Download - 1909-02-19 - THE CITY RECORD,


THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVII. NI•;AV YORE, FRIDAY, ll?IlRU.ARV 19, 1909, Nt:~u:ras 10882.

.Armuly I;nllyd- I l,tti, ill Dnrough t'at,cr- ............... 2)135 Pnq'usa s ........................ 2023 ell lclal Ulrccwry ..................... 2021)

_ ., ,suns, Roar,! of-- ( 1)16-ial Papers ........................ 2023 1'ullic Notices .................... 2025 1':tLe. lk-ptrtiu ti of-

I'ccllcvnc and Allied Hospitals- I'i ,;e,- ills ....................... . . 2021, llinules of Meeting of Board of l'olicc I),-j,art,innt -

'1'rustces, January 14, 1909.... 2017 . \ucti,ln tialc ..................... 2030 I'ropnsals ......................... 2023 1)c;llh~, l(i tircmcut,, etc........... 2o1I

nI,ard 11ec•tiog; ....................... 2026 U,coors W1 anted for Lust Property. 203(1 !;runs, Itl,ruutah „f-- I'r„c,-,-Jingo of February 6 and 8,

Report of the l'rc,idcnt fur the 1')09 ...... ... ...... .. .. 2011 VA"oche Piling I'cbruary 1U, 190'9 2020 Rel,oIts of Sallit;lry ('nnpany (Iloiler

(kohl,. P rough of- S1lwu!) for Pcbruury 0 111,11 8, 1'nqu~,1,L. ......................... 2024 I90') .. ....... . . ...... . ....... 2012 1'nblic- Nnti, ce .. ...... ....... '023 I', l tic I Ica i iug -


of Grade I)atnaee C.bmmisniun- 1k llnunlittc.c nit Police, lio:u,J of Ih11dic Nil ice ...................... 2023 .\l,le,-ntcu ... .. .. .... :'0-'U

lh;lnt(r: in I tcpam"'.nls, etc........... 2020 Public S,-icier Comulissiun for the First (,,,- -ctil,n, Itcpartment of- Ilistrict--

1'rupnsrlls ......................... 2023 Cal,-n,lar of Ifcarings............. 2009 I•.'Ii,cati,~,l, Board of- 11111,- i,i I' oral, ( ,,Illln,s,i l,i 1,rs ot-

\liuuty. if State -d \Ircting of Tao,,- Public Notices ... ................. 2(1'6 to- v 13, (')It') .................. 2009 )t( set (basing. Dcl,intlnc-nt of-

Fstilnrllr and .AI'I'or li,,nun•nt, Puenl if- . 'ii,,-,, etc.. fir Filling in Lam... 'o3n l'i,hI,r i1"Idler; ................... 2)131 l'oip,„nun ......................... 21)3))

I'inanrr. IIItolrtu,rlit of Sulnrnll ('unit. I-i rot Urpartnu•nt - .Al,.,ract of 'll-nnsactiuus for the Ac))uirint; 'Pill, I,, Lauds. ctr...... 221)35

Week Ending Imlurvv 2, 1907-- 2013 tt~rc 1,l, c "u rl. S,-c„11,1 Itvl art mull-nit („rp,rrati„n Saks of I:uilrlings, etc. 2027 Acllniving 'fill- In l.,lml:, etc....... 2038 Noticcc Uf .\„1•F II,Pn,s fit- u,l'•ning 9.11,'1.I,,,- (''lilt. Horn flliiin- ill! I),-I,mct-

vircc•I.. anal I'tlrk. ............. 202') :\,'(miring Title• to !.:Ind'. cic...... 20-11, Notices to I'r,llnIty (Ian, r,....... 2020 Am,,-, of .Aliplicatilnl, fur the Atl- I'rnl,uenls it ; 111,(II111,11110 of Four ,'"intment of ('nmmissioucrs of

I',, (n-nt. Corporclto Slo,k of .Api'raizal ... ..... ........ 201; Ihc (it, „f Nc,,- fork........ 2027 9nl'rrmc ('nurl. Ninth luclioirll lti,trict-

tiu,ctice l('-'iwn - ll on A'uri„ns ('lasses Acquiring '( tilt- In Lung!,, cic...... 20-!8 of ('.mlract, .................. 2030 N, ,ticc of .\Iiplicatioli for the Ap-

Irin. Il,p-utulc•nt I mlment of C,,nmunieioncrs of \urti ,n Sales ..... ........ 2031 :11 t t ,!sal .... .. .. 20-Is

i'1n Fill. ....................... 203 (1 tie -a .91,11 \'eceslnCnls, Ili I'll, t,nl•„•t of- I'ohlir Notice- .................... 203! 1'uhlic 'Notice .................... 2026

ll alih, 1)e, Urdulilt 'If- , Al ll, r tiui) Ir. I:nar,l of- 1'r,,;,l~.;a. ......................... ^n; n I t'r,,,,,,,.a. ------------------------ 2(12))

Vluni,-i n;ll l'icil Sircicc• ('"mmi<>inn-- I A1-;II, Sut , jilu • II: tlu,l l-t -i rig its', (Ir. t'nhli,- Nall.,-, ................... 1031 t,artnlont of-

N-dig,• to Contract... ............. .. 2045 I'I .,al. ..................... 2023


No. 154 NASSAU STRracr. Ni-:w YOLK.


The following hearings will be held during the reinainller of Ilse week begitutiug 111onday, February 15, 19(19:

I`rirlay, February 19--3 p. t1,.-(~nnn1tisiuncr Ar:lltl,ic's R„uut.--Orllcr Nn. 2(15.-1I.t-;o-'rlm, Llr,lli .\Nn l'un'g:u CI'itl'.\Ntr.,.-.-"Gcucral ]1,r ti ;l!il,n-Cunt (1ti,s(oiicr \1:Ilt big.

4 p. m.--R„I ,nt 31)5,---Orilcr N'. 791).-Niiw Yom,:, Nr.t\ l 1(v) x & I I:\ !rr-ulcn R. 11. Cm.- Synth Bronx Property (),Veer,' _A,>nciatiun, I 'lit -

I,lainanl.--"[n.;snit:uc ntctltulls in balling ccu'.; ill 11(n2latl Ri\Ir

RcguLu- tucctinp f Ili, I oittntifun are held etcr (c„l;l) ;nut! l villa), :II 11 :3)) :1. rat., in kurnn 31(1.


'I'.\ 11-1h) \II-'I•:I I.`:I; \\ !•'I)NI':SI).\V, ;.\\['_\hiV 13. 19(f)

'1 ic,l nil-,-lint of the Roan! "f I{Ilttt:ttiu;t yeas loll nn AV'cdncsdav, J:ulu:n) 13, 1'MIV, :II 4 ..'clock it rat., at the Ilnl! of the hio:trd, l',trk ;ii-rung• an I lift)-ninth ;trcel, II,,,, ttglt In I' 'ii atl ta!l;tn.

1'rescnl I':Ltcrtlln I.. \\inlltr''Ii, Ir. I'rr=illcnt, anti the f,llutsiug nlcnlbcr,: \Ir.:Vcs;nlllrr, Mr, il;lrtrtt, Ile. 1Im,,', Mr. C' sgrovc. MI. ('Itnni 11,, 11r. I),:I.:tnc~',

Mr. I;rc; cr, \!r. I rang lint, '(Iv I rciI,lrl, '(It'. (,t,cnr, \It-. lhta,c, .\Ir. Ilru- risutl, Iii. 1loir 1, '(hr. If'gvin;, '(Ii . IIiiIianlh. '(II' , IIshii,l(, Mr. I\:Inzler, 'III, 1\aIzYtlIlrr„ Mr.;ul l: , \lr. \I:tll, \Ir. '(!;IV, '11t'. 11i('rll'fr•rlc, iii. 1\1i I)l,nalll, \Ir. \li lxcc, '(it', till 1,1(11--- \Ir..\. titcnl, .\!r. \I.'-, )t••rn .\Ir. ('. I. tinllican, '(Er. J. I•:. sulliratt, '(Er. 'I IIllm•l't, \I. \'allik-lulu (T, Air. \\ i!se' and '(hr . \\ my:ttc--34.

('it.- .Stttu•rintc•nrlctil 1lasti';11'. :\bscnt--llr. Aldernfit • ''If-. (''lull'rt. Mr. Cr'I\vninsItlr-hd, '(hr. Fe ma, '(Er. Giliesitie,

\Ir. .Mar,- it, '(hr. \lcyrr, Mn tihcrtr,ln, \fr. S"mgrs, 1Tr. Al. J. Snllitan, Mr. Suyllani and \Ir. 'I h„rrtps,m 1'.

('nnlrl•I< seem ;m)drrl :I, f' II' tc,• AIll,rl'pri:uil K the .rant of eiu4ht tllllu,Onll -'is hundrrll and ,ix dl ,llars ($5,606)

front the Special School 1~urt(1 "f di'' I)1-1,atntcnl (if F(hicatil,n for the current year ;:ntl fn rtt tlnw It ('lnlaroel (heroin rtltith'.1 ,Ittintcnancc, Repair, aucl RepIacemcnt,, Ins' ('Imlracl ''r ')p(1, Onlcr, ;I•ncral R,•Inirs. slid- stint t'I Ile ap ihictl iu p:tynteut of the ,unbar(" III I,c cuter:•,! illo, I„ Illy (N,ittttle11 c u11 ] iI'IInh;, fur (Ind Oil behalf of tit,' lh,ar(I If l',leAti"ll, t%ith liti f„Il~ , tsinu 11:1111"d c'nlr:lrl 'r:. fur the pltrinlacs hued ti''Ilml :11111 in Iii, • ettnl, ,Ill',

563 I!''tn it; It OF '(FANii

1'Ill' !'„main) Office;, etc., Oil till- Second Story of the 1Tall of the livard of Education. J. Al. xnopp ............................................... ............ $4,491 00

Rut nu hu-t of ,nil! appropriation authorized by this resolution to be paid until ,hr Cnntriliticc ''It ltui!(li;1,,s shall have lilecl the contracts to be entered into by it for :Inn! ''it l,rh:llf ,It th_• Iiirrl rlf I'aincali, ;i tcitlt the contractors named; said' contracts I.', 1'r• in 1Lc f'Irtn :tl,llrntcll in- the Curpnrltiun C':unsel, and with such security for the f:lithfnl Ilcrf rnt::ncc If ille s:lnie a, shall he sali,factory to the Comptroller; the rules of tlli; Itr,:u-tl in regal-,! therein and as to the payincttts to be made on account thereof to Ile complied (citit,

.\I, geld r;ltif'.ing the 1611011 of the C'Itrttrtittec nrt Sapphic, in awarding Ill I ti l,lr:lcts for farni,ilirlg' :lnrl (lclivv'rinc, b;t,kct !,alts and bad e; for the (]ay all(] ct ruink Ilitrh -cllnul< ;111(1 1!aS :tnrl (-t•(-ning cicvtcnt:ni' scio'_'l; of The City of New 1-r,rk, in ill(, lh)ruughs r,f \I::nhatt:ut, 'lily' Bronx, Brooklvn, Queens and Richmond, ft it - ill,- V('ar cn'lin,g, I)eccnti,cr 31, 191)9, as per list :tttachccl: but no paynuuts to be ntrnle lit) account of -41irl c'mtracts until !lie Committee on Supplies shall have filed 1L, cunlr: cis to be cnter(rl flan I,_v it, for anti on behalf of the fi ,ard of I:clucation, 'sill] the cutttr:tctr,rs Iltenti'Inc(I iu said list; saicl contracts to be drawn and approved Iii the nstwl m(Yume•g, in cr'mpli:wce with law and the roles of the Board of Education aI,l1?ica1,1c (hcrct-,.

Cl-nIjYntfhl,, :tn'I r:llif)- in;a the action of th-: G.mrrtittcc on Supplies in awarding !tent (,251, i,ta,il>' Y,e,=nl e:lr ,1=, I-n the list of 9pr•ial and general supplies required fur It .0 in the tl:n an:i ct-('liin:r high ach„ol,s an,l clav an(! evening elementary schools 'If II)=• ('fly of _Aetc Y,,rl-:, in ill(- l;nn,ttgi:s of \ranhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, (,ti, ''ii Null kichnlnnll ttrn!Ur the j , :risclictil,n 'f ,Iris Board, during the year 1909, ,I, Ar. 1. "1'll,in, ille l,,,cc•,I !'illdt•r, at `5?.(14 per thou- and. the contract for said record t;irrls 1 c~nlinttc ill f Ircc an(I cffcct tuttil the llist r.lav of Jautiarv, 191(3: but no pay-21(1k) ),, (us' mule ''it :lcc'ntut of s:ti:f c'-ntiact until the Contntitt.ce on Supplies shall hate lilyd th, • r 'ntract In lit - c•t~icrc(I ittlo II)- it, fin' and on behalf of 111E Board of I':dnc:uinn, v'ith the nintrnitnr mentmncll, slid contract to be dratssn and approved in the tt ,ual nt;,ngut, in runr,liallcr (5 tit law and iltc rules of the Board of Education :tl,l,lic:.I,Ic ih~ rr,'

-'ti ( (Ft jug :tnrl Iatifcini. tilt' :tr+irm of the Cunttnittee on Supplies in appointing \It -. I. !k•nn'tt 7.inn, of Ni,. 225 \V-t';1- Oiic• Iiun(lred and "thirty-tbirrl street, i\Tan-11::Itan, ,via,>c name :tl,l,car; ulllm all <ligilllc list cortilicrl 1)v the \Tunicipal Civil S,-rt it" ('Iminli~;ciun, :I' Steno rapher tour! Tcpctcriler in the office of the Supervisor , u f•crtures, the :I!,I,Ilinttllcnt taking effect J:tnuart- 1, 1909, the compen;:ltion to be :It the rate of .1 I1,2III lu•r ;itmum, the 't:Mary- I,f the fmsitioll,

:A;,trrucing :Inrf r:llifrinl tlic tt('I0 ' 'If the Clnumittec ',It Supplies in appointing '(hi-s I'>tcilc I'j rh'IL I,f Ni. _257 Snc-'li!ccr a\enttc, Ilrooklyn, who was certilied by tllc .A!lnic11gl ('full 5slItI (''Itnlni,sion t( cli~il,!-, for appointment as Typewriting ( llllyi<!, anl1 in :, <-i !ling her t, 11)11 ,' :1; (i,-rle ti, the Local School Boards of ])is-tricis Nu:. 1-1 ;1nt1 15 :utll to I)istricl Sill), riutcnd.rat Schau!tler. to serve for :t tent-Ill,rary period n, lt it, , Neel! (lire,' nti , tiths. the al>nnintment taking effect January 7. 19(19, ;mil tIi il'tnl,,n,atil'It I'1 Ile :1i the rate of $6O(1 per anutlm.

:Ailtcnditl , ;nLlli .i"Il 12 of ;trti(lii 43 of the I;)- -La'cs of the Board of 1?duca- (i,,ii Si :I') to t-c'tri :I Ii .:

15, .1ny \I' nmii t'riiicill:tl, (cum)n head of departnten+ or y\'ontan member of the tnOClting, lot' snrerci,in,c staff \lilt shall ntarry \tittle in the service shall report such fact f'Irtlttvitlt, tl,prtllcr y(i!!) the imme of her htIrIlatni, t't the City Superintendent 'Ii Scltl,lll", who shall report t'I the Board of Education all such marriages brought to his notice.

_Antcnl!itt, on1,(lit•t-ilm 7 .If ;Yellen 51 .'tf the By-Laws of the Board (If Education l,I lIO'l as f"1l'1)75

7. In sghel,ls of Ill,' dt- 'l, drum(! and third ordct-;. c,n'• Tcachcr in cxe'e S of the I11wi.(r I,f (laae, ma)' Ile alIIuIintrll, tchr';c• dut}- it ,ball be to teach a class in the :Ill;rrtce ;t clai-s 'I'caiher oitll In l):rf,,rn, such clerical work as the Principal shall r!ctcrlt(inc. :A llcr, It''lrling a sul,;6ttttc or a i)i'giier license, but not eligible for 1llpoilttlltctlt a" :, n;prtlar 'I'c:'clicr, (lilt)- be :l;si ne(1 by the Board of Superintendents Li Iltl nllllitiollZIl I'c;ICLrr fir :t spciitirtl p'•riod, not to escccd one year. :Ail persons uri_ncll inn Illy III1>itii , rt "f :Irl'liti , oml 'Teacher in ;chl,r,ls of the first order under the

!,rut i;i-ins of ills snlalici;i,,u ;I it anlcndcll J:Inrt:try 22, 19(18, shall continue to ]told such lu,;itic'u f , :r ;Itc !,ernel fir tthich tltcv ]lane. been re, pectivcly assigned, and upon the evjor:ttiiln of ;nth I''- mini all such p„,fonts shall be conaiderc,l as an(b shall be abtlli;hcd.

Organizing Public School 56, Borough of Queens, as an elementary school for hllvs attcl girls from the kindergarten to the 6B grade inclusive, and that new Public ,chum! 9(1, Itoruugh of Queens, be 'Irg;lnizccl as an elementary school for boys and pills Irutn !lie kindergarten t ,) the' 511 _rack inclusive.

( )rgallir.itig in ace"i- l lace ycith the' rec(nnmcndations of the Board of Superintc'nd-cnts. 11(17 I'ul,lic tirh,lul 93, Bnr'lugh of ilrcoklyu, as a school for boys and girls of grades frl ,nt tilt' Icilldergtlt!en to 88 inclusitc•, and that Public School 41, Borough of Hi,giIl!em, is reorgmniz,•d as It Schuh!i for boys anti girls of grades of not more than 915 cc;trs, to tal=c• eftcct on tltc np,cttmg of Public School 93.

Reorganizilt„ in aic"nuance %61li the recommendations of the Board of Snperin-Il-n~lt•nt;. Public Sch„ r'In 13 ❑11,1 32, Itoruttgh of Brooklyn, for pupils of all grades and lnith sexes front the l;roller arlcn to (if inclusive, and that Public School 58, Bnrrtugli I'f llrlu,klv11, be rcnrg:tni'icll tis a schnnl for pupils of the scvcntlt and eighth years cschtsivel),

CI'ni'nlid:ltin„ in ac-c-,rlla'tcc tcitlt the rccnntmc•nclation of the Board of Superin--lenticnts, l'ublic ScLnnl 93, Girls, and Public School 03, Primary, Borough of Man-112t1ari, into nnc school, to be kitoss n as Public School 93, to take effect from and after the retirement of the present principal of the Primary Department, and that the con-solii(lnt(II s~•hnnls be thereafter placrcl it, charge of ''Mrs. Emma S. Landt- inc, the I,rescnt t rmilt ,al of l'rthlic School 93. Girls.

Rca<eigit;n,>; Mary- TAellel, a leacher in Public School 1, Bnrnii ii of Queens, to ,iasetm(l (chid( from Ft,brttrlry 1, 1909.

.Apt,ointin,n C. AVard Gia!lhtlon as Director of Physical Training for The Cit}- of New Y"rlc, Schedule ATT, the altpointnient in lake effect February 1, 1909.

:\pllrovit),g (lie action of the Boar(] of S;Iperinlcndcnts in transferring the follow-in[ n:tml•d Principals as inrlicatccl helm(', II lake effect ',It ae.i(;unieut be the City Sttperintcndcnl :

Sciun.'hmk 1. (Ii),

From----~ 'I'o -- Naute. District. School. District. School.

\Villiant C. Allen ........................... 2t') 41 29 03 \\wlhhiitti I. Kurz, Jr ........................ 1 3 40 40 158

Schrdue T. (a). Tn Rrlt,' V. \IcClrat? ......................... ,34 13? 39 29 itt till I. liogr+c ........................... 4O (ii , 41 \IntIt A. Short ............................ 34 51 34 13? \T;Iry C. Dor''Ihuts• .......................... 31) 26 39 156 (T l".lizabcth A. I.ati'lihin....... c .............. 44 31 44 56



Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the




Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays.

Subscription, $9.3o per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy.

SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Official Canvass of Votes, to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section.

Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City.

Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City.


-1. Puu(111411 or Titt: BRONN,

for l'urmiIt ouch 1:Iluil,l,in ('nl,ki'Ir I('' nt in Morris light School.

'I he licnnc\•-Reim •r C' nl(rut) ......................... . ..... $3,165 W

I'ur :AItcratioll5 ;uul :AI!rliti,ms t.) 1':Icctric I'tfuipincltl ill I'uhli:' Scltu''1 13.

rl-\'itl_" \. J;': :In ........................................... 95(1 (A) 4,115 0!)

111(21 ....................................................... $8,606 09


A1)Poiiittng the following "anted persons as Principal., of elementary schools in the districts dcaiLnatccl, said persons to be assigned by the Board of Superintendents to the schools indicated opposite their names, their :tppointtncnts to take effect on assignment by the City Superintendent:

Schedule I. (b). Name . District. School.

George K. Martin ................................................ 12 49

Byron IV. Baker ................................................. 39 156 fl

Authorizing the Board of Superintendents to :tssign a Tc;ichcr for the instruction of children of school age ill the day camp for Iuheretiliisis patient's conducted on the ferry boat "\liddlelown," as ale ice stated, and that till' Contutittee nn Supplies he and it is hereby requested to furnish the nrcessar)' hooka alit! supplies for fire use of sail children.

Autlturizing, and directing the L'nart! of Superintendents to take steps for the organi'ation and maintenance of four classc for the instruction of Mind children of cicntelitary school age.

Appointing, in accordance with the reclmtmcnllation c,f the Board of Superin-tendenis, 1Tobart IT. Todd as Principal of the New York Parent;tl School, to take effect upon a~sig'nmcnt to duty b the hoard of Snoerintcnclrnts. which assignment may be at least thin}- cl:tvs hefore the 1nti11lings of the -aid school are ready for the rcceptinn of ciclingsent children.

-Approving and r:ttifving the action of tile 1--ccntite Committee nn the Nautical School in appointing \Ir. Ch:irles F. '\lnrg':m as Junior Instructor in the New York Nautical School. at a s:tl:u'e if `^1.4O0 per ;t"ou"t, the atg,ointtncnt taking effect Jantt-;u_t• 6, 1909.

The following prcan!li4, :Intl re':ol!ttinns were :tcl 1ptecl: \\'herc;l;, Tar lc,ntntitict• ,m linilclinys lets received an l'siitnalc, in Ilse snit of

(tile hundred and fifty-live dollar, (S1.5), fr~,to Griltin S- ('n., contractors for electric work at I'tthlie School 91. Alanllattan, fir frtrni.hing all labor anti materials ncccs ;tri to install a lire alarm s.\'stem: noel

\Whereas, The Snperintenclrnt of Scllrl„l Pointing: !';I, I-Cp rIccl that Ihi, estimate is rctscmallle and that the work is nic('ts:trc; thin c for be it

Resolved, That the stint of one lntnclrcd ,)nd lift .v live d illar, Iti155) he anti the s:tntc is bench)- al)l,rrlln-i:Ited front tile Special .S"llo. ,i I't!ncl Of tar 1)c;uu'ttnent of Ethi-cation for Ille year NOS, roll! from the item 'ont:linc,l Ihcrcin entitled (,ire :Alartns, No 503, Borough of \I:In!Iallan; saicl anll,ttnt In hr al)pliccl in full ll;t)ntcnt for extra cost to Griffin & Co. Ii- acicli:iorml wo: in collncclinn with their cnntrnct, as hcrcinhelorc stated.

Whereas. The Committee nn Bnildings is in receipt of c'.tinlale'l front centraelrlrs for additionai work tinder their contracts, as follnwa:

883. Estimate of Gillis & Geoghegan, contracicrs for heating and ventilating apparatus at Public School ii. 'M;iilhattan (for cliallgini toiler

water fierier and :,l)f)li utccs) .................................... ̀ 150 i'.0


I.vtintate of 'I . FIT lcrirk Tanks 'it, bite. ,-I,ntrnciI,rs f„r electric work it Pul,lie School 5, lei otaj lcn I for installing ;I lire alarm signal

scstctu) ....................................................... 175 l'0 S85. Estim;l;c of George Ililcicl)rand, contractor for L'cnrral constrttcliim of

Public School 75, IPruoklvn (for t'oltiltetilli4 ll:ulcrs Im old hnild-

in,t; with cast-iron liillcs inslc:ul of earthen Hillis) ................ 243 110

$565 00 --and

\\'hereas. The Snpc•rilitcndc'nt of Scholl llnildin s h;l' r~•ptirtcll thnl the estimate's are reasonable, tha the work ii neck sary, and that nor cxleii icm; of time nn the ('oil' tracts are the relic iuivoh'.a ; thcrefnri' lit- it

Resolved. That the Stint of lice' hn11,11-cl and iNtt c•i lit d"ll:lr; I 5568 be and the ,ante is hereby ahflropriatcd from the f,llutviu won't! funds, said 'tint to he applied in fill] pavntent for extra cost to the c,mtr:iet,,rs hrrrinaftcr mcnli,mcrl for aclllitinnal work in ci filed tioil with their c'tintrtct , :

Special School Fund, 1')09. AT:lit!!, a:utrr. Fl. ll;li '- aunt Fl- 1!; n "cols by Cnrntr:tc t or Open Order, General Repair-:

5513. I>orot'I,n or AISNIi 'ii ty.

For heating mill(] Z` util:ttillp, -\itlutratu'. 1'tthlir Hi i l 1-l.

Gillis cC Gcnfihegan (for changing bailer water fl',-,1 ; art ,ul tt nlianl 1.... $151) If)

SMa. ltolut'(un nr• Ilrnutu\ N.

l"l,r Ilectric Work nt I'ul,lir School 5.

1'. Irreticrirl< J;ct•k.,on (Inc.) (for inst;dlink :t iii :1111 Ill : i411J system) ...................................................$17a 1)1)

For (ictrcr;tl Co+tstructioil of Public Still nl 75.

George Ilildebrand (for connecting leaders on old ittmNtuiig ccith cast-iron pipes instead of earthen pipe) ......................43 (it)

41$ tk)

Grand total ..................................................$565 f)

Whercns, Isabella A. \McCabe, Principal of Public School 93, l'rintary, \ianh;tltall, has been identified with the public school sy>tcm f,,r upwards of forty years; and

Whereas, Ilcr l,ltV-sical condition for some tittle l,a0t Iris hccu 'uch as to "take it impossible for her to attend to her duties; and

Whereas, lliu's \1cC;lhc bias made al,l) icatinn to the Board of Relircineut to lie retired nn February 1, 1cx19; therefore he it

- ; iResoltecl, fhat the' abaenee of IaI)c1la A. mIcC;thq priIIciptl n I'nhlic Schuul t)3, Prinmary, Manhattan, front Octoher 29, 1(X15, to I"cbrrtary 1, 19)11), ithielt still agiimtut to forty-ix clays and one hour, he, and it hcrebv is, excused with I,;ty, and that all iris i,inns Ior the b}•-law's inconsistent herewith he, and they hereby mire, suspended or the purhosc• of this resolution.

Whereas, leis, Eugenie Doyle, a teacher in Public Schnn,l 98, Porough of \l:tn-hattan, was, on November 25, 1908, forced by ;I ph 'sicixn of the Department of Health to leave her classroom and go berme, said ],hcai: i:m living of the belief at the tints• that 'Liss 1)nyle's affection of the throat was if :t contagious nature; therefore be it

Resolved, That the absence of four boors oil Noveml,er 25, 1908, Of Eugenic Dnyle, a teacher in Public School 98, Borough of >\I:ulllattan, be excused with ],ay, and that all provisions of the by-laws iiicottsiltent herewith be, and they hereby are, sits pill ded for the purpose of this resolution.

Whereas, At the Indoor Championship Gaines of the Public Schools ,\thlctic• T.eaglie, held on December 12, 1908, Public School G, Manhattan, was decided to }Iavc scored 14 points in the various events, as against 13 made by its closest cnntpetitc,r, and was thereupon declarer! to have been the winner of the championship; and

\\'herea , No prote,t or objection w•as made in re,pect to this award: anti W'hereac, Public School F, thereafter notified Dr. C. Ward Crantptun, time Di

rector of Physical Training, that a boy who had run (ill its behalf in one of the relay races had, ,since the games tnnk place, been discovered by it to h;mve been ineligible by reason of not Navin, been regularly entered -as a Competitor l,y such school as re-ninired by the rules; that in consequence the school was not cntiuer to the point awarded to its teat" in such relay race and therefore had only tied its next cnnt-petitnr and was not c•ntitle'l to the chaillpinrtshit, which had hecn awarded to it, and withdrew its claim thereto; and

Whereas, This is but a conspicuous example of many similar acts which have been performed by the schools in connection with their athletic contests; be it there- fore

Resolved, That this Board commences in the highest "tanner the condnet of Pub-lic School 6 in this 'matter as a manly and honorable act, which reflects Inure credit upon its teachers, and particularly Mr. Daniel 11, Larne, its athletic instructor, its boys and the school itself, than the winningr (If the championshift in tlodti"n would have (lone.

Resolved, That this action of Public School G, and that OF the other schools which have acted in a similar worthy manner in their athletic contests, constitnte important

examples of those principles of horror, Iruth and straightforward conduct which the Board desires to inculcate, not only in athletic contests, hilt in all matters relating to the schools, and which it trusts that all the boys attending such schools will always seek to maintain.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions he transmitted by the Secretary to the principals of all elementary and high schools, with directions that the same shall he publicly react to their scholars.

Setting aside the following-named suits from the several snots appropriated by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for expenditures by the Committee on ]liiM1ings in Sams not exceeding $1,0(10 in any one instance:

\Manhattan. 'I'hc "roux. tirouklyn. l2ucc•uis. (ciebntiind.

(x,c1) (554) (885) (8116) (887) $100,0on n0 $40,n0o On $t00,o0o 00 $80,000 00 $15,o00 o0

(N90) (891) (893) (893) (894) 40,000 011 15,000 Oo 20,00(1 00 15,00)1 (IO 5,000 00

(Soil (ii9)i) (1197) (sIs) (89)) I,OIttt 00 350 00 1,o(10 Ott 30(1 011 3110 (I0

(900) (9(0) loll'.) (9113) (904) lire Alarms ..................... 1,11110 011 500 011 ],1)I)0 (in) I,(bill 01) 1,000 00

Referring to the Crnnmittec nn l:y-T.:nvs 'moth T.egisl:tliuu the "tatter' of aincnd-ing suhdicision 1 of section 3(1 Ilf tilt R} L:kws sit as to clirttinatc, in the tenth mind cictcIltlt limes of .<aid sttbdit'i,iun ( \(antral, (,age 21), the words "ancl also in the mires-('he'd of the Chairman or snn)c other tncnthcr of the ('untntittcc .m Iluilrlin}'s,"

Approving rile action of the ('untmittee kill Ilttilclings in accepting the resigna-tion of Max Kallfntan, draughtsman's hi'llie'r, talking cffcct Jantt,tr} 6, 19)1),

Suspending subllit isio ns 2 anti S of uc(ion 31 of the liv-Lvv; for the I,urin,sc of paying the lullc,wintl hills, incttt•t•ed tinder circtlill-1 ntces of an ('mcrl;eoc y Ilatnrc: Joseph W. O'(biro, I'tthlic School I(,1), Mailh tttan, rcl,airin>;' "as leak..... $150 74 ('mint ill Steel ("citing (o,ntluuty. I'tth!ic SChool 2, Ouccnti, metal ceiling work 335 Ott John 1 ecnan. 1'nlilic School 14, Pjnccns, ncncr:tl 'claims ................. '1114 It) I)icdericlt Brothers, )'tthlic Schnell 3(i, Onccns, •;utitary rclrtirs............ 2(t) III I)ieticriclt iirothcrs, Public School 35, Queen", =anitiry r(•I,airs............ 221) ()() John A1'nlxl, Public School 59, Qunacns, gcncral rcp;tirs .................. 27)) (II Inlet if. Quinn, Public School 75 and S1, Queens, a=1)halling, etc........ 903 75 jclhn By'rn-, Public School 74, ,llanhattan, removing uhitrucliun........ 236 92

l:'aying front :unl after J,tntt:trt 1, 1'NI'), the sal:u'y ImO(U) .,f J,In, 11. Ilciti, "Pill writing coln'i.,,I, liurcrut of Schuul Ituilclint;s, Borough if Onc'cn;, flout tar acr,lnnl e'ntitle'd Salaries of Ot'(iccrs, ('huh'. ;uul Othee I':ntplr,ccc'.

.-\l,l,n,vill"', and radiiini4 the ,n-ti,:n of the („onlinee n n Suttii,lic; iii rrlcrlint,, ill the hest interest; ..f the Itlrtrtl of I:IInr;ttinn, ;I!] hills rcr itrcl h\ till' Snllrrintrnllrnl of School Sttpltlic, nn I'chru:u'v 11, 10(18, In nils in cnrtnccli'nl ttilll the hill, fiir Supplies for the Stnctcsant IIigii S;hl,'ii.

\p]Inlcing and ratiftirtl; the actilin if the ( nnmliticr I,It Su11111ic, in rciccling, in iltc best intcrc~ls of lilt' Iln:u'd if I{clnrtticrn, all hicks receicrll his time Sihtrintt•nllcnt of School Supplies nit (lctnhcr t), F)118, for oils.

\nicncliiig the resi,lutiun adnptcd hr the Board if l':clucation nn Jtnlc, (t, 1t)17 (sec Journal. page 1134), sclrctinmm anti determining' :ts a sitcr Llr schunii llllrp g,t's ccr-tain lands and Oremise, nn Irorc,t :nvcnnc, ul:u' l'rntihcrt 1)!ncc. allll,ining Public School 71, Fast \V'illiantsburg, Borough of Oneeds.

Requesting the ISnarcl of 1•:,linlatc and .AIll)nrtiunntcnt to lake such action a, lilac he nccc;sary anll Ilrnln•r to in:nrc the '.)(wily acglli,itiun Ilf litlt' to the ahl,tc nlcn tin neil lands and premise:.

Accepting the offer of the Public i•Nint:uiim .\,silrialilin Iii the till' tp ('untie School b5, Borough of \Lulh:lttao. wvith thank'.: referring the ntallcr Ii, the Ii,,:trll if tinge r intcndcnts for tltc ;mrl,c~tc col I,:I .in n tilt Iliclurc; In hr ((latch in solid .rlt- col: ant!tnrizing the (',In)ntittcc tl Iiuillling, to' Make such ih:ln,>;cs a: :u'r tie' mum's for the h;lngin} of ]lictm'ts. clr.; ,Intl ftn-thcr cslcnlling thr th:till:: of the Ihumid of 1?ducation, thrnugh the I'uhlir I"tlnc:tliim .Assilci;ltiinn, ti, II„n. l"c'lix \I. AV-,whir;; four his };c"ol"ts gift if ;1,110) for the th'rnratioui of :I 51'h~,~il Intilditt, mitt tilt Litcc r I ;tot side of "I-he Cilt of \cwv fork,

I?xctt>iiig the ahsclicc if the T,'achc rs if 1'ub!ir Schi ,~tI 32. I'rinl:lrv, Alanhalt;iii, w•hu attended the fttncr:tl sI rticcs, nn l:tnu;u't' 9, lt)IF), of tiar,th A. A\ illc,, furlm r(t a "1'tacl:cr of Said School, with limit'. :Irtrl .Il,jlcnclirl,q mill t,n'ci,.iron of the It\ l:nc; in- cunsistent herewith for the (nn'lu,sc thus resulnli,in.

(;ranting the allllicalion hof the Ihincillal of I'nblic Schnuil 1(111, I;,~rl,tteh of Itrnnkltn,' for perntissil,n to hu!Il c xcrcisc; n lIlIIIctnI.I;Iticc if the Intl' hmnlrcllth annivcrsary of the l,irth of '\hrah;utl Lincoln in h'eighte'n ('lutist, (wilt's IsI:Imt, Im l"c'brnary 12, l91)9, front 11).30 a. nt., to 12 in.

'\pl)rnting and ratifcing tilt' ;m•tioln if the Cllntmillcc ou (';trc if Itnilclin in Ir;ul, fcrring tile following named ])cr>Ilus tot the schculls:Inll nn tilt' (late, inilir;tic'I:

Chatics Il:tncc, Clcminer, from Public Silt' l ,l 34. out ins, t., I'(tDlic "rhoi,l 51. Qncc•ns: annual cnnlllcrt>:Ilinn, $(,(NI; t;ll<in);' cltccl l:lntcuc 1, 1)111,

William FFo.x, J;utitolr, from 1'nblic School .3f'. (Jnccn". I„ I'uhlir Srhni„1 -1l'1. Annex, Queens; annual cnntpcilsati.m, $(,(N1: taking cffccl lulu:uv 1, 1cgbi.

Johanna Aic(:lrrt, ('toiler, fr-~tn I'nhliv ticho~l 12. l:icltnioud, ti., Public Hit iii! 14, Richmond: annn;tl ccllnllcn;:ttilnu. $4t(1; tahin effect I;intt:trt- 11, I'Atc).

Philip \\'indcckcr, J:ntitnr, frmn ITlhlir Sch. oh 75. \!:11th:ltt:nt, to , 1'uhlir Srhool 9811, Alatill tttan: annual ciailinrn,;ltiun, $tf$t taking c tTi'ct l:nln:n'r 11, 1'411).

Michael llttllarkct, Janitor 1•:nginccr• front Srtttlus Ibhisitiigt• (I•:;I,) Si\l> emimimilt street), t.. 1'nhlir tichn l 75, \I:tnhalt:ul; annual cmtllcn'atinm $_.10)); i;tisio I-tficl Janttarl' 11, 1c)(Ic).

Cliarli'c (;cllnlan. Jarlitnlr l'huginccr, from Public Scholl •12. \I;Inh;itl:tn. t , - Tillie School 177 and :Annc•v, Al:tuhatt:ut: anitnal cntnl,cus;ltinn $4,5722; tclkimtg cffrrt l:lnn-ary 15, 19119,

Johtt \ludtliv, J:Initnr-1.{n,ginccr, from 1'tlhlic School 177 ;unl \nor'.. \l;nth:ell;ill. Iii I'ttblic Srhnol 42, Alanh;lttan; ;Innual ci,mllcnaslion. $41114; taking cflect J;Inn;try 15, 191M1.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee Ian (';In' If Ituilllillg; in fixing tlic u.alaries if tltc following ironed Clvancrs it the ;hnmlimt' "it , n(I),n „itc (heir mints~ l in accordance with tllc cnc~clule of s;tl:tric•', of ('Ic;lncr; ,ICII , ;~tc ll is the- Pnarcl of l':elucation, I)tunlhcr 3(,, 1c)tl(,). taking effect nn the (Eire. indicate-tl:

Waller Ilnlcc, Public School 1, Onccn;, Ilrc,vnt smart $4591; ii' ti lsvd ,al;u\ $5411: taking effect ll -ct-mber 1, 10118.

William II. (wester, Itrtant Ilil;h School. ;,t'c,col ,nl:uv $45ll; I>rnl,cl~i•II -:il:tr) $54(l: I;ikiitg effect 1)cccnthcr 1. 191)5.

larri„Itt Johnson, 1'nhlir School 14. Richmond. present s:Il:u'c $541); l,r ln„c l salary $(,Q(l; taking cffcct I )ccclnbcr 1, 1cX1)t.

Itcrtha ('(ratio);, Public Schi,i I 18, 12ichtnc,ncl. ),rc,cnt sal;nc $•1?I(; Iln , po~cd sal:tt')' $4,41); taking effect I)cccnthc-r 1, 1c)t)t1.

Augustus ( lch:. 1'ul,lic• Sch'l,ll 18, I:ichnt, nlll, present sal;n-t $54t); Ii' ilw:cd sal;ll . $6(111; t:tl:ing cfTcct 1 )c cc tuha•r 1, 191)8.

luscph Dcpi•rruo, ('untie School 1)15', \I:Irth;lttan, ;,rc,cnt .alai'\ $541); Rrultisc(I ",teary $li1Nl; taking elicit J;Imtat'ty 1, 11 )119.

Zncr;lrn Na,iarcnu, I'tthlic School 155, \l:uthattan, l,rescnt saL•n'c $-lt'tl; 1,roln,.cll salary $54)); taking effect Janu;u'y 1, 1011.

WiMliaatl J. I laces, ('ul,lic School 188, \Lull!:tit:tn, tkre'"alt ,alarN $-all; ;(roll, -ell salary $5411; taking r1Tl•cl January 1, 1010).

\Vinifncl I". I.cnn to Mnrri, Iligh School. Ilrescnl sal;u's $3(til; Ion In melt alnry $4211; tmmkiiig effect Tani:"')' 1, 191)0.

Adolph T. I{uchle, Public School 6, 11ncctIs, hminsclit s:Il;lry $4811; (Ini(n ,c•d s:Il;lr,, $540: taking ffeet J:utuart- 1, 10)11).

Angels, Paracliso, liry;lrtt Iiit;lt School, present ;al:u'y $450; I,rl,l,o:c'd sal;u't $5411; taking effect J:untary 1, 1900.

James (ilohying; lhy'm"t Iligh Schuiil, present salary $5411; I,ro;,n , .,ci s;ilone '&(alit; !akin{; effect J'munagc 1, 19)0),

Approving and ratifying the mtctinu of the Ganliiiittee Ion Cane of (iuitliogs in assigning the following "anted J mitiitiirs to tit(- care of )I"blic .eirushso II "i1"mll'nt', Ibcc to receive the salary of that 1 tisililm, hiss the rent allowance, in each (k(roce

Sidney A. Norton, assigned In Public School 41, 1!roolivn, taldog effect December 25, 1908.

Utnlcrat Repairs ..................

Furniture and ]repairs if.........

t'iau,,; anil Repairs if............


William A. Calder, assigned to Public Schools 81 and 97, Prouklyu, taking effect January 1, 1909.

Eugcuc 1'. i\loyttihau, assigned to Public School 58, Queens, taking effect January 5, 1909.

'fhontas 1.'. Stapleton, assigned to Public School 50, :\Ianhattatt, taking effect Janu-ary 5, 1909.

Philip AV- indcckcr, assigned to Public School 97t.', ATanhattan, taking effect J:utuary 11, 1909.

\pproving and ratifying the action of the President in suspending the followin g nailed Janitors from fluty', without pay, on the (later indicated, pending the trial of charges:

George \VinanI, Public 5c;to0,1 58, Queens; date of su pen inn, Jaunary 4, 1909. David Cr„thers, Public School 50, Manhattan; date of snSItcnsi„ti. January 7,

1909, .AIfre(1 Il;ttces, Public School 981;, Alanhatttn; (late of suspension, January 9, 19(19. William 11. Itlam elt, Public School 97C, Manhattan ; (late of suspr•usion, January

11, 1909. .Approving ;tutl ratifcii g the action of the Committee oil Care of 13ttilding, in as-

signiug, tctn!turarily. Camille l.eJhsc, formerly Janitor of Public School 114, Borough „f l;rouklvn, tcho tt•;ts granted a leaf'( of absence for to months, xviihout pay, from November 1, 191),1, t„ l'ul,lic School 41, lIorottgh of I3rookl}n, taking effect January 11, 11)($), at the sal,-try <,f the baildivg. viz., $1,536 per .u1nttn1.

.Apl,rocing ant[ ratifVins the action of l;tc Committee on Care of Buildings in granting ;t lcatc of vhscncc, tcith(lt pay, to Alts. l.irzic Ifarjcs, Clcaner in Public Schuul 84. Ii„r,n gh of Queens, I,it account of serious per.uual illness, for three months from Jann;') 1, 19(19, Stthjcrt to the a!,pr')val of the Municipal Civil Service Cottt- Iiiissioll.

:AP1,' ''ing anal ratifcinq the action of thl• C„ntutittec on Care of ftnildings in re- hieing tilt- cutupens;ttinn atlachetl t „ the position <,f Janitor of the following named

school buil,liti ,,, tiiknig effect Januart 1, 1909, un account of rcutcasurctncnts: Public School 31, itrorikl a present salary, $2,652; proposed salary, $2,604. Public Sch„ul 35, I;ru„la)n; prc,cnt salary, 53,12)); proposed salary, $3,012. I'nhlic Schu„I 84, Itnumico; prescnt salary, 55232; proposed salary, $5,004. Public School 09, 13ronkl n; prc,,cut ,,alar)-, $024; proposed salary, $000.

\pprucillg, and ratifying tit(- action of the Connuittce on Care of Buildings in allutciu (ei rge I I. 1lrlius, Janitor of Public School 84, 1)orungh of Queens, $40 per ninth, in ;uhliti„ti to , hi regular c„uiticnti;ition „f $2,34(1 Itcr ;trouts, tlurinl; the three months' ]cage of iy,Dcnc,, without (tie, of Mrs. l,iz'rir I larjes, Cleaner in said school.

:\pprucing ;Intl ratifying the action of the C,mtulittee on Care of ltuiltlings in fixing the compensation attached to, the posit iii of Jan it 'r of fulcic School 12, Iii tunglt of Richmond, at Ilie rate ni $1.36)') I,er ❑ smut, taking effect January 11, 19119, the female Civil Service Clcancr in said sell hating keen transferred to Public School 14, Bor-„ttgh of Riclnu„nd.

:A!,pruviil ait,I ratifying thy' action of the Cunmtittce on Care of Buildings in all„tcing \heliaei Sliu ntt• Janitor of 1'nhlic Schuul 6, Borough of Queens, the sum of 55O per month, in addition to his regular crmt!n•n;;It oti of $1,SIl!) per annum, for the Period from \„wisher 18, 1908, t„ :April 30, 1909, inclusive, so as to enable hits to employ ;t Stoker to till till' tac;tnc) in that positron existing in said school.

Approving ante ralif)ine the action of the C„Inntittee on Care of Buildings in dis-contiiining th~_i allowance of $25 per month t „ the Janitor of the Manual Training IIig'a Scho„I. lior,ttplt .,f Ilr„ola_tit, for tli,. care of the athletic' field adjoining said school, from Janttar v 1 to :\pril 1, 19(19.

:Amending the res„Inti, a sttl,ntittc,l 1,)' the covivlittce on (Tate of 1luildings at the meeting of till- I;,,;u'd If 1?tlttcati, nt help tc1„Her 28, 1!NIti, ;tad appearing on page 2167 „f lltc Jovnbni, reLtlise t„ tilt' runtl,rnsati„ti attac;tcd to the position of Janitor of Pub-lie School 16 (nett anal old hnil,ling.1, I,tor„ugb „f Queens, in the tenth lice from the hott,nu of said page by striking unt ''Si•ptrnthcr 1, 191)8” anti inserting in lieu thereof ''Sept inher 21, 19115.'

r;tntinit potslissii,ii for the usi of tin aultitorinvi ill nets l'nlilic School 5, Borough „f lnn,la\11, for ;tn cntert;tirtrrlcnl at tcaich :tn ;Minirsi„v fee is to In' charged, the procccds In be ascot for thr Murt,Mse „f pu„t i(ling ntnral decoratiolu for s;tilf school; tile flat, of the eutert;iinntrttt (1, be Iletomuni-d Iv the Committee nn Care of ]iuildings.

IOxin the salary of tilt' l,, ,aiti„n of l domain in the New fork Nautical School at the ralr of six hundred Ii, liars per annum.

Referring t„ ilie Committee - ,n let--l.;nts :till] Legislation tilt, matter of atrn'uding sections (ii), I,,1, (12, f,3 ;roil (,4 „f ti- It}-L:ncs, in relation to the New \ ork Nautical Srhl.

On nt„ti„n, all alnrnt ntctnbrrs teem excused for non-attendance at this meeting.

(lit m„ti,,n,

till' 10 ar,l :t, lj, mrnc,l at 5.45 „'click !1. nt.

\. I•:\I F iSt t` 1'-\L\I I?R. S cr tan t'.


February 6, 1909.

The fopnh-in, Imccedisgs Were this flay fli,cl'lctl is' the Police Cl,mntiisioncr:

t )rtlere,l t„ B1' Pail. C„ntirn�et]Cics, 1910). $01') 50.

\Iastlucictd,• It;ill Pernnt, (;rtumcit.

G. W. \tulle, itrnrtz ('a>in, ,, 'I he tin ux, ichhru' 6; fee, Sit). I'. I hlsslai hrr, Jack"„n l a',im,. I he ltrunx, l'rh,- tt:n-y 11 : fcc, $25. \1. I"l;ttr, I•a,ling's (':t5irn ,, "I he hr, ix. I'chru;n-1 11; frc, $25. W. 1+11 111 I'.I,linct's (•u'in, 'I'lir Its nx. I'chruary 13; f.c, $25. (~. \1”. \lttll,•r, Itrnx ('a-in", lb Itrunx, I einttarc 1.3; fee, $1)1. W. I'I:ttz. I(I,lirtg's (_'rtsin ,, 'I'hc L'r„trx, l"ebrt';try 15; fee, $25. (;. W. AIu!ler, Ilrnny (oil,'', I Iii' Iln,nx, I Ihru:u'v 17; fit', $1)). G. W. \lullcr. Itr„n\ (;i>in II Ilr„r.x, Fcl,rnary 20; fee, Sit), It. Ku„I,!,,rli. 8ttnt'h'' (';foist ,, Itru„larn, I'chru;try 1(l; fee. he)l. K. K6,bl\, :\rnl'. I ltoll. Itr,,, , l<l ti, I"c•I,niary 11; fie, $5. C. I1, -rrn tilill. I icticn s I Iall. hnt,,klvit. Nc1ruary 11; hi-r, $5. 1 I. I Idrelcr, Aetc .As,I nil,ly l l;i!l, 11niolsit-n, l'rl~ruary 11 ; fee, Sit). W. \\';t!I;:et-, It „r,nt h I'n'k (•ItII) IIows,', IOroIOMYII, I"cI,rtctry 11; f.e, Sit). it Ian„yi!'eil. til:vio'lp v s ('ttrhp'', ltrn„Iacn, I"-l'tct'- v 11; fee, $1(l. C. (diiinii New i ekford I tall, Ih't,iklty, l- •iirnary 13; fits'. $1(l. A. 1„ltn"'n, 11,10)1;t 1!till, liru„l:ltn, I florinpry 13; fee, $5. ('. t;fihIiu, No' 1,.,,— „n! I!all, 1;1o1lSckn, Piilrvtllvy 17; fee, $10. C. Rtilt•vvD, New trckf„r,l I1:01, Itr,ioldtn. I I1rttary''2I); fre, $111. A. AIellri,lo, ('lull-r Park ('slut, Iir„nklyn, I~•hrtl:u'v )): fee $10. C. (vtI,I'1h„ New' l'cl("M I lilt, Iii 1 lal\'il, F,i,roary 27: fee, $111. ('. Sem nTot, \l, I,„p ,i tan P:iTk tual' (`out ,, ()virus, l"clruiary 20; f~•c, $lt).

I?,lt n.rh ill. OItrcns :At'rnur I I„tt-1 I kill, (lu''rn;, l'cbruary 20; fee, $5. I,'. sebnnut-, AIclrul ,olit:ut Park anti ('tt ,in, ,. (inrtns, I"ebrttary 27; fee, $1)).

Oit I ilt•, Scott ('p':.

ncms- t ,,f 1,i,-utcn;ntt in r<n,lntal~tl of Pone, tirynad, dated February 5, 191)9, relative to cnt;inc•rt's' lircns,•s gr;tntc,l. I of pul,licali„11 ill tho (its' Rl:cotcu.

rial t truer \u. 33. i'-'ii 1 II:is' ,ILI', is Rcri'bbv tu:uIc part of the LnccrtingI of the Poli: e ('nnmtis'i„nt'r.

St,crittI ( trip•, No. 33.

The ntlloti'inot tnt•nther of III,• I”, rcc is hcrchv relieved and dismissed front tilt' folic, l orrc and .rrcicd toil jti','' l , n the Dill , , f th Policy' Pii'srirm I'un,l Mitt i; att'ar,lk,l the ill, cmv; pcll'i'Ii :

'I, ,1 take cll'crt 12 nlitluieht, I"cl,ru:u'v 6, 1919: 1'Olroltnttn :\nth'rn• J. Simi Ii, tircond Ilistrict furl Si ttad, Brooklyn, on his otvu

application, at $7tN) per anntun. :\tti iiitet September 14, 1972.

The follmcing tr:ntsft-rs an,] assignntcnls me hereby ordered: To take effect 8 a. iii., February 6, 19(9: 'at rol iii ;fv tastes Mahoney, Thirit-second Precinct, transferred to Twelfth Inspec-

tion I ) net tool assign In duty at Board of Elections, Querns.

To t:thc rifcct ); N. Ill . I,, hrn:try 5', 19(19: 1'atr(lmcn--:\nth„ttV Jultn ''n, Third--ninth Precinct, transferred to Fourteenth

In pectins I)istriet :Intl a; i<.,netl In dut\- in Corporation Counsel's office; Michael I Ic.ticv. from l", ttrtccnth Prc•cirtct to Traffic Precinct B.

'l a take effect 8 p. ii-. 1 ehruary 8, 1909: I 'at rn!mcn—(,e„r}r II. Schutt,, from Two Ilun(lred aitd Seventy-ses'enth Precinct

.0 One Ilundrerl and liftv-fourth Pr' diet t Frederick F. Crane, from One Ilundred anti Pifty f, ,rtrth 1'r civet 1„ Two Ilnn'lred an(] Secenty-seveiitlt Precinct; Patrick Cognins, front -t'I•nth Precinct to Forty-third Precinct; Charles IIodgins, Sixty-ninth Precinct, assit=ned is driver• c,f patrol tcag,1n in precinct.

'I he f ,II',n'ing temporary asoignntcnts are hereby ordered: ln see ton Thoina: J. K -1 Iv, I 'TI cvcnlit lit li etion District, assigned to command

l ificenth III tertian District, in a,l,iition to his own di-trict, flaring ahsence of Inspector John J. O'Rt°cn, 1 ei,ghiccti honr,, Iran 7 p. nt., February 15, 1909,

Licttten:uit'----J'tmrs I I. (;ill, n. O~ie I luntlrcrl and Forty-fourth Precinct, assigned to Central f)ffice Stltrul. ,itit_t- in .Seil ,l of lu,truction, f r tell days, from 8 a. m., ltcl,rtiary 3, 1909; Luis Ti. I I,tul,!, 'I'r;iffic Precinct :1, assiguc,l to connn;lntl precinct, during' alnence of 1.icul~n;iut in ,' ,ff;stivN Jilin II, Ilogary on sick leave, from 7.30 a. ni.. I eL"tr.i,y' .i, 19(19.

I':tirinl.n—A1'illi:un :A. T:tan, 'rss','ntV- eighth Precinct, and hair,V' Ilresnan, 'I'vilftb Precinct. ;t>-i,,nill Io ('cntr;tl Uftice Sr!ttal. front 2 p. Ili., February 6, 1909, anti' 8 p. nl., I" I,rnnr\ ,”. 19110; Alick:tt-1 I Icrcrti-, Twenty--fifth Precinct, assigned to, tlnl_v ;it Pris, It AV ':u',1, ItdIch' i i ,st it;il, during ahscnce of Patrolman George Bank, nit rieie leave. hi'' lit S ;,. iii , I"clu'ti - iry 8, 191)0,

'I lit' f„I1„icing cyt,-n-i IH of tctttprary ;;s..igmi rots arc hereiw ordered: P;Itn , lnu it I )cnis I I. t iIa'i'll, Si>at'~ nth Precinct, to Scc~:l - i Insp, ction 1)i-trict,

(lot,' in plain 'Lulls, for it ,lo',. fr.,nt 8 p. nl., leIirvan .. 1919; William G. Irvin, [•„rtictl: I'rc-•inc!, ;tn, l ('haul,,, IKraushaar, ( Inc I iov'lrt,I' au,l Se',-entieth Precinct, to (ii tr;i] Utfirc Silu;i , l, ,lute in Ito",•su ',f kcictir, 'nil Supplies, for tell tlstvs, from 8 p. nt., Fcbruar~' 6, 1919.


The folluwiug Irnlpur;t]'t t -i,titnent; tu'^ her -i,a tliCo ,nti,ttteil: l';ttr„lnun J„ln S.titl , •n. Sixty- tic Precinct, to Detective l;ttrcan, \l;uthattan,

from I p. nt., I"cl,ruarl (t, 1C)!!9: Tame; (;nn'.ltanin, "l'ra(tic Precinct 11 to Central Offi,-c Sgttt 1, front 8 a. tn., 1 C'krti:n-y fi, 191(1).

'1-he fill f tt ing fncfsker; .,f !Ii' I'„rcr are cxcit-ctl for ci dhtt-cn hours, as intlic,ttc, l mrpccf„r l''hn J. (t'Cri~n, I•iftccntlt hvopcccorm I)istrjet, from 7 p. nt.. I'chrtiary is,

1909, silt Ii prrntis.i„1I t it-:,ic cits-. (haptains—St lcl ',t, r I ). llal,ltcin. 1 r,urtr, n+li Precinct, from 10 a. m., I chrttarc 10,

bolt,, with l,crnli,<i,m I,) lt•t( city: I)„rnal,l (;rant, Sctcntrcn±ll l'rt~cinc! from 4 p. iii, iThl- tv'ri' 12, i9Ilg, ,tint uci'ti,k i ,n I” l:tine 'iti : Cr_,,' C. Lichens, Sixty-cichtli Pre-cinct. I'nmt h ti. iii.. I":hrnarr 9, 1')!1); I•ltt-arcl P. Ilttglics, Unc llttn,lt•e,1 and Sixtv-!hin4 Pro ri,, , ft-Ill S a. n., I”, hrnart' r), 191P~

\ctinq t'al,t;tin J:cpit O'(', ,nn , r, ''milt l m'eeinc!, frf , m 6 p. nt., hchruary 8, 19)19. The fupispg lra,e „f ;ik"dice is hlrchv grantrtl with full pay: ]';ttrr,Int: t, I:nno-s 1. lccnnt, 'I tr„ I luntlrc,f atoll Seventy'-ninth Pnrinct, for three

1:1)5, fit 12rtn,, l"cbrn;lrc:3, 1'tlt0, .I-he fnllnti'ing Icacc•: „f :tlincc tic herelw' granted tcithottt pay: 1.icttt.'rt;nti L;i,!i<lau; ti!r:tn-k,'. (lr,- Ibindr,'l and l,ift~'-f'.urth Precinct, for one

'Ltc, frnrtt 8 a. m., l" l,rnary 0. 19I!9, seidt t,cr;nis.i„n to le Lv tit\'. IwI',I!iutvn ('„rnclitts I). (',saran,' I'tc„ I Ittndre d and ,S.'','ynIy-fifth Precinct, For two)

fi'n's. frill 12 it,, n. I ,i,ru:n'n 4, 101it), is- it'; l~.'rnli~.i,t to ti-ti','' city. I'I,, fl' og a , lt:, n:cnu•nl. t., grades are htrel ,_y or'Icr d: 'I'„ $1,4(u' r;i,l l;int~ar 15, 1')U): 1';itrIIt,o -1„het I. AItnph,, Scc"ill Pr,cinctt John A. M'\eil, Otte tturn'ircd and

Six:t -thine I'll-cinc;.

'I'll $1,41N1 grail', J;owau'c 18, ltl(19: I't tl' ,'nun--\l'li,cl I”. \Ir\;nn:,rt,, "i'hirly'-'istlt l'rr_ittct t \\'illiatrt A. Brazier,

t)nl I luntlrc l ttncl I,t ht '-fnn!II 1'rceroci ; \latths'w 1 I. M Corn:ack, litircctu of FIrc-iric;'l 5, ,net',

I, $1.4111 r;,l l tIIi'arc 211, i't'): I';un,lntcn—I;t re., 11. I iii , r:t!tl, 1 iylt; ,tail Precinct: Charles 'I hill, One IIundred

and Sixtieth l'rc,int t ; Philip \\'altncr, I'r;tffir i'rccittit C. To $1,4tIn grntic : I'r„tnl It-1);uiri 1. \lcl<a;tr, - l'hi ninth T'recinct, January 29, 1909; Patrick

J. AM(;'atlt.•lrt!Iic I'rteit;ct It, Isn'tai' 'S 1009. 'I'„ i.hS!' ,,t'aIte, Jam't rs' ?l, 1')11)- l';ttrulntrti---l;tim•s W. 111trrac, Sc—Ill Precinct : \lurtin E. Pyrites. 'I,",e,litt'- isth

l'roilc!: Charles Il. ('I,rIc. F rlc tlt:r,l l'recin,t: Alpert C. \loller, Sixty-third Prc-cinct: lame, Y;titnyv,,'Il'a'fic fr'eitot I).

To $1.1 'It ,.r:ulr :

rids vI'rrf,Ltt.r. S1\ih l'itc'm', ;111 -11'c 10, 1')Il!t; Patrick I". ,\h.'arn, Orr Ilun,lnil 111,1 I iity->ctt-n!lt Tr'''ivet. (anita ,'t (1 )0,"): \\ - il!i'un R. l)ickrvdorf, Bureau „ f IUrc!ricttl ti,rcicc, Jann:lry 2),, I')Ilt): 1:nnc.5 T. A]c(•„url, I:igltts-first Precinct, I;ntuary 27. 19(19.

I•n $1,1)(10 (irade—l',tr. ,lnttut parr•,- A. Ishertt'oo;l, Twelfth Precinct, December 12, 1908.

Transfer rcvl:rl: '1'!, t- 'rtnsfer ,,i i't tr„loran T''hn II. l )iivc,, - l • wcntv-Iirat Precinct. to Traffic Pre-

inrt l.. itt Slrrial ( trill r N,?. 31, ctii'r,nt >cril's. par;fat;tpb 3, is licrehy revoked.. I'lt I ll,nring tr11,cial Pain M i It ;ltd b,•rt•t;y ap!,00inied 'I tttl:c ,'(feet l't•l,rttary 5, 1Q(!'): l':,lt',ar,i J. h ati t', 7..v gu t' n It In iolci snit 11111r; ]la owl. fir lntcrhori-u,zh Rapid

I'ra,t ,it (•,ml;,:lot, No,. 1,1 I',trl: r„r,. \la 1 ttitt;ui; \\'i!li-tnt A. I)atrkins. ITtltcard, W. ( Ix. nf,'r 1, 1„1111 l';t httn, l :,l,nu,1 \\ right. 1'at,ocrc 1. Ct-sicI1 ;hill I'hmas \lormt, for file Net',- \ „r!c 'fetutt ( )urcr-' \-s, ciali,'rn, No .377 liroa, ltcuy. \I -' thattctn.

I h resi sai„,t „ i ili, ,, ,1!, ttin Stretal Pt irolmnn is iti-rely acccpicd and he is i'eto uI ,,11111'1 to tats- t'ffeel ;t: of , It t,' Illtl :c;lll'll :

-,pries-, 5. 1')IM)—Item} N. Il~ , ught„n. for Plush - terminal Cnntpanr, fo,-,t of rte Ihird -trc t, Its ,- klvn.

'Iii' rr,ignati„n ,,i tilt' f"11„tt-ing SI„ cittl l';ttrolinan is ilrrcIy wcepted It,~nlinirlc (;ani;u~~ ~nt!J~nC,I by polsc:11(1 .A. !till, font ,tf North Ninth street,

Itr „k! II.

1 111:t 1 .A. It]N(',! \t, Police Cummis'ioner.

February 8, 1909.

Iflie poll , tciii I,r rc,,lir.;;. ,err • tlii ,lay directed h,, the Police C tnttttissioncr: 'I

The ill, tcitlg hid, were this tl;t}' opened and read for furnishing and delivering

seventy tits 1 75 ) horses fur the muuntc 1, patrol wagon and, carriage service and referred to the Chief Clerk for report Firs, Duerr & ('annul I horse Company, No. 153 last Ttt-cnty-fourth Street-

1(t hurry's for patrol',v;tgon service. $310 per hot-se ...................... $3,101) OO bonus for carriage "ens-icy', $31(1 per horse ...................... 1.550 00

;)t) bur>r, I'm' Iii note l lcrt iir. $3111 per ............ ............ 18,600 (Al

$23,250 00

iuhn Ihmuhur, Nos. 412 to 422 I:aa Scccntc 111th Street--- 1)) horses for pau-„1 w-igon service, $340 tier horse ...................... $3,400 (Xi 5 horses for cart service, $4511 per horse .......... . ............... 2,251) 00

(A) horses for tiowvted sct-ticc. $341) per horse ......................... 20.400 00

$26,050 00

I aving irwestit;-;ttcll tilt' financial condition of Caroline Reinisch, and as a result of such investigation anti from the evidence n%%- before tile, being of the opinion


that the said Gtrulinc I eitii~ch d, es ii need for her support the pension heretuforc granted to her; .

Nov, therefore, under atithority vested in the by sectin 356 of the Greater Ncty York Charter, it is

Ordered, That the pension heretofore granted to Caroline 1cinisch on ur about the 5th day of February, 190_, be and the same is hereby revoked as of the 31st day of January, 1908.

Ordered To Be Paid, Contingencies, 1909 .................................................... $748 53


Application of H. A. Mackrow and others, Brooklyn Manor, Woodhaven, L. I., for appointment of Berkley Sprague as Special Patrolman.

Special Order No. 34, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings of the Police Commissioner.

Special Order No. 34. The following transfers are hereby ordered: To take effect S a. nt., February 8, 1909: Patrolman James Baldwin, Fourteenth Inspection 1)istrict, rernaude i from duty at

Corporation Counsel's office and transferred to Twenty-ninth Precinct. To take effect 8 a. iii., February 9, 1909: Patrolman Thomas A. McKay, from Eighth Precinct to Traffic Precinct A. Doorman William Batnnker, from One Hundred and Sixty-third Precinct to

Thirty-sixth Precinct.

The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: Inspector George F. Titus, Tenth Inspection District, assigned to command

Twelfth Inspection District, in addition to his ow'n district, duringr absence of Inspector Dennis Sweeney, for eighteen hours, from 12 noon, 1'cbruary 15, 1909.

Lie Lit enants—Ldw'ard ]turns, Traffic Precinct L', assigned to command precinct during absence of _Acting Captain Martin 1). Corbett nn sick leave, front 8 a. m. February 6, 1909; Daniel Dal-, 't- vemity-ninth Precinct, a~signcd to command precinct during absence of Captain Julio J. Lantry on sick leave, front 8 a. tn., February 6, 1909.

Sergeant Edward \L Enwright, Seventy-fourth Precinct, assigne(] to 1)etective IBureau. AIanhanau, for clerical duty in Record Room, for thirty days, from 8 a. m., l cbruary 8, 1909.

Patrolmen—l)aeid \1cClmut, One Ifttndred :uirl Forty-seventh Precinct, :issigned to Central Office SOIllad, clut *v at School r,f lnstructinn, for clerical clttly, from 12 neon. February 6, 191)9: _1ll,crt I. NIcl),tnald. One Ilnudre'rl and l ,arty-~rtcnth 1'rcrinct, :tnd James I-'muss. 1ltirty-sixth Precinct, ainncrl to I~ifllt Iiipec;i n: I>iSlrlot, ditty in plain clothes, from 8 p. tn., Fchruary 9, 191)9; Samuel C ln'islian, Our I ittn~lrcil :utd forty-ninth T'rccincl. :turf Ilernian C. St:rpf, One llunrlrcrl and Forty-tbircl Precinct, assigned to T.ighth impcctiOn District, dilly in ]thin clothes. for ten clay's, fl"m 8 p. m.. 1 ebrttary 6, 191)9; James C. AV'bile. "I'wclft1i Precinct, assigned to District .Attornev's office, New 1-ork Counts, fur fits clay's, from 11.30 a. m., Fehruary 6, 1909-

The following extensions of teminpo~rm' a';it.tnuicnts are hcrcbv ordered: Patr~,lmcn— Fr:ink J. Pnnrquc, (inc 1lundred and Fifty-third Precinct, to Central

Office Squad, duty in Bookkeeper's Office, for thirty clays, frrnn 8 a. nt., Fchruary 7, 1909; Timothy J. Cr(nin. Second Precinct, to Traffic Precinct A. for ten day's, from $ a. m., l ebrnary 7, 19(19; James F. Ncrrigan, One I lumnired and Sixty-third Precinct, to, clerical duty in precinct, for lice rl:tvs, from R ;t. m., Fchruatt 8, 19119.

1- he following temporary assignments are hcmbc rli,conlinucl: Sergeant Francis A. St;tinknntn. 'Iliirty-sixth Precinct, t„ 1ctective I;ttreau, ?Ilan-

ltattan, from ti a. m., Jrebruars 7, 191)9. Palrolmern—I)virl McClmm, (tile Hundred and Furry--sctcrn)h Precinct, to Central

Office Squad, from 8 a. nt., February 9, 19119: Abraham Newmann, "I- raffic Precinct A, to Detective Bureau, AI:nthattau, from S a. in., Fchruary 8, 19119,

The temporary assiurnmcuts to the School of Tnslrtution, of the f,illvu'ing Patrol-lumen, will be discontinttc d at 8 p. m.. February 13, 1909:

Janmos Kcllt'. 'I'wenry-first Precinct ; Jhn II. Larkin, Thirty-fifth Precinct ; Frank J. Nc•idhainer, Fifteenth Precinct; Jame, 1I. Parker, 'l wemmty-scoonri Precinct; Joseph Schltipf, One Iinundred and Sixty-second Precinct; Lc Roy Lan don, Otic Tlnndreel and l arty'-ninth 1'rccinct ; I{clw:trcl M. T.eavcv. 7 wenty first Precinct; Joseph V. O'Rourke, One Bnmuulremi :mid 1"ifty-ninth Precinct; Aiigtt~t I'oppinger, One 1Tnndred and Si.t t•-fourth Precinct : Erwin C. Schmidt, One l lsnrtrel and Forty-fifth Precinct Jnmes 'l'. Rohichaud, One Ilnndred and Forty-ninth Precinct; John T. Conroy, Second Precinct.

'lime f1~llowing members of the Force are excused for c•ighteeu hours, as indicated: Inspector Dennis Sweeney, Twelfth Ini,pection District, front 12 noun, February

15, 1909, Captains—C,)rnclins G. haves, ''inctcenth Precinct, from 12 noon. Fehrnnry 10,

]c'09; John O'l;ricn, '1- wenty-third Precinct, from 5 tr, ni.. Felirtrary 8. 19119• Junes II. Post, Sixty-tint Precinct, from 7 1,. ni., I''chruart• 11, 191)9, with permiion In leave City; Iloratio A. 1-011ng. Emglmtc-fir>t Precinct, from S a. nt., Pe•brnary 10, 1969; William J. Lahey. One Ifnn(irecl and Forty-liftlt Precinct, from 10 a. m., February 9. 1909, with permission to leave City; :Michael I)e ancy, One Hundred and Setentieth Precinct, from 3 p. m., February 12, 1909.

The following leaves of absence are hereby granted with fall ';u Lieutenant Edward P. Stringer, Detective P,ureatt, -ll;tnh:rlt:tn, for three days,

from 12.01 p. m., February 7, 1909. tlonntc1 Patrolman Curnclius I). Bradley, One Iittndrecl and I"orty-third Precinct,

for one day, from 12.01 a. in., February 5, 1909.

'file following (caves of absence are herehv granted with half pay: Lieutenants—Andrew 1)cvery, Second Precinct, for one-half day, from 8 p. m.,

February 7, 191)9; 10dw:rrd J. Gallagher, One 11undred and Fourth Precinct, for one-half clay, from 12 noun, February 7, 1909.

The following advancements to grades are hereby ordered:


To $1,250 Grade—John A. %TcCarthy, 'J'wcnty-second Precinct, I"ehruary 3, 1909. To $1,150 Grade, February 1, 1909—James A. Green, One hundred and Sixty

fourth Precinct; Victor L. Chev'rc•tt, Two ]hundred and Seventy-fottrtlt Precinct; Ralph G. llunham, TWO hundred and Seventy-sixth Precinct; James H. Redmond, 'Iwo Ilundre''] and Sc yen ty-eig lit h 1'recinct; John I'. Copeland, Central Office.

'1 u $1,251) Grade, February 2, 19(19—Charles R. l"etscher, Sec,,nd Precinct; Edward S. l'icpenl,ring, Second Precinct; William J. Burke, Sixth Precinct ; t high 11. Brady, Seventh Precinct; Daniel J. Foley, Seventh i'recinct; John 1). Murphy, Eighth Pre-cinct; Philip Brass, Youth Precinct; Juhn Loye, Eighteenth Precinct; James J. Cunt-ruings, Twenty-first Precinct; Samuel W. Noble, 'l wcnty-second Precinct; James II. Kearns, 'Twenty-eighth Precinct; Julln 1'. Sliutghucs,y, Twenty-ninth Precinct; Jere-ntiah I). Riordan, Thirty-second Precinct; Cornelins Niuuane, 'Thirty-second Precinct; James J. Donovan, '1-hirty-fifth Precinct; Robert R. I1_ Knutze, 'thirty-sixth Precinct; Arthur E. Mueller, Forty-third Precinct ; John J. (oigley, One l funrlred and Forty-sixth Precinct ; George J. Lackner, One I f undred and I"orty-sixth Precinct ; Joseph P. Larkin, One TIttndred and Forty-eighth Precinct; Warren Charles, One I1resdreu1 ante] l"iftv-third Precinct; John lichring, One Iltmdred and Fifty-eighth Precinct; "fhomas Kelly, One ]hundred and I 0fty-eighth Precinct; George Macl)nn:tlml, On,. Hundred and Seventy-second Precinct: William 11. ILarold, Two 1hundred anal Seventy-liflh Precinct; William D. 1. Waters. Third District; Louis J. Lafferty, Sixth District ; 11'utter 11. Robertson, Eighth I)istrict ; Peter J. McKillop, I omirtecuth District ; George W. Drum, Detective Bnre;tu, Brooklyn; Charles C. Strauc'h, 1)etec-live Bureau, Manhattan; William J. Enright. Central Office; George J. Whitney, Traffic Precinct A; Daniel J. McKeon, Traffic Precinct C.

The following an>endmcnts are hereby ordered: Special Order No. 32, c. s., paragraph 1, to read: " H ummnted Patrolman Albert

Levine, Sixty-third Precinct, dismounted, and transfered to Thirty-sixth Precinct." Special Order No. 17, c. s., paragraph 9, to read: "Mnwrtcd Patrolman Charles

V. Stevens, One Ifundred and Seventy-second Precinct, for eighteen and one-half days, from 2.15 p. m., November 14, 1908, instead of four and one-half days, from January 6, 1909."

Spcci;tl Ortier Nn. 17, c. s., paragraph 9, to read : "Patrolman Arthur A. Robin n, Jr., 7'wu 1huudrnt amid Seventy-fourth Precinct, for four and one-half days, from

11.2)1 a. nt., Jann:u-y (,, 19119, inslc:tul of eighteen and one-half days, from November 14, 19115."

'lime resignations of the following Special Patrolmen arc hereby accepted: Frederick W. Eden, employed l,y Gulhaut Theatre, Alabama avenue and Fulton

~trect, Brooklyn; Sam O'Brien, employed by Frank Rogozienski, No. 42 Grand street, llrooklyn.

TIIFO. A. BINGHAM, Police Commissioner,


Sanitary Company (Boiler Squad), Z February 8, 1909. j

To the Police Comntisioncr: Sir—In compliance with orders relative to engineers' certificates issued by me

under section 312 of chapier 410 of the Laws of 1882 as amended, the following report will show the nantcs of the persons to whom licenses were issued, class of license and location for the same, during the twenty-four hours ending 12 midnight, February 6, 1909:

First Class.

Robert IL Tilson, St. Johns Park; Ilenry Bursiug, No. 408 East One Ilundred and I"ifth street ; Peter Muller, Cypress :nvennc•. Ridgewood; Nelson II. Creighton, Il'anover street, L'crlin; Chas. l"riernutth, No. 239 1'trl:rski street, L'rooklyn; W. F. Van horn, No. 424 East Sixty-fifth street; Ernest Meyer, No. 17 Bridge street.

Second Class. IIttgh Milligan, No. 846 Broadway; James McCullough, I"ordham; S. M. Bacon,

No. 30 llridge street, llruoklcn; Geo. Keifer, No. 321 1Snslnvick avenue, Brooklyn; Oscar Mauborgnc, No. 403 East One hundred and Eighth street; John E. Rooke, No. 73 Ahcserole' avenue, Iltookhvn; Thos. Doherty, No. 641 East Two Ifundred and Twellt -first street.

Third Class. Joins (',e'h,nmmcr, No. 500 \ladison avenue; Rudolph Weis, No. 38 West Twenty-first

street; S. W. I)ykm:tn, No. 11 io,aclw'av; John Gosenbttrgcr, No. 1509 Second avenue; 'I'. J. (.)'Ccmnor, Lexin.gtun ave'nue'; AI. 11. Rottman, No. 514 West Forty-sixth street; G. II. Sullivan, font 'Twenty'-sixth street; ]rank Bolster, Nu. 5 1Inhert street; P. J. Winuecker, Cauu,,u and Delancey streets; AVut. Donlon, No. 181 Union street, Brook-lyn; Michael Ayers, runt North I?Ieventh street, ]Iroolclyn; A. R. Nelson, No. I1 Met-m'm Imolilami :n'cnuc, Itrim klvn; I Icury Lerch, No. 5(12 Kent avenue'; James Brady, No. 143 liberty street; 1re'njanmiu llorrisnn, foot East l"ifty-sixth street.

Respect fully, HENRY BREEN, Lieutenant in Command.


Sanitary Company (];oiler Scluad), No. 3(X) Mullicrry Street, New York, February 9, 1909.

'I' - the Police Comutissi1,ncr: Sir—]n compliance with orders relative to engineers' certificates is>tied by mime

unmlcr section 312 of chapter 110 of the Law's of 1882 as ;upended, the following report trill nliuvc the sautes if the locrw,ns to w'Bont ficcn>cs were issued, class of license and location fir the stntc, during time' twenty-four hours ending 12 midnight, February

Pint ('lass. l:clwarrl Jirtickcrhuckc-r, Nu. S).)II 1larli.,on at'cuuc; Philip Steinhauser, Nu. 356

\V'c'st ()mue llunmlrc-d :ukl burry-fifth street; Robert White, No. 313 Greenwich street; (;r,, A. Diacl:, Ni. (r Crnirt street, Brooklyn; Martin Kramer, No. 110 Nassau street.

Second Class, I"r;tnk 111m g, N. 53 street, Ibroolclyn; John Ilayde, foot of Blackwell

emrcct, Long Island City; ('lees. J, ll:tllberg, Nu. 13 Lawrence street, hlushing; James Ilansc, No. 10 \Vest Twenty-fotn'th street; Chas. G. Sch:uth, No. 520 West Twentieth t net.

Third Class. illirhacl O'Ilricn, foot of J'iftv-sccr,nd street, Brooklyn; James McNeil, foot of

Irir>t street, l.cmg I'.I:tnd Cil'v; Chats, Iloeg, Satter and ShctIicicl avenues, 13rnoklyn; lilt. 'I'. L'r:nlbic, A,,. 537 I•.igblccutlt street, I;rouklvn; J'.uhw'. AlcClury, No. 9 Van Itrunt street, L'ruuklyn; OIe Jmlntson, Atills and l"r:tnklin sheets, Astoria; Peter Darcy, \u. '011 I)i:nnumml street, Jtruoklyn; Thus. A. \lagrath, It'arlent River and Seventh '.cnnc; llenry Pcemnhltr, N(,. 2 Irving place; James Graham, No. 42 East Fourteenth

street; I'ratil: Wright, No. 4242 Park avcuuc; John J. Darby, No. 409 East Forty-,cvctrth street ; Cltns. J. IIriwri, No. 17 Battery place; John R. Campbell, No. 346 1Vcst Set'cmmlc-c'n1hm street; John J. ]look, foot of West Ninety-sixth street; Michael J. 11'c noun, No. 450 West 'I hirty'-fnnrth street; Dennis F. Dooley, foot of East J?igltt~--thinl street; Arthur J. L,unnthc, No. 30 'Ihumas street; John F. IIcichel, No. 117 H1ldocon street; \1'nt. 11. I•:hler,, Ni. 79 Tompkins street; Walter' Alontgonicry, No. 25 \Villiaut street; A\'illi;un Mutt, Nu. 66 Jiroadway; Michael J. Kenney, No. 1202 I;r:trlway; (.tw'cn 1)ulaud, Nu. 2 \Vest 'J'hirty-fourth street; John A. Wright. South 'emu'cct and Lung I,I:unl Railrn:ul, Long Island City; (ntstav Janssen, No. 89 Main trccl, 1"hutshisg; Co. R. (;:cgs, 1lrytle avenue and Manhattan Railway Crossing

Special. 'I homuns A. Darling, City Island; Chas. A. Barnes, No. 173 Franklin street.


III':NRY BREEN, J,icutmnmml in Command.


February 17, 1909.

Ilcrewilh is transmitted fur publication in the CI'T'Y RECORD a list of deaths, re-tircrncnls, etc., from February S to 13, 1909:

February 9. I)isntisem'cl the Force—l'ateohniau Alax A. (;rce•mme'L:mnt, "I\vctnty-ninth Precinct-

(~It:trgc: V,nlalirm of rules.

February 10. Retired-- Chief Inspector Muses W. C'ortrigltt, Police I Ieadquarters. Appointed

J;tnn:n•y 17, 18(m7. I)ismis,ccl the I"urcc- I':tlrulrn:in Joseph L. 1\ ► oran, One Ilmmnmtcd and Forty-

;cvvrnth Precinct__ ('harges: Ncglcct of duty; cammdoct osbeeouminn; an )officer; t i„I:t- lion r,i rulr~.

I)r'atb Ilcl,orlecl---Tmmltu]nnan John C. Morbaelm, 't'wcnty-ninth Precinct, at 10.15 ;t. n>., I'rimm:n'y 9, 19(19.

l'ebrnary 13. 1)i,inisscrl the Puree-1'atrohnan George F. hunt, Twenty-second Precinct-

Charyi' : Neglccl of ditty; disobedience of order's; absent without leave. Patrolman Percy F. Simons, Sixteenth J'recinct--Charges: Neglect of ditty; violation of roles; fr•ignutg illness.

Death Reimnnicrl-- I'atrolinan Patrick J. Foley, Traffic Precinct A, at 9 p. ni, heh-ruary 11, 1909.

WM. F, BAKER, Acting Police Couunissioner.


DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. \Varraim Regi-tered for Payment.-

\ppiI11Iatiot1 \ cc ink, ';\" \Varr:tiit' ...... ...................... .... $3,(M)l,29 04

Special iiiil 'litit .\ccuitnt, ''It'' \Variant' ............................ 3,469,222 33 Abstract of transactions of the I)cpartiiiciit of l'iiiallcc ho' the week ending

January 2, 1909: 'l ml .................................................... $6,470,511 37

Deposited ill the City 'l'rcasiiry. I Boll("

To the credit of the City Treasury ....... ............................. . $4,486.29 94 Ilirce :tul1111e('-fourtIls per cent. HoinI .............................. $50.(fl) ()

To the credit of the Sinking 1'lili(lS .............................................. ''our icr cent. hiOliLl .................................................. 38I,5() 1$)

Total .................................................... $4,873,069 92 Total .................................................... $431,500 00

Summary Statement of the Bonded Indebtedness of The City of New York on December 31, sc8, as /t',"ee,'ded in the Books of the Department of Finance.


OUTS F ANI)IN(L ISSUFI,, REOEEMEI). I iIL.INKi:(, OursTANi)I; I)rci:SIsILR 31, 1907. 1)F .31: 1908.


A.-FiNiILI, 1)I7 1LT OF Tiiii City or Ni:w YORK, AS NOW C"N'Li rerUn, lstEi, St'}iSiO2iiNi FO JSNuSRr i, 1898. I

(i) Payable from the S inking Fund of The City of New York, under the provisions of section 2o6ofth( i reater i 3757o2,26' S4 $57.730,579 20 .............. $('6,608,477 42 $433,432,842 04

( 2) Payable from the Water Sinking Fund of 't'he C ity of New York, under the provisions of section ro, article i I ii, of the Constitution of the State of New Vork. and section 208 of the (reater New fork Charter, as 52,208,163 00 1 i,687,780 oo .,,..,.,,.,,. 12.364,843 oo 63,895,943 oo amended .............................................................................................. I I

(3) 1LYSbIeryU the provisions i f th Greater Ness York Charter as amended by chapter to

1 t,'ocstLTider 4 2)0 14 00 68-750 ,000 00

(4) Payable from Assessments .................................. . ................ ......... ....................... 24,948,132 65 L 922500 00 $500,000 00 8,915012 65 28,370,632 65 (5) Payable fioiii Taxation ................................................................................. ..... g,300,000 00 S,36S,000 oo . 25,000 00 $,991,990 00

11,-Fi aii.i ItlILT UI- 'l'iie Ciiv or Ninv \'ORK. AS CONSTITUTED PRIOR lo i, i&S, ISSLin' PRil>i( To t'Ai1 DATE.

Boroughsof SfaeIiatf,,i anti The Bronx, City of Viu l'a,'k.

(I) Payable from the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt (1st Lien). under I I rdinances of the f ' 000 00 CommonCouncil...................................................................................... (2) l'ayal)le fioni the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt (zd Lien), under thu provisions of f

' 9o00.000 00

,''.,.''. .............. ( ( , ). 400 00

''.''''''''.'' 2,935,500 00

Sect 213 of the ( reater New fork Charter, as ariiended ..................... ....................... t I

(3) Payable from ttie Sinking Fund for the Redeie1,tioii of the City Debt, tinder the provisions of section 229 I - ()9.82-3,310 4 ,,,,,,,.,,.,., - ,,320.468 49 - . 3,767,62 9 94,50254' 96 of the tileatci New York Charter, as anicieted.........................................................

(4) I a ablefiotuthe ",inkini,l und for the Redemption ri f the City Debt, under the provisions of section 1 of I 9,823,100 00 4 736 00 00 9,823,100 00 (5) Payable from the Sinking Fund for the Ifedeniption of the City Debt, No. 2, under the provisions of the

tI,nstitIItioILal AilleTidment adopted November 4, 1884, and of section io, article S. of the Constitution ' 12,955,000 00 .,,,,,...,,,,. 55,Oao 00 6,468,000 00 12,000,000 00 of the State of New York ..................... . ........................................................ )

(6) Payable from taxation ...................................................................................... ,t88,7'9 32 ,,,,,,,... I 346,00! 72 409,80 00 2,242,717 6o 160,536 ii ,,,,,......,., ............... 160,t36 21 160,536 21 (7) t'LyLIIJie from


County ef Veo Ve.k,

(8) Payable from Taxation ........................................................................................ 8,699,000 CO ............. ,,.,,,,,,. .............. 8,,000 00 C.--I"INlI}:i, tilLers IF (uCI'ulo\IIoNs IN fill: Bi,ltoUI;ll OF jiRO()I.\N, 1Nci.UIIN; Kis,Ls Cousiv,

IssLEI, PRIOR III JANUARY 1, iSyt (ix ri'rINo *300,000 )i B,sus OF 'fovx OF (i.vLsiNI, ls,II, IN I898


Cily ol. /irwkiyn /fldiIdiflg Anmxed Snon.

(I) Payable frIlol the Sinking Fund of the City f Brooklyn, under the provisions of chapter 488 of the I,aws I .............. ,69 .000 00 ,f 1860 and amendments thereof.......................................................................f

(2) Payable froiii t hI.' :irlkiIIg 111101 1 thC C it y of Bro kI ye, under the j,rIIvisiIIs of chapter 72 of the I aws ' 00 , S50,000

•! . - I0,O0O 00 S,o,000 00 of iSito, and chapter 44' of the I,iws of ISSI I

Tund Brooklyn, the 648 the Laws '''''''''' ,

(3) I'ayabiefroiii the Sinking of the City of ender provisions of chapter of p 41 .,,.,,,.,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,, T,208,500 . 6,983,567 41 of (4) I 't5 11)11 11(1111 ttle W Itcr SIllkIIl, I and of. the City (If Itr(( kIIl uIukr the i)(( LSR 0 f chatter 396 of the 76 10,776,749 '''''''' 500,000 00 94 1 ,j94 76 10.2,-6,749 76 I .an S ((1 I89, and acts amendatory thereof and 511 l(pIeIul'ntary thereto

'I (5) t ayable from axation ........................................................................................ 21,,S, ,6S 00 ,,,,,,,,.,,,,. 619,56S 00 3,390,000 00 20,968,000 00 (6) Payable from Assessments .............................................................................. ...... 5.31 8,000 00 .,..,,...,.... 155,000 00 . 504,000 00 5.132,000 00

County of A(lA'(,

(7) Payable from Taxation ........................................................................................ 8,554,000 00 ,,,,,,,,,.. 410,000 00 .............. S,r3,000 oo I).--F(Ni'JLI( Dellis of CORI'ol(ArIoNs IN 1 IM 1i(11I


((I fill-' 1)1111 ((F lIlIC COuNFv ('I Q1I.:ENM IMPOSED ('ION 1,11: CIIS (fl. NIs \((I(K, ISSUE

1) l'eI,,R rI) J\N(RV I, IS98. L

Co,j$oratio,is o1hir than ()u,'ens County,

(I) Payable from the Sinking Fund of Long Island City for the Redemption of Revenue Bonds. under tile 77 00 provisions ( (f chapter 782 if the Laws ((f 189'. ............................................................ .. , .'..''',.'''.' '''''''''''' I 7000 00

( 2) Payable from the -,inking Fund (If Long I 'lalId' C it y for the Redemption of Fire re Bonds, under the pro- 35,000 ,,.,,,,, .. , ,,,,,.,. ,.,, 35,000 00 'IO(lS Of chapter 122 Of tIIC laws of 18q4 ............................. ................................I

(3) Payable from the inking Fund of Long Island City for the ltedenlptil,Il of Water Bonds, under the pro- I ,. 10 1900000 19,000 ' ((S n of section is article h f the Constitution ( of 'state of New rk (4 Payable I ronl \\atei I<eVeIl(lC................................ ....................... .................... ,.. 4.3,00 00

5,790,000 00 11.500 00

203,85C 00 420,500 00

(y I'ayable from Taxatiol( ....................................................................................... 781,164 5)

,,,,,,,,,,..., 00

5,505 1'0 00 - (6 l;iyai,le from ,\S5€'S'iIlIelIt', ................................................................................... .,,,.,.,...., 45,500 3,000 00 735.64 59

County 'f Queens.

If e City New Anlount to be n 'Sh of \ork. by 7) Payable from Taxation ...................... ...

e .. ....... .... ....... ........... ....................... ........ 3,551,27() ((4 ,.,,,,....... 7.895 24 ,,,,,,,.,,,, 3,543.384 40

E-FUNJOEII i)ElilS IOU CIIuI')e.vLIoNs IN 11111 lillellulLIl Of' RICIISIONI(, TNII.IIIINO g11 lIM(INI) ClIuNrv, 1551.50 l'RIOR II) JAN(.'IR I, 1898.

('orporalions other than A'ich,noed County.

(i) Payable from Taxation .................................................................................... ... 993,411 18 .......... 25,546 71 : ,,,•,,,.,,,, 967,S6, 47

County of Rk/irnoud. I (2) Payable from Taxation .......................................................................................... 1 ,363,000 00 40,000 00 .............. I,323,000 00

Total Funded Debt .................... .......................................................... $735,014,965 05 $96,832,849 20 523,4 1 3,830 16 8210,421.340 02 $S08,433,9S4 09 II.

TEMPOICARI' DRill'. Issued in Anticipation of Taxes of 1902 ............................................................................. 100,000 so 100,000 00 Issued in Anticipation of Taxes of 1903 ........................................................................... 5,000,000 00 4.990.000 00 ..,,...,...,.. 10,000 00 Issued in Anticipation of Taxes of 1904 .......................................................... ................ I 000,000 00 u3,289,000 I 001

2,470,000 00 I 465,000 00) 1 3,724,000 00 f .......,,,,,.,,2, 1 570,000 00

Issued in Anticipation of Taxes (f 1905 .............. .......... .......... ...... .................................. . .7,000,000 00

00 7,400,00000 5,10,000 00

7,000,000 00 00 5,387,210

7,400,000 00 Issued in Anticipation of Taxes of 1906 ............ .......... ......... ....... .......... ........................ Issued in Anticipation of Taxes of 1907 ...................................................... ......... ...........

9,397,210 31,148,526 91 00 {

'' 9,160,002 00 13,625,000 00

Issued ill Antici lation of Taxes of 1908 ..........................................................................


2,25,o00 110,266,' 00 00 69,024,400 00 ....,..,.,. 41,241,600 00

'l'otal Bonded I)ebt .............................................................. ...............



$788,661 001 97 $218,497,849 20 $134,718,267 o3 $210,421,340 02 $882,440,584 09

Transferred from Revenue Bonds of 1907. 1 Transferred to Revenue Bonds of 1904.

St' MM AR V.

Total (;rossFunded Debt ................................................................... 80S,433,i)$4 09

Less Amounts held by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund :

For Account of the Sinking Fund of The City of New \ork ................... $23,772,170 22 For Account of the Water Sinking Fund of The City of New York ...........For Account of the Sinking Fund for the Redemption Of the City Debt, No. 1.

6,622,881 28 1 57,135,916 31

For Account of the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt, NO. 2. For of the of the if .....................

8,445,22; 21

Account Sinking Fund City Brooklyn For Account of the Water Sulking Fund of the City of Brooklyn

11,134.259 36 3,022,887 64 ..,,,,,..,...

For Account of the Sinking Fund of Long Island City, for the Redemption of Revenue Bonds ............................................................ 58,000 00

For Account of the Sinking Fund of Long Island City, for the Redemption of WaterBonds ...................................... ...................... . 11,000 00

For Account of the Sinking Fund of Long Island City for the Redemption of Fire Bonds......................................... ........................ iô,000 00

210,421,340 02

Net Funded Debt............................................................ $598,012,644 07 Temporary Debt (Revenue Bonds issued in Anticipation of Taxes) . ........................ 74,006,600 00

Net Bonded Debt ................................................ ............ 672,ol9,244 07

Claims Filed,

Date Filed. Claimant. Amount. Nature of Claim. Attorney.


1 )rc. 28 Rena I;race I[ellry......... ...... .\.tail for I)anlage Parcel N. 2, in the matter of acquiring title to I".11)-seventh street, from l-;ight- (-r nth at'cuue to 4 racesend ave- nue, lirookl_yn ..................

Albert A. IInwcll. I)rc. 28 Janlr, (;at'ao, a,lmini,trat,,i $15,1101) 110 Death of Jam,'; Gavan, Jr., front in-

Ii ties sustained June 28, 1908, by falling through a hole in win,- screen at the Iup of retaining wall

1 it the extei,-,ion of East Sixty-fifth >trcct, \L-u,hattan ...............

Dudley R. Burton. I)ec, 18 I.aac C. ()Frlrn .......... 41)7 (f. Refund of as sessnlent on Property

N'. _'37 East Seventy-seventh street In connection with a public sale of September 16, 1978, subsequently declared void ..................

Charles I)e I fart Brower

I i-c. 29 l-:lizabrlh lim'ggraf ....... 22 flfl I la,nages In suit and coat, !)eccmbrr - "1/, 191)8, in comfort station at the

Vta,,hattan cud of the Brooklyn Itrillge by reason of the uncleanness „f said station ..................

Dee. 29 Komeral (inttenmerger .... 3,000 00 Damages to lands at Central 1'ark, L. I., by the operation of pumping stations and infiltration systemii....

Stephen M. Ilove. Dec, 29 William lfaas ............ 25,000 00 1lamages to lands at Central ('ark,

1,. 1., by theoperation of puttying stations and infiltration systenl..

Stephen M. (love. Dec. 2') .\i or)' Lange .............. 5,000 00 1 lain ag

s1 totL(Wds 'cutr l Par, ati station, oil infilflation system ....

Stephen 21.11uyr. Ilec. ') John 11. Scanlan.......... 4,000 00 I)antagc, to lands at Central Park,

1'. 1., by the operation of ptunping station; and infiltration system....

Stephen \I.Iloye. I lee, "I Edwin E. Whaley ........ 4,000 (10 Damages to lands at I'mi teal Park,

1.. I., by the operation of pumping stations and infiltration system....

M. It /yr Dec. 29 Edwin F. Whaley........ 1(1,000 00 Dainaltes to lands at Central Park,

I.. i„ by the operation of pumping stations and infiltration system....

Stephen M. Iloye.


Suits, Orders of Court, Judgments, etc.

Court. Title of .\ction. .\Innll ❑ t. Subject Matter. Attorney.

Supreme, Owrens.... Lathrop street, Queens.. ...... l'ertitled copy or order, entered De.

rein her It 1908, directing payment

of arrard to Elizabeth V. Ileid et :II

. ..............................

Supreme, .N.1,Co.. ColliusIron Works

against The City of New York and another ...... (9'Y of summons and contl,laint.....

Mellen & VWoodbridge. Supreme, N. V. Cu.. ;a ii Ilantilton against

The City of New York and another ..........

...... l'„f,c ..t .ummnu. an4 complaint..... Spencer, Ordway and another.

Municipal, Manhattan Alexander 1', McArthur

and another .......... $;R 41 'Transcript (If judgment, entered I)e- icmher 15, I'IIlR .................

('harlrs trankel. :supreme, N. V. Co. , Morris lark, adnti,tis-

trator ................ 1,400 OU '1rau,cript of judgment, entered De- rcmhcr 8, 19118 ..................

Steckler & Levi. Sul nrenle, N. V. Co. , \\'m. Bradley & Son.... ...... l'upy of answer of Charles J. Taglie-

hne AInnufactoring Company.,... Niles & Johnson.

General Sci,in,.... People of State of Neu

York against Guiseppe .\gncllu .............. ...... l'upy of affidavit, certificate allow-

ing I. J. McManus and another $700 compensation, etc ..........

T. J. McManus and another. Supremc. X. V. (o.. L( Scllle;inger ....... ...... ('(elided cnpc of order, entered De-

ct•mher 8, 19118, reducing assess- nlcnt for 1'll).i ...............„

Dueller, Scliaeffer & l-:isler. Surrogates', N. V. Co.. I-izettr (;mschcll ...... ...... (','py o f petition. order, citation to

appear at Surrogates' Court on IaIIiI:11Y 8, 1 )1 19 ................

:\rmanll Spencer. 4urn,gate,'. S. V. lo.. John S. Sutl,hen, lr.,

ct al., executor....... ...... ('1•rtitied cul,y of order and copy of n,ar,. lain u, ......................

John K. Sheehy. Sul,reme, Kings..... \'anelervnort avenue .... ...... Notice of motion to confirm report..

F. R. Pendleton.

Supreme, Kings..... Forrest street ......... ...... \mice of notion to confirm report..

P. F. l'eudletun, Supreme, N. Y. to.. ro%useu(i \\'andeII and

another .............. ...... 'I\co certified copies of orders, en ii,, I )ecemh(r 31, 1908, reducing '~ cmcnts for 190r, and 1907,.

Dueller, Schaeffer & Fi,ler. S,It, relne, N. Y. l'u, , Mugler, Iron, \Turks

a ca' list The (Ti t- of New fork ........... ...... l'npy of untended sununonc and cone

plaint and stlpplelu('ntal surutluns :lull complaint ..............

S. Schol" 'ul rrnle, t'ichrm,n,l . Charles \Lever ........ .2.31 72 'I'ran.rrii,l of juilgmlenl, entered -u-

- venlb('r I, 191),.................... Holt & failar I.

'.upremt•, Richmond. Charles Maaver ........ 92 20 'Vr;n;cript „f judgment. entered July

1, 1 1)(18 ......................... Holt & (~ail:lrul.

Stll,re iii ,, kiclQon.l. (ho Yes Mover ........ 105 77 'h-oil'.,, pt of jutKlllt•ttt, enter((( Dr-

crrnhcr 23. 191)8 ................ Holt & Gailarrl.

Sip renle, N. Y. C.

Louis Gilliams and an either against 1\'illiant

I, (Inner ............ ...... l.,,i. ..f af. an'l mgice of In,. ti..n ..........................

Well. Will'. Supreme, Kind...... Prank Pcar~on a(tain,t

The City of Nety York ...... (l,l ,y of .mnnl,nu p and comlaint..... Chrystie Wright

Date Filed. Claimant. Amount. Nature of Claim. Attorney.

1908. Dec. .19 Anna (erolrt, adnlinistratrix 35.1)00 00 heath of John (ier,ild from iujurics

sustained :\ugust 31, 1908, by be- ing thrown front his wagon due to a hole in II,, street at \Ianllattan avenue and Ilevoe street, Itrooklyn. II)ul,licate of rlaint previously tiled.) ...........................

David Semi ft. let-. _"/ I)hrrnterrr If•hnulnu.... 4'l5 Ito Damage: to building any] +i,jeNvalk,

N,,, 196 ('uncurl street, Itruuklyn, by the coil-less cunstrucl ion of a n, lccr in Gehl street .........

• Tanlcs \1nflclL I)rc. _'o hu-,Jt-rick I. I•:rdnlann..... 3,559 II, I)amag(-s to hnildi,' Ni', 412 De.

' Kraty steel I, Ilruuklyn, to ease- u,cut in street, expenses incurred. etc., through the construction of a lunncl in Ilegraw street in Febrn- are. 19n,u .......................

Chas. .\, 11'ils,n, Ilrc. .("' Vl ich:l-l I. Il a lc........ , . '8,1,1? N) I?xtra tl'nrk in connection tt•ill, cun-

Iraet f„r remodeling Slassapcqua I 'o,nping Stan ion -1. c„ expensci, I m, l', l; I,-131,641,71)11 gallons of tt:ncr m ouths-n- Meanest 'iii order of I•:ngi nrt•r, I )(part rin•nt of '\\'alt•t' tinPplc, l ia, allot 1?lectrieilv........

.terry A. A\rcruher;;, I)ee. 2"1 Vlicharl I. Ila(h- .......... 32',_218 44 I•atra tturk in cunnl-ction with con-

' Ilact fur 1entudt•ling Massapequa I 'umPil1 Slatiun-i. t•., excavating and constructing a trench and cast- I rly lug of intiltratiou gallery at a greater Qtjth Ihan called for in contend .........................

Jerry A. \VvIIII,eng. I)„•, '~I \lichacl 1. Pad\........... 1,~U5 '/5 \m,n,ut of :Illnuaurc that should lle

maul( for drfrctic( lumber and I%a,tag in cutting of same, fur- nished by tho ('ity. in connection is ith tt- urk at \las<apcqua 1'untl,- ing Station .....................

terry A. \1'ernherk. I)rc. "1 \. Ii. Ilalleran........... IK'r 111 'I\ta bills for hardware furni.hcI

Bureau of 5etvt•rs, (),,('ens, I'll),, anal 14117 ........................

I )vc ,!'I l'ua•5h .\I, A. Larkin...... 57 on titrnngraphic services rendered Pu- I'catt of Licenses, May 21, an,l -17, I'1118 ill connection will) hearings ill ro Ilarlern I'rnl,crly 1)tvnt•rs' Asso- ciali„n c,. \lidwav I'ark, etc......

'Tobias ,\. Kepplt•r, I)ec. _'/ IGhcnrJ 1, (1'(,nn„r...... I„15' 5(1 l'rrtailing rate of wages, l'luolher,

' I)cpartnn'nt of Public l'haritic,, Ilro,,kll'n, May 1U, Iri94, to June

1, 1'))18 ......................... \Vcinhrrg Itrus.

Im ill h„,,ln, Ia:nl ------------1.15_i 5)1 I'rc railing rate I,f wages, I'Imimter, icLaelmt'Tmt of 1'u hl is ('lour ibis-,,

Itrooklyn, May III, 1194, to June I, 1'/nV .........................

einberg Itr,,s. It----- --I I Ball", 1. 51,,,Idalt........ vT) 51) I'rreailing rate of tcage;, GQ- j,eiter,

- IIeparinlmt of l'uhlic ('llorities, peo,klyn, May Ill, 1494, In June I. 19U8 .........................

\Veinitd'ef lir,,s )er. ..") 1„(in 1. Iturkh•r.......... 471 17 ('retailing 'alt- of wages, "Dock Lahor-

1'I', I )cl'arl,llellt of Docks :Irl,l I't•r- ri,,, November 17, 19(16, to 5t•p. t<nllrcr 311, 19)18 ..................

Tomlinson, Tompkins & Tomlinson.

Ier, _'I I„hn \\'. (',mn nr,.......... oil') ti.; 1'I,- il,Qg rate of wages, (lurk l.ahnr- ' in, Ilcl,artment of IJocks and Tcr-

ri,-,, .April 19, 1900, to September .11), 19116 .......................

To,ulinson, Tompkins 1 'I'ulltlin,on. I,,., "I I'I :,auk I at(guliai, ...-.. -I (, l (I') Tit's':,illlig 1Ott•(If 55:I9,- S. (back I.ah()r-

,•r, II,-pairtment of Uucks and Fcr- ries, Octuher ]s, 19(9, to 5c1tem- hcr 3n• I'11)8 .....................

'I onllin,,,o, '1'uru1,kins & 'Tunllinson. 1r( - . . ' l Iu ' u:,'. l'ru'cc ........... "-7 RII I'r,o;iliog i(Ile of 0a9cs, )luck I-abor.

cr, Department of I)nrka and Frr- I'ie•,, N.ourul •r 14, 19)15, to Jann- :try l4, 191)7 .....................

'1'omlinson,'1'uml,kin; Si 7'omlinsnn, II r. I) John (•„il'p ............ 603 R'. I'rct'ailing gain- of wags',, Dock 1-al,,.

(.r. Ilel'artmcnt of Iluck, au,l Plur- rk's, October 25, 1905, to ti(-plenr err all, I'1)1i .....................

T',nmluQsm, Torupkin, ,Si "1'nmlin,nn. ii-,- .", Ii,l,n 1;. ('thin............ ill ;I) I'rct'ailing rat,- of wages. Dock Labor-

Departmetlt of I)uck, and Fer- sentelnher 24, 1906, t„ Se l,-

temher 30, 1908................. 'l'omlinson, Tompkins & Tonllimurl.

I if _"> \1m. P. ('arr''Il - - - - ....... 36; X4 I'I ry:lilinl; rate of wages, Dock l.abor- t-r, Itct,artlnent of Ducks and Fer- ri •,. ,\PI'i1 III, 1'1(17, to Srlltutn- her 15, 1908 .....................

'I'unlli usun, 7'„nlpkins ,Sc Tomlinson, Dec. 11) ({r,urg,- ('(Jr .............. -441) 01) l'r(uaiuu1 rat( of wages, Dock lahur-

cr, I )cpartol, ut of Ducks and Fer- ric,, Nov,-mbcr I, 1701,, to 5epttau- ber 30, 1908 .....................

TotuIiusun, Tompkins & 'Conlliuson. Ilrc 2') Michael h),lk ,u ........... 468 03 I'rrvailiug rate of wages' )lock I-ahor-

e-r, Ib•jiau,'hitrnt of I)wcks and Fer- rit•s, Novcnlhcr 30, 190/8, to Septcul- her 311, 1908 .....................

'Tomlinson, Tealpkin, &'1'unllin,un. Ire. L9 \1'illianl 1. I)r(' ker......... 7•It 14 l'1)(-va'lno4 lane of wages, Duck I.ahor-

cr, I )epru'l, i -1)t of I lucks and Fur- ri,-;, I 1,- m ''Ii,- ,- 1.3, 19115, to September 3)1, 19)18 ........................

Tondins ,mm, Tompkins & 'Tomlinson, I Ic, _'9 Da,ocl P, I),nhue........ 436 Oft I' revailink rate u1 nag,-'., (lock t ahur-

rr.,ti,,-Qt of Ducks and Fcr- ries, Novrnlher 21, 1'11)6, to Septcal- her 3(1, 19(18 .....................

'I'nullinsun, Tompkins Si 'I',nnlinsott, lie,-..'? I1,-urt- I-:aabl ............. 73r, 34 In-vailing rat,- of wages, (luck Labor-

- (r. I ley:u'lwcnt of I lucks and Fer- ries, Novcnlh,-r 1.1, 19115, to Srplem- her 30, 19014, -- ...................

' olins,,M,'rnlll l,kins Si To,li11lon. Ile, _19 Edward 1. Finn........... 397 42 I'rerailing mate of %sages, flock Labor-

rr. I leparinn 1)t of Ducks anJ Fri-- ties, Match 1, 19)17, to September 3)), 1908 ........................

Tomlinsnrl,'1'atopkins Si Tomlinson. Iles. 29 Felix Pox ................4(i)) 34 Prevailing r:ne of wages, Dock l.ahur-

cr, Ih-lsamt,tu-Qt of Z)ncks and (c(r. rirs, Nut- ru ml,,- - 2_i , 1)116, to S, pleul- her 311, I'111H .....................

•I'amlius„n,'f,nnpkins Si 'fbnllinsotl. llev. ._i) kud„Iph Fisher .......... 756 17 l'rcvailing I ale of wage.,, Dock I.ab„r-

rr, Ill-parinlent of I lock; and Fcr- rir., Ocl„h(-r 2, 19(1.5, to Selit,-wber ml, I',lN ........................

'f„nllins,,n, Tompkins Si Tomlinson, Dec. _'? I(dtt'ard Mosey ............ 755 1_i Puvs'ai1inl Inlr of wages, Duck Laf

er. I1,-i ar tin,-1)t of Ih,rks and 1't•r- ries, October 13, 1905, to 5cpirm- ber 3)1, 1911)1 .....................

' fntnlinson, 'fumpkins Si Tnntlinson. llrc. 29 Itaymnnd A. Itausen...... 471 83 I'rerailing rat,- of wages, Dock Lahor-

rr, 11t-parlMl.nt of Docks and Fcr- ries, Nuvenlht•r 16, 1906, to Septen, he•r 3U, 19118 .....................

Tomlinson. 'Pumpkins Si Tont1irlv,n. Dec. 29 ,lames Henry ............. 434 48 I'revailiig rate of wages, Dock labor-

er, 1 ti-part nleut of Docks and Fer- ries, Talntary 5, 19117, to Septenl}ter 311, IOIIH ......... .. ...... .......

Tomlinson, Tompkins & Tomlinson.


Date Filed. Claimant. Amount. Nature of Claim. Attorney.

Date Filed. Claimant, Amount. Nature of Claim. Attorney.


Dec. 29 Julio P. Laruy ............ 376 S0 l'rc~'ailing Iatc of n ages, fuck l.abur- er, I)epartnlent of I)ocks and Ft•r- ric.a, .\pril '), 1907, lu September 3U,

on,..... 1908 ..............ison,, 'I'omlinsun, Tuntpkins V '1'unlliva,n.

I )cc. ::9 Juscph I,c Pncm'rc.......... 503 a7 I'rccailim/ rntc of wages, Duck Labor- er. Iionartuirr1t of Docks and Ft'r- ries, October 2, 1906, to Septcnr 61'r 30, 1908 .....................

Tomlinson, Tompkins Si 'I ollilill>„o, Dec. 29 \'iucenzu Mecca .......... 738 67 Prevailing rate of wages, I)ock I.abur-

cr, Ilcl,artntcut of I lucks and Fer- rics, bt•plc•tobcr 17, 1905, to Sep- temher 3/), 191/s ..................

Tomlinson,'I'umpkins \ Toni ivam, 1/cc. 29 Jilin T. 9lalcumson.. , .... 739 '-48 Prot-ailing rate of wages, Dock Lahur-

cr, I)cpartment of l locks and Fur- rics, 4 )c/umber 29, 1905, to Septecim- lccr 30, 1908 .....................

-Tomlinson, Tompkins Si Tl,0mici.un, Dec. 29 lames I. .\R1iligar1 ......... 484 b9 1'rt'c ailing rate I,f wages, l lock I,abor-

- t•r. Ilt'partwent of l locks and Fcr- ries, October 2/k, 190(,, to Sri/em - ber 30, 1908 .....................

Tomlinson, "Tompkins C •funlJins„u. 13cc. 113 Samuel March ............ oa3 98 Pre,ailiog rate of wages, hock Labor-

er. I)epartment of I)ucks and Fer- ries, \i arch 5, 1906, to September 30, 1908 ... ... ..... .... ...

'r,mlicc,on,'1'ulnpkinsS Tollllin:on. 1/cr. 29 Timothy \lallden ......... 74), a8 Fri-cailinur rate of wages, I)ock Labor-

cr. IlcPartnlcnt of Docks and Fcr- lies, ( )c/ulcer IS, 19ll.i, to Seiitelll- hcr 311, 1908 .....................

'lm~ni cc smm n."l'nn1pkinsfi'l'uullin:nn. 1)cc. L') Inhu I. \Icl:arry.......... 301 SU Ii,,,iii(1c., rate of waKca, I)I ,rk Lahur-

er. I)cpartntcnt of Mucks and Fur- Ties, .\Pril 1_', 191)7, to September 31). I')OR ........................

.f(1mlmsor, Tnmpkinc fi'u(1clmsimn. /cc. 29 John \Tyne .. . ........... 515 (III 1.mconinog rate of waves, Dock Labnr-

t'r, I lcllarinrt•tlt of Ih,cks and Plr rips, Sil.tdolcm-r 15, 19116, In Su'' tetnb(-r (0, 1')08 .................

'f,nnli,I51,0, .I'ompkins Si Tnmlivauu, I)cc. 2') 1":idi1 \(cutler ............ ii8 67 I're,ailimg rate„f tc:lgvs, I),Ick I.abor-

cr, 1)epartmum-lit of Ducks and Fer- ricc, ( Ictohcr 2, 19(15, to tieptrnlber 30, 1908 ........................

'Ionllin.,nl, Tompkins Si'I'onllinson. IJcr. 2') I.,ntis Sant„'. ............. 179 9/) l'rev;iii(1lI;Ile of wage., hock Labor-

c'c', Department of I)I,cks and Fcr- rics. Septcmhcr IS, lit/I'., to pine 3, 19(17 .........................

'1','I'.,ntpkins Si Tomlinson .

lice. 2') 'yF0noas ,Iliuni,k ..... , ... 7o; Si) I'recailing rate of wage's, Dock T.abor- cr, Department of Docks and Tu rn, ties. tieptt'mber 18, 1905, to Sup- tcriter 30, 1')))R .................

7unlliuson.'l'nmpki,ls Si .l'(1omlmc „II,

IIcc. 27 Thonla,-. 1'. \I'''m'uI•.....,.. 438 67 1iccailingrateof 'cage,, clock l,ahnr- er. Itetartment of (locks and Fer- ries, 1anuary 2, 19(17, to Septcm- (mer 36, 1908 .....................

•I'ontlinsuu, Tompkins Si Ton lio.,,n.

I)cc. 2') (,T1:\\.ic, A. Wilson......... 3 29 64 I'1'evalliog rate Ilf \ra'g'es, Dock T,allor- cr. I)epartnlent of l locks and Fer- rics. November 19, 19116, In March II), 1')I)il ........................

'I'unllinsnn, Tompkins Si Ton lio-m,

I)tc. 21 John Walsh .............. 307 711 I 'rev ailing rate of wages. (lock labor. or. I )c'partmc-nt of l locks and Fcr- rioc. ]tine 1), 1906, to November 12, 19117, and august 24, 1908, to Sep- lum(mer 30, 1908.................

'ronllinsoo, roimwkcc, S& nlin.

1)cc '') Ilcllrm' I'. Pi,cher, ;tn,iguoc. I;'8 49 L:thnIr material fnrnishec by \\"il l

and ialn

1'. McI :trry nn Public

School 109, IIrookInc. as tier bill, rcndcrcd I)cParhncut of I , Iticatinn

ChatIc> I•;. Thouo.


Dec. 9 1l acrid t IL Coogan........ c,,951 11 Refund of asses-,ulcut, interest and advertising charges, paid under pru- test, oil l.ot No. 3, Block 2106, Section 8, Manhattan............

Joseph %c amsley, I ll',- . 25 I lt'il's :11111 (text of kill If

Malta Fr:ulklin. I (it e:l.c'1. 4,_'77 Ili .\ut,nulls pail iulu ('ily 'l'rc:lstlt-y by I'nhlic . \dministratur William \I. Iln,'. in l'cbruary and November, 19(11. (Duplicate of claim previous. Ir tilal.I ........................

Nelson I1. Tunuiclitf. I lcr. "I I liftnn I. nnclructiun l mnm

Irtny ................... ...... I(emluctil,n of assessment of December 29 1907. ml various lot'., First \\"argil, Oueens, errDnoous1v 1es'icil,

I', l'hauncey' Anderson. I Icr. .2 ' m l n:u k 1'. I I,dimau.... , , , , , ..... Ke'ducti,m of assessment of December

29, 1907, on various lots, First \Card, (preens, erroncously levied.

1'. Chauncr y Anderson. ItoC, 2i Stuard Ilir-chnlen ........ ...... Reduction of assessment of I)ccemher

29, 19)17, on carious lots. First \\'aril, Queens, erruneutuly levie,l,

I'. ('haunccv .\ndcrsun. /cc. "' 11 illiam G. Park.......... ...... kcduction of assessment of December -

29. 1997, on variunls 11m/s. 1-irst \\' aril, ()ueens, erruneou sly levied,

1'. ('hauncry Anderson. Ircc. "I ",tl'ino:n I'tnrk Itctllty (m'm'

pan. .................. . ...... Redaction If asses,mcnt of Ilecoinbl'r ") 19gi, on various lots, Pir,t

Queens, errlllc.(11I S1\' levied. 1'. ('ltaucicc'v :\nderson.

Ilcc. 2i) l - uilcd IP ,n,ugh'. ]realty t',mcnl,any . ............... ...... Reduction of assessment of I)ecember

29, 1907, un various (u/c_, Firct \1"anL Queens, erroneously levied,

1'. ('hauncey .\ndcrson. Ilcr. _i I'nctc,I 1L,nnigh' Realt, -

(',nnpany ............... ...... Reduction „f assessment of December 29, 1907, nn carious Iots, First \1'm'J, fuccnc, crruneuttsly Icvied.

P. ('.haunc, y Anderson. I)cc. 2/1 11'llilchall Really ('micccpaccc'. ...... Ilcllucliun of assessment of December

29. I'1117, on variuuc hits, First \1Irll, (lucc•n<, erruncuu<h' levied.

P. Chauncev Anderson. lct. 3U herby I)c-k ('umponr'.,-... Ia rip Estra crick changing; bitch dour in

the Ilan of Records, Manhattan. on „rder of ('onnni„iuncr inch......

Ito, ., I ni-n ',:uuu, I- . _, ....... I .In I'cr.nnal iniuciec sustained December 1- 1908, by fallirlg, title to the Ilaugeruus condition of the side, walk in front of Nos. 247 anll 149 VCc,t I)nc Ilundre,l and IC Iiventh slrect. \I anhattan .......

U"u R..I,nl'. 1: ( uullillg11;o"........ 'J_'I ;'~ I'rr , shin¢ rate of st- ages, Portman

.f Repairs. Bureau of Public flu ild- imlKs and (lffices, The Imix, Inc, the years 1903, 1904, 1005 and I5On. It,/k3r,, and intrest to matt, $386.56 .........................

I'llrl. I'. I)e l't•reux Rich:um,l a.... ,(79 SU I;alanec of +alarr Ilue, .I"cachc-c, I't16-

lic tich„ul 43. Manhattan. February, I'll/I. t,. Pehruart', 19116..........

