and It la doubtful whether any presentments will be made a t this rime. Sheriff Johnson, from reports th a t a re said to havo leaked out from the grand jury room, Is said to have come to tho conclusion that an In­dictment h u been found agatnst him be­cause ot his own admissions th a t he moved the election registry books from the clerk 's office. The sheriff Insists he did not do so a t the tim e charged by Thomas Htewart, Iho recording clerk em­ployed In tfie olnrk’s offlee, who saye ho •aw the sheriff get the books.

The sheriff added he has had an expert examine the registry hook and provo boyond doubt th a t they were not tam- pared with or any m arke erased, as charged by Attorney-General Wilson.

As tho eyldenoe In election cases la so voluminous. It Is not thought likely th a t th e Jury will reach the Investiratton of any gambling cases to-day.

---------- — !nst E hailtt-/obnaea

ffperidl Serelffl of Ike JIBWB.ATLANTIC h i g h l a n d s . July

Plunging Into the surf yestordsy aftsr- a t Ocean View, near here, Joeeph

Q uigley.^Ixteen years old. and eon of U e u te r t^ l Matthew Quigley, of th s Are departm ent of Newark, saved from drown­ing Miss Ehhal Blaednor, of Bl TIohenor street Newark, who te spending a vaca­tion srtth her aunt, Mrs. Jacob T. Sotsln, of this plaoe. I t was a heroic rescue and nearly c o « the young roan Ids Ufe.

The girl, who Is also sixteen years old, was bathing off tho pier. Monday she had gone into the surf a t th a t point .when the fide was low and was able to wade around without danger. Yesterday tho tide was high, and as ehe jumped Into Uio w ater tng 'dhderw w carried her th irty fw t out over her head.

Men and women on the pier saw Miss Blaednor suddenly throw up her hands and Borearo for help. Then they noticed her go down. Not one made an effort to ee t to her. Young Quigley, who was bathing nearby, heard some one teU of a girt drowning and he hurried to the pier, saw her come up and dove into th* water-

In a mJnute he was a t her side and then tho sMCtalors saw the two go down, tho girt birring grasped tho boy about Ws head. I t seemed as though both would be drowned, hut young Quigley had re­called the teaching of his father who was a noted oarsman and swimmer, th a t In such a CM A the only means Bf tiaving one's self when held hy a drowning per- son la to go down to th e bottom with tho victim who will then release the hold,

Soon the girl name to tho aurfaoe and then tho boy. Bhe waa going down for a th ird tim e ■when. Quigley got her by the head and swnro to the p lw e dletanoe of more than thirty feet. Cheers went up from the crowd who were watching tho rescue. The two who were exhausted In tho struggle, wore lifted up and the girl carried to tho home of her aunt.


Afyesl for Defeose Is Issaed by Secretarr of AfflericanFedrwiWftolLabon


FoGce Nab Two Meo After At­tempt to ob Grocery




NBW TORK, July M.—A quantity of tnoney said to have been reclglmed from thb ru ins of the hattlesMp Malrie was de­posited In th s Trust Corapsmr of Arasrics. th is afternoon. Ofllolals of the bank would not verity the report, although they did say th a t the money w u d*. posited by a Cuban bank gnd th a t It was to a badly mutilated condition.

AH th e money was In tha form of bins o f on old d a te ^

1 l,O .P.M *eenla^avafT tnid«y teBIgfe:. K. to M Baaah and Long B rssch v is C. R. B, »-Adw.

_______. . O., July ■16-,=Mrs, JohnBrown Jr., atfed, i^ldow of the s id tt t son of I he "M artyr of H arper's Ferry,” died to-day a t Fnt-ln-Bsy.

TRAGKDY AT SACRAMENTO■ la y e r e f G ir l g ten o g rap lieF , mori&ser

B m p to y e o f G o v e rn o r GMIeft, S ho t D eed b y P e lle e .

doeriSf fierries of l*e SMW8. *SACBAMBNTO, Cal,, Ju ly M .-M lie

Dudley, a stenographer tn the otBeee ot the S tate engineer, woe Murdered to-day by a m ao who was la ter killed in a battle with th e polloe. During his flgtit two byt standsrs ware shot and seriously wound­ed. T he polloe have not been able to Identity th e slayer or to ascertain a mo­tive foe his aot.'ri”

lU ss Dudley waa previouslr, employed la th e aOoe W farm er Oovemor OUlett, e t BttiW ti.

on Ms own recognisance, His tria l was llxed for Beptember 6, when the legality of the Indictment will he formally eon- testsd by George A. Bomgeon. -his a tto r­ney. Qllllson was hold under |J,0<» ball on two Indletroents. to both of which he pleaded not guilty.

leaac Aeron. of A tlantic City, went on bis bond.

The first Indictment charged OUllson with conspiring xrith W alter Johnson and Reese Bostick to pervert th# eleotlon board, the second wl>h attem pting to bribe en election officer:*

The attorney-general suggested I8JKI0 ball, hu t GllHson's attorney said that tho am ount was outregoous and tho oourt ffnaHy reduced It to H,»» on each Indlct- ment. , . „

Following the pleading of Sheriff Johnson and Gllllson. court wan again adjourned until B:S0 o'clock, when other defendants will appear to plead. It Is known th a t among the hatch of bills M an Indictment agatnet Qeorge^Amolo and 'trhu*n~. . . 'w ith consplfacy, afiff w uilB n Campbell for asauU and battery., A .tilt occurred between the county clerk and newspaper men Who demand­ed the full list of those Indicted. Fore- m ad Charles 8, Moore, of tho grand jury was appealed to and said It was ■pitollc property, but tho clerk would not give I f o u t


steam er Btarkod, which arrived to-day from Norway, brought t ,m ^ «< wood pulp. This m th s flrst oargo o* wood pulp

AJt*r a cha**, early tTil* morning, (hrou*h half a mile of th* Ironbouxid Olrtrlct, tn which frtvpral shot* were anfi the entire neighborhood aroue«*i1, Giacomo Xhaaplo, (w^nty-two years oUl. of 480 Adam* street, lluboken, and Ern^to Derosa, thtrtV'One years old, of 30 Third street, were arraetod by Roundsman KeUett and Patrolm an Carroll, of the Third Preciztcl.

The two men were charged with at­tempted burglary *nd held tn $1*400 ball each for the grand Jury In the Third Pr«- cilnot Police Court.

About 8:30 o'oock, RamTiel Oreenbaum. a grocer of 646 Market atrret, was arouse.1 by footsteps In his store, above whloh he oleepe. He leoJivd from tlie window uf hU apartm ents tn Hif* what the trouble

and espied ta'f> tnec In front of hln store. They eaw tilm, and called to a "pal" lonlde and the trio flod. Grer.n baum dressed and ran after them.

At Bowery anid Murket streets, Green- baum met Roundenian Kellett. and told him of the attempt<^d robbery*. About a blook down Market street were two men, walking slowly. Kellctt called to them to Stop, but when they him. they sta rt­ed to nm . “

Ketlatt and Carroll took up the rbap*. shot* were fired over tb« heads of th« fleeing men, but th#*y fnjfitln?jpd their dash.

The QhxM contlnu»*d down Market, neither the pursued nor pursuers g:i1n1ng. Carroll Jumped Intr^ a bakhry wag<in 1n F erry atreet. near Mott street, lashed the homatp and headed the two off at Ferry BtBMt and Manurarttirera* plaoe.

w here the tbim man went to Is a mystery, but the police are looking for, him. Beyond dlBtnrblng the stock In^ Greenbaiim!* store, the thieve# were un­able to do anything .

After tMiifig pat on parole lo answer for the death of a nine-year-old boy who plunged s*vej\ Morion down the elevator nhuft In tho Union building, on Clinton ntrest, yesterday afternoon, JsLmea ThomM"TJf 'm Newark atreet* the valor man, wiis re-arrcstod this aftertioOD by order of the prosecutor's office.■*Ttw artlofi- fcrttowBd-'-’poMca lnv#*tlga-

tion of the ar.ctdent, In which new evU det]c* wax obtained. Thomaa will ba charged by Captain Ryan with man­slaughter In the FlrBl Precinot Court to­morrow morning.

Not natisfii'Ki with the explanation given by the ^levator attendant, the authort- tlOfl have planed ths building proprietors Cku the defensive.

The disod boy Is Francle Ilauechel, son of Bdward Hauechel, of 374 Peshlne avenui*. At the (imo of the accident hie mother and sinter wore In an office on tile seventh floor of th* building. An older brother was standing a t the main entraiu'e tn the elevator sliaft on the first floor, having mlBsed the car, when Francis's body whlrlexl pant.

The boy way terribly crushed. Me died InstanUy, hU neck was broken, hi* skull fractured and both legs were broken.

Young Hauschel and his older brother had been out to a nearby drug store, where they had Ice cream noda. ifdd wero returning to thelp mother and stster, whn were waiting for them In an office on tho seventh flour, when the mlslmp occurred. Francis ran sw ay fr<im his brother ami hi* body shot down the shaft Just a* #n adjoining elev'ntor was about to ascend.

ilauechei, the father. Is employed by the Singer Sewing Machine Company In Elisabeth. The mother and three children lived a t 874 Peshlne avonUe until Mon­day, when they broke up their home. pre. paring to move to Philadelphia. At lb*' time the boy was killed Mrs. ItouechH was in the real estate office of Norton A Norton.

There are three pnasenger elevators hi the main corridor nf the building and when young Hauschel and his brother en­tered the building the centre car was signaled to ascend P'rancis ran and step­ped in the cur Just bt-fnre th* door oloHcd. ill* brother wan left behind. Be- etdes Hauschel and the elevator man a girl wa* on (ho car. Hhe got off a t the third floor.

Each of the three elevators ho* two , place* for panyctigers to enter and de­part. There Ih a space of about from two to two and a half Inches between tiie wall of the shaft and the edge of the floor of" the elevator. 1ml a t each floor the door *e(B back from twelve to fourjeen Inches In the casing. There Is room enough for an ordinary sized man (o fall through when the elevator Is in such a position os it was when the hoy fell.

Though there are no gaten on the eleva­tor cars themselves on the side from which the lad pliingt^ to id* drutb, It Is evident that »t one tliri* hucIi prutcrUon was furnished to ptiHsengcrs. There iH an Iron rod over ttie car door on Ihni side. On the opposite Hide of th* lift tliyre IH a r< d similar In every respect, and on which hitogs a latti< fwork gate, opcrulPd by the elevator ruiitsHr, ami which (■frectuiilly close* that Hide from the eld* of the Bhrifl.

The other rod. howeVer. hns no (rate, hut It is worn uh If wltTi wIicoIh tike the ones on the opposite gate- Employes of the building ihi* niornlng could not rt^ member when tin* galCH were removed. Officers of tlie riilnn Jbilldlng r-ompany also wore lgni»ronl on tills point, they de- oUired. No fiirtJ er light wb.'j thrown on this phase of the matter tiy inqulrv at tlip two ciiflualty eotrn'ftnle.H by whom ihe cars wer© Inspeettv,!

According to th*' stAtement mart* by Thoituis ths hny 'll'l lint ask him tn stop 'th p .'lovnlnr im- lil tfie / I'Stl tinsrly mnnhsrt the sevnrth door. ITn 'Isrlarod th a t lis iiirasd the lever hot the eievntor itkl rml eome to a standsllll until tl w as shout three fi’et ahove the Moor level. He aalff that the hoy Jumpert wlien the ear reneh- ert the ffoor end tiefore he enuld srah him the lad slipped down between the elevator and tha door,

ffesefsl R m im *f llu yilWtI.BEA GIRT, July M -A ll tIirnQ(h th e

BIsta esmp to-day there wae much dle- cusalotr over an Itrsultlnff to as t to Gov­ernor Wilson which **Rtate Deroooratle Committos Chairman Jam es R. N u ien t, Newark's city aouniel, la declared to have proposed In the hearlns o f some fifty amssed diners at Scotty’s. Neptune HelKhts restaurant about 11 o'clock last nixht.

In the Btate Deraocraflo eom m lttea chairman's company a t the tlm a were "Hob " Delaney, a lienchniun o t Cosuno- doro Irfiuls Kuhiile, Atlantic C ity 's Re- puhllcsn boss, and a few others.

Amonit the diners wore several oRlosrs of tho National Guard who a re on duly here.

Aeeorrtlnx to these officers, Nuiient sent to their tabk) a bottle of wine, then arose and, raisins his slass, addressed the din­ers, saying:

I propose a toast to the Governor otNew Jeysny. the commander-ln-ohlet of the Indlifla: H e T r «n Ingrtste and ho ­ls a liar. I mean''W oodrow W ilson. I repeat he Is an tugrate and 1 ^ . Do I drink alonsT" — - .....

He drank alona."Rob" Delaney. who had arli» ti when Nugent did, eat down when N ugent Is said to have uttered Ingrat# and liar. Five ot the National Guard offleers leftthe place a t ones.

Among llinmeelves they expreiaed their Indignation but did not create any scene. On ihe porch they say Delaney sta rted to talk to them and they told him not to start anything.

II waa repeatedly aeeorted here to-dgythat a mast pronounced silence followed the proposal of the to a s t

Whon Bdward Gog*, the m anager of the restaurant, was asked about the affair to-day ho sold he did not hear Mr. Nugent siienk and Insisted th a t there w as no trouble.

The proprietor of the p lare -has been absent from It for several days.


Fireman, After Loi Clase on Sommer Aveaie,

Kills Animal


Af4(T biting St tbrs* chlldrsn and Anulhur dug, and running wildly through Ht'Vt'Viil $<lre*(s, a supposed rabid dog WRi InKjinni'l and klllod by a fireman on Sutfi- nu'i- !LV*mi*, (Ms morning. The dlsUDca t'OM'ri'il by t1:iA dog in Its tea r wa* nearly u l .iir mil*. Tlint niurp rblldron wer* not Iflftvii wjjH (iu* to A driver of A dellvify

who rod* iihoad on Sum tnsf av#- HUM warning the little one* playing on IliHl ihi^n'iighfare.

Hrown, a mcTriiifrr of tha lo tal lirr- tliipjirtmsnl, of 221 «um m *r av#nq«, killed th* (log ftt Third and Summer avs- nui'H. He first PAW th* canine a t Arling* tot; avenue, while on bl* way back to En- gino rompiiny 1.1 quarter* from breakfast, und w'ttJH TldiriK u bb’yrle. The .dog i l- (Ai'kod !L crowd of children a t th a t ©or- ruT anil IhAn r:in pniitli, on Summer avs- nno. Brown followed (he crutlne until It rciii-licil Third avenue. Running Into file u«n 11(1111**?. nnar ihr-r*, he obtained a ijr.i\ J 1 huin nnd a niji*.

'I’ll* dog meiiTiwhlle mad* ftir Amlel TIiDm.ia. of 20& Hurnmor avenue, A ten- yoar-ohl boy. and ciuiHod him to a nearby Hioofu An Icoiinui ran for the ranine with an Ireplck and struck It on the head. Brown returned and Btruek the dog with tho clifiln. He made a noo#o wUh tha ropu and dropped It over the unlmal'# lirud.

Tho A p p aren tly rabid fiog, wwhxanod from running, mad« little reslstancei. tiufuRh in.* unapped a t Ih* firem an's hands. T he'anlm al wan Ihon killed by several blows of Oto heavy chain.

t'hllilTvn at BiJrtlirwsr and Arlington ave- nucR w»*rn watching H erbert W harton, eight yeiirB Old, of 401 Bummer avenue, 'pjdjiiilng a top. and did .not notic# th# cAiiJne'* Hpproacli. The dng attacked..................... .>•olJrl \Miarton first, and btl him b a d p nil the right wrist. It then leaped a t Tag- ],eni* Harpi-r, ten year* old, of 371 Sun*- iiiLT avomie, linking it* teeth Into th# the tliuiuU of her right hnnd. Anr>iher_l|l-tle yJrl. whoHe tiATno wu» HA Id to be I#a-




’(YAGHiNGTON, July K.—An appeel for e 1500,<100 tnnfl to defend 3. J. McNamera. Ihs labor men, aoeueed of dynamiting, has been Issuad by Secretary Morrison, of the American Foderatlon of Labor, to the 2 OOO.OOO membera of labor unions. He sug­gests th a t each member contribute twen- ty-flY* oents. .

I t Is also urged th a t th e prooeode of Labor Day celebrations thle year bo de­voted to “the legal defense of th e MoNa- m ara case and the prosecution of the tldnappera."

T ^A SFR E pO N m , it>>i,s iijR HEING'

Jam ee Trskfcas, the waiter, whn le charged with m anslaiighter for the killing of Grant Hess, a thief who had made away with money from a restaurant at 2<2 M arket street Gunday, was released yesterday u n d ^ H.OIXI bail. H arry Pom- erehne. counsef for T rakkas, secured the bond from Fred Hochbeum, a saloon­keeper, ot 2*t Market stre fit"

Trakkaa was taken to police headquar- tera yssterday, and photographed, A detailed Betlllon n^asurem ent was also taken of him. lnc1jm|iR hla Unger prints. HlB photograph w w be placed In rogue's gallery for fu tu re reference,


WIFE TOO THIN TO ^ INSUFANCE,_* HU SB AND AkXiju - V l " A aTI m a a 1^111 1

from Norway fW» year. .A.

Aggrlerkfl because his wife tailed to »*i«fv the requirements o t a local In-

InrauCT In th e m atter of physl-ral oOTdltlon. when appucauon for IB- ' -.nee 00 her life was made, Alexander S'lBiik. of M54 lefferaon street, withdrew

w rings MIL T™*** 'T* ^ k S ^ W . “ Vtai 'afid told h i . wife he ? ^ e i o i n g away. t<>.*ky with another

’'J ^ r h o n ^ ^ ^ e S w H a f c k , In the Third P v ^ ta c t court, eubetraurtitly, ^ T re ^ t f th o u sa n d dollars ineuranoe on myeell, * d I t 's only fair, isn’t It. th a t I hare r «0 If ebo ^ tooT And beeldee. judge, S ; , doesn't eew the button# on my ebirt £ S d a t alL TTwy co^ne off tea ipitclt!" • ^ d a k denied th a t he Jmd planned to

je e h ta g l awes fa ff * t * * s — A1HsUKk-Destim Co.. Ntnarto-Adr. Good tor gpratse and t r ulsee , Adr .

leave hie wife. Mrs. H udak liad been very sfck. She recovered, however, and although she t i slIH very weak and thin the husband took her to a doctor, to ob­tain, ft possible, a eertlScate to get In­surance. T bs doctor refused to grant ths certifleate.

"When we got out of the office,t; ex­plained H ra. H udak, ‘rny maa tear on the paper. H e’s very mad, and ear h i gofti' w ay w ith fa lte r glrL”

Judge H ahn took the tm temlly say­ings, wlilch wm* on H udak when he wa# arrested las t night, a s ball, Hudak and hU wife srlll appear In court four weeks from to-day, and If Rudidt had "been good," d ie P d wHI be glreti back.

....................... teatdaltT.W aWl a f Oaaehaa •

When iakinff * colored woman from Comefl alley aTtor he had placed her under arrest, eluwtly fietor* mldnlgiU last niKht, Patrolman yulntoH*, of the First Brocinoi. was B«t upon t>y two negroes, one of them flotirishing a razor. His p r is ^ s r was taken frf»m film, an<i hfl wa* kicked aT d heaten. Finally h« fought* his artsallontf* off and *ui«'ceed6d In cap- turtng one of them.

The prisoner. Dennis Oollln*, of Izl Academy street, was hold In 12^ bj|ll

e Jury' lb the "PTrst

officer when In th« perfoimanoo of his duty.

QuIntoM showed m arks of the conflict when ho #ppeRred in court to-day.

FO aE D S m ^ R ACCUSED OF BITING GIRL'S MOTHEROppoalng the elopetrent of her dnughter.

plann for which she nald she overheard, Mrs. Antonina Tambura, of 22 Fourteenth avenue, slapped Tlelro Patenio, the girl’d euttor. In tha lace. The women says ha rstaUaled by biting out a piece o t her left cheek, He then tied.

patsnxo was arrested to-day hy P atro l­man Dixon, of the Fourth Precinct, after s watoh since' July Bb, the day of the offense. He will be arraigned to-morrow

. leh fcrge of mayhem.

B itnP B tjaT Y BU X m o w '

^~*Uw Hi8E■WASHINGTON, July 26.—Speaker Clark

and Vlce-Preitdeat Bherinan to-day signed the Canadian rectoroclty bill, U was at once forwarded f t the President, who affixed hie signature a t 3:10 F. M.


B B ftU N , July M .-A telegram from CODMantlncipta *ey» f'>ut ••># condition of Bultan Hohammed, Is causing anxiety to hie nfcyelelans. He Is suffering from kid- Bay d M u * and gitiiiaMMraalg.

belle Town, was aien hlUen.Tlip iIok' s carcass was sent lo tne »«c-

ond IVeclBct Btatlon-houee by Phj^folman I etii iicr ScTReant Sonnlck notified tho ■ ty l Odpltal and the dog will be re­

moved llicVe (<"■ u" exam ination to r rabies

"'^Amdher dog, which wae b itten by' th* csnfne. Id ow^'ed by Chsrlee V an Duyne. of 24B Bnminor avenue. Thla dog will he « n t to the Humane Society kennel# for

“ seraZ 'ri''sonnlok had lA txelter go ^ e r Ihc .milre de<’tloo known to have ta w covered bv the mad 'dog In Ue flight to locate' Ihe pereone Mtten, PJ'™*'■nuin also Instructiel the paren ts of the 'Haroer and W harton children to go with " ™ r ? o Ihe hospllnt. T h . form er child .ippcared nl th ^ hospital th is motnlng. ...TJie ail'Jj.ess of Isabelle Town hae not yel been Iearned''hy th e authorttlea, but

to he on Taylor street. l„ ittse me dog Is fontifl

puffering from rabies the children *111 (like the Pasteur treatm ent a t the ho#, pltal.

' H




That the ofllclal-s of the Pennsylvania Railroad consider E. C. WlUlams. the en­gineer who drove the engine w hlchjdde- swlped a freight In the W averty yards OB the night ot July 16. killing one m an and seriously Injuring another, reaponalble tor the wreck, developed to-day whon the orflfilala refused to go on W llllame'e b ^ d and he was forced to got hts Uncle. W ill­iam H. west, of M North Seventh itreel,

**rharmed w it* 'nm nftlap irtll^ , W iliam s was brought to this

WilTntnMtnn. I>«L, Ia»^ ^Owlfrar, o t tli* prose-

WiniaBis^was arreeled n t the InBlanc*of First Assistantconnection with the accldont. Ball wag

‘' m i “aTj^:Thougbt th e r a l l r u a d ^ p a n y would furnish the necessary bocri. bat this the offldalB refused to do on the „m ,nd that he had violated a rule of th * ' eTmp.ny"‘ u 1. alleged th a t WllUmim lan poBt * aiy iw . _ ..

GATiTGAIMS STiEMGTHp j j t i f l , July N.—Jobn W. QaAga Cin-

tinues to improve slowly

plBe*t gamgle §nl*a aadBrin.- Blch. Markri and Mulb

W E D ^ 'E H D A V . J U L Y 1911.



for Re(alar Repobtican Shrirattj Nombation Nar­

rows Dowa to Tbein.

Patrick MeWyiiasis Goes from Sapper to ^liar aod

fiaojs Hiaself.


STRATFDRD COURT A p a r t /a e n t s

C u m o r t / \ v c a 5 T R A T P0 R D Pu.S uite* o r »Toa ROOM6ftB*TM

R e a d y A b o u t O ct i.


D a y & N iq H T E L C V A T o a S ervice Every iMPRovEWEifr


A c t n A R e a l t y c o .,T b & B r o a d S t .

TO. RcHTirt<i AngpfTft.

(Conti niioa from F lrr t Paso.)

County Cholrman Dalrymplo hin Itivrn up the Idea of finding a "darli horae' c-m- rtldal# for Bharlff, and haa derided to lei Halpb B. Schmidt and C. Valentin* Bau­mann fight It out for the rminty Republi­can eoimnlttee'H Indnraement.

A i a reault of thla declaion Mr Schmidt

I.e«a than fiftrrn mlmile" nftor h* had dlaappaared from the rear porch of hie home loel night, P atrl.k McWlllleme, forty-four year, old, of TSl Bergen etreet. waa found hanging on a plrca uf clotbe-i- line from ii beam In thr cellar,''

' Only a ehort lime beliiro McWllllame , had lieeii talhlng and Juglug with two of

and Mr. Baumann are working among j daughtera and ai'etnod to be In a the memlirrs of the rommlttee In nn efforl ] hatrpf mood. Bo had been out ot work to obtain ptodgea of support. The new ! m r aome time and complained of nervous

lUiuL IS — I :r^irsrur«^rn^eX;';^ 'ement by the two randldatee that the on .upper McWlIllame lay down untlwho loifd will wUhrirflw frnm tM i afior 8 o'clock he w<*ni rh" fear \and throw all his aupport on election day p^n-h. Mra. MclVIlllame went out tu sea p to hla mirrraaful opponent. wliai he was doing a fea tnimiles later

The or* thing which had most to do | and cmild not find him. Hnirlng an un- Wllh leading the urganlaalion to Its newdecision woh the fear that a refusal to . '" p nniKledrerognlae the claims of Haiimann and i T t ’lLpman, of B-r-Schmldt might lead those j e„nMi.oi,ed The la ttermake an independent race at the prtma- gen eire , a rtea, and thus the strength ot the he^t,d^ eo, ,,ie^bod> ,1^

^ Z T e U e r s '^ a r e d th a t Walter F. Simp- dead. - " - 'V m - l . 'l» n «ran.-eon, the Progresive, might slip through to ,,5rtrtory et the primaries In much theaam* 'way as did William Fetlowee Mot- w a rm used for la r r t f«n thrM y«nn brd


Approres Market Street Resolo" tioD, bot Merelr to Give

Owners Votio{ Ckaace.

u^iial nnlflft Iti the ri'-Uiir wfnt Jnwn i PAYING FAR FROM ASSUREDUi^rw and tflw him tliM

.... - flniaSl ^xprftsH ylnjj Ire, and twisted

!llat« IVearlr n^ndr*The eoimtp comiTiUlee wtll hoW ti*

monthly meellns at headquarterfl to-mor­row night. It tfl reported that arrange­ment* win be made to oall a aiiwUI meot- Ihg ot the elected TiiHmi>eni of the coin- mitfee Itir the purpoee of Indorilog a county etate.

W tth the BenatOflal and ehrteTalty nomlnationi arranged and with few con- teete of Importance for olher place# on the ticket, It 1i betleved that this formal aelactloh of eandldatee need not be tong t f g f g m d i ' - - r

Membrre of the "old guard" aay that M r . Dalrymple’e experience in trying to. get C-.William Heilman into the content ae a dark home revealed to the leaders Of the o rganiutlon the futility of euch a plan. The etory la th a t Mr. Heilman wa#In a receptive mood and thought well of the pfopoeltlon lo become a candidate tmtJl a tiainva#a waa made to aioertaln what aupport ne could muffler.

Hardly had the canvaia begun when a great clamor a r rw from the frletide of Mr. Baumann. These frlenda declared th a t Heilman had pledged hi# aupport to Baumann montha afcir and (hat any move on Hetlman’fl part to get the nomination for htmaelf would eavor too much of the action of Samuel F. Wilaon In getting Into the txiCe In the lavt ehrleratiy con- teaf after having tat it be known that he waa tn A lW t T. Ouenlher aupporter

i t r . Dalrympte and Mr. Metlman found moro trouble, toe, whei^ they mtide a gtttdy of conditions in the Thirteenth Ward, where both Heltman and Ratimann Uva They found that the organlsatton In th a t ward had already pledged Its eupport to 'Mr. Baumann and that the county Ghitfman's Intereet In Heilman wa» In­terpreted not eo much os a move io bring victory to the party at large #s a move to ip llt the wvYl organlaotlun and thua hurt Baumann.

• Bo -D a rk Bor#e/»Theae eondltlone created a fear In the

mJnda ok the laadera th a t Hetiman would not be a winner after all. This fear took on the color of certainty when nn Inventl- gntltw of affaire *in the Third Ward, whnre Heilman formerly lived, ihowed th a t Uttle itreng th could be muetered for him ibere*

Added to all thia wae the fenr by the county chairm an and hit lieutenant th a t the nomination of Heilman or any other man by "big stick'* melhods would leave Baumann and Schmidt with n very valid axcuae for making an itidependeeu run a t the primaries.

Then cam« the decision to make no "dark horae" entry; (o let Bchmidt huiI Baumann Aght It out on the condition tb a t the loser retire.

Bo now Baumann and Schmidt nre working harder than ev«r and «anh is claiming victory. The prediction# a t the

K praaent time are leaning Numewiiat In favor of Baumann.

W hatever hoatlilty Mr. Dalrymple had to County Phyfficlrtii McKensle hue dlsiip- paarad. To-flay the county chairman man- tfaetad great Indignation that It had even been hinted th a t he was trying to induce prOepeolivc cniidldatea for freeholder to pladge themselvea figalnnl T>r. McKentlc.

N o t .AgalDMt IklcKrnElc*

th'e’ roD* Brnunit Ih* lifum fiiiir IliHl twJ of th* tmis sri>ii!i<l_W« Ihroaistill then piiBliefi the wiiguii 'f ” "’ him nnil fell l‘» the «mnml with ms knesH bent. When he was fouml h* f,H’( were touching the grtuind and hi# khepB were barely on the floor.

McW'lllhini# wart a painter and hart neen employed by a contractor In East Ornnge. He !• survived hy a wife and four daugh- tom, whose age# range from eleven to seventeen year#. They are riestltUile.


w ith B sllllht BTStterlnn of ™ln, k ■ wlrllnff wlnfistonn burst over the eltir Bt 11:30 o'clock lo-dsy. BccompBitled w ith n firop of nhobt eight degree* In the temperature. The '*lnd blew Bt sboiit th irtv mile* an hour from the Bouiliwe*t. The Budflsn dro|p In the tem pefeturo. whloh hsd not registered very high b II morning, wn* due. iiccordlng to Profeseur WlUUira Wiener, of the local w eathe-burean. to n l.'-tW "ready-made storm

For Bbovit four days, liowevar. the Iocs weBther prophet predict* rem arkably oool w eather for IM* month. He the New York predlcthma, which prom- iaa warmer w«ather.

At a o'clock this morning the tem pera­tu re waa M degrees, a t 7 o'clock W, and a t noon T7. The humidity a t 7 ® dock w u W per cent., and; a t noon 67- in© provaiimg wind was from the “o'>'t’« s ‘ with a rnaslmum velocity of eight mllca

The inaxlmuni temperaturfi yesterday wa.H 71 degree!', ths mlnlmtim (U end the average 5T.7. The maximum humidity w ^R& p rr cen t, the minimum 60 per cent and (he averagH H per cent. 'The Ing wind was from the northweet, wUh a maximum velocity of twenty-five mile# |

^ A^year ago to-day the highest ]tu rg woe W degreea. ihe lowe#l 71, and , the average 711.7 degrew- The day woe ■ partly cloudy. ____

W illt hla approving ilgn am rc atiacheJ Mayor HauffKling to-day rctsiofri to the Hoard of Work# the resolution adopted iBM Tlmrjwiay looking lownul the paving of jilaikct mreet with liiuiltihie. The rearilulion Wit" drawn In rtci-ot Jance with Hie ao-culled Jersey City ari. wiiich does not require a notice of inienilon.

City Englnfljff Sherrerd will now pre­pare B}ecll)aiiluns and a preliminary estl- ita te Uie cojii of paving (he street between Pierenn’fi alley and ilir Intorsecdon of Ferry utre 'i, with the mflierlal now favor­ed by Hie hesrd. the tu se to be u s lt-ln cli cunerete fouiulatloti.

T 1.0 fa d tIuU the Mayor hftff fligned the refiolutlon and that the further etepe ror qulrvd by Iriw are lo be proceeded Wilh at once does not meiin t^at either the bpard, the Mayor or Hie property owner# iite cominlttcd finally lo bitullthic.

The Mayor made no explanation o f hi# pcilon in signing the rosoluilon. but It I# understood that d.oee hot in ten d ti>st. hie appn'val ahail be curi^ldered Ms uUi' mute couimUiBl ;io (he plan o f laying bitulltbir* -rm Market elr^cL, - H a olgned the measure In order tu give the Inici- ested properly owners un opportunity to oKpresa ilimuHelves on the subjeot In the mariner laid down In the taw.

There are two dlfferi nt acts designed to protect lli€ tiitercBta of iho property ow n­ers and give (hem some say as to the kind uf pavement to he laid, which will hasA to'be complieil wltii in th is case.

utie provides tl\nt wlien a patented pavem ent Jt ijroposftl, a petition In writ­ing containing the signatures of property owners repreaenllng at least fifty per cent, of the entire fm ntage m ust be filed The second act '« that under which the propoiittlon to lay tJUjllthlo ho# been set In motion. This urovldes that when more than fifty per erni. of the property own ers join in a protect agalnat the propost tlon, the |iavem**nt shall not be laid.

The Impression prevails at the city hall that if tl>e pro>ect comes to the etage of a vote in the hoard op the final question of whether bltullthlc ehnil be adopted, there will ■'he vote.' against it, notwllh- etan<ilng the reeotullon o f lant week was pausod unanimously.

com m unications to the preas reg ard in g the Frenco-OArman negotia tions, but It ts understood here th a t the s itu a tio n 1# very unsatlsfaclory . The e ta tu a of (he ncKutlatlons m ight alm ost be dc- Hcribcd AH a deadlock:.

It is understond (hat Germany In 1n- Hlfitlng upon her original program of compensation#, including the cession of the roant of French Congo. Should France per#I#i In returning a non-iw##l- mi)R. Germikiiy would want tisa applica­tion of the Algeolras net ucoordlng to Germany's contention, namely, th a t the ikuntlon in Morocco ahould he to-dny whut It was In April, 1906, a f te r the signing of the treaty. The mnndale of the i>ower8 authorising France with Bpain to police Morocco, expires this year, hut this risndate Germany would he willing (o renew. Nothing i# said, howevfF, about German's withdrawal frogi Agadir, the occupation of which France underelands would be objection­able to Great Britain.

The French press prominently puhllshes the announcement frimi I^ondon th a t the Britlnh Admiralty ha" canceled th e pro­posed visit of the A tlantic ' fleet to Nor­way. and this move, taken In connection wdth Chant ellof IJoyd-George’a apeeeh before the English banHtte. Is thought by the papers to show nol only the in­tention of Great Britain to eland firm, but fha t the negotlationB have reached a criiils. "

While the presr generally la sober In Ita comment, some papers, like I.A Petite HepubSlque, boi»e (hat ‘Emperor William wilt see that Germany would have all Europe against her in the event of a oonfingratlon and accordingly suggest a ooncUlatory formula to hi* ministers.



Tn n daipd romlltion, and saying he hart been without food for two days. Benjamin | there and has not since been

Identified as an exempt fih*man of Bay­onne, the body of Henry Birch will be (alien from ibe H ty Hospital tills after noon. The firemen will bury him a t Bay anne, where he was honorably discharged from the department In Muy of 1902.

Birch died on Monday. A message was BfUt to the home addreas he hnd given, 21 Jay street, where It was suiiposed ills mother, Mr#. Carrie Birch, was living. Bhe

The Manufacturers of

have no sympathy with the attack on Dr. Wiley.

Saccharin Users Aggrieyed Dr. Wiley disapproved of the use of

saccharin—a coal tar product which pos­sesses times the sweetening power of cane sugar—on the ground that It was wholly non-nutritive and that It was de- leterious. He fought for his contention and the board of experts placed their 0 . K. upon his findings. Saccharin can be manufactured at a price which makes Its substitution for sugar a matter of great economye A wspoper Commafif,

BERIaTN. July 26.—No Immediate cam# nf uneaeinf^fl# regarding the Moruccan a f . fair extBt#, according to the eU tem enti made lo-day In all diplomatic quarter# most dlraotly Intereffted. but the war scare is widely felt by pre«a and public, which are in the dark a# t^ the statu#

r the Franco-Grrman negotlatlonff and are affected by foreign peHAlmlem. The officials of the Foreign Ofilce ta lk reas- "urtngiy and say that nothing haa oc­curred -tojuatlfy this petalmtwm. ’

Great Britain ha# not InterpfiHCd In the negotlmionfi and It is felt a# almoat sure ihttl ITepiler. Asquith wUL make ou. meu-- tlon to-morrow of Intervention.

The Cologne Gazette refer# cautlniifly to the poBsIbiilly irf an appeal to arm s "Which ' always lurka behind diplomatic ecinigflcailons of (hi# eort. We Impe and believe that we are still very far dlalant from IbJ# pofijflbllliy ut present," Tlie pap­er iiddn that the situation could easily b e ' settled If France would withdraw her troops from Morocco, but If ahe winhea, as It seem", to swallow Morcicro, she muni be prepared to pay the price.

The TagehliiU says: "France and Ger­many ure anxiouB for a settlement. Dan­ger will arise only If (he British Oovern- nient, with a view to Its Internal pnlitics, sharpens im tone and fu rther stretches (he bow to the breaking pidnt. Thia la Improbable, but If no Germany will know how tu ftfljust heraelf calmly to unpleas­ant consequences,"

The Bourse, which regarded the Cologne Gaxette's article as an Intimation tlnit m atters had renched n decisive turning point, opened w>ak, but later was strong­er on repdtTfi ' thflf several prominent financlera bail received naeurlng Intim­ations from the government.

---GERMAN m s s SEES


N 'E W S P A P E R comment attributes the recent attack on Dr.

Wiley to the manufacturers of canned goods, beverages, etc,, who have been using saccharin (the chemical sugar

substitute) and other chemical substitutes in the manufacture of carbonated drinks and other goods.

"Clicquot Cfub” Ginger Ale and other Clicquot Club bever­ages contain none of the saccharin, glucose, soap bark or chemi­cal flavors commonly used in many of the cheap brands of carbo­nated beverages. We do not even use brown sugar or molasses.

VomaD Rich

' W


IOnly tht best pure sugar, the finest Jamaica ginger, and the' hesi pure citnc 'fruit flabbrs {limes and lemons), are employed in the making of Clicquot Club Qmger Ale. bfith a bit o f good red pepper to gibe zest. A nd the other Clicquot Club beberages are equally pure.

W e welcome the investigation and rulings of Dr. Wiley as they are for our good as well as for the good of the public.


Gin((er Ale Sarsaparilla

Birch Beer Root Beer

Blood Orange Lemon Soda

For sale by the case, dozen or bottle at the best grocers’


J 'T don't think U Is fair (o lujeol person- ItlffB Into pollilc# In th is way," he halcl.

(ientUI. who gave hi# nddresa aw East Eighteenth street, ManhaUtin. was a r ­rested Patrolman G<»orge Kuna, of the jjlftincPiiheiit squad, lu-day. charged with petty larceny.

While wulHlng In Hprlngfield avenue K aa" noHoptl a crowd Burroimdlng the neeuweri He we" told by Wimam Selgel. who worltfl In the barber "hop of Samuel Biivttll, of 316 Fifteenth avenue, that Gen- till had gone into (he shop and fled wUh a box of olgan,

In a preliminary examination before Acting Judge TuJll the*acousetl told of hla dcftUtudon, oald that a nickel was all he had In the world and that he had been looking for work. He adm lued havir.g hod A few drlnka, and owing to hi# condl- llnn the case wa" laid over until to-mor­row,

found. No relative haa appeared, Birch Tuid been in the hospital since early lii July.

Huperlntendenl Jam## Allen, of the Sol­vation A/nty, a t 80(1 Mulberry etreet. where Birch sdayed before being taken to the hCMipUaL fit**! made known bin belief that Birch wB# an exempt fireman of Bayonne. Fnrm er Mayor Seymour rcoogniffed the i ftine and a fireman w-aa pent lo (he hos­pital lant night, who confirmed the dead man a Identity.

"AB Boon aa the alory that 1 wup against Dr. McKensle wna printed, 1 railed him up and assured him that I wb" for him apd had been for him right along. There la no need of raking up things three yaara old in this way. Dr. MrKenzlr ii aff good a county physician as we ever had.*'

Ab for the report that he was using hU influence to secure iho appnlniment of Benjamin F. Jone# a# cmmly counsel. Mr. Dalrymple admltlvd tliat wax a shot th a t hit the target In the centre

" It I" B principle of poHtlcu." he nsUl. j "that when n man serves a party falih-

fu lir he should he rewanled according to the value of Ills services Hnd to hi# ability. There Isn't a man in the pa^tv who has dune nmre for it ihnn has Judge Jones. \\‘hat in more, be will make a county <‘ounsel of atilllty and dignity."

The freeholder right tin* First dlPtrirt -rlhe First, -flccond. Fourlli ami Ninth irtrd#-“ Conllnuefl tu occupy ilie intention of the county chairnuut. Mr I'ulrymplo rttlde# In the dlettirt and gives thef fact, iwther any d'^ulte lo Interfere a# county chairman, a# the reasnu for keep­ing close tab on the situation.

Mr. Dalrymple did not (.'onfer wHb the ward chairmen In the dlshict In a body yaaterday. He 1", however, meeting the chairmen Individually niu3 is learning their view". An effort fma been made to induce Ferdinand Hoeminele Jr., who Ih H orace 13. Holcomh'a chief finlngonlet. for the place, to drop out of (hp rm-e and ar- cept (iuj nomination as alderman fr«im the Ninth Ward.

Mr. Kocmmele has insisted, howevir, (hat he want# tn bn freeholder and nol alderman. Me would gladly retire to se­cure harmony In case eoin© conipromis« rahdldate .shf'Uld be agreed nn. but he will stay In the race, he aays. as long us iMr. Holcomb Btick.' .

There is conaldcrable speculadon as to the.’choice tn made for -tho Afl.^prnt'ly iiomlnaiion in the imaginary dlsidct com-

iHil firil VInth* w

CONCERT AT PLATGROUNDThe public band concert to-night will be

glvt-n at ihe Canal Street Playground by Krlmp'B bund. Otto Krimp, cunduclnr. Vocul Holos will be rendered. The pro­gram follow#

"S'ar BpATtgled Banner.' "Unyal Ita llau"March, "Unyal Italian ' ................... Gahettl

Overturf*. ■nomuriiique" . .KclR-Babi Splnctlou, "Miim’selln NnpolCi>n" ... LudeiHDesrriptivp, "A Night A larm "........Htievc"Qiifiriet from "R lio le tto"................... Verdi

(ai Coficerl March. "A lda"...............Verdi(10 Sextol from "l.rtjclfl"..-........Dofiliettl

fntcrmeaao from "Cavalerla nuaih 'ana," MnflrAfTiI

March, ''Gttrlhaliir' ......... Conferno■'Amerlna.**

EXPLOSION VICTIH NOW HONEAgainst the advice of the hospital aur-

gcoTis, Matthew Ackerman, of £i6 Joseph street, left St. Jam es’s HoHpltal yeaterdny Afternoon. Ackerman was ecrevely burn* pd In an piploBlon whlnh destroyed the sloop Johanna on the Fusaalc River Frl- iluy night.

Fatrlok Ryan, of 8 T.later avenue, who was burned the worst, la recovering slow­ly, but will not be able in leave the hot- pllal for Bome time.

B elrared by HI# Prleada."Aftftr en te rta in in g a num ber of

re la tiv es and friends a( hln home on the th ird floor, 326 F ifte e n th avenue, he missed a pockelbook contain ing $6-50 and a H k a ra t gold wedding ring" Is an entry on the b lo tte r of the Fourth Freclncl Police Btatlon. The victim uC th e em ulator of "Haflles" Is F rank Pohiflky. He made th e rep o rt tu the police,

BERLIN, July ?6.—There are etrong Bvidcnce# in the German pre#a of In­creasing nervouenesB with reference to the Moroccan situation. Columns of dls- patche# from various point# record pe*- fllmlflUf rumor#,'while rpporta from li-on- dim regarding the Britlah attitude call forth sharp comment.

Tlie atml-offidal Cologne Gaxctle, fn the leading arlirle this morning, utters the warning: "The solution of the problemis very siniple. Prance ahould withdraw her troop#, leaving only the police, open (he (ti)ur to IntvrnatlonAl trade and give giiaruTitees that Morocco will nut be re- gjtrdcd Hd a French colony, Oermany will then withdraw her warshlpa from Agadir, after securing her economic In- terentH In For Germany there Ib nocompensation, no recompense elHcwhere. The critical point In the negotiation# 1" the compensation we demand for France's extension of power Ir North Africa, which will be felt Europe. T,Ve consider It necessary to w ani both aides against atone throwing between two such sensitive notions as France and Germany whvn such a question is in dlapute."

The Tagublatt says; "G reat B ritain’s method of publicly dictating her will to both negotiating Powers, Instead of ex­changing ideas dlplomaUcally, Is no long­er conaltfered by Germany as Jusllflable. The maintenanre of British interests la but proof of regrettable 111 will,"

The Tagllche Rundschau says: "The sit­uation has become grave. It Jb a question of Germany's Independence and right of eelf-governmert, and we know th a t every growth and movement In Germany finds an irreconcilable opponent In England, King Edward'# policy of holding down Germany continue" since hl» death. Eng­land iti playing a dangerous game for the world’# peace, for no people not desirous of succumbing can permit llmltatlona to be dictated from a Jealous neighbor."

After tlv ring from XBlOr and cruelties, Ing a t 144 band, laa Vineland.

An appi which VII under ad about a d: of Mr. ar mlnated h 2S of last tl calif fou band and

Mr. and only three the htisba in the Bli and the v two younj

After M and came dren, herdlvorca c ii4 as 0 0- Uurokhan their mot:

la the t iroatlon w ilce did 1 Burdchar her husbj

/■ bendent i ing ext re wae mad sheriff o! husband, of Camd< cross pet suit.

Throng learned o and she 1 an anawe and also for a Hr cruelty.

It Is li MrOs Bui live on 1 the perlo

Bhe che ■tantly s calling h ■nd that

*10 do i t When I

hardt fu her Bom but aftei her," ih Jewelry i

Anothe hard! li wealth, I work In also the under tb obey.

Mrs. B If eulng arrival where h wealtlL «



You Save Money in Our “Traihp Last” Sale

For Tliursdayt Friday and Satur­day morningf we offer our Spring and Summer Suits at the following reduc­tions* Shrewd buyers, who have been watching for the news of our specials, will find this well worth their instant attention.

NEWPORT CoDwl and Gds


This sale is not only a money-saver but a quality offer. The "Tramp Last" shoe is a perfect model of neatness, comfort and style. Moderately broad toe, medium heel and perfect fitting. Offered for a short time only, in tan, calf arrt patent leather styles for.


Sp ecia l offer to m en in our | 3.50 and f 4 ,00 O . g S M C n S "Tram p Last" s ty le s .............................................. A

E a d le s ’ 3.00 O x f o r d s

prliing the Fbrrrier

Sccoui.1 and Ninth’* warJa, William I>e:“ uT

tnia-B««nd goback to the Lrt'glalalcre. iiul Is Buffering from the edict of the F-aders th a t tho whole Affscmbly tJokci IMh year mu#t be new.

The aasldulty with w.hlrh Ward C hair­man Frank 'J . Buck, -’f ihp Ninth. !■ Ateering everything hut ihc AHnembly nomination away from hitt ward, ha# 'brought from some of tlu* otiservers the harard tliat Mr. Bock wants the Aa- eembly place for himself ur one of ht# friend#.


Jtunplng from a rapidly moving auto truck directly In front o( b Btreet cat, bif wrUt fractured, right arm spralaed and eoolp laid open. Thomas Daley, eleven

old, gave the m oiot^w i o ft.iy ir

“‘•■jG-yaiid^tiiLio’ Tiie YlbspuaJ, 'wbeire he wa*#' patched up. HJ# home U At 640 Second avenue. EHoabeth.

The boy clarnbered on the back of an ftuto truck o f the Heneler Brewing Com­pany about 6 o'ddiak this morning a# the truck was going toward Elisabeth on rrellnghuyaen avenue.

The going got rough and the boy JUTup- ad off. H e landed in front of a aouth- bound KUsabelh trolley car and wae ■truck.

Before the tnotormon eould get to him young D aley waa up and off down th* avenue. I t w as with som t dUfioulty that he w ai caught. H e wa# placed on a car nhd taken to the MUler street car barns. Later he waa aent to the hospital, where the extent o f tbe boy’# Injuries were learned.

-In Patent Leather Calf.’ Very special

—Wichert Gardner’s Suede and Satin Pumps, regular $5, offered very special,

New ark


Every Two-Piece Suitin the hofuse, blue* excepted, have gone Into one sale at one price,

LONDON. July 25,—Threatening foreign I complIcBilona are to eome extent drawing attention from the oonBiltutlonal crlais, and a greater dlaiMDsUlon wa# shown to­day by flume of (he la#t-d1toh fightecB to pIobb uu the ranks In tha face of what la regarded here aa German aggreealon.

There to he no doubt that KingGeorge and the government have appeal­ed (o the leader# of the oppoaltlon to do everything ptisalble to avoid further Inter­nal disruption, so that the government may have the general flupport of all parties Ju dealing wUli the Moroccan (an­gle, 1-ord Rosebery, who advocate# the paflfling of the veto hill without forcing the rreatlon of new bamnn, had a long conference with hi# niajeflty to-day. Roeeberj' anil V licount St. Aldwyn are steadily caucufllug the .standpatior# In the hope of effertlng a peaceful adjustment of the political "Kuatlon.

These suits sold at $18, $20, $22, $25 and $30. FuII-Iincd or haH-Hned, they are all up to our high standard; some of them are silk Ibed.

-T-a modem kitchen con­venience tiiat housewives will be quick to appreciate.

Embraces every good feature of the regular single oven “ Newport," with the added capacity of the gas attachment.

This is one of the great­est improvements ever brought out by tha

The Regular

J u l y S p e c i a

It nearly doubles the cook­ing capacity of the range,

■ th i ■ ■


.A.£isele &Son

Broad St

X harlea E. Meek, of Yotk, formfirBpcrptary of (he Ntt(lunui Asffoclfitlon of Cffidit. Mea,- waa a- gueoi of the Jocal- orgJLnlrailon to-day ftt its weekly hinch, whlrh wart held on the roof garden of the Hoirl Navarro at hJiW to-dny.

For a time It wa# feared that the party would bo compelled to adjourn to tlw regular lUnlng-room on account of l>te

inrt. which lifted the canv&s covering almoBt off the roof.

Entertainment wa# furnlehed by" 'the "Bootblack Quartet." Wllkina and Wil- kluB and the "Original Klde."


sale points out some btg ppportunities to the clever buyer. This sale includes all full suits in the house. Plain blues and flacks arc excepted, but Qsome unusually handsome fancy blues and blacks take their place. T hese suits range at regular prices from $18 to $5Q. T he reduction^ are from

as both coaf and gas may be used at the same time if desired. Besides, this handy range gives, in com­pact form, both a winter necessity and a summer convenience. It solves the “ cook stove" problem. Ask your dealer to show you this best of all com­bination ranges—the “ Newport.” /

MsaebyBOYNTON rU R N A C E C O .

37th S t n««t Biondwkjf. N ew York

Charged with mallcloua m hchlef, John Frank, vf 146 Howard Blreet, wo# ar- ralgtied In ^he FtfBt Precinct Court to­day. and paroled for the grand Jury by Judge Hahn.-

The complaint was by Harry Colton, of 60 Woffl fltreet, who atlagen that Frank laid a sidewalk for him, whlrh was not approved by the street department. When ColtoA rcfuBcd to pay, Jt la oJloged, Frank t o i ' the and broke soma offlug Bionpft-

a suit on the finest suits you can buy.


M a t t i w r i n CMt* «3S. m in e m n t t r u t In the ce lla r of liel Sam ual'a h en e . a t t t F a lr- fenue. tliU m orning d id tU

d u u fo .


MILKProduced under the most rigid sanitary regula­

tions. is pure, clean and safe.

ATLANTIC CITY, J u l / 2S.-Anthony Wagner, a ogfe keeper at Atlantloavenue, wat> thu firxt envight under the police order clotting tlie rafe# and ealoon# at 2 o'clock yeaterday morning. Recorder Keffer fined him %-iXiO for violating, the ban.

0 « ld W ate li fo r C orneli#c K e rr .Hi# fellow-rtiembers of the. Newark

Evangelletlc Bra## Band lost night pre- B«nted & gold wateh to William Kerr, cornfftifft of ih e band. He la about to return to Scotland. Mr. Kerr haa boon a memBar of tbe band for the past four year#. The preBrntatlon took place at the Reacue Mission, 16 Rprltig afreet, and was made by Bandmaxter William McCullough. A eocliri hour w ot eloaid vHb. tha playtng o t **Auld Xittui SyMn’*


Outing Trousers Reduced$6.00 Trousers Reduced to — $4.50 $5*50 Trousers Reduced to.

$5.00 Trousers Reduced to.

$4.50 Trousers Reduced to.

H O C L f -



w ill Re Bfode bx the


N E W A R K , T H E O R A N G E S . B L O O M F IE L D , G L E N R ID G E

A N D M O N T C L A IR to

NEW JERSEY CERTRALBrood fit station, Kewoi^

. and cheeked threugh to all polsta oo th e CeatreV* Seeihore LIue# and o th er dlvlolpni. Telephone call M arket 6ggQ

Jnlp t T f R M A M t

OiO 17

f i n e c l o t h e s f o r m e r

815 Broad Street


‘v^vvT^aa'a ‘Roach W'oog k |U i ro a o h e iand

G r . a j » e - j ^ - M u t sFO R T H O SE W H O U V # B V E|RA1N W O R K .

' Open Friday A ig if Till 9; Closed Saturday at 1.I . ..................... .............. — ---- ------------— ------

WHEREever ymi go you wlH find oo better oavokt than

, the BEAUMONT olgor, a hlgh-frade, m M do- mutlo; 8 (or Sfie.. and Ite? stnilftat, TBT TllSJf TO-DAT. Tom A box *fiUi you.

h n r s PBARNACL iil IlroM Stnet^I ’'S»T. Ik. COU.O»" j-


KXAGJOrar NUto tell U Leach. < nine ycB abot the rel of hi

Thoufi brulied brink 01 only iu; able to aeoond (hat th(navlgatf this city b«r U, jl

Leach two mill on the X took hii where * and Lei steel afi of wood hammoc

The bi adrift J Creek, l the Hot

Very seen, a below 1 ouirush water, tossing ward tt Bender, with a 1 of Its b

Leach PUlnfie ha# trii He has In 1698 repeatei about a



BPRSUraDi »n 0) r« t«r■tatloi

Ciun tbe ti Bent! a t to t

nOi/ l«M kbi)t u•ore IA<iar* Some ha bo •iifltei

fu te i





Vomao Seeking Alimcoy from Rich Hosbaod Declarea He

Was Poor Prorider.



CO.3 E 8 .3G E

l U



loterstateComfflBsioa's Decision on New Railroad Rates

Ready in AodnsL


Aft<fr ll\ing on bread, potatoee and her ling from November 1 lo December 2tl,

and suffering, bo she eaya. other cruelties. Mrs. Koze Bnrbkhardt, t»ow liv­ing at 144 South Sixth i^lreet, left her hus­band. l»ahc .Uiirckharfli, a reeldent of Vineland. He le auld to be worth S300.00U,

An anpllcailnn for tem porary alimony, which Vice-Chancellor Stevens now has under advleement. Incidentally brought about a disclosure ofsthe marltHl troubles of Mr. and Mrs. B urckhardi which cul­minated In their B«^aratlon on December 28 of last year, and (lie bringing of prac­tically four divorce rffelia, two by the hue- band and two by the wife,

Mr. and Mra. B urckhardt were married only three months before tl^ey separated, the htiaband being a t the Lime a widower In the sixties, with four adult children, and the wife a widow half hla age, with two young children.

After Mrs. B urckhardt left her husband and came to Newark with her own chil­dren, her husband flied a petltloD for dlvoroa charging misconduct, and nam­ing as oo-reipondentB two cousins of Mrs. Burckhardt, brothers who been went by their mother to protect their kinswoman.

In the husband's su it an order of pub- Iroitlon was made, but the publ^hed no­tice did not fall under the ey<l of Mrs. Burckhardt, and w ithout knowledge of her husband's suit she brotight an Inde-

pendent suit for a limited divorce, charg­ing extreme cruelty. In this suit service was made on the husband through the sheriff of Cumberland County and the husband, through W estcoti dt W estcott, of Camden, ffled an answ er and ajso a cross petition. In effect bringing a second suit.

Through all this /M rs. Burckhardt learned of her husband's original petition, and she In turn, through Mr. Carlesa, flled an answer denying her husband's charges, and also a oross-petltlon, again S>ray1ng for a limited divorce on the ground of erueity.

It Is in this la tte r erosB-peUtlon that Mrs. Burckhardt fells of having had to live on bread, potatoes and herring for the period before sta ted .

Bhs charges also that her husband con­stantly subjected her to taun ts and gibes, calling her only a servant In his house, and th a t he also incited his adult children

So do the eume.When ho first m arried her. Mrs. B urck­

hardt fu rther allegea, her htiBband gave her some of his former wife's Jewelry, but afterw ards, "In order lo humiliate her," she says, he took th e artloles of Jewelry away again..

Another charge made by M ra Burck­hardt Is th a t, despite her husband's wealth, she was made to do all the house­work In their ilxteen-rooro house and also the washing for the entire family under th rea ts of violence if she did not Obey.

Mrs, Burckhardt m arried the mao she Is suing only about elx months after her ariivsl In th is country from Hussia. where her fam ily Is eald to be one of weaUh and aoclal standing.

A decision by the In te rs ts te Coramerre ‘ Commission on the reasonaWenesa of the j Bweepiiig Increase In commutation ratoa by all th e . railroads In th is vicinity will be flled early In August.

Chairman Clements, of the In terstate Commerce Commission, has informed the Board of Public Utility Conunisslonera th a t a decision will probnbiy be forth- turning before a fortnight has passed. Sdoretary Barber, of the utilities coiumls- Kion, declined tu discuss the subject to­day. saying tha t any Information re­ceived by the l^a rd from the In terstate i'ommerce Commission was eonfldentiai In character.

I t has-been learned th a t a week or two ago th e commissioners direcied a cem- munloatlon to the In te rs ta te rom m arce Commission asking Information as to the sta tus of the commutation ra te cases.

The Increasing uneasiness on the part of the public with relation to these rates, together whh the rapid accumulation of m atters before the board which would be affected by the In teretate Commerce Commission's decision, led them to take this step.

The reply to the comunlcatlon wee a letter from Chairman Clements, w rit­ten July £I or thereabouts. The letter contained the Information th a t the com­mission had practically completed Its work and was preparing to flle Us de- clelon before many da^w. No deflnlte limit of time was fixed, but the Information which has leaked out Is th a t not more than one or two weeks will elapse be­fore the case Is settled,


engine better than any yet produced is what Captain W. I. Chambers, In charge of naval aeronautics, Is aiming at. He wants an engine th a t w ith the greatest llghtnesB and power, will not be subject to the sudden and disastrous stops that have brought so many aviators to grief. As soon as the new naval aeronautical school a t Annapolis Is fairly under way the attention of Its most skilled mechanfts will be directed toward th a t object.

No engine has yet been made on this side of the Atlantic to equal the revolving cylinder engines of the French machines. But recently Captain Chambers bas found a t least two types of American engines that bid fair to do everything that the French engines con do and a t the same time operate more economlo^lly. The revolving cylinder engines have to be fed w ith Incredible quantities of castor oil. A t the high price of the oil this Is a serious consideration.

The two American motors ar« believed to be able to run on ordinary cylinder oil and if their other qualities measure up to the foreign standard they wTR prob­ably be adopted for the naval aeroplanes.



KIAQARA F A LLS, N. T„ July M .- Ovff Falla In a barral and livingto toll tlie U le 1. th« «ii>eTlNtoe of Bobli? Ltoch, of N iagara F a ll., Ontario, lorty- n ln . T .ara old, who yoaterday afternoon .bot th . Horaeahoa Falla In a .te .1 bar­rel of hla own dealgnlng.

Tboogb he waa acverely b a and brulaed In tha drop of 158 feet over the brink of the cataract, LeaoJi austalned only auparflclal Injurlaa and to-day ia able to be about hla houae. Thla la tha aeoond time In the hlalory of tha river (hat the ca tarac t baa been aucceaafully navigated. Mra. Anna Edaon Taylor, of thiB city, made the tr ip In a barrel Octo­ber M. Mdl, and cam e out dtlv*.

Leach made hla s ta r t from L a Salle, two inltai and a half above the catarac t on the United Slntea aide. Two rlvermen took him In a launch to N avy laland, where everything was made ahlpahape, and Leach wae placed In the barrel, a Eteel affair, eleven feet long, with ends of wood. Leach w^e hung In a canvaa hammock. '*

The barrel, w ith Ita paeaenger. waa caat adrift Juat oft the mouth of Chippewa Creek, herdly a mile above the brink of the Horeeahoe, a t 5:55.

Very few minutes elapaed until It was aeen, a rod epeck, careening In the spume below the cataract. W ith the terriflo oulruah of the Horseahoe, cauaed by high water, the barrel went floating down, toaslng and tum bling In Ita paasage to­ward the upper eteel arch bridge. P rank Bender, of Chippewa, ewam out to It with a rope and caught the barrel by one of Its handles, and It waa towed aahore.

Irfach la proprietor of lunch wagona In Plaintleld, N . ' J,. and N iagara P aili. He haa trifled with his life, again and again. He has made 2CD balloon ascenslona and In 1598 shot the rapids In a barrel and repeated thla perllou, performance only about a month ago.


n e w TOBK, July 56.—The Public Ser­vice Commission announced yesterday th a t work on the l.exlngton avenue sub­way will be begun on Monday, July 31, a t Blsty-aeventh street.

The Bradley company, which haa se­cured the contracts for the building of the greater part of the Lexington avenue line from Twenty-alxlh street to 106th street, will have plants along the avenue by that time end will be ready to s ta rt work In about tw enty places.


declined to confirm or deny yesterday tha rumor th a t Theodore Marburg, of Baltimore, secretary of the American Bo- olety lor th e JudiMal Settlem ent of lu- lem atlonal Disputes, had been * selected as the aucceaaor to David Jayne Hill, Araerloan Ambaaaador to Berlin. I t la un­derstood. however, th a t the selection of th e new Ambassador haa not yet been made. 1


natlon-wfde cam paign for bettor agricul­ture, to«i double and treble the crope of Btaplen from the eame acreage within ten years, while a t th e same time reclaiming mllllone of aerea of abandoned farms, la to be launched to-day with th e Inborpora- tlon a t Springfield of the National Boll Fertility League.


LINCOLN, Neb., July 26.—NfibrnaUft Re publlcana In convention here yeRlerday gave President T aft and hie adm inistra­tion a strong Indorsement and effeotlvely blocked all efforte of a small band of tn- Burgetit delegates to arouse sentim ent for Senator Robert M. LaFollettei, of WIs- consitig as a Presidential candidate.

Tha Insurgents lacked a leader and were outgeneraled by ^Victor Rosewater and his delegation from Omaha, Before the Insurgents could get a chance to In­troduce resolutions from the floor, the regulars had rushed through a motion providing tha t all resolutions should be referred to a committee, which was glvit n power to draw up a final report.

Cholrmao A. W. Jefferson, of Omaha, then named a oommittee of seven tneni- bers, of which five were strong friends of Mr. T aft and of which Mr, Rosewater was made chairman. From this jMhit the poselbllltlea of the fight on the floor over the Indorsement of Mr. T aft went glimmering.

---------—— ♦


Burvey of the N iagara and Orleane County fruit belt Indloatea th a t the high winds of the pnat tw enty-four hours have destroyed between th irty and forty per cent, of the^ growing apple and pear crop*. B iperta place the leas a t $500,000. Many com flelda were swept clear by the wind and will be practically a total lo&.

"R efonneee" (PO otinor D ead .NEW TORIL July 16.—Rev. Jamaa A.

O’Connor, founder and paator of Chrlat's Mliafon, a "Reformed Catholic" Institu­tion, died yesterday aa tha resu lt of a Btreet oar accident. He lived a t 381 Wept Fifty-aeventh etreet. The funeral will be held from Calvary B aptist Church, on Friday afternoon. The Interm ent will bo in Woodlawn Cemetery. In addlUon to founding Chriat'a Mission, the object of which was to convert Catholics lo Prot- estantlam, O'Connor wms editor and pub- llaher of the Converted Catholic. He was bom In Ireland In 18«, educated for the prleBthood In Baltim ore and In Parle, Fyapoe, and was ordained a priest In lOT. He was expelled from the prleat- hood, and heoame a P ro testan t, and In 1S79 founded Christ’s Mlaslon. H e aneeil- ed th a t In thirty years of work he had Induced 161 priests to become Protestants, but the claim waa never substantiated.

SPRINGFIELD, 111., Ju ly M.—Alt en­durance records for wearing ooatlnuoualy an oxygen rescue helm et were broken yMtorday a t the Springfield mine rescue ■tatlon by Ualcolm Cununlnge, a miner.

Cummings entered th e sm oke gallery of (be tralAlRg sta tion equipped In the ap­paratus a t 6 o'clonk A. M., and came out a t tm o'clock In the evening.


SQIjlTO-RIDW ill I n m r e

36 Sleeps for 25gAn effective repellent of mosquitoes

tndoofg and out-of-doors.It la an erlttrely new discovery on

which you can rely to bring relief from the mosquito pest. — . ._O nce tried-alwaysitteed. On sale at Petty’s, Riker’s and Firemen’s Phar­macy, Newark; the Standard Drug Co,, Hudson Terminal Building, New York City, tnd drug stores generally.

If you cannot obtain Squito-rld In your town, we will send it to you post, paid. ,


Open Friday Eveninss—Close Safarday / o'Ctock

r v x n

inokB than, mlM do- hl. TBTQU.

ROME, Ju ly 56.—Ths Pops' had a rest- Issi night due to th s fever experienced, but th is morning hla Ih v - j t waa not so gore and toe hoarseness nsd lessened, (Addressing Monslgnor Bisletl, m ajor domo of th e V atican, th e pontiff said th a t be hoped to be able soon to resume hla dudtenesai

Id re W ire K ills PelleeisiSB. BOTTALO, N. T., Ju ly 26.—Extrem a

toUtlon on the p a rt of Policeman John R. Ogden resulted In his death to-day. He was patreUing his heat when be aaW ths lease end of a broken wire fastened to a tree trunk, Ogden thought It bad /M ea fastened too low, and sta rted to shove It a bit higher. Ths Wire w as heavtly eitorged a n d 'th e policeman was fatally b:^Tisd. ’ , .

*V '

Holzhatter’5 SodaIS A S GOOD A S IT. TASTBS

Broad and Market Streeti


A refreshing tonic beverage. Cooling and thirst-quenching. Served in the charac­teristic H o l a h a n o r way—ice cold from a sanitary fotmtsin.

Marshall (Si BalltliigheA Type of ‘Rtady-to- Wear

M7~8i I ^road Sipitt-------

L a st W eek Ju ly S a le M en’s S u its

IE 3Q G U b 3 1 = | Q E HE

Bargain Hall A fter the Aforning’s Selling in Order Bargain HallDoors to A llow Lunch lim e for the Selling Doors

Open 9 A.M. Force and to S t r a i g h t e n Stock Open 9 A. M./

“BargainHalllifill BeQosed 12:30 to 230store Closes Fridaj at 4—Salrdajs ht I F. B.—M er Day* it 5:il

R B E E H tV JB /’ w S S li’S .’l*,. N E W A R I6T elep lioaa SBOO—M a rk e t—FIve-PIva-H H O dred

Store' DoorsOpen 8*30 A. M.

Bargain HallOpens 9 A. M.

‘'With a diploma under one arm and the wotld under the other, he prances oat to met rPhat is fomi'ng fo him.”

To do all this successfully something besides strength is needed; it's a good ap­pearance. Our store is the supply station. No knowlege can teach a better place.

Rernember this is the last week of our July Clearance Sale of Men’s and Young Men’s Suits.

$12 to $16 Blue Serge Suits, $10.7i>$15 to $18 Fancy Mixed Suits, $12.50 $22 to $30 Fancy Mixed Suits, $17.50 Young Men’s Suits, 16 to 20 years,

.25 per cent. off.

J u ly SaleC l u e t t S h i r t s

' B e g in s F r id a y

Men, don’t fail to watch to-morrow’s newspapers for full details of this im­portant shirt event

And Now Comes The


Famous Bargain Hall, on 3rd FloorAll The Odds and Ends, All The Small Lots,All The Remna^nts Go Into Bargain Hall'"Every departm ent in the house joins hands in this great Annual “Bar­

gain Jubilee of Associated Departments." H ere you may pick from any of the five divisions listed below, as set forth in “ Bargain Hall" by the price ticket. The Ju ly sales now ending have been by far the most suc­cessful in our history. As a result, every departm ent is swamped with a lot of loose ends and broken lots that the departm ent heads have put ridiculous prices on to move in a hurry. H ere, then, opportunity for bar­gain-getting not to be overlooked. Your profit—our loss—but we shoul­der the loss and glad to take it.

N o B a rg a in H a ll G oods T a k e n B a c k o r S e n t C, 0 - D.


store Closes at 5 P. M. Saturdays at Noon

Plum es fo r 300 H a tsTbe Sweeping WiU«w Kind, Wliereof One Completes a Chapeau

For Quick Disposal at Very Unusual Prices“One willow plume mak^s a dress hat."A recognized axiom in every woman’s vocabulary. For its sweeping grace and beauty many women pre­

fer the willow plume—the fronds of which are length­ened by tying on other fronds—to the French plume whose curled fronds are left their natural length. The process of m aking a willow plume involves an infinite number of delicate and skilfully tied knots. In the fin­ished plume, however, one is not conscious of the knots, but o f the extraordinary length and beauty of the feather.

Three hundred plumes of this variety have come to us through a specially advantageous purchase and will be sold, beginning to-morrow, at prices much lower than usual.

They are such plumes as are always priced $5.75 to $32.50. W e shall sell them a^ from $4.50 to $20.

In length they m easure as’iollows:17-inch plumes for $4,50 and $5, 22-inch plumes for $13.501 9 - inch plumes for $6.50 22i/2-inch plumes for $1520- inch plumes for $7-50 24-inch plumes for $1821- inch plumes for $8.50 and $10, 25-inch plumes for $20

IAs will be seen, these prices are very considerably

below w hat is invariably asked for plumes of these lengths and quality. Second noor, oid Buiidin,.

J o h n W a n a m a k e rF orm erly A .T . S te w a r t & C o .,B ro a d w a y ,F o u rth av e .,8 tli to 10th a t., N .Y

5cFor Goods

10cFor Goods

25cFor Goods

50cFor Goods

$1For Goods

Worth as Worth as Worth as Worth as Worji asHigh as High as High as High as High as

2Sc 50c 1.00 2.00 3.00and More and More and More and More and More

LastDaysfireat July Sale Sheets,Cases,Etc.Savings are worth while laying; in a heavy supply,

the following;Naumkeag Fine Bleached I Sheets and Pillow Cases

93x99 fiheets, red. 1 19. rprclsl ,96c 75x99 Rhpnui. rex. 1!*. ssierlal.-I-W 90x99 BheetB, rpg. 1 r.9, speclai. .1.29 43x3614 Cases, refr, 29c.. specliil..24c 46x36^4 Canes, reif S3o., si>Bclal..27i: '

Salem Brand Hemmed i S heets and Pillow Cases I

94x90 Sheets, rex. tSc,, ep<sc1n.J .47o 68x90 Sheet., rrg 66r-.. apeotal, ,6Sc |72x90 SheelH. irK, "Sc, BreelBl..62e 81x90 Sheets, to*. Tto.. o p o o U l..^90x90 tslieeii, ri'x N."'.. special. . 76c 42x36 Caaes. reK ITe. Bpeclal..14o 46x39 CaaeB, red- 19c. Breelal..1W 60x36 Cases. Tfg. Elc.. “I*c)al..18o 64x36 Casus, re*. 53c.

Many more items in the sale besides

Pequot Bleached Sheets and Pillow Cases

ri4xPfi Phnol.M. i-oK fir.f’., .57cflSxflf) flhMta, Tog. 76c.. Ipeclal .Mo

ShMta. WR. 8Be. ipadal- .Tao12xn Hln’t'ts. rt’K . Ht'i-riiil. 79chlxfJO rr>K. S9«'.. (tp^dal. 79oMxP9 Shet'In, n?R 1 OB. Hpff'liil .B6c

Klinnlfl. ft'K FHI. Rpt' ’lftl. &5o Vnx'io Rln’C’la, rf*: 1 OD. niM*fTal. B&o BOxinx Sheoyt, TPifS 1 20. Hp^Jal.I.OS

fir Helfftnt ht'mmril, HVxD0 B9craflAB, 21n.,

BOxfIRCi fBBftB,CiHea. rrg. 21o.

gpftclal. ■ Ifia fiperlfiL 20ofjprrlul .220 spcrlal 24o


Special. .20a I

Hemstitched Sheets.8UDB4. reK- MO sp^vlal...........

Hamititched PiMow Case*. 45i88H.

15flrrg. 2 c,, fli'fti'lal......... 35ohemmed tdllQW

Crochet Honeycomb Bedsprend*Hemmed.

IlfK I DD, BpfH’lftI ............................. 89c1 1*5, Bpfi’l i t l 4. . . . 1.09

Urw. nperlftl , . . , . . , , . . . . . . 1 . 3 9lC<»g I S9, ppanlpkl ................ a....1.69Up r , 2.19, sp erlttl ............................. 1-19

Fringed and with Cut Corners.Brg, 1 fiU, ppprfal.........................'I-.SSTteg 1.89, ajft rlHl .........................1.59

2 IW. ........... a , . . . . . . 1 . 8 9Ri'K'- 2 $0, Bpei’ial .............................2.19

Scalloped with Cut Corhes'aRftg. 1.5U, Bprf'lfll ............................. 1.39Krg. 1.89. special .............. 1-59Keg. 3.19, sp ttr lu J ............................. 1.89fl«K- 2.6f>, Biin'ilHl .........................2,19Hegular 1 35 Hr&llopr^d Fdft’e i A P

Rhenln. bD q 81x99. I I I ABperiftl ftt ................................ * ^

Rfiifiilar $6o, Hrallopod I'f'rjllOt IllJnw J'aurifl aSx a IIC 88%. fll>ecUil a t ....... .. ..........

LastDaysof IheBigJuly BlanketSaleA small deposit will reserve your purchase until Decemb<T 1st. The following items

represent but a fraction of those embraced in sale:

X T is itth e rPaciHc Northwest


MaAc VflcoffonA "Seeioi America" TripTravel through the fatUe Bdd» and farmi, orchardaihd prosperouo dtlea of the Northweot X « d o i Portune. Tour "Wonderiand” on the way-^wee the “ dYellowitone Canyon, thia eeBBan..

New p ^ t ia l Canyon Hotel open

Very Low FaresD_-u-i . ..IwaJHw Ml Mwtaiti ftatea. ThfOttOlOQ Hmhi I

S d Look end lUnw. a t r » MBurllnetoo-NortbemPocUkbnej. O r*•>“ O iw tL o ta o x W o w ^ ■ n d ^ by wmy of Duhrth ood Boptrlor. S U t mt riry r tMBwM S Vtflownsne M " 3 S Sfttfw, OUT de luxe "North Cooat Lntotod" and ottof NnM. KM e coat* tor “Ttow ^ Wotoleelud.**D CSOia ior vrowwawwW F. HBFSHOU, Gen. 4fm( PMt. Dap.. J l» 8roaJ»a„, Ntm y»rt

•Pluu »»ii» MJ

Northern Padfic Rffllway'

R*f. $5.00 YVTiIte Wool Blank- eta_'Endicott Brand—Site 70x80; exceptionally good, two-thfrds wool and onc*ihird cotton; son and downy; free from ^ A Q speck*; special at, per pair .............................

$5.50 “ Manhattan" W o o lBlankets—White; soft finished, thoroughly twilled, heavy weight and warm, about three parts wool and one part cotton, making It better and stronger than all wool, pretty colored borders; . sixes 70 x 80; a pedal 4 # O V price, per pa ir.. .-tt-t.—

Reg. $5.50 Plaid Wool Blan- keia—“Santory" brand, In plaids and checks, the pleasing color combinations make them hand- wme as well as durable, closely woven, heavy weight, a • lie 70x80, at, per 4 , U V pair .............................

Reg. $«.50 White Wot^-Blalp- kets—“ Albemarle'' brand, one of the best blanket bargains in our sale, very fine selected wool yams, closely woven, thoroughly twilled, soft Bnished, heavy weight, neat/fast color borders, edged with deep silk F binding; special at, per

I oalr ....................... •

1 Reg. $6.25 White Wool Blank- *l»__"'8t. Denis'* — A splendid saving on an extra quality, heavy weight blanket; strong twilled through and through; p a a lofty pile; dainty col- ^ M i l ored borders; pair---- v a v v

Reg. $B.50 While Wool Blank- fts—-“Santa Rosa"—Siie 72x84, for extra size beds, a magiiiflcenl California blanket of high qual­ity, closely jwilled; nearly all wool—juit enough cot- ^ p |w ton to prevent shrink- f | ^ | l age; special, a pair., v s w v

---■Reg. fG.75 Wool Blan-k«U--“Coronet“ , brand, 4-inch silk binding on edges, beautiful blanket, possessing quality, warnith! and durability, pure while, 70 per cent, wool, twilled through and through, soft and downy, lofty nap, neat i Q f | colbf borders; special

\at,' pair.........................Reg. $6.00 “Highland’’ Plaids

—All combinations and colors, pink, blue, gray, tan, red and blacks, choice yarn, short nap, twilled, nicely finished, sightly and durable, fast colors, will not shrink; size 70x80, j m m for large beds; special, iL / ^ pair .............................

Reg. $6.50 Geisha Plaid Blank­ets—-Strictly all wool, thoroughly twilled, short nap; neatly bound with silk ribbon—broken plaids In warranted colors—choice se­lection handsome com- P binations; size 70x80; S / S special, p a i r ................ U a i r U

Reg. $6.00 ”lx)gan" Blankets— Gray wool, of choice selected yam, with small amount of cot-

.ton, closely woven, very Soft and downy, dainty colored borders, will give long service end laun­der nicely; size t .J a m m double bed, 70x80; .J. / S

at, per. pair..-.*-,California Wool Blankets—

-Vendome" All Wool WTiite, made of choice selected staple Auetrallan wool, soft and downy, neat borders in pink, bine and yellow; two sizes—72x84, reg. $lk, spec., pair. 8.75 60x90, reg. $13, spec., pair. 10.00

Reg. $3.25 and $3.75 Grand Union Wool Blankets—One-ihifd fine cotton, clear and clean, twilled, will launder nicely and will not shrink, neat borders, pink and blue, two aizes for sin­gle and full bed. 460x80, reg. $3.25; spec., pair.2.69 72*80, reg. $3.75; spec,, pair.3.0~

= i n i = = i r = g m i -



N4»Blfrl pmpowla wHl a( the office«r the board la the city hall- 9 o'oloofc P.M.' Aultuat 7, IDll. ao d pub lJc lF . ©paned andread, fur / ^ ]


The ternie of propoMl. time of complellon. etc., are Axed by the epeclftcatloa*. which may b« obtained «l the office of the arehlteota OtriLBERT * BETELLi!:. 917-Broad et- New-* The^bird reeervM the rliht to a ec^ or re- l««l any or all proporali. to waive laform^t- Uei, and to award contracU aa in Ita Jtidg- ■nent map be deemed bMt f(fi' the Intemt of

I board.KEN k. CUOfP» S«««UI7.

r FTii f.:ii

ttM board.Br order of tJuly K

PROPOSALa.aeated and addreaied! to the undereloned. will

at (hie In the N. J. Rfiform-atory, at Hahway, N. J-, until two o'clock in ‘ the aftemor>h. on W dneedny, the ninth duy of Anprwil. 1911. for eupplyln* and delivering at Rahway N. J.. frelgru prepaid, malerlaU for Trade ftchool Rulldlnga.Plana on die In aupertnUiodeAt's office at the

I reformatory.Bida muft be acnotPiianled by caah or a oer- ! tlflM check drawn to the onler 6t Prank lloore. aupeilntemlent, for at leaat ten per tentuin of tha amount of the bid. ad a guar- aiitee that. If the proponiiH Li the lowest re* apoiulble bidder and the contract for tumiHi* lug the stated matertala la awarded to him, be will enter into proper cootraot of ogreennent for fumtihfhg aaidi materlele, and will, wtthlii ten daya thereafter, fitrnlah a bond to the Bute or New Jeraey Is doubla the amount of hit bid with aatlafaetory aecuHiyx oondltloned for tbe falthfal parformonoe ot hU oontroot*Al^PIKlmeAlll Mt»T U StACB (HI


THE FORMS PROVIDED BY ATORY COUMISaiON, WIilCH WIIJ- BE HAILED 0..4 ^L-EIPT OF APPLICATIONS FOR SAME.■nia contraol must be eiceculed with the sn* deratandlog that thn quuntltlCM of matertala IlHiaJ ran ha tnvivaiied or deemaed at the op­tion of the liiAttid of Couimlaaionati o< th* Rnformalnry. *The pucceseful blddera. by the terma of th* x.-ontract lo be eaecuted by (hen), Pill be r ^ ’ qutred to mrnlRU any tnaterlala eniuneraied in eaceaa of the amount called for Ut the spoclficattona at the sanw price at emimefated In ihrir bid and under ths aaoee oondlnona oi aet forth In the contract eileeutedi by tbStt. ,Ths Board of Commlaalonefa reaewaa th* right to. reject the bid of any party Meiaed b.‘ them to be IrroHitonalble, and wbOOd bW Is not conHldsir In tfie Interest of ibd Etata.For further Information, hata. etr., apply W

DECATUR M SAWYER, PrMidny*'.Bcaird of Co)New JarDated. Rahway. K. J.a Jul

-. 1

[ *v.- •I'




Qtueo Soldiers Are B e b | Pot Tkroilli Paces at Sea

Girt Camp.


of th.CAUP WlI^eON, 8EA OIRT, Jilt? J e -

E«eh inovinient br tha oUlMn inldlMT o< lh . 8«oond itod Tblrd refltn .n ti, h tre for thelT w sdi’a tour of duty In th« op*n, la bring irorkod out Wtlh th« Idw of p«r- fartlrif both olHcrra ond men for th« numoouTcr and ih u n botti* to toko plao* Friday morning

Up to thin morning tbo flrllla haro bHn by company, but to-day thora wara battalion oiaroliM In oulpoat and ra- oonnalaaanca with tha ragtmantal oom-* m andart aui«rvjalnf, for tha flrit tlma, ail tnovamanti prior to thla having baan ubdar lha raapaotlva battalion matlora

At tha oloia of tha aiarclaa, tha olBoara gatharad around Major Evan M. Joboaoo, of tha raguiar army, and bla aaalatant, Uautanant Will U. W illi, and lalkad ovar tha movrmcnit ju i t oomptatad. Tha man In lha ranha ware marohad bank to camp by tha non-commlMlunad olDoara. Thla aftaruoon tha uffloara will taka an- other walk Into tha country back of Saa Girt, which haa bean their duty UMh afternoon.

Oovernor Wllaon, eflar an aba«MM of a day yaaterday, aooompanlad by Baora- tary Tumulty, apant tha morning In b it oIRoa He want over the aooeptanoaa and ragraif tor to-morruw'a lunchoon, and anawarad a numbar of lettara which aoOttmulaiad yaatarday. It la atpaolad, from tha aooaptancea received, th a t be- tween 100 and 000 mm of the Btata will be among the gueate to-m am nr.

At the Invitation of Captain WUUam B, Obaw, paymaater of the Third Raglment and a member of the State Board of Kaalth, the reg\ilar meeting of that body waa held In Captain OhfWa tin t yaatarday afternoon. Jb-eeldatit John IL Capitlck, of Boontoh: Colonel Gaorga P. Olcott, of Eaet Orhnge, Dr. Hlobard Cole Newton, of Montulalr, and U r. Chew ware the board membera preeaot, and Dr. Bruaa B. Krator, the eecretary, oaiof

-4own from Aabury Par, Ur. A. Clark Hunt, tha phyalclan of the body, and Chief Clark Charlee J. Merrill, of Tren­ton, were alao preaent.

Boutina mattera were dlapoaed of, and than the board Inapected the new aoreen- ed kltchena, which are being used thla yaar, and voted thalr unanlmoua ap­proval of tha entire arrangem ent They warn antertalnad by Captain Chaw at lunohaon before the meeting. Colonel Olbott after the meeting, aald th a t In all lha years ha waa In tha National Guard, and all of the timo th a t ha haa aanrad on tha Btata Board of Hsalih, aoma auoh plan had bean raeommanded, tu t that thla aeoined to ba th a W t aolu- tlon of the problem which had yat been worked out, and that U ajor J. Hebert Ford, of the regular army, deaarvad the thaaka of tbouaanda of man In both militia and regular aervica for hla plan.

A vlaltor to the camp la P in t Uau- tHMUt Charlaa W. Barber, of tha Bacond Halted Btatea Infakfry, and aaalatant ohtat of police In the Canal Zona a t Pan­ama. Lieutenant Barber waa originally froin Woodbury, in thla Btata, and earvcd durlh^ the Bpanlih-Amerloan W ar with the old Fourth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. Ha baa a number of frianda In camp, whom he formerly knew In South J tn e y , He la now on a laava of abaanoa from the Canal Zona

Private John W. Heldaman J r „ of Com­pany E of Trenton, waa shown In a aunm ery w w that he could not avoid duty at the camp without a very good reason. Company a Is composed of sons of wail-known Trenton men, and la oap- talnad by Richard fltockton Jr. Thay a r t making a line ehowmg In camp, and have tried to get out almoet the full atrtng th of the company. eepecluUy for the ennual Inspection.

Heldeman claimed th a t he could not gel aw iy for camp, but some of the ©fflcere Inveatlgaled and found th a t no serious oonsaquenots would rasult to him If he did not appaar at hla place of buelneea Ha la anmmerlng a t Belmar and oom- mutea to Trenton each day. Teaterday morning an effort waa made to locate him on the train upon whloh h ^ uaually travele, but he mtiaed those looking for him.

In the afternoon Captain Stockton sent a detail to the train, with orderi to take him off and bring him to oamp. th e y went quickly through the oars and brought Heldeman out of one of tha care, under urreet. He waa taken to camp In civilian clnthee and given until this morn­ing to report for duty, whloh he promisedto do.

S t f i t t t r t dt r a d eJfo rk

M a M i t MU a V mU aw fuf

Special Sale Men’s Hose

Fancy Striped Lisle—Value 50c. per pair, a t ?2.00 per half dozen,

French Lisle, in the newest effects, also plain colors with Clocks. Value $1.50, 1.75 & 2.00, at $1.00 per pair. $5.75 per half dozen.

Pure Silk H alf-H ose In Black and plain colors.Value $1.50, 2.00 & 2.50, at $1.00 per nair.

ilaAttention is directed to our regular stock in Pure Silk, also Lisle, in Black and Colors, at 50c. per pair. $5.75 per dozen.

James McCutcheon & Co.5th Ave. and 34th St. N. Y. Waldorf-Astoria


State W. C T, U, Sendi Reso- Intion to Goreroor Ajme4 at

To-morrow'a Receftion.



Slatt CerrMpundmokOCEAN GROVE, July a .—A rciolutlon

iiohlng Oovernor Wllion to n t to It th » t no wine or liquor la aerved to tha gueata at the banquet at the Be« Girt Camp to­morrow waa ordered aent to tha Chief Eaecutive of the s ta te to-day by the Stale W. C. T. U., now In aeaalun here. The reaolutlon wna offered by Mra. Eva C. Oibhardt, wlfa of Senator Uobbardt, of Hunterdon County.

Tha Governor waa commended for hla veto of Aaaembly bllla 92 and MO, "which," the reaulullon went on lo aay, "nifl conaldered apecloua and vlcloua." Praise In a gciieral way waa alao given to the Governor.

At the meeting of the aaooutlve oommlt- tee thla morning reporta ware racaived from the couply prealdenti throughout the State. Much aatlafootlon waa eg- preaaed a t the urganliatlon of a W. C. T. V. In Egg Harbor, where It waa aald there was much beer drinking.

A more definite temperance leaaon In the International Bunday-aohool work waa advonnted, and Dr. McLaren, the head o( that movement, waa ashed to aea th a t iiuire temfierance thoiighta are Incorpo­rated In Siinday-achool lessona.

Announoeinent waa mnde th a t Mias Clara Gebhardt, daughter of Senator Qeb- hardt, would enter a training achoot at Evanston, 111.,., t prepare for the tra in ­ing of children along temperanca tinea. Her expenses will b« pgu py the State W. C. T, U-

A fund of lion won ordered raised aa a memorial to "Mother Hill," mother of Mrs. Mina C. Browne, of Newark, for mnny years Btata prealdsnt of the W. C.

The work of the Monmouth County Temperance Union In dlslrlbullng fana showing on I heir face a tempemnee lea- aon wee commended. Thai* fans are dis­tributed al public galhortnga

m’ r'.'!i C ounty r*-

m anhsa. Al law tid* acoM a t tha land oould ba Bean. But a t high tida tha ooatn waa keeping houaa upon tha "halghta,"

Paaka'B aaioclatea, a f ta r hla anforead dapartura for Wtlkaa-Banw, aaaaitad th a t ha waa ''kidnapped."

Aooording to thalr atory, Atlantia Olty ras doubly tha oauae of m lrfortuna lo

the aeouaed man. Ju s t aa Peaks waa being arraatad on tha eharge of fraud In oonnaoSon with hla Atlantia City land dealt, thay aald, hla attom ay, John Mo- Cllntook Jr., was taken Into ouatody In Atlantic City on the oharge of auboma- tton of perjury In oonneollon with an

automoMta aooldaat eagg, In whloh ba waa m tareitad aa oounaal.

Aa HcCIIntook, under arraat, oould not ooma to tha lucoor of hla ollent and raa- oua him from Jail, It waa naceaeary to tnmmon another a ttom ay, who had Ht- tla o p p ^ u n lty to prepare to oppoaa the alleged "hldnapplng.'-

r a l l F a ta l ,t% W w rtm ue.8AT0NNE. July N. — John MeculA

flfty-two years old, waa leaving hla home, tits Avenue 1, yesterday, to go to work, whan ho tripped on tha etaira and tum ­bled to the bottom. Hla neck waa broken and death was tnstantaneoui.


Major Johnson, the regular arm y of-to fh ■floor detailed to the guard, aald yaatarday

afternoon that he had daoldad to taka a house on W ait State straat. Trenton and would bring his family to It about Sap- tambar t, Ha la popular with all tha oSesrs.

a r c u l t Court Judge Nelson T. Dungin, who was for many yeari a tntm bar of tha Second Regim ent retiring aa oolonel whan appointed to tha benoh, la In oamp H a aald yaatarday ibat tha Matlonai Guard had almoet as mueh fwolnation for him a l has tha law, and that ba In- tandi to apand every spare Rilnuta b ara Whan the nffloaro want for th a lr taotloal walk yaatarday afternoon. Judge Duiigao donned hla uniform and took tha tramp with them through the country, although It waa a hot and dusty walk and ha asked as many questions and avtooed aa muoji Interaat aa the offleara who had to taka the atroll, _^ l o n e l Archibald A leiander, C hm m or Wilson's peraonel aide, never had a unU form on before last Saturday, when ha m g |e hla appearance hare, and had navor Before visited Rea Girt during an anoamp- mant. Ha la rapidly taam lng tha ropea, however, and la devoting all of hla time to getting batter poitrd on m ilitary mat- te ra

OovamOT 'WtlaoB waa vtsttad on Monday . afternoon",^ by President Jonathan H.

Rtachwett, of the S tate Fair Association of Trenton; Treasurer Rudolph v Kuaer and Seeratary Mahlen R Margerum and Invltad to attend the fair thla year on Governorii day. He aald th a t ao fa r aa ha knew at tha preaent tim e he could go and, aa ha atpraased It to the dele­gation, "ba one of the aghtblta."

ta a t night Ganaral Denis F. OoRtna and the mamhsra of hla ataff a t brigade

. hnadipiartsm dined Governor Wllaon and a niiiatwr of other olhcera now a t the camp. Covers were laid for twwnty-elghl persons, and after the meal had been servort there were a numbar of Infonnal apaeches. Besldee the Governor, the gttests Included Adjutant-Genera! Sadler, Colonel Alexander, Colonel TJbbey and Captain Dongoe. of the Govemor'a etelT; Quartemiaster-General Murray, ‘tTolonet M ilhsr. of the Third, and Oolonel Read­ing, of the Berond: Major Johnion, Major Ford and Lieutenant Wills, of the reg­ular army, and the members of the hrl- gade staff, with the exception of Burgeon Paul M. Maoray, who la aicuaad from ram p bacaasa of lllnaaa

Your AutoIs not completely equipped .without a Trunk.

W hen you are buying It remember that if you would not mar the distinctive beauty of your car you should select from our line of

mL-BOILTAuto Trunks

We sel! direct to you and save you middle­men’s profits.

We euarantce e v e r y Trunk we make to be the best in Its class.

W illiam Bal, Inc.2-14 Johnson Street, Newark, N. J,

Phone 5414 Market

r'Bullt with a Conadence"!

At Soda Fountains or ElsewhereetJu st Ssy e e

H O R L IC K ’SI t m e a n s t h e O r i g i n a l a n d G e n u i n e


The Food-Drink for all As***R k h milk, mahed gnin,in pinvderform. More healthful than tea or coffee. For infaiiti,iava]ida Hid growing childfen. Agrees with the weskeat digeition.

' Pure nutntk»,uphu3ding the whoiebody. Keep it on your .^eboard at home. lavigQgatet nuning mothen hxI tlw aged. A quick hm ^ prepared m a minule.

G e t t h e b e e t . A l l d r a g g i a t e .

T ake no aubatK uto. A sk fo r HORLtCICS.

a i T i n l r T t r W T l r i i r i l r T i r T i r ^ ^

Mcvvrli /i V 1 t.jt, art ipmem L-ouniy, ro- 1 county had given JIM for, Ih’' Maine piohlblllon fund

Melville I ftiee, of Atlantic Highlands, 7 * ’ def rayi ng the expenaae or the lemperanoe elocution oonteat th a t ^ going on In connection with the W C. T. U, ln.stltute.

Dr. Eva \V. Lake, of Arlington, made the principal address at tha opening In- •tltu te to-day. speaking on "Children's Needs and Chlldren'a Righle." The rights ■ha Htaclfled were to be born right ano lo be preserved from harm. The neeoa mentioned were those uf the home and the need to be let alone, or the chance for Individual development. Dr. Lake ajjoke of the effect of alcohol, eaying th a t It waa the direct cauea of more Infant mor­tality than any other one evil. " I t cauaea child labor," aha continued, "making them work whan they are not able to OMTT OD luch a burdfiD."

Dr. IjRka compared the flu tee of Maine and MlaeouH.

“In 1908,“ she iald, “ilicty-flTe pereone were sent to the State prison In Maine. In the aame year In Mteiourl, the State with the largeat brewery, 8t7 were eenl to S tate prison."

“Probieine of Motherhood*' were dle- cueeed by Mrs. J L. Knight. "The Ideal Womaji of the Bible" was the title of a paper by Mre. H. 0. Hildebrand.


Staff VDmtptmd«no0.ASBUKT PARK, July M .-T bU nmari

Will entertain to-morrow Charlee Olosar, of Fairmount. and his brother, Theo­dore, of Petereburf, Ve., who m et on July I t for the flret Ume In fortjw«lx ye&n. Am told !n the Newe recently, the brothera are eurvlvons of the wreok of the ehlp New S I^ which went oahore a t the foot of wUat l i now Sixth ave­nue back Ih the Sftlea. They have wrlt> ten to Mayor Appleby that they are oom«' In t and It te planned to five them i tittle reoeptlcn.

The brother* win n irtt the eoene of the wreck- About fifteen year* ORo Founder James A. Bradley put a fran lte monument on the boardwalk oppoelte the •pot where the ehlp wm wrecked, but during a terriflo itorm the walk woe carried away and the monument dls* appeared. It waj euppoeed th a t It fell Into the sand and was covered up. Mr. Brad­ley ie t a ^an f of men d tn tn f on the spot where the monument dlioppeared. In the hope that it would be uncovered, but it wax never found.


TRBNTON, JatT W.—DlinoveHag noeufflclent reaton tor ohauglng tta former nmllnga, tba Board of PuMlo tJtUlty Com-

PEAKE OPERATED ON ^ tt7 to C o m iin e < A > i^ u dATLANTIC QTY LAND

ATLANTIC e r r r . Ju ly M .-Jsbo K. rcake, eniw hlle Insurance agent and real estate broker, under arreet In PMtadel- | phta. waa. arel! known here through bis Identity with the Atlantic City Heights Real Eslata Company. Advloea here that he waa to bo taken to W lIke^B arre to gnawer chargea of fraud there recalled hla activity In dlapoalng o f ! Mutd here.Aeeordtng to report, Peailu * ' ----- ' "-named BngtlRT, who u w * t . -»u"C. . eatate of tha AtUntlo City B a tfh ta 'C om ­pany''to twenty-tlva or th irty persona In

- wUkaa-Barre, Bagton and other plaoea.W- D. 'While, Who made the oomplalnt

upon which Peake waa arraatad, and A. C. Perry bought worth of the At- lontlo City 'land. W hite la a druggist and a man of wealth, perry la a proa- peroua real aatata man.

Before w h ite and aoma of tb a othere bought from- Peaks, thay east Parry lo took a t the land here. Feaka took Perry to Atlantic C9ty and then off toward PleaeantvUIo,;'.*how1ng him aoma very attniotlTe p ro j^ ty .

On Pagry'i report. W hite and p>e oth- era pongfat. Then W hite c a m e ' hare to | look a t the eite of hla fu tu re aeaehora oottage. H * deolarea th a t it waa a mile out in the oeean. The "helghte," eup- poaadffe be high and dry and fanned by the e u HA bWliiAi be said, erers a t beet

■ >i. M v ,V -^ ■ -


N on-Alcoholic

Quenchet the thint more read- ilf and moK quickly than any other drink, and coolsVnd refreshes the body at the same time, without

aae,: cr j ingerous reactions. L»t tht ekildrtn Jriai ell fAry

IDEAL FOR HOT W EATHERIt ttiinulttet naturally, creates

appetite, health and rigor. Drinktold M ( l -M a b m e f 24bottln . Ask

your gieeer or dctlsr to supply you. If you caaaotbe erro w in d ated, write, or phoae 51M Market, and you will he fcsred ptomplJy.

mleslonara haa dlamleaad tha ooraplalnt of FVaderkik W. Gatbraan and other rea- IdanU of Athanla regarding the train ■ervioe feriilataad by the Elrle Railroad at that point.

The board made an^order last January requiring the Erie to plaqe In operation a passenger train leaving Newark for Paterson about T:1B o'olotik. Thla waa done by the railroad.

The realdenie of Athanla had the oeae reopened in order to present argum ents favoring a return to the old schedule, under whloh a t rain for Fateraon atqpped a t Athenla a t «;H A. M. This tra in a r ­rived a t Paterson at e-t2, thus enabling paaasngera to s ta rt work In Paterson a t 7 A, M. The board oonsldarad th a t the evidence presented waa Inaulflolent to Justify It in taking the action requested,


H m M a ltfw B rR u C o m p u i yTa-741 ' fllpset. Newark, H, X

Absou^ ely IL C O ^Q U C I

HOLLYWOOD PARK, July IB—W ith prises aggregating |7,0lk) aa the trophlee, the eighteenth annual Monmouth Coun­ty Horae Show, third la Importance on national hone affaire, opes*d to-day. Be­tween to-day _to lS llo ii-e loagd ,M Judfod. In oddltloii to tba H ns or- hibltloiu them will b« runniac rac«a d tt/ for ponlM atid faUoways.

Thli Ifl lh« moat Important homo #how o th tr that) lha National Horoo Show exhlbUlona a i Madloon Square Oardan and In Chicago. Tha Hot of horaa* ln- cludas roadatari, hamaBj horaot, trot* taro, oaddla hoftas, huntera otid Jump- •m, ponlaa and goJlowayi.


Sem i-A nnual Sale ofM cG regor M ade C lo thes$ 35*00 and $30.00 Suits Now

$ 2 4 . 7 5You can now have your choice of the best suits in our store

for $24.75. ,They are made from the finest worsteds, in both dark and me­

dium shades of gray. Some are lined with alpaca and others have silk linings. These are the suits d iat wean the critical clothes buyer from the custom tailor and bring him to the M cGregor Store. There are several different patterns and a good variety of sizes

At $ 1 4 . 5 0W e still have a few more suits of genuine Im ported English

M ohair. Ju s t the th ing for August wear.

M c G R E G O R & C O .T h e B etter K ind of C loth es

S48'850 '832 B road S treet

j fU fU fU T L l fO ^ JtL i r U f U iU f l J I L i f U f l ^

BANKRUPT STOCKOf High-Class Men’s Furnishings

Bmvk4 of |A« HBW9,TRENTON, July J l -A f ta r a oamful

analyalB of perplexing oomplicationa in- TOlved In a litigation Instituted by Al­fred V. D. Oenung ogalnot Anna L. Hor- >ay and othera, Vtca-Cbonoellor Sleveni has dismlaaed the bill of oompl&lnt by which Mr, Crenung sought to enforce one of the reetrlctfve covenanta eontatned In the deeds for property a t Asbury Park-

The property Involved la a lot a t the southeast comer of Grand and Munroe avenueSi whloh was conveyed by Founder Jan-ies A. Dradley subject to the reetiiC’ tlon that no houae should be erected within Aftesn feet of the lin t of either avenue.

Mr. Gettung owns an adjoining lot In MuTLToe avenue to' the eaat of the prop­erty belonging to the defendants- This lot was conveyed with a oovenonl to that mentioned to Miu-y J. Genung, dve years after the conveyonoe of the com er lo t The case thus presented Is peoultor Inas­much as both the oompioinant olid the defendant In the tltlKatlon derive thAny' title not only from Mr. Bradley, bu t alao from Mrs, Oenun#- I t is this fact, Vloe- Ohancellor Stevens told, th a t dltteren- Uatce the caee from meet others of Ite kind.


Must Be Sold in the Next'4 Days at Your Own Price

Rie Chance of a Life Time to Save MoneyRedman, Arrow & Lion Collars, 8c., 2 fo r ...................15cBoston and B righton G a rte rs .........................................13cParis G arters ....................................................................... 17cHigh Grede M en’s Suspenders.................... 16c50c. Neckwear, 17c., 3 f o r ................................................. 50c"75c. Neckwear .....................................................................27cMen’s Kid Gloves, regu lar $1.00.................— — 39cMen’s Chamois W ash Gloves, regular $1.50................59cMen’s Sample Hose, regu lar 25c.....................................l i eMen’s Onyx Silk Hose, all colors.................................... 27cMens’ $1,50 S h i r t s .............................................................. 69cMen’s D elpark P a jam as................................................... 95cPorous Knit U nderw ear, all sizes........... ....................29cMen’s Fine B albriggan Egyptian Yam Sum mer

Underwear, 39c., 3 f o r ............................................. $1.00Big lot of D elpark Odd Pajam a Pants, worth $1.50. .45c

Then Goods Must Be Piiposed of in tha Next4 PiytAutomobile Coats and Gloves at a Sacrifice Nainsook U nderw ear, Coat Shirt and Knee

Drawers, 35c., 3 for $1.00.Men’s H ats a t a Sacrifice. All Goods a t a Sacrifice.


869 Broad Street NurWilliam Strait

m m m m J

It IE MCE FOI SOPliEflfCft h e r e U o u l r o n e W INNER BBd w e h a v e I t In

DEVOE’S m iSHilO OILJ a a t th e tb ltiff to a»e fo r dtiatliiig a n d re n to riiiff Ibo In a le r on P lanaB iF lx iv F a r n l ta r o , C arrlaw aa, Aw tom iobllaa a n d *11 varn lB hod • a r f a e v t . Com e In an d grot a ■am-e iplo b o t t l e a n d o o a v ln c e y o a ra e lf o f ItB ifoodneMi*

J. J. HOCKENJOS C(L8 2 9 Broad S treet

IA 'fk V U P R I G H T


5sis''5 A N



TO TAKE NOTICEFREE 5 HIGH AND DRY LOTS of the modett ttlue of locaM no

the I'euniTlTanla Hatlroad. witkln twelve cnlnate*' wait of lbs atfttioo aiiA ad tao itf^

tt&ce of the moat famo^bny^ln^trHy. to pinfee who will pufcbMe at lewt one of ouran) UOdekMit fialUof.

atfttioQ aii^ dock, at a fetnoua N«w Jereey Shore lUe^t bdrluf the ad tao ltf^ of Boardwalk, Yacht Club, Hoteia, Coutitlen Cottifee“ ............................ ..........nabti«. and aleo about the eame easy walbtfif

i Acre Plots at $ 1 5 0 and Up$4 M onthly. 10% Discount for Cash.

No Interest. No Taxes for 2 Years. No Assessments.No itriDfi attached bo tble rreatcei of all advertisinf propoeitlona. Our atm la to ob- ‘ “ SAMT ef ' ...................................... - . - i____Ijt ihla nuuoar a vaaa kmober ef lafeeiora tod home bulidefi oo our beeka. uid Id

Iwn hope to bare MCb invMtfiVtvtecommcnd thU euprcTneij beaUbfol and beautiful prop- *’■ ‘‘“T fa for driwfag ov ekaeatlog died or otbefertj to tbelr frlenda and relatives No charga

lago^^pera. Bverythlng aa free oa the air you breathe,■^tcTl IPIota aad Little Fanni ore located rfgbl at the atatloa aa you its^ oft___qQart■^tcTl . — ----------- - - ^ — -------------------- - - -

the train at Hlllsbofo, K. J.. half mil* from Somerville South and iborl dlatance fKiin tn» ley and Bound BrcN>k. Tbeae plota are blah, dry, cleared, level, rlcb and fertile, end bene fited ^ Vall^t Central of n. J- and PbilAdelphla and Reading rallwaya.****'N0*%rB’oAk^ NO W a h p . no rock, no malaria, no MoBqnrroBa.

<^r remarkably liberal offer of 6 l.OTN of the value of f12fi-lD Counectlon with,.-.^3 . . - nlnAW •# e iR H w i l l kkn.1 mm%dt Pa * AIxIa avuMhaSi jant-sthe tiaV'chtie oCone of oor qnarter-am plot* at $1IS0 will bold go<Mi for thla tnofitb only,

and. In order to aertaumodate tba Jjaop'^ who may -leitre tv inapect Htlla*Acre Plot! and Little Farma wa wlu oeoduef fonr gnaday Free BxeuraloQa.

Free Excursion N ext SundayWrite, Call or Phone for Free Tickets

The Brooks & Brooks CorporationL a w ^ r i ’ B u tld in f lO e M A R K E T OT. P h on* 03 7 3 M a rtce tOIRoa Oiwa BTSiilBr* CBUl 9 O'Uoak. Boom 40B. Ravanl Llxa A reata TTantad,

; S5rit,-K,ic-

A sed W it* *T *ra N * a .la » p o r t .ATLANTIC CITY, July ».-0«a,y-luar«NI

and (eflble, with a Roldeo wedding «nni- varaary but a few years in th* future, Mrs. John H. Chew appeared In raoorder'a court yaatarday morning o j tha oomplotB- an t agelnat her husband, oborBlng him with non-Bupport. Chaw war aant bank to Jail when he declamd he was unahle to oontrlbute U a week for hla wifa'a luo- eart,.

A U C T I O N S A L EIn Danknipter, the

490 ' Monie'k,'In fine order, free and clear of all liens or encum- brances, on the prem ises on

Thuraday, July 2 7 , 1911, at ^130 P. M. lO PER CENT. DEPOSIT REQUIRED

*i3at House -

INDIEW VIN BLHClIM. Tiithi. 164 Mtrkit St., fleiwark, N. J.



* 5 0 . TO f lO O . C 'l r iA P E R THAN DOWN TOWN.

DOA'. t3.


Reduced Round Trip Ratesto Pici&c Coaat r i i

, Ciaadlan Ftdfic Railway^SITTHECAHADIAN ROCKIES

Qnndett icenety in America. HcketB Koodmyariableroutea. libenl ttop-oref privileges.

Per doicilptlTc Utenture aod thU iar*r«M lo*« vrlta

AUta Cttnerofii G> T. A.458 Broidwiy New York

p i l m f r f MaawiU ____•am kolaiaa. ••alT fav baablM frrw .Madame Josephine Ic Fevre.

laaa t-'kaelwat ah , ('h ll***.. P*.Pot aole'by B am ^rfjr * Co-.

P e tty i Pharmacy. W. V. Snydar i






That l i quit tions, though Ocean fieeertc Wllliai 474 Sou

Hesa>proceci Mrs. L dren I went 1 ha bQ< lourtei and FI !■ all* Factor When riaga ouUlei many

HePs Twelft Eleven family and. t Ject to

The Btreot proper and la ohildrc eodutl South ■uiDg the rc wore

The ftbBent whom hit ui money chllflr< Wll fo half 0 celtor

Buoh chanci Chanc eherift fendai within defentl Burety be Ind

The refraii HesBe, amoui Heeae algnm of hie

Whf pourflc Hesae ohlidri to drE)


was h in th M^ebe said I premi Wtndi and f and I noy&r

Opp a row ap p ^ wtndc them, panes

The the 3JUBtTHity ai led t( were wiilln ibe d of thi tempi

J\id boys, fende pear stale] ceedh of tJ playl publl


tta l the 1 Gunal Jam*

Haiup a oharj bran place atree

N a vile ruBh< few wttm hou8< flouri

Dr. the i muni the Nati; previ

Th- Slgm livee were the t she llah thelT depo


FTon (lug(Irlc(heafteSchithredartbymer

Manyn'i Pkw-Ptiv Pine uf# ualtka ell ottier iexailvea or caiheftlca. Tbay eo«x th* livtf Into ■rllvlty by giMie melboda n«y do not •oo' ri tbey do j

~«ek«itrifi*; ttMjr 4o aet waekeo.

ORRINE Liquor HabitCure KiTecied or Money Refunded.

given AL.OO

leyGuaraniee in each box. Can he given jwcrelly. ODRINE COSTS ONLY ALOO A HQX.Chur. Holihauer. Broad end llerltet' BU.. Newark. N. J., and Abr&hom Momer. 2HR Main Bt.. Orange. N. J.



cuts Rhe fron

M roa<! teen 1^0 ed B turr roBc vehl by beei eaui mil<

Ti ejBiof thef<theidaz


Northqaat Coniw Baiifa Avena* and MbJb Btraat

Opposite the Railroad StatlorilO w i* W. PUUBgar't lt« i Batata

TalapiMM TM Aabor P u t

Newt Items, Subicriptione •n^ Advertisements Received.

R epnantatirw from tha Home Office are m ehaiue.


ittd w «

OILItlfttltlB ffT on rl»c«B, ‘■ lih o d a ■am . (»a»el<

h X t t

I* tt .M i

F ev re ,bn* A Cd.,


Pllt* ftJ* utiTfi ort thi llYtr* mrlbnth .

thelab ltfunded.I olven T 11.00Utrk*Vbr&h&mN. J.


,.:■ , s „ : '

r '



H n M Wlu U t t Wife, Xit Not Tosch Cash on

H ud Here;


iTM Be


I O *

Tti»t the arm of the Court of Chancerr b quite long enough, under aotne condl- tlone, to reach an erring huehapd even though he may have put the Xtlintlo Ocean between blmeelf and th e family be deierted, may Boon be Impreeeed upon William J. Hesse, who formerly lived at 474 South ICIeventh street.

Hesse, It Is set fo rth In papers tiled In proceedings against him, left his wife, Mrs. Cathertna M. Hesse, and four chil­dren November 3, 190B, and. It Is said, went to live In Hoboken. A t that time he bad been married a little less than fourteen years. On May 4, 1910. Hesse and Florence A. Hedlln were married. It li alleged, by Rev. W'litlam R- Jenney, rector of 8t. Paul's Church, Hoboken. When Hesse found th a t his second mar­riage was likely to s e t -h im Into dlffl- oultles. It Is aseerted, he sailed for Ger­many with his second wife.

Hesse owned two houses, one in South Twelfth street and the otheawtn South Eleventh street, which was the one hb family occupied. Both weto mortgaged, and, because of Hesse s departure, sub­ject to foreclosure.

The mortgage on the South Tweinn street house was first foreclosed and the property was bought In for Mrs. Hcsss and Is being hold In tru s t for herself and children Next a building and loan as- eoclstlon foreclosed the m ortgage on the South Eleventh street house. At the en­suing sale there was lively bidding, with the result th a t a surplus of something more than 31,400 was obtained.

The equity of redemption was In the absent husband, bift F rank E, Bradncr, whom Mrs. Hesse retained to ac t for her, hit upon a plan to make the surplus money available for Mrs. Hesse and her children. W hat he did wos to Orst flio a bill for malntenanr# In Mrs. Hesse'-e he-

■ half and then he applied to Vice-Chan­cellor Emery for a writ of sequestration.

Buoh a writ was advised by the vice- chancellor and has now been algnad by Chancellor Pitney. The w rit d irects, the sheriff "to Immediately sequester the de­fendant’s estate, property and effecU within the county to be discharged If the defendant shall give bond with luffldent surety or sureties In the eum of 31,000, to be Indorsed on said w rit."

The writ fu rther dlrecte th e sheriff to refrain from paying over to the defendant, Hesse the surplus money In his hands, amounting to 31,4%,40, And also restrains Hesse from making any transfer or as­signment of the money, o r of any property of his within the State,

When Vice-Chancellor Emery, In due fourac, fixes the am ount to be paid by Hesse for ihe-malntc nance of his wife end children, there will bo a snug fund tor her to draw agalngj for some tim e to come.

SEOWS COEKT MISSILES AND COMFLAIHS OF BOYSX peek of holla of various descriptions

was laid before Acting Judge Yulll to-day In the Fourth Precinct Court by Fred Weber, of 682 South E leventh street, who said they had all been knocked Into hts premises by youths playing In the street, \yindows Were ehattered by the missiles and flew about the heads of Mr. Weber and his family, causing considerable an­noyance.

Opposite Mr. W eber's residence there Is a row of houeesi whfch ho said had the appedranoe of having been bombarded, ae windows had been broken In each of them, in some the number of broken panes cumbered six and eight.

The wholesale breaking of windows hy the youthful sports brought about ad­justment In the way of fixing responslbli- Ity and collecting coats, and this In time led to 111 feeling among neighbors. There were several In the courtroona and they willingly furnished the nam es of toms of tb* destructive players and detailed tome of the wordy conflicts which followed at- lempls to collect for broken glaas.

Judge Yulll took the namee of several boys, who were said to be the chief of­fenders, and they will be requested to ap­pear In court on Saturday. If some of the Ftalements made to-day prove true, pro­ceedings will be taken under Section 533 of the city ordinances, which prohibits playing hall or any o ther games In the public streets.


■tabbed In the back of the agek and In the back above the right hip, Martin Gumkall, tw enty-tour years old. Is In St. James’s Hospital In a serious condition.

Hanno Natxe. a neighbor, was locked up at the Third Precinct police Station charged with the stabbing by Policemen Brex and J. L. Miller. The stabbing took place on the front stoop of 41 Niagara street, where both men live.

Natse says he heard Qumkall apply vUe names to Mrs, N atse, end th a t he rushed to the stoop. Qumkall, a fter a few words! struck Natxe, according to witnesses, and then tried to enter the house, but was stopped by a long knife flourished by Netze.

Ur. George W arren was celled to attend the Injured man. Ho Immediately com­municated with the police, and ordered the man sent to Bt. Jam es Hospital. Natza says his wife and Oumkali have previously quarreled.

The three witnesses, Andrew Imteshau, Sigmund Boyeotl and F rank Shlmofl, who lives next door to the Natxe family, were a t first held In 3300 ball. I.aler, on the tearful plea of Mrs. Boycott, who said Bbe waa a bride of seven months, Judge Hahn ordered the witnesses released on their own recognizance, a f te r their sworn depositions were taken,


Fr!Khten«d by the icream of a whittle fyn a freight locomotive, ae cara were be­ing Bhunted Into a siding a t the Hen- (IrlckB Brothera* Copper Holling Mills, In the Soho lectton of Belleville, yeetorday afternoon, a horse driven by Mrs. George Schoti, of Brighton avenue, bolted and threw the woman from the vehicle, reo’ flerlng her uticoubcIoub- W hen examined by Dr. William H. W arr^fl, of i l i Sum­mer avenue, this city, she wae found to

I"? ,her forehead, re-'

cuts and'brulBes'and a sprained shoulder. She was removed to her home In a wagon" from the liolatlon Hospital.

Mrs, ScKots was going from the rail­road toward Soho and, when about fif­teen yards d istan t from th e tracks the l^omotlvft screamed and the horse Jump­ed end ran away. The cartage was over­turned and the horse continued down the road, dragging it on Its side. The vehicle was partially smashed and left by the roadside a fte r a few yards bad been covered, but the horse was not caught until It had gone a quarter of a mile farther.

The train crew ran to the woman’s as- elBtance and carried her into the office of the mill. "She recovered consclousneBS before reaching homo and It was said there th is morning th a t she was stlli dazed, but was recovering.

TWO BODIES'u n c l a im e d ^- m HOSPITAL •^RGUE

. Two bodlaa remain unelaimed at tha City Hoxpltal, although the aathortuei have endeavored to Bnd relatlvee of both. Meezagu eent to addreisea which have been furntibed the hoipltal authOritlea have been returned.

One of the bodtei it that of WUIlam Jerolemon, eeventy-one yeara old, of 30 Market etreet, who died July SI A tele­gram addreaeM to hie sister, whose ad-

. dress he nad given as Mr*. L ^ la Hogan, of Flemington, was returned last nlgh^ e* ■he could not be foiftid.

The other Body la that of Patrick Gay- ley, seveiitr years of age, of Y HarioB place, who died last evening. A telegrtto. which was stBt to bis daughter. Mar*a- ret Oaylag, sf Haibsrtr, hwur lAtaystta iteeet. waa- ratnmad. .


Big R ed u c tio n S aleHundreds of our choic-,

est fancy Suits at stillgreater reductions. This alone is enough to keep things hum­ming, but we’ve added a lot of dandy new Summer Suits, made this month, of beautiful weaves we bought low late in June. No wonder men are buying as they never bought before. Greatest va­riety and b'est values on Broad street.

Suits for everybody — men, young men and big boys 15 to 18 years.

$25 and $22 Suits for 18.00 $20 and $18 Suits for 14.50 $16 and $15 Suits for 11.75 $13 and $12 Suits for 9.75

Trousers are on the go. $4.50 and $4 Trousers— beautiful striped worsteds—S3.' " All sizes. —

AlsolaAaiKFv Se, bagi for c i g a r c i t e • m o k e r * .

V ELVET" haa been aged 3 years—this “Time Process" ab­

solutely insures perfect m ellow ness of leaf—it e l i m i n a t e s o f / h a r s h ­ness. W hat is known as “ bite" is entirely lacking In Velvet. This process is expensive, but it produces “ smoothness." It’s this mellowness that character­izes Ve lve t—y ou can a m o k e i t a l l daj^—one smoke as cool and delight- fill as the others. "Velvet" is well named—it is a de­lightful, com panionable smoke. Will suit the most fastidious. Just try it tA t all d ea le rs— 10c.


B roid and Cedar Sta.—This Store Closes Saturday at I P. M.; Closes Other Days at 6 P.

Victoria Low Shoes an d fM

DMble 2iffC S ta a p s Refore N « « rCollMt 8. a H. are*n

Trading Stompa TbcFr* valuable. Ju s t to **e what beautiful aeeda can be secured for them visit the fourth floor premium parlor.

S ia f k S t a n ^ i f t e r Moot



9.75Men’s & yoaths'I $15 Saits Go at

Every s u 1 : strictly hand- tailored, made of fancy blue serge and the newest light and dark mixtures; sizes from 32 to 44 chest nieasure: suits that sold right along at $IS.00, re­duced to S9.75.

Odd Suits for Young Men ind Small MeoMade of medium

weight cassimere, in neat dark check pat­terns, sizes from 15' years up to 36 chesti measure; suits that were !s8.5n reduced .to..

Boys’ Wash Suits... \All good msterlals, t

sailor, Russian and \ mltifary styles; sizes (3 to 10; regular Sl-00 1 and $1,25, a t ............ I

Men’s and Y o u t h s ' ____ $2 wash suits.95cOdd Trousers, sizes from 29 to 42 waistmeasure; were $ 2 .5 0 _______and $3.00, reduced to . . J $5 wash suiU.2.00

Pumps for WomenJ .5 0 Footwear/deduced to 2.85

lieg. $2.50 wash suits a t....1.45

We sell thousands of pairs of the famous Victoria make at $3.50 a pair during a season, and it's only natural that many broken lines will accumulate upon which orders will not be dupli­cated again. That’* why we make this unusual reduction. A complete aize asBortment, but not In each single style. In­cluded are oxfords and pumps In all leathers, such as patent colt, gunmetal calf, brown and black velvets end gray cravenettes; re­duced to .......................

Men’s FurnishingsA t Sweeping Reductions

Men'* Shirtiof ‘‘Harmony Percales"

and other desirable mate­rials; coat Btyle, cuffs at­tached; plain and plaited bosoms; regular $1.00 and $1.25 ahirts, a t ..........

Men‘g Sea Island cloth,neat stripes on write or cream grounds; j soft cuffs; regular $2.00 shirts, reduced to J

Men’t Night Shiii«'

3.50 Victoria Low Shoes St

-Extra good quality cam­

bric, neatly trimmed, full length, extra wide, special, each ...................................

-Athletic Un-___ d e r w e i r ,shirts coat style, knee drawers; of mer­cerized materials and corded madras, all sizes in the lot but not In each atyle; for clearance, per garment...............................

Men*> Underwear

Men’s Neckwear in . H anda Iplain while and plain colors, 48 inches long, slightly soiled from being dispisyed and handled; for clearance; were tSc. each 5c

Stylish Summer DressesJuly Clearance for Women,Misses^ Juniors

A n Important Offering in T h it

Rousing Reduction Sale |1,000 dresses offered as a special attrac­

tion to the July clearance sale, at half and less than half the regurar prices. They’re all this season’s most fashionable styles, and the price to you scarcely covers the cost of the mate­rials, let alone the perfect workmanship and fit. Divided into two big groups for easy selection.

Included are Percales, Flowered Foulards, Flowered and Fancy Lawns, Dimities, Scotch Ginghams and other high grade summer terials; all beautifully trimmed; a wide ^ sortment of styles, some high neck, long sleeves; some low neck, short sleeves; open front and back; all perfectly made and fln- ished; dresses suitable for all occasions; sizes 13, 15, I>-and 14 to 44.

finmpl— 1 A A firoflpl—Vaises i p | U l l Valuosap / | | l lto LSI B t l f f / V to 5.15 u L m / V

.. . ..

