Download - Pola Rajut 1

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@. alat & bahan   1. benang wol   2. hakpen / jarum renda   3. peniti   4. kancing   5. jarum jahit   6. kain flanel    7. benang jahit

@. cara membuat1. bros bunga rajut merah* buat setik rantai (ch) sebanyak 9 rantai lalu 21 kait ganda (dc)* buat 35 ch lalu buat 5 ch yang di selipkan pada setiap lima ch.*  kelopak pertama,buat 3 ch untuk tiang lalu buat 5 half treble crochet (htr) setiap 1 htr dibuat lebih panjang dari pada htr sebelumnya sampai htr ke 3 kembali menurun sehingga berbentuk lengkungan lalu di tutup dengan 3 ch untuk tiang. ulangi cara yang sama sampai 7 X.* kelopak ke dua buat 6 ch selipkan di antara kelopak sebelumnya.* buat 4 ch untuk tiang lalu buat 7 htr, lakukan seperti cara pada (*) ke 3.* kelopak ke 3 buat 7 ch selipkan di antara kelopak sebelumnya.* buat 5 ch untuk tiang lalu buat 9 htr lakukan seperti cara pada (*) ke 3.* pasang kancing di tengah bunga dengan cara menjahitnya. * pasang peniti pada kain flanel yang telah di potong bundar.* tutup bagian belakang bros yang sebelumnya telah di isi dengan kapas menggunakan kain flanel yang telah di pasang penitinya di lalu jahit sekeliling kain flanel menggunakan benang

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dan jarum jahit untuk menyatukan kain flanel dan bros.* jadi deeeeh.

2. bros bunga rajut coklat    Pada pembuatan bros bunga coklat ini caranya sama dengan membuat bros rajut bunga merah hanya bundaran tengahnya saja yang berbeda. 

*). buat 15 ch lalu buat 3 ch untuk tiang lalu buat 5 half treble crochet   (htr) setiap 1 htr dibuat lebih panjang dari pada htr sebelumnya sampai htr ke 3 kembali menurun sehingga berbentuk lengkungan lalu di tutup dengan 3 ch untuk tiang. ulangi cara yang sama sampai 5 X.*). lakukan  lakukan seperti cara pada bros rajut bunga merah ( dari * ke 4 sampai selesai)

Casual Crochet Shoulder Bag

Designed by Erin Elkins

Project may be made with Boye Pocket Guide: Teach Yourself Crochet.

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Approx – approximately, beg – begin(ning), ch – chain, dc – double crochet, lp – loop, rem – remaining, rep – repeat, rnd – round, sk – skip, sl st – slip stitch, sc – single crochet


Approximately 12" x 11" (not including handle)


15 sc for 17 rows = 4". Gauge is not critical for this project.


Boye® Crochet Hook, size US G/7 (4.5mm) Tapestry Needle6 oz. #4 Worsted Weight YarnBag shown here was made using Caron Simply Soft (100% acrylic; 6 oz/170g; approximately 315 yds/288m)


SMALL (9") fits women’s sizes 6 - 7½MEDIUM (9 1/2") fits women’s sizes 8 - 8½LARGE (10") fits women’s sizes 9 - 10


Ch 51.

Rnd 1: 3 sc in second ch from hook, sc in each rem ch up to last ch, 3 sc in last ch, ?turn work to begin working on opposite side ?of ch, sc in each unworked lp of ch, sl st to ?first sc – 102 sc.Rnd 2:Ch 1, sc in each sc around, sl st to first sc – 102 sc. Rnd 3:Ch 3, (4 dc) in same sc, * sk 2 sc, ?(5 dc) in next sc, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc, rep from * to within last 2 sc, sk 2 sc, sl st to top ?of beg ch-3 and into next 2 dc.Rnd 4:Ch 1, sc in same dc, * (5 dc) in next sc, sc in third dc of 5-dc group, rep from * to within last sc, (5 dc), in last sc, sl st to first sc. .Rnd 5:Ch 3, (4 dc) in same dc, * sc in third dc of 5-dc group, (5 dc) in next sc, rep from * to within last 5-dc group, sl st to top of beg ch-3 and into next 2 dc. Rep Rnds 4-5 until piece measures approximately 10" high, ending with Rnd 4..Next Rnd:Ch 3, (2 dc) in same sc, * sk dc, sc in each of next 3 dc, (3 dc) in next sc, rep from * to within last 5-dc group, sk dc, sc in each of next 3 dc, sl st to top of beg ch-3.Next Rnd:Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st to first sc – 102 sc.Repeat previous rnd once more, fasten off.

