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SPEECH ENGLISH “How to Learn English”Diah Astari Salam

XI. Accelerations Natural Science

Senior High School 1 Kendari

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for my English teacher who has

given me opportunity to deliver this English speech.

Ladies and gentleman, it’s a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech

entitled How to Learn English.

Brothers and sisters, English is the most general language for the international

business world. People who are not native English speakers must immerse themselves

in English-speaking environments if they want to speak English well and be


For all my beloved friends, how to learn English? We can learn English with the tips

and warnings following:

1. Learn the basic reading and listening abilities of English.

2. Spend at least one hour everyday listening to news or discussion programs.

It’s hard to understand what they are saying when you first begin to listen to

them, but gradually you will get used to the speed and tone.

3. Spend more than three hours every day on reading English news or articles.

Reading builds up your vocabulary, idioms, phrases, and the concepts of

English structures.

4. Learn the phonetic alphabet (pronunciation symbols). This can help your

pronounce correctly and it’s necessary to speak with the correct tone.

5. Make some pen pals and write them at least once every day. The best way to

improve your writing is to practice writing as much as you can.

6. Make friends with native-English speakers. This is the most difficult task

because of the difference in culture, but you can’t really master English unless

you can communicate with a native English speaker fluently.

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7. Watch some English TV. TV is the best and most inexpensive teacher to learn

real English

8. Try listening to the radio. Radio is also one of the best and inexpensive

English teachers.

9. Use an English-English dictionary and bring your dictionary wherever you go.

10. Use ‘Espior Smart English’ programs. We get absorbed in the learning

English. We will learn English automatically.

11. Use your newly-learned idioms or vocabulary. Once you use the words which

you memorized, you will never forget them again.

12. Think in English. Getting used to using English all the time will make it easier

to listen and react with it.

13. Join web groups or clubs where you can post questions freely and discuss the

use of grammar.

14. Take and English as a second language class at your local community college.

15. Learn English at a language journey!

Brothers and sisters, I think that’s all my speech. Finally, I would like to say sorry

if there are mistakes in my speech words. Thank you very much for your


Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb