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    Tembok RatapandanKubah Shakhrahdi Yerusalem

    Israel didirikan sebagai negara kaumYahudidan sering kali disebut sebagai negara Yahudi.Hukum negara ini memberikan para Yahudi dan orang-orang yang berketurunan Yahudihak untuk mendapatkan kewarganegaraan Israel.[220]Lebih dari tiga per empat, atau 75,5%

    populasi Israel adalah Yahudi yang berlatarbelakang berbeda-beda. Sekitar 68% YahudiIsrael dilahirkan di Israel, 22%-nya merupakan imigran dari Eropa dan Amerika, dan 10%-nya merupakan imigran dari Asia dan Afrika (termasuk pula dari Arab).[221]Afiliasikeagamaan penduduk Yahudi Israel bervariasi: 55%-nya mengaku sebagai "tradisional",sedangkan 20%-nya menganggap dirinya sendiri sebagai "Yahudi sekuler", 17% mengakusebagai "Yahudi Ortodoks"; sisa 8%-nya mengaku sebagai "Yahudi Haredi"[222]

    Umat Muslim mencapai 16% total populasi Israel dan merupakan agama minoritas terbesar

    di Israel. Sekitar 2% populasi beragamaKristendan 1,5%-nya beragamaDruze.


    Populasi umat Kristen ini termasuk pulaArab Kristendan Yahudi Mesiah.[224]Terdapatpula sebagian kecil kelompok agama sepertiagama BuddhadanHindu.[225]

    KotaYerusalemmerupakan kota yang penting bagi umat Yahudi, Muslim, dan Kristen.Yerusalem merupakan tempat beradanyaTembok RatapandanBait Allah,Masjid Al-Aqsa,danGereja Makam Kudus.Situs-situs keagamaan yang penting lainnya berlokasi diTepiBarat,meliputiMakam YusufdiShechem,Gereja KelahirandanKuburan RaheldiBetlehem,danGua MachpelahdiHebron.


    Pekan Buku Ibrani di Yerusalem
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    Budaya Israel memiliki budaya yang beranekaragam oleh karena para Yahudi imigran dariseluruh dunia membawa tradisi dan budayanya masing-masing.[226]Hari raya nasionalditentukan berdasarkankalender Yahudidan hari Sabtu (Sabat)ditentukan sebagai harilibur.[227]Budaya Israel juga dipengaruhi oleh budaya Arab yang terlihat pada arsitektur-

    arsitektur bangunan,[228]musik,[229]dan kuliner Israel.[230]

    Orkestra Filharmonik Israel

    Literatur Israel, utamanya puisi dan prosa, ditulis dalam bahasa Ibrani dan merupakanbagian dari renaisans bahasa Ibrani sebagai bahasa lisan sejak pertengahan abad ke-19.Walau demikian, terdapat pula literatur-literatur yang dipublikasikan dalam bahasa lainnya,seperti Inggris. Menurut hukum Israel, dua kopi materi cetak yang dipublikasikan di Israelharuslah disimpan ke dalam Perpusatakaan Universitas dan Nasional Yahudi di UniversitasIbrani Yerusalem.Pada tahun 2001, hukum ini diamandemen dengan menambah pularekaman audio dan video beserta media non-cetak lainnya.[231]Pada tahun 2006, 85% dari

    8.000 buku yang ditransfer ke perpusatakaan adalah berbahasa Ibrani.


    Pekan BukuIbrani( ) diadakan tiap bulan Juni dan acara ini meliputi pameran buku, bacaanpublik, dan temu muka para pengarang Israel dari seluruh negeri.

