Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті...

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten 0

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Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten













Қазақстан-Германия ғылыми мақалалардың жинағы



Beiträge aus Kasachstan und aus Deutschland



Kazakh-German collection of scientific articles




Казахстанско-Германский сборник научных статей

Алматы – 2013 – Almaty

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


УДК 378

ББК 74. 58

A 43

Жалпы редакциясы /Chief editors

С.Ж. Пірәлиев – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ ректоры

Х.В. Хунеке – Фрайбург ПУ оқұ-әдістеме жұмысының проректоры

S.Zh.Praliev – Rektor der KazNPU namens Abai

H.W. Huneke – Prorektor für Lehre und Studium PH Freiburg

Редакция алқасы /Editorial Board

Ермағанбетов М.Е., Косов В.Н., Оспанов Б.Е., Абуева Н.Ә.,

Момбек Ә.Ә., Нұртаева Н.Ж.

Ermaganbetov M.E., Kosov V.N.,Ospanov B.E., Abueva N.A.,

Mombek A.A., Nurtaeva N.Zh.


стан-Германия ғылыми мақалалардың жинағы. – Алматы: Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, 2013. – 262 б.


UNIVERSITÄTEN: Kasachisch-Deutsche Sammlung von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln. – Almaty:

KazNPU namens Abai, 2013 .- 262 s.

ISBN 978-601-298-099-8

Аталмыш жинақ Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті (Қазақстан) мен

Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті (Германия) арасындағы білім және ғылым саласында

бірлескен келісім шарт негізінде тұңғыш рет жарық көруде. Жинақта заманауи университеттік

білім берудің өзекті мәселелеріне арналған профессор-оқытушылардың мақалалары көрсетілген.

Dieser Sammelband wurde erstma lsim Rahmender Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen der Kasa-

chischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität (Kasachstan) und der Pädagogischen Hochschule

Freiburg (Deutschland) veröffentlicht. Im Sammelbandsind Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildung-

swissenschaftlichen Universitäten veröffentlicht.

P.S. Мақалардың мазмұнына авторлар жауапты

P.S. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt der Artikel tragendie Autoren.

ISBN 978-601-298-099-8

УДК 378

ББК 74. 58

©Абай атындағы Қазак ұлттык педагогикалық университеті

Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті

© Kasachische Nationale Pädagogische Abai-Universität

Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


УДК 378

ББК 74. 58

A 43

Жалпыредакциясы/Chief editors

S. Zh. Praliev – Rector of Kaz NPUnamed after Abai

H. - W. Huneke –Vice-Rectorfor Teaching and Studies PH Freiburg

С.Ж.Пірәлиев – ректор КазНПУ имени Абая

Х.В. Хунеке – проректор по учебно-методической работе ФрайбургскогоПУ

Редакция алқасы /Editorial Board

Ермағанбетов М.Е., Косов В.Н., Оспанов Б.Е., Абуева Н.Ә., Момбек Ә.Ә., Нұртаева Н.Ж.

Ermaganbetov M.E., Kosov V.N., Ospanov B.E., Abueva N.A., Mombek A.A., Nurtaeva N.Zh.


tion of scientific articles. – Almaty: KazNPU named after Abai, 2013. – 262 p.


НИЯ: Казахстанско-Германский сборник научных статей. – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, 2013. –

262 с.

ISBN 978-601-298-099-8

This collection was first published in the framework of the cooperation agreement in the field of

education between the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Kazakhstan) and the

Freiburg University of Education (Germany). In the collection presents articles of teaching staff of

universities devoted to current problems of modern university education.

Данный сборник впервые издается в рамках договора сотрудничества в области образования

между Казахским национальным педагогическим университетом имени Абая (Казахстан) и Фрай-

бургским педагогическим университетом (Германия). В сборнике представлены статьи профес-

сорско-преподавательского состава вузов, посвященные актуальным проблемам современного

университетского образования.

P.S.The authors are responsible for the content of their articles.

P.S. Ответственность за содержание статей несут авторы

ISBN 978-601-298-099-8

УДК 378

ББК 74. 58

©Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Frieburg Universityof Education

©Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая

Фрайбургский педагогический университет

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten



Rector's welcome of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,

Academician Praliev S.Zh...


Welcome remarks of Prorector for educational and methodical work of the University of

Education Freiburg, Prof. Dr. H.-W. Huneke…………............................................................. 9

Mombek A.А.,

Aimbetova U.У.

Scientific and educational integration at the Kazakh national

pedagogical university named after Abay ………………………….... 11

Kazabeyeva V.A. To the study of discourse in modern linguistics …………….................. 17

Zolotareva L.R.,

Ospanov B.E.,

Shaygozova Zh.

Art education as socio-cultural value of Kazakhstan …………....…… 20

Begaliyeva S.B. About the learner – centered approach as a complex multidimensional

process ….................................................................................................


Kulekenova Zh.G. The processes of acquiring the grammatical structures of the native

language by children……………………….……………...........…


Mukasheva A.S.,

Askarova S.A.

Teaching the second foreign language with the use of comparative

approach …….…............................................................................…


Sakypbekova M.Zh.

Nessipbayeva Z.S.

The role of teaching pronunciation …….….…..................................... 44

Khan N.N. The problems of developing the intellectual-moral personality of a

pupil in the course of training the future teacher ……………………


Mendesheva R.A. Problems of humanistic education in the Kazakhstan ……………… 52

Almuhambetov B.A. Competencies in the art and pedagogical education of the Kazakhstan .. 61

Коzhagulov Т.M.

The problems of the development of picturesque abilities of students of

art and graphic faculties ……………………................................……...


Nurtajewa N.Sh.

Kylyschbekowa A.O Der projektorientierte Fremdsprachenunterricht ...................................


Saibekova N.U. Intercultural communication in the process of teaching foreign



Zhauynshiyeva Zh.B.

Сommunicative language teaching ………........................................…


Mazbaev O.B.,

Orazalinova R.Zh.

Basis- und Modelllehrpläne für die zwölfjährige Schulbildung.............. 81

Sabitova A.А.

Women's rights in international law ..……............................................. 85

Yermentayeva A.R.

Nurtaev Y. Research creativity of Undergraduates ……........................................... 96

Nurbatyrov B.B. Professional competence of future fine arts teachers ….......................... 103

Tussupova A.K.,

Zhalalova A.M.,

Amirbayeva D.E.

The artistic world of the poet in the epic novel of M.O.Auezov “The

way of Abai”…………..........................................................................


Zhumabekova A.K.

Theoretical and methodical aspects of translation teaching.....................


Turgunbajewa B. A. Methodische Ansätze der Ausbildung der wissenschaftlichen und

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


pädagogischen Fachkräfte als Grundlage der Verbindung von Theorie

und Praxis ……………..…………........................................................


Iskhan BJ.,


Ospanova B.R.

To issues of research of the kazach characters........................................ 119



Methodology of a study which explores the variety of early literacy

skills instead of focussing only on phonological awareness….................


Betzel Dirk

The benefits of mixed methods designs, taking the example of a survey

on capitalization within a sentence ……………......................................


Decker Yvonne,

M. A.

Sprachförderung von Kindern nichtdeutscher Herkunftssprache in

Vorbereitungsklassen Baden-Württembergs. Eine explorative Studie ....


Mächler Better


Erwerb des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in der Fremdsprache

Deutsch. Vorstellung der methodischen Vorgehensweise im Rahmen

eines textlinguistischen Dissertationsprojektes...................................


Mall Peter

Orchestras and Schools How orchestral outreach projects can

contribute and influence classroom music education …....................


Rott Benjamin

Leuders Timo

Stahl Elmar

Mathematical Knowledge Certain? – Are You Sure?” Development of

an Interview Study to Investigate Epistemological Beliefs.....................



Heuling Lydia

Bringing Sense into Science. An empirical interview study with

German physics teachers ………..…………………..........................….


Kramer Tim

Stahl Elmar

An illustration of conjoint analysis in educational research with

measuring epistemological judgments ……………….......................…..


Streiling Stefan

Riess Werner

Hörsch Christian

Promoting systems thinking in biology class – effectiveness of teacher

training ……..……..............................................................................…


Kohl Kerstin


Pragmatics of Academic Writing in Germany: How to Design PhD

Proposals, Research Project Proposals and Journal Articles …..…........ 196









Авторлар туралы мәлімет...............................................................................................................


Angaben über die Autoren................................................................................................................


Information about authors.................................................................................................................


Сведения об авторах ......................................................................................................................


Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten



Қазіргі уақытта әлемдегі барлық елдерде жаһандану, халықтар достығы мен

ықпалдастық үдерісі жүріп жатыр. Бұған оқытудың құрылымын, мазмұнын, технологиясын

және тәрбие мәселесін үйлестіру мақсатында білім сапасын арттырып, оны бәсекеге

қабілетті, өзгеріске тұрақты да икемді ету үшін және ҚР Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаев

«Қазақстан – 2050» стратегиясы: – қалыптасқан мемлекеттің жаңа саяси бағытында»,

тарихи уақыттың жеделдеуі, жаһандық демографиялық теңгерімсіздік, жаһандық азық-

түлік қауіпсіздігіне төнетін қатер, судың тым тапшылығы, жаһандық энергетикалық

қауіпсіздік, табиғи ресурстардың сарқылуы, индустриялық революция, үдей түскен әлеу-

меттік тұрақсыздық, өркениетіміз құндылықтарының дағдарысы, жаңа әлемдік

тұрақсыздық қаупі деп көрсеткен іргелі мәселелерді шешуге сәйкес білім беру жүйесі дер

шағында назар аударып отыр.

