Download - 1978-01-01 - Orange Coast Pilot.pdf - City of Newport Beach


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VOL.. 71, NO. 1, 7 SECTIONS, 76 P AGES

'Earthquake in May' 'More holistic healing' 'UFO sightings increase ' 'Manson-type crimes due '


-·'Beware last 1 O days of August'

Ast,-ologers · ~p~alendar

By J ACKI E HYMAN 0t 11\e o .. 11y 1'11o1a1111

What will 1978 bring·! Earthquakes·! A review of the international mopctary exchange

system? 1Ncwdiscovcrics in hol1s l1c: medicine ..

P OWER STR UGGLES and po .... :-ibh· rc.,,olulion a broad that thr<.•atcn to in\OI w the l ·m1 Pd St al cs.,

:\lore UFOsighting:- ·! 'fhc·sc arc :,nme of I he tlung::.

that may h;:ippcn 111 lhe rn~w vear, Orungt' C'oa~l astruloncrs told the n . ,.,

aily Pilot. l lo\\ cn~r. lhl0

\· "a rned r ead ers not lo turn -predicted ten denci<·s into :-.e[f . fulfillin~ pro ph t>Cle:-.

"ASTROLOGY VE R Y often "v"'•" {'rcatcs an illusion that things are

fotecl or predestined or that you've got no alternative." said J ames Baker, a !'-;ewport Beach astrologi<:a l counselor. '

" Ilut the more you get into astrology, the more you ar<' aware that the options arc within an in ­<lividtwl. 1\nd )\ ill<'C ~otiel tt'li and nations arc com · posed or incli\'ld11als. in a ~ensc we a r c creat ing our own world ·

WlNTER SOLStJCE. FOR WASHINGTON, O.C. ON JAN. 21 Burton Morse's Prediction for 6:24 p.m. (ESTI

People often read only those things that fit into their own frame of refer.enc~. cautioned astrologer Susan J. Means of Corona del Mar.

" IFTllEY HAVE A concept of living in the midst of danger. they will find danger somewhere." she said.

The stars show only what is likely to happen. not what is predestined, astrologers say. The following predictions should be viewed in that light.

Bw1on Morse of The Sun Sign in · San Juan Capist rano ls one of the coast's best-known ~strologers.

He a~curately predicted for heiress Joan Ir.vine Smith t\11? date when bidding would close on the sale of tbe Irvii\e Company. .

MORSE MADE HIS forecast for the new year by castlna a horoscope or t he winter solstice in Washlngton, J).C.

··1 think tl\al this year is going to see sort of a re· venal Of la* becomi' g more conservative and capital Dec'Oarilrii more beral, •• he said. "'Labor Js goinl to want more prot tionis01. ••

The m~or economt ent he'Sees is a critical re-View of the internationa l monetary exchange system.


J ..



·- .

Fog Limits - .-- - ~ ....... --~

Saddle back Searchers ..

By J ERRY llEJU'ENSTEJN OltMO.tlty l'ti.tSlatt

Members of the Riverside County Mountain Rescue Untt

• were s lowly making their way early this morning to what wa.-. believed to be u downed light airplane two to t hree miles

"' northeast or Santiago- Peak on o.u, Pil•tl'Mi. br RlcMrct K•elt••r Sucld le bark Mountaln.

UPPER BAY BRIDGE IS STREWN WITH CARS AFTER EARLY MORNING ACCIDENT The cruft was reported ly l>pott~d about 4:45 p.m . Saturday .,

.Bridge· Crash K:Qls -1 by a pilot of a Search Air Rescue he h coplcr from the El Toro l\l arineCo~ Air Station.

However, the hell copter was umible to Jund because of fog and Riverside County officials wert­~um moned to go in on foot, ac­\'Ordmg to an official at the El One person wus killed <1 nd four

others injured ma three.v.ehicle ~mash-up early today on tbe Pacific Coast High\.\ ay bridge over Upper Newport Bay.

Driver or one or the vehicles. Darlene Mane Hunt, 20, or 967'1 :\'1ghtingale, Fountain Valley, wets being held by Newport Beach Police for invesligalion o! felony drunk drivmg, according w reports. Those at the scene had n'qu cstcd she be held, poli ce ~aid .

Details or lhc accident were .... ketchy and identity of the dead

person was withheld pending not1f1calion of rel alt ves.

One of the accident v1cllm!­wus reportedly <J minor <.1nd a n other lnJun·d party <Asked hospital omc1als not to revcaJ names.

A c<ir t raveling westbound re· portcdly hit the bridge abutment. ca re ened into the eastbound l a nes and c ra :- hc d into a Volkswagen Vfin . The car then was hit by an auto traveling ea!>l· bound , witnesses reported .

Two occupants in the VW had LO he cut !rec bv th<• .I aw~ or Life•

. "

The atridcnt dosed off tht• hridgc in both directions a nd traffic was rerouted. The m1sha1> occurred at 12 ·44 am. JUst as milny New Year':; E\'t> reveler ... '~ere makmg their way home.

Saturday aflcrnoon traflit signals that \\ere oul tor nearly seve n hours al Pacific Coa:-L Jll gftwuy :.ind Newport Center Dri ve created havoc.

/\ nd t o add t o qic woes, Ca IT I' ans workmen scve rc<I wires cutting po" 1·1· to :-1 r<'l'l lights 1n the area .

Toro Marine base. Traffic controllers ul Ontario

lnlernultonal Airport l>aid the~ picked up the cra!t'i> e mergency crai. h locator sJgnal. They nolitwd Scott Air Force Base in Antona ''hu:h m turn dispatched the El Too hehcopter to look tor I ht' {'rtifl. \ '

While on the search mission. the helicopter pilot, Lt. PappaS. spotted an overtumed four·wheeJ dn'c VC'hiclc on u dirt road n ine

<SP4'CRJ\Srt. P al(eA21

To Washington, MichigJm 'Fandlies,' Winning: is Relative By J UDITH OLSON

Ol Ille Oally l'lleC Si.If

When Jerome Hirsch checked into the Marrioll Hotel last Wed­nesday with his fam.ily , he knew almost immediately he h~d made a mistake.

Hirsch is a gradu:tte of the Univers ity of Michigan and the Marriott is headquarters for the Washington Huskies, the team which wlll m eet Michigan in the Rose Bowl Monday.

Fo r tunately t he Hirsches pla n ned to l eave s h ortly for San Diego, because the Newport Beach hotel was oozing with Husky lians. They would h ave been sadly outnumbered.

Hirsch's mother. Mrs. Lestet' Smith, might have made UJ for the lack of fe11oW Wolverln~if they had stayed. A University ol Michigan graduate berself she asserted, •·We're the winner!" We 're the enemy (.amp! ··

Her gr andson , Steve, lS. cheered for his grandmother's spirit. He attends the University of Michigan.

Though some fans and all the team membera and coaches checked into.. the Marriott the week before Christmas, the hotel was really begJnnlnt to hum a lew days beroto lhe game. ...

P a r e nts, broth e r s, sis­ters and chlldren of the player$ and coaches ~can arriving trom a ll par ts of lbe U. s. for a sasanUc famlly reunion.

And it really was a clan meet• inJ ot son.. Tbe word " family" kept cropplns up in conversation after conversation with players. • upport personnel and friends in res a rd to the university.

Jack Orr, dean ot the U of W School ol Pharmacy, be wH 1n NewPQrt Beach with Hie learn· because ho was " par t of the-UY\• i verslty family.·•

didale this year. " We have some good studenL-;1 They ure highly motivated." she said · Though Mrs. Peoples claims to

be the No. l Husky fan, she would have to argue a lot with David Cohn for the distinction .

Cohn , a Seattle restaurant owner, was awarded on~ of the first two " Bi~ W" blan,.kets ever given to a person ou'tsider the ath letic department this pas l November.

He und anoth er fun , Don Bern:trd, recelved' thc hQffOr for their dedicated .!iUpport o( all Husky teams over the past 30 years. .

Ru th Cohn , his wife. gave some indication of how Joyal a fan her husband 1s and she too. because she usually accom· panies him to games

··we usually go to both the home qnd away games," s he sa id . "We usuall y lake long weekends and go w1lh the team."

They have been to Syracuse, N Y., to Los Angeles. Oakland and Eugene numerous times and they plan to accompany the Huskies to rndiana next year.

They have even gone to Swilter lpnd and E ngl:tnd with the Husky crew team.

Mrs . Cohn said s he is im­pressed with the young men on the Husky athletic teams ea<:h year. ''They go out of their way to speak to you.··

The Cohns planned to play a lot of tennis while In Ne wport Beach · but were foiled by the rain during most of their stay. They also sampled the bounUrul reslaur~nt fare of the coast, Including Bob Burns, the Velvet i:urUe, Cano 's a nd T he Warehouse.

Wh y b a·vo t h ey b een. Husky fans for the past 30 years. ever since movlnr to Seattl ? checked in, More friends of the throush the halls, dwarfinc m ost "~ly husbJU1d Jovcs sports," Mr.. Huskies arrived and the exeit.e· o/ the other guests and creating Cohn explained. " (l's thrilling to m enl began bulldlni. quite a sensation. be a pan or lt ." E v e r yon e w a s c • t 1 n g Though the Huskies sald lt pro-


In add1Uon to being a faculty member , Orr ls chairman ot the athleUc odvfsot"Y committee.

The hotel, by Friday nighf, WU" _ ___ 5h1ngton-Deftci~-•PP~Y v.ou ld tia~e 1>een. mote .. Jnrnm ed with .people in. town for ft'om a refrigerated bln in the veniont to stay nearer P aa.den·- • ""'a~.--.;.:;. .. the gume u d Rose Parade. The hall a nd Husky butlonit a.nd T· they had enjoyed checklna out:

Certrude P~les, a lull·time cou.Melot' for the athletic depart· ment, H id there ls a "lamUy at.-11101pbere .. at the unlvt r aity, wblcti ii one ot ita t elling poiri~.

' 'fie realty care about th6': alblttea as people,•• she added. Sb~ wu JolneCI at the enct Oft.he

week Ii, ber own thrM eblldren. Whom abe 1ald are .. ,..,_.r .. llti*1 f-. ••nut l'• Uae"• l ....... .-.. ~"3 1 • Mn,?~ wa \ eOalillllrblftidbJ• 40

~ .. ~ ......... ,........ ..... :::~.~u••

Adlai Steven•on High School shirt.a were everywhere. ' ban trom Prair ie View. UL, The Cootball player:t s t.rolled <ScellOOT£RS',P .. eAJ)

PO'r LUCK? - No. it., aU planned for. marketlog •ucc ot 'l'wln Winton where glazes aru matche d ha towe l colors on ~eramic bathroom fi~tura. Sttff wrfler Jack.le H¥maa reporta on Pego C5. I

SOA.P 'lJCC£$ - Although l 1tl ••1 on'e adult ..comedy. us.ip, •• .._ '8Vet:ely criUclnd •btn 11 pr 111iciila lut fall it hu been Jar1eJy respo_n 'ble for ABC rl1tn1 ro tile w,p ht the ratJit wamet. AnAssoCiated Prea IWfy uplJlinlwbYanPqo~ •

l .


. ... &.Inch!)', Januaty 1, 1978

@@&@lf \'!J!J &1f@[}{] 1 Weekly review of Orange Coast highlights

• OAllJ l'tlet Staff ,-...


Storms muddle animal park A puir of Mor ms moved over Orange County last week ,

dumping a" much as six islches or rain The storms did little dam age other thun increase fender bending accidents, shor t iJ flow tran!>formers and disrupt Lion Country Safari ·s 1wac:l'ful 1·<1t·\1Sll0nce het ween anim.:ih.

,\ l> JJOkcspur:,on reported. the l>'tormf'i excited the .ini muls :,o mu1·h thut lhey began lo pay much too cJO!)C at· tl'nt1on to thP twa ... ts that normally pro \ 1de meals in the w11!1 Park orf1t 1als trying lo)<eep them apart found their Jl'l'PS rn1n•cl /

l.1ll•J,! 11.1r<I" rc•porl <'d the Thursday storm produced a w.ll1'r'>r><111t off th1· coast M ucblidt•s blocked lanes on Coast I li~h" av 111 San Clemen le and runoff water was 2· fe~t dee'p in normally 1lry riverbeds. Count) farm operators delayed l>ome han l''>l1ng , hut said the storm would help leach salt from citru.., tn·l' roots and help lengthen grass on grazing land<; .

Water distnrt ofricials said th<' soaked ground will help n ·h111 Id dl·plett·d '' ..iter supplies beneath the county.

Early risers saved neighbors . \\ ..ik~· rul lll' t~hbors . utith up before thc·ir usual r ising

t 1 m f' '> s.J\ 1·d 1111' II\<''> uf nearby familteo; when they spolled 1·.11 I\ mor111n1.: l11l '

,\ t11pplt-d ( ·111 ' "tnrns Lrce hurst into flJmes in lht' Costa :\I 1 ·~ .1 honw or tlw Fcir..,ythe family. 3077 Molokai Place, ear· I) l:i8t 'l'u<'sda) A neighbor, Alton Hooper, leaving for work a bit carht•r than usual, saw the fire through a window,

- ft.W-OktHhe !>"let:1un~ famtly-alld "Used a garttm\ flose to douse the flaml•s "llt• SCl\'<'<I t\\o ltvel> <md the house," said a grall'ful Mrs. V1c-lor1\J f'orsylhe.

In the second fire, al 1751 Thurr .on Drive. Laeuna Beach. a little boy was anxious lo gel t.o his Christmas pre· !'>1•nts Through :1 "ind<1w, he.' saw flames ,a ting al the home ot S. W. f 'IQre:.. 'I ht' bo~ ·s rather quickly crossed the street and poW1dcd on the door. The Flores family barely had enough t ime lo flee the burning structu re. The family re· ported damagt' to house and con ten Ls al about $130,000.

Delly,, .............


H untinqton Beach

Suri champs rode the swells t Though the surr was down during much of last week, lhe

All Am~rlcan Surfing Cham pl0nships went on as scheduled in the shadQW of the Huntington Beach Pier. Even rain aod cold railed lo keep hundre~ of competitors out or the water . Both men and women competed In the event which Included spectacular runs under tbe pier, with s urlt'rt opllni for

11• dangerous but excitlna run'! between concrete supports ~ where • small errol' mflms a J-pllotered board and

headache. Several coasl surrers placed in the top 10.



r-~---· 1i~ - -



Worlil Dings m New. Year· '~••led Pf'eu

\Vlth help from the likes of Lebert Lombardo and Shall Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Americans celebrated New Year•aEve.

For rin.dni out old and ringing in new. there was help, too, from traditional no&s and groes. smooches and songs, resolutions and remedies, the latter both buf·

NB Fireman Oneo/Tu:o ffurt in Fire

rered and unbuffered, or homemade perhaps. concocted with hope and, sometimes, a hair otthe dog.

President tearter was In Tehran at the stroke of midnight, celebrating In royal style with the Shah of Iran, formally Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Tbe president and Rosalynn Carter dined on rich Jranian caviar and imported champagne with the Shah, Empress Farah and King Hussein o( Jordan at a stale din· ner. Hours before, protesters al Tehran University shouted an unseasonable greeting: .. Yankee go home:· •

At home. Carter';i countrymen had these diversions:

At New Y.ork 's Waldorf-

' - -wu played by a band billed as "t:~Dl!rt Lombardo rreaent.a 0'-'Y Lombardo's Roya Canadians under the direction of Victor Lombordo."

Whal all that means is that Lebert, 70, who own s the band, and Victor 66, wht> is the band leader, were carrying on' the tradition s tarted in 1929 by Guy Lombardo. who died in Nov· ember at age 75.

Another change for th e

Lyle Booked In Shooting

millions wbo cap New \'ear•1 Eve with the telovlslon broadcast of the Lombardo band c.amo before m1dnjght at. Ttmes Square with the lowering or the 11,h~

· ball to mark the ndvenl of 19'8. The announcer was Lee Jordan • or CBS and not Ben Grauer. Veteran announcer Grauer al!o died in 1977.

In Baltimore, the city rave a free light show and fireworks that omclala said ln advance would make the Times Square observance look UJc~ "a moment ~( s ilence." Boston had a fiimilar ~lty·s~sored event. ~ut a free show m New York was cancelled.

'·' ,.. A Sldboa p~; ll>Ml "iAlf"'. --~-'W'lr,i .. J.'"l~l , th~ traditional taJned t.b.ird-degree burns in 8 AUid Lang Syne'' - meaning

DENVER CAP) - World­ranked heavyweight boxer Ron Lyle was booked late New Year's Eve on a .char~e ot first·degrce murder in connection wtth the shooting.death of a man at L--yle's Lakewood home , subu rban Lakewood police said . .

In Denve~. a dinnel' •. b<)Ule ot champagne and d.ancina to. the Louis Kinman band cost. $39.50 a c: o up I c. An &l :,:; ; ·.=Den v-e-r nightclub -not wanting to let loo much of the year slip by -named a Miss Nude 1978.

Sa't urda y nieht garage- "old long since·: and said by apartment blaze and a fireman some lo have been penned by the battlhig the fire was also injured. Scottish poet Robert Burns accoroing to Newport Beach fire department officials.

In Los Angeles. "A Chorus Line" c10Rd out a tvJ·year engagement lo a fdll hou5e of 1.800. Robert A. Marshall, 33, was

treated and released at the ucr Medical Genter emergency room after he Oed the 6:05 p.m . fire in ll)e aingle·unil apartment al 1821 W. Balboa Blvd., according to re· porl5. He was treated for third· degree burM lo his right hand and less severe racial burns . a hospital spokeswoman said.

Ca ptain Ray Toggweiler of Udo Station No. 2 was singed when a sudden flare-up in flames kn_ocke.d him against an adjoin· ing builcting while he was fighting the fire, according to reports . Ile was treated al Hoag Memonal Hospital Presbyterian and re· turned lo duty.

Art Morton. fire inspN'lor. est1m utt·d dnmagt· to thl• iJpart· ment at SI0,000 A window and door frame or a unit above the double garage were scorched.

S.A. Couple Deliver First

The strains or Auld Lang Syne had barelY ended when the first New Yelr youngster arrlved al Mercy General hospital in Santa Ana.

Etena and E lpidio Trujillo. of Santa Ana, greeted the new year itnd their new son nt 12 :04 a .m. when Mrs. TruJillo de livered the 7·pound, ll ·ouncc infant in her bed .

· • W c wcren 't expecUng il so soon.·· a happy nurse reportC'd.

The Trujillos hadn't named the infant us the Pilot·:. deadline pusscd. hut the parents were able to keep things even in thei r faml· Iv whu:h abo includes a little girl, :Jged three.

Lakewood Police Department agent Dave Sletto said Lyle was booked o n the degree murder charge and will be held without bond at Jerferson County jail in Golden. Colo.. until ar­ra~gnment Tuesday ln J~f.ferson County District Court.

Lyle, who learned his boxing crart while serving 7.5 years In tile Colorado Slate Penitentiary for involuntary m anslaughter , was one of four adults and three child r e n polico questioned following the shooting Saturday evening.

The victim's nam e ·· \Vll S withheld pending notification of relatives. •

Stello said the shooting ap· parenlly followed an ·argument after the victim came lo the house.

In New York, m ennwhlle. the hit m usical " A1nie" was takin~ reservations for Dec. 31, 1978.

"Fro111 Page Al

CRASH ••• miles rrom Silverado Canyon Road, according to reports.

Six occupants of the v~icle were rescued by a unit from 'the Orange County Silverado Fire Station.

The s ix were treated for minor injuries at t}le nre s tation. of(icials said. They were Iden· tlrted as A:ndy Yertcs. age un­known. Audra F'erks. 8, and Jason Ferks, s. Teresa Snyder. 20. Ro~rt Buchanon, and Craig · Johnson. a ll of Long Beach.


"They're going lo t ry to get away from having money as a com modily and more of a medium of exchang~" Morse said . " There's going lo be a very critical review of tha t s1tuat1on. a lthough 1 don't lhink it ·s i:oing to come to anything this year.

" We arc going to become more and more nationalistic and self· protection-oriented . very sensitive to pubhc opinion. 1 think President Carter's popularity will continue to slQwly _ e rode this year. but I don't think i't will be anything terrible ....

lie also sees conflict between the House of Representatives and the Senate this year. more voter initiatives and a co ntinuing spiral In sports figures' salaries.

.. I think the c r imes will be very sensational, .. Morse said . "They will continue to find that crime is more organized than they thought and terror ism will con· t1nuc to be a real problem."

Morse said he saw no s igns of a large-scale war but that more people will be fighting op­pression.

··1 think individual income is going lo not rise ;it anywhere near the rate that il has the last three years," he added.

Zelda Pryor . a Newport Beach astrologer and sell·describcd ec· centric, declined to make an astrological prediction but said she consulted her inner voice, which warned of possible earth­quakes in the middle or end of May .

A volnerabiUty to earthquakes was also seen by Susan Means, although she cited February and July as the Umes. ''My opinloo is that Utey will take place orr the coast," she sald. . Llke~· Morse, Ms: Means said

she sees some ·changes in our foreign economll! policy.

"We may decide to pull out of some of the areas where we're pouring money, where we're sit· Ung as sentries in other lands, .. she 1aid.

<The four astrologers consult· ed were not told In adv•nce of the others ' prediction~1 and none In· dicated they had cnsc1Jssed thelr lorecasta with any ofthe others).

Ms. Means went lhrou1h a book or 1978 astroloslcal con· fi&uraUons to check on tenden· cies. '

She said she sees some breakthroughs In holistic heal· lne. wb.lch deals \ffth the connec­tlon between mlrtd and body.

·•r think another thin1 we•re ready for ls. the concept of rein· carnation In a rellgloua framework." she sald1 addlna that widely seen movlea Ot:' «her at1f orm1 might popularize the lden.

Ms. Means also ufd she believes UFO atehUnp ..,,U In· creaae, but that actual contact with u:tralerrestrlal being• ·~m come later ln the century."

She said 1bo the ex late~ of• new planet cloee to tho sun will be confirmed tn 1078.

Another po11lbllity ta "the re­Unquilhment ol th• eonceP.l ot royalty;• Ma, Means 1ald. 'Th• one that. popa lnto my ~Ind ll Brllaln.

.. Jt may have to do wllli 1oun1 people, auch •• Ptlnce Charles« Prince t Anne, del.)Ylnt ttilt v Jldlty of that kind of,Ufulyte. •

Crime wtu be a Mrlioue ~ bl•m• With ~rtlMI Ol jiOltoc'e and '"conUn"1ft~~ n l•teaalfyta1 nat and Janua'7 befon ar If ruowtct1 Ma. Meana 1ucl. .

Sb• Hlcllhe ... ~

crimes . .. I wonder if th('y're go. Inflation and· strikes will con· One astrological configuration ing to let him out. I hope they tinft'e. accelerating in July, Ms. in 1978 will be the same as one don't let him out in November," Meunssaid. thnl occurred between 1810 and she said. ··r think we may flirt with war 1812, when there were numerous

Ms. Means also snid there may this year:· she added . " It seems wars and uprisings. Baker said. he a bizarre occurrence in Nov· to culminate in January of 1979. ( .. The problem with astrology is ember having to do with li fe on spC'culalc it will be in the Near that people want you to say other planets, but thal il will be East." where 1t is going to be and when, q uick Iv forgotten "because it's ant.I I can't do that." he said.

J .James Baker of l'\ewporl If h dr1 d J ( too !.cury ·· owcvcr. c a c • "a ot o The women's movement will Beac·h is an astrologer who. Uke thlnga will be building up around

Ms. Means. uses astrology as a th 1 Od f A .. accelerate, especially in d e- bas is rorpsycholoaical coun!el· e astl ayso ugust. mandmg prolecl.Jon for the right<> Baker forecusl a scientific of rape victims. she said. She Ing. '"' breakthrough, rel ated to a'h said thetopJc..willdraw medi.aat..-- ' is reallJL ahowlag . -asUotoslcal. ~aTigurallon that tent1on in the last half of 1978 and the relationship between man was also ln effect when the tele-may lead to new Jegislat•on. and his environment." he said. graph and the photoelectric cell

There may also be a change in "Only it operates on a much big- were invented. attl t udo regarding euthanasia, ger scale than most people are " 1 think jt's going to be 111 the ca used clther by test cases or by awar.e or:· medieal field, " he said. "We'll be depictions m the arts, Ms. :\leans He said be also sees a tendency u!>mg electrpnics to ael ln Louch said . of people lo protest against op· with something.·•

The U.S. mn.v be threatened by pression. "A lot of people have A no l her s c I en ti fl c a " Ba v of Pigs t~·pe of thing,·· s he been wrestling \\Ith a conflict breakthrough will con ti rm noted : · between expressing their own ln· theories or parnpsycholo1y bav-

" t think there a rc goin~ to i>e dividuallty and conforming to int to do with v1bratlon1 and som e power struggles durmg the whoever lhelr particular authori· electrical fields. Baker said. f1r~l part of the year, like ly in the ty figures a re. Il e emphas ized th at th e Near East·· affecting the "1'here'sgoingtobemoreand strongei.l trendhesees willhavc monetary st~ucture .Ms. Means more of a PU5h to take practical to do with confrontations sai<f . ' action (In 19781" Baker said. between theory or rhetoric and

" 1t's not as m uch a collapse as .. Worldwide, there's a big II· rea lity, Baker said. · It is a takeover. And we'll have to Jusion going on, eapeclally finan· "As a society •nd as. a world, be careful to stay out. of it. But it. clally , that some people are go- we have a lol or things we have may affect our monetary market ing to get some inaJahts into. postponed." he said. ''It 's going somehow, probably by way of the Some people are 1otn~ to put to be more diCflcull to postpone balance of payments." some pins in the bubble. them nextyeor ...

' '

,. .. ~

Sunmy. January 1, 1978 DAILY PILOf

.l'iejo Fluat Buililers Snielling ·Rose-. _.., . ... . . . . . ' .

....,_...,. - · -- -- --- . " ~ ._ .

'The Oily of FieSla' Readied for Parade


By JERRY HERTENSTEI N O! o .. O••lr Pilot St•lt

Rhonda Shook is dr.essed in a faded sweater iJnd pants

Her hands an· sticky from the glue she's been usin~ to adhere gladiolus pClJb to 12 fool tails for the parrots lhal \\I II be p<irl of the M 1ss io11 VwJo float 1n Mon· dily 's T ournament of f< oses P arade .

M nnd ay. w~l I bef 01'<.' the­par.Jde~ 8 30 a m starling li me lfl P a~adcna. ·Hhonda will be UT ht•r pl<.i ce as one of three horn cco1.11ng queens riding the float. " The Oa) of the· Fiesta."

She 'Al li wea r flow t•rs in her hii1r I ll-r l<.i\ c1ulcr col•irC'<l. se· qu111cd ~IJJnlSh dress" 111 h<IH' a hell s hapc•d o.; k1rt , m ack lhal \\ay b) · fuur111 f1\l' 111'lt1toats

Miss ~hook 1s <:xe1t<:d. She is ah.u appn•1·1al1\'t'.

That"·" hv "h• ~rent the lwlter pa1 t uf lo1 ~ t ''• 'th. \H11 h.111g un the tloJt 1ns11lc a huge rc•il and green tl'nt in 'frmple City

" It 's an honor to he chosen lo r ide on the fl ci<it '' Rhonda , h u m e c o m 1 11 i.; q u l' c n a t Capistrano Vallt·Y 1111!.h Sthool. s<iHI ' 'I'm wnrkmg on I he lloal so I ca n apprN·1atc 1t mor <· ..

She .,.. a'> surp11st'll ' ahout hcr Sl'lt·tt1on to rich: !\l1ss Shook sharr'i thf' hono1 \\llh Dl'hh1<: J acobson, M1ss1on Y1eJO lfu~h Sch1111I l101ncl'on11ng queen and Ch11'il~ Loni• \\ho holds the

· sJrnc· title <it El Toro H igh ~t· li oul.

Ollly f'flt4 l'tlcltet DY GIWY A ..... ~ • FLOAT ANYTHING BllT BEAUTIFUL MASTERPltCE IT WILL BE IN MONl!>AY'S ROSE PARADE Only Thing Recognizable on Mission VleJo's ~·The Day of \he Fiesta" Are Long Serapes.

ThC' Lo s Conquisl<idores M a r1:1 t his will also ride the float , '>t·ra nading the c rowd. "

.. It 's something 1 ' ll re rf'leinber all my life, that's for s ure," Hhonda said

!:)he's not lhinking about being seen by millions. But Rhonda 1s

glad her grandmothe r. Francis Grubb, in Dallas, as well as re· lallves In Minnesota will be abl<• to tune her If\,

Her sister. Laurie, 15. sits on s caffolding high abo\ e th e ground. She glues tiny pink carnation petals that represenl \\ a tcr arching from the fountain 1n the center o( lh~ noat.

Laurie is assisted by Kathy ~lcClur<.' , Sherry Cre\ ier and



Sharon Blaney, all or Capistrano Valley High.

Sharon has bceo lyi nJ? on her buck brushing glue on the under s ide of one of two 5-foot wide serape!!

" It (the glue l gets in tny foce ... Sharon sa id. " I fee l like glue 1s t•om ing out of my ears "

Th e !.crape!> are cat:h 60 (eel long.

They "ill be <'O\•ered top and

bottom with ~·10 multicoloredi stnpes of pompoms, carnations, i cal('ndulas, lemon Jear, bells of, Jn·land, onion seed and Chinese~ l~nt1 I seed. ,

"That's 12,000·square-reet t.ol eover,'' !>aid Vinton Amlerson.5 whose firm 1''1esta F loa t s is1 res ponsible for the Mission Viej~ and nine other entries. AndefSOll,


<Stt FLOAT, P age AO t

ABOVE: PARRROT GETS PASTING BY SANDI STIGLBAUER, MICHELLE RAWALD Below: Yellow Daisies are Pre-coated With Glue by Laurie Shook

Woman Dies Of Injuries After Cr<Uh

A teen-age Anaheim woman was killed and another woman from that city r emained hospitalized today from a head· on c ras h in Anaheim.

K a t e A . K e n n eh' . 1 7 , of Anaheim, died a fte r the auto !lhe was driving was reported ly struck head-on early Saturday morning by a vehicle driven by Carol Lee Harkins , 21 , of Anaheim. police said .


.. ____ r.~j ... _.i:ne ! r-u:Jso. 1



• PRE·MOONTED • LONG LASTINOI M Isa Kennely was southbound SHUTS! "'":~~~~~ •COLOR CHOICE I ;

on Euclid Street, just north of • NO·.X OWE FrNllHI • PATTERN l Ball Road, when he r car was hit. • IOLO DESIGNS, C°'-ORll 'Ant~•• HIDES SCUFF llt :

Miss Kennety was rushed to "" · MAY VAllY MARkSI 13 3 "' J Martin Luther llospllal i n 7~ 69( ~ - SO Anaheim where s he was pro· AmOJ. so. FT. SHUTS SHEE'T 12· 112H ~ 0 4 FT.' : nounceddcad. ~~~~~~~--~~~...-t-~~~~-------.;:::;;~~~~~~~~~~-----------11

The Harkins woman was treat- DELUXE BATH NO·WAX ~•MilliiiA~fSOO COLORS! : ed a t Marlin Luth e r a nd VAllCTIES SOLARIAN<ll LATEX PAllT tra n1rerred to Palm H art-or Ge neral Hos pita l in Garden •MATCH ANY Grove. She was lis ted in stable WALLCOVERINGI condition. • DRIES IN V.·HOURI

She has been cha ried with • Wi\SHAILE LATE.XI felony drunk driving. a~cordine to police reports. ,,..



1?.~ 69~. FT.

•• ., . A I [Wt. y PILOT

WASUINGTON (AP) -­., Work en will 800n Clnd at least

one barsb reality am!d the hope. -and·~e of the J\OW year -yet Another fodcrnl "bite out ot

• . their paychecks. The wltbboldln& increase is

due to what h as becom~ a • \rirtua1ly inevitable hike every

year- in Soclql Security taxes. At that. the 1978 boost is modest compared to what future years

, · will bring. .• .

• SOCIAL SECVRIT\' nuw will • . tnke 6.05 percent out 0£ t:\'ery • dollar of income up to $17.700, <>r

a maximum'tax or $1.070.85, wilh > e mployers matching th at

anwunt!oreach worker. 1(1 1977, • the r ate was 5.85 percent or in

8ClndS)', Januaiy 1, 1178

come uf lo $16,500, or a mf'x­imum tax of S865 2S.

The rates have 1one up annual· ..Jy..alnce 1970 all~ have m ore than "ftoutned sH\ce 1972, when the

maximum tax was $468. But Congress recently passed new · legis lation, signed b~Presldent Carter Dec. 20, oallilll>' for even :.teeper hikes 1n the coming years in an effort to keep the Social

uotft tbir- eilet-gy debate is finished, meaning that any relief, probably in the rante of $150 for a family ot tour ean:Une SlO,~: woutd not be fonllcorning unw late in the year.

If. worker making Sl0,000 will pay $605 in Social Security taxes a lone this year , compared to$585 in 1977.

The Ht'78 increase was already built into prior law. thoYgh the Security system bolvent.

CARTER AND congres11ional leude rs have promised a sub· s tanti al income tax cut, totaling about $25 billion, to offset the Social Security increase and also the costs to consumers of any ne w energy taxes. But details or lh'at package cannot te assured

. House wanted to boost the t aic furth er to n maximum or~ $1,203.95. The Sena~ and Carter prevailed on the lower 1978 limit of Sl ,070.85, however,

,, . .

SELF-EMPLOYED persons have to pay even higher rates, since they-ha~flO ·~mploy«&" who pay matching funds on them. The 1978 rate for the self· emp1oyed is-iJ.l percettt-l>f-tn· come, for a ma}\imum tax oC Sl ,433.70, eoms>area lo----r.rper· cent or SI ,303.50 in 1977.

--~?Polish Pre·ss ~ Twists ·. Words of President , • WARSAW, Poland (A P > - tercel in content from the original

English texts .

In 1979, the Social Security tax r ate will climb to 6.13 percent, on a boo~ted income ceiling ·or S22,900, for a maxi-mum lax or Sl .403.77. Future years will bring even sharper bikes in either the rate or lhe income ceiling.

• • \ ..


Bo~IJMes Socked •• ; f)g Kisses London \asses shared their high spirits with a pair of. · the city"s finest at Big

Ben's midnight stroke 'during celebration of New Ycar ·s in Trafalgar Square. Poland's official press cu mc up

with some English-1.lolish t ranslation discrepanc1c!> Satur­day at the close of Pres ident Carter's tv. o-day visi t , m arked ea rlier by problcmi:. with in· dividual int~reters .

A ncwsp~~cr and lhe stalt­ncws <.1gcncy produced Polish· language vers ions of ·!i news confon•nce Frtd;,iy that dif.

CARTER OPENED his news confe rence with u r efe rence to dissident Journalists "who want · cd t o attend but were not prrm1tted to come." Rut Trihuna l , udu, the Polish Communist Party newspaper, worded the s tatement as journalists ' 'wbo \\an led to come but couldn't ··

Guns Blaze· in Sea R8·d -~~t 0f~are . I Going Higher

• ~ \


' ~ I i • ~ • ,. : t ' • I \ • ' J I ~

i \

·. Carters In

·: Indian Palace

At the news con feren ce, rnw reporter referring to Soviet in fl ul'ncc over Eastern European l'ountrics, im1btcd " .. .if you dun •t mind , lh<'Y arc dominated, '1 r P resident .. The newspaper. t1 an.,lated thl' n•mark as " ... 1r \OU don 't mind, I uphold my

BANDON. Ore. <AP > - Gun· fir e e rupted on a lonely southern Oreiton beach early Saturday as authorities seized aboul seven tons of marijuana, three boats and several truck11 and captured a l least ten persons believed in· 'olved in a smuggling operation.

The s mugglers sp ra yed automatic weapons fire at of· fte<•rs as lhcy clo!Sed in before dav. nt. Officers returned the firl! , but ncrone was hit.

:-;EW DELIJI , JmJ1a !AP> llome for Prcs1Cknl Cartc•r amt his .... ifl· no.~ ;1lynn fo r l\H> days s ta rting today is a mammoth palace of :110 rooms ;md a mile ;1nrl a hoill' ol t ormJors

lnd1a 1..., the third s l1>p on their lore1gn t1Jur.

The llashlrapati Hhavan, the official homt' of Pn•sidcnl San ·

' j iva RNlcty, 1s un awesome domed st1 ut·ttire or red and cream sandstone. The Roman a nd Greek -s tyled building awarrs the residence or any other head of state in the world. the In-

• dtan government cluims ..

\ l('W .

W II EN ( ' A HTER said he thought lhcn• was no doubt about the Polish pc11p1e·s desire "for <'<>m p l etc preservati o n and C'nhancement or human rights, .. the> paper omitted the words ·· and enhanc·emenl. "

The pres ident said P oland m 1i.:hl be ahead of the Soviet Cn1011 in reducing international a rm s sales. But PAP, ·the Pohsh st ate news agency. reworded it to ~ay P oland ~s " particularly committed ."

One or the boats captured was the 11 0 root freighter "Ci gale," r~g1stcrcd in Pana ma. The Coast Guard captured it after an air ~upp9rtcd sea chase.

Recalb Bit Record WASllJNGTON CA P > - A re­

cord 12 6 million motor vehicles were recalled in the United States m 1977 ~ausc of poten· tial sa fety defects. more than a ll the vehidcs recalled during the



Midwest 'Snow Struc_k' Travelen . Find Going Tough in Storm

( J A withdrawal means Spassky

BR becomes the tournament winne·r / E F S by default and wins the right to _ _ ch a llehge fellow Russian and

world champion Anatoly Karpov for lhe title. There was no orficial three previous yenrs, according

to a government report. The figures, compiled by the

National High\l!'ny Traffic Safety Administr ation , indicate that nearly one of every 10 veh1eles on the road was involvO(:l in some sa fet y cam pa ign i n 197 7 , although only a .small fr action may have had an actual defect

'Oaallenger E~ts ZURICH, Switzerland <AP I -

Chess g randm as t er Vi cto r Korchnoi has withdrawn from hi s world c hamp ionship challengers' match against Boris Spassky in protest or an umpire·s refusal to bar~the public from the re maining games, it wa11 report· ed Saturday.


l ivcrin Laguna Beach. lie says the Miss ion ViCJO noat

marks the firs t time the scrapes idea has been used . Painted te guide the s tudents in putting- on the right color of flowers, they look like long rainbows .

" We think Mission Viejo pro· bably has as colorful a float as a ny in the parade." said An · dcrson, who moves from float to float a nd tent lo offit:e in a golf cart.

The floats on Fridny looked anything like prize winners .

And with so much scaffolding, bare framework exposed and workers, mos tl y students, feveri s hly going about their

• tasks, il was difficult to vis ualize their final floral beauty .

But when floats pass by the­mi Ilion and a. hall lining the parade route and an other estimated 125 Jnillion tuning in via the .tube, choruses ot ohs and ahs will be heard. _

Rhonda Shook- and the young women- werking on the fountain... are among 30 to 40 students from Capistrano Valley High School who boarded a bus al 6 : 30 every morning last week for the ride to Tern pie City.

They wor)<ed unlil 3 p.m . with students from Mission y 1ejo High School replacing them. The Mis· slon Viejo High students labored until lQ o'clock apd. beyond each night.

Anderson said. so m e were working untp l a .sn. one day last weele.

A schedule Is pre-planned for · every aspect of the flont building.

And iC the work Is behind schedule, a crew ;;taya on the job until things arol'cauiht up, An· derson aaid .

word on where the match is to be held .

Moumers 'Riot• PO,IlT ELIZABETH. South

Afri ca (AP ) Rioting broke out in P o rt Eli z abeth 's black townships Saturday when police arm ed wilh rifles intercepted thousands of mourners near a ce m e te r y. the Sout h African Press Association reported .

S h ots were fired a f te r thou11ands of blacks, mostly ~ ouths. had gathered at the Zw1dc Cemetery in Veeplaats for the funeral of Peter Sithole. the press association snid. Sitholc was shot dead by poliC<! last' week in another disturbani;e.

WASJfiNGTON CAP> - The New Year brings unwdcome news to fedicare patlenb. To· day lhelr hospital bills co up.

The Increases range_ from $20 for hospital stays of up lo GO days to SlO a day for s lays beyond 90 day~. The hi .Cher costs wjll aUect an estimated 6 million recipients of Medicare for the-elderly.

Und er th<' old r eg ulations, Medicare patients paid Sl24 for the first 60 days of hospitaliza­tion, $31 a day for the Slst through 90lh days, and $62 a day for stays beyond 90 days:

The new patieltt share will be $144 for the first 60 dtiys and it in· creases by s.5 a 'dtty during the lhkrd month and by SlO a day beyond that <:.

The increases were required by li;g1slat1on that calls for an­n u a I ad1ustment o f patient charges lo keep up with changes in hospital costs.

Pat Cook. youne at heart, is a patient woman.

She labored for three hours

FLOATS ARE BLOOMING·HARD WORK Se•n CampbeU, MIHlon VleJo, Flower Child

Frid~ itulng yellow mum petals Art stayed most doy-1 lasl week tA> make one wing on one or seven to work with both shifts of s tu-parrot.s.. , dents.

" This Is kind or fun ," she said, And while coordinating ac· her daughter Marie, 13, wor'King tlvltles ls an important port o( at her side. "Once a bird Is made Coqk's role he says that working Ifeelllke I've done a Sood Job." with the noat. is mostly ·•getting

What Mrs. Cook didn 't mentlon your handS gooey and sticky.·• ta that the parrots cot the petal The Cook•' children, Mike, ~6. wines fint getUne wings or Tbm, 15, and C!ttia, n , as well as ~llow mums. M ar1e, wock on the float.

" Wt decided the whole mums There haven't been any un· made them look tao bulky,·: Blll . usual or unsolvable problems, Sessoyert, lloaL aupervisor, aaJd. Cook said. So off came tt\c nowers and on But he noted that lasL went the petals, slowly but aur. Tuesday's rain created humidity ely. . under the Big top nd tt meant

Float bullctfni, after 0ttlf~ two putUn1 heavlflr doses oC clue on years, has Nepme • family ar. the Oowen. then waJtln& hm,ger fair for the CoOks. Mls•ton vte,Jo to apply them to the noat. haa its fine. float In She 197'1 Scott Campbell, u. a parade. • • sophomore at Caplatrano Valley

Pa\'• h liid, Art, ls man11er Hlab. dr~ an early au\anment ot envitOn'"ental artalra f Of' U,. of pa~illl bnk onto the au•l>C'· Ml$alon Viejo Company. ~ a Cam'Pbet\ I 11porta tditor and o m'fu* Of lM Mtulon Viejo ac· • teature writer OI\ the 1chool tlvltlts ~ommit ha haa been paper. ri1pon1iblo ror many or the Ile •lit b dolnf a t1oat· neMO(JaUON lnYOlied wnh the bulldJn1;at0ry for Paw Prints. ~ ''Wbatl>etlU war to covu the ...

' •

story thunto worlcon a ttoat?" he sald.

Ed Paq,uin, ts, a aopMrno~ at Capo, safd his art teacher Lisa Dallendorrcr asked for volun­teers so ho • 'gn vc it a try.··

He thinks It 's run. So did most oflhe others.

•'A lot of people don't get the opportunity lo do this," Sharon Touher, a iOl)homore, said.

Sandi Sllglbauer satd, "Jt 's re­Waf'ding."

The two 1chooJ& wJU get money for lhelr work. Tho cash will be used !or school projecti.

"t want my Ooata finished by S~lurday nlsht, wath n rCAIOfl," sald Ander•on. Wlio l'las been head of the operallOn. live yeara. •

Tho lloat•s •b·cJllnder Chevrolet ensmc atarh at t today on '" l~mite. throe·bour drive lo PU~fna, ll"• a 'OOd bet nearl~ everyone or those IO ptu,, •ttident.i=irlll be che-erlna for a prlH ,,..inntt. • .

Tho noat t!i NO. Din the Hno4f march •



'1 '1

. - .



. survival ... Of~rla 'Miracle'

EL CAJON (AP> - Mlt'hel Robson has a plt.LSlcr cast on her neck up to her chin, but the

1 spunky 10-year-old was in good spirits Saturday as she told of the lwo·days she spent stranded near the site or an airplane craiih that kllled her grancjparents.

"I was a!riad that nobody would find mo, that I would die like m y granctmother and grandfather," the youngster, sit ­tllfl; m a wheelchair. told r e­porters at a news conference al

-El Ca..ioq Valley !!ospltal.

MIC HEL, OF Fort Collins. Colo , had huddled In 4<Jod(!};~e-­tem pcraturcs and sporadic rain for two days after the small plane piloted by her grandfathe r crashed near here. ,

A s heriff's rcsctlo. helicopter discovered the v. rcckagc Thurs­day about 75 feet from the top of 3,210·foot Rock Mountain, 23 m 1 h.•s.cast of San Di<'~O

" We were aboµl 75 fc<'l away when we heard u httle gi rl say· ing, 'Help m<!. down here, ... said Deputy Dennis Wilson, pilot or th() helicopter.

l #I

• •


Pasadena Crowds' Early. . ·Advance Arrivala Ready· for Piny, ~anule PASADENA <AP > - Spec·

tators from across the natlon started rorminc thcii- own pro· cession Saturda{ along the citys Toot-na ment o Roses Parade route in preparation for Mon· day's annual festivities .

Early arrivals - an estimated 6,000 persons. mostly in recrea· tional vehicles - have settled down in all the prime viewing locations, said John l\fcAlisler, spokesman for the Pasadena Police Department.

" IT LOOKS like the recrea· tional vehicle world has deposit· ed itself in Pasadena," Mc Alister safd. ~ne· RV~ed1on-et-the R06e Bowl is also filled up ... ~nday's Rose Bowl ga.ip(tpil$

lhe Michigan Wolverines against the Washington Huskies.

McAlister said there were no m a)or traffic problems Satur·

day, addinJ that "no parking" slgna would go up later as the crowd thickens. Ile noted that 1.4 million spectators turn~ out for the parade or football game last New Year's Day. A~ nearby Pasaden a City

CoU.,ae. more than 600 RV units representing every st~te excep~ llawall had cheeked inlo three parking lots at the campus to aw alt Monday's parade.

T HE SCHOOL charged the Good Sam Club, an RV owners' organlzatlon, $9,600 for the four. day "Samboree." the first event

an d security aervlees, said Arnold Robles, a club otflcer. But SSO Is collected from the occu­pants of each vehicle to help de· fer expenses. 4 - • ~

The avers. most or them re· tired. have a packed schedule, ln· eluding films, slide s hows , dances, nfDelc acts, tours. non· denominational church services, and bleacher seals for the maln event, the par~de . .

McAIJster , tbe Pasadena police spokesman, said there have been no major lncidenta since the In· flux or sight.seen began.

of its kind ever held in Pasadena. T A-''We've leased t tie....caDlp\ls _ &..eA Rewar~

parkin& facilities, U\e cafeteria --and the gym an~sbowers ... said Unclaon· ed Marton Utirinlu>n, <Tooa" Sam,s state dlrector.

The organization b atSo paying an additional SS,000 for cusOOdiaJ

Doubting Larr . Bom Agai~ or Hristling?

LOS ANGELES <APl - MPSt of the $140,000 reward donated for Jn[or mallon leadJng to the arrest and con c on ol the llttl!tde Strangler was expected to go un· claim ed Saturday at midnight when \he offer expired.

"Nobody'• provided sufflcient Information to clalm i t," said Of. fleer Steven Hales of the Hlll.slde Strangler Task Force.

• )"• ......... -~ ·~ • a •

• Mi chel suffered a broken jaw,

burns on her leg from r aw gasol ine and other minor an· j\Jries.

LOS ANGELES (AP> - Religious publications are beginning to view sex magazine publisher Larry FJynt's re­ported conversion to Christianity with a shadow or doubl.

But a local r estaurant owner has put up anotb~r S.S,000 ln re: ward money, "to start the new year off right" and to encourage other Los Angeles area busi· nesam en to do the &ame.


T U E BLONDE youngster. who has seve r.ii bruises on her cheeks. said she wok(!""lap shortly after lhe p.lanc c ras hed and heard her grandmother<:aUing.

"Grandma asked me to huddle dose to her to keep warm." l\tachcl sa id. Whl'n she woke up th e ne'l<l morning, h e r i,::rundmoth<'r was not breathing

l\I ichl'I .and her gra ndmother, Rachel Mccarfrcy, 55, of Boulder, Colo. v. <•rc thrown out of the plane when al crashed. Her grandfather,<.'oe. 56, died on impact. authorities reported.

The youngst<'r told newsmen : " I thought r cou ld climb down the mountain lo somcbod~'s house and call ror help." • . .

UUTTllE ~irl apparc•nlly wan· dercd In C'lr<:lcs and l'n ded up hack at the crash s\te, where she was found Thursduy.

The New World Outlook, the United Methodist mission magazine, admitted "uMasiness" about Flynt's spiritual change in an editor ial , althouah the piJPUcation r efrained from casting overt judgment on the experience.

T HE EDITOR~ pointed out that Flynt and othet' political, show business and sports figures who have recent~ Iv been "born anain" seem to foTiow a pattern:

··Faced with a reversal of fortunes, one begins to doubt one's previously held conviotions and llfe-atyles and sees the li"ghl," the editorial said .

Flynt. owner of Hustler magazine, was convicted early

L.Altll Y l'LYNT

in 1977 on pandering charges ln Cincin· nati.

The biggest problem, the editorial goes on to say, ls that the " notorious sin· ner's conversion" to Christianity al')d a new career is as much based upon pre· vious notoriety as new birth.

"The lecture circuits, the television talk shows, the religious conventions all compete to welcome the prodigal," it said.

ll <'r mother. C'arol, said it was ~ a "miracle" thut her daughter ' survived. - "I don't think anybody e\'cr t ~ives theiT k1ds-cnon~h credit . :• thank goodness Mi chel didn·t ~ panic." she said. She said her ~ dau·1hler, a Girl Scout, was t tau~ht nevt>r lo panic - " bug a , tree butdon '~panlc or run ."

SINCF. ms conversion to Christi anity following a meet­ing with Pres ident Carter's s ister , Ruth Cartei: Stapleton, Flynt has vowed to change his publication from "hustling for sex" to "bustling for the Lord."

In the upcoming Jan. 9 issue of New Times, a secular. feature news magazine, a mock fronl cove\' oC F lynt's

-H\AJ;tloc magaz.ine.Jicpict..s. a fuJl:.bosomed woman adorned with a cross pendant. The words "New! Improved! Rustler­- hus tling for the Lord s ince 1978" arc draped across her.


. • • . f ~


i: ( >

Featured "ad.icles" ln lhe make-believe Hustler lssue include "TheJoyofSects .. and "Bondage in Bethlehem ...


. .


™• IOI• .. reol!y IOmeftllngl Kiel off .... Mew YHI with aubttotutol lfttngil on "" quoltty home fumllllh\ga. DftcoMr tl"fff buYI tltrougf\out our exclttft9 •toN- for ,.._ ,Mnt room. bedroom, dining room - ~ rooml fOftdful wooc1t. IUIClovl fobtto oftd •-.bite 0«"6CMIM. Come '"· tclt1• o4vciftf099 of thl• •. lt"'ti'". llmlted ttm. aole. !!.Jl:!ili& · :' .. , ... ·, ..

PETAL COVERED BELL GETS FINAL FLORAL TOUCH, Nancy Kavanaugh Work• Into Night on·ARCO Float :

Surpllls Plan 'Misuse' LOS ANGELES <APl

- AnOl'ney Genera l EveJle Younger says if he wer e governor he would uae lhe stat.e's $2.5 billion surplus lo reduce income, not p ro· perty taxes.

In an interview t•ped for broadcast today on KNX T t e lev i sion's "Newsmakers" show, Younger said uemo· c r allc Gov. Ed m u f\d Brawn J r . 's propos~d property tax relief plan would have been a " mis·

'use'' of the Income lax.

Youl'lger, a contender based M.exiean Marta Cor the R e pu bile an has turned up. nomination for governor in 1978, said the surplus BUT HE !\a1d the in· should be "given back lo vestigalion is more th an the people who paid it." just a look at Reader 's apeciflcally to state Diges t allegations that Jncometaxpayers. s late lttall.h and Welfare

Sec r etary Mario " I DON'T think ..vou Obledo's orfice delayed

achieve property tax re· an audilto allow de~' ruc­Jlef by giving income tax lion or evidence of Mex· fuhds back to lower in· ican Mafia activity. corr.e people.. You "There's just so much achieve proper.ty tax re· smoke there that we fel t Uef by reforming )'our com pelled to expand our property tax l aws, · · invesligJllion,'' Younger Youngersaid. said, citing tlp.s he saad

' •

ON QTHE R subjects, Younger defended the fou r separ ate p ublic pensions he has qualified to receive, and he said

He said B'rown's plan came from several un· - which would ·use mQSt nam ed legis lators and AP w 1rep1M111J

or the state surplus to re· state officials . J . EVELO: YOUNGE~ duce local pro~rty tax~-=::::::::::::::::=:=:=~~r;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;=======-;i;~ b\frdens, is " a mistake. A n~EY AT LAW

-MR-investigation or al· leged Mexican Mafia ties with state o(ficials will h1"t completed in about tw<>-monlhs.

Jle t ried to achieve pro- Tblillcl IDJOU BANKRUPTCY pecty_tax reliefJtui_mis-_ lt...a $85 .. use or the income tax:" - • • • - DIVOR f

Younger refused t o ftlllllllf IJS d iscuss -what the in· PJ'iS9n·

A. SeUe MfO oftd ..,_,..ot .. . o stvnolng duo lmmo<J.>. lotefy crofr@d dnd upt\Obrered wtm ~Hghrfuf Wrap around cusNonJnQ. s.teo' from a sntkJnO cotton prinr or o plush solid COffQn -..Iver. ~ $1259.80 •••..•... . .. . • . • ••.... ••

I. "* Mfo M4I '4w•M9t • • • unfquefy ~ed 'Wtfh stofnlesS ~ trVri'oMd ~ a.anno OkJji~ot ~ and reft«· m. beOury. Comtorro~loose pUlow~g. AvoJJoble In kncurtous cortoo velv~ 01 • .elect In o dromotlc print. f\eg. S20W. 90 .. ... ....... . . .. . ... .... . . . .... . .... . .





Insider's View Sliows Efilpathy . A politician starts dealing in illegal campaign prac·, gets caught, laces trial . is round guilty, sentenced to pttson, serves four months and - surprise now - comes out with a public plea for prison reform. ...

That predictable scenario applies in a number of cases both nationally and locally. Most recently, it was· played for Orange County audiences when Channel 50's J im Cooper interviewed Andrew J . Hinshaw, our former Congressman and Assessor, now jailed for bribery and im­proper campaign practices.

It's tempting to belittle Hinshaw for his observations. After all , he got caught and ought to t ake his medicine without whimpering. - Bufffial isn' t Che way Hinshaw came-across in the ih· terview. Rather than feeling sorry for himself. he seemed genuinely com.:~tned about others, specifically wrong· doers who can be recycled into non-criminal lives.

He pointed out, for example, that the S200 allowance• given prisoners when they are released is far from a reaHstlc figure for ~meone who has to find a home, get a job, buyacarandstartlifeanew.

Hinshaw looked at prison life, of course, as a pro­f essionalman gone wrong, not as a criminal type. Still , he has seen prison as we on the outside haven 't seen it. To his credit, he fooked at tWngs unflinchingly and with com­p assion for those who will stay when he is released in April.

And lf he found God in priso!l, Hinshaw at least had the grace to keep it to hi ms elf.

Change Symbol? Yuk! That ::.cowlin~ face wilh the ::.crunched eyes and the

tongue stuck out is "Mr. Yuk." Some people back East think h.e should be placed on the containers of poisonous substances as a warning to children .

The reasoning is that the fa mi liar skull and crossbones warnirfg symbol in use for many years has lost its punch. Kids. it is argued. may think it means pirate food is inside the container.

At least that ·s the feeling at the National Poison Center Network in Pittsburgh.

Gctthat? Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is the

home or a baseball team named the Pirates. Presumably the Pirates use th e skull and crossbones in promot­ing themselves and childr en back there are fell to sec that symbol in a les~ threatening man-ne r than other kids .

At the nsk of sounding pedantic, we'd like Lo suggest that Pittsburgh is the only city we can bring to mind with a ma)or league team called the Pirates and the rest of us would-rather sti~k wiUt ~~e.fa.miliar skull.and cr.ossbon.es_ t o t ell us and our kids to look out for what's inside the box Qr bottle.

,;.. Here in Orange County, we've had Orange Coast College's Pirates with us for more than 25 years and we d on 'l recall any accidental poisonings connected to that fact.

, Go your own way. Pitt~burgh. l\Ir. Yuk is dumb, as any norm;:il l·year·old kid wi ll tell you.

W eh of Confusion The verbal webs woven by Washington bureaucrats

t ang led themselves around a new and unique word again last week.

How about "dis information"? Of course there's no such word. or course it's not in the

dictionary. But former U.S. Ambassador William J . Porter

thought it i-ounded good. ' I le told a House subcommittee that a reporter•s

primary obligation ls not to his readers or television a udience. but to his government. That in itself Is a bit of s t t a i ned logic. but Porter went it one better.

The one-time Saigon ambassador said a reporter sttt>uld collaborate at times with the CIA and other agen· clu. but, " l don't say be should be ul'ed for dis inform(,l· lion ... ··

An on-the·spot definition or disinformation: providing · false or misleading stories: .

Fine, Mr. Porter. that would really have the Vietnam situation come out line when you were there. wouldn't it? Colossal governmental foul-ups neatly covered up by an ac· quiesc·entpress.

• Opinions exprneed In the tpece above are ~. of the Daffy Plloi. Other view. ~ on thla peo- are thole of their authort and

artlats. Raeder convn1nt la Invited.

.. (

y: Boyd/ Blind's Love ByLM.BOYD

Client asks our Love and Wl\r man if lt 's true H s~~llme) clalme<l that. blh\cf people are much more romtntic than th sighted. Tb~t·s the generally accept· e<t,belief, all right. Larae re. UarU:e on the of touch b~ something to do with it.

I> <!oub1. A1id w1nn Urey ..., vb,on without actual 1t1ht tend• to remain forevel' 1oun1.


flC>W can YoU call )'ourself a S.uoned Clt1Hn1 if 7ou

can't ldentlfy the Mighty Michigan, the Nttca and the Black Cow? All three were model names or cars. Tbey went on the market, Tespec. lively, in 1911, 191S ahd 1905.

One out or every 20 ht1h school atudenti 1eta drunJt at least once a week. That'• what ~ .. al-nffuchera­concluded after a study or the matter;

........ • • ..

fkmdey, January 1, 1'78 ' Rebert N. Weed / Publfshor

- ·· .. .

ThomH K .. vlf/Edltor •

Nick Thimmesch r Thrill Gone Fro~ Carter. T~}>


WASHINGTON - One favorite game here during -the holidays wu to try and figu r e out why Presa· dent Carter was going on the trip he ls now on. Your guess, dea r, reader, ls as good as mine, or th~ lofty expta natlon proffered by Or. Zbtgniew Brzezlnikl, the Presi· dent's national securlty advisor.

There 1s an element. of . the media stunt ln the nine-day and six-nation Journey.

There ls also an element of $lubbomness, meanlog that the President is determine d to salvage a good piece of the

Jack j\nderson

enormous trip he originally Jald on .and then cancelled In un­precedented fashion.

FinaUy, tl'lere is the possibility that. thla trip is t.o &Ive Jimmy Carter a look at some countries he bas never seen. before, and for him to have his aplrlta llrt.ed (if artificially> Ln the process.

ACCORDING TO Bneilnaki, in a preM briefing be described as a little lecture, cosmic forces dictated the necessity for the Carter trip. T T -·

The world is less colonial, (ts pof?lUflion swells, great demo­graPl\1G 1hifta are in process. world power is dispersed - wbo knows, we might live to experience star wars.

Thus, we were informed, in prosaic terrna, that Poland must be visited by t.he American

President to salute its courage agaln~t the Nazis and to rec· ognlze its second-to-the-Soviets Importance in Eutem Europe; Iran, because it e merged from British domination . is threatened by Soviet influence, and now experiences 611-bucks economic growth; Ind la, for its m assive population aod nominally democratic tnstltu· lions: Saudi Arabia, well, er. because of Its oil: France, ah, th" Arc de ]'rtomphe and the N41'm.aody beachheads: awl. Belgium because ot the Common Market and NATO.

A LL Tills sounda a blt Uke a tour·guide's rationale. After all, as one reporter pointe" out, didn ' t Presidents Nixon a nd Ford produce similar lists to justify their global trips?

(Jf course, when Nixon went to Peking and Moscow 'he made history al)({ there w14 authectic thrill. just as there was when an American first landed on the moon. But after the fourth moon landin1. well, the thrill is gone.

An advisor to the President could just as well have declared the President was vlsitin1 W~t Germany because of Its lnduc­trl al mi ght; Lu xembou r g. because of Its growing banking communJty ; South Korea, a bas· lion against North Korea· s brutal Co mmuni s m ; Japan , t he powerhouse of Asia; or Israel, the mighty mit.eofthe Middle East.

' THE POINT is, a reason in·

veslcd in grand strategic design can be found to justify any presidential trip.

Why doesn't Jody Powell or Hamilton Jordan or someone in the White House JU$t stand up and say, " He's going because we want the world to see J immy as a fresh new American race. and a force for iood. Besides. he ·11 enJOY it, and so will Rosalyn.··

There are some fussy and also subs tanti al criticis ms or this trip . The fussy ones are that Carter , the Hum an Rights Presi· dent, will be visiting at least three countries wh1ch are hardly

democratic, and will ring ln the New Year from repressive Iran.

" AN0111EJl JS.that the White ~

House blew SlS0,000 ln "pre. advancing" the ori&inal nin• , nation. l2·day trip because staff. ers had flown 2S,000 miles in Lwo Air Force Jets to make th4I arrangement.a.

P.1.oce substantial Is the criticism that when Carter can­celed the original trip, be tnruct· ed great letdown and lnconven­ieoc.e .on the naUon ..tn_yglved, ... and left many aood souls t.bin.k· · ing the mil!\ doeso ' t kno~ what he ls,.

The cance llation, which Carter said was nttessary for him to sell his energy ptoiram <be hasn't anyway>, was the firs t In hi$tory for a trip by an American President.

NEXT. THE salva1ed trip s hows no theme. offers no set or solid reasons why It ii being conducted, and again, h tl\ves the world wondednc what our President it up to.

As the most powerful nation In the world, we can afford auch m istakes as Vietnam, Waterfate and canceled and rescheduled grandiose presidential trips, but we hardly win ,ave reviews ln the process.

FiQJtlly, President Carter again shows a Jack of follow· through in word and deed. In the 1976 campaign, he ret us know he didn't believe in globe-spanning, · breathtaking diplomacy and soon thereafter announced be would make no overseas trips duringhisfU"Styearinoffice.

BUT, BAM, he was off to a beauty show or Western world leaders ln London only a rew months after the inauguration. And now, he whirls across conll· nents.

But after saying all this in a Republic blessed with free speech. I also wish President Jimmy Carter eodspeed as he experiences Poland, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia. France, Belgium and home again, Rosalyn.

Abused Alien Workers Ready to Strike WASHINGTON - Th e

borderlands of southwestern Arizona - a wilderness of rock formations , rugged ravines. saauaro cactus and mesquite -provide a picturesque setting for a West.em movie. But this land al10 offers another kind of drama.

Each year, an estimated 10,000 illeaal aliens trek acro1s the de­sol ate desert in the shadow of the jagged Baboourvarl mountains in queat of wOTk in- tbe Arizona citrus groves. They CUT)' no bauaae. but they bring with them a host of economic, sociological and law enforcement problems.

For milUonalre ranchers and corner·cuttlng businessmen in thi1 country, there Is profit in the illecal entry of impoverlahed Mexlcana, who will accet>t literally pennies for an hour'• work. On both sides of the border, therefore, a n illegal, JucraUve ali e n s muggllne racket la Oourishing.

But two of our reporters -Hat Bernt.on and Doug Foeter - have just returned from a two·m"1th investigation of this com~llln• hum an drama. The)" (ound that the exploited :Mextcans are beainning to stand up for their human rt,ghta. ·

JN Tim PAST, the etaht. to..10 mlllloa lf alcan wciPen in tho country have been •Ully vie· tfmlzed. Tbey bn• betD driven north by the lmpetllnc need to find wa'JS that can aupport tbttr women and cJtlldr•n. Tbey'l'

e bottom ·d:~•Y to .__.,~u~b1l1t under ttvina-

anct workJnlJ condtilou. JI they try to compJl1n, t.he tbreat of.

ing turned over lo authorities ror deportation can intimidate them into silence.

Thi s explains why the Ar· row head Ran ch just outside Phoenix, half-0wned by a brother of Sen. Barry Goldwater, R· Ariz., bas long depended on il· le1al alieps to pick ita fruit. And according to bo~der itatrol of· ncers, the ranch foreman, Frank Sancb~ ls .a kingpin in the mi· derground traffic that 1upplles pick-and-stoop labor to other ranches throu g hout the Southwest.

A weU-1>laced Border Patrol IOUl'CO esttmalel that Sanchez pocketa $200,000 a year from hla moonlllhUnt operaUon. Earlier, • bor.der ,Patrol oCflctall Upped off la.••tl•a&Jve Beportera and Editors about Sanchez' opera· lion. But the omcials have now been muzzled by their superiors.

A next-door neighbor to Ar· rowhead is the 2,500-acre spread of the Bodine Produce Company, where owner Ralph Bodine r eadily admits "99.9 percent" or bis work force is made up of U· Jeeal aliens.

THE MIGRANT Mexican bands, mainlf non· Engllah· spealdnf, are at the mercy of the " company store" - a 1ougtng operaUon that ~came Infamous In th• coal tninlng hollows ·and steel towns ot the past. ·

outfit, the Maricopa County Organizing Project. The ranch management granted a 2S per· cent pay raise and agreed to in· stall some toilets, ahowera and facilities for drinking water for the first time.

But our reporting team relates that work(!rs and ihetr famiUes s till live primitively in the mid· die of the dlrul 1rovea, with flimsy tarpaulins for cover, makeshift outdoor lrUls for cook· Ing and a sparsity of toilet facilities.

Al last account. the atrikent at Bodloe's have encountered tougher opposition. Strikln& workers at the ranch reported cettLng less than U>e minimum hourly wage. They told horror stories of irrigation ditches beinr opened without warning and sometimes waking lo find water flooding through their campsites. They also complained that they have b een s prayed with pesticides while working 1n the fields .

OWNER Ralph Bodine frankly told Foster .. as a matter of prac· Ucallty, I don't give a . ., II the lemon• rot or not" and 1n1lat.ed he would not bow to tbe strtkin& aliens.

With U.S. AUorney Michael Hawkl.DJ and Phoenlx Judce Carl Meucke dealln1 even-handedly in the dlsput.e, the alien farm worters have scored several ma·

Bodine'• workers told us that a three.apd·a·balf pound chicken costs $1.95 off the ranch, cont· pared to ~.89 at Bodi.De's grocery counter. Fin peunda ol fJour for tortillas seU for 65 cent.I out.Ide, but the price lnllates t.o $1.S at tbe ranch et.ore. A '12· by 00..lcich Wlllltet ll prte-4 al $U9 rf in tA>wn but marked up to S'7 .99 at Bodlne't. Pinto beans, • MtxJcaf\ f dleta~ mfinsu_L are al~t doul)f e in prlce. - -

In .John Stelnbeck'• l Depreulon-era epic , .. Tbt . · Gra~ea of Wrath, ' tbe Joad lamUy waa driven by economic ·• IDJ01Uce at lhe band• of tM ( ranch ownen to deOant strike-=· Uon. Tho aamo wfnda ol cbld'te have •tarted to blbw &mCfal the downt.Rddtn wofken on tb• randl ~ ates ln flrl~

jor leeal breakthroughs in tbe courts. The owners can no longer bar labo~ organizers from the camps, and the workers have been awarded tenancy right.a in the 1roves where they eke out an exlltence.

But outrageous abuses persist One border patrol official report· ed tbat owners occaaioully ao"gbt to cheat the illeeals out ot even thelrsubltandard waces by havln1 them deported Just before pay day. Another source told our reporting team : "I've seen workers with faces thal look like ham burier trorn the beatings &iven them aL the ranch."

SOME OF lhe strikers are awart thaliftbey succeed in-win· nlng Improved working .condi· Uool and 1aining decent minimum wages, legal workers might move l.n to lake their jobs.

"We aren't worri ed about that,·• one lUegal leader told UI: "We're not doing this just for ourielves. No human beings should have to suffer tbe way we have, clUten or not."

Footnote: Frank Sanche%, the manacer of the Arrowhead ranch, denies any involvement in iUe1al alien amuggUng. Tucson border patrol chief Herbert Walsh bad Uli• cryptlc comment: •'There IJ no •vidence that we have which indicates Sanchez ls continuing to smuggle aliens now."

, 1.

' " .. .. A1 ... .

Orange Coal Dally Pilot Jatr'Ore -ft.a;.;jl_.l.f!J.liiiliil._ .. -. .................. T.o.wr.• .. o.•1~1v•P•11o~t/8o~•·'s.o ... . '°'.t.•M . ..... · .CA."~'·2· ...... ~ j.,. .. I ~r. 8unday,Januaryl; 101s ToC.11 tht·oally Pllotnt.041-4321 , ·

5 ...

Gifts Retmn Bob Greene •

Tiuie ForeV.eD. Love's iii By alalSTINE DORSEY ChrUtbw Dorsey ta o coMUlltno

1rhool P'l/'Cholo{IUt who rtlt&• an l rvtM.

Now that the Chrtstm·as atns have all been unwrapped and put away. and the warm &low ol Christmas s llll lingers, my t hou1hts go back to a Christmas many years ago. lt was In Con­necticut during lhe Depression when 1 received the two best Chrbtma.s gills I have ever re­ct:ivt:d.

I was then te1chln1 ' third· grade school in a sc!hool localed. j ust out.side o! Hartford. Al that. time, we had natural integration. We got children from both aides of. the railroad tracks : the very rich, the poor, the slianly poor, and a few colored kid.I. <In those days no pne called them blacks; the polite term was simply " colored". and slnce ruce p~Judice was practlcaJly unknown in our school in those days, we all used the polite term. I

MANY OF the children had parents who had been born In other countries , a nd English was not lhe only language spoken In many or their homes Even so, the children had no animoaities or r acial hatred. and they were all well adjusted to each other, and got along well together.

My first year of teac hing started well, and we were soon approaching the Christmas season . I was looking forward to this, but everything did not go as I expected.

I was appalled when on the I a &J. day of school be f9r e Chr is tmas. some of the kids brought gifts for the teacher, :rnd insisted that the teacher open them before the whole t'las5. It was a tradition; every teacher: had done this every year as long as anyone could re­member.

IT HAPPENED In my class, too. There they were - presents piled on my desk. with the kids standing around, big-eyed, wall· ing to see Ule presc!nts a nd my reaction to them . It was an awkward, tense moment for me, berause some of the poor kids L>rought very meager presenls,

and some or the very poor bro6ght nope al all. · l was tom between breaking

• the tradlflon, and dlsappolnUn1 those who brouaht expensive preaenls, or watching the faces of the other children lose their happy glow when they saw pre· ents they could not dream of glv-ln .

\rhile dpllberaUng this, a small voice of one of the poorest kids in the class shout.ea. "Open mb>e, open mlne, please... ';rhe 1irl wore a dress at least two sizes too large fot S\er, obviously handed down from an older sls­tw, but hu eyes...were shinin1 brightly as she held out her glft. It was wrapped in brown paper, and Ued with string.

SUE PLEADP agaln, ''Open mlste flnt. "

Without hesit,ating a moment, I openf!d her present. A gasp went atowld the room - It was one Mary Jane candy ; they sold two for a penny. I was so touched thul she would share h a lf of her most prized possession, I could hardly com­pose myselr to exclaim my thanks, and soon the whole class joined In my enthusiasm.

It was then that a boy, stand· ing in the rear of the crowd, found the courage to yell out, ''Open mine, open 111ine!" He, too. was from the other aide of the tracks. and his present was in a small box, also done up in brown paper.

· AS I UNFOLDED the paper, I saw a tape measure. In big let­ters, the words "Compliments of Lydia E. Pinkham" boldly stood out from the cloth tape. He poi nted t o the l e tters and beamed all over. and said, "I sent for It myself." I can vividly recall how proua- he was of his gift, and how pleased he was with it.

Since that Christmas years ago, I have received many girts, beautiful and expensi ve ones and some with fond, sentimental memories, but somehow those two gifts from children who

lived on the wrong side or the tracks stand out in my memory above all others. - · Not all of the teachers re­ceived the same kind of gills, however. One of them received a moat unusual and unwanted gilt. She taught second trade, and waa known for ber animosity and meanness to her students. The kids called her "Miss Battle-axe."

TO THE CHILDREN she seemed to flt a favorite New England saying, .. as old as God, and as mean as sln." Heaven heJp anyone whom ahe took an active dislike to, and her dislike& seemed to be pointed toward-lbe poor and weak - the \'ery on,es least able to defend themselves.

She had one child In her class that fit thb category- particular· ly well. He was a frall, colored boy from the slum area. This teacHer picked on him incessant­ly ridiculed him in rrodt of the ct~as. and seemed to delight in tormenting him.

The boy's mother was a wtdow with four other children. A proud woman who wok In washings, rather than go on "re­lief", as it was called In those days. This woman was of the old school. and thought a teacher could do no wrong, so that her 7-· year-oldTommyhadtobandlehi.a own school problems.

AND HANDLE theJTl he did! He meekly accepte.d the t.eache.r's ridicule and tauntlngs all through the fall months, but ~n this day lasl day or school befoi:e Christmas, he got his re· vengc.

He arrived early at the school before anyone else got there.. and entered hi s classroom through an unlocked window. Then, right on t op or the teacher 's desk. he did bis "busi­ness" - a pile of "No. 2."

I do not recalrtbe penalty ror his act, but I was impressed then, as J a m now. with the old adage, "You get back what you give out." Especially at Christmas.

lie sang one final song of fove to bis wife or so years and then, his lite complete, he died.

His name was Red Cassidy. He was 68 years old. The oc­casion was a

song with that voice or his, alna· ing the Irish favorites : " Har­rigan ." and ''MacNamara's Band," and "Danny Boy," and ''My Wild Irish Rose '' - and, especially , " In Bac k of the Yards."

Some of the people ln the nei1hborhood boped that Red would ao out and make lt big ln show buslness. But it dldn 'l ba.P­pen: he went to work for the

SOtb an· nivers•l' Y party for Red and bls wife, Catherine. wh.o had mar­ried as teen· agers in the

. c.naryvUla _ neighborhood

r cii.1' tn the water and ltwtr de­partment, and bis sln1ln1 was confined lo Cuaryvllle, where they loved him.

and bad 1tayed~everstMe.

i.,t.1 and Ct1therlne bad seven children. The children told their parents they were eoina to take them to .Mau on the Ill· nlveraary, and then to a small get-together for the f am Uy.

BtJT WHEN church was over, the cblldren drove their parents to O'Connell"s Dining Room, where 200· friends of the family had 1athered for a surprise party.

Two hundred friends? 'J:bat waan ' t the half of it. Red Cassidy was perhaps the besl­koown man ln Canaryvllle.

He was a singer of Irish songs. For all these years, he had been singing al weddings and parties and, mOtSUy, in the neighborhood taverns. Gene~Uons of people from the neighborhood knew Red Cassidy andhiS singing.

It ls a working -class neighborhood of families, and the taverns are family taverns. The scene was always the same. The mothers and fathers would be slttlng around the quiet tavern, some of them letting their children all'wilh them, and then Red Cassidy would walk through the door and the place would come to life.

RED WAS A fixture at all the pla ces that counted in Canaryville : at McCarthy's, al Cannon's, at McSherry's Tave rn. He would burst into

The yean passed, and the red curls whtch fa\'e hlm his n.ickna~ fiimed to silver, but they atlll called him Red, and he still kept on sinalng. And, in an age where famJUe~ fall apart so easily. ~ and Catherine stal'ed together and raised their seven children.

CATHERINE had sufrerect a stroke in recent years, and Red had undergone major surgery, an~ the doctors had told both of them to take it easy. But they were excited at the surprise an­nl versary party; excited, and happy to see so many of their friends from the neighborhood.·

And doctor's orders or not, Red didn't.take.ft. so easy al the party. He danced wilb all the children, and talked wlth all the fdend.s, a.IM(!iad the Ume of bis life.

Tom Cassidy - the youngest child. the first Cassidy to re­ceive a college degree •• a Marine veteran with service in Vietnam - got up aQd read a tribute lo his parents, and t.o family life.

• "WE ARGUE, we cajole, we

lease, .. Tom said. " Bul, by God, we love one another "

And then Red stood up. There was a microphone for him. so he would not have to strain t\iS voice.

"My heart is full ," Red said. "I would like to say a few words, but I can't say loo many."

Red pulled out a letter from Doc McGrath, the 93-y'ear-old

,,. patriarch or lhe nclchborhood. He read aome of Doc McGrath'• ':J worda: . ,

"MANY IS THE Ume you and "· t have bent elbows tocether, and. J with the help of the Father, the .' t Son and the Holy Sptrit •e will .. do It a1aln. Watch and pray, d11 · > byday." ' )

And then Red turned to ... Catherine. Everyon ln the room looked toward the microphone. ·,

•"There•• Just one more ' · • want to do,·· Red said. "J want W--•ing a aooe-r.r..tny cleat wat.­on our anniversary." '

The tltree-plece nelghborhooi! l>nd behlDd. him began to play, and Red beiah to alng Catherine's favorite aong,' ! ''Because of You." '

BECAVSE OF bls health. he"'•i did not alng loudly. He almost· , , whispered the first verse: :

"Because or you, there's a I

song in my heart; Because oC ' you.- m y romance bad ila -, start . • .''

Some of the cuests betCitn lo cry. Red kept slnalng:

"Because of you, the sUft will shine; The moon and stars will suy you'remine . .'' ·

RE MADE IT through the en­tlre song, and by the lime he was into the last verse, there was not another sound in the room. He sang;

••1 onJy live for your love and ! your kiss ; It's paradise with you like this; Because of you, my : Ule is now worthwhile. . . "

Red turned to Catherine. Now • he raised his voice to its full singing strength, Just· uke in 8'&- -old days, and with the band ' behind him he sang :

"And 1 can s mile .•. Because of you."

THE GtJF.81'8 burst into ap. plause. And at first no one could believe it as Red Cassidy fell very sonly to his left, and lay ut>on the noor.

Hi s song was over. Red Cassidy was dead.


~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...._..~ !t


Personal Liberty Taking a Back Seat

This edUorfal originclly appeared in t~ Wcul!_i!IJlfon P~t._ I

The Supreme Court has ruled that any policeman who stops any automobile for any traffic violation cAn compel lls driver to get out or the car under any circumstances. At first glance, the de­cision may appear to be relatively un­important. The cou rl 's majority ap· parenlly so regarded ll; it disposed of the matter in an un signed opinion without bothering to hear arguments.

But the more we have thought about this decision - and the rationale on which it is based - the worse it seems to be . The court was so eager to strengthen the hand of police that It violated a principle that has helped pre­serve personal freedom in this country: No longer will police be requJred to try lo distinguish between criminals and everyone else before asserting their authority - as far a s automobile drivers are concerned.

NOW YOU MAY not regard being compelled t.o get out of your car as an infringement on your personal freedom. The court's current majority obviously doesn ' l . But let's look at some

hypothetical situations. Suppose the night is especially dark

ancl" me stree~ dtterled. You Me stopped by a police car that may or may not be marked carrying an officer who may or may not be. In w\iform. Is it, as the court says, .. a mere incon· venience" in such circumstances to be forced togctoutofyour car ?

Or suppose it is pouring rain and you are stopped for having an outdated in­spection sticker. Or that you are old or handicapped and getting out of the car is physically diCCicult.

· WE KNOW ntAT most policemen will never use the power that the court has Just said they have in such situa­Uons. But we know, and you do, too, that a rew will - to naunt their authori­ly. to vent one prejudice or ·another or for malicious pleasure al inducing em· ba rrassment.

We raise these bypolhetlcal case!J because the court has rarely given the police such unrestricted power. It usual· ly requires a specific reason for a police omcer to force an individual citizen to do something.

We would not quarl"el wtth a decision boldins that police have authority to or- -

der out of thelr cars all drivers w.ho bre their cars. suspected of carrymg a weapon or of The court might have learned having commlu.ed some crime more - .mou abo\11 b9Ul if it bad chosen to sive serious than a mere traffic violation. the case more than minimal considera--:

8\JT THE COURT does not disUn· gu1sh-3nd it no lon1er requires the. police to distinguish - between the driver with four children In the car who has made an illegal tum ana the driver who has led the police on a 100-mile-an­h our .c hase through downtown Washington.

The justmcalion for this departure from tradition rests on the court's~av­ing round that some drivers have guns and shoot policemen. That, regrettably, does occur. But it does not occur as fre· quently as lhe court claimed It does. Nor are police departments as united as the court seems to think in believing that the best protection against ' such shootings is to make drivers get out of their cars.

Justice John Paul Stevens demolished both bases or the court's finding ln his dissent.. .l'he numbers Jn the study tho court used on shootings don't support lts conclusion. Some law-enforcement agencies advlse officers to protect themselves by keeping drive~ Wide

lion before reversing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court; no argument.S were in­vited.

THIS IS ONE of those situations in which the fact that the court bas said certain actions arc constitutional does not mean those actions a re right. The Pennsylvania court can still hold the practice in vlolatlon of that state's own version of the 1'"'ourth Amendment. State and local gov.emments can, and should. pass leglslatlon narrowing the authority the court bas said the police hav~ •

The real problem is what this decision says about the values that now count with the current majority of Che court. The opinion takes seriously the claims of the police and waves orr u frivolous the claims of personal liberty.

