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Friends Focus 1April 2016Friends Focus 1April 2016

Friends Focus2 April 2016Friends Focus2 April 2016

Friends Focus 3April 2016

FRIENDS FOCUS is the official organ of Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB).

FMPB is an indigenous Missionary Movement presenting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to unreached people groups in India.

FMPB serves as an arm of the Church to plant Churches across the country.

FMPB does saturation evangelism among various people groups.

FMPB invites Churches, institutions, families and individuals to pray and support its work.

A monthly blossom of FMPBPublisher & Editor

Rev. D. Simon Ponniah


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Layout and Preparation:Communication Dept., fmpb

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We must be holy, because this is the only sound evidence that we have a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. – J.C. Ryle

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no-one will see the Lord. – Heb. 12:14

Holiness does not consist in doing extraordinary things. It consists in accepting, with a smile, what Jesus sends us. It consists in accepting

and following the will of God. – Mother Teresa

For God did not call us to be impure, but to live in holy life. – 1 Thes. 4:7

Compassion is not complete in itself, but must be accompanied by inflexible justice and wrath against sin and a desire for holiness.

– Billy Graham.

Friends Focus4 April 2016

Loving greetings in our Lord’s name to each one of you!

In obedience to God’s will expressed through his people, I have accepted this new responsibility entrusted to me. Many of you have been calling me over the phone, sending messages and emails to say, “We are praying for you”. This has given me great strength and courage. I sincerely count on your prayers.

Let me share from one of my recent meditations on the Psalms. Verses 1 -4 of Psalm 65 speak of a God who forgives and accepts us. Verses 5 – 8 speak of a God who delivers or saves us by his awesome deeds and in verses 9 – 13 God comes across as one who prospers us or makes us fruitful. Fruitfulness is the outcome of our

experience of God’s forgiveness and deliverance from our former ways. For those still wallowing in guilt, shame and despair, God assures us that He is ready to forgive unconditionally and accept us. We however need to allow God to do this. Though we may still have to face the temporal consequences of our sins the Word of God assures us in several places that God cancels the eternal consequences of our sins.

Not only does God forgive and accept us but he also delivers us from things that have a hold over our lives and are displeasing to him. This calls for total yielding to God to work out his purposes in us.

Never see fruitfulness in isolation. Real and lasting fruitfulness

Friends Focus 5April 2016

comes in the context of a forgiven and yielded life. A yielded life is a holy life. In Biblical context this means a life that is both pure and set apart for God- a life that stands in stark contrast to one that conforms to the ways of the world. Without this, what we see as fruitfulness will only be shallow, transient and deceptive.

God helped us to celebrate 25 years of His faithfulness in our ministry among the Santhals in Jharkhand. The celebrations from the 4th to 6th of March in one of our mission fields there saw a gathering of 18,000 of our Santhal believers and besides being an occasion of thanksgiving it amply demonstrated how even a nascent church can not only stand on its own legs but can also take on the responsibility of proclaiming the Gospel far and wide. The Santhal Church came forward to sponsor 10 cross cultural missionaries through FMPB and the dedication ceremony of these brothers and sisters was held as part of the celebrations. The entire expenditure of approximately 25 lakh rupees for the celebrations was borne by the Santhal Church. What an example of sacrificial

giving in the midst of poverty and want!

We have been promoting the 1000 hours prayer initiative during the 40 days of lent. This aims at ensuring prayers 24 hours a day, all the 40 days which adds up to approximately 1000 hours of prayer. This was observed in every region both in our mission fields and mobilization areas. Besides these our prayer group leaders organized this prayer in about 25 churches.

Preparations are underway for the Annual Tamil Nadu State Conference from the 19th to 22nd of May at Bethel, Danishpet near Salem. The Conference proceedings will be centered on the theme of “Holiness”.

May God help us to be faithful to Him and grow more and more into His likeness.

Your dear brother in the Lord

Sudarshan Thomas

General Secretary – Designate

Friends Focus6 April 2016

Whenever darkness engulfs history of Christianity the question that is raised is whether there will be slackening in the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth or whether there is lack of commitment on the part of God’s men and women, i.e. missionaries. We need not develop cold feet over such crises. In order to fulfill His will, God has been developing individuals. Let us pray so that God shall make inevitable individuals in our nation as well as Christian community. Let us proceed onwards with faith. Let us meditate on some individuals and their testimonies from Bible whom God had raised.

JosephWhile Joseph was imprisoned in prison for two years, the wine steward said, ‘A young Hebrew was there … things turned out just as he said (Gen. 41:12/13).

Individuals needed for God

Joseph was a prisoner. Pharaoh had a dream which no one could give interpretation, but Joseph did. This was not an answer alone to the King’s dream, but fulfillment of the beginning of the prophecy which God had made with Abraham as seen in Gen. 15:13. The Lord said to him, “Your descendants will be slaves in foreign land and will be cruelly treated for four hundred years, I will punish the nation that enslaves them and when they leave the land, they will take great wealth with them”. The need of the hour is that individuals like Joseph need to be raised from churches and Christian society. Let us continue to pray for the same. Spiritual characters in Joseph

Holiness: Joseph was a handsome man embedded with wisdom and knowledge and he realized the presence of God in him. Since birth, Joseph faced many temptations, persecutions and

Rev. G. Kingsly

Friends Focus 7April 2016

hindrances. Before being elevated to one of the highest positions, he had to face the challenge of the stiffest temptation from the wife of Pharaoh. Yet he could overcome the great temptation because he had learnt the lesson that God did see him in his personal life. He understood that to sin was to act against God. Being promoted to higher echelon was not a license to sin. Such spiritual thoughts enabled Joseph to overcome the temptation. In spite of the opportunities that come in the way of our youngsters, the latter ought to sit and meditate personally so that they shall inculcate fear of God in them to receive great blessings from above. Brotherhood; Since his birth Joseph was hated, forsaken and troubled by his brothers. Gen. 37:4 – They would not speak to him in a friendly manner. Gen. 37:8 – They hated him even more. Gen. 37:11 – They were jealous of him. Joseph obeyed his parents, carried food without any bitterness against his brothers while they were taking care of the flock and enquired about them. But they on their part without any humaneness dropped him in a dry well and later sold him. During all the ill-treatments meted out to him by his brothers, he neither struggled against them nor accused them. After 13 years, he became the chief of Egypt next to the king. When his brothers were on a sojourn to Egypt to buy food, Joseph did not hate him nor did he avenge.

Joseph said to him brothers, “Do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people’s lives” (Gen. 45:5). This passage explains the spiritual maturity of Joseph. Joseph said, “You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people”.Persons who lead holy life in the eyes of God and execute God’s plans with fear of God may experience obstacles, may face trials and tribulations and delay; but such people are sure to experience and enjoy the blessings from God. Let us pray and yearn that many such Josephs arise from our families and churches.

Mercy’s HolinessA terrorist organization attacked a small village in Nigeria in 2014 where Mercy lived. The houses were razed down and smothered. Mercy along with four girls were abducted. The four girls were forcibly converted into their religion. But Mercy was steadfast in her faith saying that she would not forsake her faith. She patiently endured many troubles. Her prayers were heard after five weeks. Government forces bombarded the building in which terrorists were hiding and all of them died. Mercy escaped with minor injuries. She leads a new and witnessing life. Let us pray for the Christians persecuted worldwide. Let us be awe-struck with prayers.

Friends Focus8 April 2016

Firmness of DavidGod had rejected Saul as king of Israel (1 Sam. 16:1) and an evil spirit tormented him. Crisis of Saul became a national issue. Before a search to find a suitable person to play on the harp, one of his attendants said, “Jesse has a son who is a good musician. He is a brave and handsome man, a good soldier and an able speaker. The Lord is with him”.When Israel became worsened due to Saul, God selected David who was ignored by his family. God through Samuel anointed David and he was looking after the cattle. David was selected and chosen by God and God helped him reign over united Israel for over 40 years. He was very closer to the heart of God – a certificate given by God. These are all due to the spiritual characteristic features of an individual, i.e. David. After being anointed by Samuel, David was looking after the flock. He did not waste even a single minute. He played on the harp, composed songs and thereby glorified God. Rather than using their talents and time to make personal gains and publicity, today’s Christian youths need to utilize their talents for the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. Firmness: The Philistines gathered their army to have a fight against

Israelites. Goliath challenged the Israelites. He made scathing attack on God and Israelites. Vile and danger were imminent. When David had been to that place to look for his brothers, he heard the scornful words of Goliath. He became steadfast in his faith on God. His faith on God became firm. It became a battle by God. The problem faced for 40 days was all over in just four minutes. There are many youths in our churches and Christian society who defy God. If such scenario has to cease and change, committed and anointed youths need to arise from the church.

Resolve of Mariam & Masia

Young girls Mariam (27) and Masia (30) born and brought up in Iran in another religion were imprisoned for having accepted the lordship of Jesus Christ. Charges like sedition, blasphemy and proclamation of Gospel were framed against them and were tortured. Though they were ordered to forsake their faith, they were steadfast in their faith. Hence they were jailed. During their stay in the jail for 259 days, they shared the eternal love of Jesus Christ to fellow-women prisoners and guided many women towards Jesus Christ. After their incarceration for 259 days, they were released. Pray that such women are raised up our church and society.