Барлық мамандықтың мультимәдени ортадағы жаһандануы педагогикалық мамандық-

тарға ықпал етуде, педагогикалық үздіксіз білім беру жағдайында педагогикалық

мамандықтың мобильдігі, жоғары мектеп пен педагогикалық кәсіби білімді ұлттық және

әлемдік дәстүрге сәйкес реформалап, оны дамыту және өзгертумен, сондай-ақ білім беру

қызметі нарығында маманның бәсекеге қабілеттілігіне деген сұраныспен анықталады.

Соғы онжылдықта білім жүйесіндегі оң өзгерістерді ескерсек, Абай атындағы Қазақ

ұлттық педагогикалық университеті – Қазақстанның алғашқы ЖОО-ы, педагогикалық

жоғары білім берудің бетке ұстары ретінде студентер мен оқытушылардың академиялық

мобильдігін дамыту мен кеңейтуге баса назар аудара отырып, шет елдермен ынтыма-

қтастықты қалыпты дамытып келеді.

Шетелдердің тәжірибесін басшылыққа ала отырып, сондай-ақ қазақстандық білім

берудің ерекшелігін ескере келе, бұл күндері Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ ғалымдары бірлескен

халықаралық ғылыми және білім беру бағдарламалары мен ДААД желісі бойынша жобаларға

белсене қатысуда. Фрайбург педагогика университеті мен Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогика университеті арасындағы 2010 жылы қол қойылған келісімшарт жемісті

ынтымақтастыққа жаңа серпін берді.

Жоғарыда айтылған келісімшарт аясында Фрайбург педагогика университеті басшы-

ларымен және жетекші ғалымдарымен ынтымақтастық мәселелерін және оның одан әрі де

жемісті болуына қол жеткізуді талқылау бойынша жүйелі түрде кездесулер өтіп тұрады,

ал «Германист институттар арасындағы әріптестік» атты бірлескен халықаралық жоба

тілдік және педагогикалық тәжірибеден, ғылыми стажировкадан өту және ғылыми

конференциялар мен семинарлар жұмыстарына қатысу мүмкіндігіне ықпал етеді. Біздің

студенттеріміз Академиялық мобильділік аясында Фрайбург педагогика университетінің

әртүрлі факультеттерінде білім алғанын айта кеткен жөн.

Ынтымақтастық жоғары білікті кадрлар даярлау мен оқытушылардың біліктілігін

жетілдіру сапасын арттыруға, оқытушылар мен студенттердің әріптес ЖОО-лардың

ғылыми және білім беру қызметтеріне белсенді түрде қатысуына оң ықпалын тигізуде.

Фрайбург педагогика университеті басшыларын, барлық авторлар мен редакторларды

ғылыми еңбектер жинағының бірінші рет жарық көруімен шын жүректен құттықтаймын!

Білім беру мәселелерін шешуде бастамашылдық және зерттеу мүдделілігі серік болсын!

Сіздерге ғылымның асқар шыңдарын бағындыруда шығармашылық табыс тілеймін! Әрі

қарай да біздің ынтымақтас-тығымыз нығая әрі дами түседі деген сенімдемін!

С.Ж. Пралиев – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ ректоры,

ҚР ҰҒА академигі

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten



Gegenwärtig finden in allen Ländern der Welt Prozesse der Globalisierung, Inter-nationalisierung und Integration statt. Das Bildungssystem Kasachstans reagiert auf diese

Herausforderungen rechtzeitig und mit dem Ziel, die Strukturen, Inhalte sowie die Metho-dik von Lehre und Erziehung zu harmonisieren, um so nicht nur die Qualität der Bildung

zu heben und diese konkurrenzfähig, nachhaltig und empfänglich für Veränderungen zu

machen, sondern auch um die Probleme zu lösen, die der Präsident der Republik Kasach-stan Nursultan Nasarbajew in der Strategie „Kasachstan – 2050: Der neue politische Kurs

eines gefestigten Staates“ benannt hat: die Beschleunigung globaler Entwicklungspro-

zesse, globale demografische Ungleichgewichte, die Bedrohung der globalen Ernährungs-sicherheit, der akute Wassermangel, die globale Energiesicherheit, die Endlichkeit natür-

licher Ressourcen, die dritte industrielle Revolution, die wachsende soziale Instabilität, die Krise zivilisatorischer Werte und die Gefahr einer erneuten globalen Destabilisierung.

Dabei hat die in einer multikulturellen Welt stattfindende Globalisierung fast aller

Berufe einen direkten Einfluss auf den Beruf des Lehrers. Im Bereich der pädagogischen Bildung zeigt sich dies nicht nur anhand der zunehmende Mobilität des Lehrerberufs und

dessen Weiterentwicklung und Veränderung in Übereinstimmung mit den nationalen wie internationalen Reformtendenzen im Bereich der Hochschule sowie der professionellen

pädagogischen Ausbildung, sondern auch durch die zunehmende Nachfrage nach

wettbewerbsfähigen Spezialisten auf dem Markt für Bildungsdienstleistungen. Im Einklang mit den positiven Veränderungen im kasachischen Bildungssystem der

letzten Jahrzehnte entwickelt die Kasachische Nationale Pädagogische Abai-Universität

als älteste Hochschule Kasachstans und Aushängeschild der höheren pädagogischen Bil-dung eine ausgewogene Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ausland und schenkt dabei der Entwick-

lung und dem Ausbau der akademischen Mobilität von Studenten und Dozenten große


Den Erfahrungen anderer Länder folgend und unter der Berücksichtigung der Spezifika

kasachischer Bildung nehmen die Wissenschaftler der Abai-Universität heute aktiv an der Entwicklung gemeinsamer internationaler Forschungs- und Bildungsprogramme sowie an

Projekten im Rahmen des DAAD teil. In dieser Hinsicht hat die Unterzeichnung des Kooperationsvertrages zwischen der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg und der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität im Jahr 2010 einen neuen

Impuls für die Entwicklung einer erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit gegeben. So finden im Rahmen des oben genannten Vertrages regelmäßige Treffen sowohl mit

der Leitung als auch mit führenden Wissenschaftlern der Pädagogischen Hochschule

Freiburg zwecks der Erörterung von Problemen und Perspektiven einer auch weiterhin erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit statt. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht das gemeinsame internat-

ionale Projekt der Germanistischen Institutspartnerschaft sowohl die Absolvierung von Praktika und Auslandssemestern als auch die Teilnahme an wissenschaftlichen Konferen-

zen und Seminaren. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es ebenso bemerkenswert, dass kasachi-

sche Studenten im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms „Akademische Mobilität“ der kasa-

chischen Regierung bereits an unterschiedlichen Fakultäten der Pädagogischen Hoch-

schule Freiburg studieren konnten.

Auf diese Weise leistet die Zusammenarbeit nicht nur einen positiven Beitrag zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Ausbildung hochqualifizierter Fach- und Lehrkräfte, son-

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


dern ermöglicht darüber hinaus auch die Teilnahme von Lehrkräften und Studenten an

Forschungs- und Ausbildungsprogrammen der Partnerhochschulen.

Im Geiste dieser Zusammenarbeit gratuliere ich der Leitung der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg sowie allen Autoren und Mitwirkenden zum Anlass der Veröffent-

lichung des ersten wissenschaftlichen Sammelbandes sehr herzlich. Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten auch in Zukunft viel Erfolg und gutes Gelingen im Rahmen ihrer Forschung-

stätigkeit und hoffe, dass wir auch in Zukunft unsere Zusammenarbeit weiter vertiefen und

ausbauen werden.

S. Sh. Pralijew – Mitglied der Akademie

der Wissenschaft der Republik Kasachstan,

Rektor der Abai-Universität


В настоящее время в мире происходят общие для всех стран процессы глоба-

лизации, интернационализации, интеграции. На эти вызовы система образования

своевременно реагирует с целью гармонизации структур, содержания, технологий обучения и воспитания, для того, чтобы повысить качество образования, сделать

его конкурентоспособным, устойчивым и восприимчивым к изменениям и соответ-ственно решать глобальные проблемы, отмеченные Президентом РК Н.А.Назарба-

евым в «Стратегии «Казахстан-2050»: новый политический курс состоявшегося

государства», ускорение исторического времени; глобальный демографический дисбаланс; угроза глобальной продовольственной безопасности, острый дефицит

воды, глобальная энергетическая безопасность, исчерпаемость природных ресурсов,

третья индустриальная революция; нарастающая социальная нестабильность,

кризис ценностей нашей цивилизации, угроза новой мировой дестабилизации.

Глобализация практически всех профессий в мультикультурной среде прямо влияет на педагогическую профессию, в условиях непрерывного педагогического

образования определяется мобильностью педагогической профессии, ее развитием и

изменением в соответствии с национальными и мировыми тенденциями рефор-мирования высшей школы и профессионального педагогического образования, а так-

же требованиями к конкурентоспособному специалисту на рынке образовательных услуг.

