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警察禮品廊開幕P.09OffBeatissue 1184

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OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184








新界南總區指揮官麥展豪於四月二十日及二十一日在新界 南 總 區 總 部 , 向 超 過一百五十名紀律及文職人員頒發「踏浪者」行動獎章。










OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184



▲ 香港科技大學榮休教授譚永炎博士(左一)聯同交通人員進行新型雷射槍測試。

新款雷射槍LTI 20/20 TruCAM II的道路速度測試已在三月十日及十七日於青山公路大欖段完成,參與單位包括交通總部法例檢討及策劃組人員、各交通總區前線人員,以及香港科技大學的研究人員。在交通總部的協調下,

香港科技大學榮休教授譚永炎博士及其研究團隊,聯同來自五個交通總區的三十六名前線人員,包括Provida測速儀操作員及TruCAM II雷射槍操作員,兩天內在安全情況下共進行了三百三十五次、每次三公里的高速度測試。參與是次測試的人員全



TruCAM II作為TruCAM I的更新版,各方面的功能均有所提升。除了能拍攝、錄影及儲存超速數據外,TruCAM II的螢幕較大,而拍攝影像的質素亦有所提高,使夜間模式更清晰,其電池更可支援最少十小時的使用時間,以提升前線人員的行動效率。香港科技大學的研究人












OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

2021年5月20日至6月1日 P.04















「動物守護‧社區大使」計劃我撐動物挑戰賽 挑







OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184







席率高達98.7%(2 198次)。大部分觀察員都有正職工作,故需犧牲私人時間進行觀察。一般而言,觀察員會在不少於四十八小時前收到出勤的通知,但為配合搜證工作有時亦需深夜出勤,或連續工作十多個小時。為增加觀察員交流經驗的機會和







關係,代表二十二個亞洲和南太平洋地區的聯絡官於四月二十九日參與「第十六屆國際刑警組織聯絡官視像會議」。 與會者除交流各國的日常警務合作情


國家中心局和韓國國家中心局的代表亦表揚包括香港在內的與會者,在過去一年打擊電訊詐騙、社交媒體騙案和網絡金融罪行上的貢獻。 警司林穎濠現借調至位於新加坡的國





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OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184





我是Coco,現於英國就讀大學二年級。受父親薰陶,我從小立志成為一名警察。經歷社會動盪後,我認為警隊需要更多擁有正確價值觀的年輕人加入,因此我參加了警隊學長計劃(海外網絡)。 二○二○年十二月至二○二一年二月期間,我在

長沙灣分區實習,負責進行「長沙灣分區報案室使用者的滿意程度調查」。我設計了一份問卷,調查報案室使用者對服務質素的滿意程度,完成調查報告並向深水埗警區管理層匯報成果。 是次實習讓我加深了對警務工作的認識,所學到


編輯部編輯: 梁慧欣(2860-6171)記者: 嚴泳欣(2860-6172) 謝善怡(2860-6131)攝影: 林志軒(2860-6174) 林雨燊(2860-6175)傳真: 2200-4309地址: 香港灣仔軍器廠街一號 警察總部警政大樓十樓警隊網頁網址:電子郵件地址: [email protected]第1185期截稿日期: 二〇二一年五月十八日(下午六時前)第1186期截稿日期: 二〇二一年六月三日(下午六時前)

《警聲》編輯委員會警察公共關係科總警司 郭嘉銓(主席)警察公共關係科高級警司(媒體聯絡及傳訊) 梁仲文警察公共關係科首席新聞主任(宣傳及刊物) 黃惠虹警察公共關係科總督察(傳媒關係) 李沛賢港島總區訓練及職員關係主任 黃潔碧西九龍總區訓練及職員關係主任 劉清楠新界南總區訓練及職員關係主任 麥嘉寶新界北總區助理訓練及職員關係主任 陳潤華水警總區高級督察 魏業駿警察學院總督察 石瑋慈刑事總部高級督察 黃筑筠員佐級協會代表 馬德雄行政主任(文職人員關係) 胡依韻











OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184












廣東話 普通話1.跌眼鏡 a.花不棱登2.好心做壞事 b.掰腕子3.朝見口晚見面 c.幫倒忙4.篤背脊 d.真逗5.夾錢 e.摳門兒6.花喱碌 f.抬頭不見低頭見7.咁得意 g.加塞兒8.拗手瓜 h.戳脊梁骨9.孤寒 i.走眼10.打尖 j.湊份子

1. ─ 2. ─ 3. ─ 4. ─ 5. ─6. ─ 7. ─ 8. ─ 9. ─ 10. ─










OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

警務人員日常需要處理各類型的案件。不論案件的大小性質,人員一直秉持「忠誠勇毅 心繫社會」的專業精神去服務市民,而市民的支持亦是警隊悉力以赴的動力,使香港繼續成為世界上其中一個最安全及穩定的社會。