Friends Focus 9April 2016

Prayer warrior DanielIsraelites were captured by Nebu- chadnezzar and were imprisoned as slaves for 70 years. During this turbulent period, God raised prayer warrior Daniel. Through his steadfast faith and prayer he was elevated to one of the highest offices. Yet he always prayed to God as usual. During the banquet of Belshazzar, the king and his noblemen drank wine together. Gold and silver cups and bowls that were brought by his father Nebuchadnezzar were used to drink wine. Suddenly, a human hand appeared and began writing on the plaster wall of the palace. The King turned pale and was so frightened that his knees began to shake. No one could read the writing. The queen said, “There is a man in your Kingdom who has the spirit of holy God in him … he has the unusual ability in interpreting dreams, solving riddles and explaining mysteries (Daniel 5:11, 12). Daniel cleared the riddle and Belshazzar was murdered the same night. Daniel was made the third in power in the kingdom.

Daniel – Prayer warriorDarius chose Daniel and two others to supervise the governors and to look after the king’s interests. The king considered putting him in charge of the whole empire. Then the other supervisors and the governors tried to find something wrong with Daniel and

they could not because Daniel was reliable and did not do anything wrong or dishonest. They decided to find fault with his religion. An edict was issued which said that for thirty days no one be permitted to request anything from any God or from any man except the king. When Daniel learnt that the order had been signed, he went home. He went upstairs, knelt down, opened windows and prayed to God three times a day. Daniel did not reduce his prayer time though he knew that danger was lurking at him. He was punished by the king and God protected Daniel. Such prayer warriors need to spring up from our society and churches. Let us fervently pray for the same.

Date: 23.04.2016,

Saturday morning 10 to evening 4

Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru

Kalyana Mandabam, Oorgaum, KGF, (Near five lights)

Speaker: Mrs. Veronica Clement

Field sharing: Mrs. Jeya Gowri Sibi

Women’s Meeting

Friends Focus 9April 2016

Friends Focus10 April 2016

The Lord enabled the FMPB movement to select and anoint Rev. Sudarshan Thomas as the General

Secretary- Designate on 1st March 2016 at the Dedication service held at the Emmanuel Methodist Church, Chennai. Some of you had joined us this important event and we thank you for this.

It was a very solemn and joyful occasion, as leaders from various churches and mission bodies came together for this historic event, in the presence of Dr. Sam Kamalesan, Bro. Patrick Joshua, the Most Rev. Bishop Ezra Sargunam, Dr. Paul Dinakaran, Rev. Dr Wati Langumar (IMA), Rev. Dr Rajasingh Elias (IEM), Rev. Suresh Rajan (NMS), Mr. Cherian, World Vision, Mr. Alex Mathew, Wycliffe India and FMPB leaders from various parts of India.

Dr. Sam Kamalesan shared God's word on this important occasion, emphasizing on 'Servant leadership'. Bro Patrick Joshua offered the dedication prayer of Rev. Sudarshan Thomas and Dr. Paul Dinakaran from Jesus Calls Ministries sang a lovely song and offered the prayer of consecration.

Friends Focus10 April 2016

Report on the Dedication Service of the new General Secretary, FMPB

Friends Focus 11April 2016

By the immense grace of God, 'Carnival' a mega event was organized for the benefit of the under privileged Malto children’s primary education on 26th Jan, 2016 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at Craig Memorial Baptist Church, Kakinada, A.P. Our FMPB missionary Mr. John Paul Harris from Jharkhand shared the urgency of missions and the need of education among Maltos which was followed by auction of different Items.

Around 2000 members from 20 churches participated who donated generously towards the studies of Malto children. We praise God for all His marvelous works. This is our 7th Carnival. - Pr. Sam Benny, Honorary Secretary - Kakinada

The President of FMPB Mr. John Samuel conducted the dedication service and administered the pledge to the new General Secretary to 'be faithful to the Lord and to take the FMPB movement forward with holiness and unity'. Many friends and family members of Rev. Sudarshan and many leaders representing mission organizations and churches felicitated him.

We are aware that it’s a new beginning for the FMPB movement to focus on reaching 1.25 billion people with God’s word and God’s values. It's time to 'rise and build' this God-inspired movement to touch the nation with prayer and humility, commitment and sacrifice. FMPB is not about power, position or prestige; rather, FMPB is all about Prayer and Mission, Fellowship and Friendship. When we pray, God does wonders and makes the ‘impossible’ as ‘possible’.

It's time we started upholding Rev. Sudarshan Thomas, his wife Mrs. Lydia Thomas and their daughter Mahima Thomas in our prayers; it's time we involved in this mission with holiness and unity; It's time we knelt, humbled ourselves and prayed for our nation.

Friends Focus12 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. ISAIAH C S




Jammu & KashmirSamba:

John Penin & Sheeba Pushparani

Praise: 75 persons attended one day retreat held at Rolik mandali Village. Rakesh suffering from skin disease for two years recovered from the disease through prayer. Five new families are attending Bisnap sub-centre worship.Pray: For Anitha to find a suitable spouse; for the domestic problem in the family of Jothi to be solved; for the healing of Moona from cancer; for the healing of six year old girl Arpana from speech impairement.Himachal Pradesh

Rohru: Vum Biak Lal & Niang Khan Man

Praise: The worship that was stopped due to opposition at Ranol village resumed again on 14-02-2016. Two days training for Sunday school teachers was held. Rosy has volunteered to conduct Sunday class at Duiny village Church.Pray: For the speedy completion of Church construction at Sanra village; for Ringhu who is about to undergo operation to get healed from hearing loss.

Anni: Doujapao Guite & Florence

Praise: After prayer meeting in the residence of Moghu Devi, peace now prevails where peace had been shattered earlier. Gospel was proclaimed at four new villages.Pray: For the families of Harbal, Rajendran and Suresh to accept Jesus Christ: for Pingha to be blessed with a baby; for Pushpa Devi to be relieved from the grip of evil spirit.

SAVED FROM ELECTROCUTIONBeliever Ramphir’s son of Ikra village, Rania field was electrocuted from electric post and became unconscious. After prayer his parents took him to hospital and God saved the life of Ramphir’s Son

Friends Focus 13April 2016






Rekongpeo: Khetovi Sumi & Khatoli

Praise: Believers through Adult Literacy Programme have learnt the rudiment of reading and writing. Jesus film was screened at 11 places. More than 50 believers have undertaken fasting prayer for 40 days during the Lent season.Pray: For those who have confessed their faith on Jesus Christ to be steadfast in their faith; for the believers of Moorang who have backslid due to opposition to attend Church worship; for land to build a Church in this field.


Y. Justin & Saral Janci RaniPraise: Third anniversary of Rajasansi Church was celebrated. Lali, Gurbaksh Singh and Surjeet Singh have given up alcohol. Linbeet Singh was healed

from paralysis through prayer and Vickram Singh recovered from spinal disorder because of prayer.Pray: For the public address system that was stolen to be recovered; for land to build Churches at Kasa and Oryar village; for Sunitha to attend Church worship regularly and the family to declare their faith; for the backslide believers to come back into faith.

Friends Focus 13April 2016


Teacher couple of Gopu and Anitha resides at Umartha village, Boradi field, Maharashtra. Last year, Anitha suffered sickness and stomach pain. On clinical analysis, it was diagnosed that Anitha’s both kidneys had become none functional. She was subjected to dialysis. Medical doctors were sure that Anitha would die soon. She was brought home. Assuming that she would die soon, her relatives stood around her bed. One of the relatives requested that the missionary be called in for prayers. Believers of Umartha village were invited for prayers. Within five minutes, Anitha stood up and ate food. Next day, evangelists and missionaries went to the house and prayed for Anitha. Later she was taken to the Hospital for medical check-up. To the surprise of the doctors, her both kidneys were functioning normally. Anitha shared her medical miracle with the doctors. At present Anitha is a teacher in Umarrtha village School. One year after her recovery, a thanks-giving worship was conducted by the family on 14-02-2016 in which around 300 persons attended.

Friends Focus14 April 2016





Bhudhlada: Jeruel Pani & Jyotsana

Praise: Amarjeet bed-ridden for six months recovered miraculously through prayer. Volunteers such as Sony Singh, Lali Singh and Sukjain Singh completed one month training in ministry.Pray: For Paramjit to land government job; for Anju, Santhosh, Binu, Karanjith and Babu to find suitable life partners.

Punjab Film Ministry: Samuel Kisansingh & Punitha

Praise: 518 persons viewed Jesus Film screened at the villages of Shaina, Bhagathpura and Kallet. Many people from these villages have promised to quit alcohol.Pray: For those who had given their ears to Good News to accept Jesus Christ; for the healing of Jindri suffering from paralysis and epileptic fits; for Karnek Singh, Krishna Singh, Rajkumar Singh, Jerneil Singh and Manjeeth Singh to be relieved from alcoholism.


Selvam Thavamani & HepziPraise: Good news was preached to 150 persons; Saroj under psychiatric disorder who had separated from husband was healed from depression

and is living with husband. Meetings of believers, Children and training on ministry were successfully conducted.Pray: For Jothi married for three years often harassed by husband to be blessed with a baby and peace to prevail in the family; for Ashok Kumar and Seema to accept Jesus Christ along with their families.

Kherwada: Vasava Sunil Kumar & Beenakshi

Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at 13 new villages. Dilip Bhai has consented to be a volunteer to help the ministry. Amidst opposition Samba Ben is steadfast in faith. Pray: For the people of Donganpur district and Udaipur who are addicted to alcohol and disturb the ministry to accept Jesus Christ; for the repentance of Kaloo and Thanji who act against worship centre at Bundhi village.