Tbb ls not the first time the court has done so recently and it is hardly likely to be the last. With this court the scales of justice. so far as the Fourth Amend­ment la concerned, are weighted heavi­ly agalnst the individual.

Vintage~Etiquette: 1894 W8s Good Year to Get a Fair Shake ByTRB

Ho-hum, the holiday social season Is fn full s wing once more so I will reach for my well· thumbed c opy of BUEL' S MANUAL OF SELF HELP that used to lie pn the marble-top ta· ble In South IM. N .H. <next to the parlor or•an> and brush up on my etiquette.

Jt is •'A BOOK OF PRAC­TIC AL COUNSEL. EN· COUJll\GING ADVICE, AND JNVAL U ABLE IN ­FORMATION" publlabed by The National Book Concern, Chlcago, Ill., ln 1n. (all nahts rese rved>. That ~aa under Gro \'er Cleveland. you re­member.

handshaJdngs, with all these New Year's parties comtn1 on.

"The graceful bow is made by llflin& the bat wllh the right band and inclining the body/ to which a lady will res~d wiltl a similar movement.• Thal'• on the street, of course - every­body knows that in the house "the •bilking oC hands i• a form of COi'· dial and intimate...-UOI· ••

NOW HERE-& a tJp . .. In the house of the lady she extendl her band first, and vice versa in the house of a genUeman." Have I 1ot it ftcht - her house. 1he shakes; my bouset I shake. Seema cuy. The proolem ii &he next lnatrucUon.

''At lario f)inctlDna bandahg. _ In111 UWe lndulg~ and oevu

· except between lntlmatet. A 1entltman may remove bl• 1lovn to ahake the hand o( a h1dy, but If It be U&ht--fttUnl .ad lM rttnoval la dlfrtcult.t he ma,Y offerdbll stoved band •it.bout Ytola nNOod ma.Mer9."' · That'I "hero Buel nce.11, t

Udale; he no& only tdll YC>U what to do but forueea probloru before they arlM. ImaslD• beina atuck ce a receivtq Une t.rytq

• topeel0tfkldllcw•1'h11••"'7· t.ody tlUlnl (f'or ·my Dext -· baay '*11 - I •ball ~, b ... ~ • put out •kl IDJ&tl.) •

greeting: .. not .be.tween lady frtenda. as ln th1s country but between brothers, father ll~ aon, and very lnUmate male frlends."

0- ...... ,,, NA>llW. ..... Ille 9"G et,_,._.._ Uie •ru" ._.. ......... Gt..,..." "'119' ....... ..... "~ ...... ..,...&M

But for England, for the hostess, .. tt la good form to greet or part by kissing the band." He adds aeverely. •"The kiss that la given by ladles at every casual meeting la to be condemned as a piece of prtaumptlon, if not vulgarity, and tboucb the cu1tom iJ still prevalent. tl la decllnlnf among tb.c better elaaae.."

So no kisses. There's art ex· cepdon lo every rule however: 1'Tbe kiss between lovers is a sacred salute about whlcb lltUo may be aaid. Promiscuous kiai· tn•. however, is a sign of m. breeding, egalnlt wblch 1ltla should be eauUoned, for it is a poaiUveeyil."

... ., ... ,,_ .ai....i.-111 n.w. '-••

I eart ad wu the rranddaddy t,o an ttlll o( aenaatJonal modern dQ poJltlcal tomance1.

There he ,,, .. , tbt Prairie Olant OI Peoria, JU., 91\tiu at table wtUl Lord Skye. lb Brftlsh Mlalfttt, CoUnl Popoff, llrtt sec~ ol Ulie RUHlan 1:4ca.· tlon. the -.uat 8ecret.ary ot • &Ute, aat to meaUOil Mra. CM and IMr ibltir 8jbll aftcl llYlnl .lo undentand •.,;by the Brlthh Mtalallr W Worli ao· a1ove1, wblll 1lii Mar·ilf bad .. crlftc.ct ........... ~tbe

larcest and whitest palr or Predtb tidt that could be boaihl for money oa Pennaytvania Avenur.•

Jt mutt have t;een awkward eaUns with kid slcwa. but It didn't matter. Mo. Lee had ca~ Unted him ln 10 mlnutn.

I concur completely. Sacred Hlutatiooa are a most at the , uxt otnc. party, but no hanky­paoky in tho back coroe.r•-

Wt: SUST HA VE Ume now ror a few hiists on wllng ctrda. " It la DO Jobler I.he iilJt1 U il WU formwly, for 1 1huatiind and wllo to have lbeir ftamu on tho ume card.•• Let'& bo up·to-dat.. l•blcma cbanic. ·~ 1...-S llO., (maybe the

Rutherford &. Haret ad-mlitllttatton > .. the cut tom ob-

TO GET baok to Buel •rid tafeM ot tumlnt dOM' Ute e«· a&iutaUons, I fiJ\d that there are • nen otcll'Cla, lo lndicate tall• of o th er a o Pro a eh • • th •a con1ratialat~. 1ympatbY. and b1nd1bakin1: for exams;i. m • to uprt11 wbe r the caU wu Gennart;, RUMI• and A•ttl• made upo11 a llD1le or married lr'ula& k llJ'aCticod U alorm Gr Jacl1. «c:., but it LI DO )oqer



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r'> J. ~ . .-; • ;

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. . .. - ., ..... .. .

~one E~ Toro helicopter provides a spectacular viewpoint for crew as clouds brus/f the tops of Saddleback Valley hills.~;,...._. .....

~octors Urge DPT Checks ·

Orange County Health oCficials warn that a significant increase in whooptng cough (Pertussis> cases reported this year, means parents should check their children's immunization.

" PERTUS.'i lS IS A very serious disease," Orange County health officer Dr. Morton Nelson s aid . "Severe cosnphcations in the very young can • lead to dcal.h."

li e said thul eight cases were reported this vear. None \.\ Cre reported in 1976 and a state report ~hO\\ S about tw1ct! as many reported cases as last year.

All ch1Wrton s hould begin the 'Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus <OPT> senes starting at two months of age with boosters at l lf.? to 2 years of age and again before entering school, Dr. Nelson said .

ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH and Medical Services provide free childhood immunizations at some 30 community clinics in addition to their clinic at 615 North Hoss in Santa Ana. The Santa Ana clini c is OP<'n Mond;ty through Fnday from 8:30 a.m. to4 .30 JJ.m. and Tuesday until 7 p.m.

Beginning an January they will begin a series of 39 special late.· ufternoon and evening clinics in cooperation with the Department of Education and loca l school dis tncts - Dr. Nelson said he encourage::. pa.rents to call the county Child Heallb.ofllte at. 8$4-3171 t.o oblain ~ecific information about immunization clinics .ind to contact their private physician to be sure thek 1·hild·s immunizations a(eupt.odate.

Death Notice• Death Notice• "'I.I.Rn cl•yJ.nuartJ. 1t11•1 IO:OOA M. •I TM

P[RCV' NEWEi.i. PEl.1.ETT • so Smith TUlhHI l..llmbWHlclHf c,_1.1 .,..., rH '*M °' NewJ)Ofl 8Hch, C4. ,,, E . 171h St.. CollAI Mew. C• . Also P~uecl •"'•Y Oft Ollumtlltr 2', 1'77 •I luner•I ~kK will lie lltkl IOf" Mr ..,,,. • 11• of IO, at Hoag Me morial Pelle tt el T"4I Ow'l51 0--Cll bf II~ S.a

Bearing (]p to Storm Lone bear settles into the muck at Lion Country Safari in Laguna Hills. With scant prolection from the elements, animals at the park simply have to await the return of sunny skies.

~~pllel, NNl-1 Buch, C.. Survlvecl Unll~ MtlhOdfst Church In New~----------------------------_..;~­~ 1wo dauohtt r., Ad• Tondllll o! Ne"' &each, Ca. "" T...W.y Jatouary J , 1'71 <1er-.y•ndMltryOrall1! o!NewJtr .. y, at I 00 PM. with P- ROller1 8 . teur or a ndc h lldr e n • nd • great SMpllerd J r . ollklell119- En1omtlm«n1 erandc l"t l ldrtn Mr Pellett WU a will be al PKllk VMtw Memorial Perk Gllartn Me mber ol the Newport In NtwpOrt Be.ell, Ca. 5mllll Tutl\llt tftrbor E lk• l.oclgie " 17'7 In Ntwp0r1 1.amb C010ta Mew Mortuary dlrKIOfS ,.ech, ca Mr. ,.neu c- to 11>e ~. ~ewPOrl Ha..- .arH Oft J.,, 7, ltlt lllRYNA ...,._.,, he llrst wenl to WOf'k IOf" ll"te JACQUELINE lllEYNA, nsldM!t of

StampLimit Up~ Inflation Reset,s Maximum Levels

Huntington Land Fi~~ . , '1 I

-=-InduStry or. Houses . . . '•

· By ROBERT BARKER Clf 11111 Delly ""SI.a"

Leaders of the newly formed Hunt· lngtoo Beach Industrial League say they will seek a 14-year moratorium oo zoning changes in the Gothard In-dustrial COrridor. •

Jobn Silver and Buddy Co~best. both owners of industrial businesses ln the area, say Uiey arrcontident that the corridor will develop fully "lf it is left.alone by the city.··

THEY SAY THAT past indecision . on the part or city officials has led lo la11&f speculation by residential de· velopers. TIK!y also uy that vacilla­tion has made lndustrlal interests wary of entering the area.

The industrial corridor, which runs through the central part of the city. para llel to the Southern Pacific railroad tracks, has been the subject of controversy for much or t.he year.

can bea'~endoustubase"totbe •: city.

"I don't getU, .. Silver said.~ cities are fighting to get industry and Huntington beach almost seems to be trying to keep it out.·~

THE TWO MEN say they hope that the industrial league can wort wttb the-city to attract good industry and clean up some HUghted spots.

Bill Back, the city's economic de­velopment dil'eCtor, agrees that in-dustrial land ls a " hot market'' ,:

"There's no dopbt that the area can be m arketed fbt industrial use once ' the city establishes what it wants to do there."

Back, who has consistently opposed giving UP, industrial land, said the


city ranked seventh in industrial growth among California cities in 1977.

He also said that the Got4ard area 1s becoming more desirable as in­dustrial development in the ~ part of the city neara saturatioa.

There has been increasing pres· sure to develop l'esidences in the aree. Rezoning of maJor parcels ror resldenUal use was rejected lat& In tbeyearbylheCityCouncil, however. BACK ~SAD>tbat thecltyean

Industrial proponents say that get more tax benefit from indmtrial • placement of homes in the area would · use than from residentlal develop- ;.. constitute an encroachment tbal ment. · !~ wo1.1ld eventually drive their busi- Hesaldt.bea~oASIMSedvaJua.. nuses from HunUngton Beach. ..,. tlon of lnduslrial units ls $1'19,231 •. Tfie ~

" RESlDENnAL AND industrial uses just d6n 't mix," Silver said.

He said that businesses could be a nuisance to homeowners because of poss Ible emissions and late-hour operations.

Silver also said that youngsters liv-ing near industries have a reputation for causing a great deal or vandalbm.

Sliver and Combest both argued with a recent city land use study which stated that the city had a sur­plus of industrial property.

assessed valuation of the new l1ncle family residencesls-704. • 1

Back added that industrial growth '' can put a number of people to work in Huntington Beach on Jobs tbef wouldn't have otherwise .

(ldrlOO- Elttlrlc ~., In 8tlboa. Coll• MeM, ca. f'tned al"81f on Nv P•llell clkl the OflglMI elec:trlul 0.C.mber 21. 1t17. SN IS by Work '°' Ille Balbo4 ,.,_ - Pen- ,,., ~r•nl.t Ml. ~ ~ "9dro R­'11(,.ul• •ncl N-1 H•lohls ...... H• ol CMI• """' Cl. Gr-side MNICH also d id tM orf(llnal wlr lrig lcw IN Baonk wlll be Mid on TllttQy, .._,, J, Met • ea111oa ""'''" •• ,_ ......... • T1>e 2PM, •• Hblr s.ciuictter c._...., 1n Orange County resi-eanr. of -l<A In e.lboa. Shortly 0r•"99. C.. Sml"' T\1111111 l..llmb Onie d ts wilJ be bl t • fin comlftO lo Calllornfa from ~MMOrt......,DtN<IM~ en 8 e 0 earn

family or four eligible for food stamps could earn no more than $567 a month after permitted deductions for certain housing and utility ex­penses, she said.

They say there ls a demand for In· dustrial land and that its development

An ' erg ht· perso n ---------------"""'"--------.;;,...--..-- I household with a net in-

8orclentown, New Jertey l"te went to BlllASWU..L. a little more money and work few ,,,. N-f>Or( Bue ll Fire CHARI.ES GRAY 8111ASWEl.1. rtsl- stin be eligible for food Deperl-•• "°'""'"' flrtmen. l>e d9ntof T11fC911, Mr,fON(lffr~tff • we s then hired bY Ille HewJ)Ofl 8uch Newpcwt 8Mcll, "'* ewey Dec;. 2t, "Stamps, according lO "'" Oep.trtmene anc1 wor-.o for ttiem 1t11 In T"'<Oft. surv1vec1 ., ~,.,. tandards effect•ve ~ unlll Mey 22. 190, N tlM<I 11«.tme Helen E. Mlll.r,ofTllKOll. 0. .. Mlller new S • tMAu 111.,1Fl reOlll'lolllleH••-t o l cort•ro. Ari• . Gr•v••ld• Jan.1. llffch F ire OeP9rlment .._ ..... ,.., • .ervlcesw11111e11e1c1Tue .. J..,,. 1t11e1 The t wiee-a -year -"'tr of Tiie Owl•l 0-c.h 8y tM 1PM at Fel-..... ~ "9111 !ft • s .. United Melbodlll Church In S•nta AM. Rev. Vtrn Vencierw.rf ol· Changes alSO Will glVe Newport BNcl"t, CA etlcl • ....mber of flcl•lln<J. Snlllh TUllllll l.amll Coste rood Stamp recipients tli. GolcMn A0t G<-. Friends wllo ~MMor11Mr("OINC...-..~ 4illjst! to IMY lhtlr FKl*!i mey 'all al ... lllH more COUpOn dollars, Sm1t11 Tu1111111..1mbwesac1111c1M111t1on .THIERl!SAPEABZ,r~ofHlll!t· although in some cases •undrf, January 1, ft71 from 5:00 lnttOll BNdl,Cal"-™ .. lie$11tda••'f f Ii will b P M . to t :to P .M . and Mond.., o.c;...,llerlt "77. Survl .... byMr. Md &ml eB &Ve tO pay Jen.,.rv 2. "11 ltOm • oo AM to , ,oo Mrs. HtMY if,~ w ram11y. vis. a few dollars more for P, M. T,,. "-t H••bOf" Elks l.odoe ltellon MOllda'f 2:00PM t• • 100f'M and I thJ ll · wlll conduct lunerel ~lcea on T...,_ • :OOPM tot:OOPM. AOSMY6 lOPM Oii· the r mon Ya OC8tJOn. ---------- HY 8rotMra a.-t. f""'rel Mess

T ... ld • ., fO :OOAM!, SI. 9-¥tflhlre


427 E. 17th SF. Costa Mesa•~

Santa Ana Chapel 5 18 N. Broadway

• Santa Ana• 547-4131


827Maln St.

Cellloll< Olural, " u11tlllQlon Beach, c.. '""""*" Holy ·Crou cemetery, City, Cl. Ot~ by DllCley ••'5· Mon_..,, 17'11 le~lt Blvd., Hllfttlfltlon 8"<11. Pfl. IMN171



MARGO JOHNSON, food stamp program dinctor for the Orange County Department of Social Services, said the biannual changes in r e· gulations are designed to help families keep pace with the cost ol living.

Acconling to the old formula, for example, a

The new formula raises the maximum in­come to $S80 monthly for a familyoffour.

come of $560 would pay $162 for $314 worth of food coupons. Ms . J ohnson s~d. .

Those with questfons about the food stamp program or the new re· gulations should contact their nearest Depart­ment. of Sodal services office. OTHER MAXOIUH

net income standards un- ';:;;;;;:::;;;;;:;iiiii;;:::;=::::;;,~ d er the new formula range from $262 monthly for a single·person household to $1,047 for a family or eight. ·

Accordipg to the new regulations, a family of four with a net monthly incom e of $560 may purchase $174 worth of food coupons for $150 in ~======:;:==:;:8 cash. 9

Huntlngtoo Beact'I 536-e63i ........ "


7801 Bolsa Westminster 80i3-3525

CREMATtON Burial at Sea

(114) 94g.7431 .e:i:.~


Weight Conlrol · Series Scheduled

• Dl¥on:le • Banlcn.tptcy • Cr1mltlll • Wlff H11"obet• * lftCOtPCnlton * AccidenMnJUfY • Eviction Suh••

-· IMwport .. ectt. CalU, aatiS,,_.._._.

Social Club

SA.ILBOAT ~llA.BTER ada a1 &Jae loea Martl U.. EXH°"" M ... etkn.

Sllll:llNG COURSES • SllllJDS Seba9t .i iieuaJ ,.._ "crew•s c.rtea" lot &he fa•ll.f •

WEEKEND CBlJISES V-lac&• '*'" .. ,.11e1 • wani.1 ue;w.





• • INSJDE:· • Entertainment

•Movies •

Michigan Planning · ~urprises?

PASADENA (Apr-Michigan n1ight have a few surprfbeS Mon­

. day for Washington in the Rose -:JlowTtOMbaU game, butcoachBo Schembechler .of the Wolverines says not to expect any major de­viation from what his team has

. done all year. "You don't get ~ere by saving- ­

things," he said Saturday al a m·ws conference. " But naturally "hen you have this much time to prcr; are, you can work on a few things dafforent and that's what we've done.

"You cannot deviate greatly from what yo u 've done all year ... you don't just throw ::.omethinr: an and hope it's going t1> co me out all ra~hl. There may hc> a \Hankie <1r tv. o, but no sub· !>tant1;JI change "

Mith1.zun h~~ a reputation for b<·ang Jlmobt c>.clui.1vcly a run· 111n ~ team. Howe ve r, quarterback Ri ck Leach has thrown 146 passes this season, complt'ting 76 for l , 109 yards and t:i touchdowns. The longest was a li:J.ya rd<•r.

Schcmb1•chl<•r said Harlan Jluck lcbv. has No. l tailback this :,,1•,1!-.011, ·dclarntely will not play ht'<·au<ic of a nagging hamstring pull that has bothered him since mad season I I(• won't evtm dress, Sc hem hechl<'r i.<iid . nor wall in· JUred hm·kup offrnsa\'e Lackie Hock Lind;,a~.,

Tho::.c <.1rc the only ::.erious in· , juries, th(• co:.ach said .

SchC'mh<'<0 hlcr ::.t ill isn't.certain "hethcr sophomore Hoosevelt S mith or freshman Sta nley Edward., v. 111 Marl at t a ilback a1rn1nst the 15th ·ranked Hus kies, \\ho are 7·•1 v.1th sax triumphs in their last st>vcn games.

Smith hasn 't practiced as much as Edwards because of u km•e 1njury. but Schembechlcr :-aid both pl ayers probably will get equaJ playing lime.

. -. - ~,January 1, 197&-

HOUSTON (AP) -Twentieth- George WO()dard with only 8·11 ranked Southe rn Cal rallied gone in the game. behind four totJdhdowo pa99es by • But on USQ's third possesi41>n, Rob Hertel and a 94-yard run by Hertel unwrapped USC 's pading Dwight Ford and solved the pro- game and the Californians ripped blem or Texas A&M freshman oft 34 straight points before the quarterback Mike Mosely Satur- Argies got on the scoreboard day night to beat the Aggies, 47 ·28, again. in the 19th Bluebonnet Bowl. Hertel, whose four touchdown

Hertel, who sel three school re· pa$Ses set a Bluebonnet Bowl re-cords durtoe a checkered career cord, completed touc hdown wilh theTrC>jans, had thrown only passes or29 alfU -t3yanls to Calvin two passes when the 17th·ratlked Sweeney, a 25-yarder to tailback Aggies jumpt.dJQ .!!.,14-0 lead on a Charles White and a 14-yarder to 44·yi.rd run by MosE!ly a nd a 4·- RarHlySimmrin.' yatd l!!P !>t ¥ ·pound fullback A Cler Herte l 's touchdown

.. - - .--...


passes to Sweeney and White tied the score, Frank Jordan booted fi eld goalsof22~a9yerds to put th e Trojans ahead 20-14 aL ha lftime. •

Woodard scored his second touchdown on the firs t play of the fourth quarter to cut USC's lead to 34 ·2 1 , but on USC's n ex t possession, Ford broke oU left tack le and raced 94 yards for a . touc hdown and a BluebonneL Bowl record.

Adger Armstrong tacked on A&M 's CiruAI t.ouchdow~ w.ilh a..J· yard runlatcinlhegamc.

Michigan. 10· 1 and ranked fourth, held its final workout Saturday. ·But It was just ·a llg!\l d'rilf without full e11•Hpment. !,::,chemt>eehler said he wot1ld take the team to the Rose Bowl s tadium New Year 's Day and perhaps run the pla yers on the track around the fi eld just to "ork up a sweat.


I le predicts a close game. " I see it as a tossup," Schem·

I h<'chler said. "Turnovers will be important ... I thank it 'll be a

1 Jot more interes ting game than , most people think ."

lie said ha expects Washington to pass 3S or 40 ~rcent of the ii me. "flool< f'Or1hcm- lo bafance their oCCense pretty well."

* * * Huskies Have Sharp Drill

The Washington Huskies held a s pirited, two ·h our pra ctice Saturday at Orange Coast College, their final tuneup for .Monday's meeting with the Michigan Wolverines In the Rose nowt.

Coach Don James , who celebrated his 45th brrthday Spturday, said he,was generally pleased .with practices s ince the Huskies arrived in Southern Calif orraia 12 days ago.

•'They s howed some en · Uiusiaam today," said James of tho non·contact drill which in­cluded work on all pha~ea or the game. · ')

•"The only lhlng I would change iJ the weather an~ lhe footing on' the practice fields,., ~dded James. Ir it's hot on gam~ day, J>i)th teams probably will die. The only way to play eftectt\tely In hot wealher Is to prltctlce In it, and we certainly haven't had tttat:•

Sophomore tnllbnct Joe &eele. the Huskies' top r&iaher this Ha&QI' who pulled up lame In practice Th~day when he reag­gr av a ted a hamstring, went through practice Sat11ntay bot '\'II.Dot at full 1peed.

Rose Bowl History

Past Mismatches Have Been Close·

Jt has been billed as a mis· matcn. -- . . . . -,, That means, in football jargon,

that one team is going lo pulyerize another. Al least on paper, that's the way it appears to many of the selC-labe led ex· perts.

I refer to Monday's 64th Rose Bowl game b e tw ee n the heavyweight champions of the world <Michigan > and the little f e llows from the Northwest



(Washin~nl, who are to serve as cannon todder.

Jt seems that I have read thls yarn many times before, as in 1958 when that year't R°'e Bowl game WILi supposed to have been ooe of the gre._t slauehters in modern sport.a history.

In tb& tole of the favorite was Ohio State.

Awalt1n1 Oregon. -

The dlff erence la the actual ttllm• tumed out to be a mlued Ore1on ftcld aoat...- Ohio Stile held on for dear Ure, 10· 7.

Then In 1986' Mlct01an State was ex~ted to run all over UCLA. Al lt turned OQt the l.U. Mopped an MSU two- nt _.

version try in the clos ing minute lc>salva~ca 14-12 upscl.

Finally, in 1976 UCL/\ was to plaY. Ohio Slate, a team that had annlhilated 1t 1n regular season battle an Los Angeles. 41-20 (it was 38· 7 at one juncture ~ .

Extra ambulances were or­de red for the Rose Bowl game. The Red Cross was s taAding by.

But the replay of the earlier sl{iughtcr had a s urprise endlog: UCLA Z7, Ohio State 10.

And so it has been for the re· cenL Rose Bowl ,gam es that shaped up as runaways for the Big 10 schools.

Kentucky Rally Trips Irish, 7 3-6~

LO UISVILLE CAP > - J u,c;t when lop·ranlted Kentucky ap· peared doo med . guard Kyle M aey pr<Mded the OUJ.s1de shoot­ing that lifted the Wildcats lo a pulsating 73·68 college bas ketball victory over fourth·rankcd Notre Dame Saturday.

The Wildcats trailed 66-63 when Macy, a 6-foot-3 sophomore transf~ from PW"due, hit three baskets and added a pair of pressure free throws to put the Wildcats ahead 71-66 in the last minute.

Kentucky conch Joe Hall noted that the Wildcats' leading scorer. forward Jack Givens, "cooled off in the second hair. and then Macy came on. His <Macy's > <'1ghl in a row there were the cLincher."

Hall said that Kentucky used a lime out lo set up the strategy that paid ore in victory in the na­Honally televised contest.

" The thing we set up in the time oul was to play lnsjde lo Rick Robey," Hall sl)id . " If that didn 't ()pen up, we'd then come out to Macy. And Macy•put the jumper in. He·s on excellent shooier.

''And we couldn 't have had any better person on the line," Hall added. "He's a 92 percent shooter.''

Former Marina High <Hunt­ington Beach ) standout. Rtch Branning, scored 11 points for Notre Dame.

HOH8 OAMe 14'1 - H11111l11! I , ti.tit.I • .' Lalmllfff' 10, lramlnQ "· 0 Wllll•M• 11, Jactr­' · WOOlrlO!lf 2, ,.,_, • , Trlpve-e U . To41tlt 21

""'"' l(INTllQ(Y 1111 - Olvtns II, lloti.Y 16, P~llllpt •. Mecy ll, CleyJor •. tasey 2, LH l, AHllltlNIP, Totall20Htn. ' H•llllt"M - l(ent~lty •t•J4, '°IMllR wt -HMtlllt , T ..... '-'l•-H9V• 0.- 21, ICtf!Wdl'I 9'. Tt<ftn~-lllodler.A-......

The oflcnse·orlented game rid· died the Bluebonnet Bowl record book. The comblnea oUenaa. (or

w * .-·'Soutlltrn C:.I P 1S 1• U - 47 T•lleSAl.M 1• 0 00 14- 21

Al..M - WMdard4run ll'rrillnltlOI A&M - MOMtyUrUll f~r1111-ll11W1<11I use - s-twy Jt - ••- .. .,,_. UerOM

ltl<Ml USC-WltllefSPIHfr""Htri.t UotQnllkltl usc-,o.-...n use - FG Jerdtll ~ usc-s-y~-tnimHff1411 ct-MM

, ........ ,11111 use - Slnwwlrl u .,.,. ,,_ Mfful lkkk

l•lled l A~-~ I NII l'r ... klln ~lcAI use - F-"'"" '""' '•nec11 USC - T •lllllU I rl"1 UCwtl6n lllCU

- A*M-A_.,...._. ... ~~ A - Sl,142

both teams was over 1,100 yards -n-­lor record, and four runnera e¥• cteeded lSO yards rushing. *. * * . t


Feisty "'Br8ilcos

Battle Oakland DENVER CAP> - This mile·

high city, Its fans and Its football team have come a loni way since Sept. 10, 1.967.

That was , for the Denver Broncos, the lowest point in their years or frustration , as a second. third or fourth fiddle to Lbe Oakland Raiders, the San Diegb · Chai:gers or the K~as City Chiefs.

While each or those tearos had won division titles, Denver neve r had been better. than Ji runne r ·up. Jn fact, it would tie hlX more years before the Bron­cos would manage to finish above .500 - and a full decade

On T\I Todafl Channel 4 af J I

before they would stand where they do today - a s division champions on the threshold of lhe Super Bowl.

On that September day 10 years ago, lhe Broncos played the Raiders - in a manner of speaking. The final score of that garne was an embarrassing 51-0 in Oakland's favor . There have been more ooe·sided scores in the National Football ,._eague and elsewhere - but never has there b e en a poorer performance by a club in one game. The Broncos' total of­fense that day was a n incredlole minus five yards.

They have, ind~ed, come a long W{IY since then. Under Red Mill er, in his first season as head coach. the Broncos ended Oakland's five.year r eign as Arn.erican Football Conference West champions by posting tAe AFC's best· record, ·12.2, forcing the Raiders, the defending Super -llowJ champlons,.lo scraQJble in· -to the playoffs as the conference wild -card team with an 11·3 rttord. . Oakland heal ~ltimore 37·31 in a double-overtime lhrUler oo Dec. 24, then the BroncQs took on Pittsburgh. The Steelers bad been beaten 21-7 in Denver on No.v. 6 - and a repeat of that was unlikely, said most ob­servers. J-Jow wrong they were. The Broncos. who owned the tourttrquarter or almost every

game they {>layed lhis sea~. • owned it agalJlSt Pittsburgh, too, 'breaking away from a 21·21 tie and rippina the Steelers 3'·21.

Today, Denver must 'Play the Raiden again - for the 31th time in lhe teams' history, for the third time this season.

'For the loser, it means lhe end or pr.o. football until next sum. mer's J;alning ca-mps. For the winner, it's a date in the Jan. 15 Super Bowl in New Orleans against the winner of lhe Na· tiona l Conference tille game between the Dallas Cowboys and Minnesota Vikings, the latter a 32-14 loser to Oakland in last January's Super Bowl.

Oakland's domination or Denver ls awesome - 27 vie· tori es in 36 games. This year, though, the teams spill their meetings, Denver walloping the Raiders 30·7 io Oakland; the Rat<lers coming back for a· Z4·14 victory in Donver.

West Riddles East, 23-3

• "'

STANFORD (AP> - Gramb· .. llng·s Carl~ P,ennyw.ell ca\libt touchdOWf\. pasies from All· America teammate Doug Williams a11d Nevada -Reno's Jeff Tisdel to lead the West to a 23-3 victory in the 53rd annual East · West college football all­star contest.

Pennywell grabbed a 4-yard scoring pass fram Williams in the first period and took a 21-yard touc hdown pass from Tisdel in the final minute or the game. He also caught a 20-yard touchdown pass to the second period but the play was nulli.fled by a penalty.

California's 5#fool·6 Jim Breech kicked three field goals ' lying the East-West recofd set last year by Mike Michel ol Stan­ford . HJs 44·yarder in the second .~. quarter was the second longest in • the game ' s hi story, behind •• Michel's 49·yarder. ' ..

NFC Title Gatne

Dallas Expected To Throttle Vikes

DALLAS CAP) - The Min­nesota Vikings and Dallas Cowboys, two teams who have traveled this road be!ore, coutde lo,:lay for the Nalional Football Conference .cha111plonsh1p and a berth inJbe Jan. 15 Super Bowl at New m'lean.s.

The Cowboys, cham)>lons ot the East. Division wtth a 12-2 r~ cord that matched Denver tor'the best mark in the National Foot· ball League this season, ap­pear ed ln (our atraight title

On Tt' Toda11 . Claann~I % ai WO

. ' . "




. . ..: ...

. • " '


•• • v

.A Year of Titles · FOP jCs, Preps

It was a year of cham· plons hlps, ettet"gy crisls and coaching changes alone the Orange Coast In a igh school and juniOJ"o college boys competl · lion.

There were many out· s tanding performances by a r ea athletes and teams and the Daily

.. Pilot sports starr m- · selected 10 of the most prominent to slnile out tor lop a.chieve..rn.eJlL dW'·

UCI' .. s

Stadler Advances

NASHVILLE. Tenn. -Nu H sued Curt Sladl~r of UC lrv1nc upset detend-1 n f c hampion Dan Va cntincic or Houston 6 · 4, 6 · 4 in th e

I -quarternn·a1s of t he lJSTA NaUonnl 21 and und e r indoor t enni s t'ha mplonships Satur-da y. .

Second -seed John

··-·Palomino, · 5co?t- -Huid ing the 1977 year.

~ ;- .. ;l'y nf UCLA: down-ed Steve Alger of Eastern Kentucky, G·2. 7-6, while lop -seeded Erk.lsker~ky o( Trinity. Texas rallied lo beat Charles Strode of FOOTBALL CHAM·

PIONSni~ • -8olden West Colleae captured

WIU.tE GtTlEH8. _ .!5a..1Ubem Dll. 5·'l.S·4, 64-R oberl Van·l Hof of

Southe rn Cal defeated Chtp Tolleson oC Van­derbilt, 7-6, 6·1.

the Southern California year. In addition to tof perforniances In· Conference and won the CdM 'a cage victory, c u d e d · S t e v e Avocado Bowl poal· Mission Vtejo won the R akhshanl' s (Edison, season cJaaaic o•er awl m ming crown; H untlncton Beach ) Fullerton. Saddleback'1 La&una Beach wu the 15-SYI in the pole vault; Gauchos captured the voU~yball winner; CdM Cary Burt's (lluntlngton Mission Conference tllle won the t ennis title; Beach> 6-1~ m the high and won the Mlsslon Founta_ln Valley finis hed jump; and three Jump·

-'77 Area Performances

I l "',..., '' yt•ar ol <·onlrovl'r..,y ancl one 111 "'h1ch the Ornngt· Co.isl ar<'a ra m<• in for its ..,hare of puhllc1ty by hosting lht· Davis Cup Te nnis Am e ri ca n zone flnnls, having three oulstand · 111g f(>Otbull k<1ms from rn<JJOr evt.•nts housed here and for in­dividual und team cfCorls by ;1rl'a residents

W hil e th e Los An~l'IPS Dodgers , Lakcrs uncl Ram s were all go1n1.t by the waysuJe 1n their efforts to reach the pinna· clc of m their respective i.µorls, the t·oast urea had some come LhrouJ,!h pNformaoCl•s

The l\t1s..,1on \'1C'JO Nadadores s" 11nm1ng t<.'.1m (·ontinut•.., as one of th e tx·-.t 1n the world <tnd Carlos J';d om ino 1s stil l the world wt·lll'nH~1ght champion 1n boxing.

For a rundown on the top JO i.torics of l!.177 in the Orange Con'>l area, not ncc<'so;anly In ttw orcll·r of their lmport<tnce. t hl' Oaily Pdol spo r ts s taff p1<·kcd the following :

CARI.OS PAl..OlUINO - The ll untington Beach resident and grndualti of WcsLminsler High anti Cal State <Lone lleach ) suc­t:cs s f ully defended hi s world wt•lle r wl'ighl ' title four limes durinJ.! the past year with t wo of his pursl's exc:cl·ding the $100,000 mark. li e was se lected a s Southern C8llfomla Athlete of lho Year for hls achievements.

* * *

ll:\\'IS l'l' P l\1ATC l lE!'. -Tht• Newport fi<'ach Tl'nn1s <.:luh \\aS thC Sile Of the l"Untroversial American Zone Da\'iS Cup finals thal saw the U.S. defeat South Africa. Dl'monstrutions marred the procl'edings al N UTC hut the matches wt•n• ph1y<'d before Jarg<' crowds all t hree days.

STEVE SCOTT - UC Irvine's premier m1J<.>r, perhaps the be!ll in the' l ' rnt<'d Slates in 1977, wus r C'pc>a te<lly under four minutes. I lis best erfort came in the Penn Relays when he posted a 3 55 1 effort. He also won the national A AU 1,500 meter run

RICK BASHORE - Tiu..,hor<', the Edison (Huntmgton ncac:h I

High graduate, won the starttn~ quar terback pos ition for lht• l ' C LA Bruins ove r former Newport Harbor lli~h standout Steve Buk1ch . Bashore, a sop homore, came w1Lh1n an eyelas h of leading the Bruins to'"' the Rose Bowl with nuki ch, a 1unior. filling in when Bashore was hurt.

JACK BROllAJ\IER - The former Huntington Bca<'h lligh major league infielder, signed wi th the Boston Red Sox for a re­ported $300,000 in the free agent re-entry draft. Other t op baseball p('rformanct's by a rea athletes included Graig Nettles at third base for the World Champion New York Yankees : and Mall Keough"s first start for

* * *

the Oakland Athletics. Keough, Bowl crown over Glen· ahead or all others in ers clearing 6-9V.. In the a pitcher, is n Newport Harbor dale. wrestling: and Newport high jump in one meet graduate. • Harbor retur n e d as including Wade Freier

AREA HOSTS - Both teams WILl:IE GITl'ENS -;- kingpin of walt't' polo. a nd David R edick of from Super Bowl *1,played ln Eountam Valley W&b.1. "'TO p J C- p ER: Laguna Beach.and Alan the Rose Bowl in January, were outstanding running F O RM AN c Es - Gersten of University housed in the area along with back was selected as Orange Coast College's <Irvine ). the Washington Huskies for Player of the Year by crew went to the Monday's Rose Bowl game. The the ClF. Larry Budgen 1em1Ci1utls of the pres· c8i~:a~ESA ~~~~ Oakland Raiders trained at UC and Bryan ldwell , tlgious Henley Regat- Mesa Hi"h's cross coun-lrvine and won the game. The a lso of th 10·1 FV ta ; Golden West cap· • Vikin gs of Minnesota stayed at a Barons al I wlth Don tu red the California try team captured its Costa Mesa hotel and trained in Barker o Newport state soccer cbam· ninth straight league H bo med All CIF championship antt has a Long Beach. Was hington trained . ar r, 1a • plonshlp; and Sad· strin& ot 71 league dual a t Or ange Coast College and ri~st t eam honors u dld dleback'a Gauchos are m ...... vh:•ories lnlact s tayed at a hotel in Newport Bill Gompf of Lacuna. o!fto'814-trecordirtthe du~"t.hatspan. Deach. Beach. current basketball cam· •

AUTO RA CI NG - Danny CORONA DEL MAR paign. • SWl&I POOL ~1s1.s Ongais of Newport Beach cap· BASKETBALL - The COMBS RETIRES- - . - When ~h~ nation s tured a 200-mile USAC cham· Sea Kings captured the Huntington Beach Hlgt\ ener~y cra~1s became p1onship car race at Cambridge 3-A basketball cham· basketball coach Elmer acute l:{;;t wrnter, school Junction. Mich . and had fast pions hip with Jack Tuz Combs retired after the~ swimmmg pools were qualifying lime in many events se lected as C l F co· 1976·77 campaign after a asked to cut the lem­dunng his first full year on the player of t h e year. hlehly s u ccess ful perature of the waler . ci r c uit w hi 1 e driving. r or Fountain Valley finished career . Over 25 years ·This coul~ have had a Ne wport's Ted Field. Duane 26·2 and Estancia'• his teams bad a 328·121 far-reaching er~ect on "Pancho" Carte r . a Marina Eagles captured the won-lost record . This ~rea programs 1r. heal · Hi g h (Hunt ington Beach-> Century League c rown. was just one of many inghadbeencurta1led. graduate. was h-e.italized wrth Hun tin gt on Va lle:y coaching changes along GIRLS EQUAL TIME broken bones whe n h is ca r Christian went to the theOrangeCoastduring - ClF auth o ritie s <'ras hed while testin~ in finals of the s m a ll the year. shorten ed th e b oys Phoenix. • · schools playoffs. TRACK AND FIELD basketball season by

BRIAN GOODELL -The out· C I F C R A M • WINNER S -- JI D1 two games and m ade standing young Olympic swim· . PIONSIDPS - Orange Walters of E stanola other changes to give ming champion, fu rther wrote Coast area schools won Higb School captured girls sports p rograms his name in the record books a total of six CIF cham· the st.ate SM title with a equal time in existing during 1977. Goodell lowered his pions h ips during the mark of 1:49".44: Other facilities. own world record in the 400· meter freestyle with a 3 :51,56 ef· Corl in a meet in East Germany. lie was denied an opportunity to compete ageinst the Russians in

ResUlts Area Cage ................

HtcuTri.,,.plu MELBOURNE.

Au s tr al i a - Vilas Gerulait1s, m so much pain Crom- cramps that he ·almost retired from the match, repounded to beat John Lloyd. 6-3. 7-6. 5-7, 3·6, 6·2 Saturday in th e fina l of th e Aus tralian Open Lennis tournament.

~la Quit• MOSCOW, Idaho

University of Idaho head football coach Ed Troxel quit Saturday. ·

Idaho had a 3·8 season. Tro xel' s four-y ea r coaching record at the school is 16-25-3.

Sooner D11r1 MIAMl - Oklahoma

qua rte rback Thomas Lott, the leading ground· gai ner on the nation's lop rushing team. suffeTed a - amstring injury Satur· d ay. but in s isted he would be able \o play against Arkansas In the Orange Bowl football gam e Monday night. ,,.. Mlclafgan IJp•et

··Coast Area Girls Set Sizzling Pace

Moscow by the NCAA. bringing ~~:=~-"""' about national headlines and an c .. ,.~ ... s.nii.p• invesllgat1on of the NCAA by c"'•• Mew- MCI("• ,,.,.,,., • ., • · Knl""' PltUr n. JnMIM ' · Congress. H•lfll,,..: Colta Mew. 1t-11.

TOP TENNIS I N AREA - ~:!~~=~~c:',~.~-k u. Chris Evert, the world's lop s1~11Mn• •.S1"na11n,vea1 1.~1ou1 •, woman leMis star and Martina N111.Le11>1 .. 1o '

Navratilova played a charity "~~:·v~;r,';~" • ('hallenge match a t the Newport · 0<u11 v- - ,._,,.,. ,, !t!M<tll 2,

Oueti V.67, IMU Ml"J,. Oceen View \torlf•t-U•t 1•.

Trnter ., ~I•" ll, a- ' • Jonn J , Matlna"' ' 6 , Davit 6. HlkllWU •. e.ctwN~ 4, T..,,.,.._ 4, Jtnftlft9'l1, ~-MO.

Dana Hiii~ t<O<i"ll Ma,. ...... 4, Koci 1 . Miii • ' · Ttlom•s H, 1(111111 .. erc,.,s.~t.a. 10.

H11fl11N;O<HnV.._,.,L P-tal• v.n.y tt. Ck•• View Jt f-l•ln Valle.,-<Mr •· HWr'f I,

Wllll•m• 2, Miiier • . M<l rlhatl I,

~ ...... llCl .. i '-woocta. "­phr•'f I , 5«t• f , AlcharllNft •• Ma<l.Mft 4, WI/.-• • , Flald ,, ""''""'412, o.dtll S, J1rV1• S.

... £J OoradO, " .. ~ ......... ". U,.l,,erSll\I ~orlng -T"orpa t ,

8ryl$11y 7, Gf9l9 •. Zlkakll II, All· good U , "-ycutt J, Ait•rd '• ,.._ ... _

Mlllltme: Ufltfenlly, ,..u . J"lllw V1nlfy aNlc..-.11 Vlll•hl'llT_,.._.

l.HAlllllll~N-IHl~tt ....... _,_ Ooocly "· o ...... "·

Cald..,•11 9", O.dGI• O, Grlffi'I 10, Dalle.,L H11tlf~~AmlQOS26-to.

A NN ARBOR, Mich. -Toledo"s Dick Miller led a comeback and Michigan managed jusL one polnC in overtime Saturday · night as the Rockets shocked the Wolverines 91·84 in col· lege bas1'eWall.

MichiJan, once-ranked nationally. suffered its third loss after losipg a 12-point lead i11 the final Cive minutes.


I ~

C 1 rls sports acli vi lies ncross the nation h<ivc been increasing each yeor and the Orange Coabl urea is no exceplion. ,

World record holders and na· tional champions are based in th e Orange Coas t area and many of the nation 's future greats are currently performing for area teams.

llcre a rc five or the outstand­ing p erformances during the 1977 year by Orange Coast aTea

,. a thletes and teams as selected by the Daily Pilot sports s taff:

ALICE BROWNE, WORLD RECORD - The Corona del Mar Jligh School sophomore broke the world record for the 1,500-meter freestyle s wimming f'vent with a 16:24.6 clockine al the national AAU long course meet at Mission Viejo ' s Marguerite Center pool. She a lso set an American record tor the 200 butterfly of 1 :57.84. Jenolfer Hooker. a )tl111lon Viejo Nadadores teammate who al· t ends Mllalon Vlejo High, set American records in the 500 and 1,650 free events.

LINDSAY MORSE - UC Irvine's out.standing tennis star captured the national AIAW women 'ulncles cha~pioMhlp.

JC TEAM SUCCESS - Golden Weit CoUeae caetured lta second atJ'ala ht women 1 naUonal AlA W softball championship. Jlll 'Ma~on won the Qjal women's aln1le1 cbamplon1hlp and Golden West the Uam UUe as well a1 the Soothem Calllornla cbamplon1blp ln tennis.

P&EP T&\M SUCCESS -No let• than seven ClF team Ut1es were 1arnered by area hi&h 1tho0l1. llw>Unlton Beach cap. tured the bdketl>all crown while Fountain Valley went jo · the

• aemlllnall; the HB Ollen also won th• nmnuttc• crown, do­f ea tlns Edlaon <Runtlnston Be'acb} ld the finals: MUlloa VleJo won the 1wtmmln, tlUe: Marin• woo the aof\ball cham· .,1onatdp; Coroaa del Mar de-­teated N~ Harbor ~ ~

the volleyball crow n : Edison finished first a nd Corona del Mar second in cross C'ountry ; and El Toro won the track and field title in 3-A competition. Newport was runnerup in tennis .

INDIVID1'AL STANDOUTS -Lisa Gourdtne of El Toro Higb was selecle(las co-alhleie of the year in the CTF ror her track and field perfoi:mances. She won the state long jump with a leap of 19-9, a state meet record. Jill Ornstein of Marina (Iluntington Beach) was picked as the aJl­r ound CIF gymnast or the year. C her.yl Johnston (CdM > and Marie Ltmdle (Newport Ha rbor) were selected as co-players of lhe year in volleyball.

In Peiu!h Batel

C l b i h Stepheni 2, Sm•il 10, Yu1I 2, B e a ch Tennis u w t Osl•rtund 2. stout), HQ'· llrl•IH ... '· Navratilova winning. Rod Laver Ltlbt•~•d t. or Corona del Mar los t to Vilas .. H•lltl1M-CkffnVlew2


1 I . th h ' t Dewney ... c:a .. -..44 G eru ail s in a no e r c an Y co111 MHaaconng-M<K"' Mur· match at the Irvine Racquet ray u. P1rlcar ' · Marrold l, JO:.ts ' · C lub . Teen sen sation Tracy· o."";.~1~i~~i!:20. Austin also participated in the F'"""-......,." program. u"1ven1trs.t.1M111eHcus

NA DADO RES - The M isslon row.11 1,, Mcu11Q1111,, • . o..s. t, VI j N d d

· ln g k lm • . M<CtvmoM• 1, D11ve1 fO, e o a a ores sw1mm 1Mrv1c.11u.

team, home of several Olympic Ha1111me-uNWH11y21-1t. champions, had another out· M•r1u11,1~t1

di d h M k Mar ini 1corlr1g- Noll•Y U , stan ng year un er coac ar M<tnh•ll " · s....1111 s. s1ew•rt 1, Schubert. The Nadadores won &••""'' s, KrMWlnaJ• s, 5p1 .... v " the national AAU short and long w~~1=~~~111111 ,,, .._ course team championships, •. 0n1everot •· ~ 10. •l'llff1Cln hosted the Sovlel national swim 1.Rem11tro•.c:.ov.....,_,,HH">· team and returned the visit with Ha1•

1- 1 Maf'INIU·V,

a trip lo Moscow late in the year. Los Al Racing


Moor•'· O<ean Vtew-f'uc- 6. Slmn •. $tout •. Y 1 111 • , Smell 1, S..ven• •·

Helltlme: FV, 17°16. ... Cl .......... c.tll~ Seft Clemenf•- Conltser '1,

Slewn'4>fl ti.~·. Sperry 6, T .. 11• K8rnHes 7, Botll11•.

Cotl• foAHI KOrln<J-MKM 24, Miit"> rev J , J- 11, Kr1l1>1> •· Jasmine I, Myde 4, "''"',,,.~ 5111 Cl-t•, U-2l.

·,~_ ........ " MIOIM 19f07t.~Vall.,.st MIHlon-Meore I , O«.tllplllpl tO.

Bair.sic n . "'""""" 11, Ocholl, Kuri 4, Th«l'llon2, 1Cr~ill96. ~r6.

Capo- Call I , S c h11b"t U. Ktrtchotl J, Volk 2, Collin• J, u~ • . 011nderton2, Wlllta2, Stein 2.

H1lltlme-MI•"-' Vl9jo JHO.

•ITenM.Yai-11 .. •t Toro 1torlftt-6taplei. 7,

Madlal\d u , ¥aVal\OI ~.Or_ I._ .. st 2, 11 ..,.,.. J , Ouelle 2. Fv-4,

HaUUMa: llT-. »-Jl,

NC State Romps Saturday n11ht's rec•

In g pro1ram at Lo• Alamitos race course wu cancelled due to the sloppy and 1Uppery con•

ATLANTA <AP> - North Carolina State quarterback .{ohnnY Evans riddled Iowa State lor a pair of finit..half touchdown passes, then scam pered for a 32·yard scoring run. leading the Wolfpac~ to a 24·14 P each Bowl football victory over the Cyclones Saturday.

Evans. a &-foot, 200·pounder, came oul throwing 11) the Open· ing bait, connecUng on 9 of 12 passes for 187 yards. lnch1dlng TO strikes of 71 yards to R1mdy Hall and 5 yards to 'J'ed Brown.

Evans then 1ave the Woltpack, 8-4, a 21.0 balftJme lead when he broke two tackles and allthered 32 yards into the end zone with l : 22 left ln the second period.

Tbe Cyclones, M, were 1c:ofe· . leH until tbe Cinal. period when freshman quartert?ac.C John Quinn plunted over from the 1 and tbr~w a 10.yard pass t9 Gres ?tf eckatroth. North

CaroUna Stat.e's only second-half scoring came on a 42-yard field goa l by Jay Sherm. Evans set that up with a 37-yard run.

KOii• av QUAllT•H low1 State ' O 0 0 ''°"" N. C1l'Ollna • • 1 H 0 2- 14

NCS-+4111 71 PMl llWll IVMI (~II kkl<I Hts-cl~ S PIH lrOll\ event ISlerrlll kkd NU- ev ... 12""" <SMtrlll klU) ISU-Ou!IWI I rllft (l(OlllNl'l lllell) HCS-FO $11tf'rlll 0 ISU~lll fO ..... ,,..,,. QulNI CICotlmM

Ilk':) •~.m

dltlon of the ttack, .. We regl'et this de­

cision, but we are c.!er· taln that a ll raclng fans wlll sbare wU.h ~ tn our concern tot the safety of a ll involved," .ald Jlm Smlth, aeneral manaaer of the fforaerben 's quarterhone racing ••· soclatton.

The rtdera took the hones out on the track to

11 1tC1 warm up for the first ,, • race and test tho condl·


'°"::: •: tlon of the slippery ltHk *' and all a1reed the traclt ;::= rtnM ,._:, u.tH could prove unsafe. '"""" ...a M Refunds oo wa•erins ::=r:!!.e:. . .:! u:: l n tbe nrat race wet•

1..o1vt~LA1AMO mad• hnmedJately and "usH111to-tew• Mat•. GrH11 "''"· °""" rain check• for ad· lftlnt '-11. *'111 ~IM &tale, .,_ U.1«, •w-11•2. ml11lon, parldnl a nd ~AHINo-t.,.e Maw. "lllhY.!!:~··· '**' pro1ram 1 were di•· OtllM ... l, t4. flOrtll C:..tllnl _.., «;I- o ....... t.... • t l

u.uo0.m 1...-a.:..,•1. 1.nuv -,!~~~~ .. ~~~·~= t::.C:: RaclRf. II d pedadnl.8ht to ,_.., Ma,.,..,i.1s, 14a112-11. reaume ... on ay .....

..... ,... ....-11. tot.ta Mffl ff HewPof't--Ooocly U, D1nltl U, U. Grtlllft 2, 11oel 2, D•l .. V J, 811Clr. l2. (~II Mtta- f'f111man q, l ll• 17,

Merri• ' · L.o,..., 81ver tt, Lat~ 2, Trlgtlo4. Hlllll~ll"!'P0'1'4·tt. ,.... ... ,_. ........ Piii. vaOrt«. tlelNOf•-,. FountalnV•ll..,-eullllld ' ·!.toll I,

Marlow s. c-111 s, Hu1>b1rCI 10, Aamlru 1,FlalOlt,C-" 4.

Hall 11..,,._l"ouM_.,, V .ol 1-v 21· " · Clll ............. Getft•

P .. VM19Yte,TllAlll'1 P~ln Vtlltv-flt11l<Wld I , Stlill 7,

Herlow " · Cowan s. Hubl>6rd I, R-lftr 1, l'lttdl 10, Potlkrttll 4. Hllfll~-taln Vallt'f J0.2(.

kentuc11.,11, Na1,.0-M Tol-tl,MKl'llO..-. ... IOT I Wlw;-•n 14, No.1111"°'' 7l ror > 8o\lOf't U .... A1<""'4!nll., Ark•nt.uts, !WlfnPNS Sl•te 70 1.0ro1a <011caoo1 &t, North,..••"'"

71 TOUllNAMIHT f'tllt..-Y ctaulc

Ml~••• flOtlda SC. 7' Ccham­ploMl>lp I

Air •of'te 11, T~ 60 lc~mscla· llOl'I )

Pro Scores N1tleMI H«tlrt u .....

HY A-n2, 811lf1Jo111••1 9 0\IOrl 7, OeltoUO Plllt111VrQft6, oewfancll

~:.:-;.~;~,::,,_,., " Loultl. Pl\ll-lpNa2 N1 tl9Ml 9MUUNll Auo<lali9ft No 01"'" scheduled.



=1\\tl\~ featurin1r


TWO STAGE SHOWS DAILYr Sundey1: 3:00 p.m. a 1:00 p.m.




I .

• ' ' TELEVISION I HOROSCOPE • SUndly. Januaiy t. 1918

. '

-• ··'Soap' BubbWs ·tu Top of ABC Lineup

Much Assailed Adult Comedy f;furn~ Out Not So Dirty After All .... ' . . ·• LOS ANGELts (A Pl - "Soap" may not, be new anymore; but lt'a improved. Jt 'a tbrlvin1 ln the ratlno, and crlUclsm heaped on at prior to it.a Sept~mber premiere la waning. •

Lons before It arrived on television via ABC. ••Soap" was blasted on many fronts from television.critic• to church leaders, unprecedenl· ed fo.- show not ye~n the air. The abow was called "an outrage," ,;filthy," and "the openln1 iun . • . for sexually explicit material on prime time television.··

"It just mushroomed apd snowballed," says;i$. "1o wrUef.,.Jlnd creator. "You couldn 'l pick up n newspapc!r wiffioot somernen· tJon of 'Soap.· We became a dartboard for anyone


.U"-ilU .......... Uf·lllt IOllMT4•••UIT c ............. ... ............. ...

... ,_.,. C-A Wllf • •• .. • l t:l_..,I COU & MU4 ' ..... _ ..._..,, -· C .. Nlf JI •••... . •.•••.. 17J .. ff l u. ....... .. MJ•l -#1 ..... ....... . ...... ...... .

MMIM ........... - ....u. . ........ _.,, .. ,., ... , __ ~ .. .............. ,,...,"

Sf&IOUM •.1... . ........ U f 0 1Mt &Ul lU.~ IOU MOU •• .. llt>l OM41f



y FIELD · Tindm~ tlie om~ yv1t }ouc. :•- "-·

is fi11d111g yoursdt: ~- ~..'.£',.

1-11:1~<·>1: . IPGI


r1C1URE to take" a shot. ~ lo miss seeing what the fuss was about. Th.e truth' · The idea that 'Soap' is soft·core porno· was that it was much ado about notJµng.

graphy is ridJculo'JS. It's a show desiened for adults, and in a show for adults there ia bound to be some sex. But It is not aol~core pomoeraphy. The real pornoaraphy was the fact t,bat pressure groups were U')'iQs to kill a show they bad never seen."

• Ms. Har=rts:a tatf btomie ln blue jeans; wflite shirt and plaid jacket. spoke from her office 11. ABC's Hollywood studJo where the show is taped before an audience. In the background, two white paralteetac- u.0 1 and MAr¥, names fcom the show - chatter.

''I'm just sorry that it all happened," Ms. HaTris says of the JI a~ some of it directed at her. •·Actually, l feel ter rific. I have a show I love. It 's doing well. • · - .... ~J ;..,.:~~ction "H llftg~ ~": >tn--­dency to think life Is going to be fair and just and wonderful. I've got to learn that lile isn't like

" I' e•, it ('So•p') k •ore o1"· ragemu tlaa• tlae roan geUl•fl 6urned •• 'Fatlter 1'1101D• Bni."

th1lt. But I'm not bitter. I can't let those things bother me anymore."

To unde•stand some of the uproar over "Soap " requires a review of recent relationships between the networks and the television critics. For years it. was one of cozy camaraderie. But a n~w generation of c riti cs, weaned on Woodward and Berruitein, challenged that relation~h1p .

AT TilE SAME TIME, ABC had zoomed to an unaccustomed and unchallenged first place in the ratings. After 25 years as television's doormat and the bull oC countless jokes, ABC wasn 't going to take any more autf.

NO DOtJBT ABOUT IT, "Soap" is laced wlth sexual innuendos. Its s ituations ran1e from absurd to outrageous and at tlmes skirt the borders or good taste - accusations that ~ould be madti agains~ mosi ~tuati~com~<ijes qn T'(_~t one tl\ne or another. ·

Wbo raised an eyebroW' when Mary Tyler Moore spent the night with a boyfriend? Or when Hot. Lips showed how she g~r. nickname on "M·A: s=H?n-ur wfilm M11C~ f~t» imJR>lertt on " All in the Family?"

''I don't consider 'Soap' outra1eous," says Ms. Hams. "Yes, tt la more outraJe.ous than the roast getting bumed on 'Father Knows Best. ·· Television COlJ)edY has ~hanged since 'All ln the >~n~. ·--~~a'1&Md ,. ~wi~•b.o."'-w 1th that in mind, it 's not outrageous.

uWE'RE STRIVING ONLY to entertain, to intrigue and, al limes, to move. There are no psychological points l want to make. If I can make people laugh and cry occasionally. I feel l 've done my job."

After a shaky start, Ms .. Harris bas been do· in& her job.

Inlroducihg 13 main characters end a plot as complicated as the Medici family tree made the initial episodes bewlld~ring and not very funrty. All of the characters had hangups and off~retl lit· tie room for sympathy. '

Now that we've had a chance to sort out the people and the plot, they tend themselves to some sympathy. Jessica and Mary, especially, seerri more understandable and, th~refore, funnier. The show was like ~in optical Uluslon; it just took a while for it t.o come into focus .

So the network and the critics were on a col· lis1on course - and it came wilh the vengeance when the called the enllcs to San Diego la!)l June to unv.til its new season. Th e two sides instarttly assumed adversary positions and " Soap, .. which in another year may have only raised a few eyebrows. became a cause celebre.

Despite repo~s that ABC toned down the sexual content, Ms. Harris says, "The show real· ty hasn't changed. We never set out to make any eh an g es. T he characters a re mo re three -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;::=;;;:;;::=;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::::; dimensional now that the audience is coming to know them and care about them and root for them."

The newspaper and news magazine storie~ rang like a fireba ti in the night. The call was quickly answered j>y church leaders and pres­sure groups. which rallied enough support to frJg hten some sponsors aw'-Y and cause 19 ABC affiliate stations to drop the show and another 20 to move to a la ter. and presumably more mature, lime slot.

1'1S. HARRIS HAS WR11TEN every &cript · for the show and is the producer. The continuing s tory for this year is outlined and the "broad strokes" for next year are already laid out.

Television vie\\ c rs, their curiosity piqued. rushed to tune in the first night. Nobody wanted

l"red Silverm an, president of ABC and a s taunch defender or "Soap, " is now laying· plans to expand the series to two episodes a wet:k. But Ms. Harris, who says she is "very. very lired," is not looking forward to that until she can find writers "who understand what we're doing?"


Taurus: ·Options Key . ...



ARI ES !March 21-Aprll 19 1" This is " crunch time where decisions are concerned . If you vacillate, you invite money trouble.

T AURlJS <April 20· May 20): Give you r se lf room for option s. alternatives . Refuse to be painted into corner.

GEMINI IMay 2l •June 20 ): Yes. the restrictions are real. But you will " escape."

CANCER <June 21.July 221 : Be analytical -- accept nothing on face va lue. Put together c lues , come up with complete story .

LEO 1July 23·Aug. 22}: .Relatives talk about security and may overstep bounds in telling you whaj. should be done -- and how lo do it.

VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22 >: Someone

reeling 6ense of " proprietary right ' shouts about budgeL Be selective. pa. lienl - don't fall into trap· of ideallz· Ing person who deserves much less.

LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1. This is your power day for power play. Cycle is such that you make right contacts. set price, gain authority.

SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21>: You have opportunity to be rid or losing s ituation. Aries, Libra persons figure prominently.

SAGl'ITARtUS <Nov. 22·Dec. 21): You encounter person who inspires, causes you to originate, create, respond In meaningful manner.

CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·Jan. 19): You establish territory. Prestige rises - your sense or being secure enhanced.

AQUARIUS <Jan . 20-F eb. 18).; Lunar cycle such tha t you reel better, more .,in touch.·· Gemini, Sa1Utarius

---&.-~.....,_ ~~-i:ta 5A00l ti llACK Pl AZA 1 • • : l 0N~• '"!'"I fl Uf ' '

,.AUOllY ROSI" .... ,... ., ....... ,.,.....

YOUAlOH•Aa09r' CQ 1:4 .. ~f'.ll

"YAUNnlO" ):J .. 7:H

"HEROES" '"' l :J .. l:JO

S:l .. 7ll~l0



IU•·Z.,..lH ,,.,_ "DAMHATIOH ALUY" U'OI 1: ... 5:> .. t: ll

''AITUll WOlLD" l :4 .. 7:H


persons featured. ~=::~~=~;=;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~ P I SCES <Feb. 1·9·March 20 I : ll Secrets, old debts, leases, promises .. : •· connected with money and love -­these are spotlighted.

·m MA• l lllURU ,.. TMIA~CO


)OtllliWIR.>42111 l•HllM"" "SEMI TOUGH .. Cal

OAIL y (;tr.I ,,...,.,..,..,.,_.. • Lift SHOW M Uf, -





, .

Mystery 'Ge~1:le Art' ~ .

Whodunits Bring Acclaim to Woman Writer NEW YORK (AP ) - P.O. James 1s mlo the

ether·agaitl, the b"ck room of tier mind where the characters of ber ne~t story ~ait, ordinary folk given to love, envy, hale. One of them a murderer. " .:-

She has plumbed this nether land over the past 15 years for seven novels or mystery and macabre. The latest, " Death of an E xpert Wit­ness," was released in November and drew critical praise, adding lo her credentials as one of England's finest craftswomen of detective tic h on, A ~r 9f Margery Allinghom, , Dorothy Sayers, Josephine Tey. Agatha Cfirlslle. '

...SlfE HAS DRAWN UP the plot of her next book - whodunit and when and where - and ls now writing it.

•· r sometimes feel that the act of creation is not th al I have produced these chtsracterS, but that they were waiting somewhere and through some mysterious process used me to come into

. murder set against an ordinary, Jaw abiding community, " she said. " The detective novel ap­peals to readers who have a strong sense of moral and social order. PerhJpa womel\ have thls sense. , .

''Women are good at all or the nuances or personality, where personalltJes gTate against other In a closed settin&t Women have an eye for order and detail, lite rally the eqwvalent of doing patchwork. Maybe it's one way we sub­jueate aggression. Or perhaps I've jus t got a lurid subconscious "

A closed selting-tt an imponan~ chaNC· leristic of the · classic English detective story because it limits the number or suspects .

" It 's not possible lo deal with too many. sus­pects. if one wants ea1:h cbarat.ler to be described in the round , to be a living, breathing human being, then obviously there's a limit wit.hill the .constraints of the lenzfh or the mystery novel.


• LED THE U?.AG~ 4


. .... ... 8~~)·~ -· " The new book is out there m rimoo: wa 1tfng

for me to somehow communicate with it, com­m unicatf! with char acters who alref.\.dy exist and J:CI. them down on the page. fl is a mysterious pro~ess, undoubtedly.

~.$HE T,4JUA.&teAU2ai.nuvLth s ..... et?i._n:--s~~-:'2il~2Mio•' the mood or a pf8ce; lite -defiits or a ouildift'g.

" ll would be really interesting to know what 111 fact makes a writer."

P 0 James is the pen name of Phyllis Dorothy wtutc, a wom an who seems more suited lo taking tea with fr iends or lelhng fairy tales to h er grandch ildren lhan devising gruesome murder. Bul like ma ny English women writers. ~he was drawn lo the delecl1ve s tory

MRS. WlllTE TALKED ABOUT her craft during a recent visit to the United Slates

''l'm part of the school of detective s tor) write rs who go for the gentle art of murder .

Mrs. While began writing seriously rather late ; her fi rst book was published wheri she was 42. She had produced some verse and a few short ~tories, unpubU.shed , when she was young. But there were chi)dren to r llse, she told herself and she lived in embattled London during World'war II .

·· rn a sense I regret that I didn't s tart earlier. But I think the fact that I did wait until I bad had a fair amount of experience with life, experience in the sense of personal tragedies, meant tha t when I did write I produced a book that was ac­cepted

, " So I was spared a great deal or the disap· pointment. ..

1111 . ~ llDBll ·D'ft I


(Niii ~I ~c~4'.~=-

• CUMT~ OAUHfUf111

31;;11 ~"i;, I ~;:::-::.:: '"WIUll _ _ _

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..., ·-OUYIMfOUS I I lllT MUD

THI CMOlllOY1111 ·~ ....... ·~ • 11 ...

- ·-·-·-"-" 9'M: ~ THI TUININO flOINf "'°' 121 .. , ....... , , ....... ,,,..

,AC...: 'IMIATllD ~ .... ~ .. ,,, lllllTI MAMOA a vo. OrM-"'

... .......... """ - .... . 4 pm OflMtOa ~lft I I J ... ' s.... - • - .. . ,... """·- ......,. • ._ ._ , ..... , ....i .....,.., ........ a.lore•



"'The Goodbye Girl' is a joyous comedy­just what the· doctor ordered.

..... Neil Simon makes feeling good legal . .. " ~[!'E SHALIT, NBC-TV






.md lncroducing QUINN OJMMINGS .,.. lJJ( 11

Wnll('fl by NI.IL ~IMON • Produced by RAY STARK • Om'Cl<:d bv Ill HHfRf RO'>'­Mu.,K: !:>c.ured cJncl ~by [W.IE GRUSlN • SaY:J" ('~ Gitf MEW PORT BL VD. AT VIA LIDO


:it'Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave are close to perfection. • ulla' ls moving In Its glowfnjl commitment to the power of ~rtendehlp." - Ne wewe ek Magazine

20ta a•nSHOX PIS A RlQi.ARO ROTH Presentalm ol A FRED ZINNEMANN Film




Wrnl4..11 .ind R'l1orm'CI by MIID GATES• b RASTAR ff•dlUtc •Pm.., by MGM Vb. "" L'T-~:':.~.'!':"~~ r.;.. ........ . .......,-;.-u • :!;] ".u."•'l!'..t;~, ... ~ljo ... ••• :;::..-_W

Dally at C ln~ma Center

2:00. 4:001 s·oo. 8 :00. 10:16

Harbor 11 A O.nw Co1la Meu 979-41.\1


San Ditto frwv • Bol11 Ex11

Wt11mlhs11t • 893· 1305

From the outrageous No.1 Best-Setler . .



. '

, __ _


i ...

>'~. :r .... ,.•, - ' . I I


ALBANY, N .Y. CAP) - Several years ago, Oavid Brenner was ready to trade his jokes for a "senous" career. Then a friend 1ot him an audi­tion et a theater ln New York and a guest spot on the ''TonightShow" followed.

,, The resi ls show biz bistory.,'Brenp.j,.ept and•oxpanded his bJll of·J'1ke' t~becorhl one of the country's most popular comedians.

Recognlzltble wtlh bis beaked ~e and lithe body. Brenner can be serious off-stage, as be was in an interview. ,

BKENNBR SAID HE SET a timetable for himself to become a star. One yeat. And that y.ear, spent performing In sev~•Lblg ~ity night clubs, had been~er for several months ln January 1971 when ot the call from NBC and the ·'Tonight Show.··

Even then jf the ''Tonight Show" appearance went well - lt dld - Brenner said he bad no il­lusions about his future. " I was goln1 to get out of the. business an)'.wey," he said.

.. Sunday, January 1, 1978 .. DAILYP1LOT

... .

·'I was really seriously thinking about It. r had j us.t extended from the one year to 18 months :>tmpl}•to do-~!f~gfi\~ !o:.rCo\,.

~~llS)nBj) . "1j (R)

Lroelle ~tKee · lkr~I Avery A St».ti Kmz Pok:m ~by f.a'I &ir.!l a!ll CeJ&oAn L'us#;SC1XePalRLSearo Mark0c?i1s

~~ ~/ Ihm~ .idiJlz Pr.OOr.t'd !rt s~ Krar11 •kJDte~~~lnS~A t.d:e ft .. ~~Urn·ti1· ','.· 1~fn

~1.1C~IS(b1 Vb:isa"'1ll...i. ~''1"'"'1 ',1!dfdj &nJb 'J'iJf Dall~ at 8111lol Sctledute 11 Plht 1:30, 1:20, 5:10, 1:00, 2:45, 4:30, 1:00, 1:50, 10:45 1:20, 1:15, 10:05

+ •111.muu

least be oo televialon once. That was the ldea of tl... . '

The reaction lo bis work In the night clubs bad been good, he recalled. So why get out?

"BECAUSE THER E'S NO sense to It ir you can't make the bigtime. IC you can' t make it in the big pool. you might as well not swim. I didn 'l . w'ant to be a journeyman comedian bouncing around saying. 'Hey folks, what do you think?' That 's not what I wanted to do with my Ufe. · ·

Just before the "Tonlgbt Show" spot, Bren­ner remembered, " I thought, you know, that I had just spent 18 months of my life getting ready for the next six minutes and I'm just not going to blow it and negate 18 months of my life by golng out there and doing something dumb.·•

He went over big, was invited back more th an 40 times, then asked to sub for Johnny Carson while the regular host was on vacation.

" It was such a momentous occasion careerwise. I was so happy to do it I think I could. have gone out there and dope great interviews if



' nobody showed up. It would have been won­derful.

"You know, when you're that enthusiastic, your mind usually responds to it and it gives you the right things to say."

Brenner attributes much or his sense of humor to his father, a vaudeville comedfan. And he said his parents let him grow up by himself.

"They just gave me certain rules - what they thought were rights and wrones and the main rule was just, 'Do whatever makes you happy ; just don't hurt another person.' They let me be my own man before I was a man."

Buckle Biz Bustling


RENO, ·Nev. (AP> -Old fast draw champs never die, they jWJt hang up their guns and make custom belt buckles to be told in the',United States, Japan . Yugoslavia and Canada.

That's what Robert W. "Bill" Boyd, once called " Fastest Gun Alive," is doing these days. He sells his fancy buckles around tho world, and finds time to make some up for Hollywood movie stars.

LIKE IDS fast draw career, Boyd just reH in· to the buckle-making business and turned it in­to a money-maker. Hls Reno shop specializes in buck les, but does silver and gold Inlay work on rlfles, pistols, spurs and you name It. If you've

-----------------';...,..;;.. ___________ got the money, Boyd hu

If He could·do His number

on the Red .Sea ••• · and bring the

champi.onsllip to the '69 Mets ••• •

why should it be so Hard to •elleve He~s back a1ain?

the product you want. H e sa id persobs

around the globe are fascinated with the western mov1es still be· mg shown on television, and provide an Increas­ing market for hls pro­ducts

His buckles sell from $75 to $6,500, the latter being a · huge job with rour $20 gold pieces and an opal His specialty ls

setllnt gold and silver " I wanted to start sel· coins in fancy arrange· Ung my colns in buckles ments for buckles or and found out no one re­b race lets , but he -a lly did that kind or · wouldn't mind platin& work so 1 hired some your bunting rlne with crafl~men _and started gold or silver. lie did a . my own operation " he pair of silver overlay said . ' spurs for actor Jock Mahoney.

Boyd, 44, hung up his guns In 1966, but before that perfected the fast­c1raw to an art. He ap. peared on a number of television shows and in exhibitions atound the country to demonstrate his skills. He used the "thumbing" method lo cock his Colt .44 and said he was one of the few persons who could do . it proficiently.

••THINGS started to chan1e in the fast draw competition People started f anhlng with the palm and putting spurs on the hammer, so I Just decided it was lime (to getout"

He gunned down actor Clint Eastwood a couple of tlmes in Las Vegas, and set some ampresslve records for speed·, but decided .to get anto anotber llne of work the coin tSusaness

The Year's Best MovlelJ~· Now on the argest screen west-of New York at EClwards beautiful Newport Cinema. Presented ~ri full; 70mm and Dolby 6 track stereo to totally envelope you In sight a"d:.:~ sound - the most dynamic motion ~ .. picture of the decade is novl at the most cjy.namlc theater. See It again . for the first time · at Edwards Newport ~

·~ Cinema.


'Mtazn end OlliOid W by . M.r.Jc by


• - . - .. • •


. 1llidt· 6Mnc'l!-

,.., ..... ) • MARY MARTIN sCATED FOR COMEDY ... t •

1/Jroadway On, s ·. .

Or Is It Off? t' The year-on BroadwJy 1s ortcn bare!~ prcd1ctJ

le. Plays oix:n. close and ~omc never makt: lhl' b<>ards.

For those on the \\'csl Co"ust. M·tlmg the \.\alch ~Y the opening of a Broach' ay show 1' not adv1sabll­

But westerners traveling to New York City m ight look for these scheduled pla~ s ' "Do You Turn Sommcrsaulls'f'' 1s a domestic

C.omcdy starring Mary Marlin and Anthony Quayle ~chcdull'C.l lo 01i1:n th1:. month.

Before I tum the page on 1971, '1 'd like to takeo one last e lance at the peopl~ who brought me suc h pleasur ·e thr~-ehout the year. •

• rl" JI Mt>1Jlt of · them f've

n ever m et, QUt their quolea somt"ttt>w :,us · tained lt)e in my hour of despair.

There was the letter asking me to address SL Ge r a rd 's PTA (St. Ger;ard being the ,Pu.tron saint of m o therhood> "'1th the explanation: " l would have Y..rlll en sooner but my arm was in a cast. I hit a kid and missed." Name withheld due {o all the mothers

u -wr-'e pul:f~ M>& · canonii;ation .

TUER~ WAS t he 37• ) e ar-old grandmothe r ln Toledo \.\ho gave birth to quad rupl ets . Wh en asked 1f she had been taking any fertility drugs :-.he <1nswered, " I wasn' t tuking tinything bul aspirin "

Folk Alts Series Due

American folk art will he scrutinized in four textures at Orange Coast• Collt> ge beginning Jan. 4.

The c;crit•s mec•ls Wed · nesd a) t·vcningi. from 7 J0-9 . JO p.m. in Fmc J\ rls Hall 119. Admii.sion

• I

And a foctory worker from Clifton who was walking a rou nd a hospital in satisf~tory condition ufter a car fell on his head. He said, "'The only thing Hurt was my head. J found it "ill h9ld up a car . I'm just glad il wasn't a Greyhound bus.· ·

"Madam , I um nol in lhe upholstery business."

How about lhe man in M assachuseus wh6 re­quest~~ he be burled on the 18th green al the club

so he could offer a friend ly hand lo tap the ball back toward the green..? •

There was the juror wha refused to serve on a

FC7.iY~ Vie.:: ''"~ -·t>romment murder case dent Nelson Rockefeller because she'd ''miss her came up with a gQodie: water bed," an 80-year· ·' I 've joined Polities old · woman w~o wanted Anonymous. Ir he lps you to host NBC's Saturday break the habit. N 1 g ht L. iv e · s h ow you fee l you wapt to qm because " I want one for public offic~. you ca.14 · more cheap thrill before a cer lQin numbe r and J go," and the Depart· Fanne Foxe comes over m e ol o f Agriculture, and pushes you int'o the wbich sent its last two Tidal Basin ·· maiJings b y Un ited

And \\h1lc we're into Par<;el Service because politics. how about the "we don 't want to take quote from Texas Gov. the. risk with the U.S. Dolph Briscoe wtlo up- mails." pointed a dea<t man to · serve a three-yea r term ~tY FAVORITE laugh on the state Health Ad· was from a schoolboy in \'isor y Commlflee? " lt Cha rlotte. N .C .. who was just a routine .ap · wr ote me for informa­poin tment," he said . t1on · o n m yself for a

Designer Oscar de la paper. His second letter Henta, when asked by a su1d, .. I must regret your I udy (whom he Jud~cd iD letter did not come in be about a size ,96 I why t1m-e , Jil> I did a report on he dicln 't design for fat 1''1d~I Castro." l atfies, a n s " ei-ed,) '. ffap.pyryewYear.

.. "NO\' F.!\-1JlF.R PF:OPl.F." Is about a Jailed

pol il1l'ian returning homt'. featuring J<in Sl('rhng :ind Cameron ~lll<'hell It also 1s slated for this ropnth

1& free . · -------.,._ ____ .....,....;._... _____ ....:...

\\'11l1am ~!Jr:. hall, Earlhu l\1ll and Melba Moore head the casl of "Timbuktu ?" scheduled for tebruary.

Allen La\\10n, an <'X· 1wrt on American anti· 'lll<'S and collectables is lecturer.

C<irol Cha11n1ng, "'ho Just finished a run at JJollywoocl's Panlages Theater \.\.llh " Hello Dolly~ WiU pl ay the lead on Broadway in March.

The opening talk. "American Folk Art in Wood, .. will look al wood folk sculpture, wh1rl1g1gs, :o.h1psfigurehcads. circus t1nd carousel carvings.

~ Bernard Shaw's classic " Man and Superman," \Vith Rosemary Harris and Ellis Rabb tentatively ~~st , 1s also:.lated the same month.

APRIL PROMISF.S TO see the opening of, timong other productions, "King of Hearts.·· The J a n. 11 session will

focus on American folk art m metal and s ton<' .

Jack Lemon will play m the father -son drama, ;·rr1 butc, " scheduled for May.

TDDAT'S CIGSSIDID: PUIZLI ACROSS person 130 Biii of tare

7 6 Brezihan 132 M1k• l11c1 1 Damp parrot 1 34 Nights before 6 Sugar 7 7 School 1·36 Polish

1 bl subject. abbr uaembly vege • 81 7 8 Warbled 13 7 Go a-buying

1 1 0.tHled 79 Leg bone 1'1 Chopptng tool 18 Choose 81 French 1 ' 2 Possession ..21 Command summer 1" Motlonl•H 22 Dlalect 'A OrHn shade 82 Above 1 '8 Move 2ll Coal cflOoer 83 Household smoothly 25 B1bllcal l11ng worker I ' 8 Female name 28 Bunk 85 Musical 1,9 Nero s 2.8 Auspicious Instrument " eleven"

occasions. 2 86 One lime only 1 Sp Doctor's 88 Royal assistant :

wda. ornament abbr. 30 Neuter 89 Slangy Ir 1 St Bridal outltl

pronoun IT . 31 Concerning contrac on 15' Small cas4

90 Sacred 1 56 One or any G2 Droop 91 Rhymeater 157 t-iomef'a epic ~'Wharf 92 Turkl•h 159 Irregular

,. ~Trample r.,,1ment 180 Gia cl al rldO• ·~7 Build -• ~t Briny deep 93 B1cktllde 1 62 Cond1hon -~,.. g5 W1tneaaes 184 UntRfy _, Blbllcit 96 Grand lady 165 Gerde,, tool•

· " countty 97 Burned 186.Remove& 42 Genuine 100 Pain rinds ., "' loll• god I T • 48 Allel'Tlot 101 1mount187 riveter 1 ~1 Clenched 102 Corundum atop

tl•nd 1 o' Obllg1tloo -.48 Following 105 lbHn

Ofdera chlracter 51 Meturlng 108 PIQP91\ 1 Antlered

agent 107 Boan! al1119 animal le I 09 Lamprey - 2 Mu1lc1I

03 Aalit 11 o Bui: Soenlah 1netfumenl tribe am in 1 . .. Coamellc 111 Ora led: 3 Small hah - heraldic • Slltch

appllcatot 11 2 Thus 5 Stum bl• over &8 M1lat eplcule 113 Hirose 6 Bread laclory

Winter •' vehicle 1 I 5 RoyRI 7 Oral l)aUH

•.'92 A numbef re11denco 8 ;~"c~~'ta-• 1$ fOfelgn 117 Olymo1c .-

runner 9 Horn sound ft Summer 118 Garnish 1 o Accumut1te

outing 88 Falling short 1 20 Highway I I Popular 70 Tflat min 122 Hindu ascetic sandwiches 71 Implement 123 Prying blra 12 Moslem n•m• 72 stunted 12' Overwe1glH 13 Clock


1ri1mal 1 26 Swamp 1' V1nQulah 73 Moving tiuck 128 --- atOfy, 15 Abandon i $ Prl9g11h\t c111td'1 tile t 6 S•i1d forth

17111umln1t1d l1w1u1t 18 Printing 93 Llflll

meHure ~' 'fhHpl1n 19 Gr~ln 95 Svelte

godde&a 98 Profound 20 Attend to 97 Po11tlve 27 S11tpeter 98 Chemlc1I 11lt 29 Dicken• 99 Antlered

ch111cter enimal1 33 Travel 101 N1b1 35 0.atroylng 103 Pronoun 38 Deadly poison 1 0' Determines 39 Fllhlr I 07 C1~ .41 Dynamite 1 08 Seth 1 aon

lnveotor 1 t 0 Senate '3 Legfillte mHtel'Qetl 45 Ego 111 Roof edges '7 Long tooth 113 ForbldOen 49 N'ovet111t 11' Sto,Y

Hecht 60 Alcoholic 1 18 Tennie term •

beverage 117 Flange 52 Harvest 119 Not any 5.4 FOfk c>rong • 121 OontJIY" 55 Apl>Olntmenta 123 RHtrlcl 56 Unattended 125 Spring 5 7 One's wri tten holiday

h11tory 127 M1rrle1

~~ :~:1 ~:i~ 129 Sllte·l1yer1 63 To1Md 130 Precept 84 Long fOf • 131 B1nl1t1 88 Footbell play 133 The earth 67M1llt1ry1><>1t 135 Snooze 89 Mualcit 138 Excllmatlon

Instrument 72 '8omb11tlc 139 Eg0-1h1ped

t1lk 140 Enll,. jury 7' GrHk letter 1.42 Man' a name 76 Keeping cl11r 1, 3 Captured

of 18 R1tlo11al 1415 Comfort 79 Untrue 14 T Shove 80 SplCIOul 1 50 Aby11lnlan 82 Verbal prince 8' Holding 152 Exptolt

device 153littw1111n 85 Weed killer guitar 87 8orn· French 155 Jipine .. 88 Pottery stl1Nmtn

m1ter11I 90 A1111t1nt 1158 E11lst1 91 Betting 181 0Vertie1d

•yatem train 9~ 8panl1h 183 ~ltendll'Q


OF THE THIRD K1NO" (PG) 11 •S-1.30-S1M~100


·iooK1NG FOf:i MR. G~DBAR" (R)

" 1900" (R)



STRDIUm 5 scREEn 639 - 7860 DRIVE-In

WAl.T OlllNl'I'.