    Heikhal HaSefer(Kuil Buku) merupakan tempat disimpannyaNaskah Laut MatidiYerusalem

    Museum Israeldi Yerusalem merupakan salah satu institusi kebudayaan yang terpenting diIsrael[233].Di museum ini, tersimpanNaskah Laut Mati,[234]bersamaan dengan koleksiekstensif mengenaiYudaismedan seni budaya Barat.[233]MuseumHolocaustnasionalIsrael,Yad Vashem,menyimpan sejumlah arsip-arsip informasi mengenai Holocaust yangterbanyak di dunia.[235]Beth Hatefutsoth(Museum Diaspora) yang berada di kampusUniversitas Tel Avivadalah sebuah museum interaktif yang berisi koleksi sejarahkomunitas Yahudi di seluruh dunia.[236]

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    Daftar Tokoh Israel Palestina Tembok Pemisah Israel Yahudi Zionisme Daftar negara-negara di dunia


    1. ^abcdefghijkl"Israel"

    . The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 2007-06-19. Diakses 2007-07-


    2. ^Haaretz Service (16-09-2009)."Israel on eve of Rosh Hoshanah: Population hits7.5m, 75.4% Jewish"

    .Haaretz.Diakses 2009-12-26.

    3. ^Israel at 62: Population of 7,587,000

    ,Ynet,18 April 2010

    4. ^Press releaseFirst data from the 2008 Population CensusCompleted in July,2009

    , Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 30 September 2009, diakses 18-05-2010

    5. ^abcdIsrael

    , International Monetary Fund, diakses 21 April 2010

    6. ^"Human Development Report 2009. Human development index trends: Table G"

    . The United Nations. Diakses 2009-10-10.,7340,L-3877574,00.html,7340,L-3877574,00.html,7340,L-3877574,00.html,7340,L-3877574,00.html
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    7. ^"Israel"

    . Country Report.Freedom House.2007. Diakses 2007-07-15.

    8. ^"Judaism"

    .Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Diakses 2008-12-30.

    9. ^"The Palestine Mandate"

    . The Avalon Project. Yale University. 1922-07-24. Diakses 2007-09-06.

    10.^"United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181"

    . The Avalon Project. Yale University. 1947-11-29. Diakses 2007-08-21.

    11.^"Arab-Israeli wars"

    .Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Diakses 2008-07-29.

    12.^Rummel 1997,hlm. 257. "A current list of liberal democracies includes: Andorra,Argentina, ... , Cyprus, ... , Israel, ..."

    13.^"Global Survey 2006: Middle East Progress Amid Global Gains in Freedom"

    . Freedom House. 2005-12-19. Diakses 2007-07-01.

    14.^"Total GDP 2006"

    (PDF). The World Bank. 2007-07-01. Diakses 2008-03-03.

    15.^"Human Development Report 2006"

    . United Nations Development Programme. Diakses 2007-07-15.
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    16.^"Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2007"

    . Reporters Without Borders. Diakses 2008-02-29.

    17.^ab"Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007"

    . World Economic Forum. 2007-02-14. Diakses 2007-07-15.

    18.^Levine, Robert A."See Israel as a Jewish Nation-State, More or LessDemocratic"

    . The International Herald Tribune.ISSN0294-8052

    . Diakses 2008-07-29.

    19.^DariAlkitab Terjemahan Baru:"Lalu kata orang itu: "Namamu tidak akandisebutkan lagi Yakub, tetapi Israel, sebab engkau telah bergumul melawan Allah

    dan manusia, dan engkau menang." (Kejadian,32:38).20.^Barton & Bowden 2004,hlm. 126. "Prasasti Merneptah bisa dikatakan sebagaibukti arkeologis tertua yang membuktikan keberadaan Israel pada abad ke-13 SM."

    21.^"Popular Opinion". The Palestine Post. 1947-12-07. hlm. 1.22.^"On the Move"

    .TIME Magazine.1948-05-31. Diakses 2007-08-06.