我是中區警區人員。在警察學院接受訓練時,教官不斷提醒我們待人處事要有同理心,我一直銘記並在處理案件時盡力協助市民。 三月底,我們接獲一宗有人暈倒案件,我和小隊指揮官立

刻趕到現場,其後救護員證實該名人士已逝世。經初步調查得知死者自小體弱,家人一直悉心照顧。如今他猝然離世,家人十分難過,我先慰問他們,然後才詢問案件詳情。檢查遺體時需脫去死者衣服,故我們建議家人先行避席,以免加深其傷痛。完成檢查後,我們亦小心翼翼為死者穿回衣服並細心整理,以表尊重。我們更安排家人登上警車一同前往公眾殮房,陪同遺體走上最後一程。 簡單的關懷和慰問雖不能減輕家屬失去至親的傷痛,但亦可算是雪中送炭。我們會繼續保持初心,以專業精神服務市民。

I am an officer of Central District. While we were receiving training in the Police College, our instructor constantly reminded us to serve the public with compassion and empathy. I have always remembered this teaching and strive to assist citizens in the best way I could in my daily work.

One day in late March, we received a person collapse case. I rushed to the s c e n e w i t h t h e P a t r o l S u b - u n i t Commander immediately, but the person w a s l a t e r c e r t i f i e d d e a d b y t h e ambulanceman. Upon initial investigation, we learnt that the deceased had suffered from weak health since childhood and thus his fami ly put great effort and patience to take care of him. His family was deeply saddened by his sudden passing, so I offered my condolences to

them before conducting further enquiry. Prior to the examination of the body

of the deceased, we suggested to the fami ly not to wi tness the course of examination, as we needed to remove the clothes of the deceased, and we did not want to deepen their sadness. After the examination, we carefully and neatly dressed the deceased to show our respect. Afterwards, we arranged for the family to go to the public mortuary by a police car so that they could stay with the deceased for the last time.

A l though words of comfor t and condolences cannot ease the family’s pain for the loss of a loved one, small gesture of care in times of grief can make a huge difference. We will continue to uphold the Force’s mission and serve the public with professionalism.

Serving the public with dedication

May 20 to June 1, 2021

▲ 走失少年的父親撰寫了一封感謝信以讚揚警務人員的高度專業。The father of the missing young man wrote a letter of appreciation to praise the officers for their high level of professionalism.

心繫社會 服務市民


One evening in early May, five officers from Pat Heung Division (PHDIV), including Joe, Man-Po, Ah Wah,

auxiliary officers Susan and Alan, were performing patrol duty on a police vehicle when they received a report about a young man wandering barefoot on Route Twisk. The patrol car arrived at the scene within 10 minutes and located the man. He is a non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) young man. The officers swiftly brought the young man back to a safe locat ion. At the t ime, the young man had no identification document with him and appeared to be very tired. For the sake of his safety, PHDIV officers arranged for him to stay at the police station, where he was given water and food, and a pair of shoes to protect his feet. He was comforted for a while before being enquired.

Auxiliary officer Susan is a full-time teacher working in a special school. During the enquiry, she noticed that young

man looked like one of her old students. Susan patiently communicated with the young man, checked school records and contacted his father. It turned out that the father was searching for his missing son. As the father was about to report the case to the Police, he received a phone call from the pol ice stat ion. Assistant Divisional Commander (Operations and Crime) of PHDIV Tam Mui-hon called the father a few times to follow up on the situation and consoled him. Knowing that his son was in good care and safe, the father was much relieved.

The father of the young man is the Chief Imam of Hong Kong and Khateeb of the Kowloon Mosque and Islamic Centre. He was extremely grateful to the Police for their assistance to the NEC community, and he praised the officers for treating each case with great care and putting in tremendous efforts in protecting citizens. He wrote a letter

of appreciation to thank the officers for taking great care of his son and commended the Force for their professionalism in ensuring the safety of cit izens. He reiterated his continuous support to the Hong Kong Government and the Force for their efforts in maintaining a harmonious society.

Commander of Yuen Long District Ho Chun-chung thanked the officers for protecting citizens’ lives. The officers involved are proud of protecting citizens’ safety and serving different community groups. Susan said, “When I saw the young man reuniting with his family and the big smile on his face when he embraced his father, I truly experience the meaning of police work.”

This missing person case has demonstrated police officers’ professionalism and sense of mission in protecting citizens, as well as the trust and support citizens have placed on the Force.

Serving the public with dedicationPolice officers deal with different types of cases in their daily work. Regardless of the nature of the cases, officers endeavour to discharge their duties with professionalism and uphold the Force’s spirit of “Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty”. On the other hand, the support from citizens is also a driving force for the Force to pursue excellence and maintain Hong Kong as one of the safest and most stable societies in the world.