STRAP:Ch 151.

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Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each rem ch, turn – 150 sc.Row 2-5: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. Fasten off after final row.

FINISHING:With tapestry needle, sew short edges of strap to bag with approximately 1" of strip inside bag, as shown in photo. Weave in all ends carefully.

Level of Difficulty: Easy


I made these purses for my 2 sweet girls on my recent trip to Las Vegas. I put all of their goodies in them that I bought. These are very easy to make and just the perfect size for a child. ENJOY!!

Materials Needed:  About 2 ounces of worsted weight acrylic yarn,  small amount of a contrasting color for heart motif ,size G hook


Chain 30

row 1-  in 2nd ch froom hook hdc and in each remaining ch ,turn

row 2-37    ch2, hdc in each st,  turn

Fold piece just made in half and sc through both thickness to seam the side finish off and do the same on the other side finish off.

Straps - Make 2

ch 50

Row 1 - in 2nd ch from hook hdc the lenghth of chain turn

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row 2 ch 2, hdc in each st  do not finish off

To attach the hadles count over 4-5 stitches from the side of the top of the bag  and sc the strap to the purse I did 2 sc in first st , 1sc in next st, and 2 in the last st finish of and do the same to the other side.

Heart Motif

ch 2

Row 1-  sc in 2nd ch from hook ch 1 turn

Row 2 -  3 sc in sc, ch 1 turn

Row 3 -  2 sc in each sc, ch 1 turn

Row 4 -  sc in each sc across, ch 1 turn

Row 5 -  2sc in first st, 1sc in next st, 2sc in next st, 1 sc in  next 2 st, 2 sc in next st ,  ch 1 turn, 9sc total

Row 6-8    sc in next 4 st ch 1 turn

Row 9 -  sc  in next 2 st together 2 times ch 1 turn

Row 10 -  sc in next 2 st together and finish off

Attach yarn into firsrt stich of the missed 5 stitches and do the same as rows 6-10, NOTE:  one stitch in the middle will not be worked at all, do not fasten off

Continuing around the outside edge of the heart sc evenly around including the missed stitch (sc 2 times in missed stitch and sc 3 times around point at bottom)  and finish off.

Crochet Backpack Pattern

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Worsted weight cotton yarn: 500g (18 oz) of main color (Lammy Yarns Florida, color #552) and a small amount of contrasting color for edging and cords

4mm (US G/6) and 7mm (US K/10½) crochet hooks plastic side release buckle

Gauge: 11 sc and 13 rnds = 10 cm / 4 in, yarn held double

Used Abbreviations

sc = single crochet rnd = round ch = chain stitch st = stitch sl st = slip stitch rep = repeat sk = skip inc = increase dec = decrease tog = together hdc = half double crochet dc = double crochet


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Beginning round: With yarn held double and using the larger hook, ch 4, sl st in first ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 1 (counts as 1 sc), work 6 sc in ring, sl st into top of beg ch (= 7 sc). From now on, replace the first sc in the rnd with 1 ch and, in the end of the rnd, join with a sl st to the first ch.

Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each st around (= 14 sc). Rnd 3: *1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around (= 21 sc). Rnd 4: *1 sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around (= 28 sc). Rnd 5: *1 sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around (= 35 sc). For the

rest of the rounds continue adding sc:s in between the increases (for rnd 6: 4 sc; for rnd 7: 5 sc, etc).

(If the bottom doesn’t lay flat, leave out the increases for some of the rounds.)


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When there are 91 sc in the rnd (approx 14 rnds, bottom diameter 24 cm / 9½ in), start the edge. Work 91 sc around until the edge measures 35 cm / 14 in. You can fasten off and join a new yarn or work with sl sts to the middle of the back for the drawstring hole round.

Drawstring holes

Start at the middle of the back:

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14 sc, (ch 1, sk 1 sc, 2 sc) 21 times, ch 1, sk 1 sc, 13 sc (= 91 sc). You should now have 22 drawstring holes in the round (see a picture of the holes).