ALL OIUVK•,NS Of'KN 6:J0PM.Hl6HTLY C11lld u.,dtr 1 ~ f'rff UllleU • lelddla .... nrond

.. . . ... . .

"' Otl!Y et tlAt. 1 IO. t OI. 1•00. II OI

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• . . .. . • ,., t

Happenings Ann Landers

·At .Vour Service •. eus"1ess.

__ .. ' .

Sunday, January t , 197'8 -

. ' OAll.V Pll .. OT •

,· . .

.p;it(ift.i_ . .t-.e --~~---~js ·-" e.~~-r.~~; __ .. __ ._ ~

.- .. -·---.. ' .

'Jfl.ecre'ationat vehic'tes· offer snu~:,- mobile protection like a ~ur~le's shell

RV means a less BXP e.Ds.iJLe WY __ _ lo make a iurrg · ·motor tr;ip. To an increasing number of people - one family in eight by 1980 -RVs are simply home on the road. ·


fimce many Cahfornaans are usually on the go south near the border, over to lhe river or north lo cooler chmatcs - it 's only naturul that they would \\ant to lake a littl e "self l'Onlamcd life :.upport " with th(•m . · .

For more and more people. temporary living quarters for .recrealioo.~llmpmg and lrav.,1

- .me:rns u "recreational vch1clc" (or HV >

I . R EC'REATIO NAL vch tdes.

when upplwd in thb ~eose, ex· elude:. four·\\hcel drt\'e truck~. dune huggie:s, motorcycles und the like

RVs generall y mean something like the turtle 's shell

a snug protection from the elemen L'> which 1s completely mobile

RV also mcuns a lcc,s l' X· pe n sive way to lakt• a long motor trip. ·

Hecrcat1Gn~1l \' ('h1clt• Industry Association <RV IJ\ > officials t>">llmale a n average family vacation in an HV \\Ould cost onl'·third as much us room and boa rd on a motel-hotel type trip.

THESE WHEELED accom· modullon:. are generally divided

into five ba~ae tY,Pes: Pickup covers, truck camperli, van con­' ers1ons, molorhome& and travel trailers.

But lo an increasing number of people - an estimated 10 million or one fami ly in eight by 1980 - RVs arc just homes.on the road.

Here's a brief description of each basic type .

'.J..CKU P COVEltS - 'these are piobamy the Chetip4!"st rorm of RV. Also known us. shells, pickup, cever~ are prolecHve toppin~s for truck bedi..

They rnnge in price f'ro m about S200 Lo S400

Pickup co\'crs come with win­dows und insulated walli>, and moi. t have interior paneling . U s u a II y , s e If · c o.rt t a in m en t features mus t be added , but so m e come "ith b unks and li ghts .

The unit can provide a home on wheels for a quick trip to that f:ivoritc fbhing hole or isolated beach .

TRUCK CA1'1PERS - These units arc also earned on the beds or pickup trucks

Ranging in price from Sl,500 lo $5,000 and up, truck campers serve as a local touring vehicle and can be removed when the

truck is needed for other purposes:

Passengers ctin ride in the un­it but a drawback 1s the mac· cessibiUty to the (I river's cab.

Mos t truck campers vary in lengtt\ from six to 12 feet. Thc>y a re COl'}blder~d part Of the truck and require no special licenses or toll road costs.

Special trucks arc made for lh1s type of unit. The specially

·dwgned ~hlcles have beefed up 'ingtnes; power- wakes and s teerin g, automatic trans m issio ns, tougher s us· penb1ons and other extras.

VAN CONVE R S IO NS -'"Chopped van~.. are currently lhe bc s t ." se ll1ng of all motorhomes . This converted van t ype is built on a v-an chassis which is connected lo lhe dri ver's cab.

A ~pceial RV body joins wilh the cab Lo form a &inglc uml that i.clls for about Sl3,000 lo S20,000

Many of these Jl Vs have u s let'ping compartment "hich ex­lt•nds above the driver 's cab.

Sometimes a standard truck chassis is used instead of a van frame. The cub is then modified to conform to the chassis.

A SEPARATE type of van com•e rs1on ipvolves a standard

ecreational vehicles, above, will be disp~ayed Jan. 7-15 at Anaheim Con'(ention Center.

. truc.k v'° wltlt llf ln~lde ace . converted into a living area.

In many cases, the roof on this t ype Is colhrpslble or has ex­tens\ons for adding much needed headroom.

With an inc reasing ~mand f.or these Rw.-t>riceit start as low us $4.~ and continue to climb depending on whet options <refrigerator, stove, air condi­tioning, carpeting, paneling cabinets) are ordered and in: ·stalled. - " ·~

These RV.s .ilre 111ore compact than' conventional motorhomes b~t can c:arry about any conve· ni ence lmaginable.

Sometimes r e ferred to as " mini-motorhomes," vans a re excellent for camping or tem­porary living quarte rs for an in• definitcpenod of time.

M OTORllOM ES - These popu la r units are constructeo on special suspensions manufac· turcd for their ui>e.

Sizes range from 16-f&l <'Om· pact to 4-0-toot' luxury models. Prices can reach Sl5,000 or be as low as SlS,000.

Entertaine rs and even the modern-day version of trave l· ing s ideshow artists find these RVs made to order.

AlmQjt any amenity. such as e lectrical AC generators and TV monitors. can be included in the more spacious models., -

Sin('e the motorho m c i s virtually self-contained, it can double in its use as a fami ly s ta­tion wagon nnd portable house.

TRAVEL 'fftAILERS - The humble traill'r has been around a lmost as long ·as the wheel. But n ow they have beco me so sophistica ted RVIA officials classify them In four g roups.

Conventiona l trailers consist of prefin lshed aluminum or fiberg lass mold ed over wa ll stud$ In a re~tangular form .

Aircraft-type units are con­structed from s pecially treated and highly polished ,aluminum riveted to a light-weight metal frame. .

Telescopic trailers can be compressed to a llow c~ier travel

RVIA orfici,Als Point out that liree RVs have a t remendous resale w>tcntiul. A continuing

·customer demand has m ade this •possible. why when shopping tor an RY. used models s hould not be overlooked. The be,st guide Is n. group o( seasoned ·RV owners who can lt>ll you the ups and dowA.i_ol s hopping.

ThciNecide what you want -and what you can afford . - One nnporla~ ~idecalion

-rn RV slioppTnt tr lhl!""fthieteA1r "gross vehicle weight rating."

RVIA OFFICfALS say this rating will help a buyer know if an RV will meet his needs. The gross vehicle weight rating in­dicates at what point an RV would be overloade d by the equipment, people and s upplies it carries.

Mos t RV dealers can supply this rating lo b\,lyers.

In general, RV buyers should look to sohd electrical, 1,> lumbin& and heating facilities in units which have thebe components.

Most RV experts agree that financing your recreational \•chicle is si milar to buying an a uto or home.

RVIA officials say down pay­m ents of a t leas t 25 pe rcent are required.

ONCE COl\'SJDERED "luxury items." RVs have gained much more acceptance as a part of a family 's needs. •

Paying $110 per month over a f.ive -year pl'riod or $87 per month O\'Cr seven ye:'lrs for a $.5,000 RV is not so uncommon for many Umilies, RVIA of· fidal s say.

1-'or some larger models, 10-year payment plans are availa­ble. Interest rates on new RVs are about · l2 percent . Credit un· i'ons. family banks and RV owl)j}rs _should be <:ootacled for advice on financing. -

Insurance on RVs. most ex­perts agree. is sioiUar lo inaur· ing,.one's home and car. Somt! in s urance companies have· s pecial RV policies.

and storage. When you flnd your IF YOU ARE not sure •bo\.ll favorite •pot or just have to buying, 'Or just want t.o eotnpare s lop, the lop section rises to different RV types. renUni · is --standing-room height. one idea.

l'IOST RECENTLY, the RV Rental rates vary depending Industry has been ma nufactur- on"'your a rea and the season. ing monstrous ''five-whee l'' Generally, weekly r ates fol' fold- . trailers. Snnilar in construction down camping trailers are from to con ventional units, the S60 to SSS, according to RVIA forward portion extends over· 11 estimates. hitch like the fifth wheel hitches We e kl y rates for trave l 'o n fr~ight· hau3Jf ' t~c- trailers range from SlOO to $150; tor It railer rigs. _. motorhc;ime r oles a re from S275

Usually. t he lraclo . fp tffis l o. SJoo )!us 10 lo JS cents per type of RV is a hard-work4'g ~1le: and ti:ick ca~pers lnclud­pickup truck with an extnrbilCh-- inf!- the h6uhng vehicle rent. for

• hait:n~~~ _ ~}1s . .a!!d-~_plus J~-~· per, rear axle. m1 e.

Some specia ll y .desig l'f~d Wh_ethe r you ren t o r buy, vehi c les have been manofac· security. Js a.lways a problem. lured to match these long trailer Ca~lforn1 n Hi~hway P atrol of­unils which now reach about 50 ~c1als say RV thefts a re becom- • feel In length. · mg more oommon.

WliA prices. f.or-lr.allers. start· ~n J~ of 1976,.567 ~~ch ~ases ing in the S3 600 c lass and mov· were many in ffie Ing to aJmosl $30,000-for the lux· sta.te's me~ropolitan areas, CllP uriqus models, the sky hr I.he offadals said. limit as to what to place lnside And recovery rates on stolen t hese RVs RVs are very low.

· CllP theft experts advise Sll"G RVGS, televisio9s, cen- a~ainsl s tormg RVs OJ} streets.

tral 'v:lci1um. t elephone jncl<s, F'<'nced lots are the best protl?C· lined curtains, largo mas te r lion . ·1

. '

J i f ) I

' bed rooms, :;u n d ec ks and Storage is iinother cons"1era­quadrophonic sound systems arl' l io n for O\\ncrs . Some KV JUSt a few of the extras thut can dealers offer s torage s pace for

·~ } be added. customers for $2 or S3 pei:.month.. . .. I


Below, Dale Lissner, rigtft, shows features of vans that can be rented in Irvine. , ' i I

l'he bes t way for domos tic and fCJl'Gign travelers to see our coun· ti1 ls by recreationa l vehicle. · 'With that thought in mind . D•1e and Sheryl Lissner of Irvine s&.~rted an RV renta l business fh1c years ago lhal. is drawing In· orHsing attention from airline<;. trn ve l agents nnd ~rnbasslcs around lhc world.

on . gasolinoi for 2,000 miles. Ualc'a pays for insurance and a ll re~ pairs on the road. Rentals run an average or $800 for two weeks.

Dale's owns 50 per cem of the rigs on the lot. The · rest , the b ac kbon e of the fleet , are privately ownCJI.

Purchnscr:s of the ri gs put down $1,000 on a 7·yenc: contract that allowf owners to use the vehicle for rour weeJcs during the sum· mer anct tor unlimited time dur­iqthe Winter. l ~When the rtgs are left on the lot, they are rented out. Llssner 11td ownets receive sutflci~nt money to cover lhelr monthly bank payme and a yearly pro-ral ol ·~t $1:,200\.. •

i _; I




. .

... ..


By ALTON BLAKESLEE ~ ........ ,_Sc.._ •• ...,

NEW YORK - Beware or an alcoholic kick in some ordinary medicines.

One ant.J-s pas mod1 c m edicine in a new listing takes highest rank by being 68 p~rcerit alcohol by volume . That means

· lJ&> proof compared with 80 to 100 proof fo r mos t brands of bourbon, Scotch, rye, gin or vodka:"

OTHER MEDICINES as low as one-halt of 1 percent alcohol by volume. but many contain 20 pe_rcent or more. Mos t ·are " vitamin tomes " and· anti: cough or decongestant hq u1ds.

While few people may knowingly nip at modiclnes for their alcohol •. a high ajcoholic <.•ontent if unknown can spell poten\ial danger for numerous people , s uys Dr. Ronald P. Evens. a clinical pharmacist at the University of Texas:

...... Excess ive alcohol in s ome " .medicine~ may trigger a drinking binge

by a reformed ale-Oholic. - -- An alcoholic may be under treat·

mtlnt wjlh a drug, dis ulfiram, that pro­d~ces a severe i;eac Uon 1f he consumes a lcohol.

EDITOR'S NOTE r SOTM get tMft' Jdcb /rom cha~. othe" /ro'lft hard lfquM' or mfnd-bendfncf drug1. But fMJ't'a cm un. awpecting group ~ttfng Jricb U'a not lookbig /or. You see, there'• a lot of olcoMl In~,. tllt·counler medicinea, not oll labelN.

- Alcohol can fire up stomach ulcers. - For teen-agers, alcohol ls becominJ

a favorite drug of abuse. High alcohol over-ttie·counter drugs offer a supply. Says E'vens: ' 'A geriatric vitamllt solo_·. lion with a 20 percent-plus 41cohol C'Ort· t ent (40 proo() produces an attractive sedative-tranquilizing ertect for the pa· lient. One t,ablespoon of thili solution is equal .tottie al~ohol ln one ounce of wine."

HE AND TWO then-graduate students, George E . Dukes (now at the Unlversl· ty or utah), and John C. Kuhn (now at the University oC Mlaaiasippe), drew up a Ust of more than ~ oral proprietary protlucts and 18 generic formulas , UsUng their alcohol "COntent as a service Lo phys icians. The list, published In American Family Physician magazine, is mainly non-prescription drugs, sold over tho counter.


. .. schoo1flJ\U1tto Colleae ot PhQIJl'q. :

The aileohOI is used to dilute dnap "1lt aren•t very aoluble in water, be explatis . Tbe Food and Drug AdminlstraUon ~· quires that labels lis t ''active'' lnge­dlents in a medicine. but alcohol us~ as a dllulent ls not considered ••actlvP!" But liattni the alcohol on the label •.pi,. vlously ls quite Important for those w}lo should be avoiding alcohol." :

l I

"ELIXIRS" GENERALLY contiln' signiCicant.tcohoJ, from to to~ per~l. Evens says. It may be that the per4C)n taking the medicine sees the alcoh<Jlc kick as the real bene(1l, he adds. • ·

Historically, many tonics and " s ni\ke medicines " sold by fast -talking m edicine men reputedly were mil generous lo alcohol. So a lso, by eome • counts. were medicines sold tor "fem compJalnts," coneoclions that mi l produce.a slight alcoholic buu. .. :

In Even's l fsllng, which o~e pharmaceutical firm plans to dlstrib'f(e free to physicians, 8'1 of the products C~· lilif20 percentor more atcohl>I. •·

Over-the-counter medicines o . en provide alcohol high

- The effect from sedative drugs and ~inor tranquilizers can be boosted by · r ·cflcohol . including that from some cough

medicines. Dy slowing reaction times or mducing sleepiness, that ~an be a threat for someone driving a car or operating

• 9th e r machinery.

The vast majority of products list thei1' alcohol content on the label and all of them "definitely should," says Evens, direftor oC the drug information service at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, and aasis· tant professor of pharmacy at the.

The most potent product in alc<>liol terms . is Valerian, described by t.he m anufacturer, Ell Lilly and Compan~· f Indianapolis, as an old formula tor n anll-hysteric sedative and an i · spasmodic. Sold over tl)e counter, it a minor product, says a Lilly official, ad-' ding that the high amount of alcohol 1is needed t.Q put the active ingredient JJii> solution. • ..

Stop Those Littl_e Lies ,.

. .,;: Psychowgi,s.t: 'Truth Is, We All Do,-. '


L 0 S A N G E L 1': S < J\ P > Am ong thos l' :'oil·w Yt·ar :-. r e:-.olu· lions should lw one to slop te lling so many Lies, !>ays a Unlvcrs1tr of

· S o u l h c• r n L' a I i f o r n i a psycholog1:-. t

Lying isn 't \our probl<'m . you· s ay" An :.t \ l•rag(', at·t1ve adull s peaks sl'vl·ral s mall . s ubtle lies

: C\'H Y da y, s a ys J e rald M . J C' llt :-.on in has new book, ' 'I'm !-lorn , 1 D1dn 'l Mean To. a nd Ulh t•r Lies We L O\'C To T t•ll ..

" WE TENO TO s tr<'I C'h the tru th to hl'lp us cope with olh<.' r pt•ople 's reu<."l1ons lo our mis­d eC'dS, " he says.

. Am ong J elhson's collect1on of excuses a nd ex pl<inations for

· fau x pas an·: " l 'm lute because tra ffi c was ll' r rihl c," " I can 't function Wltil I ' \'c had my second cup of coffC'e," "Not toni ght dear, I have a headac he ," ''Better late than neve r."

"While the re mav be · some truth lo the adage lhai you 're bet· t e r late than nc \'e r . what you 'r e really trying lo do is get out of the blame by invok!Jl~ this," s aid .Jellison.

"Th(' one he unde rneath it all 11; l'Ssential perfection ; you ' r e act 1 n~ as though you · re a s aint \~hen you offer a n e 'Cplana twn you say you 're j us t trying to tell what hap1Nned . tiul } ou ' r e act ini.: a s though you neve r mak e mi~ · tak es ...

JELLISON SAID people would he off if they admillcd their own mistakes, and if they refrained from pass ing Judg · m ents quickly " I "-as s tuck al an intersection today becJus e there w as a car ahead of me . Thb guy behind m<' sturts honking. " he n .•lated Jellison sa id he did no thin~ about the honk mg but he has see n people s hrug the ir s houlder!> or po int in sul'h s ilua· twn s . lo explain themselves to the honker .

The easiest situations m which lo s top Justifying are those with s trangers apd very intimate rela· tions hips , JeUisj}n said. But he

s aid he's not optimistic ubout people r efraining fro m excuse· g iving in business.

"People gel angry when you don 't give excuses. Tha l 's their device for making you do it. Peo­ple in power don't have to make excuses. Those without power do," he said.

JELLISON CONTENDS the in­security that makes someone justify repeatedly is based on fear of rejection by others.

To break the little white lies habit, Jellison s ugges ts begin· ning with strangers one passel\ on the s idewa lk and in s upermarket a isles.

With :scquaintances and busi­ness associates it's more difCicuJt to stop justifying, Jelllson ad­mits, but he says cutbacks can s till be made, beginning with the people who hav e the least amount of authority over you and working up. '

Hair Dye Industry Ruffled by TestiTJg

J!ard .Cough

May$ave Your Life

LOS ANGELES (AP ) -A deep cough every few seconds after certain kinds of heart attacks may pre-

- vent sudden death by fore · Ing blood through the heart and brain. two Harbor General tfospital cardiologists say. .

DRS. J . MICHAEL Criley .and Daniel C . Brown say they have

· gathere'!l evidence that s.hows coughing might wo rk to force blood through the system when blood flow stops because of the attack.

The sudden death thJt results Crom interruption of blood Clow is a lmost.

· a lways caused by ven­tricular fibrillat1on , in which the heart pumps blood ineffectively. If it is quick.4' reversed, the pa­tient can make a Cull re­covery, the doctors say.

THE PAIR said they did not know how long the cough method could s us­tain blood flow, but they said coughing is something a heart attack victim can do by himself.

Home Aid Progra~ .. Faces· Tightenillg I ,

SACRAMENTO (AP) -California 's $126-million-a-year homemaker-chore proaram has poor stat e adrrunlstratlon and overly generous eligibility stan· dards, says a citizens advisory board.

The program now provJdes in· home helpers . who clean, cook a nd perform personal chores for 75,000 aged or disabled Califor-nians. ·

THE REPORT BY the State Benefits and Services Advtaory Board said the program is saving taxpayers money because il is c heaper than placing the elderly in nursing homes. It alsq Is useful in providing jobs to weltaro reci· plents~ the.l'epott.sai

But the board's chairman, Robert Mitchell, said that a year.Jon( study disclosed· pro­ble m s in the law that established the program, and in Its manage­ment, financine and ellglbtuty stand ards.

The board proposed ell&ibility changes that would elim inate an estimated one-fourth to one-third ol recipients from the program.

MITCHELL SA ID the guidelines that Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's administration pro­mised lo draft a year ago for con­trol of the t>roaram have not been put into effect.

•'The board has · found an

urgent need for competence and contlnUity in leadership in the ad­ministration," the report said.

Mitchell and aides cited a rapid turnover of administrators and satd only about 20 or the 44 position.a authorized to run the program are now filled .

He said the legislation setting up the system also is faulty, because eliglblUty for the pro­gram is open-ended with' \.fp ·to 500,000 Californians eligible wblle ft,tnds remain restricted. The result ls an annual financing

~ crl~ls with s hort-term cutbacks of services and other disruptive effect4, Mitchell said.

THE BOARD recommended a Ughter_ .ellgibillty .11tandard and reforms of the financing.

The report said the program s hould be limited to persons who would have to be placed in more costly insUtuUons if they do not have aides to sbop, cook, clean • house and do other c,hores for them.

If that tighter standard ls adopted, one-fourth to one-third or those now receiving home helpers will lose them, Mllebell said.

"'*;;~-; ... ._ .. _ Hospit~ Bill

Copy May

Go to State

NEW YORK (AP) - The que!· t1on or whethe r hair dyes cause cance r has revived a controvers y ove r whether the use of animals in research is a reliable way of determining if a chem loal can t·ause cancer in humans.

The othe r s ide of the argument comes Crom Dr. Chirles F. Wurster, a founder oC the En· viroomenlal Defense Fund and associate professor or environ· mental sciences at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.


LOS ANGELES CAP l - The CalHorrua Health Fac ilities Com­mission has recommended two measures to provide more pre­cis e information for the stale to u s e in regul a ting hos pital charges.

The commiss ion, meeting here, decided it has the authority to or<ter hospitals to report dis­charge data on all patients . in­cluding their na m es, length of s ta y, diagnos i s, pro ced~res p erformed and who paid the bills.

The information is expected lo help the commiss ion allow for the difference in complexity of cases h andled by different hospitals.

The commission made it clear earlier this year that It considers hospitals public utlUUes whose c harges it eventually will regulate.

Their second action was a recommendaUol\ that state men· tal boaoltals be required to submit annuaf financial reJ)Orts. Such in· stltutlons bad beeh exempted from doing so.

The hair dye issue nared in Oc­toher when the Environmental DefeJ!se Fund , a private environ· men!Ttl group. called on the Food and Dru~ Admini s tration to place a cancer warning label on permanent hair dyes.

The fund cited preliminary fin · dings of a study al the National Cancer Institute indicating that chemicals in the dyes caused cancer in. laborato ry anjmals. The FDA said the Institute later informed the FDA that one or the chemicals had been Identified as a cancer-causing agent.

A final report has yet to be is · sued.

"The safety of hair dyes on human beings has been established," says Dr. John F. Corbett, spokesman for the cos­metic industry.

Corbett aald in an interview that feeding hJeh doaes creates a danger of overtoadlng the system, overwhelmine the natural mechanisms. And he cit· ed the controversy over sac­charin.

" Criticism of high dosages used in animal tests may be based on a misunderstanding of their purpose,.. Wurster says. · 'These tests ere meant to detect the potential lo caUJe cancer, not , to describe the conditions under which it could develop, such as by drinking 800 sort drlnks d\ily."

Act~vist Job's Tough Spot WASlflNGTON (AP> - A poll

taken by associates of R alph Nader shows that many longtime consumer activists who took jobs in the administration are finding it. can be dllficult to ac· compUab thing.a.

'I'be poll showed 92 percent of the resPorutentl f t it that clvtl aervtce retulatlona hindered them in their government work, , while• the rest 'said they had no s uch o~tacles.

The LateMt in Feminine a ttire


De&igr1er Collection.• at Prices You Can Afford! • I s I z E S....3- 14

1825 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA 714-631·3395 Next doot to South Coast Repertory -~

r .., 1'




. ·~· · :giij W@l111 If ,.-j @@[(\YIU©® .. aot.o prolMm" Thtn wrtt• to Pot DvM. Pat Wtll cut rftl iaptt, ~ttfng tit# 01U1«r1 tl1ld octiOn J10U need to 1ol0l" tneqidJiea 111 11oucmmen! tl1ld bu..tlneu. Mail yo11r qtleJIJDM to Pal Dunn. At Your Service, Orange C<XUt Daily Pilot, P 0 . Dor JS60, Costa Mt1a, CA 92626. A.f many letten cu 1xm1ble w11l be answered, but phoMd inquine.s or letter& 'lOl including the reoder'3 fuU name. addreu and business hours' phone numbercannot be considered. Th1scolumnappearsdai· · ly ezcept Saturdays.' ·

Rain Clteck a t llospitab? D EAR PAT: The increase in traffic acci

dents due to the rainy weather hai»btought a question to my mind Whal happens if an in Jured person I!> brought to a hospital cmtr gen cy room and he doesn ' l have a group in s urance idenl1ftcalion card or any ca!>h lo pa} for treatme nt '> On scvl-raJ occasions \\hen I have had to bring my children to i.l hos pital e m e rgency room tl lict.·ml'<l to me that as­:-.urancc or payment ''as the thing that most concerned the ho!>J>1tal

\\' 11 , Newport Bt>ach According to Callloroia ·~ Jl t'alth and Safe­

ty Code, a ho!>pltal that hai. an e me rge ncy room cannot refuse to g iv.- a ~rson medical treatment If he Is in dan gfr or losi. or life or has a serious lllne'" or injury. The fact that the i ndividual may ha\'t> no mon~y. credit or insurance cannot be ui.Pd ai. a basis for deny­ing him service in s uch a case. The only sllua lion in which the emngency rOO!Jl patient can be tu rned away IH when th<· hospital does not hav e appropriah• facilitic!. or !.Ufflcient qua llfled personn c• I to f)rovide m edic a l services or care.

Start M1th Cle ora S u..·e e p DEAR P1\ T : l'\'e dt•t·1dcd to use :..nme of

my Chri&tma:.. gift money to huy a new vacuum cleaner. My old one has bee n on the dec line for a couple of years now. I \\OUld like

..... .........

l?. ~now whleh type cleans mott ~rtecUvely. I v& lleerd t!lat i.u>ri a.t. .t~aners are betW .. ~~~e ol nu:.rrfen~ pr~rer lbefr canislet'

. L .T.,Costa Mesa • i\(:.COrdinl to Contum~r 1leports, the best.

t)'pe ol vacuum clocser ro~moving deep, gritty BOU ls an upriSb l wlth..a.tevolvtng brush or a canlBter with a rus cleanlns attachment. that ba• a powet driven brWlh. Tbe rotating brush moves the grl& to ' the top of the rug whe re the vacuum can pick It up. Wltb thJs type or vacuum. take long, s low strokes, al· lowing the brush and suetloo to do the c lean· Ing. If YOJI have a canis ter cleaner with no re· volvlng l>ru!lh, you must suppl)' the brush ing action with short, quick strokes. You'll have to work harder to get your carpet clean with this kind or v,cuum. With either type, empty the bag often to get maximum cle&nlng power. ,,. O ld Gm Log• flnder F ire

DEAR PAT: 1 r ead ~cently that asbeslo~ 1~ a harnrcl lo work ers who m ake artaficwl ;ish<.·., for~~·" fireplace Joiis Is 1t also a hazard to people• \\ho buy and use iias logs with lhos~ art1f1ual ashes·1 We arc thinking of buying tr gas log, hut would not w.rnt to do so if 1t will harm us 1n MY way

J .D, Irvine Washlngton, D.C. headquarters of the

Con!'tumer Product Safety Commission told A YS that the CPSC has banned t he use of :a11heslos In all ica s burning fireplace logs. Thi~ ba n has bet>n in effect for about two months, but log .,cti> containing a11bestos have not been ~old for at le a11t i. lx months. Previously vurc ha!tt>d l(as lol(s containing asbestos will l( low to "imulat.- real wood embers after they have hel·n bumlnic for awhile. Some log sets abo were sold with an " as h" base containing ai1h('stoi. ..

The ('PS(' urges coni.umers to remove this ash material, which either was sold "('pa rat(•ly or glued on the logs. /\ step-by·step safety ·procc•durf' for removlrut th._. asbestos mate rial can be r<'QU('i. tcd by phoning the CPSC."s tollfrcc phone numbt'r : 800-638·2666. The CPSC s pokf's man urges ron<; umer s to re· quest the re moval procedure Information to a \'Old the possibility of har m from contact "Ith the ai.hestos mate rial during r e moval.

- . . . .. . . , . . ' . . •

&, January 1, 1978 DAILY PILOT (;3

W elfare-Cr:~ckdow-n .Du~ • • " .. ·" 1\1,

New Matching System Will Find Cheaters' ~ . . -

W /\SHINGTON <A P l The .fu'd salaries or 2.8 million federal wage earners with slate aod federal government will soon civil servants against tho names local off1 c1ab for the specific begin comparing computer tupes of welfar e recipien~in 20 m aJor purpose of determining e hgU>ili· of the 110 milllon wage earners metropolitan arek!. turntng up t y for gove rnment. 11ssislance who 'puy Socia l Set•urlly taxes 13,000 welfare recipients getting programs. with welrarc rolls from across federal paychecks. Thi s mcuns tha t when P roJect the country in u sea rch for So m e of those p r es umably Mulc h turn" up u name and we 1 fare c h e • t c r s u n d wero receiving i id legltimqte lx. Social Security number that ar>·

. ·bureaucratic waste. but a pilot .sl1o1dy indicated thal pea r both on Soc.laL-Security He alth. Education and Welfare perhaps 25 percent of the names payroll tux records a nd ·s t.ate ot

Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr. a ppenrlng on both lists would be local welfare· rolls, the govern-disclosed plans for the project In people lnellgible /or welfare or mcnt may turn the name and a year-end interview with The receiving too much Jn benefits, othe r identi fy ing in formation Associated Press investigators said . from Socinl &•curily tomputcr:.

T llE SECRETARY predicted tlic proJecl would ht• l1l r estore pub hc confidence in the welfare system by "gellinJ: the welfare

• rolls down to t hose people who a r e enliUed to be on the m .··

H e s a i d t h c t··o m p u l e r matching 1s theoreti ca ll y foolproof

··As a condition of getting AFDC <Aid to l-'a m11les with Dependent Children l b<'ncfits, you have to report what your in· come 1s. If you rc1>0rt your In com e accurately und properly, It will never show up .

But if you report your income 1naccur;ilcly. then it (welfare fraud l will."

T he new pro~rum is a n ex· pnnsion of Project Mutch, which Califano launched earlier this yea r by comf)urin ~ llEW 's Washington puyr·oll with local welfa re rolls.

T H E EFFORT ha~ '>o far s pread out to compare the names. Social Security numbers

Responding to cal'lier critlclsm over to local authorities for In · that Project Mutch ts an unwar vesli,::ation

CaH~crno e:ep ect• Mg progre.• nez( 11~ar

°" error, fraud at1d ablU'e fn welfar'1'.

ranted invasion of individual privacy, Califano s1ud: "This m no way in m y Judgmen t will violate anyone's privacy. We'll do this with delicacy and care

CALI FANO is acti n g on authority g r a nte d in a Jillie· noticed section of the new Social Security law signed by Pre:.. ldent Carter on Tuesday. T he section . acce pted at the Inst minute by House and Senate confe rees on the bill, bad been inserted by the Senate Fina nce Committee, headed by Sen. Russell Long. D·La.

The new section gives the HEW secretary a uthority lo s ha r e Social Security information on

PREVIOUSL\' , ull informa · lion on spcc1f1c persons kept by the Social Secur ity Admlnistra tion was protect ed from dis· c lbsure unde r tho Priv11cy Act.

Califano s aid he expects "big proa ress nC'xt year on error, fraud Md abuse in weUare," ad· ding that he intends to m o\'e "rJght away and to the utmost" in using the normally conriden· t1a l computer files of the Social Security system .

1lmnkB to YoU ttwurks ...


•• Sex Courses Hit Resolved


:-0.t\!'\ f ' lt/\:'l.Cl!"ICO 11\fi fh·ano., of 1111' l ' l11H'l''ll\' t•f (':ihfnrn1.1 .incl ford l ' nl\l'n,;l\' ml•d1t·; tl o.,chooh .,av lhcv s lrnn i: I~ 1'i1sal{11·c "1th propoM·;I !> late gu1dcl1ncs rnr mandatory courM'" in hurn:in ' t'\ u:d11\

Dr Cla \ lon H1t·h , of Sl .anfrml . • tnd Dr. Alan ·c.,111ril'n . or l C' San Fran l'l"l'fl. s:11tl thf'\· :11'k1111\\ l1·<i i,: t· lh1· nlai 1mpurt;uw1• oi lt':tl'hi11g huma n " l '\

, uahty hut cll·c ry the app.1n·nl as:.aull ttn :tl' ach·n1i(' fr1·1•d11m

T ll E I.AW. \\llllt•ll "' Sl.tll ,, ... .,cm bl vm:in .John Vast·nnt;<' llo!>. I). San J o s c : an ti m and :1 t c d h y th 1• urc this year. ' "~ :. meihcal :.chool :..l11cl<·nls wi ll he n •qu1rc·d to take al least one 30-hour tr<· <l1l rourst· m some .in•:i of human ..i·,ualrt)

Rich and Gnldricn !ta11l thl·ir 1ns t1tu l io ns p10nt't'l(•d lh<' Ci.l<1hhshme:nt or some 'cars a i.:o. hut H1ch ndded

" Thl'M' Ill opo~ccl .. 1.1ndards con 'llluh· a flmd.•ml• dt·parturc fro m th l' IHlnCI p le of •• (' .ttl c m I C belf­detc rrnin.rllnn \\h1C'h trad1tlonally has afforih•cl 11n1\ (•rs1til·s the ni;:ht tu 1•s tahli'h aC'adL•mic' ~111111· \ free fr<im g11\'('rnm1•nt:1l intt•n1·11t111n ·

(;olrl fwn acld<.•11. " ll 1., .m 11n\\.11 ran tc•d and 11nJ11sllf1t•d int nni.:1·ml'lll <111 acad<'mtt• frl'erl•1m and '>L·h a

THE RO,\Rll of ;".lt!d11·al t/uc.d1l\ J\:-~uram·(' of lhf' sl.tll' Dl\'ISIOO or Lice nsing has un<IC'rtaken lhl· JOb of ii r a ft tn g s fH' l' I r ' . ,. u I (• !-> u n d t' r \ ' a:-<.·onc<'llo:- · i ~t\\

Dr. !\ltchael Jacoh'>. an uss1stant prnfl''>sur or ml'dlt'lnl' <it S tJ nford who I t•.tt ht·~ a c·oursl' on "Sex u:oi !\.h1tlt·r., 111 M etllral Pr:1rt l<'I' . .. ~il sll l)PJl<>St''i t hi· q:tft• mandatrng .., , ;md;ird:- 111 111111u1 c dl't a i I

· ·1 obJl'd to an a~(t'n l'\'., tcllinJ: me how tn tcaC'l1." lw sa id

JACOBS' popular 1·m1rst• feature' gu e st s pC'ak <-r., 1n tlucl 1ng p s y c hi at r i s ti . ~ex th crap is I s. pediatricians. nursl·!\ . and sor1a l workers. as "ell as prostllules. male homosexuals, lei;b1u n s. !>ado· masochists and transsexuals

Goldfien said he and h1 -. medical school colleagues arl' trying lo r hungt• thinki ng about :.,,(•\ t·dut'at1on 1n Sacramc·nto

" ThrouJ:h tht• st alt' hua rel \\ 1· hl)JH' to hc able to n :ath the lcg1slntor<., and t ht· governor and tr:- to flt•rsuadt• lh<'m lhal lhr<. 1s Jl()t lht· routt· to foiill\\. ·' llc s:tid

Old Age



00 YOU KNOW YOUR DIAMOND'S VALUE RECENTLY INCREASED? We know that where lnsUJance appralsal1 are concerned. a dtt•ll•d description of the 11werly is all· lmPC>rt•nt, ptr1lc:ularty In refttence to plotting or otherw!M indicatln1 t ht preHnt choracteristlo or blemishe• "' a ,~At i.a.t ha.II tbl vaiua of an llet In

• .(ht later u11 of that •PPf•ISbl to check the jewelry tor ·ltama,. cw to vtftfy the Identity, dell&n "" constructlM cL U.~lnthe~otlOH

IDCAL: et'll.LIAft'I' ~ ~TIOHC


W*T•W ... ........ •• u ..........

C ... •MIM-141.0JH

Find Tinie to Help \ :":cw Year s r esolulJon to m ake time lo

hl'lp others can be fulfilled through :i variety of Oranl'(c• County organ1zat1ons and <tg<.•ncics

In Wc!.t Orange Count y, ma ny convalc•s t·t·nt and rc~ular tiosp1tals have patients who nl·l•lf \'tsitors and tutors . Or tht'1r !>laff l'OUlcl USl' rll'l'IC~il .1:.~islanc·l·

THE l '~ITEO t'ru~adl• nn·ds en\{·lopt• s lUlfC'ri. for an upcomin~ c-amp<n~n . The work t·an be clont' at home·

Goodwill lndu-;trrl's needs pcoplc to m<ikc rn lls i>c<'k tng donatwns of usable items

Thcsl' openings as well a'> other 1>1>· portun1ties to lend aid to others a rc listed by lh<' Voluntarv /\cllon Center of West Orange> County. R98-0043 Th<' cente r also has a special program for .!>en1or citizens who want to s pend lime at useful tasks

The Voluntary Action Ccn~r of South Oruns;:c County orrers o s imilar variety of opcninJ:s for those hvrng m that area

AMO!'liG CVRRE:'l:T positions a re A piano teacher is needed lo help ) oung

girls in a Santa /\na girls organita llon learn till' m11s1cal basic~

Library aides ;ire sought in l\t1sswn V1cJO to help \\1lh dt•nc·<1l -lypc 1m>Jcc·ls. filing hooks, t~·pin~ and preparing bulletin hot1rd~ L1ttlc public contact 1s necessary .

A non-profit agency in l'\ewport H<'ach needs nimble fingcrs to he lp prcpun• a master m ai ling list and update fi les .

A NEWPORT Dea c h h igh schOoi could u!>e additional m edi o center aides to help In n variety o r Jobs r anging from organizing s pecial collections to creating indexes.

For information on these and other open ings, contact the South Orange County VAC at ll75·92 10 or 833·9278

Fairview's m any clients need the llm<' on ly \'Oluntcers can ~ut in on 10 has1c programs designed lo over com e physical, behavior ond rchab1hlatlon problems. Contact t he Volun l('er Services office of Enid Lathrup a l 545·9331 for details on openings and training

DNA Research May Be Eased

WAS HINGTON <AP 1 The National Ins titutes of Health ~ay soon relax guidelines on controversial ~netlc research which involves c reating life forms not found natura lly .

Critics sa y s uch research could produce "'Vi rulent disease o r ganis n\s agains t which humans. animals and plants have na defense s hould the micr obes escape Uie la boratory. But s upporters or the new proposed guidelines say s uch research also could c reate new drues and improve crops .

The research involves DNA, the basi c genetic• component of Ille. The NIH under guideline~ issued In JUiy 1976 banned certain re· search involving ONA. The relaxed guidellnt?1' would a llow sclentlsu to work with certain or ganis m s without prior NIH approval

Brown Tuition ·Upped PROVIDENCE. JU. (API - TulUon at Brown

UnJv~nrity wtll be at least SS.~ next yeur , and with rOQm and board, it will cost a~ut.P,200 to attend the Ivy LeaaUQachool, unJve.r1ltyofflCl&Juay,

~Annual -------~~~~~--------~~ . :Jan. Sale

8ttrta tomortow MbttdW J•n· 2 at

HuntJngron ~IC- M•lt B lid'! & Edinger at lhe San Diego Fwv.

See for yourself the wondrous results of the facials at our center'

Watch those lines d1m1n1sh . Hon·IUrCJical fac• liftiftCJ

can begin with your first v1s1t1

Watch how Quickly ACME can be controlled

For men and women o f a ll age groups The skin care you need 1s available al


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253 off custom draperies! Fabric; lining, labor and installation included. Save a big 25% on lovely custom draperies. Choose from a large group ; of fabrics specially .. chosen for this event: • antique satins, sheers. ~----open weaves, textures. ' cotton prints and many more. You save 25% on the fabric, tining, labor a nd installation.

. ..... :..-:1"'~

. '


• •• .. • Cl OAJI. V PILOT 8unQy. Jiln&*Y 1, 11711 • HAPPENfNGS /WEDDING$


, ~ Nineteen Mak~ -:Dehut

Nineteen Children ' i. Home Society deb­utantes made their bow to society Cit the 24th Annual Debutuntc Ball at tbe Newport Beach Marriott Hotel

A pre·b<lll party, plannt'd by Mrs. John E. Dw an', was given for debutantes , escorts and fathers. Mr. and 1'1n.;. Mason Roe (she is presi-dent of the Newport Harbor Aux-Wary) and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph t '. Baron (she is ball.and de· buttinte chairman ) greeted guests at a o.v~~ ..


-·~ . ... _ • .,. ,., .. -.. ~ ...

~ r. • ... -.. . .. -~

.• .


... .... ~~.

.. '-

Host Wal> J ohn KelJder and Raymond F. Jlltzel acted as m a:. ter or ceremonies

The 1977 debutantes and their parents are Wendr Lou Bents, 1'1r. and Mn;. William L . jlents; Denise Diane Doering, Dr. and Mrs. Richard 8 . Doerlng; Elizabeth Forte, Dr . and Mrs. John T. •·orte; Kathleen Karen Gerrie, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Gerrie; JUI Lynn Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Holcomb; Karen Therese John11on, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C •. Johnson ; Jennifer Ann Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Rlchud v. Jordan.

AU>o, Andriana Kral, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kral; Julia Ann Matloft, Mr. and Mrs. Vlc:tor M. Matloff; Stacey Celeste Miiis, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. MUI&; I.aur a Elizabeth Nelson, Dr. and Mrs. Thom a11 K Neli.on; Anne Brewer Nut· ten, Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Nutten; Jill Anna Piper, Mr. and Mri.. Stephen F. Piper; Sarah Anne Robins, Mr. a nd Mri.. Theodore Robins Jr~ ; Ca mie l .ee Shinn, Chlfford L. Shinn and Mrs. Charles Demory.

Also, Shirley Ann Sloper, Mr. and Mn. Donald I:. Sloper; Joan Fowler Spelletlcll, Mr. and Mr ... Kalman Spelletich Jr.; Victoria Jane Taylor, .''1r. and l"ri.. Charlei. P. Taylor; Dayna Ann Williami.on. Mr. and M n .. Bobbie W. Williamwn.

Ramblin . . . Mr. and Mri.. Glenn Marlin of Newport

Ht•ach. part•nls or tomed1an Steve Martin, s pent Chn:-.tmas with thl'1r son m his Aspen, Colo., homt•

ThC'Y w1•n • J01n l'd hy their daughter, Mrs. Gt>orgt• Oohb:-.of San Jose, and her family .

• " Yfr ' rC' so very proud of him,,. s'aid Mrs. Marlin of her son 's skyrocketing show bus iness rarl'l'r Sh(' l->aid she 's seen his act so many linws. · I know 1t from memory."

Hut the .. rumbhn' guy 's" zany brand of com­t·d y . \\ hu:h 1s pal'k mg in concert halls throughout lh1· eounlry , is not reall y her type of humor.

" You know he writes his own mat.erial, " she satd with a l<1ugh. " I 'm ttlways.telling him he needs a new writer "

She adds with motherly concern: " I don't hke some of the bathroom )VOrds he uses. He's nollh c type."

Mrs Martin remembers her son as never be· ing "one to show off Ile was always very quiet when he's not performing. But be could always see the fun side of everything.' '

Glenn Marlm. executive officer for the 1\(•wport Board of Realtors. and his wife mpved lo Newport Heul'h 12 years ago from Garden G rovt'.

Aan La11ders

~-.. . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a very un.' ~ usual problern and I don't know a single person l

· ' can talk to about 1l. I run ' l accept a compliment. When anyone says something to me about

how nice my hair looks . or my complexion, or if they admire the dress I am wearing, I get flus tered and don't know what to say. I usually end up muttering something dumb, disagreeing with them. For example, I'll say, "Oh, this dress is old. I never cared much ror it. "

People are s upposed to like compliments. but they ~et me ner vous. How can I overcome this? - TONGUE-TIED IN TWIN OAKS .

DEAR OAKS: Untie your tongue and prac­tice saying, "Thank you. u This is the only response requJred when someone gives you a compliment.

DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband Is significantly older than I but we get along fine. la

· the years we've been married, he has worked m any long hours to pay for the support of his children by a previous marriage.

When bis children come here to visit, is it necesaary for me to ,belp him entertain them?.

• • They come to see him and I should be free to spend my lime elsewhere. Right?

Would I be wrong to refuse to pick up the chtldren for him? I do not enjoy seeing his ex­wife when I pick up the kids. I feel this ii an UD· necessary burden on me.

Also, what should I say when the ldds uk why I don't spend more time vi.siUnl wlth their mother? to the past, I've been pleasant toward ber, bull'm be1innlng to think I should avoid the · situation because it's gettmi to

Soon the oldest child wUl be &i1eo the cholee by law to ll\re' with h1I father. My husband feels obll1ated to let blm because the boy ii very un· '1•PPY with bis mother. Do 1 have the debt to,., cotothls? l'mnotcruy abouttheidea.

I am willing to sacrifice my Ume and money for ht. kids, but not my Uf e. la be aakina too much cl me? Any advice you caa five woald be mott helpful. I'm - GOING OUT TO LUNCH

DEA& Ll1NCH: Tile Prilld"1 taUve for mott aeeoacl mama1ee .. preble1U ~ ,,. tbe ex·wtl• Pd dtll4ree. Be - w-..e • Tiie • Clab. •

u , .. woe yon m1m.,. to liiCCeel ,_,. • beU.r mak• up )'Ollf m•d ~:u•'re Smti tido

• lot ...... co.,,..... .. ........... .... ,. ..... ,. ..... . • .... feel, ........... " .. Qip ftl9'98Y' . ""', ............ .,Ii ...... ~.~---' ............... Ul•••"-" .. ·~ ftla-........ ••• ••• to be anwarl ....... .,

-.,1un.. . ............. , , ff ........... ,... :=.r ...... -. If T• "919' ,_,.._..., ............. , .... ,_ ..... .

4"8tc..ldbetlte ....... ., ... .... ..

Debutantes Children's Home Society debutantes include: Front row, from left. Sarah Anne Robins, Denise Diane Doering, Camie Lee Shinn, Jill Lynn Holcomb, Stacey Celeste Mills; middle row, from left, Jill Anna Piper~ · Karena Therese Johnson, Kathleen K~ren Gerrie, Julia Ann Matloff •. Laura Elizabeth

Nelson, Shirley Ann Sloper, Victoria Jane Taylor. Back row. from left, Wendy Lou·. Bents. SUsan Elizabeth Forte. Ann Brewer Nutten, Joan Fowler Spelletlch, Dayna Ann Williamson, 'Andriana Kral. Jennifer Ann Jordan. The de­butant!3 ball took place at the Newport Beach Marriott.


Miss Lackey Miss Wagner

Lackey-Atkins Cheri Lynn Lackey and Roy D. Atkins are

engaged. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Donald Lackey of Costa Mesa and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel R . Atkins of Fresno.

The future bride graduated from Costa Mesa High Sct.ool and California State University. Fullerton. Her future husband graduated Crom Central Union High School and the University of Southern California. A March 4, 1978, wedding is planned.


Wagner-Natriello Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Wagner of Emerald

Bay have aMounced the engagement or their daughter, Kathleen Allen Wagner to Gary James Natriello, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Jerry James N atriello ol Trenton, N. J. ~

Miss Wagner was graduated cumiaude from St. Mary lnsUtute in St. Louis and Stanford Unlvenity. She will receive her m aster's degree in education from Stanford in June.

The brtde.electJade her debut in st. Louis in ~974 and served s a maid of honor at the Veiled Prophet Ball t at year.

N atriello is a n alumnus of Princeton University, where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and received his master's de1ree from Stanford.

He-owlll complete his PhD in · sociology in June at Stanford.

The couple will exchange vows next April in St.Louis.

Harwood-Johnson Patricia Joanne J ohnson became the bride or

George F.dgar Harwood Ill durtng ceremonies in the Flrat United Methodist Church, North Hollywood.

The bride ls the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arvld Harald Johnson of Studlo City and Balboa Ialud and the bridegroom ls the son of Mr. and Mn. Gear•• Ecflar Harwood 11 of Rancho Palos V~des.

The new Mrs. Harwood is a cum laud& graduate of Maroborouah Scb~l aad tbe Unlve.flilY Ot Southern Calllomla where abe earned a muter'• defree In ph}laical therap1: Stae afftliJted with Kappa K•Pl>8 Gammuorort tr one! \ll{Jll• NaUooal Charity Leaauf and Mary: Duq_u,e Oulld debutante.

Harwood is an alumnm of Mtntnte ~b School ud USC, where he wu a member Of Kap· pa Sl•ma. He la compJeUna bis muter'• de,ree In bualnelladmJntatraUon at.Lo)'OlatJPlvenlty.

The newtyweclt will reside In Studio Clt)' antr a biclDeymoon I:*' Hawau •

Mrs. Harwood Mrs. Schones

Miss Goodell, Mr. Powers · School and alttnded Orange Coll!t College.

The newlyweds will make their bo!fte In Costa Mesa.

Schisler-Drew Mr. *1d Mrf!. Herbert H. Sch1aler, Clare-

Anniversary·. • • Mr. and Mra. Ray Nielsen or Newport

Heights were honored with a dlmter partJ ,inn by thelr soc. Alyn, and their daUlhter. Barbara. OD Dec. 28, in observance Of their 50th Wedding annivenary.

Co-hosting tb~ event were their six grandchll<lren and ,JUl'I. Niebea'a brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner of Yuma, Ariz.; alJter·iD·l•• , Mrs. Nels Warner of Anaheim, Mr. and Mn. Clllford Lidlors, cousins. of Buot,lqt.on Park; and Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Fix, t0f San Leandro. slater abcl brother-ill· law ot Mrs. Nielsen. .

Tbe Nielsen• were married Dec. 28, 1927. in Portland, Ore .• and have llvM most of their mar· rted Hfe In Orani• County, WW1 as years ln New&*ta..cb. • n. Ntellene have been ectl a are put offlcen of the H1rb0r Star Order of tbe Eutern Star dd Sealarlns ~·· Mn. Nle!Mil Ir past pntldtlltof dte~Mn ClebCllN~Be.ldt and vartouacitblrotCanlUtion1. • .

Specti.J ,ueata at the dlber triclUded nw coualna 'of llra. Nle1Jen•1 froal ~kllotm.;, Swtden, cOullD Kn. Nels TonUld ~--~g.. cOUalnl Olacb'S WoodUff aDcl D11ii1* ~ of v~;·c.n1da.. JUcbarl KiM or PIOrlda act theGwtafMnl or Coei.a JUia: •

Miss Schisler Miss Bishop •.

mont, have announced the engagement of their. daughter, Lisa Kathryn Schlater, to Kenneth Robert Drew of Pomona. He is the son or Mr. and Mrs . Marvin W. Drew of South Laguna .

Miss Schisler graduated from Claremont High School and The University of the Paclflc­School of Pharmacy. Her Oance is a graduate of So.lJlh Pasadena High School and Clarem~ Mel) 's College.

A Feb. 4 wedding is planned at St. Paut•s Episcopal Church in Pomona.

Bishop-R_othwell KimberlY Ann Bishop, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. John F. Bishop. of Newport Beach, ii engaged to marry John Reese Rothwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Rothwell of Corona del Mar. The engagement waa announced at a re­cent dinner party at the Bishop home.

The wedding will take place June 2• in St. Michael and All Angels Church, Corona del Mar.

The couple g raduated from University of. South em California, where she was the president of Delta Della Delta. The future bridegroom was a member of Beta Theta Phi and a foubding father of the Delta Sigma chapter.

Goodell-Powers The engagement of GaU Goodell to Tim

Powers Is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WaynetA. Goodell or Mission Viejo. He iS tbe aon ol Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Powers of El C.Jon.

Tbe future bride graduated from Mission Viejo High School and wW graduate from UCLA inJune,W18.

The future bridegroom graduated from St. Augustine High School, San Diego, UCLA, and attends law scbe>0l at Southern Methodlat UniversltiY. Dallu, Texu.

Th••eddin& ls planned!cr July22, um.

Gragg-Olson Kr. and Mn. Robert Grau Jr. ot N8WllOl't

B~ach have announced tM en.pgemenj of theJr · daughter, SbeU1 Grau to Eric Olson, fon of Mr. and Mn. Bnae4"0lson, also of Newport Beach.

The betrothed are 11'adu1tes of Newpcnt Harbor Hlab School. He also ~aduated from Oranie Coat Colleae; where Mflt Gnag la a student.

They .iu exchant• •ril Feb. 19 tn Newport .Harbor Lutheran Cburcb, Nftport Beach.


.. .,


., .. . . .



~ .. -.. ------ -.. .

Her Feat Made of Clay ¥ CeraTnics Firm O~ner Piles on Towe~

By JACKIE HY MAN Of IM o.lly 1'11.C Ii.ff

When Anne Groi.s bought the Twm Winton ceramics firm in San Juan Capistrano Mx months ago, she decided it was time to throw in the towel

Actually, &he U1rcw in 16 of them. Mrs. Gross, who had al so owned

Ciframrc5 rum iTltertar d~ign businesse:. -in Sacramento, Saota Barbara and Ox nanf, decided tO design a new lme of bathroom accessories and coordinl' ' _..... the glazes to match Fieldcrest towels.

.. Ev~ry time they come out with a new color, we make a glaze to go with it," ex ­plained Mrs. Gross, who d emons trated by plucing 16 colored llles next to tht· towels. they match. '

HOWEVER, Slit: .said the.· compun) will continue lo m:rnuracture the well known Twin Winton M<1k1e Jar!> al its fal: tory, loca ted behind the offices at 31966 Camino Capistrano, Just a few block~ from the old mission.

Mrs. Gross said the firm was founded about IS years ago by a pair of twins, on1· a bus inessm an 1md the other a i.culplor The ceramics a r c so ld to Sears Montgomery Ward , Penneys, Gemco. Scaggs Dru1tslores und a number or smaller stores throughout the countr~ and as rar away as Australia. she said,

A s tore adjacent to the office has re c e nlly been opened to sell factory s econds.

nae Conapany ••• Twin Winton and Baths Galore

1s a San Juan Capistrano fi rm that manufactures both dec ­orative and ut1htanan ceram1c pieces, sold' through a variety ol retail oullets A small seconds srore is ma1nla1ned on the premises.

The lirm 1s owned by Anhe Gross and seasonally employs between 20 to 30 people .

Officers aru Anne Gross, pres1 · dent ; Ruth Adk ison, office manager: Roger Henry, glazing departmenr head. and Joseph Gross. head ol sales

Sales f1guros unavailable The company 1s located at ..

31966 Camino Capistrano

About ::!O lo 30 persons, depending on the volume of orders, m ake. the <:ooktt· t<irs und bathroom arcessorie&. Mr'> Gross saul

The pw<·es a r <' begun in the casting de p a rtm l'nl, wh ic h may sound likl· llollywood but luoks more like City of In dustry . , .

Herc hqu1d clay, called &lip. 1-. poured into block molds. Most of the clay b poured out, leaving a she ll that 1s left to fi rm up, taken from the mold and dried.

Pieces then move to the finishing cje

partment, where they arc sWlded. They next go into the kiln for their first firing. Twin Wtnlon uses g~s tun n~I kilns, with pieces placed on " n.111 a nd moved through the kiln

AFTER THE\" RE r1red , the pieces are glazed with shiny low-fire glazes. many of original formulation and design. Glazes a re e ither bpra~L~ or d ipped, de!>(!nding

- • orrth~1ecS:-Artergtt1Y111g-;-pM!es :rren-· -­r1red.

The next step 1s f11\ishin&, which m· 'ol\ painting details on the pieces. Finally, they"rc carefull y packed for shipping.

Al leru.L 300 p1c1·l•s a d<Ay, 11vc· days per \\eek , arc processed . Mrs Grru.ssaid

··w e do not carry a h1~ imcntor~ because we cun·t outguess the public.·· 1\1rs Gross said. ··we could have a large inventory or co\\ s and t:\ crvbod~ \\Ould "ant lambs that\\ eek ·'

Animals f1gun· promincntl) m t he rirm "s cookie jar line. with their heads form ing the lids In the bath hn~ de· s igned by Mrs. Gross, both functional and decorative styles an• used, with some so~p dishes designed as bathtubs and s inkJ complett• w1lh metallic fix ­tures.

Tht· cookie .1ars retail for Sl 2 to $1 4, '' 1th the bath items priced at $4 to S14

Officers of the firm, in addition to Mrs. G r oss, are o ffi ce manager Ruth Adkison. i>ales head Joseph Gross, and glazing department head R oger Henry.


Twin Hats Make Strong Mix Engineer-marke ting Man Sticks With Disposables

Mi x a marketing m an and an engineer and you have a potl'nl formula for s uc · cess.

Mix them up in one m an and you have George G. Siposs, pres ident of Delta Medical Industries of Costa Mesa.

SIPOSS, WHOSE ba ckground fa, in electro·mechanica l and bio medica l enginerring, owns the s mall firm that produces and markeL'> medical dev1cei> {or open heart surgery, a number of small instruments and a new medical emergency call unit tha t helps save lives.

Siposs, lilse many engineers, was un h appy with the company he worked for . a company which paid engineers only one dollar for engineer-developed pa tents.

" I believe the best incentive is the car r ot ."' he said. ·· For only a dollar, what motivation docs an engineer have'!"- •

Siposs watched in his former job as seve r a l cn1tineers left and quickly became milhon:ures

·•1 F INALI. Y SAW lhe light." he said. "why shouldn "l I do it loo.· '

Now, two years later , he admits he's not yet a millionaire, but his prospects are looking bright.

Unlike most such s pin-offs, Della has more than one product. Medical pro­ducts are clearly bis emphasis. and u number of specialty items used for open heart surgery make up the key line he sells to hospitals both here and overseas.

All are dispos ables, pre-sterilized ,. r eady to use once then throw away.

Delta Sentry pushbutton unit initiates emergency calls for help.

Lie old ladies" steril izing reusable items. but he says they are changing Cast.

Siposs said he is taking advantage of that by marketing his products on the Continent through representatives.

Delta writes about 45 percent of its business overseas, he said .

porting, " '!\hey think they have to kno\\ a la nguage,: he said .

But that isn't so. a nd thl' Commerce Department has people who arc eager to help rirms with any d1fficull1es, he !'ta1d

S1poss offered special praise for lhe Los Angeles Commerce Department of­fice. wtuch smoollu.-d the wa» for.Delta

ON T RI PS TO Europe lo show his .... art•s. S1poss s:ud ht· toured many hospitals and found that technology the r t· ran about lhrct• vt·ar~ behind l ' S efforts. ·

" But many Europeans come h ere to tram, learn about U S. methods and go back to apply them,"

Siposs said he often gets his inventions from medical pe rsonnel who bring in rough prototype!! of products they feel a re needed.

"Many have good ideas. but they're cumbersome. But v. e can re-engi neer them , make them sm aller, and disposa-ble." r

Ills newest product, the Delta Sentry. 1s an e mergency alarm system which a l· lows a rem?te push button to start a s \"ies of emergency calls

TH}: JMPROVEMENT over an exist­ing product, he said, is that the unit has two channels . One is tripped by a pocket· s ized radio control, the other is set off by a ny kind of alarm system desired.

Burglar alarms, intruder alarms, fire sensors, in fact any kind of detection system can be used to start the unit call­ing for help.

Sunday. Janu1ry t , 1978 DAil. V Pit.OT Q


Dall, ftllot stllff l'llotfl

Above: Anne Gross holds her own design for a soap dish and cookie 1ar m shape of a fnar, both made m San Juan Plant.

Below: Glaze department head Roger Henry checks glaze on.pottery p iece produced by Twin Winton ceramics.





VW /PORSCHE 837-4800 493-451 1

• The disposable quali ty is most impor·

lant. •'THIS IS AN area most American

manufacturers neglect. Department of Commerce figures show that only about 10 percent of U.S. companies export. most or the m have less th an IOlt employees.··

"Ir someone's freezer is s uddenly shut down, it would even call the owner so he could get dry ice to keep his inventory ~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ frozen," Siposs said. "FOR A MANUFACTURER, it's fan

tas tic ! In fact, it's like a razor blade.·· Smiling. he adds, " I'd gladly give

away a raior to everyone - if they were · 1>uying blades every week."

His disposables are a self-renewing or· der for Siposs. They are used in most tY.S. hospitals for about 60,000 open heart surgeries each year.

Jn Europe, he said\ they s till have " lit· /

Siposs' enthusiasm grew as he s poke of exports.

" It's as sirhple to export as it is to ship in the U.S., and you often get paid better, if not as fast."

Most firms , he thinks, feel there is something especially difficult. about ex·

Patents a Costly Shiel~ .

· For. Inventor, Investors Id eas for new products often

1bine bripUy in the minds of inventive people. but most are extln1uiahed before they reach mlll'ket.

A critical 1tep for those that do, llowenr, 11 the patent appllcatioo that provides protectlOJt for those who ln­ftlt hopes and capital in new tnvenUom.

costly because attorney Ume ls ex· pensive, and" patent attorneys, by· and large, have extensive engineering back­grounds in addition to their law training.

Such doubte-ex~e. plus the com·

r.UcaUona of arguing subtle differences n·tecbnic:al polnt4 between new and ex­

isting patents help boost the cost of pa· tent of nee challenges.

Patents applied for in torelp coun· tries -1~ increase the coet ol obtalnlna protecUoa.

Hanufacturen and commerch1l de· sl•ners often have e1tabliJbed pro· cech,trea for cleelstoas to patent new in· ventlona or proceases, but, 1ay1 Fowler. • the put-Ume inventor or one-tlmt lnven tor with a eood ldea needs to carefully evaluate whether Lbe lnventloo ll worl.b tho trouble.

The engineer-entrepreneur said he is presently looking for an effective dis­tribution channel for the product.

Siposs said that Jiving m the South Coast area, with its many advanced in· dustries, is an engineer 's paradise.

"If an engineer is willing t.o become a marketing man. he has a trementlous opportunity bete 1 • •

Energy Issue Resolution to Arrive Soon?

Bus tneSBmen who are anxious to learn what effects the enerey proposals before Congress now wlll hold, may not have much lon.ier to wait.

Accordlq to Dean Witter analyst Robert Hinckley, compromise wm be the aame's name in the conruct bttween the administration's conservation and conversion position and .tht Coosreas· feeling that erihancement of existing sources is the answer.

Hinckley believes that reasonable compromises between the two points or view wUl probably better tbe PoSition of ~xlating eneru suppliers.

He adds, in a WltUr Thursd">' lAUer, that President Carter has much at riak on lhi.9 issue : his ablllty and influence as a n elfetCtlve Juder and ~ political !uture.

Other Wltttr analYats •dd that further del11 ln reacblnlCcompromiae wUl »nihblJ~OPECpncelDe,.......

ror tmettan, th• a>robablUty or cocn­pronu1e maaa purcb ... ot bl- quality dOtnelUc OU. 1tocka an lncreutnal1 ar. tracth· purcbae. betause. to UMlr view, or preaent low pricu and prob&Wflt1 ot hi"' PtrfGl'.1DUllCO dJltlDI 1171.



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Islands in the Stream Hermngway; Fishing Put Bimini 01i Map

ALICE TOWN, Biminl <AP> A lot of people know that Ponce de Leon never round the Fountain of Youth, but wh at they don t know, or seldom remember , is ttml its s upposed to be hidden 'somewhere on one of Bimini's two s mall islanas.

World War I( vintage LCM ferry which plies the crysta l clear channel. It costs $4 round-tnp and takes 10 minutes. Ir you want lo drive your motor bike or car aboard, there's no extra charge.

dos<'n 'thavc a fil;h in it.

MOR E YO UNG people are coming to the islands. Th~y <:ause no problem and spend more money than the rich big game, fishermen who arrive i.n well·slockcd yachts.

Bimini, SO miles oC( th~South F lorida coast, may not ""be as primitive as it was 464 yeari; ago wtlen the Spanish explorer was he re, but the ti nsel-tow n al· m osphere that has ruined many oth e r island retreats hasn't r ea ched Bimini .

South Bimini, though wider than its sister island, is smaller an area. It has a small a irport. 75 residents and no telephones. But it has the fresh \h.ter that is sup­plied to North H1m1m via an un derwater pipe.

Therl• ure no American restaurants or hotel chains -and no fancyllousan~ .

B1mians are fnendl} . Anyone "alking tow:irds the seaplane ramp "'ilh suitcase in hand is likely to be stopped and asked, ·Can 't you stay a little longer'!"

IT REMAINS much as it was in the 1930s when Ernest He""l· ingway called this corner of the Bahamas home.

SECLUSIO!'i is the b:t word for Sout h B1m1ni, and some Am ericans who vi51l or own houses here would rather not be identified. CAB Ruling

Aids Charter F or ma ny anglers it s the epitome of big game fi shing. The big ones a rc here - the marlin. sa ilf is h , shark, t u na and swordfish.

But other visi toi·s arc on the in· ~rease: honeymooners. senior citizens, students and those who Beck tr anquility, lhc unadulterat­ed beauty of a sub-tropical Island and inslJUlt friendship.

Although visitors pay :io hC'cd, most Bimians won't spend the night on the south island hcci1use of the chiccarnie - a ccntunf'S· old African myth . The t·h1C· earnie, which has orange (.'yes <tnd lives in the trees, hasn I found its way to Norlh Dimm1. local residents say.

Passengers WAS lll NGTON <AP ) -

Because holiday t r ips are in• crcn!.ing an popular ity. the Civil Aeronautics Board has acted to help c harter customers .who mav find themselves stranded.

" YOU CAN have a ll the Cish in the world, but if the people weren t r ight. they wouldn t come, says Harcourt Brown, Bimini's unofficial m ayor .

The main topic of conversa­tions on Bimini - m the marinas, the hotels, the small bars and eateries - is fishing. And it's rare to find a photograph hanj!· ing in any of these places that

T.he board approved a request by Pun American Lo l·arry ~l 1'.indccl l'harler pass(!ng1:rs on 1ls schf:duled serv1<:e el charter prices. And the board saicl it will hanclle future rl•qucsts s1mllarl\.

North Bimini is where life n our1sheR, while a couple hun­d red yards away is South Bimini - si lent. removed and, as one American says, .. the one place whe r e they can 'l bug your telephone."

" __ ,.,._._

So, i( ch<1rter passengers are unabl<• lo gel on their chartered flight because of aircraft un· availabtl1ty, they can be transported at charter rates on scheduled service. Alice Town, population 1,8QO,

on North Bi mini is the ca pital of the islands , part of the British Common wealth . It has two

· s treets, 18 telephones, one gas s tation and a few small hotels.

The scheduled a i rli ne will have lo seek CAB approval fo".' such services, though.

In the Pan American case. that airline returned 190 charter passengers to the Unit~ States a ft er their cha rt er, 'Overseas National Airways, experienced scheduling problems.

THE MAIN s treet is Queens Hi ghway - Kings Highway when the British monarch is m ale. It meanders up the center or the block-wide island.

• TRAVEL The CAB ruled that it would be in the public interest to allow Overseas National to pay Pan Am for the transporta tion at ONA 's charter rate.

If you want to go lo South Bimini and you don't own a boal, the only way t.o gel there Is on a

Hotel Gimmick Booted OUt? By STAN DELAPLANE

LONDON-" When a man is tired of l.ondon, he is tired of life; For tl1ere is m London all that life can afford."

So said Samuel J ohnson. But Johnson lived in the d a ys of unshined shoes. Englishmen shine their shoes at home. Polishing them loving ly. Usually over the weekend.

" I wouldn't want to ask anyone to clean my boots for me,•· an Englishman -(rather wealthy, tOQ ) - told me. An odd

..ldea in an e mpire that booted nativ~s around for not bringing the gin on time.

So once I set out to find a shoeshine ma,n. <I thlnk ther e is one now in the Hllton. J I heard rumors of one at Charing Cross station. And there was one at Pie· cadllly Circus. Wore odd , bright. Pied Piper clothing. Looked like he might be do­

. lng shoes tor a la rk. When I lived in London, t shined my

own shoes, by George. Had to. •••

IN BRITISH HOTELS, you put your shoes out.side your door nt night. An elf -<ca.lled the nlaht porter) - gathers ·them up. Shines them and puts thertl batk.

· Thal l.~. they USED to. When hotels were tor gentleman. u·p rrom the country. With tourists pouring· into London, they clbn ' t e"·en wi~ them orr now.

I know. J!booby·trap my shoes with a 4•~ ot tooth poWdcr oti the heels. At the 1r&ftdeat old bOtlls. the ~er ls always t,h1te in the momih.. <And the porter is atW•ys around tor. the Up wbeu I'm check· inc out.> -

'I'bt Bn1U11iman believes firmly in ttadlttan, .hOwever. And atr nl1ht. ~ou see

e • UDed \II) . like toldlen. Pair by p outtlle each'doior.

* * • '

dresses at all times. Unless you're a visit· in~ backpacker, jeans don't make it. Men wear suits, day and evening, except for the Sunday pub crawl when you can go with sweaters and s lacks.

The pub crawl begins about 11 a. m. You get a glass or beeJ at one pub. Go on to another and repeat .'As Jong as you're a ble.

Dinner j ackets onl y on special oc· casions. You can a lwa ys go to Moss Brothers ~nd rent one. The fabulous Moss Brothers will rent you topper-and-tails for Ascot. Safari jackets. Blazers to watch the regatta at Henley-on-Tha mes.

••• THE COUNTRYSIDE IS different. For

the locals, it's a tweedy scene. Women in tweed skirts. No-nonsense walking shoes. Men in tweed jackets d r lnking plnk gins.

You mus t have a lie and jacket . I rented a boat for a week on the

Tha mes. An Engli$h friend said: " Don't think you will get into \Yaterside PVbs wearing yachting clothes.

" Bring n tie and Jacket." •••

.. A small bot tbough•lut gut for friends lb England'? . Book matches <that American ro!taurnnta throw around by the hondfu1) are sUll rara 1n most of Eniland. A box or these - with the ·name of a very good American restourane - has stotu11, too. <Tip your home waltcr a couple of dollars· on4 he'll cop a box for you.> • ., Ca1T1 tfteae by hand. 'lbere·s a bt* law against 1hlpPlng matahet in your lu11age._ Wrap them ln foll and Ue them up.

I've Seen of book matches from bt1 hotels and rat.aUrants in novelt &lit ....

f London wu Jammed all year. :British ourllt peos>le mak\1\1 all C!ffortl to spread

vl11tors an:1Und tho toUnt.rYilde. Without much aucccs1. So moybO Sam Johnson was ii&bL .


~TNCO&Sf 'OMMUNITY N°'l'IT&\. ~J,ltft

Mr 41nd Mr" J•~ ~lft1orir S.n Ju.on C•PI"'•"° bOY

...... - • • 011 Mt •nd M r\ C,.rrv WttlfM, LAQUN H1911tl, 9 lrl

o.c...-. 1. lt11 Mr . • nd M" LIO'( TP>Omp\On, "''' "'" V19IO. 91rl,

Ote~t. 1'71 Mr, tnd Mrj. WllloOO E . Brown, Jr, M IUIOo VltjO. boy r

o.c- " · ,,,, Mr. end MrJ Goffy C.111, t •Pl•lrono .... h , boy. Mr. end Mt"- John tt•n•y, O•n• Polnl, l>OY Mr . •nd Mrs. Otvld Jolln-., i...vur1e H19uel, bo~.

0.C:.-f 11, ltlf Mt and Mn RQIWJkj M•nl\, ~•rt C••rnt"lt 9 1r1

~-·"" Mr tlld M" .. 0.t S.,.....11, L•tUN 89'<"· bOy

M IH IOM COMMU NITY K05P I TAL. ..._....,.,It" Mr . •no Mra. Otv ld 8trQOtlll, ILVIM., Qlrl

- -U. ltlf Mr. tftcl M<~ p..,\ H•-• , M l"ICH\ V14!fo, l>Oy

' ... - u . 1'11 Mr • ..., INS. ROCl<lrtt Po111n. Dant l'ollll, 9>tl

H...-u. nu Mr . •I'd """· .Jolll't Bltu, "'""IHI V1t 10. 111rl,

.. No....,ller JI, tt'1 l'I ... l>«•mN• t M r tnd Mr\ Denni> Barn1>ert. Mil MAHN. lOfl Jt•n •no Wllll..,,, A . \lonVltlO. llov THtODORllCOS. BerOar• end Mr . • ,,., M"· J.,.,., Et>901•. MIUlon Thtodorvt; LEWER. Miiii• 0-.flM Vlrjo, bOy Mr . tfld Mn. Altn H.,I, S.n J ... n tnd Rl<l'>•rd Oun, RENDEL.MAN, C•Pl\lrtno, bOy. 0.nnl\ W. end JHnne C., SHAF·

"'' •n(I Mt\. AU\Mll Plttonl, l•'i•· ~~~ll~:~'.'9~1z.;..:t~. ~:'~;~ "on Vit io, bOy. V. ; MOLTICH, Ctroil"" ""41re''" Ml<I Mr • • ..., ""~ John Rollin. ltQUIWI M•rk Elli\. "' 0 : PEM8ERTOH, Hiii •, 111r1. Robtr l Leon a nd Mona Arltllt ;

Ho .. mw tt. ltl7 Mr . and Mr>. Aunu\lln Cotll<. Ml• CHANDLER, Adlllt K. - Jim. E .;

• VANMl!rRE, Suwn.wldWa1i.rT. \ion Vi ejo, bOY SKIPPER, Btl.ct A. - Evolyn J .. ~;.;,~::!v Mr\, Jol\n Hoe•n , woun• ACEveoo. Ginny ano Miguel B.;

IOo•t- >0, ltTT JOHNSON, ll•rD"t tolltri end Mr and Mo .. Vernon Dulaney, ti Thtodort D•nnl>, SANDERS, TOfO, l>OV Sq,tnttf Weue Jr. tnd . Snlrley ~I, 1.,7 Mttlt.

Mr and M11 .. Al•ln Botlll'IO. Minion HAROV, Marylou end Jou Viejo, g irl Allr4td; WHITEFORD, IUm Suunrw



Mr tr>O Mr~ Don CM\t.oui, Ml•· - T.,tn<.t Ctrl, DAVIS, TllOmtS llO<I VlfjO, girl. W •net c..rol, BU TL.EA, M..,,."" ------------Mr . •"4 M<\. WtYM L.VM. $tn J.,.n Ann t nd R-kl Alht: RUSSELL. PUBLIC NOTICE




A 1471 Pultll\necl Orf"QI ~ O .. ly ~lot,

J•nue rv 1,1. u. n, lt17 S4Jlt.77


Capl•tr•no. glrl. Jotll" - K•Yin 8.; OGELLA. lr1s Mt •nd Mr\. Re,,._i,Sl\ell, Ml~- A end Rone ld J; HOLLAND.------------------------


Vl•jo, glrl Oontld 0 . •nd ltorme J . PUBLIC NOTICE Mr end Mn R-td 5'9o11.,.,, Ml> MORGENSTERN Wflllem E end ~Ion VlejO, Qltl. Gl«Mt Joy; ROB INSON, Ktlh<Vn L Tiie tollowlng perton I• oolnt l>U•l·l-----------­

0.C.- t, ltll tnc:t Jtm-' M • Co+iAC.A~ LOtelU Mr tnd Mrs. OoMld BtO, El Toto. J end AK,,.,0 r Qtrl HOVERSTEN. Sus~n M •nd Mr eno MH Jolln Sf><tt19>le.icl. """ RObC'rl L , REE 0 , »no•• Barne• \lot\ V •~10. boy. tnd P ... 1 H•MY MARl<.EtWICZ. Mr .onet Mr• Fr•n• V•r•tu ... Ml>• Ooroln>' I •nd Edwuo C . >IOtl Vl•fO. Dof BLAIC l E. V , Junnln~ Cl•ra , .ond ~ J, ltff hl•••t .. EUii<'"" . LE AOY. Jolltnne

Mt •nd ""'- NICllOle> C.1tnulll, El G i bbs end Ger.old Wllltem , Toro, boY ~URC.EIOOR, Lind• M . ..-.S J-0.C•,,....•. tt71 J ; WENTE, Joanne Yvonne - Bil · Mr end Mn. AalPI\ Lu«M\t, El IV Jo ; MOAGAN. N•no ~ ..... .,end Toto, boy l(onnal" !.<011 , DINNEEN. Judith Mr . •nd Mr\. Rolen H tldnt9tl , l•on - wry f'rtn<h; MARTIN, Ltgunt 1t19uel boy "llce J. ano RoD9rt H Jr Mr •Ml Mr'- H4tn<y ~rw:tr, l.dgul\t KARPINSKI , Bevtrlv Jun 41nd Hiil•. IJ •rl Kerwin Jemff , SHAW, M.110.ltl"" L Mr •Ml Mn. St•ph<tn Wtll14m1, EI .,,o IOhn E.; OU PRE, Vlt~I Suwn

rwu •s MARANATHA ASSOCIATES, IOSS"°Or C.0.1tMo".CAn.2' Deni\ U . M<A .. , IOU fl Camino,

Cotlt .,.Ka, CA ,.,U• fhl• buStn••" I> <onckl<llld by en In·

d1v1du• I o.NslJ M<i.w

Thi• ll•l-1 w.K lllt<I w lll'I IN County Cltr" ol Oranoo Counl'( on 0

0.<.tm.btr I, ltl f . ,...... PUl>llShfd 0r"'Vt eo.>I Oally PJIOI

0.< . 11 , •• . u. 1911, Jan. I,,~,. SIU 11

PUBLIC NOTICE l0<0, g1r1 ond M lc llttl Sto~n . C.UPTOH ,

DK•-~. 1'11 Chorlb A. and Evolyn o .. HAR · PICTITIOUS•USI N EU Mr. tnd Mr• Tl\omd\ G•rMrd, LI RI( R. Cuol l end Aonold L.. IOAME STATllMll lOT Toro , q1t l MARKS , Marv P•lrttla and Jahn TM to11ow1119 iwrton I> OOl"'J t>U•I· Mr . dfH1 Mt ... ~le-Vf'n .,.,.,,, .. , !-•n AO\(Otl' Jr ; KALI x . Jo•n E and M)i .,


T1'11 loll_lng __ tteCIOl"9~ ,,.,) ., DIVERSIFIED A CCOU N TS

SYSTEMS. INC.. nn $. E . llrl•lof SlrNI, Sanlt AN, Celfl0tnle92101

Olvtr•llltd Accouno Sy>t...,s, Inc , W JO Norl h Con lrel Avwn u., Clll'tOO· flllnol•-

Tllh t>"' I> coNIUcled lly • ,..,.. Porellon

Al<l'lltrd8a<Oft Tiii• \IMtmenl WI\ Iliad wlll'I tM

County Cltrk ol 0rt"9'1 C°""l y "' OtombtrH, 1911. .. ,. ..

Pullll\hed Or- Ot lly Pllol. J1nu.1ry I, I , IS, U, ltfl 50•·11


l>K•mb4'•6, ltll R dnd Oobora~ J . TAYLOR. JlOIHerbof, Ke,C.O.IO M•••.~ ,,.,. l' ICTITIOUft•USlll l!U Mr lndM" Wllll•mCl•r~.(IToro. l"atllrvn l•y •n<I Rov Allfn , Norm .... AlbtrtWey, 102111ff .... rlv HAMf: STATIME IOT Q\fl MAR11Hl<OVICH , ll•~· ~y 0 Md Or ., Hunllr\QldnBuch, CA .,,.. T~to110 .. lng1><r-'•r•dolneb<l•l-Mr '\lnd Mris R~rt NtJnl••tO, Mf\.. 8,..,,,.,,.,. A fWttftfirJ, POLLARO. lhfs. bu''""'" t\ (01\dUUt'd by • MUd\ .. "onV1e10, 1JOy Merl•Jr ""°llo<11lal 0-Mr• l_.tnonttlp PACIFIC WCST F INAN CI Ai..

