Download - 1,11 "Hear to L*»u Bg9gS!E - RICHES MI


V/iM ,v' f ■ V

Secretaries Need F Good Mend Care; / Also File Clerks F

Hind can Involve* f small In- vestment-in tlm*. money, or both. J,» !» .- '* *n«. -9* “luxury ofttn' neglect their hands. |{

’leaving tril-lal* imprint* uf their * carelessness. cl

Nolle* th* typist: She'* likely *' to have broken nails You cart ■nmetinies tell * file clcrlt by hsr hang notla. Faetnry work 1* likely "j to keep a worker'* Hand* and nails edge<J In black, too, These hand mark* art more than occupational, g however, and do not impreva wi'h » time. T

| If a girl i* doomed to D.-!ttT« -nailr, naturally they 111 bicak-at a vj typewriter. But If .ho rouigiiues | p that they map of/ whan typing or lv pulling up a girdle, and kaap* them short and rounded, ahu ll not haVa Uto ptubltnu fbr.avttif tcaion' p though, theta girl* are addicted w to long pointed /ingar nail* in various degree* of lingth, tha re- - suit of conitant breakage. Fra- qj queut ouffinga, «.,• movsig* and a weekly manicure will htlp. (f

Hangnail* often ara canted by — having tha cuticle cut too clste. I A little medication over a bad r

Mr*, llclan Ruin Shafer, 43- died'hangnail and an adheelve itrip toill aid healing. *d

piscusslonsFpr Prodiic^ M arkefcMariooer* ConfaN

a i . . . 1 * . . .r; "Imtiortenl and. f»r reaching,1,11 "Hear to L*»u XrtiiU bnd VeyoUbl**- Fresh from, Farmer’* Level to Tletall Le**l'!| 'Market Manager* Problem*' * Wholesale and Jletall'i 'Ktat* and

ftm w S fa *?r«: re ■ Jnveini* 4.«ert ■ from fu/^*'an4'from^fkiii*

rir.iter* were, obfglii.

Judgd.Hoi/**hpldei* reporud'thl* morning that II children 'rcpari«J to him. dur.nj like month while on proliUoh. • '

Qna child, th* judgf. ccltj.- Va* placed Into (tie ear* or Mother Wilma (o be. under Court idpcfJ v 1*1 op for m. indcNnitp. tinea,.

On* e*to .coming beiort’. Uje JuvaoUato w .', iavolyed- lajfliwM l daughter pf ggrfnf.. Ily tng^ an adjacent county .wKo-allowed ihrir child to. coma, to Sanford Ur.:word bteiute ah* W o o l to Ittind

B g9gS!E;ity - Owned and Onrrated Mar-j

ltD. Ha MW S lM Wit debt Of it offlclalt wji* W *

t!on of tha National Ataociatlon af Produce Market . Manager* convening at the Hie*’ llotrl in Houston, T*xa», March 6-7," ac­cording to L. H. Uwl*. Director of Florida Stale Farmers Mar- hits, who. plane, to attend tha meeting accompanied hy R. B- Alvarer, Assistant pirector,

A Vlce-Fretldent and Cbairmhn of the Research Policy and Activity CprrtmltWe In the Nalloii- a| Atioelatloh, UwU »Ul«d,-'*Tna objective of thla Association U

’K*mp*on, .of AupiUgry Air

vtkmah gbrtian program Mid-

PLANNING TUB FAMILY1 LIFE INFTJTUTB *t am eetlnt yetjerday at Seminole High(loft to right, front) Mra. R. W. Will lam*.’-Dr. Robert J. Schmidt, Mts, W. E. Giles. and Smith. (In Back) Walter Teague, Herold Heckanheirh. and Andy Bracken. (Staff Photok

fncgltiee of the Amaricaa: ln- rrcaiing llw aorvlee that Amer­ican market* render to the pub­lic, the producer* of marketable rood*, and tho , dUtrtbutora who avail thcmeelvea of market*; promoting cooperation »nd ei change of Informellon between varlou* American market*! nit- iating and epoperating with other egenele* In Iha preparation and aunport of dcelrnblo legislation and administrative rule»i nmk- Ing recommendation regarding research ‘ riudiaa and mh«r ac'iv It's* btneflrlal to marketing! and working (or the adoption and practice * of hlnh mnrkat stand­ard). The meeting a) planned promt*** to. be one of tho n.ort ouHlend'ug .meeting* In the hi»- lorv of the orgnniiatlon !reel It worth n nianager* time and elfoit to allcnd."

In hi* weskly report on nctlv* itie* at th* Hanford iJtatc Fnrnj- rrn Market, Manager Sandy And- ersori »*)'* that h* feel* "A price tranufunion on cabbage and celery

Spotlight On Hollywoodstation ot tjir modem, f FldOCfeat jeftbol- ;■Hew-fcii — »eT .t , i* ; ,

Civic'LeaderBeach Beouties Of 1956 Will Be Vivid A* Confetti

EDITOR'S NOTE:Deeplte tome faltering tn Ita

etUDomy, La* Vegaa lUll gogrv out mor* |p>d to entertainer* than hat any place in tha Uplary af ibow buiiiiaia, In . a three • part trrlet, Bob Tbomaa iturvayi tha

keep it protected,If ona finger *eemt mere trouble- tom* In this reaped, th* problem i» eerily eolved by wearing-a rub­ber cover over the nail. The** may ba bought In itatlonery (tores.

Factory girl* might avert their problem by wearing ona of .tha protedlv# cream* before »tabling a mttiy Job. Rub tha cream under tho nail* too. It’ll maka It aatler to remove dirt after th* Job la don*. , .

Atl working glrle should keep

at 2 o'clock Salutdey ,minting In a Broektvllle Hovpltal from In- Juries received In an automobile accident. ,

She wa* born Feb. S, 1913 in Karnak, Tex and made her home at Orange Home, Fla, She former­ly lived in Sanford.

Mr*. Shafer i* survived hy four tIMer*: Mr*. A. H. Davi* of Leetburg: Mr*. N. A. Harkey Sr, Mr*. J. E. Spear*, and Mr*. Lrola Dixon, all of Sanford; three

ro tl, rtfpaetei’ Nagro oiitefl *waj Batur

I, riiert illneii. htrn In Soclaty Hill,

il-arid came to Sanford go, whera kg flrat- wa*

hittory of enlcrtaUimeni I* thla modern El Dorado, analyte* tha type* of liars «h« *tttreed and fall there and review* the p#*ri- Mlitlr* of achieving more reallitlc

[ TW‘ N*gr° civie iaadar and buib ROfrnuri mid# hie ’home on Sam ford Avc. '

B# •*■' survived by his wUe. u t l P. C. Brock and one daujh. tefr Mr*. Beatrice Oor* of Atlan- tapffa. where »h# woa tjw dlroetor of Dio music departmni of Pine High School.

Funeral lervicc* will b* bold lu Hifwaw.-altirnocn at 2 o'clock f i d P a u l Mlulonary Church.


• Here'* VogrHM • -*‘War* Hat" <* tbe kaynoli to till wew lilt cotlttllcns. This *t*ma from th# M k r b*(i htrotfui^ed In F«Hi last- Aujuri. Thl* Spring, In­stead or bring tod hish-fathlon and "nftt-for;tpe," they con bo ween by ajmojt everyone

Moit often thoro u height In the efrian,; aa in,'tho lintytinY hilt grC anlda. One wbii# it raw h»« an oyerrite crown, the lire af a birth Joy ciko. »nd a liny hrim hden w|lh pink and white bios- lopi*. t

Oa Iha oilier Hand. F'e tailor*


Hihlafure lube pm* . i f , fun,1” hr • •#!( I «• i.Hi#1. )lM)t pain abmit Ihrc--

your ringer, .tha tnp rprinpn hack Cool and feniQvs the tittle cakes front the nan* by lb* reihc

Wide ind-Handtomt” for the n il hat* and

LTiaCO at k i t lor a laity ria- JT* aar, w>lli,»uu#«lont for *’f rr* thing from aoup l* pi*, olere* br the A i P Sarvlc* ror Mouemakers tor your mala meal ihli 8aa*ar, ■ermaig.

TOMATO ANP PEA BOUI'. Pul aogliat* af 10’* ounce cm h * aoup atd 1 0 ’ouoce .c** |*n»*lo aoup lageftritg r*na Dilute aath with one

’ asp *it»r. Heat )uiii* belllag. Half 411 M .amn* dlihaa wjlb lemua aoup, Ibeo 111 with tea :aup. Stir -alllkllr* to live awlrliil eCael. iS ^ V ( j j |A V L o |F niowd |I ,

. pouna* cjoprel bail, bfli poual ukaaga OMi. Ipir IH ilM ti aalt. U.kutpood pepparj opdtrgoeplaa. K'jicsU. cup qdlr'-cuariox relied oa(a, which, bgve kaea rubbed be­tween the pslwa of th* h«ndl, and

'I f f cdhk Milk.- Pack lil* a l-by-A* .>! 13-ineh if*» pan. Siki Id a mad- arita pee a (or 1*4 ktufa, LH lUad life fulooiee hriora *H :lag. POPPY ■UKU'NOOIH.Efl; Cook aa loune*

- patkeg* broad nuodha In belling saltig water about |J mlaulci, or liaill leader- Praia, add 4n rup

. ’ilsrid Irom nail lost gca cat uro UfUtpaeas poppy i n J. .MU' lightly

' aad.arraaa* oa mwt platter. Top with dviriappln* allcaa at a< leaf, AIPAIUUL'S. Cook tws IJ- •Ubu* ‘ yukatea (rettn aaparagua ta|bbiltpk. tailed water, following R atal* leiirutumi. oral* and add,

/M fteT'W .'ff.'IS!j Mila altarp hair*, cui a round loaf

af woui rja braid la cabaa, aat alia- tag thtcvgh lot tern onitt. aland fair takiroon gtrjle i*lt with 1/1.

• mritad W i*r #r aariariatt ifflWd lal* evu la broad. Baht i \ •via with mddi. loaf Ua laat II

. MfUtSI. LH.VON. IPONOB PIBi (ifa ahMild la-nida atrip la U*

.< da> tad eeoiad.) Mia ** euphugar,, Hltbp malted hattar ar margarine,

UwuPjEear, tve * u r t lp , alldkup 'r ft*a!enkgfM*t riad and fate* of tw*’ ‘ iamoumaai rod cup milk. Carefully . Tirol l u n i f i whUta, beaten until ■ MW bid i l l dry. pear late uabakag., -< -g Bald, la mpaarata


LAKELAND lil—Florida South­ern College, one of Iht South’* old­est Methodist institutions, today ila tti celebrating Its Hit birth- day. .

If* Ihe annual Founder*' Weekwhich will continue through next Sunday, 17111 afternoon a IM-Qoat and unit perada whipped up inter- eat of iha horaafofhi in Iha. cele­bration. ,

0ne of tha big events ia th* an-

oday’s modem farmwife, besides uiing ihe familiar larger appliance!, reliea on scares of smaller appliances, too. Toast* era, mixers, electric cooking utensils, vacuum cleaners, and othor handy elec*

.trie helpers lighten her housework, givo her added leisure for happier Florida living.

nual “Leaden of Florida'* banquet Friday night when Gov. Colllna D tha main speaker,

la*tea a Ktry ihlp, foliated hr her father, Th*---- . **n«d •■geiveolr" in Oeed Heuae-

.............Jr. Truman was President..omal rorrai* that her father waa relurlant lw tun In trod, aad *h» admits lhat aha was disappointed

rillar*, from Mia* Tr*m«ni,1lf« alary keeptag magstlaa, wa* takeA When Mi !, );ifn Mr story Mila TrnmaB rtvrala tfee iha ViSe-Preaidtftfy In lfdd.1 -- ‘ ___________ _______who* her parly plana were caaroUad an the night of President ReaMvaJt'a

^ hw V tMmM***1/ IttaepkialkaUd, and Mlaa Trumanla d ta t a f l r f t a h in dasaiflSSt th* day-to-day aetlvltloa of th* N il- dnstl famUr aad Uo groat a£l near rreal aha mil la the Whit* Heoro.

O. D. Farrell 310 B. Firpt For 10 veari thla atora haa conalatentiy observed tha fri-lowing hour*!Wo*k day* • a. m. to d ill p. m. Saturdaee • a, tn. to 7:M p. m.

Cliwud from 7 ill p. m. Saturday uatll • a. m, m » RED-I-MIX

K O N C R E T EMiracle Concrete


Arcade PackagdCompanyIS -r* 109 Kfa-v-r., a-,- -W'r

| ~ “ - * ■ ' i i r < ? * - -

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t- 0 (


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$ 7 ^*

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week.Un April 20. ISM. Ihn Hotel

tlivlers premiered with l-iherace and brother George heading the ,how. Their igiary: *13,000 a week. (The hotel in publicity releases In­flated this to SSO.OUO).

There two events marked the beginning and the peak nf the gicatcnt hoiiiinta in Ibc bislory ol live rnleitalnment No show place

wcutd tic ptcadng lo grower*.The Iimrkol on ti-ese ronumiJ-

111 rn line I .'niBinerf, for tbe puvl three wee1,*, »l low level* forbeg* and crataa.. Ruriheao ehooed ..... ..................... .

r r-i.-TiriT -t, - -■■■ an Improveincnl tbi* week over on em-nj.noi #vcn Broadwsy InPew bathing tolls, and skillful, with 20,133 paekuge* aiid “ ilhm roaring '20.v—has so richly re daalgn five* a JenT-lfyncd look yn|n .ticn Incline of T-t,-7'-V;l0 lw<rded entertainer*. Lari year preoitn ihert-lagRad gpli.d . i fhf-tfetjd toward drari fnrii'ong (ladbbvh, with rngny, 'n»v->r< >« — ------------- i_as g.r(„mat thine or cnnrdlnr.icd aklre, Con,el U;ef (hum* co ked) I* s )lfi ^ nol h over' rm iur n I , , ' P?".'1 "> ■ « « / r 'night. Only ihe most' vialonary. . J R f i ^ i t f f c j T u T ltlsUl M,r,,ern " i,fn 1( , Il , , vould hate anticipated Ihe future In the P'*'1'* "'W be dll ev*r the loni n r .n '- r , liny n li'ic ' nf 1 * , ,u.,,., I<lr|v tlita tn Dit 'to*

L-ta i ptfic# (hi* tes'on, along wj'h vivid frtrnsd heif ihpl « » sJw around W___ y , L.,. -aIM ..I* ,. _ 1,1. , . . .I . , . . .1

waa set for Uirea weeks at theNew Frontier at 130,000, backing out mlbuiet before show lime. Bet­ty HutUm reportedly earned 1100,- 000 for Hlrea weeks at- the Desert fan. Betty Grsb|e and Harry James warp booked Into tho Royal Nevada at- $27,300 a week, but. the place folded before they rouli} collect.

Of the four hotels that opened In 1933, two (Royal Nevada' and Moulin Rouge) are now (lark and ona (Dune*) ia only ranting roams, hiving cloud He casino and night club.

But lop enlertalne-a fin still draw fantastic salaries: Hare are lume of the weekly paychecks: Martin and Lewis, $27,000: Maurice ri.avalier, S27.AOO; Frank .Sinatra, &5.000: Lana Horne. **2,500; Don­ald O’Connor, SW.ono; Marlene Dietrich, S20,000; Kay Starr, 223.00. So you can sro that Las Vagas docs pay off—for performer.*, at any rate.

(Tomorrow: Why nm r Mara fall la Lai Vegas, Hew talent Is tboseaK

hrolhen: F. M. English of San ford, J. E. English nf Dsyiona^ hand cara kit In a locker or deal Beach, and G. W. English nf Gulf- if hands would be smooth. A etlff port. Miss. 'brush, soap, cuticle oil, emery

Funeral services weir liokl at t board, nail polish and band lotion o'clock this afternoon nt llriMnn ar* Just a fewFuneral Home with Ibc Brv. Milton props.It. Wyalt olllrlaltng. During the day ua# th* nail

Burial was in Evergreen Ceme-, brush, file with th* emory board tcry. | after a session at th* work sta­

tion, certainly before lunch. OnaLaurel race track will npen l(a

spring ni cel ing on April II. It will run through May 3.

popular hand lotion now comas packaged in * trio—one for work, one for handbag, on* for tha desk •


* Wonder E u lerA Beautiful Opitton< P o r t r a i t photograph of yourself or child will make an Idea! Easier r repentfor friends or relativtMCj.

Jt’s ynure for onljr 89 cents (a regular 8.50 vnlue) if you present ad within 10 day* at our s t udi o . No appointment necessary.'

NICHOLS STUDIO110 Magnolia At*.

Sanford, Fla.

.leaT-Kg^cO. inou ynj||,,j!CB Inellnn of 'warded entertainer*. Last yesv*gR*d eriv-- over Or prmiiimr ■week, '{i* “ {between II and 20 million dollars ward ertlerflblet m lotolad B3.7f3 unite of 31, varl*!)®* « #rc r -td foe Inlenl at the night ;|vo spread* Jo tha vvit|( # v.v'ualen of ll-i,8bJ.-3 nionj (|, glitiering Las Ve-ny, *uII» fttfnrhg -------------------- . L „ . , rln * *

«nmn l VIM, MC(1».

-,i, timnig the acts that played Baneho were Fran Narric »t MOD n week, an enlire

ilva po'trd*. C » r , . —-j n> h were Frank Fay and Annevvater,. In » b'lRc nn'1 nUtl ., ,a„n . ....t, ... .„n.»

cx 'n irn innings! )w p*r „ . _a lav I,-1f „r Ivo, ,«>ry Trvue alarrina Man* HofcnblBunia garlic clt vc, n jialf dn‘ 11 *1.000.

about tbre-- tn «*n't e'ovei, sente i»1#ry **’!'»1 Cttl '"'rinev, was good, aided Jjy . quaritra full and bnkr ihrtu in un<| « slibnl cntnl. Bring the he fun-seeking (, I. » at Nevada

for Soring ara Brimful of Interest. % nlpderal* oven nh-ut twenty va '-r in a bull, i.ioi.i .-mi - |ba-cs during wartime. On Oct. 2t and oflch Lhocrowns arq deedrir'ln ni|nuies. sTbr c»k„ Will ■ lu ‘Ilona bccf-i-nvcu-d -intd v ry temlcr. 1942, a second hotel, the Lastthis* hats too,'ivlnn Hie salltr a If, ,ftcr loueh’ng It Jlghlly with The simmer nx w; i Into four Froijllrr, opened up on Ibc strip

■ boor* or more rn .leave plenty nf The com petition, between Die twotime for Ibis p ep*ration, ’Slb-e -j.imbilns eslablfshments boosloJ I ho coi iirii lire/ and arms with prices for entertainers a bit. bul

/'High, Wde and Pretty” for the method ycu us* fur a larg* puinto rnlnd and ml* daw, hut ihcro were still plcnly of acts to

MaigaVr.l: Tvunmii W illi Her Ucsi Friend

go arhtmd.The start of Ihe real boom can

be dated Irom lOifl, when Hie gaudy Now Flamingo appeared It was operated by a man whose name La* Vegas would like lo forgel—Bug.y Slegal, The veteran of tb# underworld and film society —later shot In Beverly Hills in a murder never solved—flew over a parcel nf celcbrlllei frnm Holly­wood. The premiere show was Lhe most spectacular Las Vegas had yet seen-Jimmy Duranl*. Xavier Cugat's band, Rosa Marie, Tommy Wonder,

The Thundcrhlrd appeared tn 191#, followed two yeara later by Ihe Drsrrt Inn. Th* Skrah* and Sanda came In 'M2, and Ihat'a when prices for lop stara alarted aky- rocketing.

The Hd blew off In 1P33 when no fewer than four multi-million dollar hotel-casinos opened Iheir -door* and one of Ihe ploncera, renamed the New Frontier, was completely refurhlihed.

Liberate appear# lo have won


The big news today the Florida fanning icene Shhe big iwitch to electricity I . . . vividly dramatized by Florida'i modem packing and pre-cooling plant*. Powered by electricity, these plants are a vita! link between lhe farmer and hi* markets. . , another "powerful" factor in better, more profitable Florida finningt


ciatlnt assisted by lh« Rev.' An­gus Mrinnl* of Sanford. -.

Mr. Turley msird away h H'm- )'n*ton W. Va. aO#r a iqng ill- nen. Ha was a former r#sld*nt of (Wando. and Elder of 1h# First Prrsbylerlan Churoh’ «f Oriindn. and a member nf the N. P. Yowril Bible Class nf that church. H# was retired from iht Charleston Trrnsit Co.

Besides Jtn. Stln?, hr Is iur- vlvrd bv one, riauthter, ‘71ra. M. F. Frailad if -Ashland, Ky., aad two grandson*.

Active Pallbearer* were: j . Gor­don Hart, Dr. R.‘A Crandall, E. P. Levin, Dr.1 H. ft, EthlauL and Walter Parr

Honorary Pallbearara warn the Elders of th* Flrat Preabytariaa Church of Oriando.

Burial waa In Woodlawn Coma- tery. *

Jr locker. It I* delicately «c*pt*d and now contains allsntriit, laid ed, cut, crackad, chapptd or trri* to be a healing agent for scratch, tiled hands.


WeatherPertly eleudy end warm with •

few widely ncettrred shower# j through Wednesday; Law toy. night

"The itinJard operating equip­ment (or perenli of teenagers s.iuuld bo a shock-proof constitution- the ability to «oll with the puochei,patience, love and a deep under* standing o( the make-up of youth," Dr. Robert J. Schmidt, Assistant Professor in tho School of Social Vclfare, Florida Stale University,

S3T ■■

Tells GroupGreatIs

AN INIIKHKNDBNT d a il y n e w s p a p e r


i f m t l dTUESDAY, m ATu i I 6, 1D56


W. HIGH DUNCAN* ★ ★ ★"justice Of Peace To Be Candidate For Re-Election

I •miu u n it uuu i ■! mo r i i i u i / u«il »'•I Institute, told his audience o( par- , j i rnts Inst night at Seminole High P School.

In Die flrsl n( two classes to be held for adults, Dr. Schmidl said. ‘ (Jur problem is lo bridge thu gap or two generations.''

Parenthood Is the greatest career on earth and is also the grealcsf responsibility, he said, and added,God ordained the family even be­fore the Church.

Dr. Schmidt pointed out Ihe 13 provisions for the parents' rcsoon sihility as homemakers.

Tncy were, In their order: tl)To mold lives and develop good citizen*. (2) neiponsiDlli.-y of men­ial and physical development. • 3) Responsibility of helping flu child

Justice of the Peace W. Hugh mean, announced today hli can- Jacy for re-election of the office

of Justice of the Peace, Fourth District, in Seminole County, sub­ject lo the Democratic Primary of May.'!.

b "1 deeply appreciate the confi­dence bestowed upon me by the people In electing me to serve them duflng this four yeer term, and have at all tlmee made myself end my services available to the iWople and the reace Officers at gny and all hours when called up- on." Dupcan iald .In m»kjp| Jjla apr.cuncement. ' •" *

lit said, “During my present tc.'tn I hive handled almost 2,000 criminal cases and processed them


DON DALES★ ★Local Auto Dealer

75,000thLanding Made

Heavy Attack Squadron Five while conducting carrier qualifica­tion operations aboard the USS Coral Sea recently had Ihe honor of completing the 73,000th leading made aboard that ship.

Lt. BU) Hill and Aviation Elec­tric n 2 c Edward Crlssman, both resldcnla of Sanford, wero awarded a glaot decorated cake honoring Ihe avenl by Coral Sea skipper, Capl. WUliam E. Gcnlner.

As Die memorable landing teas made at night, the usual cere­monies of having Ihe rake shared by Ihe ship's deck crew were dis­pensed with. The cake was airlift­ed under guard, to the U.S.N.A.A.S. where all hands of VAH-5 helped dispose.of it In the customary man ner. ,

The 73.000th landing also marked Hill becoming Ihe first "Savage Son" to complete lh* squadron's day-nlght-all-wealhcr carrier land­ing syllabus In Ihe Ad aircraft.

This week Ihe squadron It con­ducting exercises aboird Ihe USS Randolph, a carrier newly con­verted to the angled Right deck.

