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[help] cara install server 2003 di IBM XSeries 366 tanpa floppy bikin slipstream (memasukkan driver sata ke cd istaller) dulu gan kalau xseries ada cd paket installasinya gan, pertama preparasi installasinya dari cd xseriesnya, masukin semua parameter installasi ( versi windows, cd key, dll) nanti tinggal ikuti aja wizardnya. dalam setiap pembelian server selalu dilengkapi dengan paket cdnya (terutama ibm dan hp) atau cara lainnya agan install dulu linux centos setelah itu baru win servnya... Installasi Windows 2008 di IBM xSeries 226. Pernah mengalami kesulitan installasi windows 2008 di IBM xSeries 226 ??, Biasanya untuk installasi server IBM, selalu menggunakan ServerGuide dari IBM untuk konfigurasi RAID nya. Sialnya ServerGuide untuk IBM xSeries 226 tidak support Windows 2008. Dia hanya mendukung Windows 2003 server. Kemudian, kalau kita langsung install dari CDROM (Boot From CD), Maka windows 2008 server akan gagal mengenal HD xSeries 226. Sebenernya ada menu Browse untuk Load SCSI Driver IBM xSeries 226. Tetapi di Websitenya IBM, tidak ada driver SCSI Untuk Windows 2008… Nah Loo…yang ada Driver SCSI Untuk Linux. Karena sudah pusing…, langsung saja xSeries 226 saya install windows 2003 server, terus di Upgrade ke

windows 2008… hehehehe… .. so simple ya…, samapai sekarang si IBM masih bekerja dengan baik, meskipun khawatir ada masalah. Hello guys, I got a question. I never installed under an IBM server, only HPs and clones... This server in particular (an xSeries 206m) has a freshly created RAID with 2 160 GB SATA disks. I booted with the ServerGuide CD and I'm clearing the drives now ith ServeRAID manager. My question is this: I see this clearing of the drives is going to take like 8 hours more to complete, so I'm leaving the facilities and completing the job some other day. I never installed under ServerGuide. After the new logical drive clearing is completed, I'll have the RAID unit in good order. What's next? This ServerGuide software works as a launching plataform for Windows Server 2003? Because I'm doing all this since this server doesn't have a floppy disk drive and Windows doens't accept RAID drivers in CD. So am I in the right direction to be able to install Windows 2003 with the RAID 1 logical drive activated with the steps I'm taking now? I'd like confirmation on that because I'm coming back in a couple of days and I need to know if it is OK or rather I need to be prepared with something before coming here. Thanks a lot!