Friends Focus 15April 2016




LTI - Rajasthan: David Ponding & Santham

Praise: Training for evangelists was conducted five days in Rajasthan and five days in Haryana. Special training on Basic Christian Principle was conducted for believers of Hanumanghar field. Worship was conducted at two places at Kawant village in which four new persons attended.Pray: For the repentance of husband who tortures the wife Supriya; for the launching of new worship at Khagharoghidhani village; for the wives of Pawan and Radheshyam who worship their ancestors to accept Jesus Christ.Sangaria: V. Kumar & Patricia

Praise: Husband of believer Saroj attended Church worship and accepted Jesus Christ. He lives in peace with

his wife and has invited missionary to conduct satsang programme in his house. Satsang programme at 12 places and night meeting at nine places were conducted.Pray: For all believers to lead witnessing lives; for the salvation of husband of Ramandeep and to live in harmony with his wife; for the consolation of Kulwinder Kaur and family whose mother had expired.

FOR THE VILLAGE TO ACCEPT JESUS CHRISTMalka, a big village in Jawahar field Maharashtra does not open the door to evangelism. The village is full of Nirankari followers. Missionaries have been praying for open door in this village. Meanwhile, believers of Wankani village received a message from the parents of little boy Anil of Malka village. Anil had become very weak. In spite of spending nearly one lakh rupees towards magicians there was no perceptible improvement on Anil. One believer visited the home of Anil and shared the Good News with him. Missionaries visited the house on 23-02-2016. The entire village has been observing the developments. Pray that God shall heal the little boy so that the entire village shall come into the fold of Jesus Christ.

Friends Focus16 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. BALAJI NETALAM


DelhiPatparganj: Golden Inbaraj &

Leegirl Mary

Praise: 10 persons attended satsang programme. God has provided us a Tamil family to conduct worship in Tamil every week. Three new families are attending prayer meeting. Pray: For the repentance of Suresh, Rathan Sharma, Sunil, Laju, Lali who oppose evangelism; for the youth of this field to land good jobs and find suitable spouses; for church construction at Trilokpuri village; for backslid Ramlakhan and Ratha to come back into faith.

Uttar PradeshParthana: J. Srinivasan &

Sheeba G. Chandra

Praise: Jesus film was screened at six places. Six year old Sangeet who had been physically weak due to lack of sufficient amount of blood in his systems overcame the weakness and now eats food through the prayers of believers.Pray: For the repentance of Mahendar Singh and his son who do not permit Rajeshwari to attend Church worship; for the new contacts to boldly declare their faith on Jesus Christ; for the

healing of 18 years old Sri Ramnath from epileptic fits.

Kadaura: R. Jebaseelan & Sarojini Salma

Praise: All the preparatory works to register Church land have been successfully completed. Chander Paul actively involved in opposing the ministry has given up the same and has accepted Jesus Christ.Pray: For the 70 persons who had earlier declared their faith on Jesus Christ at Rittari village to faithfully follow Jesus Christ; for the repentance of family members who force Rukmani a believer to give up her faith; for Rukmani to find a suitable life partner; for the children of believers to get suitable facilities in furthering their studies.

Friends Focus 17April 2016






Fasting Prayer Day

Rania: Ebenezer G. Sam & Jebarani

Praise: Good News was proclaimed to 600 persons at four villages. Siya Rani living separately from her husband has joined him.Pray: For qualified electricians to undertake electrical work at Panjot village; for the Church elders to be steadfast in faith and to conduct Church worship; for Raghuveer, Lakshman, Hakeem, Guru Prasad, Suresh and Amit to give up alcohol.Jalaun: Satikanta Parichha &

Sagarika Pradhan

Praise: Believers who were worried over opposition prayed to God and He strengthened the believers through His Word. Gospel was propagated at three villages.Pray: For religious fundamentalist

leaders Akilesh Tighe and Sangham Jetto who being imprisoned due to persecution to confess their wrong doings and accept Jesus Christ; for the launching of night meetings at Pariyapara and Hasipur villages.

Basti: Om Prakash Gupta & Tumpa Chowdhury

Praise: Worship group has been re-launched at Peladi village. 30 children attended newly formed children’s meeting at Mutjama village. Believer’s son was blessed with a baby after 14 years of marriage.Pray: For the believers who are greatly worried over the future of their children and believers’ sons and daughters to find suitable spouses; for believers’ children appearing for X Board examination to perform well.


Dharia of Kambani village, Menimatha field, Madhya Pradesh had been haunted by an evil spirit. His family members on coming to know about Jesus Christ, brought Dharia to the worship centre and prayed to God whole heartedly. God relieved him from the clutches of evil spirit. After four years of marriage life, God has blessed him with a baby.

Friends Focus 17April 2016

Friends Focus18 April 2016



Bilhaur: John Victor & Sathya

Praise: Believer Dhara’s husband Radeshyam suffered renal problem and his survival was at stake but God healed him. Though thieves entered the house of believer Vishal, God protected the believers from any loss. The sheep of believer Sunil became sick and were on the verge of death, through prayer the sheep became normal. Good news was proclaimed to 600 persons at three villages.Pray: For Shyam Manohan to be liberated from alcoholism and his family to accept Jesus Christ; for sister believer Negha from Kashyap people group who has accepted Jesus Christ to find a suitable spouse; for the family of new believer Jai Ram to accept Jesus Christ.

Bundhelkhand Region: Paul Dayasingh & Benilda

Vasanth Lavi Praise: Three days family gathering of missionaries and evangelists was held at the regional level; Chandra Paul who had criticized evangelism accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ, New small prayer groups were formed at the villages of Niamathpur, Kuthand, Igo, Alanpur and Hajipur.Pray: For the believers of Samrania

village to overcome the fear havoc created by anti Christian elements; for the repentance of Suidia Maharaj who conveys false news about believers; for the repentance of Bhagat Baba who has been lording over the village for 40 years through his magic.Bakhshi Ka Talab: Ramasamy

Jerome & Anthoni Rajam

Praise: God enabled poor believer Runa to find a suitable spouse for his daughter Thulasi. Ram Devi Lakshmi and Bitto were relieved from evil spirit; Youngman Pankaj addicted to alcohol and other evil habits and troubling his family members was relieved from the agony and the family is sharing their testimony.Pray: For the healing of Srikishan from throat cancer and Sarojini and Anuj from jaundice; for Susma’s husband and Ajay to be delivered from alcoholism.

Friends Focus 19April 2016







Madhya Pradesh

Dabra: Satya Prakash & Anjana Masih

Praise: Good News was proclaimed at 13 villages; Camps of women, Seekers,Youth and Film - show ministry were successfully conducted.Pray: For a Church to be built at Theri village; for a sub centre to be launched at Inteeghar village; for the ministries scheduled this month; for the healing of Lakshmi from physical ailments.

Morena: Konka Giri Babu & Lourdu Mary

Praise: Women’s meet ing at Janakapura and Lasakaripura, Children’s ministry at Rashilpur and

film show ministry at Modiakeri village were conducted. Worship group at Rashilpur village was started. Gospel was proclaimed at three villages.Pray: For the new contacts such as Ranjilal Muni Devi and Rajpedi of Sujanapura who are receptive to evangelism to accept Jesus Christ; for open door to evangelism at Hanghora village.Guna: Hosiel Naik & Geetanjali

Praise: Good News was propagated at 10 villages. God helped evangelist Esvlal to find a suitable life partner. Villages of Modai and Solaya are receptive to evangelism.Pray: For the repentance of religious fundamentalists who distribute idols to people and undertake procession singing songs in the evening; for the believers who migrate to other places to meet their basic needs and for their spiritual growth.


12 years old Naval of Mujalthapallia village, Cyria field, Madhya Pradesh was speech impaired. His mother brought him to our worship at Semmalkote village on 19-01-2016 and prayed for him. Naval has started to speak slowly, but steadily.

Friends Focus20 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMrs. LIDIA AUGUSTUS

Mandana: Venkatesh Vaddar & Sheeba

Praise: Prem Singh family of Sanlott village have accepted Jesus Christ and hence the villagers refused to help him in building his house, but God helped the believer to tide over the crisis and complete the construction of his house. Mangilal whose hands and legs had been dysfunctional for two years regained his health through prayers.Pray: For Gandhilal, Rajaram, Dev Singh and Subhas of Pokkara village who oppose evangelism to repent; for the resumption of worship stopped at the villages of Rakhi, Karanpur and Kattapali.

Pansemal: Omprakash & Sapna

Praise: 100 persons attended Bhajan programme held at Raikhada and Shivapuda villages. Followup ministry was undertaken at the village of Parpara, Kanchiyapani and Raisul. 20 persons are attending the newly launched worship group at Pakkadi village. Pray: For worship groups to be formed at the villages of Dermala, Panthara and Khajyapani; for the healing of Parmila who is suffering from disease of unknown cause and

she has less blood due to which she could not walk; for the recovery of Reuwa Singh Bhai suffering from paralysis for 20 years.Chiriya: Vinu M. & Subila L.R.

Praise: Medical Professionals from Mumbai conducted medical camp at Chiriya and many persons were benefited. Mukesh haunted by evil spirit for four years was delivered from its grip through prayers. Sevathi who had swollen and painful legs for 20 years overcame the problem through prayers.Pray: For the villagers of Kapperjamli, Kalkundya, Muyilkanu, Mujalthapallia and Ampabhat who have given their ears to Gospel for the first time to experience and enjoy the love of Jesus Christ; for the youth of Andhi village addicted to alcohol to be relieved from the same; for the spiritual uplift of believers who have migrated other places for jobs.

Friends Focus 21April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. SIMON PONNIAH D


Kurha: Mahendran & Pushpam

Praise: Worship that was stopped for many months due to opposition at Ekkavannala village resumed. Good News was preached to 80 persons. God miraculously protected Parmodh from road accident. Believer Raju and his friends from Palavkudiya village were protected from bears miraculously.