Otctm!Mr l , 1'7' • Nor..-A Wty SERVICE:,. 4"l Werntt Ave., Hllfll· Mr end M" Merlin Ber9 .. on, Tiii• >1.111-1 ••• lflt<I with the 1netOl't8ucn, (alltornl•._ L•9una Hiii,, Qi<\ County Cl•nr ol O•MQO Counly on Mel~11\0<'llY Moller, 1711HA Row Mr.~"" Mr~ AIOO Ptlll«lolll, Ml .. , Oeumbtrt, tt71. Lt 'W, FOYnl.inVttley,OlllOl'fllt 9270I "°" VltjO, 9lrl. PUBLIC NOTICE ,...... snore<rttt llMllY. l 11eor110Hltd, . Mr. •nd M~y·O~::,. l!I Toto, r------------ Publl~ Orln9ll eo.>I 04'fly PUOI CtlllO<l'lla <or-••-. 49$2 Wtr,..... bOy. ~ICTITIOUS SUSl lO ESS De<. II, ll, 2:S, l'17,Jtn l.1'1t Sl~1·11 Avon ... , Hunllntton IMKll, Calllorn t•

O.C-t. "" IOAMI! STATEMl!N T '1M, Mr . •n<I Mr\ G•t90'Y Tnom•\Oll. "Tr.. 1011ow1ng pet-• •rt dolne -I· P UBLIC NOTICE Thll bu>lnllH h <-led by tfl un· San Clemente IJOy "'"" ln<OfPorettG ~llo<I otller "'"' •

O.u1'1btf IO, 1"1 0 AV IS, t>• PO Y AH D AS . !Wlrlntr.,..P Mr .,.., "'" "''<Ntl MlK<1v. Ml• · SOCIATE!. . LA"IO~CAPING , 00 "ICTtTtOUS•U\INEH • HOR'ECllESTREALTY, \OOh Vl•IO boy Rtdcll lrt Cour'-l.•oune B••<ll, HAME STATll Mt! h T INC M r eno Mrs Aobtrl Slmurd..t, E.I Ctlllornle92.,I Thetoll-lngPf"-••tfclOonQbu\l Meh•lnO.Mll~.~'*"t Toro. glrl M•••d tlh C.lenl\ Devi•, 4l0 MU•• Thi\ ,,.~mM( w ... 111112 W•ll\ IM

o.c- 11, ttr7 Aid< lllrt Court, Le 9un• Buch, MAN DARIN PROPER TIE~ "'" c ... nl• Cieri< of Orenve (Au(ily Oft Mr. and Mr\ HUolO Crowl , ,•on Calllornloms1 8 .. cn 81..0,. S..llt lit, Hunti"910n Oe<tm~rl4, itn Viejo. gir t Cl'lerl .. EUOt"" O.Poy, 1111 S E . B•t<l'I, Calltornla '1"41 ~ ... 11 Mr .ano Mrs. David MlddltlOll, Ml\· "0011\lll, S.anltAM. Cehlornla t170S Ctlvtn M. uung In< • C•llfornl• PuDll>hfd Ortntt (IM" Oeflv Piiot. \Ion Vl•iD. bo~. f 1'11\ Du>lnl\s I\ <Dnducled by • (Q(POrtllOn, 14164 a. .... · BIYd. Sul1t O.c. ''· u. ""JM\. l , t. "" M r tnd Mrs Dtnlel Murillo, Mt\>ltl't ~Mrel1M1rtn1tnt>lp. 2.511, Hunllnglon a ... cn. Celllor"'a O•CI S1n·11 Vl•IO, girl Mt•tcllll'IG 0••\\ Thh bU\lr.n\ b c.,._<ll'O by t <Of

o.c..moer 11, lflf Tl'll• sl•l-1 .. ,., 111..i .. 11h ,,.,. POr•llofl C.1.inM. L•·uno In< Mr and Mt~ J<Kk Goowlr1, M lulon Counlf c11n. al Or•f111e Couaty on CtlYll\M. l,9ung, Pr.,.tdtnl PUBLIC NOTICE v11jo. boy O.comber JI, 1911. Tftls s t•l-1 ,..,, lfled w1111 !NI Mr , end Mrt. Eueen• Ooodrld~, "17201 Counl'( Clfr~ of Orenoo County on L419unt Hill>. bov. l'ubll•r..d Or- co .. 1 Oally P1lol1 Ot<emt>er 21, 1917.


Mr •Ml Mrs Oon.tld Wiiii•. S.n Ju1n o.c. H, 1tn-Jtn. 1, a.1s. 1~1• ""'°° The loll-lf'lt ""'""' It doirtO llu•I· .., .. , ~ Upl\lrel\O,Qlrt. SJSl-7) PUbll\~ o..-. Coa\I O•llv PtlOl, Dtu- U, 1'71 Dec. H, ttlfandJen 1,a. IS, 1911

Mr. aMI Mn. Charin Aktr, El Toro, SlU·l1 boy . PUBLIC NOTIC.E

• FOUR WM EE LEAS O tAEC· TORV, 1JI ~It $t., Cotl• Me\4,

l>K.....,_U, 1'77 Mr. •nd Mr\. lllrK~nl Sallenilll, El Toro, boy.

o.c ....... " · lt77 M r . eMI Mt~ O.nnv Lau, LaguM Hllll, bo'( Mr. t ncl Mn. A"'ln Peory, Iii Toro, 9irl. Mr. end Mrs. Rlclle•d Porttr, (I Toro, C>Oy. M r tnd Mn. Jon Rooerlton, Ml"kln Vlefo, 91r1

Dt<tmW 11, " " Mr •ftcl Mt\. J•-• Byr'W, Minton Viejo, Doy. Mr .tnet Mrs GtrlMd OIK .. 1, MlulOf'I v1110,boy

Ooc:erMw " · 1m Mr. and M"- lltnJ .. l P~holy, Ml.-tlon Vltfll. bo'(.

O.Cell'iller I • • ''" Mr • nd Mrt •• Jt-S M<t..1191111,., !>.tl'I Juan Ct( boy.

$AN C:L ti,Mli NT• O l! N • RA L NOS,ITA\.

O ECllM• I A 1t, t t 71


r ..... IOllOWlf\9 ptrtof'IS • r• OOlne bv\I· MUtt

l e l SIOAY IH TERNA.TIONAL; !DI OV N A$TV AEPi.oovct IONS, ll<IOO arook/'lursl, SUlle • 204, FOU111<1l11 Vt lley, CA. t110I

C:.rl M. P-. 17071 Sen Rl<trdo St~ Founlt ln v t11rr. CA '1JOI

Sidney M. Fltld. lll51 VI• Fero, MIHIOI\ Vi.lo. CA. 9167S

Tlll1 b ... lnou ls <O<IOuct•d Dy • 99""•' ...,,,,.,..,,1p. ~r•P-

Tl'llS .i.,_ ..... lllfd w ltll ti• Cl«B CIC OrtnOO c.....nty on~ 14, l•ll.

"Ml7t ,Vbll\lled Or- C.OHI De lly Ptlol,

Doc ll, ll, ttll, Jen. l,t, 191' $111-11


------------" CAt1677 Oennlt A .......... 2JI Magnoll• SI., PUBLIC NOTICE


TM 1onow1ne """" 11 dolf\9 t>U•I nen •t .

ORANGE COUNTV WAll(lf TAl.ICIE· i.ENTAL, 1101 Wtlll1191f01'd Rd .. qo, LosAlamltos, C:.lllO<nle 9lnO

0010 Rcc.n Coo•glla , 11 ISl watt ll'tlJ•lord Rd., IOO. '°· L°' Al•mtlOll Ct llfo,-nlt92120

T n l \ o.>11- It condu<lfd by tn 111 dlVldutl.

o~ II. ConlOll.t T11ls 11a1.......,1 .,.,, 111«1 with u..

County Clet1< of Or•"• Counlv CM1

O«embtr 1', "". ,..,.., P11Dllslled Or"'91 C.0.\1 Dell>' P1lot.

Jtnu•r~ I . I. IJ. 11, ltfl lll•H


'°''• M•H . CAmn Thll 1>1,.ln"' IS tewtdlKled by .n In•

dlYIOU411 0.,,...1• A. 8-

Thi S '1atff'\tfll w•• wltl'I tt.. Counly Clerk ot Orenve ~iv on De<. 14, ltf1 .,...,. Publl•~ Or- C.0.ll Delly Piiot

o.c 11, 2>. "" Jtl't. 1,1, 1t11 sno.11


Tho fol- "'9 -- 11 ...... b1-.l­M $t •• ~

LANOSCA " AltO OT'l!CTURI!, ~ .. ., Soucll Swnlcltl, ....... ,,... c:..

G .... M. Antlnlt., Mu - l y YN, - pOr1 .. <Kii, Ct.

Tlllt """- " CMclllct..S lly • ~· -··-LAHOSCA~f Mr tn<I Mr~ J~ Mullin;, S.11 l------------1 C:1emt11le, boy.


.A,.OffM:CTUllE, IMC. Glffl""'I'*, Pt•ldtllt

DlfClfMllll U. lt71 Mr . a nd WI. Wlllltm CtoelllllO. S.11 Jutll C.pltl•-, otrl.

DICll..Wli. 24, l t 11 Mr. elld /oM. • ncl Mfl. Ot 1tld Koll-, Ctpltlr • l'08"Cll.bO'f' Mr . a l\CI Mn. $1utrl Sll•w, S.n JVt l' (eplllrt no, boy.

OI CllM911t U, lt» Mr . • M ~'IO Arall-, Stn Cltmenle, g irt. Mr. • 11 cl M". C.vrt 1111l•v. San et .......... "°"· Mr. e l\CI Mr'- Vl-1 ~O, Sell c1-111e, boy. Mr , t l'td Mrs. !.»It c.wntcllO, S.n J w nC.Phtl'-.t\f1 .

OICIM81lR J6, 1'17 Mr. • nd Mrt. J u•n H.,nenclu, LA9U!1t HltlS, bO'f.

OIC•M•~tt 11, !t71 Mr. a nd ~ DMltl Orr, MIMlon Vlt~, llO'f. NI•. • llO ~ Wllllen\ ~d. 511> ,CJ.,,..nlt,tltoY.

l'OUNTAIN vau.•Y GOMMUMln "°'"TAL o•"••• n, 1m

Mr. and Ml .. JoM ~111r ... ni1 Oflf'l\ffy °"·· HllllCJll9!t11 leKI! ..... #M, ."" """" " • ~ting, """"' llltlfClft e..tdl, t lrt.

o•C&JM•• "· ""' #M, tllcl "°"' O lfl_.. AM9ll, Hllllt> l11tlM IHOI, IM¥• M r , •l'lcl #.r,..., ~ Ntl!vr Alom•i' 1 11,c.M•~·"·

O&CSMNan.1m Mr , •1'141 ~ Jtrr., w .. lller lord, Stnl• Mii ~'· tlrl. oan••• n. ttn Mr . Incl ~ 114'~ Pw.,f, Hllf'll·

i11e1111 ea.Kii, ' "'·


Tl'le lollOwlnQ pef'IOM •reclalnQ buSI· nftlH '

MI NO AUTO llEAUTY CEN TER OF con A M ESA, ISJO Ponderow SI., C41tlt Mt .. , C-' 9206

M.11.T , Inc. • C.tlllONl\it corpo..-a. lion, tU H. Polm.tlllt A ... , I r••· CA HUI

T~• lollowl119 Pt<>on fl CIOl"9 bUM• ,..,._, .,. StLVERAOO GRAPHICS. 2011

atf!< Sl,...I, El Toro, C.lllornlt tz.lO Dtlm•r II. Berth Jr , 14211 8111<

Str·H I, Er Toro, Ce llforntA 916JO l l!h bu•lnou I• ,Onduc ltd b y "" 11'1

dl¥10uat. OttmM 8. 8trtll Jr.

Tiii• ii.1....- .. ., f lied Wl"1 tho C.-ly Cl•lt of Or.,,_ C-ly en Ot<•"'*l.1'77.

NM.U Publl•'*' 0r.....,. CM•t o .i1v P liot

09<. 11. 11,as, 1tn J en, 1, "" ~1•11

PUBLIC NOTICE Tl!lt s1••-t wt\ liled wlll'I ll'lo

Co..,,I Y Clerk of Ortngt Couftl y on ' ICTITIOUS9UllNllU ...... NAMa IT&TaMIMT

Tlllt lltl1I""' 11 c.onctuclecl b y t COf· poftllOll. •

M DT, Inc. Wllllem ~ rl.,,, l'nl61deftl

'tlll• " •l- ..... flltO Wlll'I tM tollf'il 'f Cltrlt al Or- Counly on Oii<. 1a.1• 11.

.....cem!Mr 2', ""· Tho 1011-+ne ..,_ .,.. dolno llusl-Pt1U16 M UH. •

Pul>lhtiad Ortnoo '°"'' o.ii., PllOI, CAi.HATION CLEANlf ltS, ,.,.,. J_•_n_u•_,..,_1_.•_. i_s_. i_2._1_.,_• ___ s_o_1.-.111 ::o;•r Aw .. ,._lltln V•llrr, CA. .....

itulll I .....a Or ...... Ootsl Oelly P iiot. PVBLIC NOTICE Ooc.. 1', lS, 1'11,JM'I. l,1, 1t11

N lctlU G t brt e l l uretr, If W_l...,,, l'l ., lrv!M, CA. t'714

---~-.-CT-.-T1-0US--.-U .. S-.N- l!_ U __ _.... SllYI• Ctndete rl • •u•oer. " ------ - -----1 .. &ME ST&TIMINT Woodl.,.., 1'1,INlno,c;A. '7fl4 Sl'06>77

PUBLIC N011CE T~ftl'-ne penontereclotno bull l llh Mlnou 11 COllCN<ttd lily• ' l'IOSU\ ' .,_ .. ............. - - - - - - --- - --1 M ANAOIM l[N T Sl!RVICES .... , 1t*'-9uroW

, ic;T'ITIOIJs•USIMllU ALOO N NA 'llYHOLESALl:llS '"' ' lltl lll'llfW Wet fli.d _..,.the NAMeSTt.TIMI NT Al.DO NNA INOUUi.11s 171 C-IYC ...... Clf ()rW\fe Cllunly., 0.C..

Tiie ,.t!Oll'lllQ i-r- '' elllf ~ Or<tl\ee. •I. c.i. Mew, c.i110r111e u, " "· ,...,. 119' ' n : '1\1' l'\ll>ll'lhM 0..... ~ oaky P iie(.

• '

SIAIHOlt' '""f! RllAI. ISTATI!, aJ0 AlclOfl,,. ~1tr110Clo11 lllf a OK. l l , 2S,lt'1..0JM. 1,1, 1'11 • Tiii L, -i. -. C.\lt MtM. CA C.lltornle ~tCttn, m• 0r..;f.. '*·"

.-aa» • • .C..t•Mew. c.llftrlll .. Jlt21 O,_ 0... tfc ... lt. 117 IM st., Tlll1 .....,,_ .. 19 ~IM lly 1 c. .. ,

...,__. llffOl.CA.,_., ~•llMI Ttllt ~ K CtNllCt .. lly 111'1 fft;. fttetrT ..

di~i.wai. • T.lllt t l .. """'1t - 11"41 wTlll t11e Tllla :.~.:::::. 'Wflll tN =~ Cltf'lt of Ot....., Ct\lm y 1111

~tY a n tf Or-. C41Wy _.-. ~ " · ""· "'* t.), lf71. • ....,, Pvbll.,_. or.,. OMst Delly ltllot,

,_,1.,.. Or ... C:..•I ~ly ~t. J _,11try 1, t , IS,U. "1' S41Q..1'

o.c. " · u. ""· Jtll. 1,1, "" PUBLIC NOTICE


PUBUC Nop.cs



Sund1v. January I, 1978 OAtt. v PILOT Df, ~~!~!.":';~~~ ... :::: ~!~~-~~-~ •......• ~.~~ •.• : .... )~.~.~ ..•• , ••

, _ -·

~.. 1001....,._. t002 .G ... r• too1• ... ra1 IOQt ................................................................. , ......................... ,

fRIORS: Ad"Ywthw shauld dtKJl "~,. ad daily cMd repwt ~ ron lmr..dicrhfy. Th DAILY PILOT assurM llabUlty for the fint In· cornet Insertion only.

~'s Notiu: \II n•al estatt• a1h "' t '"'" in lh1~ 0''"' " l'<•l.l•'I ,.., "uh Jel1 to the 1-'t.-dcr<tl 1-'utr lluui.1n.1t ,\l'I ol l'llill

. , 1002 GeMt'al 1001

••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••


A priml' opportunity wtlh an outstand mg n•al. c•s l Jle organization + high l'arnrngs' Expcncnce is a must Prcsl1g1ou~ location All apphc<.1t1ons ta·ltl 111 slnt'lcst confidence· Please n•ply to Ad ~68. Daily Pilol, P 0 Rox 1560, Co$la Mcs<.1 . CA 92626

CHAbtlNG CORONA DEL MAR :i bedroom. 3 bath south of the htghwu~ home on one of the tuwns ftnc~l s tr eets ! I n l1kc · new eonutllUll throughout with w&rm wood paneling . new kitchen. baths. roof. c:omplele 1nsulut1on and charming, tasteful dt:'c·or. Presented al $ l67,500

U,._,l()UI: ti()~tS REAL TORS'.' 675·6000

REAL EST A TE SALES Operung (01 l\\-Q hcer~ salesp oplc. experienced or unexperienced, but. must ha' e w11lmgnes:-. lo \\-or'5, & stroog dl•Sll l' to SU<:l'Cetl Wdl l'slabhshed ore . ... upct ll1t', pru~ress1' l' l'llm mis ion . l'ERSO:\! ,\I. l1-.11111t\I.! Sl.11'l the ;'11~\.\ Yc"tr HH;ll I' l'all t..11 r~ Wh1ll•:..ic1t•~ 1111 11101'1' 1111111.


wtuch m.tkt·' 11 11lq;al tu ·--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dd\t'rlhc .ill\ IHI'

2443 East Coast Highway, Corona def M11r ul~o 111 M1•\.1 V1•11k 11 546 5990

ler••nt·c l'fTlllillinrl ''1 ~~ • I 002 Getet-al I 002 100~ ol 1002 ~al 1002 GetMral 1002 'lhlnm11nJ11on1 IJ,t:-tt~I on •••••••••••••• • • ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• GeM't" .. • •• ••••••••• G••~••••••••••••••••• •····-----• ............. ._ ....... - ............ ..-•••• ra<·t 1 l"CJ or I l" lhl•Jfl 't"'.\c: ••••••• •• • • - .............. - - -- - --~

'" JWllonJ.1 on~1n '"" Jll AB .. NOQN[O ---------1 INVESTOR'S rntenlwn 10 m.1~1· un\ R . I 0 ACRES ~w Qtt Th• Mcrlcet sp•"l'"l .. .PLEX wch pr('frn•ncl' hm111 ltHnt•ho Califo rn11t HAPPY NEW YEAR \llJST St:I-: TO \I' ~A "' l1u11. 1rd1,,1nm111.1ltun GIANT fl\ l'nme avocado l'Oun l'RECIATF. 1 l'omplclt•I\ 2 YEARS NEW

tn '' Grt.-al 1n<:ome rt·decorull'c.l ..ind I l' NEAR OCEAN l lm, lll:"'SJl<ljk'I ""ti( llltl

lrnuv.1n.:l) .ic·u•J•I Jll\

J<hl•rt1.,1ni.: 1111 11·,tl t-,,(Jtl' V.lllt;h IS Ill \1t1(,1 ttOn or l)ll' 1 .....

Haases for Sale ...............•...•... Genet"al 1002 .............. .•.......

CHRISTMAS FIXER \'uu t·an have a J l11lr111 I 1 x1•r & 1 lw "''lll•r 1:-. 111w11

$87,500 I tui:•· t lidrm &. 3 ltJth :m \.!I !Jmcl}' ruom . :\l,co.,i,l\c l'dloi. Verde 1111 k J11c11la1 l' in lurnaly 1 m L:?:tl'<i lml k 111 In tni: 11w1m W~t b:ir & mut·h

potential C.ood term., T All Of y F All Of modclL-d 4 liL-<h m hOO\l' $45,000 DOWN J\ all C11n"dl'r {'X 0 OU, rom Nll·hcn llkl' nc"' 1'1,hh Pru.k or ownersh1p units changl' }50,01)0 Culf Us At ' 1·omµ.1dor "'at1·r wr .,.. 1th rantustu· stont> 54(}.USl • ll'IH'r ~ 1nll'I' l'0"1 f irl'pluccs Enclosed * * 1t * * 1t sy,lem, JUNL tu mention a l(urattcs All be.uutlful ,

14.'W "Pl'l'lal tcutun•s spacious units.' Owner ~HERITAGE . .. REALTORS

mud1 1110rc ' V:il':it~u. ___ _. _____ ,

""nt'r de~pl·rall' T,1kc

,\.,km i.: Stl-l,200 To scl• (X)(J~hl another . must th11> \cry ullrul·l I\ 1•'nrtcc' Hurry! Many ••••ill'""""" ........ ,,, ........... , ._ilJ~l!t[I ;L~r:l:c~ ..• ~::'. "n~w U(I\ .111llJl:l' NOW ---------

J.C. NASH RLTRS 54(>·5 I 0 I

111olh•rl> Tlw llml 11l th1·i....--------1t•Jr' ·1 hc '" 11µ1•rl) '' "" ,1hu un oHl Jl :! (o\ .,II \ 1111

J~M m~ ,H~P,~~v . best locauon on wide street VIEW from lhc uppl.'r :i bedrm , den . brick fplc ,'!!undt:ck unit l.ower 3 bednn. den, Jplc with sunken living room Sp:iewu~ anti rD'llcnt r on cl 1 t 111 n A~ k In It $2.'ll. 000 f>I-' . 7 270

[®:llilUd GtMrol 1002 GeMral 1002 ?VA TERMS? •••••••••••••••••••••••

• uuld hurl•I [;Iii :!:ll:t


Imm ed. Occupancy

Newporl Sho,.es 3 B ,. •I 1 m . 2 b u t h l111.,1l..J.1sl nook dlJlt' ~.11 nt•wh pJlllh:d O\·W I ,1rp1·h ~ dTJJll'' I ndl•r _A,,,, •. _. s~ ~1111 I OI J"T'-'"'°"




Price Reduced! ('or on .. ct e I \f u r ()UPl.1'.:X 2 bedrm 11replacc l1ont un11. enc·loc.t!d) anl l.Jµµer un 1l bcJml•d 1·1•al1ng!-> I tlQdrm W Jlk tu lohoppmi.: & bcllCh. $1111,500 I~ 7270

$69,900. Supl·r So Hunt1n1:1011 ar<:J home "' lrl>k dl·n .ind :! p.11111., Ownl·• tr'4fn.,h•rrcd ~lu~l Sell


__ 6.A.0a.9-9.0

1002 G.Mt-al 100; ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••


Best buy In the areu. Air conditioner and some other nice xtra 's. Callll)& us is u must The dog bites! /\ qwck ~scow and l h 's year'i. best Christmas prc.iscnt 1s yours 546·2313

[i'lif~I) ... _____ _ SS0,950- .

2 &.-drm. 11 J but.h Con<l•, New carpt.-ll:I & p11111 F.nd umt fJcing gre, . urea. llurr\ . won l la~ 546-5880 l ,_

\l,1~nrlw11·11l wh1t1· "Jll•• '11•\\ ;1t I .11 l11· l'on111J 111

t >lcl I "11r1111.1 old \I JI "" 111 lh1\ l hr' .1111,111 .:1•n1 It .111111•, I hth 111, tfl'll .\ I ti/\ f II 1'1ll.1t1• UJJcJ::. 111 I 1l,111ll It Jh~l11.tll\ 11111 t·cl' c ,111 llllW li7:Hl.i!°i4l Ill,,., .

Loquna Beach tj"'UH4M

-I Bdrm Camelot Model clogc II> everything 10 Coi. ttt Mc.,• Prof~ .. 111o:lrl> land:.<"aped ,\ real home for 1978 • 111 tor )Our Jppo1ntmcnl & mort.-detwb ~6 23 13 '"''" 1 .. i.:•rnJ '"'h 1110 RcAuoRs dUA,,.~ s~,d

c~21 . Cull u11 about thlb am m.icu1at.e unc owner. 2 bedroom, <·onvcrl1ble dt.-n home 10 llarbor View H om11~ The own<·r ~ meuculoui. l'>tre to C\ t•n, maintenance m'<.'CI v.1'11 1 mpr\'~s you -­


..... ,,, I•

S58,900 lo1111111tl l<•\t•I I 1111111 1111\llhllllll' l11t'itll•d \\ .111. 111g t11~l;1111 t' fr urn ,i, .. p p1n1? 'o 111·11: h hur to

.1IHI\'(' onh I ''"11' 11111 I' " " I J ,ft u I I I .... c lubhou~l' f'iv<· m111 tromS Couo,t Pla1a

; 54.7900


US Tl LUFF Y-Plan condo: 3 bdrm' din rm .. fam rm 1111 t'ount~ kHC'h \ u•w ol er·cl'nbclt '' J::i . 01111 W land! C.f. COLES WORTHY REALTottS 640-0020

•TWO HOMES• LI\ c 1n one n•nl I h1· other' Nl.'w :1 hdrm l' • ha • frpk Pl.I ·s 1 harm inJ,I . upj!rmll'<t :! bdrm homl' . Clo~e l11 hc11rh. lthopptng & hU!> S!!20.000

('All e U6 Hl.t

A~~- · ra t(,H.Tl'

"••r lll••tlHI Po•t llffh•


on l + Acre Pri mr M orrn Hills Acre. J Ur, top q_ualily constr'1ct1on &.hru-0ut. Neurly MW . Jlllll\Y custom realurl'' $155,000


Realtors since 1•11 1102So. Mom St

,1, g , 11·\\ llrw \ 1-.1r nl'"" . • .:;;;;;;;;,;;,;;,;;;;;;,;;I __ •_• -' _,_,_. = '= ' ==~ ?r._.,.... ,.._ ., l>t~hnt :! 11.1th \ i.:1.,111 [~ • • •• ~ ~

Westcllff Realty ,\ nd lhc h1ghl) com· Hin·e something to sell~ J)t!llll' t• pnc1· of $130.500 t.1ass1hed ads do 11 well ltiiiiiiiiii_iiii _iiii _iii_•----· lt'l' "'all pleu::.c ;. our G - ol IOO? G __. pocketbook , ... ,. .........

Call 644·72 I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••'•• IOI hu\ .11 '.'>I I~ 1""1 • li.AUORS

BE UNIQUE IN ' 71 -=::.::-=---.: S BDRMS.

Doc.'S lht' thouf,lhl appeal to vou·• IC ::.11. t.:u11Mdcr R•al.&tcrte Sal~s JOlrllCll( the prc"t11(10U!> Start the New Year n1:1ht t>ll1el's ol \jn111ul' llumes by ;1sso<.·1atml( Wtlh ex lnr u ranlustk l!l7H Al· penl•nced profl's.,1onub

MOUNTAIN VIEW 1·elt'rnll·ll C"omm1srnm SELECT l'lt01'1':1rri1-;s ..._.EW HOUSE 'ehcdultt. in ·hou!>c loWlrlJ.: uffcr>. top l'Om nt1!>sions " loans . rrcal1vc :.u les with 11rodul'llon 1111•1•0

BARGAIN .mis. C'Ompull.'I' t1•rm1nal t1v('s no promotional ll'f•\Ul'lllll' :i 1110 ., 11 11 & ;tC\l\l' tr.11"11111~ 1\: Jd 111f tlw top Opcn1111:s cx hutn(' 1111 hilhidc with mmr::.Lr.ition Bt· un1qu1· .-.1 m lh·lo11 & In ' l><'t 'l ,rl'Ul;ir \ 1ew 11'1 111 '78 "1th lJnaqul' 1 lumc" Yl....,lml'nl l)l\•1s111n l"or < ,1111 ... 11 s.illdll:back Ilea! E.o.lule Contact Jim conf1dcnt1al 111kn1t·w \lour11.111,.. Wood at 675 0000 c·ull !)56 21i00 .1ppoar11t-tl \\llh 11n·m1um __ ___ C SELECT J1·Jtt11t•.., 111u nunH·rous 101---------i I PROPERTIES I 1~1 I' r 11· 1· d 11 n ii t' r ku1ld1·r .. rurn•nl 1>rit t· 4 ll + POOL , .. , 111·~ 1 111111 •1' ~11.:!.~I(' Happy Holidays! """' ;11111<1111tmc11t '" "' Bike to beach from th1-.

flt.•l·t ' ·•II ~Ko;! 7'illK hcaulrful garden honw ~ KEY llt.~t buy 1f1 Jlunt111i.;1vn ~ C..f(}i R€AL TORS IC .f\earh S2:t<ll1 down or ....

lmmacul.1tc S&S qua\aly. :1 hdr 111 . lil-n JH.itil StNi.3011 l>nnnJ K'U i~10:1 \l(I

Sl .62 per DAY l h.11 ., A LL you p,1'

for u :10d11y ad

1n lht·


DIRE&lORY ••• 1 r 'n"



MUST SELL! c;reat rondo, 2 bdrm., . 2 balhs, lge patio, lowt•r noor. quiet. conveni\'nt

,...location. SSl,000


lrnocks oflen when you use result·gettmg Daily Pilot Clas~ified Ads lo reach the Orange Coast markeL '-A

Phone 642·56711

$© l'.Jt} lA-l£ £~S • That Intriguing Word Game with a Chuc/tie ----- ltll+o4 ... C\AY • POUAN

O t .. o•'0"'9'1 ltitt•'• of f'hfl / ~ '°'"' ",,,, WOtd• be '

Low to '°""" fovt )t'9'0Je WOtdt

II 0 A M R 0 N

I z I I ,.

I 0 U FA R l 1- I' I I ,,

i.uml' $210 munthl\ pa) mcnh llurf\ • Call ! 1113-!;7 fl7

1 I "I• , fl

Heal fAtate

NEED F ~T SALE, \ \ F' I I A h U y <' r ' "'<'lt•omt• • Hl'dui·t•il $:!500 :1 Lk'drm, I'• hath . u111qt1t.' u:;cd fJril'k patw .... I I h w I B B Cl . h u & l' < ulcf1 .... u1 · lot Now 11nh SIV.'~---' _..,..._ ,r.:;m..,.,_ l'J " I ' • I . . • •


lJdrlin.: , 11ouo

,\ DI\ 1-.wn "' 11.. t 11111 Ill\ "'t m1·nt \'11

~~~~~ht.-d f.J l'u:. I a A VERY HAPPY HIGH OM A Hill NEW YEAR!

San (.;lcmeole Fabulou~ · 1- 110.M \LL <W i:olf & ocean ' iew. :!OOO t ·s AT '><l rt home. 'acant \\ 111 C. F. Colesworthy trmk Sl64,500 Reciitors 640.0020



lmm<.odiatc occupancy of Lht::. totally redccor a led 'Trina .. Model Chccry

& hr11thl ll' new I-' c u t u r e ~ :i lid r m ii • lorm al t11n1n~ rm llF M!chxkd putlo Sec 11 lli· dav. onlv Sl~.500'

-OR· Gor.Zt'l>U.' [) J>l:in host~ 'tra lar~e h\'mg rm 3 1",1mll) l>ltc<l lidrm' Cirl'l'nhelt \ 1r"" • Quiet locaLIOn \ must to :.<~I.' Just Sl:x>.500 Call toduy fi13 8550 lo pre\ lcw

i I • I~•

Cln~c to Dana 1'01nt Gflteral 1002 harhor . hu1 Id ~our ••••••••••••••••••••••• dre::rm honw Zone<t for ~·-•••••••••••••111111111. hor>oc..,. . S13!l !)95 •

MOBILE HOME .Coldwell Banker 111 Treasure ti..lun1l. Ld~una Bc <t<'h LOHll) PJ')tf\f"llllll P~!IJAGI: COMPANY O l' ea n • ' 1 e w . 2 n II $27,000

WHt Coast Pacific Real Estate

831 -2600 496-8535


"1th an extra wi•ll! lot for cus)' expansion 2 Sty Span1:-.h fla\ or w hte & airy led1ng thrU·out Center rourlyard \I. fountain. including !!ep gu1.>!>l quarters







644-1766 2161 S"N JOAOUINHILLSAO


IOOJG....-al 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

PPI•' & Martha HorrPtl Mar dt Bt>ll1t• Arlrmn trz BrMl•11 Patil 8el0!1.~

\t11ie Hlo/\1• {)ran Urnd/r>rrl

~R · macneb / Irvine t'-- realty

FINER HOMES FROM SS0,500 TO $895,000


BIG CANYON-NEW OFFERJHG t• £xtraordinan ·I BR. family. r m home \\ teak rloors l'oH•red w 1 new h1ghl~ upgn1clccl c:arpl'ltng. Exten~n e u~c of Bouquet Canyon Stonl' Lg pool \~ ~cparale J<H' U7.ZI. r

MAGNIFICENTLY DECORATED , abund<inl'l' of la..,teful amenil1e~ . 1,,11ne \' alenll nc 644 ·6200 1 C ·211

RtHG IN THE HEW YEAR ... and cn3oy the panoramic· view from <lehghtlul 4 BR. lorma.l thnmg Cape, Horn model w l'U~tom d rp~ & wallcovenhgs Spar·khng enclosed pool & Jacuzzi Fountain & lovely " garden patios E\'er~ amc1111y plus' SaW.~). .Jeri Jl unl (i-12 82:J5 IC 221

NEW CARPETING Enhu n ees tht· be<Juty o r t hi s charming EASTBLUFJ". Lusk·built -1 BR home w spacious family rm & t formal dining <.irt.!CJ Walk l o schools. • ~hopping & tennis 1,.·lub Av::11I for I early occ•up<.int') & priCl'd to :,ell all $154.500. Larr\' Dyl'r f)42-A2.'l5 IC l:Jt , ;

VIEW IN EASTILUFF ;'l;c\\ on market' :1 Rn . famll~ rm Lusk home on one ol Lhe most desirable ~treeL-. \\ \'IL'\\ of l'tlY & night ltghl .... Well pr1('ed ut $l65.000 .Jeanne Barnt>tt M4·62<KI IC-24 t

IARGAIH IN IA Y CREST 1 I1westor Homeowner ' 4 BIG BRs· + i..I ('07Y I amily rm\\ radrnnt. rraC'kling fireplace. Huge. n·modeled kilt· hen

11 w spacious brkr ... 1 area Scp .. of laundry rm . Full s1Zt' 111 · µool.,

1 ' Located on quiet. c·ur·vl•tL t rec·hncd ~treet & well pneccl al SI00.500 f<•t•. ~· .John Granath 642·82:~5 IC ~:;I ' . .


Mint c:ondition, I van Wells hmlt4 BR · home w pri vatc aute'>. mani~ured •. mmi·l{ardens. colY view patios ~ spacious family rm w firephH·c.

1., ;

Formal th nintt bl and k1tchl?n

P'allbroOk 7:11-1138 I · Jim t. l ..o!M Und1w~

/lt>non C:unwnql1f /o:dJt, Elamt• l'hnp111n •1

Elena Cauq/11"1

cabi netcd 2-rar garage. A super buy at $212,000. Tom \llinson 6-t2·R235. '• tC-26) I '.


associated ' • I L.. , •I ~ , 1 I

. ,, ( ' ; '

1-:111!1'11 fJmu.'lddtt • su~an Qurllom Margaret Du/fry A nnt Golloft GerT)ll.ynn Gorlorid Mono CilGnntlll 8111 A tltlm C:1J/d Tom Hollett cu;t lltrbttrl

-iL.1._.""K t 11 I< nl11ht tom Kutt• Cllrl 1Arao11 Pot Lt1tn JlmMarowh Dick Mt 0.,-n}Otl Glt11114 M('("rliod11

Goll Mclnius ~hirley M~mort.,

Jud11 Mitchell JtrTlJ o·EWim I.Inda Ot'th • Bf'tly POll"t. Ann Ptt~ l-41r'11 P/1./Rt•r Rack .R.1clrmd Jean Rlttt.r ICtfl ROia J e11n Su1lt14 f)orit Tt>11u11 (larbaro Ve111 Dorlt.nll Vmmq

I I,

IEST. IUY IM C.AMEO HIGHLANOS! There's real value in this beautiful 3 BR +den home ncwlv & tastefully decorated w plush ·carpet ing. ~ lovely wallcoverings. Bit ln ht ·h .. cublnets in· den : IA. LR " stona ... Oreplacu. Private beaches! s i s.i.0001 Marjorie Mnh.r 644·6200. (C ·27 J


Absolute Sl tCecc.ion tn lhi~ f enchanting s BR+ family rm home! New deluxe Jcilcnon & brk!st rm· pool ; children 'e pln)' house & Ytll'4 & trees & eo unl.0 , atmospl'ierc. F('C lund Sl85,000. Harriet Perry 642·823~ ((.;-!8J

' •


• •· ,. \g 3


~ ~ ,..

t •• )r

I 3

•• " b' t-

le ll· •c

t. l

f L


I ,


. - .._. _ .. HcMttHforS. Sunday. January 1, 1978 OAIL Y Pit.OT' Df • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

1002 GtMrel •••••••••••••••••••••••

REAL EST A TE SALES Opening for two llrenscd sulcspeovl~. experienced or unexperienced, bul must hav(• w1lhngnei;s to work & stron1: dl"•lfl' lo suceecd Wl•ll eslabltsht.."<i of(' , WAM'Y lVlltYTHIMG? Vie\\ . locu l1on . "ul?e•. lue , progress I\ l '. n1mmi:;siun. 1 BR formal dining room fum1ly room


1002 GeMt"ot 1002 --------1G., ..•••••••••••....•••••• ••••4•••••·············

BlltORS: Ad•ertber·~ ........................................ . sh.Id check th.Ir ads dally GRd. report er ron l,..,..dlahfy. The DAILY PILOT osMme s NCIAMllty for the first In cornet iMertioft only.

1•1:~n,so:-.: ,~1 : t1.1.'.n11w ~t:irt, thl'. '11!~ \\ lrpk. ~hake root. J u\ l'ul dl' ·SJl' 'n.11 HIGllf . (.ill I;""~ \\h1tt ... 11lt:.": '-ln~et. O\lt'I' 2200 sq It of sumptuous ' MANAGER-REAL ESTATE


CHARMING COROHA DEL MAR :J bedroom, 3 bath south of th~ h1ghw<l~ home on one of th l' town~ f1n<.'st !>trl'et~ ~ In l1k(' nc\\ l'o ndll1on throughout with warm wood pan e lin g. new kitchen , b.ith~. roof. <.·om plelc insu lation and charm111g,_ taslel ul decor. Presented utS167,500.

l11r rnon rnlor II\ tn~ an•a. Your thmt·~ ol t arpellng • Located 1n the Turtll' H.m·k ll1ghlands,

~shw's Hotice: \JI n•al cl>l:llc nd\ l-'rt1,,t·cl m lh1~ m·w:.pilpt•1 ,,., ... uh )et·t to lhll l<'~t:r<1I l-'111r llou1tiri1( 1At;"f;or 1'16

A prime ,,pporluntl) with an oul::.tand ing real <·slate organization + high earnings 1 ExpcricnC'<.' 1s a m~st Prcsllgious location. All «Jppltl·al10ns held in s triC' tcsl confidenct· fllt!ase reply lo Ad #-68. Daily Pilot , P 0 Ro~ mo. C<>Sta ~cset . CA _92626

U~l()Ut: li()Mt:S A EAL TORS· .. 675 6000

which makt•:-. 11 1llt•gul lei ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-d\'erl"l' llll} l'rl' '.:

2443 East Coast Highway. Corona uel Mar .ilso 111 Mrs.1 V•·KI·· 11 546 !:>990 ..

fer••n<·e l1m1tut1on 11 G al I 002 General I 002 I • 002 d1st'nm1n:itwn h.1s!'Cl un •~•••• • •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ge.rot I 002 G....,.. I ran .• l'Ulu1 rela~UJll , •• \ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ur nJllon:il on1<111 •>r ·'" 1nt.ent1on to mdl.l' ""'' -.uch prl'ft•rl'ncc llm1tJ lion, •ir d1:-.t r1 rn1nal1011

llli' ncw..,1rn1wr "111 nut knowin1>1lv lH't'CIJl anv' t•rl1 :-. 1n it 1111 11·111 , .... tall-' "h11·h " 111 'll•la 11on11flhl'law

HousH for Sale ...••••.•..••••.... ... . 1002 .•.••••••..•..•.•......



10 ACRES H.inl'ho C..:al1 forn1a !'rime avocado 1·oun 1r1 '' (;real 1n1·11rnl' pott> G11od tcrmi. ,1, <t1 I C 11 n' uh· r <· x chanRl' $50.000 Cu ll ~ 1151


HAPPY NEW YEAR To All Of You, From Alt Of

Us At

****** llui.:l' t Bdrm & 3 hath '.Ill \:!I family r1Jom Ma~i.I\ c P~ilos Verde 1111:k flrl'plu1 c IO fo mily 1 m lii.t'<i bnl·k in h\·1ni: rnum Wet bar & mu1·h mot'h mon·•att<tl """ ner de~peralt' r .tkl·

CHRISTMAS FIXER .1(1\anlagc NOW 1---------1 You (:IAJ) huve a 3 bdrm J.C. MASH RLTRS COM Dix Ouolex

540-3666;;nm 898-7855

lm·r & thl' ~elh'r 1s lllll'll 540-5101 SOlfnt 01" lllGf lWi\Y . to offer ... The Imel ol the ..._ ________ , best location on wide GeMrol 1002 GeMral 1002 1 t:Jr • The p1 Ol>l'l'l )' 1" ,.

• 1bo on .tll H l lot :-.o \ ou lmmed. Slrt•el. \'IEW lrom lht: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••......•....•.•.••.. • ould IJui ltl 5-Hi 2313 upper :i bed rm , den .

hnck (pie, ·sunucc.k unll GRUMIROOK

CHRISTMAS Pric~ Reduced!


;\l,t~JUflCll!lll \\ hllC W J\cr 'IC"- JI I.II t.Je Corun.1 111

r Old ( '11rttr1J rll'I \I Jr ~" ol ll" > ' Th 1 s .1rl1-. t t t ' 1:cm le.1tu1 ,. , :1 heh Ill' •len & 1111\ f1rt•pl111l· LoJ<.h ol 1·harm 11· ah~ll\'dlh 1m1·l'tl' I rill now liiJ ·K.'>50 In "''' ' · ..... ,.

Occupancy 1.owcr a oc'<.lrm. den. 1p1c with sunken living room

Newport Shores ~ll.iniiu., .incl 111 l'Xel'lll'nl j u I' ti I m . :t b u l h • (' II n d I l I II n A ~ k I n R l11••akl .o'>l nook dbh· s:i;iu,000 fl.U 7270 gar nr wly 11.t111tl••1 . nt·" , .ll'J>t i... & dr.tlJl'~ l ' ndt•r

0, ,,._ e HUtk

::.1111 rot _..._ J •

SPECIAL I Bdrm Camelot Model clc~ll' lo t•vcrylhin11 Ill Coi.tu M~ :-. ..

t • o r o n .i cl 1• I M a r uu r1.~: x 2 bt·drm . f1rl'plat'l' . l111nt unit cndos1.'IJ > anl Uv)?cr un II heaml•d t't'1lin1tti., I bodrm Walk w·~hoppmg & bclH'h. SI ll> . 500 li<W 7270 Laguna Beoch ~"Uffa«.

.\lll)11• L.t.:un.t with 1110 RCALTORS -110

. ; .-_ 5 ... .-;/ 1 kg 1 ww On" 1 c.1 r ne" , .,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.I --'-' _. _ 1

_· _• - '-' ="===- n-....Uft ~'"

Profe"11>1onall> landsl·aped i\ gn•al home for 1978 <:all for your appointment & moredeuuls 546 2313

:!111.'Clrm :thalh ,\goc1d [~-· .• I ~ hu} ·11 :. I l:! .t ~lll ' REALTORS

400ll7"* FOR,~M Bf UNIQUE IM '78 _:;;;:;----= C.M . ... _. ·. - · -·~:....__ IJOC'S lht• lhouJ(ht appl'al Real r..tot• s"'\.-·

...-:r . Im to vou·• I( ~o. l·on:..1dcr ""' .. ol .... JlltnlOR Lill' prc'>lll(IOU!o Start lhe New Yenr right NEED r•r-T SALE, othcc'> ol l 'mquc llnme!> by usi.oc1ullnR "1th ex IW tor a fonl:i,,1i1· 197H /\(• pent•nced pr ofoS'> IOll•JI ' \ ,\ r II /\ b ll y (' r ~

MOUNTAIN VIEW ('('lt'rnl t•d t·o mm1s!'.1ctn st-:u.:cT PIUJPEHTIES 'l"l'll'll lnt• ' ltl•dul'l·<I

Ew HOUSE '>l'hooult:f in-house ........ 1ng offer'> top l'Omm1s'>mn' S:!5tlU 1 lktlrm 1 , b,1\h N . loan~ . l'reallve ,,;de :-. with 1>roduttwn 1nr1·n umq1u.• u~ed 1>n r k patio

S58, 900 BARGAIN .11ch c.umputrr tl·rirnnbl ll\l'' no promotional let• ~ 11 h w BBQ , hug l' liruun<l It•\ t•I I t 111111 & .1('\I\" lr.11111n•· lit .cd riff the to11 Openmi?~ l'X· 1·ulcl~. '(' 1111 .~CIW 11111\

h I I lk 1.u,ur111u ... :1111u ' IJ 11 , .... ~~" l<N ll fJ lllt' lll'ah ·t ''" ht1m(• on hills ldl' with m1111Mral10tn B1· u11111u1· ht 111 He~11le11t 1al lo 1 n SltJ.'r." .. 1-...,.,._,,.-"'".,_,_ mg cl1:.l.1m·e fr11 m ... 111111 1n 711 with l.;n1r1uc llomc;, \CSlmcnt l>I\ "1011 For lf " h 1 ' IK'l'lal'ular \ 1cw ol , • • . • pin~ •O nl·I~ >n1:.. k ll"al 1'~~1,1te. l'cmtact .Jim tonf1den11ul 1nt1•n 11•w • . • '

I I I l'<I pp c <l s u d d I c b ii (' ~ ~> • ,1IMl\ l'. Oil \ ·I \ l '.11'., II ' Wood at 675·6000 q tll 556 2000 962-4471 ;>:": • 546-8.103 1• 110 1. J ,11• u 1. 1 1 ~ \lounta111:-. l.uxuriou!.IV · . c lubhoU'll' · !-'iv¥ 01111 a11p11mtl•tl with prl'm1um _ c;::: SELECT lromS ('cm't Pla1a -ftoalun·' tuu nunwruui. 101---------i T' PROPERTIES

754 7800 ~1-.1 Pr11·<'cl unclc• r • u111ldt·r ... t· urr·1·nl Pfl<' l' 41R + POOL


I> a r I 1 n 11 1· o n u o

GeMrat I 002 Gneral I 001 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

Hew On The Mcriet , MUST Sl!:E TO i\I'

PRl'A:IATE ' Complctcl~ red1:coruted Jnd 1 l' modeled 4 bedrrn homi: Kit< hen like nc~ TrJ' h cornpul'lor. ~ uter '01 1ener &. 1nll•r 1·o m !!Y!llem. JUSl to mention u few !! pet'tftl re1:1lure11 A.'>k1ni.: S!J..1,:!00 To 'el' lh1:. Vl' ry UllrUl'll\ (' hOffil'. t'all M6·MWI


? VA TERMS? $69.900.

Supl·r So. Hunlan1¢lon area home w i lrplc:. dt·n and 2 p.1L10., Own1:1 trans fern•d :\h1i.t Sl'll

c~211 · ·trn Jf'U .

Westcllff balty r

SIDRMS. Wilh J lf>uch or tiv' ornml

<'leg:inl maho~un\ p .1 11 c I 1 n g . ' I 1 d 1 n .: ,<·n·cn'> 1tu1lt aroullcl twuuurulh landlocdpcd J)alio On 2 loh. Ju~l a tt•w le<ol lo llll' hc•ad1 \ wolllll•riul fam1h hurn1• S.1:10,llOO

•n-ooo· HARBOR

J\ 1>1\'11>1011 of I J.11 bur 111' l'"'' ml•nl ( "


Immediate occupancy of LhL'> totally redecorated Tnna" Model Cheery

& hr1ght a:. new Fcaturei. :1 bdrm:. . rormal d1n1n.: rm •4 M.'Cludcd pullo Set' 11 lo da) unly SIS4.500'


fur lll'\ l unit al Slli2.S1Ji1 Happy Holidays! For appointment tu 111

' Pett 1·ull 002 17!\ll -Bike lo beach from lh l'> heauliful gurd1:n honw. &.'lil buy 1rt Jluntm~loll Beach S2J00 down or .u, i.um1· siiu monthl' p11~ rnenl !> llurn ' C:ill !Jm-mtn

~.~~~ht'd . 1. .. l'o~t.i A VEtlY HAPPY

Gor.:cou. ... I> ho,h 'lU' a large II\ in.: rm J Famil" !>l~cd lulrm:.. (ireenbell 'w" • Qu1t•t Location 1\ mu1>l lo ~et· Ju.~t $159.500 Call toduy li73-~ to prcncw

4)11 K€Y P.€ALTOP.sli

ONE YEAR MEW immaculate s&s quuhty. TRI-LEVEL J hdrm. dl'n. pool S91.l.:XJll

1 Bil. :! Iii\ . l111tt hl~ up Donna ll:l1·7!103 t\gt l!fJCil'CI. ~1lh tuµ d own Sell~hmg:. rast wilh Dail~ Ii\ 111~ room r;ll :.l'<.I clan Pilot Want Ads IOJl room . .,Lep.tJn rna ~te 1

HR Luxurv ptu ... oflt 1 t•ol al Sfi8.9o0


EASTILUFf Y-Plan condo : 3 bdrmi­din rm.. ram rm off count~ kllch \ '1cw ol areenbl•ll . s1Js .ou11 W land ! c.F. COLES WORTHY REA&,.,TOR.S 640-0020

•TWO HOMES• Live an one 'rl'nl lht• other' New J hdrm 2 1 ,

ba., frplc PLUS l'hurm · ang, upgraded 2 bdrm home. Cloi.e to he.wh. ,hopping & bus • 2:!0.000

C At.L e U•·H l -4

'A~A~ Nur N1•p•r1 Po· ~ 0 Hit~


on t+ Acre Pnme Morro Hills Acre . 3 Ur t op qualit y constrwct aon Uuil-out. Ne11rly\ new. Jn&l\1 C\Ulom le•ture., $156,llOO.


R~~C9fs ~Ince dt 7 U02 So .. M Ill n Sl

Fa.llbrook 7 -1138

associated ••I 41 't

$1.62 per DAY lhal !> ALLyo11p.1'

furn :iod.iy ul.I

in the





I 2 I I I I' 0 U FA R

t I' I I SU G J E

1 I I I'


Sf:R~1~G t' Mesa ln1111• llunllngton Beach

Newport fkarh

MUST SEU! c;n•at <·ondo, 2 bdrm" :t t>al.hs. lgl•. pot10. lowl'r noor, quJct . ron,•enient ltx·ation


OPPORTUNITY knocks often when you use reRult ·gettlng Daily Pilot Classified Ads to reach the Orange Coast market.

Phone 642 56711

HIGH OH A HILL NEW YEAR! ~an Clemente Pabuhx.t'I ~·noM ALLOf'' .iolf & ocean view. ~0011 USAT. "><I ft hornt>. vacant Will C . F. Colesworthy

,;.·ttf fll I./• !J \ lt,14 I 'I t. I

tradt' Sl&l,500 Realtors 640-0020 OHEACRE [~lfilltl , ..

Clo"I-' to Ouna Point Gettff111 1002 harhur . hu1ld ~ou r •••••••••••••••••••••••

dream home Zoned for ...i11•••••••••••••••1111itt. IRVIHE


hor:..c' Sl39.!>95 MOllLEHOME

Ill Treasure ll>land . La1::unn Beach . Lovely oee an \ll'W 2 HR 127.000

Wnt Coo1t Pacific Real F.state

131 -2600 496-8535


wilh an extra wlcll• lot lor e-a11y expansaon. 2 Sty . Sp11n111h flavor w1htc & <11ry Ceclinfl thru out Cl'ntcr courtyard w/founlain, 1nclud1ng sep . gucsl quarters.

fllc~1.~.~2~ nt!";t Year



/it. COU>Wa&. IANICH CO.

644-1766 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RO


$268,000 Getterel 1002.G....-.. 1002 tcryslde VlllOCJe JACOBS REALTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ; ••••••

tr you are looklnit for a 675-6670 great value In 11 bench ------cou.age, see this 2 bdrm . NEWPORT 8EACH 2 both mobile home. walking d1st.ancl' lo the MEW CONDO bay . All bui lt 1nb . SAVES4000 carport./7't12&o . lirand ne~ condominium

Just ~ rrul Crom ocean. HARBOR Uuae. master s14lte with

worm wood cuthedral ~lang and bonus sppH I« j\Jdcawuy room 1\'llt\ posslble ocean view. 19000 moves you in .

~~~~~~~~~! Jlurry ul\d tol!e odvnn -.:: tege, call 962-'1788 C.11842-~ Q KEV

1002 %2 R€ALTORs»< .,..................... ---


hktng S185,000 NEWPORT DELIGHT Lo<.·:tll'd near tlH' lamdus Newport Bae" Ba y on Uh.~ . Blurts 1'h1s 4 BR t·ondo 1s a reul , delight. Call us for a private showmg. 1

Sl 18.500. • I

2 OH I CORO HA DEL MAR Pri mQ area. Joi: to & on the beuc.-h. Li ve m one ; & rent the other . lJn1ts :-.ho\\ pndc ot 1

o\vnc1·sh1p, c:ompll'lel~ rt•pa1ntc<I. ; • Slfilf.500. - --· -

. 640-990.~r \ ! .. \IJJ1

: \ · ltt~: .. \l ~ rY 1470 JAMBOREE HD . NEWPORT BEACH


macnab I Irvine realty


llG CAHYOM-MEW OFFERIHG Extraorclinan · t Bit lamily rm home " teak rtoors t'O\ C.'rt:cl w new h 1 g h I ~ u p g r<.1 d NI <: a 1· p t' t 1 n g Exll.'11~1\ c u:.c ol UouquM l'an~·on Stone. Lg pool w scparalt• ja!'t11.z1., MAGNIFlCENTLY DECORATED abundant·~ ol lastcrul amc111tit>s . L~·nnc \'alentinc H44·6200. IC 211



uml en,10~· the panoram1<.· vie\\- trom dchghllul ~ BR. lormal dining Cape 11 01 n mocl(.•f w <:us tom d rps & • walko,·cril'lgs S1mrkhng enclosed pool & Jacu1t1 Fountain & love!~ " garden patios Every amcn11 y plus' S32H,500 .Jen ll unt l;.t2·82.1!; cC 221

NEW CARPETING EnharHel\ the beaut~ ol!> charming EASTBLUFF. Lusk-buil t , .J BR home w s pacious family rm & 1

formal dinin~ area Walk to schools. , ~hoppmg & lC.'nlll!- l'hih ·\vatl for I early occupurw~· & pric·c>d tu s(.•11 Cit $154,500. Larr~ I>~ l'r 1;.t2·R2.1.; 1 c · 23 1

VIEW IM EASTILUFF ~c" on market'. :~ AR . l<inlll~ rm Lu~I.. home on one of the most. des1rablt• :,,lrecb \\- \It'\\ of c1ly & night li ghts. Well prn·c..·d al $165.000 Jeanne RarnC'lt l>H·n200 CC-24 l

BARGAIN IH BAY CREST .. , ln\·cstor Homt.•owner' 4 BIG Ilib + 1 <:OI.\ fam1lv rm'' rndwnt. cra('kling 111·(.:plact' 'H uge . n•modclcd k1tt·hcn 11 \\ spa(' I OU" b ~kl ... \ a !'{';I . s l' r> •• ,, laundr~· rm . Full s ize Ill 1>001.'f

·Located on quiet l'Ur\'l'd. tree-lined :,t.rcet & well prtc:cfl a t ::ilfl!l.fi04l ft't'. ~· JobnGr<math642-8235 ((' 25• h


:\1intcond1t1on, l rnnWelb bmlt4 BR 1

home w private gates. manicured• mm1 -gardens. C'OZY \ ' WW patios & spadous famtl~· rm w f1repJa('c. 1;

Formal dinin~ t!)land kitchen • ('abineted 2•car garage. A super buy. at $212.000. Tom \llinson &i2·R235. 'r' <C·2fl l


HST IUY IH CAMEO HIGHLANDS I There 's real value in this beautiful 3 BR +den home newly & laslcfuJly decorat.ed w 1plush carptttng & lovely wallcoHrings Bit in hi •Ci ,,. cubinets in oen i lg. LR w stone.: ~ flreplaco Private be ache~' Sl 64 000 1 Mar;otic M uh <;>n f>.1.J ·6200. IC 27 > ,. MIHl·tSTATl~IWPORT IEACK Vi

Ab~olute pcrlect.loo in thiJ enchanting~ BR + family rm home l New deluxe kitchen & brkf8t rm· pool ; children ' piny house & yatd. tower. Ing tree · <.' Oul\Lr 1 atmosphere. Fee lu.nd J8S. 11ornet Perry 642-8235. tG 28>

I I.


I '

' I !

. t .. f. }. ,., ••

~ •- ·- - ~ . - - - ~

... CAIL V PILOT Sundlly, January 1, 1918 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._...,_S. HwwtfwS. Hw.-.ForS. G ... ,.. IOOJ 'G .... NI • 100 . .•..................................... ~ ..............•.............. ·····················!· ·•·••••••••····•·••·••

-- · HOJ ............................................... ~··········· ... ····· ...

" · >

. ·675-3411

Ll . ~K f41I R L:\L TY J ) u i; 1, !> 1 14 '"- ,\ .\


1J f/ Cu 21) 11) C. Coo\I Hwy C orona de-I Mor

llG CAHYOH DEANE mos t popular Versailles model, end unit. Gorgeous night view \\1th Cata lina as a bonus. Hi ghly upJ.(radcd. J>nced to s ell CORONA Dli MAR DUPLEX - this duplex has been completely rcnmdcl~'<.l new carpets thruout . new paint inside and oul. New appliances. Each unit features: 2 bed rms, 1 buth . li1J.( hly desirable rental ar<>a. COSTA MESA TRlfllLEX -- reduced! Approx 2830 sq .ft. of well mamta1n('cl h \'ing s pa('c. 4 Carports, IO.yrs old, loC'ated 10 1-:ood rental area . New tarpet. paint & wallpaper front unit, DW & bltns, all untb . Offered at Sl44 ,500. CAMEO SWORES - rroM the moment vou enter the eourtyard gates of th1-.. Cameo Shores beauty you are aware of <Jn trnmac:ulatc I twdrm + rX>OI home. Total· Jy upgradc.-d, MAGMIFfCEHT VIEW. Offered at $.175,000. SPYGLASS This popuhlr Portsmoulh model offers 3 bedrms, 2 bath . Im m aculate condition . :J Car garage Approx 2,Yrk old. Also offers beautiful ocean view. Tinted window~. Owner will carry large 2nd trust deed. Offered <tl S298,000

675 -3411

LUSK~REALTY a John /J . /.usk & Sun Co .

25 I 5 E. Coast Hwy. C orono d4:'I Mar

~~~··~·······!?~~ ~~~~! .......... ~?.~~ ~~!'! .......... !~~~ HEW LISTINGS! CHINA COVE

ho Shell SL, Corona dcl \I a r : n e w I y • p r o 1~~1onallv de<'oraLed, 2 bdrm. + den . 3 balhs . :i :.torv horn!! w/ elevator , i:ourmct k1tch · all teak l'abmeL-. & floor, wel bar, frpl c. Some bay view. too ! St.eps to beach & ba} S2'J9,500


"INCREOllLE .. IRVIHE TIRRACE Tantalizing custom 2 & den charmer. Spacious rooms Cull of comfortable ronte ntmcnt ... S uperb q uality & d es ign . Copper hooded fplc, s late entry hall & a modest view of ocean & Catalina. $275,000 Inc l. land. 1107 TAHUM4 TBR. Sat 1·5

14UOA ISL.AMO $189,500 Best buy -On lha Islandl JJe!jghUul .3 bdrm 3 bath home with inviting corne r frplc in living rm. Spacious study off ups tait's m s tr suite. Oversized dbl garage, s unny south patio, Wallc to beach & shops.

CAMEO HIGHLANDS $179,500 View of ocean & hills! A delightful area - quiet living yet c lose to shopping. See this great family home wi 4 bdrms(fam rm. formal dining + bonus rm. Private front court-yd for entertaining. 3 Private beaches.

IA YRlOMT APT~ LEASE Great view of the bay! Sandy beach! Very nice 3 bdrm 2 bath triplex apartment for lease. Large rms, plush cptng. Close-in Joe. S750 mo . .

LEASE: MEWES T ILU~S .AREA Prime loc. on greenbelt. Charming split level. 2 bdrms & paneled den. 2 firep laces. Air cond. $800 mo.

Office closed Sun. & Mon. Open Tuesday

WESLEY H. TAROR CO., REALTORS 21 11 S- Jooqulft HIMs Rood

NEWPORT CEMTEtt, H.I . 644--4910

Have A U11ique

New Year!

t.l~'1\0~~c~:. 3 :i~·.~~~ GeMrol 4

IOOJ IG••r.. 1002 hn ck lrplc . upgrilded ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

REALT ORS' '"' NICCS r PfOPLf SH I ING TH E N[A rn r 11(/MI <,


CORONA DEL MAR, 675 6000 MESA VERDE, 546 5990 • CALL US

1002 ····••·············•··· ..•...... ..........•...


snrs TO IEACH SI 75.000 FURN Sft ed'hear tit. turf ed bask in th• sun of Newport leach ll•lftg. Short steps ocrou to tM b•och. Larqe 2 ldrm units with patios CMd balconies offtt excell..-.t refit~ unf!s for summer / wlnttt" rentals.

JEWEL OM APOLEMA $275.000 Socrin9 2 Story IMnCJ,.!oom with beams CMd wcrmth. Rernodtt"' l bdrm, d..,, larg. dining rm. Hllp make the payments on this home by renffn9 the charmlnCJ bochlforUftit . A Terrific Value!!

Salleb•ry a-11y

315 Marine Ave. Balboa Island


~II. macneb I Irvine ~ realty

ftOP. THE COIK ...

carpel,, 2 landscaped p11l1os, pool urea

SSi.~~1.uiv11EWI ~le Steps to oeean: deluxe duplex: ·I & 2 hdrm. unlls. l'ark 3 car s. $189,000 ! Will trade for home near the bay.


. 675-551 t

llop. !lk1p or jump to ocl!on . 11 kc new :i b<lrms .. 2 bath~ . usccl hrick frplc ., new kitchen & al l appliances. carpet~. drapes. Only $145.0001


CORONA DEL MAR Ocean :.ide of bwy, de· llghLCully charmin g 2 BR. home + near new ·• BR. apt. car garage. $185.000!



Balboa lay Prop. Rfflton

COLE OF MEWf!ORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy., COl'OINI dlf Mw

* 675-7060 * 675-5511

o ..... 1002 SAVE SS ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

IESTIUY -----------~ 4 Bdrm home with lola <>f xtr,:is. Best buy In the area. Owner says lo sell ittoday. Hurry! 546·2313 Ofl /J Ill? •II •, / LJN JO~I WCI'

Htippy Holldayt! •

FORESTE OLSON .... ...........

[ ~ l~ltl , __ ·_·c-·'·45-0·--30·~--· .

1.., .w • .._, tlNct"J w111t rw""' _..._, yw 4Jll .._1 ......... ~ .......... 111"4 ...... _._,.. ... ~ ......... ......... ~- .-,, DA&Y PLOT"WANT. ADS: ,._.._...~ ........... ..... rfJtd to ltt ... ~-........ c .... frw.y, s...., _. ....,.


718Malabar, lrv. Terr, C<iM

RllMJ Them ..... , Get the beat liWe home for lhe least a mount or money! Only $63,900. puta you into this 3 bedroom country home on huge lot In Santa Ana Helghta. Plenty of room to expand· v acan\ & re· ady!



Ster+ YHr l.lcllltl Move right Into thfa cute. clean 3 BR. home. All faxed up for owner, but now vaunt. On bu1e loll Juat S70,900. in S1nta Ana Height.a.



·· ·""" · ··- ·· · ·-· ... "' ·

.._..,For Sale Hoae1For5* Moan Fer StM HcMfMt For Sde •••....•..................•.•....•.••..•••.....•................ , .•..•••••................•. .

....... H02GIRlrC C.W .. M• IOU ~~.!....-~J~ ••••••••• ••• ••••••••••• t••• ••••••• •••••••••••• ....................... M a Verde Golf C1ub

..,...~Cove s ur. fant..aUc view. ''

IOHD RIAL TY PIESDITS ,ASTOllAL VIEW - Monarch Summit II . Plun H. 3 BR, 2 BA, prof. lndscpd & decorated $119,500. OPEN DAILY. 22700 Manuno Dr., Laguna Niguel. FANTASTIC - I•'atnHY home, 4 BR, 2 BA, dC'lighttul kitchen w / new appliances . DR. l\C\\ ty decorated. new plush carpcti1tj.t thru -out. Prnr. lndscpd. Room for pool. Sl17,500. OPEN &VERY SAT 1.30-4:30. 30032 Bello Pluce, Laguna Niguel. DAMA POINT - Duplex, Lrg. l Yr. new. UPPER, 3 BR, 2 BA, w/ ocean view for

· lse. ~- LOWER 2 BR, 2 BA. parking for4 cars. Priced right atS165,000. l.4GUHA MIGUEL - 4 BR. 2 BA, best ~uy in area. Perfect for family. Master BRsep. from other BR's. $124.900. WISTMIHSTER - OPEN EVERY SUN

- 1-:3(}.4+30 at 9392 Coronet.A~. -- Beaut. family home, 3200 sq. ft . 3 Huge BR. 3 ":::.~ E to. .. ..,Brof. l"'lscpd & decorated. Many a menlties. Most beaut home in area. $149,500.

RENTALS FORMER MODEL - home 3 BR. den. 2 BA, lrg. yard . Dana Point. Rent or lse. option. S460/ mo.

,LUSH ILUE UGOOM - lse. Ocean view. 3 BR. 3 BA, pvt. beach, 2 pools, tennis crt &, volleyball, gate gu ard. Rec. room. lnclds washer. dryer in laundry room. $650/mo.

REMT OR LEASE - option. 3 BR, 2 BA. pool reC'cntly re-decorated & lndscpd. Low maint. $475/tno. Dana Point. 831-9411 494..a035

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thruout our 28 years of continuous real estate service in the HARBOR AREA. we have recognized that there is something special about our community. Even the breezes of Balboa Bay & the blue Pacific speak a language that strangers would not understand. Not man y "HAHBORITES" leave this area by choicc ... but if you must go, at ·least e njoy the sa le of your home by en listing the services or Bay & Beach Heally


1002 GeMrol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

214 DINI• Acre. $2$$.000. Shown b)' Thi• cbarmlna 2 Br a&ppt. only. 1190 Pa.cut,) home, bN a n}Oit apec- Qr. LMular vlew ot ocean & At).. 5'0-08GS harbor j~Uy. If )'OU Uke beamed clnl(~. anUquew & peaceful living, c:all to· da,r. $189,900

D. RHr 95S-0497 842-32&3

WANT lo buy Jasmin~ 0-eek #3 Wavec:roist OJ CdM, 2300 sq. fl . 3 llll boJne. Owne r s onl y . '154·1181

House + separate 11pt Comer 1 1~ lots. 2 Dbl gara~cs. Apt has lower bach unit . $169,500 . Owner, M0-7581


3 Bdrm. 21,.. Ba, fron\ home. 24' hvln1 rm ... floor to ce1ltn1 French doors & rptc. Utmost prl vacy. Lge outdoor pallo. Beautiful cell. Property & yrs old . $230.000. Call for appt



COM DUPLEX , I , $130 000 Great s. or Kwy location, perfect for In vestors. Agent. 559-1828

H.t»or View KftOllt Outstandlnl 3 Br, split level coodo ln best. end location. View of hills & aty liltht.t. C.ll for appt. Agent. 559· 1828

c:os ...... 1024 •••••••••••••••••••••••

. BIKE TO BEACH $63,500

Pri vale tncloaed front Courtyllfd enhllnces cute 3 Bdrm & ramlly room. Trlr access. Unusual low price ror area. Veterans otters encoora1ed.' Take lldvantagc. J~IHftorl


OHHHOUSI ~SiiVMift IM" 204 Wm Fonst Id

loveJy 3 bedrm home... $78.500. R~Mcc_. .

lllO~wport••d. Cott. Mfftl 541-7729

Mesa del Mar 4 br. 2 ba. Near shops. schools, Len-nls. $80, 500. Owner Mi-<6086


SWIM 4 BR, 3 BA, hidden 2 sty. lST ti me offered . $125.000.


Eaakld. Trfpl.x One year young. Uve ln one ot these db 2 Br units &t'ef\Uho other two. than money in the bank ! $185,000. Agt. ~or 5S2-0S07 eva •


$7 ..

500 Sharp 3 Br. new roof,

... fresh paint in It out. J ust Fastidiously clean & became available . completely redecorated. Featunng new cpts, drps ~ & appl. Spacious bdrms & formal dining. Ex· 11u1111wm1 TY panslve lwih ground Incl. ~ wtNHCXIMllLU. family orchard & lattice 1tl30ra.,..,c.ta-greenbouse. All this + 645-9161 . VA terms. Call t oday 646-7171 Hal 2

[i '"".':d'.'!'.''.': I ~-" '.HI!~·· Ono In lhe li•lng room &

: · i J i ~l.~~!~0 3d1~~"cfr~~~ -farruly room. plenty of cupboard & storage space. Gu BBQ & firl! ring out back. $89,950. BKR. call !>40·1720.

Fix & Save $$$ Use your lmaglnaUon ! Wilh paint, carpet and some Cixtn' you can turn this large 4 bodrm, fa mi· TAIDEU. ly "home IAlo o J

1>howplace. Big family · room, pool slzo back "# I '"Cdlforftia" yard, 3 ur garaie. &•--------mucb more! I This won't ~ 4,5 Lo. last! Call now 645-0303. AUracti•e 3Br+den. Ma


• r ,., ,, w • •

to bdt. New land.lcaplne. cpt/drpl. Ofr. 55M!005 •

Gnat FcRly HCHM 4PLU HARIOR VIEW •·~-~ DeauUM •bedroom with

Hlw £to..1JOY THE famlly room. close to WITHVIEW Spacloua units w/ btn in· terlora. Low m ain · tenanc:e . R ltn ap­pUances. Redwood ex· terlor & attractive cedar interiors. Ocean V IEW from 2 units. 646-7711

~ schools &t shopping. New Professionally d~ated HOUD •y Congoleum nowaxnoors Hru'bor View Hills r e· "" ln kitchen and baths . 1ldence. Gorgeous ocean SEASON Large fenced yard with & greenbelt views! 3 in this 4 BR home . possible RV acceu. Bdrms .. family rm & Professionally deeorutcd ldeal for family. beautiful, secluded free & be1ut. parlc-llke yard . $78,000. VA financing form pool! Deluxe · •P· Vacant & ready for you I po51lblc. polntmenta throughout. 540.3666 645-3474 Only $235,000. Call now ~-~ ..... -::=; ~ ..... ~,, ... ,. . ....

EMGUSH New Condos, 2 Br. 2~ Ba,

~ Walker & lee

Country E n 1llsb In -------- 2 frplc's, ceramic lll••-------beauUful Irvine Groves! IPtcbens & bath. Pool & 11: ... .irre•DE 3 Bdnna. Family room. CoroftacWM.- IOZZ spa.875412Broker .....,. ~ Fo rm a l d 1 n l n g . ••••••••••••••••••••••• NICI IS llGHT COSTA MESA. Gor1eously u pgraded $72.000 with stately English Pvt party, must sell one 3 Bedrm, buge lot. charm • ahowa llke a $13,450 DOWH of two properties on Complete wilh bard.,..ood Mo DE L H O M E ! CORONA DB. MAI flower St. in East C.M. 1 noor, dbl ear .. covered Secured townhome com 2 BR, l BA home on R·2 duplex or 1 l ot w/2 patio & quiel street. Out munlty with pool & lot- Live In front unit _houles __ ._673-637 __ 2 ___ 1 ot atat.e owner needs Im • jacuzzi. $105,500. Call t Mille bulldin& 2Dd unit HA.._.DYMA.._.'S mediate sale. Super buy· ' preview now 67J.8550 on rear ot lot. Out.stand- " " i...~ I CaJI 546-5880

()#l(N lrl 9 • II S '""' '0 Ill Nt(f I ( • 0 ) m&1 ' J' I n1 1nvestmen.. n y DREAM HOME

rlMM ::,SS.0350 r:r~r:.~1a~~~~~~~~~: home. Blg separate t

CATAUHA. buildlnl ln back suitable Mldtrs/l1¥nfon ~ 3 Bdrm., 1 ba., kitchen. for mechanic , wood "'· -•-'d ~ M 3 2

~• . ...- HERITAGE .- . REALTORS

&enjoy your investment in thts rare charmer w/3 BRs & family rm on

, ciuiet cu1·de-sac. Shines inside & out! 673-8550 $140,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 dinette cottage on level worker, electrlciaa, or .,,...,,.. e '"""'ta eaa. · .•

~~ lot, Juat • bits. from ??? Better hurry! Call 1e '411•11..t Hew Y... downtown Avalon. Vaca· 645-0300 more units. 300' deep lot . . ,

Lg. side-yurd w/ room for pool. ·Great loca\ion. $117,000. Jeri Hunt 642-8235. ( C-38 >

IASTSIDI "CUTIE.,IE" · ~ut lg. enough for the entire f amity: 3 BR& or wallpaper, mirrors, wood & many features to delight the mos t discriminating buyer. Jacuzzi off master BR + mother ·i n - law ~uarters in rear make thts home • one-of·a ·kind"f Sll0,000. Amy Brown 7~2·1414. <C·39) ·

ST ART THI MIW YUlt ltlGHT! Cozy Gtee nbro ok Special!. Completely redecorated 3 BR w/ that Old-Fashioned count.ry kitchen -so hard -to-find I Oversized cul-de-sac lot. Priced right a t · $95.000. Drive by 3382 Marigold Cir.· Kayo Evo!1s 6'2·8235. (C-40)

Z IR Ir FAM RM w DEM 1807 Tnhuna Terr (Irvine Terr.) CdM

6"-4910 $275,000

3 II & FAM RM or DEM 725 ijolsana. Laguna Beach

499-4551 $279,000 Sat U-4 4633 Perham Dr. <CameoShrs> CdM

645·2848/646-7414 Dally 1-4

4 llDROOM 2212 Margaret, Newport Beach

548·1000/ 646-7414 Sat/Sun 11:30·5 5881 San, HunUngtoo Beach

898-78SS $76,500 Satl-

Spectacular oceanfront t1oorwupoU !'7..SzOOO WANTID · HWTY·lota of potential y homelnCOrooadelMar, llLL•IVl"DY Home In Spy,hui herelCAJllM6.s&80 p 4 BR. family room, dln· -.u•ot 61 ... "'I Sou thport Mode e Ina room-custom d e· ~· - 61 w/ CaLalina view. Will ll algned to take advantaae pay top dollar. C.U NJ ck lit ol fabulous location and SellkUeltew 6G.W78 Vra~.A«l752Cl ••'*"""...,a...-, ' view. Latl!.._~rotected C-cWM• 1022 Coro.odelM• IOU c...act.1 1022 c.r.adi.IM 1022 ra~~yairtvfni' t~aurbae ·~••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••t1ft••••••~•••••••• ••• .. ••••••••!•••••••• I

=.;-::;,:.. IE · · GE · '. -=- 11a111 1t1111 ca. 11a111 1~1111 ca. ! OVEI] 60 YEARS OF SERVICE ' OVER 60 YEARS ()F SERVICE

H..w Mew YM'I ~mlnprt .. lon• Uon in Dover ShorM. SpaciOUt 5 BR, •Mi Ba homo • Beautiful vlew fr«n almolteverJ room. Quality cont trucitd ; J!lanned &o It~ trtmen· Clout uvtns potential, 1et perftctpnvacy, •.ooo. PETE BARRETT ~-


Charming Home On Old Corona Del Mar Duplex Lot With Rental Unlt tn

· Rear. Hard To Find 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Owners' Vnlt W / Fireplace And. Large Kitchen. We ll Decorated. Nic~ly Landlcaped With 2 Sunny PaUos. Convenient To Tennis Courts And Shopping. • Priced At SJ.54,000.


Located In Th• . Popular Newer Canyon Crest EStates Aria .Just

· Minutes From }"ashlon IS18ncl II Your Favorite Shops! 2 .Lovely

· Bedrooms. 2'1t Baths, 2 FirePlaccs, ·3 Pattos. Bull{ 14 All·Efictrtc Kitchen. BeaulJfully Caf'Pet*l le· Draped. Enjoy The Pool, ~acUnl " ·

. Tenn1s · Courts. ,000 Shown By. AppOlntment.


..... . . . . ... . ....

• .._...,.,. s. . I Hone•..,. s. a,nc111y, January 1 .. 111e oAtL v PILOT M •••••••• , •••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ____________________ ...;.;..,,,;o.

a...,..1eoc1a I 041 &.,.... •d I 04e· McMtni For W. Hovsn PW W. . H ... , Nr S. HMrMs For Wt · ~. ~.~~ ...... l"-"FwW. "-"•'-'Sde ···············•·•····· ....................................................................................................... , .......... . w;......,.... IOU ............. · . I OSl ......... caclt I OH Mlwport •.eta l Off 1·········· ................................. ... 0........ . IOJH)C.0,olnf ' 102' tr\'1'it f044

............................. ~······ ······ ····· ...•......•............ ---------~Lae 2br horn~ a~aut NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS?

la.odi.cap1na Rt.;1.J\ to Get !)tarted now with this 2 Br 2~ Ba move-in. 559.g:iiz • open view home. Ple nty of Ucluston &

.. ........•.... ,~······ ....................... ·········~············· ....................... .


Charming 4 BR homt: w /spac mWSlt$r BR, living room & kttchtn looking Nt onto uttractlv"ly la.ndsca~ privata yard w/magnlficent pool & jocuzzt. Cathedral ct:illngs in Uving room. dt:n & .formal dining room; 2 lrg floor to celling fireplaces.


Gilli T DAMA POINT CHARMER - 1taJne4 fl•U whtdow1. new p•tnt, c..,.h, tulh IGndK~ two bedro0tm. I J/4 botha-$87,500.

AIAIGAIN! 2 Br homl lJt:aul land~cllplng & pallo. lm ITUlC. 580.000. Ph ~9-8312

TUftTlEROC k Prime Joe 3 BR, 2 Ba . lam·rm, formal din-rm, utnum, pal10t> & more SU.t,500.1133 1193 -- ---

ONLY $71 ,850 493-8812 LAGUNA SOl'Tll 1-·or th1' I lx"1ruum homl• NIGUEL (,,\CL:;>;,\ Li~<t;~~~ with m·w l"dl"\H'l!>, and 495-1720 •i:l'J·4!;5l large l'Oven-d t•ndoserl

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~4~!1~7~-333~1~ put10. Close to new park - with pools


~~~~~ ........ !?.~~ ~~~.~~.!~.~~ IRVINE'S FINEST -Moh:;;.iaw 9-rtn - on~ OJ A ICfncf - ·A l- bedroom pool homl'

S&S Q thJI i'> c l~e lo purk with Bea11i1Cul Grcvnbrook · · · uality l:ith &. tmrui. courL .... Pnc:cd to

~g~~nro~~~~~·r~. ~;~ ~~~r,\ !r~~ 4~:1.:C~L~;~ st:ll :it$Oll.500 bonu!> rm. jaruu1. ,,1·p1 dt>lJght :ltui.t to en '1 rt r b f or ., M a 11 , JOY ;.di the amcn1tte:o. ameruties. Move 10 con<.l Won 't lubt al !lil l~.500 . Agt. 51ti·:!llJ Call t'irlay · ~ 461)2

l'1•nmn~oo Prop .. rl11.:' · UHOER $60,000

Sevt>ral home:. to t•hoosc Hunti-from .all loc :i & 1 Bil. • • .,.on w no d11 or J., 10 ,, J,., HarbOur I 042 ~ tin JJur ry for bl.•!tt •• •••••••••• • ••• •••••• •

RANCH REAL TY 55 1-2000

\election. Call now. u~l 5..\9-8062 SEAGATE BETTER

1026 oF.r.Pw \TEI! T:-.111s..: THA .......... Ew

l.A•"c:.t pnce watt.<rl ronl ,.... n .it only $199,500 lall to ~ fldrm . :!' : h::i home in ••••••••••••••••••••••• dav TURTLl·;HOCK, with --------•I i-URCl':LL HEALTY ll

WHl .... W"'T"'.a VU i.:orgcvu:. "~J papers •~ "" ~ ~lb -~ 'Jrpcb clr.q;u, Jnd

Exec. Townhomc O\'l'r· l---------1 Ll'S ll IJOU!'ol"Jj)IOJ; looking harbor & south • ~l'.$!), !100 coastline with night lJghts 3 &'firms. 211 ba, Irvine I 044 fam rm, fplc 2 Story c-nd ••••••• •• ••••• ••• • •••• • UIUL prof landscaped & Wl)()()BRIUG E decorated. Gas DUQ on l('HOSSINl6 :.undel·k, wet bar. '1. ml 'I he \ 1llJgc of Wood heh, comm POlll. Ja1. bml1:1· The b1•l>t of both nu, t• I u Ith o 11 b <· v.nrld \n·h1tl'll urally 83'2·8600 I ran i. f ~ 1 , 11u1 ck u111qut· .! &3 bdrm al J

pn v :u:y for your enjoyment. $149,500.

CHAMPAGNE & SPLASH Entertainment space gul ore on the patio by the large healed s wimming µooJ or in Ule ranc:h style 4 Br 3 Ba sp1t·all. Two car garage and a Pac1f1c ocean '1cw. Sl 75,000.

FUN & SPACIOUS 2,600 Sq. Ft. wrapped around the interior alrium add lo your pleasure. 4 Br 3 Ba with a panoramic sunset view of the ocean from Palos Verdes to Catalina. S210,000.

BUILDABLE UJT White water ocean view from this large buildin~ s ite . Building plans are mfor approval. m,~. -



(714) 494·2148

Three Arch


Pvt a.och-Temti5-Guarded Community 4 Bdrm., 2 both, famUy room.

2 Fr-pies. 2500 aq. ft. H.w Cpts. Redwood exterior w/ rtewfy painted trim

Oua11 tlew - Etc. - Etc. . •. $219,950 ht Pty.