Louis E. helix. ail. 2 katn'III1:1 ,\IIIIII ..... Vi,I II/11 (111 I't'rsn ,llal injiM'1 C'_ cu,taioell Nll\ellxher

l ''I//k, 1,\" falling, I lute t11 the .lofcctive condition of the cidcwalk in irnnt of lb,- Ganlcn Theatre. \,i.. 74n and 742 Manhattan ave- nu,-. Tlrookltn ..................

11„u:,'. I:r,,.,ntan Si \•oclmaus. 11 'mull ......... ,i,uIL !I .u.m I,,...,,na] iniuric. .tislained by his

cc-. I-:Irolina, he falling, due to 110 m(efective c,mditi„n of the cide-

,Ik in font of the harden Thea- c,'. X,I>- 740 and 7-1' Manhattan

nnc. I;n,Uk(yn ... .... Tloui". 4rissnIaI S \'„Ih:nic.

Date of No. Contract. Department. Borough.

G'ntrlct.s I-fcgisterc-d for Ills AV'rck I':ntling Jtulllarc 2, 19(I),

Amount of Nantes of Contractors. Names of Sureties. Itond. description of Work. Cost.

224,1 1 Dec. 2, 1908 Education....... I;r~,n, him n.,.... Ilerulau Sack,........... '1"1ce' 'title Inlaraulv will tiurcty' ("c,cn1,:ill\• ..................... $5l)() 00 1 ',II' altl'ra'.I,IIim,, ri'I.air', gilt., for l'16lM' School 32,,. '1't,tal, $1,194 01I

224,12 Oct. 13, 1908 E4uc.aii„n....... \lanhattan.... (;rinin Si Co.............. 'fhe Itnivire 'state Surety („m- :wy ......................... 000 00 For adJitiuu. to an,l alterati,ms to the electric cytlipmcut

ill Public Schu,.1 9(1 . ................ . ......... . . Total, 1.194 1111 22433 lice. 17, 1908 Tc(1,mIccit ,of the

I;o1oitgIt of 9fauhattau..... \lauhatlan... , J,nlul ~laticr ............. 'I'hc t'nitc,l '.tatc> FiIIelity and

l:uaranll (umpauy........... I,om/ I/O I mu' c„n.tructi.,n of sewer in West l)nc Il cc ntircnl all " .sixty-seventh .beet, between -\nlsterdant avenue and

.\udubon as enue', etc ...... . .... . .... . .. . ..... Estimate, I._22 50

2'J3-t N,Iv. I", 17uti Tucsi,Icnt of the L"utn(1g11 of Uucginl......... hncc'c-------,.. hence I. \Icple0......... Pnnclh Smcrcry (uncpany....... 7ym1 UU Fur 1-,o'bcctting a sewer and appurtenance: in \\'illian1

street, from the cruuvo north of Wilbur ac'eoue to I'ay clar srcd,uc .............................. Est mtalt, 679 25

22a,i. N.n. _-t, 171,/S Prgini,lcnt of the lToroitgIc of lllil't'Utt......... tpli.ei1s........ (:o,re- 5h'liilail ( .lmdtll,alll" ... I'l lvd del'rlv t ',;cll\ ....... 8,1)1111 Ill) For constructing a se\r"1"1' anll ayl,llttell:llle,s Ill 't'\'ehteetclh

avenu,', frnut \\Filson at'cnue to Jackson avenue, and ill \'andc•vcaler ac-cnue, from Sevcnleenlll aceutte to Eigh- teeuth avenue, in file First Ward, ctc..........Estimate, 1i/,I49 (.0

I lcc. 1, 1'+IS \V ate r Supply, Gax :tnd Flce- tric'ity.......... %1:ulllaltart and

'I'ho I;roux.. Pre'llt-rick T. 'Caplcy ....... Nati..nal Snrcty ('ontlamc. , ... 900 00 Fur furnishing au,l dcicvering repair parts for dutthlc-nozzle s:anllard New York iiydrant. ................Estimate, 1„u2 50

22437 Ucc. 9, 1908 \V a t em Supply', Gas :toil Flee tricily......... It r,l„kl_cn...... The 1'hlcuix t'„narucli„u

l'mnpany' .............. The It;lnker; Buren' ('nntpaoy.. 6,U11U (10 For c„mplrli„u If abanduued contract No. 18916, for sink- iug .hallow wells and laying suction mains and appurlc- nancrs at the ('at/ac-sue Pumping Station and at the I raccccnd 1'tmtping Station ..................Estimate, 3-4,301 80

2213?t Dcc. 14, 1908 1'.,11 ctinu...... \lanhattan and The ltruux.. William Farrell & Son.... The Empire State titu'ely' l',nn-

ya,q',, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,, 3,000 00 For furtualing and delivering coal.............. Estitnate, 5.98/1 00

:'24.19 I)c'c. 7, 1'908 Street I Icauiug. I(rullkly,,...,., Patrick 7', Mel Jcrm„It... The 1':nlpirc Slate Surety ''Inn- .. pany ......................... 10,000 00 P„r the remul'al of snow and Ire In the Sixth Iliarlet..

Ealimate, 2/111 (Iii

23940 Dec. 3, 1908 \'ark,...,,..,.., Kr:'o,k1yit...... Stuutp Si Walter Company The hanker Buren l"mcdtlpany. - I,500 00 Inn f(1ruisFcog :utd Jcli.ering rlcsiduons shrubs and plants in Prospect Park .............................Estimate, 2,913 7S

2 441 Dec. 3, 1908 \'+Irks., , ...... , , Iirooklr u...... Stump Si Walter Company The I::ulker; iuretc Compauc .. 1,000 110 Fur furnishing an,l delitering hybrid rhododendrons, etc., ' ............... in Frospcct \'ark .............. Estimate, 2_,8081 7S

22442 1)cc. 4, 191/8 I'arks........... Itt klcc, ...... R,obcrt ('aster Si l,I...... ('nited tiurcty ('onlpany ....... 3,000 00 For furnishing and delivering road gravel on l)cean park- way ........................................Estimate, 8,473 50

22443 I)ec, 3, 1908 l'arks...... , .... Itrooklt n...... 5tunlpl, Si Waller Cuniliany "I'he Danker: Surety ('umpany.. 3,01/0 00 For furnishing an,l delivering ecergrcev shrubs ill 1'nls- - pect l'a'ck ...................................Estimate, 9.748 7.9

22444 Dec. 18, 19118 T(1Ll,e IIiarH/,l. \i:iibanI;ll.... 1 w,jen & Ile Young- Inc. National 5,1 (IS I ,ldpany. ...... III 1/1)11 00 bur th mplrte eondilitmK, electric wiring and all other " work ill connection with the iustallatillu of a complete

cicctric lighting all po%%,'r sm+t,'cc for certain of the building. and gnlunds under the jttricdiction of the De- partntent of Public- Charities and included in the Metro - I„nlil:ln fin;pilal Ilictriel. I)liu'ksc-eil'. Island, 14.300 00


Date of Amount of

No. Contract. Department. Borough. Names of Contractors. Names of Sureties. Bond. Description of Work. Cost

22445 Dec. 23, 1908 President of the Borough of Manhattan...... 'Manhattan.... Smith .X- Fitzgerald....... \ati„val Surety l.'ontpany...... 2,000 00 To construct alteration and improvement to sewer in One

11undred and Eighteenth street, between Third and Lexington avenues, etc .......................Estimate, 5,005 50

22446 Dec. 23, 1908 President of the ItoroitgIf of ?%Manhattan...... Manhattan.... Sulith & Fitzgerald...... National Steely Caullnny...... 1,000 00 For cunslvift h ill scucr iu Avenue A, between 1?Icvcnth

I:Slllnate, 2,010 00

22447 Dec. 18, 1908 President of the Borough of Manhattan...... \Manhattan.... IMorgan S Slattery ...... ............................... ...... For services of architects for the, preparation of coiripieto

specifications, etc., and the supervision of the con- struction of the proposed changes and alterations in the )Tall of Records, and new filing cases and furnishings for the quarters occupied by the Law Department in that building ....................................1•stimate, 2,311 50

22448 Dec. 16, 1908 Parks........... Brooklyn...... Slutnpp & Walter Company The Bankers' Surety Company.. 2,000 00 For furnishing and delivering fertilizers, peat, etc ...Total, 4,200 00

22449 Dec. 21, 1908 Water Supply, Gas and Elce- tricitS......... (weer.......... Jamaica Water Supply

Cutnpany .............. 'I'be Title Guaranty and Surety Company...........!......... 15,000 00 htn- furnishing a supply of water- for a periud of bye

year's .......................................Estimate, 10,000 00

22450 Dec. 21, 1908 President of the 13orougIt of Manhattan...... \Manhattan.... Vulcanite faxing Company The United Slates Fidelity and

(,u:u'auty Contpany ; I'cnplc's For in 'Third l nlaintaiuiti asphalt paj'euuut and uurih Surety Company of New York 1,500 00

streets, from Second avenue to Letvis street. ...Estimate, 7,970 00

22451 Dec. 21, 1908 President of the Borough of bMair11altan...... .lfanhattan.... 'Tire Sicilian , sphalt Paving

('unrPany .............. .alinal Surety Conlpanry'; file Un

nited States Fidelity and

liarallty CUltltlall)............ 20() 00 1'(or• maintaining asi'irnitt haVr111ent in Itr,,a,I%%'a)', from northl side of 7\centy-fouwih ,trot to north side of '1'wenty- fifth street ...................................:etiolate, 615 88

22452 Dec. 21, 1908 1Tesident of the ]toroug11 of :lfanhattall...... Manhattan.... \ ete4htre 11aNing C(mmpan)' 7'he [Jolted Stales Fidelity and

I,uar:mty Company; Ie'qple's Surety Company of New York 2,000 00 For otain%sioiirg a-phalt pal'erneut on Eighth avenue (l en-

lral 1'ark \Vea). front Pifly'nillth to Une Ihln(h'ed an.t Tenth street ................................Estimate, 10,500 01)

22453 Dec. 22, 1908 President of the IiorougIf of Manhattan...... \Ia,Fa%t:in. , .. 'Tire Sicilian Asphalt Paying

Conipao)• .............. Nat ,ir ll Surety Company; the United Slates Fidelity and Guara1,ty Company........... 6,000 00 l or mniieiiiriiiq asphalt taveincut „n 1tnadway, front n,,,th

side of C:Inal street to Foumrteci,tit strcet.......Estuivatc, 25,450 00

22454 Nov. 2, 1908 Education....... Alain lt%:ul.... lirorkhsu Metal Ceiling Company .............. l-iActity and Deposit Company of

Maryland .................... 1,200 00 For Metal ceiling, at Public School 13 .............Tutal, 1,(72 00

22435 Nov. 11, 1908 Docks and Ferric JrElorlattvl.... If. \V. Johns-Ualtville Conn ,, ti \ etrop,ditan Surety Cont- pan................... .I pany (the Empire State Surety Company substituted for the \Ietropolitart Surety Coo1pany) 1,000 00 For Euroi,hiug and 4vlireriog packing, etc .........7'umtat, 1,59 UI)

22456 llcc. 19, 1908 Street CIc4iririg. IBro,,k1yo...... I'atrick Itarby ............ .l..lerican Bonding Cuntparry of lialtlillllrc .................... 10,000 00 fur 1't•IIIi,\'at (If door aIid iec in the Eighth IUsttI,'t..

22457 Dec. 24, 1908 President of the .Sucmitgh of AZtuh4uao...... \fauhatlau.... LTcaI,lc A.,plialt faviirg

rmotpauc .............. 'fhe (mired

t3.000 00 Per ooliulaiong asphalt pal-cinch) un Bngdwav, frueir P.sur-

tecuth sucet to nnrtli side of 'f,cote-tkiirrl street, meted- - r


log the


space between Uniccrsit -v pla(-c, Puurtccnth strccl and cart .pole of Broadwa_c. :old froln uorlh side .If 7'Ilcly-fifth street to north side of l urty sct•.unrl street.

Estimate 54,714 16

Apprr,cal of Stn'ctics for the \V'cck ]ndiug January 2, 191X).

The Comptroller approved of the adequacy and sufficiency of the sureties (m fhe following proposals, viz.:

December 28, 1908---Por installing; a complete electric lighting and power plant in certain buildings ttndet the Department ou Itlackwclls Island-1'1(r [lie I)ep:lrtntcnt of Public Charities,

Cuntlnc•rcial (,r,nstructil,n Company, N. 114 1:Ist Tn-enty-eighth street, Principal.

National Surety Cuntpany, No. 346 Itru;rIMS'ac. Surat'. December 28, 1908-For furnishing hart, bacon, etc., (it' of New VI,rk--FIIr life Dc-

partntcut of Correction. Sav]cs, %:Ihn Crnnp:111 , Sixth at"I'nuc :Ind 'fend% slrcct, Principal. lint L uitcd States l idc•lity and (,uarauty (.ompany, NI,. (9) Liicrtt"

street, New York. Surety. I)ccenlbc•r 28, 191)8---For supplies of salt cod fish, salt. etc., Borough of \I:uthattatt-

For tile Department of Correction. (:har;cs F. tiattlagc, No. 335 Greenwich street, Principal. 11. Bchrntan, No, 453 Ptttnatu avenue; E. C. l,chrntan, No. 124

Cooper street, Sureties. 1)ccentbcr 28, 191)8-F,,r furnishing chow chow, jelly-, etc.. Bi,mtoBlt of 11:Inh;ltt'ut-

For lit Departntent of ('orrection. J. N. Jeffares, No, 256 West street, I'riecrkal. National Sttreis' Company, No. 346 Hreacisvar. Surety.

DccctnLcr 28. 19(A-For supplies of forage, Borough of s1anhattan-For the 1)rp;u't ntcnt of Parks.

Prank J. Lennon Company, No. 143 last Thirty-first street, ]'rin-cipal.

The Empire State Surety Coutpanl, No. 34 fine street. Ncw l ork, Surety.

December 28, 19035--Per furnishing frc~h beef to Central Park, Borough of \I:tnh:ltlan -For the Department if I'arks.

Savles, Zahn Company, Sixth arcmtc and 'Tenth slrcct. Trine illal. The United States fidelity- and Guaranty Company, Ni, (t(i Liberty

street, New York, Surety. December 28, 1904-Por furnishing lumber-For the President of the Borough rlf

Richnionrl. James 71-honipson & Soros, Staplctim, Staten Island, I'rincipal. National Surety Company, No. 346 Ihn,44wat.. Surety.

1)eceinbcr 28, 1908--1 r,r furnishing a steam roller-1 or the President of the Borough of Richmond.

Bit Steam Roller Copany, B

u m uffalo, N. 1'.. Principal. American Surety Company of New York, No, 1(1(1 ISr(larltt'av,

Surety. December 28, 1908-I~or supplies of soap, soap powder, tic., Borough of \1aoha1tau%--

For the Department of Correction. J. E. Beichh:lyd (ompanr', No. 539 We,t I (Irtr-third street, I'rin-

c•ip:tl. "Tire ('%uteri tit:ltcs Iiclr-lily and M;eas•mnntv ('(ir1%hsnv. Ni,. (O Lil,rrl,

5! nut, New York, Surety. Ovecnug•c 28. 11Mi)i-Per fnrtli,lling onions, remit,', 1fr, I'itkeggiu it 1Lnlhallau in

the Department of ('I,rrccti(nl. k. 1'. ..stales;. Ni,. 834 b\mFrolte)u ,irctct. Principal. 'Fly Empire State Stlrcty C',ntpany, No. 34 fine street, Net- lurk,

Sti rety.

Dcct'u11,cr 28, 191)8-For supplies of potatoes, cahlrtgc, etc., I ,,rough if AI;IUh:tttall-- l'ut the 1)eitsrtritcnt of (.orrvetion.

A. IIainburge , No, 146 Ite:Idc street. Principal. The Title Guaranty and Surety Clmlpany, No. 84 William ,.reel,

Sttretr. f)eccnuicr 251, 19t)Y,--Inc furnishing (`SS,(KI(1 quarts of fresh tuilk. I~'Itrottgh of \I:uil:at

t:ut--1,,u' the llcp:u'lntcnt of Corrcctirin. Beaker 1):tiry Company, No. 2()6 Fast 'I tvelfllt street, Princill;tl. Ptululi's Stu-cly ('r,ntpally of New Fork, Ni'. 26 Court street,

Iir(luklt•n, Sortie. UcccnrLrr_'S', 1')I)hi__-Irur supplic; of groceries, etc.. L'(,ruugh of 11:Inl1;ltt:tn - I'ur the

I)cl,:u'ttncnt of Cnrrcctil,n. ]llu'Ion & Davis Cutrtl aliv, Ni'. 198 l ranklin nticl t, Ih-incil,:ll. ']'lie P.ntpirc Slate Surety Conip:anc', N''. 34 fine slur-rt. New l

Surety. December 28, I'A1$-I ur fin-ni ping hitter. cheese, etc., P(,ro!tgli if \Ianh:ttlau I'or

the I)ep;u'ttnent of ('I,rrection. J. L. Stout & Co., Nu. 83 \1':u- rett >trcet. Principal. The Hinpire State Surety- Compautr', No. 34 fine strc,-t, Nr w 'uric,

Surety. Dccclnl,cr 2$', 1911X-F,,r furnishing supplies, Borough of Manhattan- - I`or the 1lrp:n't-

ntcnt (If ('(Irrection. I Furry P,:tlfc, No. 61 I Itttsoht street, Principal J. F. 'Nichols. Nr'. 4 lust Sctrniv-ninth street ; I'. AI. AIc(':Irtlly,

Ni. 218 \V(sl Seventy-second strict. tilo-cties. December 28, 11N18__ I'm- furnishing cnffcr, etc., li'cougi of \Lluhall:nl-- I ',t' the it,'

p;irtinent of Correction. Charles S. l'rav, tic,. 89 Front -meet, Principal. Charles I'. Naclhing, N1,. 11$ I ultun street; .\. Ii. F. Schrartnn.

No. 11$) Frlrot street, Suretic-. Ucc,ullor 2K, lot))) --1 l,r 511111,1 es ,rf tial, Borougl Of \fanhatlrul -- hr the I)cticn-tnlrnt

of ('„rrcclirin. 1?Ilward West, Nu. 21)8 first avenue, Principal.

• Ill , Rntp1re Sta-tte Su f rely Cotnpane, No. 34 'me stre w et, Ne 'silt (Irk, Surety.

December 28, 19 t)S-Fur furnishing coal, Borough of \Llnhattan-l"'r the Delon'. ..tent of Correction.

William Darrell & Son, NI,. 144 ?;arrow street, Principal. 'line 1''inpire State Surety ('ontpant•, No. 34 Pine street. Ncty Y(,rI,.

Surety. I)cccnthcr 29, 11)I)$--1',,r furnishing 35,(10(1 quarts of fresh milk, l;ornugh I,f ri%Fnl',nT

For the I)cp;)rtntcnt rlf Public. Charities. 0. J. Merrill & ]ln,th, r. Staten Island., S. I.. 1'riluciu,tl. 'I-he Empire State Sttrct)- Company, No. 34 fine street. Ni w )'(,rk,

Surety. Decanter '9. 19(l$-l'nr furnishing frc.h milk and cream, ('it)' (If New \'I,rk- I ur the

I)epartntclit of Public (Ch:t'ihc". Mutual :Villa and Cr(•tlnt (•Ilmpany. No. 214 l':a"t 'I'ttie,tty rrc(,nd

ytu'ct't, .i5nr'ipst. 'Tine 1{tnt,in' Slate tiurctt' I'fm p;w\. Ni,. 34 Pint ,br'u't. New York,

tilucty. I )crcnll,cr '), 1t.tI)8- l'l,r ftvni;lling 'mike-, ('ilv of Ncll' York it' bile I)c11:u11ut•l1l (If

1{Vocation. Putimi l & Co., No. 244 Water street, liluucipal. Federal Utliotl Surety Company, No. 35 Nassau street, Surety.

1' kIt :\V. 1'1':1tkt":\RV P), 191K). THE CITY RECORD, 2017

Dcccnlhcr 29, lc)O —i i- furnishing special and gcncral supplies, City of New Yctrk--- I or the Department "f 1'.ducatiun.

john B. Watkins ('nnlpany. 1u. 9 \Iurr;t street, Principal. The Aetna lnllrtnnitl (l1 1any, A). (4 William street, Surctc.

])eceinl r 29, 1911`(--I,nr frtrnirliing s 1pplic., ('ity of New "orlc—I~nr the I)eparttnent ul Ii(lucatiun.

IIuplIer I':tl,cr IpnlIrulY. An. 41 Park rutt-, Principal. 'I -hc t'uitcd St;Ill's I idclity- :utcl (;uar:tut}' GnillrtnV, Nu, (6 Lil,crt}

Street, New Vi Swcty. i)cceilla'l' 29, 19(),'{--IFor fm'nishin. ;tlecial ,loll general :uhplics, City of New V-nrk-

1 .-r the Department,f 1'a1ucatiun. 1'1 crhanl I ,tll(r, No. 2)9 Itl' !uItcay, 1'rirci1rtl. fi(elity- and I)rlit Gmmp,ul) of \Irlrylantl, .fin, 2 hector street.

Sttrety. llcccnllnr 29, 19(11-1 ur furni<lting ;upt,lici, ('it,' of "c%v V- u , rk --- Fur the I)crartntcnt

(If l•:Aoc:1tiQun. P. W. I)ctul' ,C (.'. T. Ra)nollls Company, Ni). lllt I ulton strcct,

Principal. 'I .11c 1{nlllirc St:11c Surcty C~nnpanl, N. 34 fine strcc•t, Nov \'rI<,

Surety. I_)ecelnl,eI' 29, I9),`?--I"n' fnl'niIIirt rn11111i(s, City of \etc York—I•(r the 1)epartmclrt of

I'AIIlcatinn. 1. T. I'u.tcr, A:,. 31 I';ast fifteenth Irrct. I'rinciprll. II' l -nitcrl States lil1I'lilI ;Intl (;n,u:u:t\ ('' llI1) uly, A". l,(,,crt,

i.t reel . \1w f( Irk, Surety.


), 1)16 - -For >u;,l,lie', ('ill of \rlc Aark--I'nr the I)CIK11lmcnt of I':huc:t tinn.

Parker P. \u, 3 East l', nlrtccnth .trLet, I'rincilul. 'I-lie I?1nph'e Stale Suit' (oIllIuam-, Ao. 34 fine street. Artt' \ irk,

Snrr tv.

I)ccen111('r '), I()`t--I'; , r furlli~hing snp;,lics, Cit, of N' e A:n-k--l'ur the I)cl,artnunt of I':Ilttcrltilm.

I':. SIc i cr (' ,nit)anc. \IM. 2S Park I,lace, I'rincilutl. lie I?nlllire State SIlrety GuIllpaot. Nu. 31 fine circa. N(\v 't rk,

511 let V.

lh•ccnll,r•r 29, 1911y-1 oar rrl,;lirin etc'., the AV'It "flirtV-fifth Strcct Pier, I;((r„u~h of llanh;ltt;tn --I'or ttI( I )'p (I'Ilncnt . ,f I)((c ks ;Intl I' rric'.

Thee I'hccniX (n<trurli~m C((n,l,ttnt, N. 41 I'ruk nnc. I'rincitlal. 11 tnl: ':' tiurct, C 'W1;1aoi "f Clecc].Ind, Ohi,), New 'l I k ((Ifice, Au.

27 Liberty 'l reel . Snrcte.

1)ecenmucr "), VAN_ Door furnishin. u;ll,lir s, Pitt „f New 't l'i<--1 ( , r the UcltartIIlcnt of

I. J. "f((I,~Il, AI(. ,18 It' nAIiiaN, I'riori;);ll. 'I'I , 1.1111ire St:llr Surety (' n(;)ant, NI. 34 fine street, Acw A',,rk,


December 'r). I l)t' I' l' fom1ub1n 1[s,plic,. Pitt ( f '.'II 'I us- For the I)ce;trtnlcnl .,f KuImIti 11.

1'ISIcll,(n(, I,ililc R- Col.. N . 59 I'a-t I'.I~ccnth ;'r t. I'rincin:11. 'I Ile y11(1c(l SLUT . I'irIeeliIa (((III (;oorol;tt' ( .Ilnp:uly', NI. 6(1 I.ihertg

hi eel, New l l(rk, Surety.

I )ccell l t 1- "). 1111, —1 r fttrllishing sttpp'ic~, ('it v of \gin York- For the Departmentf I':(lucatiun.

I. \\ . Pratt t ll11);lnt. N. 52 Utl;n hill cl. Principal. 'lie I'.IUI,irc tit;ttr• Sill ty ('I;ntl , tul:, A1o. 34 Pine street, Nitc A- (rk,


he 1111cr 2'), 1O.l- -I"ur 'II!,t,li f run, lelH~ll milk, ('itv of New 1 c rk—I ur the I par!I1lcnt ni I't11li~' ('ll:(ritic'.

\li I)cr!n"Itt I):iir\ I IHI(II t. \,,. 12' \\ -cut I'o(rly--cc m11 street. ]'rut ('ii hi.

III I'anl~irr Slate Surer (`,;nit ,;ln•:. Au. 34 fine street, Aclv'I( ,rk, Snrrly.

I)ecrntl(cr 29, 1')ll l'((r sul,l,li(s of frill li'!I. ('it, (of \ctt' V' l'k--I':~r the I)cpartnlcnt Hof I'nLli' ('h:itics.

1.,111 l'.l~(t'- \o ,. ?11) \\:I,llingtnn ,leer[. Principal. \Inrrican Itunclin (', -nll,ant; if I;alliIII rc, Ao. 32 \assail street,

Surely. Ih rcnII,er 31!. I'Flt-- I , r furlIi>IIiny IIr( 1, 11111 n. eIC., ('itr of New lurk—F r the I)c-

1 11'tnlrnl of Public ('11arilic(. A. AI. l.rcy. 1\:Illnln(,lt Al:n'kc't, I'rin(•tt,al. I lIe lnilccl ti!ar; I III;illV anit (;naranty (' ulnl):tltv:. An, 6(1 I,IIII'

In rt. \ \V Turk ; the 'I itlr Go~Ir~uh and Surety CunIl[aIIt, N'. 5.4 \\ illinrn "tr'ct, Surr•tic<•

I,crinl,rr 311, 1'JtlS

I~ , ( furni.hinf cone'. milk, C'itc uf New 'turf.--I'„r the Depart - lnrltf of I'llidic Cll,lritic<.

I!tnl(ir, State I );lire (' , In;pav%. N'. 5112 Cr( ,a , l« ;iy, I'riUeile[I. HI' lnit l ;lirs I illrlitc :((hi I,II1r:atc C'nt;;ln N', tt(1 1"iki'

Intl, \rlt \( , t- I;, Sl1r(tc.

1)(c( I1b[ r ,111. 1 1t I Cr .p1)'il ( f t0ck1I ", r\IItlrt1. Ill',, I; , n nrh ..f MuIIhatIall -- I tllc I):pal- ITMcnl „f ( nrrtcti'(tI-

\I;Inlctt!:tn SIIIll,ly (', mill Ill . N'. 1 2i I'ra11klio bir 1, I'rinritll. Na[iusi l Snr,I (',.IIIpany. Nu. .1.111 Iir1,:i,ltc:r., S11( 1t.

I?c( lnl c'r 3I1, 1)I --- or ftrrni'.ltin f:e n rid .'IIIH,iit's. ( it of New 't urk For 111 I h•

t;u'tnllllL of C; mm1((l1. I. I'. (l~ II I?rrtc •I\ tIll street plod North haloes Iin'e;t111 I'LL

I'.mlIirc Sit' :'Iivvte ('~ nlllane, N. 34 Ill' .tIccI, Note A'((rk, S lire t v.

IieeeIll' 311, 1')lN--I'ur n 1 sult;,livl=l etr., P„~n,unll of MallIl tlan Fr the I)r i hitin lil If (urr,'(liun.

I•:nic :-l;rincl;cr 111(11 ('unp t:lnc, No. 1111 ('handlers :tree1, 11rinril,rll. Ike I':nul1er Slott- Suede (Gold o%%, Nu. 34 line l.mrl, \cic No"Irk,

S.Inrty. lbGl1nNcr 311. 111th' II' fIlrAi"ii(lg 41),111)1) yllart of colid'll"ell milk, Itur„ugh of \I;tu-

l:;lll:ln- - I", r Iii,' I)rlu'tlncnt 1 Crrc(ti,,n.

Mri)vrm('il I):tir ('nllr,lnr. N'. 127 \\ -et forty-,et-mid street, I'rin-cil,htl.

Iii;' f.Iu;uirc Statc Surcte ('(~nlp:nl\\, No. 34 Pill' street, Ncty \'(Irk, Sit rely.

I)(eImluer 'U, 19;1,1 I (Ir farni,llil(C 351),I)01) tlntmll: , IF tintnth hay. P„n~nglt of Mar

h;tllan - I"'or the Departmentf ('l~rmcti, ln.

\\'ln. 1 ;lciclui :n. N. 144 I t w ircl :IC Intl, I rlo(it,;h. 1ru1lc. Surrly (1mllruIV of New 1 ,;rlc, Nil. 2(1 ('genet street, Ile, plc

ltill, Ilrrt)•. I )rrrinlx r 3)1, 1)111 - I"uur fIlrni ,hilli 1)1s )ilil alym; of st rult, forrtlgh of Ilvlhattarl

For the Ihlr,trintrnt of Correction. I. .\lawn; Sill. Nu. tit \\Itel' street, Principal.

HI,' I ilc'it ;utcl (Caswih[ (' Inliati of New\ -url:, \u;. c)7 to ]11,3

('edal r et, Shia(%. I)eh (liter 3(1, I')II;,--I or Blril(a(1fle I ire o, etc., Iio,tn1Lth of NI:utltal!aIl lr, r life IJc

;,,n'IntrcI If C' rnrti ll. Ianu , ItItrirnr, No 238 I':l,l Iw,olicl?1 strut, i'riul'il;lI. \mcrir:nl Itsu Illng CntlIan; „f Il:tllin:urc, Ao ,. 32 \;1--au •trrct,

Stir r is'.

I)cir';nl(rr 31, I"1)1 Iu~r (((IV stc:l :till', noel irntt, , rlc :It the ('it c I'ri'u'n, II .1"It tll 1

I'W' I!',' I)ctiItill(nt „i t'~ ,Irccti~tt.

V','In. I ru' (111111w',. N .71 \I , >t (lute Ilunilrell:11(1 Ihirtc -e',inl ,f r1 It, I'rinrill.

NitiI Il Soria', G,1111l;tuy-, N'. .'iii Ilr,,arlca.. tinrrlr.

I )re liter .11, 1(;W',' I ur '.ntltlli( :.,f ire, Ii('r~n+ih If .AI:Inll,ilt:ln fuse Illy' I)eiltrtntcnt of (',rrcrliolt.

I (,t' r Slit Ice ('umprill,. N. 332 1\ Ii I'll r. hill '01,11, I'rirrilt it. Iii, I'nllirc State Sheds ('unlll,ln , \ ,,..14 fine s'a'ri. Ni \'t'k,


December 31, 190A—Flor furnishing general supplies (Class C)—For the Fire 1)cp:trt-n,cut.

The C. C. C'. lire Bose C'„mpan)'. No. 32 \4'arrc11 street, Principal. 'l'he United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, No, 66 Libert,-

street, New Yurk, Surety. 1)ccentltcr 31, 1901'I—For furnishing general supplies (Class C)—l'or the Fire I)epart-

m I'll t. The C. C. C. Fire I lose Company, No, 32 V1 arrcn street, Principal. The United States 1riclelity and (;uarvlty CnnipanV-, Ao. 66 Liberty

street, New York, Surety.

Opening of Proposals for the Week Ending January 2, 19l19.

The Coatptroller, by representative, attended the opening of pr, lpnsals at the ful-lo',c ill g Departments, viz.: December 28, 19(18—For repairs, etc., ill lhrastntls Ilall Iligli Sehool, and for improve-

m1.111, ill 32 other schools, Borough of Bru,klcn; for in>talling electric equil(ulent ill Public School 114, Borough of 3, tall the 1)e-1) 1rtinent of l' location.

Dceenll,er 28, 19(114--lrur repairs to heating ;ISIelfS ill various tiro louses, City of New fork—I.' or the lire I)cpartment.

December 28, 1908—Pnr furnishing fireproof ntap cages, Borough of \lanhatttu:--Fur the President of the I;ur ngh

December 29, 19(lS-1" r electric light <uu? 1100(1' inst;tllatiou in the I)cparintent stahle.s. ill Bast Thirty-scolncI trcct, Borough of \lanhattan—Par the Yulic. I)cpartul I'll t.

December 29, 1908--1"IIr sul,plics Of ire, 'Ike Cily of \ctv Work—F or the I)epartntent of Cr,rrection.

December 29, 10(1 --I rlr fttnti.tihin f',r:'ge, Boroughs of i1I•inbaltall', The I;n,rnx and Pt'1 IIkl)n I ur the 1)ep;urunent of Street Claming.

December 29, 19(12{ l"ur repairs to kitchen lluilrling. etc., at till' Metropolitan Iluslrital, Iilacktcclls lslancl—I"or the I)epaIrtntcltt of I'lllllic Charities.

I)ecemher 30, 190H—For inlprutcnlcuts ill the Il;all 11f kecnrrl;; for paintieg ruo)f and f It' other inlprrvl'tncnts in the King; C~,unty C,,urt Iluusc. Borough of l;rookl Vn—1 nr the l'resillcnl of the R(ruugh,

t)ccenlber .ill, 19118—]ror huil(linh a sewer ill limnla street : for furnishir;g c-~al ; for laying sirleIv Ilks on "I tvelfth avcnuc, etc., liuruugh of (,weer,.—h'ur the ]'resident of the Borough.

llcccnlbcr 3(1, 191)1i—Poe paging with asph;tlt blocks Ninety-tiftll street, from St-cunrl to Park avenue, .11111 for intl,rut- cnlcnts in tttcnt'r tier streets; fur furni5h-ilig manhole eskers, rIIILhcI- hope, s11111, ccmcnt .(Ill! ?IIIII cr, llorIligh of \I;lnhatldn— ('ar the Presidentof the lM1rough.

I)ccenlher 3(1, 19(1, —l'~,r fttrni<Iting milk. ntc;lts, batfrr, et.'., fur tl,e of hu.ptals. I he City of \ct '1 ,rk 1'.n the Departmentf health.

1)eccutbcr 311, 191st—.1 r,r furnishing >Iatincn and Itrintcrl '011)1111.5, The C ils c,f New l"nrk—For tit' Ucltartnlctlt of Education.

Decc'mltcr 31), [9i11—For funlishing ;11111 laying water main; in V iOl Ils streets : for h}-1lrant value boxes, curers, etc., 1iDrelughs I(f Manhattan[ and -I he home —I'll' the l)clClrlolrnt of \\',rtcr Solllily. (k n ;tncl Electricity.

I)eccinl er 31, 19O`-Fuse supplies (if forage. I''urr~u,git; 'if Iirinsklen and The Bronx—1 r,r till' Departmentif ]'arks.

Pel'cl[lIer 31, 191)4—parr furnishing coal to I,rillges ,o'er the ll;u-Iem Riser, Rurrntgh of ll;lnhatt:m—1 or the 1)e;rtrtnlcnt ',f Itrohites.

December 31, 19(1.`1--For furnishing su;tldic<. linr~ ,ulh> "f \lanhattan, The i ronx and Iln(okly7i—IFor the I)eplrtmcnt of Street Cleaning.

I)ecembet- 31, 1911,E Ft,r fnrni,hinh mi5ccllan(I(us snf,plic: f-u' hn;pita'i', -I he ('it of New \ -ark—Four the Department if health.

I )ttici;tl I )esi,g(l Itinn.

Jrhn 11. ,'Vie( lc", I)rI,ut, l:uml,trullrr. I let ;I Cntl,ur„llcr fr, lnt Stturl;:. Jan ttary 2, 1911, t.t AV'cllnc,dac, March•31, 1'IU'i, lath , la , ittHl'ic, .

N. 'I\\i.k I'll tl.l.l ]'1, I )Illtlty ( mltu' lc.


A regular lording of the lt:n:u',l „f I tt1t1.., Ili Iie ki to till .Allil IIu„I,ital; was 111111 in the staff t'ulml Of IScllctuc Hospital (ill Iilursllav, January 14, 19119, at three o'clock.

Pres(, nt-1)r llr:moan, the President, in the chair: Messrs. S chs, Stern. O'Keetle, Robbins and Patticlin„ 7 rttstclS, .In(! \I r. ltclII el' 1, the Clminlissionrr of I'ulllic Clt:u - iti('s.

'(he ollmlles of the meeting of I)Xe[nI 'r 22 ,111(1 I)ecetolce 31. Were real and appr ved.

The follutiving bill; sv're presented for a1i1rIva1, and on tl1(Itilln, dillyseconded, it was

l e'- is-ei. 'Mat the\, hating bccn hole atlllitell In tLc finance C, nnnlittec. lie 11511 al mu foI- o\;lrcl~ d fur t,;lt tncnt : McKim. ]ball & \\ nit,.......... $/58 72 11(1111 (;rei4 3,3

\IclKitll, \lca, l .\ \\kiitc ..........8.1148 7i `I'h'mta> I. I)unh:nu ............. 145 2(' I'. I I. h.1'11Lclt .`, (-I .............. Itlti '' l'ittslmrgli PPlate (;loss Conipally.

I 2 17

I. I'. l;tlsell ..................... _'.i(1 'l (Jill J. 5tc11hcn................. 1.4311 21

Iturlun & I);ni< (iunllelilu........ 1.524 5!, (artn;lgh llr ther, & Co........ 32 (II) l, 'nil ('. ( )wins .................. 41) 1,1 \Moll;ttalk Sti;t;,lc (', ,mean) .... , , 4 114

I' . I”. ALut'agr .................. 40 I,h' I .:A1'Lal,ritc .................... I) I)I

\rtn tn- & C' .................... 1(I2 11;i \. 1'Itillill; ...................... 123 it)

IttgI, I'rcllricks .................. 1.108 40 (1..\. \yclrn..................... (dl 48

\Llnhattan 51101(11 Cuntltanr...... ell (.1 lilrI„ntiltgJ;llc Bi ,thrr'. .......... (1 1(1

Kndrkerl,: ,ckcr \lilt, (nt;tany .... 1 1)1 lames 'I'. 1), tt!alcrty ............. 2 25 TNine's Rowland ................. 34 (1; l'linler & :\m, n,l................. 1 7))

Shcfficll? vaunts, SItwsIll-Decker Jesse D. Fr st ................... 1,10(1 4)1

l 'omptnc ...................... .1.573 ';; l~l;ctth (,it;l<.. ................... 71 SI)

111antii I lid l Shpt) c Company.. 4,7117 =11 fill-Sel1rerce Cun,pan5.......... (1(1 31)

I muter & I ritnln (,nnl1an....... 347 a( \\il?iam 1.;tngleein & liroblech. -.. :37 5(1

I. I'. (nlstII ..................... 91 in l.i(lilidl Carb(lr11r C~In?pany........ .3 It)

('unr(,n lie 11nn ('Aloe:lnv.......7 ✓r.`; n8 Drina Lri!z ..................... 2 25 S Inloel I::. IIurlter ............... 3(i ) it 1ikriti III Shin 11 (VuloaetY ...... 310 31

l:. I'. I,;nvl,•.. ... .............. 48.1 ?' F. 11. \Ie\ rutvit7................. 1O ill

New 't , Irk I eIcilb, ,11t' cFItieolt .. '15\ 1') O'Neill-.\I lallls ( onlpally ........ 93 It)

Ill:epl N. E,Irl.v ................. 211a )-t Parke-Davis & C:,............... 3 411

\rnrur It ('I .3 54 Postal 'I'cic>;•ranh (.'able C,upan\ . 31) 45

\. L. Hirsh...................... 18 58 lames K. Shaw.................. 14 (IO

\1lnlIattao Snl,l,ly CInipany...... 2.12 cl$ Seltcrinv & I,1ltz ............... 72

sutler ( ,ml,an\........... 11 3.1 `icucl-Cuuncr C~tnlpanv ......... 4 ()R

('a,na h liruthcr; & ('u alit'')' n'nlaulll & Co .................. (1 35

\Vil'i:ou k. "1elgoo;i.on............ 14 51) \\ illi lnl N. efhnnioson............ 21 71 21

Se lhur': R Tnhn>nn .............. 0 41) Ill) \\'c;!ern ('ninn Telegraph Cnnl-

& lrhn",n .............. 11)5 1111 lupine .. ..... 56

I •tci, Nkuilillfactilviny ('llal;rul}.. ),7 '(1 t1(1 Sh,hltu;nln. Pfarrc & Co......... 12 (;3

(hsled . KOIllman 8, Co.......... (1,595 Ili' 'Tilt,, l) l'rr;wet, ('rnloflany- of New

I'sct1b T. I)., rtglicrt\ ............. 134 14 York ......................... 429 3.e

nin'rr & .\ntrall .......... ...... 1,0 i- \\"ells & X;' I ,t1 ('~,lnnslue....... 7.O55 (1(1

I'. I. C',m,tant ........ .......... 3 42 el'bI ,nia. Cocl vrill & S~ ,n........1301n (-1l

('lanes A. I"r,cr<rh .............. .1 Illl 111(11 11. Ptrker ('„n1Pany........ 3,448 511

\t"illioou P. \ - ~ ,nngs & lIrI(ll(ns... 4'( ;)) Parish & Schroeder .............. 164 37

1 'lln 1 gall .................... 3 141 John I1. 1':Irkrr ( tnpany........ 4,11(6 25

Mr. 1t. T. 1il.:r'' the .\rt;n Cuttrrriotemlellt. relmr[e,l as fnllnttc I"rum lIt('emhI•r 27 In January 9, intllsinc, 40 operatiolls were pel'fIlnllletl at Belle-

511 r Il,,.pital, 21 a; (;,IItycrncttr I l~Is1lital, 25 at II trlem FTn,ltital and 21) at F r,lhant l lospital, at all ,.f which Cllr \ltenrliug Surgeons nr their assis:tih, were present.

\ tir., drill teas held at l)ehlevut. II ;Ilit:tl on January 0, at Harlem Hospital nn January 7, at I"„l'd1[t[o Hospital nn Jan'irli'v 2, and at (;uuccrnettr 1Tua,ital on Jann-ari 4 arc! January- 12.


_L full attendance !if th l'11V-sician::t!11 Surgcl)us at the various hospitals i; reported.

-\ communication has bcin rccci\Ld fr:,tn \lis; F. C. Dct\vilcr. of 1or(lh:tni Hos-pit:ll, rc ardint one of the juniors taking scc!)n(l call on the anthnlalice. This is not pernti-al tattler file rnlrs of the llar(t of 'I'rttstees, but on account of the resigna- tion of 1)r. Eichel n,, better arlaI1Lctucnt can be malls. It is recommended that the matter llc rc1rrrr(1 t„ the t O 11tnitIt e of the lf,inth at I--I)r(Ih;tm I Iclspital.

It i; r(cuutnlcncic(1 that the Boar(1 of 311lcrtncn he requested to permit the pur-cllase of fresh fruits and vegctat,lc iti the pcn market for the year 1909 to an autouut not to exceed $11200. The increase of $3,200 over last year is principally on accotttlt of the opening of the Ntirse ITontc, rhere there will he 145 Nurscs and 30 ~.•rvants.

It is reconunen(lcd that pernli<siun be requested from th,! Bo,inil of Aldermen to htty- in the open nn l<ct during the niotrtl! of Tanttarv, 1909, the supplies required during ill,lt tuonth, to an anu,tvlt not cxccc(li i,g $5C).000

I)r. Hotchkiss rcriu:sts Ill, nl;point*ncttt of :t (In- Nurse nd a ni,nht Nurse to care for 1)t•. Sucll, of the Fir,t Surgical Division, \V1) contracted gotiorrh,cal nl,h-thalnlia, As he requires constant att_ntion to save hi= sight, it is reconlnicn(lcd that the Anr.scs ?)c appolnt( 1.

I)r. T. I). Prv utt requ.~sts the services .)f a sl;eiial Nu rrl for a traclieotouiy case. ;!!td it is rccontntcndc,l that the request beIptlrov':(I.

'FI)c Supervisin,g Nurse of TT:trl.m !t -pit:tl requests that Ihrc overcoats be al- 1~~vrcd for th(• _Antl~l-ul utcc Sitr ns „f that in•littttilln. It i, I illiltcnllcd that coats he 1 n h! f''r the G' iivccrllclr an,! l „rrlhanl 1 Iwpif:!1 tiurgl un is vicell. at about the same !teare ;pai(' for Tile rn:rt: :It Itcllcvrnr il,lalit:~.l. l' r;tcll.

I)r. ( T.v_tcvvh(,•l. A-i~itilln I'hc~ir:an t„ the I"irst MoIt-;tl I)ivi,i„e, requests pernli..n to :Iplint rin :t billonal u:nl (,n lei, -crvii( fr :ix vnecks. It i; rccont- elctul.11 til:lt +Li, anb5 inrOl(l!l t, ;,!h , v.(l, a~ that clici~i~ a Itas at present Tile outlying

'r\ ice. the alcoholic r1,1(1 1 ri•on ,-ands 'I he (;must tinp:rintcrn,l rut If tell -I•i. ,linln. Sells rc(lucst. pernli;arm to at)-

ltlt Ii „ ;t(I(ltrn,ll tn(n, ;it ;I <al:uv „i $311O, one to tssil in the cic;taint; of the'; If l ;i'. ilin .A :dud It oh the .hr f„r Ih cic:!niu1. of the :1111p Btilca1rc. it i, reconnnen,lcd thou thi; ntaltl•t h;• r:fcrrc,f t „ the tonnmittec ore Offieers ;and I?w- i i ,yees.

It is Icc,iiilclll1,11 that aiihei ::Ifc I. piitch;l.cll ft all(- Property Clerk's of- tee, :u a Cell( u'It i Nccc-l: Sit; OIt ;:cc;,tlnt of the laryc nututiLer of p:tticrtls tltc -ale 11'riv in tt5r 1, nut . iltlici,9;!!\ ill gc t'. lid the Uaticnt propert)•.

It is rc:,Itnntrn(lcd that :hc :Ipplte:all ,!1 for incrc:u in s;tlarV- Fran, Joiu It. I'l! tit! Riih;n(l I lc;t!v he uteriI to Ill tnntittrc ,In Of(iceu. land lanpluyccs; ;tlsl, tilt' ~unnnlnic;ti , n f I'. :ht' tinl,~ rci=i+t~; Nur:r „f (iuvcrnrttr I lu-pit;tl rceonr- nlcullin”, inrrr,l,v• ;!I !ii vc;l;,cs of fur c nl!II\:.. an(1 the ;ipin ,intntcnt of :I Carpenter.

Ur. I):u-ling ante ; :lcr1 h., uuill r;tI 11:1 hi; ,alone vva; to lie .1I) a no nth i (ItuinC Ili. t~ntp ,rary ;!pin ,intmrnl.:tall tilt- in.trnctic,ns ..f th,: 1;!rd arc• rejuc,te(1 in his totter.

it is reported tll;tl III; _iittts ); tit c- rlllings and n„zzlc; vecrc int off the lire L.. >c in l.vcral 11:111, 'If the illhaI. An in,loclin vv; Itho1,• inlmc(li:(tcly au(l the

t1(•r vvrl; r.l rt cl 1'' the I),Ic!tic( too :i ILt, nzzl(s ait,l cl,tlplin wet r rc- tl;iclI at re. t ,,f :^1'), 1!I. hill 111ving bet :Ip,nvL(I L) tilt Cl111111ilt , c 1-n St,pplie1. i

It i r clmtnIett i((I I 1';,: an -,hint"n he 11111-!il 11 fr-nn the Corpratlo l Ccntnsel in the tn;llt If ihanr.in_t- 1- .kRnl- Ili it Ili, n1< Irlrticnl;lrlVy in case; vvhere the errors to hr n::nle :in(1 a_t- are mottle I,y :1nll1;Iii, Si,rel•„n, ,'r ontpl, lyce-.

Uu j ntIaIu v 6, I')}'), IL•c u'tacrt~1 . r o •t t n vv:I, tuntuIp1-(1. 7 he hail- shied and the vvat.o It was „vot,nal(I. I vrill (n- t a1' ul S4t) to repair the vv;tgun. The ')river h:l, been tntorme(I th;.t h,• vvill I,r Ili>nli,-e l ill r:l:c ' , f its ftn-thcr trouble.

It i; rrc, nnnlcnd((I flit l ;I I„nt ,lianaec Iche))luome he pla-rl in the I)oclnrs' (lining rill , If till, in:tint:i , n. , , that all, I)l- t ntic Lint have In tease the Iliuirnt; ran I ;;n:\\cr r;I11; (luring inn(•h 11,,1] ,.

-Ihc tree ,-i chic!;-•- ;till I trl:cy h, ilue ,,, Ili;it at Ilrc ,cnt. it i; rcioultn,-n,led that nuns 11c hutti.4h1 c'<rcpt I patient- allot IIIe i"Iitrtuet., for 1O(19 are atv:lr(Icd. The ditfcrcncc i .-tvc(cn lilt' c~mu-:,ct aunt niarhc•t prie - t .that live cent, a pound.

I)r. JlOcph 1;. ISi -,cii rclltt, ,t, Itv 1 c, i:.l \!n->c-'. „a It' f r night an(I one for (lay clot •, to cane for t\\ o:n:ru;i in \\:till 311, an(i i; i, rcr"Innieuu is i th a t this requ(st- l)e Appian-ti.

it counnunic;ltil,n h:l., Lt,, -n i lylcc(I fi in tilt Sup,rvisia 1•:nMineer re;,,rding the ,laming (,Y :t stc;tm le ilcr Till :,,diary Ill tl1:uuglt tic iI,FasiIi citu(i( 11(- of rune of the I ti-ml it.

_\ conlmunic;tionl lea, h.•cn r c-ivti1 fast, I)l- I. I.\I ,,,, iey;r(1iiig Ilnotnas I. I,tr- rc,ll, „uc of tit l ir~nl, r at 1Li; in-:ituti„'l, a-hill- ir ,. lc;lcc of ❑ I,.cnce fur two its s sit ht- el act lilt ni illn .

( )It lnl.1j n, dalv- Ill (1, it it __t,- -lid. I To ref, -r Cullmiitl•c• f Ill A[filth he lu;(tti- f o rulika;; IM of the jutir

at I-~Ir~lhan! I f ' i'ii:ll III a -t a , .\Inbut;mc. - ur"(olI nn seclm(l call.

( )n mutton, 1ti11,' -toad,-ch. it vcot, I, L-1 (t'1 n,luc,; I,crini -i n frc, nl all, ];";u,l Of :\ldcrlucn I , hart ll t ( \vith-

rmt bull'- t-Hiu txg frcvh FrIIi1S ;ind cct, tAltic; for the -c-ar 1901 ), it :t cast not to yc,.-e i ;i I 2(Ht

I )it l,—hit. (1111 ;, cOr,rlc (1. it n as R--Ell,cf. '1 ,. r v1m, a it, !iiiis.i ,,n fr„rrt the It, ltr,l „1 .\l~l~ rnlc-rt I burl h;1 c aeit1tollt

public ]L-t;illg thcc ,cppl; cs ;iiiii ,r„ii,i(,n , rl-1luircll 1lnling- the month of J,tniu ug, 190l. at a ~-' - - lit I„ t.Xrc c(I 3I IIIIII.

( ill tn, ti, m. (lulv- sc-,•, or , l,0. it it;, Rc>, I]vc,i, 'I , :,nail-.riz~• Ihic-I•lnl,t viii, ii: of a the tune i inht ',tin-, Ill r:lrc for I)r.

Smell If th(• )-it,,, tilu_~i,-I I )iv i-inu. a Nurse fur :I trache, tonty rase on I )r. IIryant's serv~ic,-, mall a (lay Anr-r itch ;I rni;;lt! Atart• for tvv~, fr.tlicnts can I)r. I>is;lll'- service.

( )n 111111 ion, (1111 ;cc„n,l,-(l. it vca; Rc-Alec(', 'f, aut11, -1iu• the lit,rch;l<;- „i rul,l,cr r ate f. I- the :AtnbllI;utic 5urgcuns

4 , f Gnatcriictlr, I I:lrlcln an(1 I”„rlihai t hl,it:ll~, at n c-~ I t e to c•yc,c(l :$l5 :1 On Ill It'll. Elulv -,-- li'l,-ll. it RIlvcl. I„ all, re- the rc-r, -lnulrn(l:ltiun f I)r. I. rlavoo(I for the :(plu,intment

if ;tn ;l/llliti~:n:,l I'hc ,iri;ln •.n th<• I-irt Medical I)ici-i„n It- six t~,c(•I:,.

On tn,.Iion. duly rc,,l. it was Re-bed, I refer t• , tin G,mmit:c•I 1,11 (tficers :till :Inpll,yccs the ret- ,lnntcnd(t-

tion Of the to-ngr:ih S;II,crinlc-n(Icnl I,f - I raining Srh„nhs that two arl(lition;tl nit•n Ilcl(,cr- be :Il,lnointr(1. it :( -;ILIry of 5311!) etch, unc a: AV- inchv\. CII•ancr and the ,,thcr as I1, lf,cr in the :Imphi!Iie:,tr,-.

On Iti-ti ti, dalv ircon(lc(I, it vvas Rc,olv-U, 'I~, 01":i iII 1Li(i it an a(l(iiti„ i:(1 ;,it, ft- th(• ['Iopeul\ - Clerk's (frier. till ,nation, (1111- scc,nnl,•11, it vvu, kc;hlevd, TII rcI, r I„ Ili,- ('ollimitttc „n (),(item ;trill Fiuli,l(,yces the applic;lliun,.

of Ell IMPI IIc;,le Mill JLn 1cll (If It,llcvn,- Il,ital, r inir-;r;,-s in salon-)-, oath I,, the ( ollllniuc•(• of Ii- Month it (', mc,-rncltr I Io„!,it:tl the rcn,tttln(•tl(L!til,n (,i the Stipc-uvl ,ung Anr,e if lilnnvcrucur I I ,ri:al that the sal;uic-, of for cltll,l, ,y(,c; be inct-c:t-eh :utll that :t clId,tl11,i Ile ;ipmoin,dl at (ho-,linclb lh„1lilll.

I )it motion. (1111v s,•crun,l(•(1_ it wa, R,•lv-(vl. to inform I)I. 1h5-n,u I):urhtrg that lie will Lc- pad $150 a tll , -n1lt I1llrin:;

Lis 11•tup„rar\- call 1oynlent a, 1'h:, tntr;tphcr a11(1 \ R-ut- IlIne;Itor :It IScllcvue Ilit:t1. ( In nu.tion. (filly , ci,nil,d. it was R,- ,lvcrl. - I„ refer !I, Ihl• Corp'']ation ( , ,urn,cl fir all opinion the matter of (•ur

l - tirlg tuist;lkrx in the hi,lurics of patients. OIT mr,tii ti. (hilt- s(-Coll led. it vva_; kc-~ ,!c( (l, 'I „ ;Ii,prov- e the rcconnnc•tt,latinn of the :A,•tin}; Sttpc•rintcnrlcnt that ;t

lame ,husttu ici- tI lcpll"lne Ile l,l t, ell in the I )nclors• Bitting room. 'Flt ,- recmnncnd;tti„n of tllc ,taut!„ tup,-rilltcnll(-rut that '-hide, 11 an(1 ttn-ht- II

L„!1ght for p:uicnl, , only stmt th:lt t!nnc Lo supl,lir(I fr,r the dinirnt; runms until the contract 1i:1- L, cn :I,varcicll fill- tit(- icon- 1919 iv;'- 11ot :tp!, rovc(l.

I )it Ill ti„n. (1111 • sccon'i,-d, it it-as h ,-sI,lr-cd, •ill t rh,nt,l - hi,- l,rl tota' l :t,l;ilin,t tllc I•Ilgiuc,i ;tn,l the l`ita ,tan n

set ,n;i!,:< for till I,tunitl f l;i, l,, ,il, r rip ,rtcll l,y tit,- Supt-reusing 1•:ngin(•cr, Nail tlmt Ihcv It- girl n noti(-r I.. :iptti it L(G,re IIt' lii~;u,t If 'I nt,li-,- rut it- n(-st tnc, •ling !II 11r,Ise stilt u,-,li(-s :ts Ihcv , Ic•,irc.

OII motion, Ihuh v -~•cnn(1(-11, it wins Re;rMvelf. "Ill refer to bite ('imintittcc oil Officers and 1?nlI,lu)ccs the :IlIb,lir:!ti„tl

of 'I'll , nl;l; F Darrell f(lr a lc;r c if ,IL cncc of 1\v„ tni,nlhi I , n-acirnntt of illn(•<;.

t'port the rccotuntcndation of the Committee on Supplies and the Building Cont- ntittee authu(iritv tvas gicern but the .A-till, Superintendent to accept the lowest bids on thr i;,ll,t\virtg; repairs :uul arlirlr> rr(Iuired: (.l ,al. I-urdhctrtt Ihi shtil:Il (six hid; :t-kc(l; Icut- recci\'c(l)-O. J. Stephens.... $232 50 l'cttairs to _Antl ,til;!nic Ao. Shellccuc I I„spital (nnly urn- hid asked)-Will-

i:ttlt It r;trice1„m .. .. ...... .... 39 al

(;cat lamp;. ItclIcvite Ilospital (five bi:Is ;t'l:ccl; fnitr rcrcivcd)-'• till lovvest hi(I<, each ................ .. ......................... ...... .. ... 4!3 04

Stanlrt Patterson a\v:lnleri tilt, ,ircler ( , u rciulllntcnllatil;n of the Stl- I,rr\ Il incct-. Ilcctrirll supplies, Bellevue Ihospital (Gv•e bids asked; live reccivc(1)-

R"\-:tl Ea;tcrrt Electric Cc,nlpanv. lowest ............................... 35 46 iludson Electric Coutftany, next !,,i,-,-t ............................... . 40 75

Bert-, oats and stra\r, (ntuierncttr Tluspitnl (three bills a;kc(I: three re- ceived)-

T-.icit & \\'rvauil, Invest ............................................... 40 21)

1. 1t„1Iirus. next 1vvcs- ............... ... 48 25

!I;1_v, oats :tlul straww, Bellev!lc Ilosplt;tl (fits: 1):(1s ❑ske(l; three reieived)- l-:iclt & \\'cvan,l, loo- - l ................................. I .............. 70 6O

J. Rollins, ,text loa-c;l ................................................ 73 80

V•cget;ILlcs, l larlcnl I In=1,it:ll (,lane bids askc(l; three received )-- Rich: r(1 Webber, lowest ............................................... 19 5(1 S. !I.. IIunler, ncxI lu\vest ............................................. 21 62

V~1•g(•t:iL!cs. Iiintv- crn('ttr Hospital (three bids a~kc(I; three received) - S. K. Ilunt(r. I,icost .................................................. 82 12

II_ I.aulcss & Suns. next lot-st ....................................... 91 42 V -crctahles, liebhi etc IInspil:!1 (three bids :t,l<c(I: three reccivved)-

S. F. ITttnfcr, lowest ........ "... .... ............................ 162 25

1'. It•ss & Sons, next Iu,wea ....................................... 168 (N)

1i;lrclvvare, lhchlcctte hospital (\ :Ira(, III (three bills asked; three re- c(-ivu-ci1 -

Iltt)l, Gril,pcn & Co ................................................... 563 15 fall,; 1•arar, nest lii\\vc,t. .. ........ ... 728Illl

\( o: 1.ahc,ratry roof, Ihrllcvnc I I.,-,puCtI I lice hills a kc(I; two received)- \\-.:\. S-Ilifler;, lonvcst ................................................ 450 (h) I.,I:III .'h: \\ offs„?]. n~-\t 1„ \rc,t ......................................... 530 (Xi

l(cplir: ,I, gnttcr~. clr., P(1!(t-nc (,'aunt; 1':nili, ill I Isis hills asked; tvco rrrc i\ ell I - - -

\\ i'hi;1111 A. -:ut,tt - r. 11)1C('t ............................................ 9O (N)

I. I-He el. next ;, ,\e,•st .................................................. 1(t2 I(I) I':11t1111>;' 111- c i - u;(l ,:•+, I !:n- Rent I t' shtilal I fix Ili(,' 't-IC(•,I ; four 1'eit•1A'e'I )-

1,,llrl II Vaal I I,Irn. I,Itc •-t ........ ................................... 165 (Nl J .-cl,h \yl:rrl:. nest l,l\\c•st ........................................... 250 (Nl

Illanl<ct ii.itIurr, I i;o- lcIll I I,,<pi';ll I l i re I,iuI- ask,-(I: Ihrcc ueceltc(11- hli,• Scltc,•rcr ̀. nllipttnv \V- ells cC V'cvvIi rl, tie'-,t 11,vv,--t ......................................... 440 Oil

i';Irtil „ti, A\ ;lilt 28. It-hl,-in- I Ii ,Iiit;ll ( f,mr bill, ;t,kcll t „ulv unc r('- r(iv(,l I W. 1\'. l<lapt' -rt .0 Situ ....................................... 11)8 (Ill

N(,v, u_ivc;ty. fortL•a "tiutithli,-1,l” ll,llcytic IIoid,rtal (fntu bids asked; ivvn ieei-t -,ll


W. I\I:Ipprrt c\ Sir. l'ltvcsl ........................................ (N1 (N)

Jal,ic, ffh(- \dlu lR S,itrs . ......... . .............. ... .. ................. 1)5 (N) I.deti -s to roof ;ut'l Icailcrs I foIlr v-;IVlI I. Il-li-vt,c I Iospiliut (;even hill,;

I-hc(I; tty,t receiv((lI IRa;il, \- \'-Dlfs,i1tl kl\rc, ............................................... 275 111) \\'..\. S:;n,l~ r, next I' l\ve-I . . . ......................................... 35(1 (N)

kcle.Hes t„ Iams(iry ,•I(-star, I I,ulcnl I I „lrl,ll Ioil) one Iii :I,Ic(d, trt:utufac- 1rirer)—(Ili; Ire(, ...!,,. it C ur - lt• ....................................... X160))

l'trtitilm, f-itvL, itrt "SolIIh!i,-Id.” It1-11=,n Ill,~pital (tine hills a;kcd; there I

( \. l'lallpc- 1- t .`(- -'rte, Irnc(,t ----------------------------------------- (5)I (N)

\\ illi:un I lorn. next lint,,) ............................................ ti)N) IXI

\\ - ire rucinn< f~ r l,,lhc ,rill-, Ihitutct-nvur I Ii inigd (hare•- hills asked; (,rule one rek cnvcd I ---1 bi1I,l;a tiuppic ( n p;Illy .............................. 12 Ill

t ilium( Neil- :null ball, thrill , n., I1(-Ilr\nc IIuspitaI I:\ ;till It) (three bids rush—chi tbr,•, r,i•- itell -

( hilt lc•, 1.. 1•:i'llit,, 1•.,» r-t ............................................. 27() IN)

Rl-r,'• \ I I I)„nl,v:nl, nest 111vac,t.... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... 31(111!1


ti tul(L rl ,l:crs tv;Ig',lt. 1t-h-eac I )ii,',it tl ( three bills a,kell ; three r,-eu :"i!t-

( Marie. harry, (''west .................. .............................. 21 51) I'. \\;glren & ̀nn - ........... ........................................ 6I III

01,;11, 1'or,l1l;Inl Ihi~pil;1l (,,ix',ill' :Ile:c(l: .it( r(,: tied )--I1. J. Stci,hcn;.... I)) It)

1!~~rsc• fi•c,!. II:cI(111 I1sl,it;11 (' ,ul , nrlc hill ;t ,kill I.acll c`C \Vcy;ln(1....... 45 43 Ill-n-, 1,hc - il. ( ,G.m( ,-11cu1r Il„=lIIt:tl a Ida il'c 'Ebbs :i-kc - I: 'Iucl' r,•ci - ivet1 I --

h-lilt N \\ c\':t!I(l ....................................................... 4(1 101

1. R. Ih„lBru;x ,n st I.rwt~l. ........ ... 45 5 - Ri-1i; ir, t. Ili, - !I (. Ii1h1ecnc Attu+al ltLiet• 'Ii(Is a-k(',E; t\cu ret(•ivc(II---

- fh„nl,l It. l;lIIhn-u - 1 , t Ibliuu'l a I`ir(- Iii-1 t,intiay I ------------------- ht (III

\\', eh( ,ene \I;nlnfarlitrill, ( rtlIl.lnv. next )„ \vc,t.... ............ ''I It) f., ir , ht:uta IIo ,otI:ll Ihrr,-t hilt, .Ilke(h: lit- I\c, tI -

ti;lnlu,-1 I-. I Inrttl•:-, 1, ,\nsl ............... ............................. 1 2 17 Pirh:u',1 \\ cLL, r. nest 1 , I\c, s,... ... ........ .. 1 2 25

V-I,!kln;, n ,',lint ,, Itl•11'•ctit IIII;ilit;tl (f, unr hill, Astor;i; ('ri(. received)---Kny- lc-c-Ice l ulupall' .................. ................ .............. 24 IN)

R, pl,rts o,f Committees

I, lr;, n:Iii r,-1,rl,(I ILt!t h.• hall rl•(luc,tcll till- Ci\'il Scr\ - i - c It-;tell 111 11, 1(1 :I nil 1 It e-.;imin:tti,m for \li>; i)ct\cilcr. rut- Iur(llctnt lhia,ul;th. Oit rtt,til,u, Il•rll\

-(O il'b((I ;rub (e,,rril-(l, III(• :Iilin „i the 1'r, -idea) itt this rn:later \col, apprl,t'c,l. I It I;r:u,- nl: r(I,~rtc(1 u,n'lt lilt- l,n,l, , ;c,l iclv,-n•11 11:l"a;;l'vc:ty In l'aiiiiins .A ;tn, l It

till II, it !IcH,%tU- I II„pit;,L :util, IItI itI. Ii, .n. hale sut,,Ii•,b and enrich_ till 1u;,~ \

ii- 110 I - Ii„. u.•, r A•.:(, in,lrile;((1 1„ pr ,-I:u e pl;uls ;III spcciliialiollti fill- the 511111(.

I )t- Itr:!'in:-tu rcp„rtc(i n;lon alt it lei•,!ttt• with ,It,. I:un,•; W. he,—h_ A:-i-l:nit I•: I- uin(cr -,f III,- I.ilcoir - I )Id,;lrtnl , rut_ i(Cnvim,g rdt ,;lut; to the f,•u-I,oal •'Sntultti, :,l, , :nl(1, ,,n nu,',ii in 11 ,11- s,,i ii l, I. it seal

k , hi,- . I' ;I,!; ill.• C,;it(I „i \lilc-i1nih Il,r :In oilII)nillrtitldilt if Ii, that :nuI (I":]ar- in tit„ ci it I(, crnnl Itnnlls. I1, I„• :It,l,li, (I I,, Illi; ptnpo'c, an(I :tls, III eenmaBitg ;uu! ;,t t! n,+ in ynn,itti'in Ill, fcr'tlg);it '•\\', Ili, ell° fur 11-- :I- :t Il;n E- hurl for eilu.trurtp II,- (h.lrul!u' IIt, c, alit,_ •.a, m.

Ili. ItI-;,Incul n1nul-1t np~,n I! i- pr, Il , i , __cll tncnt•, nl„nth, -crvirc f',r baleen.; at I h;u It ul I I''-11ital, r, rl,ltlntru(lil'.L th:ll the srhl ttrr h,• l,nt into ,>I,cratin Its all c x- lu-uiln'Iu1, Anil, „n tn,,li , ~n, , ltll\ s •I' (n -lt :(lilt rrlrt it'll, this rcr, lntnit - ''(haulm %%;t; :tll- p, (II.

'I.1hc- ('I,'I.nliitec nn I)Ilirc-r• ii 'I I-lnIIlb I':ros t-rportc(I ttp' ,n the folluvving change. it Lo h, Ii, for th,• tccoh: II,,ling 1)r—cm,ru 12 run,l I)ximdu-t 1`), :111(1, on Uulu,ixt. 111tly

Sec„ alcil In., ianrrird, hi- , s ii' u'_' ;il,l,n,tv•(1 1, Ih(• ItOar,l if Trust(--•<:

\II~l. , in!nl(•tl!,, It-Cccuc I1o,1 , i1rtl, \\ • c,•lc I•a , 'lil p, I)eo,tlpt-i 12, 1(1(11.

I) ii !1,!111- (i--\l;,t,t, I)ris,coll, It'~spilal Il,Ipcel $241(, a rtueu1h from $1111): \i.( flu Itrctln:nt, $241).

I)rr(nI,cr 7- \bullet Ilrlt'rigr,it_ 'l't:limit Meese, $000: vii- - 1. nic Pin ti,, - ,, x(1111. N „r t I'iiltj1,_ - I r;lin,•11 \lets,•. i(i(V1 ; vie(- I_hi -,:! tit, `F'IN). _loltn Ilclnnl(I Pupil .MIT- ,(% $120; \It', it:n M. ISria_ s, $1_'ll, \lieIrl(•I IlicLc •, Ill-,pilaf Itchier, $2411: \I(,- h t- i-tlrri,-k -I. thrice, 24J.

I t•-c-,-.III - -I Icnry i•_atcm. I lo'l,ital I I,-lprr, $3(N); ill—I' AIlmrl L:ipino, $3111. fatnt'- 1 ,iii,, t, !I , -jinl:il 11(l,,-t $3)NI; vie Irving \Iillar(I. 131)1( frank G-GH',ltl 11-pital

I,c„ r. $_'-III; ii - , I ,Itt; nl I•I ,, ,l, it_'4It. I t,.E,u:h 1)n\vnc-i, 1I'',pttal 111-1111'r. $.1,111; vii.. rl ll i llntn„ull.:i_'4II I :(It,:, \larl,;ll- , I l,,'t,ilal I I, 1per, $1811; vi,- - J,-nln Itt;Ig •ti. $hall

Ir<, It.,,. I!j„I,il:ll lb-hi ".1% $'t)(: \ire• I.illiul I-inn, $2-ell. \l;uc PII"rll. Ih,,,r,:ial I b-bit.t. $l~u; \i-y• I~:I,• \\i! tall; , $Iti1(. \tic, K,•llv, h/ls-il;1t blab',_ $I`'ll: vii,' I(11.-11

:nu1lJlI. Sltitt. I lm rid t I', i•.I, ! I,I>I,il;uI I It-Ipt r. :hly(t: viit• i\(;u- \ I"•1ly. Ni, 2. $1K'). Jn_i-pl' l.;trnr, Ihi-, ,it;ni Iiclper, $2-III; vice I rtluk Smith, $241). "I•h,,;nn, lhurtlil,,



Hospital TIcIper, $24)); Vice John Mc( nn:u-k, $24O. Mary Ueron. Fha l Pupil Nurse. I)ecenil~tr 1; .Alaiy 'I'r;iiii ~l \nrsc. tiP)H): tr:it fried fruit If;trle it I l,,v;tl;

$3(M), at!rlilinal (purl gr;Aim)cI. I)aii I \l th~uncy, llospital Ilclper, $249; vice John %ice Ida V. Jantc5, $(AD). l :iti.• I•itllan, il~ ~l,it:~l Il,lpci'. $1X1); vice 5n. c 1.)nclt, SIR.

Ilead Pupil Niir. •. $390; Frances M. ll'>tveil, I)ccetnLcr 9--IIcl~rna \Ethnic). Vice Murray, $240. Fllcn O'Ilrici;, Ilospital Ilclper. 1PO; vice Rose Brady, $190. I)ecctnhr•r 9—RRichartl Siewert. llo,l,ital 1lelper, $2411; Vice Alex. Sickingen, $2411.

llenry Richlc, IInnspital Ilelper, $24l); vice Jame, Cottnoll_t. $240. Ilarnnah Peter- $300.

December 12—Nann;c cDonnell, pearl Pupil Nurse, $3110; tran.ferrecl ir~mt

son, IFospital Ilriper, $180: vice MiiIIIic Iln!lenheck, $189. Nellie Johnson, hospital Ilclpc•r, $180; vice Katc Carroll, Ao. ?, :b1M11. John Avale, Hospital Helper, $240; vice

l;cllcvuc 11t,:poal. rice Marc Ialcn Clark. $309. I)ccerntl,cr 13—\l itsI 4 ra;cr. l lead Pupil \ure, $31M1; vice Myra Prance Clarke.

Richard Morris. $240. I•altt-ar'l D:ticc, Ilo~pital Helper, $241); vice I)arniel Mahoney, °'241) \1 iv Picket., hospital Ile1ptr, `$l'il; vice I;cssic Den.p~cy, $180. AIilelred \lilint,

$3110. I)cvcpdur 14—:AIc•yantler Sicl:ingcn, Ilospital IIdper, $340; vice J. B rues, $240.

I lispital Helper, $1101; vice Bate KinneV-, $iPO. I)ccemLcr 15—Katie li in. II,1 it:tl lItlper. $1811; vice Katie Pttlltui, $180. 1Iarlent

Du,cnib.r 10—Joseph Papa. Hospital helper, $340; vice Tltnnt;,, ))'Ilricn, $240. I)eccmLet' I8--l';ln:t Sntith. I lead Pupil Nurse. $30)): transferred from

Nary \-IcAamce, II spit al Iliice $ltil); ticc AI;t!„);ic 1.s tilt, $1411. Mary 1•:);an, hospital helper, '24(1; increase(t from $181) to sleep ottt). IBridget .vnticr;on, Ilos-

Hospital; Vice :Arna I) 'I Icrnc. C31I11,

I)cccniLrr 1'1-_ Jolt :t (;Ica n. IF pit ii I1,lprr. $181): Vice Gus c 1'loll $240.

pital Ile1per, $240; increased- fruit $181I (tn sleep nut). Mary \Nilson, No. 2, 1 lo pital I)cccntl,cr 311—Jane Relict. IIa,iutl II,•liier. 8181): vice Margaret Farrell, $180.

I elper, :5l$)); vice Mamie AV'illartl. $1811. runic Shtltnl,crg, Ilospital Iiriper, $180; I)ccctnl,cr 21--J , :hn T.ttca'. Ilital M(il)er. $1111; Vice A\;titer George, $(j(M).

Vice 'Vora Irolcv, $181). l rederick 1•: Trice, Ilnsl,ital helper, $3(il); Vice Fred Relttui, $43O.

December 11—Annic Leonard, Ilo,pilal helper, $18(1; vice Kale I)altnn, $3411. Kate '1ihbitts, hospital helper, $181; vice I?tln:t Alackac. $180. Katherine AlcIingh, Hospital helper, $34O; atl,litional (ll-i). Patrick Fri. 11c,opit;il helper, $3))); vice Jarncs 'In iicr, S30i1.

Devc1uker 12- Jolm J;lack, l lnspital I Iclper, $1111); vice .Attstin A\1111, $3011. December I—Olive Oxiler, Pupil Nurse, $9ti; Vice (;corgia L'arnahv, $96. ;ir\

S:,ttcrlce, Pupil Norse', $0),: Vice Alice 'Tarn, $96. Pauline Klittke. Pupil Nurse, $91: Vice I?tllcl Pollock, $96. I'hIitlt Shippcc•, Pupil \ur,,c, $96; vice .Anna Sweeney, $9(,.

I)isntissals, Resignations, etc.. Week 1'.nciing I)ccctnber 12, 1908. December (i—John; \!c:nrct:tck. II:;lal Il 11cr, x'1.49, rtsi:tye•tl; I•llcn C.Ill ivkl,

hospital helper, $1811, ntt,atisfactnrc; Fred "i'hontp,on, Ilospital helper, $241), cruelty; I lira Sly-, I rained Nurse, $1111, resi ;ncd; \I is I )• ( \o. 2), Hospital I Iii cr, illness; l'rederick I. Price, hospital helper, $140. rroigrtecl.

December 7—.AIcx Sickingcn• I Hospital helper, $240, rc;ignc,l: Irvit:g Alillartl. IIosp'tal Helper, $31M), rc;igial: Ee1t1:1rs1 Mood. Hospital helper, $24)), ttnsatkf:u•tnry; Jenny Itr:tgcn, Ilna,it:t1 IIclper• $1814, intoxicati(:n: I.iliian firm. Iio<l,iial helper, '$24(1. rtsigned: .Nlnruia I lurrigvt, 'I rained \ur'c, $b(;), resigned; I rattly Stnitli. I l i ital I Iclper• $24)). intoxication ; John ''sIttrrao, I k:,pi!:sl 11, 1per, $2-111. rc•i tncd ; R. ltracle, I lospital I IcIper, $1811. jut ,.\ica[ig11.

I)eceml,cr ti—Kate A\illi;uus, IIo 1,11:11 helper, $18)), al ,ncc: I):uticl I)'R,;u-don. I ospital Ilclptr, $3(')), tran>ferrccl to I; uverncur Iluspital; Minnie IInIIrnP:tek. IHospital helper. $1811, ;usenet: (Kate (ariell I No. ?). Iloppital IIclper• $181), ttn-satisfactory; Richard Morris, Ilo,pit;tl I1cIper. $2411. ak:eisce; .\rtliur 'Iait. I)rivct', $5O(1, resigned; Daniel Mahone). Ilo,p t,tl I IcIlicr, $24ll, illm Iles,i I)cni ,c). IIIIspit:tl helper, $181), intnxicati-m; Mamie AV'ilIarvl• IIpit:tI IItIper. $181). ;ihsrnce: Nora I"n;cy• Ilospilal Avis r, $1811, iut,xieati1i: Kale Kipper. Il ,a,tt:,l Il,ll,cr. $18(1. illness.

I1ce-milicr 9—'I"Inmt:u (l'IIiisii, II .<pital Il~lper. `341) reigned; \(ng is I.)- rncli, 1lctcp:tal I Iclpc•r, $24)), nnsati,factory ; ls-tt,- I )all„n. I I,. -1, !al I Iclpci. $21[1, nnsatir factore: I{tin❑ Mach; t). I Io,Pit:tl I Idlr. $181), resigned

I)ccetnhcr 11)- AV"illi•nn I. Dell t N. 2t. I I~„l,iutl helper, $3111, ahscrce: :Aii,titt 11 all, l ln.pit:tl I I,lper, $.iO)), rc:igtorl Ian•,, "I „'i cr. I I ,a,it:,l I lcll,cr, $3110. ;tl,.cncc; \itnic Shttiii1Ltr1;s I I l,ilal I I, 1per, $1 8)), inr:t,lc; I )stem (Jninu, I I:pi1:11 I Itllicr.

$2414, resigned. Ucccml,cr Ii—Aarnnic AI;ti l)lmncll. I kad Pupil Niu-,c. $3(111. tran1fcrrcil to I „ r~t-

ham I Iu-Pilau ; I F Icn Al,'(a rtlty. I Beau 111111 \ nr-r. $3(111, rc'iwncd : 8iur,'tI tli-nt. I ospital IIdler, $181), ttn,:,ti~f;tct „r) : .Aifpvi 1',Iii, I l , I1b:sl Ilclper. $240, pI,smee.

I)cmtl,,c 12 NN,til,r %inimccm:tn. IIhsit:1i IldNcr, 530)), ah'.vncc. November 31)--Gc',rria lernal,v. Pupil \nr-c. $t)(,, rc ~ignc,l: .\lice \fain. I'ii)sfl

\arse. $9(i. )iui;hsal vnttr„ : lul)cl Pollock. i'meil Nurse. $9;,, ~liontissccl; .-\uses Stcc;ncc. Pupil \ iur,t , $9(i, ih;is1ic8 c ,ur<c : 'red l: •hpti. 11pit l I 1 clpcc, $420, r , ':ig:i 'N Maggie hrrstcn. l ioa,isaI I iciI,l r, $3f)lI. rc<~gn('(l.

.\ppQmtnivnty. 1tcllcru, 1I .1,ital, Week K:u1liuy I)cccntLc•r 1r), 1998. Dv,etitivr 13- J;inic I1arrisQu. Ilca,l I'nl~il \"tn-sc, $3OI); Bice \annic Mad

$3)1(1. Dcccmlic1- 14 --:Nina ('lark, , "I"r;iinc,l \ur.c. $((N); r.'umc~l ,lntc. R 1lritre,

Ilnspilal helper• $18)): Sire 1lilclrccl \lilirtt. $181). (Icnr c ('rrig,ltt~m, Il..,t ,ilal Ilcll ,cr. $241); Vice Owen (jnine, $34(1. A\ illiant (. rcoran, Hospital I Iell,cr, +24)1; vice .Al: r Stewart, $2411, .Ann ❑ Swc,ncr, "I r:tinetl \tn'se, $0))11; rice (luml~ia (rn'lnl', $1)))).

I)cccntls'r 15--:\nnic \Ic\amar;i, I1,l,ilal Ilcll,rr, Cltill; tier \liiilc `littntl,t $18))• \I:tn- Carr, IIospital IIclp(r, $1811; tiic \larti;inl \\'al,h, $181). \I;n'c 11nt'cr. 1lncpital I elp(r• $24)); a'hl.iti„n;il (linen i ,iii .A 111.

I)cccmLcr I(,-- AInrc A'man, II.~~pital IIt•Iucc. $18)); sire Ria IIcnc, $180. \lcc Stewart, IIl~ilal IIci1,ct. $24O; rewpicsl Hill,. \i,' \\ - illiani (' ri , r:tn. $24)). I rccl I nrd• II,s1)iI I I1.11,cr, $18).1; rlucr,l imps $24t). sit - H;,1usc NHurLin. $1811. A,Ira I'Itillips, Trained Nurse'. $(d)I); ;t ltlitinal I I'avili,m. \ anti Ii).

1)ecenil cr 17-- :Alice fell,hers I lk'.i,it;t1 I1, ll,er. $18)); r'icc I anti) \Ic('lluult. $181). John Kcntiti_~. IIo<l,il:tl Helper, $2411: Nice l'clth Icittir. $2411. Alirlta,l M I;nttan, Il„5pital I lclper, $24l): sic, "I hwim A(belli%, 824(1. ATar)' I till, l l tpital I Ielper, $24)): atluliti'm;tl I \\aril _'(,1.

December 181- I"clix \Ir(;irtt, Ilsl~il;tl II llfvi. $24)); Her T`rc~l Foul, $2411, rr cured. T.izzie (;;sttnvv. Il4'spilal Helper, $181); Vice AL,rs Alurpht. N. 2, $1S1- i.i1k 1ldi_t, IHospital Reiter. $181); tics -Annic \IcAwmara. $1811.

I)eccinkce lc)---J , ~:rplt A\ :tlil, kin I la,it;il I Felice. $31))): vice James Kanc, $3(11. Patrick Fort1, FI 1sital I h ip i'. $?411: Fuel from $39)) s4,• "I'Itntn,a. tieanc, E231). Patrick Kiln. Hospital 11, 1prr, $31111: sir, Patrick 1 l'rI. $31)tl; cf•dti ci.

Ili,nii ,tl>, Ise'.igii;ili ti<, cI,.

IhevuLcf 1.1 Iltii Mtseplil,, II1,ypiwl II(Ip,r. $31111; aL:,nic. .Nice Si,,:;tr!, Il;- Irital I Ielper. $2411; illnc-.

December 14 - Nora I'ltillip,, 'I"rain- l \ur:c, $1,)111; rcat nc 1. \IarLarr( \\al,h, Ilospital helper, $181); iitt''airali~m. ki;i hence, II4d,i)aI I lcll,cr, $18.1; illnr...

I)ei'du-er 15—I"antr_ \Ir( -„11„11);11, I11,ita1 II,•I1„•r, $189; al,>cncc. \\'illi:un (rn

coran, II pital I IcIper, $24)); rc,ignc,l. '0 Litticc \0iu-1'18. I loSpit;,l I Icll„ r, $181); nn- satisfactorv. AV'ils-In \V”. Stuart. I'opil \nr,c, $12)): iir,i,li,•,I emu.

i)ccdiilet 1(r _J~'scph Lamer, I l~''I ital I 111cr, $24)); inl\icati,in. I hiva, .\Inr phy, hospital Ilclpct, $2111; iuioxir;strop. l'Iorcti,e I'incli. I I,;i,l Pupil Nunes $3111), re- signal. .Annic McA;imara, l iosl,ital I1vutcr, $181); iii:tp;il,l,.

I)cccntl,cr 17—\I;ii Nlttrp1i}, N. 2, Il , 'a,it:tl Ilclp,r, $18;), :tli cure. lapin, Banc, I luspital helper. $31X); al,sence.

Deccml,cr ]ft--'l'cstie \\:trren, I Ipilal helper, kltil; intnxica!in. 111, mt;t , Demur, Ilospil;tl helper, $241); illnc,..

December R4~iIcrt,. l'ut,il Nurse, 120; rc itnt 1. );mitt ('antptn, II„s pital I Riper, $24)1; in) ,.xicatinn.

The ('umittnlee uti IZnil,Iiuts an,l (;n'untls rep. 'ill in)ce%iac, with ,' items l l"w'y anti i'ht s shit„ appeared 'fr, tilt, (', -ntntit)ce to plca, l for an cs,tcn,in ,-f tint, on their cnntract<. :\s In,th cuutrad''rs pm,cIItc l gtl reas. its for' rciliiirilig itt extension of time, tilt- ('oninlitt,e rcrnmutcntlttl that the ';nor be granted. On tnnlit~n. duly seconded :nil carried, the rccnmnt,•ntl:tti„n of the 1, matiile' vv:t; al,pr~ltc~l.

lit,' Committee ant Muiltiiugs anal (;rnnn~ls reported in the niaticr ..f renting a building as an :tnncx to (;.mvcrncttr hospital I)i,pcn'ary, ail, I'rt nt tin, clulc seconded. it was

Resolvcil, T„ request the ('rnninissiuners of the Sink;ng Fund to rent at $22,50)) a car, for one Near. shit- the pririlcl r of renewal, anti, if n',<sihlc. shitls an nhtion f- , t' purchase, the prl-perty it N's. (1, S and 1)) I;,iivcmeiir slip.

'I'hc ('rnntni)t,•c of tine AIrnitlt a! I nlhant I In'pit:tl I'll Mr1vkl upon the falloving changes in the help, ontL on motion Iii 'y scc~m,lc~l an,l carrie'1, the changes were ap-proved by the Roar,l of "l ills) i's

:Apl,uintUncnt', l' r,lliant llo,l,ital.

November 29—.\tl, li: O'I)r'en, fiend I'nl,il \term,, $300; Nice l':ill I'Ialierty, $31Ml. 1)ccetni er 1--'I- hcres;t l., ,sa, il„sttilal Ilclpct. $181): cic-e• Al irg:u'cl AIuii'tii ,

$18)l. Lillis Ilickes, hospital helper, $181): vi,' Ilirtlir Mc(;r;till, $181). :\1lrccl 1.-svlc'r, I Hospital l Igper, 240; sic,' "1 h ,ma . N1:ui, $241).

December 3—Edtia Stover, IFrail 1'npti \iirsc, $3110; vice (,race 11. Charles, $30i.

I )i;ntissals, Rc..ignations, etc. Nocctnl,er (u- -I rune,: M. II me'l, Ilca~l I'tipil Nurrc. $301). tirtishccl coarse. \nvcntl,rr 27—.Al;,r% idle ii C::trl<, llca~l Pupil \nrsc. $31111, linished curse. \ovcml,cr 3(1--AItra Iratiec Clarke. Ii,:ti Pupil Nur5c, $300, fiuisltetl course;

\Irtrg;trot \lulnmt . III,<pital helper, SIPI). r;:igncd; L'irclic Mc6rath, hospital Helper, X1511, resi nctl; f h~mt: s NoI:ut. l lIrt:t1 I lclper, $24O, resigned.

I )cc( nil r 2 .\nna I )'Iticrrc, I I ail Pupil Nurse, $311), finished course. )eccinl t r r;—\i l ! 1\ :tkcntan, I Icad Pupil Nurse, $3011, resigned.

l)cceml,cr 7--1,la V. J:m1cs, Trainerl Niue>e, S(ooU• rr-igned; Susie Lynch, I[ospital I elper, $180, resigned.

I)cccnil ,-r I2—l~:ttic l nllan, l In<pital I lclper, $18)). resigned. I)cccnil,cr 15—Jcnn'c C gs%%ell, II,:ol Pupil sir e, $300, resigned. Uce,nuh:r 17 (;u;~i Pforr. I(l,it;tl helper, $24)). tlishonc:,tc. I )cccnil, r 1$- Alarg:trtt Farrell (\,,. _' I, 111lppital helper, $180, resiguetl. The Fourth Division Confercuce Comutittce reported in favor of appointing Dr.

lMacl,e( i, and on ntntinn, duly second and carried, Dr. V. P. Alac1,corl was prontntrl to the p~,'itton ni Gs'naccologist to Out Patients and :Acljttnct :Assi'tant :Attcncling Gynaecologist to the Fourth Division of Bellevue Ho=pital, The Committee further reportctl in favor of reappointing the iolioovftig physicians and surgeons, all i whuni held the same positions daring the year just closed, mid on motion. duly seconded un 1 carrieil, the report of the Cmnti!tee was approved:

l•:tltvin Beer. :\ssi;tartt Attending Surgcou. \\ illiam S. Tcrril>cr.rv. :\, istant Attending Surgeon. Gerald (r:trrig;:ut, Surgeon t„ Out 19nticnts an l Adjunct :lssistaut :Attcn,Jing

Surgeon. . Carl G. lturdicl \saslant SIIrgcnn to Out 1'atUCnts. I. C. 1T ll,rook, .Attt,5tant Surgeon to Out Patients. J. Bya cl (-lark i-tant _\ttcn4ing Gcnitr,-L- rinary Surgeon. I[crntan Nordenian, Gcnito-Urinary Sttrgcnn t I Ottt Patients null Adjunct -\s-

sistant Attending (icnito-I.l inar) Sttrgcnn. Pcnjnnt, I Barringer, .\ st'taut Gcnrtn-t-rittary Sung eon to l Int I'aucnt>. G. Ill Lcc ASsi,tartt Attending Gynaecologist. Philip I'ri„lc,tn. As istanl (;)naccologirt to Out I'a!ients. I, . S. Fielder. I'h sician t Out I'atic•nts I children 1. S. :Aguclli, .As<istant I'ItV. 'iciun t,, Out Patient, lchiltlrcn). "File Committee 1tu'rIer repo:tecl against the prn;tocal to nominate a Consillting

Otologist to the Fourth I)ivistnn, and on tuition. (1111%. seconrted and carrie,l, the re- port of the (~,,ntntittcc tea; apl,r~ , t•ecl. . ,

The Gnivvc il('(tr II ,~l,il;d ('I , nfecvn,•c G,luttu1it1c•c re-ne:e(l in ill sr „i al,l,!,tnung I)r. W. 11. Sscswet, ;in~l. m nt ni„n. dilly secndc,l anti carrie,l, I)r. W. 11. Stewart tea; :111' in!c,i pLnt gral,hcr an'l X-ray nperator to (4'uu erncnr 11 spital at a salary of $154) a mnndi un-I r the pr s isietu, nt ride 12, paragraph I of the Civil Service rules. Pponn the rcr„ntntcnclation of the ['''nlcrcctce Cnrtttuittec an,1 the .Medical Board of G,rt1- ern('nr 11..$pis:s' the ll.svtiug were apC•niitse(1 clinical assistants at Goiu1-erui,-ti- I I (spit al:

T)r. Newvmi Craig. No. 1' \\rat \in, is sir t .treet !ice. nu:c and throat). I. II- T ric,iman. N. ISi Clinton street Inn.tlicall. II. I. I'p•tcirt, N. 8$ \larli'rt sired (ntc,l~call. J. :A. II. Kanter. N. 54.3 Sutter :nvcnnc, lien-lklvn tcve an,c anal throat). \\illi ;:n: Lc cc. N. 27.1 I'.:t-t 1Srt ltt;tN. tr(•-c ;tn,l tie:11). Mr. Iaulrli Ig. ,'i the 1'nntmitlec nn Snpl,lic;, rcl,nrt l in Fist' „i accrl,tin;; 'lte

hid ni .Altntan & (- r feather pill , u< ,nil hill hJin' next to the ]„west bi~l received (tile pillow tI-cr, ti Iv Illnting i:tle I)rnlhcr>. trh~,,-e hid tv:u the In- c-), be- ing :titogc:ltcr inferior to th, .a~nl,lc shnttn tLcnt at the h , t'pitall. Air. Paulding also reported in fat ,,r of acecpliriC the 5icsi,l-(' ,l,rr 1c,k, fr tit,, mete training scdnl for tc,,mcn t~nrsr~, their RI l,, iii, the I nest rcn iced. ( )n tnti„n, 1luiy- <rcnn,lc,l an(1 carried, the reports ni slur C'iufnui1tc' ii tinil),lic; were al,l,r„ c,l ;nisi the hick o f

\l11nau & C. out pill,oN- anal flu' Sic' i-(, per l „inisuts „n desk; tccrc accrete 1. \(r. Stvmi reputed the li u;inn:;rncr Ali the bath; in the 1,>1'il I,a!R v%ar;l, anti.

titer itc.irtuig tLc 5iucrcisitug 1a.) ulcer s pinio:t in the nta:tcr, Ilie Actin, Splmip tcn(lcnt tvas directed to obtain c-tltuuate fr repairing the phuunimg an,l ntachinrr) ;'f the halhs.:tnil al:,, a Intl sl:ut,tncnt rc :uu hug the medical nrcc city ,li the c hasps. c„ that the matter ntav ag°tun he taken up at the n:xt meeting ni the hitch of ... tees.

('- ltt nuts Rival it.IIIs.

\ r nnunnir:,ti n latctl Iann;n'c II tc;u rrccitc,I fn ,m \Ic.•rs. sfvyips, \Ica,1 8- \V'!tits in reply to till' fitter of III, It,,:u~l ,.f "frnaecs re,aisiiri the '1.--n- uc!i ti ''I tlr f,,iin(luti,ln, n the I,l.'ek n~•rtlt ..f 11rN,';n, Il ,,ytital.

( )n nt!i~ ,n. ,11118 s,-e iu le'l. it \vas kc Iticl, I ltat iii, rnIrae;nr, 1 1, liIIell tictt tilt ntu-t I r etvti tcitlt the 'lr-

trnr)i -n of Ili,--c f, ,ttn'l;ttil1n, a> call,.l f„r ic he cnntt;tct, using cicn:mtitc in ,u,]

( I ntilIti, 5 ;t t'' i.alr u;tnl ti i >nrr• tuuiiiiug huil,lin ', aml tlt:,t the Iloanl tci'l It l'l thous i.trictlt arc mntal,l. f , r the fulfillrntcnt If their contract.

\ r, 'inntnnicati.n , iatr,l lautt:try (, tsas micis,'I front AIr::r;. lsieKin~. 'heal .A \\ hite. ill yetis to tit,- I tlrr (If th • IS,rn,l „f "Pcut'tcc' reg tu' lutu”, the bills for the e(tuil,nternt of tit.' 1 'Ii li I ; ical 1)r!,aruncnt.

On tn,'ti ti. situ, <rc-,m,Ii,• it aas 1:•;,,Isei. L'pon tltr a,l\irc ,.f the ar,hit it.. t a .tl,t the Lill „i .M,ea:n.,pt nut:!

1':i gc>'r (ntl,:urv, it -,'ins, tlt,• huvvLl of tit, ti1t'er hills uemvs 1. ;tn(l t assail tlu- r,nt!ract f„r fm- iii'lting :till sctling of the rtluitancnt "f the Iitltnl„gical Ilr),artntcnt to flue :Abrams„n .A I•:ngc<;, 'r ( mtpanc. N. 19il l-irst av, ntt,. $M,1cet to t-he a„t,rocal of the gei'si,c l v ilt, (ml,tn ,1 , u . , f 'I'Iuc ('it)- of Net' 't i'k in :icc•~nlanrc tcith the pn,ti,i„n: t S,ciin 42)1, :lialrtrr I)) of tilt, (;rcatet \ctt A-,,rk (- ]t;utcr.

:\ crnntrnniii,'alin tl;i)r~l lannarr (t tt:!< rr:rivrli frrtn \Ir=>r<. \IiKim Ica l & \V'Mite, tci'h a hill , , f $tall) (taut C. l t. AI:till„ns for services in i„nnccti~tn tcith plan'. f''r tltc l' p '.c~I gcrrratittg phut nn,l Imtvcr huts'.

On Ii' h Iu. duly- see c,lal, it teas l.i, ht,,l, , f„ refer this marts t the (', )rpnraIi~ ,n (-„tut>cl f- , r vt „pini , In and f, r

a(lvice. .\ c,rmnsumirati'm slated l:utnan 14 tta ce.,nc,l from M,,sr'. \1.Kim. \Ica'l &

\V'bite, recnmmcrntliitg that :t lcttcr be rent to the ('onnnis'i,mer of I)~ ,ck5 an.l berries rc,luc,ting that a s,cti'1n of the s''n,'c,cte sra'l ahuut half teal- l,tsne,uu slue n„rthcatit vein of tilt- l ulkltc;ttl stall rnt th • rt , )rth '.ide , i I tccntc-ninth street. untl Ille intcrsrc- tion vcitlt the I,un;lucrid line be left open for the present, s hat it ntaN lie used l v the 1'. 1. Carlin Company for the entering .,f tlre,lges.

Oil 111 11nn, dulh sccnnt(c,l, it was h,yulscd, to icier thi: matter II , tilt, President, with Iumcr. :\ communication slated layman\ (, was receiectl fruit Mr. R. F. .\huXali, in the

spatter of the final p;tyntcnt (,n Mr. John Pony's contract. (Iii notion, dilly seconded and c;irnie,l, this communication tt-as placed oil file. ”

:\ cmtrrttnnicat;on dated lannarc (, was received from \ir. R. 1'. .\lmirall, in re-ply to the letter of the Board of I- ru'tee.s, requesting tilt- preparation of plans for the prop '.at tt-~•rk shops at lomlham II,„pital. (Jut ntn)ion. Ittl scc,,n~lccl and carried, this c mnrttnicati„n ten, ),lacc(l on tile.

\ hill slated J;mnar, (, was received from Mr. Ractnontl F. AItnirall. for pro-fessi,ii:sl sruiccs rc•n,lcrc,l in Pccp;u'iug; drawings aii:I specifications for the Nurses' IIonic of IInnen t Ii svital,


Oil nwtioll, dull scconded, it Was Resolved, That it copy of the original resolution regarding the prcpa rat it n of

these drawings and spocitications he forwarded to Jlr. :Aln)irall, and that he. be in-fortned, ill addition, that tuulle has Ilccn asked for with vvliicli to ttndu-take file l,uild-

ing of this home, and until such t has been supplied, the 13uan1 can recognize no claim of his to the aillouut demanded.

A communication dated January 12 was received from Messrs. Parish c'& Schroeder, with an estimate front J. ingstun & ((L, for the additional clecu'ic lights in the roof space over the fifth floor in the training School for women Aar'(.. On nloliun, duly seconded, it Was

Resolved, That the architects be reynested to secure Other additional csihnate-; \ cumntuoicatiol) (laced January 13 was received from \lecsrs. Pari,h & Srhrneller,

with list showing the norther of hull).' rr(IIIII'M for the hiaiiiiiig Schn l Iluilclin~. On motion, (Iul)• sccun(Icd, it Was

Resolved, 7'u refer thi., matter t the Building (untntittee ft , r report. \ cumntunicatiou elated Janu:uyV i' Wva, ICCvivcli iIll the 13narll of I•:,tiHtate

_Apportiuntnent, with a report from the Chief l•:nginccr of till' finance I>cl>uIntriiL I ,, -

garding the request for all apprultri:niun to provide f ,,r a tcnlpurarc reception „ifice and for 't transfer ruin licar the allrniittiri,, ,,flirc. On nluun. (111k Sccnllcll ;roll carried, this courlunnication l\as t,laccll (11 tile.

A communication dated Jallll:ily 11 \its rccciccll from the 111KIrd of Climate and 1pportionmcnt asl:in;; fr a list of all incrcascs in s:tlary since October 30, 141)K. On motion, dally seconded and carried, this letter was referred to Ilse Acting Superintend-ent With the request that he furnish the desired infurtuation.

A commlllnclution dated January 8 nas received front the Departineill of I:inance asking if the work on the contract of the Phoenix Clmstructi--n Urujeary for a lun-ncl Connecting the training sc;loul building with Pavilion; A and Ii of the new Ilellr-cuc Hospital has ben eontpieted. On moti.,n, dilly seconded and carried, tlti> cl , nt

rmcuivalfnn was placed oil file. A communication dated Jartttar 4 was remitr~l frill the Board of Aideruuen

authorizing the Trustees to purchase without public letting one automobile ambulance at a cost not to exceed four thousand dollars. On motion, flatly seconded :UId carried, the President teas empowered to purchase ;nl auilinhie ambulance for inrtncdiate use by the Department at it cost not to exceed $4.00h.

:A Contmutnicatilil (haled Janaitrv- e Was received from \irs. tai ailcth \1Inticl. President of the A\,omen's -Auxiliary of the (b uccrncnr I1pital Tuberculsis, Clinic• with a report npun the work donut; the stammer of 1905. (In tnolio ,n, duly seconded

loll carried. this cutntnunic:ttinn and report were placed oil file. A rmntnnic;ttion dated Jallilav ; was received fi'om Dr. 1herbert L. AV'hrclrr

recommending the apll.)intill nt • , f I)r..Andrew I1. Gunn, N. 51 \\'e1 'I:hirtc -sevvenlh street, and Dr. Charles Chance, No. 11 East Forty-eighth street. to the pusitnin, respect- ively of Visiting, I )enti't inch .Assi,tant Visiting; I )cnti t. On lilt; ii. 'buy seconded.

It was Resolved. I o approve of this red tnnienil;cli ii. A comnnlnication dated Janttarr 12 eta; received from) Dr. W. K. I)r;p er reg:urIl-

ing the al)lx,intcornt of Mills' It;uniug School Nurses to the plyeil lr,Itltir sertice.

( ,n muti , m, dui: sec nded ;and carried, dais clmumtnic:ttioll tva, referral t„ tic Secre-

tary fur reply. cnnitnunirati, n latcll j;tnttar)- 9 teas received from \ustiit. Aicliol< & Co., pr-

testing au,tint tlic Ili<e„lint clatuse inserted in the specilic;itiris f ,,r supplies fur 10119.

iii liar. (1111-c -~ r~1 I 1 :!Ii riirn c ~l. 11 i ii ,nnICatI ii v%:I, lil,trc, l nn tile.

1)n ntti„n. do It ;cots. a, li, -tnnl ,l.


In accordance n%itb the ],n,ci,i„n; „i .<<tili 1541, eh:lpptrr 37,g, I.,Itt. „i IR)7, ;t, uncndcd by chapter 460, Laws if 19ill, section 383, 1 lrinc,mit tae f ilwcng report •, f

the trans;iclions if chi' Office for tile tccck culling; I-cicrunry 10, 19t11 ), exclusive of

Bureau of Building-: Permits h s'tted.

Sewer cnnneclioms : iii rcl,air<....... 17 ('rinsIng sidewalk cviNt train......... 11

\\'alcr cunnertioln anal repairs...... 21 li-r,iia isis Inertia; ............... 2))

I wing gas main, :utd repairs........ 17 Placing building material on lmblie -fatal .......................104

highway ..........................14

]tcmnv~ing building . ,n pniihe hi,ghwav I \iinil„r ,i lxnnil> renewed......... 71

Sewer cnnnectiun; ........................................I.......... I....1 $325 f,0

Restoring acid repaving ,treet .............................................. 364 ill

Total Ilcp •itch with tilt' ('it\ ( 1;0111,c•rl:lift ...................... $69)) 19

laboring hirer- I•:etltl,cved I )tlring till A1-,•,'k f'srniitL1; l r'bruar)' (,, I~119.

Ilurcatt of Iligh(tac•. Ittrrcati of SewctQ.

1-orellik ...........................2)1 1renten ........................... 11

Assistant I'orernneit ...................1. ;sistant 1 „return.................. c)

Itlspect,,r. .......................... 15 ('art, ............... ............ i)

llcrhanic .......................... 19 .\llcit:tnies .......................... 3

Lnhurer, ........................... 324 I.;,L(,rcr, ........................... 11)1

I)rivers ............................ 2i .I)1ivcr, ............................ 9

1'„tal .......................418 1 lu!al....................... 172

Lt tl I8 I' II \I-1' .N, Prc,iiheot, lli,nough „f 'I he Itrios.

xt thi I cl...c of dcv chat's t ets. I'I bni :n it).

~ATIS 'I he .I rciii-, „f \\',Ater I. I lose;, 'Tent porark

l Sl(, tio;ral,her and "I- \heatritcr, to

minatcr at fill curse of the Ila)'s tc~ ,rl:.

I~cLru:try 13 19(19.


UII'.A1(I Ill;N'I' Of (DOCKS .A\I) )•:gullyS.

1 cLrttary l7 (,rOee E. Ilruwn. fmnccruy employed is all '\ttenllant, ant] residing at \o. 293 \Vest Lie vent i street, died Febrtl-ary 14, 19(11). 1 ter name has been dropped front the list of einl)Ir, tyes.

IOARI) OF \ti':\"I'ER SEP1'1.V, Fchritttr 17- l T he I and of Water Supply has accept-

ed the resignation of Bernard J. MIrAllis-tcr, Cuit(i4enti:ib Secret:ir., to) take effect

I)I•:TA1I'I'.\ll•:\ - I' (* ['ARKS.

P,runrlt of 'I'he Itronx.

l chruary 17--i kealht of Sauce; J. Keat-ilig• N, 317 East One IInnrlred and Sixtc-ccunl street, fart: I.:ILnr~ r.


Public notice is hereby given that the Committee on Police of the Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing on Friday, February 19, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Aldermauic Chamber, City flail, Borough of Manhattan, on the following matters:

Concurring with findings of Kings County Grand Jury in opposition to cen-tralizatiou of police system.

First—That a deputy police commis- sioncr shall be placed in charge of Brook- lyn police headquarters.

Second—'l hat the premises on State street, used as police headquarters, are tin-lit for such purposes, and e recommenlla-tion that a site suitable for all purposes 1w purchased.


,Chird—T}tat it person charged with crime and held for trial shall Hot be photo-grap')ed for police purposes.

All persons interested in the above mat-ters are respectfully invited to attend.

P. J. SCUT,T.Y, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen.


STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open

for business and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn as well as the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held, together with the heads of Departments and Courts


HAYO11t'S OFFICE. No. 5 City Hall, q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays. 9

a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. GEORGE I3. McCLELLAN, Mayor. Frank M. O'Brien, Secretary. William A. Willis, Executive Secretary. Tames A. Rierdon, Chief Clerk and Bond and

W arrant Clerk.


Room 7, City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ; Saturdays, ga.Or.to12M.

Telephone, 8o2o Cortlandt. Patrick Derry, Chief of Bureau.


qa. m to q p. m. • Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12 M. Telephone, 8020 Gt orthtndt. Francis V. S. Oliver, Jr., Chief of Bureau. Principal Office, Room 1, City Hall. Branch Office, Room 12, Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Branch Office Richmond Borough Hall, Room 23,

New Brighton, S. 1. Branch Office Hackett Building, Long Island

City, Borough of'Queens.

AQUEDUCT UOMMISSIONICIS. Room 207, No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor, 9 a. m. to

4 P. m. Telephone, 1942 Worth, The Mayor the Comptroller, ex-officio, Commis-

sioners John E. Cowan (resident;, William 11. Ten Eyck John J. Ryan and John 1'. Windolph; harry W. Walker, Secretary; VI alter I1. Sears, Chief En-gineer.

AItMOItY BOARD. Mayor George B. McClellan, the Comptroller

Herman A. Metz, the President of the board of Aldermen, Patrick F. McGowan, Brigadier-Gen-eral George Moore Smith, Brigadier-General John G. Eddy, Captain J. W. Miller, the President of the Department of '(axes and Assessments, Lawson Purdy.

Ilarne Davis, Secretary Room 6, Basement, hall of Records, Chambers an Centre streets.

Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. In to 12 In.

Telephone, 3900 Worth,

Alt'1' COMMISSION. City Hall, Room 21. Telephone call, Irq7 Cortlandt. Robert W. de Forest, Trustee Metropolitan

Museum of Art, I'residelt; Frank 1). Millet, fainter, Vice-President; Iloward Mansfield, Secretary; A. Au •ustus Mealy, President of the 13roukl y-n Institute of Arts and Sciences; George B. McClellan. Mayor of the City of New fork; John Ifi Below, President of New York Public Library; Arrold W. Brunner, Architect: John B. Pine, Charles (lowland Russell, Fred B. Pratt, Herbert Adams.

John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary.

BELLEVUE AND A1,I,IEI) HOSPITALS. Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street and

First avenue. Telephone 4400 Madison Square. Board of 3'rustees—llr. John W. Brannan Yresi-

dent; James K. 1'aulding,Secretary; Arden hi. Rob' bins, .Samuel Sachs Leopold Stern, John J. Barry John G. O'Keeffe, Hobert W. Hebberd, ex-officio

BOAl3D OF AI D1.1WIEN. No. Ir City Hall, to a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays.,

ica.m.to12m. Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. Patrick F. McGowan, President. P. J. Scully, City Clerk.

HOARD OF ASSlSSORS. Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Satur

days, 12 m. lnt(nio Zucca. Paul Weimann. James H. Kennedy. 1Villiam (1. Jasper, Secretary. Telephone, 29, 3o and 31 Worth.

IIOAIII) OF ELECTIONS. Headquarters General Office, No. 107 West Forty

first Street. Commissioners — John 1. Dooling (President),

Charles B. Page, (Secretary), Rudolph C. Puller, James Kane.

Michael '1'. Daly Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2946 Bryant.


No. 112 West Forty-second street William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk.

The Bronx. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street arid Mutt

avenue (Solingen Building). Cornelius A. Gunner, Chief Clerk.


No, 42 Court street (Temple Bar Building). George Russell, Chief Clerk.

Queens. No. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk.

Richmond. Borough Hall, New Brighton S. I. Charles M. Schwalbe, Chief clerk, All offices open from 9 a. nl, to 4 P. m.; Saturdays,

9 a. M. to 12 m,


he Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, President of the Borough of Manhattan, President of the Borough of Iiruuk-lyn, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Fresi-

I (I I) \\-, 1`1`11l(l .\I:\ 11), 1949.

vent of the Borough of Queens, President of the Borough of Richmond.


No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.

Joseph Haag, Secretary; William M. Lawrence, Assistant Secretary. Charles V. Adee, Clerk to Board.


Nelson P. Lewis Chief Engineer, No. 277 Broad-way, Room 1408. 'telephone, 2281 Worth.

Arthur S.'1'uttle, Engineer in charge Division of Public Improvements, Nu. 277 Broadway, Room 1408. Telephone, 2281 Worth.

Barry 1. Nichols, Engineer in charge Division of Franchises, No. 277 Broadway, Room sot. Tele-phone, 2282 Worth.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Rooms 6027 and 6028 Metropolitan Building, No.

I Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, q a. m. to i p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

1 elcPhone. 5840 Gramercy. Warren A. Conover, Charles Buck, Lewis Hard-

ing Charles G. Sinith, Edward F. Croker, William A. jturinf,. and George A. Just, Chairman.

Edward V. Barton, Clerk. Board meeting every Tuesday at p.m.

II0;11tD OF PAItOlI' OF TIIE NEW vol) Itli CITY It II F'ORil1 A'I'(/)tY OF SllSlhI naANANTS.

Office, No. 148 East 'Twent)eth street. John J. fury, Commissioner of Correction,

President. Wm. 1. Wyatt, Judge, Special Sessions, First

Division. Robert J. Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessions, Sec-

oud Division.

EJ ames J. Walsh City Magistrate, First Division. dward 1. Docley, City Magistrate, Second Divi

lion. Samuel 13. Hamburger John C. Heintz, Dominick

Ill Dario, James F. Boyce. Thomas R. Minnick, Secretary.


Herman A. Metz, Comptroller. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of

Taxes and Assessments. theory J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart-

ment Nu. 280 Broadway. 't'el'ephone, r2oo Worth.

BOARD OF i%A'I'ER SUPPLY. Office, No. 299 Broadway. John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick, Charles A.

Shaw, Commissioners. 'Thomas IIcssett, Secretary. J. \\'aldo Smith, Chief Engineer.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Ruons 114 and 115 Stewart Building, No. 280

Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4p. m. Telephone, 4315 Worth. john Purroy Mitchel, Ernest Y. Gallaher, Com-




Office of the Commission, Room 138, No 280 Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of Manhat-tan. New York City.

C„nimissiuuers—II'LutLln E. Stillings, George C. Nurtn, Lewis A. Abrams.

Lamont McLoughlin, Clerk. Regular advertised meetings on Monday, Wednes-

day and Friday of each week at 2 o'clock p. In.


City Hall, Rnums 11, I2; JO a. m. to 4 p. m,; Sat-urdays, fo a. I I. to 12 m.

1eleyhone, 7560 Cortlandt. 1'. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerkof the Board of

Aldermen. Joseph F. Prendergast, First Deputy City Clerk. luhn '1 Oakley, Chief Clerk of the hoard of

A tclernera. J„sayh V. Sculley Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. Thor as J. McCaiie, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

if '('tic irons. William R. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, Bor-

ou'h of Queens. Jose )̀h F. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

of Richmond.



Supervisor's Office, Park Now Building, No. 21 Park Row. Entrance, Room 807, 9 a. nt. to 4 p. nl.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in.

Telephone, i5oS and 15o6 Cortlandt. Supply Itnom, Nu. 2, City hall.

Patrick J. '('racy, Supervisor; Henry McMillen, Deputy Supervisor; C. 1ricKelnie, Secretary.

('OMIHISSIONLR OF LICENSES. Office No. 277 Broadway. ohm tv Bogart, Commissioner. .rmes Y. Archibald, Deputy Commissioner.

John J. Caldwell, Secretary. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. (ii

to 12 nl. Telephone, 2828 Worth.

COMM ISSIONEIIS OF SINIi1NG FUND. George 13. McClellan, Mayor Chairman; Merman

A. Metz, Comptroller; James J. Martin, Chanlber-lain; Patrick F. MnGnwan, President of the Board of Aldermen, and Timothy 1. Sullivan, Chairman I' ivance Cumurittee, Board of Aldermen, Members. N. 'Taylor Phillips, 1 )eputy Comptroller Secretary;

Office of Secretary, Bin 12, Stewart building. Telephone, 1200 Worth,

IIEI'A13'I'MI'NT OF H111D(:ES. Nos. 13-21 I'ark Ituw.

Imes W Stevenson, Commissioner. ohm 11. I .ittle 1 )eputy Commissioner. Cdgar E. Schiff, Secretary.

(1ffii e hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m, Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 608o Cortlandt.


No. 148 East Twentieth street. Office hours from 9 a. nt. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 M.

Telephone, 1047 Gramercy. John J. harry, Commissioner. George W. Meyer, Deputy Commissioner, John B. Fitzgerald, Secretary.

I~JZII)AY, Fl[I11WARV 19, 1909

DEPAU iiiI NT n1 DOCKS AND 1I'13II11,1 EN.

Pier "A," N. R. Battery place. 'Telephone, 300 ector. Allen N. Spooner Commissioner. Denis A. Judge, lteputy Commissioner. Joseph W. Savage, Secretary. Office hours, 9 a. In. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 m


Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. (in tie month of August, 9 a. m. to 4 p. tu.); Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 m.

'Telephone 558o Plaza. Richard i1. Aldcruftt, Jr.; Walter Alexander,

Nicholas J. Barrett, Charles E. Bruce, M. D.; Jose'I E . Cosgrove, Frederic R. Coudert, Francis W.Lrowninshield, I,rancis 1'. Cunuion, Thomas M. Ue Laney, tlurace E. Dresher, Alexander Ferris, Joseph N rcola Frauco1ini, George Freifeld, George J. G illespie, John Greece, Lewis Haase, Robert . Harrison, l..uuu Haupt. h1. U.; 7'bnn,as J . IIiggins, James P. IIolland.Arthur Rollick, Ilu;;o Kanzler, ,lax Katzenber,;, lid ward I,az.tunly; Alrick II. hlan, Clement Mar(h, M ii, hell bLry, l' ubel t I., Nl cC;tf lerty I)euniv J. McDonald, M. I).; Ralph Nicl:ee, Ir:,nl, W. Nh ycr,'1'1R.tnas J. O'I)un„hue, Ilenrp II. Sher-man, Arthur S. Somers, Abraham Stern, M. Samuel Stern, Cornelius J. Sullivan, James 1. Sullivan, Michael J. Sullivan, Bernard Suydam, Rupert B. Thon>as, Jr hn R. Thompson, George A. Vaudunhotf, Frank 1). Wilsey, George \V Wingate, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr.. member, at the Bard.

Egerton I . . Winthrop, Jr., President. JI>im Greene, Vice-I'resldint. A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary. Fred 1I ubnson, Assistant Secretary. C. B. J. linyder, Superintendent of School Build-

rig s. Patrick Jones, Superintendent of School Supplies. Henry R. M. Cook, auditor. Thomas A. Dillon, Chief Clerk. 11 en r y :d . I,I: 1zi;;. r, Su pc rvisor of Lecture;. Cl:urde G'. I.e land , Supermtenclent of Libraries. A. J. Maguire, Supervis',r of Janitors.


William 11. Maxwell City Superintendent of Schuuls, and Andrew 'A . Edson, Johr, 11. flaaren Clarence E. hlelenev, Thomas S. O'ltrien, Edward B. Shallow, Edward L. Stevens, Gustave Stiauben-illiiller, John 11- Walsh, Associate City Superin-tendeotn.


Darwin L. Birdwell, AV'illiam A. Campbell, John Chickerin> John AI'. Davis, John Dwyer, James J

t. l'dsall, yiatthew J Flgas, I(,lw:ud 1). Farrell. Cornelius 1). I,rankli,,, John (riffin, M. I).; Juba 1, N. hunt, henry iiV. Jcuuetiou, mies I.ce, Charles \v. 1. yyon James J. McCabe, AVilliam J. O'Shea Ilia ificim>an, Alfred T. Schautller, Albert Shi,•Is, ,'dgar DubsShiner, Selh '1'. Stewart, Edward W.

Stilt. Grace C. Strachan, Joseph S. Taylor, Joseph H. \wa(le, Evangeline L. Whitney.


\1'illiam II. Maxwell, City Snpenutendent of Schools, and James C. Ifyrnes, Al alter L. I lervey,

m Jeroe A. O' C0nneh, George J. timitli, Exauminers.

D1a'AIt'l'JIl;NT OF FINANCE. Stewart lluildinf,', Chambers street and Broadway

9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. 'Telephone, 1200 11 orth. I lernian A. Metz, Comptroller. John I I . McCooey and N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy

Comptrollers. Ilubert I.. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. Paul Loeser, Secretary to C,nnptiultcr.


H. J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room II.


Frank V. Smith, Chief Accountant and Book keeper, Hoorn 8.


