Download - Humor Akuos


-Berikut ini adalah gambar dari struktur segmen anterior dan gambar aliran humor akuos pada mata:8

-Berikut ini adalah gambar dari struktur segmen anterior dan gambar aliran humor akuos pada mata:8Gambar 1. Aliran Humor akuos pada mata8 Read the rest of this entry Fisiologi Pembentukan dan Aliran Humor Akuos-Tekanan intraokular ditentukan oleh kecepatan pembentukan humor akuos dan tahanan terhadap aliran keluarnya dari mata. Humor akuos adalah suatu cairan yang jernih yang mengisi kamera okuli anterior dan posterior mata. Beberapa fungsi humor akuos antara lain metabolisme kornea (dari anterior) dan lensa (dari vitreus),media refrakta, mempertahankan tekanan bola mata dan sebagai sistem pertahanan.Humor akuos diproduksi sebanyak 1,5 2 L/menit oleh korpus siliare melalui mekanisme transfer aktif dan pasif. Cairan ini masuk ke kamera okuli posterior dan mengalir ke kamera okuli anterior melalui pupil. Kemudian mengalami proses drainase melalui aliran trabekular dan uveoskleral (melalui sela-sela sklera). Sebagian besar cairan ini (80%) keluar melalui jalinan trabekular menuju kanal Schlemm dan dilanjutkan ke vena episklera, sedangkan sisanya (20%) diabsorbsi di koroid.

Decoding the Layers of the Cornea

Code One (The epithelium):

The epithelium, the layer that covers the surface of the cornea, is about 5-6 cell layers thick and filled with tiny nerve endings, making the cornea very sensitive to pain.

The epithelium blocks the passage of dust and germs and provides a smooth surface that absorbs oxygen and cell nutrients from tears, and then distributes these nutrients to the rest of the cornea.

The basement membrane is the part where the epithelial cells anchor and organize.

Code Two (Bowmans Membrane):

This layer lies beneath the epithelium and is very difficult to penetrate. The difficult access to the Bowmans membrane protects the cornea from injury.

But once injured, it resiliently regenerates. It leaves a scar when the injury is deeper. The scar becomes opaque areas, causing the cornea to lose its clarity and luster.

Code Three (The stroma):

Lying beneath the Bowman, the stroma is the thickest layer. Composed of tiny collagen fibrils that run parallel to each other, this precision formation gives the cornea its clarity, strength, elasticity, and form.

Code Four(Descemets membrane):

Lying beneath the stroma, Descemet's membrane is a thin but strong sheet of tissue that acts as protection against infection and injuries.

It is composed of collagen fibers (different from those of the stroma) and is made by the endothelial cells that lie below it. Descemet's membrane is regenerated readily after injury.

Code Five (The endothelium)

This is the extremely thin, innermost layer of the cornea. Endothelial cells are essential in keeping the cornea clear. It pumps this excess fluid out of the stroma, which has the danger of swelling with water.

Once endothelium cells are destroyed by disease or trauma, they cannot be recovered. Too much damage to endothelial cells can lead to corneal edema (swelling caused by excess fluid) and blindness ensues, with corneal transplantation the only available therapy.



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Diagnosis:Descemetocele, after Necrotizing Herpetic KeratitisComment to photo:The infiltrated corneal stroma has melted away leaving only Decemet's membrane intact. This bulges forward.