▲ 元朗警區指揮官何鎮宗(左一)感謝八鄉分區人員致力保障市民安全。Commander of Yuen Long District Ho Chun-chung (first left) thanked the officers of Pat Heung Division for safeguarding the safety of citizens.

輔警Susan以能保護巿民安全及幫助不同社群為榮。Auxil iary officer Susan is proud of protecting citizens’ safety and serving different community groups.

心繫社會 服務市民

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

檔案編號 職位 月薪(約數)Ref.No. Vacancies Monthly Salary(approx.)

59 家庭司機(港島區—薄扶林) $11,000超時$100

60 領事司機(新界區—大埔/沙田) $21,000-$24,500

61 司機(新界區—科學園) $22,000

62 家庭司機(港島區—半山) $17,300超時$80

63 日夜更保安巡邏主任(港九新界) $16,000

64 半日司機(港島區—淺水灣) $10,000超時$80



66 司機(港島區—銅鑼灣) $10,000超時$100

67 家庭司機(九龍區—何文田) $22,000

68 家庭司機(港島區—淺水灣) $24,000-$27,000超時約$80

適合 警隊 退休人員 及 行將退休人員 之職位空缺Jobs available for Retired / Retiring Force Officers


如有任何查詢,請致電︰2860-3232 / 2860-3209 / 2860-3243 電郵地址: ip-sip-rsu-ps&[email protected]

最新職位空缺詳情網址 :

香港警察儲蓄互助社「心意福袋 你中獎」


有關「心意福袋 你中獎」活動詳情,請瀏覽該社網頁www.hkpcu.org的最新消息或留意該社的宣傳海報。該社保留絕對權利隨時取消、增加或更改「心意福袋 你中獎」活動的所有內容、條款及細則, 恕不作另行通知。如有任何異議,該社董事會保留一切最終決策權。






謎面 :「講古天王好吟詩, 一聲多變巧心思, 晚年扮演覺悟因,  譽滿香江人盡知!」


P.09May 20 to June 1, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處

issue 1184警聲

抽獎期: 二○二一年五月一日至二○二一年十二月三十一日 (每月中旬)

參加資格: 二○二一年三月三十一日或以前,獲董事會通過正式成為該社社員並持有有效社籍的人士

抽獎形式:該社每月中旬或以前,舉行「心意福袋 你中獎」抽獎活動,以電腦隨機抽獎方式,每月抽出四百名得獎者。得獎社員均可獲得心意福袋一個。

Grand Opening of

PS&SR Branch

Police Souvenir Gallery

holds Mother’s Day eventMr Kenneth Kwok CSP PPRB (Chairperson)Mr Leung Chung-man SSP MLC PPRBMs Jessica Wong PIO PP PPRBMr Raymond Lee CIP MR PPRBMs Pat Wong TSRO HKIMs Rachel Lau TSRO KWMs Grace Mak TSRO NTSMr Marco Chan ATSRO NTNMr Tony Ngai SIP MARMs Jandy Shek CIP A&S HKPCMs Ada Wong SIP HQ (2) CRMMr Ma Tak-hung JPOA REPMs Yvonne Wu EO CSR A

Editor: Ivy Leung: 2860-6171 Reporters: Nicole Yim: 2860-6172 Cynthia Tse: 2860-6131 Photographers: Hugo Lam: 2860-6174 Lam Yu-san: 2860-6175 Fax: 2200-4309 Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong KongInternet: Email: [email protected] Deadline for Issue 1185: May 18, 2021 (before 6pm) Deadline for Issue 1186: June 3, 2021 (before 6pm)

Published by the Police Public Relations Branch, Hong Kong Police Force

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:

The Personnel Services and Staff Relations (PS&SR) Branch held the “Cake for Mum” baking event on May 8. A total of 240 colleagues and their family members participated in the event at four separate venues and presented Mother’s Day cards to express gratitude for their mother’s unconditional love and care.

Meanwhi le , to promote th is year ’s theme

“Reconnect” under the psychological wel lness campaign “HERO - Healthy and Resilient Officer”, Police Clinical Psychologists of the Psychological Services Group shared with the participants the five love “languages”, including words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. Officers were encouraged to reconnect with their loved ones through these five ways of expressing love.

A poster of "Guarding our City".

▲A teddy bear in uniform.

▲A Mother's Day card prepared by a child.

Col leagues and the i r fami ly members learn how to bake a cake.

▲Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (fourth right), the gallery's representative Phoebe (third right) and other honourable guests attend the grand opening of the gallery.

Commissioner Tang Ping-keung, Deputy Commissioner (Management) Kwok Yam-shu and Deputy Commissioner

(Operations) Siu Chak-yee officiated at the grand opening of the Police Souvenir Gallery on May 13, together with Phoebe, who represented the contractor of the gallery.