    23.^DariAlkitab Terjemahan Baru:"TUHAN, Allahmu, akan membawa engkaumasuk ke negeri yang sudah dimiliki nenek moyangmu, dan engkaupun akanmemilikinya pula. Ia akan berbuat baik kepadamu dan membuat engkau banyakmelebihi nenek moyangmu." (Ulangan,30:5)

    24.^DariAlkitab Terjemahan Baru:"Tetapi, bila kamu berbalik kepada-Ku dan tetapmengikuti perintah-perintah-serta melakukannya, maka sekalipun orang-orang

    buanganmu ada di ujung langit, akan Kukumpulkan mereka kembali dan Kubawake tempat yang telah Kupilih untuk membuat nama-Ku diam di sana." (Nehemia,1:9)

    25.^"Walking the Bible Timeline"

    . Walking the Bible. Public Broadcast Television. Diakses 2007-09-29.,9171,798687-2,00.html,9171,798687-2,00.html,9171,798687-2,00.html,9171,798687-2,00.html
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    26.^Friedland & Hecht 2000,hlm. 8. "For a thousand years Jerusalem was the seat ofJewish sovereignty, the household site of kings, the location of its legislativecouncils and courts."

    27.^"Ancient Palestine"

    .Encarta. Microsoft. 2007. Diakses 2007-09-30.

    28.^"Palestine: The Rise of Islam"

    .Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007. Diakses 2007-09-19.

    29.^"Palestine: 'Abbasid rule"

    .Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007. Diakses 2007-09-19.

    30.^"Palestine: The Crusades"

    .Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007. Diakses 2007-09-19.

    31.^Rosenzweig,hlm. 1. "Zionism, the urge of the Jewish people to return toPalestine, is almost as ancient as the Jewish diaspora itself. Some Talmudicstatements... Almost a millennium later, the poet and philosopher Yehuda Halevi...In the 19th century..."

    32.^DariAlkitab Terjemahan Baru:"dan banyak suku bangsa akan pergi serta berkata:"Mari, kita naik ke gunung TUHAN, ke rumah Allah Yakub, supaya Ia mengajarkita tentang jalan-jalan-Nya, dan supaya kita berjalan menempuhnya; sebab dariSion akan keluar pengajaran dan firman TUHAN dari Yerusalem."." (Yesaya, 2:3)

    33.^Gilbert 2005,hlm. 2. "Jews sought a new homeland here after their expulsionsfrom Spain (1492)..."

    34.^Ausubel 1964,hlm. 142435.^abcd"Immigration"

    .Jewish Virtual Library. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Diakses2007-07-12. The source provides information on the First, Second, Third, Fourth,and Fifth Aliyot in their respective articles. The White Paper leading to Aliyah Betis discussed[1]
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    36.^Kornberg 1993"How did Theodor Herzl, an assimilated German nationalist in the1880s, suddenly in the 1890s become the founder of Zionism?"

    37.^Herzl 1946,hlm. 1138.^"Chapter One: The Heralders of Zionism"

    . Jewish Agency for Israel. Diakses 2007-07-12.

    39.^Stein 2003,hlm. 88. "As with the First Aliyah, most Second Aliyah migrantswere non-Zionist orthodox Jews..."

    40.^Romano 2003,hlm. 3041.^Macintyre, Donald (2005-05-26)."The birth of modern Israel: A scrap of paper

    that changed history"

    . The Independent. Diakses 2009-01-07.

    42.^Scharfstein 1996,hlm. 269. "During the First and Second Aliyot, there were manyArab attacks against Jewish settlements... In 1920,Hashomerwas disbanded andHaganah("The Defense") was established."

    43.^"League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, July 24, 1922"

    .Modern History Sourcebook. Fordham University. 1922-07-24. Diakses 2007-08-27.

    44.^J. V. W. Shaw , "A Survey of Palestine, Vol 1: Prepared in December 1945 andJanuary 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry",Reprinted 1991 by The Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington, D.C., p.148

    45.^Liebreich 2005,hlm. 3446.^"The Population of Palestine Prior to 1948"

    . MidEastWeb. Diakses 2007-07-12.

    47.^Fraser 2004,hlm. 2748.^(1949-04-20). "Background Paper No. 47 (ST/DPI/SER.A/47)

    ". United Nations. Diakses pada 31 Juli 2007.

    49.^Best 2003,hlm. 1189
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    50.^"History: Foreign Domination"

    . Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2006-10-01. Diakses 2007-07-06.

    51.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 40152.^Benny Morris1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War, Yale University

    Press, 2008.53.^"Part 3: Partition, War and Independence"

    . The Mideast: A Century of Conflict. National Public Radio. 2002-10-02. Diakses2007-07-13.