■ ' H .l ' —Awaoelaled Pres* I.ejjv+d Wire

Tuscaloosa Publisher Says Authorine Lucy's ReturnWould Have Proved

(ic,eiop emotion il viability. Hi St.- i a* development wi h the help o? lit Church. |3t Mo-tl and c-lii- i*i v«iucs—the oc»: way lo teach I'tam U by exampii. <ii) Develop the v.lucs and v iclcsomcncs* ul sex So live ihst you are yuur

Duncan. announced today hli can- child'a best lesson. (7) Help Ihe AWacy for re-election of Ihe office C|„|,i \ty Die groundwork of a

stable life. Tho pattern is set he fore (lie ,child starts school.‘.lie lap of every parent Ilex Ihe tc- sponsibilily of your child's be­havior. The school and church ran only help. The greatest need of a child today Is a happy homo where tpve and atfection play a major role. (8) I’arcol* should develop and help their child dovclop per­spective. (9) Help Ihe child develop hlx own potential and grow towardhia own fulfillment.. <I0) Develop presentation In , our-State Legityiur own sense of humor. Help the Inture If we elect a better cross child see the funny side of life. (U); section of our business and pro- Teach responsibility of handling foLlonal leaden, anil for that money wisely. (12) Develop family reason, beiilg a small business-

t,trough this Court at no' one' *'•’11 companionship.' Help each child wiili an outlook towarda.‘ cost to the tax payers of this W(JIij 0l^ |,j, problems wiih wise s'owlh of both oor County and

counselling and guidance. (13) The 1 *m announcing my ran-wav born SO yearv *S<*;child ha* a right to expect an at- didary for this impoilant office

^Royslon (Franklin County) (la.. irlc tjve home, brothers and tit- of "ur •S u l* government.

Will Seek Position01 Representative

Don Rales, Sanford automobile dealer ami eivlc leader, today an­nounced hia candidacy for Itepre.

In ventntive nf Seminole County in the State Legislature, Group No. 2, subject to the May 8 Democra­tic primary.

Bales al«o announced .that he I* a candidate for the unexpirrd term of this office caused by tha resignation of former Represent­ative Voile A. Williams Jr.

He said, “I feel that wre would get better and more rounded re-

is educated in the schools there, ^nd came lo Sanford In 1923. lie married Ihe former Lenora Edw- wards of Colbert, Ga. They have three children and two grantlchllJ-

• reo. They reside at 803 Catalina Drive in Sanford.' “This office had been dormant

for several years when I assumed tha post in January 1933 and I hav«

.mad* avery effort lo give ou Vixens tha service they deserve god liava kapt tha offlco of Justice «f the Peace tha closest lo the people of kU our office*," Duncan •aid. "If re-elected Ivplan several improvements In Ihe 'service* dur­ing the next four years."

Duncan Is a member of the Kits' D»;tJst Church of Sanford- Secre­tary of (he Sanford Lions •neinhrr of tha Elk's, Ihe AMoriatlon of Justice!^ftice and Constables, the Peace Office'* Association, and Ihe Semi- rn !» County Sportsman's Assorts-

T-'TJyon my record of the past ftreo years, and with a sincere de- air* lo render a greater public Mrt'lce, f humbly solid! the sup­port nf all our citixcna for an en­dorsement term," Duncan aald.

♦ublic Is Invited ffcn Locnl Borbecue; Butt" R'-*t* tydln" Ai-nrls- ■r*i lx msVInj nlsns for a hi; ■*»rS«’t»» and pliy day Sunday Jd"oY. M. 1

T>e b—b*"i'8 iv"l h» *-TVft at tw n at IV Karmcri Aurtlon Mar la*. At t ■"*» games on horseback

he he'd st (he club arena jBtrectly hv'*‘ml thi market. "A **Sar.?e will be mat'# for the bar- fcy i'" b"t lh? er-i'a and fun arc ■•♦F, free." a member, ala ted. The jiibllc lx Invltad.~ Z . - . >

iiifospifa/ NotesMARCH I Adnilaiianc t

AVf* Falrby Singleiary (Sanford)Laola Mathis (Lake Monroe)

John r . Run (Oviedo) Arthur J. Smith (Sanford)

Hugh Barnaa (Altamonte Spiinga) Jaatrla* Clrvaland (Lake Gem) * *■ DUcksrges

Man- Patricia Ha wain* (Sanford) "Baby Boy Hawkina (Sanford)x ■/'m» K1!*w.(5*"terd>

SlngMlarr M A lo r*

(Coallaoed On Page Eight)

v c i * "..........‘-j Palel ie- il l

1Girlhr (Sanford i

ROBERT S. BILLHIMEt i f i f i f

Robert Billhimer To Run For County Commission Post

kRobert S. nillhlmer announced

today that he will be a candidate In the May Primary for the offlco of County Commissioner from. Dis­trict 1. Billhimer Is a native of Virginia and has resided in San­ford for Ihe past nine yean where he is operator and owner of the Greyhound Bus Terminal. He at­tended George Washington Univer­sity in Washington, D. C. and grad­uated from National University in Lsw.

Defore coming lo Sanford, Bill- hlmer resided In Washington G:uvt, Md where he was a member of Iho Town Council (or eiqht vcais. While residing In Maryland hi aw an Assessor under Ihe Maryland Strda Tax Commissicc 'am served aa a director of tha Maryland As­sessors' Association,

Rillhimcr la Past Exalted Ruler nf the Sanford Elks Lodge a Di­rector of the Seminole Chamber of Commerce; SocreUry-Treasuror of th« Seminole County Democratic Executiva Committee: member of the First Methorllat Church, and on the Special Gifts Commilte* of the American Cancer Society Drive. v

In 1130 BlUhlmgr imgrriad tha

"Every citixi'ii 'like* to sea his or her government operated on

husiuesa • like basis," said Therefore, with a husi-

man elrcted to represent the x people of our County, Seminole * County ran he as>uied of a

practiial representative looking $ h after the affairs nf their Slate <r and County government,” he

$ said."It I* my belief thav I ant

qualified, witli both education and rxpet lance, to furnish th* vision end leadership that Seminole County has long needed," said Dales,

Don Dales Is owner and oper­ator of Sunfonl Motor Co. and has liccii in Sanford for four years.

Previous to coming lo Sanford he lived jn Lake County, lie was employed by the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture In 1918 when he traveled a six county area in­cluding Seminole.

Bales said, "Having traveled this aiea with th* Department of Agriculture and being familiar with its land, Ils people, and Its problems, I enMtueiaslically chose Sanford and Seminole County In wihleh to estahlieh my builnaaa end rear nty family becausa of the community's friendliness and coopeiative spirit.”

Bales served in the Armed Force. In World War II and tha Korean conflict. Ha la a graduate of Yala University with a de­gree In Industrial Administration ami Englnctilng.

He la a member of lha Sem­inole County Chamber of Com­merce in which ha heads Da In­dustrial Committee. He la Exalt, ed Ruler of the Sanford l-odga BPOE No. E !l|| Campaign Chair, man for Uy Seminole County Unit of lha American Cancer Society; District Vic* President of th* Chamber of Commerce: Co-Chairman of the USO finan­cial drive last year: member of Ihe Amtlcan I-egion and Lions Club. He uerved in the Seminole County Chaoiber of Commerce membership and financial cam­paign, chairman nf the Chamber of Commerra Coffee Club and a member of th* Sanford Merchant* Association.

He and hla wife Evelyn live In Saoford at 1801 Forrest Drive, Wynnewood. They have two chil­dren. *

Mr*. Belte I* a graduate of the University of Texa« I-aw School and practiced law In Ucaburf-

BaUa was in Tallahasaea today t . , qualify M ora tha Secretary

Miller Qualifies/

For Senate SeatPaul Millpr, prominent Indialan-

tic businessman, attorney and mem­ber of Ihe Town Council, paid hia qualifying fee la«l wrek and of­ficially losscd his hst Inin Ihe ring for Ihe racr for Die post of Stale Senator from the 37th senatorial district. Hr Is opposing incumbent Douglas Stcnxtrum.

A graduate of Ihe University of Florid* and Miami University, Mil­ler is also a Stetson Associate. Hr Is well-known Ihroughoul Ihe stale a* an active worker In Ihe Baptist Church and In Gideons Internation­al.

Entering Ihe rare on a platform of "A Businessman for a Du«lae*s Job,” Miller sfalrs that he la vlc- ally Interested in Ihe traffic situa­tion In Seminole and Brevard ('aunties. He h.ix plrdgcd himself lo rxrrl Ins efforts ill rushing ?n rnmplrtton I hr twin pro laris ol foui-lamng t ’.S. Highways I7, 9J ai.d I

Miller lold (he pres thin week ' tliat he fi-rlt that Ihe treinei'dous growth now being en toyed by Seminole and Brevard Counties I* sufficient lo entitle each nf Ihfvc counties la a Senator of t.x own Up declared "If I am elected, I will do my best to see that we have two senators in Ihe li>39 session of Ihe Stale Legislature."

Miller contends lhat the pro­motion of legislation lhat will brnr fit Seminole and Urevard Counties Is a big business enterprise and should be entrusted lo a tried and lasted successful business man. He is the proprietor of the Paul Miller Motel Apartments In In- dinlanlic snd was formerly Ibr owner of the Packard Automobile asenc.v in Melbourne.

Mrs. Katherine Miller has hern named campaign treasurer for her hu*bar<l,-l'

Letter Will Solve , Dilemma Over Road

| A letter '.ill lone she diffi­culties » nich gicw out of a com-1 piaiiu timl a Seminole County toad was haxarduut, according to a motion mad* this morning at the meeting of th* Seminole County lloaid of Cninmlaslonei*.

F-. D. Reinhart was notified, fuG through the Seminole County At-

torney, lhat dirt was removed from a toad on (he West aid* of Seminole County,

Acroidlng to an agreement this morning, Reinhart will re­ceive a letter slating that "theta is no basis for tho complaint nit the removal nf diit,” signed by the Boaid of County Commission­ers,

Mrs. ItrinharN speaking lo the Commissioner* following the agree­ment on Iho letter said, "We do

,not wish In imply lhat Mr. John Mrixrh has neglected the road for It hat hern scraped rime and lime again."

1’rvraling that ihtAe will be ad­ditional construction on another section of property, Reinhart asked

jllio Commissioners, "l am wonder­ing if there is any animosity — I know that I have not mad* anyone fonder of me?"

Commissioner Oi l s Fnurakre «aid, "I don't think lhat liter* is

Ju.lie Ernest It.....holder today “n.'one on this Board lhat will lakeannounced lhat he i» a candidal* altitude." for re-elocllon and has paid hw « l'-/*C»e<si f|ng the nin'Vn fq- the qualifying fr '- •* -uch privilege 'YfVTicd lrlteV lo E. Il, Reinhart,' In th* sum of ID'-O. Commissioner Fred Dyson said, "I

Th* Judge says 'that It is en- **dl contend limit he road was In ' Incidental tliul at this same Hum 3 hazardous condition snd wlum I (0 year* ago that lit* people of »*• something hatardoui 1 will rc Seminole Counts elerled me lo mv l,uri It.first public office and that was A disnisaion In , Is to funds Comity Judgr." He said "being bi.dgrlrd for the Goldsboro Itr- a Judge llirn is enlirelv iRCfereiil creation I'roiert was Uhli-.l mil11 from being * Judge now.” Tins lulor today aller City Commission- duties and obligations have in- er John Kridrr asked (or a clari- cieasrd more Ilian -d) fold during fiealimi of the SI.800 in this year's



if if ifHousholder Pays Qualifying Fees Tor Re-Election


Buford Boone, publisher of the Tuscaloosa News, Tu»caioosaa, Ala., said In a telephone interview today lhat Aulherinc Lucy would have been "killed” had she, re­turned to Ihe University of Ala­bama.

Hr said Hut action by the board of trustees had "consider- - ably relaxed the tension" in Ihe Alabama city which has rocked with racial new* since Ihe Negro cord applied lor • admission.

"ICs beyond romprchrslon and imagination what an extremely serious situation w* had up her*," the well-known southern publisher said.

Miss Lory, 28. was "permanent­ly rxpellrd" by the hoard nf trus­tee* of the 123-.vearn|i| university at a secret meeting last Wednes­day night.

Th* Irusler's aetion cam* with­in hour* of an order from Federal Judgr II. Hobart Grooms ordering her readmlsiinn lo the university, | Sh* had been suspended Feb. 8 niter riots on Ihe campus over her presence.

Commenting on th* Authrrtne case, Boone lold The Sanford Her­ald "We v'ere on lh* rugged edge of mass mumler. She would have been killed If she had returned.


Daytona Resident1 Reveals Candidacy For Represeniative;

Arnold Lund, owner of th# Still • Surf Apartment Hotel and- l.und Itealty, announced today lhat h* will b* a ramlldata YoP Reprasrntatlva In Ctwigresa In th# Fifth Congressional District aR tha Republican ticket.

LnnJ, who la 32, atated that lit would qualify tomorrow with the .Secretary of State, Ha It expeeta

The publlaher haa worked with T*1 '•* h’,v* n” oppoeltlat In tha Gov. Jim Folsom and other mem- ^publican prlmprle*. *tv-ri r» '(;• pra.t 1ft Alabama t o L u n d Hat lived In Daytona* work nut a solution tu Hi* racial Beach for th# past nine year*)

budget fur construction ol iho huge

Fourakre Seeks 3rd Term As Member Of County Board

ftemlnol* County Commlaiinner Oil* E. Fourakre of Longwood an nounred today and qualified a* a candidal* fnr re-election In Ihe -Board nf County Commiasloneri Seminole Counly, District 3.

Fourakre has served two terms on th* Board of Commissioners and served at 'he noard'i chairman.

He said ihfs morning. "Rated on my experience during the past two terms on th* Board of County Com­missioners, I feel thst I esn rendti the cltisen* of my district snd Sem Innla County a better service ilisn ever before.

"Throughout my two terms s- your commissioner." l.n said, "I have workei In close cooperation with every ommlidonri' nn ihe Board snd with every official.

"1 believe In Hi* continued pro- iress of Sem'iio* County,” Com­missioner Fourakre said as h» mad* his annoumoinent ami paid his.qualifying foa st I’m ofllr* of th eClrrk of Circuit Court, "and I will ronltnua lo worit for every project that will enhance the eron- om of our Counly."

"Seminole County Is cm* of tbc fastest growing counties In Ihe State,'* Fourakre said- "and our Hoard of County Commissioners musr rely nn experience and

capability in furthering Us growth during tha important ygara ahead.”

Fourakro la married and baa


However, th* adin'nlstrntloii of 3M'*Jtistii* tlirn wa* Hi* sain* as Kridrr recalled his appearsnee now, sa'd Judge llnusholdcr. In-foie Hi* llnard of Counly Com- "Justlr* cannot ever rhaiige If missioners re<|uesling lhat funds sdi’iinislere I Mr|v *o-| ,- .paii- appruprialed by Hi* Board of City * ilh nn 'cistanding and charily,";Commissioners be matched. The hr said, ifund approved by Hi* City of San-

"My views, uiolri-landing and J ufd was for 13,730. ability are much mm* enlighten- Commissioner John Melsch said, «d now Tbnn then, brean-e of “We studied Ihe tentative budget Hi* past 10 years of association for 30 days before It was adopted and service w'lh my people of am! if Ihe budget says $1,300 or X r m l n o l * County." said the *1 loo, that's what If if,J" ! Other business approved during

Tim most evicting obligation Hie morning session of thr Board added lo ths Counly Jud'/e Is County Commissioners included that h« must he Ju 'ce of Hie Dm approval of a Notary Commit- Juvenile Court which Is a separ- -iyn bond for I'ilt Varnes. received at# court fn in tb* County a quit claim deed (or a clay pit atJudge's Court, be explained.

"Earli d*v brin’-s a re tv nrohlcm »nd each child brings a new dial- Isoge, and whl1* I liava tiol suc­ceeded with all of our rhlhlren I know I hav* helped manv of

Elder Springs from Orange Counly and agreed to itsua a corrected deed for a right-of-way over whir.l a road had bern built on Over- street l.and Company property,

The Boaid of Seminole Countyour youths, b'cause Ihrlr te-ord comm issioners approved a Deputyproves it and they come line lo tell me so" he said.

In announcing hla candidacy for 1 Sem inole County Judge, Judge

SheriH's bond for R. K. Malloy Jr. and approved lh* payment of bills lubmtttcn by the Hanover Chemi­cal Company for supplies ordeicd

Housholder said, "I shall continue (qj. di* Counly Jail, to dedicate my life's work to our youth sml gu beyond my line ofduly as Judge and carry my pro gram of luva and um orManding to all of our people as th* out-

i standing method of t- ••venliun ofkf.ll W.lal aL <«a at* a I at 11 H («11 «s tl r *youthful mistakes or delinquency.'

II* said, "When I became your Judge I promised you that I would make th* service In thr

(ConllnuH an Page Eight)

Clerk of Court 0. I*. Herndon ad- " vised the Board of Commissioners * ilia* in "all probability Ihrr# will

la- litre, primaries. One for Ihe special election of Ilia unesplred Icrrn of Representative, Ihe rrgu- la. May g Democralie Primary, and a run off primary.

problem, ,"It has been said that It (thr

Lucy ease I has set bark racial progress in Alabama from 19 years to a generation," Boone said,

Then hr added, "There are Iwo classes of extremists here, tin the one side, tliera arc those who arc determined there wonlt he any fur­ther adjustment. On. Ihe other side. Ihrr* srr those who want tu go all tha way.”

Up referred to the NAACP, Meanwhile, news nut of Birm­

ingham. Ala., said that Misi Lucy's attorney, Arthur D. Shores, ssld hn had no Ides what legal .-nurse hr would pursue in an additional effort to have Hie former school teacher readmitted.

Miss l.ucy left Birmingham, Alt. with Thurgood Marshall, chief counsel for th- National Assn, for tha Advancement of Colored Peo­ple. The NAACP has been backing lio efforts over the past 29 months in he admitted lo Ihe university.

In rtpelllng .Mis* Lucy from Ihe university, tha trustee* accused her of making "false, defamatory, impertinent and s c a n d a l o u i charges" against university offi­cials,

Th* expulsion resolution said, "No educational institution can maintain necessary disciplinary action of any student, regardless of rar* guilty nf Ihe conduct of Authrrtne J. Lury be permitted to remain.'*

Appreciation Day Will Be Observed Sundav A t Church

Appreciation Day ssill he observ­ed Sunday at lh* First I'hrifitlwr* Church, Psslor Perry L. Sion* an­nounced |oday

Mrs. M. Pagcnhort Dies A t Hospital

Mr*. Mamie B. Pagenhart, 82, died at the local hospital at 11:63 p. m. yesterday after a lengthy illne.s, Rhe hud lived In Hanford fur An year* snd resided al 40J French As*. Hli* wa* bom Sept. D), 1871 In llurke County, Ga.

Mis. Pagenhart ia survived by

Man Is Found Dead In Longwood Hotel Room Last Night

Edgar Emanuel Skinner, a rr- renlly retired Greyhound Bus Cop)- pany employe In Portland, Ora., wa* found dead in his room Its! night a? Ward’s Longwood Hold.

Skinner had bean a guest of the hotel fur shout a week, lie was last teen Sunilsy afternoon and was expected to allend a dinner party last nlglil.

Friends, going to the hotel thee (heir guest did not show up for the party, found Skinner dead In hl« room One of Ihe ro-owner* of lh* hold, with Ihe party that fourd

past nine y*ar«t coming h*r# from Riverside, III,In 1017, He and hla wife bull! their hotel which they hav* b**H ••printing aver slnra. Shortly af« terwnrda h# opened hla real rotate office. The l.und* have three duughtars, two nf whom are married.

Ils was graduated from North, western Uuivaiaily In 1020, ra« reiving a B.S. degree, and again in 1029 from lha Northivests'n University Law School receiving a Doctor of Jurisprudence d*« giee.. From 1920 to 1929, while attend, log law school, he published Hire* weekly newspapers In the Chicago mrliopolilsn area. Upon gradua* lion from law school, he practiced law In Chicago for 18 years before eouiing to Florida, He was presl* dent of tie Berwyn, Illinois Bar Asroclalioa as well is th* Berwyn Chamber of Commerce. In 1929 hs was elected as Slat* Bcprescnla. tlv* to the Illinois General Assem* hly. In 1919 he wrote an aualysli on Illinois Stale Kxpandllurea which was used by lh* successful- gubernatorial candidate. He si dK owned and operated ■ chain of7! motion picture theatres. Presently, h* alio owns and operates Ihe Dual Filler Company, or Chicago, which maoufaclurei air Alter equipment fur large industries.

Since coming to Florida he haa been active In civic affairs, being president of lh* A1A Motel Associ­ation Iasi year and presently » : member nf the Board of Governors ol llir Daytona Beach Chamhei of Commerce, from which he jias taken a leave of ahienco nf tnii ' period of Ihe present cam piuit-• .,*

"Among my reason* for seeking.^ office," Lund slated, "I* the (Htk* Irrsslng voting record of the 1n»v cumbrnt during hi* several Irrntl*

(Continued On Page Eight?

Holler Qualifies ; As Council Member

Roy Holler of 1131 Mellonvjjlr Ave . lias qualified aa a memberaf


/ i •§I I

the 1933 Presidents Council,.......New York Life imurane* COWS pany's Top Club, according to; 0, L. Gibbs, general manager of UM»

ihe dead man? railed iir.'siewart company's Jacksonville branch " «

This week each member of Ihe „„„ , | , ter( Ai M llounl llfrhurrh Is asked lo w;rilu a letter nf appreciation >n the fellow-mem­ber who has meant most to him, nr her during lh* past 12 months. The letters, signed, sealed, addressed, snd stamped, are to be brought lo morning worship Sunday and taken up. They will he mallrd Sunday ifternoon for delivery Monday.

Th* minister predicted that the letter-writing will "eause a warm glow In many hearts and encourage tha growth nf brotherly lovn among

Sanford; two nieces, Mr*. H. n. I'urdon, West Palm Beach; Mra. J. W. Ilrwilt, Waynesboro, Ga.;


Culpepper of Casselberry who ex­amined lit* body. ^

Death' was attributed lo in ap­parent heart attack. Bklnner had been dead fori approximately 21 hours

J. A.and one nephew,Jr., Jacksonville.

Funeral services will he hold tomorrow at 10 a. m. at Brisson Funeral Home with th* Rev, A.G. Mclnnia officiating.

Burial will (>• In Lake View Cemetery. Pallbitrers will be R.H. Beckham, Claude Warboys, B. W., Anderson, ta lp h Leasing, AW

Coroner Homer Sewell, examin­ing ihe body anJ tha cireumstancas under which lha dead man was found, drclarrd thst then* would be no need for an Inquest.

OUs Skinpor, son of iho Portland. Or*, retired boa company em­ploy* was eonunsd and notified ef his father's death.

jraa take* be____ - - ' ----M B

• *. e-U *

Membership In the council la based on 1933 sales records sm ile composed of lh* top 300 sgsRU of New York Life which 'h*a. J ‘ field force of 3300 full-time age In 178 branch offices through* lha United Stales. -Canada Hawaii. Holler I* with th* Jacks**, villa branch offloa, wt'

Gibbs said lhat Hollar •!*• * qualified lo attend an aducat conference In Palm Ipringr, I*April 18-31.

■jr BITTY MtBATA• MT. XINTOIt, JipatWB-A lim it ftrl living alone alap a JapaneseUKwitJiS i j . „n» problem In com* mon with a itngle girl living alone In'a Manhattan apartment — men wit1] Ideai.

11 li probahlr, however, that Taeko Komiyema aolvai it by more direct aetien.

"I uie Judo on thoie 1 can handle When thcre'a one I can't handle that way, I run out into the foreit climb a tree, end hide in the top branchea until he roola off,"

So far It'a worked in well that Ihe JS-year-nld mountain maiden haa a record of one eiraped mur­derer knocked out, more than a icore emoroui m ain put to rout, three cllmbi and hundreda of young Japineae glrla who alio want to be female hermlli.

Actually, ilurdy *-foot Taeko ii not a hermit but e charming- vl- vieloui girl who likai people. Her greateil Joy la the knowledge that ihe hie talked many deiperala people out of mountain lulelde.

famed Ihroughout Japan ai ' Km'okl muaume" (hintoki riauah- tar,") aha moved lo Ml. Kintokl'i

AVCXBV l S.Toe>Jeot peak -sevan yeera -ago, shortly after the death of bar be­loved mountain guide father in an accident. ’.,£«»> vv

Rut it wai only three yeara ago that her name and picture (lathed around Japan. That wai when Japanese newsmen followed Crown Prince Akhito on a climbing ex- eunlon to ihe peak U mllci »outn* •ast of Tokyo and found Taeko living in a one-room house lucked under a sheltering rock overhang.

In Japan, whare the crown prince goes, the* people follow. Klntokl. hlfihesi peak of the range which circle; Japan's famed Kaknne Na­tional Park, quickly became one of Japan's favorite mountain hik­ing areai.

With the help of her brother!, el) firmer* Taeko added a tiny laahouie room lo the original hul


hlkeri' during Ute aprlng-fo-fill climbing tenon huyi har food and other ilmpto wind for the four, winter months iha llvaa alone amid snow and below-xaro weather.