Next rnd: Work 91 sc around. Next rnd: Again, start at the middle of the back. 13 sc, 66 sl sts, 12 sc (= 91 sts).

Fasten off.

Work one round of sl sts between the last bottom rnd and the first edge rnd.


Work a flap out of the 25 sc:s in the back. Starting from the edge, work 4 rnds of sc around, 25 sc each round.

Increases: Inc 1 st at both ends (1 sc before/after the edge st) every 4th rnd 3 times (= 31 sc).

Decreases: When the flap measures 13 cm / 5 in, dec 1 st at both ends every 2nd rnd 3 times (= 25 sc). Then work the last two rnds of the flap:

2 sc tog, 2 sc tog, 5 hdc, 7 dc, 5 hdc, 2 sc tog, 2 sc tog (= 21 sts). 2 sc tog, 5 hdc, 7 dc, 5 hdc, 2 sc tog (= 19 sts). Fasten and end off.

Edging: With one yarn of contrasting color and the smaller hook, work one rnd of sc:s around the edge of the flap. Fasten and end off.

Shoulder straps

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Make two. With double strands of yarn ch — for example — 55 (50 cm / 20 in). Work 4—5 rnds of sc:s and bind off. With contrasting color, work edges as with the flap.

Note: The straps are not adjustable after they’re sewn on, so make sure to measure the length carefully! Or, you can use D-rings and make the straps longer. The width of the straps can also be varied according to your liking.

Sew on the straps at the top of the back approx 10 cm / 4 in apart. At the bottom, sew the straps approx 23—25 cm / 9—10 in (or 25 sts) apart.

NB: Twist the straps once outwards at the bottom. This way the backpack will fit better on your back. Try it on if you’re not sure which way to twist!


Make two cords (or use a store bought cord). With contrasting color and the smaller hook, chain until the cord measures 60—65 cm / 23½—25½ in length. 2nd rnd: sl st around.

Thread the cords in the drawstring holes, one on each side bringing them out at the front middle. Attach at one end, make a knot on the other.

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For the plastic buckle, make two straps in main color using only one strand of yarn (or you can use store bought straps). [Note: the width of the strap depends on the width of the buckle you are using!] The longer strap should be approx 13 cm / 5 in long. Attach one buckle end and sew this strap in the middle of the flap underneath it (i.e. on the wrong side). The shorter one is approx 8 cm / 3 in long. Attach the other buckle end and sew this strap in the front middle approx 8 cm / 3 in from the bottom edge (the slip stitch round).

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Pattern is for purse pictured on the left; purse on the right was made with 2 skeins of Caron Felt-It yarn

Felted Drawstring BagMaterials and Equipment1 skein of Paton’s Classic Merino Wool Yarn in PalaisCrochet hook size IScrap ribbon

Gauge: Rounds 1-3 = 3 inches

DirectionsPURSE:Ch 4Round 1: Make 8 dc in 4th chain from hook. Close this and all rounds with a slip stitch in top of first dc.Round 2: Ch 2 (does not count as first stitch), 2 dc in each stitch.Round 3: Repeat Round 2.Round 4: Ch 2, dc in first stitch, 2 dc in next stitch, (dc in next stitch, 2 dc in next stitch) around.Round 5: Ch 2, dc in first 2 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch, (dc in next 2 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch) around.Round 6: Ch 2, dc in first 3 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch, (dc in next 3 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch) around.Round 7: Ch 2, dc in first 3 stitches, dec over next 2 stitches, (dc in next 3 stitches, dec over next 2 stitches) around.Rounds 8-18: Work even in dc.Round 19: Ch 2, dc in first 2 stitches, (ch 2, skip next 2 stitches, dc in next 2 stitches) around.Round 20: Ch 2, dc in each dc, and work 2 dc in each ch 2 space.Round 21: Do not make any chains. Skip first 2 stitches, (5 dc in space between next 2 stitches, skip next 2 stitches, sl st in space between next 2 stitches) around. Sl st in space before first stitch at beginning of round.Cut yarn and weave in loose ends.

STRAPS (Make 2):Using two strands of yarn together, chain 120.