James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, Room 85.


P. 1I. Quinn, Chief Auditor of Accounts, Roon127.


Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Auditor of Accounts, lloom 185.


Charles S. Hervey, Supervising Statistician and Examiner, Room iSo.


Daniel C. ('utter, Chief Examiner (if Accounts of Institutions, Ruonl 38,


No. 83 Chamhers street and No, 65 Reade street. John I1. Titnmernlrw, City Paymaster


Stewart Building,Chamliers street and Broadway Chandler V, ithingtuu, Chief Engineer, Room 55.

III\'ISI(iN (,1= 1\til'It'I)PIN-

VA%illiam )I. lingo. Auditor of A,(ounts in (harge. Ruuul 3,).

DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE. Mortimer J. Brown, Appraiser of Real Estate,

Rooms Ia, 103 and ro5.

BUREAU FOIL THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. Borough of Man l;attan- Stewart Building, Room

U. David E. Austen, Receiver of Taxes Julio I. MnI)uuough and William H. Loughran,

11€-putt Iteceivers of '1'a.'es, Borough of the Bronx-Municipal Building, Third

and 'Ire; aViaw•5 John B. 1'nderhiII and Stephen A. Nugent, I)ep-

uty I<eceiver„ of ']'axes. Borough of liockhya--M unicipal Building, Rooms

Thomas J. Drennan and William Gallagher, Deputy Receivers of 'faxes.

Borough of Queens-- Hackett Building, Jackson ,tvenuc 5)111 Fifth street, Long Island City.

Georue II. Creed and Mason O. Smedley, Deputy Receivers of ']'axes.

Borough uI Richmond- Borough Itall, St. George, New Brighton.

John Ue Morgan and F. Wilsey Owen, Deputy Receivers of Taxes.


Borough of Manhattan - -Stewart Building, Room

Daniel htr'ynahau, Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

Richard E. Weldon, Deputy Collector of Assess- 'ments and Arrears.

Borough of The Bronx--Municipal Building, 11(0on1s 1-3.

James J. Donovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As- sessu,euts and Arrears.

Borough Of Brooklyn- Mechanics' Bank Building, corner Court and Montague streets.


John M. Gray, Deputy Collector of Assess meats and Arrears.

Borough of Oueens-Hackett Building, Jackson avenue and Fifths street, Long Island City.

'Thomas A. Ilealy, Deputy Collector of Assess' ments and Arrears.

Borough of Richmond- St. George, New Brighton. George Brand, Deputy Collector of Assessments

and Arrears.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broaaway, Sum 141.

Peter Aitken, Collector of City Revenue and Sup erintendent of Markets,

John F. Hobbs, Deputy Superintendent of Mar-kets.

David O'Brien, Deputy Collector of City Revenue.


Frank J. Prial, Chief Examiner. Room 181,


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway Rooms 143 to 67.

James J. Martin, City Chamberlain. I enry J. Walsh, Deputy Chamberlain. Telephone, 4270 Worth.

DEPARTMENT Oi' IIEALTH. Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth

avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. m. (04 p. nl. Burial I'ernot and Contagious Disease Offices al-

ways open. 1'elephune, 4900 Columbus. Thomas Darlington, M. D., Commissioner of

health and ]'resident. Alvah 11. Doty, M. I).; Theodore A. Bingham.

Zommissioners. Eugene W. Scheffer, Secretary. Herman h1. Bi 's, hi. I).,General Medical Officer Juices McC. hilllier, Chief Clerk. \\'alter Jlensel, hl. 1)., Sanitary Superintendent. William II. Guilfoy, M. I)., Registrar of Records.

Borough of Manhattan. Alonzo Blauvelt, M. 1). Assistant Sanitary Su-

perintendent; George A. Roberts, Assistant Chief Clerk.

Charles J. Burke, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue. Alonzo Blauvelt, M. I)., Acting Assistant Sani-

tary Superintendent; Ambrose Lee, Jr., Assistant Chief Clerk; Arthur J. O'Leary, M. I)., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Brooklyn, Nos. 38 and 40 Clinton street. Traverse R. Maxfield M. I)., Assistant Sanitary

Superintendent; Alfred''. Mctcalfe, Assistant Chief Clerk; S. J. Byrne, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton street, Jamaica.

John )I. Barry, M. U., Assistant Sanitary Super-intendent; George R. Crowly, Assistant Chief Clerk; Robert Campbell, M.D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Richmond, Nos. 54 and6 Water street, Stapleton, Staten Island,

John T. Sprague, h1. I)., Assistant Sanitary Super-intendent; Charles E. Hover, Assistant Chief Clerk; J. Walter Wood, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

DEPAl{'I'MI:NT OF PARKS. Il enry Smith, Commissioner of Parks for the Bur-

oughs of Manhattan and Richmond, and President Park Board.

William J. Fransioli, Secretary Offices, Arsenal, Central Park. 'Telephone, 201 Plaza. hl chad J. Kennedy Commissioner of Parks for

the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brook-

lyre Telephone 2300 South. Joseph 1.yterr , Commissioner of Parks for the

Borough of The Bronx. Office, Zhrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 W. 'Telephone, 2640 Tremont.


PRINCIPAL OFFICE. Font of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Saturdays, 12 111. J'elephone, 3350 Madison Square. Robert W. Rebberd1C.m.missi,ner. Richard C. Baker, First Deputy Commissioner. '1'honlas I.V. Hynes, Second Melody Cummis-

sioner for Brooklyn and Queens, Aos. 327 to 331 Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Telephone, 2977 hlain.

h McKee burden, Secretary. 'lans and Specifications Contracts, Proposals and

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Re-pairs and Supplies, It ills and Accounts, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 n)

1Sureau ut Ilependent Adults, foot of East Twenty-sixth street. Office hours, 8.30 a. m. to 4 p. In

The Children's Bureau, No. 66 Third avenue, Office hours, 8.30 a. In. to 4 p. m.

Jeremiah Connelly , Superintendent for Richmond Borough, Borough flail, St. George, Staten Island.

Telephone, loon Tompkinsville.

DEVAlt'l'MFN'i' OF Si'llRET CLEANING. Nns. 13 to 21 ]'ark row, 9 a. tn. to 4 P. m. 'J'ehiiplione, 3863 Cortlandt.

omnlissioner. \\'illi;tm II. Edwards, C James I). Mogan, Ileputy CummissiOner, Borough

of :1lo,inottan. Owen J. Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Brooklyn. Jerome P. Reilly, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of The Bronx. John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk


H all of Records, corner of Chambers and Centre streets. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. nl.; Saturdays, 9a. m. to 12 m.

Cuntntissioners- Lawson Purdy, President; Frank Raymond, James II. ']gully, Charles Potzel, Hugh Hastings, Charles J. McCormack, John J. IIalleran

UN'Alt''SIENT OF N'A'19CIt SO1'9'II'. (;AS AND EI,ICIll'It1ClTY.

Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, 91. no to 4 p. BE Tele phones, Manhattan, S52a Curtlandt; Brook-

lyn 3 )80 Main; Queens, 419 Greenpoint; Richmond, i ' ohIl,kfasvi1he; Brun x, 62'1'remont.

ulur I. (1'Brien, Commissioner. hi. F Loughman, Deputy Commissioner. oho F. l;arvey, Secretary to Department.

I. h1. de Varona, Chief Engineer. George W. Birdsall, Consulting Hydraulic En-



(;eurge F. Sever, Consulting Electrical Engineer. Chati'es F. Lacombe, Chief Engineer of Light and

lower. Michael C. Padden, Water Register, Manhattan. William A. Hawley, Secretary to Commissioner. William C. Cozier, Depot y Commissioner, Bor-

ough of Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. John W. McKay, Acting Chief Engineer, Brook-

lyn. William R. McGuire, Water Register, Brooklyn. Michael Hecht, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of The Bronx, Crotona Park ltuilding One Hundred and Sevent y-seventh street and Third avenue.

'Thomas M. 1.ynch, Water Register, The Bronx. Charles C. Wissel, Deputy Commissioner Bor-

ough of Queens, Hackett Building, Long island City.

John E. Bowe, Deputy Cc,mmissioner, Borough of Rlchmund, Municipal Building, St. George.


Bartholomew F. Donohoe, President; John J.Moore, Secretary; John J. Dunn, Treasurer; ex- officio, Horace Loomis and Matthew F. Healy.

Rooms Nos. 14, 15 and to Aldrich Building, Nos. 141) and ESE Church street.

Office open during business hours every day in the year (except legal holidays). Examinations are held on Monday, \A ednesday and Friday after I p. m,


Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,; Saturdays 12 m.


Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man-hattan.

Telephone, 640 Plaza, Manhattan; 2653 Main, Brooklyn.

Nicholas J. Hayes, Commissioner. 1'. A. Whitney, Deputy Commissioner. Charles C. \Wise, 1)epnty Commissioner, Boroughs

of Iirooklyn and Queens. \\'illiant A. Larney, Secretary; Mark Levy, Secre

I~ tary to the Commissioner; George F. Dobson, Jr., Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Edward F. Croker, Chief of Department. Thuruas Lally, Depot y Chief of Department in

charge, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Joseph L. Burke Inspector of Combustibles, Nos.

157 and t5q Halt ?ixty-seventh street, Manhattan. elephone, 64o l'laza. Franz S. AV'olf, Intipe:tor of Combustibles, Bor-

oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay street, IIro oklyn. Telephone, ^520 Main.

Peter Seery, II ire Marshal, hloroughs of Manhat- tan 'the Bronx and Richmond.

William L, Beers, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Andrew I'. Martin, Chief Inspector in Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau.

Willianl'1'. Be gin, Chief of Battalion in charge llmreau of Vinlat,uns and Auxiliary Fire Appliances Boroughs of Manl>attan1 The Bronx and Richmond, Nos. t-7 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, hlanhat-tau. ?irr:oklyn and Queens, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay street, Brooklyn.

Central office open at all hours,


Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets, 6th, 7th and 8th floors, q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. rn. to 12 nl.

'Telephone 1900 Worth. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Assistants-Theodore Connoly, George L Ster-

ling, Charles U. Olendorf, William P. Burr, R. Fercy Chlttenden David Rumsey William Beers Crowell, ) Chu L. O'llrien Terence {'arley, Cornelius F. Col-

' fins, john F. O'Brien Edward S. Malone Edwin J Freedman, Louis Ia. Ilahlo, Frank Ft. Pierce, Stephen O'Brien, Charles A. O'Neil Richard 11. Mitchell. lohn Widdecombe, Edward J. McGold-rick, Curtis A. Peters Arthur Sweenp Joel J. Squier, IIarford 1'. Waiker, George P. Nicholson, George H. Falwell, William 11. King Alfred 'A'. Booraem, Josiah A. Stover Thomas 'F. Noonan, I Gahriel Britt, Royal 12, T. Riggs, Charles McIntyre. Solon Berrick, Francis J. Byrne, James P. O'C,onnor, William H. Jackson, Edward Max-son, Elliot S. Benedict c Clarence L. Barber, Isaac Phillips, Edward A. hlcskiane, Eugene Fay.

Secretary to the Corporation Counsel-Edmund Kirby.

Chief Clerk-Andrew T. Campbell,


Borough Hall, 2d floor, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in Sattrr-dayys 9 a. m. to l2 m.

Te~ephone 2948 Main. James D. hell, Assistant in charge.


No. go West Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. nt. Satur-days,915.m.to12n1.

'Telephone, 8190 Cortlandt. John P. Dunn, Assistant in charge.

BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OF PENALTIES. No. 119 Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. In.; Satur

da y's, 9 a. n). to 12 III. '1'elephune, 4526 Cortlandt. Herman Stielel, Assistant in charge.


No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor. Office hours for pub-lic 1) a. Iii. to 4 p. o).; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 1201,

telephone, 4585 Worth. Geo. O'Reilly, Assistant in charge.


No. 44 East Twenty-third street, 9 a. nt. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. nt. to 12 lo.

'feleplin ne, Igbi Gramercy. J„hn 1'. O'Brien, Assistant in charge.


I )Ib, a, No. 17 Battery place. George A. Soper, I'll. I )., I'resident; James I I. Fuertes Secretary H. de II. i'arsons, Charles Suoysntith, Linsly R. R'ill-ianls h1. l). "Telephone 1591 Rector.


Ni,. 2'S) Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Frank 1.. Polk, R. Ross Appleton, Arthur

O'Keelle. Frank A. Spencer, Secretary John F. Skelly, Assistant Secretary.

Labor Bureau. NOS. 5 4-60 Lafayette street. 'Telephone, 2140 Worth,

MU'NI('IPAL. EXPLOSIVES COMMISSION. Nos. 157 and ,5g East Sixty-seventh street, Head-

quarters -ire Dek,artment, Patrick A. \Vliitney, Deputy Fire Commissioner

and Chairman; William Montgomery, John Sherry, C. Andrade, Jr., Abram A. Breneman.

Telephone, 640 Plaza.


Franz S. Wolf, Secretary, Nos. 365-367 Jay street, Brooklyn.

Stated meeting, Friday of each week, at 3 p. m. Telephone, 3520 Main,


No. 300 Mulberry street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 3100 Spring. 'Theodore A. Bingham Commissioner. William F. Baker, First Deputy Commissioner, Frederick H. Bugher, Second Deputy Commis-

sioner. Bert Hanson Third Deputy Commissioner. Arthur Woods, Fourth Deputy Commissioner. Daniel U. Slattery, Secretary to Commissioner. William I1. Kipp, Chief Clerk,

PUIILIC SERVICE COMMISSION. The Public Service Commission for the First Dis-

trict, Tribune Building, No. 154 Nassau street, Manhattan.

Office hours, I a. m to II p. m., every day in the year, including holidays and Sundays

Stated public nieetii>gs of the Commission, Tues-days and Fridays at u.30 a. m. in the Public Hear-ing Room of the Con>mission, third floor of the Tribune I;uilding, unless otherwise ordered.

Commissioners-William R. Willcox, Chairman; William McCarroll, Edward M. Bassett, Milo R. Maltbie, John E. Eustis. Counsel, George S. Cole-man. Secretary, Travis If. Whitney.

Telephone, 4150 Beekman.

TENE\II]NT IIOLSI( DEPARTMENT. Manhattan Office, No. 44 East Twenty-third street. Telephone, -331 Gramercy. Edmond J. Blither, Commis-siunet. Wm. H. Abbott, Jr., First Deputy Con)rnissioner. Brooklyn Office (Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens

and Richmond), Temple Bar Building, No. 44 Court street.

Telephone, 3825 Main. John McKeown, Second Deputy Commissioner. Bronx Office, Nos. 2804, 2806 and z8o8 Third Ave-

nue. Telephone, 967 Melrose. William B. Calvert, Superintendent.


HOltOIGIl OF THE BRONX. Office of the President, corner Third avenue and

One IIundred and Seventy-seventh street; 9 a. nl. to 4 p. Ent.; Saturdays, o a. m. to 12 m.

Louis F. Haflen President. Henry .1. Gumb`leton, Secretary. John F. Murray , Commissioner of Public Works. John A. Hawkins, Assistant Commissioner of

Public Works. Josiah A. Briggs. Chief Engineer.

Frederick Grerfenberg, Principal Assistant Topo-graphical Engineer.

Charles 11. Graham, Engineer of Sewers. 'I pumas H. O'Neil, Superintendent of Sewers. Samuel C. Thompson, Engineer of Highways. Patrick J. Reville, Superintendent of Buildings. John A. Mason, Assistant Superintendent of

Buildings. Peter J. Stumpf, Superintendent of Highways. Albert H. Liebenau, Superintendent of Public

Buildings and Offices Telephone, 66 Tremont.

)i()lt()1"RI9 OF BROOICI.YN. President's Office, Nos. 15 and r6 Borough Hall, 9

a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays. 9 a. m. to 12 m. Bird S. Coler, President. Charles Frederick Adams, Secretary. John A. Heffernan, Private Secretary. Ihornas R. Farrell, Commissioner of Public

Works. James M. Power, Secretary to Commissioner, )avid F. Moore, Superintendent of Buildings.

James Dunne, Superintendent of the Bureau of Sewers.

Joseph M. Lawrence, Superintendent of the Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices.

Patrick F. Lynch, Superintendent of Highways.

114)11(51 (III OF MANIIA'1'TAN. Office of the President, Nos. 14, 15 and r6 City

Hall, 9 a. m, to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a m. to 12 In. folio F. Ahearn, President. Bernard Downing, Secretary. John Cloughen, Commissioner of Public Works. Janes J. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-

lic \\'orks. Edward S. Murphy, Superintendent of Buildings. Frank T Goodwin, Superintendent of Sewers. John It, Voorhis, Superintendent of Buildings

and Offices. Telephone, 672; Cortlandt,

BOItOU:GII OF QUEENS. President's Office, Borough Hall, Jackson avenue

and Fifth street, Long Island City; s a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, q a. M. to 12 m.

Lawrence Dresser President. J(l)n H. Cragen hecretary. Alfred Denton, Zommissioner of Public Works. Harry Sutphin, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-

lic AV'orkS. Patrick E. Leahy, Superintendent of Highways. Carl Berger, Superintendent of Buildings. Cornelius Burke, Superintendent of Sewers. James E. Clonin, Superintendent of Street Clean-

ing Edward F. Kelly, Superintendent of Public Build-

ings and Offices. Telephone, Igoo Greenpoint.

lBOROs'GA OF RI('HMOND. I'resident's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. George Cromwell, President. hlaybury Flemin8, Secretary. Louis Lincoln 1ribus, Consulting Engineer and

Acting Commissioner Of I'ublic Works, VI'illi.un R. IIillyer. A,sistant Cnrmlmissi,,uer of

I'ublic \\ orks, Bnrcau of 1•:igicecrirg -'l up, ', raphy. Theodor S. Oxhulm_ lingivcci in cl,,,rcc•.Moreau

of I:nginecring-Construct in n. - ohn Seaton, Superintendent Cl flu ridings.

It. B. Buel Superintendent of Highways. Jobn T. I"-etherStun, .\ sistant Ingineer and

Acting Superintendent of Street Cleaning. Ernest H. Seehusen, Superintendent of Sewers. John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public Build-

logs and Offices. Offices-Borough Hall, New Brighten, N. Y., 9

a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to la m. Telephone, loon Tompkinsville.

CORONERS. Borough of The Bronx- Corner of Third avenue

and Tremont avenuo Telephone, 1a5o Tremont and 1402 Tremont.

Robert F. McDonald, A. F. Schwannecke. William T. Austin Chief Clerk. Borough of Broillyn--o fice, Rooms r and

Municipal Building. Telephone, 4004 Main and 4005 Main.

henry J. Brewer, M. I)., John F. Kennedy. Joseph McGuinness, Chief Clerk. Open all hours of the day and night. Borough of Manhattan-Office, Criminal Courts

Building Centre and White streets. Open at all times of the day and night.

Coroners: Julius Harburger, Peter P. Acritelli, George F. Shrady, Jr., Peter Dooley.

2022 THE CITY RECORD. lRil)AY, l`IllJaI:\JY 19, 1909.

Julius }larburger, t'resident Board of Coroners.

acob E. Bausch, Chief Clerk. elephones, 1094, 5057,o58 Franklin.

Borough of Queens-Office, Borough Hall, Fulton street, Jamaica, L. 1.

Samuel I). Nutt, Alfred S. Ambler. Martin Mager, Jr., Chief Clerk. Office hours tram 9 a. m. to in p. m. Borough of Richmond-No. 44 Second street,

New Brighton. Open for the transaction of busi- ness all hours of the day and night.

Matthew J. Cahill. Telephone, 7 Tompkinsville.



COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Room 127, Stewart Iiuilding, Chambers street and

Broadway, 9 a: in. to 4 p. m. Thomas Allison, Commissioner. Matthew F. Neville, Assistant Commissioner. Frederick l'. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. Frederick O'Byrne, Secretary. Telephone, 241 1Vorth,

COMMIIS51ONEIt OF RECORDS. Office, Hall of Records.

TWilliam S. Andrews, Commissioner. James O. Farrell. Superintendent.

ames J. Fleming, Jr. Secretary. elephone, 3900 Worth

COUNTY CLERK. Nos. 5, 8, 9, to and it New County Court-house

Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4. m. Peter 1. Dooling. County Clerk. John F. Curry, Deputy. Joseph J. Glenn en, Secretary. Telephone, 870 Cortlandt.

DISTItIC'r ATTOIRNEY. Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Centre

streets. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays,

9a.m.to12in. \\ nt. Travers Jerome, District Attorney. b un A. Henneberry, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2304 Franklin.

Y1: BLIC A1))I INISTIIA'I'Oli. No. iig Nassau street, y a. m. to 4 p. m. William M. floes Public Administrator. Telephone, 6376 C!ortlandt.

(REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4

p. In.: Saturday's 9 a. m. to r2 m. During the months of July and August the hours are from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m

Frank Gass, Register. William H. Sinnott, Deputy Register. Telephone, 3900 Worth.

SHERIFF. No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. In.; Saturdays, 9

a. tn. to 12 m. Thomas F. Foley, Sheriff. John F. Gilchrist~i~Under Sheriff Telephone, 4984 vv orth.

SC It ItOGA'I' E S. Hall of Records. Court open from 9 a. m. to 4

p m., except Saturday when it closes at 12 m. During tha months of Ju'y and August the hours are from q a in. to 2 p. m.

Abner C. Thr,mas and John P. Cahalan, Surro-gates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk.


COMMISSI(iSlat OF JURORS. County Court-house acob }irenner, Cotnntissioner.

Jacob A. I.ivin hgstcon. Deputy Commissioner. Albert B. Waldron, Secretary. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

from 9 a. ni. to 12 111. Office hours during July and August, 9 a. m. to 2

p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 1454 Main,

CO.H MISSION ER OF ItECOItDS. Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in., excepting months

of July and August, then 9 a. M. to 2 p. m., Satur-days 9 a. in. to 1201.

Lewis M. Swasey, Commissioner. I). Ii. Ralston, Deputy Commissioner. Telephone, 1114 Main Thomas 1). Mosscrop Superintendent. William J. Beattie, Assistant Superintendent. Telephone, 1082 Main.

COUNTY CLERK. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, 9 a. m.

to 4 p. m.; during months of July and August, pa. m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

Frank Ehlers, County Clerk. Robert A. Sharkey, Deputy County Clerk. John Cooper, Assistant Deputy County Clerk. Telephone call, 4930 Main.

COUNTY COURT. County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms to, 17, r8,

22 and 23. Court opens at in a. m. daily and sits until business is completed. Part I., Room No. 23; Part 11., Room No. ro, Court-house, Clerk's Office, Rooms 17, it and 22, open daily from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays 12 M.

Norman S. Dike and Lewis I.. Fawcett, County Judges.

Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 4154 and 4155 Main.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn,

Hours, 9 a. m. to 5j.'. m. John F. Clarke, District Attorney. Telephone number, 2955-6-7-Main.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No. 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, 9

a. m. to5p.m. Charles E. Teale, Public Administrator. Telephone, 2840 Main.

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 a. M. to 4 p. In.,

excepting months of July and August; then from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., provided for by statute.

William A. Prenriergast, Register. Frederick H. E. Ebstein, Deputy Register. Telephone, 2830 Main.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Brooklyn, N .Y. 9 a. m. top. .; Saturdays, 12 Di. Alfred T. N

mobley, Sheriff.

James P. Connell, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 6845, 6846, 6847, Main.

SURROGATE. Hall of Records Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate. Edward J. Bergen, Chief Clerk and Clerk of the

Surrogate's Court. Court opens at to a. m. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 4

p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. M. to 12 m, Telephone, 3954 Main.


COJ)MISSIONI4R OF JI!ROIIS. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; July and August, 9

a.m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays 9 a. nt. to 12 m. Queens County Court-(rouse, Long Island City.

John P. Halbert, Commissioner of Jurors. Rodnran Richardson, Assistant Commissioner. Telephone, 455 Greenpoint.

COUNTY CLERK. No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica, Fourth Ward,

Borough of Queens, City o New York. Office open, q a. m. to 4 P. m.; Saturday, pa. ni. to

12 iii. John Niederstein, County Clerk. Henry Walter, Jr., Deputy County Clerk. Telephone, ii Jamaica.

COUNTY COURT. Temporary County Court-house, Lon • Island City. County Court opens at to a. m. Trial 'Perms begin

first Monday of each month, except July. August and September. Special Terms each Saturday, ex-cept during August and hrst Saturday of September.

County judge's office always open at Nu. 336 Ful-ton street,amaica, N. Y.

Burt J. ilium hrey, County Judge. Telephone, 266 Jamaica.

DISTR.IC'!' A'I'TOI(NEY. Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island

City, 9 a. in. to 5 p. in. Frederick G. Ue AVitt, District Attorney. Telephone, 39 Gieenpoint.

PUBLIC ADMINIS'TRRATOR.. No. 17 Cook avenue Elmhurst. John T. Robinson, i'nblic Administrator, County

of (ueens. Telephone, 335 Newtown.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Long Island City, 9 a.m. to

4 P. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. nt. to 12 m. Herbert S. Harvey. Sheriff. John M. Phillips, Under Sheriff. felephone5 43 Greenuaint (office). henry O. Schleth,'Aarden, Queens County Jail. Telephone, 372 (ireenpoint.

SUItItOGATE. Daniel Noble Surrogate. Wm. F. I lerafricksun, Clerk. Office, Ni,. 364 Vultun street, Jamaica. Except on Sundays, holidays and half holidays,

the office is open frump a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, from 9 a. m. to 12 m.

The calendar is called on Tuesday of each week at to a. m., except during the nionth of Augnlst, when nu court is held, and the court sits every day there-ath'r until all c„ntetited cases have been disposed of.

'1ilephouc,39; Jamai'-a.


C)M:UISSIOVLR. OF JURORRS. iila•e Ilal], Stapleton.

Charles J. Kulltnan, Commissioner. John J. McCaughey, Assistant Commissioner, Office open from 9 a. m. until 4 P. m.; Saturdays,

from ga.m,to12ill. Telephone, 81 'Tompkinsville.

COUNTY CLERK. County Office Building, Richmond, S. I., 9 a. nt. to

4 P. m. C. L. Bostwick, County Clerk. County Court-house, Richmond, S. I , 9 a. m. to 4

p.m. Telephone, 28 New Dorp.

COUNTY JtiDGf AND SURROGATE. Terms of Court, Ricltmond County, 1909. County Courts-Stephen D. Stephens, County

Judge. First Monday of Juner Grand and Trial Jury. Second Monday of November, Grand and Trial

Jury. Fourth Wednesday of January, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of 'ebruary, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of March, without a Jury, Fourth Wednesday of April, without it Jury Fourth Wedn(slay ofuly, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of Oct, her, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of I)eceniher, without a Jury. Surrogate's Court-Stephen U. Stephens, Surro-

gate. Mondays, at the Borough Hall, St.Geurge, at 10.30

o'clock a. m. Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at 10.30

o'clock a. n,. Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond

at 1o.3o o'clock a. m.

DIS'I'ILICT ATTORNEY. Borough Hall, St. George, S. I. Samuel H. Evins. Telephone, 5o Tompkinsville.

Nil E III FF. County Court-house, Richmond, S. 1. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. Ire. Joseph J. Barth.



Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-filth street. Court opens at r pin.

Edward Patterson, Presiding Justice; George I.. Ingraham, Chester B. McLaughlin, Frank C. Laughlin, John Proctor Clarke, James W. Houghton, Francis M. Scott, Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk; William Lamb, Deputy Clerk.

Clerk's Office opens at 9 a. m. Telephone, 3840 Madison Square.

SI'l'ItI' lE COU1tT-FIRST DFA'AItT- 31 E N'I`.

County Court-house, Chambers street. Court open from io.t5 a. M. to 4 p. nr.

Special Term, Part 1. (motions), Room No. r6. Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte business), Room

No. 13. Special Term, Part Ill., Room No, ig. Special Term, fart IV. Roon, No. 20. Suecial Tern,, Part V., koom No. 6. Special Terrn, Part VI. (Elevated Railroad cases),

Room No. 3r. 'Trial 'Perin, Part II., Room No. 34. Trial Term, Part III., Roout No. 22. Trial Term, fart IV., Roo in No. 2r. Trial Term, Part V., Room No. 24. Trial'1'erm, Fart V1. Rootn No. 18. Trial Ternt, Part VII'., Rnoni No. -. Trial Term, Part VIII., count No. 23. Trial Term, fart IX., Room No.^5. Trial 'Perm, fart X., Room No. 2a6. Trial Term, fart XI., Room No. 27, 'Trial 'term, ]'art X I I., Room No. -. 'trial 'Perm, Part N III., and Special Term, Part

VII., I(uom No. 36. Trial Term, fart XIV., Room No. 28. Trial 'Perm, fart XV. Itoom No. 37. Trial Term, fart NVI'., Room No. -- Trial 'term, fart X V I I., Room No. 20. Trial Term, tart XVII1., 1< inns No. 29. Appellate Term, Room No. 29. Naturalization Bureau. Room No. 38, third fl ,,,r. Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor,

northeast. Clerks in attendance from in a. m, to 4 p. m. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part 1. (motions),

Rnurr No. I5. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte

business), around Boor, southeast corner. Clerk's Office, Special 'Term, Calendar, ground

floor, south. Clerk's Office, Trial Term, Calendar, room north-

last corner, second floor, east. Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest

corner, third door. Trial 'firm, ('art I. (criminal business). Criminal C, inn-hum Centre street. Justices-Charles 11. Truax, Charles F. Maclean,

I lenry Ifischoff, Leonard A. Giegerich, P. llenry llut;ru, lienry A. Gildersleeve, James hitzf;crald Jani••n A. U'Gurntan, Janes A. Blanchard Sanniel Greenbaum, Edward I. McCall I'dwaid Ii, Amend, Versus M. Davis, Victor J. howling, Joseph 1;. Newl,urger, John W. Gof , San',ucl Si-;tburyt M. War hey Platzek, Peter A. Il cud rick, John I- ,,rd, Charles W. Ua y•ton, John J. firady, iit,hell L. Itrtanger, Charles L. Guy, James W. Gerard, Irving Lchmau.

Peter J. lluoling Clerk, Supreme Court. Tele~ihone, 4580 Cortlandt.


N. Kings County Court-h„use, Borough of ]lrooklyn,

Court open daily from in o'clock a. m. to , O'clock Q; m. Seven jury trial parts. Special 'lernt for trials. Sped il'1u.-.rut for Motions.

James F'. McGee General Clerk. Telephone, 5460 ~Ylain.


Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Flits, White and Franklin streets.

Cmtrt opens at 1o.30 a. nt. Peter J. I)oohng' Clerk; Edward R. Carroll,

SI.ecial Deputy to the Clerk. l.lerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. n!. Telep'tune, 6064 Franklin.


Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, ham, \I kite and Franklin streets,

Court opens at 10.30 a. in. Thomas C. '1'. Crain, Otto A. Rosalsky Warren

1V. Foster, Thomas C. (.)'Sullivan, Edward Swans Joseph F. Dlulqueen, Junes T. 91 alone, Judges ul the Court of I•eneral Sessions. Edward R. Carrot!, Clerk. Telephone, 1201 Franklin.

Clerk's Office open from q :t. ii,. to 4 P. tn. Dining July and August Clerk's Office will close

at 2 p. m.; and on Saturdays at 12 Di.

CITY COU[tT OL' 'J'llhl CITY OF 11411 1'OItIC.

No.32 Chambers street, Brownstone Building, City Hall Nark, from to a. in. to 4 p. in.

('art 1. fart II. ('art 111. Part IV. Part V. Part V I . fart VII. Part VIII. Special Perm Chambers will be held from ro a. m.

to 4 p. 'o. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 P. M. l';da;ud F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice; Lewis J.

Cvulan, Francis Ii. Delehauty, Joseph 1. Green, Alexander I'inelite 7'hunuirrti I". Uonnclly, Jobu V. McAvoy, I'eter Sclmmck, Bichard 'f. I,y u,m.l,i I'dward It. ).a Petra, Justices. Thurnas I''. Smith, Clerk.

fclehone, 6142 Cortlandt.

COUIt'1' OF SPE( 'IA I. SESSIONS. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street be-

tween Franklin and White streets, Borough of 91 an-hi attan.

Court opens at ro a. m. Justices--First Division--Wiliam E. Wyatt WiI-

lard 11. Ulm',ted, Joveplr M. Ueuel, Lorenz fe-Ik'r, John It. Mayo, I,ritJdin Chase Iluvt. Chactcs \V Culkin- Clerk; William 91. huller, Deputy Clerk.

Clerks Office upi'n tram 911. ni, to 4 ,. ol. .1 elephune, 2a)2 Franklin, Clerk's uhf ice. Telephone, 601 Iran, kliu, Justices' chamfers. Second Division--'Trial I Jays-No. 171 Atlantic

avenue, liroukly n, Mondays, 'Thursdays and I`ri-da}'s at to o'clock; 'town II sill, joniafea, fiotnuy,, h ul Queens, f'uesday at in i'eIur.k; Town II sill, At',,' If rightun, Borough of Hichn1oud, Wednesdays at to o'clock.

Justices-Itnward J. Furker john Fleming, blur l,an M. L. Ryarl Robert j. Wilkie George J. O'Keefe, f arses J. ~il cl nerney. J,,s,'phi I.. Kerrigan, Clerk; John J.I)urman, Deputy Clerk.

Clerk's Office, No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of firooklyn, open from 9 a. no (1,4 p. W.

C111I,1)IIRN'S COURT. First Division--No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan mast K. Coulter Clerk, Telepllt,tle, 5353 tuyvesant. Second Division--No. 'o2 Court street, Brooklyn.

William F. Uelaney, Clerk. Telephone, 627 Main.

CITY MAGIS'I'ItATES' (SOI111T. Flret I)livision.

Court opens from 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. City Magistrates-Robert C. Cornell, Leroy h.

Crane, Peter T. liarluw Matthew I'. Breen, Jotiu(,h F. Muss, James J. Will It, Ilenry Steinert, I)anicl F. Finn, Frederick B. House, Charles N. llarri,,

Frederic Keruuchiii, Arthur C. Butts, Inseph F. Corrigan. Moses Herrman, Paul Krotel. I-i:}•rai: J.

('rmnunl-. Philip Bloch, Secretary, One Hundred and

'Twenty-lirst street and Sylvan place. First District-Criminal Court Building Second District- ,Jetferson Market. Third District-No. 69 Essex street. Fourth District- No. rtr East Fifty-seventh street. Fifth I)istrict- One Hundred and Twenty-first

street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Sixth Ui,trict-One Hundred and Sixty-first street

and Brunk avenue. Seventh District-No. 314 West Fifty-fourth street. Eighth District-Main street, Westchester.

S. t.ond Dls'Islon.

Borough of Brooklyn.

City Magistrates-Edward J. Dooley, James G, 'Tighe, John Nautner E. G. Higginbotham, Frank I';. O'2(etlly, Ilenry f . Furlong, Alfred F. Steers, A. V . 11. Voorhees, Jr., Alexander H. Geismar, John F. II yLur.

President of the Board, Edward J.I)ooley, No, 318 Atlau,s street.

Secretary to the Board, Charles J. Flanigan, Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, and No. 648Ila)sey street.

Courts. First I)istrict--No. 318 Adams street. Second I )istrict-Court and Butler streets. 'Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. Fouith I listrict- No. 186 liedford avenue.. Fifth I llstnct- Nu. 249 Manhattan avenue, Sixth I listrict-Nu. 495 Gates avenue. Seve, th 1 )istrict-No.31 Snideravenue(Flatbush). Eighth District-'tVest Eighth street (Coney Is.

land). Ninth District-Fifth avenue and Twenty-third

street. Tenth District-No, r33 New Jersey avenue.

Borough of Queens. City Mal;istrates-Matthew J. Smith Joseph

Fitch, Maurice E. Connolly, Eugene C. Gilroy,

Courts. First District-St. Mary's T.yceum, Long Island

City. Sccond f)istrict-Town Hall, Flushing L. 1. 'Third District-- Central avenue, Far kockaway,

I., I. Borough of Richmond.

Cit y Magistrates-Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel Mar:li,

Courts. First District-Lafayette place, New Brighton,

Staten Island. Second I)istrict-Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten


)1I NIC11•AI, ('(IUItTS. II.. rough nr Harr flit( mu.

1,irst I)ictrict-7'he First I)istrict embraces the tenitor}• bnundcd on the south and west by the .r nthvrIy and westerly bouudities of the said uornugh, iii, the uurth by the centre line of Four-ti curb street and the centre line of Fifth street from the Iicwery to Second :[venue, on the east by the reutre line; of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifth street Second avenue, Chrystie street, I Iivision street and h:athariuse street.

\Pstihtope Lynn, William F. Moore, John Hoyer, Justices.

7'hr,rnas O'Connell, Clerk; Francis Mangin, 1>euuty Clerk.

Local on of Court-Merchants' Association Build. jug'. N's. 5.I-60 Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sumlays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. in. t,, 4 p. m.

AdditI,,n.rl farts are field at southwest corner of Sixth avenue and 'Tenth street and at No. 128 Prince .`,t 1'el't.

Telephone. 6010 Franklin.

Second Dktrict--The Second District embraces the te,ritury bounded nn the south by the centre line ,-I I' huh, nl fret fluor the Bowery to Second Benue :and on l6e• ,,ivtfi ;'ud east fly' the southerly and easterly Lnund:tries of the said borough, on the u„rth by the ee-cur line of Is,st Fourteenth street, „n the sV''.5 by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth street to fifth street, Second •tvenue, Cl in) ntie street, Division street and Ca)Is iii se utreet.

(;,,urge I'. kuesch, Benjamin Iloffman, Leon Sunders, Th,, ,as 1'. Kinnear, Justices.

James J. I)evlin, Clerk; Michael H. Looney, I)el,uty Clerk.

(.,,cation ,,t Cart- -_pus. 264 and 266 Madison vtrect. Cler4:'.s (iffic i_',, pc-u daily !Sundays and legal lu,ldays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 P. m.

'l'elephune, 2596 Orchard.

'Flied I>istrict- -The Third District embraces the t,~rritory h',und'•d ion the south by the centre line of I'ourtewrth ,to ,•t, in the east hy the retitle line of Seventh :wcuue from I'uurteentli street to 1,ifty-uinth street ,,ml by the centre line of Central Park \ti't•st from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-fifth street nn the north by the. centre line of Sixty fifth street andthccenlrcl0,eut fifty-nulthstreetfruniSeventh to )•;i llth :went,•, on the is"' .1 by the westerly bound ors' oI till' said burn ugh.

'Thorson E. Mornay, J:uues W. McLaughlin, J utit i„•s.

Michael Sk,ally, Clerk; henry 6lerzbach, Deputy Clerk.

Ligation of Coort-Nn. 314 W'est Fifty-fourth street. Clerk'-, Oflit,' open rl.,ily (Sundays and legal holidays esn pt' ,l) ft.nn q a. iii. lu 4 p. m.

'1e)uphuue number, 5450 Columbus,

Fourth Ilisttict -'1lie Fourth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line ut (Cant F.,uriecuth street, un the west by the teu,trc lint, of I.esiughm ;tvenne and by the' centre line of Irving I,larr, fur ludinr it, projection through Gramercy l ash,',n, the sorb, by the centre lineof I~iIty ninth nt]eet, ou thus coot by the easterly line of s:,icf hnn,u;;h: excluding, however, any portion of I;lacktcell's Isl,u:d.

huh nhael 1;. (flake•., William J. Buyhan, Justices. AI,ram Bc,nard, Clerk; Janws Foley, Deputy

C!elk. Ligation of Cutlrt-('art I. and Part II., No. r5r

?:1 •,t Fifty-seventh street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. in to 4 p. M.

Filth Iiistn,t --'The Fifth District embraces the territory bounded oil the south by the centre line of Sixt y- fifth shirt, t, nit the vast Iry the centre ]tire of CenU-al Park V1', st, on the north by the centre Iii,, nl One Ilundred and 'Tenth street, un the west by the ,easterly huundary of said borough •

Alfre,] 1'. W. Seaman, William Young, Frederick Spiegelix•rg, Justices.

Cle Imes V. Gilluun, Clerk ; John H. Servis, Deputy rk.

Lucatiuu of Court - Broadway and Ninety-sixth street. Clerk's Office when daily(Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. iii. to 4 p. tn.

Telephone, 4c.o6 Riverside.

Sixth Iristrict-The Sixth Distri,t embraces the te-n it'r)' hunnderl uu the s,,uth by the centre line of I'itty-moth',treet and by the centre line of Ninety. sixthh xur,•t foul: Lexington avenue to Fifth avenue, on the west by the centre Ii e of Lexington avenue front I' ifty ninth street to Niuct y sixth street and thn centre line of Fifth avenue from Ninety -sixth street to ( )u,, I I unfired and Tenth street, on the north by the centre Iiue of One Hundred and Tenth


street, on the east by the easterly boundary of said boron'h, including, however, all of lilackwell's Island and excluding any portion of Ward's Island.

Herman Joseph, Jacob Marks, Justices. Edward A. McQuade, Clerk; Thomas M. Cann-

bell, l)eputy Clerk; John J. Dietz, Frederick Jp, Stroh, Assistant Clerks.

Location of Court—Northw'est corner of Third avenue and Eighty-third street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from a. in. to 4 p. m,

Telephone, 4343 79-St.

Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces the territory busnded on the south by the centre line of One I lundred and Tenth street, on the east by the centre line of Fifth avenue to the northerly terminus thereof, and north of the northerly ter-minus of Fifth avenue, follov,ing in a ii ctherly direction the course of the I ark nl river, on a line conterminous with the easterly boundary of said bur-ough, on the north and west by the northerly and westerly boundaries of said borough.

Phillip J. Sinnott, David L. \Veil, John R. Davies, Justices.

llenian II. Wilson, Clerk ; Robert Andrews, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court—No. 70 Manhattan street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi-days excepted) from q a. ut. to 4 p. In.

Eighth District—The Eighth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of (lac I I undred and Tenth street, on the west bp the centre line of Fifth avenue, on the north and east by the northerly and easterly boundaries of said borouVh, including it and all's islatld and the whole of V ard's Island. ]useph P. Fallon, Leopold Prince, Justices, Vs'illlam J. Kennedy, Clerk; Patrick J. I(yan,

Deputy Clerk, Location of Court—Sylvan place and One Hun-

dred and 'T'w'enty-first street, near Third avenue. Clerk's Ulfice open daily (Sundays and legal huli-day's excepted) from q a. nl. to 4 p. m.

Telephone, 395o IIarlem.

Ninth I)istrict--The Ninth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fourteenth street and by the centre line of lift y-ninth street from the centre line of Seventh acenne to the centre line of Central I':trk West nn the e,tst by the centre line ut Lexington avenue and by the centre line of Irving{ place, Inclnrling its pro ectlon through Gramercy Park, and by the centre Iil,e of Fifth avenue from the cevdre line of Ninety-sixth street to the centre line of One H uudred eild 'I'ul,th street, nn the north by the centre line of Ninety- sixth street unfit the centre Iil:e of ).exingb.n avenue to the centre line of J: tth avenue and by llee 1Iuu-dred and Tenth street froin i' ilth avenue to Central Park \Vest, oil the west by file centre lineof Seventh avenue and Central Park \Vest.

Edgar J. Lauer, Frederick I)e Witt Wells, Frank I), Sturges, William C. \Nilson, Justices.

William J Chamberlain, Clerk; Charles Healy, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court- Suuthwost corner of Madison avenue and I'ifty-ninth street. Clerk's Office Open daily (Sundays and legal hihehs excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. 01.

Telephone, 387.3 Plaza.

Rerentu1i of The Itronz,

First District—AII that t,:ut of the Tw<•nty-fourth \yard which was lately iii ese<l to the City and County (if New York by chanter nl4 u the I.,Iw, of l&J5 , comprising all of the lute 'I own ut W,•st( hester and part (it the 'fuw ns of 1, astchc•-.ler and Pelham, including the \'ill ,(;e, of \"\ al.ehcld and 1\'hill; n„-bridge. Court-rnuut, 'limn Ilall, Ni,. Ijoo \\illi:uns-bridge road, Westchester Village. C<.urt(.p.•c daily (Sundays and legal holidays execF Itcd), from o a. in, to 4 p. m, 'Trial of causes, Tuesday and Friday of each week.

Peter A. Sheil, Justice. Stephen Collins, Clerk. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m; Saturday's

closing at 12 in. Telephone, 457 Westchester. Second l)istrict-1'wehty-third and 'Twenty-tourtl:

Wards, except the ten it' t y described in chapter 934 of the Laws of 1695. Cuurbrn iii! , st ,utlivast curnrr of Washing;tun avenue and On, IIundred and Sixty-second street. Office hours, frl,n, q u iii, to 4 p. m. Court opens at q a. m.

John M. Tierney, Justice Thomas A. Maher, Clerk.

Telephone, 3043 Melrose.

Horn ngh of Il rook lyn. First District- Cnrul:rising, first, Sc-cued, Third

Fourth. Fifth, tiIxt11 '1 elithi ul "I Delftl1 Wards ds arid the I'lcventh Ward bt. limo that portion oh at the

intersection of the centre lions it IIud F',n and Myrtle avenues, thence alum_; the centre Pule (If Myrtle avenue to North I'ortl.inch avenue, thence atun i

the centre line of N rlh 1'ortl nd avenue t, Eluson;

avenue, thence slug th,: centre line of

Flushing avenue to Navy stn-:t, theucc ;rlung the centre line of Navy street to Juluuun,strict, theory' slung the centre line of Johnson street to lluds, m avenue, and theme along the Centre brie of II udson avenue to the point of beklnuivg, of the l;,,ruuf;h of llrooklvn. Cuurt house, II rtl,west corner State and Court streets. farts I and II

John !. Walsh, Justice. Nil,, ird Moran, Clerk. Clerk s Office open front q a. m. to 4 p. tn.

Second District- - Seventh Ward and that portion rc rid Tw••I '-th;r,. of the 'Twenty h . t a l I[y 1Wards west of

the centre line of Stiryvesant avenue, and Life centre line of Schenectady :Venue, ills,, that unran ti nn of the Twentieth Ward beginning at till, iut,-rsectiun of the centre lines of North l'urtland such 11 vrtle :rvenue~, thence along the' cewtre liuc of 1lyrtle accrue' III Waverly avenue, thence ailing tilt- centre line of \Vaverly, avenue to fink secure,', th•-nice clung the centre line of Park avenue to \\',rslnoOi,u ,Lvenue, thence along the centre line of \\rshiu„tun :rveune to Flushing avenue, thence the centre line of Flushing avenue to North Portland aveune, and thence alring the centre line of North yr,rtland :wuuue to the puiut of beginning.

Court l(uom, No. 49; t ;.rtes avl sue Gerard It, Vim 'Aunt and Cliches J. I)o,ld,

Justices. Franklin It. V:tn Wart, Clerk. Clerk's Office Mien front r) U. 1(1. to 4 p. In

Third I)istrirt--I':Inl r,tces the Thirteenth, Fuur-teenth, Filternth, 5,stornth, See,•uternth • ICigtr-teenth and Nlnrtcl-nth \C ands, curl that 1'nrtiun of the Twenty-seventh \t'.ud lying a„rthwest ( ,f hill, centre line of Starr street Ilctwren the huund:uv line of Queens County and the centre tine of Ccnlral avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Sir vd:urn street hetweeu the centre lines of Centr:,l anll liuh-wick aven,nt'xi and a„rthac-t of the fhtre liar. of Willoughby avenue betwr en the centre line, of I:ush-wick avenue and IIru,tdway. Court -house, Non. 6 and 8 Lee avenue, L'r(,oklyu.

Philip 1). Meagher and Witlian, J. Buia•,huslutc t Justices. Jrllul W. Carpenter, Clerk

Clerk's Oftice open front 9 a, m to 4 p. in, Court Opens at 9 a,ul.

Fourth I )idri<t I':uuhura, us the Tw''uly Ir'urtbr and I 'l'wetrty-fifth \''acts, 1st fort ii, ul file Twenty Best and 'Iwrnty-third \yards 1)inge,c-t ut thr,'ontre 110” of Stuvsernit :want,:uul rich Id the n•ntlr line of Sc hevecta(ly ,nt•nue, and that l,ortinn w the 1lnruty-se•.venth \V.u , l lying suulbutet rut the r 'into' Jim' <,I Starr street helwecn the h,ufilays' line of (ruet•ns and till lemur line of ('el,tral avenue, and x,.ntg('atit (If the centre title of diry'd:l lot street bet wne.n she• centre lines of Central and liushwiik avenues, and

southeast of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the centre lines of 13ushwick avenue and Broadway.

Court-room, No, 14 Howard avenue Thomas II. \\'illiams, Justice. G. J. Wiederho)d,

Cleric M ilton 1, AVilliauls, Assistant Clerk, Clerk's Office open from q a. M. to 4 p. m.

Fifth I)istrict.Cuntains the Eighth. Thirtieth and Thirty-lust Wards, and so much of the Twenty second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court- hnuse, northwest corner of Fifty-third street and Third avenue.



Fttrgueson, Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary, <•rk. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Telephone, 407 Bay Ridge.

Sixth District—The Sixth District embraces the Ninth and Twenty-ninth Wards and that portion of the Twenty-second Ward north of the centre Ii rime of I9ospect avenue; also that portion of the Eleventh and the Twentieth Wards beginning at the iuter sec - tiun of the centre lines of P,ridt!e and Fulton streets; thence along the centre line of 1•-uIVIn street to I' hat- bush avenue; thence stung t1,e centre line of Fiat' bush avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence along the _enure line of Atlantic avenue to Washington avenue; thence along the centre line of AVashingt„n avenue to Park avenue; thence along the centre line of Park avenue to Waverly avenue; thence along the centre line of Waverly avenue to Myrtle avenue- thence along the centre line of NI I, rtle avenue to Iiudson avemle t thence along the centeir line of I Iudson ave-nue to Johnson street ; thence along the centre line of Iohnsun street to Bridge street, and thence along the centre line of Bridge street to the point of begin-Illt1g.

1,ueien S. Bayliss and George Fielder, Justices, Charles 1', Bible, Clerk.

Court-house, No. 61r Fulton street.

Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces II le'1'wenty-sixth, Twenty eighth and Thirty-second Wards

Alexander S. Rosenthal and Edward A, Richards, Justices. Sanlue' F. Brothers, Clerk.

Court-house, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Ful-tuu street (Nu. 31 Pennsylvania avenue).

Clerk's Office Open tronl 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. ; Satur-days, 9 a. in. to r2 m. Trial days, Tuesdays, Wed-nc•sdays, 'Thor- ,day's and Fridays.

Jury clay, I uesday's and I'rilays. C led .'s qoa Fast New York. Cow t Tulephune, I)c, I':ast New lurk.

Borough of Qii, enN. First I)istrict—First Ward (all of Long Island City

formerly composing five wards). Court-room, St. Mar)'. Lyceum, Nus. ii and 117 Fifth street, Long Island City.

Clerk's Office open from q a. m. to 4 p. m. each day, excelling Saturdays, closing at 12 m. Trial days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs da>-s.

1'humas C. Kadien, Justice. 'Thomas F. Kennedy Clerk.

'Telephone, 2376 Greenpoint.

Second 1)isfrict -Second and Third Wards, which in,dud' the term it, ry of the late Towns of Newtown and Flushing. Court-room in Cottrt-house of the Lute Ti iv of Newtown, corner of Broadway and C, in, rt sheet, 1':lmhurst, New York. 1'. U. Address, Elnlhur,t, (.tueens County, New Vork.

Willian, Ka-,lulu, Jr., Justice. Luke J. Connor- •, :n r , Clek. Ailli:un kepl,er, Assistant Clerk, James B. lied ikcr, Stenographer.

'I real da u T-slays and Thursdays. C lerk's O(theeun < , froa l 9 a. m. to 4 P. m. Telephone, d7 Newtown.

Third 1)istrict—Fonrtht and Fifth Wards, corn-

~>risiug the territory of the former Towns and Vil-ages of Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway Leach.

I ,antes F. MrLaughlimi, Justice. George W. Damon, Cork.

Court-Louse, Town Hall, Jamaica. l'eleplione, 189 lutuaica. C Jerk's ( iffice open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. rut. Cot, rt held un Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

at q a. nr.

Horn ugh of Itleh inn rid. I u' t I )istnd First inch Third Wards (Towns of

Ca,tlet, n and Northfield). Court-room, furrner Vil- lage 11 ill, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New L'ri!, htun.

1'humas C. Brown, Justice. Atoning S. Frail, Cl,-rh.

Cler k's ( 1fTtcr o er tri m 8. ~ a.

m . t u 4D P. m.

I 1t Y hone 503 Ton kmsvile.

Second 1)i,trict Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards ('I'ow,l.s of M ddictown, Southfield and Westlield!. Court-room, furnler Edgewater Village [fall, Staple- tor,. Grnr~e W. Stake, Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk. Clerk s (Ifice Open flum 'jut m to 4, nl. Cuult (,bens at 9 ;t. in. Calendar called at ro a. em

Court continued IIIltil cloy,- (,f btlslrless. 'Trial days, 91oi,chlls, 11 ednresclr)'s and Fridays.

Telephone, 313 Tompkinsville


1\vI';N'fY'1'1I1K1 ANl TWI-:NTY-FOUl4Tll

P UIaU.AN1' 'll) 'fill': I'KOV'Itiil)>'S OI

j— chai'uer 537 of the hares of 180.1 and II,- Is aicn,lat,sry II, erein an'l supplemental therrtn,

,,,lice is hereby given Ihut meetings of the Cont-I issi,:uols appoinad nndcr said :\cis will b, hol, it Ii ,' otli(e of the P„mfnissi,r, Room t,;8, No. 'Pr I;nm'ul4wav (Stewart Iiuil,li,g), Mining;I of (lanhalt:m. New 'tick (ily, nn \lnn,lays. .5 ,•doesdays and Fi i,Jays of each week, at 2

hr n n , until further notice. 1' :I, I Nit Yurk tilt', ti -tubs r 2, 11)07.

WII.I.1.\\1 F. STILLINGS, 1:4bh;;l?

C. NOitfr)N,

LEWIS .5. .\Hit.\ \I d, Cumuli

Ih ell<Inu:%I I,t' \\'.t -il.It S,u'n'mt'. G.,s sup I`:r.l.c- t ni, l l r, it,':. al I;,;o, N's. 1,; 'I„ .:I 14AR1< Itow,

r 11.\Nolrr.crc, 1'I,s car .'\,:w \'„o(C.

ç, I: \ I.FI I 1:1115 III( I..'-lI.\I.\I'ICi \\ I I.I III': ' icrl I i- 1!i, 1 .. I r ri If 51 1;:; nl I.Irrl iriic ~I t J • „ ,Il it,

%% , N '.111(11 :t. 190th.

IturuoAtI'm of :1lrurhnlirur anti The Ih•uu .

I Illf I-('I:\I -III\I, \'-,II lot-:I I\ id:hN( Vlh'tI I.I.A.'Ili(it -- -I III.II:< I(Ih i.AL'I)ilA Jill 11 N.

TI, liner i , ', the ilrltc'-1 i• , f ihr :u ll,h,, m.. I,-i ell. :unit ie, ❑n,1 t, r cl f"mnl;uicc of the

,nlli1 1,, rrinh, a .I I, 19(1). I1', ,• nm„nut „t '.r- 111115 will 1, lice hi,nmnchrgh

I„liars (;boil,

'Iii,- b'idde'r cc ill I:ttc the price, per unit, of ere], item of rrurk or n,n ,tics contained in the ,pecificatinos or schedule, by which the bids will I,- Icsic•,I.

"Ih,- hills will be cmnl,a and and each contract al,aiuhcd for all the stork, articlos, materials and •LiI,plics contained ill the specifications or sched-uII- :dluched thereto,.

Iii,1,Icrs a I,, rcqu(•.Icd In make their bids (Ir ,-'timcucs up„n the blank florin prepared by the 1Jcl,artnitnt, a cnl,y of which, with the I super , Ileclnpc in tl'hi,; t„ inclose I Itc bid, tog,-lhcr '.cilh

it coolly of the contract, including the st iciti

cnli„u;, in the firm al,prore,l by the Corpocati•,n Counsel, all be ob,taincd uPOn application therefor at the uflice of thu I)cl,:,rtmcnt, fI nl 1536, No. _'I 1'a19: row, N,-,, A'irk City; II,,, plan:, if an)', is bud, are Dlade a bait of th,- d p(ccil ,,atiun,, ulay Ii,- sccn in th(• utficc of till ('hie -f 1';ngincer, Room 922 Nu. 21 1,b, rrnc, Noly \',,k City, whcrc :nty fnrthr-t' iuf, onn;,li:nl mnc Lc uhtniucd.

411117 II. f)'b'IlIICS, („mini-'-inner of \\later . t;:l: nn-1 LL rlririlc.

iii' l il\ ,f tI','. ; lc. P: L:,nry I, 1', (I'.,. lb '),,u3

;( vet• (:eur•rzrl 111 !111'll 1•I i1r 11M to liid- drrx un tile. lust Prrl;e•, lust c•nluur n, of Ihe• ••I it It rtn rd

Ili.,. ,ll `.11'T OF WATER Nor'rt.V, G,1s AND ELEC-ci ii II v, II uost 1536, Nos, 13 To 21 1•ARK Itow,

NI:1uII,\1TA s, (icy or Ncw \OR K. S III-:II 1;1115 1114 h:SI'IAIA'I'1:S \VILI, TIE

,:•'I I the 1', mmls=inner of \Vater

l2,-, sly hi,,:, ymty at the above curve

-110\D:11-, 11ARCII 1, 1909.

Bnre,usIL of (1,u t•c•ns.

V' , . I. PI ,It 1'CK.AI:i111A(i, UI•:f.IVERING .\NI c'I'<IKINoI 'ft\,) 'l'ItoI'j:\NI ) (2,000)

kn» 'I (NS III .\\'J'IIk.\C:1'!E COAL. "I'he time f"r the deli eery of the articles, mate-

I ials and supplies, and the performance of the cuntr:,ct is three humlred and sixty-five (365) alcnrlar clays, but (0 per cent. of the cual may

hr dt-Belled by April 1. '1i,, anv,unt of ncc:rily mm-ill be Dour Thou-


cl i Ii 11 t Tnl. urx. s ] Itt ! . ur

Ni- se 1 , IK ( I iv . 'I'\I t\ `ISTIm timer: T 4Nb nrsT .\l - i 51 1'. P.','-.c- cur I , MANHATTAN, THE

('Iiv , .r Nov, A"„Rh.

S :51.I:U LII15 I it i-S'I'I\I511:5 WILL II- ,I b, Ih I'r, .m I,nl i th,• 11,,.-h

A- iAINE." .tS • MA :t, 191111.

PAIL I"I'KNI'III`:I; \NII 51.:t'fl\1;OI- I.1(;II'I'1\'(; I:1 5. 1'1'lllT;c IN hht,\I\IS(; Sl'lllu)I. 1'1(11 \\II\il:\ \'I - krl:> ul \ t'I: .\N I)u.l.tr11 IO.l'il \I S <1rl'.\rl:u n.\ 'I'\\'I''N i'1'-SI\ I'ii .\N11 'I'1\'I:\"I'\"-PIy'l'lI X11\11':1:fs .\XII f:S\S1' Itl\'I:I:, r(IRt)t"(;II

I' 'l.\NII.\'fl'.\N, Tilt: P115' U1: Nlr:\\' 111816.

l'h, liter all„tt'o,l }..r ,I,:iuh and c„mt,lcting the nra' w,rk, r( pair, :ul:l altcrati,m; will be iii n„•rl• th:m forty (401 c,n:ccutive calendar duy; f n'oI the d:ur „ f c\routing the- v,ullract.

Tll,' :u, ct\ u,1tiic,I •,, ill be Three ll'hehscnd 11 ,11:,,- , ('t i,llln) ).

'II,- hi:ls will by c.,n,p:h' I and the e,mtract ntu:lc:l at :1 Llnll, nr agtirrgatc sum lu the

I - mt- I hi'blcr ❑ , sI, it uhen anti r n, practicable, ('- ,,'ling i' law.

:e eAi,l'iI „f Design 1< I„ be .iii,miltc:l with hid. 111ank I. ,,,i.. loci,- ho nhtaim':l at the ,'tiice ,,I

tic,- l',:.,Iru,l ('beck, Au. 41'i I:A.t 'l'wcntc->isth .,r. p.i'of:ii „f \I:ml:titan, ',here hills an-t

I(IIIN 51'. Illt\X\.\\, 1'rvci,lcnt i'i I',,:-' c,., C,IIcs,,

! 1'r:i, I It1.Ji:t.l=-


:\cnrnRs' IL,+RD, IIAt c or K,:wino, CltearnrR, AND ('ix clot Sr1M.ET5.

I•:.\I 1.If clue ((1 1•:;rl\1.VIFis 5511.1. PI-: • . .I al , , tli„ .,I I~ ,I \I ":r. t'h;lil •:In .,t II ~ \1:'. I":•,J. , I ,+, I :v f N,-w

1.,,1, ,.:iii .' I, . r,. ''Ii

StO1)11, )i \I{('ll Pt, 11)1111,

I::,', 5,' I \I. II R\lTI).d \\'1) \I'I'I 1(1\' II( 'I'lll': ill \\I Ili-:\'II\'1; Sib's

I45115 I\ 'I' 111' ei\'I1'\INI'll IH(;I\Il-.''1 \1:\1''N'. I I-:\1\I;I'I\ \\'N\l'I: .\\1' :'.A I:A I `: I II 111 I ilb'.Ia, i( II' il'CII Ill \I \NII Si 155'

Del sit In be made with the bid, One Hundred and I-hits' 1)ullars ($1SU).

'fin,- allowed I,,r ,lui,;y the v:''rk, one hundred Iluli) (r„rking da70.

Item Nu. '. IU:I'.\IRS, 1':"I'(:., TO 'tilE L.\~"tt-JIN OVEN (,kll.l. It \1.1. OI' 'flil; titV-I'Y-AIA I'II ill ((:1VI1:A't' :1IL\1O10, 1I;X- I\'(;"I'uN .\\ h-;NI I` AND '1'1\'1'.\'I'Y-J-Il'1'll 'I I<I:I:I, IPOItl)l'I;II t0P .\f.\NII.\"CI'.1:Y. Su curitc r ,1„,'''I. 'hue 7- h"ue:,url Uuu Ilun-

Irc , l L(,Ilu,c, I-'I.IVI),. I1't'sit I:, b:_ n:a:lc with the bid, J-ifty-five

I)IIIlars ($55), 'I'imo alluwo'I for doing the work, sixty (60)

w, nkiug rla}'s. Item No. 3. 1i,'Ch;l:.A'1fUA'S \NI) I7l-

I'ItU\ I \I1;\"I's I N TJII` 'I' IIIIII I I•:N'I'II (().\S'f -\14111.1,1?It1" 1)I,51RIC1, 13l)ROUGII (ii' P11(1,)h- 1.\ N.

S' c,,, itv r'-, 1,, c~ 1. 'Three I hon-and Pile Ilun- drr,l U„Il: rrs ., no 1.

UcIl—it io L,` ii ,'iv w'itit the bid, ('inc Ilun-,Ircd and Scvcntv-lica I)ullars ($175),

'fine all:nrerl fur doing the sleek, ninety (90) u„rkiig days.

The hill; will Ile compared and the contracts a(ranlc, b at a hmlp or aggrceatc sum for each w Ihelm.

Pill, are rcqucstrd to m:,ke their bills or o,tinv(te. upon the blank twin prepared by the .\,miss' he ard, a copy of srllicll with, the proper r nr cL'i'ce in whirls to inclose the bill, together with a copy of the contract, including; the spccr ticaui:,ns, in flu: furul aly,rocc,l by the Cnrpora-li m ( „ulisc 1, ci,n be obtained tn,on application at the oiticc of the : Arnlory P„arcl, Suite 6, crw hall of kccords (basc•mcntI, Borough of llanllalt:lll.

1'„r Item N:,. 1, plans may be examined at tl,c office I of the -' mm Iliumrd' Suite 6 (base- mcnl), Ii dl elf Rccnrd<.

1`nr ft cm Nn. -, pla ns n:a_v l,c examined at the nt~icc „f tI,; architect,, Mes=rs. ]Znhinsnn S Knust, N”. I',5 Fifth avenue, 7hanhattan.

I-,,r Jtrm N,,, 3, Can, may be cxamincd at ILc „Rice• of the arehdcct, Charles Vicrncr, No. _' , ( -onrt steed. I;i,o kh n.

'1111: -\k>IOkl' 1'.O.\12U, Ii. A(cc1rLc'..v,

'.:'~ I,. I„ tut lnwc=t In,l Ice nn etch tem, lire ' „u lnrr.hcr ccill be c„ml,are,l and the cnn-

1-1, I ill l,'lI l at a lumll or accmcalc• sum. II sic ,., lci'l I, 'c'g,,,,', I in he Ina,tc at the

,. r 1,1, 1 in hr ma•Iner :u'd in =inch quantities as i . „~I ~i ,~ h, In,-olo,l.

I;I:u,k f„rm; nn,l fit-tLrr infn n mtin may hi, „ht ainc, l at thv r, liter of The Ilcpartm ruff of ('„,-l"i- , the II„mush „f Manhattan, No, 148 I-:_I 'I',, , lu i,'tt, -t,',-,'t,

II 'lb \' 1 IP51(145 1 ,_ ,,..

;1 Iirui'rzaI Inarurlicrn,. to 111d- tlr•rs un II,. • hush Pngt•. hint t•elumn. ,it' the ••I it - It,•turd


N (Ili( is I Ili:i.1, 1 i (hiS i , ,'n S1 IN ,Ire r.,l nrr •.lilh till-'i”' l l,n:n; ,Ii


do, l' hart,',' ,of fhc (:it' of Sc\c \-irk, the f. , ll-:,% ine 1,Nition, .,It the and re:i,hs. rr for inslec- I,,n,, ,,ill he c„n,iil mm' I by the 55ILLI.\M - I;l'It(i :ul:l P1- :;I1VV I('I' Local l;icwis at a i, -bib mr,-ting t„ I~,, hr'Ll in the nlficc of uh,- I'ro•II, lot „f the T„ t , u:,h, 1,.', 'm' _, ❑",'nu gh

1:,11. I;, I,l ,

]IllA1)-A1-, )i :1it('1l 5, 191)9,

:lt I:. lII, , \,,. I. \\i. i', SIrl„ s,,' 11' hits stecct

frith erI::„' „6 ~.'1, f,mndation, lit" ?,mu', o l -.. ,I, i i i.I Si - -vc,I., and bctlsccn

i.(I -tr, '- t I ,1 I„h, - ,n accnnr. RI III) S. Clll.l{1:, President.

( IRP:nF inch :\,.l?Is, Secretary.

N )TI('I I> iii I I 11' I;IS I'N '1-11:1T. IN .1'c,Aince with file rvurisi,cnls of section

J:-!! of the Charter of The (- its' of New Vork, the f,'Ik ,wilo¢ ,,Rift „n, on tub, and r('a, ly fir incl,cc II„,,, ,,ill be cnnsi,lrrc,I l's - the Local Innards of the 1'Rl ,sf'H(°r 11J•:J( h(T!, allot rr.\rl;usr ''1'.; 1kl(' I> :n :I i'':, i,,,',' tine in be held in

,_I i'' t'.. I''. 1' 1L:r„ugh, Roost C „r.un_.. II.~I. I'„ ..~. :n


al . ;Il I. Ii Nu I. I ,,•',,. a ” ,m. I "I ~~ cn!:,1,-, c'' ,, I, , set

cement cull an:l Ln' cl'mcnt ri 1",,'lks uu Cruw'n ~i I'vet, from \\':1=1un41„u ac euuc In a I oint 315 fr,'I well of F'tani'.lin iconic, and fluid a I,oint

- i,. 1 w,>I of I rankliu avcnuc [n ].cdforrl

Id Ill) S. ('OLl•:It, 1'rc.irlcnt, I Grl , r l; 1, Ic ,ti \\ts. Vrr rCtarv.

15,1 I I I I( i' I IiI I:1aY I;1V'I'V 'L'1T\T, IN I O , r, n',Ln , r ,, Jul, tlho i mt i,I,me of certi nn

l+' i ill, ('IcnlrI ,If Th,• lily of New \',irk, th, f"Il , nc inv JalIhioo<, „n fil', Anil ,r-a,ly for inshre-„n. still be ran-,,I,l,.1 I.; Ih, I'R(isl'I':C'l'

III' I( iiI'1'S I)IS'T'RI(T b.. .:I h ..:,.1 at a rrlcci-

[AMM„vr U<I-„ran..IN, h,,l hi ,,:., ,' Imo. I''ii'', ('leek. II ll.In

a ~.•c• Grne•ra1 In,slrueliuns (it IIld-tiers nn tilt- Irra brat qe•. lust c•ulumn. ut

lE 5 ART 1fN7 al WATER SLIPI'LY, tr„• ••t'it} itr•i..htJ (iAS AND 11.1 CTR]CITY.

:n:,l I ('-liur:s (RI,OL)n). \Iayot ; .\'r:. 2, I'Glt I I'hNISIIIN(;, 1)I'.I-T\'l'.RJN(, HERMAN A. METZ, .AV'll S I ()lt[A1; 'I'll l:l?I': 'fllOtJN.A\1) 1?IGII'L C„tnlotrollcI-; 11l.\111(1:11 1(0911) 1,14(155 'TUNS Of. :\N- l's-rRi,x F. Slc'C,,i,'ax', I h11i.A( - I 11: ('' .VL. I'rc,,Iv, t of the li,,arl of .AIdernlcn;

' 'Ill linie f,, thed lieu5' of the articles,

plate- her,Ra: AIrx,Rr: Sarr-nr, rialy an,3 s, l;:plics, and the performance of the Ccig;,licrGrnural, ('omtnan,ling first Iiri;ade; I'„litl:lc[ is thice hluldre,l and sixty-five (365) Innv G. fuov, :Ik:n,lar day,, but ((I per cent, of the coal may hilt enter-Goncral, C`•oniIan(iio _ Sec',nd Srig'adc;

he rlclilcrcd by :At,ril 1. T. W . Atens -r:a. fhe am„,unt of security will lie Eight Thou- (',,ttl lllanrlin O'lhccr of the Naval l[ilitin;

eel l):'icli ($bi,noU). l.Aws•,v PURITY. 'I'hcu 1,i,lucr kill elate the price, per unit, of 1'--ml,-nt „f the I)cparhnevt of I ach it,ln of work or supplies cuntaincd in the "I ❑ r..l \ - =<.nl,,:> ') li ib,,uml,:,his or schvdtlle, by which file bi,ls will I. I . \ '1:. 1', 1 ~ Ile lc-sted, II

,I'll( bills will be cr,m'alCl1 and each contract I awanled for all 11 w,urk, articles, materials an•1

.(, ~,,t• ta•1lerrrl Iu'r I i.,.tiu.I. to Itid- supplies I-hit:Blill-I in the specifications or schcd- tl.•rs Solo Ih.• I,ta patar. Irta eoJowloi of ul,-s altwcho, l tllcrctn. ! II r• ••('ilp It r•onrd.••

Iiid,lcr; are rc,i,,,-stcmh to stake their bids or ----- ------ - r-line at('; upon the blank florin prepared by the Ib-1:arnn,-lot, :t copy of which, with the proper i)EPARTr"i1I 5T OF CORRECTION. I I,,.tm.l it• ill ,hi,i i, to Iuctr,se the lid, tnlcthner tlilll a c„I,t' of II,,, c,'dtracl, ill<'ltt<llt,g the sl,eci

I)I:I-I<T st l:' c-1- ( --or:, : Ti' , s'. Ni. ,48 1(.s r Beath:-,,c, in ih, for appr:,v,-rI by the Corpora- I. t.'l'll TI! 11•.1.1 r. 1', I. '. -,It :,1' ~I.~\"13ATTA1, : I 1„11 l' ,ttllh(-1, :l tl rl shy' f,IrLll ('r 1111 )f1l1 atI,, tl inay I 'l ('Ili , N \ l l: } i.l\ I,- u•, n al„ Iicatt',n th<refor at the -,Bile ,.f Iiie' ('lii<-f Rhein(-cr, R,-m 922, 'dos. I-.ALI.I1 I;IUc', OIt l:c','IIAI.A'IIa \V"IT.T, BE

3 t., .'I I'aik r,:,.c. C'r..n::h ..f .ALui!', atran. I foci "I by lie I -,lie --I--i,,r I',,r,•c- ''I!V Il I "I:ItII-.N. (' I :'_i , at ti,c .ILA,c,: , .Il P' . nl.

;( ee• (i,•u,'rnl Ina rurlionv to lfitl- '1'111 ItSI)AY, M,tit('ll -1, 1111(h). dery nn the Ina P:r ;e, lush t•ormonn ' trf \' I I:r , ll I'I u`:1<1I INI; .\NII Ili-IT\'- tlrc H lit- Iit•eurd.• I If 1.\1; II.\I:I>1\\l:l-', I'\I\ie-, Ik()\, --- __-_--___-_

i :\\I It'll ISIS, I.1- :h4 ANI) 7115 th.

\ \I III's

.\kI'f('l.l!S. OFFICIAL PAPERS. II:(- ti:n, f„r Ilse Irbili, „f tl:e article-. m

lii .~ :111,1 tic , It' rf„1-Irl:tllce I , t the :\Inrning—'•The Sun.. ~i7'he New York Times.'' '.'nl',' i, by or brf(,rr tin ,lace.

1?vening—"The ('k,be,'' "The I?vening Alain. II',' amount of security reqnu'rd is fifty per

' \Veckly—"Ueov cracy," "Tammany Times."

r,•nI. 1 in';;) of file a:uuullt of Ills bid or c=_ti-

i In:,)c. GernIai—"'slant s-dmtunig." lI'Jlr hiddvr "ill state the price of each itent

1)esiknated by ii,' L':,ard of City Recc,rd, Janu- ”' "'-1 'cIt - a:ntalnc, l in the specifications or

ary 22, tgo6. Amended March t, l0o6; Novem hereto ahlocu n i, ,c,lrl'e~ g ,ln, r en, galls , ben as, ly„r,; I - cL,ua1V: zo. tgo7, and Mardi 5, !''r pound, t ,,n, rlozrn. Failrm, vard IC other wlit rquR. i nle:hlnr by iDgtdi th biis will he tr tcd.

III' r,ll•n-, n.' .,lu<t he made an,l fn ,icd up, as -_-_.--.... - —_-. I, Ioids in be t'ea'l fl,nll rho t,tals, an,l aviard,


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N1>II (1: 15 111':ltl•.t:Y I ;I\'I:\ 7'11-\'1', Ix

,eeti.nn, ,n-i11 be cnnri, 1,seed is the Local L'uunl nil

L. •. .-cml~..:. cc'.tll1 Stle't--I',. t alter Ih, -maln „r ii l't of 7hc l it} of New York he ch:,opi , tti the .Crad: if tint-nte-set- ,ulh street, b!-' ttrct•n hirst anal Srcontl acct:ucs.

-No. ', llcktr Reach l':trk-.:l-1. :alter the map ,!t Idn't of 'lhr (iii of 5,'t' York ht- locaHnlO au'l I:Icing out it =t rut- t at the it o-th of ])5k ,.r Beach I':,rk. extending front S scnth avenue to Paur-It't't!iii :tNr'!Itlt', -

Nnt. 3. Fig111v-fir-t Street-'I'1.:iiiett ]•iighit) ftr,t trc•ci, front N''; riot e: xt-t-Till, tin First avenue, in,l

ii„m I'hir,I ac,unto t Fourth accnnc-. \n. 4. Eigiltc-ilea Sun' t --l- ! alts-r the

„r Ilan of 'I'I!t- ( -itt- "f Nn tv 1-urk hr locating; and i-Icin o a g ut n extcn-i:n: „f 1•:i..ltlystir?t Slit, I, f''s to \art',, w., acentte to the sh,~r, rn:nl-

\u_ 5. i'h glttr-Ora Set 1.--I 'f.. „l,cn light)'-first sheet, front \a rein tc: avenue to the Sit in- r!ac1.

N' n_ o. N'. c,- SIrcrl--'fit '%!ter th:- limit ,n• of 'Till' (it' of \c,r \'ark Inc locatiti until lacing lull :t nuts >Ir,ct, extending from 1'ivhtit'tl% strut-1 in 1.:gltis'-tc 1.'l '.:rent, inn h- ?fill feet wIsterl) ft nut tutu l I'toaII'd ttuh NitrTOnts aIcnuc-.

N-i 7. 1-Z<'crntr-foout tit re, ct-'fn ul,cn Sevellty f.'urth 'tic- I. form Src„o, l accnu.' I , the Shi -, r :ul.

X1. 8, 1':iyrhth .Acr'tttln 'I'„ :unrn 1 rrs duti.,n of ( ICinb. t' ±1, 1911,, initiati tip per. ccr, l ings to oIe1 Iti,qhtIt at'cnne, from Ilit- old ('it, lint- at Pint>- -<cccnth 'trcet to i'iftit•th strctt, by IxclucliIIg front the I,n,ti,i.:11.. Ihcrccif the It 'r ti„n of 'ai,I h:i¢hl11 :n-c-ntie i}inl, betide n dues nnnthohv In: no if I'.nrn-sct',ntll sweet anal tit,. nnnelhen_c •i!lc of i mete-ninth '-I '('it,

Nn, 9 'I'itirl-sttrI'th innSheet-' nl,cn Thirt, cctutl! cur tt. fn,nt Seventh accnuc Io the foam r

(it_- liar of Its„,iklcn, at Xinlh accnu.•. N-,. 10, I'nrtc-,sixth Sun-Tn amrn<t tcsoluti on

o f %let 1,ar 31, 19117, initiating; li icec,inn', to uI,e I" it, sixth street. front the form!-: Cite• line t i,, rt Mimi1t ,it items,, ht'xi' nihitig front tilt I,t.irs-isi„n,c ii,tst,f the t' ,rti.nn of stud P„ttc-sixth +treat is'ing It, teem 'ft-nth autl I"urt Ilanlilt ,n iii C ti

\n 11. 1•tftc-fifth Street To c.,nstr uc! o et w!-. in fifty-liiilI sir it. It, ttt It Itvc•lfth and This ti-unit ,IV, nu, I, and s,, nutlet 'cuter io '1't+t]fth aec-"till in t,t ecn litl}'-ii ftIt anll fifty cixi: -tfr<ts.

\l,, 12. hfrI1 .\t', nue '1':n c,m;tuuct 'm ears I: Fifth tic mum-, bciwnrn Sistt-fiith :,Till Sixtc-sis'h ciruts. amt hctitccn Stool street a:1.l IfIolt;e atctnn, amt seeker htivin' ai tilt tic-reel. «nntr of I fifth tie nut• rnvl Si.xt}'sixth 'try t. and ,nttllet pe user: iu Sixl':-sixth +trot, iirtnvrn Fifth and Sixth a(cm('<, and in Sixt!sr-d:htim =lreoI, flittgeen I-iflit attd Sixth avcn ua

\n- 13- i',nrt,.-ixth Site rt-'fir r t,nsfTrtcl =l.ncr in I'r'rt y-<ixlh strccf, boluccu Eighth anal 'I'enlh ac,-nut--'.

N. l4. Forty-o]KiluIm ti•'cct--fn, construct a sctecr in I-::rt,-cightll styli I, between Ninth aol 'froth :mint".

N . I;. Ninth Aveuuc 'I'o crmaruct it =etser in Ninth accnnc, hctuccn I" ti' tc-cct_cullt :end F rip -uiulh -Insets.

Nnn. I r,. Sisic tint Slrect -'fu r~,n,trnct a cruses in sixty-lint ,tt'cet, hclwc, o AIftI atnI Part If«milt,nn avenues, anti all outlet scwcr in Fit', curd avcnuo, bcl trim Sixty -Bst sit-oct ❑ 1.,l tiixtic•th ctrcct.

'S.'. 17. Tenth .\ten ur-'fn einii=iruct "ewer L-t-in. nut 'forth items,,, at iii c• -'uth runt wc,t c, t'ttt•t. of Pap Itulgc• accuut-; at all f, ntr ennui of tire-enty-tliird ,recd anti at the north tul,l tic--t cnr ncrs if Sew( nut s'-fnurll t rtrcet.

N,. is, 'ft-nth .\crane--'In t el'.line! it cc tier in Tenth acetate-, hctttccn Sccrnle c,',rnlh anti St-nintlt streets anti u,trtlet "coon II Sarni ).-eighth sheet, inept!-,'n Tenth and 'en I Ltntiltnn avenue,; in t nt- i I Lunilt nn ❑ vonnc, ca,l .'jute, chits'- it Scvcntv-cighllt Shiest a11,1 Sc•vcutl, ;tvennc, and in Sett-nth ;tacnuc•, <-:t,l ,iii-, it,. Itt ecn Fit Ilamilton at (-tide- and ticvcut} tiinih si rt',- i.

\n. 19. Seventy-oii;hth Strcrl-'fn cun,lr tin-' a sctc, r in. Sevens) -eighth street, between Fr,In t11 and Fifth avenues,

\u, 2(1_ S,-venty-third Strec-t-Tit cnnrtrucl n -ewer in Sc, emit y-thirri street, 1),l vcrn Tcnlh amid 1'a, cenllt rI,, unit r+.

N,, 21. lfariuc :Avenue-7': segnlalc, grate. act %anent curb and Iav cement situ %,itI`, Marine avennr, between Nitieiy-seconrl -,trcet and. Port J11ooihnnr] avenue.

No. 22 1 hlste'muil Strict 'in attic-itch icsoltl- tin❑ oI (le',1Lcr 12. 19(13, initiating prncecdings to regulate, {;ride, set cr reset curb on concrete and ltace c1.' rc•pacc wish granite block nn rnn-cretc fmsnrtati'nt 'Fiin,etti St riot, from Second avenue to Ilu: bulkhead line at (h uvmins tacit. and recumnn'nrling (n the Board of Fctinealr• antj Anpnrtionnient that it as,umc, on behalf of 'Tile ('itv of New York, iii,' entire cost an<I cxpr•n,c of the work rl,mo nn the I...rtmedy half of "I'hir-teenth street, between the Innits uamt-tt, by ex. eluding front the iris sinus thereof the paving 1.r repaving with granite block nn concrete fnnn- datirrn,

No 23. 'I'ltirteen'h Si 'cc -'fn pace m- repave '1-hirt!'enth sheet tutu granite block r,,, snout t,-fr,undatinn. frrnn aconuc to the bulkhc:of line at (1-,tcantts (''mind, 'utd recnratntemling to th


Iinarcl of hatimatc and M1np'.rlinnment that t assume', <,,, behalf of The Cily of New York, Ilit' entire cost and exprn'e of the work tttnne nit! the !orthc'nlc half of '1'birlec•nlh street bciweell tint'

limit,, narnerl. N1.. 24. l':Btrie•rI Street-.. regulate, Kr:ml, .

set rnrb ',n r,1. r( In' '!nil lac' it nlont "mm',': ,rt i'_tghticlh i It- I, lutc<cu I]('1, anti I' is IIIiniItun avr•nIT .

V1.. 2i lifts' tutu S!neei 'I'.1 „'I et turn curb and lay ,'r•rnrnt si'ln'ttalk; tnl Fifty-ninth .'reef, hclweeu Sixth and P,!rl Ifrunill,nn avt-nuc..

No. 26, Fifty-eighth Siren-1 "I'o r(gulale, tirade, set cement curb and lay cement sirlc•walk-; cut Fifty-eighth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues.

Nun. 27, (:reamer Street--1'o regulate, Wrarle, set curb uu concrete and lay ceincnt sidewalks un ('reamer street, between Stuitit and Court itrccts.

\o, 28, Creamer Street-To I,a%e Creamer street with Granite, block on concrete foundation, bet,tcc'n Suttth ant] Court streets,

A. Wakeman I'lacc-'- To aniend resolution of -\Iurti ](I, 1907, initialing proceeding; to olrcn \V'akentau place, h ew een First and 'Third at'c-nucs, by ('cItnling front lilt- prnv'isirmo thereof the tcurtion crf said Wakeman place lying bc-twcrtt Scdgxick and lit rgcn Places,

I.. LiOhty-cghth Itrect-Tu regulate an,l grant bcitcceu euurt) :u'd lines, set in tutu ctnb and luny rcmcut sidewalks uu I:iglrty-eighth sheet, bchcecn 'I'lirtni avenue and the Shot e road.

(_. ti flit Street _--'I'v rcguhitc, grille, set curb utt concede and lay cement i Ic walks on Fifth sited , bttxcct tint' our I1 tl t, t _1 1.h 1 .Ira .

I I. Pifilt titled-'fn pate I iflh street, ia-lumen tinnth :unit ilut't streets, %ctrl, granite block all r(nncrctc foundation.

L. Ft fly-li fth Sitec I-'fu set ctntcnt cut11 and Iay c•cmrnt sidct+:11h, nun lift)'-liftII ii iii, bttttccn Eig,11t11 an([ fort It entiIton aloe ow-.

I'. Sivlyxtcntlt Sirect--'1'o rc'Culatv, ggI,I, noel set curb unn concede u1. Sisl r-"-cu of It on I, Ichrccn Seventh and Fort ILtrstilInn and- hiues.

I;, SeNent)•-set',,dn Street-'fo regulate, g-arlc-sct stone etwb on cuncrcto ftttlunriu1imt and 1:1t. cement si,lc•ttalks ou Sot'r it) --sctcilth street, inc -Itt'cru Ties and Sce,,ann] awmIncs.

11. Sixty-first Street -To Inn,lruct a sewer in Sisty-first street, hei,ni,-n Sixth anti Screnth it ten ac`.

1, Second :\vt•nuc-To con'irttct a sewer in Second avcnuc, between Pay Ridge and Ol ing-Iinn ivetlIIc5.

1. 1':igltty sixth Strict-To lay cement sitic- aall:c lire fcct Willi, out both sides of l'hglniy-si.sih strict, hcttcccn ticcond aid 'I'hirtl at Little,, tt ht-rc not already done.

No. 27. Otttnl)-Ihir!1 Sheet 'fu roy;mat,•, .ora,lo, scl ct ,,ten[ cup-I, and ]ay' cc "menu ci,lt u,tlk, ,urn Set culc-thml si inn I, hetii rcu "I\cctfih ;!nl l'l! it-it c'tnIh accnucs.

\,,. 31.. ihti' 1tit1So .lrcnur--'P.. rcKULdr•. Crate, set rontrut cut h :tmI lay rrnnt-unl nick tealk, ,rt Itr!c Itinice atrnuc•, InI\,ccrt 'l'Itiric,ItIT anal Xc o: l'I rvcht atrtuIc=.

\,~,,(I. Li hitstir,( ri reel 'fn rrc'nl:rt(', nit In, set cnrh uIt cn'ncrctc an,l lac cons, -nut shlctvalk, u1. I•:it'hlc-hrrt ,Ircri, bctwccn Ivnlh mini 1•.Irt.. ,nth arcnun..

V'n 32. Ei htv ,turn, I Si, qr: tl;-, It I ctanc nil rut rh :11141 ]a}' cc!nrnt siterent,. ,n b_II tu)''"l-cno'l rise cl, b<-ttcrcn Sixth :!1.,l I n rt I1;tnnit,', ;tc I nut :.

Ni. ti. I gild ,c-c!!unl Sire,! t TO u-c e,' i';tciit)- 'cc.nvl .cu, t 1, nith a,l,l!uilt can e uncrolc f'nuvin-li,nn, b, lttc, it Sixth all I Port Ihrerili,n :nt'nut•c.

\n, 34. Si,11, .\t-eo 1.e_- T, „I or 10 0 curl nn c,,nr Ir-i, ,ncl I it, a-ill 1u-II:m,]I uu ru ii,':, lt f'nlnJnli,!n ii,th re,nut, brats, in Sixt_t-" liflh -best and I!,rt ihrmtiinin :ncnnr.

\,,. _l( 'I'hirtc-c' ivhth StntI To I:acc 'I'Itirtc- ri);Illl, It nit- u, tci Ili „Inhale black till cuncrut,- Ln!n tun-in, Irdiurt -an 'I hit -1 Will I-ift11 ecrnuc-.

X~,. if,. Seeenly"am,IunI Siiu'-1 Tu I,acc Se, t - rntr-cceorvt -'testa, wish ny~hnll „n cr,ncr, It' f'un,latian, Iurl:cren 5'i-I!I att-lion- arch the Sint r,olidl, with The erit'ei,iin,nn 'If :t strt!' I..' In in a ],!Ili in 16, c, litry r,f the uio]B%r v, from i'ur'i II']] in- 1„ a 1-nuuI ;;L,n!t .1.15' feet n-_i--lt nit, I., I,t• n , 'I trith gi,mitt- bl,nck all cuncreft f,nnt'L-

\' ..7. Fifth hut-mutt- - T„ era it- to line i. c ,f Ific, curb Iin' lot thins; Ili thin- %,.,I "lit,' of I iflh ;tonne-, hcitrr,-n Ss,--lira :u,rl Six%} nntl ,mm-I". Known :t, V',,, 42, 11L,cIc ;7b1-

\', .31). Sistn' lit 1 "tint I -I'u {!:a!ic tun 1h, •,taLli-bail ctuuthn of St'nlq -iir,t "t ccl, iltr oastotic ,id,- of ill, lot kinnnuo , Sc,. 1, Ill„rk 0753, ft., I nii' of 1!1 fret, ,]aerie !I rm the w,t ih, amt 'rntr of Si.xly-Ilr•1 ,fret t an,l hi(th ac, tune. 'I'.! lay c,:c,ut 'id,-t,:ctllc- 3 fait tri,1.. ul,t,o-it!'

I-,- t„Iln« inp dr,olii',rl Ii- N',. 3v. 1•:itihth Strer'I (In Ihi north ci!Ic If

I:i,tltlb "mm-c I. hcl ttutu Scr•,n l an,l 'Thirst ;te,. !u, ,: ou Ii- oast "unit' ,,f S,rr of aecnuc•. 6etu, 'n

;n utll nn-1 ICi¢hlh "Ircr I,: :tncl Intl Ihr moth ," ,f S,-., loll mess 1, hue,-n Second :uul 'filled

r-!r.i, ,, ku,!wn a, Not. I, ill. 21 and G_', huntk

\,,. 4(I. tiei t- nuth Stee d -- (In hr tntnrtf, silt- of 1'-1., nth streu-I, Iiv ht1ia Sc,nn1 aunt Tiiin-!1 :eee-!u.. kmueo :c No,. 1, 54 an,l .14, 151„ck '101.

V'n, al. Sixth "hint-- On till n~nib si.IC of "tylh =beet, httv.rtn 'I-itit I :nt,l t'onnth av! nu , :, here nit nl11;unit' d ,1.c: ' 1.!1 inn ihe' o,- 1l ,t,lc t 1 ,nnrih avruu,, huts r,,, li-t rui'I Sixth 'tr', is.

• h, nnul Iii tract )- ,I„nt-. N, 4 !. Iln h tits .I t )n f,,,th nidt c O f Ito-It r,nt !c 1 la<on ll;nniIt, n! atcnuc• anal l'linl~,tt

I „ t. nil en- II',) i11 rn-an I ,foul , ".. 43. Itu.h Strict- On I.ojlh side, if Iu'.li


hv'ct, in In ccn ( 1 ut„n ut1.l Ilrn ry sired s, tc hen t .n :tl roanlc I me

. -13 Rn,h St rut- t- IIn be1l1 ',,!h, of 1-h ,tact, IT,!' c1. Ilutry otnJ l „iuntbia ,I „-t•, tt h,•re nn ,l almmlc d,lw.

N . 'I.). I,,1, rains' .I sort tin bath chit ; ,i I-'~n nine +beet, be,-futon Ilau!ilt,nl :rcr-nut :oi l Iliiit„u clroel, wiles,' Iolt 1.i utte,

„ -I l,.,, rainc -nI it'll fin both 'lilt., „f Ln,rraill,. -.I1- 1, Inottccr-u (dint-nut and Ilcur)' ~wo rt;, tebr rr a ,t alt ca,lt' ,I ,ur.

N. 47. l_nnruainiu' Slier t I),I built situ,', of -t,r rain" tit r ct-i, Ile% w, c-n I Io urn' :,1.,I ('Munn lei:t ,'rIet=, whir,' tint nlroa'I c ,I,!nr.

N,. 411. Foourth .\rcnw. 1)t, br,lit side, if l'ntrrtll

i:n, uuc, bcltc c ,'n 5ct'oTilt'-f,utu'I1, ;I, I


strcolc, uric I,. t !ut aln a,lv .I~n!r, Yin. 49, Gcvcn1)'-third Slrr,l 1)1. h„Ih >II.-

.I Seccttl}' -thin t *tit nut, I,cltrty. n Sisllt :h url "pcvt•iii, 1.v, nut s, rsilcml- u,1.. alit tile sI-jn,',

Ni,. Sli. Se t'r nun}-tilled Sl re,,-I - tIn huh 'i,l. .f Srt'enty third shirt'', ,it%eu Sc-tcuth an,l Part tittiill,nn awtnte,, sit c-rn' Unit aln:all' <lum. No. ii. fourth :1t-c rl1.c-tilt L„!h 'idc; ,.I

F iii ih act-uuc, Li'iuse'cn liar ](i•ig,' :nr'nn,• an,l ~: rote-third 'bccl.

\'n. 5:). 'filled .\ccuuc (Iii ii- rued 'i'1,- if I hint aet•nnc, ic'twhccn 'I lilt:, '-fifth au,l 'thitl:- islh stir-,t,, known is No. -14, Itluck 691, \,,. 53.' 'I'hinl .\scone- - On the ni,rthtcc"l

t, r of Il!ltct ;veuuc and Slxli,'tlt street, known NO. 43, Itl,nvk in,l.

Nu. 57. lixt)`hrst Street- -On bnlh site~ of liixl}-fr,l curt-I, bt-tthrcu hutt :ntnl Sixth ;!cr-tuc., is Inn- not ah'cad,' clnn".

X.1. Si. Scventt scc,mrl Strecl--'I'1. cnndruvl in See ou ls- srcuu! I street, bt-ttveeii Trutt,

nit Eleventh avrnucs. Ni, 06. I thinth Street- 'tin inch,% still, n

mail fonc'o 6 feet hitch the lots 1t in n' iii- -null ,tide of I ifticllt clrt•c•t, bclwccn ,,,-, .,,.l -in '1 'fhinl avenues, kuuwn n; A1.s. 18 :tint 21, I;Io,ck. 7:(9,

No. 57. Natn, tc; _Acell, I,- I, I 'at'c N:u'rI nun, t yr nnc with :t,UhaIt „n c ucn'.e I rnn<lali"n, b<._ accu tirc'c•uty-fi1It nn,l Sar tic -ninth tire-!-.

Phut) ti, ("rll.l':if, I'r<,ill. nut. !!..ot t 1111. TO !<I , K .\!l. t1ti, S,'i - n,' Ut'.

(~TIni111 IF. IllIi(i-itl' /;11't'N 'I'll hi', 1\ I Leith the Ins' 'inns of 'n-cli" n i 3? ,,f the

(hart ,-ks r,f 'I'6r l'IIv „f 74rw \-,,i:.

hr f„I In twiny; uclitinn;, ant fill' mind 11:uly f,:, 0,oeniou. turd b,• conngnn]wrf Ire the ItlSll b'I('Ii itt'II'Itl('T ],teal Itn:II.,1. at a met itntni in is hi-It in the office of the I'recident of the i,,rnngl, Room 2, It t , 'ngh I fall, Brooklyn, -m

Ill?1)1'O1:1) Ul.ti'i lIlt''I', al n nttcti,,g lu hrll iu the c,llirt ,,l Inc- I'rc,i,lrnl of Ihr '-ugh. R,,nm tl„n,ny;lr Ilnll, In ,, 'kl}n. on

)IOSI)AY, MARCH 8, 115(11), 3 1,. m.:

o, I. ll,,ki,in, Steno 'Ir ill,I. c ttit1, a dell rail In six fcvt high the lu,t, Ip lug nn north side of Ilupkins %best, hetwrcn A,,,-,1 :!1.,l \lmire ' avenues, knunu as Nos. 74 an,l Ilt,rk 1719,

III Rh) S. ('IIF t•a), l2residrut. u llit. t s I'll rn!t 121, iC .-1 u.t ni s, Sec rotary.

Ngil t]: IS I1N1:IL1tI' 1;1\ I':N '1'Rh-I'. IN urc„rvEnter I, tit the IirutiI'on; of svctinn

, I ilo- ('h:u'tt-r of 'Tile City of Ni-,v furl:, 11,11-]1.9 I'cliliuus, u1. fill- -n!I rcntly for rli„n, mill I., c,msid, n ,l h}• the Local

1.l ..f the AV'fi.l.I.NA1tiilt'l(t; muIl'i' iii CI', nut t,'uinv : t inn h< 1.I in Ihr drier of III,- I'm,i- ! f iht itoloug i, R!,, im 2, lturoilgil Ilall.

klrn, u1. HI) I)'. , MLUI('11 N, I1)441),

ni ]. 'Icn 1•:}ck 'tic, l-- St, tv a r l .\veue - altr ibe ntnp ur plan of 7 hr Gilt' it -Net% k hi)' 51! iktng IhI.rcII m :u!d clusutq 'l'cu k ,trot I, hoot Stc,tart at,nun' to ,\'c-n k, au'l Sit aail a d~le, ttotu l,raud stn c-t lttntiicp I'iills, ,. . b;i!ic,l ut,l .\c, I'll! -- I u "Itcu ICinc:linen uc-, fr''tn I'ai~lgc nut- , nut' t:, \It--r'tin ;1\" I 1.e,

.j. Stir,:art .\c,-unu 'I' , c,,uslruct a 5r tvcr !,-,guru avcnuo, time%! Jnnulmsoo ;ut I Irmo i itng uc 5.

-t. \\'clh<• .\ctnue 'Inc e,maenc1 a -cw I \)yLc acrnn,, form Xnrtli 'Re,-ltih St1,1'I I" Ii 'I-hii -t<-cnlll 'ir•cl, , S. \'u~rnuut .\ moor To pave \ nntan :no

fry ,1.l I u!I in., I h c-t of .Morgan avenue to Celia tvr "tract, ttith >,'emtniuu- bl~n'lc '!n cuucrdr: uI:ttinm.

n. Iutt. ll Stn! t- 'II p:rt, I, %toll street, c. n Ati's. r„o ;tad I; In', pint atrnn, s, toit! IIt mu .er;u!ilc block u,n ul... ,• f',un!lati'nt. I. 7, Ilu'httic-k _\ ------rut '1'„ I:ry cmmu'nt sill,..

.,n ills w t ,t,lc• n~f Itushtcick ❑ venue, Tee n Atmiwt•-r l;r:u'I ,Ire't, tth'tc 1.''t ill -

t' ,

`s .ut(',in solr,:t Sur,, I 'I', , iti, I.,:,- t,r it l! inn t,ui fc!t , !, fall hill! tit I ,t, It in); ,',! „u1i1 silt' o f ( ..,u.t it, ii >trc' I, br-iwtt-n Ilunt-t -Itrot mutt) (;mIm~nt net-t ut, 1<u ,n-n a, nil 'n, inn I, '7r.u.

'1 Ito'hot i' lc :\t', :nn- 'f„ in,-I„s scull li n Tali fc-uc'.• L fi"rI high IL, I lcitig 'nun t~ "t ci~lr of Itn-lntiek tic-cnuc , ,n-Iiccrn Ilovu

.tin- tic .I rr, I', kn,tru a, 1... J1, PL ch

lit. l4c nut .\,'cunt. 'fit inn cu' trit11 a inn rail f. uco I. f<• I 111th tb, I It I, lug it - nllncv=t con u, I of il,-nI a`Inun' 'utd V.n-'I, nth ,Iro!jt, lenuv, n a, A'u. 75- III ,ck .121-I,

I1. h,ncmIm;cun Sin,ni- '11, iun,ue tiith a Ir It rail (!1.e,- I. in r•I high th- i, !ts 1cin); u. Too IIt 'i'i, of Iuin'eah:nnt s1rr t, hu'lIme:ni

ut 'Ir ct •tn,l \lust:ut tn'c-non-, annul i,n Ih.. ,lute If It„(; art sII'oi- I, hvit %, c1. fuglalt:lot nn!I lohti„n :ncnuc•, knu,teu a, N',. 1, 2 i. 1'-h rk 3117(,

I I uci:ing : \cr Till To in°l, 'is,' with a - fcnrc' (4 fiat hi h iii' 'I Itin r nn I~~u 1:(il t, I I I r,

-nth ,i,b• if Irlu,hing avcuur, b<Itc,-r-it Ic!rck kc r ;,,,'1.w- :toll \l<lr„c =!em'i't, an,l ~'rl 11, nccst ci~lr „f AIt-ln,, strcc- t, h,-t,tr,n l4nirk I<or :,1.,l I'lu'l, ug u1.,-nut-, kn,mu :t, A',,. Ill ill: 31 n'',

bit (it S. (v1Li'll) I'resid.nut. Irvll.I:s I'ur Ulf ttl , i .\nuts, Sr etc- iar)',

fl( I. !,t: I lu< 1'1<I-: ,lDPNI Ur 'r Ill' I:, ,N,ruCtt 1.f' ,tct.v.',', Itn!, 'st _, Itnunrnn, Bokurau ui ,t;t vv, 'I ter. ('Ire' r,r N,'nu' Yulcic.

:.11.1-:I) tI111 Ill% I•:~"I I.\1.\I'f:S \1'11.1, ill-;

1.r, 1, ,l hit- ii, l'uc'id,-ut if tit,- Ilnruu;tli ,,',l,IIn at Ihc- al,nrc r,lficr omit 11 o'clock .,n

I%I•:U]ESIllV, ]fMAIICIIf R, 171011, Ill I I'F.\'I<IIIN(; 1X11, 111-:1.1\'I•;iI.\'I; f:.A' 'I litif ,AV'1> 17.u!ItlI 'fl1NS Ill':'l I11-: \1'111'I'h: :\SI[ .\..\ ill I1. \t Ii I< I' (1,\I.,

1 511 I:1' '1'111? tuft(!( .A1; (I I'l'Itf.fl I.1>1\'t;s :\V'II 011111 1•:S. : lino. allowed for Ii, cninl. ic-lir,u , f Ih, :tutl 1I1,' full mu' f„rtunnrc• ..f nil,- cut!irc!vl i,

ec,niImci 31, 19119, - - ;omrtuut of +ierii- itv rc-qt!isc'r1 is Twenty

t'an.l Ui,ltmir', ($'ll,IIUIr). ,• till, r ','ill slate the price of each item ur Ic cuntainc,l in the slitcifiralionv or sch,dnl,, I innolmtnnl 1.r heron, :nln,'x'd, i,er I„u. hic1, a-ill be contli:u-c!1 au,l ii c c!!ntrucl

<tc,l at a Inn!I, or :ugrngni.' sntn. l is cry will be rrrlui red to Iii' urade at Ill, and in the nt;lunrr and in such quaulitic-

:!y be <lirrt•lc~i. ink f,urm; :md fltr,her inf„rtnaiion ntav Ili ncrl at the office of the Ittn-,:tn of Public ling, and 1111X%, r!f the E,00tiki of itruck. \'", 29 .\loiuicil,ai It,ildios. IrenrukInn.

Itlkll S. 1'(II-I:It, I'rr iclint. In ,l F,-In tau y 1 ;, 1410,

f1C.nt3 Vrr (1e.,orttl lu!rlrurlluun lu 1111d-

n nn Iltt• hind huge. 1r1nt rerluutn, of

The l':n,ginecr's I•rr lintinary estimate of tltc qtlatnBtic=_ is a, follrrws:

245 linens In if 1_'-iucll pipe sewer-, laid cumld,fe, including all in- ciiIcntais itnd al,pnrlcnanccs; I'c'e line-ar tool, $2.b11........ $(,37 Cl)

minim ic-s, I•nnoplcti-, ttitit it heart; au'l coccrs, inetuiiinug all iucid''nl ii- untl anpurtcnauces; per manhole, $50,,.....,.,., 100 00

9,800 fret (It. _Al.) of chcaing and bracing, clri, c a in place, cont- 1Jc9c, iatclurfill", all lnnelJcm;tl; 1,11.1 :tl,purtcuanrc•s; I„r Ihnu- ,'aud feet (ii. Al.), $21...... 203 80

id,nc tan cr nn IIh the 1111.% tsint' of secttnn of Ih,• ('h;utct' of The t'ity of New Yurk, fulLnciug 1eetitiuu, nn fill- an!1 ready inn

'I'idit ................... $942 80

'i'Iue thtnm,'1I1ntcc,I f r l<, c~ntt ,lcli nfthe trod. Id f it tin ! ,u 1 I t nutncc. nil line conU~vlct will lie Ihirt} Lill) to ,,l Iciung !tat,.

7 he antc,unt of o-cru t required t+ill inc Six Iltuttlrcd U,,Il:1.s hh,t!Ill.


IUIt I I'K\Irlll\1; .1LL '1'011: t_\Molt.\\'ll .51 \i I-Fish. It1Ull'II(I-A) 1 (11 I u)NSl'ny1 I I.\'; 1.l.\\ ]-:I,' I\r I- lily ''I\'I'if S'I'k1•:I,I', I'it!I\I I•tll'k'I'I•;l?V'I'll .\1'1•:74U1•_ ft) I'll-'lFI'.Nl'll .\\'I-:\'l'1•:.

'I hr y.oine,', 1 1.11 liunnimtsy c,,intate of the

45 lioc:u' f -ol ell IS -inch pipe Sewer, lai,l cunIt'I,'tc. inehuclinn,q all iii' ci,lcnt:a: and al l'tnunances;

per lim=o] Lint, 92.,,,.,,,.. $91) fill 711!1 ii-mu' fill if I_' -inch I,- inc se, trc•t',

lei,l eunlpin Ii', including all in- ei,lcnt:!1: an,l :u'Irn ]%Nonce+;

Inn linear l,,,, I, $I .h> ,,,,,,.. 1,%55 00 S9,; linc-ctr In nil G-inch hunt-c it,,,-

iii (I chain, laid c,nuplctc, inclu!ling all incidt nt:tl; an, appnrl, a:ntrc s; let- in, tin- foot,

tin cents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 476 00 it manh,,lr's, c.nml,lt Iv, ailll iron

loads and r.,vc rs, incln,ling ill int-i,lc•nlal; and nuln tutmanccs;

l,cr moon ii', :15:1..,,..,-,... •10o 015 2,11(1(1 ftrt H. Al. I of A.., ring and

ILracin(', !h- iv cu in place, ennr ill, Ic, 11 "lodil,g all iuri'lIntals :;u,l a!l,nr, Ii nonce'; In r thou-

untl feel ( I;. Al.), $21 - - , , , , 42 00

Total ................... $2,163 00

'I'hc tints alloN%n-, for the cnntplt-tiun of the truni< :mil full IN., fun iMn,c of the colilract will. Lc Ihillt' (31.) tlorl<nt4 uIum..

Ill, :mnnntt '•I -, il ' n,tuniikI ,,ill he 11i, vin llin ,lrc!I IPi,ll,,' rst,ttul1.

\,.. 3, I:IIR f1'I(\fSlllAI; ALf '1111: 1.,A11(t1) \\I) \). \'I I':llI.\I, ml ..1 ut'IitIIIl Ff)K ('11\- h1 kl'( 11.\(; tit':\\ FI( IN 1•:11;111 Vii'c"I If :\\'I•:- \'t'h, I'. I("I'111'It\ I nlI.t i 1'-tit;\'i-.\'l'il SI'1(1:1?'1' \\ll I 111•: I11\ISIfl\ I.I\"IS I~'I':'I'\\'I•:I•:N

'I: III•: II I\\'.\'i; ( II' I I..\"I'itl'SI I .\\'I) \I':\\' t' i IIh-('Ii I'.

'I 'h,- Fugin, cr':, Ii' lintii1.:r: y cslint arc of the 'fit n nil , i; a; f, 'II ,,tic:

115 biome fcrl ' f 1)-inch pip'' s! tccr, :ii[ cntulJctc, inslodii,,g all inci,ln Mils ;u:-1 npptn'Ic_-

n:utcr,; per lint:,,' f-1.,t, 12., $230 00 ! 15 Borne feet ''f 12-inch Iiilu• =c'ttcr,

Inull euiophe-lc-, iocluAinna; all i u'',, l;'u litl'a null :ti,pttrlo- unit! <; lur r unit-mu' IF i n:, $1.G5 404 25

3 ur!nit I -s, moll Irte, frith it !n howl., ;u..I n ,nn',':, irtcluuling elf inci~lculal; anal appurtc-

n'cnros; in r nrtnh ole, $S0. , , 150 00 in ba t , c ]~I'k it.,, ,f I al,unl'n,t Ic i>;n, ,t itlt isms I,:tnc ur );r;tltnc`:, loll halo li„,„I any( r,ntnrclir•.g rtll- t_c!t, inrludin4 all ioci,lrntttls :nnl : tl,p!ni ruanecs; ocr hrlsiu, 51411 140 00

14,301) ftrt M. \1,) siincliog an!l Imae-it!}(. <Irircii in I':'r,', c1.; ntl, lc, inrin,lin"g rill inri'Irtilal, an,l thpoe tt'timtltecs; per thousand

ft-c-e IIt. Al.), ;2I.......... 300 30

"I „Ial,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'tI O 4 55

'I hr tiros ::11 '.0 ui h fur lit (• r.mplolion of the tr,nk :1.!,I fill ;_r I f,,, In:ln cc „f the e,uultacl Neill be tliirle (.IU) ai,rkiu4 etas?,

'fbc amnnut „f „ Tinily r„lui , I trill br Sis Iltnl,ln,l I)n Il:lr, (:?Gun).

\'...4- Pill? I-I'Ii\mStIl\'m; \I.i.'IIll-I L.11tt)It \\'ll \I.\'11':kl \I, kl•:rlI'Il(l•:I> I1)11 (()N- S'I'It1'1'I I.\t; S)'\\ f It 1\' Fill: IT'-tit'.\'IC\'f 11 S'I'I:I.,1.:'1'. lth2l1\'I':I-:\ 'fl \'Ill ,\\'1?1-,'III•: 1V11 \ ['111N I' ."m 11:1.1'1' \\'I . i' III' I-IIlt'f 11.\21II.-I'!I\ ,\\'IC\I'I•:.

'I ii,' I:ny,it t': In, li ninny c'-liiletic of the tiii.uiitiOu : is •t, f ,II ,n,:

c.7 ,:n!-tie fort if l2-inch l,il,c cc 1.,, r, I-iii c~!mpltac, inclu'li 'g all in-ri,i'nlnl, :tnul :yy: nrlvuaucvs;

1.'r lino-r f.i'rt, $i_'0 ........ $120 60 3r, liners ft ii url 4-inch h,nisc 'mn-

nru.liiin ti,Iiiiu, I:!Inl cuuuinit'ut', ini-lul,lilii' :!.I incinl, nlnls an,l :, I'pnr It n;uicc.; per liuoar I,,. )t, -0 c, nuts .,. .,.. ,. 211 80

m:nmhi,lc•, r„ntplcic, ailll iron II!:ul aunt r!crr, inrlmling all inci,lculala tool nPUrnrlenancas;

l'rr nt:lnhnlr-, $5o..,,,,,,,.-, 'I) 00

'l'„tal .................. $l'I') 40

The limn- mill „wr,l fill* for I I'l, ti„rt of (he, tt„rk an,l the full pet of ihc• eouueid 'till be tl,irty Lill) ttn,rl,iul; I:1.'=.

'I'h!• Iinu,uu',I of ='eosiLr' n,1nis1 will Ile One Iluunnieel ]mbar] (}.10(1),

Ni , _ 5, flli) I ('I?NISAII\(; \[.I, T111•: I..\It(Ilt :\\'ll \l.\'I'FI(I.\I. i(l,tt1ilili-.I> I'Uit ttIN'S'I'iI'll'III; tiI'lbNi-:lI IN II:\\\"l'Il(1R:V1•; SI'I1I'I•:'I', I'I4O.\I I?II(;I'llI:i .\\'Imill':'it) Nt)S-'I 12.\\'I> :\\1VNII -1,

'I'hc Enclose!', pyre liu!itt:lry csliulate of thin' ,)n:lnlili, s :, :ta folloows:

I' II lit,! ;um' f,-ot „f 2-I-inch i ilnc sewer. In i,i nimn l', ht,'In ling all inci,lrnl:tl, nntl tlotntrt, n:nlces; per lineal- font, 153.35 , , , , , , , , $2,747 oil

35 line:lr £rust of 18-loch I 'il!,' .ccw!- c, lititI cu!uInt,rtr, luc1oitin(; all inei.lcnirtls :+ ml nuulnirnnnr. •; per linear fool, $3._20.,,,,,,, I12 00

f,o linear felt of 1_' inch nips ua,-r, Mint comp], t,-, including :!l1 IttIi,lcnl:ll; nn,l ttuntnt,-nonce,; I lincrn' font, $2.A.,,..... I50 0(1

-I Ii... :!r feet of (n-inc-ii house ,nu-n„-lic,n cirnin, 1ni' ciiunpin-lc, i..r lu,lin}t all inc'IiI,m:iis and , _I ut lrnrn!c. -; I''r liul ar loot,

rrnl, .... ...... „ •11 2.i

,. I,Ic,, cr,!,Ildr lc-, ttitit itnn

In-sits and „ucr!s, inclnnlinl; null incidrnlab; umnd almtu'te- nan rrs; per ntauhalr, 550.,., 350 011

-r ,e' r h,lsin, cunm,,i, ic, if i-it Ii,-,' 'i_nnnvimi,,l ,liokn, i•:itIt it on p:n! or grilling, iron Navin Iloo'l and connecting culvert,


jug to ire held in the office of the Pitsideut of the Borough, Room 2, Borough hall, Brook-lyn, on

:1IO]I)tV MARCH v, 1909. at 3.30 i1. nl.:

1o. I. 't, Johi ii;tcc-Rccoromcnding to the Board of E•tint:tic and A1grortioniitcnt that the width of the roadway of St. Johns place, hetwcen Plaza street attd Underhill avenue, be fixed at 50 feet.

No. 2. St. Joints Place-To pave St. Joints I ,lace tcitlt asplialt on concrete foundation, be-

Plaza street and Underhill aventte. No. t. Fourth Street-'1'o construct a se wet

in Fourth street. between Fourth and Ft flit at critics.

Ni'. 4. lt rocpect -\centre--To grade to the 1e of the ut!It rice feet hack front the building tine of the folioititug described lots on the north sille of 1't n I cct atrnu<•, Lcttcccn Tenth ant] Elct enth avenue:: Yoe. 6!l, (,A. b5, 68, G9, 70, 7], 72, ,-3 and 74, in Work 11t!~,

ltT111) S. COLI?R, President. III li:t.!! S l t-! inn [ I: , ( I, . \nt\is, Sccrctar)',


IS ]i1k'l;I:)- t;lViIN TII-A'l', IN SJ ;r." r,ltlncc It till rile ; ti tt ],ions of sect]„,,

-li .,f the Charter of 'fhe City of New York, (n 1 it ,ruing I,ctitinu<, 1.l tic anti rt•adc for in-

li.!n. •,'ii le t'ssillsre, I b, the 1,ucal Itoar,l of tIt- It.Al- 1tf1)(;I•; I>IS'I'Rt('I', a! a in thu g t , he hell] in tit, ,!17ic !f The 1'1.-eident if th t.snught, in R ,nmt _, tr.'ticngh 1hll, It,. klpn. 11

11O\ 1)AY. U %I ('11 S, 194)9,


MONDAY, MARCH 8, 11)119,

3 Ic. m.: V'o. 1. Noll Street-'1'o grade to the lcvcl of curb the lot lying within the block buunrlett Null and t ennigc streets and Central and

ergrecn aneuuln,, known as No, 11, Block 3153, \n,

2. Fnrrest Street-To Iitclncc with a

odcn rail fence six feet high the tut lying the suutlicast side of Purit'st street, between aril amt blushing avenues, known as No, 24, ck .i1-18.

\o. 3. Ioljcrsuu :\venue--'I',, inclose teilh a !dvtt rail fence six feet high the lot Iyiug the southeast side of Iedicrsou avenue, hc-

cn l4nirkorbockcr :utd living :tvctines, known \'u, ii, Illc'ck 3392.

\n. 4. t;n,re Strtcl---'fn inclo,c tcilll a wo,tcicu fcucc six fcot high the lot lying nu the

thtvcsl site of Grove street, hctcvcen Ilatn- avennc and I4nick •rbucke r ..vest ut u ' c t. t ~ tut 1, t o n i 1 r. ., L cl

1:1RI> S. ('1Ib.1{R, I'm-hit ml. Its Iti.1 s IIi P:nitl t ," I{ .An.t',t s, Sec rotary.

(Ii n in , ur 'silt. l'x4stur::rr oil TILE RnRrinGtr uP Ite„r.t.v'I, Rouse 2, finanycu Ifnt.t., tuosnecn ur bin '„,, 'tin ('rev ur Ni it' YORK,

S I-:.\I.I{U ItII15 (>12 fa'i'I\I.\'t'I?ti \c III, Ill'.

! uncurl by urn • 1'! I ,t o of ill- It, I lIr, Ilia t tlab :t '! ,I'i ul:l II ~

'1;1)51 S1).tY, MAR('II :t, 11)111),

No I. I (Ii) Irl'I?\'I511I1m1; •\1,1, 'fIl l' 1.\1,(11( \\I) 11.\'lt'.i(I:\I, Itl'-(II'lltl<U Fill?

1l1,S'I I?I'(I'IN(; St:hvfat IV SIS'I'II \\l':- '(I'I•:. PR(>\I FIIIY-I?I(;If'FII S'I'RI.:I?'I' 'I't> I II''t \' \INTfI S'I'fitI•, I?'I'.

FR ►► >AY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

III ClLIdittg all incidentals au a I,Pittellallecs; per basin.,.. 150 00

' st aC'r basins, reran ((('C led, cot']- tide, with iron basin hoods and connecting culverts, in- clndiug all incidentals and ap- inntcnanrce; per halo, lecon- meted, $35 ................ 75 00

( Pit) fc•t (I). Ill.) of sheeting and bracing driven in )dace, cont- tin e, including all incidentals •tnd apl,urlrnauc,s; per 1,000 feet (1'. AL), $21........... 130 ::0

33 li„iisc conucction drains, rccon- (It It,l, Complete, including all

loiidmhlS and apinutenanccs; lour rrculnlcction, $5......... 165 00

Total .............. $3,915 45

'Ifir- (jill) ti! „ctvl for the contplclion of the „iii (n,l full Imr fI,rtnaucc of the contract will

IS e fully (1)l) µ,sling day,. 7'he amuutrt of security required tvill be Two

'11-o-uutl Dollars ($2,)1011). \r,. t,, UOR 1"3`IMI,lITs'(; ALL T1116

l..AII)R .AV'l) Vr.ATI?kr AI, 1611(l,1114111) FOR C .)'sti'fItUC-flNf; 5I-'\VI•:12 IN NMWE1,1, S'I'R ll-1.1', Fll(i,\f C.\1-Y1•:R STRIC1iT '1'O S11;,SI,I CII.11 AV11\ GI?.