С учетом положительных преобразований в системе образования за последние

десятилетия Казахский национальный педагогический имени Абая – как первый вуз Казахстана, флагман высшего педагогического образования гармонично развивает

сотрудничество с зарубежными странами, уделяя большое внимание развитию и

расширению академической мобильности студентов и преподавателей. Руководствуясь опытом зарубежных стран, учитывая специфику казахстан-

ского образования, сегодня ученые КазНПУ им. Абая активно участвуют в раз-

работке совместных международных научных и образовательных программ и

проектов по линии ДААД. Новый толчок развитию плодотворного сотрудничества

дал подписанный договор между Фрайбургским педагогическим университетом и Казахским национальным педагогическим университетом имени Абая в 2010 году.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


В рамках вышеназванного договора систематически проводятся встречи с

руководством и ведущими учеными Фрайбургского педагогического университета

для обсуждения проблем и перспектив дальнейшего плодотворного сотрудничест-ва, а совместный международный проект «Партнерство между институтами-

германистами» способствует возможности проходить языковые и педагогические практики, научные стажировки, принимать участие в работе научных конферен-

ций и семинаров. Отметим, что наши студенты в рамках программы Академи-

ческой мобильности обучались на разных факультетах Фрайбургского педагоги-ческого университета.

Таким образом, сотрудничество плодотворно сказывается на повышении

качества подготовки высококвалифицированных кадров и повышения квалификации

преподавателей, на активизации участия преподавателей и студентов в научной и

образовательной деятельности вузов-партнеров. От всего сердца поздравляю руководство Фрайбургского педагогического универ-

ситета, всех авторов и редакторов с первым сборником научных трудов. Желаю

инициативности и исследовательского интереса к проблемам образования. Творчес-ких побед и новых свершений на пути постижения величественного мира науки.

Надеюсь, что и в дальнейшем наше сотрудничество будет крепнуть и развиваться!

С.Ж.Пралиев – Ректор КазНПУ им. Абая,

академик НАН РК


Seit 2010 arbeiten die Kasachische Nationale Pädagogische Abai-Universität und die

Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg intensiv auf der Grundlage eines Kooperation-

svertrags zusammen. Zunächst erstreckte sich die Kooperation auf Lehre und Studium –

Lehrende wurden und werden ausgetauscht und Studierende kamen und kommen zu Gastsemestern und Praktikumsaufenthalten an die Partnerhochschule im anderen Land,

erste studentische Abschlussarbeiten entstanden. Künftig soll nun auch die Forschung

intensiver in die Zusammenarbeit einbezogen werden. Der vorliegende Sammelband ist ein erstes Ergebnis dieser Kooperation.

Die Herausforderungen eines solchen Vorhabens sind nicht gering: Die akademischen Kulturen in Kasachstan und in Deutschland unterscheiden sich in manchen Aspekten,

ebenso die Organisation und der typische Ablauf von Forschungsvorhaben. Darüber

könnte man lange räsonieren – dieser Forschungsband zieht aber einen anderen Weg vor, den des mutigen Schritts in die Forschungspraxis. So kann den Forscherinnen und

Forschern aus beiden Ländern unmittelbar sichtbar werden, wie ein Forschungsprojekt im anderen Land geplant wird, welche Erwartungen man an seine Darstellung im

wissenschaftlichen Schreiben hat und wie es in die jeweilige Forschungslandschaft

eingebettet ist. Daraus wird auch erschließbar, wie man sein Forschungsvorhaben in der Vorbereitungsphase in einem Exposee so darstellen kann, dass es für die Partner im

anderen Land gut nachvollziehbar ist.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Den Beiträgerinnen und Beiträgern danke ich herzlich, dass sie es ermöglicht haben,

dieses Gespräch aufzunehmen. Beide Hochschulen freuen sich darauf, es weiterzuführen.

Doktor Hans-Werner Huneke –

Prorektor für Lehre und Studium

Professor der Pädagogischen

Hochschule Freiburg


С 2010 года Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая и

Педагогический университет Фрайбурга сотрудничают на основе договора о сотрудничестве.

За этот период сотрудничество проходило в рамках учебной и педагогической

деятельности: обмен студентами и преподавателями, прохождение педагогической практики студентами Педагогического университета Фрайбурга в КазНПУ имени


В перспективе планируется расширение сотрудничества между вузами-парт-нерами в сфере научно-исследовательской деятельности.

Выпуск данного сборника – это первый шаг в этом направлении. Потребность в таком сотрудничестве очевидна, т.к. в некоторых аспектах

академической культуры Казахстана и Германии имеются различия в целом, в обеих

странах также есть различия в организации и осуществлении научных исследований в частности.

О непохожести и различиях можно было бы долго рассуждать. Данный сборник

выбрал другой путь, а именно, мужественный шаг в практику исследовательской

деятельности. Благодаря этому для исследователей обеих стран видны следующие

аспекты, как: – планируется исследовательский проект;

– каков исследовательский ландшафт;

– каковы традиции письменного изложения.

Исследователям и авторам я выражаю мою сердечную благодарность за то, что стал возможен этот диалог. Оба вуза будут рады продолжить его.

Доктор Ханс Вернер Хунеке –

проректор по учебной работе,

профессор Фрайбургского

педагогического университета

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


A.Mombek, U.Aimbetova




It is known that success of the country depends on its opportunities «to produce» and

introduce innovations in all spheres of social activity. Therefore, competitiveness of

Kazakhstan at the international level considerably is defined by a level of development of

national model of education.

Science being a moving force of development of society as a whole and education in

particular, is that base on which all education is under construction and its functioning is

provided; it is responsible for substantial filling of all subject matters. However, despite

historically created interrelation of science and education the reality demands new level of

the integration reflecting real communications of two of these spheres, taking place in

objective educational and scientific process.

Modern integration of science and education is the mutually advantageous «movement»

adapting their best characteristics and giving the chance to create integrity of scientific and

educational "space". Specifics of integrative interaction of systems of domestic science and

education as difficult process, includes set of economic, structural and organizational,

social-right and globalization views.

The economic aspect transforms scientific and educational activity to dependence on a

commercial solvency. Structural and organizational – It is carried out on: micro level

within one organization or in the form of joint activity of one departmental accessory, both

education, and the science sphere; mesolevel – it is presented by integration of the

scientific and educational organizations and their functions in the course of implementation

of intersect oral communications; macro level – exists in the form of integrity of all types

of educational and scientific activity nationally and at the level of all world space. Social and legal; It is connected with fixing of legal status of a phenomenon of «science and

education integration» and provides integration of science, education and practice, resolves

issues on creation of conditions for commercialization of products of intellectual property

and technologies, preparation of a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Globalization promotes formation of uniform scientific and educational space for

realization of national features of scientific and educational systems.

The current state of integration of science and the higher education in Kazakhstan is

characterized by various forms of joint activity. First of all they are contracts on

cooperation, development and implementation of research projects and programs,

involvement of leading scientists from abroad for carrying out lectures, advanced training

courses, and also introduction of innovative forms of integration of science and education

at the University. Therefore, main directions of achievement can be:

– Improvement of education quality and preparation of the scientific and pedagogical

shots possessing modern knowledge at the level of the latest developments of science,

technologies and practical experience of participation in scientific researches;

– Attraction and fixing of talented youth in science and education;

– Increase of efficiency of use of budgetary funds, personnel, and information and

material resources when carrying out basic and applied researches;

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


– Activization of commercialization processes results of scientific researches,

development and transfer of technologies in real sector of economy.

The Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, leading pedagogical

higher education Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provides vocational training of

experts in the sphere of pedagogical education. The main objective of educational process

is formation of the successful graduate and creative expert demanded by society, capable to

self-development and self-realization. Professionalism of the faculty, productive work of

carrying out the international and republican conferences, round tables, numerous

scientific, educational and methodical publications are the main indicators of their high

research, pedagogical and creative potential. Strategic priorities of studying at the

University are integration into the world of science, education and culture, preparation of

highly qualified specialists and education of competitive teachers.

Practice shows that development of integration of science and education at the

University is promoted by participation the international scientific projects. Such as:

– «Legacy international» according to the program «Responsible Management, Civic

Education and Participation of Citizens in Development of Democratic Society in Central

Asia» with foreign partners – Legacy International, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

University (USA);

– «Leadher» – a grant of the International Association of Leadher universities which is

directed on granting possibility of formation of partner cooperation by training visits for an

exchange of experience, change of university system and reforming of the higher


– «Chelovekovedenie (study of human nature)» project of Aga Khan University of

Central Asia (PAHCH-UTSA);

– Indian technical & Economic cooperation (ITEC) – The Indian technical and

economic cooperation, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government

of India;

– TEMPUS-CANQA – Central Asian Network of the Quality assurance and

Accreditation (145688 BE-SMHES);

– DAAD – German service of the academic exchanges;

– TEMPUS – Two-level system of preparation on social psychology for work with

migrants in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and modernization and development of

training programs on pedagogic and management of education in the countries of Central


Within these projects students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates of KazNPU named

after Abay:

– can be trained for the purpose of improvement of the knowledge and professional


– to participate in development of humane, democratic and civil society, through the

innovative training, the scientists developed by the International collective, researchers,

teachers from Central Asia, Canada, the USA, India, Great Britain;

– to develop and introduce systems of a quality assurance and culture of quality in the

higher education;

– to be trained during summer high school courses on studying of language and

exchange students and postgraduates, etc.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


A number of scientific and innovative projects of KazNPU named after Abay are

realized in line with the tasks put by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

N.Nazabayev: «National education» (the Rector – S.Zh.Praliyev), «Realization of

technology of preparation and continuous professional development of small school

teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (the Head – S.Zh.Praliyev, A.E.Zhumabayev),

«Production of trial samples of micro hydraulic power plants and rotor and vortex

heatgenerators and their introduction in production» (The head – associate professor

V.S.Lysenko), «Creation of new types of resource-saving ceramic materials with the

original set properties» (the Head – M.K.Kulbek).