A New Invention o f Great Importance!

T w o-in-O ne House DressesLike the Two Illu«tration«—Demon­

strated in W rapper D ept, 2d Floor— See Window Display.

The 2-in-l House Dress is a brand new invention, and gives’ woman a gar­ment that can be worn as a kimono or house dress.Will also fit any waist, belt or hip without removing the garment.

They're made of an ex­tra good grade of percale, in checks, stripes and plaids, blue and white, as well as grays. They’re all perfectly made and the workmanship is another thing you're hound to en­thuse over.

A com£etem demonstra­tor is in attendance, who" will be pleased to show you the good points of this serviceable garment. The price is exceedingly mod­erate, and you can’t help fancying them a t ..............

Drawn Work Table ClothsA limited quantity of handsome drawn-

work table cloths, shown in beautiful de­signs; slightly soiled but otherwise per­fect; all sizes; 2x2, 2x21^, 2 '/2x2 Vj 'i have sold as high as $10.00; for clearance,

each 'bepf..

5 5 .0 0 F re n c h W ilto n 9 x 1 2 R ugsGenuine French Wilton, Anglo-Persian and Heratic Rugs, regu­

larly $55.00. On account of being discontinued patterns we have decided to sell them at 43.50. They are absolute y the best 8 t* « « Wilton rugs manufactured. The designs and colorings are magmii- cent creations, which run from the soft French shades to he bold, impressive Oriental designs. Regular $55 rugs; clearance sale price.

4 3 .5 0

. 3 2 .^ " " T runks & Suit Cases

Low Shoea; 2 to 3y4, A t and B widths; values up to V$3.00, a t............................... )

Women’s Oxfords and I I i Q Pumps, value $2,50, a t . .. . I

s h o » : j l _ 9 jWomen’s $3.00 choice a t........................

Large Boys' Viet Klld | . lAce Shoes, sizes 6 to 7 if ; / I h y

$2.50...................... ‘E . J

On Sale in Basement

JapangM Qr«n Fiber Suit Q Sc Caset, m-lnch nlze. h1...............

Qenulne Cane and Leatner T n O\ Suit caaet, 24-lnch alze, at.. ,

Matting Suit Cate*. 14 to | IQIS-Inrh elie. s t ............................ a . a 3-

email alie Suit Catee forpicnics and oiUlng*. 9-In. size arsTwJap Matting Suit Caaet, I AA

14-loch alM. a t ............................ ' .Real Sole L e a th e r S u it Catee, r x l r a i

fine quality, French nliape, at4.98 5 .98 6 .98 7.98Reliable Steamer Truntte—C'ortitn

Cahlnet I-ork; chulee of 80 a Cfi and 3Mnch .............................

Dretf Trunki—Made of aeotoned Um­ber. waterproof canvos, heavy hram rornem. fltrer bound lock and board*; Hironuly built, fitted with one tray. Two eole leather elrape around body.2S-ln. 30-ln, 39-1n. B4-ln 3*-ln.


Children’s DressesSizes from 2 to

6 years; dresses of linon and per­cales; plain col­ors, also pretty washable checks, made in nobby lit­tle styles, low neck and short sleeves; all very laetefully trim­med.

15c. D r e is u at

4 5 c

Use This Rich M ilk Tom orrow—Just One D a y


Try this milk from high-bred cows, kept in model dairies. Milk that is utterly germless—8 per cent butter fat— thick as cream.

A Vacation In Coloradob worth while—Hunting, Fishing, Cnnping, Mountain Climbing.

Refn»faing days, cool nights. Enjoy your trip from the start by tnvding

_ ■ -Via

Standard Road of tho WestNew and direct route to

Yellowstone National ParkElectric Block Signals Excellent Dining C an

T or n te ra tu rt sod tn to m atlo n can on or oddrosa g. C. MmjfHinse, 0 . A., 841 Clidgtti«t5t., PhiUdelphto. P». J. B. DeFriast, 0 . B. A-, 287 Broadway. New Yorfe N. Y.

Madam, you con settle Use ^mllk question a t once and for­ever by urin* Van Camp', one day. And the question is Immensely Important.

Tomofrow at breakfast terve lUk In liour coffee. Serve it on milk dishes with It, freeze it for

Van Camp's I cereali, moke'® ice cream. -------

Provo for yourself if tMi is — aa we aay —the finest milk produced in America. The equal of any in Switzerland.

And learn how good it «eras to use a milk entirely free from germi.

Y o u ’ll F in d O u r ih igYou will find that Von Camp’a givei to milk

disbea a rlchneaa and- flavor which milkman's milk never gives. AnU it isn’t an added richness. Van Camp’s is timpiy the whole, rich milk, as it cornea from the cow. Not an atom of anything added. Nothing but water taken out.

The difference It this: Milkman’i milk teparatea. The butter fat liset and the solids f^l. When that milk come* to the cooking it is rarely more than

a half milk.

tcaoir [ce Creior ~Bllzaad itaiid tiMe tor^nm

hour nipo oniM«« •tupF. tb« irratfd.riod of threo letnoat and tho Juictt of two lambaB «od ooo orange Botl and cool throe-foaftht of a tiittt of '■rater and add two cans of Vso Camp's -HHk (loaoU ■iie). Pour into the freeser eddY^ea searlv cooled add tDe Bufar aod nmon Juice. Tuva rapidly and Snlih treetlng.

Write for our book ofiSl redpee, Includimr ell aorta of cream*V«A Camp PimkUif

iMlIaiidpoUeg IxuL

-V a n CaffqiVt* T h r ■ whole milk. I t hat all the butter fat, alt the aoUda, which belong to the richest milk. You

will be turpriaed when you first find out the richness that whole milk gives.

H o w W e P rodu ce ItOur dairies in seven sHtea are located in Ameri­

ca’s best dairying sections. They are supplied with high-bred Holstein cows.- Close to eoeb-dairy weJiavAbuUt.anjcyapqr.aJjPK,, plant, oud we cmuluct it wjth-hoapitaL4ewUh<lS3.

The milk fresh from the cows is put into a copper vacuum. On account of. the vacuum, a Moderate heat evaporates the water without scorching the milk. Two-thirds of the water is thus takenTout—simply to reduce the bulk.

When you put back that water the milk is the same aa it came from the cow, save for steriliza­tion.

F ree F rom G erm sThe vital fact is that this milk is zteriiifed after

being sealed. It is absolutely free from germs.Milkman’s milk, as you know, is always germ­

laden. There are milliooa of germs in each spoon, ful. Careful people, in these days, demand sterilized milk for their tables. VaJi Camp's Is utteriy sterile. ..

~ L ^ e U sing r e a m ^Van . Camp's Milk comes to you os thick as

tliick cream. So thick that you odd One part

water for coffee, cereals or Ice aeam. I t (■ t l per cent solids, S per cent b u ttn fat.

When reduced to the usual milk's richneaa tbs cost will figure about ala centa per quart. Tha saving is due to the fact that we save the cost of the milkman's daily delivery. That costa more then the milk.

And Van Camp's save* waste. You open a vwi'whrii "yavi 'waiit i f and it keeps "titt’you use' itup . In the average home the use of Van Camp's cuts milk bills right in two. And you can buy at one time, if you want to, all your milk and cream for a month.

T h e $ 100,000 MUkIn perfecting this milk we b ro u ^ t to our dairies

the ablest Swiss and Dutch experts. In ■even years we have spent $100,000 in Iramlng bow to bring this milk to you in its perfect condition. Now there isn't a mUk in all the world any better than Van Camp’s.

.4 f |

The 16-oz. can costs 10 cents—a full off Van Camp's. The 6^i*. can costs 5 cents. Your grocer ha* it, shipped from our n e a r^ dairy. Tell Ij!.,.— rippwamne, and try’ it oul tAnorrow.You will then know for cdl the days to come which milli is best.

Van C ana’s MilkEvaporated—Sterilized—Unsweetened


p i r Q -n N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y . J U L Y 26. 1911.

( t i e n in g ^ t m .rnMMM dttlr, aM |it Simter. br (h*


RWM'ARK, If. J .ftittrad f t till N.wurk. N. J.. PiMtoCSH

MCond'ClftM nmtur.

I*l»phon« ISW “M frlict"—p rtT itf Branch Exchtng* connecting all departm anti.

HAIL ByBSCRIPTIONB- Tha N etn rk Evening Newe. on* month,

(Iffy cent*; ilx month*, two doll*™ and (Ifty cent*: one year, five dollar*

Poitoge to foreign oountiie* added.

N'ew Tork Omca. SIB Bnin*w1ck Build­ing. 225 FIflh avenue. Tel. t238 Madl*on.

Chicago Offlce, 130S Tribune Building, Wxihlngton Bureau, Kk Colorado Bulld-

ftif.Orange Branch Offlce, IM Main *t., op-

poelte Cleveland at. Tela Orange HOOO, Uarket 1K4, Private Branch Exchange connecting all departmenta.

Morriitown Branch -Offlce, 77 Park place. Telephone U1

HontcUlr Branch Offloa, »1 Olenrldge avenue. Tel. 713,

UlUbttrn - Bpringtletd Ifranch Offlca Campbell'e Drug Store, Bank Building, Hlllbum avenua. Tel PO Mllthurn.

Bnnmlt Branch Offli’*, 20 Maple i tre e t Tel, fI»-W.

Dover Branoh Offlca Room 1. National Union Bank. W eit Blackwell etreet. Tri. n - L Dover.TRJWTON BUHBAU-

tJ W t f l Slate *L, T ren toa If. 3. Tal.K t Tlwnton. ___WBW JERSBT BBASHOM O m C lS -

m Uain etreet. norlheatt oorner B angi avenue (George W, Plttenger'e Real Ee- ta te offlce). oppoatte railroad atatlon. Telephone 771 Aibury Park.ATLANTIC C ITY -

The Dorland Advertlilng Agency. W al. lar B. Edge,

thoee partnenhlpe where a campaign ■ railroad* to oov*r *hlpment* of freight to fund or a proml** of *upport I* balanced j the Paclflo Coaet extended from the againxt a ftanchlee or a tarlfl eohedule. ftocky Mountain* to the Atlantlo. a dl*-

The*e now»paper»-no need to mention | ‘unco of over 2,000 mitea. ThI* ra le from nam e»-aro all for rlghteomnea* and i H‘*» wide territory wae a *orl of poetage good, honeet government In the abetraol. stam p arrangem ent, but hate It fn lie practical application. j That 1* to *ay, the ra te charged from

When nothing partloular 1* going on ! ®ll point* In the great "hlanket" gone e*-thay prate mightily of civic honeety and popular rule—but whan there I* a chance to eleot a man working for euob thing*, Ju it watch them.

Then begins the quibbling and the cold water, the If* and hut*, the constitutional preoedent* and the person*] peoullarttle*. The mole-hllle become mountains Which aide a re these gentlemen really on, any- how t

"By Uielr work* ye (hall know them ." But tt la a Itret-claa* tribute to Governor Wilson's eminence *o an effective tighter for honest and understandable govem- ment that ha has a lnaoy received un­favorable editorials In the New York Sun and the New York Times, to gay nothing of the email fry.

LOClIi BRANCH OgfTCia. Ballerill* avanua, tOA Hamburg glae*. 14 Bniea street. Mg. Kyrile avenue, N.Ilm ctraet. IMlf. Smth Blith itreat, HA Xllailwth avetuH. 4 Wallace piece 37.

( Hsvg the NRWARK RVININQ N IW « fflglled to you while twey. The eddrete

~ in iy he chgaged e t often l i deeleed.: Vour dealer will tik e your order, or you I m iy leave It a t th* Buslnset Office or at „U)]C. .af the NBWB Branch Otflcee.~ Ona . month, fifty Mnte, Six montha, two dol­

lars and fifty eenti. One year, five del. larw Poataga to foreign oountrls* added. Any oomplslnta should ha made immadi-

, ataly to the NKWARK BVENINQ NKWB.


conTRiiormi woiuk p mAUAfiKA The datermliiatlon of tho Groham com-

mlttea to sw «lt tho report o f the Prasl- J dent to reply to the Polsdeetter resolu* ^ lion, and then to paeaa tholr InvestIgatlon

till It OQvars tba whole proUam of oavav , eptng A tuka, Mama an axcallaot one

Those who haws followed the fto ry of Alaska know that tba deatra to “ devatop” tta nsouroaa has bad e alnlater aide, aa

, well aa a frank and proper elds. The - whole Alaska problem le how to get th*

ta llc it ua* out of Its g rea t natu ral ro- tourcat with the least possible delay, and

1 nt the lam e time to proteot th e Intoreeta of the puhllo, who now own Alaaha,

,T against mliuaa, lawlessneaa and onra- . atralnad monopoly.

W hat la needad la a broad ooniAruetlr* p lan 'fo r th* ua* of the puhllo resources

^ In .Alaska, This need la so great and praaalng that It cannot safely he left un.

H . 4 aattelled. The public interests demand


. prompt ftCtlOQ h j OoDvreoi, lueh action ■ wfU publlo IntefMto while en-. ootir&glnff the larfo cperatloni and

proflti without which th e n oan be no m U y Important development a t ell,

Confreae te under oonatant preaiure , from those who prefer b«d l&we th a t they

CM break, to p4ss bad lews or to prevent the pMsege of good lews. There l» no •dually mnnlfest pressure from the public tn hehntf of the publlo Intereats, largely hsoguse the facte are not fully known to the publlo and becaus^^ proper measures have not been »o convincingly advanced M to get the determined backing of puhllo OpMon.

If the Graham oommittee will flret get the full faots and lay thqm before the people, then make reasonable recommen­dations for legislation and admlnlstrallotv, It win perform a signal publlo se rrlca Hitherto Congress has simply refused to pass good laws for Alaska. I f the Graham eoifitnltteg, under Mr. Brandela'e guld- •pce, oa trlst out lU well-laid plan of campaign. Oongrwts wm hesitate to fur. ther dsiay the oMistruotion of a proper and deflnUe poltoy.

Part of the reasons for Oongrese^B de­lay are perfectly evident Th* ^'interests' fMl th a t If they can keep Oongress from doing any real oonstructive work long enough, they wtU have their own way because of sheer popular Impatience.


Pasealo Is the seconrl New Jersey city and the fotirth munlclpaJlty to choose a demoorstlo "works-ln-the^dayUght.' biisl> DSBS-tlks oity government, In pta^'o of the old boes-fnnalputsted, complIcaiM and in- efnctsnt type on which most of our cities are yet orgsnlxed. The score may be called four for to four agatnst, MMgate City, with a total of elgtity-fonr voters, having alee chosen to com* under the new law.

II le an InieresUng point that the el*o- tfon tested one part of the Geran law. No hatlot* were allowed outside the poll­ing ptmos, hut sample ballots, themselves unvotahj*, were distributed, so th a t the people oftuld see what they looked like and how they should b« handled.

This did Its part to Insure an absolutely honest expression of the people's will. There was nobody standing outside the polling place to meet certain voters, and say "Hero's your ballot, now vote U," and hand them a carefully prepared ticket.

The adoption of the Walsh a r t (thould m^an democratio rule In Paasalo—notg perhaps^ th a t Ideal o l djamocracy. which oiesne lhat every man shall live in Idle­ness! on R pTibllc Job, but th a t Ideal which says that tho citlsens Mhall understand thHr government, be oapable of making It meet their wishes, and demand effleletit.

hole-hearted service of their Interests. liJvery voter ts In position to make his

Innuence fell directly In the seleotton and election of candidates for oemmis-slonere. Men can aspire to ofllcewithout asking the pemntaslon of the bosses. Candidates fim maks pledges without first oonsultlng their party managers. A oonstltueot can go to the municipal official with his complaints of poor service and have them taken no­tice of, because the official will he unable to' shift responfilbllity to the shoulders of

omebody else, In the govemmstit or out­side of It- Everybody wilt not agree on the kind of government wanted, bu t the majority can make ttaelf felt.

Aa hns been eald before, the adoption of aommlislon rule does not necessarily mean th a t the city will hereafter be al­ways strictly moral, or run on the basis of a Sunday-school.

All commission geyemmont Is, Is the beet known autonatlo goTernltig devloe for finding out precisely what the eltlH want, and assuring them th a t they will get It.

tahllshfd by the railroads waa practically uniform. Tlie rate resembled the putting of a prietage stamp on a letter, which would bo Carried from any point tn the rime to Pacific coast points w ithout le- gard to the distance covered or the cost of tho service.

The rates to Reno w ers based on these blanket rotes nith the addition of the back-lmu] rate. The decision of the In ­terstate Oommerce ComrolMlon to divide this grrat zone Into other innre. It will be Seen, will ihrrofors make ofwv^ssary a complete rearrangement of railroad ra te ­m aking for Reno snd a ll soeb o th er la- term edlete points.===:ii=r=:==:=i2;. U nder th is de- Sfsrfcei Oeatrol. clslon th e ra il-

road m anagers will

W hen SurgSoes W ork UnJer Difficultiss

AT CONRY.Let others choose th e giddy whirl

And clamor of the carrousel;Let others view the spotted fpri

Or vie to clang the target bell. The loup-thr-loop, the bamboo slide

tt 'lth dull, uncaring eyee [ see; The mlrtgetj and the camel ride

They offer no appeal to me.

Wliile others la^’s and tnhe no harm.Not even water In the head,

For me the bathing linlds! no cliarn)— I'm very oulokiy Kurfclted.

While other?i crave ihe Ferris wheel. The crazy conster'e freak Incline,

The that doth the Idood cciriK' al.T ask for none of there In mine.

In a city where passengers go down­sta irs to get an elevated train, and up­sta irs to a aubway station. It m ight be expected that things would be pretty

, much topsy-turvy, says the New York Humor and pathos were mingled in the Vi'ess, but tills unusual situation la seldom

college day exerciser last week a t Ocean * rnore marked than It is In some of tlie


not be In position to control the m arkets, as they hare dons In the past. A whole- SfUe house in ono city cannot be deterred by the railroads from competing with ar>- other wholesale house in another city. The location of (he m arkets hereafter will be left more to the play of commercial causes than to the will of the (raffle man- egere of Fallways. Just ti9 an illustra- tion, take conditions th a t formerly p re­vailed In Omaha and Council Bluffs. The m ttroadi made differential ratios to those towns so that no Council Bluffs Jobber oould sell la territory west of the Mis­souri River, and no Omaha Jobber oould •ell east of the Missouri. The railroad managers absolutely flxod the m arket ter- rttory of ih ^ e two towns Biich condl- tlons will not be poeslble under th is de> clslon of the Interstate Cotumdree Com­mission.




fi-- -



A a o c o o n m o f r ,Governor Wilson oon now feel assured

that he has acquired the degree of "Berl- •us Menace to Inleresta th a t W ant Their Own Way." At the sam e moment he •an feel that he has achieved national m putatlon as a sturdy champion of

if: dkntocracy in effective aotlon.V ust the Instant any man who hen dime

good work In the direction of clean pol- Itlos and real goveramenl by the people puts Id on apt>earanae^ you can count With absolute surety th a t cortaln journals are going to go after hla scalp with all tho energy at their oommond.

He Is promptly dubbed a perverter of the Constitution, on exoeedor of his legal authority, a faker, a demagogue, and In fact anything else uhpleaeant th a t hap­pens tp occur to the brilliant minds of this gifted fraternity. I

The tru th of the m atter Is that be Is a , gulsoDoe to theee gwzAlemen. H e U ter« ■Plbly in the way of the Itttle prtvate •chentes that they prefer to work out In

>’ - f i - t hf ra wo iai^QTuny ■ ■ "fciotmrtatent wuh our Instltiitlons in en­

forceable laws exacting heary penalties for election fraudi* In election laws hon- •stly designed to have the people choose their own candidates, in Laws making arbitral bodies to deo )^ questions of fact in fatmess between the people and (h« utility oompenteo, In laws allowing the dtlzens of any etty to ohoooe the slm- plcFt, most imderstazkdable form of city government yet know nr

Or is It a crime to Insist th a t a party shall keep faith w tth a law it has sup- ported. If (he only way to keep faith makes that party ttira down a reoognlied niachtne-lnteren bossT

The truth of the m atter Is th a t the In­terests to which these grotlem eo of the press referred to are bound by ties of sympathy, or sometlung else, have a more holy horror of on uhderatandable *'worlu-ia4he'diQdlgbt^ sort of. a

..m eat than anything else* ^- ’•^Tbrmjgb <^eBg“ptaotlse they hay* come

to regard the goTemxnent o s a ooxt of an agent that has to pretend to keep In with the people but whose real duty la to act as a necessary adjunct in furthering thalr achenoes,

Kalurally, therefore, they dread any thing iP d any mah who attenaptg to moke

: th a t gpeomipont a thing reaponifMe to tho people, fully understandable by them, and working so openly and oo ptottily

' th a t any oltiasn oan see and appredat* •That Is going on, and make his now* In

NBW r a i l f n iP L B l i t HATR M A lC lIiaThe decision of Uie In lerstate Com<

mere* Oommlssloti In the W estern freight ra te case* is described by Commlsstonej' Lens os "extremely eMmservatlve." T«t this declefon, oorerlng the first appllcor tlon of the new law, is radical In Its e f ­fect.

The conflrmatton of the oommlselon's findings of ntore than a year ago to the effect th a t certain rates ooreiing the Middle and Far W estern territc ry ought to be reduced has been based bn an actual comparison of the earnings of the ra il­roads under the existing rates and the earnings that would have accrued under the proposed reductions.

These figures, furnished by the rail rondH themselves, have proved to the sattsfactloh of the commlstlon th a t the rates oomplnlned of were too high and were discriminatory. They were not or­dered out, however, until the whole #ub- Jeot bad been thoroughly studied by ex perts. Thie study began on June T, JIIIX and has contlmisd up to (ho present time. The oonscr^atlRm of the finding la fur­ther simwn by the fact that the commis­sion has given the railroads until October IB to readjust their rales lo the ruling so that there may he no undue dlstiirhanca of commercial conditions.

P erhaps ( h a Long and p rln d p ie Involved•h o r t HauL In thU w ide-sw eep­

ing decision oan

IJjion the Boa eand let me lull.M3* wife and children cIosh besiile,

Unrl(>r a yellow parasol,Watching tho ocean blue and wide.

Then let a band play ficottlah airrt Above the breakers' argum ent,

Ati-l I'll forget my fomle^t cares And spend my holiday content.

T A IIN Q IT U R K IJ P R O P E B T Y , Another source of public revenue nriKy

be made available hy the decision of the State Board of Equalization of Taxes on the appeal of the Levering A Oar- rigues Co. ..from the tax levied on the conipiiTiy B personal property In Mld- diasAx ('minty. This company brings structural ■(edi Into r?ew Jersey from Western mJlla, prepares It fth* erectlc^ In buildings In New York and o ther Eswt- em Rtaicii. and then ships It To tts desti­nation. On the twentieth day of last May. when property was assessed for taxes, sutne worth of this stPcl was at the oot7]pftn>''i plant In Middlesex County. When a tax was levied upon It the company appealed lo the S tate hoard on the ground that the steel waa "In transit" from one State to ano ther and was, therefore. Interstate commerce, witb Which the State oould not Interfere. Bills of lading were shown in an effort to prov* that the property was practically being tranaported '' oil the time. The fact was developed, however, th a t the steel re­mained in New Jersey for a month before being transshipped.

The State board found th a t th* prop­erty was irubject lo taxation under these condition*. No other result could b a rs been reasonably expected In th e face of the court decisions touching the ta x on ooal stored In thU State. For many year* great quantities of an thracite w ere plied up by the railroads a t several polivta throughout New Jersey. The cool waa a l­lowed to it*y there for month# and eotiae- tlmee for years. No tax was levied on It because of the oiaim of the railroads and the ooal companies th a t the ooal Was 'In tro o itt." In orhet words, they held th a t the ooal we* elmply temporarily stored o&tfl tt oould be handled at tbe eeabooi^ o r un til It# distribution was demanded by (be s ta te of the market. This fiction th a tthe ooal thus standing w«s reoUy In motion from one point to ano ther outside of tho Rtate was only recently upset by the court#.

The same rule has now been oppHed to o teeltbatli only theoretloaUy *Tn tran sit.'' All othergoodasliQlIarly stored tn th is State OS a matter of convenlenoe to th e rail­roads or to the m anufacturere a re simi­larly liable to ta ia tlcn . The aggregate of such taxes may be no small item, for New Jersey offer* inducements for this class of pro*perty that ore not available In any other Btate. The business of bring­ing m aterial'here and preparing ti for m arket Is oofistontly Increasing. There might be an Injustloe to taxing such property In this State tf tt were taxed elsewhere, but no proof has yet been offered to show that such double taxation exist#.

DEfiPICAlILK TRICK*tl was a tow and contempllble trick

that a msgaslne binder played In New Tork last 'week when he put "Outlook" oflven on the "M etropolitan" magazine. Doien* of ua earnest people. deeSrlng to read "Alaska—ll Must Be DevelopfMl," by Theodore RrtoseveH* or “W hy Do Not the rhurchee Go to the P e o p le r’ by Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, have opened our choHen periodical to pictures of oclresBes with Iholr feet In the olr. and other nonsense. IM it be huptrl th a t th e busIneflB df>part- ment of the "O utlook" will ferret out the poTpetraWr of (his despiseble pleee^ -of Impudence and give him a severe rebuke.

Grove, according to "Billy" Bedell. *The roll of collegee was being called,

when un elderly man from school In Pennsylvania rose and proceeded to relate the history of Ms alma mater, with fool notes, from A. 1). scventeen-sIxty- blank to date. Aft,er half an hour the crowd began to sing, "Nobody Knows How Dry 1 Am!" and "How Can I Bear lo Ivfave T hce^’ and "We Won’t iHj Home Till Evening." but he went pwcelly on with his oration to th e ' blt- trr end. T hat was a bit of tbe humor.

For the pathos. It was discovered that tbere WflS a Rhodes scholar In the audi­ence. a boy from a New York university, who would soon go 10 Oxford, ll was detmu-d fitting that he .should Aland up t» be looked at, and he stood up, blush­ing properly. Then some one suggested that the woman whose love and prayer and nelf'Saorlfice had made him a Rhode* Ai-hulur should sl#o rise, and a little gray- liatrud woman appeared Ijcslde her son. As (nr mcfliilng of the moment came to i.7-r she burst Into tears, and bupytng her face In her hands, she solibed as It her heart would break

Iri every corner of ih r auditorium penpie were crying for the next hour," BJiya "Billy” Bedell

circumstances tn which our ambulance surgeons do their W'ork of temporarily patching up Injured cItlxenN.

Two extraordinary situations have lately arisen to face the young eurgeons tha t not only illustrate the extrem es of Ihla town, as to Its heights and depths, but also the teflW to which our doctors a re put In ihe course of their service.

In the first rube a laborer was Injured. Beventy-rtx'e fepi in the air. In (he course of the work of i caring down the tower of Bt. Thomas's Chun*h. and the ambulance surgeon had to climb to that dizzying helglu on a shaky ladder, make what hasty patchwork he could of the m an's Injuriee and then see that the patient was strapped on an Improvised Utter, lowered down to the Interior of the church, where, on the backs of pews turned Into an operating table, he finished

his task of putting the Injured man In shape to get him to the hospital.

The second Instance was th a t of a cap- lain, Injured deep down in the hold If his ship, to which depth no longehoremtm could be Induced to go, owing to terro r of the darkness, foulness, and the presence of the sorely stricken ma'n. The aurgeoti caused himself to be srung down Into the hold In the bight of a rope, bound up tbe wounds, strapped hie patient on a stretcher th a t was lowered Into the hold a t his direction, and, after the wounded man had been hoisted up to the deck, the young surgeon followed, himself a l­most overcome by the fumea of the hold.

Performing operations in wildly sw ay­ing am hultnces when the stern need calls, crawling finder uplifted cars to am putate limbn, suffering'the extremes of heat and cold, ifle weariness of long hours of duty and nerve-raoking assaults on their re- sourcsfulneas, these nonchalant young doctors, on the tailboards of their am ­bulances, seldom get any such rewards as come to firemen and policemen, but they can b« the stuff heroes are made of when need be.

A BritisKer’s im pressioh o f Pullmah Car Travel


Bo live th a t when you enme lu sight of the big do rk Fibnvp the Pnarly Oates you will not need to br^ak Into a run,

LOVELY A<H»BY,F slrfs t of the many charms of Aabury

Park Is the sign that df-darea. "Ten dot- lara fine for operating rut-oiiis on motor vehldcfl In the d ty ." Mayor .\pplehy 1* determined to make h\H town the most popular i^timnier resort between llallfiix and Key-- Wpst.

Tet I confess, wrltea an Englishmen In H arper's Weekly, even bankruptcy seem* wolcoms as en escape from the hor­rors of a Pullman, where you travel by day with two or three score of people, at least one of whom is certain to be a squalling Infant and another a ubiquitous yoimgater with lungs and lejm In an equal sta le of activity; where you have lo rouse yourself every few minutes to re­sist the carboy's pestiferous attentions; and where the buzz of an Incessant move­ment and conversation makes reading and dozing alike Impojislble. But even that pales before tbe trial# th a t aw ait one at bedtime.

A Pullman car at night Is the most un- dvlllzed thing un the American conti­nent. and oTu* of the moHl Indecent. I t quite faclnat^s my bluahes. 1 sit en- ihrulled as the darky porter strews my teat with other people's belongings, holds a pfilow-casE in his teelli and squeezes the pillow into U. and hurls sheets and

m attresses about, and pulls a t chains and slldlng-doors and levers and curtains. And wbat can be more enchanting than to hear husband and wife discussing how they shall dispose of themselves for the nlgbt, whether they shall share the towef berth or whether be shall he banished to the nest above?

And Whet pleasanter than to be mads conscious by the writhing* and heavings and vigorous protuberances of the cur­tains (hat ju st across the aisle some good Iftdy 1b engaged In the fearsome Htruggle to undress. To walk the length of a Pullman car a t about 10;ii0 P. M., when most of the berths are made up, and when the curtained contortions o| those who are In the agony of "retiring '' are a t their worst, and when you buM Into strange projectlon.s of humanity, and stumble over shoes and dresHlng-casen. and try not to stop and w'atch soins one scaling the heights of an upper berth, Is on the whole the most delirious ex­perience I have ever ancountere^l.


Bee the Peace advocates. How active they seem. How nerrm isly they sing their hymns and wave their palm leaves. VThf are they in such feverish hji.'tte to put the taboo on war?

1 will tell you, dear Theophllua. Next spring tbe patriotic citizens of this coun­try will awake to the fact that it has been a hundred years since Amerlra whipped England.

MBLANCHOTaT PORTENTII.With the trum pet vines full of bloom,

the hlftok-eyed Susans nodding hy the road, the thistles and th e mallows purpling the landscape, th e apples showing md In the orchards or lying like a yellow pave­ment on the ground, the pear trees bend­ing their long burdened arm# to earth and the potato vines tu rn in g brown, It looks to the gloomy observer os If w inter might be expected (n the course of a very few month#.

In other word*, the Attorney-General'* Depoitmeni w ants Dr. Rueby to pharmo- Dognootlaat* for th e governm ent six days a week, fifty-two weeks In a year, for tao a week. We should not be surprised if Dr. RuSby could make more (ha.n that a t free lanoe w o rt

n o r w b a t h e h j o k e %o . i *Soldier boys usually cuuii'laln of the

food they get, but the Ki*w JtrKey mlllila- men adm it tha t there are no files on The grub a t 8ea Girt, thanks to Major Ford's Bcreene.i kitchens *

• fllwr m arks point where laugh should come.

People have been astonished at ye scribe's paasluo for Reciprocity. They do not know how many years he has been trying to pass a Canadian dime.

Lumber Is high, bat remember how rauoh the lumber people have to pay for United States Senatorsblps.

A pitm an sneak steole stockings, thief.


P V T H E C O irL D IT T 9 C B A J O K E ."In all n y practlcsi" declared the

aurtat. "1 have never before seen the middle ear so plainly."

"Then I had better b* careful about my th in k in g /’ said tbe humorous lady patient.

"Oh. no. there 's no neoeeelty for tha t," replied the serious man of edenoe, pity­ingly. "I can’t sec your brain, you know, and even If T could see It 1 ooutdfl't read your thoughts. No, Indeed." L*. H* R>

Nanclitslrer Municipal Gas Supply

he best understood by reference to therondUlons In the Reno cose, condition# nearly identical with all of the other cafl«H Involved The Southern Pactfto Railroad mods the same rate os other transcontinental line# to f*Edflo Coast points. The rut* to Reno, however, was fixed Rs ihp Hflnie as to Ban Ftmndisco plus the rate bock from flan FVanoisco to Reno Thai Is, the theory of th e rata wsa that goods shipped from the E ast to Reno Were token to EUn Franolsoo and then hauled back to Reno. The railroad Justified this srrongemMU on tb s ground tliat l( bud to meet water competition at Ban Francisco, which neoessartly enforced a tower rale than to points where there was no competing by steamship*.

Tbe oonunlsBioa boa decided th a t It is fair for the railroad to meet the com-

Th* seventeen-year loourt# have cotne end gone. There woe more fuss mode over their coming than was w arranted by thetr Actual appearance. In iom e 'pisnniT they were numerous and D04#y, In other# not far away they wkr* so ra re oe to be a ouHosIty. Tbeir vlsltatlaaL th is year beers only a mild oompaiiaoti with th a t of the Icouit year# which ore re<alledl oy trustworthy old citizen*. The damage done by the insect* Ii now plainly seen. The twigs that were punctured by the female locust, in the process of depositing her eggs, are now dead and the leaves on them are dry and yellow^. Rome tree# have bean so badly bored th a t they look as If their extreme outer bronohe# hod been scorched by fire, while other* were left entirely untouehed. The cheetniito. oL ready attacked by the tnourable fungus, were tbe favorite egg deposttorlee of the visitor*. In some place# young orohard* have been severely puiu^ured, in othera not one tree In a do#eo ho# been touched and (hose that were bored lost only one or two twiga each. The probaUe ultim ate effect will not be eerloue, for the twigx thus killed were os so m any young branches pruned sway, and the tree willpetttlre water ta ts, hul U Is unfair to fix

an orbilrary rats for tho shorter haul r n j sironger root* and less wood thisthe same Hne of'ronii- The rate m ust be j Aeasoii. On the whole the cicada septem- f li6d_rft^cr b ^ s T o ^ gjf' tViXl 'tV>ved“ VtUhef~a*" rbrmldabl* aa Itsservice or.d reasonable profit. The ra te nnrpe nor aa deetrucltve as fta reputation, for the short hau l may, however,

The otmuol working report of the Man­chester mtmlQlpal go# departm ent ha* Just been lesoed, and record* the faot that although the prloe charged for gas used In the city wo# tbe lowest ever Im­posed, the net result baa been the highest profit on reoord.

The qaantity of gas transm itted from the work* showed an Increase ot fiS,l&B,000 cubic feet, or per cent., as compared with a decrease of 79,097,000 cubic feet, or 1.29 per cent., In th e previous year. The number of gas cemsumer* on March 8U IBU, within the city, was 170.®3. or 1631 more than in the preceding year, while the number of consum ers outside the city was 10,463, against 10.431 In 1910, the total Increaee for the year being 2,866.

The number of outom attc meters In use a t the end of the financial year was 63,- 688. A* oonipared with 4X0W In the prevlou* year, of which Increase 3.4T3 have been placed in the oity and 144 In the out- township*. 'The quantity of gas passed by the** meters woe 6*0,062,000 cubic feet, an Inareoee of 60,805,000 cubic feet over the prevloue year These autom atic meters were Inspected onoe In every five week*, and the amount collected from them dur­ing the year was $898,069. This amount le represented by 19.$30a984 pennies (penny, two cents) weighing over 176 long ton*.

The number of ga* cookers owned and fixed by She gas departm ent of the oity was 68,790 on March 81, 1911* os compared with 46,948 for the y ear ended March 81, 19^ It I* e#tlTnated th a t (he quantity qf gM consumed by these go* cooker* In 19X0 wo* 695.000,000 cubic feet, an Increase of 59,000,(100 feet over the previous year's figuruB. The gas departm ent hoe also fixed 80,831 giillera In connection with the automatic and email ordinary meter*. About forty-Hlx per oent. of the conBumer*

now have the free use of a oooker of grdler.

On March 81, tost, tbe number of go# enginCB In uee WEi# a# comparedwith l.fllJ in the prevloue year. The quantity of gae ooneumed hy these en glnes was 880*994,000 cubic feet, an In crease of 3,863,000 cubic feet.

In accordance with a resolution recently pABRed by the Manchester City Counoll* the price charged for gae used within the city for m anufacturing purpoees ' only will be reduced from fifty-five cents to forty-nine cent# per 1,000 cubic feet after June 26, 1911, provided the annual con­sumption Is not leea than 600,000 cubic feM. The quantity oC gae eupplled tc automatic meters for one penny (two

will be Increased after Beptomber .30 from th irty to thirty-three oubtc feet within the cKy and from twenty-five to twenty-eight ruble feet cutalde the city.

The gross profit on the year’* working was $£>25,223, of which *um 1225 008 wa* paid for Intnrert on loexi*, leaving a net profit of 1700.216. Of the la tter ooiotmt the gas departm ent paid over to the d ly fund for the relief of tbe oity rates the sum of $226,293.

The total length of main* now laid la nearly 94A.6 nfilM, an inoreaBe of almost eleven mite* d u ^ g the year. The num­ber of public lamps wKhin the city t# 20,367, while outfllde there are 1,3S2. The Incandescent syetem of lighting baa been applied to all the lamps within the oity* and the number of btirnera fixed thereto ia 2C.W3.

High-pressure lighting ha# been In- FtElipd In one of the BectlouB of the Mty during the post year., and twenty-two lamp*, each of 1,600 candle-power, have bf4#n fixed. This eyetem of lighting I* likely to be extended in (he near futur# In the shopping quortera of the city.

Prevalence c f ElcpKant Slsaling Ih SiamIt would *eem th a t an elephant would

be about the lost thing In the w'orld a man would be able to flteol- Vet, a writer In H arper’s Weekly state* that In Biam on* m ust keep a careful eye on Buch elephant* aa ha may own, no m atter what their itie , lest they be stolen from him.

Elephant aseollng In Biom ho* always been more or less prevalent, and for some time poet ha# been a source of much anxiety to the official b. Regulation* were drawn up^^ibout twelve yfax* ago by the


|b e mottef known and felt,Buobys govefnmant 1* fa ta l to tbe doa1%

“ ............ I quid-pro-quo arrangtaBOBt^P -t.‘ DUVQye # u v eriiiu w ii

nUVUttl* quid-p

m ore th an the ra te for the Long haul by reaaon of prevailing condition*.

For example, the rate from New York to San Fruicisco hy rail may be made to meet water omupetlUoni for It would be tmpoBBlble for the rallmeds to ship goods to the l^aclfio aoaat If their rate* were fixed at a figure that did not lake Into ooneldcratlon tbe competition of llie stGomBhlpR. At the Bame time that com­petitive rale might bo lower-^ln fact, li low er^than would cover the oobi of de­livery of freight at Interincdlate points, evpn on tbe aame line of road. The Southern Pacific, therefore, 1* perm itted to charge a lower rate to Ban Franclitco t ta -leiiOfc though freight for Ban Pranclaco passes through Reno. The gboQ hauL as a result, will eost more

jp e l Iqng bauU but the commission hSB tfhdeavored to fix tbe short haul rate HO th a t It will be not only reasonable, but also not discriminatory. s = — —“ 32= ^ So ibfl com m ts- R jiie goixee. slon has fixed re tee

to apply In th e CBBee Just decided. In doing eo, certain ^'rate sonea" have been marked out, cov­ering territory from the Atlantic to the Psolfic. A ra ta bos been established from ''Chicago and Cblcofo territory," to point* Intermediate on Hdm to the Pacific Coast. A notherrate ho* been fixed from "Buffalo- Plttobarg toriK ory'’ tor the lam e closa of ssTTloe, whila stttl another ha# been fixed from "Mew Torit and trunk line territo ry ." The eodstinf "rat# oonY* fixsa faf the

Borne of these day* N at Ooodwln may marry the iTlnreeB (^hltnay, and then a flock of ex-wlvea and ex-hoebande will Htand thoughtfully by and see whether there Isn't such a thing as justice In the world. ^

At the same time those New York mo- (orlBlfl oan gpi Jersey touring perm its 'the very minute ihey are willing to recipro­cate. In ihp meanwhile, reciprocal full annual UcensHS will rule.

Little Margate City, with it* to ta l of eighty-four voters, may not make a big Bcorer foA cummlsalon government, bu t tt has made a reputation for iDtelltgenoe.

■on# In posaesBion of olsphante who are not providecl with sale paper* properly executed before the local authorttle*.

Notwlthetandlng oJ] these precautions* elephant Bteallng oontlnue# In Slam, and In one year aJon* fifty elophant* were stolen from Brlllah foreetera, represent­ing a lo** of Bome 146.000.

The Karen trlbeenien are the chief of­fenders; but, though their somewhat tn-* accessible village* ore well known to the n Barest kwen, or district official* tn no eingle Instance h as the assistance ron dered by th« Blamese officials led to the

Making Experim ehts in SpongS CullivahonSponges are becoming sonroer end

sr-afi'er, the higher qualities feu-hlng ex­traordinary prices, as compared with tnos* of a few years ago. A wrlt**r In H ar­per's Weekly Buys that this condlWuii bus Ird lo the RUggestlon that some artifida j subailtule for the sponge he devised, or th a t sponge cultivation lake on a new and better phase.

Experlmenls in the Mediterrarjean show thst the cultivation of sponges may be undertaken with excellent pronpeots of success off the French coajit, and th a t such cultivation need not, as It was first fenrHl, ho confined to Ihe Tunisian shores.

Hpnrigva from the opposite shores of the Medlterranekn have already been carried to France and planted on Its coojits. It lx

expected th a t the sponge Indu.stry wbl l*« greatly alrengthenetl by theue methuUs.

Fragm ents-of sponge-transporled (o a n ­other locality heal about three montli>^' when they again begin to ^row. Trtexu- lar bits soon become spherical Hnd rapldlj Increase In size, adding twenty-five thnet their own value In the course of four oi live years. The growth is, lOf coure** «low—especially diwing the first year- mainly because nf the necessity for heal­ing the wound caused by the tearing ufl of the fragment from the main body fol transplanting.

The character of the spongy tlsnue Is altered by cultivation, the dark tin t be­coming much clearer. I t ha* not as yel been aacerlatned whether there In auffi- den t change In thla respect to a lter thi commercial value of the product.

UUTER-nUNANAIt is the delightful huttun-Iike control in the

LA LITER-HUMAN A that has given this instru­ment its remarkable standing in the esteem of critical musical people. With the LAUTER- HUMANA anyone without having knowledge of music is able to play exactly as he or she may wish to play through tho aid of music roll and treadles.

The LAUTER-HUMANA can alsoTw played by hand. It is really TWO PIANOS IN ONE. We can take your present piano in part pay­ment.

Prices range from $650 to $850, according to style. • We arrange easy terms without charginginterest.

CAUTION—The word humanaman-llka control. This name la

mean# bumon—hu-man-llka control. This nanie Is our tradem ark. 'The artistic suprem acy of th* L aUTER-HUMANA ha# brought to n n Itnltatlon* wHh olalm# of "human-llk» #x-preasion," "hum an touch," eto. There t i bu t ooe Hu- m an a^ th e LAUTBR-HTTMANJL

LAUTER CO.Warcrooms: 657-659 Broad St., New ark

" H r T f I s f i '- a i S i " - u u t S s i . -flfkh -a ■ j-d(H«>v«ry at-UK ." l ivlflw to the supprefijian o l thiBf. In short, reppvory. when effecleU,L ster these were supplementefl by ailili- ] hea'been due to tho sciivtty and cnerny llonal resulattons emhodyln* ileltnite . of the Rrltlsh toreetere and the search rules (or th* jmreliaBe and sale ot ele- In* panlea sent out by the British com phanW and Im poaln, penalties on all per- 1 panles who employ the foreslers.

Giganfic E gg of tKe Exhhct A ?pyom is

No w'onder Uncle Ike fitephenion IsQ't asking (or au InvCBtlgallon. H e r" bers that (hal Is where Billy 'Lorllner drupped hie molasse# Jug.

An egg of the gigantic extinct bird aopyornlB. of South Mtt<iapaacar, 1# on exhibition at the Mitaeum of Natural His­tory, New York.

The acpyornls egg has a capacity of two gallons, or 160 times th a t of a hen's egg. aoconllng to The aolentlfie Ameri­can. The shell 1# one-eighth inch thick. I>engthwl9e it is th lr t3*-two Itiohcs In olr- ctimference sind It measures twenty-six Inohos^j^Und the middle. Though termed a fo s n P ^ g . It I# not jp e tr lf l^ ,A u t I* tn p ertocl^b fu iltloa ,/* " . * . ayellow color. Tbe feSmivsir* ‘have turned

which coinB* out when r.i .. a . small natural per­

foration on' one side.The aepyornls. like the moa of New

■4of man. A tow oenturloji ego It was quite abundant. Several Incomplete foe- ell remain* have been discovered, but no oomplete skeleton has ever yet been found. Theee show the bird waa three­toed, of massive proportions and short winged.

The Madagascar natives have to r maiig year* used the great egg shell for verl- oui household purpoaee. In fact, the first knowledge of these egg* becun* known when some Madagascar natlvee come to the Morltlui <*.o buy rum, bringing th* aepyront* eggs with them to hold th* liquor.

Only three or four of these huge eggs have been brought Into clvlliatlon. Th* present on© ts the most perfect a* well

Xpaiand, wb« Oxternnlnttied by the band l a s the largest known.If the two Wickershams will reil:

eome backyard iwid fight It out. we giTarreilM ve gui

antee that the police won’t Interfere,


THE CRY OF A WOMANStamboul Is burnln*, « id I f s th* flrsl

and only dfaning up that atam boul has had sine* the laet hlff fir*, ■

Oh, for the ohsjice to sosir! The dayllfht brinR* Tbe PHme email teaks to crowd my life again.Tbe ye»rs pass by me and my power he* lain Bo long chained It la dying: she who alng*

There are tlmee when It a lm ost seems nsoeesttry to turn the hose on th a t Brlttsh House of Commons.

Muet know a IKe apart (njm little things Or the ever-turning wheel thins her refrain.One cleave* the sky. a milUon dot the plain.And In my heart I know that I have wings.Vain, viUn, but more faint-bearted Is the ory.I choee the life tnyeelf; 1 chose tot stay H ere In the plain with those my hbiulLi'Sdorei;To make them happier, happier till 1 die,To turn the wheel more smoothly every dsY —Maybe, th a t U the wMr a weraoB eoonk

Man I

Suppose You Lost Your Positiou

would you not be grt^eful to some friend who could help you until you w ere again able to supply the w an ts of those dependent upon you? If you can Im agine h o w it would seem to be w ith ou t em ploym ent, surely you can appreciate th e situation of your fam ily if left w ithou t the support of Life In su ra n ce .. Supply . the need while you have the opportunity.

t i i e >



m0 1



Ooiu Butldl < Board

tbe I Wr«e( nulsai r*ceiv miue<

Cha tlon I hurt oaui© ample

OneOMDITaveni th* : their Bundi

Mri place p ity i a#ke^ to tl wise viser[OTTTNlocks on o muqli being had

Th« oplnl< to th plain in i t r

Tilt atsad place rtruo soon be ot

Thi time pletli Dela' chief The the ' Beptt Augi re m o pos*l Bcho

At E7dU( oonti Btret trial bldd< Wori cotit I Avet


'ThBaerafte: Broi road

Lu turn will Iz ( ranf

i>eff on 1 go t Johi ■her

PI ing to b ensi chai the Iden 8.B.O'NsergF.GiftghftKalbyahl[





TJ- tlm

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nan la

a cap- 1 If hla ^renian irror of resenca lurgeon nto the up the on a

le hold oundttd ) deck, self al- le hold«

Bway- d oails. npntaie )at ami □f duty selr re­

young •Ir am- ewardB Bn. hut nade of

Ins and 1 0 . And han to ig hort for Ills e l0we( shed to

e mads eavlngsle cur- i some ‘arsome

iengih P. M..

ide up, Ions n| stliing" lu buM ity, and g-casen, ft soma r berth, ous e»-

Jwill l>i

luds.1 an- monilis.' Inesu - rnpidlji

e timet four oi coursoi year-

or heal- ring ufl lody fol

Isfiue Ij tin t he- I as yel In siifTl' .Iter thi



I- ' I

PlsTfrooBi Called Nsisaoce by | Residents 'and School Board |

Considers Remedy. j


Oomplalnta made to the Committee on \ BuUdlnge, Grounds and Supplies of the I Board of Education th a t the noise on >

the public playgrounds a t the bet;gen | S treet and Ham burg Place schools la a I nulsanc* to the reatdenls In the vicinity | received the serious attention of the com- | m tltee yesterday afternoon. j

Chairm an T safe suggested as bis solu- , tion of the question th a t “It would not j hu rt to put-one o r two of the boys who oauie the trouble In the ’Jug' as an bX’ ample.”

One of the compIntnTa was from a ocmimlttee of ten residents of Chsdwlck avenue. I t cited th a t “hoodlufTis'' make the neighborhood almost untenable by their actions and noise on nights and Sundays.

Mrs Mltmle Bremer, of S3 Hamburg place, made the complaint against the playground at the school there. She asked th a t the reserve be transposed to the weat side of the school, other­wise she would lose her tenants. Super- vlssr of Repairs Miller added the In­formation th a t the playgrounds were kept looked a t night, but that boys insisted on climbing the fences. He said that much of the edulpmenl was constantly being damaged at night by j>ereane who had no right In the grounds.

The committee was unanimously of the opinion th a t th e m atter ehonld be called to the atten tion of the police. The com­plaints were referred to the commiliee on tftstruotlon.

The passing of the old Keamy home­stead on Belleville avehuc will soon taka place, th e commtUee having voted to In­struct the present tenants to vacate. As soon as they are out the old home will be sold.

The committee, granted eiteiisions of lime to various contractors t\/r the com­pletion of several new school imllding.s. Delay because of strikes were among the chief reasons offerod for the extensjons. The dates now llxed for the completion ht the buildings affected are: Montgomery, September 10; W ebster. August M: Ridge, August IG. provided the nUi building Is removed In tim e to make the completion possible by th a t date. Central High Bchool, December 1.

At a special maetlng of the Board of EMucallon held yesterday afternoon a contract for alterations at tlie Bruce Btreet Bchool wns awarded to the Indus­trial Engineering Oompany, the lowest bidder, for |l2,lofi. The Goeller Iron Works, with a low hid of 12.475, got the contract for Are escapes a t the Seventh Avenue Bchool.

LOCAL ORGANIZATIONSa r r a n ging e x cu rsio n s

The flret annual excursion of the Blessed iae ram en t Church will leave Saturday afternoon for Asbury Park from the Broad Street Station of tho Central Rail­road. The train will leave at 1:1a o'cloclr.

Lunch will be served on Ilia train. Re­turning from the reflort, the excurHlonlsts will leave a t> o'clock. Richard Sassa Is ohalrman of the committee of a r ­rangements.

Members of the Fifteenth W ard Italian I>smocratlc Club will leave September 18 on their annual outing. The party will go to R ichard's Recri'atlnn Park, Clifton. John F. Monahan has been Indorsed for sheriff by llvls organliatlon.

Plane have been completed for the out­ing Of the Thomas Hayes Savings Club to be held Thursday, August L'4, to Hack­ensack. A special trolh^y car has b -en chartered- At the last regular meeting the following officers were elected: Prea- Ident, R. A. Tompkins; vice-president, fy. B. Coetellne; recording secretary, John B. W alters; financial secretary. James E. O'Neill; treasurer, Thomas C. Hayes; sergeant-at-arm s, C. T. Oonin: trusiees. F. G. Fagan, A. H. Shutts and W. J, Gifford: financial committee. J. Lr Galla- ghan, Jam es McCormick and tV. P Kaiser. The second aeries was opened by the club July 3 and the total ineinbe.- ahlp now Ift eighty.


The Newark Retail Grocers' Association bad a recurd-breakUig crowd on their an­nual excursion to Asbury Park, which left the Broad street station of the New Jersey Central a t 9 o'clock thla morning.

Nearly 1,500 people took advantage of the fine w eather Af d were guoeis of the local m erchants. At 6.46 It was feared that the l,5iXi tickets that had been print­ed would be Insufficient to accommodate the crowd, but it was found that there would be a few left over.

The weekly "Up the Hudaon” excui- ■lon, which left a t 8:46, carried 300 to the "Albany." This excursion goes to New- burg every Wednesday.

The A. M, E. Zionists and 6L Augus- klce'e P resbyterian Church of Paterson had 900 people on their Joint excursion Whleh left the Central station a t W o'clock.

f A s t o A d v n n e e d R a i l r o a d R n te s .To (hs Eftlior of Iks VBW8:

F!r:—Your able editorials on pubJto utility m atters, espenlally as to the ques­tion of commutation rates, no dovjbt ex­presses the full view's of our present board of commtssloners, but (he main (acts have been overlooked, and one of these Is the question whether the rail­roads have the authority to advance the rates, a fter Inducing purclinsern of prop­erty to locate along the rilfforent railroad lines on the promise, or cuniract. that It was to the railroad's Interest to con­tinue to give low rates of fare, convenient -fralnSp etc. It looks to mo like a criminal offense to Induce the public to Invest along these roads and then to advance tl^e ra tes to a prohibitive amount, thus re­ducing the value of the real estate. Should the present utility oommlsaloners decide In favor of the public nfier a hear­ing, I fall to see what authority the eupreme Court can have over the com­m utation rates within the Intrastate lines. The In tersta te Commerce Commission has already decided th a t It has no authority over ra tes within Slate lines.



Telephone 1040.18p.—daily matin EE'-lfie.

____ R ^ER V ED BEATS. 26c., flOc. ^■ The PROCTOR‘ RTnnK CO,, with UNA ABELL BRlNKER.________ “BALOMY JANE.”V lg h tf , IBc. Reeerved. 2Be., She., BOc.»_76c.

Week July 81-‘THE CHRISTIAN."

Ticket office In Firem en's P hsr- rnsoy. M ata Wed.« SsL and Bun,

T ^ i s W # « k A B O R N O P E R A CO , I d S E R O B A H T K I T T Y

RttSTAURANT—Special clambakes ^nd shore dinners served to clubs and eocteTlee,

RENUKTHUTIIEX»atUr reeu** iDr, tec ec Me.

CORSE PAYTONS T O C ^ 'ed r. ^

PrDeeQiiJ U t £ ^ Y ”


* B re « r i te r 'a K lll lo a s "

MLISADES a m u s c h e n t


IN T tIB lABORN OPFBA rO . tnlM ltlllM ,OPICIU ERMINtlS." W»a.. 8,1.HOU8B iB—i . K-TM. U ,tL :it-IIOol,Dd Bun.


Red Man and E.&W.C o l l a i r s15c. and 25e. values; sites Via to 20; each.....................


Mure Men’s FurnishingsBoys’ Mothers' Friend Shirts

In medium and dark colors, 12V, to 14; 50c. and 75c. values; 4 ' I ^3 for 50c.. or, each.............. 1 / v '

Men’s Wash Ties—I5c. and 'y „25c. values, a t ..........................

Men’s Knitted Neckwear |—2Sc. va lues........................ IV /L .

.'Vlen’s PajamaaIn tan, cream, lavender and blue,

with frog loops and large pearl buttons; $1 values, at. v i y w

Men's Underwear Odds and ends of all our | Q _

20c. qualities, at .................. l O L .Men’s Underwear

Odds and ends of all our 'Y Q /- 50c. qualities, a t ....................Z ti-L .

.IS'2-inch MuslinsFirm clean weave Unbleached

Muslin, 3H'd inches wide; lengths up to 15 yards, sale at, yard ................................. 5 c

59c. each, sale at, each.

Fancy White GoodsChecked and Plaid Lawns, Fancy

Dotted Swiss, Striped Batiste and other white goods; regular \2'/ic. yard, sale at, y a rd ... . O C

40-inch NainsookFrench Lingerie Nainsook, 40

Inches wide, 10 yards to piece; regular Sl.25 piece, sale piece ......................................

VA’hite GoodsRemnants of goods from our reg­

ular slock, all the very finest grades Imported Swiss, Fancy Batiste, Fine Madras and other white goods, shortest lengths are 3 yards, others up to 10 yards; real 25c. to I 39c. goods; sale at, yard. . . . 1

Fancj' LinensScarfs, Squares, Shams, Round

Pieces. Pillow Tops and other Fancy Linens, that have sold regular at 20c. to 59c. each, choice at, | r _ each ...................................... I O C

Hemstitched Napkinspure Linen Hemstitched Napkins,

snow while, very heavy damask, 15- Inch siee, have sold at 25c. C _ each, sale, each........................O C

Linen TowelingMill lengths of Towelings, 5 and

10 yard lengths, soft and absorbent; regular 10c. grade, sale at, yard ...........................................J C

683-687 Broad Street. 21 W. P ark Street.

Store O pens 9 A. M.N o M a i l o r ’P h o n e O r d e r s F i l l e d .

To G ive T h o se L iving Som e D istan ce a n Equal C hance N o n e S e n t C. O . I) .

Men’s Negligee ShirtsOdds and ends in all sizes, but

most of them in sires Iti and 17; 59c. values, a t.. 1 5 c

value 2 ^ 9 3

value J ^Q Q

M illineryUntrimmed Hata, hand made and

pressed shapes, in colors 1 only; reg. 98c. and SI.50, at.

Unlrimmed Hats—Burnt Milan shapes, white hair hats, fancy Jap. braids, white and burnt; white and burnt banded sailors; children’s hats, ready to wear h a t s ; - ^ ; ! - reg. 98c. to $1.98, a t ..........

Balance of trimmed hats (except white); worth up to S12.50. 1 . 0 0

Flowers worth up to 30c., 4c.Flowers worth up (o 79c,, 9c.; 3 |

for 25c, IJ^lowers worth up to 08c., 17e.; 3 I

for 50c.Flowers worth up to SI .25, 39c.

Cloaks and SuitsI Cloth Sulla, value up to ■J Q OI *1.5.00, at ..........................O . y O

Ixmg Cloth Coats, value 1 Q Q} S12.00, at ..........................0 , y 0 I! Silk Dresses,i $10.00, at .......

Linen Suits,$4.98, at ............

Linene Costs,I $1,98, at .............I Covert Coats,I $3.98, at ............j Cloth Capes,! $3.98, at ...........................

Rep Coats, value$3.98, at ...........................

Lingerie Dresses, value$4.98, at ...........................

Junior Cloth Suits, 'y Q t ivalue $10,(X), at^^............. Z r .V O

Colored Dresses, valueSI,98, at ........ .................. / V C

M'ash Skirts, value "W Q -SI.50, at ............................ / y L

value 2 9 ^

value 9 ^ ^ ,

value 5 0 ^

1 .7 9 1 .6 9

Seamless SheetsOdd and slightly soiled Sheets,

all full 81x90 size, have sold from stock at 75c. to 89c. each, C A .^ at, each.'................................

Pillow CasesImperial brand, extra long, 45x

38'/2 size, good muslin, have sold at 20c. each, sale at, 1 2 V2 C

Sheets72x90 patent invisible welded i

seam; regular selling price 4 5 c '

Children’s Garment Dept.C h i l d r e n ’s

Capes; value $2.98... V" Children's Cloth | Q

Suits,'val. up to 7.98 1 Junior D resses .v a lu e^Q

up to $1.50.................. y X C'Tots' Dresses, value ^ ^

39c................................ ^ I CTots’ Wool and Pongee

Coats, value up ^ C ^ $4.98 ........................ y O L

ParasolsLatest color combinations, plain natural handles. 8-rib frames; values 98c. and $1.25, at 69c

Jew elryA large assortment of

Brooches, Link Buttons, Scarf Pins, LaVallieres, Hat Pins, Belt Buckles, in gold plated Q ^ silver; value 25c. to 98c.. O L

Rhinestone Hat Pins,many different d e s ig n s ; ''^ j* _value 49c. and 98c. . . L


Nickel F latw areNickel Tea Spoons, each. .Z'.'ic Nickel Table Spoons, each...5c Nickel Table Forks, each ...5 c Nickel Dessert Spoons, each..5c

The quality guaranteed Al; fancy designs; value 5c. to iOc. each.

Toilet Goods'Talcum Powder—'yarioua C

odors; reg. 10c. and 15c., can.Comhs—Dressing combs, C

also fine tooth combs, each.. . C/L' '■'‘BMlh'ei—f'ackage 2 q

Water Bottles—Special at each ......................................

Art Goods4,5-lnch Stamped Hemstitched

Scarfs—Variety of designs; regu­lar I9c., special at, | each ................................. ^

Stamped Pillow Tops—In burlap or linen; regular 19c. and 25c,, ' J ^

Laundry Bags—In cretonnes or linen: some to be embroidered; regular 50c. to 75c., special, each ......................................

R em n a n ts W a sh GoodsWash Goods, worth up to 12c. y a rd ..................... 5c yardWash Goods, worth up to 19c. ya rd ...................... 8c yardWash Goods, worth up to 50c. y a rd ..................... 12'/^cyard

Batiste RobesAbout 45-inch Ba­

t i s t e Embroidered Robes in a variety of colors; value S3.S0, at

1 . 5 9

Meo'i C ottM S e c tsMen’s Double Sole

Fine Light Weight Cotton Socks, in .a va­riety of colors and black;

45-ltL Etnb. FlsunciotAbout 250 yards of

45.-i n c h Embroidery Flbuncings in neat open work designs; value 69c. at, a yard ...............X y C

Ruchini; SpecialGold, silver and silk

cord Ruchlng; value 10c., at, a yard


I5c., at, a pair

M en’s S ilk S o ck sMen’s pure Silk

Socks, with lisle heeland toe, slightly im-perfect^ Iti black only; <val. 25c. 39c., at. p7 1 2 ' / 2 c

K i d G l o v e sTwo-clasp and Mous-

quetaire Kid Gloves, s l i g h t l y imperfect; value 75c. to $1,50, at, p a i r . '" ” '"

T a b l e L i n e n s

^ All our rem­nants of Table Linens t h a t have sold at 60c. y a r d : length 2, 2 Vi andsale at', j"ard ,"

H u c kTowelsLot of union

Jlnen hemmed huck towels; all sizes; reg­ular 12|4 c. to 19c. e a c h ; •jile at, each,


BlanketsHeavy fleece,

good s i z e , gray blankets; you can’t buy them lit the winter for less than 79c. pair;

y ^ a 1 e -pricey 'pair, . '

5 0 c

SilkW ash G oods

Finest silk wash fabrics, f r o m the piece; g o o d c o l o r s in plain or fancy weaves; have sold at 29c. to 50c. yard; sale

i s r

silk elastic mercerized, patent leather, suede and a large assortment of embroidered wash belts with pearl buckles; value C , from 25c. to .50c,, a t ...............................

R u m m a g e S a l eAt Straus’sWe told you to watch and wait for “our W ednes­

day evening’s advertisement,” tha t it would be a "hum m er.” After you read it through you will un­doubtedly agree with us that it is so.

We inventory our stock the end of this week and we intend clearing up every odd lot before that time.

Similar sales held were the talk of the retail world for days. We have extra salespeople and have arranged to cope with any emergency that may result from the throng that will attend.

W e give you fair warning—the rush jvill be so great th a t some lots will be swept away a short time after the doors are open.

Shoe DepartmentWumen'N High and Low Shoes—

values from $1.51) to a t.......... / y L -MisHes’ and rhililrcn’s Shoes and Pumpa—

Patent coll, white canvas, gun calf C Q ^ and inn; value $ 1.00, a t...................... j y C

I idle rienl.s’ Salin Calf i.ace Shoes C Q / r —Size 9 to 13' / ; value $1 ,00, a t . . . J y V

Children’s Barefoot Han- " I '5 ^ dais—Value 59c., a t............ O O L

Children’s Dong. Pat. Tip Shoes—Sizes 2 to 0; vdlue 85c., a t ........................................... 4Sc

B oys’C loth in g D ep a rtm en tWash Bloomers, value 29c,, special............. .................. li)dWash Suits, value 79c., special........................................ 39cW ash Suits, value 49c., special........................................ 2,’)CRough Rider Suits, value 79c., special............................ 43cBaseball Suits, value $1.00, special...... ......................... 49cOveralls, value 29c., special.............................................. 19cHats and Caps, value 25c. and 50c., special................... 9cBoys' Suits, value $1.98 to $2.98. special....................... $1.25Youths’ Suits, value $3.08 to $5.98, special...................$1.98

U p h olstery D epartm entRope Portieres, value $1.50, special, each ................... 75cMosquito Netting, value 9c. a yard, special, y a rd . . . . 3c Odd lot of Window Shades, val. 25c. to 39c. each ; each 14c Tapestry Rem nants, val 15c. to 25c. per y a rd ; spec, yd 11c Silkoline, Lace and Drapery Rem nants.

value IOc. to 15c. per yard; special, y a rd ................... 5cPillow Squares, value 10c. to 15c. each: special, each, 5c W ashable Couch Covers, value 59c.; special, each. . 35c M atting Shirtwaist Box, value $1.50; special, each. . 90c Swiss Sash Curtains, value 29c.; special, p a ir ............ i9c

S ilk sChoice of l! I

messulines, shad­ow striped,or 19- in. B en galincs;

i values up to I choice


DressG o o d sR e m nants of

dress gonds of all kinds: values up to .‘'9c. a yard, at


! N otions\ pearl BuUnna— Hi to 24 lines;] value .Sc. ami lUc., at, a ^ I j Z Q

j Tape Mea.sureH—Regular .5c. '3 ^' each, at ................................. .I American Dressing Pins— ,'i lb.

to box; regular IOc., at a ‘iijm j- ,; box ............. .................... . O l Z C

.Steel Scissors and Shears— Reg­ular lt)c. and 15c., at. a e j -pair ........................................... ' ^

Silk Elastic Belling—Value C _' .')9c. and 5(Jc. a yard, at, yard.

Patent Slocking Darners with handle; regularly 10c., at, ^

I each ..........................................Black .Mohair Skirt Braid A

5 yds. to piece; reg IOc.; piece t W .Mohair Skirl Braids—All | ,

ciilors; reg. .5c.. a yard............ a L'I White I'ollon Tape— Regu- 4

lar 2c., .1c., Jc. a roll, ro ll........ I V.Menrirk's ( otton- 'JChite | ^

and tiilors; reg. 4c,, a spool. . . I V Dress Slaj.s—Regular IOc., | ^

Black or White Hair Piii.s— I ^

While Hone Huttons— For 4 ^] underwear: reg. .V.. dozen, , . 1 C

Ironing Wax—Muslin cover- cd : reg, 0)c. tln/cn, a dozen.,

H ouse F u rn ish in g sImported Enameled Ware, White I

Plates, Ladles, Custard Cups, Basting ] Spoons, Cups, Mugs, Saucers, Shirred ; Egg Pans, Coffee Strainers, Individ- I ual Fry Pans, Alcohol Stoves, Nick­eled Trays, Buckets with covers, Saw Bread Knives, Aluminum Salt and Pepper Shakers, Tooth Pick Holders. Steel Table Knives, nickel plated handles; Peterman’s Roach Food or Discovery, Big Four Toilet Paper, 16-ounce rolls; Children's , Floor Brooms, bamboo handles; j Fancy Feather or Wool Bric-a-brac | Dusters; Padlocks, extra strong, as- : sorted sizes; value lOc. to j19c., a t ...................................... / ' L 1

Cake Chest, single or dou­ble compartments, white or oak, some slightly scratched oil paint; Round W’ash Boil­ers, extra heavy block tin; also 25-lh. Japanned Flour Canisters; value to 75c., a t ............

. Laundry Soaps, Washing Powders, Scouring Powders, of popular makes: all 5c. hrands, at


3 ' 2 cToilet Paper, extra quality

tissue, large r o l l s ; , valu'-' 5c., a t ..........

K nit U nderw earWomen’H I'nderwear

ribbed lisle hnishud vests, low neck sleeveless, pi.iiii Mik tape edging and lace and crocheted yokes;1. '.. iiiiJ I'tc. v a lu es ; special a t ............................................. O C

Bovh’ Balbriggan I’nderwear sill ns li.-ive cliiirt sleeves; knee draw ers and |

d',,:hlL- seats, 29v. values, a t....................................... I O Urhlldren’H I'nderwear

Swiss ribbed while cniton; vests are low neck and sleeicless, neck, short sleeves, athletic shirts, light knee punts, iilsi) lace trimmed wide knee pants; 15c. |and 19c. values, at ....................................................... I U C

Women’s Union HiiitiSwiss and jersey ribbed Union Suits, low neck and

slfciriess. silk trimmed and wide knee with torchon Ittce; .‘tie. values, at .....................................................

W o m e n ’s H d k fs .Women's h e m stitched

initial handkerchiefs; value iOc. at, each

2 ^ lz c

V e i l i n g sFancy .Mesh and \'ciling.s

in black and colors, in plain and dotted; value !5c. to 25c., at, a yard

Lace RemnantsLace Remnants in

black, while and some in colors; from ly to Vj yard to a piece, value 50c. to SI,110 a yard, special ' 7 / , ' , ^ at, each.......... ' /“ L

W o m en 's N eckw ’rWomen's Neckw^ear,

made of lace & mulls, all neatly trimmed, slightly mussed; value 15c. to 2Sc. at, each ...................

R ibbon R e m n a n tsAll .satin, satin taf­

feta and plain taffeta R i b b o n Kemnanta; from 3I/j to 4'/t inches wide; value 15c. to 25c., at a y d .. 6c

G l o v e D e p t .About 800 pairs of

Lotig SilkMousquetaire, Long Lisle and Two- clasp Chamois Gloves, in black, white and col­ors; slightly soiled ajid imperfect; value 26c._ui $1.00, at, per pair ......... 7c

W o m e n ’s HoseWomen’s Fine Gauze

Lisle Hose, with double heel and toe and deep hem tops, in black and tan shades; value 15c., ■fftr a 'p B ir - ’iT " ''

8c' "

C h ild ren 's Hose B elt L en g th sFine Ribbed Cotton W a s h a b l e Belt

Hose, made of gond Lengths, from 'o ^maco yarfis» double vard to a length. In asole ^ n d heel, in variety of colors;valuoblack, pink and blue; 15c. to 25c. a yard.value 15c., at, Q (/_ _


P o s t a l C a r d A l b u m s

Holding 300 and 400 cards; regular 25c. and 49c„ spe- I cial, each........ 1 V C

Turkish TowelsTwo lots of Turkish Towels, all bleached

and large sizes.Lot 1— W orth up to 15c., 10c. each Lot 2—W orth up to 29c., 15c. each

C hild ren ’s D raw ersCambric, hemstitch­

ed ruffle; value 12Vic,

6 c

■ W om en’s D raw ers’ open and closed,; ruffle lucked or hem- !_

stitched; value . I 25c., at .. I 5 c

C h ild ren ’s C olored D re sse s

In percale. Mother Hubbard style; sizes 1 and 2 yrs, value 2.5c \2‘/zc

G i n g h a m sRegular Palm Dress

Ginghams and Bates' Seersuckers, in good patterns, (flso Iblue, 32-inch ‘ getraine parnaby Zophyr;*reju- lar 15c. yard, s.'"' at, yard...........

Fine quality, trim­med with ribbon vel­vet; sizes 2 to 5 years; value $ 1.00, |

IChiWreii’s/Sfraw Oats \ r Corset Covers

French models, trim­med with embroidery or lace and ribbon; value 2Sc., at I5c

C h ild ren ’s flu im pe W a is ts

Made of lawn, tuck­ed and trimmed with


C o l o r e d M a d r a s32-inch Striped Mad­

ras, Sor fine shirting, , shirt waists or dresses, neat stripes;regular 19c. ('■«.< aii^ 25c. grades, this sale at, per yard ........... .

S h o rt P e tt ic o a tsCambric tucked ruf­

fle; value 25c., at


lO c

Bed SpreadsAll our open stock of Bed*

Spreads that have been used as' samples to show; regular $t.00 to $2.50, on sate at, each

6 9 c “ 1.50

Fancy LinenLot of Fancy Linens of alt

kinds, slightly mussed; ■we have marked them at priew way

40-In. B cil!!T ed B a tis te40-inch Printed Bat­

iste, in neat dots and figures, with bordera to match; regular selling price tic. yard, Pc

W a s h G oodsWash Goods and Flan­

nels from the ’ piece. Dark Suitings, Flannel­ettes, Ginghams, yard­wide Percates and other wash fabrics; regular lOc. to l&e.

C o m b i r » a t i ‘ " i“- iFine camferic trim- '

tned with -embroidery end lace; corset covers and drawers or short ik irt; value 600., a t ..........O D L

ffiaoi’i BrassiereiMade of cambric

with insenlnge of em­broidery a n d lace edge: value | a J 25e., a t .......... 1

Woiaen’s Night 6owasMade of cambric,

high and low neck, trimmed with lace or embroide*’-’ valu^ bvjc., 3 5 c

j ivfade of fancy lawn, in pretty patterns

I value 39c.,I a t .............. 21 c

House Druses ud Uag Kioioiies

Dresses in percale, kimonos of Persian lawn, a number of styfes; value $ 1.Q0, a t ........ G O C

W om en’s C olored P e t t ic o a ts

Ma d e of striped gingham, best quality; valug 59e., at .

'’L- 3 3 c

Wemes’sWht.PetticeatsCambric, full ruffle

I of fine embroidery;{ value 75c,, 48c

Children’s RompersMade of chambray

and trimmed with white; value 25c., at ...........I / C





nirty-scTen Oot ol Eif hty-foor P k a M -$ 4 2 ,7 0 0 io Penal­

ties h p o se i


KEW YOUK. July nil. thirty-Mven out of lh« clKliity'Cdui- wir« iiianu* faoturera and thplr ♦-jnployes, who wer* Indicted by tho K '&od Jury hore on Juno 29 on the charge of combining to nine pools, now extinct, to reitraln trade'-In the wire busIneiiH entered pieui of nolO eontendere before Judge Archbald In the Crthilnal Branch of the United S tates Circuit Court yasii^rdny and each w m fined fl,O0Q on the Initial Indictment and UCd on every additional Indtctmeni agalnat him. The toial amount of the finei Impoeed la I42.70Q and ^1,000 Was paid to Commiasloner Shfeldv before he closed hie office for the night.

Before the cloae of yeelerday's proceed* tnge, those who pleaded and were aen- tenoed to be flued represented the fol­lowing pooling associations alleged by the fovarm neiit to have been formed In 19( : Uoad Sncaawl Rubber Cable Aseoclation, Fine U ignet M'ire Ataorlatlon, Rubber Covered Wire Afltoclallon, W ire Rope Aaioclatlon, Weatherproof and Magnet W ire Asaodatlon. Endereround Power Cable Aeeoclation. Telephone Cable Assn- oUtton, Horseshoe Manufacturers' Asbo> elation and Dare Copper Wire Aeeucla- tton. Several who paid up yesterday were Itated under scaturlng Indlctmenta aa representatives of the Dare Copper W ire Ajaoclatlon.

Among forty-seven other Indicted wire mep who have yet to answer to the In­dictment and who were not represented in judge Arehbald's court yesterday are H erbert U Batteries, Included In the gov- eromeDt'a case because he ta president Of the Hablrthaw Wire Company; F rank J. Oould, indicted ns president of the Old Dominion Iron ami Nail Wofks; Ersktne Hewitt, vice-president of the Tretitoi) Iron Company, a tubaldlary of the Aruerl- cgR Bteel and Wire Company: Edw agl B. Parot, who la preeldant of the N ational Conduit and Cable Company; Charlee P. Bfooker, RepubUesn national com m ittee' man from Connecticut and vice-prealdent of the Ansonla Braes and Copper Com-

Essex CountyNationalBank736 B R O A D ST . N E W A R K . N .J .

£ 4 T A B U S f f£ D / 8 S B

GENERAL BANKINGIndividuals, firms and corporations are invited

to avail themselves of the extensive facilities in all

departments of banking possessed b y th is conserva­

tive and progressive institution.

77 ..IN T E R E S T PAID O N D E P 0 3 IT 5 .2 ? /.


Format Eleratioo ot the Phila­delphia Prelate to Rank

of Archhishoa


rsra ln an d W. Hoebitnf. e f ‘John A, Hocbtlna’i Son*, who ws* Indlctod u a.

of each of the nine pooltns aaw>- cUttloni, except the Horeeehoe M anufsc- turera, topped the lift ot fine povere jree- torday with thtw. The toUowIng la tbs list of a n s i paid yeaterday:V. V .,40QC. B. BJrton J r l.too A. A. Cowls*.. l.imB. A. Cowls*.. 1.100 T. W allace ... . 1,100I . Anschuta... 1,100J. C. Belden... 1.000 a . U F rllb ls J r 1.100 N. B. Partone. 1.000 A. B . Dlck’ion 1,100 J. A. Douglity. 1.000 T. B. K en t.... I.IOCC. M urray.. 1.100

V. J, Newbury.n.too Karl Roebllng. 1,100 R, E. L ucae,,,, 1.000 A F. M oore... 1,100 A BoumenvIUe l.ltx) R, E. Oallaber. bOOoW, H. lf*U J r . . l.OOoW. P. F ields... 1,100 R. W atrou*...... 1,0(0O. I,. Bowen... 1,000E. More*........... i.lflO(1. A. M orse.... I,l(» J. H. H aeon .,,, 1,100 J, W, M orah... 1,S00 W. A. Connor.. l.fiCO P II. W. Smith 1.600 C. J, M arsh___ I.*00P. M. P o tter J r

Bym an.. l.fon H. H. Ashley.. l.Jlo J. C. Brldaman I.tW a . B. N orth ... l.ono R W. BlebT*. 1,000 F . W. Rocblln* 1,700

'*rhe plea ot nolo contendere I* accept- ea In taw a* havlnr-Hm'WbifSe effect aa a plea of guilty, and a defendant who baa entered such a plea and been sen­tenced thereon la In taw conatdered to have been convicted ot the otfenae oharged In tbe Indictment"


WASHINGTON, July td -In fo rn ia tlo n came to Prealdenr Taft lo-dny from Be- pubtloan Senate leaders tha t he need have no anxiety over the possibility of acting a t thia aeealon of Congreae on a bill re- vlalng the wool schedule ot the present tariff.

Senators Smoot of Utah, and Crane, of MaaBachuaells, two of the leaders wiio talked with the President to-day, p re­dicted the adjournment ot Congrese Au­gust 10, with all bills proposing to revlee the wool acbednie defeated.

On the htelB of these predictions, how­ever, came rumors from the Capitol th a t an attem pt would be made by Irraiirgent Senator* to take an aniendment revla- Ing the wool achedole on the farm ers’ free Hat bill.

Wool Is voted on In the Senate to-m or­row; the fnrmera’ free Hat eomea up Au- guat 1. According to the regular Senate leaders, the La Follette wool bill will not be supported hy the Democrats, and the Democratic ilouao wool bill cannot he accdpled b y 'th e Insurgent*. The In­surgents plan, however, It was sold to­day. to get the farmera’ free list bill w ith the amendment for wool revision Into conference with the nld of the lipm- aerate, and out of the conferenu^ they hope to get n coropromlse nteaaure.

"Both the La Follette bill and the House bill will he defeated In the Ren­ata,” declared Senator Smoot aa hn left the W hite Houaa. "The Insurgents In th* Senate cannot accept the Ifouae bill and the Democrats cannot accept L i Follatts's, We will adjourn August 10 without touching the wool achedute."


Of the Bemaen board and Us work will be atarted by the House rom m ittee on Ex- pandltures In the Departmeot of Agri­culture before It begin* Its hearings on tha oltargea against Dr. H arvey WWHay, chief o t the bureau of cheinlatry . J h a oomralttee has received the pape ItNasIted for, showing the am ount ex-pendad by the ' ‘referee bourd of chemls'

' t r y axperta," the technical name of the Romsen board. Borne of the pnpers In the W iley case are still with lueshlent Toft, wherefore th* committee will leave this until later.

Before the close of thla week, a mem­ber o t th* committee said to-doy, the jlcmeen hearings probably will be under way. The legality ot the appointment of membere of the board vvlll be gone into first, and several oftlclalu of the Depart- inent of Justice will give their opinions. Dr. I ra Remeen, head of the board, and o ther members will he called later.

PniLA D ELPIlIA . July M ,-In th* pres­ence of high dignitaries of the church and practically all the cregy, In the arch­diocese, the Host Rev. Edmund Frsncl* Prendergast waa to-day formally Installed as archbtahop of the metropolitan »e« ot Philadelphia. In the Cathedral of Bt. Peter and Bt. Paul, succeeding the late Archhlshop Patrick John Ryan.

The ceremonies ot the day began with a procoBslon from the chapel of the C athe­dral to the church and as It got under way all the Catholic church bell* In tbe city began ringing. The procession waa headed hy 100 seminarian* and In (he line, all In thn full robes of their oflloe, fol­lowed Archbtahop Falconlo, th e papal delegate to.the United fltatea; ArcbtitahQp. Farley, of New York; Bishop Monahan, of Wllmlngloft, Del.; Bishop Hoban, of Perantun; Htahop Fltim anrlce. of Brie.; Bishop Bhanshnn. of H arrisburg; Bishop Garvey, ot Altoona, and Bishop Cancvln. Of Pltliburg. Nearly all th* priest* In the archdloceae were also In the prooes- ston, at the rear of which walked Arch­btahop Prendergast In pontlfloal rohe*.

At tha door of the Cathedral Monalgnor Bornemann, rector of Bt. Paul'* Choreh, reading and senior prleat of the arch ­diocese, prsienled thd cruclfli to the arch­bishop which h* hli»*d as an act of faith.

The ceremony a t the a ltar begun with the reading of the papal hulls authorlilng tha elevation, Th# archbtahop ascended the throne and then atepped to the altar, where he seng the orations of 8t. Peter and SI. Paul. The ceremony ended with all ttie clergy advancing and paying homage to th* new archhtahop. doring which the *emlnBrlan« aang the Bene- dlctoa. Addre»»es of fealty were read, one In behalf of the clergy and the other for the laity.-

The ma«* which followed was solemn pontlflcal and was celebrated by Dlahop FlUmaurlce. The sermon waa preached by Bishop Moban. th a aenlor suffragan blahop.


Nine Passengen of Liner Oceania Put Under Watch by

Qaarantioe Experts.


Confess CoomitteeSays Latter Got Rebates froa Former.

Directors in Common.


Fast and Slow.This tea goes fast because people like It so much; it goes slow because its double strength makes it go twice as far.

WARIIINOTON, July Ja.-L'nited Slate* Senator Kenyon of Iowa, fiirtnor aonist* ant attorney-^pneral, and litirLr^rt Knox flinlth. rommliHlon«r of corporallons, ten- tlfl«‘(l before the Houm RtffI Triuit Invex- tlxatlng Committee to-day. Mr. Kenyon IdtnUriod a. roport by Dunlelte Townsend to the Ib'parlin+tnt of Jiintlc?. on Mr. Townspnd’fl Itrvfetl^^fltlon of the Inter* naflonal Harvester (,’ompany.

Mr. Konyon raid Tip recalled th a t 1n- veitlxatlon. "Dut whal In irouhlltiR m«," hfl added, “la that I am not now con­nected with the 1'f^partmeiit of Juatlce, and whatever I may nay mlxht embarrafla

m U e H o o


Present GoTenuneit of the"Black Retsblic"

) o Q m e i | ^parently Doomeii


C E Y L O N T E ^P a c k e d an d Sealed U lie re G row n.


PORT-AU PRINCE. Haiti, July ».--Tti8 altuatlon of the fovom m ent la denporato. With the exception of the cap lu l. the whole republic !■ iD revolt*

The departure of President Stmon can­not be long delayed, and there U fear of (rouble here when he leavea. The army of revel utloniata In the north la marchlnur

[ rapidly on thla city.\ 'I'he United States crulaer Des Molnen

arrived here to*day. The German crutaer bretnen In expected.



NKW yOIYK, July M.—OfBclala at Q uar­antine itatlon were acilvpli' priffSKed th!ji morning In making baclerloloxlcal tepls of cullurea taken In the casea of nine P&oeengerfl of the eteamahlp Greania, who were taken HI during the vnyajre from Italy. The Oceania, which arrived yea- terday, tuirt on board TiJS pnisengpM. Three Ihe nine path-iKS are suapecied of cholera. A member of the crew c»f the Nan Glorjjfo. which nvrne In yesterday with no paeaengprs. but with oiia stow a­way (in hotird, hae devolnpeil an 11lne*a reoembllnK' cholera.

The healih department haa nowtwo cholera ^uepecls at nellovue Hoa-

the governmetu on wlmt inuy he now gulng on." i

Uhalrman fManley Hftid he had evidence | tendlTjff to show “thai Die Harvester Company and Htrel Corporation are prac- tioallv one."

"Thle report," he added, ' ‘charRei that the Steel Corjiornilon p ive (he H arvester company rebates of S3 a ion."

Senator Krnyon, umltl ohjeoilone by Re- publlran meitiLem of the commltvee. ^poKa up, saying:

"f wish to fhif T always favored prosi^putp-mn fn tn isl rases where evMence was conclusive. NMu-re e\'ldence* was not conolufllve, 1 fiivurej furtiier lAvesilga-Mon."

Asked If he hcileve<l the Townaend re- piiri concUiPlvp, Mr. Kenyon said he felt tlir-rH ahoiild be yome further Invoatlga-(iiin.

f.'ommlraloner of Corporations Smith t»'f*ill\p(1 tliQi h(j did noi recall any In- PtnicUons from the President (o Inve.stl- gatfi (hp 1 iiiernailonnl llarvcpler <’oni- pany. Th« Department of Commerce lind fanlMir yrru-cptled in rMS|ii>niM' io rwno- imiMii by .Si'iiiitor llQnxhruujth. or Sciia-tio*

Attorney-General Wlekershnin, Huni-ni'iuttu hH ft wiiriePM, lliits uft"nT 'i>n tPsU-rl‘.j«l 1*1! liHil never seen the Towm- oend report until to-day. -H<j pr jmised Ihat- Towrwicnd wmild leatify la te r .-H e did not know why the llarvenicr ras-e

■"‘ t’VliH

pltal and complete exftminntlona will he I was not preHned in 1908-09, *TKd£ar. JIertuiaiMi,.kthw or- |h e added, "that me ra'^P ' was IiehT ■ lip !

d y ly who attended Manuel Rertmiden. | pendlnx the Supreme Court doclyions In | the Spanish snllor now sufTerlnfj fmm ! (he tobacco anil Kiandarrt Oil in- ,cholera a t Bwlnburne Isltind, la nnmewhrtt I volving the .nanse poinis." IItptter. The first examination of a hlo^d j That rhurifep wera made ip former 1 culUire tn hla case showed evidence of i Ailurney-Genenil Charles J. Donaparte ' cholera bacteria. The second (est le be- ' during his term of offloe that the Infr completed, Tlie spcand suspect ai I I nlted States iMeel Corporation gave Helleviie Is 1/nils Mflch. a laborer, who refunds of JS per ton to the Har- was brought to the hospUfli laie iflpi nlghi veBior combine i-ompnnlp.s waa revealed *■ a case of gaHtro-enterltls. lo-day to the House "ateel trust" In-


. ' July._26.^gfteaator Pom-crene^-of Ohio, called up before the Sen­a te to-day hla resolution Imstructltig tne Attorney-General to pniseciite criminally th e officera of the Standard Oil and Amer­ican Tobacco companies for allc t.*<l per- afldent violation of the am i-truat laws.

"The American pec»rlc," said he, ' can­not ufkderatand why there nhonh] ]>e no crim inal ppoaecutlona these do- fendanta, when the government Is so 'Vlg- oroufl'tn Ka prooecutlon of minor bflcnd- era*"

WAfllllNGTON. July « .-H o w Gov­ernor Altgeld pardoned former Cashier Louis A. Hlllyer, of the Chicago T ri­bune, convicted of embexalement, and the claim that knowledge of undervaluation of The Trlbune’B property for aascaainent purpoaea might have been a factor In (he young man's fall, flgured a t the outset Of the hearing before the Senate Lortmer committee to-day.

Attorney Hiinecy, for Lorlraer, contin­ued the croBfi-exanilnatlon of JarneB Kee- ley. general manager of The Tribune* He Submitted in evidence the Hlltyor pardon, in which the Governor said the cnshler’s moral courage might have been weak­ened by seeing that The Tribune fulleil to pay, by about $li&,0(K) a year, enough rent for school latids It occuptod. an(i also that It undervalued Its property so that It paid IS2.000 a year too little In taxes.

Ftmlling one mtmite And Irritated the next, Mr. Keeloy countered on moiny of the pointed QueBtlons fired a t him. The TrIhune'B priming of an Item about the opening of "laorlmer's bank," at the end of the White coiifeoalon story, was taken up. Mr* Hanecy purported to repeat what Mr. Koeley had testified lo na to the way the laorlmer bank Item happened to fit In (he vacant newspaper space un­der the White confession about the e\ac.- tlon bribery.

’■ When you quote me, please road from the record," Mr. Keeley sharply ronilnded. "You pul words In my mouth th a i I did not aay."

Mr. Hanecy said he was not pretending to quote the wltnesa's words, but waa railing attention to the Incident. Mr. Keeley InBlsled that thaJuxlapoBltlon of (ho laOrlmar bdnk Hem and the White Hlory waa occldenla]; that the former was picked from other newspaper "copy" in the "make-up" room, In order to "fit the hole In the page," and not because of the subject matter.

Mr. Hanecy asked about the sending out of detfctlvea and reporters "to strengthen" tho White btory.

"Wo didn't send them out ‘to s treng th­en' the etory, and I have not t^ald so. It W'as to liivcsUgate It."

"Well, you pul It any way th a t 3'ou w an t 'Strenglhen,' 'corroborate' and Investigate' are eynonymw In this case.

Armlyic, parse and diagram th§m, If you want to,"

Mr. iCecley denied (hat any dalectlvee employed by The Tribune kept White, the leyUslnior who confcBsed, In custody, hut paid JIM waa paid for WTiIie's "keep and I»mrd.'' Mr. Keeley «aJd W hite waa *1jrn>ke," and had been "broke" a t other times.

Mr. lleinecy produced a copy of The Tribune of May N, 1910. This date whs a few daya suhBequeiit to the pubUcaUon of the While fliory. In It another Item about fjorlmer's hank was printed In prox­imity to the "IcgiBlatIva scandal.''

The wttnesa denied th a t It was placed there mallclnuBly, but sold probably the saina mako-up men placed !t there wh.p placed the first Hems a tie r the W hitealory, ................. ... ..

Another d w h occurred when llani asked Keeley If he w’ns "after'^ Tji>rlt! rxithcr than fjeo O'Neil*Hrowne.

T wftB not 'after' Tsorlnier." Keelev ex­plained “1 believe that Senator Lorlmor w-rts not In hl« pogltlon In the ITnitcd BUtfs Senaie by legal and proper means."

"Did you ever study law?""No, but I have studied civic honeBly." "Would you mind telling ua where?" "Ndt In association with you." fiuch a roar of laughter from specta-

lara filled the room that Senator Fletcher declared there must be no more such dls- turhanbes.

CiuarafTitlne offlcinla nre not Inclined (o believe th a t the Huaplcloua case of slctk- ness on board th e P rittsh Btenmshlp K ir- bj' Dank, whkeh arrlA^d a t P e rth Amboy. N. J .. y e ste rJay , Ih tha t of cholera.

W hile th e bacteriological exam lnailnns have not been ronclud**d lid le v u e Ifonpi- tn 1 physirlans were re r ta ln th is n io rrln g Ihftt I/Oul.B M ach Ih j 'liffcrln t from n o th ­ing but sum m er compjRlnf. and th ey a rc Btrongly Inclined to h d lcv c th a t the final exam ination will show th a t H errm an n la not ftufTerlng from A nlndr cholera.

The stciUners ctetalned a t Q ia ran tltie a re th e Principe t)l riemontf*. San Giorgio, U ltta P i Menslna and Oceania. T he pas- isengcrs of the Prlnclpo Di riem o tile prob­ably will be re leased thi* afternoon , while the rem ain ing steer« 4;e pasaengers c f th e etnam er M oltke. who have been d e ­ta ined a t Hoffm an iHland. w ere p repared to land a t Eiila Taland to-day.

The cnrtdHlon o f M anuel lif’rmndCH, th e cbolorn pa tien t a t . Sw inburne Island , re ­m ained unchanged Hits m orning.

The Bteampr Kennebec, of th e M an h a t­ta n lilne. plying betw een New York niul Albany, on board of w hich M anuel P e r- mudPH wan a Hrem,Tn, w as given a clean bill of liPftKh tCF-day and allowed to gu to her dock. Officers o f .th e line sftld she would resum e her reg u la r Irlpn to-n ight.

The C unard uteam or C arpath la , w hich arrived to-day from Trieste* F lum e and Naples, waa held a t Q uaran tin e for In­spection. T he s team er b rought th ir ty s a ­loon, IZ9 second cabin and (ir>G stee rage passengers. All a rc Well on hoard . T he C arpath ia stopped a t M essina and N aples, bu t em barked no atoerago passungnis there.

J')r. N orris, the pathologist, announced to -day th a t M ach w as not Buffering from cholera. No repo rt hna been received on 111© Bccond cu ltu re taken fm m H errm ann .

The Bteamers Sun Giorgio am i P rincipe dl P iem onte w ere released from q u a ra n ­tine th is a fternoon.

veBtlgatlng rommittpc, K^-preKciiiatlve Sliinluy, of Kentucky, chairman of th© roiumlttec. Introduced In tlie proceedings a vulumlriouB c/iiy of a report on the Ha^^•©ater Trust mad© to Mr. Bonapari© in 190H hy liurdetle C 'lownsend a special InvesligHtor of the department, now a s ­sistant dlHtrlct attorney of Oi'egon.

Mr, Staniey announced that a subpoena had been ipsiipd for Mr. Bonaparte, who Ih now In Canada, And that an effort would be made to aRcerljiln from him and from other government officials why there never w«b any prosecution of the International Harv-eater Company upon Townsend’s charges. Mr Stanley also announced his Intention of endeavoring to show ft cloae connection between the L’nllcd States Steel Corporation and the International H nn'ester Company and as a haslfl for future inquiry he had read into the record the nameH -of the direr- tu ts of both corporallona, the same being Identical tn many Instances.

Altorney-Ocneral Wlckeraham waa aiib- roenatKi to before the committee lute l(j-day to lti».-eU?y the Townsend ro* port and lo tesllfy concerning the Inter- national Harvt*£«l<T Company.

Mr. Towneend’a report was exhaustive, going into the entire hlntory of the Hnr- venipr romparilCH Involved and Hie or­ganisation of the International In, 1902. the trauBactlon being directed and guided by J. I’lerpunt hforgan & Cn_ The steel committee will call attention lo the form ­ing of the Sifiel Tru?t the year before.

A feature of the Townsend report,which the steel Inqulrerg lay etreae upon. lc$ the following:

"The International Harvester Company Bplla (0 the foreign trade at a cheaper prlcft than (he domestic trade. I t eells machines of all kinds for export, delivered a t Ney' Y'urk, at the same price for which they are eold to domestic parchaaers. f, • - •

WARHINGTON. July 26,-Com forting assurabi'es of tho safety of Atnertcans a t('ape Hallicn, Haiti, which 1b In the hands Ilf lb© rvvoluthmists, was recetvedf oy thoAlate Department to-day. Consul LIV' liu;vton. a t the rebel port, cabled that the I'llizentf (jf this country are now fully pi'uti'cted by the scout cruiser Clieater and the Kimlinal Peoria and th a t the loorl iupply IB ample. No American has

I been injured nt CaiK Haitlen.I Tl»e arrival of the cruiser Dcb Moines ' at Port-au-PrSnee makes four Amerlciii ! warHhIpH now on duty a t Haltlen ports.

It Is regurdf'd us highly desirable that tlie United States Government should thus maintain a BUfficleni force (o safe ' guard all foreign Interests so us not to alTord excuse for Kuropean Intervention.


HATJFAX, July 26.—The motorboat Ro­mania of New York, which left Hrldge-

; pnrt, C onn, fa.*!! R iturday evening to j crosfe the ocean to Queenstown, IB to-day

ashore, niiJea out of her ouurse, a t Clie- boguc Point, eight miles from Yarmouth, phe struck .rliortty before midnight Mcn-

I day, anti Is lying In an exposed posUlon,' with every prospect of becoming a total j loHs, The crew, however^ got off and

saved flrtme of their effects. •I Captain K. H. Small, the n a v i^ to r, sayt j the 'etra'ndtng of the craft waa due to I strong fioutherly; winds, causing an eX'

ceaalvc Indrufi lo the Hay of Fundy, and ' lo Ihe heavy fog. which mad© It impos- > Bible to take an observation for thirty-six I hours before the accident. At th© next I high tide an effort will be miLde to save I (Ue Romania's engines.I The Romania Is a fifty-fooler of about

twi*niy-iwo tons, and had five men aboard ; - Jo h n Weller, of UarlBtadl, N. J., master;! N. H. Pmall. navigator; Anton Mepro, en- I g'.ncfr: Henry Rtruckmeyer and the son : pf the ow'iior, Robert Weller, seamen. Tho ; boat was to have Htopped a t Halifax be- ' H rv croBHing the Atlantk-’.

Staff Correspowicnot.ABBURY PARK, July 26-T h e forty-

pound three-ounce boss which Paul F. Zlerx, of M3 W arren street* Newark, caught from the end of tin* fi«hlng pier yesterday wa.s sent to New York late In fhe afternoon (n lie mounted. W-hen the work Is done the fish will he hung on tho walls of the fishing cUib,

Mr. Zlerx wa-s the proudest angler along ttie coast when he landed the baas, which was fnur feet long. It was’ lmj>o3sIble to haul the flah to the platform of (he pier, and, after drowning the big fellow, Mr, Zierx hauled It around the pier and on lo

the beach, where half a dozen were w ait­ing to drag It ashore.

Mr. ZIera haa been one of the most pa­tient and perslBient of the many Halier- men who angle from the pier. He has caught any number of klngflsh, hut yes­terday wap tlip first llnio he had caught u wtrlped ba.HS of any size. At the lime of the catch he wna using a hook or­dinarily meant for kingfish-

I)uring the rain Monday night Mr. Zlerz fished until he was wet to (he skin, bill he stuck to the last, with no luck, l ie took up hla rod again yesterday,, and hfi«l fished for an hour when he landed the forty-pounder.

Tlie Honianlft belonged to the Jamaica Ray VacUt Club fleet, and left New York foT (lie iransatlantic trip on Saturday, July i.'i. Captain Weller had hla crew linisl tiie club flu* e"'® their w.inl llial the ensign would be carried across

I the ocean at the maalhead or they would sink with the llonianla-



Ftalement of the UuUed Stales Bteel


CHICAGO, July 26.—Violence wan le-newed to-day In the peddlers' strike. | 5oor,'"apparentry foilowlng her, that he

NKW YORK. July M .-The two men ar­rested last night in connection with the m urder of Adolph Stern, the Jewelry clerk who was shot down ahd killed Saturday night by robbers In a store at Thirteenth street and Sixth avenue, were rei'easw) to-day when John M. Flaherty, an eye witness, failed to Identify them. The robbers, a fter getting J5,00() worth of Jewelry, escaped In a taxi-cab.

Flaherty added an Important sidelight on the mystery to-day when he said he believed a woman wab Involved. He was ■looking In the Jewelry store window when the glass was smashed by one of the robbers. Ho said th a t Immediately afterw ard a woman ran out of the store and that It was when Stern rame to the

Cof-poratlon puts the total net earnings . Wagons were overturned and vegetahlea j w a, shot down by one of the thieves,■________ . 1.__.. -e tAO wriiY In xrBwln..o r.n *.t* ev# SL.... .-ia.. riax. • _ __ -. ax.._. Stxat AKa nnlIrsA KAfl hdATfl


from operations at This la th© 1 destroyed In various parts of the city,beet showing since (he quarter ended B©P- | the persons suffering being chiefly liuck-tember 30 last, when the flgurea were [ Rters who had declined to quit attem pt-tTf,365,187. In the last quarter of 1910 i Ing to make Pale* while the etrlke was

b. Chicago Thla tnuken u differenoo I th© same Item waa >ia.990,97S and a t the j (m. The peddlers are seeking to compelof from |fi to HO per machine. : end of March It was $23,619,203. | the repeal of an ordinance which pro-

''! Vf&H surprised to learn, while in- | The $6,268,630 dedin^ted on account of i bibita yelling and other noise In the vepitgatlng this subject, that the Steel | charges and allowances for sinking funds, !Trust rtfunds to Harvoster companlea « depredation and extraordinary replace- '

greater sum than the cor-

WASHINGTON. July 26.-Pofttmn3l©r- General Hitchcock yesterday held a con­ference with (ho postmaaterB of New Y'ork. Boston, Chicago and St. Houla, re­garding the opening of the postal savings bimka In those cltlea on August 1.

On the conclusion of the conference the postmasters will take up (he naatler of organlilng their corps of assistants mid In perfecting details In preparation for the opening. The supplloa, such qb certificatea of deposit and mlacelianeouB Idanki, are now being forwarded to tbe offleea.


WABHINOTON* July 26,—T hat mall or­der businesses throughout the country have been the victims of a syBiematb* method of Lssulng fraud orders hy the Postofflee D epartm ent was the charge made by E. G. I.*owis. head of the Lewin Publishing Company of University City, Ht, Louis, Mo,, before the committee on expcndlturea In the Poatofllce Departm ent to-day.


per ton for all steel used In the rrtanufao ture of machinery exported, thus giving ill© same result ae If the sleet had bctn Imported, the import duty paid, ami a f te r­ward refunded under the drawback lew, ln*iirfttin« that steel can be profitably produced In this country and sold at the foreign price. This Justifies a Binall differ­ence hetween the domestic and foreign prices, ljut It w'ould amount to only a lew cents for each machine, and in no way explains the difference Indicated above.''

Mr. Townsend detailed many other oharges of violations,

"I have learned/' he eald, “of many allcgeij dishonest act* of the In terna­tional H arv ^ te r Company, euch aa l.rt!g- iBlature brlbiriK, tax dodging, etc., some based on apparently authentic infoimu- llon, flottm on rumor."

These m atters h© Bubmltted to enable th© Attorney-General to determine wheth­er there had been v i o l ' ' o f the an ti­trust law.

"In my Judgment, ' the report con­cluded, "the facU- concerning Ihe or- gan^aatlon of the international Harvester Company conatltuie a violation of the anti-trust law,"

Tbe Tovrasfbd R eport.Mr. Townsend In his report particularly

referred to the price paid to J. Pierpont Morgan A Company in the H arvester deal, declaring that $5,000,QUO Is e very high price for the simple service of sug

WASHINGTON. July 26.-A fter a laps© i to people how th^y can agree In(it two years th© ratifications of the arid- | ^ legitimate transaction. It )■ not un- iratbm in a iy between America and transactions*BrftBll wore exchanged© lo-dny. Tha , creating a (rust, which can evadetreaty bcoomea effective aa ennu as pro-f OoubtlcBs If .proceedlnga wereclaimed by the Freeident.

HOUSE adjourned EARLTWABHINGTON* July 26.-Th© House

adjourned a few m inutes after meeting to-day on a ’count of th,® death of Rvpre- Bentatlvc George W* Kipp, of Pennsylva­nia. RcBolutlona of Bymputhy were adopted.

gOUET TO RAISE Ti5-3tiIIiEWASHINGTON, July 2*.-ConijreBS will

(>e shorn y M«ki*d hy the W ar l>ep:irl- ment to approt^rlate $250,000 more to corn- pletft the work «f rulslijg th© bnUlesblp Maine in H avana Harbor, Thla will make a total expenditure of $9n)0,000.

T en Per CenL O ff O n Lawn M ow ers


—And here we are right in the midst of summer with all sorts of hot waves ahead of us before we can stop cutting the grass, or sprinkling It.

You can pick any of tfte fine To?*«en(! Mowers—best in the wotlil—principally ball-bearing, therefore easy r u n n i . ^'p e r cent, less than usuaT.

14-inch Flyer M owers a t t4.9&, leas 10 per cent.

10-inch Victory ~ $8.80—less JO j e r cent.

Uregel Mowers—12-inch sire —$2.95, lets 10 per cent.

Lawn Rollers—10 per cent. off.Carden Hose, Hose Reels,

Carden Barrows, Wire Fencing, Roultiy and Mosquito Wire—at low prices.


LUDLOW & SQUIERB a s m s <■ t ta ra n ra n .

9 7 - » © M A R K E T S T .a i f x t n WaahJnston Bt.>

rVAaHINOTON. Jttlr se -S en a to r New- lands. or Nevada, yeeterday offered an amendment to the fanners' free list btU enacUng a gradual deoreaae of duties ai the rate ot ten per cent, a year.

The Benator also proposed an amend- j .- ,V ''''M C f''" ififc cbanjtinjt'all epeclftc

niTOM ■' by *a*w Into ad valorem dutlea as of the firet day of Jan uary, 1912, and authorizing the Preeldent with thn nld of th© Tariff Board and the

. other itatU tlcal torcra of the govem- metit to aecertatn the ad valorem eQuIfa' tent of the extaUng speclflo dutlea where Bpecifio duties alone ore levied and the ad valorem equivalent of dutlea where both apeclfio and ad valorem duties are Imposed.


elan Cabinet has resigned. A new Min­istry. with Ooniales Qulnan aa Ministerfor PoretgnI Affairs, hae been organised

itby president Gomez. Nothing is known here ae to the cause ot tb s Cabinet crisis;


Ju-'?Uc6 Isehman granitid yesterday the motion by Charles I). Lanier, secretary of the Periodical Clearing and byHarper & Bro©.. to vacate an order for their examination before tria l In a ault brought by John Thomaa Wood* a m ag­azine BubBcrlptlon agent, agalnHt .the clearing houH© and tbo magaelne pub- Usbera who are members, for $100,000 for consplrahy to m in hla busUmas. Justice

InBtitiited Against ih© International H ar­vester Company, the manner of Us de- fenBr> win demonBtrate that the fe© waa earned.

In explaining th© purchase by the Inter- nfttinnfll bf (he D. M. Onhorne A Co. tn 1903 for $4,000,000, the Aultman-Mlller & (’o. for $700,OfH) In th© earn© year, th© Minneapolis IlarveBter Company for $700,' 000 and the Keystone Compapy for tiOOiOOO, Investigator Townsend reported:

"'The manner of these purchases, and the use mad© of tbe property show the purpose of the International H arvester ■f'dnTpnny. T?tPTr'’‘rtt''Hi%-"tFft\cTiairea ^ a - r ' made Df-ao«n*. a f lUdtre'etora’ or etwckholders, who held the stork In trust ‘for It. The Osborns and Keyelone companies Were both operated for some tlm© osienRlbly as independent,

I f'ompetlug plant*; the International H ar­vester Company concealed Its ownership. Why? Was It not because they were con­scious th a t Us dlscloGure would give added teatlaiony of their tru st character afld trust iimthuds?

"Again, the AuUman-MIlIer A. Co. and th© Mlnneapitiia Company were both aban­doned, immediately after purebaae, and the plants dismaiuled. The purchase of these plants could have been for no other purpose than to deAlroy competition. One mliUon four hundred thousand dollars was expended to acquire plants which It did not tntend,.to use, but simply to destroy.

"Hear In mind that In all of these In- Btances ell patent Hghls were acquired and are stIU retained ny the In terna­tiona) Harvester Company

ments Isporatlon has set aside for these purposes In any quarter since lost Kept'^mber, Thlp deduction leavcn net earnings of $21,6S9.ft40. compared with $20,O0l.Si7 last March, $3J,8.W.7r»5 a year ago, $.11,048,736 last September and $13.SR0.7&ri In December,

The tuirplus of after dhidendBcompnrcfl with L11.1&5 In March. $408.■032 In December, $Il.f)TS.063 In September and tl3.910.0ti3 A year ago. No fiihnunt'w as B©t afllde from the surplus earned In th©

The police responded to seven riot calls before noon.

A patrolmnn was aeverely slashed with a banana knife when he went to th© rescue of a peddler who was being beaten by a mob. He was compelled to fir© a dozen ehots In the uir to Intimidate th© mob. laAtcr two striking peddlers were arrested.

This wus the first the police had heard of this woman and sn effort was begun lo find her.


W a s h in g t o n . July le.—The effective (late of an orrter of the In terstate Com­merce Coxnmlaslon In a case Involving more than half a million dollara In lepar- actlon, lo-day waa postponed from August 15 to Septemher IS.

The case 1* th a t of Meeker and Com-.Sam Goldberg, a peddler, w a . perhaps

fatally Injured when he was attackedby a mob of KH) men and women and struck with a hatched on the head.

road, which has been pending for eleven yeai'B. it affects the shipments of Anlh*a-

plants or construction.The unfDled orders on hand. 3,361,068

tons, compara with 8,M7.30l (one for the quarter’ended March 31, 2,671,757 tons for December, 8,168,106 tons for September and 4,257.794 tons for a year ago.

striking peddlers were arrested as a re­sult of this outbreak.


the WeBtlngheuae Electric and Manufa,©- tu rlng Company met her© to-day for the annual meeting, Interest 1r pronounced because of controversy between the maik- agement and George Westlnghouse, the former president, tbe point a t Issue being th refusal of th© dlreciorfl to place the


an Investigation of (he United Shoe M achinery Company by Special A ssist­a n t A ttorney-G eneral Gregg, for th© D epartm ent of Justice, A ttorney-G en­era l W tekeraham to-day directed United S ta tes D istrict A ttorney Asa P. F rench and Mr. Gregg to presen t th e evidence obtained to Gi© Federal Grand Ju ry a t

stock on a dividend basis. Mr. W esting- * special session called for A ugust w'anted a quarterly disbursement of on© per cent., hut the board took the posi­tion that In view of uncertain business conditions and the neceaslty of m aintain­ing a large cash rcaerve, the resumption of dividends nhould he postponed fo r a j United States, season. The baUle for proxies has been ' lively. The result will be announced late this afternoon-

Investlgntlnn of the company ha.*« been going on for four or five months, the alle­gations having been made th a t the com­pany Is a monopoly In restraint of trade under the Rherman law, and that It has Infringed upon the patent laws of the


^ h n i a n ooncludee th a t "the plalnUff jsj CHICAGO. July 26,—At the general Wot acting In good faith, but la seeking offlcea of the International H arvestera Ucenn© for a fifthlng excursion to. de- “ . ...................termine wliethor he ^aa a cause of actionagainst certain unnamed parttesJ"


Beadache, Indigestion'Flatulency,

Cramps, Diarrhoea. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTEH8l i tru ly heiptul ia tuc li c u m .

PORT COI.LINB, Col.. July 36.-A fte r traveling from New York to Colorado to he married In (he Laramle-Poudre tu n ­nel, 6,000 fee! under ground, and for bo doing to receive a gift of $1,000, Mlse Della Bteveneon, of New York City, took one look Into the dark tunnel chann and ■iJfamptTy'dVTldcd that ©h© peefei^swd he»^ eara«*o«T-to-^be ta De&m* ^

She gave up the right to claim the $1,600 offered by the tunnel company to th© couple who would be married tn the tu n ­nel as a feature of tbe celebration yester­day of the completion of the work. J . B- Alexander, to whom Mtes Stevenson w as m arried in Demi^er ja s t night, Is an elec­trician in tho emproy of the tynnel com­pany.

SHIPS TAKE 77 WHALESVICTORIA. B. 0.. July 26.—The steam

whalers Bt. Lawrence and W hite, w ork­ing from the Kyuhuot Station, have brok­en ail records for their catch during the last two weekB, according to advices re ­ceived by wtrelesB. A total of seventy- seven whales were taken off the coast of Vancouver. __________-

Company, hi Chicago, It was aald th a t Cyrus H. McCormick, president of the oorporfitlor/. was In Burope. MctCotmlck, vlpo-presWenf of ju* A.v*;.»j)any. declined to diecuia the chergee a t this time. - ■ ■

L IU S tE C U IE I n i l D — IIFE M tn U C E O U T E R


W* adverllB* Ev.kni*a's A lterative to tell those who have lunc disease Isbat

J ia s been done by Its use.Gentlamen; "On the evetiln* of May

IE, 1D07 1 had flve hsmorrtaaw** from the


f lte Coal from the Eastern Pennaylvanla fields to Tidewater. The CommlsBlon held th a t the rates were unrensonablly high and awarded tjie complainant reparation.

The order of the Comml-sston effects all an thracite roads and under the repar­ation to other ehtppera will aggregate an Immense sum.

rOSTAL fraud SENTENCENEW YORK. July 2E.—Dr. Ferdinand

Hartm ann, ot the H artm ann Medical In- Blltute, who pleaded guilty to the charge of using the malls to defraud persons residing In different parte of the enuntry. waa to-day sentenced by Judge Arclibald lo the United States Court to one year and three months' Iniprlsonment In Ihe Federal Penitentiary a t A tlanta, Ga., and lo pay a fine of JIOO.

Speetot flerrlce of tho NEWS',W a s h in g t o n , Ju ly EE.—The u n ­

derwood cotton bill, approved by th e Democratic ra'ucus yesterday, w as In- troduced in th e House and re fe rred back lo the W ays an d Means Com m it­tee.


IS. Y. CHy K . o f C. to C e le b ra te .NEW YORK, July The ai.tKIO mem­

bers ot the Knights of Columbus In Greater New York will celebrate In Sep­tember next the twentieth arnlversory of the establishment of the order In the Slate. On Sunday, September 10, the cel­ebration will begin with a vesper service a t St. John's Church, Broohtyii. On Sep­tember 12 and 1* there will be degree ea- empllflcatlons and on Saturday, Septem­ber U, the celebration will cloee at the Hotel Jefferaon, Coney Island, with a baii- q u e t

SAN FRANCISCO, July i« .-The site of flic Pahama Pacific International Expo­sition, to be held here in 1M6, has been aejeeted after several month* of confer- ence.

The Induatrlal buildings and other tem ­pdrary fitnjeturea will be pLac&d e t H ar­bor View, on Ihe bay shore, overlooking the enlraJtpe to the harbor. AH perm anent buildings will be placed in Golden Gate Park, excepting an enormous convention hall, to b© located a t the civil centre of the city. Van Ness avenue and Market Btreet.

Other permanent ImprovementJt will be made ©long the whole w ater front from the ClUf House, on the west ocean shore, to the Ferry building on tbe.aoat, or bay Bhore. A part 'Of the fair will be placed In Lincoln Park, w'hlch etandi on the mciat westerly point o t the clty« overi looking the Golden Gate Itself.

The various eparts of the exposttlon #111 be connected with each other by boule­vards.


ATLANTA, Oa , July as—Clalm taf th a t she li the wldaw of five husbands, all of whom fought In the Civil W ar, a woman of Walton County, Qa., has ap­plied for five pensions amounting to fao a month.

The applicant stated that she was a Mist Malcolm before marriage and de­clared th a t her first husband was killed during the first year of the war, while her second soldier husband met a like fate toward the close of the conflict. S£s further asserted th a t the three men she married since tbe w ar were yeterma* o( th* Confederaor, '

right lung. My hemorrhages kept up for one week—1 .‘wenty-elght_ In all.aepUc pneumonia developed. My doctor told me my left lung had also become affected. 1 atarted to take Eckm an's the last of August, 1907, and Improved stead ­ily, Since my recoveiw about a year ago, I w as accepted for life Insuranoe, a fte r two examinations by a company th a t had previously rejected me."

(Signed Affidavit) CHA8. MORGAN. SEED Thompson St.. Phil*., Pa.

Fuller dstalta of above case on request.* .................... ........ ■ - —Bchman's Alterative Is for Brol

Asthma, Hay Fewer, Throat and ^ n g Affectlone. For sale by Rlfcer Drug StoreA Chas. W. Menh, and other lead­ing droggisU. A u te r booklet of cured case*, and write .to Blohman Laboratl Pbttadelphta. Fa., tor additional eriC

(ntlCAGO, July 2t.—The American Os- teopathlc Aseoctstlon how In eeeslon here has Issued a ehallenge'to Its three other chief opponents In the medical world.

The aesoclatlons challenged are the American Medical Aseoclatlon, tbe Ameri­can Institute, of Homeopathy and the American Association o t Solsctlo Medi­cine.

Bellevu* Hospital, New Tork, or the Cook County Hospital 1* suggested s i th* scene of the contest. The plan ts to apportion HW patients Squatty among the four schoole—paUents suffering from typhoid or pneumonia p r e f e r ^ . The school which has the n » t t j^ tla n ts *!)▼« when th* last subject has been buried or discharged shall ba awarded the p rh ifr

Bkaw L eft All to W ife.PATERSON. July M .-The will of the

la te A esletant P roseoulor Ralph Shaw w as opened yeaterday a t hla office. It Is a brief docum ent and Mrs. Shaw .s ta te d -laa tr evening that.-a!i a .U, n a n u d a a U iaJtaU M e s .u t r l* y ^ e j 'e ry lh ln g ja _ le f t to her. The wlIVWW ■nude In 1902 and one of the w itnesses to It w as N a­th an ie l ShanA who w as associated w ith Mr. Shaw a s detective for fif­teen years. Mr. Shaw le f t a fa ir am ount o f p roperty and I t Is said he carried considerable insurance. He owned .1(19 residence a t L ittle F a lls and held o th e r property, which he had purchas­ed a* kn Investm ent._____________ _

Oh ! My Sore FeetEZO banishes all soreness and agony

In no time.Ju s t one minute to rub on b ZO and

all p ^n . burning, aching and swelling will vanish.

H ere 's a tip th a t •will brighten up that gloomy countenance and pu t hope into people who are on


lb to-d* gown, d*'Ellk, beav

Th* hig a bolero-1 very beoo There It i ored ehtffi of Irish li

MOMost <



Tired m the freshInge, mos sometime! they esk themselve holidays, tract* fro Bhe write

"1 hope Ing befon lovely th quickly, find so IT and Mrs. not one (he child and the t M ark set dren get kind* of the veget fine-

"Oh, I your gr*( dren. for along wl help ■will

Hr. anMias I^ol week to thorn* li

Mr*. 01 of Llnool mi* k t I

1bTvanA M ary W.

tainU r b a t Mkdt*

U k s Awill fpei Hlgfltana

GUtCord w I»3tavctt 'fh

B rnnai Is gttenl Ubliwrall pl*l* a s

U U l Hgbd HI* Jeflfsrun Ooean O

Tb* HI a t wiok AugUkt W hen tb th* isaai

F rank *tr*«t, ai t>wk foe v*ux an th* ihor talL

their l**t “fl A » oe"t 1*''

the new discovery B 70 ' Trill m a k e your feet so good

strong *nd ■ vigorous that youwon’t feel » P*'fl or an *che all day Irtng. Foot mieery must g 0—* fl n t'a W hat EZO Is for, and peopla suffer from ful, weary, worn- o u t burning feet m ust have It In order to enjoy Ilf*.

^ i O I* a irieae- - p t refined oiDtraent, so eaay to apply, ^ fuaslDg around getting ready, and It stop* the misery a t ones, and for conn, bunion* or callouseo i r a f a r ahead o f , anything on earth to-day. AU driiggtsU. *

- - ■ S 'Bd—wn


O lu C

H a e 8n a n . ot ahortly They wlHloh., a

HUa A Due, haiweeks' 1

Hit* 1 .leave 8i Hlook Ii

H r. at F ifth nt cation «


-/....v •:, .•■■'



can- it .fit ly ofhlng


rtlny IS at aiicta ' the U v-

t th e ’ fully and food has

3lnesic i i iortt*.that

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!dge-r to )-day Clio* euth. MorV' Ition. total and ^

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ibout>oardkster;>, an- I son . The X be-


n ar-a the welry killed re at wero

lerty, tltem. worth

elight Id ho ) was ndow ne oi lately store

0 the At heieves.heardbe^un


Corn- Rail-

;lcven ,ntha- ivanla 1 held

high atlon. ;ta all repai- ite an

:eInancl al )n- harg^* fi'sona jntiy . hbai J

year n the


jf the Shaw

ItShawlatnedio£Ja.„1 1902 8 Na- elated T flf- nount irrl-ed .6 .. Jila

held ‘Ohas-


> and railing

p that» Into

•p tiy . w d It oorat. ■4 n to U .

«4t Cowh flf W hite Rajah S

B y H o w a r d R . 6 A R i a

Xu io-dar*i akatoh U tthiatrated a model gfiWTit developed In oyiter white raja-h Eilk. heavily embroidered Id self to n a

The high out skirt falls from benenth a bolero-tike bodloAt giving a new and very beoomtng effect to g slender figure. There la s round out yoke of violet col­ored chiffon with a little turn-over collar of Irish laoe.

The violet ohlffon appears again In the graceful sash, which Is knotted a t the waletlloe and paaeea through a slU In the skirt.

The embroidery forma deep cuffs on the elbow sleeves and a wide band on the overeklrt. From the knees down th e silk Is laid In a shallow box plait to front and hack and a few small plaits at the sides. MARTIA OLTNN,

UNCLE**WeIli what shall we do to-dayf" asked

the second ooualn to Grandfather Prlokly Porcupine, an he crawled out of b li bed of dried leaves, and looked over to where Uncle W iggtly was washing his whiskers. "Are we going to travel some m o re r i

*'ON yee,** answered the old gentle*n»n rabbit, '*we m ust still keep on. for X have yet to find my fo rtu n e /'

"'What ore you going to do with your fortune when you do find It?” asked the porcupine. ''W ill you buy a million Ice oretm oones wUh the money?''

"Oh, tny goodness eakes alive, and a pot of mustard, no!” replied llnole Wlg- glly, 'Tf 1 a le as many cones as that I would have Indigestion, as well as rheumaUacn- W hen I find my fortune I am going back home, and I'll buy some­thing for Sammle and Susie Lttllstall, and for Johnnie and Rlllle Bushytall, and for all my other anim al friends, Including Qrandfather Ooosey Gander. That’s what r i l do when I find my fortune,”

"Very good," said the porcupine, and then he got up and washed hla faoe and paws. And he wiped them on the towel after the old gentleman rabbit, Inilead of before him, for you see when the por­cupine soaked up the w ater off his faee he left some of h li stloketT’-stockery QuIUi fUeklng In the towel, and If Unci* W ln ily bad used It then be might have been scratched. But, as It was, the rab­bit didn't even get tickled, and very gUd of It he wui, too. Oh. my, yee, end ■Dine pepper haeh In addition.

Well, Uncle Wlgglly and th e ’porcupine had their breakfust and theft they started oft. They had 't gone very far before they met aJocust s lu ing on the low llifftb of a tree. jiUid this looust was bussing his wings like an electric fan. and making more noise than you could shake your handkerohlef a t on .a.CCueiday morning.

"Why do you do thk t?” asked the rab­b it

‘To keep myself cool,” said the locust T am fanning myself with my buisy wings for tl Is going to be a very hot day.”