'rite 1.111 cer'n Iir1 iutivary t -titnate of the 11ua1i(iIics is as fullot n:

35 liuc;u- fact of I?-inch I,il,r sewer, Jail complete, including all iuci(lcut)ul, ;tn,l :u,lnntcna(Cccs, per linear fort, $2.21)........ $77 00

333 line:tr feet of 12 incil Lille sewer, laid complete, iuclu,ling all incidentals and arPnrtcu)ucrn; per linear foot, $1-5 ........ dlr, 25

300 limo• felt of (,-inch house c„n-m'ctinn Ala)n, laid colnplct(, including all iucidcntals an)l al,ptrrtenanccs; per linear foot, 75 cents ....................565 011

4 nlanhul(• , cuutl,lctc, with iron heads and rovers, inr.ludinf; loll incidentals and apptntc- nnnces; per tnooloIt', $•10 .... 160 00

17 cubic yards of Cnnctetc cradle, in place, oOiuipI(tr, including ('xirn excavation and all inci-dcnt:tl, and a1,IiurteuaoccS; per cubic yard, yo'........... 10 2 (10

800 let t ( H. Al. ) of fuundatinn I(l)tnl:int5, l;ti,l in place, conl-pletc, including all unCiIltntttl') and alq,urtcnanres; per 1,0010 feet (I'- 11.), ;'1'I........... 16 80

1,0(0 feet (]I. \I.) of sheeting itnd ll-l-itg, di'iocn in place, cuilr pletc, tnclttrling all incidentals tad aplol'ttnauccs; per 1,1100 Sect (11. \I.) ................ 27 (l0

Total .............. $1,034 1(5

The lime all00%e,l for the ct,rni'lclion of the (tule :tad full cII,rnlauce of the contract will Is ' thirty (3)11 wn19<in!; days.

The ;tnnnlnt Of .•rarity rcquircd will lie Pitic Ilun,hr,l U„hens (;SOU I,

X~~ 5 I((II 11'K\Itilll\I; \i1 '11111 1..\-

L'Uk .\\II \I.\'[IIt1 \I• ILI.(_)C11,1:l 1 1,015

((\l l<( (I'I\ ; SIC\1l is I\ -\\ I.N1111 1,

I<) l\I (..\r1l .1,1111, 11' 10)1151 II i (l)I- l'l' '111

Illttruhl\\ .\\I \li', 'F] )t- leg "i 1, 1 it Inl ni:try t -L:naly „f ll:t

,lu:lntill is a- 1„Il n..: I;tl Ii) i 'n' feet If I.' 1 ell lobe -ISI I.,

laid m(o ) or II, i n'ludliiig all int i,lt Ilia], :till al,lulrtcuul,, -, Itt lily t (II I, fIJ S ..... .. 1 2 )1

$35 li t-ar f till; f 6—ltth hit n'e r n nttll ill Chitin, lai l c ,wlJ, to'. iuc tr,liug all inrid(, :u al,l,lntt cuallCl lieu' linear trii'I 75 cents ------------------- ( ii 7'

u manh„Ics, ctttl,le1 , with in,n II, a(Is and cort ti, including itll inril, ntals (((III 0)15((0 ', I'' man h„Ic, 1;;))... 35) 01 1

'I l_ time all-%t, l f„r the eutnl,letiun it till: tcl'rk and 6111 It rloot 000ttoe of llte cotnl(tcl will Lo Ihilly )3n) lot kin;; 1) 1(55

'I'I:c amount It siL((l-h5' niyI(it't:,I trill 1,,. Eight I Itml l-n,I I ) 5htrs I

\,,. 5. Bolt I l'1:.\I]-ItI\r; .\I.[, '1111'. 1-.\- 1,'(11: .\\'I) 2l.\'I'1:Itl.\I, l5l. lillll':U I 21 OSFi'itt ('I .p; SI:\VIFit I;.\Sl\i \'I' 'fill:

8lII,flll•:ItI.1' I'(IRN1.H OP 11.\I.'S1:t ti'l P1,1:I ,\\'l( Il\'12'1; ,\\'I•:\Phi.

'I'la- Inl;inc,-r' l~rciimirlary c"linlate of tl,c Iluantily i- (I',

„urr basin,-nu11 loll l of eithot' -I:I tt titurl-1 o il tt jilt it bans el- Kroliu4~, irull basin

and c:mntcling rule rut, (.inl,ulu)5 all itttiilt'tiltl' and appw Ict).000u'-, I,rr ilia .................... $173 00

'flit' time : lil,nt't ,l foil fill- cuutilrtiun of the w„rk :tnol full prf„rnr.incc of the cuulracl will hr Ion ( In) (c„rl ins it l)5,

*1hv a nun r,t x f rti ity 'tofuircd will be Vincly I Poll,,' I 3'01).

I"lilt 1.1'lsNlsl1IN(; .\I.[, 'Flit': 1.5- l0)1t .\\II \1\I'I.ftl,\I. Itl.(If 1 112P:U IOIt ('ll.\tilltI't'Tl\'I, t,l:\l l'.It I'\.5t\i6 .\'f' '1'111-: \'(11('I'IIP:ItI.\' .\\II l-P\s'l'l-:1:1.\' t'OItNl-:Its 1111 ll.\I,ti1•S' ''llt Ill '

AND 11:\"I\(; :\\'I':-

NI'I.. 'fill I':ntriucc I" Inr liminary I Ii:nalo of the

,lual,lili,'c i; a, full„to'.: _ YCwcr 10,11,10 05, vO➢ A ,lCte, „f tilt'

Sl:uld,l r ,l dc•i]n, Witll 10 of Iii', nr crating,, inn basin li, is anJ r,nlnor line cul- rrrl., inrholint; all inl-illcntal, ;toll ;Ippnrtcnan ii'., lull- basin, $150 ...................... $3 11 Oil

little alloncrd foil'the too ntl,lt Iinn of ihr work an,l full Till fu In;u :v of the couto tnt trill ho (,fl(cn I I?) ,c„rlcint]' ,PI)'”.

hr Sul„unl of rruritv 000)011100I trill he I hie loo-I' ll : tiisly Ill filar. I l,n ),

\~,. IS Plllt F('I5\ISM\); .011.1• '1'1116 1..01- k(IN .012511 11.\11:51 \1. !:IU11'll:lflI 1111: ('(1551Rt '1 25(1 51551 R It\SINS .\'I' 'rill: :\tit' .\XU \I"I'.a'I' I III(.\'I':Itti 11Il I"(11t1,1'.ti"I'

Si ls):ICI \\II I'I I (.III\'(, \\ P:25I 1 h6. 'r ite I iotti iiooi' 11,- Ioutot1n) r -tin:nc it] tht-

In 'i ,', t ll u,. of eitilu

>tamhu,1 ,Io,ign. tcith inns I ,ruts ur t]ratiny: ~, boil] hacio hu„ds anal

Iii' 000),' rn!- ontis, in:lwling all inr inrnlsIi nl~l nPpuli,•nanrrti, l' basin, $I.4s ....................... 30,n ao

'I'hr tinit• allm%'-d fill' (hr' irli„" o,I II"' w„Ik un,I full I,rrfnrmanrr of Illy n, tin-i') will is lIp' li II1) a, ,l,ov'.


100 ''sot .,f horurilc oluir, I trill hr (('ii' IIri,Jn ,I ❑ n,l Iboot'' tote It„1s:II. 161,1')

N, II, 111k l )'h\Iti111\li .\1 1. 'PI11-i I..\Ill (I: .\\It \l.\1'1::ItI.\1. Itl:lIUIItl•:I) "hit

('()Ns'I'lsi:(,'I'1\(; Sli\bI:K ll,\SINS A'I' '1111•. \'))Ia'IV111l,V ANI) \\U':S'I'l•:l(l.Y CORV1?RS II I.I(;II'llf AVI•:V(11•: A517 IOR'I'Y-•I'IIIKIJ

'I'll'' 1•:ugirlccr's prclintivary estimate of tItl. atctntiIit's is as follows:

2 scwr-r basins, complete, of either stnndanl d(•sign, with iron pans ur Al-aH])s5, Vuu L5I510 hoods a•.I ,l cunnccting culverts, irt-rluding, all incidentals and ap-

I,url(•uaucc.i, Per basin, $135.. $270 (I(I

'I'], lime all't son! fill- tilecuntpl, tion of the u' ilk and fall prl-oul-uoauce of Ilie contract will b.” lifto't'tl (15) wurlsing days.

'II ' amount of security required will be One lloon'lmol and Fra'ly J)o!lars ($140).

'fhe fr, rcg(,ing I•:nginccr's prclinlinary estimates of tidal :lost fill- till. erutpkh'ol work al-• in each cacc t„ ho t'tl,cn a; the 100 p,•r .eat. basis an I. I for Lidding. 1 l-nIinsala shall each state a cingl.' tie ur-ntagc of such 100 per coil(. (such as 15 ]ter crnl_. lot) II r cons, or 105 Pcr tout.). flit- which all rnatorial and wnr!c ea!lc,l flit- in tlo nr,o'o,o,l contrlcts an,l the nooliccs to bidders arc I„ h,. furnished to, the City. Such percentage, a, Iti,l f„r racll cnnlract, shall alIPlc t., all unit it' ill; s,ledlietI in fit' T:ugiutor's preliminary r,ti-mnlr I , :In amount nt'co's,ai'n to eumplelc the work d l-rriL, l-1 in the- (''outrun(.,.

'I lot- hill; will he ninliotu'c,l and the contract :mauled at a loop, or aggregate sutra for each r le(.rnd.

Illanle forms and ful-Iils ,ofmnmtimn Oily b,• htniucol and lilt' Ilan; and ,hawings may he

"rn It tll(•r-fficc ,;f the l;lu'c:nt of Sewe's, the L'......left of Itrunklyn, So. 215 Montague street, lb lath.

IttIllf) S, )':or,?R, I'lesi,lent. I) it, ol I' Lo lers'c 17, 10)80).

ft Suit)

:(' Sri (ir•nrral Invi ruj•IIonM ill 11i(1-der4 „n IDr lttt+t Fag,•, Inut (•oluut I,, of Ilcr ••('it N” Itf •l. rd.•'

(IF rI, , c 'I ur: 1'HP:sIDFNr or THE lirur)tn,uT loil kit, •,1:1 •: s, R,ont. a, Pnent•clr Iltl.l_, T',naoccrt an Ihr,o,orl.rv. l'tin ('try OF :No.ty Year.

S I: 0111:11 ]tin.; ((IS ES'r120.\'l'1S \vrr.r, Ill"

0) 0' n (,I hr 110' 10 rc-il-Iilti of the Ifg.AouKll III It I,1', 1; al (li al,z,v, ,O)i i:, ulitii 11 "(,I."k :L ill. ,0.

wl'll)%1•7Sf,%Y, M% ll('hl[ :1, 1I1(19,

\:., I. Pelt I.',I'\'III:kI\'I; 'I(/\5'I?I,5 135I-II I\ 'I III: \'.\1(1111'5 I,I'E11I' i2.\'TIIs :\\U tlSfI'11RY t-1,A"o]INS III'ICI\(; 'I'llI.. YI•:.A11

I '110')

'I L iran f or tilo ol,•Inc lie „f till' article; an,1 fu!1 Isr loot rIn.:• o,f till' c'mtl(t,:t still b- ttotil 14',' oII r 31, I'M').

'I li all"mot „f "('t'tOno) (''00 Inirr,l will lie Pi( -toII, 11)Indl 'ti l 1)„Il(irs (61,51)0),

'I II, hi,J, I teill 'lat.. till Io ice „f rack item of :Mich'too t:tirtrd in t ltc sl'ccl Gr.ltionl; or schrd trio's 11...iu co,,tnill ,I no' her, to :utnrsorl, loot' Inn, c:lclt , I- ,othr r soil of ntrasnn•, llv which tit , ' hl l; t,i;l hr tc.,rd. 'fhr hill; ,ill be c InparcJ aliol tlor rnnlrarl anar,lc•J at a moue „r aggregate ram.

I1, liccry trill h rorluirr,I !t l,,- mail• at II” liner and in Ilit' nlanrlcr :cool in stt'II quantiliu; n- ❑•:IV he ,li rcctr,l.

Iaaiik f'ortn; au,l fln'fit, I info,rntalioul rata. Ii' 0 Irt ail; rOl and Ilit' I,1 IS :InJ Ilya wing• rata, h,•

t 1' th, it t• ,f III Iliuoan .f 10 0Iblic I'uilrl i ,e :nil ((IIn' ; if II rI. • u;:h of llluukl)li, .\' , „) 11u ti, ip:ll Ituilolir.C, lh'000 kl,-n.

111I1 I I S, ('r (1.1615, I'r sidvnt.

1St-i' („•no'•:•:.l 11,sa:•n,•l lour Ii, 111Q-dw•n on I Iii' 111,1 par; o. Iniwi onlrnu u. ill' IIt O'i I. 11l•,u1vl •'

Ot)l I( uP I ((0 1':0 LI;'\No' 001'''0' Cli'. fil:aut, ,u (,r Ila )0KI rv, 1 ,,.%I _, I ,u„rari Il.t l.l_. I;uauc(.IL OF PI<uura.vs, '11 1. Get ur Vr:w \'oar..

h:ALI:II 11105 ilk ba'I'I\I,S'I'BS \WILT, 1:1': n rc•ic I Lt- iii,' I'ir-Idrnt „t file Itunlugh


1:1...,Iay o at Ilo, .i too y e 00Ilire until II. (,'cluck

%"J.lD]MS1),\1-, ill ,t :1, 111(11). ". I. 111)15 ltI.SB'l,A'I7\(i, l:ls,AIY)V(i,

I I'It)ll\I; .\.\'ll i..\1- I\(, X11)1•.1\'-SI.I',t O\ 1 I.\'I I: ti, I ICI)\I I•:.\s'I' IIIIIII I:1'.\III 'fla:)':l' 'fO (II '.\\' :\\ li\I'l'l, 'IC) I-'l Ill:11

11 1111 .51,1. 111 )1:1: 1N('11 )1 25 1'.\L 'I II l':lil'.'{I ), h:. tCInr, r . l-.bIii:lts rot t loot ynuutiliv, to a,

I.I 'to lit,, al- to , L is curL:t„tic, pct in c,m clot,.

It) lino'toi' fist (,Ill cw'hslr,uo, root ill c<ou-c

I, to) colic yards earilt excae:Iti,m. 05 Lnhic )';u-J, cuncrctc (n„t t„ be bill Cur).

5,1tiu .,,lu:u- t' hot ccut,'nt sido%alk. 'I Ott bloc a'lu,tiell fur the annlolr'tiuu of the

oils aurl the fall Pr )L,t'oilatuoe „f the cuutract is ili!rc 1 3n) i—sing, dati+.

Ii • nnlun t t ci c'0101 tI rcol.ti00,1 is Tell iiuu- IIr 1 a...l I i.It U,o12oo os 1,hiu).

\' , o. I OIt SIP ;('l..\'1 I.\1I, (iIt \I')l\'(;, I It1:1\'I; \\'l/ 1.\1IN)l X1111':1\',\I.KS 1125' 111\ lIlSWI' ill'KFyt1', I15(1\I .I:l1J\I)

.1\ 1'.AI'IC'II) :1 I'l1IX'I' I ()I'It Ill'V'IIItl:,II

.\\'11'I'WEN[)-I IS I', I.1•:I.I' 15'I6SI'UI, l'Iko'I'

.55 I \ I f:, 'I'I I) II, Ill I•Ill 51' 1'1' 11 .\I.I, \\'l )1:1S l's) IIII:?:IVI.'IIll•.ItFI(I.

: Cur', caitu:du (f lho 11, ]:1 1,, is as

1,0,41) liar: r to ct new curh.tuuc, pct in Coil-crctc

7_U lino ar I, et old curhstuuo, Inset ill cou-t•rclr.

I.I.(':) cubic yang, <•arih rsracatiun. ,:1 cattle vartl.s filling ( nut to he hill for). .ill cubit- hart!, euncoote ( nut Ill be It01 fur).

I I.S~ql ..,Ina rc fu',) cc ill, it y itit''ilk', 'I'ho limit' all„ ,'(,I I0,0' the cooinjmlAi„u of the

0)000i5 ,'0000 I W, lull I00'I fin n lance of the ri,u)met i, i,.tl; I'Iill w,0tl,ino ilat

'I "hr aul000Iut ,ot srrIlritt 0'01a1l-OoI i; l'i,Chto-,n llnn,lr,ol De'llsl-1 151,t'liii).

\.,. ' 1 Ilt I<h:lil'1..\ll\1; \NII NiI \5 I .111 .\sl'1I.\I:I' I'.\\ li\I1'.\ 1' I)\' A\

t l l\I'ltI-, I'I. I'I II'\ I1.\'l'II IN '1 HE Itl ).\L111'.\1' I(I' I:1'I.ItS(IN t-.l Ili6h:1, 11,11011 11.2515 IIIX. I)I,FI \\1t- I\\'1:\'I'1' ll'I•:I' 25II1tlII (II” \1 II.L(11'(~III,I' \\ I,\t'l: 'fl) \Intl I.I? .\1'I•:- Ni l':. 'III(,I':'I'IIHIt \01.11if .51.I. 11IIIRK IX('I- Itl'.X'I'.\I. 1111,10..

I:l iµinrct'n v'tiln:ll, r.f Iii, , lu:utl it,s is as

1,.1.-n ,y n: a-r rani; a-hhIl pacmocttt (tic' Vc:u 1' ulaintrnaucc).

1u ,,loam tails till (pavement (to he ILlai,l

in 11 t r eoudro v, r ti'. 1 'It) •uhit. v It I; cauoclo

ill iiuc:n to t- t new curh,l,mc, Sit in toll-

I)) Iin,'ar fool old cidlstooe, reset in colt rl c.

1 moos, lr ,s rnvcrs, for manhole,. 'I io , Lilac It Ili00tO'OI G,r the c,rmiol cliun of Iho

boo lc :Intl II,, fntl oilrfnrnlaucr of the contIar) it -. ('Ill tt 0, rl,iilt] , I:IN'.

'I ho' .Im,uuot ..I , ruriIv roolnir„I is 'Chiric•nt IIu(.'lBl-, l an,l lift,' U„Ilnr. 181.21)1)

No -I. 1.111: It11(;Y1,.\I'IN(, 0125II I,I61',\\'- \'I; 511111 \il'll.\IT I'\\t,\II•:\I' ((\ \ it\'I III' II-' I IP'NI)\'I'It)' '1' ill” It(I\I11\'.\1'

(11' 'I 1101(.7' I (IN 0_,'I'l1(l'Tl 11211\I It1(t) \I)- \\'')” 'I"(I 'I' IIwi Ul• \\'IC\'I - I:. 'ft)(;I•`I'I IP:is \\ I'I'll Si I, \\'(ll:l: I\t'IIU':\'1'.SI. 'l'lIlSlSrl(I.

P t1lI II \/l-i'IHI I-S IIISI:PItI 11151:25 'l'O tll, ,tt nor no' oil nor. rat n I Ii or and hit s,

dull„trol ,.r unnnl,r„crd lands ,)(Nolen (.below, tl,al the fullntt iu,g prof ruscs'ml-ut, have hccn r,nnlot'tr'd ;tad at liOdt]r0I in the office of till 11,:vd „f .A<v'-sOoO, fur rs:tnlimttion by all persons intone yid, t ii.:

IluruttlltIi of II roll Ia}'ii.

I.i,( 0 07(,8, \,,. I. kcgiLuinc. ;;ra,liug, paving „ jib ;t,l,h:t!t, curhin5 art,) la) cement ;i,lr- malk, „n \ooro ly'i.,th ,I ,toI, loo'ltycon Si oe,• r, all andl NI;u tit, tc ntic, ) ,gcthe, wish a list of riot out Is (no' ,Ltm,tg,-.s uuu.rol 1 c a change of gea, lo'.

Ii,l t573, \,,. ..'. l:rgul:llinc, grading, curhinil. '000loling :utd Iaying C'munt siocw;tlks on Fat ioiout 10•:a1, front Ho•cors accrue Is a Point about 12n feet, more or less, cast of bast 'Chide foolth

o'trctt, log, t1)1 t' 000llt a list of :nc;u'd, for d:uuag, Caine d Ly a change of gradr.

I.i -t 0)01 a, \u. 3. ]tcgul:ping, grading, curbing ::nd laving content oi,lctt'alks out Flatlands avcauc, floral Milllane to L.utts ],,Inc.

J,ist 141, Ni, 4, krgtilating, grading, curlling and ]ayiug cement rioleootaiho's on Sttttcr a,cuue, Lcla-ccn l'.11on and Berrin;an streets.

I,i=t 143, 1n, 1. Regulating, grading, curbing, cuo,tractiug timber hulkhceoi on \Se-t Ttt'cnly-third strecl, hi'toct'e'u Xupttlne avenue and the .\I lattlic Ocean.

l.i;t 265, No. 6, Regulating. grading, curbing and laying; cement sidcvrall.-s un Fifty sixth street, htttt'cen 1'ir;t and Second avcunes.

I,i,t 26(, Au. 7. Regulating, grading, curbing an,l laying cenlr out sidetsal4, on fifty-sixth street, (Jo belt' it Fourteenth and Fifteenth avenues.

.i "t 2y6, Au, 0. Ilc,rulal iu g, grading, curbing and boos inh c( Llcnt vdr walks oil Denton hlaCe, In t,v, en (':mull vld First strtcts.

1-toot 391, A' u. 9. Regulating, grading, curbing and laying c(:rocnl >idcv:alks un Bc,ilonmtlo place, Ltttt(en

Avenue Y and As'enue G.

list 385, Su. 10. lCcsula(.itig, grading, curbing and lapin;; content siduwalks r,n lturon street, foul ❑ a point I00 felt cast of Oakland street to Provost street.

1_b.3 i st 08, N o, 11. 1_a}ins cc•tucut sidewalks oil \I rnlhatlan ;IVCnuc, hctwccut Engirt avenue and I?rkf~,r,l ,beet; ca-t -i,In „f f.cOntanl '-beet, bc-tcct,l ,\lanhatt:nl accn:ac an,l N(%vIm%n street;

-ontth ,i'l, of l;nyanl 'beet, hel—'It I'niort( avenue 100:,1 )1osham arr'nuc: vrc_st silo „f L—bold rtrect, henvol-n Richardson and L'aiard streets; Richard-,t,n otrcct, north side, hciveecn Lr,rirucl street rued \loolhtlan avenue, and both>idr>, hctwccn Lcunanl street and Alanhutttan avenue, Alau-Itattalt It set uc, bet'vr'0't IIay:lyd street and Prost 'trect; -Sleeker accrue, north side, bent'ceo \lan-Ilat(an avenue and (;r;tllaat avent c, and south-%,ts1 comer of I)rigg, at-crntle and Sutter acrnuc,

l.i"'; 411, :\o• 11, laying crosswalks in Fifth sccnnc, Lou all four crushing;, at liay Midge at-eon ; nr,rth and stoodt crossings of Oviugton at'cnuc; at the north attd south crossings of t-,c t tatty''Ccun,l strict, and iilt: north and south crus"ings of Scvcnty-third street.

list 42.1, No, 13. facing with a,;'ha!t hemlock .allot, I000tceooi Jat-naira avenue and Etna street.

list 421, :Au. 13. Paving %%till asphalt Grafton stud, from 1'ilkio avenue to Sutter aveauc,

('h,- liln)r, citloin ol-urll it i; 10010 l,os.ed to lay Ii:)' -ai, l a;o--uu'nt incl tlelc all the ses'rlSI house, 110101 l.,is „f cl-n',usl, tSoaItt Iu1s, Pieces and par-ucl; of 1:00101 Ino(i(.on )0i0 -

5io 1. 1SutIt aioi(.s „f Ninety-sixth strcrt, front Sh„n t oo l tit Marine avenue, allot to the extent 000' I:aif ttot' II. Is at the into rscctiug sired, and

7 , lluth -ilt= of P;trrasut '0)111 1, foot,] a 1oo,001) ab'mt 121) felt r:ct „t 'fl:irt}'-fourth street too ISooty ' r- : ctnnr. :”' 1 to tl e c.xcnt 'If half the 1;! lk at ti• • i It('1 0 S'tin t] street, :u:d at'enitcs.

\,,, 3. I;oth ,i,lc: if I- lalinnrl sass' nue, front :Hill lant• too Lott', lute, and to the extent of halt the Lluch at the too, r!cchug streets and ace-nu, r.

V',,. 4, Il„±OS-loss- of Suticr accnuc, front I_L,,It .Ire-, l t„ Ccrrin:an 0,00-ect, and to the ez- t(nt of hatlf the block at the iulcrsecting streets Ii] ,.I at roue”. \, I;o'Ili sides cif 11"r•t 7'mcnlp-tl:iId street.

it 'nl Ni I,Ilnlc acrunc t„ the \tlautic 0 )crap, an,l t., the o 51100 „f half tic block al the intetsccting ;trots ;tad n nut;.

\O0, 0, Polio 'l l.; ,.f l°ktv'sistlt street, from

1 i t accnn, I„ Sc'eoouool ;ntutte, and to the ex- Iti,t -I hall t!IC III ilk al the tut-Itocrliug streets.

, - I! ,th -i 1, , t lhit) :.hull ,t -cc), front P„nl'r nth 100 I iftr'cnlh ottl tic, and t -I the cx-Ivio of hilt the block at the intcrscrting aco-

t.0\„ . ll,tlt salts of llutt,tt place, ftom ('al- oil sI•,•c) to Ill-h "lint, and lot the talent of I,'tlf the bl rk at the inter-rcting sUcets and :r:cnnts.

X,1. '.). I:_oul •.iolr= r,f 15 toil-:b place, front \c rl'ntc I to .Accn',tr G, and in the extent of

Lai) tho' blood: at tilt• unto rsccUng at'cnues. \,o, lot, Until siolc, of Boron sleet, front a

too-int 1 , II fret ill-t of l(akland stmt to 1'l-„” So st to) reel,

\'u. I I. 1:,,111 ,ill-', of SFlrnLattan at-,'flue. {rout (no rt al-, nu: to I{rkf,'nl strict: cast side of 1. ILu,l -toe,!, heltc,',r AIanloittan avenue and \,u- trio n Stott: north Side of Iticltard-on o-tletI, he let('❑ L00ritmr al;,l l.iamar, t '-lice-I'; Sollill aid' , of I'.IC.0 I '-Ilct'l, h.•'u,.o t'nlrn arcnue and I.,.„Ir-ut -trcet: L,th ride's Of IliA:nd,nn sheet, hrt„tcll \Ct'lh;,(.•:u: ., our and 1-000tt:l-1,l stlo t; ,.ial katlan at'Otnu,, 1000111 sill:'. brmorn Itichat

• (ail 11ay';n,l -hrl-dlt n„rth side ,Of SlrCkcr air run, bib 10,00 1I000ihsttan ;trail (;(.sham ateodO'SS ',,ugh 'ii,lr of ltn%:ml 'Ircct. hcttcrtn Manhattan - r:n,r ❑,•.,I Gruh;uu a, carat 1 suuthtoe-t corntr rat ti„rl, r ant'nn, anal I Iriec; avrnuc.

No 12. Ii,,tlt -il' of fifth at't'nue, from 1 t, insao,n :o"i'k 000'. 1-101,'l'h silo, t,t l:ay ki, lce a, roue; ,o"ulhrre c idc :oovl to tilt, t dent of half tl-, L! k ,t; t•c it t I-('i'lu to al- , once

\ 13. li„th sill - Ilenlloek 'trtct, flo,nl lavlaira :,(.Tone t , Itoa strict. and to ill(, cx-lrnt iob hall tlir block at the intelsrctittg sheet; :,n 0 I it t cnuc -

V'„ 1 I. Iloollu cool cc of Gotiftun street, fl- ni I'ili,ia : c,'nnc 1,, 0-tiller :n('liue, and I, the c\-loot ut half the block at the intersecting avc-t: u .:,

\I t I bibs tt h ..” intrresls ale atfected by 1110' Ili t :ill,•, I pl„I„ "o,l :1<5 s-mein, amt tvho are 00101” soot l., tl:c °':Intc, ur cithcr of them. are rr- •In(-t 1 t„ I t :•1101 their oije(uu”, in x•riung. t„ 1' rlc-I:u of il•n R tu,l „f 1.'csor;. \o• 33n I:r„a,ltca}', New l', Ik, nn on hcf,,;c March 23, l oli l'), et I1 a, tit , lot xhirll :isle and lace the -rd oohlccti,n; nil Le icnnh and )l-=Iinvmp re- r:icr.l in rr frro,:,tr Ih;-r.'t'

\\'I'1 1\ I f 1 X1 1 (5, 1' \1- 1. 015161011 012525. 1,57-lI'S II.

Cnar,l of .A:sessors. \\; O.Ll ttl 11. 1 ,:A', r,, ` rrct:nrr. \i :_'il llr, I,,lant:,”. (ilc „f \r„- Yolk, B,lr-

,logh .,t AI:Inl.aall:nt, Pohl-u;u- t' 18, 1+09. tl1'.ni2

P LI 11C 11)71('1•: IS I11•:ll{11Y GIVE\ TO 6,• „)tl ,r or ntttiers of all Il,I,srs and Ira's,

i000tn”001001 no' tlnintprovcd lands atTecte'i thcr,bc, o


e- fullmtin~ ,rn l,n- ell •c:c-cull-n tc aco ,I oOnln:ct•,I and al-,• 1 olg'.I

in 1)1, nllire If

I'„, il,a'-d "f .1,s,'s= ,ts I cxa:lrnnti.,n by all '2 0 0 1(5 itrtrr< =t: ,1, on

llnrunp'll of )Ir(nlrat title.

Ii") 115, NO I. ltrlvpnlath•I;, l-o'graoliog, pay il( c)t:hinL.,in);. )1agttiog. rt'flagging and tan it,g blid~ - t 0 00. s ,n I,. "I Ses'rnty-first street.

11, ill ho 100510' I rlr Ii 000'O, f F.xletior street to a p, i„I 1 5n f( ct w' sirs lg.

r.ict 215, N”, 2 Rngnlafinq. gradin¢, curbing; and (lapsing \Viet One 1ltrndred and Thirty ninth '8 Ole t, fr:,m it Tell 425 feet wcct of Broadway In Itiwrci-It- dl- ice,

I.i,t 415, Not 3. S0WIn in Wet Ono' Hundred sn,J i-ift t" eighth sln•r t, bctwcrn Anlsterdani and tit. Ni ,'O,o t t,; thoeltuci.

I.i- 0010.

V. 4, Paving \\'o ,I nn,- Hundred nn'l I lob ,lo''-i,tI, alert, etnhing mill rectn'bing. 1„ I,,, , 0 AtnA, rol:un aecnn,' and Itroadway.

IIormawle ut The Ilrnnx. l.i,t Nol l 5. Receiving basin and appurte

nonce, ate t lit northwest corner Ili Hughes aye-00 100' ((n,1 Oak Tree place.


16nginccr'S c,liuta1e of the quattlilics is as follows:

1,160 square yards asphalt pavctncnt (five years' iliaiil Julian ce),

10 square 'ai-ds old paeentcnt (to lie relaid in al,proachrs, c IC.).

16(1 cultic yards cuucretc.' 1t7J finial- feet new et rhstnnc, set in con-

c rc t,'. 200 1in,'ar feet old curbstone, reset in con-

Crvte. 5 noiscicss cnccrs, for ntaultolcs

7'lle time alluwcrl for the completion of ISe ,vnrk and the full I ' l-fool-otcukc of the contract is twenty (21)) tturl<iu0 days.

The •unount „t -0cnrity bob ,lPool is Tv.'clvc Irun,lrc,l I1„I!;u'r (:81,20ll),

\o. .5. FOR kha;l'I:1'fl2)1 57-Il) kl:l'.AV'-I\l; WI'I'1f (;k.\\I'11: I'.\\'I!\II`.\'I' OX .\ ('(IV( kl•;'fl•: POl'\U.\'I'IO\' 'I Ill'. I)1'l'lSi.holUN'(' 5') I:I•.I•:I', PKU.\I 5'.\\ I:IS('\I' 'I'1'ItICI'.'I' 'I (1 Ill) (l.\ItlIS S'I l5l6l-'I', 'I()- (:I•:'I'II I-:l< \1'I'1'11 .\I.l. 101'0I515 I35(IUl';N'1'.\1. 'I' I I I? ICI•;'l'O.

I'lugino'e'i''; estimate of tll, quantities is as

I,),,,l( ,,litaie t-ards prauuc iasnnlen(, with till' and hlsec1 joints (one-year maintc- nancc•).

I0 ,, IUerc yawl; old pac(•nu-rat (to lme rcl'ti,l in aPl,rnach i's. cic).

58, colic ):I,, ], moor, to'. 1,11) linllr feet tints' ourliolone, sit in con-

Crete. IIII linear fcct ('111 curb;lanc, resct lit Co,n-

cn tc. ')0 n~ feet row grtnite 1)ri dgcstoncs.

'I lie time allnsvriI for the catnplction of tlle teurk :ulrl the full lit rf,n'nuulc'c "t the cuntracl is list- tot' (2)11 (.coolant] da>'s.

'I'Itc amount of ,ecttrits' no quirrd i:; ectmy-eor, Ilr,nolrrd 1 )o,Il:lrs (;+2,Inf)).

5,,. I,, I.Ilit KI'l) l'I,,A'I'IVli AAI) I5l`.I'-AV'- IN(i 511111 StIll.\I.'(' I'.\\'I:\Il:.\"1' ((\\

61 6 1)1u( 151IS )I"NI(,\'I1)125 'T111': IHI~\1I\\'~\\' P \\(ILl'(I'l l' "I'Ith:l(f. I'K)(>I ('(I'SI)\ I•:It

S'I'I:ha`.'I' 'I'll l'l:ltklt ti'I'K1:1•:'I', '1'l)(il:'1'111:1(. 551111 .1L1, 5511150, I\'I'flll:.`:'I.\I. '1111•:IlIC-'l'( I.

I':u8;moor'. c-lin,;,l, -:f Ili: ,;ic,ntili,l ), ❑ -

1,730 sgn:n'I' Vao'ohs :tsl,halt Iavttnmt (five Pears' nlailolvu:,nce).

10 Square };It'd- „I,1 I ,at"rmcnt (to) be relairl in appproache-, ('IC, I.

2)f) cubic yards e„00elete. ,30 11th-a: tort new ctrl hstone, set in eon'

crctc. 310 linear foot „Ill mrhs!„ve, reset in coil

r~ t<•, 3 n,i•eie-s cot- t-r=, fo,r manLnlc•c.

'I” h,• tints ill 0,""I boo' till. muloIcliliu of the , ii; :,n.l II),' full 1 rfo,rurnncc .,f the coot lac I is 1 1) (in) ,too01, 0)100.. flit' Of ,r ,-ulily tc,tuir„I i5 ,-trntccn

I ltnio(rc,l lh,llars 151,71)01. \,,. 7, Plllt ('(I\.;'11L1'II'f\(; ('f:\II-:XI'

5II(I;\\'.\l.K'S. 1:1\"I•: I'I.:Ia' I\' \l'tl)'111, Ills' '0 III', \1(11111 51111': (1I` Ill t l'l:f'I' 1'I.. \('I-, It1C'f\\'l:l':.\ ItI)I 11K1.\'\ .\XI( I,IS(;"Z'I II \\'1'.\l'I•5, \\I) (125 \'.\Itllll'5 (1't•III-;It o''I'It4:(- 'f:; 1\' 'I'I11. ill)R( i') ll OP


I.l" \. I•:ngi u, rr'- c=tiluatc ,of Ilit' ,Ituultity is as f d-

5 5(111 v,luar,' fl-, t c n,, i t ;ulrtt alk. 'I” ht_- tittle allntt ,.,l fat Illy c„nlplctinn of tl •

•.cot I :boil the tall p, 11, -Nance of the cuntl ail is t, 'i 1 I)I) it rhino' I.}-,

'I or' '..,,,nit o,I ; rrlru•: r, mitt 1 i- Xinc nail' I r,.1 II Ilan'= )$00100)(

ii. I•Ilit t'((\S'I'ltl')'-ll\(; I'1” \I I:\ I' t'-IIII':\\.\I.IC5, I IS I! I-ICI.l' I.\' \\'III'I'll, (t\' 1;11'111 -1 1111a (11 I.:\II ICI).\1) \\ I:\I'f.. Itl. I I1 'I I \ I.1.\1.\Il'.1 \\II I II ;I It'I'1' AVE \I'I S \l III-:RI: \(Il' \I I<I:.\111" U(1\'I',

In•-i 0'' , - ,-moatt of Igoe ,Ilcu (ilc i, :,; 1001- 0 ,).

"lu:nc lie) cr'nt it si,leonalk. 'III 'lIon tiulc all 010000 I boo' the c,mtl,lcli,on of t!tr

•e o,rk Iln,l tilt fall I'r' r f',rnlance of the contract is tliirty t;ill ttn'I<inti lot'-

'lh• :un,nlot ,'f mtoo,itt 0010 0110' I i, \i•.Io Tutu' Irr,l I)oo1l,ors (51(00).

b. 1, 1'i IN Iii (1)I25(1 1_(1-I'S 1.01'INri 111'I III\' 'i'llS lll.)u'l: 1:((i'NIII•:It Ia' 'II', I(tli,\'-, ('1..51 Ii, Ilt.\Nl-J,lV .\\'IC\'I'I•.. TIN 11I1 .N 1'I..\('li \XII ('I..\ti'-UX .511•:\I'I:, 1%i (I 'X .55 25-115. 'a \\'11 701, 111,0(16 1178,

I'.m;lnU. 0' r-finial(• of II,,' ,Rc(.io(.ilio'S is a, {,;.

0.40''1 or,!, n'• vlot.l; moth (xrrlcnli„n. 01 cubic y:Ir,l' t-:loth tilling In,ot to be bill

f,'r). 'Ilin lime all„a'c,l fur the ruonolcti000i of the

tusk and flit, full I'o'rfnrin:tnec „f the euntract is ,O.,r n :t)' n i (7)11 tt 0l: imic das.

I'6r• :Innnnll ,,f so tort In' required is Sir Thin-died I)„llar- I$rnnl.

.No,, In. II (It I;I,\111X); \ 1'(11211(1\ OI' 'I Ill' 1.(11' t \ III"J'l' \\('I( ()I' I"1l'l'fASSi 015)1\1 'I'llf: \III:I'lll(kLl' I'['ll,itI\I; 1.1\1-I III' I;I I!IC.A'\V- hull VV'PA'I'DI I,t;('Afb:l) ON

III•: 251)1(.'I'l)l:\tS'I' ()IIt\'IIt (IF (It1:l:\-, 1V'(If)I) .5251) ]'It)'ZI'P.l "I' .AA l:A'1'1-:5, Ill' V(1. ' I, 111.11( I:


I :n i( tutt r'< rSI , .f Sc' gooSriIily is as f„l-

IIS runic t'anls c:n'lh excacat inn. -I I, lime Shutt'.•. I for tltt' c:,tnitleliun of the

0000'k and Iiii' fall Ioil' fl- rtnance of the contract is Ion (II!) to''„ kin)] ,Inca.

'I ill ams„toot „f srctnnily r^,tuired is Ttccnty Inoli:n> 11`0).

The hiohlr'r trill slate' Il:e hri(r „f carh II 0','O ,,r rurlirlr c„ntain(rl in the socciticatinls or =chcd- „Ics hcrrin 1mlitail 0l ,or hrid„ annexed, nor linear Inut. cgtrt•, r' 'root, "loam _Ta t'd, cnhic ,'a,d or ,oI her tv•it .,f tnrastu'r b_)' \\Ili, It tilt hill, „- ill br lo'-tool. 'Pion hills twill he r00nparc,l I omI Il'r contract a,,ar,fcd at a {Idol, n: aggrc._4,Il1' 501101 fool •:n'h co,nUaot.

Plank fonnms and fnnl!orm' inf„rntatinn near he „hl;lir.r.l and the I,I:tnc nit,l , h- rns in¢c Inay he

•vn :,t Ihr nlTirr „f till Roman of Iliotllwats, •br 10000'000000h of It:....Myll, Sit, 14 \Iunicip(tl Iioiir,biloC_ ]a„nkicu

Rr121) 1_ ('01,1” II, I'r(.i,lrnt. I ):ul I

-, hr tare 0, 10111 0).


:( \rt• (:c•n,•u-al IIIMIIu,eIf,)n, lu llirl-IIt•r- tilt Ill— ln,t Pticr•. 111x1 ruluutu. of till• ••111 Rr,•tr rd.”



Tiffany List 408, No. 6. Sewer and alr),urtcuauces in

1 street, between Southern boulevard and lox street,

=Phe limits within which it is proposed t,l lay the said assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and par-eels of land situated on—

No. 1. Both sides of Seventy-first street, from Avenue A to Exterior strl-ct, and to the extent of half the block at the iutcr;ccting sir, em.

No. 2, Both sides of \Vest One I[undred anal •thirty-ninth street, between Rivecsidc chive and Itroadway. and to the extent of half the buck on Riverside drive.

No. 3. Both sides of One Hundred and Pi(t-I eighth street, between Amsterdam and St. Niel:o-las avenues.

No. 4. Moth sides of One hundred and 'Thirty sixth street, from Amsterdam) av,nue to Broal-way. and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 5. North side of Oak Tree place, between Arthur and Ilttghes avenurs; west side of fluehe, avenue, bet we -n Oak Tree Place and One 111111 dred and Lighty'-second street.

No. 6. 11th sides of 'I'ill'anv street, between Fox strict and the Southern boulevard,

All persons whn:c interests are affected by the above-named prope-cd assecsmenis. an.I who are Opposed to the same. or either of them, are I-,-quested to present their objections. in wrilinat, to the Secretary of the Boarrt of Assessor,, No. 320 llroadwav, New York, on or before March 16, 1909, at 11 a, m.. at which time and place the sailobjections will he heard and testimol, received in reference thrr,to.


Beard of Assessors. 1VILI.iAnt II, JASPER, Secretary, No. 320 Ilroad-

ay. City of Nate York, II-, rl atglu of Manhattan.

February 13, 1909. f13,25


The Board of Estimate and A twirl ionwertt meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City hall, every Friday, at o'clock a. in.

JOSEI'1[ II.\.\G. Secretary.

The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City Hall, at call of the Maser.

N. '1':\l'L,(ilt I'I I I I-L1 I'S. Density Cntnut-roller, Secretary.

The Board of Revision of Assessments meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room t6). Cite )Tall, every 'Thursday at 1 r a. tll., upon notice of the Chief Clerk.

ITI?NRY T. l;TORPI4. Chief Clerk.

The Board of City Record meets in the Old Council ('han.bcr (Iloont It,). City Hall, at call ut the Mayolr.

I':ATRII'K I. TR.-ACV. Sunervisur. Secretary.


OFFICE or Tint 1)rrART,un-:NT of I'.ARrs. ARSesnt- BUILUING. h1P'r 11 Avr:SCE AND S1xTY-FOURTII STREET, Boaoccur or \IANn.ST'IAN, 'TILE CITY m' Nusv \.'OR K.

I,SE:\i.ETI T:I1)S OR 1•wI'TNi.Vl'l'a WILL Ill•. n';ri,'crl he th,- I`o'Iu IG,arO al the ah

,ftir,. a,f Ill, 11,-t 1,1 l ..t i I•:Irh. tl.'. til .,"'Cl ''vi e li

'17117RSDAY, MARCH 4, 1[1(1:1,

Ho rnnip'Is of The 1! run x.

(11. I 1'' - 1. X S'IIINt; :Aif)) I11:LIV'Elht'Va; 1. INI•: (I I hit 'It I" I. \\\'N \IIU-.l•:l1. "IN t''t

IIuRSI{ LAWN \I n\\ t-:Itti .\SU'I'\VI',N'f\' I I \N II 1, \\\ - N Un11'I-:Rti I Na 1. 191,9), FOR I'AItl'S. 1:(IROt:t;!I Iml- •I' III: IlRt)NN.

Tho. time allowed for rlr-livery of the :u'ticic=-au,' -,- i:i), an,l supplil's and IIi,' perfu IIIoICc of Ills clmtvacl is bcforc Has' 15, 1909.

'I'bt- anl'nlnt of cm-a'ueity' n rl liied i; OI)0 'fbuu- Sa"d 11T1):u-s ($1,000).

'I -hc bide will he a ,mparc.l and the crntract a(carde,l at a lump or aggrcg,alc sum.

hil:amalc flints nla'- b' rltahnnl a' the ofli:-' r:f Ili, f7,.;,arlml-ut '_'f I'nrk,. Zbttau-ski liansi ou t ( laI, m„nt I':nk, '1 h•• lirnnx

II ICVItl- S\11'1'1[, Petis1al 1,t; 1c 1--aICl'l l 1. 1:hIlI(Y. .A11(11.AI:f. 1. Kl-NNP.IIY.

f1Pea t

;(,. S••• 1: •u•rrtl IuNlrurllouN III Ilit!-drrN on Iii,' InNt WIttl', lust ,',,lump, of ill•• •)'II y H,'.'••t•d."


it l,l 'ma' 1)I-: f.Ml1'A1t: N'I "l' 1'.•,Rl:ti, AausI:ti,IL I:t"iEta1Nia. I"Ir II .1VI-N1:E AND Stx'ay-coL'iarit VTReu-:r, Baaaau0cat or i)fwar,+'r TAN, 'hut a: CITY or Now YORK. ~i(.\111) IlhOd ((If 1':SII\1.\'ll-S V'lLl. I!.

in P:I hi It-"-I it Cu ah,r.'

'I'lIU-RSDAY, MA RCII 4, 190!), Boroug'Ii of Till- Ilronx•

lrOR F(- RNI<IITNG .1N1) III:I.TVERTN1 1 FOUR (4) TO1' tll'f;(;[1?-a (N , 1. 1')119), FOR I':ARIZS, BOFZOU(;Tf OP '1'111•: IlR(1NX.

Th• timi- allowed for the rlc:iccrc of the articles, mat, riah ;anal cnpnli, c

and the t,erformancc of iii:-

contract will au- Ihirty (30) days. The amu r, nt of security regnircrl is Pivr• ]tun-

drerl Dollars ($500), The hide will be comnarr-at and the contract

awarder) at a Itunp or aggrrnruc sum. I:lank forms may lie obtain al at ter- office

of the Department of Parks, Zbro 'viii i Man,iuu. C'larl - m„nt Park, The Ttrnns.

I!I';NRV S\MTTIT, Pre-i'lcnt; 1051-:I'll 1. T;1?IhRI' ?\IT('I1 :\ NT, T. lC l-;N N IC 111'.

('„rn:ni''i„etc:, , 'f 1'nll< (I 7.m4

hf.r. %rr (rnrrlrl InNf ru••IIoull to liid-drrM lift iii.' Inst Png"r, lust e•rlumn, of Iii,. ':('IIy Rreord.”



S EALEI) BIDS (1R ICS'fl\i.\'1'I: WILT, ill: received by Ilse Park Itnard at tha' ahnva:

office of the 1)rparlm' 1,t r,f Parks nutil .t o','lnek II, In. on

THURSDAY, F'JIIItUAItY Y5, 191)1), Borong'h of The Uroux.


'fin. time for the completion of the contract is before July 1, 1909.

The mnount of security required is One Ilurt-dre,l Dollars ($100).

The bids will be compared and the contract rnatailed at a lump or aggregate sum.

Illank fnrnls may he obtained at the office of the U(•I,.,rfmcnt of Parks, Zbroveski Mansion, Cl arcmm,ul. I'ark, The Bronx.

Ml:N)tv s:\iPi'IT, President; .iOSI:Pll 1, llh(ttRV, \IICILVI•:1. J. Kl?NNI((DY,

Cumuli.=siuucrs of I':u 11 Id)

;1=:° Nee lienernl Instl•rlrliUlis to 1)id-d••I'S uu Itt ,- last pulute, lttst (olu ntn, of II, r -( it)- 1t•'l'urd.'__

())'Alit OF TILE L)Ft'AR"rtaI EN'r OF PARKS, ARSENAL It l'ILlll tit), 1'IF'1'I[ 11VI:Nue AND S1xTY-FO UHT![ SfRt.t:T, llu,Ra,)UGII OF MANHATTAN, TILE CITY OF NEw YORK.,

1::ALh:I) III]IS OR ESTIMATES WILL, Il!: r, a-a'1co) by the Park floard at the abuse

tutu cc of the 1).:littioliot of Parks mini) 3 o'clock t ,- nl. I,n

'III l ittil).11', Flis11 ItUA ItY 1t5, 1909,

Moro Ilgll uP 'flee Bross,

I t)k fl ifVISIIIA(; AND ltEI-1\ ERIN(; I I 1'V LI~: l llUfl It:AltRha.S 1 l L I- .AI~: II I I ) I..A.A'it ('I-:NlI NT (No. 1, 19119) FOR PARKS, IllaRUI't;ll ON 'I'111': 1SRONX.

'I he limy- aIIuwtir1 for the dalatoy of the tar' tiel...-, u:alt-ritll, a ool .ullllies, and the completion of Ihc tthule work will be thirty clays.

The amount of him security required is One Ilrnd rat I Dollars ($100).

'Ihe bills will he eompar,l] and the contract :m,;apkr1 at a lump or aggregate solo.

Ithank fnrnls ulay be ohtaincd at the office or the 1)cltarinlcnt of Parks, Z6roy-ski Mansion. l'Ltrcu;,, ut Park, file Itronx.

tII"NRY S01i'I'l1, President; 7(If:l'IT I. ilI•:IiR's'. \11('11:\1{T, T. K1•:NNEDY,

(nnlnlissiuucrs of 1'arlas. £11,25

it :tie,. (:en••rrtl Ins)rur) ions to 111.1-drrN un II..' last Png•', lust c'olu))l1,, of Ibr ••1'i ly Itr••orJ.”

O41 It ;: or 'I III: DEPARTMENT OF PARKs, ARSENAL 1:u I,I)I NII, lava It Ave.NUE AND Slx'rY-FOURTIi SIRFI.t', ttlAtIlUa,11 (%G i)`IANIrATTAN, 'file CITY OI YF:IV Y. K•

1(.11.1(11 Itll), 1111 hti'1I\I:\'fl:S "'[I.T, ill? ra,„(,-aI Ly III, Ia,,t.i IiI, ,arrl at the ah„ce

,',,, ,,I Ih( ha, aill,nt of I'arlts until .1 a'clisck

'1111 ItMU,Y, Ia'IfIIItItAR.Y 1.i, ]1101),

Ito rough of '1'Ile hi-nnc,

PnR I'1'ItNirtII]NI; AND DI:I,I\ - 1(RINt' I' IV"I.: ItI'`:Il1(1-III ()00) "I'(1NS Nn. 1 WfllII? Atell VN'flIlt.A(ITI? I-,C1; ('0,01, (No. 3 1909) I-( It t'.1R1:S, Ill)ROticll O1' 'rill; liR(JNS.

The that' ulte,R'0aI for the cnntl,letion of the tril'dc 5I'~'rlc '.)'ill ha.' before 1h:cember 2(1, 19(19.

'I he am,uunt of the sorority required is hif-I," a Ilnn,h'',I 1)nllrrs ($1,.500),

The hid; will be c onllparerl aitII the contract . •.nnlc,l at a lump or agmrcgate still].

!:Lull f!,rms may be ubtainod at the office of IL,' U,I':u'tmont of Parks, Zbrotvski 1\lansion,

Lr.-:u,a , 't ha' hi, The ftronx. I tJ{Y R Y S \l l'ri 1, PreiiiIcen; 1O51:111 1. h1-itIY, V11(11 V1?I, J. KE.NNEi)V',

Cunln: i s.ionc rs of I t, riot, (11,_25

;( - S,•(' h••nrrrrl IuNtrn••IIonN to Illtl-J••rN ••n II,, Iasi 11,15(', lust roltnnu, of Ibe ^( Ity' Itt'••or.l."

011;11: OF Tilt - 1)Ir1R r]n:NT / r• ]'ARhs, ARSFNAL Ia'u.lnr:r.. Irant :'\vr:Nm'I: AND Slx'rv-rmURTtt S"et1a:E'e, 131,11otieIl OF i\IANIIATTAN, Tim CITY OY \rw YorIt. '1 !C \1.1(11 1llfls OR I{ti'I'I\T:\'I'I•:S WIt.1, BE

, r Icy tl b)' tLc hick L'aarrl at the above ,,T , r i l:l' Ili faI t,00 nt of Parks vutil 3 n'cll,ck

II . or t 'I'111'IISHAY, MARCH 4, 11)1)1),

Ilorougll a 31:61 lint I,u1.

'ilk I I'R`,ISIIIN(; ANU III•:I.IVICKINH; SPi t I-:1'..N (ha) ll[1h1tih:t, l Obh l'Ail1KS IN I III; ItnhO1'GIIS OF VIAN11:AT-1'.AN :ANiJ RV 10P)NIt,

'fhr titre allulr,'uI fir the delivery will be •.rilhiu t'evnly (?II) days.

The anloont of secnrily required is Three Tl,, m-and I),Iliars ($3,150)).

'File tails will be compared and the contract ;m;rdr-al at a lump ur agairrdate stint.

I:Irulk fortes may be r blainrvl at the office of !h,• I'a'I„Itmrnt If link', Ilaar,a1)}h if itlanhat-t:lll, .\r-, a'-.l, 1 , Mira) I'ru'k.

Ii I',\' ('1' S\11'111, 1'resirll•ut; lutil:l'lI I. BERRlRY, \111'11.\IL I. KENN'EIIY.

l''....nli--'-ioncis of I':Irks. I:•I I' Ll .. p it, 190,1.

f1 7,1,1l {- K•,• la•p••rn1 Ire M1t'l1I't 11NIN to 111(I

6r. 111,• last Prig.', bast r hI... n, of Ile• ••/ ii It t•••o1.41


P 11;1.1k N(l'I III? IS 111:REIlY GIVEN that the ('ummissi,ners of the Sicking

unJ, in accordauc'' with the provision, of chap ', r 372 of the las-s of 1)07. will ]I, ,lrl a public htaring in Room If,, City hall, Borough of hlan- halfan, at II u'cl irk a. Jr.,t on M olidav, Man It 1. 191,9, rclalive to a rcconlmenrlation of the (''In:nli•rinmm' of llh,rks, that the Commis i nrr, .'f

the Slnlcing Fund approve a new plan fair the

iii bate nlcut of till- nab, r front bctw, en III, ciaaithaa'mly line of North Pir.,t street and th' na•rticrly line of Metropolitan avenue, in the It-vinyl, of Brooklyn,

'l It - new plan, as adopted by the Cammissi oua'r 'if Uucic, i.s upcu to the inspection of any eit-,en a! Co. offic,- of till. Comptroller I f •1'hr City .f N, •.v Polk, Nu. 260 (,roadway, Ilnraaugh of \I'Inll,lttall, at all limas during business hours.

(:1:0. B. McCLELLAN, ('hairman, f15,nil

p UIII-IC NO'IIf 10 IS ]Il?RIJIY GIVicN I lest the Commissioners of the Sinking,

Feud, in accordanc'' with the prnvisinn; of chal, ter 372 of (he Laws of 1907, will hold a public hearing in R'mnt 14, City ILtll, Borough of Man-hattan_ at II n'(1"rk a. Ili., u1, Mood ty, Mar-la I, Ftit'l, 'al:ttis'r- Io a I Icuunnc notation of the ('r,mmi.tsioncr of Docks, that the Cnninlis-i',ur r; of the Sinking I'unrl authnriear the' ('umnli-sii,ncr If Ir,aIse to cot, r into an agreement with th'• ',•:nrr t•, lnu-char• for a still[ not to cxcocrl

$2511.11011 th' iv I tinrlcrl by the East Itiver, N,n16 Pirst strcr't, Itivr•r strcr't aurl Metropolitan at'rllur, in the It,an,ugIl of Itrnuklyn.

GEO. If ,M CI,J(L(..1N, Chairman. f15,ml


S I•:.AIll) PLUS OR PROPOSALS \WILT, Ill, lace ivcd by the L'oara of Water Sulll,ly,, at

Itonm 9111, No, _299 ):roadway, Necv York City, nntil I I a. Ill., un

II R CONTIf.\C"C C, FOR I'URNISIIING 1AU liNL1VI-.KlNG 'I'\VI•:N'l'1'-I"IV'I? (25) Ilr)R")I':S F(1R illUA -lTI1 1'-A•fit( (iii l?N ON .\I1CI':1)[JC"1' ;I.,RVI('l(, '1'O 1;1? 1)I-I,IVEIthl) Vf 'fill•: R[5r ulr 'fin; ('ONTRAH't'OR, AS AIL\I-1. RI•: I)IIREC'cl-:I) It's' 'I'll If (:IIILI. OP I':\'IRI)L\IICN,


Ru:AU STA'I I(1N IN 'I'll)? VICINITY (ll% 'hill" :5(0!1•:IIUC'f L[A'I'. AVI'ffIIN ONE IITiN-lalft-:U Mail)) >I11.ES Oil- NEW YORK C['1'Y.

At the aboi'c time and place the bids will lie Publicly opened 'Ind react. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made by the Board (if Water Sul,ply as soon thereafter as practi-cahle.

:\ bond iu the snnl of fifty tar cent. (50;,,) of the total amount of the contrtet will he re- quircd for the faithful perfulloancc of the cun- Iract. "this bond ntnst he signed by the cum tractor :Ind the stn-vtt'. The r:uuc and ;address of the sm'cty olfrrcd mm,t be stated in the bid. The stm'tiey itaimst be sati;fa:tury to the Board.

Nn bid trill be rcccivcd and dd,aasited unless accrmrla:ulicd by a ccrtitied check upon a National ur State hank Irawn to the order of the Comp-troller of '1- he City of Ncw York to the a:nutn:t of file per cent. (5';.) of file bond or security rcaluirya fur the faithf.11 lierform:ulce of the contract.

'I'hc' Board of Wattr Supply may reject any or all bids.

1•:ach bidder must h b ust state fit te id a price for each horse and the total fur tile' twenty-five holscs, and the point front which Shipment will be made.

All the horses must be delivered by December 31, 1909.

Pamphlets containing information for bidders, forms of prupnsa1, surety's Consent, eoulraet, band and spccificalions, approved by the Corpora-Iinn Cnunscl. call he aul,tdena'a at th<. office of the Board of Water Sulglly, Rur,nt 911, No, 2'.19 hirC adttay, N. u• York Cite-.

JOHN A. Ill'.NSI' l., PI'e''ident; 1'n:\RI.I•IS N. CbAIn\VICK,

C"ulu,i,riuncr; n: the Cnald of \Voter S;Il,l,ly. f 1 7,,117;

;t''S••o G,•u•','oI Inslruotluuv l0 111c1-dr'r, oil t lie lust I a'::e. l:r:+t ruluwn, uC I..' •Tit;' It+•rurJ ."

(r1)N •I'R,\C'l' 22.

I-, AI-I':Il 111115 (IR l'ltO1'U'.ALS WILL Itl'l rc u'r vr'1 hi)' It,,- It:'nr,l of Water Snpl,ly, in

140 ,•iflec ''I the Il,,:n I, N:,. 2';9 Fe-iaaluruc, New l nri:, Rn,ml 7111, tlivill Ilr..,r, until I l a. n:., Ott

'll'l7•a1)AY, MAItCll 1), 11)11!1,

Pelt 'I I I P: t'f ):;SI,1Ol l "I P IN UN :A I'OR- Ilu\ lIF l'\f 1:11.1. :\t)ill-:1)t1C:'I', (()NSIS:I IN(I (_II' .A1;O( I )Nl': .AI11,G or 'It'N\I:I, (IN •f111: 11\'Ult.\I:I.IC lilt.\D- IIC.\'I', I': \It11N .\,, 1:IJI,I IIIL -L 'I'lTNNM1l-, '7 111111' II11;11 C1' 13 I 'III-: I' 4 IN(tVh_S \\ lIil' I:oSlllh:. 1.INI:I) \Vrlll ('ON('I I:III, AXII 'fAVrl ti)V)ith' ti'I'Itlh:"f(III:a UP PLAIN tIINI 1(1.11', Cu\Ifl:l l, K.Nlt\\'N AS Cl;I' 1NII ('lI\'1It :\ttl'1-"I)U(1 AT THE l;\I)z; OI flII'. 'I'I;NNI:1., .\1:(11'1' UNG-IL\I,1` P111.1I 1.(1: 1;, I7 I-I'll' III(;II il\' 179) I 1'•P:'I' 11lUl< 1NSh1)•', Olf1'.\"I'11l1 IN 'I111'. -P1)1l'V

I' PitII.1,1I ,. fl)1V'N, 1'11'1 N.A\I l:(IUN't'Y, N. 1',

An al";,nuiva1c slatrocte of the a1nunti1ic, 'if the cariuns clasws of tt'urk and fw'thcr in' f',uimIi„ii are ;;iccn in than lafueni)iOii for l:iil-,I'r. tum1nim v.g a tat at the contract.

At the abets I'l:u'o_ :tnd time• file bills will l,c publicly ,.I'cnr~l :anal rc:ul. 'I'hc award of the ('a'ttrac't, if award,-'l, trill be made by the floaid 'If \\'alcr Supply :Is s,l„n lhoC'afl('I' a; prac-I i('nhlc.

'Iii , it nnlrr both)-, the ari','n;;,Ic anlmnit oof which slim) be 'faa Ilun(iri-d oud 1'itty 'I'lu ,n<tIml I 'I! rs ($25(l,f100), as-ill he i0'iloirdt foI III,• f:lil Iful pr r to, r1, la ncr of 11:C cam l ract. F;uL 1, ooI unlash Lo Sign"I by ILc ountrat.tur tail the' stneliI''+. The mule and ali,lross of each ,In,ty I'IT,-ri ,l most he stator-rl in the bid or I~ro-',=a1, toped (r lcilh the anlonnt ill which tacit

,ur,'ly trill gn:tlify. 'l'hc snrctics and the amumtl in ohi0'bl c'ac!1 will qualify nnl-t be s:rtisfactury tlo IL,- L''nrrl.

N,r bi,l will be m1,icod and depusilcd nnlcss acr,nni': Inir, I I,y a ti i1iIied check upon a Nalium1I ,.r .Slate hank, Jratcu I', file ,r,lcr of file l',nnp Ir"Ilrr o'f 'IIII' I ilv of Now Yuck, to tho. :uo.:unI of 'In r-my-lice 'fhnnr:lnd I)allar' ($25,11(I(I),

I ilur• alln,crl I for the coomplclioll of the Ian: n'- i-- thirty-r:'that nnniths front tl:c scrcice of na,li,I lo, Ih a' IS„ant to bu'ein wr,rk.

I'nn, ,Llcl, an, pl:iI1pa inf.. ImatuIi"n for bi,lrh- rs, I ,nr:n. of I,i l '':II. c-,l)rtaci and h'and, ulmI ,ro0c, ) by the (' tat'surQ ('nnu',-I, po,1 vi er' i1hh:dinu-; :u„I n:un1,61, Is v,o,l;,iliin;; mn,bta,t drawinr'. ulll

,'h':lin,-ll at ihr ullirr r,f for Ibrm'ah ut \VNta'r Tniq'I c. Itrniid I l), Id t1ua :16600 ailulrr. ul,nu :I;piir;llia,n in I'c'e<nn , t' by nutlil, by doptmsitiuv( th( Snail, „f Ion doll:us ($10) in rin'n nrv, 1,r rl eel ,h1,t 11 [n tllc nrdr., r,f tr,' 11oanI ,.f 11' .It, hnl IJy, In; r•ICIt panitIalrt, air Itv1.ntv Ih,llnrs I$'0) I"r cash sot, Ih1is a)a'1„,si1 will be 'r-(Iln,l,d nl„m tllc rctnrn of tlu, BaluIlalulr9. • in r, -ca-ptahY- cgh.fihuap s0ituin thirty days tram the Aida- nn tc Viet, bills an• III f,r ow,ncd.

I(1IIN :\ lIlf\SI(I,• President; ( II:\RI.I'.ti N. t ll.\I1\VI('K, ('II 0111.1•:5 A. SII.\1V,

1', Iii- J~, r . ,.f ill I:,mrd If \V:uor Snlgdy. ~1. \1 ' I' Ss,, a al, ('I'irf I•:nl;iu, , r.

f16,n19 ;t S.•.• 1:1.111.1111 I IINt 1',il'tlU1ls l0 111.1-

d,•rN on 111•• Iris) Una;'••, Inst rulumn, uY tit•• ••1' Ily Itr••ord ."

'I O ('O.N'I hiACTO155.

I'ON'I'If.VCl' 23.

1':.Oil-It GIUS OR I'IROI'(1S.AI.S \VII-I, 1:1-: rc''t lc-al 6y the Huard of Water SuniJv, ell

It,,' „fhoc of the Ih':u,I, Nu. 299 Ilroadway, Now 1- o,rk, Room 910, ninth Ii 1,.,r . until I I a. m., rill

'I'111!ItSUA Y, MAItCII l 1, 111(11).

1 011 '11110 (()Nii'I R(1C'I'ION (IF A I'OR-'flflti III' 'I'll)•; I .A'I'eI<It,l, A(,)UGULIC'I'. ('UN-tilr-a'I'INf: OP 5,451, Pl'i'l'f OI' I'I.:\(V CON-S RI-:'I- If I'O.\'III Ill', I:NU\VN AS 1'(11t1:'i'IIWN al 'I'- I7 I.1:1:'1' II II 1I Ifl' 17 I'I-i'll' to INI'Illa \VII11.:, ANII 'I'\Vft 'fIIN- '\'IiLti, 17 I II:'I' Iflt;ll I:Y 13 1;1.I-:'I' -1 IN'('lII';) \\']Uf:. (IN •1'111•: Ih\lilt:\lti.IC I It:9III!-1, 1'• IIAIVINH A ('0.91111 N1?II I.T:NI;'I'll (11 6,-ts0 1 ii'.' I', ANU KNO\VN uS III!N'fl•:It'5 Itk(11110 ANI) SCltll:.Nl';lt 'I'IJN-Nl•:I.5. SI'l'It\'fl'.I) 1•:\S'I' (11' '1'lll, Illtl)SON I?IVIlls IN 'It IIf 'IO\1't (II' V( Ill l<'IO\\'N. \VI':ST( - IIICS"1'I`.It I'(IIJN'l Y, NI(1V \'URK.

An ai ll' aximmaate statement of the auaidai1u-s of the various classes of stork and further in forma-

lion are given in the Information for Bidders, fonuing part of the contract.

At the above place and time the bids will be fobIie]v opened and read. The award of the con' frnct, if awarded, will be made by the Board of \Vrder Supply as soon thereafter as practicable,

'I'n'n or more bonds, the aggregate amount of 51hich shall be two htntdred and forty thousand alnllars ($2-10,000), will be required for the faith-ful performance of the contract. Ifacll bond must be signed by Ibe contractor and the Sure-tics, "1'hc name and address of each surety of-fcrod must be stated in the bid or proposal, toga-tbcr with the amount in which each surety will qualify. The sureties and the amount in which each will qualify must be satisfactory to the Board,

No bid will be received and (leiasiled unless accompanied by a certified check upon a National nr State bank, drawn to the orrlor of the Collin. troller of The ('ity of New York, to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).

Tines 'allowed for the completion of the work is 42 mnntbs front the service of notice by the I;rlarrl to begin work.

Pamphlets containing information for bidders, forme of proposal, contract and hmtd, attproved by the Corporation Counsel, and sl'ccifications, and 1apll,lutots containing contract drawings. can I e obtained at the office of the Board of Water Soj)Oly. hoop) 1515, at the above address, 111,011 application in person or by mail, by depositing the amen of tell dollars (410) in currency, or r'hcrk drawn to the order of the Board of Water Snnvla, for cacti 11nutahlct, or twenty dollar,, ($20) fill' each set. This ale mans it will he rcfundrd upon the return of the pamphlets in acceptable rr,nrliti~,n within thirty days from the date on which hide nrr to he opener).


(,,,nn.issinncrs of the Tlnard of Water S:q,illy, T. Wn.nn SsIr nil , ('llief K,nOilacl-r. 'I'n'asras IT,ss'ta r'r, Sccrctary.

f 10.11111 ;I ' See CruerItl IIIN11•IIPIIOIIN to llill-

J••rs ufl tl••• lrlst ulna',. lust cinunmr, of till "('It)' )trrord."


Ili.aAtrxlu:VT OF 'i'Axes AND Assv.ssMNNI's, MAIN (II-FI('. L, 1inldmo1l;iI OF IOIANUA11-.,sN, HALL IF Rlr('-ukus, Tnt (Iry of NEw 1'oRK, Jamtary 7, 19ov.

N O'1'ICE IS 111;RElbY rIVEN, AS 1510-goired by the (;rcater New York Charter,

that the books called "7'he Annual Recurd of the :A,ttes'ed Valuation of Real amt Personal Estate If the Boroughs of N1iniiattan,'1'he Ilrnnx, Iirook-lyn, Ouccns •tnd Iu0hmQ1)d," 0iiulaii,ipg "1'he City of New Yank, will lie open for public msl,cction, cxan',inatiun aril corivetum on the sccund Jlunday ~af January, and will remain open to and ilclud-inl; the 31st day of March, 1909.

Boring the time that the books are open for I'nblic inspection, alalulau'aliatli may Ile tnaalc by any It'I ,,oi or curpnr ation claiming to be aggrieved by Ih(• a'su'ssed vnluatiun of real or personal estalc to have the same corrected.

lu the Borough of Dlanhattan, at the Main OWire of the I)rparinlcnt of Taxes and Assess-nlcnts, Nu, 31 Chmnbers street, hall of Records.

1u Ilie Boruug], of The )roux, at the office of the I)ep:vrthwlit, ARlnicibaai Ifuilding. 1),]c Ilon-,laa 1 anal Scvcuty-seventh street and 'Third ave-Inle.

In the Borough of Ilrooklyn, at the office of hl,,. U'-pal Inle uf, Municipal I:uilding.

]n ,he L'uronfh of OItyaens, at the office of the Ucl,:n lnmul, Ilackctt Ituilding• Jackson avcnttc anal Fifth sheet, Lung Island ( 'ity.

In the Borough of Richmond, at the office of the Itepartnacnt, Borough Itall, New Brighton, S. I.

.Apllli,alions for tho reduction of real estate Inca ssm, ntc mu=t he in writing and should be ul,a,n blanks furnished by the I )epartment.

Applications for till- corrcemom of the personal a'ties=mcnls of corporations nor=t be flail at the main ftic,• of the Borough of Dlanhaltan.

:A;,idicalion in relation to the assessed valuation of pr'rsunal estate mast be made by the Person ascssrd at the office of the Urpartment in the Rmruugh whore such Pdrson rosidr-s, and in case 'If a non-resid,•nt carrying I on busiuccs in The ('itv of New 11111 at the Office of the I)opart-rncnt in the Borough where such PI'Ice of husivess i, located, I,ettvcrn the h,,nis of 10 a. Ill. and 2 I,, m., extcPt all Saturday, when all antulira-lions most be made 6ti(w0•c•n 10 a. Ill. and 12 nr,un.

T,:1\VSON Plitt))'.', ['resident; FRANKC 11,99' lull 1:A\1I(S II, '1')1i,I.l', YILU1l.1(5 1'li'I'ZIr]„ III1(;If I I:\S'I'IN(; . I'ILVtLES I. %lc('f)R iii ACK, l(1IIs' I, IIA1,1.l?R:\N,

( umnlisci'aucrs of Taxis and Asnessmenls.

i 7, In I


\Itl I( I': 'III I'Rtll'I(It'I'1' tl\\'.\'I-.I<5,

I. I-1'1<`[ \Nt I. 111: ti);) 1l'1i1\ hills' Iii' I]I t i,- 'n Ir Na-u' 1 ,1,k ( h,u11)r, II,,-

it ,mi,i „f 'Ito, (ity „f Now 11,-I: 1„raLy gicr, i,I'b1it' n,,lieu' In 'III p,'uveIu., r,wu crs of I, at'rl c, :'1toa')a'al he tllc Lli-."iog I•'e.,uaut' for Lt)( '.\1, I'N11'It.)VI(\II.,., l 4 iu tit,- 11ORt)I (;11 III* IIRUt11•:I.1 N:

I•:I1;11'I If 19' 11th, -il':l'.'f1uN' I. 'fllllt'fl'-IClt;ll1II ti'I'RVI0'I Itl•ail'I.:\'i'IN(,

l;R.\IIINI;, ( 1- I(I:IN(; .\NI) I.:\\'IN(; ('I'.- .\l1 N I' StIiiO\9'.\t.iOn, bctwcc•I 'I'Lnal In 1 ]•11th :IC a -I a u ” .\rr❑ „f :r:, "Oo 1,t: I:a,Ih s I i It s „f tI,i,- li aaatlalla CavIa'I, flr,m 'Ibud to I ifih as,- - iaau, , :Inl to Iho u ci. ut r,f hl:lf the hl"cic :II II,,' nla r-r, lilld nnaI luau inaln•• lemon•.

'II llltlt \\'.112I1, SI':I"I'I/l.\' I; i:ll;ll'I1.1':N'ILII \\' \It U, .slU'I'll IN lo; 'I'\Vl;N'I'\' nI':l'IlNII \1'.\1211, ';I',l'"I- II INS 3 .\\]1 I; I'll-'I'If 11'.\1111, t.I'.FI WN r,: 'I'\1'I':N'I'1 ,I\'fll \\'II'I'\\'P:X'I\'-I•:I1;11'I II \V.\RIIS, '-uIU'I'i(tNn 6 .\\I1 I-I: .\NII 'I'\\'I•:N'I'1'-i-.I(\l:N'I'II VA' \1111, :`h.t 'fllIN II,

I- I' if('I.N(; f.l l l S „ II III:.\\' S'I ItI:I:I', ,a ,nlh i'I, . h, I . r-r n Nat in, ,I err I .I 1,,l 'I' Ilir,l 'u o rlu, : u \I.\ItIUN• 'm 1'1tl•:I':'I', nnIII, ',irlr, b •I U n

Rr i,l :anal I'atchcn :tronurs; nn 1,1'I,TON r'I I:P,IC f, north +i'Ic, b('la- orll Sar•kncnl '-I'a rr

1,,1 \;1,l Soolr-rrn a"Io n.; lilt I.O\I Il11<1)%, S 151il':'I', ni:ulllca,l sidc, bctwrcn I',int'I,tn,l ttn,l \I'.rgan :rernno,; u1, 11 101115 ti'I'Itl•:f:'I', •ti •.t si,lr, 6a-iwr-n 1'alkali an,l (faa,nn,rr vt'n no's; .,,1116,:1,1 '„ratan of KN11'I:I•:Iflt(ii'I,I':I? .\\'I. NI'II :\N'1) 11.1151' 5115111' I'; „II I'I(N'NS1'I.- VA11.A .AV'I?.Al'I?, w--,I ,i'1,'. L,It,,ll I:unni,a :I "nn, :riia Follon '.Is ,I; .,n ti1(\'l'N"I'll AVI: NIT:, 1,,',t side, b' lwrcn 'I\v....1v i r,on,l :In ,l 'Iwrnt>'1161.l t ii' l'-: an i.lf'I'ICI.:.\"III S'IIsI<ICI',

,1,11, ,i,lr. 1r1t„-,n .•,.c rut 1, an,l I•:iellt1, :1,r-lilt, ., \r, a I., •..1,l, ut'. Si-anti, ci,lr „ nf It.-:I rtrr, 1, hats,''Ii 'I`hil,l :IC.'nuc and Na-a ia, •Irr'r1; no, 111 ,i~l, of AI:Iriun 'Merl, hats„ o 1•;,1 ,1, o ,rl Rri'l tiva:Imc'a; 66rtti side of I'll' m cl rrct, b't%\on

iRll)AY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909, THE CITY RECORD. 2027

'ackman street and Van Sinderen avenue; south side of Lombardy street, bctwt-en Kingsland and \lorgan nvcuucs; north side of Junius street, be- Iwccu t,Ienmure and ]'itkin as southeast r,n'ncr of J~nickcrbuc!;cr ((venue and IIart street; tt', 1 side if I'cnnsylvania avenue, between hul-tnn street anJ Jamaica avenue; west side Of Scv-ruth av,. uuc, iii tttccn '1'wenlv-second aurl Twr-nty-Il:ir,l streets; south site of Fifteenth street, be-ttcccn Seventh and JtiVlIth avcuucs, -- that the s:uuc tvcl v. c onfirutcd by the Board of It,- ci.iun of Asscssmenls un I ebrutuy I8, 1909, :((ill (01(1(11 f0(na(y 18, 1909, in the Record of 'I'illT- nC .\xsessmouts, kept in the ]lurcau flit the Co) I ct i,:u of :Asscssmc nts an:l ?real(; of 'faxes and .\'-domdts and of \hat(( I(((ds, ;old ttn1L•55 till- nmi(nnt a5re55(1 for br-licfit on any p, rsi,n ~r prnper1v shall be 1'aid frithin sixty days after the dat,• of said entry of the nscsmnnu, illlereco twill b,• collected thereon, •is p(cuidcd by rcetfidu Will of the I;rcttcr New York Charter.


sectionn provides, in part, 11 any such •~~mrlit shill ((((('Ii unlcaid fur the permtl of

i, fy' dncs nfirr the late of entry thereof in the old k( col d ,d 7- furs r if Assessmcuts, it shall he

Ilie Int 'ii f the otlircr attthori,e'l to collect and r,rr it•,• Iii,. amount of such ass">smcnl, to charge.

~ :II, ~ I. ;unI rc•rricc intrrest (I er, un at the talc of rcrn ;•cr ccutiun p,I. annum, to be onlculatrd to the date r,f trtymcut, frnrrt Ili,c ,talc trhen such a..r „mcnt Itcramc it ]ir•n, as prneidcd by ,,cli,m 159 of this act."

Sp•elion 159 of his act ltroti,les ` " " "\n

, ,r sso:o lit shall become a lien upon file real ,tale affecte,l thereby ten 'lays after its cull y

in file said rccnnl." ' The above !,'.S(smcnts are payable to thc Col-

cclor of ,Ai.<cs'tncnic and :Arrcars at the Ikn-can four (Iii • (',iIlr-eti,ii, if •\ssos,anout, and Airrars of -I (Sin soul .\,,I rInr ills and of R-alr-r Rent:. in ihr ]Iechnnir.' I:anl: Jlnildin, Itou rI and :\Iou-al!rr si Err-I,, Curntlglt of lirnnklcn, hctwcen (Iii liners of 'J a lit. and 2 I. lit.. awl nn Sattvdass tr,:nt rJ a. m. to 12 in ;wI all payments trade thorrnn pip! (11 he-fore April 19, 190'), Neill be ,'cntl t front i(it rr,.,t as ahovc pn, Viii! ii, and aftor that Elate trill he sthject to a charga of iulrrc- t at the rate of seven per centum per an- tinm frr ,m tho date when such asscssntcuts lie' (((710 liar=. In till. rlale of pay'mont.

III-ifVI.AN A. :AII•:'I'Z, Coniptrnller. ('it''of Xcu A'„rk. I1r ,arinwut of Procne:

I nn9tr„I6 rn (llfir c. P, bruary Iii, 19()9. f19.,10

N(1'h1l:E 11 I'IlOI'I_RTY OVVNERi.

I lot'R;t-.\N(1, 111 sr.('TIOs 1018 or the f;rc:ncr Ncty York ('haitr-r. the Cutnp-

1(1,ll, r of 'I h:• (,iIv of \cw Y,-rk herrlty gives public nnti(i to till pors::tin, nwncrs if property, pit irrlt,l On IIii- folI'mirg ms s,ntcnt for LOCAL I \II'Il(t\I':\I I•:NIti ii IIi- B(1RUl-!(;II OF III'h:l:YS:

'11111111 \\ .\Ill ).

1:1kST AVEN(l: 'l lc\II') l .\lf SEVER, fr: ,iii Ninth to I TbiItton IIt sir." 1. .Arest of asscss- n:cnt: It''th sidrs lit first mum , from Ninth tut I ltiriconlh str,-,1, vttl cast s:l: of 'Tenth street, fr::ut i'irst avcnuc to Ainnnnt,::t accnuc.

That the same teas c: iii) irmc:l by the Board of l , i i .i ,tt of _A tic=;mcnl+ I', ht n;tic I5. 1909. and inlet„I on 1•cbttr:try 18, 1(i', :n till R. Cur d of

ill,, ,.f ,\'o-stncnt,, hp-1i1 ill till IStn-,au f,o till• I :ill li„n

i f .\'.en ii,cnI; amt Au 'rats of 'Z-axes

;nirl .\5r.o<,ment, ;uuI of \'alt t Ii its. and ttnl. s; Ihr mn„tint as=rssarl foot bin fit nn any prrs~,1 ,,, 1'r.,p,-I- tr shall b,: pni,l within sixty dad's after Ili” Talc of ,aid) (fifty of the assessment, ii( I' r- st (ill be c:dl, "ICJ the rcnu, as pruvidrd in : eli,m 111') of sail (;(cat .-r 1cu (':irk Charter.

S:.i:l nrcIi:,n pr:trill,-s, in Part. 1hut "If :Illy ,,u h ❑ ',r•>:mcnt -ball r, mainunpaid for the prri :1 ~~t sivty dun. allot till- 'late. tt entry tl,rr f in the said her nil of '11th, of Ass s- n, nls, it slu:ll be Ilse duty of (lip ollicrr author ,/,,I t„ culled and r, ccico iltc :un:,unt of such

„nn lit to rbar9o, cnllcrl anti recricr inteie,t hip rc::n at the I ate of seven 1 , r conlnm per ;nronnf. to In calculate I t:, tho dal( of pavmrut fry. lit the &0'. tl- lip-u such a-srs.s mint b, canto. a lion, a; pr::ci:li d by sr-eIi:lit I. i7 of this act.”

...... ,n I S') of 111;, ;Let p ill idcs ̀ ̀ * ".A:t sc•..m. lit ab'tlt Lt canto a lien upu the (cal

p -t;:to allrclt4 tbcrrby ten ,lass after its entry in iltc said rce•,id.'' '

'I'hc •rb„cc a=ac_;.nl, tit is pa)'ablr to till- CoI-I,-ctor of :Asscs-lit ut; atoll Aircar.. at the Btu'cau for till (':,IL cti:m of :\skrssmcnls amt Arrears ::f 'I; sr. told .\' i snt,.-ut, and of Water Routs. at Ili,• Ilack.-It Ihtiliing. Nu. 51 Ja k"u avenue, I.,mg l.'l;:ni1 lit!, I1:,rnugh of 1)tI is,, bclncn IIi- hoc,. „f 11 a. m. will_' p. m., '(Pill un Satttr-,i;.c. III on 'J a. Si. until 12 In., art all paynt;nta


(I1 ill made thcrcn nn ur LcforE April 1rJ. 1. w I.

-lx nl,t fn,n: itncie't, as above provi,lc,l, alol

r,flcr th;u teill Ile- subjrrl t , ❑ charge of inlcrc,l at tips' rate of "scorn per eentunn per :,norm f, :m Ili,• d:dr w'hrn chow a;sclstn, lit I tc:entc a lien Io Iho Jatp . of lraetncnt.

I11:,It\I \N A. \l l•:'IZ. ('ontptrnller-lily of No to York, I)'etpartim ill of Finance,

1', tnldrullrr's (II1•i,- , P,bruary 18, 1909. f I9,nt5

rhtlthi.A';l(1N SAL1•: OT 1SUII,I)TN(S ANI) \I'I'trlt'll;NANCI•:S Tffl•:RKTO ON CITY It I:.\ I. I•:S'I'ATI,..

A 'I' '1'111•: Rto]OUES'f OF TIII: BRII)C,E Cmmlltissinner, public notice is bereby

^jipi n that the Commissioners of the Sinking mid, by virinr of the powers vesteel ill then] Ii'' cot, trill off, r for salt- at public anctiun till-

l,nil,lin;;s n::cv •t:ntrling on Ibo prol:erly nwncel by The (Pity of New Yoik, arquiro,l by it for Lt i,lge InfrImSr Si ill the

Borough of Mun hat tun.

Said buildings being situated upon land more I:anticulaz1v de=cribed as follows:

Ih-Fog all those 1mildi,igs, palls of buildings, etc., lying within the lilies of property taken for bridfic pttrpnscs between Alonroc street and the t„wory, and more particularly designated as being

;Ill nr patt of thus,- Intildings knntvn as No. 61 IrI i,init stn•rt, No. 71 Division strict, No. 8•t lust Ilruadwav, and the rear huilding at Ni. SO plum p,• street, all if which are snore particu-I;uiy drseriheu nn a certain ((tap on file in the pill pp of file ('iitlpp'tipr of City Revenue, l)eltart-mrnt of finance. Room 141, No. 280 Broadway, Rorniylt of I\lanbattan.

I'mu ,uant In a resnlutinn of the Commissioners of the' Sicking I Lind, adopted at a luceling hell Orl:,bct '1, I'((17, the sale of the above-deseribe1l hnitdin{;s ;ltd 'tPlutrtrnancrs thcredn will lie hell by phi ice linn of ihr (',nnl,trullcr nn

IIt1UAY, MAItCII 5, 1900,

at 10.311 a. lit., oil the prcmi,es, upon the follow- ing

Pl'r:(ISIS nun ('nxcoFlnns. 'I'I,, buildings and alpurl native,; thrn4o trill b-

sold to Iho hiyhcu.I Iml~lrr. whin ntnst pav int -mr,li:nclr ra.h nr a r. rti lip, I check, drawn to the ,nr if I),,• ('„tnitn,llcr of 'Ilu (ity i f Ncty )'„tic, and mast also at 1h,- tint,- oI ;.ale give a rr rtifir,l chock ur cash in half the amount of till. 1,n'hcsu' price as srcu,its fill- thr faithful pp f::rmanc: of the t,rm= antt cnn,litiona of the sale. 1\'hrre the 1111' 11111 of the pinch:be prier dnrs a It n111al Si ,sr•,r,l ti,, stn, of lifty dollars, till. stint of lifty dollars shall be the amnnnt of Ili, s -curity Iry be ,l,-posilcd. This sccnrity may it anv limp• after the rxi irali:n1 of (lie contract Prri„d b••

al-l:liorl by Iltc City to the cost „f completing anv :,f the nark requir:d under till- c untract. billuufioi ,hc•rl at the 1 xpiratiou of the contract I r ri„d.

'I-ii ptrrcltas- r slatll not least-, occttpy, cause or hermit ill,- building nr buildings, etc., Purchased by him to he used or ocer,ticFl for any eurpus - ill hcr than that of for-ir spredy removal, nor shall to c::llert any rrtnal ur other rcvcund for the us.-: f oillo-r the Inn:l it the buildings, ttc., situated mle turn. '1'I:c breach of oithr r or ally of these c, u,lilinns shall furthtvillt coil Ill. sale and casts” mnmhi:l, f„rfcilttrr r,f thv pfncLasc mnn. y ao:l the s,cttrits dep =itrrl for the faithful performancc ref the c:mdilinns of tltc sale. 'file pla-ing tttcro- in or permitti((c th.- occupancy of :illy s:tch hr_ti!Pl-fe;; by ally tenant frre, for rent or otherwise,

ccpiiug thin nccc=sarl• watchmen or the work- II u , ng;tgcrl in the actual d(iifpiition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of file abov.: conditions of sale.

'I II suc k teill 6. as of ibc (rmIffinn of the l:r:,l,rrIy ,:u Elate of delivery thcrep( to thr pttr- c h tsr r. '1 lie ( ity of N 1 nrk will nut be re sp t.;blr for ape clhaugr• or I ss which stay occur ill the cundili,'n of the buildings, or their appttr-to nances, bcttvr,'n the time of the salt the an I tIii tine of dcliv, ring p„session to the purchaser, aft, r being h rnperly vacated of all tenants. 'I'hc =ale and dclivrry to ptn-cba=r•r will he marl( as ncarly t„gclhcr as the circnmatance of vacating the slructtiris of their tenants will permit.

All the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, structures and cellars of tvltalaocvcr nature, with heir exterior ariI interior fixtures, al,purtenances ;Ind f:,undations of all kinds, except the sidewalk and curb ill fruut of sail buildings, cxtcttriing v:ithin the d: scribed area and down to the level of the cellar bottnnt, shall be I rn down nod re-muvc,l front the prctui,cs. Nenc of the dirt, rl,-bris or Ira-tc resulting front dery lition shall b-al;,nvc,l I t n stain ,m till- premises, r xccpt ol,l mortar nr plaster only, which ntav be left. but Ii, ,f higbcr at ally p.:iut than two feet below the ctrl, nppnsite ih:tt paint; also Hie fottndatiott walls of all class's shall he taken Flown only to a plane whose elevation shall be tile level of tile club in front of tltc bttilding.

I'lic purcbasr•r at the sa'e shall also withdraw and I- ill okc all abandon,d water tap_; an,l old

sets- icc stain-,, and in place th• renf caosc to be,rd a brass 111119 iu the main wat r pipe to the strcct, in compliance with the rules and regu-latirm: of till' l lc paitmont of Ahaul- Supply, Gas ;ut(l clrtcily. and futni'h the 1), part lent of

mane'( with a ccrtihieatc flout tit, I)cpartincnt ,:f Water S•,Ipply, (;as au l I•:Icrtricity that this P:1, bcrn performed.

'I he l,urclta,er at the sale =ball also remove Ill h„usc scwcr connections to the main sewer in the "I (I' and the opening of the stain server iII 'tort shall be prul,crlo closed in compliance is t!te dircclins of the llurcau of Scorers, Bill If V lanhattan, and furnish the I)c- parintcnt of Finance tvith a ccrtifcalc from the Moran of Scwcrs that the stork has been (prop prop-

Pollfr,rtne rl. 'I'hc Ill for ail opening in the street to he

.,ht;tincrl bt• and at the expense of the porcha=cr „f the ht:il,ling.

I ailure to Ic•ntocc said baiblings, appitrtenanc,-= any I:nt Ihrtruf p,itliin thirty days from (lie

'I'n, of 1 '-, ;'i pIp will nor( forfctlwc of na-nc•:-,hip if .tch buildings, apt urtcnanccs or p„rtn it

.hall then he left st;w(ling, together With all m~:nrys 1tai,i by said Pnrcha<cr on acrrnutt thereof al lhr Olin- of Ihr stilt', and the bi,ldrr's assent In thr ail„cr cun:liti:,n,a ling nn,lcr'-tuarl to be intl'lic, l be the act of bi,Lling, aurl 'J'he ( P ity of Ni-pr 1'„1k uill, withntit notice to the purellaser, can”' the supine to he rrnv,,:cd, nn,1 the cots mid cvpc me thereof charged against the security :,b„tc 1(1cII1i„l((,I.

'Ihc work of p mlual nntst Ile carried on in cecn I';pcet ill a thnn,ur;h and wnrknl:tnlike nwnnrr, nn,l most be completed within thirty ,Iip- from the duty of pnssr•ssin, and Ilse success. fillli ldcr will erooRIp• and furnish all ,,Iater,ais PPf lab( aurl machinery nccc=sary thereto. and will place prnper ;mu l so II gut,i,ls and fences an,l wrtrnir•( 510115 lie plait nn,l Fight for the prc- s-rntinn of at'rirlc rd s, and tc ill indr• ntnifv and sac( I;aru:lc=s The l'ity of New Ynrk, its officers, a"rnt. and =rrattnl>. and each of tl:etn, against atn_ and all suilc vnl ti-li ut:s. claims and dcntanrls ' rtrry name :coil deccril•tinn brought against

it, th,m or any of Ihcm, .cod against and from all rinm;:gc ar.,l costs to tvhiclt it, they or any of ILcm be Pittby rca=an of injut'y In the person „r Iii :: iii ly of ttiirptbp,r, ,c-.niting from negli,gcnre „r c:nrlrano' in tile prrforntancc of the work, ..r in tucrthnaa tho same, nr flint any imlumlP,•r „r ,Iri,nirc watcrial.; n' ntachin,•ry, implements nr ;Ipptmn0s usp'd in till rcmncal of said build. itigs.

!'arty tt-all. an,l frnces. soh, n existing against :uliac:-ot pr, l:c•rle not 0u1,1, shall n„t Ile taken ,Inc n. All ftrriogs. I•l;tstor, cbimnr ys, prP(iecliPtq brick, c1c., on the £arcs of sue[) tinny walls, amp- tip b,• tilt cn d, ncn and remut'cd. The walls shall II n:arly l,rrmancnlly self sulq,urliog, Leon-]:nlcs, rl,•., bricked up. and the 51111 pointed and made to exclude wind and rain and prc~ent a clean oxIcI i„r. The roof, r If mljnvent buildings shall be properly flanhod and painted and marls water-ti.ght whcrc they have heen disturbed bv tile :pci ttons of the contractor.

The ('nmpt:Adler of 'file City of New York r(-plies thin Ichit nn the day of sale to witlt-Iratr fill”' sill anv of tit( loWdines, parts of

l,PIil•lin;;; an ,l (P(ci tilnEi' inchtdcnl therein, or to reject pine :tn'I till hi:l,; and it is flrther

Rc.nlr,l, 'fha, while the sail sale is behl un:h r thv sit iii vision of till. ('om:nissioncrs of tip,- ' nkinc; Punt, Ihl ( •nm•rtrnllcr is authorized

Iho sale In hr• lutpol1t(d and Io ,lire,' tlip •:t'v Ih,-r, u( as finanri;tl n'liccr of tho City.

1. 1I. Nb'COOl-'l, 1)cl,ulp mill Acting Cnmlttrr,llcr.

file „f Note }'„1 l:. l)cl,arhnrnt of Itin:mcc, (':,mph rullcr's 011icc, February 15, 1909.



I N I't•RS('.\Y('I•: O le i-iht„1'lON 1019 0r Iii,- (Ir: alto New \' ,tic Chartrr, the lm;-

Ii nllor of '1 -ho CiIv of N, -w }P ork Iu•roby gives I,uhlic Opt lip to all persnus, owners of p~Ol,mly. alf,-rte-,l l,v the foll„wmg a,clsi1i(ittc f:,,- I.O('VI. I,AII'RI)VI{\II-:N'I'S in the BOROUGH Ole 1)1'I:ICNS:

1tTRS'1' \VARI). 1'0'1"1 'FR .\VI-Nlil- SI•:\CI{R. from Kntacen-

It„vrn street to Urbcvoi,e an'e•nue. Area of acsess-nn-lit: Il:'th si:lei of 1'nitrr avenue, front lCnuwcu-bnvrn u_freet to I ebrvoi,r aw•nnr.

I IPTII :1\'l-NITI' -S1:\\'1?It, front Fhtshittn nvr(iuc to \'andrvcnter at rune, and V:1N1)1•:- \'l' Wl'1:ld .4V1{Nlil—`I'.\VI?It, front Pith, an' line lu 'I,nll, cf•eoor. .'\rea of a:iocstuenl: Both si,lca of Fifth avenue. front A'aml,-vcntrr avenue t:, I`lushing ac•cnno; bnl11 sides of Vandeventer :nc n ur, fr not Fifth avcotte to Tenth avcune ; bnlh situ s of Sixth avenue, between Phuhing an,l (;rand aveuurs; Thoth •ill,•, of ]'nrnerev street. letwrrn 1tm,hiitm and \'lnd,'vrntrr avenncs: both si,lr; of Ninth avenue, and west side of Tenth avrnne, hrtwoen Fln<bine and Crand avcnnrc. - that fhc saute were confirmed by the Ilnard of .-Assocou-s P,•hrnary 1G, 11)0'), aTJ cntr-rrd Febru. cry Icy, 1'10'1, in flu• Rccnrd of Till of Assess- ment', kept in 1h,- Iturcau for the Collection of :\si,'sntpcnts and :\rrearc of Taxes and Assess-ments and of Water R, ttlp. and unless the amount

asses-c,.I for benett on any person or Itroperty shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be col- lected thercou, as provided in section 1019 of said Greater New York Charter.

Said section provides, in part, that "If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the perind of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in file said Record of Titles of Assess-mutts, it shall be the duty of the officer attthor-i/ed Io collect and receive the antotmt of such a,,scssment to charge, collect and receive interest thcrcon at the rate of seven per ccrttum per •thrum, to be calculated to the date of payment front the date when such assessment became a lion, as provided by section 159 of this act.”

Section 159 of this act provides ' "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate a1feefr'd thereby ten days after its entry Ili the said record.”

The ahove assessments are payable to the Cub b'chn' of Asscssrrtems and Arrears at the Bureau fill- the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of 7ax(n and ,As r vn:Tnts and Of Wall- r kc: t., at „c llackclt I atl,ling, No. it I tcksun app pro',

I.,,ng Island City, Borough of Queens, between the Louts of 9 a. m. and 2 p. lit., and on Satur' (lips final 9 a. Ill. until 12 lit., and all pay-mrntc made thereon on or before April 17, 19115, will be exempt from interest, as above profided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of int crest at the rate of seven per centum per 1111111 P11 from the date when above assessments became Bens to the dale of payment

IIE(t\I:\N A. ME'IZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Cmnptrollet's Office, February 16, 1909, f17,m3


N I'I;ItSI':ANCI: OF SECTION 1018 Ole the I;reamer New York Charter, the Cornp -

tr,:llrr of 'fhc City of New York ]tcrcby gives I, f public nnlice to all persons, owucrs of prnpcity, aliceted by the following assessment for I.O(::\I-IVII'Rt)V'1•:JIHNTS in the L'OROt'G11 OP '1'111: ISR(lV'S:

'I'VV'I•:NTYTIIIRI) WARD, SECTION 9. I..\\h IfENCR A V 1; N Ii II— lt.AUfNG, PI,.A(;r;lA'l;, I,111VI; Ck(IS"i

1VALhti. ISl-11,11ING X1'1'I(O.ACIII(S ,ANII Ill 1:1 - I' IN( : 1 l-IN( 1{S faint I.inrl x:onne to (lac

I'1:(lf'O\I.S 1"l)RR $1o,(JIXI,IUI) OF 1rOL OI THE (;I I \'

Iluu2ln :I an,I Sixty-seventh street. Area of ;t-_l=-mc nl: ]''()tit sides of Lawrence avenue, from,rl accrue to West One Hundred and Sixty-'en enth street, and both sides of Graham -p lucre, from its intersection with Lawrence ;nonuc South to its intersection with Lawrence avenue 'u the north, and to the extent of half t u- block at the intersections of l..ind avenue and p:f 1 ne Hundred and Sixty-seventh street. - -tlta! the same was con hirnterl by the Board of .A. e'vura n❑ Pchrwvy 16, 1909, and entered Feb-ruary 1G, 1909, in the Record of Titles of Assess-

le,pt in the It,Ir,an for the Collection n( pA.scssmcIts and Arrears of Taxes and Assess-n:cut+ and of \Vater Rents, and unless the vu:mnt II 5( 5 soil for henefzt on any person or lipPphPeu'ty shall be paid within sixty days after the 'ItCe : f said entry of the assessments, interest trill he ccoIlc•cto1 thereon, as provider) in section 101'1 of the Greater New York Charter.

Sail suction eFoFfdes, in part, that "If any such cssesnutent shall remain unpaid for the McPi:ipt of si.Ptty days after the date of entry there if in tie stud Record of Titles of Assess. mr•nte, it shall be the duty of the officer author-izod to collect and receive the amount of such asses-ntcot to charge, collect and receive interest thcrc.,n at the rate of seven per centum per 't•tnnm, to be calculated to the date of payment trim the date w II! u such assessment became a lion, ;,; pn,vi,lcrl by section 159 of this act.'

ScclL,n 159 of this act provides * ” ” "An as-rs>tnen_t sha'l become a lien upon the real (stale all-pled thurcby tell flays after its entry in tile said rec,n-d." •

'Tile above a,r.essmc Pt I, payable to the Cul-lvctor of .\.-(sstncuts and Arrears at the Bureau for the ( ollc-chi:ill of Asscssntents and Arrears of Talcs at; :l A--.r=sntents awl of Water Rents, in the \Lunicil ,al Building, curncr of One Ilun-rlre,l told Scvcnly-srvenIll street and Third ave- nuc. JJorun,pi, of The I;ronx, between the hours 'ph 9 a lit• allot 2 p. lit., and on Saturdays from 9 rt, lit. t" 1.2 in., ar(,t all payments made thereon m or brf::rc Abrit 17, 191)9, still be exempt front intcrc;t, a; a]) P %c pr pviderl, and after that date %ill be subject to a charge of interest at the rate „f scorn per ecn:um per annum from the date when the above as.,cssment became a lien to the ,late of payment.

lit:,WM \\ ;\. 9IL7Z, Comptroller. ( P ity of ew York, 1)cl,arlutcnt of Finance,

(„lnppp„hhei'.. ()lice, Pcbruary lri, 1909. f17,m3

It FI' R c1':N-1'. CORPORATE- STOCK )1' \ I•:AV V'OI:K. -

l'I<I:\m ll'.\l. AND INFI.W.Sr ('.\\.vu.t: IN 601.1),


EXECU'T'ORS, .AII IINIS'1'R.1'f(lltti, (U:ARUI.ANS AND O'1'IIP.RS IIOl.UING TRUST FUNDS .AIll: .ACPI IIORIZI•:11 1;1' St. I ]ON 9 (11 Alt'I'I( 1.1 1 (II' ( I1.A1_'7 ER 417 0l TILE LAhVS OF 1897, AS .A9115N1EU, '1U INVEST IN SAID5"0(:11,

S 1Af.l•:I1 I'RIII'(tti.AI.5 VAil.l. I;h: Rh—.(h—.l\ 1-:1) 1;`. THIS iJAfI''fROLLT:R OF THE CITY 017 \ctv fork, at lip, :'Pita(, 5.,. ,'5 p1 I7r :a 1 n , 1',~~, tIgh of \lanitattan, in The City of

N1 pp Yurk, until .. 'I'I I;SD.%Y. ►Lt III II L. 11)99,

at 3 (('clock p. m . t,lt n i P P._ L: I: tl I l i ps., f tc G utmissioners of the Sinking hood, p,r =uc11 I co in I '.1 ., ., i : !, t PP. t t, tl;r_ whale or a part of the Cullotcing-dcscrihc, I iii t, -rclt;tn,q, nLlc I:,;;i-: our l :r ( pr: n : ck ,:f 'I t,, City of New York, bearing interest at the rate ill f„tn- use clot. l,rr auoum, 1—ai. ar,d ~includiny llnrch 2.1, 1909,.to wit:

$7,000,000 00 of Corporate Stock of The Cily of Ncw York (fur Various Municipal Purposes), P P Principal payable Aoecmbcr 1st, 19 25. Interest pa}ablc semi-annually on A[ay 1st and N,comlcr Ist.

'Ilk stock was duly atlbnri,cd by the Grcater 7sew York Charter, as amended, and other acts of tl:c Lcgtslature put pipe State pt New York, and by the Municipal anth,:rities of The City of New York, and is frcc and exempt front all taxation.

$l,f1U0,000 (((I of Corporate Stock of The ( P ity , f Ness Y„rk, To Provide for the Supply of Water. l'riucipal payable Nsocmber 1st. 1953. Interest payable semi-annually on May 1st and Nn5(mhcr Ist.

Thin stock tea: duly ah o ntrizc,l by the Greater New York Charter, as amended, and uthcr act-, of tltc fssfxlatpire of the S:a:c of New York, and by the Municipal authorities of 'file ( P ity „f Ncv, fork, and is free and exempt from all taxation.

$ 750,000 00 of C,n'porate Stocl: ppf 'file (ity of New York for the Cmtstruction of the Rapid Transit Railr,- ail. I';iocuiii Payable November Ist, 1958. Interest payable semi- annually PIn May Ist and N'sr ntbcr l;t.

This stc,ck sea, duly attatoriccd by the I renter New York Charter, as amended, and other acts of tile - Legislature of Iltc Slate of New York, and by the Municipal authorities of The (ity of New York, and is free and exempt from all taxation.

$ 2Sf),nll0 00 of Curpnrate St,ick of The ( -ily of New APork, for the Construction of a Building in ltrvaut lark for the New York I.htblie library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden l-:,tutdations. I'riltcipal eatable Nips en:bcr I;1, I 958. Interet payable semi- anuually ,:n \lac I't pp iii \,tt rinhcr I'l.

This stock acs duly auili,iized by- the Crcaher New York Charter, as amended, and Other acts of the I 'gPsiaUn-r of the State of New York, and by the Municipal authorities of The ('it)' of Non- York, and is free and exempt from all taxation.

The Interest nn all of said Stock which n1a5' be i>sucd in Coupon fonn will be paid at the option of the holder thcrc,:f, at Ilie other of Ilip' l'nuqPlr„llce of The City of Ncw York, or at the odic( if the City's Agent Ill London, I•:npland, at the rate of $4.$790 to the pound sterling,

The said stock is isancd in acconianee with (Inc provirious of section 10 of article 29 of the Cunslitutiun of the State of Ncty York,

The principal of and interest nit said sIrch' arc pavahlc lit gold coin of tile United Slates of AnwrXa, of the frt -sent sbmueta1'I of zweight an:/ Iirteness, Pursuant to a resoltti0It of the Cmnulis-siwrers of t/,- Sinking Fund, adol•tal Jrntc 911x, I995,


Al provided for by the Greater .\'c:c' Fork Charter.

1. Proposals containing conditions other than those herein set forth will not he received or c,:n<i:lcn-,l,

Nu 1prcpi(wi for stock shall be accepiep for ]c.; Ihan the par value of the same, I•:rc•ry bidder, as a condition precedent to the rccepti ,u „r c nsidcrati,,n of his proposal, shall

deposit tcith the l -nn:ptruEer in money, or by a cc•rthfcd chrck draun to the ,rder of said Comptroller upon a ti u-t cnnpauy „r a state hank inc.,rp,rated all cluing business under the laws of the Stale of Nrw V',ok, or upon a Naliunal ];link, '1'wu per cc-u;. of the par value - of the ,tock bid for in said prupn'al.

No proposal will lip' received or considered which is not accompanied by such deposit. All such deposits shall be returned by the Comptroller to the persons making the saute within

three days after the dccisi„n has been rendered as to who is or are the highest bidder or bidders, execpt till• 1le1un+it marl( by the highest bidder or bidrlcro.

4. If said hiyhc-.t bidder or bi,ldeis shall refuse r,r neglc_ct, within five days after service of wrilten r:f till' atcar,l to him or them, to pay to the City Chamberlain the amount of the stock awarde,l ill him pit them, at its, or Iltcir, par taluc, t,•gethcr ttitli the prentiunt thereon, less the amunul 'kpositcrl by l:im up them, the atn,:tutt or amounts of deposit thus made shall be for-felted to an(I rrtainc,l by said Cilc as liyui,lalr'J rlantag,s to!' such neglect or refusal, and shall tl'ere- aftcr be paid into the Sinlang Pun,l of 'l'he I. It if New 1'nrk for the Redemption of the (its' i)ebt.

5. (III the payment iolo the City 'Ii ctiuco5 by the pr-(sons whose bids are accepted, of the amounts due for (lie stick awarded to silent rr,pectivcly, including accrued interest from the date ,,f sale, certific;ncs thercnf shall be issued to theta iu such denominations procidcd for by the Charter as they niav desire.

6. It is rcyuircd by the Chatter of the CiIV that. ill making proposals for bonds or stock, 'I every hiddrr may be rcyuirrrl to accept a porlirm ,:f the whole amount there:, f hid for by him at IItc 'ami ralr ur pn,purti ,nal price ac Ilia% br specified in his bid; and any bi:l which contiicts with flit atwltti„p! shall be rejected, lnnri:lcd, LnnIg11, that any bidder offering to purchase allor any paint of the b.,ndc n17cre, fill sale al a ),rice at par or higher ntav also offer to purchase all or unnc of said b„nds at a filler,-,,, l'Pb rr, and if the l•,nt ytrct1er deems it to be in the interests of

the lity so to do, he may award the b,md, to the bidder (offering the highest price for all or none of said bond,; provided, hnwcve•r. that it the l'nnllo1r 'hr deonts it to he in the interests of the City s , to d,,, lie stay reject all bids.” I'n,lrr this pr. vi.i on, tite condition that 'the bidder will accept only the wh,dc amount of stock bid for by hint, and not any part thereof, cannot be inserted in any bids, except thoac fur "all nr none" oflcrcd by bidders w-Ilu have also bid for " all or any part " of the stock p5111-cl for sale.

7. St,uk issued in (',)upon form can be coucerlcd tutu Registered Stock, and Stock issued in I2egi,tvred form call be convened inln Coupon Stock in drrnnnlinations of $1,000.

K. The prep„sals, together with tbo security deposits, should he incl„sed in a sealed envelope, indorsed "I"opo alS for Corporate Stuck of 'the ( P ity of New Yurk,” and said envelope inclosed in another scaled envelope, addressed I„ the (- nmptE0ll(F of -Tile City of New York. (No special form of proposal is required, therefore uo blanks are ftlruixilcpl.)

IIl'RNIAN A. METZ, Comptroller. 'P ile lily of New Y„rk, I)eparl((lent of Finance, Comptroller's Oflice, February 1S, 1909.

f 16, m2

2028 THE CITY 1"I I I),\V. I1 I':I;kt'.Akl' No 10119.

( )!fl (tlt.A'I'ION S.A1.1? Olt 1UIf.11N(;.ti .ANI) VI'I't'Itfl•:A.AAC1a 'fill ,111-AO UN CITY

A T 'Till? ii•; t'i•aT ~UP 'i iii; 1'kl':sII)I:X'!' , f tile h'orc,ugh of Prooklvn, public notice

I- I„ 1c6_• gi\ c u shat the Co0ti'li.siouels of the Sicking I un,l, by virtue of the tlo vl is vcstc.l in I 11011 by law, will otter for sale at public aucttu„ all the buildings, parts of builcling.s, etc., start(]- 1119 within the liniS of hrlPcrly ill tics!by '1 lie lily of \cw York, acyuirctl by it f,,r strcct open-iug I ,u rl,osr_ ill file

Moro liM'lt of ll roo Iii }'ii. Icing all those bnil.ings, Nulls of buildings,

<tc., now stancliug within the lines of the lien-Street ti lie opcne,l as an approach to the AIan-haltan ltridgc, cxtcndim; Trull Nassau .street to I lie utelsestii0 of N:1thu,11 avenue attd I Luton street, in the Fourth. Fifth roil 13lcccnth \Yard; If the lloruugh of Iirooklv,i Cite of !\ctv Sark, ancl hcin;y more articularly do>e,ihctl a; being Darts of the fnllntrinit building,: No. 140 'lillary street (.,art of the (runt), Ni. li_' Tillary street (l,v-t of the rear). No. 35 1-leet street (part of front), No. 195 Prince street (part of rear), A"o. 3o Itelialb avenue (part (if rear), all of s, tint are more particularly shown on a draft (lamrlge ..tap oil file in thr ol'iiCe of the Collector of Ci:y' Res tie, Department of l inaucc, Room 141, loo. 'rill Lruadtvay, ltornuglt of Alanhaltall.

1'tn-euant to it re-olutinn of the Counnissioners of the Stoking Puud, adopted at a meeting Itch Fcbrnaly 2U, 1907, the sae of the ahuvc dc-'cribc,l illiiliBnce attcl al ,lrtlricnauccs therein will be it'll hr dileltion of the ('nmptrollcr on

TI I"SI)AY, • Jt('1L Y, 194)9,

at 11 n. In., nn the prcnli'c=, upnu the fo1L:,ty:n 'I-Lr NIS AND CONDITIONS.

7-h- 1'uii.ling., and algnlrtcnauccs thereto will he oil Ill till ltighc-t hid,l.l. tchu trust I,aY iuir mcdiatciv cash or a c,ltili<d check drawn t., tile' orJcr of the Cnutptroll,r of Jill Cit_t' of New 1- ork ' and must also at the time of sale give if certified check or cash in half the amount if the purchasr. pries as security for the faithful p-rform:mc,' of the terms and conditions of th_ ,ale. \1-here the am,utnt of the purchase price ('t,ocs not equal o: exceed the stint of fifty doi'ars. llie stint r,f lift_v dollat'n shall he the am aunt of the securit - to be depoSit-d.This s-Gurity stay a! anv tittle after the expiratiuu of the aoutract I,crio,f be utjipltnil by the City to the cost lot cum plating cuts' of the work ru,luirccl under tit c:,ntract, but unfinish, d at ti, expiration of tit_ contract Iariod.

1'ihe nurchascr shall not !ease, occupy, cause or p. rntit the building or buildings, etc., pur-chased by' him to be used or occupied for ally purpose other than that of their sit elly rentaval, nor shall Ile collect any rental or other revenue for the use of either tit • land or the building,, etc.. situated thereon. The broach of eitliCr or arty of these conditions sltall forthwith vol l the sale and cattse immediate forfeiture of Iii pur-chase stoney and the security dell"sited for the faithful performance of the conditions of the sale. The placing thereon or p.rmitting the cc' cupancy of any sttell building by any tenant free, for rent or otherwise, execpting the nece.sary watchmen or the u'orkimn engaged in the actual (1, molition thereof. shall of itself be a breach „f the abnve conditions of sale.

The sale will he as of Ilse con,liti'm r'f th-hrnpcit' on date of delivery tiler,:uf t.. the pur-cl,a<-cr. 'Cite City of New Ynrlc will n b,: responsihlc fox' any clang;• or 1„ss which stay occur in the crmdition of the buildings. or their Oil lit rt, nanecs, between tit(. time of the sale there of and the time Of (CMvetilg po=ses=i„n toy ill purchaser, a ftcr being properly vacate I of all tenants. Pile sale and de1it- crll to pulsbritr will IC made as nearly tog,ttt, r a; the cireumstaoee, of lacating the sLrnctltrc; of tltoir tcnauts will permit.

; ll the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, w'itit ,bcir •.xten ,r au,l itllcri ,r lix(',tres, appurtenances and f..unclatimts of all kind!, except th sidcw,ll, and cttcb in front of s:ti:l buildiubs, ,xtcIl Ion:; tcilhin the described area and duwu to the Icvci

n f the cellar bl,ttoln, shall be lore dawn and rc-lnvr'd front the prtnti=ns. None Of ti': ,lint,

debris ',r w;lstrr resulting fr,nn dcut ~lition shall lie allon d to runtain (lit the prcmi.,es. cxccpt i,Iol tvorial, or piaster only, which may he left, but not higher at any point than tta To et below till- curb ol,p,)site that point; also the fuundati',n walls of all classes shall lie taken down „lily to a IJane whose elevation shall he the level of the curb in front of the building.

'Tile , ptn-chascr :I' the sale sha.l als,t withdraw rind r:move all ahandoncd water tap,; amt ol l srrcice mains, and i,: place thcrcr,f caws to be i-ertrd a bras Plug in tilt- stain ,tatclr title in the sir lot, in c°,ntl,liance with the ruhs mil requ-lations of the llepartnt:lot : if Water Supl,ly, (,'us and Electricity, an,Jfurnish tic 1)cl,a.[n -u nl. of Ping,:c_ with a certificate from the l.)tpartment If Water Supply, Gill and i'.Icctricity that thi.,

I, as b, en prrf•,nuo,1, The purchaser at the sale shall al 'I ill SC

all house sewer connections to the main sewer in the street, and the opening, of the main sewer in street shall be I,rnperly closed in compliance tt-itlt the clirrctious of the liUrifln of Sewers, 11un,ugh of Itrunklyu, and funii.slt tltc Depart. meat of Pinancc with a ccrlilir:ole front the lttlrcat, of Sewers that the tcurk has b< cu

• n o ,cr1 ucrformccl Y 1 The permit for all npatings ill the street to

be obtained by aurl at the expense of the pttr-chaser of the bttilrling.

Failure to remove said bnildinge, appnrte- nances or any part thereof within sixty days frmtt the day of possessi„n will work for-feiture (If ownership (if such hnilclirng-, appw'tc-naucc•a ur pnrlion as shall then be left standing, together with all moneys paid by said ptuchaser nn acrnttnt thercnf at the time of ihr sale, and the birblct's assent to the ab,tvc c<m,litirm; beiug nn,ler-,tood to be implied by the act of hiddinIt, and The (:Try of New York will, wiih,mt notice to the purelaser. cause the same to he removed, and the casts and expense thereof charg<'d against the secnrity above menti,med.

The work of removal must he carried on in every respect in a thorough and wnrkmanlihe manner, ;ctrl trust be completed within sixty days fr,mt the day of possession, and Ihc• suceess-ful bidder will provide and furnish all materials of labor and ntachiucry necessary theiclu, and will place proper and sitffiricut guards and fences and tvanitng signs by day :i',4 night for the prevcnt,,,it of acciricnts, and will inbbm01fy ;toil save harmless The City of New York, its Officers, agents and servants, and rash of them, against any and all suits lull] aelhnuS, claims and rlernands of every name tnnl description brought against it, them or any of thu•Ill, and against and from all claittiugu,' and costs to which it, they or any of them be put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the per ,rmance of the work, or in guarding the saute, nr from any improper or (III rctivu materials (lb Otachinery, imlrlemcnts or appliances used in iii,' rerl-ab of said httilrlings.

Party walls and fences, when existing against adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken ,],,wit. All fut rib gs, plaster, chimneys, project- ing brick, etc., on the faces of sash party walls are to be taken down and removed. The walls shall be made permanently self-supporting, bratn-ftules, etc., bricked up, and the wall pointed and

I :nails In c xrImlr win,I :unl r:1i 0 ,l III ':., it a elra , r ,I<ri r 'I I„ r X11+ nl ,II)acr- ,It huil<liog, Si ,,II I e pt .I,crIv li;ubcd till I .,nlir,l and nnnlc ll:not,Cbl wL, -Ir tbcy ltavr hccn uhistuthc'l Ly I1, I IIndl iI:n' Ii tloc t: oblhlIul.

'I'hc G"mIlItr:MieF of The fill' of \ca' 'i 'rl, ,(soles the right ,m till' di l of .sale to with- ,Iraw front :ale any

! of the building;, urts ((I

6nidings an, tnachrocr0'

iuclnncd thuu'uebtl, ur t I rcjcct :ut_v and all bids; ;old it is fnrthel

l i'',,,t'c,l, 71,x1, while the crud sale is held urnlrr the Ill 'ii Is, uu of the Commissioners of the 'Sinking Fun<I, the Cumptrullet is autllnr-izcll t:, cau"c to be ;ulccrtised and to direct the „Je 11wre„f as livaucial officer of the City.

If. :A. Af 1•a%, C mtptrnller. City of New York, Cumptrullel s other, I'c h'

ruary 11, 1909.

-------------------.--- fli,m3

I Ukl'(Iti \TIO\ S.\f.11 OF 11Ill.DI,(;S :\NI) \I'I'('I:'f h-:N.\N(''I-;s "I Ill:ltl:'fo ON (If)'

ii I: I. [S't.\'I'I(.

