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LETS LEARN NARRATIVEHasti Noor Wahidatul Hidayah1105113853Standar KompetensiMemahami maknadalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative,spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog yang berbentuk narrative,spoof dan hortatory exposition seara akurat! lanar! dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.IndikatorMerespon "aana monolog# narrativeMelakukan monolog berbentuk # narrativeTujuan Pembelajaran1.$eserta didik mampu merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam perakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur # mengungkapkan perasaan inta dan kesedihan.$eserta didik mampu merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan langkah-langkah retorik teks dalam bentuk teks narrati%e.NARRATIVE$&'$()* #+o amuse! entertain and to deal "ith problemati e%ents "hih lead to a risis or turning point of some kind! "hih in turn finds a resolution.Social function :+o amuse! entertain and to deal "ith atual or %iarious e,periene in different "ays-Narrati%e deal "ith problemati e%ents "hih lead to a risis or turning point of some kind! "hih in turn find a resolutionNARRATIVE TEXT+here are many different types of narrati%es. 1. .able/. 0egend3. 'omane1. Mystery5. 2d%enture3. Historial fition4. folktale8. etGeneric Structure of the Text ('5*N+2+5(N 6(N.056+ '*)(0&+5(NA.Orientation ontaining plot and haraters..or e,ample #7(ne upon a time! there "as a beautiful girl named 6inderella! she li%es "ith her mother and t"o stepsisters8b. Comlication risis of the story.$ada bagian ini berisi tenang adanya suatu masalah atau konflik dalam suatu erita. .or e,ample # 7(ne day! 6inderella "as in%ited to the ball but Her stepmother didn9t let her go. )he must stay at home.8 c. Re!olution the risis is resol%ed! for better or for "orse! so "e kno" "hether it is happy or tragi ending. .or e,ample #7.ortunately! a fairy mother ame and helped her to get the ball. Magially she ould hange a pumpkin into a fine a oah and mie into a oahman and t"o footmen.8'omaneThe romance narrative typically tells of two lovers who overcome difficulties to end up together. Here are the usual features.ORIENTATIONO!"#IATIONRE$O#%TIONE&otic setting'$unset( )each( !oonlight(*ance floor(castle+oy met girlhurt , pain-ealousylove(.armth(sharing!arry( and live happily ever after!ale and femalewho is looking for loveharacters introduced*evelopment of relationship+oy got girl"ING#ISTIC$EAT#RES :/. !enggunakan Noun atau pronoun tertentu.e.g 0ing( "rincess( stepsisters 1. !enggunakan temporal con-unction.e.g ' some day( long time ago 2. !enggunakan tenses simple "A$T TEN$E '$ 34 13 OE5A!"#E ' There was a little girl named inderella. $he lived with her step mother and step sisters. They didnt like inderella.

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