Ph: 499-1914 eYH 134-394 I wkdoys

Irvine I 044 &.a.pta leoch 1048

HORTHVIEW HO~ - floor pl• lltowa Hile o 11Ddel. Uwoded c.,..ts. and floor coveringa. One T.., Anterlco" Shield Protect on ,, .... _s a u.210.

By appointment Only 640-5971 IY Owt48 -Slos.M

. DANA POINT 498-81112

495-1720 SOUTll

LAGUNA 499-4Ml

LAOUNA ~Ml.... 1052 tWwportleodt 1069 BEACll ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• 497-3331

...,_.MICJMI 10521&..agllHMl.-I IOS2


NEW CUSTOM LIVING Large rooms, plenty of bltns. the best of everything to start the new year right. High beam ceiJgs, 4 br & 3 car garage are just a few of the benefits. Brand new & fully landscaped. $139,500 . .

1\1 A y 0 CK COl\PO"ATI ON



PRESTIGE I 971 Lae lot, 3 bdrm, close to beaches & frwys . Pnced lo sell ! Don't miss this -call now. 546-0022.


Reduced for • raet aale. Vannt fr setter• -an­lous. Beauuful 2 br end wut w/ Cplc. Comm1.1Dtl.1 pool, sauna & jacuul. At lh1a price lt won't lut! Hurry! Call 64S-0303.

FO~EST E OLSCN ........ .....

CAMEO SHORES One ol ~ most cbarm·

- - -------• tni hoftteswtlh •arce liv· in.a rm, formal dloing

Missie. Vlf'fo I 067 rm. library, Cam rm. 3 •••• ••••••••••••••••••• Br, 4000 ltl ft. H as 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, carpet, 1orgeous ocean view. drps, patJo, landscaped, Pool & Jae. Shown dally Coed. beautiful view . l~ PM. 4633 Perham De. S47 ·SSSO or 830-:r72S 64&-7414 Bkr. tJt ~

L.aguRa•act. 1048 ~Inch 1048 --------• astfocLoui1e~ker. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Meowport •a 1069 Newt .. - .. ~- a Br 2"· ~

••••••• •••••••••••••••• w~, • n Be and new 3 bed rm home .u"' ••oa V1EW Choose co1ora. Pu •

• "- pool. jacuzzi. Below mlrt. w/spectacular ocean 3 Br CARMEL. Owner. $81,900. 551·1046 or View In prime N. Laguna ... 36 .- A .. H

loc. P l us acjdltlonal 1 " •"""· ppt-.·7730. 6'1S-074.5. ' house to help w/ pymnts. LOWEST •H.Mt ~Hot. Owner motivated. Sub· mil a ll oHer s. World ' PRICEDlNNEWPORT 2 Bdrm. & dto (or 3 Wide Brokers, 67a-4545. 2 BR. 2 BA, dbl wide cor· Bdrm.) and 2 baLb home. PO'>l>l''>s~n <Jwnl•r'h"t1 ,\. ddac•ht•d rc

4!13·8117. Op1: n daily. :J', 1d,·n , . ., f1<•m ~·11;,!)'lO Agt welromC'. Sl~.500. .WI 111,r If 523 CAMPUS Dt· IR\llME ••••• •• • ••••••••••••••• • •••• ••••• ••••••••• ··~·

ner lot, adult park . Jtaliao We in entry & $26,500. Litchen. $U61$00. By

UNIQUE HALl'IMCHIM owner. Principles only~ WOODBRIDGE

Fountaift Vafley I 034 Pllr.-:...,COTT ••••••••••••••••••••••• _________ , l.g!>t Woodbndgc• h11me

~ Udrrn or ·I 6drm I-den Ovl·<:d lol, fully lnchqxl Ideal tor pool ,\ll up1:rdcdn :'.lt·xit'an pJVl·r~ Ill<' i\ C.: I.I\, din rml> :1 hath 'I C:ir gar 'ir parl. \\\ilk lo I ak•· SJ86 000 firkr Ownr 552-U21 or s:f~.3535

Live In luxury


ford . 3 Br, :!'ll Ra. IJOnu" rm 2200 '<Ill l\l•W c·pt.-.. drp-. .... 11·p., from m::iJ gr~nb<!ll & pnul. Owner ,\\ Jtl 1mmcd. ~ 1 l:.!,000.

rur hat·h··lur I . .tr!!<' th· luxe rna'>t lid rm . !tcconcJ bdrm JJl•rkd lur gue:-;t rm . or d1·n llomc local ed in ~uch ;i "av lo offer maximum pn\ .icy plu~

nunamum u! earl·

f' \ :'\ 0 It \ ,, { (' w h 1 l ~ WJlcr vie"!>. Spadou:. new home an PorlllfiDa Laguna. :i BR, 3 BJ\, den ~W.000.

OJ><,·n !';at 12-1 725 Bolsann



Mulu-len~I Hlueb1rd Cyn REALTOR Call &t0-144&. home with bdwd. firs .. 675-4392 beam s , i.kyllte Jn--~------• kitchen , brick !pie. & NEWPORT Ideal nr. plan. 3 BR. HEIGHTS

HEWPOltT HEIGHTS Cliarmiq 3br, 2be home ln choice location, at· tractive cul ·de -s a c street. $135,000. 4 BR, 2 1 2 ba, hu~c fotp

rm. It\' accei,,, ct>ramic till' t'nlry. f-'lubh crpll(. brick rph:, ~pnnklcrb front .i ncl rcor Friti l trees ;.ind much mon· True So Calli hvrng 1r1 earth tone clcn1r

lt ----962-4471 ~: 546-8103


BH01\IJ:i.IOUH. 1 Bl! . fam rm .. pool & spa. a11 I ndscpg . dl·clu OJ?. r enc ---------1 mg.~11rge11u!'i improve ~ _________ , me ti. mo<t• I home .

tXEC TOWNHOME 1·011{1. :i.10, I: rn rl'ath If 523 CAMPUS Dt· IR\llME Al(en h•I0·5500 - --

Upgraded. ideally lo<'al ~. 3 br, 21 't bn ln 1-·oun lrTiM I 044 lrviM I 044 l:.un ·Valley. Convenit..--nl •••••••••• •• •• • • •••. •• • • ••••• • • • • • ••• •• • • •• ••• tu :.hopp111i; & M'hoob. Com', FllA or \ ' ,\ term' A barg.11n' (';ill for dc l.dib.

53l ·SllOU. e\t:!>.!ltl:I 03!.H lnt1 RE Met-Nork

J BR 2 Ha home, good area. $7'2,000. Afcenl

SJ'J-0784 --- -- ---Huntinc)ton S.och I 040 .•...•................• 4 BR, frplc, vcn• clean. $71, 795. Approx l5.'l0 i.q ft

· Owner out of s tale . 960-4144.

Mftd1 T.LCcre 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba- $65,000 Close lo Golden West College & shoppmr.: •ccn t.ers.

So Califontla Rlty ~t6-5605

DY OWNER, 1 Ar 2 Bn. cov'd patio. nt:wly de cor'd. In nice S E . ~cc lion. $79,900. 968-!>.q3~

H.l.DRE.AM Don't pinch yours<'!( this is for real. 4 BR, 2 BA. 2000sq. ft .• olrl um model home. All for only $76,SOO tr YOU can find II better dew . buy 1l!

. 898-7155

Wltelan UU fS IAlf

SlcS Resale Speciallsta. 3,4 or 5 bdrm mO<tels av•il, aoine w /pools . *4802

ftftnlnaton Propettles

IAl.llYOWM. I Br, 1\tt ba Oondo. Uv rm, dln rm ts h&Jlde rm. Pvt. p•Uo, ._ & -.r. UDer.,..,. kocommon wall. aa~. ~ Ph 912-3521 NO AGTS.

WOODSY I STY • RUltlc architecture ,;tth

abundant &lua. Hu~ lbak• root, vaulted c -hip. •weepln' m.. r and chllelre9' • wr.1. <>on hearth fireplac . lfacaah'• perfect litcheo. Mulll·pun>e>•e .,..._ 1n the $70't . One DI bur Dtttr hOmes. Blr as.mi.

macneb I Irvine realty

DEERFIELD DREAM HOME Be~uliful Plan .:> w / evcryth1ng ! Hu~c Tnd!-.l<.>r ~u1lc w / vte\\ o l

. m.ountarns . i!r<.>enbelt location; 1 ully upgraded + cui>lOm features landscaped w/watcrf~ll, ponds. fountain. spcc1mNl trees & red\\OOCI dcrk. Luxury lh·ing at its t llH.•!)t ~ Sl-tl.950. OPEN SAT 12-6 P.M. # 17 FOXHILL CC 29 >

GROWING PAINS? Then you must sec this t BR, family rm. form al dining rm home in Irvine' s Hacquct Club Indoor jatu.1.zi R \I ~tt·t·ess - tennis t·ourts no assoc. due!-.' A nice family home in family area. Sll!J,500 Marion frizzcll 752· 14l·t. <C 30 1

UMBELliVABLE! 3 BHs, family rm, formal dmmg & POOL ' Approx. 2000 sq.ft of executive hving for only $89,900. New on mnrket so hurry! Natalie Benjamin 752-1411 <C-:n >

ONE OF THE IEST! Highly up~raded 3 BR Stanford model townhome in Univ. P:irk - a charm to !:lee - you'll Jove it! Wurm, open living rm looking to custom landscaped patio Paneled family rm remodeled & upgrad ed kitcheh w/fh·eplace -lg. rear patio. If you want the best, this is it! $135,000. Gil Ide 752·1414. CC-32)

HOME Wl'l"H A WARM HEART Enjoy the charm of shutters. oak floors & crackling fire in lhls 2 BR, 2 bath Woodbridge townhouse. $85,900. Madeline Cross 752·1414. <C-33>


Beautiful ''San Joaquln" plan overlooking golt course in fabulous Rancho San Joaquin I Only $116,000. L3!\tloShorkany752-14l4. <C-34)


TURTLEROCK llroadmoor Plan I New thruout l"a11t OCl'UP.JIH')


rCOADIN ASSCClAT~ ~-tWlfOJ8} --- -------·



Unfinished Business


in this easy-care 2 $ O 00 Bdr m., 2 bath O·Y·O: an I • O! easy w a I k to Main A graceful, arched entry Beach. Easy terms with Introduces this lovely

Open Suoday, 12-4 8>1 AJdean.1.Sth " Irv. Jo. u..ty. ltttr

~799 pnvate financing; It ':s home handsomely re· cbby to see this vacant modeled with impresslve'---------prope.rty. Only $85,SOO. LogunaHlll• 1050 lava rock fireplace & MEMHOUSESUH

••••••••••••••••••••••• beamed ceilings. In HOUSE. ALO. ME Townhome. 3 Br, .. u- rm, NH ElWGPHO RST CHHA ROBOO R 11181PP°!1W1W~e , ________ ..,. That's the theme on this s worth th B t '41" ""' uu...

older custom home Bl LT 1 15 pnce. u llv, rm. 2ba. MiOO aq ft. DISTRICT, this co1y de- HARBOR VIEWHOME DON'T Bt: AN Jlo' t-•Y JN 1978. DON'T LET TH t; PARAU1': PASS YOU nv. LET RED HILL REALTY ASSIST YOU IN YOUR CHOICE~LET '78BECREAT!

ON ~ LOTS IN THE ~ch~~:~!f ~~ _s_1s_,,ooo.___.ss_1-_l234 ____ lighti.sonhugecornerl 38r, 2Ba with many VILLAGE OF LAGUNA. and have rear tenants lmmed transfer forces with alley access & room ap~ Plans to 9dd 2 It has boon rented & ls helppay.$175,000. seller lo reduce this for your boat! $105,000. a°i:':b~e msar'eaK.ostOodle-• NOW VACANT & IS h A/ C 3B 2b I& I llt:;lNG EXTENSIVELY s arp ' r ,

8 to Quall ~ $139,SOO. REN 0 VAT ED ft COMrLETE:L y $62,SOO, 2•,-:: pts for FHA • ...__

IESTORED futan'&. Agt. 768-500I ~~- ~ ~~~1°~fj,'REJ: ~fZo~ 01d Spanish ~ansion Laguna MJguet 1 os2 Prop=-~ . DOUD c! Pl..A!'1, d1n1ng arl'a, hill· with an ocean vtcw. 3 un· ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOO ouan NIWPOIT llAoCH in kitchen & 3 CAR 11.s one mile to Dana Rh..IG 1.... 9 RNHors, Est. "'1 · GARAGE. SpaciOO! llv. PointMarina.$21S,OOO. '" n I 78 Oceanfront house. (71C)U~ • rm . has MASONRY wtlht.hlanewhome. 2BR Bdrm.$33S,OOO.Jnqulriea ________ ,. 1--------1111 f'IREPLACE, NEW •494-8057.* +den, formal d ining to : P . 0 Box 1025, ()pen hse. Love()• hr(

1---------' w I W C ARP KT S --------- room, vaulted c:elJings, Temecula priced rtgbt. exc:ept1 U.

red hill~:.: 552-7500



TllRUOUT. Extensive SPAMSHSTYU oak cabinets, ceramic HVHMONTEG04br,2ba, vest. 2212 Mar&aret 0-. r GLASS WA'' " blecoun tertops,Roman 11'..M 000 ,,,_~,. usti o .__.. Red Ul~root, arch!-!d b. lam rm. Ownr. 201.S Port A&t-·t . or ....... 7414.'

T ll AT AFFORD A portlcoentry;2BR.,llv. tu $99

.SOO. Otelsea.640.1981 --.TOD"''Yl·S • SCENIC OCEAN VIEW. rm. w/bay window & \t AMCHOltAGI _...'"" A

Contractor & workmen frpl. Dloln1 rm. Spacious NEWPORT HTS 1731 rt. H ... ty I nreswarmingaroundlhe rear grounds. See today IMftS1'MIMTS Three Bdrm, 2 ba home Palermo.~io1eU!p place. Conrrete is being atSl<Ml,000. Hurry ! (7141"496-7711 on tropically planted lot. Bdrms., tam. rm.c, "CONCR ETF.O". etc.. Mission Realty 494-0731 l==========-1 One ol a kind. Waiting manicured c«ner home.

, _________ 1 etc When all of this ---:=::::-:----·---------I for a 1peclal person. Sl7s.800 · B Li s I N E S S J S lllVIElA OCE.AH VIEW Designed for fun llvlng. -GEM-

red hill~ .. :. 552-7500

you l'' INISJIED " you can EXCLUSIVES 2BR& dent.ownhomein 67~1 t.»FTualin.\ NB • mo\'e righlln for only auard gate community THE CAWSOM CO vo.. . >f

WILL S 127,500 Fun Priu HJGH IN THE S KY. 3 with recreation, 2819Newport Blvd, N.B: RIALTottS '42-46 2 MISSIOM REALTY bdrms. & den. fantastic 1wimml.ngpool & private ~~T

.. love t•nterlajnin g lo 98SS. Csl llwy, L::iguna ocean & city views I Xlnt parldnc for whJt.e sand qUAUTY DUPL!XES "'""'""'llllL this lovely 4 bdrm .. ram. PhcMte 494-0731 neighborhood, close to beach. Just r educed t.o 2 New duplexes rrom DEUGHT , rm· 2•, ba. home, Has ---------• schools. See todn1 at l1 900 $119,000. Prime Nwpt A charmm1 S BR. 2 8_., Jus t been lotJllY up · ~.-..E ..... D SllSSOO .~...__.It= Hgts location. All . wtlb2~ftreplaces~ graded thro ughout . ""'"'" "' ' .....,..._ .... ,,....... bd u .. b b i Goo n r OCA'rlON Immaculate home, 4911.. •.a1e1 493-t4 4 rm, 2 ..., at un ts. quiet cul e-sac, loca

' · d bort alk to HOME & TNCOME. I -- Flnt user depreciation. In prestigious NewpoJ1. Priced to i.t>ll :ilSlJS,500 ~le i!Y "~aws Units, downt.owu Laguna 495-5220 HO.SOSO TC1'> quality construction. You'll just love lt. Ple~

c 0

v e b e a c h e 8 1 Beach. 3 Commerclal, 3 Lola o( extras. Jog to the call. . ) Redecorated tbruout, residenUal. FantaaUc water. Best buy in 540.3666 / ocean views. sses,ooo Seren·ih. Newix>rt Beach. Call · with3extralargebdrms. 'J. dayforappl~7111 ,,.~---.. & 3 baths. Great rarnUy OPPORTUNITY OF A Wander lO the gardens or CWN II( 9. II s ~ ro• M(lt Ltl,~iiti " home! $199,500 lJF'ETIMEI Oceanfront entertain on the coveredlM

Coll.jft.O patio of thb ele•ant • ~ •• ...,..,. restaurant, heart of ., 0 - -----!'-

See forevu white water Laguna Beach. All new BR. home. Feel ex. s..a-• 1076 view! This 3 bdrm. unit eqw'pment.$850,000 hllaration oC the Interior. • has been highly up · Only$95,650 <42> ••••••••••••••-•••• f9

IJ513 CAMPUSDl•fRVttfE graded, with 211\ tiled My s T Jc BJ L L s. 60 F\. bayfront. 4 BR, den, IXICUTIYIHOME: baths, microwave, trash overlook In& La1una. pier, on Peninsula Only once to awblle compactor : see thl• aq. ft. CbN Abel Marshall Rltr. 67 JOU find a quality ho

Univ. Park popular model. $1811,500 dalped 5 bdrm. home. come on the market ~t De~ llome. higllly up- Ylc:TOltlA ICH. A rare opportunltf at f.P!ex. lOO ft. from ocean; la PRICED RIGHT . • ~ graded Willow Wdott Ocean view; this one bas $175,000 ti:,OOOW/land! Sl.54,500. You will find .Mdl. Nenrpark&rpool.3 It all! Cbarm , view, arahallRlty 675-4«Kl large, 4 BR, FAMli..)' BR. 2~ Ba, pl'of. apaciousneH &r clean! KAGNIFICENT3200aq. S.erb Buy M rf bom~loaded with f landscaped w/used brick Patti ally remodeled, f\., • bdrm .• ' "' bath ewpo lru. uee yard, pa • patio & planted, ear. complet~ly ,charmln1 ; home. l'lnelt oceanfront Laguna B e a e b 2 Condo fireplace, fruit tre • door opener, ceramic room for expanaloo. 2 ~· Load.sofex- bedJ'oom •wtU> outatand· OCEAN VIEW. EnJ tale. Exquisite home . .Bdrma •• l~ baths. tru.$350,000 lnaviewotoceanlcciiy $79 500 cooldni thoae ste~~ $142,000.673.aal *151,500 ll1hl1. Totally .re . • • patiosaa BBQ, e

BUILDER'S attenUon: lurbiabed" immaculate "' Bloclr lo Wcstcllff the kids play baaketb I ~ two R·2 lot., hean ot ill every <fet,Ul. Ooly Plua. Cozy 2 Bedrm or volleyball on ~

Vlllage m, l Stoey, 3 ~ Dana Polnt. Both for $~(41) home wltb pool. Xlnt paved eourta. TRULY'f' bedrm, 2 ha townbome. 18$,000 bu)l.Calloow.&f.S.7!21 rAJDLYHOllE • &inken llv rm, cathedral ~ BERTHA HENRY celling, din rm, ea~ln ,.:,.,;,,,,.,. INVESTMENT op· .. i, REALTORS . t Id&., central alr. Vf!r/ EZ l10SN.C.-~..,..... 1M>rtunlt1; a beauUful 215De1 Mar '112-41.11 mainL Walk to pool& A 494-1 ~. beart ol Lasulla PIORSSIOHAL ~ crta. Fee $1oe,soo. 31601C:O..tttwy..s.a...u- Beach. OOH to beachel W aua•-.-. ___ 499-4591...__..._ _ __._

1 • . park-t. Xlnt cond. esfclff •..tty ..,...,. .. f1JO.OOO San aement. pro(. bl4

office suit. avaU. W Rooms. Lari• parttec area. Rftt at. 551 per tq. It. Consider trade• '6

~ ~

·~ ....

.. OAA.YPtlO ' .._. ............ ,_

....... u. ..........

.. · . .._..,..,.,,........ ........_._ ....... , .... _ ~-_............... ··················,··.·,·J· ....••••••.••...••••..........•.••....•.......

.- ~~-~ __. -~- .--... U.,......... eo.teMeM • 3214 Hi:ill;4'• ..._..U•hrnltMd Af twah,.,_,llMd .,..._,.Ullfw'll. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . ............ .............................................................................. , ..... " 3242 ...... ..................... -. .................................... -.:•••

Mob1e HN.a ..._ "'9,.rty 2000 Ntw 3br, d~n. lib•. abort -~··WOODS "-••••• .............. Mt#Wileeclt JZ't .._...._.. 3706 .. W. JIU C .. t www 1071 ForS. I 100 ........................ chive ia, fwy, Nr laM. ~.- Bachelor. Oteall view, .... .-........................................ ..

......... ,..• • ••••••••• ••••••••·~•·••• ••••• •• • ~ • l~OMI SD>l cn. e 831-3121 3 BR. 2 BA. tit& Cmml paUo, frplo, condo. 4 W.1 3 ha.. r1m_ r ~llte, cheery 2br.AWJ· & , ar, apt lor. lse. Open ST· .... THE 'J'ra.i.k-r S!JilC~ hlG adult ~- ""' yara. ' )' r l old . $27$/ mo . Call ~213) aq.n . 1444Santiago, N .B. dclt , quiet adulb, no House S.llSUn lo-4, 422 ""' parli.. Luge i bedrm duplex ...._~•ech 31'9 !!2!!._montb. CALL !i•1·~09: or (71•> SlOOOmo. ~&edt.Ml·~ 1*:J. SST5f'Ft"'* Urupur_ •• C4M - j ·

NEW Yl!AR 5-&8 4il73 ..-uh U\ t'f'>tttld 11.irage ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_ ........ ~ ...,... _, -- -RIGHT CJwet & µm..ill· ndr Btautirul We.t Newport MESA VBDE NO FEE! Rouses, coodol. Studio Apt. near buoh. LG Cot1 lbr. rrpl, pool. l

I 0 x 40' ...-odeled. IJUIJUt .itoppmai l'frfrct btacblronl home. H Br, 4 BR. z BA. fenced yard L-t- du p I ex e 1 . Rent a I Call between 6-10 PM per 1 o e o a 11 N o 1n,·e•t rn lb1~ lv~l!•t xtra cl•••· $7100, s tarte r o r rettnmt'Dt Zba Spc-ciallowratefor new pamt & carpetJJll'. ..-.- 3244 Pavilioo, '75•12Bkr. '75-e542 pet!/l'hltd~. '40-7030 pnccd,1tin1tlcl1!\clJBR fut-a. ACl'OH front I(. bomeQ:IUS40-11Sl aycoruuder $525 / mooth. CALL ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ lllagc Swt Juan condo ytly~<.;.:71:...;4.;.>95&-;..;;...;._58'7_1 ___ , ~2.660. Unlv Pk Ill, 3 Br 2 '-'a 811• Luxlll')' Conao, 3 ~rm. Dix 2 Br, 1ar, )'rlt $4SO LrS lbt, btamed cc1lin9, Sech.ded lnc11uun ~hort Mcrt thop'g cHtf~r. .SELECT +bonus rm, Oxford, bat.h, den. ~tobeach. AvaU 1 / 18. Pone : drpe, 1tov·"11r. t'or 1 walk tolake $61,SOO 646-6911 ow•tr. N£AR'BEACH 2br.2 ba, S525. S47·7044;8l3-a2lS Pool, tennis. SSSO/ mo. 67~• /wkn<b cmployf'd penon . no

AHCHORAGI 2191 Harbor, Sp 34. gar:iae & yrd. $650 per PROPERTIES REHTALS t;~~:~ ... ~~.i:::_;z,~sk w.o.r.-.... 3707 pel!i . ~lOmo 6'0-'IS77 1~YESTM-S CM. Adib My 1---------•1 mo ~~14 SP..,.I L 2 8" 1 B .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR Ap\, polio, 111r. " """' . . - . . Deluxe 4 plex in Oranic~ . OLUFi;'S CON DO, 4Br. 5"' A ·~ a .... ··· .... ...-.s1--------•L«e 4 br upper. nil appl. ndults. no pets. Agt>nt.

(7 I 4) 496-7711 Stl(n..itur•· 73, ~b60 plul> 2 3 UR 2 Br 1 Br 2 be · · z • • p 1 an . N r S Br 3 Ba home on golr 2 BR, 2 ha.·· • • · · · · · "25 WALK TO BEACH, pool Atrou from bch. W1n~r No fee. $375. 6'13·2600 <>r - -- c!1clo:<~~ Porc h. SJ.tuoo $1112,000 '0wnr ~ 1!140 • i.chools. s hops & boy's coone. Opt avail. now. 3BR. 2 Ba ....... $47S/S35 & tennis. ExciUn& 2 only. SS2S/ mo 962-1004 SJ6,.3447

l!titatt-Sule A.,'l &1o 4380 "lub. Avail. Feb·Sept. $89$mo. 640-2981 JBR, 2~ba ..• ...... $4!JS "t •bdr 3b ::.:....;.._;__ ____ _ SSSd/ mo. 64-t-l'IM 4 BR, 2~ ba •.•• $500/625 '' ory,.. ms. a. sun· BEACH, View, Pier, 2 Br,

CAPT A.IMS HILL Ideal corner lot·iation AC'~ for Sale 1200 nea r Duno Murtna •••••••• ••••••••••••••• Br and new J BH , 2 BA FIVE ACRES with upgradt.'<! t' Jrpcls Valley, mounldlrt & 11.ttd to hnd hor .!>l' pro ocean vlewl>. Owner anx 1x·rty lirand nl!w 3 HH. 2 1ous. Makcoffcr $!17,500 U.\ home lluJ(e family

1 --Hi ef R atty wom. \\l'l I.Jar, frplr 3 .....,,...~ 91' e 1:ar i;aragc. \\on l la'>l' 49~24 ll 493-9494 BKH "9-5'-5't20- He•SffO • rnn fl7T ~t

CJ It 522 0530

$2000 DOWN ~nts '\cw 285() sq ll rounlr. fer Sale 1'300 hm. I Ur + den, l·ur\ t•d • ••• •••••••• • ••• • • •••• • -.taircase. tile entry, 2' ':-.tud111 apt, Ros.,mour

_____ 13 br collilge, pool, Jacuui, 4 BR, 3 Ba ....... $000/750 ~~k & atrium. S&S/ mo $4SO. l Or $325. Adult.stC:osta Mesa 3124 Dr. patio, $325 per mo. dishwasher, aduli., only. s BR, 3 Ba ........... $875 LA R G E h

0 me

0 n u t I I. p d . 3 O 3 E . ••••••••••••••••••••• ••

___ 64_ S._2A_98 ____ 1 3 BR 2'r'.I ba HVlims $USO ~ATER with boat dock, Edgewater. (1 )871-2866 2 8r 2 Ba + loft & patio.

------•3 BR. 2 Ba, frpk, bltns, 2 Story w/4 bdrms. fam C.-.. M• 3722 stv / rerrlg, gnr, pool, nu 88S Senate St. $'2S mo. rm, din rm & privact ·-••••••••••••••••• .. • pet.a. $350. MG.2901 lst &lasl + sec. 833·9305 11200/ molse. lBr Studio furn, S blocks ms. Lge attra<.'t t Br.

lBr, gas & water pd. $240. UOO NORD best loca- from beath, $275 mo. pool, lndry, nr shofd. 1

1 _________

111 Adult.s, no pets, 548-4135 Uoo. Ese~. 2 Bdrm. den. 67~9417 Adlt, no pets. 325 J . 17th Eves 642-0835 •. 646-6423 AU. rm. New in & out eo. .. M9IO 3714 Pluce. Aft UAM.

~~~~ :'Q'EW'31>r:-2tia,llrmrm7 ~"'~~~~- ~~~O. SJ>ecITT .. _ .............. ...-••• t lttt duplex £.mtd~ SSl\cadaTree Lu s ty, q~i et , nr . schls. bdrm ++. Glamorous SSO~lrUP • small bul cute tl\Sldc.

2 BR . , .1cw. ~·mo. m 1 crow av e, days lf513 CAM&11eft...Jlkll-'E hideaway. $850/ mo Stud10. l bedroom Adulta~y. ht&htitmo 1281l Begon1a m-~. eves673-8484 rv;11»a "",. ON WATER Fabulous lllakl servke. pool + ~ dep, $210 mo. A,•J

l HR. den, $625/ mo. Exec Home nr So. Coast TurtJerock 4 br , fam rm , VIEW 2 Br ~/beaut de- .. 2376Newport Bl, C N-. Jan 1. Dnve by flrs t then . 19-17 PortCardlff Plaza. Lge 3 Br, 2 ba. dlnrm, 2 ba, v1ewof UCI ror$6IO/mo lse.' MB·97Mor64S-3967 call . 1;28 £ . 21.St SL. Apt. 2.

3 BU. den. ' 1ew, 5975· Garden kitcheolram rm. Avajl. Jan 3rd. Lse STUDIO -548-·-


2!25 Yachl Radiant Cpl.s/ drps. laund rqi, gar Grdor, wat er. :111:.on Wat..,.....Ho...s WIBLY ltATIS E/s1de, nr bck tJay. 2br , 2 Bit. dl·n. view. $600. d r 0 p n r . B e a u t dues pd by owner. $S7S c• 6J, _, 40Q. fUIJ Kitchen & TV lba. $300/ mo. AdJts, no

' hJ , frml !Im, wet bar K l"ov.crl>, Le1~ur.- \\ orld mu1:h, much mor1 t'ur :.ale 1-::-tatcl ~:::!::!!!:!:::;:~1 llurr\' v.un't last l>ll'\ sat·nhn· ·19-l 311>7 I• IJ I 1-: ll 0 1t E A LT 'I . Commrrcial ~!!II S861. Property 1600

Smrla Ana I 080 •••• •• •••••• •• •• • ••••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••• :'\1-.\\'l'OHT <:n·al lol'a


3 BR, 2 AA. h1J.:hly uµ ~raded , with 11h'11 do" n hvmg room, rrnM·cl 11111 IOI: room. :.1e11 tin ma:.ll'f kit. Luxurv plu" ot rcrctl <il StiS, !JOO


lwn l•>r -.01.1 11 l.Ju:.1ne!>l> w •J!d '1sa1J11tty Agl. 1;11, 131!(/

NEWPORT BL YD. 3 \om 111 uml hut Id mg;. 1111 pnmc lm·at11m. :moo ''t It total. Concn•ll' b I 1H· k l' o n ., l r u l' t 1 on S125.000 8111 Grund y,

2'7 MontanasE.ste landscaped w alled Alt. 541·5032 Unens&UUUlles dop. 548-1933 S BR. S78Qlmo.

~2 Port Weybndge bkyrd, 2 patios Buses to Qr.angetree Condo e 1 O..OSE TO OCEAN 1Br, pvt patio, quiet elder-4 DR, ram rm. din rm . All N e.wport / M ea a bdrm w/loft Brow~ ~l New Seaview. 3. Br.~ ba. Royd S.ltH Mohl ly adJl. XJnt E/111de loc.

Vtew,$975/mo. schools. met gdnr. Avail se lf I ·1 ' Po o l, t e nni s , )ac . 2A*>NewportBlvd CM 675-3335 2019Vacht Resolute Jan 1s t . '650/ mo lse. A a.1i c ea=g ove n . S875/ mo.yrly675-0S(l2 642·2611 • ------

531-7344 v · now. Imo. One Studio Apt $165 1st & EXCHANGE UP 675 l4 I 552·7552 Sharp Harbor )'iew SUS CASITAS last &L.One 2Br Apl $2SO,

into 5 units 1n Costa 3 Br 2 Ba, dbl ear. encl On t.he Lake Woodbridge Monaco 3 Br. nr pc)ol , tn· Nicely fu rn . large & l~t & last. Pets & tids ,\l t.~a . :122.1-1 BR 'l> W/ ~~IJooi.c~~d~k~ltNao Crosslng.·2 Br . Nr . ~!~~nr. Avail now . smalllbr. AdulL'l,only, OlC. t..oe: DelM 3r/Nwpt. enclosed garages. Ex· pets.$36Smo. S44-44S

6 Beach Club. $600/ mo. 1----------1 no pets. 2110 Newport _su_._11_<1_1 _____ _

ccllcnt condition - no Ca11~1 · 12'34 Sub leu~ n depo "t · Blvd. • .... e, o s i r e· · _ ' R•go 3 BR, 3 Ba, close to vacant'tt'!->1 Vic---------- quired avail immed ....., Jai.hin~k• ft42·H235 <C·JG> HOMEFINOERS T 3 32 University Park Terrace • · · .,_,_. 3726 shoppin&. v~ry clean.

PENINSULA. TbOWiands of Reota.b B oro z twnhme, 3Br, 2ba, frplc, 67S-49l2 Bkr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $300. mo. 552·78SS

~Ma-:nab-lrvine I: I \I I\

• t 11 II I ' \ \

TRIPLEX AJlareasallpriccs ••••••••••••••••••••••• dbl gar. $475/ mo . wE.r•cuff $300 2 Br , o cn view, .

'l'WJlhse custom 2Br, 2Ba, 552.;896 ~ A·2SOOl La Cresta, owner lBr apt, lee llv. rm. &ktt. lncCHl'lt Property 2000 Pnmc lrx:allon for su m· Sample. air, auach gar, spacious, 4 'BR. 2 BA, fpk, fenc:ed 494-6848. &dtn. area. Pool. •••••••••• •••••••••••• • mer/wmler rental! 1. 2 &. ~:~· ''f"· ul\l pd. $340mo.M4-UM1 Rent or Lease. New 2 Br. yard, fruit trees. 2 car S:ZJSJmo. $48-7924

3 BR un1h , partia lly r . reeut · · 2~ tta. tfentage Prk, off aar., spacious, $600/ mo. L.aglln91each 3741

Hc.11lor 1;;5.1;1u1

FIXER- VA NEWPORT HEIGHTS furni shed Sla!l.SOO S2503 Bdrm, kids & pets Wa lnut. Upgrades, i.t&lasL673-4S45. ••••••••••••-••••••••• 2 & 3 Bdrm apt.s, close to

DUPLEX LvnneValentlnl•644.QOO ~ETll1ESERVICi F-omt•V*f 3234 popular earthtpnes . s-cl l!AGUNA BEACH MTR. shoppi?g· poo l &

:-.lo down. low do~ml! rn~ t. ... , spac1ou~ 4 Hr .., ;t1r S. C:sl Pla1.1 ar1•iJ S69.9~ llurn & NII' Agenl S404&!b

E:-otrJ ... harp 2 BH umts, ({;. :n> ••••••••••••••••••••••• $39S/ mo .. 7 52 . a688 .-.. AL INN. $65/ Wk. $2SO/ mo. children s play area.

~~~l'rw"::r~~r~en::;~~~ · ----------t ____ s_s_1_-0_1_2_2 ___ L1:.~~.r .y ~~s~:ir~r~ : Own/ Agt. ~O:·~~lc:ec1Ji:j:1r. ~al~ derv. clolor(7Tv). tH2-9760 or 642-38SOAgt

C_.19550350 '-P l -EXES llu~ Bch hr..a-. 'd Woodbridoe Ceek ide 4 $525mo&ID-2981 e a e poo ·

4 Coz.Ybacb,qwel., nopels. uo • .. - ws 1 .... ,r' incl . Avail " r b · 494.5294, 98S N. Coast adl ts, util incl, $135.

('o' 10gtons, pn e loc FREE 111178. $450 mo. 538·3824, Br 3 Ba. dining rm, ram Sb 4b 2b r al Hwy. .,,.., ...... 9-'"ersP•t I mm Jc_ 11 1 gh Inc 997.7689 rm, atnum, cpl!>, drps. o.rp r, a, orm ..........,. ..,~ •• - - - -





T\\O 2 bectroClm. :1 0111• ho'flroom uml~ in !!""" r1•ntal at ea Scllt•r mut1vatcd

Seller's t 10 ... mg t•,1·r11" on nl'w drt•:t m horm 1-'1'11 I, musl :>l'll :! llH I' · ll.1 Condo nr1" t ' p l' 1 .11ktJ twautv nt'" n1·"r South l'Oll:.t. l'lll/il 1'111·1•11 II :.l'll r.csl ;tl ~1,1:•111 Tn 10<; <!own Won 't lus t ~ 1£ .Quail l Call no\\ t • Place .

645-3474 Prap1trti••

tm~ I. ' -~' I II ?52-1920

_ ... _.,_::;,.._;_;::im~ I 1400 OUJUL $T NlWf'OllT llA(H


South LOCJl"'a I 086 Ltke ~EJ~IH~~se. 2 .........•.•.•..••..... <X.:EA.'11 \lt>W .1pt w pool dun\! PLUS :! Ur S7!1,000 L \lil '~ \ nl'w 3 bedroom studtu HEAi.TY ·i'll 00i7 Two baths l'al'h. rOZ\'

•. WHtminster 1098 r1repl.1t:e and drt• • • •••••••• •• •• •• • • ••••••• k1tcht..•ns SIHS,000

: ... m:ru: s Yot H < 11A-..u: I jQuail l • liejul J Bil honw Sl5IM1 CJ • n1ace .

d n. C .i 11 1rn" :!I h r p ,,-- t • l>l'r\ l('I' ~II• tilii!I JJ.:l rapltf' •••

- - 75'2-19'20 Mobile Ho,,.s ••oo OUAll SY Htwl'Ou 11 \cH

Fer Sale 1100 ....•••...•.•.......... DUPLEX CORON~ DELMAR


Costa MHo--Mwpt Bch DOL' Hl.E Wt DE Ll ' XUrt\' llOME

Lmi·lv ~ llr & h.ith 111 Su~r pnde of ownership ,JdUll Jll'I 11ark (iorgt•ou:-; uruts Wtth r1replaccs. col'lltr lut ~ hcuut~lul <-r1l'lr1"l-<l garai:es. shake lnd l>dp I! Vl·rv prc\'ali· roofs ro mµl e tely rr · porch & p;W.m w plt'nl v of I urln:.hcd.

fl11wer11, ro~ci.. cltmhl·rs, I .Quail ~ humminRb•rd t1·1·dt•rs. ai. Plac• clt' Pl.L'S ~w1mm1n~ • pool. J:n·u111. -.hulOC'hrd. Prap•rt••• ,rx·1al att1\·1t u•-; i:ulorc• 75'2-1920 0 n 1 Y 5 2 1 . !•tl 11 LI l' ••oo ouA1UT NlW~T 11ac~ 1109328 2!l <..:Al.I fOR!\11 \ l' ,\l'll"IC ~lolnlc 1 lom(• B1•allv 2'i'06 llarl><1r, S.1111· WI!

CALI. 5-111 s•i:n

SI 00/ Mo. Rental COSTA MESA.

TRIPLEX, C.M. Gn•ut Eas l s1de IOI'. newer Jbr , 2ba, frpk. yrl. 121 2hr. lba. patios, end. ~ar $16S,OOO. Tom Lee. Rltr. 642· 1603

EASTSIDE/ CM Reduced ll0.0001 3 on 1 lot incl. pool + rm to bwld 4 more Plans in· eluded. 1-'or detailed info Call:

Kathy Trac;y Rltr. 548-1927 752·2887

l'I' Agt. $l85,000 ea ----------•patio, lndbcpd , nrby din. rm. rumpus rm., Sl8Sfurnsma.11 cozy bach 2 Br, 1 Ba, l story, sbag, ~OMEH RENTAL LIST Him1tiftcl• leach 3240 park. lake & pool. $495 2700Sq.fl .. back ba~ area. Nr bch, ulll pd. Resp drap~. patio, frpl c •

••••••••••••••••••••••• mo.8Jl-34.6J Avail lmmed. $6SO. ldadl Loh for Sale 2200 We have homes in every POOLHOME . 642-9567 emp t .

494-4200 beam cell. garaga.

••••••••••••••••••••••• area Village Real 4 Bedroom, n. bath, U~v. Parle area. Convc· 5 Br. s pacious, w/poOt. lo Oceanfront studio, qwet Adulu. S215 2S44Elden HA WAii f:-,tate, 10082 Garfield sharp-vac ant. Only ruenUy located nr I rv. In· mamt yard Will rent to single . $260 yrly includes ___ Cl_)_538_ -M_oe __ _

J\ve, II 8 . 003·4567. No $450/ mont.h. Call Mack df~tnl al Prark.dJ Br. 2t ~a, family or ~ngJ mature ulil. 497-1.303. t'OUR SEASONS APTS Cholce acreal(t;J>verlook Fee at 962. n88. ..~/me o' . cc~>~9673P a to , ad Its. $900 mo. SS6-097S ... wnnft .. ach 37 69 Spacious 2 br twnhse. 1 ~~ IOI( the Pac1f1t':"S6SOO p~ri----------1 ----------1 - ~ ·r- ba. pool, p· .. pat1'o, sm acre. One & three ncrl' ••••••••••••• ••••• •• • •• • • parcels available. Hurry BcAoa Island 3206 3br, 2ba, President llomc --------~ child 0 .1\.. No pets. $27S. forbestselection ••••••••••••••••••••••• HAPPY in Turtle Rock 11111:.. 'T3SJoann~0·'7483

999.7955 W1lhopt1ontobuy,2sty,2 .._.EW YE.AR $600. 955-2088 BACHELOR APT. Clean 2 .,r Townbse. 11.42 Br. l Ba. Lltth• Is land. " ~ ALLUTJLS PO ' ba adlts no pe•·s 1843 D Sn..n(j 1978 in a brand Woodbridge New 3Br. din · • • "' . · • <..:.ill Dill. li75 31159 or ,,... ram 100' from the ol'cnn . Pomono. $275,548·6357 !162·8847 a~'\ . Semi .furni s hed. Avail

Balboa Pemnsul-a- 3207 _ _;... __ , __________ , now! 201 E. Balboa Bl vd. Easts Ide of Newport. Vrly. $225 per mo. NO Townhoose 2 br, 11.'1 b~. FEE. Call: Sue al FA. gar .. fpl~. vacant., Heady to build oniot, fan •••••••••••••••••••••••

ta.~ t ic r><'t'an v1cw & walk 3 Br. 2 Ba. dbl gar. over tubeach. La)!UnJ s ized lot Im m ac no

Owner1agent673·7296 pcl i. L<•ao;e $52S/ mo. C2\3)447-:Ml0

~cutiful View Furn redwood l'abin on acres 1-"r:mkhn sLov(· l> ta1nlt'-.i. i. t ccl !>tn k . carpets. 1nsul:.iuon &

Real f:o;tulc.' 542 345h

Rmtehfl, Farm~. Groves

- Bluffs 3 BR, 2 Ba Condo, completely redecorated.

324 8 Pool. park-like setting, $5.25. yearly. 644·1667

WATERFRONT HOME 2 Br, encl gar .. boat dock. Wmter rental $360. 673-4790

EAV1EW·3Br, 2Ba. ocn & bay view. guarded gale pri vacy + com­munity pool, jacuzzi, le.n·

SS6-7W7 anytime. Agent 548 UM.

Several 2 b r. 1 ba, Vacant,

I•-------~ 1 child OK. blln R/0, S:ZSO/ mo. Agt 548-U68. OCEAMROHT 3 BR, 2 ba, yrly.'"95 STVS TO IEACH 2 Br, house unf 1375 3 BR. 2 ba, unf $42S

associated 8R O ... (R~ RC \l Tl)I>~. 2v1', W l otb'-'' t.' • 1,, I

Quiel 2br hse in tri ·plex. Respon. adll5, no peti., non·smkr. s.250. 646·2'32'3

2 Br unfum. adults. nr HarborlW1Json . Avail 117/78. sellO mo. 831·37Sl

alt 6pm ------Lil lBr, 73.i-0 Shahmar. New p•1nl . $215 m o. 642.32&1, SS.H616

Sub·let lBr apt until Nov. Redec. 2 Br ii~ Ba, gar, 78. Park Ncw1><>rl Apts. patio, adults, no pets. $350 mo. 644 ·7097 Avail. now. $275 559-6588

~nt1 E/\STSIOE l~ 2 Br 2 Ba , u.fwwished fplc , Jndry, $375 mo. Agt.

••••••••• •• •••• •• •• •••. 552-0.34 evs: S52·0S07 lcAoa Peftifttula 3807 •••••••• •••••••• ••• • ••• LA MANCHA •ns

1----------i Lge2 br garden apts & 3 Nice bacb. $190 . Resp. br twnhs e. Os bwhr , ad.It. Util pd. No pets. 106 I bbq E Ba

" " bltns. enc . gar. gaa . . y nVe. apt"-· --~ Pool Gas pd. 778 Scott Pl.

Bachelor , J Blk to beach, _642_·50'7_3 _____ _

!!! 1~~1. pd. SIBS/ mo Lge 2 br, 2 ba studio. ----------I u•.r """ Costa Mesa. $295. mo.

COf"OflCI del M• 3122 ~I. Jan. 2nd. 998--0659 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M•.dern Duple1t. For

lnformatlon Call ~ - 64S-58SS.

rel'!""r~s,~ Spac 2br, encl 'd patio, i,... ~ :" ds&awr. carport, adlt.s. no

pets . $250. 975·4231 : GARDENAPTS _7_~_08'7~2----~-

CORONA DEL MAR Nev. 2 Br 2 Ba and 1 Br, 2 Br To-:nhoose, frplc. cpU, cirpl!, blt.ns, xlnt loc. Pool, tenrus. Some otean l'16'7 Oranie. &&6-7993 or & Catalina v iews. Close IH2·11SS to Fasbion Is land & fine ..:...:;:_;;.:..:..::. _____ _ beach. ~laot Br. 6"·2611 Lee 2 Br, l lh Ba. 1 year

Spotless. Walk lo bch.. 4Br 3Ba Fm rm 2100Sql\

new. Adult s only, no peU. 1-827-24 79


. ..

Sunday, Ja11unry 1. 1978 DAIL V Pll.OT DT

'1. lwwahu.t... • ••••••••••••••••••••

~........ SIOOIAMIDWC ... fth 5100 HtipW•t•d 11•0 .....................................................................

J BR, 3 ba 2 i.tory. rrpl., A wlnncng comblnotlon 'pts, 111'1>6 • Nr golf rri.e

$39S J)f'r mo "iu pclll OI Odull oportmenl nomn ~ 11!.IO, 536 46ti8


AU.. UTJLS PO' 100 ' from tht oce.1n i>eml · furn1shed Avail now! 201 E. Balboa Rlvd Yrly $225 per mo N() FEE Call Sut· at 556-7707 anyume with luxury oppolnlments ond

superb 1ec1eo11on 01 o Pf8mlum ~ \.nil:!. e.irh 2 Ur 2 Bit, -u----------1 near bevch 1 nr In·

locollon Tennrs • gym • therapy lercommunity ll oi.p. New & lovely duplex. :i

Prestigious office apace In Newport Bchf.f\lrport area. THteful r9Ceptton lob­by. telephone menage servtce, con· ference rooms, kitchen~ beverage, In· outgoing mail service, dictating & copy machines. travel consultants. com· puterlzed ' typesett i ng . Complete secretarial services available as need ed. From $290 per mo.

* CRUISE BALBOA BAY * On Mew Years Eve

Party Boat!

A Formal • 5 0 's Disco frH Chcampaqne - Hors d 'o..,•ret

Mttn.: 8kl(pt1~ TEMroRAttY

Rt:Qbtcr T0th1y tu w111 k OCl VllttOU!I .l<'l.'OUlllUIJ: &. bookket•pin.i lU~11p1 ml·nts Wo1 I. doi.e tu ~our h oml' f11urt· Clerk::. lo Sr i\l'C:OUn l1rnts 11l'1:d1•1I lhruoul Ora.n~c l'11

Hol1t.•1 t II :1U .., \n nuntcm(IN

spo • swimming • bllhoros Fplc .1 i;ar andd 8-17 3241 bdrm, 2 bet. Npt J10:1~ One&TwoBedrooms. One8olh ,,,. - - $550/ mo. 6H 2111 or

'li lCE NEW;! Br, 2 Ba , eai. 046-6303

Call714t752·7170 For ResH•ations · Call 673-4060 oft 7PM

'l4ltJ ~ ~lain . Ste 5<11 '\11 To~t.1'. Unl<>n Huuk In Thu C1l) uf Orun~c

71~ ·~-UOO ...,................ PaPkMe5".ViJbcl frpll'. end i:ar, dis -- -- •--- Offi R t....a G> -..·,........... ti - .. .,....... hwrl!lher 2 blks lo be11ch, XTRA LARGE 21R - 4000 ce en .. 550Poular1n0Ave., Cos10Me1a 75HS995 s.~ Cull'lti0-5200 Steps t o beach, up •••••••;••••••••••••••• ,·.::•••,••••••••••L••••••• MonrftoLoan SOlS Lost&Found 5300 1._•_•_-~~------

.... _ ... ~ •• .-.. , Room"" k1lcht>ndle ,.,st ttO'A nlo'A n ai:una ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'DVE:RTISl._.G !!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I gr aded, bllns G31 0167 I I I t; "' " lH;,..·;'~'.UWT~l''(')lUILJlliPrlt.~,.~o -- -- - $50w•~ek&up l.K'Jt lon .::ux,unou; Xd· ht, 2nd& 3rdT.D.'1 Jo'OlJND: Sm. mark do(:, J\l'count E'ecUll\t' 3814 .u .. .. ~ DUPLEX 2 br +den 1 548·975S et·u I VC oUI ~'I. woo U>ANSAV;\lLABL~ fem. Vic. Mui;noll1o1& In· C:op_v writer. Exclusl\1•

3Br,21Jba,frJ)lcS425 Blk Lo bt>lldt Yeu rl y ---- p.meled & pha:sh nplb. C ....... t . l ..,,.,.. l ... I I' B ,,,,_,.,2 ., ••••••••1•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2Hr 1 'J h.1 S350 le:ua 5495 mo ti3l-l032 Ambassador Inn 1n Col>t a saso. mo Purkmi,:. n•ccii '""' no im.,... .an ~unapo 15:_1

.,.;;;; ::.·.1~ Orange Co A.:cnl'Y lool. Adult 2 Ucdro11m, ... uper l.1 i.: 2 lir. l ' ·ha. ram fin . ., llr 11,. ~:i·s M~1o1. 2277 Uarbor. C4!n tioni~t. !lecrt•t an cs. .....~. 493·3102 f''ound . Pale Oranie Lon~ In A r or d y n u m I 1 . l ocu t ion. no pets frph pal111 (JUJl'tadll:> lar:tb~s,275 w. Nwpt 8ch-3Br, :ilia , lrull.vliwuted,2:J5 r oom:. .tn!>\\erani; H·rv~cc. - -- -- Haared C&t Costa Mesa e ncrgl't1c "mak e11 $250 / m onth !;6K \\ •v \l kl $~. tw27508m All l-.ndf(ttrJl<!~·i. parllr furn , bltn!. , MANY with kitchen , Xerox 3100 LUC, rnn - Money Available, many;731lti. happen pcr!>m11Ahoc11 Wili.on. mq upl I~ t.1:.! 1:m; C.\l.L:JOO 52i;0 d::.hwshr, 1600S<t fl, cpl!>, phone & TV. Swimming (f!f'ente roo(Tl, •lso :iva1I. bOurces. all projocl:. - ---- JOYS lh t• in1t1a l1' c &.

- frp ll-. yrlr $550 mo pool, jacuu1, and rec •197 1795 $SOK man 752 ~- U>ST Fc·m. Old J::na;h'>h multi funcl111n:i o f ;1


CottaMfla 3824 Costa Mt>sa

2 Bil, 1 DJ duµlcA. l'pt:.. Spa• nc'A I\ 1.1111 ti 4! llr I :! lir '4Pl 111 i pie, , l Ha, tH2 2.s65 aft GPM room Daily & \\el•kl) - - - ~' Trust S hcl.'p dog. "Shatt~', i.mall u"cncy Mu:.t be .• • drpi., rdn~: 't' . 1·11d 11,1 l'.111.' 11,1110, 1bhw..,hr .\ .u-d. ).!.Jr $26'J pl'r mo nites i.lartmg from $'\II a Exl'cul~vc i.ualf.'i.. \'uu ~- ' 5035 Mli>l>J.OO V. Gulr course top sall!'Mnlin cohcUfl

Mar l\o lid' :)liO mo 110 1hl1!1n 11r 11rto. 1:oodlot G732:!5:! 'Jwpl Hgt°', lo,·ely 2 Br, week lll'\.~lunofface' We need1 ••••••••••••h••••••••• U ~!\'.i a rtL HJl-2785. tu:illy <'r c1:tll\ I'. with a


&l6· l 246 ::.:!JI oew cpls, no J)(!ts. ~:; &15-4840 ;1 ll·nant Your offer 11 771>-0ZU Wik for Joan. muna 1:e m cn! ba c k - - 2 Br, 2 ba. l'Ompl r l'Ut'I:. mo:494-3223or!H8-Stl04 U!. , trnm$2'l5 11t.·r mo. We Lowr~r - - i:r.ound . Tremcnduu '

Follhoflow VillOCJe •111, "I'll mJ1nlu1nl~l . no -.m ,:Jrdt-n apt SltiS/ mo - ---- - Sleepani; rms S75 $105 mo offer to you . luxuriou:. W l .osT: Male Cairn Tl.'r · 11nant•111J poll'utaal & tlw 621 W W1lwn 1;.11; 211111 pN~ S:!.'>IJ 11.:J(J Center Sl 75Hll\HOor6'45·0147 Nr H.oag, lxy 3 !Jr. beams, All ~. wk Shwrc kat orrtcll. l'Xccuuve scr), lnhrftt Rates rler, bluck & tan, call Ol>Pt»·tunaly IO work in u FUHNUHL'l,fo'l,IC"i 1;1s1o>:!.J :! ba, fam rm, frpk, nu ~1:1t1h . Sh,odwn Mon ·Sut p er:rnnal phone tov lttT.D.'s,abo i:r'>timc 768·~ carcfulh plunnoo, wl.'ll

•2brt.ow11homl' wil11.1l IEACHWOOD !Xll. cpl. qwct odl~. no e:; req 55600511 or gr..i.:c. rcccptwnisl, t•on 211dT.D.Loms. Lo6L Tcrner ~. l<Ul, muna11ed .ulmosphcn· •l...gep.ilto&em· g<ltal:t' ~JO l Hr. l l>a, loll "t>lc 2 BR. 2 lo, $275. IX>~'> $400. ~2005 548-5954 fercncc room, xerox, 1'' afrestTermlliunce l9<19 "Snoopy" (C lcndor.i. Top 3 ppen r llncl' ti...

•t\dult.i. uni•. lrpll ,1n1 loc nr a.II . l~L I BR I •- $245 - r1otw·" Nc"r So ''" ·•~t "''r.•on.·1l1ty n"C" '· •,·11 , , • - • J:JeauufuJ l BR. Balboa 1-urnii.hed NrUC. I Jo'em ,. u • \.Alud 5...u.11 ,., ta n) 12 28. Rcw.urd ... ~ ., ~ ~~0 Pool & J3CU2/I i!\ aal \t)!mt trl~ 1003 dulh. 962 1100 Pla1.u. c·a'>Y frce"•ay BC· um~ MhJ. vo. sn"'S238 711 ~9·4080

.------- __ A • Hay Cl\lb, view, !.Ub· loi.harew/youn~career cess. Tellu!4yournet>Cts, 64Z..2171 545-0611 ----

w di d Y.11 l.1:1· :!Hr .,11 ... 1:. nr ~ho11 11. L - . h h 3141 le~c. $6()()mo. 646·W8S woman. ftent reduct in we wi ll s upply it. Cull . - Ult.t Irish Seller fe ma le Jt.HIMJt.L HOSr. 00 an I age qun·t illllh. hO lll'lS ~35 ~a oc ---- - exchange for hou!>ehold 97lJ·2161 Retired couple b(lS mone,Y Approx l ) r . v I c Assist. · lrvfM M!> Paul arano ->IHllA>lorti4'.!127b ••••••••••••••••••••••• !l/ewporl lfgts2Br 1 Ra. dutie s 552-15411 or tolend. lst&2ndT.D.s "···tiard/ Carfield, Ftii

- Luxury penthouse. 2 hr, 2 vatao, gar. new cpt::i. 7S2-2975 Barbara Ag gn 374.4 --..,, Clean. bpthc & lll>:\hl B~auli ful. oi·w. adul.! :! Hr. JU!>l redec: l'vt ha dan rm . frplc, big drJ,il;, mature adJts. ~!15 ---- ent, · Vly 968-5197 644 5460 da):., 673 :.!74;, apt.s. preul lot Jllvn. - l:Jr 11.itao Al.lllb. no vot:i \ If' w . n I 0 l' ' k t 0 )rly 548-5306 Laguna Nlguel $150, rl•m SAN CLEMEHTl Sold h lr L -- - ---llOOI~ 2JU"Ul.ll~ u ""'ean view ofcs. 2' ma 1· n my ome 1 agunn Pl.,n•se help, 1-.' t f 0 male "• . ' , · · · S:!~l 1 mo 6'11 1!>17 llo'A ntown. S47 5 mo - - - .-ool, vie"' Cull belurn "" B h w 11 11 '""' w .. ~1m c 1111rnmed1atcl> l!J.I 2:17., e, I'!>. 957 02X2 2 Ar. I' ark New1~rl. Jo\Jrn !lpm, 83l -lg:jg, i.l. cxporurcs, park'g., eac · 1 se m> darl.. !av.n, white che!\ t

a\aal Abo seeking M f ---- -- liOO i.q ft. S27S. Similar 2 $29•550 2 nd T . O . for Pit Bull. 17th/ Walnut. Bachelor~C!5 ~·I:'> 1 Bdrm$~ ' 4!7 , 21.klrm $2'J;, $32.1

KIDS OK :-:..ipt·r I br, lrA. u111quc rm ma l c ( h o u ~ c) Mature adll . rur" Bft, pvt above + 2500 sq.Ct $23.000. cai.h. Call Ken, HB. 12129 CCri:;sy) If :!llr JHo .•l\a1lnow. S2ti~ feuturcs,1x:eanv1ew,blk wo-tZ12.SIU-9507 Ra . k it 1>riv1ll!es. ulll s t orage . S40U. Allt .

6734545 l~ l>t>r mo No Jl<'h. 4! lllti 10 bt h Adi ts . No pets - - - - - furn Sll51 mo 979-8009. 19'l 2100 •


Apt Mana~er. cpl needl"d. w / mainlc n ;a ncc bacl.. !(round for 55 urut com plex 111 <.: M . (2 13) ~-3851

Tlentul Oflll·r Open Uaily !I·~

TSL !\J;.1na)!t•me11l 7!'>1 OOlll or 6-1 ~ 11;0:1

l'IJr·..,nu •• l':.ill ~uc· SJSO 4(}.l .J2M0 49'J~ Yearly : 2 UR, frpl c.,closc V oti -425

-0 ~ AmculcM9nh/ Personals 5350

;,i· 7707 - - - - lo bt:ach. No pets. $350 oc Oft ....... s - ~ P~y •••••••••••• ••••••••••• 1•---------,, ' l Kdrm Apt. Patio. Quat>l Mo. 1 213 .447·191" •••••••••••••••••••••• Losfla FOiiBd Onoklntt problem ? · ~SEMILEAS

)3001 m o 794 89 43, -- - -- -- --Cab1n, BiJ:Bear.i. IP1>418 lusinn1Rental 4450••••••••••••••••••••••• CallAlcohol Helphne !-'or prcclslon~lcctro 793 Jl ti , .784 ·2236 Eastbl~r 2 HR, 2 Ba, pool. $35 up. Pool tbl, cir t v, •':•••••••••••••••••• •• ~ements 51 00 ~ h n. u d ay 83.>3830 m1.-chanic:al us:;emhly ul

3826 N h d 0- -- - odu~t.s767• no pets, $375. m o . dbl frpl. 40.1-8611. 4 DELUXE OFC'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• PREGNANT .... - !> milll cumponcnll> E' . {lrt en cea n \ 1ew ~... - - -- -- - , r . 1 f 'd II t

WESTIAY TRIPLEXES ••••••••••••••••••••••• tnplcx. Walk to Shaws Refttal1toShcre 4300 Coo rm· seal 25· al Hou.aesiUmg while your Citrang c onfid e nt ia l ~:Ys~~fv · wi raw.

- Danaroint

COSTA MESA l Bedroom ~1pt, i:araJ(l', l'oVl' 2 Br 1 Ha F/ A l Bdrm apt. l ba. kitchen ••••••••••••••••••••• • • panrled, i.m. )¥hse m re away. No Chg, elderly cou nseling & referral STJt.COSWITCH IHC BftANDNEW· 1m1l,•tobcJch ;\lUJna nf.'w drp~. t'pti. '& ap'. ~bvm~.ncwl'pt._ Male,2Glookanl(lormalt· "! · l or2~r. lcil.'ie. Lake cple . Refs 642-1583, Abortion, a d option &

IBrfo'romS:.!80 1'111111<1•13 0075 · plH"R. S39S,ulilpd 17141 ~' ~~ _ h731i522 roommate(!!! t o find & fi:::k~;::.t arcJ. Kcnl 5:.183289 kt>eplnl( llJ98akerCostaMe:;.s 2 Ur fo'r om s:J05 J llr itu1ill'X .,. , ll·w ;\l•w 194 74!17 ?" <213) 797 2165_ BIC CA '!YON EAST !>hatl'j/Pl in heh arcu 7j4 ~0 1 ""''3 Lost It found 5300 APCAR E 547 2563 s49•30 4 I ,,.., "° """ Equal Oppor Employer

:1ur.~Ha FromS3'h h n~h·i · 1·ii11 ~ & 11r11.., lllr. spucaou <>. oi·l'an l.O\t' l y :1 Br on uolr ,,.3.1 1 .. WllOl!!il ••••••••••••••••••••••• UHDA&VICkl • :-.MKJ 11111 1.1 :1 11ll01l;n.,11r \le'-' 2607 Solon<> Way . 1·ourse S750 / mo BACK U \\' TOWN Approx. 400 ~ft fl. C2. M

Heautaful ~acw .1 u1111 l'l!I I '15t'\t·~ l'JJl 11!17 34!15 &1-1 6240, fl4.l-0500 HOUSE. Non smoker . Br ,\ C. at 130 1-: l7l.h St SCRAM-LETS Outcall GISGCJ• hwldani.:s. \:Int lo1·Jt11111 - SJ SO/ mo Doyk ~'8 · 1168 For~ Fun of ft! uear So l O:l'>t f'la1<1. Sl'.\Hl\Ll~G :.? hr, 1.11 n . 2 L.ocJuna Miguet 3852 OCEA~FHO~T upper un unfu rn l'rl\ . IHI Sl50 $280 l~S-:--tor" ·Ofl1ce ANSWERS Serving all Orange <.:o Child ren wc1<:11rn t• ..,.,, h:.i I vnhs1 '. 111·t·11n vu tl hl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1t, lgc2 Br. !pie, Aar. rcul mo 5'~7223 ~ ' 835·7313 pch Hental ortac·c opl'n ·n5 Chen fotil ll!l I, Nat·e 1 & 2 Hr S26S & up n1ce $700 mo uul Ulcld . Heh able :..1 fo' tu ,hare blfl ~'.!hl~lu, ~:~.r .. ~'lu~~471! · llnodom - t 'r.aud daily l ().S H-10 flaker SI, J l!t3 h.17 • , pool & rN· ;~m. quiet Yr~} l~m"' 675 l!c!Ol1 Nwpt Bt·h apt SllH mo , ~...,,... Guise - Insist •MICHELLE'S* hlk w. of Hnstol ·1rea "'") 7766 ~ 2 R 'I B· SU PL' R l l/ I l ell" ·c Ulll yrly "t11rc• '>l\AO E Co· l llw y MARGARINE OutcullM "u::,ane 5575''15 01l•,111 \ltY. 111111,c' ...., . r .• a. patio, c. b '·"' ul' ' • ·~ , .,.,., II!> • Ad an farm muguzine. ..., ~

~ • dul)lt·~ :.: Br :! ti.i. ulll pd . .WW - Be - 869 OC:"\ Vlf::W f>rnmontor) , Ui3·fo72i Corona Ml Mur. $350 pc1 . wan led . d a 1 r y ~AM-2,\~ .,._231 ~~ ----------1~rno mo ~11'121!1 •1r port oc - l't.Al.-.o· w1scllalltur n, HeedaRoommate? mo r aul Marlln,Rll1 e mpl uyce of good SpfritualReader

LA CASA IL.A.HCA x;_, 1!11'1 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• l·mpll <.:all ti7J 7079 To Proft.•ss1onally Find &W-7383 675 5ll2l l'llaructer Per-.ons who 18t5So. 1::1 Cammo Heal •--h II "' I._. NOW tfr1 nk . i.mokc or t•at --. • r·"'" .... ow I . ..tr111· l Bil, ut 1·,111, 11·w-. SPAHKIM' HEW THAT R1<arr PERSON Clem ente f\lll y !Jc.

All utali. 11d. t·111~. ch11~. liltn.'. "ai· . s21;11 011 1 RI' ' B N ti . THlSHlrYARD MARGARINE need not __ Fo_rappt.4!l'.!·7200 .. .. ; " :. • · a , pl ts h .u .. 1 (l)Aru 'UJ.n.&Mrrm pply " j.IOOI. lodf\ fac\ Adults B.uh Apt:Sl75 lil•I JJ:l!'i twnhm, ~ tar gur. c•n1• '-<.~ • Ne\\ ly refurba ~ll\.'d Lado "' ----- -- DANCE Of<' 1-"UN over 35, no pet-. 11r YOU CAN AFFORD patio. t rpll', ma~!tl\c Uk' ..,c:'C~'JV~Kh<t1' Shapvard 1:1reu Unique l'°"'t. Fem P ilbaU do~. •· hlld rt'n. C.tll Sul' . H\lntinCjtonhach 3840 l'-JEWPORTBEACH mstr SI<' S:>SO / mo c,·~~wut11~ loc.itaon with mur1ne fllt• brwn hair . \i c. Bl.fl nude itirU. c.lancc & 556 - 7707 or 11 enry: ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-IB il75or645.:IOO't A>it &12-4134Sance 1971 onenled uusanrssc•s. Of Trubuco & Ahi.os. ~~f 8i;'~~-Sall06\~ ~o ti-12·9137 ~llAHP 3Brdeluxebeach - ------ lice & bu~anl'.,s i.pdre ~IV REWARD ~73.

urul. D W, !rplc'. j>UtlO, Park Newport Tustin 3890 Jtmmute nt•t'<led. female . .1va1lablc .\mpll· park· 71:.8-51194 EU<'hd Anah S!)9-61.50 • - - J.l•lf.Av;.nl !J60-Zla8 •••••• •••••••••••••-•• Share 2 Bdrm 2 Bu apl. mg -- --- __ F_Rt.:_'E_S~_- _SIONW/AU 2 Br, 2 bu, a ll ultru;, frpk, LU. XURY APT LIVl N'. $240, UTIL IHCLO CM. Musl be nc•at. Rt•ha REW A.RD!!

AS SEMIL Y LEAD Assembly or e;mn ll elCl· lrO·mechanwal dev a l'e~ R<.~ 's cxper sn d1rc1.-tini.: work oC u p l o 10 u~ sembleri.. STACOSWITCH INC 1139 BnkerCosu Mes"

549-3041 Equal Oppor Employc1


encl. ~a r . bdlcony IRA.HD H~W " ble ~-~Obc!llAM. & , Laundry rm. "'">c. OvoclookmgThe Water Water. gas. elcrtric1t:t. uft 6PM. ene """" J Dr Jpt/cond O!>, conve. u l & 2 ... a TSL Mgrnl G42·1GOJ n i <i u e o r. ----

Info or retu rn of Jong hairt'<I wh1tt• male cal. Lor!t 12115. 646:'>908.

RELAXING MASSAGE BohJame..'i·Llc Ma:s:;eur

Outen II !J-!l. 4.9-t 5111

Ncedro l mm1.>dlatcl ~ Long & short term a.i.· :11i:nmcnts. Holiday &. • v a c a•t i o n p n ~ . ll os p1talazat1 o n titan available. Slurt today !

ruenl loc. 5 uni t:. uvl $400 Enjoy $750,000 s pee · Comple te recreational Quiet roommate wanted 2 Dr. H:i bu l 11wnhou!ie up:..96-l ·l.507.6'\0 lllil tacular s pu. 7 sw1mmmg fac1ht1es only . to share ~autafully turn

\\ p;itao filO Joann St 'llrw dduw twnhi. aph lg pools. 8 laJ(hlt'<I e:ourls. Sorry. no J>t!lt' ,, 3 BR. 2 bu N.8 , condo. Jo'Ot:NO . Puppy, 17ltt & Placentia. C M Collar, lle~gle ty~ 5"8·!._£15 d~ ~




SmJll pet!>. 5411.11\:111 • .lhr lha ft>k bltns WO male' of hake trails. put Californian lJ~e of ~arage & laund ry J\ l »nswn 01

ap{ hkup 1>at10 c.lbl atta ch gur tmi:. 11hufnf.'board~ . 1-1932 NcwPorl A \'C rm No pet~ $200 mo Ji.l I lar hnr I 11v1-. ... 1 mrnl Co ~ hr townh!>t' .! hr "' pool & J•\l'll/7.1

ti4 ~,. :t4 ~l!

• l.15M1-:SA 1'1t • l.ovt!ly & ntc1w 2 Ur 2 Ua upper I) look!\ , "i1\ L'oun· try Club. 63l · IRW

VIiia Vista Jt.pb 2078 Thu rl n

Brand nl'w. Jarj:!l' :! br, 1'1 bu townhau~e w rum room Xlnt urcJ ~iSO

_:rs!- Mgm_l tH:!· l~3

NEW 2 1n:0Roo:.1

UJ!> 5"5·31i0-l, 963 42l8 T u.:.Up Call tol.lay & I as t t u t I I It i cs · 1-' ound c ute bl k pupple Buch.sfrom$27l SO mo. 8.'l:lbl:l'.! 1)31 3332 ---- --- - w i collar .... Atlanta &

1 Bft. pet OK. $2:?0 mo. 326 13th St Call art 5 30

~iQ...4~ -----1 LIV~ NeurTht• 134•ach!

CaHdet Sol &>uulaful Adult Ap~ Gu~ & Waler Paid

Wl61 BrookJiuri.l, JI lJ 962-6653

2 HR.:? ha. frpl, f) W, l(.1r S3:!5 mo :! 1 642 Brookhur~t S57 15i!l

;\11101&2 IK!rm plans 500 100 Sq r r I' M I u R 962 "'218 W-.t.-:- t 316 8 F . wanl"d to !>hure' or · l. o rame agno ia . • ~. · .,, 2:.tory townhouses _, , ..... s er ., ' \iewpnr t retail store • - -- -••••••••••••••••••••••• w/same brand new 2Hr location Im medi ately foound fem brwnl whlle

Elec ltttch. pnv, patios LGE Allrac t ive 2llr. con dQ, Luguna 11111~ available . Will re puppy between Goth ard & b al conies. rrp t s, w I re r rj g. h I l n s, S200 mo77o-zi..r.t decorate to i.uit :!020 &Bch 8'17·2771


24 llours S.17 654!0

<.\ cross Jo'rom Orange Co Airport)

Equal Oppor Em1>loyer

draperl es, park 1 n g. c·ptS/ drps, an qlUcl :id IL Garoget ~wpo!t Bl~ 1175-3551 _ FOUND: Be-i~ac_&_w_h_al-e· • * SAMO Y'S • elevators bldg, no pets $230 mu. for llent 4350 " OUTCAJ,L MASS1\Ci E ASS EM BLY & DRILi.

ulll ancl'd 81l7·170S ••••••••-••••••••••••• Industrial Rental 4500 &mu~; du0 J:1'1 ~r11 ?e,rnnvamo ~73·0329 r1u;ss WOR KERS. app OplJonal raald service •••••••••••••••••••,••• mOn I , ' ' llS Oil IC · &.._..__..... Fu-t-L.-~ SJ NCL•~ GAR AG~; • JO. ~-1319 An ct' Chri t ' I ly an person 18170 Eudul

,,.- ~!'""'.".. rrwanW"lll Caror s toraj?e lHOQSq ft ol and11sLnal pro - ra. !.ve s ian ~a Sl. Fountain Valley At Fn!lhion Island , Jam· or Unfurnished 3900 S35/ mo 9f>2.:J:>J3 perty w/ l80ll sq rt or aar Jo'ound : DOG M 1 xcd zt, 5 5 . 1251hll ~!ect sin borc•1• & SJn J oJqwn ••••••••••••••••••••••• t-ond ores 546 1653. 2956 Germ . S he 11herd hPC cerc &.u~ t o 34. l .0 . Box ASSEMILER lhl~ lld, 13742 Newland Street 3 Car garage for rent. ltandnlph Ave, CM Blk & brown ApprQx 6 1148, G G 92642____ Sm firm an OranAc ('n

2 Br. 11aru~e. A C. ~.115. mo. &t5 465S ~ew dlx •l l'l ex 3 Ur .

1-'rplc, bltn,, W 1 d hkp, vu.rd. i:ar S395 515-:Joot , 'lti2 ·1218

... 1

. . r t ' (Garden G r ove) . S60/ mo. Costa Mesa. 3-2 0 0-:;-q- f t . 1 n . yrs. Hunt Bch Inn. Coa.s l Outruae<>us, aulonomou!t AJrport area nds t'lcctro •· 0 r cosin~ an orma ion : Beautiful 2 bedroom ap•~ ""9 \"'8 "AS '" 14 "' H c t C h ""' mechni1·al M. 'C h


0 c x c e I I A n ""t '" ·"" "" . .,.. d1,1~t/Comm'J. 2952 n a n · w y On ta c ras female 48, 5'10", 15011 ..: a< n. 't •1"

... d h cu c 'I 536-1421 1 t I scmble r for prcc in-Large 3 Br Tuwnhoui.e with patio. gurug(' + pooJ Quiel complex . AdU'\ts . nn pch. $350. 645-3381 or 67 5 S!M 9

EASTSIDE sunnv :! hr, potio, g aru ge. blln .... $27S. 160 21st St 5-18·::!127

Ml!SAPIHES New s tudio a pt $230. 1 Br

285. Avail. Jan 1 ... 1. Pool. Jacun i & loun<try .n:n Adults, no J)t'I '>. Open dally . 2650 Jlurlu Ave, C.M. <Mesa Verd•• Dn ve East orr H arbor Blvd). 5'&·4M4'7.

714/ L AAl 900 ne1·ghborh ood. Pra· vat'"' New r.arages, encl<>"ied, ol p Ave. ... a. wan :; n1 e ow coun u-rT- " v t t 1• o Bo 276 strumcnta t1on. Exp Tl"

---"'------- 1 patio view from l ovely $35 mo. For storage only. 54t>·lGS3. Found Ladies watch, vie J:l~ · · ll • q 'd. top pay for miht PilKMEWPORT kit c hens; e n c los ed caJl646-4382. l JO OSq. fl . unit . Balboa Pean. oo 12/ 27. ---"""_. person, Crmgc benefat11,

BRAHDHEW Bac h e t or11. 1 Or 2 garages: po ol: Offi R ...a .... 00 Spnnklered.E2 Cire r at Call640-5298. • SHERILE E • phRonAdamsforappl J b L • p bl u .. ...&- &T h clubhouse. $31S/ mo. Cell C4t ent.. .... ,...,. fed... <<7 9051 E 0 L • I, 2. · r units . .. , , t · ...,,,,.oorns own ouses •••••••••••••••••• ••• ing Approved fiberglas FOUND: l•tu furry male vo:rta 1 ..,., .c..

L'- $270 Fr $27 so "-rmen <M•r. Apt. 4 ) at •• .. ~ JI ""II 1• A 111,i:ar . ... om . om 4. .._.. ,. 52 boolh. $455/ mo g ross. dna,ary/ wht.Vic. llell& ousew S· •Y ppl. 962 7787 Spectocular !i pa, t otal 894·0485 or Wand a at • c .M. Owner640·13GO N~~l~nd . ll .B_ .. _847 __ Jl-i_O ____ 838·~--- ASSEMIWS

---- - ---1 recreation pro~ram, 7S2·1920or5'8-8553. Q\lail EXECUTJVESUITF: Xlnt bencrtt.'I. Small Mrg A~lt.quiet·Cltan !IOCial program. 7 pools, 8 Place Prop, Inc. Nea r 0 range Co. Rental1 Wanted 460 LOST: Male Afghan, v ie Personal Ser•icn 5360 co. S mall t•omponenls

:!Br2Ba.newcptSldrps. tennlscourt3.Atl-'ash1on Airport. Newport ad- •••••••··~··•••••••••• Wes t c hff . nr Dove r . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Goodmanualdcxtrntyil. gur, pa tao. nr beach & Island, Jamboree & San 11fE EXCITING dre$5, pt1me 11pace in· Mature cpl would like t Pteue cnll '31.o384 Guys! H a1rcu l.!i. heard eyesight. 1 Yr min e~ .,hopping, $310 mo . J oaquln lf11ls Rpad. · PALM MiSA Ans. clds : Hep. ore·•, 670 sq. house sit for months o ---------- trims o r moustache per. Call Ltlhan 581 -38.10. •lflO 127!1 17141644--1900 MINUTESTQNPT ft. $350. Tokooverleaao. Feb & Mar. Local ref's Lost male Chihuahu a, s bapt:d? Call 631 ·977<\, M.V. area.

1 Br . bltns, .:ar, nr Hen ch/Gorf1eld . $265 mo. 554·7210

BCK. Call 957·84-00 Non-smoking. No pets o long halroo, wht w /brn Askfor Marol~n. - - - --PARK NEWPORT Bacb, l&.2 BR. chlldren. 646·:!007 . markings, Mon . eve, ASSEMBLERS

Bae~ l ors. 1 or 2 from$?2(>. &up. 65•Hft$9FT - ----- ---1 12127, approx. 6PM dur· &.-0..,,..01""!1!_...-Lt ... "!! Exper .soldering&PCB Bedrooms lrTownbOWies Adults, No Pet.s 1817WES1'CLIFF·NB lutinets ' htntt/ mg accident on Freeway ~. IO .... DERS

219 Alta ... ,s . ., Br 1 ,~ Ba From• l561MesaDr. AGT. 541·5032 rJ __ ! 57 Sout h . 634 -5 316 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• n .... .. y~ • (".BlksEastor .. •ew""tt ·--------,-- ~· o - ··ord .......... w~. 707 Musthavccxp. W/SCOPl' studio. aar, D/ W. pv• Spectacular &pa, total "

81 .. ~.>'" "" •••••••••••••••••••••• -""'_ .. _ .. __________ ,,,_. lilnTil!"lll

" • .i: , 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sport s T1mln t1 & West Si<te-lBr. b1tns

1 patio, nopt'ts. 8.13·l&J3 recrea~ton program , 546-9860 ...._s LOST: Male 7 mo. Boxer, Practtcalfem nu-· Ir lit Technology , 362L w

drps, $225 m o. ava1 READY HOWi $0Cl'!1 pfo~~ 7j°°~~·8 __ ........ ______ OpporluNty 500 Reward ! Medium brown hskpngwork, d~Ys. Mon· MacAr thur . suit e 110 1· 1-78 599 H amlrton. tenna•COU · t as .on 12&%1 Flower Street •••••••••••••••••••••• color. 551-0988 Fri, 8 hrs, ;il $S.OO XJnt SnntaAna.

1 fPt&.73l3 2Br, pnted. cpl,I, drps, hllan(f, Jarnboree & Sao CGardenOrove).Larcet l)ISTRIBUTORSUJP refs & r esu me av l . 557-599tl ! Um Gall stv. Adil$, no JooquinHlllsRoad. bedroom ........ close ~:::r.....;....;;....:...;..;..;....;..;;.;;.....;......___ SOFT DRlNKS Found.;, Small Black Dog t Nri' 2 br, garden pets. $250/ mo. 42S " A'' l714r64 ... lto0 s hof pin1-:"wm take ALLTOP btwn nlbcrt & EIUs,- ln Evll/ Wknds.645-3472 ASSISTANT COOK .~ DtW, PoOl, adults. 12thSt. c h\ d ren ~ laundry NAME BRANDS Fountain Vall ey. HctpW_,ed 7100 Expcr not noceathlry, ~· 129 Avocado. 548 . "3 Br. 2 ba, encl. aar. facllltJes. $~5..$205/ mo. 1n ve 5 t m en t rang 982·2312. ••••••••••••••••••••••• neut appearance,•· I 2 Drunfum upts. Slartane Bllttobeach. Balcony, no lJlillUes paid. Call $ 5 ,000 . 530 , 000• Fo LOST : F luffy Silver ---------I hackgro u11d . salurv i t:V0. 28r, pVtpau.. p ts, 11t $245 . C hildren P11ts , 836·7343. Quall Pla ce f...... r . II open . The Fish B11tke\

l .. cfrpe, rffd&, s l v, , ... B wel co m e, no p o ts . TSL.Mgmt 64.2-1803 n-- Ille ....... er an ormnuon, en white Persian cat, male, Accounllnti Restaurant Coll Scoll ~a"*St. 673·1181 ~'f&SJG-0891 - ·- 'Yl' .... ·--·----- orwnte 12/ 23, Deerfield . Irv If Yo. W_, 673J7420btwn2&4PM --------'CotNMesa ll24CostaMfM 3124 Reward. Call cath)' at ToWonc ~...... .24 CostaMHo . 312 •••• , ......................................... ~ OOLDENBEl\ll $52-M3lor982·7464 ASSISTANT MANAGER ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••~·•••••• illliiiliiiliiiililil••••!ll.ll••••••!l!'9'.... OJ&rRIBUTING NOW!!!! ParHin'\e, 2 da)'ll/w~ . at.