A I '1- 111•: HI(1 P1(!Eti"1' O 'I'!Ill 11H1'.\ItT- ' me lot of I:lilt:'s, public notice is h, rt by

nitro That the t'lhuitn:ivsinnvra of the Sinking fund, by t'irtuv of the putrrrs vested in them by I:uc, will ulbcr fir sale at public auction all the huildinc=. fart., of buil,lings, etc., now s(nnclin,g 15111 Ii I 1111 rl) ..nod bl- The City of New Y:'rlc, acquirul lr it fool bridge purposes, in the

IlorouteIi of Qnc•enn.

Icing all Ih:l>,' hnildingr, Parts of buildings, .itualcd uu :oil Ill l'certain plots lit ground with Ills bnilllil: , I,,,'rcnn front file cast side of ''e'' nom iuu'nu ti, the Oust side of 0(11 Ii avcnur, Ion oc hnudre:l feet in width, in the L'„rough of 1 t.11bn',, and bring ]tore p:u'1icultn'1 y dcsit;uate,l nv N,,. 4So Arrnun acruuo, which is more t'ar-IWill;u ly do=rr ill, d "ii a certain trial) on Ill' ill t1 r 0lp se Hof the Collector of City Revenue, lie' IM11111rnt of tinnncr, Room dal, No. 280 Pron'l -wnc, I:,lronl:h of Vlanitaltoll.

Toloulnt to a n's:.lution of the Comm1-s'i„ttos of the jinkin¢ l tntd, adopted at it ntrcting hold ]I;ty " 191(7, file sale of till above 'l-crih:,I I....i1Bnu- an , l :,l , llurtonanccs thcrc'lo Ii ill be he ilb I e :lirrr:i. n „f ti,, (ontitroll,r, on

WEDNESDAY, MARC!! :1, 191)1,

:,1 ! I a- ti'., nn tite prcutiscs, Open the flipoLci0g


'i lte h,,ildiug.; and .appurtcuaucrs Ihcrcto will lie s,dd to the highest bidder, who must pay i,untcdia)cly cash or a ecrtilic,l check drawn to the rcler ,f the Cuntptrullc'r of The City of New York, and trust also at the time of sale give a certified check or cash ill half the amount of ibis purchase price as security for the faithful prrfln'ln;tucc of the ternts and conditions of the "ilia. IVI,u'c the amunnt of the 1'urchase price 1, ,> tilt tlrInal lit exceed tie sum of fifty dollars, the stun lit fifty dollars shall he the amount of the sccnrity to -be dupusited, 'I'll1s security may at ally little aflcr the expiration of the contract ,rri ,d Its a ,plied b I City I I y t to L ty to the cost of c,ntplc ting any of the work required under the chn,tract, but ttulinishcd at the cxpiraliuu of the contract period.

'fill purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause ,r t'''rait the building or buildings, etc., pttr-chascd by him to be used or occupied for ally (ill lb , 'tbcr than that of their speedy removal, (III' shall he collect any rental or other revenue for the use r'f either the land or the buildings, etc., tiilualyd thereon, The breach of either or any f Ihcrc conditions shall foithw'ith void the sale

iu(Il cause iu,wcdiate forfciturc of the purchase otlisrll and the security deposited for the faith-fit] prrfonna:tce of the conditions of the sale. 'I he placing lhcrciiu or tucrmttllng the occupancy Of al,' '-lit It building by any tcuaut free, for rout ur otl,irtui'.v, excepting the necessary watch-lucn c,r the tvnrkmcu eugagcd iu the 'ze:lual dt•-nv,lilSlit thereof, shall of itself be a breach of I!,,, about- elioA1tions of sale.

-I Ii' sale will be as of the condition of the I,rnperly on date of delivery thereof to the pur-cha.c,. Tile lily' „f New York will not he rc'p,nkthlc f„t' :u,\' change lit Moss %%hiclt stay r,:ur ill till c'wlili„n of the huil,ling-, or their

.,!,portouancv-, bctwco it the time of the sale thereof an,I the Iime of dclivcriug pusscssiun to tllc !nn(cha;cr, after firing prnperly vacated of all tc cants. The sale and delivery to purchaser will be marls as niaily tugciher as the eta cum- sta:: e of vacating the structures of their tenants will Per alit.

.\11 the material r,f the buildings, sheds, walks, strnctnres and c:•ll:n's of w'batsncvcr nature, with their cstcriur and interi„r ft,ctures, appurtenances and foundations of till kinds, except the sidewalk :idol c,nb in front of said buildings, extending v.itltiu the <]escribcd aria and rluw'n to the level of the cellar bi,ttorn, shall be turn duwD and CC' m„tciI front the premises. :bane of the dire, ,Icbrl-, ur tra,tc resulting ft mn demolition shall be all„wal to rcutairt on the prc•ntiscs, exec rl "hl mortar or pla,lcr n,Jy, which stay be left, but unit higher at :uty pint than thvu feet hcluw' the curbb :,pinI-itc that l it t; tlsu the fuundalion ,culls of all cl:c,5~ce -hall be take,) shown ('Illy to a plane wh,Irc cicva!i,nt shall he Idle level of the curb ill frnut of the buildiut'.

"Tile porcherr at the sale ,11011 also withdraw hind lb ut„vc all aband-mrrl walcr laps au:l 11l11 'II rvicr nc:in", and ill place bill rrof cause to Ile in,crtrcl a brass plug ill the ..lain water pipe in the "Irccl, ill r„n,plianrc with this lairs and II t:ulntinu', 'if the 1 )cpnrtturnt of \Vatcr 5npply,

, lilt 1•:Icc: ricily, and furnish file 1 )cpartmcut of l'in:u,ec will) a c('rlilicate front the 1)e1l;u'tmc-ut of \\ till Supply, (;as atoll l'acctricity that this has hrcn p'n noun( d.

'I'llc Ibit chas,'r at the sale shall also remove all hnusc >, wcr rnnnct'tions to the stain s::w, r in till- Stye( -t, and the olu('nillg of the main sewer in ti -orl shall be lunultlerlv closed in contplianc,' with the directions of the ]lurrau of 5,'w cis, Borough ,If ()nevus, and furni,lt the 1lrbllrtmrltL of finance with a certificate from the llurc;et of :'towers that the work has hecn properly per-f:,rmed.

'I'hc permit f„r all opening in the street to be ol,taired by en<I at the exl,enr-'e of the ilulshal r of Ih<• buil,ling.

1-'adore Ill remove said 1),li1lhngs, aPllltrtc-I,;utcrS, nr any part Lbiosnfo within sixty days front tile_ day of possrssicnt will work forfeiture „f uwnrrrl,ip of such Lnillings. aPUUrtcnances, lit' p„limn, as shall till lie 1, ft stancli11g, to- g(ill.r with all m„ttcvs Phui,l by said Purchaser ,,n account Ihrrouf it Ills tittle of the sale. Stud thv I,ibil, is a'.-clot to the above cmtditions being un-dL r,lu,::I to be uonBili' I by the act of hiclding, and 'I' he I itv of New York will, without untice to iii,- Pt0eLlow, cause the Same to lie remnvcd, an,l the chi:-t; :u,d expense tbercof charged against th, So 'II ity above mentioned,

Tile work of rt•moval must be carried on itt every respeet in a Iborottgh and workmanlike manner, and Lint he contplelcrl within sixty rhscs frnnl the <lav of pascrssion, and the sue-cc'sflil bidder will urocidr and furnish all ma- trrials of labor machinery necessary thereto.,. -toll will I,lxrr proper and sufficient guards and (mess smd warning signs by day and nitrht for I I I,n'ccntinn of accidents, and will indemnify awl sac(- harmless The City of New York, its officers, agents and servants, at:] each of them. against any and all suits and actions, claims and demands of (very name and descriulion brought against it, tbrm or any of hilt 01, and against roll front all damage and costs to which it, they or any of them be put by reason of injury to the

I \ I'UkSU:ANCI: 0It SECTION 10111 ON till' (;mater New Yuck Charter, the Cuntp-

Iloilcr of 'I'hc City of New Volk hereby gives Inlblic notice In :,II prisons, owners of prnl,cFly, alf,-aril by the f„llnwing assc•ssntc-nls for LU('.AI. I.AII't(()V'1CVII-.N'I'S in the 1SUk00011 UP L'Itt)UIU_\'9,

NIN'f11 \\':\Ill), Sl•;(,'I7(.IN •I, III: Ell \1V SI'Itl:b:'I'-kl':(;UI,A'1'IN(;, (ill.\U-

I.AI; AhI) Ch'i(It1NG, between (:lan+ou and I ;uil<lin ttvcuucs, except the right of tv;ty of the I:r i>_',Itl Ill L':'ach kailroad. Area <,f assc=,ntcnt: C„th ridrs of Ittgraw strict, from I•raukliu to I I:,,,,„t ;,vcnoc, au,l to the extent of half the ill <k at the iutcrsc cl ing avenues.

'IIIIil'1'IJ':'fll WAkn, Sb-t iIOv ]s.

ST:\'I-N i l Si' 'ON i SI It ICI?'1'- 1,LGIrl.;\'I'- V't;, 1,il,MliNI;, ('t'ltlt,t; AA1) 1.;A1'1V(;

cl.\I1?N'1' S11)I?1V:\I.R5, bttwccn Scc„nd avq liuc awl iii,' 5hlnc road. Area of lss(stimeIII; it',111 sill's (If Seventy-s,cnnd street, from ,Second .111 sue to the Shure road, and In Ibe extent of iu-/f the black at the iutcrsccling sti(eis and :Ile'

that the same were c"bufhn,c:1 by the IL.u,t (If Revision of Asscssnlcnis un Ytil Ibhtly 11, 171,9, ;cn,l entered Icbruary 11, 19117, in the kc lilt' d of 'I (lies of Ansewmrt,ls, kept in the Bureau fill. the (', lllc<tinn of Assen"mr ill', and .\rro:trs of 'l rues ;11111 Assessments :old of Watrr krnls, artd tutit•ss ill- Sun(tint assessed for benefit an any person or llb 111'lly >hall be paid wiI]1in sixty days after file II: in if said miry of the as.scssnlrnts, tult•rest w-,ll he (•ullrcted thcrcnn, •AS II l,viblcbh by scctiou 11)19 of the Gleoltcr Ncw Yur1c ('hartor.

Soil sccli,n, pruvidca, iu p:u.r, "if ally synch assessment shall lentaro uuptud fur the pertnd of ~ixly days aftct the date of entry thereof in the said krcord of 'hills of Asscssmrnts, it ,hall be the duly of the officer authurizcd to collect and rrccive the amotmt of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest llterenn at the rate of .seven per ccntunt per an)tum, to be calculated t,, the date of paynn lit, from the dale wbon sucll as",,,,Irnt ills;,tile a liett, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 159 of this act provides ' ' ` "An asscssuu•rtt shall becotne a lieu upon the real (slate affected u lie reby ten days after its entry lit the said record."

The Above assessments are payable to the Co!'cctor of Assessmcubs and Arrears at the I.urcau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears'of 'faxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in

the \lorhanirs Kruk Ru,ldiog, I':, hut t and 111urt-t:,,;uc sheet.~, I;,,rnugh Of fttunl.lyn, bctwccu the h„tn s „f 9 a. tub . and 2 p. tub,, and out Saturdays (lulu '1 a, nl. ill 12 m., an,l all payments made Ihcrv,m un or befutc April 12, 19119, will be ex-rntlrt irunt interest as abuvc provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the late ,,f seven per centunt per annum front the dale w hen such assesstucnts became liens to the :.Luc of pat ...clot.

IIt:llhl:AN .A, 911:1' Z, Comptroller. City of Xc ' Yurlc, Department of Finance,

Gnnptrnllcr's Ufficc, I'cbruary 11, 1909. (13,27

\U"I'ICI- 'I'O L'ITOI'J•:lo'l'l' (1\VNI?RS.

I N 11tJRtil!:vN('li OF Si.; '170N 10111 OF 1li ~ , tin ater .\cw York CItart,r, the Glmp-

111111,r „f Thv ('itv ,if Ncty Yolk hcrcby glvos I ,nhlic it lice to all p, rswi,, uwncrs Ofirn1 t:a(tt' atlr I'll Ii by the f,lln'o ing a=scse,nrnt~Cor LOCAI. IA11'RIbV'1;NI1-N'lS In the l)(1hoIl(;iI OF .\I .\ `; l I .\'f'I'.\\' :

'tAV•I,:LP"I'I1 \V:ARI), SI•:(7- hON 7. 1Y"1•l - ( UV'1: IIUN1)KI':I) .AXU I'II-TY-

I fW.,I' 5Titl•~f:T--I'.\\'INo,, (MltItIN(; ANI) 1VIU:lllllilNG, filth t \lacr nll-s ll;nn road to lIhomor=t •IVCnu(,.\i'-a of ;tsnessntcnt: Both (.i,lc s of \V'cst Une I luudrr,I allot Pifty-first ,Iuc:t, O'ont Alacnm6s 1)alo II;adl t, R,0, lhurst :nc•ntnr, and to, the extent of half tilt- block at the in1i,isecling ru,d tern1i(lliting s!IeCt,, and :r. ,'nut-;,

-'hat thr salms• nas conlirmod by till' hoard lIf Il,-visi, n of As_<ssmcnts , 'n I'cbruary I1, hIlt),,, :111(1 I nicrrd Fcbu'uni-y I 1, 19(19, in tits hrcurd of 'Lilies of A,xssntcnts, kept in file iturcau 1,11' the ('l,lhcti Ii of :A-,scs',u,cnts and \trcars of '!'aces and ,\sses=menls ant-( of \Voter ii,nl,, and uulcss the aululilint asne"scd for hens'' lit nn any pr•renu Ill' I,n,perty shall be Ihai,l I% thin sixty days after till- date of said entry ,of till, a-sisstncnts ii'tcnst wi'I hi, collected th••rcnn, 'ts I,rtivirlc,l in vcclinu 1019 of said lire ator New York (' ltarlar.

Snill section pruci,les, in Imi't, that "If any noel lIS,Itsm,'it shall nntnin vullaid for the Imri...l of sixty drays ifl,-r thr Jalc III entry III ctc-ul in Ihv sail ItvI- rid of 'fills,, of mrnts, it =ball by the ,duty of tile, Dlficcr authl,r-',crl In c,.'I,et and rucavb- the wt( ,ult of sMcll :,s-cSSm„It to sharp ,:, collect aurl recr-ivr. into rest Ii,, ,,,, II al thr t'alr lit sc ✓,tu hill' crnlnm !,rr ar'nnn., to hr calculalo,l lo, the dull' of I,atm.n: IF ,In Ihv bhl,lr wh<:n sur11 ass:•s;nlrnt tI camp a 111 II, :•s ". s 11111 by srcti„n Viol of this act."

So'rtinn II9 If llli, nit provide; " ̀ " "Alt :,s'r•-nlcnl 511011 It,'crnnp• a lion unnn 1h-• rrnl ,,,t;,11 alirct, <I tit<•rrby Icn chiss after its miry in thr said lb c Ii,l.'' "

TI . :Ib, t t S'-Tultult is I,,q.Ibl, to till' (' Ii' lb it I of A v, =smrnls a11,1 Arrc ars at the Put c',u flu' 1111' (', lI r•(-lion of .\sscs"hhknis till Air' Or', , I1 1'aci s ;nl,l A!;,r s'-lncills and „f VV:rtc'r Il, lot'. R I -,-I II, \'n. :'FO l:r a<Iw;,y', Cnruneh of 11a't- I altar, batter, 1 Il:c h'nu's of 9 a, lot. and 2 p. lit., ,,.I chi SatOidow, fn.nt 9 a. ill, In 12 ti'., an,1

r~~ll I arnn lot, mall, Iit'rcnn un Ili' b,-f, ore April 12, I ,n't bill be I 51111111 fro,li into rest, i's •tl,nv,- I:rn- t l,-,1. :u„1 ;,t', r dial <h:lc will br shill ' ct ill a c'L:n' ,• of inl' rr>t •II the rate of seven p: r centunt 9, r aunnm 1111111 Ili(• date will it ahnve as<c ssntrnl II cattle a I cn ill thr ,laic ,II Proem,-lot.

1lI"hill \N A. 1T1 "f Z, Contpin ,lh•r. ('itu- of VIle VolI,. I),I,;n'l1111Ill of finance,

I*mnI'll, !rr, ( )ffir,- I-,-brn;lry I I, 190`I. fl;i?7

I'ilill'rtlt\'llO\' S\I.II (Ii" iti'1U)IN!iS ANI) \1 'hilly I-:\:\\('I(ti 'I'hIl•:ky`fut ON 11th'

1\1..\I. IC1'I .\'I I':.

A 'I 'I III: Mbli'I.S'l' I11. TIII•: I'l21:SlI11':N"1' If Iho lt.,n,o'th of 1:0,nk1yn, public ml e'.

ilmc-ha gicrn that the (:uI(......yi,,ncis of the .`;in6:in.g P0lb1, by virllir „i till' powers c,'hll,'I in them by I,,, «ill Ill 'I' f„r sale at public ,,tu li m the I ui :line; it 't 1- uI ulnt, on pr use rty '11 u, ,,! by 'I1 , ( i!c I \I is 1-nil, ill uiltil fill- -I rtat into ill'' I, 'h ''r, i'l ill

1lur,.nigh of I)ruol.I}'n. 'aiel I'll! (C, 6, inl' "il't.ilr I lilt 111nil tuurc par- t cn u 511,' r ,l,' ,l ,I, I 1' . .

i.I 1' .,]I I II -. 1, ,I , . p', ,.f hnillintt. Iru<c+ I :,u; 1111 11111 I he line; of 1Villiam< :,e, nut-, 1-111 N'': tvpl,rt ntro, t Ill till I'll] d ,'ail inr ,If Pr,sh (,1r k, ill thr ' I'w,-nty--isth Mold of tilt' borough of ]lrouklyn, all of which are n„rr panic l,l b-) -v ,lo„ I hr, l oil n -, I' nil mctp un Ile in ihr llhi.e, of Ill" (',dhol It'll f City Ilcv,Lnnr, I t, l,:,rt,1I lot of I'll, 11(1.',' , 121„l,n 111, u', I. 2..111 I'r,,;t,lw:,1, Bill ugh of Vla, b:ilt:tn.

I'nrcnnct I„ a rrv,luli, ln of till L ('nnnnitcinn-r. „f the Sinkitc• Fundl. allul,tI ,I ;n it nyt ]]'-Ill Pehruruv I I, I"ii'), Ih,- sale of the tub I'll' II ,cr il,. ,l huil'linc; ,ill' i I I nil, nano' s tit,-r in will I' II .!Ii, by I1'' ,dime lien „f the CIlnll.ln,l', r, bill

'1'1!I).SWilt ', 1i'IlI1Ii11 :1ItY 2:1, 111(11),

it I I ❑ , I:,., , III III, I'b' I II' s, 11p In the f.11utr int,'

7'P.6315 AND ( lttI iInns.

Thc• II i l~liiins ;,u'1 aJ'JOu 1, lilt ura tilrrrto %kill I.I' SIli I to Lhc• higbrnt bidder, trhn must pay int-wcIli;dr'lt• r:,"h nr a of :IiGr i ch, rk drnvu Ill tl,r ,brill r of the ( nmlotlot1,r ,of 'l'hr City of Ni-n' Yuri;, ;unl non't ;, I<„ at lit,- Bull of ',ulc gitr a rrtl1111,1 ch,'rk (Ii c':,,It ill hrclf ills ❑ Innnot of th<• :lntrlla-l' prico IS -r,rerilr I, t' file faithful Inr- fnrn.III '' ,If Ihc• trnna t,n:l runditiuns of if,,-,alc. 1Chcrc• tier amount of the purrhrtse Pricy hba S not rrinal ur r-lbrrr,l Ibc suns of fifty dollar:, Iii,' "nn of liflv rl,,ll:us shall be the atunttnt of Ili'- SI I (II iv to II o ,Irprltiii rl. 'I his sccurily may it ant, time oftcr till' c•spiralinn Ill the contract p, ri„rl be ;ipplIl'd by the ( its' to the cost of ('built' ,l,ling :1115 of .he wu,9c ro,luind nnrlrr thr c'nrt-It;,r1, 1,01 nufi,;'ilt-,l at file cxlliralintt of Lill-

otra<t 'I hi' put c Lao's shall not Icase, (,('enjoy, cause or

tIsrinil the' Luhiblmg ur lRLihli0gs, etc., purchased Ill. Ili:.. (u hr u., ,l or ,itrupi,•,I for any purpose Ihr r l4rin I)'It (if till it tinec•,l)' romnval, nor shall

ho t''dlrct I fly lcol:J III ,,doll t<•vr,nit' for the n,,' of rith:'r till' 11111,1 „r the biuiylingvo etc., ,iluat ,,l litb'nun, Till binar -ll of cilhrr (It any of till ... ronlliti, oil >1r-,I1 forthwith void the ,ale

;:u 'I c. 1151' imntr , li;,t, 1111 11 little of Ihr purcbasr nnonry au,l till, srr,l''it•. riI-tM'itroi fir for faithful rr fill m;:nrc of the r-I,n:litiuns of the sale. 'l'hc

; brim; Ill c"r,-in ill I~".r lnitliug till' lIsLeultatt('y of ilit' '(i, 1, buil,ling by tiny lenaut free, for rent ur „Ili, ra i•... C'edotiog 1h," n:r, SShtt V watchmen (Ii' III,• %%..,I n, n rngat;r-,I in till- a,rlual dcmo1itinui tilt 1(11 1, "hill Il l' itself be a lit of the above ,1I n'1lN1'n, of c;;Ill.

'I hr rr,II- will br• a. „f thr lIlnbulilln of the I,rI,p,'r!y „n rbne „f rlrlivcry lhelcof ill the pnr-, hr: rr. 'I' hr City of Nr-w York will not he rc-'pnn_il,lc fir :toy chrtnt;c nr I,,a which Illay occur in the cuttrl,linn of the ibutlhhllugs, nr lheir tutu -In,rIrnam'r,, h, tw,rn Liar time of ill,' sale thereof :u,,I the limr of dllIst-hng pns'c:viun to II,' pur-ri,:crr, aft('(' hcing prnrn rlv vacal:',l of all I:rn- ;.1,Is. The ";,l,• anJ d, livcry to pnrt•h;tser will L,• mail,' as nc:,rly tbb7!ctM-r its the circuntstant•ca Ill vacating till nlr;dcmres of their 1snrmi; will ill rinil.

All the mnl(lill of ihr buildings, sit,'rls, walks, 'trurlmo, and rcll:n'i of whtttsorvor nature, with their exterior an,l iturri„r lixtnres, appurlcnancr's and fb ,unrlaiions of all kirt:ls, ('xc•rpt the sidewalk aml curb in front of said buildings, extending

I t „n I,, 'I lItIC rly ni Outlier, tcsulling front gli'L;l u, t lit c,ncic. .sm ss in the I,u fol malice of

the ii Ii or ill RutuIin the smile, or front lull imprup, lull' detv"lib( mlLrrill0 nr tnacltincryl inIld. tu, Its „r :y ,l , li:u:ccs used in the removal of *ai,l biui1dings.

11;trty walls and fences, wh<•n cxi,tiug against adjacent pruperty not sold, ShalI not he take„ dman. All fw'rings, plaster, duimocSs, uroject-ing bride, etc., on till. faces of such Jollity walls, hire to be taken down and retnovccl. The walls shall be made permanently self-sul,purting, bcant-;~uL.v, etc„ bricked up, and the wall nuitttcd and made t„ exclude wiucl and rain and I-r,scut it clean exteliur. The roofs of a,liacont buildings hall be I,ruperly ilashcd and painlal an, mn,lc

tc;it,Itight (('ill rc they lace b;c•n disturbed by Ih,• lh1srlli,ms of the cml;ractor.

'thc Il,mptt'oilb of •fhc Cily of New York tv- ;crcc'; the rigbr on the day of sale to tvilhdraw f rnrn sal,' any of the 6llil,h,it,''., I,arIs of buiLNigs .u,ll m,lsIbiulu'u V illciItbll1 lilcwio, or to reject any and all bi,l'; hi nd it is flu hit r -

It,'5nlvc,l, 'I hill, tt hilc tile sail sale is hrld Inclor the Supc'rvi-iun lit tilt- I ollultis>ioucrs of the Sinkin.0 fund, tho ( ,mptroller is rntlhnrizcd to cause the sail, to he .lMlisdisubl and to direct Ill- atle thcrtuf as financial ohm clull f the City.

I I. A. \t l'a Z, Comptroller. City of New York, Depart lout of Finance,

Comptroller's Oil icr, l cbruary 11, I9(I')-

- - -- -- -- Il5,m3--

NU'fI('I? '1'O I'It01'lat'I'Y OWNERS.

I IN I'('ItSb'.\\(:I•: I)1 F SC'I ION 1018 OF Ihill !;Icatcr New hurl; (llIntel, the Comp-

trr,llcr of The City of New '5 huh I,rreby fivos I.uhlic notice to all Ill r=onc, mr bill s of looln'r ty, zlfrclr:l by the f,J hulls ing as"ct„nont'. t:, LOCAI, I.AIIIitI)V .III•:A'Ti in tile 1;URUU(ilt OI. 'I'IIE I:RnNN:

1'11'1•:A'I'1'-'I'llfl:ll 1Y:V21), SELl ION 9.

(;R.\NT .\\'t-:Nil' i',\\ INI; .\NI) CU1t IL IN(I, 6IIIcicn I:a-t Unc llun, lred and Sixty-lir't ::i',1 Ole Uonllred ana Sixty'-fifth strsas. .\rca r a.scssmont: Itnth sides of (;rant ave-nuc, front Vile Iluntlrrd ;11111 SIxty-,second street to Ouc Uue,lls h and Sixty-fifth strcct, an,l' to the c 011 111 of half the hluck at the iulcrsrclbtIg

'1'\\lIlc I 'i' -l'(tih i it 1\ r\Rtl1, SECTION 11.

tag.\\'U iIO1'I.I:\'.\It'll .\N11 ('UN('l)URSi', \\'u'-t Still Ti',\V'i',If, hll_t11ui'll list Unc Ilan-' ,heel an:l I':iu'lt,v fiu ,. and one 11nu:lrc,l 11(11 f:i0hlcthin) 111-1-. .A,r It of tuscs+mcut: A\c''t ,IIlc „f I lull it,,!tic c and rut'h l'.mcutt rtir, front Un,. Ilen,lrrIl lull I'.ighly-fir't to One Ilumlrv:l 'md ]' t'bt) tl,inl nil III, ;:till iusi,he lots Nos. 19 iu block 316_' and 20;/, in block 316,1.

that thealnc ttuc c„nl Iluc,l by the Board of Iz,vi,inn of :Ass smcllts nn 1•tbru:u'y 11, 19(19, an, l entered on I'cbruary 1l, 19117, in the We Ird of 'pities of :A,:sr a mend,, knit ill the ltulean II r the'/(blll'elillu of :As'es•.uu iii, loud ,\u'rl'lu's of

. -I'au.ti ,,hid ;S5,aSib1: nos ant- < ' V.uc '. . ,t 1 r kcnta, au1l tuvss I the a twnnt. .,~,lf,. - ibbtlbhut bull tiny.

hut s:,n r,r pn,llcrly sictll be paid tciti, in sixty clays nflcr the , late of said en',ry of the a>•.c-.:,ntrul, inures; will lie collect,d thereon, as I:nvi,led in rcrti,nl 11119 of said (;rc:rtc r New' 1 urI. I'It:n- tor.

:;ai,l r.cctiou prucidc s, in I,:.rt, that "If any .uclt as,rssmcnt .- hall Ienian tntya1ll fur tile 1(11in,l of silty days after the .bite ,f entry Ihcrc„f in th e- tail tcc,rtl r If '1'itlrs of .A.s.,c-ss- mc'nt> it shall Ile the duty Of tow ullicrr authur-izc,l in sunset and receive the ,'uiilIIbilIt III such ;r„(-.,moot to charge, tullect and leech's iutvrest Ill' . rr „u u t Lhc rate of seven I'r I Cl Nlnnl Joel- :,nuun1, to be CaIl'tiLale(h to the (Lite of I,allntcnt trvm the dale wh<•n snclu a's's',slultnL bcc:1ulc a lien, as provbef :I by section 159 of this act."

i'Icction 151) of this act I UoI'illes ,'('Stm(-lt sl all Lcnumc a lieu a run the real

(,'-flue Ill octcd lhercby Ien rl0ys after its entry lu the said i'rnl1l."

"I he ahurc ls•cs'mCtlls are paylble to Out- Col-L. ctur of Asscs;ntcuts and thrrcar.,, at (he l,'ttrcau f„r the GJlocti„n of :Asccssn,ents ;owl .Anears „f 'Taxes and A'-"l•'rinents and of Valor Ilca,ls, in the 11uoi(-t al IluiLlin5, comer of Otie llun-Irc, l •ulIh se,cltl_csrcc,ith sheet and Thir,l atc-out', tt nnu},'h ,"f 'l ltr Iln,nx, hrttvcrn the h,nlrs , •I 9 ;:. II. an,l 2 I, m., an,l on tialunlays front 'I :t. u,. Ill 12 lot„ an, l all p:eynn lot; made thcrcu,n „n „r hoot., ALill 12, 1'Ill9 will he uxcntl.t frent II II r1•51, ;', above lrt„ciolc(h, -,ml after that date II ill he huhl<',t to it chlu4e of interest rot the rate ,l r, cr❑ Ill r ccntum per willont front t!te <1: :1l' t, III u Iho nbuc,' a.•c:_snt(•nts bccanu ]jell., to the ,i:uc Of liaymv„t.

Ill':lt\T.AN A. DTI•:'1% ('ontldi ollc•r. t'ily of Ncn• Yoolk. Ihpartntont of finance,

( „ral,trollcis l)fllcc, l-chruary I I, 1909, ft 1.27

NOTICE To ll )1'rarfY U\VNLRS.

11(II):AV, 111 1 1/1 1/ tUARV 19, 1909. THE CITY RECORD. '201! 1


rrilhin th•• ,lrrribr ,l an.a and iii to the le';rl Ill ti ,• ec llar b„llum, shall be turn clown :ntd n rrtncc,1 1'r ,nu thr I~,;-ttl I s. None of the dirt, do bri; ..r ...;t.vte re;ulling from demolition shall I c allntecii to Icmaiu Oh the premise_, except old w,,,-tar ur plater Only, wilich may lit _ left, bin not higher at any pint than tut,, feet holotv the c orb upl,ositc t list paint; also th,• tuundatiau %falls of all cla~ses shall he lakcu down only to a plane wituse cicr:ditill shall he the ]cvcl of the curb iu from of hit, b.til,ling.

The Pull uhuisir nt the sale shall also withdraw and rcm„ve all abaudonc,l water taps and chit se•rcice main=, and in Place (hereof cause to be laseI t'd it brass Ithug in the train water pipe in nc, c(rcc t, In compliance with the_ roles and reg-nlati,ntc n( the I)cjartmrnt of Water Sul,ply, (:an aryl the, tricilI, and furnish the 1)chiac Intent (It Pivauci with ti rcrtileale fnmr the 1)t taut -nwnl of \\'ah , r Si.tlitily, Gas and 1(Iccaricity that this has L. en tuftrmed.

The 1,11rcbasrr nt the Sale shall also rcmucc all h„uc ti,, Cr ctmnecliutu to ilue. main sewer in hi, tcect, and the of cninsg of the main sewer in

rlrcrt sh;dl be lroperly dosed in compliance with the thurt qlal1s of the I;urcall r,f Sewers. Borough of 1:miIcty n, :,rid f'trninit the I )cpnrtmcnt of hi,:uicc with a nrtiflcaue front the I)nrcau of Sewc ri that the 'cork has been properly per formed.

'tile imrntit fur all opening in the street to be t•htained by and at the expense of the purch:tset-,,f the building.

Failure to remove said buildings, appurtenances, ur any cart thcrenf, within sixty clays from the ,hut ' of pnstcc=i„❑ will work fnrfeiturc of ocvner-ship of such buildings, appurtcnanccs, or portion it +ha11 then be Irft standing, togciher with all n itnocs paid by said I,urcha,er oil c:ccmtnt thereof at the tilee of the sale, and the bidder's ascent I,r the ahue; enuditiuns b, ing understood to he inr7,l6 r1 by Ill, act of bidding, and The City of \ecv York will, e,- ithnut notice to the purchaser, cau< the saute to by removed, and the costs and cxlence thereof charged again=t the security thy ,• cut nliono,l.

I•hue work of rcmot-al nntat be carried on in ( Very t i tt i t in a thorough and workmanlike raann, r, r:n l mulct lie Crnnt,lrlcd tcithin sixty days faint th.• drty of Iicis ei=inn and the snecessful bi,hlc r teill I n-c irly and furni.h all materials of lair and nlncltinc i y tic ces,ary therein, and will h,Irr hi titbier awl Ili Henan guards and fcnccs and

ier[rninn 'igns by d:y and ni.cht fur the ,rcte- tu if a(cidcult anal WWWill indcmnifv and wive hancub.-ss -iiue ('it, of New York, its uflrcrs, ac. nt, ouch „ rl:ull>, and (-sell of tbcm, against rn.v :uid all sail and ami, ,, , clain•s and rlimaiidx ,.f ricatv u:unc :cicl tit aerh,tlt,,u brought against it, 11 c ur any of Theta, find aoain-t anti from all clams„o aa,l cash; to which it, they or ;.tty of 16-n, br I,tt1 by rcncmt of rotary to the per.00 or pn'I„ t(. of utoctukc1, rosOhiing from itcitli:.cncc 'u cu-,-h, s.nccs in ihc• 1-c 1futiivaacc of the scitu k, „r in vO:wlt,ig U1, tiin', nr from ally improper „r ,Ic-fe:ti,- material; t machinery, imAii-mviits or abcl•ttaOcts u>e,l to the n-nunv:d of said buihl-ii g'.

fatly stalls all f, nits, clued existing against :uliac, nt Itu t tt-rIv tint sold, shall cut be taken hut n. \II fur ling;. plm,ti r, chimneys, project inti brick, etc., ..n the fans of such party walls, arc 1,i h,• u k it chic Ic a,,,! removed. The tl'alls rh:,ll be made I't; mnncntl}• sc-li npl,urtill it' hcini- hi , ,! c lc., Virtu ~d till, and the wall I,nint,.l :•n,! tt relc ti cxclodc wind and rain anti present it c1,-rte cxl, our. The roofs of adjacent buildings 'hall hi n9'c'rly flash,-,l and piiinted and made lr;u, -r Iittht wbcI I they have hccn disturbed by the ,qcitili,Alu_ of the enntr:,ctol-.

'the ('umi•trnlh,r of '1-hr• City of New Pork re-'rrcca the right not tilt day of sale to withdraw Irmo --ale any ,'f the LuiUlings. tarts of buildings tout macltin,•,-v included thcrcin o or In reject any attdl all bill,: and it is further

i,-,bur d 'I'h:d, n Nile the s:tbl sale is held un-d,., ih culcrviinu of the ('ummi;siuners of tl;e Sinl:Ini ftutrl, till. Contl,trollcr is ant11orizcd to crt•,I"c Ili:- c;,i, to he a leortiscd and to direct the talc Iher, of .,S Ii:tanr•ial ufliccr of the City.

11. A. x1 1('1'z, ('nmpirullcr. lily cif ltcs York. I)eparlmcnt of Finance,

(ii,,, lit tulle's Offrc, F” brcary hu, Pint, f13,23

Ni II ICI(. 'f0 I'ROPI•:R't'V O\VNPRS.

I t IlSt'.\N(E O1 I; SCTI~)V 1018 Oi. I h, f;rr l to Nrw Y,,- : Ch:ntrr, th, Comp. indict ,,f 'I he ('its of Now V',,k hereby gives tmhlir mgire Iu all ltct's'n:, s, ,,nets of property, alli'tell by Ihi • f~,llrnring a;;i - uiu,-nt far I-U(':11, VII'RIIA'1i111:NIS in thy- Cf)ROUl;ll OI,

(Iii-:IeNS PIgt-T \'\InIt

-1iI1Itl) :\\'ICN(II! -x!•;Avi-:k. fu ; ii the emtat "nuth if Iii tc avennv to (stout averat,. Area ,i1 a.-, .~tncnl; I:,ith idlees of 'Thin! avenue, front thr cc ,tit snout of fierce ac-trill to Graham acctntc

Ihat the same was c"tifirnt, d by iltc P, ,aid of .Axn .,s..l , 1.rhcm:u:y 9. 1911'), ❑nil cohere-ti Fch- rnnrs 9. 1')u9, in the Record of 'I'itIcs of Assess

kit in the 1111rean Iii,- the Cillw-ti•m of :A=sw,,itenk and Arrears of 'rox,s and Ass.•ss-tncuts and of \\ at r Rents, amt unless the amount :i s,- ,- I ft, Iicui,1'rt nu any persan or pruperty shall It: pail within sixty days after the date of said emir if the acs smi-,it_ itucre-u will It. col -I,-ct, tic -c o , a, ]nit idol in section 1019 of ,ai l (;rc:n r New A'tite ('hartor.

Said srliin pncviil s, in part, that "If am• cute!, as,-s-cut ut ,hail remain uni,ai,l f~,r lhi- peri •d i f sixty days after the dale of entry thrre,,f iu the sail Ritual of 'Titles of Assesnii its it stout be Ili.- duty of the officer authnr-izc,l In nil, ct and ruecivc lb,, amount of such ansrsswcut t , charge, collect and rrceivc interest 11, nun at tie tat• of styli I,cr cmitum l,c•r saudu2ci. to Ic• calrulah-,l to the date of payment fn,tn hit,- data whcu such assresntcnt became ,I lien, a, t'r s j,li'I Iry section 159 of this act.”

Section 159 of this act pruvidi s * ' ' "An a".cssnl'-nt shall become a lien tt ton the real '.state alt,&elril tbrrrbv ten days alter its entry ill the said rcc"I.d.” * *

'Iii,- ab ,s e acs, .-inrnt is I,ay-ablc to the G,1 Irclr,r of :\s„ ,.nu Ills ;tn,! Aar, acs at the than rtrl fir the ('ill,ctir,n -if Assessments and Arrears of

~lnd .\cccs alums atn,l of \Vat,-r Rents. at In ii ti kc'l It - tildiug, Nu. Si Jackson av, rue. Lime

Island ('ilv, ll,' 'ugh „f (,)uccns, l-aw,-,-,

the boom,; of 9 a. lit nit 2 I'. Ili., anal on Satttr lac, L,ln 'I a. In. until 13 in., and all at ingot; made Iilaav,a nn i,r heforr April 1(1, 1909. w ill he c<ontpl feral inter. st, a; above Ili anal af,, I Ihat tlrtt - will be subjrr-t to a charge of intet',•.l at the r:tl,- of sc-vcn l,cr cent not Ile, annum from'the dale cthrn above ass,ssntrnt h,rante a lip n to (lie date 'S payment.

II Eli 'ii .\N A. METZ, Cornl0rnller. (iv of New York, I)cpartruent of Finance.

Cumplrollei , OI'fic,-, Pcbruary 9, 19119. ft 1,26


T N IllIRS(J:vNCE OF SECTION 1018 OF iii,' Creaser New York Charter, the Conip

trirlh-r of iThe City of Now York herehy gives

linhlic n,,lve

to all acl'Smis, sts,,c,4 Of ptoprrty, a2f,',•ic,i by till' fnbhicw'ung as-_i,'mn2t.4 for 1_O( P, I'i'i I )VI•:\1ENTS in the li0RO11el1 OF IIROOKLYN:

'l'HU1dl \V':ARI), SI•:CFION 1, AND NINE-'1'F.I•:N'I'Ii \V:\RI), SECTION 7.

FENCING LO'I's on ItLEE111AN STREET, cast side, bclwccn Flushing avenue and Lemon slrcct, and un LIVINGS'-ON SIRGI;f, south cite, between Bona and Nevins streets. Area of asscssm nut : I':act side of l'lecluan street, be-t -ire cn Flashing avenue and ]-enton street, Lots 2 i. 1,57 it, 161, in Block8598, and on south side of Livingston street, between Bond and 'evins slr(cts, being Lots Nos. 23 to 27, in Block 166.

{IGII'ill \V:ARI), Sl-C7'ION 3. POR11-PIIIIf STREt''I AN I) S 51 ?VENTII

.\VI•:Ni:i: (;R.\I)TNG !O-1' un the northwest corner, Area of ascessuient: Northwest corner uC I'nal'ii(tL II(ct and Seventh avenue.

t..AVINIl CI-:\bICVT St!EWALKS on I'IPTY-Sl-(ONI) STRI:IF, both sides, from Second a vnnc In Ili, high-water line, and on FIRST .1VIC\llf:, u,st ccIc•, between Fifty-first and Fifty second s[rccls. Ai ca of assessment: Both si,Ins of Nifty-second street, from Second avenue in the high-water line, and west side of First avt ime, betwcen Pi fly first and Fifty-second tit reefs,


LAYING ('I•:\IENT SIDEWALKS on I;Lh:VEN7'I1 At-NUE, on the southeast corner of Sixteenth street; on I'LEVI•:N'1']t AVENUE, cast side, from I'rospect avenue to Sherman sl Iect; on Ilie northeast corucr of TI•INTII \\'l•!N11!: AN1) Si!i•:RMAN STREET; on PROSPECT,\VENUE, north side, between Sev-cnth and Eighth avenues; on WASHINGTON :\\'h:NUE., west side, betwccn Ilergen street and St. 11:1iks avenue; on FRANKLINAVENUE, tcc;l side, between Eastern I':u-kway and Crown street, and between Washington place and Dfont- guntery- stir rt, Area of assessment: Southeast Comer of ]•:lct-entlt avenue and Sixteenth street; cast side of FIcventh avenue, from Prospect ac(_nttc to Sherman street; northeast corner of Sherman street and Tenth avenue; Jot No. 80, rn Block 1112, on the northeast side of Prospect ilverutc, between Seventh and Eighth avenues; tt'cst side of \Vashington avenue, bctwccn Iergen <trcet rut'! St. 'ml ks avcnuc; west side of Franklin as code, between Laster,, parkway and (Tote r, 'treat, and between Washington place and 'ii un1,;umcry stree•t.

hNYFFs'1'!I W.\RI), SlCTIOx 10; '1'1VENTY- I D1;n'l'll AV;ARI), SICTTON 5, ANt) I 5\1.1.1iv7- V-FII- I'II \WARD, SECTION 6.

T,\1'INL (:I•:\!FN'f SIDG',V;\EKS on LORI-' \I1•:R S'1'RI:l-:1', c•,t•t side, between Ale1iibben sir, ct and 1:aaadway; nit I)E:\N 5,rRl•s'I', both sides, ilc-u,,c•ca t ss-cur i and Saratoga aventtes; nI SO'i1I•- UB STIiEh i', north side, between Stone ac,rnoe and t-astern parkway; on St. \LARKS A\'HNUI{, north side, between Buffalo tutIl Runbu,•ter accrues; on BROADWAY, south . trc,t sole, between Sumpter and hull streets, and bcttrcen Eastern Parkway and Conway 'beets; nn S- -- - -\l:ARIGS AVENUF, bcheevn 1'iica and Rochester accnucs, and on SUJI1'TER S'fRIJ{'r, south side, hettleen Ilupkinson and R ickrncay avenues, Area of assessment: East slice of Lorimer street, betn•ccn McKibben street and Ilrnadwav; both sides of Dean street, between Ilua:n- ,h

and Saratn4a avenues; north stde of

Snntcr; street, between Stone avenue and Eastern I,arkteay, fat No. 56, in Block 1540; no_ rth side ,if St. Marks as-cnue, between Buffalo and Rnrltr•stcr avenues; southwest side of Broadway, betwcen Sumpter and hull streets, and between u-;,,,- I'arl:w:,v :ut, l Cnn•.cay strect; Lot Nn. 27, of I! tuck 1361, on south side of St. 'Marks it, rnuc, between Utica and Rochester avenues; yin the south side of Sumpter street, between Itcickawfly and Ilepkinson av(•nttes.

f\\'IC\I1 I IIi'Rf11 \V:\RI), SECTION 5. STERLING 1 T AC1'. i \\'ING ANT) RE-

I.\1'INII P,RI('li (;U7'TICRS, between 'Troy and Snc~ncrtadv avennt-s. Area of assessment; Both =ides of Sic-aline place, betw5ecn 'troy and tichencctatly avenues. I1\I \I1-I ()1'11111 \1.\1:11, SICC'I'ION 5, ANI)

t\\'I•:N71' NIN111 \1'.\Itl), 5b-:(h- IoN 15.

I..AY1.At; ('11211?NT 51111•:AN:AI,KS nn I.IN- I I)I.V i i A( IC, bolt ,ilex, betwccn l'ingstnn :ni.l I:r,,,-layn tccnuc<: un KINGSTON .'VVI-: N(`I•:, east siihy, betcreen Park and Sterling ILtcc: nn !,l- NUX RO:AI), both sides, 'utd on C'L:ARKSON A\ I:NUh:, north side, between Nc%v York and N, ,,Irand accuues. :Area of as-

ssmcnt: Muth o-id,-s cuf l.inritln place, between liingslnn avcuur and Itrnuklyn avenue; east side i if Kinc=tiun sMcouc, bciween Punk and Sterling ;'I cce; both sides of It-nix road and north side itf ('tsakxnn av(nur, hawe•co New York and N -i,:in c ! avcnues. 'I'\1'1•:\7'1'-Si-:\'NN I'IT \V.\RI), SECTION 11.

11.\R I' S-t'i.hi:-l- 1'.\\'ING, front 'Vyckoll :IC,-nut- t,i St. Nichnlac acrnuc. .\rca of assscss- nsnl: IL,th citlts of Halt strret, from A1•'ycknlf I,- 't. Nicholas ii,cnnc.

\\ - u—:N ry i-:p;ll7ll \1'.\RI). SECTION 11.

II -.I trh:l1BIIN :\\"I-:x111{ - 1'.\\'IX(; ANI) I..k'l NI; ('IC\1I.N I S11)l:\\':\1,KS, between I(ni,ia-rborkcr and Irving avenues. Area of as- rt: !l 'bit si,lc< of lcITcrsuu avenue, between h,ti, kA-,I l,,-i a,,] Ircnig as-cnucs,

I'WI:\'I'1'-NINt!l \\:\RI), SECTION 16, 1:.\tiI' I I1fll Sih'l-:h:P-I'A\'ING, between

.Ub,-utal''I- rua,t itnd Church avenue. Area of a'-cs>nt,iI: Ileth sides of Fast Fifth street, from .IbUncnic r,,l in 1:1tn-, It aec•nne.

h.\tit 1:1(,117 1•:I? NTI I S t tf I-;l-;-f-PAVIN(, bit il ti, n (i,rl,-loll and I)urnlicst,r marls. Area nC a,.i -.--i onl : Both sides of Fast I':ightecttllt st rvc I. from l utteI(-"h to Uarchc'-ler road.

I•:.\s'I \'1.\I:'I'I(I•:'Sill sti I I'.'1'--PAVING .ANll Itli('t'RIIINt;, hctwcen ('01 lyou and I)urcii, -.tor ti a,l:. Area of acsessutent: Both ,idr' "f 1• :;1st Nj,dceorh street, from Dorchester in ('„ticlynu road.

1: 1•:\'I-:It 1.1-1' R11.\1)--P:\VINO, from Ocean Pst,k,av In En-t Second street. :Area of assess-ntcnt: (Loth -juts of Itctc•t-icy road, from Ocean p:u ktt:ry to East Second st acct, and to Tile extent uI half the block at the intersecting streets.

XI?1\'KIltK •\\VI':MTg- t' -i'iNG. between I'.;t-h Iltcn.ty cislh strict and Nnctrind avenue. .\n Sr of a-i -mrnt: !t ibc sides of Newkirk avr-nnc, trim h:a<t its, ntr sixth st,c,-t to Nndrand act-n,,,, aril to the "tent of half the block at Ili,- inl,-r.rotinc s1w2•tS and avenn0<.

'it .\R'fl-:N:I- S'RICI•:u-I':\\'IX(], belwcen hits,'cIt :tint N„stimi,l avenues. .'ma of assess-ment: Ruth cicic' ,.f \lartcns, trcrt, front Rngcrs Ii , Nod, an! avenue, and to the -stem of half the blur is at the itn crsccting avcnn,-..

IIIIR7'll•:'I'II \\'.\RI), SI{Cr7t(NS 3 AND 17.

ruU7Y-1'1JiS I' S I'RI•:I:'t- - - R1•:ct11.A7'IN(;, I;If.\111\I; AN I) (I'llRIV(;, between New i l,,-ehl a-mv, and old city line. Area of assess-nt,•nt: Both siclrs of Party-first street, between \'rw 1'trccht avenue and all city line, and to the rsicot of half the block at the intersecting ;t r',•l•Is and as•eiuus,

that the ,atne were confirmed by the Board of -t-sors nn icbrnary 9, 1909. and entered

Irehruary 9, 1919, in the Iicrnrd of Titles of :\s;cssmenls, kept in the Rnrenu for the Collec-lion of :5xxeStmcnts into] Arrears of Taxes and :Assessments and of 55 ruler Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit oat any person or

tiruperty shall he paid within sixty day, after the ,laic lit said cutiv of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as Itrovfrlcd by section 1119 of the (;rcatcr New York Charter. Siid section pr,,c-idcs, in Part "If any such

a"c"s tent shall remain unpaid for tile period of sixty rla,cd after the date of entry thereof in the said Rocurd of 'Titles of Assessments, it shall lie the duty of the uffiner authorized to collect and rccciCC the antonnt of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of ,,_t-en per ecntnm per annual, to be calculated I the date of payment, from the date alien such assessment became a lien, as provided by section I59 of this act.”

Section 15') of this act provirlcs * * "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real (-slate affected thereby tell days after its entry in the said recant.” * * *

The above as,essnlents are payable to the Col-lcctnr of Assessments and Arrears at the P,u-relu fur the Collcetiou of Assessments and Ar-rc•ars of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the )lechat,ie•s Bank Building, Court and Montaguestreets, Borough of ]lrocuklyn, Ile-heccn the hunts of 9 a. Ili. and 2 I,. m., and on tiaturdays from 9 a• nt. to 12 m., and all pay- mcnls made thereon on or before April 10, 1909, will he exempt front interest as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum per annun, front the date when such assessments became liens to the (late of l,avmcnt.

fHER11AN A. ME'1'Z, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

(iim1,tret1er-s Office, February 9, 1909, ft 1,26



I N PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Comp-

tn,llcr of The City of New York hereby gives Nubble notice of the confirmation by the Supreme ('ourt, and the entering iu the Bureau for the Ci'l lcction of .5 ssessnlcnls and Arrears, of assess-'cut nti for OPENING .-N! ACOUIRfNG TITLE to the following-named streets in the ]IOROUGH 01- BROOKLYN:


front tsightecnh avenue to Gravesend avenue. Confirmed November 10, 1908; entered February 8, 1902 Area of a-,sessn,mt includes all those Lois, teaenteuts and ltere,livanienrs and Premises situi:,ic-_, lying and being in the l;uroug1t of I;iooklyu, in The City of New York, which, takcu together, are hounded and described as fuiLnas, t ix, :

ttey;inning at a point formed by the intersec-tiou of the westerly line of Gravesend avenue and southerly Ii ,,c of Highteenth avenue, and r tinning thcuce southerly alongsaid westerly line of Gravesend avenue to its intersection tt-ith the uorlhcrly line of Avenue I; thence westerly along said northerly line of Avenue I to its jutterseeticun with the easterly line of VI-cst street, and thence northerly along said easterly line of West street to its intersection with the uurthcasteuly l'nilnnqatiun of the n:;rtl,- crly line of hotly-eighth street; thence north- wcsterly along said prolongation and north er Iy I i uc of horty- c 1Ghth street to its in l er-ect ion Willi the =outhurly side of Nineteenth azenue; thence nnrtbcrly to a point formed by the intersection of tile northerly line of Nineteenth avenue with the centre line of the blocks between Forty-scccnth and I-orty-eighth streets; thence north- 5-, ly along said centre Line to its intersection with the southerly line of Eighteenth avenue; thence inrtbea,terly and easterly along said southerly line of 1•:igltteenth avenue to the point nC I,lace- of beginning. fIIItl III TI1 1VARI), SECTIONS 3 AND 17.

PIt'fIG'rlt SIR GET-UI'1LN INC , f - in the Ohl City line to New Utrecht avenue. Cuutirined IDecember24, 1908; entered Fehruary 8, 1909. :Area of assessment includes all those lands, teucmc•nts and hereditamcnts and t,renlises sit-uatc, lying and being in the Iturough of Brook-lyn, in The City of New Verb', which, taken t„t;cthcr, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a Iroint farmed by the intersection of the westerly line of Ncw Utrecht avenue and a line ,Yawn parallel to and distant one Ilnudred (100) feet southerly from the southerly liuc ut Fiftieth slrtet, and runuiug thence n„rib-e;c=te:ly along said partllcl line to its iuter-scrtiun with the old City tine; thence north-eastcriy slung said old City line to its inter-secliun tsilli a line drawn parallelto and distant one hundred (100) feet northerly from the llt1llktty hue of Itiftictn street; thence south-Castcrly along said last mentioned parallel line to its iuterscction with the westerly fine of Ncw (Jlrccht avenue; thence souther)v along said Ii-I mcutiuned line to the point or Place of beginning.

l he above-entitled assessments were entered cull the day her cinbcfnre given in the Record of 7 ides of As;nxsouea1s, kept in Ills Purc•all for the L ,Vnctiva of iAssessment; and :\rreacs of Taxes and Assessments and of WaterRent;, and uniecs the amount l,ses cd fur beucfit oil any Person or RteIecrt)' shall Ile paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as provided by section 1016, of the greater New York Charter.

Sail section ltrucidcs, in part, "Jf any such assessment shall raniain unpaid for the Period of x I y days after the date of entry thereof in the

said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be tilt- duty of the officer authorized to collect and receivc the amount of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate ,it seven per centunl per annum, to be calculated to the date of payment, front the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act.'

Sc-ctiun 159 of this act provides ' "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate athleted thereby ten days after its entry in the said record.”• - ' -

The ahuce assessments are payable to the Col-Iector of :Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of 'foxes and Assessments and of Water Rents. in the i11cchanics' Rank Iluilding, Courtanal Montaguestreets, Borough of Brooklyn, between the boars of 9 a. m, and 2 1) n,,, arid on Satur-days fr„nl 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all 1aynients made litnauc(- on nr before April 9, 191)9, will he exempt fro In interest as above provided, and after that date will he subiect in a charge of interest at the rate of seven Per centtnn per annum from the date when such assessments became liens to the date of Payment.

1TER\MAN A. METZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, February 8, 1909. f10,25


I N PURSUANCE OI, SECTION 1005 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Cotnp-

troller of The City of New Ynrk hereby gives Otithlie notice of the confirmation by the Supreme /'hurt and the entering in the 13uremt for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of the assess-

incnl fur Ut'! NING :\Nn :\(f)UIRING 'illl.E 1,, Ill,- 1"Il ic ,;,g uantcd place in llic l:r1RI)l;l;ll tIi I III- Iflct)\X:

'I 11'1-:\"f l'-I r)(;It'lIt \\-\Rt), '-t-L LION 11. 55_S - I 1.,RLC1u 1'1.-\CI: Ol't-NING, fruit, East

OI,c Iltntulrcd and Scvclit)-lifth to Unc 1lundred and i-, truly- .sixth s iii I. Confirmed Ilacember 17, tvu0; curlcrul February 8, 1909. Area of as,-tut,.ut includes all those land-, tencntruts and licreditanlrnls and premises sitttalc, lying and being iu ill,- Itarough of '1 lie l;runx, in The City of >s ,y \ - urk, lrhich, taken together, arc bounded and describcrl a, follu,cs, viz.:

L'cginning at Zr point formed by the intersee-tiun of a line parallel to and 1011 feet southerly Ii om the southerly line ul East One hundred and Su-sneilt fifth street Willia line parallel to -uul distant 100 feet t+'c tcrly from the westerly lice of Suuthcru houlevard; rtutnittg thence northerly along the last maniciuc,l Parallel line Ii, It; intcltsectir,n with tire middle line of the Muck brtwccn 1Ca-t One Iluudred and Scvcnty-,ixth street and t,uoutunt place; thence wcst-crIv along said nti,ldle line of the block to its in-herssCtjou tt'ith a line parallrl to and distant 100 feet ca.;terly from tire cast,rly line of )l arm iun :tvcnue; thence southerly along said line parallel tai Uarmiuu avenue and its suuthcil's prulongati.un to its inter scclion with a line I,aiall,l to and dis-tant 111(1 feet ss, tahucrly from the _outhcrly line of Crr,tona Park North; lhcnce ca=tcrly and nurth-ily along Ilse said line parallel to (:rotona Park

Nurih In its intersection with a line Parallel to I:ast One Ilunddred and Seventy-fifth street and Ali-tart IUO fe, t southerly Iherefrum; thence east-, it shun(; said la,t mcntiunerl parallL_1 line to the iiuint or place of beginning,

- I - Itc above entitled assessment teas entered on Iii,' date herciubefm-,• given in the Record at 'title - of Assc•ssulents, kept in the Bureau for the I:ulleelion of Asscssnients and Arrears of -faxes a 'it I Asscssntcnts anti of Water Rcnts. Unless the amount asse-scul for benctlt on any persou or Iiroperty shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said c. Ii of the assessment, interest will b,• cullectcd thereon, as I,n•vided in section IUU6 „f thr Greater New Pork Charter. Said section prucidcs that "If any such assess-

ment shah l remain unpaid Cor the Period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said R,curd of Titles of Asst>snlouts, it shall be the duty of the officrr authorizer) to collect and re-ccicr- the aniotntt of such assessmcmt Io charge, collcct and receive in-rust thereon at the rate "f scccu ]~cr rentunl per aomsiu2, to be calculated to the (laic of pa)nucnl from the dat, when such ti''cs-nu rut became a lien, as tires idcd by section 159 of tilt; act.” Section Ii) of this act pr(-vnu1cs * • * ",1n

_ac-c meat shall be cuule a lien tuiOn the r. al c -title saetc( tl-r•rctiv tell days after its entry in the said record." ' '

Tbr abuse as,sintent is parable to the Cnl-Icctor of ,- sse-'Illcau and Arrears at the Iitreal, fi'r the Cullcctioe of ,Ac,cssmi•nt' an,] .Arrears ,,f Taxes' and :A,;c--meats and of Water It-uts. in Ibit- _\ltnticit,al tuil,ine, cm-ncr of One Ilun-,Ircd an1l S,•eentc--. ccnth sti,et and ''hint acc-noe, Borough of The ]irons, betutcen the h,,urs .if 9 a. n,. and 2 t,. m., and on Saturdays from ') a. lit. to 1 2 nt., and all b,ayments made thereon on nr bcfnrc :April 9, 1''Q?_ will he cscmt,t front nt, r,.t, ac alt ice provided. and a ter that datc- wiil Le s11hj,ct to a charge of into rust at the rate if seven per ecntunt I per annumfront the (late when above asse,cntcut b, came a lien to the date of pay ruent.

11120 2! \N A. 111,.TZ, Cmmptroller. City of Nc=w 1'r k, I s-I,n,tntcnt of hinance,

(linydroll,-,'s Office, P,hrn:trc 5, l'tt9. f1025

Nf)'111 1i. OP 4ti¢I:SisA11:V'I- 1 (lR OPI':NIN(t S7'RI:IC'15 .\Nl) 1'.5!it' S.

I N PURSUANCE (11 c sj riUA 1005 OF the (heater New Lark (charter, the Cerup-

tn:1!rr of 'file ('its of New York hereby gives tiublic nnlice utf the c,nfirmation by the Supretne (wort, and the cuts-ring in The Bureau fc'r the ('nllccti-,n of :\'scc.ment< and :Arrears, of the n-sessmcnt for OPI(N1Al; .AXI) A( ()l'IRIA'; I IT1.IC I . the f„1',n ire-named street in the IIOR-I tl't;l l OF \f: \N I1-\'I- 'I•.SN:

T\\'I':f.h9'lt \\".ART), SECTION 7, 15- ha'r ONE lll.- NI)l:hhl :1N!) 'f\CENTV-

NIN1'I1 Si I: f: l- h-(II'l-_NISt;, franc Convent an,-nnc to :\macrdam avenue. I.ontirnted I)e-comber 17, l')OS; rntcrcrl Ptbruary 8, 1909. :Area of asscssmcnt inclndcs all tiles l:tncls, tencnl,-nts and he re'lil:unc nts an ,l piemiscs situate and being in tilt' II,(-nfiil of \lai,ha1tc,u. in The City of Ncw V,, k, lvhich, taken together, are hounded :uul lc-,-crjhcrt as follows, viz.:

IiouindvQ on the north by a line mileav hc-Stlrrii \\'c-sI Our ]lOodre,l and Twenty ninth :unl \Vest One llundrrd ail(] Thirtieth streets an-.l by the I-rulnngalion thereof: on the east by it line- 1110 fret distant c•a'terly fnmt lice easterly -isle of ( - ,suucnt accttne and parallel thereto, the --li,l 'i-unitsc being measurc,l at right angles to Il:c l inr ..f lunecnt aecuuc; nn the south by a Iine millt1tt• ligsssvo West ()lie 1luind,eci and I,sc-rte-uirn-h and \\rst One hundred and Twen-ly' ciehth slrcetc and he the ],rninngcllion thereot, atul ,.0 Tile we-t by a line loll feet distant usest 5u:,,,ilui fru,u the llc"telly side of Antstcrclam :nrntc an•1 patst:q therewith, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of .\macadam avenue.

'Pile abuse-r nil i(-,I as;;essntent a- ns entered on flip date bc'ud,rbef„re given in the Record of Titles nt :\ssessmcuts, kept in the Bureau fur the t'alleed„n of :Assessments and :Arrears of faxes and Asxcsmtcots and of \VatL,r Rents. Paters the amount asscsscd for benefit nn any per- li or I,ropci ty shall he I ,aid within sixty dhiss after tl:e date of said entry of the assess' meats interest trill he cnliectrd thereon, as pro-t-idc,l in section 1006 of the Greater New York ( ha,Irr.

Said section pros- 'Ins that "If any such a'sess- ntr•trt stall remain nnl,aid for the period of sixty 1:tsc after the (late of entry thereof in the said Rrcor,l of 'I ut!rs of :Assesanents, it shall he the It,- of the olTio.•r •lnthnrvcd to collect and re - ;,-ice the antnmn of such accessreent to charge, r'illcct and receive intere't thereon at the rate if set en her centunl per annum, to he ealc,itatr, to the dale „f i'amicnt from the date '+•hen such . - .-,lucent brrame a lien, as t'rovided by section l ;'t of this act.”

Scclilin I5'+ of I1,i5 net luovidcs • ' ' ”:\n as>cs< .(tent cl'all il,'riume a lien uenn the real cat, affected there by ten days after its entry in the said record." * * *

Tltr above asCscuuieot is payable to the Col-lecior of :\-,scssmcnts and Arrears at the Ilurcau far ti,' Collodion of Assessments and Arrears if Taws and :\'sr.=meats anal of Witter Rents, R- ai, St, No. 2,°0 I roadwav, Tiorou gh of Man-Iua'tan holtvcrn the hams of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays front 9 a. nt. to 12 in., and all 1iatn,ent' made thereon on or before April9, 1 900. will lie excel l,t frrnn interest, as above prn-dded, and after that date will be subject to a ;barge of interest at the rate of seven Per uoton1 per annnnt from the date when above ❑c<ccsment became a lien to the date of pay-,,ent.

TTER'I \:V A. METZ, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, February 8, 1909. (10,25


I N Pl?ISI?.ANCI? OI, SECTION lots OF the (realer New Yorl: Charter, the Comp-

Irulier of 'fhc City of New Pori: in rehy gives I,uhlic notice to al! persons, ntvncls It t,ntperty, alTected by Ihv fllua•ing as;c=smcnt for I.O( \I, 1\II'RO\'I:\IP:N-I'S in the 1tI1KUl'(;ll 1)1; IthO( 11<1.'N:

't\\ - I-NTY NINTII W:\Rl ), SI•:CTION 19.

<il .v R'I' EN S I•: S'fh'Ei-:r _Rla;ul,:vPING, (;R.A1)1X(., (lIIzlt1:N(1 .AA'1) 1..AYiNt; CE-MEN I' 9,11)1•:\VALNS, between Rapers and Nostrand avcnnus. .Arta of asst-smcnt: Both sides of Vlarteuse street. front R,ncc•rs to No,trand avenue, auJ to the extent of hnit the block at the lintel setting aveuttc s, --that the since teas cnulirrtted l v the ltoar,l ni R, vi-inn of .Assc_oo,nls un Prhrunit- 4, 1909, and entered Pcbruary 4, 1'(19, in the Record of 'Intl if Asesmint-, inept in tine 1lulcau fur the (t'-retina of .`see'sm, its and \rreals of 'last-s -in.!

.\ssessmenlsand of \Cater Rents, and unless nine ant mtut arse=sr' I for ber.ciit r ninny person or property shall he paid w itltin silty days arrer the ,late of sail mitre of the assessment. interest will he enuieicil th ire) Ii. as prot'mIel by section 1019 ,.,f the Greater New York l 'harter.

Sail section provides, in part, "If any such asstsslient shall remain unpaid for tin,' Foie I of sixty Java -tftcr the elate of entry Illereot in tic said Record of Titles of .Assscssntcnt,s. it shall lie the duty of the officer nO) orized to e,,llcct and receive the antnunt of such assessment, to shan p,. collect an,l receive interest thercon at tin, rate of seven per centum per aununt, to he calculatc,I to the date of Ravincat. fruit the d:ur- in such a«essntent because a lien, as Ilrev lied I') section 199 of this act."

Scctinn 159 of this net Provides ' assessor cttt shall bseonre a lien upon the r, al estate affcctcd thereby tell dayss after its entry in The said record.''

The 'Ibnce assessment is pas-alnle to the Cul- lector of :\scessnlents and .\clears at the Itureau for the Collection tf \sscssmernts and Atttars of Faxes and .\csessmenl.s and of \\'atcr RontN, in the M"chanics Fink linildinf. ("ottrt and Men-tague streets, fiornncll of lirooklvn, between the hours of 9 a. nn. and 2 p n•.., and nn Sitti-days iron, 9 a. tn. to 12 nt.. and all payments on or before AI'ril s, 19U't, IYill he ex-cntpt from interest as airier In rev idrii, and a'tcr that date will be srthiect to a charge of interest at the rate of seven or centum Per annum from the late it such assn-ssmcnt became a lien to the date of t'armcnt.

IIER]L\N A. \11.'1'7., Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

('timpirniller'l Office, Trbrnary 4, 1909.

became a lien to the date of payment. 111:IRMAN A. 2,j El"!., Comptroller.

City of New York, I)etartrncnt of Finance, Comptroller's Office, February 4, 1909.


T111•: 5.11,1: Or ilI:1l.l)JNGS AND API'l:R-tenances thereto oil City real estate ac-

quired for the purposes of a 72-inch pipe line, in the I3nrougp of Queens and the County of Nassau, adverIised in be held in the towns of Belnwre, Alerrick, Freeport, Baldwin, Rockville Centre, Lynbrook and Valley Stream, on '1on- tlay, Fehruary 1, to Friday, February 5, inclu- sive, is hereby pnslpuned until a later date, notice of which will he duly advertised.

If. A. 7\11•:'1!, Comptroller. City of New York, Ilepartment of Finance,

Cornet roller's Office, February 1, 1909. f2

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, CITY OP NEW Yoaa. Itecentber 14, 1906.

U V'I'li, 1CRYuER NOTICE AND UNI,f:Sy otherwise directed in any special case

surety companies will be accepted as sufficiem upon the following contracts to the amounts 1naine1i:

Supplies of Any Description, including Gas ana Electricity—

One company on a bond up to $5o,0oo. Two companies rin a bond up to $t25,000, Three companies-run a bond no to $xon.no0

Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Block Past' ments-

'1 wo companies on a bond up to $50,000. Three companies on a bond tip to $125,000.

Regulating, Grading, Paving, Sewers, Water Mains, Dredging, Construction of Parks, Parkways, Etc.—

One company on a bond up to $25,000. Two companies on a bond up to $75,000. Three coml,anies on a blind up to $t5o,000. Pour companies on a bond up to $250,00o.

s, Iluildings. Bridges, Aqueducts. Tunnels, Etc.—

One company on a bond up to $25,000. 'l'wo companies on a bond up to $75,000. Three companies on a bond up to $150,000. Four companies on a bond up to $250,000.

Repairs, Ventilating, Heating, Plumbing, Etc.—Vine company on a bond up to $25,000. Two companies on a bond up to $75,000. 7 hrce companies on a bond up to $150,000. hour companies on a bond up to $250,000. On bonds regarded as hazardous risks addi-

tirnal surety will be required as the Comptroller sees fit in each instance.

All bonds exceeding $250,000 will by that fact alone be considered hazardous risks, no matter what the nature of the work.

H. A. METZ, Comptroller.



1::A1.1;1) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE r cc,ive,l by the l',nntnlssi -nee of Street

Cleaning at tlic ahncc ollice until 12 o'clock in. "1l

TUESD.ti, TEBR.IIA11Y °::, 1!111!1, Uorougu s of MinitIhattart, 'I'Lo Bronx

turd Itroulc1YB.

((IN I*k \C' I' I-ill'. t-i'IINISIII NG ANI) Dli-1.lA I.IfING (1) 11AU1tWaitl':, (2) MALL1::A-


O \'t'N1.1(5 WAN'T1•:l) BY TIIE PROTERTY Clerk of the Police Department of 'I he

I uy of New York, Nu. 30, Mulberry street, limit No. 9, for the following ,,roper ty, now in Isis C.t.tndy, Without claimants: Itoats, rope, iron, lead, malc and female clothing, boats, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of money taken from prisoners and found by I'atrolmen of this 1)e-partmc•nt.

'lll;0i)ORE A. BINGIIAYi, Police Commissioner.


Q\ WNERS WANTED 13Y THE lKOi•ER'I'Y L/ Clerk of the Police Department of The (Ly of New York—Office, No. 209 State street, Borough of JSrunklyn—for the following pro7lerty, now in his custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of money taken from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Department.

THEODORE A. BINGIIAM, Police Commissioner.



SE.M.l•E11 lill)S 1)11 ESTIMATES WILL I3r. reccivrrl by the Board of health of the

Department of Ilcallh until 10 a. In. nail 'PUESI)AY, MARCH 2, 1909,

ION Pi'II;1sIlINI; ANI) lrE1IVEIlING, AS Ili;(ll;Illl•,U, AND AS S;-;'I' InOIt'Ill IN '1'111•: S( lil•:ut - I,1:5 AND Sl'I;hI1<IC:\TIOIS Ir1;RY:

I N IN1'1.1 I11•.!,, ( I11••UIC:\l.ti 11111'(lS, I'Ift\I(- .\I.\t'I{IITIC.\I.S, I..\I:OK:\'1'IIR'i' :\l'1':\I2.1TUL AN In I''I'NNSI I.5. lllti1Ntl-.I.'.'IAN'l'S. 1VIJIS-XI V, "1'EX'1'II.ICI, NV'I"IONS, DRUGGISTS, Sl'NI;itll';S 1!VI) \ihSl lfI,I,:1N1•:IIl1S S111'I'III S '1-O 'I-Ill; V':ARIUUS )1I;11,I;INGS UP 'I III, I)I;1'\R'I'11f:N'f OI' IIE:\I.'fl1, IN '1'11]: I)II.I-l-iki.:N'I' ll1)Mil0(;1IS III, 'I'III; CITY OI" NI(11' V Vltli, It! hiiNG 'I'llN YE:Alt 1909.

'III- Butt Ln' tin- rlcIivc13 of zinc suptIli.-s an,l the per fi:rmanr c of the contract is dturing the 5'c:u' IIU9.

'1'bc alit mint of security required is fifty Ilrr ccut. (511 %) of the amount of the bill,

Rids will he compared an(] the contract awarded In the lowest bidder for each class or item, as indirrlcd by flle specifications.

Plank forms and further information tunas' lie nLt aincll and santpics may be seen at the o1Tic.-.f mine Cllicf Clerk of tine 1)cpartntcnt of IIralth, ., nlhtscst corner of l-ifty-liflh street an I Sixth at I l , ur, FaanrilirF1 of \lrinhattan.

'II IUAL\S IAltl-1N(;'l'UN, 1sf. I)., • I'm sidcnt;

Vl V.AiI TI. I)OTY, 191. 1)., 'I'llElb (11<1; :A. III N(;II:AAf,

Iiiard of Ilr;dtb. I'ehr cur' I;, 7~(I't.

I 17,n1_' :i• tic•e• Gc•uc•rut Inst rural iuuM In Jtid-

drrx oil till• latrrt itutat•, in st c•o...:U of the '•('Ity It cacao ill."


S I:.A1.111 1111)5 VR 1:S'I'IAI.ATES WILL TIE roccict,l by the ]luard of Ilea1th of the

1)cl,nrtmcnt of Healtlm until 10 n, m, nu

11'EDNEtii1nlY, let'lli111AILY _1, 11)119,

1.1)11 I'tiIlNISIIISG AND Uh:1.1VI•TIRING \111,1:'I'll 'fill;, \\'1111,:\RI) 1'.\Roil:h, 1:1:C I•:1'-f1UA, Rl1 i!Ia9,M11? AN!) lhN0SlIN \V1•:- .Ni l; II(1~1'Il'.A1,1, ANI) '1111: 11051'1'I':AI, I l)R ( IN I.AI;IUUS l,Yl-; DItil';.ASI:S (dl' '1'I11': UI:1'11:I311.N'I' (11' III?AI.'fll, CITY OP NE\V V_l)KK, IIURINI, 'fliii YI•:.A1. 1909.

The time for the delivery of the Supplies and the pr-rfnrmancc of the contract is daring the year 19119.

'fine amount of security n-crluircd is fifty pct' Sr tm. ( 511';) of file amount of tha biro.

)lids will be compared and the clmilad :nvanlr ml to the lowcrt bidder for each class, as iodieatd1 by the specifications.

IiLtnk furr»s and fuetbcr informatimt tttay be „htaincd at the 011ico of tine Chief Clerk of the Uopmlment of Ilealth, southwcn-t corner of Iuifly-Iif111 stroct and Sixth avenue, Borough of Vlan-hatictn.

1110191:AS 1).ARLINGTON, 1f. f)., 1'resident;

ALV'.AII IT. 1)O"I'Y, 191. I)., 1111':UllOts'E A. Ill 7,1111<92,1,

Boar ,I of health. I):Itrd I ,•hrn:try l0, 1909.

ft 11,24

if- Srt• Gi•uc•tal InNl ruc•11uuN to Ilid-iIrrN oil lire Itral Ung'e. lust eulutn u, of he ''I i13' Itt'eor4l."

ULPARTNI cNT ti UaA1It1, CORNER nit' I'IFTe- IIJ'Tn Si minion AND SlxTlt AvENUE1 13ocOUGIL OF \IANUAttAN, CITY of Nr:w YORK. -

` I.AkF11 BIDS lIlt 1.5I 1\1\'1'1?ti WILL I,'F, 1, mimic,d by lilt Cn:urd of Ileiltb of the I)ep:aAna'ro ut Il,-nith nrBi 10 a. n,. nn

♦01dll51aUA1', h1:1tltliAltt" -0, 1!111!),

POIl I fIi\1ti1l1Nc; ANI) I)I'.LIV1:RINt; Ill'! l'IR, ( Ill-:I-SI`. AN I) 107(;S, 1S Ito(-' (1('11.1•:I1, 'II) '1111( 19 11.1,:\ILU I'.\I~l'.l'.ii .97,1) :I'.( I:I''I'If1V IIU~I'I'I'Al", A\'I' 'I 111: 19 001' Vin I\9,I Sl\'I'1?I-.N I' II s'lI1I;ICf; '1111: 111)5 11191. 1-his l 2)X'1'.A(;11)05 I?VE I)ISP:ASI:S, \ullI'llAVi-ST ("ONN1•:11 OP ONE IIUNI)RI':I) .1\'V I.:IIIIit FE.N'Ill S'I RI'.li'I' ANU 11.1.95. \N' I' :1\ ICNI'IC. ItURI)l't;11 OF .\l:1\II:\'I'- 'I'.\.\; 'I Ill: I:I1'f:I SlI)I•. IIU.I'I'I'.\I., :1'1' NIlltl'l1 Illlri'1' I I.ANU, ilIIR(IliI,Il (1P 'I - Ilf: IIRII.\N, .\NI) 'IIIt; flit; 51'()N <\\'l. Nil; llilSl'1'1'.\I, AT lit\I;SI(IN -\\'I':NI11•: .AAU I 1<791.AIi)KI•. 1%ITlZl-.I-.T, L'URVl;Gl1 OI. IlRtll)I~I,I'N, t I'l V OI NI:\V Y(1KK, 1)UUItlN(; l III•: 1' 1.911 1911).

T lie time for the dclivcry of ILe supplies and the prrfunuauce of tl!c (nntrm t is during the vrrn' U1').

'Mine anl,mlt of scrurity r(quircd is fifty per In ml. (SU';, ) of the :nuunut of the biro.

lii,ls will be e nq,arc,l aorl till• contract :ncanh,l to the luwcst birld,'r for each ilcm, as indicated La Iho sl,ct'illcaliuns.

Itlalik forms and further infr,rmation tray lie ol'tan t.,l at the ulfice of the ('hicf (It Ik of the Ihq,urtment of Ilinull,, southwest comer of l'ifly-hilll sin-ct :u If Sixth nccuue, I3urutngh of Alan halt an.

III)AI.A5 I).Aill lN(7l'ON, Ai, 1)., I'residvnt;

.91.9"AII U. DO'I'Y. M. 1)., 'I'1I1.01IItil : ,1, IlINu IL\\1,

li„nrrl of ITcaltlt. 11atn-I I'clounry 10, 191)9.


;( \re Grurrttl I list 111 Pt 1111r!J to HItI- tic•rs nu lint' hill 1111)41•. Iaisl c•momo, of

UI-ci\RmIuJM uF flrnl.'ut,'CiRNi_R ur• I.IFrY- flFlfl 5INl.F.i AND Slxlfl Avr.NUE, BOROUGH OF !11AN11A1'LAN, City OF NEW YORK.

S l-_'nl.E1) Iii US OR t-St \VILI. Ill; rcccivtd II tin I;.nlr, l u( Ilcallh of zinc

apartment •,f Il,-:lllh uulil I(I a. ut. uu

W1,I)NESIAY, ln'1•Nh1t.111AItY 14, 111111),

IUR H;NNISIIIN(; :\NU Dial\'I:R1NI. 1iiIII AS11 :\.\'hilt.\(.I'l Ii (:1) 91., AS RI( IIl'IRi:I), '1'(1 '1111; V'A\11llUS UI.InlI ii El:II.IiIN( S, 114ISI'll.\LS AN1) 111 1NIE('- I IUX ,'1\'fIV\5 Oh- 'I111-1 1)KI':Ut'I.%IEN'I' 111' II 1•:.11.'I II, 1N '1111-. Irl1:1'ICKI'-N'1' 11(112 Iml'I lIS 111: '1'III'. ICI I'Y OF N1',W 1U11K, lit'K1I1; '1-111: 11(:111 Ilu'1.

'l Imo time f ,r ill lI, tin ry .,f the• stlpl,li.r,n.l tl„ prrfurmaucn , i ;b, cuutrar t is ,luring tin. , :,r 191)9. The amuuut of security rcquin-rI is fifty loci

cr'll. (511'/1) of lllc amount of the bill. Ilids will hi con:part'd awl the contract also, de, l

to Ilse lowest bidd, r foreach class, eumtIletu- , as ioili.ii.d by tile s1tkilnialtuiinn,

I lank f,n'nls and fttrlhcr information may be oIUunrd at Ii ,' ofict of the (llic•f Clerk of file II,-pamnne0t of Ili aiti, soulbwest corner Iof fifty-liftl, street and Sixth avenue, Borough of Man. hattan.

111O1159S 1)ARLIN(;TUN, 11. I)., I're'ident;

ALVAI1 II. DOTY, 191. 11, 'I'llFODl)I(E A. IlINGI1Amt,

Itoaid of Ilcalth. Elate! February 10, 1909.


Zid' See (uPat•rti1 limit rtn•tlonw to Illd-tle•rN on (lie lust 1)ttgc, InNt eulumu, of ILr "City hieanrr1.”

l RII)AY, I~El-(RUARY 19, 1909.

)I: n:\Rl' stI:NT OOF II FnAt.Tll, CORNER OF 1'IFTY-Fnalt S1RFlr:T AND Six'ru AVENUE, lBOROUGtr OF lIANiu.\'17AN, CITY OF New YORK.

SK.vLI-:U It]II- U1( lfS'1'1yI-v'fleS vVILT, ]31•: rcc, I...I b- the It a' , l of Health of the

I)cp:u'tmrot of Ilcaltll Inllil 10 a. Ill. oil

~VI:II9 IaDAV, 11111 It UA ltY 2.1, 1!10!),

101, I I1INISIIING .\N1) 1)ELIV'lil<ING VI'IIl'fl-. .1511 .A1VI'IIIt.I,CITl? CO:AI,, AS RI•:- II'n:r.II 'I (1 'fin•: 1)r:l':vu'fw:NT STEAMI-

L'u.l'1'S • IN 'I III:Ili lIUNKI:IdS, .,, 1)I- ilh.I t 1<U, 'I'I I I•i 1'L.\t'I: I'I II I U:\LING 'It) 111: 1_111 .91I.!I ALONG '2111:lit RUIi'I'I•;S, III,' 't'\VI-I':N '1'111•: 1(1(11' OI I•.AS'I' Slx'I'El(N'l'[I SI'RR1;1"I', 1n110MI;II Oi' AMANll:A'I'TAN, A:NII 7,1)11 III MOTIIllii ISI,ANII, I;UR- Ul'1;ll 1)P '1'III; IlItUNN, C11Y 0;; NI?1V 1OIt11, 1 i :\'I' lit 11195 19'l'i'BIN .\ IC.\IIIIIS III 'I'1\'t) \Ill,FS (II' '1 III; 'I'P,R]IINA1, I't)IN'I'S, ON 'fill'. I•::A9,T RIV'Hlt, 1)URINt; 'I- III•: YI -.AIt I'.t)7.

'f he tint.' f.:r the dclitcry of ih• suppli s au,l the perfurm:utse of the cuutract is ,uu'lug the• year 19(19.

7hc amount of sccurily rrgttircd is fifty per ronl. (3U':;,) of the amount u1 the bid,

Itid.s will b, rnwp:u',,I and the contract awarded t~, tin, luwcst hid,lcr for the contract contpl, le, a; inlirdod by the spccilicatiuns.

Il!:Ink turns an,l fill- lino infurniatiun nt:ly- ba ,blainc,l at Ii ,hike of the Chief Clerk of the 14I,:n-ttnc ill of Ii a;th, s-at'.inzvwl corner of Fifty. fifth sired and Sisllt as-unite, Borough of Man hat tan.

'f11O1iAS l).ARI1NGTON, M. D., 1're.;ident;

91.9'.AII 11. ))O'l V Tl. 1)., 'I IIHUUI)R1<. A. 11INI;11,911.

Iloar'I -,f health. I )at r.l I r hl nan y ii), 1'1()'1.


;(-;' Sit• C:c•uro•trl Instruotluus to ltid-dera on Ilrc• last Un tt e. ltr l+l r•olum u, of (ht• ••('II - Record.••


Ilr.~n rvn rl; ruin MCC I), r.0 car or 'Till, l nil- ww .\j.%v ~l'uuK. Nn.;. 1<7 ANDIS) I(ASr cIx -tysia1:NIIt 1v<cnSr Itrntnt',.0 uP \I NIFA IA`!, Jill ( I I5 II N1,vv )sum.

S I: \I 1.1l 11111 ult 1(-I I \I \IllS \\ l l I. CI•: n ccio.I h" tin. Iii I , mini-si to., at III,

1!:. t ..~nir nil Io..iU n,I rl, ❑ .

~~'1:1)\I:SDAY, 31 .AIt('11 :3, 1!111:),

'.Itii't,til;iz of 'I'Iie III-oat.

1'uIR I I"I:A'1~111.A'r; .ANU UI•:1.111:IIIN(; _'m•11 21.1 'flt\a 1)I .\NI hill .\1II- I, (1) Ii. I ItIf (I/.\I I'.\NII:S 1N (I'll I. ld1I'.(I'(;lt OI' I11I: l;IIIINN,

'I h, loll I.:, the d, litcry of lilt' articles ell I Sin,- nil s :u ,:l tine ennlplc-tiun of tits conUact 1, I'i broi, t- 28, 1911),

I Ii nnl nnit ,) svcurlly rcrl lirrd i; flf v per r, nt tin',) f 111, a.'1 lu'Si at 1!II- hill 1 esli-

lluroolipjr Ill' ltit•luunud,

I1)Il I-lI(7i;Ip;IINI; :1\I; III:I.I\i':IlI.\I; -url NI-11 'fl).A'ti VI A.ATill.:Al'I"I- 1, IIl.91. lHIilt (t)AZI'.1NIf:5 IN ')III. liin1UU1;ii O1' ILAlI'.11NII.

111, time f,,r tin:- Ili-li'rcry if tin arlielns an,l tail,ii s an l till- camJc lion of thin euotlnnel I-.

I. Inn nor v - , 11, 10, 'L .n. ... . lit ~I a ctltil5' nrinil,:l I- liflv Inc i t, I i ..1 I r :l ul .unl .,I tin( I,idl : r cctfi.

Iluruugit of Quec'nN.

1111: I I KNisiII.\1; .\\1% Iti.1.I1'l-l'l\1; `S \P:'I 'l/l\'~ 111 .\.\ I'lllt'\l'I'l 1. 11191. Plllt (II\I I\.\IICo I\ I.1)\l; InL\\II t I l, 111)11 1 111 1 1 III l o t l-: li:\ S.

I Ii. lit ~- 1"r tine r6•liccry ~if oho articl, ss aria •-,~I Ill s rain tilt c : ntl,l, lion of till contract is `, I I. min, , .1 U. I!'U'~.

I In MIT,lnrt „t . rn:itv' rc,luirc-1 i. (our Tln,n--nnl .Si-n ILni,lr,:l it',,i,t t.fl,aoUJ.

I IIN Ii IlNlilil.\t; .\.N1. II1-:1.)\'I•:IIIN(; o .NI]'I- 'f11N;o I)I- :A.A"I-'I'I'1C ('U -AI, I'llit

ill\il'.\\II-.S I.\' I.\.\I.\II'.\ .1\U 141(11.\l()NlI 1111.1.1 I III,"Ii I i I I ill• 11'1.1,1S.

1h tiler 1 , Ili, Jill, ry of the articles an~i I'ir,li S :u, -I Ile ,-,ull'l-'I II ill 1111 rontru't i.

~, ut,mh:r .11], I "U9. l il, :nn„uul .,t -u,an i)' r gnir.J I St. Ifnn-

,In,l n,nl I itlt' Iu,,ll:ors 1)79,1). i•t)1, Pl'Ii.\15111\(; \\I; 111:1.1\1:ItIXG

r0 N1(I 'III.\'',(II- .1\'IIIIt.\MIT.11)\I. IIllt

t 1,911'.9911:7 I.'N .\ii, -:11.11•., kiltK.\\V. \1' IIb;\('ll :\\I) I.11t 1.0(1.110.\1, Ill til)IP 1I

11 Ill i'.iX ”. I it, Iii I ir tint- -1, licrry of !hr arlicics au,I

ul.l,li. :Ili I the cam;,l' lino of tin unitrat•t is ~., I ,i tul,r .1] , 1)11'1,

'I h, :Inl o011 i~I s, ouritv rc,luin-ll i, Vuc '1'h,nt-i, l I)nr ll,ni,ln ,l 1),il:u-; I$i,l(J01.

`~ 'I h, loll~l,r trill -!:;t,- file to- irr ut oacll item or nrlicl, cunt:tin, rl ill the sl„citicaiiuu; „r sc11,-11- uir; her, in r.,lit:lin. ,I nr hen t , clnnrx,-11, per It ,unrl, ti, d :zcu, );all„u, yard m' olle-,- nnit of twa.ur,, Iry which lh~. bid, till] I',c icstc,l. 7'h,• xl, nsil,ns nlu,t be main :ulil fu.,tr~1 up, a, tilt

III, will be (iii minim line I,.tal, 'I in- hills I,;l bra Irowp:lrr-rl awlthe contract

:ncnnlc,l at a Iun1P ur :tghrc);atc stir fur melt

,lIlhIbv, rr will be r,rluiimI fn brc made al Inn' lIni~ nn,l in iLc nialm I :ul~l in such ynauudbe,

nlav I, directed. I:inull: Inrtu -. :,Od further inf~.rturdinn tnac b-

„I,I:liu, rl art III, i~ Ii I, of ILr• I-nI I)epari mnut1 X,. I9 :ui~l i.9 I-I.; Sixlg>cvi nth Sir,, 1, a1 an' ha:taII.

Nfl1101..15 1. 11.AYlfs, I it, C,,m IIIi'.i.lncr.

I I S,m.3 :1'. .\I•.• /:currnl lu>+IrurlionN 1u IiiJ-

derN nn 162• Ittwl PnKc•. lust euluwn, of t he ••1' 1t ~- It rc•

IIbn0,,1011 ru; r,I ]III: I IRti U4:1'AR•r\n!NT of 'I ii Cray of Ni.w 'too uc, Nos. 157 ANT) 159 EAST '1.\' l l'-S!:VI.Yl Ii '1l ltl:t:t, I:nlloUl:ll ,0r HANLrsTiAN.

ill_ ( I1'v of Nr:bv YiiK.

S I'..\I.P.I) Ill 1,5 OR h:S'I IU:\'I'l;S 1111,1, Ill; r:,,,,,,1 1,r 11v l'il,• (rnuml,ioncr at thu

aLnnr ,,ll,n, until Ill Ill n'ti„<k a. In. nn

'1I. I:Sf)A Y, AIAIEIII S„ 11)09'.,

ilor.tMik of !Iaulutllan.

X,,. 1. Ftilt I1It\IiI1iNt; .r.:\'I) 111:1.19'• ftl<I\'t; U\I•: MRS"I'-11>11•, 5'I'I?r\.\7 1 1111•; EN- I,I\I•. I Ill( 'fill. llrlltOtft;ll (11, U:\N11:1'1'- 'I .\,N.

I hr tin,,- far l6r dt livrry of tl,e a1iie1,-s and ~npl,l its and Ill' perform:lncr of the euolmct is l,uc lulndre,l and twenty (I'o) hays.

'I bt :uu„unt of stvin- ity ro,l n t 1 shall be 'Ellice 'I'huusan,l I I„Ilar, ($3,011111,

Ni,. t I1)11 I-III?NISII1 Nl; ANTI I)1-:I.I\.1IIXI; 111,111' I'lli'sIti1Zl•: III)PI': \1\I;V\ti

I•VI( 'f Ill. ISUKIII!t;ll 1)1- ,,I:ANIIA'I'7'.AN. I he Buie far Ibr• Iii lies ry of the :uli,-1, , curl

"ing,iiis :0111 Ilse p, -1 Inrlunnr,• of file runzruct is .unity ('ill) r lays

'I he niumuut „f seem- ily iwiuiit'ti shall he fifty I, r cr n . (521;;1 of the emnunt of the hid ur si male.

\'U'l'lcl•: 'II) 1'RUI'1:1:11" O11'\I:Itj. { New I)ock

l-: IKON (':\~'fIN(;.,; (3) STOVES AN!) ~Tl>1'i: SUI'1'lIl-,S (4) LAAJI'S ANDLrAAII' SI'1'I'III1(S, (5) 1-AIN'l'S AN1) PAINT OILS, (t,) LUSIBEN,

'lire timrs for the delivery of the articles, ma-Ic;iais and supplies and the performance of the en., it are by or melt December 31, 1909, as sta'ed in the speeifmatiuns of each contract.

vine -Intoont of security required is fifty per ci nt. (505) of the amount of the bid or es-ti-matc.

The bidder will state the price of each item of anti, lc euutaincd in the specifications ur scbed-ules hcrcin cuutaintd or hereto annexed, per I,~ntn i, per hundred pounds, ton, dozen, gallon, :ud rim other ttnit of measure, by which the hills

will be t'ste,.l. 'bite exicusiuns must I).~ made an,l fu"dcd uh, as till, biro, will he read front the Itaal for .tell class and awards male to the luwcst bidder on each class; or the bill, will be compared and the contract antarded at a lump or

15,19 nU:Knegate sum for each contract. — I) livery will lie required to be made at the

NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. lime anti in the manner and in such quantities as 11lav be directed.

• I:l:u,k f , n- lus and further information may be

N l'L'RSUANCF OF SECTION 1018 OFF ',btairld at the oflice of the Department of Street

ILtr Greater New York Charter, the Coin t'- If ]caning, the Borough of IVanhattan, Nos. 13 to

trill-r of The City of New York hereby gives '1 park row. \V\I. 11. I•:1)\V:11RI)S,

public notice to all persons, owners of property, aIfrets 1 by the following assessment for LOCAL

Commissir nni of rt , it Cleaning.

IVll'ROVI•:AIIiN'1"S in the IlOROUGII OF I):It.,l Pcbr:tary 9, 1909,

I JUEI'N S: f9,23

TIIIRI) \V,\RD, ,x Set' f.ent•t'ol IoNituc'I'.ollN to Iliti-

1'\\'I:NIlIs'II S1'N Eli 'I'—YEln1I'O1iAR\' ~Icra tin ft.. Iirll un;_:c•, lust eoiuitipi, of

SIi\\'Ii R, bet teeen hiftll and Seventh avenues. Ili c• ''1 II Itet•u rd.''

Area of asscsement: l'nn1 sides of TwentietIi - street, from fifth to Seventh avenue. ASHES, If I'C., 1 O11 FILLING IN LANDS. —that tile wale was confiFnkd by the of 90ard

GI<tiONS IIAVING LANDS OR PLACES p Revision of Al(s0'.ea'..s February 4, 1909, and February 4 in zinc accord of 'l'i t 1 to the vicinity of New York liay to fill he entered ss

kept in the Arre ars for the ter can t rucure material for that tour use - ashes, ii elt i n f A, Cnllectio❑ of Asse,smeuts and \rrcars of Taxes C street sweepings, etc., collected by the 1)eparb

and :\sscssments and of Water Rents, arid unless 'Ti'l't of SIrect Clcanmg—free of charge by ap-

the amount assessed for benefit on any per'- . i') 1,1 t,e ('nmmissiuner of Street Cleaning, •A"'' 1 tr a Park rote, Borough of Manhattan. tin- property shall be paid within sixty flays all r

the date of said entry of the asscssntcnts, ill WILLIAM II. EDWARUS, terest will be collected thereon, as provided ire ! Commissioner of Street Cleaning. section III I9 of said Greater New York Charter. ___ __ _

Said section provides, in part, that "If a Ili such assessment shall remain unpaid for use POLICE DEPARTMENT. period of sixty days after the date of entry

thereof in the said Record of 'Titles of Assess- meuts, it shall be the duty of the officer author- 1'uLlrE In- PAITrIllENT OF Thin CITY OF NKw - -------------- '.zed to collect and receive the amount of such mid 'ti , taI, Nn 300 STREET, I SOROUGH of assessment to charge, collect and receive interest %I ANLTTAN. thereon at the rate of seven per centum per (;1111( NOTICE; IS If 1iRE13Y GIVEN annum, to he calculated to the dale of payment P that the one hundred and third Public front the date when such asses'snttnt becaulc a t itnti ,loch„n ;II in n of Cnn, lemne, l three Iien, as provided by section 159 of this act.''


I 'c it tilit.,it 11 • t rty, will be hold at Nt. 390

I” l i t Section 159 of this act provides ..11.rrry strc, t, ti shall become a lien upon the real (state affected thr'rchy ten days after its entry IORIUAV, I"EIfltttAltY 19, 1-)1111, in the said record." * * " art 10 a. tin.

The above assessment is payable to the Col- L„t A'n• 1. Lot of r,ld inn bedsteads, springs, lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau i ,1 ",

o f sessm nt a n d Arrears for the Collect ion f As c s d ~ •ot Nu. 2. 1 broken safe (junk), I auto bat- of -faxes and Assessments an d of Wader Rents, ter y, 2 clucks and 1 frame of fu-e scI cen.

No. 51 Jackson avenue, at the slacken ty, l ing, Lot No. 3. Lot of limn junk. Long Island City, Borough of (_)ueens, between Lot Nu. 4. I rug 9 by 12. the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Satnr- I.:'1 N. 5, 1 e n ,_ving press. days from 9 a. nt, until 12 in., and all Payment3 I ,~1 N. (. 3 t I' auto shots.. made thereon on or before April 5, 19(19, will Au. i. la atl'ninwt. he exempt from interest, as above provided, an,l 'I lIEO. A. f3IN(•11AAT, after that date will be stlhject a charge of 1.'olice Cummissiuner.

tier interest at the rate of seven Pcr centtnn per 16,19 annum from the date when above assessment


No. 3. I•OR FURNISHING AND r)ELIV-' R;RING 'I'\\'(1 SI-IcONU-til/1? S'I'L:\1I FIR1? ItVGIXI ll •:5 I UK 'fl. BC R,1)lJ(;II Oh \lAN-

'I'hr tit,, for tlle• I l,Iiv, ry of the articles aurl suppliCs aunt the pur f,n 11l1('c oI the cuutI;let is unc InII'd,cll :old cihhty (150) days.

'I' he tow lu nt of sccnril_y rcr pored shall Ile I i - '1-buu~:ln,l 5,'vrlt Ilnniru,l I)-,Ilm's ($5,7U(1).

Ni. a- 1()I FUI<NISII IN(; 'I'i'() 7-POI' .\I1KI:\1, HOOK AND 1.:\1)UIl2 'I RUCKS I(iI' 'I'IIP; Ini,i )ti(lI OF A1:ANII:A7'I'AN.

'I h r tiulc for the iii lirrry of the arlicics and .So an,l the pc•rfonuance of the contract it , n(• ljiiiiI rill and t,vnt, (1 20) days.

'I'llc nnumnt of sccnrily rcilnircd shall be live I'h~,u :ln,l Dice I llutdIcd I),Ila,s ($ ,5O()).

N. 5. FOR l 1;;lVIilllA'U 'I'\V() GS-1'UOl' VIItI.Al. 1I(1)K AND L:A1)1)1(12 'I'R[JC1 S •l(IR '1'111{ Itrlitl)I;(ill OF Vl:ANllV'fTAN. 'fhc till,, fl~r the ej%(, of tar articles and

,npldics nnrl the I'c'e formaore of the contract is one Miiil,ir, d iiiI ttventy (120) day;.

Iho a1,1uliii if srr'urily requiter! shall be Five Thuu,aurl 1)nllais ($5,f(U).

Bu run gIL of 'Phe Itrouc- Ni. 1. I'OR Fl;l 'ISIIfN(; AND UI•:LIV-

I'.I(IN(; 'I'll 'IIIIKU•SI%1; S'l- I\\I IrIRI. I:NI;I.AI':, 101, 'III IC L'ORODUII OF 1,11E UIIHNS.

'I- hr Bole file the delivery of the articles and 'uppli,s and the ,,Ifurmancc of the contract is rnI. Iillil'lud auJ eighty (180) lays.

-I'ht atm,unt of semeity required hall be Five Ill ,i.ruld I ic,' IhmdrcnI Ilollars (l5.i()0).

N. 2 I OR l lJR\'I511IN(; ANI) I)I;LI\%- I.VI\G 'I- VA'() 0.5.1-(JOT :AI{HI:AL It OI< ANI) I. AI)I)1':R 'f I IJCI~S 1()R '1-1113 JmIZO i(;II OP 'I III; itkO' N.

'I'lle time for the ill of the articles and o-

llpplir•s and the is, l'maoce of the contract is

on, hun,ltrrl and t,vcuty (121]) clays. 'I 1i amount of security rorinired shall he Five

fh, ltaml 'I'hrcr Ilundrt•d Dollars (:f5,300). 11, • hi,6lcr sill slate the price of each item

or nrlicle , ,,itaiucd in the satilieations or scher]- u11; hrrciu conlaincrl or hcictu annexed, per 1„Inn,l, t m, dnreu, Lallon, yard or other unit of I rrtr;rnrrr I,y s,1iI, the hills trill he tc;lcd. The Darn inn must he nlatic tool fouled ,, , as the hi'l. till be read £l-u,,, the Iola]. '''he bids will hr c:,mp:uc,l an,l the cuntrart a'.cardecl at a Imnp „r a tIregate uum for (,tell contract.

l lc I it'r'r v will be rogltired to be ,,tare at the bole 11,1,1 in the Inannr•r and in sack quantities :n mac be dircct,'l.

I:lank forms :In,! fnrti'cr inf,urntalimt may be olilailo'd :II the office of the Pine Uruartntcnt, Ni 1 ;7 null I'9 E:,-t Sixth ,evrnth street, \I all it Ilan

(I \0 I. II \,'1:i• (o,u ,i r. Ilill.1 I r•1111is t' 1=. Iall').

11 (..,,,2

'ti(•c• (:c•neral listen r•IiouN to Iid-/le•rs an ihr• Inert huge.

last cvrlIuniuir of i he• ••('sty ho.c•urel."

III ,n !)'1; 1 1 'l lllI lilt] 1)ttrARersii:s'r OF 'I'ur (''IV r~r AL: c: A'nlK. N,,s. 157 Ala 159 I{AST SI<rr =r:c::s 111 1'I rr: lrr, Iinlincr.l1 iii' \ I AN ILVI TAN,

(rev ol N,':w YORK.

I: \I.1:I) la u; ilk ic0'rul.\'fc5 \VILIF, Ill: Iii',.i ee,I by the Fill. ('mnmissi„ncr at lltc

10,10 „'Mock a. rn. alt

'III'll)AY, 11.%IICII 2, 11109,

Iturouttl1 ill' hIruulcl)'u,

N,,. I. 11)1: I'(!IONIS(IIN(; .\N1) I)I'.f,rV-I':kINI;_ "II•:\ III: 'I - SI%IC 11()r.1; tV.\GUNS Put: '1111: ROIO(1('(III (11' IIKI((iS.I 'N.

fug bloc Ii' Ille dclit'cry of (11)5 articles and >nlq~lir.

and the perforultulec of the contract is

III.., ly (`ill) 111105. 'Hits alnntnit It l-nn'ity ralnircd is fifty pct

:cot. (.511'.;,) .,f tic ru:wnut of the bid or e,ti-Inlltc.

N. :3 l'l)I: I-PION ISII ING ANt) 1)1:1.I\'- I.KI\f; 'I'1\

_ !) "1'1111211-oI -/.I•: S'I'I'::\\I I Iltl'.

I-.\I;IN115 Vi (0 '1'111': I:UI(O('Cll OF BROOK. I.VN.

('hc little f„r the Iklit' cry of file articles .null >I ppliu., nn,l the P,-I turnlaucr of (lie cuutract Ile lumdm,l :m,l t'.tcnly (120) rlav-. 'I hr :unuunt if ( ,115?,' rcyvirrtl 01,1111 1)e

I ic f'luuu,an'l ice Ilan lrr,I

I)ullars i$t.i1)1i). N'',,. i Plllt I"I'IINISIIINI; .\NI) UI•;I,I\-

II:IN(; 'f\\'11 r.t-1'011-1' -\I':Ill.\I. 111(1)0 -\Nl) I..\ iii, ("it 'I'I0l'C'I05 PuIL 'Pill? 111(101 (('(.11 (ii” 1: R(luKL•YN.

'1'hc bolo f,r the rlrlicric of for articles and >upplir; :unl the I,rr f,'rlua.. cr, „f tl:c contract is nnc holl,!n d a nd Urruty (1.11 rl:ly,.

I'hc :un,nnit of rornrity rc, InirI' I shall h'

Iii,,, 'I'i,, ol ....I 'file„• Iln,11i,,I I)r,llar; 1$5,31111).

lb u rub ui;11 ii (iii! vt!1.

X.. 1, I'((It I-l'It\ISIIIN(i \\I1 UI•:I.I\'- -IRINI; 'I'\\(1 'I'IIIhU-tit%I•: ti'l'l':. \\l '1101; I.\I,I\'Ia u' ut "1'111•: ill lillll(;II 01' 111 ' I': I'. NO, .. Illr bolo for tl•,r ,Ir lice rs' of the alticlrs and

Illlie; 'n,,1 ibr I„rt rmanm of t!IC r:,,lll r:lcl i; „nr Inln,ln ,l 11,1,1 lu, ntc (12l)( d n's.

Ihc :)ln ruin ..1 ,'uliIV 1 "lose„I shall b,•

Rite '1 1, tr~ I'I I i, •• I! ' 1 Itr'I Ill;la', (Ss '.(Ill!. .\',,. - 1'010 I-l'It\ISIIIN1; .\NI) 111?LI\'-

II:I\i (1;i'; ;u-I'OilI' .\I•:I,I.\I. 1111O. :\NI1 I. \11)11• It 'I Itl'('I< I.(111. '1I11•1 Il)lltl)l'(iIt 01

1_11 ,11•:NS. ('i'i' tilne f,)r the de'lircry ,,f 111v anBcl.'s amt

ulpli, nr. l the purfurulancc r,f till ruu1rnc1 id

'I'll, aullunt of scrurity re,plircd shall lr un 'I'h ,nlsan,l Eight lltnldred Ilulla's ($11010). 'I Ito hi,lllc r sill stair the priers of each item

.,r :nli,9c c„nl:,incl in the slrrcihrali,lns or sc11r10 I11,; I,'n'in cnnt:linc,l nr hcrclu anu(x.d, per 1) 1,11,, ti,n, rh.icn, palion, coal or other unit ''f ......ur,. 115 trhirh the bills trill be le,led. 'I'hc 'Si, nSi'.nu ntua be made :utd fnntell up, as title bid; ','ill be rc:l'I f,onl file I,.tal. 'Puts bids will l,e ountl,:lrrd

hull the rnntract otnomnd at a

ltnn]I nr : 15prrpate sntn for r' aeh cIltract, )rlirorr will Lr ergosec,l to be made at the

tiler' an,l ill till' mculuer and in -,tell riu:untkc's as tmn' I„• ill-cctcl.

Illanlc form= an,l fill iuf„rmalinu ))lay hr at the ooffwe of till- lire Ile'nartmt'nl,

N„'. 107 cull I50 t::.t iisac'•cVciItll ~Ircct, 'ill 1)11? ttm.

\Il'III11.\O I. II \\'I',5, l', innni-o-im i,I. l lt,"I I r I-, hull c :.. I"nn.

f i ll,m_'

( Sc•r• Ue•neral luslrue•Iluus Ile 111.1-de•rsl un Iii. • lust Pngl•, lust c•ulum u, of Tile• ••( ii ' ltu•r•o rd."

Iil b)l!1',v: 11. s; )l' 'r 11 PACE Ill.rAlu'v FNT OF 'line l'tV it' NI iv YORK. Nos, 157 AND 159 I•:Asr 150'l l' ".11:\III 1I HI': I.. r. I{„It~—l' r.11 OF MANIIATTAY, Ni to 1.'I:K Fe-brunly 13, 1911').

~ \.111 11:1, Ylll(%IJII•;R, AUC't'IUN1:1(R, UN . l h.11:tlf r,f Ii,,' I it I)t'Iclrtlnont of 'fhc lily ,t \','I, 1'',I k, tvull ,'lire fir sale at public 1111 Ilu,ih, ('I Ilu' bil;6,',t 1,1,1.1, , „n

1c1111/.\ Y, 1''IlliltU.Ut V 51;, 191)1),

at II) u'rl iI nc tn., al Ihr hrpair Shops. nulthcu,t Iol ol-1, '1 trelnll :11" c and Nifty-cixlh steed, \lanhull:lu, the full„lriug cnurlcutnc•d property lit lilt? llcparintentI

Lot No. 1-1 steam fire engine, C. & J., reg- \u. 473.

1.111 No. 2-1 old four-wheel hose wagon, reg. No. 2

- Lot No. 3--1 old fuel wagon, reg. No. 26, Lot Nu. 4-1 Old sleigh. Lot No. 5-1 old sleigh. I_.ot Nu. (1-1 lot old scrap iron (1(1 tolls, more

ur It's) Lot Not 7-1 lot Old iron tires (6 tons, more • less).

r Lot No. 8-1 lot old lead cable (10 tons, utore ur less).

Lot No. 9-1 lilt old axles. t.ut Nu. 10•- 1 lot old wheels (light). Lot Ni,. 1 ]-1 lot old wheels (heavy). It N. 12-1 lot old carpet, Lot Ni,. 13—I lot Old window shades. Lot Nu. 14—t lot old rope and rope nets. Lilt No. 15-1 1ul old scraps of copper and

cnpper wire. t-ot No. 1G-1 lot old iron cables. Lot No. 17-1 lot old varnish cans, Lot Ni. I8-25 old oit barrels, taut Nu. 19-1 old folding bed. Lot No. 20-3 old desks. l.''t Ni. 21-21 Ieugths old rubber hose. I.ot Ni. 22-14 lengths old rubber hose. I,ut Nn. 23-29 lengths old rubber ]lose. I.i,t Ni,. 24--25 lengths olrl rubber hose. Lot Ni,. 25-25 lengths old rubber hose. Lilt Nu. 20-20 1 11glhs old rubber hose. 1-ut Na, 27 —21) lengths old rubber hose. Lilt No. 28-25 lengths old rubber hose. I,ut Nn. 29-26 lengths old rubber hose, Lut Nn, 3(1-25 lengths old rubber hose. Lot No. 31-27 lengths old rubber hose (I%-

iuch). f.ut Nu. 32-27 lengths old rubber hose (1%-

iuch). lit No. 33-24 lengths old canvas hose. t..,t No. 34-25 lengths Old canvas hose. Lut Nu. 35-25 lengths old canvas hose. [.nt Ni,. 36 10 lengths old canvas hose. Lot Na. 37-25 lengths old canvas hnsc. I.nt Ni,, 38-25 It ogths Old canvas Lose. Lot Nu. 39-25 leuglhs old canvas Lose. Lot N. 40-25 lengths old canvas hose. I.ut No. 41-25 lengths old canvas ]lose. l.ot Nn, 42-30 lengths oil canvas hose. Lot Ni. 43-30 lengths old canvas hose. Ni, 44-30 lcnglhs Old canvas hose, It No. 45-1G lcnl;ths old canvas hose. I,'.t Ni,, 4i0-9 lengths old canvas hose (li/-

iuchl. I.,it No. 47-2 . lengths old canvas hose. (,,,t N,,. -18---30 1cn41hs old canvas hose. l.ul Nu. -i9-9 old suctions. l.rlt N. 50-18 Old hydrant connections. Loot No. 51-1 lot ul'1 scrap rubber. Lot Nn, 52 1 it ill rubber tires (10,1)00

Ii '11,1', mono nr to-'). Isit No, 53-1 lit ol,l iron bedsteads. {aeh tut to he sold scoaratcly. 'I h.- right to r( (let all bills is rc erve,. '11:c 1,15101 holder f,' each lilt, in cacr the Lid

I.. arcypi('ll, will be IcI(oirrIT to nay for Ill-' same in rash :It file tittle of sale fcxccid Lots Nos. 6, 7. 8 amt 52, w11ic11 oust be paid for at the time of vvciehing and dr-1ircey), :Ind nlu:;t nrmIluc III, -atn(. Irilhin Iwc•lty-four (24) hoots after Ilie sale.

I!,, :unlink'- ))lay he seen at any I;nr: before flit day „f '.nlr at the plat'(' abnrc spocifII''I.

\ICIIOI..\ti T. II \1'1•:5, Fire t'mmhllissionrr.

f 13,26

lIl:An„1;ARIFIts OF 'tlir. TIRE I)l!r.sR'1'vteNT OF 'file CITY OF NEvv YORK, Nos. 157 AND 159 EAST Stx't1'-su:s'F:\111 51)11' I"r, Ilt,sl)u(Ilr OP MAN)IATTAN, 'I 111: ('I'II' ill' N1:\' \ , ,RK,

I VA11:1:1. A0(IO"/.1A[1':12, ,Af;C'1'IONlOttR, ON br) lllf of t llc Lire I)epar(ntent of 'Elie City

ill •t' fn- salle at lul,lic ❑ n~Uun. I,C A,,v Turk, will lc for ., 1 I,, III, ' 0ighr-;l I,idil c', f'' - cash, at the lluspital

iii I rninin;, St:Jllr s, Nos. 133 and 135 \Vest \iul, I. ninth "I 'it, I,nralgll if VItulhatlan, un

4'It II) :U', l"IOII1tUAItY 19, 11)11[1,

norm, the fullo,ilg horses, ttu „Ilc,r

hut 1 , -se,icc in fill. I)cparttnent, anel

Ln,:,tn :a A,';. 9.11, 1195, 11922, 1351, 1021, 1527, I vn-i :toll 2uo9,

I1: clI I"cbrn:u' a 13. 1909. NI('IIr)1-.\S J. IL-\YI•:S, Cununi:sinncr.


'Ill:\n(GARrtuS of This I"IRE UErAvTSFNT of

Inl: Crry

of NEW YORK. NOS, 157 AND 159 EASr 11x1\' SlS'I'(Ill Sll:l:l.r, til,lt(,Ci',lI OF SIIANIIATTAN, Ivcbt nary 2, 19119.

Ril'i'AIL FIRI:\VOIIKS 1101071 IFS.

N O I'I( 1: IS I1]•:IOEItV (l\ - ION '111.v1' NO I'll 'Is ,c ill h,- Is•nr•d by the Fire C'oln-

Inu-"5'It,, I fur III,' sale of lin'.c,n la at relail dur-inu tIi, 1,11, 1)1 inlert rllint; the LUUI clay of June- I, ,I III,- 111th 'Lr,' ' i luly, 19)19.

\ 1('11))1..\O I. I1.\1'I': s, Fire ('„mm,'sioncr.


I>, t,' II'A1. ( III >1Iu, Ii) l '•.I tI I'•OIN, No. .19 Ill<, ,.,ut,w, N, ,t A ..ui.. I , )1 nu- 10, I9t19.

P l'I:I.II. Is' II II i IS, III•:RI•:It\' GI\'I`.S t hurl a11'I'l.,n:1..11, "ill lie trccicc,I from

'I'll I It' I) tt'. F1: 11111 .1 It 1' 1... l S'C11, -1 1'. il. '1,1111151),IL l- , H.\ 1t(11 1, 11)1)1),

i..l. :. r ii '-itI I, „i

N('It510 i 1I•:71.\I.I:).

I N,, ;II,l,lital1- ,n rcccicc,I by tilt' Cunnnissiun, by )lun! ur ,,Ihrrtci,o, after 4 p. nt. oil llrn'ch 4 will I r acre II col.)

'1111' rteiliooHn'n will be held ou 1'htlrsdav, \I:urll 2,5 11)19, at 10 :t. Si,

'Ill t' subjccla Sixth weights of the cxantiu(ntion nn• a; f„Mows: Utllirs ...................................Ii t•:xpcihilC .. ............................... 4

'1'hr• 111)1'rr,1ago rcgni It'll is 71). -. . ('arnli,lait. roust be K1'phIent'n _Nurses (Uni-

tcr,itc if title St:d(' If Nrhe York) nr have rc-'ei,o,l dild''m:l, form Im,'gush training sdlo,ll; f.'r \n, .e.. 'Il...., erc,f,ulia1; nul>t br, shown at th:. till' if 1111”; applir:Ii o,

'III1' r, ,luin'mctrt of ,i:i,rusilip i, ttaivcd f'', Ills t'vumination.

\ .lolneie'>, nom. at purrot ;'darn, $9111) per annual. 11 inimunl ago. 21 Penes. \ppFlratiu,n blank; Ii had It No. 2"'1

1 ,11 , 111, Issue, R,Inul I l lo, 1. A. Sl'1:\t'I?K, Secrclary.

f] 8,m4

\Ins III VAT. CIVIL SrRVicus ('U\t%IisshoN, No. 299 KR,,ou)cAv r NI- Is' YORK, I'rbr nary III, 191,9.

P l'1:1 11. NIYI'I('I\ IS II1•:RI•NSY GIVEN 111,11 :yhplicati i 11 will b. Iris' is ed fr nt

%'1•1111Sl)A, hlalltl',%IIV 111, tt%TI1, -1 I'. 11, 'l1I)\1:51).1 1', 1''IS11161'.tit Y 2t, 11)1111,

1'„ II', i vli„n „f

'112\l ltl:K (1b\I,1•:). (Ni al licltilnl iccciverl by file ('ulnmission, by

mail ur uthcrwise, alter 4 p. ❑I, oil February 24 will be acecptcd.)

The examination will be held on Thursday, March 18, 1909, at 10 a. m.

The subjects and weights of the examination al'e as follows: S}IeeI:n ............................ ......... ft I•:xpericncc .................................4

The pcicentage required is 70. One vacancy exists in the Brooklyn Disciplinary

'I'raiuiog School for lloys; salary, $720 per auuuru au,l maintenance.

'file ntiuimum age is 21 years. .\p ,licali.'n hlanks can be had at No, 299

I:ruarlwav, Room 1119. F. A. SPENCER, Secretary.



RROAluts, Ni:w YORK, February 6, 1909. U1:LIC NO'1'l('E IS IIERP.I➢ Y GIVEN

that an examination fu,r 1'IREMAN

will be held at a date to be ❑ ,Ilms)CCd 1lcrcafter, tb01'I'1•:it 'I')) A("I'I\'I? 711.UItEl<S 01' VOL-t'N'I'l-'Ell 111010 CUUI'.A:VIES Oi FLUSHING AND CO1-LI•;C;15 PUIN'l', BOROUGH OF ()['I•;ENS.

l or this examination applicati-,n must be mad, un in special :Ipplicatinu hlanl: to 1w obtained at the ofl(cc of the Commission, No, 299 Ilroa Tway.

No candidate shall be placed on the eligible list tell)) is un'ler ti, nty-une (21) years or more than thtrty (3u) scars of age'. Successful earv1tdates %%ill his- I,Iacrd 'iii a preferred eligible lit (us' a;l-,uiuIlls It Is )r,S(liIm; in th)• Rurottgh of O'le, n;.

al lllirlli u; will be recciv,11 fn,ul 9 A. M.

MONDAY, Ic1:It1LhARY S, UNTIL NOON ON 1'I'aiit.l'.1RY 27, INCLUSI\'1•:.

'There tc ill be a pllysical examination rallying it weight of 50 I', I' cent, and a mental examination carrying a II (0ht of 50 per cent.

Candidalrs must rec('ivc 70 per cent, in each branch of the u,,amioat)on.

'f he subjects and weights of the mental ex-anunatlull? are as folln,rs:

lomory test ............................ 2 (;,IVCr)lmcnt ............................. 5 l.uealitics ............................... I .\ritllmetic .............................. 2

F. :1. SI'].NCER, S cretary.

--- -- — . __—_ £6,27

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMSttsslON, No. 299 IIRuIADWAY, Nr.W 'nor is I'ebruary I 1909.