The analysis of projects showed that in the field of the basic and applied researches

financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further

– MES RK) are received the following important results which find already now

application in various economic, scientific and public clusters of development:

– conceptual bases of the content of preparation of teachers according to modern

requirements of society (Praliyev S.Zh.);

– new fundamental knowledge of properties of microcrystalline structures and

electronic and positron annihilation (Takibayev B.O., Mukashev K.M. is received);

– the theoretical methodological analysis of an assessment of a geoecological condition

of natural and economic systems of Balkhash (Beysenov A.S. is carried out);

– new fundamental and applied knowledge is received when studying Turkism, as

phenomenon of Eurasian linguistic culture (Dautova S.B.), questions of culture of

interethnic communication in RK (Absattarov R.B.), history of RK in 20-50 of the XX

century (Koygeldiyev M.K.);

– dynamic management of development of Kazakhstan economy, on the basis of

econometric modeling (Imanberdiyev B.D.).

– the portal «Academy of small schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan KazNPU of

named after Abay» http://vsa.kaznpu.kz with thematic headings (Praliyev S.Zh. is created.

Zhumabayeva A.E.) ;

– directed on development of mechanisms of realization of the state youth policy of

multinational Kazakhstan through the maintenance of training courses (Praliyev S.Zh.);

– recognized as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

as the project ready to introduction and applies for the status of absolute innovations

(Lysenko V.S.);

– new technologies of art processing of ceramics in arts and crafts (Kulbek M.K. are

developed and introduced) etc.

From the above-mentioned follows that from year to year the amount of financing and

quality of scientific projects steadily increases, higher-education teaching personnel of

University actively participates in annual grant competitions financed by MES RK.

Advantage of KazNPU named after Abay is annual allocation of grants from extra

budgetary funds of university on scientific projects and constant increase in their volume.

Now there are five Research Institutes (RI), five Research Centers (RC) and the

Scientific and Technical laboratory of a preventive sociology (STLPS) in KazNPU named

after Abay. Researches and the fulfilled work of scientific research institute and Research

Center promotes science and education integration at more accented level in the directions

of their activity:

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


– development and deployment of methodological, substantial, technological

components of psychological providing and modernization of education; preventive,

diagnostic, advisory help students, teachers, experts teachers, creation of standard and

legal base of professional development of practical psychologists (psychology scientific

research institute);

– development and coordination of scientific and methodical maintenance and ensuring

educational process, approbation and introduction in educational process of innovative

technologies, implementation of scientific researches in the field of basic and applied

researches (scientific research institute of innovative technologies and the content of


– carrying out researches in the field of philology and on a joint of the humanities

providing innovative development of scientific researches, forming the basis for updating

of the contents and education improvement of quality (literary criticism and linguistics

scientific research institute);

– development of basic and applied researches in the field of physical and mathematical

sciences, laboratory base for educational process and carrying out scientific researches by

students and postgraduates (scientific research institute of applied physics and


– studying of the unknown parties of Zhambyl’s creativity and disclosure of new

names of national poets (Zhambyl’s scientific research institute and national poets);

– studying of heritage of the national intellectuals, the analysis and promoting of their

spiritual heritage through carrying out special courses and special seminars for students

(Research Center «Tulgatanu»);

– studying and promoting of life and creativity of the Great Kazakh poet-thinker of

Abay Kunanbayev and promotion of his spiritual heritage among student's youth by means

of introduction in educational process of university of special courses and special seminars

in «Abay’s» (Research Center study of Abay) subject;

– development and realization of creative abilities of student's youth, rendering the

scientific and methodical and creative help to the education organizations, performance of

basic and applied researches in the field of art criticism (Research Center of ethno art


– introduction of basic researches in the field of natural sciences, geography and

ecology in educational process for improvement of scientific and methodical providing and

improvement of quality of specialists training (The scientific and practical center of

geography and ecology);

– studying of a condition and coordination of requirements for experts with high and

postgraduate education (The center for studying of requirements for experts with the higher

and postgraduate education);

– carrying out the system analysis of scientific researches of foreign and domestic

scientists on a problem of psychological health, crises of the personality and a suicide

among teenagers; development and adaptation of questionnaires, opening of a psycho

physiological office researches and rendering a practical psychological assistance

(Scientific and technical laboratory of a preventive suicidology).

Example of integration of education, science and creativity is participation of university

in large international in scientific competitions, conferences, exhibitions, round tables,

festivals, colloquiums:

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


– International scientific and practical conference «Kazakhstan-Germany: historical

memory, scientific and educational sides of cooperation» (2010);

– The international personal exhibition on a sculpture «National folklore and traditions

of the Kazakh people» (2010);

– Forum of scientists and exhibition of innovative projects (2011);

– The international scientific meeting «Nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics – the

international scientific commonwealth» (2011);

– International scientific forum of engineering and technology (2011);

– Republican round table «Stable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan through

innovative education» (2011);

– The international scientific forum «The first readings of Nazarbayev «New

Kazakhstan in the new world» (2012), and etc.

The Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay is the organizer of a

number of the scientific actions devoted to a further development of education, sciences,

innovations in the educational environment: international and republican scientific and

practical conferences «Preparation of Future Teacher in the Conditions of Transition to 12

Years' Education», «Psychological Science and Practice as Basis of Successful

Development of Intellectual Potential of the Nation of the Republic of Kazakhstan»,

International scientific and practical conference «Non-material cultural heritage of the

people of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and development prospects» with the

assistance of representatives of MES RK, Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, National

committee on a non-material cultural heritage at the National commission of the Republic

of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, chair of pedagogics of UNESCO and the Center

«Ethnoart culture», and etc.

Foreign scientists took part in work of these actions from the different countries, among

whith LiNOS Selmistratis (Lithuania); Askar Sabiri (Iran), Nicolas Drapyu (USA), Ahmed

Dagduran (Turkey), Michael Yauman (Germany), Mitko Petrov Georgiyev (Bulgaria), Yu

Binsi (China), Revol Valeev (Russia), Rustam Mamadov (Azerbaijan), Leonid Timchenko

(Ukraine), and etc.

At the same time higher-education teaching of university actively took part in the

international rating conferences abroad: Turkey, Spain, Greece, China, Italy, Germany,

Japan, Great Britain, Iran, Latvia, Egypt, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, India, USA, South

Korea, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belgium, France, Iraq (Orazbayeva

F.Sh., Dautova S.B., Ahmetov G.R., Iskakova K.N., Abdigapbarova U.M., Adambekov

K.I., Baymolda D., Zhumabekova A.K., Shevyakova T.V., Kasymov R.T., Nurlikhina

G.B., Musatayev M.Sh., Turgunbayev B.A., Kilevy L.T., Beysenbayeva A.A., Savelyev

V.V., Absatov M.A., Absattarov R.B.) and etc.

At university work on protection of the rights to intellectual property is conducted.

Patents are taken out in the field of innovative technologies in an energy drink, space,

ecological protection, and copyright certificates on textbooks, on software products in area

of e-learning, monographs.

Data on patents, copyright certificates, publications, especially in foreign magazines

with factor including on Thomson Reuters rating, testify to positive dynamics and high-

quality growth of research works and integration into scientific the world and educational


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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


For activity of activization on integration into the scientific world and educational space

work on inclusion of the magazines issued in KazNPU named after Abay is carried out to

the Kazakhstan base of citing, and also inclusion in number of members of editorial boards

of prominent foreign scientists.

Integration of science, education and creativity is promoted by training according to the

program «Bolashak», «Academic Mobility» within Bologna Process according to the State

program of a development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

For improvement of the work directed on improvement of quality of education,

updating of its contents, approbation of new forms of the organization of educational

process, and also integration of science, education and creativity of KazNPU are developed

by scientific, educational and creative cooperation with many higher education institutions

and the organizations of Kazakhstan and the abroad (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan,

Germany, Poland, South Korea, Singapore, the USA, China, etc.).

