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The Art of Amrita:6 Secrets to Unlocking Deep G-Spot Bliss, Orgasmic Pleasure

& Female Ejaculation


In this bonus module you'll dive into a workshop designed to take you

deeper into your g-spot pleasure and orgasm while learning the art of

female ejaculation.

We'll cover what female ejaculation is, what women need in order to

experience it, sexual and emotional practices to prepare you for female

ejaculation and pleasurable techniques to open the flow of your own female

ejaculation waters!

What IS Female Ejaculation?


In this workshop, we’re going a little deeper into the sexual-spiritual realm of Female Ejaculation. We’ll discuss what female ejaculation is, why some women are experiencing it and others aren’t and I’ll share a few of my secrets on how you can awaken the divine nectar of the goddess aka experience female ejaculation for yourself.

Now I know there’s a lot of myths around female sexuality, pleasure and orgasm in general and the topic of female ejaculation is no exception. There’s a lot of talk about whether it exists or not, whether all women can experience the magical art of ejaculation, whether the g-spot itself exists, which is where female ejaculation arises from when stimulated and of course the infamous question: is it pee?

In ancient cultures like China and India, female ejaculation was revered and seen as a beautiful unfolding and surrender of a woman’s full blossoming pleasure during sex. The ultimate sign of surrender. It’s often referred to as Amrita in Tantric texts and Moonflower Medicine in Taoists texts.

Amrita means divine nectar or beverage of immortality.

Female ejaculation can also be referred to as squirting or gushing. Someone once said in an article I read that any woman can squirt, but the goddess within releases her amrita. Amrita itself is a divine form of Alchemy that happens when a woman fully opens to her sexual and orgasmic potential, allowing herself to let go, surrender and flow from within, resulting in the gushing of this sacred elixir.


In ancient China, female ejaculate was considered a sacred elixir that when collected in a vessel and consumed by a man, was thought to encourage immortality.

I can speak from personal experience that female ejaculation has only come for me when I’m fully surrendered and not worried about what’s going to happen. I think this worry and lack of surrender is what keeps a woman from gushing and letting her Amrita flow.

Every single woman has a g-spot, which is a spongy erectile tissue surrounding the urethral canal. The g-spot is the female prostate and it’s not actually a spot. It’s the urethral sponge and it has the ability to engorge due to the erectile network inside that fills with blood when a woman is fully aroused and when stimulated, will release the female ejaculate that builds up in the bladder from something called the paraurethral or Skene’s glands.

In Tantra, the g-spot is referred to as the Sacred Spot or Goddess Spot and is often massaged awake again with loving intention and presence, because the g-spot holds a lot of tension, trauma, numbness and emotions, which can prevent a woman from surrendering into pleasure, orgasm or ejaculation.

Considering that every woman has a g-spot I think it’s fair to say that every woman is capable of ejaculation on a physical and biological level. But female ejaculation is an art of surrender. It’s a spiritual, mental and emotional experience. It’s a form of inner Alchemy.


And because the universal question and concern is whether female ejaculation is pee or contains pee, this often keeps a woman from allowing herself to ejaculate. She holds back.

Female ejaculation is not pee. It’s a mix of fluids and secretions that fill the bladder and release through the urethra upon g-spot stimulation. If a woman hasn’t gone to the bathroom before stimulating her g-spot she may have some urine residue inside of her, but as a woman arouses, her body fills with hormones and other fluids that mix in her bladder to create ejaculate.

If you’re truly worried about whether it’s pee or not make sure to always use the bathroom and empty your bladder before going into self pleasure or sex. And even if it was pee, so what? Your body is sacred and beautiful and so are all of the fluids and secretions you have. You might have to do some deeper inner work around accepting your body and her fluids and look at your relationship to surrender, trusting and letting go.

Another thing to consider is that female ejaculation doesn’t always go hand in hand with an orgasm or climax. Some women experience ejaculation before orgasm, during orgasm or after.

Some women ejaculate in barely there amounts while others gush or spray cups of liquid and some others may literally feel like they're just peeing while others shoot ejaculate across the room. Whatever comes out of your urethra during sex is normal for your body. Some women will ejaculate once while others will do it multiple times, soaking their bedsheets.