Felt purse according to your preferred method. Before felting, cut a length of scrap ribbon

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long enough to thread through the ch 2 spaces of round 19. Thread ribbon through ch 2 spaces and tie ends together. This will prevent the ch 2 spaces from felting closed. After felting, remove the ribbon and discard.When purse is dry, weave 1 strap through ch 2 spaces and tie ends together. Weave other strap through ch 2 spaces in the opposite direction of first strap and tie ends on opposite side of drawstring bag.

Skill Level:


Project Type:

Women’s Clothing


Twyla is a smart cardigan that fastens with a single button in Softwist.

We have listed an alternate yarn choice as Softwist is discontinued and may have limited availability in your area

Shown in size Small


Directions are for size X-Small.  Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large and X-Large are in parentheses.

Finished Measurements

Bust (closed) – 32(36-40-44-48)”

Length – 20 1/2(20 1/2-21-21 1/2-22)”


14(15-17-20-22) Hanks Berroco Softwist (50 grs), #9415 Pilaster

Alternate Yarn: 7(7-8-10-11) Hanks Berroco Ultra Alpaca (100 grs)

Crochet hook, size 5.50 mm (I) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

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One 1 3/4” button


8 clusters = 4”;  9 rows = 4” in cluster pat with size 5.50 mm (I) crochet hook



When directions say to dec, work the dec listed below that applies.

1. To dec the first half cluster at beg of rows, work hdc in ch-1 of first cluster, then work in pat to end.  Work hdc over this st until next dec.

2. To dec the first half cluster at end of rows, work 1 hdc in ch-1 of last cluster, turn.  Work hdc in this st until next dec.

3. To dec the second half cluster at beg of rows, skip 1 hdc, work in pat to end.

4. To dec the second half cluster at end of rows, skip last hdc, turn.


With crochet hook, ch 74(82-90-98-106).

Row 1:  Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch to end – 73(81-89-97-105) sc.  Ch 2, turn.

Row 2:  Insert hook in first sc, draw up a loop, yo, skip 1 sc, draw up a loop in next sc, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1 (cluster made);  * draw up a loop in same sc as last loop of last cluster, skip 1 sc, yo, draw up a loop in next sc, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1 to form eye of cluster;  rep from * across – 36(40-44-48-52) clusters.  Turn.

Row 3:  Ch 2, draw up a loop in 3rd ch from hook (ch-1 of cluster on row below), yo, draw up a loop in top of cluster, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1, * draw up a loop in ch-1 of next cluster of row below, yo, draw up a loop in top of cluster, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1, rep from * across.  Turn.  Rep Row 3 for Cluster Pat.  Work even until piece measures 2” from beg.  Dec one half cluster at each end of next row.  Rep this dec every 3” 3 times more – 32(36-40-44-48) clusters.  Work even until piece measures 12 1/2” from beg, do not work ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

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Shape Armholes:  Sl st over 2(2-3-3-3) clusters at beg of the next 2 rows – 28(32-34-38-42) clusters.  Dec one half cluster at beg and end of the next row, then rep this dec every other row 1(3-3-3-3) times more – 26(28-30-34-38) clusters.  Work even until armholes measure 7 1/2(7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)”, do not work ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Shoulders:  Row 1:  Sl st over 2(2-3-4-5) clusters, work in pat to last 2(2-3-4-5) clusters, turn.

Row 2:  Sl st over 1(2-2-3-4) clusters, work in pat to last 1(2-2-3-4) clusters, fasten off.

Left Front

With crochet hook, ch 36(40-44-48-52).  Rep Row 1 of back – 35(39-43-47-51) sc.  Continue from Row 2 same as back until piece measures 2” from beg – 17(19-21-23-25) clusters.  Dec one half cluster at beg of the next row, then at same edge every 3” 3 times more – 15(17-19-21-23) clusters.  AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 10(10-10 1/2-11-11 1/2)”, dec one half cluster at the other edge and mark this edge for front v-neck.  Continuing to work decs at side edge if necessary, dec one half cluster at neck edge every 1 3/4” 4 times more.  When piece measures 12 1/2” from beg, end on RS with neck marker on the left, do not ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Armhole:  Sl st over 2(2-3-3-3) clusters, work to end.  Continuing to work neck decs, dec one half cluster at armhole edge every other row 2(4-4-4-4) times.  When all armhole and neck decs have been completed, work even on 9 1/2(10 1/2-11 1/2-13 1/2-15 1/2) clusters until armhole measures 5(5-5 1/2-6-6 1/2)”, end on WS with neck marker on the right.