In the solution of problems of integration of science and education it is necessary to use

the following mechanisms:

– to strengthen influences of scientific knowledge on the solution of educational tasks,

vocational training of shots according to new state obligatory standards of RK formation;

– to strengthen basic nature of scientific knowledge for a development of education and

preparation of scientific and pedagogical shots in a magistracy and doctoral studies;

– to involve in active scientific and creative work of bachelors, postgraduates and

doctoral candidates;

– to improve infrastructure of scientific researches and creative projects, strengthening

cooperation with chairs, the creative and scientific organizations of Kazakhstan universities

and the abroad;

– to investigate and introduce IT technologies in educational process, in scientific

researches and creative projects;

– to provide overall performance research to laboratory and to find ways of their


– to create system of retraining of scientific and pedagogical shots in domestic and

foreign universities and the organizations.

Summarizing the above-stated, it should be noted that activity of University is aimed on

the development of cooperation with the leading higher education institutions of the world

known for foreign scientists, integration in world scientific and educational space.

Developing the best traditions of known universities, the Kazakh National Pedagogical

University named after Abay step by step creates own competitive national model of

pedagogical education based on organic synthesis of science and education. The reached

results in the sphere of pedagogics promote formation of high image of University in the

international educational space.

References: 1 Егорова Ю.А. Проблема интеграции науки и образования /Педагогические науки: –

Москва, 2005.

2 Государственная программа развития науки РК на 2007-2012 годы. – Астана, 2007.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


3 Законодательство об образовании в Республике Казахстан. – Алматы: ЮРИСТ,


4 Бок Д. Университеты в условиях рынка: коммерциализация высшего образования. –

Москва, 2008.

5 Пушкарева Е. А. Философский анализ интеграции образования и науки в

современных условиях: Новосибирск, 2008. – 216 с.

6 Государственная программа развития образования в Республике Казахстан на 2011-

2020 годы. – Астана, 2010.

7 Сулейменов Е., Васильева Н. О проблемах интеграции науки и образования в РК. –

Алматы, 2010.

8 О науке. Закон Республики Казахстан. – Астана, 2011.

9 Гордеева Н.А., Пучкова М.В. Правовое обеспечение интеграции науки и

образования. – Режим доступа: http://www.courier-edu.ru/cour0605/2600.htm.

10 Егорова Ю.А. Проблема интеграции науки и образования. Режим доступа:


Kazabeyeva V.A.


Introduction. The state of affairs in linguistics in the second half of the XX century

and the beginning of XXI century was that cognitive and communicative paradigms

describing the basic relationship between language and social man as a thinking subject

began to take center stage. A broad understanding of cognitive science can include verbal

activities in an interactive picture of language, thinking, and behavior of the speaking

subject. Thought and language as the basic concepts of human existence are extrapolated in

the communicative process. The latter, along with the ability to think abstractly and to use

moral categories as the basis of human society, defines the uniqueness of human behavior

in the world, including communication.

Changing the paradigm of modern linguistics both domestic and foreign is above all

expressed in the increase of the scope of anthropocentric direction, which, in turn, implies,

on the one hand, the development of new scientific fields, and on the other, rethinking old

assumptions and theoretical relatively well-established tenets of the «human factor» (the

speaking subject, language, identity or homo loquens) in the language.

Increased attention to the role of the phenomenon of «speaking subject /linguistic

identity» allows researchers to understand not only the importance of the problems of

describing the language structure itself, but also the importance of a comprehensive study

of the mentioned phenomenon when a linguistic person, just “speaking man” in his ability

to perform certain speech acts, acts as an integral object of study in the various areas of the

science of language, such as cognitive linguistics, socio-and psycholinguistics, pragmatic

and ethnolinguistics, political linguistics, etc.

It is observed in the scientific literature that over the past decade, the interest in the

study of human behavior sharply increased, both in terms of organization of information

and communication activities, and in terms of the implementation of other common human

activities, which led to the emergence of “a new scientific paradigm” or “discursive turn”

in science, as a number of scientists conclude, it promises to be “something more than the

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creation of a new linguistic, semiotic or cultural model” of understanding and interpreting

the manifestations of human activity in the broadest sense of the term [1, 2].

In practice, what has been gained in psychology [3], philosophy and other humanities

the name of discursive turn should be considered in anthropological linguistics (in

linguistics in general and political linguistics in particular) as a part of a major tectonic

shifts in cultural architecture of knowledge of speaking person and his speech

(communication) behavior.

The main part. Studying the concept of “political discourse” in modern linguistics. As

the study of speech manifestations (or discourse) of the personality has shown,

anthropological linguistics reveals a lot of “white” spots, opening new unexplored area of

the science, one of which constitutes the problems of “social life”, structural and dynamic

sense of reality of political discourse as a set of speech practices, when information of

demonstrators in the form of certain discourse (or simply informative array, text) reflects

the specific forms of speech and increasingly, the communicative behavior of the speaking

subject, with reflection (match or mismatch) of his picture (linguistic and extralinguistic)

of the world and world view of the object (receiver), who is perceiving information


The study of specific forms of political discourse reveals the nature of the ethnic and

cultural features of the “mental containers”, “mental space” of the speaking person

according to George Lakoff and M. Johnson [4, 5, 6], encompassing both the cultural gaps,

knowledge of lingual cross-cultural phenomena and various cultural specific actions of the

mass consciousness (in the understanding of the term by B.A.Grushin [7]) and lingual

pragmatic feature, functioning of its specific types and forms, manifesting a particular kind

of speech, communication and human behavior.

The problem of explaining, interpreting and commenting on the specifics of the

dynamic models of human behavior on a material of such fixed empirical linguistic

material as a political discourse or policy discourse (stories, image-logical myths, political

speeches and political debates in different social circles, the memories of political events

such as rallies, meetings, trips as a member of the delegation, autobiographies, discussion

of scientific issues, etc.) is the subject of a large number of modern research, which gives

reason for some scientists to talk about “a new theoretical approach”, “the new genre in the

philosophy of science” [8], the narrative specific political discourse as the act of utterance

in the social-semiotic process, where “discourse”, following the ideas of Michel Foucault,

means a series of verbal practices that influence the formation of ideas about an object

which they mean. And then the political discourse, being the result of such a real speech

practice, acting as a kind of knowledge, as something that people talk about social and

institutional practices, and how social and institutional practices (i.e., forms of representing

the power) say for themselves [9].

As the studies of domestic and foreign scholars show the growing interest in the

interpretive research focusing on the social, discursive and cultural forms of human

behavior, opens a new horizon in the study of discursive inclusion of linguistic forms of

any order (oral, written demonstrators), which form fundamental linguistic, psychological,

cultural, and philosophical foundation of life of the speaking subject [10, 11]. And

awareness of the role of this foundation in the life of the speaking subject allows him to

come to terms with the world and the conditions of his existence, which makes it possible

to understand and to create meanings that speaking subject finds in their forms of life.

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Moreover, to the extent that it relates to the description and interpretation of human

activity in its broadest sense, the analysis of political discourse in its various functional

forms as a result of the specific activity of the speaking subject can comprehend broader,

more diversified and more complex context of the human experience. In fact, the reference

to the analysis of the nature of political discourse (also: policy discourse, discursive

formation, discursive construction) allows us to generalize, extend and specialize wide

range of questions, the answers to which will help develop understanding the aim,

intentions and ideas of the individual, national and cultural “self” or “personal identity”,

about the methods of organizing human memory, and more.

Displacement of a certain emphasis in the study of speech and text appears to rethink

that the speech is considered not only as a source of information about the language, but

also as an individual realization of the language system, which is inextricably connected

with mental activity, and thus inseparable from the person generating and perceiving

(interpreted) language.

It is important to note that in the following statement the implementation of tasks in

addition to the term “political discourse” to refer to the total speech practices would be

quite well-known in linguistic pragmatics, the term “discourse”, understood not simply as a

coherent text (communicative), but as “complex communicative phenomenon, which

includes the social context that gives an idea about participants of communication (their

characteristics), and the processes of production and perception” [1, 2, 12].

In this sense, the political discourse as a holistic education serves as a definite, i.e. built

by a certain pattern (pattern frame) complex speech act. And it should be seen as a form of

social action, which is always determined by specific values and social norms, conventions

and social practices, always limited and under the influence of specific institutional

structures in society and real historical (time) processes. The inclusion of the historical and

social perspective in scope of the concept of political discourse allows to better reflect the

dynamics of the social nature of the linguistic sign (understood as the language in action) at

any level and to consider it as the result of social processes, motivated by unity of form and


Therefore history, stated in the political discourse (or any other descriptive discourse) at

the macro level may reflect the specificity of interactions of individuals and social

institutions, and at the micro level, it serves as a marker of the history of discursive

changes that represent the transformation of semantic spaces of participants of political


The inclusion of historical (temporal) perspective in the analysis of political discourse

reflects the dynamic nature of its “social life”, due to the operation of language education

in a particular society and its specific pragmatic context of oral and narrative genre of the

speech: the peculiarities of its creation and playback, aim, focus on the target, psycho-

linguistic identity, etc.

Conclusion. Political discourse as a set of atomic communicative manifestations is

implemented as an integrated holistic education with typical architectonic framing

education with a top, like a semantic configuration “I describe the Q, so as to tell you that

there is a Q and this Q is true for me as a speaking subject at the moment, and I want this Q

to be also equally relevant for you”.