Now there are other vaginal forms of ejaculating, but we won’t be covering those in this workshop. I also invite you to keep an open mind as there is a lot of conflicting research out there. Trust your body above all!

G-Spot Anatomy & Female Ejaculation


Now we’re going to explore the depth and beauty of your g-spot and how you can unlock sensation and pleasure there for experiencing g-spot orgasmic bliss.

The g-spot was originally named after Dr. Grafenberg who supposedly discovered this inner temple of pleasure. He inaccurately described it as dime-sized spot when in reality it’s much larger. It’s located on the front wall of your vagina, the side of your belly, usually 1-1/2 inches in for most women and is 2-3 inches long, but everyone is different. For some women, it’s closer to the opening and for others it’s a little deeper.

The g-spot is actually something called the urethral sponge so the texture is ridged and sponge-like, especially the more aroused you are. This is because women have an intricate network of erectile tissue surrounding the entire pelvic floor, vagina, anus and urethra, including the g-spot.

The g-spot is essentially a tube of erectile tissue that surrounds your urethra canal.

So that’s why you can often feel a sensation of having to pee when your g-spot is stimulated too soon or when you’re not properly aroused, but I’m going to share some tips with you later on that will help you move beyond that so it’s a pleasurable experience.


This sensation of having to pee definitely can turn a woman off or makes her close up and get really tense. Your g-spot tends to hold on to a lot of tension, shame and trauma so that’s why it can feel hard, sore, numb or less than orgasmic when you touch it.

The more aroused you are, the easier your g-spot will be to locate and feel, but also to experience pleasure rather than the sensation of pain, numbness or having to pee. As you stroke and massage it and become more aroused, it will swell and change consistency, just like any other form of erectile tissue will do. It’s a soft, flexible kind of engorgement and often leads to more juiciness and flow of vaginal lubrication.

Now if you’ve ever had not so great experiences with your g-spot being stroked way too early, making you feel like you have to pee chances are it was because your g-spot wasn’t filled with blood and fully engorged. If you aren’t aroused and the erectile tissue isn’t engorged, you’ll basically just be pressing right on the urethral tube.

Not exactly a recipe for orgasmic bliss.




● Located on the front wall of the vagina (bellyside) with a slightly ridged texture

● Is the urethral sponge & female prostate also consisting of erectile tissue networks that

engorge when aroused, surrounding the urethral canal (where you urinate from)

● Also includes the meatus, which is your urethral opening & the surrounding tissue (not a

“spot” actually a tube of erectile tissue surrounding the urethral tube)

● Usually the full 2-3 inch length can be felt and played with, especially with high arousal

and full engorgement


● You may feel the need to urinate when stimulating the G-spot. This is because it

surrounds the urethra and is usually a sign that female ejaculate is building and wants to

expel. The more aroused you are, the more pleasurable stimulation will be, even with the

urination sensation.

● When stimulated, the G-spot’s erectile tissue (inner clitoris) engorges and fills with blood,

becoming enlarged and easier to feel through the vaginal wall since it’s not a spot on the

wall, but an organ felt through the vaginal wall.

● You can locate by inserting a finger 1 to 1 ½ inches in and pushing firmly into the upper

wall. You’ll feel the subtle ridges.


● Like vulvas and the clitoris, every woman’s g-spot and its sensitivity differ. Some women

have a protruding g-spot while other women have one that is a little deeper embedded.

Again, you can touch your ‘meatus’ the tissue surrounding your urethral opening (where

you urinate from) and then slide your finger into your vagina gently, following the upper


● Don’t expect it to be orgasmic right up front. Most women hold on to a lot of tension,

numbness, pain and trauma since the g-spot is a storage house for repressed emotions,

sexual blocks, repressed memories and tension caused from violating or traumatic



● The clitoris triggers sexual response and pleasure through the pudendal nerve, while the

g-spot triggers sexual response and pleasure through the deeper pelvic nerve along with

the pudendal nerve. The g-spot orgasm will feel more watery, emotional, deep, fulfilling

and the contractions will be more widespread instead of localized in the clitoris like a

clitoral orgasm.