Pray: For the repentance of Jai Prakash of Thukkaithat village and the opponents of Popnar village who oppose ministry to accept Jesus Christ and the worship that was stopped to be resumed; for the healing of hearing and speech impaired children Kavitha and Akash of parents Ramsingh and Nandu Bai.


Edwin Selvaraj & Cindu, Roby & Evangelin Jemi,

Kishanta Limma

Praise: Sibulal, Arjun, Pechhan, Maheshwar, Sonaj and Keerthanand are receptive to Good News; Gospel was proclaimed at three villages; Saldev has volunteered to help the ministry.Pray: For Mushahar people who migrate to other places for jobs to uphold their faith; for new missionaries to start new fields among Mushahar people; for the protection of personnel involved in film show ministry.


Nathan Kumar Bebarta & Nirupoma Khosla

Praise: Gospel was preached to 100 persons through VBS and 80 persons through film-show.Pray: For Yasini whose house went up in flames and lost everything; for Pitha, Raju and Bisha to accept Jesus Christ; for Maenan to give up evil habits; for open door toward film-show ministry at Thukkep village.

Friends Focus22 April 2016




Narayanpur: Sunil Prasath Singh &

Joy Bella Evangelin

Praise: 25 youths attended youth meeting and 15 persons took part in two days fasting prayer; Seven persons from the village of Nunipari village are about to declare their faith on Jesus Christ; Minathi Kamman has donated a piece of his land for Church construction.

Pray: For the repentance of Unmai Deuri, Rani Deuri, Ranjitha Deuri, Nibhan Deuri and Sayarus Deuri who hinder our ministry; for the healing of Kajrinat Deuri from leukaemia and to accept Jesus Christ.

MeghalayaGarobada: Veikho a &

Kughali Yeptho

Praise: Good News was preached to 250 persons through film show ministry at two places; 25 persons attended Believers’ camp; believers Sottan and Ranjith preach Gospel at their villages.

Pray: For all believers to be steadfast in faith and get involved in ministries;

for open door to be established among people of Hajang and Koch who live on the border of Bangladesh.

West BengalGangarampur:

Thangkhopao Haokip & Chongneikim

Praise: Muni Mardi and Paulina Murmu shared their testimony with non-Christians on how God enabled them to quit alcohol and protected them from accident.

Pray: For all believers to lead their relatives toward Christian life; for Samuel Hembrom, Samiram Mardi and Sephali Mardi to write their first year examination in Diploma in Engineering amidst obstructions; for the youth to fear the Lord so that they shall become future Youth Leaders.

Friends Focus 23April 2016



Itahar: Rama Krishna Aggibada &

Anjali Devi

Praise: Training for Church leaders of Sakhla village was held; Night meetings were conducted at three places.Pray: For the ministries scheduled this month; for the healing of Manjali Soren from breathing problem, Reuben Panki from paralysis and Sam Hasda from epileptic fit.

Haldibari: Udipta Kumar Bag &


Praise: Gospel was preached to 145 persons at the villages of New Popling and Panchnarperpada; Open door towards evangelism was established among the people of Rajbansi and Bengali.Pray: For those who viewed Jesus film to attend Church worship regularly

and accept Jesus Christ; for the success of the film show ministry planned this month.

Samsi: Dihe & Charani

Praise: Training was imparted to new believers at Wani village; through training Church elders were enlightened on the burden for Church.Pray: For the healing of mother and brother suffering from physical ailments in the family of Onup Mardi and the entire family to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ; for the family of Dilip Mardi who attends Church worship occasionally to accept Jesus Christ.


Mrs. Bindhu hailing from Kanjira village, Ankul field, Odisha state has been struck with tuberculosis for the past five months. She was bed ridden and could not eat any food. Meanwhile, she began to have trust in Jesus Christ and invited the missionary to conduct prayer meeting in her house. Missionaries prayed and gave her water and oil. God has granted good health to Bindhu. She is not dependant on any medicines and she looks after daily domestic chores cheerfully.

Friends Focus 23April 2016

Friends Focus24 April 2016



Happy BirthdayMrs. LYDIA SUDHARSAN


Fasting Prayer Day


Haramohan Prabhu Das & Susama

Praise: Nukku Panar suffering from acute stomach pain confessed his sin to God and tearfully prayed. God granted him good health and he attends Church worship; three year old boy Eliya Munduia was protected from venomous snake.Pray: For the success of the annual mela scheduled in the first week of April at Sakdi village; for the completion of construction of compound wall of Sakdi Children’s home and Gondphil church construction.Keonjhar: Samuel J. & Havila

Praise: Two evangelists joined the ministry. Devondra was healed from epileptic fits. Surgeons said that if Kasma Munda did not undergo caesarean operation, her child would die. But through prayers she delivered a baby normally.Pray: For the repentance of sister Samba Munde who opposes and threatens believers during Church construction; for Markanda Saiyan and Lathura Badra to accept Jesus Christ who spread false preaching among believers of Jaidandarpur village; for

Church construction at Kusumundea and Thubelapada villages; for the missionary to acquire linguistic skill in Ho language at the earliest.

Angul: Pratyush Nayak & Marithai Leona

Praise: Jesus film was screened at seven villages; Gospel was preached to 481 persons at 32 new villages; Nandini recovered from malaria and typhoid.Pray: For the new believers to be deep rooted in faith; for the repentance of Poolman who spreads false information about Christianity; for the healing of Binodhini from liver disorder; for Samodharan and Subhasin who are receptive to evangelism to overcome all hindrances; for the construction of Churches at the villages of Kanjia, Bandul, and Denhuli.

Friends Focus 25April 2016




Devgarh: P. Shankar & Jelin

Praise: Jesus film show ministry was held at Lakhabhoshi and Purnapani villages. Three days medical camp was held at Anikhan and Purnapani villages. People from neighbouring villages were benefitted. Little boy Bhilsan suffering from cyclin disease for many months overcame the disease through prayer and he walks again. Survey was undertaken at two villages.Pray: For the 17 persons attending prayer meeting at Parkot village to accept Jesus Christ; for Santhose Padra to give up black magic and come into the fold of Jesus Christ; for Vijayakumar Sneha couple living separately for 20 years to be united again.Denkanal: Ganesh & Sumathi

Praise: Worship centre was launched

first time at Katnei village; camps for believers and leaders of Children ministry were held at Katnei village. Children’s ministry was launched at Kinkola village. Cruna Doss addicted to alcohol and tobacco for 15 years gave up the same and accepted Jesus Christ.Pray: For the repentance of those who oppose believers at the villages of Jelinda, Paikanpal, Kondapal, Odisho colony and Keijohi and for the repentance of husband who opposes his believer wife Sugathi Munda; for Biju Naik to accept Jesus Christ who spreads false news about Christianity among believers.

ChattisgarhChampa: Rameshwar

Dayal Nirmal & Madhu Kala, Sradhanjali Bardhan, Sathya

Praise: Gospel was preached at Kanoi and Janbhali village, Seekers’ camp was held at Thuvasi and Padar village, God gave open door at Udaipond village, Gospel was preached to 200 persons at two villages through film show ministry.Pray: For two evangelists to undertake ministry among Satnami people; for the healing of Vijaswar Diwahar from psychiatric disorder; for Gospel to be preached at Punkashwar village.

Friends Focus26 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. BASUDEO MALTO

Sitapur: Muthukumar & Nethravathy

Praise: Worship group was formed at Kumarsiya village. Believers from the villages of Sattanpara, Bharatpur, Kherakatchan, Kattikona, Simarkachan, Kurdek and Harthikond have volunteered to donate their land for Church construction.Pray: For the family of Church elder Jittandan to accept Jesus Christ; For Samsi, Radha, Seeman and Dhijoji who oppose the ministry to accept Jesus Christ; for the believers of Kansabel to be firm in faith; for the success of revival prayer meeting scheduled from April 26 to April 30.

JharkhandPakuria & Maheshpur: Ramesh Velraj & Priscilla

Praise: Gospel was preached at 25 villages through film shows. Phulmuni Hembrom, serious due to snake bite recovered through prayers. Mentally deranged Rajesh Marandi recovered through prayers and he has accepted Jesus Christ.Pray: For all the people of this field to accept Jesus Christ; for the ministries scheduled anew at Nalhati and Rampurhat areas.

Jehovah Jireh – CDC: Gajen Champramary & Roshila

MochaharyPraise: 95 Children benefited through Immanuel medical hospital camp; God granted good health to children appearing X & XII board examination; Church at Amarpur and Pathani villages closed for two years due to backslide believers became functional.Pray: For the repentance of people who oppose worship; for the politicians who directly hinder ministry.


Bijay Nayak from Denkanal field, Odisha threatened believer Hara Pradhan that being a Christian, no one would touch his body after death. Believer Hara retaliated saying that he did not worry about what would happen to his body after his death and he declared that he would never give up Jesus Christ.

Friends Focus 27April 2016





Community College - Malto: Albert Samuel & Hephzibah

Praise: Students who had completed their driving lesson received driving licences. Students who had completed their training on electrical wiring work did the wiring at the girls computer room. Students of Health Assistant course visited Panji village and imparted training on social health to villagers.Pray: For physically weak Stephen, Saheb, John, D.Arun, M. Arun, Suseela, Suhasin, Salomi and Konaka Latha; For all students to accept Jesus Christ; For Manuel Malto who has been to his house due to sickness to recover.