Since its re-opening in September 2020, the gallery has rolled out various popular new products such as teddy bears in different uniforms and souvenirs of the Force’s anti-scam mascot “The Little Grape”. In the opening speech, the Commissioner thanked the contactor of the gallery for their

support to the Force. He mentioned that the contractor had risen to challenges and achieved outstanding results.

On the day of the grand opening, the gallery also launched the souvenir series of the Force’s promotional video “Guarding Our City”. The series aims to disseminate the message that Hong Kong Police always uphold the mission to “guard our city with faith” and they never flinch in the face of danger, slander or vilification amid the social unrest. Online store of

the gallery

P.08May 20 to June 1, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

HKPC signs MoU with EdUHKto strengthen collaboration

Although the Force has been heavi ly engaged in handling the social unrest and supporting various government departments in implementing anti-epidemic measures in the past two years, the Force Knowledge Management’s “Innovation Ship” has never stopped sailing.

In recognition of the Force’s achievements and i nnova t i ve p rac t i ces i n know ledge management (KM), the Force was once again honoured with the Global and Hong Kong Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Awards in 2020. At the Asian Knowledge and Innovation Forum cum Hong Kong MIKE Award Presentation Ceremony on March 26, 2021, Deputy Director 2 of the Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) cum Chief Knowledge Champion Ip Che-man and Sen ior Super in tendent o f the Schoo l o f Specialised Learning Ngan Yuen-yee received the above awards on behalf of the Force.

With a view to equipping officers to promote KM more effectively, the HKPC held the annual K M C o n v e r s a t i o n a n d K M C h a m p i o n s Appointment Ceremony 2021 at the Police Headquarters on March 18. During the event, Director of the HKPC cum Force Knowledge

O f f i c e r C h e u n g C h i n g p r e s e n t e d certificates of appointment to the nine

Force KM Champions . Deputy D i rec to r Ip Che-man then

facilitated the KM Conversation during which the nine Force KM Champions and five Regional KM Coordinators presented their KM endeavours in the past year and their initiatives for the year ahead. Two Honorary College Advisors who are experts in the KM field, namely Professor Tsui Yue-hong and Dr Cheng Tak-ming, were also invited to share their views with the participants. Afterwards, the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University conducted a workshop to discuss good KM practices adopted by various government depar tments and reputab le organisations, providing some food for thought for the KM enthusiasts.

Force Knowledge Management Innovation Ship’ keeps sailing

Deputy Director 2 of the HKPC cum Chief Knowledge Champion Ip Che-man  (left) and Senior Superintendent of the School of Specialised Learning Ngan Yuen-yee (right) receive the Global and Hong Kong MIKE Awards on behalf of the Force.


The Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) and The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on April 19

which marked a milestone for another three years of collaboration. The MoU provides a framework for cooperation to enhance partnership and exchange of teaching experience between the HKPC’s instructors and EdUHK’s students, alumni and teaching staff. The MoU was signed by Director of the HKPC Cheung Ching and Director of the Academy of Hong Kong Studies of EdUHK Professor Lui Tai-lok.

The first MoU between the HKPC and EdUHK was signed in 2018. Thereafter, the “TeachLink” project was co-organised, which provided an effective platform for exchanging teaching challenges and experience as well as discussing issues of mutual concern.

The HKPC values the opportunities for cooperation and exchange with local and overseas educational institutions. The MoU not only strengthens the collaboration between the HKPC and EdUHK, it also signifies the HKPC’s bonds with the education sector over the years, as well as the Force’s commitment to community engagement.

Director of the HKPC Cheung Ching (left) and Director of the Academy of Hong Kong Studies of EdUHK Professor Lui Tai-lok (right) sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Music Touch’programme resumes

The Hong Kong Police Band, in partnership with Police Community Relations Office (PCRO) of Border District, visited Tun Yu School under the “Music Touch” programme on May 7.

Apart from performing an array of music for around 300 students and teachers, the band members introduced the history of the band and their daily work to the audience. They also demonstrated different musical instruments and organised interactive activities for the students.

Given the pandemic situation, the school implemented social distancing measures for the event. While some students and teachers enjoyed the performance in the outdoor area of the campus, the remaining students watched a live broadcast in their classrooms. To raise the students’ sense of national identity, the school especially invited the band to kick off the performance with the National Anthem.

The Police Band launched the “Music Touch” programme in 2016 to enhance students’ interest in learning music through school visits and interactive music performances. Since the inception of the programme, the band has partnered with PCROs from different districts to arrange visits to over 60 primary, secondary and special schools and reached out to more than 20 000 students and teachers. Following a pause of the programme due to the pandemic, the Police Band resumed the programme to continue to nurture positive values in youngsters and deepen their understanding of different types of music.