'Then we must keep in the shade as we travel along," said the porcupine, and that Is what he and the old gentleman rabbit did. And it is a good thing they did so, for, as they walked along where It was cool and dark, beneath clumps of ferns, and under big, tall trcps, they passed by a place where a bad snake lived.

"Look ofttl There's the snake’s holel” cried Uncle Wlgglly, and he Jumped to one etda

"H al I'm ready for bhn!” oalled the porcupine, and he got some of hie stlckery quIUs ready to Jab Into the snake. But

WIGGILY AND THE LITTLE CHICKENly. "W e’ll help you find your mammai won't we. Mr. Por\’uplnef'

"Of course we will.” said the stlokery* ■tockery 'creature "You go one way, Unole Wlgglly. nnrt ['ll go the other, and

the snake was out cm a hot rock, simnlng himself In the hot sun, though when he heard the rabbit and porcupine talking he made a Jump for them and tried to catoh them,

Rut )-ou eee they were In the cool shadows and the snake’s eyes werehUhilert by the sun. so he could ro t see very well, »nd thus the rabbit end hli friend escaped.

' 1 tell you U a good thing we heard the loriiflt sing, and that we kept In the shade, or else we m ight have step­ped right on that snake and he’d have bitten and killed us,” raid the porcupine, and Uncle Wlgglly said that this was true

Well, they kept <m and on, and pretty soon they sat down In ttie shade of a mulberry tree and a te IheIr lunch. Th#»n they rested a b it and In the afternoon they traveled on farther

And, just as they were p au tng by a large, gray rock, th a t had nice, green moae on It, all of a sudden they heard aorneihing calling like this;

"Uheep' Cheep! Chlp-cheep-cheepl Oh, cheep: Peep! P eep"’

‘TV'hat’s t h a t f ' asked Uncle Wlgglly In ft whisper.

"I don't know. Maybe a burglar fo i,” answered the porcupine also in a whis­per 'B u t Tm all ready for him."

So he got out some of his sharpest stlokery quilla to Jab Into the burglar fox, and the noise sllll kept up:

"Cheep: Cheep! Tip" Ylpl Tap! Topi Cheep-chap:"

‘T hat doeen't sound like a fox.” said the rabbit, listening with hla two ears.

"No, It d o sn 't/ ' adm itted the porcupine, and he stuck his quills hack again like pins in a cushion. "Perhaps II Is the ekIllery-Rcalery a llig a to r and my quills would be of ho use against him," he went on.

Then, all a t onoe. before Uncle Wlgglly

the chlckle con stay on this Mg rock until one of us cumes back with her mamma."

"Yee, and here Is n piece of cherry pie for you to eat while wr> are gone," said the rabbit, giving thr lost chlckle a nice piece of the pie

Bo off the rabbit and the poroupine started to find the cMckie'e mamma. They looked everywhere fur her, but Ihe porcu­pine couldn't find the old lady hen, eo he . went back to the roi'K lo wait there with ' the lost chlckle so she wouldn't he lone- | some But Uncle Wlgglly wouldn't Btop looking. Pretty soon he hoard something , going "ciuck-oluck" In ihe bushes, and he , knew that It was the munima hen. Then > he went up to her and said; j

“Oh, I know where your little lost chlckle Is." I

Well, at first, that Inamma hen d idn 't | know who the rabbll wsh, and »he ruflted up her feathers, and puffpd them out, and let dow'Ti her wings, and rlie w as going to fly right a t Unde WiugUy. bu t she happened to see who he was Just In time and she said:

"Oh, thank you ever so much, Unole Wlgglly. I was BO worried th a t I woa Just going down to the police station to see If a policeman had found her. Now I won’t have to go. Come along, children* little lost Clarabella Is found. Unol* Wlgglly found her." 8 o she clucked to all the other chickens, and the rabbit ted them toward wliers Clarabella wgs elttitig on the rock with the porcupine

And on the w&y a big, ugly fox leaped out of the bushes and trlsd tu eat up all the chlckrna, and Uncle Wlgglly alsq, But the old ni<ilhef Tien"jiisV yuffled up

«a6 TrIeJ Recipes fer Mousse

and half a cupful of water. At the end of five mtnutei add the Juice of half a lemon and lake from the fire to coni. Add the pineapple mixture, when ■'old. to ft plm of whipped erram and then pul Into a mold and pack as coffee mouags.

Any berries or other fruit may b« used for a mouHse. It la well to pulp the fruli and then mix it with powdered sugar. It will have about the eame con­nivency riR whipped i-reurn. Allow a cup­ful of the fnjlt to a pint of the cream; «<imriluii>ti a little flavoring, aS vnuilla LP iHiuoii, Is «n ImproveniPht. For a chm-olate mousse us** on ounce of choco­late, melted and diluted with a little milk or crriim to a pint of cream

Any cordial or liqueur may he used for fiavorlng. This with the addition of a few candied chsrrlea makee an excellent summer dessert.

Perhaps some houiekeepere ore fright­ened by the very word ‘'mousee," oeno- clatlng w'tth it an untoward am ount of labor.

The tru th te th a t It actually requlrcn no more time to prepare tnouMO for | deeaort than a pudding, and this, too. , without the attendant heat from a stove.

Mousse Is In roallty one of the ilm plest and most relished of eummer desserts; It Is easy and quickly prepared, and It does not demand the cracking of ice and packing; there te no stirring of a freeser net^essery as Is the case with ice cream. Its cost, too. Is slight

Save whet la left from the morning coffee end make a coffee mousee for d in­

n e r . Sweeten the coffee while it la still warm, "^hlp up a pint of cream, very herd, etlr in half a cupful of the sw eet­ened strong coffee Stir gently; turn the mixture Into the mold, place a piece of paraffin paper ecroHs the top, p\tt on the Cover, end then completely bury It In lee and ea lt Uo\er with a piece of old carpet to exclude ell air posalhk and set It away for five houra. Then It will be ready to serve. If you haven’t a freeser, put the mold Into a wuoden nr tin pall and pack aa you would In a freeser. If you have a flrelvsa cooker, nothing better could be found, for shut light, It la moat difficuU for any air to get into the cooker.

A pineaptde mousse Is another tasty fleaaerl. Boll slowly two cupfuls of shredded pineapple, a cupful of siigiir

EMBROIDERED LIN6ER1EUnquestionably the embroidered lln-

l gerle wears much belter than the lace irlinmcil, for there is lose danger of U | bring injurorl In ijm laundering- Dainty

I' KHrmentH em broidered by the Japanese lire now ti» be hud In this country a t eur- prlHlngly low figuccs, the work Ig not eo

heavy ss th a t done In M adeira. FYmncc I (IT pi»flH|h1y .\ijP tr1a. t)iit It la ex trem ely I rffcntlve There Is tt differencs tn the tic*

HigTiw iise«i hy th e people of the severnl 1 (•ourtri^s on sim ilar jfarm nnts

/ T

I lien B.ii mi uiiuv, im ure uiJUie m Icr«ld m4 k« h t, j> o „ twlnkl* Ilk , B ,U r J " anrt r«ft<=a «■•», r all Outo( a f ro itr night m or, than two ' •’‘K w i " * ‘ he «' “ >»' fo*there w-as a n islllng In the bushes, and nut popped a poor, little while chlckleonly she, w asn 't go very white now, for her feathers were all wet and muddy

"Cheep-chap! Ylp-yap'" cried tha little chlckle.

"Why, whftt In the world are you doing away off here?” asked Uncle Wlgglly- ■you poof, iltile dear! W here U your mother ?”

"Oh. me! Oh. my!" cried the liltle chlckle. "1 only wish I knew. I'm lost! I wandered away from my mamma, ami my brothers, and sisters, and I'm lost in these woods. Oh chip' Oh chap' Oh yip! Oh yap!" Then she cried real hard und the tears washed some of the dirt off her while feathers.

"Don't cry." said Uncle Wlgglly, klnd-

Skewing Pccpl? Tkeir Mistakes ^

MOTHERS MAKE PLEAS FOR AIDMost fften for Their Little

Ones, but Sometimes for Themsehei


we can. Mr. Mark ts <olng to have a great christening on Sunday here under the old apple tree. The mlnUtor la entn- ing from FjLfmlngdala, Five of the chil­dren are to be christened* tw o of Mre. ^M’s and three of Mrs. G ’b . My ton Rob likes pulling weeds, hunting eggs and lota of other things; he wishes he could slaya week longer, Respectfully, -------

Mrn. Oeorgo B. Gifford, chaJrroan of the

"Why Is It.” suddenly said the youngest member of the plaxta group, " tha t when some people correct you, reprove you, show you th a t you are wrong—oh, pul It any way you w ant—you are poRRcssed with a desire to bile their heads off? And yet others cpn do exaotly ihe same thliig and you thank them !”

Tliere was a general laugh. "You spe«k aft If somebody had lieen tftlklng lo you." one of the women said when the mirth had subsided.

■'WoH. yea, Bomehody has been." the first ppeaker admitted. " I t was terrible, a regular raking over the coals. 1 may as well roafeBS that I did not behave very well myself, for I anpwered back and, es a m atter of fad - 1 was In the wrong to begin with. 1 dM need to be brought to

But I did ohjcol, and 1 do object, to

rules can be applied In the rase of adtjUn. only thore w» m ust remember that people meet more on an equal fooling '

Tbs young woman who first spoke had been an Interested "'Vou've a n ­swered my question /' she aald, "!>y put­ting the reprovers In two classes, thosi? who reprove you because tliey want to show you a wrong and the iilheiB, w'ho reprove you, because they want you tu do r ig h t/ '

” 1 guess th a t’s about It." said the older woman, smiling.

the method employed/I There was a m oment's silence, and then ! another took up the conversation.I 'T here are ways ajxd ways of reprov- I Ing/' she said quietly; ” 1 think we all

Tired mothers are constantly coming to tha fresh air committee to plead for out­ings. roost often for their children, but somellmea fearing a complete brcHkdown they ask a brief country vacation for themselves. Their appreciation of such holidays, when granted, Is shown by ex- traots from a letter written by one such. Bhe writes:

"I hope you will excuse me for not writ­ing before, but we found the country so lovaly that the llmq Reems to pass bo quickly. The chlMron are all well and find so much to amuse themeclveB. Mr. and Mrs. Mark are eo nice and kind ^hnt hot one got homesick. Mr. Mark took the children to church Sunday morning and the two oldest In Iho evening. Mrs- Mark sets a very ntce table. The chil­dren get plenty of milk and eggs and all kinds of nice coke, homemade bread, and the vegetables from the garden tas te so fine. ^ ^

"Oh, I must thank you very much for your great klndnfcii lo myself and chil­dren* for my own health has Improved along with the children's. We mothers help with the dishes and w hatever else

frcflh air conitnJttee, continues to receive i SomeUmes I feel that somenotes from matiy of the children who have ^,n.ijitenlioned people do more harm

than good In this m atter of correction, i They are usually the people whom we I charaoterlse os ra th e r tacllosi. They are

tactless, as a rule* but It !s not mere I bliintneBB th a t arouses anlrnosUy on the j part of the listener. There are tiroes I W’hen reproving calls for plain speaking

and nothing but plain apeaklng.■•No," she went on, "H isn’t the plain

speaking In lUelC th a t does harm People self. I went to the oandy etora to ‘ to be able to atand l ^ t .ranrty end I walked two mllaa. Thera are t^ka made often by the reproyer la HgM bealdea me here. I am ffoln* awlm- a ”iTilng after dinner for one hour. I wUl close now. Yours truly, PAUL."

Contributions to the f^itid will be re­ceived at the office of the Evening News, or by the treasurer of th e fund, Mrs.William H. Douglass, 160 Monmouth

tenipori'tly left the confinement and re- stratnbf of the city behind them for the freedom and pleasure of the country.

While the following letter Is not directly expressive of gratitude, It conve3re appro- elation of the comforts and pleasures sur- j rounding the writer, one of the smaller i boys on a two weeks’ outing: i

"Dear Mrs. Gifford—I am having a fine 1 time here. I h a re plenty to ea t and good | things to e a t X have a nine bed by my'

street, and all will be acknowledged In this paper. The contributions to-day were as foilown;Previously acknowledged ...............I6.E16 0*Mrs. Harry Durand ......................... 10 tX)B. L. W..................................................... 6 WMrs. J- C..Bmlth..................................... B OilL j ......... ...............-............................... fiooA X^lend ................. 6 00

Total ................................................. •6 .MS W

Social and Personal

Mr. « id Mrs. J. ’Wood, Polnlm »nd M ill homier, ot South street, left last week to etiend the summer a t the Haw- thorne Inn, East Qloucsster. Mas,.

• « •U t*. Ob* WoodruJt and Mlse Woodruff,

of Unooln Tark, will also spend the «um- tuM a t Koat Olouceeter. Mass.

• • • Il ( * r ( * n t Aelimuti. of A blnfton

aremi*, la * rehtraefl trom Tijritln* Mies M*«T W. Beloher,

wn— ABo* Bottloher t i the ru ee t of the tu n l t r of her fianoe, J. tkrvel Paulinler, a t UaUeon. * * *

U im Add* Bohlmen, of N orfolk e t i e ^ will epend the neat two week* a t the H lfh land ,.

• • •OUSord MeEvoy, of South E ighth

■ w«tKctt hao -ro lum ei * o s i-A tla n tia .C l^ .....

B erm an Btieoh,*'of i^ a ln w rlfh t street, t l attending the eummer school of the in d re re tty of Pennsylvania, >(e will com­plete a six weeks course Auguwt 16.

♦ * ,U l t i Helen Knowles, of Mitchell street,

. and His* liorenoa Matthewe, of South Jetlarson itreet. Orange, have shoe to Ooeait Gate, tor a fortnlvht'e v ts lt

s • •tiM Ulesea Anna and Jennie Kaufman,

0 l Wlokllffe atreet, will /leave In early Atiftiat to r Grlffen'e Corners, N. T„ w b s n they will stay for the rem ainder of the aeason. s e e

y m n k K. Derlvaux and family, of High- etreet, are oaoupylnv a oottape a t Aebury I>ark tor the summer. Mlse Cecilia Deri- eaux and Dr. John Derlvaux will go to th* shore Saturday, to rem ain until thean. - s e e

Sdw ard J. Oodfrey. of John s t r e e t haa „ rotnniad from Ocean O rova

* * *i b u Oort rude Hnok, of Boat Kinney

ftm0^ ■ .gpOBdliU b v a t HI on-

D r W Moora Oould and family, of Hol- tey street, have returned from a motor trip to Aebury Park and o ther point! on the Jereey coaat.

» • •Charles H. Jerolam an Jr., of Ehnmet

street, left last week for Montgomery, Orange County. N. Y„ to remain fo r sew- erei weeks.

f * »Miss E. M. Partington, of Bread street,

Is spending a three weeks' vacation vlsU* tug a t Latko Oeoige.

• • *Iti* . John HOTTar and h sr brothen

Joseph A. lAipo of South N inth etreet, Isft yesterday fo r an axtendad v titt to Maryland, where they will be the gueete of their parents.

« t sMr. ' and M n. R, F. M. EB#ea, of

Kosevnie avenue, aeoompanisd by Mr. and Mrs. F rank Rathnell and their guest, M tir 'F ite ik ■ Of •coiQYinifcrKa'Vk' gd^ ■Lake Ghactstuoun to r a f o r tn ls h t 't stay;

s • •Ik)Uls B, ZoUer, of Court street, sailed

for Europe to -day on th e s te am er Olym* pie of the tVhlte S tar t,lne. Mr. ZoUer was the guest of honor a t an Infortnal re­ception given a t hla home las t night, when a number o f ' frtsndg sailed to wish him bon voyage.

* * •Dr. end Hre. Theodore W. Oorwtn have

returned from th e ir trip to th e West White a t Loe Angeles Dr, Corwin a t­tended the session* of th* American Med­ical Association. ,

e e eH r. and Mrs. B. L. Sander and fam ­

ily, of Elisabeth avenuA will leave the la tter t a r t of the week fo r a ehr month** tour of California end the Paclflo North­west. Kn route they will visit tflotor. Mont., Bsattle, Portland, Ban FVansliao, Doe Angeles, El Paso and enter Hextoo. Upon the completion of their trip they will have traveled about mllei.

the repropf come* from real Interest, and eecond. In nut alw ays displaying an un­derstanding of the eltuatlon leading to the reproof. The Brsl element lacking, there Is Invariably e feeling of hostility created end. the second element lacking, the one who Is being reproved smarts from a real or fancied sense of Inlustlce.

i "One cannot be too careful In thl* mat- ! ter of reproof* about being sure of her ; ground; that la. If she w ants th* oor- I roctlon to do good. I know that I have

found It so wtth my children. I try not to reprove them thoughtlessly end It Is, of course, essential to be sure of my facts. There o/e cusee, naturally, when reproof has to be given Instantly. But, time and again, I have found It more affective to chooee what seems to me the right occaelon fo r the words of correc- tlpn or advice. These words, with a lit­tle care, con be led up to so that the child la In lu l l tha proper nlbod for them. 1 think th a t the tam e general

Dahgsr ih <AS

vJf Dirty Ic? Boxes

In the Aiiffust Woman’a Home Cumpun- Ion. on "The I>uc1 it '« Piige." ihe author talks with great yood sensn al>fnu home (laiiitaltnn in sumnipr. Following: Is some good advice about the Ice box;

" it leerns Boftrcely nccftBsary to fay here that a dirty, Ill-kepl Ice box la r grave dangar to health. Of enurse, the tnodern pordelalti or glass-lined cAblneli! are most desirable and very saslty kept clean, rn fo rtunate ly , these are. ft* yet, not for the m ajority. However, a unJ- tnry Ice t»ox is pupslble to every houie- wife who dem and! It. Be careful not lo eplll food on the shelvee; cover closely all eatables to be put aw ay; IhbIbi upon clean k e . scrub and scald the Interior of t^e ke box with strong pnda w'ftli r once a week, completing tlie operation by pour­ing down the drein a eniutton of' r i a t t ' i DilorMes. an oduricRs disinfectant. An Ice box drain Hhoulci never he cloftely. connected with the getieMi sewerage sys­tem, unleie this hse lieen done In a per­fectly sanitary w&y. by a responsible phttnber. To save the constant fitiptylng of the waste w'ater, n rubber tube may be fitted over the emaU drsln pipe. In the bottom of the Ice box, and led out of doors through a smalt hole In the floor and other necefsary outlets, being finslly qsrrled away as surface water."

A TOMATO SALADAfter peeling and ohtitlng tomatoes, cut

each In half and arrange on a bed of let­tuce heart*. Season with oalt and pepper and then tip each tomato with a spoonful of whipped ureaini

rsre Mlltslrsl You rDiD«r« my

sffeccionn.B e t Oampbe/ri

fiewp* tb0r« BrlnA_ me Sri^btai


W h o is th e judge?y<7«. Nobody else.We m ight naturally

b e prejudiced when wc say there is noth­ing to equal


5 0 U PAll the thousands of

particular house • wlve.s who agree with us may possibly be mistaken. You are the one to decide what 1/ou like best.

All we Bay is, insist on deciding for youreelf.

Then if you’d rather have your money, the grocer refunds i t

2 1 k i n d i l O e a e a a

Jtutadd Ketwattr^ briKy te a boil,

and i*rv*.JeiivH CaHram.

CoMraHT OtBAsa n J

L o o k f o r t h e r e d - a t i d - w h i t e

U b e l



H l« Barak I avI and ttls* Borali Oele- agga, of Thlrtssntb avenua, will leave ebortly for a trip to tb s Great LfSkss. Thar « n i tpsmi lom» ttme la Hacfclnao, lUob., and Dulutb, Mtnn.

H iss Anna Grainger, of E lisabeth ave- ■ma, bos gone tf t ' Manaatiuan for a two weak*' visit

H ist Mary Tm a of H ozt etreet, will L. leave Baturday (a t an extendell i ta y At

Slook Iilind. a. I.Mr. end, Mrs. EdwaWl E . Bafllng, of

l l f tb avenue, have returned from a v a . 1 catMo v e n t a t Bloek tetaikd, H. I.

l^ 'e i U htrls H ueea of South BtMh I e t i : ^ 1* eumintrlaB a t (JaUleottii, (E 1.

Prepared tn the

Bachelor s Kitchen- —■

Breaded Beet CuhoaCut small beets Into oubes. Cover with

Oraoker orumbs and chopped bacon. Place In the oven lb a pan with several slices of bacon to fumleh. dripping* and beets the beet enbei with the Uquar. Borvi vrltb any tbiiditned m dleb, eerambisd or a plain omelet

Oentaloup MeBeMae,CblH property ripened oantaloupa and

«nt tn balvse, dieeardinc the seeda. BprUikl* with a lin t* ealt and lilt wtth Mined peaobee, Verve wtOi dreaot

W e^n Snowdrift Oil for salads and cook­ing is known to dietetic Bdentists as the one pure vegetable shortening which contains


100 per cent cooking wlue. Buy it con- tinually from your grocer. In tins only-'- Refuse subedti^es.^ s ; : d ;^ Hw Seimiin) CqHm OR Co.

COOK Interested in the fine points of edSnomy and" success in cooking should always use tne famous 'Wrason Snow-

dDOK *1^ ot tested rk:ipe8, sent free for your nameCBce and address and that <rf your grocer. "Write The Southern rntt Cotton Oil Co,, Fotsyth Building, Atlanta, Geotgia. : ; ; •


r - i


plrked him In ihp eyes, and he was glad I enough to slink away through tha | bushes, taking hla fuizy tail with him.

Then the rabbit hopped on and took I the mamma hen to lier little lost chlckle j on the rock, arvfi the rabbit and the por­cupine had supper that night with the chicken family and slept in a big banket ftill of straw next door to the chicken coop.

Then they traveled on th* next day and something el«e happened. What it was I 'll tell you to-morrow night, when. In case a little hoy named Willie doesn't craw) up In nxy lap when I'm writing and pull my ear*, the elory will bo nbout Uncle Wlgglly and the atlngery wasp.

3Sc. It May Lead You to Premier Corn or Jam '= r J

^ ________

a * '

T he Sun thanks Anty Drudge.Sun—"My, how I do like to shine and dry clot^hes washed

with FeU-NSptha soap. Anty Drudge is my best friend. She never makes me re-bleach clotheB yel­lowed by boding.”

Anty Drudge— "Thank you, Mr. Sun. But I deserve all the nice things you say. And let me add: If all folks would only adopt the sensible Fels-Naptha way of washing—aod abolish boiling-how happy they would be.” ____________

In India the wom en soak dirty clothes in water, lay them on a flat stone and then beat them w ith another stone.

Hard on the clothes, certainly!But isn’t boiling and washboard rub­

bing nearly as hard on clothes?T o say n oth in g of its wear and tear on

your health and strength—and good looks.Fch-N aptha saves your strength; saves

the clothes; saves tim e, labor, m oney, health.

Just soap the things with Fels-N aptha; roll and put in coo l or lukewarm water \ for 30 m inutes.

T he Fels-N aptha loosens and dissolves the dirt. A ll you need do is rub lightly , rinse and hang out to dry.

Besides the case of using Fels-N aptha, you'll find it makes the things whiter,, iwecter, cleaner.

Be nirc to use cool or lukewarm w a­ter— no boiling. J w t follow sim ple d ir e o tiocu on the and green wrapper.


\ i ic May Manton FashionsTwo-Pleo* Bktrt. TOOt.

With UDderlvtnA side panels. To be made wttb hlfh or natural w aist line.

The skirt with panels a t the side* Is a new one and exceedingly sm a rt This modM nan be flnlshed either w ith a hlith nr natural waist tine, consequently It will be found very eenerally benamlne. In th* llluetratlon th* entire »k1 r t 1* made of one matartal, but It can be used for ' omblBatlons wtth exceptional succet*, for the panel* can be of one m aterial, while the main jtortlon* are «f another.

The ik lrt l i made tn two pieces. Th* edfs* are ftnlthed and lapped on to the ■ ttsnela. which are stitched Hat to a por- tlonf of their depth. Below the ttltc h - Inge, the edffes are' iolned be'htL.n .tjeks. The skirt out to the high w aist line t* arranged ovsr a gtrdle; the sk irt cut to the natural line 1* Joined t< a belt.

The quantity of m aterial required fo r­th* medium s is . Is 6 yards !7 or 4 yards St or 44 Inches wide when m aterial haa flguts or nap; t% yards 44 whan m aterial has nslther figure nor nap. The width of tha sk irt a t the lower edge Is m yards when plait* are pressed flat.

Th* pattern No. T002 Is cut In alsea for a t l . B4, IS. ts and to Inch waist measure.


OMalnTIn **


HAT Ma n t o n FATTESNB—Th* H ay Manton p e ttem mn*. tratad above ban h* had in all alias fo r tOc. each. Mall orders flUeA

. promptly: s ta te sise and write address plainly. A catalogs* < m derigns mailed (or ISo. Addrepg MAT MANTON pATTl CCk, I t i TCagt Tw enty-thlrd Street.May H in ton P a tte rn s Is carried 'Harksd ntrogti. MgwgiE.

UiKiusp. V*. aewiieeto'- T«iddres* MAT MANTON PATTfi*



Cot ]>T Finaoce' Goamittee Not Takes Kindly by

Health Board.


Th» ertirt promulgated theCommittee op Klnancr’. of tlie Common Council, th a t all clts’ departments ure to be maintained for the j-ear on tlie Runm Allowed them In the tax levi' un<t the aupplementary reaolutkm. hiu not proved An altogether popular move.

There la evidence tiiat some of the de­partm ent otholalB prop'iae either to In­duce the committee to suspend thg rule In their particular caaee, o r to tell the alder- men juel what they think of the comralt- tee as a ftnancleiing tnetltutlon.

The HoipItaJ Commluee of the Board


FIRST MONTH O F L IF E“Good Milk:*There Is none better than P. F, D. “Certified Milk” and you may have It adapted to you baby’s age and peculiar need by a physician's prescription.Ask your doctor.Phone the Fairfield Dairy, 940 Montclair, for par­ticulars to-day.

T.ken ft«ni "Dolnii ot a pBlrr.” Copnifht W11.



MAD HINDI) HAD NOTE a d d r e s s e d TO TAFT

CHICAOO. July 3 t—Whlla th« polio# were plfuinlng to Mn<l hint to an aayluni for tha orlmlnal Insane, N. Hauein, a Hindoo, and former member of the Brit­ish array, who wounded five perions In tlhleago'B crowded downtown elreete yes­terday by dlecharglnB a rifle Rt the throng, eat In a cell a t a oenlrel elation

Tlioto-day and jeered a t hts guards, of Health la une of the dleaatleflod one*, i man emlled whan told th a t one of the


The oommlttee takae the poelllon that when It filed the total eom of Its budget (or the year i t (lT3,li1a, It did eo with the knowledge that It would require juat that auia and no leee to iiruiierly maintain the City Hoapital for tho year.

When the Conimitiee on Finance cut down the budget to 1160.0110, the Health Board otltclala declared the reduction was made without a proper regard for the obllgatlone that are upon the Imapltal manegement-

Tbe attitude of the A)mmtttee l i th a t U I1W.OOO li alt that will b« allowed tor the matnteoance of the hospital It will be tooumbent upon the m anagem ent of the Inatltution to curtail expenaee, and tbl* meant, they declare, th a t It will be necenary to reduce the number of pa­tient! and aleo place a limit upon the aotivUlee of the hoapital In the m atter ot operatlooe and other aervicee to hu- macity and the petjple ot the city.

Tba committee baa taken thia m atter np In apeolal lesalon and hae authorlied tu chalnnan. Dr. Jemee T. Wrtgliteon, to go before tho Committee on Ftnance

- a t Ilf meeting next Wedneeday night n o tell tha aldermen how eerlouely the

- o u n te . of Uie budget, th rea ten ! tba full uaefutneu of the tioeptlal.

EWeot « n H o a p ita l.* Tho hoapital was built to provide for l»-pattente . I t • hatf-beeir- e«ee*4tf>g lt#-|- limlt for aomo time. I-aat year the aver­age waa more than that number. The demand for the reception of patlente l» conetantly growing.

The projeot urged by the board for eev- eral yeart paal to alter the hospital by transteiTing the nurece' home to a lep-

j |r a te building and altering the present Quartere ot the nurses Into wards has not yet reached fruition, but the average number of patients Vnder hospital care has grown to a t least 820. _ There have been upwards of SOO operalione performed since the beginning of the year.

The 1180,000 allowed tor the hospital for this year le 810,000 more than was placed In the budget of last year. But an ad ­ditional appropriation o t 81,800 was made a t (he close ot the year. Additional re­ceipts brought the to tal to r the year up to 8UT.086. and It was alt spent except tsO.

Tbs oommlttee this year wne guided by the statement of the city auditor. These Indloated th a t with an appropriation of 81W,(ICI0 added" to anttetpatbd receipts ot 83,000, the hoapital. with 8163.(X» available tor use would receive a eum ample tor all tts needs.

Tha Hospital Committee was notifled of the dictum of the committee th a t no more money will be appropriated thle year. All tho other city departm enta re­ceived a simitar notice. This policy was adopted In order to put an end to the practise of th e past «f permHtlng de­partm ents to come before the committee a f ts r the tax levy had been adopted and securing special and bxtra appropriations.

wounded men might die,Hauein cama to thle country from India

four years ago, and worked In a steel mill In PIttsbu™ before coming to Chlca- go. Ho did not work regularly after or- rlring here, being unable to obtain steady employment.

A letter addreefled to President Taft which wne found In his pocket w aa evi­dently written a few hours before he ran amuck.


PATEHBON. July W.-CaptAln Jam M T. Darker, of I'fteHalo, oomniamltir of Com­pany A. was last nlgbt elccivd major In ihfl F ifth IteglrtienL to succeed Major liwac ShoenthuU who a nliort tlmu atiu Jeeigned, afler nine years of wirvlr**. His opponent for the Iionor was i'uptain Wtli- liim A. Lord, of ( ’range, Mui uiic haUnt was taken. ThFit resulted hi Cuptaln | Darker rarelvlng iw enty vritea. uKJDnat slghteen cast for Captain Lord, and Cup< tatn Darker was Iheroftrre declared uleot- ed. This promotion comns to I'aptaln Bar­ker as hs Ig '^ust about (o completa hla twsntjr-Afth jrear of aarrice with the N a­tional Guard. During iwoniy years of this tim« he has bean a commissioned oAfIcar In the Passaic company.

Of the forty-four ofBoers entitled to vote last evening, thirty-eight were pres­ent. General Edwin W. iMne proaldod, Colonel Alei P. Gray, adjutant-general of the First Biigade. w aj recorder.

TOKIOj July 26,“*More than a hundred persons are believed to have lost tholr Uvea early to-day In the typhoon whiob swept over Tokto and Yokalmma during the night. Forty bodies were recovered this morning In the fluiakl district, in­cluding twenty-three occupants of a house of Ill-fame which was washed aw ay bo- fore the tenants could escape. \

The property low will be large, Many Mehlng vessels and small coastwise craft are missing. —........... h

Hpfcinl fiertke of <he NEWS,TOLEDO, 0., July 26 .-Fm nk A. Potter,

forty-six. wenllhy Uauker of E ast Orange, N. J., and Miss Edith Edison, forty- of Milan, O.. will be married next Friday a t (he Edison homestead, the blrthplucs of Thomas A. Hdlson, In Milan.

They met while the bride waa vlslilng her cousin, tho Inventor.


ALBANY, July 36.—Unlike Governor Wilson, of New Jersey, Governor John A. Dlx, of New York, heeltuteB to give approval to the commlailon form of gov­ernment for municipalities. Governor Dlx to-day vetoed the bill Incorporating the city of Beacon. Dutchess County, In a proposed charter embracing the com- mlaiirtrn of'gOVdiTTinent. "buT" wlth'the Initiative and recall eliminated.

In vetoing the bill tncorporattog Mat- teawan and FishkiU Landing a i the city of Beacon, Governor Dlx says;

'T Intend to recommend to the T.<egls- lature of 1912 and 'have ready for Its oon- elderatlon a untforin charter for cities of the third Class. Such charter should be most carefully prepared and be broad enough 4n its provisions to permit any- existing community or communities, by voting upon- the" bueet(6A to iflprovisions, and thereafter he governed by such a I^w, For this reason I disapprove


Two small boys were taken to the Third Precinct to-day, one of whom told a Queer story as to h!s whereabouts. The other, Although five years old, was not able to toil his own name or address. The la tter was later claimed by his m other and proved to be John Early, of 90 Market street. He had strayed from the East Bide Day Nursery.

Tim other said he was AU>ert MacCau- '!sy, eleven years old. and th a t ho lived wtth an auntr^Mrs. Minnie Messtg, a t 230 South Fifth street, Elisabeth- H e was picked up halfway between this city and Jersey City on the Plank road early th is morning by Charles Page, of 36 Liberty Streets an expressman.

Albert told the police th a t he was on his way home from an uncle's house In Brooklyn. According to the boy's stoVy he had been visiting .the la tte r during the last month and two or three days ago Mrs. Mesflig, becoming worried over hla stay away from home, drank some poison. The uncle, who, the hoy eoid, la Joseph Ohalroors, of £60 Omen lane. Brooklyn, waa notified and Inst night he took AI b#rt to a ferry In Brooklyn and started him for Jersey City. Tho lad said he was to walk the rest of^the-'way and It w'ns while so doing th a t he waa picked up by iha expressmen. The local police have communicated with the Elisabeth auinor Ities

The Bfirly boy was found a t Hamburg place and Ferry street about 10 o'clock this morning, crs’lng. He w as taken to tbe station-house, but woe unable to tell anything about hlmscLr.



WABHINQTON. July 28—It Is believed hare that both the Franco-Amerlcan and Anglo-American general arbitration traatles can be made ready signature by Saturday or Monday n e x t A few technical adjustm ente remain to be mads In the text of the FVenob treaty, and these are now being wrought out a t the- Stale Department, which le In constant cable communication w ith Paris.


EAST ORANGE BANKERTO We d m is s y d i s o n



At a mactlng of the Town Counctl of K earny to-night the new taiephone ordi­nance will come up for final passage. The ordinance has brien amended a niim- I’cr of ihneB, the principal changes con­cerning the burying of the wlras and making a Hot toU rate throughout the en­tire town.


THERE THEY BO!The averxKs optician will rarely confess

his Inability to correctly lit you with glassei. If they tall and break—th a t’* yoor fau lt Ton can avoid tho danger of drofrplnf your glaaeee by bavin* me a ttach a Hllbom "T rig­ger Clip" m ounting to them. I t will itlck to your nose like a plaflter, yet not ridge It. Coala as little a s (1.00. Broken lensee dupli­cated without preecrlption a t lowest prices.

HILBORN Oploiiatriit OptitiinWEST PARK ST.

Tx>ula. Dementer, of 626 H arrison ave­nue, iHiriiflon, one of the men Injured In «n automobile eLcK:ldent In th a t town, on the afternoon of July 4, in which W ill­iam McGregor wits killed, won able to leave fit. Michael'a Hospital yesterday. Frederick Fell, atiolher victim, of 167 Kan- dolpb avenue, Jarsey Cltyg whose right leg was amputated as the roHult o f the Injuries he received, In improving a t the hospital, and expects to be able to go to hla home next week.




fipsrioJ of tho KEWF.ELIZABETH, July 26.-A fine nf ffino

and three months in jalJ was the aeotence imposed hy Judge Atwater lo-tlay An­thony Patrick, formerly an Ellsabathport aaU>on'kccp6r. P a trk k , who Is a Hepubli- can politician among the Lithuanians, waa con\1ct«.Hl of running a disorderly house by adling gn Kuntlay and keeping a gambling place. As poun aa wntence waa 4tnppxcd« fiamuei .fichle.lmQr, jjounsul for Patrick, served a wtU oj error bn the court which will act as a stay and tem­porarily keep hla client out of Ja.ll, pend­ing. actlDfl on the. wett^

Pnlrlck was put under $2,000 hall, which wns furnlshed’by three nf his co\Mitr>'men.

Judge Atwater told Patrick tnat gam- bling and Sunday J^elllng wan a reflection on the fair name of Elisabeth and it was high time It was sumrnarlly stopped,

f ^ ---------------


PHILLIPSBURG, July 26.-The Town Council. In special session last night, voted to construct a new sewer and lulci out the route. As was etaled In the News yesterday, thin action Is In direct defiance of an order IabuciI by the State Board of Health, to the effect th a t no more sewers be constructed in the town pen«1lng a decision In the suit against the town to stop (he river pollution, except for sur­face water. t

. \ ----------s ■ —.............


Spscfai flm'lre of iMe NHfffl.CHATHAM, July 28.—Injuries sustained

The occupants of on automobile owned by J. F, Gregory, of 49 Delaware ave­nue, BloomOeld, got a shaking up when tha machine collided with a Turnpike trolley car cm the Turnpike road, near the Pennsylvania Railroad crose-over, In Kearny, late yesterday afternoon.

JOHN IILLETT DEADA fter an Illness of several iveeks, John

Mlllett died a t his home, Ogden avenue and Ann ntreot, Harrison, last night. He was the son of the late Michael and IJrldgoU Mlilett, and was bom In H a rri­son. He l-eelded there alt his life. For some years Mr. Mlllett had been em ­ployed a t tho patehouae of the In terna- llon.'U Sicaiii Pump Company. The fu ­neral will be held Friday morning from the Church of tho Holy Cross, w here a so im n high mass of. requiem will be.,of-., fered. Interment will be In the Cemetery (if the Holy Bepulchre. Besides hla wife, flvej'h lld rrn survive.

NlrSt Agnea M. Wild- Mrs. Agnes Matilda Wild, wife of Henry

A. Wild, a letter-carrier in this cUy, died last night at her home, 24 Bpruce street. Arlington. She was twonty-nine years old. H er maiden name was McCauley and she was bom In Brooklyn. Mr. Wild moved his family from 26(J South Orange avenue, th is city, to Arlington, fourteen months ago. Mrs. Wild 1» survived by th ree chil­dren—Lillian, eleven years old: Lawrence, eight, and Henry Jr., »lx. The funeral will take place In St. Stephen's Catholic Church, Arlington, Friday morning a t 9 o*clock, with solemn high maas.

HARRISON AND EAST NEW ARIL Nestor Johnston, of Davis avenue, H ar­

rison, returned yesterday from a stay of several weeks at Asbury Pork.

F ire Chief David Douglass, of E ast Newark, arranged with Fire Chief Tliotog.? of" -H airison, lastnight for tho Harrison Hook-and-ladder Company to cover the E ast Newark I oxoe on Sunday while the members of the Hherman Mook-end-ladder Company are on their annual outing.

Mayor Cornelius A. McOlennon, of Bast Newark, Btate deputy of the K nights of Columbus; National Warden Thom as J. McI.Aughlln, of Newark, and D istrict

this bill,When Charles E. Hugheii was Governor

proposed commission form of charter was passed by the Legislature incorporat­ing these two places as the city of Mel- slnga, but Governor Hughes vetoed It.


rk resulted Jn_thoJ.l)aM 4j;ydeath' Of John Doran, of W ashington J^wilT l^ v o to-morrow for'Defpmt* J^ch., .ayciiuv last .night. He was endeavoring to remove a piece ol ice from the boxwhen the tongs slipped and he fell baL:k- ward. The accident occurred two weeks ago.



COLORADO BPRTNGfi, C ol. July 26.— A group of International medical scien­tist! who are studying the effect upon human beings of high altitudes a t the summit of pikes Peak, have arrived a t some Interesting conclusions. Among them are

That red corpusrlee in the blood are for-ty * rm « r a t th a t ttitltuda franchls# in nperat# In Wlldwoofl,a t sea level This is an Indication o rp u re r ^ fT-ennhUj^

fipedal Srirviet of We NEW8.TRENTON, July 26.-Approval of the

Board of Public Utility ConnnlFsloncra has been gtveir to a propo.ved additional issue of 11,250.000 of tha^ t-apllal stock of the Public Service Gae Company. Tho proceeds are to be devoted to extending the plants of the company.

The board has also approved two ordi­nances passed by munlclpaHtEes In Cape May County. One of thee© grants the Eastern Telephone and Telegraph Com-

bloodiThat lack of oxygen In the atmosphere

a t high altitude Is the prim ary cause of all mountain Blcknnse.

That the blood of persons living In high altitudes le much richer nnd, therefore, much more rapahl© of resisting dlapiiee gorms tha[i the blood of peraons living a t sea level.

Drfl. J. A. Haldano and Gordon Doug'los. of Oxford UiilvtirsUy, EngliUd; Yam-

U', andv E.boll Henderson. Yale, andr E. C. Schneider, of Colorado Gollcg©, nr© enn- ducllng the experlmenta

and the other grants a Hlmllar franchise to the Delaware and Atlantic Telephone and Telegraph Company to operate In fiouth Cape May. \


iner says that nno of the biggest shake- ups In the n'cent history of the Wvlls- Fargo Express Company has been an­nounced on an order from the New York olftce of VVilllKni Sproule, elected presi­dent last November, to succeed Colonel Dudley Kvanfl.

The reorganlacd list sent contains more than fifty names ami Inoludas tho name of almost every otliclal of prominence In the company.

Instead nf having an Atlantic, a cen­tral and a Pacific department, us former­ly, the reorgantxed company will have a Greater New York departm ent and Chi­cago. Eastern Northern, Central, Routh- «m, Bouthwostern aitd Nonhweatern de­partments, Including Alaska-Yukon,


PAR19, July H .- < ^ s n . l Porflrlo Dlaw was given a reception by thb municipality tut the city hall to-day. President Roussel welcomed the former President of Mexico M the hero of Mexican Indapendence, a wise administrator,who contributed vastlyto the economic development of Mexico , .

. J»<«1 rttsiuceaJiW Xot, «r.w t aeetlptes,..U . EoliMel cttblpd th ! CityCouhcTl this messago;

"Affactlonate eympathlee. you prosperity."

Paris wishes

NEW YORK, July 288—Seoroh for tha mlBSlng Louisa 6won was b«gun In Phil­adelphia to-day, because of tha receipt a t her home of an unsigned tetegraphto night letter from that city, reading:

"I am perfectly safe. Have good posi­tion. Do not worry. Please withdraw your offer. I promise you I will write letter to-morrow, I^ook no further,’*

William R. Swan, her father, who has offered a reward of $1,000 for information concerning her, aaid he believed the night

It was explained at the local office of the Public Service Corporation to-day that the additional Block Issue wae de­signed to cover a refund by the com­pany to the Public Hervire Corporation of Bums advanced hy the latter for 1m- provftmenla of various kSnda made by the gos company.

to a ttend ,.tb* :u^aual convention, o t tb* evipreme council, which will oonveae la th a t olty next week.

A meeting of the Harrison Board of H ealth will be held to-morrow night a t Its hcadQuarters, Sherman avenua and Fourth street.

Miss Mary L^nch, of 216 John etreet« Harrison, loft yeaterday for the Cotaklll Mountains, where she will Join her slsUr, Mrs. Thomas V. Flynn, of East Orange, w’ho Is spending the summer a t th a t place,

rh a rle s Downey, of Pittsfield, Maas,, who lias been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Martin, of 217 John street, Harrison, for the pest tw'o weeke, returned to hla home yesterday.

/?pr«'iaJ fiertfiofl of lAe A'L’ffg.NEU'TON, July 20.—HecRuae Andrew

Williams, clerk of the Hampton Hoard of Erlucallon, who was appointed to fill the uih’.tpired term of 1‘aul Moure, resigned, Issuh; the call for the spring school meet­ing one day too late, In March, four truatees were elected lllegall3 0 Aud are, ihi‘r»T<|re, not members of fne board, ihrc'i teachers who signed conlracta to (eai'h next term have no positions and' $1,2fii> appropriation voted for school e i- peuBee la not available and It will be necpsflary to appropriate the money again.

rnunty School Superintendent Ralph D«rker. of Sussex, to whom the m atter was explained on Monday, stated that he vould cell a sperla) meeting of the five members of tho board, whose standing Is not affected, Saturday, nnd n t that time would appoint four new nteml>era and a clerk,

The school meeting wan held March 23 Instead of JVIarch 2L A t th a t time Fred M. Martin, Willard Yetter, Dennis Morris and Nathoniol Jones were elected trus­tees. Last Saturday the board met and elected Jacob R. Acheroon, an old mem- i'er of the board, president, and Charles Vun Horn, clerk.

Not until all this had been done did the members, by consuHAng th e ir book on the school law, ftBcertain th a t all of their othcbit acts from Marcii 22 hud been illegal.



SpSCkJt gsroire of Oie NRW$. ----------— i -fiOtJTH AMROT, July 28.—Albert Leon­

ard, the recently appointed dog warden, was crillclxcd ut a meeting of the City Council last night. The city police Justice complataod of him In the IntereBt of per- aotis who paid llcenaea fur their doga, who he charged were Ignored by Le^mard,

Mrs. Cecelia Chauncey, agent for the Boclety for the prevention of Cruelty to Anlmala, presented'^ a pro test algned by more than eighty peraona. Including for­mer Mayor L)r. Ambrose Treganowan and Ur. Uhlner, president o f the Board of Health.

It waa asserted th a t liBonard has his pound outside tiie city limits, making It inconvenient for anybody dealring to re­claim their dug, and th a t he Is abusive to the women. was fu rther charged that he had lut-n seen to take off the license tags from dogs nnd then take the animals to the pound.

Describing the v’ondltlon of the pound, the protfistaritat tha t Ixwnirrd kftledthe dogs with cyanide of potassium, which, ill their opinion, was brutal.

A special meeting of the council will be held on Thursday night to determine whether formal charges will be mad© against the dog warden.

A t^t^A X TlC^ITY , Ju ly 26.-Suffering Intensely from th© pain of a fractured hip, suHtalned between a dre<lger and boat lying alongside the Meadow bf>ul©- vard, Winfield Johnson^ of Plcaaantvllle, iky all night wlthlp easy hailing distance of gay automobile parties bound to and from ihla city, bu t It was not until dawn yesterday that he wae found, almost un­conscious, on the shore, where h© had dragged himself

Johnson was employed as a watchman on one of the dredgers on the boulevard, and while making his rounds late Mon­day night, missed his footing end fell be­tween liie dredger and a barge moored alongside. H e managed, afte r desperate efforts, to reach the shore.


Victim Hat Wallet Alonf Tracks aoJ Stepped in

Train’s Path



flpfi'irtl fiertdee of tko NEW8.KEANSBURG. July 26.—The Keanahiirg

Carnival Association will hold Its first carnival during the week commencing Auguiir H. The program follows: Mon-d«iy, floral parade; *ruvHduy, baby parade on boardwalk; Wcdne.sday, water sports; Thursday, children’s vaudeville In the pif- lernoon/and children’s hop at night; F ri­day. muBquerade and Mardl Grae pamdij on boardwalk at night, followed by a ball: Saturday, athletic events In the nhernoon and dance at night.

Profeesor A. DuBois, of New York, will manage the carnival. Gtt'o P. Oehlhaua U chairman of the carnival committee.<«■.TJi|i.,FEank H. Somnier f>f'

Newark, will conduct a minstrel show In' the Auditorium Saturday night. Tliet© will be dancing afte r ihe performance.


CAMDEN. July 26.—One of the young­est sponsors that ever broke a tfotlle against the prow of a ship, Miss Ruth Baxter, the nlne-s'enr-old daughter of Thomas F. Baxter, banker, of Newton, Maas., christened the steamer Suffolk as she slid down the ways a t the New York Shipbuilding plant in Camden yes­terday.

The guflfolk is the third of the fleet of coal carriers built In the Camden ship­yards for th© Coastwise Tiansportatlon Company for service between Phlladel-


UNION MUTUAL WOUND UPPATBRflON^ July 26.-T h e affairs nf tha

Union Mutual Building and Ixtan Associ­ation were finally wodnd up yesterday when Vice-Chancellor Eugene atovenaon granted an order discharging the trustee©, William H. Young, A rthur Bishop, Oenrgo P. Peuerateln and \Vllllam T. Outherson. John H. Morrow, who waa also a trustee, died since the time the association dis­continued operatlone. which wa.s in 1904.


made her© yesterday th a t Miss H ester Lynch, a school teacher In the public ©obools here, had been secretly m arried to Edward Bhields, of New York, July 10, laat, while both were on a vacation In the Catskills. Their courtship was brief, for they were m arried ten days after they met at a tittle hotel a t Lockawack, In the mountains.



^ L E A N your teeth andrio*e ?oir ia w y our m o u th w ith O d o l in

the m orn ing en d before re tiring— th en your b ree th w ill b e alw ays d d igh tfu lly fresh an d y o u r m o u th free from dan<

geroue bopuritiee . All Z>ru<r(ri«Cf and D tp o f tn m t S to r ti .

TRENTON, J u ly '16.—Reoause the pree- ent address of Edward Bortram U $ "Wood place, Yonkers. N. Y., Mr. Ber­tram is supposed, locally, to know sorae- thing about the following advertlBement, which appeared In a Trenton newspaper yesterday:

•'Colored People, Attentfon^Rar© oppor­tunity to buy a nic© home In Trenton; pretty Codwulader place; bouse Is modem, price low, terms easy. Address Owner, 3 Wood place, Yonkers, N, Y."

The house at 824 Carteret avenue, Cad- walader pJace^ owned by Mr. Bertram* haa bean empty a year, since the Ber^ trams moved to Yonkers. It la an attrac­tive place and In a pleasant residential serttOQ, properly owners In which are at a loss to account for the odvertleement 8o far as la known Mr. Bertram 's rela­tions with his neighbor© were most friendly. One ouggested expl^natten «t the adverileement Is th a t It 1© an effort to persuade adjoining property owners toLiake a bid for the house.

fiperiol of ths VBW8.ELIZABETH, July 24—Very Rev. Dean

Martin Gessner, th e venerable rector of Bt. Patrick 's Church, Ellxabethport, 1© celebrating to-day tho forty-eighth anni­versary of Ills elevation to the priest­hood.


KEARNY AND ARLINGTON.Chief of PoHc© Tolen and Patro lm an

WtlMamson ccimmenced their vacations to-day. Detective-Sergeant Oliver and Patrolm an Davey returned to du ty to ­day, afte r their vacation©. Day Sergeant John Bmith i© acting ebief-

Andrew Douglas, of Toronto, 1© Ttnlting Ms cousin. School Commlsoloner Cecil S, Amot. of Dukas street.

Irwin Zwlrk, of fieventeentb avenue, this city, returned home yesterday, after vlaltlng Ills coualn, Miss Cliristlne Kemp, of 620 Kearny avenue. Mis© Kemp Is en- toiinlnlng Miss Edith Kemp, of Valls- burgh.

Miss Louise Nourse, of 4S4 K earny ave- mie, Is ©pending a week a t HighlandBeach.

Hlraet CornmlRPloner John Durkin or­dered work ©topped to-day on a private Bftwer which was being built in H ickory Ptrept by a fealty concern. Ho ©aya th a t although permission had been obtained from the Town Council, the company had employed no Inspector and that th e town engineer had not established levels.

Funeral services for John M- BuHta will take place In fit, Cecilia's CathoUo Church' to-morrow morning, a t 9 o'clock. A solemn high mas© of requiem will be celebnUed..


illCured by an External



ing Q. Slckel, formerly Mayor of Trenton, who died a t Spring Lake July 15, waa admitted to probate to-dAy. Practically the entire estate, approximately valued a t l&OO.OOO, I© U> be divided between Mr. Slckel’B widow and hi© eon, John H ar­rington file kel. The widow osd ©on, with Aubrey l^ve . a builnea© a©©oclate ii( Hr. Sickel. are named-a© executor© and trus­tees under the will. The ©on become© of age this week.

Hr. Stcksl mode bequest© of 15,000 each to hi© ©Ister, Uys! Fred F. Kataenboch, of this city, find to h it nephew, Welting Katsenbacb. Ha left STiOl) to fit. PrapcI©'© Hospital and 1250 each to leveroi local ohocttabli InsUtutloas. ^

Toil are remarkably fortunate If you are without aome skin trouble. It may be only pimple© or blackheads, or chap­ped hands,. or the accidental sore, cut, ftcald, burn or boll, or the carbuncle or felon, or perhaps the more serloue d is­ease© of eczem a tetter, ehlngle©, milk- cruat, dandruff or psoriasis, or inflamed plies, or some common Irritation of the ©kin. There 1© one standard ©ov^ivign remedy within yoUr ready' -■Which you can a t gjp j ”l j _gbi'e . It 1© Resinoi 'Ointment; p u t-u p in ©crew-lop opal contajrter©, • gelling a t fifty CfUlB and a dollar, according to slxe. It I© ever ready for use, and a© easy to apply a© cold cream or vaseline. Thou- samls of physician© enthusIastlcaUy pre­scribe Realnol Ointment, and humlred© of thoueands of ffimllles depimd upon It, add are never without it. Reelnol Soap ie a chemically pure toilet soap of the higheflt grade. I t contains In a modJ- fled form the ©ome medication as Reelnol Ointment, and 1© recognlEod ae a pre­ventive for many ©kin troubles, Includ­ing biackhcad©^ chapcrr^a hands and plni- pies. There Is nothing better foe Ihe cleansing of the RopJp and shampooing. It prevents the f i l in g out of the hair. I t is th© tafant'8 soap, par excellenoe,. keeping the skin sweet and healthy and preventing m finr of the trouble© which so often attack the delicate skin of the child- You will find the Reelnol Oint­m ent and fioap a^ all druff^st©.

,tiol Cheiuloii Co.» Boltljmm|||^ lU .

filpfriol flw rice of tho yffW S.LAKE HOPATCONG. July 2fi. - T.

Franklin Camion ^ d family left Tues­day afternoon for Kaat Orange, where they will remain until Saturday.

Mia© L. JoiiBB, of Rahway, is being entertained by Mrs. R M- H unting a t her cottage.

Mr©. A. B Ayers had as her guests the Mieses Ethel Hichson, Gladys Muoh- tnore, Lorain© Harrison, Rachel Axtel, Alice Sturgeri and Carrie Gaston, all of Morristown.

L. K. fimitb, of Newark, who haa been ©pending ibe post few weeka a t We© Wee Cottage, relumed home to-day. H fi. Kctchem. of Irvington, la th e next guest expected.

Among the recent arrivals a t Elwood are Mr. and Mrs. O. A. T artsache and Mra. E. S. Jarvis, of E ast Orange, and Mra; C. B. Schroedw, of Newark.

I— Mr,' aTid'‘MT9.' ’C o b n o f Blast Or&ngo; Mr. and Mr©. William W allace nnd Mrs. Uibdon, of Newark, a ra a t the

; (.:imrmiarie Cottage.Hex Beach, the author, Is making ex­

tensive improvcmonts on the esta te which he purchased ihl© spring,

Camp Id)©wild 1© composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. Iloycbit, Mlaa L. De Muro, Mies J. Golden, of Doonton: Mis© Alice Bey- nor, of Pelham: Mr. Prior and daughter Florence, of Morristown, and the Misses Olive and Betty Becker, of Newark.

Stopping At W awayanda are Bdw*ard Weed, Charles Warnaq, J. Spencer, K. Haeee, of Newark, and Miss M argaret Jones and Mis© Josephine W hite, of P a t­erson,

At The Rock are Mr. and Mra. Lacey and soft, MUs A. fimith, W. Sherman, J. Toma. R. Lacey, all of Newark.

Among the recent arrivals a t th e hotels are S, B. Harrison, of W hippany; M. F Delaney, R. E. Kuppett, J. H. Hothn. of .Newark; W. J. Powers, Boonton; Mias

5 .JfJinrn, F, M. Ryan,.. ueorge McKay, of

New York: C. C. McCulhln, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Merevla, Mis© !U Kuren. Mr. and Mrs. E. filekky, fiprlngfleld, Mis©L. M. Kueneinann, Paterson; W. D. W al­lace, E. M. Gray, A. Eckwlth, H. M Wallace, F. J. King, Newark.

U ntil A tte n d a n t H ad ^^Spealcensy,"ATLANTIC CITY, July iB.—Bather©

who ha^^ been ocicuitomed. to taking '•nip'* for the purpeee of dispelling the chill Imparted by the surf have been de­prived temporarily of their liquid supply through the arrest and conviatlon to-day of Thomas Mulligan, an alleymon em­ployed in one of the large bathing tablishments. That tbe alleyman oon- duoted & veritable '“spBakeasy" tn bath-house, and dlapenaed large quoatf- tie© of liquor every day,, wa© .the oiiarfe lodged against him by two ©leuths detoUod op th e cose. The evldeoce preaented y e ^

L* terday before the recotdar w as ss I gtuolT* th a t a fln« o t m was hapoM L

NEW YORK, July 4 , ;^ r s ' ^ o e of the Sugar

Trust, yesterday enabled the Congression­al Investigating Committee, to record four letter© which ©how th a t the g iant combln- atlan waa a violator of the Sherman anti­tru st law for a t least a short time after the enactment of th a t elatu te twenty year© ago.

Incident to the production of this doc­umentary evidence the clc»et ©keleton of the great fipreckats fam ily was dangled momentarily before the public.

Claus Spreckelfi, with emotion In hi© voice, declared th a t one of the letters he riirned over to the commJUee was the cause of tho ©Btrangement that ©eparated him from his father and broth­ers for fifteen years—an estrangem ent healed only when the head of the family, who laid the foundation tor It© fortune as a sugar refiner on the Pacific Coast, ca ll|^ him to the old home a year before hi© death. In 1907 and there, giving his benediction, admitted that, the father, had been In the wrong and th a t the ©on foresaw the danger ahead when the Spreckel© refinery a t Philadelphia was pennitted to pas© ifitq.. control of the trust.

DISCUSS BEER LICENSESfippdol Service of tho NEWS.

ELIZABETH, July 26.-The Board of Excise at a meeting held last night re­vived the question as to whether a saloon­keeper w^o has a beer license only can sell other liquors.

Every saloon-keeper Id Ellxnbeth. it t© said, doe© this and haa been doing so right along.

Saloon-keepers here have to get only ten signers to their license application, while those who apply for a beer and Itquor licenee must have twelve signer©. Zt 1© regarded as doubtful if the agi­tation started by the -present excise board, to have the city attorney define the issue, wtll have much result.

^ lo , BHltimor© and Virginia coal port© nifr Boston. ‘


Dprrial Service of ike NEWS,'jj KEYPORT. July 36.—Falling headlong

Into a welfTn the rear^ of the Charles Lefili. utnictfrtgt .QtLrgTdflT.'Just before noon,' Hosalle Tanner, tha twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. John E. Tanner, of Waal F ront ©treet, narrowly eecaped death by drowning, and was rescued by Charlea Bailey.

The child with several companion© was playing In the yard, when ©be ©lipped into the abandoned welt. The cries of the other children attrac ted Mr. Bailey, By means of a rope lowered to the little girl, he drew her up to safety.

The child swooned Just a© she was being taken from the well, but suffered nothing more ©erlou© than a few bruises.

A man believed to be I^o Sylvester, of F ar Hllla, was Instanily killed by an eaatlw>und • I-ackawiiiinu train ©t tha KosevHle Avenue station thla morning. The train th a t icilled him was the Dover exprefla, and ihe accident occurred about 6:50 o'clock. y

Hylvvflter alighted from an eastbound train, liialead of going up the stair© he walkod along the railroad toward tl)« track© on the Montclair branch, ftenry L*od^ a trackm an, shouted to Sylvester ancKa© he turned In oiiswer to the call the train hit him.^/t'he engineer, George Faulhaver. con- rinued on hi© journey, not knowing th a t he had hit any one,^Sylvester was m an­gled almost beyond recognition, the whole side of his face being crushed. HI© glasses, a pipe and a commutation ticket, out in the name of Edward J. Sylvester, were picked up a ©bort distance away fnun the scene of the aocldenl.

Inquiry at F ur Hill© revealed th a t Leo Sylvester and hi© ©on Eidwarcl J. left that place this morning bound for Hoboken. The ©on continued on his wajfr while the lalher alighted a t RosovltlKavenue with the son'© ticket on his person. 1'p to 3 o'clock this afternoon young Sylvester had not arrived to claim the body.

The Dover express arrived In Hoboken shortly afterw ard. The (rain crew was hot cognisant of the accident until In­formed on their arrival,

Sylvester’© body was taken to Mullin'© morgue In Waulilngton stree t

FAR niL L fl. July 26 (SpeclalV-Newsof the killing of Leo Sylvester by ft train

■■ ©rla t Newark this morning, was sent to bis family here by toe railroad offlclals, Word was telephoneid^o a ©on. E, J. Sylvester, a lawyer a t Hoboken. He went to New­ark to claim the body.

Mr. Sylvester had a summer home here on n pince adjoining the esiate of Grant B. Schley, He was about fUly-plx years old and had a wife and scviral children. He was In tfii^ real estate buelnea©. InHobokep.

MAN HURT STEALING RIDESStfIng at Broad and Pennington ©treet».

early this morning, suffering with a badly bruised knee, William McCarrlck. of 133 Clinton street, Camden, was found by Patrolm an Collin©. The man ©aid he had been stealing a ride on a freight train and received hla Injuries when two car© came together. He had a narrow escape from ^p©lng bis legs. He waa removed to the City Hospital. The man told Col­lin© th a t hi© name wa© Wiillam James, but at the hospital he said hla right name was McCarrlck.

MRS. PORTER'S WILL PROBATEDThe will of Mr©. Rebecca E. Porter, of

61 fipcond avenue, who died In Liverpool, England. Ju ly 13. last, was offered for probate In the surrogate's office this . morning.

W ith the exception of a bequest of H.OflO to her ©on. E rnest Grove Porter, the tes­ta trix give© her entire estate to her hus­band. John Grove Porter, The latter la also named a© sole executor. The will La dated March 22, o t t hla yea^

STALLED AUTO TRAGEDYBrooklya M anufac turer K illed When

A nother Car Daahea In to Hla IKachfne.

LEAVES HER $1,15^600NEW TORK, July !«.—By the will of

her father, Qobrlel D. Clark, M r,. Ga- brielle Edraonaon Oarabrll, of 91J St. Paul street, BaltlmoiA Is left all of hie 8I,lEi.M0 estate, excepting hla resldanee In tb l, city and the Irtereet on $200,000 m r tb ot bonda which go to the widow. Wilton Snowden, also ot B altim ore la made co^executor with M ra GainbrII of the es­tate, an appraisal of which wne filed her* to-day.

DRUG IN IAN'S POCKETPATEB80N, July 26.—A m an Identified

aa AuguetUB Ilagerm an wa© found un* CQpaolou© oh the ©tdewalk a t Jifaln street and Broadway early thlfl mOrnlngi ©w*- fering from poisoning. H e w as rem o v ^ to m Gtmeral Hoapital, where It i© sold his condition le serious.

In hla porheta was found a small bot­tle which had contained chlorofom . He hadj;6tten off a Hudson River trolley ear,

be the pttvement_

Awarded C atlirae t IHevallY*jSfjpeoldl Scrvlrt of tke VEW€. ^

HIGH b r i d g e . Ju ly 2«.—T he High Bridge Common Council a t ft apeclal meeting Monda^t night rescinded Ita a o tlon a t It© last meeting In aw arding a con­trac t 10 W. H. Hoy, of lA ncaaler. P a , for grouting the borough reaervolrs. The former action was found Illegal, a* the awarding of the new comract© have to be properly advertised fo r the reception of bids. • The work will be ordered done XUS extra work under the old contract.



residing along the Lacka­wanna who wish a detailed

their . neignwmrouwi^ jjf-f 'stead of a condensed ver­sion such as appears in the Last Edition, win End it advisable to order the SECOND or Lapkawanna Edition. Those wishing the SECOND Edition, containing the nows along the Lackawanna, mailed to them should make that fact clear when ordering the. paper cither from t h a i r newsdealers or through the home hraneh offices.

NEW YORK, July aS.-Charle, HIroh, twenty-three year©, a m anufacturer of Brooklyn, was Instantly killed, and John Wotka, a chauffeur, was fatally injured In an uiiuaual automobile accident early to-day on the automobile ©peed way near Pelham Parkway, about a quarter of a mile from White I'lalne avenue, HIreh had' crawled beneath his car to make repairs when a second automobile crashed Into It, wrecking both machines and crushing Hirsh ao badly that he died a few minutes later.

The chauffeur of the second automobile John WotkB, had been blinded by the glare of a third automobile, and in «werv»- Ihg out ©truck the Hirsh machine. H a also ©aid there was no light on the rear of H irsh’s car. W otka wa© arrested

Three other occupants of Wotka'© car were ©lightly hurt, Including John Olleo. of South Norwalk, Conn..the owner of the car. They were returning to Nor­walk.

Three friend© of M r Hlrah who were ©tandlng In the road were uninjured. One of them waa David Freedman, a fire adjuster, tba o ther were women. The curs were completely wrecked.

U p l a n d

th e S ta teP L A IN F IE L D ^

Mis© Sara Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mr©. LotH© Milter, of Luke street, and Pence Slpler, of Reavllle, Hunterdon County, were married a t the rectory of St. Stephen's Church, Monday evening, by the rector, Rev. B. G. Bower©. The bride wa© attended by Mr©. Jame© Slp­ler, Of Elizabeth, and Joseph Hughes, of Reavllle. was the best man.

Edison VaJ), of Hillside avenue, and E l­m ar Ackor, of W eetervelt avenue, th* la tte r a student a t Rensselaer Institute, loft yesterday for paseo. Wash., whers they will tak e positions In the engirveer- Ing deportment of the Nor|;hern Pacific Railroad, for the summer. TJhey will combine pleasure with work, visiting ©ev- oral points of IntereBt, both going and coming. Mr, Vail will return to college In the fall.

F. E. Dennis, of Chicago, who has been visiting In this city, by chance happened to meet a fellow war veteran, W. W. Corieil, whom he had not seen since the close of the war, and the two have been renewing acquaintance and talking over events of the war. Mr. Dennis discov­ered that Mr. Corieil was living here by reading the aocount of the ©udden death of W. H. WllttamB, also a war veteran, W ARREN COUNTY^

Miss Caroline Freese, who I© the oldestwoman at Hope, is 111 and I© being oared■ ■ ■ ~

SENTENCES IN UNIONSpeoiat Service of Wfcs yE fW S. ^

ELIZABETH, July 28.—In the court of Special Seaelon. here to-day Judge A t­water impoeed the foQowlng eentenoee, alt the accused parties having pleaded guilty;

Joaeph Coetello, Roeetle Park, carrying concealed pistol and firing It oft, two.

months county Jell: Archie Drake, E lisa­beth, larceny, three months county Jail; Robert Lyman, Ellsaheth, aeeault and battery, th ree m onth! county Jail; George Johnicn, New Providence, cteetliig horse, saddle and b lanket valuM a t 8118, Btate reformatory; Ida May Anthony, age eighteen, stealing (SS belonging to Mount Tabor A. M. E. Church. Fanwood, Bent to State home tor girls. She bad previously spent two years, nine months In the Hud­son (New York) tra in ing echool (or run- awaye! Braxton McGruder, Cranford, la r­ceny, one yeok Jp hands of probation o n ­cer; Btefano Afxxo, obtaining money under (alee pretenses, fined 880 each on two IndloUnenta.

Atfreir' EHSdn,' ailiabeth :- pleaded- Bot-gullty to ■•laroany.—Trial .Jf»»'.JlsC T '"Heptember 14. The prisoner Was balledwn 8800 by hla .father. John Dixon, a former oftlcer of the Union County Court,

for by her niece, Mrs. George Dillon, of Newark.

Alfred Glllogly, who went to I jO* Angelea, Cal., lost spring, has returned to Hope.HACKBTTSTOWN—

Mra. L, L. Green has written from Philadelphia that her sister, Mrs. Skll- lem, died Sunday and that the funeral eervlces will be held Thursday. Mra. Sklllem was the mother of Dr. Ross Skll- lem . Mrs, Green and daughter eipect to return here Saturday for the balance of the summer.

The body of Theodore Burris was taken here yesterday from the Soldiers' Home a t K earny and Interred In Union Ceme­tery. He was a Civil W ar veteran, en- Itsttng in the Eighth Reglm tnt nnd Sec­ond Cavalry t4 New Jersey. Bat twelve days before his death he was admitted to the bonne. His age was stxty-elght years, end he formerly resided here for m any yeare. Of la te ho had lived near Waterloo, being a gate-tender for the Lackaw anna Railroad Company. NBWTON—

Mra. Edward Taylor, of Newark, and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, of Orange, are spend­ing the week a t the home of William W. Aspell, of Llnnwood avenue annex, BAHWAT—

Howard C. B runt came back from Cal­ifornia yesterday. He expects to retu rn to the F a r W est soon to make h li hmne, l>robably. la ,.P em * r.----------- -----------



the Senate Dem ocrats last night resulted In no agreement being reached on the question Of a woolen bill, but another meeting will be held to-night, a t which the discussion will be resumed, and an effprt made to reach some conclusion as to the vote on Thursday.

CASTOR IAl o r I n f im t i a n d O hlU roB .

Thi Hnd Yqd Han Alwafs finclitBears the

'B lg o a ta ra o f (


to-day decided to appoint Robert L. Armstrong aa poatm oster a t Newark, DeL

i l^ .Held oa GlirPa CosaplatsSpsriai Service pf fhe JPJtKS.

■ /-.EH ZA BfiTH , Ju ly 38i—Charged with ‘a ’ aerlous crlnie, AugurtIho'“Bo*eko, $4 years

old, wasf arrested last ntght a t his home on Third avenue here, by Detective W ard, and this morning waa arraigned In the City Criminal Court before Judge Mahon. He was committed to the county Jail In default of 81.000 ball. The compiolnt- ont was Miss THUS Lapola, flftsen y ean old, ot 628 Third avenue.

W o a td B e S a r ro g a te ,BUHIJNGTON. July 3$.-Alfred P, BU-

path, a prominent Burilogtcn Demcx-tbl,has announced his c o n d li^ y (or Surro­gate. and hla friends have started a cam­paign. DisrupUoa..ln Republican ranka on the noroloatieii for Surrogate has opened factional wounds wbloh may p e w heel, and th is situation, 811|iath a friends believe, will etrengtlM ^ o h a n w I m ongeiw .

UP TH E HUDSONPopular Excursion

W est P o in t a n d Newburg*

Exfery W edne,rdayJuiM 2^ to.Switf. 13, IncL


New Jersey CentralAnd Bodion lUv«r D ar Lin© fitfiamar



9 0c

D irect connection be­tween Train sod Steam-

a t Pier 1, a^oinlogP a s se n w 's to tlo n r 'j iCity, .T ra in leaves

_ -P-UISL-...^ P't.





Burdened having no In one of tl to find a Perry, wld Wealthy city, comn last night dsughter, : N orth Heve

One note lows:

"I am so from place home In hi

••All my MabeL All

4 h e isco to her son

••Charlie, on the desi r ig h t No plenty of all want t

There w; ol one of written: "I baby.^*

On the 01 were th i mourning eraaed one aatlsflad u

••Mahal" In Aabury

, Mrs. Fsi ! eocsntrla.[ nlns ysan i aSorts to * her hair a I an would. 1 strength 4

than that her aoUoDi relatives I amine intt however, 1

She had of her hus one and t spending r M ra Higt Mrs. Htgg about Jun to ColdWBlThey had had not I apartm ent

Mrs. Pei Orange hO' when she tu rn to Ea noon. Aft Mrs. John lower floo Seventeent them durli tired to he dress and "dsn" In t

ThroughiH r, Kraui ti™ of t plaosd the mouth anC to make v ura she w tho gas J< and even around hei ou t of hei

^ e doDi a iroman'i vont the ei

- tn g from t closed olil It. None when Mrs morning s caused th> c u lt/ In gi

Mr. Kra tell, ot 84 the poliC' Robert J. Physician ed the Inv

Before t had exotai white llnei her hair e Jewelry si diamond as well ai cold brae money dei to tany e; Simmons

Former P, Jones, workings

. to the Re Bailey's I sons oihe: be welcor

Mr. end Jefferson Sunday In the A there unt

The dl: Bank wl meeting t

Mrs. W avenue. ' on Great Island.

Miss Ed home In kttemoon May Met Charles I gueatsi were Mr B thsl De Knoller i

Miss C home Inw teks' St Andrew 1

Wesley Uvlogalc N. Tlohi leave Sa they will

Ur. am Oodar St a t Sea G ■ Work 1 atruotlon tween C roads, In of 8,000 : •ewer is rsmsemei property srUl bear Tbe oosl

ownV* f S o m ^

purobase fast on ouA neai da, thro flald.

Dr. Ed anga ave patoong.

lltohae U vlsltli

lU ts L ton avei a t Lake

Ns Nm

In the health 1 to ioe I plA but peroon y

Oocd : by the Iough aa magta, to welg ba perft tho g n youiaalf

: Uttla ta tncraaae

SanmO I ussna II la Maim I fiash-miI tba '«ot1 Charl4 Ig ls t, ha




fester, of i by ail at ibo

morning. :i« Dover ed abou t

net bound Htalrs he rard th e I. flen ry 8y I v e rie r

the call

ver, con-dng thatvas m an- ;lie whole e glaesee, et, m ade lylveater, ice aw ay

th a t Dee left th n t

Hobgkcn, while the nue w ith Up to 3

SyW eater 5dy.Hoboken

:rew wan until tn>

M ullln'e

IV^News y ft train nt to hU tISi Word Sylvester,

to New-

ome here of G rant six years children,

slneaa.. in

RIDE>n streets, h a badly •k, nf m found by Id he hnd ght train two cars

iw escape removed

told Col- ra James, hia right

IBATEDPorter, ofLiverpool, ffered for fUco th la .

H of H.OOO *, the tea-

her hua- I la tter la 'he will la

i v n

f Mr. and ;reet« and ilunterdon rectory of

evening, /era. Tha amea Sip- . Hughea.

e. and El- enue, the Institute,

ih., whcr# englrieer-

rn Paclfle Jhey will dtlhg sev- ;olng and to college

> has been happened

T. W. W. since the

have been king over ila dlscov- g here by den death reteran,

the oldeat e(ng cared DlUon. o£

to I/oe i returned

tten from Mrs. Sktt- ie funeral ay. Mrs, Hose SklU lSt expect i« balance

wae taken &rs' Home (on Ceme- iteran. an- : and See- lut twelve I admitted rtxty-elght 1 here for had lived tender for ipany.

wark. and are apend- nillam W.nnez,y

from Cal- td retu rn hie home,

m cB

lAM b .

n cL

t r ^ l


\ -

Hopes to Fiod a Home in Hearea, Says Mrs. Nary

Perry in Suicide Nota


310IDROPCAKES“I used to make a dozen at a time— with D & C I have to bake th ree dozen

Mn. HtBBO*/.« W. laid S t, N. Y.



J W Yor»

Burdened v lth a eenM of poverty and havinc no honw of her own nnd derlarln* In one of the notes she left that she hoped to And a home In heaven, Mrs. Mary Perry, widow of John Perry, form erly a Wealthy leather m anufacturer of thia olty, committed suicide by inhallns gas last night bi the vacant home of her daughter, Mrs. Charlee P. Hlgglne, at W N orth BeventeenUi street. E ast Orange.

One note k i t by Mr*. Perry read ae fol­low!;

"I am so sick. I have no home, going from place to place. 1 bope 1 will And a home In heaven.

■'MRS. M ART p e r r y .""All my things over a t Mollle'e a re for

llaM L All my clothes here are hers, too., "MAMMA.'

Th* second note, apparently addressed to her aon-lti-law, fsad:

"Charlie. I have MS.W In the aultcaee on the desk. Keys In small draw er to the right. No one cares for mo. If I had plenty of money to keep me, you would all want to be my friends."

Thors was no slgniture. On the flap of one of the envelopes Mrs. P erry had written; "My diamond ring la for Mabel's baby.”

On the outside of a third envelope there were the flret . few lines of the note mouming her lack of a homo. She had erased one word and evidently w as dls- satlelled and started the note anew.

"Mabel" le a married daughter, living In Asbury Park.

Mrs, Psrry was known a s somewhat eocentrlo. Though she was past sla ty - nine years old, iha made determined aSorts to hide her advanced years, dyad

, her hair and dressed as a younger wom- I an would. She retained her phyrtcai

itreng th and her face looked no older than th a t of a woman of forty. Some of her aottoni about a year ago caused her relatives to ask the authorities to e*- amlne Into her eanlty. I t was decided, however, tha t she wae not Insane.

She had made her home since thadgettv of her hueband. five years ago, •with first one and then another of her daughters, ependlng most of her time with Mr. and Mrs. Higgins. For a year and a half Mrs, Higgins hsd been an Invalid, and about June 1 she and her husband went to Caldwell for the benefit of her health. They had been living there alnce. lint had not abandoned their E ast Orange apartm en t .. ™ .

Mrs. Perry had remained In the Bast Orange house until about two weeks ago. w hin she went to Caldwell. H er first re­turn to Beat Oronga was yeeterday a f te r­noon, After taking supper with Mr. and M ri John Krauss, the ocouports of the lower floor of the two-family houte In fieventeenth street, and chatting with them during the evening. Mrs- Perry re­tired to her own apartments, changed her dress and lay do"wn on a couch In a little "den" In the front part of the flat.

Throughout the evening, according to Mr, Krause, Mra. Perry gave no Intlma-


WHARTON. July 26.-Formpc Mayor ■WintftHi V. CurtlM died At Mb hoin« hero to-day after a lingering Ulnesa. of a gom- plUntlort of diBeases. H© waa about eighty years old.

P h ltnnder He Ilartw*Us fierrire of Ihe \E W 8 .

LAMBBRTVILLE, Ju ly 26.—Pbllftn- der H. H artw ell, seventy-four years old, died a t his homo a t Alaxankeng near th is city, la s t night of paralysis. At on© time he wus prom inent in Detn- ocratlo politics In H unterdon County. He held several ofTlcea. He la survived by three sons, Edw ard and F rank K artw d ll, of th is cUy, and P. W ard H artw ell, of 8eaolllT©, Long Island.

W om an EsplroH Auddenlye gpedfii of ths SEWS.

ELIZABETH. July 20.—Mrs. Loulaa D- BaU, widow of Henry Halt, died suddenly las t n ig h t a t her home, 609 Jefferactn avenue, here In her Rovenly- third year. Bhe had been a residen t of Ellsabefh m any years and la survived by a Bon and daughter. The body was taken to-day tp Fall River, Masa., where lunera l Btrvlcea and In term ent will take place.

A ged E lia e b e lh ‘W nfchm aii D eed.ELIZABETH, July 2fi.-Qeorge H. Cei,

for many years a watchman here In the enifiloy of the Standard Cordage Tniat, died to-day In the Ellxabetli General IlOflpltai. He wae seventy-two years old» Aim wau born In Lonx' leianii, and Is survived by two hrotliera who live at Patchogue, Ijong Island.

Mila g a ra li Hyvam. imperial Brrvlro of4h« SEW8.

FI.ANDEU8, July i;6.-The funeral ser- vlcfa of Miea Sarah M. Byram were held this morning at the residence of her nlyoe, MIsk C Me -Meekeri In- l*r Elijah W, Stoddard officiated and the Jiitermenl was In Mendham.

Mra. M ary Re Uodd.Mrs. Mary Reynotd^Dodd, daughter of

the late Abraham Reynolds and wife of the late MlUon Voles Dodd, died sud­denly at the home I f her eon, M. Munn Dodd, In Maplewow, this inornlog. Mrs. Dodd IB survived by two eons, (he one a t whose home she died and Milton Cole Dodd, of East Orange, and aloi) by two fliBters and two brothers, the Misses Clementine and Josephine Reynolds, of Mehdham; Edgftr M. HeynoUlB, of Phil- adnlphla. and A. M. Reynolde, of thls^ cUy. The funeral services will be held af'^ 26 Myrtle' avenue, Maplewood, a t 2-NO o’clock Friday afternoon. Rev. John MaoDowell, pastor of the Park Presby­terian Church, of this city, will officiate.

Mrs. W illiam H. K elly.Mrs. Helen E. Kelly, wife of WlUlam H.

Kelly, of Long Branch, died yeaterday at the residence of her sister, Mr,**. Wlliinni

Orange," bom In

KO. and wan a daughter of the late John J. Althauae. 6he is survived by her husband. The funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Gardi­ner, and the interment will be In Green­wood Cemetery.


■ -I'- ' ....W EST HO BO K EN . Ju ly 26.-The txxSy

of A lexander J. Bchom, the local law7«i^who com m itted suicide At Belle H arbor, Rockaway. will be b rought to his hom a here. The a rran g em en ta fo r th e fu n e ra l will not be com pleted until Mrs. dcliem returns from th e CateklU M ountains.

Frlondft of th e dead law yer a re ;o-dny disi'unKing the c ircum stances under which jiaHudates celeb rated bis wedding lust Mari'h and th e probable effect of It upon Schemas m ind. Since they converted the wedding f«Nsat Into a tuncreal-llke observ­ance Bohem, w ho d isplayed only a pa»i8lve intercBl in the w eird fun a t tlie tim e, was known to have grow n despondent.

The m arriage took place on Mitrch l i The cerem ony w as preceded by a bache­lor d inner a t th e C afe Maxim, Bergenlltie avenue and B lum street, Union lilU.

W hile the d inner waa In progress the oroheetra s tru ck up a funeral m arch and M ax 6 ra iidenbcrg , proprieto r of the cafo, entered the b anquet hall dressi'd a s a n undertaker. He w as followed by a funem l cortege of m ourners, carry ing cajtdiei and a q u a rte t of paU bvareri, curry ing a email cothn.

The p a llb earers deposUed the coffin a t Schem 's fet*t, a n d iis the unearth ly muslo died aw ay, Dr. Thom as C. A rm siron f, ft Hubuken den tis t. Intoned the announce­m ent th a t a ll had g a th e red to m ourn th* departu re of a friend, c.'harle* W . K appet, a fellow -atturoe^ ' of tho prospec­tive bridegroom , th en pronounced a eu ­logy on the "b ro th e r leaving a life of single blessedness.*' A t Uie conclusion of the eulogy th e coffin was opened and found to con tain n cut glass vase tw o feet high. T h e Bolvmn fooIishnesB w’ua conltnvied In the presetilatlnn and iiiecrlr*" lion of the vaKe,. which read:

*‘Alec J, Schem . Hnchelor, Aged 22, Born tu O rea tness. Died In Hoilneas. De­parted th is life of single hlesHedneua, v l> tinie of a lovely maUlcii. Good luck to th e Swede."


3"My nose w ar never

intended for eyeglasses’*is an expression we frequently hear. Nonsense; the Harris Suction Clip makes it possible for any one to comfortably wear eyeglasses, the

Sold only at our stores.does away with all tilting and slipping and holds nose-glasses as rigidly as spectacles,

A ttached lo y ou r g la s s e s fo r 35 c en ts ,

m . 'f t . 'S t o i t otlUlOdudA OOtvA

597 BROAD S T R E E TB ii D oon Above Hahne A Co.

N E W Y O RK :<7 W eal S4th St. 142 C olum bus A re .

76 NasM Q SL 64 E M t 13 d SL 64 W . 13Sth S i

B’K I-YN ; 489 Fulton S t * 1009 (Tiraj


tJm of being depreBied. The aulcide .JJS ad the end o r t

yeara age.urg th e wrapped the end of the tube on the gai let tightly with a bit of cloth, ftDd even tied the other end by a cord ftTPUnd het head, «o th a t it would not slip out of her mouth.

T^e door of the **den'* was ctoaed end» women'e cape placed egainal It to p r j- jk r p c P r A Y I [ ( C B A S S DRU M TftOt the eecftpe of the gaa. The door lead- i r i \ u ninf from the apartm ent.lnta,*Jk6-hay 1 ' .cloied a l id 'a W a rug was plaeed aga£3iat JuIy,-.?B,~bitoon^_It. None of the doors waa locked, and a mlliionaire bi'eVer, died bu" '*when Mra, Krause sent her husband this morning a t 8:60 o’clock to And out what caused the odor of gae he had no diffi­culty In getting Into the rnoma.

Mr, Krauss euramoned Dr. A. B. Rus- tell, of M William etraet, and he notified the police. Chief O'Nein, PoUcoman Robert J. Shannon and Deputy County Physician Blramons, of Orange, conduct­ed the Investigation.

Before turning on the gas Mr*. Perry had exchanged hot street dress fo r a white imen gown, had carefully arranged her hair and bedecked herself wUh w hat Jewelry ehe had. On her finger was ^he diamond ring referred to In th e note, a i well aa other rings of lens value. A gold bracelet encircled each arm . Tho money described In the note waa found to tally exactly when the police and Dr. Bltnmoni eearched for It.

denly last night while playing a baas drum a t a rehearsal of a Masonic band.

Bernhelmer was sixty-two years old ftmi for twenty-eight years he had played various Instruments with a number of local bands When he dropped In to the Murray Hill Lyceum last night to bear the Mecca Temple band reheaiM , James F. Boyer, the director, begged him to fill In a t the boas drum m er's place. The wealthy brewer accepted with great en­thusiasm and started playing the “ Even­ing Star" from Tannh;.6UBer. At a point when the notes Instructed the drummer to cease, after a crescendo, the big drum was heard to crash to the floor and Mr, Bernhelmer fell over on top of It and died almost Inetautly from heart failure.

Mr. Bernhelmer was tiie head of the Bernhelmer & Schwarts Pllsener Brewing Company.

E d i s o n 's B r o t h e r - i n - l a w D e a d .CHAUTAUQUA, N. T., July 2ft.—Robert

0 . Miller, for the last twelve years poBimaster at Ponca. Porto Rico, died

of ihe .VA.'ll'SHt'MSON, Ju ly EG.—From his cell In

Ihe M annuuith C ounty Jail, Jam ea M. All- gar, tilt) “sp ite" fence a r tis t, 1b beiiuvtd li> iiave directed operations th a t led to a gang of w orkm en being put to w ork tearing down the pain ted slghB th a t aur- round the A llgor residence and wtire ra- spoh'eTble' fo r'“mucTr of the ow ner’s diffl* cullies.

Riimton w as never m ore surprised m an wlitn the reeldentB aw oke to-day to find Ihnl p a rt of the g rea t fence had heeji torn down and th a t men were w orking like beavers to get the re s t of it down Then It daw ned upetn many th a t A llg T had an tic ipated final action upon an or< dlmince th a t will rom e up for ffnal re a d ­ing next W ednesday n ight before tiie Borough ro u n d ) .

The ord inance paesed first readinK at the Inst m eeting nnd Ip d irected iignlnsit the erection of nny kind of fences such as have a lm oat com pletely hidden the Allgor rcBldence since Mr. A llgor took up Ills fight ag a in st th e Rumaun road resideniB.

[n a fall from the platform of a ^ p s l r wagon of the Public Service Railway Colli pa'll y In Glenwood avenue. Bloomfield, a t iiNon to-ilay, Janies lAiunesburry, a lineman of B HArtforU Btreet, th is city, wa!» daHlietl to the ground, a distance of fifteen feet, and severely Injured.

He euatalned a compound fracture of the left arm and a badly hrulned body.

Ixiunesburry was engaged a t the time In repairing (he wires under the new l,acka- wanna Uiiilroud bridge

1‘he Injured man wua sent to the Moun- taliiHlde Hospital In Mqutqialr,____


Much complaint of a blight of potato vlnea la being made by farnierfl of Cald­well and vicinity. A half crop ia pre­dicted.


SCHAFF.FtNCELMiss Rlliabeth Plnrel, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs, George Flncol. of iM Porgen street, and Rev. Max Bchaft, of Worths Ing, lilouth Dakota, were m arried last night at the home of the bride's parente.

Rov. Henry W, Seibert, pastor of the F irs t Garinsn Presbyterian C hurth, oflfi- clatod at the cervmony, which wa-n wit­nessed only by members of the Irume- dial© family. MIk® Emily Bauer a t­tended as maid of honor and Joseph Fisher, of BellevlUi'. was lh« best man.

The brldfl, who wua escorted and given in marriage by her father, W'ore a cob- tum e of white embruldery and a tulle veil. She carried a ahower of bride roses. Miss Pauer was In pale pink niarqulaette and bore an arm bouquet of pink roseg.

During the ceremony nuptial eelcctioni were played by Miss Lucy J. Stevens. An Informal reception foliiwed. Hev. and Mra. flehaff wlU leave on Angual 2 for W otlhhig, where Mr. Sliart! Is iiaslor of the Reformed church.


M»y be seriouily injured rou|;h usAtje 4in«Viai)H. Wexpe- cialize a splendid Watch u $3.50w i which will stand any amount

ot hard usage.

Set it at HOU’SBnt6,C<r. AndNiTSk.


Rcoderinf Compaof Em^oye Fined for RemoTinf Carcase

Withoit a Liceosa




gpertat-prrrfre of iKe h’E ^S .M OKlitSTOW N, Ju ly 2fi.—A special com ­

m ittee of the board of mnnagersi of the New Jersey S la te H ospital for th e Irir aane, conslNtlng o f form er M ayor H J- LyAn, of E lizabe th ; A lbert R ichards, of Dover, and G eorge W. Jagle, of N ew ark , met yeste rday a t the InBtltutlon a t M orris Plaint! end decided -&t» th e; locfttterr

YTn -tl.JI i«r foTPItieTc

lar pa tien ts and the home for th e rjian nurfiES.


F u rth e r slepB for the jo in t construction of Die Rcwer In M orris tum itlke by Mlll- ■burn Townsiilp and the c ity of fliimmll w pie taken by tlie Townahlp C om m ittee t»f the form er place last night, when an o rd i­nance for the building of th e newer re ­ceived first retidlng. ’J'he propoaed sew er will btt laM from H obart to Hprlngfield avenues, on the line of tho two mutilcl- pnlllipp, for fl ill.^itance of about 7,100 feel. T h e new drain will be connected w ith tho juUil tru n k sewer In ijprlngffeid avenue.

The wrdiling of MIm Kdlth Belle Hop­ping, daughter of Mr ftnd Mr». Oecar P. Hopping, of 20 Smtlh turuet, Blonmfield. and Fmnk^T. BruBche, also of th a t town, win take place a t Iht home of the bride's liHrenlB to-night.

The faihcr of the hrfl*’ will give her away. Hhe will wear whUe lingerie, trimmed with lace. Her buu<iuet will be white rom-a. Miss EUie M KUhlnghauBcn, of thle cliy, and MlM Roxle Howard, a cousin of the bride, of Brooklyn, will bo the bridesmaids. They Will ho attired In white and carry bouquets ot pink rosea. Olodya Howard, of Brooklyn, a couairi of the bride, will he the flowcT girl. She wilt wear n white embroidery gnwn trimmed with Irish point lax'e, and carry a basket of iTvrnetlona and asters, Frnnk B. Hopping, a brother of tin- bride, will be the bcf-i man, while C11fr<n*d FornofE Hnd Koe.s WmHlrurt, both of UluuiiUlcld, will act as ualiere.

Caught between, (wo trolley cars as the Chauffeur tried to turn It about, an auto­mobile, In which was seated Mrs, Clar­ence Hodaon, of 5.' Stockton place. Ea^L Orange, wife of a hrokor having an oflh a In this city, was slruek twice on Bluom- fleld avenue, ncor Muiudalr Centre, yes­terday afternoon. At the eecond crn«h Mrs. Ilodaon w aa hurled from Ibe aulo and seriously Injured.

The woman was carried Into the llAuk of Montclair, where « phyildan, sum- moiied from East Orange, admlnlsti-rt‘'d treatm ent. Mrs. Hodson 'waa later taken to her home, a t DS Htookton place. ICasi Orange. In the doctor's autamobtlc. U was anid a t hor home (hie morning tiiat her condMlon has Improved. Mrs Hodson euatalned a out on the head and injured her right hand. She also received nu­merous hrulssB nbnut the body. Tt was at first feared by the physician th a t in­ternal Injuries had resuRnd.

The automobile had stopped In front of the Bank of Montclair and Mr. Hodson had alighted to enter th a t place. The machine was then started fur Newark. There was not room enough In ihe street to miiko the Tumi and the chaufTenr, whose name wae given as George Beck­with, began backing, when a Valley mad ro r and on© marked Bloomfield crashed Into the machine a t almost the tam e lime.

AWAKENS TO SEE THIEF XARRYIN6 OFF TROUSERSJust In lime to nee a thief flee with

his trousers containing $17, Ralph De Camp, of Nurth Midway, Lhdngaton. was awakened early this morning. He shout­ed to the fugitive, but the latter never turned around and the trausere and money are still mlaeing.

Mare than 200 tables were In play a t a ... euchre in Columbus Hall, Orange, last

The tub*rrular pavilion will ba locaiafl ij..peril of tho Cluiroh of

M ILLB U RN .Former District Court Judge Benjamin

P Jones, of Orange, will explain the workings of the new Gemn election law I tj™ to the Republican Club a t Its meeting In Bailey's hall, Main street, to-night. Per­sons other than members of the club will bft welcomed.

Mr. and Mrs. 'William C. De Lanoy, of Jefferson road, Short Hllla. will leave Sunday for their cottage a t Blshy. In the Adlrondaoks. They will remain there until about September 10.

The dlreclorls of the F trs i Neilonal Bank will hold their regular monthly meeting to-mght,

Mrs. William IL Coaney, of Prospent avenue, Wyoming, Is spending a month on Great Peconlo Bay. Jam esport, Long Island.

MIsB Edith McCollum entertained a t her home In Old Short Hills road yesterday "afternoon In honor of her cousin, MIhs May McCollum, daughter of Poetniast^jr Charles MoGoHum, of Morristown. The gueitSi besides the Misses McCollum, were Mrs. W. Eugene McCollum, Miss Bthel Denman. Helen Fhippe, Elisabeth Knoller and Myrtle Livingston.

Mies Caroline Kopf returned to her home (n Brooklyn last night, a f te r a two weeks' stay as the guest of Mr. and M n. Andrew Harth, of Mlllburn avenue.

Wesley Drake, of Rector stree t; Irving LIvlngsloDi of Spring street, and Richard M, Tlchenor, of Mlllburn avenue, will leave Saturday for Green Pond, where they will spend two weeks comping.

MVa and Mrs. George P. Richardson, of Gedar street. Wyoming, a re summering at Sea Otrt' W ork was begun yeeterday on the eon- em otion of a sewer In Hemlock road, be­tween Conlston and W hite Oak Ridge roftdSj In the Brentwood section. A total of L006 feel of pipe will be laid. The Mwor Is bMfig built under the new ar- roogsment for payment, whereby the property owners in Hemlock road only

bear the total expense &or the work, Tbe ooet of constructing sewers hereto­fore Bog been levied upon all property ogMUlft fiiroughout the township,

lo i lp h H. iUmbook. of Main street, has pdrohased a plot of ground 1<XI by 910 te s t on the north side of Mlllburn ave- .0114 XLeftTufipring street, from T. H . Man- do. through Albert P. Coin, of Spring- fifttd.

Illness. He wa. attending the Chautau (lua aaseiiibly. The hotly will be taken to his fuiTner home a t Akron, O., where the funeral will be Friday. He waa a brother-in-law of Thomas A. Edison.

Con|['x*eBBinati S lb le^^a W if e D e ad .FRANKLIN. Pa.. July 26.-Mre. Metta

Babcock Slliley, wife of former Congress­men Joseph C. Sibley, died a t her home here, after an illness of a year. Mra. Sibley was lUly-elght yenra old and waa married in 1871. Her husband and two daughters survive,

C lev elan d 's C ousin D ead In W est.CRIPPLK CREEK. Col., Ju ly 26.-Ed-

ward W. GIdden. seventy years old, pU oneer miner of Colorado, and coutln uf President Grover Cleveland, died here yesterday of apoplexy, He came lo Cripple Creek fifteen years ego, and dur­ing that time made several fortynei In the mining business.

between the old building and the new buJldlng, know n as the dorm itory build- liig. This location was decided upon, aa t)ie building will be ensy of access to the members of the medical itftfC of both buildings, and connectlonB for light and beat may easily be made.

Tine home fo e male nurses Is to be located on the northeast side and In front of the main building. This location was chosen In preference to having It erected In tlte rear, for If that was done tho nurses would be subjected to all the noise of (he patients. The building will be built to hold seventy-six men nurses.

The 8i>eclal committee also took up the question of the overcrowded condition of the laundry a t the bospltnl. During the recent hot w eather the laundry work has greatly Increaeed and the queaUon ©rose II some restriction should i:iif he placed on the amotint of laundry tlnno fur the nurses nnd help at tho Institution.

Several of the hoapltalB have re-ntric- liens on the amount of laundry granted to the nursfts, while about an equal num­ber of those to whom Dr. Evans wrote place ho restriction Iti this matter.

SO V T B O R A N G E .Dr. Edward T. Taylor, of S3 South Or-

angft avenue* hM retumftd from L ake Ho- pfttoong.Michael <ossldy, of Beton Hall College, Is vlsttiDg In South Orange.IflSB Lena and Mloa Ida B&ll, of Itvlng-

too Avenue, are spending Utelr vacation >t Lake Hopatcong. ____ _____

C A L D W E L L A N D V ER O N A .Mr. and Mrs. IjOuIs Condlt, of W est

Orange, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mad­ison Stager, of Park avenue, Caldwell,

Mrs. 'Wllllftm H. K lenu, of Montrose avenue, Verona, is entertaining Miss Lenora Mlnard, o t E ast Orange.

Mr. and Mrs. Oebrge Lang, of Thomai Street, Caldwell, o re spending the sum­mer at Asbury Park.

Mrs, Henry Ahlborn, of Grove avenue, Verona, will entertain the 'Woman’s Aux­iliary of the Presbyterian church th is afternoon.

Mtb. Abby Kirby, of Bloomfield avenue, Caldwell, Is U1 a t the Moutalnslde Hos­pital.

“Walking In th e Way'* will b e ..the topic of consideration a t th e meeting In the Caldwell Baptist Church to-night.

The Ladles’ Aid Society of the Cedar Grove Congregational Church baa planned an outing a t l^ llaodes P ark on August 15,

William A. Smith and family, of Elm road, Verona, returned Monday from a visit to friends In Morristown.

Mrs. MeBsler, of Bloomfield avenue and Elm road, Verona, who has been criti­cally 111 with erysipelas, Is oonvaiesdng.

Dl -Howard H. RusAelt, president of the^ National Anti-Saloon League, who holT been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Condlt, of HUlorest road. Caldwell, re­turned yesterday to h!a heme in West«|i- ville, O.

Rl. Mary Magdalene. Newark, of which Rev, Thomas E. O’Shea., formerly ru ra le of St. John's Churcli, orange, la reclar. Through the efforta of a large commltlee, on which were representatives of ail. the ocgahizatlona of Ht. John's pariHh, the euchre proved one of the largest and most aucctasAil affairs of Us kind In the hiBTory of (he pariah. Long before the games wore started l>oth tl:e upi^er and lower RBfiembly halls were crowded, tho attendance being niure than 1,000.

Fatlier 0 ‘6hta was ihe guest of honor iQBi night, and after llie games lie made a abort address, In wlileh he thanked Ills many frlenda In the Oiangt‘H for their kind co-operation In hla work In Newark.

IETZ-DRUE weddingIn th e P ark Avenue G erm an rreshy*

te rlau tTjiirid.i...Jn. Ulooiufleld lnsl..Jligb t M]**h A hre I'rnke. d a u g h te r of A lbert D rake, of F rpi D runge. and H enry M«is, non of Mrs. L llt.iheih M etx. of Bloom­field, were miirrlf'il by Rev. Renil J, But- tlnghaueen. tlie ponior.

The bride wh« gowned In w'hite crepe de chine and c u rrh d ft hounuel uf while roHea. Tlie lit plesm ald, MIsb L illian D rake, a Blatr-r ■>( the bride, wore white organdie ftnd i i im u l pink rosea.

Miss EllxaheUi UeltH. lU UltuMufleTd. w as the flower girl Slui was gowned in pliik nnd carried a biiSket of irarniillonH. Al­b e rt Bowers, f f Bloomfield, acted as be.qt man. Mr. nnd Mth. M eta will spend the ir honeymoon In A tian tlc City, a fte r w hich they will reside In Illoomfteld.


In a communlrailon written to Mayor KrnoBt lllhck, of Montclair, by I^evl -Hefll,- ft m&ffTrbep' -uf (he Glen Hldgv FlorougU Council, who 1b a t present m ak­ing a Tour of Germany, IntlorFehirnt ll given of the Inihnff eyBirin of pcwpige dl. - poflftl. which Is Ihe metliod favored liy tho Monlclatr ofilclalB. Tdr. Pest wrote fTom RseF'n. The miRBlve Is dated July 17. He says, in part-

"Mot Dr. Imhoff here to-day and In­spected plant where the eewat;e uf 200.- 000 people la (realed. and believe It la the Bvetem for Montclair and other near­by towne lo ntjopt. ReopJp arc living In hoiiBPB near the plant, hiyiI a m'-w etrevt

M O N Tfl^A IR .W ord has been r -.‘elved by tlu? omclftla

of the M unirlttlr M. C- A. th a t in tin - berB of the delegation nt (he S la te V. M. C. A sum m er cam p a t W ow ayanda I,^kc. represetiiIng M^mtvJatr, have ta k e n -f ifx t honors In the aquatic meet recently hehl Ql tho cAMii). A to ta l of fo rty -fau r po in ts waft made by the M oniclalr ccmteslantf:, T h ird place w as taken In the a lh lc ilo com petition, a t w hich tim e tw-cntv-i'Vi points were recorded hy the M ontclair niernbers.

Rev. QeorgR J. Becki*r, pasto r of G race Presbyt«?rlan Church, Ih receiv ing tho con- gratulftttona of .hl^ riva l of 1>aby g lrl lo m s

is being opone^ within 3n0 lo 10(1 rent !ti another commiinloAlInn to ft frlenil

Mr. Bej«t added the lT>fonnatton that while ' appearance when wonted-

Tho o rrea t of a d river fo r Schw aig R rotheni Com pany, of K earny, ot Bloom- fipld yttstfrdfty for rem oving ft dead horsa from tho tow n w ith o u t a license has pro­voked a fight to teift tho legality of a rule of tho B oard o f H ealth of the la tte r place Thtimae I>ecker, ow ner of tho Stftudar4l U v ery S tab le In Bloomfield av e ­nue, whose horKc the rendering concern removed, nayti he W'ill s ta r t tho fight. Eu- gcuo J. Schw ars, p rostden t o f the render­ing company, had a conforonco with Mr. T»ecker tills m orning, and It Is expectotl IhiU the firm wUl Join w ith the livery­man.

The Bloomfield Board o f H ealth re ­cently adopted an ordlnanoe providing th a t "no one ahull rem ove o r c a r t dead an im als ihrm igh tho streo ts w ithout a llccnHO Issued by the Bo&nl of H ealth ." H enry . Forbell, of this city , who, the H chw arti Com pany cliilms. Is an ag en t f»T the New Jersey RendcrSiig Company, wiiB (he firi«t to apply for a ileeuaei and ilicre has been no o th e r applicant.

When a bui.He owned by Decker w.i,4 dvtiiroyed liy T)r. F. C. A nopoeus, a ve t­erinary Burgeon. In D ecker ** stable. ycH- terdft), the piiy^lclan tcleplioncd to thu Nttw JorBcy liBm lerlng Comv»U(iy lo coivu? nnd K«i the anim al. The horse had lock­jaw . The rendering Oumpany, according lo (he vHierlnary, sent word th a t It waa willing lo pay |7 fo r th e dead horne, but wHft not ullow fd (o tak e horees from HloonifielU. as Forbell hud a rem oval con- trnc t to r tlirce montlm.

Dr. Artupomjs then c jiled up Forlioll. He uskrU F o rb d l w hat he was paying (Icml htirses and the docto r lay s B u t Kurhell replied:

"N oth ing in Bloomfield."Hchwers B rothers Com pany was then

li-lvphoriie<l lu and ( ’hurlea K ublniteln, on-- of the firm’s drivers, W’as sent lo B loom ­field lu g t t tlio horse. Kutoinsteln Ipad- er1 the deed horse on his wagon and gave l»ecker |7.

Decker mt‘ftnwhlla had notified H ealth Inspector Jciiseph C. Salle of l l » ^oriw ’o • death and eald he had aeked the K e a rn / firm to come and get Ihe anim al. Tho hentth Inspector then nuilffed the police thJit the horse w as to be removed by an unlloHJised concern and swore oul n war- ru n t before Recorder George W. Cadmua, for the sn eB t of HublniiteIn on th e chargi- of violating a B oard of H ealth ordlnanc*'.

Rubinstein hod gims to M ontclair t'< KPt another h n ra t and while going ihrouKh Bloomfield on hie w ay back to

' Keurny waa arre s ted . He w as flnod I 12.'), Decker w as In court, and In I iii'hJilf of Ruhlnstoln gave noltca of a p ­

peal. He went secu rity for R ublnatetn 's

/Tm 'kVr fllTiT"Ofe are

(iftve a F a re w e ll P a r ty .Mlsa Mftthllde McCloflkey. of Mt. V em nn

nrange, w as hostcHB ftl a fa re ­well party a t her home, Monday even ­ing. in lionnr of MUb Alice rro w ley , of Orange, who Is to reside In C ajiforn ia.


Frlghteneil by an eiprw g irrin on the Central Hullroad. near Ihe Roselle S ta ­tion, yesterday afternoon, a horse own­ed by George Garthwalte, of Chestnut street, Union Townshjp, dropped dead.

L IV IN G ST O N .Harry Price has returned after a week's

visit to Bay Head.Arthur 'Van Zee has returned from Tot-

tenvllle, Staten Island, where he was the guest of his slater, Mrs. Alfred Fisher.

Sire. Lillian Hoberta and daughters Edna BUd Helen, of E lliabeth, have returned liome after visiting Mre, Roberts's uncle, Lambert Smith.

Miss Helen '(Vhltehorne has returned to her home In "Verona a fte r a visit to Miss Anna Parkhurst.

Herbert F letcher and Alfred F letcher have returned to Brooklyn after visiting their elsler. Mrs. Edward Vincent.' M ra George Tompson, of Orange, Is the

guest of her brother, Edward Force.Freeman Harrlaon entertained a few

of hie friends at bridge Monday evening. Among the players were Mias Amy Vin­cent, Miss Florenca Combs, MlM Helen Wbitehorne, Mlsa Anna parkhurst, Jo n ­athan Force and Louis Wood.

DOrr BE TNIRN« NMd ot Belog ^ r a w n j , W u k

«M l E m g c ia M .

In these dsy i ot physical oultura and health foods, one would hardly expect to SM- any thlac-weak, em aolatid peo­ple, but In eplte of alt this, nearly every perfOn- ynu meat le thin and acrawify,.

Sood healthy fleah can only be gained bV the am of the proper food w ith thor- ougb aesltnllatlnn of the fat-glvIng ele- maatfe. Mine people out of ten, In order to welidi ae muoh ae they o o A t and bo perAotly healthy, ehouM ueo Bamoee, the great lleeh-fartnlng food. Weigh youreeU before commencing to use these little tab lsu , and see how your waight taerweea.

BaiDoOe has Taluabte flesh-forming and Uscue building propertlai, and when It U aeMmltated with the food tt causea the fleeh-raaklng elements to be Vetalned and the "Weight le naturally Increaeed.

‘ Charlei W. Monk, the popular drug- [gtet, bee sold in the last few weeks a 'g rea t many paekagee Bpmooe, every one with hie perianal guarantee to ra-

" the money If I t did n o t Clre eatle.and haa had h u t one pereoa aeit

W e money back. S. C H akea, a t ahw baa agiendr tat fgn oM .

' BLOOBfFISXDMre. Edwaid Lenoaster, of OT Wllllam-

■on avenue, le a t Ocean Orove fo r a few weeks. H arry Lancaster hae gone on a elx weeks' trip to Bermuda.

Elliot Gautireau, o t Qraoe street, and Qeorye MacEoneld J r , o t w u ia rd ave­nue, have gone to P anam a for six weeks with Captain MacDonald, ot tha Panam a Steamship Company.

Mr, and Mre. L. Thomtey Jonea, ot Clarendon placa will spend tha next four weeks a t South Harpswetl, Me.

Miss Hilda Rerold, ot NT Oeboma street. It a t the New Breslln, Lake Hopatcong, until September.

E. r . Doland and family, of Berkley Heights Park, are a t Glen Oardnsr.

"Letter Carrfere William N. H all and Oliver Olthame a ra traveling in Mew Tork State.

E. R. North, who h as been vleKIng hie eon', F. J. North, In Myrtle, s t m t , hae returned to bis homo a t W atertown, N. T.

Lansing Eonnell, of W ashington street, is home from W avwly, N. Y.

Rev. and M rs George L. C urtli are registered at Bomarset Junotioh, Me.

Mr. and Mrs. Ftederlok H. Carl, ot Oak. land avenue, are spending a tew weeks a t Bookland, N. T.

Theodore H. W ard and fam ily ara a t Ry* Beach, IK |[ « <»<til tho middle of Beptember._,_^,

« F B r a o in E 3 j>At the meeting gt, the Bunday-achool

Association In the Presbyterian ohapal, llast night, it sraa learned tbat the aato- olation had elearad 411 by tha aaoeia- tion'e Meant axeurelM. A total a( 1,4I4 paraoBB went ONr tba M ttB »

UNION TOWNSHIP.FVntral services for George Kubach,

eighteen months old, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Kubach, ot V au i Hall road, who died yeeterday, will bo held a t 1 o'oloek thie afternoon. Rev. Aimer W. Karnell, pastor ot the Connecticut Fartne Presby­terian Church, wilt ofllclate. Interm ent win be In the Presbyterian Cemetery. Tha boy had,7*— '- '- '- e two sreeks; - -

Mitsea MMi- .. - ' "".'--JLaloea, ofCheitnut street are spending their vaca­tion a t Caifip Wopowop, Conn. .

At the midweek service In the Conneo- tlcut Farm s Presbyterian Church to­night tho subject will be "Bins of Omis­sion." Rev. Aimer W. Kamell, th e pas­tor, will bo In charge. ^

u ijV i . I " M T i g g h m y


| f poiirfalr is thbfllnff out, iBloBing; its youthful color Rud. vigor,

IH u iu a ii S o ^ eh Just whst you need. BmuiBhes Dsuwoll, stops FaUing HulS und Itching Sctlp, mud Is s dsiaty snd i ^ e d hair dtessinf

50 Cents « Bottle.V ‘ •* dom eti ewysHwe

I ^ S o ld and OeeiaBtesd *v (

'lCcDk*8 P im rm a cy

W E ST OR.ANGfe.H ow ard P a rk e rto a , of M ain etreety will

leftve to-m orrow '-on an au iom oblle tr ip to C anada. (foSng by way of New York S late , ftnd r©tiirnlnB tlirtiuRh Main©.

A chhtm ey file ftt Cse hom e at Mrs. ElUft M cCarthy, a.t S lockm an a iie e l, gave tit© fire deparinu 'm a run a t 10 o'clock Iftfl night. Thr* blaxo w as ex tln - gtilshcd wllliout darna^i'.

The newly organized Roy Bcouls a t th e Jonklnft playground will give an en le r- tainm eiil th is a fternoon to ra ise money tow ard paying for unlform e, Tw'o patpola —th e t'flgl© and .the H a ttle an ak e rh ftv e been formed, headed, r©6|>.ectlvely. by S tan ley Lelmer, w lth .G oorge D©oker ae- Blelant, and Thonfiai B ym « and Jam eft BrowfT, HBHlfttaiil. Tlio Seoul© a re a t p resen t under th e Bopervlslon of MIhb E m ily Smiths Bupervlsor of th e p la y ­ground. who will rem ain In charge until eh© le able to obtain a m an vo lun teer lo lead the boys. A nother e tite rtu lnm en t, conelfttlng of a W ild W est ©how, will be given lo-m orrow afternoon,

A rthu r Brow-n, of C heetnut s tree t, la •pending hiB vacation a t A sbury P a rk .

M1b9 B ertha NeuhfluB, of W alch u n g avenue, left to-day for a m o n th 's Hiay w ith re la tives In A uburn, N. Y.

B ernard B rennan, of Tom pklne, 1b ■pending two w eek! a t th e H igh lands of N aveslnk.

IR V iH O T O N A N D HTLTON.E very th ing Is ready fo r th e fo u rteen th

annual ©xcunrion of th e Irv ing ton M, E. C hurch to-raorrow. Two tra ins, will leave fo r A sbury P ark from th e B road S tree t S ta tion of the C en tra l R ailroad , one a t 8:S0 and one a t R. to-m orrow momSng. Chlef of Police Green will m ake th e tr ip fo r a holiday.

M ill Irene TYenman, of CummlngB^ Btreeftb and ^llae Bessie Sm ith, of M aple' avenue, a re nt A sbury P a rk .- M iss B lanche M prrla, of T uscan s trM t,

'oiiig nlc^'ly. Tile child lipa the loa le a t elK «nd niie-half pound!*.

Joseph M. Spftlt, *n.MT©1ftry of Ihe junioT departm ent of \ho M ontclair Y M. ('. A , who has hovn spending eoveinl weeke a t tho asporlHthin SlaU* ramp, will return lo M nntrlalr Friday.

John L El.jhclft, InBpertor for th© M oal- Clair lioalth d«purlnu‘nt, will Blurt on hw vacation .next \veck. U© will b© aw ay for a fortnight.

CharU'q J. Hrookfl find fnm lly. of H a r­rison iivenii©, a re spending a m onth ut Beabrlght,

W, i \ RU’hurdB. of V alley rond. left yoHtordfty for A tlan tic City, whore he will ept-nd 111© mutiih of A ugust.

Itev. ChK)rB© J. Becker, p as to r of Grace pTcshylerlan r h im h . has been culled lo m -hch next flunduy from tho pulpit of the Provklonc© I ’reab y ien an f.’hurch, Scranton, Pa.

Ge<»rg© L. IJstm nn . physical In struc to r u( (lie M ontclulr V -M. C]!. A., will l©ava for Ills varntSon Mmiduy.

1 j . M. ^Jrnlth, of Itloomfieild avenue, left tow n yeelerilav for I’o rlland , Me., where h© will Kpi'iut Iho re s t of Hi vIsItinK rclalivee

Mr. and Mrs. E rn est H oustpn, of Cppcr M i.mtdalr, have lahen a co ttage a t Ocenn Grove. They expect to nriiirn lo Moul- c la lr about the m iddle of Bepiemher

Tow’n Clerk H u rry Tripy>ptt, who has been ^aoiplng a t Greenwood laoke for g forin iphi, re turned imme th is morning.

Inspecting the ImhofT plant he detccleci only a ' ‘little odor, and l( Is not a nuis­ance by any Tnoans. Ah FOllds srE* re­moved from th© sewrtgp, all within a space of thr©4» to [our acres."


Child of Poilcfi Aleiantler S. Green luis Inaugurated u vigorous campulgn in Ii v» Ington [or th« enfoicement of the law re­quiring all horae-dfftwn U'hlcIoH to carry UglitH lit n igh t Two urn-sts last iilfihL w ere the result of th© first elTurls of tti© police lu this direction _ •"TKp fiVftt Vo YHlTTnlo*" tlie police nel are

'o f m "Bi^rnihhT ggCTXigr who wuB arfeHted by ra lro lm su Finn©- gan, and Joseph Bauer, of m Flftfenthj avenue, arrested by Pairolman Muser.


r>nvld rioiigliiS, of flunHot avemi©, Vo- rotift, proteflted agaiUHt th© pr«iposed plan of widening tlP^t Ntn*©l f*t the Hi>rouKli r’ouncll meeting last nighl. H© eahl die im provem ent would destroy bin front yard ami well to eiich un ex ten t th a t fi© wouldn t live In hiw present houie any longer.

Mr. PoiiglftH Wris Informed that no ac­tion wmild be tiiki-n iinlll property own­ers liud been glvi^n u hctirtiig.

CLUB SETTLES STRIKETlin s ir lk r Of the union laborers of the

Orfihgcs drugged along to-'lu\' W’tth no Imp'-rlfttU ih’Vi‘lojjlii»'ii!S OyyIiik I*’'

sum m er j nhH^'tire nf oniCfTH of ih© T-'in- x f'm iniy ' Country ('luh, u leinpom ry agiaemruil wus

m ade w herrhy Ih© Ifit'nrnrs will re tu rn t<V work on thf* club grounils at unli^n

Daniel Mjh Li;crl, hu. lm-fH iig' nt ibu Ornug© luciil. tU'dftj went iimong ilu* workmen wlioa© (wimscs hful slK'^'’d the HKrcemiml und found but on© uoo-t;nl<in luborer ©mploy'Cil Thin man hud nift'le HrrringeTnomH wllh hiB ©mployor to Join the union.NUTLIOY.

F rank VtxiatUBr, of 19 H u m h erl ©treet, and Jam ea Pucci, of Hie wime address, were b rought before R ecorder W iishlng- (on E. Page In the N ulley PoUie Court la s t n igh t on a chrirge o f dtsturiilng th© pearo. They hntl been u rres ifd by Chariceman W llllnm Johnson for fighting In I'flst Nutley Hundfty afiernoon. Pucci wns charged by* V oeatuer’ w ub thrcftten- Ing him w ith a hig knife. f'ui"[’l waft fined 111), and V ocatucr, who, it waa showD, bud Htarted Ih© a rgum en t w hifh InflamedPucrl, waa fined U. Both flnefl w ere paid. D rin k in g F u iia t Cp to X n aeg e r.

Etiward Conover, colortjcl. of N ew ark , H ealth Insprctur WllUani T Bowraun, w'aft fined |2 for rtUordi-rly conduct by of Kaet Orange, hnn been advlw d (hat R ecorder -Page last night. OoRover w as ' lile suggcstliui to the J’ubUr a©rvlr© Uall o rrested nearly a m onth ago w ith u \ way ( ‘i>m]jany, that a Hfinitury d rinking wom an com panion on W ashington ftvonun | fountaP. 1-© [daevd a t tli© car a tub lci In

T^in D riv e rs lInU Ko |,lg b (e .Two unrests wn© made luHl n igh t In

J*’a©l tiraiig© of ilriVHrs who fiilM-d to pYit lantiTiiH on thetr wagons. E a rh waa f.ncd 5 Wf tills mornPiK by Uevorder N'ott I'nllonnum .\lb©rl fmim! .Junieti Debiuerflo, (.f 206 E ighth nviMiui'. tills rttv . a i Main h treol and ArllriRlon uvenue, arid Police­m an O 'lirlen kot Ivlgnr Truiih. of 3S Muln© street, till© city. In C entn tl avenue.

Mr. Decker ©hyb (hat Forbell la sup­posed to gnt the dead an I male fi*©©. He deciares that Inasmuch os th© horee diedon his ownwtroet. and tt was hlf* personftl properly, he feels he hnd a right to dlspoa© of il la any manner he saw fit. The liveryman has engaged F rank Brndner. a lawyer^ Of■ This ■ city, to represent him. Df^kar says It Is hlfl opinion th a t Ih© Hoard of Health had no right, (o ^aes such an ordinance, which, he rlalms, creates a "dead animals' tru st,"


According lo'the'senVl-aiStviST report ^5r the Montclair health department as prs- seiued to th© Board of Health of th a t town by Health Offlror Cheslfsr H. Wells, ftl ft meeting last night, the percentaga of, doftlhii pif children under flv<\ .years of ago is IGG, the lowest mark on record in the department.

The average taken from, the reporlB of prevlouft years, covering the United Statue reglfttrallori arra, is figured at If7.6 pe,- ei’ni. of total denthe of all ages, showing ifiHi the MoiUvlalr record for th© nix moiitha iu considerably lower than tho Htaudoi'd.

Tu (he high quality of th© milk su p ­plied In til© luwn and the purity of tho water Is attributed the m ortalliy decreoso * by th© otficluls.

A Nllglit deiTCftso 1ft also shown in the pprceiitaftp tif ilcaths of all Hges. On tha basis of lh« record uf Ih© firwl fllx moftiha the prrcunlftge for th© year In ©stimatod lit II.L HB compared wUh the showing nf 12.7 per cent, for IftHl year.

No M renne fo r D e live ry , C harge.Charged with delivering bottled boor

wIMirnit ft llcenfic, Jam es Zenk, of W' f f t Park street, Ihlfl city, ft driver for Georgo W. Wiedenmayer. brewer, was arrested in Kearny by Fatrolm an Bell to-day. Ho gave GIO ball lo appear for a hearing*^l'«-iilght.

and failed to appear fur trial. He earn© lael night, after receiving a letter from Cihlef fintcllfffl.

Mrs, Predtrlck Davis and eon. W ill­iam. of Colonial terracB, aro a t S tam ­ford, Conn.

Thomas H. Pflrhl©, of 3 High street, is home from a short Fiuy in New York.

Mrs. Charlsft A. How©, of HlghfieM lan«, is hom© from a vLilt to relatives at Clyde, N. T.

ATr. and M ra W lltlsm Drewin Wight, of Kansas City, who had been spending •©veral weeks as the gruests of Mrs W ight's parentfl, Mi> and Mrs. George W Bymonds, of G rant and Passaic avenues, went home yesterday.

Mrs. Wlltlam J. Kingnley, of WhUford avenue, came homo yesterday from a Bojourn along th© MassachuHeKs coast.

Jfr. and Mrs. 11. W, McOllhtock, of High street, are staying at Deech Lake. N. Y.

Mrs. D, P. Holrnan, of_HlRaldehas returned from her vacftiibn a t 8©ft- "Vro'eTafid avenues, ^ b' 'Konio frombrYsTil.-— .... ■.................“ '.■■■ --------- ------------------------------------------- - ---------- ■

Two rieotrio fan , ara belnx Inatallefl in the town hall to cool the hrowa of Irv ­ington ', offlclala. The flamage flon* to the lower by lightning last week U be­ing rapalrefl.

ROSELAND.Mrs. K. Brown and Mlaeee Helen and Marlon Brown, of Mavra Pe Grace, Md.. are gueata of Mr. an* Mra. Philip Jen­nings, of Eagle Rook avenue.Dr. and Mra Gaorge B. Ellor, who were

fiieats at the home of Dr. J. Conover, have returned to their home In Btoom- Oald.Th* midweek prayer aervtoe of th* Preebrierlan ehuroh will b* held in th* lecture room to-morrow night The topio will be "Tbe Finding ot the Book of the Law,”Jfh Di( Bari, who b u been the guest

~ —iw nvw-e -«.cia-,>-The annual band association oarnival arlll be held on tha club grounds on Fr««>. men atraat. August, St and M. The foUow- tng oommlrtee baa the r affair In charge; Oeorge U. Ball, Wallaca Bush, THeodore Bmith, Balaer B . 1>* Camp and Psroy Love.Mrat Henry Becker, of North Midway, leaves to-day for a two weeks' stay at Ooaan Grove.

— ' ------ ♦ 'NOBTHFIEQUU. ,

Til* Uvingstoa Grange wUI m*H In OolUiw’* hall to-Ruimw evening; when a "clgas" of *lg new mamban will b* given (ha Brat and reoond dagfta.Tha High iicbool Alumni Society will mast at lb* hom* o( Flecman Harrlaon, Mt Pleasant aranue, Friday evening.Mra. B. B. 4NhiUi> of •ootb Orange, I* th* iuest of h*r daughter. Mn. Sidney

jisCbteney, ot Boosevelt avenun,

montlfs—rtalt to- rBlattvee irf Hinsdale, N. y,Mra. Charles S. Thoralon, of Grant ave­

nue. la home from a eummer trip to Scerborough, N. V

Mrs. Lynmn Nichols, tVelllng Nichols and Lyman Nichols, of Nutley avenue, are euhiinerlng a t Kast Brownfield, Mo.

