Download - Obat Yang Melebarkan Pupil

Page 1: Obat Yang Melebarkan Pupil

Obat yang melebarkan pupil (mydriatics) dan melumpuhkan akomodasi (cycloplegics) yang digunakan secara topikal dalam pemeriksaan mata dan prosedur tetes mata lainnya.

Mereka juga digunakan dalam pengelolaan kondisi peradangan mata untuk mengobati atau mencegah pembentukan adhesi antara lensa dan iris (lihat Uveitis, p.1515) dan strabismus (bawah).

Midriasis membutuhkan baik kelumpuhan otot-otot pupil pembatas, yang dapat dicapai dengan antimuscarinics, atau stimulasi otot dilator, seperti yang dihasilkan oleh simpatomimetik. Hasil Cycloplegia dari kelumpuhan otot-otot ciliary (antimuscarinics, tapi tidak simpatomimetik, memiliki efek ini). (martindale:1874)

Tropicamide (BAN, USAN, rINN)

Bistropamide; Ro-1-7683; Tropicamida; Tropicamidum; Tropikamid;

Tropikamidas; Tropikamidi. N-Ethyl-N-(4-pyridylmethyl)

tropamide; (2RS)-N-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-N-(pyridin-4-



C17H20N2O2 = 284.4.

CAS — 1508-75-4.

ATC — S01FA06.

ATC Vet — QS01FA06.

NOTE. TRO is a code approved by the BP 2008 for use on single

unit doses of eye drops containing tropicamide where the individual

container may be too small to bear all the appropriate labelling


Pharmacopoeias. In Chin., Eur. (see p.vii), Int., Jpn, and US.

Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Tropicamide). A white or almost white, crystalline

powder. M.p. 95° to 98°. Slightly soluble in water; freely soluble

in alcohol and in dichloromethane. Protect from light.

USP 31 (Tropicamide). A white or practically white crystalline

powder, odourless or having not more than a slight odour. M.p.

96° to 100°. Slightly soluble in water; freely soluble in chloroform

and in solutions of strong acids. Store in airtight containers.

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Protect from light.

Adverse Effects, Treatment, and Precautions

As for Atropine Sulfate, p.1219.

◊ References.

1. Vuori M-L, et al. Systemic absorption and anticholinergic activity

of topically applied tropicamide. J Ocul Pharmacol 1994; 10:


Glaucoma. The use of mydriatics is considered liable to provoke

an acute attack in patients with glaucoma or a tendency to

glaucoma; licensed product information generally contra-indicates

their use in such patients. However, a systematic review

concluded that in fact a history of open-angle glaucoma did not

predispose to acute angle closure under mydriasis, and that mydriasis

with tropicamide in particular appeared to be safe and

should be recommended in all patients when thorough retinal examination

was indicated.1 In contrast, the use of pilocarpine to

reverse mydriatics was potentially harmful.

1. Pandit RJ, Taylor R. Mydriasis and glaucoma: exploding the

myth. A systematic review. Diabet Med 2000; 17: 693–9.


As for antimuscarinics in general (see Atropine Sulfate,


Uses and Administration

Tropicamide is a tertiary amine antimuscarinic with actions

similar to those of atropine (p.1219). It is used as

eye drops to produce mydriasis and cycloplegia

(p.1874). It has a more rapid onset and a shorter duration

of effect than atropine: mydriasis is produced

within 20 to 40 minutes of use and usually lasts for

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about 6 hours; cycloplegia is maximal within about 30

minutes and is short-lasting, with complete recovery of

accommodation normally within 6 hours. Tropicamide

has been reported to be inadequate for cycloplegia in


To produce mydriasis, a 0.5% solution is instilled 15

to 20 minutes before examination of the eye. To produce

cycloplegia a 1% solution is used and repeated

after 5 minutes; a further instillation may be necessary

to prolong the effect after 20 to 30 minutes.

Dementia. Tropicamide has been studied for use in the differential

diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (see Dementia, p.362).

Excessive pupil dilatation in response to tropicamide eye drops

occurred in patients with signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s

disease.1 However, a double-blind placebo-controlled study2 in

similar patients and healthy subjects indicated that this was not a

reliable diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Gómez-Tortosa E, et al. Pupil response to tropicamide in Alzheimer’s

disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Acta Neurol

Scand 1996; 94: 104–9.

2. Graff-Radford NR, et al. Tropicamide eyedrops cannot be used

for reliable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Mayo Clin Proc

1997; 72: 495–504.


BP 2008: Tropicamide Eye Drops;

USP 31: Tropicamide Ophthalmic Solution.

Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3)

Arg.: Midriaticum†; Mydril; Austral.: Mydriacyl; Austria: Mydral; Mydriaticum;

Belg.: Mydriacyl; Tropicol; Braz.: Ciclomidrin; Mydriacyl; Tropinom;

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Canad.: Diotrope†; Mydriacyl; Chile: Mydriacyl; Cz.: Mydriacyl†; Mydrum;

Denm.: Mydriacyl; Fr.: Mydriaticum; Ger.: Mydriaticum; Mydrum; Gr.:

Tropixal; Hong Kong: Mydriacyl; Mydriaticum†; Hung.: Mydrum; India:

Tmide; Tropico; Indon.: Midric; Irl.: Mydriacil; Israel: Mydramide; Ital.:

Tropimil; Visumidriatic; Malaysia: Mydriacyl; Mex.: Myriacyl; Norw.: Mydrian†;

NZ: Mydriacyl; Philipp.: Mydriacyl; Port.: Tropicil Top; Rus.: Mydriacyl

(Мидриацил); Mydrum (Мидрум); S.Afr.: Mydriacyl; Mydriaticum;

Singapore: Mydriacyl; Swed.: Mydriacyl; Switz.: Mydriaticum; Thai.: Mydriacyl;

Turk.: Tropamid; UK: Mydriacyl; USA: Mydral; Mydriacyl; Ocu-

Tropic; Opticyl; Tropicacyl; Venez.: Mydriacyl; Mydrox†.

Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Fotorretin; Sensu; Tropioftal F; Canad.: Diophenyl-

T†; Fr.: Mydriasert; Hong Kong: Mydrin-P; India: Itrop Plus; Tropico

Plus; Ital.: Visumidriatic Fenilefrina; Philipp.: Sanmyd-P; Port.: Mydriasert;

USA: Paremyd; Venez.: Dyfrin†; Fotorretin.