● Typically the best way to unfold into g-spot orgasm is to begin slower stimulation and

move into more firm, rapid and steady stimulation. You don’t want to force orgasm, but

this allows you to create space for it to happen.

Why Do Some Women Ejaculate, But Not Others?


The first time I experienced female ejaculation I had no idea what was happening. I was confused because I thought I was

peeing yet it also felt kind of pleasurable and even a little liberating.

But then my mind kicked in and made me feel disgusting, essentially putting a block in the flow of my sexual waters. I didn’t

experience female ejaculation for a while after that and it has been a journey unlocking my flow again ever since.

What I do know is that women are pretty terrified of the unknown and female ejaculation can be rather mysterious. For

some women experiencing ejaculation is easy. For others it’s unknown territory filled with fear, shame and anxiety.

Female ejaculation is an art of surrender. It requires a beautiful unfolding within and can also be considered a form of

internal Alchemy.

I definitely don’t think you want to force your g-spot into ejaculating before she’s truly ready, but what I’m sharing in this

workshop will help you unlock the flow within so that you can open yourself to the possibility of female ejaculation.


● Women are afraid that they are going to pee on not only themselves, but especially on

their partners. Women are terrified of being seen as disgusting or feeling undesirable or

unloved by their partners. When we don’t understand what female ejaculation is (or how

holy and divine it is!), why it happens or where it comes from, it’s easy to think it’s just

pee. It’s not. We’ll talk about this very soon. Some might even believe they have urinary

stress incontinence when they are actually ejaculating.

● Some women have a weak or overly tense pelvic floor and experience retrograde

ejaculation. If your pelvic floor is too weak or tense to expel the liquid by pushing the

muscles downwards or fully relaxing into the involuntary muscle contractions, then the

ejaculate will simply retrograde back into the bladder. I recommend looking into a jade

egg practice (check out my course) to tone, strengthen and train your pelvic muscles.


● There are plenty of women who have female ejaculated - without even knowing it. Often

many women will mistake it for vaginal lubrication or pee. If you’ve ever noticed a wet

spot, sensation of needing to pee or actually feeling like you’re peeing, but were so

caught up in the moment that you didn’t notice, that’s female ejaculation in the works!

Having the knowledge around female ejaculation will allow you to surrender to the


● Porn has also played a factor is female sexuality. If you look at most male-focused porn

you’ll notice that “female ejaculation” is almost as infamous as the man’s cum shot.

Female ejaculation depicted in porn can program a woman to dissociate with her true

sexuality, including the real, raw and beautiful process of actual female ejaculation - not

pretty, perfect, orchestrated porn displays of it.


● Some women are unconsciously causing retrograde ejaculation to happen to prevent

themselves from releasing anything. The lack of surrender can cause this to happen.

● Some women hold back due to emotional blocks, long standing issues (like old

resentments or distrust) in the relationship or recent unresolved issues that weren’t dealt

with and cleared. Female ejaculation and emotional surrender go hand in hand so if you

find yourself feeling resentful, afraid to trust or let go, then you’ll unknowingly hold back

from ejaculating.

● Some women feel that touching the g-spot often feels clinical or medical just like when

they go to the gynecologist for a yearly exam.

● Feeling grossed out by touching your vagina. Some women are afraid to insert their

fingers or anything into the vagina for many reasons.

6 Secrets to Unlocking Deep G-Spot Bliss,

Orgasmic Pleasure & Female Ejaculation!









Women need to feel safe in order to let themselves consciously (or unconsciously) ejaculate. I recommend practicing the art of female ejaculation in solo sex first so that you can get comfortable with your own fluids and feel confident and safe to share that experience with your current or future partner(s).

It’s also wise to discuss it with your partner once you do this (or whenever it feels right) to let them know you’re exploring it and ask them to support you in your journey. Even if you’re only practicing solo for now, it’s good to talk about it so that you both feel comfortable and most importantly, so you feel safe to let go.

