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Experience Sharing

College – Industry; How To Align for Fresh Graduate of Mechanical Engineer

Dwi Agus Susila

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1. “Baby Boomer” Generation was Born 1946 - 1964Generasi yang lahir setelah Perang Dunia II ini memiliki banyak saudara, akibat dari banyaknya pasangan yang berani untuk mempunyai banyak keturunan. Generasi yang adaptif, mudah menerima dan menyesuaikan diri. Dianggap sebagai orang lama yang mempunyai pengalaman hidup.Believe employment is for a life.

2. “X” Generation was Born 1965 - 1980Tahun-tahun ketika generasi ini lahir merupakan awal dari penggunaan PC (personal computer), video games, tv kabel, dan internet. Penyimpanan data nya pun menggunakan floopy disk atau disket. MTV dan video games sangat digemari masa ini. Not Interested in long term careers

3. “Y” Generation was Born 1981 - 1994

Dikenal dengan sebutan generasi millenial atau milenium. Ungkapan generasi Y mulai dipakai pada editorial koran besar Amerika Serikat pada Agustus 1993. Generasi ini banyak menggunakan teknologi komunikasi instan seperti email, SMS, instan messaging dan media sosial seperti facebook dan twitter.Expert great Workplace Flexibility

4. “Z” Generation was Born 1995 – 2010

Disebut juga iGeneration, generasi net atau generasi internet. Mereka memiliki kesamaan dengan generasi Y, tapi mereka mampu mengaplikasikan semua kegiatan dalam satu waktu seperti nge-tweet menggunakan ponsel, browsing dengan PC, dan mendengarkan musik menggunakan headset. Apapun yang dilakukan kebanyakan berhubungan dengan dunia maya. Sejak kecil mereka sudah mengenal teknologi dan akrab dengan gadget canggih yang secara tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap kepribadian mereka.Communicate through social network

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Industry Manufacture

Prepared by College & personal

Prepared by Industry

What our thema ?

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I. Preparation by Industry

1. Since 2009 some of company starting transform form HRD become HCD

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2. System for New Employee to adapt with the company (On The Job Training)

Iceberg Model

The time Frame; 3 month, 6 Month, 1 year ---- it’s depend on the company regulation, Position, Workload Analysis, Employee itself (can be seeing during recruitment process).

What we Are Looking during OJT ?

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II. Preparation by College & Personal (Industrial side perspectif)






Basic Skill


Soft Skill

100 % Personal Side View: Mentality Communication Emotionality Passion Mind Side

Mentality Communication, negotiation Emotionality Leadership Talent Self Empowering

Base on Your College, experience combine with your Talent Background

Gift or Boon AreaEnvirontment area

College, course, vocational group, study group, etc

College, organization, training, etc

Learning & development Area

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Basic Skill

Consist of 100 % Personal Side View: Mentality

Are you nervous ? Communication

Where your eyes looking during interview ? Emotionality

How is your reaction after you give some sensitive question? Passion

is there any “unsual spirit, to do more spirit” ? Mind Side

how is your looking side for some of case problem

First impression of the 1st time interview is looking for ; skill, behaviour, habbit, hobby, etc

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Technical Skill

Don’t Forget that you are Mechanical Engineer

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Soft Skill

Mentality Communication, negotiation Emotionality Leadership Talent Self Empowering

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1st time working at industry; What Should you do?

On The Job Training

New Employee

Permanent Employee

Training Schedule Rules & Regulation ---> CLA/PKB Quality Management System ---> ISO.. Job Description Cross Function each area/department Culture etc

Don’t be shy, you must confident Shown your Spirit and Passion Open your mind and Positive thinking Open communication & discussion especially with your Team Don’t think only the job.....enjoy your live

(sometimes your hobby will much help you)

The Attitude that should be shown during OJT :

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Challenge & Opportunity

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ASEAN GDP, Where is Indonesia?

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Are you ready?

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Case Study : Take a look the opportunity

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Automotive sector, Indonesia in ASEAN View base on production volume

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Automotive sector, Indonesia in ASEAN View base on Sales volume

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Experiences Sharing, Teknik Mesin UMS, May 28th 2016 Source: Gaikindo

Automotive sector, Indonesia in ASEAN 2015 condition

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Source: Gaikindo

Automotive sector, Indonesia in Production vs Domestic Market (local & CBU)

2005 start for export

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