Sinduriya: John Dinesh & Binny Gnanam

Praise: Gospel was proclaimed to many people of Puang group through Malpahadia mela. Surthi Devi while her husband was away became very sick; with prayer she drank water and regained her strength.Pray: For Puang people group who had given their ears to Good News to accept Jesus Christ and revival to be established among them; for the repentance of Kanthali Devi and Sonia Devi who are stumbling blocks to their believer husbands; for believer Vimeshwar Rai who looks after Church to find a suitable spouse.

Gorpada, Dhamru, Amalakachi & LTI: Albert Prabhakaran & Murugammal Esther

Praise: 15 families of evangelists attended training on married life; the village head has donated 5/12 acre of hilly land towards the study of children.Pray: For the speedy completion of Church construction at Silkhan, Needhi and Kuttipada villages and water to be available continuously; for land to build training centre; for new missionaries for two fields; for the children of hilly villages studying in primary school to get study assistance at appropriate time; for school building to be built for Padutha School Children.

Friends Focus28 April 2016





Bhagaiya & Tinpahar: Jebakumar P. & Pon Latha

Praise: New worship groups were established at Karthasak and Puldolla villages. Kajal Panna suffering from epileptic fits recovered through prayers and the family has declared their faith on Jesus Christ.Pray: For the speedy completion of Church construction at Chauri village; for the believers employed in other states to find employment in their own state; for Church elders to come forward to conduct worship among Oravan people and missionaries to be appointed; for Santhal Ekka, Kismattia Kujur, Mahinder Ekka and Demuni Kujur to accept Jesus Christ.

Eastern Region Development Centre:

Johnson Rajadurai & Vinodhini

Praise: District KVK co-ordinator visited Malto hills naturals resources development schemes and he got clear idea about our social development scheme. Due to our new approach, there is perceptible improvement in the economic uplift of people.

Pray: For medical facilities to Malto People living in 400 villages who are prone to malaria attack; for the success of Adult Literacy programme; for availability of sufficient water during summer season.

Dhamini: A.R. Kinsly & Shiny

Praise: Believers of Chadimaqo village built a temporary shed to worship God. Jakkaria and Shanthi recovered from cerebral malaria. Charles, son of Church elder who abstained from Church worship attends worship now.Pray: For Rajkishor of Thaghupeda village who opposes evangelism to accept Jesus Christ; for open door to evangelism at the village of Upali, Manakattala, Maghamu and Dhonikoda.

Friends Focus 29April 2016





Palamu: P. Babu & Laisamma

Praise: Good News was proclaimed at three new villages, Prayer walk was undertaken at four villages.Pray: For Berendra Singh married for five years to be blessed with a baby; for the healing of Rajendra Puiya from skin disease; for the repentance of villagers who oppose believer Radhika Singh family; for Pahria people who avoid giving ration supplies to believers for six months to repent.

Jeganathpur: Vinodkumar & Sanam Joyce

Praise: Soul winners’ camp was held at Jaipur and Serengsai villages; 52 persons attended believers’ meet held at Perpil village in which four persons openly declared their faith.

Pray: For land to build Church at the village of Pukhripi, Sersngsai, Paipath and Revelava; for the recovery of Paani Hembrom suffering from walk impairment for 10 years.

St. Thomas English Medium School & Ashish

nivas Children Home: Victor Jeyaseelan & Princess

Nagomi, Ton Kho Lun Kipgen & Lal Lun Mawi, Sonpu Singson &

Tingnei NengPraise: Medical camp was conducted by Dr. Isaac & team and many children benefited; Surendran and Devadoss recovered from chicken pox and are attending School.Pray: For the healing of Dawood who is under treatment for tuberculosis; for the launching of child care centre for children of Pandheni; for students writing std. X & XII Board Examination to perform well; for government’s approval to start school building construction.

HEALED FROM PARALYSISAthar hailing from Jinde village in Jammu field had been suffering from paralysis for the past three years. Believer Ashok Kumar shared the Good News with Athar and the latter attended Church worship at Sikkantharpur village. Missionary and believers prayed for him and God healed Athar from paralysis.

Friends Focus 29April 2016

Friends Focus30 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. MAINRAJ I


GujaratBhav Nagar: Biswo Ranjan

Karado & Prabina Rani

Praise: Amjith Ansari Bai and his wife started believing in Jesus Christ and He has blessed the couple with a baby and the family has accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Open door toward evangelism was established at Pawdiget area.Pray: For the repentance of the family who oppose Ansari family for accepting Jesus Christ and for the protection of Ansari family; for the resumption of prayer meeting at Maffet Nagar area; for the success and blessing of ministries being conducted at Police Colony.

Mosda & Kevdi: Yesu Babu & Usha

Praise: Believer Dinesh Bhai could not recover his stolen domestic appliances in spite of his search; he attended Church worship and prayed to God. The person who had lifted the appliances returned the same to the believer. 30 persons listened to Good News during the night meeting held at Kajarkotta village. Dinesh family who tortured our believers using abusive words through prayer have established good rapport with believers and heard more about Jesus Christ.

Pray: For those who are about to declare their faith on Jesus to be bold enough and be firm in their decision; for the new contacts such as Suman Bhai, Jamia Bhai, Sonji Bhai, Karma Bhai, Sugallal Bhai and Kena Ben to be supportive to missionary when the latter proclaims Good News in their village.

Selemba: Samuel Ganesh & Mini

Praise: Good News was preached at two new villages and many villagers are receptive to Gospel. Asha Ben was protected from venomous snake. The worship in which persons openly declared their faith at Mokran and Nanilal villages was a grand success.Pray: For the safe return of Sabitha Ben who has been missing from her residence for 10 days; for the healing of Kona Bhai from kidney disorder and Nilesh Bhai from paralysis.

Friends Focus 31April 2016





Fasting Prayer Day

Devmogra: P. Vinu & Suhi Malar

Praise: Gospel was preached newly at Mattimohari and Sonanghat villages. Son of Kalidoss who was physically weak was bitten by a snake, the boy was taken to magician but in vain, he was brought to our believers and missionary who prayed and God healed him.Pray: For the repentance of religious fundamentalist leaders who hinder ministry in area where Gospel was newly proclaimed; for magician Khurji Bhai of Cheerkuda village who disturbs during worship time to repent; for Ganga Ben who attends Church worship newly to give up alcohol and for her recovery from headache.

Dharampur: Vigneshwaran & Angelin

Praise: 1000 hours prayer commenced at six villages, Maghan Bhai’s daughter was healed from excessive bleeding and so she has opened her house to conduct night meeting, Vinodh Bhai whose both legs are dysfunctional won the second prize in sports competition.

Pray: For the recovery of Jammi Ben who has been chained due to psychiatric disorder; for the commencement of sewing classes at Dharanpur area; for churches to be built at the villages of Dandiwer, Poolwadi, Dirilpoodi and Panikadak; for guru worship to cease in this field.

Chodri Bible Translation: Christopher Thomas & Vasanthi

Praise: To screen Jesus film in Chaudri language, 500 DVD copies were made; Book of Micah translated into Chodri language was subjected to correction and fifty chapters of Jeremiah have been translated. Believers of Malola village helped in checking the translated version of Judges.

Pray: For the distribution of DVD of Jesus film; for the speedy completion of translation of book of Jeremiah; for checking and verification of books of, Genesis and Judges by Bible society of India.

Friends Focus32 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. ARULMONY R


MaharashtraKhandesh Bhili Bible

Translation: Ajayakumar Lima & Pratyasini

Praise: The Revelation, I & II Peter, I,II,&III John, Philemon and Jude that had been already translated into Kodakha and Koriva languages and translated film of Jesus were checked by linguistic experts. Sunday worship has been started at Degane village.

Pray: For the final checking and printing of New Testament translated into Kandesh language; for the resumption of Sunday worship at Kasara village that had been stopped due to severe opposition; for the people of so-called upper caste and village leader who oppose the ministry to accept Jesus Christ.

Peint: Arthur Jebaraj & Gnana Sundari

Praise: Church at Kasthunia village was dedicated on 17-01-2016. Gospel was proclaimed at the villages of Ether, Madhulna, Dixol,Manni, Patherpada, Sarasmal and Kanvin through Tamasa group. Meetings for women were conducted at the villages of Mamal Devi, Seappa, Menka, Seepkadak and Dixol.

Pray: For justice to be delivered to the believers of Kathodimal village who have been falsely implicated; for the launching of Church construction stopped by opponents at Wadoli, Katival and Unburuni villages; for the healing of Thukkaram from renal disease and Suresh from heart disease.

Sangvi: Archana Kumari Nayak

Praise: Many of the believers were redeemed from tobacco and alcohol. Lal Singh, Baiji Bhai, Neendu Bhai, Savdi Bhai, Jamli Bhai, Paika Bhai and Pattu Bhai evince interest toward evangelism.

Pray: For the new believers to be firm in their faith; For the repentance of husband who opposes his wife Neendu Bai from attending prayer meeting; for the home children to excel in English language and grow spiritually.

Friends Focus 33April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. MASILAMANI L




Dindori: Binaya Kumar Guru & Ruhama

Praise: Through prayer, Deepak was relieved from the grip of evil spirit and hence his parents have accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Gospel was proclaimed for the first time at Sagora and Thadisoral villages.

Pray: For the spiritual growth of the worship groups at the villages of Dindori, Mayekaun, Pativasthi, Sattanna, Palghet and Pade; for the easing of water scarcity at Dindori area; for new evangelists to minister in the worship groups under the field.

Dondaicha: Manohar Kumar Pani &

Pratima Pani

Praise: In this new field, two days fasting prayer was successfully conducted.