This will put your mind and heart at ease so you feel safe to let go. Lie down towels or blankets if you’re worried about the amount of liquid or whether it’s pee.

You can also capture as much liquid as you can when you ejacualate solo and smell the scent of your fluids to put your mind at ease that it isn’t pee! Often female ejaculation has no scent or even smells slightly sweet. Every woman is different so keep that in mind.


You also need to be able to surrender, which goes hand in hand with safety.

Female ejaculation is a very emotional experience and often brings with it strong emotions, tears and a heart-opening sense of peace and love during and afterwards. It can also bring up a lot of anxiety, stress and fear at first so being able to surrender to EVERYTHING, whether physically or emotionally is key.

Surrendering to everything that comes up, whether it be orgasm, pleasure, the gushing of liquids, spiritual awareness or emotions and other responses is key.

If you’re not able to fully surrender and trust, you will unconsciously block female ejaculation from happening or perhaps cause retrograde ejaculation.


Most women need to be fully aroused from head to toe before female ejaculation can unfold. Now this isn’t set in stone or cold, hard truth, but the more aroused you are, with your g-spot completely engorged to the point where you are begging for penetration, the easier it will be to let Amrita unfold and flow.

Spend some time massaging your whole body, pelvis and then working on the external part of your pussy before diving into massaging and stroking the g-spot.


The g-spot usually needs to be stimulated with loving care and intention for a period of time. Some women can ejaculate quickly while others need 30-45 minutes of steady stimulation of the g-spot.

Deborah Sundahl shares in her book Female Ejaculation & the G-Spot that when a woman feels the urge to pee, that’s her body’s signal that ejaculate wants to release.

This goes hand in hand with surrender, because the urge to pee often scares a woman or turns her off or makes her think something is wrong, so she shuts down the ejaculation experience.

Take your time to stimulate your g-spot. Once you start feeling the g-spot change texture, consistency or even feel different part of your g-spot shifting or elongating, it’s a sign that your urethra is preparing to expel ejaculate. Of course, feeling like you need to pee (or even a burning sensation or full bladder feeling) is also a sign that it’s coming.

Don’t stress, worry or be afraid. Let it flow out. This is why practicing solo can be amazing so that you can train your brain and nervous system to relax at the “urge to pee” sensation, allowing ejaculate to flow out instead of backwards into the bladder or not at all.


The pelvic floor needs to be strong, yet supple, toned and flexible enough to push the ejaculate out instead of retrograding into the bladder. Sometimes women don’t experience ejaculation or the most intense ejaculation because the pelvic floor is too weak to push it out or it’s too tense and contracts, not fully surrendering to let orgasm and/or ejaculation to happen.

You also want to be able to fully relax during sex or self pleasure, relaxing the g-spot and allowing yourself to let go of any tension holding your ejaculation back. You can check out my jade egg ebook for more on cultivating a healthy, supple, strong, toned pelvic floor while learning the art of relaxation and surrender:

Regularly using a jade egg and doing actual practices with your jade egg will help you cultivate a strong, toned, supple and orgasmic pelvic floor and vagina.


Give yourself plenty of time, patience and practice. Female ejaculation is not something you really want to force. It’s an art of surrender and totally letting go. It’s not a linear path.

You may find that it takes you days, weeks or months, perhaps years, of g-spot massage, stimulation, self pleasuring or penetrative sex to experience Amrita.

It might require deep inner healing of your heart, soul and vagina. So take your time and let it come to you.

What Is Female Ejaculate Made Of?


Unlike the chestnut sized & shaped male prostate, the female prostate is much smaller and elongated. The numerous ducts and glands run along the length of the urethral canal about two inches like little leaves on a vine. It starts near the urethral opening (where urine comes out) and runs along two inches or so.

The female prostate typically has about 40 glands and ducts, which is up to three times the amount found in a male prostate.

Once the ejaculate is expelled from the female prostate it can flow in one of two directions: out of the body through the urethral canal or back into the body, retrograding back into the bladder.

This is often why many men and women mistake female ejaculate for urine. Female ejaculation is still considered a myth to some so it’s usually taught that women only urinate through the urethral canal.

Urine carries out bodily wastes and is excreted by the kidneys and fills in the bladder. Female ejaulcate, however, is a prostatic fliud produced by the female prostate that may actually contain nutrients for sperm to thrive.


While many mistake female ejaculate for’s not urine. While there’s so much controversy around what female ejaculate actually consists of, it’s shown higher amounts of PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen: the female ejaculate identifier) in some research studies.

It’s often noted that female ejaculate has no scent or has a sweet scent and even flavor when tasted. I recommend collecting some or smelling it if you soak a towel or bed sheet. Urine contains high amounts of ammonia, while female ejaculate does not.

If you haven’t used the bathroom before self pleasuring and ejaculating, then there may be some small traces of urine, but it will be noticeably different than if you collected a sample of urine before you ejaculate and comparing it to your ejaculate.

Where Does Female Ejaculate Come From?


Again there is a lot of conflicting hypotheses out there and very little scientific proof around female ejaculation. Plus there are many different fluids that a woman’s body can produce during arousal or orgasm. I recommend not worrying too much about what it is or where it comes from, but rather allowing whatever comes to come and enjoying all of it without shame. I’ll share more about that soon. But I’ll share what I’ve learned/heard/read about where it comes from. I recommend doing your own research too!

● Paraurethral glands & Skene’s ducts ● Through the urethra and through the vagina● Or from the urinary bladder as an accumulation of fluid that is NOT urine. ● It’s also been hypothesized that the kidneys begin extracting water from the bloodstream and adding

more liquid content to female ejaculate or that their are other muscles in play when expelling it out.

Why does it feel like pee?

The female prostate used to be known as paraurethral glands or Skene’s glands. Composed of many little glands surrounding the urethra with many ducts going up to the urethra. As they become engorged with prostatic fluid, you may have the sensation to pee because it’s putting pressure on the urethra.

Pelvic Floor Muscles That Assist Female Ejaculate


The work of Beverly Whipple & John Perry brought to light the different muscles that make up the complex system of intricate muscles in the pelvic floor. The muscles of the pelvic floor support all other organs and keeps them in place in the torso. Plus they assist the body with many important functions like urinating, defecating, birthing, receiving a cock or dildo and yes, expelling female ejaculate.

The pelvic floor muscles connect to the diaphragm muscles and the hip and leg muscles as well.

Here are the 4 groups of pelvic floor muscles that assist in female ejaculation:

● Superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles● Bulbocavernosus muscles● Two levator ani muscles● Sphincter ani muscles

The pubococcygeus (pronounced like “pew bo cox uh gee us”) muscles, which are usually called the PC muscles, connect to the pelvic bone in the front of the body and the tailbone (coccyx) in the back of the body like a hammock. This sling of muscles is literally like a “floor” of muscles that supports everything else in place, including supporting the erectile tissue network (the inner clitoris) and female prostate.

Emotional Practices to Prepare You


As you’ve learned, female ejaculation requires surrendering and letting go, which isn’t just limited to your ejaculate. It also includes surrendering to and letting go of any emotions, trauma, memories or experiences that come with it.

We’re conditioned to hold back or repress our emotions so that we don’t seem unstable, crazy, too much, too wild, irrational, PMS-y or like we can’t handle what we’re experiencing. Part of being a woman with a womb and pussy is being able to integrate and alchemize emotions in our bodies by feeling each emotion fully, layer by layer.

Often when I feel hurt (especially by my boyfriend) I will put a layer of anger over it. And a layer of defensiveness over that. And another layer of coldness and distance over that. Perhaps even with a layer of attacking him verbally or emotionally on top of that.

When you start stimulating your g-spot and allowing female ejaculation to flow, you’ll notice that emotions will flow in gushes, waves or layers too. You CAN handle it. You are NOT too much. You are perfect and emotions, feelings and sensations are part of your wholeness as a woman.