• 1 Bedroom. 2 bath

• Over 1000 sq. ft •

SV5rEMS1 Inc. REWARD - LOST: Male PL .. AS"" CALl. alt.ractlvc apt pro~rt>. &J83 Wtlsbire Bl•d, Sul black Lab, vie Ba)'!l1dc "" a:.. Office & minor m111n 844, Beverly HIU., C Dr " CamaUcm, CdM. ten a ncc. Anza MtmL 90'Zl1 Ami• to ' 'Jumper", 12/29. ROl9•RI' IMILF• 753-158.1

(213)6SS-8003 .wearins red scarf ac a"""UDl"nllK. --------- allv•r chok e c ha i n , ~ ~ ~

675-4044 ult for Bob T~PORARY MSIGNM£NTS




AutomotJ\•e New Detall Shop neodl

help . Top wages paid. Ena.In ~amen, en1 palntrrr>, buffer. fl pol her UP· hol1t.cry 1)13mpootrs, d!oclc out. plclt0up 4' de· Javery. Apply t ~Harbor 81,CM


' c.. •

Add it ... Build •t Ot per at .Hammer IL Carpel at •.• Ccm nt al ... Wirt» 1t H~ 1t Clean 1\ Movt! it.....Ptess it. .. Pa1nt 1L.Na11 it. •. Plaste< it ... F1x 11 . SERVICE


DIRECTORY Plumb 1 ••• Patch ... pe at ... emoae .. . Roof it ... Landscape lt ... Tlle It ... Trim lt ... Sewlt .. . Haul it... Add It ... Plant 1t ... Alter lt ..• Learn It ••• • ,,. .. a.,. C..,.. Senfce c ' wdor o.•~ ... ~ ................................................................. . • ••••••••••••••••••••••

YOUNG Ml\N. 5 yr~ t-'Cpr C'USt'Ol'it1'AfNT1NG. ROOJ'SJORL llAJ,\ppliancet>n-• ~t Manwill lat yaun R J HufCma11 & &m (;en TIUPaJA:n02Slo or mm• Kep•lu" <.:ontr,

WEl<.:OlNC <.:t..F.Ali!Urs Wiuii. ltEALLY cu:AN Weekly MiiJntenancc HOUSE" Cnll Glnehom

Drlckwork. Small Jub~ l\<.•wporc Cni.t.1 l\tr,oi (v lrvlna. 675 3175 cvc11

In wnllro\'Prln i.: Frtll• J<: ithmor · s,,.-rjuhst. 15 All t ypes, f\nol\ avnlt. l'l>l)I. 645 8.>iU J\nu} yni local rd1. Llc/bon· P\"t>e esl.. llc/bond'd, In·

dad11n1rd , au•r work. n.SenlorclUiena dLacnt. 2025$ Main.SA . dt'iu11n1 tocJ' Cuar work pal 1 o• 1• J b 111, l ~ ~ 't57 0100 4l btaltt !l1win11 ~ef form.ita Nf!w l't•n .. 1 ""'

Pre. est 642 ml07 Girl Jo'ret.< c-itl G4S 5123

,,..:--:- dt t.4~ 3'At. 4t <·omm I ~&:; It. I I 11r ~ S.,..kH -'Jll·tt' • - )48~1 Ul' 6.b<>tuh-11 •••• •••••••••••••••••••

\ltt l·~ llOUl>l'l'IC: JOtn)I lll'i.I~ rt-h1abk. u•h Own tr Jll.'> t>~-7207 or t>4t. UI it

MovlftCJ •••·•••••······•·······

llotM· l',11n1tn•• l•J yn; t-'IC· fo'rt.-e l'its Won't b un _a>-&-0t2_ 1 aoyUme pr !Ii II l'.\l Jreas. I'M d t,nd 831-108 :::;:.......;;;....;.... __ _ S \t.\f I. ~fY PJllC~ er -- -

1- - ROOFS ~ailed ftctory . .. •••••••••••••••••••• c:....-.t/ IL \NDYMAN CJrpen\r}

r>O ORS. <10 111dow11 •••••••••••••••••••••••B..:trlcd d1·C'tncol, plumblnit J. · 'r"o \11·11 Wtll l\lfJVl' '011 W1• handle• hi~ m Cl \I I' i. 11 f I I l ' l ' & huu,t•huld U111lanr1• & luc:,ll . 1&lso puclioi;. L014est ll'lljl rate Ll~tmsrd . C'al T \ 11·944. f'h Sl7 j~j8

" 1n: s l\t A I. l. ll on "•hr /It.,._. direct; tab ~ yn. 0.11 • abincli.. !'C bt•Jv c•:1_ ALL Cont' r eh• work •••••••••••••••••••• ••• nuor~ 8117·nll7.5.'i7 4:r.o4 ltouablfin11ti J'wk\111 fllfl<'k , bm•k, ,111ml) ~ 1::1.ECTRlCAL ~1':R\'JC1': work.GU b'1~ · \'Otwrcte w.U.. S«unty t;AU.S SJ.S hr. & ~\I,\ LL Grodi'")

SUMSHIME (iilRLS lltJUM.>('lcanini: & oU.n· 'IM'l'lalht:. . We "t•l<·11111o• It Y, arcounl\ !'-.Pf.'<'i.tJ.,:

~ Iii~ • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • •• •• • • •• Harold Gunn 54~M1

Pr , . V(i;RV NEAT IWI'CH 01 ptunt r.,J: paperh.m~ JOBS &TEXTURE Leak R•pnlr Spedallat.

Uui Wers 834·9118 JOBS 8'2.&233 • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • CcwpetS...lce - --- Sk1ploadl'r Dump trUl'k Aptio & Condo11 Day .

14'\.'t'k or month lloncil'd,

ing. Clean, work au.u Free e>t- 893.1439 All roof a, fr•• Ht. Free.- est 957·094 1, - Woodward ltoofln•

.... -•••••••••••••••• CNWC_... ~Sedri' Jlaulin.-. tree work . ~ & t.leuru dean ••••••• •• •••• •• • ••... •• Lie 327136 G4!H~71 ii r J d 1 n..: d rm o l' l <' II c. d I 0 ' I •I " l'I 6

5364383 __ _ PATCH PLASTERING Maintenance GG-1403 >& PaintYourCaiHe A 11 t y pea. Free ~h;._rs:.;. _______ _

Co1or- brightenen. . wht N y E ,,.. .1 -- 831 - 1~57 .. ptslOmin blench <:I •;in cw ear & vc_ "' 31111 Y l':LE<.:fRICIAN·Pnccd

sro.~ Avcr:ige l!:xlr 1 Stry $395 l!t.tlrnaWi. Cnll S.I0-&825 T,... Sen-1ct 2::itor)'$~S.1ntr $J5rm PATCH PLASTEJllNG • ••••••••••••••••••••••

Pcinfiftq/Pap«f nCJ hv din rm hall $is ~ It w/ w:itch your <'h11drc·n. nght·frce ei.tJmate on H-'irKJ JIOUSl':CL1<:1\ ":f N<; '"our rn:$1.51>,~b$l0 <'~r m•Jt.tdaypkupOK S <'Ill largcor sm:illjobc. •••••••••••••••••.:••n•• trn .. 1n~ll:. t<1·l1<1hll· SS. Guar ellm )>el .'xtor Plaza ar~. 546-SGSH Lie~ tl7J OJ~~ occ..: STLUE:->1 tJ1i: , "en'l('e J.iniu· " 1«1.-

••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl':'l'l·:ns PAJNTtNC'o

1-;,p1 11 Rl'as llull•" ftc1· 1-:.-; 1 Call Cc•n,· 5S2 0458

PriceslndmatrJ{lut>Qr l\•1 types, Free Remov•l•.'trtmml•.I· Gu.u-/lnsr Prk e.'>l i.'tillmakll Call ~II'"~ prwung. fo'ree ~L Lk'd,

t'p(. repair. U yr. cxpr. tun truck Tr;.1,,h. tnm l( O<> work mvi.ell Rds Controctcw SPECIAL~ <!t(· ll:.mdy 64:! 57o:s HOUSECllAHIMG

~c320881,Tt.'<i6.'i6·7085_ ~ -- lf\5n!.9t18-.~&42-204 Ml<..llAP:t .. 'I l'AINTINC ....................... Walttb••

m..0101. - ••••• ••••••••• •••• .. ... Po-.t Light instjll1>tl - - • SWor trsi; 1:73 501:.i Homt Ccre Sfr•1c• C<lll 645 7434 PHOFESSIONAI~ 1•01nt ext. hoU',f'S &: comm . 1101\U:SAVl-. llS. l'lumb· ••••••••••••••••~•••••

..... Lc::t rn t;lc«ll lloltd ay Special. Cpt lot Uphul :J rm. n ,1. limit ~.9'>, haUs & hat.brm fre~ I. J- Jo'. 1o; Sys tem i;.,. tiJ I 5350. ti4S..3939 nfUO.

ROOM ADDITIONS Apartmenb & ll<Nse:. Klt<'hcn ltcmod1•ling

Plans & Fin311c1ng Av;ul For Ir~ est Cilll U.11-JOtlS

Kl·n Ahrenbl•rR & Hill Shf!rbacoff IXOYE

..•...•••.••.... ....... DI~ It l.ill\thc:jpe Mam tt•n:inr~ Mow & fo:d l(f> Full ma1nl, h<iulin1:. . t lcan u~ . rolollll inl! .. 'r .. oe l!llturw te 675·551fl - --

ing lntrr/ Exler rteai. . work ~ uar t>i2·03IJ6 ~;,~;,:~~::~:::,~;:· ;~~;1 • SUNSHIHE GIRLS

1"'1 JI n·fi. Uonll<-d tf All l)pes of hom1• and of 1, L " tr 1 .,. rice cleamn• "Jcka•'l'!>. cununi: c.x I nlr ... ,

•~ l'rc-1 1·na..,la] art•a " ., "' pr·d , honest n1•al. rl'Ub 4~,,.,.,l Spt>C'I aJ Apl' &: R. F.. U 'd '"' I 1'"5 D

""'0 work_ Bonded ' ln11ured. c "" - "" :lVl' •

Don' t .:1ve up the i.h1p' 11')'1.-e ests & ~hr 11orvlce. Interior ext~. rt>r paint· ': List " 1l 1n dussific<l s.\0-9525 1 n g .' S u p r c m c Sn11> to shon· 1 e11u1ts • workmanship. bill Jack

hldg's-t>75 5141 arc svm. Ing & Fn:t· ll.!lt, PI n c & So Ii d O 11 k - Siii hr. llo11c11t & rcllablc v.•atcrbeds Complete lln~

1'\nc p.untmi.: 3t i.tJy bui.} Sl•rvicc_ llof \, M IC OK. & aC<'. Reasonable . pncl'!'.. Try me. ~r ci.t, i.t 7513150or8170383 Tt.rry•s NwpL·Bay lie/ IO!>rd 1131) SSS.i - - s.&:?-0161 • - - - Any plumbtni?. water ---------

Independent P .apc r sen· lc:ai..,, lntthroom Pine & Soli d Oak If an It c r . Th" f • nest end, cer;.t ouc u le. Reas. waterbeds O>mplete line c~aftsm11ni.lup avall. 832·24G8 &:. nee. Reasonable. Uc/lnsrd. Het'l. &freecst -- - - Torry'• Nw pt · Bay f·'1nd whal you want 111

r>ally Pilot <.1u~s1fjedH Lll·en.sed & 8ond1.'(J - \\unt Ad llcl~2·5'i7H _~:-~ WiinlAd ResulU. _ 64.2·5678 968-7~------ 673-3658 ~antAdHelp~ 642"5678 ~2>-0161

HripW•ted 710 H.tpWanf_ed 7100H~lpWnted . 7100 HtfpWanttd 7100 HetpWCMttd 7100 .W,W-.CS 7100 HelpWc..ted 1'00 HtlpW...tfd 7'00 tWpW..t.4 7100 . ......•.•••.•....•..• . ..••.. ..•.. .......•.•. ····••··· ············•• ••·•·•••····•·········• ......•.......................••••••••••••••. ~ ....................... ••··••··•············•· ···········~··········· lt.tlJysiilA:r lur 17 1110 old llo;t ~:.irpentt-i. <:apable ~ .. t11c1 1: T. 'fhuri. Sun Compantan nee~cd . ~t· DENTAi: ASS ISTANT Gardcnet needed for apt Housekeeper. lave in/out. ~talntenance Man, S0Utl1 l!Jrl. ?ti} home W' your• or dct.ul ~Ork on cui; tom Call·Jlor lilPPI ured fem Ollt-r ro W~l'~I Part time, upprox. 25 hr& oomplex il\Costa •ten. Laguna Ucacb. Mon-Fri. 0. c. area. plumbbtc Uto \lature Wtlh rcrcrenC('lo \J\'hls Good ~ncfils !i-l0-3280 Must ukc to at\op & tal p 14k Muat be exper. In (21J)ll6S-3851 7sm·Ipm. 49-&-1328 LAI ncH carpentry. Own tools &. I ( • 1 'l'h tll ll d l' ... 0 L• out Room & board ind all phases or dentslry. - A ..... F I r\'Jnl' "' oi.ta :\ csu c " ' :ir -O r •. ·"' OlJullcuri. P ' llml'. mule ~ alar) l ght l · d HOUSEKEEPER. very 11~B>ICAL transp. u l time . • 1rea onl) (.a\I 559 5387 l :J 00 1.o Ru o. t' M or fem ~xper nol ner ~~ o r1 a ' MS.4~6 ___ - GENERAL light work In e~hange ENGINEERING -~...:....-093.1 _ _____ _ t•vcnings tJr IJ7~·:J736 ttrul 714 :.~6-!1822_ for ltmous111e i.erv t< <' Ot•i.k t'lertc, weekend for rent. & utll. 8 lira · MANAGEMENT. leavemcssa.:c ~tech an 1<.' a I t'X pc.- r COOkS • ouyi.. Ambassador Inn . p/ wk. 494 ·!131 PEOPLE PERSON'

Uabyi. itli:r. l''r1 & Sat Bookkeepln~ machine helpful Coll Tuesday Breakfast. Lunch , dan 2W!>So. Bnstol,SA LABORERS House men & maids S-1ary : Sl068permooth Exec. needa p/Ume as--111,:ht~ Som .. week operator for auto de- tictwn J O~ Cor appt ner. Exper'd. Apply in DI- - -- Needed Immediately needed. Apply Bon Immediate opening for soc. lnwholesalesupply. " 1ugh~- 7!.o p /br. Sl afl 11lep.h1p Xlnt fringe 7141770-2689 person. Ma Barker's .ctary assistant.Ii .. Full Long & short term 38· Br own's )1otel, 31106 qualified individual abie Fully capltallud. m1dnl•bl. CostJ •tcsa .. _ I • Restaurant. 21? E 17th time- Jmmed. opcnmgs. 'A Jf lid •- JI "' - h Sl21834 " " 11mef1ts & work ng <'On· CIVIL St C •t Lld-0 Conva l ese~nt s1gnmen..... o ay • Coast wy, ~ut to perform vari~ pro- __ • _ _ . ------.. rea. 644-4360cxl :12:,.,r ditiooi. _ Call Gordon !,,.GIHEERIHG " ------- Cente.,&46-'77&4 vaeati.o n p ay. Lagutut. eedural AMlgnmenb laMECflAmC .>56-3799un. r. Taylor fo r ai>pl . Jlospltallzation plnn supportofprototypedo· S ~u.&u

714 .546.7070 OEStGMlR COOK DONUT SHOP JR.VINE, 11v11Uable. Start Toda t fl 0 USE W l VE S & velopmentoC medical de· ._ M"""'""-...IC Rahyslttc.-r lor 16 month to:xper'd In sub dl111.,1on expcr 'd counter help. S T U D E N T S ! ' 'ices, i .e •• artificial Res~lble ·for aervfc~

11ld boy P/ t1m,• Mon· - - -- - - wnrk Apply 1n ix•r!':on, to Days Only part. time. curly morning llouscclcaners needed, heart valv~a. embolec· & m su ntena nce fo r Wed & Thur' "11100 lo ookkceper 'Typl' t . ~Ir f'uentes. Robt>rt Apply ln Perl>un tin; 5.)2·1441 <'U rcq. Up to $100/Wk. tomy catheter a and manne labs a t O>ron11 IU:30PM. •'h home •>r l'/tuneur1'' umeAcctni? &in Wilham fo'ro"t 11. Aitcr3PM MB-1006,673-8158 membrane oxygenalors. d8Mar.Ml.n3yrsexptn ' ours, Kuh OK Heb 11f111:i: llaluuu 1-.1;ind l\.s"°' 1401Qu11l1St . Nll ~AncltntMariner DRIVERS 3841C~t0ri•• Wtll do procedural test marine t.ecbnolof)', in -•·1 1·~7 <lr 8411 1314 1,;;1 ;11111>1 2607 w C-0ast llwy, NB t-:arb' AM. :i Ii dch"en S .. L 7• I immediate ope1UJ1gs run calculations and aoalysia clud •ea water aygt.ems.

I.A T '• •1 •. • ..... .. or p/ limc. Noexper . nee. 1 _....,_ •- 1 h

tm~. " · "' !;o \Across From b za of results, maintain In· P Umuu1J • gen S op HA8YSrrrt:H fol S1.:ho•1I .Jl(C children I t!> lo 4 :JO PM, Mon t hru fr 1

Irvine 833-HWS

BOOkKEErER ClEAHtHG LAD.Y SA $350 mo C't1tl OrangoCo . ./\irporO ~f;nt~~o~ .. M0-4«8. strumenl" and prepare skills. Refriceratlo.n ~15.-0TIO Dob i.·~ual Oppor Employer reports. maintenance & r epair

.-. capab\llty desinble . COMMISSIOMS 11c-t'dl.'ll to dean offttc'' COOK

llADYSITTE!t "'n·<frd t'rl•f Ill)' lt11rr11· SJn <:lcmente. 5 U) ~. i :io tu 11':\f_ 493·2857 Hobh1c

'\Jpt IJch Inve~t 1-'irm ,., rnlngs .Mon lhru ,.'rt F chnrRe <'ommso's bk· 1la) Must be bard work kp'r. Re11 exp an peg brd in11 and trustworth' l'illl "}::., knowle<lr.c 1n read · 581 ~9&l ___ _

E~per cl only. 1\ll i.h1rt' Good pay&. benefits. Ap ply, Jolly Roner . 400 s Coast llwv . Laguna

ORIVERS/ r·TlrM to deliver L .A 'flmcs­Storcs & !".trcct racks . Must be over 18, have van o r 'Pl<'kup , also llobility Insurance . M!Hl54S. E .O. f:. Apply h<:IWt'l'n 8 JO & ~PM.

GEN~RAL MANAGER w ,, n t o d f o r n c w re.taurant chain ceotrul oc. MUKt be very CBPD· blc or al l start up rune· lions - design, Sile sel0<1100, opening. train­ing, l'tc. \Vilb current m .1n<11(ement exper . fligh Income potentl:i l l::.ill 494 -5106


Sma ll preclaioh machined &. molded parts fo r e l ect r o­me<'hanical devices. Working knowledee o YH.S true positioning prcl'd, profic1cnl ui.e of measunne instrum<.'nts rcq 'd

APPLY Send resume inchad. saJ EMPLOYMENT 1nro to employmenL DIVe.OPMEHT supervllot':

CALTECH DEPARTMENT Pasadena, ca 91125

111~ l'Ompult•r reporl s.1 __ -_______ _ _ _ _ _

i;.io 0123

CLEANING LADY 1----------


11.HIYSl'I' t' I-. It needed P/llmc. mv hn111l' Mon thru 1'r1, I ~1•>5 :JOSE llunl Heh 2 1 111 l!I ri•n I 'all ;.tfl 6. ~ik iOi I

BOOKKEEPER F/ C 2 (Jj~S pt?r wk, pc-rm . l c;1rl ofc. 1617 \Vl'~tchff Or, 110 211, N. n Phone for appl. &45·1373


C..:'lly of Newport Beach For our Costa Mc:.d <ii Sa1$1253to$1S22mo tice. Expcr prcf<•rrcd. Rloq's 2 yrs journeyman 1 • 3 11 Mr. Donnell\ .it level exper. in electrical

RanJcjnl'( TEL.LEll

5'6-2300 <'<>nslJ·uction. Fillne de·

I' I CaliforntJ 1''t.'<ie•-al adllne Jnn 9th 1978 Fpr savings & Loan tnfo & :ipplicaUoo. con·

:.'700lln.rbor Blvd. CM tact Personnel Dept, 3300 l';qu:i!Opport t:mployer Newport Blvd , N . 8 .

I 640-2101

l-----1 --&nJdog S&L IUSIOY I l.OAH '9tOCESSING irllJ.'>t be 18. Apply T ut:!. &

CLEIK Thur.. 3-4PM, Charl<'Y

I · Brown 's, J6Jli() llencb Rusy. pleasant N .lJ ofr Blvd n B JClntsnl &bencfit11. Reill --- -··-- - --• 1d vancemcnt av3U CAHYASSERS \lust ty pt· 50wpm. •STUDENTS• 'l'elepbo~ & &.-ustomcr WeWantYou • 1·ontact... Sec Madeline ToMake$Cnnvuslng Da'!'son. G73·J130. Tm Smary + 1o•sn penal Savtnp & Loan We Will Train. 15l·S4ll 3366Via1Jdo.N.B. .

Rattender8 & cuoJts ,; Sbakey'.11 Pbra. C.M. 2ZU NewPOrt Blvd, CM. 4*-0209 aft 2:JO PM

llcaut1 St1)11t wantod. Must lmaw new treoda. A1lo beam)' mmtant & • JallJete m anlearist. 837"8719G1..u:i9

~AsslsMlt l'/Tlme. KacbJne ~c eoamJu 10 ko1 .ICM~ &\ typln,-• .E~pr pnr, Will train. Gft.U12 lDamtolprn.


Jan 1. Three Yl'Trai.nlnR Pro&ram. Salary .. comm . Slart up to S3000/mo. Contact Mr_ Bradley m-8650 wkdys, fi61--022Swknd/evei. MIF. E-0.E

Classified C1111ter Sales l


needed to clea11 offlc•' !Jldf?- In :\wpt Bch ur<•a 3 eves .1 w <'<'k Total 10 hr/\\ k Good pu) Call 581 .50!!8



$600-~ Per Month Or$3.86 Per Hour

COOK So Expcr. Nccessaf')

l\pply m per&on Mter J PM

The Ancient Mariner 2(j()7 W. Coust Hwy, NII

COOK Pan umc Some ex1wr n<•c Apply in perso11. 1hc lkrby, l:!li:l. S 1-: Unstol SA.

('(}()!\•1).'h 11111-. llu:.p 1~11': l lilh ~l.

C.tll i;.is.s70i

- -------1-:lcctron1c a"'sembleri.

fo:xp'd or lralnc~ Apply Ill Pl't!SOn !I 11 . SMI:! Hl'lil'Jf~~ f>r , Jill

EL!:;CTHO~ll .\S SEMDLY & \\' llWW , ~m fricndl~ t·nmpan). tll'W Ca c tlllH•:.. l(UOtJ

bt•nefil'> Loc..ill.'<.I tn C M ~II Chuck for uppt at Nl•wporl Manne 1-:ngin · nl'Cnng G-t5·30.'l2

ELECTRICIAN ~ml m need-; 5 yr c-xpr'd t-lel' . Top wal{eli. Woodcos i. Jo: I eel ri c 5'\~{~i

Gl::NF:H1\LOFC1 JlKPNG exJK·t n ·11'd 10 key add, typ1011 ~o wpm . 11c\ocl company benefits, ref's rcq'd Newport llcad1. P' / t1ml' & f' lt1me K 1 lydc-r. 6-t2-221 l

GlMERJ.L OFFlC£ J ller~·rl

II JIJ J cw ell er' Jn So. Coa!lt Pla1J

needs .1 r~P- pcr:;on to work In the ofc. Varil•ty of dutu~s Expcor. helpful. hut will tram Call Betsy,

STACOSWITCH INC 1139 Baker Costa Mei; a

549·1041 Equ:al Oppor Employer

M&-45« Equal Opp l!:mplyr Ad Paid Jr'oc by employer m/f/h

SHIUY U.IS. IHC. Equfl OpJ>0rtun1ty

Employtt M/f


ME.DICAL RECPT. Saa. ry open, frtnce beneC1t1, Spaniah belpCuJ. Bristo l Park Med . Group, 722 Balter. Ort.

2ftd &hlft. Medical Assist.ant. exp'd l"or flberglan & TC$in pref .• bad: & f.ronl Office compression molding. f1uible qrs. Ako Patt Exper. req. Other posi· time X·ray technician. tioo.<i avail. on 1st & 2nd Newport Bea~h area .

________ _. shifts. Apply in pcr11on_ _7_14_:_646-_ 5_ll_M ___ _

I CAMBRO MFG MEDTRANSCRJBER INTERMED ATE 7801 Cay Ave, H.B. <W of for . pro fe as lo ft a I

Dench. So. at Garfield> secretarial service In CLERK TYPIST EOE Newport Beach, P /T . $7~ Per Month Lfoc)al Sec'y 1-'/T, days. Muat. be

Courses or expenencc in For busy H :B. office, knowled1eable In •11 typing or office practice must have minimum 6 medical specialties . • i,., desired. Mual he rcsi· mo. Cali!. eicper. 847·6041 Rapid typing & accurate denl of Costa Mesa. un· spelling mandatory.

EM'GIHEERIHG emplored 15 of last 2 Leg a I Secreta r y, Salnry commenauralt-AIDE II GEMERAL OFFICE weeks & m\!et income Cnminal & civil UUga- with abllllles. ex.

~.l'l 1379

l r , . t 1•· 1 levels 11s vcrH1e<l by lion. Charming otnce in perienced oDl.7 need app •l} 0 •• cwpor ""11• 1 Lile lypmg & bkkp'g. lv. Call 644-os<M k C s 11:J6-Sl381 Per l\111 <.;all 1175. 1636 for

10• t:OO. Open untll hUcd. Laguna Bea<'h. Must Y • as or

L ' II d di i tn/ 78 Contact l'crsonnel Dept., have xlnt sec'y skills & Jill Henderson. r 1 n~ ea IO(' " • crv1ew Newtv\rt Floor I • f u & "" City Hall. ab I e lo a B sum e CRE DIT UN I 0 N ·or tn orma on ap. CO\.'Crine responsibility. Pleaaino Models, (2) needed for

C:lshier- Cletk. Orangt• pl1cat1ons contact ---------- personality a musL. color brochure.$100/per Co. Credit Union. Los Pcr.-.on l!.C>I Ole, 3300 GIRL FRIDAY Salaryopen. 49'7.JT.!9 hr. J .W. Lau Landscap· Alamitos area Needs ?'"ewpor1 Blvd': N U One girl ornce. Ute book· 1---=--=-------• lng61s.MSealterSPM )taff member, 35 hrs per fi40·210l. kc!ep1ng, 10 key, trpc. LEGAi.SECY. . MOTll ER'S HELPER. week. Tue thru Sat. Ac·l--tiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilmiii phone p ersonal ty s b I ll ti curacy & ability to han· ENGINEERING 962-5.Wt m. . u.s ness Uga on Live ln. Newborn 4' s yr di . Ctrm tn Npt Cntr seeks okl. Own room.&. 1alary.

Tht.>ro aro opening!( with e monc-y m011t impor- exper. legal secy. Mast En"'' .1..i.•d ~1'..IJ'19'1 the Orange County lant. Full employee OES1GN AIDE GIRL i''RIOAY, for CPA ffiffiOO\~!-.t' 'fj..!.,•,~ril!Ja·ffi~ ... ~.!.1 have xl nl ak lll s. •--= .. --=----:... .. ____ _ Municipal Court as benefit" \\' rite E J olc in CdM. Recent exp. ~ UI k.'i Shorthand req. Stlbmit MOTOllOUTI ""rm~ft•ntandpartti'me Met.sch . General s• ... ·p· ~1th not l\ec . Bkkp11 , -"d .... • ..... , .,.... er ... on k led h I r J n l resume an \.VUU ence to Dall)' Pilot route in ~ty Clerk I. tocntcd Manage~. Box2:MS Seal Au1st 1n druft1n g. bnl~-·-!e e pu , ex· • 77F91r-Orin Ad t987, Dally Pilot. Ne.....- Beac"' Atter-30143 Cro~n Valley _Be_ ach.!...t;a.90?_4o__ C d Cl e nuw .... 675-2070 p 0 Co -Y""'" ... _ ourses an ra 1n~.1---------• 1714t 556-USO . • Box 1560, sta noom Mooday tb.rouch P .a r It w a Y: La it u n a DELIV ER V P ERSON . :tlS(eb r a • l(eomct~y • Girl 1'""rlday, lite bkkpg, Equal()ppor EmploYcr Mesa., CA. 92626 FrWy plus Seturda1 &: N1i::ucl, Cahr. Applicn- for CM area must use tngonometry & drnlbng typing & order desk. ' SUnda =· Groa11 ti be · •·-• t • ex""r desirable. Must Phoo" personallt.y 8 LEGALSECRETARY 'T -

1• onscan p1c ..... .,.upn own <'Dr, xlnl houn. ,... ... $400~ ~c•sh

the abovt 3 ddrf'sS ..,...,_0106 be resndent of Costa must. Coast Di&tributora Janitor,fuUtfme. to work In quiet ofc lft .... Good ~ M & I ed ( Tustin. Gd 2]1n• stills de · req,. between th<' huur"' of --- • na unemp oy a 540-7063C M. LagunaBeachLumbcr- r"""pt-p. •- it"",,.b""'pt..' f«eollegeatudent«2nd Sam-4pm Dcllveey Dnver P / Umc. least JO days or under ---------1 4!N-6538 !)4().826'7 "'"" - "' "" ........ I Call 842-4321

Co•~y OF approx 12 hra per wk emplo)·ed. Open until _.~_....Wllllllllll_.....,..._111111! Legal aecretM)' exp pre- ncome. · un 1 $3.17 per hr. Cd driving filled. Contact Personnel JANITORIAL. r esld. & I'd. Ca ll for appt. AStforClreolaUon •

ORANGE record & lt ccnsc rcq Dept .• City Hall comm'l. Day or nile. Ex- 832-'731L "'kOTORltOUft An ArfirrnD t1 Ill'

MtJoo Employer

L 1 bra rv l' a II J :.i 11 <' per prof Nd potential ft.a nM9Y li40·2141 sup~. Western Coun· LIQUOR ~LERK. Tue. ..,_..,5A

ties Maint. Ber noon Thurs, Fl't nlgbta, $2.~ To delJver lar1e motor S31'<17ZJor6Tl-43S6 hr. CciM. 6i3-7SJO route lu S. LaiUD• and

LOT ATI'ENDANT La1una Nl1uel. Must KEHMIL HB.P Part&fuU time hav'!:oc>dd.rivinl record

Wkndlive-ln.Somewkdy ~7""520 ::h =~~~r~ HAPPYHOUDAYS work.5'0-4234 ..- ~,

lrvtne Pe--;.. ... A•encv ·-------.-i LUMlf:R SAWMAM Fot Information oil '...,....... " J 6'Z-U2l. uk for Harry .

488El7thCostaMesa EY DISC Expr'dforret&Ulumber. Seeley«DonWUU~ ~Ile~ M2·1.'7 K Laguna lkh Uimbcr Co.

~ OPER .. ATOR 4lM~orS40-8~b r =t:O::~rTor LYN. 7-3, 3·1l s 1 ts. urly AM dellv. MusL

HOSTISS Ir ...J 2 p •t• Jmmed. openings. Lido DISHWASHH OSI 10ft5 Convalesc~nt.646- 64 b&vetrant.M0-2756.

AppJy~Peraon ,,...cld•ntal-Resurcb LVM"t7·l NIOUT AUDITOR· After a PM "" " J!:xl*"d. oart-ttme. App · -- ... __.._.M_,_ Ccrpor-atJon located in P/tlm•• Medications. 1 .. a a Brown'• Mot•l , _ _..,...m _... tbe J rvlnc Industrial ll·T f"/tlme Cbar10 duty. hlOI Cout UWJ .So.

2007W.O>aatll\lrJ,NB Complex has need for O<lod aal & frlnao hens. teiuM. • two key·ll>-dlteoperators M•• Verde Conv. Hosp, . due to axpan.tlon and Hl Center St, CM NUrset ~ JlnmedJat.o pt'OCDOCJons. U >'°" bavo 148-SSM epenlap all ahlftt. Lid() ooe )'tar pltJI experienc• CoHilqetnt Cuter, wadlftl on lul')' ·te>-dfsc ... hl-''"" ...;N-_776' _ _____ _ _....._ _________ , macbf.nel, you will enjoy .-.c .._. \he promoUonal OP· MOU»MAlll HUISISAIDIS portun!tiel at OXY D.rp 4' Wld 1ma1J PtO· P'/UrMt •II abtf\t. Parle:


wv ... CA.emo

etalon 1lnjllo Ca multi Udo Cotiv, Hoap1• 486 cavlt,ymoldttortranattt Plaiablp Bd, !'t.B. • I oj oUo n mold 111GG~«K4~-:., ____ _ rnachl.Dea. SmaJJ &bop. ...; GOOfl workla& collelt. Nua&IB Daya Oftl1. LY.N. STACOSwrTCH IHC • 1m~1c.erColtaMe1&

54f-J04f Equal Oppor EtnP'OJft'


H.lpWcmted 7100 HtlpW..t.d 7100 DAILY PILOT DI ..............................................

~~~ ..... !!~.~ ~~~ ..... !!!! !~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~!'!'~ ..... ?!~! ~rvlc• Slallon Allen- Wolden ~.~!~ ........ ~! ~~ ...... !!»!~ .................. !!~!. dant, exper 'd. Day le •

HUASISAIDES ~IUccpLllt•. Ev•. ""u•p1timc. Ap- Ericson Yachts Mlxc4 Doxc:r PueP.v. SAT/SUN ~-s. JOO Kin,. ... •-1c •ucr10M • & ~O UIS G\M ·3Pll, R1~uettun • pb'. ~llSlaLloo, 17th & I m.&le. \lo / dot hso. Good Placa. NB. Wubt'r, ... ..,_ ,...

xi.a, bendeu . includ . H'13 lhmHl.oia, llB . PRODU~TIQN l,,_,.irul,NB. !~;.~thne opentnss or health, allsbots.Gl.235 wale,t>.d, '04rm ul, MANY ITEMS 01'' FlRNYF! ~tck pay S.yvaew Coov ~ " Setv1ce Sta. Night Attend H ... .-c W....:S Free to aOQd home Tuba clothes. MORE! ~ilA~~J ~~::.LAN~ ~Tburtn, CM 6-&Z 3SOS UA.LESTATI TYPIST 2 Ors rules a wk. Apply, f\Jll beneflta: M«IJcal, 1 )T o\d $1)a1od female ?.JANY 1''\lrnllur. Uema TlQlffiS, FIN& •·URN.,

Nur .. n1 aide & aom.- Prufeaalooal, hc:oued Shell, l7lh&Irvlne.NB dental optical. Plea5e med. hsebrknS.6·958 lncl'C Baby Grand E"n:. PHONE FOR I~· ti.-.ekp'1fordilabltd fem ulupeople wanlad, IBM SELECTRIC II •PfllY ·al Security Ole., CATWhilc mile part Piano. Cb rr-1 Dlnln1 FO. & .BROCHURE. Exp P

-"'d but not ~~ ..... comm•··l""'M . d St:rvice St1lion Allen· 1931 Dttre Ave. S.A. .,, · ll be.!.. 9 Rm. Ping pona tbl. P•UO 645-2200 R',I re- ,,.....,..,... - v•-· Experienced accurate Typist noc cd daot, apply at : 15922 ... a~. ouse .... ui. set. <>tht!t' ttema Include I...;..;.;..,;;;;,;... _____ _

i~.'1-.~ ln or out Advanc::='J 1mmedi~lely. 10 wpm (must) Pacific Coast Hwy. Hntg -- --- mot. ~6-8705 to)S, boob. loob, ap PUIUC AUCTION



Cha,..a9ne Temporary

Help 3149 ltree. St. M.wporf leCKh


r- "'I ,.~Ltr Deb. 213 592·1571 YACHTS~LES GREAT D"NE/ FAWN. 4 pllances. Ft1nclst1n IANY ITEMS OF FINE - ... r .. --• Experienced > achl sales Yra. Registered, spayed, wore & MUCH MORE. i-;sTA TE JEWELRY.

621 W. lttlL.CM PartTjme Senice Station Attend f)l!r11v11 wanted by rav1d lovesduldren833-03Sl ~l ART OBJECTS. AN-Tbunday & Friday Day Shilt. fo\tll & PIT. exp & ovr 21· ~row In ~ f' U J l / -- nQU&.~ flNE FURN

llc~ &,late Sales Peopl.: Saturday Nla:ht Shift Sr'ual OJhcend &Aupnpal!yoramt YAMAHA Dcakr. Call GltEART DANE.edFALown. 4 l~i_&hwbobyl cth .. eatTS6SV. Bl$ 6AC'5k. ETC. PHONE FOR IN: want1.'<l. Up to 90/lO"'o mi~ · SOUTHWESTillM yr.1 e& 1pay ves "' "" FO. & Bl\OCHUR~. comm. ~pht. Nwpt Bch D l C K P R I C E y •CHT S •LES l'liiitfren.'&13·03Sl . Refrigerator $35. 973-0795 MS.2200 6.1Hl900 TYPESETTER CHEVRO~. 2S172 Cabot ,... ,... __,;._........__ __ _

Rd ut La Pai. Log Hills . 714/ 673-9211 <.:NJ.'. White male, part HorsfPS 1060 Service Station alten- YARD MAN Siamese. lloosebroken, l> ••••••••••••••••••••••• SCRAM-LETS


We need people to receive, mark & ins~ct lncom1og

merchandise in our n :c:e1vmg department.

Experienced. Day sb.i!t position

Excellent Working Conditions · Apply in Person

Oran9e Coast Daily Pilot

dants F /T & p rr. Hrs Rental Center has open· ITIO!I. 641i·8705 Appalooea Horse, '"' Yl'I. ANSWERS 4·12 ; 3-10. Apply 2160 1 ni 8 1 0 r 2 m 0 0 • 1-·ree to good hom e muat sell $325. '152·5009. llarbor,C.M. Mechanical knowled,re English B11l l Dog , _831.~·.;;..13-t;.._5 _____ --i COcltle-C1u.ilty-

Scrv. Sta Help nooded im· helpful, neat handwnt· pure bred, female Household Gooch 1065 ~=::=~~~:.:-med 1'\tll or p/l. Apply, lnJ! nl'c. Wl.'ekd3y off. Ms-3138 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COMAfERCIALS 900 E. C~t Hwy, Nwpl Walltraln.l930Newport Snoo'1y °tY'p"e'; 4 mo , New beige drapes Itovcto watchWe:fternS Bch. UI, C\l female . gOOd w/ k1d1. to w/bardware, -4 8lulf1 U on 1V, especially whell

Siller/ Companion with Young man 3 hu work en gd home w I yd only model-2 pr wlndow the hero h\lches up hL" <.>phthalmologil>t seek\ l '\

f>t>r 'd front ofc rcc:•·vt ~lust know btlhn,; & bk k~g. Sortie typUlg. Call ~-4553.


1'\all time posl\lons & luU ro. benefits.

330 West lay St., Cotta MHa Ask for Paul Ward

elderly gentleman 4 hrs ~nday mornln11 2.JO:im 751 855-t lenJlh, 3 pr. floor. $100. itunbelt and i.ays, .,Black ~ d I HB

'n c toSJOam.Jiboul$Spcr Call &AM-noon Bart..lmi'",___.., .. .w ___ ..!!.1

1832· ~"'·s~~ e s. hr &16·1413 or 673 2S1S. CUte 6 mo. old orange cat, 114-640-5467 COMMERCIALS to act •

PBX operator for telc aru;·g :.en·. Vaned shifts upen, full & p l \\'111

1 tralll right ix·r:>on. CJll ~1 ·339~

....,.. .... hali shots. 613·o.t.Oa or --- ----1-

0- 7- 0

- • outort.own!" • Merdtandbt 07U485 Jtw""1

7-11 STORE. f\Jll or Part . ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Super Bowl Tickets Tame Clerk . Apply in ••••••••••••••••••••••• QlleDop: Mop&Cook1e. WA ..... TED 2 Ti . ........ plann f'"•o 3 person . 28933 Crowl) Mffqytt 1005 2 M 1 t l G l "" u..,.., "' -

tl·~~- 4/!Wl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••• . PUIUC •UCTIO.... wtlhkads. 008-3920. TOP CASH DOLLAR $1000/°'orrer. MS-1126 S P h I Niguel. ,... " P A 1 D F 0 1l \' 0 U R •

RESTAURANT ' ecretary- urc as nc MANY ITEMS OF FINE FunMfur• 1050 JEWELR•1. WATCHES. Original c:ttl>oo copy or

Plcl.ll>e apply in person

.\n Equal Opportunity Employer

~ M He4pWanted 7100 Hetp,Wmhd 7100 Valley Prk"wy, Lag . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8

•9 1 tens. rea day hotel & mealio.

~uturePersooforLunch ror prominent Orange STUDEMT ~STAT!-: JEWELRY. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ART OBJECTS. COLD, tho book "BATTLt:. PhotMSchedulers >. r ru•I Buffet service In d1nmg Cout Building firm P/ llme young men 18 ART OBJECTS. AN · STOREWlDESALE E F. my" b "I U ·

0 n11f'C"'"".., ' "~''""' located in Tustin . f d r & TJQUF.S FlNEFUllN New&usedturn.appl's, SILVERS RVJC •• "'t yLeofl.,., ns. ~lea!~ ~~~:~m~ ~.1~~~1~ l•""r"'•" im.-1 .. ,~ ...... , o11o<<" ~:,~ /pgf;~~ ~~~";:. Previous constru~ tion ~'!!hC::c . '~P~~;~·1~!rty 1-:rc. PitONE FOH 11..j'. misc. WUson's Bargain fl NE f'URN & AN Asking $700. Call Erik. 11me. OayorEveruni:s. 4 ••• b•rh\o.-c• Hotel Laguna. 425 S . exper. required. Type World,2025NewporlBI, FO. & BROCHURE. Noo4c.54~&814W . 19th, TlQUES.&4


7~·1080· 675-8940 Nd meticulous mollvatt-<l ;::::,~ :::11 • .i.., <:>.••i oco Coast Hw y. Ll\guna OOwpm • no shorthand. Costa Mella. 64S-2200 CM.642·7930&548-3262 ~er. DIAMONDS295. Hand carved Ivory chess md1v1duah1. Gd benefit~ . l '"-~·•'"•7''' 1<u 1 lleach. 494·1151. ContactPeggy8l5·300l ---------• .94clloosedla.$41~. 11el from India. Very }I al h E

· 1

ND .;.;.-------1:---:---.-:--;-:-::--~7' Sw1trhbonrd Opera tori. -•1uc •ucTIO.... 5th ft . long custom padded 1 J Or •n .,..., .. 2 .. , .u .,.,,..,, e t xammt1cs1

1---------"1 ... v ,... "" • portable bar with Alsomscstones& wry. na...,,_.,., . .., :.,..., . .._,., (71ri)S40-7442 Restaurant help for J tu·k· Secretary full & p/time. Will tr<.1in. MANY 11:EM~ OF FlN fo. multiplelC tuner, 8 track 2 Emenlds 213·436--0972 Boy's 5 spd. Schwinn.

R£CEM'WEEKEND Jn-The-Box, immediate &15-8772. ESTATI-. Ji':WELRY. &lurl1lablo-allar"' Tlental office, licen:s. openmgsonallshiftsat3 ART OBJECTS, AN · . " - U•ntock 807 goodahapc,$60;ba:;sf\d-hdpCul, .Judy or Margie C<llita Mesa stores Please SENIOR TECHHICIAMS TIQUF.S f'INE FURN ins-plus two custom •••••••••••••••••••••• die, Cermnn made, case

4~·9424 apply in person : E.'TC. PHONE 'FOR n.i'. ~g~t Iron bar stools. Reg. Morian mare. broke incl. $275, firm. 675-8581 38SE.17lbSt. SECRETARY W an l t! d I m FO. & BROCHURE. Sharp 58


· to ride & drive, blk ,. Rec('pllonisl/Order Desk. 120SBakerSl. munology / Serolo1p 645-2200 parade Morg$ g4ldlng. ~ Cust r~mote control Good w/ numbers. peo· 223$HarborBlvd. R~earch and Develop- t.echnldan for young Bio· --------- **I BUY** Eng Western (714) sall botil, mclds Schan· pit'. phone contact, lyfl ·...._ ________ ,,

1 ment organizaUon 10<·at· medical corp. Dul.Jes w1lll•--------1 Good ~ed li'lrniture & 338-1011 ncl croft trnnsmlller •

ans: N<.'<!d.~ to he neat& ,. cd 10 the I rvinc In - include assisting m pro· MUSIC IOXES Appllances--Oll 1 will ---------~ $885.2l.3:43S-225S plcic._:i_nt_. S.1~1144. RETAIL duatrial Coa>plex has an ducllon, processing, & CLoca<S sell or SELL for You. 200 YDS of used sbag

OP~~T~RS RN'l'ptwmsl. We ne<'d girl opening for a Senior charactcnzing 3ntlsera Slot Machines. Nlckclo· MASTERS AUCTION Miscefl-.ou• 1080 cpl.£.. 110 )'da Cr~n. ao 1-'rufoy \\ho likes people CLERKS ~retary. to drugs & biological deons, phonographs 64"'8686 It 833-9625 -••••••••••••••••••••• rds. blue. Sl. yd. 60' 2' 4·

All Shifts & w .1n h to "ork an malenals. BS tn Lare W~~larae~l selec · WANTED 83tulc·l2Sha17n lank fencelOO.

Plastic Injection l\loldJl\g

SET0 UPMAM Exper'd. 2nd Shirl

FOREMAN t :xper'd. 3rd Shift. MAIHT. HELPER

Apply.. I d Successful candidates Sciences & exp . in t,· 0 . lso gltts. c•"'HPAIO p t•as.1nt !ollrroun 1ng'> "'-· I n.> Orange Coast Plastics 10 1

busy. J c tsve ex· UTOTEM will havt' engineering ~0 ogy oec furniture, antiques. For gd used furn. anti· TOP CASH DOLLAR .

• -~-•W-18•th-s.t .• t:.~.1_ .. 1 etUuvcs. l'all 979·2101 Connnfenc:e Mrieta knowl~i:dRe. !>horthJnd Amen can lnt.emauonal. caues & clrTV's. 951-8133 p Al 0 p 0 R V 0 UR Kirby vacuums. New fact .

- - ----- Help Wanted six'Cd or 100 "pm. and Wanted Research 1802 Ketlenng ; lrvme. JEWELRY WATCHE.<; repacks, fully gauran-l' R ACTl CAL NURSE Receplionii.l/~fypist , l!ll , 2nd& 3rdShins Technician ror young iM-lm. OpenWed.-Sat Blond dln'g rm set. ge. ART OBJECTS G-OL 0 • teed. 7 !.ba11 adjust·

)IL:LPEI' wanted for needed rull time for W 1 Qualified applicant s B10-medlcal corp . nwne wood. Includes SlLVER SERVIC·1-;: m ents. SlOO ea. Call c_ " '.'>o exper. rcq'd. e lra n should send 3 resume an- Kno"'ledge of l o;otupe b\lffet, l:lbll! & 6 ~hairs. FINE FU nu. •- AN. Warehouse, l-832·2101

blind woman & 111 Newport Beach those hired. AppUca;: eluding cala h to labeling. Elcc -1-.--------1 °·'7.,"'"' ,, .,.. lltisband, 6 or 8 br-$ daily. puhh.,hing hrm · Good apply al Utotem Sto .. ry '" ry ,. '" ~------- TIQUE.5. 645-2200 Mlac.U..,us &i5-95i3CM. km111.ll.'<.h:e of,J:rammar located at : awnd reqlul1n•ml'nb tlol ttroophhoortesis,tl'Spec · WHOLESALE MISC.FURNITURE 2 J t w 'd .J b d Wanted 8081

------ _ l"''''nlt"l . "7"-·6730 lllOel"-'arAve,C.M. ayne arr1li or ca r p omc y, TO THE TRADE e p r 11un rs . ' " "'" "' ) 000 ,..... h d · lncld'g Dinlnd Rm G b II ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pre School Tral'ht' r, 3 ~ r - ----• 1390 N. Pacific Cst Hwy (714 957-7 • ....,.romatogr:ip y esira· Sundowa ....... 5 Ltd. • reat s a ow water old class. F1t1nw, am · Laguna Beach bk. MS or~ w/2 yr~ IS292lol Chi &Bedroom Vessel·SCURA & W.ANTED: Use~ sta · med. employment. f'or RECEPTIONIST We are an equal OCCIDENT AJ. exp. prefd. to . ca Set.s. 993-0570 snorkeling. $750 ea . uonary exerclse bicycle.

1nfo('allS40.lfH9. FOXY LADY H.1. 1714,193·7509 3 6 1 t b 213 :435-22M ln gdcond, 7$l~5S opportunity employer RESEARCH P I T Techni c ian for _________ lx l g a.f\S op wroug t

RECEPTIOM~T younii B10-medica1 corp. iron & tu~ s«!el tbl. 4 LUGGAGE TAGS ~ano1rte<\clu:bsotd3~ood1,A~,shh!11~ J>nnl111g Collater, p tlmt'. .Now uccepling a1111h ca tions for Mon & 1'u1 ·~ na14ht i;h1Cts. Apply 9am 4pm, Pcnnysavcr. lbHO Plael'nlitt Cosla rttc-<1 :1

PRIHTSHOP Offset or Xern1,:raph1c k ~ y o p e r a t o r . ~: x pcncnce nl'cc~!> <.1ry . New ~hop uulmng xcro'< 9'100 maclune. Wnt(' l'.O. Dox 441H. lrvtnl' , C\. 9271ti, slat ing experience and v.age r_cqw!:_ci:ient.

SECRETARY CORPORATION Uuli"" include preponn" <TEW•RTROTH chrs, circa 1930. $350. ... uu ....... .. ..

'-4 " "' "' Cull673"c"l fromyourhusine;scard . Mac G r e•or clubs • Reagents & malerials 111 ......... "'UES . .,.,., "' l11r the nnlv Nat '! Ad Retail Gift Galltry "'"",.. ---------1 Send one cord for each 831 -1007 •

i\ i:ency in Or;angc Co. nds p/ time attra ctive. :.?lOOS.E. Main Streel ~~e~~~1:r~=~·~ls~il~ A ~hipment or Americ<.10 CoCfec lbl, SQ, pecan, $50. tag plus one spare. Wo -- ·- ----S t 1 mulat1nl! environ· personable female . lrvane,CA.92714 Oakantlqucsha11ju;;tar· 2 end chests, $3!> ea. return permanenlly P• 1087 mcnt, arent benefits , Wltnds incl. Rc.spons1blc Volumetric method!! are r1vc<.I from the Jo:asl 9634090 sealed nttroctivo L:1g & .. ••••••••••••••••••••• \lnL~rowthpotculial for for all facets of 11lorc An Equal nee. 1 YT college Coast. Open lO·liPJ\1 ---------• strap, meeting airline Rabbit hutch, lge, auto somL'One inll'rested m ad business. Ca ll Well · Opportunity Employer che~istry nee. daily Bdrm set: Bed, dresser, J.D. requirements. Pre· water sys S2S. 535-4142 achwusiJ1.1t. The girl you Thurs aft lOAM. 675·3080 ~~~~r.~t~IF~~~~ Ex,.ellent o-neCits. 750 E. DYER RD. two nightstands s75

. vent l<m & lh~ft! 1-·or a Rabbits Cheapl • would replace has beeni---------1..: ' ""' SANTA ANA Kitchenette SS. 548·3964 persooalitcd tog encl~c ' ! vromoledtoTrafficl\lgr. . . N .B. 63l ·1881 CatlheNewp<>rtl-'wy) II' SOl<'A . l r>ose pillow wellp1per, fabri c or "-'""OrcJ•s 109cr _ Shl' was first hired 5 Sallmalung. xlnt opport. SECRETARY TELEPHONE SALES 751-8922 baC'k, goldish color, $109. " Oay Oto" paper & wo ••••••••••••••••~•••••• mo's :£~o. A.!.k for Liz Cor s ailrnaking career For Construction Co . Tired or the roulint"~ 962.2911. Wlll back & tnm your New Brand Name Plano;. t· William s . Bozell & wold established farm . ~ear Brookhursl & 1--------- ---------1 tags. Or try t'4o card:. 10%overcost. t Jacobs833·0888. _Slz._ 7_2311 _______ Adams. H. B. Call btwn 9 Thlsj()bisforyou ' WHOLESALE FULLCOMPLETF. backtobacl<. BeachMusicCenter

-----1S3les Aid Hourly Pny & 1\:.'lt &S P:-01 . 962 6683 Ca~~~S.:~95\l TOTllE'fRADE MAPL~~SET $2eaorr/~CES l71G.1 Be~~~~d.Jl.B. RECEPTIONIST bonuses Newport Pools Senet.nry for R.E. ~tgr . 1'1ME-LH'E NOW OPEN 1---------1 4/5tagsSl.60ea.

PUILIC WORKS ~m.i.ll l'\hi.saon \'i~jo Mfg Orange County 644 6191 .\lust have gd shlhnd & LJBRARJ ES B I a c le & W h i t e 6/9 tags SUO ea. Bu I d w i n Co m Pac l IMSPECTOR I Co nt't.-d~ neat appeanng

5 1 ,,. Q

1 t l} pang MovmJ! to new Equal Opp Ernplyr m l f TO PUBLIC . Houn4stooth corner unit, lOor moreS1.40ea. Tbe&ter Organ. Mod. er

,.. _, ... 1, ,, h 'aes . . .-ine u..ilYfatmfrvim:. ood d$1 839 2RLesU .. lJ \. 1ty '" ,, cwpurt ~ •1r coorteous.experpersoo. Retailing firm nt•cds & b 'l \ I l ---------1 OPEN7DAYS P. con . 00 . . 5394 SalcsTaxlncluded . esp .... rl!.an que

~l.Z84·Sl5li0Per~ln'a c.xp belpCul but woman w/,. ood tas te T enef'ri -· TthPPSY o AWEEK9G NOCARD? v.hlle. gold lrlm, $1200. y hn~ deadline \ 'l l ~R ot . t 'd · ., · · cmp o ice : e anger Telephone Sales Upholstered Oak sofa & Dr .. 6425733 ' . • n nee. ypingreq . r:111n fashion&people onenll.'<i Co 2082 Michelson F2 12 Sundo- "-&.1qut1Ltd :ha11 ood nd aw your owo or sen.. -----Jl('((~ -' yr' e:1.1ll'r . in 50 WJ>m Call L1lhan 10 i;ell P / timll . <.:all · · lit A -"""""" c wr,g co · name address phone & ~M-..1.hl 809) P

ublt t• \\!Ilk~ t·On'l lrlll' ~1 :"'"') • e~ky .;,6· 1'"-"" Irvine. 7S2·0234 U-4t 15292 lolsa Chica ~·7145 ·u . . d . _ ... ~ ~ "" """ ""' .,.. """ we mike ono car per ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1Jonormspect1on. 1''orm· - -- --"'"'-''- -----1---------"1 ON THAT H.1 .1714,893·7509 ANTJQUE.ioldenonkbul· tag.Add2Ycach. Singer delulte (Dial·:. · form<.1l1on & <.1pp1tc·ations ll: E. Sal~ . SALES-Jr. Women's SECRET•RY/L-...t rel. Onenlal leak chest. Send checl< or money or· Stl• ch) Buttonholes conlar t PerMnnel OCr, ~cnlury 21 Adame IJ now Fashions. Exper. pref'd. "' -..,m £S &14·1651. 8.'J2.634J derto: • · · .' :1.100 Newport ntvd, N.H. inlt•rvlewing for sales Adv3ncement possible. 2 Secretaries for SAL JOB ll!OO's solid brai;s dbl bed PILOTPRIMTIMG blind hen\li, over-casts. "A" 2101 ·--~pie for their 2nd offlc.'e j Th Newport C.Cnter Law Of. f N n tl & o• II it /d k & b M'WS stretch, many fan .,.rv· . "" Apply n person, e " rame. ew irm mn . n wa un . w es ca . P.O. Box 156() cy patterns. Gauranteed.

m Al1c1a Town Center. Second Glance, 2122 w. flee . Typing 60 wpm, GOOD box11pr\ngs. $515/ oCr . Fino ceiling. From$170. Costa Me11a. Ca. 93jJ2G Wal. tbl Included. Bal ,,.,17 QualityAu.,rance across the slreel from Oceanfront, N.B. legal expr~ot n ee . &12044-1 Custom Wall Units. or .,10 rno. No crcdl' .. re·

TECHNICIAN Gemco. For appt. call _:..;;..;_,_:......~----1 Salary com ensurate BUOOYI 492 6682 IBM S I t i 11 ~ •

b d Manuel Adame, Brkr. or w/ ab1l1' ty. "-I ., .. ·7600 • •....&&cmc:es 80 I 0 · e e c · r c quired Call Warehouse Electronic ackgroun ""' .,.... ~ Typewriter, M!M. OfClcc """ · •

rfYl 'd. No degree nee. Louise Julcau, Mgr.1---------·1~~~~~~~~~~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brwn pattern sect. couch, Desk 34.''xGO'' $35. Ole }....,..._._2_10_1 _____ _ Age open . Im med 831·2640 SALF.S Secret.arial /ofnce clerk 4 TMs (1th• moat in· FRGHT DAMAGED ~old reCrlg, S/~. Chair, $25. Dresser 4 SporihtcJGoocb 8094 availabilily, good RESTAURANT Im· hrs per day, afternoons, hrfttfng & fun 5Clfe1 HOTPOINT SALE. 3308 asher / Dryer, rnd dn dwr $25 Sideboard ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-benefils. Mls11on . Viejo me·' late open1' ngs for MONEY ui job t- 0 C W W. Warner nr Harbor, rm set. Hollywood bed. <He.:...lewhite) *""" Sm Fl h S 1 u typlng req red . S3.2Shr. "' o. • SantnAna. 979.2921 PP963-l<l92 ,,,, -""· · sc er uperg ass :'o1fg. Co. Call Lillian, r~ l>o l11urnnt personnel. CaJIJudy833-8680 offer a baM poy a -- -- correeTbl$2S.S56-0525 1nowt1kis. 195 cm W/U

( ·

SSl·3830 \' 1 l" t o r 1 ..i station (& PRIDE) -'----=;..._~----• d i t CASH PAID Geroge Sale 8055 Mink J k , ood nd bdngs .. $75. MK-500 Wood ---------1 llci.lauranl. <formerly _________ , 9oo comm., X 11 • For Wshr/ Dryr!l/Rcfrig ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ace .. g co · 170Cm w/Eckel bind · Bell & Crown) 140·11 Tl-• Llf• Llbrarl-· SICltETARY bonus & casual at· workinaornot~7-8133 PUIUC ... UCTIOM Asking~·.2188 inp·$4S. 6kl boota-siics :: Quality Control n (' a c h B l v d •• ~ ...... both fyf1 .. , Order Coordinator ~ to CJO alOft<J - .. __ MANY FINE ITEMS OF ..... 6~. 7, 8~. 10; $1.SO, $25.

M Westminster --o&• Opettlttc)s for Re.i1onal sales ofc ror w/ OMI' 5taff bt9eflts. Rec

0 n d 1 t J

0 n e d ESTATE JEWELRY. Ba byline Dresser & $35 & $45. Girl's bic~·

anar1er ..-.-.. L- thi! llorld wtdo manw. Modoartodoor. Ow Refndera•-rs, washer· ART OBJECTS. AN· hutch. 2 oaJc tbls. kltch skates-Size5N,&kate fl& • Restaurant-Cooks, de· crilalah, ""' l0Yht9 has an operung for a ,. "' ., TIQUES, YJNE FURN.. tble/2 chrs, Qn Sofa bed, & r.kate dress·siie 10

ABO(l>a~ prOduds co. livery drivers. P /Ume ~ who w-1 11alea secy/coordinator. ofc. spac• f1 b4tallfflul & dryer&. Freight ETC. PHONE FOR IN· 16" Schwinn boys bike. Cchild>·all Cor sso. Call • i needs .Xpe.r'd person for openings tor women & to~--&.~ II a... Pos, req's accurate lYP· ltno•JqMf'· W•traift.. damaged & Model Home f'O. & BROCHURE. Tools. Toy box, MUCH 00.01.38. , non-<lestrucUve testln1. men wilh outgolng _..._.. • .,...., Ing & good telephone SOUMDGOOD? returns. Guartde.I. Also 645-2200 MORE.963-589lTr --.-l-lm-'-a·.-t-er- 2-00-.-5-w-it-h ! d.lnttNl~.i Inspection & personalllJes & who take WE Off ER communication skills. --c~1 new appllanc~ al cost+ " 1 workinl to Mll,,Q 9SSIA pndc in their work. Over • Exper. pref'cl, bul we ,_.,, w 10<;;.. DUNLAP'S 10960 PUIUC AUCTION Investors hand signed S3lamon bindings & • procedure&. Send r.e· 21 & able to work eves. • will train the rl &bl RUllER DUCK Talbert Cat Euclid) FV. MANY FINE ITEMS OF lithographs: Ch agall, poles. 575. O:lllS81·7446. : ; sume to PO Box R, $210·$3 to start. Apply *Guc9'.Hrtf$tlmy person. Good sal & AT 963-0'12l()pn7days. ESTATE JEWELRY, Miro, Dall, Calder & Staff llnt..,... ' Newport Beach. Ca ait5pmdally, MeNEds *C:O...raMW""1y benefits. For :ippl. call lll.a095 ART OBJECTS, AN· otbers. -J..ow prices ..;. '1095 .. : ·9:16GO.~~~~~~~~~I Family Pizaa Parlor,410 .-•Gt-eat~"- ~-45039am-5pm TIME-LIFE TlQUES, FINE FU,RN., 752·5000 ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• :. = E.l'lthSt..C.M. ;rttdT............_ft• AMF, INC. Utt••tlS Whirlpool Washer 4c ETC. PHONE FOR IN· ,,.._,, Clllbs No- .. wcstrrn'-.-------

• ._.,, Potter le Brumfield Div - Dryer. 1 yr old. Xlnt FO & BROCHURE """ • ,.,, "' 1•

...., W..e.d 7100 tWp 7l 00 CA' ·1 tooav 36tll Av~lda F.qua.l ()pi> Emplyr m/f cond. S300/both.. 1193-0S70 64S.22oo • X-5till, X-loo~. 2·9. PW, ct.EA RAN CE SALE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• L "' Aeropuerto _:_:...;;:;:;.:.:.. ___ .._ __ , D·2·3"" woods, $100. 1 DAY ONLY~ All fill·

START TOMORDnW San Juan Caplalrano MOYIMG SA.Ul 549·1011 turoa. trade & light, lo be •· "u F.qual Oppor .E(Jlployer lJuat sell everjtblng. 26 .. Color TV Console 1old as is. Be11t offc"

71 • 033 0995 _._;.-~----a Wrought iron &Jasa tbl Plays good $145, B/W lOAM Lo 2PM Tuesday

Op11ninfl march 6t~. ..9n ~aJLwniJ6f;,JJ

't1' "O SECY/BKKP'R. e ... " tbru $75, F\Jrn . Uoen, dls· Port1V.$32.641H525 Januaryard • .... , l\ware, appl., etc. All in TKETOPDRAWER TIMEtlfE ' trial bal. Client contact. aood cond. Saturday, Norweflan white fox, $50. 22.1 MorlncAVc.

UBRARIES INC 25301 Tuna Dana Pt. Cahil weddln,g gown, Balboalsland 496-41~ ~m~u:!!:siso~.~6'4~·S~1~1~·~~ll~~~~~~~~


. ,. ' I


, &ndey, January t. 1978

our-famous DIME-A-LINES ..

RAlCHLE .!>Ill' 10 i.l.1 OltAN(.il'; hide J · bed hOOls ~ L :.. D1H·1' coul"h S2S bi3· 1117S \\et :.u1l ~12 DIOIOI( (fJ<>m (•h:tndcher ~- Medium Ol.Ut·u,h1l•g1ster~S;tw 'lie bean J:>u.: l'h1111 !)I br(•c:wway w1llls 1'!' wide Sunbeam C'lct'lru· .,hu, 0.: 1 \\1th 1calou:.1e wmdo\\ !> :>4 , 6-10-8187 and rc>0f. vou tak1• down

$20 !163 30'Jlj l'llSULATION 2 rol lb M Gobaln , foil , but·k :t l"J>:W <"ru1i: 4 1.'ilr door '•"xJ6" ll56' $10 c>u1h ~ ' IH: ukeri. S10 pair ~olid (Jwou<l lllll'f 101 !)HO W:ll •

,. doors 30" x7!* ·~" luunl' - -pullern, cx1:1•11Pnl t'mHh '\;f:\V 10 Pll'~l' 1

• 'and a,.· •ton ~25 t'.irh . cu \I drivt• 1·onil11nul1on nu.•lr1t• li.i0-1377 and inch r11kho.:t 11ockl'l

i.rl, unw.rd sarrif1cc SW '-URITAK1': diinJ plJI !HiO 1931 1 I.' r" ' f> I JI ,. ' ' 11 p' "I It A ~ S 1:~ T 0 R I Z F. D ... J u c er' ... (HI II .1 II d . . . , ' q~gt·t.ihlt• l>'t\\b, ;-;:i., .ill \\al nut \\all dock 1i7S 062J ' Jcriftn· S2() !Ifill .i!131

.., P \ "1 srr .. 1, ll' n.lngmi: lamp ,,,/·nl 1n: ~1-.

l ' PllOLSTl::ltJ-;O t- urn1·1 'lhfl l!JJJ booth S;!\J LU\\11 mo\\c.·1 • \\llh t•ult'hl'r ::,;1 ( 'l\., l .il Cl'-1-.\\orkbcnch!> long:! 1 handelu·r S:!ll 1, 11..,1 \\1th: ' ' dra\H•rs S211 l\\u 11ortablc I Yl)\'\Hltt•r ~>o t1rl'-. lur i>mJll t r utk '162 11373 1 lx7110, many mill'' ldt

. S20 5'.JI ·:l!t..lfl


Ada ~ lutmH~ AcidNIMI ... Ot


AdnrtlHn •lolatht9 thew ,...,._tlOft• may be ill •lolatioft of St•te .,. fro1tchlu lo•rd &" locd btllhteu llCHH


BEUS \\Ith m01ttr1•.,w., ~1 5 ii net ~'25 <·:it h Dmms: I u hie :SIS ('h1ld·., ('Ur Sl.'Ul., ~I iind ~; Uah\ "1\\llli,: SS l111ckmg l'11atr '15 Bub~ l IOlhl'r'> 111 "I I B.1h\ drc:.~cr \\tth 1 nb top S25 IJ1shc,, '"'"'~ JJOI' und pun:. 5 ;;, Self dl•an

I"\\ 0 '' tl'kt·r '"" • I h ;11 ' too ls, \l'l"V nice·~. 1•.1l'11 11 H IS 16 0:.»1

, ml( brmlt•r OH'll ::..'> U1k1· 1"l LI. ' 111.' brJ"' bed :-.:t~i s2:;. Ch1ldn:n ':. dc~k si 1" 111 :.Ill' ~.iltre:..:.. :. I:;. Wooden plJ}huu~l· :sllJ l\\/11 I \\/Ill 11t•1hpl'CJtlS. I) {' S20 ''005''

1; O OD Dod g ,. IJ .1r1 ~rl'l'n Jlld J:tJlrl t·hccketl M~;;.~1. rllB !!li!l 'l~l''u · • Valiant !-tlant Ii purl:., ~ lurboth 8IO 1016 -·-- -·-- ••W

l'lulch 11ro.::..!>un· pl.1t1·. 'l'WO I t f I - CuH'l'IS !\latht•i; 21 1·olur l 111:..c and IJl'JI 1ni; SI:! • l' 1,'':.. 0 c ra~'l'r~,n~t' TV in walnut .. 1:.ll11n1·I lll'llhou.,1ng SS. l 'h,,lwd ' 1 llu'' · une \\h~t' s .. 5 works~ !>15 56011 :'\ IO. Complete 1 ... .i11·1 oll\ l':H'h .. nm~ rh;~m:-. f•)I" -- - . I 'l' m bl y Sl 5 1:1" I I ml> lflH'k l1rc·s 12x16 ~ S20: Tl RES h\11 c;70.1s l"illll.lh, wllh two '>l>· tll"' !SS o~1· \.Pllnw d c>'k , 15 good cor11hl111n Siil eal'l1 I •·aclf. WipPr m111111 . , !•Ii.I l•.i.a 518·5072

:1 18-3978 :! 1J • II (I y ~ .!. ':, fJ.C I.' d Tl R 1': eh Jin., 11'1-<I i~n~ TA fil.F. lt!ld . four dlJll i. ~t·h" 11111 S!ll ~;" ladw~ f1 ls .J K or l.7U 15 ur

"25 Ii 15 !l53:i. lil2 1111;:! srh" 11111 'IO d11ghou,,e I. 71! I.'> ~l'i Ah11 Ill''' 'II r .111111 phono .. 11 t•o t·ham-'. flt" H70 .. md 725 l :l

111 m1ilnlt· 1 .1111111• 1 l)r<l71l l 1 ~ I :! 1;.tll 38811 I r11et·t> ~<'<"t111n.1 1 :;:!.'l ·1 "" 11'111..:1·1 dlc.>r :-11 111 .. •1b n1te ~tend., ~Ill Toa~ll·r \\nrl. Kl:.! 17a1'1 2·1 'RC'A B&\\ T\'. "ori..., ..;;! Uah.v 11t•m,.. !'Ill tn 1tood S25 ~·nt•I arv dla11 ' lS :!OfiU C11nl1 nl•nt;i l :\I I-:\, .. 'kl b1Mlh '>Il l ' Ii S25 ArttllC'IJI Or1t•ntJI \\t t ' M lit.; ll!m ... 111 \\omen' ,i., , boots mm.: trl't', t•11.,tom made,

I'\\'\ I.I I> s h1•1h 1<11• p11rL1 bl1• t111h I .,t a1nl1·~.., ,,,.,.j 1111111111 fr.11111· ;s l(;

''"' ~ ~1:. \ nltquc oak ~ '. S::::j. li·H !.;.'ii. K.'.12 1'3-13 s \\1\l I tha11' l\\O pmk , --1.imr .... ~t· Jc.•h sui. 17AA L,\RCE lahlt· lamp S2S.

llulla \L1\ lwd Ill ' " '' I 11 S ,\ IHI"! :':!'o ' '"<>rtl•d 11.1m 1• n 1•\\I\ p.11nlrd hJntl 1t•1I' It• ~:; • 111•\\ 1·11\ 1·1 1111 2· ;111 loam ph "nod " 1wr '-hl'f'I rn.111 rt''' ~1:.0 !ll>ll ~i.»8 ;:,i1 1:>:11

L,argl' marr Jmc> hungmg ~II Sl..1td1oarcS... Int'\\ S:W·S2'> s:! Infant r,1rnl•r ::.I Infant "'"'"ll ...fl \\ omt•n ,., l'lolhl'", "llll'

7 !'>U ~1 llrhl'' S2.i T\' .. t.1n<I ';Ill lh•tl !.pr1·.1cl l'hl'n 1111· s~ l'IC'I u I"' :-:l 511 201;21 SJrHlllllH' r Ln , t Ill. s;11; IKl\8

I \:\11'~ "' I .ihlr•., s.'i Diii llOY ..., i\luto' '11n11ru' in~ I a hit• \\Ith ll•al Slf• hiki · ~.'> 17~ 711 llU 1:1 '\ 1·:11 I~ 11 1·" t "~n twit-. , arllal t11 t Sh Rad1an1 '1th hl'.adl,K1<1nl ~I) t•ut•h mrl\ ll' ..,t·n·t·n. hk<· nl'~

1111111111 lwd :->l.1 HP.ti :iii ·,;11; ~ 111 :\lt'lrn 2oo "•<· k.·r h .1rn 111 •r "> 10 '\kti ~ ,, 11 11 htndtnl!' ~s. S:-\0\\ c· ha111.,, Ill'\\ , 1·;ill \\ cd gc\\<WHl ... 111v1• $1 3111 T 1• 11 " 1 1• 1. 1 1 d l' r 1111 ~ 11.c Sl5 IC'1· 1·rt·11m r 'ni..l:i :\h-'11 JO I S.11u1 p,;11 .. , 01111. ~' '<;l'iman S:I \ '.111 s 1'.1h da) onl~ c·o in 1> " 11 h "" a'1 ik .i Ford 6!1·7 1. 1111111 \\hill'.

111 v t-: l!t'<l l 1111' ... :t11· ~· Kntrr ~; \\' h111• St.1,.: ~Ill\ I!' ~ \ -;k (1')1 11111 .1ftl•r I 60pm111;..im11

HI I\ F: nwn ... li 111 '(H't·rl. good ninrt1t 111n ..,2·,

75 ~ I 1;11; :Jlillll t'.H·elll•nl s:lO \'an n11r

• li~6 fi023

I'\\() ., now ltn• ... ,\ 78- 1'.I moul\lt'fi lur t'ht•\ v \ l'l!<J or i\I ;1111 J ~;, One I 1 r<> n<'\\ l'l'l I l':ttl ,\711 lJ ;ind Op1•I "ht•l' I SIO. Ont• ltrt' ll i ll I Chw .,,.l Pinto lln:

c.·h.1111' '""'" ' 111 l'<' SM

rur .... 11 I.,. 111·" "111 Cfaru1::i· doo r 0 11 t' lll' I

r omplC'lt• s:?;, C:ar!ll!l' door hmi:c•-. \\ tlh :->pr in~., ~15 J\ll Ila' Sund:i\ i\11 rla) :\lonclJ\ (',,.,h onl\ 557-·UMU

\UTO\\A!\111': 1< ~:!., """''I ull1u· air )'2j l'l~TO 1.1rhut·1.11111 ~111 llr) t•r ;i.:!:1 l11'h"·"h1·1 t•l11mtKr" pip , 1w ancl Child'!> h1kl' SIS C'.1rrnm ,:,i;, Rol ;ll \ num1·1 ;-,.!;, 111110•1 hca\} <IUI\. ~5 board~landS2r.7'.J~l2 f' 11,h '"""''I :)l '· ll;1n1,h rh. r S5 Two 111c.; 11 \lilumt ch,.,, ,.11 lllfl \\' r <1 }:;11•1 11 11' ''·'~'1 1111\ . ('ht•n "1\\1\'l'I p 11 m" "II II I • I 11111\\ , .r S:!u t-:lt·1 11 11 1hJ1r' ~t·• l·h 5Sli·O.'l2.'l pcrlorm;inl'<' t"ht·" 1-~~ 111 .1 l • I .... II a ... 11I 111 t• h . fl S!:i A . I • •·nvin" ~' t;u11ur .,lfl ·11;11 P \ W cni:1n1· part :-> ~ •1

·• " l ' l'<111H"' -;h•reu ~:, 111 ,..,, .. ,. 1.; :-1 111 2 lluJ! mi.1~\\t\h _::>.~S!. R.'l!l.10511 <:.1, lh at• 1 ~\ T11 t'' 11 " 1"" llrl'!t W. Ont• o:-.a; Ch111a mink ... tole ~1111 I;, ti pl\ ""' l'.ll'h r·,lr;1 tari.:c h1rrl <·as:e Siii . ~;; Ont' ,,,hll· ..,km., mink llrf'"Pr rll'~k 1·omhl n11 <.J·: .::i., rtrwr S20 Zenith ,c ,1rf ~5 c," log ~15 ca: I 11111 ".!ll i1~1 ' • \\ 20th St. 1 oll)r T\ S5 Four l'tnlll '>ll«tm iron l'.>.1 83.:l 28lb ! ' \I ulf Pl.1 t· 1•nt1a A\I · "ht't·I~ '" C'ach • ha11..,l

nrnn1lohl lor ·;,; '·n to l.1\NGF, ski hoot <: .,11.c !I <:01. v b;1g .•ml 1 .. 1rlln1: -..i 751 :!.'iO!l .,z;,. Hoyc1' l ·nrnn 111 .t1um1.11um 1·.11 1 J.:tlO tl

11 0 () \ ' •..

1, - !>peed !);!;,, I.a.iv lamp

<'llJI I O ~111 Ii I:.! I), I" r , ' 11 II 1 1 ~ 5<16·8G91 t:AS ryt•r ~ \ niu~hl ' ac uum µlu s all•'-. iron p.1t1n lahlt• ':.!fl mcnl i. ~. Maplt• t:.ihlc STAIN LESS ~ 1,·c l Porcelain laundn S:!!i Four maplt• c hairs double S2.'>. Sm.i;:lc S20. -.; 15 Lan i.: •· <1ki . bont~ S25 l'crtc~onh 1ghchn1r withfautcts. Gflodc1u11ll 1 men ., 'Ill' 11 -.;:!~ 70 S8 511i·HUfi t y i.horl i;hu~ rug, blue S2 \ard ... IM'<I '"'rP<'t flUIJ · TAllLF. . d t ·h:- y;ml &12 l'.!171 ping g:i;, I ' x7' llold .1 11d . • .m "'11 ~ airs -----hrow l r1 , <Jo ,. 7 ~IU Q111'1·n s1£c mattress C.OODY l)ugs SI to ~'>

1 ·~ '' ;, x com and ' IJrin"' s:?" Dab • · • merc1 11 door mut sto .,. • " Y :"cw US DtH·r~ HC II S2.'i P I •1 • R J l'r1h nnrl mattrei. .. Sl:i :-.;3 , \ HC 55 J\lkn di\ inn o <' .11np .,;, c-rorr C'h· 1. l I• ' I (' · · " rad ~' I arllc pklurc- an~rng a 1 c s 11 ar light ~25. t S Ur v t•rs frJme .,.,-; :.0 TV c;tdnd SS "l'Jl :-K F~t .!~ickcr ~1: i- pcar gun '12~ llund Back park SIO 5S9·50SO 1 ~'° 11111 !·•bl.' S!.'l I.amps !>pears~"> Jnd ~1:. lll\ rng

_ __ _ M In :>12 (,a., 'lmc SIO gloves SL u pair ab iron WHITE Kinll \\ltll t>\1 •11. Trl·asur1· I ru.nk 520 and hammer Sl t.>ach.

11<.rs cleclrt <' '::-ill. <" all l!t•fri )!crator :'\or ge, as Scuba di\ mg Hl '> lru 612 331:l 1' ~ Pirmc tabll• !!cl $25. menh. F.11rllon d1g1lal

De:.k \\OO<I. a-:.;;."'· anrl temperature gunge SS. S"'iOW rhams . fits 700 l:l t h111r SIS. 1 able !$1. Book US Divers !IO.'l view $20 u r 735 11 &tics, :-.12 .,hel.f :-_w Couch SIO. Oilfilledprodcplhguage

. IHG-4267 or 616-0551 Chair !:>:• llcelmrr th air S20. Depth guogc com·

• SNOW chains flti. 1r. fi5CJ, :SS 973·0i!J:'> pass <·onmbinotion $5. Ii ·600, lti-tl2j,,15·H50 ~10 TV rolor l'ackarrt Bell DI\ mg regulator ba~ ~-1146·0551orlHG 12117 S l6·126.1 Gear hug :SS Twin tonk

SllOTGL'N shell hUll!i 12. 16. ZO gauge Sl .50 P<'r WO. Wards record turnlublo with amp $ 15 . New Dunlop 12 pound bowllnl( l>1>1ll. undrill11d · i 12 Wotds guitar, 8 months old SS. S<I0.1683

STORAGE cobinl•t $3. Laree dresscni S19 each. Two end tables S4 eoch. Two l•rte wooden rile ('ablnet• with three drawer• us t.•ach Golden 1h111 carpul, ll sed, 'appr oxlma\ely l2xl3' Sl&Appraxlmatcly :rdo' . St.or11e tank used for waltr aof'tener

~~~1 pack und bonds ~10 FM . TV ~'j Com operated single ~ Water ski belt rarlto S l li Aluminum SS. Saturday and Sunday folding 1•asrls :>oi Norclco 9 :00 to 6:00. 2200 Miner, Cont 1nental t11pe re · CM, 545-0850 t'orrJl•r Sl7.SO.-----'-----•

' TV•cdo. ·~W HiA. 1091 . '070 ..••.....•.............................••••..• ~ .... tl70Y-.s ;\\Ult I before Oto lat. 25' Slip Newport Beach ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••• •• beaut. Hhd maho1 II' Po.weroal-y M.t1&. cak)m41t C..rv.ct,.. c.JI &7s..i&9'µ "hdvea, t'an be-used for a;...-.· '>l.t'rco l'Ompon~l.I, re' --Sp..d Ii cords, i.m TV & b1r Sid '080 Suc r1r1 ce $135 . Call • ••••••••••••••••••• ••• MS 71157 an 5pm Johnson Sea Scout Tri

Hull, new enJI, OD, etc 41:.l ' G E color TV , l yr dbl but tanks, lOOHP, uld p1cturt! tu~. Tuner w/ Lrlr $24~5 754-6440 need i. work $1 oo .--llti2·300I TramporfatiOft

••••••••••••••••••••••• Several beaut color TV 's ~ Sf/Je/ $99/ up. S&:S TV. 642·53't0 Rlftt 9120 2052 Newport Blvd, CM. ••••••••••• •• ••• ••• •••• , ---. -- 6' Half Cab over camper,

NIK.KO 501S, all Walnut beaut. cust. int~r. $550 S2UO or beat offec See at : Aft. 6 PM 979-2133 IM9 Pl11eent111, Apl 22tiA, CM Motoriud llket 9140 .......................

01kd walnut 3 pr• stereo '76 Puch Moped, xlnt con. grouping wtapkrs & Sony d1lion. $340 or b::.t orr '>lerco rece1 vl'r . Xlnt takes. 837-5570 t•ond $225 346-4006

loah & Marin~ Equil.,...nt


Mo~J::al 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974 250 Yamaha MX

9030 Terry kit front fork, Bo& 20 1977 yua . shocks. etc $500. Coll M

••••••••••••••••••••••• GRAY MARINE

Tiw trud1llonal heavy dU ty, ltghl weight marine en~une To 350 HP. Ge­n u 1 n e new parts . Aulhonied 01str Bnstol Scrv1ccb, Costa Mesa (714 )1192·11541

•ZODIAC l'ort A Mannl'

Inflatable Boal-' 4S".!5 College, C.M.

