Download - Hiponatremia Merupakan Salah Satu Masalah Yang Bisa Ditemui Dalam Perawatan Pasien Neurologi

  • 5/21/2018 Hiponatremia Merupakan Salah Satu Masalah Yang Bisa Ditemui Dalam Perawatan Pasi...


    Hiponatremia merupakan salah satu masalah yang bisa ditemui dalam perawatan pasien

    neurologi. Meskipun sekilas tampaknya sederhana, namun diagnosis yang tepat dan terapi yang

    efektif untuk hiponatremia dapat menjadi kompleks. Kesulitan utama yang sering ditemui adalah

    menentukan apa yang menyebabkan penurunan konsentrasi Natrium serum. Cerebral Salt-

    Wasting Syndrome (CSWS) merupakan kelainan pengaturan Natrium dan air, yang terjadi

    sebagai akibat penyakit serebral tanpa disertai kelainan fungsi ginjal. CSWS ditandai adanya

    hiponatremia yang berkaitan dengan hipovolemia, yang sesuai dengan namanya, disebabkan oleh

    natriuresis. Dalam praktik klinik, terdapat kesulitan dalam membedakan kondisi CSWS dengan

    Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH). Meskipun demikian,

    sangatlah penting untuk membedakan kedua keadaan tersebut oleh karena prinsip terapi yang

    secara fundamental berbeda.

    DO-Cerebral Salt Wasting Pathophysiology Diagnosis and Treatment-Neurosurgery Clinics of


    Mekanisme penyakit serebral yang menyebabkan CSWS masih belum dimengerti sepenuhnya.

    Kemungkinan besar proses tersebut melibatkan gangguan input saraf ke ginjal dan/atau

    penyebaran sentral faktor faktor natriuretik dalam sirkulasi. Pada kedua mekanisme tersebut,

    terjadi peningkatan ekskresi Natrium urin, yang dapat menyebabkan penurunanEffective Arterial

    Blood Volume(EABV), dan hal ini kemudian merangsang baroreseptor sehingga terjadi sekresi

    Arginine Vasopressin (AVP). Dalam hal ini, peningkatan kadar AVP dapat mengganggu

    kemampuan ginjal dalam menguraikan urin cair. Dapat dikatakan bahwa sekresi AVP dalam

    keadaan ini merupakan respons yang sesuai terhadap deplesi volume. Sebaliknya, sekresi AVP

    pada SIADH tidaklah sesuai, karena EABV meningkat.

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    Kemungkinan lokasi terjadinya penurunan absorbsi Natrium ginjal pada CSWS terdapat pada

    nefron proksimal. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh karena pada segmen tersebut secara normal

    terjadi reabsorbsi sebagian besar Natrium yang tersaring. Sedikit saja penurunan efisiensi pada

    segmen tersebut dapat menyebabkan pelepasan sejumlah besar Natrium menuju nefron distal,

    dan pada akhirnya keluar bersama sama urin. Penurunan input simpatis ke ginjal merupakan

    faktor yang memyebabkan terganggunya reabsorbsi nefron proksimal. Sistem saraf simpatis

    dapat merubah pengaturan garam dan air pada segmen nefron proksimal melalui berbagai

    mekanisme langsung dan tidak langsung. Sistem saraf simpatis juga berperan dalam kontrol

    pelepasan rennin, sehingga penurunan tonus simpatis merupakan penjelasan terjadinya kegagalan

    peningkatan kadar rennin dan aldosteron sirkulasi pada pasien CSWS. Kegagalan peningkatan

    kadar aldosteron serum sebagai respons terhadap menurunnya EABV dapat menjelaskan

    mengapa pada CSWS tidak terjadi ekskresi berlebihan Kalium, meskipun terjadi pelepasan

    berlebihan Natrium ke nefron distal. Dengan demikian, hipokalemia bukan merupakan bagian

    dari CSWS.

    Selain penurunan input saraf ke ginjal, pelepasan satu atau lebih faktor faktor natriuretik juga

    berperan dalam mekanisme ekskresi berlebihan garam pada CSWS. Efek Atrial Natriuretic

    Peptide(ANP) danBrain Natriuretic Peptide(BNP) dapat menyebabkan gambarangambaran

    klinis CSWS. Sebagai contoh,

    . For example, infusion of either of these

    peptides into normal human subjects results in a natriuretic

    response that is unrelated to changes in blood pressure [22].

    The ability of these compounds to increaseGFRaccounts for

    some of the natriuresis; however, even in the absence of a

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    change inGFR, urinaryNaexcretionincreases because of a

    direct inhibitory effect on Na transport in the inner

    medullary collecting duct [22]. These peptides can also

    increase urinary Na excretion without causing hypokalemia.