T h e H o n g K o n g P o l i c e Band visits Tun Yu School for the "Music Touch" programme.

P.07May 20 to June 1, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

I n o r d e r t o e n h a n c e t h e service quality and professionalism of Force members, the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) has been actively introducing various initiatives on complaint prevention. On Apr i l 23 , CAPO hos ted a webinar on complaint prevention for a total of 25 Detective Inspectors from four police districts of New Territories North Region.

During the webinar, CAPO conducted case s tud ies on a

number of complaints arising from criminal investigation, exhibits h a n d l i n g a n d s u p e r v i s o r y accountab i l i ty, w i th a v iew to enhancing the officers’ awareness and knowledge o f p revent ing complaints. The participants also shared their experiences in criminal i n v e s t i g a t i o n a n d c o m p l a i n t prevention. CAPO will continue to promote complaint prevent ion through d i f fe rent channels to support frontline officers.

CAPO hosts webinar on complaint prevention

The Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) and the Independent Police Complaints

Council (IPCC) endeavour to ensure fairness and impartiality in the handling of every complaint and the IPCC Observers’ participation in the process has been instrumental. The 120 IPCC Observers were appointed by the Secretary for Security from various sectors of the community. They are responsible for observing CAPO’s interviews and collection of evidence in handling Reportable Complaints and submitting reports to the IPCC detailing their observations.

In Year 2020/2021, the Observers attained a 98.7% attendance rate and conducted a total of 2 198 observations. As the majority of the observers have full-time jobs, they carry out observations in their personal time. They usually receive notification no less than 48 hours before the observations, but at times they have to conduct observations in the small hours or even work for more than 10 hours.

On Apr i l 27, the IPCC conducted an Observers Workshop at the Hong Kong Police College, facilitating the Observers’ experience sharing and the dissemination of the latest

information on the IPCC and CAPO. At the workshop, the Observers expressed their gratitude and appreciation towards CAPO’s professionalism while CAPO officers updated the Observers on the follow-up actions in response to the 52 recommendations made by the IPCC in its “Thematic Study Report on the Public Order Events arising from the Fugitive Offenders Bill since June 2019 and the Police Actions in Response”. On the same occasion, Chairman of the IPCC Dr Anthony Francis Neoh presented a L o n g S e r v i c e A w a r d t o Observer Mr Charles Cheung i n r e c o g n i t i o n o f h i s contribution in the past 10 years . A t the end o f t he w o r k s h o p , D i r e c t o r o f Management Services Lam H i u - t o n g t h a n k e d t h e Observers for their selfless devotion to ensuring fairness and impar t ia l i t y in every complaint case and enhancing the public’s trust in the two-tier police complaints system.

IPCC Observers Workshop

With a v iew to fos ter ing the partnership amongst INTERPOL member countries, contact officers representing 22 jurisdictions from the Asia and South Pacific Region met virtually for the 16th INTERPOL Contact Officers Meeting on April 29.

During the meeting, participants were invited to share the daily policing cooperation within the region as well as the challenges and work experiences amid the pandemic. On behalf of INTERPOL Hong Kong China, Sub-

Bureau of National Central Bureau China, Chief Inspector Ho Ming-wai and Senior Inspector Ma Suet-yiu of the INTERPOL Division of the Liaison Bureau (LB) shared the tactics adopted by Hong Kong Police in combating cross-jurisdictional fraud cases and effective ways to intercept payments to fraudsters. Representatives from the National Central Bureaux in Beijing and Seoul also showed appreciation for the efforts made by various participants, including Hong Kong, in combating telecom fraud, social

engineering fraud and cyber-enabled financial crimes in the past year.

Superintendent Lam Wing-ho, who is currently seconded to the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovat ion in Singapore as the Regional Specialized Officer of the Coordination Desk for Asia and South Pacific (ASP), also attended the meeting to give a presentation on the regional strategic priorities for the ASP region and operational support on policing capabilities offered by the INTERPOL.

LB joins INTERPOL Contact Officers Meeting

▲CAPO hosts a webinar on complaint prevention for Detective Inspectors.

▲Chairman of the IPCC Dr Anthony Francis Neoh (left) presents a Long Service Award to Observer Mr Charles Cheung (right) in recognition of his contribution in the past 10 years.

▲Assistant Commissioner (Service Quality) Tsang Yim-sheung (left) exchanges views with Chairman of the IPCC Dr Anthony Francis Neoh (right).

INTERPOL contact officers from the Asia and South Pacific Region conduct a virtual meeting.

P.06May 20 to June 1, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

AWP Plank ChallengeAnimal Watchers Programme organises

A group of students and teaching staff of t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f J o u r n a l i s m a n d Communication of Hong Kong Shue Yan University visited the Police Headquarters to exchange views with officers of the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) on April 26.