Pray: For the inhabitants of this field to accept Jesus Christ; for the neighbors who are in large number in this field to taste the love of Jesus Christ; for new evangelists to come forward to undertake ministry; for the family of missionary to learn the local language at the earliest.

Saivan: Geddam Srinivasarao &

Medenki Rajyalaxmi

Praise: Harvest festival was grandly celebrated at the Churches of the villages of Sensani, Raipur and Udana. Church construction was completed at Kandra and Kanjat villages. 15 new families are attending Church worship.

Pray: For the dedication of new Church at Kandra village scheduled this month to be gone through without any hitch; for the completion of Church construction at Thilonda village; for land to build LTI and home for children at Udawa village; for the ceasing of opposition at Janaachattiyanaya village.

Friends Focus34 April 2016


Mukhwada: Basavaraja K. & Sanmatha

Praise: Jesus film was screened at four villages. Amidst opposition, people of Kathi Taken are receptive to evangelism.Pray: For permission to be granted by local panchayat to build Church at Khoj and Khandadi villages; for open door to evangelism at the villages of Kabarichchapada, Kolishichchapada, Kundachchapada and Niyal; for Ranu Thukkaram, Kale, Shankar, Prakash, Nawasya and Malkare to accept Jesus Christ.

Igatpuri LTI: Sanjeeb Kumar Andrap &

Swarnalatha Praise: 12 evangelists attended two days training program conducted for evangelists at Alapalli. 35 persons attended training for Sunday School Teachers and 15 elders attended training programme for Church elders under Mokada field.Pray: For the new contact Usha to accept Jesus Christ; for the Church elders of Mokada village to lead witnessing life; for the repentance of anti-Christians who spread false news about the ministry being held at Jhatpuri area.

Jalgaon: Ezekiel Perumal & Grace Elizabeth

Praise: Village head of Vasanthevadi, Pachura, Ramdevwadi, Hatson, Pusawal, Amangabad, Asankeda and Duskala and Panjara people are receptive to Good News.Pray: For missionary to undertake mission work in this field; for the opening of a sub-centre at Pasora taluk.

Gadchandur: Vasava Bhangsingh Moulya &

Yemen Bhangsingh

Praise: 175 persons were benefited through medical camp held at Katki village. Gospel was preached to 12 new persons.Pray: For land to build Church at Korpana Taluk; for Santosh family living separately to be united; for Mothiram, Shakar, Bheam Rao and Moreshwar to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ; for Manju to find a suitable spouse.

Friends Focus 35April 2016






Sittara Region & Pawri Bible Translation: Immanuel

Iraipitchai & Jane Amutha Kirubai

Praise: Gospel of Matthew translated into Pauri language was checked and verified. Translated epistles of Romans and Hebrews were subjected to checking.Pray: For the checking of Matthew, Romans and Hebrews to be verified by linguistic expert; for the preparations of materials for VBS and Adult Literacy program to be undertaken.

Plasner: Channamallappa & Roopa Yalavagi

Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at 11 villages. Baliram was relieved from the shackle of evil spirit. Open door toward evangelism was established

at Hengkwa and Mohanpada villages. Jegadesh has granted us permission to screen Jesus film.Pray: For the villagers of Mandapan who had viewed Jesus film for the first time to accept Jesus Christ; for the launching of worship groups at Nakdiram and Suranma villages.Boradi: Kamalesh Singhbhai &

Gamit Saru Ben, Hepsi

Praise: Bajan programme and night meetings were conducted at four villages. A new worship group was launched at Vankra village. Anitha recovered from renal failure. Pray: For the success and blessings of youth meet, children meeting and worship in this field; for the healing of Heera Bhai from leprosy and Semantha from tuberculosis.

Talasari: M. Shankar & Anandhi

Praise: A new worship groups was formed at Pattilpada village. Suresh Bhai gave up alcohol through prayers. Vijay and Babu have joined the ministry as evangelists. Pray: For no objection certificate to be issued to build church at Kursa village; for the growth of the worship centre at Cery village; for the recovery of Ramji Bhai from cancer.

Friends Focus36 April 2016


Happy BirthdayMr. BENJAMIN B



Boisar: Hemanta Kumar Sabar & Rasmita Rani Rout

Praise: Gospel was proclaimed to 200 persons for the first time. 30 persons enthusiastically attended the prayer meeting held on the hill of Viramkat village. Though Sachin Bhai fell down into deep well God protected him. New night meeting was started at Thalavari village. Pray: For Dharma Raghu and Chandrakala to be firm on their faith; for Sunil Bhai Sachin and Ramdhas to find suitable spouses; for the healing of Kalpana Ben from cancer.

Jawhar: Vijay Babu & Deva Kirubai

Praise: Good News was preached at two villages. Night meetings were conducted at seven villages. Eight new families are attending church worship. Pray: For Kavitha Ben haunted by an evil spirit for one year to be relieved; for the launching of night meetings at the villages of Sugattamba, Saluni, Manipada, Vanganpada, Dehara and Patelpada.

Challisgaon: N. Balaji & Jegadeeswari

Praise: Gospel was proclaimed to 150 persons at four villages. 40

youths attended youth meeting held at Pahal village and 90 persons took part in believers meeting. Ravindra was relieved from alcoholism through prayers. Prayer was continuously undertaken for speech impaired Mayur and God opened his mouth. Pray: For land to build churches at Heerapur and Bahal villages; for Ramakrishna to recover from paralysis; for evangelist to undertake mission work in this field.

AROSE FROM DEATHVijay, son of believer Arjun of Peint field became sick and was admitted in the hospital. Physicians declared that Vijay was dead. The dead body was carried to their place 56 kilometers away for burial. During funeral service, with relatives around, Sona prayed and Vijay arose from death.

Friends Focus 37April 2016




Dahanu: Babu Raj & Mabel

Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at Dandelpada, Navapada and Nangarmoda villages and as a result five new persons attend church worship. The goat belonging to Naresh that was missing for four days returned home through prayers. Pray: For the speedy completion of church construction at Pondgaon village; for committed evangelists to come forward from this field; for the healing of Ramesh and Babu from scabies.


Sumantha & Manoharamma Praise: Backslid Narayanappa is attending prayer meetings now. Muthu, Manju, Jeevan and Bhawan belonging to Wat people group attend prayer meeting enthusiastically.

Pray: For the families of Hanuman and Kadiappa to come into the fold of Jesus Christ.

Malur: Francis Duraisamy &


Praise: 10 persons attend worship being held at Sembe village and they regularly pray at night. Gospel was preached to 80 persons. Pray: For Venkatranappa, Muniappa and Srinivas to give up alcohol; for the husbands of believers to regularly attend church worship; for walk impaired young girl Vennila to get healing.

Nidagundi: Manjya Nayak &

Lamani Ratna

Praise: Good News was propagated at 10 villages. Ratnakar landed government job through prayers. Pray: For sub centre to be opened three places and volunteers to come forward; for the family of Ranu and Madhvi to accept Jesus Christ; for the spiritual uplift of new believers; for the healing of Shavamma Nagani suffering from knee pain for 10 years.

Friends Focus38 April 2016



Happy BirthdayMr. ASIR MOSES S


Fasting Prayer Day

Andhra PradeshSadum:

Prasanth Meesala & RupaPraise: Gospel was proclaimed at Ottalvaripalli and Ainivadipalli. Spiritual meeting was conducted. Believers of Ramapuram church undertake evangelical work. Ramanaiya from Jakivaripalli village who had opposed evangelism is now receptive to Good News. Pray: For new contact Suresh who lost his eye sight in an accident to recover; for Soma family to accept Jesus Christ.

Kolamasanapalli: Vediappan & Lakshmi

Praise: Families of Jothi, Amarnath and Lakshmi newly attend church worship. Rajendar was relieved from the grip of evil spirit. Pray: For the villagers of Kalladu who had listened to Good News to attend church worship; for the domestic problems prevailing in the family of Deepa to be solved and peace to prevail; for the healing of Saroja from renal disease and Narayanappa from paralysis; for Jothi and Raj couple living separately to be united. Ananthpur Regional Office: John David Raj & Gnanasekari

Praise: Soul winners camp was conducted for the first time at Sanepalli village. Our believer Suguna shared the Good News with one of her

relatives afflicted by disease and prayed for her and God granted healing. New night meetings were launched at Pavinagarappalli and Pambireddy villages. Pray: For the repentance of Manju, Seena Ramanju who disturbed and stopped Jesus film show conducted by Gospel Ratham at Srirangapuram village; for Paul Reddy to recover from skin disease and repentance of wife Chandrakala who does not allow her husband from attending church worship.

Roddam: Kenneth Kariyappa & Geetha

Praise: Good News was proclaimed newly at six villages and villagers were receptive to evangelism. Narayanamma was relieved from the clutches of evil spirit and has accepted Jesus Christ. Pray: For those who gave their ears to Good News to accept Jesus Christ; for the couple of Narayanamma and Muthappa to be blessed with a baby.

Friends Focus 39April 2016



Baireddypalli: Vijayakumar & Suseela

Praise: 11 new persons from Alapalli village are attending church worship. Gospel was proclaimed to 326 persons. Pray: For the miraculous healing of four years old boy Pani Kishore whose both kidneys have failed; for Senu, Tulasi and Seethamma to accept Jesus Christ.

Chillamathur: Paul Ravi Raj & Hema Latha

Praise: By the grace of God believers enjoyed good harvest in their fields. Leaders who have undergone training have come forward to proclaim Good News. Kavitha scored 1st class in her B.Sc. nursing course through prayers. Pray: For church construction at Kodigonda village; for village president Balaji to accept Jesus Christ; for Srinivasalu to give up alcohol and accept Jesus.