How to C v re C om aHome Tmitmest for Foot Troubles Brlofts iDRlsst Relief.

Th© eonilnued Irritating efferta of sore f«et sometimes Involves th© whole n er­vous system, developing nervous dls- orders. A trouble of thla kind should never be neglected. One of the most effective treatm ents known to science Is

the following: ‘'Dissolve■|' \ two tabIsBpoonfulfl of

'.,.* itth e f©6t Yti this far fnTI fifteen minutes, gently massaging t h e s o r e parts. (Less Urn© wUl not g!v© the desired re­sults.) Repeftt this each night until the cure is perm aneht. "The effect will be a revelation. The pain goes Instantly and the feet feel so good you could sing with Joy.Corns and callouses can

be peeled right oft* Bunions are reduced to normal and InflaminatloR drawn out«Sweaty and sraetly feet, swoUen and te n ­der f«At need but a few treatm ents.Calodde was formerly conftned to profes- t - - ,slonai use. can now be bought by ^ • • • meeting place of athe genSTftt public. Any druggist •ttas U building And loan association to be or- in stock or wW .fulclilg geb' (t from his f fantecd liben. Aocoidlng to Mr. MaloraB, w bolei^e boifis!^ A twenty*five*oent JooaPk A. CoimoUV' wilt head the loan

t h a t »‘Hv, fiftH put 1IJI ftj Detji-riilManSR’r r DanforUi, nf th© campnny.

IlK LliK V rLLERalph fltager, of Joralemon ritroct, wiio

brgka,lw o i l l s snrl cut iilfl turiftii© ft©- \nr©ly In a fall from a ladder IuhI Frl- djiy, 18 convalesdUK fit his home. Mr Hiager Is ft contracting iiulldi^r, and It w(iH from a new building on Chestnut street (hat he (ell, th© dlstanc© being from (ho serond story to the ground. IT© wag rvmnvpd lo ids home and a 1 - tonddd by Dr. Herbert B. \'ail.

Found drU'lng a bora© with a sore hank three houra after he hail been warmed. David NuBliaum. employed by F. Ntjs- liBUm, ft grower, of 2<W ffprlngfleld hv©- huc, Newark, was arrested by H P. C. A Ageni William McCormick Hr. last night. The priHfiiier was given a hearing before rollcQ JuBlIc© Richard H. Ashworth and. fipeil ©"04 costs.« The tin© and coals -w#«^-paW:----

Edgar (’o$yman, of Rulg©rs street, Js home from a Btay of noveral days at Afthury I*ark.

Miss Ii.oui.'ie Dunleavy, of Smith Fftreet, Is visiting relatives In Wilkes-Barr© for ft f©^ weeks.

MoTsibers of Court flanct© Marla, Daughter^ of rsabella, to the number of th irty wont to Olympic Park last night attend th# opera. Mrw, Richard P. fk-alne, grand regent of the court. wtiH In charge of the affair. Some of those who wero In the party are Mrs, John T, Burke and her guests, tho Misses McDermitt, of Fall River; Mrs. John A. Breen, Mrs. Joiieph A. Connolly, MIbb H!l*a Coitslna, MlBs Josephine Coualnw, MIhs Teresa f?ft!moft. Miss EtlEftbeth I..ftrkin. Mrs. Hanna Ilannigan, Mias Florence Farley, Mia© Muy Counelt, Mlsa Mary Diamond. MlBS Roh© a . Connolly, Miss Fllsabeth Taylor, Mrs. Henry C. McEnery, Mrs. F rank Lambrecht. Mias Catherine Mona- han^ Mis© Mary Monahan, Miss Marlon A. S. Ward, Miss Mary A. Cullen, Mias E tta

t J t i im . t*M a-->‘ , ^te r are guests a t Ahe cottage of M r and Mrs. George W, W harton a t Bradley Beach.

Work b&s b#en starred on th© old lico­rice works In the fillver l,ak© section which was recently purchased by Thomas A. Edison to be used by him to manu­facture storage battery oare and autOBio< biles.

Postm aster Jeraldo Maloran, of Silver Lake* ©jcpecH to complete next week the building he Ip erecting (or the Silver Lake Truck Company, The structure la located on Belmoot avenae and is elgh-

' teen by th irty f e e t Betides being used for the storage of boss and such other fire apporatua* it ts expected the building

The News of The Orangesis given in complete

form in the


In condensed form it appears in the LAST Edi­tion. Readers wishing tho more detailed accounts j' should instruct their news-'., dealer to deliver tho ' ORANGE EDITIONoftho

JXwcitk d ^ e m n j i tmThose wishing the Orange

Edition mailed to them should make lhat fact clear when ordering the paper, either from their newsdealers or through the home or branch offices.


19D MAIN STREET OppciK© Cievelsnd Street,

Busineas offfc© cuen untN 8 P. M. daily- Adverttsemvnts received for publication ism e day until 11 A. M*

Tetf.Orsng© 3000 Market 1S34

Private Branch Exchange connectlha all departments

packoff ^ aol^.to be-'kuJBolent t# eure tb0 w o rd I ta t '-A d v .

ssseclatteflu wktob w|U b« formed os soon as the beiUH h jm A f «>•* .

AdvfirU«men(© ftlw received by tha follcwlns ftuth«rl*ed ftfenta:ORANGB VALI>KY—

.* f.- Jk ^ ftsd ahe# t

mVb. i . ‘ J. -.- “ X "elation- Tel- 2TW.

EAST OHANOE—Harry KlrdialJ, 417 Central ava Tal. W 56D8. Block, fta** Main aireat. T«l. NHJ.

A Kolodla. ifo Ualn lUreet TbJ, 32P8R.

Max NaluLftn, 844 Main atreet. T«L312B.

M- Rubin. 33 WathltiftOD place, Tel. ,t7Km.

L. E. Yeager, 640 Main itreftl, TeL 301L.

AMPERE-Karl Olfon, 114 Feurlh avanua T«L


E. A.. Wallace. South Oi»nf» ftt*- Que, near atatlen.



DOUBLE M STAMPSThis stock bas sold by order of the United

States District Court by Senator Harry V. Osborne, mho bas appointed Keceiber, On account o f its being a spot cash sale b e bere able to buy it for a great deal less than its appraised balue.



t U G E R T HV. FKC3. & T R E A S


man's store, on the comer at 184-186 Spring- field abe. He dealt b ith the best class of custom­ers, bho banted good Clothing and furnishing Goods, and bhateber he handled had to be good, clean merchandise. We consider the sale of his stock, at these prices, a great ebent.

'T '-


; i i


ON SALE HERE TO-MORROWAll Men’s,Yooths’&Bojs’

Straw Hatsth a t Haymiti bad marked $1.00,$1.80and $2.00, will (o at

All the Men's and Young Men’s Suits In the Beyman Stock have been

divided Into five groups.

AU Heyman’s $18-$25 Suitswill be priced to -m o rro w .................

Including floest Oswego Blue Serges and light and dark mixed effecta; in all sixes from 32 tq

All Heyman’s $\s Suits atThese are u strictly hand tailored suits, In all-wool plain ai

11.95strictly hand tailored suits, In all-wool plain and

fancy serges, to Scotch tweeda, cassimeres and worsteds. In all sixes 32 to 44. 9.95

CAU Inmnd-new aults—only Just came in when the doors closed.)

All Heyman’s $12 Suits atHere are any number of stylish men’s and voung men's Suits,

suitable for Sunday and every day wear, in all new shades andpatterns, In all sizes. Heyman made a specialty of his SI2 suit line.7.95

(These are exceptionally good.)

All Reyman’s $10TWs. .sioup'.Inssludes.. aitito su ltf 'ln .alLlhU.

son's best colors and patterns; just the right weight and for tbia time of the year; alt sizes, 32 to 42.

at Z A r■Is. Spa^MA V »

One lot of about 3,000Heym an’s 3 for 25c. k ind I and in. hem


1.50 Empire Shirts 95c1.50 Lion Brand Shirts 95c1.50 Cluett Shirts at 95c1.50 Emperor Shirts 95c $1 Wachusett Shirts 68c $1 Earlington Shirts 59c

1.00 Hirminy Shirts 59c 59c. Princely Shirts 39c


(Exedlent bnaincaa aiilta.)

All Reyman’s $7.50 Suits atTliese are finety mercerized worsted and cheviot sulta. Cut in

^ th e newest models and run in a full, range of suits from youth’s * 14-year size to big meire.42 chest measure. 3.95

R a in c o a ts o r S lip-O ns

AU THE MEN’S AND YOUTHS’ T R O U S E R ST hat Heyman marked $2.00 we seli f o r .............. 1.00All the $3.00 Trousers go a t ................ ................ 1.45All the $4.00 Trousers go fo r .................................. 1.95

Ml the Men'e.Yoiitht' and Boyi' CAPS thatwre a lult a Dollar, a t , ,

r \

# 1 . 5 0 “ C l u e t t ” S t a l r t a 9 9 cFine percale serai-negligee shirts,

plaited bosoms, coat styles; cuffs attached: as you know, “Cluett”Shirts are never sold under $1.50; sale price.................

“ E m p e r o r ” f 1 . 5 0 S h i r t * 9 5 cOne of the best bargains in the sale:

high-grade “Emperor” Brand Shirts, ofgenuine soisette,'w likh;'next to silk, is the finest material for the ideal hot weather shirt'; all these sliiHs'atd'coaf sfylt, sofrdouhle cuffs; “Heyraan's” price $1.50; our price ............................ 95c“ W a c h u a e t t ” f i . o o S h i r t , 6 8 c

These shirts are known the country over as one of the best $ 1.00 shirts in America; plain and plaited shirts; coat style; cuffs attached end detached; fine assortment of light and dark effects; sizes up to 20 neck; Heyman’s price $1.00; sale price . . . ^ ......................................

L i o n B r a n d $ 1 . 5 0 S h i r t , 9 5 cOne of the finest values in the entire

group, made of fine imported shirting; coat style; soft double cuffs; you can see these identical shirts in all good shops marked $1.50; in this sale .......................... 95c# 1 . 0 0 “ E a r l i n g t o n ” S h i r t , 5 9 c

An opportunity to secure these splendid "Earlington” Shirts for about the cost of the cloth. They are made of fine count “Harmony” Percales and satin striped madraa, pTaln and' plaitetl hos- p jv oms, coat style, cuffs attached L l l ^ and detached; ‘‘Heyman’s" price ^ ' # 1 , $1.00; our price.............. ........ v / V

9 9 c P r i n c e l y S h i r t , 9 9 cThese shirts are too well known to

need Introduction. In this t^roup are plain and plaited shirts, light and dark effects, coat style; cuffs attached; all clean, perfect goods; noseconds; ' ‘Heyman’s” price 59c,;our price

# 1 .9 0 E m p i r e S h i r t , 9 9 cAn exceptionally grand assortment of

these fine Empire Brand Shirts. Most of them are still in thw-original boxes in which they were shipped from the fac­tory; splendid variety of neat, natty pat­terns, also plain white madras; coat styles; cuffs attached and detached; new, fresh $1.50 "Em­pire” Shirts for only............ 95c.

# 1 . 9 6 F l a n n e l S t i l r t s 'Q x cThe famous “Empire” and “Whitney”

of the



79cT hat Heyman had in his Stock th a t were m arked to sell for up to TWO DOLLARS will go a t ............ ...........................................

An ttie Boys’ Suits, Pants & Btoiises r All TheFrom the Beyman Slock Are Bargains

Heyman’s $2 Boys' Double Breasted Russian and 5allor Suits, 3 to 17 years, will b e ............................... 8 5 cH e y m a n * , B o y , * B n l t , w U l h e $ 1.4 9

B e y m a A * , O s - o o B o y , * a m t , w i l l h e 9 1,9 9H e y m a n ’, # 3 * 5 0 B o y , ’ S a l t , w i l l h e ($,.49

H e y m a n ’, 9 4 .0 0 B o y , ' S a l t , w i l l b e 9 1.9 9H e y m a n ’, 9 5 -00 B o y , ’ S a l t , w lU h a 9 3 ~t9

H e y m a n ’, 9 7 t o 98 B o y , ’ S u i t , w i l l b e 9 4 *SO

AU the Boyer $1.W Blooses will b e .,. 46c All the Boys’ 39c, Blouses will b e ... .19c Heyman’s $L50 and $2 Wash

SuHb ............................................98cReyman’s 75c. Wash Suits— 46cAll the Boys’ Knicker and Btoonier

Pants that Heyman marked ^ ^$1.00 will be.

The 75c. Pants sdU be..................... 86cThe 50c. Pants will be..................... 25cBoys’ Wash Khaki Pants that Hey­

man marked 75c. will be.............. 45eThe 50c. Wash Pants will be.............25cAll the Boys’ Wash Pants, in sizra 3, 4

and 6 y e ^ that Heyman mark- f ^ ed 25c., will be only, a pair___^ C

OddVestsfrom the

Beyman StockMen’s and Youth'i Vests that he marked up to $1.50 will be, to-morrow,


Men’s 50c Silk SoxPure Thread Silk Sox.

black, tan, slate ana navy, double soles, four- ply heels and toes,“Heyman’s” price 60c., our price .................

Men’s Half HosePerfect quality Silk

Lisle Half Hose and a quantity of full regular made Cotton and Lisle Sox, plain black St fanciea, “ Hey­man’s” price 25c., oar p n e e .. 15c

Men’s SoxA quantity of Plain and

Mercerized Lisle andSilkColton Sox, black and colors, mostly all are per feet q u a l i t y , “ Hoyman’s” prices 15c, and 25c., our p rice ..

S for 2Be.

V | / V i -

9cChildren’s Stockings

Pine and Wide Ribbed Stockings, for boys and girls, fast black, triple knees, heels and toes, d o u b l e soles, " H e y m a n ’s” price 15o^ our price .................

8 for 25o,9c

make; summer Hannel shirts; one of the coolest and most comfortable summer shirts to be had; some are with neck­bands; others with detached col tars; all made with soft double cuffs; Heyman’s price $1.50; sale price .............. .

Boys' 50c. Shirts, 29c.—Some are negli­gees with neck bands, others /-w ^ are soft shirts with collars at- Ctached;

r Men’s Union S u its 3 ^D I L L . j Balbriggan

Men’s 55c. Overalls 35c.Blue and White Striped Overalls

and Coats, for men,


price 55c., our price

Men’s 25c. Shield Bows 15c.Extra Fine Pure Silk Shield

Bows, plain colors and fancies, hand-covereA shieti^, “Hey- | man’s” price 25c., our price 1 v C

Men’s 25c. Neckwear 15c.Pure Silk Four-in-Hands, open

end and reversible style, splendid assortment of patterns, “Hoy- man’s” price 2Sc,, our |

Men’s 59c. Neckwear 36c.High Grade Pure Silk Four-in-

Hands, large, open end style, “ Heyman’a” price 50c., our l l C / rprice ......................................

3 for $1.00Men’s 25c. Suspenders 16c, 'Fine Lisle Thread Suspenders,

unbreakable leather end, no rust buckles, ''Heyman’s” price | ( j _ 25c., our price........................1 9 CLitholin and National CollaisLitholin and National Rubber

Collars, “Heyman’s" price 25c., our price 1 5 c

Celluloid CollarsAll good styles and all sizes,

“Heyman’s” price 15c,, ourprice .......................................... y C

3 for 25c.Men’s 60c. Suspenders 35c.Pioneer and other standard

makes, fine silk lisles and heavy webs, double stitched leather ends, “Heyman’a” price 50c., our ^ C r rprice ...................................... t i J O L

3 for $1.00Boston Garters

Black, white and colors, “Hey- man’s"'' price 19c., o u r Q _price . i .............................. ....... y L

3 for 25e.Men’s 25c, Belts 15c.

Fine Leather Belts, in black, gray and tan, “Heyman’s” price 1 5 c25c., our price.

Men’s Belts 39c.All Heyman's 50c., 75c,

and $1 Belts, our price-----O y C

$2.00 Umbrellas for $1.00All Heyman's $2.00 and $1.50

Silk Finish Gloria Umbrella^ of every kind, size and description of frame or handle go at, 1.00

R i b b e d Union Suits, long short sleeves, knee ankle drawers, “H e y m a n ’s” . price 69c., our price .................


39cMen’s Union S u its 69c

Fine Crossbar Nain­sook Union Suits, sleeve, l e s s , k n e e length, “Hey­man’s” price $ 1, our price

Men’s Union S u its 95cFine Sea Island Cotton

Union Suits, thin sheergauze weight;

■ ■■

69c95cH e y m a n ’ s”

price $1.50, our price

B.V.D. Underwear 29cThe genuine B. V. D.

Coat Shirts and Knee Drawers, quantity limit­ed, so get here p a r l y , "HeyvtvBfv'a** 29c


man's” p r i c e 50c., our price..

Otis 50c Und’w ear 35cGenuine “Otis” Bal­

briggan U n d e r w e a r , shirts with long and short sleeves, drawers with d o u b l e s e a t s , : "Hey­man’s” p r i c e 50c., our price.. 3k





i r

. ISyPIGTON a d v e l t is e m e n t oTOWN OP mVINQTON» __


Kotige la hercbT given that the foUmvlnf dB" B^bM tracts or lota of land sltuato Id tb«to m of Irvington, In the county of Eeaox. whloh aro delinquent £or non-paymant of taao* for th* year 1D09. will b« offered tor tala thB undanitned oollec(or» a t (lubllo auction at the town hall, Irvington, between tba hoora of n a : M. and 1 P. M. of the mat day ni Attfuet, IBLl. Each tract or lot, m n mtoh tberaof aa ahatl be neceeaary, wlli be aotd for 10 much cash a« la auitlcient to aatlify the ^Bkouht due thareem, 'with Intereet, eott of ^ahlleatioD and Bale.

Amotffltof taaeitaaei



• t m

Bloch.eubjeot to

Depcrts>tlon Intereit Owner, of land, and ooeU.

EM9X Land Co,, I4th av. ...8 18 Eaaex Ldand Oo.. 14(h av. ...4 10 niaeex Land Co.. 14th av , .. .4 &2

Feerleea Realty aodilfdl “ .........BulldlDff Co.. 411 14th i t .11 30

Predarlck Oroebolta, IBDaailDK a v ........................ aBS 80

U. Dameft, Oak av.............,4 l(


.8 n.Jl T4.4 n




iji '..

4.*. b'


Oourtland Parker, 20th iL rio SO lEeeea Land Co.. 14th ar. ,,4 10 Beaea Land Co., 14th av ..,4 10 K uea Land Co., 20th 9t .«.4 lO Besex Land Co., 20th i t . ..4 10 Beiea la n d Co., 20th et. IlrealiBDrtdgfl A Tlchenor,

Orove 9i ...........................Breakenrldge A 'Flahenor,

Grove a t . ..........................IT Exbelelor Realty Co..

Uafile av ...................18 Maraoret Bend«ir. I6th av. ,1 10 M artaretta R. Travta,

M )^ e av................... . . . 4

SIO Thoinaa Benton, Uyrde av .l 64 81 Braokenrldfre A TtoheoQr,

Arreme to rraca................ J BT4f B8 Breakenrtdae A Ttoheneat

Montroee .............................. I 0019 24 Joseph MareckI, Hootroie

tarrace ......................... ,.,..1 4042 34 Thomaa J. Cotfey. Tloh*

enor terrace...,............,...S 4810 ao Leopold Htabti. 30th AL......... I 6423 Bl Mary Stout, 2l i t e t.............. 1 6430 83 N .'j . Land and ConitniiyF

tlen Co., .S2 9682“ Mary SLfsut, no atteet. . 4 W H: J. BUllwen. lU lFth av.K-THfiK John Lubeok, 2l9t i t ...............e 6906 Broakenrldfa A Tlrhenor,

(irove It............................... D T4Rdlvatore P. Miele. Grove at.6 T4 Luulaa P. Maul. 23 Bilk*

man pi.............. • ...............08 8818 142 Chftrlee A. Kraeuter, 18

Garwood pi.................... .84 6068-80 163 Owen O’Keofe, nrHtekalde av.6 02

21a 168 FretierlA A. V eh ila^Myrtle av........................... lo 69

IT 168 Charlee Shipley. 64 Cuni'mlnga iL ................. iT 92

8 166 Margaret Donohue, Ridge­wood av...................... 9 46

8-16 m Wm. 6 . Rlghter, Ridge­wood av................................A 98

88 186 YPJj^ejisttoni A Van "Houtto. 4B0 Biuyvesantav. ..................................... BO 84

U .22 200 David Nelbuhe Co.. ITTreraont at.*i......................R8 &4

U 202 Barali J. Jenhlne. Weet, Clinton a v .. . ..................... Jl Te< M aoz KllmlMth BFrn-. ISl Wait

CUnlSn ST.........................t i 00JB Soa Owen-^VllkliM. ISS Wait

Clfcton a v .........t i '908 N. J. Land and Conatruo-

t tlon Co., 218 W«9t Ctin- ]• 1— J__ ford238 Bartha xJonee. 84 Elm> ■ -L

wood terrace.......................88 IM \381 EUen Bleton. 48d at.................... .4 !^ Ann OaTgon, 4Sd et................6 56 *

Sanrual Sltberinan, I eBlJe

TJnlon av................... . . . . . . t t l 8918 848 Hnrtha ZlmmermatL Ball

a t ................... «.18 M84-88 8B6 Wm. 8. Jacques, Wel­

land av.................................. ,-.B T440 800 P raede Huntley, Welland

av. .......................................8 8t91 $83 Jamee C* De v h tt, Med-

botirne a v : ....................... 8 4629 889 E ltttbeth Murray. Med-

bourne a v ......... ..................I 46t i 861 W bl UoKlereaix Sedvine

pi......................... 1 6428 881 JOhD G M U tnr.

DMt ..................................... J. 64RaiDT fidnufti, Proi^eot ^

82-88 861 C ha^u "^'li& r*!Pro4peMav.................................... J 98

6-8 868 Arthur lohwon,ihtre p t.................................. .4 10

8 B6B Samu*! Xthnaon. Betk^■hlr* p L ................................. 3 46

84 884 C. l i Rltfrlfon, s4 al.Medboume av. .,4 M

16 664 G. H. H arrln n M aL«imm av...................... fl 9T

18-18 864 C. IT. HarrltoQ et ak,Cbeiter a v , .......................... 4 n

8“10-11 866 a H. Harrlaoa f t aL,Fern a v .................. 8 90

63 883 William Wl«rslnt. Roi9-hlll pi.....................................2 46

63-84 866 A u ^ it M. Moll. Rote-hill p i . ............................... e 68

Jr 666 Joseph Smith, (Tinater av. ..2 401 668 Emira Clerk, Normandy

pi................... 4 101.2 86T David Welhuhr COm 14

Welland ev .............. 26 4t9 ' 86T E n . Alfred tlchenor, .

Welland av ............................9 6T48 86T David Nuibuhr Co.. 26



2 0

Normandy p!,.David Helbuw CD.,

Nurmondy .ID 866 William 4 Lbrd« Au-41 86T 2t .9T 4T

8T 4T

_fU8ta 4t ..........J ................ .40 866 willtam O. i M , Obttage

.1 64

36«to 7


it. ........................ .........2 M6T 868 Abram H. HaifeiU. How­

ard It68 868 William O. Lot4, H<nF- ^

__ ard i t 11. 1. • • . . ‘jjif *■8-4 80S J in t i 0. Btaok, fcjw Osv

' toffe e t . .........................21 1447 8N> M«yof ObSoirntn)!, Brueo‘'-BV,-*'."- .r.'-,. ..vrT'.rr.i.'.

.. Tjt ATI Cfcoxtei :i "m -"av........................... 49 66

70 6 1 Anna K. Davie, Maple av. , . 6 OQttnfir, N'


TAXES.KeUoe It hereby given tliat the following de-

icrlbed trocie or lota of land situate to Use ioivn of Irvington, in the county of EiMx, whlc^ are delinquent for nen-^payment of taaea for the year 1910, will be offered for sale by the undersigned ooUector, at publlo auction a t the town hall. Initigton, between the houra Of U A. M. and l f . id. of the f ln t day of August. 1011. Elach tn o t or lot. or so mtioh thereof ehall be necoeeaiy. will be told for •0 much cosh m li ■uiBcLent to aattify ■mount due thireon, with fntetwet, ooat of pubUcetlon and eale.

Amou n t^ eT taioa^ 1610

fUbjeottO Deearlptloa Interest

Lot. Owner, ot land, and ooats.10-20 6 Bobort Frater. 62 Oak av.21 80

6 Catharine Flnnt^gan, OQCM av......................... ....2 2 bO

» P. J. Wood* 414 Grove *L.8e M 11 Breakenrtdge A Tlobenoa ^

ii« it.-....................... J f S33 Sliee Relstab. IB Grove t e r 83 68 28 Piwd Datgnan, 48 Mont-

rote terrooe .................... 8 662« Breakenridge A Tiahe*

nor, Montrose terrooe. , ..9 TO 35 John Maurer, Grove ■ t„^ ..a 8080 C. Nelman, Iflth av ........... 9 0030 The Ouaruntstii Land and

Improveinenl Co.. 90th ft-T 20 80 The Guarantee Land and

Improvement Co.. 20th fL3 TO80 The Guarwtee Land and

Improvement Co., 20th itS i 4081 Guaraotea Land aad

Im$iro\'em«Qt Co.. 3U t sLO 6021 Thi Quikramee l^n d and

Improvement Co.. 22d sUM 4D The Qteorierty Leji<V Im-

roTfboeai o a , 22d sL _............. ...................81 66

e Ouarofitie Land and ipTUvement Oo. 23d sv91 60 Guarantee lAod axs'l


25 27 s8(> Ciiailes D. Rcmttner, Nor­wood av............ ............ J 26

eO 860 John Croee, Berkshire pi**-*l 64 6 881 FVank J. Bauef. DerkstilnBauer, ________

4 pi-..................................... *1 641 682 Mary Loale* Toum.

wood av .....................9486 886 Raru Peter JeneeD. H ^-

vme p i...................................1 9463 403 Prank MIddaugh, Miple

av.............................................. « 8081 40$ Lalsam A Co., 657 fimlng-

fleld av.............................. 15 40R2 403 Lalaant A Co.. R6S Bprlng-

fleld av....................... ..---4 6 89B8-66 406 L alun t & Co., Grove s t . . - l l 8ft

21 405 Minnie M. jenkloe, 109^ 22d I t ................................ M T(L

411 Walter B. Iie tu A Cn.* / Ridgewood a v .....................AJK

Co.,.8 28

.97 06

Ridgewood8 t i l Bma D'or Land

Ridgewood av Brown and Ruating,

Bireet ................................. 4t 00Walter E. Iie tts A Co.*

no street ...........................18 12Ella Hormei, 2lst ■t. , . . . , . 0 74

6B-711 to 14

16) to 47

$A«d >9

94t» 6749to i f U


n i e 29 J iovefflMit Ox, ^ d • t»*8 40i$obe-. ImproveffiM:

46 B nA eandge A ------iMr, Isabella av...... , . , . . 4 80

48 Hr. Temlskl. West SpMO- _way .................................. 18 60

■W IL -y re* . ' -Bauefi' Gf*va eLI M


_ Gfftvai-61 DP»alt$wrldte--Ar- Tiobe- _

nor. 2l i t i t ........................ 8 00


D6 n e Guarantse Land andImprovemeBt Oo.. 2lite t« l2 60

61 Peter Blum, 15 Blandinl plia 00 69 Breakenridge A Ttebenor.

lU 23d i t .e ^ ....................4 W68'A ndrew NloolC 33d s L .f .. .f 90 94 Antodl Kalenswikl.ieth av .9 TO

54<»B4 B n a k e n r l ^ 4i Ttohsoor,



4 481 Ella Hormei. 2lst i t . , . . . ..6 74 i 431 Toph^ Hemhauser, 52 9te t I _______ , ,,, V *'>J

S149 488XX “ toi

1 to6 to

. . . ------ ..4 B9ln B. Bcarlett. Baranac 1.............. ; ..................l<rf2I ■ vi' rrt- T j» fiji fs-L 6ar- ^


Pi.............M.S*....................M347 Otto Pohtfl, Stuyvesant sv. .0 50249

..78 18

¥ ^ ■ 1-II' U 1


E. Helm. 1321 Bprlng-fletd av.........................

8fi 9S2 Laura Durand. Spring-field a v ,.,......................... 8 30

119 352 Winterbottom A VanHouten, T7B Stuyvesantav................... 87 T9

Winterbottom A VanHouten, TOO Stuyvesantav............... 87 73

WinterboUem ft VanHouten, T6S Btuyveeantav.........................................87 79

S3 100 Samuel Jaekson, I&rperav. ....................................1 U

t r lora R t t t t w . Kegel. X4a-eoln p i . . , , ................. g S9

U sM Wiman SiMd, Ketidt 'termee 18

.86 t i l A. Sokretbeir Lyoo tv ......U 48I 818 Davtd W. MbCaythy, Ltn-

0O1b .,,,*.4 99I M l BWKb V. Baher, tM

8 483.John pi

8 48$ Bros D'tir I.,and Co.tintif pi........... 14 7614 449 John Scarlett, no etrvet........8 281 444 Bras 'D'ly Land Co.,Ridgewood a v ...................... 8 2$8-4 444 W'llllam ScsrleU, Ridge­wood av.......................... 0 U

6 444 W'lUlcjn Scarlett, Bldge-wo«/d av.............. ,8 38T to ft 444 Bra.1 D'or Land Co.,

Ridgewood av........... ,...9 8417 444 L Gallk, Duquesne.............. 8 9820-21 444 Bras D'or L^d Co..Duauesne 6 05

t l 31 Breakenridge A Ttchenor.Grove terrace..................... 8 05

80 116 Ridgewood Land 0 » , Ch-eerta i t ................... ,9 46

81 116 Ridgewood Lomd Oo., Ca-serta i ( ....................... 3 46

Any of Che aforeeaJd trad a or Ic ti nsay beTedeemsd h f the payment to the undenJ^ed ooileetOT before stle of the amount doe thereon.

Given under my hand this fifth day ef Jvsr^ lUl.- H. J. BTAKLBT, CotleeCnr «f Tixse at Die Town of

Grove s tH ..........................9 M64 william C. Bohollenberger,

40 ‘l^emont terrace........19 8664 Breakenridge & Tiche-

nor, Tremont terrace. .,,..9 TO65 FYank Pobudklewlos, I9tn

iiv....... ...... . ....... 6 e688 Breakenridge A Tlohe-

nor, Delraar p i...............1 M02 Charlee Sebewetken, 45

■■ 23d et ...............................50 4037 02 Jere Johntoti Jr, C o . , ,^ s l .6 4024 (I? Jahies Malone, 21st* s t . ,. .8 10

4-5-fA 123 Winterbottom & VanHouten, Washington av...9 00

17-18 141 George Bcbaefer, Myrtleav ........... 10 16

19*9D 143 Meyer Pomamnts, Myrtleav.........................................13 90

144 R. J. Billlwell, Orange av .21 00 152 Mutual Land and Home

imielde av ...............1 55- 0 188 BaUamine lAnd Oo., eioy-

vvwni av ... . .— ..............93 0085 156 TeroEu. Antablle,Orange av-5 40

183 Teraea Antablle, Iftl Or-87 168 Tefcea Antablle, ^Ilyw e t ..8 0038 llin. Teraaa Antablle, ^U yn at. -8 00 '11* K.6 Ternaa Antablle, Allyn e l , . 3 0040 165 Teraaa AnthhUe, Allyn aLiS 00.41 158 Teroia Antablle, Allyn s t- .8 M47 L'i6 Andrea Antablle. Allyn a t. .3 ^48 165 Andrea Antablle, Allyn a t. .8 50

7-8 KKl Wlinam T. Serbe, 25 Myr­tle e v . . . . . . . ............. .....1 4 8 10

41 163 Jam&a A. Jennings. 100Myrtli av............................44 lO

41a 163 Jomea J, Quinn. 102 Myr'lie s v ................................... 60 80

28 108 Fmna J. Beyer. SI Myr­tle av............ !.................. IT 10

94 166 Frani J. Bayer. 88 Myr­tle ev........................ 19

25 166 Frans J- ^ e r . « Myr­tle av ..................... IT 80

96 16S Fra&s X Barer. 87 M ^ -* tie av ............................ , , .1T 8027 168 Freni J. Beyorj

. . tia ........... IT nU IN Annl. V u H Cum-

_ m lnn .t .u w ......................■ Nt i» wtm«Ft •*

IRVINGTON A D V E C T S ^Orange av ................... -..02 20

8 IBs Gertruda Knpp et aJ. 487Stuyvesant av ............... 108 90

I Iftft Bamue) G Morrfll, 156Sanford a t......... ............... 4ft 80

26 to 86 190 David S*nm, 479 filuy- ..vcB&nt av.......................!1T 00

16 166 Anna E. Allen, 10S4Springfield av ................. 48 00

4 198 Eat John Duddy, 41 Smithat.......................................... 28 »

5-7 IBft David Nelbuhi*. 14 Tre-mont i t . . ................................ 02 20

10 to 17 IDft David Neltmhr. Tramonti t ...................................................12 50

IT to 34 203 F. 3. Wood. Grant p L . . . . t5 8B14 203 Fridertck Faaa, 211 W eil

Clinton a v ., .....................28 8028 to 25 213 John Deecber, 38 FTwnk-

Hn f t ................. V**®® 00B£ to 35 218 Thomas E. Small. 30

Franklin at............................. .89 49SO 931 William R. Adama. 20

Elmwood av ............................48 0022 £34 John D. Neefue, 1939

Springfield av...........................Ifl 0881 230 PauMna Cascella. 26 Bim-

wood terrace.................... .69 606E 138 Antonio Casceila, 26 Elm­

wood terrace..............................6 BO6 936 Bertha Jonei, 25 Elm­

wood terrace............ . . . . . . .8 8006 925 Fortune Hoaa. 1420

Springfield av....... - ......... lft4 40ie-;0 S29 Emma Relnlg. 28 Flor­

ence av ................................ 88 M4 kfary IJannetnan, Forty-

third i t . . . . . ............. T SO/fO 994 Henrj' TanneTiberg, 188

.1 40th ct............................... J l 50t 6 384 Henry • Tannenbetg, 111

40th at............................. - J l 60&3-B8 984 Abram Drelman, 40th i t . . , ? 90

16 Azipreio Dt 0 «Einet«, 4ie t l l . r 3516 240 Philip Muller. 40b i A...........T 9080 346 R. J. BUllwali, fituyvesant

av.......................... M 88611» 88 MS R. J. Stniwall, B tts y w b t

86to 61 Me R * x mVliW i’ Lw he ^69-63 240 winterhott^ & VanHouten. Lai Ue p i...............8 60

96*160 246 Stuy^'eeiiDt 46lb■ i t .................. T 20

t 08 to K95 948 Bamuel Gold, «Kh i t . : .... .10 80 t t t t o l i S 246 R. J. Stmwell, Leslie p i. , -.7 25

14F 34^,^-!mirhT>ttom - A -* viib — •... -vn.-IieaHi'#1, .LAD

0 247 J(^hn Braea, 40th s t ............ IT 06Tito 74 241 Paaqual* fiodano. Sf»th st, ..7 9078 to 77 247 AeMit Ganikin, 39th at........ 8 40*flo to AS 247 Aaron GaUlUji, P ^ p e o t s

av..................................... ...1 4 «64 to 87 Ml Fanny Rubtn, Proepeot av .ld 40

180 to 191 247 FaeqiMle Sordano, Btny-. x'eaont av................. r . . . . l 5T 08

196-187 MT Henry Tannenberg, Stoy-*■ vpaant av.....................90109 S8S J l^ e a H. W ig h t. M

Durand pi...........................44 loIfO 282 Winterbottom A Van

Houion, StuyveBont a v .,. .6 60 183 282 Wlnterhottora A Van

Houten, no street............... g 60437 800 M. H. iHchenor, Stuyvo-

eant av 49• 48-49 ffOTa Jamei H aokett Hesbtt

trfrraoe ............................... 8 0021-22 80Tb Otto Feialer. 178 Keibh

te rnee ....... 88 9819 All LIzcle Boooh. 96 Park pi..60 40 4 818 Rattle H. Alleru 1073 Sprtne-

fleld a v ..............................68 0093 844 Zoe Patteraern, 9S4 ^ t ta p e

et.......................................... JT 0685 844 Kate E. Crocker, E68 Lyoti

av. .................................... 48 6016 MR Oeotge R. Gray. Aogtata

at............................................8 80II 849 Cora M. Uoffman, 148 Got-

tage a t . . : .......................... 89-401.880 Augtttt T.acemba^DQ dr*"" - <

mom „11 880 FTourm Huntley< l/yoa«av»,ft 00'

11*18 880 August !.acombe. 806 LycMav........................ - '.....4B 00

82-88 880 Eat Alfred Tlchenor, Wel­land a v ................ 6 80

4M 2 800 Thomaa W o lite n e i^ Wrt-lond av .................. -....6 76

2 851 Chartea Cochraq, Clare- ‘ mnnt rv, . . . ....................... 1 TO

1 861 R. J. Stiltwwlt. 82 Clarw-tnont a v ..................... M 40

ft ^ Allda F. Joraliman, CUtfW-tnuat av .................

9 864 JnnaUian Waterfield. tjjiton^ av............................... 86 001 686 IhTward Cltmeflili, 416

* Cnlon av. .......... ............64 0094-28 861 Margnretta RtMk, 626 Prae-

pect av .............. ,.,.8 0 0098 869 Leopold atnk, 80 Uelvllia

_ pi........................................... 19 65» to St 863 LeopCdd BlniL 85 MfMlIi

M are F N IIi S trti^M elviU e pK.,1 80 37 363 Wmiim D. WlntertioUom,_____MeIvtU* p i. , .............r . .............. 1 88BS 854 Frederick T oIMf WallaaA

av. 68


mandy p i............ ............37 8011-12 887. Michael Llnkel, M Wel-

> land Bv...........................,.83 8023 883 Charlea p, Welaenbach, 76

. Auguata i t ......................'.24 3080-Sl 308 Prank Oberman, M Au­

gusta a t............................ 89 404fl'4ft 3T0 Edward ailckmao, 27 Dnien

____ tv ............................... 09 go23 373 Jamea J. Quinn. 14 How­

ard e t...... ......................... 88 80as 818 Jamei J. Quinn. 12 How-

................................ S$ 8088 w8 Jerome A Clark, 18 Groce_ __ ■!...............................................83 4081 8TB RoMter A. Grant, May and

Grace ate................. 3 7082-8S 879 Francis Mackia. Grove st.85 00

22 881 GuBtave MnywaW, 2 Berk-■hire p i . . . ...........................7 20

11-13 888 Wallent* Nelmlec, ^ rkah lropj............................................ t 00

36 to 28 8S8 Guntave Maywsld, Norwooilav.......................................... 0 40

M 888 James Fiynn. 23 Norwood„ av..............................................12 60

16 401 Charlii F Sammett, 189Grove t t ............................ 15 60

14 401 B. Boergur Plumbing Oo.,« « . Grove st......................... IB SO11-22 408 Mary A. Dougherty,

Wapli av................................. 14 4049-50 400 David Netbuhf, Bprlngfleld

^ av. ..................... 27 00StTto 64 408 David Nelbuhr Co.. Grove

at. ..................................... 86 10Oft-Sl 408 clarence A, Newton 5ft

...................61KT-li 405 Grace A. XJniey. 12822d a t ....................... 09 40

?5; Dllesnlk, Alpine f t , . .7 20i r i ? s2 ^ 5 .. A. BaastnL 22d st.-.-eBiiO

Edward Heydeft, 21it i t . .48 20iST B. A, Bu.lnl, 21.t t t ....... la SO

8Z 4M F ruX Kt*um, Htdliim *v.7 20 27 42ft lilcaie MoKqrkendale, 31st

■t........................... ,,,5 so96 483 PaullxM a FTseber. 19

Medlioa av...................... 16 006 to r 488 Edward ifeydea. Clin­

ton av............................. 84 789-10 488 Edward Heyden, 21ft et..lQ 50

U-18 488 Bras D*or Land -Cot*Hawthorns av ,...,......... 10 60

9“8 444 Wllltana Boariett, Ridff-. _ wood av. ............................T 20

?*♦ afotesald toaeta «r ibto may be redeemed by the paynubt to the undeis^ed boUeotor before sale of the amount due thftreon-


IRVINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS,of the city of Newark and townahlp of South Orange, In the town of Irvington.

Bpeclflco-tJons may be seen at the office of i. J. Caaey Jr. A Co., town eaglneera. Glorliua building, or at the office of the town clerk, town halt. Irvlni^n.

The Town Council reserves the right to ac­cept or reject any or all bids which. If In their judgmom, it la to the Interest of the town so to do.

Irvington, July 28, 1911. _ .M. grOCKHAN. Town Clerk,


rt .. . . n. rf. OiAPTUEJI,Colleotiw of Taaeg of the Town of Irvington. OiTvq under my band this fifth day of July,

NOnCB Is hereby given that the following potltton waa presented, to Uie eouncli of the

town of Irvington at a stated muUng of said____ »d m uunoottnou. h«id Monday. July IT. 1011:To the Honor^le, the Town CounoU of the

Town of Irvington:Gentlemen—We. the 'n&deratgned ownsrv of

property attuated along the Una of the pro­ceed Improvement, do hertoy petition your honorable body to oauae Florenos avenue, fromBprlngtleld avenue to Elmwood avenue, to be paved with a ten-lDoh tetford pavement with a tarvla binder with vitrified brick gutfeta on aconcrete foundation on each aide: a«id guttedra to be three feet In width. We further petition

Gur honorable body to oause eald street to curbed with axed 4z95 curb, set In cODOrete.

RespicLtolJy submitted,rratyrtaB.WM. C. W008T u d Mhin.

0*__t i the t o ^ Kai!, Rwfngtcim to

hear and cionalder any objections to ealdJni-'

Hotioe to hereby JflYen that the oouni irvlt^oh will meet Monday, A u j^ t 7.I o'clock p. M., t i the town hail. Dth]■ rm* BFIV* WIMiUCa WLF VIPJWVZVZM* IV aKlItKlOl”

provemeitt that may be made In wrlUnf to the town olerk on or before aald tliI on or before aald tlis«L_

. » ^ T C J ^ IA N , TownClal

s e a l e d PRo f GSAU will be reoetvifi a t the oOlcs of the town clerk, town ball, Irvington,

on or bofori Monday, August 1911, a t 8 o'clock P. the putrohoae of ninety


CITY OF NEWARK, CITT BALL,Newark. N. J.. July 21. 1911,

Sealed Dropoaale will be received s t this of­fice from 8:16 lo 8:80 o’olook P. M. of Thurs­day, the twenty-seventh day of July, 1911, and opened at the last named hour a t a pnbllo meeting of the board to be held, at aald time and place, for the cOhstnioUon of pipe eewers*" q u m U N AMJBT.)>clv»n Wwt Klnnw t t n t t and BFldwta atreet: ____

h e c k e r s t r e e t ,between Dlefcaraon street and Susseg avsfitt^-

0OUTH STREKT,between Pacific street and JefCeraon street, and

d e l a n c y s t r e e t ,between Tyler atreel and Wheeler Point r o ^

The following la about the antount of the w ork'to be done, and the materials to be fur­nished In the consunictlon and eompletloh ot i t id work, and upon which bids will be asm* pared!Quitman Alley Sewas—One bondred and forty (1401 feet of ton (10) inch vitrified, salt glaaed pipe sewer; forty <40) toet of els w Inoh nous* conneotloMj, two (3) manholes with Boiseteu heads ooxnplste; tour (4) maitorB.

Heoker Street flewer—Four hundred and tsfi (410) feet of twelve <12) tnoh vitrified, salt glaaed pipe sewer; three hundred and fifty (S60) teet of sU (6) Inch house oonneotlong; two (2) manholes with oonneotloDS eompletai twento-two (21 markars, .

South Street Sewei>-Three bundrM^ andthirty (880) feet of eight (8) Lnoh vUrtfted, salt glaaed ~ P l^ sewer (deep and wide meketo, three (6) foot lengihi): two hundred and fiftyinree ISi lom iwh nuMursa o.uufiM L-feet of Ux (6J lnoh house oonnectlons; one (1) manhole with Imn head and bucket

lete; thlrt*en''Tlffl'tQarkers,• lewef-NcompL..-, __

Delaney Street Sewe^NIne hundred and ten (ftlO) feet Of eight (S) Inch vitrified, lalt glased pipe sewer (deep mud wide sockets, three (8) toot lengths); twsive hundred a ,200) fset of six (6) Inch house con- neotiops: five (5) manholes with iron beads and huokets oomplete; alxly-alx (66) markers.

Bidders are hot to state any pries for ma- terlgls and work for > which there Is a fix4d amount provided for la the spectficatlon4.

Each proposal siuat be enclosed In a sealed envelope, properly Indorsed with the name ot the biddw and of the Improvemeni, apd di­rected to.the Board of Street and Water Oom- mlssloners of the city of Newark.

Bidden will Btate their prioee In writing as ivell as In flgurea.

Bidden must specify In their i^posola that, should the above work be awarded to ihatn, they will bind themselves to finish a a i com­plete the sams -within the followlBg number of consecutive rtorktng days:

Quitman alley sewer, six <5) days,Heeker street sewer, twelve <13) dayVi South street sewer, ten (10) days.Delancy street sewer, thirty (85> dayi.The plena end epeotfications of'the work eau

be examined t i tbe'office of the chief englftper of the Beard of Street and Water Commla-

" ‘' isals to tK

PROPOSALSopeiwttve until such bond it ao approred’ and the prealdent of the board shall have power to a m lh e the proposed bonderaen under oath,. If he shall so desire, or shall be so Inatnieteif by the board, but the board will not be bound by any statement that may be made by such proposed bondsmen, but shall have fuU power and abaolute discretion lb <he whole matter, and this provliiloa shall be referred to In any advertisement Inviting bids for any such pub- tlo work.

By direction of the Board of Street and Water Ciommlssloners of the city of Newark.



CITT OP NEWARK, CITT h A-L.N m rtf, N. J.. July 21, 1911.

Sealed proposals will be resolved at this of­fice from 8:18 to B;80 o'clock P. M. of Thurs­day, the twenty-seventh day of July, Iftll, and opened at the last named hour, at a public mesUng of the board to be held at said time and piaoe, lor the grading, curbing and flag­ging of

HOBSON BTREFT.from Shaw sveuua to Hawthorne avenue.

The followtng la about the amount of work to be done, and the matertala to be furnished

oonsiTuclJon and ctmiplatlon of ■inw^h, and upon which bids wlU bo compared:

idred cubic yards of excava-Eight huno tion;

Three thousand and forty (8.040) lln«al feet of 20 by 4 Inch four-cut curb, let In con- arete;

Ntne hundred and fifteen (916) Unwxl feet ot old curb, four-out and reset In concrete;

Thirteen thonsand eight hundred and fifty (18^1^) ^i^nsre feiyof flag^ng, 4 feet wide;

Fifty (50) sai. - . _ ng.Btandatd pricoa will be paid for the fol-

Belglan bridgingtowing;

Ono Q.) set of 95 fay 4 tneh fotir-cut oovnen, •et to conorstai

Two tbouBtiid (EOQO) aouare feet of old fiag-glnt tolatd; "rT f ' (80) square feet of old bridging retold;

One (1) baain with coiuieoUm complete;‘ • <1) ’ ....................................One touila using old bead and sill;One G) head and Mil on old basli^. . . . .

■loners at the.olty lialk jiroMssit»o .UTMlrifc « - '• ebihpxiix Xto ao btiiinoM tn Nw*’'—-- .who .B»n,_

thousand (190,500) doUars of school bonds of the town of Irvlngtunf bonds to be of dchoiul-natlnn of one thousand (11.005) dotlars eacta and be numbered from one to tilneto oonaecu- tlvely. The term of bonds balng fifty years, bearing intereet a t the rote of four (4) oent. per annum. Interest payable semi-an­nual. A linking fund of one (1) per oent.will be railed annuatly by taxation.

T h i ^ w n Council reserves the ligbl to ac­cept or reject any or all Ofopoiala, which, If in their ^ d ^ e n t , It to to the Intenet of the

.. ijlff#the time of putUng In t . v , - A tas to their responsibility in #nsuch proposal. *pnd bind themselves that. If the contract be awarded to the person or per- urooosa* for tb« sons m ^lR g the proposal," t h ^ wlir, upon Its being ao awarded, become h lr or their eure- tlee for the faithful performance of said workt and that If the person or persons omit or to- fuse to execute such contract, they will pay to the city of Newark any dlfferenoe between' the lunts to which he or they would have been

Bidders are not to state any pr'oe for ma- tortols and work for which there to a fixed amount provided for In the iprclflcatlont.

Each propoeo! ^ s c b».j>aw^~sd In a e^e%* sBvYKipe. praw 4|p'^h..dorsiff1tow.rt the name o f tbe bidder and of the improvement, and di­rected to the Board of Street sjid Water Com­missioners of the city of Newark.

Bidden will B(ats ihelr prices In writing as well as In figures.

Bidden must specify In f ie lr proDoialg that should the above work be awarded to them they will bind themselves to finish and com­plete the same within thirty (80 .eonseoutivs working dsys. s

The plans and specifications of the work oon be examined at the office of tbe Chief fingi- near of the Board of Slro^-alid W ater Com- '

/mlfslonen a t the City Hsii, Sold proposals to be acco m ^led by the consent. In writing, of two sureties, or a surety company qualified to do bnrinesi in New Jeiwsy, who shall a t tbe time of putting In such proposals qualify as to their responiiblllty In tbe amount of such proposal, and bind ttwmselvee that, | f the contract be awarded to the pernon or persons makiDg the proposal, they will, upon Its beliif so aw^arded, Deooine bis or their suretlst for the faithful psrformanos of said work; and that, If the pflfsoQ or persons omit or refuse to execute such contract they will pay to tbe city O' Newark any difference between the suoii to which he or they would have been snUtled upgfe conmletton^of tbe contract, and that•fxlT . ----- '-bUged to

' . ■ • irtiotn iiiok con*shall be executed. ^

e Board of Street and W ater Commtailifi* Iks olty of Newark reserve to thstn* .................akospt or reject any or alt

entitled upon compietton of the contraoL and.......................... — ■------- * obr

IrrtBgton. N. X, J ttly ^ IftU fiTOCKMAN, Tom Olsrk.

8KALED ntOPOflAI4 wilt fat i olfios of the town clerk, town I

on or before Monday, Apfust T, „ o^elook P. U., for the oonfatiucti«|from

teltord navalflpiiiNP&d

that- which the city of Newark may be obliged to pay the person or persona by whom such oobtraet shall be exteutsd.

The Board of Street and W ater OommlaaloQ- era of the city of Newark reserve to tbem- aelves the right to oooept t/e rsjsot any or t i l ^ p o a a l s for the above work, aa tbsy may deem beet for the imsrest of the city.

Bidders and sureUes are fasrsby notified that under tbe provisions of the tsvsnUi ssetton of the law creating the Board o t ' Street and W tier Oommlarionen. approved March IM. 189L th a t tbe bond o r hddds to b* flvea fier the faithful exectitioa and performance of sold pttblio YTOrir shall first be approved oe to sufli^ elenqy fay the board, and ae to fonn fay the g n e l t ^ the board. i»d bd eoBtroet eMH be m SSSk «■ the cur> « beoena eMfityfi «r

Sroposajk for the above work, as they Boay e<?m Wit for tho Interest of tbs city.Bidders and sureties ore hereby notified that

under the provlsione of the eeventh section of the tow creatlnr the Board of Strost andW ater Commlislonsrs, tiPPi'oved itorch 28. IKH* ...................................................... ' ' tn*that the bond or bonds to be given for faithful execution end performance of said public work shall first be approved as to suf- flclency h r the board, and as to form by the counsel of the beard, and o6 conttact shall be binding on the elty or become effective or operative until such bond 1a so approvedC nnd tbs president of the board shall have pevtor to axaintoe tbe propwed bondamsn under Mtli. U he ihai! eo destrs, or ihell be eo Instructed by the board, but the board w4ii not be bound fay any statement that may be made by eoek pro­posed boodgman, but ohall have full power and abeethte dtocretlon In the whole nmtter.this provlsilaix riuill be referred to in any od- virtlMiBint Inviting hide fey any such publto work.

By dtrectiQn of the Board of Water Commtesioners of the city et i





'Hey- 'pring- istom- lishing

to be le sale

9 5 Crtment of s. Most t boxes in I the fac- natty pat-

“ Sunev”>ne of the

summer rith neck- |. e I;

are negli-




ftaff Corrti|Kmd<iwft *AflBURT PARK, July ntw

vwliXfliiB§ pool aod bot and cold tiea water bath* a t th® foot of P lra t avenue were fonnally opened ycrsiarday aftemooD. There were In attendanre the iSreaont and former membera of Uie Beach Coihid1b> nion. merabera of the Carnival Board and other city ofUclala, Including the Mayor and oouncllmen. H alf an hour before the formal openinir the place wiia Inapected by the offlclale. I t wae declared by several of the apeakera th a t the aea water bath-' In f eetabllahment woe th e forerunner of a eeaeon th a t Inetead of being of three m onthi’ duration would extend over elx : months. ^

At 4 o'clock Prealdent William A. Berry rec^ved the keys of the building from the oontractore. I. R. Taylor & Co., and te a abort eddresa he turned them over to K ayer T. F rank Appleby.

Mr, Appleby said that the estabHah* n e n t would pay the city ten per rent, on (he Invesimenl, conalcleilng the rental r«- cafved from the leasees, Mitchell & Freyi and those who have stores Along the front of the buliaing. He went on to say that the baths ought to prove the best aaseti the city had. Inasimich as they would bo the meaqa of extending the lea- ion. Mr. Appleby praised the Peach Com- mlislon and all others who had a part In the enterprise. i

Beach CommlsBlonera Ilullck and Pat­terson spoke a few words, and former Ootnnrilsaior^ atelner paid a tribute to Jamea A. Bradley, to whom he referred ae ”the grand old m an of Asbury Park, who had done eo much fo r the prosperity

the reso rt" Brief addreasea were aleo made by Theodore Bertnger, Henry Siein- bocta, Colonel John W. Aymar, the presi­dent of the CarnlTal Commission; George W. Plttenger, Tlce-preeldent of the Board of Sduoatloa and also vice-president of the Carnival Board: Councilman Jesse Minot and Dr. Bruce B. Koaior. secretary of the State Board of Health. Mr. Pltten* gar said th a t the next improvement along the beach front ought to be the extenaloa of the boardwalk, both north nn«l south, thus making a continuous eaplntuido from Spring l.,ake to Allonhurst.

Colonel Aymar bought tne first ticket for the baths and Mayor Appleby had the honor of the first swim.

The pool, which la 40 by 7B feet in else, la said to bo the biggest Indoor tank in

. the oountry. The. building waH started on April 2 and no one believed It would be completed this summer, The contractors,

that they WQUJj not be far ' 'behind the time set fn Ih* contract, and

they were only a week out of the way.


uitsilbriggan 9ng and :nee and

aits 69c,r Nain- s, sleeve.

aits 95cid Cotton lin sheer

rear 29cB. V. D. id Kneeity limlt-

vear35cis” Bal- ! r w e a r, ing and


K) approved; and hall have power imen under oath^. N so InstructeiT

dll not bs bound *e mad# by such have fall pQwer e whole matter, ferred to la any >r any such pub-

of Street and Ity of Newark. SHBRRERD,Thief BnglDesr.

r BTRSBT AND IS O I \ THE TT HAIjL., July 21, 1911. Ived at this of-

P. M. of Thurs- r July, 1811, and )ur, at a pubito eld at laid time iurblng and flag-BT,}me avenuo. amount of work I to be furnished nplatlon of said -111 be compered: Kurds of gxcava-3.0401 llnaal feet irb. set In COU­LD) Unwil feet of n concrete; indred and fifty U 4 feet wld#; ilglan bridalDf.Lid for the fol-four-cut oomon.feet of old flag-hrldglnr relald;

n complete; i and liil; basl^IT prfoe for ma-

Mra C. I* Haight and MarlonHaight, of Bummer avenue, have gone to Camp Mumford, In the Adirondack*, for the remainder of the summer.

Mr. and ^f^8. Henry Bahrenburg, of El- wood avenue, have returned from a stay a t Saratoga Springs, N. T.

Mr*. Charle* Woodward, of Summer avenue, 1* ependlng the summer at Budd Leke.

Clifford Conklin, of H eller parkway, ha* been spending the last three weeks In Pennfylvanla.

Ulei Christina H. Daniel, of Summer avenue, le spending her vacation a t Stam­ford, Conn.

Dr. and Mrs. William Dimond, of De Graw avenue, have been spending the last week with relativee In Goshen, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. WlUlam 8. I^onard, of Parker street, will leave Saturday for Ocean Grove, for the remainder of the season.

Mre. A. M. Stoltey, of M Elwohd place, h u had as her guest* her sleler, Mrs; W. H. Bongart. and MIsa. Qjjal Bengavt,.-o^ Tampa, Fla. ------ ----- ........

Albert Allsopp, of Clifton avenue; Paul Heller, of Eiwood avenue, and John J. Radel, all membere of the Forest Hill Field Club, will spend part of this weelw a t Deal.

Miss Orare Engel, of Clifton avenue, haa returned horn© from Atlantic City.

Mr*. David M. Crabb. of M t Proepeot avenue, is at Allenhurst for the remain­der of the season, ,

Edmund F, Alleopp and family,, of Clif­ton avenue, wlU spend August g t Man- cheater. Vt.

Mr. end Mr*. Charles H. Simonson, of Bummer avenu^, have been spending a short time taklfig a trip to K lagara Fail* and Detroit.

Miss Helen Parsons, of Grafton avenue, has been spending the last three weeks with relatives in Pennsylvania.

R Donald Harris, of P arker street, hae been spendilng hie vacation a t Beaside Park.

M r and Mrs. Everard Brlgden and fam­ily, of Ridge street, a re now occupying their summer home in New Hampshire,

' A. 0. Brooker and family, of De Graw avenue, have been spending their vaca­tion In Maine.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Toms, of Ridge ■treet, expect to remain a t Ocean Grove until late In September.

Several of the resident* of the Forest Hill section are a t Greenwood Lake. In ­cluded among them are; Mr. and Mr*. F. A. Terhune and family, V Mt. Proa- peot avenue; W. A. Manchee and family, of Parker street; J. C. Mlckens and fam­ily, of Highland avenue; Charles Lynch, of Mt. Prospect ayenue, and Gray Cut- rlie. of Ridge street.


vBRwnt, and dl- and Water Com- in writing asIr prtAosali that warded to them finish and com-

(80 .eonssouuv#

of the work oan tbe Chief Bngl- ihd Water Cora-

Said proposals Mst. In writing, ompany quaUfled y. who shall at ;iroposais qualify > anionnt of such es th a t If th* ersob or persons 1, upon its being botr sureties for •aid woiic; and omit or refute to ll pay to tta« oity reen the nunf to ve b««n entitled itract and thatwhom

'^bUged 10 snek con-

itST CommlMtitef ‘eisrve to thstn- rsj«ct any or alt k. as tbsr htay the city.■cby notified that sventh eocilon of i of Street and d Maroh 2S, 1B91. yb given for the irnmnce of said >roved as to sof-

to form by the contract shall be ame effectlva or 10 approved, and iR have p0i ^ to ro under oatb. tf so Instructed by not be bound hr ade by snek pro- e full power and

lels matter, and »d to in WT ed- aay such ghblte


Mr*. H arry Jackson and her daughter Ethel, of Sunset avenue, have returned from a stay a t Asbury Park.

Mrs. Jacob Weber and family, of Colum­bia avenue, are staying a t the Highland*. Mr. Weber will Join them ehortly.

Miss Emily Rltchlnga, of Nyack, N. T„ Is visiting Mr*. Albert Rltchlngs, of 30 Alexander street.

. Mlsse* Mabel and Ethel U nd, of Dover atreet, and Ml** Lucie Curd, of Chadwick avenue, are spending two weeks In the CftUklll Mountain*.

H arry TTono, of Alexander etreet, hM re tu rn ^ from a stay a t the Highland*.

Mr. and Mr*. E rnest Carle and eon, of 606 Baedford avenue, have returned from a stay at*AtlanU<N!hty.

Mr*, B. M. Kempf and W alter and Charlotte Kempf, of MuOn avenue, are staying a t Belmar.

Mrs. William D. Quigley, of KOU Smith street, has returned from an extended trip through Europe. Mr. Quigley ii etlU abroad.

Ml** Grace Hone, of Rahway, la visit- log her cousin, Mia* May Hone^ of 36 Alexander street.

B. R. Folm ar and fam ily, o f South Oraiige avenue, a re spending a week a t th e Highland*. ^


Urmlntd, dMtroyml ft Iftrte bftra os thft fftnn of DftTld H. Doremu* on Hlllildo, nw r Mftple ft,^U fti fjyonB Farm ., ftftrtT rftotarift^ftftftfnooQ. In tbe bftrn ftt the time were two boreei, two oftrrlefai, lev^ erti .ete of benHea u id thrift tone of hftT. Bvarythhis iftrad but thft hfty, Th* bftm wa. valued at SOO, covered br Inruraooe.

H ortM Ch Looker aad Joiaph Sava^ft, of North Broad fttrftftt, Loron. Farm*, loft to-day for Aabury Park, where they will ipend a part of thair vacatloit. t,Id r. Mid U rt. F rank Bnilth. of Beiwen * tr* ^ bavo (one to Pocono Mountain* for a tew w eek.' atay.

H ie. Afloe Tlllou, of North Broad street, left yestwday for Maine, where she will spend the remainder of the summer.

Thomas Bcott, of Marwick, Scotland, It vlBltlnc William H arvey In Peshlne ■venua

Mis* Orao* W llion, o f Hunterdon etreet, and Ute* A n u Miller, of HawthOro* ave- uijM- MW fpeadins their vacation a t Dela- waift W atw Oap,

Bay H a r t C h U a w ' iLftehaU.Whfla chaainF a baseball In N orth

F ifth street, near Orange atreet, -yester­day afternoon, FretfSHck Geleler, twelve y a a n old, o | 15I First atreet, ran Into the borne of Mounted Policeman Anderson. The boy was knocked down and allghtly bruleed. He was removed to the City Hospital, and a fte r receiving treatm ent waa taken home.

T* D aaea t a r H rtk ara .A eoDoart and dano* for tb* beaaftl

•trlkta*. olook m akart In Ctaveland, O , will b* held In New Amsterdam AndU torlnm, BlztaanUi and Littleton avenues, «n Baturday nlidit, August S, under th* auspices of L e e ^ S , Ladlet’ Tailors aad C3o«k HaiMM' Caioh ,

Ideal S h op p in g D ays For Thrifty S h op p ers

In Thi* Ideal S h op

AP rizes for Painters

W ho E nter Best P a r t in g s In O ur A m ateur C ontest

J u ly FomniitiuiFe S a le M eairs t h e E n d “=Bette]!r HuMryYou Can Count the Days oh Youiir Fingers—Only Four More


f l


±If you are going to buy furniture at the reduced prices which the July Sale

brings, you must act quickly. You must come T hursday, Friday, Satu rd ay m orn in g or M onday. After Monday original prices are restored as is our custom, and pieces and suites that can now be bought at 1 0 to 5 0 p er cen t, under price will command their full value.

W e’ve »old a trem en dou s lot o f fu rn itu re this m onth . We Should have %old a great deal more, The reductions warranted even greater sales, for in these days, when every­body is talking and complaining of the high cost of living, people should be quick to take advantage of opportunities such as this where savings on needed furnishings are so undisputed. When the fact

that every p ie c e o f furn iture offered in this sale is of the most dependable quality, running from medium to highest grades, that the variety you have to choose from is so diversified, that the styles are well selected and up-to-date, that none of the furniture is of the ordinary sale sort, made for purposes of special setting, and when the regular prices are known to be lower than any competitors quote, a sale offering reductions of l O t o SO per c en t.should stir the State to action.

Those who have not been awakened to the opportunities this sale presents are urged to quicken fheir pace and to come here to-m orrow or one of the other four days le ft and secure for themselves some of the splendid furniture we offer under price.

Always keep in mind the fact that if the reasons for not buying now are financial ones that we make it easy for you to pay throughi membership in our H ou seh old Club, The Club Plan has been embraced by thousands to their delight and profit.

9 to 1 o ’clock M orning SpecialL m e o e D re ss . .SM irts S_9>c.,A lot of several hundred D ress Skirts o f fin e quality Libene; deep plaited, panel

front and back; fine tailor finish; sizes for small, medium, large and extra large women; well put together; fine for outing wear; skirts that ought to fetch $1.69; priced for to-morrow morn- 4 2 Q ^ ing, only...........................................................................................................................................

Cloarance off Wasihi DressesWith inventory staring us in the face we are more than eager to get rid of all our wash

dresses, so we are pricing them low to speed them on, and you can now pick dresses of bordered batiste, gingham, chambray, novelty lawn, linen and cotton foulard, in all the fashionable shades and very pretty styles indeed, worth from $3 to $25, ^ . 9 8 jq* $ ^ ^ * 9 8

e a f t in I 7n i v i a r r 1 r i i - s M u iM — rn iind ntck W h ite D re aa e a of Lingerie, MarquisetteSab n Foulard D r e M ^ r o u n a n e « Embroidery in a large range of this season’sstyles; kimono sleeves; semi-plaited skut^ prettiest styles; value $5.50 to

• ' ® 4 * 9 8priced for Jhursda^.^ $95; special priced.. $ 2 .9 8 to $ 7 4 .5 0

’ D resses D ancing DoorwardGirls at wonderfully tow prices, and just now you chambray, linen, linene and'gingham, in, low neck, light and dark col- an d ® X

We are clearing out the Wash Dresses for can pick dresses for girls of 6 to 14 years of fine short sleeve styles, with kilted skirts, both orings, at.,_......

' _H«n,di9 m e ”l?jreaw .. to m(si,es anljunioH, of'. g in g h ^ ..b o rd « e c L h a tis te . Tin gerie, linene a i^ e_gicroia-.ered linen; high low neck * _ „ „ . q qstyles; some sailor collars,at »p l . i r o lO q s o .iF o

G ir la * D reaaea , slightly soiled from handling, cut to le a * t h e n h a lf.

M iddy B lousw of linen, with deep collars of serge or self material; special priced..............

Suits of Irish and RamieM iftafe i* " ;fc n d '"J o n io r _ . .linen; strfcUy.ijilQr.e8; meuii^tf rtiicV^ats; m^twe lars; with or without vestee; gored skirf wlffT deep pShei

natural and other shades; „ „...........................................i3(...

Iront and back; value $11.98, at.

W e a h a b le L in e n e S k ir t * for misses and jun­iors; pearl button trimmed; panel front and back;

9 8 c for only

B eautifu l S o ft P on gee

Dollair Shirts 55cA m anufacturer’s overstock; bought

by us away under price; soft shirts of pongee in tan, cream and gray ; made in coat styles with French cuffs; with or without collars; every sh irt as perfect as can be; sizes from 14 to 17; identical with those selling in the regular way at $1; pick one or as m any shirts C j as you like at the little price of.

M en’s Silk Ties5 0 c . K ind al; 15c,

This ought to be a rousing sale—will be w'hen men see what beautiful, fine, Iresh scarfs are in this lot of 100 dozen, at the insignificant ^ e c

All silk, made of the same qualities that go into high-grade neckwear; pretty patterns; kinds you'll like; open-end four-in-hand styles and an im­mense variety to choose from; take your pick of these 50c, scarfs to-morrow and Friday -t f f c at only........................................................ A O

W aists ffor a SongM any K inds a t Little Prices

W aists o f All-Over Embroidery, M arquisette a n d Lingerie; high, round or square necks; tucked backs; long or kimono sleeves; priced for special selling as follows—

$ 1 .9 8 W aists fo r 9 8c ., $ 2 .9 8 W aists fo r $ 1 .4 9 .

$ 3 .5 0 W aists for $ 1 .9 8 .F ine W hite U n g er ie , VoUe, All-

O ver E m broidery, M arquisette and L inen Waists; various neck styles; trimmed

-With. Baby Irish., and, YatcncicnncsJaces; some embroidered in novelty effects, “others Th plain tailored styles; beautiful sleeves; value $7.98; very special at...........................................$ 3 .9 8

H ou se W aists o f W hite Madras a n d Cham bray; high or low neck styles; with or without sailor collars; good value at 98c.; priced a t . .................................................. ..4 9 c

Felt Hat« Like This—white felt, with black velvet band around crown, and fancy uncurled ostrich at side—a dashing mode! as you will see in the one illus­trated—worn by Miss Ada Meade of the Olym­pic Park Opera Co,—and the price is $X 1 .4 S .

P re ttilji T rim m ed W hite F ren ch FeltH at*—With tancy leathers and ribbons, in black and white; at $9 .95.

T »n ^ r e t c h F e ll H et*—With tan lace butter- dged Witt

W h it e S c ra tc h F e lt H a t * — With feather bandfly, edged with red—an attractive style; at $ 7 .45 .


GobletsG le * * W e te r G o b le t * — Clear

crystal glass; graceful shapes; regu­larly" $1.75 the dozen; spe- cial priced, each.................. l 2 c

Cut Glass TraysCut Glaaa Celery Trey* in a

very pretty design; best lead glass blanks; deeply cut; value $1.98; special priced. $ 1 .2 5

' W hat a Chance to Etiy'"Footwear!$^oSO $3 Low Shbes for $leSO

After Thursday’s sellingIhere shofUffnot be another pair of tjiese excellent low shoes left, for the opportunity to save a dollar and a dollar and a Half on needed footwear will be grasped by hundreds and no doubt will clean out this lot. O xfords, P um p* and Slippers to choose from, in patent leather, gu n m eta l and suede, in a variety of heel and toe shapes, in a full range of sizes; shoes identical with those in $2.50 and $3,00 lines, ^ i offered toyou a t’o n l y . . . . ........ . ............... . ................... . ......... . *

$ 3 a n d $ 3 . 6 0 O x f o r d * of Black Kid Skin-and Patent Leather; small sizes, nmrow widths, but of excellent styles; w l tc d and turned soles; dandy bargains If you can w # |[ them, at only.............................. .......

■ = =

$ 1

Charinniing Bedrooms Are Those With White Elnameled .Furniture

Maybe July prices will help you make up your mind to equip daughter's room or the guest chamber, with these delightful white piecq^ New shades and combinations of colors. Here we see gray enamel, lined or striped with white; shaded ivory white; white enamel, decorated with pink and green flowers; white enamel, with rose and with blue decorations—and ail w hite enam eL

These are the productions of the leading manufacturers and for some of which we are exclu­sive retailers. The assortment includes:English S o m n o es Toilet D ressers B ungalow B eds

D ressing Seats Side R ockers Cheval G lasses Arm R ockers W riting D esks C hiffoniers

W ashstandsBedsteadsCostum ers

B ureausChairsT ables

Prices range from the C hiffonier at $ 8 .5 0 (o a lO -p iece set in Shaded Ivory of theAdam Period at $ 4 6 5 , or a Louis XVi., enameled and decorated, cane panels in the twin beds, 8-p iece se t for $ 8 0 0 .

Here, are some^i»|i,neljgieces that we speciali^.i^July sale : ^

Bedsteads Chiffffoniers


E nam el Bed stead—s a m e a s this cut; one <54..this son's new de- s i g n s; the corner posts are square, 2 inches on all s i d e s a n d capped with brass vase; top rail is

heavy and of 2-inch stock; the head and foot are neatjy paneled, the panels being 7 inches wide, and may be had in either plain white or a tittle decoration.

The finish is first class and consists of 3 coats of white enamel paint, and a fourth coat of high luster enamel put on by hand and finally submit­ted to a baking process; may be had in all sizes; regular price $19.00; special offer f o r * ^July Sale................................................. X

Bed Room Chairs

Made bf hardwood, square ta­pered legs; neat design of spindle back; open cane seat; frame and cane all neatly enameled; just as pictured here; regular ^ , 5 0price $2, July S a le ... X

RockersRockers suitable for bedroom

use; matches the chair; has square uprights in the base; strong runners; all parts of the wood, including open cane seat, are neatly enameled; as illus­trated; regular price $3.50, July Sale..............

As in the illustration; a chiffonier made to match the dresser; nicely finished 1 . white enamel; stands 32 inches high; base is !0 inch­es deep; has 4 large drawers and at the top are two pro­jecting drawers of a smaller size; equipped with wood knobs; size of best quality French bevel plate is 16x20; glass is adjustable to any convenient position; price

/ f regularly $15.00; July Sale ^ Price, $ -f 0 . 7 6

each .. n 2

Princess DressesLike you see pictured here;

one of our new Spring-time designs; finished in white en­amel of best grade; size of hase is 20 in. deep and 3 ft. long and contains 2 liberal size drawers with wood knobs and locks; in the top is a best quality French bevel oval mirror in size 18x36; glass Can be adjusted to any angle; a very good kind of dresser for bedroom, either children’s or other use; regular price $21; special Ju l y® F j Sale a t .................. X

D ressing Seats


L i k e t h e illustration; white enamel finish; stands 18 in. high; top is 13 inches square & curved or scooped out; French shape legs and the whole stool is strongly braced; reg. price $3.75; July Sale a t , .

and wings—an extremely classy hat; here at $8 .95,W h it s F r e n c h F e lt H a t *— With black and

white pompon and olack band — most attractive; $ 1 0 .5 0 .

P la in Fell H ets—With sample ribbon band: white, pink, gray, lavender, tan and red; $ 3 .9 5 and

U n t r im m e d F e lt *— in large variety, needing only a ribbon or a tealher to complete them; $ 1 .95 ,to $3 .96 .

MousseH ou se D resses of Percale, Seersucker

and Chambray; square, round or high neck styles; long, short or kimono sleeves; some with sailor collars; prettily trimmed, for........ . . . . . $ 1 .9 8More of those Long Law n K im onos, 8 9 c

As pictured here, one of our new designs; white enamel finish of best quality; has a straight front base, size '38 in. long and 28 in.

2 large drawers 2 small ones at the

has wood knobs; quality of French

beveled mirror is used, size 22x28; it iS fancy in shape and adjusts to any positwn; - regular price $18.00,July Sale at. X



This table er stand as shown in picture is simple in design; suitable for bedroom use; hav­ing secure legs, tapered to the bottom; size of top is 17x23; contains a drawer with wood pull; the white enamel finish is of the best qualify: price regular $2.50; July sale

M i <1.

A n y o f T h ese M ay B eP u rch ased o n th e Club Plan

M etal L ined R efrigerators53 Refrigwratore, No. 800, reg. $8-98, special $4.50 34 Refrigerators, No. 1, reg. $14.25, special $7.12 23 Refrigerators, No. 4, reg. $24.60, special $12,30 17 Refrigerators, No. 5, reg. $28.25, s ^ a l $14.12 27 l^rigeraton, Not 6, reg« $32.70, special ^6.35 1 Refrigerator, No. 105, reg. $55,50, special $27.75 IRdrigerstor, No. 13, reg. $45.95, s p e ^ $2197 1 R^rigerator, No.' 1^ $60.60, special $30.30------- No. 32,reg.$83A6,epedal|4L92

IT^BdrigeratotSsNo. 80, re||. $32,75, special $16.37

You Can Buy the Best BuiltRefrigerators at Half Price

Everyone needing a refrigerator owes it to himself to come in and see the splendidly built boxes we are offering at exactly half the regular prices.

We got four carloads of them from a maker who had changed his styles this season—dependable boxes, every one of them, from a factory from which come most of our refrigerators; equipped in every way for the sani­tary and safe keeping oMoqdstuffs; built so as to use ice most effectivelyaft ____ - narts are removable and pasilycleaned; in sizes and shapes Suitable for alm ost'ahf space or for large or small families; refrigerators worth every penny of the regular prices; and you can buy . them by coming now, at ju s t h a lf regular prices.

N ick elo id Lined Refrigerator*8 Refrigerators, No. 306, reg. $46.^, special $23.103 Refrigerators, No. 307, reg. $54.42, special $27.21

10 Refrigerators, No. 308, reg. $52.90, special $26.45 8 Refrigerators, No. 309, reg. $62.12, special $31.06

'15 Refrigerators, No. 310, reg. $31.85, special $15.92 15 Refrigerators, Na 311, reg. $38.95, spectad $19.4711 Refrigerators, No. 312, reg. $56.40, s p e ^ $25.20 6 Refrigerators, No. 313, reg. $65,10, s p e A $02.55



fttTiletIc rnthiiiliLata of the metro- polltftn -diatrlct will receive their href chance to *eti John r&u] Jutiea, tho holder of the world's umuUur record fur the mile, In action Saturday afternoon at the Kimea of the St. Agniie A. C., which will he heV) a t Waihltiftion Park, Brooklyn.

coHaalan has hitherto refrained from <'ompetlnff out of the collegiate ranka and M» appearance Saturday wilt be tiie tlrH

an open meet. lie will nm ati ex* hlbJtton tulle, Many N cw arken will **^ake the trip to see him perform.

•l is only lately that John Paul Jones nae had the ipotllfht of the athletic world turned on Mm. I'p to this year tlones was practically unheard of. It Is tru e th a t he held a wonderful iniersclio* lastlc record a t Exeter, but he wan not loiialdered a possible world lira ter by any means.

fha sporting world received its first iMtllng of the ffrestnesR of the yoiiug <cilleglan a t the Pennsylvania relay car- i.tval. when Jonas, running the last leK for the Coraeli quartet, made Paul], the 1‘ennfylvanla half-mtier. who was held w. bo without a peer In the cotlrKe lanks. taka hts dust. Jones followed th h up by his record-breaking porformniue a t the tntarcoj}eglate championships m Xtay« when he went out and def»-:itfd i]tft cream of the lateroolleglat*’ mlliTS in th* wonderfully fast time of I mh'iirra I-i3'5 lecotidf. which shattered tns lung- stAtidlog world's nmateur record of 4 minutes 16 8^ seconds made by Tommy Connaff a t Travers Island* New York In IJM. Oa the same a#tsvDOon, tweniy gninntea later„ Jones broka the worsted p m , ta ths half-inUe to tb s great time v)f 1 minute M 44 aeoendi* wliiah took a tum ble out of tke Interoollegiate record « f Nil Paraona but laOed to aurpass the tim e made by EmMo Idtngbl, the Italian, w h k b ia a wofld% veeerd.

A Ittr tbeee pwfdimaneea Joaea waa hailed aa ktng i t Urn etnder path artle ti, and be was landed ia being without a peer u th e mlddEla iTWaimee

Jonee. although not yet twenty>ose years of age, Is a eo^KMbnre In the Col­lege of Mechanloal Engtneerlng e t Cor* bell .University and maintains a good Standing In hie oUssei. tfp |g known t'verywhere as a modeat, unatsumlngi

■^■gentlemanly chap.Jqaes ikflL come from his home In

tVashlngton to-day and he win be met by Jack Uoakley, the Cornell trainer. In New Tork, ItoaUey will put on the flzi' ishbii^touchea to Jones's tratMirg. ' The* la tte r bae been oondltiontnc hlmaslf for two weeke and olalmi to be In excellent condition.

Sport G o p ic5 o/rrhc jfo u rCyclone Johnny Thompson, who cIeIihs I the only clubs In (he Eastern League th a t

the middleweight chEmptonshlp of the are making money, although Buffalo la world, la making a big itlr over In New ( said to be getting by tolerably well. I t layork. He talUi as If Willie Lewis, who meets Thompson a t the National Sporting Club In New York to-morrow night, was not to be considered at all. Cyclone Johnny Is all prepared to give Lewis a bentlng in s few rounds snd he Is making p’ana tor a light with Billy Bapke. whom we will see later on In a battle with SulliT Burke a t the Twentieth Century A C. In New York. Thompson will have to give [.ewiB a hard beating to make the sports consider him a worthy oppo­nent for Papke The latter Is a strong favorite In the East and when he 1" 1" condlllon It will take a champion to heat him. Thompson is bigger and stronger than Lewis and he will very likely give Willie a greet old roughing, but at that. Lewis's cleverness may carry him through.

a bad year nnancinlly for baseball. Joe McGlnnlty should become reconciled. The "Iron Man," according to dope, wouldn't have made much money this seaeon, no m atter how successful his team might have been. Next year will be another story. According to all baseball tradl- Mona. a bad year Is followed by a good year. le^t us hope the dope comes true, and th a t Manager Joe gets m ore than hunk for Ills tough luck of the presentseason.

The cnnilltlons for the m atch race a t I the Newark Velodrome next Sunday be- i tween Frank I. Kramer and Jkckle

Clarke have been agreed upon. The dls- lance will be flve miles and each of the rtdere will have five pocemakera, Kramer argued for four pacem akers and

. Floyd MacFarland, Clarke's manager, A1 Kuhlak. the Michigan Olant, Is about j s t u c k pacemakers. Manager

R aadslf O raagar.tha fast oolnred runner «f Ksisnrli High Boboohnay return to the loogi toitttutlOD for another year. Uranger graduated from the High School In June end Intended to enter the University of BsaneylvaDla tbia tall to study tnedictne. Y eetertey, however, ho received word teem the Pennsylvania people. Informing him th a t he was In need of several aub- jre tt. and UBlaae he peeeed In them he would ha Inallglhle to enter the college th is year.


through es e boxer la New York. Al gave such a miserable exhibition against Joe Jeannette before the memb«ra of the Twentieth Century A. C. last night that tbs spectators who attended me bovit were sore to the Quick. Kuhlak never uiiidc .a ren.l try, and Jeannette, who was SBfferlng from a ipralned hand, won eas­ily. The "tight" lasted three rounds, Ku- blak deciding In the th ird seesloo th a t he was "out." But the few Big K1 m ight have fooled didn't oar«, for every­body woo sick and tired watcWtig the matob. Kublak appeared to have a moot enjoyable time while the affair lasted and bla work ee a thegplaa In assuming a knockout was about ae clever as the re i t of hlB eihtbtUon. No blame can at- lach to Jeannett®, The negro alw ays-bat- ties on th e level and he had nothing to do wUh the aottone of Kublak last night. The Michigan Olant got In deeper than ha might think. He may find the hare up against him when he applies lor a Job In the future. He Isn't much a t beet and he will never be missed. He received a lot of boosting In the West, hut never did anything to live up to bis newepaper reputation.

Chapman aetUed mattere by eplltllng the difference and agreeing to furnish live purem akers for each man. Ju s t who the pacem akers will be has not been decided upon Joe Pogler and MacFarlastfl will bo iwo of C larkes pacers and Eddie Hoot and Wllii* fhonn ars sure to work fur Kramer. '

Ics of the H our" If there Is a school where they teach swimming In (his city, and olOlge yours respectfully, M. B. A A. K.

Swimming Is taught a t the T, M. C. A.— —

J. P. N.:To decide an argum ent would you pleas*

Inform me If there Is a law against a peraon wearing a lodge pin If he Is not a member of a lodge? If there Is what Is the pcnutly? Thanking you tn advance, jours truly, A CONSTANT READER.

It's against the law and there's a stiff penalty.

E ast Orange, N. J,, July S.J, P N.:

Will you kindly publish ns soon as you can who the directors are of the Atlantic Coast Railroad Company, end where to apply (or position on their cars? And greatly oblige, A COLLEQE MAN.

Don't know which one you mean. There le the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad end the Atlantlo Coast Electric Railway. Both decidedly different corporatlona.

Newark sh a n d honors with Rochester In a record performance on the diamond yesterday. Tha Indians and the H natlars played two games In the rem atkably taat time of tw o hours and thirty-tw o minutes. In tha outcome of the games Rooheater w asn 't a bit oubby. The H ustlere won both gam ek I to 1 and > to 1. B ut the Red.tklne get In on the record.

Soamit Racquet Wielder Plars Toochard To-day for Load-

wood Tooroey HonorxSeeing tb» mooeac the Boutb Paterson

A. C. ganiM mat with, the Paterson A. C. will e ^ u o t a s athWUo meat on August in. Those In charge of the games are de- alrous of making them the biggest of He kind held In Paterson and no expenses will b« spared by the committee to make It luob.

The athletic gamee of Long Island Chapter, K. of G„ srill be run off a t Celtic T v i on August H. Six A. A. U handi­caps and two CatboUo A. L. events will k itk e op th * ’program.


"H al" Hleland, the local speed marvel, ) ta t token np h ti spUte ihoes again ami

& getting Into condition for th* senior elrepolltsn ehemplonihipe. Hal has al-

Oustave F Touohard, of New York, snd B. P. Larned, of Buminlt, this Btate, will meet to-day In the flnale for the Long- wood singles tennis cup at Boston. Touch- ard defeated Melville H. Long, of Ban Francisco, yeeterday In straight sets, while Larned disposed of RIohard Bishop In a flve-set match.

The winner to-day will have th# right to challenge ■William A. Larned, the present oupbolder, to-morrow.

Intoreel centred In the Touohard-w ng

Now that theboxinf bill ha* become a law In New York, there Is sure to be a great deal of wire pulling. The measure colls (or the appointing of three commlsslon- ers. who win have complete charge over the boxing situation. There are a num­ber of provision* which wilt require men with means to conduct th* game. The "pikers" will not have a ghost of a show. One of thei commissioner* Is likely to be Charley W hite, the referee, and another. Jack Skelty. the old-time Nghter. Senator Frawtey. who framed the hill, declares th a t tha Governor will not appoint a pol­itician on the commission. That la en­couraging, W hite doesn't want to take the Job beoBuee he feele a.s If he can make more money refereeing. Neverth# lees, he should accept the oommlseioner- shlp, and he probably will, for he haa been treated very kindly by the_ boxing game and he has always been"'i g reat friend of th* aport. W ith White ae a commissioner, the public would have a positive assurance that everything would be on the level? It would make little difference, then, who the other commle- •lonere ware.

ready begun to ehow sign, of hls'lim a form. R e has high hopea of making | tb« Ban IVan-the Olrmplo n«*t year. ■»“ > w eaknes. allowed the Ban irran

'I ,

P atrick X ody , Bf the "Tabs." la get­tin g In aom* hard lick* train ing to r th* Bvs-mll# epan event a t the Ancient Order e f H lbanilan games at Trenton th is Bat- krday. Testeriday tha youngster covered fo u r end one-halt m llei on the towpath • f th* oaaal.


,. NEW YORK. July M .-The tria l trips tif the m otorboat Dixie IV., built to de­fend the International Trophy against th* E'ngllsh ohallengers this fall, show that ghe Is capable of performances fully ae rom arkabla as those of the English reeord-breaklng hydroplane Maple Leaf, ^ h * Dixie IV.'e fastest trial thus far wo# on a single full-speed clrniU of the In- tarnatlonal course a t Huntington Bay,'

: *vsr which the races will be held.The ooureo Is flve nauttoal miles In

length, and tha Dixie IV. made tha trl- nngl* In 6 minutes H seconds. This ts. nt n ra te of ELI nautical miles, nr M.E sta tu ie tnlle*, per hour.

cleoo player to bring th* score up to ratnftR all In tb« iMn3 Mt, ^not unUl eight raora games had been played th a t Touehnrd took lha a « ana the match.

To Iht SporUni Bdllor of tte fISWS.Can you tell me the approxim ate dls-

U nce from Elmira, N, T , to Auburn. N T , end which would be the best route for motorcycle from polniB named above. Thanking you In udvajice. 1 am

JN'TERKffn£r> r e a d e r .Th» ehor(e«t and bw t rout© Is by way

of Ithaca, and It I© divided Inlo two b«o- tiona-flrHi. the run from Auburn lo Ithaca, a euburban roule, and the xecond from Ithnca to Elmira, a trunk line The to tal " dtitatus© from 'Afiburn t6 ‘'Tthaca‘r via Owawoo and Cayuga lakes, pro- vldeu dcijlghtfuj ©canary and over ©ood dirt road« irioatly, with Home n»a<.'u<iiim at each ©nd The ©Bcond lectton 1m from Ithaca ia Klnilra, over th© usually trav ­eled route via Newfleld, Pony Hollow and Ua«jn Hollow, thus avoiding u steep hill at rn y u ia . wliirli at time.-? U vyry rough. Th© distance la thlrty-thr» rnii -mhiJ ui V, li.j'ii )h nmeadam and the haJance good d in tuqiJh. Leaving Auburn Ironi (UiitoseM tmd Htate streets, go east on fteneaee street, following tfolleyarover railroad and stiiali bridge which epansthe Owaaco liJver Into East lieneeee etieet, then tu rn right with one line of trolley Into Owttico atrect, turning right again and leaving the trolley tracks, pai© over the Iron bridge; Ignore trolleys beyond, but keep on to fork, bear left on beat ruad, and keep to left along Owaaco I..;iko, ami crossing railroad track; then lake Kharj? right turn away from lake, c<*n«llim narruw grade jual beynnd. The n>bil 1%i then direct through ©e\‘eral cro©8- roadH to Vonlce, and paei straight Ihrfiugh that small village, and keep on main traveled rood through ham let of E ast Genoa to the fork of t|io road, where you talos the left-hand road direct Into North Lansing, straigh t through ©mR)l village and over crosa-roads until

J P NKindly give m© the names of the two

greatest bualneaB centres of the Ignited 8 t a t ^ and oblige JOE WALLS.

1irty-i»?cond street and Rroadway, New York and Broad and Market streets, New­ark. C

—O"Uapl«wood, July t1.

J. Ps N :Wilt you kindly let m« know what 1 oan

put In th© w ater to wash a black and whit© cotton voile dress which has turned green from sa lt aJr. 1 have been to the seashore and when 1 wore the dreas it turned green. Kindly 1st ms know how I can bi^ng It to Its natural shade of black, and oblige, A READER

First, soak th e d r u s in a strong solu­tion of sa lt w ater to prevent It fading further, i t was not the salt air that took th© color out of your dress, but more Ukely the sun. A fter soaking In the aalt water, wanh In the regular way and rlnae In water and amTnonia, atiout a table- spoonful to a quart of water. Thle should restore the color If U Is not faded too much.






R o ll Horse Association Arrange an Attractire Card for

Satorday Afteroooa

Two First Choices in Grand Rapids Harness Races

Are Defeated.



J. P.,N.:Kindly let m© know, through your

"Sport Topics of the Hour. ' If there are any fish being caught off South and Mid­land Heaon'§sVan'd what kinTT, and nhltge;

A READER.Report© hay© it that hasi, weakhsh,

blackfish and tomcodn are being hauled In.

Jersey City, July 25.J. P N.:

A. says the one-third-mlle record held by Fenn Is only a local record. B. suyt? It Is the w orlds record. Kindly odvlse which Is correct, and greenly oblige, yours very truly, A HIKE FAN.

Fenn's Is a world's amateur record.

There should be some good racing at the W averly track Saturday afternoon, when th e regular matinee of the Road Horae Association of New Jersey will be held. Five events are on the card and the classes have filled well. With th© ex- ooptloti of the Y27 trot and the 2.35 trot, all have more than three entries.

The B.lB trot and pace and th© 2.S0 pace each have six starters, while in the 2.23 tro t and pace four horses are entered lo score. The first race will be started a t 1:30 o'clock sharp.

The following men will serv© as offl- claie! Judges. Coinnel A. Edwards, Henry Btengel, John Mulligan; tlmera,Mr. NlcoU, Dr. Mltohell, Georg© Chandler; starter, M. W. Hudson. Th© entries are as fol­lows;

2.86 tro t to carts, mile heats, t In a. for set of horse clothing donated by 8, C. S m t th ^ l lv e Wiggins, b. m., George T. Jam es; Judge Eric, br, g., T. A. Con­nors; C a u ra c t. b. g„ M. A. Sawyer.

2-23 tro t and pace to carts, mile heats, 3 in 5, for silver pitcher, donated by E. 8- Perry and others—Red Maeon^ bl. g., H. A. Jueger; El. B., bl. g., W. B. A twater; Ben Dut or Ophelia Direct* C. J. F arr: E sther B. or Danish Belle, E. Boden- wefaer,

2.15 tro t and pace, to carts, mile heats. 2 In 8, for gold splK-second tinier, donated by Paesalo members—Earl Wilson, b. g.. H. H. Bucha; Quids, b. m,, George 8teh* gel; Robert U Jr., A. C. Hensler: Joe Jsip, bi. g., Ouslav Koopman; Lillian W'.. ch. m.. J. J. Gregory Jr.; ijiistcr McKor- ron, A. Schluer.

2.30 pace to esrtfl. mile he.its, 2 in 3, for tlirt-e tons of coal, donated by F. F, H obson-R etrlever, br g.. Charle* G.-Ot­to; Ren Buw. ch. g , H. A. Jaeger; Lady Hughes, ch. ni.. Joseph J. Hughes. Elsr© Ambulator, ch. m., Frank Slultgen; Lln- iile March, bi.-n7t; -ijouls G,NVll, ro. h., .lames Burnn.

2.27 trot, to carte, mile heats. 2 In 3. for oil painting of "Hamhletonlan Mart) find Foal,” donated by Brian (i. Hughe©- ViUUe Ash, h. m., W. D. Gullck. tn for Lurk, b, g.. George L. Smith; Arhltrant, b. tn., J. F. Rogge.



M Iee C e e se ll T e lie e T i t le .Mlsa Cl if© CasielL of the BronxvUt©

Athletic ABsoclaUon. New York, yester­day defeated Mrs. Frederick Bchmlli. of the Pelham Country Club, in the final of the lawn tennis singles for the W©ai- ahestcT County Association champloneblp. Their m atch on the courts of the New York Athletic Club, nt Travera Island, went the limit of three sets,

G rlcketera tn Drew.The cricket match between the Toronto

(Canada) club and the Philadelphia Crlcik- et Club w ts declared a draw yesterday at Philadelphia, when darknesa put an end to the match, with the Canadians at bat for their second Inning. When Btiimps Were drawn the soore stood. Philadelphia 874, Turonto 331.

"One-Round" Hogan, who proved a "bloomer" In his bout with Ad Wolgaat

Yortt, has received an offer to box ^TCnockout" Brown before the'M adlaon A. C. on Labor Day. Kogan Is negotiat­ing for a m atch with Freddy Welch and may not accept the offer to fight Brown. Hogan met Brown last winter at the Madison Club. The fight whh a great on© and Brown earned the populur declalon. They wet© matched again, but after Wol- gast had tended to Hognn’a case lb© fight with Brown was cancelled.


P oin t Jvd itb Pole.Cooperslown defeated the Meatjow

Brook second polo team yesterday at NarrftganseU Pier. U. I., In a foal and furlouH match <rn the Point Judith field by the acoro of T , to 7 goals. The Rryn Mawrs Improved wonderfully In ih d r play and easily dofoaled the New Haven tenm by 14 goals to 1.

M arty O^Toole, the pitcher. Is stirring up a big noise In the National League. Not since the sal© of Rube Marquard to th© New 'York Giants has so much chin music been heard. AUhuugh several clubs were afte r O’Toole, and the case Ls now before the National Commission. It looks very much as If P ittsburg would corral the new '^hettom ." Barney Drey- fues, president of the PImtes, sayj th a t he paid I22,(i00 for the pitcher. From an­other source 11 Ib learned that Dreyfuss gave t!2,fi00 and five players, valued at 12,000 each. New York claims to have offered $15,000 and PrcRldenl Brush In­sists that O’TOf'le belongs to the Giants. President Comlskey, of the Chicago White Ho*. decltfVes he would gtv© $26,000 for the man But Flttiibvirg appeals to be the lucky bird.

J. P. N :JuBt a few linos In your highly es­

teemed sporting column In answer to the challenge by the Holy CroBS C. C. to the Harrison Athletics.' T had not Intended to answer this way. as I Imve been try ­ing to arrange a game or merles of games with them quietly, but the rnanaKer of the Holy Cross team now aayfl tlie only dales h© has open are way up In August. Now don't you think they made fk foolish move by challenging so soon t( they didn’t have any open dates. Gen­erally when H team don't want to play tha t's the excuse they give. The A thlet­ics would like to play Holy Cross for a side bet of 126: and If they enter the new

CHICAGO, July 26.—Precaution against rain will be taken hv th© prompters of the Gotch-Hackenschmldt rhaninlonship w restling match, which Is scheduled lo take place In the open air a t While Box Park on lAbor Itay, September (.

It is planned lo c-onstnici a wooden covering which will extend out over th© padded ring. This will he attncheil tu the roof of th© grand stand at a suffi­cient height not to Interfere with th© view of spectators. It will coat $4d.OOO to open the gates, according io ihe pro- motera and the prlrea of mlmteslon have been fixed a t from SI lo $10.

JERSEY BOAT RACESyou reach prominent four corners, where i league being formed In Harrison, w© will you tu rn right a t I^nslng elgn and cross | het w© beat them more games than they railroad into South Lansing; tu rn left a t i b©at us. Tn the mean time we would brick hotel Id South Lansing to the a rrange games with th© Rlordans,where you take right-hand road^ cros«rnB~ Iron bridge. Al the three com ers turn left on more traveled road, crossing trol-

/tey. &nd keep an to fork; then keep right down gradual grade close to Cayuga Lake, round a sharp curve, cross railroad switch nnd trolley, where car trucks eave, and conltnu© straight ahead pastPercy Field, Cornell athletic grounds Into Ijakt'. Bircet, cross iron

H O K O L inX . July K .-R lntlng by pJay- • n And their adherents has resulted In the police department stopping the sertos Df b411 games begun, here between Kelo tJnivorslty, Japan, and a iocul tetim com- ^Oged of Chinos©. Bheriff William P J a rre l t said that bloodshed would be sure tp fellow another game and yesterday the Inounted police hud their hands full. Th© Kelos WOP th© first gum© played Monday en d quit yeeterday, becaUB© of a deulilon i*f the umpire,In favor of the Chincp©C jitu rd ^ and Sunday to the other local |o%iiis. Leading riiines© and Japanca©

■ ineTohonts have discussed the situation | aiad have agreed I hat it would ta© tM>et not i lo hold any more Chlncse-Japaneae gfunes I hare. A team rsprSHenllng the Fifth i.’av- | a iry will take the place of ih© ChlnoM© ; tsa tn for th© rcet of the ©uries scheduled • lo be pUyed by the Japanese.

rOWERBOAT RECORDPEORIA, 111., July JS.-The worliS's ree-

ord for lw*nty-foot boats was rediicei at the first day's „racln* of the Western pow erboat Association on th* Illinois River here yesterday. Sail Durr II , oyyned by A. K and I’ W. White, of Atlantic City, N. J„ won the race of the

the acoro atandl.itf 6 to 2 } tw enty.foot class a jalnet si* conlsnders^ Th© ICelos lost covering ih© ten miles In Iff minutes oB 4-6

serondB, or Just a fraction over thirty mtlesH per hour, while Ih© previous world's record for this clRaa was hehi by Comet, of lUlievup. la., with 2H.47 mil*'© per hour


All th is blow and blustsr about O'Tnol© will not do the pUrher aWy good PraU© Is always In order, but som etlpes prals© Ift th© worst thing In th© world for a

I pereop. Many a player hsa been ©polled I by being petted find patted. Sonrfe ' of I thnm, under the meat propitious clrciim-

atanepB, fall by th© wayside—full to mak©1 good. The loud and positive pralae© of . fh© prees somet1m©B ^^swell" a player's ' head to such a site th a t he cannot do h!s best Again, praise occasionally rattles

; tho very thought out of the player and he becomes absolutely worthless to hh olub. The great players of to-day uro the ones who cam© Into the baseball world imnnnounced—unnoticed. . Theyhave climbed to the top through hard work ariil clever work. Look over the 1IM of th© great ball players of to-day nnd you won't find one that enme Into the big leagues with a 120.U0G purchase tag tied to him. The big money stuff

brldg©, Ithaca Falls, tu rn right on Falls street, turn loft on North Aurora street. Jogging left and Immediately right, then straight ahead Into State and Aurora streets to tha centre- of I thaca Leaving Ithaca for Blmlra, pass west on State etreet two

•btrickB Into Ooyuga street, cross Iron bridge, curving slightly right, then stra igh t ahead on macadam under rail­road, curving riglit, croBslng railroad up grade to fork and bear itift. This Is the end of the murodain. Tlien cross Iron bridge and Immediately beyond tu rn right At Newrteld sign bear left up grade and keep on grad© curving left nnd then right, heitr right at the fork, pass Newfleld on left, keep outaUl© of town, tu rn left over Iron bridge up grad© and tu rn right at fork nt Rlgn "Blmlra. twenty-four mile©; ’ at three rorners bear left Into Pony Hol­low road, take right nt fork and croas lAchigh Valley Railroad, turn right, cross­ing itvo small bridges: avoid right fork and continue through Bacon Hollow. Be- yonii bear ‘left, turn right down grade at fork, wUh HChnolhous© on left; take sharp left curve, then up grads to the ©nd of the road: turn right at achoolhouse. go to end of roftci. turn left through Sulliviin- vlllc. At fork bear left straight through Irretu lu r four corners, tu rn right on tnaoeJam nnd ke*P O" *h« maruduin lo Horschonda. Turn left beyond hotel on main houlcoarfl. and keep with macadam through Elmira Melghti Into R a irrn street and I-ahe street, plcWng up trolley, which follow into Elmira centre.

■pB,' Dukefl, ©fc; Wishing your col­umns and sporting pogM th© suce«#B It has enjoysd In the past, I remain, yours*

JAMES GARVEY^6 First street, Harrison.

J, T. Bond—Your cnmmnnieatlon is ac­knowledged. International m atters are weighty rhings, aren 't they?

ISLAND HEIGHTS. July ?6.-Tn n close and exciting race for aecimd-claas snll- boati, over a rough five-mile course, on Toms River, the Breakdown ©ailed by G. Murphy, took first place here yesterday.

Summary; Breakdown. W. Murphy, 37 m inutes 34 seconds ©lapsed lime; 37 min­utes S4 seconds oorrect lime; Ella M. Boa- well. 3S mlnuies 1& second© ©lapsed time;SR mlpute© 13 seconds correct time. |

GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., July 36.- Though th a chill In th© air mad© ttw day far from Ideal for hurness racing, Grand Rapids Arst grand circuit race meet opened yesterday afternoon with good a t ­tendance and a fast irack.

Fierce drives and close finishes fe a t­ured the opening card, with the dow n­fall of two favorites—Anvil In the fea t­ure event, th© 2.30 trot for th© Grand Rapid© Railway Stake, and Adele Ross. In the 3.14 poos. Tbe 3.30 trot was produc­tive of the tour fastest heats ever tro tted on the ComBtock track.

The first heat was a prstty three-horse race, with Argot Hal, Anvil and Areo under the wire iQ a blanket finish, the field trailing. In the next heat Areo broke at the Jump, never naught the field, and waa distanced. In the third, with the purse almost In his owner's clutch. Argot Hal went off bis feet In fron t of the stand a t tbe finish* necessUat- Ing an extra heat.

In the 2.C7 pace, C. The Limit, a highly fended favorite, found the going bad In the first heat and finished fourth, Lady Isle winning by a nose from Sar&h Ann Patch. The Colorado horse came Into his own In the two foUowIng beats, and I« d y Isle had to be content wUh second morey. ^

Th© 2.07 tro t was simply epeedy exer­cise for Dudte Archdale, who finished eased up In both heats.

The 2.14 pace, with eight starters, w as an eight-horse race for three heats and a guessing match throughout, requiring five h©ata and holding th© spectators until dusk. Adele Ross, favorite, felled to . flhow bette r than seepnd In any heat. Qam© Maid took the first,< whipped in Just ahead of Bertha A. and Hal Akin. Hal Akin captured the second and th ird imd ttam c'M aid appeei*©d a badly boaten- mare, but she cam© back In the fourth, whll© Hal Akin, going lame* barely es­caped the distance flag. The score:

207 Pacing—Two In three; purse 11.000.C, The Limit, br . h.. by Search-

light <G. Maceyj.............................. } J Jliid y Isl©,^. fo. (Murphy)............... i ? 7Sarah Ann Patch, b. m, (Cox)........ s 5 1Ginger, b. h. (Brown!........................ ? f ?Fred br, g, (Falls)....................... j , ^ ^Sunny Jim, cn. h. (Snlvely)............ dls

Time, 2.06H» 2.<»S4. 2.06.2XfJ Trolling—Two In three; purs© r.OOO,

Dudle Archdale, blk. m., by Archdale(Geers) .................. ......... .................... J

Soprano, ch. m. (A ndrea-s).................« -Willy, b. h, (Pennoch)............... ..........3 »Spanish Queen, h, m. (0, M ncey)...... J <Nancy Royce, blk, m. (McCarthy)— fid* Sterling McKinney, br. h. (Shuler)— dls

Time, 2.00\t, J.flI.2 30 Trotting—Three In flve; the Grand

Rapids Rnilway stakes, purse. 12,001):Argot Hal, h. h., by Brown Hal

(J. E. Benynn) ........................... 1 1 4 1Anvil, I). 0,, by at. Valient

(Geers) ........................ .......... iv ■ ; | iMary G., h. m. (Cox) ................ J 3 \Anna Ixmlee. h, m. (Shnnk)..., J *Aero, b. g. (R. Macey)- ,.- ........ | <1 sCelestlne, h. m. (McMahan)...... S dieNanoh, h. m. (McDonald)........... d]aJack Vnssar. b. g. (Jam es)..:.-. ']]*P eter Olay, b, c. (Dean)............ ul*

Time. 2.07‘t,, 2,07).. 2,W‘i. 2.09.2,14 P a c in g —Thrcf In five; purse, (1.000:

BIrBp<|« eIdA



Game Maid, br. in., by Gain- ,brel (Bnow) ........................... 1 • * *

H al Akin. b. h .. by BrownHal (Murphy) ....................... ? J J "

L,on Allen, ch. g. (M cM ahan)..-7 6 ‘


3 S 3 e 4 47 7 5

iinnil (iVri b in (M. Wilson) B B S Mis Time 2 U , ?<Wt4 2,1244. 2.1134.

Adele Ross. blk. m « 4Bgrtha A., br. m. (Kimlln)... Z 7 Vern, b. g, (Sharpsteen) 4 S

M. J. Jose—An arrhliecl “will st(©nd to 'the whole m atter. I can't recommend one, however,

Burt—C. E. Cook, Auditorium Hotel. Chicago, III, will give you the liiforma- j tlon. I


IJAI.IFAX. N. S., July 25—I(p t.' an I th a t the clubs nre pulling off nowad.iys

SPEEDWAY GUNNERS SHOOOToarly hour to-dfty nothing had benn seen of thn mi'torhoal Huapj^hot IIT , on© oftil© rnnl©^Uiritn in the rflclprocliy rac© of

The gunners a t the Speedway Gun O ut. ' K.1 miles from .New York to this harbor, liaps smaslind l.TOO clay bird* lU the , nnd some f c a r j s espressed fur the safetj t.aehly shoot yeeterday uftcrinmn Will­iam Hassinger was high gun, dropping tw'enty-six targets nut of 2&0. ( ‘ B.Ilrown was seeuml high man- There Is m other shoot', on (or next 'Tuasdny aftsr- k.ioo. Yesterday's scores;

B M. 8hanley-l», 15. 13, S3. 21, IS.H. Kelleri-is, 13, 21, 16, 17, 16, IG.

' J. Bey—15, 14, 17. 13, 19, 16. 12.F r y o r - 7 . 7. 4- . ------------------ .

W. Haasengar-'JO. 21, 22. « . 23, 22, STt2 .-a , 2S.

C. Brown—22, 20. 24. 13. 21, 19.P. Bey—19, IS. fJ. W, 17. 16, IS.J, W heaton-17, 21,Nevllle—10, 5, 8, 19.George A. Ohl J r -8 . 19. 10, I t J . O e lm -H T 20, 21, 19, 23.F. Cotnptbn-19, 19, 20. 2L WUIlnm Stanglo—I t 30, 17.E. (j. Voora—14. 14.

of her- crew Two nf the lUher boats fin­ished early yeatpnl.iy and wuril wns re- ectved Iliat a fnurtb had drnppefi ,>ui of The eonrest neat IllneU I.slalid The f"aro line, w inner of the rare, atiil Th,' Pfonel, whleli ftntstuTd ptTOiid, eiieoijiitered Intavy storm . '1

Is worth ©'.’©ry cent of th© advertising th a t folli'WH ih© deal. But big money doran't moltf* pr©at ball player©. It Bonia I1m©a aroll!» them, though.

—O^-Roi'hester, which la In the load In the

Ka.stfirn IsCHgue race, Isn’t drawing any lri»‘ti©r than Newark, w'hich la In the nitlrp, Rn, you s©e, a winning teanv In the ilnid Is not alwnya a winner In th© biix otht-e. BalUmor© Qi d Toronto are about

J p N 'Will you plea©© Inform m© If the vali^-

tlon of run ton avenue property ho© In- ereased during the past few years In any one's opinion hut the tax commlsslonerB? The valeation n( my properly was raised lo 1909-1911). and 1 have now Ju*t received a notice of another Increase about to be added, They have it assessed now for more than I possibly could get for It or have even a.«ked. Is it lust? Respeotfully,

c . C. C-. Clinton avenue.Put up a holler to the Tax Board. May­

be there's gold In the ground and you don't know It.

At the Camden ©ir©ot plaj'grotmd yes- t©rday a group of youngalera represemlng Camden Street School trimmed (he E ight­eenth Avenue boy© after a corking game, the BOOT© being 14 to 6. Brams. of Cam­den Street, was the star performer* making nearly all the points for his team.

ArrangementB have been made for a return match a t the Eighteenth avenue playground on Friday afternoon.


J. P. N :Plcnsc Its kind enough to publish In

your ooliiriin where the boats leave for Ballln.oro. la It n dny nr night trip and alBo the fare? What routs do they tak* and how many miles Is It from New Yor)t hy hiiat’’ Thanking you In advanoe, ra- apectf.tlly. P. SrHOEDLJ*ER.

T tk e Old Dominion IJne to Norfolk. Va , nnd night bniii up Chosapeake Bay to Baltimore, The faVe la about (IS. round trip- Old Dominion pier Is No. 86. North River. Bogls leave a t 9 o'clock. The ruo- nlTlg lime to Norfolk 1s nineteen and One- half tiouru. to- Baltimore, twelve hours

The Tuxedos defeated the Young Ath­letics In an exciting iam e of halt yester­day aflernoon on the Newark Athletics' ground, corner of Boytan slreet and South Orange avenue, by the score of 6 to 2. The | pitching of Hefee was the (eaiure. The ] score:Tuxedo J r ............ 0 9 I 9 0 2 0 9 9-6 'Young A thletics... 1 9 9 9 1 0 9 0 9-3 |

Batteries—Hefee and Hoffman; Quldly i and Ferrari.

N. Y. T im es , J u l y 9, 1 9 1 1, s l a i n :

"Hamilton laid in to-night a supply of self-lighting cigarettes."

! will enjoy the scenery better if I have smoke now and then," the little aviator


These cigarettes are in keeping with the best and up-to-date things of the day.

Aviators, Automobilists, Motorboatists, Campers and traveling men recognize these self-lighting cigarettes as the correct thing and a mighty fine smoke. They may be purchased at most good cigar-stands, hotels and drug stores.

Autolltes 25«f the package, cork or plain Monolites 15c. the package, cork or plain


Makers of the Roy^ Minster and Nyiak Brands. A #

J P: N .:— ..................Kindly answer through "Sport Top-

T h e 1 9 1 2 M o d e l N o w H e re



KM Biirn©. of N>w York, won a battl© over Willie Ix©wls. of tlih city, Iasi night ©i Braw n's gymnafllum. Th© fray waa won on a foul which Lewla commIUert In th© third round, I'p to ih© llm© Lewis (■truck th© low blow Burua had a alight lead, Wh©n Lewis hit foul Burn© dropped

lo th© door. It was seen (hat he was 1 hurt and the rofere© Immediately ©topped

the bout.

Al Benedict and Soldier Delaney will fumieh the main aftmetion at tb© Hhfirkey A. C., New York, Saturday ■night. They will meet In a ten-round

!,bout. i3ejjW-*.1 others '

Reitling** Nelson, former lightweight champion, has accepted tbe oft^r Of the Twentlfiih Century A. C., of New York, for a match In Beplember with ellhef K, O. Brown or Abe Attell aa hla oppo­nent. Brown la wlllSns lo meet him a t 135 pounda and Atiell will accept a bout a t 133, even thougli he would have to con­cede ten pounds to hla opponent. Mean­while, Jimmy Brtti, Nelson’* Old rival, who hasn 't taken part In a bout for more than two years, la deslroua scheduling another aet-to and has w r i t j l ten th a t he will be ready to box Nelson In about eight weeka.


8 O'clock To-night20-m ii .e m o t o b - p a c b d nA O E

C o llin s—W llcy ~ L Jiw re n « * .»FR IST MATCH RACK.

Bint*—C a ru a v l i— Loftn*. HACF-MILE PRO. CHA M PIONiHIP



____ I'V-Admission 2Sc., 50c., 7Sc. ,$ 1 .


j The FaJ,Vmount AT C. <5T *N ‘W Tdrtf'hoh I Ba^tTmbr©, a bad b a tin g before th© OJs'tn- ! arranged ©evrrnl bouts for Its Salurday'J pic Athletic C'luh nt the Toronto Eaatortr ; night atag. In t*ie mala event Young | T>*ague ball f o u n d s laat night, and put

Mickey McDonough wlU meet Young | hla man clean out In the fourth round. Reilly. Tn the semi-final the aenior I +Mickey McDonald will box Kid Ell©, of At Lb© Knickerbocker A. C., Albany, Pateraon. | lart night, Charley Harvey, of Phlladel-

-t- phlB, outpointed Sammy Kellar, of Eng-Phllly MfiQovem, the little Brooklyn ) land. In ten rounds. Th© fight was fast

Terror, who fights exactly like his i throughout, brother, th© one* Invincible Terry, and 1Packy Hommey, the sturdy New York | Joe Belger, the huSky Denverite, defeal- bantoxn, have be«*n matched again. Th© 1 ©d Charley Bmlth In the final bout a t the contest will take place within (wo weeks.- Douglas A. C.. Phlladclphlrf, la it night, before the Twentieth Century Athletic j Both boys fought well In the clInchM,


' 8 P e c r * L S ^C71 Brci( IL, Owr OWIWi.


Club, New York, where they mot before a few w « k e ago. The return engage­m ent will create ns much Interest an any chOtnplonBhlp'contest, os the last strug­gle iMtwean them was, without ©xcep- UOP, most strenuous.

with ^Charley having the better of the milling.

Tw«Dt* yw * *aiMri«Qc* *i m. ''o**11 ebroolc d lK ue* <a KBN AND WOMKH.C*taiTh, Kervoui Dlieaw. D im **** of

lUdneja fitcmech. Liver or Tn«©A©r. inetlsTn, Tlrlnirr ind *11 Lueg ni******.

NOTICt^Oftlcc boutWf 1 IP 4 I'* M* rnmd 6 to B P. 31s Offtr© C loeed f^ A a y , ga fia rday a«d Sunday d a r in g J a ly s a d A ogaets

AD V ICQ PUBBLDnnH F or#p i naiiisPs pipe© an d a e m b e r

/W2 Forwfoor Taming Car~-ti600 CompteteThe HUDSON "SS" I* ftn-Blihtd In four model*, *11 on th* «*ni* «hi**l». Tho prte* of Mch modot I* »1,M0 f. o. b. Detroit. Th* Tourlnn Cor o»rrl#» flv* p****no*r*l th* Torpedo four; tho Roaditor and the Mlle-a-Minut* R osd itsr two e»oh. AM mocioi*axosM th* l**t named have cloasd bodl**, ganuin* m ohslr top and wind ahlald. Danwuntibl* Rti»», extra rim, tire Iron*, 34x4 moh t l r ^ , htjh**t grad* black onamsiadUemaunXBDI* vam* rnip,.«iie Iruiivr •'■yat Ifiwis Vi>Itmos, 8oi«h m agnato, 'Pr*at,-0-Llto tank, toot*, sto.Th* MII».*.Mlnutii c«r h*a etorm apron and 100.mll*-an-hour W arner auto-motor Tha Roidetor ha* torpedo body. Bot), the** model* havo luggage box on rear, around which ax tra Inflated tir* can be carried.

Com* Bee fii* improvements and increased value that have b ^ put into the one advanced car of the past three years

IT was thought thekmlt to value had been Ycached iir ttte l 9U ° HUDSON “33.” iStat

was beealise it was w> much simpler, ao far in ad­vance In' desifii and ao m u ^ better equipped than any cither car at Its price. t

Neithfr IDustratioii.nor description wiD indi­cate the better qualities so'well as an examination of the car.



^ o

But a still greater advancement has been made this year. Howard E. Coffin, its designer, and his* famoas Board of Engineers, have dime many thtnga to the car which n ^ e it even simpler and quieter. The workmen, as the result of expe­rience, hare become more skilled.

JCotne aee lt before ail our allotgone. The f actory was 2,000 oretsold at UiS ch of the 1911 season. In all certainty there wlU be a shortage on the new models this Fall.

DR. CARPENTERK aeloatve T r© a tn ae o t o f


Better come in at once!

“5ee the Triangle on the Radiator^'

T h e A . E L U O T T R A N N E Y CO,Young K«I1y. of (hie ©Ity, filsplayad

good form b) fighting a fast draw w'lth Jersey Tofnmy Murphy In th© *©m1-flnal

J bout ftt Brown'* gymnasium, N©w,,^rksYoung Coffey and Darkey Qrlffln, th© | last night. The battle went six rioanda, i M

Now York bantaiha, will dash In « ten- | Murphy had ©everai pounds ths « t o r j r . Bt* fitrlttM t privacy nossraSs rpvnd bgut a t Albaor w-morrow a ltb t, I of th* welghL I g S S A i t c a i r l c o t .

H n a n , 10 A. H.-lliSO P. M.| t-B aaS > T-0 P . ar.i S aaasrs *ad b a lld ar* , M A.

to 1 P. H.I W eds. 10 A. M. M MiSS «tcf ■ ■

MorristownBranch,99 Morria St

3 7 W n U A M S T R E E T ,

Newaili, N. J.N. Y. Office,

11700 BWmy. N. V.




[Tu d


RECORD TIMEF alla 's Lov Throw la N bth

PsTCs Way for Hostlers to Win First Game.


'eat-iwti-'ea*-randtola,du t-ittwl


w asand

Irtns stors ailed hast, d in ik in . th ird sates- urth ,I tfi-


p,ooo.e. 1 1


I 4 1

•twhil S t r M t o f (*« V S W 8 . ■,ROCHESTER. July 2«.-Roohester and

Kawark probably establlahed a baeaball raoord yMterday alternoon, when they played a double-header In two hours and thirty-tw o mlnutea. Rochester won hath, the t in t 8 to 2 and the second 9 to 1. In th e ( In t came, In which Doc Maneer had the better o( an argum ent with 'W yatt L e^ there were els double playe. The eeoond game wae rem arkable (or the ease with which WUhelm dlspoeed o{ the t ^ to r e after the llret Inning. In the opening round Newark ecored one run. A fter th a t not\ one of the Indiana eaw •eooad base and only tour men reached flML The second game waa played In

' the rem arkable time of one hour and eawsD minutes, an Eaetem League record Inr the geaetm. It not tor all time.

Xooheeter bad to light hand to tie the lead obtained by the Indlaiie In the first gam e Onoe ft wae tied up, Fleher end Lee made errofe to throw th e game the way of the home club. Newark ecored In the eeoond Inning , on H eyer'e triple an* Btnlth'e itngle. The Redmeo eoored ig a k l In the fifth, on elDglea by Reams, Lee and Bailey.

Ik. th e last of the fifth Roohester tied K up on Btm m ou's InOeld bit, Oebqrn’e wallop to right, a yaaeed haU and J4ole- Uteoh'e ehigle to centre. Before a run eroaead the plate the Uuettera had mads nine elnglee, which le an Indication of the effort they were forced to make for runs off MoGlnnlty'a clever southpaw. Things hah along with the leore a tie until the las t of the ninth, when W ard 's grounder to short was thrown to the bleacli- eia by Fisher, w ard reaching aeoond. UcHlIlan ran for him and ecored when B atch 's attempted sacrlflce was thrown over flrat base by Lee. The edore;



MAPLE LEAFSCaoQcks Make Another Gain in

Race b; Tronoeiol the Crippled Birds.





Hoian, 1, f.,........Moeller, r. f ..........l i s t e r , 0. fl.. . . . . . .W4Td. 8b...............•MaMtltan .............Oiborn, o. t .........^ a l c h .................61mfn<mi, 3b.........Spencer. Ib-e**.... Jneltlhsche n...e..e IdftDflbry p ..............

A-B. H. H p a 1 4

Rochester drew further away In th* chaec for the gonfalon yesterduy by ciAp- lu rlng both endt of a double-haader from the Indians. The Maple Letiffl, who aro making a Mrong bid fur the lead, gained more valuable ground ycatcrday by dow n­ing the Baltimore Orioles.y The Royale strengthened tlielr hold u n ^ o u rlh place by winning (wo ganwA froTn the SkeelerA while the Graya f«>ll a little ^l^lhe^ bacdt In the race by losing to the Bltona.

RtMitltn o f Y eaterd«7 'a QauhM. Rochaeter 3. Newark } (let game).

Rooheeter fl, Newark 1 (Bd game).Montreal &, Jersey C1^ 2 (lat game).

Montreal 6, Jersey ^ t y t <2a game).Buffalo 4. Providence 2.

Toronto 12, Baltimore i.MMUAdIns th e T m tiK

W.UPCA W .L.PC.RPcJveeter.. GO &2 .^^PBufTaki....... ^ 4$ .469BaltimoM.. &e 34 .1^ Jersey City. ^ 47 .440Toronto.... 66 86 ,900 Newark...... 33 54 .879M ontreal... 41 43 .48b1 Providence. 29 69 .830

To-day*Newark a t Rocheeter.

J e m y City a t Montreal.Baltimore a t Toronto

Prorlaaaoa a t BufCalOk OaMiM TtMMiAo r fwwe

Newnili a t Buffalo.Jersey CHy a t Montraal.

l^avUienoe a t Aooheater.Baltimore a t Toronto.

ffperkil of tte NEW®.TORONTO, July 26.-The Maple I>afB

chalked up their tenth straight win by trouncing the Orioles here yeaterday a f ­ternoon to the tune of 12 to 8. Dick R u­dolph, who did the fflirglng for the Lieafa, held tbe Birds to five ecattered hlte, w Hb Dygert and Gantt, who were the gunners for the vlelton, were hit freely. The Birds scored ail of their rune on

-‘h c^ eT u n - drives J a j Seymour and Cor* QOran. The Birds pTit up a ragged tfame Id the field. The Leafs are now eleven points behind the Orioles, who ore e e o end In the race for the flag. The score:

Totals St a U 27 15NEWARK.

Ball67g r. f .. .Agler, lb .........JCMIy. 1. L*... ftieyer, o. f . . . Fftner. a a ... .Elmtth, 2b........Heama, 8b....

Cady, o ..........liaet P ..............