A rhirrnil hlbichi ind a wood- burning fire place heap the hul com-

ra w v o o wwow mow soo w t nooS wiveaW OW - THAT WASt . r TO P A Y T p tK ju e o TMAiq A OAY AT THE OFFICE

HOT HIS GAO KEEPS MS PPQM/SE TO LE T US CLEANo u r r u e b a n k . — »

com e o u r i r m s up. you n o t70V7D Off ) HUNT BANKERS SON t

mumu o a w T he sh ack.YOU AST VDUVO BAXTDtU

_ _ b o th om /




PLACE fob J i VOUB f

[ DONTKNOW. DBAB.' I HAVBNTv lB l iN i r / j ^






Legal Notice Veteran eulflelder J)fl Ennla and rookie pitcher John Ueyer of the rhllllei are the only mem* here of the team b»m in Philadel­phia.

In 10(7 the American leaguehad only one So-gum winner ~ Bob Palter of the Indiana who won exartly 30,

y N l i P th5r* *** ,0 m ,ny Juvenile delinquent! theta /AYdoya, philosophises Sam Levenaon, "When I wai i kid,

S room rotl Privationi and lou ofBrivilegaa. Today U'a no pun-! U u ilta t n il Tho kid it *

to his room where —finds « 31-inch TV aet, a \ i & & & /

iBtto, a hi-fi phonograph, a h> \ \ jt, y f t drinkmachlna, air-con- J K f i L (%IM \ / -

4ltlonJng and probably a ^ P v 7 | | | & i ' y ii ll»year*old baby wittwr. . %

• IfU fn 'i have It that good on t / U V ( Mgr honaymoonl" \

w aM n an a i a it aatis kitvtel«u ana **uh nl ym, are hereks mil rei|Uirea i» srn ts- •oy rlaims mil tUmends woirj you. »r euaer nl »i»u, mar havi ■ aelesi the em it ot Kara A Bln

u,‘« *" County, r tho Couair iurfff er aenlnelithe miirt house er *al4 Unuhia e< WNh'nriS, rinrlhe, wtlhie eleh" ret emier mnnihe from the lime nt th, {••of ruoiuasiea ot tiiii anile* *£*".*•_**••"• ww slamana ehell ee is wrlUha, end ehali sieie tee hlaes nt reeieenre ana poet office ederess "» •»< leall he i«em!• by the cUhnenl, eatni, er et- lorney, nnd nhr eurh ilsin or Is

lllM ehell he^elA Jan* 0 . center

wehh.r /■Sfalaaa t1® 4 w M i____

•Uaga football," koaata ax- » Marwum Hickman, "haa jW K V ) «B MKk t« toughen up the U 4 A ta n -u It Baa for the M Yau -can't alt three

VIM l i a r

•a* JT*«fa. e o u r r n r tnw r o t eI?n -.V /i" '.lA "1/ 0’ ** 'O lh T t./ijrwvAor0 ;jfA n a a. k / . \ c * i d ,aatiAf cold

y ■:flt | NAVV’I IION-I, a one-man hlUpppter, la flown over-St. James, N-V, by list pilot Jim ftyen during a demonstration for the Navy. The craft writhe only lOO pound* fully loaded with pilot, perform! all basic helicopter manruvan, and can be folded Into a smell pack- lie (or easy tram port a lion. (L’.S. Navy Photo from International)

...................... .............................................................................L____

fortibiy warm. *At Iha fool of the mountain,

Taeko'a widowed mother, her niiara aod the farm village folk

look up and tea tba Ihla column of amokf curling upward in the still, cold air and murmur, "Ah, Taeko Is all ’right.’1

Taeko Audi three major compen­sation! for winter’! cold and snow.

The quiet solitude gives her hour* for reading- particularly the Bible. Ihe la a devout Christian.

The winter mean* much less work. Cllmbcn wanting cakes are ew, And melted snow supplies water which In sbmmer aha carries from/Ihe village-four lo five gal­lon! every other day. II takes the average Japineaa hiker three hour* lo climb to the peak. Taeko mikea It In minutes.

Alio, Ihe winter meant much leaa trouble (or men with Ideal

"You knosv how dt la," she smllaa. "In apHng. a young man'a fancy — Wall, that flgurea (or lummer and fell, too.

"Thare has# been nice boya who havo given me no trouble—hut there are othera. Iha onea whor ub thalr handa together and teem to say to themselves, “Ah, a woman alone." Sometimes they be of great trouble la a girl."

Occasionally she finds, it wiser lo dart out of her tea room, speed down a twitting mountain trail and hide in. Ihe upper branchea of a well-hushed tree.

"Th* man thrashes around In Ihe woods for a while and then roots off. Or goes hick to Ihe city for rnmpanionahlp."

Taeko'a worst eaperlence hap­pened last winter,

A murderer under death arntence esrapH Jail and climbed the moun­tain with, he later rnnfissed, Ihe

—* i„ T f c , T , rr-v; " * iX„'.'' 1 , ' " *

News Of Men In Service «

TORT BENNING, GA. -Army Sgi. William L. Couraey, ion of Mack Couraey, 1(M Sanford Avt., recently wai assigned to tha Third infantry Division at Fort leaning, Ga.

After Ihrea years In tha Far East, the Third, nicknamed tha "Rock of the Maroa" division, it undergoing infantry training at the fort. v

Sergeant Couraey. a squid leader in ihe division’s Second Infantry Battalion, entered tha Army in 1040 and was last sta­tioned In Germany.

He wai graduoted In 1040 from Seminole High School. Hi* moth­er, Mra. Hattie T, Couraey, live, on Roula 1, Foetiow, Ga. Tha acrgeant'A wife, Lead!*, la living in coiumbtia, Oa. %

Johnny Kelniafl. m eat knockout victor over lob Satterfield, beg is boxing profasiiaatHy ln 1B4T.

definite Intantlon of •'Incoming famous by killing tha famous Kin- tnki musume."

Taeko tells Ihe alory:"He burst Into my house at nig!^

and before I knew what was h i " penlng he waa alabblng for my throat with a wicked looking knife,I suffered soma cull before I was able In knock him unconscious.

hen blood straamlng from my ruts, I ran down Iha mountain to Ihe village screaming ’murder." and told the village police."

The convict had regained eon. adouanci* and fled before pnllra arrived, but ha waa captured i t few days later.

G R E Y H O U N D ' ( ‘ b P IC IA L b u s s e r v i c e t o


There’s still nothing I k s

0> ••

T u rn . M a te * • , 1 M « 1T H E S A N F O R D HE;N C A A Membership

Approves Football Television Plan

KANSAS CITY LT-Th# N*llohsl ColIrglMe Athletic A»»n. mombsr- «hip ha* approved the football Iclr vision pUiT byIt* TV committer. NCAA executive- dirpctor Walter Dycri announced today.

The vote of member eollsgfi anil unlvrraltlei on the plan, which It almost Identical lo the one of la«t seaton- wai 2JI for and 12 (gains?,

Rveri ssld the television eom- mittro will meet tomorrow and Thursday In New York lo receive

i f i t i i n r It- Wart fa H al an Conatan*tina

Am *r F i r s * C#» Co to Am »r F ir** -Cat Co n « i* n

A m ir Hav Hl-tt A Loan A ,*o to It-'iinn I ' l l a C*nta Fav Bnk, a sita n

J. I* Hum a m t lo Jotap h ln* Tra- ta tt

ISI— Mon X V haltir P a t io A Co lo Kali H lv*r K l i * Can la Hav link.

M a r ia ,at I . I la lln n a ) at v lr lo Him L toll SVOslles ’ Havln A t o

AlOar K ilo A C (x f o to H itrHiaflild loat fur 8*v. aaalan-I V I tap t t T It i a a

Su lu -arit K ln sn -s t*ti lo K tisn n r llolinaa

F la S la t* lin k In t t i r v i r M. Ila la al ua

0.1 Ilf AM Nat fink In t lu n ls r A Hu ntar ^

Jan it I a IV. I .ah man to J . Hoy ft.illat tta

Kla (Hal# Hk of Hanf lo Ln«*1l K. I»«lar at ua

A, A Jattiaa ai u> lo Lao Yarn J-'hli.i-ri at III

J. Ju lia lo I louK I a a L Allan H a M ala lin k tu II. U r i l l iu l.aml

I Ml |< I I I I .nani .all at link lo Lnula IV r lih t

*1 nl1*1 (•»-I Hav A l.'-an A .so lo u. It.

I uitka , t ai all o. oi . l iu ir lo Jlm m la K-ulihVJ II laa IU l l l i i l l , II. Ill- a a I a

at uaJoint r . ’I a , | i . f at ua lo uakland

lu h iir* luullaoa i . V.uuaa |o l l lt l ia i i l I.. Me-

kuntia at uallun-o i , i . uar tu L-tii* iii Matia

laaC k a .i lliarry iian lau a Jua in I ’ari-i

i.lO lnau at Ukl la iih UI 4.1, 111*, m i l , lo Uilham A

i uitur tin .( la A la i* oauk vf kanf to luUui

m uA l l t l X U A k l l l s

la M. Aiiuaiui-n iia tu a i oui-jiLr Co. lo l*i. i i , i i , li unit vuiiu *aiaacw uir

l l a i l - i i l (I. \\ atkun, daiaaaail, t-u|i> ilaaiu ta rt

J, I- io ih io u ii lo Italpli L ffff ir al u i, aal M*>*a a o i|i) ilaa lli uan

Jauo-a i,u Ham i lulu v i ta , | ua |„ Alto klou II H a iti) pa lit n a Co IIH-i* a a in h i

L . A - l a i ) tu (,i| || a 1,1 C l i a a t h a m ” 'UUjli* J l , J k |* k oi arii

XLm* ^ .Hwtttl H u n t L>M|i to J. Ai, #*1 ji I It** u Ii, tt *>«Miiiiti»iH I . r l f t jI I * '* *< %. l i*it<1 a 41«• % tut

c i i i ih t « * .% .L : i» 4 i i a h * i t . i p i ,i >|r* ■»!**. j , Ci .m A U m n iU r Jt,tiMiil aal*** ton

lliilo la4M(»iic«t iltxk.1*)' ii* Johna'l <T h I*) III ,Mi

JU u> |( A illlfr at in io U n i l«mlrr>uik|in (<k*a, ah in in *

l l i r r y II. Al i i I * r ft tu in Coniine#Al tt r jr Hrnllha M in n t

H .1 urn*» ui (o Jam a* R. UutpoHftr o f i t t y

m a i i i i u m ; i i i r . ^ ni m i m n t u

W illiam A W lu , Ji> l\*» t I ' r h ln rK > In Hurtia*! |*r<|rI tt 111 j i I ir la min

JarUann l.e* i l r a a n 11, f U n f n r l In i;rn"M lna r«rt>|in D akar. Laka >larr v ,

Lu* iua I.*#, l i flaviniii»lH. Ha In K il l Ma* Ifnnra. 3'* A lianm nt* k|<rtnift

Seminole County Recordsf lR M IV Jotaph r Mulmn *1

W lir r . I . I . A M in t ■ llarm ann at u iV io l* R r l . l i t at U r lo F l i t * of lim a lio m * lo R o U i

Kla. aub of an. unthranc* to prop » l hL a i an N. W otol to t l in l . l* L . »l#It- I’. L Waplaa at u i

111* at al. a fflU av li h .tH aiil floiik at ua.T lin tn a i li. Co l|r) lu John W. Co l- Alina P. l otian lo Jm

lay now r it! Ill* 11 OH k n UkAtuaitilau P lat ol l l i o s i M in o r* . Itoy A Itam lall at u

M«, pi** t ■' h *•»t.«■na*ial« a ". * iH.k# Mary. l»Ut C t . rr> U a u u .ttII y * li in» hi i *». i«* n !■» Cwnaiafi- ” *nv

11 it • , in ii '4 a a. If ■ cun i r , 1!' •* 1,1 ** *1 • ^ * f r * 1 * ■llllft W . *t (at I 1 at li %««' t#fftt*f B> . I H M,f W »V # * l* <

Lllil-ay, i-iitilr of aala J - ' ' t a lk a r atTan w iliia n ia at ua lo II. t \ . W it- ‘^ ih^ -nfo w il lHiAiitH itkaift ii a tuifr Al Jill*" *<lntcfl Itl tt IIIHow a t<i P, P a .a to It S. H a la , A t» " "(I- tlibaon to W ill

a . H at.a r ru ik .n « Co. cup) ( Ih I J o» „J „no A rthur Cnrtiln , ropy c a l l of iHb.'oo A n I

A JonV:,C,hnuf AU<*' IO ^ l-.«u"‘,Uli5on'* '& « .r.U a ira lt , M n o l i k H a rra u to ja m a a •l l 1 1 . V ua

M. H o w l., i-otul aal. a COUP K m ta . r i u .t'b liio u lh Cllrua H r.m rra A i m tn i i ,„ , , i a

M ark ftcnllaa. pruU k M a .k r lo . k*wC.PH U IV 1.11. T ru ck luc to U J. “ -««•; l!-'

• lo u .la j , run . flu *1 JuilAinnt t p ^ U i V a .m .h to Al M U . C oa lo l lo l l l . Cua. Huai A : * 'o Mp“ r«aC l m : ' | . . . r l c k nafuM lo tV llk . O f ^ ^ V '‘t,, (

f«»i«1. finul fw a k i i . tlutallaii 1'ta.l. to C. A | l r . McC»....a a

Hi i iI i Ii #l Ml. I I im I ilMrr* • »i u»r * Od li a in A (..d o r “l* o in of n u m iiM l *. title ir *t

ttn ira A. J liiilr i* ! lo A ld r ic lr * C a r- M arttn 'a tia -to Jlm lnra . final daerta i,

' t * 1* ' ,n City of Hanford, F ICrad Aaao. rfop nail m l* Jto i , , n i l l . . H l>aC. H. T ia a iu ry In i Hav to J 1* " 1' 1 il tiidaia at ua

L llra ln a id at a l ra l r . A T aa ,i.'riia^ • " u*Haa V a n io iil ( . liu iiilnay aI rl i a la 1 I if I I fi IE 11 (* t“ 1** | | fit ft

Pat A P rd fnr a ll of a l ly («** w u n ,,,, , Hulliati Huna , i , Atiaualtia p i ovJn«tnn u» to C. p HarparUuardlalialilp Ha aati l la m a * r r a l t |j», lh* |, H m ahion

A m il» n it tt I .ft ii i a Ann # »i Hitiilnom . - I ’ft fl J r ii* ftlftt inn «tPfti A Of 4 f**r •unitor f nf Itt.irii |, |.fcWl, r l llt 4 Ann Amlrftw* minor it i,tm *, u n i «i u%

r * i fn f A41ntr A f**». Iinm 11 it*-i»r|| tiuti rUTn r#pt A ftpl'1 for 4 U rh t #*i U n l it i J ' fir «<| fti mII. K. l ,So|tft4 f i in , in

K im .’I i r tt|il ..f f 'n vl n £ * tu a. T.i.lor In.iTftfpl of M M lt II* k l l »v Milti I . | j, %% #| >irtiuodo-iuali I , ,----, , 1, J rffp tira I .411

t l a H H i a i a : l .lf t :> * C I - ,1 . l a l l a r la ,A r n u i r i t t t a a i . . y . h . h - m to

f'laran ra I . tlaraav. 31, c h lra * o v iiill t fi a t .IIII to Ann* Lou Hartdln*. IF. Laka Ll'm-.r ll -lma. to ,

Monro* „ ha' ca t o(1aor«a vaa ly t« La k a Monro* lo Halt- , l.oftar at i l l

K.lla Htiaaall. I* M o n Pr.||o l.-P a r at u .F la nl ay iiu tia r . tt. Nataau Itaha - I art*

to*, to Mavannah Hrown, (J . , 'H \ t t HnkK u tlla Laniual T Hrown at tM atlliaw Torit, Jt Coco* In A1U<* S’ J.-"'"'

Iona, J l f o r . . . * ' l ' " n . / W ' . V • 11Favan nth O* to " , " I'luokatl a .Rt nfor 4 Mtiftftfttl f* till 1

Huw ltt fl I>\i’i*it Muttiftlw htt#«

propofili for tcleeaitlng tilt. b*.tional i t r l t i ,

The IBM pirn provide*, (or ft national i im e-of Ihe-week oa elftbtriatri with five Salurdtyi being devuled In rilitrlct eleenting.'

If* the Uth lueteiiive lime !he nation'* colleie* and unlvtriUi** have voted for mntrolUd felieut* of college fool ball.

OllWIU lW w (vP« *■ »to-ff »- ik etankt ciAarctacknow what renaon drove wm Into marrtitKa with him, but 1 w- wna not love."

la in ant very atilt. Fhe h»d not expected thl* perceplivt turn of mind ui Wnde'e mother. Hut ah* had no »eeret lo conceal. W*d* knew about Mertln. In the mo­ment* when he w u completely honest he knew thl* had been n marriage of two lonely people who needed aomethlng to cling to. nut It w u Imposklhle to explain thl* tn Wnile * mother.

Mr*. Tyler rnnltnued, her lone ■Irmly and cold, "1 will now tell you n certain truth you should know before you m»k* friends with the woman who liven m that mtmslrou* house up the hill, f rom llie time Moignn Ambrose grew Into adolescence everyone knew that she had »el her rnp ahsme- truly for Wade. It was quite plain that she meant tn have him al all roe is. If 1 had not . . . prevented It . . . he might well have married her."

Homehow this •tnilh" which Mr*. Tyler seemed lo think so im­portant did not partleulsrly shock nr disturb bora. After all. with Watlr'a charm, why shouldn't a girl like Morgan have hern at* traded to him? Hut that was all so long ago. Why should it matter now, or be considered a reason for carrying on a feud? Rite went on to a point which Interested her more.

"Pul you object to hi* m.irryingVirginia?"

"There waa a auddrnly hleak nole in Mrs. Tyler'a voice, hut a little to Ixira's aurprtse she ans­wered the question and with a ring of honesty.

'1 did not see that coming." aha confessed. "The danger from Mor­gan seemed so much mors imrnl- net that 1 did not expect snrh a rebound."

"Hut since Virginia was (he sort tn make Wade a good wife, why should you have minded?”

Mrs. Tyler sal a mdrh mom proudly In her chair. "It was hard­ly nttliig for Jason I'rmlea grsnrl- son lo msrry a srrvant girl The ahnek for nte w-m very great."

leira fell a flash nf pity fnr tha girl Virginia. Rh* was beginning tn feel that she knew Virginia rather well.

"At lesst her marriage rmild not have been ss had fnr yon as If he had brought Morgan here,” Lora said drily.

The old lady made a gesture of repudiation and the gems in her rtnga sparkled fiercely in lh« fire­light. "I saw la It that he would not twmg her here."

"Hut this Is all *0 much water under a long-ago bridge. Nona of It mailers now."

"You think It dnee nr* matter that Morg*n h*» never in her life given up the ptimill of anmethlng she wanted?"

"I don't heltev* she wants IVade," Isira said stoutly. "It seemed tn nie that she doe* ant even like him very well."

( T n He CnnrotiWf

Newly w sm -d Lor* ■,ro»p*«l** b*r tmJMLed. N»d* T jls r , lo hi» family bom* a* giaten Island *11** su rd s* him baek to health from a •erlmis wound b* r*e4l«d vHI* n ih t ls t *e • L'sma soldifr. ah* m**ls W ida'i »ulo- eratie mother. Am**d* T rie r. »nd J*m- my. ana ef Wad* *ad »la dead drat wlfa. Vlrglala Amid th* *eo » is* len- ■ lea pet*eat Wada'a mnlhar *nd Lera, tba hrlda le a n * that Virginia died by drewmtag la a pnad naar Ui# T rie r hum*. Lore Knda Wada mminus* fnr Virginia tad laka hlrna* tell her whal

;ha'waa Ilia . After learning more of Vada'a i i r l i t r Ufa, l-nra nromleea Jem- fnr » aurpnaa for ChrHtmai. The eur-

prlae la a pupbv dceblte the oyiuulH"n Of Wade’a mother In haring pels in ♦ha houe*. Is>rn make! th* aefiuslm- asra nf ftr i. Morgan Chinning and h*. ■ Isa tn Ham nf th* relationship be­tween her and th* Trlara.

bH A rT E fl TEN LORA could ftnd no word* w hen

Mrt- Ch»mung revealed that her "fardanar" waa her father. Rhe mad* an aftort l® rrcover from her ■urpriaa and moved again toward th* doer. But Mr*. Charming turned back.

"Wall a moment:" »h« cried, and w*at swiftly toward th* and wall e f Otg drawing room wher# the portrait hung, her black Fkirla ruatling over her wide hoop.

A long green cord with a tassel on the end hung down ailing onr aids of the'picture. Mt«. Charming reached far it and as she pulled, th* velvet draperica parted lo re- veal th* enUr* portrait Th* artist had painted a second woman who aal in a low chair, looking up at th# Agur* in yellow. The second girl wore pale green and she was young and pretty, but with none of tha arreattng quality of Morgan Charming.

"My mater," Mrs. Cltanning said. "Virginia,"

Lora waa too gtarUed to speak. T h u waa Wad*'■ wifi; th* woman who had com* first in hla Ufa, th* woman ha w-antrd her In resemble. Hht stared In fascination al the aweet, young face of the girl In pal* green. Virginia had light hair with a golden touch to the ringlet* about her face. Bha held an em­broidery hoop in her imall hands with th* naedle polled aboV" It, as If she had Just pauaed tn look up at her aiatar.

"I was never very food of her," Mr*. Channlng aaid eareleoaly. "She waa a atlly, rather Iniipld htli* thing. I never understood what Wada aaw In her." Th* chal­lenging ga*s shifted suddenly from tha portrait and fixed lo ra can­didly. “Ton ara nothing at all like Virgtnla. How did Wade com# to get over hla great lova ?"

Tha euddannima of the question •hocked an equally candid answer from Lora. "He want* tn think I am like her," aha admit led.

Mr*. Channing’a unrestrained Hugh rang out again. ‘This may be amusing to wateht Consider­ing your behavior over this pup­py. Wade could be in fnr a Jolt on* of thea* d a y a . " _________ .

"Wa ate going to be friends," she aald confidently. "I have of­fended you now. nut you'll forgive me In time. You will forgive be­came you are as direct as I am. Come see me again when that mausoleum become* too much for you."

a a a“Wade—Rerena Lord I* giving a

parly on Chriatma* even and we are Invited. I fa to be a dance ami late aupper.'* Bhe held the not* out to him.

He shook hi* head. "Naturally, we cannot go."

"Hut why not 7” the aakert In surprise. A party and dance al Serena'a sounded exciting and lively. A su'lden desire for gaiety ■urged up in her. •

"After all." Wade aald, "there la a period of mourning to he ob- aervrd for your father. And l have not felt' like indulging In frivolity myself for a long while."

•Tap* didn’t b-lleve in mourn­ing," Lora told him tqulckly. "He never wanted me to wear blark or go around with a long facr,"

8he wrnt to him, put light hands on hla arm, gently pleading. Ills eye* softened and he bent lo press hla cheek against hers.

"You are a wheedling one," he said. "Hut you hav# forgotten that I cannot dance, thanks to my leg."

"1 won't dance either," she prom­ised. "I'll sit hemic you anil wr it walrh alt the bright things that are happening, togrlher. U will be wonderful Jtiit to tlrcaa up and—"

"Dress up?" he rrpratrd. "Uhl. niy dear, you have no gown Hint would hr amiable lo wear. Christ­mas eve la almnnt upon ua anil I understand a seamstress cannot he had at this time."

For Just a moment her hopes fell Thrn she lifted her rhln In a ges­ture of determination.

"I have I he material now—that lovely garnet *alin which la in­tended (or a party gown. 1 can maka the dress m.vaclf. I know Just the style I would like. I’lea-ie let mr, Wade."

Ixira could not wall In hr off lo her own room, wher* ah# could spread nut the rich material on her bed, loving th* ahmr, the feel, the very smell of IL There waa aome. thing hratly about th* scent of new material. Bha would make hrrerlf Ihe most beautiful gown she had ever powsesaed. Bhe wotdd ha a cretin to Wad* at Ihe party, and that would please him, he good for them both.