    54.^(1949-05-11). "Two Hundred and Seventh Plenary Meeting

    ". The United Nations. Diakses pada 13 Juli 2007.

    55.^(1950-10-23). "General Progress Report and Supplementary Report of the UnitedNations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, Covering the Period from

    December 11, 1949 to October 23, 1950

    ". The United Nations Conciliation Commission. Diakses pada 13 Juli 2007. (U.N.General Assembly Official Records, Fifth Session, Supplement No. 18, DocumentA/1367/Rev. 1)

    56.^Lustick 1988,hlm. 37957.^"Israel (Labor Zionism)"

    . Country Studies. Library of Congress.

    58.^"Population, by Religion and Population Group"

    . Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2006. Diakses 2007-08-07.

    59.^Shindler 2002,hlm. 495060.^Gilbert 2005,hlm. 5861.^"The Suez Crisis"
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    . University of San Diego. 2005-12-05. Diakses 2007-07-15.

    62.^"Adolf Eichmann"

    . Jewish Virtual Library. Text "accessdate-2007-09-18" ignored (help)

    63.^Cole 2003,hlm. 27. "...the Eichmann trial, which did so much to raise publicawareness of the Holocaust..."

    64.^"Justice Ministry Reply to Amnesty International Report"

    . Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1995-07-05. Diakses 2007-08-10.

    65.^Time: Ivan the Not-So-Terrible, Monday, Aug. 02, 1993

    66.^Encarta - Six-Day War

    67.^Smith 2006,hlm. 126. "Nasser, the Egyptian president, decided to mass troops inthe Sinai...casus belli by Israel."

    68.^NYTimes - The Interregnum

    69.^Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The Palestinian National Covenant- July 1968

    70.^Ma'alot, Kiryat Shmona, and Other Terrorist Targets in the 1970s

    71.^Andrews, Edmund L. and John Kifner."George Habash, Palestinian TerrorismTactician, Dies at 82."

    The New York Times.January 27, 2008. May 12, 2008.

    72.^Crowdy 2006,hlm. 33373.^"1973: Arab states attack Israeli forces",9171,978969,00.html,9171,978969,00.html,9171,978969,00.html,9171,978969,00.html
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    . On This Day. The BBC. Diakses 2007-07-15.

    74.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 16970 "In hindsight we can say that 1977 was a turningpoint..."

    75.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 171476.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 186777.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 19978.^"Intifada"

    .Encarta. Microsoft. 2007. Diakses 2007-09-16.

    79.^Stone & Zenner 1994,hlm. 246. "Toward the end of 1991,... were the result ofinternal Palestinian terror."

    80.^Haberman, Clyde (1991-12-09)."After 4 Years, Intifada Still Smolders"

    . The New York Times. Diakses 2008-03-28.

    81.^Mowlana, Gerbner & Schiller 1992,hlm. 11182.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 23683.

    ^"From the End of the Cold War to 2001"

    . Boston College. Diakses 2007-07-16.

    84.^"Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements"

    . U.S. Department of State. 1993-09-13. Diakses 2007-07-16.

    85.^Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition86.^Harkavy & Neuman 2001,hlm. 270. "Even though Jordan in 1994 became the

    second country, after Egypt to sign a peace treaty with Israel..."87.^Bregman 2002,hlm. 25788.^"The Wye River Memorandum"

    . U.S. Department of State. 1998-10-23. Diakses 2007-07-16.

    89.^Gelvin 2005,hlm. 24090.^"West Bank barrier route disputed, Israeli missile kills 2"
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    . The Associated Press (via USA Today). 2004-07-29. Diakses 2007-07-16.

    91.^'Permanent Ceasefire to Be Based on Creation Of Buffer Zone Free of ArmedPersonnel Other than UN, Lebanese Forces'

    United Nations Security Council,August 11, 2006- escalation of hostilities in Lebanon and in Israel since Hizbollahs attack on Israelon July 12, 2006

    92.^Harel, Amos (July 13, 2006)."Hezbollah kills 8 soldiers, kidnaps two in offensiveon northern border"

    .Haaretz.Diakses 2006-08-13.