7 t24 18

Torony). R-H-®.9haw, of.......0O'HaJm. If..., 2 Dfilahanty, rf 2 Jordan, lb .,,. I Bradley* 8b... 2Phelps, 0 ....... 1Smith, SB...... 8F itspatr'k , 2b 0 Rudolph, p.... 1

Totals ....... i£ 12 1

Baltimore Parent, ee.,Rath. 2b.........0Corcoran, 8b.. 2 Hevmour cf... 1Walflh. If....... 0Heltinuller, 1b DOunti, r f ......... DEgan, c , . . . , . . . DO.vgfrt, p ........ 0Gantt, p .......... 0

. O i l 1 0


0 D Q 0 0 0Toronto................ 3 0 6 1 0 4 J ?

Home ruTiB—Delfthflirty mour. Three-base hU—CrHsLra

1 1


•R an for Ward In the ninth innlng. ••Batted for Osborn In the ninth Inning. tNone out when winning run was Boored.

Roohester ............0 0 0 0 2 .0 0 0 1-^I^ewark ................. 0 i 0 0 1 b 0 0 0—8

Three*bake htt—Meyer. Bacrifloe hits— ^ e , Baioh. Stolen base—Bailey. Left on bMee—Roohester 5. Newark 7. F irst base on errors—Rochester 3, Newark 3, Double plays—Foeter, Spencer and Ward] ^ e t e r , Simmons and Spencer; jPleher and A ^ e r ; Lee, Smith and Agler, 2; Lee^ nearns and Agler. Struck out—By 1,by Manser 2. Base on balls—Off Maneer 1. Passed ball—Cady. Umpires—Messrs. X erln and H art. Time of game—One hour and twenty-five minutes.

fiecend Game,In the first Inning of the second game

Kelly doubled after Bnltey was out and woDt W third on Meyer's out. He ataj-ted for th e plate on a short passed ball, bfltehell recovered the ball and threw to WUhetm, who covered the plate. WUhelm Wt the throw get away and Kelly scored. T h a t was Newark's only run.

In Roohester'8 half of the same lonlag Ito rgn singled, stole eecoTTd, and con­tinued to third when McCarty threw poorly to the keystone sack to nip the steal, Moeller fanned,and Foeter walked, {doran and Foeter scored on W ard's double to right and W ard taJHed, after Osborne'B single had put him on third. When Blmmone lifted a long fly to Bailey, to the third Inning Moeller's triple and Foster*! sacrifice fly gave another run. In the fourth Cady, playing first base, let Bpenper'a grounder go through and after Mitchell's out, Wllholm singled, scoring Bpenoer from second with Rocheeier's fifth tally off McGlnnlty.

McGinntty took himself out tn the eighth to Dalton to bat, end In Rochester's

'Dolce pitched. Five hits gave the H ustlers four rune. Moeller opened with & atngle. Foster beat out a h it to third Und “Ward sacrificed. Osborne singled to M ntre, scoring Moeller and Foster. Os­borne took second on Meyer's throw to the plate and scored on Simmons's single, Bailey threw to the plate and Simmons took ' second. After Bpenoer walked, Mitchell fanned, but WllhelTn got PHa fieoond single of the afternoon and Stm- Inons scored.

Newark Is In a bad way for players. t)allon waa 111 yeaterday and Meyer played eentre field. Agler complained of a pain

- k one leg and quit after the first game. Louden has a broken finger, while Mc-

^ Olnnlty’s arm Isn 't strong enough to

fe rm lt'h tm to perform In last season’s tyle. The toore:


AB. R. H. P.O. A, E. Ilo ran , 1, f ............ 6 J J J ? 2Uoener, r. f .......... 1 J f 1 S JfoBter, 8. s .............. ® S !Ward* 8b. 8 1 8 0 2 0Dsborti, c. r ........ 4 1 2 2 0 - 0plmmons, 2b. ......... 8 i 1 3 2 0Ipencer. lb, ........... ® i 2 S Jrfitoholi, 0. .......... 4 5 ^ J J f“ Uhelm, p ..; ........J

...........82 J 12 r IT 1NEWARK.

AB. R. H. P . a A. E. *aO«r» r, & i ? ? S i 2

I. C ............. 1 fl 0 a ! 0

S lln e* !b 8 0 0 1 1 0ib . 8 0 0 U 0 1

i ^ a r t y ; ! " ...... « S i 1 ! iioainn ity , p .......... * 0 ® J * ®

BoUa p. ................. ® ® ® ®

8 K T2~ •-18

Corcoran, Sey-....................... .. .. _ .Jara. Two-basehits—Phelps, Rudolph, Bradley, Parent. Siicrlflce hlis—U;ith, Bradley. Stolen bases —Jordan, Hradfey, I ’helps. Double plays —F'kapatrlck to Smith to Jordan 2. Btriick out—By Dygcrt 8, by Rudolph 4. Bases on balls—Off -Uygert 6, off Gomt 1, off Ru* doluh 2. F irs t base on errorfr—BaJtlmore1, Toronto 2. I.«ft on bases—Baltim ore2, Toronto 7. Wild pitch—Gantt. Passed balls—p:grtn 2. Umpfres—Klllen and Mur ray. Time of game—One hour and flfty- flve minutes.

- . 1 n*/



THE EASTERNMootreil Player Is the Lead-

b f First Sacker with a Mark ol .992.


Ohio A. OtuiOll, who la on th» pay roll of tha club controlled by Bol Lldienten- hetm, the Mdntrenl magneto. Is the lead­ing flrat baAoman la tbe Eaetem I-eiigoe. The former guardian of the getaway bag of the Chicago W hite Bu* haa a mark of .892 for seventy-three games. He hae ac­cepted ohancea out of 785.

Bud Shorne, who a t one time cowered flret base for the Indiana and Is now play­ing that hassock for the Blsona, la the aecond beat guardian In the Barrow or* ganlgation, with a m ark of .989 for eeven- ty gam ea Joe Agler, Ihe Beach City lad, who performa around the getaway corner of the diamond for the Indians, Is tied with Bill Abfltein, the Jersey City player, with a mark of .9S7. The Indian has made bnt thirteen errora out of th e 893


fipscffll Seh fic t of the V g W 8 .MONTREAL, July £8.™The Royals took

both halves of the double-header here yttaterday afternoon from the Jersey City Bkeeters, winning the first game 8 to 2, and the secomi setto, 4 to 1 , The locals played like champions, and by getting; off to a good sta rt In both games, m anaged to check the setios op on the H gbt aide of the ledger. In the opening gam e Du- buo was on the mound and b« bad the Insects a t his mercy. I t was his ten th ooneuvUcive victory- Besides w inning the game* he poled out a home run d rlv a Kissinger was htt hard and Doeeober, ^ h o succeeded him, fared no better. In the eeoond game the Royate got their hits when most needed, while B urke wae invincible with men on bases. The scoree:

FIRFT GAME.Jersey City. R.H.H.Breen, 8b..... 0 0 (Qettman. cf. D I IDolan, 3b...... l 9 (Delnlnger, 1 8 (Abstain^ lb .. 0 2 (Wheeler, r f ., 0 0 (Roach, S 3 ....0 0 (Wells, c ........ 0 1 1Kissinger, p.. 0 I C Doeacher, p.. 0 0 (Fullerton, 3h 8 0 (

R.H .E.Montreal French, 2b— 9 Yeager, 8b .... 1 3 AGller, of..* .. I 1 Hanford, r f . . 1 2 Qandll. B>,... 0 1 Demmltt, If... 1 1 Punell, 1 1Roth, 0 ..........1 aDubq^ p . . . . . . 1 t

Totals ........ 913

alV in l o ft u s


CYCLE GAMEClerer Little Pace Follower

Makes Farewell Appearance at Velodrome To-oi^hl


Michijiaa Giant Hakes Miserable Showing and Lasts Only

Three Roonds,



New York Measore Le£alizm( Teo-ioond Boats Becomes

^ e c tir e at Gnce.




WEST HUDSONSemi-Professional Teams Map

Form OrfanizatioD with Six or Eitht Clobs.


NKW YORK. July M.-Al Kublak. the lumbering heavywflKlit fm iu Michigan, proved ic be no mat.'h for Jo^ Joantietie, and wuH kum-kvd nut in lh« third round of u one-slji-ij bout St the Twentieth Cen­tura Alliiiili- 'Mub iHHt niHht. At no tints iliil KuLiUik even stund a cUancs of winning from Jeanette, and In the opinion of thiifn who saw the contest, the negro ccvuld have ntopped hla man with a punch, had he so deslrtnl.

Ootclnsseil and soundly thrashed, Kublak was not no far gone tim t he could not contend that Charley tVhtta, the referee, gave him u short count. Uu- blak said. afK’t he rose and walked un­aided tn his corner. “I was not out at all. and I think I could have wtm with a square rotinl. I heard him say seven, and the next thing ho said was. ’You're out.' I would like to bow Jeannette again a t any time "

Tliere was no doubt In the mlnde of those who saw the IkiuI that Kublak was a well-beaten man, and th a t If he was -Just llutenlng to the courtl" he hod heard enough of It to satisfy his desire for aotlon. Joe merely toyed with him In the opening round, and hit him where and when he pleased. The a ir seemed filled with gloves, and Kublak ducked and mov'Pd only to run into another jab or Jnlt. The crowd laughed 'and asked for the "main bout." while Jeanneit^ moving easily and w'ell wUhlo Kiiblac itiio knots.

--------------- p—

AUlAaNT, N. T.. July 28,-T h e bill ftstab- libiilng a S tate Athletic (h^mmisslon to regulate boxing and sparring malches In a\ttw York was signed to-day by Gov­ernor Dlx.

The commission, appointed by tbe Gov* ernor. will cvinsisi of ihV'CC members, of wlumi two must be rcsUU-nis of New York City, Any dub, corporailon or awo- c-lailtm conducting boxing or sparring ex­hibitions niusi secure a license from the eommlaslmi. which Is to be forfeited In the event of any sham or fake exhtb' tlon being given. Nu match shall go more than ten rounds and the contestants shall wear gloves weighing at least eight ounces.

Each club or association giving boxing nmtehea n)ust tile » bond In the sum of 110,000 wUh the Stale comptroller, amt the latter la authorised to collect a tax of five per cent, of the total gross re­ceipts from the sale of tickets to sucli exhibition. Ttie commlaalon la to report annually to the Ijegialature.

The new law goes Into effect Imime- dlately.

lilmsHf. boxed

Totals ...... 3 7 8Jersey City O O D D O i O O 0—2Montreal ................0 2 1 3 0 0 2 1 *—9

Two-base h l^ D o m m ltt. Roth. Klasln- ger, Hanford. Abatein. Yeager. Three- base hit—French. Home run—Duhuc.Sacrifice hit—Gandll. Stolen bases—French, Yeager. Miller, Hanford, Left on liaMB—Montreal 7, Jersey City 6. F irs t base on error—Jersey City 1. Double plays—Wheeler Wells; FTench, Pur-tell and Gandll. Struck out—By Dubuo 6. by Kissinger 2, by Doesoher 2. Bases on balls—Off Dubuc 1, off Kissinger 2, off Doescher 1, Hit by pitcher—By Kissinger 1 (Yeager); by Dooscher 2 (Roth, MlUer). Umpires—Messrs. Byron end Doyle. Time of gam o-One hour and fifty minutes.

SECOND GAME.Jersey City, R.H.E.[ MoiUreal, R JI.B .^ 2-Breen, 2b...... 1Gettman, cf.. D 0Dolan. 8n......D 1Delnlnger, If. D 1 Absteln, lb ... 0 1 Wheeler, rf.. 0 2 Roach, SR.... 0 0 Tonnemari, c. 9 i Frill, p ......... 0 0

French, 2b ..., i Yeager, 3b ..,, 1Miller, of........ XHanford, r f . . 1GandlL lb .......1Demmltt, If... 1 PurtelL u . . . . 0Roth, ‘c ........... 0Burke, p ........ o

TdUla..• M t e r inftad for MoOlnnlty

. Jnnlnf. . , , .- J. ®

u Islgbtb

0 0 4 0 0 0

W a r i n0-1

Two-bom hlt»-ItBllV, . — - -b tm hlt—Moeller. Saertfloe hit— Baoriaea fllas~Fort«r, Sltnraon^ Btolen b*0»—Moran. L ett on baael—S o o iw te r iTN ow ark 4. F lra t base on e r ro r s ^ e w - Srtt 1, Rocheater 1. Double p la t—®!oat«, etmmqna _en0 Bolae LIcOtnnlty

fpuna—1 hour and T mlimtaa.

Total# ...... ,1 g »| Totala .......... fl 10 lJoraey C ity........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—1Montreal .............. a 0 1 0 0 0 0 t »—«

—Hanford, Gandll, Tonneman, L eft on baaea—Montreal d, Jersey C llr 0. Flral baao OB orroia—Montreal 2. Double ptaya —Frencli, unaaoleted; French and Oandfl-

S truck out—By 10. by Burke 6. Baaea on balls— 8 " >■ H it by Dltohor-

,1 Ofeager). by Burke 1 fFrlflT Wild pltoh-D urke. Umolrea—M easr,T. . pltoh-D urke. Lmplrea—Ueaara. Doyle and Bvron. "nme of ta tn o —One hour and torty-flYe mlnutea.

FIRE AT BALL PARKNEWARK, 0., J\lly 20.—Fire In t l u le f t,

lleld bleaohera waa diaoovered y a i ta ^ a y lu*t aa the crowd waa lea rtaa O antral Leia«ue ball park. The b la u waa ex-'

.-Unffuiabaa h r a hunk.L tuft Inapectlon revealed the fact th a t a p art of the Btanda repaired alnoe the accident laat Sunday, when twenty-dve persona were Injured In ' the eoHapm of aeata had been aoaked with oil.

The Dollce now are convinced th a t yes­terday 's blaaa and the Are wWch early Monday destroyed a large p a r t of the grandstand was of Incendiary origin and a rigid Investigation la to be made.



ttibn I . K odraw , Inanager of th e New Ib ifc OiBBt* hae repeatedly taken eacep- fttm to an umpire's decisions, bu t w i e r no fo rdb ly as yesterday. H e ttareatena to bring obargea of Inoompetenoe against .Umpire Jim JohnstOnaot th is city ,bad will bring H ii« n a tte r* efo re President Lynch ihottly . . After the game yeaterday, Mo- Oraw said:

" I am tired of having the Giants being put In the hole'by auoh umpiring as has beeo done against the New Tork club by Johnstone. 1 have the evidence t require aa to Johnstone's habits an d shall wire L yndt to th a t eiloot. I am determined to make an issue of this right now. John­stone la not a fit man to bo on th e atatt."

MoOraw wound up hla tirade by aay- Ing; "W hen B e c k e r , was a t ba t in the n in th Inning Johnatene aald to htm (Bedker), ‘I am getting even w ith lota of you riimowi, and I will get even with you, to o , '" ^.T h a PbUadelpbla Athletics oelebmted O iaF re tu rn to their own gtaraplng grtmndto by annering bo a enda (ft tha

I SgnWi tiT"— yaataaday trow tlm C la ^

Chlo A. OskndtLchanosf, whlls Absteln iB charged with eleven errors In £29 chances. Tim Jordan, of the Maple I^eafs, has made the same number of pulouta as Agler, each being credited with Jll, and hae an average of 9M. Cheater Bpencer, of tlie Champion Rocliestar Hustlers, has made twenty errors, which gives him first place In the error column among the regular per­form ers.

Although Gandll !■ the leading first baeeraan in the fielding departm ent of the game, he Is not setting the league on fire with hli betting. Ij> eeventy«-8even games be has made a total of Reventy- one hits, for an average of 26S. In his cotlecttOQ of blogles be has five doubles, six trtpiefl and four home run smashes. Following are the average up to and in­cluding the games played on Monday:

I G, PO. A, E.Gandll, M ontreal... 73 722 67 6Sharpe, Buffalo........ 70 670 42Agler, Newark........ SI sn 69Annte\rt, Jer. C....... S4 759 69Jordan, Toronto...... 89 Fll SfiSchmidt. Bfllt...........£6 6li7 44Bpencer, Koch..........38 821 41'lArloton. PrOV....,,. 74 566 42


TC. PC-6 786 .9997 619 .989

la 89311 82912 m 16 m20 SS2 14 622



Spedol S«n*» of •*« HETWS.b u f f a l o , July M.—The Blsona played

fast ball here yesterday and auooeeded In taking the Grays into cnnip by a score of 4 to 2. M erritt twirled good ball for the locals' and held the Grays to soven scattered btngles. Tbe batting of Mc­Donald was the feature, th e former Leaf making three safeties out of four trips to the plate. Catcher Peterson had an off day-for no leas than seven hassocks were jlfirl^ |ie^o n him. The score;

Provtd6no6.iCH.B. Buffalo. R.H.B.

When little George 'ftrjley ftnlsftea thetwentieth mile of his tw enty-m tie motor- paced race to-night with Elmer CoUlns and Percy Lawrence hJs career as a rac ­ing cyclist will be over. This mce, wbloh la one at the features of the cord a t the Veludrome to-night, m arks tbe farewell appearance of one of the gameet little boys th a t ever straiidled a bicycle. Wiley was never known to quit, and he would always finish, regardless of how firr he might be behind or how badly Injured he might be 05 a result of falling.

In the last four races In whinh Wiley has ridden he has fallen, and In each Instance he has narrowly eaoapod being seriously Injured. After hla lost spill, w blih occurred In the race Bunday against risronce Carman and Ray [>uer, Wiley decided that he had had enough of tha-stronuona life of a pace follower and declare.I bis Intention of quitting the game. As he was booked to ride in tho match with Collins and Lawronceto-nlght, he agreed to fill th is engagement and then bow off Wiley will try to t-loee his career with a victory, and on tho form he baa displayed during the post two weeks ho has o greet chance. Wiley Is one of the most popular HderB in th e game, and hla loss will be keenly felt.

While Wiley will mnke a big effort to end hie cereer In a blase of glory b i winning the race to-night, Collins end j Ijiwrenco will be out there trying to put the crusher on the little fellow's ambition for a race la a race, So little Wiley will have to bailie, and battle hard, to make his erit a vlctorlou.s one.

The amateur match race, which Is also s feature of Ihe card, Is e ic ltlng consid­erable Interest nnd should prove to he a race of more than passing interest, as tho three riders who will compote In Ihe match are Ihe best of the slmnn-pures and the ones who have Ihe best ohance to win tho amateur title. Tbe ohamptonshlp Is going to fall to one of the three and the match race lo-ntgbt will go fa r to-

I ward proving who Is tho real speed mar- I vei, and the winner should be the one

best bet for the title.Champion F rank BSats will have s big

a d v a n t^ e over hla lose experienced op­ponents In track generalship which may land him a winner. On past perform ­ances, however, Alvin Lsrftus, the Provl- denoe hoy, looks to be th e best, He has won nearly ' every open raoe In the poet three weeks and ho has been winning over B la ti and Cavonagh right along. Loftus has won eleven races this season, while Cavanagh and B lats harve won seven each. Yet In tho oontesl for the title. Blots Is leading. Tho champion has IS polnto.'while Loftus and Cavanagh are tied with 7 each.

Tho race to-night,Is to be run In heats a t one mile nnd the winner will have to take two heals to carry off the honors. The first heat will bo French style and the second paced. Tho third heat. If a third heat Is noceasary, will be decided hy the toss of a coin. In a French style race, Blate and Cavanagh will have It on Loftns. who Is a very poor performer In a Blow race. The paced heat, however,! If It Is paced fa s t wl!) be Just to Loftus’e liking, arid ho should have no trouble In winning.

Big Cavanagh, whose speed is unquee- tlonod, may romp homo wttJi the race, for he hae a wonderful sprint and would have won many more raoee If he had used good Judgment. W ith only three men In tho race there will be nothing to bother the big fellow when he Is ready to sta rt hla sprint, and onoe he gets under headway It le a question whether Btat* or Loftus can beat him.

In tho half-mile pro championship, which Is tho Mg stunt for tho pros, all of the Bhort-dlitanoe men In the money class will start. Tbe race will be run In tho usual form, with heate, soml-ftnals end a final. Alfred Goullet will try to show, the speed th a t won for him In the m atch races last week with K ram er and C larka The Australian Is flying now and he expected to have a ba ttls wtth Kram er In theidve-m lle open lost Sun­day, but the piiriult raoa, which he bad Just won had tldB his lege Into knots and ho was hardly able to hang on to tho bunch, much less go out In a final sprint against the champion.

Me will be at his best to-night and srill have a good try fo r tho title raea

The Kramer-Clarko feud did not end with the match raoe Sunday and these B la is will continue to fight their b itter fight rlkht to the end of the season. Clarke Is not the least bit discouraged and feels that he still has a chance to win the 1811 championship.


AtiderRon, If. 0All, 2b..........X 8Perry, cf......G lElston, 2Tarleton, lb . 0 0 OlUeepie, Sb.. 0 0 Rock, 0 1Peterton, c... 0 DSHne. P......... 0 0Lavender, p.. 0 0 •McDermott k 0 0

ScliSrm, If.,,. 06 ta rr, se.........1 6 1Murray, o f ... 0 1 0 McCabe, r f . . . 0 1 0Miller, lb ...... 2 2 0Klllffer, c ..... 0 1 0 Trueedale. 2b. 0 2 9 McDonald, 3b 1 3 0

0) Merritt, p ......0 0*0

Total R ..........4 13 1

Ptens ere ander way to form a l a a ^ e oompoaod of the boat (Hams In thia eec' tlon of Woat Hudson, T'liere wltl'^lkely be atx or eight clubn to enter the veti" ture. The Harrixon Athletles, the Holy Croaa C. C., tha llydraullca and Turner B, B. C, have already HlgnlMf d their Intentloiui of Joining the league. Pat- rlok McUulgan, the HurrlHon siKirtlng man. will donate a cup. There will be a meeting to-morrow July 27, a t8:80 sharp, at the Alhletlc!?' headquarters, (H H arrison avenue, Harrison* Manugcre wlehlng to enter tf;ame are Invited to be present.

The V^llsburgh R. R r meet the faat Armory A, A. a t the HoseviUe Oval Sunday afternoon In the Hcm'od game of a sertua, the first Rfiino resulLlng In a vic­tory for the Armorya. The garr»e lasted one hour and ten minutes.

John Wagner, the ernr-k pitcher of the W orlhlnKton liHFehal) O uh of ihe Manu- facturern' Ix-ague, has l"ien called home from a two ww-ks' vucallon spent with a friend on the Hartford IJasehall Club, owdng to !ht‘ illness of his mother. It Is hoped this will not prevent him from pitching his scheduled game agiiinet the M ergoits on Saturday.

The second gatne of ths serlea between the Nutley A. C. and the Mutual A. A. of UellevUle 1h to lake plaro on the Nutley A. C. grounds at Nutley on Saturday. As the ftrsi game played was won by the Mulualfl the second! gntiie will no doubt cn^ate a great deal of interest, as the Nutleys will try to wipe out this defeat.

Ten and eleven year old teams Wishing to book games wUh the Ktimbler A. C. for Salurdays and Sundays should addreiw R. Brooke, ]34 Parker Btreet.

. The McKternan Midgets, a ten and eleven year old uniformed team, has all Saturday arid Sunday dates open wtiloh they would like to All with any team of Its olast for games to be played on home or opponents' grounds. They prefer the RoeebudB, Parkview Juniors and the Rambler Juniors. Address comraunlca- tlona tg Josaph McDonald. 1H6 Commerce

The MaJertlo B. B- C. have a few open date* whloh the manager would like to fill with flrrt-olaea teams with home grounds. Address George Peth. 5WI Thlp- t e » t h avenue, or 'phone 186GW between 7-SP. M

The aeinl-profesBlonftl Knlckorborkere of th is city have Paiunlay and Bunduy open. FlrRt-clfLBS teanw wishing a good attraction can book Manager Srhw artx’s team by telephoning lo 27G1R Market lo-o!ght a t B o'clock.

The Belmar A. C. ot ReRevUle def^Mitefl the WfwtTntnsler A C. of Rloouiflfld on Saturday on Wllllamsnn OvnJ hy the score o( H to 0. On Saturday the Rel- marm will go to Ampcre and play the Am­pere A. C.

The 6t. Peter's D. P C , which travetP'd to Springfield and defeated the home team there by the score of 9 to 6, and then on Sunday aftemoon plan-d the Fulrvlaw R B. C. of Bloomfield, and were defoated In a olose and exoltlns gnme by the ncore of B to 8, would llkfl to hear from oiiVof- town teams offering Htiimhle guaronteefl. Addreea A. J. Jenny, 272 Ifunterdon streeL

Th* Central A. A visited Delawanna and played the AIhliJica of th a t place a thlrteen>lnntng He. the score being J3 lo IS. The features of tlie game were the uphlU fight made hy the Centrals and the heavy hitting of both learns. Darkness ended the game.

Flrat-claiiB traveling teame having flat- u rday 1 afternoons or Bunday

ReanltR of Veaferdoy*» G an im .New York 3, at Louis 1 lliwton 4, (?nl«^go 1. lU'trtiU 6. Washington 2.Philadelphia-S’,■ C3r-'.'^2and 1 Gat game). PhilaiSelphla fi. ('leveland 4 (2d game).

S ta n d in g o f th e T ra o iaW.l, PC.

Detroit...... GO 2SPblladelp 'a Hfi 31 (H4 New York.. 4d 4.1 Chicago .. 44 41 .lilK

W L PC.Clo\ e lan d ... 47 4il .POfiHopton........ 4.' 45 .fi(WW ashliigton 3h Ctfl .:W7 SI. U u ils .. .. .287

Gamea 1V»-day.St. Louis Ht New York (2 gamee).

Chicago at Boston.Detroit at Waehlnjrton.

Cleveland a t Philadelphia.Gamen To>-ittorrow.

81 Louie nt New York.Detroit at Washington.

Cleveland a t Philadelphia.Chiciago a t Uoalon.


Lynch Of ths National L ssfus o* Base­ball Clubs ISBiifd from ths t,eacue head­quarters lute last right the following formal list of contracts ond releases:

roulrurts-W 'Ilh Cincinnati, Bert Hum- yhrles (assigned hy Phlladelplila); with IMriladOlphla, Fred T. Beck (assigned by (Mlirlnrintl).

Ilolrasea—By Ruston to New York (Ni L.). C. 1* Herzog; to Haverhill (N. Ft, L.), C. H. Hogg, H em ati J. Young. By New York to Honlon (N. UK H arry Qowily, A. n . Dridwell. By Ptttaburg to Watejfhviry (Conn. H), Shovelln.

RriUtft4t«d-IJy .Boston* H en o g .and Hoy Mlllnr. -


iieaROn aeries for the minor league baao- ball charnplonehlp of the United States will be playe(3 this fall by the pennant wlnnerr of Clnsa A leaguei, If plans of Judge Thomaa F. Graham, president of the Parlfic (,'otiHrt Ijoague, mature. He Fays the plana are well under way and confidently expej^ts they will be adopted by the Riifitern, Southern, American. As- soolallon and Pacific Coast leagues.


N iror t o r k , Jnly 28 —A baseball slat- Istlclnn here, who thinks he knows ihe valuation of star hiiocball players, eatl- matos thol the team which beat Ihe Clevelands for the Joss benefit on Monday would bring the following prices If placed on tho market: Ford, |3ri,0i»; Johnson,

190,00(1; Wood, 18,000: Livingston, tt.OOOj Street, (*,{100; Chase, 130,0)0; Collins, (30,000; Ilakor, 120,000; Wallace, 18.000; Crawford. 00,000; Hieaker, (13,000; Cobb, (,V),000, and Milan, (.0,000. He adds gener­ously th a t this teom as a whole would win a worid's championship In a walk.

morningsopen destring s game with the Sommer A- C. should rommtmlcate with Ja v ie r Del Negro, U9 Cnmmerco stroflt, d ly . H s would ^s<> lik«* to nrrangfl home and homa gamaR with (rnma having liomn' grounds.

Th« Somnisr Jiinlnrfl of th r First City Playground will play prolImlnRry gamos a t th a Paclflo Oval ev#?ry Baturduy aftar- noon, and they would ilk© to h^ar from all fourteen to Blxtef*n y©ar old teams. Would also llltr tn arrange gamee away from bom© on Sunday aftemnonii. Ad­dress communif’atiniia to the maniig*^r at 1S9 Commerce street.

Ty Cobb, theAOeorgta Peach, * h o Is out to set a new base-stealing record In the Johason circuit, added a couple of more hassocks to his credit y e e te rd ^ a t the skpense of Alnsmlth, th e •# ln | paddlst of the W ashington ^

Tris Speaker, th o ^ e n tre f le ld J K f tbe Boston Speed Boys, had a great day with the willow yesterday a t the expanse of Lange, the gunner of the Chicago 'White Sox. The speedy One poled out throe h its Including a single, a double ahd a triple.

J?hn McGraw, manager of tbe a ian ts , reeenUy Issued an order th a t any mem­ber of hie team who was pu t off the field for umpire baiting would be fined th ree days’ pay. The manager will cow have to fine himself, as he was ohaeed to tbe clubhouse yesterday by Umpire Jim John­stone to r protesting one of tb e o rb itr* - torie declaions.

OHike OonllB woe need as a pineb b itter

a t Cincinnati yesterday aftd m ods good by poling out « aInMe, BIr Mlobael wae seat In to bat for wiloon, bu t waa loft ■ M n M joB^itia _peth% m aneUMt hit

^ “ ' Sl3s«l!i.€5W.A.,

Totals ... . . . * 7 IProvtdanoe 0 0 0 IW) 0 0 0 1.—fBuffalo ..................1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 • - t

s o t t e d for Sllne In eighth Inning, ^asea on baits—Off Merritt i, off Sllne 2,

Struck out—By M erritt 6, by Sllne Tb Home runs—McDonald. ?Jl.vton. Sacrifice hit—Starr. Flr.rt haae on errors—Buffalo I, Providence 1. Deft on bases—Buffalo 7, Providence 4. ^ o le n basee-Schlrm 2, McDonald, Killlfff. Miller 2, Truesdale. Double play—Rock to At* to Tarleton. Umpires—Halllgan and 'Wright. Tints of game—One ho'ut and forty-five mljtutoo. Attendance—l,600r

^ national LtJWOE-r'Hnmlts of YesterAaT*s Oameo.

Otncinnatl 3, New York 2.Pittsburg 7. Brooklyn L

Philadelphia 2, fit. lAule 0. ' The Chlcego-Boeton game wae prevent-

M by rain.S ta n d in g o f t h e T noJoa,

W .UPC. P ittsbu rg ,., 49 i f .MO Clnolnnatl.. 18 49 .424 Brooklyn... 3104.20 Boston........ 30 48 .233

W.L.PC.I Chicago,... M 31 .822 Fhlled^slp'a 63 U .809 New York- 51 U AOG fit. Louis... 50 37 .675

G nntee T a -d a y ,New York at Clnolnnatl.

Brooklyn at Pittsburg,Ptalladelpbla at S t Louie.

Bestou at Chisago (1 gomeeL ^ Onosea To>asa»aw .' lew York at Ctnulnnati.

Brooklyn a t Pittsburg. .m >U ad^iy#.M


John Duhuc. tha French-Canadian, la now tho premier tw irler on the ataff of the Mcotreal Royals. The native Ron, aa he le called by th« baaeball fans, has won the last ten gamea In which h« haa offl- da ted on the mound. All told. DubUC has won eleven victories for hla team this eeaaun. The Montreal tw irler ntarted hln winning streak on .July I, by beating Rochesier, On July 4 he twirled the nec- ond game of the double-header and beat the Bleons^ His next appearance, on the mound was on July S. a t Rochester, and won. Four days later h© twirled against tbe IVfapIo Leafs and had them at hte mercy throughout t h e ganie. He came back at the Maple Leafa three days later and won, and on July IS pitched hT» team to.v ictory over the Bfsone. On July IN3 he beat Newark, apd repeated agdin on .July 23. Dubuc chalked up hla tenth vic­tory y es te rd y by trouncing the Jeraey CUy flkecterw Tn all the games Dubuc hae tw lr i^ steady ball and was never In any res! trouble.

Charley Hanford# t?e rig h t fielder of th© Montreal Royals, had a good day with the wOlow yesterday a t the expense of the slab artiet. In the first ^ m e be made two ^Its of five tlntee up, Including a double, while tn the aecond gRTne he poled oqt three safeties out of four tftaea up, Ifl- eluding a brace of doublea,

OThere waa plenty of fast playing la tb s

two games a t Rooheator yeaterday. The dra t contest wae played in an and tweety-Ave minutoa, w 1 ^ tha eeoond af< fair wae ovw tn one hour and epvea tain- Qteg. Pwo i a M tn tw o houre and two ntau tee te foHtg fosHa

Do you w ant B A R G A IN S ? Well, here th ey are—BIG ones.

When you make your selections of these garments at halved prices— where you have never seen but re­liable materials used or anything but smart styles in­troduced—you feel a gratifying certainty that you - DO GET SOM ETHING GOOD W H EN YOU MAKE A PURCHASE.

All sales at Watson^s are made up of R E G U ­LAR STOCK. The waning ^season is the reason for these immense reductions. Buy NOW,

$1S.0D Suitt. $ 7 . 5 0 $20.00 SniU, $ 1 0 . 0 0 $25.00 Suit!, $ 1 2 . 5 0 $30.00 Suits, $ 1 5 . 0 0 $40.00 Sniti, $ 2 0 . 0 0

$18.00 Sokt. $ 9 . 0 0 $22.50 Suits, $ 1 1 . 2 5$28.00 Sniti,- $ 1 4 . 0 0$35.00 Saiti,~ $ i y . 5 0$50.iH> Saiti, $ 2 5 . 0 0

Geo. Watson & Co.BROAD & MARKET STS.


The Blsona ran Ihs bases In daring ■tele yeattrduy. Nu Ivas than seven*bases were stolen on petersun, who was behind t b . ba t for the Greys.

— oJo . After complained of being 111 at th.

ttid of the first game (reate'rday In Boch7. o riw and wh* aUe««l to stay out of tlia Moond iMfi-to, Cady played th. bog la pUto. w tb . BMch City obap and HoOar- •r «oat bahftid U . bat.

„„VT MISS Qpgai Razor OpportunityOar Midsummer Sale Is Oa—Cwne flagnificeat Assortmeal Fise

- ~ rjMg LISH STFEL RAZORSr r e s t aacrlfloa. Actual value# up to ggnMmbte lutWd and odd lot# b o u rh t a t a

M iliy iM d lflg M akes, ETe ry Raxor ex- ■ W P $ £ h ctaaogeabte If not M tlsfactory. ■ r

Superb Line Imperters’ $5 Simple Razor $1.00 Ei.Kflgular lines highest grade hand-made Razor at $1,60 to $3, about Half the

regular price elsewhere.A good strop half the battle in keeping vour razor sharp— Cflst

"Velvet Edge" Strops will do it, they’re self-honing__ __ . •WwBarber Honefi 26c., 50c., 91.00,

HOIHtUEirS DRUB STORE, Bnnil Wl Hirttt Sls.



ka«baikd ot Ad*]t lUlatltM M<1 (rtfwli.iiw________"ihssii hi* l»U rwljjno*.lu« pl»M. on Thu"'!*)', Joljr n. “to 8t. Jodoph'i choroh, wluri *M M . Inttfoioiil in Bt. tomolorif.

tnwtB-On July ».hwboiid o( KUhryn Borh*. «il«l ** y**"j runirol from hi* 1»t« rrilil*n<;«. «S J ^ ™ K « m y . t '# WA. M.. th*nc« tn Bt.A a . *h.r. » flolomn Hrth “ >•"‘‘f■Ovt« mA W«niSi '*LVInttrmMt Id th« Cem®t«ry of tb# Hoi) HopuiIntormontCDf*.

pjixrmt-OB ^IT «. y *‘rtor. of Bloom£«ld. Jv J- i *j5,w

h ii£ !^ 0* M»r»»r*l lltdrorf (n« BnfUl) Nstloo o( funorol S«tm(Iw.

DODD-On July » t ' . I ’VlS'* n' JMB. tl. Munn W , 'rMIUonHorr RoyDold*, %lfe ‘‘I * wvnfiul orr-

o W o r .* iu ”; » ViT S > "‘^H. .nuru..M

DORAK—At Oh»(h*m. H. >■•J * ; D««i. in W* ^ t« y “ Btfii«ad«, *b4 ihj Unly lo ttl«4 th*{■.trtok'. Ch^h._*r. n ,|,^ to ^

. ^ h iSui o( *"> '•

umd T8 yooT* ' onPonfol. MfM To y**f* ' ,v._A (uDoroI onM.. froniJqlr

1911, KItMMikiiMMh V

pBtrtek *na*u ”S.^4«o.^ NO.

..MbMMt fur th* r*rn** or htr *out » j amml.

r*NN»U.T-On Jnl y 2J, wl(* o( jnj*^ *'.r« HiMtuy n«l*tlv** «nd

lotonnont chi*>■nuBw »i>a u>* :

_C??''9!S.fV!J^n.h wh*r« » M*» »*10 Bt John'* Churoh. yh«w ^c S i u u T t b . Hmy

A. H.,

B*puMu«. RAf K

hoiH.July '(ufflliJ

HAKIFIN—■nt«r»a ” 2 . ,^IhUTCBtharlii*. htfotrad B»uf5'" J?


IflO BKoip ................... ..„„ 8T . CORNKH KKIHTH AtTB, WILL rfit.NiBii FOR n j eluant o**ltrt, *»in( ■• »om by nlli'r ™;Jrr-

uk in at Wl. ooverwi with One l>l*ch trnBfJ; oli'th, white ur ellvw »ruy iilueh, with nia«lv* tar bantllw, enfraved numnpSoie: ca«lirt brao- tlfully llnod with ftnr allk or ••'I’’* “1V‘„ fiMfl. ndvortltlDfr rrabtlmHig, dr t»1nf, »r>* Inc. eniclJU, o4iAd«i«br«, «love». cK«lr». hrjwTM And Ihw oftAohM to any clJy remeloT PBOPlhE'S Hl’RIAL COMPANT

WILL FtlR.NlSH F<J»A funrrAl that m*t«up«i up to ntty hlfh prir« undAriAkar'A fijn*r«l. Funeral I'arlora fr*#- piiPLBfl bWKJAL COllPANT.IBO nROAlT BT.. CORNER EICJHTH AVB. ttt kearnt ave.. kkarvt. n. j•PiSoNK « : aRAsriT hrook.NEWARK HVRIAL CoMPANT,

6M BroAd At Iwtween Uridv« and LorDtk&rdy ■U., opposite Wishinaton Parli.W&-COMPLETE FT KFRAIb M BlA«k brrjBdcl«iih. while ptuah or imItAunn OAk CMkei han-llea And plate, lln«d with allk or satin, outside cue, Adivertlslnir. emhAlmlnc, dreMlDff, flhsvInK. eniclBx and cundaUbm, flnTM, cdlAlrs. Resrse snd three ocachM to any city cemetery. Funeral larlors free. More fur less money than offsrril elAewhere. flppcial fttirntlon la directed In nur flrat-olAU livery. Hiaher iirloer) funerals If desired. NEWARK nrniAL roMPANt. fvw nroAd *t tel A021 Market


AOENT-A' food *y“' to rapreannt an old aatahllahed Mf* tniu™n”? r r ‘ ' i L ' ' ' i \ . r a T d i , K £ g a » i ^ ^A;.nT*M CUntoTTl., UuloS hulldlnf, N.«rk.N. J.AOKNTB-t made »Oflnn In B« rtara with a

amall malt ofdar butlnata; beca" * ' rr« boohlat. ItSACOCR. «H1 LochpoH. N. T.

Illfh BrhooltV. aoll /)« n "^ it|but„rt/.mVK younn inen,

■lid remunerative. Ht>CORWIN, Posloffica 1***N. Ja'i 'TOMOItlLB BCHOOL ,,MotluT iohool of lhatn all; unllmllod .l**™*All kloda ofhiyth In reDAJrlnn and driving oD — i.

.maltfaaai.your.Ko*:'"cars and e^enlnf B9PI Halsey st-t




MAHER * JACMBUH, ronnerly with CkUsn A MAlthewi. UNDERTAKERH ANT' EMRATaMEBB.Oppoiile (1r«VA Bt. Btithlt OEO. B. CAloLEN IN ATTICNDANCIC.

TsL 132S f>ranKS. EAST OflANtlE. N J.APOLTH PFK(L. for I7B 1 furnish »' flrwt-

cLaaa funeral, Inchidinc irave or cremation. IT* Court i t . near Weal si, undertaker andErofMAlonol embaltnef. I* D- ‘Phone HMT to t ' et OpAn day and nUht. ruaaral porloti fr—■Alban Maoharl* Jr. B*tt**.HASnERUB • BAKTR OhuQoaaaoraito Uaaharl* Dpoa)rUKKRAL DIMICTOB»._ *M Bpalntnaid aaa. .»Phon* 1W» WavoilF.

BUTTK * BHITH,Buooaaaon *0 J. A Lofui. DlfDSRTAIUniB AKD BUBAL C o ^ Owaara.

Tat Uoa-dBOT tuyhat »*4 BtoAd n.aUfKRB.

OALUM * lUTTHEWB, __UiniERtAltmia and EMBAUrSM. m m a runaral Parlor.«T* BROAD BT.,Talaptiona ill Marhat._____ NEWARK, W J.

FRANK S.WH. O. BOLLIH.UNDKRTAKERFI AND EMDAI.MEB9. THB.iOUBE OF QUALITT. Rapoaltoo^£nd funaml parlor, 016 Broad *L TalTTBl ifarliat; alwaya opan. __________ _

t th S T K y lS rc U p a n y . .iOHfhth Avaon*. «o Thuia^. July ^6- « - of

-Mr KMt Holr BapulotirA*W*J. •f*r b 'SP'nJrtir1*11, JoJi® nort*r,

RniS rtto hirtoS; T»r Roliti™ ar^

^.d lr lUTltad to attrnd (h*

WMUfid C^etenr. ttAYMyaCK—Enteredu!r Louie Gustavs Hav^eek. ^<rf Outuve and Kath^nea

U dVi* RelaUres and Wand# N°4SL Dtt«id the fiinsral e*rv1oaa ^ te rMldenee, 990 Bprinfflsld avenue, ^ TbondoF, iuly iT. it * P H- Interment 1b tbt WMliawfeea and Palloedee Csmetenr.dMce Oa bar iteter. Mre. W. LBuelt alacOa Boet Oranns, N. L. Helett h,& • «iS!ob,“‘ f o f f i r

S S l w r J u l l **. •• ^ *’■ **■OrM WOOd Camaterv.U O S T ina-lln tnw d Into r t f

T , on July 34. !»11, BUm-Patta* D S h ia lr Morad wifi ol L. H. l.lchtAr. tor

JOBEPM J. UAHOirn. DadartAltlT »nd F-mbatmw., Coachaa and Camp Chair* to Htn. Tal, T6t Wavarly. fS# BprtnfflaMJOHN W..FQa«£.5R 4.,BOMB, , "Funaral diractora. Undartaklnf In all Ita branchaa. At th* old atand, 600 Oranf* •(.!

L D. Tbon* 16IW B. D. NaataiW. N. J.A. BTANLIDT COI.E. Cndartahar and EtnOalmoF,Orania at. Prlvat* funaral ohapaL liea R. B. and 1M Oiant*.Ttl


n. R BTONAKSR Undartahrr.KM North Fifth at. Talaphotto URTJ B. B.


Undorfahar, forratrlT 436 RpnoBflald aro.

OEOROB AHRWith Joahua BrtarloT.

f,VTO iNttTROcrnoN. praotloaJly,*caiiy, oi?nV*njtiitl..n la all nardad. UEIBBLERb u»r-* tl.*3 Frallnfbuyaao ________ .8SIHTANT ahlpplnf oNriJ, "“S ,..?un.l n>.t amok* durln* worWnt hour., a t^ y1 rallabi* tnaA who

knd wllllnf: wajrna |13 por w*oA Olert lioa W. Now* ofllo*.BlXlK-KKBPBB - CnmuatanL

b.Njli-lieiD*r In on eetabllebed busln«i^« /_ . f rNow# otflco____


thNjk-keepor In M state otfo, laperience and otlary **p“ * ’ oiherwiae no altenil(m tudd Ad'drees Uompetent, Ho» 10,book men. Insurance or btMr

wanled. If -•ipon't sutL. B. kel el.

_____ __ day rfuBCROttR, fbnm’ioB. 184 Mar*

endiaT waiitoa; brtahi boy to oanY P6|7‘‘’ ■ , maka hlTPialf uiaful 1« im'iitorc AJdrraa nrlfhl, nw 60. N«w« _

BOT ’waiiTad » run trrand* and. b* fanaraUyMl WSaJIIPU VM »***■ *>*-———- — auseful, must be able to finish homJ. dreea 9.. But t\. Nawe ofllce. ___


NOTICE TO ADVERTISERSOn Saturdaya until early Sep-

• c lu ■' ■lember the cluelfled piges will close t ( n ;45 A. M. at the home oRlce and at l l i lS eharo Rt the branch officea. The NEWARK EVENING HEWS respectfully u k a the kind co-operation of lit patrons In carrying this arrange­ment Into effect, and requeati all copy ta early as poaaible. The NEWARK EVENING NEWS will be unable to classify any adver* tiaement received after 11:49 A. M. This la absolutely necessary be* ciuie the flrat edition will be Issued earlv for the convenience of readers going out of tosiR

HELP WANTED—WOMENHOUBEWOBK-Noai, youna. whlia alrl, 16 to It raara old, to aaitit with abouaowork; amall family; aood tiom*. harat st.. E«^ OroDffa

, fmm :eu<‘ral S Am<

IIOJBEWORK^Wanted* a flH for fancral housework; food hotaa and food wagei;

rcfarencea faQUlrod. 900 Boutb Cllaton au, I£asl Omni*.HOUBKWORK-Wanlad. a alrl for •»“«- Work; apartmetjl; thro* In fanolly. UKN* DEUJ. 101 NofUi auth alty^_________KOTTflFWORK-WaDied.huusework. to ilowD home. 04d Boutb Oronaa avo.


jiorflKWOHK—CHr! wanted for icnerol bouor- work; oloop bocoa. 32 TboroM rt.. near

Penjisylvkipia avg



BAI.EflSlAN—ThnrouablT ejp»rl-n,wd In mati'aAddifumliblnfi; reforanoea. Pox 96, Newe iifTlre.kddiwM RalMmon,

Hm^BewOKK-airt wojued for «naral houio- mKER. 44 IntraJum taka Uln^work, ton gve, oar.HOtlBEWOlUCr-Okrl wontod to do ll^ t bouM> work. 152 eoutb Orove at., near ClmtcD av«„Irviturton.HOrSEWOBK^Wantod, ktrl for gti

work; mu«t wpmk Engllih. 217 e n g e a v a . ______tneral houoo*Bouih Or-


HOY. 16 yCfira old, would Ilk# . .printer; nka had etpcrlenca In lypeaatting. HKkMAN REI.VMOLD. 170 Boutb Sevanlb et * sNewoxk.BOTa brlfht, ogod 16 y«ars. li onxloiia to loam to be an riectricifin. Addreu Anxloua, Bog 40. Kewe ofnca.HOY, sltts^o, dealree posltloo; good paaniati and

tcatheiuatlcloD. Aodreae Peuniab. Box 12. Nawe ctlipj;. ; _____ _BARTEkSDER.OennaD-Ainertcaa. good worker, Muiua steady puallloii; cUy or country. *VJ- dress Horlender JOHN. F. O. Box. 23&, elalr.


BA RK.^E PER-Good barkeeper wants poaltlon In country; beat reforanc*. Addroas 80

Wlltlam ft. _BAKfilll^ennaii, second hand on oakas; 10 yoari' axperlence; best refersnceo. Address Baker. 402 Passalo ave.. East Newark.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED—WOMENHOUSEWORK—Olri wants work of any kind; no mall. Call 168 New Tork ave.UOUB&WORK-^ ri dsalrea poaltlon, ssoakofs

or country. CkU Sprlngflald avs.

11 CJayton i t Olrl t e t a. soociM ffkwr book.HOUBBWORK—Qtrl wonts gnntraj bousewoiric: bo oordi. IT Dlssoker il., city.HELP—Don't be without; city or oountn'i any capacity. Ol. TTIlUP H Agency. T8 Uemis It., Oranire; lei. S2I2; hinirs, *-0,JANJTHEBB—Resoeclabls widow with a buy, 16. warns position as janllress or would olean apartment house or office; can furnish rood rsferehce. Addfese Widow, Box Bh, NewsOmOS.

BAKttR^Toung man, wUh eorae sspeiience. wishes KiosUlan In bsker)’. S3 West st.___BARBER

LER. errrvAn wants good position. OEH- Mulberry s t ___ ___

girl. g<small family; $20-|2.'T 407 Park at.. Upper MonloJalr. ____HOV0EWORK-41!rl wanted for gsnftral houas*

work IflO North Ninth ft. RoasvHle.KELP—Wsltreaasa. oooko, cbombermalda and laundraaMS, Orange wnrSQU of Pomastlo Raqulremants, 444 Main at* East OfOPgs.HELP wanted. oO notlonaUtlas; do ohorf* for

regleirsllon,JaO Acadamy f t Tel, 9046J Market.

Railroad ave.bookblndery- New Xerssr

woDied •• Isont plun^liif tiSSHJirdoT aft«ooB, W August* st, Irrlbg-HOYBaturdoy aneraosiit tOD.BOY wltk eoAS '6CQULT2 A hkfp, 124 Ollvf ft.

^wolry factory,

■OrT-Otwi. *i«o« Mr raalM to *rtv* nilkWagon. 44 Elm st

" " r U . ' v rdress B>i Box Id. Now* oCoa ________ _BUTCKB3t-'A

reliable butobv man iv*.

good, experl or wonted a

'lanced, at onoe.

•obsr and 211 iher-

hxa FKAKERS on la6laa' !»;hM Cantral Laalhof Oowt* Co.. 33 Maaaalna at-

""0“ JOHN" SricODEMO.Oronse.

Job.Oontre ft.

SOLlClTlfRS, high class, to call «m and other merchuntB; only reliable men with teferanc* and expi'Clpnce c<instdered. Lofmaiieiit: siaia capabllMloe. Addrosa thxid M.rney, Box 12, News office.RTONB BETTER—Wanted, young man; mawi

be used w 14k. work; steady position. worply. allbopp a buss CO.,Klnnev st. _________


g l'lf CASE lifAKKRi? wanted. Apply HEAD- l.EY A FARMER CO-. HsJTleocia N. J.TR4.DB aCHOOL-At lha Naw Tort Tr»d* School, foundad In 1661 ani .ndowad. p i ^ tical Inatnictton la fiven In yafloiu timSa*.wtalogue oddrass 1S08 FlrM afShp New York CUy _______________ .TIMPIKEEPER wantod by manufooturliig oom- pany; tnlddle-agBd man prsfetred. steadypoeltlon to right man; state rafsrences, pre­vious experience and soJory expected, Tlmea Box Tl. News ofltes. _____TIMFKEEPEH wanted; ynung man. ifl to 20

years old. la brass novelly concern: good a1 flgiires, Aildfess B., Hox 111. News office.TOOIj flETTERB, RnW-olaBS. required; oooili- tomcd to accurate work on turret lathe. BIMMft Martieto Co.. Bloomfield, N. J,_____

JEWKlaER—Olrl wanted: imist be experlenoed on tiamlv Dina oad ornaments 14k. Js^slrv* steady position. WORTfLEY, ALL80PP A RUBS CO.. Bfl East Kinney st.LsAUNUHY—Wsnled. operators on ihipt ma-

chiHt'r. best wu|es paid In Newark, no night work. 18-20 Reaver st.LACNRHY aUrcber wanted; also girl to learn.

Cali St onct Troy lAuadry, 21 FrellBgbuyaeD

MOTHER'fl HELPER esperletioad; capabla to ‘ 'Id four roars: handyL LslND6AY.take Qharge of chi: Degilla; rafarencoe.

CllntuQ *ve.with106

MRSH BAO«—Work home; oipertanced only, T to &. room an, U2 Wash'Coll svenlnfi, tngloD st. ■OPERATORr-Ihtpsideneed operator on Singer

button sewing moohlne for the summer, or all year rounX STEINER A BON. Axburr Park. N. J, _____

CHAUFFEUR, flret-cloas, beat references.wtihas posulon, one yeaFi experience, both

In driving and repalrtbg. H- A. DVAS, Ik Kerry at.. Nawork.CHAUFPBUR—Expgrienced ohautteur. white, wishes position; own repslra; careful driver;Rrivate family Addrosa ChaufTeur* Box 81. Tews office.CHAUFFEUR mechonio. deelree posUkm at onoe on hish srade cara Address F. 0. REHF1ELD. Oanerol Dslivery, Asbury Park, N. 3.CHAUFFEUR wlsbea position; caretful drtvor;good mechanic; Ave years' experience; New York Ucenoe. Address C.. Box 46. Newt of­fice.cnAUFFEUR (white) deelrei good, steady po-

ireful ■ ■alfioa; best of references; careful driver and sober, Addresa BAILEY, M Weat Kinney sl-CHAUFFEtJR—Colored, desires position In grocery or with private family; good refer- ance. Addreos Chaftsur. Box 02. News office.

LAUNDRE9B, flret-closa, for Monday and Tuesday, In East Orafiga. Addroea laundress. Box 2.1. News office.LAUNDREBfl. colored, wishes MH&. QOHDON 62 Crane at.OFFICE WORK—A young girl graduate would Ilka position In office; gontToJ work. 62 New Tork ave.THE Municipal Bureau of Employment of the

city of Nfiwark. N. J.. furnishes male and female employes free of charge; we Investlgsia the reoordi of all registered employaa. Hours for female domestic help. IP . U. to 4, F, M.. dall^ except Saturdays. The Municipal Bureau of Employment, city halt, annex nullding, Franklin st.. Newark, N. J.

chauffeur*—Expoflimced ebauflour wishes poaJUoo; own repaIn; careful driver; private

famlty. 117 Ctom sL, Horrlaen _____

WAHHINO - the HILUER ROUQH DRY L4AUNDRT CO.'B BERVICE Is a boon 10 housekeapera tired of washday and washwomen antioyances. For 11 CENTB A POUND we do all your waahtng, better, we belldvs, than it Ofin he done at nome. without extra charge ws IRON the bed end table linen, dannel un­derwear, hose, half hose and handkerchiefs. The other pieces dried for home finishing at leisure. Blsrching Included at 6 CENTS a pound. THE HITaTalRR FERVICE separates your hed linen (rcre your table linen In ihs washing and your underclnihM frotn boik« In short, we gBv you the service that particular peopla demand of their own laundress. An olght-p&ge booklet, telling full poxtlculora maileii upon requesL No charge less than Au cents is made. HlIsUKR ROUGH PRY LAUNDRY CO.a 418 Market i t ; 'phone 6244 M A R K E T . ___________ ______ _

CHAUFFEUR—Young m*CL s agte» rapatr1n|r. tourlM oof or tnibk, J Box .76. News ofllce. ;

, COB do Ofl Addrooi Cv,

CllAUFFHUR deelree posUlai: referenoe. A4- dress Mechanic, Box 71. Newa oill a.

OPERATORfi wgntod, expoiiaDoed oo lodlee' tailored WaJets. Apply to QUBTAV ROSEN­

THAL. 78 Mechanic i toperator® on platn tawing; alao work given- ...................nTE’home. CoU all weiit. L. BTERN, 6D Howard

BArtBER—Good barter waated; luJlaa. • Ijransa st. « t t v . ____ . . .


BaRUER w";iit*d, Siwmliiaai at**6f. OUl IT4 Blitaanlli ava, ______

'BXXKtft wMttdrsav-iafpi ^ i428 Avon ttva __________

Barber—Wonted. Und-claae barter. tTI We#iKinney e t . ______ _


wanted. Benerma avw,

CHfflF for hotal at Ltk* Hop»to«y, *J- ^ 006 PMk; waltat (or Hopatooni *•;portora, alnil* lliaB. I* month, b o ^ oM room; 6rom*n, o*ro aioam Wltr» »r Miai «

mountain raaort; drfw for fumllurt holalarin* bualnaa*. on* «p*rt*no»6 haMlI^ (umltvro piafarrodj truoh lirtentr for laoOa- man'i farm; ampariatiraO oountar mui <w «»- ahor* hotal, iwv* oraam. (il**. loo*. aalM*. oto., irana l!5. hoard and roorai portar for o*t*i ataBlaman; uaeful man; olharOE lHAN.AMKRJCiN AOBIKC^Sntlro auU* of offloa*. aaoond fl(»r. 19 OMM at

Tal. naiL Watarlv.niCHARD

Dndortakar. fonm SS06L Wavarly> HAKBFRLB. afif of Harborle Tiro*.

7 469 “ ................... .. .469 BUhtaanth AT*4-=^—JAHKR F. (lAFFREY.

tlNnKRTAKIER. _44 Thomaa it. Tal. 1T0 WavarlY,

Adjolnlni flnrdar'a and Baa Hlva; aatAbllahad a u lf century. _________almoxt


«i »• Loula, Mo. Prlvat* aorvloaa ThanAar sXtamoon, Juljr 3i. at roaldamc*. In- tannant Thuradar at Fvanraan Camatary. MatiMoMa N. J. Frlandi tnvitad t« attand.

itit.T.aTT-fin July 96, t«ll. John, halovad ■ ■ a< Nalll* Mlllatt (nt* Haniarl, andan* a# ...a lata Kiohaal and Brldgat lidllatt.

natatM** uid frtondi of th* dooaaaad ara MaSlv InvdMd to attend tin funaral from hla lata laatdaae* oarnar Ojdan avanua, and Annalyaat. Haridaoe. on Friday, J^y 38. M S A.M la tb* Citureh of tha Holy rroaa. tah ^ at aX , H. a Hlfh Maaa of Raqulam win baoffiarad f» tha r*i«*t of hla aoul- Intarmant In lha Coinatary of tha Holy Bojiulohr*

KaHtJOH-Oo July SS. 1911. Wllllatn V., holovad aoo of Thomaa and Marfuat Mo- Huah flaao Onavent. aaad IB yaara 3 ntontha 13 dav* Tlalatlvaa and frhmda alao th* mamhart «N 0» Junior Holy Nam. Boolaty ara Invltad to attand tha funaral from hli wranta' raaldanoa. No. 64 Panntnaton otrwl, on Friday. July 36. at 6 “ 1, “ **; £“■lumba'a Chtiroh, whara a Hlah Maaa of K*- aulan arill ba oftarad for tha rapoa* of hla aoul. Intan aaat In Hit Camaury of tha Holy Btoulohr* I

M*CD01fHllIX~OB July 64. l»lt, Haiidal J., baloaaA huaband t4 Snaan Maodonnall (naa KaamirtYt. Ralatlvaa and (rianda ara kindly ImdiaS to attand th* funeral from th* raat- daaio* of hi* hroth*r-ln-1aw. Mr. Robart Ona* No- 46 Camp atrMt, on Thuraday, July FT, u 6:69 Jl M., to St Columlia'a Church, whara a Rlah Kaat of Raoulem will ha oflerad tor tha rapoaa a( hit aoul. Intarmant In tha Oamatarp of Iho Holy Sapulchn.


BOSBBILL CREMATORY, UNDKH, N. J. Idoat parfaot and rafloed In tha world. iLJElSl!ia,^!±_£££SLJBL.^;——CEMETERY MEMORIALS

offioKaSTSSoWSTrJior' 'iSSffiillESrtiSrDaalatitr* and Manufaaurar* of



' rBPUTATION build in gUALlTY.MOTOROYCLEB.IN OUR NBW 1911 HAVERFORD MOTOR. CTCLS we effer you a machine that Is not an

CLERK for etock room, young fumlih reference; ohe( for hotel, .Aopury Park 176; aleo one for country hotel, pan­try man for hotel. Asbury Pork] kltohetkmoa for InaUtuUob; porter for hotel: Pprtsr «4 iiouieman for elore; uetfulraoxu oolorM, for dootert: bell boy, colored: butcher. QermM' epeoklng; firemen at once; farm hande; mill­wright; window clMtier, tlO; order Goek; or-darly; lunchman; other vocanolM. __TUb REILJABLb AOENCTY. 626 Broad

TRUER wantrd on men's shoes, /OHNBTON A MURPHY. 42-64 Unooln «t.

WATCHMAN wanted; one who can tend tg boIlAr. and a few handy men for general

wnrk A. McMULLEN, Cebtre st bridge.W ATtTR-'KiBroad si.

Walter wonted. SM

TOUNG MAN wojited by Urge oorporetlun; good opportunity for ^vencement to one can Tnlelllgently apply hlrosslf to officeT , __detnila: High ^hooi graduate preferred, but

not essential if applicant Is good penman andquick at flguret. Addreuertencs Slid salary expeoi Box 4T8. Newark. N. J.

Haling age, ex-ted, T. A. H.. P. 0.

YOUNG MAN wanted, about 18 to 9) yean of age. for reliable ooiitlnn In fontory; Irish bom preferred. Addreos. elating eipartenoe. sic., m this oouniry, Reliable, Box 86, Nows office. __

PAPER DOXKIS—Iliperlenced operator on K.ft B. stayer; steady employmebt; good

wages; tum-lti girls also wanted. DRAKE- MOHKISON Paper Box Co-, 685 North Third Bt , Ulooraflsld ear. __PAPERlSk4$fmmlt at

finishers andDOXEfl—Experienced rlDpers wanted. \V. U, Paper Box Co.,

I'OUaHERB—Female; good poUihefs wanted on gold and platiDUTn rings; steady work;

;ood wagbe. Apply ». N<87 Malden lone. New York.


CARPENTER wlshea pooltkA lo fo^ry;building and repairing; steady. Aftdroik

Carpenter. Box 88. News oflloo.___________CaHPENTERB—Two experteneed ^rpentore

will eub-contract labor. Addreoi Carpenter. 600 Eighteenth ave __________ _________CARPENTER wants lobbing; day or contract;drat-claos work. Addreaa Reoeonoble, Box 00, News office. ____CARPENTER, flrsi-clasp. wants Jobbing work

cheap. F. WOOD. 7 ttiverslds ave.CABINET MAKER deelree position; fliwt-

clase worker. Address Carpenter, BOX T9. News office. _COACHMAN, white, single.mlddle-oged. wlshe*

Doeltlorv all-around man: beet refsrgcoe. Address- keliable. IJox 90. J4*ws office. ____^CXIACHMAN wonts position; oompetent Ad­

dress BsllsblOt ^ x .tjwk* MBco.EiJ*?ttiOt*IJtraB-irip4yiMti>«t wntay <* utrAddrosa Plator*ODiutloni deglreo poalllon, Box, News ofllco.

YOUNG MAN, good appearanoe, buslneae abll':T buiIty, to transact business for advertising eon-

oeni, 86 Stirling iU. Eagls Dlopisy. .E-_ CLARK. Manager. Call bi P. M.

Call between 8 and 6

YOUHO MAJ4 M toslde faleoraon tn ■tatjo^ ery buslneea: mujrt have experience; *H_to ftort; advoDoement Addreoe SaloMnoh.72. Newi oflloe. _____________


YOUNG man wanted to drive waffle wagon.Inoulre BOYCE. T-9 A- M.. Davis ave. and Tanoon ft.. Keamv. N. J . _______ _

New Jersey's GreatoM. Agency, The Rellablw-thot'e all.


YOUNG MAN wanted, having some *AP*rl- •noe In machine ehop. Address Work, P. 0-

Box 166, South ChAJnge. _____ ^YOUNG MAN tsantad to take ordof* and ^rtt

behind bench. 60 North Flfieenlb st. Bnst Ortnie. ^






ENGINEER* experlanced, wants tt«o^ tion; rtiference#. Address Y. Z-, Box oi, News office. _FIHBMAN-Mau wlaSa* poaltlon, Sroman.Stableman or driver, handy with oorpenter*, steam filters and plumber’s tools; write or nail. T Marlon ol.MACniMHT, and toolmaker; dril-elasa all

aroitDd. wirnta position, laqulrg UB1.SON, 44 DeWItt aTV.. Belleville.MAN* handy, flTHl'Claeo, saloon or olub-room;day or nlghl; beat reference*. Address Club, Box 2a''i, News office. _____________

WABHINO-and moat Of the Ironln#. Jgtt think or tbs convenience of our ROUGH -JaT flTiTSM. We do all the washing and tuck pieces se bsd. table linen, flannel underwear*

■tocklngs, etc., are Ironrf rexdy tpr pleoee ore rrtumed rough dng to be flnlsbed m homer NOTHING RETURNED WET; M pounds, 76 cents: each wash kept w sep^t# eompartmenis; this, does away with maryog fO ^ with Ink. WARDELL Bteam laundry, Xi Cross at.; 'phongifTOfl Branch Brook.WABHINQ-Stop sweating over the wirttob.let the UNEEDA WET WASH LAUNDRY. 2n High eL. do your entire family wash for 60 cents; returned within 24 hours ready Jor the line; give us a trfal. Tel. IIOTW B. B.WABHING-Wanled, small washea of ladles' underwear, to lake home, by doten or piece; good reference. E. HARRIS. 16 Tlohenor st.WABHINO—Woman wanle washing snd Iron­

ing to lake home. MRS. ALICE MAESUKT. 2fl6 » s t Kinney at_________ __________WASHING—Hungarian woman

Inf snd Ironing et home. 66^ Bonlay st*

wants washP. DOBIBZ.

WAflHINO—Wonisn wanta washing and l in ­ing to take home- MRS. SMITH. 16 Rui-

................... . - - _____WASHING—Woman wants washing and Iror

Big. BOPHIA NAFMAN. flO Rutgerx st.WASHING and general housework wantcfl

FRANCEB KWUTKTKE. lin Broome it.WAPHlNO^Women wants w-ashlng at home

or out. 60 Rhipmin st . second floor.WASHING—Rough dry washing done boms,

20c’. dor.en. 12 West O t . ________WOMEK-Work of any dew:riptlen wanted,

239 Academy st : no charge for oecuring help Tel. 2048J Market.WOMAN wonts dsy's work. 87 Spring It

saleswoman wrnntwa In corset store;Hebrew preferred, COHEN'B. 134 Bprtngfleld ave.


CHAUFFBIIR. w!Us A1 rafarano**! rallaMfc tttody, acbari eipartanoad maotanloi forBtud*»»iar car; at*u wagaa, rataranoaa. ata. AdSr« S3 BatlroaA Bl.. W Of«i»a.

CHAUFFCm w»nl*4 diivw and ffOoS machAnto. — particulars and wmgea expeoted. S. D*, Box 14. News office. __________ .

iRuat be axporionoed Apply, giving full

experiment. In the production of Ihe HAVER- FORD we use the highest fftade material s^d,lgheif ....years of careful study in the motorcycle In---- .a a ,,..T.fA T4rv j| Jjy DOat-iustry. The HAVEHFORD Ii by esi and most comfortable machine on thekft, We aek you Jo

J, ggfd L- ......... .......... .. - - - --_uYs TOlocopol Church. Baet Orange, oorwr r rogpgot street and Rrnshaw avenue. on HuSSoy. July 27, al fliSrt o'p ock. Rplfttyee gitd frieads. alio mem^s of Bl m fleld Lodge Ko. 40. F. and A. M ; Blodw'_ . J — « - ^ u ^ mfleld Lodge ofr, ^t O. F.a ore kindly Invited lo attend, meqt at Bloomflsld Oemstery.


PARltElt-On July 28. IftU. tonti I„ widow of Uw lata Jonathan Porker, fonneily of Elio- aboth, N. J.a aged 66 yearn* FuneraJ on Thur^ day gt 1:80 r. M., from her late reoldenoe, Ko. 42 Bnsen avenue, Irvington* N. J. Relo- llvok oftd friends vr* Invited to attend* Intor tooni at Folrwiount Cefnetery-

QUACKENBU8H—Edwin, of 286 Xforth Blxtk gtraoL Nawarh, after sudden lllneea at Dorer, K. Ja on INeedsy. July 26 FuDerml isrvloea to ba betd at Dover at 1:80 P. M. on Thura* day. Jbly 17. imsrment In Ookwood Cemetery, Troy* K. T.

ROYF»-At CuJver lake, Ift t« l. I, ttobert Bows, beloved husband of jonphlne lic^e (noa Cook). /Relattvee and friends, aleo Ckmrt jfrank No. 17. F. of A., and the United Kattors of OKnge. ore kindly Inrtlcd to at' land the funeral services from his mother'sE deuce. 68 Mltohell iirest. West Orange.

J,. kfi WednetdHr, July 26, 1011, at I M. Interment al the oortvenlsnoe of thent.RTCKMAN-Ott (hinday July 2* Wll

Obifb B.. daughtnr of the late William E. and IniMboth B. Ryoknian. Funeral service at Episcopal Church, Pmad and ^Vhlmit

Kith any othar MOTORCYCLB. r***rdla*a of ooat, aqutppad with Behablar oarhutatar*. w n HAViniFaRD, 4-U P. Batlary Modal.SIM liUl HAVBliFORD, 4-H.P.M*Sneto UryNl.llSS

Ouanntaad for oha yaur. THK HAVEIR- FORD CYCLB 00. I* tba larfaat Mcyoit and Rvotoroyol* lobbtiK houa* to th* oouniry. Et- UhlUhaS IfW. Rand (or o«t»lor» ito6 tarmi.BICYCCKB—Wa cam tha laraaat and moat complata atoek In tha countyir. Wa ara the tola aianla for the Hndacn. Dayton. Havar- (orS; Packard and many other vall-kaown tnakae. Sold on caah or Inatalmanta. Vour cradll la food with ua. You rlda th* btk* nhlla you pay. BICYCLES AND MOTOR- CYCLBB hou*fn, aold aad aachantad. Whola- aal* and retail. Dealer* Inrltad. Opan avan-Inii. 'Phone 1818W, Market _haVERFOHD CTCLH CO.. 946 BROAD ST.


COPPERSMITH, braad baker. »»; fhrta ool- ored waiter*; dairy hand*; fuiw* m ^ oooka. other halo. Natlofial- tlS Market A, room 41. ____ _____________ _

YOUNG MAN wojited In bulohor shop to de­liver onlem. Now and Norfolk ilo______

YOt.'NO MEN. three, about SB: htrt proposition; capabls taking full ci^ge of oitce. soon as qualified; must be well rooom- mrnded. 82 Clinton et.. fifth floor;________

HELP WANTED—WOMENBOOK KKEPEB wanted, double eotry; youDt

lady with eipfrlsnce In taking off trial bslonces and accurate at flguree; one rimlllar with the cool huslneii preferred. Addresa, ftailng age, experlettce and oilaTj expected, Pennaueot, Box $1* News o f f i c e . ______________


TOR ON buttonhole machine. W'B pay the best rRicsa. wm. g. whiteCQ.. 79 ORANGE ST,

BOMCTTORS—BaveraJ women solicitors on proposition of merit; |1 per day; extra oom*

inlsilon: permanent If satisfactory: for Bloom­field, Montclair, Nutiey. 92 Clinttm st., fifth fLoor, MR. LEWIS.STENOOnAPHBR and offica assistant; young woman. 18-20 years old; good stetiogmpherthat can do ganoral office work; salary Il2 slart; fins chance for advancemenL W. H. B * care of J. T. STANLEY. Thirtieth st. and North River, New York City. _________

MEITHANIC-All around, wishes poaltlon;machinery and ell pump repairing; ooijealex, electricity and steam fitting. BEN* Box 2* Avenel. N. J.

TOITNO German womoJi wants poaltlon as hoUBAkeeper or cooking, with a amaU family.

PIANOS AND ORGANSPAINTER and paper-hanger, flrst-cloas. vriehoe

work; work on U>west prices. KATZ. 72 Madison ave. *■POLIHHER end buffer, with exeeutive ability.

wants poBilfbD. Addreea PGllsher, Box 66, News office.PHOTOGRAPHER with SxlO outfit wtsbea po­

sition. BENDOKAB. 91)6 film st. cUy.SALESMAN—Young man, 24, desires poeltlon;

convincing Ulker; Newark and vicinity pre­ferred; references. 6., Box 78. Hilton, N. J.RHOEMAKKR. honest, sober, wants position

Id ihtrtt store; can be oalesman. M. WKINAR, 122 Broome et.

BOOK-KEEIPEB experienced, with a general knowledge of office roullna. Address Book­keeper, Box U, New* office.

CANVASBEntll—Good eollcltore waate^oait rt- oelve pay daily. Cell end see HASSfiW, room

806, Flremeo’e innifgnoe building.________ _OOATMAKBRfl- Boater on flw 0tietoP|^oe|a i

steady work. Model Tailoring Co.kat ____COOK—Good dinner cook wanted,

berrv vt100 HtU-

axperiepced in handling ftxrolture and oor« of horse«;_it^y fwaHlm. J. J.DRnrtR.

HENRY MUlJhBR. Ufl-HT Bprlngfleld ave.DBIVBR—Eipeflenced driver wonted: one with

experlsDee io. handling trunke preferred, Psxpei__STKTOBR trunk CO., 867 Ogdeu it.rleoee

DIBMAKRB—Flrst-cU* tool and dlemakeri e^ perlenced ou mstal spcclalllei. J. CHBIN ft

CO., 810 Pasisle sve,, iJarrlsun. _______FOREMAN—For men's fine coats seollon;

must be A1 tftllrfr: reference. Addreea K-. Box 4. Newe e S c f t_________________

good Oordotifaeder, steady position; one who can mokeGORDON FEEDBR—Wanted.

m nr akb uffro BicrrcLza




ready his own jobs. App^ priming depoit- ment, Rf'OTT ft DOWNE. 00 Orange iL, Ploomflelrt. or thli evening at 14 Crown It. Bloomfield.

La J.u-2i WTlal-IAM BT


''i. gtrtetft on Thuradu morning. J\ily 27. at 10 K 1. w'eloek. Ralatlvea will meet at brr late horn*. ,*llff «OUth Eighth streei, ai P A. M. IntsTmentl.iftiik*** WOUin tign\n mwi. aiML Plsoaont Cematrrv.BITNOI.DR—fiatered Into rent on July U, Thomot Heonr, beloved liutbsod of Annie Bey-

nolda, Ogrt 64 years. pnn>’rsl senicre prlteie from his late rpwldrDcr, B4d Hillside sTenno. on nnroday, July 27, at 10 A. Id. Interment Ever- gresa Cof&stery.


WIU>^n July 16* -1911, at her late resl-dance, No. 84 Bpruoe sireet. ArllnKton. N J . Agnes M , be1ov*vd s ite cf A M’lMtnee McCauley) R»lsUv«i end frienrlB an« kindly InvUfd to aHeml the fun rnl from h r late roaidonce. No, H4 spruce etref'*t, Ai*ltujfmn N. Ji* Fridyf. July 2A. et fl;90 A M_, tn Bt. atsphsn's rmurch ahrrf a Solemn. fI1nh Moea of RsQUlem will he erfered fur the re- >ooe of her soul. iDtemisnt In (he Cemetery of Ibo Holy fiopulchre.

WITT—On Tuaadav. July £5, 1811, John, be­loved husband Mary Witt iop Palrshy), aged 74 years H.j>1attvc>ii end fricn'ln eri klii.I- ly Invll^ to alleipl tS* furpral un Frldar, ' July 28i at 7.IB A si , fr.*m hln lair rMl(lan''ft. fin. 6l Peshine avenue, ii> PI, Prter’H I'hurch, i wlivre, at 8 o'clock, a High Mu,m r.f Rc-QUlcm I will be offered fnr the rrpfif* nf hla (W'mI. In- isrmeot In the C?eniri#Ty of the Holy Sepulfhre.



reading. RIERCfi A.VU R A CYCLE. A FEW USED MOTOR CTCLEB from1100 to 1250.

L. J. Wurih. Tno. Eetabllihfd 15 v«era 26'iH William st..Newark.

GORDON FEEDfiR; SKperiancM boy wonted] go^ opportunity b> leant trade. The ficHTJliTffi Printing Oo.. 288 Weeblngton at,INWHANCB BOIJCrT^B CAN INCHBAHll THEIR EARNINOB BY BELLIND BEAL KMTATB BONDS. CAIJ. AFTER 4 P. M.. S BEt.t.ET'ILLB AVB _________

BRUSH DRAW HANDS wanted on Jawalan bTushee; axpeTlancpd only: stBedy work. S. rick. 88-40 Cravrtord H.. clty\__________boners wanted, e*|>crlencM. (rtrl* «learn on eorselo. The FEHHI3 BRuB. CO., Shipman iL ,BRAIHERB aod trimmers nn Infants’ coats.

J08EP11 ft BONDI. 19 latajHte St, nearBreed. __________COOKS. Gonneni and Swedes, private ^m- mas; obambermaJda-waUresaes, Infants nurses, resident laundrcssse, Oermen general bouseworkert, good plain cooks.Domoetlo Service Club,878 Broad st.. smmd floor.

Over Chllda'a RestaurajiL_______COOK, on* who uiffieratands cooking for ho­tel: also woman for laundry work and as- ilst with housework Hotel, 69 Court at.

STENOGRAPHER—Young womoji In wholesale house; state experience euid salo^ expected.offleAddreSB Etflclent. Box 20, News offlea.

STKN0*IRAPHKR—Experienced law slanogia.'pljer w’uiiiad. Apply Remington Typewriter

Co.. 28 Clinton et. ______



CXKiK, 180: waitress, *26, tnhotisaworkeri wanted.t^^ Om.ngfl; aide door,

Ot'T•eoahore: 78 Centre

COOK wanted In private boarding houee. Broad et. _____ _


roRMET OPER-ATGRB wentad on one and Iwo needle machine*, aleo trlmmere. The FRH-

PIS BROS. CO.. Shipman et.______

THfiATRICAl#-W*nted. for recognised vaude­ville novelty act. young woman, weighing 126 Iba or le«i and 5 feet I in. or less In height, all girls with good Intentions will ba liven a fair trial. Call between 12 and 2 P. M., or write MRS. DELMORE. 487 Wait FoTly'alxth st., N«w York. ___

TUB Municipal Bureau of Binploymeni of the city of Newark N. J. fumlahee male and

female employes free of chane: we Investleate the record* of all registered employe*. lioura for men* 9 A. M. lo 12 noon. The Municipal Bureau of Employment, city hall, annex build­ing, on tS^nkltn et. Newark.


regardless op value*ALL IN FINE CONDITION,


gl market st.. NEWARK*

MANUFACTURERS' mtd-eummor piano aal«i prices aft the loweFJt we have ever quoted or likely to quote again; upright for hefln- peri, to 1120; almoel new, best makes, |136 lo 1190; the facta are backed by the boflest bualnofis melhods of over fifty years of WIB NER unexampled succea*. Now at 903-006 Buuth Broad sL, Newark.

WATCHMAN—Man wtihe* poalllfTfi os night watchman or help around factory; best of

references. Addreaa F. W., 841 South Eigh­teenth at.WATCHMAN—iysBpMtabS* man wirtea

tion aa night Vi "reference.port-

atchmon; experienced; good Phone 8716R Market. *

YOUNG MAN (24) dealrei poeltlon oa privateeeon tary or correspondent, where ability la recognliod; several years' experience; also competent aianographor. Addreaa B., Box 86. News office.YOUNG MAN. well oducated and a hustler, w'ould like to get a position where he con show blB ohlllty; con furnish the beat of laf- erences. Addres Hustler. Box 7, News office.YOUNG MAN a9) desires position In office with chance for advancement; experteneed end ran also furnish good reteranoeo, Addreea G. W., Bex 91. Newa office.

TELEPHONE OPERATOR, experienced, for private swltvhbiianl, alao lo aeslat with clerL onj work; roferencea reaulred. Y. Box T4. News offic*.TYPEWRITER—Wanted, young woman type­

writer; one who uriderstanda ahiirthand; state wagjw. Addreea Typist. Box 60. News ofllce.

CANV'ASfiEH—Good propoaltligj W right party;Wo. on the dollar. Addreos Gonvasaer. Do*

48. New* offtoe _______

INPT’RANmH MAN—Ara ynu a good Inrurancs man? Do you want to betterCall any day. Market at.

your poaltlon BERGER, room 406. 144

INflTRT'MffNT MAKEftB, ftrst-olae* men, for very fine aosembllng and adjusting. Call 8:80 '' ” BiA M-, Western Bleotrto Co,

New York Olty.RT Bethune sL,

DRE0HM A K.ERB"Ba perlenoed dreiamaker*;(irMsmakfra: aleo imDrovsrs; wanted at onoe*

mut b* neat, quiok eewora MRS. MOORS* IM Ridgewood rd., South Orange.________ENAMKT CHAROERfl wanted. Jewelry; who are ea- steady work.poriehoed on fine gold Jewelry; steady work. Apply WHlTEalDK A BLANK, Ut»rty and Lafayette sts. ______________ _

JEWRLEll on fine work; itca^ Job for first- plofts man. Apply BIPPART, GRIflCOM ftOSimRK. 2 GarfisD st*laKAD BURNERS—At «oa, several flrtl-clsja men for 6 lb. fi per e«tit. antimonlal lead, first-tUasB men only need apply; gcaxl wageii to such. U 6. MetoJg Refining Oo., Chrome.N J.l ACQt.'HRBK wanted. axDirtenoed on lighting

fiiturae Apply 49 Oburt at.

ARE you h>oklfig far baraitlnsT Then don't- - "■T-.-ai- -jggj motor-up New bl

■grforgei to oiiU rfi ua Rllghlly u rT'los from I'tP up: bicycles f!t Up cycles of a'l kinds and full linn of aiindrict

at lowest prh e HAHltT F 8CM*NEl,l*. cor ■ Eroed and BcllevtUe ave. Belmont <’ycle Cn• NfiWARK'B MOTORCTCT*® MAHT " DlalrJbuuir for "Flvlna Markel” Minneapolis lwo«y«ed. cvfn.'thlna for motoring; used ma

chin** an hand, 4-c-vllndeT. Pierce, I16«J; lix>k>- frame Inrtlan magaeio. IllO. 407 Halaey at

MF.N—Able-bodied man wanted fbr the U. ft Murine f'nrps. Ijetween th« ages of 19 and 36; must be native born or have first papert; monthly pay |I6 to |6fl; additional oompenM- tion poaaible. food, olothlng. auartor* and raed- lial eriftnllrin fn+e; after 81) yaara' tervice can retire with IS per rant, of pay and allowance*; service on bi>arft ahip and aJhore In all wt* fif the world Apply at U. 6. Marin* Corps R*- crulilng Offtcf Morke* Ot.. Newark, N. J.. or MU F.ii! Twsnty-thlrd at. New York.__

F".‘Tl PALlij- Lrilio mf»torCyol ' to flral-clrtst ofimlltlon. for sale chsap Can be seen after 7 I* M and Bsi unlay afternoons. J A ri 19 M'lntrosft av«, Bouib Orange; tal.Pmith Orange


WtnWT—On Monday. .Toly S4. IPll, Charles eiovou hueband Of rarollns WurethelovtHalnhuberi, agn<t 'l'*, veers

“TngffffTTrt hindly ftmeroi aervtcea on ■p M-, at hla Iftti atroat. Iniermanl in


E1CTCLE8 and tires; must be sold regardless of coat, as we are butting In a, full line cf Buto suppllen. CnPtlaiiili fUcycle PJsch«ng 1T1 Greenwich *1- curaar CurtlaiiJl.aL. New York.

an n iv ersa ry m assQUYNN—Flrat Anniversnrv Higji hfuB nf

flenulMl for tha rt'V-es r>f the aoul nf the late Idollla A. QulPn, at P|, James's Himtan Cath ©lie Church, on Thur»rtay, July ipu f :9ft A. M. RelBtIvNi and rriemli are cnrdlrtlly tovlt^.

BURNF—Flrr AnnlvrreBry Hlgh Mass of Reaulem lor. the tviKiae of the s<>u) of the Morv Burns will be cel<*braTe(l it Pt. Church cm Thursday, July Yl, at

NEW 1011 magneto Eicelslpr moiorcyela with extras; run about 2<H> miles; lUSft; If you dun ! like tlnkerln* this Is y'ur machine; ao«n after 6 F M 1*4 Mulbenr sr _________DON’T WAIT until you have entire amount

iia\-t»d for your nsotOroyrie: we will let you have .me in easy iiayTiscnts. Address Credit. B-'k TpO News orttce

Reau Ute

TALK MOTORCrrLfi. Al shape; must be flls- '•ed of lmm«’dlatel>-, bargain, K'O

trirtors. Ground fli'or. 211 Jefforeon sf. ark *

\f, (INew

uy;>j_WaDliu5 for U. B. Army, abla-bodled uh- marrlsd nivn. bet wean Ogea of 18 otid 86; clHseiia of United BUloa of good choraetor

aiid tscnperai# habits, who oan speak, rsad and write ihe English la n g \^ For Ijiftwma tion apply to Becrulllng Offioi s t. Newark. N. J.

Boar, 268 Market

MBN—l made IfiftOCN) !n five ywa" wLth mail order buelness, began with Ifl; send for free

bimklet. HRArOCK. WHfl Lockport. N. T governmentMlvN wanted for government posUloa. fSO

nrnmh: send postal tor HhI p f o^n, Franklin Instltuia Iiept- 282 H, Roobestsr, j«.Y.

FOREWOMAN wanted, now wnrklng In brae- ilore factory, to take rharge of a braeelero factory In Chb-ago; hlgheot aalary to the right party; win pay expensee tc Chicago; all AppH- eallons held confldenllal. Addres*. giving ago, experience, referencea. salary expected and fulleat deiuJIa. N. K. CX, care of rHAflLES H. FULLER CO.. B2.<t South Wabash ava, Chicago. III.

FfiMALK resident* of the oltg of Newark who are unemployed may register, free of chergs, at the city's free employment oflb'e, to the city



YOUNG MAN, 26. wants work oe punch preaa hand: experlanced; wsges moderate; or any

other work. C. W,. 69 Summer ave.YOUNG MAN dealrea evening employnient wherebT he could earn 16 per week. Ad­dress Work, Box BO. News office

The F. Cotihor. noted for Ita deep, rich tone and wcaxlng quality: the celebratedtciiiQ ajili vruaj iJ4 344mi4i/.Milton 1200a sold everywhere *360; elfgant nev. upright, 7 1-8 octave, roal mahogany. Ivory key*. 1175. 16 monthly; ail piano* warrants for ten ysara; atool, scarf or cover, one y«nrs tuning free; slightly used uprights on hand; square pianos aacrlflccd; open evenings,



|40ft mahogany upright piano In perf^ ocn- dlllon, full octave, fine tone, IIOO. For par­ticulars write Plano, Box ll, News offlea.

Y(>UNO MAN, colored, 31 years old, wishes work of any kind. Call or write. A. ORSQ-

nity. 81 Crane at.





hall aBd'a* halWIni, t'B Franklin al TM Municipal Uuraiu of Employmsnt ullT nnil, Nanark, N- J.



OIRUS of 18 10 18 to work In wrappln* 4a- UHrliiwnt of fartorv offlro. Apply In own “ t-rlencei andBriharnlwriung. giving eiptrlencei am ,Defied, lo wrauning. Bri |S. News Cffice■alary ax-


ME.N fkir «i>od money maWng iiro[>oaltloQ. C*ll and h P. M.. or before 6 A. M .between rnoin iHLT Okln building.MAN -Wanted, neat. Tnlddl -aged German man. for gentwoJ work around hotel, Irving- tnn Hotel. _____________

GIKIaS—Four girla eg* nr aver, with talent for stage; nrevloue exoarieno* not necessary; all leiiiitB’unawored. Address Theatrical, Box 46. News office.OIRLH wanted to like home cro^et doHa*

■sekt and ti(>of*ev, Call from A to S F. M.. LF' POLL). IIW nioomfleld ave.. city,MRS. b _ _____aiRi]fl~bvER i«lXTEEN YBARH WANTED FOH rONFB''ri’inNERT HTORB, R. WAIaSH ft Ca. UV7 MARKET B'T________

WAITRESSES—Haft waltroa* ana ftya "P i 'S waitreaeea; experienced preferred: chance will be given bright, willing girls who are neat end quick: altuatlon* Delaware Wafer Gap. the iftoahore. lake and mountain reaoria Ap­ply further partleulara,GfiRMAN-AMEfilCAN AGrN<7T.Entire oecond floor 19 Cedar et. Builneft agency In New Jeraey.WATTRBBB and ohombermald, flnit lilag, col­

ored. for boarding-houee. Apply with ref-erenr*. 11 WaehlngtonsL______________WOMEN, Introducing new abdominal reducing ' lakes place of coroet*hose lupiiorter; nd moneyseller and money mokeri Call ail week, Fulton at.







iWO nlaver pianos: were |6fi0 and |66fij how 4525 Slid *486: easy payment*. Inciting bench cover and free use of music library. JACOB DOLL ft SONS, 19T Market st.______BLiailTLT used player piano; guaranteed

Muu* a# new; was now $87fl;payrnentfl; free uae tif mualo library. JACOB DdlaL ft SONfl. 197 Market *L________

California offer their Btelnway uprifflit. which coat |Z00, f JWflO

rather than move and store sama 33 Fair- view attt. South Orange. __________

CDUPIaB moving toIsnt.

AEOLIAN PIANOLA and music rollt. al^splendid upright piano, mahogany, will sell

Phsap. Flrtl lloof, 669 fiuramep ave., comerDelavan ave.

none better

BOOK-KEEPER, young weinaa. aow enmb

office.Addreea Competeciti

_ ' emptoT-iiA, desires to ohahge; experience at ring)* I beatttIFTX Tnnhogan: upright piano; used a

and double entry: also 1 *hort Ume: must ne* Hold on account of go*references. Addreea Compateot. Box 80, News

FINE mahogany upright piano made: itooA a# offer tak*4 It. Call 16 Howard at., block W#*L

of courUioyee.______ ________ __MATHUPHEK mahogany upright ptaa^ : . . . . --- ------*nVw ’ roual aelirany reasonable Vernon ava, off Clinton pb; phone WWW W a v e r i y . _________'PLATER'PIANG bargain; atandard Jateat J8-

noto; metal tubing, braes pe^Is elo. For - Plano, Boa 25, News officepgrtictilafi address 'HARDMAN Upright Flano; cost new *S60; can

be obtained for on*-ih1rd. Call at once. Kfll- oonla Company, 67 Ilalaey at.; open evenlhga_PIANO TUNING. repAlring. yarnlshlng; oTdej

promptly attende<L A RlEHk^N. WIfontgomei *t.; 'phone g|88W, Market.MHO PLATER PIANO, 88-note, latest a*ri(>*;

guarantejed: also 24 rolls music, mahogaliy brtch. *860. Edlsonla Co., 67 Hnlsey etWILL sacrifice my MOO mahogany piano for lesa than half; must be eold week* call 482 High at.; private houae.

upright }}d this

1300 mahogany Uprtg6t P1lllio ill*)lOj »B- grealent bargain offered. Edlsonla Com­pany, 67 Halsey st.; open evenings.

short Ume; must Ing away. Call 20 Jacob st.

WOMEN eoen roenev at home, embroldarlng;flftmnle and oartlculars, 10c, Gem Novelty To.. B1r>QTnfle]d. N. J.

OMEN end rlrla wanted at once; experlenoed on aafedv link meob. Apply all wtek At

649 South Tenth at. ___

CARKTAKER—Refined, educatad mlddl4-aged lady would like to roend sevwaJ hours dally In coring for an Invalid; Is good feeder; also

wrltee welt; tefortnoea. Addreei Refined, Box ■p. New* office. ____ _______

BLIOHTLY uaed upright planoa IIWJ ub;terms a* low as *5 per rnonth. JACOB JXILL ft BQN&. Ift7 Market st._____

WOMEN and girl* wanted for meslj bAfOieft' r>erlence unnecssaary, Apply 787 ^uth Irour-

CTjEANTNG—Widow wont* office and houoo- cleanlng ^ the day. Addreaa Widow, Box

12, News office. ______

EBONY upright piano; used; *56: gnod for , beiSnnew, ^laanlA Co., 67 HaJeey *L; open erenlngs. _______ . .

WOMAN—Wantod. a middle-aged woman, to go to seashore, to assist with baby, llvl

Broad et.

COOK-Ilood OQok and Uundreos; young warn- an; gf»M references: deelree position. Ad­dress Reliable. Box 97. News offioe.

GOOD oQuare piano#, from *M |2 per month. JACJOB DOLL ft SONft 197 Market at

woman Vanled to oleoA offles. PLUM. 820 Market st.

CR09B ftCOOK~Woman wante wlUon ■wante.laundretA office.

A firtBSas cook and ^ x 6. Kawf PIANOS TONED Ilka pfi*. Iljm. -JOHN SPURGE, 65 Bprlngfleld ave.; phon4 2408H.

WHiLOWERferWAflled. •xporlenced wlllowera no oitrich fj^there: «tea^ ‘werk; leorMri also. Apply all week. W RfilTBlR. 177 Flf- teenih ave., corner Hay

COOK--Flrat-class German woman wishes wwlc ,JiB reelgurant gr boardlng-beqae. 6 XlUta jst

PIANOfl polished: all blemlshM removed; send MAtiON. 454LOIntcn ave. .CfljEANTNG—Young wopnon wtahes cleaning «r

ftaohlng. M2 Orange at MACHINERY' FOR SALEyoung OIRl^ wanted to work on mtnlattifi ' lamp*. Apply HOWARD MlnlatQrt ' Lonp Co., s2T Academy

DRESSMAKER, experienced, wtshee appoint­ments by day or week; cutting and fitting

MALE of 16. rltjr of Ntwark whoare iinemi'li yed may r<:glet*r, free of chorj^ st the city's free priipl.iyiTienl Affice, lo the city hall, ennss huildlng. on Franklin __*t.

GiRLft wanted ovor ilxtteti year* of s«« to operate p<>weT presses. Universal Coster anl

Fi undry Company. .118 Adamfl st.YOUNG gin want^ fftr very Il^ht hohsygrtl

. apeolalty.effloo.fsw hours Ip the motninf.

FBI.L 629 Broad st. _____

NEW AND U9El>-'Unlv«raal and plain tdUI-............................. _ to* toaohlDM, 4PMI4A36raaa Drtaaaa, Bm 14, Kawa «ia» lathas, *to*i« apA multiple aplndle Inlla, foot UHl power preeasa, drop bammera. altaMn. plonersi oond screw machines, monitor l^hei,DREMMaKER. experienced, wlahea more cua*

tpmaro; hem dresoea; 12. 6S4 Orange st.H-'urs I'-r mrn. ft A. M U> 12 noor Th* _Mu - - ■ • -“ 7 TjgU,rjlslpal lliirfiiu of Binployment, city" ark, N. J

Ne«GlRl.B over Id year* of age fv>r light machine ■ "• Works,wnrk. Apply lAfByette el

Newark Riv«( young.WOifGN want^_fof262 over >Q need apply. GRAT.»8Q Culumbla i DR89BMAKSR. by day or at home. Addreas Rcaaonahle, Bo/ W, News office.

MONTH’S MINDO'NEILL-^A Month's Mind HighReuuleai will be oflrred f-T the rejxise of tn*

to*J of

*7 PAIR puncture prot»( Ores, toe clip*, lamp.ttell siren hmii gh’en free with n*w blcy-

eylei ' SCHULTZ. 47 Sfjuth Oronge ev*._____-New bicjcl*.

Bernard O'Neill, al John ■ <’ uffh, Friday tdomlng, sfi T'-80 o'clock. Bslatives aod friends are kindly Invited lo attriut

FOR -New blcjd*. never used. tre> •eler** (ample, sacrifice price. Address fl. A-. Bivx,,64. News office.

MAIL ULERKa. carrier*, olerk*. government f-mces At Washington. Newark exams.|jVi menth; \-amtl1at*a coached free, rranKlln

InHtUuie. Dept. S31 H. Rochester. N. T.MAi'HlNlST wanted, lathe hands fOT out- (jf town. Addreas B.. Box 7fl. News offioe.

I GIRL who Is witling lo be generally useful and has aone knowledi* of shortband and typewriting; stale ^wagea wanted Address Girl. Box 22. News offios.


DrEBAMAKBR wlahas to go out by ths day,\2. 280 Bergen *t., ally.ant Ijitslllgsnt pefaoo may sam pood, stsody

lueoms. piirraspondlng |or na* PkP*to{

IN MEMORUaMIn lovllig msmory of my doar -^y. Gsorgts WiOMl. who died July 28. tOftfi 'An.psriThrts yosrt have pasc; ■ HOal tho wound ^at hda "«r«e<e*t thought Around ths graiva BirRw*\rim

INDIAN rrwftorcycle. 4 H. P.; bhrjaln tn Quick buyer, Call evanlnae. ROBINSC'N, M 6ftv-

suteenth a v * . ____________ ________Ft>R ftALB~Beeond-han«l laity's tlryrle; gi>d

condition; bargain. Address M. 8., Box .80. News nffice. f

PAPER noXEt '-EASiwrlanced oi;eratof oh K.ft H atayvr, sieady emiitoyment, g04>d wages. Apply DRAKE MORRlSfiN Paper Box CO-. 6M North Third liioomfield car.

GIRL—Good girl to take aloof to (be luonntalna aaDted fur taking cars of chtldreo. ROTH-

ftTIEN. »a e Rprlnffleld tv*. ___

perienca unneesssanr. Addraas Prt*f CSwisa poijdencs Bureau, WashlngtotL D- C.

DAY’S WORK—Woman want* day's work of any kind. IS Mulbarry pl„ first floor, ^ e r

6 ci*nlock.

OTRL wanted to attend Store and help with t aewlhg; ahtirt hours. City Steam Clsanlng Co.. 404 Orange st.

AGENTS wanted for prlvat* duistma* oorfi*;either aex; aaotple book fr**: larg* p«mta. ClttPCHAfiE, *’Cardex.;* Darlington, Eng-

land. .- , _________ _

DAT'6 work—Woman wants work of aay kind by the day. MRS. BSNNBTT, *10

Grten *t.

F'ArN'TKRSi wenled. Call between 6 and T this ev>rtlisr at 248 Birejih i>xnga>av«,. fiveHIabove. Hergan al.

QIUU German preferred, good cook; no waah- Ins; g'.Kri wages Address O , Kux >8. News


BlNOERfl—Wanted. Jewish ntngirt tor sypa: A6dr«ii NATHAN KT!B9T. 831gogue choir.

DAT8 WORK—Woman wants washing, cl«on- liur. 167 Mulberry sC. MRS. KBENA7U..

Dirifi piwsses, Auiotnatlu and chines, Band* Saws.. Jelntsrt

DAY'S Worrect it.;WORK—Washing and eleanlng.^fl®

phona iTluJ Market.

Pianers, etc.; Grlndeta, Hangers, Pulley*. Belting, plants bought for cash.

F«r«e4**t thought trill ffrrgArcmd the gra.^wber* ray degr boy 1# JaM.

lllft BBREAVED mother. EMIi|A w issel

iKDlAN riT* "rTAto. 6* 'ns'*ei bargain f r quick buys?;-can be •*** eny evening, 21 .Scitnersst tl

Painters two good outsidt paJnUrt: union. Apply Ilf South Orange ava. .’OLlSHER-BoV With exparlenos » Tamp

I ru ih whM). R R A tlB T ftB * CO.. (ITT. *5

OIBL wanted over » ^ Jeorp.momews;tion

tor 4t. <■ .. . _________ -girl for soeok leather fantcoTi

EM RX)™ ENT W ANTiP—m e nIKEEPER—Middle-aged wotnoa wishes M boussksapef' for elderly couple;

MOTOR YCI.E tor sale al your pwn prico. A. ANDERSON. H26 Broad st . city

BcUms Tanning Oft. l i t Busses ai%attORGB

CARD OF THANKSW* dMlrt to thank th» many friends and relatives for their meiaages of sympaciiy. fiiseat trihutou and for xhslr preseru'e at the fuMfal of out beloved hvebatid and father. John C, Krtl^ner. We aleo wish to ihank Rev. Dr. Browhe. for hla words of conaoiatlon aod aympethy. and Mr. J. Brlerly, undertaker. • ^ eaUtfartory servles:

Motorcycles and Bikes WantedMOTORCrri.^ wanted Immedistolr. fc*od oon- 4ltl.-m; cash ' ready for bargain. AdgrepiMob>rcjclej jtox j^2i£215Jj2£JL

I’Vcili hayyxwfvtm.« on tTlBdlo*. M DORFJIXN BN08J Pro,p«:t pi.T1 J

QIBL VAntnl (or oodA fountoln. H. FRITZ, tm BtoaJ ol

HHEtia IIANHS—fiKpoTinrod penrot pnto 6868*. r«il J. CHIIH * CO., 810 Pltol'e •«.. Hit-

omir-8riwli rtri MnrtO. 18-18 l*WT8n« I t____Bonow URi. Oo.

accounting by ‘ CsrflSsd A o ^ n t^ .jBo v autlllsd. ^statnattaedExamlnatlbtt*. f’bdt syrtsmik «w^kesp*rt furnished for lemporaTT occoahma. -Our rts-

fflhatf totn^ngi tslsi^aae mS

p to 'ftboktng; willing to go to ths ooury; referenoea, Addreos J. U., 410 WafhlngtS s t


OLOVB operator and ans BverHMltehsrontsd. 455 Springfield ave.

^Sinded i»6 ®*^ bunding; tolsphoseMarket. _j___


BOUSEKJBBPl R -- Refined Amsrtoon young weman; hausekeeper, caretaker banhelor’e apartment or.tor father and sea; best tsfar- encse. Addreaa tt- Box IT, News offle*.


BOItBRB. englnta, pomps: lOxlfiiTxH ft>w Duplex air campsunoor; figlO eteo i dHvsu.

ACCOTNTA'NT—Expert; hooka spaasd and *lE irtriu^!tid ;^ te«^ invssttgatihne; •ntanglsmenta adJiueMi; finiiRilal itaiemenii;

liOtTflBlCBeFCR " Gsman-Amertoon wlahse poallton oa houoekeepar or eowpofilaft: Word et.c#rt~of_lTiV 1d'^^ood reftrence. Addreas Refer­ence, Box 19. oflloe.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP l''RFi BFR end buabelmaji wanted Immediately. Inquire 667 Morris nVs.. Elleabeth, N. Jfor also th* pallbear-


CEMETERIESI TH* EVERGREEN CBMETERT^genlied J uKl' between Newark and SlIaabsitH: on4 Mais Uiie troUey route, fare 6 cents:.not a

MOW company; awnsybeauttSriwctlou rscenily Isid tmti Parmanfat ^ OB 1.W* ptol anlMd portlaLpegmenU. HSNKT IL.LDOXKR. flgpariutondapt. .miaahstlii N L

CEWI|Wg^ iAKWiQftpn. ftfllnfftaftby* KlAUta 4ft ftNUtUfF*


notice Is hereby glreo Ibat the partnerablp beratofor* exlellui ln*iwe*n irrederl" FrObD. WlllUtu it- niiydnm khd krwl. J.

l^erlek A._____ . 'red. J, Mead,•ad ronducLd uod**r ?b* usmt aod style of ■■The FrmhOi'Mead Oobrmo fompaoT,’' it No, 5 Aklsa Ucs Orange, New Jorae}, has been dlsaolvsd

by metnal cnutenl. at»1 salii btialorro win bers- jiftsr be eonducted by Frederlrh A, Frahiu,Datsd Orange, N. J., July 21. 1011.^ . fhRDBRICK a. FUAHM,> HILUAM B, BUYDAM.


PLI’MDER'S APPBRNTIC»-Wuiu8. TMla- ifired plumber's apprentlos- 166 Avon av*>

mAat ivstema: apodal arnuLgeinente foe month- *EPSR—Educated, roAnsd white iv^eupstrlaKA and perlodlool audita: chargfti ms working houeskseper tn tainllv of i4aaonabl« G. LANGOAARD. 845 Brood at.; a and one child: no waihfng cr fson- - - - - - - -

Pl.UMBERfi' RELPERR. etpOrisnoed, Wonted at once. Coll 166 Bonk at.

EOUB EKKEPER—Educated woman os working houesi two odulta and one child: no waihfng -_ .. Ing: bmito at ssoahors for next two mootbs; good horns snd wages. Addnsss Hotna, Box fift Nswa offlea.

telephone 7097 Market.

HoUSEfWOftJt—Middle-aged woman wouM like poeltlon at houiaworic: experlenoed; pre­fers good home to blrt wagM: city or ooun- trr. Address M. F„ MX Tk, News oflloe.

Watsa hu not been oonnsetsd with the flnti of fIntilaTi ft WglBi alnoe tba dissolution of

' » wMOin ago. BBNJAlflN ith llaaeBtb s i

PLABTERER8 wanted, avs., Newark. N J.

BALEdMEN oon earn big noiiey eeUlag water front property op, the ESost Je

HOUSEKEEPER—Wem^a wonted to kean CBl) t t 1« Columbl* btoito mlnutorrids from Newark. Address all anawsra oora of N, MARTIN, Iff Valley road, Waal Or­

ange. _______________________

automobile washer wants private cars to wort and polioii <u gotoge work] beet r^renoea, Addw Wtirter. ^ x M. K m oOLdo.

HOUflEWORJC-Naai, lulfabta youag eolored BRENKma, OrttiftdA pi., Monirialt,


II—PIANOS, OTfBtia tuned,65 years' aiperlencs- H^NRY EWALD, M State at.

suwroatio formtog machines, gas e^naa, •lectrlo rooiorsv bollera, eglnei, pumps, blow-era. io^et kettles forgea, emery grlndeni, pol­ishing antndles, tvlses, hangers, abafttng, pul­leys belting and mtocsllaneoua other tools; tn- tlre Dlanta or parta thereof purchased ouh. Newark Bee. Hand Mach. Co., 08 Chsatnnt at.NBW JBRfiEY MACHINERY EXCHAKOB. Market at., opposite Penn. R, R. Btatlnn.trniveranl Plain and Hand Milling Machine, Screw Cutting 6p»ed Turret and Buffing E theo. Dtill, Power, Foot, Borew end Drop ShAptiB. J(J-4.f Bplndl*

Saw Tablaa, BIpweta, Elharting, MacdacbLnery> Entire

machine# ftHOP—oom^ letb hand andFOOTPUtTOI]rtCILpUTFITl AIX NEW TOOLS

[TnIIIY: PRICE tlOO; iB« .






•rt 84lt arlven. Mw. BufTals forto W*w-n, wlfh entiD*. BtotMlAl r im n tto i 11

LATHB-fto-Mn-toeh rtrtoai- toW portr, wnh •1M> itot. chock* »na *11 of UtohnwaU: *t rcMCoc lc price. 87 Kerlli FourttoPth rt.. bu t Onsn. ' , __________KIKB-H. p. Etoofcu* n* eocine. m cuallr new: eo-llfbt dynanio. to fiM condlUn.------- --------

"womi^ tou»wprk. cityor country.

oeejt; fre* tTahodrtAtloei; huatlen eolyepply. BBCKBARPY, Wt Bto*8 It

ARCHITECTURAL drtfiamatt wlihee work at home Bights. Address C. Box 60. Nawa nt-

floe. _____ __

HOUBKWORK>-O*ripao woman wonU ^ t io n for leueml heoeewoTlt; sleep honw. Inquire

’' r a w .Marker lor prlow ebd information.for aeu™— ^ -■Aar 5 P. *1.4 6i

STOCK SALESMAN-Ab totoontkmc oppcg- ttinlty ta offered hlgb-claja aaMaagCto aan

tnduMiikl stock; enty those hsie ataUlty and eoa (tva heat «f AddrtM Manufoatw, M iK> Mvf/ftiiift

BOCSEKEEFER-^uroanan wanted as pouaeksepermlddle-ofed ... _sr m a ntrt Cam-German

fly. Indutre Tbursd^ afternoon, hetwean 6 and Q ftcloek. at Sif, Sununar are,, oity*

BOOK-KEEPER-norto^y experlenoed: hlghaet referencee; dselrte peeHlon; capable of 'oaauralng fUU otkorie <4 offlee.Books, Boa 18, Wawa oflteft

MOUBEWGRK- Young aungorlan ftri Doattlon lor housework with, a cuot

jCrtJE MAGT, ta WnU atwlsfaeatoi^y.

WOOD working tMlft tavbdry aqulpmenu ao • aloe inakera* aa^ Jewelara* machlnsry. 66

Chestnut A

HicUiicrT W«bMAddnap

KSBPKA—Eldwty wsuut mil*8 u SOT. 19. -Irtu* iAppti, •tlH' « ». I t , niSB,

UUStrttrtl I t ' MrtUlt^ * 4*111 OPUPtrT AT u

• M U k TwrtitMh

» S S 5 S £ ^ S S S . I f f W ! . . % 'B S Uie« Ito.. Hiwrfaoa. N. J.YTANTED-Fo«t pom r *cnw c i t t iu Uttw:

MM* Irtrticaluv. KOET. YrUoSlt, n j H*«h<B* i t . StltorUto, N. 3.

B o e n m o r tK - o i r t » « « • lUfhj in m - - w uitor. A iv ir u * i S u i M I

■ «

Tvyn p1

rk.■ 1

rkl 1 'oliny H ^vUe H Aor.uidl»h:«*


*SB,__ H u)Ut.


1uTrand 1tale>urs H hM.,rau 1 1-Ibg, H L\

Ii t


f i f iruckik*r A »l

30LTit*k l^MTf,

dies' ltc»; r Bt.Iron-JRT.




ml*,|UOte< lMfln->.MmcBtWlBS-03-OOA

p, lieh nratrd it D$'i\ Ivory

motad veil r* It hand:

ot CtOtl' 3F p4f- Ic*.

h ftftW:ludiDrIbrkrjr.

thatr }f «350 I Fklf'

I, ftlan111 Bellcorner

bitter • oftih ik tvttL

u. 80 WOW

:eat5. For I office

flO; m n i . Kdl- nlnf*.: orderr AN, W


upright )ld this

if need, a Com-

ubM a of go-

ilOO np; I DOLL

ood for L; open

vymen le N a I9T

erpertfILD. a


>d; iiiid'■■of-.

In mUl- nd *pio- e dnlla, flhaperi, t latheii. •Oftnai* j, blow- Dm, pot- ng, pul- xiii: en- a oub.rCiut f tiAKOB*Btatino.

llaichlni. Buffing

id Drop Bplndli

raw Ma- Tablea,

Ihafttng, Bfitlre



IB.a t

a ' n i

•Wr With MAU; at ■Btb aLi


S wlrlBf.11 up m

lenU•Tfi «l


W ILL party c t partlea wbo have in Ui*lr poi- M ill on the will of tha lata Jo iu Brown Jr.,

of Wood Ql«n, N. J„ (ormarly of Nowarh. klbdlr oemmunlcati with bla wUa lIRd. JOHN BROWN JR., ChUfon, N. J.. Routa No. i. All papera plaaae copy,U T WITH. SlkB W ant, baa left my bed and

board, 4Dd 1 will not ba raipoiialbra for any

n W H B N W URSt.dabta oestraotad by har,



plajBO Iflitnxetlon; I t p v weak; farta; parma* neat oompantou daatrad. BALLAVAIR, De­livery 4. BomirriUAW ANTED-

A home for two ehUdramZB Niagara at.

O'LEAAT, William CuJber Co., of 181 Orange el.. Newark: WUllam culber la not reapon-

Fible for any credHa mada by Michael O L e ^ .HOARD wanted for a little girl two yearm

old; with good Oennan family. Addreaa Beard. Boa IS. Newa offlee.

Busin MI P e n o u laLJU>IEf D X U IlIN a AOVICS





FOR TOUR FLOORS.IL Q. Bulna, Waa Flnleb or Sheltaa

PAINT TOUR acilKBNS NOW.Screen Paint, Qreen or Black.

ROOFS WILL NOW SHOW LBAKT iPOTR Roof Cement or Koof Paint.

WALLS; 60M18 ELEGANT EFFECTTS.lluraeoo, Galcimo, SanlAat or Keyitoaa.

ALli kinda of plumbing material and Rsturee for aale- You d tn 'i have to be a plumber tp

purohua aanie. Jlotl lim enamai oath tuba, enamel and marble lavatorlee. high and low pattern tank olnaeifl; rengee and range boiiare, alnka. five different pattern waahtnya, repalra for pltunblng Qiturea, blgbaat grade gooda for dweflinge. cotUgee and pungalowa All goode a r t Diw and guaranteed a t very low pritec. E. B. LJBONjWD, 14 Lombardy a t , oppdelte Waeblrtgton Park; UL W L M kt; opep evgaASPHALT Flint Roofing Fall, II. 50 roll. IW

equaie feat; anarket pripa, |B; atandard goode; remnanta, |1 roll; exMlient for oU ihlngiu or tin rooCe; aaphalt matahJo paintii 60c. gallon; largaat dealer In New Jaraeyi de- llverlee free, any; eetabllabed JfiDl- IL NAYLOR, lel. 1114 Market. 184 New Jvreey Railroad ava ______ ___

W e d n e s d a y s = s p e c i a l R c j l E s t j t e DayS=SatnrdaysFOB SALE

ChickensCHIIHENS (or u l j ? Khula lilaod Krili .nd

Plymouth ItiK-ke. Call SOU South NincleemhBl.FIVH” rPBe-comb r T 1. Hrd hen*, all alngle-

ooiBb Wliite lieehom beue. on« ytair old, tu»w laying, for eaia cheap. IKi Weet ai.. Kaet Ur- ange, N. J. ___FIFTY year-oM White Iwghorna; all laying,

•old cheap. ID lluiiterdon at.OUR growing feed malcue pullcti lay a month

urLlar and niakca nenk chickent atrong; beet ()uaMry ftH>tle are cboapeBt Farm uii<J Garden, liuti Market itSIX durki, cue gooie ami one portable coop.

728 South boveutoenlh at., near tiprltigllelUl ave. «

a l w a y s o n h a n d

Large quantity of aecxHid hand build­ing material. Board*. )oiita, timber, eaeh and doore.



m R Y T -S T X year* agu I had a eevere e tn ^ eof parajyali. and nineteen year* ago L found­

ed Oio •'Bleetrlour#;" elnoe that time have been <leveloplDg aame; to-day w« have a BURN f^URR and PWBVEPNTATTVE for th a t dreaded diaaaeei wa make a ipeclalty of paxalygie: uo Phyeieiaa who la boneet with hlmaelf, olalme he ean pare paraJrelei call or eend for Utera- lulw F. C. U U JB R ID G E, 179 WaahlpgloD eL| aftpl tteeoUjr removed from 228 ML Pleaa^ a u avh *Pb<me 6T7AJ M arket

ARE YOU looking for Jlvturee eUch •* cOun- Ure, eQaleB, eiiOW oaeci, ihclTlng, grocera'

Ice boxet. alio flat ice boxea oyiter bare. ft*h itaoda, reitauraiit fixlurei; aultable term* ea- Jindod to all; lave one-half by buying from the Newark Purvhaalog Company, 78 Academy ■L. tfll. 6U4L Market. Flxiurea alao made to order; w« buy everything that you don’t need.

____gpeolallfL STB Broad gL,twenty yMiw e x p e i^ o e aa 4cefrC h U firii tweni. , ___

epeelalM eu all chrento dleeaaee of men and w onaai catarrh, nerroua diseeaea. dlaeaeea of h « M klueya, atemBahu iJver or bladder, rbeu- laattimk w lae rr and all long dlea

NdJoe-^Offlo* houra 8 to 4 P. M

w w nw viyft h u m a n b e a U ‘ty «mwre parlor; ipeoiallgt in hair dyeing,

ualng a preparation that doee not rub off or a iala the a w p ; Jour oamfatnis made Into any deeired gtyle you w iah iaeJe on Queen Mary d u fte r and bralda TTB Breed et,, next to PettF pi eloeed Friday eve&inge and Baturdaye a t 1 P. Bt

gumopoDisT.fOSBY. 29 CEDAR 9T.M. & ___ . - -.

M ankuiing, face and ecalp booing and nair dreaelog, with a nalr food*.^ R O T QUALITY AND PERFECT MATCH g u a r a n t e e d . THONE 4S19 M arket

maaaage, chaoi-th a f m l line ol

GET your oerpet cleaning and your opbol- etertns done where you get guaatlty and

CQf * .BQQig- Oioba Carpet Oleanlag and upboleterlng OOf S»lk Oain^ b«il bL; tennerly 840 Broad i t

SUPERFLUOUfl BAIBpWarta, Molea aod Btr by electrloUyi 21 year

MMB. WBSTERVBLT 80k 218 Waehl&gtoo eL

Ma SSEUBEi who haa auooeiefully treated pech r>ie fnr umvou* troublea, poor cIrculeOon,

r inetlpatlon, will ghre general tnaxxage and Hicohol bathe; Monday, Ttiuraday Toeer ved. * 0 Columbia iLroNSUMFTION—Treated cuoeeaMullr e t hotna,

modern methoAa InexpeneiTi, Indoreed by bualneea and profeecloiial men. For partlo- uiare addreie Beetam Dielrlbutora. Hatupe^g Creation, 411 Heed building, Philadelphia.liO YOU ■tammer? If eo, call or write Pro«

feeaor 0, 11. Enola. 614 W eit I87th a t , New York, wbo ha* been employed by Board* of Bd- u cation throughout the U n lt^ State* and I'nnoda to treat the etammering ohlldren.LADIES, ~ATTENTIO»M-Why pay 28o and

BOu, for ^ f f i t 1 make the *ame thing for IBo.: ewltohea, traneformatlon*, made from combing*; all work guaraoteed. MRS, WOljf, 186 south Ntnth *t.________________________MEN and women of ability wanted to learn

Meobano-Therapy; drugle*e healing; Alexl* O uftavt U. T. D.. repreeeotlng Carnegie Uni- vereltyi diploma* awarded. 27T Main *t., Ea*t Orange.

ALL kind* of store, office and butcher fixture* boufhL *old ana roanufartird by the Re­

liable more Fixture* Co., U. GREEKBERO, uroprieior, 26-28. 61 Ferry eL; tel. 63el Uar- k f t ; poaliivtly ao connection wllh any other ■Core; illieral tenni extended.ALL kinds of eecond-band building material

for sale; *asb,doorA hemlock and pine board*; lO.OOQ square feet tnaple flooring; bulldlhn bought and removed. A. ROWE, 119 Main iL. oomar Hollywood ave., East Orange, N. J . | 'phone 8 2 ^ ,



BARQAINS^Whlte Mountain ice cream free*- ere, 4-quart, 12.98; 6-quart, 12.9S; S-quan,

S-98: 10-quart 14.19; 12-quart M-BS. Orange ardware Co., 827 Valley rd., next poelofflceh

West Orange; 841 Main at.. O nnaaBARGAIN In pool tables a,nd eupnllee; tables

b o u ^ t eold and rented; repairing and re­covering a specialty. LUDtOW, faclory. ISl Market et.; ^phone 3184 Market,BILLIARD, poof^T aa,^ A CANFTKLDr 1 »

Market e t . mfr'e: prloee low; bought, sold, rented; oa*h or InstiilmeQL*; repairing, eufipllai.BEER-^Pabst'e famoua Milwaukee beer. _

or dark. |1 per oa*e. 'Phone 776, Waveny send poetaL J. B. BRA68ER. cHy.


CUT GRASS chandeUerg; hend*om« cut glaas chandelier, cDnalstlng of 12 and 6 lights;

can be i«en a t 292 Old Bergen road. Jersey City, N. J ..................- • - ............. ’OARDS and printing "on the jump" at low

prices; c.irdi. T6o. up; no eloppy work. ROSE Bcl-il-S: A59 M uib^rpr lecwod floor} ' 88ARr-Clil'FEH ro lL gae water heater, for sale

cheap. 509 Main f t . East Orange.FOR BAliE^EasUnan kodak, film tank, devel­

op! ng machine and other kMak supplies; also band priutlnr press with type; no further u*e for them. 8So RJoomfleJd ave., Glen Ridge,FOR SALE—HUght young white rabblte; good

breeding. Inuutro MR. SAMUEL NEWTON GARY, T7 WUnam *t.. Orange, aeftr I*ark it.FOR BALE—Kitchen etove. with high nickel

top, and oak bedstead with spring*, like pew. Address Cheap, Box 60. News officeFOR BALE—12-foot grocery counter and a 89-

galiOD oU tank; also a gxKid ooflea grinder, cheap. Store, 5 ^ Fifteenth ave.FOR BALE—Houseboat: 12x80; extra strong

■oow; prioe |100. Address M., 82 Cortlandt i t . Newark. N. j.FIXTURES, showcMes. etc., for elgar and

oozifecUonery store, for sale. Address VAN D., Box 2J, News office.

VADXB8* and gents' garment* aleaned:. preaeed and repaired; four suit* a month,

6886 R, Orange: goods called for and 4*l1v Wed. M. P in i ^ P S . 41 Main s t , East OrangAbOKSflT American: thoroughly andentajMl*

house f lu t in g and psper-hanglag; f ^ Uo* of aatnpl^ and tool*: work by day or coniraoL; reaM iA te prices. VINE3» 1m Fourth e tDOBS your Hwlng maohlne need repalrlngT

If so. send postal to U a MTTCISLU 40 TTilrtee&th av«.j he repairs all makaa.SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed. Keep oeoli

ICB MA6BAGS. Office open. DH. M. V. STICKLE. 79 Halsey at.SPEClALr>Fadal masmge, 28o.; ebampooing.

28a. I manicuring, 25c. Boetoo Majuourlng Parlor. 6frf Brnad st.

LOSTBI^OBLBT—liMt. gold bracelet, between SIS

I t and Prudential building; reward.

CAHERA—LoeL camera, going north on Mt.Prospect ava. car, Sunday n l^ L ll;29

o'clock. MISS SADL^L 14 Vanderpool el., city.DOO-^iOit, Boston bull with white breast and

white blaxe and hraas-studded collar and lock. Reward If returned to J. F. HABLAN. 668 South Deimoot ave._____DOG—Loat, brown English bulldog, white

br*a*t. on Boringfield ave., Tuesday night, rew ard If returned to 672 South Tenth st.i K. M cCA lN a__________ ________

wearing ublnglofi pL

end Broad it. Reward If retumod to 97 Wake- tuan ave.

1K>0—Lost, ton-spotted Boston bull. hrs4S-mounted cnilar: neag Washing

DOG—Lost on Saturday, brown and white collie pup: answers to name of Sport; reward

If returned to 211 West Clfhtt-n avt,, Im ng*ton,DOQ—Lost, on Saturday, a dark brlodle puppy;

had eclair with ball attachad. Return for reward, 245 Highland ave., (Jrange.FOB—liost. black silk watch fob; with gold

looket; attached diamond in centre; numo- aram F. D.. nn loohet: suitable reward wilt

paid for it* return. DH- FRANK DEV- 1«1N, 98 Congress et.FOB—Loat on Tuesday, 4:19 P. M., near

Beaver et. and Market st., a watch fob, black onyx. Finder kindly communicate with Watch Fob. Box 88. News office.HAND BAG—Lost, lady'e hand lag. contain.

ill clIng 137 In bill* and some emal.‘Ither la Barolay et,, Lackawanna ferry ___ _or ow 11:89 P. M. boat. Saturday night. July


22. Liberal reward If returned to Mft9, C. a . LUNDSTROM, No. 1 HInriohe p).. HJoomfleld, K. J._____________________________________ ;HORSE—Lost, black horse (tironco), i 'W'hlie

feet, white face, Initial "H. E ." on rymp; waa seen a t Rookaway N«ck and PInebrook Funday. tlO reward If returned to FRANK MeOARMACK. Rlonmflald ave., West Caldwell. rpbcoe fllU Caldwell._______________________INNER TUjBE-Lost, automobUe Inner tube,

elM 8 9 x ^ between Park ave. and Central ave.. on Fourteenth e t Finder will plt*use return to 148 North Fourteenth st., i ^ t Or* enge, and receive reward.WONBT—Lost, by newsboy, employer's money.