C.K. Palli: Debadatta Lima, Rajendran

Praise: For the first time night meeting was held in this new field opened at Babireddypalli village. Jesus film was screened at the village. P r a y : F o r N a r a s i m m a a n d Chandureddy receptive to Good News and 50 villagers to accept Jesus Christ; for Sudha married for 10 years to be blessed with the baby.

TAMIL NADUThoothukudi:

Azariah Rajkumar & JebaraniPraise: Om Prakash who came to know about Jesus Christ through believer Rajesh is receptive to evangelism. Open door to evangelism was established at Korampallam. Since the participants of night meetings have experienced positive changes in their life, permission has been granted to conduct weekly meeting. Since Bible tests are conducted in the meetings participants eagerly read Bible. Pray: For Dinesh who argues with believers to accept Jesus Christ; for new contacts residing at Korampallam, Pudukottai and VMS Nagar to accept Jesus Christ; for Madhukar and Kairash to be steadfast in faith; for the launching of Sunday worship and Kandasamipuram viallage.

Friends Focus40 April 2016



LTI – Petamugulalam: S. Jebaraj & Esther

Praise: Follow up ministry was undertaken at three villages. Family gathering of missionaries from Karnataka was successfully held. Wedding of believers’ children Martin and Kanda was solminized. Pray: For more persons to attend and accept Jesus Christ through the night meetings being conducted at the villages of Chanthramthotti, Kumlapuram, and P.G. Palli; for open door towards evangelism at the villages of Arapalli, Athalwadi, Agragaram, Nathapalli and Thimmapuram; for the ceasing of opposition at Kunikal and Marupalli villages.

Thiruvannamalai Region: David Perumal & Stella

Praise: Electricity supply after long gap was given to P.L. Thanda village church. Harvest festival was celebrated at Paramananthal church. Foundation for new church was laid. Pray: For the obstacles against church at Malepappampadi village to be settled; for Naveen, Saktivel, Venkatesh, Michael and Venkatraman to accept Jesus Christ; for the youths of Sorathur receptive to evangelism to come into the fold of Jesus Christ; for a new field to be launched at Kedal area; for Soundar to be relieved from alcoholism.

Patchur: David Nickelson & Ivy

Praise: Good News was proclaimed at two villages. Ministry was started newly at Lakshmipuram village. Pray: For those who received Gospel tracts and copies of New Testament to eagerly read the same; for the villagers of Lakshmipuram, Vilakkanatham and Tolgate who are in claimed to Gospel to accept Jesus Christ; for open door to proclaim Good News among Lambadi people at Thanda village.

REPENTED MAGICIANNarendra of Mansa village, Budhlada field realized that God alone could help him to tide over the crisis in his family. So he attended the Church and accepted Jesus Christ. His mother, a magician, initially opposed her son. But Narendra started praying for his magician mother. She has accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Friends Focus 41April 2016




• Central Cabinet has decided to give free supply of LPG Gas to people living below poverty line.

• Tobacco claims 9 lakhs Indian lives every year. The list of diseases attributable to tobacco use is 78% for stroke, 66.5% for T.B., 85.2% for heart disease, 52% for acute myocardial infarction, 43% for esophageal cancer 16% for lung cancer.

• Scientists claim to have found that polluted air generated in industries in Northern India travels over 2000k.m. and reach hills of Darjeeling and Islands of Sunderbans in West Bengal. Polluted air affects health of mangrove forest of Sunderbans as the soot blocks the stomata of the leaves affecting growth. Some of the soot gets deposited in Bay of Bengal contributing to the increase in sea surface temperature.

• World Happiness Report was published by Sustainable Development Solutions Network for an initiative for the United Nation. The report takes into account per capita GDP, life expectancy, social support and freedom to make choices as indicators of happiness. India ranks 118 out of 156 countries in a Global list of the Happiest Nations, down a slot from last year. Indian neighbours are above India on happiness index.

Friends Focus42 April 2016

David Benny

April 17, 1905 is a much celebrated

d a y i n C h i n a ’ s history. For on this day the great pioneer missionary Hudson Taylor reached China for eleventh and the last time. He was called as the father of “faith missions”. He influenced scores of young people to go as missionaries to China and around the world. People entered missions like never before and God used this humble man who changed the history of missions forever.When Hudson Taylor arrived in China there were only 350 believers in the whole of China. When he died there were over 175,000. When Hudson landed there were less than 80 missionaries in China, mostly in the cities and on the coast. When he passed away there were 3,800 throughout that vast land marching deep into the interiors of China with the Gospel. The largest group of workers was Hudson Taylor’s “China Inland Mission” itself.

H e m o d e l e d h i s mission after George Muller’s orphan work in Bristol, England. M u l l e r s u p p o r t e d

thousands of orphans by faith, through prayer.

The CIM took the same principles, believing that

“God’s work carried on in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” One writer says, “If Hudson Taylor was the ‘father of faith missions,’ George Muller was their grandfather.”Once late in 1886 when praying for hundred missionaries for China in a year, a veteran missionary told him, “I am delighted to hear that you are praying for large reinforcements. You will not get a hundred, of course, within the year…” “Thank you for your interest,” Taylor replied. “We have the joy of knowing our prayers answered now. And I feel sure that, if spared, you will share the joy of welcoming the last of the hundred to China!” By early November 1887, Taylor announced that 102 candidates had been accepted for

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Friends Focus 43April 2016

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service and enough money given to pay for their passage to China!Besides this Hudson Taylor realized that China could not wait for highly educated, ordained personnel. China needed evangelists, not scholars and theologians. Thus Taylor opened the doors to laymen, the working-class, sports persons, farmers, trades-people, artisans, bookkeepers and people of every walk of life poured themselves voluntarily to go as missionaries.Once in 1884-5 Hudson Taylor was preaching in Briton and seven prominent Cambr idge Univers i ty s tudents responded to go to China, including C. T. Studd, a member of England’s cricket team. They brought revival to Britain as they toured the universities. Their example inspired hundreds of recruits for the CIM and other mission societies. In 1888, Hudson Taylor visited N. America. It was an historic

visit. Taylor’s first stop was Moody’s conference in New England, US. This historic conference founded the Student Volunteer Movement (SVM) for Foreign Missions. The motto was adopted “The Evangelization of the World in This Generation.” Over the next 30 years, the SVM sent out over 8,000 workers to fulfill this mission.In April, 1905, Taylor returned to China for one last time. He passed away on Saturday, 3 June, 1905, age 73 in the capital of the last province opened to the gospel. He was buried beside his first wife, Maria and four of their children. The gravestone inscription reads, “... A man in Christ.” May God use every missionary likewise to save hundreds of souls perishing into eternal hell every day in our nation. May ordinary common folk, young men and women of every walk of life rise like waves once again that Gospel may reach every person in our nation.

Friends Focus44 April 2016

IntroductionSanthal tribe is the third largest tribe in India. They mostly live in West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand and Asom and the total population is 82,00,000. In Jharkhand alone Santhal population is 30,49,000. This tribe follows the religion called Sarna. Traditionally the Santhals possess an organized system of Judiciary and make every necessary effort to solve various social problems by themselves which is arising inside their community. The Santhal comm- unity’s head is known as Manji Hadam. He is considered to be the chief of the judicial, executive and various other functions in the society.

The beginning of FMPB ministry among

Santhal People Group

• We started the ministry among Maltos in 1978 and there was a mass people movement in the 90s. The Maltos live in hill areas. When the Maltos accepted Jesus Christ their lives changed. The Santhals noticed the transformation among the Maltos and asked the Malto missionaries to share the Gospel to them. Thus the ministry among Santhals started in a small way by the Maltos. By the immense grace of God, the Santhals responded well to the Gospel and the survey was done in the year 1990 and decided

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Friends Focus 45April 2016

to open mission fields among Santhals.

• Four fields were opened by Eastern Region from 1991 to 1993 among Santhal people group under the leadership of Mr. Arumainayagam (Reg.Sec).

• The Pioneer Missionaries in the four fields are Mr. Ponraj Jacob family, Mr. K.V Chandran family, Mr. Prabahara Sarathy family and Mr. S. Jebaraj family

• Then based on the good response among Santhal people group the North Eastern Region was bifurcated from Eastern Region with four fields among Santhals and two other fields in North Bihar in the year April 1993 with the leadership of Rev.Muthumani.

We praise God for the wondrous things God has done in the last 25 years among Santhal people. When we look back the years, it was a humble beginning and great plan of God to start the glorious ministry among Santhal people. “No eye has seen and nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those love Him” 1 Cor. 2:9

We acknowledge God's doing in

all the years and give all glory and honor to our living God. Now there are 93000 believers, 600 congregations and many churches were built. Believers learned to give sacrificially even in the midst of poverty. They are supporting 45 pastors fully, 10 missionaries in FMPB and major programs.

Now the evangelists who were ordained have taken up the responsibility of the churches to nurture. 30 evangelists and 3 of their wives are doing BTS course. We have trained them in various levels and now sent 39 boys and girls to Bible colleges to develop 2nd line leadership of the church and 25 boys and girls are studying BA, B. Sc, BBA, B.Tech, DE and LLB. The samithi sent evangelists to nearby West Bengal state to preach the Gospel and sent 10 missionaries to different state as fulltime missionaries through FMPB.