P URLIC NO'fICI: IS 110100 11k' GI\'EN that applicatiuus will be received front

)IONDAY. 101 ltltl'AIRY 1. I`N'I'IL d 1. 11. '1'f l' SI).1 Y, 1•'1:1111 U:11t 1' Ytt, 11)4):),

for the t'itiim of :ACCU(\TANT, PUUIt'1'tl GRADE.

($I.11(10 ti,, but not including, $2,41)1( per annum.) (No application receiverh by the Commission by

Mail or mhcrslst', after 4 p. ill. on fiebruary 23 will be accepter!.)

'tile exanlinatiuu will be held nn Alonrlay, .(larch 22, 19(19, at 10 a. ill.

'Tice subjects and weights of the examination arc as follows: 'technical .................................7 Arithmetic ................................3

The percentage required is 75 on the technical paper and 70 oil all. .\bout seven vacancies exist in the Office of the

Cumnlissiuncrs of Accounts. Salary, $2,100 per anuurn. 71ini11111ut age, 21 years. A lull ieat itin blanks can be obtained at No. 299

lb roach way, Ill 1119. P. A. S1'EN('ICR, St•crctarv,



P UL'LIC NOTICE WILL RE GIVEN Ot all competitive examinations two weeks in

advance of the date upon which the receipt of applicaliuns f„r any scheduled examination will chile. Appliealions will be received for only such examinations as are scheduled. No appllca-tiun "ill be accepted at the office of the Cunt-micsiun, by ))loll of ot)lertrnse, after the closing hour for the receipt of sante set forth in the a,l sort iscmeut.

\\'hen an examination is advertised, a person dc-ohring to compete in the same may obtain all applicali~m blank upon request made in writing „r by personal application at the office of the Cnmmiscion, Itoorn 1119.

'the Commission cannot guarantee that applica-tiuns mailed in response to written renuests will be received in tittle to permit of their being pre- pa,cd (Oh)l , prior to closing hour.

All notices of examillatiuus %,III be posited in the Office of the Commission, and adverti,ed in the ( t'ry ltt:cn)hu for two weeks in all sauce of the ,late upon which the receipt of applications will close I,ir any stated position.

I'ullic notice will also he given by advertise' n:ent in most oof the City papers.

\Vherever all examination is of a technical character, Ihts notice is Riven by advertisement in the technical journals aovertaininla to the par-ticular profession for which the examination is called,

Such notices will he sent to the daily papers as matters of news. The scope of ilte examina-tion will he etaled, but for more general infurma-t(mm application should be made at the office of the Co11101issi11 n.

Specimen questions of previous examinations nlev be obtained at Room rio8.

Unless othcrw'ise specifically stated, the mini-nnlni age requiretnent for all positions is 21,

FRANK I.. I'OLK, President;


Commissioners. PRANK A. SPENCER,



N ut It'll IS I11(It1:liV GI\'10N 'CII:\'f '11110 Cuard ruf I{stimate :wd :Appurtionmcnt of

Illy- l- it y of New \'n ek, deeming it for the pub-Ii , interest Si, to rlo, prnpusrs to change the swap II' plan of The City of New York so as to lay out the (_)urcusbOIu l'ridge betsccn Sccon,l aSTlluc, ill the 11orongh of Manhattan, and lack-sun avenue, ill the Ilnruugh of (lneens, and Sit a: to lav out a marginal street oil the north- r':utcrly side, between \'r•rnoll as and hooter ❑c -II lc: nut :t marginal street on tits' south-

,i-telly side, belucen Vernon avenue and Jane trretI change file grade of 1lamilton street,

IHancock sired, Sherm,ut street, X[atinn sheet, \'an :\Ict as '11115' an,l tinn.wick strict at anll a~lj„ininl; the Said rms'gslial streets, and on as In ca,-,• and di. otiliune Jane sLrcet, front \'er. nun at'rnuc In .Acadrmv street, and Charles sheet, front III(- bulkhead line of the 1•;ast River to Vernon avenue, Rnrougb of Queens. and that a meeting of said hoard will be held in the

Old Council Chamber, City Hall, L'oruugh of \I:ulhattau, City of New York, on Icbruary 25, 19)19, It 10,30 o'clock a. m., at which such pro'

scd change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth an II ,he,cribcd in the fnnc-dog resolutions adopted by the if ucu'd sin hr bruary 5, 1909, notice of the ill of uhicll is hell given, viz.:

Kesil%c~l, 'Pilaf the hoard of Estimate and Ap-l~urliunlnout of 'fl•e (.By of New Yorlc, in pur-'uancc of the I ru:isiulls of section 442 of the I;rcatcr New York Charter as antettded, deern-ius it fur the pubic interest so to du, proposes to changa the trap ur plan of 'I-be City of New Vurk by laying Out the Ouceusboro lirnlge, be- ticcen `cennd avenue, in the IJurough of Vlan-lurttan, altd lacksun avenue, ill the Borough of Oucenl; by laying Out a marginal street on the uurtllea-terly side, between Vernon avenue and Ilnnter accuue, and a marginal street on the s',ulbwcstcrIy Stdc, between Vernon avenue and _lane street; by changing the grade of Hamil-tun street, Ilancosock street, Sherman street, Marion street, \'an A1st avenue and Sunswick itrret, at aurl adjoining the said marginal streets, and by closiug ao~l cliscurttinuin;; Jane street, tru;n 1_ crnnn a,'cnue to Academy street, and l'h:u-lr- -urct, frnn tile bulk lead line of the I`.a-: River to Vurul,n avenue, in the Borough I 1Iaccusr City of .\cw York, nture particularly

'Ir'.acribcd as f'ilhnvs: 'Flit liucs of the f)ucen,boro Bridge, front

tircun,l acetme, in tl:e Borough of \lanhattan, In 1a4;,usn a%eime, in hue L'„rough of Oueens; if the maniinal street on the nortllcaStcrly side, frl,lu Vernon ascmc to 1lunter avenue; of the ntar;41nal street uu hue snnthwesteriy side, from Pennon at-eune to lane street; hue grades of Ila:uilti,n -heel, front the nnrthcasterly idle of the nnrtllca,tcrly tuarpinal street to the crown n,lrtl:ca<tcrly front Harris ty'l'rueI of Il:utcl,VIt <Ir eel , front the grade heretofore established at lane ,trcet to Ilatri; avenue; of Sherman street, from the gra,le heretofore established at Jane ,Ircct to the crows', northcastcrly from Ifarris acrune; of 71arlou street, form the northeast-lIly line of the uurtbcasterly marginal street IA the Cross II nurthca'.tvlIy from h arris avenue; if V'au :Alst aceu•.IC, front tie gra,le heretofore crlu4,l's11,',l lit Jaue street to the crown northeast •rIy fn'rn Ilarris a%ellue, and of Suusw•ick street, ft-,nt \\'ilbnr avcuue to IlIe crown northeasterly Endo Morris at('l:ue, are to be as sho%%n upon a Ina) br:rrillg lilt i'iy;n:.tltrc of the Conmtissioner if the 1)c2:u- Itnent of liri'lges and dated Jail- hi :try 27, 1909.

The liure of Jane street, fr mt \'c mom avenue rn .1ea'lrinv .,vrct, and of Charles street, from the bnikl:ca'l ]iuu of the East liver to Vernon it, , ,oe. arc to lie Iliscurltinucd.

It) ii,) 'I hat this I:,,anl consider the pro- -r'd change at a ,incur}; of the Ittuard, to be

III Iii in the. City Ilall, Borough of \[anhattan, I. it,' of :Ac's Yurk, on the 20111 day of February, 19117, at 10.3!1 u'cli:ck a. m.

tOes 1 Ocr I, 't'llat the Sec let aty I'f this Goarcl cruse these r'c'inuts,uns and it notice to all i n'--,nls .1I(c'elc•'1 (hitch la that the proposed change ,c ill lie enusid,'rcfl at a meeting of the Boardd, 1-, be he 1,1 at Ilse lIforc5aid tittle and place, to be p,lb;I,hohl in the CITY Rra:uteo for ten clays con-ti)m, tltic, imsd:lcs and legal Iluli'lays excepted, bill' I' the .'.th day of I'rhrnary, 1909,

I ),t. I l cbruary ]0. 190). lO0la'I[ 11:1A(. Secretary,

No. 37 7 Itroadtvay, Room 1406. i'cicphonr, 22,,10 \Vieth.


N fICE IS HEREGY GIVEN THAT At' tilt mccting of the It ard of Estimate and

AI; rtwnmcut, hrlcl uu January 15, 1909, Ill tl li lO ll l;; ro lluti..:!S Isere adopted:

\V- h,rcas, H,e I1uald i,if Eu.tiutatc and :Appor-Iil'nwcnt of 7'lo, City of Ncv Y,nk i; considering the advisability of amemliog tile an of assess-Ills ill ill the proceeding authorized by the hoard tit January 11, 19,27, to acyvire title to Wet'chu,tar aviuur, Its l')ccIt Main strc, t tWVcst Farm, r1a11 and the t';astcnt L„uicvard, at l'clitam lla; t'ark; to ].title accnuc, bctn cc II Westchester ave-uuc and 1Vest harm,. toad, and to the public niacc but od d by Lane ill eli lc, AV'cuit harms road tml AV'rstrilcstcr ac.nuc, ill the II,rutlglt of 'fhc I:n,nx, (II]' , of Ne-v Yulk;

he;uls't'2. 'h hat the II„ard of Estimate and .App„rti uu inlet it in pursnauce of the pros iei„ns if tae Gr,atcr New 1urk Charter, herby gives n~,tice that the fulluw ing a th_ proposed amcudc,t area of assessment for benefit in this Iv „eee,littg:

licginning at a point on a line midway b.

- tweeu Parker street and Z.rega ay.nue where it is iutersccted by the prolongation of a line mi1ltaay Lrt%%l I-nn,to, acetluc and Glcbe avenue, as IIcse St 'cuts are laid out n,lrtbcastcrly from Zcrct;a accrue, and running thcncs n,urthcast-,vanlly along the said lice midway between Pri~- by at'cuSIC and Gltbe avenue, and along the pru- lonl;ati,,n if the cai,l line to the intcrscettoII with a line ntiutivay brtwet'u Zerega avenue and Itow-Ion,I street; lhuuce n ,:'thlvcacvardly along the ,till line mirl,rav lrcttcccn Zen CL avcuuc an,l

I:,.,tl.mdl sueet t,, the iutcr;ecti,'u with a hills nti,ltta,' hrt',cc,n Glcbc atcnuc an,l St. Raymond ,eer Ill r, as tl csc clle'I, :ue laid out bctwr-cu 'L,n(5a auto(' and It,„'lau.t street: hi lice nortll-:I.nchull al„n{; the sail line midway between

(;Icbc :IVrvue and St. Raclnund avenue, and ;tl„n,4 th:• prnlungatinn of the sail line to the iuter;cctiu , n tcilll a line tuirlw'av between Overiug .trc,t and li. u>ou avenue; thence north%%est-I%ardly along the laid line midway between Over-Iui' trret :Ii't llcna,n avenue to a point di-tan! I00 feet tort15os:cr1}• fe,,m life soutileastcrly line ,'f St. Raymond avenue; th.-ncc noet1teastwardIy :In,[ aln'ays distant 100 feet s,,Itheastcrly from the souIIOa,tcrly line of St. Ravntond avenue and the prolun4atiuu thereof to the intersection vith a line midway between 6rucket avenue an'l IItliper,ri as'enue; thence ooetliea,toardly along III• said line Ill between ],rocket avenue' a:•.,i I Ialperin avcnuc to a point distant to(1 fe, t nnrtlteastcrlv from the nurlllca,trrlv line of 131on d, 11 arcs ne; thence sou III ea;Iwarrlly and always distant 1IU feet noltht•asterly from life nurth-,';tst.'rly Iine of 111om1,sh avenue to a paint dis-lant (110 feet n,,rtln, '.herly from the northw st-crly Title of \\'o~trhr,tcr avenue, the said dis-:at,rc hcing mcastn'ccl at right angles to the line of \Vh•l1i'Ltstsr avcIIIIC: lhr'nce northeasl-wnr,lly, nu'rlhwanlly and it'rthcaatw'aidly and at-Ii ars distant ally feat nil) rlhweRCrlv,, westerly ao l u,lr tllwr= terly furs the m,rthwesterly, west' crIs' will n.,etllwosterly tines of \Ves!chest r ave-uuc 111111 th,- prolongation thereof to a point dist:ult 6t10 fart castrtly from the westerly line ~'f l'h'1ham I:av Palk. the said distant,' being nteasnred at right angle, t., the line „f Pelham It s yank: thence ;ootImardIv along in liar canal-Ii I with Ill,' c. estrrl y line of I'rltlam Ilav Park, as laid rut imnn'di:ltrly nortltwe,l of VVistchester aer•nur• and along ti,- • prolongation if the said line, t , tI'e iuterscction ,rilh the nn I'olgation of the ti' 1ItItci's!a -I' line of Morris Park avenue. as laid nut vast of \Vectch,stcr avenue': thcnc'• .nntllor'hcardly al"ng 111,, said nrninngati„n of th(• ou,dLwrsterls' line of Morris Park avenue to a p.,int 'I1'tnnt _25(1 fret raatcrlv from the west-rrly line of Iil11aili May Park. the said distanc'' },ring, nt,' asun'll at right angles to the line of Pelham ilav l'nrl:: till suuth,eardly and al-ways rli,tant 3:1 fcct eastrrly from the westerly line of I'elliant I'll',' 1'ark to the intersection wilh the prolongation of a line midway between Suhre avenue and Roberts avenue. as these streets are

2032 THE CITY RECORD. iI:lLL V, FEBRUARY 19, 19)9.

laid out adjoining the Eastrrn b -,ulevard; thence soul hwest war dl y along the said line midway be-twcen Ituhic avenue and Roberts avenue, and along the prolongation of the said line, to the iuttr,ectioll with a line midway b.twccn Jarvis a,cnnc and \1 au avcutie; thence sou thcast- w aril y along the said line midway behvicen Jarvis accnuc an,d \lahan avenue to a point distant 100 fret southeasterly fmnl till' southeasterly line of Roberts avenue; thence southtscstwardly along a line paralicl with Roberts avenue, as laid) out between Crosby atcuue an ,l the Eastern bou:e- yard, and along the prolongation nt the said line, to a pint distant 600 feet so ill It easterly from the scnllhcastcrly line of Westchester avcnur, the sail distance being measured at right angles to the line of Westchester avenue; thence soutlt-wcstwarclle and always distant 600 feet south- easterly trust the southeasterly line of \Vest- chastor av,nrtc to the intersection with the pro-loncatiou of a line midway between Parker street and Zerega avenue, as these streets are laid out adioiniug VVostchesttr avenue; thence nurthwest-wardly along the said line nti<Iway between I'arker street and Zerega avenue. and along the prolongation of the said ]tile to the paint or Place of begimling•

RI solved, That this P„Iard 0msidcr the pro-posed amrndccl area of aS-esntcnt at a ntectine of the Iloarrl to be hel11 in The City of No w York, Rnrnugh of Manhattan. in the City I[all. I'll the 20th day of February, 1909 at 10.30•a. nt., and that at the same time anal place a puhlic hearing thercou will then and there be had.

Reso d lve, 'Ill at th S e ecretary of this Board cause these resnl litions alit] it notice to all per-Sons aflertcd thereby to he published in till' CITY Rr-rnlIll fill- tcu days prior lu the 20th day of Fc hruare, 1909.

I)ated February 10, 1909. JU51{1'1[ 1I:\.\G, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, ]loom 1406. Tcl, phone, 2280 \Vortit.

f 10,23

N IS Ill':KECY GIVEN TIIAT TilE V Board of l(stinmte and Apportionment of

'I'll, City of New York, dcemiug it for the public irtcrest so to tin, proposes to change the niap or Itlan of 'tile City of New York so as to lay out all unnamed street fur pedestrians between Fort George aveutu• and Uyckumn stre_t, Borough of 'tlanhattan, 41111 that a meeting of said hoard will be held in the Ohl Council Clla,rlber, City hall, Ilorougb of Ofanhaltan. City of New York. on Pcbntary 26, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such il11tlos.d change sill be considerorl by said hoard; all of wllicil is more particularly set forth and described in the follIwtug resolu- tit-ns adopt,d by- the lSoard nu January 15, 1909, notice of the adoptilit of which is 0leels giccn, viz.:

Rcsolvrd, That the Podar of Estimate and Ap-portiuuntcut of The City of New York, in pur-snancc of the provisi,us of sertil,n 442 of the l:reat,r New York Charter, as amt idol, <leetning it for the public interest so to do, prup,scs to change the tnap or plan of The City of New York by laying (lilt all unnamed strict for petit-s-trians 1)(Neeu Flirt (;,urge avenue and llyckrnan street, ill the Borough of Manhatian, City of New York, more particularly described as fol lows:

Tito tentaliec plans for laying out an unnamed lrcct, 25 f,-Pt wide, fir the ttse of II destriatts,

between Port George avenue- anll I7yckman si reet. are to he e ll i'Icrcd by tin: Rnard of Iatimate and I'S Oils rtiunnn•nt. Under on, of tb, SC it is pIII pusc-d to Pleats fill skeet a!utig the prolunga lion of the western line of Am;lerdani avi nut, and into lbc o,thur the stn-et is to extend from a point tin Uvckman strict wbcro_ it is iutcr-seetecl by ill, pr'dongati,In of the westerly line of Anlstcnlant acenne to a 1111111 on the n n-th.rly line of Flirt Georg avenue distant abut 290 feet westtrly ffum its into section with the pro-I'mgatioll of the westerly line_ of -Anlstcrrlanl arch lie.

RI-S lived, 'I'bat this Board consider the pro. posed change at a meeting of the Itanl, to be loll in the fits hall, I:urnugh of lfanhattan, City of New fork, nn th.: dot Ii day of February, 1909. at 10.30 o'clock a. 10.

Resolved, 'l teat the 5eerclary of this Iloanl cause IheSe res- , lulious and a n , dice to all per- nnns affected tborcby than Chu proposal chang. will he cunsiil. Cell at a mcrtiug of the lie art], to be Itelrl at the aforesaiul time and dace, to be published in tb, CIIY Ilr:ruau f,,r IIII days con tiunnustS. ti1Iulolays and lcstal hulidays rxceptui, pri,,r to the 26th day of Fchruary, 1909.

Dated l cbruary 10, 19119. Tr)-1i-:I'll If.\A(7, S,crctary.

Nn. 277 lir,ade. ay, Yount 1106. Tcicphuuq 2280 \Vl.rth.


N U"1'ICE IS IIP:Itl'a'Y GIVEN 'I (I:\1' T111 hoard of 1•:stimate and Apportiumnent of

The City of New York, deeming it for the I~ublic interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York su as to establish the grade of Church aventic, between Colley Island arch uc an/1 J'a-t 1'acventh street, Itotvugh of ]lrooklyn, and that a meeting of said Board will lIe belt in the Old Council Cbamhcr, City I l:tll, Borough of illanhattan, City of Now York, on l'cbeuary 26, 19119, at 10.30 a'cl-,ck a. m., at which such prol,osecl change will be considered by said Board; all of which is tuurc parlicul:urly set forth and described in the following resolutions aduptrd by the I oard on January 15, 1909, notice of the adop-tion of w11ici is hcrcby given, viz.:

Rcsnlverl, That the L'nard of Estimate and -'apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as arnenderl, deetning it for the public interest so to do, pro-poses to change the map or plan of '1'lle City of New York by establishing the grade of Church avenue, between Concy Island avenue and East Eleventh street, in the Roruugh of Brooklyn, City of New York, More particularly shown upon a rnap or plan bearing the signa- ture of the Pre,ident of the Borough of Ilrook-lyu and darted April 27, 1908.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-pusc~d change at a meeting of the Bunrd, to be held in the City ]tall, liorough of Manhattan, ('ity of New York, on the 26th day of I'cbru-ary, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. m-

Resolved, '131 at the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- snn:, affected thereby that the proposed rilang( will be rnnsidcrrd at a mrcting of the Boarrl, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to he published in the ('try R[rm<o an<I the Corpora-tion newspapers for ten days con tin unusly, Sun-rlays and Iltal holidays excepted, prior to the 26t11 day of February, 191)9.

Dated Itebruary III, 1909. ji'1311 if AAG, Secretary,

Ni,. 277 hi roadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Wirth.


NOT(CE IS IIEREIIY GIVEN '1'l1AT TIIIi L'uanl of Estimatr•anrl Apportionment nl

'file City of New York, deeming it for tile public inlrrrst su to Flo, prv ,puses In change the map or plan r'f The City if New Yolk so as to ebange the grade of the streets lying within the territory bcunded by Brooklyn avenue, Clarendon road,

Albany avruuc, Avenue 1), East Forty-fifth street, Yarragut road, Pacrdegat avenue, East Thirty-uiutlt street and Foster avenue, Borough of Ilrouklyn, and that a meeting of said hoard will be held in the Old Coo ocil Chamber, City 11 all, 11510 ugh of 1)1 unhattan, City of Ncw York, at February 26, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. no, at which such proposed change will be considered by said lioard, all of which is mu re particularly set forth and described in the following resolu- tions adopted by the Board ou January 15, 1909, u,,lice of the adoption of which is hereby given, Si,:.:

Rcsulved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap -puttionulcut of The City of New York, in pur-sua❑ce of the provisions of section 442 of the lhealer New A'urk Charter as amended, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of the streets lying witl,in the territory bounded by Brooklyn avenue, l iarcndun road, Albany accuue, Avenue 1), East Furtydifth street, I'arragut road, 1'acrdcgat ace' uue, East 'Iii irty-n ill tlt street and Faster avenue, in the 13nruugll of Brooklyn, City of New York, more particularly shown upon it utap or pIan signed by the Secretary of the Board of , sti-ulate and :Appurtionnteut and bearing date of May 26, 1911,). Resulted, That this ]:ward consider the pro-

msed change at a meeting of the Board to be iicIll in the City flall, Borough of Manhattan, City at New 'Salk, tin the 2titlt day of 1'cb- ruary, 19119, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, 'Eli at the Secretary of this Buartl Cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-,nn, aifiett-d thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to be hcl,l at the aforesaid tulle and place, to be pLLlished iu the Li-1Y Recoau and the corporation ue,o%spapers fm- tell clays continuously, Sundays and legal bulidays excepted, prior to the 26th day of I-cbruary, 1909,

Dated I ebrmuy 10, 1909. JOSEPH 11AAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1.106, Tcleplhoue, 2380 Vforth,


N U"I'IC. IS 1I:RI•:CY GIV1?N '1'HIAT Tll: 1i(ard of l-:.timatc and :\pportionnient of

File City oil Now folic, dccming it for the pub-lie intcic't 5" to du, propuscs Iii change the map or plan of 'File City of New York so as to dis-cuntinue I :hIt 'l'wcuty-third street, between Ace-hire 1) and Platlush ;n'cnuc, l;urough of Brook-Is-n, :Ind ih:tt a ntcctiug of said hoard will be hcl,l in the (11,1 C'uuncil Chamber, City Hall, 11nr-high of \lanhattuu, City of New York, tin l 1G, 19119, at lu.3t1 o'clock a. Ill,, at which ,nth prnpnscil change will lie uunsidcred by said Itu:ud; all of which i; murc liarlinllarly set (urlh ❑n(l plc-icribctl in the fuilowing Its ululina; aduplcd by the hoard tin January IT, 191)9, 1A lice of iile atloptiou of which is hereby giccu, I ir.:

ltcsolved, That the L'oard of Estimate and Ap-I,uttiunmcnt of The City of New York, in Pur-<vaucc of the pruciciuns of suction 442 of the I .rcatcr Xis Yln-k Charter as amended, deeming it for ibc public interest su to du, protc'ses to c_lian,cc• Ibe map ur plan of The (pity ,f New 1 irk, by di.cuulinuiug i,a,t Twenty-third 'treet, bet-en :\acme 1) and Flatbush avcuni, in the Iiuruu,hh of Ilr<, klyn, Lily of New York, Into, :I rliru l;n- lr ,Icscribcd as follows: I:tst luruly-thir1l c(rcct, is h('rrlofore laid

r,nl b lw,, n :Atl nnc I) and I-Intbu,,b avenue, is to In: di,cuutinurrl, (lull is to h:nc its soutbc-rly tcrminu= at .\cruuc 11, in acoun ktuce with a hilly, brarin¢ the signatlilc of the Cunnnis'i,lncr of I'nhlic \\'nrko and datrri I)eecmb,r 23, 191)8.

Rrculc,II, Thai this itoard cllusidrr Itie prno-1 ch:uigc at a lm-o t ni of the IRl;n'd, to be

held in the (its 11411, lillnnlgh of \I; utbattan, (it' r,f Now York, nn the 2Gth 'lay of Pcbr al' y, 15119, is Ibo3n o'clock a. lit.

1(1111lv1 iI, "I hat Ilse Secretary of this Roard caws thee' rc solutions and a notice to all per-,un, all, dell thereby that the ploposcd ch:ulge will be considered at a noting of Ill,, Board, to hr Lrld at the afore':,irl fintc ;ulrl place, to be pul,li=lwcl in the ('III I(rc 115th (Hill the curnnra-tiuu ncw•papers for Ica days continunu,ly, Sun-dacs and legal hnlirlays e xcepir d, prier to tine 21,1 Ii day of I'ebru:n-v, 19119,

Dieted Pehruary In. 19)19. I()SI1'lI Il\ 1(i. SI cr lacy,

Nu. 277 Broadway, Bull nl 1406. Telephone, 2280 WIelh.


N U1ICI: IS IIERI-11Y GIVEN THAT', AT the utceting of the Board of I-stnuate

and \ppurtiuunlcut, held tilt January 15, 1909, t i:c following resin uti uus were adopted:

1Vhureas, the Huard of Estimate and Appor-tiuumcut of Tile City c If New Yurk is cunsider-iug the adci,ability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises ic- gnin-d for the Opening and extending of Iluughtuu avcuuc, from Bolton aveule to the bulkhead Bile of Wcstcbcstcr Crick; Ouimby avenue, fruul 'S'hire Plains road to the bulkhead line of \Vc-tchcstcr Creek; Story avenue, from White Plains road to the bulkhead line of Wc,t- c he ,,l, r Creek; Ile I ul;tny 'tvonnc, Ir(llo 1Vhn,: Plain, 111411 to the bonehead liuc of \V_,lchc,tcr I: reek, and Turnbull avcuuc, front Wbitc Plains road to the bulkhead line of Westchcntcr Cror-k, in the L'uruuch of The Bronx, City of New York; and

\Vhcruas, The hoard of Estimate and Appor-tiunmcut is aulhnrized and required at the tints of the adoption of the resuliitiun. directing the institution of Ibroccedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing itnpruvenient lu fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding,

Resolved, 'that the Board of Estimate and "Al,poltiunw('nt, ill pursuance of the provisions of section 91)0 of the Greater New York Charter, bcrrby gives notice that the following is the iirupuud area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at the point on the westerly bulk-load line of Westchester Creek where it is iulcrsected by a line midway between Ludlow all hut and Boughton avenue and running thence suutbwardly along the said hulkhead line of Westchester Creels to the intersection with the prolungatiou uhf a line midway between 'Purn-bull avenue and Lafayette •wcntle, as these stice•ts are laid out westerly front Zerega (ve-rge'; Ihcnce wc'twarrlly along the said line mill-way hmwcrn '1'tunbull avenue and Lafayette avenue, and alum; the prolongations of ill,- Said line, to a point distant100 fret westerly from the westerly line of White Plains road, the said distance bcing measured at right angles to the line of \I'hitr Plains roar]; thence north warilly ❑nrl always 100 feet westerly front an,i parallel with the we'tcrly line of White Plains road to the iutercection with the prolongation of a line midway betwcrn Ifoughtnn avenue and Quimby avrnu,•: tbcure wrtwrn'rlly al,m{; the I'rnluul;a- tiun of tbc• said line midway between Iloughtun avrnuc and 0uimby avenue to the intersection cith a lime nlirlway between Bolton avenue and

I'nrlerhill avenue; Ihrncc• uurtbwardly along tit,-Qai11 line ,nidw'ay between Rolton avenue and l'!-~']crhill avenun In the intersection with the t rr lungatiun ui a line midway between f,udlow avenue and I lull alilnn avenue, as these streets are laid tint at White, Plains road; thence east warily along a line always midway between

Ludlow avenue and Iluttghton avenue, and along the prolongations of the said line to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved, That this hoard consider the pro-posed area at assessment at a mccting of the lioard, to be lield in The City of New York, hill ough of tllanhattan, in the City Itall, on the 26th day of February, 1909, at 10.311 a, nt., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will Ihcu and Ihue be had. Rcsolvcd, That the Secretary of this Board

cause these resolutions and a notice to all b"- Spills affect-d therchy to be published in the Ct ry Itl:coau for full days Prior to the 26th day It I cbtuary 10, 1909. Dated Pcbruary 10, 1909.

JOSICI'II 11:\,\C Secretary, No. 277 Broadway, Raoul 1406,

Telephone, 2280 Worth, f10,23

ICE 111•:RP.L'Y GIV1`N '11121' Al' N the]- meeting of the Board of Estimate and

.Appurtiluuvnt held oil January 1:,, 1909, the ful-lluwiug resolutions wcrc ado nccl1

11'hrrcar, 'Ihc d Iluru if i,sliniate and Appor- tilinntcnt If The ('ity of New 'Sulk is consider-lIhg the a'lrisability of instituting prucecdin..s Ill acquire tills lu Ilic lands and picutises required fur the uptuiug and cxtmidling of St. Raymond aecuuc (I'uurlh street), bt•Itveen l'rulrctury ave-nuc and 11 'illi:tvlsbridge road, in the Borough of The Ilrunx, l ity r,f New Yurk; and

11'hcrcas, The Board of Estimate and :\ppor-tiunnlcnt is authurizcd and rcluired, at the time of Ill,' adoption of the re5,lih11on <,Ilecling the instil utiI,u of proccccliu gs to acyuirc title to the lands rcgnircrl for the trcgoing illlpiilVclilcIlt, to nix alibi ilelerm,oe upon an area ur areas of fair benefit for -air] lruccecling.

Kesuh eel, That Ilse Plard of l':,tinlate and Ap-pnrti,ntmcut, in pnrauance of the Itro visions of sect ion 980 of the Greater New lurk Charter, bcrcby gives notice that the following is the propuscd area of asscssulent for benefit iu this hill cc,.lin g:

1Agiuuing at a point on the nurtheastcr ly line Ill Seddon sheet where it is intersected by the 1widt-ngatiun of a line midway between St. Ray-ulunil avenue aml \Iacklay avenue, a; these ,Meets :tie laid Out beture•n ()s•criug street and 1;cusm avcnuq at,,[ rennin{; thence uurthcast-I, irclly almg the said line midway bctwccn St, h<a3illou'l acennc and 11acklay neenue, and along the lirlliiiu)lduul of the said line, to the north-castcrly line of \IiIBlmsbeidge road; thence lull Ihc;tstwardly at right anti's io 1Villiauuhringe road a lil.'::mrC of 100 fiat; thence s,ntthca:,t-tca''lly ;nil parallel will] AAllliamsbritl c road to the intcr.,rr t I. l 1 with the I,r„lu,i>;:cliun if a line lli'l:uu IUn fill soulhc'acterly from and pa rallc l 1,011 the suulhcaslctly line of St. Raymund avc-nue, as Ill out brlwrcu %crrga avcnuc and St. I't•Ic is accnuc: thence ,uulhwctw:udly all,ng Ibc 55111 line parnllt.l wish St l:rtymiu,l avcnuc, and al:,ug the prulungatil,n of the slid liuc, to the in tcrsrctiun with the nllrlhca,tcrly line of %crcga accnuc: LLcicr hvestu'ardly ill a straight liuc to a p!iut un the sutttlhueslcrly side cif -/.rrcea avenue aI,, re it is intersecle,l by a line InI %%l1Y bctircc•n St. Raylnl,nd avcnuc and Glcbr avenue, as Ihc~e slr<•rls arc laid out between Ztrcga avenue an,l (;I'Vur sheet; thence suuth-wc,lwarllly al,lnl; the said line mi-,l.cav brticcc-n St. ](aannlu,l act tnlc ar.,l (;Icbr avcuuc, a'Id along the mid ngatiun of the said line, to lie iln11511' iln uilll the prulundatim of a line mid-way bcllvccu St. Rayuluud avrnnc an,l Starling Ii (11111, (IS Ihcse ,heels arc 1:11,1 ant west of lI,tle hill avrnnc: ihrncc wc:;lwanlly along the ,ai,l line lui,lwav b, t'sc_lcn tit. Itatcnlln,l ave-uur ;mild Starling ;nrnnc, (hull ahug the pru- u e;ni nn, ..t Ilc. :,..Ad line, Ill rt point di'tanl 11111

icct ar,tc,ly form file wcnlcrly line If Pru-tretury al' aloe, the =(nil di,tauce 111110 Inca,nrccl at right anLlcs lit till, line i,f I'r Irttnry avcnuc; tilt lice uurtlnc:udly an,l lialail'I with I't ,trcluty accunr to the int:rscc:ilin xilk Ili' pruluugatiun .,f a liar niidwav hcicveeu St. kavunmll ;n'enue an,l I'alkr•r Sill-It , a: these 511ccts :are laid out bratcceu Castle hill avcune alul 1,1., rt„ry ave-nu,-; thrncc ca;twarmly along the said line inid-trII, Lciwcen St. I:aymun,l ae ,,ve and Parker 1Lcrt, anal al'nlg Ihit' prnlun>;atinns of the swirl liar, to the inl'I'ection wills the prulnngati,n of a liar pa rallc l with It lusry sheet, and passing linngh Ibc point of brl;inning; II c::cr nur iii' t,lwanlly sl u g flu 1.:n 1 line parallel l%,Ih Uur-'y slr,:rt, and ahoy the pr,l....','ml ion of the said

Bile, l., the it iut u ,, place of bo;tinliiug. B,-ii cd, 1li;tt this lh.'.i d rill siJcr tbo prn-

pic,I alva "f ;I-,c-r!nrill ;It it nutting of the IL,anl to be 1X14 in 'I'llc ( its of Xc-w fork, 1:l,ruu_"It of ACanhaltall, in !br Cily ]fall, cull the 31,111 rkty' of Pcbru:u-y, 1909, at .10.30 :t. m., and licit at the• =:unc little and iliac(- a public healing tin r, „n will Ih, n ;u,,] Ih' Iv be bail,

ltrsnlvcil, "I That Ills Secretary of this Cnaid rau,c thr,c rrsulutillns void a entice to all In' 01,115 alIccttd thrrrby to be publi,hrd ill till- ('Try It r:, ulco foil ten d;tys prior to the 26th day of I'cb-I II, II v, 17n0.

I .111 11 Debi urn v 10, 11109. JU51!I'II lb 00(1, Scctet:;rs,

NII, 277 Broadway, I-1(111, 'f1, ph„tic., 2289 \V„I ill,

f 10,23

l It I.: IS Illiltl•a,'Y GIVEN '1'11:Y T1' A N u Ihr iIhl,'l-ihulg of the Board of I•stimate lid Ap Ill Itiunlnc tit, bclrl tin Janllary 15, 1909, tin fl,lluwiny; r, •ulnliuns wcrc alL'plcd:

\1'hr era,, 'I Ill l;ir.rd of l:stiutate aucl Ap III' liol,incrl of 1 Lc ( ily of Ncty \'."k is cliliSidcr-Ing Ihr aIlti,ubili!y of instionting pr111'rc111:1gs to atrluirc lit lc to the land]., and prc'uinrs rrquirc,l fin the upcuilig and txtcnlliug of l'ackanl strict, Lctwccn l,'urdc-n :none and .\li'l,llrburt; :tvrnut•, ill Ibc 101I11ngh of tJuceu,, ( ity of New Yurk; ;nicl

\1'l i,•i, ;t=, 'Ilr• 1., .1 rd of I:.,l imitte :Ind] Appur -tiunmcut is :ntlhwizr,l and Ii,lniICrl at the time' of Ib- aIlupliun of the rc,,luliun dirccti11 the iii,litutiuu of Ini' r111iug', [ml ;c]nirr title to the lands rcquirc,l fur ill(- foti gluing itrlluuvcmt-nt (u fix and ,llIImminr nl,un ;In area III arias of as-.,'s,ruc tit fur b, u, fit for said Prnccrdiug,

Ilr,l,lrccl, That the Itnanl of 1;,fi iate and :\I'. I,urtiuuutt tit, in Inn rr.n:ulcc ui the Ihill i,iuns of ,rtiun 9511 of Ibc (;water N,•tv Yurl< Charter,

hi_u by gives I... tic,- That the following is the pro-pl,sl1I area of asscs,nnot for bcnctit in Iills 1ri- c. Ills::

L'unnll,•ll nn Ill' nu,lh by a line ,li'lant Iflll Foil n'.101,rly frnol (huh palall.I witb Ihi• nollb. Ily l (Ill' of I;:Inn,rt ;,Venn.., for said IIi'Ianre Ilt.

inn lur;....I,d at Iigla :1111th', to bill' liuc of I:;lr-u, It ;nrnur 1 nn Ihr , a>.t I:v :t line midway hr-1 .rr, it ]';to kau l tit r, , t rnl.I Miss slim t al by the IOn,luul;atinns of Ihr will liu, ; on hill' snnlh by a Inir .h-Iant lull fr,•t s 11111rrlv trill a...I will) Ihc• -u!nhrly line of Ilnl,lrn :n'<•nne, flu. ,aid ,li• L1i111,' mr II. hill I ail richt (11101es to t)1, lirn' m,I I;,lrll, n at'enno: and on IItc wr't by a lino uli,lartv b--twc,•il I';trkarrl sI evil :ulll Lnrnst ml rrrt n,I by Iii, ,rullnicalirnls uI IIhr :ai,l line.

ki,nlv11l. 'I but this hoard cunsi,lrr the Ilrn - I,n,rcl rnra 'if S _I''lucnt at n arming of Ihr IF,ard Ir, be held in Thr• ('its of Nu w Yi IO,ir uilgll r,f \I:Inhaltan, in Iii,' (vile Mill, on fit.:!loth ,lac ni 1't1 iin:trv, 19119. al 1(1.:111 a. in , and dial :II IlIr tome time• amt plarc n Inlblic hc;,,int' tin rrun will huh and 111rrr II hail.

R c•sulvtd, 'I i lit late S, IcI;ny of this 11o,yrul ca,Ic these r I'll lutintls ❑ nrl a nntirt• to all Pel. sous affected thereby to lie pttbli,bcd ill this

I.lry Itrsul<n for ten drtys prior to the :11th day It l-cluttary, 1'10'1.

llalul I"bru:uy I0, 1909. 115:111 il.\.\(;, Sccrclarv,

Nu, 277 1lruahum al', Room 1406. '1'clehhunc, _"NO 11m-ti,


N Ul'l(11 IS 111?la:L'l' GI11:N 'I11.11' AT the tncctiug 1,1 the lluald ut I'.,tiln:ue 11111

.tppurtiun lnc ut held oil J;ulualy 15, 121,9, the full,ncinti rc sululiuu, Isere allupiell1

11 Lcrl_;t>, '1'hc Ihuard of 1'aumale and "\I'Iu'im` liunntcnt ul '1lie (:ity of New 'Still is cunsi,ltr- iuy; the atkisabilily of iu,tituting I,rucculiug, to arItnirc title to the lan,ls and Ptt'tniscs rtynind fur the upcniu;; and cXtcnrliug of I'uolrr arcuuc, hcltec, a I'lalbu,h accunc and 10;111,11 :ncnuc, ex. chiding the laud tinned by the Long Island kail-Iliad, and Iii 75111kinic avcunc, bcUCCCU L'ruulclyn avenue au,l \'usU :old avcln;c, in the Ituruuy:h O f L'rnula}u, I.-ily of :7 ew Ynrlc; and

11hcrca< 'Tile 1iu'aril of 1,'slimate awl :11'por-iiunnlcnt is twthurizcd ;lull rcuuirccl at the tiolc of the ad',pliun of the rr,ulutiun diroc'ting Ili, in:,tilutiu,I of rime 11 to ac'ynite title to the tau.Is 1c1l1 birt rl fill the 'o-g,'1ll0 inlprnrcnu tit to nix 41111 d,tc•ruliuc uPun an aura cn area, of as-s, nsnleui fur bull iut fur naiol Price' ding.

kcsulvul, 'I Ilan the ftunrd of ICslinlatc ill :\It pu r huunBn1, in pursuaucc of the uruci,ion' of .So ctitiu 9811 of the l;r,alcr New Yuck C: kartcr, Itcrvbv gives uulicc that the following Is tale prn- pu>cil aria of ay'cssulcut fur benclit ill this Pro- c ,,lilig:

ih1,mniug at a puinl u❑ the sonthtvc,t , l lv liuc of Plathush ill ,uuc whtrc it is lllio,tctvd by bill' prulmlgaliun of a Bile uticlway bclwccn Ncwkilk arcnnc and Pearl avt nut, its till ,c >trrcIs are Iaill tint ca-telly bout I'latbtl',b asrnne, runt run-ning lhrucc ea,ii4ihU9 along the =ui,l line mi,l-trly between Ncwl:irl: ltvenuc (11111 I strr av, one In the intcr.,ccliun with a ]buy' mid'ay bctwevu I-:;ISI T'%( titI' , iylll1, sheet and l':a,t 1-,Iti, st r, cl ; thence aurlbtcarrile 111,1110 the s;nd lino nliclw•ac bet%, ., Fast 'Iwcuty'-ciy;lffth stl(ct and l,:a,t I- wl my 11inlh et reel to the lull, r],,cli,iu wills a l in,- mi'lway bctw•ccu \vc•unc I) and N, wkirl< air nut ; Ihctice t•a-taardly :gone till' sail liar mlIlway b,tw,rn :\vcnnc l) mid Newkili< ac,unc, :Ind Ill' prul.mnpatiun thelcof, to tIll • iincrscctiun cilh a liuc to iIltvav belle ccu Ilru, d:;rn arc null' vlll 1(;t•I IIIty-ni•l,nlII sheet; Nur'tur'e ,I,V1.va1AII1 aluug the 51111 I lino nlidccny be Iwrl II IlnlukI Iii avcnur and last fhirlv-i. II cnl11 ,I r, hi lu tlic in ter>I ctii,n teitb ;t liuc mid"av ihstlis, n .\v, uue Ii loll I'u"ic I :n'cnn ; Iii, arc c Iv.w ii',' ;hunt the

14,1 hill mi,lwac bclwct'Ii 1\5l 11111' I I an,1 F-1 I. :In nu,, :In,l till l,n, lu 11 gal i., a Ii rrou f, III a point ,litanl 1111) fcct ra-I, rlv (rum tfc rate rly liar o' I2;11Ph ac, uuv; tll, uc0 ,unlh.ttu.11y and t,nlallol ccill, kalnli Iii, lull' I', till' ilnrI'm', ion will, the i , l,ni:;ati, n -,f it line Ini,ltcav 6, 1151 I n I'll-ter

:n', nut nui hnrra;;nl r ual l : l hrnrc wo,l wardh' alone bbl' >ai,l hum .... .,:IV b, lw rn I',lgr•r all'nm ;nl,l Parrn:,ut 1111,,1. an,l the Ile ,lLlncatinrl htnI,l. I„ Ihi, ilil,r,rcti„n with ra line n!illwav

brtwrtn I'; -, F,olicJh ,Irn•t a!I,I Alb:lnv acrnnr: Ill 'we suillhw-;I, All_, ;,turn I III • said lull' Ini,l,nr bttn,cn Fast Iurl1,(ii Tent (i,l .Allal,ly airnil,. ;unl hill' pn,lun'nliun 11herrnf, In tin inl '1111' ttilb iltr ceulru line of I'nrrrLgat It:";"; flot", n,lrlliar*tw;Irulv an,1 iii'' lwtn,lly :Ill,rtc II 1' c_rnlrl• line of I'arrilt s':t Ila,in In I!:.• intl•r'_i cti: ,;l v ilb do- prulnnt ati„n of n lint. tni,ltvay briwecn I':a•-I Thiele-lir,l ,beet :lull I.lit 'Thiel c ,r r nn, I ,I I I, I', (hello ,llullncai,lls• alums tlur grill Gar ni'i~r;tc b,de.I n P:N 'l'birle-lirst 'bell 1111,1 last 'I Ill' 'il I,lll s~l , 1. L an,l fill- I1111l,.nOO:lliun ii1, 1111(, 1.. Ill,' inlrr-ltli, tit wi!h a line' ..!ill.cnv III Iw,,n ru.-

i m-I acolinc ilI I a, r;i_;,ut n~ml: t!w nc, c ••Ilrarrlly hl"In" the ,ali,l line tni,l,rav he ltcA,, n I'„-Ior ave-nur Anil I- :nl:l.:l',t I''o-h to ihr. lhill -roiiun will) the nurtl,c hi-trill liar „f Platbu'h av, nor : fit, n ..• _11nll wr-I t', .Illh' at 14,1 t 'll,elrs to 111,11 u.h 'ill'. nn, a 'li.!•,nt A. of .'Illl f t; lh:ncc our t !I ii" 1- u arrlly and IOarall, l tcith I'I-ItItish are lnlo to the ill ''Ii lien will, a line at ri;'I'l nnvl," In the line If I'Intb'l,'ii accnur and Il:I,-in+, ill ,..rah Ili, nninl r,f I ,reiliuin¢: billcr nnllhr:,J v:n'Iily ainnR bill' =ail lice at ri',ht anal .c to Il:u Ln,!I tnrnuc 1'l ih,• t"'int nr nl;i,-,- of I,t•c'in bind.

Ili '',l-.-rrl, ]'I ill thi, l;nanl ron,id, r the Pen ,I area

if - ,r 'l'l, nl :,I a ntri IiO'• of Ihr-

R,,avl 1„ L, ],. III in I h,• ('its r,I No w.v Y,:k, Itur- •u:b of Uanhatlan. ill 16, ('it': hal), nn till, 22(,1!1

'I:IV If P, br!cu'v. I'iIl. :it 10?II n. tn. :n!rl tll;lt

:d till. -:1,111' tin!r ;ni.] r.l:v', :t nhli~' h'.'al in-• Ili l I r-n ulihi Ihan :11111 direr be 11(1,1.

l0,, iir,l, 'I hat Illy tir•,..IlIlls' of Ill; 1t.'aI

-:nl•e Ii rH 11511i,ub)„ns ;lull rl n,lli, r lu all I„.r- „ I ' 11111drrl IbI ,.I,r .n bum' I,nl,li-Di,l i•I tin•

('I I v IIi rnnn an,] Ihr r 1 I Ill al inn n, ....iron' I' f„r

I, n ,tae, '-r iur In ihr• ,, 'I• ,LIy of Debi ruin. 19119. 141„1 Puhrnary lfl. 1009.

I(1 )0111 II \.\(;, urel tcn-c. Ni, 77 flu,,.:,lo:n. R,,,,In ll11r.

To 1, I'liimr, 2780 "V,,rlh. (lf23

N U7lCA.' IS ill`.RI':l'\' GI\'1?N 'fll.\'1', AT 1~) the u Ill lll~c „I till. Ch,:Ird of I•:stiuuui: :unl AppurtionlnrIll, Inid ,ln January 15, 1909, till' fulluwiug rcv,lutiunti wcrr a,lul,tcd:

1\'hrrras, 'l' Ie hi 1111 of 1•;sliinate and Ai- w . tinuuwrut of 'Iii,- t'ity of New hill-1, is cmisirlt•r- Iug file ;ulvi,abilily of iu,tilnling lilt' 1111111'. lIi

t IS arynirc tills to the I:ui,ls and plclui-e, tc I ur I'r ill,, ul,ruiug and c stcndinl; of ilu}::trt slrcol, Lrlwar it AIcsclule St rrrt an,l AIt:o w _-I reel, in the Itur"ugh of lauulclyu, ('ily if New Yurl:; an,l

1Vbrrc-:c<, 'l'he ftnanl of I?elinlatc :aid AI'I'ur - linnnlrut is aulh,lriirIl and rcquircd :,t the tiul,' of the ad.,plil,n If for rc,uluti„n directing fill in'tilutilln of lime rc clink, to arquirc title ill Ill, IanJs rr'plirr,l fur till-i fnrcg,ing improve ment ill nix :1111 dl' tcnnine niun an aria ur ;uca, 'If a;srnsm1 tit fill bruclit f,lr saicl Iloc,-ccliug.

I{csollem, '1,6at lilt- 1:I'atrl if 1:'.limalc an'l \I, I,u I l in tit tie a t, in Fill,rl -,Inch• of till.' provision,

of section ')HO of the i;ro;ncr New Murk Chartc'I, hr ruby t;ivc, nnlirc tliut till- fullutvilig is the lunlwsell ;11111 of a-x--,lucul for bruclit in this pruc till III

Iirnnldcit on the nullb by It line midway bu. Invt ill 1\ioaml~,w ,Ilit t anll 'yell Pyck slttcl, and by the prul'inl;aiiuu 'If the slid line; ou the a,t by a liar wi,lwny bcl wccn Ih„g:u-t "1111.1 au,l

\furt':m avruur, anal by Lb,' !lrulun0aliun of thin ,51,1 liar; tin the s,lntll by a liuc tnidtvay Il-1 wcc-n \Iryrl ulr ,Ir rcl cln,l AIl,, it, lose at' I. an,l „li the w, 't l,y ;t liuc bi:,rc ling the an>rl' I, I hill,I by the lobe ", I i. ,A of file Ilrol....gain)", of till raatcrly line ref \\'ntcrbnly sirm,t and Iii' w,'t c-ry line If H''ga11 start as laid] not bctwecn Slagq 'trcr I arid it! ,s, rule shrill.

I(osulacd, '1'llart Ibis II' ii 1 aln,illcr the pin -p- ell ar'';t of rrso.,"lu, lit at a nl, c'tiug of lhr L'r ,bn-d, Ill b,• b, Ill in 'I he City if Nr•w Yn,t:, H-111Iul;b of .\lalthaltan, in Ills City hall, nn Ihi• .!olll lily of I rbruary, 1c)09, at 10.311 a. In., all,] that at th- cnluc tittle and place it public hearing thrroun mill Ihru ;it'll tiler,- Its bail.

I(rsul cud, 'Thal tilt' Soc'rr•lary of ihi; 1: land I:ln,c these rcsnluli,uns and a nnti, c Ii, all per-,.nis alleciod Iherchv to b,• tnlblishr'rl in the ('t Iv It lu:nuo an,l the 1111 IIati in 'o.iSI',tiapers („r I''II day, prior to the 26th day of F. bru;uy, 19(19,

1)atoll Vulu'i li'v 10, 1c10,) J(IOhCl'll Ile\At;, Secretary,

No. :177 Ilruadway, Rouen I -1116. 'I'cicphone, 2280 Wutth.



~O1'10E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

'I he City of New York, deeming it for the pub-lic interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of the City of New York so as to change the lines of the streets within the terri-lury bounded by Twenty-seventh avenue, Aven'Ic \', Eighty-sixth street, Avenue X, East Thir- tecuth street, Canal avenue and Gravesend Bay, Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of said Iluar., tvill Ile hclrl in the Old Council Cham-bcr, City hall, iiorough of Manhattan, City of Sir isYork, on February 26, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a. or., at ,Lich such proposed change will be considcrcd by said l;oard; all of which is irs is particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on lauuary I5, 1909, notice of the adoption of which is hcrchy given, viz.:

Rcsnlrell, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pur-suauce of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as amended, deeming it for the public interest so to du, proposes to change the mall or plat of The City of New York by changing the lines of the streets within the trrritury bouudcd by 'I.'wenty-seventh ave-truc, .\venue V. Eighty-sixth street, Avenue N, last 'Thirteenth street, Canal avenue and Graves-c cf Bar, in the L'ornngh of Brooklyn, City of New Yurk, more particularly shown upon map or plan bearing the signature of the President of the B,Irnugh of Brooklyn, and dated December 29, 1908.

Rc-oval, That this Board consider the pro-I,,,,cod change at a meeting of the Board, to be luIII in the ('itv hall, Borough of Manhattan, ('ilv of Ncty Porte, r n the 26th day of February, 194'), at 10,30 ,'clock a. m.

Er- ivr'I, 7-hat file Secretary of this Board came these rrsnlut inns and a notice to all persons al'fectr~l Ibereby that the I'rnposerl change will be cnusi4crr I at a merlinv of the Board, to be hell at the aforeseid time and place, to be published in the (try Rr:rot<u amt tire corporation news-liters for tell days ronlinuou,ly, Sundays and

legal holi 'hay sr-sect ted, prior to the 26th day of I'cbrlruy, 1909

I )ate,I Pchruary 10. 1909. IOSRI'IF IIAA(;, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Tel, plo,ne, 2280 Worth.


N O'I'lC]: IS IIl-:EEI{Y GIVEN '1'ITAT AT tltc tuceti'Ig of the Board of Estimate and

5pl",rtin nutuctu, held on Jauuary 15, 1909, the fol-luwing rrsulut finis werc arlo uteri:

1Vhenas, The Board of Estimate and Appor. tionwcul of The City of New York is considcr-ing the ruin isabilily of instituting proceedings to •lnluirc title In the lauds and premises required for the opening and extending of 'fbrogs Necx buulcvarnl, from 1',astern buulcvard to Shure live, in the Iluruugh of 'Tile Bronx, City of

New Turk; •turd \Chcrcas, The l:uar r] of Estimate and Appur.

tinnnurcnl no authnrizrrl and required at the time of the ad,l,ti„n of the resolution directing the in-slitntiun of prow c.liugs to acquire title to the kunls r:-yuircd fat the foregoing improvetnent to fix and dn-tontine upon au area or areas of as-sc.,snr(nt fi,r be ieflt for said proceeding.

Resnlenl, That the Itnnard of 1':stimate and Ap-P„rtirnunu nt, mm 1411SIMIK'e of the provisions of sccti,m 'IS)) of the (;rcater New York Charter, hereby Fives notice that the following is the pro-puscd area of asscs,mcut for bcuclit in this pro-cr-r,liu4:

h'cginuing at a nit nn the prolongation of a line midst:,y bcIwccn hurt Schuyler read and FJ;v,n accrue, as Ihcse streets are laid out be-t inn co It;nclay at-cuuc and Eastern boulevard, dis-taut fit)) foot northerly form tire nnrlbcrly line of ]'_aster ❑ bn,ulcc:nJ, :aid rwniing thcuce castwardly ulnd Inarnllc-1 in iii Hastrrn boulevard and the pru- I„n'atiun thoreol to tire It • v' t inc), c I tcrsccli~~n t ttl a It

i, at.c i . It ('ill Lot nurthctly from arid parallel with iho s'nutbc-rly line of 'fhro~s Neck boulevard as laid nit imntuti;rtoly c^ut If and anljniuing East-ern bunlrvanl, Iho said distance being measured at right angles to 7'hrugs Neck boulevard; thence rastwardlv along the said line parallel with 'I'hrngs Neck hnulevrud to thrn intersection with a How ilist;tnt Sall fc -t nnrtherIy form and parallel w-ill, the suntlicrly line of l.ayt„u avcuuc, the said distance being mrnsnrrd at right angles to Lasln,u as mnur; thence castwardly along the said line pnrlllcl with Layhnt avenue to tilt intcrscc• tiuu with the prnlungalion of a line nti.lway betwrcn Wilcox accnue aunt Clarence avcuuc; I hence suulhw;udly along it line always midway b(tween Wilcox avcuuc and Clarence avcuuc, autl sinning the prolongations of the said line, to tha intersecliuu with the easterly line of Shore dricc; thcuce suuthtvardly in a straight line to a point nn the prulontinti„n of the northerly line of Shore drive where it is intersected by the piuhmgatiun of a lice dislnut 200 feet east- orly In and parallel with the westerly line of I',nuyl;eld avcuuc, the said distanee bciug mcas-urcd at right angles la l'cnnytield avenue; thence snutltw;tnlly and always distant 200 feet easterly fro, and I'alallel with the tvestc-rly line of I'en-nyllrlll avenue to the intersection with the pru-innigati„n of a liar midway bclwcen T\larsltatl avenue ;ut,l (;dryer place: thruce westwardly along the said line midway bciwrcn \larshall ave-unc and (;n,vrr place, tilt(] along the prnlonga-t6ms of the sui,l lino, to tire interseeiion with the l'uitod States bull.hearl line of the 1•:a,t ](wets thcuce westw:udly along the said bulk-hcail line to the inter,cction will) a line Ili-,ectiog the angle' formed by rile intersection of (Ile proh,ugalions of tile easter1y line of Dort Schuyler' rna,l and the westerly lilt(- of Logan acruuc, as these' strcrls are laid Out between ticbnre :ivvunc and Sampson avenue; theme nnrlhw:ndly along the said bisecting lilt(- to the interseclin,, a-ilh tilt- nnnrthcrly liuc of Sampson avenue; tine-inc-n- nonthwaidly in a straight line. Inn a 1-Tint nn the motherly line of Dewey ave-nue where it is intersr ctrl by a line bisecting the anIlo fnnrmrrl by the inlrrsccliun of ill(- pro-b,npatinns Of the easterly line of Emit Schuyler road and Ibe uc.vlerly line of I?disnu avenue, as Ihr-se stlint's nro laid out belwer-n 1)ewev avenue :aid Srlil,-v avrnur; thence nnrthwardly along I tic said mi en-nnug line to the itrtelsvctinI with a ]ins distant 10(1 feet westerly frnnt and imrall,-I wills Ilse wr-deny line of I',disr*n as-nun,', the said di'ntancr being tnrasurcrl at right angles to F~li-snn avenue; thence nnrthwrardly along the chid liar l,arallr-1 will 1:15„❑ aslnuc to the inter sectim with it lint' bi<eclinp the angle fnrmr',i by the inlcrsrrtinn of Ibr prolongations of the oastrrlv line r,f Dort 5cbnvicr road afoot the' west. rrlv line of l':disi*n :IVCnue, as these streets am, laid rent brltvccn Evans avcuue and T'hilip atc-nur; Illcnro norlllwardly al„ng the said his----hug tin,- In the intrr~rclinn with a line parallel with 1'.disr,n ;IvcolIv anal passim; through the nnint of beginning; thrnec nnrtllwardly along the sail liar parallr•1 with 1':disnm avenue to the pnint or t'ii co of beginning.

Rcc,dvrrl, That this IL,ar,l cmrrirlrr the pro-t'osed area of a,s,-svncnt at n mccting of the Boar l In hr h,d,l in 'fine (-ity of New York, Bnr-ntll:h of 111rnil,ntlnn, in the (itv Ilall, yin the Sill, I.iv of Febrnarv, 1911'), at 1(1.30 a. m., and ihat nt the same' tiiue and place a pnF,lic, hear-inv Ihn-n• m „'ill then and there Ile hail.

R, Sn,1, r,l, 'I' bat rho Secretary of this Board causr the,,- rr•snitttiuns :Ind a notice to all f,,'r-sous affected thereby to lie published in the City

RccoRD for teat days prior to the 26th day of February, 1909,

Dated February 10, 1909, JOSI•:I'II HAAG, Secretary,

No, 277 Broadway, Room 1408, 'l'cicphuuc, 2280 \Vorth.


N O•IICF. IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIF Iloard of Estimate and Apportionment of

'I'hc City of New York, deeming it for the public intcrest so to du, proposes to change the map or plat of The City of New York so as to lay out 'thrngs Neck buulcvard, between Otis avenue and 1?astcru boulevard, Borough of The llronx, atlt] tlnrt a meeting cf said Board will Inc held in the (llrl Council Chamber, City Ilall, Borough of \lanhatlan, City of New York, on February 29, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a, m., at which such pro-I-nscd change will be considered by said hoard; all of which is more particularly net forth atul described ill the following resolutions adapted by the Board on January 15, 1909, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Eslimatc and AI,-portiun mien t of The City of New York, in per-suauce of the provisions of section 442 of Sic (;rcatcr New Ynrk Charter as amended, deeming it for the ntblic interest so to do, ro oscs to t P P change ibe map or Tian of The City of New York by Iaving out 'I'hrees Neck boulevard, Ile-Iwcen Otis avenue and Eastern boulevard, in the Lnrnngh of ']'lie Bronx, City of New York, more I iarticularly shown upon main or than hearing the signature of the ]'resident of the Borough of The Itrnnx, and dated January 9, 1909.

Resolved, ']bat this Board consider the pro-pnsc:d change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the ('itv Ifall, Itr,rnngh of 'Manhattan, ('ilv of New York, on the 26th (lay of February, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock a, tn.

h,-snlved, 'hint the Secretary of this Bn•nrrl cause these resolutions and a notice to all t er-smis alfecterl thereby that the proposed clang' will be considered ;it a mcctinp of the Board, to be bell at tine aforesaid lithe and place, to lie l,nblishcd in tine Crry Rrcotcn for ten days cnn-Iinu„usly, Sundays and Ideal holidays excepted, brine I' the 26th day of February, 1909. Dated lebruary 10. 1909.

JOSI{Plf II-\'\I:, Secretarv, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406.

in I( nirn'nc, 22110 Worth, f10,23

N 01'ICI? IS III{RI?ItY GIVI, N '1'IIAT '1 iii, R„ard of I•:sli;uate and Apportionment of

'I he lily of New York, deeming it fur the pub-tic interest su to di, proposes to change the tuap ,nrjilail c ,f "Ihc City of Ncw York n y so as t 'bike irnm the map nil the City that portion of Silver strict lying bcwecn Onderrinnk avenue mini \Vn ,,,heard avenue, Second Ward, Borough ,it Ouccn',, allot That a meeting of said Board will be "held rum the OId Council Chnmher, City hall, b'„ruugh of \iauhattan, (ity of Sew York, oil Pr-bruary 2)5, 1909, at 10.30 o'r-Inck a, mu., at u rich such proposed eb;luge will be considered by said I:Waal; all of which is more particularly set forth and r],,ciibed in the following rcr'alu-lions adopted Itv the Haar on ,llnnuurary IS 1909, nnticc of ibe adoption of which is hereby given, t iz. ..

1(rsoltrd, That the Pnard of Estimate amt Ap hum (innmcnt of The City of New York, in pnrstuutcc of the provisions of section 442 of tile 4;rratrr New 'shin-k Charter as amr•nde'I, decntin,g it fi,r the Public interest so to ,lo, prnposcs to ch:utge the map or plan of The City of Now York 6v strikinc from the ,tan of the City that Pnr-tinn of Silver street lying between Onrlerdnnl( avrnnr an,l Woodward avcnnc, Svennrl Wand, in the 11 nun of Onecns, ('ity of New York, more articularly .- nut ,n n or , -t p sin t ul W a n 1p r r 1 l.t 1 sicn,d hip the - Preci,lent of time Dorottglt of ("_tun-ens, fund elated lanuary 29, 190').•

Rcwnlsod, 'fh;rt liii, hoard consider the prn-Inns-'I u-hnnl'e at a nir-'tiie of the itnard, to be hold in the ('ity Hall, ]tnrmngh of Manhatta',t, ('its of Nr,v Yuck, nn the 26th day of February, 19119, a t 10.30 ''el,,,-k a. „I.

Rrsn,lveil, ']'hat the Secretary of this Board can=e thin-se recn,lntinns and a notice to all per-snns Wheeled thereby that the prnpnsed change tt-ill be c,nsi,icred at a merl inn± of the linat-d to b,• hotel at the afr,rr=niil time nod place, to inc nuhli~hrrl in the ('inc iirroen fir tell days emi-tinunucly. Sundays an,l u hnlinlays cxa cl tc,l. Iv, ,,' to the ?6th inn,' of Pcbruary, 1909.

tinted February ln, 1109. jOSF' I'l l TI:\:1G, Secretary.

Nn. 277 Broadway, Roost 1404. 1',-I,IIhnttq 2280 1Vorth,


N OTICE IS If1:REISY GIVEN 'I'II,-\T TIIF. Board of Hstiniatc and Apportionment of

The ('ity of New York, dccutiug it fw' the public interest sn to do, propi=es to change the reap ur moth'Urnf The lily of New )'r,rk so as Inn lay out West One Ilttndred and Seventy-ninth ,it co, t o behvccn Cellar avenue and Exterior sheet; lay out an Itunantc,l street immcdiatcly -lith if thin- srcnud unnamed street north of ]Vest One Ilunrlrcd arnnl Seventy-ninth street; rc,lnec the tt-idth of 1?xterior street, between ]Vest Ona hundred and Seventy-ninth street rind the proposed unn:uucd street, and cslablimll gun-s fir the same; discontinue Exterior street, bcllc(Chi the prupruscd unnamed street -md the alipn,ach to the University heights Bridge; rlis-c,mlinue the two unuantc,l streets heretofurc laid out brtwc•vu time United States bulkhead line and I•:xteriur street north of West One hundred and Scvenlyalinlh street; discontinue the public place hcrctufore laid mitt between the said ttvo unnamed SImr-is and the United States bulkhead line and 1•:xterinnr street, Borough of The ltrnnx, and that a meeting of said Bard will be held in the (lld Giuncil I i,ambrr, (ity hall, Bnrungh of 111an-Italian, (ity of New York, on Pohruary 26, 19119, at 10.30 o'clock a. tn., at which such prn-pnscd change will Ire' c'mmnsirlererl by said Ih~rtrrl, all of which is more particularly set furlb and de,cribe,l in file f,I11owing resr,lutions adnptcd by the hoard nn Lonuary I5, 1909, notice of the ;ldnptinn of which is hereby given, viz.

itcsnnhymn, That the Board of Estimate and lie linuwcut of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the pnwi'iuus of section 442 of the (;water New 1'riiic Charter as amended, deeming it fine ilir- public interest so to do, prupnses to hangc 1ho uiap ur plan of 'lime (-ity of New

'irk by lacing; nut West One 1ltmdred and S,•venl v-niulb street. hot wcen Cedar avenue and l-:atcrinr street; by laying Out an unnamed street immediately sn,ulh of the second unnamed street nnrlh of \\1n-,t One liunrlrcd and Seventy-ninth ,bunt; by rcrlucing rho width of ICxtcrinr slret-t 6etwr, a \Vest One llun,lrr,l and Sevens v-ui nth 'itrer- t :mil the 'Jinx rut tnrttamrd street, and r,tnblisbing grades for the same; Inc di'ncontinuing 1?xt,tiur street, betwrcn the proposed unnamed -Itn-ot and the apprnacb to the University heights Iiridt;e; by liscnutinuing the two unnamed streets hcret~nfi re laid Out between the (Inifed Stoics 6ntkllcad line. and li'ierinr street north of \Vest One 1iuonlred and Srvrnty-Windt strict. and my dicennlinuint; the public place hcrctofurr laid nut innIsm-crn rho sail his, tmnamod streets and the 11a ilrrl States bulkbrad litre and 4:<terinr '-term, in line It,u"nngh of The Itronx, ('itv of \',,v Ynnrk_ tw'tc• particularly drsct'ibe'l as ful lows:

West One llundred and Seventy-ninth street, between Cedar avenue and Exterior street; the propose'] unnamed street inmtcdiatcly south of the acconnl unnamed street north of West Oue Ilundred and Scvcnty-ninth street; Exterior street, between West One Ilundred and Severity-ninth street, and the proposed unnamed street, and the grades for the saute, are to be shown upon a map bearing the signature of tile, 1'resi-detrt of the Borough of The Bronx and dated 1)ccenlber 18, 1908.

Eslm m inr street, as heretofore laid nttt between the proposal unnamed street and the approach to the University heights Bridge; the two un-uaulc'l streets heretofore lair] out hurl wcon Ex-tcrior street and the bnikhcad line of the liar- lenl Ricer north of \V'est (Joe Ilundrerl and Seventy-uinth street, and tine public place heretofore lairl nit between the bulkitcurl line of the Ilarlent

River, Exterior strect anal the said two unnamed 'precis, are to be discnnlinucrl.

Rcsolvcd, That this Board consider the pro-pnscd change at a meeting of file lin;lyd irl Inc Ir'Id in the (ity hall, Borough nil llruthattan, I•ity of New Ynrk, n the 26th day of February, 1')n'), at 10.30 o'clock a. rn.

Rcsnlvcd, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolntious and a Ir,tice to all per-snns aflectod thereby that the prupnserl change will be consirlererl at a meeting of the Board, to Inc held at the aforesaid tunic and place, to be puhl;shed in the tire RECORD for fell days con-I nu, u -ly, Sundays and legal bulidays. excepted, pri,ir of file 26th day of February, 1909,

I )al c4 Pcbruary 10, 19(19. Ji)SI•:I'IF T1 AAG, Secretary.

Nn, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Tcicp''r,nc, 2,'6U Worth.


N OTICE' IS III•:I(ehY (IV1:N THAT TILE ]luard of l'.stirnate and iAppurtiunmcnt or

'1 he ('il'nil Ncw 1'ntk, dccming it for the public inl, rc,t sn tun (in, proposes to change the tnap or I,I;cu of The City of Now York so as to change I l:c grade of 3lclrupulitan avenue, between the IIIo1;c orcr Nctctown Crcc•k and Scott am-ennui:; an41 of Scutt avenue, bctuccrt Alctropulitau atc-nnc send tile nurlhcrlv prulwrty title of the Lung Island R:lilro;ul, and bctwern the southerly prop rrfy" line of the Long Island Railroad, ant,) St. Nicholas avcuuc, li- rough of Ilrnnklyn, and that a Meeting of sail lti,:umd will be held in the 01.1 Council ('banibor, City hall, liar,,tlgh of Vlan-hatlan, City of Ne tv York, on I cbruary 26, 1909, at 10.3O n cluck a. nt., at which site]) neopnsed chnngc will be cnnsi'lcred by sai,l L'narri; all of tchich is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by the Board „n Ianuary 15, 1909, notice of the' adoption ui ttbich i-; bcreby gicon, viz.:

llemnlvcd, l ha,t the 1l ,aid of Estimate and rAp piurtiuluneut of '1-he, City of NeI fork, in ptv-,u:nice r f lime Igoe iciorts of seclinn 442 of Ific r;rc-alcr New Y",rk Charter as amonrlcd, dccmi;,4 it for the public intcrest su ton I,), proposes to ehanue II,, utau or plan of 'l h,' (' its' of New York In, '1"Ol"ing the grade of Dun nnl,,,litan avenue. I,ol.v,cu the bri,lee over Ncwt,,wn Creek and Sr„It evr•nuc; anal of Scnit acruuc, between AIc!rnpn,lilan avenue and the nnrthcrly property line of the IsI;m,l Railroad, and brt'.cecnI the snnli,e,iy Pruprrty Bete of the 1.on1L Island ILlilrna , h ;ulrl St. Nichnln, avenue, inn the Dr,r nugil of ISrrn,klcn, (itv .,f New Ynrk, more par-lirnlnrly drscribnnl as fullness:

'file crates of 91,-F cnn l,o litan avonnc, hetwcen Ili- bri rlec over N, wtr,tvtt Crock and Scott aca-nuc•; and of Scott avcnuc, hctwcnn Atelropnlita:l r, nnc an, I the northcr1 - property line of tit,

I. nun I'lanml Railroad, au,l between the southerly prnprrly line of the Long Idan,l Railroad anil St. 7<icb„las avcn m arre to he ❑s shmvn When a than ii -Irinc tire sitnatnre of the Cn11111I nner , ,f T'ul,lic Works of life Borough of Itro,'klyn, ❑ml d,(c.1 Ninemhcr 4, 1907.

Resolved, 'That this Barth cr,nsi, lrr the - TIra-I,nud change It a m elinv of fine Board, to be b, ld in iltc ('ilc hall_ him,' minim of Manhatian, t'i'v n,f New Yni9c, on the 26th clay of February, I')n'). ;it I0-30 a'cl„ck a. ut.

Rm;nlcr-,1, That the Secretary of this ilium! c:luso Ihr•cc resnlutinns and a n,'tice to all per-enns alfrcterl thereby that the Tirniroted chance „-ill br c,n,inlcred at al meeting of the it-ard, to Lo hcl•1 at the aforesaid time anal place, to Inc ,ntbli:hnl in the Crry Rrrnsn and the cm"l,nra-Ii, n ncuatialiers for till days cnnlinunusly. Sn't-.I-tt-: and ion l holiday° exc•r•Ided, prier to the '., ni rl-,v If Pcbruarv, huub9.

I':n.,l February 10, 190°. 1091-:i II Ii 9 \(,, Secretary.

Ni 277 Itr,-•arlwas', Room 1406. 'f, 1,-I I.,,c, 2?50 \1'nrth.



11c).\RI) t ill 1a'I'f\L1TI( -\NT) \I'1'OR-I'ION-\II:X'I', CIT1' OIl NEW YORK,

Pl3 lI1IC 10"I'1('ls ]5 III:RLI Y GI \ 'E79 Ised the (public heariuc nn the aptilica-

ti'n of the New York and North tihnre 'I-rac-linn C ompanv for a franchise In e ,ushcuct, main-taiu and ul,et,LLC a rirrct surface railw;ly from lit,' interseclinn of ('hcstrnit street rued Alurrav lane, Mien and along various siren-Is and as-c-m, ,, to l-:ii,-rnth arcnue; thence u,nthcrly up"n ar,l ;llunnl' 1?lerr•uth :nevus to a point abnnt 300 feet n''tih of the north side liar of the 1tuule-5tlr,l, in the f,riner Village of \Vhite,,tone, and tic„ alteroatice motes, as follows:

pal Prom the intersection of Che-tnnt street au,l \':m Riper avenue, npnn and alone Marion:.s ,trerto and acenucs to the iulersection of Fourth "I ii-,-t and I':iehth avenue; thence northerly upon aml along Eighth avenue and various streets ae,l ecrnucs to the point of termination, as af,'ren-aid;

rl,t I rum the intcrscctiun of ("hcstnut street :ni,l ilrewstels at-enuc, upon au(l alone various ,t reek ;aid acrnurc to tine intersection of I n.nrth steed all I{ipltth avenue'; thence north , rlv upon WWII alnrng i ngbih aven oe to ti:e point ,,( termination, as aforesaid, all in the Borough ,of I )nrcit,; --which, by resmlulinn arinpteii Deeentber 18, 19011, was fixed for limitary 22, 19)19, was out that dale cnntinucd until I ebrtlary 19, 1909, at Ir130 n'rl,nute in time fimrennnn, as the lime, and R„nm 16, City IIa11, I;nrnugh of 1lfanhattan, as ILc place.

1051?1511 ITS \(1. Secretary. I);,tc,l Ncw York, January 22, 1909.


P ('It1.1C NO'I'I(- I? TS IIFRFRY OIV'I:N that at a nmctinC of the Bunanl of 1•:ctintate

noel Appnrtin,nment, held January 22, 1909, the f"llotving petition was receised:

7'o the IdnnnruIle the B,'ard of F.stirnnte and :lhportionmcni of 77tc City of N,em fork:

The petition of the New York and North Shore Tract ;on Cnmpanv respectfully shows:

'I'bat vnrtr Peti+ioner, nn i3ecembcr I9, 1909, I'm c?cold1 I'' this Board a written petition asking fun a franchise to build and conaruct a street tinrfarc rnilroa(l nn certainn strccic and private tin ,upr-tiv bclwcc-n I'lusbinr and \Vltitcstonc, mm lbr Ti ,,,ugh of (-Incens. Nrw York ('it v.

'Illat in addition to Ibe alternative routes Ile scribed in said petilinn, vnur petitioner resi,ect-fully applies for the right, privilege and fran-

chise to build, maintain and operate a double-ironic street surface railroad as prayed for in sairl former petition on the following alternative route, to wit:

Beginning at the intersection of Chestnut street and Central avenue, on the pro posed route of -petitioner, running from I.ittle Neck to Flush- ing; thence northerly on and along private prop- erty, crossing L'ayside avenue where Central avenue, if prolonged, will intersect the same; thence northerly on and along private property to Higgins lane at a point east of Seventh ave- nue; thence westerly ort and along Iliggins lane to Seventh avenue; thence northerly on and alnug Seventh avenue, as set forth in the first alternative route in said former petition.

1Vhcrefore your petitioner prays that public notice thereof and of the time and place where this application will first be considered be given, as rertuired by law, and that the desired consent be granted iu accordance with the provisions of the Greater New York Charter,

Dated January 18, 1909. TIIP. NEW YORK AND NOR'THI

[st:AL,] S11ORI' TR:\CTION COMPANY, By JAMES A. AIAcELtrmNNY, Secretary.

State of New York, County of New York, ss.: lames A, \Iacl:.1hinuy, being duly sworn, says:

-flint be is the secretary of 'I lie New York and North Shore Traction Company, the petitioner named in the foregoing pennon; that Ire has read the foregoing petition and knows the con-teuts thereof; that the same is true of his own kuuwledge except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters Ire believes it to be true.

JAMES A. \IACI•:LTIINNY. Sworn to before ate this 18th day of January,

1909. E. Sd. CARROLL, Notary Public,

New York County. -- and the following resolutions were thereupon ado red:

Whereas, '1'bc foregoing petition from The New York and North Shure Traction Company, dated January 18, 1909, was presented to the Board of 1St music and :Apportimi mien t at a meeting held January 22, 1909,

Resolved, That, Ill pursuance of law, this hoard sets Friday, the 19th day of February, 191)9, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, and Ranh 16, in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, as the time and place wbcu and where such petition shall be Ilr,t considered, and a public hearing be hail thereon, at which citizens shall be entitled I appear and be heard; and be it further Resolved, That the Secretary is directed to

cause such petition and these resolutions to be published for at least fourteen (1.4) days in two rhtily nett-spapers in The City of New York, to be dcsign Sit d by the Mayor, and fur at least ten (10) days in the Ci'ry IdccoRU immediately prior to such date of public hearing, the expense of soap publication In be hurne by the petitioner,

fOSGI'II IlA.\(;, Secretary, Ncw York, January 22, 1909.

f6, 19

L P IJI:LIC NOTICE . I5 TII?[:E6Y GIV N that at tllc mertnig of the Board of Esti-

irate and Apportionment held this day the follow-iuK proceedings were had:

\\'bcrcas, Tt,c East River Terminal Railroad has un,ler date of January 15, 1908, made ap- dicatinn to this Board for the grant of the

right, privilege and franchise to construct, main-,ain and operate railroad tracks by locomotive ,tram power upon Wythe avenue, Rent avenue ant Ninth IbuuItit street in the Borough of ISo'' kin n; aol

\Vhcrcas, Suction 92 of the Railroad Law and vcctiuus 72 73 and 74 of thc Greater New York lharter, as amcud,-ml by chapters 629 and 630 If the Laws of 1905 provide for the manner

midi procedure of making such grants; and \V'hcrca=. In pursuance of such laws this

U,nanl alnpted a resolution on June 2i, 1908, Ilxin the date for public hrarm tbercon as g I g S mimic mbc•r 18, 1908, at which citizens were en- Iiticel to appear and be heard, and pub:ication is as hail for at least fourteen (1-1) days in the "I;ronklyn Daily Eagle" and the "Brooklyn Daily 'Tiny-g'' newcpa iii rs designated by the 7rlayor, anal in the City RrcoRn for tell (10) days in- tn,- Iiatcly prior to the date of hearing and the lathlic llcariue was duly held on such dap; and

1\'bereas, ']'his Boars[ has made inquiry as to the money value of the franchise or right ap-I,licd fir and proposed to be granted to the i(a=t Iiiccr 'Terminal Railroad and the adequacy of the c mum pensalinn proposed to be paid there-fnur; now therefore it is

Resolved. ']'hat the following form of the resnlutiun for the grant of the franchise or right npplicd

for by the East River Terminal Railroad

c,.ntaining the form of proposed contract for the grant of such franchise or right be hereby introduced and entered in the minutes of this R„ard as follows, to wit:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and t minim tin,nnlent hereby grants to the Fast River Tc-: - inn inal Railroad the franchise or right fully ,,,t unit and drscribcd in the following farm of nr,'p<'s,d contract for the grant thereof em-lt al)iug all the terms and conditions including the provisions as to rates, fares and charges upon and subject to the terms and conditions in said I'rnnnscd fonn of contract contained and that the 1)1 annum' of The City of New York he and he herchv is autborizcd to execute and deliver <neb contract in the nano and on behalf of The City of New Yurk as follows, to wit:


This contract, made this day of 1909, by and between The

City of New York (hcreivaftcr called the City), party of the first part, by the Alayer of said City, acting for and in the main,, of said City, uOth r and iu pursuance of the authority of the Itnuard of Estimate and Apportionment if said ('ity (bcrcivaflcr called the Board), and the East KiCur •he ;u in al Railroad (here inn a ftcr called the Cm truluamur- ) , party of the second part, witnc sscth:

In considcratinn of the mutual covenants and 18 ecntents herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby covenant and agree as follows:

Section 1. The City hereby grants to the Com-flanv, subject to the conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth, the right and privilege to e urn sn act, maintain anJ operate railroad tracks either at the grade of the surface of the streets and am nuns or ab„vcr or below the grade thereof, as shall be determined by the Public Service Com-nlis-ion for the First District of the State of Nr•w 1',uk, pursuant to law•, for the purpose of cntneling grinds, wares and merchandise on1y, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, as follows: (a) Pour tracks brgiun ing at the westerly side

of \Vvtlie avenueI thence across Wythe avenue to the easterly side thereof, all r f such tracks to be situated in the portion of Wythe avenue bctwe,-n the s utherly side line of North Fourth steed an :1 a line parallel thereto crossing Wythe avenue about sixty (60) feet southerly there- lrnnt.

(h) Six tracks beginning at the westerly side line of Kent avenue; thence across Kent avenue tit the easterly side line thereof, all of such tracks to he silualed in the portion of Kent ave-n,tr•, brttvicen 111c southerly side line of North I- murlh slre•ct and the line parallel thereto, am] crossing Kent avenue about one hundred and twenty (120) feet southerly therefrotlt, 1


(c) One track brginning at the we trrly side line of Kent avenue; thence curt ing Io-t h erly and easterly across Kent arrnue and N,Irth Potu-th street to the northerly side line of North how'th sheet at a point about one hundred and ten (110) feet easterly front the easterly side line of Kent avenue. Said tracks hereby au- thorized are shown upon a ntap entitled:

"Plan showing proposed tracks on North Fourth strert, Rent avcuuc and \Vythe avenue. P,urough of ildt N. Y., to t\ccompany \pplication, dattd January 15, 1908, of the East River Terminal Roilroad to the Board of Esli-matc and iAfoot tionutcnt."

—and signed by the Past River Terminal Rail-road Cnutl+any, W. It. lluncan, .1r., l'residrrat. and approved by II. 0. llaveuteycr, Jr., dated tune, ]90ts, a copy of ttbich is attached hereto. is to be deemed a part of this contract, is to be construed ,s,Ill the text thereof, and is to b, suhstalitiallv foilotrcd. Provided that deviations tl7crefrem which are consistent with the furr-gling description, and the other provisions of this contract, may be perinittcd by r,solutiou of the Board.

Scc. 2. '1he grant of this right or privilege is subject to the fnllmving conditions, which shall be c+mtplirrl with by the Company:

I irst—'1-he consent in writing of the owners of half in value of the property bounded on sail str+ ets and avelOts to the constrnctiun and operalinn of said railroad shall be obtained by tit, l'ntnpauy within one m,uth after the signing of this contract by the \layor. and a copy of such ennsenls shall be filed ttith the Board within Snell tittle. or in the event I at such visit sit is cannot b.• ublaim•d within such tints. the Conn pans' shrill tyithin ono mr,nlh th,rrafter make itI'Plicatinn to the AppelIate l)l5lso of the Supreme (-hurt for the appnintnteut of Cornulis-sicucrs in the planner pr,vidrd be the Railroad l.a v to d+-toluene if said railroad ought to h-cnn>7uctcd; otherwise this grant shall cease and determine.

Second—'I']le said right to con,truct. maintain and operate said inilroa+t shall be held ant err jncrrl he the Company fur the t; rill of fifteen (15) years from till- (loll- upon Which this Call-tract is. signed by tile Alayer, svit!l the Pricilopc of rl-neIval of said contract fr the further perin'l of ten (I(1) years Minn a fair rcvnittoti,n of such right and privilege.

If the Company shall deterutine to exorcise its privilege of renewal it shall make application to the I'.nard. or am autllurity tell icll shall be air thorizrd by late to Oct f.+r the City in place of the ]]hard. Such atplicatiou shall be made at ally time, not earlier titan tiro y.ars alrl lit tat,-r than one year hcforr the expirati-m of the original terns of this contract, Ti)(. deter-minatiun of the resaluation sl;all be sufliicieut if agreed to in n-ritiog by the Company anal tie Ito rd, but in nr, case shall the annnsl rate of conycnsation to the, City be flied at a less aulounl than the sum rerun irrrI tel be paid dm-ing tit,- last year of this original contract.

If the Company and the III,aid shat] n reach such aKreeni. rat on or br-fire the day 11111 ye:,r before the rxpiratiun of the original thrill of tlii-contract. then the annual tats of conlpen=_di,-n for such •nee cling t+-n (10) years shall be reasnnahle, and either till- Cit, thy the Hard) „r the Company shall be botm,l, upon r,-qu,-ct of the other, to enter into a written agreement with each oth<-r, filing the rate of such compensrition at such amnnnt as shall he rcasnnahlr-, but ill nu case shall the 0111151 rate sit flail be Ic=- than the suns rrrluircd to he paid f•.,r tile last year prior to the tr-rntinatinn of the original term of this contract, all if the parties - hall it t forthwith agree vp,,n what is ro is Sri ILI. , than the parties shall I nt(r into, a 'srittlu agreement fixing such annual rate and at such atunui,t a, shall be determined by three r!isinle:e-tcrl frrc-hohlerss •dieted in the following mariner:

One disint,-rested froehnld-r shall b+- ch"sen by the I.oard, one di;int-rc=tcrl fur-eti lder shall be chosen fly the Comtlanv; the<c its 1 shall choose a third diintcrrsted frerhol,lrr, aiel Ih,-three so cli-en shall at a.-, alui Falser; and shall took'.' the revaluation aforesaid. Such app rut i ers shall be chosen at least six m+mths prior to the cxl+iratirn of this original contract, and tt it report shall be filed Isith the IIlrI within three months after ihcy are rhos-u. They shall act a, appraisers and oat as alit raters. 'Ii icy relay base their j n,IKlncnt upon their own exliii- ncu and upon such informali,m as tit, y may ob'-air by inquiri, s and iuvc•stigati h -, without the pres- ence of either party. They Ohall have• the ri l.I RI examine any of the bucks of the• C1Autpany and its uflicers tinder lath. Tllc valttatirms sit asror-tained, fixed and d terrttincd shill be c•mclusivc upon hnth parties, lint no annual stint shall, ill any event, be less tl,au the sum relluir, d to he paid fir the last year of tiles urigiuul cn tract. lf, in ally care. the annual rat,- shall not be fixed brier to the termination of the nripinal term of this contract, then the Cum+,any shall nay the annual rate th,-ret.,I' 1e Prevai!inC until the nets' rate shall be dctcrnlincd, and shall then make up to the City the amnnnt of any excess of the annual rate then ,!ttl-reninc,l over the prcviotts annual rate. The comp,-nsation at expenses of the said apt'rai'ers shall be h •rnr jointly by the City and the Company, each pay-ing our- half thereof.

'flied—lip,n the termination of dies orinal contract, or if the same is rcucwe t, then at tLr t'-nnination of the swirl rencaal bent, or up"u the ternlivation of the rights hereby graute l In any other cause, or up"n the dissalutiun of tie Company hcfr're such termination, the track; ,-f the Company constructed tntrsuant to this con-tract, within the streets, avenues and higllwa'.s shall hceome the property of the City wn.11o'rt cost, and the same may be Ito-+I or dispr,sed if by the City fur any purpose whatsaever, tit the same may be leased to any company or in,livirlual.

If, however, at the termination of this grant as above the City (bv the Boar 1) -shall Sired- r h resolution, h • Cunl an shall , 1' y 1 the I Y ttl,nn ht linty (30) days' notice frill the Board, remove any and all of the tracks and other cquipmrnt con-strueted pursuant to this Contract, and the said sir(-cts, avenms and highways shall be re-,tor+ii to their original condition at the sole cast and exnenill of the Comparly.

Fourth—The Company shall pay to the City for this privilege the following slim; of money:

(a) I-lle sum of three thousand dab Ions ($3,000) in cash within thirty (30) dais after the cat, on which this contract is signed by the May r,

(h) During the first ten ((0) years of this enn-tract, beginning nn the flat(. when this contract is signed by the 1lfaynr, an annual suns of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450).

luring the suceecding five (5) years of this contract an annual sum of nine hundred dollars ($900).

Such sums as above shall he paid into the treasury of the City on November I of each year, and shall be for the amount due to Sep -temher 30 next preceding.

Any and all payments te, he made by the terms of this contract to the City by tit - C„mpany shall not be considered in any manner in the nature of a tax, but such payments shall be in addi-tion to any and all taxes r.f wbatsnrvrr kind or description now or Iii reafter rrgnired to he paid by any ordinance of the City or by any law of the State of New York.

Fifth—'file annual charges or payment shall continue throughout the whole term of this con-

I- act, tchcther original or renewal, notwithstand-iii00 alit' clause • in any statute or in the charter ,if ally 0th,-r railway or railroad company pro-

- tiding f,, r payments for railway or railroad rights +,r francll ises at It di lfeecrrt rate. and no assign-ill, nt, lease or sublease of the rights or privileges herchy granted, whether original or renewal, or f array part (her r if, or of the route mentioned

hen-in, or of any part thereof, shall be valid - effectual for any purpose ttnless the said

assignment, Icase or 511111 case shall contain a cov-rnalrt nu the part of the assignee or Itssee that the same is suhjcet to all the eonditiuns in this c+nlrart: and that the assign.e or lessee assumes mid pill Ile hound by all of said conditions, and c=porinity said conditions as to payments any-Ihing in any statute or in the charter of such ~'-icnre or I=see to the contrary notwithstan(1-

i ing, and that the said assignee or les,ee waives ails' trolre favl+rable conditions created by such statute or its charter, and that it will not claim hr reason tin-ref or olherwi.e exemption from lidiilily li , bI t bill each and all of the conditions +f this cnlitract.

Si'lh—The rights and privileges hereby t;rtmIcd shtdh net he assigned, either in whole or In nalt, or ]cased ur sublet in any manner, nor

Irl 11 title there( b. or right, interest or property therein- Pa's to ur vest in anv other person or c rl,ur;lti,m whatsncvrr, rithcr by the act of the h', mpatI,, nr fry op, ration of lase, whether under the I.,-''. si- i s of the statutes relating to the c-IleI lidntiun or merger of corporations, or other-

, IIilli ,ut the cunsrnt of the ('its', acting by the I:.,ord, et•irlcn Cub l llv au instrument under 'I al, anything herein,l to the contrary thrrcIIf in any"i=e nnto.ithstan'liug. and the sainting. Kic ing or wain ing of any one or more -,f puch consents shall n.It render unnecessary rn15' snb;cqurnt ennscnt or consents.

'clenth 'I'h• Company Shull commence Con- ',11101,11 of the railrnarl herein authorized, I,itllin then (_') months from the dale upon which the I llsrnis of the prol,rrl5' owners are ob-lained, or flout the dot' up,m which the decision of the .Anpc-daub' bill f the Supreme Court Ihatill ch railn-ad r+ught to hr constructed is rcn+keel in lien of such consents, and shall r•unidr is the o,n=trnrti~nt and place the saute in hill nhcrati•,n within six (6) months front the dale of "blaming such ernnsrnts or stub d--vi-ion, otllrrnixi' tine grant shall eerie an,l de-I,-lrnine. and all stints paiII, or which Inay he III't+"`il(Il with the Cnmplt''~Ilcr of the City as hr -rcinaflrr ornci, t d, shall deer- upon be forfeited I , , the C'ily; f,r ovirlcd, that such perinris may II, , xtru,lrrl by the it turn fur a period or It rinds not csc, cling in tllc aggregate six months ar!I; ml,l Ins' bled. fnrlll•. r_ that when the com-

mrnc+ni,-lit or c,+ngllcti,+n of said construction 'flail It,- ple(tilc,l by 1,-Knl proceedings in any 'u+u•t „r I;y IIIl<s „f Inlhlic inlloov Illent, or fr•nn other callus nit within the control of the ('I.;ul,anv, the lime for the cumntencautrnt or I .Ant+Mien of such construction may Ile ex - _r nhi-hi f„r the pert- 'II of sueh prevention, but n„ Arias' shall he allna r+I in unless the cottrt I,rnecrrlings shall Iv• 11110 nlly prr,Feuut~-rl by the (..Amiens', and l~rnvid. rl further that its no case dI'all such rl~-bay be rlcvmcd lu begin until the I''anflany shut] have given Written miller' to the 1: art of env shell court [troec, Rings or other 'rrasinn of if In':, and deliver to the hoard enpics

''f any initincti -~n r,r other Triers• Oil the papers u;l•,n cvllirh the sane shall have here granted, -in'I unless nl n till' r-quest of the Board the (',oml,anv shall in writing rmsent that the hoard I itli, r in its llhVp name its a party, or in the nAnte of the City as a tarty, may intelvcne in anv snh iii- ccrlings.

f:ii.tnttl—'I'h.- work of ennslruction of the tracks hrnby antI,rued .-Ball lb1. (bill' in such man-nrr as shall n- -t cttllsl•'IntialIv interfere with the ordinary nsr of any street, avenue or highway

as It public highway. Nin,l:—'hhc street surface passenger railway

n~+w Apr Fatal 1111'111 R( It avenue shall have the right of Ivey over lite cars nr trains operated ii II,,, Ili,- Irneks hurr-by antllnrizcd.

'fl ill h -_('ars neat' be upr'rat, d upon said tracks I i strain loc,,m-,tiers, tvllirll shall be housed 'r Ir'xcd sit IS to c'mfurin Willi the t)'pe com- •.I'vIc knnnn as Ill, durnulv rn)inc, or by any

L' I- mntivc pnlvcr %%hieh May he apprnvcrt by I:, -..1, and cuni+-ntrll to hy' ihr abutting

I'-'- tVb,lS rlcr>, in flee„ill:once vDint the pnn•i- • 'if lets', and by tlic Public Service Cunr

~I~I-'i' ,n f ,,r the hirtit Ui,lrict of the Sl:i'c of Ye w 'irk, tlrneirlr+.l, linw'vcr, that the 1'-lard, ul~,+n Kiting to the crnntce ons year's notice, Ii,a” r' I;nirc the c,+nlhany to oDcrate its rail- +. art till' -n the whnle or any portion of the I r:l+ k' It, rby au lh„rierd by Such system of + I, rtrie pnllcr as tnav hu rl,'.=ignatcd fly the I3oard, .nd the cumPnny 511311 thereupon cis ontinuc toe

I I. b

+If st cnn c ro

,-till b,lolics fn u t such Iracks. I..I,:aentll—Neit1wr pas;c•ngrrs nor vrhicl, s

-Dell br pr,-v+nt , ,l fn,m cros•.ing the tracks here-I,c anthoriz' ,,I by the orrnp%finn of such tracks Le cars or (miens operated therrnn, for a greater m nil Ihon five eon=entice minutes at, any time, ru.Il the agyr,-gate of such p, riuds shall not ex-

+'1 Ira nnnub's in any hour between 7 o'clock a in. aruI I ..'duel: p. m.

-I'utl-:(th -`;Iilub,h the Company he allowed to 'lie -al.- at the grade of sheets and avenues, it :'all eruct, maintain, and rbit r rate gat' -s across helot avI tine at or n+al- thy' nnrtllerly Side line ;1 1b,rlit hnurth il l t, and al a point about 'bulb' Ilnr;,lrrrl and tltc-uty (120) feet suutherly f, -,m the' mirl southerly side line of North I ''m Ph sin et; also gale•; arr„sc \Vylhr• avl nun rat ''r near the suulh,-rly side tin,- of North I „u, h stII et, an-1 at a paint abbot sixty (60) G,t ,nuthrrly fermi file said southerly side hue ,,f N-n- If, Pnnrth Stn rt, tiuch gates shall be -1 ,=, ,1 0n a: t„ exclude p, d- striaus and vehicles (I „ill t lac tracks hr-clip at ithorizerl, when cars r trains are ,Operntr-d thcrcon. In addition to

i ,_It gates, Illy Cuml,any shall station flagmen :,t tl~c into r;ertilt of fs,nt avrnne and North I 'nlrlll street f Ir the pcutreti ,n of re r+tins and •.r'hicics usiu N"rib Pntuth sheet. Should it K

rm mere-ary, in th;. I I,inion of the Bard• that p:r1 s nthrr than ti ucc lit ri tinirc, l should be uctililained for the protection III persons or prop-II:v, till' Coml,any sha11 meet, maintain and lbh ' (Ate site)] gates ttpun thirty (311) daps' ni,ticu l,y the Ilaatd to the Company.

'lllirl, enth—As I, ~ng as the said tracks, or any ill till thr•rrnf, shall a main in the streets, ave-nnr-; ur lnt;llways, the Chntpany shall set the •.m Ls -In'I hive Ill;' ruadwav and sidewalk and i,r... I , the •ante in prrntanb rat repair upon that

rlin of the surface of Kent avenue, b, tween the s',nthcrly side lice of North I'unrtl, stn-et rind a point one limidrerl and twenty (120) feet snnthcrly tilt-refrnm; that (Anion of Wythr avv-n_n,' bet,t+en the snnthcrly side line of North

urlh street and it print sixty ((01 feet soulh-i l-1 v thrnu from, and that pr? bill of Nortit Fourth strr•r4 bet -,ccen the rails of the tracks hereby anlit ,rizrrl in that street and for a distance of ttvo fret brynnrl sneh rails on either side Ill , T,,,,1, Amber the supervision of the local au-th,rilics, whenever required by thrill to do so, ao'I In Snell manner as they Stay pr (scribe. The (if-.' shall have the right to cllang' the material

Iliaraetrr of the pavement of any such streets, air, ,11's nr higlneaco, and in that (vent the Cout-tany •hail Ii. bntnut to replace Duch pavement in the inane,-r direct, d by till' proper City officer at its own expruse, and the ry'nvisinn as to repairs herein contained •ball apply to such re-newal or altered pavement.

Fourteenth—The Company shall at all times keep that portion of the surface of Kent avenue, b-. twcert the southerly side line of North Fourth street and a point one hundred and twenty (1211) feet southerly therefrom; that portion of Wytile avenue between the southerly side line of North Fourth street and a point Sixty ( fill ) feet southerly therefrom, and that portion of North Fourth strict between the rails of the tracks brroby authorized in that street, and for a distance of two (2) feet beyond such rails lilt either side thereof, free still clear from snow and ice, provided, huwcver, that the Com-I+any shall, at the option of the Connnissioner of Street Cleaning, enter into an agreement for each winter season, or part thereof, to char an egttiv-alcnt amonut of street surface front bows line to house line.

Fifteenth—Should the grades or lines of any street, avenue or highway in which said tracks arc hereby anthorizcd be changed at any time during the terns of this contract, the Company shall change its tracks to conform with such new Kradcs and lines, aucl during the construction of such public improvement upon such street, ave-nue or higlnvay, the Company shall take care of and protect the tracks and appoetsnauCrs at its own expense, all to be (lone suhjcct to the lirrction of the l'resident of the Borough of

li bib, klyn. Sixteenth—It is agreed that the rig ht hereby

grained to operate a railroad shall not be in pref- rrence or in hindrance to public work of the City, and ebnuld the said railroad in any way iut,rfere with the construction of public work ill the streets or acenucs, whether the saute is ,lane by the CiI ' directly, Cr by a contractor for the City, tilt • Contpanv shall at its ow'n expense, I 111cct or move till- tracks and appurtenances in :t manner as dirrot,-d by the President of the Pnrough of Brooklyn.

Seve live nth—Ara y alteration to the sewerage in drainage syst(ut, or to ally other subsurface II' to any surface structures to (lie streets, re-

+luir+rl on accou nt of the construction or opera'ti.n of the railroad, shall be made at th,• sole Cl st of the C'nmpauy and in such manner as Ill I,n,lier Cily officials nlny pr,-scribe.

ICighth. mile--Tl:e said railroad shall be con-s!ructcd and onel'atell in the latest approved menu, r of street railroad construction and op-cratinn, and it is bcrctly agreed that the Board may rewiire the Cnmpauy to impruvv or adrl to the railroad r9uipm n1, mcluI iug rolling stock and railroad appurtenances, from time to time, as such additions and intprnvenicnts are nec(-s-sary, in the opinion of the hoard. Upon failure nn the part of the Company to comply with the direction of the hoard within a reasonable time, the rights hereby granted shall erase and de-tcrntine.

Nineteenth--Said railroad shall be constructed, nlaint:tincd and operated subject to the super-vi,iun and control of all the authorities of the City who have jurisdiclil ,n in such natters, as provided by the Charter of the City. Before any cnnslroction shall be commenced Minn any por-tion of the ruu!c, written permits shall h,• ob-tained from the Preside-rat

s of the Borough of

Itro1,klvn and the Contnlisinner

of Water Snp-I,ly, (:as and 1':lectricity. and the Company shall cnnl~ly with any conditions which those officials may impose as a condition upon which such per-mit is granted, provided such conditions are imt,uscd fur the purpose of protI sting the struclttres over which those officials have juris- dirtion.

'I'w, ntieth—Cl a rates for carrying property ill-In the tracks her, by authorized shall in all c;t,+s be rcas, Ill able in amount, and shall be stth-jI ct to the control of the ]bleed, and be fixed by the I3uarrl after notice to the Coral laity, and hearing had thereon, and win n so ftxe, l such rat' shall he binding upon the Company, and no rites in excess of Ihose fixed shall be charged fur site]) servicce.

Two nt5'-fitst—"I'he Company shall at all tines hi-r!, accurate books of account of the grass tatnings fron t all sources, and shall, on or before \uvvnlb,•r I of each year, make' a verified re p, t In the Cumplrnllcr of the Cily of the base' n, se, d„nr• by tin- Cnulpany for the year ending 51 plernhrr 3(1 next preceding, in such forut as lie 11 011.1 prescribe Such t'cpnrt shall contain a I 't ;Ir'ment of such gross earnings, tut:d miles Ili ,p+ ration and the miles of railroad constructer) hull oper:urt] undo r this contract and such other inL,rnlatiiIll as the Cnmptrollcr may rrquirc. 'Chic I'~•...ptrullrr shall have access to all bnuks of ILe Company for the pin puss of ascr-rlaiuing the S , rn'ctnrss of its report, an,l may examine its ,flicbts II 11111' o'uh,

'I'wcnty-secnnrl— Iu case of any viol ati"n or Meech or failure to comply with any of the I,rot'isiuns hcrcin cnntaincd, this contract may be f,lrfrited by a snit brought by the Corporation Counsel, ou notice (If tell (10) days to the Colrt-;,any, nr at tilt' option of the Itnard by resnhr ti„u of said Itnart, which said rrsnlntlon ratay c+,Alain a pruvisiun to the effect that the rail

-r a+t enustrurted and in use by virtue of this cmlract shall thereupon become the property ,,t the City without prucccdings at law or in I q n it Y.

I'ruvided, however, that such action by the Ii',ard shall not he take-n until the Board shall Kivc native to the Company to appear before it ,ill a certain day n„t less than tell (10) days after the date of such notice, to show cause Nvhy such resolution drelariug the contract for-f, it,d shnttld n„t be ad„ph d. In case the Com pOny fails to appear, action may be taken by file Rnard furthwitb.

'I'wrihly IItird—If the Cunt'-'any shall fail to give etiicicnl public scrvil1r- ur fail to maintain its strtu:tures in good condition throughout the whnlc term of this contract, the ]hoard may give nutic,- to the C,nnpany specifying any default on th+• paint of the Company, and requiring the (l,uy,any to remedy file saute within a reason-able lime; and ttpnn failure of the Company to rented such defaul within a rIil,00ILle y t tinge_ tile- Company shall for each day lh,-re-:Ifler ,lilting vliich the default ill defect remains pay to tilt, City the swn of two hundrr,l and tiflv db,ll:u-s ($25(11 is fixed or liquidated dan-itg..., or the Board, in case such slructwes which ui:ly alfrct the surface of flit- sinets, avenues ill' highways shall not be put in good condition within a reasonable time aft(-r entire by the It':uvl as aforesai,l, shall have lhr right to make ,Ill nulled repairs at the exp, Its,- of the Cum-t~any, in which cast the Company shall pay to Ili,' ('ity till' annum of tllu cost of such re' p:,irt, with legal intr•rrct thereon, all of which shims may be deducted from the fund h,-reinafler pnIcidod fur.

'fwrnlydutirtft---This Company shall assume all liability In prrsuns or properly by reason of the cnnstrnctiun or operation of the railroad anthorizcrl by this contract, and it i.; a conrli-Iil,n of this contract that the City shall assume nn liability wllats+,cver to either p, rsuns or )-I ,,I,, Ity on account of the sa Ale, :Ind the Con' pang hr Irby .agrees Ill repay to the Cily any (lain age which the City shall be compelled to pay by rcar.uu of any arts ur default of the Cent Jolley.

'1'whIty-fifth- 'Tilts grant is upon till- express rnnditinn that the C, lnit,:uly, within thirty (30) flaw after Ills signing ,If Ili:; c•unlrctcl by the Mayor, and before anv111ing iS dune in exercise of till' rights conferred hen-ley, shall d. posit with Ilse Comptroller of the City the sum of three thlntsand dollars ($3,000), either in money or

securities, to be approved by hint, which fund shall be security for the performance by the Company of all of the terms and conditions of this curl l each , especially those which relate to the pavnicnt of the annual charges for the privilege hereby granted, the cliicicucy of the pub ic serv-icc renderr d, the repairs of the street pavement, the rcrnuval of snow and ice and the quality of the cons! ruction of the railroad; and in tltc. case of default in the per forntalice by the Conr piny of such terms and conditions the City ,hall have the right to cause the work to be dune and the materials to be furnished for the Ill rfnrwance thereof after due entice, and shall enllrct the reasonable cost thereof front the said fund without legal pruce+-dings, or after default Ill (lie payment of the annual charges, shall col-Icct the saute, with interest, from the said fund after tell (IIi) days' notice ill writing to the Gaupany; or in case of failure to keep the said trills and cnnditinus of this contract relating to obstntctinn of traffic, the nclintenance of gates and flagmen, the repair If pavements and re-nluval of snow and ice, the Company shall pay it penalty ibf fifty dollars ($50) prr day for each day of violation.

The procedure for the imposition and cullee-tinu of the v~'rlaltics in this contract shall be as follows:

The Comptroller of the City, oil complaint muck, shall, in writing, notify the Company, thrnngh It L'resid It, I„ appear before him on a cc rtaln I lay I..,t loss than ten (10) days after the dntc of such vuliev, Lu shuts' eallse wily it should not Ile to, nalized in accordance with the fnrctning ovi;iuus.

If the Company fails to

make en al,prarancc, or, after a h, acing, appears in till- judgment of lhr Cnmpl roller to be in fault, said (u lilt t'dler shall forthwith impose the prc-sciihrd penalty, or where the amount of the penalty is out prescribc(1 herein, such amount as appears to hint to be just, and without legal procedure withdraw the amount of such penalty trod the sccntity full deposited with hint. In case of any drafts malls upon thy• security fund the Company shall, ttpnn tell (l It) days' notice ill w'!itirlb, t,ay uI the ( nnllutr011,' r of till, (City a sum ailflicient to resture .said sectuity font to the „reboil anlnuut of three thattcand dollars l$,1.011(1), and in default thereof this contract shall he cancelled and annull,d at the option of the fi~,:u'd, acting in behalf of the City. No arli,nt III' procev(ling or right huller the prnvi-si+ms of this contract shall affect any other legal rights. remedies or causes of action bclongiug to the City,

'Twenty-sixll:—'fhc grant of this privilege is `llhjrct to whatcvrr right, title or interest the uwnrrs of ablttling prul,crty ur edicts may have Ili and to the street, [nenu,s ail,] hig!nvays in u- hick tie Company is authorized to operate.

Twenty-sovcnth-7he words "no iFC” or "di-rrcti+bn,'' whrrcecr used in this contract, shall lie d cm,-d to mean a w'rittcn uuticc or direc-tiun. 155-cry such unticc or direction to he =erccd npun the Company ]gill be dcliverrd at such office in the City as shall have been desig-nal,-d by the Cmnl,any, or if nn •Itch office shall have been dcsignatcd, or if such designa-tinn shall h:lvc fur ally reason hecnmc inop-cla:iye, shall he mall-if 1 I the City, postage pre-t'a61, addressed to the Company at the City. Uclivery nr mailing of such Iliac ur direction as and when above prnvid, d shall be equivalent to direct plr,uual ub,tice nr ,lirccliun, and shall be• domed to h;n'c been given at the time of delivery or mailing.

'l'tecnty-ciglnh — If at any tints the pow,-15 of Ihr Iib,ard In' uny tither of the authuritics It ,rein Im'niinncil, or iutcndcd to be nlcntioncrl, shall Ise tluhulsfmrrll by law In anY other hoard, a,r thnritI'' ,,nicer or ol tit' +rs, then and ill such case such idler It.+'trd, authority, utiicer „r oflic(ls, shall have all lire power.;, rights and duties here. in rescrced to or llrescrib('d fur the Board or uthcr auth+,ritirs, ollicer rr ullicers.

5cc. 3. '1llis grant is also tgl'm Illy further and ,Xile"s cutnlitiun that the ptuvi,slb Ion of (lie R•ail- road Law paten( ut I etu, and fftrl!Irr, all laws "r ,Inlinan('rs now in filter-, or which may he adopted atwrting t!le slnfacc railttays ,Iprratiny; in the Cil5, not inconsisl, lit tcitll the said Rail -n,a,l taw and the touts an+l con'lition5 hcrciu-1), fur,' fixl-rI, shall be strictly complied will by till' C"nlparly.

Sic, •1. The Company promises, cocenanls anbl 11(1' 115 nn its fart antL br'h:t!f, to confirm G, all,[ xhiblc by and perforut all the terms huhl condition, air rcyuircmuuts in till; aultract fix,d and con-tain, l-1.

In witu+ vs Who rcuf, the party of the first beet, III' its Play'+r, thr•leuutu duty authorized Ilv (II,- Board of 1{,timate and App~ntiuntnrnt of said City, has caused the cnrpuratc name of said I ity to he Iir•n'nntu sigucd and the corporate 'lb It of said City ho lice h, reunto adixed, and the party of the secnud part, by its officers, thcre•untu duly authorize,l, has caused its cor-purate name to hr hereunto signed and its col- p„ralr• seal to be hercuntu athx+d, the day and V at' first ab,ive w'rlllell.

'1111 C'I'fl' O1,- NI?\V Y()IfK, Ily............\layor,

1('I IHI'1Ja AI it [:A!.) Attest:

............GILD Clrlic. I?ASi' RIVER TERMINAL RAT LRf.\I),

11y .............. President. (SEEAI.I

Atte (: ................ S ro ret:lry.

(lime add acknowledgmen(s.) Resnlvrd, That the results of the in( uiry

made by this hoard as to the stoney value bu t the fr:wchise or right pn,pu,ed to be granted and the ad(quacy of till- cuntprnsatiun lrrnpused to be paid ihercfur and of the terms' and cundiii,bn, including till- provision as t't ralr s, fares and charges, are as hc'rcinbef+,re sprcificd and fully s, t fnrtl, in and by the fuing~+ing fonu of pr11-l111 1',l contract for the grant of such franchise ur right.

Itcsnlvcd, 'plat theoe prcawblrs and r- solutions, including the slid resoluti,+u Co- the grain of it frauchi,e or right applied fur by the last River 'fcruliva! Railroad and the said turut of it prn-posed contract for th,• grant of such franchis'-ur rights, containing said results of such inquiry aficr lilt' same shall he lilt call in the nlinutes of this It„ar,l, dealt he published fur at Last twenty (30) blabs iuuu,•,liately prior to Friday, February 19, (v119, iu ill- ( Ilv I(r:cr,t+u and at least twice during Ills tru (I0) days immediately 'Iri,,r Ill Pri,lay, hcbrunry 1')_ 19trv, in two daily n,'wspaPers to be do,iguat' ,1 by the Mayor them for and puhlishc,l in the ('ity of New York, at the expense ofthe least River 'Terminal Rail' II,ill, tl,g+-th,-r with (lie f+,lluwing notice, to wit:

NI,licc is bcrilly give It That the It+,anl of Estimate and Aplb'nti+,nulclit. before authoril-ing env enntlact for lilt- giant of the franchiseor right applied for by the I-:ast River 'Terminal Railroad and fully set forth and described in the f-tiy-ling furls of pr npuscd cuutract for the lelarlt „f Snell frnncllisc or right, and br-forr adnptint acv r+-sululiun aldhoriziue env such +'+,ntract, will at a uu-cling of sail hoard to hr Ill-hi in ll,,, ,,ill Cnmlril Chamber. lily hall, L'n,I Ilbilt of ;Slauh:ltlan, City of New York, un Fri+Inv, l'ehruary 19, 1909, at I(1.30 u'clncic a. In., trill It public hearing thee, un, at which citizen; ,hall be cutith d to appear and he heard.

J(ISi?1111 11,-hAl:, Secretary. Dated New York, January 8, 1909.

126,f 19

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D 2035


BOROUGH O F T H E BRONX.“ T he B ronx S ta r,” “ N orth Side News,"

“ B ronx Independent.”

BOROUGH O F RICH M O N D .“ S taten Island W orld ,” “ Richmond County

H erald .”BOROUGH O F Q U EE N S.

"L o n g Island S ta r ” (F irs t and Second W ards), " Flushing Evening Journa l ” (T hird W ard), " L o n g Island Farm er ” (F ou rth W ard ), " Kocka- way News ” (F ifth W ard).

BOROUGH O F BROOKLYN."B rooklyn Eagle,” “ Brooklyn Tim es,” “ Brook­

lyn Citizen,” “ Brooklyn Standard-U nion,” “ Brook- iyner Freie P resse .”

BOROUGH O F M AN H A TTA N .“ Real Estate Record and G uide” (H arlem Dis­

tric t) , “ M anhattan and Bronx A dvocate” (W ash­ington Heights, M orningside H eights and Harlem D istricts).

Designated by Board o f C ity Record June ig, 1 9 0 6 . Amended Ju n e 2 0 , 1 9 0 6 : Septem ber 3 0 ,1907; February 24, 1908, and M arch 5 and 16, 1908.



In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for tlie same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents required for the opening and extending of DEKALB A V EN U E, from East Two H undred and Eighth street to Gun Hill road, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t o a l lpersons interested in the above-entitled

proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unim proved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

F irst—T hat the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed their estim ate of dam­age, and that all persons interested in this pro- o ed in g , or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises atfectcd thereby, hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob­jections, in w riting, duly verified, with them at their office. Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 13th day of M arch, 1909, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, and for tha t purpose will lie in a t­tendance at their said office on the 15th day of M arch, 1909. at 2 o’clock p. 111.

Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit and that till persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and heredita­ments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections, in writing, duly verified, with him at his office, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 13th day of M arch, 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance a t his said office on the 15th day of M arch, 1909, at 3 o'clock p. in.

T h ird—T hat the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenem ents and lu reditainents and premises as are w ithin the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 14th day of June, 1907, and -that the said area of assessment includes all those lands, tenem ents and heredita­ments and premises situate and being in the Bor-

t ough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, ’ which, taken together, are bounded and described

3s follows, viz.:Bounded on the northw est by a line midway

between DeKalb avenue and Jerom e avenue, through tha t portion of the length of each lo­cated between East Two H undred and Eighth street and Gun Hill road, and by the prolon­gation of the saiil line; on the northeast by a line 100 feet northeasterly from and parallel with tlie northeasterly line of Gun Hill road, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Gun H ill road ; on the southeast by a line 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of DeKalb avenue, through that portion of its length located between Fast Two H undred and Eighth street and Gun Hill road, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of DeKalb avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line, and on the southwest by a line always distant 100 feet south­westerly from and parallel with the southwest­erly line of East Two H undred and Eighth street, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of E ast Two H undred and Eighth street.

F ourth— T hat the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to ­gether with the damage and benefit maps and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of E sti­mate and by the ( ommissioner of Assessment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of S treet Openings in the Law D epart­ment of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhat­tan, in said City, there to rem ain until the 15th day of M arch, 1909.

F ifth— T hat, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit here­in will be presented for confirm ation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, F irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof, P art II I ., to be held in the County Court House in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on the l l t l i day of May, 1909, at the open­ing of the Court on that day.

Sixth— In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess­ment, or to either of them , the motion to con­firm tin1 reports as to aw ards and as to assess­ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation t«» filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 o f the G reater New York Charter, as am ended by chap­te r (.58 of the Laws of 1906.

Dateil Borough of M anhattan, New York, J a n ­uary 2'), 1909.

J. C. JU L IU S LA N G BEIN , Chairm an;


Commissioners of Estimate.J. C. JU L IU S LA N G BEIN .

Commissioner of Assessment. foiiN P. D u n n , Clerk.

f 18,iii 10


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lauds, tenem ents and hereditam ents re­quired for the opening and extending o f EAST TW O H U N D RE D AND T H IR T Y -T IIIR I) S T R E E T (although not yet named by proper au thority ), from Bronx River to H utchinson R iver; also the PU B L IC PLA CE at the in te r­section of East Two H undred and Thirty-th ird street with M orris Park avenue, and the P U B ­LIC PL A CE at the eastern term inus of East Two H undred and Thirty-third street and H utchinson River, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, as am ended by an order bearing date the 28th day of April, 1904, and entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on April 28, 1904; in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York on April 29, 1904, and in the office of the Clerk of the County of W estchester on A pril 30, 1904, discontinuing the above-entitled proceeding, so fa r as the same affects tha t part of East Two H undred and T hirty-third street lying between the west­erly side of Baychester avenue and H utch in­son River.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h efinal supplemental and amended report of

the Commissioners of Estim ate and Assessment in the above-entitled m atter will be presented for confirm ation to the Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, F irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof. P a rt I I I . , to be held in the County C ourt House, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on the 26th day of February, 1909, a t 10.30 o’clock in forenoon of tha t day: and tha t the said final supplem ental and amended report has been de­posited in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, there to rem ain for and during the space of five days, as required by law.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, New York, February 18, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.J Q O C


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title , wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene­ments and hereditam ents required for the w idening of FREEM A N ST R E E T (although not yet named by proper au thority ), between Stebbins avenue and In tervale avenue, in the Tw enty-third W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t o a l lpersons interested in the above entitled

proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occu­pant or occupants of all houses and lots and im­proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all o thers whom it may concern, to wit:

F irst—T hat the undersigned, Commissioners ol Estimate, have completed their estim ate of dam ­age, and that all persons interested in this pro­ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, hav­ing any objeetjon thereto, do file their said ob­jections in writing, duly verified, with them at their office, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of Mew York, on or before the 5th day of M arch, i909, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in a t­tendance at their said office on the 8th day of March, 1909, a t 2 o’clock p. m.