Al dinner Wade mentioned the party casually and Mra. Tyler ex­pressed some disapproval, hut not opposition. Plainly she did not Ilka the Idea that (sira forant to make th* gown herself, hut ehe wan sur­prisingly moderate In her remarks Hut later she' hailed I-nra tn her room and said,. "You ara. still an

■ mitalHerTft, thtFiKmlsH. A sirAnger. You have not even begun to Inte­grate yourself with our manner of life. It evrn seems In ms Ihst you are a stranger In my son. I tin not

Shoriitop Johnny Logan of tha Braves wai tha only mtntbar af the Milwaukee team to play la •vary gam* during 1954/


BOTTLED GAS f$6 oo T E R 100-LB. C Y L I N D E R



1»* IN I l I N l N n A O V E N T IIR B

S EM IN O LE PARK R A CEW A Y*«“T h e C o u n t ry C luh o f T r o t t i n g T r« c h » ’*




C O M P L E T E D IN N E R S FROM »1.B5 —niRKcrrm N ft—

Turn r.ait en 17-41 at Cuaelherry At Our Big Bed Ana* (J Milei Fatal (If Tha Ranfnrd Orlando ting Track To Oftf Cllk

C h a r l i e Fte* i ««Itnan I,ft* lift'

F . F F r t n r h *1 tt* »*miri n*yflftv tun rut f .tnllftr i Frrnr-h *t ill Dm H*nn4 «* l*«llftr

F F r f t h r h ii t Em llv K Mftrf4"n llftftllittt «r »» u i

A r t h u r V llmhh #fh H utinfi »r i n

F n n k Ft ftn priori• *ou»?M ‘i'll* rtft h

•tlffly, Buddenlv »ha wanlrd in get away from this woman anil this room. Hut Mra. Channlng would not retraaa her an easily. Bhe

Lcgol NoticeThe llnlverally of 'IVnai ten Is • II srhooli in Cntlntt l|m>| appear- anrei. The longhorn gridders have played five linirs in the Kaw Year'* Day football gamr.

I' l» I t ' l l K f M ' I N K P F T K . IN anti « i l . f a u x F K P H T H IN P la in t i f f s > c u l t i ;f t t . a u i T i i n v i A F i-.M Al C It 4Ut1 11 It t lH 'K K V H l l .V , »lnl I it-1 rfitli i ii t *, »fif| Viiii , ►« nil r a • i«"f ft 11, ft i ft i »*j lit r- it to Ml «• v it nrh iM i F*r I k 1*1 » filtf f'ft F inn |i I tt tnt

4ft Mh 1 l i<» r ' l r r L >•* •#• I«t I 'm ir i mul • pf » • 1*1 ft In l tf I ■ m i x r i i rI * * 1111 <1 I .F H B m J 4 , B h f i i f t f io t l of- ft* ft ftihlrr*rft i« I* ii iio i 11 r i ‘St ..| r> f rt i «I IF Inf 1*1 ft, ft r«p> ■ • f **i*iVfijawrr n h or hftfor* T h ' i r * 4 i f M m . h |» I • \« • im| .t ,fftil to «|<i »o, ft r | ri*ft (i tn r n n f f i o i wit! f*# ftolftfftfl ABAlntt l«*» ftr<4 n c i i n f t o n f of »li • rttflttf r|*Trmn4- ft"4 ip Hi# Form p i '»inf

'Th1* na turn nf f hla • u l t la t« i u l r i Iha tit I* to th* a hot a rlaftcrlh. *4 IftPfl

Mitpftfta pi%- h«m1 and o f f l f ta l ■ * a l o f if tM i ’o i i r i , (hlft I t h of•March, A D I I H at fiftmord. H*ml* uni# f*oiipi t , E lor lnn t Court H*ah

/a # fl p Iffrndop C lark of Cpurl

Tommy Carroll, IS-year-nhl Yankee b'iniis rookie, is the jnunge il player on the New York miter .

Bob Thorpe, rnnMa pitrhsr for 1h» Chicago Cuba wa* named prep athlete of the year for southern California In 1832.


You frt horsepower tint mtkai 14Ford’* n*w 225-h.p. V*8. The purpo*e of thla new horsepower Ii more torque . , . more rotfttw Ing power to turn the wheel* of your ear. With mure torque you get grenUr response—quicker getaway, nwifter passing power. You'll find it the ailkieit, quietest, thrillingest engine you ever commanded. You geL top perfomunce for your kind of driving I

This new 225-h.p. Thunderblrd V-8 angina has a displacement of 312 cu, In.—which make* It the fti'fiflfsf engine by far In the low-price Reid* And it If available In all Fordamatie Fairlane* and Station Wagons, at slight extra coat

Equally Important, theee new 225-h.p. an# gines ara rolling off of Ford's production lina hoik, So plan to see your Ford Dealar soon. He'll be glad to show you why you gat mart GO for your dough In a Ford Vttt

Come in and w ell prove that

you get more GO for you tdough in a FOJCCL VmS

a i n c H m a h*r don, K*thi*«n Jo Ven Lap Ik, 3, is unsware thatan v w uapia, u un* ws/e in n her twin sister, Eileen Sue, died in her deep at a hospital InGrand lUpida. Mich. She w*t ♦truck dawn by leukemia, which Li alia expected to claim the life ef Kathleen, whom th# doctor* give only three or four months to Uva. (iafentaflottal rxclustoej

RavaaRnf atory of a kidnapping, on tha acrean tha flrat timal How

couregeotmfather deflea f l " .... -tha kid nap-pert . although hla aon’T life and a fertima art ai aiakat


D»iljr Delivery Phoaa 1757 for Prompt Service_____ -GREAT TV. TORO THEATRE. WDBO, iilB , TUESDAY-

f r I n f it! H I L L S

PAS'S/OH P i A y

I Vf A I t t


' v > \


i f

u j i

?J: •' i


dtllghtfullr attrnctlvt, Sflnf*Mmors tsfty adornod thin at this

1a of tha yaar whan Impatient Spring differ* aalda a raluctarttly dapartlng Win*

Driva around thla plonaar Florida city I you will understand why visitors gaip ihoxM'i and ah-sh-sh’g at tha baauty of t flowers that wa, bacauaa wa havabe* M accustomed to them, are Inclined to

ratlook aa they break Into their colorful tay of grandeur.

Hart. Indeed, wa can learn how Individ- U appreciation of nature'* lovallneaa In a wars, shrubs and trass la a setting of Mratd grass can become in its multlpltca- M of strikingly attractive homes truly a [tv BMUtlful.m » time to enjoy tha richness of one of ad's great blaaslnga by driving slowly m m i this bloesom-bedecked garden city, or Instance, drift lasily along Oak Avenue am Twentieth to Fourth Streets. Enjoy ftjMltiant display of asaleas In their muW

Mared tovsllftsss. Pause as you move 4rth>ard along this avenue at Sixteenth vast to drink in the breath-taking sweep

af thousands of asaleas. Swing around that Mock beetween Oak-Flftssnth-Elm and Six­teenth, back to Oak and thrill to the mo*e- draped coolness he shadows ths sparkling Arirav of flowers and dazxllng dogwood.

.. Yen'll man’el aa you continue northward1 s t tha alas of age-old aisles bushee that I; adorn many of the elty's pioneer homes > along Oak. Now these ten foot tall plants £ are a mass of color. Pause to appreciate tha ) flowering wall that surrounds tha elty lib* * wry and feast your eyas on the city park ( that bespeaks ths thoughtfulness of the

\; it murfftlpal authorities of Its citizens and p vislofh In providing thla and many other at- , ! tractive garden spots.

Aa you move east on First, your attention will again be arrested as the full majesty of of Melton Park comes into view. The care*

The Sanford Herald

I V R I I « t m o i S tT S I H « |N - H t ( M S M I t I

MUM. N l S •# O u t a HMl l S m •M M W IN l i t NIMM M rot

Tussday, March 6, 1956TODAY'S Bim.S r iP R I

For Israel and the Phlltitlnes had put the battle In array, army against army.—I 8am* net 17:21.

NSW YORK * - D tW ik Rsn Ilkss to munch aa "leve-lle*


with television's onlyA t'tU i Tree flueit Clsia yaw wilt dto*or*t how Dais Cams* (to* training helps rsn davelep s*W skill* la handling sssyts— fits* you •slf-r«nfld#n*s sad kXswkow ta sa t you? Mass aaraM u Individuals sad



I Beglnalag ■mien . 1 LB AIN HAW TO WfROVB YOUR MEMORY

MAICO HEARING AID&The fteeat aH translator aide, fitted by experienced mew with eanlpment aad aide neceeeary for each Individual. f nil pries range in I makea, 6 late medeln. Terms.Our rape seen tatlve In Sanford nt Miller Radio A Ap*


GOP Is 'Dependent' On One ManBASEBALL

fully tended Mayfair Inn, with Its varieties of ahrubs, its petunia-bordered walks and the doso-cllppod greensward will cause you to atop to catch tha full beauty of tho pic­ture. Then to the right Je the latest gem in the tiara of city beauty, the Hemlnole Me- mortal Hospital.

The Mayfair section with Its array of current and appealing homas will make you glad you Included It in your tour. Bel-Air and moss-festooned MellonvlUe south of Twentieth street are striking, each In its own type of loveliness* The tall plnea of Wynnwood, reaching Heavenward in grati­tude for the blessings of beauty, add a dis­tinctive note to the garden spote of that section.

Pinecrest, still shiny with Its newness, Shows ths results of proud horn* ownership that demands the beauty of lawn, ahruba and flowera that are »o much a part of Florida.

The sauntering Inspection of Loch Arbor with its combination of lakes, gardens and trees will Increase tha visitors’ and citizens' appreciation of the teamwork of man and God In creating vistas of beauty and a neighborhood rich in appeal.

Too often wa take for granted many of the blessings bestowed on us. But now is an especially appropriate time to enjoy the colorful and beckoning beauty that invites ua to appreciate our City of Loveliness and thank God onca more for this rs well as tha other blessing* that make life in Florida ao enjoyable.

• * * •

Moonshiners Beware!Something new has been added to tha

list of weaporiK for tha beverage depart­ment agent who la tracking down tha illi­cit manufacture of moonshine whiskey.

A good smeller.So says the Florida Supreme Court

which has ruled that If said agent drtecte by emell the arnma of fermenting mash the officer then has reasonable grounds to be- lisva that moonshine whiskey is helng manufactured and is therefore Justified in making an arrest and searching the pre- miaes.

Tha recent ruling should provide the aganta, therefore handicapped when eud- denly detecting ths whereabouti of the maeh, with a very effactive weapon in at­tacking tha Illegal liquor business.

The moonahinere are pretty smart ham- bres though and they might come up with S product, aa did tha enetor oil boys, with tha odorless kind.

In the meantime, agenta wit] carefully guard themselves to keep from catching rolde, Under ordinary conditions ferment­ing mash can be detected half a mile awsy by the odor method.

i Knowlaod iH iM ' to eonildtr himself prejldentlit timber. He w»» anxious to run If Elsenhower

hardly claim s huge following. Ha alraady ha» • aid ha doesn't want the No. 3 plica on Elsenhower'# ticket.

Hartar hai bean mantloned. But ha'a no national flgura. Tbara might be.a ditpula ova- hli nom­ination for tho vico presidency. He w ai born In Paris and the Consti­tution aaya a president o u it.b e a natural-bora cltiran.

Daw ay Is a two-lima loiar la the

Actress Eats Love-Lies-Bleeding'No on# eeuM complain

* ■ * , - • * Hny iboul Mill Karr's fizure, her rad-.V. Th! " .>,.U*krd youB* *#ld h,lr' " her complexion. Sheand put Is a islad, “lira it a won- ‘

Thla, aha aaya, U a British weed darful aharp tails."1 Deborah, who has overcome thahandicap af a flawleai besuly to prova kenelf one of tha moat rolled and talented of modern aetrenei, Ukei her food .pretty raw-and hopoi her life will itiy pretty kind.

At IT, ai a youni ballet dancer, iho triad out beforo the lata Ga­briel Paical for ■ film role la "Major Barbara,"

"You ere too fat, your hair la all wraai, and ao to your complex­ion," he told her. Thee Deborah rasd the line* af the role aha ■«u|ht. and Paieal — "Dear Gab­by" aha aalla him sow—Imma- diataly allied her ta a contract.

" t was ehubby Utaa," admit! Deborah.

Too Late To Classify

bacama almoit too beautiful. For • while It held her to imponlbty "loody aoody" roUi.

She broke (hit pattern In "Prom Hare ta Eternity," and lha Broad­way play, “To* and Sympathy."

Hiia Kerr’* patrician charm hai a warm- down-to-earth quality that make* it do leu appaallni. She hai m art raro imoni beautiful woman—lha ability to talk in auch a way that you foriet her look* and aeo and Ilka her mind,

lfaro la a iimpla:"Beauty secrets? I don't have

any. 1 do wash my fact with aoap and water.

"Baauty eat ba a myth anyway, ft ain bo phyilesl, or U can corns from Inildo a porion.

"To bo beautiful you haro to bo truthful. You alao hava to heap your hair slea, your teeth sice, your able nice, and all theie dreary thlnga. But yau learn (hat by tha age of I. You don't hava ta tall a woman that, 1 hope.

"PoodaT I iika raw csrrota, raw cabbaia, raw cauliflower — aal- adi and cheaiaa. I'm not a vio­lent eater, 1 could ba a vagatarl- an.

"Perhipa I got my love af v«g- •tablaa from my irandmothor. She loved weird planti. She mid­wine out af dandellona and bear out of nettlei.

"Aa a ptnon, I Just want to ha aa—to ba happy very much. •'It’s ao muck eeiler to bo hap­

py than to ba cron,"By that t don't mean te set

yes ahould wear s constant grin.I hava • laying, Ufa la a con.

' atant struggle against sa usaoaa

By KUACSELt, KAYOld Umcri who want through

tha wringer in Florida In IM4 when lha boom buitad right In their facia Juat can't believe that .there really la a Santa Clau*. Ever lines than they hava watch­ed tha a maxing growth of Florida and still heap shaking their head* and saying 'Wait until the bottom drops out."

Five or six years ago, I ratal! driving aoma friend* down to Miami and whan they saw the Beach they Just knewr that some- body was going to gat hut. Since lhan tha number of hotels and molela hai more than doubted and lha amating thing la that no matter how many n*w one, arc built they all icem to ba doing a profitable business.

For a good many years the Wait Coait of Florida, with the exception of St. Petersburg and Sarasota, didn't attract too many tourist*. Tha area experienced • tlow normal growth and there ware "vacancy" ilgni in s lot of plica*.

Thla yaar, tha Wait Coast la m overrun with touriits and win­ter visitor* that the hotel, motel and restaurant folks aret browing up their hands and screaming for help.

Last weak Is Ft. Myara motali were turning away so or more can a night and tha situation waa so daiparata that many travelers, exhausted In Ihelr hopeless sasrch for accomodations, slept In their cars.

Trailer parks were losded Jo tha gills and many trallerlle*

parked their trailers In filling nations or on tha strati as there was no plan alsa to go and they wen too tired to drive further.

Hestaurinti have bten hard praised to care for patrons. In tha St. Petersburg area you can sao hundreds of people standing la line waiting In get Into a res taurant or eafsteria. Even the awanklsit plana are doing a land office builnasa and turning pcoplt away who do not hava a reserva­tion.

While ntpny communities have laws against persons sleeping In ears, th# situation has become ao

advartary who almost always laemi to gat the batter of ua."

"But tha inawer comas down to self-control. I don't believe that people who make a row and 1st off steam actually feat any hellar. I think deep down they fail ashamed.

"We all grow np te be pretty ordinary. But we all ware once wonderful—like children."

desperate that police officials h*v* been Issuing permits to bona- fide tourists to do so as tha only answer to tha problem.

tt la tha same story wherever you go In-South Florida. Naples and BonlU Sprlngi have been telling troveten to try Ft. Myers and Ft. Myara folks hava been telling them to try Naples or Bonita Springs.

While Tampa does not elalm lo b* a lourlst town. It la Just as flooded as other communities add motels that have had vacancies In past years are now full. A traveler who was In my office to­day reported that ha started looking for a motel at * p m and visited seven place* before he could find accnmodstinns.

If anyone is to blame for tha situation It must be th* Florida Development Commission, nr fel­lows like Dick Pope of Cypress Gardens and Ray and Davidson of Silver Springs who have been pro­moting Florida lo th* hilt,

Newspapers and magarlnes have given more spaca to Florldr publicity ’ git* year thon ever hefore. Th* current isiu* of Holi­day magarin* tells how a tourist can visit a lot of points of In­terest on the West Coast, cover •v*ry attraction, a it well and have a royal tlma on an Invest­ment of 150 per person. Stories like that appeal to everyone and they hop In their ear, magazine In hand to make tha tour and sea If ij U true. i t

It looks Ilka we will hav* to build more hotels, motels and open more restaurants and eating places If wa are going to ha ahle to lake cars of all tha folks who want to visit ui. Anyhow. It Is wonderful and I'm on* little guy that be- llaves "Wa ain't seen nothing yet."

By JAME8 MARLOW [aenbower hsa declined to lay ha AaMcInlod F rau News Analyst |wants him again. Nixons future

WASHINGTON u r- lt was Pres- Is unclear, tdant Glscnhowar himself who said lb* Republican party Is not "da- pcoicnl" on one man. But it cer­tainly is now. And he's ths m in,, di-in t. lie can

The reason: with the axcapllon of Vice President Nixon — and there la tome folk the Republl cans may ditch him at Elsenhow­er'* running matt — lha party In tha past four year* has not built up any potential auccatsor to Elsenhower. Ths same thing hap­pened to the Democrats In tha Franklin D. Roosevelt yaara.

The Republicans may land on th* political rock* In 1M0 If Elsen­hower wins this year and thay do no more in the next four years to push forward presidential pros­pects lhan they did In th* past four.

Elsenhower 1 o o k • d so much mor* th* winner than any other Republican In light that lb* party wanted him even though b* starts out under a handicap — hli haart attack - no other candidate would hava to baar.

Eisenhower and his party can atm bopa hla anormoua popularity will carry lha day. But they know uncertainly In lha public mind about his haallh may cost them voles and mike lha result closer than In 1951.

They can't afford a vice presl dcntlal candidal# who will los* them voles. This year, they know, voters will b* thinking more than ever of the old saying: "The vice president la one heartbeat from the presidency."

For that raison tha man tha Republicans nick as Eisenhower's running mat* this year will prob- ably ha th* man they would hav* picked as Ihelr presidential can- didst* If E l a * n h o w * r wasn’t running.

Whom hsv* th*y to e h o o s * from? A hindful of Republicans com* to mind: Nixon, Sen. Know- land of California. Thomas E.Dewey, Gov. Christian A. Herter oDewey, Gov. Chrnstlsn A. Herter of Massachusetts and Henry Cabot Lode*.

Eisenhower has pushed Nixon to the front since 1MJ. Nixon his wide support smnng many—but not all—Republican politicians, El-

Bwaldential iwaapatakei. A big sactlos of Republicans — tbs Taft wing — ba* small use for him. If ho atlll has the presidential oug, bo's been keeping It quiet.

Lodge, chief U.S. delegata to the Unitaa oei.oh* »ud a long­time Elsenhower backer, didn't even win redaction In his own stats of Massachusetts th* list time ba ran for tha. Senit*.

Except far Secretary of tho Treasury Humphrey, who lays ho doesn't want th* Job. so on* In Elsenhower's Cabinet la being talked of much far th* vie# p ra j Idency.


ORLANDO CO- Th* Florida Assn, of County Commissioners will open a three-day convention haro Wadnatday.

Meeting lit conjunction with com­missioner* will bo tho Florida Assn, of County Attorneyi, tha Stalt Assn, of County Engineers and Road Superintendents, and county wnttNIty toning: offlqhili. ■

Cooking king shrimp? Add bay leaf, a few who)# black peppers, a slice of onion, some eatery tops and parsley sprigs to the waterIn which you simmer th# shrimp. Use the shrimp a* you desire: make a bisque with tha shrimp stock.

Pacifiers Often Help Prevent Thumb-Sucking

By NUHUN It MBMUIfc R.B.MOR* and mor# doctors are

condoning Us* uaa of pacifier* for thlldrtn.

For year a. many medical man have advised against Ibalr us* on ths grounds Uwy may bo habit- forming and tend to inerts** thumb-sucking. But a gn at Bus­bar of doe ton now disagree.Sucking loBon

A sucking raflax la present in■11 infanta. They gat than Brat nourishment by sucking. For many children. It la alio a aouree of pleasure since It help* them to r t i u .

Thla arte to each to usually satisfied with tho thumb. By th* tlm* s baby reach** tho eg* of thr»* months, hi* coordination 1* good enough to msbo tucking n purposeful net

If thumb-iueking become* n habit, sa it frequently does, It •omatimei continues for serarsl yaara. Any w a n t who h u triad to break hia youngster of thla habit knows* what a job It la.Faction Help

Dr. Loula P. Rlttolmiyer, Jr. of th* University of Tannaasoa Col­lage of Medicine, auggatU that pacinara can htlp prevent thumb- sucking.

Ha cltaa tost* conducted by tha eoltaga'a Family Car* Program to support hla contention. In only thra* par cant of ths cases, did

o ISM, XiM tn*

the neiflar fall to prevent'thumb-tucking.

On* •< tha chief values the pac- IBar hsa sa * prarantatlva of thumb-lacking, he says, la that It la addons dlAcoU to discard ,TofcwmkRAM

While s thumb la always avail* abl* at tha flick of a wrist, a pee* tflar la not If tha temptation la more than an arm's lasgth away. Dr. BltUlmaysr say*, a habit la more easily broken.

Ordinarily, ha aaya, children give up a peclflar voluntarily be­fore th# age of t Any Uma after tha second birthday, ha points out, parents usually can “lo*#1* tha peclflar without fearing de­velopment of thumb-iucklng.

J. B, II.: I awaka during tho night with numbnesa In my hands and flngar tip*. I also ha: j aorancaa tn tha arms and (boul­ders. would tha numbnaaa bo eauaad by rheumatism or la It duo to poor circulation?

Answer: It Is Impoaatbl* to tell what disturbance la causing tha numbnaaa In your hands ana An­gara and aoranasa In your arms and shoulders. Thla might b* duo to a circulatory disturbance, to arthritis, or to aoma nervous dii- ordar.

Thorough study by your phyal- elan la needed to And tha cau*^

YOU'RE TELLING ME!—»y WILUAM tin — Caafrof P roa Writer

A NEW thrt*-cant stamp oty ■cnrlxf th* 300th anniversary of Princeton university's Nassau ball will ba issued aaxt year. Th* Bowo story didn’t aay, however, whether It would bo orange-and- Mack Ugcr striped.

I I t4 mw "mtraefe" terigftf rrduc-

tap Mtaftaw (• Millay Ilk* hot eekts ta fired#*. The menu/ae*

be expecting /atpro ft*.

M f .I I

ta oak If we'dcrying Inta

from an outdoor Christmas dis­play, replaced them with rad and grsan lights. That's all that* waa to ths new* dispatch—but tt dots make a colorful dory.

I t Igpain's top matador (a *w roof#

lo Jepem te introduced M l fight* tay there. Advice re Fogo—tat- Ur stick te Me*boil/

I t !I t t | 0 0 i L a a J!gbb IWV H*Wf*anW IfrW J wRrWMY HW w

Canada ba* ln*raa**d by 99,000, amiistlM shew. Th* family

to *

s a v ea n d

thingsyou want

• A fur coat, n*w ear. nestle* trip . . . whatever your special dream mar bs . . , yau eaa make It come true, without touching vour emergency re. serves. Simply open a separate saving* account and **t slid* o regular amount, each payday. Our liberal dividends, addM twlr*-y#arly. will h*ly your saving* grow fastarl

Next to a Living Performance, You See It Best on



• t Uta £i4Jtot iiAUf CriUf ■ T ti i i oA-V r OliU14it in Orlanda March iTth. Tuna. March 8, I t

March 12 Olrli* 4-H Club of --------------------------Slavia will meat at the ichool at ft.M fof priellci , l p,m. Demonstration will be on _1(¥ c#ntir“ cZ. «L 1

March IS Girl.* 4 H Club of Club, will meet a Geneva will meet at the ichool V 1at B:30 a.m. Demomtratlon will ^be "Have Plmptea Moved In on Sh,nt Yum” Ceramic* Clan <

CuaJV • . ,,.oru» will meet at the Senior Hl|h Seb

Panel Discussion Featured Program A t P-TA Meeting

The ren te r meetlnt of the Southilrie P-TA wa* held Thuri- dajr In the school auditorium. Rou­tine ^tulnejn w i i carried out by the nreildent, Mri. Quit eve Bam­berger.

Duriha that time e nnrninetine committee wa* eopolntcd to aa cure offtcen for the aniulng achoot year. Thai* chmen were Mrs. Charlei Meeka. Mr*. H. S Dimer and Mr*. J. C Uttehal

The P-TA project for the year wai dimmed and It we* decided to tpand the P-TA money for new library hook* for the tchool. Mr. Ren Wlgglni will heed the committee.

Announcement trai made of the district P-TA meellnf to be held in Lee.burg March R. All were uraed to attend ir poitlble

A report wai liven of the P—TA county council meellna held recently In the Geneva School.

The proiram wee “very In- tereitini and Informative" in the form of a panel dlicuaslon on "Juvenile Protection’* which wai led by Mr*. Randall CHa»e. Thn«e taklni part wart Arnold Wllllemi. police department; the Rev. Cirnefn and Don Plarnm. Scout official.