    93.^Associated Free Press (2008-12-29)."Israeli jets pound Hamas"

    (dalam bahasa English). The Sydney Morning Herald. Diakses 2008-12-29.

    94.^Koutsoukis, Jason (5/1/9)."Battleground Gaza: Israeli ground forces invade thestrip"

    (dalam bahasa English). Diakses 5/1/9.

    95.^"Area of Districts, Sub-Districts, Natural Regions and Lakes"

    (PDF). Statistical Abstract of Israel.Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.2006.

    96.^"Israel (Geography)"

    . Country Studies. The Library of Congress. Diakses 2007-07-20.

    97.^"The Living Dead Sea"
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    . Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1999-04-01. Diakses 2007-07-20.

    98.^"Makhteshim Country"

    . UNESCO. Diakses 2007-09-19.

    99.^Jacobs 1998,hlm. 284. "The extraordinary Makhtesh Ramonthe largest naturalcrater in the world..."

    100. ^Rinat, Zafrir (2008-06-02)."More endangered than rain forests?"

    .Haaretz. Diakses 2008-07-29.

    101. ^Goldreich 2003,hlm. 85102. ^Watzman, Haim (1997-02-08)."Left for dead"

    . Diakses 2008-07-29.

    103. ^"Average Weather for Tel Aviv-Yafo"

    . The Weather Channel. Diakses 2007-07-11.

    104. ^"Average Weather for Jerusalem"

    . The Weather Channel. Diakses 2007-07-11.

    105. ^Sitton, Dov (2003-09-20)."Development of Limited Water Resources-Historical and Technological Aspects"

    . Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Diakses 2007-11-07.

    106. ^Grossman, Gershon; Ayalon, Ofira; Baron, Yifaat; Kaufman, Debby."Solar energy for the production of heat"

    . Samuel Neaman Institute. Diakses 2007-11-07.
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    107. ^ab"Field ListingExecutive Branch"

    . The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 2007-06-19. Diakses 2007-07-20.

    108. ^Pada tahun 1990-an, pemilihan umum langsung Perdana Menteri disahkannamun sistem ini dinyatakan tidak memuaskan dan sistem lama kembali digunakan.

    109. ^"The Electoral System in Israel"

    . The Knesset. Diakses 2007-08-08.

    110. ^Migdalovitz, Carol (2007-07-06)."Israel: Background and Relations withthe United States"

    (PDF). Congressional Research Service (via the U.S. Mission to Italy). hlm. 23.Diakses 2009-02-20.

    111. ^Mazie 2006,hlm. 34112. ^ab"The Judiciary: The Court System"

    . Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2005-08-01. Diakses 2007-08-05.

    113. ^"Israels high court unique in region"

    . The Boston Herald. 2007-09-09. Diakses 2007-09-15.

    114. ^"Israel and the International Criminal Court"

    . Office of the Legal Adviser to theIsraeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.2002-06-30.Diakses 2007-07-20.

    115. ^"The StateJudiciaryThe Court System"

    . Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2006-10-01. Diakses 2007-08-09.
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    116. ^"Freedom in the World 2008 - Israel"

    .Freedom House.2008. Diakses 2009-05-27.

    117. ^"Freedom in the World 2008 - Palestinian Authority-AdministeredTerritories [Israel]"

    .Freedom House.2008. Diakses 2009-05-27.

    118. ^

    119. ^

    120. ^"Israel/Palestinian Authority"

    . Human Rights Watch. Diakses 2007-07-20.

    121. ^"Land Grab: Israel's Settlement Policy in the West Bank"

    .B'Tselem.May 2002. Diakses 2007-08-09.

    122. ^"Introduction to the Tables: Geophysical Characteristics"

    (doc). Central Bureau of Statistics. Diakses 2007-09-04.

    123. ^"Localities, Population, and Density"

    (PDF). Diakses 2007-07-02.

    124. ^"Press Release: Jerusalem Day"