(714 )S40·2070

GR.A Y MAllHE T h e ' t r a d 1 ttonal 'heavy 'duty . hghl weight marine engme To :1so llP. Genuine new part~ . i\uthonzed 01s-1 r · lir111lol Serv ices, Costd Mt-:..a . 4714)~·~1

Coronado 21i cu.,h1ons, ,·omplele 11cl . never ui.ed, red-wht·blu plaid, Sl2S 546-6023 after Zpm

162·9898 arter 7 " · m CONVcaSIOHS ' 4 YAMAHTRD350B , ~ft • AT ~tr~:~~ !:r~: UNBELIEVABLE, ONCE IN $750/ ofr Dan 642-8560

im Kawasaki 7Scc Mini · A LIFETIME SAYINGS! Trail. Lake new $225 -HER! SAN EXAMPLE 7Sl ·Jm6

1sr1 FORD BUBBLETOP '75 Suzuki 125 RM, xtrw, for t11cing_ Gd cond $400/ bst ofr. 323~ Cret1t Ave. HB

'68 11.0 . Shovel Head, ful · lycustom.


'73 Honda 350 with helm el. Good~.

$500. 768-0093

1976 RD400 Yamahu, Cuily dressed. AM·F?tl radio. 1nctudtng- cxlu parts Only 3500 miles. $2500 or best offer. Also 1970 S"'uzuki 50cc only 250 miles in new condlllon $250. 631-3474

VAN CONVERSION' Complete with 4eo VS, automatic trans . air cond , power ateerlng, speed control, duel tank'S. sink. stove, Icebox. potty. dinette area & sleeps 6. Low mileage rental. (068SXA).

UST PRICE - ~12,377


PLUIT.U 1 ltefNft s500· CASH OR TRADE w1ll l1nance wit.ti your good credit

Sut•nf1ce I Gray Manne '73 YAMAHA ra MX Ex· Eng V8, comp w/ Borg eel. cond. $375/bst orter Warner velvet dnve & 5-18-0796 ------ --

Cloted Sunday. Jan. 1-0pen Monday Jen 2. Offer ends 48 hours alter pubhc1111on

ha r r conv. $400. ~lean 25 •75 Tnumph fSSO. good COO· hr s inre OH I Chrysler ditionSSOO/ beloCr. Crown. comp w trans 847 ,...,"" 642·9'l24 ......., '

loah. 'ower 9040 .•..••.................

SEA RAY'S All I '78 Models

1 a·.30· HARRISON'S

SE.A RAY 2f s54o~~S0S'i. A.

:1101 Coast Hwy. N IJ. 631-2547

2 •• fl Thu n d r r h 1 rd fo'ormula (ofri,horcl 351 V8 '!t, Jll nuvlgallonal gear & ground tackle Steeps four Under SO hour.s ui.ed since- new Ii whccl trailer indudt'd abo full eanvai. CJll John F'clter al 642 0010 or S.108211

28 ft Umrute Sportf1:.hrr I owner. m mrnt condi· t1on & loaded ' Cu.stom in .

,lerior, pi lot , A D .F. V H F .. sunlog, outng · !lent. AC/ DC natural gos rclngcralion & cooking. b1mlm top w/ enclosure. new Chrysl er mam£olds, nsers & elbows plus ex lru fuel. t:all Da le ut 498-2700

"The Thoroughbred of Boats". 19' Century ltunabout . co mpl . rei.torcd. l'ormer l y owned by famous Pilot. Perfect for bay or island run. $5500. 642-9224

19U·17' CHRIS Spdboat, new uphol, new lank & lrlr 1949 CENTUR Y " Sea Mote" Spdboal. 160 hp, new trlr. Both l'tflnt!

72 Yamaha 175. Enduro. dirt btke, xlnt cond. runs great, many xtras. $325. AI.SO, Sofa. 64.2·2008

'71 Suiuki TC 125, xlnt RterffffoHI Vc.s 9570 c:ond 2S00mi . $375 . VeMdes 9530••••••••••••••••••••••• 586·2917 •••••••••••••••••••• •• • 1976 Dodfe -"Bubble Top

OUNEBUGGlE Van .. cu ly converted , '74 Honda Elsinore 12.'l, F1bcrblaaa street. legal many xtns. mulit. slw 32mm Mlkunl carb $550. S9 875 S52 51W9 Clean. 7S4-IU65wkdys. 549..S7~ • · · - __ _

MotorR 1Homu, Sf!Je/ ~.~~~~ ••• !~.~~ Autos Wmthd 9590

ent Stor. 91 60 ••••••••••••••• ••• • • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• JEEPS ••77•• Rent a 1977 Excul1ve CJ · 5' s • CJ 7 ' ., WE BUY Molorhome or Mini · Cherokeea, Waaoneers. CLE.AH CARS molorhome Crom Herb Piclc·ups, up to$1,200di1> & TRUCICS Fnedlander. Call any or count.a. s yr mt.le these numbers warTanlys available

891-6777 CopetmMI Mtn lac 537.7777 2001 E lSl, SASS8·8000


FOR RENT 1''rom$100. wk. 770-0644

RENT Pireball 23' Seit COOL Auto/ air. CC, CB, stereo, s ips 6 645-2283

29 CL. Apollo motorhome. Must see to appreciate' Call John teller at 642-0010 or 540-8211.

Motor H°"" Rentf!J lll/ito 32'

FU Uy fiell contained Reserve DOW for

Holidays & weekends. REGENCY MOTOR. HOME RENTALS

92SN. Harbor Blvd, S.A. ••5.11·2503••




JANUARY 31bl Pleasecau

549-8023 2524 HARBOR llLVL>.

Cosla Mesa

'72 liLAZER. AM / FM . AIC, new Ures. $3500. or trade. 548·1'725.

9560 .......................

H70 • ••••••••••••••••••••••


2'J28 H arbor Bh d CO!:>'TA MES.\




~ ltl113', OfAC11 BL\IU

MUNT INC.T O N EJEACH 842 1101 ~.i o 041i;.i






..., Aaltot <¥"•ttd 95'0 ~AMto1, h•ported ···· :;;;:;;l·~w~····· ;;;············;;~:;

YQU. OATSUM ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAID 1'0 R Olt NOT ORANGE COUN'fl'°S


BARWICK DA TSUH ', r I ,1111 .t 1 1 I ,••

8)1 ll7S49l -l37S !\a!!"' Sc'rv I CC lA :11; In I:

w..: PAY TOP 001..1.Alt Roy Carver.Inc. 1-'0RTOPUSE O Cl\HS R1tlh1f\oyl't' H~1W f'ORElG:\, DOMF.STll ' ls.&OJumborc,•

oi· \;LASSH ·s 't'WpO<"l Beach 540·64'11 II your car 111 extri.1 .dt!aft see Ub nrsl 'Tl 320l, AMI p I , (' UM• •

BAUER IUICK drk "m w ~·11:" Int. &l 292SHurbor Blvd o'( P/ P492·1f22

Costa MCl*I. • !t'79 2~ 1975 IMW UOI

Autos. lmporttd ···············~······· Generf/J 9701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 4 dour. 1001.S . u11 t'Olld .• liunroof. i\ M fo' :\1 tape deck. \lnt rond ~3000. 49" 7262 , fi61 1611(/

Alfalomto 9705 •••••••••••••••••••••••

.\!fa Romeo 7(1 01. perfect. Rt.>U!Wnublt'.

tl4 210ti

Audi 9707 •••••••••••••••••••••••


:-.lew engine :1utomul1(' lran:., a11· c \lnd . .\l\t / FM stereo & !>Un root. Pn. lllY $3,300. Call t1!14·6618 evcntn~i. .

'71 AUDI I OOLS Automatic trans. & only 47,000 orlg1nul miles.

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Dahun '720 •••••••••••••••••••••••


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J.oo<>i HATCHIACI ' 1 6 II Ire lransverso mounted engine. 4·speed fully 1ynchron1zed manual trans, front wheel dn11e lronl suspen51on rack & pinion steenng lront disc brakes. M1che1tn steel·belt radial tires bright aluminum bumpers. bucket se111s. lold·down rear seat. carpeting, heavy duly package. AM radio. tinted glass. 111ny1 1('1sert b0dys1de molding Ser llGCFBTK27505 Stk •604

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EC<>to'OMY rtCIUP'

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Front 01sc brakes, duras111ark 1gnit1on system wheel covers. opera windows. car6eting. woodtone inst panel 8PC>llque. $4699· all-vinyl, 4 ' U250-1V/eng1ne, aelectshlft cru1se·o·mat1c. bsw radial tires, power steering. deluxe bumper group, ttnted glass Ser 118W81L133702 Stk 11511


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4 c1I auto lr.:?.4.!!~ •llftll \

coven v•nvt 111t1riDf'. tUfllll tefnhc_ to ~ •7101CW


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'77 vw lilll'f H.ATCHIACI

4 4. .,.1 4 1.........0 .., AMJfM lttitto laidlO IUf'WOUI

,.....c.,..11.n '~" & CV<iOnl thlOI c~•om -'1f09il l>llOIDeOI • -. ...... W\ town UC. t404:Jl'f\


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53699 '7 4 GRAN TORINO v.- a .. ta Ir- ., - ol-1"0 PO- O.oc

t;t&Jt.•• '*''° _.....,.... ,,, .. wheie4 00'41'1 C .. MI U' l lC Ol5111l H

Loa 1nv1tamoa a Esta su ca11ta Dunton Fotd Para 18f111les con guato en tOdaa so reparadooe• v• sea en eutM: nuevos O ualdo Y para todas aus neceldadea an todas f8J*ecic>M9 de -.Melo Su AmlgO V ConaeJero, Frank Medrpno

'75 CHEVY SHOftTtE rtCltUP'

Y-8 POW., "'-""tng, '8GIO, m.tgl & filhl hltfl h4WO tc lino I.IC •-llllZ


Auto trans . M' cona . piower ltM<•ng pcW., br._. 111dl0 vinyl root u,_.. 1e,ooo ""*' UC •-73HlG


• cyl . - .,.. .., cono ,.,.., k'9 '"'' --p- ~ ... 1HJZ

'75 IUICIC •rou.o4Dl.

Ju,;• U.,.. •'* e(llnd poo#W' ~ 00'#9' t.f-.. rMIO H _ _, ~·~

••tt. 111\l.O~ ~~UC T6nl>Ot:

'74 PINTO WAG<>t4

4 cyl lllJIO Ir- .-. llMl• . ...... 1-1!1 tifff -

co .. ,. lu..,,y ·- oecor Nice. nice ~ Ur. ,., .... ,p

s2499 '76 PINTO

RUMAIOUT • aoeeo ·---u._ oin otnoinv A blown bt..,ty UC '471iNPL

, 175 PINTO

4 cvt • • &PMe; * COl)d1!i0n"'t '""'°· --· Wllot ... 1111 ,_ ~ - · •• ..,.,. - -Hal Noa lendlll' laW>t _. L4 l&MNLC


. ~

Fronf olic ~. raclc end pinion ltMring, coolent reoo.wy~. brtght and vinyl

body11de mtdg, bright extenor moldinglt s4199 carpeting. delW(e wheel covert, bright LH style mounted mlrrot. accent peJnt stripes. 3 . 3L/200-1 V/ eng tn e . aelect·ahlft cruise~lic. w.- radial tlre1. front end rear bumper guard•. AM radio. Ser. f 149925 Stk. 10682

Chrome front bumper, full foam ... t. folding Nat badk. dom. lamp, headliner. 8800 GVW package, V-8 engine, gauges-ammeter & oil Press., transm111lon crulee-o-matic, power ateerJng, mlrror1-low mount-bright. glass tinted-ell around, alternator eo amp., extra COOiing package, bumper-f'ear step painted. Ser. 1980510 Stk. 10~1 .

WINDOW STICIClll PllCI •.• ••...• •• . ..•.•• r •• • $7111.'2 SALE PllCI ••• • ••• ••• •••••• .. .••.•.. · ••••••••• $6111.62

DISCOUN.T s 1300°0•


f ~ . llUlo. tr-.• OOlld , _ _,,. AMI'~· --- ..... •'"YI tOOI, .... - ~ U68POO

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4 c)'I , aulO Ir-. AM/fM r-. "199 .... -"""'0 - - lier •W20:M814

52899 '74DATSUN1210

• CY! • ao.ef,- Uc.~


2 DOOll N.LAlt9 ~-'°' . '4CJOllY Am C~

Vinvt roof. e.e lltre/400 C1DN.S engjge; dull eocenl paint litrtpes. WSW rMiel~ deluu bumper grouo, AM f'lldlo. tint;J glau~e. light group, 'full wti~l covers. Ser. ~04320 Stk. t075 :

55999 NEW'77


.· . •• • . . . ..

:: '4-apeed manual trensmfalon, front dtsci: brakes. rack and pinion ttHring. bucket: seats. carpeting, mlnl-coneole, eteetriQ re..: window defroeter. _.Ht-oetted radlt,l p1)l: Jlrea. wheel c.oven, U lltw 2V erlgine~: deluxe bumper group. Ser. f401S728 St" • 1!1575 " •·


NEw·1a FORD F-100


Chrome front bumper, full foam H&tl folding teat becl<. doJM lamp, headliner; 302 8 cyt, gaug8Hmmeter & oel ~ pawer steering, glass tinted-air wound, clg'r fighter, extra cooling package,• bumper-rear painted. Ser. tBA 1841 Stk.: f420

'66 MUSTANG .. II ... tllclr ....ti fll)o, wMtMll IJtea. ~ -l>iKi. Yinvt --· - dM.c Uc. H18UU •


. .

: .


·e Cctast




wow!·wHAT A PART'(!







we F(GURE '1'0V'Re 50 STUPID "(OU P~06ABL '( DON'T EVEN l<NOW WHAT '1'EA~ THIS IS!!·

zzzz zzzzz






-reL.L Me AfrrHLA~-WMA1 WILL. l&JiS IJE. UKf! '? ~11.l. IT!'£ (A) '-'"e 1977 ·v_ . ONE JN WHICH' HOPE-? ~PArtK~ 9&COME IC'EAL..rrY~



At.L 1Hf: 1l-llNGS )tiJ DO 1H~



~ Goc;H ••• !rl; LDNG.



0~1 WILL. IT SE (B)<E 1'176, ~PIC!!P wrrM .JoY ANO PL&A~Ll"ASl-e i' ~.-?PR1se1 AND L.OVe I

IT'~ 1918 I A~TMlA~, AND MY MINO PE~r~ AMEAO, VAINL.Y TrlYIN" TO Ol~&~N 90ME IMA&E~... ~T'~ IN ~TP."'8

For LA~ TMl6 Ye.Aler~ •


_ liy Hank Ketcha~ ----- .

t>t> t> ~IJDGE PARKER <j <J <J










rr CERTAINL..<,l 1s, eos / rr's '™E Fl~T ONE TO EVER BE MADE. EN1l

OF F.Ol&aN OOM/JI:, I •

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. ~






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. . .

... ............... _; ________ ___,, .. :ro tlEW SOLUTIONS ~






10 New : FOlJl-·UPS A~D SNAFUS ...


.1 . J.

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we L-1;., KI PPO, :t I VE;! 601'" -rH e:




"T"Hf? .JI GGL-INS Mos-r

OF= i-HS CSE!!~MS FA&.-L- OPF .'

i' ' •


........ .

'J:''O'JMt:eT ,,-e =~:E::E::CSby Tom KR~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ . _sHeLU~MeN~SHELU~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.•. SHE i...uvs ME, SHE L.LJVS

ME: NOi. SHEE i..uvs


ME:: 1 SHE: L-LJVS -ME: NOT. SHE: s L.UVS Me, SHE L.LJVS ... !




(I ><><>LE~'.S ..-..-------------------


FOR A NICKEV-:-. ,__ __ ~ OKAVl


. '


''$ruff IT" 1S Ndr A RE$oLUTJON!

·' L'

.... -r=;.:

. .

l'OUR El'ES? There are at lt1$l 11lx dlffer­enftS In wi details between top and bollom panels. H ow -i•dddy can o'u find them'! C httk answers with those below.

&u•HoW •1 "'nd t &u1w 1w •1 u,,.1u• 1 ·~ llUtttlW u• •<l•JI$'~

...,._., w.. " ·~1P fl •llMll"iO ' 8'11914w 11 Jt• ll) ee..noi l · U:>IHMHIO

NEED •N EXCUSE for putting your arm around a pretty gir11 Simply advise ~er you wish 10 conduct an experiment. Equip yourself wilh a tape measure and ask your subject 10 let you measure her waist. Multtply her measure­mem by 99, ~d digits of the product, and the ~um 1s always 18.

Example: Suppose her waist measures 20 inches. Multiply by 99; the product is 1980, digits of whidt lotal 18.

Por art amusing party stunt, insert "Predic- · ted" sum in a sealed box or jar. Then boast of your super "ipccial J

powers of ESP. You simply can't miss with the number 18.

---BULLETIN BOARD--­eotGITAL WATCH! la bow many different w1y1

can the dl&lll la 1971 be rarranatd? For lnst1nce: 1917. 1197, 1791, etc? Ten, twelve, more?

IA, .... J~l.l-.l

e Space Probe! Quickly, chantc spacing to read th is message: lne +erbe ard 1wla dowc rybe c1u1 eJI b1d1p ane. Time limit: I minute.

e Sctttt your favorite number from 1·9. Multiply by 9. Then muJtJply 1a1wer by 12345679 (note I II mlsdna). What do you set? Give It 1 try.

e Tongue Testers! Say aloud, as fast as you can : Skien tlllnk snow, sboveJen think tb1w. Then try: Six sleepy sbffp st~ oa Utt 1ctep soutb slo~.

. ..

7." . '

H ERE, HERE! Add tbe foUowlq ~ aeady for a tillldy pkttare above: 1- Rtd. l-Lc. bh1t. J-Yellow. ,4-Lt. brown. 5-Flali tones. 6-G,.y. 7-Bladi. Uaawnbtmt anu remain bluk.

SPELL BIN DER! SCORE 10 poil\tS fo, using all the ----.....-.--­leu~rs in the word below to form ----~--­two complete words:

PERSQNAL .... .... __ . __ _... ___ _ THEN score 2· points each for all ------4~--­words of four lettCT"S" or mo~ ----~--­found among the letters. Try to score at ltlll 50 pomh.

,_ ._, : wt.11141\1• ...it9'0tl

. . By Brown and Casson

MOTLEY'S CREW .. MELLO, FB1 ~ . Ll51EN AND L.l~EN cL06~ ••.

GE.E., 6AU..v.- .. 'f"'ANK'5 FOli? 1'..t~ OANC~ !

MARMADUKE® fie CAN'r e,1r

VP F'f<ON i I

GORDO By Gus Arriola


ASK~RSELF Sft IN Cl*llOft. • 1 ....._lo "Alli," Fniy ~ Ml Lalllglon A¥t.. Nt!i' 'lllrlc, 11.Y. 10022.

W.'M "1f SS 1o1 .......,.. QUISllDllJ. ~ we can't ..,.., ..,..._

FOR DAVID EISENHOWER w.. yow ..... t.IMr'. euccaefuJ ca­reer dae to ladr or to kaotrledge and .tt? - A.K., AJbanv, N.Y. e Luck and judgment played lmportbnt

Joles In rny grandfathcr'1 carNJ. Were It not for the outbreak of WW II. he would have retired an obecuJ~ brigadier general. In one addreu, he acknowledged his pef10" ·

a l success w~ eamed .. In the blood of ochers," a reference to pel'IOnal good for· tune growing out of the wer, He had pa· tlence and the eblllty to restore calm to dlf · flcult sltuetlon• His 'udgment qualified hlm as the man lo lead the war effort

Dou/d remlntacea about Ike. against ~rmany His logical and humane sense of prlOfittes quallfled him to lead the

country during the turmoil of the eorly 50'1. The alternative to regarding oneself as lucky when one looks bbck over a career like Elsenhow~r's Is to regard' oneself as be· mg destined or preordained He never regarded himself as de11tlned for 11nythlng He filled jobs to the best of his ability and never forgot h is good fonun e and luck

FOR TOTIE FIELDS, comedienne

Of all the foocle you ate when I/OU were t.t, wta.t do I/OU cnlee most oow that you're thin? - 8 .K ., Ry., N.Y. •Rye bread, hot end fresh from the ovvn, overloaded with

caraway seeds, oozing with butter and cream cheese . At my peak 1 could go through half a loaf (a big one) . Whenever I bit a piece , rd smear the remaining pan with more chute a nd but· ter. If I couJd live on one meal for the rest ol my Ille, that'• what I'd choose - that'll definitely be my Last Supper. Now my big .tJvtllt my weel<J.y ::Cheat." lse bagel every Sunday.

FOR KEN MEYER, head coach. San Francisco 49en Wh9 •• your football plapen weighed unclcr wata? -C1arlu Horwath, S..5EW b. • To determine what of their body weight II fat. A

reliable standard has been abllshed with respect to body fat for each playing pocjtion. an we ask our players to fall Within the appropriate range. We have a weekly weigh-In throughout the seaS<?n. with each i>laver having an assigned weight. &cause we have tclenttflcally determined what each player's weight should be, we have few problems In this are4

FOR DALE WASSERMAN, playwright (Man of La Man· cha, One Flew Ouer the Cuclcoo'• Nut) Hatr don It feel to cola a phrue like "'The lmpoeelb .. Dream• whlcll hM become pert of our Jaomv ... ? - M.A., 8eck1.,, W. Va. • Terrible! r ve iieen those poor worked·to-death WOt'ds tacked

onto lust about everyth ing. The phrMe has lost Its meaning; people apply It to anything and everytfllng, which makes me see red. I meant It 111erally, which Is. the dream - to have value - mutt acrually be Impossible.

FOR THE •ASK• EDITOR Shltley .loe.'e NCftt ~ to. Marty ....... made .. wotlder wbllt eff.ct the awful de.atb la a tin of.._ h•bud, ~ C...ldy. Md 00 drielr t.o,.1 -G.M .. S.. ~. Y...,.

• S haun, 19, Patrick, 16, Ryan. 12, the three 50nt of the Jones-CaJl/ody marriage - along wtth David. Jack'• chlkt from hit flnt marriage - have accepted the trage­dy In 11 way that Shirley detcriba as "heal- , thy. They talk about him and the accident very openly, which It the but thing. They draw on their memorta - aU good - a great deal. They have tremendOUt respect for Jack, and I'm '° thankful for that " S hirley with Dould Cassidy. Soon after their tether's de.ath, the boys went Into therapy. "Loss of a parent cauau repressions." said Shirley, "and I didn't want that lo happen to them " On Shirley's last road tour In Sound of Mu1!c, Pat and Ryan were with her " Ir's funny how you get to know yoor kids through others." she said "but everyone told me the boys bore fffltGan from Jack's death "

FOR STEVIE NICKS of Fleetwood Mac

How dkl tbe P.PID come to be tbe bancl'e 9Y1Dbol? -Debbi• Ka14 San Bruno, c.ut. • Our logo stemmed from John McVle'1 fudnation wtth the

anJmals He used to watch and photograph them at the Lon· don Zoo years ago, and friends began gMng him pictures, ash trays, dolls and whatever with penguins on them. When we needed a symbol for our band, that seemed the obvious one.

FOR RUTH C. CLUSEN, pres . . ~ague of Women Voters Wby don't mon womeatake an actn. part In pollttc:a? - Robert 8 . Mel8ter. Cllntoa.W., Wta. e 1t la not d~ to lack of qualification or detlre. To be politically

dfedlve. women must ov~come the barriers that, have kept them <Xll of politics PolJtkal parties must be wllllng to endone qualified women candldatn. More money must be ra!Hd for their campaigns, which mean' that the business community, political parties and others with money must realize that women can win and serve their con1tltucndes well

FOR JERRY STIU.ER, star of NBC· TVs Taite Fiuf!

Did voa make any zany New Year• re:NluUcme? - M . .I .. Blueftekl. W .Va . • You might not think they're zany. but there are three who

will. I've d~ed to give Annie (wife Anne Meara) a hand In the kJtchen when she doesn't a5k and 10 help.the kids (Amy and Ben.IY) with their homelo\/Ork only when they ask

PROAnDcon PRO fAbnnl Koci•, New Meyor of New York City

Last year a bill was In troduced In the New Yoric State Legtslature lo require mondotorv prbon tor those who llSNUll the eJdcrly. Although It was not pasMd , I still favor a measure of this kind. I believe that punishment dcten crime. And It Is most Important that an eJ{lft) penalty be applied to de· tar ctlmes against the elderly"becaUN

thtv are th. least able to protect themselves. We cannOf afford to have our old people locked In their rooma. afraid to go out. They are valuable membera of aodcty. who must be encouraged to remain ~vely Involved.

Should There Be Harsher Penalties For Those Who Prey Upon the Elderly?

CON M.htn M. S.UI, trlal lawyer

I am against pa•lng eny new legisla­tion to penallzc hoodlums. even those In the worst class of our almlnals who prey upon the eklerly. We've got el'lough laws on the boolu to deal with thae offenders as well es any others. The problem Is speedy UM al thoM laws. Why not appoint. ftom the ranks of practicing la~. tem· porary judge• to sit on the epeclal cues of the elderly who've been vlctlml2ed? Being hailed Into court within a couple of weeks after committing their offel\lft would be a refrethlng ahock to thae hoodlums who care not.

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh.

UGHT Ws.9 ma. "tlf.,OJ ma,llic:otDI, UGffTSc n .... "w".0.8 llJnialint w.~ c:itnna. FTC RlponAU6. 71.

Parents Under Pressure The American famtay In the 1970'1 It un­

der cnonnout pralUNI, but the~ .. an bttlt\dlon It ndher deW"" brtlil*'I .o:-...,.;;...;;,;;: down. That It the condulion ol .... c.n. SJ1c Council on Chilchn, which wae fonMd In 1972 to ltudy the effects ol Amclfcan sodety on lb famGa ind chllchn.

The Council's chairman and the prtnct­pal author c:J tti tepOCt, All OUT ChlldNrt, II Kenneth Kcnlaton of MIT.

He II • divorced and Nrnanted father d two teenaged daughtaa who can spak from experience ol raising chlJdrcn In fami­lies that should not be conaidcred "~ ken" but Just different from the tradmonal two-parent family. He was lnteMewed for FAMJL V WUKL v by Jo Ann Fltlpetrtck.

FANJL v WEea. Y: ls there a mode.I family? Dr. K..s.t.oa: No. The Idea that there

la one right way to ralte chlldren It • de­slrUciive notion, whkh cauta guilt and shame. The bat famllles have adapted to flt the needs of parents and c:hllchn. Chll­dren are different, parents are different, relationships are different, and cultural and ethruc dtffere~ arc Important.

FW: When American lnstttu.Hont are to poweriul and to large, u your report de­scriba them, how It It poeistie for the~ vtdual parent to aaume • men tldlve rQ&e In Influencing their ch!Sdrcn'111Ya.?

Dr. K.; Par.nts should coocdln•• the advice of all the c:xpcrtl who guide ttMS chadrcn. Parenti mull fnM,""touumple, that IUCh people .. their pedi.trtciant be their MrVantl and not be lndmkta&ed by IUCh ~ In some cma, paNnb must band together to monitor the QPCrts.

FW: The Council seems to suggest a

A ··New Breed•• Emerges

M Amcr1can famllia are dMdcd between the bellaf In traditional and new values. but they 1re surprisingly united In their ded­sJon to pass on tradltkmaJ valua to thdr children."

That ii the major theme of a l.nctmark study of American families titled Ro~ Children In a Changing Society. The elt•

tensive report, tpantorcd by General Mi1ls .net cond~ by the firm ofYanMloYleh, Skdy end Whtte Inc., "*'there lit a MNcw Breed" ol pareAt• today, NprelCDf· tflli 43 percent ol aU fa then and mothers of chlJdNn und« 13 yan of age. Unlike '1'radmonalists," thae peMnts _.. .._ chlSd·<Ktented and men self·~nt.d. Vet given the chance to retht.nk their dectsiont, nine out of 10 would ttill decide to have children. And In tnstllling values ln their chlldi.n. as the chart demontlrata. New Breed pam1tl who question· J:rldiOonaJ values are stlll lncllned to PMS thac values on to their children.

What are the results? For the molt part. the dilldren are traditional In v\ewl -

mudl larger role for gowmmcnt In lnflu· endria fa.rnlly llfc. la thlt the way ydu tee ltl recommendations?

DI. K.: No. lt II not the gc>Yemment'1 ~ to tnlNde Into family .... to .. dde wlMtha people .. too pclii ....

with a-chlldren. . · W. .. ~ d\at public poky can .._, NmCM the fmpedimenb to peopls being cffecaw parents. We know, for ex­ample, tNit unemployment can IMd to di­voroc, alcohollsm and chlid abuse.

We .. not recommending a day<are


It's not Important to win; tt'1 how the game .. p&ayed The only way to get ahud II hard WOl'k Duty before piusure

All'I ~II motallv wrong

Tbaelllfellffllr& ~tepoeelbl. without money Hav~ .a. oufllde ol marriage la motalyMong

Everybody eho4,dd .. v. money awn If It mcan1 doing without thlrt91 rtghr now Peopte sa batlcally honest

My country r1ght "'wrong People In authol1ty know best

NOTE: Not eura not Included

Bellneud WantChlldr9

to Belleft !


65 58 51 51 50


42 37 34 13


41 S6

C The.GeMOI Milll ~ Femlly R.,e1 1976-71. Rating a.Men In a C,.,,.,,., 5odttv


In 1978.~. ,.. .. ~

------------------------------------------------------------------'------=-------------------~~------------------~ • How to Achie~~ Total Financial Freedom i

s " .•• More Than 150,000 People Have : · .. Discovered How to Really Do It ... "

THE DtFFERENCE If hours, efforts, or•braina are not what aeparate

the rich from the average guy who ia swamped with debts and very little income then what ia?

I learned the answer to that question from an old fellow in Denver. This fellow worked in a drug st.ore stocking the shelves. Very few people knew that he had $200,000 in the bank, all of which he had earned starting from nothing.

Within a year after meeting him, I wast.old and shown the same thing by a young man who had recently earned over a million dollans. By this time, I began to realize that what I was being shown waa truly a remarkable and workable way to grow rich.

THE BEGINNING I began to apply the principles and methods I

had been shown. The reault8 were amazing. l couldn't believe how euy it was, in fact it seemed too euy. -

But then I met an elderly lady (83 years old) who, although not very smart, has made $117,000 using the formula.

I then figured my beginning wasn't luck. For three and one half, I worked hard to

refine and improve on the formula t.hat I had been shown, so that it would be easy t.o get quicker results.

Wh.t .,. your Flnencl•I PosalbllltlH In t978? II.ti o. H.-oklMn became• mlllk>Nl,. In four yMrs becauM he found a W9Y to hameu lnfltlt&Qn to hf• beMftt. Now ff• your tuml "fW found" uya Haroldsen, ''th•t most people }u.i need• .,,.clflc fOMl map to loNow • •• ~ can do what l'V• doM ...

AB I did this, my assets multiplied very rapidly ( 160% per year) to the point that I didn't have t.o work any longer.

MORE U?tSURE I gueas I am braggjngnow, butJ didatart spend­

ing a lot of time in our back yard pool, traveling around the country, and doing a lot of loafing.

Then one day a friend aak.ed me how he could do what I had done.

So I began to outline the formula that 1 had improved to show him ri!ally how simple it was, and how he could do the same thing.

I also showed him how to buy a $26,000 property for $75 down.

ANYONE CAN You can do exactly what J did, or my cloee

friends have done; in fact, you may well do it be~ ter. Cl began doing this in my spare time only.)°

It doesn't matter where you live or the size M. your town or city, my formula will show you

• exactly how to: .• Buy income properties for as little aa $100


One of many unaoUclted comments on my matertas: .. . . . wlun it came I ~ it. Tlun I read it again, and ha~ read it about once a Wttle &i~ it ca~. No magic. No "c~u. A plain, eaay·t<>-unduatand, 1-2-3 way for anybody with a littk patience and common senu to becoTM totally i.rukperuknt within a reasonabk k"lffh of time. Tiu one boolt fue been loolcing for for a.t /.eaat fiftttn years . ... "

By the next time he approached me, l had writ. ten almoet a complete volume on the eaay way for him to copy my results.

EASY TO READ I wrote this in simple, atraight.f orward lan­

guage 80 anyone could understand it. Thia time my friend'• questions were very

ipecific. (He had already begun buying propertiee with the formulaa I had been giving him.) Now he bad a property he wanted to buy, but was out of cub. How CCR!ld he buy it?

I not only abowed him how to buy without cub, but by the time the deal waa complete, be had $61000 CNli in hil pocket to boot.

- Jerry Dona.ho, V alde.z, A lad.a

• Begin without any cash.

• Put S 10,000 cash in your pocket each time you buy (without selling property.)

• Double your asaeta every year. • Legally avoid paying feder1tl or state income

tax ea. • Buy bargains at ~ their market value. • Allow you to travel one week out of every


When you eend me a check or money order for $10, l will aend you all my formuiu and method&. and you are free to UM them anywhere and u oftn a you would like.

IT'S GUARANTEED Now it you were a pereonal friend Of mine, I

know you would believe me and not need any kind rJ guarantee, but aince you don't know me person­ally, I will guarantee that you will be completely satisfied and that my f onnula will work for you if you apply it. I will up that guarantee by not caahing your check for 30 days. and-if you for any reaaon change your mind, let me know and I will send your uncaahed check back.

You may ask, why am l willing to share my formula for wealth? Well, simply becauee those of you who order my material will be helping to in­crease my net worth .

You shouldn't care if I profit as long as you profit. I guarantee that you'll be satisfied that my methods will help you or 111 send your money backl

"F1NAHC1AL FREEDOM" To order, simply take any size paper, write the

words "Financial Freedom", and send your name and addreu, along with a check for S 10.00 to Mark O. Haroldaen, Inc., Dept. G·183, Tudor Mal18ion Bldg., 4751 Holladay Blvd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84117. .

If you send for my material now, l will alao send you documenta that will show you precisely how you can borrow from $20,000 to $200,000 at 2% above the prime rate using juat your signature u collateral.

By the way, i( you (eel a little uneasy about eendin, me a check or money order for $10.00, • limply postdat. it by SO daya which will com­pletely eliminate your rl.k.

•Ml4 O


ROcK·s BEE'-GEES ARE TA~ING OFF By Andrew Frances

The brothers Gibb have been recording hit after hit for 10 years~ and now they're moving into movies.

~o[Q)~U ~W©@~ ~(J@~~

" ii r r

~HEN HAVOC STRUCK J:v~nts that shocked the world, and what we learned from them. Host: Glenn Ford 12-week TV series. Wednesdays, beginning January 11

See your local TV listings for time and channel

For a fuJJ decad•. ttw 8cc Gea have bun mcJ. lowing With the ttma. Throughout their history .. • vocal bio, thcy'w told almost 10 mdllon - writing htt songs ttw way som. peas* write shopping llstl, which II nae bad considering that none of them can read music. A few yun aeo. they 1uccasfully diversified Into the visual media as the hosts of NBC's Midnight Spedal. Now, they've penned their first motion·plcture tctte, Saturdo.v Night Feuer. starring John (Welcome Bock Kotter) Travolt.a, which ·will be re.lcasff f« the ho(lday Muon.

The name Bee Gees stands for brothers Gti>: twins Robin and Maurice and older brother 8err\I. (Dad was • band le.ader, and youngest brother An· dy taunche9 a IO&o career earlier this yc4r wtth his No. 1 llnQt., "I Just Want To Be Your Every· thing. i Their early hits, "New Yori\ Mlning Oisas· ter," "To Love Somebody" and "Holiday," were hnn-t out of th.Ir Australian upbringing. ·

The tound was a new rock breed: high, ~ht 'harmonies supported by h~ atrtng eec:tions, all held together with a rich, subtle bass line. The ar· rangements were swirling orchestral affaln with an accc:ntfrom horns, tympanlei and ruds.

In a musical generation marked by guitars and drums, the brochen quickly gained a reputation as the ftrat "Classtcal Rock" band. Their string of hits, Including "Gotta Get a Message to YouH and ... Started a Joke," has continued unbroken. The tong1 and theJr tours made them vay famous -very fast. lnevttably,Jh-n, In 1969 the brothets' bubbW burst. The Bee Gees cleddfd to leave their wocas behind and to go their separate ways.

" It was basically Immaturity." lamented Maurice. For a couple of years each pursued a '® c:arar. Tha lndMdual attemptt did yield Robfn two lnt«r­estlng (though not commerdally successful} aJ. bunu. Barry's and Maurice'• effottt were never mien releUect In this country. ''We just aren't cut out to be so&o stars; we're cfstlned to be the Bee Gca," continued Maunu. ,

Finally, In 1971, they put personal problem$ atlda and teamed up for an aptly titled album, Two Years On. The resul~ smgla, "Lonely

• Days" and "Jive Talldn'," W«f.f Instant woridwtde successes (even In countnef'Where Engllah Is not the spoken language), and, not •W'J)rlslngly, they signaled a brand·new direction fqr the group's mU5\c. ~ mtngs remained, but the ballad beat was replaced by bumpy funky rhythm and blues boogie. Critics wondeNd whether their music might be contrived to copy disco music.

If disco Is big these days, well, ao are the Bee Gus. It's only ftttlng, then, that the!r first mow score ccntcrt on the disco 90me. Shot almoct en· tlrely In Brooklyn, Saturdav Night Feuer (tcreen· play by Norman WexJer, who ICrlpted Rodcv and Joe) Is two parts young passion and one pert street frenzy. John T111volta plays a latter-day James Dean - frustrated by caUMt unknown. By night, he Is ldng of the multicolored, ttrobfng dance floor; yet In the clear light of momfng he ii adnft, trapped by the mirage of his desires •

The latest Bee Gees smgle, "How ~ep & YQIU? Love?" ii culled from the ftlm's sound track and already hat become a mllllon· teller. The double album tound tradt also promlMt to be a smash. Record store prerelease orders alone have tot$d .tust <:Na 700,000, enough to Insure Salurdav Night Fever a gold aJbum about a month before th. film's reJeaM. For the Bee Gees, It jUst secm1 to come too aasUy.

Their next chaDenge wlD be In front of the c:am«ru. In the summer ol '78 , the Bee Gees will In thetr flnt movie, ~"' Pc,,,,.n Lonclv Hcona Oub Band. The original Beatia al>um has been converted to the aeen In the grand style of a 1930'1 Hollywood musk:al, wtth the Lennon and McCartney ICOl'e tubstituting f« the Cole Porter ~. The cast w!1I future Allee Cooper, ~ Bums aifd Peter Frampton, and a ,_ good Umc has been guaranteed fOf an. li&UI

. .








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Because everything unfolds right in front of you ... there's no .1 g~n# I time wasted - an~ hair pulled - trying to find all of your monthly 'i· N•me t records. The Organizer is m~de of heavy gauge brown and beige vinyl - hand$0me on any desk. , i Add,.. .__ pl.#- .

~ 9reat gift ide~ t~ ... so order 2 and s_ave! If not completely.sat- : city CMMiancu~ Stet~ .. ,.,.,.:::;(-- I 1sf1ed! return .w1th1{l 14 days for full refund, (except postage & I "~:r::'i'5!¥.£~~..4"' handhng).MallcouPQntodayr . eimA1Nr1u1tC--r.1~ .. ClnlJ1tlld., Pltl1t..,Alfl1' L.~ .... . .... . .......

Warning: The Surgeon General ~as Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh.


Get it off to a good start with these light, Orient­inspired recipes to help you trim away unwanted pounds.

By Marilyn Ha118e11


2 wtM>le chk:ilen breuta, boned and •ldnned

2 tabletpOOM dry~ 2 t ... poon• comaterch 2 tHapoona ult

\4~3~ 1 luve 8'"" cut Into alrlJ>9 v. cup al eter cti.etnuta 1. Cut chicken Into lh·lnch thk:k sllces. Blend sheny, cornstarch and salt. Add chk:ken, tossing to coat weD. 2. Heat oil In wok or large skillet over medium heat. Add chicken; stlr·hy itntll chicken turns white. \ 3 . Add green pepper and water chestnuts; s11r 3 minutes or until peppen are tender· m.p. Makes 4 aervlnga


SPINACH WITH HAM I tabl11pao..,.wegetebleon 1 amall dON pr11c, cru9hed

v. lb. ham, cut into .._,leftne etrtpa ,a lbs. aplnech, •••Md Md trtmmed V. lHapoon auger v. taapoonMff 1 tMapoo11 aor uuoe

1. Heat vegetable oil In wok or large skillet. Add garlic and ham; stlr-hy 'to brown ham lightly. I . Cut spinach Into 3-lnch lengths. Add to ski.Bet and ltlr· fry 1 minute until just wilted. Add 1UQM. salt and soy sauce; stir to mix. Serve Imme~. Maka 4 servl"fll ...,,

EGG WITH SHRIMP ' tabl11p a ana vegetable oll

v. lb. alwlmp, ........ and denlned V. cup onion. tllced a.99thWIM v. cup Julien.-. cut cenot

J !

I =

V. lb. 8f9M bNna 1..,.onlon

v. cup JullennHUt ..-.ct cucumber •

v. lb. btoccoll v. lb.,,..,. •81*8G\lt or muehfooma,

optlonal 1 lb. fl'Mh anow peea Ot 1 ptg. (10

oza.) fromn., thew9cl 1 redpepper 'ecaltlona

2' tit t .Ubleepoone ........ °" 2 hlllle1pa0r .. aoy aauce 1 tablMpoon eMny

1. PrCpare vegetables. Cut green beans Into 2-tnch diagonal pieces. Slice onion lengthwise Break t..occoll Into small Oowercts. Cut stem Into ll/J·lnch lengths. 1/•· lnch thick. Cut asparagus Into 2-lnch diagonal aUca, lf•· lnch· thick. SUcc mush· rooms. Cut pepper Into 1/t·lnch lbips. Sb acallions. I . Heat otl tn wok « large lkiUet. Add gre.n beans, onion and broccoli; stir· hv 1 minute. S. Add atparagUS; sttr-hy 2 minutes. Add tnOW pcaa and red pcpp.r; stir-&y 1 minute. Add tcallk>na, toy sauce and sherry; heat quk:kly. Serve IJnmedletety.

Mak•• 4 to 6 NnJl"fll'

1 CM(' oza.) allced muahrooma, drained _; .... W.t•

1 teupoonuH '.4 taapoon ground gtnger 1 tlllllHp a Oft eMny 3 tabllapDMa btchup 2 talll1apaoanlNO• 2 talllaapaDftlaugar 1 talll11paon'oomatarch

1. Heat 2 tabJespoons vegetable oil In wok or large skillet. Add shrimp; stir·hy 1 minute. 2. Add onion, carrot, cucumber and mush­roomt to shrimp; stir-fry 3 minutes. 3. Beat eggs with Y, cup water,, ginger, aheny. Add 2 tablapoota oll to wok with thrtmp end vegmbla. Add eggs; sttr slowly until pariialy-i. 4. Allow ... to cook until go6den brown underneath. Looacn from pan and tum onto plate; keep warm. 5. In small bowl, combine ketchup, vinegar, eugar, It\ cup water and corn­starch. Add to. wok; cook, stirring until mixture boils and ls tNclw;ned. Pour over omelet. Malca 4 Mrvln91

4 .


C.El1 MBllllll . 8,,,,_ n: UIEfl& · : I I

8El'llB la 1 •0BE •IES l'fll IMll•t Yes, Nve up to $18 a month. NVe up to 350 gallon• of ga1 each year, eave up to 2 full gallona .very IO mlnut .. you drive-All FREE - because air co.ta you not one .angle penny!

,..... ....... - ,....... .... roed -,.._ i., c•••"* _, • .,..., ull • k : How ................ ..._. ...... ......,i.-........... _ __. ............... .., .. ...... , ........ ~ ....... ~ .................................. ... ....................... ,.,. "',... .,.,,

ni. .... : ....._. ......... ,.. .. ...... ...... ...., ...... ,.. _,. ....... ... --...., .., ....................... ....., ... ............ MceNl ..... of ,.... .... ... ........ ,_ ..... ...... .. .... .... .. _._,, _.. .... _,,..,,

..., Col. Genloft C4Nll*. ~~. fl....-cll Aclwteor 8rac• youraell, Mr. Car· own.rt Get eat - for thl• lncr9dible releaM - Ihle " bomb·ehell '" 1nnounce· ment 1111ry eutomobll• driver hH bHn welling tor New11 ol a lantHtlc n- ere In automot111• hlatory_ An era of mileage mlrecl•• where you can 11111 .,,,.'l e 10-yeer old c•r and blue acrou II ata191 of ltl• union on a 1lt1gl• tank or 011 -drive from N- Yor11 to Chi·

c-oo on i.11 then 2 tanlcfull'- ac1u1fly 1quHH out " lmpo11lble" 1111111g1 flgur., ~· :: -·::h u 31, 35, eyen 47" more mllH a gellon ... aa repon-6 by actual "ln·tratflc uug1 rune.. Y ... - .., to IO .. floM of ... MCfl lllOftttl, up to sso ......,. of ,.. Mell ree.r . .. ,,. wp to noo 0" MORI on r-"Y Net blhl - Mt "' eaotlne Ml'"91 by at lftUCfl aa I , t , tffn 1 MORE MILU '-" QA'-l.ON. All by 1lmply converting 011'1nary air Into e Hcond 1ourc1 ot high-pow· ered 9Mrgy with juat e 1lmpl•, SO..C:Ond change that even • tchoolboy c1n dol


aY 7 MORI lliU&.U Pl" OAUON -Wmt ~ THIS Otff to4fCONO CHANGIEI Y"' from ltll• day on Y01I are going to do to your cat .utomotlw experts now do to their ce,., You ar• gOlng to dO to your car what Cell· IHll~lty ..-rche,. haWI proven time and 11- again. You are going to •u ordlnery air - ltMt ~ Hme • Ir you brHthe - w tMt OOlll ,_ ........ ., ~"4'1 you are going to COllY9rt that elr Into a 1ourc• of platon-drMng PQW9f lor your car . . . get •uch 1taoo•rlng booete lf'I mllMQe, horMpOW•r and perform­.-. you mey onty heve to: '1U. YOCM GAi TANK Al LlTTLI Al~ A MONTH! Her1'1


LOOK HOW EASY IT 181 --.....


Right now your ear rune on 1 "'Y lllnPl• prin­ciPI•. You at99 on the g~I Md l)Uf1IP 1111

elr-i!U mlxtur• from your ~ Into }'OVr cyllnd•ra. Tiier•. a apartt exptodet It. Thie alt· ou •xpl~lon I• the lifeblood of your car. Onty lh•re'• on• troubt.. Evwi though you lnW.1 a much u ~ to 7fH for nch gallon of OM .•• all you 09t In retum 19 u llttl• • a puny 12-exploelon ... • mer. 12- wo'1tl "' ueable P<JW9r • Becau.. moet Of that elr-11M mixture never fulty explod4N ... In la.ct, MW9' ewrt watme up. And If you want to Pf'0¥9 t11i. ao yourMlf, llf!IPIY take e wad of cotton, Mid It next lo your 811auat pipe end Idle your .,,glne. Whal happene to tttat co11on In the next 12 "''""* will aa..otvi.ty ahock you. S.C.UM In ... than 2 mlnuWa ltlat cotton b91t wlU be damp ~ ~ fl'OM wnted, unUMd g111. Why lhla lnc'9dlble ...-1 WHAT DO "VOU IXPECT FltOll A llACMI•


BecauN u any autOfllOtive .nglnew ..iu 19JI you, your catburetor, (wbicb - I~ In 1801 and hUll'I .,_, I~ ~ then), It nothing more than an 016-fuh~ ~ with­out e mind, wllhout • ~- It atli'IOt fllrtlt. II cannot r•ouleta llMlf to varying driving •Pffd•. II 0n1y know. one thing. Bllndly pump - pump - !>"mP a ateedy now of OU ell ltMt time ... BUT WITHOUT EVER AOJUSTINQ THE RIGHT AMOUNT Of AIR. Which 1MeM. ~ time you •tep on that ~I ... be It at Idle or 70 mn .. Plf hour ••. your " midget-mind" carburelOf pumJ)9 and tor~ your engine with up to .c TIMES AS MUCH G~OllNE AS IT ACTUAlLY NEEDS •.. BUT STARVES YOUR ENGINE Of THE OXYGEN-RICH AIR to vital to explode all that guollne. The rM4.llt of lhl1 '"over-drowning" wllh too much 11 .. and too lit­tle elr? A ~of • -" • 2 GAU.Otta Of QAI l!Vl"Y IO MINUTU YOU IHUYIEI (Ot In pjllln doUef9 Md cMtt • dlftel •nc• of .. llMICh .. fUO • _,_ f10M • __. _ N00.00 to P00.00 • ,..,),

aUT WHAT A OIFFIERfNT ITORY If IOllllHOW YOUR INGIM COULD TMINKI In olh•r word•. right now there la t#npl)' no Wt)' l or your pr...,..t " no-brain" eng!M to effKtlvety met•r the right amount of air coming Into )'O(lr engine ... and convert It'• oxygen In that air Into a auper·blulng eourc. of extre pow•r ... bV eflectlvely explodlno all the tu.I f-4 Into your cyllndera (the ume way jet alr11,,.,. are now economy-cs.signed to ec:oop In air with IM!r giant auction-fan englnell).


!Vl"Y HOUR YOU DIUYll But euppou Ill.ti automotlv• expertt told you lhel NOW, wllhOvt chenolno a •Ingle pert In your engine ... by 1ltnply 1ddl119 one almple attechrnet11 to your cer •.• the very tame won­O•r·lnventlon tnat hN bMrl ,...94 In ~

Al ,_.. do la .._., lllp h TUMCM>YNI IENPO't CHMl9D ...................... ,.. .......... ,... MftMntot eNI ....., ..,,, .. ,,,.. ~. (Aa ...... -....... Ill ...... ). ., ll'e .. .., ........... -lllM ..,.,. • aolMI~ .,.. do I. In floet, ...,. W 1" ......, .... .._MM .. ,_,, ..... ......... ,........., . ...,,-2_,...," ... ~ ~ lllUlflPIJ ... .....,. AM ....... . .. If h I ............. _ ....................... .. --~..,_., ....... .., ...... .....,,. ,... ......... _.__...,..... ............. : ...... ,..,. .

nna 1• CADtU.AC GnS ISTTDl GAi • IW TIWI ,.._ 1Wf flOMlGN ~CM ••• 90 CAii YOUR CM TOOi ..... Ille......., Allll ,...._ ...... .. ......... • • ~...-. ........... ,,,.. .. ...., ............ ,, •• 1 ........ ,...,............... ..

......... ,.. - ..., ....... 1::111 ..... llM ......... - .... ,.. ,. "°' • a,...., .. ,... ..... ••••'"~ ••110.., ... lll't9,.. ... ._ .. ......................... ... ................................ _... ...... . (T_,...__..., ............... uu•s_..,.

"*" ~ti lebe .•. you CCKild add a "bf'aln" to your englM . . . • mechanical genius lhet would autometlc•lty feed to yCMir 9n0lne the r1Qht amount of air. t;Yert lllOl't •Jonlflcant. eup­llOM ltlMI ...,. ~ ...,.,. lllowed you labOfetO'Y PAOOf' •.• PROOF tMt flea b.-n filed With ~·et.le wld F9dwlll O~ ag9nei. of how thl1 --- n- Invention actually Mlpe CONVERT THE OXYGEN IN THAT AIR INTO RAW, BLAZING POWER PLUS FREE EXTRA MILES PER OALU>N ml.. elt•r mlltl Why, do you rMllze wtlet lhll brHkttlrOUOh c». ~lopNnt meana?


ON NOT A llNGl.a EXTRA DROP Of GAii It mun1 that from lhl• Oay on you oan actually teke ordlO'JY 1lr ... and convert It to e HCond 1ourc1 ol power lor your cv. Yea, o•llonl end gallona of air MMSdenly turned Into UIOUMnda of mllel ol FREE dfW!ne power. Air that coei. you •blOlutety nothing, autornattcelty convarted Into SUPER BLAZING HORSEPOWER day In, day out for tha llf• of your earl Why now you'll Nva up to $18 e month on your ga1 1>111•. Now you'll drwe ror hundr9dl of mil• et a llme and tweer to yCM1r1•ll ltlt needl9 on your ga gauge muet be 1tucli . . end you'll o« lllOf9 poww, more MIOOth and quiet perform­•~ ltlM ~ before !Nnk• to ltlla 1lr-CO­•netVY dlto0¥1ryl



lllOAI ··~ "" QAUOM THAN YOU rvP 1>1'UllllED '°"'9L21 The name of lhlt l>feMthrOUQtl de11•1oOment that

f+oelty maMe It ~ tor yol.I to ~ conwrt air Into eMfVY la the ''TVRao-oYNE ENERGY CHAM8ER''. It la the very aame "air· conwrtet'' lt\et "- bMft .... lllld PfWM In '-ding unWwalty 1abe. T..iN Md P'OY9ft ti, fleet OWMl'I, lnCSuott\el g..... COMU..,.. Md hMde of tral~ ....,......, • ....,. " racbcl up lncredltlfe rnll"9e MYtno9 ot • _.. - 401' .......... ~ ..... ,

So, If yov are 1lclc and tired of -•Urio twncfrNI of o-llona o~atollne MCh yeer ... If~ would 11119 10 atop Ihle ridlcuk>ul dollar-4reJn OHCE ANO FOA All by elmply n.m.aing 1tMt power Jn ordinary air end la'llng ttundr9CM ot 6oller1 doing h ... ll'len take advantage of thl1 exciting no-rl•k lrlal offer:


Mott ftCltlng of all, the 1J11ce of the TUA8(). DYNE ENERGY CHAMBER 1-. not the t40 or $60

-you might IXl*!I f0t a pr-eC""°" alH:onWfter but only $12.85 ... .... "'8n IN COii of a tank• tul of gu. And you'll Malty NW aa much 11 10 ti'"" that l)(lce In "'8t ltle fine ,.. monlhl

ol ""·

"IEMIUIER - YOU NOW IT Yovall • umRa Y AT OUlt MllCI

Y11, you muet uw up to 111 wortlt ol g11 MCfl and 1vary month - .. ,,,. up to $200 In f"I Nell rear - you mue1 oet at re11t up to 1 MORE MILES PER GALLON - or your 1r10MY refunded In full (u~t for ~ and t!Mdllng, of CCMI,..).

c. 1'11 ~leml e--. ,,. . Cn41 .. "' • 1'1111&.. "" 1111'

.............................................. L ..... ftl_,..~, ................................... -.. ........ ,....

I P1An..-.1CM1, ""'· JT~ ctlMH m tc11i1ct1 _, e.,. Dllit J Ca...._ ..... ............ M 1117• 0 ~/Vi. 0 Alle!ICM l...-Y-. 1 - .. uy dit ---~l.,.., I . ~II •lftlr •II""'.• .i• 11111....,..,_ It 0 -.W Clllrtt PMt ..... ---- £

i =·::.-r~-..r-:,=:.:= : II II• ........ 1 - Mii.Ei l'lll WLOIU - • • tfMlt c;.., • I

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-.................... - .... ·--............................ ,_,_,, .... ..., ..... ~ c-. .... -------------


Of THE AMERICAN DREAM Half of all senators. representatives and governors are alumni of tl)e 136 largest public colleges and universities.

By John W. Oswald

In an earlier luue the ~ wcus made for Independent colleges and uni· uersftles as o ultol national resource. Here Dr. Oswald, president of Penn· svfuanla State University, doe. the same /0t st.ate-supported Institutions.

The bat measure of a state-supported college or university Is Its students - who they are, what they become and how they a('Pty new knowledge and experience to benefit thenuelves and their society.

Let's start with who they are. They are the bright, and they come from

hard-working famllles In every walk of life. They are the sons and the daughters of the urban schoolteacher· and the rural farmer, the small-town doctor and the big-city fac· tocy worker, the Independent Insurance

• agent and the corporate executive. They are the students for whofll. the

Federal Morr111 Act of 1862 was J>M5ed, establishing land-grant, public Institutions and bringing the opportunity of higher education to those qualified by ability rather than Just to those privileged by soda) status or economic means.

The Morrill Act, signed by Abrahem Un· culn, aftirmea America's commitment to educatton, which holds thet the basis of a strong· natk>n ts an Informed public. Our nation ls stronger today becaUM American higher education moved from exclusion to Inclusion. At Penn State, for Instance, roughly half of the frahman class are ftm. generation college students.

Why do students chooee to ettend state· suppotUd INtttutlona?

For cl\ok::e and fOf challenge. For en· ~t and for ~nu.• For career pnparanon and for life pNpatatSon.

State-supported unlvcrattlet are large enough to gtve students room to move and open enough to give them freedom to change. TlMy offer wld. diversity In cur· r1culum, Thil Is Important

1s1nce national

statistics Indicate that more than half of all students change rna)on at some point dur· Ing their college careen. The ve-ry scale of the curriculum mak~ · pos.slble an excel­lence In lnterdtsdpUnary fields, hlglWy spe· ciAllzed ma)on and unique areas of study. Land-grant unJvarstUes, auch as Penn State, offer more than 100 baccalaureate majors .ranging from aceounttng to zoology. from tradlt\onal studies In agr\culture, education and englneertng to

.. the newer fleldl ol film, polymer science i and environmental engineering. J As students develop new lnteresta, they f n«d others with whom to share thete 2 conurns. That shertng Is poalble at a st.ate ~ un~ with a· student body as d1vase In r background and lnterab as society Itself.

Even the largest state unlverstty II, In reality, a collectson of small communities - colleges, majon, bvlng units - each of which Is dedicated to he.lplng the student learn and develop as a human being.

Within the classroom, students at a pub­lic lnstltut\on benefit from a ~hlng facuJ. ty engaged In raearch.-New frooden an besC understood and communlca~ by those who explore them, rather than by those.who read about the exploration.

Indeed, much of what a student "learns" ln coUege - clarity of thought, lndepen· dence In dedsk>n·making, judgment In valu~ - Is not "taught" but "caught" by Interaction wtth. faculty members of high Integrity and performance.

College challengea students not only to master a apect{ic fleld of study and to pre· pare for thet first job after college but also to develop Intellectual skills and a set•of values to cope with change throughout their careers. As such, pubbc lnstttuttons prov\de the two educations historian James TrusJow Adams dacribed when he wrote, "One should teKh us how to make a llvtng and the other how to Uve."

State '1.lpport of higher education recog-­nlzes that education Is a public function of benefit to all. The alumni of America's publlc Institutions are living tes\lmony to the value to society of state-supported In· stltutions. Among America'• 500 largest Industrial corporations more than 400 pres$dents and board chairmen are Alumni

. of a public coilege or untventty. Half of all senators, representatives and

gov~nors are alumni of the 136 largest public colleges and un!Venltle:s. So are half of the members of the National Academy of Sciences and about two-thirds of the Nobel Pt1ze-wtnnlng Americans stfll bvtng.

Amaaca cart be proud thet 78 peroent ol ltl colJ,ege students durtng 1976-77 \llCl'C

enrolJed In ltate-support.d lt\ttltutloN, The high-quality education tha• atudcnta are r.atvtng wtD mOC)I than rwpey the public colt lnvolwd. As S.~mln FranJdtn once noted, "An Investment In know- rJlll ledge afwaya pays the best Interest." lilUI

· VOu Don't Pay 'fil The· Fat Goes Away

Now, if you can lJek a atamp-you can llck your weicht problem!

Here's a diet that11 coet you about a dime a day-and if )'OU don't 10le you caft't lo.e money!

Beea1.11e Northwestern Pharmaceuti· ca1s will 1'0t deposit ymu chedt or money order for four weelu of en your on:ler ia mailed. That1J ,;ve you plenty of time to receive lt, try lt-&Dd ~ for yourself th.t U really worlu for 1'0"·

Jl- f0r •"11 ,.eacm-you're not thrilled with the ~ta. your """'"" checlc or 111oney otder wUl be sent to you by return mail!

Here's why NorthwHt.em dares to make thU unuaual ruarantee:

In ~ flrat plM:ie, it's a proven product. Northwestern'• Welaht-Loa Plan has been on the muket for over 12 yean. Hundreds of thouaanda have tried It, and if you have any questions about ita safety or potency, Northwestern urges you to check with your doctof,

It's • d&fJ~t product. Northwest. em's Weight-Lou Plan ii dJ.fterent- and elfe'ctive- 1.n all the. waya:

First- It's J'OUI' •laa ... SfOti" ace. SfOtir height, lfO"r welaht, and how much~ want to !OR .. • these tJUnp are all taken Into account when 11°" select vaur Plan! The truth is that If you need to loee 50 pounda, you need a different kind of diet than IOmeOne who needs to i- 10. And you-. it.

Seeoacl-You the foods you like •t. Most diets fail becauae they're IO limited o" tasteless that you start cheat· Inc, Then you get ditlcounged and Jive up-or 10 on a real food binge. North· western •:rpecU you to cheal Tladr plan allows you to treat younelf to amounu of auch foods u pie wijh cream topplnc, put.riet, lee cree.m aund.aes, cheesecake, wa&. with maple syrup, nutty brownies, mashed potatoea and gravy, creamy salad dreainp, milJt. •hak.ea. cre&med vegetables, chill con came, chow mein, beef 1tropnoff, and fried chicken! •

Northwest.em'• P1m not only "allows" these diet breab-they actually Include the special, de.licloua recipes! 'l'lalrd- Yom •1et ls automatically "a4· juated" . • . as your weight goes down. You don't follow a 5()()..Qlorie or a JOOO. calorie diet. In fact, you don't count cal­ories at all! But a1 you ruch your weight eoah. you "automatically" eat l!---and keep on losing weight. Foarth-Yoa11 lOM . .• without ltarv· lq! Follow the Plan and you don't eYer

have to leave the table feeling hungry! "(pu can even eat out or 10 on a plcn.ic­and no one will guesa that you're "diet­ing." FUth- lt'a lnex:peuive! You get every·

you nHCt to a.lte to Joee we141bt caulcklt -and hfely. Tablet.a that IQp)ement food and aal-.uanf )'Our bealth. but play no role in w~bt a..., .,.. In.eluded at no extra coit. And the COii& ia about a dime a day!

How much weiaht JOU kwe and ho. fut ~ to. lt obvioullly depende -you, but ~ aome ~ ~ · unuaual letters: Teeaqw lolt 1' poUJMla

"I am abttecn yeen o14 and have beea on the diet for two ....0. and haft io.t fourteen pound.a. ..

' IAtl&poalMia' "Without the feu of pttinc olf ~ diet or nervous teN1oa, I have lost 18 pounda. 'l1wW to JOU. I look human apin."

'Lost u ,.,..... la s weeka' "Your cUet pW\ la wonderful Have lost lJ pounda Jn s week.a."

'Woaclerlul u.t of foo4a' • "1 have enjoyed bel.q on YOW' diet, and the raultll have been more than I expected on a diet of nature, that tncludes .uch a ~erful lilJt of fooda. I wu felting d.ellperate, for I found I could not leave food alone. Now I'm beck in my alze t aptn."

•You cloa"t pt buqey!' "I start.eel 30 days aio. At that time I weilhed 197 pouncb. Today I wftCb 188 pounds. I feel much betwt' and everyone tella me how much ~ I look. "P.S.: Your formula fives you ao much to eat that you don't pt hunpy."

Hotbu loft n pouada "My mother took them for 6 months and if down- to 138 pounds. She weighed 175. I would Wte to order."

Loat • po-els lll Z montha "I loet 30 pounda and 2 dl'ftl st.. with a 2-month supply. It was out of sheeT desperation that I arwwer'4d your ad in the Chicago Sun-Times. Believe me, I will ·6e eternally gnate-­ful,.

'Eu.iest way to la.e' "It la the easiest way l ever lo.t weiaht. J ha~e }oft 111 pounde."

'Welsht stayed •owa' "I lost SO pounds in only 12 weeb of f~ the plan and alter four more months I have not gained any of lt back. I had tried every other diet in the put 20 yun and this !!Jhe fint time my weight stayed down after lo•htg."

And Northwestom ia ao sure their Plan will work for you that they won't cub your check 'til Vo14're sure. You Oh loee -~'t 1oee money. Wliir not fill out and mail the coupon rt-"• now?

thln1 you need to know and everythlnc C> 1910-flortllwftte•• ,_.,~1"111 ~----~-----~----------------------------------------------, I I I Northwestern, Dept. ~ 1 : WCJ Compu~ Lane, Hunttncton 8-ch, Cali!. nut .,.. YCMll Pia : I Pleue rush I'll¥ complete Northwestern Wel(Jrt-i.o. W• ......... that .. I I I'm encJoani·~-~ or fD01Mr1 order. DO NOT depolit ~ want '4 loee up 1

lt for 4 weeks A1TER my order la mailed. U, dw:inl thet to JO PoUnd•~ : Ume~.nd the unulled portion, you11 put my UN· tM .JO D9Y "'ell: uo l CAS check or money order in the Ntum mtU. co 20 -"41s_.,. 1

(Please print) tit. tO Dey Plefti - : 20 poundl-ontw ..._ I

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0 60 Day "•n- 16-50 (YtN•-11.90)

0 to Day ll'len- $7.50 (You-Pf

Plate shown smaller than actU.l size • 1~· diameter

limited edition collector plate honoring the historic spectacle of the Tall Ships

* An orif inal plate design with 6" ceramic tile inset isra umquc metallic alloy with the heirloom look of fine pewter. * Hand-decorated in full ~lor from an origi.JJa.l privately-commmioncd painting by noted nautical artist, Robert Devereaux. * Each plate made exclusively for the Danbury Mint - not available in art galleries or stores. * Issued in .a strictly limited edition - available by advance reservation only.

* Priced at only S 19.SO. * This edition closes forever on January 31, 1978.

On July 4. 1976. millions of Americans watched one of the grandest spectacles of this countty•s ' 200th birthday celebration ••• the passing of the Tall Ships. Now. for the fint time. the Danbury Mint is proud

to announce a very specia plate issue ••• Tht Ta// Ships. This unique metallic plate is a fitting tnoute to America and the treasured maidens of the sea which sailed to New York harbOr from all over the world to salute her!

~-~-----------------~------------• ' The Danbury Mint RESERVATION Must be I 47 Richards Avenue APPLICATION postmarked

Norwalk, Ct. 06856 by Jan. 31, 1978

Please accept my reservation for the Tall Ships Plate -A Salute to America. l understand that orders must be postmarked by Jan. 31, 1978.

Payment is enclosed for . Tall Ships plate (s) at Sl9.SO each quantity

plus SI.SO postage and handling, Total S2 l.OO


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Meltw cltltd .,_, llMtr,,.,.M' 111: 0-..W., Mllll. ..C....6 •I .wt.r lf/tw "'1lltM c'*"r/w ,.._,.. •cc.. cdNI rtlitlndl "8#,.,,,. U1A1 .......... "'* """' .... , IV

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Mike Bowl&, Boxes and Vases F10m Greeting CardS! ,,... ~ 0....,. Qwd a..'.n. No . ..

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... ------ 11¥ ....... lf'Odll f>llll ·--~ .. ....,.....,i.. .... )99\ ....,. ........ Sn! ... ~""ll!llodl¥ To .... GN.IMe ~.._....No ... -.I SI.GO b .... ClllW ........ ~ -.! hlft .....

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, Nlw YcllktfY 100l8

• Genuine centennl•I i.1J9 ltllnf) AS lllUS­

r1ted PICtUflnt th• flnt u.s. stamp~ l.-0-1M7 t i. 81t totlectlon of 19 111-dtfferent v.s. Stamps1 19th C.ntUty, $5.00 stainst. etc. >. cooecuon of prl'"eo commemor· 1tMK, Cl¥tl Ww, 1 Mlalnlppl Rl .... r· l»Olt, many other1. Alto, o ther ••· ctth't at1mPt to eumlne tree. 8uy 1ny or MM, return bllanc., cancel _.,Ice anytime - !Kit all > ollert (plus 4~ 111u11r1t0<1 Cat1109) .,. youn to kMC)I Send lot-TOOAVI H.ll. "'"" • Co., Dettt. CJC· lt I, eottoit M1-ttvwt1t 02117.

--- ~-- - - -- -

HAPPY NEWYEAR "HopPV New Yearl" I IF"' All I happen to mut. "Happy New Yeorf" I ua.r Loud and, not o m..,.,. "Happy New Yeorl .. tlwy-v In the ucry IOtne cooy, And tlwv •mlle uoy c~, Though just a bit weorf4i,

I admit that I too &/ore the doy• lhrouflh And my unite I muttforoa And my ook:c growing /toorN.

New Year's Doy, though,1 cheer, Glad it'•Just<>nce a pear.

- Richard Armour

A cab driver was complaining to a~: "This 15-cent tip ts an insult." · "Oh," the rider asked, "~much Jhould It be?" .. Another' 15 ~'tt~ at ...... ....,llecl the cblgrun-ded c;abtMe • "My dear fellow,'' Mid ti» rtdc. ... woukln't dream of lnsultlng you twlca. • -~ Randcn

• Ouerheard: "l knew our marriaQe was '" trouble when my wife made only her holf of •he t>N."

-L. K01louer

CITIZEN COMPLAJ.NT: I wish they'd .ec>p Mtwf· Ing polltidans to prison. Tha latt tNng they nNd Is a rcfreahct coune. -Rokn Ori>en

"I'm uvc:ulng a conalltutlonal right -the pursuit of~-.

~. l'llllGMtiO WINDSHIEl.D CQYER *'­~n ~ ('° lnltmntty to w• roof). EIMtic tie ttrape lnMtt Into doof Ind wtndo. -•la t« EXTRA "'°ttCTION 80&IMt Wind GU1t1 Md 1nOW drtbl WIHOIHIElD COVER II made of .,... ~ ptllMlc that .. n.Jbl9 at ti.tow Z.9fO temponrtutee, folds In MCC>ndl, ltOf'M lft your trunk tj)r ~ of ~ UNI

w · a IO"' m. ma a11 make and model CAB, nts ,.., wlndOw too. So ord« tWo for .,..,ound P<ocectioft and aav• et our epeclal price - two for only is,ac>. You'll MY If• WOf1tl fer more -.e nm time • llMt ltorm .. ,. '°"' ~no lot and '°" drtve 6tt wtine ~ ..... ~ and IC'9plngl If not .. llght9d, ...wm wtttMn 14 daY9 and your moner wilt bo rwfUnded In "'" (~ ~ l Mndllnt). MAIL COUPON T~YI

=-..:..;; v::=. ¥Ill ....... - ---... c.. C.. llUff "°" ....... -... ,.. ............... .... .. ... ........ 1 .......................... .

---•Mil ..... CIWte lWY-...... """I -.. -..,........ . CINltlll .... mvt·r ,. ""' • , ~ .... - --11111111 WllaMl&t ,...., :,.i~ ..... .,,. c::wa w =-.. , .., ...... _ ........... ........ ,.. ,.. ...... ' .... ,i.e. Ufll oi... "' - ...: ~ - .., ., ........ a. .......... ':.r;.,,°r"· lftftlr ............. , ..... ·-,..,. " ..... 1 .... "' .................. .......... ........... ,. ............. ..... ... Cllldl ......... . CDDt ,.__ ....

:r.:.a_ .................. !!!f....... .... . = .. ,., ----.r=.:..~· ... Mfr----------._,,.., __ - • ...., ..... c-.--. ... Qi----------· ---'.11---c--.-. ............ .

llllllllnLM.,llllf!l.W.'12 ........... . ,-. ......... .. .............................

Shovel With Caution There'• a good reason not to shovel UM

1now plllng up on your front walk - H rMy be hazardous to your health. U you're ovawelght, over 40 or have a history of hQrt dlseue. the American Heart As.soc. urga you to let your doctor decide ti you're up to this klnd of acttvlty. Since c<Md weather constricts blood vessels, your heart mutt work harder to pump the same amount of blood. The exertion df 'hovel. Ing can strain your system under these conditions and lead to a heart attack.

If you decide to shovel, the Heart At.soc. advile1: • Don't smoke whlle shoveling, the smoke constricts the blood vessels just as the cold does, and the combination can be dangerous • Dress warmly but with a few light layers Instead of OM heavy, bulky garment • Watt 2 hours after e~tlng or ihovel before your meal. • Take frequent rests . • Don't drink alcoholic beverages to warm up. The alcohol dulls your sense of fatigue, and you may overexert yourself without realizing It .

Why People Make New Year's

Resolutions Making raolutlon• ls as much a part of

New Year's as drinking champagne, but !l'ost people's good Intentions don't last much longer than their hangovers Why?

ulf wishes were horses. beggars would r1de," quips Univ. of Chicago psychologist Israel Goldlamond. '"The effort most people make In wishing for change Is not equlva· lent to the senousness of their problems "

GoldJamond .ays people often fall because many of the habits they would llke to change are not isolated but are part of a whole pattern of behavior.

"You have to analyze the condttlons under which the behavkx occun," he uys. For example, you may overeat some· times beceUH of tklpplng a meal and IOIMttma beaiUN of stress. So, Instead of raolvtng not to overeat, you must take aetlQns lo deal With the different lltuatlons.

FAMID' WEDUY Th• H-tP4/>M Meg•ll,,. ,......._."*II ...

Motton Frank i..cuttMV., ....... ~

Patrick M. llntlitey ............. ScottDeOanno

The Tiger Who's One Man's Best Friend A$ you can see from the photot above, the gate for me," uys Gross.

Peter Gross and hls tiger, Nad)I. have an Riding In the front of the boat with unusually clOH relatlonsht~. Peter Is the Gross Is )ust one of Nad)l's aowd-pleaslng 28-year·old dtr of land animals at a Red· andcs. He also walks through the park on wood Ctty. Coll!., wildlife park, where a leash 90 children can pet him, and he Nad)I, a 6-year·old Bengal ttger. ls one of plays football With Gross, who lets himself his 250 charges. The mutual-admiration be " tackJed" by his 450-lb. fellne friend . society developed over the yean aa Gross Despite his warm relationship With Nad· worked with Nadjl, and he now says, )I, Gross Is the flnt to advtse against keep· "Nadjl Is the closest relationship I've had Ing wild animals as pet$: "I think It's a terrl· with any animal because I've known him ble Ide.a to keep exotic anlmals In the so long. He's actually a friend ." home. I wlll get a call, for example , about

Nadjl likes Gross so much that he's not a cougar someone bought as a cute cub too wild about being with other animals. " If who's been defanged and declawed be· Nad)I goes over to the exercise llJend we cause he got roo big to handle and bit have and he's with the other tigul. when I Grandma. By the time the animal gets lo pick hlm up In rhe boat, he'll be waJtfng at us, he't total}ydestroyed."

When The Refrigerator Is A

Lifesaver . Where ls )he first place that police,

firemen or ambulance units go when responding to an emergency call? In Monroe County. Mich., one of their first stops Is the r~rator - to look for the famUy's vital medleal Information.

If the famUy Is partletpaUng In the Vlal­of .Ufe program, \nformatlon, Including medical histories, namu and phone num·

ben of family doctors and pel'$00s to Jbe notlf\ed In an emergency, will be In a p&a.stic container taped under the top ahe.lf of their refrigeraton.

The Vlal·of·Ltfe program was started 2 years ago by deputy sheriff Richard Manh of the Monroe County Shertff's dept. and has since spread to 35 states.

For more Information about the pro­gram, write: Monroe County Sheriff Dept . c/o Deputy Sheriff Richard Ma11h, Dept FW. Monroe, Mich. 48161.

i f New !!!~~~!!~1!oss the f country are being treated to a movie dur· ; Ing their recovery from childbirth - on ~ how to take care of their babies.

The 35-mlnule tum, You and Your In · font, ls narrated by Dr. Marvin Green, a pediatrician affill.ated with N. Y Medical College. It dlte:usses routtne care such as bathlng, diapering .and feeding, signs of IU· ness and emergency pr~dures. The fUm Is dlvtdad Into 1419ments and hes an Index 90 that Individual sections can be easlly reviewed

To f\nd out If You and Your Infant Is be­ing ahown at a hospttal near you, contact your local hospital'• administrative dlr. OI'

the head bf the obstetrtcs and gyMCOlogy department.

Quick Takes ff II ...... to yow dMlt ......

.._ to ct.ow from oa 1V thw.. days, you're rtght. A ltudy by • P"> faeot at New VOik'• Brooklyn \;ODeg~fll Mys the number of TV lhowl ha .tvunlc by almoet 50 percent In the 11111 20 yura. At the Mme time,~ hat become more vtcilent - there are 9 tima u many c:rtma-ct.tedtve Mriel on this Na.on as 10 yon ago.

Doe't call a..c .............. pdced bab,.IU... • Phi O.lta Kappon "" has figured out that teachers' pay Is low when compared With the COit of baby-sitting. The magazine cakulated that a teacher urning $14,000 a year and teaching 30 students for· 5 hours a day maka a lttde laa than S2C per stdlfl dent per hour ·

Taki8t btrtkolltrol pWe ...... pnpuc:y cu be .......... Stucbes reported In the New e'ngfand Journal Pl,. ftledJdnc lndk:.ate that ex· po1Ute during pregnancy to the pill 01t

female honnone1 uted In an ettempt to prevent mllcarrlaga lnc::ruM the rilk of congenital heart dlMale In the c:htid.

Th•e Me DO ...... aboet .. food at the Taa..-M~ C.... ln New Orleans. In fact, padcnts ere llMly to ttop by the kltichen to Mk for a recipe before eheddng out. n.. l'UIOC\

for the culinary kudoe - the hotpt&al'1 food II being prepared under the wper­v\skm of a man formerly MIOdated with the world·famotU Brennan'• ra­taurant In New Orleans. Patients re­~ • 10-page multicolored menu and can ~ from 1tem1 lndud1ng Veal Cordon 8'eu and Sausage Jamb.a.ya.

• BIRTHDAYS (aO Capricorn) : S...U, ­Barry Goldwater 69; J .D. Salinger 5 · Country Joe McDonald 36. flloeclay -Isaac Asimov 58; Roger Mlllef 41. t .... day - St~n Stills 33; Betty Furness 62: Victor Borge 69: Bobby HuU 38. ~ - Aoyd Pattmon 43; Jane Wyman 69: Dyan Cannon 38. Th....., - Jean-Pierre Aumonl 65; Alvin Alley 46; Walter Mondale 49. Friday - Danny Thomas 64. S.tlUdtif - V~t Gar­denia 65; .Charla Acfc'!ams 66; WWlam &itty49, ~nny LoggiN 30.

BIRTHDAV'PEoPLE: Betty F..,._ ud Bobb, H.U

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I

' ,

---------iii~------------------. Haban s KNIT· · Executive Club

Gentleman's , ·

PA.IRS tor


but .w will OVERWHELM YOU with UNCANNY VALUE in YOUR SIZE! Shop around I You wm see that m8n are peyin,-afmost $18.95

per pair for good business dress stacks. Now hent is an excellent savings opportunity. Haband, the famous mail order peopte from Paterson. NJ witl send you THREE PAIRS for $18.95, on di..-ct money-bad< approval t "" You just tell them your size, exact waJst A fr\leam,

and what colors you like. You have"to .end your checlc with the order. Then lit back and be amazed at the fut, dependable service and the buy of your life on

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:ri 3 '£1$1895 w., h•n '"Ports that th"w wunduful

Nun-Snas Knit Sl• ck& .,., .. , tuush •nd lo nJ· ..,,.,.,..,, and f'UY lo l'.,f' ,,., lh•I off-duly "u•cutiftll uw th"m for m11th and tumble _.,hnd t:hUff'I, athl<ttk out iftP 6 ~yday uw. Th•l "sohy. bur DO NOT 8E M!SLfOI T1'nr lft Top Qu.ricy. Bea•tiluUy Tliklled Mf.uc:.IM Oub" Qms SJMb,!