In ■mall brown nockethook, between Blaeck- t r and Plane and Broad and Market si*. Return to OREENBLAT. Bleecker and Plsjie «l*.MEUDAL—Loet, silver medal; Inscription on

back, "July 4, lOIl. 76-yard dash:" reward for reconi. 222 Washington st., room 811.NOTE BOOK—Lost, Sunday, note book, oon-

talnJng postal from Newton, N. J. Fleaie return 40 Newton st.POOKEXBOOK 1o«t <\Q Bomb Slxtrentb et.. ht*ar

Avon gve,, Saturday; a porkctlHiok lonulning monefr fob and lockrt with the InltUis A. Reward If returord tr> 606 Booth Sixteenth et.DOOXHTBOOK-^LOflt. between Broad and

Waahtngton on Market st.. Tuesday, sliver reward. Return T.

burteenth st.

Mhtngton pockqtbook oonlalnlng .. P A Y I^IC H . 470 SouthPURSE—Lost! between Bamberger's and the

stam p Atore.' am&ll ourea. Qpntalntng.sum of. moaevt reward. Finder return 196 Vaii Buren

^-V{XTCfl.r-I.o.u Jn .IUosmfl.ld s n - d im lUde.,

a gentleman's gold watch. Reward If re­turned to W'HlTTEMORia. 88 LH^en ave..

FOUND ^SwOTOTBOO^-Found, pockothook^ owner i-an

have tame by proving property and paying ^g|*n**i, 197 Jeffereon at.

EAFB money by having ue reflnish your silver­ware, obandellers and brase bedsteads, mak­

ing ibem like new; anything In tiie metal line finished and repalrnl: a superior sliver polli^------— •‘-^1, Write or ’r " — ^


WHY not apply a metal celllngover theerarkefi plaster tn your kitchen,bathrooms, ■tore*.«'ic T

in iij-------- ---------------------

aJwayg_oD hsad. Write or 'bbone ftset.NEWARK NICKEL PLATING CO..

________ Rear 88 and 40 w alnut at.

GROCERY FIXTUUEB for *41*; three-tub Alaska refrigerator, counters, scales, coffee

mill, cases, etc., reaatmabig. 8W Plane etGET ESTIMATE, high-grade window and

poroh screen*. Newark Screen Works, 76-77 Boh ley *LLARGE and a medium elxed safe cheap, and

office roJMnga cheap, at MR. CABIP8, 64 Academy s t . ; 'phone 2B38L Market.MOTOR BtlAT. £■).*: II J l. Mluiua .n iin s:

m s . JONES. IM H.U ct . t , thlffl Sior, H.wwk. K. .1.

T)’pewriters and SuppU«aLET ua overhaul your machine during vaoatlon

time, H« rent, 42 M monih,NBW'ARK t t p e w r i t b r e x c h a n g e .

224 Market at..________ 'Phone, Market 448Q.REMINGTON typewriter, laic modal, and oak

desk. $20; also nice I nd^rwooU. cheap; sell­ing out. Factory, 72 Mursluril *t.REMINGTON lviw» rlter No. 6; used eli

m<>nthH; tll6. Addross Remington. Box 41News office.TWO visible typewrllere. must be sold; flOand

|20; lytiewTiler mrbon paper. H6o. per IdO sbreta PAVEl'. 6lu Hroad el,; ‘phone 407T4 Market.


IX>0 AND CAT h o s p it a l ,812 Bergen sL.; 'phum* i:ibl Waverly.

puppies. 6 will ecH rfiaeohable. A. ENDLVai,

GENUINE white German p<> dles, weeks old

BT Florence avH.^lrvlngtun.IB YOUR no W o il CAT INDTSPOflEpT

Rend him tn the Vender Roest Veterinary BospItaL tHUU-dlng of dog* a ipeclaliy,Orchard at.; 'iihon# gUiW Market.PEDIGREE collie dog. and blue rtblwm win­

ner, for sale chpnp. Call at 88 Court st., EDW. BCHMFRBKR JR.




L a d d e rs , D e rr ic k s a n d F laK poIesCARUIAD LADDERS FOR BALK CHEAP.


NOTICE TO ADVERTISERSOr Saiurdflvs nntil early Sep­

tember the classified pajtes will close 11 11:45 A. M. at the home office and at 11:15 sharp at the branch offices. The NEWARK EVENING N^WS respectfully asks the kind co-operation of Its patrons in. carryins this arrange­ment into effect, and requests ell copy as early as possible. The NEWARK EVENING NEWS will be unable to classify any adver­tisement received after 11 ;45 A. M, This is absolutely necessary be­cause the first edition wfit be issued early for the convenience of reade-j eolng out of town.


BULL'S HK.^n OOMMISHI.iN BTABI.BB. Th* Ur*stfi«t llor*4 BtAbif's in Npw Jersey.

Uruad *1.. Newark. N, J-1Y1va4« tixlM a t All Time*.Regular Auollon Salro Dvery TUKSUAV AND KKIliAY,

oommtncing nt 10:80 A. M-. ruin or shlnoi, a t which tlm* ws uffer nvnr SUO-IIBAD OF HOKH1C8-- UO

of all doscrlpUouiFor sac'll sals w* r«cslvs cunslgnTnents of

bursa fixim ih« ra m s or Pennsylvania, Ohio, loitl&QH. Virginia and Nsw J«r«iy, Miectsd by sipert boroo Judges, sad oro instrucltd by uur shippiu^ to posltlvoly **il tliesB horses to U s nigbo*t bidders.

With oach oiil* gOM our bona-8ds guar* antoe, which moans boriro Is oxoctly as rep- rosenttil or nu sol*.

lOO-BKCOND-llAND HOTl3R9-lfN> Ojmer&lty put up at aubtkm at theso ooloo.

Theoo horssa ar* brought hero by privato flriuje and Individuals.

OUR uua k a n tk b i p r o t e c t sYOU. ALL MONET RKFUND*KD IF YOU ARB DISl^ATlS-

PIED WITH TOUR PURUHAfltt.nnrie. Mules, Wagons and llum ss r«-

pslved from any <m« to bo *011 oh com- miiRlon. either at auotlOD or private eals. Horst«s for tale or exohonge at all tlmfs.

80 sets of new Harness tor tale cheap, THOfl H. HOT, PROP.

J. B. m o r eh o u b b a n dWTIaLIAM PARKHURRT, Ba)«am«n.J. b. WILLIAMS. Auctlonfor.



■ ■ —- ■ Cate -PDR81AN female o a t orange and white; prise-

winning itook; must sell; any reasonable.uffev.. -K- V«m^.4^ya*..‘.Q£t..CUDluti. .’p.bAi^.eOOW Waverly.

WatchcG ind JewelryOW CRZDn^DlamOhds, watches, Jewslo: pay

II weekly] buslaeii oonftdentlal; no refareuiM rSQUlred. a g a r . lOl West 141 et *t., N. Y.

Old CoiiifOLD coins and stamps wanted for cash: senrl

llSc. for large illuetraled coin book BEHNKT etamp Co., 827 Brood *t„ oUy.

Sl^nfla r t is t ic Blgns, Bhow card* and lettering. DY-

.TAB-VE SIGNS, stio, to Ben-A-Tar, T86 Brood, near Marttet: 'phone B0ti9 &Iarket.

PlfconiSHOW HAMERS for Mis cheap: good stock.

12_Kotnnrn et., pity.

NEW Ice cream dip wagon Cor .soJe, |80. Fourteenth ave.


o l iv e OIL—If yeu want to grow fat and rosy, use Lily Brand absolutely pure olive oil of

Nice, France; a positive flesh and blood btillfl* sr; tu> rheumatlfim. kidney, liver or stomach trouble* can exist where this oil li used; It Insures perfect hoalth. B<»ld only a t Olive Braaoh. UO Newark Arcade, 640 Broad a t ; N o w et entrance. W. D. TURNER.OFFTCa furniture and supplies, desks, ,chnlro.

tables, filing cabinets, booxiiiaBes, Index cards, folder*, etc.; forge stock safes. Jcurnlture Dept.. BAKER Printing Co.. 281 Market it.ROLL-TOP desk, |12; showcase, coun*

ter, 14; Tsylor tewing meohlne, |a.50; BUmp- gOT) oomputlng scale, cheap; Remington visible typewriter, like new |25, oost iKXIr 16 WUl­lam st., nesr B rou-ROLL*TOP DESK. 80x60 Inchee; oek; used

filx months; cost 160: sell for 420 ; other office supplies. Address Desk, Box 40, N e^i offlo*.RUBBER HOBK. TBl<ITa“ AND CANVAR

MOBgUlTO NEJTTlNa.W A l^H '3 80NS A CO..

________ CX.AT AND OGDEN HTfl._________TEN Bl*10 Singer sewtiur machines, equipped

for power; four-foot table* tn Al eondUlon; tsMos almost new: will m U for |20 a piece; also laundry stove, cbotro, desk, ate., very cheap. Apply KLBTH. B60 South Tenth s tTENT, two files, 4x16, s e | on platform ready

for occupancy; obeap; on beautiful Bstllng Lake, Deovme, N. J. Apply QABLD, 44 High f t , city; 'phone P96J, B. B,TEARING down building a t Celluloid W o i^

Arlington; lumber for sale, on premises,WK ARE HEADQUARTERS

for Lawn Rollers, Lawn MowerSi^^wn Setteei^ Rakes, Bbovels, Hoes. Spades, Watering Pots. Bpadlog Forks, Wheelbarrows, Trowels, Pnifh* Ing Shears Garden Ho*«, Poultry Wire. Uo*- qulto Netting.


"The Home of Good Hardware."WE buy and *«II all kind* of office desks,

furniture and etore fixtureo. ifl Wllltom st., near Broad.

H o n K h o Id G o o d ! • n d F n r n l t u nAT MR. CASH'S. «4 Acadtiur l l —W . U . tb*

largest second-hand fumlturo dealers lu the olty; no trouble to ehow goods: our special* this week: Enameled beds, oo*t M, we sail for t l ; dining-room tables, ooet 416, we sell for 43; sldeboopda ooet ISO, we eoU fer 48.851 kuchm chairs, 25a; dUUog-room choirs, ooet 42, we .veil for ClOo.j parlor snlts, cost K6, we sell for flQ.6&; kltotaen range, cost 418. wq sell for 15; slmoat new rockers, cost 18 to |4. we sell for 41; fancy clocks, ooat tIO, we sail for 12: gas range, cost 41S. we sell for 46; feather irlliowt, cost 11.50, we sell for 60o.; Davenport, oost ISO: sell for 181 almost new, and a great msjiy other th ln n too numerous to mention, a t MK. CASH'S. 64 Academy s t . ; open even' gs untU 9.ALL hoosehoidgoods must be sold by young

ooupie going w est: Bteinwar upright piano, m l^ o n dining furniture, blrdseye Toaple bed and desk, oak hall stand, refrigerator, kitchen won^ Chino, tables, chairs, cedar chest, toMs- m ei, pteturse, etc. B2 Folrvlsw ave., Bouib Orange.AT Ha l f p r i c e , new furniture at MAX ^^^USSER'S, d(H Hpringfleld ave.—Chiffoniers, U.98 up: go-carts, 11.46; sliding couchei, 42.68; Iron beds, 4L6S up; d r e s * ^ 16,96 up; round extspslon tables, tS.68 up. Your oredtt is good.

J H O R ^ S ^ y C A H R IA G E S , JETC,


TELEPHONE 424 MARKET.200--- HORaiDS— 200

100 BE3T yUALlTY MRAFT *Ad general purpose burses, weighing l.flCO to l.bOO TOvindi.


Weighing l.lOU in 1,600 pounds.5<>— M tf LES 50

Weighing l.OiO to l.BOO ponndM; many matedpairs,


I.OOO dead or condemned horses are pro­duced In Newark and vicinity about every THREE MONTH3.

Viiiy advertise for this number weekly?'tl'e take all we can get and pay SEVEN


Remove same promptly and pay spot cash.Everybody treated alike. No iavorltea.7'ry ua If not satisfied where you have been


■Phone m r M rkt P.O. Box 286. Newark.N.J.WAGONS, suitable far gny kind of bnainru, best

make and lowest pilceat wagons sold under fuafontee; rubber tire top buggies, low wheel runabouts; build wagons and trucks to order; rubber^tlrat put on. JOHN EOrXTA. 449 South Tenth *st. »THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE RTATE

FOR HARNESa WORK. NO FAKINO. Save Sn to 40 t)er cent, on your harness

bills by having your work done a t BIMP- BON*8. 261 Orange at., a t Norfolk; try It.IN neod of money, will ael] this week choloe of

28 borsoi, mares, 428 upwai^j harness, wag­ons, runabout, surroya; no offer refused; all horses guaranteed; triiU allowed. Inquire hotel. 101 Fourth i t . Union Hill. N. J .___________495 AND ITS buy the choice of two h|g. strong

work horses; suit ojiy heavy work; also nice five-year-old black horsa, sound, suit any busi­ness purpose, flT5. Apply stables, 26 Eglbth ave.. near Broad st.BTYLIBH family cob horse, weighs 1,200 Iba.;

oleo baodaome small aaddle and driving mare; very reasonable price. Apply Mlt. LE­ROY, Eagle Rock ave.. West Oranga 'Phone 8069 W, Orange.SMALL driving mare, set of hamees, good,

lO'W wheel, rubber tire runabout; gentle, ex­tra good driver, outfit, 4185. Call any time in the morning or evening. Trial allowed. 567 Springfield ave.PLATFORM top wagon, 180; platform plumb­

er's wagon, 400; light expree* wagon. |20; tea or coffee wagon, 4>18; three trucks, one l>'o wagon. C iil mornings or evenings. 0P7 Bprlngfiold ava _______________

HORBE OWNERS IElvery time we pay 47 for your dead or oob-

demned huree or cow, we get our com p^tora' gust for notlilcgl

W^ANTED. 1.000 dead or oandemDed hone* and cows per we c-k.

AT |T E A €».-^ --------- - - -Prompt service, night and day.

BCHWAH2 BROB. <X>.»1106 Harrison ava,

k e a h n y . n . j .Ll D. 'Phone. 22ia Local, IT.

WAGONS and trucks for grocer, butoher, plumber or any kind of business; new atook

and prlcee low. cnllectors' ojnd buslnees bug­gies and pbavions In six different *t)'les; depots, surreys, runahoutH and rloscd carriages for pleasure driving; thia is all new stock end on account of moving September 1 our stock will be sold at cost; rubbsr tires put on while you wait. J. COLYER & CO., 229-230 Halasy sLHORSBBI H O R 8E 81^*head ; Just rscolved

two torioada of htirses; one load f good draft and busineu horses from Kansas, also one carload of good broncoa from South Dakota; most sit broke; horses to suit all purpose)^ also several jo o d saddle horses. JAKE KIKUHGESSNm <177 South Twelfth st., near Springfield ave.; ‘phone IRtOR Wav.WAQON3 and oarrtagee of all descriptions at

rook bottom prioea: wagons carrying from one to ten tons; building and repair work a epoolalty; see our large stock before buying eluewher© for we will cave you mcmey. Valls- burgh Wsgoo and Carriage Co.. L F. liOIHLE Mgr , l^ouch Orange ave., Banford ave. luid I'alm sL, Vallsburgh aectinn.Hl<> work horse, weigh* 1.300. good horee for

Iwavy work, 41C»0| light cari>enteT'a wagon, 4l!h; light rubber-lire surrey, 1.18; tea or coffee wagon, 168; laundry wagon, |68; top peddling wagon, 4.15; top grocer s wagon, |4fl; top wagon, heavy wit of harnnss, auU Ice buslnsst, 450 for both; light top peddling wagon, |35, .S4 Dergcti a t , near Warren.SBI*UNG OUTI Selling OuT^t-hitlre emok r f

new and second hand buhlnei^s wagons end carriages of every dcerrliuion. many extra fine vehicles will t*e sold heh»w cost; pill and niHke Htl offer: your price Is nurs. The t>n- iraj Wagon Works, Central ave,. Third and Fourth sia.

AUTOMOBILES6TBARN8, 41.460; Pope-UortfOrd, |Hfl0; Cadll-

Iso deUvery, Autocar runalK>ut. |1T5;PearleBs. 4-fhU; Hukk M iu, |61'0. LIHNii Bulck. 4J50; U 3b OHerlami lHLM; M-41 Overland, fk5<i; Us Furd, |V25: Flerec-Arrow chaasls, 4X15; Marlon, 1610, H.OOU; 2-cyllmler Maxwell, 9- {wswnger. 4250; l-cyllnder Cadillac, ti;i5; Uets,f300; 1608 Keo, 5-paaseqkcr; rope-Hortford.

?5u; tnonev aiivatii'vd on cars left with me to Mil. Opposite courthouse, GTT,UORE'd Autpmgbll* Exchange, 18 Bhlpnion si.; care to him.



HUDSON, 6 -7v\itenger 1910 louring «*r: com­plete equltunent. Including Hoarh H. T.

msmeto, (Op, epeedometer, wind shield: PrciRO tank, barn, etc,; has JusI been placed In nx- cella&t coQdltlco; 4TuO. DR. TAYLOR. Maple­wood.DATMLElb—HIgh grade, five-passenger car.

four-cylinder, 45-hnreupowcr, wlil tall cheap: no reasonable uffi'r refused; must tw seen and tried to appreciate value for little Dtoney. 4l6 Nffrt,h On>ve «i , East Orange.CUALMBRS-DETROIT "GO" touring o*r. 4010,

a bargain at |H0U: Reo, inudel A, needing ■light repairs, tiflu; part* of various cars, cheep. Arlington Ave, Oarage, Arlington end Wokemau av«» Newark.K ^PS ClIASHlH mody for delivery, bt»dy m

taxloab; tond Ures and in first^^olass condi­tion: fllM caiiiiiafi ono-cyiltider chesaii can b4 bought a t your owa price. 72 West st.. New­ark,a u t o m o b il e REPAIRA and general machine

work promptly attended to at reosuneble coet. Ilootgom«ry ihurege end Uarhlne Kitop, V2 Montgomery tl., hluomflehl; IcJ. UU8, RIfU.AltTOMOBlLE lumps. rtdlaiorA fendere,

wtndehletds rspalrM and gUsAca put in; lowest prloee with good Wi»rkmanshlp. N. J. Lump Works, 18 wmiam it. tsi. fkUlL Ukt


IN N. J. N. T. ALTO TOP A HT'PPUT CO„ 2ti7 HALBBY BT.; TKU 1564 MARKlCT.FOR BALS, Randolph ton aulo truck, nearly

fivw; price reasonable; Ford runabout, gi.iod rundlllon, For parUculurs write Ui 4<iS IMvls- lon st.. Boonton, N, J-. ' phone ISW.MODERN fireproof g.imgu; locked scot lone.

water and electric llghis; skilled niecbaiiJ- cinn; ontronce on Van W~agetien et. 'Fbone 1.017 D. R, Inquire 85 Third nvs.Ma XWi QLL D. L mcMlrtl, 190^ good running

order; magnelc, generator, five lamp*, lop and wlndMileld. Imiuire after 5 o'clock, IM Chadwick, near Clinton ave.AUTO—For sale, seven-paseengpr touring car;

80 H. i \ ; guaranteed to be In fifsi-oluse condition; top and side ourtslni'; price |400. Inquire 282 Sussex eve.ORd'ORTUNlTY seldoin- ofTeredj nkust saoii'

ftt'e lata 191U Rso louring nir; every equip­ment; l^ ii ccndlllon. RUUT. BAUER« 8i3 Seventfi'^vs. Htwevnio i * -REPAlRfL-We moke them quickly and cheap­

ly; cylinders rebored; new pistons; any kind of machine work or reralrs- J- L, TOUIN A CO-, 27T Oratoo *L, city.TRUCK, 4-cyIlnder, two-ton, like new;

1750 ultes It. also Packard mSilster,ffftil


n ic e top rubber tired buggy, In perfeot order;also sHt light barnuie. price JUKI Apply to

GKOROa K. HARRISON, C80 BtoomfieM are., Bloomfield, N. J.GOOD work horse for tale cheap. 4a~ Clalf

raont Qve., Irvlngion.n t ’O second-hand coal wagons oheau

2S William et. Rear,

For Sale or ExchangeWATSON flump wagsn fcr m s , or m-hmiiM

for •malt hor»A o. V. nUROKR. Pleasam- dale. N. J.

Hones, Carriages, Etc., WantedWANTBID—Cheap, servloeable, eciutJd, email

horse or large pony; short tall preferred’ state prlo4 for answer. Address CECTLB Ilox 17, News officaWAtNTElD-^OOd second-hand phaeton; muel

be In good oondJUcm and cheap. 70 Wash- Ingloa g v f l . ______________

FOR RALE—460 buys good, strong work horse, platform open wagon end set of harnroi; out­

fit suitable for peddler. tVlIJLiIAM FffJR- GFSON, 418 South Eighteenth st., near Bouth Orange ave.WOUlZi like to make a contract for manure

with stable with about 2S horses or more s t the rate of 50c. per horev for year. Write AUGUST PLENQE, Rutan pi., Nulley, N. J.BARGAIN—4450 buy* handeome combination

alx-yeor-t^d pony, with riding saddle, low wheel runabout sod new barnesa 426 Bouth Elghteemh st., near South Orange ave.

COMBINATION BAFB, llfl; rolMop desk, 18;flat-K^ desk, |l6,Ct0; typewrUsr'a desk. I4.7B;

office table, 16, cost |12; large wardrobe, | q.75; wblte^ftnameied dresser, 48; Tuna mahogany

{dresser, 416l buffet, 486, cost 466; round table 14; cbolre to match, 41.50 eacb; china closet, lit library table, 49; parlor suite. (13.60;

pier mirror. $9.60. Tboss are fin* good* and certainly cheap. 98 Orange st.BNAMBLJuj SPRING, bedroom eulte

typewriter stand. MWlog machine, men's and ladlee suits. TO North EJgLteenih st., East Oranga,FURNITURB for sole; bras* and enamel beds

bolr end felt tpattrasees^ dining tM>le atui ohalm, chMd'e-enamal-crlb and boJr matt

jl.JSewAofllofli___ __PURNITIJBB of >ll rodini for h Is ; O m n i

Vrllbar plfloo. u r lo r tuit*: l lb ru r . ^ i - - tVbli; .^Moera. befl,; tio doflll

tr . . Bfi Rowland ff., BJoomflold o v .LOT of fu r^ tu r* chaAs; buSat.,U.B-_____ ___-Wirtabl*,EprincflalJ AT.,, Inrinrtoii.'46.60; ollclcfih, JHu,. KHJ,

PARTY coin# W «L wHl wiCTtfloo Irathar lnl«- ^OQ ) l b r ^ ClroAuiAD walnut badroom

mt, oak dlnlBg-rpom « t , h u ra n w e .^ S i? Jt N nrarlt^“ URn*»- South Elcktaontt

SENSATION STORE. SflS tcarhot—Strictly all bargain. Is rum U m , orockaiy. g la a w iK

hardware, anamalwara and houiaJurnlihliu; good,; loO n i l . matting, aiightly uma i t 'w

® ««"• «»oh;A liamTaamla ntolnMaa, n m w dUT a_ ^ •cpps M d saucers, _ _ _ ^■las. b e m u w h ; I c ^ Ua g m U ;Urg« water pltobara. Id to » wnU; .nonm t any aJaa, 6 oeato} largs tMareags, ffl.SIDBSOARDi di^ng-EooiB

extend«k aT*., perfect eondittm!


HJBW A ui/tuuse. ant un<JAj:ii CENTRAL AVE.: OPEN

fLrPbonafXTVW MbLj

snly..^ •a la ohaap. liaS a lrt'aH.It., Hoond omr, Ifel. .«Mk

|{ IN X T O, THAUTWKIN, Metal Celling Con- - ... i : : ;- .- -S i .Irector, lt» P u t l n e j .v a ; tel, 2«7SW tVaverly. A : p u L '^ a i f ;CHIICKBTB rebuilt; chimneys cleaned from “*’* ^ _ - '

top to bottom. 42 flue; plastering, flagging •nd all kinds Jobblfig. A. HaVRRIS. | 4g Alex^•ndet H.I teU IMI8W. Market. ^MASON WORK—Chlmney* repaired

and cleaned, |l>lk) fide; uLasLeriAv , *aA blag de T-.e.- —w-.- . ,MognoHia ;-sty\ ^ --=■■■ALL kinds mason work: plastering, e e ia e ^ '

lag{ for low prices; all work guaranteed: get aetlniat*. M. n f

MASOM WORK—Chlomeys repaired, rebuilt.plMtOTliu, alterations end lobbing a specialty,

r . B. DSRMODT. 161 Haleey a t . ; tel. to e l lTM teA irC E rL T N G a^ "b WALLS

ereoteJTte sU kinds of building*. j a S. j ,M AODIM. M l HatuT n .. _N>wq^. _ , j


v p t Po KNAK w i l l B E U y o u YrtlAT YOU u NBBD POR YOUR H O in AND WILL BUY '

W IU T YOU DON'T NEED. BUYS AND BELLS EVERYTHINO. « SOUTH ORAHQE A V a ‘PHONE Mffl KARtOBT._____________WE CARRY tha S n u t aMortment of Mogafl-

hand nm ntiM in th* d ty ; an food, Rka n«r, at tow price,. China eloiat, tU.B0: ronod teb la $7; ,ld(i)»aid,- IT.Bd; Uathar oonoh, M: l a , TUg*, H ; ehlllOBleia, Id.Bd: d n iH r, IT; booteaid, nahoaaaT d n n ln a tab la Ud, cMt m ; iiartttTOR. |a .» ,. w « WJ nnrBmaMOa m t, wtn l* r IM i M •eerylhtlif fbc ■nmd Mel I

C mFOR BAU6-Oeoa oow. bd tilra BltUldi Parg)

$65 BUTS g'KHl, gentle mustang pony, ruar- antoed well broke In *11 hornees: also large

workhorse, |45. Roar 729 South BevonteeDth st.. one door in from Springfield ave.RTTBRER TIRES for all vehtclea, solid or

cushion. InternoJ or side wire; restttilng and repairing; every tire ia tested and guaranteed. J. U 'D ^ G , Inc,, 20-22 Cornfield st.________FOR BAL]>-Good, Strong work or business

hfirac, RCt'of harness and open bu-’ lneM wag­on; whole outfit price, (00. Btore, 650 Spring

cv\r. Eleventh st.FOR SAIa&-A Studebaker rubber-ttT»d RocK-

away, with pole and shaftOg In perfect or« fier; also set of elngte and double harneee. Apply 850 Broad eLEGAD horse for sale, rubber-tired runaboift,

rubb^r-tlr^ Surrey, elelalL. two sets of har> ness, at a bargain. L22 south 'ITilrtee&tli sL, After 8.FIRi^T-CltASB work horse for sale: pull any*

thing put behind him; (160, and rheap at that pricer J. DHCTRIC^, 85 Main sL, Bust OranjjB .

-eell..Call-12.East-Pak eL.|p|nhrainr BUblo- - -YOUNG bay bores. Just from form: fine driver

and gsTitle: sell or exchange for brood mor«. DR. CAMPBELL 262 Waahlngton et.HEAVY work horee. 4 ^ years old

telling; have an overetock on ere. Can be eeen, 26 West Kintiey st.

reaeon tor hand: no deal-

186 BUYB horse, top wagon, haroesa; also good work hone; price I20. Apply 704 South

Seventeenth et.,*’near fipringflald are.TW O good servlceRbie delivery horses for sole

a t the Lodi Hotel, comer Harrison and Schuylar avee.. Harrison.WORK h o rses to hire by day and hay for

■alt. 11 Crone s t ; teL 1968W Branch Brook. ARTHUR OLDFIELD.FOR BALE—Two work boraet, weighing about

1,406 lbs. eacb. Apply to 0«orge O. Bolmcmd, Oakland rd., Msptewood.TAKEN for debt, bay horee; suit any business

purpoM; No. Call resiy of privatercHSldenqe, 14 Grant it.$60 B U ra mole'; weight 600 Ib a : work etngle

or deubla: six yvan old; wnrtb 1160; good driveg^ 84 Newark 4t. _ ,

e; eirgani run- HO West Thlr-

ALIa 490: gentle family itur about; barnese.'-alBO surrey,

tiftth st., New York.HOFtSE—N l n e r y e o r - o l i ^ * t f 0 4 l d

boree for any light wM-k. Im iulrsBoutli Twelfth >LUO(m, /k o ] ^ boiM, o * n lu « and lnnuM forjifle. iDduIra Mdflaow Bniolt

RbImt rt.ass

WAGON, lu tt Blumbar or tunxl M lt iAloioM iwwi ^ a. rR E lSM A N , H Bprlni-lUld ATa.

r u n SA U t—fin t -d iu * bdTM w * |w *nd h«r- M M iprto* ISO. Apply * lu iitg i 111., Onadt*.

H IQlI-W m BiL Iflllw raw) oud ind *UiMT.«b«»p. y. BROWN, ITS ifciwr «tTOP 9 M B MKl tiU k l$r u tA Applr A r D ^

Mb naBM, AnlivtoB, N. i .

S H t S f J f f l S S S ' •ole. KHW ARZ a

' h«avr m k kersA aboui L909 Ibo. I Ik






Parlor Furniture In euttea and odd plrrfe, 8ld«b<»ards and Buffets, China C'loacts and Kx- tensloD IVblsB, leather and cane seat Lining Chairs, brass and iron Bede of all kinds. Wordrobes. a Urge assortment of DreHsrrs, Chiffonier* end Wash Stand*, Iti mahogany, maole and oak' Bed Couahes, Bedroom Chairs ■nd Ruokere, Pier Mirrors, Centre TbWm . Urge uuholsiered Rookera and Couches, Muelc ^b lne te , Brlo»o-hrac Cabinets, Mission Sulie, Deeka, Mattresses, t!?ock Stoves, Ice Roxee and Pictures; a large lot (,f new and second-hand Rugs, Art Squares. Carpf»te and Runners of all kinds; Oliclulh. Linoleum and varloiis other goods.



g^reat ebatic* for some one. KHOIaI/B, fool Chester ave., Newark.THE most handsome automobile tire rack

In thU etcllon of the country; cost 41i0U. will Beli f»r half. Empire Auio Supply i.'o.. 277 Hnleey e t. olty,A fll^LENDlD fnur^eyllrdar light louring cor.

top, good tires and In rtrel-clas* running order; a Imrgaln. AlflO. 416 Norih OSftvo el.. East Orange,

LOANS WANTED—REAL ESTATE4 ANTED—tlUiUOO. first mongagt, a t fi per cant., on M scree of beautiful Und, rip* for

sub'dlvlelon; valued at top,quo; abeolute safe* ty. Address Ownsr. Box 22, News offioaw A t EI>^-w[600 first mortgaie 5 pet <^iii.,

impruve<l property near Newark; estate or private preferred. AdUrese HelUbla Rux B2. Kpwe office.




h o u s e k e e p e r s *W O R K I N G M E N


11 6 A N D U P W A R D .You will find th*

AMERICAN a eui-prisingly dlfftfetit Ineiiiuilna from th* or­dinary loan oompony you hear or read about. CunfidonMal d e a l In g a , quick service, courteous eniploye*. bright, cheerful efficee, conelderate treal* meni, rotas you can afford to pay, make u« different. If yju have never bor- Fv-wed. or If your rxperl- MU*4 with other cciiipaule* has not betn entirely sai* lufeciury. pleosur cull on us.

l>ei us explain the American syeteui. It WillpleSM yuu.C A L L W R I T E O R


C O M P A N Y ,

Beoond floor.‘Phone 2224 M arket

T8T B R O A D BT., C O R N E R m a r k e t . Open Monday, Wodnesdoy

and Saturday Evenlnga

O V E RH O L K H A U E R 'g D R U G S T O R E ,




TURE A ND 'OTHERfl.416 Inen-..85o. weekly 1& ■}(t*iv:-:6Se»'-weekly ■ 20 iuat)..70c, weekly

125 loan..86r. weekly .•ft&'kjen..94c.* WTrisly- 46 loan 11.45 weekly

CADir.l.kACI, four*uylinder, I6i)6. 406; epewlo- meivr, ton, curialiie, full net lairnie. extra

tubfie, noriain fur you. Been at lOO Ml. Prue-lM>ct avn ,

If you have a loan eleewhrre, bring In your reoelpu and we will show you bow much you can save by borruwlrtg from ua. Having loans eleewhers jji no liar to your getting loons here.

(!:radll once estubllulird with ui la aa good 0* a hank account lit time of need.

uu r ratei and plans have pniN*ed to be the bort bauouse our uuatomere or* glad Id come egulh.

CALL WRITE OR TELEPHONE g u a r a n t e e c r e d it CO.,

Room 818. Behsuer building, eighth fi<»Dr. t.:orner Urtad and Oommen'e ita

Opposite PuAtufflc". Teleph^'ho 4917 Varkei Open 8 to 6 dally. Haturd&y Id 8 f . M.

VMHY flue 40-horw>power, four-cylinder tour­ing car; grtod Urea and engliia i»«>r fec-l, accfpt

fHfiii quick cash. C. HOU’AHfS. 72 W'est at .Newark,FIVllI-PAHSENaHR Autocar for eale, a

very luw price; owner leaving town. Pnll GAYIvORD Auto Garage, 863 H aliuy at,, near Klnoey.SPLENDID five-paasenger touring enr In first-

nlaee running order, accept to-day |14B; biggest bargain In the olty. 72 West aL, New­ark.TWO Chalmers bodlee for e*te, one

80, in Ai shape. J. V. BUTENHEtM, Moi^' clalr Garage A Mechtne Co., Montolair, N. J.f r a n k l i n . four-ryUtider, ruaabout, firsl-

claee condition; good tires; |200. Apply to R. M. COLUN9. 14 Rank e t , Bummlt, N. J.AlfTOMOlilLE cylinders and aluminum pnrla;

also broken machinery rKt'alr»>i1. Auiofpnoua Welding Co.; B06 Halery «(, 4A"i'iW Mnrk*?t.SFVRN-H. P- Northern runabout, wlih lop;

engine la gCNxl condition; three good ilrr*; price |fr0 Addreae R„ Uox 14, Nowu offfre.

— 1_____ -larai

mobile tires end tunai; export tire rcyalrlng. Tire Trading Co.. 40 WUllam «t.HUT’MOKILB. 1612, louring car: fully ctjulp-

peil; will eep right; owner b''*ijght big rtam- hlLT. 810 Uroad e t.; 'phone 11144 P. U.GARAGE 10 let. or for other purpOHee. 53

Sherman av* ; room for 2u untoa luuulre R, A. CCiOPFR, TI Court i t,; runt I.WMa r k Gl^Y'H "Auto Inn" Qaruge; the only

flroproo-f brick garage Iti Asbury Park, N, j . ; up to date; open dny and night.

DO YOU NEED MONETT Sometlmee the ne*dB of a man and hi* fam­

ily are for a lime nutre than iti* aalary or Income, and he worfiee a* lo how he I* ii> get Lh* naedeo to tide him over.

TilK ULlJECTof the PEOPLE'S LOAN AND nnOKEHAGB CO, la to help thofl* who are In need of ready uaeh and do not care to Otik fnvur* of friend*.

Ni) INDuHHEHrequired when borrowing from ue, and poal- ttvely DO advance charge*.

WK LOAN FROM I1« TO tlUO to owner* of furniture, plunon, «^c.. quickly and with abauJute privacy, and we guarantee & Square Deal to nvt ry one.

QUICK LOANB.W'e can erratiue llio Ktan fur you In a few

hours' notice, and the paymetu* can be made lu iu ll your Itiootne. either weekly or mumhiy


- P U glW ^^Q PPp^ATTENTION TO 0BLLSRfl>-tf ytw have tried

to sell your place of bualnsM by iD**hH of advertlilng or by placing U Into the hand* of agent*, and t t w have foiled to dtapoee a t same, 4u*t cell up to ee* SCHWARTZ, the Htiaineee Broker, ^ Springfield ave., and lut. will make a quick and eatlafaotory gala, m there oNi ajyvaye buyers on hand for all kind* of bueloee* loopoelUun*. TeU 1a D. 4040 Mar­ket.

RESTAURANT, Market at.; rent tlOO: tecelpta 41.500 weekly; beautifully Rtteid; price t4,<m;

caah. tf.fiOO; balance notes. BCHWARTZ. 80S Bprlngfieid are.RKHTAUftANT, SiTlngfleld ave,; rent 480; twe

roomii reretpi* tlbO weakly; iwloe 1300. beet bargain In Newark. BCHWARTZ, 205 Hprlng- fielj ave.

RESTAURANT. Etiiabeth; rent |83l I rooma;recelpta 1300 weekly; price |2m: bargain for

■uniebodr; call quick. tiCllWARl% BOfl tiprlDgfleid 4ve.

BUTCHER and voaetabla, Relleritla are.; rent 145; long ItaaH: rnualpt* |40u weekly: cwolt

trade; price |80O; reaaon, partnership. tiCllwARTZ, 306 Hpringfielil ave.BARBER BHOP and poo) room, MllUown.

N. J . ; rent JlO; rvvelpi* 4fth weekly; price lA'lO; good bargain. tic'HWARTZ, 206 Spring- field ave.MII.LINERT biipilnr*(!i. J'BteTion; rent 4141

dt>ea IH.OUO ycfirly bUHineiui; h#ntitlfully fitted. I>rk'e |750; fO'<d uppurtunlly; bargalu, tii'UWARTZ. auo tipringfleld ave.OPKN-AIH moving picture place; flr*t-c-Ue»t

liv-atiiin; rent |50; long leane; |70 clear prom weekly: AVI eeatii. complolw for 4800. tiC'lllVARTZ, 206 tiprlngHeld eve.




at RoekawftjAN a l l w ar round hotel. . _Ilearh. for Hale: ten rooms, era food elaai.

aitAt'lii'il; well uoulvned: doing firet-cleta buel- iivii; riuift>n fur aelllng la ekknes*; UUEa nu>n« rv. Addreeii J. FI. ('.. P. 0. Box 51. Ham^ mel*. Rockawny Tleauh-AN ^xtra goml (.ike bakery for rale (whole>

mlut. Addme ifakery. Box Al, Newt oflloe.RAKKRY bueinee* hi country town: ftoiw,

house, B rYJorni; cellar: two rouira; full niiiipinent; bake* 12 barrrle of flour a week; l i .m - . gixid Laying bueliiMi. MERRIHAK, freehold, N. J.UUING (he money whh ynu; 1250 will buy the

l>eMt paying candy, clgur anil Ice cream *ture lh Klixabeth: cheap rvnt; good reaaotta foreemoK. »as %v*ll It.. EllsHbeth.II.AIUikH huoP; three ehalni good loqatkMi;

evHrythlng up to date. ,t«rgaln for quick buyer Inquire 6P2 Hprlngfleld ave., city,H-VRiiF.R SHOP, outside of city, running three

rlinlm: 16c. *mp. Address Bhop, Box ST, Ne'Ae ufTloe.iR Tt'HKIt HMOF* for enle; cheap to quick bujer:

licet corm-r store In Newark. Inquire fit Elcveiilh ave.. flrn1 fliior.rHnii.'K of two furnlnbed hnuae* noVr oocu«

pled by aetlefiefi tenants; Inrome flrut, 1600.IT.iKNt, rquUy 411.(100: Income weond.

IMbKi, prine tU.Utki. equity 48.000; make of- H r, eawy lerme. i>wner, 83 Third ave.Co n FKOTIo n e RY and Ice cream buelnean, In­

cluding paper r<iu(e; 4800 If sold this ireek. 370 Vruartoct et.. Ka«t Orange. N. J., betweenMyrtle and*.^. . . • •t'l IN FE m oN E R T T rigar. imUoii etore for

Bill*: good reeeun fur selling. ISO Bewery. ----- - ■»

c o n f ECTIONKiTt ~and toy store for nUe; good reason for icillng. lllfl Niagara *L

OOHNEfi shoe store, with Hvltif room* for Bale: rent low; fair huelneea. Addree*

Huslnt?jie. ilox ifl. Newa office.CORNRR grocery itore; muet be eold a t Oboe:

utlier buBlnoM. 44 Montgomery at,rANN(lT keep up onntrart on piano; |140 a l­

ready paid; Tvhat offerT Apply evenlsge, 6:11^ 6 lh). |2U Wnablngton et.liRLK''ATKSHEN and lunchroom, aoroee street

from car barn: very goo<J huilnea* atand; price 1900. Alan grocery etore In Clinton itc- l|; gfK>d stand; price 4500. JULIUS KRAUTLER, 727 South Eighteenth it.IiRlMl BTORE for «ale; good corrieri. doing

Miry nice hualnees! w«|| atocked; price |6.00U; ahdui 42.000 r^u lred , Addfes* Drug Btore. Ilox 78, News oflfoe.

ENKRCETTIC young man, few bundrod dollar*, wuiicB lo Join Id partnership of monufootur-

ing ur any MtabUahed paying buitnee* or wilt buy; give pariloular*. Addrrae Idveotmetil, Box H4, News office.

DOES ANY OTHER CO.’ CBRn ' give you a vnpy of your contract? \V« do In hook form. Kluiwlng tiin amount of the loon, the exa<’t CiM>t to th<- jicnny, and tlio exact amount of rehaCe allowed If [mid *<>un«r than the contract lime. If unable lo call, write or 'rihoTie Markel 41KW, and our confidential rep- rvacntatlve will call upon you und cheerfully cxiilaln uur i«lan. .I ’EjjI'LE'B l oan a n d BHOKKRAOE CO

RrKiin 401, fourth fioor. U 6 Market at. L. i . . Dffice Hourn-S A. M. to 8 F. M .; SalurdavaA I'.hW REAL bargalua In "acf’ond" autCH until 6 1*. M. *

u Will agroe with UR WAY of gh-

Ft'RNlHHKD-noDM HOUBB. 18 roOilli: alt tlllcil wllh roomere; central location; vicinity

Hahne'e; furnlBhcd up to dale; will eel) all or |inri fumliure, reatunable; good reaeoa for Mflliing. Addree* Houie. Box 72, New* o f l ^Kl'llNfAHEty” ROOM HOUBE for eoUi: Ifi

r<H?mvre; nil improvementi; reoaonable: In tbe hiuU'M aoctloti of Newark. Addraot Fur-(ilflhutl, Uox 17, N ew i office. ______ _FOR HALR-^old-esiahllBhed dry good* ftofe;

nhe, clean stock; co*b bu*lneee; about iO mllfta from New York; it will bear every Jn- voeiigatlon; price 43,600; broker* need not on- BW(<r; a good (nnont detlred: cheap r*nL Ad- dreae York. Dnx 80, New* offlee.

AT AUCTION. flfi.OOO bankrupt etock ihoc*.for men. women and children, flxturea, etc.,

being the entire etock of the Spits Co. bank- np io . Bale takes place on the premleea. 22 ^ x ln g tn a st., Pafisala, N. J., oppoaltS' Erie Railroad Btetlcm, Main tln& Monday, J uIt 41, 10:80 A. M., comprielng 2.600 pair* Men's tioodyear Welt and Hand Sewed Rhoee of all heel knoWD mokes; good *]*«* and wJffiha; 6,000 poire Woman’s Blma, Pumps, Oxford* Canva*, etc.; 4.000 pair* Children's Bhuee, Men's ami W’onjen'H Rubbers and Rubber Boots, (xaliere, Findings, etc.; fixtures, four Trock-laddere, Bvtieei. fon 'v gilt window dls-glay fixturfs, Office flafe. Bhoe Treee, 200 fee*

helving, eic N. B. will be sold In trode lut«« only: the above stock deaervee tfia attention of tbe b^*t retail irude. Ail goiicla nmei ba removed by Wednesday, August 2. L0I1.

2.000 PAIRS GHOF.H at a u c tio n -2,(MX) Pair*.W. W, Itrid. auclloneer, eell* Friday, July

26, onmmenolng a t 1Q:6U K. M.. at our ten> ptirory eal*i.rooTn, 14 ArJlngton * t . large, up- to-date stock os above. Including kfen'e, Wom­en's, Mlubs' and Children's Blwas and Rub­ber* and Rubber Boots; all wall known oiokea and ,up-to-d&te atyle*.


■’KSa b u jo rAiiTTSERs f a p b r it a s o b b s ,-i(i9 WA.8H1NOTON BT.. NBWARK, N. JT, Vlfby not rave HGN&T when the oppcHunIty

afford* Itself? If you wieb any Fainting. Paiwr- h&nslng or Decorating done, get u* to figure,

7* oaa ehow you 20 per cent, leee thanthe prtoei quoted you during the ipring eeaeuD. 'SVatl Papers we have of th* very prettiest and latest deaUrn*|Whlnli we will eell with the earnsdiecoutit A coll a t cur ehdwroomi will oon- vtnoe you, or 'pheoe u* end we will have our lepreeenttttlve 00^ on you.THE ORIGtNAt Cboo. KlMQberf, relUble

painter and decorator, removed from New *t.. now located a t 212 Springfield ave., where I carry a large ■election of wallpaper; I also do papor-hanglng. Interior and exterior painting; beet materlaii used.; I paper room* ae low a* 43; good workmanenlp guaranteed; before you give our your oontroct. send postal for tetl- mate, or 'phone 2612 Market; I will call with •amploi a t your convenience; no connection wllh any other firm bearing my noma.


b ig W AU jPAPBR s a l b .Blank*. 2 ^ : gUta, bo.: embooeefi. THo.; two-

tone art velour* for lOo,.; varoleh Uie* for ' W: painting aLJnw

' tioulb Oroniem^;ifi'ikc,: papering roomeJ prioea U. ROTSOtTsr, • all our work guaranteed,L BPITALNT, 58 Washington ave., will paper

rooms, 42.50, beet paper; work guarantreil: painting. flecorallng, -'kaleomlnli^'; low«e> pricea; eatly iU a given, 'Phopa 9flB^ B. R,

AUTO TOPti niHde to order; prices moat rsH- aonftblfl. r MATT ft Co.. 4D1 Washlngb-n

et.; I* ^ 'p h o n e 47b7L, M arketFOR HAUFr- Packard Runabout. 1fK>6; cum-

lilel* and repaimod, >1,2(XJ. Delrou-Cadllluo Motor Car Co , 232 HftJaey et."JSJRRBY LIGHTNINO" Atorng* bflttrries and

careful rerhsTglnr. ISlectrlo l/ehlcle Oarage, 2G4 UHtshey; all night asrMoe.5~ H ~ F. ~POPK-TOt.EDO touring car; rhain drlv*; cheap; can b#* eiislly converted if? light

deilvery wagon. 45 Ann st.^UBT ic i i~ i t ,3 o n 9 lf t touring, 4L0ho rhTs

week; unbrnird bferguln. Adilret* Merchaivl, Pox 87. News office.CHALMERS DETntOIT. 161oi lu r in g Tn'r

complete. 4800. Detrort-Cafilllac Motor Car Co., 2112 Halsey et.

WILL eell 12,250 touring: aJ»o roadster, 4425;my ioM your gain. Aadresi SxlraordJn,iry,

Roi 80. News officft.

WK TIU'HTI ynur Juigm cnl, nnd kiuAv jmu will

iiur nmneruus j>mr(Jiis tlm i uUR liuf your irml-li-rt tnlnu ntsi iu LeUer ihun any doctor's presrrlpMon.

! hOHUnWED MONKTfor a short Him- -nablsK ymi te Pa comfonable I aa well ea |rnivp«uulenl; glvus you prestige.

1 l(’0, A I/iA Nf>N rcU N IT fT lE .

, PIANOH. ETC..' nisei lives you both «'f Pic MriNEY and

HECT^RITY' al iTP'daoly ihc same tlm*. We accept EASY l'AYMLNTt<. oltlicr weekly or mnnthly. nird bIImw yni a

I MfJtiT LIllKHAJ. CIH<’OCNT.1 We rygurd hiuI reialn nil bunliH<ss In ihe J eiricl*’al itnilldiMcO. Wo uNsUr- y-ju thprfl la 1 NO PURLiriTY. W«'ll be xln-1 ro eirdiiln j turthcr at our nfflcea or y»'ur hfitne, 'f'himo or ! p'latnj tiring* our THprescntatlve.

NHTW JKRHEY liOAN COMPANY,Room .I'M, thtnl fitsir, 142 Market «t.

Ilourn, 8 A. M. hi A F M. tiiiturdaye tIU 8;5l>.'Rhone 4750 Market.

FOR HALK--W«ll-e*tabllahed grocery, toboeon, candy, ice cream bveitiee*. with two large

living rcuins; good ohance; must be sold qulcvt, um iu n i other busineu . Call 13 W u l fieoti pl., Elisabeth.P u n tiALK—titeam laundry, dotng good bu*l-

nea*; sleknees reason fer selling; cel) and In-renilgaic. ti. F . RUBKRTti, A tlantio Ulgh- lends, N, JF td t H AId-^nnnd rcslaurant. In Pateraon;

sickiu-BH r^'esrm for *eHlnx; bargain ; only 1: 511. Call HUEUNER. 45 Lawrence Ol, New- urk.I'Ol; HAl.K—HutJonery. (obaoco, cigars and

rimfertlniiery etore; must be sold: chOM j'ront; no ugnuts, 25 Ferry *t.. Nawaylt, N. 3.

FcjR HALE sinre. Ice creaiti. candyy clffet*anti robacen; two rtKime; cneap rent; owa

foiiiitijln. iJll Hpringfielil itve.; no ageote.FUR KAI.K T'art of fiirnliihfid Icn-roOtti houa*:.

all Improvements: W alnut, nvnr llroatL Ad- drcHg Cheap. Rux 55. News uffiue.Fur h a l e -Moving Dfeturs theatre; good lo-

I’uilon: will *cl! chfnp to right party. A. J ANDEHHON. Kill Itruad st.

I^ADILLAG delivery; *p< Detroit-Cadlllac Mutor Car Co.

make; chsap. 1182 Halsey

RIDS Id your own car; I will loan you money Qh It. Inquire 15-18 Shipman st.

FOUR-CYLINDER magneto, in firit'Clasa con­dition. Inquire Olympio Park.

OARAQH. 2ti etorjr:■L to lut. 27U South HUth

Automobitet) for HireTOUTIINO ('ARH fnr hire, rar^fui and eiperl-

onced operetoffl, Fijunbler TlMitlng Cu, 0, E, T R A U I/r J r., manager. Tblephotiu 042^V Market.FIVB AND BBVEN I'ARHBNOKR PACKARD


Automobilr!) WantedRUNABOUT, IDlO cr l!'U Maxwell or Ftiftl.

must be In rood cundltiun; give full parilcu-lare, with price. Adilrvu Private. 7W4 Proud

4500 Ca s h for thoroughly good runabout or roadster, not Icns than-80-h.p.; glv* parilcu

Lara Addresa O.. lP>x T. New* office. Orange.

TOURING CAR or runabout. Overland type preferred: state 1uwv.'«t cojh prlue. Ad-

dr*M Overland. Box 8, New« offio*.w a n t e d , hlfib-oloae touring cor or roadster;

oaah business; detvrlbe fully. Address HOLLIBTflR Box 85. New* emce. ______

MOOTGAG E L 0 .4NH»REAL ESTATE1500,000 LOAN " " ................ ...



. • . 758 BROAD NT.

AAIteART KMPliOyEfl.ON T llJ 'm OWN PLAIN NOTE3.410, Ilf.. 4LD, 125. I.H). m . 44h, 45U.



\Vu guaruiucc we will iiui rirnkn any embaf- raHslng Itiunlrlr^ of iho friend*, futtilly 7.r employer, M<iriiy f'wfi be repaid to «ull piitron '



All we BMk l9 ihai you iiAve (he mrane ct returning same In smull weekly or noinlhly rrtymfniB.PEOPLE W lbi WANT TO HAVE A STRICT­



liOr.-QTl HMud at WISH building, fifth floor.

Open Monday, Wudneuday and Haturdey nlghto,

F1MHT-CLA8H, up-tn-date dry gnodi end fuf- nleblng stiire, yearly huslhesH 48.500 to

sucTllIre on ocomint of death fnr 42,000; no letters, personui call only. BAENGER'S, ('iirtifT NlriMeenlh It. and tiprlngfieid eve.

PANCT groL-ary fixtures. Ice box, ehalvltw . ‘ canntnici-H, regisier. Bcalca, counters, coffee

mill; niuHt hu sold at once; reasoHj leoM eg- pirva. 105 Mulberry *Luor»]> c H a n t r for Italian to secure money

making Ice cmini end rnnfertlonery etore a t ' J>iw price. Pai’ilcuUrH, HENRY H. GROBK- MAN ft CO.. 222 Washington st,

GOOD vcmfevllonerv. tobacco and notion atora fnr sale: uarlv retiring from buslne**; prlee

AdlirttAH Ch^an. Box 14, News office.

DO You w a n t MONETT45.00 1500

to to4100.00 41011.00 I^j ANED to WriFlKJNU PEOPT.B OF a U^


Lowest rates lu the cliy find eaelrot pay­ment*. We will DOHlUvely guarantee that y 'iir empluyST fr1»'iids or relNitlvea need never know. You get muuey the same day you oall. CAU 'PHOiVE-W^RlTE


b r o a d a n d COMMERCE BTR Opposite PostolTlc*. Tei. HOB Market,

GOOD rigfir store fur sale; centrally located;'reason, s]ckn«ii. Addrran Cigars. Box 7^

Nnw* office.

IOOjOOO (w-lran .<oii Are^'-snorigaga cent, or Imr of-vR'Kiei'fi per sent.-IM arral

wiU divide mtiouni to borrower; Newarkor Orangea: loan* must be flm -clara; send full portloulars. Address Cuslodlan, Etoa 84, New* offlee.


NO BONUS OR COMMT08ION CHARGED. OEf). W. HAQNBf. Cf»UNHEIX)R-AT-I.AW, RW M 735. PRUDENTIAL BUILDING.Ill),000 LOAN vn first mertgage at 00 per ceoi.

or..lees of value; 6 per cent. Interest; will divide amount to suit borrower; NewarK or Orengea; oonsldtjr eocond mortguge of (2,50lA 4 paroent. Addrraa Eitnte, Box 45, News office.

1 HAVE on band to bwn out on first mortgage, tlO.OQO at 0 per cent., and |1,500 at 5 per

cant.; money Is ready. ADLER, 192 Market s t . 2A fioor, rear.

1500,000 TO LOAN on bcofl onfl mortgage In eume to suit at 5 per caoL, without bonus.

EDWARD 8. Bl^CK.covnieloMl20 Prudential.

F. ROGOW. ITS^ Belmont ave,, will paper rooms. liLoO, bmt paper; work guoramced:

painting, fleocratlng, katoomlnJu; lowest 'price*; eatlgiat— glvon. ^Photte.tOQOR Waverly,

THE BROOKLYN WALLPAPER CO. bo* oponed a flrtt-nlara deooraung ectabllah- meat a t ST1 Bknk et.; rooBke paperod from 48 gp; p tte tlng done very rwotmable.__________PAPERtW a ROOMfl. 42.50 op; polnUng, U;

outside work very roaeoDabia; wcHi guaren- teed. KARABICK ft RABfl, TOO g p r t ^ e l J ave.

MANHATTAN Deodtatlnf Co.; teL 878J MkL;poparlnf ro m ^ tK50 tip: paintiiif. 41.75; out-

Mqft work, f t WATLtProp.* 19 Camden s tlowtet psiooi; aR

. a tr ia l WEISS. . »56J VuteL

4100^000 TO LOAN on oeotral olur property, a t 5 PBf oeot.i la eum* from tS ik t^ and up-

word, E, 'Ey BOND ft CO,, 764 Broad et.m o n e y t o l o a n od bond and mortgage.

JOHN A. McFADDKN.. . . .dlT Unjion building, Newaift.^ ...........

CHARLES ucfHNfer.ton I t , Union building, room 8ILMONET to loon on flrsHt and seoend m o r$ g e e

aoK also oa bulldlBg and loan iDortgogea. HUGO WOERNER, 758 Broad e t________

and mortgage. ODuaMkir-at-laSr,

MONET to looiL on bond F R E D E R IC K ^ HODQH,

7B8 Broad st.» Newark, N. J,412,000 TO LOAN ouf on good firvt morig

a t 5 per cenL In sums to euJt. A<H Trustee, Box 26. New* office.m o n e y to loon on Inaprovod property; eume

of MiOW ttpword; 6 Mr eeat. Addreu Ao- Uvft Box 87, New* office.MONET to loan on bond and mortgage la

amqaaU, of tS.OOO u d up. Addrasw Loosa,Box 50iTnwo^

I«wg office.I LOAN on first and geoowd mart- I MRS. BERTHA WEIB8, 285 Weft NavmrL

I/^ANB ON *"■FURNITURE, P U N n s , HitRSEH. -W-UinNa.

We make it &• «itsy ** pt.eslble fnr hritu'-et people to do bus1n«; s wllth ue. Wn aipprerlnro the fa r t ' that every pen;im of pride donlrw lo keen ihelr personal affairs private, and We can promlHH and guarahtee to such absolute confi­dence In all trunsactlons conducted sivlih us.

WE TRUtiT y o u .We will open a confidenUal credit account with you. If you ore In need of money can a t ouf offiue.' Tour ocewunt will be welcomed, and once opened can always be uer'i. Ytnt have ■nee of both money and- gOnde. Money in few Trnuiffi -aftfnr aTmtymg. Ifij nnr'Trrfl' tn-cRU end- Ret our (*rme before doing hualneHs vlsewher*.


A NSW way of loaning money to hciinekeepera on furniture or piano without disturbing them

from their pree^nt location. Our way le To give you a say In the matter and frame your agyec- ment according to ynur ablliry to pay. When you make your own terms, you do not fee] un- eara about U. With our system y<jy have the eatlefacllon of knowing beforehand Just when yuur peymenta will close the account, and bow many pasmient* It will take to do It. All bust-

UFt<HT-:UV *(nrc for lale; esrabltshud Ovtr 20 yean; flue liM-ailon. price f4fi4>; itore and 4

ronriiti; rr-iit 125. Inquire fl6 Norfolk st.

|jf,>TFi^-Tweniy rooms; boll and billiard room: hlubltj, barn. U e house, chicken house; ail in

fine rondltkm; two ocroi garden: only tvotel In the lowti; two mlnuiee to atatlonj Hcente |150; Hdirift* law hotel In New Torit mate commut­ing riisiunce; no mosquitoes; cstabMehed $0 >eara; owner own* BeveraJ farm*, wish** to rorlre from public business; photo In office: BQcrince 40,000. C. J. KIERNAN, 22 Clinton st.. Newark.ICE CHEAH. confectlofiery end 'cigar etore

fnr sale cheap. 2H2 Bank st.

NF.WLY furnished 12-rcoTn boordliur-houfe for stt)e; rcasonHj.le: b!1 Improvements; centrally

Uii'auul. giving up on ar<-r.>uT]t of liealth. Ad­dress K., Box (15, News office.ON ACCOUNT of elcknosa, a good raioon for

sale; a(x living rooms; nice yard; price lOOD. B5 Speedway eve., olty.

PARTNER, active or sllnnt. with 44,000 to 45.000: u llU'rnI will ]>e given fn

hnrdwuro n^miufacturing business, over tOO l-er cent, protlt, a quantity rrf order# on hand; goods In great demand; none but reJIable men n 'Hl an KAi-r, giving name and addreaa to c^wner. B<»x 1. Now# office.RUtiTAlTiANT for sale, price 42,000; central-

)y located in the builnera district; fliiely fitted UI); one of the bssi paying restatiranie In Newark; doing a viry good business; well ea- Tahtlsbfd (ill ox’er the tiu te ; you can't lose; a Koud ibtttu'.e fur tua young mm to go In bunl- neis. or man and wife; no curiosity seekers nerd answer; I want to retire. Aiidres* W. H. U.. U)ii 00, News office.REHTArRANT: good location; well paying;

jiiust I'^'eold before August 1; owner leaving city Information a t GRKENWCXJD'8, 391 Brnad si.

nesi done W'llh this company la slrictiy iirivate.---------- ------------ ------ |j._ ................................

U 'lrsk U n U ) T/)AN ro .Exulanatloiis cost nothing reliable company.

here; just call. Old


MONET to loan on household goods and per­sonal property, without removal; our ratra

are the lowest In the city; quick, confldentlal and reliable; come and get our term* end be codvtnced.

MITCHELL'fi. 103 BfARKirr BT..Room oyer Van Orden garaet S to r e .^

BALARIED ‘people, women keeping bouee. fur- nlahed money without ee0tir1ty;(?7i«irpe*t rate*;

eealeet payment*; save money; rae ip* before trading e^w here. Offices 86 principal citlee.

,, itsm « l t MS 'wAh1n*ion irt.

1*awnbrokessOW« PBB CENT. ONE' PER CENT.

ON BUUa OF too AND OVER.Loaned on Dtamonde,

Watohee. Jewelry- Poreonal Property. - ESTARUBHED 1882.

C. BIERMAN. 10 Cedar et., n ra r Broad and oppoolte W. V. finyder Co. Open evi*. to 7;w o’clock. Sat., to 10:30.

luiuiuNLL vyiuIng Jn U'Hi Weekly: splendul horso onn wagen

! Irtcludu'l. Particulars, HUNHV H. 0ROti&. MAN & CO., Z'22 Washington st,

tiAl/X)N in,Orange; 22 to 2S halve*; receipt# 1175 weekly; p>->o<1 whisky trade; 9 room*

fimilshed; rent 450; nice stock; cash, regtetcr, etc.; first'ctass stand; must lell b^au ie of ' o ther tiiislnese; price 4 1 . Address J., Box 3. New* office ___________________8TKAM hand laundry for sale; moderate prlo# •

and very good. location tn the town; very cheap rent and fine revenue during tbs year and eapeclnUy In summer: inuei be sold. Quirk buyer. Address Jap l*aundry. Summit, N. J.t>MAI.L grocery and candy elore; rent, with

thro# rnuma, ImpruVHmentB. |tb ; good bubf- ticss and no opposition; price 4lfi5> i l l Vanderpthd n t . _______ _STORE end fixtures, with good stock ind good

trade; neighborhood of four ichoole; cheap to quick buyer. IU4 New st.VAN“ P0‘Z iV T ir^ IL ir"E U Y BV BRTnnN ci

YOU DON'T WANT FROM YOUR HOBCE; A!*SO rrONtENTS OF STORES AND FAC­TORIES BOUGHT FOR CASH, 42 SOUTS o r a n g e a v e .; >PH0NB 2071 MAHKgT.WANT American to loin me lu new office

buninesb; am experienced tjvd will teach tiartiiiir. 1*80 will secure half inierrat; can k* used B s^de tine-; only port of time required,Addri'M l '‘ro.'fUa; ‘ Box 13. New* office._______w a n t e d ,

CARD OF THANKSI DESIRE to retuTQ my alnlcere thanks to the

offleort Xhd dtrsctm# ufMhe Haciieoh and Keartty Building end Lgap Aaaoclatlon of HofrlMm, for th* handsome sngroseed framed eet of reaplfttloiia presentad to me o& Monday night, on eenpleUai of twenty-fhw yeare #■ treesurer of the oeooolaUon. And for the many kind word* exproraed by tboee present a t th* banquet gleen me.


an eetahlisbed hardware rtoi'fifthcr Addreaa f i S t

»-aro, Ilo* SO. New. ofliM. ________^WANTFJ>. *t one., hOQW;

central location: 10-17 room.. A ddm . CMh, Box 47. Newa offlee.________________________ISOO CASH before Auruat I. b a n v.eiKDii

cleaner aaency. will] tSSO .took, on which about J2S0 ha. beet] .pent In adverttaln^: Brel cotne. flrat Miwed. GARDNKB. 708 BrandBi.. Moond floor.1100 Bl'Vg kood p an n i (n c a rr, ooDfaothA.,.

nr, an d clkar .tore; wneliUt r*ot4>l> tWt font only K»: th i. rtore I. jwtfllyajy wonb 1260, Call on NORTON A NORTON, roam TNt Union bulldln*. _______ _BOO CASH buya leylllraata buNokni^Bd irtoch

of .code; no ODDMltioa; clanra l? V * y iu ly t Jawhh airoltcnta not con.Iflarac( .7 AddiAnt lUkltltnata. Bo» .fl4. New. nflloa..i,'. I

' j :aMBtti pitratei : XfOJUUL


P irlA f Julir AAd Ausu*i” B u n now. m v tloM AAd itt<»b«y by l•k1n( Advtnt4C» of ViWMnl nte«, whicb wl l ftdvmiov Aui(U«t V

CC^MA.N NATIONALIWUfMiiS i'OLLBQB.Oool, iiiC’Ooiinl roopu; Ooftrtr bulldli]|. locit'-

td At AeAd*mr And RAUty AtrAtt*.One Mlh U w«ftt of puitotBoA.

CAtOiUqf on rcouui./OHN KUOLER Jfl.. PRINCIPAL.



ThoroMfh pfvi' irAOnn Tor oay ooll^i:* of •cionilfie »ch^^. or f-r buflnoi* Ilf*. <lyninrCkUloru* On. Appii-flujn «nd Athtftii;OAttOfl.

Th* Hf*i1 Mnr<«« wlU b« t t tti« Acidomy |






HEAt. KflTATK- INSI'KANI’K .|,flAN«. RKMOVRn TO Tin tlllciAD » T .



<:» imOAD BT. OPP. ORANOE BT. TWT.Ki’MOKR u«i Market

from 0 to H diily durini t^* w^ek bcirtntilnvEvpt«tnb»r U.



BPECTAL BUMMER SESSION.from July B t* AnFiwf Ifi. Till or wrur f»r full pariiculBrt. ]-ietn*mbi<r our ncK cddrcitn.

NEWARK UrSlNKSS Cl'I.LEOK. lUlrejr tod W*Tt*ti Ml*.mdjpluinf T M. C. A ).

formoriy at i'rond «t and Park pL

M.t Rnjud »l . nnim ,i\ Marketni.xsnpRfj A ziKor rh.

RKAi. i-:h’i '11-; AM* n iiK in h i 'RANCB. Rf-:s'i- .’o I-I.j : 'T ioNs.


W e d n e s d a j s s Special Real Estate Days=satnrdays FARMS FOR SALE


ONK.PAMILT. f»v.n rmim», liath, hot w .t .f h f.l, 11.700; luoK lW» il|i. o 'n i l A CD., OTA

Botki'O at. I

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERSOn Smurdays until early Sep­

tember the classified pafies will dose at 11:45 A. ,M. at ilic lioir.e


RUKlKWtMlD AVK. i»if thrre fHliiUy: aR Ini- orovernwriu, Mtei-i. aeklnit p:,f<OU

CfHx) & CM . BT4 |{**ra**ii *t-

BKYMnt^n A^■F iJiri-ly two faroRy. 13r >r>riiii all »n'i>aru< l!ii|«rosrmenis, l‘A

lOU; .iwii4'r ^pturiR i"0 >'111 u> jnanhKr aau.^-; this la a clr«*uni. askiiia tk.iajo; mak«ulT*’r iCiT»i ft t'li.. lutrRfii at.

office an d at 11:15 s iia rp a t ibe b ra n c h offices. ^The N E W A R K

I.;|iO ..n il II I.I M.C.T I'llI IiK.NTIAI. nn i.liIN O

R 'eI PNt.-iic lux laiuna HiidWl-j d'l N*'0ernl r**«i •'siar*' liittlui^sa; wr aoliolt

ytnir (timI'', ifORi'BnlK' antlefiut|i>n. PRANK* MN P MAVo rn 7h8 UrfiSd nr . f-or. Market.


BuAHDfN'r AM* T'AV S‘’H'" L TT2 CUN ri 'N A\ »Anna rrani'ea W hlinu'i<' l■nrl •l| ill iCst l"*n

Aoadamlc, lntt‘rru»'<:!Rii‘ i Tim jr» .l^iiariwieiU’' Btlttlr. art, l8h(iUa(ri*«. EWurmJtl'itn f 'lk rtAni-en. I CftUlOftVMht. The MLly ■. h(»»l III .%**«•nrk whgee ft-mflcEie n |juu* thP l^Biun* . colluaa: Wetl-ekv, Vitbuai. M' lb lynke,ftoltn. Comell ^^h ''^e|1v



HIX FAMIbV Tb:* fl*-** I" wHbnul qu*Mk>n ihf kU fajiiily ihut we buviih ever llsii-'l:

2ll nu lits. I-Hifha, lIlHil , d' liie fbah'lellrrs, lll'‘ii V47Ftihiilf .t ‘ tV»« ahJifUb IiHlls furnlrlK'd. lar^- I'lilnn i-i' B'-’e li«rd trhn. mlaelitn . ' ii

rt#*Hr .tri'hey, l<Jl 44*104.1; hl Dual r*hi U I Hi. two yenre old, mat -'wri'r IM.AiHt i« I'Uil'l. hxkliiE Imoiei’t h!ulriijjku un i*TT(* ft c'iJ.i B74 lirrMeo et-H PH IN f.PIK M ’ A\ 1C ■ kWaln^aa pr*i*orly, #iora

Mild f '‘'M fluiH. Wii 'JBxliri; l*«»l Muilon, owa- er iienl-* iiii.iivy. aiiijrlli' e Hi Uiree f' ljrrhe \«lt]i> tl,1**411*. worth ihe bnat buy uufiprlnKti. i'l Hvft. t/TTO At l.'O. 674 Heryan ®t

j**riN .r. gi'iNN.■*0P j■|■.«rII^•K A'.'M TICI. ;*rt1WR TVRverly.

JNS! HAN- P HKAl. PKTATB. J/)ANHHP. vl b '- ’'A'i i; v |.iiS‘«i 4h# T^ATKAWANNA.

1C. I’ F]nl,MKK ArJENCT.( HrUMlT. N. .T

THE ROBKVILLB rrj.MMPRi'IAL RTHfiDLi I8T Beccmrt •* . near OronRe pii,. Newark.

L RLAPSKR. Fflf>r1[ia1.A hlfh FFftde private acbool **f IlmMrd ni*Tti-

k m h if : itenoyraphy. tyi»r*Tmnf. lirwk heei*- tflf, Btiflleh branjrtiM: Do claaMi; dHy_*nd•VMlnf MMiOTia. t'4leloK on appllchtlon. Trle-phDue W4L. n. D.


Tmao Pliman ahorthnn*!. touch tyr*'**nMnc, ■ 'i.n. Sptnlifi,kciok*li*Minf. liftiiin. FTcnr-h. lUlUnALL INDn'IDUAL rNBYRUfTlOS

r*U, write of ’phone A02L Mnrkri MART T. flT. CI.sAl»f IVALTEK 0 *i*^DRICH.


Bummer araalon. 8:80 to 12:80.Enrol] now for tummar aMfinn or fall term.

Thorotiftb tnitructlon. moderule tuition. Thlr* nUily*nlntli yearNEW JER8ET TUTORINO BCHOOU

184 MARKET gT.XndlTldnal tutorlitf In all aubjerta' aTperl*

*ne*d Inatnictore; ooHrf* preparatory work * •PftOtAltF. Telephone R28B MarketftKORTRAND. tyrewritlnit. hook-keeplnir, rltll

MiTle*: pofifloha aur«, weekly t'nvmrnla. SOWHBITB Colleja. 8H Cantre at.r 0209 Ukt.

_______ — Music —flX3HWNOE ARTBttB fteaoher for threa yw*ra

At the London Cenaervetorr of Movie) i atnff' h if fltftllan methcMlb vdIc* placlnc, cnnceA, fta fk And opera: plnno and vMin tuition. W M I u tm tty l* r ’


BANJO, MANDOLIN. OlUTAR. VIOLIN kMofti, M ,: iBVtrumenU for aale, 'Phnne A, 9, WStDT. i>8 Waehiniton at., corner Kinney.■ASMT F7BCHER, IIT Oliver at., teacher of

baaM maodolto. fv iu r and violin; pHtbi* Jm n m , nOo.i op*lo*date methode need.MANO. TloUn. flitiA elartnaf Inetrnctlon. 0. _kfAKOOIJ>. atudlo. 181 Berfcn at., nearBooth Orange tve.

DancingPA T H SCHOOL OF DANCINO, 406 Bmad a t

Open for pKvata iaaaou until Aurujl 1. *Pbo»e iOJ, B. B.

AMdemlc and Collegiate StudiesPRJVATB laftivetlqii in the Above. 21 Mt.

pteaaaflt eve.; itudent'a homa. B. D. HlUi* m a n , As B . a . U., Pb. D.

Dramatic and Elocution• . C. OLMBTBAD. ELOCimON aJid BTAOE

THAININO. Profavalonal coach. Atnateur tbeatrleali and vaudevlll# ecte coached. Bpe'Bpe-eUl tttamton to ET.OCT^TION atudenta. Gtumo,


I r v r i v n nod ' ‘1*1,1.E* TTii A B^^P 'TAI.TT

CLINT* n i l J r on main etreei, Birfanttwo ffliiiilv !R n>om4 , lH*lhi*: abadi'a, rcr^eue ,

lot fltriKjf. tlirl iiljeHD at J*I Vki; will cjfhHi'iee fur thf**c *L.)rT*i A i.‘*' . 874 Uerp*in at.frLlNTi'N IIII.I3-i^'otrier Ici; pTomlnent rir* a t .

Krrtiit f' l L>uHiriHBa: H.dOii uTTl) ft I'i)-, Ci"-! Ht ________ ________

C1JNT**N lllJiL T'. rl.w* ealala. unueual but-- giild. near (■■llnt"ti a'** . 14-rcK*rn iw»-rH.n>liv,

two mt-*<l*fni Laibi. a*‘pHrat*i aieHm hraUT-’ , n*wly i>alnitNl a/ui d'’*-..mifcl; bIkIb i'**f. a*k- tug jft.oiAf, terir*s to ault. aubtrll offnr UN- NETT ft IVoU". 221 ' ’Union ava.

RR.\L ESTATE FOR 8ALF.—CITYI’RNTHAL pr<ipeTi;y that can b* gtH at a be^

n vary little caah 8*!* MAXcatn with vary little ca MftNDl,, 2JT rm on bulliHagPIANB BT , 863. n w Marker at —In the

wholaeala dletr1*-i: 8<)tX(»: f>i1’a verylUtlc caab Pae MAX MENDL. 21I Union bufldfitf

AVON AVE , at i ‘nmi.n-Attreotlva. m-d-rn light ru *m dwi'llliig, au*am heal; acsi* rouf;

ei>-epilciitallv wail oonetructed; baranln at tO.WiO. MKNETT A W*'lLF. 231 CUnu.'b a \oIK'.TPiTMHNT 8NAP—RertJili |78 monlhly;

prloa tT.lKki. td.OOO mort«M«i 6 P*'' »t»t. l tfarae itv-room (twclUnge, «rilh all IrDpro '**" mental nevar vacant: Inveallgala. LINNETT A IW1LE. 221 Clinton ava.

HAJ.BKT. comer Peerj at.-»ow oo«uple<t by Kmpli^ Auto Supply Co.i new three^etory

biigdlna; vTH.d r^nteH prloa low. Be* MAX rn l «n building

NET5 ' RT . one block from Hrr>art at 2ftxjno;prire 81A MOO lerma enay. H«« MAX MENOU

UnionMUT.BERHT 8T 236-2fl7 directly In rear of

city hall-Two etwel and two Btle; burer»lnat |12,(KV) Rm« m a x MENDL mu>r bldg.WILL BUItJ) on lAfavetla »t . naar iiroad

at., on* or two-atnry building, to ault lan- ani 8u« MAX MKNDL. Union b(iUdlngIA)TS for butlitera on aaey tarma.

6YLVAN AVK., br|nk pavad. 18 lota.Cornerm wth'orn* and PeaWha.ISOtlOOi fl.BOft.318 Halited at., E. 0.. cloae Caniral ava., *TW), CSTmar Malated and Tramonl. £. O.. EBxluO,

1900.lM_B*?irth 12th at., oloae Ceittral eve , t» 0 . ar ffrhiw* at-.“Nuttey, If titM ' each fiuO: 488*7 Hadgar ava.. 5fbcl00. noth 11.400.« Searing at., 28a8o, 1000.

CRANK. 27 CLINTON BTSOUTH rouUTKENTH BT.-Tbree lota. 78x100.

print M.dOO; Madlann ave., S lota. 50*9114, priiwi 82,400. Souih Tenth at., corner lot. 25iW. near Hprlncdeld are., prica fI.ROO; Ttlllaghuret ■f.. plot, 75ilOU feet, price 81.800; BrKty ave.. Raat Orange, lot 35ilOB. vary chaap, iDQUire F. PITHS, ala Rote at., city.

MURr a T BT., T9, at Rrowd—Mo*3em IJ -w m •lucoo dwelling; ireautlfullv re'lfroorated

Ihrijughoiit; Hied l>ath. parquet no*‘*ri, aieam haati plot 2014x100, iinueual ofr*Tln*, low priMi U l f Hrm*. fjNNKTT k WDl,!*, 121 Clinton ave.*rwo-FAMII..T houae. near fiprlngflel*! avg.

i*art linnnwemeriU- price M.'Wl). (hrvc-famtly hnuee. aame l<jCritl*sr. all Iriipr'jvpmenls but eteam, prica 86.000. Inquire NHib'iml Reel Ke* u t a Co., room 1W7. Ololw hulMlna. HOO Hroad

E V E N IN G N EW S rc sp ec ifu lly g sk s th e k ind co -o p era iio n nf its p a tro n s in carry inR th is a tra n p e - m en t in to effect, and re q u e s ts a ll copy a s e a r ly as possib le . T he NEW ARK E V E N IN G N E W S v.-ill be u n a b le to c la ss ify any a d v e r ­tis e m e n t received a f te r 1 1 ;45 A. M. T h is is a b so lu te ly n e ce ssa ry b e ­c a u s e the firs t ed itio n w ill be is su e d e a r ly fo r the conv en ien ce of r e a d e r s g o ing out o f tow n.

Kc«niyTVV^M-'.VMILY tituguo ImuNc. coluulal elyla;

hit :uijil*iu: III r'HiTiiir ali iiifDr<»v<-im'nta:'hgriiL d'-- ii'HU-iJ, »ri><ii'aie «*nirotiKea, aicatri

hi‘H,Lt>rn und p^rrliFN: wIiHh ctiamHcd tiftTlura ati*l I at hr<>i>TiiB. mlaalon ilInliiK-rtKiin. beam relllnK Hn>J plali* rail; urln- 1’i.2 0 0 ; lerma to Hull. Anply uremlaeff. 22 f'lirainut at.

I Hetuchenj j4,(kRi V . \M ‘K for |2.6f*0’. H bfral te rm * ; aavan- 1 r iMTii C4>rner u»««lcrn d w e llin g , $26 rerun uti-

• dlift. UwtuT. I’TS, Mnut‘h»rj. N. J.

MaplewoodM Af'LEW* N)r>—N«a hmwi ',' hIe riHvme and

bHib, all imprnvemtfitU; threa mimiruM' walk rniiii' H.'iiih Ot'iingi; and KprIiigheM avu. earn, uii# bloi k aouth ort Vallry atreet. Addi'va* Kl>lVAltli KlHIl. MMIbuni, N J.NINE rooiriff. all Imiirovemftrita; 18*228; fruHi:

vardui lilvkvn run. barn; 5u. in .Newurk; nrlca I.j.6*hl j y. Co LLIN'K. Hldgeflald I*ark,


TOWNBloom tleM

FOR SAU; Al' HADRIFimC.On aa«) teinta. (v.o tbinliy houac. 26 Klla at ,

corner uf Crojii,; lwc» blurkn from WaiHMHing BiHilon; one utiartm^nt rented. In ieif«\-T uraiT, mnk« ni; offer I'ifiTENl) Realty i 'o . infi tiiuRilway, N>* York.VV[[jL Hell bolow coal vkaani new atui'ciii;

nina itjcinia: b^tli ewTM (inuruveinvul, living room tilaii: iiih>d fije{il«<:e. Ideal loe‘Hlton;tninvenlant: fk)ih*4 $.1 W*i. aaay tenna, pliot**- tFauh. Addrca* HAU’YON, Hox U2. News ufflev.KKVK.S‘-R*)OM HIU'KK, large paatry; aieam

healed; ikil Impri'i'eTornlH; ileap Ini; gOOtl la-cailoti: Junl Oomplelnd: prli'c |4.S*"*0. Bui 3B8, Hloonjileld61X-RCX)U hcua* on lot 68x130; ocnvanlent te

(rollay an*l tralo. Inquire at 4i N*w at.. Bluorulleld

B ellev ille2*|NE two-Cajiilly bouae. aeleot etreai;

fvjy.y h-'Uie Ht Mnplewofid, N. J . : all improve- ■ncri.a. large |n t; nrar atniton. Addreaa P.

O Htrx 12S. Hapb'woiMl, N J.

i lo n i f i a i rbf(iNTi'T,AlR New rwu-fumily houae; mod­

ern imi-ri''*’itieniii live | s/<iiiib aiu] Imth each f1-v>r: lurtnH rensnoalile. Inquire 162 Norlh ■F'UlIcrlon afe$60(i* fAHH. i;u') monthly buyn nice nn*- fHmlly

hiiunie, K*i-fini, nil ;nil’r<*5t'ni'fiiH Ad‘'*'«HaHaalthy, Box 7, News office. MLinlclalr.

North ArJinKtunFOR HAl.r. -.Ni'w two-family h*iuae. 11 rocjma.

with 4 I'Uri. I2i> deep; near achiAd and tmllay; price Apply ownar. KOlil.'TIi. Wealaypi-, North ArLington ^

NeteongFOR SATiE--Foor-reaTD bunniow ; ffaa laeft-

tlon . Vj mlla from Budd Inike; terma r«iit*>Q- ablc. tu r j id CHa MB£1RLAIN. Netoong, N. J.

CUHMUlEU’B FB U rr AND UUH'KBN FARM.38H fruit Ircca la baarlkg and room for 800

chlckFUa; 60 mlautra fruio Na« Y’ork op two raU- ll•Boa b., L. BDd W. god Erie; 8 mlbntee’ walk to tbe. alAtiijb; diady Hgbt-reom bouee, itaem )iHai, aplagcllri c't>in|lfl<:iii: d1i*c Igwn*. ttowara, 150 fi. grape artri»r; rarrlage-iiouaf', ^araa, rhlckeo* liouacH, broiNli-ra, luciibatura, all t*J*»la, lotple- niHiia, rarrlagv; vrlU Ik> MHcrlUcrcJ fur qalck aole. I6.UU0: iiMl hiure. ^ ('uiiotry bc|iur(uieat, LOUIS HUin.KKlNtiKlt. Inc., I’nlua biiiliiiag.HPLKNniU FARMS-Millington lection, near

aiullon. H8 avrea. 6ne hulIdIngR. ItnproA'Qil, elrgaut prndurtli'c fann. completfly iNltil|iped, lare opporturui.v, 12,UUti leaa than value; al>o •ttV-acre. fln** place. iO.floO; hlggeal bargain farma, II,HO) fur 24 aur«A; 6d acrea. |2,2UU; tin Bcrea mummoth mipi, alorked, fully equipped, paya <tver JO per nei; lOlS bar- gaina, all aetiihinH. VAN UOHN, 7H8 Bn«d at.IXJVER- Fami of 850 aurea, 818.000; 100 acre*

tilluble, 260 timh*'r and pHiture; three heuaaa, twelve, Nix an«1 five r*>omj; two good bama; ateam eawnilll; aprlng water; brook: good waliai high altitude; face* on Bbongum Iftka fur one mite; SS4 inUes aoutb of I>over; 8 mile* fr<'an Morristown; good fruit: fine flta fur coun­try realdaooe; will eoU wtiols or ^art. Addraee(tEOKOK FIKRHDN, Dover, *N.HOVTH JKRSKT .FAllMH-^:an grow any kind

of trulia; good henith place among the piuea; 10 mllea fn>in Allaiitlc (’lly. lieal market In the Stale: gtKMl prlcea: JH** bcihs, llWi; ff'c BiTfia, and five an-es, $I“6, caah: thia]f>t la vury cheap. Write JilllN UROW.S. McK*ie Oily. N. J.rc tl’NTRY HoMK and poultry farm: fine

hulldlngf, ipleniy of fruit; ilx acrei of ground. 8K.0O0; part can reiimln on ninrlgRge. a'4)U)*l conalcler iiart eirhunKc f< r ImproACd lota IT inroine property PHIil,lP JKN'MS‘JI9. 6111 Flremen'a building. Newark. N- J,

f a c t o r ie s a n d L o r r s t o l e tTH1? four’ito r r brick bulldlni. t i *ad U

Meobania it., thia city, about 42a80; light, high basaraent: lo-foot driveway under iiijt of balding; eiao iofu third floor, building vU) aadant: Market at., «0i40. luitnbt* for light man* iifacturtftg. Inquire MARC’l^e L, WARD, roeju

801, Eaaex building. Clinton at.lX)B*r to let, anllable for uaaiifarturUii jeweler

Of light niaaulacttrrlnf, drop praea. peal aiMt loreellar w waaiilng barreli on ph'mleea; H>* elean,

and all Imprvreiueata, Inquire Kuglnwr, 24 Buu-

LIGHT l-iOFTS; fine for Jewelry or eny ether manufacttirlngl electric power, light; all Im*

provememr, with building |d fine eondltlon.d E iirjiA rH b u il d in g , afti-apa M uibem

IA>FTS. 2,500 and 8.000 equare rt,:centm]; gM, electiio light and power; ateam heat: eleva­

tor; low Inauranc^ new mlll-oonatructed Qroe- del butidihg, 280-284 Plane at. Inquire premlawa



VFRT light eecond-atory loft: 80x100 fL | i^eam hrn t: new building; aultable for Jew-

eler or manufacturing purpogaa. Apply to oworr. HM) Kmmel at.TO l,PT. o ’er six thimRund square feet In fac­

tory e l O n im l and Monia avea.; kght four •Idrs; ivlth or without power. .308 Central ave.HKCOND floor In rpw building: plenty of lig h t;>

heat furnished; about 2,400 aquare feet; nnac Clinton ave. WTRTZ ft CO.. 2C4 Jelllft avaTYI‘0 floore, each 2.IM>0 aquare feet, with power

and heal; aulteble for light manufeoturing. A. 8AYHR. 832 Mulberry at.

F arm ror eule. near MllfuTd. Del.; Uhl ai'rea: 90 acrea In fertile. machlne-wi>rkeil flelijR.

rent In limber, 20 acre* could Le cut n*Tw; uIcBiuint cltmaie; for sale on nt'cmihi f bua- Uiid'a death. Write '*r rail H. H. lUMM.Tu.'v. 'U Hherldati ase.. R<..»elle IMrk, N. j.

FIRHT FLOOR, 4.ROD feet; new building;light all aldee: heat; without power. P aa i

Dye Co., eO-62 Bhipnian at.l o f t . LDOl. equare feel, with eteam and

LKiwrr; light from four eldee; reeeontble rent. 478 WaehlTigton at.

I'ARMH- tVniEh JerKcy. n»ar iwn rultmuda and large cIMi-b; hrst *-liaUf'r to hpH produrla uQj

gel lii(|e|H-iiilcht: prievb rmiii $1.11*0 u|* ro 84 tkki; Ktuali riiiniH, Irvhigiiiu. lllitnu uuti HiilmtijH. ITOO ii|> hi gd.lHJii. hainiice lunrigiigr, F. FIVHH. 313Jtr^r 11.. i l l j .WKI.l. locatttd jtTiAll farm, conalallng of about

an acre of land: good eight-room houee; barn. ebed. chicken coops, ato.; price fS.TOO for quick eale; also two-family houae. acrea land, 16.600, CLINTON 1). BAUJWlN. Ve- ronti.

BOxl&O; nil ImpruveniHnta. acod condition bargain nt 84.000 HENRY J. P^HifiY 'Clinton ab. NewarkBEI.l.£VII,TJ9--ReB1l]ea«^H no Waalilngton ave.i

ull improvemeata; laige lot; bargain to quick buyer. Inquire 83 Tlilnfare.; 'pboue 8047 B. B.

eight rocima. up-to-date, jiew ' ■ $4,000 ■ '

Hot'BK,117'jxK^: good Irroalhm

MAN\ 113 Y\'ttflhtng1on tivelot

.T, H CORY- Bellevilla.

BTORB propefTty; annual rent ftb-T: will Take 87,C«l> If ..................................‘gold quick. NaDanul Real ttetale

Cb.. room 807, Qlobe building. bOO Hr4«d at.■IX-FAMILT inveatmem, newi* Smith Orange

av a : 86 rtKjme. 6 batha; yearly rent $1,14.priceReal Estate Co.. 8M0 Broad et.RlOHT-ROnM, two famlllea on Boutti «lx-

teenth a t.; price $2.M)i>; ItkiO raah win take It. Inquire room 8h7. Dlulie building. 600 Broad at. ______ .

TO the hlgheet bidder; muel be ftOlfl tnbankruptcy, a t public aucUiM, the new

flel houae, No. 4 < Hawihorrie ave, c_or-ner Hobeon at.. NewurW, N. J.: in fine order: free and cleat of all llerui or en*

CENTRAL INVRJBTMKNT at an aitiwctlve pfine; Waehingtnn at. property. In actljv

gone, at IHJW per fool; thia flgurea |6.005.00 ff-r h email plane with a future; a email amount ofcash will buy this irroparty. balane* mofigag».“ - ......... ........... Ca l l a g h a n , bin I’nrorJ. HANBRtTRT buildingFOR SALB-flliteenth av*. twalnNia property.

near Ninth at.; ihree-famlly, etore and four ronnia, and two flate with alx rtxima each; rente for 1672; will sell for $8,000 thia month. Addrnae r«llfomle. Box 38, Nrwe office.FOR BALIO-Cholce Market et. p w e rty . near

Breed el,; can b« bought a t a reaeonabi# figure If w>id Immediately; might eonaid**r erlei......... ...... ........................... ...hangs. Addreaa ITWaie, Box 12, News of-


I New a t , 8d floor; hours 1 ^ 9 ; elBBtl' Mkt.

Inatniction WuitMypTORlIfG wanted by young lawyer, Colum-

gift man; either preparatory eubjeetj for the bar dr dentistry or coaching In the law. Ad- ftrtM Teacher, Box i l , New* oince.QMJIMAN engineer, Englleh ipeaklng,

gUah eonveraation leeeona b r aalary- A*3*want*

W A jn x DX 1 8 S C W fC f“'K igE #*PQ ^^

IA .1 A n A B A' imk At B A b Wam m •Udiee' and genta ceet-oft clothing atidehooa; ppeclai prices paid for ladles' draaaea, winter ce tunm tr, of all deicrtption; also men'a auita,obftti and paDta; send postal, I will o a ll . MIL CAHN, llu Botilh Orange ave.

TttACINO STAMP BOOKS bonght, 81 per1.000. l*>oa*: milk labels, aoap w ra^^rs and

gobaceo coui.*ona; jilghaat prices p«n Jeraty Coupon Go., S28 Plane at., n- ket It.




Ca « i > r

WitS S k


m o STAMPS bought, 12 1.000. loose: prices paid for^booka, ooupong, milk

Map wwppere. 108 Market at., room 81.WAHTBD, rolltop desk, safe end cash regia-

ter, will pay the price If In g<*od conditron. MR. 'CASH, hi Academy aL ; tel, 2a83L Mkl

VAHjfltirUGH REiTTON. South Orange ive .— Bioree with rooma; enparaie ateam; all Im-

provemenie':' r'enti $.'528' year: orice 14.750; lerma U suit. nTAfKT>OCK 27 Cllnt*5n at.8700 EACH—Two lota. 4.16-456 North Fifth at.,

50x100 fert; paved and aewarrd; all bm*bj- menia paid; rare opportunity for builders or Bpjeculaiora. own«T, Polnlar at-F(iR BAT*B-I^t 27x100 feet, on Hudemv et.,

near Central ava.; street j»aTe*l: price 11,350; bargain. Owner. DONLEr, 184 Norfolk SA; 'idtcne 2924J Market.WASHINGTON AVE.—Deelrable pmpartyi

well located; 100x375; two fronta; to chiae eetate- Fartlculara by addreiaing Htxacutnr, Ikix 18, Newa office.

cumbiancea; on the premlaes 'Thunday.July 27, 1911. 2:30reiimred. AND^tEW "VAN B1jARCX>M, TYuaiea, 164 Market at.. Newark. N. J.

NOW la the time to pick up bargolna. while the moJOTity of buyera are away: I have

eeveral to otfar: very neniml biialnee* prop- arty, 128,000; Foreal Hlill, two-family dwell­ing large plot, finest a«-ctl-*n. $8,0W; two- famlty liau«, Eaat Orangr. 8;i,800; onf-famlly, rii'w, erven room*, large lot, 88,000; three- family. 15,000; twn-fiimllv. $2,1>0n. 83.500.84.500; Foraat Hill realdencu, $lB,tKni; garage she, $9 000. bargalna all aeriLona C. J- KiKRAN'. 28 CninbKi at.

Caldwell6-Ai'KE chicken farm, SAOOO; three miles from

l aldwell i>nirr: altuaied on main lurnplki*, guix] 0*rcom houae and bam. In firtt-claaii c^n- dinon, Hne:>il uf land. R. C DEAN, lMo*'m- uppoalle Ci-ntral; open-tjundwye. ^

DenvUleCEPAR LAKE I»T 8-T «a $160 lot# at l!W

each ff»r owh; oenvenJent, beautiful l4>Ok.-. tlun, i-arrlogM at itjllon; wlJJ take you to them Addreos PIpsluena Lodge. Leuvllie, N. J.

East Oranff«FINEST new elx-famlly brick apartnient-

hoiiHA In city; built a year*; In finest resi­dential gecGun of East (.rrarige: near Park ji\e , convenient io three railroad etetlone niid trollay, five large rooms; hath; all Iniprove- fiiente; each apartment beaatlfuUy decunued throughout; hells furnlehed; fully rented; moot daalrahlie tananta: owner living on premle«n; rent ti.246 yearly; prlre IlLSOO: for quirk nale. $4,000 oaah. baianoe mortgage, full panloulari to bomla fide purebaevra. Addreoa Owner, Box 71, Newa ofllo*.A'ri'RAt’TIVB frejoa house, 10 Grove pi., East

Orange; southern eipoeure, good nelghh> ir- hcod; five minuiea' walk north of Grove Kl. Rallroed fliailoii; eight r*>om» and baih. hard­wood fioor, receptlun hall, wide front porch, steam heat, awnlnga, eoreenii and aha*3es. price, td.TUO; easy torme, bargain. Call upon or write owner, WIHJAM8, 2tt Vernon pi , Hbet Orange.

O n n teMIHT FACR I F i r e my two-famlly bouse, In

floe looatum; well built and up t>> date In every reepei-i; eeparate entrances: newlypainted aii'l deroraiad: three years olid; better than a n*-w houae: (nie property will surely be aolil within a few days, and If you wanta bargain tt will pay you well to Inapect name.

- • Bn: • " “ "Addreae pL>aihve Bargain, Box 62, News office.A IIANI>HOME oDp-famlly house, In highly

rpBtrlriPtl location In Orange; epIendldlT con- airurtHl. irlnunrd and decorated; contains 11 r*>i>nii! and bath, eitiam heat; electric ilghta; parquet fioors. beam celtlnge. open fireplace, etc.: If cloei^d quickly, ho reaeonable offer re-

. n<>T iriui'h i-aah rpqulrecl. PHILIP J. BOWKKS ft <’0., IkP Market at.

South OranfoPAMtl.T lT)tnB In C-allfnrTVl,. will wll Oiwit

handsome reiildence of ten rooma, tn theeholt^eet eeeMon of Orange; t>ultt onlytwo yeiira fur prlrate hnme, and has all mod­ern convenlenosH: lot 1.1ihrl47; with eevfre) Urge trees und fine tennis court; two more rotiina can be finished Inijulre at 4TT Proapect ■t.

Verona.HrNNV\V(u)T* lIKl'iWTS fle\enly-flve Im­

proved restricted buHclIiig elips on mounialq top; Iota 8700 end up; siin 5Vxl75 and largijr; special prlcw to llmso who will build this year. ri.lNTON D. PAl4l>WtN. Verona.

100 FEET front, one acre; garden, lawn.ahade fruit: chickens: ten-room hnuee; with­

in 6c. fare: n^ar trolley and railroad sta­tion: deelrnhle. must lell. Addreaa Owner, Box 24. Newa oflloe.BENI) to Country Department for 111

CorriTnutere FARMS anywhere,•Farmeba, Any prU*e.

LOriB SCHLE3TNOBR. Inc., Union , Bldg.NliTHlNG IKIWN -2 acrsB. 6 aud 10 acroa of

farm land; 8 inllea from Atlantic TImi; will take small mociihfy payments, fall OlTTRUr. 76 Centre at., Orange.HtrNTBRlxrN f’oumy Farm Agency Fie.m*

Ington, N. J .; from 25 to 200 aerss; iooail*>n. price and terms on applicatlou by mall or per- aonally.Ff>R HALE--314 acrea. alx-room houae. anutU

ham. fruit; on main rt»ad: goo*l nolghhijn; price IfKKi, F- DK RKMKR. 'WaahlnglDTi. .N J.66 AfT^Rfl wild Iffltd; beautifui riew, am*th-

erly exposure; 10 inllea from Newark; who wants I t f HOLMES, owner, WeeKlold. N. J-FARM ■ In - Hunterdon County,

guod condition; very reasonable E. ft H.. Jutland, N. J

iOQ. acreAi In. tddreaa

FARM In Jutland, N. J.; 82 acres: in good condition; very reasonable. Address E ft

H., .Unlanti, N. J.______________________


WATCH y*5ur money incrcftie; Inveat It In Verona real astntc; thers is no belter Invest­

ment to be had; the most deaJnthle property In Ihlf lection on my book#. CLINTON I). BALD- WINv T'erona.

West 6 eldFOR BAl.K -Two lots In Westfleld . pHoa $505;

hargalD. Address W. R., News eftice. Sum­mit. N J.

le.eix).Bargain offered fnim genpral oontraotore,

build 8^atr>ry frame buildings, all Impta except ateam heat, beat material used, eUe 22xMt; sheeted, papered, aided; double porchne, 'ptaasaia pftntrles; plan# and apeclficatlona fur­nished; also one-family house. $2,600; throA-family houae, H ,6 ^ ; model hou«a can be aeSU. KAPLAN BROB.. 6W South TwelPlh It,

liOT on Bergen it., near Watson ave.. and claar: all Improvemenit to mirb

line. Apply BlMtiN FRIEDBERaER, 22 South Thirteenth it . dry.VERY valuable comer property; centrally lo-

caiad on prominent at rest; unusual oppor- tunlly for Invealment. Addrem Properly, Rax 28, Newa Office,liDTB—Seymour a « . , near Clinton eVe.: all

Improvementi to eurh; price ll.Ofih each: worth I t .500. CHARLES P. GILl-EN, 123 Market at.TjOTS for sale, on Sighteetith and NlneteeaCh

eta., near Clinton ave.; new pavement: easy terms. Apply to Owner, 8A8 Central ave.1.0T 2fix!On for sale cheapi 875 I3i

near M'ataon ave. Addreaa J Myrlle ave.. Irvington, N. J.

Bergen ft., JONES, 26

FOT’R lute In Fabynn pi., near Lyons are., at A liriTgaln: good for builder. A. ENDI,k R,

H7 Florence ave.. Irvlngfcn.

MlOHSST prices [aid for ladlsa' end gentFgut-off clothing, ahoPB and feathera. ~Beh*3

BECKER 55 Muntgomery a tto J,1 WILL nav hlch nrlraa for Udiaa' and genta*

elothlag, furniture and ahoea, asnl puatal 1 I win oalL, FRANK. 87 Mercer a t

OLD OOLD, allvar, bought for eaah.

SlarkM It., oppiMite Newark Th*ta(rv.flatimim and dlamondi - Al’STERMAKN, m

CASH Mid for old g<'ld, eitver and dlamonda. T- jBRADLEY, Inc., 482 Broad at., next to

Oentlnenui Hotel. 'Phone 1275L B. B.OLD GOLD, sliver, lorape Jewelry, dlamonde.

platinum bought; THl Broad,over Petty's new •tore, BALEVRK, formerly Gnmcalea.WANTKDi a eeconcl-harul safe; give alas and

v e l r t t and name of maker. FRANK 10 Almira #t., IDoonifield.


dAKOft—Wanted, a good nanoe, 13 or SO ft.;•cate price. Addresi M. H. J.. care Garh>ck

# Miaohell. Bloomfield,810KKBT. prloee paid for cast-off clothing,

■ 1 wlil oall. fl. COHEN, 50Bend postal and Cbnal a t

FtiR kAt^K—Three lots, M*>ad al., Vellsburgh: $.<l!t0 sriph Inquire NIRUAIN, 758’# 8*>uUi

Twenlleth #t.

Fob very urgent reasons [ maat dlapose of four (wO'famlly tiouaea with all eeparate modem

tenproTementi In splendid residential aectlpa of Newark which are bearlly mortgaged; non-real- dent ewper; ctimot l0f>k nftef these propertlei and must sell at .aacrlfl>'« or will trade for aroall property fr*« end clear or with small mort- ^aga;_adtiuil rt^iblued rental 12,016. jA$dES

R 7 LAND, 122 Market #1.

ISfifi OABH buye naw iwo-famfly houae; lot; catlar cefllng plastered: porcelain wo«h-

fulltube: all decorated end ready to move In; oan be seen any day end Sunday aft«rnoon; Ikyulh Orange »▼*. an*1 Plank roe«l cai to South Nixteenth al., thea ehuti walk to N« 507: owner <id gremiaea.

e a s t o r a n g e SA CRlFirE-Fractlcally new twQ-farrUly house, Doaton plan, built on exire

large lot, on on« of East Orengn'a choicest avAnues; aurrouDded by haAdsome homea: con- venleni to eyarythlng; oontalna every naodarn Improvement. Including eleotrlo IlghiB; don't miia ihle If you are In the market. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CO., I8k Market at.LARGE two/famlly houae; large lot: IT r»*oms.

two baths; aepafuts entrances. seT>arnto steam heatera; In good condition; bargain at I8.T5U; easy terms. HENRY J FOl.EY, ll Clinton a t , Newark,"PRICE t4,50fi--Two-fainily; ateajn heat: lot

88x100. garage; near Central ave. trolley; appraised a t $5,000; first airaight mongoge |8,80ti tiijV mt same. Addreaa No BroBere, Box 01, News office. ^FINE HYPINEHH COR. RIA^OK FOR PALE.

('entral ave, sm] Amherst st , Ehsi IIOxlH.k: easy terma. Inquire GKu PENsK. 185 Market at , Newark, N. J.

HOT THE ORDINARY KIND, hut a apeclal two-famlly houae, close tn ('Union a re .; con-

tains 15 rnome, two bathe and extra lavatory; baam oelllQg; electric llglita; aeperatR eo- tranree and iteam htaiere; our pHua positively 81.000 below actual value; any reasonable amount of cash down, balance on terms to suit purchnaer. PHI U p J. BOWERS ft GO.. 180 IIIllarketj^ aFOR flALE—Beaullful *)na-ramlty hotiae In

Foreat Hill, one minute frem trolley; make me an nffer ami you will get ll, 0JMPSON, 42. Eaaax building

D w ellInB iONE-FAMIt.T. MX rooms and bath: all Jm-

pruvemrms; steam hea.t: n>it a dark room; etuccueil; Intra lot; drivevev and shed forauto; w ( 1 st'lT at a iMirgaln; ran moke terms,

y 12 WftlnwTlghl sr . *.l’nton Hill.Appl NEW ST nrsT HalreT at.—Thrre-alor’

hAnemem hlli'k hullillTia: plot 2L*5?iK4;r-eltent lri\tiBin\rnt proptialilori, prlve and terms rmeonable [nl«*rv1rw ItiJlirRT A. 08- H*)TlN’K A C«h. lirwiii and I’llntoo sia.PLANK HT.. near Central *ve.-Plot 60xHVJ.

orviinlbd hv frame dwelttriga; a dealrable pr*'t»ert> for Invssimenl; t'ru-e and ternis rtaponoble. Interview ROHEHT A. tVBBOHNB ft CO.. Brrwd and Clinton alaCORNER h«>uBp, three-famlliy, Iflfl ThlrUeoth

eve. «i lliitgera si., three-family; part Im- provwmenis; 55:^37: price, tH.(X*0. or will sill aingltv Kiecutori. H58 Broad tt., third floor, uf Idh Thirteenth rv*.. rear.

NEW ihrsp-fanklly houae: must eell at enoe;inaku me an offer fur a niusi have cash.

BlMPkoN. 4211 Em *i* builiilngN ow IS THE TIME to buy Newark real

ceiare, either as an lnvestn*ent or specula­tion; a gno<l Mv-famlly house at a gemiln* ssc- rlflce and on attractive terma; well located; two minutes from trolh'y; contains 30 rooms Rnd six baths; all doi.-oraled; every Improve- manl except hts.1. P il lU P J POWFJI.H ft (*0., 18k Mitrhet sfRUMMER AVF -New 2t4j-story Iwo-famlly

iwelilus. thlriren room* nod bsth. si'parateentratuN^a an*1 sTrsm hp^rers uli Improvements; heat conslructlfin rbrnlmit li'lm. parquet and hardwood Ho*iin Int ftnTifHi iirice and terms reasonable. Interview TlOUKRT A. OPUORNB ft CO . Urr' iil sofl riinitin ala.OUICK action wsnlwl: 1 am going to sell

mv tw»>'famllv house; fourteen ro^ms; u|*- tn-dale: in g*x*d location; near station and trollev; this urooertv must so to som« noe at n l•*l^salil I need ouick cash; 1ni|>e&t and rnnke offer Addreaa Two-Family, ih)i 58, Kowa (UhrA

Gl«n RIdgtA GRAND (practically newi mansion at eacrl-

flee; worth 814.0<K>, fur 8>< 5W: gn.una la 135x157 feel; on the larkaw&nna ai Glen Ridge; will rou agr< e to pn*tecl the location If I give you an entire Bkcrlllce? Now i.ikefour time ar:d reed very carefully the f'lllow- ns proposltlGn: Fur |h.50(i I wtl] sell to sniiie

reflneiJ family a grnrti old manelon (prucllcul- ly newi; huuas cuifiatna hall In contr*v (>srlur. library, *3cii. dlTi1ng P0«>m. kitchen, two pan­tries, one butlcr'a pantry, complete laiinili>. Steam heat; second door, hall In centre, eeveu large bedrooms btkI two whtt^ enamel btuh- rooms; third floor, hall In conlre. htur )>vl- rooma and iwn pti.rugB robins: JiH new h;4rdw*>j'i floors thr'^iighout ilio entire hofliise front end bach Blairwtiyi. large porch all around hooH* . capacity T'liO squar- fuel lot Is fi-e'.never could yc«j hiiliri il ls house for the ground It wr.rth $I .Mk). 1 n:n oI7*u'Ii*k the griiunds and hovitH fi%v fHri<*0, ntantis on cne of the high-cUsff uveimes In r71en Hid,;* . grand cUl ehadn freei. mis la rro n'ili!ern>'.'RH proposition; ] v.-I|| sucrlfire to some one who wilt afrrse to }>rotect :hf 1*X'ation. nt* I am going to eroct el once ihme extremely hlxh- ciass houses to correspond with the rest nf the Surroundings; t am In a position to tnk' hark a good Stud tnurlgaga ni 5 per I'cnt. ynd make ynur lerms very ntti^cilvr. wo do not intend to run after any one to buy (Mu pine*, hilt reserve the eKCliialm right to rviert any Db.tarrionabla fsatrircs: If you are willing lo exchange refenm-’cs wp are In a poslihm to WBkome you. the shide trees and shrubbery tvlll nil bo left on the prnperty; only spseii niinuien' walk (u I,acla«wanha Riatlon ainl trolley; If you are imci1 lo the IjpKct cla«K write nr 'phone Khfudrfment; there l9 nothlnr; to hide: s clean, open ifura-to-facel proposl- llon; seen Inufkrtillatclv CHAP. 1. IH’KE. builder, 21>2a Park ev,, Newark: 'phene 4711. Branch Rm>.>k. I'nsltlvely no Qominisaions paht to any one.

West Oran(cMODKKN ll-ro*,*m residence on elope of Or­

ange Mountains; large lot; near irolloy and school; 10 nilnules to Highland Ave. HtatJoc. V.. li. and W. Address ^ lec t. Ben 40. News offioe.MDT>EFN U-mom residence, on s !< ^ of Or-

ange Mouataim; large Int, near trolley and schord; 15 mlhuttts to Highland Ave. Station, T» . L. and W. Address-Select. Bog 49, News office. ____________HUNGAl/iW pkits. mp of CJrange Mountains:

mocadamlteil slreeta: telephone; water; trol­ley: near lake. Apply ROBERT MENZBU 8 Eaton pi.. East Orange.CHirKEN FARM, ilx-nxim house. Improve­

ment*. near trolliy. southern exposure: price $JI,5f)0: easy terms. Call l l Park terra*=e.


GOOD FARM anywhere In commuting dlitance of Newark: musi he healthy location and

have gix**! water. Addresa M, T., Box fiO. News office.

iA*FT. for light manufacturing purpoaeo, 25x70; ;{ii9 Washington ave. Inquire J. 8CRIBA

JR., mil W'akcnian ave.JACuH HT. - dmall two-stnry frame factory}

hfsr car line; |30 month; lease. QBIfiESK ft PLI’M, K45 Bruad et.BEAR brick building, two stortos,

fur any business, chsop rent, store, 160 Ferry st.

il Ught. Apply SDu*

LOFTS to Ist; corner M v k tt «afi Flone ata.(..............w Ilf’' * ------- -— *—low rent; sultabls for light mamilaatapln^

Inquire ^ Market a t ^ ______ ____TX)FT to let, with power; B.OOO squara feet:

" s Engineer, William a&4good light Bhipman eis.PART firet floor to rent; aultable any light

• • Dentist,biislnese; excellent io(»tloD. Broad.TWO-BTORY brick building, W x ^ ahoo or

storage; rear 43 Clinton st. QROEL, 41 Clin­ton st.IA1FT to let. with or without power. Apply

131 Belmont aye.__________ ______________

t REAL ESTATE WANTEDLIST your property with ua for qulok restiUs.

Why lose Lt under fonx-loeure when we can aell il at public auction? Satisfaction guar- fin tee<l; no eale. do commimlon charged. DUFF ft MACDONALD, Real Estat* Auca iloneere. HH-122 Market at., rooms 83-34: 'phone 3946 Market.WANT to- buy central jm perty, PIojm. biV

tween the canal and Court it. preferred; willcoiielder Hslsey and Washlhgton st. p ro ^ rty , south of Market; aloo William a|. below Flane,

-parUculare-and cash - Attorney,Box 7B. News office.w a n t e d , a two-famlly house in Vaiisburgh

Rcctlon, near Boulh Orange ave., valued not over $5,500, In eiehojige for a one-famlly from* huiiae, free and cle&r, valued $4,000. JOB. M. BYHNE c:0-, real eaiate department. 776 Broad Bl., room 20 6 .WHAT have you to offer on Washington at.,

in the district between Market st. and Clin­ton ave? Slate all particulars, location, street nun>ber, size, price, buildings, ronr. etc,. In first letter, Aodreae investor. Box S6, News office.BELL-— QUICKLY^EXCHANOE. ___

: Ma ^ on., tw . f.m!ly h™ ...: o,n-LOTHH HCH7-ES1N(1ER. Inc.. Union building. |^nd' t,\i*|nesi probertlesV for exchange;I. BIIIELDS-. 412 Union bund-FARMB from 2fl to 50 acres: have.buyers

welting; please send list at once; quick Buies. RIMPBON. Kunex building.

I make your offers. Ing

WANT to rent farm of 10 to 30 ocrv^s: near East Orangp Addross Milkman ANOAl.,

7P, News oflloe. ____

1 WISH to purchase one or two piece* of o*n- (rally located pr«jparty for Investment. Ad­

dress KKEI*AN, Ho i 8a, News Office.


I OWNER B, list your properties for sale, roni I or exchange with tie. ROBERT A. 09- I BORNE ft DO.. Rroftd and Clinton stj.< "WK WILL buy your pmoerlv at once If price

FOR S.ALK-Two two-fatnlly houses; splen*1l*l j Is ch*'ap; propertiee In run-down cnndltlnn Invesitiinnt: or isiri exchange enuilles f*jr | an*l those thr**aten#il with foreclosure preferred.

imall one-famlly bouse. News office.

Box 90. i Ad*3rvas Cash. Box 23, News oftlce.


RALE Qf exchange tor two-famlly ho^eo. vi­cinity Newark or Oranges, beautiful home;

lot M S acres; old ihnde. lawn, fruit, berries, grapes, vegetables bearing, shnlbbery. flowers all kinds: house II rooms, porches, all modAru crnvenlencee. artetlan water, outtiouaes; wi-en tnlnutfse from statMn; trolley soon. Address OwTier, Box 319, Chalham. N. J.HOURE. containing nlns rooms and store; barn

on premises; occupie*] as meat an*1 vegetable n.&rket; Improvements. Address House. Box Hft. News office. ^

12TH ANNUAL Cfimpmsotlng, to Bepternber, 1911; nn Uiathi post iweh'H years; 45 sots rC'

served for the largeFl campmeetlDg on oc«an {

KXCFIANI^B—8-fsmUy, all Itoms.; reoted; for a Address F., Box 10. Newsftmall oDefaially

n f U r e . _____

rnasl; lots IUk> up. lint, bungalow nr cottage, $4i>tO up. American-World CampmsKIng (liounrls. Rslmar, N JAlJ,rTKAR-R(M.'N'T* bungalows; lOO feet from

I'cean; five larg* rontna and bath; double pi>ri-h; imly $2nu duwn. ten minutes' walk from stnllun. Meal Peach *:'n,. Keansburg, N J.1>rV n hiim4>; eurl, still water; woodland: all

linnTrjvpments; 7" lols. $850 up. flO down, $iii iM n liiv Rev 61, Highlands. N J


FMYRlt^iAN'R residence and practise for eole;ti>n-room house; hardwood finish

tlirtiighoui, Meum heal; bathroom; new barn; chicken huUe*- fine garden and fruit trees; locRied six miles frnpi New Hrunawick; prao- riHS worth a month: lerma reHiormble.Ailfln-jw J. lb. Ijfivk Box 227, Whltehouse Sta­*. N J.


Household Goods W antedVR. CASH^^buys enyihmg and ev(iTyih)r«:

............... ■ ny' st. T i• nil fvsTvihli

Ulephoiie 238,‘tl. Market, 61 Arafipmv'st., . buy fumllure, carimfR, chairs, washstonds dresesrs, bureaus, curiris. piankeis nr pil lows, aullts nr ftiiylblng ynu hft'O to bj*I1 r<m «aoh: nothing large nr ton small fur n:e to handle; I n*.-r« than anv Kurtlontionse or dealer In (be cMt ; l hii^r n.> agenie to pay conmilsnl--n n >r no r«j*rr:^criTiitlvea u> payi 1 call iiri'^nnHlly; thaO why I

pay you nivie eHiim^ten ohSorfulIv given; tfuetnesB done n**i<tiv conibipimB.i. get 'my prices first.AT A- MAltK’B. 2*13 Wflshlngt.m ^ 'phone

4441 Market, »e buy i< ntenis oj nain. iHrge or Ifi small lota; i-ny oiute tlLHii doHlers' W* have no Hg^nia in i«ny i 'lnnnls-inn, buy- carpets, I'bslr?, dressvrs, pllb r« N ntoves, tablH. anything H'ld rvei>i?imK tmthing i.o layge or l<** euiali nje t** Imndle; gf>t niy price before Irvlng viherH; t^isities^ errlt-flvGonfldentlnl: ...... . tukrn in htonige urultpqnsy *d;-oticel nt A. SIARK'H, 2*tS U’nsli- ington St.

ALIi KINDP o r Jini'SE H ot.n riii**r.3 ANDm b r c h a n m n k . KNTntr: t ii .n-t e n t b (.w-

ptru'es. h**useM jin-l 5:iIh ur yiu ha*«to sell. bmight r >r ■Tifli, ■'■insult ua b(*f *rp sn-ll- iDg; eslIruateA i heeriully ■•enrl ur*phun* tUl2:i MArhc;

Aiir1l* n floorn,7ennp*>rBry A:1*lr>JKi, H AitbjK'im st , near Mkl

roll.NEH [iniperty at Roiitb flt. Statlop; S it- ts^'hed frnmn dwellings oa corfier jilot bstwson

ni'ond al. and I'ennayltanla R. R.: would make a splendid huslueos rntner; price 87.600. JAMES i \ m i^ N D . 122 Marital tf.JKFFER.^JN PT.. 141 -Three-atory frnma

■Iwolllng with twivstory hrlck exteriaion; Vo rv df'Slnvble Icn-atlon. will s .tll very rean'.'n- aMe sriM ivn terms. .IDHN A 0 ‘D*JNNEI,!.. m3 Market stVa L I'F $7.00*1, best Immediate sale, |fl,Sf)0

buys nln«-r*.)*im itvnlem linUhe, b*iHl rnr uwtv- er** Use; i, .t ihe oTrllnary; hlghiwt *’lln-t ill lilli. thrr big values H.-o VAN HOKN,7hX iHniftd bLROPITVILLK—l.,atef1 Plyie one-famMy nlne-

r<Hini «lucin h.>UMs: har<1\v.v«1 floors. tUodbathrooms; tot H5xlOO PATL M. IIRAN*79, T2.'l Prmli ntliil bulldlrig. or a.i* Rusevi]'* svs,. NfWM kESTATE to be cloned out, four two-fojrUlj

h'-ueos, frnnttng two streelx, lots 42sl(*o Dn»l [AaI'IO, price $14,500; open to offer axh elli’nt buMluesB site. AddrvBS tlxecutor, Uoi 8, 2|kSwB nm-'SROTTH KLEVE-7NTH RT.. between Twelfth

and Thirteenth hvob - Two-famlly house. 13 r<'oini, on first ffom*; all tmprcivements:price ffi.oOCi. Inquire ftTIURN. C74 South Blith it.

I’MNTtJN AMC.. 845-^ two-fomlly h use, 15 rrioins and bstns; all modem Improvements;

lot 38x120. private mortgage, 5 per cent; must be sr’ld, pHce very reaf^anable; gon>I terms Inquire 8-\MT'RT- firHWt.RT91. 222 Wsah ii-girjri sr . i^hin building, room 40HRosnvU .i.K sN ^ P S -iS Mom*. u p -n -.u it.

Spl^-adiu -I n-hth>n. iwo-femlly, wi^nh $rt,5 tM, ipjlvk ai'Mr n ’akes It, $6,9119. »inly $2,199 caih, baisttre 6 r>r ernt.. have dne iwo-Ianill) mI:

i**' $4,400; otbere. Bee VANH(>HN, 7Hh 11 road bi.H IIJJH D E AVR. ShO-Two family hniiso: all

Improvernnnts; separaln steern heaters, hath, etc,; near trt^iie)-: If S(i1*l 'his week will a . - rept 8809 l ne!l inalance innr'xage: art qub Kiv J HANaitlHY CALLAGHAN, 51H Tnl^in building

FOREST HILIj.New housss and plots for sole on terms to

•ult purvhft»*?rR ARTm-R UEL1.ER.

■PHONE 1152 MARKET. 7KH RROAD RTPROMINENT Hmed i t "T..*’ now occupied

bv four-si(iry brluk hiilMIngs- all of which are leased st etlractlve rentals; this Is sn vioelleTst oxioortufiHv for InvwMore. ROitERT A, ORFlORNbl ft (X>., Hrcmd and Olliittm sta

DIOKRU.^^ON PT -!tne-fniinlly. eight momt. I lni| te., w<-n rtn'ed H.ktit', very liberal term s, 1 nnT> 8<9t> cash necileil. rnunt hav* cash for

Itielnosh .t'iilreci ' M.15 rt. News niffi-'e

MII.FORD AVK hear ffitnton ave — story frame dwelling- seven rooms and bath, all

Imorovementd plot 40x150: oan he lx*ught Very reosunably. Inlen'Iew ROHEHT A. n.* - RoTlNE ft (■•*). TiToa i and Hinton sis

h i .

a l w a y s liifl hlithci-i prices rsM for fumliuie of every d»*H Tii>u<<n, we tm>- pr. n'enis . f

atone and meivhHmllA'*: we will fend Out HjjePiL or cell perKfuinlly. and We will jia\ Hm-e thsn anv other hi.i'iFe In The rllv i:-| fnr v'

• Academy sL: t*il. Market. i In-mir--l >< i,G Ntirr- .k st

NEW ST . enmor, si* mlinitHs from Rrcnd Rt Nlfie. si-iTis, ptciim. Dll Imiirovemenis.

lot 25X1IKI. |ii 1. 8f*i'; riiih re-iulrcd 82.50'! AddresH •■■■ri'er. It*rs 9. Newa office

TlCilKNOn RT --One-family, nine moms and bulb, all Impts . 84-fl._ front: $<.£09: In flno

roDdlUoti, muet s:\cr1flce; need cash, Aildjewi Willow, Hdx 7, N>we office.

tw,i nice, cne-fiiirlly h,'Uiws, choau: M I luriieril'ih si., six h>on5ii. $2 49**; also

TIQlTJSfi, CONTRS'Jrt tij-' BT51U> ]ti'ir*;HT POR CbVPJL BKNU I’OK VAN r. *i.,V ik


1 HAROATN~ Nl-ie one-ffTmlly; 5 ruoma; waisfj-- TrRvm, rnnec fto.: J.3.VI caab, bnlance easy

j lornM. mid. prl<->t $2,45i*. Mfll5.! H\AiJ. b'*4 S'i'iih Nlrieli'i'nlh st

JilOHEFT prices paid for secoail luir^d furni­ture, carpets snd frathers; poetal l. LEO­

POLD, IM Bloomfield av«.; 10L 8^72 R. P. •I f a y reasonable prices for buuH«hold goods nr

efilce furniture Iti gfrtid c^mditiim. H l'vT es Ototife, 357 Hr*»ad s t . : 'uhone lf,62T,. R. R.

I i'i PATENTSPATBJNTS. Designs, Trade-Marks, Copyrights

Send for tny free bimk, "How to Get Them " JtiHIlUA K U. POTTS, I'uient l.awyt-r, iliw KInih st., V>Hfihln>;njii; Gheainui alPhil*.: 6 fl. Drarl ■■.irn el , C'hlfBgy.

THIIU* !^T.. bHn.,'er finesei av,K and OrangeST , g....1 **evll-in. »-lfgani fandly ht»uso.

13 TytunB. all Improi/emmls: price 15.It'D. In­quire HONLKV. i:ii, Norfolk st.NK’F- 4 room houee. wlih wxshtubs; l<fi fiOxlOOj

with grape iirb-r, fruit Irei-j*. and also amall Shoemak^’T'e shop, price 12.450 MU3. EH’- NKJl. 5i2 flouth Elghleenlh iLWHITE rtiu'ctv gr'-f-n tile, new hmiRS; .W*

P?i,rker st . built f'-r owner; gofid rosofm selUlig, bei t 1p<.'iiniiti In I'lireet Hill. IbquJreR*'*HFR1’S''N. 2'i'' P.irkST i t

tTlAKNTZEr, ft riJrH.tRDF, rstenf lisw, fio- iicUors of IV Hn«l r.■reign pHienu, trsde-

Inatks, copyrlKbi*, 7 iirr-tid st. F«?<]pral Trust Bldg.. ceUibltehe^j is.s.1 , lei. ].S41 MkLEV'ERETT, riiVHFELr.. ij., pMeiff Itiwv-erj sJ]

'in rig ' hr 'IrtvemiotiH, traAemiiTk»matters rel^Ttrig' ur 'IrtvemiotiH, and oojiyrlglna in the (mieni office anij couriH, .Comer Broad and Mnrkt'i; tel. 4.7S8R Market

1656. DRAKE & € 0 . , -IW l. 2546 Mkt. ^ *-tBEMKS'S INfl. CO. M vDG.,


KhT\V YORK \ \'K —Tvro-famlly hmiae. in ttrat-claes v inJillon. 13 lai^v. light ro itnis:

•wUl sell for |4 t'SiO Ihquirw (7. H. WALKHl. ailomey, rH>6 l'id<jri building.

Ft.iR SALBL-Party leaving city will dla^iose nf a two and three family house at s SBerlflce;

little csjth necessary. Ad*1n‘Bi f^acrinre, Hox. News r fhee

l^DR PALE- FIne two-famlly hi?uee. 15 rourr.s, inTch 8cr«BTie<l Rnd ail liiiesi lmprovem<uui

lios 80*iA2^ ne itgsnbB. ■ Addresa.Owmar. -Up* N;tws offld*.

NEW suirrn house, living room 2fliia. dining room, pantry, ki(r,h«D, flvs bodn>omB. Two

bstbrooms. siding riKjm. two mantel* and flra- plaoes. splemHd reliar. firsi Ho«r mlrsiun, h«*c- ond and third white; ateam, gas. electricity: shades and screen* fiir all doi*rs nnd wln- di-wa, nrrrairrive dernrailon*. sale S7..tidi. Il.rxu'j OT cash rvQiUr.'d. rent on i>a»* 1720;other pfares sale an i K-nt I'omp T'-> nfficp pHst *n T.RckawflnTia piaib^n NATHAN rtl'BHKLL, Ine.TWO ANl> ONE-HALF story realdonce, living

room and three and pntitry on flrsi flonr; five be^lrooms. parquet (ioors. wide plaz/a, w'aIIs UerofAteil, dry cellsr, gfis. alectflfiliy, at^am heal; built U*90; lot .'iflujuT: Iww-iTor.' gsrnga. Three rulriules to trolley and statkm; ifnr Imme- diiite an!*, 87,090 $1 5rn f;aah needed. Come to. *>tfi>» nvxt Ijickawanna station. NATHAN RUS8 IH.T* lacON THE lAftkawaana: three h]glr-i*la4i8 build

Inx plots fivr Bale: 50x150. oOxlRT and 50i]i*T, 12 rAi'h; will take bock a seoond morisatreIf yo*i wl.ih T(T build or hi ld fear Investment: b'cafl'P Itifalllbla: high-class nelshborhoonl;one famtlv surrtuindings, old shafii^d trceM. CHAS (.. lit KK. bulMw. 2WA Park ave, Newark, 'ph-inp 474L. Tfranrh Tlmok.

IrvfnK ton

g r a n d excurslcwi to tn# Little Farms next Rundfiy; s^nd fi r tlcketa, they are free. MR.

P nRHfiKTl. IfM Market it.. Room 4t>6.


FTRURFlAN HOME, near Essex Fells; eight rrhims: all Improveuisnie: Int 69x180: room

for gRnfg* terms can be had; consider ex­change for Twt^-famny housa convenient to Nftwnrk. PHILIP JRNNINO8 , Flremett's building. Newark, N. J.FINKHT bungalow site in E<ia«x County, bear

I'aitlwRii. 190k2.'15; all Improvetnente: beauti­ful view. PEIiLIP JENT^INOS. 510 Flremeu'e building, Newark, N, J. _____


LONGi laijAND, near Port Jefferfwn; 700 feet from bay—Beautiful location: m*>*3ern bouse:

3 l-2-*tory frame; eight rooms, bath, hot water hnat; largo onen attic; barn, henhouae. fruit trees: lot 147x250 feet: one mile fruui station: price 15.0 0 9 ; will axchajige for Newark Income property, ULACKLOCK, 27 Clinton st., Newark.

REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGEBQUITY in r.500 l»o-t»mlly hinuB,

Newark, all Improvements, will bo sxchangefifor a flmt or seo->n*l mortgage or free and clear Newark lois. J. HANSBDRY CALLA-iiHlAN, owner, 516 T'nlon building.t h is ll vour opnortunltv: two-famlly, heau-2

tlful In everv reSDeot; lot 36x100: well built;

'Vi'ANTFD. a two or three family house; eVnd jwrtlculArs; have buyer waltlni:. B. D.

KINO, S»T Brood st., city.ONB or two lots, within 10 blooki of flouTh

Orange ave. and Bergen e t Address Reason­able. Bi>x 51, Newa office.HAVE client wllh $5,000 to Ifiveft In WoJihltif-

ton st. or other central property SHIELDS. 412 l*nlon buildingDO you want to sell your property? Send for

my iletlng blank. O. 11. MILLER, Wlsa bunalng. 671 B t v ) a d . __________ _HAVBl clients fo r ' vour central property for

pftsh trade. SHIELDS. 412 Union bulldlmg.


WANTED, convenient to station on OreenwooiS Iftke Division of Krle, plot about 50 feet

frtirlag#, Arlington or North Newark; itato Icweat price, localion. Improvements. Address Cash. Box 45. News office.ORANGES or S u b u rb s—Want smell oA* or

two family houses; will give free and clear lols In part payment. Address Houses, Box 52. News office.Wa NTED-A bouse lot. at least 45 feet front.

In one-fomlly neighborhood In Fast Orange; price roust Im reasonable. A*idreas Buyer. Hox


pwlots or make offer. 4 , News niftc*

Address Exchange, Box

CLINTON mLL--'Two-ramlly, thirteen rooms;baths: shades, screens, dome ohandollere-,

elegant oondltlon: fin# view; wlU exchange for lots and eome cosh. OTTO ft CO,, 674 Bergen it.HAVE cMh buyers for your real esUte If

cheap; full partlculnrs or no notice taken. BLACKLOCK, 27 Clinton st.WANT free and deer loti for new two-famlly

house. What have you? Address B. M., Box 70. News office__________




118-122 m a r k e t 8T.. ROOMB 85-64-TEI^ CALL 8546 MARKET.

of fih builflirtfi Id ottywm •

AUSOT.tJTK &AI. of Newark, at public auction. Will be sold separately on the premises. commoDcIng M 9 O'clor.k P M., on Monday, July 61, ipU.

No. 4k UNfON RT.. Just south of Ferry s t i Ihe threfl-stor)’, store and two Boon abovSb of four and five rooms each, frarns btilldins; all renteij for $462 annually; In good order.

Bame day at 3 o^oiook P M., wUl tell No.25^ m a DIBDN rt ., near South Uailtet »t.two-story brick buuiilng. store and floor abwe Of Ave I'ooms; rented for 1120 yearty; »Js<> ingoofl order arul *'onaidersd a good fttirohaae ellhsr m speculation or Investnient.

FFVE RWM houi*?, sume Improvements; lot 30x120; prlc > $2,r H>; i»aiy terfiu. CARL

PfllWARfl. " - - - .

Rales |»oa1tJve. owner leaving city: tttles per* farms at sale. Fur& ar tnlonnatioD

at office of the auctloneere.

,. fitu>'vrKint nnd Springflsl*! ai'ea. 8lVT«» i'.VRU Slx-Tonin house every Irnprove-

nvni hi’ tcrtd liivatlrn. price |4.990.Pi'inv.-'illZ, S*u>'VFsam and Springfield aves.

$8no > Ten nvmi, two-famlly: nil Im-proTOTnetsie eirpi>i hpiit; nn* block frum C-ar

line Rt'H'WARZ. Rtiiyvenant and SprlngfleJd avesSPLENDID INWESTMENT-^Bevenlwikn rooms;

ihr<v family; lot 2neU5. prior 85,500; annual t4ni c5*-HWARZ, BltJyveeant and Spring-field ftvf-e

ONE and two family houeeH on easy tarnis U dcBli-e*l; price 82,26U up. OWNER, 1003

P-ruad stLAFAYETTE FT.. lH7^C<imer pn>I*erty: two-

fnmlly hrmse; for snl* at a sacrlfloe; easy terme: ow-nwr '»n urenilsas


Kl-1'ilANT reeltieiuT-, best part uf R*>*eviUB e>c.—I.,argf hir: garage, hoiiHi* has 11 riHimH.

bath. clcrtrlclD. "’'aio heal lu^’dwood floore: parfeot coiullilun: Iti.rKk) MENRY J ?Y)LEY. l l I'-nnlrin h1.O^YNKH moving W''ai, all] sell leas than jN'Sl

two-family liul:

IIARCIAIS', Fiimct ave.. near tlnd«nn si.: cle- Kp.nt riA-fomllv h'Uee: v*‘aTly r*nte $IM19. ,

price $.*t,,V)0; litile caeh- Inquire DDN'IJvV. 184 NEW Norfolk fli

llret-claM In cvvrv con*11t1on: ll-ff»oi square on side of htiuso; large garden In roar. Inquire NEURON. 2iiT North Ninth

%. PHRENOLOGYDDNBULT URfl. BARR. Sou FalrroouDt sve.,

near iouth Orange ave.; dally frum 10-9. flundav* Included. Special 25>\ fee.iTADAMK DARiJNtJ; H«urs 19 to 9; ladles

■ ---------- 'is - •and gentlanen; circles vvery FTlday avenlrig » t 8 o^cflock. '20 Warren at.MADAM CARly-26 Centre st.: half block from -_PF*Ll4TJBlMlLduljY__frym_9 to 1) P. M.

8To r a g :s

FlRirr-rLAfW! s t o r a o b .Xg>cked rooms, podded vans, expert handlers ■

Racking or moving, to city ur ruuniry.■'NEW IMWK.-KWr' CARPET Cl.EANlNQ,


TW n ,f a m il y hoiisv. two Inte; 14 r>OTna, lisihs; all lmM'''>v irien(s: elpptrl,'; smali

Hiiioimt cash 529 Johnson ave., bearlY-euji, ______________ __

-- .V 'X 'rUrtiSfl. YlM* - -- "vof town. Owner. 8i3 Fourth st , Jiri>ATyn, N. Y.BUMMER AVE.—Fine*aw5.llon: nine r«ioma; aff

’.murovemeniH. gturti (‘ondUlon • n-'t all cash required. Own*#*. Box 27. News nffice.

--famllv h auHSi djcoratrd. ssparate en- iiaitces, Htenm. rtne riflKhborhocij; near trfll-

le> and srnil>*n, rent |9!tt* j i s r ’y: price 83.990. CEO K M rTi'tn .K R CO - 1uf> RoiPVlMe sv«.

Tl ATnRtflriT5r"8 f*. 7evTngfon--ThoroUfhIy mud- ••rn nnd exceiitloballv attr*<nive two-famlly

dwelling unlike the usiint: nlnt 59x150; house t>esuilfullv decorated: hardwoi.-d door* andtrim: seoarate stearn heaters; elerlrlelly; nit imnru^emHnte: built hv ihe nwner for himself. wUl eell verv' ronsotiahlvr price niid terms In- isrvlaw ROBIRT A. OSBORNE ft CO.. Broad and 4 Minton sta > «MAPI.E AVF. half-block ‘ Off Clinton ave..

Irvington--Neat. nnmfortabte ons-fnmHy hii:je*s, built on S9-foot loll, neatly terraced; eIy r^roms: all modem improvamefiti. Including Meftm heat; prU'B very reasonable: smallluinnint of cash required. Owner on pretnleva.'TWO fin* lots at a bargain in Haadley terrace,

..................... llhIrvington, IM.tiUOO. with new barn, workshop, rhirkan coop 10x49 and fine driven well: all klnda of fruit, sirfiei paved; near fiprlngfleld ave ; two cars. Broad and Bpringfleld ave A ENDLER. 37 Florone# ave., Irvington.^'KLL-BUJLT two-famlly house: U rooms:

:fc: a " '---- • ...............

RE^U .JR SX t’t E F O g i lA l J l - O U T

large atlfc; all iTnprovemAnts. lot 59xK»0; be> tween two cor lines; price low: terms to suit. RLA*’KIiO'’l{. 27 <7llnton St . Newark

TO the highest bidder; most be eoM $abankmptcT. at public auction, the new

flat house, No. 490 Hawthorne ave., o<xr- ner Holuon st., Newark. N. J, ■ In flne order; free and clear of all liens or enctimbifancee; on the puetnlses day. July 27. 1911, 2,S0 P, M.; 10 per cent, deuoilt required. ANDREW VAN BLARCOM, Trustee. 154 Market et., Newark. N. j .

OFPICD OF THE CITY CLERK.Newark, N. J.. July 2fl. liU .

Notice !■ hereby given that the Committee on Public BulldlbgB of (he Common CouncJl will sell at public suction, to tha highest bid­der. the bulldirii sltuatea s t 714 Hunterdon ilreeU Ihle city, oQ Tue«*aay. Auguet 1, lOlt. ut S f>. M

Hold auction sale to be confluotefl a t 714 Hunterdon eirint.

CondHlons of sale eati be teen a t elty clerk'B office

JAMES P. CONNSLIfT,_________________________ o ita sE L


#d; bar attsxhed: wlU ocootninodate thirtyfi%-fl perions: water, bathroome. lifh tij boats, baihlng. WH.LUM H. C ^ P B R . Culser'4 U ka. N. J. '

Tw.'0 lots. Twenty-first at., between Eixhleeruh nnd Nineteenth aves, •. very re*uiohoble, Id-

qulfft F. KNORR. 2fi0 Jlunyon av, Rework.SALE— *lcf C'^ttage. MgJUl.Ji wwme. ah

'«t iM'iQgU'IU ftl^ fSL ■ft i‘ ■

THE PINB8. 9wartew«>od I^ke—Flrrt^claee board, rooma. bathinti boatlnf. flatonf;

prlvltegfl of lake- Apgly^LM FR B. HILL

IF TDU as owner ha-# good propertlee to trade, let me hear from you; 1 have aevarol

hlgb-oloee farms and developmant properties ftom $10,000 to $5n.00l}. that can be traded free and clear for flret-olote unInflated equities. MAQILL 90 Liberty et.. New York City.

,rO R BALE OR TO LETFOR BALR (jx lease to reliable tenant; thia beau­

tiful home, eliveti rooma, all Improveineote: gear station^ ITS Mt. Plessant »ve. ___


filX-ROOM bouses tn let, Beho ImAo: bath­ing. boating and Ashing Included; aleo loti

and plots for sale; on and near lake- CON- HAD VREBLAND. Echo Lake, N. J ,______BOU9B. 7 ToocDB asd bath, all Inprovemeots:

lot 8 6 i 1 }fl; 8 minutes from station and trolley. flCnSABBL. 2B6 Hllliias sv*., Lyon* Farms.


rent all kinds of fumwbed cottages and a few for sale, that ore real bargains, ellhor as a home or Investment; also ten ]oia on the Avon Inn block, the most ilwlrable tmllJiflg loti left In Avoo. Apply to C. D. SNYDER-

FACTORY SITES FOR SALErlNB factory alte oa L V. IL B„ $ve mlautes

from trolley: one to three aerssi easy tenua tf desired: would take back morCit|e. Owner*.


HFRNARDHVlLLS—Bungalow to let. with furniture In wotNJa; 800 ft. elevetlon;

healtblest spot In Jersey: no mosqaUoes; no malaria; 2% mllee from station; responelble partlea with reference wanted; term* very reaa- onable. CKAS. W. ALFAUOIL Beroardrnile, K. J. 'LAKE HOPATCONO—Bangalow, eeven rooma,

furnished, for Auguet or by the week; alao tents, fumithed, $5 week; fine locAtlon. 1N6LFT. Landing. N. J.CULVER'S LAKE>-N«w bungalow, fully fur­

nished. for month of August R. HERBST,Culver's Lake, N, J.

FURNISHED HOUSES FOR SALE ___________SEASHORE____________COTTAGE, elx large room* and attlo, with

all mo*3.em Imorovemento, oompletel/ fur­nished: 0 0 water front, beautiful beonh; will sell cbesko. fC. W. BCHNBEDER, Keanshurf

f J- I


IDBAL snunoer borne. 800; neatly fumlohed; city Improvements, with lake and ssMhore

atlTOOtlone. The Buorlse, Sunset ave.. Woiia- mauA Nortlf Aebury Park.CAMP ALPHAr'Campe to rent by the week or

month, at Water Wltoh. N. J.. near Atlantic Highlands. Addresa lYie Martin. F. 0. Boa fl. Highlands, N. J. ______KEAN6BURO—Nicely furnished three-room

bungalow; water and gas; hnif-mlnute to beach. Address Reaeotiitole, Box 88. News office._______________________________ _____



BOT7TH NINETEENTH HT.-One-t»niIlr ill- room house, short block from trolley; port

Improveroonts: flret-clase condition; large yard, fruit and shade trees; chicken house, etc. In­quire of owner. E. J. THORNTON. AM Bouth Nliiet*toh$h. ccr. Thirteenth ave-: rent $30-

FOR b a l e -Factory site, Washington. N. J . : lot 21^450 feel; foundation laid; alee 65x

n o feet; 50.000 bHck* In foundation; fiew boiler. W horsepower; engine, 60 horsapower; exact ouit, 88,000; will sell for $1,500. WM. BURD^ Waahington. N. J.

BLEECKTOB BT.. flO—Thrte-itory brick home. 25 rooms, three bathe, steam heel, In Al

. repBlr: flrat-clasi location for boarding an*, furfllkhed robhis. JOHN JACKSON, 188 Mar­ket nt.

FACTORIES FOR SALE^UIC iT b VY. with ruiroail lldln t; lV r« f»c-

tory twUdtnff» «nd six xcr« plut: hlffh ground; BO flll; inexhaustible artosian well; cRy sewer;con be had for less than load value; little cosh required. FE lB t ft FEIfiT, factory spe- clalliti. 788 Broad._______ _______________


GRANT BT . fi^sj HnjeJ—'tbn'e-slory brlrk: nine rooms; all !n?tjn»vmTicnis; lot 20*U6 ;

terms I0 suit. BHTFLDB. 412 I'nl^m liulKItnir.THRKK-FAMILY h*ui5$. Camden st.. tioar

T h l r t e o n t v s . : bargain for quirk buyer.BKNN B. LITT. IIH Fourteenth ave.FOR BALE chrau. one-famlly house; water

and saM; seven roorns; lot 25x105. Inquire on Dremisrs. 10 North Eleventh svBOUTH SIXTH BT.-Slx-family; rent# 81,1901

Jot 88xlU0: price $11.7*110; terms to suit.BHIELDS, 412 Union Hullding.

Dificee: 78^15 Uorkei-eLi Kewafk; 'pboos 85SO.

FOR BALE cheap, one-family h« uae, six rbciTta: All ImprovemeniB extsspt steam beet.

Cal) 402 Bonth Eighteenth tt.TW O-FAM lLT^tW j^ tor aale; all imprm-*-

tDent*: pnee i m W,9A’ 9]l SLp City.

COIlNKIl fgoperty, tevpn nilouies from Look- awnuna HVellon. IP- -siory tiiitu roof ho'jjie.

^-It-wn room* and larfp: recaption lial), wide platxa front and side: watHT, sewer, gas. Htenui; shadt* Jtvr^s; Sundry In cemented cel­lar: mtiripivge »rrang>id Coma to of*fl.e At <vntr«. opposite National Bank. NA-Tn.\N Ht'HHEJ.U Uc.CiN Newark trolley lino, near New York Rall-

wAy HratInn-Three-famlly hous*. 15 rpoms. 8 nathnytmii; bulU iwff; let 44rxlM, and large____ -f*lot for giintsn. stable, chicken house; house in fine order 2d an*l fl*l floors occupied; fH,609, fiit>rrgsg* arranged; oonie to t)(fiee, opporlte N aijoii^ Rank: other properties gal* and ren t NATHAN RUBfiELU too, .REArTIFUL comer plot In Bloomflslfl. on

Berkeley ave.: near trolley and D-, L and V . R. R. Blatton; BOxlW feat; sU improve­ments: property restricted; an excellent. loca­tion., for suburban home and garage; very, tnod- e^raie price; monthly paymsntt If dei' dree# tiuburboib Box 8, Newa offioo,

J«r»ey O tiFOR 0AL?J- Two> family house, part tinprove-

menta, oppr«Ue cuunty park. w|1h store ac­commodations, 1 27 Coniniunlpaw ave. Jersey City.

Lyoiif FillingDCIAUTIFCL bungalow, unique end artistic;

open flrepleor, cosy comers, cbilroney seal,casement windows, eieetrii: lights, bath, sieani heat, sun parlor: tot 40x100; 1T5*> cash. Mlonoeeasy terms. COMPTON, Lyons Farme.BUNQALO^'8 and bungalow ploto, 40x100,

low prices and easy terms, on trolley line; iwemy mlDUtes from Market and Brt>s*L C01iPTO3f» l^oDS Forma,

MlllbiniAH aflerthg m r place, 100xie0» with flas htm-

gxtow. vicinity of UUlburs- Ad*lnra Owwol Box fll, Mewt «mM. I



BT£AM h e a t , e l e c t r ic p o w e rAND LIOHT: UO'JXIRB FREE;WILL HIJILD TO SUIT TENANT.


190 BARGAIN FABMB, oli over from BurUngton. Marear oountl

IcKik and talk whire you may foi _i^ina, 700 to eelect fivm; $ 1 :^ lor fiO acrao. $2.6i90 for too arras. |1,400 fjBTd acres; extra farms. 85.000 to 85 000- HORN, 7SSBroad st.


HOILa r g e hous*.

H. n . and Dalats lowsgt refll 76. News office.4;ouPLE with

four rooma; 1 i•-[ni17i rant 81


with Improvea Addresa Adi

IN SOUTH on-*U Improveme

i 'js; attJoi eta lr >tn Bouth Ora

. 6g Arnold tsnf>lTS» to letj

ango SUtloni 'uvemetitli raft

: > Main e t, t 'range.I \HT ORANOJ

iitom heat; be ouen

Island ave.BAHT NT5TLE1

Kurden: larae Inquire J. H. ave.. DeltevltiaEAST OHANO

hall, new iti proveraeota; nuWKflT ORANG

ern Improvem 1) u Pork, rentIRVINGTON—I

provame&ts; 1 rtn t UO. InqtiBELLSVILLD-

oll Improvenv SIAN, 116 WaiHOUSE, to let

rooms; sorest Clinton iL, EaTO l.FT-N ew

Drvfhgtoo ara Owner on prarC?>ZT new hot

provsments; West Orintfg

HOUSES wWH o n la fO

South Oraogs re n t Send p EDWARD P.

Itari*DBOrange 6tan*QBWANTED to

i ld-fashlDQCdtown: mi>Jerai illitatioe of N< ”a. News officBMAU.. house:

aboul 6 room urhi. Box TT._


.ioog tried 1 ( •nanl renewei cu^^h, causa, I v n i . C. HOK T5fln f.untiffii:ULOOMPreiil

h .e uian; nil II.INILY, 045I'ORNER it<

Twelfth St-1 shoe or gent'I->urtv»thCORNER Bt*3i

sultabls forave.. uomar ECHARLTON

rent $5. F6 InsuroAca, BelI LINTON A

Chadwick a* bath, or modsPEatRABLE,

Soheusr bull hta., opposite managing ageJ LJBOANT


g(Mfl for onti Twelfth ave.OARAGE—Dr

(reeled, on Woahingion 1 For plans onf ft CO . fil-86GOOD oegner

any buslnes s tHOWARD ff

In riegiuit 71SIST, ScheiLAROB tocn

suitable for able. InquireSfURRAT B smou busln oomsr baseir I t Aator sL

A few emai<m Improventor aervloe. (!MUSSKX AV

High at.—I rooma; tulto.f!(Yi and p<t (Jnnton Bit o v r a OR.

Large etor* rrenta: reat BuS Bouth 0BTORB. wit]

all buolneai tr>a aiore. nve., or EPfiBTORE, 378

BTORIW? to In dhtoron

Bt . a**''oodj2T«iRE ra

t.Kfmt or < nefrT. 24 Bo*fTORlB witi

$45 per m<nvs-t TORfiJS wi

847-546 Be

qglre 141BTOREB for

good buili

WANTED—A small bungalow; Ooeon Grove or vielnity. for month of August. Addresa

HIOMIiAND a v e ., 798. corner Grafton ave.— Orounds. ISflxliXt, Including parkway; houee,

14 rooma, two baths; every modera Ireprove- msnls; electric light; hot water heater; $55.

Custer Ave,, 7T-79—R*ady for Inspection; new stucco reaJdenoa; 11 rooroa: every modem tra- provemenl: larm lot; steel garage.rovemeni: large lot; steel garage.

Keys and further partlculara on applicatloti to h e n r y j . f o l k t ; 11 cimion si.

AVON AVFL, 15, comer Barclay—Ten and balh, steam, |S5: HlIlsidB ave., 85, at Clin­

ton, tan and naw modern bsth. sleom, |4&. LINNETT ft WOLF. 231 CliaiOQ ave. -

eOt’TH ORANGE AVE.. !7-Three-atory-oi)d- bojMmant brtek house, suiuble for board of

buslneoa; alter to suit tenant. Exchange ReaJty Company, 45 Clinton s t

MONTCLAIR AVE. third house watt of Woeh- Ington ave.—Cottage, six rooms and bath;

liuproveinants; large lot; shade; $2G. JORALB* MON, 278 ■ft'ashington ava.

CJJNTON HILL—Detached house. 13 room A beth, oil Improvetnants; fine con*31t1on; choice

looetJon: low rent to good Unant. See or telephone QJHB. 590 Dmad at.NEW; six rooma; all Improvementt; dcoorated;

nice yard; plenty light and oocJ otr; live bomforubly. CHARLES ORBEN, |19fl Ftiw- nen’s building.

COMMT'TING, LACKAYfANNA—r$ve a«ra% mile sution. 8-room bora, frdlt, shade,

TOO fret ah strsst. wtfh elty water, H890; grand elghi-room houssi large frontage, hen­nery. bramiful BlUiatlon. flv* minutes' walk etailon. ft\45(>; line house, seven rooma, one acre, near statloti, 12.450; 'Sea pholiM. VAN HORN, T8S Broad at.

AN INCOME FROM START.All livestock, rni|is, tools osd Implemaote.

63-acre form, $3,600.Only 46 miles out; boQss» large barns, out-

bulldlagi, cblcksn-boosei; llvaatoci tneltuss I I, 1 J«ney cow, 1 baVsr, TS lojlag bsus, 60boise.

chlcksDB, 4 wagons and olsd, 4 [dows, barrowia cultlratDi*. (sTO cutters, bone con-pUntsr, ns-merooe smiU tools; 8 acres rye (cat), 8 acres clover, acre potatoes^ 60 fruit beorlog tm a . ap­ples, ebarrlea, plums; floe (^^tpctnaltj tor uaM buyrr. Country BepoytmtJit, LODlfl I C r '* " IN O U , lac,, uoistt MUftlBB,

V..* puiTX»ra;' fi**tF ntwoLrou**Uon; Xtoam host; fralghl elevator; slectrlo light

iW ^evailabis; near all nUlroade; attractand no'. .. _ ___ .Uve terms: long lease to desirable tenant; pus-

tlon Lmmedialtiy. < _J . a iM ITH * WALLACE COMPANT.

414 Ogden st.


IRABT-E LIOHT to rr a n d room , it^ a m p l e a n d r e l ia b l e p o w e r

AND .ADiKJUATa FIRE PHOTBC-TION. B. TAYLOR. SUPT.VODBRN, with svery Improvameuts. Includ­

ing beat, light, power, eleotrlolty; live stram ; one minute from freight and passenger de­pots; $.500 to l&OOO square feet; low rental and tsrro tosAS to rtght psHlea. FET8T A fICIBT. cxc lusive igehts, the faeffory ApeoIsJ- istft Bchwisr huiUtoA n $ Broad.

flNPfC. w esnjmsoy. | YrAiw». ww 'mwvu n.J '

CLINTON AVE.. av.rlM klnr Llnmln PK k— I^c*ptlDimllr altracOv. dwtlllng for n n t.

ROBERT A OSBORNE • CO., Brgsd u l l

' . ■ ' _ A . .....-vriftLii-. Tratty‘Tflr'octupartdy; re fti^eg ln i

Seplembnr 1. Apply C. L. KEAST, 30 Strat­ford pi,

f.Ol’TH 01I4L lUltAt

WAJUUDN Large stoi

nhla for anWTLUAlf I

rent to A irollton bullWALNDT

FUluible f f la t ; roodsrWAT.NUT I

nil buBine


room, oft pbiT'e preft


MOST attn Host Oral

front show

m t . p l bsUWe; FHOLLAND



a p a r t m■trabl* I

to elgbi msnm soff e is t a

BMALL flve-room house end barn and ~ aLgon shed to let. At 539 South Eighteenth sl^

oUy. Inquire 551 Eighteenth ave.. city. FREDHI’BER.QREEJN s t .. TS—Tern rooms, bath; all Imwowe* .

roents: suitable for boardlng-heuss or tww tamiUea; $40. Inquire t l Columbia i t

«M ontt4n tuu*»VA

WALNUT ST., COTTIW V n!t«iTy-Fin««i tWHiu;11 lTnOrov*m«nta; nItAblA for fEtfnLidied

rcumi; 5A W atnat at.’ InqnEra to butota«r lAttr*.


BOUSE to lot, >3IS; D l» room, wid taaitli;Msninoulh a t . jiaar C tln tn ata Aoplr 1.

H. SHAFER. 8 F ru k ltn I t ___NINE-ROOM house and hath: oil Iraets.; good

ModUloD. 216 Summer ave., near Taylor s t


Inquire wlihtn.aparti


ORANOE BT„ 481—Six rocms; large yor cheap; handy to RoMrllle Stattoii and t r


te ll: tsi lanltor.

ASTOR f t . . O -K lo e IMSU; tigpiwvii^

wunog; Airpty ago J O fW ia M *Bk N4W* «n$0A I L


HOUSES W A y rapliA R aa houMk im ta OftMn room«j eimt F.

H. R. and D., U and W. R. R, d*p<«a| vLato iow««t fast M woa. Addrau D. U , Box 7h. N«wi offlct.COUPLT9 wUb to m l or buy amall houNi

(our rooTUKi bath; tmprOTaiuanti; Ntwark, >^-[nlt7! rant |ld. Addrfeaa L., Box ftU N a«i Dtb«a»W AjrrRD—Tlouia of aavon or eight ron>mt.

a ith improTemonti, by family of fouradulta AnldroM AduUi> Box 2l. Newa offlre.

TO LET—OUT OF TOWNIN SOUTH ORANO&^room deuwohad houiaj

ill ImprovameoLi; food ciondltlofi; hardwcod ) 'j i: atiJai atoam b^at; dry cellar; half block n-.>m South Orenfe ave. care; rent 130. S. D.

60 Arnold tafraoa TaL OIW South Qrama.HOtTsis to let} 0 Wlnana at* near Eaat Or*

iin ^ iltitlon: ulna rooma and bath; all Im- uvemantai rant about 142*X ^ w ^ a f f g t w


lU -IN B 8T., » » -ro u r-fl« nwnM Mid te tk jin llo r m M c*.alx la rea llfb t roome and batb. |19, Wavariy

a i^ ..™ aia* ro o tn a ahd balb. llfl; V^ri«hl i t , llW, tavan rooiui andhaatar. ^ UNKETT A wt)LK. 221 Cllo- lon ava. ______________

> Mato a t , Eaat Oranfa.I ranpa. _______________J \KT OftANOBl—Coty dva^rooTn houa*, bath;

iiram heat( all Improvamenta; rant low; LiuAt be atien to be c^^preGlaied. 77 Rhode Klund ava. DANK BT.. iSS. n .K oourtlw oi*-n»rt. toar,

- — ------- flv« room,; bftth;.A ll lojprovnMDtJ. 114,KAHT rnrrU 5T. W W H»a— boa,*; ,1 7 inqulrt BUAW8 B »r Im ltor._________liiqulr*'* j !^H* *c5ffiTTWN.'*ri***WMhin«U«i BANK ST ,

ALPIND BT,. 15~mve tiMutlful nxmu »n4 bmUi, »ll litiprov,mont»: n .ir

Unoa; talaol nelfb^rbood; Janlior aorvtoa* llo. MRS. KNOX, aacond floor.jiVOS pi*, l l —dlh rootna and batb;

flotir; rani |17- Inquire 10* rralto fbuyartava. .*A0TOR 8T.. 289—ro ito lyrbt rooma: Improva-

menle; naar South Bv Btatlotu ______. _

Wednesdays=Sjpecial R e a l E s t a t e DayS=Sat«rdays

BANK BT.. a o s - m doop. 0Rank a t , 443, * 4 ..* ^ /', ®IH;

bath lid ; Hamilton a t,Bp

74. M floor. » roounfc* |5.tlOi Bpring a t , M.llLABRERO ft^IBOLa:R._W_Oy^5“ JhR A TriTtfrTw s-six-w ^

l^ovementa: dva mtnum w*}J nom a t r inquire kR- ePINNSR. 81* •! - ^on flm f l o o r . ______________ _

ovc..«v]tlAEAST ORANOS^-Elftlt roomi »ll4 rtcnUl™

hAll, row itutoo houM, for r«U; .11 Im- [provomanlm; nm r Ocittrftl Av#. Ifl Ertionon it,T liST O R A N n s^ ^ tT •Sl-room hoUMt nirid . . . . ar LI

lorAtInn: r«Tit tS; Immwlllito pummlon.JOHN JACKSON. lU M«rll.t > (____________BANK BT., IT l n«»r Hl*h <L—PlAl to l4*i

All ImlPPOTOmeoU: itewn h.fct,_____ ______B n o A ir’iT r r T i iT w n i r pi AoJ R « to r

rVit’lmprovomiliU; flilo ioa» tlon(n«r Ll.wel- ; «t,. ovrrlMlIlnA J* w M er°oriMi Pw k, r .iu ontr |25. C*J1 11 Pwli t«rt»c4, I roomA wUh hot *nj coli "______ :----------- ----------------------------------------nrlli tot eaparate for lao w more ganiiatiiaDIRVINGTON—pouaa. nlna _ rooroa, so™ In*- ; rednad roarrtad ooupta; lua of plawv

prwemeati: la 'laraa lot; 1*78 BcrlnffteUi ava^ - »—— , **k.i*. Im * i rent m . lAOfllr. lOM Sprln tfild .VA______ _ ; A U T irm ,. W

irji I ABH UJIV ILLK -B o iim . i U u *l(ht roomi!

all Improvamenta; 125 to 180. J- H- OOBT* MAN. l ie Washington ava. nallavlllaHOU69 to leti all tnodam Improvemantai 9

roome; eoreeaed porch; laraga. 219 Btmth Clinton it*. Baal Oranga ____ _

well fanoad: buUdlnre eludiBf Box 5B.

Qne.cropa planted. t*anlrulaffc wrtta riemlngton. N, J.

TO l-ET—New hoviee: eight iw m e end bath: fnihgloo ava. and Blgtfi p i , Aouth CNBAff*i

Owner on pramlaa a . ____________.C?OT new ^ t a i 8 wotot akd ^

piwemento; £i>. PlOOnfS. Oentral Pi..Wart Ornntfa —,

H O U S K ^ A f f T B P ^ UT OF TOWNW * i n In MeUpt of InqoMoi I n l » i i « <B

Boulh OriAfl la d UipliwooiJi both n i l AW rwiA S in l outloulAri of 7 0 0 T p re s ir t/ t» KDWARD P. KAIOLTON A OO., opjollU O nnio Stidoo. O m n i. N. J-WANTlUTl to leMA Own OdUAit L

ald-fnihlosrJ oottAAli oountry or MtMtlRi of town- moderate price and wlthto oommuUnf iHitini'* or Ntw Tori. AlWMl OotticA Boi *3. NeVre office. ,BmT iX hmji«! within trclley dlatanoe of d tv i

about fi rooms, and some land. Addfoaa Bub->:rhe. Eqx TT. Kewa offioa-

I' STORES. OFFICES. FTC, TO LCT,AVON AVB., 110. coiner Wdffawopd av^-r-A

.ton* Irtad 1ft g ro^ry ■toTe for rtnt; toat t 'nanl renewEMl the Paaea twice for Chree venri ou<*h. causa, death In family. Inquire 0AM- I ’RI. C. HOBWART^. 221* Waahliifion ec,

*V»lfirr fi'uTiflffiir'rflom 405,' o f W Avwi avalltiOOMFIELD AVB., aJ^-Oood atand for a

hit) map; all fixtures for irooer and butohef. 11.\NILY, 645 ML Ptoapaol ava. ;

BHOAP BT., 941—Baven ro«ne and balhi all Improvemtnta IncJudlng aleam baal- in*

quLra 63 South Oranga ava.BROAD BT..W3—Two large unfurnished raoma.

wUh water: near Lackawanna Btatloui rantr a a a o n a b l e .___________S ^ iiS T v iL L i A v a .

bath, eacond floor, rani |1T. JOHN JACK- 80N, 133 Market xL __________________

a p a r t m e n t s , r o o m s a n d FLATS ______ __J O LETro U R nice roome. with gaa and *'\..**^

(or colored people only; rent tIO. 114 Roeaa t________________ ________ ________ _riNRPT flat !n 'tVoodsMe. 5-3 roome; modern

lmpiV>vem^nts; paved etreel: flue view; rent <^y 117-llA ORBFN.' 1105 rirem aa 'i bldgnReT~FTiOOR In iwo-famliy hoviea; elaotrlo

lifhte. hot air heat, porch eoreened: reoi 119. Near WeequaAle Park. >25 Johnaon iv ^PRBLINOHUTSKN AVB., 9 0 - ^ r roome and

buth ■ rrtit rt*.oti*t<lB for itn ill fAUlll,- In* qtiJr* F R lin NUSB. Bi _rtillMliU)H n ata

F A inV iew AVE-, 14--mril floor, flr« lAfi* rooini: Imth; fid; from A uluil 1; »«>'•. l«t

floor. SNOVEK, 27fl Mulberry it.____________PUBBTEENTH AVE., MS—Four roomAwSth

Imrtvvbinenti; cheap rent; 110, vwner, riOB.NBUSCH, «1 Cint™ Marlieb________ _

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERSOn Samrdayfl unlil early Sep-

lember the classiHed pages will close at 11:45 A. M. at the home olflee and at 11:15 aharp at the branch offices. The NEWARK EVENING NEWS reapectfully •tka the kind co-operation of its patrona In carrying this arrange-

BURNIT ST.. T3V^FIrel loot, to two-etbry brtok boueal dva rooma; all tanftfovamaata;

rant ♦» . Inqulra T> Jamee et.

re&eonabia: handy to U ckawanna andtroUaym. Baa Ik__________ _________

FOrRTH AVB.. 114—Three or four roome; ImprovemauU: reaeonabie rent; near two

UvlleTa_________________^)REOT KHia-M odeni flva-raoni flat; Ma»

yrtilloy and nation. T6B lllghlend ave.. nearVerona ava^_________________ _ __riF l'K B N TH AVE.r 43a-*Pf'UT rooms; rani

| 16. Apply A LBERT_ BPIBB, 8

GERMAN , 8. bslwaon 0<jutb Tenth and Eiaventh lie.—fllx room* and bath; newly

d*e**raUd; rant >18. Klnnay it. ear^_______ _B llX siP B AVB., MO—TWO'family bouse, near

irollejre; two flaU; eaparate eteam heatora; five rourua and bath; all 1tnpro*etn*ftto: rent Iree to Aurmt 1. poeMulon now. It ile ilr^ : Tenl 113 per roonlh. Call on McKBON. 324 Hlllilda ave_ for kara or Aoply to J. i^N B - BUKT C A IJaAHAN, owner. 513 untoP bvUdli ,HIQH 0T.4 468—De Leon; flret and top fleon

elx-roDiP aparlmebt; all linprovainenlei a t^ in heat; oocnbtoatloo daturee; Janitor aarvke; five mlnutaa. to Uarkat and Rroad eiA; raaeoiuble r*Qle| oall. _

BLCX MFHMII \Y1L rtkoms; *aa and baO i n o t fit-


Inq, eomer iqulra 54

Bl/DOMnP3LD AVB.. 104-Thraa cova; U undir; baatad bathroom; adulte; pH-

▼ata. ________ __________BBLMONT AVK.. 291; aaoond

light ruome and bath; three family houaa, next to opaij tot; all Improvameptei >1*.______

rORNRR itora. Booth ava, andTwelfth II. E aultable any bailhafte. UUor.

•hoe or Rental funUehto*. a ta Inquire 2*3 ava_____________ _____________ _

CORNER Itora, with fbuf rpeOM and batb;suitable for any buetoaia. inquire 100 Ny*

a\’o.. comer S t^ay at. ___________

CUNTON HILL. SBCnoN-BlAuUrul t-ir*™ flit- tlAhl APd Airy; lUum h « t luntlihlfl,

lllctrto U ibl; pATquil floom; ‘"J'**Jrom b A lh iw iin t« n « D ltn t tc ihM* trollwiin«A A. T, sd a tjx .'re . s i t B «nm «t.CLINTON AVE., UW^D«lt

ApATtiDint, ooiHAliiliif iltM ropmi. Wo b « a i pS -A ll KS.d«Sl- .IrapOJVWAMHl,VS'Wln« hot svAttr Anfl lAUltor n r r i ® AtvV A. B. KETEK. as O w n M . _____________ _

UlOH BT.. IBT—riA t III roosuA bAtb. Im- BroTanhanta. ealaot natohborhoodi three mto-

Utaa D.i t* and W, Railroad. Inquire of laoitor. _ _m a n 8T., 43. near Bioomfiald awa—Flte-room

flati, raduo^ ratai; all Icnpta axoapt boat; fl3. *13. |1T; light and airy; aoutbaftt sapoaura.HAHTTORD ST., It*—Four large tpoma; rent

ilu.Ou; W am n et,. 233, two looma. 13 50. rillf iT a PEltiT. Soheuer bulMlDg. TS8 Broad.H uim cK D ON 6T,. 853—New houee; alx large

light airy roome; all Improvementa except;gh- ___ - - - .beat; rent reaaonable.HOWARD Ht*. _ . .

gant condition; rent JlO B<^^eue building. 733 nruad.

Inquire third floor.L21i—Four Large roomi In eto'TOBT A FBaBT.

ren t'» . ’ FBTBT * FBIB’ Insurance. Bcheuar building,CIURLTON 0T.I 138, afid one room:- -------- * — J Ui d EstaU and

TU Broad,I LINTON AVBl. 488. betwaaa Bergen end

Chadwick avc.—Larga atora three roome and tiiihi or made Into 60 I t deept rant *50.] >EflCRABL£, moat oonvaalenl Im tlo n Jf t th e

sohauer building, oomaf Bi '

OUNTOM AVm. 455. oomat Beir«n ^ ? in t flat, five all light roome and b ^ new and utklc-date; deoc»rat»d througbouU lowly north: all imPTOTamanle; steam heat fur-nlebed; rant Ha. \ _______________ _m iT J T ^ a VB. 359-4lf room*, halbi ateam,

all Improvemeitls, |25; a ]^ five roofoa. |15. Bee or lalvphune Q t ^ . SOOJlroad.________ __

rocitna decorated. Inquire of Janlter on pram-

B1LL8IDB PU. 55-F1ve large. U*ht rooms and bath; all Improvemantei iteam neat

adulte; rent 136. _____JU»T~OFF CLINTON AVBl.—8 lx room* and

batla In twc-£ai^ly bouiy.; .separate entranoee and ataam heat and a lf other Improwraettli; rent *21. PHILIP J DOWERa A OO., IH* Market irt.

ment Into effect, and fequestfl *11 copy a* early ta possible. The NEWARK EVENING NEWS will be unable to classify iny idver- tisement received after 11:45 A. M. This Is absolutely neceasary be­cause the first edition will be leiued early for the convenience of readers going out of town.

IfURNlSHEp FLATS.AHAnTMK.NT an KCOOd fluOT. (hroi rw»u*

and private bath; all light ror-ima: 60oi nad eomfortablr. Inquire W Third ave^_____ .

_FU R N LSnED B W M J TO LOT.._ j ___B O A R D IN G ^O T „® *L J5!'^RMt’TOR HT M--Tljrae rooma, Aral floor, flOtTTH QRANQE. Valley *t., 181—Lerga f r ^ t | ^iUlUbla for houaakeaplnf. ga* rmige. h o t: rwm. all lmprovemrni*:^prlvat^fnm^^

BROAD HT., UNa-Three rwuna tulte and prlvato bain;' furroshrd fvr light houaakrcD'

]ng If Jealrad. all Jmprvveiuente, |8 l>er wci-k.HRYEIt, lOna Breed. _______ ,BROAD WT *5 naar Oriental—Two and three

fiHOo nata; 'improvemenu. funitahiMl for ligtil hfustheaping; 15 per weak up. 11KYKK, luUs Urnari.CLINTON >82 t?P5>*T ^family hoose, to amall family: atlrarllve location: brat and hot water fum lehed___JELLIPF AVE.. 231, nea r OInton av*.—Clean, ^1]

light. aliT. large rwma furiiUhad flat, bath. ’**'

and cold w'ater, to r«8 n«d [woplaHECTOR 8 T-, 80-BaaenMtol to rant, with <am

at kitohnn; rent oho*p for light ■arx-ioes; no OUleoUon to ohlid. ____ _ ___m5(rrC>n” 0T^ 29hT nw lU hn^*-rurol«bed

Fooma for light houaekeeping or gentlamen.reaaonabla. _______ ____ ______ ______ __RlrH H O N P 8 T . M -l* rg e front r ^ In pri­

vate houer: lerraa reaaonabla; refarmoa.SoVTti r r . M -Two front pnom*: tm% v<-rjr

larg<*, one small; will let eeivarniely With or without light hmteekeemruf; ga* and laun­dry ■•rvlce. p.60; all Improveinenta; pr ivate.BTATK BT . 51 Vwo formortliv* rooMa,

oiete f..f hi\u»^k*^rlng: kUclien; wllb au ImtiruveTnenia onp bioota tr> liackawtnna Bta th'Ti: rraiH-nahle _____ __

or two gentlemen: tneale If t^entod; near train nod irmleT.TWO TOUNO MSN boarder* wanted; frlende

preferred; mu*t he ratpaotabie: near Clarb’e MlU. >to«t Newark. Addreae Mttl. Box «T. Kewi olBoe. _W W T ORA NOB. PwlM pi.. It-lAarge. eoci

room with board for gentleman with Ameii- rsn Prataetani couple; handy to trolley and railroad. -----------------


TO LET, fer l i t Sti Itibt room, u f l U th : aU Improvemenla: jnfteenlk a^as. ,*4a* jTlf-

taanth Ava School, Inquire fTUDLEH poratlcNk, 143 Market st.. opposite Banber* ger’s. ________ .________THHtTFPNTH AVE., 142—8t«am healed Rat

to T«ni, p'<f!H«ealon fTN»in August 1, IDll In­quire t.f riSfHKR-OREENFlElJD CO.. BOO Broad *L. m WM. GHKENFlEIiD. 49 RJoh- mond It.TICHKNOR BT,. TT-Two r o o » i nicely deo-

orated: iint*TOTcment*| rent f t ; eeoond lloon aleo two n>oma on third Boer. In. Inquire itore or Janitor. _________THIRTLTCNTH AVI,,

b a th , all imprcveroento. Inquire eti p r^ leo e or llh) HirlngAeld ave, LAGwER'fl jfinioery.

Tl—Five roesne and B preml

MllllotTHlRTHlENTH AVB,. T 8 -F w r ftlo*. Ujht

roiiina. lU PFRoaheSR. 5b3 hfetropoltCa* building _______________ ____THIRD FLOOR, six room* and bath i an Im-

^ - ‘-"ed. Inquire TO8pro\emenU; hatte, fumlehe* Fourteenth mve.THREE room*; first Roor; one room eultabla

for email store; rent *8. 35 Napoleon it.THREE roome. flrit floor, 6T Burnet it.

adulte only. 96 Plano et,. ecrond bell.THREE room* to let; wme lTnp^'vemenl*;

rent |S; pft Rergen ii. Inquire 60 ^ergea stTHREE room*, eooond 6 »op; water cellar end

plaess. Tent *7.30. Inquire 74 Crana ^

R. Htatfone: Hre-room flat aod bath , raod- •rn Improvemante; Jaallpr lenrtoei rent Ilfl-50.■JAt BT.i

R, R. fltiTnquire U Jay et.jAMKd ~BT„

toUtMThree nine Ught room*

LBXINOTOK Wt., W -Fotir ■ hoonii, aw n d floor, I/e*lngton si., *4, 4 room*, flrel floor.

Inquire SftH Fairy i t , M floor.






I for W\M

><ta., oppoill* p ^ o flica F; managing agenti, T88 B poa^

. and Oommeroa :ST A FiifiT ,


TOMOBILE DISTRICT; STEAM HEATED. J. LUDWIG. INC-. Ml H A l^ET » T ______ _LLFQANT s t« e and rooms; up-to-date fronti

g o ^ for any tmaitiMa: rent moderate. Ctoynsf Twelfth ava and South Seventh *L_____ _OARAOB—Brick garage. 40x60. now being

(Toot^, on Camfleld it., between Haleey and Waihtnglrm eU., to leas* for term of year*. For plans anfl further Informntloo. D. WOLFF A ('0., 81-83 Uarkal st.

r^A nw lC IC AY*., 14B-Ftve well lighted^^^oora* S bath; gteato heat; all tmproi*' ntenta-------- --------- ---------- —

^‘if s ; | 'aiA D W lC K AVE..

•dl Improvementa Inquire on tiret neoy.C H A D T ^K AVE. T ^F o u r nloa, light r^om*

with Improvementa; thirdjloor; rent giu.COLORED (inimtA If TOU *“^ u o d Ifctlon: Stimrovimentia iUon, »M BBODNA3^ag_PM A^It. i i>hl>n«. CLIFTON AVB.. m -BM onfl i p w t i w t l iJ*

room! And hiili! iw jU U n* i« p u » » . "o*p i . _________ _____________________

GOOD oomw If on, any buelneaa flOo Warren at.

1th room#; guitibl* for oomer Bev-

HOWARD flT„ ^In Megant oondltioi

FEIST, Sebauar buB<

re with three rwootoj, 3n: rent 110- FElflT & idlng, T88 Broad.

fwLAROIS ttore. with l^ooina and - t^ i e tp. I**! luJtahle for wholeule huMneae; n n l bftftann-

able. Inquire 181 Llvlngatop a t_____________a4XHllU.T 6T.i 34-Utore. euUablo for

smeal buelneea, 13. FTb' ' eomer baiement store, 15 i t Aiftor eL

buslneee, 1 . Fraltnghuy^en avaNORTON BHOR..

CANAL 8T.. T6—Four roome. 113; T8, ^ rS m s. *T. FEIST * FElBT. febeuer build­ing. 738 Broad.________ . __S i i O T W r BT., 84--Ffl"'rocprM

ImprovemanU; Private b ^IjOR, aeoond floor, or lU l Broad rt-

LITTliETON AVE.. 100—Flve roeme khd bath. eoconiJ floor, in a two-femlly houte .______

C l LIE BT.. 18. near IClEi&eF-’Kitif light rooma with Improvomeni*. _ _____

MONTOOUERT AT., 86—Top flat; 3 n l ^ light rooma, bath; all Improveraantl; |lp j near

High e t.: tkioe nelghbowiood. JOHN FRANZ.MIDDIiE flat! Improvementa; three-family

house; 764 flouth Twentieth i t Inquire FISH’S bakery, cor. ttoee and Livingston etoKFLSON P L , 43“ Five rooms and bath; can-

trai; large, light rooma Inquire 37 Nelwn pi., f.ITTAUElL or tSS Market i t . ModelTAlloring. ________________________ _N ^ " ™ rlFTEENTH BT., 18S-n«»utlfjl

brick apanmeniBi 5 largs light rooc^; bath; all inipFoveawints; Hhi oesj' Ampst^ KOBevUle StatKMkS- _________________

7Hl;RK or five rooms to let; eduUa only.Ur|pni-B st


TO LET--One light front room; autUbto -rWropcMtiel; rent very .law. —Apply Os ».FliJlV.. 587 Broad e t . ________ __________TWO roome, bath, ranee and tubs. Call ail

we^k: - inquire itm^. 2 tt st.

*uiiimsi-j' tubs, steam heat, private home, reasonable; Adults; sultabls buslnses people.NORTH FIFTH BT.. 261 -Five moms and

bath; hamleomely decorated; all modern Itn* provemeiiie; furn1she<] or unfurnished; rent rea*uusUla FElBT 4 FE1BT, Bcheuer build* Ihg. T3» Broad.______ _______ __________W aST^klNNET BT., 56- New and elegantly

furnUhed spartrneme In etiiiee of two. three, four end dve rootne: privsie baths; steam heat* hot and cold wster. laundry, tuba; 'phone; every ntiAlrrn oonrenlencrs: two blocks ftMiq Bruad ei.; six from Urc-iil and Market eta; ncihhig Ilk* It In the city; every room Tight and airy; reflned people only, oo objeotlon to

----------------------------- ..

Kil'TH HlXl lt fiT . 279-Ftirnlahed moms to In. all improv^mnil*. telephone, oonvententto cftr» ___ _J,.................. ST. near courthouse—I a rgrfront rtiom. ell Improvementa, private fam­

ily. ____TO LET, two rrihhHftlng roorai. on* large, ous

amnll. lifiproveiuents; renlral; suitable for threo gontlemen Addrese W . Bt'x ?4. Newioffice. ____ ______ ____ ___________ _ —WaF iHNQT<>N 8T . 165. HfMir W arren-Nloa

^rnishwi rooms wllli large rlo*et. next to batb, houeokefpliig If flealied. |2; also “ t in t flow. 81 75



NICELT furnished, lour or flvs rootna, aa de­sired. housekeoplng; por h. good loqatlohi 8

minutea to l^okawanna. terms very imaon- able: gdulis. 53 HoUiwood ava. BirA Orange.


WABHINaTON BT..I eool front mom; n.hiptetrly furnished for ' housekeeping: all Impv.^vmients. m. •ihlectlon [ to ohlid . ressoniihle ^ ___ ________ _ i

WABHINaTON ffl' . ft76 Thr*e neatly fur- i nlsheij cownectlng frv.nt roonvs. with mnMng |

water and tubs; oompleta for hou^eeptng.w7RlllNaTON~9T.. 126-Nlrely rimtlsJiM

rw‘tn; all Improvemanls, prlvi^te fannij; rout reaaonAbls: also hall^roon^________ ^WRIOHT ^ T ., 5 9 ^ -T wo large fr^mt ri>om*.

furnlshad oomrlete for housekeeping, laundry, bath, all improvements; lerlnt 83 W per weew. light and airy.

ACADEMY oompLele

double rootna

BT., 58A—Caan. oool. ooiy fUltsa for light bouKkaeptng; slitfts and aa; eummar i*Ue. oentral iMatioo

Nsw si,-Tw o large for light hoi.\es!sesp1ng; ad-

ARCH err.. 14,foomii oompleis .........

joining » th ; flve mlnuisa from ilahne'aa TLAJJTIC s t ., a, l mtautH' W«ik from iM b-

awaana—Fumlshsd roofiait ail improvamonta,homs oemforta.___________________________ _BROAD 0T.. 1084-Two oORnsctlng large front

roomi! ciJt be used m ■ktlng-foogi and had- roomi sulUiils for baohalor apartment or mar- rtsd couple: also oiber rooms; ail Improve- mefita; 'phoce.BROAD 6 T . llH2-"Three rooms and privets

bath; Psohrlor apertmenta; furnlihtd f^r light househci'ppig If desired: alt Improvs- nients* *8 pfT wp- ^ DEYE14. UW3 Broad.BRaAD~8T., 815-Two or three cofineoHng

rooms, light housekeeping; ala<> largo front parlor, sulublv any Ught buslpeis; laundry and bath; all |[uprovejnenta.____________

BOARDKRB—Ocean Grove. Elbemal. K Ktn- bury ave>; l'i4 blorke front ocean; osw fur-

Blshed hr>u*s; exceltmt lahle; rates IT and 18.ltKI*M AR—FrlVat* family would UKe a few

buardera fin* location; boating, flebltif and bathing; eomfortabl*. oo*y T. 0. Rot lOt.Hvlmar, N. J. __________ifa S r LONG Tlmiieh, Jeiwen onMage. 43 Rea-

vJfw avs.-Ocoao and counlry view; beautiful p>; flret-claae table; ocean bathing.lTrrilVt.V5DB, N. J.-O rond Vl,w C otl,* ,; »

''omfiirUble homelike reeling place a t the Rhrewsherry Rtveri boating, halhing and flsh-tog ______ _____________ ________ _ — ■iKANSBURa. N. J.-W ood's Cotisge: board-

er» M'nntciJ: iv>cm3 table: balhlna aad neh- Ing; trrmS peasunable. m IB6 <J. KKOVfTLf.RMEAIK>W RROOlTHO'rBL, KUnetourg. n T j ,

—All timderu i>xnv«nie(weB; flihlnf, hoaUCig, batbihg; German kitchen: per daj' R ; weekly, |10; d«'Ubl», W: fim ierly Uraovllls House. J,h ’HRKMIU.T4, Roi 9 4 . __________________

ix'l'.AN GROVE.The Allanworth. m-ar Audltr»!\^ and Jsdoh.

IhTge fine table; terms 87 to fiO. MP.ArKER. IWnn ave. and M t tienitoo wny- way. _____ ___________ _

WARREN PU . S3—Two « R 0 *^ring rwiM ;Inuirovetoents; 6 mlnulas from Broad add

M ^ s t______________________________ ____ _WARREN 8T.. 72 - Large ^ n t

houeekeeplog foome; water In roome. »2 .IW and W. Impfovamsnti: nloe and d ean-

87~-Nloely furnished roorr». atl UnprovemenU for

BROAD 8T , 56—Hoorn on second floor with large olusei. two window*; ue« of bath with

insUBUneous ixA -wnierr 'light houeekecpltig Inquire 68 Third at" ___________

TWO room* to rent: private family, drees Private. Boi 77. New# offlos.

TWO attlo roomi to lei with water and gea.Call 4&P South Fourteenth e t____ _______

W W M ID E AVB., 371-277—8 rooms and bath, all Improvements, steam boat, eleoirle H^tt:

reo t 123. Inquire ground floor, also In No. 279W A\ a K L I AVE.. 74 -Four large suit;

able for oolored pef)ple; rent llO- FElHT, Beheuer building. 788 Broad.

rraSsT »

WEST KTOOTT BT room* lelet: with imorovernents: rent

In barber shop. ____Inquire

WILLIAM 0T., 52-Nloe flat of 9 * * ^ , .* ^ " “ * IlG. PFROMMER. 302 MetrcpelltaB buH dB ^

NORTH FOURTH ST., 503—Four ntos, light rooms, water and « s , 89; do objection to

oolored; near BloomSeld ave.

CHBAPBST n u t Inpg.rt Improvements. 490 Bprlngfleid aT*.cicNraAL AVB.. *£Ma»; to " >«»»i. third -DBSlBABLffl f l a t , ID ntos looattoa,

tne five Dloe, bright rooms; part improvw- pjemsi ooDTealsal to trolleys. Itnmadlau pos- e^iBlon; t l 2, 484 Walnut st. _Di S cE R ^ BT.. 10, near L j-oome, flrel floor; gM and water, no oellari rent to: oulel peoplePLUM RUILDINO.

A few small llaht offlecs. *ia moBf.h: all mod- , . . . ---------- ----------; r m *ii Im-«m ijnpMSements; Janlu-r; beat; light; #l*va- i j u j ig a n t large 8-room flat: M fliW ^ »™ tor eervToe. GEIBEH ft PLUM. 845 Pmad m- ^.r^vaments; heal; reasonable to





«k or [antic ox 3,


MTJBSBIX AVE.. I, Junction Central avs. and High et.—Fine, large store and two living

rooms; suitable for any burineesj low rentaJ. nys and pArtlculnrs ot HDNBi J FOLBT,

0Hnton BU________________________ _tOVTH ORANOR AVE.. comer Tenth fL—

Large store, with two rooms; all irimrov*. rr.ente: reat reasonable. Partlculara NOLAN. B58 Bouth Orange ave-_________BTORB, with or without rooms] sultabta for

all bualnssa, particularly deilcatMuen, coffM, tcfi store. Inuulre premises. 82 WashlDgtoD avs.. or EPflTElN'a. 258 M a r k e t^ _________BTOBE. 278 Washington at. Apply

D. WOTjFF a C30.,81-B3 Market sL_____________

BTORW? to let on Pprlngflii^ld dv*.. 85-30-T5. In Oljferent locations. AOLEA. 198 Market

Bt,. second floor rear. _____________i=TnRF ro let; suluble for manufactureiris

t-n^nt or eirerlmontal work. Address Hliitl- n*frr. 24 Boufllaot st> ^ ______________

I fTCRfl with ftve-moto fla t 83 f t tTMtagai l+Ti per month. 646 Bergen a t , oor. CUaton

I nve.______________ ________________________I t^TOR758 with three-room fleto, |86 per motkl^

647-64B Bergen st-. cor. Clinton ava.I .''TORE, lot; eultabla for barber shop, m-

ntilre 141 Cotug* at.___________________ _E'TGREfi for rent. SIxtaentb a m aod MlnCh s t i

good buitosse leoatloa.________ .t-O riH ORANGE AVB., 9TT-Wloa floor to

)4 t ittitoble for drestmaksr or hairdresser.WAWmN 8T.r 444. JUDOtlon Oentral ass.*-

lAfvs stor*} might divide; busy sttot:able for any busmeaa_______________■ rrf.T.TAM AT.. 66-fltora and ibrss rooms; low

rent to Aprl\ 1. PFROMiUMW flOfl Mstro- jfollUJn bttJlalng.■WALNTPP aad Jefferson sto,—Largs store,

PuUabJe for hardware, sho* stoes. of dnig- glji; moderats rent. Ingulrs 283 Walnut st.wXf-NUT BT«~W. t io v KulbarrT-~8ultabts for


n.w'l'r “ dK O ritrf; ‘ ' q u n f Btif hborbooO.Rld*,wtwl KW.E l e g a n t su-room flat; all iT

cation, reasonabii. IdOuIts 718 BAl l t t It., or J- CKIN, taa WM b[nr°» «*-BLBfJANT flvo-room Italyi »U JOHKPll OKiN. t i l T^Mhlmti.r .t-in iTf.A\’T flat llv, room*. b»thi *JI Im-

i8TELWOOD AVK,, IM, n*«r Mt. P™ P«<

Flat of saven rooms in. naw two-famUF

n o r t h s ix t h at.. 840. near *>**Becond flat; 6 light rooms; rant $14.50. In­

quire 41 liloomftsld ava ____________NBW OHLJJ1AN8, Orleans it., 81, oomer War-

rfii—Flats. four and flva rooms, all Improve- m enu; centrally located. Inquire el janitor.NBW BT., 886-Thrss nios rooms, 88; one

block from CsntraJ ave. aod Wartan, Hergonand Norfolk st. irolleya ____________ __FENNINGTON 8T., 18-FIts rooms and bath,

sioam beat: all modern improvemanto all


ATTENTION. LANDLORDBl-Would you spend les« than four r«nte per week to protoot jr^r*

ealf agulDSt ■‘undRslrsbls" trn a n ia a n d Tent bflaters"T If so. u'lusult Property Owoerr Aid Assafdatjpn. 222 Washington el.___________ _f a m il y of three waiu about Mx-rwm flat.

two*-famlly house; Clinton HlU section; rent about 118. Address C. E, W.. Uoi 57, Newsoffice. _____________________ _LlAN and wife want 8-4 room#; two-lamJlT

house: semnd floor; gas and_w ater■ '- rpreferred. rent, moderaie. box 71. News oflica

i owner Address Anxious.

RBSPHiO'rAiJLE wouilLn wants one largo, an furnished room for li^>us€heepiftg; not more

than 83 month. Addrtsi D-, Box 25, Newo o f f i c e . __________ _______

light roomsCllDton Bt.

Exchange Realty Company. 45

P a r k e r RT., ITAA. n<‘ar Blootnflsld and Clifton ave- trolleys^Three nloo rooms, 18.

Bee M Ra SMITH. ____________

BBQAD 25,. negr^ Otlenial ^ -T w n and'ifiToe Vobm 'sLiJlHs;Minijf6v*td4Tiff; fynHsiiW

for light houeekeeplflg; |5 por week. IIEYER, 1008 Broad.BROAD ST., eftB^rront Mmlahed room, re-

lined gentleman. lmprovemi»nlB; II "5 «‘e*k^: opi>o#li* Lkotral Depot. BJRrt. HAWKBY. ftdfloor. _________ ____ ____13UUAD 6T.. 988-Very pleasant ronm for gen-

iJemen ouly; c<mvanleiil to bKlh tel*phon^| private: bandy to irtiiley and siutiun____ ^ilROAD BT., 2U8—A oomfortalile furtvlthtd sin

g|e rtKim for ona; all limmiveinenii, |2 prr week: near D.. L. and W. htatlon.________ _

WOJv’T’T f?T..■Inrle or connecting

Heht houaskeenlna. _____ _WALNVT BT., 88—For rent. Dies hall room,

wllh lanr* closet. ____ ______ _WILLIAM BT.. 29. cwmsr lUlsST—Rath and

clw. tTlc light ; j a ITor week.______________

OCKAN OROVH, Boulevard tnn. I I Broadway —Beautiful view; abeulute cleanUnM; owbP*

rionally gotid ub le and b*^i tl> 89* |t0 wasktf»t'KlVATE bosrdlng-hoiiie: hem* comforts; g ^

cooking; local*4 on* block from oresft. For trrme writs MBS. J. BUTTfl. 76 Abbott*•■VreKn Ofcv*. N. J.


FUUNlSHEnTWO CT three furnished rooms for light

keeping for two adults. Address Uodeniis.Box 41* News o f f l o c . ________ _


K.M«T URANGE. Amhcrsl i t . 62--Oean and hi.mrtlkc fUnilBhed rooms, tl 56 up; light

hifU 'k*H*i tot£ kitohen privilege: l»ath. laundry.

OOUNTRT boarflsrs n the Watchttftt ts.ln: ftns view; good Gsrman tabM

own farm products. Add/eee The OV Farm. fWiulh flllrtloi, N. J. Pla*-*^D., No, I.ELEGANTLT furnished rootns;

suite; fxosllent uble board; prtvato L__ select neighborhood, three minutes from and b ., L. and W. statiotii 'reastmabla ERA. 47 rtoutoJVajnul_rt.. Bast Ofanf%h o m e T w fA G E . Ralvidere. N. J*! oWytofl

on Delaware: fishing, rowing, b a t lM :bcalthful location: spring water: gb«M Wtable; home 4’ooklfta: terms 16 And *"» tenis with board; fsmlllea and parilea SiiB'WI- MRH HAVENS. Rrlvidere. N. J,LAKH VIEW HOrSK, N*W Egypt, M.

IViautIfully located; near pInas: well mp- piled table; fresh egga milk. poultiT, MfflA- bleS- ___________ ____LA B ntt r»rm ; mrflliioi :

pr»r,rro<l. WKKBIn A. rcrota t . Ftatn-


MAN ,niploj'«d »t K,tta01i>, w*nt» o o m fj r^ ble furnif'ljfd room wlln gss. Address 111, Box N ews pfflee, Oewnte. -------,

BROAD BT., 879. near Lackawanna Rtatlon- Two oonnectlng front rocmn with gas range

and all oonvanlrnoes for houselueping._______BUOAD BT , 22—Newly fumlahed rooms; mod­

ern Improvements; refined eUTTOundlogsi good neliffibiniood: reaaonable.^ O A D BIT 22—Two large parlore. miltahle

for doctor cr demist, refined auiroundlntfs. gtvod neighborhood. _______________BROAD BT.. 428, Bcramonlan—fflegahtlr fur-

ntabed rooms, tingle and double; ell lin- provemSDta _ _ _ilANK BT. 222. near oourthnuse—Bachel-'g

arartm ent; cenlml, uu to ilaU. newiy fur­nished private family; 15 to x>erman«nt uoi- llee; ae<>ond b e l l . ________ _ _

houaai etoom heat, electricity: all rooms light,newly docontotf: eiceUenl I**'*®®M l ,arete. Inoutre on pirotaee or MTRON M&HflB. 180 Thira t v « - ________________

ijiU awnlnga furntahedi adults, rant 114, U*e tij«ad or Patoraon oar,EDWIN PU . IS-PlT* nmnfc b ^ :

,«vem enta, Intludtn* At™™ fumlahed; llfl* Inquire UTTER, iti KllaabsthdTe. _ _______^DHTEEHTB Avm. mmT “Wh .»*-*;.*

room,; » l«trto llitit; »ll Impfovwnanta: n o t l i r t n q n i ™ J. JtAHJOLU IT Pnlrmoim t avfce m m e t bt .. » —PIv* rooma »nd batli; nil two- orollrbouse: three minutea from Bouth Ht Btallon.

PIEJRCE BT., 8fl-^Thr*e light roonae for rent,with Improvemento_________ ______ ______

ROSBl COURT.THIRTBIINTH AVB. AND HOWARD BT. Elegant aparlrnenti of six rooms sad batftl

all copvanlenoes: heat: electric lights: Janitor aervloe. Apply on premises or JOB- OKIN. Okin building. 222 washlntton ki-R088VILLB>—Five rooms u d bath, deooratedi

all Improvsmeme except beat: close to troU lev' rants IU and 110 to desirable tenants, P h Vl IP j . noW EIta a CO., iso Market at.woeS vTu S , South Ninth sL. 1 » -F la t . W

floor: 0 iBxxe rooms; all Improvements but heat; hoJls and sU lri oorveted; rsnt low to good tenant; vacant on 1st.

TWO or three rooms in quiet nelghBorheoi rant reasonable, bj young roan having ^ r -

Mtufe stored; with bath. Address Rooms. Box«o. News offioa_______ ________________WANTED, by young married couple, apar^

tnsnt of four rooms with all lEnproTem^t* lo be takeij November i. Address EL, Box76. News ofllos,____________ _____________TOUNO ^ U P L B desire four or flTe-room

flat- all Improvemshts; with or without steam heeit; within 15 minutes' walk north of P rn ^ and Market its., on or before September 1ft. 0-lve full partioulora to l"’lat, box 87. News office.TOUNd COUPLB. four or five room flat; all

Improvements; nice neighborhood: near Or­ange trolley line, Addrew Rooms, Box 42,News offioe. ___________ _TOUNG German woman wUh <w»e child wHhas

three rooms, neer Bprlngfleld are.W ^t. Sox 84. News office

EOfiETVIItalJi. North Seventh s t . 26—Second flat, iwo-romlly buuee; seven reoma vi& bath;

ail Improvements; rent very reosonabU. In­quire nrirt fioor._______ _______________

8 agent tecultenths offlos or pubUo stenogfi.........................« ~

WAHUFipiwfened. Addrass Agent Bo* *A Newe



M06T Attrootiv. ito f. in Ba*t ofit».it*ri»»t Oran*. Station; 88* Mflti i t.i t a m , .!►•

want show window; iwnt SS8. Apply gour agent or W Main f t^

mABT KINNET bt .. 48-P I tb roome and bath;floor; 119; ail Improvements « « p t etoaiu

heat I n ^ r a ^ Past Ktaney e t _______i-AST KINNBT HT.. 864. Dear Yan Buran

Plx large, light rooms and bath, oppoeltopark. Ijwulr* ^ Y*" ^ __________f l a t seven rooms and bathi all Iwprova-

ments, Inoluding elecrtrla light heat: rent 127. Inoiilre second flow, 20T South Ninth si.FLATMTIlnKm Hill »«riou; ^ rooms e^d

b a tiT ren t 118. WTDNZEL A CO^ 800 B »ad st.. room fUH-fiOn. ____ ___PLAT t« two-lam!ly boiuse: 8 roems; •ewfhg

roomi improvemente; boy windows; oobiMi mantele; plasia front and bajck. rent |1T. In­quire 67 Bouth Thirteenth e t . RoesvlUe.______f l a t s lo let: 5-6 rooms; all lrop*6wemsiJt»;

reoeongble rent: all light; 418 Inquire Janitor, 771 Fourteenth st., wtee gtofe»

R0 6 BV1LLB3—Five tttoe roomsi Improweroento;Lirivate house 1 elegant tocailoru flve minutes

to stallcn: rent reascoable. 179 North 8«v- enth st- . . -ROflHVlLLa, fteutb Ihirteenth #t.,

rootne, hathi oU httprevements atceyi beati hulle and soreeni fumtsbed; near trains and trolleys. .ra—R03HVTTyLl&-BsatitlfBl slx-rcom flat; all Bn-

provemertsi 1 ght and eJry; •tent 819. 62 Ninth ava., oomer Thirtaenth at.ROflBVmulll, North Fifth"et.,

rijoma in two-famllyhousei *1' Improve­ments; rent |2L WINTSCH.HOBEVnX®, First it.. 8fl5-rouf roomaj laon-

dry: toilet: gas: hot aikd ooid water range; coal bln: cellar: rent 118.

b a n k bt .. 151, ohe d'-'or below ITTgh s t — Three-room Hal on first floor; Urge clean

rooms for light housekeeping_____ _________ _b a n k A i ^ ”llAljRFry~STfl -FurnIshod rt^oms:

all rrem* on sireol front, uee of bath; 81 50up, Stag Hotel_______________________ _b a n k bt ., 888, oorner Wallooe st —Nicely

furbished room to let. _BEROFIN HT. 178. cor! flouth Orange ave.-

Nlce light, airy room; oonvement to bsth; us* of kllL'hen optlcmal; ledy only; eVenliigs.BEACH 8T., 10—Larger pleoeanl rooms for

light housekeeping; all ImpfOFvemenls. oen- traliy located; near otty hwll. renjonabl*TOURT bt., 29, near Broad sL—Nicely fur

nished connecting kitchen and bedroom: ell Improvements, hoi sii'i cold runnliiK water, complete for light houeekeatilng,____________

FURNISHED ROOMS AND____ ______________

LfRANOm BT., 8M. rortlM .front rO'>m. rurnleherttee parlor and

overlooking park, for gentlemen; 13; hreeJtfoal,if ilcelrci-lj private.


tifully furnllhea homa may iM BT t*®' iltirunn or roupln of ..BMluto rannemonf. *n- droM rilninn Hill, Boi 83, N»w* ofllra______

COUNTRT board wanted, near Newai^i tosnand^olavilld wife; no trouble; piaUk AdVMS

dntintry, ''Box 11, News bffitw.'f o u r adults would Ilka board In eoMitry

month of Atigturt; ffiim prefsiTod; with In easy ootnmutlng distance of Now T ort; terms and looatJon. Address B<iardag. Bo* 8e News offioe. __________________OKNTI.EMAI^ would board with famlty. pro

fgrrlng Isolated country location hut ttniMSlone; references exchanged. Address Roetful

lox 15. Newe office _______________________LADY wlshee board a t qqlel fagm: *»betaut1al

food: |6 weekly: Caldwell vlolnlty preferreil.

h a n k ST., 2fiO-Large, plrasabt room, seooiiA BUirahie for two grMlemetj w onupla;

with eiceUeni beard; Qerman cooking; ten j ininuttts to Uroad and Merkel i l l , rates f«a-st>H» ble _____ -JIr EINTNALL PI*. 24. cofillnuatlon of Mar- i

ket. DptKwUfl cuurthDuee—Two large front | Btvnm-lireUHi rnom# fur two; opposUe U th j pif-niy hot water: excellent table board: pri­vate. ______ _____ ra..mlKIfirKEH BT 41-T»o front rwimi; le M ^

iultnhlr for rartv *.nll.raiin; ntao ■In. la rooma. nil ImBrorantanta: .iM Ilu utable, reasonable.u k l lk v itZ k a v k . bj£>-Widow would like

to rent a few furnished rooms; large beautiful roonis, ell loipfovementi; board If desired. _____ __________


imOAD ST . BBS, ovtrlookin* M llltirr Parti— Fr<*ni. room, wllh board, two gentletneoi

rMjinlng water in room; also single room

a p a r t m e n t s / r o o m s a n d f l a t s

pwTJjinrtLTA—Fire moms e&d bath; rteaxn heat furoiabed: choice location: oonvenlent

to trolley and sUtJon. 817, Inquire on prem­ises. a NDRBW flVUMBON. 40 Tappaa ave.. B o l l e v l U a _______________ __eellidv:

Improvemen' IS to 112. J. ava. BeilevtUa.

'ILlA-FIftM flT« to ftl unrotoi liT to I30i part 1. J. ft. o o b t u Jln. 1

to fttoa rocinsi all tmproveitiente.

i t s Washington

REIJITIVB fmmlttM ol thro. «eh , wtah famllv house: Clinton UtU seottoni rent BOt

<ner 120 fer raoB HaL AOiftat » « ll. BM BO, S'dVB oftioa.______________________

F L A T -S li IM-Pi. light, n r r t™™“; ■“ -nrovenmnta'. r .nt rraraitabl.: 82. BuMa. ata Apply CLAUBKR, 8M 8uaa« ava. I tahltof.7LAT-W *rran «t,. 812. Junction Central

drat flat; live larfa. ItatU roomi ^ ■ *»; all iTnnrovements; swell decorating; W*all improvementi; swell deooraUngPTAT^lO Shenniui »■«.. » Bigolow *o^fl

Hontw; four oofl flvo room*; Itatli; r * t 118.50 to 815; Janitar service. Inqqlre prsnueea.

bta blbb , e t c , t o l e ta. ii»1 eontal. I

riNiB. ....... ^and Cefltfal avee. b

tog; tel. 9<WL. g a fk e t_____________jSfr PLBAaAJtT AVm, 287-I*fge

■tAble: room for ton hoewo. tw rout A. HOLLaWp ICR ft BON, l a »o*t Klnnor »t.IITABU3 to lati two etnllei rant oheap. Tn- _jijra_jiWB«^ M Morohaat _jt

FLAT—Four tight roomA bAth; rango wAoh- lube; rent (12 month' etlool Bolghhorkood.

408 Poahlno ava, noar WaUOD av«.FLAT, B7T Booth KlWh i t j aU t a w , U |h t

roome arid hath: tecond floor. Infliune Biogouth NIatli at.FI^AT. « rooma; bath and (M tiP : »11

ments except heat; newly paptoed. 883 BosxtaSixth et.p La t —Four l a ^

rent flO. 160 tto n is ava Inquire af tonltor.

r UNTON 0T., ?65-P1sA Stable end bgral fla* in gi>i oonidJiIctL ‘liMUire FI8frB Miscyi

comer Hoee and UvlDgstoii sto.

It feoe-•crDer

fllXTlffmfTH AVE. shd Boklft BlghtoSflftth to-— Elegant flats, containing four end Are noiM

and hath: all modsm Irnprevements; deeo?ated| special itiducements tc small family; fi*” * onahl®. HODBR, 7?6 Rroad aL, d store.______SOUTH EIGHTH HT„ 90-BU U jyc

room* and hath: all Improvement^ “ 2FSL..JT gust 1. iTjqiilra on premlsss, or aUO. BRSNK,066 South Tenlh iL _______BOUTh ”f d u r TEENTH HT., 875 near Cllpton

avs.—First floor. tU rcoma beth; August u all improvements; rent low; refereDCtoe VOIGT. T41 Broad. ____________

BLOOM FI E3Lt>—Upper apartmi«it In tw ofam - lly houee; all latest ImproveraanU; n e ^ trol­

l y and train, rent reasonable. 8T8 Frankllu rt., near Orange it.

COURT 6T.. 69—Fifty rooms, single or sn suite; electric light; two baths on floor; ree-

tauroni: hotel aocommodatlons. Ctnjrt Btiweiton. ________________________ __________COURT ffT.. T4—Ro^^me furnished ccmplete

for housekeeping; gas qnd bath. 82.60; also sleeping inoTn. 81.50- _____COURT BT.. 00-lArge, pleasant front room.

nretly furnished; eultahle for two: all con- venlenoea _______CENTRE ST.. 16—laiw e nicely furnished

pqjora. atoOTid flo«>r runnlbs water; also scKiil room for llaht houeekeeplni, four door* frern MlJltarv Park: 'uhone.

IJROAD BT., 1011—Large and small rooma with boofd; al» Uble brArd; eummer rates.

TiROAD BT.. 919. opposite city hall—RooBto tol(Bt, wUb board.


2561R MarketHT., t, oomer Brood—Hloely. ^ I t ­'d Single ood double rooma Tetopiione

Ct't-'RT ST., 10--Plftasant fnmt room with bay sMPdww; home tabls-^___ .

OUUftT ST . 85—Pie iiible hoard.

a in t frcirrt roora for two;

w ill b* da llvw td te ymir m 1d«no« al th a tB B tIdt tn d dountay b» N » W .

d a ila r o r C irrlo r, or will bo found on 0 0 lo At tbo following elaOMi

a s b u r y p a r k' Union Nowi oUnd, ot Woltofc

Mr*. R. BrylAwaW, M* Miln dirbol H. K Bordon, lUattlun AvMM

oomor Bond btroot B. J. •mttb, Main *nd MatUOM

Avw., oepoilto Biitlon.J . Q. H arrlto n J M lt t lu n Av«nu«

PoofolfioiA tbury Avonuo Coatn*.►tfth Avonuo ArtMdo.J. F. Ttrrv. 101* Klnfliloy

C!IB8TNI)T ST.. SO. BOAT Broad—ItaTf* or •mall, uraiiy fliralthad rooiaa; ruaning

water; steam h e a t , _____ ___ __________

KAHT orange, Oirard am»-78, T6. T7, a*W Dodd it., one blooli from tyolley, bear public

•chool-New two-faadly hoviNa; five and six ruonia SAd bath; steoa beat: rant. |18 and up. Inquire MR. MTLLCTR. prettisae, cr any agent.WAftT rtBATsnB. id ttlmwccd awio. two block*

from Central av a—Two large oonnooUng rooms: water bandy; ispapate eniranoea;plazsa; rant 17.BABT ORANQS-Plocr lo let, 99* North Park

st.. East Orange: roora 88x84; sultoble for Ibfht manufacturtngi three roome and bath.EAPT OBANOfll, North Orerve r t . 78-Four

roome; private houee: adults only; two minutes from statlop anfl trolley.FOUR Urge light rootfts snd bath, with.

improvgtnwits; sbodae and eoreeti* tu rw ^ed ; rent Il4; small family only. Apply *4 Frank- ila aVA, West Orange. ___________ ___rbUR-nCxiM n»U; gra. wAWr, tollot; » to

IlS; t^nectable colored famlUee, InqwTW Bio Dodd sc. comer Qarard ava, East QraPg*>

APARTMENTBL r o o m ;Tro let

FLAT to lelj lour Urge rooms; Vn^rovaROOMS AND FLATS IlS. TB egrtagflald ara,, BWU- High.

ITlifllNTa of aU, rooma and bath. With D htal, hot wator and lanllqr larrloa

S A * T « f« » J< ^ H ra r miff lart « « alttplWdl don’t bo a janitor, a coal man, in a*h roan,

or th , gaibago mam aoothfr wlnwr out thooo; Mva iiint-hotol atyla In tlia handaom* RW£«- wood. 1*8 par roontb, le a tba Janitor, *#d Clinton nan, m « » tAPAKIamSItadi lnThoi;* aaotioo of Foraat Hill; «po- clal Induoomanta nt Ihta aoanon to dHlmbU tenant,; raCoruioM ronulrod. F U IU P J.Bowroia * oo„ to lurmt , 1._________aPAJRTMBTTTO—Wo will tann a noiabar of t*-

mrabla apartntant, from Ootobor 1, from dvo to al(h t roomirTtaVtod ntdntoi amno b a r , a ijra te r e«v to, « 0 «o ff j . FBIBT * FBUflT. dobMnr building, tM Broad.

fiOUTH REVBNTH ST., IM, nw r Thlrtoontb ave - S I , largo, light rooMI all Imjmve-

iBOnta; mpirato hoalwa Hiadaa aonen, andhall, turnlihod._________ _____ ___________ —BODTObI^ IW T AVB.-«ln IMIM ,nd

twthi aamuol doorai oak aan la and haam rtlllnm ; Jum flnlah,di UH of l a r w : fSO ao n ™ OIMSBK d PL Pll. Itag Broad at.SOUTH FOUBTSTOMTH BT,, M. on, hlflcl

from (taairal .v , . - J t« ir light nrom, and bath, all improvamants, •eooftO floor, adults. __________________ ■ -

FOUR light rooms; all Improvemwita a North Forty-seoobd i t , Irvington. ________

FIVE ROOMfi. All Improvements oxoepl boalj Iwg mltiulee Central avenua trolleyi fi8.

iCHULTE, 65 West st.. East O^ g a-FIVB lorga airy roome; water and g*e. T6

Wallace i l . OraIl«^ near Pork e t , ______

OOTTAQH f*T.. KV-LArge front room, with ^ without light hcusekseplng: large hall room;

five mlTiulBe from Urood st.________________CAMDEN ST., 175—Nicely furnished room for

one or two gentlemrni referwhces.ELBOANT, aewlf furnished, light hrutekeep-

Ing riKiroi. In suites of two, three, four and five rcorasi private baths; steam heat; hot and cold wntsr; laundry tubs: 'phone, every niod- fuTo convAnlencs; two blocks from Brood st , six from B rri^ and Market; nolhlnt like It in the ully; refined people only; do oDjectlon to Child Iriqulre 56 West KlhPey it.e l e g a n t room, with bath, In a pgtrote

house: 'phone; 16 minutes' walk from Urond and Market; references required. Inquln 6<rJHigh Bt. ________________________I5LM PT.. 1—Nicely furnished oonneoting

rooms for light houaekeeping; alio room# for gamlemsti; centrally located to til pars.______ELM 9T 24-vOne large alobve room and en©

■Ingle; nlfsly furnished; all Imprcrvametits: rent reoaonabla. _____________ _UlOHTH AVE., 48—Nicely furnished rooms;

Ijackawanns ana

B*ST KINNBT BT. 8T, TTw Arrtlla, n « v U r„o d -l* r ,» ll.h t room*. .Ingle w en »u le,

ail.I aleo (Iral-olUM table boanl, all Im-uriivpnii'nfs ____ _K ^ T PARK HT., 83-Nlce. seleol rooms, ^ h

double and elngle; summer ratae; axceimai table bOArd; very rentralFPAaj F a RIiTsT.. 85-Tioonis with boasd; ms*

nlns water; all ImprovementeF rw m N BT., 47-NloeJy

having private ahower hath and rtirtuiif wttlrr; front hall room; table board, oentral fur tralDi and i r o l l e y i . ____________^ ^FULTON PT.

room table.

OCEAN GROVE0«M n Orovg Book Btorw*

Avqhutg n tg rN«wg Btgnd, Wo#i PftvUloB,


g a, a.. 45 — tATf* front ro o ^ ■ultabU tor sna *t 8»®; flrrtH

FAJHMOUNT AV®.. 1T9—Loffe room, withbfjard; all ImpTavsrasnta____________

MHuL OT. 21-tA rfO , airy•Ingle, nutnixig water; lorga okiSSU, wtth

flrsi-cliiae board and servlosa.

all Improvamenti; nearirolleyaBAST PARK BT.. 41^-VsrT central; wptaro

room: odlolnlns bath.


PARTMMHT, fcor. i losgsrooma OBd iKBid flooe, T U»g« rooos *&d

■ - alFu ‘bathsi water ropply;spirot’ ftslibkoAonda W 0*6 •• HUlRtos avaiapply Jgmtog.

• -a,-...' ---

■Jail! tonitor portion r ^ .a, jm sc ,

^ tooitor ■ ‘/'f0bM«V buiUUig,

-**dgnitfrb5 :

rooms; Blshed - store,bath;

ply J.

; r»4 ior s t

ava _______ _

iSnutibgtoB r

VTflAT, 8 rooBiSi all Improrecnents: vent rosann-Able. Inqu1ro_a80 Booth Sixth s t

f i v * a n l ta l mito light roema, w ltt aU iJa- siovaoimta: Ult baflironoia madlotoa (hart,

pamry. iMboi oonnKtloa. aM .ttwaga-nwia, wcKrtad porabto; rant r a a ^ W a ;J 1 8 and BT. F R U Z tN 8 K r^ t 'B o u th Twaiftb rt.j i v B ROOUb/ hath; all imiiryraniantai pra

inluuuS'^Pvalk tram Braafl ^ l l u k r t : low iMiht' roas"nftMf ooDotsalons to desirable ton* M t i u S ! ^ X » ^ O o t t a « . a t i tol. Marfctoaflaant._____ ______________________FItH raoptai all

houto; rant B8; I t .^ianaaTigU TMtolow SEtoflwag ava Influlra JAM M KFKOea, 18 a t KaWhen. on flrroilto.).

Kxma aafl hath! « » m htoi ^ alw- trio light I i ll Inipravaiaaou: |B-W*.

Blgalow a t , naar Johcwia avair rv n larga naiaa; all Impravairvanta v eag t ’ l i S ; ^ B oow wa block from Cttntoa avaMT aouih BavoDlaantll at. ________ _

l»ajrt«ul roomairaaaooabla' Inoulra UltB. A. BOIajm o n ,

44t UorrU a v a , clly. ________________I t v a RO O ¥*-Flral floor, tuba m anfl trtlot 1

aflulta; rant BT: rtng wp boil. 4&9 South

O ran ta a v a . _________________ ___

So u t h b b l m o n t a v r , t8 A -n w l a ^room. anJ hath, all modorn Unprowmapta,

rani |U . FEIST A FBIBT, Bohauar bullflUiB.T38 r i r o a f l - _______ . .BOUTS EIOHTH 8T.. lU - S 0T.n-r(»io ftaiU

ta thT «« o n brat. lmtirov«menta( UjWf l o o r Inqu lrtlW C aW nat ooraor Bergon SSOUTH ELEVENTH BT.. BTl-Naw ,»o -t™ -

lly hoUK, 8 and *8-toot alloya. McDOHOUQH. Tifl Brtod *t. -

B n o u Augurt IB, flva roomi aofl bara; ^1 Im- uraweiueiits; rent reasonable. 94 Swain pL*

'west Orange _________ _ ___________ _QLEN RIDQE^Two or three lopffe roejns; two

large oloeets. hot wate^. batb, lOO Sheimenava. ________ ________HILTON—Fbf rent, four rooms: |7J».

Inquire F. DBHNZ. 807 Roe© i t . Newark.

f o r ORNTLEMAN having firat-cleai refer^ ence: two well furoiihed rooms, with pri-

eala femllg; all ccriveiilencBa, northern pert ^ t v ; near car line. Address Claf*. Box 9S, News effloa, __________

LAFATKiTTaK BT.. 85-LAroe peHof; for one or two; central to Brood oxm lioJost,

Lli Imupovaniam..LJNtXILH AVB., B88-Oomfortab1a Vuoro. with

lioarfl; term . M; Bngllah familyNBIJKJN PL.. lania front room wttk

board: two amtloman flvt mlnutto trom Broad and U irkot; tarma raaQouahla

Nawa Stand, Llllagnro'. Pivlllon. Tha Book Sloro, Pllflrlm Patbwoy. J. F. Ehtori, Main Strait, oppOMft

Fortoflleia .O'Brien, Sub.PortofBoo No. t.

BRADLEY BEACHB, 4. Smithi addroaa, Main Strool

^nd Mattleon Avonuo, AiburyN, polUnd. no^ to PogtofBoo. a. J, BmlMt, Now Bowllna Alloy.

Bradloy Boaoh PavllloA

b e l m a rMlon Nawo

{vamateia,la , H.. r fF Btraatb

NEW 0T., 156—^FarnUihed rwsns wllk board b prlvale family; eentraL

OltrUARD 0Tr^7T-Large. ofry rooma fur- nlsbed. wllh bosTd. for two; aU im p r e ^

menls and oonvenlences; good serriee; lobieb'-urd. ______OnCHARD BT.. ITO-Larga a l ^ iN>rafyrts: near flouth fit. Btatloo and Idnooln P iak; ell IraprovemenU; table board, tele- p1ir)*ie. nw—ORCIiARD BT.,

room, with board, home cooking! 6 0 c lo ^ dlnnar; near olty holi, modern cmonTenlenoes.

IR'VlNQTON, Twsnly-eeoond st.. 81, between Bprlnflfield and Twenleth avee.; eeven roonw;

alt tmprovements; ^ectrlo Ught; |2Q. Inquire JOSEPH BTRUl3NINa. 5l8 Avon av*.. near Tweaty-ftTst Sl ________ _________________nfVTNOTON—Flat In twc-fomlfy bouse. Bro

=lg^“IL “ .3,y‘ n o ‘S,'^fang pL JiRVINCnON-Cower oftartment. tw e-f^U y

house, 45 Baaford ave . near Rlrowof^; all tmproveinents, Inquire of owner, Sehond floor.

KFARTMUIT. (M tau aj., roonai all (orarovonantoi t j» ^ k . I J ™ *

te ll; lanltor fwvtoto lan t llfc W& Ikitilia

ATATWMBKTB-irtva and 8t» «««*. '■<<*. »PlatMt nukhro Imimvttotw «o»Uii|^;Ba Maitor .MTlcMi looatM •attmlty, lU Ka*fci , ito— ■■ ------- _ -a-

BOUTH NINTH ST SOT, a ta r Soulh OrMao ava,—B itra Bn. flat; m v m mom.; with katu

and oil imPfovements-SODTH TWULFTH BT.. BtO-Biooild f lw : 8 ^Tw nS to tat; hath; all ImproyMiMili; tkraa- fam fij houee- _______ ,BOOTH SIXTH BT..= ... < g-y lv» ..ta3 ta, llBtit

fOoma and hath. Inoilra HLOHft tooaml floor.

ave., 579—Second rfioor, Iwodarally hauto> Aavon asaoiai All 4m-

proweangnts; one block from two car llhee.mVINOTON.

mvINflTON, Twaaty-flr« at.. SS, Off Avon ava.—Ftva roouij and bath ; all improve-

rriania aaoapt k*ati aoa minute to oar; IIAIKVINGTOil, Floranoa avt.T i ^ St» room, aud

haih, all UapU.; alto live raoroa baih, oot- ner Ejmitooo ava. and WOhaiw at.

BTRATfkJRD PU , iT -F ta l: 1 ^ floor; flva rooma ta lk ; kupto., ** * ’“ *■Call SlfcB, IM Orange ave.. Inrtagtgn.

SOUTH BICVXSTH BT., * £ 5 ^and batk; alltwo>famtl^ house; second tloot, rent gia.

TOUTH BBSHTEUNTB BT, TM -^la JSSSli and kaih. all ImaravamaDla; n-^

4 FEIST, Beheuer buljdlng, 7Mrttt 816>

18 O M .F » 1 8 t

SOUTH rOUBTSHNTH t Hrht reoma; all Impravaatanto aaoapt

beat; for itnoil t y ili^- .a o U ro " EIGHTH BT.westKi." Upg*

149'^FIve rooaaa and ' deaorgjsd. . m.

■B<fCr#H BfflVElJ+H f r . . saa -ltv o aloa l llk t Toenu; rent oheog. .

tIV B nloa rM ttA v tth hnpiwwMMntoi 69ton s t Itoisiw. tolrfl floera

eowpleUdpad maith.f« f l]» « O O lt M ! ^ t and . M i ■(.> aor. C u ™ a v a l allrTO U U a tonlaW l <ld pi_____ ______FOUR a o T l t e t o l i i r S r Itokt iM jaa vrttfc

te iF ^ i » a t W a n f i u . b a p u n W Hi

mVlNOTOff-fllg rooma and hath, largo and light; all Imorov.iBaata aioopt ataam; rent

raaaonakla. I f f l Bprla«flald ava____________

FRANKLIN HT., SO, naar city ball-;, light, airy hall room, 81-M; hath, rhono;

iTjltable for business p e o p le _______________K ia ii 6T.. 886-LargA bright back parlor;

suitable for light buuiekeei in f ; ala* upstairs rooms. RultAhl# for two, ell improvements; also single rooma _____HALSKT BT.. fifi^Newly flooorsted end fun-

Dished front room. wUh all ImprovsrasnU: to roflned genUemSn; In prtveie family. Callevenltige, 2d bell.________ _______HAIAliT!' AT.. 70—Coni, well furnished single

fpcmt room: eieclrio lleht; rile bath; 8J- MRS. CHKflLBR. ring second _bell^______ _HALBKT 8T-. 5 5 -ts rg s front ^ r lo r to let.

also tmalL room; osntreJ location; all im- ftrovementa ___________ ^HAWTOORNB AVEL. Fit. Oor. llargan

Purntshed room, with large closet Md bath privilege; wlvate fa ir ly ; top floor; 81.56 week.AKIM BT.. 485-Large end small oool single

fliftd oocneotlng roame: Hfrht hcuieskeeplogi also alMplng roome; ressonabla

ORCnARD BT.. l ^ L o r g e froni roooj W ning water; also footn for one or two gen*

tletnen; nloely furnished; good table.ORANGE HT.. I6B--Nicely ftirnlshed

lady or g*'ijtl«msn; ladles. |4 per week, with board; senttemea. 15: tsbift board.PlrANK HT.. 201, near Bonk—l*rge

runm. with or without hoard: home oocglng and ofimforte; aU Impro^wmenta______ _

FBNN3TLVANLA AVE., I4Tlt-4nof?»^ nUhed rooms to let, with or witbceit poorg-

ROfEVHvLE. Werren st., 652—i^ rg e fro ^ room with boftrd. Inr <if>« or two; reflned

■urniundtiigs; near train end troUey.

BOSEVILLK. 51 North niosly furnished room; suitable for bww. with

board; good lorallty; '^phone ooptl ___

I, 10 Bfflfd t t w t •Pftftd etTMl SUtloNk

RED BANKi .W X IX A X '&UnMn Ntrwi B land, a t

l o n g b r a n c h

y ," l^ 0^8brL?*BnIa5tBy. oBBOtllaA ^V! F. D udlw A C e , 1 « B te idw ay .

WEST ENDUiil«n Nrwa s ian d , a l » ta tl* ii.J. A. Mo<lu1yfl»


Hioa* HT.a 448—Funilshed fr«mt room; alsohalt rootta > ^ ________ ■

B IL L 9Tr. 9flv"For two gentlemsn; large m o f room; new furniture; private family; Ulftv

nhone Olid oU convaclehcea- ____________JAMEB bt .. 46—Neatly furnished, oool front

room; all iBapmvomrnU. *MARHHALL ST.. 0. near city hoJI-NtorJy

furnlehod front alcove room tor light house* kronlnai oJl imorovements. alsu eleeping rootti,

IBVIKOTON. Myrtle ate., 164^Flve rooms.all improvements exoopt steam beat; rent

tlB. taqoiro cn promjssa.______ ____________IRVINOTON, Headley tarrmoo, >4—Flral floor,

Bee roois# modem Improve-oaento: 60 foot Tot; Cda __IRVINOTON. Oo*t sta, 1T^ between Lyons and

Prospeot a T a i.-n fe rogsni and bath; rent______ _________

JEHBBT CTTTa Foroesf #t» W b-Ibuy outMde rooms and » » : Improvemente; convenient

to Central R. B. Butlpn (NewMk bronoh) and trolliy. Apply Janltrose.______________RBARKT. K. ..and bolh^oll qwtee vf HBNHT

oontolnlng Owe rooms rent ItA In-

-iCemr eee.

BUMKVR AVBaa 997- hath; atUo; OU im pf

Detghboftoiod. W Bomafter n m

flSlJ^fiSoi^'alftmprtrrwtn q u m m yrsmtsiSB er 44 Morksd i t

wffARKT, Bergeo ate ,, 6at, livedrateA.| two-fgmily hou*v Inqslro j i O n M jL , olty* * •' v ' u __

Huwoida te egosgR um L

M., t e a t CBalaa B i| Ihquira 888.________ ,

^^sssa ssp. * * ^'M■ M y a^tdM awakai aB'

• n u u t


.TBD awrtBMot: atg M uoa aad HteHatBi MarttaaB. aad m b- U J a a to a ta i " a t a t a ; " a t e , car. M ink. -TSad-bath a te r ta te t . r i ^ t k aB uvtekl.■wiilgl tatoa

HrOflT daatrabla a a W r ff»t »«■*n u o n h la : atvan raoBw) all Impiaivaiitanu.

BO Boua Ofovt at., Iralnatoa-____________FORTH ARUMOTON, 88 M g ra to

B*w tw u-taallr t e u te m a * b ^ i all Impaovamaatii aapayaia anuanoM l baat jura n t iM : twautr ahiutoa rrum Broad aad Kar- BaA iddrato }. aCB A R raB . an pramlaaa

UARSHALL ST.. 1. near olty haJl-NIcvly (urnlihea taott Oonl room tor light houao-

k^eplnir: all Imorovrments; n ^ Urogd wMONMOUTH BT.. 151—Nice eteam-heatwl ny'in

for one nr two Adults; pleasant outlook: near Clinton ova ; with ortvste family,.NB'TF bt ., fit—Handsomely furnished roeros,

Qawly decorated and furnished; eleutrla light and all modan Imjuwvanionta; rOTwroo.; varyo a o t r a J . ___________ _________ _HEW BT., U9. Mar Plana at.—W»!l hiralahad

la r n (raul room, loltakl. (or light homtewp- lag or fOPtlMocn: alao aingla room, 81.BO-_____KEW St T^sa—Hcoin for la h t houarttaoplng;

all IniDTOvaiiioiita. ______________________ _KELAOM F L . l8-«Nloaly fumlahvd taffa. a lT

n»o t; all UnaroivaotaBU; tataphona;. nrlvart. tanMIr.ORCHARD FT.. li-N taa l* tomrtSte, .m v

and bank noma; llaht and aJry; wllh mV v a u (amllTi oaa htook from tooad at-; Im-Drovawanta '_______ , I ' _____ORCHARD i t . . U aaar «Hf h a J l-N ta ^ fura

u ta k a rta n a t in n n o n : light hduaka^plnf; adloitolu hath; all ImprovammUa________

BOBBTIIXE AVB., ffl—Room for two with iNiOrdl cwnvenlrnt to train ood trolley. Tele-

phnne lo28 L H. H- .ftoi;TH BKvSffn irr 69^o i"ta

nlstied room, board if dwrroil. use of bath;In a ^moll private family _________f f ic H ^ D R RT. 10. one mlnufe Ilroad i^ d

Llnooln Park-lsu-ge front r\>nm. running W4 ler: eeiect location; flrel-close board: tele­phone, —anu^u All a>n_2^—Nice- large fronl codJlVA ell

or without board; ra ^ .bis; Tiesr Pennsylvania sve. and Routh■oaaiBtatlun,

BOARD WANTEDBOX wonu bcmrdliwi; private family'

CMHICK. 27 Cedsr rt. • __URB

M15UMANTDAL. iTNOlNpW^.trlan. wants a furnlBhed room, also

board In qulsl place wllh p l^ san l guiround- Inge Jh Nswork or Harrison; Vienna or Oert man cooktog proforrsd siaie price, etc. dreos M., Dox 58, Newe offlga


VAM amDioved fttgbis. desirot board, room and' washing on Clinton HU!; terms IT 1

State full partloulort. Address W. 0 ., He* W. News offlee.UFCHANIC waiita ^ a rd

family. Address Iteoboato, Be» 86. wswe office-___________________RtrrTNEff> vouns man desires heart »n pri­

vate tamllyt ©rweville nr Hill seotfc^ 7 ^ ferred; etate terms. A.ddrese Toung, bo* 78, News office. ____ _fofiiNfi MAN woJiW boardof cltw- Ad

yRton News B ttfid, « t 1 , B ehw srts. s4 Postoini]C«v

e a s t l o n g BRANCHUrtloit Newe Cofrtpmn¥»

DEAL AND ALLENHURSTH. 0 . Johnaon, gddraaa Poalollhte Union N awt Co.

NORTH ASBURY PARKUnion Newe BUndf a t M itlM i

AVONC D. Snyflar. R ail ■ f ta ia OHIao. A ndraw 6 . Colaoi aduUfWB«l eom w

Fourth and W oodland Avoa.


lo Hlll'iNowadoolor,

D hig i to r * .

prlviitB fam- lirraa l^ o « -

Union Nawa Company.Naw Monmouth Hotau

SEA GIRTUnion Nawa S tand , 8 t BUtloA

POINT PLEASANTUnion Newe Stand* a t Statloiia

MATAWANU nion Nawa Btarid, a t ^ t l o n . J . T. Clowaa. Main S traa t.

KEYPORT■a C. Ctlna. n b tr PM tofliofiEdwin eprool- Third


. . J tnkinson. F lf« t Avanufis iMBt

O iU jraB -F lia t floor, now tFO-(amUy; alt voateH hath; aJtetrla llgkii ataatn te a u |aa-

s ru a iS K S 'ss. s s aava, _____________________t o l* N - l« e a fla t al* "o m a; tmteavamtetaj

lia a ja id . laqalr* a t 808 HamIt.. Oraaav.____________________ ___________*OF lyrtnOftts.



ORUDAOT PT., Il-K loaly (undiih.4 m o t ro m i iw ^ (wA: « n b p itvau family; ra-

ItaMa paorit teiy.__________________ ______ORAKOB FL., i —flaOn, oooilortabla rooma,

kaaoakatptai* It iaalrad, aaar WaatlnBhouao.PflUtHINOTON BT., 40 -lo iga, nawly daoor-

a(M (unlaktd laooia. improvtmanU; handy to rallnad alatloo and flva dlflaiant » rimaa; taayaatahla. ________ _PARK VL., » . to o doora from ProfltoFj-

tgtrga, airy rooBu; aultabla for two: oppoilia p a rt; flatackao houaa; talaphooa aarvloaPARK F t- . tS - lo r» a . »lty « « n aiJoIntBB

kolh; looatloo oantiaU flva mlnutaa fwao Rraafl and Hariwt ota. s totapkoao_________

BUfllNBBB woman will thara k « o o rn fo ^ " ODOrtiEMtit, ob Impnrromsnts aad telephone:

cantrally looaiad. wfth half ^ .aolnn*« i t of aaina. about N or I# pw waak. tnelufl- lug boiord, or would glv» potaa room root fre* and board a t ooat. for light aaalatatata with light houiwwotlt Addnaa Cotntowt. Boa 1. Montclair Branch, Rvaning Hawn _________BOARDIUa and altotidanca tor ladlaa a t I r a a

of aEportoDOad nurao; vary raaaonakta P ^ tlculara addraaa MRK H. OOOFnH, Humaao.N. J.___________ _________________ - —e a s t OBANGR. South Walnut a t . »t-PJ«aa-

ant rodma with board; convanlani to train and tw llfy; Uble gaeete aoGoiatttoQatsd.BAST ORAHOa Nort*Uarga attraotlva room with boarfd la raflaM rrtvata family. . ________ -

PLANS at..kaaplng: aU

nacUag rooma,

M M laraa rooi 1 fnarevaowni

rooite (or llflht bantt- ita; alao two aoa-

PLANB ST . 8fl-r«»nlalia« MSBi; kB iM Bwa- ■aaoM: prtvaU.lUtUy.

aaNTUHHAN' 1 ^ , wife wlaklt e a y a kOM te tvary partloillat with • atejdl OTltata

lamDr oan flm a a w o y addraaatnt Mo m . Baat Qranga Peatofltea._______ ____________SOUTH ORA NOS.

teitiBK fw ? •« ftti igyvinndninrvaflam

S . Beatluid td., IIT -P rtvato

^ ClirwoM^Wma ^ _Union N dw t P tand, a t P ta tlo ia


W . T . am tok .

k e a n sb u r oC. a . Ramaaflto


u a n a s q u a nTIM Cddk OdmpHQto

8EABR1GBT fUalBn 'Ndwa SatU J e liM M V. ,


DiU’lnf tllM • t^nMiu

Cool, «d MX

Thon »cl«n;U •lum I catloiL.

Th* from 8 £rpicir

rail IM

rumM t• t (■tat*





0 . aTR

ihH t t i l l I M Ni






" ' t i l



Th« follewinx d » d ( w en dl«a In tb« couBtr re c tit .r ‘1 9fflce yM terdir;

NEWARK.O tm iM A. Q n n t to MadiKin O n n t

■t «1i, V i H aln y t t IW ft t r Uar*k*t It, UxK. «nd other uw et.......... tt

Simoe C. Thompcon to Peter Heck, w i S. ith at oor of publlo■cr.col lot, fiixlOO .............................. 1

lu d o r Becklea to John Colyer, ■ a Oantral av S ft a fr 8. Stb at.KxlOO ............................................. >

H arry H. Pool* e t ti* to Robert Im. Uoiiklni, e i plana at 16$ ft frW arren a t., MalOl ............................. 1

P ain t to Boi Jeydel. aamt prop*«rty ....................................... ‘IrTln* B

CoBipatly, Muntelalr, a * a Proapeet ay 60 f t n * fr Claremont av, tf.OOO.

Teodor Biiluk et ux to Hollywood ButUI. Ins and Loan Aatodatloib IrrloKton, a a Urova terrace 376 ft w fr Grove at, 11,000.

I la rry Otter et u i to Howard Hutan, Nutley, a a Choatout et IM ft n w fr Sarah Berry extale, 63.000.

Nlcholae J. Hlekey et ux to Franklin Building and Loan Aeeoclatton, Nutley, w e Kernel *v $00 ft t w fr King* land rd, ■,000.

John Randall et ux to Caroline A. Ren* ehaw Kant Orange, w * North Brighton | av » ft n fr Hilton at, 31,700. ]

Frederick J. Dreacher et ux to John |


Hughea, Montclair, centre Claremont av W I t w fr William B. Bogle'a land. 16,>,000.

tunc Spangenthal to Irring B. pfoaUclh a I Lefayette at 36$ ft w fr IdulbeiTT at. * i * i d ^ - " ' ' " v Aetna Realty Co. to Trtvett jk W alteri Co., w a Highland a» 8.6 ft a fr id av, BOiKM v ' 1 '’ m.Vi’

William Harrlgan. eherlff. to W ill' lam 1, Healtv, e a *07 ft a fr Cheater av, ®xlpO..

l iilon Stairbuilding Co. to Oeorga Kellar, w a Far'ay av 101 ft frMadlaon av, 60x111....................

F.meat F. Keer et ux to .jinb* Metaol, e a liWinont a* SiS f t a fr Hawtborae av, KSx»7.. . . ■ . . • •

Anna M arla Dionyalua a t al, a» a , to Rotalle Epatolii, w a Waehlng- ton av a fr Cheater av. 14x163^-

Wmiaro Haixlgan, ^e riff «<>Ventrii D a Cheetout et 816 ft trS a ^ fo a ^ 18x111 ............1 ■ ■ ’.tth'ik.William dopploiwn at ux to Philip Stam, w a Somemet at 331 ft frSprue* a t *6x8* .......

OUTStDB OF NBWXHK. JWiniaai Harrtgan. aherlft, to

C hute* E. Baton, Weal O rant^ w • valley at 20 ft n e fr landWRliam I* McDonald, 100x481.......

Chaylaa E. Eaton et u i to Jennie UaOarthy, W eit Orange, aameprejiarty ..................v t i : ’" ” " ’*’!'lAijM Drixle et u* to FlorenM J. RoblneOD, Eaat Orange. * ■ sirdtb ArUngRm av 106 it tr Central av,

WUUam H.' Bobroder et al to i ^ e a W. Oeotva, Bael Orai«*, n a New at w t r N Orova at, I0w l47y,,„....

F rank Boohlaln *t « to W l ^ t n Weldaanann, Irvlniton, n t Tre- mont *t i n n t r Btuyvnaant av,

Philip B ow et tu et al to B un- hard Poefog, IrvJogton, w • Chap­man pi 61 ft f r Laurel av, 8tall0.,

William 8 ta lt« r et ux to United Realty Co.. Glen Ridge, n a Clark et 100 ft a fr Rldwtwood ar, lOOiTOO

United Realty Co. to Arthur Kua-



■eh Olen Ridge, aame property. Robert lIcK Inodl at ux to Margaret

M. Prleatley. Bloomfleld. n a W ar­ren at 210 ft fr Eaaex av, 60x116.

Jam et A. MoOIrnn et u i to laaao enthal, prangt. WlUlam.Bpangenthal, Qrange, a.,a w iuiam .

eM i* ft fb Wnd 8. D. Day. 60x176.and o ther t r a c t . ...........

tgaJKL BpdOBeJUthal jo Ida t . Me-Glynn, Orange, earn* property........

William A. Jcnnlnga et ux to Gray- look Land Co., Bellavttl*. e a Caro­line at 600 ft a tr Oroylock av,■xlOO ........................... .. ....................

William B. Wataon el ux to aame, BeliavlIIe, w a Bremond at SM ftn fr Oreylock av, 87x100...................

Oak* Land and Improvement Com­pany to William B. Holraae, Belle­ville, w B OnluD av 100 ft n frTlona av, 36x100................................

W arren P. Ball et ux to ElmerWomeladorf et ux, Irvington, a e e Durand pi 206 ft a fr Bpi' ^ ' ■V, Kx8


Nutlay Realty Company to ThomaaC. K in g ,----- ■■ ■ ■ • ■Nutley, h « a Rruokfleld

t n w fr Edgdgewood av,KIIIU ........................................................

riiomaa C, King et al to Nutley Realty Company, Nutley, n w Proapeot and Beech et, nhElM...

W illiam K. Smith et ux to David B,Byrne et ux, Went Orange, e e High•t 600 ft n a f r Ridge av, 60x100...... 1

Wataon Whittleeey et ux to Mary Rooney, Weat Orange, e n High at60 f t a W f r Ridge av, 60x100............ 660

J , F red Beretecber Jr. to Jamea A. Clark. Orange, w ■ Eaaex av 164 Rni fr Main at, 68x106......................... 1

Jama* A. Clark et ux to Sunan E.■am* propertyB urtt, O range,------ ..........................

A n ir tw T. Oroe* et ux to TeodorBnliek « UI, Irvington, e * Grovet u 176 ft fr Grove et, 26x00...,........

W illiam H arrlgan (iherIR) to John Randall, Eaat Orange, w a North ^ ^ t o n av to ft n ir Hilton at,

Emil Baudlatei a t ux to Fknny Ober- landar, Irvlngtcn, w a 22d at 166 ftt r Bprlngfleld a*. KilOO.................

Thomaa L, Smith et ux to Alleene Realty Company, Orange, * * Ueuntatnvlew av 600 ft w t r U n- to la av. 66x160...,..,.........................


UORTGAGES.Tha following mortgwea were filed In

th e county regteter'a offle* yeeterday: NEWARK.

William j . Crook* et ux to Samuel DoughtlTr w a N. Mb at 637 f t n fr 6d a r ,(MOA /

H e m ra tU K autherr to Prudential In . furaao* Co., a a Bprlngfleld av 66 ft w tr H igh f t . 166,000.

Bama to PFOgreaatv* Inv. Co., eame Sroparty, |20,000i

Anna K aufm an to the Prudential In- ■urance Co„ n w oor WlckUBe and MlUon

Charles B. Orben et ux to Charlotte A Hdwarde, Went Oraiigo, a » Park terrace 216 ft w t r Eagle Hock av, 12,000.

CONTRACT.S,Gottlob Trautwelh, owner, t.Thadwlck av

and Runyon el. wlln Arthur C. Wllidecir, for meaon work. 83.134: with William F.Bohaefer, for llling work, IlM; w ith Fred e r ltk W eltluuf, for piiiniblhg work. Ihwith John Seylnx, for Augui '■ tecte.

_____ . painting ..... .Aumiet M, and Kmll It. Kleeman, arclil-

HeJph B, Bchmltll Jr., owner, 380 W ainet at, with John Hummel, forWork, 82,300.

H ---- ------



la r ry o tte r , own»r, C heatnut at. N ut- lay, w ith John M ulch, fur all work, 13.426.

Modal Realty Conetructlon Co., owner, f l ftoaedale iiv, MSlIburr. wlih William H. Corer, for pnlntlng work, 1166; Auguat M. and B H. Kleeman, Brrhllei.'U.

p ttlllla Henertan, owner, 24 Noll pi.W ith S tanley A. Miller, for 'hoiiltng w ork,

................................ ■ rl.. __ Ilk, owner, 68 P 'roderiek

w ith ea ta te J O. H etie l, for roof

2W: Auguat M. Kleeman, archlterl. Charlea A. Feleik, owner, 68- --- —.......... ....... ...... . 68 P'roderiel

• t. with eatate J O. Hetiel, for roo work, m i ; wlih Payne Drna.. Inc., for Iron work 89H7; with the Joaeph F. H an­ley Co., for plumlilng work, I6S6; with Jotui Hammel, for caiman ter work, 82,348; with eatate Henry Wolf, fur moaon work, 82,W6; Herman Metiger, architect.

Mery B. Cleary, owner, 26 Van Rena- aoloar at. Beilevllla, with Robert W ill­iam, for carpenter work, 31,860; with George Wllltamadn, for plumbing work.J ■ ff w V • aeeaeweea Pvlla A tAi ^4 UlgJIAiltB wwi643, w ltl^Jobn RIalar, for painting work, 115; Kdwlo E. Oram, arotaltect.F rank Foerach, owner. 12 WUIotighby

e t with Henry Mueller, for plumbing work 1680.

F . L l>y*r, owner, Montclair, with A. A. Btryker, for maaon and carpenter * w k , 16,700: I^ugtaa Fitch, architect.

The Henaler Realty Co., owner. Rail- road av and Wright et. with eatate J. G. Ketxal, for roofing work, 889; with Fred J. Bock, for motel celling work, 1182; with Andrew Oraubner, for palming work, 1230; with Huber A I’llricb, for can>enlar work. 82,420; with O'Connell A Hllaor, for plumbing work, 11,600: with eatate H enry Wolf, for maaon work, 84,000; Herm an Bletxger, arohttect.

T ab«m *o l* rf_ 8. A atoeiatlon, ow ner, lA - W yetto and Tyler ate, with Ituaaell-Rob-Ineon Cm, for a lie ra tjon w o rk . ' il8,'4»; C ady A QJWgory, arohltecta.

JOMllLh Dafale, ««tieT 8ji-B<iinm er av,............ ............... .............w ith Alfnneo B tranlert, for ell w ork, *2,600: T hom aa E. Htoka, a rch itect. .P - .C ; Bean, owner, 127 Cheelnut at, W ert Orange, with Kaplan Broa., for all work. 14,260. Kaplan Broa., architecta


BpaaM AanHoe o/ iga NBWg.JERSEY CITY, July 28.—The following

n o r t g a n afteotlng property In W rat H uotoiy W8J! recordAd yAfltprdaj':

KEARNY MORTGAGE,Philip B. Brockway et ux to H erbert

Frapwelt, e a Tarraoe pi 240 ft n fr Mid­land av. MxlOO. »00.


carrlaga owned by former Aaaemblyman W right, of Ridgefield, was stolen from his bam early th li morning. L ater word reached Mr. Wright that the body of a horae lay near the trolley tradka In Della avenue, Morsemerot and he Identified the animal as his,-

The horse thieves seemingly followed a private road along the Hudson River trol­ley track*, bent on taking a short out to the Edgewater ferry to New York. A trolley oar oraehad Into the horse a t the croiBlng.

B O S T O N L I N EE x p n m gnlCVICK OIBEOT kHOlI''


I.tirtirinos. NVv Ktrit riH ru fe r Sfi-amililiu


Ini-lMdliif MmikIbjr at 4 P. M, frocn i'ler lb, N- H., fuot lltrclay Duf toAtriV# At fotloWlDf Uul' i( About

A. M.






Almol 22 liODn betwese Nsw York andPORTLAND, MAINEHAlliiiMrit: UuUfUi, Jl>:30 4. M.j TUBidaj.Thurwicr iii(] ftaturday, B P. Sd,, from Pier •0, K*Rt IOtpf. N. Y,

Tbniujili tlrkPtn and ba^faRp i-bPCKPd tn all ui« ^im lar Kaatern Bummer Raaortt. Ihiprc«a ~ ■ ■ ' ’ HiiriH**- Ftir full Iftfp rvlr# fitf riFiaht. Autouiol ib-a RDd

KAIKF ---------------;nrc«a

IftfornLitUiD and n<viti|8»t aoDlv to8TSAHSHIP COXFANT, IftO BROADWAY, HEW YORK,

Paotflo and Arkanaai Avtn4M. Sptclout rrounda adjoin b«4cb And boardwkUc, Only medium priced hole! wher« guMti (ofrom houM to aurt In bathing attlr* without uvlng atroota. which la prohlhUed, ITm of bMh houaea with attendant lo car« for aulU 1« freo. Running wnt«r In rooms. Preah and Ma w*t«r batha. public and private. Bpaclai rat«a |].50 to |4.0Q dally; |8.0n to 121.50 weekly Inojuding cholca table aupplled from own farm. White aerrlee. Ornhf«tra. Tennia cogrta and croquet grounda batween hotel and beach. Booklet mnlJed upon raqueat.



XUNrCIPAL BUILOINQ. Maplewood. N. J., Ju li 1, 1911. Notice I f hamby given that I. ALBERT L. CONKLIN, collector of the taxing dlitiict of the

towtithlp of South Orange, rounty of Eaaex. State of New J4reey, puragant to the agthorlty of the otntutei In euch coee mode and provide, will, on the flnt day of Auguit, A- D. 1911, at S o'clock in the oftemooa of that day. tn the municipal bultdlog In oald taxing dlalHct. ezpoaa for oale and imII the eeveral Irocta and parcela of land hereinafter opacified, or any port w

j parta of oald land oufflclent for the purpooo, on which taxes for the yoor IDlO remain unpaid I and In orreon. to such peraoo or persona oa will purchoM the eainc for the ehortoat term, and I pay the tax lien thereon. Including intereat and ooaia or Mle, or In tea where no one will bid

for a ghorter term. «Thla sale 1i made under the provlalona of on act of the IfOglalature entitled *'An act for the

I osaeoament and eoliectlon of ioxt*a,'' 4M>proveA April B, 11K)3. and the acta amendatory thereof and auppirnvental thereto.