Here are some practices you can try for handling emotions before, during and after self pleasure or female ejaculation:

● Ground into your g-spot and vagina. What is beneath the emotion? What is your original need? To be loved? Seen? Heard? To feel safe? Ground into the erotic nature of your g-spot as your source of erotic power. Place a fingertip over your g-spot or envision it with your mind and feel yourself grounding and pulling all of your power back into your g-spot.

● Practice shaking or Kundalini Shaking. Shaking and moving your body wildly will allow you to process the fight, flight or freeze energy that may be coursing through your body and help you feel calm, safe, alive and turned on.

● Place a hand on your heart and breathe into your heart while you feel the emotion.

● Use non-sexual touch to ground yourself back in the here and now. If you just experienced female ejaculation and it brought up emotions around being abandoned or unloved, ground yourself with some kind of soothing, loving and perhaps non-sexual touch. I.e. Touching a shoulder, cradling yourself, rolling into the fetal position, rocking yourself, touching your feet to Mother Earth.

Sexual Practices to Prepare You


Allow me to share a few secrets I’ve learned over the years that will help you move towards more g-spot pleasure and unlocking g-spot orgasm bliss and female ejaculation!

● Build high arousal before touching your g-spot. This means activating all of the erectile network and pleasurable fatty tissue that is underneath your vulva and within your clitoris and vagina. I always recommend women stroke, massage and breathe into their entire bodies so giving yourself a whole body oil massage, massaging your breasts and then working downwards and in towards your sex center will allow you to build arousal.

● Then play with your clitoris and nipples as well. When you’re playing with your nipples the same region of the brain, known as the genital sensory cortex will be stimulated as when your clitoral, vaginal or cervical area is been stimulated.

The nipples are like a direct channel to g-spot activation for me personally which is why I love to stimulate my g-spot and play with my nipples at the same time. Wait until your vagina is begging to be penetrated before moving into g-spot stimulation.


● Vaginal de-armoring and sexual reflexology activation. Now before we get to the next step for g-spot orgasmic bliss, let me touch on a technique that is super important for truly activating your g-spot’s orgasmic potential. A technique I share with my clients and teach in all of my courses is vaginal de-armoring. Because we have so much tension in the vagina, especially the g-spot, applying firm, but gentle pressure to the g-spot with a finger, jade egg, cock or crystal dildo can be so potent for healing.

The simplest way is to hold something against your g-spot with firm pressure and you’ll notice things like tension, numbness or soreness. Just keep holding gentle but firm pressure and begin to breathe deeply, imagining your g-spot relaxing underneath the source of pressure.

Feel the g-spot’s tissue dissolving tension and sound out on each exhale to release repressed emotions and stuck sexual energy. I recommend de-armoring for at least one minute, but it can be way longer. listen to your body and you may need to de-armor your g-spot several days or weeks in a row or on occasion. Stimulating your g-spot also activates the sexual reflexology zone of your liver, which can help you release anger from not only your g-spot but your liver.


● Now that you’ve mastered high arousal before penetration and done the deep tissue massage through de-armoring your g-spot, let’s look at how you can play with your g-spot for g-spot orgasms and allowing female ejaculate to release outwards.

One of the best strokes to encourage g-spot orgasms is to insert one or two fingers, curl them upwards and do a come-here gesture. You can start out slow and eventually work up to faster and more firm pressure and stimulation. You can stroke the entire length of the g-spot, which is 2-3 inches long.

Another really yummy move is to have your lover or you insert two fingers inside touching the g-spot and placing your thumb outside, gripping the whole area and vibrating your hand. You can start out slower and move up to more intense stimulation, which will result in g-spot orgasms and perhaps female ejaculation release. Strong pressure and consistency is key here.

● Use a jade egg 3-4 x per week. This will help you train your vaginal muscles to expel the ejaculate out (when it’s ready to come) instead of retrograding back into the bladder. This will help the health of your kidneys and bladder as well, because it’s been noted (although I’m not sure if it’s scientifically proven...yet) that the act of ejaculating can help relieve urinary issues and nourish the urethra with nutrients.