    For example, ANP and BNP are associated with

    decreased circulating levels of aldosterone because of direct

    inhibitory effects on renin release in the juxtaglomerular cellsof thekidneyanddirect

    inhibitoryeffects onaldosteronerelease in the adrenal gland. In addition, inhibition of Na

    reabsorption in the inner medullary collecting duct would

    not be expected to cause renal K wasting, because thissegment is distal to the predominantK secretory site in the

    cortical collecting duct. AsECF volume becomes contracted,

    proximal Na reabsorption would increase, resulting in less

    distal delivery of Na to the collecting duct. Decreased Nadelivery protects against K wasting in the setting of high

    circulating levels of aldosterone.

    ANP and BNP can also directly decrease autonomicoutflowthrough effects at the level of the brain stem[22,23].

    In this manner, natriuretic peptides can act synergistically

    withCNSdisease todecreaseneural input to the kidney.The

    evidence both for and against ANP and a circulatingouabain-like factor as important factors in the development

    of CSWhas recently been reviewed [24].

    BNP in humans is found primarily in the cardiac

    ventricles, but also in the brain [22,25]. It is not known

    whether either brain or cardiac tissue or both contribute to

    the increased BNP concentrations found in these patients

    with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Increased release of

    cardiac BNP could be part of a generalized stress response

    to the underlying illness, whereas increased intracranial

    pressure could provide a signal for brain BNP release. In

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    this regard, one could speculate that the development of

    renal salt wasting and resultant volume depletion in the

    setting of intracranial disease is a protective measure,

    limiting extreme rises in intracranial pressure. In

    addition, the vasodilatory properties of these natriuretic

    peptides might decrease the tendency for vasospasm in

    disorders such as subarachnoid hemorrhage.

    Differentiation of SIADH and CSW

    Distinguishing between CSW and SIADH in clinical

    practice can be difficult, given the similarity in laboratory

    values and the overlap in associated intracranial diseases.

    Determination of ECF volume remains the primary means

    of distinguishing these disorders (Table 1). ECF volume is

    increased in SIADH, whereas it is low in CSW. Physical

    findings that support a diagnosis of CSW include orthostatic

    changes in blood pressure and pulse, dry mucous

    membranes and flat neck veins. Weight loss or negative

    fluid balance as determined by a review of hospital flow

    sheets are particularly good pieces of evidence in support

    of a declining ECF volume. Laboratory findings that are

    useful include evidence of hemoconcentration, as reflected

    by an increased hematocrit and increased serum albumin

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    concentration, and the finding of a raised serum bicarbonate

    concentration, because decreased ECF volume is

    an important factor in the maintenance of metabolic


    Normally, the serum level of uric acid would be a useful

    tool in this situation. As previously mentioned, uric acid

    levels are depressed in patients with SIADH, which

    reflects the slight increase in ECF volume. By contrast,

    uric acid levels in patients with hyponatremia occurring in

    the setting of decreased ECF volume are either normal or

    slightly increased. Although not well studied, serum uric

    acid levels inCSWtend to be unexpectedly low [26]. In fact,

    hypouricemia and increased fractional urate excretion

    might be a common feature of intracranial disease in

    general [26,27]. Maesaka et al. [28] studied 29 consecutive

    neurosurgical patients with a variety of intracranial

    diseases. Eighteen of the patients had fractional excretion

    of urate values .10% of normal and 16 of the patients had

    a serum urate concentration #4 mg dl21. Only one patient

    in the series had coexistent hyponatremia. In this patient,

    the hypouricemia and increased fractional urate excretion

    persisted after correction of the serum Na concentration.

    Although not always accompanied by hyponatremia,

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    hypouricemia and increased renal uric acid excretion

    have also been noted in patients with Alzheimers disease

    and in patients with AIDS [27,29]. Although correction of

    the serum Na concentration in SIADH leads to a normalization of uric acid handling by the

    kidney [30],

    hypouricemia and increased renal uric acid excretion

    remain persistent findings following the correction of the

    serum sodium concentration in CSW

    Treatment of CSW and SIADH

    Making the distinction between CSW and SIADH is of

    particular importance with regard to treatment [31]. Fluid

    restriction is employed in SIADH because the primary

    abnormality is expansion of the ECF volume with water.

    Administration of NaCl is indicated in CSW because ECF

    volume is decreased as a result of renal salt wasting.

    Failure to distinguish properly between these disorders so

    that treatment indicated for one disorder is inappropriately

    used for the other can potentially result in an adverse


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  • 5/21/2018 Hiponatremia Merupakan Salah Satu Masalah Yang Bisa Ditemui Dalam Perawatan Pasi...


