Download - Pesan negatif dan pesan positif


Contoh Pesan Negatif

Terima kasih atas surat anda tertanggal 10 April 2006 yang bermaksud agar kami mengganti sepatu yang anda pesan dengan model sepatu yang lain.

Perlu anda ketahui bahwa kami menganjurkan kepada konsumen untuk mencoba mengenakan sepatu yang baru dibelinya untuk berjalan beberapa saat guna memastikan kesesuaian ukuran dan merasakan kenyamanannya. Apabila anda menghendaki model dan ukuran yang berbeda, kami segera mengirimkannya setelah sepatu yang kurang sesuai dikembalikan.

Pada sepatu yang anda kembalikan kami mendapati noda lumpur pada solnya dan goresan pada haknya. Seandainya sepatu yang anda kembalikan kami terima tanpa noda tersebut, kami bersedia menggantinya. Oleh karena itu, dengan menyesal kami tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan anda.

Model Black Stancy merupakan sepatu produk kebanggaan kami dengan kualitas terbaik yang terjamin terbuat dari kulit pilihan, tahan lama, dan nyaman dipakai.

Meskipun kami tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan anda, kami harap anda dapat memahami alasan kami, dan kami berharap anda tetap bersedia membeli produk-produk kami yang lain pada waktu yang akan datang. Bersama ini kami sertakan kupon diskon yang dapat anda gunakan apabila anda membeli sepatu di toko pengecer resmi produk kami.

sumber :

Contoh Pesan Negatif

Dear Ms. Krist:

Saya sangat bahagia karena anda memutuskan untuk membawa CD Player Romulus 2XZ anda kepada kami. Kami sangat bangga atas reputasi kami yang cepat dan efisien. Anda melakukan hal yang tepat

When I read your letter, I immediately talked to Bob McCall, head of our service department, who carried out the initial inspection on your CD player on June 8. According to his records, the unit had a damaged kabobble, a manufacturer's problem. Your unit was still under manufacturer's warranty. Therefore, Bob shipped the unit to the manufacturer, Romulus Enterprises, in Toronto, on June 16 (we have confirmation that the package arrived the next day).

Yesterday, I contacted Romulus learned they are waiting for a shipment of high-grade kabobbles, which are currently on back order. However, I was told this shipment will be in their warehouse by next week. They also assured me the repair on your unit will receive top priority.

While we are unable to reimburse customers for outside expenses, including long distance phone calls, we are happy to have been able to save you repair costs. I'm assured your unit will be ready for shipment within ten days. Should you wish to contact Romulus yourself, the address is:

63 King Street SouthToronto, OntarioM1S 3H7Phone: (416) 555 1984

The Romulus 2XZ is a fine CD player. I wish you many years of quality listening.


Sumber :

Contoh Pesan Positif

Denpasar, 6 April 2011

No: 001/SK/IV/2011

Lap : ---

Hal: Permohonan Kerja Sama

Kepada Yth.

Bapak Alex

di Denpasar

Terimakasih atas waktu yang disediakan buat saya untuk berbicara dengan bapak kemarin tentang beberapa ide kisah teknologi jam tangan.

Saya kira The Creation of a Watch bisa menjadi ide bagus. Saya ingin menawarkan peluang kepada bapak untuk mengunjungi Macho Wavges di Rolly, New Jersey dan membahasnya dengan insinyur, perancang, dan tenaga pemasaran bagaimana sesungguhnya sebuah jam tangan diproduksi mulai dari awal hingga akhir.

Kita dapat melakukan langkah-langkah untuk berbicara dengan orang yang mendukung:

. Riset dan pengembangan

. Teknologi produk

. Disain

. pemasaran massal

Akan saya sebutkan bahwa Macho adalah satu dari beberapa perusahaan yang memproduksi jam tangan di Amerika tepatnya di Rolly, New Jersey. Saya akan segera menghubungi bapak per telpon untuk mengetahui apakah kami dapat menyusun kunjungan bagi bapak.

Demikian kami sampaikan, terimakasih perhatian anda. Kami berharap kita bisa bekerja sama dalam proyek ini.

Hormat kami,

John Doe

Account Executive

Sumber :

Contoh Pesan Positif

November 30, 2012

Mr. David KimberlyDirector General, Civil AviationGovernment of Seychelles10 Island View ParkwaySeychelles

Dear David:I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in Montreal on the "future of aviation". The Chairman and Board Members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the Institute in this important undertaking.Your skill in chairing the controversial panel on "The Role of Developing Countries in the Future of Aviation Management" was very much appreciated by those representing all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. As well, we have received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on "The Critical Issue of Cooperation Between Airlines and Airports." It appears that you may have penned a best-seller with that one!On both a professional and a personal level, I really appreciated the time that the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times. I certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operations in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!).We are currently hard at work producing the "Compendium of Conference Proceedings" document, and we expect to be sending it out to all participants early in the new year.Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence.Please keep in touch, and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.Very sincerely,Peter SmithfieldPresident and CEO

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