Shape Neck:  Sl st over 3 1/2 clusters, work to end.  Dec one half cluster at same edge EVERY row 6 times – 3(4-5-7-9) clusters.  Work even until armhole measures 7 1/2(7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)”, end on WS with neck marker on the left, do not ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Shoulder:  Sl st over 2(2-3-4-5) clusters, work to end.  Fasten off.

Right Front

Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping.


With crochet hook, ch 50(50-54-58-62).  Rep Row 1 of back – 49(49-53-57-61) sc.  Continue from Row 2 same as back until piece measures 16 1/2” from beg – 24(24-26-28-30) clusters.

Shape Cap:  Sl st over 2(2-3-3-3) clusters at beg of the next 2 rows – 20(20-20-22-24) clusters.  Dec one half cluster each end of next row, then EVERY row 9(9-11-11-11) times. 

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Sl st over first 2 clusters at beg of the next 2(2-0-0-0) rows – 6(6-8-10-12) clusters.  Work even if necessary until cap measures 5”.  Fasten off.


Sew shoulder seams.  Sew in sleeves.  Sew side and sleeve seams.

Outer Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook, beg at center back neck, work in sc around entire outer edge of garment, working sc’s in each corner and keeping sts even so work lies flat, join with a sl st in first sc.

Rnd 2:  Ch 1, work 1 sc in each sc around and work 3 sc’s in each corner, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Rep Rnd 2 twice more.

Buttonhole Rnd:  Work same as Rnd 2 to 3 sc’s before first v-neck dec on right front, ch 3, skip 3 sc’s, work to end.

Next Rnd:  Work same as Rnd 2, working 1 sc in each ch of buttonhole.  Rep Rnd 2 twice more.  Fasten off.

Sleeve Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook, beg at sleeve seam, work in sc around lower edge of sleeve, join with a sl st in 1st sc.

Rnd 2:  Ch 1, work 1 sc in each sc around, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Rep Rnd 2, 6 times more.  Fasten off.  Sew on button.

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Skill Level: ExperiencedProject Type: Women’s Clothing


Twyla is a smart cardigan that fastens with a single button in Softwist.

We have listed an alternate yarn choice as Softwist is discontinued and may have limited availability in your area

Shown in size Small


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Directions are for size X-Small.  Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large and X-Large are in parentheses.

Finished Measurements

Bust (closed) – 32(36-40-44-48)”

Length – 20 1/2(20 1/2-21-21 1/2-22)”


14(15-17-20-22) Hanks Berroco Softwist (50 grs), #9415 Pilaster

Alternate Yarn: 7(7-8-10-11) Hanks Berroco Ultra Alpaca (100 grs)

Crochet hook, size 5.50 mm (I) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

One 1 3/4” button


8 clusters = 4”;  9 rows = 4” in cluster pat with size 5.50 mm (I) crochet hook



When directions say to dec, work the dec listed below that applies.

1. To dec the first half cluster at beg of rows, work hdc in ch-1 of first cluster, then work in pat to end.  Work hdc over this st until next dec.

2. To dec the first half cluster at end of rows, work 1 hdc in ch-1 of last cluster, turn.  Work hdc in this st until next dec.

3. To dec the second half cluster at beg of rows, skip 1 hdc, work in pat to end.

4. To dec the second half cluster at end of rows, skip last hdc, turn.

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With crochet hook, ch 74(82-90-98-106).

Row 1:  Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch to end – 73(81-89-97-105) sc.  Ch 2, turn.

Row 2:  Insert hook in first sc, draw up a loop, yo, skip 1 sc, draw up a loop in next sc, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1 (cluster made);  * draw up a loop in same sc as last loop of last cluster, skip 1 sc, yo, draw up a loop in next sc, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1 to form eye of cluster;  rep from * across – 36(40-44-48-52) clusters.  Turn.