    SIADH versus CSW

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    Serum sodium levels in critically ill patients can be altered by many factors. The

    human body is 60% to 70% water, with approximately 30% of that water as

    extracellular fluid and sodium chloride as the major electrolyte (135-145 mEq/L).

    Hypo natremia occurs when a persons serum sodium level is less than 135 mEq/L;

    it is the most common electrolyte abnormality among hospitalized patients, occurring

    in up to 30% of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).1 A sodium level lessthan 125 mEq/L is an independent predictor of mortality, especially among criticallyill patients, and should be avoided or corrected when it occurs.2

    Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) and cerebral salt

    wasting (CSW) represent a particularly challenging subset of hyponatremias.These conditions are exceedingly common in patients with an intracranial disorder

    and neurosurgical patients but also may be seen in other critically ill populations.

    In the neurosurgical population, 62% of hyponatremias are caused by

    SIADH, and 4.8% to 31.5% are caused by CSW.3 These 2 conditions are verysimilar and may be hard to differentiate in critically ill patients.


    Hyponatremia can be associated with high, low, or normal serum osmolality.

    Normal serum osmolality is between 280 and 295 mOsm/L. It can be measured inthe serum or calculated using the following formula: [2 _ sodium] _ [blood urea

    nitrogen/2.8] _ [glucose/18]. Determining osmolality is the first step in evaluating

    hyponatremias.Normal and High Osmolality

    Low sodium with normal osmolality is usually referred to as pseudohyponatremia

    or false hyponatremia. The causes of pseudohyponatremia include hyperlipidemia,

    an excess of plasma proteins, and laboratory error.4,5 Hyponatremiawith high osmolality indicates an excess of solute other than sodium, including

    glucose, mannitol, and propylene glycol (an ingredient found in some intravenous

    [IV] medications). Excess osmolality from hyperglycemia or other substancesin the urine in SIADH does not change.7,10 The

    causes of SIADH include CNS disorders, pulmonary

    disorders, malignancy, surgery, andmedications (Table 1).7


    Symptoms of hyponatremia typically depend

    on the acuity and severity of the decrease in sodium.

    A slower or mild decrease in the serumsodium level can be associated with anorexia,

    headache, irritability, and muscle weakness.

    A significant subset of patients is asymptomatic.More severe symptoms following a rapid

    decrease in sodium or a serum sodium level

    less than 120 mEq/L include cerebral edema,nausea, vomiting, delirium, hallucinations,

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    lethargy, seizures, respiratory arrest, and potentially

    death.11 Volume status also affects

    other symptoms that the patient experiences.Assessment of volume status is important to

    help determine the cause of hyponatremia and

    optimal treatment.7ACC233

    Hyponatremia (sodium level of

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    primary distinction between CSWS

    and SIADH is volume status.10 Indications

    of volume depletion (hypotension,weight loss, and decreased skin

    turgor) occur with CSWS, whereas

    indications of volume expansionoccur with SIADH (decreased urineoutput and generalized weight gain

    due to fluid retention).

    Treatment. Determining the cause(SIADH or CSWS) of hyponatremia

    in trauma patients is important.

    SIADH requires strict fluid restriction

    and/or slow, judicious administrationof hypertonic saline, whereas

    CSWS requires replacement of fluid

    volume with physiological salineand intravenous replacement with

    hypertonic 3% sodium chloride

    solution. As in treatment of SIADH,

    hypertonic solutions (3% sodiumchloride) must be administered

    slowly because too-rapid correction

    of hyponatremia can result in centralpontine myelinolysis.3,13 In patients

    who tolerate oral intake, fluid can

    be replaced orally, often with salt

    tablet supplements.Restriction of fluids is contraindicated

    in patients with CSWS. If fluids

    are restricted, patients will be atrisk for cerebral vasospasm, cerebral

    ischemia, and/or infarction.3 Other

    medical interventions may includetreatment with fludrocortisone

    acetate to increase absorption of

    sodium by the renal tubules.14

    Nursing Management.Nursing

    management of patients with CSWSis comparable to that of patients with

    CNDI or SIADH. Isotonic or hypertonic

    fluids are administered intravenouslyto obtain positive fluid balance and correct volume depletion.

    Sodium can also be replaced

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    orally. Cardiac status should be

    monitored to detect side effects of

    medications and fluid volume status.

    The goal of treatment of CSWS

    is to replace sodium and fluid volume

    with intravenous saline or salt

    tablets. Fluid restriction is definitely

    contraindicated and can worsen

    neurological outcomes.