This definition includes both an indication as to the direction undertaken by analysis

and, to a degree, its technique, because, in contrast to linguistic studies devoted to the

analysis of the actual language objects of different levels (e.g., from the phoneme to the

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text), the proposed research is devoted to the analysis of cognitive processes that is, the

structure of the processes occurring in the mind of the native speaker, belonging to a

particular direction of public opinion, in the production of a specific communicative

demonstrators, as well as processes leading to his understanding and perceptional

dependence of direction to the addressee of communication (in the terminology of the

Prague functionalists) on the chosen form of verbal feedback.

Findings. Thus, as a result of the analysis of the existing concepts and interpretations,

available in the interpretation of the term, is to be understood as a discourse of

verbalization of certain mentality, or a way of speaking and interpreting surrounding

reality, which results not only in a specific way which affects the world around us, but the

reality which is constructed specially, creating its (characteristic of a given society) way of

seeing the world, a way of ordering the reality.

References: 1. Dake T. van, 2000. Language. Knowledge. Communication. Publisher Blagoveshchensk

College of Humanities, pp: 308.

2. Vodak R., 1997. Language. Discourse. Policy. Publisher Volgograd State Pedagogical

University, pp: 137.

3. Solso R.L., 1995. Cognitive psychology. Prentice-Hall Publisher, pp: 600.

4. Lakoff G., Johnson M., 1987. Metaphors we live by. In Language and modeling of

social interaction: Translation, Publisher LKI, pp: 126-172.

5. Lakoff G., 1995. Cognitive Semantics. In Language and intellect, Publisher Progress,

pp: 143-184.

6. Dinsmore J., 1995. Mental space from the functional point of view. In Language and

intellect, Publisher Progress, pp: 385-411.

7. Grushin B.A., 1987. Mass consciousness. Publisher Politizdat, pp: 368.

8. Brokmayer J., Hare R., 2000. Narrative: problems and promises of one alternative

paradigm. Journal “Problems of Philosophy”, 3: 29-42.

9. Romanov A.A., 2002. Political Linguistics, Publisher Institute of Linguistics, pp: 191.

10. Karaulov Yu.N., 1987. Russian language and linguistic identity, Publisher LKI, pp: 261.

11. Karaulov Yu.N., 2000. Indicators of national mentality in verbal associative network. In

Linguistic consciousness and the image of the world, Publisher Institute of Linguistics, pp:191-


12. Kubryakova E.S., 2001. On the investigation of discourse in modern linguistics. In the

Proceedings of the 2001 3rd International Conference. Part 1, pp: 8-11.

Zolotareva L.R., Ospanov B.E., Shaygozova Zh.N.


Art education in Kazakhstan has a long tradition and many years developing in the

direction of the Soviet educational system. In general the development of art education in

our country can be divided into the following steps.

The first stage of art education and aesthetic education in Kazakhstan covers 1917-1920

years. In this period there were considerable difficulties, because there was a shortage of

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specialists and the necessary material resources, in the curriculum the subject " Drawing"

did not have the content about Kazakh folk arts and applied arts.

The second stage of art education and aesthetic education in Kazakhstan covers 1930-

1940 years. Under the influence of the Russian Art education there has been a radical

change in the education processof Kazakh children.

The third stage of art education (1950-1960) is characterized by a new approach to

aesthetic development in school education and teaching. The Ministry of Education

established program for drawing, which included the study of the Kazakh decorative arts

and works of Soviet artists.

In the socio-cultural situation of the 1970s it became necessary to review school

education system. Board of the USSR Ministry pro Education in 1970 requested the

Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of art education to take

place in 1972-1980 together with the Artists Union wide experiment to determine the

content of curriculum subjects of aesthetic cycle to school and develop an unified system

of aesthetic education. On the basis of the materials of Soviet Union experiment the

curriculum program «Drawing» developed by laboratory of Fine art of the USSR Institute

of Art Education.It was approved by the USSR Board of the Ministry in January 23, 1981.

This helped to prepare national artistic and pedagogical staff. In 1984, on the basis of the

program in Kazakhstan the new program was developed which is called "Fine Arts"

includingethno-art education and training in the schools of the country (the compilers

E.Mitrofanov, L.Marchenko, M.Kenbai). The methodical work outs on the fine arts were

prepared (Grades 1-6/ Secondary school).

In the 1980-1990 significantly improved the methodological level of teachers-artists in

the country, in high school programsthe optional classes were included on the

fundamentals of art and aesthetics with intensive study of paintings, drawings, sculpture,

and architecture.

After some years the world around us has changed, changed the socio-cultural

environment – Kazakhstan became a sovereign state. This fact has led to a transformation

of the entire education system, including the arts. At the moment, there are many questions

among Kazakh creative elite and ordinary teachers about the future paths of development

of art education of modern Kazakhstan. The most important of them: is our Art education

demanded nowadays? Which line should develop the national system of art education to

meet international standards (as in the content and technological aspects)? Can the

nowadays system of art education be valid, realmotivatorof socio-cultural values of modern


The modern definition of art education. Recently, there are many definitions of

contemporary art education that emphasize a particular aspect of it. We present the most

popular ones. Thus, AI Shcherbakov wrote: art education - a "golden key" that opens the

hidden door, but not always alienates some bright future, but in the real present, in which

the artistic and aesthetic, spiritual and moral development of the personality. But to

"golden key" which is suitable for castle and opened the hidden door to the maximum

interaction of the internal mechanisms that cause the "soul work" and be involved in this

process all the spiritual potential of the individual. In artistic creation lies the ability to

"turn on" special mechanisms to create the energy of creation, which is the essence of

social and creative activity of man [1]. This means that art education through the

organization of artistic creation should include internal mechanisms, the spiritual potential

of the individual.

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Another definition gives Sabeleva OV - Art education to cultural products is seen as a

social and cultural phenomenon, understood as the unity cultural activity of the individual,

society and the development of cultural continuity. The ability of the individual to the

cultural creativity can not only learn, but also to create cultural values. The process of art

education is understood those which has become public property, but is not yet known to

the child. Therefore, the important is the formation of the qualities, knowledge and skills

that would make the individual's "own" in the space of artistic culture [2].

According to the authors, artistic education at the present stage includes not only the

methods of art education, this concept is embedded broader humanitarian and cultural

sense - is the formation of humanitarian and personal culture: intellectual, aesthetic and

artistic, ethical and ideological. Arts education helps getting an education that combines

intellectual and creative abilities and can make the relationship between education, culture

and art of a more dynamic and productive, it is meant to balance the cognitive and

emotional factors in the development of the individual and thus contribute to a culture of


The content of the term "Art" and the preparation of teachers of fine arts.The

structure of art education in Kazakhstan include: early childhood care and education

(kindergarten, child development centers, etc.), primary education (lessons of fine art,

music), secondary (classes of fine art, drawing, music) and further education (children's art

schools , art schools, music schools, groups of fine art and design at the palace school, art

studios and art centers), and technical and vocational secondary education (arts and teacher

training colleges), higher and postgraduate education (professional art schools, graphic arts

department pedagogical institutes and universities).

The system of pre-school education of the country began to revive in 2000 with the

adoption of the State Program "Education" for 2000-2005. Since 2009, active development

of pre-school is provided by the Program "Balapan." The content of art education in pre-

school education and training is determined by the State educational standards, which

provides training drawing, modeling, applications, music, and dance basics from 3 to 5

hours a week. Kindergartens, centers of early development, children attend aged 1.5 to 7

years. The most gifted children from 5 years old enrolled in institutions of additional

education - children's art schools, art schools and music schools.

In our opinion, Kazakhstani system of Art Education for Children is unique, and

characterized together with successful operation. According to the National Training

Center of the additional education at present time in Kazakhstan there are 27 children's

painting and drawing schools, 13 children's art schools, 190 - music schools. In palaces,

houses of students, amateur clubs, and schools are numerous artistic circles. With all the

favorable overall picture in the system of additional arts education, rather acute problem of

its coverage of rural children that do not have access to "the good of the city" of additional

art education. For rural children art education, their creative development depends entirely

on the enthusiasm of their teachers, from his purely personal desire to conduct group work,

and, as a rule, limited to art lessons, drawing and music.

Current condition of art education, or educational field "art" in a secondary school - the

most serious problem that requires immediate attention. Analysis of the actual practice

shows that the lessons in the school of fine arts in the schedule of studies paid less attention

, and are seen as optional. At the moment, in a comparative analysis of education standards

from year to year, fewer hours are given to "Art." The situation for the better will change

with the transition to a 12-year study. (according to the authors of the article)

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In the State Curriculum standard (Education Program) (Astana 2008) marked an artistic

and aesthetic education in the educational field of "Art" is aimed at:

- The formation of the emotional sphere and development of aesthetic taste, the main

artistic and aesthetic skills and creativity;

- The formation of artistic culture learning as an integral part of spiritual culture,

emotional and value incentives of life;

- Education of conscious perception the best examples of folk and professional art

Kazakh and other nations of Kazakhstan and the world community;

- Formation of self-worth understanding of the various phenomena of life, people,

nature, and cultural works as a guide for reflection and evaluation of situations and actions

to solve the problems of life and education;

- The formation of practical experience in the specific fields of art as components of the

information and communication cultures [3].

Effective achievement of these goals is possible with the introduction of school

education, which is a system of specialized training secondary high school 12 years,

focused on the individualization of learning and socialization of students.