Silver JubileeIt is a thanks giving celebration of 25 years of FMPB ministry among the people group Santhal. The theme is “I will Praise the Lord and I will make His faithfulness known through all generations” Ps. 89: 1 On 4th

Friends Focus 45April 2016

Friends Focus46 April 2016

March evening people gathered in the ground of Bhatikandor village, Amrapara field. Around 18000 people gathered over there. We conducted meetings in three groups youth, children and adults. Our former General Secretaries Mr. Patrick Joshua and Mr. Stephen Joyson, President Mr. John Samuel, Treasurer Mr. Mani Samuel, former Secretary Field Mr. Israel Devadoss came and witnessed the celebration. Pastor Cicil Marandi was the main speaker for our celebration. The Bishop of ECI Rajmahal Diocese Rt. Rev. Patras Malto and the Bishop of Methodist Church Rt. Rev. Philip S. Masih were there for the inaugural ceremony on 5th morning. On 6th Sunday there was a communion service

which was blessed by one more Bishop of ECI Rt. Rev. Isaac Mangalraj. In the Service 10 FMPB missionaries (6 are Santhal believers) were dedicated by the Local Samiti. It was a happy occasion. The local people are supporting these 10 missionaries from March 2015. There was a prayer of dedication by Rev. Israel Devadoss for all the 500 church elders. On 6th evening those who attended the meeting committed themselves to follow Jesus Christ with family till end, to live in love in the congregation, to live a witnessing life in the village, to bring the unreached people in their village, to bring the unreached Santhals in other states, to send their children to reach the unreached people in other parts of India, to sponsor a

Friends Focus46 April 2016

Friends Focus 47April 2016

missionary by every prayer cell.Our prayer group members from Tamil Nadu also witnessed this occasion which encouraged our missionaries. The pioneer missionaries who worked among Santhals, now working in other areas also participated and we honored them. They shared their experience as a pioneer missionary in the meeting.

Youths 3000 youths participated in this camp. There were choreography, skits, group discussions etc. In the group discussion they discussed about the marriage, addiction of alcohol. After the discussion many of them decided not to get married in young age and not to take alcohol. Lastly 114 people committed themselves to live holy life, 7 persons committed themselves for the full time ministry.

Children Around 2000 children partici- pated. The stories were based on the theme “I will praise for the blessing I received and will tell others”. The stories were told in common. Later they were divided into groups based on the age group where they learnt

Bible verse. Games, Bible Quiz were also conducted. Children enjoyed very much.

Future focus • Making indigenize missionary Diocese • Sending Missionaries to other states and supporting the missionaries • Through our believers bringing whole villages into Christ in the present targeted area• Reaching whole Santhals (8200000 in India)• Reaching nearby people groups• Educating and motivating the children to get the education by available sources • Developing second line leadership in all level.

May God continue our ministry among the Santhals till every Santhal knows, experiences and accepts the love of Christ. FMPB extends its thanks and greeting to all the former and present Santhal missionaries and the prayer group members.

Friends Focus 47April 2016

Friends Focus48 April 2016

Introduction:When the believers’ numbers increased, the missionaries felt the need of educating the believers’ children. First we started the children home with the help of sister organizations like Bethel and NSM. When the need increased we started the child care projects of our own. Purpose:1. To develop second line leadership for our newly formed churches, because most of the first generation believers are illiterates.2. To give good education to children of believers who migrate to other places for work.3. To give quality education to believers’ children who do not have access to any other form of education.4. To protect our children from indoctrination of other faith through educational institutions. 5. To make the children good citizens of the nation. 6. To have good believers in Govt. jobs as good models there. We have three types of project:1. Hostel: The children stay with us

and only on holidays they go home. We provide

food, education, accommodation, health and spiritual uplift.

2. Child Development Centers(CDC): In this, children come to the project for 3 to 4 hours and they attend tuition, devotion and then go to school. We provide one time food and snacks, tuition, health and spiritual care.3. Primary School: In this project the children are with us from morning to evening. We provide two time food, health care, education and spiritual care.Training programmes:1. Training for the in-charges We train Project- in- charges to equip them to achieve the goal. 2. Training for the staff.In every project we have staff to help our in-charges to develop the children. We conduct training for such people. Through this they get motivation and proper guidance to help the children. In one such programme in Gujarat during the witness time the Netrang hostel staff said “I decided to leave this ministry, but after this training I re-dedicate myself to do this ministry till the end of my life”.

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Friends Focus 49April 2016

3. Spiritual programme for the cook and other staff:We conduct spiritual programme to encourage the workers of the projects. This year we conducted in Gujarat and it was very encouraging. All the cooks were very happy and they got motivation.4. Leadership development training: We conduct training for selected children to equip them as leaders for the project. We teach the following topics1. Basic Christian teachings2. Discipleship3. Leadership After such training many children commit their lives to Christ and decide to live a holy life. 5. Special spiritual camps for childrenThis year we conducted special spiritual camp for 50 selected children and all the children accepted Jesus as their personal savior.OutcomeOur hostel children are doing well in their studies. From Taloda Mr. Sandip S. Valve is doing his MBBS 2nd year in Pune and Sanjay S.Valvi is doing his BVSc and four are working as missionaries in FMPB. From Jhansi home 10 are working as missionaries in FMPB. Mr.Satesh from Khergam home is working as warden in Sarasmal boys home managing 300 boys. Mr.Tukaram, after finishing his M.A from Peint hostel, joined as an assistant warden in Sarasmal boys’ home. Most of the senior children are involving in evangelism in holidays; they conduct VBS in other villages. ProblemDrop out is a major problem in the children homes and the children drop out is due to the following reasons.1. Home sick: In the beginning stage the small children leave the project because of home sick

2. Teenage problem: Some of the children when they go home for holidays, hear many stories from friends and they feel hostel is not free to enjoy this and drop.3. No awareness about education: Because of poor awareness about education among children and parents, they drop4. Child marriage: Sometimes the parents arrange marriage for the children because of the culture, especially girls. The boys get married because the parents become old and no one is in the home to help in cooking and agricultural work. Praising God for:1. Good accommodation provided for the Sarasmal boys home after long time prayer 2. Successful training programme for the children in Gujarat and in Tamil Nadu3. Successful training for the staff of the Gujarat projects. 4. Sangvi, Taloda, Sarasmal boys & Girls homes, Netrang, Khergam, Khanvel, Peint, Allapalli children homes got computers for the children from Mumbai professional team, and the training given by them. Pray for: 1. Pray that the drop out should be stopped2. All the enrolled children to accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior3. At least 1 out of 10 students to come for full time ministry.4. Needed committed local staff to join the child care ministry.5. Infrastructure to be developed. 6. This year from Malto 151 children are writing 10th exam and 100 children are writing 12th exam. From FMPB projects 200 children write 10th and 100 children write 12th exam. Pray that they may write the exam well.

Friends Focus 49April 2016

Friends Focus50 April 2016





John Kumar was born in a remote village Kodivilai of Kanyakumari district Tamil Nadu, the elder son of Mr. Chellapan and Mrs. Regina. When he was doing ministry as Church assistant during his studies, he attended the FMPB youth camp which was conducted in Neyoor CSI Church in November 1990 and accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. Then he started to involve in FMPB ministry as a part timer in his area. He committed his life for full time ministry in the year of 1991 through the message of Mr. P. Samuel in the TELC church premises Nagercoil. He joined Nagercoil promotional office as a volunteer and started ministry there. And in the year 1993 he joined as a full time missionary and went for training at Bethel Bible Institute – Salem. He was sent to Nazareth (Thuthukudi district) for promotional ministry after completion of his training. Then he joined Gideon Jeep team ministry (North West India) and got privilege to serve in Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. He went to Muzaffarpur (Bihar) for Hindi training for one

year. He was placed in Ghattampur and Pukhrayan fields and Delhi zonal office. While doing ministry in Delhi he was ordained on 09.11.2007 by the Rajasthan CNI Diocese. Sis. Jijila is the third daughter of Mr. Arumairaj & Mrs. Mary Stella of Thittuvilai, Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu. Her parents were very much involved in FMPB ministry. When she was studying in 10th std she attended the Gideonites meet at Nagercoil where she accepted Jesus as her personal savior. In1995 she attended the state conference at Bethel (Salem). Through the message God intervened with her to commit her life for full time ministry. She joined FMPB in the year of 1996 and completed the training in the same year in Jhansi U.P. Then she was placed in Gonda for BCC ministry (Bible correspondence course).John and Jij i la were married on 28.05.1998. As a family they worked in Jhansi office for a short period and Bansi field of Lalithpur District (U.P). They were placed at Akhnoor (Jammu and Kashmir) in October 1999 and continued ministry till 2006. They served at Nowshera for one and half years among Chowdhiri, Rajputh and Ramdasa people. Then they were given the responsibility of Himalayan Region covering Himachal Pradesh & Jammu and Kashmir. At present they are working in the Field research Department.. God has blessed the couple with two sons, elder son Jijo Philip Sam studying in 11th std and younger son Jino Ebenezer Sam studying in 8th std at Donavur. Let us uphold the missionary family in our daily prayers.Friends Focus50 April 2016

Rev. John Kumar & Gnanalin Selva Jijila family

Rev.John kumar Mrs.Jijila John

Jijo Philip Sam Jijino Ebenezer Sam

: 06.02.1972: 31.12.1978: 04.11.1999: 18.06.2003

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Friends Focus 51April 2016

Rev. Sibi Selvin Sam & Mrs. Jeya Gowri family

Rev. R. Sibi Selvin Sam Jeya Gowri Sam

Shechaniah Johny Sam Shena Benny Sam

: 08.02.1970: 10.05.1971: 19.01.2000: 11.12.2002

Friends Focus52 April 2016Friends Focus52 April 2016