Chief Superintendent of PPRB Kwok Ka-chuen led officers to introduce the work of the Strategic Communication Bureau, the Media Liaison and Communication Bureau, the Information and Publicity Bureau and the

Fo rce Med ia L ia i son Cadre . He a l so presented the Force’s publ ic re lat ions strategies, as well as the difficulties and challenges faced by the Force under the new media ecology. The students and teaching staff raised questions on various media related issues and PPRB officers responded proactively to their concerns. Both parties took t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o d e e p e n m u t u a l understanding and analyse the challenges facing the Force.

The Force values every oppor tun i ty to engage with the media and young generation. The visit demonstrated the Force’s dedication to e n h a n c i n g m u t u a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g w i t h journalism students and building up long-term cooperation with them through communication.

To promote mutual support between humans and animals, the Animal Watchers Programme (AWP) has

launched the AWP Plank Challenge. Officers and members of the public are invited to join the challenge by filming their creative plank poses with their pets. Participants are required to hold the plank pose for at least 15 seconds.

Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Siu Chak-yee (DCP OPS) gave his full support to the challenge and filmed a demonstration clip together with officers of the Police Dog Unit. In the video, he demonstrated different plank poses together with police dogs. DCP OPS thanked all participants who had already joined the challenge, including schools, members of the Junior Police Call and Senior Police Call and celebrities. He also appealed for more officers and members of the public to join the challenge to promote the message of “Protect Animals, Respect Lives”.

To join the challenge, simply upload your video to you r Facebook o r I ns tag ram, add the hash tag #AWPPlankChallenge, and tag at least three friends to join the challenge. The judging panel will select the winning videos based on the level of interaction between the participants and their pets, creativity and the message conveyed.

To watch the demonstration clips and learn more about the challenge, please scan the QR code to visit the dedicated page of the AWP Plank Challenge.

A member of Senior Pol ice Cal l joins the challenge with his pet parrot.

Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Siu Chak-yee gives his full support to the AWP Plank Challenge.

Journalism studentsvisit PPRB

▲ A n o f f i c e r o f P P R B introduces the work of the Force Media Liaison Cadre.

Since late 2020, the Police Dog Unit (PDU) has assisted the Aviation Security Company Limited (AVSECO) in establ ishing a canine unit and providing related training with a view to enhancing the counter- terror ism r e a d i n e s s a t t h e H o n g K o n g International Airport.

Between January and April 2021, PDU provided a 12-week training course on explosives detection to three

AVSECO’s dog handlers and their canine partners. The course covered the global trend of terrorist threats, terrorists’ attack methods, techniques for searching explosives with dogs at the airport, etc. The course enhanced the cooperation between the Force and AVSECO. PDU will continue to p rov ide annua l reva l ida t ion fo r AVSECO’s working dogs to uphold their professional standards.

PDU provides training to AVESCO on explosives detection

PDU provides training o n e x p l o s i v e s detection to a dog handler of AVSECO.

P.05May 20 to June 1, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

The road speed test for LTI 20/20 TruCAM II, a laser speed detection device, was conducted in the Tai Lam Section of the Castle Peak Road on March 10 and 17. The test was conducted by officers from the Law Revision and Projects Division of the Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ), frontline officers of regional traffic formations, as well as academia partners from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Arranged by TBHQ, Professor Emeritus of HKUST Dr Tam Wing-yim and his research team were assisted by 36 officers from five regional traffic formations, including Provida operators and TruCAM II operators, in conducting the test. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of this equipment, a total of 3 3 5 t e s t r o u n d s w e r e completed in two days. Each round involved safe d r i v i ng a t h i gh speed with a distance of three kilometres.

The officers assisted the HKUST research team in meet ing the tes t ing requirements and obtaining scientific data that could be used as a so l i d bas i s f o r t he C ou r t ’ s f u t u re assessment and reference. The collaboration between TBHQ and the academia

not only marked a milestone for laser speed detection enforcement, but also demonstrated the notable support from the academia for police work.

As the enhanced version of i ts predecessor Tr u C A M I , Tr u C A M I I i s n o t o n l y c a p a b l e o f photographing, video recording and storing speed violation data, but it also features a much larger screen, a significant pixel enhancement and a much clearer night mode. Moreover, with a battery life of a minimum of 10 hours, TruCAM II is expected to be welcomed by frontline traffic officers for enhancing operational efficiency.

Following the road speed test, HKUST laboratory will process the data and provide reports to the Force.

The Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) held a counter-terrorism exercise, codenamed

“LIMITCOVER”, with the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) at the CAD Headquarters on Apri l 17. Airport Distr ict (APTDIST), the Airport Security Unit (ASU) and the Critical Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre also participated i n t h e e x e r c i s e . D e p u t y C o m m i s s i o n e r (Operations) (DCP OPS) Siu Chak-yee was present to direct the exercise and encourage the participating officers.