The main purpose of professional education is to provide career guidance and self-

determination of students, the ability to generate the necessary resources for informed

professional choice. Therefore, the standard provides direction profile education: science

and mathematics, social and humanitarian. We are interested in social and humanities. In

the socio-humanitarian sector (profile component) include the study of the subject "World

Art" (11-12). Also on this level include the study of elective courses (elective courses). The

standard specifies that the elective courses are training courses, the content of which can

satisfy the educational interests of students in accordance with the personal inclinations and

choice of students, promotes the expansion and deepening of knowledge on the subject.

The course "Art Culture" is planned as an essential component of education process.

The general structure of the content of the subject (mandatory).Grade 8.Foundations of

culture.Grade 9.Artistic culture of Kazakhstan.Grade 10.The traditional skills of the

Kazakh people.Development of Culture of Kazakhstan in XX century.Modern art at the

turn of Kazakhstan XX – XIX centuries. Grade 11 - 12. World Art [4].

The topicality of these programs is that the artistic culture of Kazakhstan for the first

time becomes the subject of a special study at the school and is an integral part of the world

culture. The recommendations for educators, parents, artists and directors of schools and

educational institutions are systematized.

In the last two decades in the system of art education in Kazakhstan we see significant

changes: first, cultural studies approach strengthened concerned artistic training of

teachers, and secondly, artistic-teaching education, integrating the achievements of

European and Kazakhstani education is based mainly on the ethno-cultural traditions. "The

concept of ethno-cultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is emphasized: "Ethnic

and cultural education - is directed to preserve ethnic and cultural identity of the person by

integrating the language and culture while acquiring values of world culture ... A special

importance should have the history of culture. This item is in the best goals of forming a

poly-cultural individual. And if it is taught as the history of art, the history of the world and

national philosophy, the history of customs and traditions, etc., leads to the education of a

multidimensional spiritual development of the individual appreciating and knowing the

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national and world culture ", which corresponds to the destination of ethno-cultural, ethno-

artistic education [5].

Thus, in 2003, was published test textbook "Art" for the 11 classes of social and

humanities schools (in the Kazakh and Russian languages). The aim of the book is to

discuss the main national art heritage and spiritual quest of the Kazakh people. However,

as authors suggest that "there may well be some flaws and omissions due to the fact that

our work is the first textbook." There is no doubt that they will be corrected in the process

of further development, the exchange of opinions [6].

In this regard, especially important to the professional Bachelor of Fine Arts, who will

train and educate the younger generation through art in a modern 12-year-old secondary

school and provide socio-cultural changes in the country. The experience gained on

modern training orients students learning process to create conditions for the disclosure of

their potential. So big importance has artistic and creative, aesthetic and art history

potentialof afuture fine arts teachers.

In this context, it seems useful to provide experience in training and teaching artistic

profile in Buketov Karaganda State University Vocational and art Department. In Buketov

Karaganda State University they research "Cultural foundations of artistic Educationof

Bachelor of Fine Arts" [7]. The study combined the fundamental idea of the relationship of

culture and education, artistic education in the context of culture. This issue is a priority in

teaching science, teaching, cultural studies and art history teacher in Kazakhstan.

The curricula of vocational and artistic faculty, "Fine art and design" was introduced a

special course "The Pedagogical Art ," which is due to priority problems of artistic


According to the author of this concept Zolotareva LR, graduates of vocational and

artistic, graphic arts department should be ready to teach disciplines of artistic classes.

They need to know the history and theory of aesthetic pedagogy, art education, art history

teacher issues and pedagogy of art in Kazakhstan, CIS and non-CIS countries, rich wealth

of experience in the Russian school of art pedagogy. Thus, the introduction of a special

course "Pedagogical art history" meets modern problems of artistic and pedagogical

education in a big cultural space.

UNESCO and art education in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan since the entry into

UNESCO, May 22, 1992 has an active policy of strengthening cooperation with this

authoritative international organization and interaction within it with other states. During

this time, the Republic of Kazakhstan became a signatory to many international

conventions concluded under the auspices of UNESCO. UNESCO Office in Kazakhstan

operated from December 1994. In 1995 Kazakhstan was given the status of Regional

Representation for Communication in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran and Mongolia. In

1999, the UNESCO Office also received regional status of Education in Central Asia and

the Caucasus. Since then a lot has been done. So, Kazakhstan is an active participant in the

UNESCO Associated Schools and Programs UNITWIN / UNESCO Chairs. Such

Department was found in 1989 at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi and our Abai

Kazakh National Pedagogical University. In 2004, we set up another UNESCO Chair

"Science and Spirituality" at the Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies.

In recent decades, UNESCO has given increasing attention to art education. Since the

fall of 2010, opened the first in Central Asia UNESCO Observatory for Intercultural

Education at the creativity of the Almaty Kasteyev School of Fine Arts and Technical

Design .Observatory on Arts Education in Asia are intended to provide information and

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methodological centers to implement approaches to art history education. Observatory will

collect, synthesize and disseminate aggregate information through the regional networks of

educational institutions becoming involved. This will facilitate a better exchange of

experiences and recommendations of UNESCO among educational institutions,

government agencies and international development partners. In the long term, the

observatory will be basic information, analysis and advocacy center, which corresponds to

the principles of the charter of UNESCO and will support the creative community in the

world. Thus, the observatory will contribute to priority development of the arts, creative

and cultural subjects in formal and informal education systems [9]. In this regard, the

problem of the present study is to establish the conformity of art education in Kazakhstan

new educational paradigm prevailing in the world of science influenced by UNESCO.

The first World Conference on Arts Education: Building Creative Capacities for

the twenty-first century (Spain, Lisbon, 2006). Perhaps the most important event for the

art education world is the World Conference on Arts Education: Building Creative

Capacities for the twenty-first century, which was held in Lisbon on 6-9 March 2006. The

result of this large-scale event was developed by the "Road Map for Arts Education." It is

designed for contribution is "on the importance of arts education to build a creative and

culturally-oriented knowledge-based society" [10, p.4]. In this sense, art education - this is

important for effective social institution of "cultural reproduction of a new generation."

In the Road Map for Arts Education highlighted its four main objectives. The first of

which is: to promote the right to education and participation in cultural life. "Arts and

culture - is the most important elements of a comprehensive education that provides the full

development of the individual. Therefore, the right to artistic education is a universal

human right, the right of all students, including those who are often not able to get an

education - immigrants, cultural minorities and people with disabilities. All these

statements are confirmed by the provisions on human rights and the rights of the child"

[10, p.6].

The second purpose of art education: the development of individual skills. The Road

Map states: all people have creative potential. The art and practice of creating an

environment in which students are actively involved in creative activities, processes and

development. Research shows that the involvement of students in the creative process and

the inclusion of elements of their own culture into the curriculum raises in each of them a

creative approach to reality, proactive, productive imagination, emotion, moral

responsibility, critical thinking, a sense of independence and freedom of thought and action

. Education in the arts and education through the arts also contribute to students' cognitive

abilities and can lead technique and subject matter more in line with the needs of a modern

society in which they live [10, p.7].

Of particular interest are the following, expressed in the Roadmap: art education - it is

also a means for countries to develop the human resources necessary for their valuable

cultural capital. If countries are to develop effective and sustainable cultural (creative)

industries and businesses, they need to use these resources and this capital. These

industries have the potential to play a key role in accelerating socio-economic development

in many less developed countries [10, p.8].

The third purpose is to: improve the quality of education. On this occasion, the

Roadmap states: learning in the arts and education through the arts (art education and

education through the arts) can activate at least the following four factors: active learning,

training program, taking into account local conditions, as well as the interests and

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inclinations of students, respect for local communities and cultures and interact with them,

trained and motivated teachers [10, p.8]. Finally, the fourth objective: to promote the

expression of cultural diversity. Art - is a manifestation of culture and the transmission of

cultural knowledge. Each culture has an unique forms of creative expression and practice.

The variety of cultures and their art works are contemporary and traditional art forms of

people who make an unique contribution to the high achievements, heritage, beauty and

integrity of civilizations.

Introduction to the benefits of culture and art forms, as well as strengthen their

knowledge of personal and collective identities of people and their values, and contribute

to the preservation and promotion of cultural diversity. Art education to raise awareness of

the culture and the promotion of cultural practice, and is the means by which knowledge

and understanding of art and culture transferred from one generation to another [10, p.9].

