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Nama Sekolah : SMP N 2 CEPER

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 1

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1 x pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi

Berbicara : 3 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

Berbicara : 3.2 Memahami dan Merespon percakapan transaksional (to get thing

done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungansekitar yang

melibatkan tindak tutur : mengundang, menerima dan menolak

ajakan,menyetujui / tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi


C. Indikator

1. Menggunakan dan mempraktikan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak


2. Merespon dan mempraktikan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui.

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3. Mengidentifikasi berbagai macam ekspresi untuk menyetujui atau tidak


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah pembelajaran siswa dapat:

1. Menggunakan dan mempraktikan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak


2. Merespon dan mempraktikan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui.

3. Mengidentifikasi berbagai macam ekspresi untuk menyetujui atau tidak


Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect)

Tekun (diligence)

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Agreement and disagreement

Agreement means accepting someone’s idea. It is an expression that people

usually use to state their agreeing about the idea given.

Disagreement means refusing or declining someone’s idea. It is an expression that

people usually use to state their disagreeing about someone’s idea.

Showing Agreement Disagreement

I agree with you I don’t agree

I do I totally disagree

That’s a good idea Your opinion was in complete

contradiction to…

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That’s sound good I refuse

I know what you I have different opinion

I agree to do so I don’t think so

I don’t have any objection to it I’m not so sure

I am with you I have different opinion

That is true I am sorry, but I disagree with you

There is no doubt about it I cannot agree with your idea

I agree entirely I am not so sure about that

I am of the same opinion I am of different opinion

I have the same opinion That is not always true

Dialog 1

Andre : What do you think about math?

Rahma : Actually, it is very easy to learn. Do you think so?

Andre : I don’t think so. I have troubles when I study about it. I always get

bad score.

Rahma : If you will get good score, you have to practice exercise every day.

Andre : I am with you. But I do not have friends to discuss together.

Rahma : You can join with me if you want to learn about it. Please come to

my house if you have free time to learn math.

Andre : Okay, I agree. By the way, my friends say that they can learn math

without practice the questions.

Rahma : That’s true. But not all of people can do it. Practice is more

important, than remember of pattern.

Andre : You are absolutely right.

Dialog 2

Danu : It was cool to know he was chosen as leader in our class!

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Kafka : I’m with you. He is so smart, polite and of course he is kind to


Danu : But I really wonder, can he solve the problems in our class? As you

know, many teachers gave up handling it. So sad!

Kafka : I’m sure he can. Trust me!

Danu : Hope so

Dialog 3

Rara : What do you think of my new house?

Mariska : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.

Rara : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.

Mariska : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels?

Rara : I feel they are great novels.

Mariska : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.

Rara : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds


Mariska : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is

going to rain. OK Rara. See you.

F. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Tanya Jawab

2. Ceramah

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)

a. Apersepsi : guru bertanya kepada siswa Do you agree if the door closed?

Do you agree if the door opened?

b. Motivasi : memberikan motivasi sebelum melakukan pembelajaran.

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2. Kegiatan Inti (50 menit)


Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi:

a. Guru membagikan Hand out yang berisikan materi tentang agree and


b. Guru menjelaskan tentang agree and disagree

c. Siswa mendengarkan teks ungkapan agree and disagree.

d. Siswa membacakan teks ungkapan di depan kelas secara bergantian.

e. Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan berdasarkan

ungkapan yang dibacakan, dilakukan secara individu.


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

a. Guru meminta siswa memberikan contoh lain dari ungkapan tersebut

menggunakan kata-kata mereka sendiri.

b. Guru meminta siswa mempraktekkan percakapan di depan kelas dengan

bergaya dan menunjukkan ekspresi wajah yang sesuai.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

a. Bertanya jawab dengan siswa untuk meluruskan kesalahan pemahaman dan

memberikan penguatan.

3. Kegiatan Penutup (20 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

a. Membuat ringkasan/kesimpulan

b. Melakukan penilaian atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram.