DCP OPS said that a ser ies of cases involving explosives and firearms had occurred in Hong Kong in recent years, showing signs of the breeding of local terrorism. The Force and stakeholders would continue to conduct multi-agency exercises with a view to enhancing c o u n t e r - t e r r o r i s m c a p a b i l i t y a s w e l l a s strengthening the response, coordination and communication capabilities.

In the exercise, an armed terrorist trespassed into the CAD Headquarters and took the staff hostage. The terrorist attempted to intrude into the CAD’s computer system to cause ser ious

casualties and economic losses. Upon detecting the intrusion attempt, CAD officers immediately isolated the concerned system and switched to a fallback system in accordance with established procedures to ensure the service was not disrupted. Officers of APTDIST and ASU arrived at the scene promptly and subdued the terrorist

before he staged an attack. Officers of the E-Security Audit and Incident Response Team of the CSTCB also conducted incident response with CAD officers at the scene, which included case investigation, digital evidence preservation and restoration of the system.

The exercise not only enhanced the readiness and response capabilities of the Force and other stakeholders in handling cyber and physical terrorist attacks, but also raised the public’s awareness of counter-terrorism.

CSTCB conductscounter-terrorism exercise

On April 29, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol (HKRSP) Dr Liu Kai-ming and 36 HKRSP members visited the Police Headquarters to exchange views with officers of the Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ). Following a welcome speech delivered by Chief Superintendent of TBHQ Au Wing-leung, off icers introduced their latest work on road safety, e-enforcement and mobile video enforcement. The exchange enhanced the mutual understanding of both sides and strengthened their communication and cooperation.


Chief Superintendent of TBHQ Au Wing-leung (first right)interacts with HKRSP members.

Road speed testfor TruCAM II completed

▲E-Security Audit and Incident Response Team of the CSTCB conducts investigation with CAD officers on the computer system.

▲ASU officers search for the terrorist.

TBHQ coordinates the road speed test with the full support of officers from five regional traffic formations.

P.04May 20 to June 1, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

NSD Reporting Hotline receives over 100 000 pieces of informationThe National Securi ty Department (NSD)

launched the NSD Report ing Hot l ine in November 2020 for members of the public to prov ide or repor t nat ional secur i ty re lated information. The hotline has received over 100 000 pieces of information in the past six months.

Speaking at a seminar on the National Security Education Day this year, Commissioner Tang Ping-keung expressed gratitude to the citizens whom had made reports via the hotline, a p p r e c i a t i n g t h e i r g o o d c i t i z e n s h i p a n d contributions to safeguarding national security.

The hotline provides a platform for the Force and the community to work together in upholding national security and safeguarding our city.

NTS hosts TIDERIDER Medal presentation ceremoniesRegional Commander of New Territories South (NTS) Mak Chin-ho presented TIDERIDER Medals

to over 150 police officers and civilian staff members at NTS Regional Headquarters from April 20 to 21.

Recruitment Experience and Assessment Day The Recruitment Division (RECDIV) will hold a Recruitment Experience and

Assessment Day (READ) at the Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) on May 30. With the theme of “You Are The One To Guard Our City”, the Force is seeking talents from all walks of life to join us in safeguarding Hong Kong. READ will provide an opportunity for participants to experience different aspects of police work, the HKPC’s training and recruitment process.

READ will feature a variety of activities. Police units which had participated in the filming of the Force’s promotional video “Guarding our City” will showcase their equipment and share their experiences with participants. The participating units include the Airport Security Unit, the Counter Terrorism Response Unit, the Force Escort Group, the Railway Response Team, the Small Boat Division and the Police Dog Unit. In addition, a tour to the training facilities of the HKPC as well as Probationary Inspector and Police Constable Recruitment Workshops will also be available.

Application to join READ can be made through the QR code. Due to limited quota, only successful registrants will be admitted to the event. Successful registrants will be informed by RECDIV.

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

P.03May 20 to June 1, 2021

On April 24, the Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam officiated at the Gold Award Presentation

Ceremony of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (HKAYP) at the Government House to present awards to the recipients of 2019 and 2020. Commissioner Tang Ping-keung and Chief Superintendent of the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) Kwok Ka-chuen were invited to attend the ceremony as the representatives of the Hong Kong Police Operating Au tho r i t y (HKPOA) . A t t he ce remony, t he Commissioner praised the Junior Police Call (JPC) awardees for overcoming the challenges to complete al l required sections. He also expressed his appreciation to all volunteer instructors for their devotion to nurturing the youth.

On April 19, the Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung officiated at the Silver Award Presentation Ceremony of the HKAYP at Pui Ching Middle School to commend the awardees of 2020.