Row 3:  Ch 2, draw up a loop in 3rd ch from hook (ch-1 of cluster on row below), yo, draw up a loop in top of cluster, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1, * draw up a loop in ch-1 of next cluster of row below, yo, draw up a loop in top of cluster, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1, rep from * across.  Turn.  Rep Row 3 for Cluster Pat.  Work even until piece measures 2” from beg.  Dec one half cluster at each end of next row.  Rep this dec every 3” 3 times more – 32(36-40-44-48) clusters.  Work even until piece measures 12 1/2” from beg, do not work ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Armholes:  Sl st over 2(2-3-3-3) clusters at beg of the next 2 rows – 28(32-34-38-42) clusters.  Dec one half cluster at beg and end of the next row, then rep this dec every other row 1(3-3-3-3) times more – 26(28-30-34-38) clusters.  Work even until armholes measure 7 1/2(7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)”, do not work ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Shoulders:  Row 1:  Sl st over 2(2-3-4-5) clusters, work in pat to last 2(2-3-4-5) clusters, turn.

Row 2:  Sl st over 1(2-2-3-4) clusters, work in pat to last 1(2-2-3-4) clusters, fasten off.

Left Front

With crochet hook, ch 36(40-44-48-52).  Rep Row 1 of back – 35(39-43-47-51) sc.  Continue from Row 2 same as back until piece measures 2” from beg – 17(19-21-23-25) clusters.  Dec one half cluster at beg of the next row, then at same edge every 3” 3 times more – 15(17-19-21-23) clusters.  AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 10(10-10 1/2-11-11 1/2)”, dec one half cluster at the other edge and mark this edge for front v-neck.  Continuing to work decs at side edge if necessary, dec one half cluster at neck edge every 1 3/4” 4 times more.  When piece measures 12 1/2” from beg, end on RS with neck marker on the left, do not ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Armhole:  Sl st over 2(2-3-3-3) clusters, work to end.  Continuing to work neck decs, dec one half cluster at armhole edge every other row 2(4-4-4-4) times.  When all armhole and neck decs have been completed, work even on 9 1/2(10 1/2-11 1/2-13 1/2-15 1/2) clusters until armhole measures 5(5-5 1/2-6-6 1/2)”, end on WS with neck marker on the right.

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Shape Neck:  Sl st over 3 1/2 clusters, work to end.  Dec one half cluster at same edge EVERY row 6 times – 3(4-5-7-9) clusters.  Work even until armhole measures 7 1/2(7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)”, end on WS with neck marker on the left, do not ch 2 at end of last row, just turn.

Shape Shoulder:  Sl st over 2(2-3-4-5) clusters, work to end.  Fasten off.

Right Front

Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping.


With crochet hook, ch 50(50-54-58-62).  Rep Row 1 of back – 49(49-53-57-61) sc.  Continue from Row 2 same as back until piece measures 16 1/2” from beg – 24(24-26-28-30) clusters.

Shape Cap:  Sl st over 2(2-3-3-3) clusters at beg of the next 2 rows – 20(20-20-22-24) clusters.  Dec one half cluster each end of next row, then EVERY row 9(9-11-11-11) times.  Sl st over first 2 clusters at beg of the next 2(2-0-0-0) rows – 6(6-8-10-12) clusters.  Work even if necessary until cap measures 5”.  Fasten off.


Sew shoulder seams.  Sew in sleeves.  Sew side and sleeve seams.

Outer Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook, beg at center back neck, work in sc around entire outer edge of garment, working sc’s in each corner and keeping sts even so work lies flat, join with a sl st in first sc.

Rnd 2:  Ch 1, work 1 sc in each sc around and work 3 sc’s in each corner, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Rep Rnd 2 twice more.

Buttonhole Rnd:  Work same as Rnd 2 to 3 sc’s before first v-neck dec on right front, ch 3, skip 3 sc’s, work to end.

Next Rnd:  Work same as Rnd 2, working 1 sc in each ch of buttonhole.  Rep Rnd 2 twice more.  Fasten off.

Sleeve Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook, beg at sleeve seam, work in sc around lower edge of sleeve, join with a sl st in 1st sc.

Rnd 2:  Ch 1, work 1 sc in each sc around, join with a sl st in ch-1.  Rep Rnd 2, 6 times more.  Fasten off.  Sew on button.

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