Mrh ti. /X1"# ttf bua}n,,,. atlU "''"' h/fh# Md h,,,_ out of.,,,,, mor. .,,,, MMe ,,,.,, lib m Mill' /IOOd MIM# #M:lf1 ftw bull--. You - mon.y on ,,,. orlfltvl pra. - on '*-"".,,,, Pff#/"1 bills, .,,,, - - .,,,, .., on ~ mtK• .,,,,._.,.clothe& It II• IOod idM lfld..,.. wltl-rbe a~ time to build U.P ycMilr w9ftfrobe. THREE PAIRS f0t OPly $18.15t U.. tttit N1Y d l.-t ..,.. No-RWt o,.,_ for"' ..S let ua "'-"-'

SADDLBACK IMW 2e•o2 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo ll 1 ·2041) - 4f4-4t4t

<:alVIH MOTOIS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana - 135-3171

IOY CA.llVlll IMW 1540 Jamboree Road

SUNSIT FOID S..-40 Garden Grove Blvd. Westminster - 646-4010

ftHIL LOMG FOID 43 Auto Center Drive lrl(ine-761-5111

Newport Beach - 640.6444 ICIJ!Gi


HAIYS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 540.t I 00


COHHl!U. CHIVIOL.Ef 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 546·1200


IA.llWICIC DATSUN 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano IJ l· t l75-4tJ.JJ75

DOTDATSUH 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach - 14~7711

UMIVllSITY OlOSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 140.'640

AU.l:M OLDSMOIH.1. CADILLAC & GMC 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -IJl.olOO


ION M>ODWIM HOHOA 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton - 171-0412

' TV WEEK, JANUARY 1, 1171


JOHMSOM & SOM UMCO&.N-MHCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa --140.MJO


UMIYllSITY Ol.DSMOllU 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 540.9640


IOHGOODWIH fllOMTIAC - GMC 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton - 171-0412


CMICIC IVHSOH. IHC. 445 E. Coast HwY. Newport Beach - 673-0tOO


M.LMAXIY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach - 147 .. 111

SUlllAY. WIUAIY l t.JO • o C1J a llfl 11 St.toe 0 CJ) G Alt Clll••ll - '*'-t lO:JO. u CJ) • Aft Q1 ...... '-' 12:00 •.If. DIM C:. Covtrtet of lllt IOI) 1nlt1nat1011al 1un10! 1um ttnn1s

loufnamtnt, play1d 1111dt1 Oav1a Cup 1ult$ and leatu11n1 tht but milt W111Qr playt n '""" 31 counlnts

12'_. e l!lll CD> llfl FtltW Clle.,..... !'ft-bit

l:OI • ((ll) CD) llfl QI"'''""'' "-uo 8 fli ... 11111 ''81ood, Swtat 1nd Cllem The htsloiy 1nd t,.d1hon ol th oldest llowl 11mt

MOllDAY, WIUAIY 2 11:00 • ((ll) {))) CJ) c.e'9I .... a... e CD (ID ((21 CJ)) S.01 .... Alabama vs 01110 S111t

1:30 8 ID CJ) Ill l8l ... e..c """ Wasluncton vs M1ch111n 4:6 e O CJ) G Q) Or111p .... Live covmre ol the rame btl•een

Arbnsas Rlloibach and the Okl1homa Sooners lrom M11m1. Fla a:00 ID l Sbtilla s,.dlcular Features both amateur and profusional ICt

sutm . includin& several OlympK contenden and members of the Ganem F11ure S~111nc Club

TUESOAY, JMUUY l UO (3) l.Btn luketNll Lakm va Ne. York Kn1cks S:OO D Liken ~II takers vs New Yo1k Knicks

THURSIMIY • .wcuun l1l0 G Klltp Hoc*tr Los Ancelts Kines vs Ph1l1delphia Flyers t.00 D USC luMtllell T101ans vs Washin&ton Slate

FllDAY, JlMUAIY 6 5:00 D I.lien w..tbll L°' Ancelu l ah rs ws Ph1ladelph11 76e11

l:DO e UCU l"*tlNll 8iu1ns vs Wul11ncton Huskies SATUIOAY, JAllUAIY 1

tl:DI). 0 (() Cll QI) T1lt Slllief itwl C411t&t st"IOIS compete 1n tlllS North vs South aame

1:00 e {)) ® (8 CJ)) WW. ...,...., $ftof11 l1ve com11e ol the Hula llotll from Hawau

L-00 G ((llJ {))) ()) c.l&Jta lbstln Tenta e @ CJ) D O flllC*I Opell Semi hnal round ol pl1y lrom tht f IK.SOn Nahonal Goll Club

tGO e CJ) (IJI) ) TIM '1ehulMll ~ T•t Com1ct of the SI00.000 lite ClaUA< hom Cable Ho1111 1n TOIT1nct Cahfoin11

SU•DAY, WIUAIY I 6.-00 G "Sofrowt.i JoMI'' (com) '49- Bob Hope. Lucille Ball

• "HolM lffofe O.i*" (dll) ·~- Jean S1mmon3, Efrem Ztmbahsl, Jr ~00 CD "Eln1d, My Son" (d1a) ·49 Spenter Tracy 9:00 e (]) Clal (18> (I)) CC) ' 'Strplto'' (dta ) ' 13- AI P1e11111. Tony


5:00 fl CC) "Cry ol IM '"'"'11.S'• (adv) '73- Hayley Mills. lohn Hurt 6:30 G CC) "lM Dnlm" (adv) '38 Sabu. V1le11e Hobson t 1.-00 Cl) CC) "Jn ol 0.111" {adv) ' 7S A1thu1 frani. Stan Waterman t:00 8 CJ)~ Ca ())) (C) "lfallfll U'" (d11) 77- lee Remick.

Gtanv1lle Van Ouun TUESDAY, WlllMY 3

6:30 G CC) "l'he hldl' 111cl ,..,, Wy111" (dr1) '72-Bette O.m, Oollc lkClllr• .

• 1.-00 a> "Pica.., Oli s..tb ShMI" (mys> ~3 Richard \Wmark Jun Pt1e11 <...

11:00 D CC) "H C.n Be Dollt llllte" (wes) 73 lad Palantt Bud Spencer

• W£DlllSOAY JAllUMY ' 6.'90 G CC) "tfllll Oi¥e'"(1clv) ·c'i- Tyrone Power Anne !Uclt1 6:31 e ''Tltatllt" (d11) ~3-&rb1r1 Slanwyck, Chhon Webb l:OO e "Of. Str......,." {tom) '63- Peter Stl11rs Gfor&e C Scott t:OO e (Im CJ)) CC) ""- Glut ScM.., C.lllMt Tlt11*1" (com)

'76- l ee lhN1n. Robtrt Culp, Ohvt1 Rted THUllSOAT WIUAIY 5

':JO D CC) .. ..,.._ ..,_.. lsc• h) '61 loan Greenwood Mtelllel Ct111

1.-00 e CC) "Sufdl lot S.nlnr (doc)- An1mals ot i.0t1h Amt11Ca Aus t11h1 and Ahita 1n theu conS1ant search fC>f water

f'llOAY, JAllUAIY 5 t:00 e (Im CJ))()) CC) "FOf..., .. (dra) ·17 Stephanie Ztmbahsl. Oun

IMlei, John friedrlci1 e CI> <II ('21 Cll) CC) '11•1!11 Tai h rt r (dra) '76- Bo Sven son. Luke Askew, N01h Beery. John Ch1ndler

SA1VIOAY, JMUAIY 7 5:GO e CC> "'WI ~pUcllllp" (ldv) '76- lnt@r N1luon Par Sunbttt t.1IO e "Mlfrltno" (1dv) '37 - 00!othy Lamour, Jon Hill t:OO 8 @ CIJ IJI) 0 (J:) "f.IM11t11CJ- llle Stttl lllft1111" (d11) '77-

Randy M1nloolh, Kevin T111'e, lulte London


'1 '1 ? . ? '1. • • ,



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642-4321 . , , ... ,

lk!•u Bridges •nd Robert Powell hud lhe cul of "The Four Fe•thers," • Bell Sy,tem speci•I in the rousing tr.;iditlon of " Jhe M•n In the Iron Muk" •nd "The Count of Monie Cristo," Sund•y, from 9-ltPM, on NBC. Simon W.;ird, Andrew~. Richud fohn-50n, J.ine Seyme>(lr .;ind O.;ivld Robb •lw sl•r.

In "The four ~•lhers," •l'I in •nd Egypl l•le In the l.;ist century. • young Army offict"r, H.irry fe\>er ­~m is •«\Med of cow.irdke when he receive• lour white fe.&then, the symbol ol hi• • lleged perfidy, lrom thrff fellow offinn •nd h1 ~ fi•ncee. Held in ""en further disgrut' by his f•ther. • distinguished re 'red officer himself, fe\>t!nh•m, .;ilded by Abou, • Sud•nese. ~b oul lo redeem himself, In 1he he•I of !Miiie. Robin S.lley •nd Rilchel GurnpY pl•y lhe p.;irenu of H.,ry's fi.;incee.

Title st• r l•nce Kerwin of NBC's )•mes •t 15 .;ind co­st•r O•vid Hubb.ird m•y h•ve more th•n one thing In common, but ont' of lhe most obvious wookl be their show business-orit'nted l•mllies.

Kerwin's older brother, Sh•ne, for eumple, is illso .;in .1ctor besides helping L.&n<e o n the set u his st•~­in. Their molht't ii .1lso • p.;irMime .lcltftS, .. ~ .111 thrt'e recently •ppured in lhe television movie "Young Joe: the Forgotten Kennedy."

Hubb.lrd's f•ther Is •n usislilnl lo lhe producer •t TOY Production, while his mother Is •n usoclite p4'ocfucer with Motown Re.ords.

In .lddlllon, both Iller to K ubil di~. but lhe time requirements of •ppe•rlng In " series have limited their opportunities l•tely.

Hubbud •s Sly, l•mes' (Kerwin) best friend, offers •dvlce to his lmp.;itlent chum who Is tiring of a persistent 12·yeif•old girl's crush on him In "Unre­quited Love ... Twkel", Thursd•y'• episode, •t CJPM.

M•klng m•tters worse, J•mes witnesses • beguiling coed's •morou1 .;idv•nces tow.,ds his f•ther, •~ Is thu1 p.;ilnfully reminded of his •wlcwird age ... foo young lor the •ttrutlve coed and too old for the pre· te~er who openly seeks his •ffectlon.

MORNING -10:30- Tlla\ Gir1 D ((.111 rj )) !J) 1Mt " Ult D fa11lly F~ Mon 4:00 D ~UJ '_l) Ct lf ~tout Arlt llJ Mo.It: ~e Dayhm, Movits D llflW llfW Wftt Johnson llosl~ a> lltwl .., ~ ((21) ll.1) m Ctrto.M 8 Ill 8) .,,. Para•• ••peat m ht111ly l'trtrad rJf tJJ C11el lttrlltff & f1'"61 Mon -2:15- fD Yilll Altare B ~ ( !llJ l.l.') $10,000 B L 1Q; ( 2' l ) Gen m l tt Hol'1"'*' ~1111es f'yfhlid D"~ Cllr~ hosb tt.,ital m llfktt< a.sen m ""'"'' ... ,_ -2:30- - 4·30-m Ge!Mr P')tt "" (III .)J) 1 Ail Ill tlM hmtly D l httllUi.s; 1M1a Mon

11 ·oo u L&awc It •• au-.r D ... ,, lyttr Moo!•· 011111• .... a ( tll ) )) L YOUllC 1 kit : :, 11J,=•n Mon Mon Athnus vs Oll~homa less; ClttH .... Mon Un1wtr\1ly ot 3 •00 Q) 8) tu"91ts leiu vs Hotre Oimt • • llf IT lllen tirrff111 D " f) m Jf ,, S• lh D m lll1le °""'' ilf, Tht ll"r Swell; lnlf\Nll t.ast, f1ll ll<lltt , fOt Poom'Mon 0 Tllars Ctt luu lalltrs ~s Nt• Yorll l\nic~ 1 u ni. u1• 111 "'"'' e HoltrwoM Celllle(bofl m 1111st11 a..•11 B CV CI4 ((21) () l letter Su <.Jj at Cll Ctrtoons tat, ([)) loftanu S4ic11 llowf Mon Alabama ,~ Ohio D O J ((8) •J:,) ldet ti l11pl 10 0111111 State rt• Hollywood C-ntctioll 'l' S.11fo1cl 111d SOii Cl lllicWfy LA. Sandy Baron ho~h lJ.OJ Mcwlt: Sft Daytime Movrfl Q!'i) llec1ri< Ctmp1n7 ID "-frOMWS ((U'.1 <l.J) httlttllH m "°""' "'1t 'll\ I {) for •1t1ttr. FOi l'oom m Eltttrlc Comt11nr t211 011r GMia

11 • lO flll foods IOI Ult family

# - • - )fl Oi111h! D (1!7l r ) 1) I I • Stateh lor m S.Umt Sllut r-row ml••• 30 em ,. Tfle Golla Show; Doc -3·30-ton Mon D LJ.,oly Ans Moo 1t J Ryan's Hopt l } J Mt"C11Hl11Mon lrMsklt tu,\ U ·~ ~ (l_Q, (Jt J J) family feud l~ur Youna People Wedne~d1y Q) lrl I ... , M11cus W.1"1 r fl 0) "'"•1 & tllt ProfHSOI 11 Medkal Ctllltr V f 1'1111 Ooit.- Sllolr g Oillall' m Ila llue MarMt CD Cl> ~ (~ I ) CtrtlOll,

I An•RNOON 12:00

D "'-'-

fJ Mftit: ~e Oayhmt Mov1t1 _f1 llt•tlr lkHKll a 'l ni. tio111 S"°'8 f.t) fa1111iy '°'1ratb m Joltilnr Qutst

5:00 D D Cf l 11ai """ D tlJI m l.Jt ""' • 8ona1111 r t J 1211 I 01Nm ol Jtannlt Cl Awe11ttn at Tiit II,. Mkh' Mouse Club 0) Wart nt Your htlltr Gtb ltonit !Ml lashthll Mon Lakers vi Phll1delph11 11 •• ,., ,,.., ilhOI• m V'llla A1tc11 a) Mdtllt'1 llHJ

- 5:30-0 l f (JII J )) (Qt <f ) ..... m " letritdlt4 G>M•m·ll 3 AIM!y Glitfitll Shw '9 Kodp.-dp !Mr•

D c1· e fOI •Idler, fOI l'OOltl; AMtllt1 ._.,Mon O Ttrll~Z- - 32rd Year B J (QI) l l J) All MJ tl11l4rt11 I ) ) If§) Qtl lltn at lllowlt. Ste Oay11111e MOv•O Cl> I Ort1111 Ill lt1n111t (1m l } l ) If-. Affair/Jot lmltl

(3) '""' ...... fl) lbclltil/ lthm hpor1 '9 Sesamt Sll"t

- 12:30-D ((f!) <lJ) f l) ls lht World TurM U ill' CJ) llD l)t1 Om ol Ovr Uta a Th• a1t1tt11111 ( IJ Di¥ol Cl Court 1101 All My Cllikl re11 Q) Courtsllip of Eddie's f1llltr Ell> Y1111 for Hutti!

1:00 11 l• Tell th. Trvtl! Mon D lit Valley (I) lurM 1114 Allen D Cl (!21l fl .., ... , Hopt . ...... 8) c;.t $1111rt llf) INW!e: Su Oayhmt Movies

-1:30-D (ClJl (.J,) I. lh• tiuh1t111 UCM D tll' (I) m 11' Tiie Ooctors; bH Bowl Mon Wnh•naton v$

M1ch1c1n f .IJ OiQ VH Dt't Sllow e (fl cmi (121J (()) Ono IJlt to Uw D GllllWI Wrnk M11t1ndalt host~ m Set.'"'°

2:00 D c.11111 .... P111de Mon D U CD m IJJJ Anoltltr *°'14 8 Lo" lnlcrkln Stytt

M bbetlks a..S ll1Mt1 ftldoft host ITLA's IDie rarHe C1Mr1p, 111~111 If l :lGAM, llloMly oe Clulltltl 5. lu\allb, host ol mA'• It...,_. Gelllt, .... ftlcloft, Acttrt" of the syMiat-4 Get telt¥bioft series. "'" 1lrtM) bt11111 two lllOftttls of Pf9'1fltioft for ton1Nlllltift1 tlM utlolt'• 11u111btr °"' partdt spectacle.

Tbis 111rb the 3211d yur of lose Parade '°""" ~ lll.A. TM station wu the fl~ to air the par1dt in 1947, tllt first ID air ttlt panidt ill colof, In 1955 111d tht first 11td Ollly ttlt¥blolt station to win 1n Elllmy Award tor Its a- r1radt '°""''· ITU tlao plans IM, pre·paradt CMras• trom Puadtna, lltcinnina at 7:30AM, hosted by Stadt Hunt and comtdl111 Ohld Lett1m1111.


WIUAl'f l

I iORillHQ I * Indicates 111 Adw11htmt11t

-5:30-• MN--.,,~,,

e:oo (l) S.. DMtt ., .. ,the .. ..........

-6:30-.,..,.. Wcioft

-~ ...... ' 1111 $,..._Wold (I) Lit n.r. .. Udlt ••ma• m Wltlllt (8) V.. tf AcrKuJllllt @ Ville Allecrt . 10:00

D Oayt ot Brothtf Sun m (l) Hollr ol ,..., U f2J1 (I) m NC Cll1111plomlll'

'"""'" a Htrald tf Tnllfl CJm Mlic , .. m'" ...... a Suflday c.a.~1 •tion &:» Seu111t Sll"1 (QI) I Vl l..olHS hvt l.llllMn D lnlMOvt m hytlri< rllfMMu

-10:30-G Slttll te IMnHllt u ~ _v a~ Arc Ch•· ,...,"-• ...., of P'wtf • rn <a CJJ> ,....,._

llfC~~ • ••ltis . cm rw ~ rum. m "NJ lids at C,fvary Clll,.i (JIJ JoWlnt

11:00 Q Tod.,'1 Relialoa Cl) Tlj111u: Wiliclow lo tM SowU1 a rn <a WJ ~·• ,,.,. • Cil RU HUMBARD • NEW YEAR'S S,£CIAL .... ..,,, ('fJ) laMs 11"1 .... 11 m Oit F'lfftr111•111 Tony Randall hosts this crust( oper.t by Johann St11uss hve from lht Royal Ope11 House in Covent Ga1dens 1n l ondon m c-.rc11 "' 111e ....... a Flnt Baptist ~11rd1 CJ Eledric C.111•r OHWMa m y .. ol A(rtc.ltuft

- 11:30-• Mt'fi1: (1:) " l runrt lal111d" (animated) '70 •DIJ-' Dilc9ft? Cl) ...... .

• (]) <a W> AitlQs, w.... (Bl (1:) "fn lroM O.rl&flr (.l!ys) ' 71 - H.ump~rtr Bour! m?J (J)) Tiie ~ ...... a MMt t11e ,, .. • TM M41• fHtlfr

Cl nuftlef .., Mell S4illlld ( (J?) CJ)) s,.,tic.,. IBi U.S. a.,.,t tD Jr. Dltia ~ Covt•11e ol the top 1ntern11tonal 1un1or tum t1nn11 t011rn1ment tutunna ol1yers trom JZ c.ount11es 8) llMIMI C.t/la D .._. 8 ..... (1:) (lM) " • 11111 c.llM rtttt" (d11) SS-Rtcllud fodd / efTr°"

- 12:30-• ((J?) CJ)) U L Cl11111,"4illll• ,,~

CJ) Mi.. ._ DtM •Melllltf bllt Cll"IN~ • DlfwtlMI 8 111'1 .. ny RfO t9LaawtHltkfftt

2:00 CJ) ,,...... e Tiit Ila Watley Cl) Mttit: "Junrlc WomJn ..

• Tiit "ii"'"' Cial Tiit ""''"*""" m Mtwlt: (t) "$l1hw11 l•lo Htntn" (rom) ·o Ootd Niven. 8) T1ru11 • Mowie: (1:) "k• '•lf<I" (dll) '60- Rteh1rd Burton, Robert llyan. (1211 Cl)) Trntllrt a ltlowit: (1:) (Zllr) "S.1 0111 ~., Mt" (mus) '59- Bena C1osby

m , '"'"' r.rtflll m •*- tt ea.,.,, -2:30-

D a.rklllturt USA • "Tiit o ..... llKWMt" (wes) 43 - Henry Fonda m ..... Alm lob 01$CflmlntttOll Oomr Som1th1n1 Abo11I IP ca W> Tiit bct11

m~'"'*""" -~Clllt 3:00

()) MIN: "Tiit '-1 litMla,. Sttry'' (mus) 'SS- Steve Allen e a.ea.,.. •IMMP ....... : (1:) "ArriffMfd ..., ..

•n•RllOOll J (com) '66- Tony Curtis ._ • Cial Merit: ~" (dr1) '67-

._...,,....,ioiiiiiiii2•:00-..;;;.;:;,;:._,1 Coftcl Richard H1111s m Merit: "'" eo...."" • .,.

8 mwrt ttaa" (dr1) '&3- Sophla Loren B CJ) (i21J (I)) lum ud ((3 (I)) ---~ CPJ Ftlr ,..,_ '-"' Hour


- 3:30-.. Tiit ... 1-4 'Blood. Swt1t 1114 Chtt<a" Robetl Con11d h0$tS this ~111 show1na th• h1'1ory end trtd1tt0n of the ollltit bowl 11me ()) -..11: 'RUdtlYOuS 11 Mldn1atit" O(l)AMllU ....... IMC.. ( ()))~~ ....... USA Dfr...._MQilw •IMIMa.,t

4:00 • Fecetlle .... DTllt._.._

w.,.,. " "' """' " Ille s. LM Alwlwl S't,te •S.. lttt m .. : "A T• ti tw Cit*" (ills) 'JS- Ronald Col1111n <cm (J)> ~ tMMc @(l) a...tdle,_ a...-.~..._.,.,.

,., llJ lllrltl" (mys) '•6- Bas1I Rllhbone, lil1el 8rUGe fONstrtetW... (!Bl CJ)) OM U, Ar-4 ltlt WINN a .... : "Hell'• n.. .....,.. .. (dta) '58- Stephtn M,1t1lly, Vtt Monow O lillrt•..., Cl9 T1111 l1<HC Ta ..

-4:30-........... ()) ((IJ) CJ)) f l(A ... llrti. 0 (I) EMltietl " ""' ............ ,. ..... ( Cl)) llNcm ca.-. "Jettert11p· D £d. S.. • S.1

5:00 G ttTIMaAlll .. ()) llfl '--" &tit .... • cv swr..-CD Me-. .,... .._, '1rtf (an1m1ted) '67 - Vo1u1 ol Bo11s Ka11oH •nd Pltytlls Otllfr a ®a ... G flhwlt: ~ (fir) "h• Uttlt IMltlll" (mys) '66-Hucrt 0'8111n m .. : ~ ""'~ (dr1) '63- &rt lanaSler ((J?) CJ)) s-1 T 1'1111 ooo r...-11 GR!iltU. • ..... ~1-dlll

- 5:30-11 0 CD D .... (]) MM IZ • .. : (1:) '11lltr' (d11) 71 Rdll1d Ctenn1, An11e D1t~1n50n (JJ ,,.... as..c. 1"9 ( Cl)) T.a111111......, ID Tiit ~ fu11 19....,'-

lvlAliiG 8:00

8 (J) llen ..... ()) fftll!/1111 bbtie a.,.n ... : ~--" (COii!) '49- Bob Hotle luc1lle Ball 81 Mlwlt: (hr) ''it-• "'"' Dtn" (clrt) 'SI- Jun SimlllOllS ((J?) (])) M Ctllul,..... a.. aw--. • ftt4 ~ .. , , .... .., ........,., (121 (I)~ Tata ... Aclaa ·- ... Giiiett PYa9 0 111,.,rrter.._.

-6:30-• ((fl')())) Cl) ... CJ) ....... e UK._ Giitlr-. (!ITeYw~-... ....... a...., ..... ~

7&00 • ((fl') (J)) Cl) ...... e@ (l) •B"""rl•t .w" 111111y (211<) ··spy BllSt•n .. Two tt•naa•rs 1nd 111 Ame11un tltlt find tfletnalvts IMO~ 1n •ntntut end ~'"'"'' Oii iii• 1111&td lrhll coast wt1u tll.., 111 ~td 1n 1 castlt by llOll Curt.lln •a•nts who w1n1 to pttwllf 1 ac1tntcst's dtfectlOll lo Atntrica Kurt fluuell. l'lltk:k Ot WIOll, CltM COfbttt, Al l1td !llHkt Ind Patrd Wtatwood star ()) .... ""' • (]) ell <• (])) """ ~ .._, Drw ..,...,.. Nancy and a bo1t1 named Roclly 111 t1u1flt 1n • ttmfy1na m~t'1 lhat 11t11ns wlltn Nancy's car 1ppa11nlly 1t11lles 1 pedtstmn •Allllal WllW .lbrws .... ...... Ceecr .... .""' ............ ::-:,,_Utt

-7:30-• .... s. eo..11.-•a.ic

8:00 9 ((lll CJ)) (]) IW• Rhode acrus to IO owt Oii 1 blind dal•­manaed by her mothrr - only beullM slit thinks rft I IVY sllt •ts Clll'/ lbotit Ill h!flt Kflool • LM -.U. $tJlt (l) TW ........ • (]) <J.D <• (()) Sb ..... w. .... Sin• nw "" hie IS I w1111 wait• to Win lht tonl1de11tt of I Sovttt dtfec10I wf\o ptlols I stunt plane 111 • lty1n1 c11tus • YAllOOIAll mum * 1:•m10 m ~oru .......... ..... : (nr) ~ • .., S." (dra) "49- Sptnctr Tracy. 01bo11h Ken , Ian Hunte1, limes Donald • s.. ,.,., SW.-• II c.c.t "Juht Alldrtwf' ........... .s,.ta .... .........

-1:30-• ((11) CJ)) Cl) 0. Giii On luh• IS told to lake tht kttcllup comrnet· ci1I lo f1111oul w11111. Al11111J1e1 8ullef, who IS pn& to tl\dom the PfOduct, Ind dllCOWfl 1111 tnl trtst aoes btyoNI • clle•t 11l1hot1Sl11p

-~...mwe • ... ,...tfMpr. "C..W .. ttltltrW" .,.( .. ........ .c:.. .... ~

(I) ... c- .. c..MrJ • n. Wnrtun • 0 ..... ,.,. lJiMlr

•°"'bit 9:00

• ((11) CJ)) (() .... tllt , ... ., Artlue is shoc~td and outraced wlltA (ditll aives 1wa1 1 valuable 1nhtn lance left by lier dett cou11" l11. but the bluest shock is yet to tolllt when ht finds out why.


e 0Cl>•D1111111£...t: ni. Jew,.....,. e.1u 811d1es stars as 1 8nti111 olficer 111 lht I IOO's who •u lWISl4 o.f cow1rdw;e ind now llW lllS Ifft 111 bllll• zones to 1tfule the chl111s 1nd rtlurn the white fufhers that Wirt &IYtn to him as symbols ol his cowardice Robtrt PowtM Simon Wt<d Jane StylllOllr ind Hany Arldrtws elso st"

•°"'~ (I) ......... • (]) <J.D <•Cl)) ltttlt: CID (2~) "SefJlce" (dra) '7:t- Al Pac1110, Tony Aobtrts True d1arna of • l'OU~I Ntw Yoill cop irllou rrttla· lions 1botll lht 1111111 ol bnbtrt e11d

• 11111 1n tht New YoB Police Otpwt ment almost lead to his cluth

e - --- It Mil fJtlN 8)10HUMWD * llPf YUl'S SPlCSAL ..... ~ • Tiie OltW., G ........... Tllutre: I. Cllud1us ~ • Tiie 1*11Chf

-9:30-• (<fn Cl)) ()) Allee When Ceo11e &ims h11J9tns to stoP 1n 11 Mel's Diner, ~111, who has sttn "'Oh, God'" three times 1nd k llt\'t$ 1n Buru' "d1v1n1ty ," t•~es 111s vt$1~ 1 va1t1hon frorn on h1(h • Tiie ..... c..lrlc (I) ,..,., ..... .. eC...TllllArmtnlc

10:00 e (<fn Cl)) (I) C.rll htNtt U.. Stm LawrtllCt JUHh • Dly .. DllcMfy/Jl1111, S.C· pit ()) It T ... A T1llet .( ...... ....., ... . ...., .. """""' ID WW.. .;, ... ,.,......

11:00 • CJ) ., CJ) """ .,....,. w ni. ma.. ..... : CC) (2111) '111 Lllttt t• ,_., (myi) '66- Hurh 0'8111n. • .... : (&) ·~ • .., ._, • (dll) ·•9-~nctr r,.cy e HIM••nun OCl>MllllZ a1t1ta..

- 11:30-• s-., s,.ts f'lul/ .... " die"-• O (I) QJ ltewle: "Ransom IOf Ntet .. .,... 111 a.. .<J.D .. (])T.,_ en. .... o.a (<fn CJ)) .._.: "X from Outer Sptct"

12:00 . ...., <II Mtrit: .. Hohd1y" (d11) "38-K1lll11111e Ht111H1rn . C.rt Grant

-12:15-..... : (C)"Of ........ 119" (d11) '64- Klm Movtk

1100 8 M O• Wltll-Herb1t H1~

-2:10-• llltrie: "four 1n A Jeep"

Bob Barker, Mike Farrell , Bonnie Franklin and Phyllls George host the "CBS Tournament of Roses Parade," a special live. color airing of the 89th annual New Year's extravaganza from Pasadena . California, Monday, from 8:30-11AM, on CBS.

The traditional New Year's Day event Is being held a day late this year In deference to Sunday church­goers. This marks Ute 13th tlme since the Parade's Inception in 1890 that thf Tournament festivities have' not been held on January 1 because the date fell on a Sunday. The last Sunday-Monday change occurred in 1967. Thia year's theme la " On the Road to Happiness" and leading the two-hour floral parade will be former President Gerald R Ford, the Grand Marshal. Herbert Hoover (1945) and Dwight 0 . Eisenhower (1964) served after 1,avlng office: Richard Nixon (1953 and 1960) was Grand Marshal prior to his presidential term. Queen Ml!l(la. 18, ls a senior at la Canada High School In 1la Canada fllntrldge. Along with her Royal Court ot.-9hc prin­cesses, she was selected from among a record turnout of 907 coeds In the Pasadena area who vied for the cOll9ted title.

Barker, star of the Network's The Price Is Right . and "Tournament of Roses" commentator since 1969, ts the voice of experience In the quartet of stars assembled by CBS to comment on this year's Inter­national spectacle that will consist of 61 tlower­COll8red floatt, 22 bands and 250 equestrian riders Who will take part in the flve-and·a-half mile parade sent 'round the world via television .


TV WEEK. JANUA~Y 1. ~978

An ABC Theatre Presentation GSPECIAL 9:00PM <D



f11 .... 1114 lftl..- ll6p, ,.._ ... DAmM£ rtOCbMS. ... low, lef JW1 Olll"lltHI, tf' Ille .., ......

DAm llC ltOYllS ,. Cl (C) °'f'M 1164 Wtlllt1•

ldl1) !>9 Jett MonOll 10:00 Clll " HtllW t f 1111 S..11

Hafts" (dra) 59 Robtrt lay IOI l 111dl Cll11st1an

12:>0 m "tMM l• Mall" (rom) 33- CI"* Cable /un Harlow

1:00 ca (C) "lldlllten" (wt)) ·10 Block Peter$

2:00 • (C) MZJ ,... eo .. ,., Strttt" (adv I !>6- Van tohnson

3:00 (fD) (CJ " Tiit Awful T n1tll" (tom) 'J 7- C11y C11nt ltene Dunne

BV•NING e:oo

D Cl) ((I1J (])) ""'


U ~ C1J m ~fl Orana• Bowl GatM Cont'd lrom 4 4SPM l 1ve coweraee of this 1nnu1l lootb1ll Sil trom M1am1 Fla AtkaMU Rezor backs vs the Oklahoma Sooners Bl.lletzMCJOM ()) Alldy 'rlffrtll • Cll ®>(Qt l l J) """ Ill llwlt: CC) (?llr) "Cry tf Ille ~ (a<M ·73 Hayley M~ls lolln Hun ID lllt h rMt Repeat ol today') p11adt CD .... l'arldt COii! d lrom SPM Repeat ol today s parade m ,.,,_, • A11¥t11ttn S MJ Tllr• S-f'D Dedric IMl'"7 ID .... ., , o.kt Hopf "9 F.- ftt Ille Fantily If) *9tt ' Costelo

- 6:30-u Mairit: (C) (10) "TM °"'"'ff (edv) '38- Sabu Valerie Hobson ()) a Hopn'• ... ,.. ()D lllerr Grifflll ((ll) CJ)) 1111 l.oM Ranier fa Ewtnilta Cdltloft D°"1 Easy mc. .. s.a;. "' eil hmily Po!ttait m Utt1t Ractta

7:00 <D EMt1•1 ON DUanClll~ (j) The OIW Couplt ...... ()) Tt Ttl tllt frvtti ((J1) cu Illy """ s­m c.rt.e an. Wle fD MacJWl/t.dlrtf .. por1 (al)(())~

@) '• WI! lllMt4!ne -7:30-. """""' """ (() The ....

•LIMIJW.. <IJ ,...,.. n.1 r ... ()DJ WIN~ If AlllNll ID Llt'a Mat A Dtal (Cf?) (])) r...w, Affair fa Wepyt 11t 11111111 .,_,i fOL.A. IMt!~ <a ())) lta4J luflcll ml> n. f rtlldl Cbtf

8:00 D IW CJ)) Cll .. '• Illa Rem snows 1lmost human el!IOllOllS tllhtn ht rucls w1lh el1tlrom11ne!lc spark.s to A111n1. a lemalt andrOld who is 1unnin1 1 drum analysis sta · ttOn Bui her drt1m 1e1d1nc tests on Loc;n and leSSIU po$e dual threats to tlle two Runners lhey drop into a danattous d1um cycle and f micis and his Sandmen close 1n on tht stahon U ltldlfft Ctllis The PIOllllll u pious the lime of chance ind retro specuon 0ttu111n1 to mllny Amer1Uns belween the aaes o1 35· 55 Thert 1s ll de111011st11h011 of "the b•I switch .. throufll tl•t peflOllllf )!011n ol sa' ptOple a .... l'arMt Reptal ot todays p111de I (J litt¥1t : (CJ (2~r) " llkH1lt 's ""7 .loilu lllt Air Forte~ (com) '65- ltm COllwir. Joe F~nn a (J) CfQl (8 ())) luc111 l u can's hie is threatened by an un scrupulous l1wre1 •lien ht d1sco~e1S that the lost son lhe attorney "re united" with 1 lonely couple 1s lln imposter 0 Tiie Jobr's Wild CD C1rol lllr11ttt I frltnds II) lllowle: CO (2hr) "h• of o.tfl" (adv) ' 7S- Arthu1 rranr 9 {ll IUO Ytu Clld 11,.. t... .. a~ m A sut1111 s,.ct.uta1 hptd '" 1976 at the Rochester Institute ot lechnolocv Alena !Ills procram tu tum botll llmlleur and prolrssional .c.e skaters 1nctudin& several Ol)m pit contenders and members ot the C'"™' f11111e Sb1111r Club mu Uwr,Mofa cm Oiuflt (JI llws 0i) lest ol (rNt llGfKS

- 8:30-.. C1uH1t r luy1l11t David u ptom Small Claims Court and Judee Irwin Hebron dtst11bn how 11 WO'ks and who should use 11 He lllso takes 4 close took al the wrdt 11n1e ol telephone 1nftlle11ne mach1nt$ Ill C..C...trltilll m 1121.000 Qvtstloll IDJ TIA ~ °'" UsJ

9:00 D (<J.1) CIJ) Cl) Maude Maude'$ emtemtnt over aethnc 11d of an eipensiwe while eleph1nt turns to

l'1TOf when slle cets an offer sht tint" 11fuH

D Ctlifomil ·n .'71 Jess Marlow and the entire Newscenler fO\lt stall host this show rew1tw1ne the maJO! st1l1 and loCJI events of 1917 ind ll loreust IOI 1978 Each member u plores his field of opertise such n Pat Sl)lk and .lolln Mllrsllall on the c11ou1hl Saul Hlllpert on 1ntecratt0n, l11h1 Toyo<a on the BaHe CIH, f ehc11 Jeter on the quest IOI 11&hb by t11omen rays llnd the h1nd1 "pped Other fttlds rnclude ment1I hosp1UI$, the l.A P 0.. lllllls, tht Mu1Un Malta and consumer aff111s D Cil ()DJ (CZIJ (I) )llOYll: ~ (?llr) """"'• u," (dra) '77-lte Remi<k , Gr1nw1lle Van Dusen. ~rckr Dawson, Onrd Stambaueh, frtd I Scollay. lte RtmlCk st11s as a woman f11hl1ne lo red1$COVtr the personal rdenhl~ slit tias los1 when her IS ym mania&! 1s sllaflered.

.. [ttlll •lid ...... GI Men Grlffill SllllJ fa Kezwt O.U.I ID (f) ltnlt: CCJ "Stm Ulllt f.,s" (co111) 'SS- Bob Hope, Jamu Cisney 1211 Mttit: ~ (21h) "flu1l•1 Stir" (d11) [!'lis Pmley m f1lllls " ,.,,_... ID El cu .. c.t• m "*" ~ s,.ciai @) o..w s.saw sa..

-9:30-• ( <J.1) CJ)) CJ) TM lttty Wlritt sa... rtelchef and Marion Huff have 111ovtd rn .. 1th Joytt t11h1le the11 house 1s bein1 "pa1nttd and llav1n1 them underfoot IOI two .. eeh 1s dunnr Joyce up l~t wilt ID uriq• 11 l'tliwN

10:00 D {(ll'J W) Cl) Switch M•Uit and ~evel htfp the 111ls while Pete and Mac trv to d1M;over the reason 1n all female 101 company is be1n1 forced out al business

••""' ({) ....,..: "Tiit Cat,_.. .. (mY5) '42- Simone Srmone. Kent Smith 'II)~ SNrt ID MwllClal Opaestn m "" Otlltr lfOlft•y

- 10:30-....... CD OJ GJ llws m fllftl ft1t»rt

11:00 - ~@(J) Clllltws • ~ AIMrlca• Style • (]) ((Jl) CJ)) CJ) ,...., • ~ (C) "tty .. Ille , ... rllia" (•dYI '73- Hayfty Miffs

CD TIM °" C..,.. en.. .... ,.. ...... ar..-rer......i • Diet ~= (f)) lltwa/Lt" b11rl<.111

ID YllWaM N llt&lltCM Cl!!) llllcW/ l..lllrtr 11"'1

-11:30-D (Cll> Cl>> (() lllnlt: " Tiit LH111t Illa"" (d11) Ooid Jan $SCll ll @Cl) ID®JDllmr C.W. Cl) .... : "Sfjril " ..., ~ (drt) '47 Doc Btanc~erd • CD <m ca > '*' sw, Giiiet~ Ill~ s..t

TN 100 et.b

12:00 eTwillclltl.OM GI Ftr- Ftr!llllM at lile¥ltl: CO "list of lllinua i•rt" (adv) '62- Marshall T/lom~n ll) S.1Hllll•& l'tnoHI " A Women's Place Is 1n the House" O>CIMm• J4

- 12:30-

.""' Alltry Ill lronldt QICt•Wlll

1:00 D @(])~ T_,.. 111 1 Sri

- 1:30-• lfDYlt : " Shll Slltcl" (dta} 64 Buch Ot<ktrson Carl Ctow

- 2:05-D .._.: "AllMW Ta• A Tow" (com) 38- Lucille 8111 lacl 01krt

Sa.ndra Dee (right). popula1 fllm laol to mllllon1 of tffn­age,. dunng ttte 1950'1. returns In• rare dramatic televialon appea~e •• a blind mother whose home la guarded b'f Sgt. Cro ley {Eert Holliman, left) followlng the disap­pearance I her accountl'T'lt-huabend (Tab Hunter) 11\er he Informed 1 a pollce about 1yndlcate launderlng of business ledgers In " Blind Te(ror" on NBC'• Police Woman, Wedne .. day, at 10PM. , ...

--- - ----


flt:".!\- ........ ~ e.-:,.. ':~.~ ~ .,, ..... _..,. DAYTIMl llO¥IES t•. "'Salll" (COM) 50- Ann

Shtrtdall YICtor M1turt Dn 1d W1111e

IO:M e ''011 Ytry 0.11" (dra) '50- Ann Blyth f 1tlty Gran&tf 9 "hf 111 .. u Qlrl" (com) 38- lames Caaney Pat 0 Brien

Mane Wilson 12:00 m "Qutel "'" (dra) 55

Barry Sulhon Behy Palmer ~n CrawfOld

1'00 9 CC) " Lldy In lllt Car" (dra) '69- S1manth1 £ua1 Olrm Reed, John McCnery

Z:OO G CC) "011 IM TllreslloN of S,.U" (adv) '56 - Guy Madison V1111nl1 lt1&h. John Hod11k

l :OO !lll ~ ''JtllnnJ O'Clock" (mys) '47 Dick Powtfl. Evelyn Keyes

3:30 G ~ "Gia•" (rom) 58 Leslie Ca1on, lou•s lourdan lbu11tt Chtolttr Hermione G1n1old. Eva GabOI •


• CIDl .0 CJ) Cll NtllJMM ,._.. CJ) TM '9il!C Sllw ID (8 Cl)) TM •Mr a.di elAt's .._. ADul (cm (])) ,..., Afflir • L.A. ..,di .... .........

8:00 • ((f1) (])) Cl>"' ~ Wiien lack 1ets fU1Cned to WOik • •Ill • ioc.t auto me<h1n1c loi h11 school s IWOfk·study pro111m. he 1s d1Streued to ftnd that the man is chuhnc his customers Awa1e that his pas11111 cr1de depends on the man's eood will . Jack has to take dr .. steps to save his own 1nte111ty 11. 11 stbool erade D 0 CJ) Cll ~t4klnt 111 AIMrka "life Death and Dollars" (3hr) Tom Snyder hosts this 1n depth eum1nat1on of medteal care 1n Amer 1ca today The p10111m. which deals with the economics and quality ol medical care, wu filmed at locales 1ncludin& Denver. Houston. Atlanta, New YOik City, Cast Lans1n1, Mich and Muncie. Ind . and looks at hosp1 tals medieal schools. doctois' of lttU. cllnlCS and hulth &roup Of&an111t10n • Lieu~ ..,... c.M.11 CJ) Mlwie: CC) (%::•) "All ...... Did" (com) '61- Pat Boone, Buddy Hackelt • (]) !Iii (1211 CJ)) """ °"' "G11ndpa's Vml" Danny T~omas euesls IS Gundpa Cunn1n1llam. • dynaml( CO &etttr who's bun IOICtd to retire at aae 65 whO amm at Ille Cunmnaham home determined to find a new hie ID Carll lmlltt l frilMI

------------------ • -...: (lk) Ml'kl .. °" s..ttl

Jamfl (Lance ~rwtn . tett) grow• weary with the per· llstenoe of Susan (Tara Talboy. right). hi• younger 1later'1 12-yNr-<>ld glrlfrlend. whoae unabashed blind crush forces a normally patient James to resort to strong meaaures to blunt her affection-some of which prove palnfully 1uccess­ful In " Unrequited L0\19 .. Twlcel" on NBC'1 James at 15, Thurtday. al 9PM


Str.f' (mys) ·~3-Rtehard Widmark. lean Peters s~ flt J~ lipdliti This 6ocumtn tart about one of the areal 20th ttnlurt sculptors includes lootaae of lllt installation of his monumental

ulpture at Columb11 Untvtl"Slly and I e creation of the l1pch111 Museum 1n M11ma, rla ID LI U111r,_.,a e °" 11111: The S-•r of ·n

-1:30-• (]) <II (8 ())) f1dl Mike's asp111tion u a 11n1er spark a f 1sh family ll&ht when ht acqu1m a patroness who hkes what slle sets as much is what slit llurs G c.c.trttitl

-~ • ~ U.CUc• ,,..,_ • °"' (llJ 9:00

•<cm(])) CV ••a•s•K The lfll10Clanl tlOlts of Chlflu' f1tncl1 l!Oln dnve Hawkeye and B J lo dis lr1tllon but tllty CoOllCt~e a devas­tabn1 counterattack • Tiie OtlMf ...,.,, • (]) (II (QI {))) fllrff 'I c..,.., Jack bKomts cauaht tn . diltmna when Ch11ssy believes lie Ills bouaht ht1 an upenme b11th day present but the &•ft turns out lo be 1 surp11se tor Ropt(s wile Cl> ~ "Kanai" . .,..... m Min Crtffla sai.. a -..: cc:i <21tr> "A""' "' ttie 5"illc bill" (dra) ·10- 1"1r1d Bera· man, Anthony Quinn. foll Wuvtr m c.ta lledlt, eu,..,. I'll .._..,i.e. TI!Ntre


-9:30-• ((11) (])) Cl> OM °" It a TfM All11's new nt.,i.bor. a haad 10mt ract ca1 cll1mplon, trttS to find lh• key to her romanhe 11n1tl04! and m1y aeneratt some unupected sparks 111 ll1t P"Ctis • (]) 9 (9 Cl>) Self Wiide 1n 1111 IOI the murdtr of Peter btlt. Corinne tt shocUd by • myite rt0ua mlOI from Ecu1dot

10:00 e PW£ II TIOUIUI * 011 LOU- UAIT • ((JJ) (])) CJ) LM Cr11t A 1umbo·ttl 11 in trouble 1bo'tt Los An1ttes, and Lou's coverar• ol the Jtoiy turns up 1 troubhna piece of 1nlor1111tion-Cllan1t Humes' dauah ltl IS Oii tht pllftf ..... Cl) ..... : "1\ .... c.t ,..,._ .. (hof) 'U - Sjmone Simone • (]) !II<• (])) , •• 11, "Mort Than Friends" Nancy be comes romant1c.1tly involved with a teacher we's arsh c11tlc1Sm ot Willies w11hnr comts as 1 shock meet~ ..... o,...tll D JICllMI llfdllb

-10:30-. ..... • Klctlt "A Se<tionUI Chrel and Hts D1y"

11:00 . (]) . (])9 0 ... • 0 (]) ((JJ) CJ)) .... • Lew MericH ™' ...... : CCJ "tt C.. .. DIM ...... (Wts) '73-Jack Palance • Tiit o.i c..,.. • Tiie , ... , ••• "' QI ""'" ,.,..... •llidc:Mtta.. ca (])) '"''Lnt AMrtca• Style e D a.. M CM'Mltl ,._,

- 11:30-• ((11) (])) Cl> ..... : CC) "TM Dttll'a ~ (llOI) '72- Sheltey Wlllt11s. Btltncla J. MOAllOlllttY DU ()) G8).._, C.­()) .... : "Btlb of Coronado" • (]) 9 ((21 (])) lllMl1: (1:) "lJtctr• CilWe 141 ._" ( dra) '73- Robart Bt1kt, Billy Busti. M•IChlll Ryan

-~ ~~a.. . fDUC~ .... fllD Mldltll/Ullm ..,.,,

12:00 e TlflliclltZlle . ,.,.,,., ,......., • lillNI: "Undtrto• ." "Tht Man Who lauflls"

- 12:30-• 1i11N1: "Madame ... ·10 Have and to HOid" • ....,... "lust for Gold.'' "Castle of Terroi ;· '1h1 Scar"

1:00 8 8(1) T...,,.. • Is,,

2:00 G ....._ "love lottery... "Vic ltm" iDllewl

-2:55-• lilwll: CC) ''Tiit bWtn" (wH) ~4-Robtfl Culp, Brian Keith


fOf~-~:i: =-..:-... ~[.~ ... ,.,, ....... DAmlllf lllOVl£S

t :JO e CC> "S111tt111" (•tsl !>!>- Sterhnc Hayden Yvonne 0~11o. lxharr Scolt

10:00 • "St bll ., LM" (mys) • 48- Ra7 M~llnd. Ann l odd a WUMI" (dra} !19 " ··· lloprdt. Oltvll dt Hn1ll1nd

12:00 • WA ...... " Diltillctioll" (rom} ·50~ostlind Russell

l :00 121 CC) "Tiie Liit SMt Yell Huf" (susp) 69- Huch Mar lowt, P1tric11 HalfltS

Z:OO G CC> "Tiie Liit CemtlaM'' (adv) '!>!> - Sterl1n1 Hayden. Ann• Mar11 Alber1heth

3:00 ~ CC> "His ;irl fri41y" (tom) '40 ~ry Grant. Rosalind

' Russell 3:30 B a::> "Cartntl" (mus)

'S6- Co1don MacRu

m ca (J)J n.. ""' ._.. m Ufa llllb A Olli ((ll) Cl)) Flllly Nfllr 8lt LA. IMllCMllCt e StarMlr•

8:00 • (<Ill Cl)) CJ) 5tM Tillll It's no "'°'' Mr Niu Guy" when J J

dtc1dts to te1Ch M1chu l wt111 he believes 11 I badly needed leuon rn ruponsibrhty a 3 CI> 111 a ,.. Uf• •• n.. " CriutJ .... . e ..... (Zllr) w0r. StructlM" (com) 67- Pettr Selle11 Gtorce C Scott .)) Mwit: CC> (2111) "bllcll hl­ttf' (tom) '64- Robert Wilker, Butl Ives • CJ) CDl (8 ({)) Tlllt ™'a t11 AIC Cheryl ladd John llitter. 8111 B1•b1. Hcnny V01rnam1n and Cam· eron Swayu stir 1n this comedy m1ety spec11l th1t 1s u fresh and new u 1978 G"'tt'a WiW m c.arw1 111mttt ' rnada II> lltwl.: (Zhr) "Ot1d Rlaaer" (dra) '64 - Bette Davis, Karl Milden. Peter l awfOl'd a~· Gl) SUSOl 1'1£MIW Ro¥1 "In the [vent of Catastrophe" looks 11 Amtrica 's c1v1I defenu plans Sev· eral questions are eaplored How prepued for ri.utltar 1tt1t~ is lhe U S > How clcic\ our ·tml defenst pro1ram compare to the Soviet Union s> And un there ew be any effectrve prolff.tion a111ost nutlur attack> mu~· m Macie of Oil l'lilba

-1:30-• (<Ill m> Siysuyk fort wencler"s 1n love. and Nic k's advice on tile sanroty ol marna1e backfiru • lltn the younc couple make plans to elope Ill c.c.wtralill mer-wits (21Hoplt'1Ht1M1 G) O..r bay

9:00 a ((]1) CJ)) ll"it: CC) (2hr} "Thi '"'' Scotti 111d CatheuM Tllvrsdly" (tom} '76- Lee Marvin. Oliver Reed. Robert Culp, Ehzabrth Ashley. Strother Martin, Sytv11 Miles, Kay Lenz. Howard Plait U's 1908 and Colorado isn't quite the Old West anymore leathery lnd11n f11hler and scout Sam Lonpood (~arv1n) finds himself someth1n1 of an an1chro· n~ 1n a world that 1ntludes auto· mobtlu and street11chls. he and his friends, I half Indian Harnr' cradu ale and a 11mled otd cowbot hive too much time on their hands so 1ust to keep busy. they k1dn1p the cuts al Mike's bordello .. 9 (I) .@ llad ""' $4114rt11 ' Wolves 1n tbt Sheep Otn' lo 11d him 1n hrs hunt fOf an enemy radar slup Pappy rs sent help 1n the lorm <i• a squadron of 1nu PtllUICtd n1ers fed by • brash yOlrn( tomminder B CJ) C.11 ( 121 Cl>) ta.arlle '• Allceta Sabrina. Kelly and Kris elbow the11 way into 111oftssl0ll1I tennis lo find oul who 1s "ellm1nat1n1" tP9 female pl1yen prior lo matches wrth 1n all::.!hamp CJ) : CC> (lllr) "A llw Leaf" (tom) '71- Willer Matthau. Elaine M1y, lltk Weston .,,,....

• ...,., ;,tma *" Qll lllowlt: CC> "Tiit 111,...iMo Teall" (corn) '6a-01vid Niven, loll Albfl,hl, Cllad Cveiett llD "-l ~ "P1ul hy lor 01ntt Co " ., Llldle I.Aft 1111 a.till City u.ltl

10:00 G O(J)GID'*'....,. "Blind Terror'" Tab Hunter cuuts H 1n KCOUntlnt who uncovtrs aomt SUSPICIOUS boo .. kffp1n1 by. rtGutly deemed ltllow employtt and bt comtt 1111 t•ra•t of pncsttrs who are dete11111ntd th1t the truth U11ll rem11n hidden Sandra Ott and lack Carter 1lso 1uest .. ., ..... CJ) lltwlt: "Cal Girt" • CIJ <ID (8 CJ)) brttta BarettJ°s senKll t1l1ren f111nds, Sall! and Leo, h1dt th• world 's most nlu 1bte race horse 1n their apartment after steehna the stud from 1 horse th1el Cl) Get S-rt • F'illl futltft cm>, h .

-10:30-...... fDFllMftttllrt

11:00 BD (J)<ID 1119'"' • LM Amflaa Style • CD C<lll CD>O CJ) '"' D lllM: CC>~ OM" ~dY) 't 3- TJ1ont Power Anne Butei • l1le a.. c...,i. ., l1le .... , ..... ,.. Sf«...,~ • Dk*Cnel!Slllll

i• (I)) .... / Lnt a.ttlu1

;-.... Wt Cit MM: n. C.....

-11:30-• (a?J (])) CJ) ~ llrnll n..o ........

~=-~~"~=-(Kl rt) '64- Nlna MdCl10ft

• CJ) IDt (8 CJ)) ..... ""' . ....._ mws..n • Tiie 100a. • UC ClftiMN .._ e MKllli!l.Mr1t ...,_,

11:00 .T ...... Z.. ., .... ~ • lllttlta: "Then Thm Wm Three," "UndtrCOYtr Gltl" ma.....Jt

-12:30-• llttlta: "Dark Anael ." " The lldJ Craved Eacitement." "Sky H1th" = f.. (DJ (QI CJ)} MrstNJ tf

• llltwl": "fll1 ArMle Atfelr" (m15} '47- John Hodia~. Ceora• Mur phy. r11nces GlffOfd.

1:00 G O CJ) ID '"'*'" G IS,,

2:00 e ll"lt1: "Who 1(1lled 111111 Whit's ' If Name ... "Cale of Hell" • lllltla: 'W11 ol the MOM1ers " "Sims of 81bJlon"

-2:55-• 1111w1r. "'-Pd" (adYl ·s~ ll1<hard Carhoft, ll!C1111d Conte

LM Muvln, ... eoldi.t Of fOrtUM, and Oii• AMd, •• hi• Hervard-41ducated, h11f-lndl1n compatriot, comlc•lly battle th• " modern" world of 11rty 20th-century Colorado, In " The Great Scout and CethouM Thul'9dey," 1lrlng on The CBS Wedneadey Night Movie .. It 9PM. , ... ,.


t.lO . CC) .,. ... Cn•" (d11) · 56--Jun S.mrnotts

10:00 • "Tiu.. Cllttra flf lk lrWI" (com) '40- lllomn M1tchell, l'JGC~la une la"Mlb • ........ (dra) '36- [dw1rd G Rob1111on

U:OI • .,.., ~' !tit ..... ..,.. (com) '4S- Htdy L1111111

1 :00 QI CC) "Tiit Swttl Ri~t" (clla) '68- Antllony Franciosa

Z:OO G CC) " 0.Ctlf 1t S11" (com) '56-Dirlt Bocarde

l• <II ct) "t.lcty Frt111 ~· 1111" (111ys)"'48- Rita H1yworth

l :JI • CC) '1MPc"' ltlt blrl" (mus} '52- Gtnt Kelly

lvlNING e:oo

• ((17> CJ)) Cll lltwl D tHl CD tll18.illtwl

-~OM CD ...,Wos... • ()) <II ((21 (I)) ...., • 'Illes Mlciey Los An1eltt Kines vs Pt11ladetph11 Flyers e ni....,._. e n...i. . ....., .. .,...,.. • ..., nw .. s..

m lledrlc c...., mi.ciw.tiri.~ ....... ........ '9MMt! I C......

- 6:30-• IWI: ct) (W) MlllystariM Is­...,. (Kl fl) '61 Joa11 Gfttnwood

Qllltlpa'11ttfws rm """ Griffie s... . ... ""' - I..... (cr?J ())) 1\e LIM ..... '\..... mo.. falJ ID c.a. w.aie C!I) n. "'°91111 Yun a1Jt1ea..1s

7:00 ~&*JO.

Be 8CD IDD""" e ([) Tllt 0.. c..,i. (() Tt Ttl Ille Trvtll m ta....LKJ .., ..... u ((17> ())) Illy Tiit• s­• Clllldf•'• rr..,1111 STiit...._ m lllldltlltLMrer .. port ('21! (])) ...itdlM ml> Uftll, S.. I Sly

-7:30-.. Cl!) "- That T1111t . ....,..'­(J) 'OltWla D Tllt Ntll SltJ HJtlld

lS11nam1' Jolln NfWland hosts This sequel to tile senes One Step Be yo~. re crules the can ol a WOl!lln conlrntd to 1 wheel ch111 with a tidal wave 1pp10Kh1ne ind a Kh11()9hrenic child wllo somehow wnws her O.nrtr l1ra1nt Stephens C1111 L oilier and Btyan Scott star

CJ) la Su!O Of •• Ml Q1l ()) lllltdl ~ • <aW> Tiit lfMJ ~ Cl> Uta MMe A 0..1 ((17> tJJ ) f'119i1J Affair m LA. 1t1t11w•a• ~ lltndltcl

8 :00 D ((llJ I})) Tllt Welttlls lhe German tam1ly lhl 811mmer5 who have found reluit on Walton s Moun tam from the M:orn and re1ec1ton ol then lormer ner1hbols. blouahl on by tile war ait hurt once 11a1n when Elrz1beth c11rrts a 1u11101 .• \ e «II e a CH1rs ott..,, Jon Baker 1s 1n trouble • hen hos look al1~e . a cmhan who hku to play pohce1111n bednrls freew1y drovers l!I .... : CC) (~r) "Surdl !Of SurtlHI" (doc) The an1111als ol North Amerrca . Auslral11 and Africa are lollowed 1n the11 constant surch for water ()) lllowit: (CJ (Zllt) ''Wlllt Dtd You Do In lllt W1r Daddy" (com) '66 James Coburn 01<k Sh1wn 8 Cf) 9 ('21! (J)) Wtlcor111 SIU Kotter Mr Koller s 1ob as a tucller at Buchanan H1&h 1s lhrul ened when the vice p11c1pal Mr Woodman mlroduces a compute1 d1sraned lo replace teachers CD C¥ol BurMtt I F rlttla .., .... : (C") (2111) "Tiii lll1st11 ti lall1ntr11" (adv) · ~3 Errol Flynn 8ut11ce Campbell s~· fl;) 0... u,. A a- 'What katy Did [p1sod1 ' K1t1 Carr a mis chtevous I~ vur otd • ho hvn •1th he1 lather hro 1oun1er sislers and biothtr rn a small Connechcul town is a conS1ant wg11y to htr aunt be

TV WEEt<. JANUARY 1. 1978

ctuse K1ty'1 &ood intentions 1ust seem to cet her dtepcr in to trouble h ktt1 hom Ille ~Illar eh11d1en s novel se11es by SuSln Coohdce Stus Cla11e Wilker, Ed Bishop, Tomasine fie1ner and Jul11 lewis IDLI u_,., QI) Is ,.,, Drillllla "..., ~tr

- 8:30-• tll (9 CD) Miit's H.,. ,. ... Raj's lr1tndsh1p 1nth Rerun bte4mtt 1 showbus.ness usually • htn Rerun threatens lo interfere • 1th Rats drum ol btco1111n1 a super talent a1ent CD Trwlll w C-..uncm ....... [,..~ c.'!'i) °"'Easy

9 :00 D ((!1) Cl)) CJ) H1w1ll Flt ..O Sine becomes the unoff1c11I witch doa ol a love tnanate consisltna ol 1n 18 yur old unaka. David Kaluna, Dmd's swutheart. 16 year old Debbie Cameron, and Geo11e Cam r.ron. Debbie's wealthy and mttuen hal lather who detests David IOI his lowborn 01111n .. (111 (J) m a JHltS It IS Jamu upe11ences remoue when, becauSt ol hll attractt0n lo a pietty coed. he rudely Sj)urn1 a 12 yur old 1111 wllo hu a crush on hrm then turns that the coed 11 only inler uted on his lather • m <IDJ ca m> llrMJ 11111 It! D USC l11'91~a ll l101ans vs Wuh1ncton St11e m llltn ""11• s... m Seccer ,.,.. ~ a """= ·ii. Utt~ '4111" (• ts) '!IS P1ut Newm1n

Modem dentures/Fast repairs

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See h o w easily your d e nture p ro ble m s oaq be taken oare o f a t. Dr. Miller's Fa mily Denta~ Center.

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101111,. romf'• of Forro1ru & Bokf'• .,,.,r .,/ ~"" l'>t«vo I n.•y I

fD rireMr• B1!4d on th' Old flu' Ji•n folk story ~' Hohn ol .the R11y11 D1n1sh Billet Im ttuttd 1 nt• VtfSIOn ol lhe balltl USIRi 1101 S1rav1nsafs music ei) , .... ti ••

- 9:30-• ~ (JfJ CJ ) Carter <MA I~ Chott Roy '"" lot his toll and Cu111s feats loi his lilt 111 beous' M1yo1 Teddy 1s u shnlf w11h th• lown i money as ht 1s ""''h h1) own CDllecMa T•U.

10:00 D < (JJ) CV> C.IJ 111111., Jom C11cumst1nt1JI u1denct points 10 Walt (fd11d11e one of J R '\ I•• er.tu main u the mu1dtrt1 or his 11rllrrend, bul when a noted c11m11111 lawyer volunteers his 1dv1" ftdt1die IS overwhelmed un1w,1e lh•I 11 is lht l111y~r's son who 1s lht k1lltr D tUJ r J l 11D ill! flit C1111 of n .,. ... (I) Morie: '"1 h~ C•I Creep)'' D {1) <lOJ (121) <I I) 11.U ron l 1sa Harlma11 Don Knolh 1nd (Jonny ind Martt auol &l)Get Smart fD Muterp11ct Th u l" Claudius !R) Qt!) Se«tr lllHt 111 Ge1111111,

-10:30-CD m Otlhtn

11:00 D 1J D lL (Cit > l'M D l1Jl I ~ llD lt NfWI B ~ Allerlcll Style Cl Mowie: c:l "' rl lld 0.r' lwU) 74 l et V1n Cleef Peter OB"' " m TIM Ollid C.,ie m TM IMl1t1w11t a ,.,_ ,.,,..... ~

Diel C.Wttt al (I ) lltwa/ lo.. A1111 11u1 tylt m s.,., S11ew ..

D '1n. C.11tr'I SIJI• If 1111 Slit• Mllr ...

- 11:30-D (lt7l !1J) r I 1 Mom · tool MilllCln Hunl 101 A Lonely C11I" D QJl Ill Im iH ~ C.111111 (I) Mowi1: "Guts! Wiit • (com) '•S- Claudelte Colbert Don AmHht • CJJ <IaJ ('21J lt i> s11~, 1n4 Hutdl/T11111 m lll•t"""' II) Get Sllllrt s 111t 100 a..-m CIJtioM' AIC llfft " lllldltil/ ltllttr fttpor1

12:00 9 T trillcllt Z-m F•- f 1"'""'4 m ~ Slrant t Onlh ol Ado1f Hitler Muflnf

- 12:30-~ llloMs: Whtie the Bullets fly

Ass11ntd lo 01n1er .. Ntver look 8acll · Rldt em Cow1 11I mtte.WllJ

1:00 D <2J {)) al 1-row DISn CD ...-: "Hamel Cta1& ·· p,, vale Alf111 ol Btl Ain i" ·

2:00 D M"lts: "Im pulsion .. Hi&h Tru son"

- Z:05-G Mttle: Moinrn& Glory"


WlllM'f' for lllOl llilla IM lfttr.- liltlllO. plent - DAmM£ l'tOGIAMS. a. t;,':,: ™ 1llu c1, an Ille

9:10. Cl:) MHIP ltffJO .... (wts) 50- Jol!n 8arrymou II CMI W-ls lors Butltl

10:00 e "'Tllt ... O.Mia" (mys) 46 Allft ladd Veron1u lake . Wilham Bendtl . t(oward Da S1 lv1 Hush Beaumont. Dons Dowlin& (2tJ "Sllftt JIM(' (WH ) 48 ( 1101 rtynn Ann Sht11dan I hOm•\ M1tch1ll

12:00 m "Micll wa1r· (my\) '48-Audrey loller . Herbert Marshall . Oorotlly Pat11ck H 8 Wflntt W•rntr Andenon

Z.00 D lCJ " 811111 Tll•n lift" (dra) 'S6 J1mes Mason, Bar b1r1 Ru~h Waller M11th1u tlf> "h rtrall of A lilob1t11" (dra t 61 - Vic Morrow Luhe Parnsh Petti Blee~

3'00 UQJ 1C.1 "A lllpt bl a.-­M(' (dru 43- LDt tlta Ynune B11•n Aherne Jell Donnell Wilham W111hl S1dn,y lolet Cale Sonde1111rd

MO U ICJ "b A• 1llct11 11 h m" (mus) ~ I Cent Kelty Leslie C.ton Oscar l evanl



Cl!> C.liflllrit TMIPI tr)s,.11 ....

- 7:30-• All Sbr Alytllila Gees Olympte> 68 n 04ympa n .,...,, .... • ....,...Q,.. (J) TiltllMllft • <II @ Cl) • Htll,-..4 ... (]) Tllt 111..,m • <• ())) . lfMJ lltlAf• ... Dul (~ ())) ,..., llfalr ............. S> u. i.terdla• m Vlttf• rt,eliM

8:00 D (cm C.U) ,.._ Mwmm ol WoNtf W.... I A 0 C 11tnt Diana Pttnce 1nlillratu tht ran& ol • mminal muter mind • hose s~O m1lhon heist could render D11n1's hit nor w0t1h • pluued n1cllel 11 she is d1scove1ed 0 lfli (I) Ill Clf1 CPO Sllarh y

TV WEEK. JANUARY 1. 1911 .. ,,...... CD Men Gil""' S1M11 • lltrwl ....,I 11.0. a .... CCl (2'A) "SlAll" (mus) 68- Julte Andrews, Rmtd Cftn~. Mtcllatl Ci1ta e£JS1111wo.~ tt • Mii u..

10:00 D l2JI I]) D QttecJ Cub Job" Rosey Grier 11ch Ou•llCJ 111 1n elfOtt to snt I pnt 1uven11t stftlOI tttuen ttc1&ahot PIOl/.111 !bat ii tt00trd1ztd by Ille a11ts1 ol 1 JU'ft n1le IOI tht &lay•nt of an t ldtly mJn ........ (I) lllN: 'Ille C'r11per" .. Get S4utt m•••o,..­e m 111w1e n.ube

-10:30-.,..,., .... fDLltlMC-U• (QI) ())) "" ..., .....

11:00 GUO (J) O..., e LM Mlrk.111 Slytt • aDJ CIJ ((ll) CD) a .... D Mowll: a::J "CtltN ._,. (dr1) · 1 ~ r elly Sm lu. Tony Sibeto. m n. o..c..-CD TM ..... , ..... n

r tar ol fty1n1" Shlfkty's unit is a'si1ned lo lly thouMnds ol m1lu OVfl)f8S and lht prOSl)fCI 01 lhe wrld blue yonder hits him w11h fur bul not u much leat IS the $1llh ol Bucknt1 - so he t0nsulls ~ hypnotist to aet him ovtr the hump 8 UCLA lui1thlt Bruins vs Wulunttott Huskrts

, al) ftflHI f~ fD l*l c-tt ~= ) lltn/ l t tt Alltrkl• {. lllowlt: {t:J (211r) ''Wllldl Wlf It

tile f rwt" (com) 10 lerry l ewis l1n Murr1y • rv f1Gi <a m> Ota•r & M.trit Ow Ainu Jr Rulll Buw and Danny lhom•s 1uu1 ... Clrwl tn4 ,,... G> Mimis-..,, Iii D. OIT9'1 ...... ~

mew.....- .... 111~ ID LI Uwr'*"

- 1:30-.. ID CD Ill (JJJ Ckt IN tM llh• "Tht ""1e11tan1uhon of Charo Baseball. hot do&s and apple p1f are the only lhtn&S Raul's Aunt Charo knows about Ame11ca but she de c1des she wants to become a c1t1ien nevertheless a Cellctfltralioll CDer-wib ..... Com1111ntary fD AAotW Door A panel d1liCuwon on lht Amtucan w1y QI death •nd dy1na '9 Wall $trMI W•

9:00 U ((}J) (})) IJJ Mowtt: .cJ (!hr) "ftrtwer" (1om) 11 Steph1n11 Zrmbah\I Du n Bullet. John (nednch Beth Pains. D11n1 Scatw1d ld1pttd lrom lhf best u1t1nr 1111111n II( llO'lll by Judy ,Blume a rudual in t ll11h st llool senior ma~u 1 tomm1tment to love a YoU"I man f0tt"t r · not ru lmn1 that slit 1S

far too yount lo have mad• such 1 piomrse D fll, ()) D a Tiit lltc*ttrf Riii Vic:IOI Jort "*'' H I rllutd fBI acent dttermtntd to 111 revtntt on 1n undt rwotld l11ur•. w1lo 11 Rocky Rockford's p1rtner 1n a 104d side rtttaurant bustntM G CJ) (JI (121 ())) MMl1: CC) (Zllr) "W1lkl111 TalJ Pert It" (du) '7S- 8o Sve nson. lu~t Ash • . Noah Btery, lohn Chandler True story of Sheriff Bulord Pu.wt in searth of the men who killad h;a wile •nd m11med him

- 11:30-G llllN: "ll•A-s..i." _. ..,_. llW4lll PtlMt" (Kt h) '!16- Wtllef P1dtton, Anne h1 nc1s. t u he NM!lstn Wanen Sttvo s. lfck Keny lart Holhm1n D @ ()) D QIJ .._, C... CJ) lt1tlt•: "Appo1nlm1nt Wrlll Crime ·• "Com111ando .. "The Cold wyn Follies "Adventures ol ll1rco Polo • (]) tm (0 ()J) llltlta .,lhtl .... .., Get S-11 a Tll• 7GO au~

-~-·-fill) lbcW/Ult<tt leJN1

12:00 • fwitipt z... GJF•Mr'•~ CD M .. lt•: '"I Com th t Wu " "M11k ol tht Reneaade" ·

-12:30-(J) Mowil! '1ht Midn11ht Story'' e ..._: "Tiie Balcony" "A Cir f1om tlle Stretts." "Counle!WY'' • suni-

lltfte: 'Web ol Violence" m llflc...t11M ...

1100 er • ...-• ID Cl) a..._... 5'ldtl ()) Merit&: 'Comm1ndo," " Thi Cotdwynn folhu ," "AdYtnlure al Marco POIO" ••Sn • ~ P5Y(homan11," 'The Kilttf Tll1t Stalhd " •• Yor~ " "Ct1m1111I llwytt" •

2100 D MINI: "Blaa Sun," "Som• whttt In tht Mit h!"

-3:20-• ~ CCl .,... ... ,,.. ..,.. (dra) ·~~- Alan l1dd, Edwttd C Robinson, Joanne D111. h y Wray. W1lll1m Dtmerest.


. I

. I SATURDAY I . .... : (J:) "Stitt " ,_..,. (wes) 'SI-Rod Cameron GE.d, S..IMSly

..... .,.. ..... Cll lllN: (CJ """ Cll Wiit , ... Ille West" (wes) '49 Sc1>lt Blady Yvonne OeCarlo

lri•RNOON 12:00



Pege 14

8:00 e (Q?} CD) ()) n. ~ 8 @ (J) •DSJtu St•· 111111 . .... : ~ Ne" (ldy) '37-0scar Homolka, Ray M1llind e CD <II (9 (I))~' All­sa.t Lift~ . .... : (2111) ...............

;"~'!~;,Gt: Johns.

-1:30-• 0 Cl> D IB s.n.tldl

~:c~:. 9:00

• (Q?} CD) 14111 l 11ur1• 11d bMer D 0 (J) Ill 8 IH&·Slt .. & ~ ()) lllp "'"" ... .... ..,, m tftllcltt

- 9:30-D O Cll G O~lllr• of ll~All • .... : "Sltty O' ... ru" (mys) '4S- A11n Udd, Cail Russell (J) ....., Qllllll m ~ CC:> ""' Mia o1 Pl· rite(' (dta) ·~-John Derek ................ ... e &iaesllNa

10:00 a 9 w ca a 'l1lllMlf (I) ...., .. Ille ~ e CD Cill <ra Cl>I tlr•ttt .....

GV!r* 0. .,,,...Mllu. • """ It • ..,.,.,

-10:30-• (Q?} CD) CI> 1at ... 1T1n11 D 0 (I) • 0 S.."11 U4 ..... (I) 111..te: "1111111" Detl1r 1114" (tom) 'U - EJst Side K1di D Sciellct fldlM lllN • Adllll Tlllutlf • 0.. u,. l Cllllk . .... • "' W..1111 '"""'

11100 D 8 ()) G 0 Tltt • S.•ltr low! lop colleae union repment 1n4 the North 1nd the South meet 1n this annual tootball classic from Mobile, Alablm1 • (]) C1D1 ca (J)I ~ac -... w s,.dll '1he Eaullt of A One T Oil Pet" Part I m L.A. ratterne ID ••llout 5to1re,111c "Yukon PHS11e" (R) ms.1,,...., e FT,.,

-11:30-• (Q?} CD> (I) SJ«• ~ e u..,.. D CD CID> (121 ) Allerl<H .. ~ ••o.c.~ Cll TMllMO...

-~· . ..,

• (Q?} CJ)) "' S«rtb .c 119 eTwlllPt Z-(J) lllN: "Slrupr at Illy Ottl" • Celt SIM WI • °"" Ulllta e TM f,_. a.t e FMhrilf*"' • '*" .. c.e.119

-1Z:30-• (Q?} (])) (I) '" •rt ' tllle

~= ...... ...., . ,.7 ® .. 10 . .... 1411M • ra111t Wlttl llallCJ ._ .... , (9 ())) U.S. ,.,. ..,.,. tD lqlll [lb l.tot*4o

1:00 9 ((ll) (])) (I) Wlllt's llw M1. lbpof • • (]) <m ca Cll> ww. w.iM of s,.m ll~• Coveriat ol th14lul1 Bowl from Hawa11 tD WTMI ID """': "Tilt M1111e ' (al Cll) TIM s.ntan • lkltalt'• """

-1:30-• (Q?} CD) (I) CIS f"tlla Festini Cl) 1i111w1t: "try ti tM WIN" (doc) ,, D A*'l l c.t• m .... : "lllr . ..,..., .... to Clleea" (com) 51 - Clifton Webb Sllult) ftmple tD f T,_,


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Nttft for #l Oii ,. ... , hltt. &r1"4 P'rll blur

eJ.llll Cl)) Cl) c.ic.u ......,,

e G <D e '"'*' o,,. Stml·flnal fovnd of play lrom the Tucson Naho111I Golf Club •• .. v • .., ................ .,... .. liltf..itr ..... ,.,Ute

-2:30-• 0... el u11rtl IM tltfft

3100 •1tum ...... (J:) ......... tllt ,,,. rtw" (wes) '6•-Dalt Robertson, Marth1 Hyer • ....,..: "•"'"'"ewes) ·so­John Wayne. Maureen O'H1r1. Ben Johnson. • T111111 r .... 77 ... ,.. tf Allll etlM .. 11 Tlrit

ew "'"'' -3:30-• (llll CJ)) (I) Sfer'ts ~-

"" es.!7: Cl) Giiiet 0 Cl) : "I.My i.t A lfitM" (dra) '•2- John W1ynt Joan Blon deH. it.y Middleton .,.,...,..., •Ouctll.icllelllltaltl 0 w..1111 a.. ..... ,_. ., ..... ......

4:00 • .., .... Ille """" .. die Su ()) ...... ....... • CD (a Cl>) TM hlfui1M1I ..... ,. '"' Com11t of lht SIOO,OOOL1tt Clm1c from G1blt House in Tooance, Cahforn11 Ct1Ml9-12 .... : CJ:) "Tiit JlyUwUrs" (adw) '59-Jetf Chlndltr, rtts Par ker. NiWe M1urey •• llalhltll ... die INd ., W.•lltillt ' c., .. ,, . ....,'-

-4:30-<DS.--Ctl ... : "~ li&M4'' (SCI ft) '61 - Joan Greenwood. Michael Crail. M1ch1tl C.11111 a.,...._ • f~ llstn "'Won 'I You Be My Netpborr' The creator / !lost of the seriu M1s1er Ro1t1s 1s lhe sub1tct of this v!Oto portrait ..... '- .. C:.ltfJ a lfl '-""'-... .~ ...........

5:00 • Mt411 "'What [very P11ent Sllould Know About Orucs"· • {() Stat ,,. (I) llftit; .. ,., ... MJ SarHI" (com) '42-Abbott & Costello • llftit: "Mtstrtr .lff Ytu1" (adv) '49- Teny Moore • llftlt: cm .. ,.,.... .. (susp) '69- Burt Reynoldt. Anne F11nc1s (llll CJ)) 11111 .... If\. • ..... '- Ille CMilrJ es..1We•'-,..., • fJ ....... ...., lilefcMI ......... a._ .... f,... "' Olylltlk

-5:30-••@ (J) ..... (J)lr...w. ...... (llll CD) Ill ;.. • Ille Week • ~ ...... s,.datlt (all (I)) Allilall llftfN IDMll'I .......


8:00 • (Clll CD> CD IM lltwtllrt si.. The Hmley's embark on a MalOlfl1 vac:a1Jon lo put wOlt behind tlltm, but Bob can't mist be1n1 Ille psycholo&m wllen he undertakes to 1111dt 1 'llllmed couple's rouah t11p on the Mt of matnmony e@ {()•a>TIM liMlc ...... Jaime "enrolls" al 1 colleet to discover how a student computer wllll is manacina to steal $25,000 a nlpt from OSI funds • 1111M: "Mllrric.IM" (du) '37-lon Hall. CJ) lllflt: (J:) (Zllr) "Th De• .....,... (ctra) '55- Richard Todd

• CD !JI (9 Cl)) TIMIU lib 1tlla wuests a c1ddr Holly.oo4 SO$SIP columnist to replace depart 1n1 talk show host Plul Thurston and becomes th• first to ''' • clawed " • Clllep tllMtNI UNwtltlly Of Nevad1 ws Unrttrsity of New MnJGO .Cd,. -~Su • ..fMt& w.t S MIM: ii .,_,, (mus) "3~-Judy Gut1nd Mkitr Rooney • ...W. "Shoot the Plano Player"' ......

-1:30-• <llll CD> CI> "''" W ~ OtMf Alter Ctlt1nc Ill eyeful of lht ph"'q~ some mu1c:lt men mod el\ 1n tlff'photo studio. Judy dec1du it's lime to aet Stuert shaped up before it's too late • rn cm ca CI>> 0,.,.11 .. rettlCNt Skipper Matt Sherman mint find a way to 1vo1d 1 scheduled 1nspechon ol the Sea Tleer. which would result 1n the battered sub's bein1 taken out ol serv1te m Co1111t

9:00 8 ( (f?) CJ)) Cl) Tiii Jtff lllOH Gtorae ind LouJSe are stunned by their landlord Whlttendale"s pl1ns to evict lhem. bul their b1ues1 su1p11se 11 yel to come whtn lhty '"v1te him down to discuss It D 8 CI> e 8 Mtwlt: ~(Ur) "E•tr1t11cr- Th Stnl l!lftrW' (dfl) ·n - RJndy Mantooth. Kew1n T11he Rober! r uller Julie London Bobby Troup As a fut spruds upMlly lhrou1h • modtrn Los Anaetts olfttt tower par1med1CS Gaae ind OtSolo are summoned to the scene and st1rt to treat the victims. but SOOl1 they 111 called on to htlp • •th rescue Ol)tflllOll as well • CJ) ID (QI {()) Starur & HJtdt "A Body Worth Guard1111'" m nv1s· DAD vtsm * HEE HAW TOlllT£11 m 1ttt""' ~ 111ut1r,i.c. TlMatr•

-9:30-• ((f?) (JJ) ()) fOllJ bMlll The bane of Judie rrankhn"s nistenc:e. Ma110 L1n11. represents his fusl law cut 1n rrankhn"s court room MarKl 1s h11ed by 1 little 11111 who wants to be removed from her f1ther"s custody. but du11nc lhe t111I, she dec:1dts she wants llta110 rtmowed u htr lawyer m ,... <CJ ,_ o.r111" <sc• h) '66- Jack Stuart. Amber Colhns


•....,..:"I.Mitt Wiie Ot" (com) '63- l'tlCY Mount ltobtrt M01191

10100 • ((ll) CD) Cl) Kej1k KOfl~ 1lves senous C011~er1t1011 to :u111n1 Utt polttt force tor a )Ob as 111 1nves1tptor 1t1lh a 11ttsttc1G111 llw f1tm, but a st11u of drua rtlated dHllll poatpont his d"ISIOll ..... Cl) • r..lltct ....... • CD ID (121 Cl>) LM IMt • Cttat .... r.rtitr• • llllta "" eww..

11100 8 CD • C1J11twa e al'•a ... m Mewlt: CJ:) "(•,.rtr tf Hit ~ """ (adv) ' 73- ltt Marvin at Mtwla: "rrenkenstein's Blood1. Terror," "lnm10n of the Vamp1ru. · "I Wu A Shoplifter" <cm <D) m a.-O CI> W.111-12 (a CE> •1 H11n1111r4 D llfl "-""' If t1le WMk

-11:15-(J) ... It: CJ:) "F•r Glrb 111 T-" (dre) '57- Georae N1de1

-11:30-• ((ll) CJ)) CJ) Motlt: CJ:) "Tiit llakt4 114 ttie Du4" (drt) · 58- Chtf Robertson. Raymond Massey D 0 Cl) OJ WMUM • cm-..: ec> .,._ .. ~ Ille OW' (dra) · 71 - Charlts Bronson. Anlhony Per~1ns a llttlt: 'l1berat1011 ol l 8 Jones

12:00 a -.n.: "'S.1eon " "New York Town:· ""The N1rrow1n1 C11clt." "'The St-tenth Sum~" ([) M1rit: "Up rront" • Grl-*f'1 fricM llicflt ca (J)) lltwa/Sd-ff T'9atr.

. 1:00 • DOii Klnlllltr'1 ... C.Ctft Cl) ...,.: "Stvtn Ways from Sun down." "Capt11n Tuaboat Anme," "Go Go Man11," "South of Cahente" m Mtwlea: "Court Martial of Bill Mitchell," "Ab1ndon Ship"

2:00 G Morin: 'Stanier ind l1v1n1stone." "Nut"

-2:30-• MtM; (J:) "W. .. • ... HM" (adv) '68- Gtorae M1hans

John Aatln atara ••th• embatti.d captain of a aubmarln• In ()penatlon Petticoat. on ABC Saturdava at 8:30PM.


Garrard Reflex

aul'1111•c~ a , ........ ,,.,.., lllec•• .. , - "'" Ovacl•~• dfcvllry aftCI lull •- -•tor lecllll... lor - lle•IOllily JIOe •lfLUI Hlfll·llhe1e"c~ ----... ·---2 -ter II\ 1\111 - -- lor •• ••"d•d b••• re1oon 1e GAARAAOl IUIOI---

·~-~­~---. -..- ..... co~•• Once ... ,,. ATLAN TIC ollet9 '""' ....._,.,.. ....,, - ly ..... "- ... 9"09 of • ..-aee ""


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