Many Intereiltni point* were liven on way* that parent* and lcich»ri may help and protect their children. A butt mtlon. led by Mr*. Roy Menn, wai held In which everyone partici­pated. Queition* came back to the panel to be aniwered.

Homchc* for the evening de­corated the lunchroom with haikeli of iprlnf flower* and March kite*. The tablet were centered with tiny neili and * « •

Dellrlmn refreihment* of cake and coffee were lerved by the room mother* of Ml** M argue- rtta notion'* e lm , and Mf*i Mariarette Oreiory and Mil* Zlllah Welsh’* clan.

Ai/ss Myrtles Schedule

Schedule of Ml** Myrtle Wil­ton, Home Demomtratlon Aicnt from March 7-IS 1* a* follow*:

March T Chulunta Home Drmunitratlon Club meet* el Ihe School Building at 10 a.m. Cover­ed dish lunch. The deinonitratloo will be "Pleated Skirt."

Match S Sanford Home Demon- itratlon Club meet* at the Com­munity Center at 2 p.m. Demon- itratlon will be "Pleated Skirt."

March I Girl*' 4 H Club of Pinccreit School • l!h grade-will meet/ at the ichool at 11 a.m. Demomtratlon will be "Have plmpeli Moved In On You."

The 7th Grade Girl*' 4-H Club will meet at Sanford Junior Hliti School al 11:.19 p m. Demonitra- lion will be "Have Pimple* Moved In on You."

The Lake Monroe Home Demonstration Club will meet at the ichool at T p.m. Demomtratlon will be ‘ Cleared Skirt."

March 10 County Dairy Pood* Contcit will be held for the 4'H Girl* at tha Community Center ■t • a.m. Selection will be made for girl* to repreaent the county

Local Members ^sked To Attend D AC Luncheon

The Pilgrim Chapter Florida Society Daughter, of the Ameri­can Colonist* will hive a luncheon at 12:30 p. m. March IS In the

Beluood Hotel 741 S. Ridgewood Ate. in Daytona Beach.

Local mrmberi are ashed to • f t a check with re*eivat!om no* liter then March to to Mr*. 11. K. Hamilton, 3o9 N. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach.

All Sanford member, arc urged to be preicnt.

t* of tender ahruba a* crepe myrtle, Crose croton*, hlbltcu* and poimettlae ■ non- which we have heiltated to do

until all dancer of froit wa* over.

Not only th**e tender ihrub* but practically svsrythlng In tha garden I* welting for thl* atten­tion. However, welt until the bloom I* over for bougainvillea*, gardenia*, aialta*. camellia* and other spring bloomers; when they too ihnutd he pruned of straggly growth, then fertlllaed and well watered.

Aialeai and camellia■ ehauld set their first feeding of an add formula fertlliier about mid- mouth or whin iuit pail tha peak of bloom; and two ftedlnf* later at sit week Interval*. Soma gardener* prefer to give Hgnt feeding* monthly until ahnut July lit when bud* begin to form for next year’* flower*. In any rat* the fertlliier ihould he wall watered In without "scratching" th# >ol| a* thl* practice eaveraly damage* th* fragile root eytteia.

W* do hop* you have been •*ving all available oak leavat

Rrd and mulching your Dower her- dire with them, Aialeai and camellia* are particularly in need of thl* proltrUnn to keep their shallow root* moiit and cool.

Hvdrang*** aim respond beauti­fully to monthly feeding* thru June. Use very add fertiliser inch a* aluminum autphal* (ground aluml if you deilr* deep blue flower* and lint* to •weeten anil for pink one*. Thai* plant* do wel| In with eialea* and give Idonm In summer when the aialeai are gone.

Tmteel all newly .planted ihrub* and tree* from drying wind* of Mareh with a mulch and frequent iprinkllng* nf water from th* ho«e. U*e fertlliier sparingly on the** a* th* root* ar« tender end easily hunted. Her* again I* where monthly ap­plication* In *m*l) amount* I* better than on* h*avy feeling.

Lawns al*o ihould get their iprlng feeding thl* month, and do rhona# ■ fertlliier .with a good percentage of organic ma­terial ai It lait* longer and


and neighboring town*. There I* no charge but a free will of­fering will be accepted at tha vtoor for tha Red Croia Fund of Seminal* County.

Player* arc raqueitod to make up their own table* and bring their own card*, playing the gam* of their choice, a* there will be table prliee given.

Mr*. Kupl announce* that »h* will five nteny fin* prliee at her party.

Tan door prlieii «»ch worth five dollar* or more will be give. Wlnnir p rim for each table hav* been planned and a large number of screen* prliee. Gifl* to th* Seminole Croe* Fund will 1 th* door In H*u n


$3-95 To $8.50


tong SleeveSPORT SHIRTSVI anhatten-M arlboro -Cooper.WERE NOW3.95 3.894.95 3.493.95 2.79

Mr. end Mre, Lynwood Whatley of Birmingham, Ala. ara announc­ing the birth of a dauihter. Debra Jean weighing 7 lb*. March 3. Mr*. Whitley I* th* former Mtu Bar­bara Jean Catiube of Sanford,

fieAAjoJtaJU This neuron U*a lightweight atrtw* In your thole* of dark to lighter nhadea . > eeveral crown* In various brims.

Every LEE straw la ARIDEX water-repellent rnnrii * • els* please?Mr. and Mr*. Dean Snavely an­

nounce the birth of a daughter, Chritlla Ann weighing 4 lb*. 12 ot. Feb. 21. The young Mlie wai born In the Seminole Memorial Hospiral and her ir.tth#r I* the former Mil* Edne Michel*. & C & < L C ft

Making garlic bread from a f M _ — _long loaf of French bread. Re- l U l pmember that you’ll naed to allow S w lfc*ten nr fifteen mlnutra to baa* tha bread In a modarata ovtn. 80(1 EAST FIRST

FALL TROUSERSValues to 10.95

n o w 5.95Jt>7 C ir i lo o / B l o o m f i e l d

Mr. and Mre. Morrli Roth ere ■pending a ihorl varation at Ihe Mayfair Inn. They are from New Bruniwlck, N. Y. Mr*. Roth I* th* pait preildent of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority ot th* Alpha Seta Chapter \n her town.

Happy, BirthdayPhil Haiklne

Ur*. W. D. MeadeMr* C. J. Tolley

- and SOMch& ni'lO & aA.


Wedneiday wa* the 2#th nf rehruary — Sadi* Hawklne Day.

School wa* dismissed al t p m the fun began! Thera were racei, contaeta, food, gamea and a square denr* for u* to enjoy

Clines end rlubi ipomored a yiriely of booth*. The Gle* Cluh ■old waffle* end coffee; th* Lat In I club, routed end boiled pc* nut*; Trl HI Y, P*P Club, Latin II and Future Nuria* Club* ipon ■ored fim ei. The Library Cour ell conducted a eeke-walk end the Sophomore clue sold inow cone*. The Key Club sold candied apples.

The booth enjoyed molt by the itudent* was "Th* Drink", which was ipomorad by the Projactlonlata Club.

The inphomore* took second and third place In tha ple-eatlni contcit which Donnie Carter won Ray* Jenkins, representing Mir junlori won tha bubble-gum blowing contest.

Johnny Bowen and Nancy Tri visa* won first and third place respectively while Brantley Schl r*rd cam* la eeeond la the lack rare.

Eddie Barbour I* now the hog calling king of I. Ft, 8. by beat ing Al Stanley, Jimmy Owen andWally Phillip*.

Th* Junior* took top honor* In tha human croquet game and the itniora end sophomore* drag gad the juniors and freshmen through the mud In th* tug-o-war

Ai main event ot th* day. Sadi* Hawkins Day race wai *n joyed by th* glrli. After catch Ing a man, Marrying Sam, Mr Harrii, would supply a marriage ceremony, ring and a certificate for sea cents.

The 'danee, given fey the Stu dent Council, began at • p.m. t end ended at t. Elisabeth Wood­ruff and Bobert Carter, who had been elected Delay Mae and Ul‘

-Abner were honored gueats. Mr Engebrelion, David Shannon ami Dll! Martin supplied the muilc.

The majorettei are and 'have been alnce the first of the year, practicing for the diitriet band contcit. Thl* contcit la going to be held In Cocoa on March tg.

For the liat two veehp the Mlrli have practiced after aehoo] until i p.m. In addition to their rssuler practice, ft la vary hard


TH*TIMELESS COSTUME • v e r y t i m e !

What to wear to the committeeuniting? . . . to dinner with your busbond'a bo**! . . . to your re­union lunchiont Our womjirful pur* al Ik shantung spans the hours , , . aulta th* occasion. Soft droia with low neckllno has It* own aently fitted Jacket, with an over-collar of white linen , . , aut short enough to tot tho Dew­ar icrent repeat tha color ef the eummarbund. 10 to 20.

Only at Penncy’e! Sm all Fry Easter Treats in Breath"of-Spring B roadcloths, Ginghams!Otto tWnhe Mead Tew Bel'S be lb* pmndea* „Mttto tody to the luster pr ude to e hnem A QCetel Ivnwe dree* from Penney'*! Choose from v H•ends of them . . . prints, eolida, stripes,cheeks, combination*. . . machine washablebroadcloths, finvhnmn . . . all exquisitely a ■ _ __styled- Delectable little dlahee they are In W 9 *,XB* 7 IOlovely whipped cream colors . . , priced i tdelectable Penney prices, tool m u ) to m J .O |

work and they daierva a lot ofcredit

Inelaqtally, tha Band g a v o a concert at tha JO rftlr Ian Suodiy. ____________ ,

"Stltmort VniiPBed Cross0


H H K g

■ ' 1

’1 j.

BO B \ A >P tC H A R D S T y


V * e a v r f # / * / 9 f 6\ CAMPA/ON/AlS I m c H ME

If POPE 9 W /lL >1 w m p o p w /r P /U A R E P E A T / >JRL m o //V t o e / /> \ OiKHPiCB. L J


'V *

.vr*r;-».......... : , •• •• ~~~ ~~ ’ v \ v< .


iton,: n in u e r of two world ehim- plom and praaldsnt of tha Intar* national Boxing Guild, today facea a Stata Athletic Commlaaion hear­ing that could coat him hit llcenia.

Commission Chairman Jullua Halfand ordered written ebargea drawn up agalnat Johnaton, man­ager of featherweight ruler Sandy 8 fiddler and light heavyweight Ung: Archie Moore, for violating

■' commlaaion rulea. Similar chargeeJT r w ar' lodged agalnat Managera , . Carmine Tarantino._ . Ttta eommlailon will decide — l. : probably next week — whither

, 1 their Ucahaea ahould be auapendedtl S - or revoked. .

Both Johnaton and Tarantino ad­mitted at a commlaaion hearing Monday that they chared tin the management of three Italian fight- era—Paolo Ttoal, Halo Scortlchlnl and'LK n Mlnclll — but had not filed aialgnce contract* with the commlaaion aa commlaaion rulea renulre.

Tarantino admitted that In tub* milting the contracts of light­weight Real and middleweight Scortlchlnl he had aworn to Hie compilation that he was the aole manager and no one elae had any

' Interest! la the fighters. Johnson admitted the same for Mlnclll, a welterweight now retired.

"Everyone In boxing knnwa that Tarantino and f have bren part­ners In Italian flghtera for 2f> yean,” laid Johnslnn. "We had an oral understanding. I'm no undercover manager."

Aaked by Ifelfand why he hadn't filed aaslgnee papers with tha eontmlsilon, Johnslnn replied that he;was out of town when Taran­tino filed yontrael* for Roil and 8cnrUch!n{ and that Tarantino was not la town when he fJohnaton) filed the Mlnelll retract. Asked

why he dld't aviie Hie emmia- slon later of hla there In the fight­ers, Johnaton laid, "It clipped mymind.”

"It waa a misunderstanding." acid Taradtlno. who haa a limited command o! English.

SOKCfr in t s t a t e - S / l t M l|* U ia 4 * CA ll Man M » J-'*Musty liu n M O M lUloiidjr ttuptrlor

jSfcrfW *r,mai V M SlSU"1 - ll ,w (Commander J W. I S#

g u ln l e l a l l - I J 111-10 I r i l ly doiitils (4-»)> ** -

T k lrd B a r e —« / l i Mile. T lm e i a t . tMltspy T im a im ou 4 lu J.suMy Lucky W hirl 10 40 I t . t vH appy O kie e so

<juinlela <*•«)) l»* on f ' e a i l k SUca —4 / i e Mila T lm ai ■!.« y i n a t t a 1 * 0 J so l evIliili A Dima 4.00 J.*0Mountain k.<Mla * 3v

Uiiinlola 4l.kS P * oo H l l k l i a r a —0/1# I t l l r . T lm a i *l .a m a r At M IO 1*0 a.eeNil K aw ard * t IV In nCom in I ' r i a d a * 1®

UMlnlala (fc.») DM OS S I , Ik l l a r a — tz I I Mil*, T lm a i 11.3 Hour Hock * 40 *»v 3*>K. I lob *00 1.10Dyald „ a-xv

g u l n l s t a (1.7) SIS :o S t . t a l k l l a r a —a. ' ld Mil*. T im a HI.!I. M. Hon»y o.oo I . Jo s iod a r t r lih t 4 10 M oIma l.u ju * 40

gu ln le la ( I .* ) S l l " 4 K la k lk l la re — « /l« Mila T lm a i a i . l lirin iila t-'rlrmt 3 on I so 3 noI'tiliimr Mlr»ak J 00 3,1*Ulna lloll M"

g u ln la la I I .S i I I J «".Olalk Mara — (1/10 Mila Orada 4 Choir Boy • •» • .flay Benny * to J S«Flyln* Tool ISO

(Julrilela (3-SJ II* *n T a a lk lla ra —0/» Mila. T lm ai 41.1 Zalda l.ou l« * o » oo l« «HUM Hua 4 *0 J j ;B n rka laer

(Julniela IS**> 1*4 *0 Mutual Jlstizll# I I I . 774.0 0

T* IN HI I IT H CM TniEM , p lra l n ara — »•» Mtja Orada C Mary Hill Brenda K, tu rlcku r t'llnl. Ila h ih l .Marked Vlly. I.ucky I’aloa. lim in' P « « l , lf* l|a r Sarnad lla ra —I II Mila Orada II llaa l Hnn, llonnay iladean lieiiil'i. Top flanana. Lon# Htar T»«. r.urhv I ’a l'ray , Hupar F rrd , lilrn to Ta« Tklrd t ia ra —A -ia Mila Orada ••



Nightly Sunday)

Matinees Wed. & Sat, 2 P. M.; • All New Track • Photo Timing

• Heated Stands * Australian Tote • Valet Parking • Jerry Collins, Mgr.

Sorry, No Minora

HI-WAY 17-02 — 8 Mllen South Of Sanford Turn Went At Red Arrow

Women's Golf Assn. Has Monthly Meet; Tourney Revealed

Th# Sanfnrd Woman'# Golf Ae- lodatlon held their monthly luncheon and buelnase meeting at the Mayfair Country Club lait Wrdlicaday.

Tha luncheon tablet wera beautifully decorated with Oranga bloieqnie, aaaleaa, geranium**, and wild flowera by Mre, John Crawford, Social Chairman who also gave Mm. Andrew Carraway a prlie for gne»»lng "If" a* the Secret Word used most by all golfera.

Mrs. Rosa Adame preeldent, presided over the meeting, Mra. Betty Madeira was introduced a* a new member. Mrs. Blanche Nicely waa alectad as director to represent Sanford Women’* Golf Tournament for 1060-57. Mr*. W. Aiaoclatlon at tha Inter-City K. Meltoberla, tournament chair­man, announced the Club Champ­ionship Tournament would begin March 11 with qualifying dates March 7 through March It. Mr*. Meltoberla also announced the In- ter-Clly Tournament in Leesbuig Thursday March 16.

Mr*. Jeanne Foulk, trophy chairman, awarded prliea to the following: Kelt. 16 -Tournament - Best Nine holes, W haridlcap- Clas* A, Mr*. Beryl Rwlnsont Class B, Sin. Betty Madeira; Class C, Mr*. Harry Woodruff; Iaiw Pulls, Mr*. Ruth He.rron. Keb. lid - Tournament > Most C, Class A, Mrs. Louise Parker; Most 7, Class C, Mr*. Fred Perkins, Low Putts, Mr*. Andrew Carra­way.

Members, attending were: Mrk. Jeanne Foutk, Mr*. I). It. Math­ers, Mrs. W. K. Mcltoberts. Mrs. Ross Adams, Mr*. E. B. Smith, Mrs.* Harry Woodruff, Mr*. A. I). Marsh, Mrs. Charles Meeks, Mrs. Prlra Heard, Mr*. George Nicely, Mrs. J, C. Inch, Mrs. P. 0. Hart, Mr*. Betty Madeira. Mr*. H. P. Weaver. Mrs. F. D. Scott, Mrs. Boyd Weber, Mrs. C. F. Filton.

Mr*. Fred Perkins, Mrs. It. K. Bing, Mrs, John lv»y. Mr It. Swlnaon, Mr*. J. t Mrs. Jim Parker, Mr*. Grace Marlin, Mr*. E. C. dayman, Mra. T. F. McDaniel. Mr*. Madeline Dunn, Mrs. Andrew Carraway, Mra. Earl HlgglnlToGtam, Mrs. J. Hiimir 1 Wilson, Mr*. John Craw­ford, Miss Ceclle Heard,' Mis*

Pag* 8 Two. MarcK 8,1958 TTTB BAKTORP HER ALB

STILL FLYING HIGH Dons Keep 1st Grip On Press Poll

By NICK ELLENA Tha Associated Freia

The San Francisco Dona easily

was readmitted and UCLA (No. 10) Joined the select group for the first time this season. Dayton

. . . . . . . . . . i (No. 3), Alabama, the Southeast-retained tho top ranking In the crn Conference cnatnplon (No. 4),Associated Pres* poll this week. I#m| Louisville (No, 6) relaincd the

Should they retain their No. 1 some spots they held last week, ranking In the final poll of the Iho Big Ten leader Iowa Jumped

f i tL LEE

TP//0<9 POP A

O EM r e c o p p ’Orff ZfPA/GMr m M

TEEW L L R O t E o a m e z

«vR E M YO P K oti f e e . 4.

4H».<4*lr4 »> r*a M M



Vets In Spotlight At Training Camps

front 10th to filth and Southern. . . . . . . . . . Methodist, Southwest Conferencebeen volcd the mp team In tho thamplon> ,rom ninth ,0 elghth Jonation for 10 straight weeka by ,olind out the top JO.the country's spurts writers ah 1broadcasters. They've been on top14 timet thla season, plus fivetimes las? year.

Along with that a victory over SI. Mary's tonight would give Ihem an undefeated regular sea­son with 25 straight victories and add In rhclr all lime major college record of 51 straight.

While San Franctsro cornered the voting with 1.162 out of j pos­sible 1,311 points, North Carolina StAtc surprised by vaulting from fifth to second place. Illinois plopped from the runnerup spot all the way in seventh.

Other changes saw Vanderbilt the top in while Kentucky (No. 3) end North Carolina drop ouf of Pie top 10 while Kentucky (No. 9)

II Vanderbilt ----- ----- - 1*112. Holy Cron (1) . — 1M,13. Temple ------------— !**14. West Virginia (t) .15. North Carolina .. .16 . Oklahoma City (3)17. Houston .........19. Wake Forest ....IS. Wake Forest19. Duke ........—20. Utah (I) ...... —



.51 J 49 .41

1. San Franelscn (73) ___1,1823. N.C. Slats (3) _______ 7783. Dayton (1) ________7*34. Alabama (24) ________ 7203. Iowa (7) ...... __ _____ 717«. Lo-lsville (0) _______ ...... 1537, Illinois _____ .... ..... .......427g. 8MU (1) ..... ________ 3199. Kentucky (2) ..... ......... 22*10. UCLA ........ ________ 191

The Second 10:

R E D - I - M I X


Miracle Concrete Company

Ph. 1335 — 309 Elm Ava.

By T1IE ASSOCIATED PRESSUp to nnw tha youngsters, con­

tending for major league berths, have hogged the spotlight ‘In the spring training ramps. But the veterans are beginning to maka Ihelr weight felt nnw.

Home run slugger llsnk Sauer. W. w ho’disappointed Ihe Chirago Cubs

Peters, will) a dismal season In 1955, pow­ered a 400 foot home run in hat­ting practira yesterday despite a sore ankle. Hank has brought smiles to Manager Stanley Hack's fare with hla solid hitting.

Furthermore, pitcher Russ Mey............... er, acquired from the Dodgers,.Ellen Bell* and guest, Mrs. Iloua ,nCcessfully weathered a severe

show from Willie Mays, who nailed a runner al the plate with a 350-foot prg. Mays also made a fine ea'rh of a long drive as his team- the Davey Williams Wallop­ers, downed Ihe Ray Mueller.

Other veterans from whom min- agere are expertlng a lift this spa- son are Bobby Thomson of Ihe Braves, Ray Jahlnnski of the Red- legs, Jerry Lynch of the Pirates P.ete Runnels of itip Senators and Frank Smith nf Ihe Cardinals.

T i t u s v i l l e T i d e sHigh Low

Wednesday , March T3 31 i m in. in am4 in p m. 10:17 p.m

Thursday, March 84.44 a.m. 10:58 m m*.n» p, m 11 r* p m

Friday, March 93:31 a m. M :3T • m.5 43 pm. 11 19 p.m

Saturday, March 107 11 « m. p m(5:34 p.m 12 li pm

Sunday, March II8:43 a m. 12:3(1 a m.7:13 p.m. 12.31 p.m.

R A Y M O N D M . B A L L , R E A L T O R (

Real Estate Sales — Rental* — Investment*Dependable Insurance end Bond*

• O. M. n*rr!so«, Awoelila Brok«r • 8. D. Hlghleyman, Associate Salesman

201 Park Are. South Phon* MO


Throw A*iy Tear Tire Dollars Rscsot* Teur Tire* Are 8»"elk. Let WELSH TIRE SHOP JOS W. lad Put On New Truck Rubber Treade That Bill Gi»* Guaranteed NEW TIRE Bear And lav* Tour Money,


Mahan amt Mr*. P- C. Hina.

SI |» ■ |lo«* l l s » s n - / ) Hps, *, Lnpl'SI Itilrt, Ml»» tiulirmr. I'm HpliIv «l Hi«, lis i*u HuneSi TlilniViurlh Mara —* • * Hit* *Jt-niieno »u li Mr Wiimlis I'm. Jllisfl Jill, IJiii'listt t'li-. UntilMiMir. Il»il Wind, rrrine Tim*. Hun, I'sriv >l(lk —azta Mils (,rad» I)All,, f III I» ,s XllrtitH,. Ml-s Kiiir. )MIIII r Alou,*-. I iiii-rtvsiimi. Hu, a tin.4 Uiavalu| Mac, Hu*jrs'lttsk llsre —a HI *S I la lirsils I*lUy J Hell* 1 -• v 1.1.*r>kid. I ,i« iladssn, JluiMy Field. I.Tonatim,, I'uny list, Nsllrnn Setrnlh Hare —*/l# »4lie IUs4« 4 Jerry I’relty Ilr»l F.ffnrl, I'erry I'll ele, ,\Ue Kina, ul, I roily. Ilnlllna Mime, Aunt VVililn Msry J. J Ftakia llara —fi le title lirade M Warily, Marquei, Major <’"dy, Nina li. C'nral tin,a. t.eader Ullri, Tnn Tnbby. HUr Fla»h Math llara —*/ia Bit# ra4a A Sir. Fnr#e Vnl lltakley, Adnrerl, Ciuit iJisle, llaiipy Tim, Frrlty I'CHHV. Krs U'Tn|l|irr. Mk C’ari.l Telllk liar# —Cl'k Side l.vailr T Hweet l.lna. Ilarnmny and Itzmal Ulna, Harmony llntih, Zeiaballa. Ulster Jones, flullana Ike, Ray Fantasy

Forty basketball teams are en­rolled In tha University of North Dakota Intramural spori* pmgram directed by Harold f rtnky) Kraft.

West Virginia trainer. A C. (Whltey) Gwynne coached the Mountaineers' only unbeaten wresll Ing team In 1930 when WU won all aeven meet*.

test of hl» ailing elhow. He enm- pUlnol th# elhow locked on him while fielding a grounder Sunday.

Harry nyrti, Ihe ex-Yankee, who has hern modifying his pitching delivery In the hopes of Improving on his test season’s 7 X rernrrl for Ilia Chirago While Box, hurled three hltlrsa Innings

The Itriiiiklyn Dodger* *r*nd to lose Ihelr World .Series sensation Johnny I’odrrs In Ihe draft this monih hut they were eherred hy the excellent performances of Carl Erskine and Billy l.oes in halting pracllre slinTs. For Loes II was Ihe first lime he has thrown hard all spring.