Under the HKPOA, five JPC members were awarded the Gold Award Certificates while four JPC members received the Silver Award Certificates. A total of 16 volunteer instructors were also presented with the Certificates of Recognition for 10 years of service. In addition, five volunteer instructors received the Certificates of Appreciation for seven years of service and six volunteer instructors were awarded the Certificates of Appreciation for three years of service.

JPC members and volunteer instructors of HKPOAreceive HKAYP awards

▲Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (first row, centre), HKAYP Award Council Chairman Mr Lo Yan-lai (first row, third left) and Chief Superintendent of PPRB Kwok Ka-chuen (first row, third right) congratulate the Gold Award recipients and volunteer instructors.

▲Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (f i f th le f t) p resents the CP’s Commendations to nine officers.

Commissioner Tang Ping-k e u n g , a t a p r e s e n t a t i o n ceremony held at the Police Headqua r te rs on Ap r i l 23 , presented CP’s Formation/Unit C o m m e n d a t i o n s t o 3 2 Formations/Units in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Operation TIDERIDER. On Apr i l 28, the Commissioner presented CP’s Commendations to nine officers.

CP’s Commendation

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1184

P.02May 20 to June 1, 2021


P.10 Serving the public with dedication

P.08 Grand Opening ofPolice Souvenir Gallery

Having accomplished five challenges

Two police officers honoured withHKAYP Gold Awards

▲Pol ice off icers Wu Sui-k i t (le f t) and Chu Yuen-tim (right) share their success stories of attaining the HKAYP Gold Awards.

Wu Sui-kit (left) and Chu Yuen-tim (right) demonstrate teamwork in setting up a tent.

The Hong Kong Award for Young People (HKAYP), formerly known as

the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, has 60 years of history. Over the years, the Hong Kong Police Operating Authority (HKPOA) has been fully supporting HKAYP and a s s i s t i n g i n o r g a n i s i n g r e l a t e d programmes. HKAYP has recently held two award presentation ceremonies to commend the awardees of 2019 and 2020. Five Junior Pol ice Call (JPC) members have received the highest level Gold Award, among which two are serving police officers.

The Gold Award Scheme participants must be aged 16 or above. Before they reach the age of 25, they must complete and meet the requirements of all five sections of activities, namely Service, Expeditions, Skills, Physical Recreation and Residential Project. These activities a r e e x t r e m e l y c h a l l e n g i n g a n d demanding.

Mr Wu Sui-kit is one of the Gold Award recipients this year. During his

school years, he was a shy student who did not enjoy exercise, but since he had joined JPC, he became an avid long distance runner and even a good cook. After graduating from secondary school, he applied to join the Force as a Police Constable but failed at his first attempt. Therefore, he worked hard to improve his interview skills and physical fitness and was eventually enrolled as a police officer.

Mr Wu attained the Bronze Award when he was a Secondary Four student. After joining the Force, Mr Wu wanted to challenge himself, so in 2016 he applied for the Gold Award Scheme. He said, “For me, the Expeditions activities were the most unforgettable experience. We had to walk for at least 60 kilometres within four days. And when we were camping in Ngong Ping for the second night, there was pouring rain and the temperature had dropped to two degrees Cels ius. This exper ience made me realise the importance of team spirit and strengthened my resilience in the face of

adversity.”Ms Chu Yuen-tim, whose father is a

retired police officer, is another Gold Award recipient. Under her father ’s influence, she had joined JPC and a uniformed group since she was in school. When she was in her f i r s t year a t university, she pursued the Gold Award Scheme, but the process was fraught with many obstacles. She recalled, “Two of my teammates had quit in the middle of the Expeditions activities, so I had to join a new group to undergo the assessment again. Afterwards, I had completed the activities of both the Residential Project and Skills Sections, but because I hurt my back I was unab le to undergo the assessment of Physical Recreat ion Section.”

Ms Chu was determined to become a police officer, so upon graduation from university, she applied for the post of Probationary Inspector and successfully joined the Force. She completed the training at the Police College with her

resil ient attitude developed from the HKAYP Scheme. During her training, she reignited her dream for achieving the Gold Award, so she completed the remaining two required sections before she turned 25.

Ms Chu said, “Through joining JPC and uniformed groups, young people deve lop law-ab id ing mindsets and aspiration to serve the community, and that is why many participants would eventually join various disciplined forces. HKAYP helps part ic ipants establ ish p o s i t i v e v a l u e s , a n d t h r o u g h companionship and encouragement of their peers, they would become future young leaders in society.”

Force members and civilian staff aged 24 or below are welcome to join HKAYP. For enquiries, please contact HKPOA (Tel: 2828-7470).

(More information about the presentation ceremonies of HKAYP Silver and Gold Awards is available on page 2.)

OffBeatMay 20 to June 1, 2021

T H E N E W S PA P E R O F T H E H O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C Ew w w . p o l i c e . g o v . h k / o f f b e a t

issue 1184

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