G-Spot Stimulation Tips & Tricks


● Use the clitoris to build pleasure AND then insert one or two fingers so you can get used to feeling your own vagina

● Use a crystal dildo later on ● The g-spot or region is usually not that deep for most women. For a lot of women it’s very close to the

entrance of the vagina, but it can also be deeper. Most of the time it runs 2-3 inches, but you may find that most of your pleasure comes from a certain part or even the whole length. Explore and play!

● Move your inserted fingers in an in and out style motion, which brings the pleasure that you’re familiar with into your brain and transfers it over to the pleasure you can experience from your g-spot

● Blended pleasuring (clitoris and g-spot) because the g-spot has different nerves than the clitoris. The clitoris nerve is the pudendal and the g-spot also has the deeper pelvic nerve

● Once you’ve done that for a period of time (I recommend 21 days to form the “habit” or pattern) you can move into g-spot stimulation alone

Female Ejaculation Without An Orgasm


Here are several tips for practicing ejaculating or preparing yourself. I never recommend forcing yourself to ejaculate if you’re not ready, usually it’s best to let it come to you, but you can also help bring it forth by doing a few simple things.

● Adopt the right attitude, believe it’s possible for you & give yourself permission to be a woman who ejaculates. YOU have to give yourself permission. Don’t worry about why, when or how you will ejaculate. Just focus on being positive about it and trusting your body’s timing.

● Work with your pelvic floor while self pleasuring. You can push your muscles down (like you’re giving birth) as you stimulate your g-spot which may help you expel ejaculate. You can do this once you feel the urge to pee coming on. Again, don’t force too much. Breathe deeply, relax, push down and let go of whatever comes. Using a jade egg is the best way to train your muscles so that they aren’t too weak or too tense and tight.

● Be patient and devoted. Keep showing up. If you really want to focus on ejaculating, then commit to internally self pleasuring your g-spot for 21 days. Even if it’s only 10 minutes a day, although the longer the better and the more aroused you are beforehand, the better as well.

● Be playful and curious. Don’t get too caught up in the goal of ejaculating. It will happen when it’s time and even if you don’t ejaculate as soon as you’d like, as long as you feel good and experience pleasure and fulfillment, that’s all that matters!


● Relax fully. Relax your whole entire body, especially your pelvic floor. Tension in the g-spot and vagina is what creates closure, constriction and prevents the body from relaxing, surrendering and letting go - including ejaculation.

● Use breath and sound to circulate sexual energy. Breathe deeply to relax your body, calm your nervous system (which makes you feel safe to let go) and build sexual energy and relaxed arousal. Use sound to release any emotions, sensations or feelings that arise as you come close to or actually ejaculate. The state where high excitement meets deep relaxation is always a space where orgasm or letting go can take place (including ejaculating).

● When in doubt, return back to relaxing your whole body and using your breath. ● Honor your self pleasure experience as a sacred ritual of g-spot awakening and so much more. ● Locate your g-spot and begin to stimulate it (using the techniques shared in here or lead in the Female

Ejaculation Solo Sex Date). ● Explore your urethral opening (which is the head of the g-spot) and the entire length of your g-spot,

including the head, body and tail. The g-spot may be fluffy like a ramp either directly in the entrance of your vagina or located about 2-3 inches into your vagina. It may also feel slightly curled under and harder to reach or stimulate. This is why exploring is key!


● Keep relaxing your whole body and vagina as you massage and stimulate your g-spot (wherever and however best it feels for you: pressure, speed, direction, technique, etc.).

● You can try in and out motions, circular motions, massaging, pulsing the g-spot, pinching it between your middle and index finger, massaging the sides of the g-spot or directly on top of it, massaging the front, middle or back of the g-spot, vibrating it with your fingers gently or vigorously or doing a ‘come here’ motion.

● Once you feel swollen and engorged (high excitement meets deep relaxation) you can experiment with the next few steps. If you feel pain, turned off or not ready, focus more on building arousal and relaxation moving forward until you feel aroused and ready (whether it takes you 20 more minutes or 20 more sessions of exploring).