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c. Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.

d. Merencanakan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

H. Sumber dan Media Belajar

1. LKS Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

2. Internet

3. Hand out

I. Penilaian

Guru melakukan penilaian dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

a. Teknik Penilaian : tugas individu

b. Bentuk Penilaian : tulis dan performance

Indikator Pencapaian






Instrument/ Soal

1. Menggunakan dan

mempraktikan tindak

tutur menyetujui atau

tidak menyetujui

Tes lisan Uji petik


.Lihat contoh

2. Mengidentifikasi

berbagai macam

ekspresi menyetujui

atau tidak menyetujui

Tes tertulis Pilihan ganda dan


Choose A, B, C or D for

the correct answer

Complete the dialogs and

choose the right

statements to make a good


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c. Instrument Penilaian

Activity 1 Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. Rijal : What do you think if learning together ?

Risma : …………….. Let’s take our book.

a. Sorry I can’t

b. I disagree with you

c. Good idea

d. I think this is nonsense

2. Risky : ………?

Roso : I like it. It make us feel fresh.

a. What do you think if we go to the mountain

b. What do you think if we join the motor cross

c. What do you think if we burn the old paper

d. What do you think if we do something

3. Resha say that young people should be allowed to wear strange hair styles.

From this dialogue, we can imply that resha……………..

a. Agree that young people should be allowed to wear strange hair styles

b. Agree that young people should not be allowed to wear strange hair styles

c. Disagree that young people should be allowed to wear strange hair styles

d. Don’t think so that young people should be allowed to wear strange hair


4. Rose : I think that the article in the newspaper is stupid.

Rima : I don’t think so.

From this dialogue, we can conclude that Rima express………………..

a. Agreement

b. Danger

c. Ill

d. Disagreement

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5. Rico : I think the government should try to stop people smoking.

Rumba : I supose to your opinion.

From this dialogue, we can conseque that Rumba express…………………..

a. Opinion

b. Agreement

c. Disagreement

d. Dissatifaction

6. Rezo : What do you think if we go by bike?

Razi : Wonderful, ……………………

a. That is exactly what I think

b. Maybe I don’t know

c. Absolutly I don’t think so

d. I’m sorry

7. Rahma : How about writing a poem ?

Riska : It’s my hobby. …

a. I don’t think so

b. I extemely dis agree

c. I like it

d. I really dislike

8. Rame : In my opinion, government have to prohibit smoking in public


Romo : I thing so to.

From this dialogue, we can construe that Romo express……………..

a. Happiness

b. Forgiveness

c. Disagreement

d. Agreement

9. Rara : There are too many silly cartoon on TV lately. Do you agree??

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Rere : Not all.

From this dialogue, we can state that Rere express………………

a. Sadness

b. Agreement

c. Love

d. Disagreement

10. Rasha : What do you think if we go to dinner in restaurant?

Rodiah : ………….. let’s go.

a. Yeah, it’s sounds good

b. I don’t think so

c. I dislike

d. Surely not

Activity 2. Complete the dialogs and choose the right statements to make a

good conversation.

Tom : Our earth  is getting hotter. It’s because a lot of illegal logging, greenhouse

effects, air pollution by carbon dioxide, and much more. What should we do?

… (1)?

Jerry : Hmm … (2) do prohibition to use the vehicles.

Tom : Umm… (3) your idea is too excessive. It’s impossible. What do you think?

Neil : I think we must stop factory activities that damage the rivers for a while?

Kelvin: ...(4). I think me must do reboisation along way. We must cooperate with

many people.

Jerry  : That’s right! I know what you mean.

Kelvin: But, we have a problem here.

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Tom : What’s that?

Kelvin: Where we can get the plants?

Neil : My grandma sells a lot of plants. So, we can buy it.

Jerry : ...(5)

a. I’m not sure d. That’s good idea!

b. I don’t agree e. I think we must

c.Any idea

Key answer:

Activity 1: c, a, a, d, b , a ,c , d, d, a

Activity 2: c, e, a, b, d

d. Rubrik Penilaian



Sempurna Sebagian Besar Beberapa Semuanya

Fluency 25 15 10 5

Pronunciation 25 15 10 5

Intonation 25 15 10 5

Accuracy 25 15 10 5

e. Pedoman Penilaian

Jumlah skor maksimal keseluruhan: 10

Nilai: jumlah betul x 2 / 3

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Klaten, 1 Oktober 2015

Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

Nama Mahasiswa

Bambang Budiyanto Widya Kurnia Arizona

NIP 19620126198931008 NIM 1211202753