Don Neweombe pitched for 13 minutes despite a blister on his Ihumti and it was hoped the sore­ness in his arm which plagued him at World Senes tlm» his dis­appears).

B'es We strum of the New York Giants hit two Nsme run* In an Intrasquad game. He has been tak­ing bailing tips from ex-slugger Johnny Mlie.

Th, Giant* also got a sparkling

Outfielder Rob Rnrkowtki of the Rcdlega was nirknamrd "Bush" as a youngster because h# wore hla hair tong.

M eet tran sp ort demands “ anyw herib-anytim e . . .w ith th e 4-W heel-Drive ‘Jeep’ Truck

iiM lj : : ~ r

On linnl-Burfnce ron<U tlie famous ‘Jeep* Truck gives you 2-wheel ilrive pcrformanco to match any conventional Iruck. Where the good road ends—when snow, ice, mud, or roadless stretches bnr the way to ordinary rucks—you can shift into 4-wheel drive to tarry a full payload to almoat any deetini* don in any weather.4-Wheel-Drive ‘Jeep* Thick* are designed for Ihe most rigged performance. Note the high-skirted fender* and functional body lines that resist denta. With power take-off, ‘Jeep’ TVucka operate*, generator*, compressor*, and other belt driven machin­ery. They lake power to the job—on or off tho road.Let m demonstrate the ‘Jeep* Track — America’* loweet priced 4-wboel drive truck —for you.



l i m o i M i i t top. . . mo lu r ro M f/io 'fV ffP s rv o u v sCeM asto with OBAS.T IT # a u A 7* y a rn aI mstlisaa awtiug achiavw. waa*. SOU.T Mag* yoa lb* tsamsss- Oaas "TXimond AaaW anuy" ia r sasssf S.WI

A ll T0CM 'to** nATVRtsN O W » J I “

Tk4« la saaly #d»l—4br (ha Use* * * a»4r urfIbsa. «0* taaaas WO.W Nataral aiM* tm haa satead tm M i OUa jaaAy teayhaiawrf JOgJBl , Y e a l ha tW Iad with Ha aepsrk •ees/ort aad rsatfully ■ firm support. f## ths Natural R#e*-try it, buy It#-ls at* boddiag dapartweUaday I

> 4akM sms tm JaaMw aw

* 1Sa.b.4 ky SaulNt MM«l4t T.rit-a lull—

. k # i l k , l l . t« k | ■ U P 4 .4 S


Ph w i er wD fl In mli ifwwn N O W !i itrnin vnma

04*4*7(1 u a vir run iui

| X - . . , S .IVS .k SS.fI nm,.WMMOl*» I I . M l l k . W l M

FUAM IMMGf B gm ^ l ~TJwJp | twhalka#

~ _ - * - * r l if.* k . M br*

tm*r 4W S 1 a will v_>. l» Wm I

I i r I « L Ntlna 1

d a la y .i l gel a *Jeep‘ T ra ck dem onstration tpday l

R D ELL’S R EP A IR SHOPWilson-Maier Furniture Co.

i n i ■■ '■981

111 H. FIRST ST.It’s Never Higher at Wilson-Maier



Simplified Selling Of Surplus I tems. . .A "F; — Now Herald WANT - ADS Are As Easy

or Sale" Ad. Call 1821As A. B . C . —


18c par line ...... ........ 1 tjm*18c par line ................ 8 timaaHe par Una ............... 8 time*lie par lina ....... ........21 time*10c par linr ........... . contractCAF1I> OK THANKS ami IN MEMOR1UM Notire* . .. IIJMOna I.ina Equate 8 averageumda. when sat In 0 jwlnt (naves slyl*) type.While S|inca at Regular Line Rata fnr amniint ui*d—O-unt Nina * .Point l.lnas to Mnch.


ON RKqUEST____________ ___

11U-ELECTRK.„^ Conti'*... •

r a n d a l T T e l e c t r ic CO.Elactrical fnnlractmg and Rapair*

TV Service Center Bendtx and Croslcy Appliances

112 .Mngnolln Ave. I’h. 11A1 8^LA I!MIRV-DRY ~CLKAN IN Q

Ona ntmr • Wash and Damp Pry Ona hour 4 - With and Dry Eold ■’innhad Laundry

Sa niton* Dry CleaningSouthfllde Lmindromit

Honih Sid* Foodmar) Hid*.108 East JSIh SL______

2<driA N O SERVICEL ~ C ~Bill - Piano Technician

Phnna J164 Raul* 1, SanfordI t —ROOFING-PLUMBING

1 a-CARp o r THANKS, The family «f the 1*1" Mr*. ■ Rarihi A. Cilhnun of MT Hlclttiry

Avenue, Sanford, lali»» Ihlt method nf expressing aincara ap­preciation in everyone for all fiimlneti shown them during her Ijlnass and ilralh 7 Ml). W. K. CALHOUN.



DIAMOND Hint Downtown virln- IIv t a r e of MRS WILLIAMS 310 Oak Ave. REWARD

LOST—Chihuahua Trrrmr, brown and while, aniw<*rv In nama. Junior. I.ovl in Tmacrt'al sec- lion, REWARD I’hnne 1373-R,



I II SCOTT-AT WATER . . Ml r,n r , |{. SCOTT-ATWAT)•''( .$BT.JH)7'-< II- J*., Lvinruda^lft.M.__ -

* fllio.w* in II. Ulqhtnins MERCURY 8128.00 lo It. P. Mercury

••Hurricane'7 Hft'iOOlo ii s c o r r ATWATER

with eonlrols *159 95in II ELD IN m u m1.3 U JOHNSON. 1M3 Mo,Id

very last *2.'t0 no» il p. Evlnruda 1983 Model,

Like new *288 noAlso many motors lorn down lor

used parts. Reasonable.On Sale While l.iey Last! New IMS Model Evlnrudes

IS H. Eler Starlingm* Twin lion m

• TRADE-IN your old boat, Mo lor or Trailer.

—Selerlmn of Boat* — (jlats. Mahogany, Alnmintim and tlaitor Trailers• Also several used Boats anil

i trailers.>ee Ihe New Evinrude Line fur MS

Flnanre PlanROBSON Sporting fiinidn

Evinrude Rale* A Servlee |flt E. 1st Ri. Phone a a*

* H M oTom:vcf.F ..s .nicvt i

BIO HMD llarir.v 74 cil ill Molnr cyrl» 12.80. 808 Esrainlua Drive. Phone Sanford 1334-W.




. | In amazing and provrn process ■ II , gives vou a ring and valvp ;i joh through Ian plating pro- .] c e u while you drive. Effective :| for life of moloy.' No equipment

f i lo hoy. No work to do.; MOTALOY SALES• Dept- SF llox (W7I M IAM I 3.1, FLA.• Rend cheek, money order (nr

18 Postage and Insurance pra-i paid. ___ _ _ __1EXPERT F RONT END a l io n -• MENT AND WHEEL BALANC-• ING-Passenger car* and Trucks; j all makes, I l t a i - U ton In 3

!§ j ton. Seminole Coontv Motors, ; lttr, SIS E. l i t . 8t. PHONE 101L;Tj—TRAILERS ~?J | will pay YOU In see US be/ore

you boy. Open Evenings and - Sundays.• Eastilde Trader Sale*,, Palatka, Fla.


8—REAUTY PARLORSFur M.l Your Beeuiv Ni-,i« r»i|

Harriet I’a Renuty NookI ’f me t»I iuy ho O.i* Ave

ai fnin^i hy m^nf

> T -n u i i .n iN O . PAINTING


PAINTING and Paper Hanging •t ;i C Walker, Phone 29.88-M

tflJlOR jsj ruling and finishing. T Cleaning, vraxuig. Serving Semi

S mile county since 1921.I ,11. U , G lea Kin, Lake Her/ .


f liif ll/d lIJ^Tff.TTy

ranlraeltag and I rp a t r 1 MI Sinlerd Ase. Phone 111!

LIVESTOCK i - ' ' l - V T H ' t t E —HOUSEHOLD 1,001)5


BOXER PUPPY—Reglslered 13 weeks old female. Reasonable. PHONE 2170 J



FOR RENT - Dragline and opera­tor hy Hour. Week or Month. Phour 1481, Lee Construction Co.

Hoilaway, Hospital a n d B a b y tied!. Day, Week or Month— Tel. 1428. Furniture Center-

118 Weal First


For Better Plumbing See or Call

W. J. KIND280U mil It Park—Phone 30Plumbing. Krcsky Heating

M. (J. H01MJES Service on All Water Pumps—

Wells Drilled — Pumps Paula Road Phone 700

1'LUMIIINQContract and repair work. Fre*

eiljmetui. R, L. Harvey. 304 1838.

—Far lory to Y en - Aluminum

V enellnn RlindaEnrlnsert heed. Sag-proof hollnm

rail with plastic ends. Plastic nr rayon tapes. Cullon or n>loo eords.

S e n k s r lk Glams nnd Pnin t Co112-114 West 2nd SI. Thone 12n

GOOD old camera I8.(tu. and olher bargain*. WIEHOLDTS 2 to( Park.

But your Furnnufe at Berry's Warehouse Furn., Co., at act W lit SI. All nainmally adv. fur­niture at warehouse prices.

HOTPOINT Automatic P ith Wash­er, like new. 812U less than cost. Phone 2311 M


ONE 8 Ft. E/re Flow Fertilizer Box, Good Condition.

BRUT TRACTOR CO. Illnay 17-32 South Phone 101


T u e * . M a rc h B, 10.111 P a g e 7 for Two Bedroom masonry home Will he completed soon Only Mitt. down. FHA insurrd loan. Just right (or retirement homo or fnr small family.

L O W E L L E . 0 7 ! E RBuilder - Phone l.'lli

Older: 21(11 S. Orlando Dr.

6 8 - LUTS

NICE .SUBURBAN LOTS, Soullt, Phone 101.8 W



Highest CASH. TRADE IN prlecs paid for ined furniture. Call 1181. \\ I'vnn .M.uer Kurmtuns Co. 311 E. l i t SI.

WE WANT Good Used Furniture. Paying above trade-in prices Quirk rash. No waiting Need t ’jsh Registers, Adding Mach­ines and all useful articles. SUPER TRADING POST on

17-92. Phone 3017-W.

COUNTRY LOT110 nil Down — *I0.«0 Month

LARGE I-ROOM HOUSENeeding coin plot k,,i. Oil paved

lend with good fnllii »nl| and desirable neighbor*. 13,300 Full Price.

Rosa L. I’ajrlnn. Broker Annahrlle B. Ilemlrrson, Assmlale

Allinla J. Hall, Associate PIioiip 2871 17-02 al Illsw Jilin


LIVE BAIT—W. B. Lynrh. Came­ron City near smith end of e.ird alt avenue at Lake Jc»*ep.


Kanlnrd Ave. I’hone 22- S p"kCIAL NOTTc E.8

ENVELOPES, letterheads! ataie ments, invoices, hand hills, <iulfi r o g r a m a , etc. Progreaaivr •rintmg Co. Phfne 408 — 403

West 13th ill.

ORLANDO Sentinel Star, Call ( \ _ m i|.DINi. MATER1AKS Ralph Kay, 3150.

FHIGIDAIHE appliances, sale, and service. G. IL High, Dviedu Fla. Phone K03-3.113 or Sanh-ru 1642 W alter 6 p. rn.

AIR CONDITIONINGFur Room in Building

II. M. POPE CO. INC.201) Smith Park Ave. Phone Mil)


WEI.AKA APARTMENTS: room* private ha'.ns 114 W First SI

Avaom Apia. Efficiency. Pkooi 720 W

T.V. REPAIRS'Till 1ft p.m. Service Call* 13.00

W A. Norm. I’ll. 1830. J. g Herrin. I'h. 2893 J. LicensedIVchniriant cuaranln-il work.



Id4 Sanfoid All. Nat l Hank Bldg CREDIT BUREAU OK SANFORD

EFFICIENCY Apnitmcnt Sint able lur barhemr or fouplr Sleam heat .iriva.' h*llt, vhnw er Coveniently Incited Amiss from Post Ollire. lmimr. Min uel Jacobson Dept Store.

FURNISHED Garage Apt. £W0 Mcllimv die.

NEW 2 Bedroom tinforiiislted 2619 S Elliv None »rhOii| and slwies (J8 miinIII No pels. |ileave,

Ft HNIS1IED .ip.niinenl close in. Phom 1121 in IPP.i W

Alrxnmlrr A- SlrlniirrUral Esialr ♦ Insiir.tnee

Mr* lauinnr Messenger, A*»oe 107 Magnolia A ve. I 'h . 16


REG. BROKERS S. I). Illihlry man, Associate

281 .Smith Park Ave, Plionr KdIF II IS H EA L ESTATF. ask * root lev A llnnlrllh

at 111 Smith Park Phone 771 Thty Know

REDd-MIX CONKHETE Mirarle Concreir Co

JU'J Elm Ave. Phono I'.I.j-------------------- — j IDIOM loini 'hrd nparlmenl.

C O N C R E T E im hull-1 tin weekReady Miami l onerete Conerrle I'hmie :tnt8. Ml \\ Thud

Bl.-rk, Sand Gravel i eim-ni

I8xnn DOWN

2 Bedroom Moileni Home . . Nue.i loeaimn in town , . , I HA FTnaiii'ing Available t entlMilt V III. 81 I DR I ir-lm i l ' s ,x n \ i t m ; s

liiii I'.-ik Ave. I'liinii* j. :ij

EXCLUSIVE DESIGNEDDrapes .Upholstery amt Slip

Finest Workmanship hy s

Master Crallsmen.You'll Like Our Reasonable Prices

S T A N L E Y H U M 'Phone Oviedo - Fliresi .8 3108

“ I n c o m e -t a x s e r v ic eer * * Wftt. Hj-MurMy-A 5Cn -

1111 Celery Ave. Phono 1841 M Closed Siindiiy and Wednesilav


(111(1, OR WOMAN — full lim e, yntii’ ' rnum l wmk . Apply in poi'stin. L A I N*I iltO.M ATP, K ii n il in it r t Rlrlir., Kill K. aftlli SI.

NEAT appearing young lady be­tween the ages of 21 and .1.8 lo work in loeal slnre Muvl lie fair typist and willing In learn some bookkeeping and Hour selling. Write fur appointment lo Pint Office Box 1621 and enclose photograph, experience and expected salary while learning.

MATURE uotnan in Lake Mini- roe. Service Avon riisloitter* in jour neighborhood. Earn good money, iq your spare t im r MRS. JUANITA RUS­SELL, P. 0. 'Box VIS, Orlando


IVncreie Pipe to Meet All kfnali fiealtoni.

Sherman Conerele Pipe Co.Phone J4>>*

16— BUSINESS EUUIPMENTHAYNts uiiico Macbln* Cu

ryptvynlrrs, adding maehinv* Sales-Rentals. 3M Mag I'll 44


FI RN soul h C ourt

eltu ..-nr)rtt) limit'

Apt |7 n; Sliuilherlnnd

LARGE liirm*lird apn'lmrnt jm Palmetto PHONE K2.'« I

2 BEDROOM fiirm-li-'tl apartmrnt. I82U I'aik, Phone utili J


STOR E-263 Weal 1st St . Phone 1321.

VUH ECHOLS IlfiU'ttn.v .n-H DUSKS and UOITAGEH Turiliftj& 1 lispIlYAVrt *W ,l***"*nntl Convenlcnl Examimilititt

III DIMIOM SUITESTliai make ill earns come Dm .I lit, I 111 J v silled 1.1 I o o lull,

Mar P i>io| 11lushFlunk, isr |lrilDouble Dies - e r w uli la rg e M in in

. i In 1 ,d Dravve-.I I M

FREE l H rn m u I .impsJl ST A FEW LEFT

Bookrase BedDouble Diessrr with Mirror Innrrsprtng Matin »Ilux ,'spring

DINETTE SUITES ! Thai Make A Delight

Beaulllul 181might Inin,or ITirome Dinette

Dinette SilliesAny Stic— Any t olur Any Sty lr

Priced to suite Yot , .Styled D suite YOUR home

IKE Seminole Reilly ror Dcstr alia Homes amt Apia Phone 21

FOUR tMdFtinm house near Pinoiie . i school. Comer 2Jth Si. A If 112 Digliw.iv pliollc ISM.

I 8Hi,l, 2 story. 2 bedroom Ire h J) luiiiuetl hmne on I elurj Ave Avaimnie March 101 h, a K HOSSEIIEH, Puma* 112

a idiom s unfurnished j bedroams, kitchen equipped, plionr 24113. hall at I 111 Weal 23rd SI

UNI UN|S||ED 4 room house will • Imping porch, near Naval Bate

1 Call 1292 J

3-BEDROOM f urnished House, ini w mill al PH pNB J l l W

1 NFUDNISHED 3 Room ,m tage wild kitchen Equipment

and Venetian blinds 814 Elm Ave

2 IIKDIDIOM Furnished lfnu*e on Lake Minnin. lion Call Mrs. 1. E Myers, 813.81.

o n i l A M A T U D O R , INC."iliiildcr.* oi ) iiu-r Homes"

oiler*HeaiiHlully Designed Tlitce nml

Four l l e i l r o u m llmnvs for Florida Living ’

FHA sod 8 8 i Gli Financed • Priced from *ll,2txi lo 415.oooSales Ollirr Zfl23 So f rench Ave

PilUlU 2100 Ut 2980

TRUCK DRI8'ER —Negro, married, | over 38 year* nld. MIRACLE CONCRETE CO. 301) Elm Ave.


Goodyear Servie* Rtnra need* an Applianrs Saloman to sell Gen #r»l Klfflrie prndurli *8 and lio delivers f.ihrral rommiaiiona. All application* will he kept rnnfidcnhal. Apply In prrson al our stnra. 113 H. Park Ava.

820.00 dally, Sell Luminous Door Plates Write Reeves, Altlehoro, Mai*, f r e t Sample A D-tail*.

MAN look n* for a job wilh a hi i u re, have Industrial and rnmblniljnrt debit. No expert, cnee neceiaary. Stabilized cum- pensatlnn while in training Muat b# married and a retl- deni of Fla. nne year or more. Interview Room 410 Valdez Ho­tel after noon Wednesday. Mr. Triitann.


HIGH SCHOOL BOY with power mower wanix lawn mowing. PHONE 7I8-M-4


Preferred Rale* lo Preferred Policy holder*

lohn WIMinmn Ins. A ir rn ry 417 Sanford Allantic Bank

Phnne 34


SECURITY ASSOCIATES, Inc. Inveain.enl Securities


Member of Phllladelphla* Baltimore Stock Exchange,

Midwest Stock Exchange, and Others

CALL COLLECT:Wiulcr V u k t-JllU uf 4-3111

. . . •


Nri* mn romplcte line id uttfitiislled Bed*, Nile Stand*, 3-1-8-81


T WO nr ll lrep Heilrnm o house in town ( all N a v a l Air M.i (Inn, Ex 303 Ernest M.llmie

Drawer Chest* lluokrases. Desksand Corner Cupboards,


Reg. TradeQuiltop Mattress 869.5(1 819 .31)Royal Comfnrl .39 .80 39 .30PreBiil Spertal 39 ,80 29 50Kcholv .Sfterial 829 Ml 24.80


REAL EM I AI K I1RI8 E IN 2111 Fremh Ave.

J. W. HALL. REALTOR"Call Hall" Phnne 17.38

41,73(1Comfortable 2 l(edr»nni frsmr

house with wood (Inors, »eieened porch, l.oi altriirtlvely land *i aped. Near Nlores.

Home* — lads — AcreageLnurit R. O/.ier

Registered Real Estate llrolur 2681 MU III DIM.AMI 1)1(18 E

Phone 1380


Matching Box Springs al Iden­tical Savings,


Corner 2nd A 8tagnolla. Ph. 1232 ‘■nml Bambergrr" .8lgr.

Oprn Monday* 'III 9:00 p.m.

USED FURNITURE CLEARANCE2-Pr. Sofa Bed .Suite 85 88riaMIe Living Room Suile 838 .86riavlic Sofa Bel ............ 814.882<Pc Lawson Living RoomSuit* ...................................... 826 81Lounge Chair . — ...... 81 .37Piavtie Cocktail Chairs 82 nrJ-l’c. Wicker Living RoomSuile ..................................... 127 :<rWicker Itockor ................. — 83 nxPlatform Rocker ................ 81288Telephone Stand —............... $7.88Chlfferobe ....................... \ *17.88f i r m e r Ra*o ........................ $1 88Small Buffet *2 888-Pc. Dining Room Suite *21 88l.arga Dining Rwun Tallies . $12.56Vanity, wilh 31irror 86.98Unpainled Corner Hookshcll $.'< 88Sirollers *a.vSmall Desk and Chair *3.8*Chrome Chair* . . . . $1 51


Mather of .Sanford203.09 E- lat 81. 1'hon* 127

GAS Range, air conditioner, HfVV-Ing machine, benritx automaticwasher, cedar che«t. Phone1613 W.

Used iurniDire, appliance* lopls etc Bought *oH. Larry'* Mart. 821 £ aa l l i t SL Fbo-w M L

NOT A PROJECT!BUT— Unmet nf Real Individual!

iv: BrtDany Farm Homes, Early American, Ultra Modern, (on venlimial L F r e n c h Colonial tJl>ei.

BUILT On Largo Lamlsraiied tan*: In lha best of neighbor hoods. V

COMPLETE wllh alt Ihe fralure* you have dreamed about such as colored General Elertrlc »p- tdiantes and colored plumbing fixtures.

AND avallahln at reasonable prices wilh the be*t financing A with minimum down-pay­ments.

Wellborn C. I’hiltipx, Jr*Since 1349, Sanford’s leading Builder of homes for over I,*1*) people. Sales Office: J.lltln Venice in la>ch Arbor.

PHONE 1304


c r.s. coNSTRucrrinN Ifardwund floors — Tilt Baths Paved Carport* — Insulated




(OTTAGK— I ACRKT8VO Rrdroom, (U/nplelely for

rushed, Juit out of city limit *. good land fnr Iruek gardening or rhleken farm, for quick sale ai lt,5fm. Rome term*.

VKTKRANS3 Bedroom, 2 bath home*, fully

equipped, 8331) down, plus closing costs, not project home*.

Seminole RealtyW. DIETRICHS T. W. MEROI Mil Park Ave. Phnne 27 nr 144

RKTIRKMKNT HOMESI.Mixi for (urn. 1 HR home nut

from town,47iinq ror 2 fill blmk house dose

oi.*7.34»i for 2 Rfl bloek home now un

der construction.

Robert A. William*, RealtorRaymond Lnndqulsl, Associate

Phone 1873 Atlantia Bank Jlldv.

r . a . W H innoN . h r .Heg. Real F.*lale Broker

V. E. Douglas, Ruby E. Williams flilesmen

119 S. Park Ph- 1181

3 Bedroom Concrete Blovk VA — 8223 Down Payment

836. Per .Month I* 4, I Kitclion Fully Equipped

Act fast to *hoose u/)orz sod lifeA. K. Sho*m«k«r. Ilulldor

I’hone 1811

S i - C om pany

Phont 1120 A. B, Peterson,Broker Associates ■ A. B. Peterson Jr,,

P. J. Cheitersnn, Garfield Wil­lett*. John Meisch, R. W. WII Inms. Hazel M. Field, A. C. Doudney, Land Burvevor.

EXCELLENT BUY • New VA f! nanving 4T, Large 2 BR, CH kHehen equipped; CITY con­venience*, But to. Ully Taxes. Ollier cxirna. Small Amuuiil oi cabh will handle.

W. II. "Bill" STKMPKR Beallor — General nsuranre

Gertrude R. Dlngfelder Associate Guy Allen, Associate

Phone 2122 ___ 222 N, Park Ave.


THE OLD HOMti TOWN ....... .. gy STANLEY

% i nii

RadioII 1 llll M % lu ll II i n»» it n i m \ i i n*

r i r * i »% %k » I I II MIIIM

lh* la M v ID ret Hour M nf I r| * | H if1| IM M l' I I * H *! |!*,|'ol I



: >b i >m * «ii in 8 I \ 1 ■1» ' .

1 n>: »)7 •** 3 ' » !A• 1J 1 ”AI« t« i n

i *11■ l• in.14 \ I *!•-

* 1 11 M,i im it# i * i: -tin-i if .1 M i s M smiIiM u i*i I s i n h o ii i . •

A * i io i i i is U i i h II n * Id Sr’* ii m i *ii i 1*411 Ts» r rn y * r !»•»».