● Use lots of towels underneath or purchase a mat that helps soak up liquids. ● Start out by lying on your back, but you can experiment with other positions. Make sure you can

maintain relaxed arousal here. ● Keep stimulating as your g-spot swells and you feel the fullness of pleasure within! ● Observe the sensations of needing to pee. If you feel the urge, this is when you can practice ejaculating.

If you feel no urge to pee, keep stimulating yourself until you feel complete.


● Make sure you’re not forcing anything. Relax, build arousal and enjoy those “urge to release” sensations if they’re there. If you catch yourself worrying, holding back or fearing that you’re going to “pee,” breathe, relax, repeat. Remember that it’s a sign that your body wants to release the ejaculate.

● ONLY when you feel the urges to ejaculate (which again may feel like needing to pee), move on to the next step if you feel ready.

● Practice the motion of releasing ejaculate. You can raise your hips off the bed as you keep stimulating your g-spot and push down with your pelvic floor muscles on a deep, relaxed exhale. The downward push is what can help you release ejaculate - especially if there is no orgasm and involuntary contraction of the muscles doing the pushing and releasing for you. (If you’re not interested in trying to “force” ejaculation, you can skip these steps. Keep an open mind and play with it). Hold the push down for a few seconds and then stop pushing, relaxing fully while you keep touching your g-spot.

● Stimulate for a few more minutes and then push down again. Hold for a few seconds. Relax and stimulate.

● Repeat this cycle of pushing down, holding for a few seconds, relaxing and stimulating for a few minutes a few times.

● If you feel like you’re possible going to ejaculate from the excited yet relaxed arousal, your g-spot has changed consistency (quite firm, perhaps even “squeaky”) and feels full with ejaculate, then you can try to ejaculate.


● If you feel ready, remain lying down in a relaxed position, remove your finger from your vagina and push down as if you are giving birth or peeing. Don’t tense your pelvic floor or force too hard, but instead gently push down and out as if you’re giving birth until you feel it take over for you. Surrender to the sensations of ejaculate flowing out of you. You might feel like you’re peeing, but it’s not pee. You’re ejaculating.

● Once you’ve ejaculated, you can see if you want to ejaculate more and repeat the whole arousal process and only ejacualting once your g-spot feels full, you feel aroused and you have the urge to “urinate.”

Female Ejaculation With An Orgasm


Some women will naturally begin to experience ejaculation and orgasm together, but again, they don’t always go hand in hand. YOU have the control to ejaculate or not, whether consciously or unconsciously. If you do find that you want to experience orgasm and female ejaculation simultaneously, you can use the tips below to support you, but as always, trust and listen to your body.

Don’t force yourself before you’re ready and don’t reach for orgasm or even ejaculation as the ultimate goal. This is just another curious exploration!

● Once you are self pleasuring, it might work best to use the position(s) you’ve ejaculated in before (whether orgasm was present or not).

● Go through the same process of self pleasuring, building relaxed arousal in your whole body, consistently stimulating the g-spot to the point where you know you might orgasm and/or ejaculate or you want to allow it. You might want to experiment with doing a blended orgasm, one hand massaging in your vagina on your g-spot (or using a wand) and one hand on your clitoris or just using one hand for your g-spot alone.

● Use breath and sound to build arousal and relaxation. Follow whatever erotic longings you have that usually bring you to orgasm. Feel your g-spot swelling and you can edge a few times if you need to build the ejaculate up in your g-spot.


● Ride the waves of pleasure and building arousal and ejaculate fluid in your g-spot. ● Right before your orgasm, be more intentional about your stroking.● At the height of your orgasm, relax yet push your muscles again gently but not with tense force to expel

the ejaculate.● Allow the orgasm and muscle contractions of your expelling ejaculate to naturally push whatever is in

our vagina out. Depending on where your urethral opening (the head of the g-spot) is located, it may naturally push it out with much force. Most women need to have everything out of the vagina in order to fully release the ejaculate so let it all come out, including fingers, a cock and/or a toy.

● Know that it might be a learning curve. I’m still exploring female ejaculation personally and every orgasm you have may not end in female ejaculation. You may not even want it to...or maybe you do. It’s your choice, but at least you know how to train yourself so that it’s an option on your pleasure menu.