Second—T h a t the undersigned, Commissioner of Assessment, has completed his estim ate of benefit and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob­jections m y riting , duly verified, with him at his office, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City o f New York, on or before the 5th day of M arch, 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in a t­tendance at his said office on the 8th day of M arch, 1909, at 3 o’clock p. m.

T hird—T hat the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises as are w ithin the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent on the 14th day of December, 1906, and that the said area of assess­ment includes all those lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises situate and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, v iz .:

Beginning at a point in the middle of the block between B ryant and Longfellow streets, midway between the northerly side of Freem an street and the southerly side of Jennings street, and ru n ­ning thence eastwardly on a line midway between the northerly side of Freem an street and the southerly side of Jennings street to the easterly side of the Southern boulevard; beginning again on the w esterly side of the Southern boulevard, midway between W ilkins avenue and Jennings street, and runn ing thence eastwardly to the east­erly side of W ilkins avenue midway between the Southern boulevard and Jennings street, includ­ing the entire triangu lar block bounded by In te r­vale avenue, W ilkins avenue and Freem an street; beginning again on the westerly side of In tervale avenue at a point midway between F'reemaii and Jennings streets, and extending wcstwardly along a line midway between F'reemaii and Jennings street to the easterly side o f Pros­pect avenue; beginning again on the westerly side of Prospect avenue at a point midway be­tween R itter place and Jennings street and ru n ­ning wcstwardly and parallel with Jennings street to a point 100 feet west of the westerly side of Prospect avenue, measured at right angles there­to; thence runn ing southwardly on a line 100 feet west of the westerly side of Prospect avenue and parallel therew ith to a point 100 feet south of the southerly side of East One H undred and Sixty ninth s treet; thence eastwardly on a line 100 feet south of the southerly side of East One H undred and Sixty-ninth street and parallel therew ith to a point 100 feet west of the west­erly side of Stebbins avenue; thence northw ardly on a line 100 feet west of the westerly side of Stebbins avenue and parallel therew ith to a pro­longation of a line 100 feet south of the southerly side of Chisholm street, between In tervale ave­nue and Stebbins avenue and parallel therew ith ; thence eastwardly along a line 100 feet south of the southerly side of Chisholm street, between In tervale and Stebbins avenues and the pro­longation thereof to a point 100 feet east of the easterly side of Intervale avenue; thence no rth ­wardly on a line 100 feet east of the easterly side of In tervale avenue and parallel therew ith to its intersection with a line drawn midway be­tween the southerly side of I'rcem an street and the northerly side of Home s treet; thence cast- wardly along the said line midway between the southerly side of F'reemaii street and the no rth ­erly side o f Home street to a point midway be­

tween the easterly side of B ryant s treet and the westerly side of Longfellow street; thence n o rth ­wardly on a line midway between the easterly side of B ryant s treet and the westerly side of Longfellow street to the point of beginning.

F ourth—T hat the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to ­gether with the; damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, c-timates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Estim ate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in mak­ing the same, have been deposited in the B ureau of S treet Openings in the Law D epartm ent ot The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in said City, there to rem ain until the 8th day of M arch, 1909.

F ifth— That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirm ation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, F irst D epart­ment, at a Special Term thereof, P a rt I I I . , to be held in the County C ourt House in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on the 29th day of April, 1909, a t the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth— In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess­ment, or to either of them, the motion to con­firm the reports as to awards and as to assess­ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant t< sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York C harter, as amended by chap­te r 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of M uihattan, New York, Feb­ruary 2, 1909.

TH O M A S R. LANE,C hairm an;


Commissioners of Estimate.TH O M A S R. LANE,

Commissioner of Assessment.J ohn P. D u n n , C lerk .

fll ,m 3


In tjic m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiiing title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the op in ­ing and extending of G U ER LA IN ST R E ET , between Beach avenue and Unionport road; A R CH ER ST R E E T , between Beach avenue and W hite P lains road; M E R R IL L ST R E ET , between Rosedale avenue and Beach avenue; BEACON AV EN U E, between Ro and Beach avenue; WOOD A V EN U E, between Beach avenue ami Storrow s treet; GRAY ST R E E T , between Wood avenue and Tremnni avenue, and STORROW ST R E ET , between W ood avenue and the public place at the ju n c ­tion of T rem ont avenue with W estchester ave­nue, in tlie Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

P U R S U A N T TO T H E STA TU TES INr such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given that an application will be the Suprem e C ourt of the State of New York, F’irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in P a rt 111. thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City o New York, on the 25th day of February, 19u 9 , at the opening of Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be hi ai d, for the ap­pointm ent of Commissioners of Jistimate and one Commissioner of Assessment in the above en­titled m atter.

The natu re and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York for the use of the public to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances there­unto belonging, required for the opening and extending of Giterlain street, between Beach ave­nue and U nionport road; Archer street, between Beach avenue and W hite Plains road; M errill street, between Rosedale avenue and Beach ave­nue; Beacon avenue, between Rosedale avenue and Beach avenue; Wood avenue, between Beach avenue and Storrow street; Gray street, between Wood avenue and Trem ont avenue; and Storrow street, between Wood avenue and the public place a t the junction of Trem ont avenue with W estchester avenue, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, being the following described pieces or parcels of land:

Guerlain Street.Beginning at a point in the eastern line of

Beach avenue distant 1,453.67 feet northerly from the intersection of said line with tlie north ­easterly line of Trem ont avenue;

1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Beach avenue for 63.66 feet;

2. Thence northeasterly deflecting 70 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds to the right for 1,294.62 fe e t;

3. Thence southeasterly deflecting 74 d igrees 11 m inutes 40 seconds to the right for 62.36 feet;

4. Thence southwesterly for 1,332.89 feet to the point of beginning.

Arc her Street.Beginning at a point in the eastern line ol

Reach avenue distant 888.50 fei t northerly from the intersection of said line with the northeast­erly line of Trem ont avenue;

f. ’Thence northerlj along the iastcrn line of Beach avctiuc for o0 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees 37 minutes to the right for 1,006.32 feet;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 60 fe e t;

4. Thence westerly for 1,005.68 feet to the point of bi ginning.

Merrill Street.Beginning at a point in the eastern line of

Rosedale avenue d istant 233.3-' feet northerly from the intersection of said line with the no rth ­easterly line of Trem ont avenue;

1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Rosedale avenue for 60 feet;_ 2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the

right for 734.72 feet;3. Thence southerly deflecting 83 d ig rees 40

minutes 40 seconds to the right for 60.37 feet;4. Thence westerly for 741.37 feet to the point

of beginning.Beacon Avenue.

Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Rosedale avenue distant 278 feet southerly from the intersection of said line with the southwest­erly line of Trem ont avenue;

1. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Rosedale avenue for 81.39 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 79 degrees 23 m inutes 20 seconds to the left for 789.81 feet;

3. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds to the left for 16.13 L e t to the southwesterly line of Trem ont avenue;

4. Thence northw esterly along the southwest­erly line of Trem ont avenue for 195.07 feet;

5. Thence southerly deflecting 113 degrees 1 m inute 20 seconds to the left for 12.42 feet;

6. Thence westerly for 625 feet to the point of beginning.

Wood Avenue.Beginning a t a point in ' t h e eastern line of

Beach avenue distant 30.68 feet northerly from the intersection of said line with the northeast­erly line of T rem ont avenue;

1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Beach avenue for 60.08 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees 37 m inutes to the right for 1,152.09 feet;

3. Thence southeasterly deflecting 11 degrees 5 m inutes 10 seconds to the right for 453.56 feet;

4. Thence southerly deflecting 78 degrees 54 m inutes 50 seconds to the right fo r 61.14 feet;

5. Thence northw esterly deflecting 101 degrees 5 m inutes 10 seconds to the righ t fo r 459.40 feet;

6. Thence westerly for 1,147.77 feet to the point of beginning.

Cray Street.Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line

of Trem ont avenue d istant 57.45 feet no rth ­westerly from the intersection of said line with the northerly line of the public place at the junction of Trem ont avenue with W estchester avenue;

1. Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of Trem ont avenue for 57.45 feet;

2. Thence northeasterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle of 225 feet rad ius for 13.23 feet to the northerly line of public place afo resaid ;

3. Thence northerly for 712.01 feet on a line deflecting 42 degrees 29 m inutes 1 second to the right from the prolongation of the radius of the preceding course drawn through its east­ern extrem ity;

4. Thence northw esterly deflecting 78 degrees 54 m inutes 50 seconds to the left for 61.14 feet;

5. Thence southerly for 705.6 feet to the point of beginning.

Storrow Street.Beginning at a point in the no rthern line of

the public place a t the junc tion of Trem ont avenue with W estchester avenue distant 228.47 feet northeasterly from the intersection of the northern line of said public place with the no rth ­easterly line of Trem ont avenue;

1. Thence easterly curving on the arc of a circle of 225 feet radius along the northern line of said public place for 64.28 feet;

Thence northerly for 629.63 feet on a line deflecting 28 degrees 41 m inutes 48 seconds to the left from the prolongation of the radius of the preceding course draw n through its eas t­ern ex trem ity ;

3. Thence northw esterly deflecting 78 degrees 54 m inutes 5U seconds to the left for 61.14 feet;

4. Thence southerly for 618.94 feet to thepoint of beginning.

1 he above streets ana avenues a re shown on a map or plan entitled, “ Map or plan showing the locating, laying out and the grades of the streets within the a n a bounded by St. Lawrence ave­nue, W estchester avenue, Noble avenue, B ronx River avenue, the line of the New York, New Haven and H artfo rd Railroad and Catholic Pro- n d o ry , i ’ugsley avenue, Story avenue, W hite Plains road and Ludlow avenue, in the Twenty- fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. P repared by the P residen t of the Borough of The Bronx, under authority of chap­ter 460 of the Laws of 1901.” W hich map was filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, on June 10, 1907; in the office of the Register of the County of New Yo;k, on June 4, 1907, as Map No. 1176, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corpora­tion of The City of New York on or about the same date in pigeonhole 78.

Land taken for the above streets and avenues is located east of Bronx River.

The Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent on the 8th day of May, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit m this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line midway between M ansion street and M er­rill street distan t 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of Rosedale avenue, and runn ing thence eastw ardly along the said line midway between M ansion street and M errill street and the prolongation thereof to a point distan t 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of Beach avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of Beach avenue; thence northw ardly and always d istant 100 feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Beach avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between W est Farm s road and Guerlain street as laid out between Taylor avenue and W hite Plains road ; thence east­wardly along the said line midway between W est Farm s road and G uerlain street and the pro­longation thereof, to the intersection with a line which bisects the angle formed by the prolonga­tions of the southerly line of W est Farm s road and the northerly line of Guerlain street as laid out easterly from W hite Plains road; thence eastwardly along the said bisecting line to a point distant 100 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of U nionport road, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Unionport road ; thence southeastw ardly and always distan t 100 feet northeasterly from and parallel with the northeasterly line of Union- port road to the intersection with a line which bisects the angle form ed by the prolongations of the centre lines of Guerlain street and A rcher street; thence wcstwardly along the said bisect­ing line to the intersection with a line d istant 100 feet easterly from ar.d parallel with the easterly line of W hite Plains road, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of W hite Plains road; thence southw ardly along the said line _ parallel with W hite Plains road to the intersection with a line which bisects the angle formed by the prolongations of thecentre line of Archer street and the centre line of Wood avenue as laid out easterly from the angle point easterly from W hite Plains road; thence eastwardly along the said bisecting_ line to the intersection with a line which bisects the angle formed by the intersection of the prolongations of the centre lines of Storrow street and Pugsley avenue; thence southwardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with the centre line of W estchester avenue;thence wcstwardly along the centre line ofW estchester avenue to the intersection with theprolongation of a line midway between W hite Plains road and Gray s treet; thence northw ardly along the said line midway between W hite Plains road and Gray street and the prolongation there­of to tlie intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between W ood avenue and Mc- Graw avenue as laid out between W hite Plains road and Beach avenue; thence westwardly along the said line midway between W ood avenue and McGraw avenue and the prolongation thereof to a point distant 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of Beach avenue, the said distance ic ing ’measured at right angles to the line of Beach avenue: thence southwardly and always100 feet d istant from and parallel with Beach avenue to the intersection with a line which bisects the angle formed by the prolongations of the centre lines of Beacon avenue and Randolph avenue as laid out between Beach avenue and Rosedale avenue; thence westwardly along thg -aid bisecting line to a point distan t 100 feet westerly front the westerly line of Rosedale ave­nue. the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Rosedale avenue; thence

2036 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

northw ardly and always d istant 100 feet westerly from and parallel w ith the westerly line of Rose- dale avenue to the point or place of beginning,

lla ted New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all o f Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

o f New York.f9,24


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to tile lands and premises required for the open­ing and extending of W E ST O N E H U N D RE D AND EIG H T Y -FO U R T H ST R E E T , from Amsterdam avenue to the first new avenue easterly therefrom , in the T w elith W ard, Bor­ough of M anhattan, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given that an application will be made to the Supreme C ourt of the S tate of New York, F irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and fo r the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of February, 1909, a t the open­ing of C ourt on tha t day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and one Commis­sioner of Assessm ent in the above entitled mat-

Thc Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent, on the 19th day of June, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment fo r benefit in this proceeding, as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line distan t 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north ­erly line of Burke avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of Burke avenue; on the east by a line midway be­tween M atthews avenue and Bronxwood avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line; on the southeast by a line distan t 100 feet southeast­erly and parallel with the southeasterly line of Boston road, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Boston road, and on the west by a line midway between Barnes ave­nue and M atthews avenue, and by the prolonga­tion of the said line.

D ated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

C orporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title , wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired,, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of TA Y LOR ST R E E T (or ave­nue), from Last River to W estchester avenue, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

icr.The natu re and ex ten t of the improvement

hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the pub­lic, to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, required for the opening and extending o f W est One H undred and Eighty- fourth street, from Amsterdam avenue . to the first new avenue easterly therefrom , being the following described pieces or parcels of land:

Beginning a t a point in the easterly line of Amsterdam avenue, distan t 177.33 feet southerly from the southerly line of W est One H undred and Eighty-fifth s treet; thence easterly and parallel to said street, distance 196.95 feet to the new avenue east of Amsterdam avenue; thence southerly along said new avenue, and on a curved line whose radius is 610 feet, distance 63.75 feet; thence westerly and parallel to first course, distance 184.50 feet to the easterly line of Am sterdam avenue; thence northerly along said line, distance 62.50 feet, to the point or place of beginning.

Said street to be found in Section 8, Block 2149 of the land map of the Borough of M an­hattan, City of New York, and is shown on a certa in map entitled “ Map of the Extension of W est One H undred and E ighty-fourth Street, trom Amsterdam Avenue to F irst New Avenue E ast; in the Tw elfth W ard, Borough of M an­hattan , City of New Y ork,’’ and tiled in the office pf the President of the Borough of M an­hattan , in the office o f the Register of the Coun­ty of New York, and in the office of the Cor­poration Counsel of T he City of New York, on or about the 9th day of November, 1908.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 18th day of December, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line always mid­way. between W est One H undred and Eighty- fourth street and W est One H undred and Eighty- fifth street, and by the prolongation of said line; on the east by a line d istan t 100 feet easterly from and parallel w ith the easterly line of the first new avenue east of Amsterdam avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of the new avenue; on the south by a line midway between W est One H undred and Eighth-third street and W est One H undred and E ighty-fourth street, and by the prolongation of the said line; and on the west by a line midway between Audubon avenue and St. Nicholas ave­nue.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.19,24


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York .relative to acquiring title, wher­ever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired. to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of M AT­T H E W S A V EN U E, from Burke avenue to the Boston road, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Bor­ough of The Bronx, City of New York.

PU R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given that an application will be made to th ; Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, F'irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereo f, to be held in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of February, 1909, a t the opening of C ourt on that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, for the ap­pointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and one Commissioner of Assessment in the above-entitled m atter.

The natu re and extent o f the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, required for the opening and extending of M atthews avenue, from Burke avenue to the Boston road, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, being the following described pieces or parcels of land:

Beginning at a point in the southern line of Burke avenue distant 1,240 feet easterly from the intersection of said line with the eastern line of W hite Plains road;

1. Thence easterly along the southern line of Burke avenue for 60 fee t;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 2.021.81 feet;

3. Thence easterly deflecting 92 degrees 56 m inutes to the left for 6.20 feet;

4. Thence southwesterly deflecting 137 degrees 14 m inutes to the right fo r 94.77 feet;

5. Thence northerly for 2,089.32 feet to the point of beginning.

M atthews avenue, from Burke avenue to Bos­ton road, is shown on Section 31 of the final maps of the Borough of The Bronx, prepared by the President of the Borough of The Bronx, under au thority of chapter 466 of 1901 and am endatory acts, which maps were filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx on F 'ebruary 2, 1906; in the office of the Register of the County o f New York on Jan ­uary 30, 1906, as M ap No. 1,103, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of The City of New York on o r about the same date, in pigeonhole 57.

/.and taken fo r M atthews avenue is located east of B ronx River.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the S tate of New York, F irst Department, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and fo r the County of New York, in the County C ourt House in the Boiough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of F'ebruary, 1909, a t the opening of Court on that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and one Commis­sioner of Assessment in the above-entitled m atter.

The natu re and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by. The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, required for the opening and extend­ing of Taylor street (o r avenue), from East River to W estchester avenue, being tile. following-de­scribed pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Parcel "A .”Beginning at a point in the southern line of

Clasons Point road distant 5,577.92 feet southeast­erly from the intersection of said line with the southern line of W estchester avenue;

1. Thence southeasterly along the southern line of Clasons Poin t road for 140.02 feet;

2. Thence westerly deflecting 118 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds to the right fo r 6.77 feet;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the left for 2,290.99 feet;

4. Thence southwesterly deflecting 23 degrees 47 minutes 5 seconds to the righ t for 102.53fee t;

5. Thence southw esterly deflecting 11 degrees 7 m inutes 39 seconds to the righ t fo r 300.33 fee t;

6. Thence westerly curving to the left on the arc of a circle of 720 feet radius fo r 80.04 feet, the radius of said circle . draw n southwesterly from the southern extrem ity of the preceding course deflects 3 degrees 11 m inutes 5 seconds to the right from the prolongation of said course:

7. Thence northeasterly 300.33 feet on a line deflecting 3 degrees 11 m inutes 5 seconds to the right from the prolongation of the radius of the preceding course drawn through its western extrem ity;

8. Thence northerly deflecting 22 degrees 59 m inutes 19 seconds to the left for 106.25 feet:

9. Thence easterly deflecting 78 degrees 4 m in­utes 35 seconds to the right for 25 feet;

10. Thence northerly for 2,358.14 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "B .”Beginning at a point in the no rthern line of

Clasons Point road distant 5,340.60 feet south­easterly from the intersection of said line with the southern line of W estchester avenue;

1. Thence southeasterly along the northern line of Clasons Poin t road for 146.79 feet;

2. Thence northerly deflecting 151 degrees 31 minutes 5 seconds to the left for 2,923.48 feet;

3. Thence northerly deflecting 1 degree 28minutes 44 seconds to the left for 105.04 feet;

4. Thence northerly deflecting 1 degree 33m inutes 15 seconds to the right fo r 2,290.17 feet to the southern line of W estchester avenue;

5. Thence westerly along the last m entioned line for 61.08 feet;

6. Thence southerly deflecting 79 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds to the left for 2,278.81 feet;

7. Thence southerly deflecting 1 degree 33m inutes 15 seconds to the left fo r 105.04 feet;

8. Thence southerly deflecting 1 degree 28minutes 44 seconds to the right for 2,794.46 feet;

9. Thence westerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right fo r 10 feet to the point of beginning.

Taylor avenue, from East River to W estchester avenue, is shown on Sections 49, 48 and 39 of the final maps of the Borough of The Bronx, prepared by the President of the Borough of The Bronx, under au thority o f chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901 and am endatory acts. W.hich maps were filed as follows: In the office of the P resi­dent of the Borough of The Bronx on F'ebruary 19, 1908, and November 10, 1908: in the office of the Register of the County of New York, on F'ebruary 18, 1908, as Map No. 1241, and on November 9, 1908, as Maps Nos. 1301 and 1302, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corpora­tion of The City of New York on o r about the same dates in pigeonholes 93 and 110, respectively.

Taylor avenue is also shown on a map or plan entitled “ Map or plan showing the locating, lay­ing ou t and the grades of the streets within the area bounded by St. Lawrence avenue, W est­chester avenue. Noble avenue, B ronx River ave­nue, the line of the New York, New Haven and H artford Railroad and Catholic Protectory , Pugs- le.v avenue, Story avenue, W hite P lains road and Ludlow avenue, in the T w enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. P re ­pared by the P residen t of the Borough of The Bronx under au thority of chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901.” W hich map was filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx on June 10, 1907; in the office of the Register of the County of New York on June 4, 1907, as Map No. 1176, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of T he City of New York on or about the same date in pigeonhole 78.

Land taken fo r T aylor avenue is located east of Bronx River.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent, on the 19th day of June, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessm ent fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the bulkhead line of the East River where it is in tersected by a line distant 450 feet w esterly from and parallel with the westerly line of T aylor avenue as laid out between Bronx River avenue and the bulkhead line, the said distance being m easured a t right

angles to the line of T aylor avenue, and running thence northw ardly along the said line parallel with Taylor avenue and the prolongation of the said line to a point distan t 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of B ronx R iver avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of Bronx R iver avenue; thence eastwardly and always parallel with and distant 100 feet from the northerly line o f Bronx River avenue to tlie intersection with a line midway between Beach avenue and T aylor avenue; thence no rth ­wardly along the said line midway between Beach avenue and Taylor avenue to the intersection with a line distan t 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of W estchester avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of W estchester avenue; thence east­wardly along the said line parallel with W est­chester avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Taylor avenue and T herio t ave­nue; thence southwardly along the said line mid­way between Taylor avenue and Therio t avenue to a point distant 100 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line o f Bronx River avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of Bronx R iver avenue; thence southeasterly and always d istan t 100 feet from and parallel with the northeasterly line of B ronx . River ave­nue to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle form ed by the intersection of the prolonga­tions of the centre lines of T aylor avenue and Gildersleeve avenue as the said avenues are laid out between Bronx R iver avenue and the bulk­head line of the East R iver; thence southwest- wardly along the said bisecting line to the said bulkhead line; thence northw estw ardly and west- wardly along the said bulkhead line to the point or place of beginning.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. P E N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of. Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24


In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York relative to acquiring title , wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the open­ing and extending of SE D G W IC K A V EN U E, from Jerom e avenue to a line between the Tw enty-third and Tw enty-fourth W ards, at W est One H undred and Sixty-ninth street, where not already acquired, in the Twenty-third W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the S u­preme C ourt of the S tate of New York, First Departm ent, a t a Special Term thereof, to he held in P a rt i l l . thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County C ourt House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of F'ebruary, 1909, at the opening of C ourt on that day, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be heard, fo r the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and one Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled m atter.

The na tu re and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by. The City of New York for the use of the public to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances there­unto belonging, required fo r the opening and ex­tending of Sedgwick avenue, from Jerom e avenue to a line between the Tw enty-third and Twenty- fourth W ards a t W est O ne H undred and Sixty- ninth street, w here not already acquired, being the following described pieces or parcels of land:

Parcel "A ."Beginning at the intersection of the eastern

line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened No­vember 28, 1870) with the eastern line o f Lind avenue;

1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Lind avenue for 96.88 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 168 degrees 50 minutes 17 seconds to the right for 73 feet;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 3 degrees 19 m inutes 20 seconds to the le ft for 349.77 feet, to the northern line of W est One H undred and Sixty-first s treet;

4. Thence w esterly along the northern line of West One H undred and Sixty-first street for 20.66 feet to the eastern line o f Sedgwick ave­nue (legally opened November 28, 1870);

5. Thence northerly along last m entioned line for 323.69 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "B .”Beginning at the intersection of the eastern

line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened No­vember 28, 1870) with the w estern line of Lind avenue;

1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened November 28, 1870) for 2,738.47 feet to the southern line of W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh street (legally opened as W olf s tre e t);

2. Thence southeasterly along the southern line of W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh street for 25.58 feet;

3. Thence southw esterly deflecting 51 degrees 25 m inutes 50 seconds to the righ t fo r 683.11 fee t;

4. Thence southerly deflecting 18 degrees 44 m inutes to the le ft for 1,752.30 feet;

5. Thence easterly deflecting 78 degrees 50 minutes 17 seconds to the left for 34.68 feet to the w< stern line of Lind avenue;

6. Thence southerly along the w estern line of Lind avenue for 279.08 feet to the point of be- gin,ling- Parcel C.

Beginning at the intersection of the eastern line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened No­vember 28, 1870) with the northern line of W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh street (W olf s tre e t);

1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened November 28, 1870) for 695.41 feet to the southern line of W est O ne H undred and Sixty-ninth street;

2. Thence easterly along the southern line ofW est One H undred and S ixty-ninth street for 20 feet; .

3. Thence southw esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 154.48 feet;

4. Thence southerly deflecting 27 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds to the left fo r 551.78 feet to the northern line o f W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh street (W olf s tre e t);

5. Thence northw esterly along last-mentioned line for 24.59 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "D ."Beginning at a po in t in the southern line of

Sedgwick avenue (legally opened Septem ber .14, 1888) where it is intersected by the w estern line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened November 28, 1870);

1. Thence southw esterly along the western line of Sedgwick avenue (legally opened November 28, 1870) fo r 32.95 feet;

2. Thence northerly deflecting 142 degrees 13 m inutes 13 seconds to the righ t fo r 29.70 feet;.

3. Thence easterly for 20.51 feet to the point of beginning.

Sedgwick avenue is designated as a street of the first class, and is shown on Section 8 of the final maps and profiles of the Twenty-third and Tw enty-fourth W ards, filed in the office of the Commissioner of S treet Im provem ents of the Tw enty-third and Tw enty-fourth W ards of The City of New York on November 11, 1895; in the office of the Register of the County of New York on November 12, 1895, as M ap No. 1061, and in the office of the Secretary of State of the S tate of New York on November 13, 1895.

The land to be taken fo r Sedgwick avenue is located in Blocks 2523, 2527, 2530 and 2541 of Section 9 of the land map of The City of New York.

The Board o f Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 20th day of November, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessm ent for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the easterly bulkhead line of the H arlem River where it is intersected by the prolongation o f a line distan t 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line o f Commerce avenue, as laid out imme­diately west of and adjacent to Sedgwick avenue, the said distance being m easured a t righ t angles to the line of Commerce avenue, and runn ing thence eastw ardly along the said line, parallel with Commerce avenue to the intersection with the easterly line of . Undercliff avenue; thence eastwardly and at right angles to the line of U ndercliff avenue to a point d istan t 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of A queduct avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Aqueduct avenue; thence southw ardly and always d istan t 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of A queduct avenue and the easterly line of Lind avenue, as laid out north of W est One H undred and Sixty-ninth street, and along the prolonga­tion of the la tte r line to the intersection with a line midway between Graham square and W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh street; thence southeastw ardly along the said line midway be­tween Graham square and W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh street and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Graham square and Lind avenue; thence southw ardly along the said line midway between Graham square and Lind avenue and the prolongation thereof to the in te r­section with the prolongation of a line midway between W est One H undred and . Sixty-sixth street and W est One H undred and Sixty-seventh s treet; thence eastw ardly along the said line midway between W est One H undred and Sixty- sixth street and W est One H undred and Sixty- seventh street and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Sum m it avenue and Ogden avenue; thence southw ardly along the said line midway between Sum m it avenue and Ogden ave- nue and the prolongations thereof to the in te r­section with a line always d istan t 100 feet northeasterly from and parallel with the no rth ­easterly line of Sedgwick avenue and E x ten o r street, the said distance being measured a t right angles respectively, to the lines o f Sedgwick avenue and E xterior s treet; thence southeast­wardly along the said line parallel with Sedg­wick avenue and E xterior s treet to the in te r­section with a line distant 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of Jerom e avenue, the said distance being meas­ured a t right angles to the line of Jerom e avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line parallel with Jerom e avenue to the intersection with the easterly bulkhead line of the Harlem R iver; thence northw ardly along the said bulk­head line to the point o r place of beginning.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall o f Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24


In the m atter of the application of The City of New Y ork relative to acquiring title , w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired,, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of L liL A N D AVI5NUE, from W estchester avenue to Ludlow avenue, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of T he Bronx, City o f New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Suprem e Court of the S tate of New York, F'irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in P art I I I . thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of F'ebruary, 1909, at the opening of Court on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, for the appointm ent of Com­missioners of Ivstimate and one Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled m atter.

The na tu re and extent of. the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon ana the appurtenances there­unto belonging, required for the opening and ex­tending of Leland avenue, from W estchester ave­nue to Ludlow avenue, being the following de­scribed pieces o r parcels of land:

Beginning a t a point in the southern line of W estchester avenue distant 3,132.19 feet easterly from the intersection o f said line with the eastern line of Clasons Point road.

1. Thence easterly along the southern line of W estchester avenue for 61.08 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 100 degrees 47 m inutes 15 seconds to the right for 2,388.60 feet;

3. Thence westerly deflecting 89 degrees 55 m inutes 45 seconds to the right for 60 feet;

4. Thence, northerly for 2,377.24 feet to the point of beginning.

Leland avenue, from W estchester avenue to Ludlow avenue, is shown on a map or plan en­titled “ Map or plan showing the locating, laying out and the grades of the streets within the area bounded by St. Lawrence avenue, W est­chester avenue, Noble avenue, Bronx River ave­nue, the line of the New York, New H aven and H artford Railroad and Catholic Protectory, I’ugs- ley avenue, Story avenue, W hite P lains road and Ludlow avenue, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Bor­ough of T he Bronx, City of New York. P re ­pared by the P residen t of the Borough of The Bronx, under au thority of chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901.” W hich map was filed in the office of the Presiden t of the Borough of The Bronx on Ju n e 10, 1907; in the office of the Register of the County of New York on June 4, 1907, as M ap No. 1176, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of The City of New York on or about the same date in pigeon­hole 78.

Land taken fo r Leland avenue is located east of the Bronx River.

The Board of Estim ate and Apportionm ent, on the 19th day of June, 1908, duly fixed and. deter­m ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line distan t 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of W estchester avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of W estchester avenue; on the east by a line mid­way between Leland avenue and U nderhill avc-


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D 2037mie ami the prolongation o f the Raid line; on Ihc south hy a line d istan t 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of L ud­low avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Ludlow avenue; and on the west by a line midway between Theriot avenue and Leland avenue.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24

F IR S T D E P A R T M E N T .

In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been here to to re acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of B U S II S T R E E T , from Creston avenue to (irand Boulevard and Concourse, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SU CII cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Su­preme Court of the S tate of New York, F irst De- I a rtn u n t, a t a Special Term thereof, to be held in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of February, 1909, a t the opening of Court on that day. or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard for the appointm ent of Commission­ers o f Estim ate and one Commissioner of As­sessment in the above entitled m atter.

The natu re and ex ten t of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by '1'he City of New York, fo r the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances there­unto belonging, required for the opening and extending of Bush street, from Creston avenue to (irand Boulevard and Concourse, being the following described pieces or parcels o f land:

Beginning a t a point in the eastern line of C reston avenue distant 185.81 feet northeasterly from the intersection o f said line with the no rth ­ern line of East One H undred and Seventy-ninth s treet;

1- Thence northeasterly a ’ong the eastern line of C reston avenue for 53.09 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 70 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds to the right for 256.55 feet to the w estern line of G rand Boulevard and Con­course;

3. Thence southwesterly along last mentioned line for 52.15 feet;

4. Thence w esterly for 259.56 fee t to the point o f beginning.

Bush street is shown on a map or plan entitled “ Map or plan showing tha t portion of Bush street, from G rand Boulevard and Concourse to C reston avenue, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. P re ­pared by the President of the Borough of The Bronx under authority of chapter 4o6 o f the Laws of 1901.” Which map was filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, on April 5, 1906; in the office o f the Register of the County of New York, on M arch 29, 1906, as Map No. 1120-B; and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of T he City of New York, on or about the same date, in pigeonhole 59.

Land taken for Bush street, from Creston avenue to G rand Boulevard and Concourse, is located in Blocks 2808, 2812 and 2813 of Sec­tion 11 of the Land M ap of The City of New York.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 4th day of December, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessm ent fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning a t a point on_ the westerly line of Creston avenue where it is intersected by the prolongation of a_ line midway between E ast One H undred and Seventy-ninth street and Bush street, and running thence westwardly a t right angles to C reston avenue to the intersection with a line midway between M orris avenue and Cres­ton avenue; thence northw ardly along the said line midway between M orris avenue and Creston avenue to the intersection with a_ line at right angles to Creston avenue and passing through a point on its westerly side w here it is intersected by the prolongation o f a line midway between Bush street and Burnside avenue, as these streets are laid out west of the Concourse; thence east- wardly along the said line a t right angles to Creston avenue to its westerly side; thence east- wardly along the said line midway between Bush street and Burnside avenue and the prolongations of the said line to the intersection with a line distan t 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line o f the Concourse, the said dis­tance being m easured a t righ t angles to the line of the Concourse; thence southw ardly along the said line para lel wi.h the Concourse to the in te r­section with a line midway between East One H undred and Seventy-ninth street and Busn street; thence westwardly along the said line midway between East One H undred and Seventy- ninth street and Bush street and the prolongation of the said line to the point or place of be­ginning.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required fo r the open­ing and extending of ST. LA W REN CE AVE- NUE. CO M M O N W EA LTH A V EN U E, ROSE- DALE A V EN U E, N O BLE A V EN U E, CROES A V EN U E and FT E L E Y A V EN U E, from W estchester avenue to Clasons Point road, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

PU R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Su­preme C ourt of the State of New York, First Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of February , 1909, at the opening of Court on that day, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel ta n be heard, for the appointm ent of Commissioners o f Estim ate and one Commis­sioner of Assessment in the above entitled m at­ter.

The na tu re and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York fo r the use of the public to ail the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances there­unto belonging, required fo r the opening and extending of St. Lawrence avenue. Common­wealth avenue, Rosedate avenue, Noble avenue, ( roes avenue and Fteley avenue, from W estches­te r avenue to Clasons Point road, in the Twenty- fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, being the following described pieces or parcels of land:

St. Lawrence Avenue.Beginning at a point in the southern line of

W estchester avenue d istant 2,073.16 feet no rth ­easterly from the intersection of said line with the northeasterly line of Clasons Point road;

1. Thence northeasterly along the southern line of W estchester avenue for 61.08 feet;

2. Thence .southerly deflecting 100 degrees 47 minutes 40 second^ to the right for 2,191.74 feet;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 1 degree 33m inutes 15 seconds to the le ft for 105.04 feet;

4. Thence southerly deflecting 1 degree 28minutes 44 seconds to the right for 1,965.02 feet, to the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road;

5. Thence northw esterly along last mentioned line for 146.79 feet;

6. Thence easterly deflecting 118 degrees 28m inutes 55 seconds to the righ t for 10 feet;

7. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees tothe left for 1,836 feet;

8. Thence northerly deflecting 1 degree 28minutes 44 seconds to the le ft fo r 105.44 feet;

9. Thence _ northerly for 2,180.38 feet to the point of beginning.

Commonwealth Avenue.Beginning a t a point in the southern line of

W estchester avenue, d istant 1,808.48 feet n o rth ­easterly from the intersection of said line with the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road;

1. Thence northeasterly along the southern line of W estchester avenue for 61.08 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 100 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds to the righ t for 2,142.52 feet,

3. Thence southerly deflecting 1 degree 33minutes 15 seconds to the left fo r 105.04 feet;

4. Thence southerly deflecting 1 degree 28minutes 44 seconds to the right for 1,485.79 feet, to the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road ;

5. Thence northw esterly along last m entioned line for 146.79 feet;

6. Thence easterly deflecting 118 degrees 28minutes 55 seconds to the right for 10 feet;

7. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees tothe left for 1,356.76 feet:

8. Thence northerly deflecting 1 degree 28minutes 44 seconds to the le ft for 105.04 feet;

9. Thence northerly fo r 2,136.16 feet to the point of beginning.

Rosedale Avenue.Beginning at a point in the southern line of

W estchester avenue distant 1,523.42 feet no rth ­easterly from the intersection o ' said line with the northeasterly line of Clasons Point road;

1. Thence northeasterly along tl e southern line of W estchester avenue for 81.42 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting i 00 degrees 43 m inutes 9 seconds to the right fo - 3,204.85 feet, to the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road:

3. Thence northw esterly along last m entioned line for 188.73 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 118 degrees 28 m inutes 55 seconds to the right for 10 feet;

5. Thence northerly for 3,023,82 feet to the point of beginning.

Noble Avenue.Beginning a t a point in the southern line of

W estchester avenue d istant 1,258.80 feet north­easterly from the intersection of said line with the northeasterly line of Clason Points road;

1. Thence northeasterly along the southern line of W estchester avenue 61.07 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 100 degrees 43 minutes 9 seconds to the right fo r 2,635.76 feet to the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road;

3. Thence northw esterly along last m entioned line for 146.79 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 118 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds to the right for 10 feet;

5. Thence northerly fo r 2,495.38 feet to the point of beginning.

Croes Avenue.Beginning a t a point in the southern line of

W estchester avenue distant 994.19 feet no rth ­easterly from the intersection of said line with the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road;

1. Thence northeasterly along the southern line of W estchester avenue fo r 61.07 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 100 degrees 43 minutes 9 seconds to the right fo r 2,107.32 feet to the northeasterly line of Clasons P o in t road;

3. Thence northw esterly along last m entioned line fo r 125.82 feet;

4. Thence northerly for 1,985.37 feet to the point of beginning.

Fteley Avenue.Beginning at a point in the southern line of

W estchester avenue distant 729.57 feet north ­easterly from the intersection of said line with the northeasterly line of Clasons Point road;

1. Thence northeasterly along the southern line of W estchester avenue for 61.07 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 100 degrees 43 m inutes 9 seconds to the right for 1,578.88 feet to the northeasterly line of Clasons Poin t road;

3. Thence northw esterly along last m entioned line fo r 146.79 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 118 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds to the right fo r 10 feet;

5. Thence northerly fo r 1,438.50 feet to the point of beginning.

St. Lawrence avenue, Commonwealth avenue, Rosedale avenue. Noble avenue, Croes avenue and Fteley avenue, are shown on Sections 39 and 48 of the final maps of the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, which maps were prepared by the President o f the Borough of The Bronx, under au thority of chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901, and am endatory acts. Said maps were filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx on November 10, 1908; in the office of the Register of the County of New York on November 9, 1908,as Maps Nos. 1302 and 1301, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of The City of New York on o r about the" same date in pigeonhole 110.

Land taken for the above avenues is located east of B ronx River.

The Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent, on the 19th day of June, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line distan t 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north ­erly line of W estchester avenue, the said dis­tance being m easured at right angles to the line of W estchester avenue: on the cast by a line midway between St. Lawrence avenue and Beach avenue; on the southwest by a line distan t 100 feet southwesterly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of Clasons Poin t road, the saiil distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Clasons Point road, and on the west by a line midway between M etcalf avenue and Fteley avenue.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N CIS K. PE N D L ET O N .

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24


In the m atter of the application of T he City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required fo r the open­ing and extending of CO RN ELL A V EN U E,

from W hite P la ins road to the bulkhead line ..f the Bronx River; BRONX R IV ER A V E ­N U E, from Cornell avenue to Gildersleeve avenue, and LE LA N D A V EN U E, from Bronx River avenue to Patterson avenue, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Broitx, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given tha t an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York, F irst Departm ent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and for the County of New York, in the County C ourt House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City o f New York, on the 25th day of February , 1909, a t the opening of court on that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, for the appointm ent of Commissioners o f Estim ate and one Commissioner of Assessm ent in the above-entitled m atter.

The natu re and extent o f the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, required fo r the opening and extending of Cornell avenue, from W hite P lains road to the bulkhead line of the Bronx River; B ronx River avenue, from Cornell ave­nue to Gildersleeve avenue, and Leland avenue, from Bronx River avenue to P a tte rson avenue, being the following-described pieces or parcels of land:

Cornell Avenue.Beginning at a point on the prolongation of

tha t part of the w estern line of Clasons Poin t road lyin$ southerly of the angle point in said road hereinafter described, distan t 1,177.781 feet southerly from said angle point in said w estern line, which angle point is d istan t 8,648.998 feet southeasterly from the intersection o f said w est­ern line with the southern line of W estchester avenue;

1. Thence southerly along said prolongation for 80 feet;

2. Thence westerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 1,044.18 feet;

3. Thence northw esterly deflecting 99 degrees 53 m inutes 20 seconds to the right for 91.21 feet;

4. Thence easterly fo r 1,058.13 feet to the point of beginning.

Bronx River Avenue.Beginning a t a point distan t 720 feet west of

Clasons P o in t road m easured a t right angles to the same from a point in the w estern line of said road distant 9,046.779 feet southeasterly from the intersection of said western line with the southern line of W estchester avenue;

1. Thence w esterly along said line a t right angles to Clasons Poin t road for 169.58 feet;

2. Thence southeasterly deflecting 99 degrees 53 m inutes 20 seconds to the le ft for 791.76 feet;

3. Thence easterly deflecting 80 degrees 6 m inutes 40 seconds to the le ft fo r 101.51 feet;

4. Thence northw esterly deflecting 99 degrees 53 m inutes 20 seconds to the left for 395.40 feet;

5. Thence northerly for 390.47 feet to the point of beginning.

Leland Avenue.Beginning at a point distant 720 feet west of

Clasons Poin t road m easured a t right angles to the same from a point in the western line of said road distant 9,046.779 feet southeasterly from the intersection of said western line with the southern line of W estchester avenue;

1. Thence westerly along said line a t right angles to Clasons Point road for 68.07 feet;

2. Thence northw esterly . deflecting 80 degrees 6 m inutes 40 seconds to the right for 35.16 feet;

3. Thence northw esterly curving to the_ le ft on the arc of a circle of 1,120 feet radius and tangent to the preceding course for 55.54 feet;

4. Thence easterly for 25 feet on a line deflect­ing 12 degrees 43 m inutes 48 seconds to the right from the prolongation of the radius of the preceding course draw n through its northern ex­trem ity;

5. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to the left for 1,390.90 feet;

6. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 60 feet;

7. Thence southerly for 1,480 feet to the point of beginning.

Cornell avenue, from W hite P lains road to the bulkhead line of the Bronx River; B ronx River avenue, from Cornell avenue to Gildersleeve ave­nue, and L iland avenue, from Bronx River ave­nue to Patterson avenue, are shown on Section 49 of the final maps of the Borough of The Bronx, which map was prepared by the President of the Borough of The Bronx, under authority of chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901: and filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx on February 19, 1908; in the office of the Register o f the County of New York on February 18, 1908. as Map No, 1241, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of The City of New York on or about the same date, in pigeonhole 93.

Land taken fo r above avenues is located east of the Bronx River.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 27th day of M arch, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the a rea of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the easterly bulkhead line of Bronx River distan t 100 feet southerly from the southerly line of Cornell avenue, the said distance being m easured at righ t angles to the line of Cornell avenue, and runn ing thence northw ardly along the said bulkhead line to a point d istant 100 feet northerly from the n o rth ­erly line of Gildersleeve avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Gildersleeve avenue; thence eastwardly parallel with Gildersleeve avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between T herio t avenue, and Leland avenue; thence no rth ­wardly along the said line midway between Theriot avenue and Leland avenue and the pro­longation thereof to a point distant 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Patterson avenue; thence eastwardly along a line parallel with Patterson avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Leland avenue and U nder­hill avenue; thence southw ardly along the said line midway between Leland avenue and U nder­hill avenue to a point d istant 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Gildersleeve avenue; thence eastwardly parallel with G ild.rsleeve ave­nue to the intersection with a line midway be­tween U nderhill avenue and Bolton avenue; thence southw ardly along the said line midway between U nderhill avenue and Bolton avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Gil­dersleeve avenue and Cornell avenue; thence easi- wardly along the said line midway between Gil­dersleeve avenue and Cornell avenue to the in ­tersection with a line midway between W hite Plains road and Newman avenue; thence south­wardly along the said line midway between W hite Plains road and Newman avenue to the in tersec­tion with a line bisecting the angle form ed by the intersection of the prolongations of the no rth ­erly line of Bronx River avenue and the south­erly line of Cornell avenue, as laid out between Bolton avenue and W hite P lains road ; thence w istw ardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with a line d istant 100 feet sou th­erly from the southerly line of Cornell avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles

to tie line of Cornell avenue; thence westwardly and parallel with Cornell avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall o f Records, Borough of M anhattan , City

of New York.f9,24


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to certain real estate, tenem ents, hereditam ents, corporeal or incorporeal rights in the same, and any and all rights and in terests therein, including un ­expired term s of leases thereof, not now owned by T he City of New York, situated in the Bor­ough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, duly selected and specified by the Commissioner of Bridges of The City of New York, with the approval of the Board of Flstimate and Appor­tionm ent of said City, pursuan t to the pro­visions of chapter 712 of the Laws of 1901, as am ended by chapter 90 of the Laws of 1907, for the reconstruction of the westerly or M an­hattan term inal of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, for the better accommodation of pedes­trians, vehicles and railroad passengers using said bridge or term inal.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e C ourt of the

S tate of New York, bearing date the 4th day of February , 1909, Jam es Shelton M eng was ap­pointed a Commissioner of Estim ate and Ap­praisal in the above entitled proceeding in tile place and stead of Thom as Slidell, resigned.

Notice is fu rth er given pursuan t to the statutes in such case made and provided, tha t the said Jam es Shelton M eng will a ttend a t a Special T erm , P a rt I I ., of the Suprem e C ourt, to be held at the County C ourt H ouse, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on the 23d day of F'ebruary, 1909, at 11 o’clock in the fore­noon of tha t date for the purpose of being ex­am ined under oath by the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, o r by any person having an in terest in said proceeding as to his qualifications to act as such Commissioner of Estim ate and Appraisal in said proceeding.

D ated New York, F'ebruary 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan , New

York City.f9,20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, w herever

the same has not been heretofore acquired, _ to the lands and premises required fo r the opening and extending of T H IR D A V E N U E , _ as w idened on its easterly side, between W ashing­ton avenue and a point north of and near L orillard place, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York, F irst D epartm ent, a t a Special T erm thereof, to be heid in P a rt I I I . thereof, in and fo r the County of New York, in the County Court House, in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, on the 25th day of F'ebruary, 1909, at the opening of C ourt on that day, o r as soon the rea fte r as counsel can be heard, for the appointm ent of Com­m issioners of Estim ate and one Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled m atter.

T he na tu re and extent of the im provement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York fo r the use of the public to all the lands and premises, together with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, required for the opening and extending of T h ird avenue, as w idened on its easterly side, between W ashington avenue and a point north of and near L orillard place, being the following de­scribed pieces o r parcels of land:

Parcel "A ."Beginning a t a point in the no rthe rn line of

East One H undred and Eighty-seventh street dis­tan t 340 feet northw esterly from the intersection of said line with the northw esterly line of B ath­gate avenue;

1. Thence northw esterly along the no rthern line of East One H undred and Eighty-seventh street fo r 5 .49 feet to the eastern line of T h ird avenue, as legally opened April 18, 1889;

2. Thence northerly along the last m entioned line for 127.37 feet to the southeasterly line of W ashington avenue;

3. Thence northeasterly along the last m en­tioned line fo r 6 .14 feet;

4. Thence southerly fo r 135.53 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel " B .”Beginning a t a point in the southern line of

East One H undred and Eighty-seventh street dis­tan t 285.51 feet northw esterly from the in te r­section of said line w ith the northw esterly line of Bathgate avenue;

1. Thence northw esterly along the southern line of E ast One H undred and Eighty-seventh street for 5 .18 feet to the eastern line of T h ird avenue, as legally opened April 18, 1889;

2. Thence southerly along the eastern line of T h ird avenue fo r 225.28 feet;

3. Thence southeasterly still along the eastern line of T hird avenue fo r 210.58 feet to the northw esterly line of Bathgate avenue;

4. Thence northeasterly along last mentioned line fo r 31.92 feet;

5. Thence northw esterly deflecting 55 degrees 24 m inutes 32 seconds to the left fo r 176.14 feet;

6. Thence northw esterly deflecting 10 degrees 59 m inutes 17 seconds to the righ t fo r 70.01 feet;

7. Thence northerly deflecting 10 degrees 12 m inutes 20 seconds to the right for 120.94 feet;

8. Thence northerly for 43.04 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "C ."Beginning a t a point in the southeasterly line

of Bathgate avenue d istant 326.80 feet south­w esterly from the intersection of said line with the southern line of East One H undred andEighty-seventh street;

1. Thence southw esterly along the southeastern line of Bathgate avenue fo r 32.25 feet to the eastern line of T hird avenue, as legally opened April 18, 1889;

2. Thence southeasterly along last m entioned line fo r 145.57 feet;

3. Thence northerly deflecting 173 degrees 37 m inutes 24 seconds to the le ft Tor 33.56 feet;

4. Thence northerly deflecting 3 degrees 44 m inutes 40 seconds to the right fo r 75.82 feet;

5. Thence northw esterly fo r 58.29 feet to the point of beginning.

T hird avenue, as widened on its easterly side between W ashington avenue and a point north of and near Lorillard place, is shown on a map or plan entitled “ Map or plan showing the pro­posed widening of T hird avenue, between Wash-

2038 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

ington avenue and L orillard place, in order to conform to the form er eastern line of Kings- bridge road, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. Preoared by the President of the Borough of The Bronx, under authority of chapter 4o6 o f the Laws of 1901.” W hich map was filed in the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx on Ju ly 11, 1904; in the office of the Register of the County of New York on July 6, 1904, as Map No. 1085, and in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of T h e City of New Y ork on or about the same date, in pigeonhole 36.

Land taken for above widening is located in Blocks 3055 and 3057 of Section 11 of the Land Map of The City of New York.

The Board of Estim ate and Apportionm ent, on the 10th day of April, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the area o f assessment fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Bounded on the east by a line always distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of T hird avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of T hird avenue; on the north by a line a t right angles to W ashington avenue a t a point where the southeasterly line of W ashington avenue is intersected by the easterly line of T hird avenue; on the west by the easterly line of T hird avenue, and on the southeast by the northw esterly line of Lorillard place.

Dated New York, February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f9,24


In the m atter o f the application of The City of New York, acting by and through the Com­missioner of Docks, relative to acquiring right and title to and possession of all the wharfage rights, terms, easements, emoluments and privileges not now owned by The City of New York, appurtenant to all tha t certain bulkhead, w harf or dock property situate on the SO U TH E RL Y SID E OF SO U TH ST R E E T , in the Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, commencing on the easterly side of P ie r (old) 52, East River, and ex tend ­ing easterly to the w esterly side of P ie r (old) 53, East River, pursuant to the plan heretofore adopted by the Board of Docks and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking E'und, as altered and amended by the Com­m issioner of Docks and approved by the Com­missioners of the Sinking Fund.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t , b yan order of the Suprem e C ourt of the

State o f New York, bearing date the 29th day of January , 1909, and filed and entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York on the 1st day of February , 1909, M essrs. M. Linn Bruce, G ilbert II . M ontague and Sidney H arris were appointed Commissioners of E sti­mate in the above-entitled proceeding.

Notice is fu r th e r given, pursuant to the statutes in such case made and provided, tha t the said M. Linn Bruce, Gilbert H . M ontague and S id­ney H arris will a ttend a t a Special Term , P a rt II ., of the Suprem e C ourt, to be held at the County Court House, in the Borough of M an­hattan, in The City of New York, on the 19th day of February, 1909, a t 11 o’clock in the forenoon of tha t day, fo r the purpose of being exam ined under oath by the C orporation Counsel of The City of New York or by any person having an in terest in said proceeding as to their qualifications to act as such Commissioners of Estimate in said proceeding.

Dated New York. February 5, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, Newyork Ci,y- ,6.,8


In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York relative to acquiring title , wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene­ments and hereditam ents required for the opening and extending of A STOR A V EN U E, from Olinville avenue to W hite Plains road, in the Tw enty-fourth W ard, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t o a l lpersons interested in the above-entitled

proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occu­pant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unim proved lands affected thereby and to all others whom it may concern, to w it:

F irst—T hat the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate have completed the ir estim ate of damage, and that all persons in terested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with them at their office, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 27th day of Febru­ary, 1909, and th a t the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance a t their said office on the 1st day o f M arch, 1909, at 3 o’clock p. m. _

Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob­jections in writing, duly verified, with him at his offee, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 27th day of February, 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance a t his said office on the 1st day of M arch, 1909, a t 4 o’clock p. m.

Third— That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment fo r benefit by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 8th day of M arch, 1907, and th a t the said area of assess­ment includes all those lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises situate and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Bounded on the north by a line 215 feet south of and parallel with the southerly line of W aring avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of W aring avenue; on the east by a line 100 feet cast of and parallel with the easterly line of W hite Plains road, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of W hite P lains road; on the south by a line 167.5 feet north of and parallel with the northerly line of Thw aites place, the said dis­tance being m easured at right angles to the line of Thw aites place, and also by the prolongation of the said line, and on the west bv a line midway between O linville avenue and Baker avenue.

Fourth— T hat the > abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment fo r benefit, to ­gether with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estim ates, proofs and o th jr docum ents used by the Commissioners of Estim ate and by the Commissioner of Assess­ment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of S treet Openings in the Law D epartm ent of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in said City, there to rem ain until the 1st day of M arch, 1909.

F ifth—That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirm ation to the Supreme C ourt of the S tate o f New York, F irst D epart­ment, at a Special Term thereof, P a r t I I I . , to be held in the County C ourt House, in the Bor­ough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on the 4th day of May, 1909, a t the opening of the C ourt on tha t day.

Sixth— In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess­ment, or to either of them, the m otion to confirm the reports as to awards and as to assessments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the G reater New York C harter, as am ended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, New York, Jan uary 27, 1909.


Commissioners o f Estimate.W IL L IA M E. M ORRIS.

Commissioner o f Assessment.J oh n P . D u n n , C le rk .

f 5,25



In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, w her­ever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands, tenem ents and heredita­ments required for the opening and extending of E A ST T W E N T Y -F IR S T ST R E E T , be­tween Regent place and Beverley road, in the Twenty-ninth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e C ourt, bearing

date the 21st day of December, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings at his office in the Borough of Brook­lyn in The City of New York, on the 21st day of December, 1908, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, we, Edward J. B yrne, H e r­man .1. Bachrach and Solon Barbancll, were ap­pointed Commissioners of Estim ate fo r the pu r­pose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises re­quired for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said o rder thereto a t­tached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of tlie County of Kings on the 21st day of Decem­ber, 1908, and the said Edw ard J. Byrne was appointed Commissioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a ju st and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective own­ers, lessees, parties and persons respectively en ­titled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extend­ing the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for tlie said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the C'lerk of the County of Kings, on the 21st day of December, 1908, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boun­daries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefo r, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts o r parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory there­of.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street o r avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, tlie undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, a t our office, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claimants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will he in attendance at our said office on the 4th day of M arch, 1909, a t 4 o’clock in the a fternoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto, and at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto, and exam ine the proof of such claimant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, February 19, 1909.


Commissioners.J am es F. Q u ig le y , Clerk.

f 19,m3


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents re ­quired for the opening and extending of NORTH HENRY ST R E E T , from the centre line of Wyckoff Creek to Greene street, in the Seventeenth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t , b yan order of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 21st day of December, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the C lerk of the County of Kings at bis office in the Borough of Brook­lyn, in The Citv of New York, on the 21st day of December, 1908, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, we, John T. W alsh, M atthew V. O ’Malley and Gottlieb I*. Essig, were ap-

I pointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the pu r­pose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of tile loss and damage to the re­spective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 21st day of December, 1908; and the said John T. W alsh was appointed Commissioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assess­ment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenements, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required fo r the purpose of opening and extending thesame, but benefited thereby, the said area ofassessment being particularly set forth and de­scribed in the petition of The City of NewYork, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in_ the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 21st day of December, 1908, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as am ended, and the actsor parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, a t our office, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit o r other proof as the owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will he in a t­tendance at our said office on the 4th day of March, 1909, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in re la ­tion thereto. And at such tim e and place, and at such fu rth er or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in rela­tion tlicreto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then he offered by such owner or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, February 19. 1909.


Commi ssioners.Tam es F. Q u ig le y , Clerk.

fl9,m 3


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required tor the opening and extending of FO U RTH A V E N U E , or KAI’E L JE A V EN U E, between Jackson and W ashington avenues, anil between Graham and W inthrop avenues, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of tne Suprem e Court, hearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the C lerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jam aica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, oil the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, W illiam E. Stew art, Owen Fitzpatrick and Robert R. Wilkes, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the pu r­pose of making a ju st and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, to the re ­spective owners, lessees, parties and persons re ­spectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises required lor the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above m entioned street or ave­nue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein ill the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day o f January , 1909; and the said W illiam E. S tew art was appointed Commissioner of Assessment for the purpose of m aking a ju s t and iquitab lc estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to he opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and per­sons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportion­ment and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to he assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York Charter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.’

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 8th day of March, 1909, at 4 o'clock in the a ternoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by suen owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 18, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.3 fl8,m 3


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, w her­ever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lauds, tenem ents and heredita­ments required for the opening and extending of SU L L IV A N S T R E E T , from W ashington avenue to N ostrand avenue, in the Twenty- ninth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan o rder of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 21st day of December, 1908, and duly en tered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings a t his office in the Borough of Brook­lyn, in The City of New York, on the 21st day of December, 1908, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, we, P e te r F. W. K uther, John11. Foote and William C. Rcdfield, w ere ap­pointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the pu r­pose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises re ­quired fo r the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above mentioned street or avenue, tlie same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 21st day of December, 1908, and the said P e te r F. W. K uther was ap­pointed Commissioner of Assessment fo r the pur­pose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of the Value of the benefit and ad­vantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated w ithin the area of assessment adopted by the Board of E sti­mate and Apportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set fo rth and described in the petition o f The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said o rder thereto attached filed herein in the office o f the Clerk of the t ounty of Kings on the 21st day of December, 1908, and of ascertaining and de­fining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons in terested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or dem and on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Flstimate, at our office, No. 166 M ontague street, in tlie Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

A nd we, the said Commissioners, will be in a t­tendance at our said office on the 3d day of M arch, 1909, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of tha t day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto ; and at such time and place, and at such fu rth er or o ther time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in rela­tion thereto and exam ine the p roof of such claim ­ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then he offered bv such owner, o r on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, February 18, 1909.


, , Commissioners.J amrs F. Q u ig le y , Clerk.

fl7,m 2


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents required for the opening and extending of SIXTY - SE V E N T H S T R E E T , between I’ort Ham ilton avenue and New U trecht avenue, and SIXTY - K IG H TH ST R E FIT, between F'ort H am ilton avenue and Tenth avenue, in the T hirtieth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e C ourt, bearing

date the 21st day of December, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the C'lerk of the County of Kings, at his office, in the Borough of B rook­lyn, in The City of New York, on the 21st day of December, 1908, a copy of which o rder was duly filed i:> the office of the Register of the County of Kings, we, George FTeifeld, Charles Bayer and George E. G lendenning, were appointed Commissioners of Estimate for the purpose of making a ju st and equitable esti­mate and assessment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled un to or in terested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises re ­quired for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above m entioned street or avenue, the same being particu larly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the applica­tion for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 21st day of December, 1908; and the said George F'reifeld was appointed Commis­sioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a ju st and equitable estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the re ­spective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Ivstimate and Apportion­m ent and not required for the purpose of open­ing and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The t ity of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 21st day of December, 1908, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective trac ts or parcels o f land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the tru s ts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New Y ork C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue,

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. 2039T H E C I T Y R E C O R D .

and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, at our office, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claim ants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance a t our said office on the 3d day of M arch, 1909, a t 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and a t such fu rth e r or o ther time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in rela- li hi thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, o r such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, February IX. 1909.


Commissioners.J am es F. Q u ig le y , Clerk. , _ „

fl7,m 2


In the m atter of the application of The City o New York, relative to acquiring title, whereve: the same has not been heretofore acquired, ti the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents re qu irtd for the opening and extending of EAS'I T W E N T Y -T H IR D S T R E E T , from Fjatbusl avenue to Canarsie lane; and EA ST TW EN TY SECOND S T R E E T , from C larendon roa< to Beverley road, in the Tw enty-ninth W ard Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 23d day of December, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the i ounty of Kings at his office in the Borough of Brook­lyn, in The Citv of New York, on the 23d day of December, 1908, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Register of the County of Kings, we, Isaac 11. Cary, John B. J.ord and Clarence B. Smith, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of making a ju st and equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto o r interested in the lands, tene­ments, hereditam ents and premises required for tile purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above m entioned street or ave­nue, tin: same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 23d day of December, 1908; and the said John B. I.ord was appointed Commissioner or Assessment for the purpose of making a just and equitable estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owni rs, lessees, parties and persons re ­spectively entitled to o r interested in the re ­spective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and prem ­ises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and ex­tending the same, hut benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 23d day of December, 1908, and of ascer­taining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to he assessed therefor, and of per­form ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, a t our office. No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such affidavit o r o ther proof as the owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date o f this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 3d day of M arch. 1939, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in rela­tion thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other tim e and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in rejation thereto and examine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allega­tions as may then lie offered bv such owner, or on behalf of The City o f New York.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, February 18. 1909.


Commissioners.Tam es F. Q u ig le y , Clerk.

fl7 ,m 2


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required fo r the opening and extending o f N U RG E ST R E ET , between M etropolitan avenue and the Long Island Railroad, and of W ILLIA M ST R E ET , between M etropolitan avenue and Arctic street, in the Second W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York,

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t , b yan order of the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jamaica, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, W. J. Hamilton, John W ild and Luke A. Keenan, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in terested m the lands, tene­ments, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above-mentioned streets or avenues, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the appli­cation for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and the said John W ild was appointed Commis­sioner of Assessment fo r the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of

the value of the benefit and advantage of the said streets or avenues so to be opened and ex­tended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assess­m ent adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required fo r the purpose of opening and extending the same, but bene­fited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the peti­tion of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the C lerk of the County of Queens on tile 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and denning the extent and boundaries of the re­spective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and o f perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4, of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts sup­plem entary thereto o r am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said streets or avenues, and affected therein ', and having any claim or dem and on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, at our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the dale of this notice.

And wc, the said Commissioners, will he in attendance at our said office on the 10th day of M arch, 1909, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and a t such fu rth er or other time and place as we may appoint, wc will_ hear such owners in relation thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New Y..rk, February 17, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n I’. D u n n , Clerk.

fl7 ,m 2


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee. wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the oocning and extending of W O O L SE F A V EN U E, extending from Barclay s tric t t<> Steinway avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y " g i v e n t h a t b yan o rder of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908. and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jamaica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City of New Yoik. on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, Eugene V. Daly, W illiam Bownc Parsons and J. Frank Ryan, wer appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of making a ju st and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, parties and persons re ­spectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises re­quired for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and ix tend iiig the above-mentioned s tr .e t or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of N w York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day o f January , 1909; and the said J. Frank Ryan was appointed Commis­sioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the sai 1 s tric t or avenue so to be opened and ix tcn d id , to the respective owners, lessees, parties and per­sons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and jin mises situated within the area of assessment adopted hv the Board of Estim ate and Apportion­ment and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, hut benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the ap plication for the said order thereto attached, filed hen in in the office of the Clerk of the County if Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and

of ascertaining and defining the extent and boun­daries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to lie taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the tru s ts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York Chartci as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory there-

* A11 parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken fo r the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, arc hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the u n ­dersigned Commissioners of Estimate, a t our office. No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Oueciis, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said own is or claim ants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the date of this notice. . . .

And wc, the said Commissioners, will be in at .ctidance at our said office on the 19th day of M arch, 1909, at 3.30 o’clock in the afternoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation th en to. And at such time and place, an 1 at such fu rth e r or other time and place as we

ay appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and exam ine the proof of such claimant or claimants, or such addtitional proofs and alle­gations as mav then lie offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, t ity of New York, February 17, 1909.


Commissioners.Jo h n I \ D u n n , Clerk.

f 17,m2


In the m atter of the application of The City of New Y ork, .relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to tin- lands and premises required for the opening and extending of BARTOW S T R E E T (a l­though not yet named by proper au thority ), from W olcott avenue to Jackson avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, in The City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h ehill of costs, charges and expenses in­

curred by reason of the proceedings in the above entitled m atter, will be presented for taxation to one of the lusticcs of the Suprem e C ourt of the State of New Y’ork, Second D epartm ent, at a

Special Term thereof, to be held for the hearing of motions, a t the County C ourt House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 3d day of M arch, 1909, a t 10.30 o’clock in forenoon ot that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been de­posited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, there to rem ain for and during the space of ten days, as required by the provisions of section 999 of the G reater New York C harter, as amended by chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, New Y’ork, Feb­ruary 17, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n F. D u n n , Clerk.

fl7 ,m l


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of “ C R E SC EN T” (although not yet named by proper au thority ), from H u n te r avenue to W inthrop avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, in The City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h ehill of costs, charges and expenses in­

curred by reason of the proceedings in the above entitled m atter, will he presented for taxation to one of the lusticcs of the Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, Second D epartm ent, at a Special Term thereof, to be held for the hearing of motions, a t the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 3d day of M arch, 1909, a t 10.30 o’clock in forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses lias been de­posited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, there to rem ain fo r and during the space of ten davs, as required by the provisions of section 999 of the G reater New Y’ork Charter, as amended by chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, New York, Feb­ruary 17, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.

f 17,ml


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of HARM AN ST R E E T , from Grand Y’iew avenue to Forrest avenue, and IIIM R O D ST RE ET , from Grand \Ti-w rvenue to M etropolitan avenue, in the Second W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d dav of November, 1908, and duly en­tered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jamaica, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 6th dav of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, 1. ,T. Von Sholly, JohnO. Donnell and John W. Gill, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for_ the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assess­ment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tene­ments, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above mentioned streets or ave- mics, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New Y’ork, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, fikd herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th dav of January , 1909; and the said John YV. Gill was appointed Commissioner of Assess­ment for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said streets or avenues so to be opened and extended, to the re­spective owners, lessees, parties and persons re- sp ctivelv entitled to or interested in the respec­tive lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises s itua t1 d within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and ex­tending the same, hut benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The Citv of New Y’ork. and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the re ­spective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to he assess-d therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York Charter, a i amended, and the acts or parts of acts supple­m entary thereto nr am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose ot opening and extending the said streets or avenues, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the under­s igned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in Tile Citv of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may d: sire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners will he in a t­tendance at our said office on the 3d dav of M arch, 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that dav, to hear the said parties and persons in re ­lation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rth er or other time and place as we mav appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proof of such claim ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allega linns as mav then be offered hv such owner, or on behalf of The City of New Y’ork.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New Y’ork, F, b inary 16, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P . D u n n , Clerk.



In the m atter of the application of The City of New Y’ork, relative to acquiring title in fee wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired in and to the lands and premises re ­quired for the opening and extending of FAIR- Y’lE W A V EN U E, between Stanhope street and Forest avenue, in the Second W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN T H A T BY an o rder of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 23rd day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, a t his office in Jam aica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City o f New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office o f the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, F rank F. Adel, M ichael P. M cNam ara and G ilbert B. Voorhees, w ere appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of m aking a ju s t and equitable esti­m ate and assessment o f the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in terested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above_ m entioned street or avenue, the same being particu larly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the ap­plication for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk o f the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909; and the said F rank F . Adel Was appointed Commis­sioner of Assessment fo r the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to tiie respective owners, lessees, _ parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated w ithin the area of assess­m ent adopted by the Board of Estim ate and Ap­portionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area o f assessment being par­ticu larly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto at taclied filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective trac ts o r parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and o f perform ing the tru s ts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter, as am ended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, at out- office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such a f­fidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 4th day of M arch, 1909, a t 10.30 o’clock in the forenoon of th a t day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. A nd at such tim e and place, and at such fu rth e r or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in re ­lation thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated. Borough of M anhattan, City of New Y'ork, February 16, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.

f l6 ,m l


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore- acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of RICH ARD A V E N U E , extending from M yrtle avenue t<> H ughes street, form erly Hancock street, in the Second W arJ, Borough of Queens, City of New Y’ork.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 27th day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jam aica, in the Bor­ough of (jueens, in The City of New York, on the 12th day of January , 1909, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office ot the C lerk of the County of Queens, we, F rank L. Bacon, Dennis J. lla r te and Stephen M cM ahon, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of making a ju st and equitable esti­mate and assessment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and prem ises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above m entioned street or avenue, the same being par­ticularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto a t­tached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 12th dav of Jan u ary , 1909; and the s a il D ennis J. H arte was appointed Commissioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable esti­mate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respectiveowners, lessees, parties and persons respect­ively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises sit­uated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and ex­tending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New Y’ork, and also in the notice of the applica­tion for the said order thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 12th day of January , 1909.and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater NewY’ork C harter as amended, and the acts orparts of acts supplem entary thereto or amend- atorv thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or* demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the un ­dersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, at our office. No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in Tile Citv of New Y'ork, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will he in attendance at our said office on the 5th day of M arch, 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that •lav, to hear the said parties and persons in re la ­tion thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rth er or other time and place as we may

2040 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proof of such claim­an t or claim ants, o r such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 16, 1909.


Commissioners.J oh n P . D u n n , C lerk .

fl6 ,m l


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the pu r­pose of opening and extending ROBINSON S T R E E T , from Bedford avenue to New York avenue, and W IN T IIR O P ST R E E T ,, from N ostrand avenue to Remsen avenue, in the Twenty-ninth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T T O T H E ST A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given tha t an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the S tate . of New York, Second Departm ent, a t a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 27th day of February, 1909, at the opening of the court on th a t’ day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, fo r the appointm ent of Commissioners o f Estim ate and of one Com­m issioner of Assessment in the above-entitled m atter. The nature and extent o f the improve­m ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York, fo r the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of Robinson street, from Bedford ave­nue to New York avenue, and W inthrop street, from N ostrand avenue to Remsen avenue, in the Tw enty-ninth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York, being the fojlowing-dcscribed lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Robinson Street.Beginning at the intersection of the east line

of Bedford avenue w ith the south line of Robin­son street, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence northerly along the east line of B edford avenue 60 fee t;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees 2 m inutes 20 seconds to the right 1,655 feet to the west line of N ostrand avenue;

3. Thence easterly deflecting 1 m inute 6 sec­onds to the right 80 feet to the east line of N ostrand avenue;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 2 m inutes 7 sec­onds to the left 725 feet to the west line of New York avenue;

5. Thence southerly along the west line of New York avenue 60 feet;

6. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees 11 m inutes 20 seconds to the right 725 feet to the cast line of N ostrand avenue;

7. Thence westerly deflecting 2 m inutes 7 sec­onds to the right 80 feet to the west line of N ostrand avenue;

8. Thence w esterly deflecting 1 m inute 6 sec­onds to the left 1,655 feet to the point of be­ginning.

Winthrop Street.Beginning at the intersection of the east line

of N ostrand avenue with the south line of W inthrop street, as the same arc laid out on the map of the C ity;

1. Thence northerly along the east line of N ostrand avenue 60 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees 2 min­utes 20 seconds to the right 725 feet to thewest line of New York avenue;

3. Thence westerly deflecting 7 degrees 31 m in­utes 16 seconds to the left 80.69 feet to theeast line of New York avenue;

4. Thence easterly deflcctjng 7 degrees 28 m in­utes 56 seconds to the right 5,825.51 feet tothe east line of Remsen avenue;

5. Thence southerly deflecting 54 degrees 19 m inutes 29 seconds to the right 86.17 feet;

6. Thence westerly deflecting 125 degrees 40 m inutes 31 seconds to the right 5,875.76 feet to the east line of New York avenue;

7. Thence westerly deflecting 21 m inutes 47 sec­onds to the left 80 feet to the west line of New York avenue;

8. Thence westerly deflecting 24 minutes 7 sec­onds to the right 725 feet to the point of begin­ning.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 10th day of April, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on a line midway between Robinson street and Clarkson avenue distant 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of Bedford avenue, and runn ing thence northw ardly and parallel with Bedford avenue to the in te r­section with a line midway between W inthrop street and Robinson s treet; thence eastwardly along the said line midway between W inthrop street and Robinson street to a point distant 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of Nos­trand avenue; thence northw ardly and parallel with N ostrand avenue to the intersection with a line midway between H aw thorne street and W inthrop s treet; thence eastw ardly along the said line midway between H aw thorne street and W inthrop street to a point d istant 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of New York avenue; thence northw ardly and parallel with New York avenue to the intersection with a iiue midway between Fenim ore street and Hawthorne street; thence eastwardly along the said line mid­way between Fenim ore street and H awthorne street, and the prolongation of the said line, to the intersection with the southwesterly line, of Remsen avenue; thence northeastwardly at right angles to the line of Remsen avenue a distance of 200 feet; thence southeastw ardly and parallel with Remsen avenue to the intersection with a line a t right angles to Remsen avenue and pass­ing through a point on the. southwesterly line of Remsen avenue, where it is intersected by the prolongation of a line midway between Winthro/> street and Clarkson av en u e ;. thence southwest- w ardlv along the said line at right angles to Rem­sen avenue to the southwesterly line of Remsen avenue; thence westwardly along the said line midway between W inthrop street and Clarkson avenue, and the prolongation of the said line, to a point distant 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of New York avenue; thence southwardly and parallel with New York avenue to the in te r­section with the prolongation of a line midway between Robinson street and Clarkson avenue;thence westwardly along the said line midwaybetween Robinson street and. Clarkson avenue,and the prolongation o f the said line, to the point or place of beginning.

Dated New York. February 15. 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

Y" rk ° ,y - (15.26


In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, w her­ever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands and premises required for the purpose of opening and extending ROEB- L IN ll S T R E E T , as widened, from Broadway to Division avenue; the l ’U B LIC PLA CE bounded by the easterly line of Rocbling street extended southerly in a direct line to the northeasterly side of Lee avenue, Lee ave­nue and Division avenue, and TA Y LOR S T R E E T , as widened, from Lee avenue to Bedford avenue, in the T h irteen th and N ine­teenth W ards, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

PU R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given that an application will be made to the Supreme C ourt of the S tate of New York, Second Departm ent, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing o f motions, in the County Court House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 27th day of February, 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estimate and of one Commissioner of Assess­ment in the above-entitled m atter. The natu re and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title, in foe, by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, re­quired for the opening and ctxcnding of Boeb- ling street, as widened, from Broadway to Divi­sion avenue; the Public Place, bounded by the easterly line of Rocbling street extended south­erly in a direct line to the northeasterly side of Lee avenue, Lee avenue and Division avenue, and Taylor street, as widened, from Lee avenue to Bedford avenue, in the T h irteen th and N ine­teenth W ards, Borough of B rooklyn, City of New York, being the following described lots, pieces or parcels of laud, viz.:

Rocbling Street.Beginning at the intersection of the west line

of Rocbling street with the south line of B road­way, as tlic same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence easterly along the south line of Broadway 41.58 feet, more or less, which point is 40 feet from and at right angles to the west line of Rocbling street, as w idened;

2. Thence southerly and parallel with the west line of Rocbling street, as widened, 619.50 feet, more or less, to the north line of Division ave­nue;

3. Thence westerly along the no rth line of Division avenue 40 feet to the west line of Rocbling s treet;

4. Thence northerly along the west line of Roebling street 631.35 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Public Place.Beginning at the intersection of the northeast

line of Lee avenue with the south line of Divi­sion avenue, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence easterly along the south line of Divi­sion avenue 207.81 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees 42 m inutes 47.5 seconds to the right 184.94 feet to the northeast line of Lee avenue;

3. Thence northw esterly along the northeastline of Lee avenue 276.46 feet to the point of beginning.

Taylor Street.Beginning at the intersection of the southeast

line of Taylor street with the southwest line of Lee avenue, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence southwesterly along the southeastline of Taylor street 550 feet to the northeastline of Bedford avenue;

2. Thence northw esterly along the northeastline of Bedford avenue 30 feet;

3. Thence northeasterly and parallel with the southeast line of Taylor street 550 feet to the southwest line of Lee avenue;

4. Thence southeasterly along the southwest line of Lee avenue 30 feet to the point of be­ginning.

The Board of Estimate and Apportionm ent, on the 10th day of April, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line midway between South Eighth street and South N inth street, where it in tersects the bulk­head of the East R iver, as constructed, and running thence eastwardly along the said , line midway between South Eighth street and South Ninth street to the intersection with a line mid way between Berry street and Bedford avenue; thence northw ardly along the said line midway between Berry street and Bedford avenue to the intersection with the centre line o f South Fifth s treet; thence eastwardly along the centre line of South F ifth street to the intersection with a line midway between Bedford avenue and Driggs avenue; thence northw ardly along the said line midway between Bedford avenue and Driggs ave­nue to the intersection with a line midway be­tween South Second street and South Third street; thence eastw ardly along the said line mid­way between South Second street and South Third street to the intersection with a line m id­way between Marcy avenue and Rodney s treet; thence southwardly along the said line midway between M arcy avenue and Rodney street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line mid­way between H arrison avenue and M arcy avenue; thence southeastw ardly along the said line mid­way between H arrison avenue and M arcy avenue to a point distant 100 . feet northerly from the northerly line of Flushing avenue, the said dis­tance being measured at right angles to the line of Flushing avenue; thence eastw ardly and par­allel with Flushing avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Tliroop avenue and Tom pkins avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Tliroop avenue and 'Tompkins avenue to the intersection with the centre line of Fulton s treet; thence westwardly along the centre line of Fulton street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between K ingston avenue and Brooklyn avenue; thence southw ardly along the said line midway between Kingston avenue and Brooklyn avenue and the prolongation thereof to a point distant 100 feet southerly from the southerly line of E astern parkw ay; thence west- wardly and always 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Eastern park­way to a point d istant 100 feet w esterly from the westrrly line of W ashington avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of W ashington avenue; thence northw ardly and parallel with W ashington avenue to a point distant 100 feet southerly from the southerly .line of A tlantic avenue, the said distance being ’measured at light angles to the line of A tlantic avenue: them e westwardly and parallel with At '•ritie avi line to the intersection with the centre line of V anderbilt avenue: thence northw ardly along the centre line of V anderbilt avenue to t ’-e intersection with a line midway between Clinton avenue and Vanderbilt avenue; thence

northw ardly along the said line midway between Clinton avenue and V anderbilt avenue to the intersection with the centre line of F lushing ave­nue; thence eastw ardly along the centre line of Flushing avenue to the intersection with the centre line of C linton avenue, as laid out north ­erly from Flushing avenue; thence northw ardly along the said centre line of C linton avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of the southerly bulkhead of the W allabout Basin, as constructed; thence eastw ardly along the said southerly bulkhead of W allabout Basin and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with the easterly bulkhead of W allabout Basin, as con­structed: thence northw ardly and always along the bulkhead, as constructed, to the point or place of beginning.

Dated New York, F ebruary 15, 1909.F R A N C IS K. P E N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

York City.f 15,26


hi the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been, heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the purpose of opening and extending M O N T A 0K A V EN U E, from New Lots road to V andalia street (avenue), in the Tw enty-sixth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Supreme C ourt of the S tate of New York, Sec­ond Departm ent, a t a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the (H unty Court House in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, T he City of New York, on the 27th day of February, 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on tha t day, or a , soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commission! rs of Estim ate and of one Commissioner of Assessment in th.- above-entitled m atter. The natu re and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York, fo r .th e use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required fo r tlu: opening and extending of M ontauk avenue, from New Lots road to Vandalia s treet (avenue), in the Twenty- sixth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, being the following-described lots, pLces or parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning at the intersection of the south line of New Lots avenue with the west line of M on­tauk avenue, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. 'Thence easterly in a straight prolongation of the south line of New Lots avenue, as the same is laid out west of M ontauk avenue, 60 feet;

2. Thence southerly deflecting 90 d grees to tin- right 4,390 feet to the easterly prolongation of the south line of Vandalia avenue;

3. Thence westerly along the easterly prolonga­tion of the south line of Vandalia avenue 62.16 fee t;

4. Thence northerly deflecting 91 degrees 46 m inutes 17 seconds to the right 70.03 feet to the north line of Vandalia avenue;

5. Thence northerly deflecting 1 degree 46 m inutes 17 seconds to the L f t 4,320 feet to the point of beginning.

'The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 14th day of February, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the southerly line of New Lots road where it is intersected by the prolongation of a line midway between M ontauk avenue and M ilford avenue, as laid out between liegem an avenue and Cozine avenue, and ru n ­ning thence southwardly along the- said line m id­way between M ontauk avenue and M ilford ave­nue and the prolongation of the s a il line to the intersection with the prolongation of a line distan t 100 feet southerly from and parallel w ith thesoutherly line of Vandalia avenue, the said dis­tance being m easured at right angles to the lin • >f Vandalia avenue; thence westwardly along tin-

said line parallel with Vandalia avenue and the prolongation of the said line to the in te rs ction with the prolongation of a line midway between M ontauk avenue and A tkins avenue; thence northw ardly along the said line m ilw ay between M ontauk avenue and A tkins avenue and thepi elongation of the said line to the southerly line ,,f New Lots road; thence northw ardly and parallel with M ontauk avenue, as laid out north of New Lots road, to a point distant 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of New Lots road, said distance b iing m easured at right anglee t„ the line of New Lots road; thence eastwardly and parallel with New Lots road to the in tersec­tion with a line parallel with M ontauk avenue, as laid out north of New Lots road, and passing through the point describ d as the point of b g inn ing ; thence southw ardly along the said line parallel with M ontauk avenue to the point orplace of beginning. . „ ____

Dated New York. February 15, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

York City. f lS ,26


In the m atte r of the application of 'The City of Ne w York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the bailie lias not been heretofore acquired, to the lands ami premises required for the pu r­pose of opening and extending BAY RIDG1-. A V EN U E, between f if te en th avenue and New U trecht avenue, and between Seventeenth ave­nue and Bay parkway, in the 'Thirtieth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO 'THE ST A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given tha t an application will be made to the Suprem e Court of the State of New York, Second D epartm ent, at a Special Term of sajd Court to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 27th day of February , 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and of one Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled m atter. 'The na tu re and extent of the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisi­tion of title, in fee, by The City of New York, for the use- of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the ap­purtenances thereto belonging, required fo r the opening and extending of Bav Ridge avenue, be­tween Fifteenth avenue and New U trecht avenue, and between Seventeenth avenue and Bay park­way, i-i the T h irtie th W ard, Borough of Brook­lyn. ( ' it v of New York, being the following de- se i ibid lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Parcel "A ."l l 'g n n in g at the intersection of the east line

of Fifteenth avenue with the south line of Bay

Ridge avenue, as the same are laid out on the map of the C ity; , ,

1. Thence northerly along the east line of F if­teenth avenue 60 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 304.62 feet to the east line of New U trecht avenue;

3. Thence southerly along the cast line of New U trecht avenue 66.81 feet;

4. Thence westerly 334.01 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "B .”Beginning at the intersection of the west line

of Seventeenth avenue with the south line of Bay Ridge avenue, as the same arc laid out on the map of the C ity;

1. Thence northerly along the west line of Sev­enteenth avenue 60 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 3,900 feet to the west line of Bay parkway;

3. Thence southerly along the west line of Bay parkway 60 feet;

4. Thence westerly 3,900 feet to the point of beginning.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 8th day of May, 1908, duly fixed and de ter­mined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

1. Bounded on the northw est by a line distant 100 feet northw esterly from and parallel with the northw esterly line of F ifteen th avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of F i.tcen th avenue; on the northeast by a line midway between Sixty-eighth street and Bay Ridge avenue; on tile southeast by a line distant 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of New U trech t ave­nue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of New U trecht .avenue, and on the southwest by a line midway between Bay Ridge avenue and Seventieth street.

2. Bounded on the northw est by a line distant 100 f ic t northw esterly from and parallel with the northw esterly line of Seventeenth avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Seventeenth avenue; on the no rth ­east by a line midway between Sixty-eighth street and Bay Ridge avenue and by the prolongation of the said line; on the southeast by a line dis­tan t 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of Bay parkway, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line o f Bay parkway, and on the southwest by a line midway between Bay Ridge avenue and Sev­entieth street and by the prolongation of the said line.

Dated New York, February 15, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

York City.f 15,26

S EC( IN I) 1 )EI*A RT M EN T.

In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for tlm pu r­pose of opening and extending M AGENTA ST R E E T , from Crescent street to Railroad avenue, in the Twenty-sixth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the S u ­preme C ourt of the S tate of New York, Second D epartm ent, a t a Special T erm of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 27th day i-f February , 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on tha t day, o r as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appoint­ment of Commissioners of E stim ate and of one Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled m atter. The na tu re and extent o f the improve­ment hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of M agenta street, from Crescent street to Railroad avenue, in the Twenty-sixth W ard. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, being the following described lots, pieces o r parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning a t the intersection of the south line o f M agenta street with the w’est line of C rescent street, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

Thence northerly along the west line of Cres­cent s treet 50 feet:

Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 502.22 feet to the west line of Railroad ave­nue;

Thence southerly along the west line of Rail- lo rd avenue 50.01 feet;

Thence westerly 501.35 feet to the point of be­ginning.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 19th day o f Ju n e 1908, duly fixed and de ter­mined the area of assessm ent for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line midway be­tween W eldon street and M agenta street and by the prolongation o f the said line; on the east by a line midway between Railroad avenue and Lincoln avenue; on the south by a line midway between M agenta s treet ind Iliil s treet and by the prolongation «>f the said line, and on the west by a line distan t 100 feet w esterly from and parallel with the w esterly line of Crescent street, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of C rescent street.

D ated New York, February 15. 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

York City.f 15,26


In the matt- r of the application of The City ot New York, relative to acquiring title, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for th • pur pose of opening and extending TW E N T Y F IF T H A V EN U E, from Stillwell avenue to the northerly line of the land of Ehardt Schmidt, in the Thirty-first W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

PU R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SU CII cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, Sec ond Departm ent, at a Special Term of said Couit. to be held for the hearing of motions. _ in til County Court House in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 27th day o f February, 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on that day, or ns soon thereafte r as conns- I can be beard thereon, for the appoint meiit of Commissioners of Estimate and of one Commissioner of Assessment in the above-entitled m atter. The natu re and extent of the im prove­m ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D 2041

in fee by T he City of New York, fo r the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of Twenty-fifth avenue, from Stillwell avenue to the northerly line of the land of E hard t Schmidt, in the Thirty-first W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York, being the follow­ing-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning a t a point on the east line of Tw en­ty-fifth avenue distant 65.75 feet northerly from the intersection of the east line of Twenty-fifth avenue with the north line of Bath av. nue, as the same are laid out on the map of the C ity;

1. Thence westerly along the northerly line of the land of E hardt Schmidt 82.15 feet;

2. Thence northerly deflecting 105 degrees 8 minutes 55 seconds to the right 2,334.69 feet to the east line of Stillwell avenue;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 133 degrees 22 m inutes 9 seconds to the right along the east line of Stillwell avenue 110.05 feet;

4. Thence southerly along the east line of Twenty-fifth avenue 2,240.43 feet to the point of beginning.

Note— These angles and dimensions are approx­imate.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 22d day of May. 1908, dulv fixed and deter­mined the area of assessment fo r benefit in this pioceeding as follows:

Beginning a t a point on the w isterly line of Stillwell avenue where it is intersected by a line midway between Tw enty-fourth avenue and Twenty-fifth avenue, and runn ing thence east- wardly at right angles to Stillwell avenue a d is­tance of 200 feet; thence southw ardly and paral­lel with Stillwell avenue to the intersection with a line a t right angles to Stillwell avenue, and passing through a point on its westerly side where it is inti rscctcd by a line midway between Tw en­ty-fifth avenue and Twenty-sixth avenue; thence w istw ardly at right angles to Stillwell avenue to the westerly line of Stillwell avenue; thence southwc stwardlv along the said line midway be­tween Twenty-fifth avenue and Twenty-sixth ave­nue to the northerly line o f the land now or late of E hard t Schm idt; thence northw estw ardly along the said northerly line of the land now or l a te o f E hardt Schmidt to the intersection with a line midway between T w enty-fourth avenue and Twenty-fifth avenue; thence northeastwardly along the said line midway between Twenty- fourth avenue and Twenty-fifth avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Dated New York, hebruary 15. 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York. flS>26


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York r.dative to acquiring title, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required fo r the pur­pose of opening and extending M ILFO R D S T R E E T , from (ilcnm orc avenue to Pitkin avenue, in the Tw enty-sixth W ard , Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SU CH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the S u­preme C ourt of the S tate of New York, Second Departm ent, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, T he City of New York, on the 27th day of February , 1909, a t the open­ing of the C ourt on that day, or as soon there­afte r as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and of one Commissioner of Assessment in the above i n titled m atter. The na tu re and extent of the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee bv The City of New York, for the u«c of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required f o r the opening and extending of M ilford street, from C.lenmore ave­nue to Pitkin avenue, in the Twenty-sixth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, being the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning a t the intersection of the south line of (ilcnm orc avenue with the west line of M il­ford street, as the same arc laid out on the map of the C ity; , , ,

1. Thence easterly along the south line of Glenmor j avenue 60 fe e t: ,

2. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 400 feet to the north line of P itkin avc-

I,U3.’ Thence w esterly along the north line of P itkin avenue 60 feet; , . ,

4. Thence northerly 400 feet to the point of beginning. ,

The Board of Estim ate and Apportionm ent, on the 27th day of M arch, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined tin- area o f assessm ent fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line d istant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north­erly line of C.lenmore avenue, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of ( ilenm ore avenue; on the east by a line midway between Logan street and M ilford street; on the south by a line d istan t 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of P itkin avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Pitkin avenue; on the west by a iinc midway betw een M ilford street and Mont auk avenue.

Dated New York, F ebruary 15, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

Y° rk Ci‘y- f 1 5.26


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the pur­pose of opening and extending N IN E T E E N T H A V E N U E , from Seventy-sixth street to Eighty- sixth street, in the T hirtieth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given tha t an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York. Second Departm ent, a t a Special T erm of said court, to be held fo r the hearing o f motions, in the County C ourt House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 27th day of February , 1909, at the opening of the court on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of E sti­mate and of one Commissioner of Assessment in the above-entitled m atter. The nature' and extent of the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee, by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening end extending of Nineteenth avenue, from Seventy-sixth street to Eighty-sixth

sfreet, in the T hirtieth W ard, Borough of Brook­lyn, City of New York, being the following- described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Seventy-sixth street with the west line of N ineteenth avenue, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

Thence easterly along the no rth line of Sev­enty-sixth street 80 feet;

Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 2,600 feet to the north line o f Eighty-sixth s treet;

Thence westerly along the north line of Eighty- sixth street 80 feet;

Thence northerly 2,600 feet to the point of beginning.

The Board o f Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 8th day of May, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning a t a point on th e line midway between Eighteenth avenue and N ineteenth ave­nue where it is intersected by a line midway between Seventy-fifth s treet and Seventy-sixth street, and runn ing thence southeastw ardly along the said line midway between Seventy-fifth street and Sevcntv-sixth street to the intersection with a line midway between N ineteenth avenue and Tw entieth avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway between N ineteenth avenue and Tw entieth avenue to a point distant 100 feet southwestwardly from the southw esterly line of Eighty-sixth s treet; thence northw estw ardly and parallel with Eighty-sixth street to the in te r­section with a line bisecting the angle formed by the prolongations of the centre lines of Eighteenth and N ineteenth avenues as laid out southw esterly from Eighty-second street; thence northeastw ardly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with a line midway between Eighteenth avenue and N ineteenth avenue as laid out northeasterly from Eighty-second s treet; thence northeastw ardly along the said line mid­way between Eighteenth avenue and N ineteenth avenue to the point or place of beginning.

D ated New York, February 15, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f 15,26


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands and premises required fo r the opening and extending o f H A L L E T T S T R E E T , from Flushing avenue to W inthrop avenue, and H O W L A N D S T R E E T , from W inthrop avenue to H oyt avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yail o rder of the Suprem e C ourt, bearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908, and duly en tered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, a t his office in Jam aica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 14th day of January , 1909, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, Thom as J . Dooley, Jam es J. Kelly and F. W. Vail, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assess­m ent of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tene­ments, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above m entioned streets or avenues, the same being particu larly set forth and described in the petition of T he City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 14th day of January , 1909, and the said Thom as J. Dooley was appointed Commis­sioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said streets or avenues so to be opened and ex­tended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated w ithin the area of assess­ment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being par­ticularly set forth and described in the peti­tion of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder there­to attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 14th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of tile G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons in terested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said streets or ave­nues, and affected thereby, and having any claim or dem and on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office. No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 2d day of M arch, 1909, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon of tha t day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto, and at such time and place, and at such fu rth e r or o ther time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto, and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, l ebruary 13, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.

f 13,26


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, wherever tIn- same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of STO CK H O LM S T R E E T , between the Borough line and W ood­ward avenue, in the Second W ard, Borough of Q ueins, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e C ourt, bearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Q uicns, at his office in Jamaica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which o rder was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of

the County of Queens, we, Gordon Gordon, P e ter A. Leininger and C ortlandt C. W oodburn, were appointed Commissioners of Estimate fo r the pu r­pose of making a ju st and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, to the respec­tive owners, lessees, parties and persons respec­tively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hcreditam nts and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening ahd extending the above mentioned street or ave­nue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and the said C ortlandt C. W oodburn was appointed Commis­sioner of Assessment for the purpose of m aking a ju st and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and per­sons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportion­ment and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the appli­cation for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective trac ts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or de­mand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the under­signed Commissioners of Estimate, at our office. No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claimants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in at­tendance a t our said office on the 2d day of M arch, 1909, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in rela­tion thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in rela­tion thereto and examine the proof of such claim­ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, Februarv 13, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P . D u n n , C lerk .



In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of BRADLEY A V EN U E, from Grecnpoint avenue to Howard street, in the I'irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of tile Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d day of November. 1908, and duly entered in tile office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jamaica, in the B or­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we. Jam s A. Dayton, George M. O ’Connor and Philip Thomas, wire- appointed Commissioners of Estimate for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditam ents and premises re ­quired for the purpose by and in consequence of opening anil extending the above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of Th • City of New York, and also in the notice of the ap­plication for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on tin- 6th day of January , 1909; and the said Jam es A. Dayton was appointed Com­missioner of Assessment for the purpose of mak­ing a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and ex­tended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenements, hert ditam ents and premises situated within the area of assess­ment adopted by the Board of Estimate and Ap portionnicnt and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particu larly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and a'so in the notice of the ap­plication for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk o f the County of Queens on the 6th dav of January, 1909. and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boun­daries of the resp.ctive trac ts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us bv chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York Charter, as amended, and the acts or parts o f acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory there­of.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of op in ing and extending the said street or avenue, and afficted thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, arc hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office. No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in Tile City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in a t­tendance at our said office on the 3d day of M arch, 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other time and place a we may appoint, we will hear such owners in r< lation thereto and examine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered bv such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 13. 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.

f 13,26


C ou n ty of Q u e e n s .

In the m atter of acquiring title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises s itu ­ated on the EA STER L Y S ID E O F FO R E S T A V E N U E , adjoining Public School 71, between Prospect place and M etropolitan avenue, in the Second W ard of the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purposes, according to law.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SU CH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that it is the in tention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make ap­plication to the Supreme Court at a Special Term for the hearing of motions, to be held at the County Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 27tb day of FYbruary, 1909, a t the opening of Court on th a t day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of three d isin ter­ested persons as Commissioners of Estim ate and Appraisal in the above-entitled proceeding.

The na tu re and extent of the im provem ent here­by intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances th e n to belonging, situated on the easterly side of Forest avenue, ad jo in ing Public School 71, be­tween Prospect place and M etropolitan avenue, in the Second W ard of the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, in fee simple absolute, the same to be converted, appropriated and used fo r school purposes, according to law. Said lands and premises so to be acquired are bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point form ed by the intersec­tion of the northerly line of the lands of Public School 71 with the easterly line of Forest ave­nue, which point is d istan t two hundred (200) feet northerly from the northerly line of P ro s­pect place, and runn ing thence easterly along the northerly line of the lands of said school one hundred and forty-three (143) feet eleven and one-quarter (1114) inches to the westerly line of the lands of said school; thence northerly along the westerly line of the lands of said school fifty (50) feet; thence westerly and parallel with Pros­pect place one hundred and forty-three (143) feet ten and one-quarter (10J4) inches to the easterly line of F'orest avenue; thence southerly along the easterly line of Forest avenue fifty (50) feet to the northerly line of the lands of Public School 71, the point or place of begin­ning.

Dated New York, February 11, 1909.FR A N CIS K. PE N D L E T O N .

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

V° rk City< f 13,25


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of PA Y N TA R A V E N U E , between Van Alst avenue and V er­non avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

JV T O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IV EN T H A T BY]_N an o rder of the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jam aica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 12th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, F'rank L. Entwisle, Edw ard T. Kassel and F'rank J . Kane, were ap­pointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the pu r­pose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of the loss and damage to the re­spective owners, lessees, parties and persons re­spectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of open­ing and extending the above mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, on the 12th day of January , 1909, and the said F rank L. Entwisle was appointed Com­missioner of Assessment for the purpose o f mak­ing a ju st and equitable estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and ex­tended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assess­ment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and Ap­p o rtio n m en t and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being par­ticularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder there­to attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 12th day of January , 1909. and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or dem and on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office. No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Otieens, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claim ants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 1st day of M arch, 1909, at 3 o’clock in the a fternoon of that dav, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto, and a t such time and place, and at such fu rth er o r other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in rela­tion thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim­ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 11, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.

f l 1,25


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of CHAUNCEY

2042 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

ST R E E T , from H ovt avenue to W inthrop ave­nue; and GOODRICH ST R E ET , between Flushing and W inthrop avenues, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan o rder of the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d day o f November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, a t his office in Jam aica, in the B or­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, A ugust Reymert, Luke O tten and Thom as II. M ulholland, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate fo r the purpose of m aking a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment o f the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in terested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises re ­quired for tlie purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above mentioned streets or avenues, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The Citv of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said o rder thereto attached, fiied herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Oucens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and the said Luke O tten was appointed Commissioner of Assessment fo r the purpose of making a ju st and equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said streets or avenues so to be opened and extended to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or in­terested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated w ithin the area of assessment adopted by the Board of E sti­mate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularlv set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, on the 6th day of Tanuarv, 1909, and of ascertaining and defin­ing’ the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4, of the G reater New Y ork C harter, as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof. .

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken fo r the purpose of opening and extending the said streets or ave­nues. and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, arc hereby re­quired to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, at our office. No. 252 Tackson avenue, in the Bor- oup:h of Ouecns, in The City of New 1 ork, with such affidavit and other proof as the said owners or claimants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in at­tendance at our said office) on the 1st day of M arch, 1909. a t 3 o’clock in the afternoon of tha t day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 11, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P . D u n n , Clerk. 2J

M arch, 1909, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of tha t day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. A nd at such tim e and place, and a t such fu rth e r or other tim e and place as we may appoint, we will _ hear such owners in relation thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant o r claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner or on behalf o f The City o f New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, C ity of New York, February 11, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.

f 11,25



In the m atter o f the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of M ONSON ST R E E T , from Fulton avenue northw ardly to the East River, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City o f New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d day o f November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, a t his office in Jamaica, in the Bor­ough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, we, H enry W. Graves, John Schneider and John W . Dolan, were ap­pointed Commissioners of Estim ate fo r the_ pur­pose of making a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents _ and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and the said H enry W. Graves was ap­pointed Commissioner of Assessment for the purpose of m aking a ju s t and equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage o f the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the respective lands, tenements, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board_ of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and de­scribed in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us bv chapter 17, title 4 of the Greater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am enda­to ry thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the ' purpose of opening and extending the said_ street o r avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or dem and on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same^ duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such affidavit and other proof as the said own­ers o r claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date o f this notice.

And we, the said _ Commissioners, will be in a ttendance a t our said office on the 1st day of

In the m atter of the app lication of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of an U N ­N AM ED S T R E E T , to extend from the n o rth ­erly term inus of Gray street to Gordon street, in the Second W ard, Borough of Richmond, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order o f the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 27th day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond, a t his office in the Borough of Richmond, in The City of New York, on the 7th day of January , 1909. a copy of which order was duly fiied in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond, we, Charles J. D. Noble, Gustav Scmmig and Louis Schantz, were ap­pointed Commissioners of Estim ate for_ the pu r­pose of making a ju st and equitable estimate and asst ssment of the loss and damage to the re ­spective owners, lessees, parties and persons re- sptctively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenem ents, hcreditam ents< and premises re ­quired for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in thc_ petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the appli­cation for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond on the 7th dav of January , 1909, and the said Charles J. D. Noble was appointed Commissioner of Assessment, fo r the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees,_ par­ties and persons respectively entitled to o r in te r­ested in the respective lands, tenem ents, heredita­ments and premises situated w ithin the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent and not required for the pur­pose of opening and extending the same but benefited thereby, the said area of _ assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York. and_ also in the notice of the application for the said_ o rder thereto attached, filed herein in the office of •In- Clerk of the Countv of Richmond on the 7th day of January , 1909, and o f ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the tru s ts and duties required of us bv chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter, as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supple­m entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real '. state taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue and affected thereby and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, a t our office, ninth floor, Nos. 90 and 92 W est B road­way, in the Borough of M anhattan, tn The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of th is notice.

And we. the said Commissioners, will be in a t­tendance at our said office on the 1st day of March 1909, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of

on the 7th day of January , 1909, and o f ascer­taining and denning the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ­ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter, as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street o r avenue and affected thereby, and having any claim or de­mand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the sames duly verified, to us, the u n ­dersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, a t our office, nin th floor. Nos. 90 and 92 W est B road­way. in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claimants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date of_ this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in a t­tendance at our said office on the 27th day of February, 1909, a t 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and nersons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and a t such fu rth e r o r other time and place as we may appoint, we wil] hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 10, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.


3. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the west line of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beacli Railroad 35 feet;

4. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 0.17 foot;

5. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the left along the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

6. Thence w esterly 584.83 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "B .“

that day, to hear the said parties and nersons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther o r other tim e and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto, and examine the proofs of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as mav then be offered bv such owner or on behalf of The City o f New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February H . 1 * „ N O BI.E .


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , Clerk.


In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of FO U R TH A V EN U E, from M onroe avenue to Tompkins avenue, in the First W ard, Borough of Rich­mond, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b yan order of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 27th day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond, at his office in the Borough of Richmond, in The City of New York, on the 7th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond, we, E rnest M. Garbe, Bernard Mullin and E. S tew art T ax tcr, were ap­pointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the pur- p< se of making a just and equitable estimate and ass- ssment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in terested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises re ­quired for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The -City of New York, and also in the notice of the ap­plication for the said order thereto attached, filed her' in in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond on the 7th day of January , 1909, and tin- said E. S tew art T ax ter was appointed Com­missioner of Assessment, for the purpose of making a ju st ami equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the value o f the benefit and advantage of the said 6trect or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled to or iiit< rested in the respective lands, tenem ents, hend itam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and extending the same but benefited thereby, the said a rea of assessment being particularly set forth and d :- scribfd in the petition of The City of New York, ami also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office* of the Clerk of the County of Richmond


In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required fo r the p u r­pose of opening U N IO N S T R E E T , from W ashington avenue to B edford avenue, and from Rogers avenue to New York avenue; P R E S ID E N T ST R E E T , from Classon avenue to Bedford avenue; CA RRO LL S T R E E T , from W ashington avenue to Albany avenue; CROW N S T R E E T , from W ashington avenue to Albany avenue; excluding the land in each of the foregoing streets occupied by the Brook­lyn and Brighton Beach Railroad Company, in the N inth and Tw enty-fourth W ards o f the Borough of Brooklyn.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SU CH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given tha t an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York, Second Departm ent, a t a Special T erm thereof, to be held for the hearing of motions at the County C ourt House, County of K ings, Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York, on the 27th day of February, 1909, a t the opening of C ourt on tha t day, o r as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be_ heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners o f E sti­mate and one Commissioner of Assessment in the above entitled m atter.

The n a tu re and extent of the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New Y ork fo r the use of the public to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances there­unto belonging, required fo r the purpose of open­ing and extending U nion street, from W ashing­ton avenue to B edford avenue, and from Rogers avenue to New York avenue; of Presiden t street, from Classon avenue to Bedford avenue; o f C arroll street, from W ashington avenue to Albany avenue, and of Crown street, from W ashington avenue to Albany avenue, excluding the land in each of the foregoing streets occupied by the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad, in the Ninth and Tw enty-fourth W ards of the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, being the follow­ing described lots, pieces or parcels of land:

U n io n S tr ee t .Parcel "A ."

Beginning at the intersection of the east line of W ashington avenue with the south line of Union street^ as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence northerly along the east line of W ashington avenue 76.48 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 113 degrees 45 minutes 16 seconds to the right 788.89 feet to the west line of the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the 'e f t along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 10 feet;

5. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

6. Thence w esterly 768.09 feet to the point o f beginning.

Parcel "B ."Beginning a t the intersection of the west line

of Bedford avenue with the north line of Union street, as the same are laid o u t on the map of the City;

1. Thence southerly along the west line of Bed­ford avenue 70 feet.

2. Thence westerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 1,005 feet to the east line of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad;

3. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn ana B righton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 42.96 feet;

5. Thence northerly deflecting 122 degrees 52 minutes 47 seconds to the left along the Brook­lyn and Brighton Beach Railroad 41.68 feet;

6. Thence easterly deflecting 122 degrees 52 m inutes 47 seconds to the right 984.67 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "C."Beginning at the intersection of the east line of

Rogers avenue with the south line of Union street, as the same are laid out on the map of he C ity;

1. Thence northerly along the cast line of Rogers avenue 70 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 1,470 feet to the west line of New York avenue;

3. Thence southerly along the west line of New York avenue 70 feet;

4. Thence westerly 1,470 feet to the point of beginning.

P r e sid en t S treet .Parcel "A .”

Beginning at the intersection of the cast line of Classon avenue with the south line of President street, as the same are laid out on the map of the C ity;

1. Thence northerly along the east hue of Classon avemto 70 feet;

2. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 585 feet to the west line of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach R ailroad;

Beginning at the intersection of the west line of Bedford avenue with the north line of P resi­dent street, as the same are laid out on the mapof the City;

1. Thence southerly along the west line of Bed­ford avenue 70 feet;

2. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 970 feet to the east line o f the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach R ailroad;

3. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to the righ t along the east line of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

4. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the left along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

5. Thence no rtherly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

6. Thence easterly 1,005 feet to the point of beginning.

Carroll S t reet .Parcel "A .”

Beginning a t the intersection of the east line of W ashington avenue with the south line of Carroll street, as the same are laid ou t on the map of the City;

1. Thence northerly along the east line of W ashington avenue 76.48 feet:

2. Thence easterly deflecting 113 degrees 45 m inutes 16 seconds to the right 506.67 feet to the east line of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the righ t along the Brooklyn and Brighton BeachRailroad 35 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the le ft along the Brooklyn and B righton BeachRailroad 15 feet;

5. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

6. Thence westerly 490.86 feet to the point ofbeginning.

Parcel "B .”Beginning a t the intersection o f the west line

of Albany avenue with the north line of Carroll street, as the same are laid out on the map ofthe C ity;

1. Thence southerly along the west line ofAlbany avenue 70 feet;

2. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 4,532.58 feet to the east line o f Bedfordavenue;

3. Thence w esterly deflecting 1 m inute 10 sec­onds to the le ft 81.59 feet to the west line of Bedford avenue;

4. Thence w esterly deflecting 11 degrees 19 m inutes 28 seconds to the right 1,020 feet to the east line of the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad;

5. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and B righton BeachRailroad 35 feet;

6. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and Brighton BeachRailroad 15 feet:

7. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to the left along the Brooklyn and B righton BeachRailroad 35 feet;

8. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right 1,005 feet to the west line o f B edford ave­nue;

9. Thence easterly deflecting 12 degrees 16 m inutes 29 seconds to the left 81.87 feet to the east line of Bedford avenue;

10. Thence easterly deflecting 58 m inutes 11seconds to the right 4,518.58 feet to the point of beginning. i

C row n S treet .Parcel " A ."

Beginning a t the intersection o f the east line of W ashington avenue with the south line o f Crown street, as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence northerly along the east line of W ashington avenue 76.48 feet;

2 . Thence easterly deflecting 113 degrees 45 m inutes 16 seconds to the right 375.55 feet to the west line of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach R ailroad;

3. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 35 feet;

4. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the Brooklyn and Brighton BeachRailroad 10 feet;

5. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the left along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 35 te c t f

6. Thence westerly 334.75 feet to the point of beginning.

Parcel "B .”Beginning at the intersection of the west line

of Albany avenue with the north line o f Crown street, as the same are laid out on the map of theC ity;

1. Thence southerly along the west line of Al­bany avenue 70 feet;

2. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the iglit 4,597.67 feet to the east line of Bedford

avenue;3. Thence westerly deflecting 8 seconds to the

e ft 81.58 feet to the west line of Bedford avc-m e;

4. Thence westerly deflecting 11 degrees 18 minutes 26 seconds to the right 1.010 feet to the east line of the Brooklyn and B righton BeachRailroad;

5. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to the <ht along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach

Railroad 35 feet;6. Thence w esterly deflecting 90 degrees to the

left along the Brooklyn and B righton Beach Railroad 10 feet;

7. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to he right along the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach

Railroad 35 feet;8. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the

iglit 1,020 feet to the west line of B edford ave-

9. ’ Thence easterly deflecting 12 degrees 15 minutes 28 seconds to the left 81.87 feet to the east line of Bedford avenue;

10. Thence easterly deflecting 57 m inutes 10 seconds to the right 4,583.67 feet to the point of beginning.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 24th day of April, 1908, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment fo r benefit in this proceeding as follows:

First Beginning at a point on the prolongation ,.f a line midway between E astern parkway and Union street distan t 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of W ashington avenue, the said dis- aiice licing measured a t right angles to the line d W ashington avenue, and runn ing thence east­

w a rd s along the said line midway between the Eastern parkway and Union street, and along the prolongation of the said line to the westerly line of Bedford avenue; thence southwardly along the westerly line of Bedford avenue to the in tersec­tion with a line midway between President and

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D 2043

Carroll streets, as the said streets are laid out east of Bedford avenue; thence eastw ardly along the said line midway between President street and Carroll street to the westerly line of Albany avenue; thence southwardly along the westerly line of Albany avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Crown street and M ontgom­ery s treet; thence westwardly along a line always midway between Crown street and M ontgomery street to a point d istan t 100 feet west of the westerly line of W ashington avenue, the said dis­tance being m easured at right angles to W ashing­ton avenue; thence northw ardly and parallel with the westerly line of W ashington avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Second— Beginning a t a point on the easterly line of Rogers avenue where it in tersects a line midway between E astern parkway and Union street, and runn ing thence eastw ardly along the said line midway between E astern parkway and Union street to the westerly line of New York avenue; thence southw ardly along the westerly line of New York avenue to its intersection with a line midway between U nion and President streets; thence westwardly along the said line midway between Union and President streets to the easterly line of Rogers avenue, and thence northw ardly along the easterly line of Rogers ave­nue to the point or place of beginning.

Dated .February 10, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel,ITall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

y ° rk C>,y- f 10,23


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wher ever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, in and to the lands and premises re ­quired for an casement fo r sewer purposes a t the foot of M A PLE A V EN U E, in the F ourth W ard, m ore particularly shown on a map or plan adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on November 20, 1908, in the F ourth W ard, Borough of Richmond, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SUC1I cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given that an application will be made to the Su­preme C ourt ot the State of New York, Second D epartm ent, a t a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County Court House, in the County of Kings, in the B or­ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 25th day of February, 1909, a t the opening of the C ourt on that day, or as soon thereafte r as coun­sel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and o t one Com­m issioner of> Assessment in the above entitled m atter. The na tu re and extent of the improve­m ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, fo r the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for an easement fo r sewer purposes, at the foot of Maple avenue, in the Fourth W ard, more particu larly shown on a map or plan adopted by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on November 20, 1908, being the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, v iz .:

Beginning at a point on the southeasterly pro­longation of the centre line of tha t portion of Bay street northw est of Maple avenue 4.14 feet northw esterly from the intersection of said centre line of Bay street and the southerly line of Maple avenue, produced to the eastw ard;

1. Thence northw esterly along said centre line of Bay street 31.08 feet;

2. Thence northeasterly deflecting 105 degrees 7 m inutes 37 seconds to the right 191.06 feet;

3. Thence still northeasterly deflecting 18 de­grees 30 m inutes to the left 1,105.42 feet to the pierhead line;

4. Thence southeasterly along said pierhead line 31.96 feet;

S. Thence southw esterly parallel to and distant 30 feet southeasterly from the th ird course 1,099.30 feet;

6. Thence still southw esterly 187.84 feet to the point o f beginning.

An easem ent fo r sewer purposes a t the foot of Maple avenue is shown on a map entitled “ Map or plan showing lands through or over which it is necessary to acquire an easement for the pur­pose of a sewer outlet east of Bay street, near Maple avenue, in the Fourth W ard, Borough of Richmond, The City o f New York, which map was filed in the offices of the President o f the Borough of Richmond, the Clerk of the County of Richmond and the Counsel to the Corporation of The City of New York, on or about the dayof , 190 .

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 18th day of December, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding as follows:

Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Bay street where it is intersected by the pro­longation o f the northerly line o f Willow avenue, as in use immediately cast of New York avenue, and running thence southw ardly along the west­erly line of Bay street to a point distan t 75 feet northerly from the northerly line of Sylvaton terrace, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Sylvaton te rrace ; thence westwardly and parallel with Sylvaton terrace to a point distant 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of New York avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of New York avenue; thence southw ardlv and parallel with New York avenue to the northerly line of P enn ­sylvania avenue; thence westwardly along the northerly line of Pennsylvania avenue to a point distan t 120 feet westerly from the westerly line of New York avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of New York avenue; thence southw ardly and parallel with New York avenue to a point distant 100 feet southerly from the southerly line of Pennsylvania avenue, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line o f Pennsylvania avenue; thence w est­wardly and iiarallel with Pennsylvania avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of a line d istan t 1,400 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly property line of the Staten Island Railway as said property line exists im­mediately east of Steuben street, the said distance being measured a t right angles to the said prop­erty line; thence westwardly along the said par­allel line and the prolongation thereof to the in ­tersection with the prolongation o f the westerly line of Steuben s tree t: thence northw ardly along the said prolongation of the westerly line of Steuben street to the northerly property line of the Staten Island Railway; thence eastwardly along the said property line a distance of 750 feet; thence northw ardly at right angles to the said property line a distance of 250 feet; thence eastwardly in a straight line to a point on the westerly line of Bcachwood avenue distant 350 feet northerly from its intersection with the north ­erly property line of the S taten Island Railway; thence northw ardly in a straight line to a point on the southerly line o f Simmonson avenue distant 970 feet westerly from its intersection! with the westerly line of C entre s treet; thence northw ardly at right angles to Simmonson avenue to a point distan t 200 feet northerly from its northerly line; thence eastwardly and parallel with Simmonson avenue to the w esterly line of Centre s treet; thence southwardly along the westerly line of Centre

street and the prolongation thereof, to the south­erly property line of the Staten Island Railway; thence eastwardly along the said property line to the intersection with a line distan t 100 feet north- or'v from and parallel with the northerly line of W illcw avenue, the said distance being measured a t right angles to the line of YVillow avenue; thence eastwardly along the said parallel line to the westerly line of New York avenue; thence eastwardly in a straight line to the point o r place of beginning. (N one of the streets named has yet been incorporated upon the City map, and the lines referred to are intended to apply to those determ ined by usage and as commonly recognized.)

D ated New York. February 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, New

York City.' f9,24


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of 1IEBER- TON A V EN U E (although not yet named by proper au thority ), between a line about 188 feet north of Ann street and Richmond te r­race, in the T hird W ard, Borough of Rich­mond, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b y 'an order of the Suprem e Court, bearing

date the 27th day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond, a t his office in the Borough of Richmond, in The City of New York, on the 7th day of January , 1909, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond, we, Stephen D. Stephens, Daniel L. Driscoll and Edward Slater, were appointed Commissioners of Estim ate for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable esti­mate and assessment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and per­sons respectively entitled unto o r interested in the lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the appli­cation for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond on the 7th day of January , 1909, and the said Stephen D. Stephens was appointed Com­missioner of Assessment, for _ the purpose of making a ju st and equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the respective owners, lessees, par­ties and persons respectively entitled to or in te r­ested in the respective lands, tenem ents, heredita­ments and premises situated w ithin the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent and not required fo r the purpose of opening and extending the same, but benefited thereby, the said a rea of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application fo r the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond on the 7th day of January , 1909, and of ascertaining and de­fining the extent and boundaries o f the respective tracts or parcels o f land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform ing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4, of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supplem entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons in terested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or ave­nue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby re­quired to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. 90 and 92_ W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, with such affidavit or other proof as the owners or claim ants may desire, within ten days a fte r the date o f this notice.

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 5th day of M arch, 1909, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto ; and as such time and place, and at such fu rth er or other time and place as we may appoint, wc will hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of such claim ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 9, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , C le rk .



In the m atter of the application, of The City of New York relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of W ILL O W ST R E ET , between Wyckoff avenue and M yrtle avenue; ST E P H E N S T R E E T , between Wyckoff avenue and M yrtle avenue; SUM- M ERl'TE 1.1) S T R E E T , between Wyckoff ave­nue and M yrtle avenue; NORM AN ST R E E T , between W yckoff avenue and M yrtle avenue; GEORGE ST R E ET , between Wyckoff avenue and M yrtle avenue; C EN TR E ST R E E T , be­tween Wyckoff avenue and M yrtle avenue, in the Second W ald , Borough of Queens, City of New York.