W I I I N I *• » t V Mull MMs«M*e, t i t .I ‘ I ’ ♦ : I III m l i t | •

*11 Hit In t-1 |1 ^ i 11" I ii .1 ,| |» i L o f f t '\ f 4 *

>Me|t U aim k 4'll|||K I 8» |

At A • I Ik ni*rJ o r k v a • I ' h t s l r *' ' Mill'll Kill#H i t tti*i(i a | zsim 'x ■ *i \1 V 11»•'1 1» F- ■ f l •» il i r alit * • io| l limi *»II mi r 11»i»N .* 9I If ft i Jl <1 h' fit,'* 1 t \ | e | .. j T1VI , i ! 1 iif \ .,,, u

A L I T M S D i l lH ■» -II** F i r m |" Krlh^Rita f M j r i ri#*(Sr 111! IF S '■»»• M 4 D« H

- r i if A i Ph * »• t -ft I M 4 f| tl *' I 4 1 I I 11 R I ! * f ’1 |*f |» toI f e q J' 1 Ifk •► n i

"i **rt Tiny*

Florida's racing ton* unlit April ' t . * 1 >*1(12 da) at Giilftlii-itn Park I'lie Hireting open* ^lurch .1, Ihe •I • s aflrr Hialeah rliises.

AUBOIISI’oil L Fish Srt.-* of three Injwrts in non-feedi | *t«ge

12 Greet) nv»tlicl pllr*

18 Tenter 14 Deniry13 Work

gathering17 Beg ret18 Typ*

tmnaor*19 lluftoon21 Compatl

point lahhr.)

22 fllinpa 31 Anolhef

n*m» (of E.v*o, broth* er of Jacob i Bib.)

26 Owns27 Mill.hits 28. lo-ap30 A (Irag-nel 33 Ahead 34. To become

ha rl36 United

Nation* i atibr,)

37 Timid 39 Roman

money tn htrthe 41. Implemrnle 43. To lift, a*

Ihe a p ir llJ 18 I^tnor46 Of live sun47 Pterrd out48 Cr«ggy



1 tieelare*2 Necee*ary

Immedi* a tr ly

3 African anim al

I llehrewl nienaoro

8 Owing6 \m vail i lM7 Famrma

Ital ian leimr

* Admire in ValuabU

foraII. Exrla*

matlnn 16. (iiHldrsa

of dawn

19 Game of dice

20 f t is l r- vv ay p os t

23 Unit of e lec­t r ic a l ro u t* ance

«’■ F'alher27 Gris

tip3.1 T o elbow39 Unlantrn30 Female deer31. Musical

instmntent Peoetratrs

35 Mountain detlle


VeilrrHiy’a l i t s t l 1

38 Tim# Ionic pa*t iobs >

40 Circle N of light"

43 Cover. 41. Fat*

1 n ) •4 P Va 0 ti 7 r r\o

k1 i

11. %<5

l4z .

It# ■v ivid V 11 70



/ A j* % ■iV




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TELEVISION4 >n h *>« 15

I IIT 15 T.ia i» VI I <"» • 10I ft DO

1ft IftII "ft II I** W 4J

I I f « II7 rifi 11‘MJ| MRI ^• 11 ft 4M»

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t i d f i n t y r t u M K i , •Tl K M I H

A r m i v i o oAdttznu** « 11 ft I ’ ri r 1 • Wtll P i M a Klff*. I *Rl 4» AlW47»4 ,4 r»•• •• n ( Li rn I a 41H »4ih»r r»**34R|(RM|riY<ntR fhur lion ft (’ornarI ,u r « l!«naftp J ihfi h a ll1 N * * lj 4iuii leiil Thr r• N tw

Th m l r*h j»f*MR I tiaair«I'i'l f*k I»«ft M M* ft ft ^ u ftitlo iI ‘f rtRlf ftRflRS'ahi ,n*8*r f { [io r Khtirl lfht Th*4tras ciigh (iff

iTKiiaRaruiN D k d IIU

f’rnffam Ra»*«itN*wr - W4 4th ar

Th# ^Iryrnlna Ih n w «*4pt4in KtAfAFOO T##» PatlRFAN'ln-On rrnfram Haiurn* Nph t-Wtsih«r *I |r* >n* rianniAfiJaifir Jktnora Mrn la Kft8i«i fihnvr T hia l^nd of Oura

To Plica A TYint Ad

7uit Call 1821 and ank for

the Want Ad departmant

It 14

II so II: IS i t inII 44 I «*1.14 I n» I II I 4* I 41 I I" 1,41 4 nn 4 IV4.14

I IS« nn I in t t l l , *i*i I,no I in I nn t i l * 10,99

in . in11 inn Hi l l 11:1*

fill4 siI nn

■ trig* It r r m v n f t s

V >11*01 i , I i r l.ovs nf l.|l«OsareX for TomnrrosrIl'tlAIn* I 1*1,1Js rg I 'a ir enow l,o » i at„rt Vlew.ra fiifest llnheit vj ( . s a i li'N«nnsl <'r,<*irn*d*IXIK t '*M ft

P i* Xisiee |toh I ' r o s h e Mrlebler |,«r a*.«r#i .storm Un Coop A e e o n M

V N I R TV n u * * n 4 ▼ risen a v

W leker Maue* C lukrisen Kid I 1" nseortI'oii* K4<s*rA» A Kswi lu*ne) load I'MI Silver* Shore Neve lav*M*'l Stllll*P #<t Hh ellon 144,4*0 4y,|AeriooI Led Thrsa Lire*II Uelork p.|„irt "la lo snow''Mews A I le a Off

w roxasna « Mnisxixa

T i l l I s l l r r s M o ra l** Show 4'»nl. Kanaamn

• ftft f»|‘ 4M1 11 oil • •* f) >1 f U r f Y Alnnf#l*» .(•» A f l h u r11 Ift ?i irlhR (l It 1 •• Iit ? ftft t a h u n t 1 R’I y11 1.1 f ,»n# nf L i f t11 1 1 P # * r r h fnr T n mII 4 A • L t i d l n f L i g h t

I M'ft t i n t Ot ' l ur i * f i t\ J r c I* r m r1 5ft 1.4*8 • Hi-.rr* lift Hob! ' j f . t wt a} Vi M-’-iatp-iirt r1 rift Hi * r i » n f f1 ILih r r m b r1 eft I t r i c h t t r ( U r



Naval PersonnelWill You no Ottr GtsealT

W# h*re leased torn*Room s a I the beautiful

Mar-lx>u klotatTheie Room* are aradabU

zMiaolutcly FreeTor a period of 4 day*, to New arrlvala al Our

Naval Air Station

STOP hy and Pick vp YOURKey at the wfflea of

Odham & Tudor, Inc."Builder* of Fine Hnmta"

2428 8. Franck Araoua

mmA N D e u / t O / N G N E E D S ^

P IP E C O.Oil! W rit L llh St.

8 iv tb i, . a


’ rrm i fa i«U n. ind to bs projd of HU parents.

Dr. 8«Ktiil4t advised paranla last night that they ahcul* «»M them selves suck |* m> parents tint they wilt dork themselves eut of J &

"Cut the aorqfl atrlnjca one thread at a time," ha said, -in order that a child, graduating froth high •chaol, will be ahl* te take his pitch lit society i i '» watt tdundad Individual." ha adrlaatf.

The (tral data In the F*n»l1» Ufa institute, sponsor'd Jointly by the Canaral Extanalon Dlvulon of Florida and Ki* Seminole High School Parah|.Taachara Assoela- tlon, waa.well attended. . .

ft'iMitlaued From Par* Dnet In Congress. Ilia Inierc-l in pub lie welfard aj i whole haa at Ilia best been aporadlc. Ha hat voted with tclflih Interest, time and lima again, disregarding the inter* •lie of tho public. Having ncciicJ only the mpport of the dominant political leadtre and certain stew*, papari, h* baa disregarded hit oh* ligeUooa to the intarait of tho gan-

Mr. and Mr*. J. J. Allan) Mr. and tin . Joseph 'U lrd, Baa .Event end Mr. and Mr*. Allan 5) Grant of Caiaalbarry.

Sir. 'i..u M r. N, L- Hasty nf Wait Palm B»*«b.

O. Leonard?, Sir. and Mra. W. B. Stiller, Sir. and Stra. Fi A. Dyaon. Mr. and Mra. John Slaisch,1J. C. D*dd, Mr. end Mra. J. ’V. Yarborcutb, Mr. and .Mri. E. F. Houiholdar, M. C. Henan, Mr. anilr The Dirt' Gardeners Circle of

f l f t f tha 'Uardan Club will leave frara f t * tho homo of Mra. W. D, Oardlnr Lao- ‘at HI a .’m, far a tour of tha Lata*

j btlrg: Nursery.'A glaitla luschewt Night wilt ha held I t will be enjoyed at qoon.High School at 714S p , , *»r. sahmwt in.tructinr Meeting, Electioni. ■«. th . Vald« Hotel S«t Match 10-N

PJI?W CASSELBEBBY—The annualha ;publla j a Invited. RKg election nf officer*m M W * * f Ihuf* , ( | N Dixie Precantei Club. a :tuh» will -have a eovarod national organ last'on of procenaal

Legal Notice

A sworn Complaint liatlna bt.n mod aaaui.i >wu l« tha Clruull nJuuri ant fur Oaiainula County, V Hurul* III Ohaiwary. fur Ulvarct, tha .Iiuti tltla uf tali auMoa b«li>a IIIUIIABV iu:.Mtr urKHjf, fialn*»lf r. '* UHUWSIlCJJ UKJMTli.V nVhi.H UH.tiiunt. lha>a pra.ama Mra tu cau.a and ratlulra you to i.ii >uur wrltlan dofon***, If an, la tha Complaint fU*d haraln. ant la aarvn a oopy Ihoroof upon Plain* tlff'o attorn*/ on or barora iba till das id April. A. is., IMli olhar- ni*o a liwroo Pru Confao.o wilt bo ontorod laalnal you aid the oaii.o orm-Md oapatlo.WITNESS ms hand and offleial M ai at, danfurt OMlaaia (hiuniy, „m H f / w • * rlOfflelal Boall

and Mra. . Karly* Houaholdar, Mr. and Sira. Forrtal Bracken* ridge and Mrs., Camlla Bruce, all of Sanford/ >

Sir. and Sire, ft. C. Cartsno, Mr, and Sira. 8., It. Johnann, Mr. and Sira. James Reitdr, .Mr. and Mra.<D. J. Saraanay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles It, Monraton, Sir. and Mra. John farina and Sir. and Mra, Jack Lara, all af Longwond. -, Sty. and Slry. Lawrence Bwof- ford, Sir. and -Mri. Hanry Haua* ar, Mr. and Mra. Huge Wolf, Mr. and Stra,. D. F. Van Parley. Mr. and Sira. Frank 0*Brlne, and Mr. and Stra. W. R. Clonta, all of Altamonte Bnrings.

Mr. and Mra. M. L. nary. Mr and Sira. T. L. Lingo, all ef Oviedo.

/. larger crowd la expected at tonight's elaai.

Tha final'if Jalan of tha Family Life'Initilut* will ha Held at tha Sanford Grammar School audi­torium sinco tha auditorium at gemlnola High School will bo uead bacauaa af a prior committment. Tha Thursday light e lm will be In tha form of a panel dtacuialea batwaan twd adulla and twa youth*. This d a n will ba attandad by both adulla and taaaagara.

5* ■ « * '» •*! i'bTu,- , n ‘ L Z n £ihh maauniwill draw merntwra ^ *»“»

from 111 of tha Southeastern Malts p**" «• an accounting because tyalmar said, headed by president »• »>" "ov« M ,»o. Balog Ban WaUfni, of Stacon, Oa.. and *«ti*ncnad in politicalsecretary J. L. Jonea, of Greer, d 7!l,» *«d unworrled over either g, C, primary or election competition,

Stamit dealer* and cnllectori "• . Ignored the people. Theare Inrlted W'almcr said and any IMsopJn of tlila district may lie :..,Mifiiatlcm eOnnarn'ng the club’s **»ui*d that he will render such nrotram may be obtained from "n, accounting before this cam­

paign Is completed or 1 will do It (or him." ,

"1 propose to treat this office not only w ith dignity but with a keen sense of responsibility ami Utmost trust for toe interests of Lie people of Klftn toigrcit- Ibiial District whom J will La elected to represont.

"Wnlli tne incumbenl hat held hla office for many yean, under both Democratic and Republican administration*, he has forlorn.y fajlod to obtain Federal aid for many nreded project..

"federal assistance in the creation of better waterways throughout Ilia district ari uf eminent Importance. Aid 1,, tb« dredging, Hi* erection nf jetties, and the building of btidgo over the Volusia inlet is only one nl the much needed piujcits, Tb« project is vital to the economy of the Last Cuast as well as uf es- licmo iniporlaii'ja fur nut only Federal defense but for peace, time economy. Any on* of tlw eleven counties of tbo district, which am in the heart of Florida, me Ideally eltustvd for numerous governmental projects. Yet lur a piliful few instances, he ha* (ailed to successfully champion a tnmrmcnt to obtain such pro­jects."

"The pconle of lliis district net\l "Uinfons who n 111 be runscious uf their need* and lltelr economy, They renulre aomeuno wliu will fight for tha necessities of the Fifth Congressional District that Ilia Federal government can grant. Wo uro entitled in uur >h«i> of Federal nlil nml *iv|*|. ance tmt we aia never going to get this unle.-s our . Mirctwutatico will battle for them. The inruinit* ant has failed litisuiably in t!,fs attempt.

"I make no apology that I am not a politician. I f 'n k u c have ho many of them In Washington *1. ready We ru d more hjsmois men. Wt ici|ulr« pooplu who have successfully managed their own

liin MaaiiU will waat In Tl iahytartaui Chunk *t d»30.f ; - . -Jng-Ciftla No. • of tha V iKa'homa ’ef Mra. David «cr Fraabylarlah . Chureh will "• J Mg Holly Ava. «t IB >■ m. 81 "lld-w Jk Bible Hour will W t i|d In I Ha Fraabytarlan ^toi n-af t p.m. ■' . . I h,• Chaneal X'holr rabcaraal ni£ ■bald-In tha I»r*abllari«.i Vat Ttao p-m.

will /Ha h«ld In tha rhapfll, J ( It m Evaryaoa la Invited.B a n fo rd W o m a n ' . Club will "1

, ... w . . Hsrndos risrli af tha Circuit rson asmlnols County, Vlorlda Onrilnn V. rrsdsrlefc' .Altornsy fur Plaintiff

P. O. Bsi IDS : / J**f North Park Avansa 'funfnrd. Flarlda

ff.ontlaucd from faga Oaa>office and the ad ministration of Vu.Hr? In the County Ju'ge'a Court, tha County Court and tha Juvenile Court outstanding and of v*o vi»-v he*t <n •'•a P'ste This I have dona »nd this 1 wl'i con* lino, fa <ie',rt

■Iml ye Ilouiholdee said, "I am rrateful for the privilege of serv*Iht you as vnur Judge. I' lota p'V w'ork and 1 love my paoula,Your loyaltv and aunport has made mv judicial, service most sun rstful and pleesing,"

He concluded, "Mar 1 ask for ypor continued Interest, loyaltv and support of your courta end of me ns four Judge."

The Judge, In addition lo Ills "r-jrial. snnlnl. civic end relith’is H'o over tha many past years,' has rendered a long service nf mildle trust, having h?en County Jud-c for 8 years, 1PI7-"8, Cmm* lv Prosecut'nt Attorney, 1D*JS*20:Renresrntatlve in State Legl’la- tore se’slon «f 19-7; City Com- itdssloner and Mayor of Sanford I9'.,7-,’P[ Attorney for Ilnnnl of Conntv Cummlsslonrrs IDJT-lPiJ; and Senator In Slate LegislatureIn so-slons nf toil and IDYL ho. _......_In-r President Pro-tampore of the efforts. F.xpansivo IBM session of the Sgir'". big prifea for tarn

ootnotes to fashion "Evan though tha ileeves ar# loo long, you can get detail by simply putting a coup!* of rows of binding on tha cuff and push­ing up pie cuffs to the elbow for a pretty lantarn-slaava illhouatta.

"For tha collar Just taka It offl Than stitch around the opanad seam at tha binding. You can ntaka- ■ square yoke affect with more of tha contrasting blaa bind­ing and usa ’lha lama to border tha front dosing. A finishing touch; add a bow-tie at tha neck­line. . Trim, NoT

AUTO LOANS Lowest Cost imovie* or cocktaR parties but tha

sturdy, washable shirt does day* time duly for household chores,"

"A gal’a morals Ta Important, however, even when tho'a alone in tha house and the ahirt Is not noted for chic. So to boost you, ma and hubby why not try this idea. First cut off the tail to a becoming length. Put in a neat ham and border with a atrip of

«SA N £O R DsimmcnaM oi BmgAJte annual election af officer* Hov you *M have bei

anly'-gt 12iW P- irty'mm bl'a of Girl Scoot Utihg with a luncheon, tloi- pen w* h*"e hrd In | | t e grg Mrs. H. •> Dugger, now and than for wi H.- L, b, Thonioson, Mrs. Collo ! rV* you an lml"ht‘ p lllra i, Mrs. Im ng Falnborg, [ tarn »o;) hew we f*»t A- Mra Raymond Smith Mam* manning ef etch. Will n t r ( n»bod to maLa reserve-, on,? 'Mta with Mrs, ItsrrisM aa later "A fir) Scout's honoi git tuaeday, truatai'.** As ' Scouts. I

HUB'DAT ers ntd v odors, ,*e t^ lir Junior Fellowship will to I* th rt our honor N l1 n tli# Prwbylarian C'jum'i ‘ruit*''.' Can you. at ■ A .ft.iti. fa*J tha aama way atS&wYouth Choif Rahearsal will' M'**mi i t iico p.ra. In lha I i**Ly- ' •* 1,8 ij* . w o , r v 'nrtl e:a striving toMia Church, . Pron-nlv and S.outsThe.,beacons will m»ot at 7j jo •|<in,| f f | |viig e*-*mnt« HI. i« tha I'reabylarwit Lhuuli. ,hsm lo 0uri ’’ bobiI dlicusaiun will bo held i« truitcd. Pie*"* h-iln i -Bamlhulo HISh school In eo-or* more wop's o' honor t eaiiaa fliih FamlJy Night. Time ow C1*-! Stoutlnr hne, TiU p.m,. I “A G‘r| Scout Is loynlWa Mainotll Circle for th# Sait: , not rn-.n loyaltv to ai rdOai-Jen Club will meal at 10 ( t Vt Is not w ;rl\ g : g| |ha homo of Hrs, Fred Ter-, ; ‘r ve, for v lvlrm In l

fldOlt .AVo. Mra. rraBk V "n~ a«d •*•,., , Bma will ba eo-hotless Mr*. J ," o - r l« tn H y t, We arc . TerwUlescr Jr. will comlucll/k Ahop pn flower arringamonis < r ' c 81, V,,08' ’ H f l K i r t . l O brlpg container*! * rH hnv-M u > .r a 4 nnlhl » s ■ loU* K'lt hllp

«• a„.,i««tn Wnrh. our nation, fi


blaa binding,

Parade of Plans No. 35 OR MORE CITRtjS TREES ON EACH LOTInr tall today s noma seamstress

the do-ll^ourielf fad la something new. The ladles have bean doing it themselves with a needle and thread aver since Cleopatra was a rhiok-and'lt looks as If they're

a keen Idea; 'Tjubby’r shirt aeema to bn standird equipment for young mothera-to-ba these days. Of course the pretty maternity over' blouses ire slipped on for dinner,

Diversified plane; varied exterloraj largo Iotai ■ *

(il Financing

Convantlonal F inancing

(Continued From Fa-e One!former 11"lh Neede'e ef Kryrer, W. Va. *nh NeUark, N. J. Mrs. Bill* himer is secretary (o A. K. Shoe- maker Jr. The Blilhimera hivetwo children, Elirnbeth, who Is a fourlh grade leacher at Grammar School, ami Hubert Jr, who li as­sisting. Ills father It the Dus Sla­lom «l present.

llUlliimrr slated In annnunrinq Ills candidacy, "If elected I would represent Ihe people of District Une an.! Seminole County In an tg ’iressive and Impartial manner. | believe that the County Commission should Ukr a mure active Interest in Ihe youth nf our County. The Cnninil'ilnn should also consider Ihe fessihllty nf (he establishment of a County Fire Dsnirtmant to rover tha outlying leclloni of lha County."

Carrying costa less thnn rent

No city taxes . . . all city conveniences, Including Mall deliveryCommunity waler system Streets paved and curbed

Representative Is Speaker A t M eet

CASSELBERRY—Stats Repre­sentative William Coleman, speak­ing bafore tha Lion* (Rub recently, expressed his, views on how a public official can bast serve hla constituents.

Coleman answered many ques- llena fired at him by his audience concerning some, of lha Important quastlona that war* discuisd dur­ing tha last legislative session.

A nominating committee wai Instructed to present a. slate of eandidatae far tha coming year at the next meetiaf. aDlegete* la tha state convention, to ha bald at ransicola April tt-30 and May 1, tvlll also ba named at that time.

Colored kitchen appliancesi

Moulded Formica alnk tops• T'‘w p.-lm CV ’e of the F-mford . |m , fi,,"aiilx«l’onl rut a mem .ntirV , Club w|ll ment at 10 a. rt, (• t -1- — *’11 ’T vren-', and nh'nln tho tn tha OUrdo’l Hint.» for a lH n)l0U|,d lor*l<r ’dp trqtnlvg, etc. to Jrsesburi* hur*e“j. Covered <I‘a'i 0,.» ~|*'* nj*d?Iuttehro'1. f'irthef* Mnv | " \ C'r| fi-nut It a friend Jofcqell«rtcf. *?;d for gift to Hand *ii *-v| a C-ter I-* avjrr other irmartt- i Fom*. ('i|-| f teu'." Wa rsach our h«n**'nT ',a 'j.’j"laroei'!'j Cirel* of the *n frisnilshln lo anyone wlio ^isMen CVi will ms** at 7H1 rsei*' us *nd f*e r-osa tha seu p._* Itome <•* MJ«a:L*"rs to gear** and Guide* *o otlmr and Ml«a 1'diti OUtamien. Tha 'xudi. r»-*, color and crood prr**runi svjll he on Hot'veuliinl*, 'no-v no h^ndt "her* acoutlnir - Tl.fl (Jjamnir- Fahr'il P*TA will Is muconitd, Dnlted we s',end

rsvrt In llte llloo.Club room at In lt*'n «»• another and bafrlai’il IMgh Hrhopl for s short hu-ilnoss lbs rr'ondlass. waatin? bnfwrq It* t*TUlar pro. Thtr» a'c I# m»ny rlrls le K*am at 7180 p, m. Program will th's e-mmunltv «-ho went to ha Start at I t . m. \ Brown1* or Pcouti hut the lark''The Cont'il Cireli will meat at r* la»i'tr» makei thla ImpoitiHla.

.lha homo of Mr*, H. ft,' Pnpworlh, ITh* f " ' Uadars ho-o b«vt more -earner of Park and Mh, at »:ta g. thaw tbatr shore of «lrla under

from there member* will Jour- k;r U-'arihln now and cannot nef* l> DoBery to ft# homo of Mra. 1t’’8 nnpnrttjitlly to these

,4f^Y,,B3hw>ra whi VIII bo hoitgaa f 8 W1* w*r8nt 8nou;;Jj• o a .^ r la, Mra. Ilarhert MoroKnd 0 (ln,“ on*a *"? ,lr\ ‘ l1/

. Sft "Rrooagalloi. of House Plant.." forn) ^ *r108'’!1 a»,,foA " t *r' O v CimelUq Cjrda of lha G ar h / ^ t v ^ 1 * ? ' “ ^nn Club at lha hnma of ^ v j ‘ “

V# f t rs ” i rt in*** n J° ifeV “A 01,1 8<8Ut ,8 «8«rta"Ui.M' J l L HoriowJJe kwm, hlnt , « u \ « Courtesy la a algn bf eon»ld*ra- Lpjlr* HjNon Jr, will ha;hoslas*«, j|on fgr ( thtra. It can be ae*

Demon' l'* ,,8'J c lul) qulred. A permn la Judged bv 1 ^ n1' ,h* Hsmon- Mr m*qi.»re. Wouldn't It make

- I ’M Jinn Cenier, Demonstrat on will y#l) prilUf) knew that through JfV ^ Th"88 Ttorad yegr efforts either phyaicallv,

PTittod Iklrt. financially er morally noma girl*i i t™ ), TF.L't C|ai» of tha Flral had acqulrad courtesy T It la a

PtolI»| Church will meet In in* virtue that touch*, nur homaa,

Colored plumbing futures

Wife-aster rainbow kitchen by

( E N E f t A l $ ELECTR ICHE 10 cu. ft. refrigeratorGE Urge sits ringsGE AB*g«l water heater 'GE 'gsrbsgt dlspossll ,GE Aulomslle dishwasher In delaxt 2-bslh hiGE automatic washing mschlns in deluxe

2-bsth homesAlso: fillchen ventUstor

I shall bring you tli* remaining five law*. In tho meantime i with you would think of u* and don't forgot if a little Brownie or Gir] Scout come* tu yuur door ••lling cookla* you can hwlp her go to camp Just by buying your* * * !f a treat. Tii* cookie* him de­licious! hoc you tomorrow *o un­til thou—Good Bcoulins.

enterprise* so that w# may hart confidence that th*y *111 run our Country’* bu*lno*a in tha beat manner. Politlciana usually hava neither ihe ability nor tha acum­en In .-in thin."


don't just ask for bourbonask for Dsn'f he illly -fh e rs isn't be s Otsvrslel dssler srsund fo s l'*

There a no mirage shout the used ear values you gel *t a Chevrolet dealer's lot. Every OK Used Car carries his famous warranty In writing. That means you get a car that lets you climb hills or craes deserts vrlth confldtrjc#, OK mssns thoroughly Inspactsd and reconditioned for performance and safety. It mssns .extra value and selection, too; due to volume tradingTor popular new ChJnMet* ^ V U°M

L«M p m TMI « ( TRAMMAINtI d d oahs Lw ** a mU * # I* ^W w j By M NaM ruM M NnlW MIND

SALES OFFICE:•lace IN I Saiford'* Leading Builder


WeatherPartly tleedy and warn I

Thursday with a law aai ahowsn lata (anight at I t

Party To Celebrate. 75th Anniversary Of Red Cross Set

accident report at police head

accident?”"By staying home,

tract land in the* corn belt fringe aha replied, and poor land in the corn bell.”