The aAld land, and the namee of ilia peraena agalnat whom the aotd taxes hava been oa> ar^ the amount of the aame> are oa follows.



DAY LINE K-^ D ra C IA b B U ID E * -

F n v o r lta R o u te to Sairalojin , L ake G eorge, L a k e CkBnaplalno AdlrewAiick Mta» M ontreal n ad AM N ortherm iC aatem flenortOe

fkWAiii FO Hir.cW.Morae (even dntea July). rkU rLES AJlrontlack Uhertuitlng), Pier 52.

I IMF R toot t'anal St., 0 P. M..L l i t W. l» th fit., « 45 P M. dally

T a a iu .**« fSunday IncHwtedi. (.‘bstTvaUon | 0 A I M n j unom a n<'w feature,fITIYClIt Str Trojan I even datre July).V lllA tB o Renaaalaer (alleTmillngi. pier ua,

I I I F N. H ..d r M dully (Haturday in- rluded); Tonkfft. TP. M-! ftopa

To AlhailT at Albany in bath dlrectlPM...o a *r-sw . T lrkelaalplerandprJnrlpaltlcket•lUI ITBy ofllcea. M nm illeeni ateam crai

■plendld arcnimmodaClonai ru lalno and aerrlcenneacellediflne orcbealra on eaek ateam er. ‘■Journal”-*-* guide for toutlsio— and f^ommer Rxcuralon Hook Froa. Phono

Steamera leave Oeabroaaea at., 8:40 A. M W . 4Sd it.. 9 A. M.; \V.l29tb ei., 9:20 A. lind-

*«■ I ingal yonkera. Weal Polni, Newburgh, Pnggh- aad I heepaia. Klngaton Point, raleklll. Hudson and

Albany. AIho Deehroasea at. 9:40 A M W ♦2d St. 10 A. M . W. lanth et.. !<):» A. M. for Tonkere. West Point. Cornwall, Newburgh and

Moat complete guide of Atlantic C?lty pub* llahed,y wlih beauilfui colored map and time lahUe, also list of reliable hotele with rataa Mailed free. RESORT FREE INFORMATION BUREAU. Box IQU, AUantle City. N. L

tWIHurIrie.P opbiar feareb llg h f RoafaJ*


Moat modem and leading moderate rate hotel.

ALBEMARLEP'li^kaenelp. Deiir eicept Suriflay. Dl:uct rail onhecT* w, . _ .conheettena. Mualct, Reataurant.

Steam er Mary PoWcllAfieitioon boat for Weat Point Newburgh

PouglikeepeiB, Itrmdout end way lendlnge leavea P- "W. 42d a t. 2 P.M.j W. 129th et. 2:20 P. M.. daily exrent Sunday.

Ideal outing to Weat Point, retumlng by Bw. **Alkany” or rolL

VmCflNIA AVHL AND b ea c h .

New throughout; ouiiacliy A50; private hatha, elevator*, 4.UU0 ft, wide, coo! porchei; excep­tional table. White eervlci^ tpeolal teaw-n rales. fS. |10, 912.50 Up weekly; 92 Up dally. Bat. to Monday. »8.W. Booklet. J. P. COPE.


All oiitalde room*; table and aervice the beat. Special raUe. 99 to S21 weekly. Spoo* ioue. ilry porohee. Capacity 28a



I^eave Battarr Park. New Tock, 9:SQ A.''M., 9 f . M . 5:30 P. M. and 10:50 P. M.] Baturdeya. 9\m A. M.. 1. f. 4:BO. B:S0 and 10:90 F. Bf. | Sundeye end hoHdera 8:50 A M , 9r80 4 . B|., IJrBD A. M„ t P. M.. 9 P. M., 7:90 P . M. and 10:90 P. U. FARE B0«. Monthly |10. Freights rcoetvad a t Plar 1, North lUver. OBly.


P R O V ID E N C E . B oat D ire c t................2.00FA LL R IV ER , v ig B o at and R a il___ 2.25W O R C E S T E R , v ia B oat an d R a i l . . .2.90

W irt daya^aod Sundaj^ at 5:99 P. M.. frota


Jtoaa4 Trip l*Mi 4i«od SBOogeRlKamerx Imve fu - W-.- Houatoo 5:90 P, M.; ft. W. I99tb St., d P. M

______________ndaya i _w, ot^ N. T.

ALL OITTBIDE ROOMS-nNSgT BJlkvlCl. ^ o k e i i at Klpi/e Agency, 182 Market et., tod Edw. T, McKeon. 80T Harrlton ara„ Earrteun,


|| .agv 4> m .| av. 11, i>gaiu Ol,, V r . S .Dally and Sunday. Stop at tu m b le

Alboay (Riiolning Union Rtatlun) '*_____ Special•BVth bound ft. W. I91at St.. N. T. Tlok-

eta Elpfk'OvAgency,. 191 Mackot Rt. TeL -ig-kfkL

UNfi< ■RAIL,Boaton, via Boat ond Trolley.

piovldanee Dirrot, II .5(1 1 Worreater. 12.eo D ally , Includ laB S u ad ay , AiSO P. M*

YTcm Pier 19. Eaai River.Ifaw M aasH rm ra t. I tiip roxed S e rr te r . C ity T icket Ofllce. 290 Itrnadw ay , N. T.

mxsACEn:.*HHtiirjlN« «fi*'Hatuniay epeeiel Iniida o n l y at

Magnihcenl ateel tteamen CLERXONT (new I. and ON- TEORA iraTc pier 48. N. It., dally fxrept Hundar; it, (^rla-

---- tflpher St,, 0:30 P. Bf.. andATHENE------ -W..-U*9lh,.7 r . M..—

..................- Simclal Saturday fHp tF. M.. pier 43, and 1:30 P. Bl., W. I29(h ar.

l^ k e ta fur gale et airtgen- ct*w and i t Pier. 'Phone 1098 Spring. Scad 9 renta Iq atemp* for booklet of aumuner hotele and bfiardhig hOQiaa.




STEAM EBSLeava Pier 4fl, N. R., FootWest lOth 6t., b-M P. M.

W^irt i2Sth Rt- 0 P. M.Dally. Sundays Included.


CLOSE PURP1R6 STATIONSfloertal fleniOv of Me YFWa.

CHANGE-WATER. Ju l j BA-Ttie aux- penalon of work at the pump atatlon of the TIdov'uier pipe l.lue Ootnpany here fo r an Indefinite >pertofl Is taken b7 the reeldenta to mean that thla place will be abandoned aa an active pumping «ta- tlon.

Philip F elnberf to Preferred B. and Ia, li e av 176 ft w tr D er^ n at, |2,e00.

Oaoar B eciu rt et ux to Ellxabeth von etain, w a B. I9th at 160 ft n fr 13th tv .kpoo._ P eter Heck e t ux to Munlolpal B. and

e B. 8th at cor pubtlo aohool lot.kioo.

Batn* to Jamea C. Thompeon, hroperty, 840$.

■ameJohn Colyer to leader Becklea,

Iral av 2E f t e fr B. 8th at. II,WO.L ^em an et ux to William 11th et 638 ft e fr tlth av,

ta r ry Teltelbaum to True Frlende H. ,nd le , w a Belmont av loo ft e (r Kinney

f t , >13,600.Rosiyn Realty Co. to Newark B. ami I..,

y e Milford av 103 ft e fr Alpine et, t4,6tiu.Raftaele p iiie lla et al to Greater New-

■#rk Home Sec., e e N. 8lh el s e Delovan1 Beatty et ux to M'nodelde n

■nd U , 0 a Oraton at 607 fi n fr Cheater>v. il Hoo.

W illiam I. Beatty et a* to Woodelde Vullding and Loan, « e Oraton at 607 ft a fr Cheater av, *2,600.

Anna M. Meleol and hunband to Com­monwealth Building and Loan, e e Bel­mont av 273 ft e fr Hawthorne av *3,200.

Sam e to eam e, e a Belmont av aH ft e ifr H aw th o rn e o r, *2,200.

Barn* to eame, e e Belmont av 315 ft a fr H aythornc av, 12,200.

Same to eame, e e Belmont a r 321 ft e fr Hawthorne av, *2,300.

Banie to Ernest P. keer, e e Belmont aV 272 ft e tr HawthVne av, *1,000,

Bam_e to -eame, e h Belmont av 29€ ft

ALLOWANCE GIVEN WIFE«.-eAfter listening to

a recital of the marital tmiihies of Mr,fortnerly o f Jnmofl.t-,.-. av»a»*ir'i |v *J| O >• ITinn'

burg, Vice-Chancellor ITow#*|l anorder yesterdAy afternoon r^^qulrlng Ely o pay hlfl wife |d a week allowsmoe pend­

ing the determination of a eult for m ain­tenance brought by Mrg. Ely.


Special Train Thursday, August 3L fav e M arket S tre e t S ta tio n , N e w a rk ...........Returning, leave Remington.........................

......... 10.45 A. M.

......... 7.00 P.M.

$1.35 Round TripL e h i g l i V ^ e j R a i l r o a d

S pecial tic k e ts w ill a lso b e so ld lo r re g u la r tra in s ,A ugust 1st to 5 th. F a r e , f l . S O —r o u n d t r i p .

HORSE RACING EVERY DAY-$4,250 IN PRIZESin fo rm atio n a t 211 M ark et S tree t, N e w a rk

N. T. and Paclfle av«e,t E. P. plitn; ob« tquare to

l-Hciach and Penn, ■depot, o^nd for poal card*. lOO MODERN ROOMS* 91 DAILY AND UP.


Hie Ideal Oolleg Is To N.J.

whero. In connection with giant monoUth plfir. that'e one of th* wonder* oi

the age, 1* gttlng up. thie Camout foohlOQ- able re»>rt new hoe great omuaement park a t Ocean Park, Free admlnoton, fret band conoerta, free big •pectacuior feet- ur** and <'$0 other attraettona, includ­ing mile eernic railway,

Good train Bervlce via C. R. R. Of N. J. and FVnn. R. R. Special dollar I. O. O. P. ExcurplaiiR via C. R. every Sunday, up In . I*abqr Day, leaving at 9:0Qi A. U. Rp^aV “ fac-nitlri for cjtc'uVeTon*. Writ* S. R. ROSOFF, Long Sranch-


Name.WaabingtOD Meeker................. .H. Howull Junt^i.........*...........H. Howell Jon** . . . ee.*. * >*ti. Hov/elJ Jonet ............. .B. ilowfti) Jonej .......................HophLe and W. S. Koelle.. . .A. Ixeu-lH Budell ........... .W. 0. Koclle ............................G. R. Mcnxcl ............* .Maplpwfiod Realty Comvwinv Miipl*-wo4»d Realty Company MaplewontJ Refltty Company, Mapl<*wixvl Ri'Ally Company MapIcwoiHj Really CompanyQ. E. Menicl ......... ...............G. T, Cook ................................r . G. GrugoryD M. Cook ........... : ................A]eio4ider Whyte J r .................F> H. Smtlh Jr. ...................F. H, Smith Jr. . . . m **....■F. H. Bmlth Jr. .....................h*.- H. SlUh Jr ......................F. H. Smith J r .........................V. H. Smith J r...........F . 'H . Smith Jr. .............F H. Smith Jr. . . . . . . a . . . . .F. H. Smith J f......... .............F H. Smith J r ...........F. H. Smllb Jr. ............... .


010 0T2 0T4 075

' OWi ' ASH

702 713

■ 717 721 782 8sn

J^ re y MuruhyK. Murphy





HOTEL ADRIAN FIf«l Are. and Emory Btreet.

Aibury Park. Booklet and other Information on application. WALTER ARMTTAaa,

• 9TS•IC«2u m1047lOOS1109

•IU 0I l l s





LAUREL INN 806 8uneel ave., facing ocean, ]ak*.

Reflned. homelike; rate* |10 up. RM>kleL 'Phone 448W. EL J. HALL.

The BuckinghamC^>rner Grand and SummerlleM ave*. Pend for booklet. DEY A rAPPERHON,

T H E R A L E l C a H1 IX /A AdTlLrtAjn 1 bench.Term* moderate. IJ. A. LOONEY.


E V E R E T T 40 Embury ave.Hlock rrom Ocean. Spec, rate* to July li,


ALASKA On ocean front; modira private bath*; booklet


•lesa1H64HUI610IUI1077u mIS**?HW7A1705nos




1990ll««! 1990

•3tM>8 , 2026 2(RklH

AndrewThoruoi NoonanTimothy Tynan .......................i.*-*Maurice Foran ................Charle* E. Archer , i . . , /,W. E. I.HBet* .................................A. P, W’blteheOd . . . lee,Emma R. Meyer ................................Thomaa Mullen ...................................George W. Johneon W'oodbury Conttructlon Company..J. C. D avie ....................................... .Ira Meeker .................................................Ira Meeker ............. ..............Eilwlq Sto/buck Eatate ................. .a*** 19EeIwIr Stothuck Efitaie ............. 31Thomaa Wlleon ......................................... ...H. C. B a lg e le y ... .. ............. ................... S3Kooe R. Vatiderveer ................. . 38Roae U, Vandervecr ...............................B. P. Brown Eetat* *....... ..Emma R. Meyer ....................... ............... 34ThoTnoi Mullen ............... ......................E. D. Taylor, ................... .Hel^n HopklRB ..........................................J, H. WllthuhD .......................................<'. A. Baldwin ........................................... 25Jullue L, Baldwin ..................... .............r . A. Baldwin........... ................. .E. C. HoaglWd ........................................... «F R.. Heach ..........................Security ^Realty Company.11 C- Badreley .................

-R . SW rchlbald ...............R. B r>rchlbald ...............R E. Archlhild ...............R E. ArchIbaliJ ...........

"J ,’~d.l SfatlCfT' ‘ 4 3 V Ja-4> .■..J,*Lottie Cowell ............... . . . . . . . . aFUlpp Deleordo ............................UargarAt Abernethy ...................H. B. Howklni & A. E. Cliase..R. S. Howkln* A A. B. Chaeeklary Idler ................................... *Hugh-.Mcllmoyl ..........................tieorglnna Kretjlll ........... ..F'dmund KretiUIMichael Cjultin ..............................J H. Wltthuhn .......................


!•«* eevwe>n


Robert Kennedy ('borlee D. Smith . . / r .Ann Smith ............. ..Joaeph 1, Baker ...........

' B, E. Malthewe . . . . . .Marie Mayer .................Tuxe^lo Park. Inc............KJleabelh E. H<jgan.. - ■. EBoaherb E. Hogan ... V. A. A F. E:kelhoeferMary C, Vlachoe .........Arthur D. Crane ..........Unknown owner .............J. C. & W. F. Stewart . David WllllamBICdward Ludwig ...........Resjtlo t', Baxter ...........Satelle M. Fettlg LI 1115 V. Drlecoll Lolla M. Gray .Ocorgo Bcbrelber Oiga <'n>n


4546 41 40

• • ■ ‘ V .............. ‘ “

Lot.501-90201-90i3l-40961-00281-4001M415Ift-T141143144-53150-OOin3-n 15.3-4 iHO-aoo 907 308 909 LSI-3 1<24 70-01 101-8 113*5 L24-5 1-24- 14 42-» 2IR-5S 203-318

. 837*70 10 A 2116 10 2U 23 00

30 A 4125T-012123.30

32-40 U. 220-fl 24C-8 226 50

1-00 &20 7 228 80 145- 6 89-2001


2 r..n.29 02 23

114 70

211-39 9 . . 97 90

lUl 544-S 5M-5 697-0 567-0 4-yoo Ull-00 44 5550-6A5770735051 (Mm1U4

93-713'15031-250291-380201-162531920801-90 40 145 149-50 154 itkt 2CA 4140-1 496



77 Ofl 7 70

tor so12 :i2 12 32 IP 78 0 24

184 9Q

346 50 4 ft2 1 54 1 54 1 54 4 62 1 54 i 54 9 24 9 34 18 M 3.1 HK

12t) 2040 04

* S1 63 6 15 1 95

3S 1084 70 8 08

33 10 fll 60 10 40

446 OU 43 12 23 103 OH S OK

36 im 10 70 21 W1

lltU 84 7 70

15 40 (I 10

Ifl 40 " 4 02

4-624 62 4 02 4 62 1 M R 00 3 OS

8 00 60

8 10 1 13

S3 1 055 83

B0 75

a h ,.

SU 60a 00 1 54 I 541 514 92

60 86 8 86 a 85 4 U2 6 106 lU7 70

431 20 220 22 188 20

4 028 ON I 54 1 51

2!) 02 I 15 4*1

■> -I 19 42 34 38 10 3. 00 4 62

S6 90, 27 72

Any of the afnresuild tracta or lole mey bo redeemed by the paynienl to the underelgned, the Tax Collector, befun- ihe rale of the amount due ihereun.

Given under my hand, thl* flrel day ot July, A. D. OoUfctor of Taxox

SWART9XVOOD, N. J, •Prior tale.


ON eWARTSWOOD LAKEIn the heart of the Blue 5feuntaJne: bathing,

boating, flehlng; larga airy room*; eanltaryplumbing; nret-cloa* table, iMuntlfully supplied fr

_fr Hawthorne ave, 11,000.H Bielmnnt av ,031 ft11,000.J Belmont av 84fi

Batne to name, e 6 fr Haw thorne av,

Same to nanta, e B fr H awthorne av,

R osalie Epstoln to Anna M D!<my«lua w p W ashinerton av n a i ’heeier av 128.000.

M orris O ross e t ux to CourthouHS B uild ing and Loan, e e W eft et 125 ft a fr K inney at. liioo.

M ary A. Ledwith to Adamson R Mo- Clinlean, a a Clinton av I62 ft a w f r D. O. Scott land, J3.90O.

Joseph V entro et ux to Thom an r . H en ry e x r , n a Cheatnut «t 316 f t e tr R andford et. $1,400.

C harles 8. f)rben et m% to Anna A Bcnlener, e s Triton te rrace 126 ft s fr F eabody LanO and Loan Co. laml, |2,6rt0.

Philip Ktam et ux 10 Croesfown Build­ing and Loan, w h KomerHot pi ,731 f t n w f r Sprvire M. $5,600.

Sam e ^ W illiam Coppleson. eam e prop- e riy , $900.

H o ra e m A n 'a Paw nd^ n l F 1 « n iin |r to ti .ffpfotnt S frvict of lAe IfEWB

"•'"’"anny of the llrem m i pnmtviU attracted a Inrpfe number of people from nil over thla section of the eounlry (o-Jaj’, There wna e roadsters parade, which wne formed la r n rk avenue at 2 o'cleek, Many of Ihe turnouts were xally deroi-ated jh e horseo were arrnnifod In elKht fUfforeut claaees and prizes will he awarded by the Jud^ee thle evenln*. At 4 fUeloek tha PreBbytorlan Brotherhootl and Red Men'a haBeball leaiiia In the Tlonoigh U aituo will play on the grounds ot (he Flemlng- ton Country Club. All (he dirr.Ten( bool ha were llheralty patronized Inst evening nnil yaatarday afternoon.

No S a p p o rt fo r nira. T hom aa I.yona,PATHR90N, July 2$.— Pat rol ­

man Thomaa Lyons proved ihai his wife had left him oiiuselesHly, Vlre-f’iiunoollor Blevenaon yesterday dlsmlesed un appli­cation of Mrs. Buphia Lyons for an ordar directing her hUBiiand to oontrlhole week­ly tn Ihe support or herseir ond Int.ont child. The woman declared her husband nhiimliined hsr on Jeniiory at The hus- biiniVa story was ttmi early In I-'ehniary hie wife itrlppe.1 Ihe home ol furniture and turned the four children over to him. He provided homes fur three, hut cause of the tender ans of th

ho- hahy In­

sisted th a t the mother ™re for It-

OT-TBILK O f NKtVARK. M arg are th a nrtm lloRor to F rsn z Here

O range, s w s Alden et ft « e fr C leveland st. *1,000. « e irF lo r^O T J Rnhli-soii and husband to

E s s e x C ounty rn is t thunpanv K sst Or-Ce5?™! av ** " f--• *® I'lncoln B .illdlnganfl Loan Aeanda on, Wvst Ornrfbtf w h

ing end Loan_ A^soclfltl^n, Irvij^jfion ^ gMaple BV 4» ft .B fr BpVinKfl;.'iV sv '“j5’,{iflo. "

Jo h n Onll c t ux fo PrfferTeil R ulldlna and IjOan AsROclaiion Irvincton n "5 M e^evllle pi MO fi w fr Ml T e rn o n "« y "

creafenxio Puopolo’ et m , , Marathon Building and Uiau A;iBudatlon Hloom.

^ a m e s W, Q^nrpe to

6t11.ScflrociJ^^r f-t ux. l asM Orans** n a NVw

I w.ei Nprth et. JKl.fiSn'.■"Ihktoa Building

D r. NfoGIJl D enlee M nrrta ire f*itOTy..TKTlPFJy CITY . Ju ly 20 H r J o h n D.

M rO lll. prf>slr1cn t of th r H nrl^on C tm n tr N a tlo n .il R ajik , and ('M ef n iirgeon a t 8 t., FraiH -trt'p H ofliillal, d$*niecl yew ten lay t h a t hfl waft rece n tly m firrlcd 1o a f lo iith e rn Klrl T ho n u irr la « c y a rn em an u fo d from Ih e A llt*nhiirst C lub, a t A llfn i iu m t, of ■which Ft . M rOlll le fl m em b er, “T h is P tp ry fthout mo in a r r lf d le a ll ajo k e ." fmlil I»r. M rOlil. "H w ap s ln r tw l hy one o f m y frl^ iida dow n a t Uio A llen- hUFBt Club- I have been k e p t busy In­fo rm in g niy o th e r frlcmlH t l ia t I am fltlll a w lilow cr, and t^xpect to re m a in a s su c k th e re s t tjf m y d a y s ." •

Assoclailon, Itwmgto.i, , e Rt,,e* hill pi 250 ft e fr Norwood nv |i 400

Metnyh et ux to Weenuahlc Park-sBuildltm and I,oan Association Irv-inaton

, >.S-S- »t tuid J6th ay, ts.OT.

“ O c e a n G a t e ” F r o n t s ,

B e s t F i s h i n g G r o u n d s o n

E a s t J e r s e y C o a s t . H o t e l s ,

S t o r e s , Y a c h t C l u b , B u n g a ­

l o w s , C o t t a g e s , b u i l d i n g l i k e

m a g i c . C h o i c e l o t s $ 1 0 0 ; $ 3

M o n t h l y . S e n d f o r I l l u s t r a ­

t e d F o l d e r a n d F r e e G u e s t

T i c k e t s . . j r e a t E a s t e r n

B u i l d i n g C o r . , 6 7 1 B r o a d S t

BOATS^i| Steamer Majestic

Leave Commercial Wharfl ^ O W

Coney IslandOA. M.; 1:30 fit 7:30 P. M.

n e g u l n r em ll ^ r r r y ew en tn iT eS n a

Rockaway Beach9 :3 0 A . M . a n d 1 :3 0 P . M .

South Beach10:00 A. M. /

Highland Beach10:00 A. M.

T r a i n a n d T r o l le y C o n n e e - t lo n a f r i t h h o n t n t i n v h l i i n d a fo r Lonic B rn tichg A e b n ry P n rlcn n d I n te r m r d lA f e e l io r e r e a o r t a

. for% nndNo.

W i l l m * k * ■ i p * o l a l


N« Landing

Ereiif luesday and Thursday EveningLeaving Commerdal Wharf 8 O'clock Sharp. Good Mualc and Catering.

X i o l t e t s S O o .


Ir r tn g fo B M, E , C^feureh 9anday-aeM oo|

O c e a n O r o r e a n d .4 eh n rT P a rk .THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911

Tralnn leav« Newark, Hroad Bt Btatlon' C “ a t 0:30 and 9:00 A. M. Ratura’lng'-R ,n

IfBVffl Aebiiry P ark a t 7 00 nr>d fl OO P M t T i c k e t a i A daltn* d h c b l ld r e n , (Me.

Newark Bveaing NewsBRANCH OFFICES

rom our own farm product*; livery and autc- mobllee; humOlir'In laaabn. Booklet. BHANDaTADTER A ROOERB, Swmewood, N. J. New York oddrees, 23 E. 45th et.


Not Its It hirehy given tb it I. Albert 1. Conklin, collMlor of tbt mxlug dhitrkt of a s ship ot South Or»ni6, Count} of Ktwr, Ststo of Now Jersey, P“'*“*“* •“ n'''*dmlil«n*hlnr ■ ■inl provklfd. will, on tho B«t day o( Augo.t, f '

loot In the afternoon of that Ja j, tn tb« muokiiBl bnlMIng In m IiI ,1. and Kll the teroral tracts *t>J

•tatutee la euch ci*« tcede drod and rieTeu, et two o'clock taxing dlMTlct,or'an-r pirt'V r pe'rti o ria id land siiBlcient tor the purpose, on which aeartMent* remain unpaid

.'‘r-rea^: ^ anch peraonor the

B S L H A R . R. J .

ana ID arrpara, lo auen iwnou or *reri»wgA» a« ts*h --- -— - -.a a.ia win w ithe ll^u tbercon, lackudlfig luieruet aud coeti of eole, or where ao ode will bid

TliU*^le \*™*atja under the provliloDB of an act of the I^glelature entllled "An Act for the BsicBKUjeut and eoliectlon of l«iea,“ approved April 5thi 1903, «ad the act* amendatory thereof

'T U P TbPff I f A l T T TenthAve..n«arbeacb.THE

end aupplroieuial thereto, , , ...The oald land, «ud the name* of the pereon* agalnel whom th* oald aMcoeaieDli nave been * • followa:asoetaed, and tlie amount of the aame. are

b id e w a l k A5B&B8MBNTS.

T H E C A R L E T O N•am * managemenU W. tL BTOYLB, Idgr*

Belmor. N, J . ; ^tena July L under




"Hatakawanna Inn”SO884243 45



5 143(1sa025


Banin.[fillon M. B. Cburcli............. .lilllon U. E. Church.,*.............Calroi. W. B ..............................Woodbti^,lloagliDd,

W. A..........>

Budd Lake, N. J. All lmprov*meiit«. Tennlo. croquet, ahuffleboard, dancing, etc. Accommo- dates fib, Ratca 412 up. Booklet. Chao. C. Oeder.

Brown, 0, P _____________ - - -llowklne, B. B. «Dd A. P. Ohoa*Devil, J. 0 ......................Vatirtnrteer, Hoan H ........Vanderreer, Hoae Q . . . . .Tuolaon, Lllllau R............Btarbiick. Suaan Eat........Buuiin*'fe. Ague* V - . . . ....................


plate. Lot. Amount. Bus.81 25-T $10.40 2/1/11

25-7 18.0026 1-7 271.82 2/1/1018 20 93,75 ”

20 6'i.5026 28 B4.8022 20S-20 03.92 **84 4-800


n / i / i e

28 14 187.2558 102.00 ••1 78.54 It

16 220-60 269.88 H127 >3.91

C riiV E R ^S LA K E , M. J*

C U L V E R M E R E Br‘."n‘o'ir;ir„:"iJ*Ll.nrgeBt hnuM; exceliani eervLce; t^ t i f i i :

Icnnia: dancing, booklet. WARREN A. ROEL


C.AMT VICTO R— Bungalow and tmta: aeaaon; accommodates 5 like; ratea SI.25 day. J.

Bill No. 68-4

290 841246266.7230261

Nam*.Sti^neilt, Mary I ..............Woodbury. W. A.............Davie. J, C........................

BOCTHBaldwin, C. A....... ..Bsldwln, C. A............ ..

Plata. Lot............................. 10 1612............................ 12 1T832............................ 18 15OBANGB HET0BT5 SECTION............................. 26 i IT............................ 04-8

282 8

286-8 Bsldwlu. C. A................ .. ............................ 104-6


aeaaon; accommodates 50; Ane conking; home- Maurer. Ijandlng. N.J.


STRAUti’8 Riverside Cottage, lllghlnnde. N. J.Directly on beach; boating, bathing, free.

House electric lighted, tarme resiiansibla.CoHeetor of Taxea.


Where Summer la Always Cool and PleaeonL T b a MoDDtaln P arad lae .


Htghuat altitude; overlooking all other kotele and BUrroundlDg ooumry; cooleat location. Acknowledged to be utiqueHtionably the finaet hotel In every reepect tn thla region, Bnter- lakna 500 gueata, Intem tlhg July and oeeion rata*. Write for handsome booklet and a lia mapa. JOHN Ptm O T COPE


WATER COMMISSIONERS.Public notice la hereby given that the pro-.. ------ . . . -- . . . . .w -* jalon-


S T j ^ S H I ^

Spend Your Vacation In


8MAIN O FFICE,215-317 M arket atreet.

DBLAWARK WATER GAP, PA- Rooms, running water; cap. 15Q; |5 to |1T.6i

STIHP'I BY t^O ie OUEA,> BLLECBS. Am Idenl Men Trip to Iho Most U oM frtfal

Sammar Reaort In tbe World.Rver)’ outdoor reervation. Sea Bathing in the

clRfLTcst of lurquoloe water*. FtcelleDi fiablngl.E oe Mile Superb Veeon Vo ja j# B y__ _

THE M A tiM F lt'B N r, FAST. TW l^-SrftwWTraiisitlintte LImt “ OCEANA"

LOCAL BRANCH O FFICE S: open from 8 A, M. until ]J:30 A M., and from 4 P. M, un til 6:80 P. M. dally a t the following addregaeg; Rellevtllfl avenue, 104.Bruce e lree t. 269.HliEabeth avenue, 6.Elm s tree t, 13eW.H am burg piece, 14.M yrtle avenue, 59, n ea r O range * t Roiith Rixth s tree t, 2S6.W allace place, 87.


THE BELMONTModens bofeL Bteom heat. Hatha. Ooo. Boob*



14.0U0 Too* ptaidaoemSDi; 65) ft. Losf. largc^L Ka.^irsi. Most leuxurloy* nad Ooly Kiehiw

ORANGE BRANCH O FFICE,M ain Btreet, 'eppOBlte Cleveland

SHOHD liriTEL, OBCAR PBIBOHlCHa, Pre- prletor. Tottenvllte, ti. I.; directly on bomoh;

y&cbting. automoblllng, ftahlng partlea acconk modeled, boata to hire: tel - modern Impta.

.ill rtr first naeaPanaeorer RtesTner nermuda. So C attle e rfre lg b t ta rried en the “Ocenaa."n n a r-cL A ta HOUND t r i p , i n - A , , -cUidirig etateraom berib A meals wA I I I Ur at the extraordinary rate

Best oulalre on lAa Atlentle.

s tree t. Telephones; Orange 8000, M arket 1584. P riv a te branch e*- rh an g e connecting a ll depart- mentg.

Through Pullman aerTlea t IbA K E C«fa:oltGBe

^ M W ra1 n ^ t^ w w e n l« ^ Jg

Fleoirlclonaki every rtMii- Bani-ftUtaynomewIttt broos beda; elx fuUee-de-luih with ^ v a ie bathi; ficeM promeoada dock In tha world. Orohaoir^

NEW JER SEY SEASHORE OF-FICE, 400 M ain s t r e e t northeast corner Bangs avenue {Oeori____ ,_ o rfe W.P r-tenger i e s ta te offlee) op-


Proneuadv Uoruws, GymaAolum, Wlrelroo. Only i^TWiuda steamer with eubmarlDe elgnalo, Y A H D G t Iw rtadlng Share Kxc:ar^l*M>I V U l e O HoteU. Aa., a t Leweat Botet,

BeaiitHul booklet. llln^Tary. TlekeCa, etc- ot Bermailit-Afl.inllr T-Ino, 9SS B*waye n . Y»Or ti J. WliUeJWl Proad at.; J. M. Hythe Oo., 776 Broad at.; J. E. Mayer, 24 Clinton st.; J A........................... ... ^ --------^ ,

poslte railroad s ta tion . Telep'hone 774 Aflhury Park ,


TRENTON BUREAU*87 W est S la te s tree t. Trenton. N. J. Telephone 85S Trenton.

JUUtiET. Retwean Augutt .Bavanoee^ cpiu- Dlolnam, and Carrla Allan, dafendaot. FI. U,« for a&le of mortgiigadi pramlaaa.mortgiigadi pramlaaa.

of the abova atatad writ of fieriBar virtue __ . ____ _faclok. to me directed, I ihoJJ axpcaa for aele

Kipp, t^2 Market at.; A LDennle.774 Drond et.ATLANTIC CITY BRANCH OF- FICE, T he l^orland A dverllalag Agency, W alte r E, Edge.

by public vendue In ih* ebarlfTs oale* room, tn* courthouea. In fhe oily' of Hawark, N*

J.» on Monday, the thlrty-flrat day of July, A. D.i 1911. a t 8 o'clock In the aftarnoon of

ANCHOR LIN EI G LASGOW vl« L O N D O N D E R R YI SaitlMg tru m Nriv Y ork e v e ry S a tu rd a y! SALUUN» 970 a n d 975.

8iCC'0^’I> CABIN* 947JM) A N P U PW A H D I T H IR D CLAttff, 930 AND 991.35.\ For itluatratcil of tours and ln>1 forma!lon-arply to HKNDKRBON RROTKKRff,I Agents, 17 anrl 19 llrondway. New TorK, or

aLPTIKD L'DRNNTS. 774 Broad at.; JOti. M. BYRNE CO„ TTfl Broad e t.; J. K. MAYER, 2d Clinton s t , Nowarll.

MORRISTOWN BRANCH O F­FICE , 77 P a rk plaoe. Telephone l!8.

■aid day, all that tract of Load and premiMe... . » -


corner yVbnfir iVlnniiii^antarriaOK -jx-U nd. (IS.OOO.

TTnIty. H caltv rom p^.L f^fomnea pM % " r t a ” f r ‘'|.?rd' ' ’‘‘‘" . 'W 'i* - n " n a r k dt AW n f f r HiflBowuCKi av. $6.IXh>.

SoTOe to .'Wlillfinr StfilB<-r. Oh-n rtl(WAlamA 'Tirj-.naw*. -ly-i ' --■ame proparty , iLStO.Nicola BellofaUn to Mnotclnir Biillrllna

Mfir.trJsIr............* «'■■ '■« '1 B ff \v.mdlBnfl «y,

JdB L. McGlymi and husLnnd tn Jacob I* Newman Orange, e . f.’emrp *, n w com er Char!#**: Rlunk'rt lonil *4 . Kaplan et al to Wljllam O. Hart-le tt. E ast Oranxe, e . Amhernt et 1 271 ft ■ f r Ca-ntral av. EM.

AyfB" Bt u* to H u b ert J

■ - HKVI.Iitl I'BOPOSAUi^■UTla^'liilii,, K, J, j „ |^ 17 J9] j

:. will U» rnct-iVffl hv |heHoat-1 of MonuffOT* i\i ihe Nrw .Iiiro^y prat* Mi»«]i|faJ at Morrla I'Molns ai 'i o^ku'k p m f'n ihf Iftnih day of Aiixust. ]ini, f.»r twrnlNh- ln*c th$‘ inaterUI ond irurfonnlii^ th*> w.irk rr- qinrt'.l In i-oTUdruciUig, HthRg and plftij^e ih IWfflliL.n winilow uiid du«iT sfrc<na in adnunls- dfjrmUory and o»hop hinidlnjt!*

Also r.r furnishing «inr$!rlal and trtrfornilne )nf rfii|ulr<Ml In rho i-tMistnjf-dgn uf a

building f-ip^tw dffiartinb^nt purrh.u»-* in the ImlniPiraii-.n tuiilfllnarvar t.f

NOTrCB TO Pi JRACTORti-.1' bb-Tscielved at tba.olfv

flee* of ailjutant'grnrpal. Bea Girt, WeWJersey, umll 2 o'clock In iho aftemc-on, on TuefjJitv ili*> elffhih tlav .-.f August 1911, an<1 opened ImniodlHUdv th«TPiiftor. for all the labor and material n$*i'esfj*v fnr thr c*omplete erec-, lion ff iin iirtTi'jrv kT IvtiPt Ornuae, New Jer*- *-ry. In afi’firdaiK-e »li)i th#* pljiria. drawing* and st>crlllra,Uon3 prepHrM hy the rommlialon- i-i Ilf i!harlth‘i* iind i orrpi-iions. Oonle* of the name will in»» un flle in the rfM.m of the Com- tnljisloiiPr of {'hfliitlrs and CorrecUotia at iho

Kftfh bljijer niiiat aroomprtny his [iroiKisnl with n rerllfled check for ten per crnitim nf the Amount of hi* proiwaal, payaal*

Alwj for furti.ihliig niaicrfH) and p*-rforniliie ord$‘r. r^rufierly Indorsed, a* a guaran-liu- work rrtjiiired in ihe- lotiBeTuoilun and In ' enter into a contract for ih*iJIartitn i.t u ^

Edxaw ood rd a fr Belle av i k s O iocannI 'Viola at ux to Howard B uiia-

logi Loan AMoelation, Belleville, w Belmbnt art' 126 ft a fr Alva et, ll.sio.

E lm er W om elidorf ei ux to J a n e D O abom , IrvInxtOB, a e s D urand pi m et • f , . ^ I n j ^ l d av, ILWO, ■

? ®* *“ Clwrgo H . V an-'. C aJd w tl, oentre Cam pbell a v H-. V anderhoors land, t m .

A S coK .Jr. t« r e a l i ty T im t

RUiilaiion Ilf a <t>'T) nin«- obtain all ncfeisery InformHiJon

by calling At ihv wjuibn* office, wlmre rilans and Hpeclrtcnilon* inuj be ewen. \

ICach bldd<-r must ncf-ompdoy Mi bid with casti or a cenirtf'd check, w>.yAl)l» to bidder’s order and properly inthiried. for a t least [cn pvt v^ntum $if the amoum uf hi* hid 171* sue cpesful bidder must furgleh within t«u tllli dnv* after the miilrart la awarrM a bond to tfai

‘>t" amount ofh i. hW, witti iwl.faotory aecurity. condltjonad * ^ ** performance of hie contract, ■nw Boerd of MaOMcr. r«MWM the tight to

reject any or all bide. . eu. »JOHN C. BIBKLE,

Prseident Board of Manaaera o . X. BOWEK, W«rdM. “ »«de™ .

M'i:>rX if his projKielilon be srcepied. Within ten ■lAVR Aftar l)io award, or euch lime ae may be granted by the armory lK>ard, the aucceuful bidder will be redtiirod to entef into a dcmlract for iho performane* of the work, with the bond of an (ippruvfd aecurity company for double tha Amount of the contraot. The right Is re- sorL'ed to reject any or ^ bide, and to waive

“ It rr

MONTCLAIR BRANCH O F F IC l. 221 OlenriAga avenua. Telaphona738.SUMMIT BRANCH OFFICE,29 Mapl<r a t Telephone 278-W

oltuate, tying and being io (ha city of New ark„ Id th* oounty of EaseXy ood Bate of New Jeraey.

B e^m lhg In tha aMlerly Una of lluna avenue a t a point therein dletaat om hundred and forty-tlx teat end e1i Inchaa northerly ITom the corseT formed by the Intafeectlon of tha eaataTly line of Muon avaitua with tha northerly Hoe of Booth Orange avehaa oj the same ba* been recently deferred and liid down

Road Board: thence nin-

lltnlnary sketches prepared by the Commiea: er* of Aeaeesments for Local trnprovementSy and showing the probabis amounts to bs oa- ■ensed on properties especially benefltted by the following street Improvements, have this day been flled with the clerk of this board. In ac­cordance With the provisiona of chapter 217 of the fitate taws of 1095, a public hearing will ba given by the said Board of Street and W ater t^mmlsBloners to all parties interested In said ImDruvement* on Thug*^^. July 97. 1911 , a t the office of said board, ow the aecond floor of the city hall, Newark, N. J., a t l:dt> P. M. at which time and place the Board cf Street and Water Commlaaionars shsM proceed to hear and adjudicate upon any ohjectlona which may be presented to told botM by per- auDS representing properties liable to assats- menta for the following Improvemdute;


from Market street to Ferry street, on both lidos of the street railway traoks. with the exception of one (1) foot on each side of aoid (racks, with oblong granite block pavement do a six (91 inch concrete lotudatlon;


from Paclfle street to Wheeler Point road, with bltullthie pavement on a six (6> inch ooncrole foupdatlon;

Repaving ofMARKET PTREBT, ^

from the east side of Railroad place OMMtyht the Poftneylvanla Railroad, to Bowery strset, with oblong granite block pavement on a eU (6)lnoh concrete foundation, on both sides of (he street railway tracks with the excepMofi of ooe 411 foot on Moh aide of said trgcks:


from Mt. Proiipaot avepus to Summec avemtiai. with bltullthie pavement on a alx (6) Inch ooh- Crete f^ ik latloo :

Paving of ____flCHSEAER AVENUE,

fTT m Renner avenue to Rergan s treet with Bltullthie pavement on a sU (9) ibeh iioncTvta foundatktQ.

Said tsntattv’a aoBessmeutl dompitae Oil lota, ira c ti and parcels of land and real ootata. liable to be asoessed as aforesaid, lying onboth > aides of __

BOWERT STREET, from Market sireet to Ferry atraati

MALVERN BTOEET.from Poclllo street ro Wheeler Point roads

m a r k e t flTREET.from the oast aids of Railroad ptooa oojt of the Pannaylvajafa Rollrdhd to Bowery otraat:

MONTCLAIR AVENUE, from ML- Prospect avenue to Summer avoDuei

SCHEERER AVENUE, from R«nnw avenue to Bergen atreet

A lot represeais an aatlre plot of load, whether large or amalh

Such owners as ttm,y object to the above Icn-


M ILLBU H N -8 P R I N Q F I E L D BRANCH O FFICE, C am pbell^ D rug Btoro, M lllhurn avenu*. Telephone SO M lllbum.

by the Esaei Oounty Kvimv* -----— ------ - . . . . .ning easterly a t right onglsa to Munn avenue t provementa are rcQulred to present their objoo- on* hundred feet to the westerly llna of land f tlons In writing to the clerk of the board a t formerly of Thomas a . Platt; theace north- ) the offlee of the Board of Street and Water erty along said line and paiallel with Munn t Commleslonara, city hall, on or before Thuro- avenue sixty-eight feet; theaca westerly paral- day, July 27, 1911, at 1:9& P M.• ' j> .1— — I nr (ni. Tlna^ nf

DOVER BRANCH OFFICE, Room 1, N ational Union Bank W ent Blackwell a treet. Tel 198-W, Dover.

isi with the flrat deoerfbed IU1* one hundred feet to the easterly line of Muon avenue and thence along (he line of Muon avenue sixty-eight feet to th ^ U c * of beglnniag.


NEW Y^)RK O FFICE.HevsHowtek bulldinK-iCT

Fifth avenue. T«ltphon« 6239 M adlaor'"" T ayW , NewYork « .«,<iive.

B pec Lai Uoater In Chancery of New Jersey, TT6 Broad atreet, Newark, N. J.

Mulligan ft BollcUor*.

By direction of the B o t^ of Street ksd W ater Commlaalonem of the city of Naworia

Newark, N. J.. July Zl. IBll.M. R. SHERRERD,

Chief Engineer.


W ABHINOTO^ (0 . C.> O FFICE, Room 904, Colorado building.

c m ADVERTISEMENTSPUBLIC NOT7CE Is hereby given that the fol-

V ' Hy .. Adyen that- Jba.— by

0? a re vmi.« cntf/impowhsoeiw'and approved by the Mayor of (he City of Newark, and pur»uam to the provlelons of Chapter 89 of the Stale Laws of 1909 are here

lowing proposal ^dlnanoe p a s ^ a second' i with pUbllahed by title >CHICAGO O FFICE,Room 1803. T ribune building.NEW JER SEY SHORE AOEN CIES—H arry B. W tl,on. Po rt offioe builrllng, ‘ ‘ ^K ing A dverti.ilnf Agency, «W Cookm an avenUa. Aabury P jyk.

any deffcts or Informalities thai tn any lAds. should'It be deemed to the interest

may occur

APbUry P»rk

'f tAUTHORIZED AQENTS In New­ark; your i lru n ls t or newadealer may be one.AUTHORIZED AOENTB In th*

reBdlns, *Titi was orderM to a third and float reading, a t a meeting of the Board of Btrtal and wTster CommIssSonera. held July 30, 19111

An ordinance to provide for the g iv ing , curbing and flagging of

DEVINE BTREET.from r>ouiie«nth avenue to South Orange ave- &ua /

WnXiAM UUNOLE.PrMldent of th* Board of Btreet and Watev

OOmmlailoDer*.WM. B. DREATHEAD,

Clark of the Board.

of the Stale to do *o. Proposals muet be eo- oIoMd In anvelooes. sealed and marked, "PrO' poeol for Armorv, East Orange, N, J.,*' and addreoaed to the sdlutant-gsaoral, Sea dirt.New jersey, r a n NEW

___ By 1 . _______ _WILBUR p, Ba DLEA JR.,


R¥ CO]

n a^A djiu tuV ^^^ ^

^MMIBBIONxir Wenaer.


OraRffes and euburban and shore t o ^ e In Now Jersey. Look for ' t h e NRJWARK BVBNINO KRW S sign.PLA c B^ w here an advertlsem M it can s t a r t on Its journey Into T H B 0H 10C I.A T 10H O P T B B H B W -

73,000 Householdswh*re It irUl arrtva i




Aa ordinance to provide ror the pavlag of-- pj -QUITMAN a l l e y ,

from Weat Kinney street 10 Uoldwln street, with brick pavement, on a six <9) Inch con­crete foundation.

An ordlnaoce repealing an ordinance entitled •'An ordinance to provide for the paving of

.^b o n y k a m p e r a v e n u e ,from Hawkins street to Chrlatle atreet, with oblong granite block pavement, on a si* (B) Inch ooBcrete foundation/' approved April 7. 19U.'A ^P ted July 1911.

vn L iA kM uuwQiAi.Presldeiit of the Board ot Street and WaterCommLsalaxMr*

George Stahl, 85 Murray s t ...........Same ploo*Jacob Haufier. 2A8 South Orange ave.,' ’Qusla'v* $

Satne pliRueffle. ST Springfield ave.,

:ONFOBATEick ,1 DElfect on 1


K O B A B a n

KBW YORK,:ot'irii«ton amuri0 tha raaulia « ieclalon renderc narca Conimlaa (^diioMon In f: kilroada. the ■ >a felt to a le ifn roads. Th^1 complicated

hereafinita ita te iti mtll they ba%'t ato the m atter.

There Is u f« »v'er, th a t th e lot be eo g rea the prtoentage t hltiK th a t theoada, by*' con night tie eomei old. An a poos nttted th a t the

I the develop rafflo. At the 3Qi000 loflB wou] rom which tou r t ab o u t 82,060 One expert fli

aU a bti the b led, would out JnloR Pacific he per cent. ' reuld mean a

Hill roads— m Pacific. Another says Ined the ac*tu ommerce Com nd abort haul u n 14.000,000. 1 ih raiHdly on eia.Louie D. Bra "The declaloi saboard conatti ired to th e ( no, and th a t t lore favorabh tlan tk ieahot 'hlcb was rer

1D09. Nevert: Iderable oC th

the way of ailed lntemi< iTest."Ferr the Pac more aerloui

atr, If not dei f the Paolflc lountaln ooui hlcago and ( ITeit appear tc ^The decision My reault In saatwiae mer< rftiolpal ottles nd the Pacific *'The questlo ther tntermoi ated continue ears. At th pade the rate enportant con xtent the ao-c he rate waa lOuntath terri alo, or Pltteb hlpperg of th tve of w ater 1 oast and the 0 the lnterm< Trafllo DIrec 'aciflea ii Qt

'T don*t knt eolDtona are. ad perhaps t ion. All I k rhlch doesn’t Ion !* gettini rtnciple aeei boater compel au t generall: etnic. Liters hort haul pr atse mischief

™ The ecntlmt hat the decl he'long and lies to te rrlt

Iterra mount lealed by the Court, and If Irema Court.

40.D0 81.0060.7540.5060.7540.50


2 RactimHitf^r, H^nry Est................................ 8 841-50 45'f.t4 16 Owiton, Emm* 1............................................ 30. 10 76.7B |

Aoy of the aforesBlJ tMcEi or lets may he redeemed by th* psymeot t* the underalgnalL th* tax colleclor before the sale, of tbe amount due tberoon. .-■'

GItsu under my baod this flrsi Osy of July A, D., 1011. <A. L. CONKLIN,


Mcenses contained In all opplicaticna or peti­tions made to thli board' for the granting ol Ucenae* to sell eplrltuotta, vinous, molt or brewed liquors and not heratofora publish^ acoording to law, to wit:

Nama. Place of Huslnevo. Resldetioa.RETAlI^RENBWALS.

Mrs. PauUne Margosch, $8 M ortat a t .^ V -H Same plae*

Mr*. 8u*an Mitchell. ifiS'ltS SUtabeth ave.,Sama place

Oocar Bltx. 4 Bowery i t .................. Same placeHenry ft Abs Eisner, 92-64 Market sL,_ ^ Same placeQustava F. J, Wagner, 208 Washington at..^ Same placeFrank Desaon. 184 Thlpteenlh ave...Soma place Jankes H. Maaon, BO Augusta at.,.8am a place John Scott, 95-95U Academy Brt,...Sama placeJohn Biebert, 76 Dank at.................Same plac*Patrick Brady, 260 Bank s t...........Bama placeEmil Koehrastadt. 826 Bank a t........Same placeSamuel W a^ T4 Balmont ave........Same placeFerdlnando TanorA 8 Bedford st....Sam * placeCharles Paters, ISO Court st........... game placeTheodora J. Vreeland, BOB C rttral eve..

Some ploec

I m t . HOT-L foun ty Boarc allow ing Bch

nk Block Eftindcn, I18.E ll7; Mooreatc Jon County fftrniei‘8' N j l r s t Nhtloni llonfth Hlghti f th e r bankl:

grd hftg to

FINAlI The genert fork City fa |t t r te d yette

ilg ly-tw o an And B ro

the othei

Giuseppe Seretella, 2 2 ^ Drift st,...Sam e plica Theodore Gulr*. 226.. . ................. .. pi........Bama plao*Bamuol Llfschlti, 106 Ftefloghuyten ava„

Same placeJacob Muoel, 4T4 Fifteenth aTB...8ams placeJohn Long, 182 Hudson s t ..............Bama placeMrs. Martha Wagnar. 49 Jonas st..Bama plooa-Oregoiy Qlndo. 98 Johnson a t........Sams placelaaoc Reich, 308 Weat Klnnay st..aaina placeCbarlaa H. Laird. 67 Nassau a t__ Same placeMichael Kaplan, 92 Orange a l__Hama place

^Patrick J. MoDonnell. 615 Orange m ., .Same place

Adolph Thaler, 50 Paoifio s t ...........Same placeAnton Goruy, FacUlc a t.........S am e placeLout* Qrosf, 78 Pennington i t ........Same placeGeorg* W. ifammCDd, 390 plane st.Same place Mrs. JBerapblna A. Redden, 12 Mulberry at.,

Bams placeAUVod Young, 136 Market Bt.,„..SarDa ptaoa Arnold WMss. 90 Mercer s t...........Same ptacs

Efforts we hartne ualoi ifday, to h<

he company | y K ittin g m

he Oregonii lour late, wl

l i t Is nowla itlxe In th< Inder the 1j

dlt purohae« Ifioduced by

that Stfti |any will be he ehareholI XMspatchee

overnop Dt J iv ing Ihh 1 re a rs m ore la id by th e i

a rk e t on tl

^ Satna Dtao*Clamana Schsrar. 147 Bprlngfleld ave..Same place

^ t s Herts, 301 Bprlngfleld ave..,.gam e plac* Albert Haebarls, 448 Bprlngfleld ave. Bama place John Hertleln, 668 Bprlngfleld ave.,8-------


Approved July 21. !91LJOHN H. DONNEU.Y,

Anting Mayer,


o r NEWARK.a t y M l July a t iWL

Tbs fbtlirwinic It fi» U«t of th« namso.ot aitfiloaart i

flprlngfleld ave..Same plane John Martin. 610 South Tenth at,.Same placeBamual Ochn, t48 South i t ..............Sams pJoceJamt:* Curran. 5B Summer ave...Same place Louis Jj Qrundw. IIT Wimam ploo*John Klereey, 74 Warren lit...........Same placeBridget Murry, 321 Warren at....Satna place joha W. Plikaytta, 106 Jackaos at, .Same place John D. Hayes, 140 Market at...Same place Frank Ousiolliio. 291 Von Buron ai.Bama plaoe Joseph Uarburger, 00-83 Hamburg p|„

^ m e placeUorrla Stem, 150 ChorltoQ a t........ .Same plaotFrank A. Mumielly, 266 Orange sLBame place Frederick Butter. 71 Boaton st.. . .r !^ m e place Tboma* F. Brennan, 106 Flrat at..Same place Frederick Hochbaum, 264 Market it.Same place Louie Hauahalter, 29L Sprlngfleld ave.,

^ Seme placeFrank Miller. 2T2 Morris av*.,.,.Sam s placeJohn Hlzil, 61 Hayee i t ............ ...Same placeAbraham Sets. 69 Runyon t t ........Bam« placeLouie Geltzelter. 87 Waverly ave. .Same plaoeSamuel Heim, 41 Bowery at...........Some placeFrits Baust. 159-L66 Brill f t ...........Borne placeCharles Blngewald, 30 Dorcy st.:..Sam e placeWUUjwji Lowln, Fredorta -avo- --------

Behie placeJoaeph Halorty, Wl Far* placeKarl Relchfe, 847 FlfCev. .aame placeMrs. Louisa •'Fountain. ' UO 'rtcbetMT a t .

\ Sams placeJohn F. Bey, 47T W aibinpon et...,8am e pteea Veronika Ce*o, IO4 Wallace at,,,.Sam e place William H. De Voe. 19 Wallace pi..Same place Emil Kuhn. 246-347 Runyon •t,..,BaiM placeHeniy Bonomon, 66 Pierce e t........Some-placeAbraham Mehlmon. 83 South Oronge ave.,

Same placePetW' Flecher. 136 Prellnghuyaea ave..

Same placeF'rtti Schoof. 88 Vosey i t ...........................Borne placePatrick Rock. 142 Suaseg ave......Some placeFrank Endlar. 672 Sprlngfiflld ave. ,Bame place Charlie* WuJIschleger, W South Eleventh

at, .......................... ...S an e placeJohQ L. Dunn. 86 ave...Some p ito t

w h o l e s a i^ ^ n e w a l .Harman Houck. 404 Fifteenth ave.Bamt place

BRER BOTTLER-RENEWAL.The Eagle Brewing Co.. 20-40 Hayee i t ,


Aatoolo Lamorta. from 24 Seventh ave.,to 14 Seventh ave.................24 Seventh *ve.

Matteo Monica, from 6 Spring st. tc J4IPalm at. ......... ............... . . - I r tP a tm gL

Mrs. LcMlaa Fotmuin, from lU> Ttehoiwri t to 1*0 Tiohioof , t ................. I te o itT .r i t .

RICBASD r ----------

lig i


^AUB r . «NNJU.T,d « k .

- 'If J5



1 , m i .inct of tbt uthorlty ot D. Iftll, at ic t, ozpoaa By pan f t Ain unpaid

term, and B« Will bidact for tha ory th«reota bocQ ai>



B 00 BO


ack at Defioite Opsien of Etfect on Earnings of Loot-

Haul Ralint


KEIW YORK, July !B.—Thera la ranch onfucton am onc local railroad man u 0 tba raaulia which will follow from the leclalon rendarad by th« Intaratata Com- i^arca CommlaBlOD ordering a aubatantial oduotlon In freight ra tes on WeBiern allroada, the effect of which w'lU also a fait to a leaser extant by the Ka^t- m roads. T he decision involves such

oompileatad situation that railroad 'fhclnU here ^r* unwilling to raalte any iaflnite Btateitients as to the outcome mtll they bava had more time to look nto the m attar.There Is u feeling among tbam« how*

)verr th a t th e to tal loss in revenue will ot be eo g rea t as m ight be inferred from he p^oan tage of the rule reductloa. Some hbiK th a t the loss In revenues to all the oads, b y '' compliance with the order* night be somewhere around 110,080,000 all old. As a peftelble offset to this, It Is ad­mitted th a t th e lower ra tes may encaur- .ge the development of s larger volume ot raffle. At the most, the 'estim ate of llfl** QCkOOO loss would aPplV t)Q freight trafflo* rom which to ta l earnings for the couaory re about t2,060p000im One expert figures th a t the reduction In aU a on th s basis of tonnage now ban* led, would out down the net earnings of Jnion Pacific tt.OfllVOOO a year, which U itie per cent, on the common stock. It reuid mean a loss of alK\ut 11,500.000 to hf Hill raadB -Q reat Northern aftd North- m Pacific.Another says th a t to the raltreads com- Ined the ac tual lose on the In ieriia te 'ommerce Commission’s decision If? long nd short haul cases would not be more

j ia n H.000.000. and should tend to dlmla- h rapidly on the creation of new busl*

Louis t). B rahdftls 'tl quoted its saylngr T h e decision secures to the Atlantic

aboard considerable concessions as com-


■rslgned, ths

if Taxfts.


od, K. J.the Town-

orlty ef tli« in«tMn Sun ding In ulU ter spsolieSv- rnsln UDpsSd rm. SDi] psy one will bid

Act for the itorj thereof

ts bive been



The th reat of Senator Cummins tD Introduce a bIH to end the days of Ibo National Monetary Commis­sion with the opening of next win- igr’ft seaaton of the Blxty-second Con­gress, has had the to-be-expected ef­fect on that distinguished body of students of monetary problsma

They have anouneed that within a few weeks after the adjournment of the special sessloii, they will get together and formulate their rspoft for presentation to Congress.

Why they do not meet a t once has not been explained.

There certainly lias been dawdling enough over It.

From the same source It Is leanisd tha t the existing form of the so- called Aldrich plan, which was ss- Bunied to be what the commission will recommend, is merely an outline for such a measura as will be re­ported.

Moreover, word is given out that any and ail financial and banking experts, and others, who may have something of value to Huggvst for Incorporating In whatever may Us suggested to CongrcBs, will oblige the commission by Bpndlng In what thsy have to offer.

This sort of constructive financial, not to add lf)glRlat1ve. itatesm an- shtp. Is not very encouraging, when one considers the delay lo inorganising a campaign of education so th a t the general public may form an opiRion of the project sufflclent- Ly clear to enable them to Judge of it Justly.


president of the Knickerbocker Ire Com­pany. yesterday told Magleimte Apple- ton, who Is preHlding nt the Ice Jniiulry, th a t tf |B a ton was chsrged to dealere In the recent hot spell the weigh ma^tera DQiiSt have pocketed some of the money. They were authorised to rliarge onlyli!.‘iO a ton , he testified, and were Inalrurtcd to supply regular customers first and to let the outsiders wait.

He said that while the price had boon set a t *2.rj0 a ton. '^ tlg h masters • wptc only human and no sysiem (>f auditing had yet been devised to offset human

For, when a n else has been said* It Is to be popular suntimenl which will decide th is Important matter, the manner, If a t all, of the revlafon of our currency and banking laws.

I t has ihsrefqrs been left for those Intrrosted business men who realise the heed for soinething being done In this direction, to act on their own Initiative and, as It were, “be up and doing.*’

fipfismodlc efforts of th is kind look­ing to faihUlarlilng the busy, thlnk- Irig man with wliat the Aldrich tianking plan proposes, have been undertaken from lime to time, but no organlxsd campaign looking to Informing the public has yei been carried out.

11 is therefore with a sens© of gratification one may uuDaunce that someth tng Is to be done a t once.

The N ational Chde AaBOclailon a t Chicago h a t taken the bull by the horns aiid wilt project Itself Into the fight a t once.

The frwl that It la In favor of substantlnlly the Aldrich plan fipr banking reform need disturb no one. Its object Is 10 put forth the facts, let the chips fall where they may.

Il Is no new thing to be told that the fear 'on the part of the public th a t the Aldrich plan will permit the big hHuklng interestn to get s grip on il.e proposed rewerve asfloclft- iion plan has had much to do with ihe nppoettlon which hss manlfeatsd luelf tucftlbie tim t particular method of arriving a t the desired results.

William C. Cornwell, of s Wg banking houee In New York, has prepared a |»p©r Intended lo show that, uader the Aldrich plan or one ■iibslantlally like It. no such result could take place.

Mr. Cornwell was once president of the New York Slats Bankers' Ar- Boclallon. He le an accompllslied Hander and ecunomlxt.

He did yeoman's Bsr>*lce during the campaign of In controverting financial Bryanl.Hin.

I its elucldailon of the elementary principles of the Aldrich plan for a naUonai reserve banking asso- elation Is Kui'h that he who runs may TMul Intelhgently, and undtretanti

The expoBllion la emphA.'iixcd, too. with graphic rh a rts so that the eye may aid the brain In arriving a t a fair understundlng of the subject.

The CMomo association Is to print, la printing the Cornwall paper, and It win Boon be a t haml.

II plana to coinmunlcale with all newspapers in the rouniry and with more than U0,iiCu bunks In the United Btatea, to iHorn iiow many of th»M tittle puhlicatlons the banks oan dlstrlbtim to advantagi*.

It would not be aurprlelng If more than 2,00fi,oriii copies were sent out.

It te entirely poiaihle, also, that meinbprs of the House of Represen- (alJvea and of the Senate nmy get copies.

In any event. It Is time that Infer* matloR that speaks for itself were a t hand for every one of us.


Alter an Idiflerent 0|XQiiiI . Share Prices AfTancei

Lower Rtofe Later.


S e c u r it y S a y i n g s B a n k


*red to th o dsoliBon rendered. In . June. , ft*lurfc-. .No...£iii:lhet.Jlwriii* In. th f ljn -lie. and th a t decision In turn was mud, lore favorable to the .hlppera of Lha tlantlc teahoard than the (irat dectslou, htch was rendered by the commlaalon

1909. Nevertheteas the East lo«e» con- Iderable of the advantage which It had

the way o t freight ra te , wllh the eo- alled Interm ountaln territory ot they*»t."For the Paclflc Coaet eltle, the reeull

more .e r lo u a I t will very greatly Im- Ir If not deatroy, the Jobbing bu»!ncse the Padfle Coast cities In the Inter-

wuntaln country. On the other hand, hlcogo apd other cillef in ih« Mlddla ir»it appear to be the principal galners- "The decision, It It stands, will prob- Wy result In a large development ot the pastwise m erchant marine between the ribcipaj ottles of the Atlantic seaboard nd the Paclflc Coast."The question of rates lo Spokane and ther Interm ountaln cities-has been agl- Itsd continuously fljr a t least twenty ■ears. At the tim e the complaint was oade the ra te s to Spoknne on nearly all m portant commodities were to a large I te n t the so-called blanket rates; fliat Is, he rate w as the same from the inter- aounlatn territo ry as from Chicago, But- ijo . or P lttaburg, the ground being that hlppers of the seaboard had the alterna- Ive of w ater traneportallon to the Paclflc oast and th e aborter rail haul from there 0 the Interm ountaln tefrliory."Trafflo D irector Btubbs, of Ihe H arnm an 'aciflea Is quoted from Chloago as say­

' l l don't know w hat the Intermountaln eclirtons are. I evpect them to-morrow, nd perhaps then can reach some conclu- ion. All I know It newspaper account, ihich doesn't show me what the commle- lon Is getting at. My Idea of the rate rinclple seemingly set forth regarding fater eompelttlon and long and short aul generally Is th a t It Is purely acu- etnlc. L iteral enforcement of long and hort haul provisions of now law would else mischief (or some time."The sentim ent among railway men Is la t the decisions of the commission In le-long and short haul cases Involving ales to te rrito ry between the Rocky and terra m ountains will probably he ap- ealed by the railroads to Ihe Commerce lourt, and If afflrmed there, to the Su- reme Court,

quiry will he had until Saturday, when several Independent wholesale Ice dealers will testify.

LEADING GRAIN MARKETSCKICAOO, July 2lS.—European w ar talk

cn u«d a lively flurry to-day in the whpat pit here. There was In consequence a rapid upward jump In prices. Bealdea the j ina


Specioi fifTPice of the HKWSi.W A SH IN G TO N , Ju ly W .-A Mil forb id ­

d ing r a llro a d t* to lease to exp rew cura- pan les th e priv ilege of c arry ing parcels or m errhandU e and cwnpellltig the ra il­roads tliemBelves to do bucU hauling, whh In troduced In the House to-day by B epre- sen la tlv e C am pbell (Rep.. Kan.).

-------- -------------------—

N p YORK FROboCE MARKETS.J iE W YORK. jldy. . aL -F lo u r-S tead y J with a moUeialo Inquiry.

W heai'-iD penljig strong on h igher cablM , un favo rab le foreign piilltlcal situation , lower consoln and bullish Ruaalan and Ind ia crop news, w heat la te r reacted ellghUy under reallxlng and liberal re­ceip ts: Septem ber,

P o rk -^ F tr in , moas, IAUO IS.60.Beef—FirmI^ rd - 'F lrm . Middle West, B 3fn®a.4B, nom-

NEW YORK BOND MARKETThe following quetaliona were furnished

by Boat Ik FUjgg:Open- H igh- Low - Clos­

ing. oHt. est. Ing.Am. Agr As............... .............................Ajm. S. & Ref. 6b.. 1011% ..........................Am. T. T. cvt. 4« . . . .............. .A m , TobHt. 'O 4b ...... KSi,* ^ 4. 87-e 08%Atoll., T A S. F. 4« yii ..........................Am. TubaccNv $e...... 1<X> lOCleAt. T A S F. cv. 5s lU

unfavorable political conditions abroad and the resulting drop In British ronso la the trade had alRO In view a disquieting prospect ae to the future of the Rusalan crop, FurtheTraare. India flenl word that th e re was yet no rain. For a while, buy­ing wae on a big scale, the sh o rts eepeo lally being eager bidders. The market, however ran Into many resting orders to sell a t an advance, and there was o f necessity a reaction. Opening figures were % to 1% up.

September started at Sii'Si to a rise of % \o"l% „ touched Rtf. and felt off to W%.

The fac t that offerings were small perm itted com to ascend with wheat. On the bulge,'‘ though, considerable un­loading took place Seripraber opened t% to % higher at fi3 to rose to B3% and then aagged to r.2%.

Pressure from hedgers restrained bullish sentim ent In the oata crowd. September started to ^c. dearer at 40 to 40% and then dropped to S0“i.

provlelons took the iipgtade Influenced by hogs and grain. First sates were 1% to 20c higher, with January delivery 15.95 for pork, 6.45 tor lard, and 1 .2 ^ for ribs.

Selling out of early corn buyers led to a decline. The close, though, was steady, with Septeniher GTii. a net gain of %.

When wheat ahorts had been fitlly sup­plied the m arket eaped off to a matertaJ extent. Reports that blue steam wheat had been hit by rust brought about a rally. The cloae was firm, at for Sep­tember, a net gain of \ cents-

The following to-day’s quotations, close .,alng a t 2:15 P, M.. New furnished by Byrne & McI>oniipll


»plaot I plops

eralfseA tbs

LIM.If Tsx*a

OM or pstl- granUng of

II, malt or rs publishedRealdstioe.

it S t.Same p lu s

both avs., Bame place

..Sams place ket St.,

Same placeigton St.,

Bame place ..Same place ..Same place ..Same place ..Same place ..Bame place ..Same place ..Same place ..Same place ..Same place av«..Same place

..Same place

..Sams place sen ave..

Same place place ..Bame place ..Same plaoe- ..Bame place ..Bame place ..Bame place ..Same place B M,, .

Bams place ..Same pUoe ..Same place ..Bams place It.Bame place berry at.,

Bame place ..Bame place ..Same place ..Same place aVB.r

Borne I I sve.,

Bams pito t tve.,

Same place ..Same pito t e.Same plact • ,8atne place :..Bame pla,ot ..Same place ..Same place It.Bame place ..Same place ..Batne place :..Same place ..Same place It. Same plaoe pL,

gams place ..Same place iLBame place ..Same place :..Same place It.Same plaoe

ave.,Bame plaot

..Same place.

..Barns place

..Bams place I. .Same place ,.Sazn« plaoe ..Bame placs

:..Same plaoe -*vs-. ,

Bame place ^ n i t plaot

,..a»Qit place mor a t .

Bams place ...Sams piaca ...Bame place L .^ m e place ...Bame plaoe ...Bame-plaee ige avt.,

Same plact ave..Same place

...Same plao*

...Same plaot i..Bame place Eleventh 9.Bame placs ...Same plaot AUe.Bamt placs WAU &yea it.,

Samt plaot FER9. th ave., Beveoth avt.It. to 14S 148 Palm at. TletaiDsr


MX. HOT-LT. July 26.—The Burlington ounty Board of Taxation has fixed the allowing Bchcdulo for the aueBament of

k Block thla year; First National, !amdcn, >18.90 National Btau. Camden, 17; Mnornetown National, |18; Burllng- n County National. Medford, 124.911:

'srm ers’ National. Allentown, $50.R3; irst N ational, Beverly, «.9B: First Na-

llonaL Illghtalow n, WO. The stock op all ither banking Ingtitutlona which tba

.rd hsa to conalder it not asaeteahlt.

.............. . - __ Qblbeing i r 2:15 R M.. New York time, were

by Byrne & McI>oniipll;A t th e Chicago Board of T rade:

Y 'esterday’9W h e a t - Open.

Ju ly ......Pe’p t .......Deo ........ 9M 92H

C om —Ju ly ..................Sept .......

Oatn—J u ly .................Sept ......... 40^^40Dec........... 42^42%

P ork—J u ly .....................S ep t.....................J rm .......... . 16.S5

L&rd —Ju ly ...................8epL .................J a n ....................







FINANHAL POINTERSI t Ho g«nQrwl Btrtks voted by the New fo rk City fonoy leather workers’ union, ftarted yesterday afternoon a t t o'clr>Qk

iix ty -tw o out o t 120 ehops In Manh'it an and Brooklyn. The leather workers

the o ther shops will be called out i-day» s * •

I BfTorts w ere make by plrkete of the bartne unions In New York Otty, yes- itday, to hold up the Oregonian of the

l^merlcan-Hawallan Bteamxblp Line until oompany granted the union demands

; getting meonhers of the crew to strike, he Oregonian sailed a t 6 P. M., only an

r late, w ith full crew.

Is now said Lehigh Valley will or- ilie in the near future a coal company ler th e laws of Pennsylvania, which

dll purchase In Pennsylvania all the coal Iroduced by the Lehigh Valley properties

th a t State. Stock of this coal pom- jiy will he distributed aa a dividend lo

he shareholders ^ Lehigh Valley.

I Dispatches from Albany announce that pvernor Dlx has signed the Sullivan bill,

I IhiB life Insurance companies five lea rs more in which to dlspoFc of stocks

by them . This measure relieves the ^ the necessity of taking care o f

0,000 to BOO.flOO.OOO of Eecurltles ow and January L

4 12:942%16.50 16,70 16 W

8 S7 6.4T8,(0(98.42

At the New York Produce Eich»nge:T esterdav 'e

W heat— Open, CIom . Close. Ju ly .......... M S KSept. ..93 M ® 98^Deo. .. m% 9T% WVi

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETThe following quotations were furnished

by J. 8. Kiypel:Bid. Asked.

Celluloid .................... .................. T3lConsolidated Tramton................. 75 yBConsolidated Tractlnn Ss............ 104 105Essex & Hudfon Qaa Co.......... 139 ... .Oas * Electric of Bergen Co.. 84 86Cfiia Elec, of Ber. Co. 1st &a. 102 lOJGas A KJIec. of Ber, Co, gen. 5e 96'^ 97^H urkensack Wafer 4s................. 86 8?Hudson Co. . Oaa Co.......... ...133Hudson County Gas Co. 6b.. .i, ItOH IW Jar. City. Hbboken & Pat. 4s.. 76% TI Newark (Consolidated Gas Co . 27 98%Newark Cons. Oae Co. 6s......... I(H% 1D4%Newark Passenger Ry. Co. 6s.. iOT i 108V4Newark G&s Co. 6s.................... 128 139North Jersey Si. Ry. 4s............ 77% 78%P at. A Pas. Gas & Elec. Co.. 94 96P at. & Pae. G, A E. Co. 5ft.... 102 103Public Sesfice Corporation......... 117 llHPublic Service ctfs....... .............. I0(i 107pub. Ser, Cm-p. 5a 1959...... ........ 94ti HS Jer. G., B. A T. Co............... 132 mS. Jer. O.. E. A T. Co. 5s...........I ’nllwl Electric. Co, 4s...............Sum., Union & Sikl. Ltg. Co. 6a.8oui., rn lo n ft Mid Ltg. Co..

Raw Hugar—Firm : Muscovado. 89 test, 9.86^3.98: centrifugal. 96 test. 4 36* 4.48: mo­lasses, 89 lest, Refined, firm.

Petroleum —Steady.Coffee—Bpot quiet.MolaHses—Steady.H ay —Firm .Butter—F inn : rerrlpts, 14.044; crearnery

ipsc ta li, 27: extras. 26. first, 23^24; xsr- ondi. thirds. St^ate dairy,finest, 24H'W25: good lo prime, 226r24: com­mon to fair. process, special, 22;extras, 21^2lt^. first, 1 9^20^; Baconds,

factory, current make, first,second 9, 19.

Cheeso—Steady, unchanged; rscelpts,3,996

Eggs—Firm ; receipts. 19.1M. Fresh gnth- tted , ex tras, 22©52f>; extra, first. TftSd:!:first, secondP. If^ l": thirds, 14®15;fresh gathered dirlles. No. I, 13; No. 3, 11C|j12; do., poor to fair. OtgitO: fresh gath­ered chicks, good lo prime, !0@11; do., poor to faJr, per case, ll,50®12.T0; State, Pennaylvaftla and nearhs’, hennery, white, 95030; do., gathered, white, 22 28; W est­ern, gathered, whltes.\

Poultry—Alive, Irregular: Wefttern spring ehlekeni, 16; fowls. turkeys. 18.Th-esasd. eesy; W estern broilers, I6i7f22; fowls. turkeys. 12(®U..

--------------- ^ ^ ^ —

NEW TORE COTTON MARKETNEW YORK. July 26.—The cotton m ar­

ket opened barely steady a t a decline of 27 points on August and from six points lower to 9 points higher on o ther months, with n^nsattonally weak cables offset by exlremelv active covering and heavy buy­ing by trade Interest,*?. The m arket was very excited and business waa even more active and general than pre\ioiisly since the break started, but orders were better divided, and early fluctuallona wer^ vio­lently irregular. All positions except July mode new low records on or immediately following the call, with August break­ing to 12.» and active new crop deliveries selling between 11.30 and ll.Sfl or about ten points net lower, but rallies occurred from this level, and the m arket during the middle of the morning was very ner­vous and unaeltled- The break In Liver­pool was attributed to Increased uneasl- nesH over the Moroccan situation and heavy continental selling.

The buying oy big trade Interests was the feature of the early trading, and many recent heavy sHlera spem^-d to be covering wlih rumors circulating that some of the larger bears were advising their friends to take profits an the ahorf side, but the flcnttercd Rolling aggregated a large total Rnd white prices worked gradually higher, until new crop poel- tlona showed a net gain nf some 6 to fl points, or a recovery of from 15 to lA points from the early low level, there was enough cotton for sale around llH cents for the new crop to hold the ad­vance In check toward midday. Private cables from both England and Germany ridiculed the Idea of any other than an amicable BottieTnant of the Moroccan trouble. The Routh was said tn be a heavy seUer here during the morning.

The m arket was Ices active during the middle of the day, but while the old crop positions held some 10 or 11 points under th e closing figures of yesterday, the new crop did better on continued covering and more aggressive buying by certain local brokers than has hern wUnewod pre­viously sincp the decline started, about two weeks ago. October contracts ad­vanced from 11.86. the early low point, to 1168 .and new crop positions generally Bold iz to 14 points net higher.

A lluut!.’ ( . Line 4a,Roth. S led Be.........• 96»tliEill. A tjhio 4»..,. llroukU n. Jt T. Ig-.,, lirnokTyh li. T 6«... lO-f (V ntral lyrather 6h.. t \n t r a J of N. J. 5e,.GUmni. & O blo fiftp.. Lol C rft O. D&A, - 96GhlcOgo ft Alton 3a. 72^C , LI. & g . 4a............ 97^ 97!I ’lil A G. W ent. 4a MS

R. 1. f t Pac. 4b.. T.'A Z.i Colo. Ind iistrta l 5a... 77Lt.'olu. ft Ba. 4ft ........Coin, ft So. 4^a ..D enver & R. G. 4s 92Erie cvt., aer, B __Erie g. mt. 1, 4a...... 79 *Iow a CVnlral 4s . .. . h.\ In ierborougfi 4V*s--. .9-^In ter. P um p Ba........ >4K. C.. Fl.S. ft M. 4ft 404‘ ■).


101 I'll JOl • M-

i'7V* Sni

77 7T-I,

Kanao3 C ity So. I^u ls . & N ash. 4a.. M issouri Poe. 4s Misaourt Pao. conv. N at. Ry. of Mex. 4m Na t. Ry. of M, 44^ New York Cen. Aiiws N Y. C. ft L .S .3 ^Nor. IMcltlc 8 9 ..........Nor |*actflo 4s..........Nor ft W estern 4s .Pac T. f t T- &a........Oregon Short L. 6s- Pennsylvania I9l6a.. Pennjiylvantft l94Ss.. Public Service !>a.,..Reading Gen. 4s......S*:!aboard a d j .............St. L ft I. M. G. Bs. St. L f t I. U. 49. ..Si. L, 8. 1st 4s........St- L. 8. consol........South. Pac. 4e..........South, Pac- conv. 4a South. R ailw ay Ss..South, R y, to ............St, P a u l 4«...............T e l. Pac. 1st............T.. 8 t. Lu ft W. 4e.. Union Pac. la i 4s

99J.4 B9Vh W x

8f7% 99 V> 114%

K EW Y ORK. Ju ly 96-V a ria tio n s from >‘e s te rd a r 's cloBing prices were sm all la the opening tra d in g to-day. A tlantic Coast U nc, the on ly stock, which moved m ore th a n a email frac tion , lost a point- Amozig th e m ark e t leaders IR'^oilliig and United S ta tfs Steel Im proved fra<'tlonatly, w hile Union Pacific, A m aigam ated Copper, A t­chison. N o rth e rn Puclfio and Southern Pacific w ere slig h tly lower.

U A. M —T he up w ard movement o f yee- te rd ay in coal s to ck s w-as continued to ­day. P it tsb u rg Coftl advanced a point, i1ie p re fe rred 9. R ead ing snd Lehigh Valley I k T h e geoerai list Imprtyved a fte r the opening, b u t beforp the end of ih€ first h o u r g rew eash-r. C entral Rail* road of New J e rse y loer D points a^id American l$teei ?>>iiadrles 1.

Nexm—A fte r a b r ie f showing of s tren g th the m arkiit sold o ff th is morning to a point well below yesterda.v'a final range. The looflos w ere m o s t severe sinnng stocks w hich w ere expectod to receive pa rticu la r benefit from C an ad ian rgciprocliy on ac- Qount o t pontpoDomscit of ratlfl.caUoi by C anada w hich tho gouera l electUm in th e dom inion wilt nccoM ltata.

t'anad tosi Paclflc lost 2k and Its su b ­sidiary, M inneapolis, fit, Paul ami ffault gtfl M arie IV N orthern Pacific, G rea t N orthern p re fe rred and Unhm P ad fle re ­ceded IV Ai'd In ton iatluna l M arvester 2V- l.^sees eisaw here m the Hat w ere lesH severe. Heeding l'>at It" Kam end Eric firat preft-rred. UO'-k Island pr«- Carred an d S ou thern Railway preferred declined a point.

The seliliLg wan ascribed to a bear ra id ra th e r th an to llquldatlun. trad e rs on the sh o rt lak m g advan tage of th s C an ­ad ian s itu a tio n and uneasiness In regard to ' the M oroccan tang le ’Hand*- -woro steady.

1 P. M,—No changes of ImpurlaTH’© oc- ^C,yrrc<H d u rin g _ mld(Ja^,_ the^U st hohllnff 's tead y a t a frac tion abovs* Hie loVesT. WeBtern M aryland, w hlrh ilcrilned » point, w as th e owlv mUswoTth.v exceiithin,

2 P. M-—B ear ^filing w-as halted In lb® ufternoon. omJ th e m arket grew Hrmer T he dem and a t th e lower level w ae not sufficient to lif t prk-ea to a m arked hx- teni. and Ihe im provom ent was only frao- tlonal. B uying of the comI Blocks uon- tlnued, and Lehigh Valley lncr»'U5ed its riae to 2 pointK

3 P. M-—T he m ark e t clo.‘ied strong. I'is- tinct Im provem ent was shown by the eniln* Hat in th e last hour, when i>racil- cal]y a ll early losBea were recovered and some m uteriu l galiiH were registered.

H eading an d l,ishigb Valley muvsd up to ihe h igh levels of the day, but P ll‘ s- burg Gcal p re fe rred lost some of Ra gain. Tn Hie m ore ac tiv e group I'nltin i 'a i’lttt , SouthRrn I 'arlflc , United StalcH Fileel and St. Pau l w «re above the prevloua d ay 's

: cloftlng p rlfca .

742 BROAD STREETOpEosU* FvstD flca H « w w * 84.

A dividend ha* been declared at the rate ef per aBnnni on depoails of *1,000 or tew and of 3Vi% on depwha M c e ^ n g *1,000, payable on or after July 20, 1911, to depoalton entitled to Ihe aame on July 1st, 1911.■leaoeit* ll«*« ib* W r« T u m Dm» o t tm w « t - ^ a •••■•

tr*m %b» i l i iS ofliftjiA C in ts

JO H N A . r .lF F O K D , O S C A R B . M O C K B in O B ,Preslfleiifca

J. W . P IlS M i J o h a F ta n U im r««ta

B . C. a . ifc raU e hL L

Priet Hliwekf W altaM K. *ir JotfB Ca Rl**!*,

M o fl.P r« i. A»rt T refts .K *asIf t r . NeLArtgihlliaCSH ls* K* r* n « l4

TV* W« liaMsftp CrnmUm.

j CThe Dime Savings Institution776-778 BROAD STREET.

Ismes Hays, President. Theodore J. Qej”*. T S ^u rerSamuel E. Robertson, Vice President. John F. Conroy, Vice PresiainL

P. Lyndon Bryce. Secretary.BU A R U O P M A N A U E R 5 :

Wm. M. 0 »rk» H*n*l*rp Lyndon Wiros Jnhn F. Conroy Dsorta t Cs<MFY«d«rtcii W. GaSfIsM

Tlien. J. Qsrih RtidOlpb J. Gosrlis jRtsBB Ea< Rayi

•sun t B. Robsrtss* K M * A. SIwh A»dr*w a . Vqgl

We Pay at the Rate of 4 Per Cent. iSOpon M ondaya, Wltfcout C loelag, f rom 10 A. M. TW B .a o B. M.OtMn u Ti ’m W ub O thM Dee* froBi tO A. B U * Mi.; M 1* o*a>e*^

_ FOUNDED Itn __f t m e c h a n i c S T S -M IM fim K e

a T A a L l tH g P ON TH E CO aN lW OF a n O A P AND MUCHAKHl








Union Pac. conv. 4s 108% U. B. St*si, a. F. 6s. l06TiU S. R ubber 6s .......W eaL M aryland 4s. W#»t. Union 4 k s , ..W isconsin 4s.............W eslingbouie conv,W abash 4s.................W ab.. PlttB. 1st ctfs




101 >4 1 ^

T he ra n g e of to -d s i 'a pricti^ for the m ore ftctlv« securitlea in tin* Now York m arket, a s fnrul.^hod fur the Nuwa by P ost ft F lagg . Is givtm below:

Opfn- High- Low-CIob- eut ' ’bL ln«. I1V4 ii'JjA m erican Can

in*...... m

N, T. OUTSIDE SECURITIEST he following quotations a re furn ished

by WiillBm V. M uth:INDUSTRIALB.

Cioalni Bh

!'i6-i6 a i-iii’ : li-iff 3

A m erican Tobacco. 39u Amer. W rlt’e P aper 2Bay S ta le Gan......... %Borden'ii Con, M ilk,13 127Bordeii fl C. Milk, p r Ui7 100G rn, M otors .................................i;«n. M otors, p r ..........................J iav a n a T o b acco .... t 6Hav. To4)acco, p r . . . & 12H ouston OU............... *4 8M(iloufilon Oil, p r . . . . . . 64 64^Jn ternatlnnn l 8ajt,In ter. R u b b er........M anhat. T r a n s i t . .N.YU T ran sp o rta tio n 3fills E lev a to r .......... 72fitlB E leva to r, p r . . . . 96S tandard OU............... 6E3S tudehaker Co.......... 64H

• S tudebaker Co., p r ., 106 iCflS inger M fg................ 2fiB r>2t ’nlted C igar M fr... M 59U. S. M otors............. 89 40U. S MoiorH, p r . . . . 79 99

RAILROADS.Amer. L. A T ........... WO 9WAmer, L. A T., p r . . . 104 107Chicago Huhway...... 9H *Seaboard C om pany.. 28 2849Seaboard. 1st p r ....... W WSeaboard, 2d p r ....... 61 62

M INING.B ritish Col Coppor. 4^ ITfcB u tte c o a litio n ........ 18 19C obalt C en tra l ........ 1 3Cons. A ril. Sm elting U-16 1D avls-D aly ............... \ 1Ely C en t.......... ......... 3 4Ely C ons...... .. T-W HF ir s t N at. Cop......... 1 IHG iroux C on................ 6G reene-C ananea . . . . 8% iG uggenheim Ex. Co. 196' )Tn ■

yetrt'y. L90 to-day. Aeked. Bid. Asked



mi 2sG s

74 72 T410] 99 101«b8 efti tHl8


Singer Mf*. Co......................... 27ftN. J . H. n . A CanAl <a, 1944 KB

M orris * BTsse* H. R., 1st 1914 1OT\4M A E, R. R. con. 1916..... ini'C ent U. R. Co. N. J. 6«, 1987... 12214LonK Oook 6t 1936.............. 171^A m erican Dofclt & Imp. 6s 1991 Iftfrl, Lrfihlfth V alley Term. 6s 1941.. I13>4

7R11 76 : 71

276 103 IOR'4 ill 12314 12514 Tft7>4 lU

Bonfls, Koaranteefl stocks an.1 Public Service certlflcatea quoted "n,^d In terest."

Insp ira tion ............... 894Jum bo E s t ................ 20K err T.ake ......... -.. 5La Rose Con. M . 4M cK tnley-D arm K h.l M. Co. of A., new. N evada L 'lah ..N av ad a Sm eittn* ■ la.

6315.19 19 111.19 U-19 111-19 474 6 TA 6

11-19 6t 11-1 fi \3-ll 14 *-19

N evada H ills N lp lssln s M. Co

313-19 316-19 313.16 ^ S14

Ohio Copper Sm elter

LONDON STOCK MARKETLONDON. Ju ly 26.—A m erican eecurl-

tlea opened around parity , bu t la te r eased off on rea lis in g Induced by th e weakneae tn o th e r aecllons. In th e a fte rnoon New Y ork b u y in g paused substan tia l recoveries th ro u g h o u t the U^t and the m arke t closed steady .

7 ^ 1 11*^

Rt&warl M ining ...Tri-Biillltn ............T onopah* E xtensionT osopnh M. of N.TTnltefi Copp^^r.........U nited Copper, p r .WftttlBUfer Rllver.Yukon G old..............

IS1 M 6

16-16- fi*-!1% 111-16

9-16 V1%1 11-16

9b 96%

» K

212 181 1 t-l6



.Sm elling p r IWVj el. ft Tftl. Co. laA;

m f H3^ KUtii


IJ IVs inrot

f i e . . . 2*4% 244% :t . . L*n% 2l»i....

Anierii'aiai C an, p r..Am. C. ft F. Co. ..r Am, Col. OH C o...Am Beet B u g ar.......Ain A gr. Cn. Co ..Am. H. ft L.. p r ..Amer. l^M >m otlve..Amer. Sm elt. aVnier SmelGnj Am. Tel.Amal. C opper.A naconda C. sM. Co.A., T. f t S. F ............A tlftnlle (.'oafll Line.Bfllt. f t O h io ............ m \BeUileham S te e l .. . . il4%Bkiyn, Rap. 'I 'raJi,. bl*i Cttmullati Uarlfic.C enlru l l>eath<T Chi , (» . W est Cblnagu am i N. \V. 147 Chi-, Mil. ft S t. P.. 127% C hesaiienke ft Ohio 8t%Col. V ft Iron Co,. 34tiCol. Snull^em -------- GfiCol. S o u tirn , int p r 82C onsnlhlaled G a s__ 146Chino C o p p er............ 22DfUaware ft H udson 171 D. ft Hlo O m m le ....D. Si H. G.. p r ........ 5714EriR ................................. 36Erin. U t p r ...............E ne . 2f1 p r . .................... 4iG eneral L lec trie Co. IBSPG reat N o rth e rn , pr.G reat N fjrthern Ore. 69 uyIn te r.-M et.................... 17% 8In te r -M e t. , p r .......... 51% >14In ter. H jirv e s ta r .......L-t U4i;4IlllnoLs L '- n tra j .........l k i \ li*^4lowB C ffitra l............ 1^^Iow a Cenl-t p r .......... 3bK c S o u tn e rn ......... 3a ifoOoldftelil C n n .. .. , . , :.'k ' ‘jil^ouip- A Naflhvllle. I6U4Lenign v a iie y .......... u4%L acledeG .C o .o fS tL . \09if 10«P4 M.. K. f t T ................. 36 34%M, . K. ft T-. p r ............... I??HMiseniirl P a c if ic ...... 49% 43%

r .f tS .B le .M .. . 141% 141^ N ationa l L ead C o ... GGt« 66% N at. E nam . f t S.Co 26^ ^N. y . i. 'en tra l .........N. Y.4 N. H . ft H .. 14<1% 140% N. V , O. f t W ont.. klVs 4«ii N nrfiiik * W e s t , . . . W«New (^on. C o p ........ 19 19 *N orth. Paclflc .......... 131% 13?%P en n sy lv an ia .......... 125 I2f%Pnclfir M ail ............ 29% 2P%p n r. Tel. an d T e l.. 4-3 4HPeoplo'a G a a ..... ....... 1 *64

'P ltta b u rg C oal Co • 21 23^PItt.i. O^al Co., p r . . 88% Preaeed Steel C- Co. 37 37R 'w av Steel S p rings JT% 3T»-iB eading ..................... L'8 ir*«tRock Jh*land................. SS 3 '**Rock Islands p r. .. 64%Rep. I. A 8. C o ...... - W f 3'HBep. I. ft rt. Co., nr.R ay Con. C o p p er.. 17ti ITU R oulhern P a d f l r . .. i:S% Southern R ullw ay 3'.' 32%South. R ailw ay, pr. 7.7% 73% St. L. A H I.. 2d pr.Texas ft P a c if ic .. ..T.. St. Tv ft W., pr.Twin C ltv n . T .

7M., 106%1'aV\

KIRKIIHD & YIRDUYInsurance Agents

and Broken


A. P. Kirktand Irfiof H. MacKie Charles R. Lee

Investments 1

W s

1!2% 11.T4

10S94 1097, 3414 34'i91^ SB's

■J4:.'\ 344

a«A 11'4 14Wl 14'i'I llWi v n \ Sl‘4 *•- 34V4 3474 50 63

1# ’ Itfj'.k 2is\. .'76i

171 171-9*436K .W l W'T 6764 47 47

liJ i i lUTi I.1S7,

EISELE & KINSIHsmlM n o t N, T. movk B islisn r* . M em h -ri o f Rhil*. N tw b B se la n r- .

New Jersey Investment Seonrities a Speeiilty


P h o n a l 8rt»0. S » » l. HM**

TIiLn Cotapofiy auggaaU to .c a re fu l Investo rs the ad^Ssabll- Ity of div id ing th e ir funds tirnong bonds of various clansen. In th is way ob tain ing a welt fllveralficd Investm ent. M ads tn th is tnaBfiar. an Invoetm ent will ro sse ss th e Individual q u a lltle i of th s rs ipectlve olanecs In epm- blnatlon , th u s mahYog If"* well balanoofi F o r Instance, we own and offer a II per cent, ra il­road iifond, a ft per cent, sh o rt te rm note, a 4% per cent, eoulp- fn#*nt bond, «Tid a fl per cent, Inrtiistrlfil bond n e tting a t prcB' e n t prices

An Awigt TmU ofOw5.3S%

w * will fu rn ish b k r t l rq la n of th ese on request.

Ask for ClrculAr D-IH.

Guaranty Trust Company•IN n y«k

ZB Nw m S M

Cipii] ud Snpliu - - $23.0(a0(l0 Dnpoiib..........$163,000,000

The iDeorporatioflof your buotnooo ho i mony

advontoyoom r l70T « ™ tl« Dipertmsnt •

swUltr of'“■*enl*l'’* 'O'* ***,1::!."* *uTrsl melntvnance of roryopellno#. J7ne MxneMk Newark ChjrporelUmi St* s.elllns

7( the *Jvent..«es of tWs 0«- o u r booms.. ■■Buslns.s Cor,K.r-

re ^ ra tm lT Swin call. Telepbons Orang® 822S.

N.J. Befistrition & Trust Co.ii2S Male SL, list Oranne, N, J,

z u x LoXati

4 4 M 6 a 15-16 4 1-16BONOS.

■Ib 6 p. c. notes . UfCAi Ml!*soun Paclflc fis.M., K. ft T. Ga-......R B. T. A rT . «s,..,Texftfl Co. Bs............ 9yV*W . Pacific 5s............ 92%


97%icrt; 99 V4 99 92%


UniJf^rwuod _Typewr.


inr»Union Pocrflc ft. R. 190% 190V* IFnlnn Pacific, pP.^. iKi V. R l.C o .n f S .F ..p r f*fi% DP i;w h Copper Co. .. 4iH-H U nlicd m a te s Steel 7Wii 7M* Unlt«‘d R ia tes S t,,p r U nited S ta te s R ud. 4ivi r . H Jiub .. le t p r . . . ll3Vj

C o.... *'■“



Tenn. Copper Vd.-Caro. Ch. Co..Wahrish ...............W al^ash. p r .--- —

T’nfoti T el.VVePl.W- K. M. Co .




An Extraordinary Sale of

Ugh G ra d e r j f e c o Lisle

ly 50c . & 75^, -

14,400 Pairs of

and Silk Half Hose

^ 25c. Straight

TOMS RTVER, Ju ly 2e.-W !tb A tfor- bey-^jeneral iSdmund 'Wlliron rep resen t­ing Mrs. .Rachel A, Tvynch> who in cha prei^lrtent of thn local Society for the rrev o n tlo n o f Cruelly to A nim als, Mrs. Lynch and th e society won th e su it b rought a g a in st It by W illiam Gobig, of Philadelphia , for the valtie o f two horses and the loss of the ir earn ing capacity , the horses hav ing been killed by th e eoclety.

The case was tried before Judge Berry In the Ocean County Court.

PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKETThe following quotations were furnished

f t K ing:Bid. Asked

43^ 44Y II!. 90 . B74,




Not the flot*Bin and jetsam of a stagn^it market. NoI^Involveiyis the" far-famed "Esco” hoae, foll-faahloned of gauae lisle, medlam lisle, and heavy pure thread silk.

The designs are varied enough to satisfy evefy taste—conservative blacks, tans and solid colors, with self-colored silk embroidered clocks and individual designs.

For the more daring,' plaids, checks, shadow stripes and colored silk embroideries.

Mow, then, about eight thousand pairs are of the standard seventy-five-cent grade and tho rest are tho flfty-cent hose—25c. straight. ___. r --- - •

BELHAR'S BATHING SUIT RULEJu ly 9G.—The council laet

je drawn several Weeks ago io prohibit th e w earing o f one- piece b a th in g su its or g*' w ay scan ty as to st^te,

A nother ordinance w as phased forbid­ding th e w earing of w«4<T)athlng apparel acrosB grains lawns. The la tte r waa colled fo rth by a procU ie noany b a th e rs have c t c roralng law ns finm edlately a f te r b a th ­ing and d ripping sa lt w a ter on the grass, w hich la killed by th e salt.

by ElseleA m erican R ailw ay Co......Elec Co. o f A m erica ........B. ft P. 4 s............ * ........IjChlgh V alley ...Lnk« S uperio r CcrporfitlonMarKtlen ....................N. J. Con. T r a c t . .N. J. Con. Tropt. 5a Phtlndelphift. com ..P h iladelph ia , nf P h ilad e lp h ia EhP h ilade lph ia Elec. 4a......PhlladelphlA Elec. Be.......P e n n sy lv an ia .......... ....................C7*1GflS9-HP h ilad e lp h ia T ra c t........................ §5 87U. O. I ........................................... ^ J* ,Uhlon T ra c tio n ............................... 52 GJiU. B. S teel.W arw ick ..

m a r g i n a l b u y in g or S T O C K S *N0 b o n d s .C onservitlvely C o i^ ^ u c tc d ^ e i Not j M tan asm blln i: on Prtee Chsofos. ,

4sk f o r B o o k le t u . j


785 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J.T e le p h o n e 4nSS—4USO M a r k e t . __

giebin g williamsIKSUIMiCE CONTRtCTORS

181 Ifoail Street Ilewark II. J.T E L K P lIONFi 3030 M AHKET.

kBALJCD wroo<«»U IttdorflAdf,,r riirblk, «n i flamln* Ih, w nt «l‘1«

Vlnvd , t r « , bAlw.«n U ltl. Btrrol W.J, w X . " will b . by ibo TownI'.iuni-ll ot lt» Town of IJrll«''in«. “n*l D -S k f . M. on Tuwdor. Aii|fU.l 1, 1811. m lh?lr Blfotlnv jn.rn oornor *n jrnrtl»ndt lirMlii. .reserve the riKht lo rejrrf any fr •11 bids All Dfow»*aJi b* itvooiiipsnird by S^c^rUrted rhwS for one bunJr^fl dolls i^. j drown uoon snme nstional bsnk sjid iniiwablB f-e C. IjwiB^n l>efilenn, Meyor

Plane fti'd eoerjfioatSnnM may tie eismlnrd ,h . Olflco of t-Vonk T Bhoporj, U)»n onkl-

iiafr P'jfsrx bulHlns. N*wurk, N. J-p row w i. « b . PKNI80N.

' Mayor.

Newark Co. to Operate in Great New Paraffine Oil Fields in California

C I t Buna, form erly secra ta ry and trtia su re r of the Jam es R. U enaU r Ale H rew lng Company, haa Just re tu rn ed from a m onth 's inspei tlon of the g re a t new parultlni! oil fielda 10^ m iles n o rth eas t of Baratow , tl'alifornta, on th e ciesei't, and w as ao im pressed w ith the g rea t poBiilbllltles of th la new field th a t he and o ther buainesa men of N ew urk have organUfid the Calico C an­yon Oil Company under the law s of the Htftte of New Jerapy C apital stock, $50,000. Tar value, IL ful ly prtld and n o r ■ Jis.'teaHAbli'.

T h e co m p an y h a s been fo rm ed tn d e ­v e lo p 100 a c re s o f oil lan d ow npd by th o co m p an y In th e h e a r t nf Ihn now oil field T he re p o r t on th in field by s tjch an em in e n t g p o lo g le i a s I^roft-SBor «>. HI- B aliay , of th e U nlverR lIy of K nu the rn C‘h l lfo m la . Is m ost f ta tle r ln g ,

g re a t fu tu re fo r th isand he p red ic ts new field

T h e co m p an y Is now o ffe r in g 25,0O0 s h a r e s n f Its tro a s u ry s to ck fo r s a le a t l \ p e r shan? In sum s to s u i t piir- c h a s e r . H u b sc rlr tlo n s received by m a ll o r a t th e office o f th e cornDany, room 406. 77R B road s t , N ew ark , N J — Adv.

Investm entsPOST & FLAGG

M em bers N, T. gtoclr g ie b a n g e LIslod and Unlisted Securltlei Bought and Sold on Commlaalon


7 7 4 B x-o a c I Nitr-A^eat

WE BUY AND SELLAmertoan Fire N«wirh Ffri

TuhaUv NefUi AmefiaM lifeCamaerolol Cosaatty Mnwafk Trait Os, Cemm<ri»-sAlth Tn»« C a .5 " % ™ p ii? ; «lSM

CnlooUl Life MetUnsI B u k fltockaOellsloM Os. TtiidestlaJFUessea^ Pnbile flerrlM I— ea

I FedviJ Tfsat (Hnset NjutnfsotiiKMi Oa■ JoMph DlsoS Omcdbls Tm«t Cempasy fltoolti

Clarence Hodson & Co,*•BI Bwi at.. a»ufe, a. J. lu. U7i-ui» itki.



U , aawarfc.• a n w ia t o f Bib A n . eaa . L c o u a r f S L

m eia Q b a n b i t .© I I P

IQ»A*ctl»aiSlit Sheita a a ti a OM efay wtorafe*

N aaaaa aam r fc lb o rtr B r e a d t t a r o n > d**h BI. r a o t o r f —» O ia a a a H . Vamih.

KEW YORK, July K .- A r r ln d -a t la in . era CArpalbla, Naples; Berlin, Naplea,

NEW YORK, July 36.-S team er M aure. tanla, Lly*rpo4»l, ~for N w York. lltO mllea m at of' Sandy Hook a t 3 P. 11., Ju ly 9 . Dock about 8 A, U ., Friday.

C A I^ M C G , July M .-ateam er KalMr- |n Auauam Vtetwta. HambUra, for Kew York. 1.116 mile* eaat of Bandy Hook a t l:IB A . U. Dofsk about 8 A. U.. Saturday.

PLYMOUTH, July Arrived, S tcaratr r York fc r Jo titham atew

,a , ( ro a 4>niieal K re n l i— F ro m N oea To- d a y to TVoon fiF-m orrow .

.7<17; au/ylse, 4 4S. Moonset. 8:8B I'l rw. M o p n 'k t.iig p /^ O ey . 2:52 A. M , m o o ^ ln conjunclio^^H li Mercury, pasi- Ing f ’om weat to east of the pJanec.

Liability IbsurmcaT h e N ew EHoptayers* L iab ility A et

m o k e * U tUBDorallre th a t yo« jk ro tee t yoo rne lf agnInsC

l a w s u i t s a n d f i n a n c i a l l o s sa r e a g e n ts to r tb e AETNA*

th e la rg o o t lU b tll ty e o o ip a a r t a lb s W o rlft

fT W ILL C O ST YOU N O TH IN G To le i « a r r e p r a e a t a t l x s lo le r a i

j n a w b«lTHIa In tt ia a s n sa b ie Inowpaiiaa

W tu eo si


T a l. 1 7 4 0 Maefca*


N fw a tb ,

CO .H.d.

BBALX0 DTowMalB Indorwl roc me.nrtrurmin of » relntorcal oonreete plP"

«tn™ m w er" between Conlindl ann MainItollevllle. N. J.. will be mreivcd by

ih . Town Council 0( !b« Town ot BeMovIlU until 9 n'olooll P M.. on Tuemlny. Auau.t 1 to il, a t ihMr mMtlna room, cotum Acad Bfnv »Tid CortUnilt Bireeln. Belleville, N. J

Counull fFwrve the rixht lo reject any or n hide All uTOuoaali to be eccompanlrd by

certlArd ehouk for two hundred dollar*, drawn uoon some national bank oad mads tssvebls to C. Lvman Denison. Mayor.

Ptans snd Bred float Iona may be PumlTisd a t tbe office, of Frank T. Shepard, town englnser, gol bulldbif. N, J,

I>nmosals to be addreBsed tsC. LTHAN DENISON.

____ ■ —

SUMMIT FRpPgSAJ^BEAl.ED PROPOSALS wfi) bs Tscsived by ths

mranoon CouDcIl of the city oi Summit from M P. M. to 8:30 P. M. on Tuesday. August 1. ilfil, tor the conitruntlon of vitrified pipe Eianltorv sewers In butnmlt In two ssetlojia.'Fsettem 1 Thres thouuTid IlnssI fest twalvfH

Inch vltrtfisd pips along Dl^fMon avemie; private r^ h t of way. SprlnffiHd avenue and Fasaafe avesus. vofylng in depth from lbq to forty- five feat.

sscUon Z. rirty-fivs bundrsd : llssol fast slsht-lach vltrtfled pips sswer along Black­burn road. Valley view avsnua ajiii Sunaai drivs. varying In depili from six te twelys feet.

Tbs plans and ipsclflcaUona of (he work eon bs sxainloBd a t the offles of tba city anglnesr. In tbs city hall, SummU.

All work referred to In tb it nMlee must be completed on or bsfors Dscembsr 3i, IRII

Ths Common CuttncU wlU. If they wmildop It advlaabls. award ths cotitraot for each seo- tjnn to separata blddora.

Said propoaaUi must bs aocsmpanisd by a oartified check or cash for five psr cent, of ths total omcMifit of bid. If csrtlfisii check Is ft^rnlsbed It shall ba made payable to tbe city of Summit without rsssrva

Bursty bond will h« rsouired of the lucoeii- ful bidder for (bs sura o f $15,600 tor 8s(?t1oa 1 and $4,000 ttvr 1.

By dirscUoii uf tbs Commoa Counch of the city of Bummlt.^ i , *DW sowa,aty CUrib

joito ft tu is ra c i t f tigfiwNy* ^




Ncw84calen In pracHctlly ever? town In Northern New Je«e» end on the Shore carry tha


^ e t n a r i i ( ^ e m n g '^ a o s• .

and will deliver It daily IP NOT, I an order at any office 0/ tha NEW-

ARK evening new s will bfln» the paper retularly by tnalL

Finding Your M a rk |lir you wanted a tenant for your Bummer home, or desired to rent one, you would not cry your wirea or wants on the public highway, because there would b* no marEel for them.Tbe NEWARK EVENING NEWS classified columns are «he wco«* nlied STATE MARKET PLACE for all things that are disposed of or wanted bp tbi# i f a d v e rtlab P i, ;


4 p t r b time^

f Coe 1 ad al The1 c u

Ju ly



SaleM ARKET 6 H A L S E Y S T S ,

H Q ^Nl

rA Sale of Men’s Fixings




b« t lphiOi





■ i.-.'iti ATiln. fn# -- -----------? «a

1 i n■«

i Mi ^

a,- ¥:









It is just such offerings as these which make our Halsey S treet aisle the busiest men’s departm ent in Newark. Glance over th is list and see if^here isn’t something here th a t you need to complete your va­cation outfit.

Men’a Negligee Shirtg 69&—About 50 dozen negligeeshirt* in an excellent range of coloring*.__Made of fancyweave cloths—sizes l4 to 17—cut right and finishedas well as the average dollar shirt, special. 69c

Men’* Bath Robes— Neat and up-to-date de- algnt In these excellent Terry bath robea. Strict­ly per/ect. Regularhr peifi

$4.00 & 'y / : f | $5.00 gradei.. A t U y

Men’* Night Shirt*—Of tnuslln and cambric —collarleai or roll col­lar style*, plain or fancy trimmed. Slaea 15 to 19—values 56o. and 75c. eacti, J lai a t

Men’s Soft Shirt*—• Of madras and light weight percale — soft turn back cuff*. Light and medium coIots— Slaea 14 to 17—regu­lar $1.50, 1 1 5

Mcn’h Uadinraar — BalbrtUin . ihlrt* and dnt^er* to m a t ^

good quiUW combed EgyptianyarfrTtnlll ''•ocoikI*”

underwear, at. aJaJh#re

Men’* Bathing BuHa-Well made bathing suit* In gray or navy. Good quality yam— —quarter sleeve* or |sleeveless—reg. $1 .50... 1

Men’s Bilk Neekwear—Four-in- band scarf* of good iilkS'—a wide range of colorings. Proper ebape 8tiaogth—rog. 29c. vahtea— I 9 c3 for SOc or, each.

Come and See The New Air Ship “Fulton”

ndw h«ve"ofi'displ*y on• aw— W I r i ,our fifth floor a large size worlt-faig model of the wonderful passenger carrying aeropitne "Pulton,” which vlll soon baplying the sky paths betweenjacksonville, Florida, and Bos­ton. ‘This aeroptaoe cannot tilt or fall—it will revolutionizeaerial navigation. You are in-vited to visit ouf fifth floor andinspect the "Fulton."

B etw eenOurselves

Here's freedom to him that wad read,

Here’a freedom to him that wad write;

There’s nanc ever feared that the truth should be heard

6ttt thorn what the truth wad indict.—Robert Burns.

We're always glad to hear the truth about ourselves—wo like to learn of our shortcomings— we like to know just HOW WE STAND IN THE PUBLIC EYE.

The store, or the individual either, that doesn’t want to lyiow the truth is the one that in Burns’s language "wad be in- dioted" by the truth. —

lit has been some time since we requested criticism—possi­bly too long a time—but now that we’re on the subject again, won’t you please let us hear from you? Won’t you please tell us of our WEAK POINTS so that we may promptly set about to strengthen them?

Surely, this is not asking too much of you.

Dress Goods RemnantsL e n g th s o f fro m 1 to 8 Y a r d sCome to the Bam berger store Thursday and

carry away an arm ful of these excellent dress goods —you will save- exactly halT.— Novelty suitings,serges, checks, Lansdowns and many other weaves. Our best selling goods, in fact. Some of the pieces contain as little as one yard and some of them are big enough for an entire dress. No - mail, ’phone or C. 0 . D, orders. Spe- cial a t ....................................... ......... ........ 2 pnee

This Splendid Dress Sale Is Town Talk

House, street and otrting dresses and lingerie frocks of tissues, fancy voiles, zephyr ginghams, chambrays, dimities, marquisettes, fancy lawns and lingerie batiste. Stripes, checks, dots, figures and solid colors in white and every conceivable shade. No mail, 'phone o r C. 0 . D. orders. None on ap­proval.

to 1.79 Dresses a t \M

to 2.50 Dresses a t 1.50to 4.00 Dresses at 1.08

4.00 to 0.75 Dresses a t 2.08

Shoe Dressings ^ a n d L a c e s

lOo. NUff«l WhIU Drwalng fiM' e w r uiboea .................................................... 8«

Uo FtMhvhUa; t&rge alt* bnttlaa, a|>M. aOo. QalckwhUe Cuiwa Cirtaalnf, laijr*

aU» ......................................................15athe. Coiflarhlta for buokakla fiiwl n«d«

iMthar ........................... 10aaOo. BhtMlekti for arblta ktfl pboM, apao'

lai a t ' ................................................. iBefi&o. Tma— oleaticr—blagk and lan.

Ml ............ IftAlAo. DtAdv OoiTilitnatlon tan ahoe drcaa-

I M S ......................................... . . . . l a t ^WktttornorfYa OUt Sdf^a droBalnc, rrRular

lOo.. at^AlOo. Nunet Paate, tan and hlack. but .Ho Uc. Imported Blaxioo for buokakln and

oailtaa ahoaa ...................... 15a' lOe. Albo, for buckaklo and oanvaa

•hOA*....................................................15oISe- Silk Bnald and ribbon u* \Mcrn, 80

Itichaa ................. .liiUbotto. Tlo Isaooa, braJd or ribbon. RO In.,............................................... l8o16o. Pumji Bowa, haavf oordi'd rlb- boo, pair ........ lofl

6.00 to 0.00 Dresses a t 8.087.51 to 12.75 Dresses a t 5.0012.75 to 15.00 Dresses at 7.0815.00 to 20.00 Dresses a t 0.08

Sale Barefoot Sandals

Sum m er F e l t Hats for WomenSort of ’tween season’s head-

geax—a touch of summer and a suggestion of Fall. White, gray, tan, pink, cardinal and navy blue. Some draped with scarf or cord, others banded; also two tone untrimmed felts. Prices range from

1.98 to 7.98

The Big 1.50 Footwear Offer

One day last week a big New York jobber ’phoned over and said that if we would take four hundred and thirty-two pairs of barefoot sandals which he had on band, he would sell them to us at a sharply reduced price.He didn't want these goods—we did. Re­sult: About half a thousand excellent barefoot sandals ready for you Thursdayjj at from about one-fourth to nearly one-half under the usual price.Now don't you think you can use a pair or two? Strictly high-gradegoods. Russia calf—heavy welted ___soles. Calf lined throughout. Sizes 4 to 8, regular $1.00; sizes S'/2 to 11. regular $1.2S; sizes I V/ 2 to 2, regu- _ lar $1,50—all sizes at the special price, pair......... / ” C

Porcelain Dinner SetsOne hundred piece D inner Sets of fine Quality

light weight American porcelatn at a saving of $3.00to-morrow. Sugar bowl and cream pitcher included. Fancy embossed shape and all pieces perfect. We have only forty of these sets to sell a t a reduced price —regularly $8.98 each; special, while they c O f t last, at 0 , y 0

Chins Berry Seta—Bow4 and six saucer*, of thin, transparent Japanese china, decorated .to match, In the popular red Geishapattern. All petfect— 75cSCI complete for.

Pressed. Glass Punch Bowls— Full ten-inch size-punch or .lem­onade bowls of good quality—on fbot—pretty pressed glass pat­tern—sold regularly for 88c. each, special price."49c

In Monday night's News we used as a headline the following words: "This is the crowning footwear offering of our career." This is a pretty strong head­ing, but wo don’t believe we used it inadvisedly. This is the best footwear offering we have ever made, and if you want to secure women’ regular $2.50 to $5.00 low shoes for $1.50, don’t delay a moment, t Gun metal fall calf,black and brown suede, black and brown velVet, craveire,.-__ AH

strictly hand sewed welted and all high grade stylish goods. The ma­jority of these shoes come in a complete range of sizes and embrace goods worth $2.50 to $3.50. There are somfe hundreds of pairs of "Red Cross" low shoes also, but these being samples come in 3 I/2, 4 and 41/2 A width only. There are about 1,300 pairs of these, but they are regular $3.50 to $5.00 goods, however. We have devoted more., selling space to this sale than any previous shoe sale in our history. Plenty of extra salespeople. Absolute $2.50, $3,00, $3.50,$4.00 and $5.00 footwear. 1.50

JL. "Bamberger - rSL Co.

For the last nineteen years we have made it a custom to clear our various floors of all sample goods to make room for the following fall stock. This year is no exception. Everything in the house goes a t from twenty-five tothirty-three and one-third< per cent, less than regular price. No m atter how g reab the cut, our terms are just the

' ecei ‘same — $1,00 per week. M ake your selection and we will lay goods aside if you are not ready to receive them.. Don’t forget our dignified credit system is a t your disposal— nuf ced.


Imitation Cut Class Butter Dish j 4 - C and Spoonholder, Thursday only The Pair

Donald’s Special No. 246


■tiTe 1

Few I ti> B rc


Sold on Easy TermsA beautiful set, made of imitation cut glass that has all the earmarks

of the real article. In design it is an exact reproduction of M A ^ Made of solid oak. handsomely Tinished; will seat 8 -g Jgffamous Seadler cut. An exceptionally big value at 39c. Special pefsons. Value 119, sale price..........................................price for Thursday only, the pair .................................................. S®*- ^ W E E K

Pay particular attention to these high-grade specials made of select stock of oak and finished in a manner that make them ap­pear to be worth twice heir actual value. The Sideboard, Dresser and Buffet are offered at ONE-QUARTER OFF their regular price on easy terms.

Sideboard,Yalae $19,1-4 Off Sale Price.

Dresser, Value $24,H Off Sale Price

Buffet,, Value $20, I rO O H Off Sale P rice .

FM/f Cof BEA C

by t«n I cAiainItt In a dai Chairma

Keaenl to Gava; In a pub ha aroai StAtA'a i UttAT m oAtnmltt

Th*' fT h6id A : Affair li OpUlna. 1i In Cl a# hoai Kattona

Every preaenl act Af 1 who atl to leav taken, ever d< thoee I come.

It WB BuItaAlowaa to

Btat tble CO to the Qorern there i hour.

Altho men ^ which 1 eay tb Nuffent that th the iat

Amor ence b< K. Dev tAPy 01 of Cur fiaic; r rogate Benaja Bpnato; Kearni Diinga: Bton C'

notion romml any at

Sale Price 14.50T E R M S so c . A W E E K

■Sale Price 18.00'T E R M S 75c. A W E E K

Sale Price 15.00T E R M S 1SQ. A W E E K

China Closet, Val. $15, { f .75 1-4 Off Sale Price

I P ® 14 Off on All Floor Coverings BachelorW ardrobe^'5.75O ur R ug stock is most complete and awaits

your inspection.9x12 Tiger Brand Brussels Rugs; value $19; sale

p ric e ...................................................................... 13.509x12 Tigef Brand Velvet Rugs; value $26.50; sale

p rice ........^............................................................. 19.759x12 Tiger Brand Axniinster Rugs; value $32; sale

p rice ..................................................................... .24.508.3x10.6 Empire Brussels Rugs; value $16; sale price 12.00 8.3x10.6 Empira Velvet Rugs; value $23; sole lirice.. .17.00 8.3x10,6 Empire Axniinster Rugs; value $28; sale p'ce 21.00 Ingrain Carpet; value 48c. a yard; sale price, a yard— 36c Brussels Carpet; value $1.00 a yard; sale price, a yard, ,74c Velvet Carpet; value $1.39 a yard; sale price, a yard. .1.05 Axminster Carpet; value $1.50 a yard; sale price, tard .1.15 China Matting; value 25c. a yard; sale price, a yard;.. 18c Japanese Matting; value 35c. a yard; sale price, a yard.24c

Easy term s to suit the purchaser.

Value 31.00, % Off 5ale price.

A handsome piece of furnilure,useful in every home. Sale price 23.75.

x .o o A W E E K

DaveBport,Val. $311-4 Off Sale Price

a handsome, fine quality China m r ® Closet; value $15— Oil Sale i l , j [ | 3

i s 750. A W E E K

S S e e ^ f r a m o u s


'' O F F . ^ O F F . ‘

J Three=Room Outfit

I ‘05$16 Cash-$1.50 a Week

7 styles. Sale price 23.75 x .o o A W E E K

Mr. : «xplan caused he ha membi Girt.


In the clftred tendeil who ^

Th* (lay V A pan d*y 15 w*a a dulfflr “toebAi •1 VI

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Three=Room Outfit

TI H. I .\PVC:>" r XL'IJICIVI,FUK.di u f i t xr-'ip i 1 H o iis r iw w r w A R K

6 9 ?i MARKET ST.$ 105


--.-■■.th# 1 Sto*'Open r*ot«

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PUBDICK NOTlCO It hqfeby alv<» that thefollowlDg ordlnano* h u t)e#n by the

Board of Street and 'A’ater and a t^ o v ld by Hie Marnjtfb f the *clty of Nevafk, asd parauam-'^to me provlelona ot Chapter HO of the Btate l4twt of IDOO li here- witn pubUehed by iltlei

An ordlnaaoa to prortfte fbr the venation of a portioB of

CTPRRS9 BTRSm, went of Pabyao place.Adopted July 20, 191L

w il u a m iftn^oL UPresident of th# Hoard of Street and Water


Clerk of the Board. Approwed July 91, 19 It,

JOHN H. tX>NNBDL.T, Aoxipf Mayor.

ern heretofore appointed by the Mayor of the city or Newarit. to make ah eetifnate and aa* aewmienft' ___ _llarle^wwRtea or damired by any locar I tA- piovement in Ihe eald city In proportion ae noarly aa may be to the advan t^ i each woe deemed to have acquired, have made an eitt- mtfte and aeeeeanient OT banefite confer^ or damayeo ibetalred upon all the oqmara of all the' land! and real eetato in the city of New« arjc peraltarly benefited or damaged by each of the foUoensg Improvementa in eald city, oemely: ^

The opattlhff and widening of CARLISLE PLACE,

by the addltla* of a trianguler etrlp at Mt. Pleasant avenue, approved June 9, 1911; the grading, curbing and flagpi#|’ of


proved Jtme 10, 19tO; the grading, curbing and---------- t . . _ - .................................^



'n *w ia T J *T M RTT^ir’E V . r z n a iM v n r-r^nwTWra

(row about COO feet west of BehMC etraei m Osborne terrace, approved July 22,

‘ling and flagilng of . S ^ B S AVENUE.

grading, Ottiblng and 1810; th*

(rom about doo f«et wMt of Q*i3r<n etreet to Osborne terraoe, approved July SI, 1910;grading, ourblnirblnc and Bagging of

BCaiUDBR AVENUE,f m 400 feet vrMt of Beynovr aveflQ* to 0»* botiw wmtot, ai

rbUig a»nrePB A R D a v s k u e ,

t VmsoM, J u l y 1, 1910; the gTi -rlag e(

provef^tinjTtil'lflSft,’ a j^ ^ u g u a i th* 1flagging ofTTLUNQHAafr STREET,

from Osborne. terrace to Clinton place, ap­proved July &. 1910: th* opening and widens In# of DEl^VAN A'VBNUS, from Bummer awnue to 'Woodslde aventM,proved May 29, 1910; the opeslng of OF ------------


tram about 290 feet east of Grave street to Fouth Twentieth street, approved October 38, 1910.

Said asseasenent oomprlses all lots, tracts and parcels OT land and real ostats, liable to he aaseeeed as ofom ald. lying on both uldee bf

LEHIGH AVBNITB,from about 100 feet west of Bergrn etreet to Osborne terrace; on bol#Vsldefl of

UAPE8 a v e n u e , «from about 600 f«it west of Bergen street to Oebome terraoe:: on both sides of

BCUfilDBR AVENTTE.from abewt aso fe*t west of Seymour ay*nii« tft Cebonis terracat on both side* of

BHEPKAAD AVENUE. ,. 000 feet west dt Bergen gtreet to

Osbom* tsrract; on both ahlaa -oi

both aides ofTlIaLINOHAST STREET,

- • - to ClfnlOd place; oil'4feil

. fiTHEET, . ' ■from 'Sbtith Twentieth street Grov* e tm ti on the side of Grove street, fram g point about 100 feet aouih of tlM aontheHy Has of Grain street to a point about 100 fe*t north of the northerly line of Grain atreet; cm both side* of South TwenUetlt etre*t. t n m a pol$ about 100 feet south of the southerly one cl Grata otraet to a point About 100 feet nortJ of Ch* noriherlT tine of Qtaln street: on boU aides of

DELAVAN AVENUE, V , from about 100 feet «ast of the easterly line of Sunnmer avenue to about 100 feet west of the weeifriy Um of Woodelde avenue i on ‘both side# of Summer avaaue and l.Vood«ide avenue, from about 200 feet south OT the southerly lino of DeUvan avenue to a point about 2<0O feet north of tb* northerly line of Delavan avecuei, and have flied tbelr report* of aaldmant. Far (KoaSUi and dBa««a, In tha flOlM

elafk aF tlie efraun Court ot ilor Eawx. and that tha Judfa at i t ta courtof th .