1VT O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV EN T H A T BY I N an order of the Supreme Court, bearing

date the 23d day of November, 1908, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in Jam aica, in the B or­ough of Queens, in The City o f New York, on the 6th day of January , 1909, a copy of which o r­der was duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, wc, W illiam A. M oller, P a t­rick J. M ara and H erm an Plum p, were appointed Commissioners of Estimate for the purpose of making a just and equitable estim ate and assess­ment of the loss and damage, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tene­ments, hereditam ents and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening and extending the above mentioned street or ave­nue the same being particularly set forth and de­scribed in the petition of The City of New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909; and the said W il­

liam A. M oller was appointed Commissioner of Assessment for the purpose of making a ju s t and equitable estim ate and assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the said street or avenue so to be opened and extended, to the re ­spective owners, lessees, parties and persons re ­spectively entitled to or interested in the respect­ive lands, tenem ents, hereditam ents and premises situated within the area of assessment adopted by the Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent and not required for the purpose of opening and ex ­tending the same, but benefited thereby, the said area of assessment being particularly set forth and described in the petition of The City o f New York, and also in the notice of the application for the said order thereto attached filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 6th day of January , 1909, and of ascer­taining and defining the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perfo rm ­ing the trusts and duties required of us by chap­ter 17, title 4 of the G reater New York C harter as amended, and the acts or parts of acts supple­m entary thereto or am endatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening and extending the said street or avenue, and affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the u n ­dersigned Commissioners of Estim ate, at our o f­fice, No. 252 Jackson avenue, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, with such a f­fidavit and other proof as the said owners or claimants may desire, w ithin ten days a fte r the date of this notice. ,

And we, the said Commissioners, will be in a t­tendance at our said office on the 25th day of February, 1909, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of that dav, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such fu rther or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such ow ners in re ­lation thereto and exam ine the proof of such claim ant or claim ants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The City of New York.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, City of New York, February 9, 1909.


Commissioners.J o h n P. D u n n , C lerk .


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title , w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents re ­quired for the opening and extending of S E N ­ATOR ST R E E T , from F irst avenue to F ifth avenue, in the T hirtieth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

W E, T H E U N D ER SIG N E D COM M IS- sionci s of Estimate and Assessment in the

above-entitled m atter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unim ­proved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

F irst— T hat we have completed our estim ate and assessment, and tha t all persons interested in this proceeding, o r in any of the lands, tene­ments and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do pre­sent the ir said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. 166 M ontague street,^ in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the first day of M arch, 1909, and that wc, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance a t our said office on the th ird day of M arch, 1909, at 2 o’clock p. m.

Second—T hat the abstracts of our said esti­mate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, esti­mates, proofs and o ther documents used by us in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of S treet Openings in the Law D epart­ment of The City of New York, No. 166 M on­tague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to rem ain until the 11th day of M arch, 1909.

T hird— T hat the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises situate, lying and be­ing in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz:

Beginning a t a point on the w esterly side o f Fifth avenue where the same is intersected by a line drawn parallel to Senator street and distant 100 feet northerlv therefrom , said distance be­ing m easured a t right angles to Senator s treet, runn ing thence westerly along said parallel line to its intersection with the easterly side of F ourth avenue, runn ing thence southerly along the east­erly side of Fourth avenue to its intersection with a line draw n parallel to Senator s treet and distant 100 feet southerly therefrom , said dis­tance being m easured at righ t angles to Sen­ator s treet; runn ing thence easterly along said parallel line to the westerly side of F'ifth ave­nue; runn ing thence northerly along the westerly side of F ifth avenue to the point o r place of be­ginning.

Also beginning a t a point on the westerly side of Fourth avenue where the same is intersected by the centre line of the block between Senator street and Sixty-seventh s treet; runn ing thence westerly along the centre line of the block be­tween Senator street and Sixty-seventh street to the easterly side of T hird avenue; runn ing thence southerly along the easterly side of T hird ave­nue to the centre line of the block between Sixty-eighth street and Senator s tree t; runn ing thence easterly and along the centre line of the block between Sixty eighth street and Senator s treet to the westerly side of F ourth avenue; runn ing thence northerly along the westerly side of Fourth avenue to the point or place o f be­ginning.

Also beginning a t a point form ed by the in ­tersection of the southerly _ side of Sixty-seventh street with the w esterly side of T h ird avenue: runn ing thence southerly and along the westerly side of T hird avenue_ to the prolongation of a line drawn parallel with Senator s treet and dis­tan t 100 feet southerly therefrom , said distance being m easured a t righ t angles to the line o f Senator street; runn ing thence w esterly and along said parallel line to the easterly side o f Second avenue; runn ing thence northerly and along the easterly side of Second avenue to a line draw n parallel with the northerly side of Senator street and distant 100 feet northerly therefrom , said distance being m easured at right angles to Senator s treet; runn ing thence easterly along said parallel line to a point distan t 100 feet northw esterly of the northw esterly side o f Senator street, said distance being m easured a t right angles to the northw esterly side o f Sen­ator street; running thence northeasterly parallel with the northw esterly side of Senator s treet to the southerly side of Sixty-seventh s treet; ru n ning thence easterly along the southerly side o f Sixty-seventh street to the point or place of be­ginning.

Also beginning a t a point on the westerly side of Second avenue where the same is intersected by the centre line o f the block between Sixty seventh street and S enator s tree t; runn ing thence w esterly and along said centre line to the east­erly side of F irst avenue; runn ing thence sou th­erly and along the easterly side of F irst avenue to the centre line of the block between Sixty- eighth street and Senator s treet; ru nn ing thence easterly and along said centre line to the west­erly side of Second avenue; ru nn ing thence northerly along said westerly side of Second avenue to the place of beginning.

l 'o ttrth—T hat provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be presented fo r confirm ation to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York, Sec­ond D epartm ent, at a special term thereo f for the hearing of motions, to be held in the County C ourt H ouse in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 19th day o f April, 1909, a t the opening o f the C ourt on tha t day.

F if th —In case, however, objections are filed to either of said abstracts of estim ate and assess­ment, the notice^ of m otion to confirm our final report herein will stand ad journed to the date to be hereafte r specified, and of which notice will be given to all those who have theretofore appeared in this proceeding, as well as by pub­lication in the C it y R ecoup, and in the cor­poration newspapers, pursuan t to sections 981 and 984 of the G reater New Y ork C harter, as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906:

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Feb­ruary 9, 1909.

A LEX . M ’K IN N Y , C hairm an;A. J. Q U A IL,JO H N C. FA W C ETT ,

Commissioners.J am es F. Q u ig le y , Clerk.

f9 ,27


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents required fo r the purpose of opening S ixty-third street, from Seventh avenue to New U trech t avenue, in the T h irtie th W ard o f the Borough of Brooklyn, The City o f New York.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN T H A T AN A p ­plication will be made to the Suprem e Court,

at Special Term thereof for the hearing of motions, to be held in and fo r the County of Kings a t the County C ourt House in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 23d day of February , 1909, at the opening of the Court on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, fo r an order am ending the abovc-entitled_ proceeding by excluding therefrom the land lying w ithin the lines of said S ixty-third s treet between Seventh avenue and Eighth avenue, as authorized by a resolution of the Board of Estim ate and A ppor­tionm ent adopted at a m eeting held by said Board on the 26th day of June, 1908, and in pursuance of the provisions of Section 974 of the C harter of The City of New York.

Dated Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan u ary 30, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

C orporation Counsel,No. 166 M ontague street, Brooklyn, N. Y.



In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents required for the purpose of opening Fourteenth avenue, from W est street to Sixty-fifth street, except­ing that portion of said avenue occupied by the tracks of the Long Island Railroad and the Sea Beach Railroad between Sixty-first street and Sixty-second street, in the Tw enty-ninth and T hirtie th W ards of the Borough of Brook­lyn, The City o f New York.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN T H A T A N A p ­plication will be made to the Suprem e Court,

at Special Term thereof for the hearing of motions, to be held in and fo r the County of K ings in the County C ourt H ouse in the Borough of Brook­lyn, City of New York, on the 23d day o f Feb­ruary, 19U9, at the opening of the C ourt on that day, or as soon thereafte r as Counsel can be heard, for an o rder am ending the above-en­titled proceeding by excluding therefrom the following described lands:

Beginning at the angle point on the south line of F ourteen th avenue d istan t 146.79 feet easterly from the intersection o f the south line of F ou r­teenth avenue with the east line of Thirty-sixth street as the same are laid out on the map of the City;

1. Thence easterly on a stra igh t prolongation ot the south line of P 'ourteenth avenue as laid out west of Thirty-sixth street 192.98 feet.

2. Thence easterly deflecting 24 degrees 31 m inutes 4 seconds to the right 279.24 feet to the west line of W est s treet;

3. Thence southerly along the west line of W est street 84.55 feet;

4. Thence westerly 427.49 feet to the point of beginning.— and by including therein the following de­scribed lands:

Beginning a t the angle point on the north line of Fourteenth avenue d istant 164.15 feet easterly from the intersection of the north line of F o u r­teenth avenue with the east line of Thirty-sixth street, as the same are laid out on the map of the C ity;

1. Thence easterly in a straight prolongation of the north line of Fourteen th avenue 96.21 feet to the east line of Thirty-fifth s treet;

2. Thence northerly along the east line of Thirty-fifth street 4.40 feet to the south line of Church avenue;

3. Thence easterly along the south line of Church avenue 11.37 feet;

4. Thence easterly deflecting 22 degrees 44 m inutes 50 seconds to the le ft 206.90 feet to the north line of Church avenue;

5. Thence easterly along the north line of Church avenue 206.90 feet;

6. Thence westerly and parallel with course num ber 4, 328.78 feet;

7. Thence w esterly 192.98 feet to the point of beginning.— in accordance with a resolution o f the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent adopted on May 8, 1908, and in pursuance of the provisions of Section 974 o f the C harter of The City of New York.

Dated Brooklvn, N. Y., Tanuary 30, 1909.FR A N CIS K. PE N D L E T O N .

Corporation Counsel,No. 166 M ontague street, Brooklyn, N. Y.



In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of ELY A V EN U E, from N ott avenue to G rand avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

2044 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

PU R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given tha t an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the State of New York, Second D epartm ent, a t a Special T erm of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House, ' in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on 23d day of February , 1909, a t the opening of the Court on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, fo r the appoint­ment of Commissioners of Estim ate and one Commissioner of Assessm ent in the above entitled m atter. The n a tu re and extent of the improve­m ent hereby in tended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required fo r the opening and extend­ing of Ely avenue, from N ott avenue to the G rand avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York, being the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Parcel "A .”Beginning a t a point form ed by the in tersec­

tion o t the northeasterly line of N ott avenue with the southeasterly line of Ejy avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City, pursuan t to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, a t Jam aica, April 25, 1873;

Running thence northw esterly fo r 80 feet along the northeasterly line of N ott avenue to the northw esterly line of E ly avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 90 degrees fo r 200 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the southw esterly line of T h ir­teenth s treet;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 6 degrees 18 m inutes 13 seconds fo r 60.37 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the northeasterly line of T h irteen th s treet;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 12 degrees 40 m inutes 27 seconds -for 495.02 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the southwesterly line o f H arris avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 1 degree 43 m inutes 47 seconds fo r 80.04 feet along the northw esterly line of E ly avenue to the northeasterly line of H arris avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 3 seconds for 1,986.14 feet along the northw esterly line of E ly avenue to the southw esterly line of P ayn tar avenue;

Thence southeasterly deflecting to the right 90 degrees for 75 feet along the southw esterly line of l ’ayn tar avenue to the southeasterly line ol Ely avenue

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the right 90 degrees for 1,983.87 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the northeasterly line of H arris avenue;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the left 3 degrees 33 m inutes 22 seconds fo r 80.04 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the southw esterly line of H arris avenue;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the right 1 degree 49 m inutes 32 seconds fo r 467.51 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the northeasterly line o f T h irteen th s treet;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the le ft 8 degrees 22 m inutes 49 seconds fo r 61.04 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the southw esterly line of T h irteen th street;

Thence southw esterly fo r 200 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the no rth ­easterly line of N ott avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "B ."Beginning a t a point form ed by the in tersec­

tion of the northeasterly line of P ayn tar avenue with the southeasterly line o f E ly avenue, as the same is laid down on the said Commissioners’ map of Long Island C ity;

R unning thence northw esterly fo r 75 feet along the northeasterly line of P ayn tar avenue to the northw esterly line o f Ely avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 90 degrees for 1,494.03 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the southw esterly line of W ebster avenue;

Thence southeasterly deflecting to the right 90 degrees 38 m inutes 50 seconds for 75 feet along the southw esterly line of W ebster avenue to the southeasterly line of Ely avenue;

Thence southw esterly for 1,493.18 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the no rth ­easterly line of P ay n ta r avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "C ."Beginning at a point form ed by the intersec­

tion of the northeasterly line of W ebster avenue with the southeasterly line of Ely avenue, as the same is laid down on the said Commissioners’ map of Long Island City;

Running thence northw esterly fo r 75 feet along the northeasterly line of W ebster avenue to the northw esterly line of Ely avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 89 degrees 21 m inutes 30 seconds for 1,143.76 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the southwesterly line of Pierce avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the le ft 2 m inutes 55 seconds for 80.13 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the no rth ­easterly line of P ierce avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the left 1 degree 26 m inutes 15 seconds for 580.87 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the southwesterly line o f Graham avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 11 degrees 12 m inutes 49 seconds for 82.14 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the northeasterly line of Graham avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the left 13 degrees 5 m inutes 39 seconds for 965.97 feet along the northwesterly line of Ely avenue to the southwesterly line of Broadway;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right1 minute 1 second for 75.21 feet along the northw esterly line of Ely avenue to the north ­easterly line of Broadway:

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right3 m inutes 59 seconds for 130.95 feet along thenorthw esterly line of Ely avenue to the south­westerly line of Camelia street;

Thence southeasterly deflecting to the right 94 degrees 28 m inutes 45 seconds for 60.18 feet along the southwesterly line of Camelia street to the southeasterly line of Ely avenue;

Thence southwesterly deflecting to the right85 degrees 31 m inutes 15 seconds for 310.70 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the northeasterly line of Broadway;

Thence southwesterly deflecting to the 1< ft 4 m inutes 16 seconds fo r 75.21 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the south­westerly line of Broadway;

Thence southwesterly deflecting to the le ft 44 seconds for 961.42 feet along the southeasterly line o f Ely avenue to the northeasterly line of Graham avenue;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the right 2 degrees 33 m inutes 13 seconds for 80.08 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the southw esterly line o f Graham avenue;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the left 40 m inutes 23 seconds for 580.87 feet along the southeasterly line o f Ely avenue to the north ­easterly line o f P ierce avenue;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the right 1 degree 22 m inutes 24 seconds for 80.13 feet a long the sou theasterly line o f Ely avenue to the southw esterly line of P ierce avenue;

Thence southw esterly for 1,149.02 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to .the no rth ­easterly line of W ebster avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "D .”Beginning at a point form ed by the intersection

of the northeasterly line of Camelia street with the southeasterly line of Ely avenue, as the same is laid down on the said Commissioners’ map of Long Island C ity;

Running thence northw esterly along the no rth ­easterly line of Camelia street fo r 60.18 feet to the northw esterly line of Ely avenue;

Thence northeasterly deflecting to the right 85 degrees 31 m inutes 15 seconds fo r 1,597.06 feet along the northw esterly line of E ly avenue to the southwesterly line of Grand avenue;

Thence southeasterly deflecting to the right 89 degrees 35 m inutes 56 seconds fo r 60 feet along the southwesterly line of G rand avenue to the southeasterly line of Ely avenue;

Thence southwesterly for 1,602.18 feet along the southeasterly line of Ely avenue to the north ­easterly line of Camelia street, the point o r place of beginning.

The land to be taken fo r Ely avenue is shown on the Commissioner’s map of Long Island City, made pursuant to chapter 765 of the Laws of 1871, and filed in the office of the Clerk of Queens County, at Jam aica, on A pril 25, 1873.

The Board of Estim ate and Apportionm ent on the 17th day of May, 1907, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment for benefit as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the prolonga­tion of a line midway between Ely avenue and Van Alst avenue with a line midway between Grand avenue and Taylor street, and running thence southeastwardly and along the said line midway between Grand avenue and Taylor street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Ely avenue and the Crescent; thence southwestwardly and along the said line midway between Ely avenue and the Crescent and the prolongation thereof, to the intersection with a line midway between Orange street and Graham avenue; thence southeastw ardly and along the said line midway between O range street and Graham avenue to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between W illiam street and the Crescent; thence southwestwardly and along the said line midway between W illiam street and the Crescent, and along the prolongation of the said line to the intersection with a line midway be­tween N ott avenue and Tw elfth street; thence westwardly and along the said line midway be­tween N ott avenue, and Tw elfth street to the intersection with a line midway between Ely ave­nue and Van Alst avenue; thence northw ardly and along the said line midway between Ely ave nue and Van Alst avenue to the intersection with a line midway between T hirteen th street and Fourteenth s treet: thence westwardly and along the said line midway between T hirteen th , street and Fourteenth street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Sunswick street and Van Alst avenue; thence northeast­wardly and along the said line midway between Sunswick. street and V a n . Alst avenue and the piolongation of the said line to the intersection with a line midway between Graham avenue and O range street; thence southeastw ardly and along the said line midway between Graham avenue and O range street to the intersection with a line midway between Ely avenue and V an Alst ave­nue; thence northeastw ardly and along the said line midway between Ely avenue and Van Alst avenue and the prolongation of the same to the point or place of beginning.

New York, February 6, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records. Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f6,20


In the m atter of the application o f The City of New York relative to acquiring title in fee, w herever the same has no t been heretofore acquired, for the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of A NEW D IA G O N A L S T R E E T , from Jackson avenue, opposite the approach to the Blackwells Island Bridge, to the northw esterly boundary of the Sunnyside yard, and from the southeasterly boundary of the Sunnyside yard to Thomson avenue, and of VAN DAM S T R E E T , from the new diagonal street to Greenpoint avenue, and of G R E E N P O IN T A V EN U E, from Review avenue to Newtown Creek, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, C ity of New York.

P U R S U A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN X such cases made and provided, notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the State of New York, Second D epartm ent, a t a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions in the County C ourt House, in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 23d day o f F eb ru ­ary, 1909, a t 'the opening of court on that day, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and one Commissioner of Assess­ment in the above-entitled m atter. The nature and ex ten t of the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City o f New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of a new diagonal street, from Jackson avenue, opposite the approach to the Blackwells Island Bridge, to the no rth ­westerly boundary of the Sunnyside yard, and from the southeasterly boundary o f the Sunny­side yard to Thom son avenue, and of Van Dam street, from the new diagonal . s treet to G reen point avenue, and of G reenpoint avenue, from Review avenue to Newtown Creek, in the First W ard, Borough of Queens, City of. New York, being the following-described lots, pieces or par­cels o f land, viz.:

Q u een s B oulevarp (A N ew D iagonal S tr ee t ) .Parcel " A "

Beginning a t a point form ed by the in te r­section of the w esterly line of Q ueens boule­vard with the southerly line of Jackson avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City, pursuan t to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, filed in the office o f the Clerk of the County o f Queens, A pril 25, 1873, and am endm ent approved by the Board of Estim ate and Apportionm ent M ay 26, 1905*

Running thence easterly for 102.55 feet along the southerly line o f Jackson avenue to the easterly line of Queens boulevard;

Thence southerly deflecting to the right 77 degrees 11 m inutes .55 seconds fo r 190.41 feet along the easterly line of Queens boulevard , to the northw esterly boundary of the Sunnyside yard ;

Thence southw esterly deflecting to the right 85 degrees 3 m inutes 9 seconds fo r 100.37 feet along the northw esterly line of the Sunnyside yard to the westerly line o f Q ueens boulevard;

Thence northerly fo r 221.79 feet along the westerly line of Q ueens boulevard to the south­erly line o f Jackson avenue, the point o r place of beginning.

Parcel "B ,”Beginning a t a point form ed by the intersection

of the westerly line of Queens boulevard with the southeasterly boundary line o f the S unny­side yard, as the same is laid down on the said Commissioners’ map and am endm ent thereto ;

R unning thence northeasterly fo r 103.88 feet along the southeasterly boundary line of the Sunnyside yard to the easterly line of Queens boulevard;

Thence southerly deflecting to the right 74 degrees 17 m inutes 48 seconds fo r 629.45 feet along the easterly line of Queens boulevard to the northerly line of Thom son avenue;

Thence w esterly deflecting to the right 136 degrees 42 m inutes 35 seconds fo r 225.84 feet along the northerly line of Thom son avenue to the westerly line of Q ueens boulevard;

Thence northerly deflecting to the right 90 degrees for 75.36 feet along the w esterly line of Queens boulevard to an angle point;

Thence northerly fo r 441.50 feet along the westerly line of Queens boulevard to the south­easterly boundary line of the Sunnyside yard, the point or place o f beginning.

V an D am S treet .Parcel "A ."

Beginning at a point form ed by . the in te r­section of the southerly line of Review avenue with the easterly line of G reenpoint avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City, pursuant to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, filed in the office of the Clerk o f the County of Queens, A pril 25. 1873, and am endm ent approved by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent M ay 26, 1905;

R unning thence w esterly fo r 106.30 feet along the southerly line of Review avenue to the west­erly line of Greenpoint avenue;

Thence northerly deflectin'* to the right 84 degrees 15 m inutes 29 seconds fo r 77.59 feet along the w esterly lirie o f V an Dam street to the northerly line of Review avenue;

Thence northerly deflecting to the left 1 de gree 51 m inutes 30 seconds fo r 1,321.09 feet along the westerly line of V an Dam street to the southerly line of Borden avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 67 degrees 39 m inutes 34 seconds fo r 108.11 feet along the southerly line o f Borden avenue to the easterly line of Van Dam street;

Thence southerly deflecting to the righ t 112 degrees 20 m inutes 26 seconds fo r 1,176.53 feet along the easterly line of Van Dam street to the point of cu rva tu re of same;

Thence easterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is 25 feet fo r 66.58 feet to the westerly line of G reenpoint avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the righ t 90 degrees from a tangent to the aforesaid curve for 66 feet to the easterly line of Greenpoint avenue;

Thence southerly deflecting to the right .90 degrees for 178.14 feet along the easterly line of G reenpoint avenue to the northerly line of Review avenue.

Thence southerly fo r 80.01 feet to the . in te r­section of the southerly line of Review avenue and the easterly line, of Greenpoint avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel " B ."Beginning at a point form ed by the intersec­

tion of the northerly line of Borden avenue and the easterly line of Van Dam street, as the same is laid down on the aforesaid Commissioners’ map of Long Island City and am endm ent thereto ;

Running thence westerly for 100.49 feet along the northerly line of Borden avenue to the w est­erly line of Van Dam street;

Thence northerly deflecting to the right 84 de­grees 21 m inutes 47 seconds for 2,643.51 feet along the w esterly line of Van Dam street to the northerly line of Thomson avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees for 225.84 feet along the northerly line of Thomson avenue to the easterly line of Q ueens boulevard (new diagonal s tre e t);

Thence southwesterly deflecting to the right 141 degrees 31 m inutes 34 seconds fo r 160.73 feet to the southerly line of Thom son avenue;

Thence southerly for 2,553.38 feet along the easterly line of Van Dam street to the n o rth e r­ly line of Borden avenue, the point o r place of beginning.

G r e e n po in t A v e n u e .Beginning at a point formed, by the in tersec­

tion of the southerly line o f G reenpoint avenue with the westerly line of Review avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City, pursuan t to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, filed in the office of the C lerk of the County of Queens, April 25, 1873, and am end­ment approved by the Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent M ay 26, 1905;

Running thence w esterly 610.62+ feet along the southerly line o f G reenpoint avenue to the pier and bulkhead line of Newtown Creek ap­proved by the Secretary of W ar, February 15, 1902;

Thence northerly deflecting to the right 98 degrees 40 m inutes more or less fo r 101.16 + f-.-et along the pier and bulkhead line aforesaid In the northerly line of Greenpoint avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 81 de­grees 20 m inutes more or less fo r 559.34+ feet along the northerly line of Greenpoint avenue to the westerly line of Review avenue.

Thence southerly for 106.30 feet along the westerly line of. Review aVenue to the southerly line of Greenpoint avenue, the point o r place of beginning.

The land to be taken for the opening and ex­tending of a new diagonal street, from Jackson avenue, opposite the approach to the Blackwells Island Bridge, to the northw esterly boundary of the Sunnyside Y ard, and from the south­easterly boundary of tfie Sunnyside Yard to Thomson avenue; and o f Van Dam street, from the new diagonal street to G reenpoint avenue; and of Greenpoint avenue, from Review avenue to Newtown Creek, is shown on the “ M ap or plan showing a change in the map of The City of New York, F irst W ard, Borough of Queens.A proposed new street for an approach to the Blackwells Island Bridge; widening of Van Dam street, from Thom son avenue to Borden avenue; a new extension of Van Dam street, from Borden avenue to Review avenue; w iden­ing o f G reenpoint avenue, from Review avenue to Newtown Creek, and the w idening o f Review avenue, from G reenpoint avenue to L aurel Hill boulevard” ; said map was filed in the office of the President of the Borough of Queens, the o f­fice of the C lerk of the County o f Queens, and in the office of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York on or about the 4th day of August, 1905.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 6th day of November, 1908, duly fixed and determ ined the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding, as follows:

Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeasterly bulkhead line of Newtown Creek with the cen tre line o f Dutch Kills Creek, and runn ing thence eastw ardly and northw ardly along tile centre line of Dutch. Kills Creek to its intersection with the prolongation of a line m id­way between Dutch Kills place and Queens place, as laid out south of the Sunnyside Y ard; thence northw ardly along the said line midway between Dutch Kills place and Queens place and the prolongation thereof to its intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Dutch Kills street and Queens street, as laid out

north of Sunnyside Y ard ; thence northw ardly along the said line midway between Dutch Kills street and Queens street and the prolongation thereof to its intersection with the prolongation of a line 100 feet southwesterly from and parallel with the southw esterly line of H arris avenue, as laid out immediately west o f the Crescent, the said distance being m easured a t right angles to the line of H arris avenue; thence westwardly along the said line parallel with H arris avenue and the prolongation thereof to its intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between the Crescent and W illiam street, as these streets arc laid out north of H arris avenue; thence northeastw ardly along the said line midway be- tween the Crescent and William street to its in ­tersection with a line midway between Payn tar avenue and W ilbur avenue; thence southeast­wardly along the said line midway between Payntar* avenue and W ilbur avenue to its in te r­section with a line midway between Radde street and Academy s tree t; thence northeastw ardly along the said line midway between Radde street and Academy street to its intersection with the prolongation of a line distan t 100 feet northeast­erly from and parallel with the northeasterly line of South W ashington place, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of South W ashington place; thence southeastw ardly along the said line parallel with South W ashing­ton place to its intersection with the northerly line of Jackson avenue; thence southerly and parallel with Honeywell street to its intersection with a line distan t 850 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Skillman ave­nue, as laid out between the new diagonal street and Honeywell street, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line o f Skillman avenue; thence eastwardly along the said line par­allel with Skillm an avenue, as laid out between the new diagonal street and Honeywell street, to its intersection with a line easterly from and parallel with Honeywell street, and passing through a point on the northerly line of Skillman avenue where the said line of Skillman avenue is intersected by the prolongation o f a line midway between H ulst s treet and V an P e lt s treet; thence southerly and parallel with Honeywell street to its intersection with Skillm an avenue; thence southwardly along a line midway between H ulst street and Van Pelt street, and along the prolongation thereof to the northerly bulkhead line of Newtown Creek; thence northw estw ardly along the northeasterly bulkhead line o f New­town Creek to the point or place of beginning.

Dated New York, February 6, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f6,20


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of PR O SPE C T ST R E E T , from H un ter avenue to W ebster avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E STA TU TES. IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given tha t an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York, Second D epartm ent, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House, in the. County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in T he City of New York, on the 23d day of February , 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent o l Commissioners of E sti­mate and one Commissioner of Assessment iti the above entitled m atter. The n a tu re and extent of the im provement hereby intended is the acqui­sition of title by The City of New York, fo r the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of Prospect street, from H un ter avenue to W ebster avenue, in the F irst W ard , Borough of Queens, Citv of New York, being the follow­ing described lots, pieces o r parcels of land, viz.:

Parcel "A .”Beginning at a point form ed by the in tersec­

tion of the northerly line of Prospect street with the northw esterly line of H un ter avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City pursuant to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens a t Jam aica, April25, 1873.

Running thence southw esterly for 108.47 feet along the northw esterly line of H u n te r avenue to the northeasterly line of H arris avenue;

Thence northw esterly deflecting to the right 90 degrees for 18.17 feet along the northeasterly line of H arris avenue to the westerly line of Prospect s tre e t;

Thence northerly deflecting to the right 60 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds for 881.62 feet along the westerly line of Prospect street to the southerly line of Jane s treet;

Thence northerly deflecting to the le ft 28 m in­utes 39 seconds for 60 feet along the westerly line of Prospect s treet to the northerly line of Jane street;

Thence northerly deflecting to the right 28 m in­utes 39 seconds for 1,130.85 feet along the west­erly line of Prospect s treet to the southerly line of P ayn tar avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees for 60 feet along the southerly line of Payntar avenue to the easterly line of Prospect street;

Thence southerly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees for 1,130.85 fec-t along the easterly line of Prospect s treet to the northerly line of Jane street;

Thence southerly deflecting to the left 28 m in­utes 39 seconds for 60 feet along the easterly line of Prospect s treet to the southerly line of lane s treet;

Thence southerly deflecting to the right 28 m in­utes 39 seconds for 796.46 feet along the east­erly line of Prospect street to the northerly line of Prospect street;

Thence easterly for 9.59 feet along the no rth ­erly line of Prospect street to the northw esterly line of H u n te r avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "B ."Beginning a t a point form ed by the intersec­

tion of tin- easterly line of Prospect street with the northerly line of Payn tar avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City pursuant to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens at Jam aica, April 25, 1873;

R unning thence w esterly for 60 feet along the northerly line of P ayn tar avenue to the westerly line of Prospect s treet;

Thence northerly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees for 1,485.37 feet along the westerly line of Prospect street to the southerly line of W ebsteravenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees 40 m inutes 41 seconds for 60 feet along the southerly line of W ebster avenue to the east­erly line of Prospect s treet;

Thence southerly along the easterly line of Prospect s treet 1,484.66 feet to the northerly line

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . 2045

of P ayn tar avenue, the point or place of be­ginning.

The land to be taken for Prospect s treet is shown on the Commissioners’ map of Long Island City, made pursuant to chapter 765 of the Laws of 1871, and fded in the office of the Clerk of Queens County, at Jam aica, on April 25, 1873.

The Hoard of Estim ate and Apportionm ent on the 14th day of Ju n e , 1907, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment for benefit as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of a ̂line midway between Prospect street and the Crescent with the northerly line of H un te r avenue, and ru n ­ning thence northeastw ardly along the said line midway between Prospect street and the Crescent and along the prolongation of the sai(l line to the intersection with a line 100 feet northeast­erly from and parallel w ith the northeasterly line of W ebster avenue, the said _ distance being measured at right angles to the line of W ebster avenue; thence southeastw ardly and parallel with W ebster avenue to the intersection with the pro­longation of a line midway between Prospect street and Radde s treet; thence southwestwardly and along the said line midway between Prospect street and Radde s treet and along the prolonga­tion of the said line to the intersection with the southerly line of H u n te r avenue; thence south­wardly at right angles to the line of H unter avenue 100 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with H un ter avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to the line of H un ter avenue and passing through the point described as the point or place of beginning, and thence no rth ­wardly to the point or place of beginning.

New York, February 6, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f6,20


In the m atter o f the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac­quired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of W IL S O N A V E­N U E. from the Old Bowery Bay road to Tenth avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

P U R SU A N T TO T H E ST A T U T E S IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby

given tha t an application will be made to the Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, Sec­ond D epartm ent, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, in the County C ourt House in the County of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 23d day of February , 1909, at the opening of the C ourt on tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard thereon, fo the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate an . one Commissioner of Assessment in the above- entitled m atter. T he na tu re and extent of the im provem ent hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of W ilson avenue, from the Old Bowery Bay road to T enth avenue, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning a t a point form ed by the intersection of the easterly line of Steinway avenue with the southerly line of W ilson avenue, as the same is laid down on the Commissioner’s map of Long Island City, pursuan t to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, and filed in the office of the. Clerk of the County of Queens, a t Jam aica, April 25, 1873;

Running thence northerly for 80 feet along the easterly line of Steinway avenue to the northerly line of W ilson avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees for 1,224.88 feet along the northerly line of W ilson avenue to the westerly line of F if­teenth avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the l i f t 1 m inute 15 seconds for 60 feet along the northerly line of W ilson avenue to the easterly line of F ifteenth avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the left 13 m in­utes 45 seconds for 1,213.02 feet along the n o rth ­erly line of W ilson avenue to the centre line of Old Bowery Bay road;

Thence southerly deflecting to the right 77 de­grees 46 m inutes 38 seconds for 81.80 L et along the centre line of the Old Bowery Bay road to the southerly line of W ilson avenue;

Thence westerly deflecting to the right 102 de­grees 13 minutes 22 seconds fo r 1,230.35 feet along the southerly line of W ilson avenue to the easterly line of F ifteenth avenue;

Thence westerly deflecting to the right 13 m in­utes 45 seconds for 60 feet along the southerly line of W ilson avenue to the Westerly line of Fifteenth avenue:

Thence westerly fo r 1,225.23 feet along the southerly line of W ilson avenue .to the easterly line of Steinway avenue, the point or place of beginning.

The land to be taken fo r W ilson avenue is shown on the Commissioner’s map of Long Island City, made pursuant to chapter 765 of the Laws of 1871, and filed in the office of .the Clerk of Queens County, at Jamaica, on April 25, 1873.

The Board of Estim ate and Apportionm ent on the 13th day of M arch, 1908. duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment for benefit as follows:

Bounded on the northeast by a line which is the bisector of the angle formed by the intersec­tion of the prolongations of the centre lines of Wilson avenue and Flushing avenue; on the southeast by a line parallel with and always dis­tant 100 feet southeasterly front the southeasterly line of the Old Bowery Bay road, the said dis­tance being measured at right angles to the line of the Old Bowery Bay road: on the southwest bv a line midway between W ilson avenue and V andeventer avenue and the prolongatjons of the said line, and on the northw est by a line parallel with and distant 100 feet northw esterly from the northw esterly line of Tenth avenue, the said dis­tance being m easured at right angles to the line of Tenth avenue.

New York, February 6. 1909.FR A N CIS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records. Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York.f6,20


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, in fee, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of C Y PR ESS A V EN U E, between Sixteenth street and Broad­way, in the T hird W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

PU R SU A N T TO T H E S T A T U T E S IN such cases made and provided, notice is

hereby given that an application will be made to the Suprem e C ourt of the State o f New York, Second D epartm ent, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held for the hearing of mo­tions, in the County Court House, in the County

of Kings, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 23d day of February, 1909, a t the opening of the C ourt on tha t day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Estim ate and one . Commissioner of Assess­ment in the above-entitled m atter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening and extending of Cypress avenue, be­tween Sixteenth street and Broadway, in the T hird W ard, Borough of Queens, City of New York, being the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersec­tion of the easterly line of S ixteenth street with the southerly line of Cypress avenue as the same is laid down on the map or plan of Ingleside and vicinity, T hird W ard, Borough of Queens, pursuan t to chapter 466, Laws of 1901, approved by the Board of Estim ate and Appor­tionm ent M ay 1, 1903;

R unning thence northerly for 60 feet along the easterly line of Sixteenth street to the no rth ­erly line of Cypress avenue;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 90 de­grees for 3,578.18 feet along the northerly line of Cypress avenue to the westerly line of T h ir­tieth s treet;

Thence northerly deflecting to the left 90 de­grees for 118.01 feet along the westerly line of T h irtie th street to the northerly line of B road­way ;

Thence easterly deflecting to the right 109 degrees 36 m inutes 21 seconds fo r 530.51 feet along the northerly line of B roadw ay to where the southerly line of Cypress avenue produced would intersect the same:

Thence westerly for 4,077.94 feet along the southerly line of Cypress avenue to the easterly line of S ixteenth street, the point o r place of beginning.

The land to be taken for Cypress avenue l. shown on map or plan of Ingleside and vicinity, T hird W ard, Borough of Queens, made pursuant to chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, in the office of the President of the Borough of Queens, and in the office of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, on or about the 9th day of October, 1903.

The Board of Estim ate and A pportionm ent on the 19th day of A pril, 1907, duly fixed and de­term ined the area of assessment for benefit asfollows:

Beginning at the intersection o f the easterly line of Sixteenth street with a line midway be­tween Cypress avenue and F ranconia avenue, and running thence northerly along the easterly side of S ixteenth street to the in tersection with a line midway between Cypress avenue and Sanford avenue; thence eastw ardly along the said line midway between Cypress avenue and S anford avenue to the intersection with the pro­longation of a line midway between Cypress avenue and Broadway, through tha t portion of their length between Twenty-sixth and Twenty- seventh streets; thence eastw ardly and along the said line midway between Cypress avenue and Broadway, last described, and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with a line 100 feet distan t northerly from and parallel with the northerly side of Cypress avenue, the said dis­tance being m easured a t right angles to the line of Cypress avenue; thence eastw ardly and along a line parallel with Cypress avenue to the in te r­section with a line distant 100 feet eastwardly from the easterly side of Thirty-first street, the said distance being m easured at right angles to the line of Thirty-first s treet; thence southwardly and parallel with the line of Thirty-first street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Cypress avenue and F ran ­conia avenue; thence westwardly along a line midway between Cypress avenue and Franconia avenue and the prolongation thereof to the point or place of beginning.

New York, February 6, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Hall of Records, Borough of M anhattan, City

of New York. f6f20


In the m atte r of the application o f The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene­ments and hereditam ents required for the open­ing and extending of F IR S T A V E N U E (although not yet named by proper au thority ), from Jersey street to Pine street, in the F irst W ard, Borough of Richmond, City of New York.

N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t o a l lpeusons interested in the above entitled

proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occu­pant or occupants of all houses and lots and im­proved and unim proved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to w it:

F irst—T hat the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate have completed their estim ate of dam­age, and that all persons in terested in this pro­ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob­jections, in writing, duly verified, with them at their office. Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 27th day of February , 1909, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting and for tha t purpose will be in attendance a t the ir said office on the 1st day of M arch, 1909, at 2 o’clock p. m.

Second—T hat the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit and that all persons interested in this pro­ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob­jections, in w riting, duly verified, with him at his office, Nos. 90 and 92 West_ Broadway, in the Borough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 27th day of February, 1909, and tha t the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for_ tha t purpose will be in attendance a t his said office on the 1st day of M arch, 1909, at 3 o’clock p. m.

T hird—T hat the Commissioner o f Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenem ents and heseditam ents and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and preseribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionm ent on the 16th day of November, 1906, and tha t the said area of assess­ment includes all those lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises situate and being in the Borough of Richmond, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

One-half the _ block_ on each side of F irst ave­nue, from a line midway between the westerly side of YVestcrvelt avenue and the easterly side of Jersey street to the northeasterly side of Pine street, together with area bounded by the southwesterly side of P ine street, a line parallel with the southw esterly side of Pine street and 100 feet distant southwestwardly therefrom , a line midway between the northw esterly side of First avenue, produced southwestwardly, and the

southeasterly side of Brighton avenue, and line midway between the southeasterly side of F irst avenife, produced southwestwardly, and the north ­westerly side of Stanley avenue.

F ourth—T hat the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said asessment for benefit, together with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Esti­mate ana by the Commissioner of Assessment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of S tree t Openings in the Law D epart­ment of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 W est Broadway, in the Borough of M anhat­tan, in said City, there to rem ain until the 1st day of M arch, 1909.

Fifth— That, provided there be no objections filed to cither of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments fo r benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, F irst D epart­ment, at a Special Term thereof, P a rt I I I . , to be held in the County C ourt House, in the Bor­ough of M anhattan, in The City of New York, on the 4th day of May, 1909, a t the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth— In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estim ate and assess­ment, or to either of them, the motion to con­firm the reports as to awards and as to assess­ments shall stand adjourned to_ the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the G reater New York C harter, as amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of M anhattan, New York, Ju ly 24. 1908.

EU G E N E A LEX A N D ER, C hairm an;G. C. TR A N T E R ,

Commissioners o f Estimate.EU G E N E A LEX A N D ER,

Commissioner of Assessment.J o h n P. D u n n , C lerk .


In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, w herever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents required for the opening and extending of VAN SIC L EN A V E N U E , be­tween New Lots road and Dum ont avenue, in the Twenty-sixth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

No t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t o a l lpersons interested in the above entitled

proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unim proved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

F irst—T hat the undersigned Commissioners of Estim ate have completed their estimate of dam ­age, and tha t all persons interested in this pro­ceeding. or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said objec­tions in w riting, duly verified, with them a t their office, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 23d day of February , 1909, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so ob­jecting, and for that purpose will be in a ttend­ance at their said office on the 24th day of February, 1909, a t 2 o’clock p. m.

Second— T hat the undersigned Commissioner of Assessment lias completed nis estim ate of ben­efit and tha t all persons interested in this pro­ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, hav­ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob­jections, in w riting, duly verified, with him at his office, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 23d day of February, 1909, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so object­ing, and fo r that purpose will be in attendance at his said office on the 25th day of February, 1909, a t 2 o’clock p. m.

T hird—T hat the Commissioner o f Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and A pportionm ent on the 16th day of Novem­ber, 1906. and tha t the said area of assessment includes all those lands, tenem ents and heredita­ments and premises situate and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which taken together, are bounded and described as follows, v iz .:

One-half the block on each side of V an Siclen avenue from New Lots road to Dumont avenue.

Fourth— T hat the abstracts of said estim ate of damage and o f said assessment for benefit, to ­gether with the damage and benefit map, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of E sti­mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of S treet Openings in the Law D epart­ment of The City of New York, No. 166 M on­tague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to rem ain until the 5th day of M arch, 1909.

F ifth—That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments fo r benefit herein will be presented for confirm ation to the Supreme Court of the S tate of New York, Second D epart­ment, a t a Special Term thereof, to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 19th day of A pril, 1909, at the opening of the Court on that day.

S ixth— In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess­ment, or to either of them, the motion to con­firm the reports as to awards and as to assess­ments shall stand adjourned to the_ date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the G reater New York Charter, as amended by chap­ter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Feb­ruary 3, 1909.

EDW . T. R EIL LY , f . n . B r u n e r ,

Commissioners of Estimate. EDW . J. R EIL LY ,

Commissioner o f Assessment.J am es F. Q u ig ley , Clerk.



In the m atter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents re ­quired fo r the opening and extending of F IF T Y -F IR S T ST R E E T , between Ninth ave­nue and New U trecht aventte, in the T hirtieth W ard, Borough of Brooklyn, City o f New York.

W E, . T H E U N D E R SIG N E D . COM M IS- sioners of Estim ate and Assessment in

the above-entitled m atter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner o r owners, occupant or occupants of

all houses and lots and improved and unim ­proved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to w it:

F irst—T ha t we have completed our amended and supplem ental estim ate and assessm ent, and that all persons in terested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises affected thereby, and having ob­jections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brook­lyn, in The City of New York, on or before the tw enty-third day of February, 1909, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties s > objecting, and for that purpose will be in a t­tendance at our said office on the 24th day of February, 1909, a t 11 o’clock a. m.

Second— T hat the abstracts of our said am end­ed and supplem ental estim ate and assessment, to­gether with our damage and benefit maps, an 1 also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other docum ents used by us in m aking the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of S treet Openings in the Law D epartm ent of The City of New York, No. 166 M ontague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to rem ain until the 5th day of M arch, 1909.

T h ird—T hat the lim its of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenem ents and hereditam ents and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of N inth avenue and distant one hundred (100) feet northerly from the northerly side of Fifty- first s treet; runn ing thence southeasterly and parallel with Fifty-first s treet to the w esterly side of New U trecht avenue; runn ing thence southerly and along the w esterly side of New U trecht avenue to where a line draw n parallel with the southerly side of Fifty-first street and distant one hundred (100) feet southerly there­from would in tersect the same; runn ing thence northw esterly and parallel with F ifty-first street and d istant one hundred (100) feet southerly therefrom to the southeasterly side of N intn avenue; runn ing thence northeast;!-! v along the southeasterly side of N inth avenue to the point o r place of beginning.

F ourth— T hat, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be presented for confirm ation to the Supreme C ourt of the State of New York, Sec­ond D epartm ent, at a special term thereof for the hearing of motions, to be held in the County Court H ouse in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 19th day of April, 1909. at the opening of the C ourt on tha t day.

F ifth— In case, however, e lections are riled to either of said amended and supplem ental ab­stracts of estimate and assessment, the notice of motion to confirm our final report herein will stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter speci­fied, and of which notice will be given to all those who have theretofore appeared in this proceeding, as well as by publication in the C it y R ecord, and in the Corporation newspapers, p u r­suant to Sections 981 and 984 of the G reater New York Charter, as amended by Chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated, Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Feb­ruary 3, 1909.

TOHN C. JU D G E . C hairm an;PE T E R 1. H IC K EY .C H A R L ES A. OGREN,

Commissioners.J am es F. Q u ig le v , Clerk.





S ectio n N o . 14, T ow n of O l iv e , U lster Co u n t y , N . Y.


P U B LIC N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN tha t it is the in tention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make ap­plication to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York fo r the appointm ent of Commission­ers of Appraisal, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as am ended, and the acts relating thereto.

Such application will be made to the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the C ourt House, in the City of Kingston, Coun­ty of U lster, N. Y., on the 20th day of M arch, 1909, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be heard. The object of such application is to obtain an order of the C ourt appointing three disinterested and competent freeholders, one of whom shall re­side in the County of New York and at least one of whom shall reside in the County of U l­ster, to act as Commissioners of Appraisal under said act, and discharge all the duties conferred by said act and the acts am endatory thereof.

The following is a description of the real es­tate to be acquired, together with a reference to the date and place of filing the map:

All those certain pieces or parcels of real estate situated in the Town of Olive, County of U lster and State of New York, shown on a map entitled “ Reservoir D epartm ent. Section No. 14. Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York. Map of real estate situated in the Town of Olive, County of U lster and S tate of New York, to be acquired by The City of New York under the provisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as amended, fo r the construction of Ashokan R eservoir and appurtenances, from the vicinity of Shokan to the vicinity of O live,’’ which map was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of U lster, a t Kingston, N. Y., on the 22d day of December, 1908; which parcels are bounded and described as follows:

r Beginning a t the southwest corner of Parcel No. 064, in the centre of the U lster and Dela­ware P lank road, and runn ing thence along the w esterly line of said parcel, north 6 degrees 39 m inutes west 371.5 feet and north 7 degrees 14 m inutes west 398.3 feet, crossing a branch of B utte rnu t Creek, to the northw est corner of said parcel, in the southerly line o f Parcel No. 661; thence partly along said line and alongthe westerly line of said parcel, south 87 degrees 23 m inutes west 519.2 feet and north 16 degrees 39 m inutes east 249.8 feet to the northw est corner o f same; thence partly along the n o rth ­erly line of said Parcel No. 661, along thenortherly line of Parcel No. 662, partly along the northerly line o f Parcel No. 663, and along the northerly lines of Parcels Nos. 665, 666,667 and 672, the following courses, distances and curves: South 88 degrees 7 m inutes east443.7 feet, on a curve of 433 feet radius to the right, 319.3 feet, recrossing the before-m en­tioned branch of B u tte rnu t Creek, on a curve of 988.1 feet radius to the left, 552.4 feet, and south 77 degrees 54 m inutes 10 seconds east825.4 feet to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 672; thence along the easterly line o f said parcel, south 13 degrees 52 m inutes east 135.7

2040 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

feet, north 76 degrees 8 minutes east 16 feet and south 13 degrees 52 m inutes east 77.9 feet to the southeast corner of same, in the centre of the before-mentioned U lster and Delaware Plank road; thence along the centre line of said load, and partly along the southerly line of said parcel, south 76 degrees 8 m inutes west 83.4 feet to tlie northeast corner of- Parcel No. 671; thence along the easterly line of said parcel and partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 6/0, south 1 degree 32 m inutes east 1,026.1 feet and south 0 degrees 36 m inutes east 94 feet to the northw est corner of Parcel No. 0 /3 ; thence along the northerly line o f ' said parcel, partly along the westerly lines of Parcels Nos. o/5 and 670, and along the westerly and northerly lines o f Parcel No. 677, the following courses, distances and curve: South 71 degrees 22 m inutes east 77 feet, south 18 degrees 36 m inutes west 20.7 feet, on a curve of5,079.7 feet radius to the left, 871.1 feet (chord south 75 degrees 45 m inutes east870.2 feet), north 37 degrees 58 minutes east237.8 feet, north 78 degrees 1 m inute east 862.5 feet, north 35 degrees 58 m inutes east 477.1 feet, north 37 degrees 30 minutes east 506.8 feet, south 51 degrees 54 minutes east 343.4 feet and south 52 degrees 12 minutes east 357.7 feet to the northwest corner of Parcel No. 678, in the centre of a road leading from Shokan and Brodhead to Olive; thence along the northerly line of said parcel, and partly along the north ­erly line of Parcel No. 681, the following courses, distances and curves: South 52 degrees 12 m in­utes east 795.2 feet, on a curve of 5,649.7 feet radius to the left, 681.1 feet (chord north 68 degrees 10 m inutes east 680.7 fee t), south 25 degrees 17 m inutes east 40 feet, on a curve of 5,089.7 feet radius to the left, 159.1 feet (chord north 63 degrees 49 m inutes east 159.1 feet), north 63 degrees 3 m inutes east 1,025.5 feet, crossing a road leading to Browns S ta­tion, and north 19 degrees 5 m inutes west 173.8 feet to a point in the centre of the before-m en­tioned road leading from Shokan and Brod- head to Olive; thence along the centre line of said road, north 75 degrees 58 m inutes 40 sec­onds east 274.5 feet; thence continuing alongthe northerly line of Parcel No. 681, and ru n ­ning partly along the northerly lines o f P a r­cels Nos. o83 and 684 and along the northerly lines of Parcels Nos. 700, 692, 691 and 690,north 63 degrees 3 m inutes east 2,892.2 feet, north 44 feet, crossing the before-mentioned U lster and Delaware P lank road, and north 63 degrees 3 m inutes east 3,242.3 feet, crossing another road leading to Browns Station, tothe northeast corner of said Parcel No. 690; thence along the easterly and southerly lines of said parcel, the easterly and southerly lines of Parcel No. 689, partly along the northerly and along the southerly lines of Parcel No. 088, the following courses and distances: South 37 degrees 36 m inutes east 1,251.2 feet, south 40 degrees 21 m inutes east 88.2 feet, south 38 degrees 49 m inutes east 147.2 feet, recrossing the before-m entioned U lster and Delaware Plank road, south 67 degrees 21 minutes west 640.3feet, south 38 degrees 32 m inutes east 593.8 feet, south 64 degrees 54 m inutes west 301.1 feet,south 41 degrees 14 minutes east 652.7 feet,south 54 degrees 1 m inute west 819.3 feet, north 45 degrees 56 m inutes west 202.1 feet, south 52 degrees 51 m inutes west 430.8 feet, north 54 degrees 30 m inutes west 20.1 feet, south 52 de ­grees 36 m inutes west 229.1 feet, south 37 degrees 10 m inutes west 165.4 feet, south 46 degrees 26 m inutes east 32.7 feet, south 51 de­grees 37 m inutes west 376.7 feet and north48 degrees 5 m inutes west 282.4 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 685, in the centre of the last-m entioned road leading to Browns S tation; thence along the centre line of said road and the easterly line of said parcel, south 2 degrees 1 m inute west 280.9 feet to the south­east corner of said parcel; thence partly along the southerly line of same, partly along the easterly and along the southerly lines of Parcel No. 682, along the. easterly and southerly lines of Parcel No. 680, along the southerly line of before-m entioned Parcel No. 678, partly along the easterly, along the southerly and partly along the westerly lines of Parcel No. 679, and partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 674, I he following coursesand distances: South 58 degrees 24 m inuteswest 196.4 feet, south 38 degrees 4 minutes west 763.2 feet, north 52 degrees 41 m inutes west1,129.3 feet, crossing a brook, south 39 degrees 16 minutes west 3,299.5 feet, north 52 degrees 39 m inutes west 506.8 feet, south 53 degrees 56 m inutes west 142.5 feet, north 46 degrees 21 m inutes west 193 feet, crossing another brook, north 40 degrees 39 m inutes east 122.7 feet, north 50 degrees 55 m inutes west 1,241.4 feet, re­crossing the first m entioned road leading to Browns Station, north 53 degrees 25 m inutes west 389.5 feet, south 74 degrees 19 m inutes west 1,825.1 feet, south 42 degrees east 207.3 feet, south 66 degrees 39 m inutes west 395.2 feet, south 69 degrees 34 m inutes west 1,136.2 feet, north 7 degrees 19 minutes west 423.2 feet, crossing another brook, and south 80 degrees 3 m inutes west 716.2 feet to a point in the south­erly line of the before mentioned road leading from Shokan and Brodhead to Olive; thence con­tinuing along said southerly line of Parcel No. 674 and runn ing partly along the westerly line of said parcel south 21 degrees 19 m inutes east518.8 feet, south 78 degrees 3 m inutes west817.9 feet and north 15 degrees 57 m inutes west 500 feet to a point in the centre of said road leading to Olive; thence along the centre line of same south 79 degrees 5 m inutes west 169.4 teet; thence continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 674, and running partly along the southerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 670 and along the southerly and w esterly lines of Parcel No. 669 the following courses and dis­tances: N orth 1 degree 57 m inutes west 418.5 feet, north 43 degrees 3 m inutes east 503.8 feet, north 35 degrees 1 m inute west 1,020.5 feet, north 21 degrees 36 m inutes east 622.4 feet, south 85 degrees 34 minutes west 478 feet and north 9 degrees 43 minutes west 968.8 feet to the northw est corner of said Parcel No. 669, in the southerly line of Parcel No. 667, in the centre of the before mentioned U lster and Delaware plank road; thence along the centre line of said road, nartly along said southerly line o f Parcel No. 6o7, and along the southerly lines of before m entioned parcels Nos. 666 arid 665 and Parcel No. 664 south 82 degrees 22 m inutes west 122 feet, crossing B utte rnu t Creek, and south 86 de­grees 42 m inutes west 478.3 feet to the point or place of beginning.

The fee is to be acquired by The City of New York in all the real estate Parcels Nos. 661 to 713, both inclusive, contained in the above de­scription.

Reference is hereby made to the said map, filed as aforesaid, in the office of the County Clerk of the County of U lster, for a more detailed description o f the real estate to be taken in fee, as above described.

In case any real estate hereinbefore described is used for highways or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The City of New Y ork may acquire the right to close the same. „

D ated Jan u a ry 27, 1909.F R A N C IS KEY PE N D L ET O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Office and post office address, H all o f Records,

co rner o f Cham bers and C entre streets, Borough of M anhattan , New Y ork City.

i6,m 20


A shokan R eservoir , S ectio n N o. 1.

Town of Olive, Ulster County.

In the m atter of the- application and petition of J. Edw ard Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the Town of Olive, U lster County, N'. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional sup­ply of pure and wholesome w ater fo r the use of The City of New York.

P U B LIC N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN tha t the second separate report of George

M. Palm er, Frederick J . R. Clarke and Alac- donough Craven, who were appointed Commis­sioners in the above-entitled m atter Jay two or­ders of this Court, made a t Special Term , bear­ing date, respectively, A pril 20, 1907, and Sep­tember 21, 1907, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of U lster, at Kingston, N. Y., on the 28tli day of December, 1908, and affects parcels numbers one-A (1-A), one-B (1-B), one-B-28 (l-B -28), ten (10), eleven (11), eight- een-A (18-A), twenty-five (25), twenty-seven (27), th irty (30), thirty-one-A (31-A), thirty- eight (38) and two hundred and six (206), shown on the map in this proceeding.

Notice is fu rther given tha t an application will he made at a Special T erm of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held, in and for the T hird Judicial D istrict at the Court House, in the City of K ingston, County of Ul­ster, N. Y., on the 20tli day of February , 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of th a t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming said report, and for such other and fu rth er relief as may he just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirm ation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

D ated New York, January 25, 1909.FR A N C IS KEY PE N D L E T O N ,

C orporation Counsel. Hall of Records, New York City.



A shoka n R eservoir , S ectio n N o. 2.

Town of Olive, Ulster County.

In the m atter of the application and petition of J. Edw ard Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the Town of Olive, U lster County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional sup­ply of pure and wholesome w ater fo r the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y GIV EN that the second separate repo rt of Alanson

Page Smith, Reginald YV. Rives and Isaiah f u l ­ler, who were appointed Commissioners of Ap­praisal in the above-entitled m atter by an order of this Court, made a t a Special Term thereof, held at the C ourt House, in the City of Kings­ton, U lster County, N. Y., April 20, 1907, was filed in the office of the Clerk o f the County of U lster on the 4th day of January , 1909, and affects parcels numbers sixty (60), eighty (80) and forty-six (46), shown on the map in thisproceeding. ......................

Notice is fu rther given tha t an application will be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held m and for the T hird Judicial D istrict a t the C ourt House, in the City of Kingston, County of U l­ster, N. Y„ on the 20th day of February, 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming said report, and for such other and fu rther relief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirm ation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated New York, January 25, 1909.FR A N C IS K EY P E N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, New Y ork City.



A shokan R eservoir , S ectio n N o. 3.

Towns of Olive, Marbletown and Hurley, Ulster County.

In the m atter of the application and petition of L Edward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the Towns of Olive, M arbletown and Hurley, Ulster County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome w ater for the use of The City of New York,

P U B LIC N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IVEN that the second separate report of George

Holmes Smith, J. R'enwick Sloane and Josiah J. Hasbrouck. who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above-entitled m atter by two orders of this Court, made at a Special Term , bearing date respectively April 20, 1907, andDecember 21, 1907, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of U lster, a t Kingston, N. Y., on the 6th day of January . 1909, and affects parcels num bers eighty-two (82), eighty- four (84), eighty-six (86), eighty-seven (87), ninety-one (91), ninety-eight (98), one h u n ­dred (100), one hundred and one (101), one hundred and two (102), one hundred and three (103), one hundred and four (104). one hundred and nine (109), one hundred and ten (110), one hundred and eleven (111), one hundred and twelve (112), one hundred and thirteen (113), one hundred and fourteen (114), one hundred and eighteen (118), one hundred and tw enty (120), one hundred and twenty-three-A (123-A), one hundred and tw enty-three-B (123-B), one" hundred and twenty-eight (128), one hundred and thirtv-one (131), one hundred and thirty-two (132). one hundred and thirty-three (133), one hundred and thirty-five (135), one hundred and thirty-six (136), one hundred and thirty-seven (137), one hundred and th irty-eight (1.38), one hundred and thirty-nine (139), ninety-nine (99), one hundred and five (105), one hundred and eight (108). one hundred and fifteen (115) and one hundred and sixteen (116), shown on the map in this proceeding.

Notice is fu rther given that an application^ will be made at a Special Term of the Suprem e Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the T hird Judicial D istrict, at the Court House in the City of Kingston, County of Ulster, N. Y., on the 20th day of February, 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, to r an order confirming said report and for such other and fu rth e r rebel as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirm ation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated January 25, 1909.FR A N C IS KEY P E N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.H all of Records, New York City.



A shoka n R eservoir, S ectio n N o. 4.

Town of Olive, County of Ulster.

In the m atter of the application and petition of L Edw ard Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constitu ting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate fo r and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the Town of Olive. U lster County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional sup­ply of pure and wholesome w ater for the use of The City of New York.

P U B LIC N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV EN tha t the second separate report of Gilbert

D. B. Hasbrouck, Charles C. lla rdcnbergh and Richard II. Smith, who were appointed Commis­sioners of Appraisal in the above-entitled m atter by an order of this Court, made at a Special Term thereof, held at the C ourt Ilouse^ in the City of Kingston, U lster County, N. Y., May 18. 1907, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of U lster on the 31st day of De­cember, 1908, and affects parcels num bers one hundred and seventy-two (172), one hundred and fifty-eight (158), one hundred and fiity-seven (157). one hundred and sixty-eight (168), one hundred and forty-five (145), one hundred and seventy-seven (177), one hundred and forty- seven (147), one hundred and sixty-six (166), one hundred and fifty (150), one hundred and fifty-two (152), one hundred and sixty (160), one hundred and forty-nine-C (149-C), one h un ­dred and seventy (170), one hundred and sev­enty-four (174), one hundred and sixty-one (161), one hundred and fifty-three (153), one hundred and seventy-iive-A (175-A), one h u n ­dred and sixty-four (164), one hundred and sev­enty-six (176), one hundred and fifty-four (154), one hundred and seventy-three (173) and one hundred and fifty-six (156), shown on the map in this proceeding.

Notice is fu rther given that an application will be made at a Special T erm of the Supreme C ourt of the S tate of New York, to be held in and for the Third Judicial D istrict, a t the Court House in the City of Kingston, County of Ulster, N. Y., on the 20th day of February, 1909, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, for an o rder confirm ing said report and for such o ther and fu rth er re lief as may he just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirm ation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated January 25, 1909.FR A N CIS KEY PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel. Ila ll of Records, New York City.




A sh oka n R eservoir , S ection N o. 5.

Town of Olive, Ulster County.

In the m atter of the application and petition of J . Edw ard Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constitu ting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the town of Olive, U lster County, New York, for the purpose of providing an addi­tional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

P U B L IC N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN that the second separate report of W illiam

D. B rinnicr, John 11. H arrison and Eugene F. I’aiten, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above en titled m ailer, by an o rder of this Court, made at a Special Term thereof, held at the C ourt House, in the City of Kingston, U lster County, New York, May 18, 1907, was filed in the office of the C lerk of the County of Ulster on the 16th day of December, 1908, and affects parcels num bers one hundred and eighty-seven (187), one hundred and ninety- five-A (195-A), one hundred and ninety-five-B (195-B), one hundred and ninety-five-C (195-C), one hundred and ninety-five-D (195-D), one hun­dred and eighty-nine-A (189-A), one hundred and eighty-nine-B (189-B), one hundred and eighty- nine-C (189-C), two hundred and five (205), two hundred and nine-A (209-A), two hundred and nine-B (209-B), two hundred and seventeen (217), two hundred and eighteen (218), two hundred and nineteen-A (219-A), two hundred and nineteen-B (219-B), two hundred and twenty- one-B (221-B), two hundred and tw enty (220) and two hundred and twenty-two (222), shown on the map in this proceeding.

Notice is fu rther given . tha t an application will be made at a Special Term of the Suprem e C ourt of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Third Judicial D istrict, at the Court House, in the City of K ingston, County of U lster, N. Y., on the 20th day of February , 1909, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of tha t day, or as soon thereafte r a9 counsel can be heard, for an o rder confirm ing said report and fo r such other and fu rth er relief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirm ation of any o r all parcels contained in said report.

Dated New York, January 25, 1909.FR A N C IS K. PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel. Dated New York, January 25, 1909.



A shoka n R eservoir , S ectio n N o. 6.

Town of Hurley, Ulster County.

City of New York, under chapter 724 o f the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the town of H urley, U lster County, New York, for the purpose of providing an addi­tional supply oi pure and wholesome w ater fo r the use of The City of New York.

P U B L IC N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN that the th ird separate report of Edgar L.

Fursm an, Edw ard II. Nicoll and Charles B. Cox, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above entitled m atter, by an o rder of this Court, made a t a Special Term thereof, held a t the C ourt House, in the City ot Kingston, U lster County, New York, June 29, 19U7, was filed in the office of the Clerk of tile County of U lster, on the 28th day of November, 1908, ami affects parcels num bers two hundred and twenty-five (225), two hundred and thirty- eight (338), two hundred and forty-two (242), two hundred and forty-three (243), two hundred and forty-four (244), two hundred and forty- live (245), two hundred and sixty (260), two hundred and sixty-nine (269), two hundred and thirty-six-B (236-B), two hundred and forty (210), two hundred and sixty-three (263), twe> hundred and filty-four (254), shown on the map in this proceeding.

Notice is fu r th e r given tha t an application will be made at a Spec ia l.T erm of the Suprem e C ourt of (lie State of New York, to be held in and for the T h ird jud ic ia l D istrict, a t the Court House, in the City of K ingston, County oi Ulster, N. Y., on the 20th day of February, 1909, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of tha t day, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be heard, for an o rder confirm ing said repo rt and fo r such other and fu rth e r re lief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirm ation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated New York, January 25, 1909.FR A N C IS K. l'E N D L E T O N ,

C orporation Counsel. Dated New York, Jan u ary 25, 1909.



A shoka n R eservoir . S ectio n N o. 7.

Tow ns o f Olive and H urley , Ulster County.

In the m atter of the application and petition of |. Edw ard Sim mons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constitu ting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of 'Idle City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory thereof, in the Towns of Olive and H urley , U lster County, New York, fo r the purpose uf providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome w ater for the use of The City o f New York.

In the m atter of the application and petition of J. Edward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constitu ting the Board ot W ater Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate fo r and on behalf of The

P U B LIC N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IV EN that the second separate report of Jam es

Jenkins, Joseph D. Baucus and P e te r C. Black, who were appointed Commissioners o f A ppraisal in the above entitled m atter, by an o rder o f this Court, made a t a Special Term thereof, held a t the in u rt house in the City of K ingston, U lster County, New York, Ju n e 20, 1907, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ulster on the 12th day of October, 1908, and that an am endm ent thereto was filed in said ( Jerk’s office on the 18th day of December, 1908, and that said report and am ended report affect Parcels N um bers two hundred and seventy (370), two hundred and seventy-two (272), two hundred and s. venty-four (274), two hundred and eighty (280), two hundred and thirty-six-A (236-A), two hundred and eighty-one-A (231-A), two hundred and eighty-one-B (281-B), two hun­dred and ninety-nine (299), three hundred and seven (307) and th ree hundred and eleven (311), shown on the map in this proceeding^

Notice is fu r th e r given that an application will be made at a Special Term of the Suprem eCourt of the State of New York, to be heldin and for the T h ird Judicial D istrict, at the com t house, in the City of K ingston, C ounty of (tU tor, New York, on the 20th day of February, 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of tha tday, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be luard , for an order confirm ing said report and for such other and fu rth e r re lief as may beju st. #

Reserving to The City of New York the righ t to oppose the confirm ation of any or all parcelscontained in said report. _

Dated New York. January 25. 1909.FR A N C IS K EY PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel. H all of Records, New Y ork City.



a s h o k a n r e s e r v o i r .

Section No. 11, T own of Olive.

n o t i c e o f a p p l i c a t i o n f o r t h e a p ­p o i n t m e n t O F C O M M ISS IO N E R S O F a p p r a i s a l .

P u b l i c n o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e nthat it is the intention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make ap­plication to the Suprem e Court of tiie S tate of ,\i w York for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Appraisal, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905. as amended, and the acts relating thereto. _

Such application will be made to the Supreme Court ai a Special Term thereof to he held in and fo r the T h ird Judicial D istrict at the City II,ill iu the City of Albany, County of Albany, N. Y., on the 27th day of February , 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, o r as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be heard. The object "I such application is to obtain an order of the Court appointing three disinterested and competent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the County of New York and at least one of whom shall reside in the County of U lster, t,, act as Commissioners of Appraisal under said act and discharge all the duties conferred by said act and the acts am endatory thereof.

The following is a description of the real .s la te to he acquired, together with a reference to the date and place of filing the m ap:

All those certain pieces o r parcels of real estate situated in the Town of Olive. County of U lster and State o f New York, shown on a map entitled "R eservoir Departm ent, Section No 11. Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York. Map of real estate situated in the Town of Olive, County of U lster and S tate ,,f New York, to he acquired by The City of New York, under the provisions of chapter 721 of the Laws of 1905, as am ended, for the construction of Ashokan Reservoir and appur­tenances. from Shokan to Boiceville, east of ra ilroad ,” which map was filed in the office of the County C lerk of the County of U lster, at K ingston, N. Y., on the 8th day o f Novem­ber. 1907, which parcels are bounded and de­scribed as follows:

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. 2047T H E C I T Y R E C O R D .

Beginning at the point of intersection of the centre line of Esopus Creek with the easterly property line of the U lster and Delaware Rail­road Company, at the southwest corner of Parcel No. 515, and runn ing thence along the west­erly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 516, and along said railroad property line, north 4 de­grees 6 minutes east 1,898 feet and on a curve of 1,943 feet radius to the left, 145 feet, to the northw est corner of said Parcel No. 516; thence along the northerly lines of said parcel and P a r­cel No. 517, north 63 degrees 31 m inutes 20 seconds east 1,063.6 feet, crossing said Esopur Creek, to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 517, in the easterly line of a road leading from Shokan to Phoenicia; thence along the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 518 and 514, partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 512, and along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 513, 509, 508, 504 and 496, the following courses, distances and curves: South 20 degrees 43 m inutes 50 seconds east 466.4 feet along said easterly road line, on a curve of854.5 feet radius to the left, 329.3 feet, on a curve of 350 feet radius to the right. 249.4 feet, south 1 degree 59 m inutes 20 seconds east 153.6 feet, on a curve of 600 feet radius to the right,306.6 feet, south 27 degrees 17 m inutes 10 sec­onds west 254.9 feet, on a curve of 889.8 feet radius to the left, 290.5 feet, on a curve of 467 feet radius to the left, 571 feet, on a curve of 341 feet radius to the right,, 342.4 feet, crossing a road leading from Boiceville to Shandakeu road, north 3 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds east 1,308.7 feet, on a curve o f 767 feet radius to the left, 237.7 feet, south 21 degrees 42 m in­utes east 1,419.5 feet, on a curve of 833 feetradius to the right, 410.6 feet, on a curve of1,158.9 feet radius to the left, 593.6 feet, andon a curve of 1,320.3 feet radius to the left,542.8 feet, to the most northerly point of Par­cel No. 491; thence partly along the northerly and along the easterly lines of said parcel the following curves, courses and distances: On a curve of 1,320.3 feet radius to the left, 102.2 feet, south 50 degrees 47 m inutes 50 seconds east 227.4 feet, on a curve of 230 feet radius to the right, 326.4 feet, south 30 degrees 31 m in­utes 10 seconds west 171.1 feet, and on a curve of 101.1 feet radius to the left, 144.8 feet, to the most northerly point of Parcej No. 519;thence partly along the northerly line of said parcel, on a curve of 101.1 feet radius to the left, 21.4 feet, south 63 degrees 41 m inutes 40 seconds east 103.9 feet, and on a curve of 433 feet radius to the right, 166.7 feet, to the most northerly point of Parcel No. 520;thence partly along the northerjy line of said parcel, along the northerly line of P a r­cel No. 522, and partly along the northerly lines of Parcels Nos. 523, 524 and 529, the following curves, courses and d i s t a n c e s O n a curve of 433 feet radius to the right 145.6 feet, on a curve of 560.6 feet radius to the left 260.2 feet, south 48 degrees 57 m inutes 40 seconds east 2,266.2 feet, crossing a road leading from Beechford to Shokan (Shandaken road), on a curve of 2,167 feet radius to the le ft 392.9 feet, and south 59 degrees 21 m inutes east 1,165.9 feet to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 529; thence along the easterly line of same the following courses and distances: South 19 de­grees 42 m inutes west 357.1 feet, south 62 de­gees 13 m inutes west 58.8 feet, south 35 degrees 22 m inutes west 435.6 feet, south 66 degrees 31 m inutes east 297.3 feet, and south 76 degrees 54 m inutes cast 90 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence partly along the southerly line of same south 45 degrees 9 m inutes west588.9 feet to the most southerly point of said parcel, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 528; thence partly along said line south 33 degrees 36 m inutes east 215 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence along the southerly line of same north 88 degrees 3 minutes west 431.4 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, in the easterly line of the before mentioned Shandaken road, in the easterly line of Parcel No, 527; thence partly along the easterly line of said par­cel and along said easterly road line south 29 de­grees 10 m inutes east 103.6 feet; thence con tinu­ing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 527 the following courses and distances: South 58 de­grees 16 m inutes west 175.5 feet, crossing said road, south 27 degrees 40 minutes west 53.4 feet, south 17 degrees 21 m inutes west 103.6 feet and south 30 degrees 13 m inutes west 335 feet to the most southerly point of said parcel, in the east­erly line of Parcel No. 530, in the westerly line of the before m entioned road leading from Boiceville to Shokan; thence along said road line and partly along said easterly line of Parcel No. 530 south 38 degrees 6 m inutes east 210 feet to the northw est corner of Parcel No. 535; thence along the northerly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 534, 533, 532 and 531 north 74 degrees 34 m inutes cast 442.6 feet to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 531, in the centre of said Shandaken road; thence along the centre line of said road and the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 536 and 538south 44 degrees 14 m inutes ea«t 83.4 feet an:* south 17 degrees 6 m inutes east 478.6 feet to the point of intersection of said centre line with the centre line of said road h ading from Shokan to Olive, in the northerly line of Parcel No. 535; thence partly along said northerly line and along the centre line of said road leading to Olive north 78 degrees 46 m inutes east 136.1 feet to the northeast corner of said Parcel No.535, at the point of intersection of said centreline with the centre line of a road leading from Shokan to Browns S tation ; thence along thecentre line of said road leading to Browns S ta­tion and the easterly line of said parcel, partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 530, and along the easterly line of Parcel No. 541, south 32 degrees 23 m inutes east 132.7 feet, crossing B utternut Creek, to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 541; thence along the southerly line of same south 61 degrees 6 minutes west 90 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, in the be­fore m entioned easterly line of Parcel No. 530; thence partly along said line south 61 degrees 6 minutes west 91.1 feet, south 28 degrees 34 min­utes east 570 feet and south 25 degrees 58 m in­utes east 344 8 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel: thenre along tin- southerly line of same south 88 degrees 29 minutes west 189.1 feet and south 73 degrees 46 minutes west 82 3 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, in the easterly shore line of Esopus Creek; thence along said shore line and partly along the westerly line of said parcel north 24 degrees 17 m inutes west 372.8 feet tothe southeast corner of Parcel No. 542; thence along the southerly line of said parcel, soutn 62 degrees 24 m inutes west 123 feet to the southwest corner of same, in the centre of Esopus Creek; thence along said creek, the westerly line o f said parcel, and partly along the westerly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 530, the following courses and d istances: N orth 43 degrees 9m inutes west 253.3 feet, north 36 degrees 11 m in­utes west 592.5 feet, north 38 degrcis >9 minutes west 195.5 feet north 22 degrees 49 m inutes west 520 9 feet crossing Shokan Avenue Bridge, and north 38 degre< s 54 m inutes west 1,347.7 feet to the most southerly point of Parcel No, 531 ; thence partly along the southerly line of said parcel, and continuing along Esopus Creek the following courses and d istances; N orth 38 degrees 54 m in­utes west 22 feet, north 61 degrees 5 minutes west 824.9 feet, north 67 degrees 11 m inutes west704.1 feet, north 73 degrees 35 minutes west 508... feet, north 58 degrees 59 m inutes west 184.4 feet, north 48 degrees 37 m inutes west 370.4 feet, north

32 degrees 15 m inutes west 564 feet and north 20 degrees 37 m inutes west 153.8 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 491. thence partly along the westerly line of said parcel and con­tinuing along Esopus Creek the following courses and d istances: N orth 20 degrees 37 m inutes west79.1 feet, north 9 degrees 9 m inutes west 432 feet, north 13 degrees 40 m inutes west 204.4 feet, north 2 degrees 12 m inutes west 208.4 feet, north i l degrees 12 minutes west 437.6 feet and north 26 degrees 23 m inutes west 88 feet to the south­east corner o f Parcel No. 490; thence along the southerly line of said parcel, south 71 degrees 52 minutes west 921.6 feet, crossing a road lead­ing from W est Shokan to Boiceville, to the south­west corner of said parcel, in the before m en­tioned easterly property line of the U lster and Delaware Railroad Company; thence along said ra i’road property line and the westerly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 493 and 497, partly along the westerly iilie of Parcel No. 498 and along the westerly line of Parcel No. 499. north 23 degrees 49 m inutes 15 seconds west 1,494.6 feet, recrossing said road leading from W est Shokan to Boiceville, on a curve of 2,259 feet radius to the right, 1,100.8 feet, again crossing said road, and north 4 degrees 6 minutes east 1,327.3 feet, crossing Chestnut Bushkill and again recrossing said road, to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 507, in the centre of Esopus Creek; thence along the westerly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 511, and con­tinuing along said easterly railroad property line the following courses and d istances: N orth 4degrees 6 m inutes east 1.160.1 feet, north 59 de­grees 30 m inutes east 115 feet, north 17 m inutes west 62 feet, north 67 degrees 4 m inutes west 95 feet and north 4 degrees 6 m inutes east 941.8 feet, crossing a road leading from Boiceville tc Phoenicia, to the point o r place of beginning.

The fee is to be acquired by The City of New York in all the real estate. Parcels Nos. 490 tn

I 542. inclusive, contained in the ab >ve description.Reference is hereby m ade to the said map, filed

as aforesaid in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Ulster, for a more detailed de-

| scription of the real estate to be taken in fee, as above described.

In case any real estate hereinbefore described is used for highway or o ther public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The City of New York may acquire the right to close the same

Dated Jan u ary 11. 1909.FR A N C IS KEY PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Office and Post Office Address. Hall of Records,

Corner of Chambers and Centre S treets, Borough of M anhattan, New York City.

_____ . }16,f27



S ection N o. 13, T ow ns of O liv e and H urley , U lster Co u n t y . N ew Y ork .


P U B LIC N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IV EN that it is the intention o f the Corporation

Counsel of The City o f New York to make ap­plication to the Suprem e C ourt of the S tate of New York for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as am ended, and the acts re la ting thereto.

Such application will be made to the Suprem e Court at a Special Term thereof to be held a t the City Hall, in the City of Albany, County of Al­bany. N. Y.. on the 27th day of February , 1904. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard. The object of such application is to obtain an order of the Court appointing three d isinterested and competent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the County of New York and at least one .f whom shall reside in the County of Ulster,

to a rt as Commissioners of A ppraisal under said act and discharge -ill the duties conferred by said act and the acts am endatory thereof.

The following is a description of the real estate to be acquired, together with a reference to the date and p'ace of filing the map.

All those certain pieces o r parcels of real estate situated in the Towns of Olive and Ilu rlev ,

J County of U lster and S tate of New Y ork, shown on a map entitled ‘‘Reservoir Departm ent. Sec-

| tion No. 13. Board of W ater Supply of The i ( i t y of New York. Map of real estate situated

in the Towns of Olive and H urley, County of U lster and State of New York, to be acquired by The City of New York, under the provisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as amended, for the construction of Ashokan Reservoir and appurtenances, from the vicinity of Olive to the meinitv of G lenford,” which map was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of U lster, at Kingston, N. Y., on the 22d day of December. 1908: which parcels are bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the northw est corner of Parcel No. 655, in the centre of the U lster and Dela­ware plank road, said point being also the southwest corner of Parcel _ No. 653,_ and running thence along the westerly line of said Parcel No. 653, north -10 degrees 21 minutes west 88.2 feet and north 37 degrees 36 m inutes west 1,251.2 feet to the northw est corner of said parcel: thence along the northerly lines of same and Parcels Nos. 652, 647, 646 and 642, and partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 640, north 63 degrees 3 minutes east 1,912.1 feet, on a curve of 1,667 feet radius to the left, 584.2 feet, crossing a road leading from Olive and Ashton and north 42 degrees 58 m inutes 10 seconds east 1,483.1 feet to the most w esterly point of Parcel No. 641, in the line between the Towns of Olive and H urley : thence partly along the west­erly lines of said Parcel No. 641 and of Parcels Nos. 636 and 634, along the northerly line of Parcel No. 631, partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 625, and along the westerly and northerly lines of Parcel No. 626, the follow­ing courses, distances and curves: North 42degrees 58 m inutes tO seconds east 701.8 feet, on a curve of 9,633 feet radius to the right,401.2 feet, north 45 degrees 21 m inutes 20 sec­onds east 686.7 feet, on a curve o f 2.133 feet radius to the right. 478.7 feet, north 58 degrees 12 m inutes 50 seconds east 753.3 feet, on a curve of 1,067 feet radius to the left, 484.3 feet, north 32 degrees 12 m inutes 30 seconds west 49(>.9 feet, on a curve of 533 feet rad ius to the light, 726.7 feet, on a curve of 556.8 feet radius to the left, 498.3 feet and north 59 degrees 3 m inutes 20 seconds cast 179.9 feet, said lines ru n ­ning partly along the easterly shore _ line of Kenozia Lake and crossing a road leading from Boiceville to G lenford, to the most easterly point of said Parcel No. 626, in the northerly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 625: thencepartly along said northerly line, along the n o rth ­erly lines of Parcels Nos. 624, 623 and 656, and partly along tlie westerly and along the no rth ­erly lines of Parcel No. 615. the following courses, distances and curves: N orth 59 degrees 3 m inutes 20 seconds east 114.5 feet, on a curve of 381.6 feet radius to the right, 454 feet, on a curve of 367 feet radius to the left, 475.3 feet, north 53 degrees 1 m inute east 466.7 feet, on a curve of 5,567 feet radius to the left, 395.6

feet, north 48 degrees 56 m inutes 40 seconds east840.7 feet, on a curve of 967 feet radius to the left, 268.3 feet, north 33 degrees 2 minutes 50 seconds east 836.4 feet, on a curve of 767 feet rad ius to the left, 183.6 feet, north 19 degrees 20 m inutes east 527 feet, on a curve of 533 feet rad ius to the right, 697.2 feet and south 85 degrees 43 minutes east 246.6 feet to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 615; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 29 degrees 38 m inutes east 2,833 feet, crossing a road leading from Glenford to A sh­ton, south 30 degrees 45 m inutes east 976.1 feet and south 29 degrees 20 minutes east 2,354.2 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence partly along the southerly line of same, south 67 degrees 54 m inutes west 105.7 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 614; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 34 de­grees 28 minutes east 446.7 feet and south 36 degrees 44 minutes east 1,089 feet, crossing Beaver Kill, to the southeast corner of said par­cel, in the northerly property line of the U lster and Delaware Railroad Company; thence along said property line and the southerly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 613, 612, 611, 610, 609 and 608, south 55 degrees 19 minutes west 510 feet, along the southerly line of a road lead­ing from Ashton and crossing same, south 55 de­grees 19 m inutes west 795.5 feet, on a curve of 2,832 feet radius to the right 1,049.5 feet, and south 76 degrees 33 m inutes west 2,366.6 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 608; thence along the westerly line of said parcel north 39 degrees 39 m inutes west 1,560.4 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 627; thence along the southerly line of said parcel south 68 degrees 20 minutes west 1,412.1 feet, recrossing Beaver Kill, to the southwest corner of said par­cel; thence partly along the westerly line of said parcel north 24 degrees 20 m inutes west^ 1,961.7 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 628; thence along the southerly line of said parcel south 64 degrees 50 minutes west 956.7 feet to the southwest corner of same, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 629; thence partly along said line south 28 degrees 1 m inute east 150.7 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence partly along the southerly line of same south 46 degrees 20 minutes west 224 feet and north 44 degrees 2 m inutes west 46.2 feet to the most easterly point of Parcel No. 630; thence partly along the easterly lines of said parcel and P a r­cel No. 657 south 42 degrees 3 m inutes west 199 feet, north 64 degrees 8 m inutes west 88 feet and south 29 degrees 8 m inutes west 365.2 feet to the most southerly point of said Parcel No. 657, in the centre of a road leading from Ashton to Kenozia Lake; thence along the centre line of said road and the westerly line of said parcel and partly along the westerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 630 north 12 degrees 15 minutes west 120.3 feet, north 3 degrees 56 m in­utes east 184 feet and north 16 degrees 52 m inutes west 154.1 feet to - the point of intersec­tion of the said centre line with the centre line of a road leading from G lenford to Olive, at the most easterly point of Parcel No. 632; thence partly along the easterly and southerly line of said Parcel No. 632, partly along the easterly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 634, partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 635, partlyalong the easterly line of before mentioned P ar­cel No. 636 and along the centre line of said road leading from Olive to Glenford. the follow­ing courses and distances: South 43 degrees 38minutes west 239.6 feet, south 49 degrees 18m inutes west 173.4 feet, south 40 degrees 10m inutes west 126.8 feet, south 54 degrees 14m inutes west 458.1 feet, south 43 degrees, 33m inutes west 327.9 feet, south 51 degrees 36m inutes west 102.9 feet, south 35 degrees 37minutes west 123.1 feet, south 43 degrees 36 min­utes west 202.9 feet, south 11 degrees 18 minutes west 121.5 feet, south 7 degrees 58 m inutes west 117.5 feet, south 21 degrees 2 m inutes west135.8 feet, south 30 degrees 44 minutes west302.3 feet and south 42 degrees 44 minutes west 31.4 feet: thence continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 636, north 44 degrees 31minutes west 112 feet and south 47 degrees 45 m inutes west 176.7 feet to the most southerly point of said parcel, in the easterly line of Parcel No. 637; thence partly along said line, south 25 degrees 4 m inutes east 123 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel, in the centre of the before-mentioned road; thence along said centre line and the southerly line of said parcel, south 50 degrees 36 m inutes west 117.5 feet to a point in the southerly line of the before-m en­tioned U lster and Delaware Plank road: thence along said southerly line and continuing along the southerly line of Parcel No. 637, south 90 degrees west 23.8 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, in the before-mentioned line be­tween the Towns of H urley and Olive: thence along said town line and partly along the west erlv line of said parcel, north 25 degrees 42 m inutes west 20 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 638. in the centre of said plank road: thence along the centre line of said plank road, along the soiitherlv lines nf said Parcel No. 638 and Parcels Nos. 639, 643 and 644 and partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 645, the following courses and distances: South 86 de­grees 4 m inutes west 267.4 feet, south 69 degrees 6 m inutes west 204.7 feet, south 77 degrees 50 m inutes west 641.9 feet, south 63 degrees 57 minutes west 374 feet, south 59 degrees 29_ min utes west 286.5 feet, south 65 degrees 43 minutes west 385.2 feet and south 80 degrees 21 minutes west 71.9 feet to the southwest corner nf said Parcel No. 645. in the easterly line of before- mentioned Parcel No. 646; thence partly along said line and continuing along the centre line of said nl.ank road, south 80 degrees 21 minutes west 110 feet: thence continuing along the east­erly line of Parcel No. 646, along the southerly line of same, partly along the easterly line of Parcel No. 651. along the southerly and partly along the westerly lines of said parcel, along the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. 654 and 658 and along the southerly and westerly lines of Parcel No. 655 the following courses and distances- South 28 degrees 22 m inutes east 364.5 feet, south 83 degrees 6 minutes west 316 feet, south 34 degrees 50 m inutes east 514.7 feet, south 59 degrees 22 minutes west 399.2 feet, north 36 degrees 13 minutes west 1.028.6 feet, south 79 degree® 52 m inutes west 19.9 feet, north 8 de- eiees 34 m inutes west 50.4 feet, south 62 degrees 3 m inutes we«t 444 feet, north 38 degrees 43 m inutes west 90.5 feet and north 38 degrers 49 m inutes west 147.2 feet to the point or place of beginning.

The fee is to he acquired 1>v The City of New York in all the real estate. Parcels Nos. 608 to 660. both inclusive, contained in the above de­scription.

Reference is hereby made to the said man. filed as aforesaid, in the office of the County Clerk of the County of U lster, for a more de­tailed description of the real estate to be taken in fee as above described.

In case anv real estate hereinbefore described is used for highways or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The Citv of New York may acquire the right to close the same.

Dated January 11. 1909.FR A N CIS KEY PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Office and Post Office address, Hall of Records,

c o m e r of Chambers and Centre streets. Borough of M anhattan, New York City.

jl6 ,f27



S ectio n N o . 12, T ow n of O l iv e , U lster Co u n t y , N. Y.


P U BLIC N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IV EN that it is the in tention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make appli- cy io n to the Suprem e Court of the State of New York for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as amended, and the acts relating thereto . Such application will be made to the Suprem e Court at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the City Hall, in the City of Albany, County of Albany, N. Y., on the 27th day of February , 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of tha t day, or as soon thereafte r as Counsel can be heard. The object of such application is to obtain an order of the Court appointing three d isinterested and com petent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the County of New York and at least one of whom shall reside in the County of U lster, to act as Commissioners of Appraisal under said act and discharge all the duties conferred by said act and the acts am endatory thereof.

The following is a description of the real estate to be acquired, together with a reference to the date and place of filing the map:

All those certain pieces or parcels of real estate situated in the Town of Oiive, County of U lster, and State of New York, shown on a map en­titled “ Reservoir D epartm ent, Section No. 12, Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, mao of real estate situated in the Town of Olive. County of Ulster and S tate of New York, to be acquired by The City of New York, under the provisions ot chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as am ended, for the construction of Ashokan Reservoir and appurtenances, in Shokan and viciinty,’’ which map was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of U lster, a t Kingston, N. Y., on the 22d day of December, 190s, which parcels are bounded and described as follows:

Beginning a t the southw est corner of Parcel No. aoO, a t the point oi in tersection of a road leading from Olive to Boicevi.le (U lster and Dela­ware plank m ad) with the centre line of a road leading from Browns S tation to Coidbrook, and running thcnct along the centre line of said road leading to Ccldbrouk and the westerly lines of said Parcel No. 550 and Parcel No. 54ft and partly along the westerly line of Parcel No. 546, north 17 degrees o m inutes west 478.6 feet and north 44 degrees 14 minu'.es west 83.4 feet to a point in the southerly line of Parcel No, 544; thence partly along said line, south 74 degrees 34 minutes west 442.1 feet, crossing a road lead­ing from Boiceville to Shokan, to a point in the westerly line of same, at the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 544; thence along said westerly road line and paitly along the westerly line of said parcel, north 38 degrees 6 minutes west121 feet, crossing a brook; thence continuingalong said westerly line of Parcel No. 544, the following courses and distances: N orth 30 de­grees 13 minutes east 335 feet, north 17 degrees -’1 minutes east 103.6 feet, north 27 degrees 40 minutes east 53.4 feet and north 58 degrees 16 minutes east 175.5 feet, crossing the before m en­tioned road leading from Browns S tation to Cold- brook. to a point in the easterly line thereof; thence along said easterly road line, north 29 de­grees 10 minutes west 103.6 feet; thence con­tinuing along said westerly line of Parcel No. 544, south 88 degrees 3 m inutes east 431.4 feet, recrossing the before mentioned brook, north 33 degrees 3o minutes west 215 feet and north 45 degrees 9 m inutes east 588.9 feet to the northwest corner of said Parcel No. 544, in the southerly line of Parcel No. 543; thence partly along said southerly line, north 76 degrees 54 minutes west 90 feet and north 66 degrees 31 minutes west 297.3 feet to the- southwest corner of sam e: thence along the westerly line o f said parcel, north 35 degrees 22 minutes east 435.6 feet, north 62 degrees 13 m inutes east 58.8 feet and north 19 degrees 42 minutes east 357.1 feet to the northw est corner of s aid parcel; thence along the northerly line of said parcel, along the north ­erly and easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 596 and f.02 and along the easterly line of Parcel No. 604, the following courses, distances and curves: South 59 degrees 21 m inutes east 795.3 feet, on a curve of 767 feet radius to the left 385 feet, south 88 degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds east 311.9 feet, on a curve of 498 feet radius to the right663.8 feet, south 11 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds east 302.2 feet, on a curve of 267 feet radius to the left 355.9 feet, south 88 degrees 7 minutes east 140.5 feet, south 16 degrees 39m inutes west 249.8 feet, north 87 degrees 23minutes east 519.2 feet, south 7 degrees 14m inutes east 398.3 feet and south 6 degrees 39 m inutes east 371.5 feet, crossing B utternut Creek, to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 604. in the centre of the before mentioned road leading from Olive to Boiceville (U lster anaDelaware plank road), said point being also in the northerly line of Parcel No. 607; thence partly along said line and along the centre line of said road north 86 degrees 42 m inutes east478.3 feet and north 82 degrees 22 m inutes east122 feet, crossing a branch of before mentionedB utternut Creek, to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 607; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, partly along the northerly line of Parcel No. 573. along the easterly lines of same and of Parcel No. 597, the following courses and distances: South 9 degrees 43 m inutes east 968.8 feet, north 85 degrees 3-* minutes east 478 feet, south 21 degrees 36 m inutes west 622.4 feet, south 35 degrees 1 minute east 1.020.5 feet, south 43 degrees 3 m inutes west 503.8 feet and south 1 degree 57 minutes east 418.5 feet to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 597, in the centre of the road leading from Brodhead to Olive; thence along the centre line of said road, partly along the southerly line of said Parcel No. 597, along the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. 598, 600 and 601, the followingcourses and distances: South 79 degrees 5m inutes west 288.7 feet, south 73 degrees 15m inutes west 681.7 feet, south 69 degrees 50minutes west 198 feet, south 69 degrees 49 mjn- utes west 144.7 feet, south 83 degrees 37 min­utes west 164.4 feet, north 74 degrees 30 minutes west 165.4 feet, south 68 degrees 20 minutes west 202.9 feet, south 85 degrees 39 m inutes west280.4 feet, south 86 degrees 24 m inutes west342.2 feet and south 81 degrees 17 minutes west71.9 feet to the point of intersection of said centre line with the centre line of a road leading from Browns Station to Shokan: th en ce_ along the centre line of said road leading to Shokan north 22 degrees 53 m inutes west 33.4 feet: thence continuing along the southerly line of said parcel and along the southerly line of Parcel No. 597, tlie following courses and dis­tances: South 60 degrees 1 minute- west 42.8 feet, south 86 degrees 55 m inutes west 909.9 feet, south 84 degrees 49 m inutes west 135.2 feet, south 3 degrees 25 m inutes west 813.8 feet and south 86 degrees 29 m inutes west 376.6 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 597, in the easterly shore of Esopus Creek; thence along said shore and the westerly line of said parcel north 4 degrees 46 minutes 31 seconds

2048 T H E C I T Y R E C O R D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909.

west 2,521.2 feet to the northw est corner of said parcel, in the southerly line o f Parcel No. 573; thence partly along said line south 89 de­grees 49 minutes west 96.2 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, in the centre of said Esopus Creek; thence along the centre line of said creek and partly along the westerly line of said parcel north 33 minutes west 11 feet and north 2 degrees 31 minutes east 386.4 feet; thence continuing along said westerly line, north 87 degrees west82.9 feet to a point in the westerly shore of said creek; thence along said shore and continu­ing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 573, north 29 degrees 1 m inute west 922.4 feet to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence partly along the northerly line of same and crossing said Esopus Creek, north 61 degrees 2 minuteseast 63 feet, south 43 degrees 9 m inutes east253.3 feet and north 62 degrees 24 minutes east 123 feet to another point in the easterly shore of said Esopus Creek; thence along said shore and continuing along the northerly line of P a r­cel No. 573. south 24 degrees 17 minutes east372.8 feet: thence still continuing along saidnortherly line of Parcel No. 573. the following courses and distances: N orth 73 degrees 46 min­utes east 82.3 feet, north 88 degrees 29 minutes east 189.1 feet, north 25 degrees 58 minuteswest 344.8 feet, north 28 degrees 34 m inuteswest 570 feet and north 61 degrees 6 minuteseast 181 feet to a point in the centre of thebefore-mentioned road leading from Browns Sta tion to Coldbrook; thence along the centre line of said road and continuing along said northerly line of Parcel No. 573, north 32 degrees 23 m in­utes west 58.5 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 570, at the point of intersection ofsaid centre line with the centre line of before-mentioned B utte rnu t Creek; thence continuing along the centre line of said road and the west­erly line of said Parcel No. 570. north 32 de­grees 23 minutes west 74.2 feet to the north ­west corner of said parcel, at the point of in te r­section of said centre line with the centre line of the before-mentioned road leading from Olive to Boiceville (U lster and Delaware plank road), in the southerly line of Parcel No. 549; thence partly along said southerly line, along the south­erly line of before-mentioned Parcel No._ 550 and along the centre line of said road leading from Olive to Boiceville, south 78 degrees 46 m inutes west 136.1 feet to the point or place of begin

'Hie fee is to be acquired by The City of New York in all the real estate. Parcels Nos. 543 to 607. both inclusive, contained in the above de­scription.

Reference is hereby made to the said map, hied as aforesaid, in the office of the County Clerk of the County of U lster, for a more detailed de­scription of the real estate to be taken in fee, as above described.

In case anv real estate hereinbefore described is used for highways or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The City of New York may acquire the right to close the same.

Dated January 11. 1909.FR A N C IS KEY PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Office and Post Office address, Hall of Records,

corner of Chambers and Centre streets, Borough of M anhattan. New York City.

jl6 ,f27




S ectio n N o. 8.

T ow ns of Cornw all , N ew W indsor and N e w - burc .


P U B L I C N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN tha t it is the intentiqn of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make ap­plication to the Suprem e C ourt of the State of New York for the appointm ent of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as amended, and the acts relating thereto.

Such application will be made to the Suprem e Court at a Special Term thereof to be held at the Judges’ Cham bers in the City of Pough­keepsie, Dutchess County, N. Y., on the 27th day of M arch, 1909, at 10.30 o’clock in the forenoon c f that day, or as soon thereafte r as counsel can be heard. The object of such application is to obtain an o rder of the C ourt appointing three disinterested and com petent freeholders, one of whom shall reside in the County of New York, and at least one of whom shall reside in the County c f Orange, to act as Commissioners of Appraisal under said act and discharge all the duties conferred by said act and the acts am end­atory thereof.

The following is a description of the real estate to be acquired, together with a reference to the date and place of filing the map:

All those certain pieces or parcels o f real estate situated in the towns of Cornwall, New W indsor and Newburg, County of O range and S tate of New York, shown on a certain map entitled: “ N orthern Aqueduct D epartm ent, Section No. 8. Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York. Map of real estate situated in the towns of Cornwall, New W indsor and Newburg, County of O range and State of New York, to be acquired by T he City of New York under the provisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as amended, for the construction o f Catskill Aqueduct and appurtenances, from the vicinity of V ailsgate to the vicinity of Coldenham,” which map was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County o f Orange, at Goshen, New York, on the 17th day of December, 1908; which parcels are bound­ed and described as follows:

Beginning a t the most westerly point o f Parcel No. 369 of real estate Section No. 7, N orthern A queduct D epartm ent (tile map of which section was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Orange at Goshen, New York, on the 14th day of December, 1908), said point be­ing also in the southerly line of Parcel No. 370 of the section hereby described, and running thence partly along said southerly line, north 65 degrees 29 m inutes 30 seconds west 658.3 feet, on a curve of 75 feet rad ius to the right, 7.8 feet, and north 51 degrees 53 m inutes west 57.1 feet to the most southerly point of Parcel No. 371, in the line between the towns of Cornwall and New W indsor: thence partly along the southerly lines of said Parcel No. 371 and Parcel No. 372, north 51 degrees 53 m inutes west 876.9^ feet to_ the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 372, in a road leading from O rrs Mills to Vailsgate; thence along said road and partlv along the west­erly line of said parcel, nortli 27 m inutes 30 sec­onds west 8.1 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 973; thence partly along the southerly line of said parcel, a long the easterly, southerly, w esterly and partly along the northerly lines of Parcel No. 374, again partly along the southerly

line of Parcel No. 373, and partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 375, the following courses and distances: N orth 89 degrees 19 m in­utes 30 seconds west 10.4 feet, north 51 degrees 53 minutes west 263.3 feet, south 24 degrees 26 m inutes west 174.9 feet, south 40 m inutes 30 sec­onds west 465 feet, north 89 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds west 484 feet, north 40 m inutes 30 seconds east 465 feet, south 89 degrees 19 min­utes 30 seconds east 172 feet, north 32 degrees 46 m inutes east 361.2 feet and north 51 degrees 53 m inutes west 403.7 feet to the most southerly point of Parcel No. 376, in the centre of a road leading from Salisbury Mills to Vailsgate; thence partly along the southerly line o f said parcel, along the southerly lines o f Parcels Nos. 377, 378, 379, 380 and 3S1, partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 382, partly along the southerly and along the westerly lines of Parcel No. 383, along the westerly lines of Parcels Nos. 385, 386 and387, partly along the w esterly line of Parcel No.388, partly along the southerly and westerlylines of Parcel No. 389, along the southerly line of Parcel No. 390, partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 392 and along the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. 393 and 394, the following courses, distances and eu ive : N orth 51 degrees53 minutes west 3,345.3 feet, crossing the New­burg short line of the E rie Railroad, the New­burg branch of said railroad and a road leading from W ashington square to V ailsgate; south 85 degrees 45 m inutes 30 seconds west 490.4 feet, north 6 degrees 15 m inutes 30 seconds west 381.9 feet, north 17 degrees 28 m inutes w est 777.2 feet, north 25 degrees 15 m inutes west 588.8 feet, north 3-1 degrees 18 m inutes w est 39.3 feet, north 43 degrees 20 m inutes west 841 feet, north 20 degrees 44 minutes west 3,369.1 feet, north 35 degrees 5 m inutes west 1,143 feet, south 71 degrees 47 m inutes west 11 feet, north 15 de­grees 36 m inutes west 30.5 feet, no rth 35 degrees 51 minutes west 66.5 feet, on a curve of 100 feet radius to the left, 73.2 feet, and north 77 de­grees 49 m inutes west 2,776.8 feet, to the most westerly point of said Parcel No. 394, in the centre o f a road leading from Salisbury Mills to L ittle Britain turnpike, said point being also in the southerly line of Parcel No. 395; thence p a rt­ly along said line and along the southerly line of Parcel No. 396. the following courses and dis­tances: N orth 77 degrees 49 m inutes west 1,225.4 feet, crossing another road leading from Salis­bury Mills to Little B ritain turnpike, north 56 degrees 33 minutes west 708.1 feet, south 78 de­grees 27 m inutes west 176.8 feet, north 56 degrees33 m inutes west 250 feet, north 25 degrees 16 m inutes west 578.5 feet, north 39 degrees 38 m inutes west 302.5 feet, crossing a pond, and north 64 degrees 5 m inutes west 548 feet, to the most westerly point of said Parcel No. 396, in the centre o f' Little B ritain turnpike leading from l.iitle Britain to Newburg, said point being also in the southerly line of Parcel No. 399; thence partly along said line, along the w esterly line of Parcel No. 398. again partly along the southerly line of Parcel No. 399, partly along the westerly line of said parcel, along the w esterly lines of Parcels Nos. 400, 401 and 402, the following courses and distances: N orth 54 degrees 31 m in­utes west 725.8 feet, crossing Jackson avenue (leading from Little B ritain turnpike to Cochecton tu rnp ike), north 15 degrees 42 m inutes cast 33.5 feet, north 86 degrees 3 m inutes west 158,4 feet, north 8 degrees 17 m inutes west 26.5 feet, north34 degrees 6 m inutes west 394.5 feet, north 73degrees 46 m inutes west 160.4 feet, north 16 de­grees 25 m inutes east 132.7 feet, north 34 de­grees 6 m inutes west 527.7 feet, north 46 degrees S9 m inutes west 377.4 feet, north 39 degrees 22 m inutes west 285,1 feet, north 19 degrees 45 m inutes west 741.7 feet, north 1 degree 35 m in­utes west 905.9 feet, north 2 degrees 48 m inutes east 233 5 feet, north 9 degrees 17 m inutes east373.1 feet, and north 15 degrees 52 m inutes cast 46S 5 feet, to the most northerly point of said Parcel No. 402, in the centre of before mentioned Jackson avenue, said point being also in the westerly line of Parcel No. 403; thence partly along said parcel line and along the centre line of said avenue the following courses and distances: N orth 8 degrees 11 m inutes west 54 feet, north 12 degrees 44 m inutes east 237.4 feet, north 13 degrees 5 m inutes west 26.9 feet, and north 7 de­grees 22 m inutes east 168.4 feet, to the southeast corner of I ’arcel No. 404; thence along the southerly line of said parcel and partly along the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. 405 and 407 the following courses and d istances: N orth 69 de­grees 45 m inutes west 239.8 feet, north 47 de­grees 36 m inutes west 932.2 feet, north 19 de­grees 35 m inutes west 399.5 feet, north 31 de­grees 20 m inutes west 246.4 feet, north 63 de­grees 26 m inutes west 706.9 feet, no rth 50 de­grees 32 m inutes west 133.9 feet, and north 37 degrees 38 m inutes west 1,936.3 feet to the most westerly point of said Parcel No. 407, in the line between the towns of Newburg and New W indsor, said point being also in the southerly line of P a r­cel No. 408; thence along said town line and p a rt­ly along said southerly parcel line north 75 de­grees 57 m inutes west 391.1 feet, and north 74 degrees 15 m inutes west 585 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence partly along the westerly line of same and along the w esterly line of Parcel No. 409 the following courses and dis­tances: N orth 18 degrees 47 m inutes east 444.8feet, north 8 degrees 7 m inutes west 488.1 feet, north 37 degrees 38 m inutes west 116.2 feet," north 50 degrees 11 m inutes west 1,021.2 feet, north 22 degrees 12 m inutes west 807.2 feet, north 28 degrees 2 m inutes west 20.3 feet, north 33 degrees 53 m inutes west 150 feet, south 78 degrees 3 m inutes west 201.3 feet, north 19 de­grees 50 m inutes west 50 feet, north 70 degrees 10 m inutes east 180 feet, north 33 degrees 53 m inutes west 286.2 feet, and north 83 degrees 55 m inutes west 825.5 feet, crossing D ru ry lane (leading from L ittle B ritain to St. A ndrew ) to the most westerly point of said Parcel No. 409, in the line between the towns of N ewburg and M ontgom ery: thence along said town line, and continuing along the westerly line of Parcel No. 409 north 16 degrees 7 minutes east 550 feet to the northw est corner of said parcel, said point being also the southwest corner of Parcel No. 295 of Real Estate Section No. 6, N orthern Aqueduct Departm ent (the map of which section was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of O range a t Goshen, New York, on the 15th day of June, 1908); thence along the southerly line of the last mentioned parcel and the northerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 409 south 73 de­grees 54 m inutes east 665.6 feet, rccrossing D rury lane, to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 409; thence partly along the easterly line of said parcel and along the northerly and easterly lines of before m entioned Parcel No. 408 the following courses and distances: South 12 degrees 1 m in­ute east 44.4 feet, south 33 degrees 53 m inutes east 510.5 feet, south 2 degrees _5 m inutes west10.4 feet, south 69 degrees 6 m inutes east 10.6 feet, south 33 degrees 53 m inutes east 321.5 feet, south 28 degrees 2 m inutes east 61 feet, south 22 degrees 12 m inutes east 650.8 feet, south 50 de­grees 11 minutes east 1,092.9 feet, south 37 de­grees 38 m inutes east 925.6 feet, south 7 degrees 22 m inutes west 70.7 feet, and south 37 degrees 38 minutes east 833.5 feet to .th e no rth ­east corner of before m entioned < P a r­cel No. 407, in the before m entioned line between the towns of N ewburg and New W indsor; thence partly along the easterly line of said Parcel No. 407 and along the easterly lines of Parcel No. 406 and before m entioned Parcel No 405, anil partly along the easterly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 404, the following

courses and distances: South 37 degrees 38 m in­utes east 1,763.6 feet, south 63 degrees 26 m in­utes east 871.6 feet, south 50 degrees 53 m inutes east 119.5 feet, soqth 38 degrees 20 m inutes east1.100.2 feet, south 83 degrees 20 m inutes east106.1 feet and south 38 degrees 20 m inutes east135 feet, to the most northerly point of before mentioned Parcel No. 403, in the centre of before mentioned Jackson avenue; thence partly along the easterly line o f said parcel, south_ 38 degrees 20 m inutes east 24.4 feet to a point in the east­erly line of said avenue; thence along said line, south 7 degrees 22 m inutes west 104.8 feet; thence continuing along the easterly line o f P a r­cel No. 403, and runn ing along the easterly lines of before m entioned Parcels Nos. 402, 401 and 400, tb s northerly lines of Parcels Nos. 399 and 397, and the easterly line o f the last m entioned parcel, the following courses,_ distances and curve: South 38 degrees 20 m inutes east 222.3feet, on a curve of 250 feet radius to the right,226.5 feet, south 15 degrees 52 m inutes west924.3 feel, south 4 degrees 38 m inutes west 185 feet, south 49 degrees 5 m inutes west 39 feet, re- crossing before mentioned Jackson avenue, south 9 degrees 17 m inutes west 207.5 feet, south 2 degrees 48 m inutes west 216.9 feet, south 1 de­gree 35 m inutes east 779.9 feet, south 19 degrees 45 minutes east 755.3 feet, south 39 degrees 22 minutes east 631.5 feet, south 34 degrees 6 m in­utes east 1,017.9 feet, south 54 degrees 31 m in­utes cast 937.2 feet, again recrossing Jackson avenue, south 64 degrees 5 m inutes east 117.4 feet, south 5 degrees 2 m inutes west 21.3 feet, south 84 degrees 58 m inutes east 55.8 feet, south 64 degrees 5 m inutes east 80 feet and south 8 de­grees 59 m inutes west 45.7 feet to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 397, in the northerly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 396, said point being also in the cen tre of before m en­tioned L ittle B ritain tu rnp ike; thence along the centre line of said turnpike, partly along said northerly p? reel line, south 84 degrees 58 m in­utes east 122.5 feet; thence continuing along the northerly line of said parcel and ru nn ing along the northerly lines of before m entioned Parcels Nos. 395 and 392, the northerly line of Parcel No. 391, partly along the northerly and easterly lines o f before m entioned P arcel No. 390, along the northerly and easterly lines o f before m en­tioned Parcel No. 389, the easterly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 388, and partly along the easterly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 387, the following courses, distances and curve: South 64 degrees 5 m inutes east 304 feet, south 39 degrees 38 m inutes east 212.3 feet, south 32 degrees 27 m inutes east 75.1 feet, south 25 de­grees 16 m inutes east 365.5 feet, south 56 de­grees 33 m inutes dhst 984.4 feet, south 77 de­grees 49 m inutes east 3,345.7 feet, recrossing the two before mentioned roads leading from Little Britain turnpike to Salisbury Mills, nortli 79 de­grees 19 m inutes east 651.2 feet, south 15 degrees9 m inutes east 284.8 feet, south 77 degrees 49 m inutes east 26 feet, on a curve o f 300 feet radius to the right, 219.7 feet, south 35 degrees 51 m inutes east 1,132.2 feet, south 28 degrees 18 m inutes east 78.9 feet, south 20 degrees 44 m inutes east 226.6 feet and north 71 degrees 17 m inutes east 62.9 feet to a point in the westerly line of a road leading from L ittle B ritain tu rn ­pike to Vailsgate; thence along said road line, continuing along the easterly line of Parcel No. 387, and runn ing partly along the easterly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 386, the follow­ing courses and distances: South 18 degrees 30 m inutes east 426.3 feet, south 18 degrees east562.9 feet, south 24 degrees 21 m inutes east 441 feet, south 23 degrees 8 m inutes cast 697.2 feet, south 16 degrees 8 m inutes west 12.5 feet, south10 degrees 3 m inutes east 296.1 feet, south 9degrees 33 m inutes east 139.6 feet, south 18 de­grees 34 m inutes cast 47.4 feet, south 27 degrees11 m inutes east 81.1 feet and south 34 degrees22 m inutes east 94.7 feet; thence continuing along the easterly line of I’arcel No. 386 and runn ing along the easterly line of before men­tioned Parcel No. 385, partly along the easterly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 383 and along the northerly line of Parcel No. 384, the following courses and distances: South 62degrees 17 minutes west 16..2 feet, south 20 de­grees 44 m inutes east 334.7 feet, south 43 degrees 20 minutes cast 866.1 feet, south 34 degrees 18 m inutes east 102.2 feet, south 25 degrees 15 m in­utes east 602.5 feet, south 17 degrees 28 m inutes east 390.9 feet, south 75 degrees 25 m in­utes 45 seconds east 248 feet, south 17 degrees34 m inutes east 357.7 feet and north 75 degrees31 m inutes east 466.7 feet, crossing a brook, to the northeast corner of said I ’arcel No. 384, in the w esterly line o f a road leading to W ashing­ton square; thence along said line and the east­erly line of said parcel south 32 degrees 46 m in­utes east 26.3 feet, to the southeast corner of said e a re d ; thence along the southerly line of same, pertly along the northerly line of before m entioned Parcels Nos. 382 and 381. along the northerly lines of before m entioned Parcels Nos. 380, 379, 378, 377 and 376, the following courses and distances: South 75 degrees 31 m inutes west473.6 feet, recrossing before m entioned brook, south 25 degrees 41 m inutes 30 seconds east378.1 feet, south 51 degrees 53 m inutes east3.350.2 feet, recrossing a road leading from Vails-gate P, W ashington square, the N ewburg branch of the Erie Railroad and the Newburg short line of said railroad , to the most easterly point of said Parcel No. 376, in the northerly line of be­fore m entioned Parcel No. 375, said point being ah j in the centre of before m entioned road lead­ing from Salisbury Mills to V ailsgate; thence along the cen tre line of said road, partly along said northerly parcel line north 77 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds east 17.6 feet and north 65 degrees 53 m inutes 30 seconds east34 fre t; thence continuing along said northerly parcel line and runn ing along the northerly lines of before mentioned Parcels Nos. 373 and 372 and partly along the northerly line of before m entioned Parcel No. 371 the following courses and distances: South 16 degrees 46 m in­utes 30 seconds east 75.9 feet, south 51 degrees 53 m inutes east 263.3 feet, north 38 degrees 7 m inutes east 60 feet, south 51 degrees 53 minutes cast 250 feet, soutli 38 degrees 7 m inutes west 60 feet, and south 51 degrees 53 m inutes east 1,205.5 feet, recrossing before mentioned road leading from O rrs Mills to Vailsgate, to the most easterly point of said I ’arcel No. 371, in before mentioned line between the Towns- of New W indsor and Cornwall, said point being also in the northerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 370; thence partly along said line south 51 degrees 53 m inutes east 5 feet, on a curve of 25 feet radius to the left 5.9 feet and south 65 degrees 29 m inutes 30 seconds east 727.5 feet, to the most easterly point of said parcel in the northerly line of before mentioned Parcel No. 369 of Real Estate Section No. 7, N orthern A queduct D epartm ent; thence partly along said northerly line and the southerly line of said Parcel No. 370 south 78 degrees 37 m inutes 30 seconds west 85.3 feet to the point or place of beginning.

The greatest width of the proposed taking along the line of the A queduct is 480 feet, which occurs across Parcels 373 and 374.

The least width of the said taking is 50 feet, which occurs across Parcels 370 to 373, both in­clusive, and 375 to 382, both inclusive.

The fee of all the real estate shown on said map is to be acquired by The City of New York, designated as Parcels 370 to 409, both inclusive, except Parcel No. 384, colored dark blue on said map. in which a perpetual easement is to be ac­

quired, being the right to construct and forever m aintain the A queduct and its appurtenances as provided fo r by said act and the acts am endatory thereof and relating thereto, on, over or through said parcel.

R eference is hereby made to the said map, filed as aforesaid in the office of the County C lerk of the County of Orange, for a more detailed de­scription of the real estate to be acquired as above stated.

In case any real estate hereinbefore described is used to r highway or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such tim e as The City of New York may acquire the right to close the same.

Dated F ebruary 8, 1909.FR A N C IS K EY PE N D L E T O N ,

C orporation Counsel,Office and Post Office Address, H all of Records,

C orner of Cham bers and C entre S treets, Borough of M anhattan, New York City,



W e stch ester Co u n t y .

H ill V iew Reservoir, Section No. 2.

In the m attcr of the application and petition of J. Edw ard Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of W ater Supply of The City of New York, to ac­quire real estate fo r and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 o f the Laws of 1905, and the acts am endatory there­of, in the City of Yonkers, W estchester County, N. V'., for the purpose of providing an addi­tional supply of pure and wholesome w ater fo r the use of The City of New York.

PU B LIC N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IV EN that the fourth separate report of Joseph

S. M crriam , George von Slcal and F rank E. Russell. Commissioners o f Appraisal in the above- entitled m atter, dated Jan u a ry 14, 1909, filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of W est­chester, a t W hite Plains, N. Y., on the 15thday of January , 1909, covering parcels 58, 59, 60, 77, part of 81, and 110.

F u rth er notice is hereby given that an appli­cation will be made at a Special Term of the Suprem e Court, to he held at the C ourt House, at W hite Plains, N. Y.. on the 20th day ofFebruary, 1909, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon th e rea fte r as counsel can be heard, for an o rder confirm ing said re ­port and for such o ther and fu rth e r re lief asto the C ourt may seem just.

Dated January 25, 1909.FR A N CIS KEY PE N D L E T O N ,

Corporation Counsel.Office and Post-office Address, Hall of Records,

C orner Cham bers and C entre S treets, Borough of M anhattan, City o f New York.


P R O P O S A L S F O R R IO S A . \ I ) E S T I M A T E S F O R T H E C I T Y O F N E W Y O R K .

N O T I C E T O C O N T R A C T O R S .


The person or persons making a bid or estim ate fur any services, work, m aterials or supplies for The City of New York, or for any of its depart­ments, bureaus or offices, shall furn ish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed with the title of the supplies, m aterials, work or services for which the bid or estim ate is made, with his or their name or names and the date of presentation to the P residen t or Board or to the head of the D epartm ent at his or its office, on or before the date and hour named in the advertisem ent for the same, at which time and place the estim ates received will he publicly opened by the President or Board or head of said D epartm ent and read, and the aw ard of the contract made according to law as soon thereafte r as practicable.

Each bid or estim ate shall contain the name and place of residence of the person m aking the same, and nam es of all persons in terested with him therein , and, if no other person be so in te r­ested, it shall distinctly state tha t fac t; also, that it is made w ithout any connection with any other person making an estim ate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fa ir and w ithout collusion or fraud , and that no member of the Board of Aldermen, head of a departm ent, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of The City of New York is. shall be or become in terested , directly or indirectly, as con­tracting party, partner, stockholder, surety or otherwise in or in the perform ance of the con­tract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the_ profits thereof. The bid or estim ate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party o r parties mak­ing the estim ate that the several m atters stated herein are in all respects true.

Each hid or estim ate shall be accompanied by the consent, in w riting, of two householders or freeholders in The City of New York, or o f a guaranty or surety company duly authorized by law to a rt as surety, and shall contain the m atters set fortli in the blank form s m entioned below.

No bid or estim ate will he considered unless, as a condition precedent to the reception or con­sideration of any proposal, it he accompanied by a certified check upon one of the State or N a­tional banks of The City of New York, draw n to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the am ount of five per centum of the am ount of th e bond required, as provided in section 420 of th e G reater New York C harter.

The certified check or money should not be in ­closed in the envelope containing the bid or esti­mate, but should he either inclosed in a separate envelope addressed to the head of the D epart­ment, President or Board, or submitted^ personally upon the presentation of the bid or estim ate.

For particu lars as to the quantity and quality of the supplies, or the na tu re and ex ten t o f _the work, reference m ust be made to the spectnca- tinns, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said office of the President, Board or Departm ent.

No bid shall be accepted< from or contract awarded to any person who is in a rrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City.

The contract must he bid for separately.The right is reserved in each case to m e e t

all bids or estim ates if it is deemed to be for the in terest of the City so to do. . . . . . .

B idders will write out the am ount of the ir bios nr estim ates in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Bidders are requested to make the ir hids or estimates upon the blank forms prepared and furnished bv the City, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to inclose^ the hid, to ­gether with a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved bv the Cor­poration Counsel, can he obtained upon applica­tion the re fo r at tlie office of the D epartm ent for which the work is to he done. Plans and draw ings of construction work m ar alio he seen there.