Funeral Services Are Set T morrow For C . M. SchulzeCharlei M. Behulr. 06. poised

away at th» local hospital at H ill p. m. Monday night after a ihnrt Illness.

Tie was born flee. II, 1669 In Bronx, V. V. and haa lived In, Sanford for tha pant 2t monlha. Ha made hla home In Citrus Height*.

Mr. Schulze wae a retired fond and drug Inspector for the U. S. Government.

Ha |a etirvlved hy hi* wife and twa aiders: Min August Koehler of N'aw York end Misa Annie Mayer of California.

Funeral aervlrea wl'< he held at 9 p. m. tomorrow afternoon at Brlssen Funeral Home with Ft* ther H. L. Zimmerman officiating.

Burial will ba at a later data.

and Mri. C. A. Boyd, and five brothers and iltlera In Sanford all play mutlral Inilrumenta. Whan "Phil” la home In complete the family and play Hut drum nr hat* violin, Ihe group frequently, feliyi home rnnearl*.

At FSU Boyd Is going In hsatr for drama counei, Ha wattm (• learn a* much at poiaihla about acllng. also dancing, becauif he I* aiming for a mtialcal comedy career In lie In with hla mO|M, Thlt summer ha la going In New York for some

event came in a cln»»

Sparkman Charges GOP With Failure

IIAfir.ltSTOWN, Md. (if - Sen. Snarkman (O-Ala) la a t night charged Ihe Rcpuhllcani have been an "abtolule failure” In han­dling the natlon'a farm problem.

Sparkman, Ihe 1934 Democratic vlrn presidential nominee, told aboul and Damocreta ot the Wash

f ' . i l . lM Ik e '

ipeclallted train lag,

POLICE ON T ill JOB 'if# !OKS MOINES. Iowa ffk

year-old woman with an Inconf m only 930 a month called pollee- M say aha wanlal to buy a ticket. the annuil pollcemen'a ball.

She explained that ihe alone, and that one night Iwd T t t t | age a Hunger pounded at t f door. She said aha dialed Ike Me* phone operator and aaked lay-thf pollrt. .

"Before I hung irp the n eeh tg two policemen were Uktag Ike m m away,” .ha eeid.

Two pelleamem srtra lead I t N

Ingron County area the Rtp'ibll tana - "cannot aacape the feet” thel In 1031 the farmer wae getting 100 per rent parity and la IBM 10 per rent.

BOA!) HOGOWENSBORO, Ky un~A motnrlat

stopped to avoid hitting a hog In ha road. A ear behind plowed In­

to the fltat ear. earning 9*00 damage to the mioe. Oauaatge to

I I b B I

The Alabama political leader cited tha farm question aa hla par* ty'a beat Issue against Uw OOF. And, he lord tha erovrd. "we have

aaaft. taaaMo.1*AT THB ANNUAL UADI KB NIGHT event foe b f employee af A. Dud* A Bane held | t VlB-nor* Restaurant UaA tigh t ar*i Mr*. John Dwda* John Duda, Andrew Dud*, *ad Mr*, ia a r e a Dudo..(ditaU n e to t -

m s w ; ' z* •vl?S3‘*..v, ; ,?,V


M '< i ••. , * 5 2

[ ,jO L U h « X L m 1MU” HANKOnn. M .O niU A W EDNESDAY. MARCH ,7. 19SR *— elated P ram

Subject Of TalkMrs. C. Walls Will•a* ; , - , % , . » • , »

Represent Herald

Mra. Carmaga Walla will repre- aent The Sanford Herald on a tour hf Europe, A/rlco and tha Middle ■eat.

Article, revealing the political and economic situations of the rouolrlea via Had will be written by

.•Mrs. Walls and publi.hed In The Sanford H«rald throughout the

.jnonth-long tour.’ Mra, Walla and her husband, a

etockholdar In The Sanford Herald ore In a group of 60 newspaper adl-

• lari and radio-TV eommentalori from all section of tha United

* Stares, who are abeard a TWA Con- atellatlon which left New York In­ternational Airport for tha tour.

'JL. *r,r,t lt(P on th* tour wiU he ♦Madrid, Spain with tha windup In

London befora returning to Naw York, April 1.

Other citlea to ho visited are Caiablanca, Tunis- Rome, Athans, Cairo. Beirut, Damascus, Jarusa- lam, Tal Aviv, Parla and Bonn. On

3qd off tha record intarviawa with overoment leaden and American orrielal will me featurea of the

newsman's tour, the third flown to ^Europe by TWA. Prevloua groups

wars among the first to visit Rus­sia and it ia expected some of the group msy mske side trips to the USSR thU yesr.

Mother Plunges J o Death In River

WA S H I N G T O N tr-M artha 'TRmsJilasU, 66, wife of Joseph Ttfc.hlfl.hl. sod eoach of the Wash- Ington Redskins, plunged lo her death In the Potomac River yes- •erdsy. ;

Coroner A, Msgruder MacDon­ald l.iued * certificate of suicide by drowning but both Inve.tlgator*

fc»nd the husband said they could ^ n d no reason for such an action.

Tha vivacious mother of three children apparently wae In good health. ’

She wae tha former Atarrha Elisabeth Walraven of Atlanta. T h e -hi* clan In Family Ufa nine

"I'd hat* to he a teenager to- day," Dr. Robert J. Schmidt, In- ‘ itructor for tha Family Life In­stitute now In prograe* at Semi­nole High School, told hla au- j dltnce last night at the second in the aeries of program* that will j ba dlmaxad Thursday night at Sanford Grammar School.

H* explained "Tha teenager la faced with more problems than at any other time In our hlatory.”

Speaking to th* group of adults last night on "Everyday Problem* of Teenagers”, Dr. Schmidt first explained hie question "What is a Teenagtr?". Ha laid, a teen­ager It “nothing”, not a child, not ao adult. And at the same lime he la too young to do thie, too old lo do that, but at the aaraa time the teenager la becoming aware of "aelf” end wanta to “try on” adult attlludea for alae.

Certain need* mutt be mat. he told last nlght'e claia. There ta a need for aecurity, to be appreciat­ed, to learn to love. And, Dr. Schmidt explained, a teenager r.stda to learn to accept their development for what It is. They grow from one stage to the next with help and guidance.

In today's world, the Florida State University professor ex­plained, a teenager ta bawlldered by too many choices aa he point­ed ou* that ther* are 20,000 voca­tions now to choose from. In re­creation the teenager Is bewilder­ed as to what to do an.l where

He even thinks in terms of lo go.“what kind of person I am to be”, said Dr. Schmidt,

These youths develop some imagination of physical defect or mental unbalance for teenagers want to be alike and worry when they are different, ha said.

Teenagari, said Dr. Schmidt, are bewildered by their *ex, ron* -fused by Independence for they want to be Independent but atlll went t* know they tan be- de­pendent on Mother and Dad. Some ar*' ao confused, ha (aid, that they live In fantasy.

The Family Life Institute In­structor pointed to seven ways


Big Crowd Turns For Annual Pioneer

A t Lake M arvOldest Man

FRANK KVA NS. ORIGINATOR of the Lake Mery annual Pioneer nltfhf piceentt Dr. J. C. Cihha 0 gift. I>r. Ciihb* wax the oldest person attending the event. (Staff Photo)________________________ ^

President Is Ready A. Duda, Sons HoldFor Full-Time Dufy In Second Term


man Leonard Hall aayi President Eisenhower U ready for full lime duly in a second term but rsrn If he could spend only halftime at Ui* job he would be belter than anyone Ihe Democrats have.

Ilili observation came In a po­litical battle of wits between Hall and Democratic Chairman Paul Butler last nigh? on Ihe Kansas City Press Club Griddle Show.

Butler promised the Democrats would retire Elsenhower complete­ly next Nov. g. And he said It was the Trodden? and eot tha Demo- m ta w)J>e had Injected healtl\ into the campaign-

Butler contended special Inter­est on Ihe Republican side and a Democratic program for all the

Annual Ladies' N ight

people was the paramount Issue, to help the teenager. Make them But he added; feel that they ar* not pitted firt Prridcnt ever In ufdhfer a agninst society, give them Inde- "president Eisenhower Is the pendence as they are capable of first President over to suffer ahandling it, give them love and security in the home, let them test the|r capabilities, afford them time to commune with themselves, and give them understanding.

However, Dr. Schmidt then gave

romance with Tereahlnski began whan she was a chsar leader and l i t was a itar end at th* University •f Georgia to 1946-61.

a . Pollee said that about 10:30 a.m. ■ ^ iri. Tareshlnski slopped her car

on tha 14th St. bridge leading (rom th* District of Columbia into Virginia, quickly climbed th* rail­ing and Jumped Into the water. Tha body, clad In dungarees and 0 . plain blouse and sweater, was recovered soma two hours later.

Lt, Lawrence Hartnett of the B*U(* homicide squad said Mrs. Oareshlnski left no notes. He said

,|4Utthar Tareshlnski nor their part- time maid had noticed anything sutusual about her behavior.

W* Alderman Dies A t Geneva Home.William Larue Alderman, 67,

faastd away at hla heme In Gen- g*a Monday night at 9:46 p. m. *?h* had been 111 for twe and a half years. He lived In Geneva fer 33 years.

»Mr, Alderman wai born, Mar. 7, SMI at Fort Basainger, Fla

Ha waa a member of the Oviedo Masonic Lodge, Seminole Chapter Star of Sanford, and a member l(a. Two Order of tha Eastern o r the Geneva Baptist Church.

ArHe Is aurvlved by hi* widow, Nolen Alderman; two daugh­

ters, Mis* Holtn Alderman of Jackionvllln and Mrs. R. E, Gu*t- •fton ef 1‘etrolt, Mich.; and two kretheri, Mprgan Alderman of Gdhava and John Alderman of CWUneo.

Tunoral tervlcsa will he held at R- p. m. tomorrow afternoon at the First Baptlat Church In Gen- o n with tha Ror, W, A. Ellen-

'Stood officiating.Burial will he la th# Geneva



of Commerce kero has J timed . March *4 "BaUat*

honor'of President Ful- feaclo Batista of Cuba who will

t h*ro Mareh K B Itlsta BUiaUlM a homo in this

rhgrf h* Brod far several

guaranteed way*, to irritate the teenager.

The second claxa for adult* was climaxed with an open dl*cu»*ion and th* ahnwing of a film "Tha Family Nasi Door".

Thursday night’s rlai* will ho devoted to a panel discussion be­tween adults and teenagers mo­derated by Dr. Schmidt.

Two classes each day this week are being held at Seminole High School for th* school seniors.

heart allack in office. Anil I say

More than 9(1 key employei of A. Duda ft Son* nf Slavia, from installations in various scrllnn* of Florida, gathered last night for their annual "Ladles Night" which was held at the Villanova Restaurant In Winter Park.

The event began several years ago when th# "A. Duda Dal* Car­negie Club” was formed from member* of the huge alatewide organization who had completed Ihe Dale (.'urnegia Court* In hu­man relation*.

Tho organization hold* a regu­lar monthly meeting climaxing each year with a ladle* night celebration. President of Ihe group Is A. Hilda, vice president, Jim Corbett, and program chair­man Clifford (lustavson.

The ladles night event which began at 7:30 las^oight featured group singing ahd numerous stunts for laugh* and for "twist* of the tongue” when various mem­bers recited confusing articles from memory.

All of Ihr ladies present at !hr A. Hilda A Sous annual grl-to- xctlirr were presented mementos nf the ocrasinn.

Represented at the affair »erelo you. Mr. flail, it will be a sad key personnel from Ihe A. Duda day when fhc American people & .Sons Installations Around ihe cannot question the physical and i Slate, ranch- grove, end farms, moral fitness of Ihe man who They came from llellrglade, In- heads nor great government.” diantnwn, Cocoa, Zclluuod, Lake

"Heart attack?” replied Hall. Gem, and Leesburg as well a-

Child Found Safe After Staying All Night Under Porch

PALM SPRINGS. Calif. Id* - Looking Ilka "a little lump of land,” a rt-yaarokt girl was found unharmed after spending a chilly night wedged under a porch five Mocks from homa. -

A bath, hot aoup and milk re­stored little Virginia Gorduor at Desert Hospital yesterday, hut ihe was kept there for obiervalion.

Aboul ISO starrhtrs looked high and low In die desert rosnrt for more than 19 houri after Virginia disappeared Monday night,

A laborer, Jess Garnlca, said he "heard a baby eiylng somewhere" and when he traced Ih* sound he found Virginia under a porch, cov­ered by drifted land. Apparently sha slept through a howling wind storm during which the temper*-1 lure dropped lo 30 degrees,

"Sha can’t Nil us how II hap­pened but It doaan’t matter, not now.” said her happy father. Wil­liam Gardner, a postal clerk.


Merit System Council has won cabinet approval of 111 plan for a classification and pay study of soma 1,300 state employes work- tog for aganeioa unitsr tha system.

"Each position will bo itudled standards of training and experi­ence will b* established for It aod It will ha allocsLxi in pay rang* adopted for all positions of similar duliea and raapoiuihilUira and re­quiring similar lavala of akUl and •xpariafiea,” Merit System Direc­tor Angus U b d Mid.

"Why many of my friends In gov­ernment have had heart attack* and are carrying on as well as ever.”

"Ye*, and ismr of them are el.vcvvhcrc" Ituiler rejoined.

The sorr what heated exchange' wav more r less ex^ccte.1 aa the [ club's Into 'ugators first needled | both Hall t id Butler with humor- ous hut provocative question- tiny Roberts, president nf the, Kansas City Star, was moderator.

those at Slavl.i where I lie central office of the organization la local- ed.

Key personnel of Ihe A. Dmla ft Sons organlzallon am given 'hr Dale Carnegie Course tree ot chsrge.

Joining In the fun anil festivities during the evening were: Andrew Duda, John Duda and Ferdinand Duda.

Rains, Melting Snow Cause Havoc In New York Area

ALBANY. N.Y. W -H eavy March rslna and melting snow sent fivers and stream* over their hanks across New York to day, closing roads and school! and marooning inm*-families.

Thunder and lightning added to Ihe havoc m 4 many firea wars re­ported. . ,

Tha Weather Bureau preu1 mora rain and continued flooding through tonight. Colder wosthar tomorrow w n expected lo bring relief.

The area* affected stretched i from the lowland* In aouthraslern • New York, north through rtie Al­

bany area and west to Buffalo Much nf the trouble was caused hy imall creeks, lit# major river* generally were below flood stage, but tho Allegheny overflowed In western New York and led lo evacuation nf faimlios along the river In Salamanca.

orher spots whare police evac­uated families by boat Included Ithaca In smith-central New York amt suburbs nf Albany.


Thompson, agricultural economist CRASH INSURANCE with the University of Illinois, *.iy*

SOMERVILLE, Mas*. OB — TTie, It would require payment! of 330 host way to avoid an auiomoi.ila’f l * * 1* Prr *fre ,n attract Mid­accident? i WIMlcrn corn land into a soil hsnk.

"It would teem to me that the inducement wouhl need to he at

............ . . . i l**a»t that on 7U-bu»hel-aii acre" ; °n# * 0m*n ^0un', ,hc corn land in he attractive to many

queM,nn . farmers.” he »»>*."How rouM you hav* avolded.lhe mA , m(ll|or p, )mfnt would at-

While filling out an automobile

Hospital NotesMARcn a Dlvrhargea

Charlie TaylorLeola Mathis (Lake Monroe)

Mrs. Dean Hutchinson (Ssnlordi Mr*. Alary Cameron ami naby

Boy (Hanford)David Jarkson (Sanford; Alfred Lemon (.Sanford;

MARCH 7 Admissions

Bertha Watkin* (Sanford) John Quattlehaum (Sanford)

William Fields iSaiiMtl) Dlvrhargea

Martlca Godhnli (Sanfkrri) Howard Favllls (Sanford)

Support To Collins In Re-Election Bid

Brailey Odham offered Governor LeRoy Cotllni hla full support yes­terday In hla contevt (or re-election when the Supreme Court dertilon deciding Collins' eligibility (or the rare was made known.

Odham, who In tha '964 primary Inst to Collins, greeNd the Supreme Court derision with enthusiasm and said, "1 fait all along that this would be Ihe Supreme Court's da* rlsion and I am very pleased. Le* Roy Collins haa made our State an outstanding governor and I wilt do anything I ran ho help him with ihe elertlon,” he said.

The Sanford businessman and builder void that he isn't quite sure just how active a part he will take In tha campaign, but in a recent statement said he would "walk Ihe State barefooted If necessary" lo slump against former Governor Fuller Warren, an announced can­didate for another term.

"I am vary strongly In favor ot Governor Colllni — very strongly against Warren and hla methods." Brailey Odham laid. "But I don'? want to inject myself Into the cam­paign In any way that might hurl the Governor's chances. I will do anything ha want* me la do to halo him,” he added.

"If anybody *skc mr-• e >t»y t Wok of Warien," Odham said. "I'll

give them my personal opinion In no uncertain terms,"

Wijson May Order Stepup In Bomber Production Rate

WASHINGTON on-R*cretory of Defense Wilson says he Is think­ing of ordering a stepup in the production rale of Mi* B32. an all Jet bomber with a continent to- continent striking range.

But, ha told his news conference yesterday, any such move would not Involve an Increase In planned defense spending. The rales of military plane production are lecrel.

Several Democrat!* senators hav* kept up running criticism of administration defense policies, contending tha Pentagon Is allowing this country In lag behind Russia In development of modem weap­ons such as long-ranga missiles.

In a hackhanded slap at hla critics, Wilson said; "Lei's gel go­ing ahead working at th# missile business aod not talk so much about it."

Ha described Ihe missile as "only one weapon" In lha Ameri­can defense arsenal and said Its Importance ha* been overstressed ss a result nf Ihe controversy over the development program,

-------------------- \

Gets Gift"You are th# one* who have

moulded this nation." Frank Evans told a parked Lake Mary Community Building last night as he opened the 31st annual "Pioneer Night."

There wasn't a seat tn he had In the building as the lime tn open the festivities earn# around and hardly a parking spare In Lake Mary as the cari cam* from every direction bringing those 90 an.l over for the annual fun night for tha oldsters. v

Each person attending the event wore an orchid, a gift nf R. J. Bauman, president nf Ihe Sanford Atlantic National Bank.

Most of the older folks sat along the Iron! to lake advantage of closeness of Ihe stage.

Gifts were distributed by Frank Evans with the Inp gift of the evening going to the oldest man In the audienre, Dr, J. C. Gibbs of 402 Magnolia Ave. In Sanford who will be loo Saturday,

Others receiving gilts from Evans were; Mrs. Josephine Col­lins whn said she Is over 90 and horn during the War Between Ihe Stales; W. K. Reynolds, 93; Eugene Owens, 66; Charlie Cas­per. 86; II. T. Russell, 63; Mra. T. C. nialtdale 83; Julih Wynn, It; Mrs. U. F. Wh'tncr, 14; Mrs. W. D. Meeds. It; John Clough, 13; and Mrs. C, B. Tyner, 1.1.

A' S!r7tll>f6telr 6rtlplt> married Ih* lou^c-l number ot years went la Mr. sad Mrs. T. 0. Tyner who hid hcen married 39 years. 'Gladioli were presented visitors

la th e Pioneer Night event through Willis in K. KirchoU.

Many visitor* attending the list annual event presented hy Frank F* sns fi.r thme GO years old nr

•>r were forced lo sit or stand outside the building. However, chairs were provided for many as an overflowing crowd enjoyed Ihe entertainment and banter staged for Ihe benefit of the older folk*.

Each person over AO, attending last night's Annual Pioneer Night was presented with a ribbon de­noting their attendance. The rib­bon will serve as a gift pass to tha Itils Theatre.

Georgs Touhy, president of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce kept lha audience "in stitches" with his humorous stor­ies Involving many personalities.

However, the principal speaker for the orcasion waa Judge Er­nest llousholder who spok* at tha original Pioneer Night avtnt staged 3t years ago.

A rumple)* program nf enter­tainment, presented by, whn Frank Evan* said, "ar* tha pret­tiest girls In th* world" drow round aftor round of applause from tha older folks in tha audl- anra.

Judge lloustioldrri spoke on the theory of "having reached tha Golden Age.’ *

"Tha only reason that a parson In our present day of apace, I* growing older Is that we have des­ignated spare Into different Paris," he said. "Wa advance In experlenca, knowledge and educa­tion as w» reach the Golden Age,” Judge Householder said, "But we reach the ago and part In ntir life whrn we ran do more for our country and prop)* than ever be­fore,"

It was the biggest crowd wehave evtr had at the Pioneer Night event, Frank Evans; it* originator said,

A 73th Anniversary of th* Am66* Iran Red Cross party will b« glvM at tho Mayfair Inn tomorrow aflof- noon at 1 :30. ’’ 4v£i:

Th* rard party, given hy Mr*. Stanley Kupl, tn celebrat* th* R*4 Cron anniversary, will begin promptly at 1:30 with rafrtsb* ments, Mrs. Kupl said today al plana war* completed'to enlertat* hundreds of ladies from iagiefi and Semlnela County.

Guests al tha party will fumiaft their own cards and makn up thatf own tables, said Mrs. Kupl. -i,

No reservations ar* n tcesianM the entire Ballroom at tha Mlf* fair Ion will ha utilized lot Hit event. ,

Numerous gift* for tarh taM« and a number of prize* have b*«l contributed by both Sanford aai Winler Park merchants. * *’

Tha Mayfair Inn will Airalal and rootribul* tha refreshA«tl6 for the avtnt.

Air*. Kupl said today that 1 am looking forward to thd~tot> Ihuslastlc support of th* ladlag of ’ Sanford and Samlnole County la making Ih* anniversary eoltbm- tion a complete success."

The entire proceeds. froM' 6MMp trlbutlona. will benefit th*C M . -

Local Boy Writes Ballad, 'Jimmy'

Will a love ballad, written ta Germany by a homesick Gl wh# has now landed as a freshman *9 Florida Stale University, beeomo a national hit?

Phillip Boyd of Hanford I* the composer of both music and tyrial although he wanN lo credit another FSU student, Raymond Llebttt of Altlhourna, a music major, In helps*In* him with arrangement*.

Boyd firs? Introduced hla ballad railed "Jimmy" last fall at th* freshman talent night. That >w6g tho beginning of II, aa a rantpui hit. Della Tiu Delta fraternltf brothers and other friend* havo encouraged Boyd unMI he haa had "Jimmy" copyrighted.

Now tho popular ll-pfeen W danra hand “Tha Commodore*1* hav* adopted "Jimmy" at lh#tr own. Tha hand leader, Frank VlV del of Tampa, la particular!? en­thusiastic, haa had a recording mada. and copies will be sent If radio alalloai throughout tha #• 0 4 * try.

"Tha rommodorsa" plan M ite l "Jimmy” to lha nth dagrt* oo git of town sngagamenla as weQ ao atTallahassee and FSU dancas. Beenthey wtll bo playing "Jimmy” ai Moody Air Fore* Base and' thn Valdosta Stats Collage In Vatdosla,Ga. and Spence Air Force Bail M Moultrie, Ca. *

A native of Aft Dora, tha 8-yagN old Florida Student comes from 4 , muilrsl family. Hla parents, 1