Well-known Russian philosopher Mikhail Kagan writes: "...now mankind has entered a

phase of its history, the first time there is a need for a culture of integrity, and hence fully-

developed, the individual - not the full sense of the primitive skills of a person" all done",

but in terms of a relatively uniform development of the core" essential powers' rights, that

is available to each and every human abilities needed to ensure all five main types of

activities" [11]. Therefore, the formation of a coherent, comprehensive, advanced person

contributes art education. This statement proves other work Kagan MS, in which he

outlined five main activities: cognitive, value-orientation, transformative, dialogue as

intersubject interaction and artistic development of the world. The purpose of the first

activity is "subject to obtaining information about the object, it is the highest form of

science, in all its versions, from mathematics to psychology," and the second - "awareness

subject matter to him the object, and its highest form is the ideology, in its various versions

, from religious to aesthetic "with the third -" change the subject of the object, the material

and the spiritual and the practical and the ideal, in order to create new objects of cultural

material of natural, social, human givens (at one level - to create subject "second nature",

on the other , the ideal - a model of the project, a dream, a third semiotic - to create a

culture of sign systems, languages needed for communication in synchronic slice of

organized social life and in diachronic cut cultural inheritance) ", the fourth -" achieving

unity of characters while maintaining the subject- uniqueness of each (it can be

interpersonal dialogue, inter-group, when a social group, from the creative team to the

nation, serves as a "collective subject" and intrapersonal when subjective personality, and

her mind is the internal dialogue ", and finally the fourth - the" artistic development of a

world in which all four of the above activities are homogeneous syncretic fusion in

mythological consciousness and perception of the world baby, and then – synthetically

mutually identified in Art " [11, p.17]. This means that all five main types of human

activities syncretic presented in the form of the latter, called "artistic mastery of the world."

Thus, the process of artistic development of the world, expressed in art, involves:

– First, it (i.e the world, object, object, phenomenon images, etc.) comprehensive

knowledge (design, construction, etc.), "Proximity artistic development of the scientific

world is most revealed after recognized the role of the anthropological factor, which

provides that the learning process is not limited to procedures to mimic the sensory image

as a "cast of Things", but are now perceived as a creative process-projection, interpreting

the subject's activity. It is recognized that this activity is mediated by a variety of signs in

nature and subject representations, containing, as the activity itself, the quintessence of

social and cultural experiences. And if the effects of all these factors, as previously

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recognized only in the interpretation of the artistic world, it is only in the twentieth century,

they have received the broad interpretation, and been taken into account in the analysis of

any human activity " [12];

– Secondly – the formation of valuable relation to a particular object of the image (the

value of an awareness of the image);

– Third: the transformation of the object, the object image (creative interpretation of

specific means of real objects of the image);

– In the fourth - a "chat" feature dialogue in communication "network", "artist - work –

the viewer." In this work of art becomes a mediator between the author and the spectator,

who is also co-author.

In favor of this conclusion is the opinion of Melik-Pashayev, expressed in a note on the

state of arts education and the opportunities provided by the Ministry of Education and

Science in 2008: "...a one-sided development of extremely impoverished sensory sphere of

the child, his direct contact with the surrounding peace, sensitivity and responsiveness in

relation to him and causes legitimate concern of thoughtful educators and health

professionals. This problem, which is usually described in terms of asymmetry

(underdevelopment functions of the right hemisphere of the brain and the

"overdevelopment" of the left), repeatedly exacerbated in the early passion sensuality

virtual computer, displacing real sensory experience not only in school, but in the everyday

lives of children . Art classes, creative art based on all sensory experience of the child, his

interest in the subject of perception. This property of the child appears not just as age

feature, and certainly not as a hindrance on the way of abstract thinking, and as an

irreplaceable value, subject to further development and improvement of the process of

artistic creation. Thus, it is a rich artistic experience, acting as a counterweight to "left

hemisphere" of education, can maintain the integrity of the mental development of the

child" [13].

Many progressive researchers (Kagan M.S., Melik-Pashayev) indicates total logic,

calculation, streamlining the child's mind in a modern secondary school. Virtually all of the

content of education is aimed at strengthening the work of the left hemisphere is

responsible for logic and abstract thinking. Right hemisphere - is the center of imagination,

artistic thought and intuition.

Efremov noted this fact also and "education (and any training at all) mostly aimed at

establishing formal inference associated with a unique context. That is, unfortunately, most

modern learning processes focused on logic and verbal language. That is why the critics

are so great, in his analysis based solely on verbal meanings and uniqueness. But for the

creative and aesthetic problems are often more important factors include the integrity,

imagery and reliance on the perception" [14].

This means that it is art, or in other words, objects of artistic and aesthetic cycle

contribute to the formation of students' creativity to reality, initiative, imagination,

emotion, ability to think critically, a sense of independence and freedom of thought and

action - much needed for today day personality traits of modern man, in whatever sphere of

activity he worked.

The Second World Conference on Arts Education. 25-28 May 2010 in Seoul (South

Korea) was held the second World Conference on Education in Art .On this conference

was highlighted three main objectives: to ensure the availability of arts education as a

fundamental component of quality and sustainable renovation of education, provide high

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quality conceptualization and implementation of the activities and programs of art

education; apply the principles and practice of art education to help address social and

cultural problems facing the world today [15, 2]. There is no doubt that all three identified

goals are important. However, from the perspective of our study, the most significant third,

which implies recognition of a special dimension of art education, the social and cultural

well-being, including: - the value of all forms of traditional and contemporary artistic

experience - medical and health aspects of education in the arts - the artistic potential

education for the development and preservation of identity and heritage, the promotion of

diversity and intercultural dialogue; - greater use of multi-cultural approach in art

education and promote the growth of cross-cultural mobility of students and teachers to

educate the "citizens of the world" [15, 6]. This means that it is art education, learning the

art of playing an important role "in the statement of principles of social responsibility,

social cohesion, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue" [15,7]. This writes the well-

known Russian scientist Alexander Melik-Pashayev: "... the entire history of mankind

shows that the phenomenon that we call art, or art culture is an integral part of the human

way of being in the world .Its degradation, the loss of new generations understanding of the

value of life, the loss of the responsibility for its preservation, development and "broadcast"

in the future - is a recipe for dividing the society into several parts. Nowadays modern

education process the secular education art – the only area where it can be performed

naturally emotional and moral development of the person and his introduction to the higher

spiritual values of his people and humanity. And if it does not, if one grows soulless if

human values are unknown to him, the more successful it will be in all other respects, the

worse" [13].

This means that it is an art culture, art, due to its specificity, its special "shaped

structure," through the process of forming an image of the world of sense leads one to

understanding of the meaning, understanding the meaningof intersystem communications

objective picture of the world and therefore provides the most complete solution to the

goals and objectives of multicultural education.

In favor of this situation Russian researchers of art education and aesthetic education

VS Sobkin and VA Levin, stated: "... the essential foundation of art powerful tool, on the

one hand, the national self-awareness, awareness of their cultural traditions and national

specificities, and the other – ethnic integration, deep emotional initiation to the spiritual

values of other cultures and universal ideals" [16, 28].

Interest to us is the work of a group of Kazakh experts, "Art Education of the Republic

of Kazakhstan: understanding of national traditions and the rapprochement of cultures"

prepared in a pilot project of UNESCO and IFESCCO "Art education in the CIS: the

development of creativity in the XXI century" [17]. In it, the authors point out four main

functions of education: broadcasting (integrity and reproduction of ethno-cultural

communities) to develop (the formation and development of national identity);

differentiating (identification of ethnic and cultural identity), integrative (providing

interaction, interdependence and mutual enrichment of cultures, the integration of the

individual in the system of world and national culture) [17].

Thus, the formation of artistic culture of students (based on the above processes)

through the lens of multicultural education means the ability to understand and appreciate

the art of the "other" people, the ability to enjoy the fruits of culture - the ability to use

knowledge about the art of "other" peoples everywhere; feasibly be able to participate in

the preservation of and the development of national and world culture, and finally - the

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most involved in art (the ability to reproduce and interpret creatively to achieve national

and global culture in their creative activities).

The Seoul conference revealed many claims to the organization of contemporary art

education, which can be summarized as follows:

– In many countries, the policy of education does not pay proper attention to system of

art education, which is reflected in the insulation and the devaluation of the field;

– The budget for the development of art education, which would cover the daily

expenses and needs, or not enough, or do not exist at all;

– The problem of culture and education is often divided into two separate programs;

– There were unacceptable (non-applicable) teacher training programs on arts

education, and education programs for teachers are not appropriate to identify the role of

art in teaching and learning;

– The role of artists and their involvement in the development of art education is

recognized in part;

– There is an extensive research experience in the field of art education, which is not

studied and systematized.

Thus, there are two main strategies essential to achieve effective art education: quality

training for teachers and artists, the development of cooperation between the education

system – on one hand, and the culture and artists – on the other.

Improve the quality of art education, art teacher education put a new priority in the

education system, enabling them to make a more effective contribution to the process of

learning and cultural development, and to enhance the study of art as part of the training of

all teachers, prepare teachers and artists are able to work in educational institutions and

informal organizations, to promote growth, expansion of the limits of art education, art in

schools to implement the curriculum and in after-school settings; recognize the

convergence between the traditional concept of art in society and a new understanding that

learning through the arts can lead to a better study of the material and the development of

competencies, to recognize the importance of arts education in preparing groups of people

who will appreciate the manifestations of art (art critic).

Education and support for teachers, schools and artists comes to the following

objectives: to facilitate teacher training in the theory and practice of art education,

international support for teacher training and curriculum development to enhance and

improve the quality of art education, especially in developing countries, to encourage the

creation of programs for research and continuing education of professionals (artists,

teachers, managers, planners, etc.) related to art education, to encourage the creation of

articles on art education, materials, methodologies, textbooks and reference books, to

encourage the exploitation of new information and communication technologies in the

training program teachers and in the process of formal and informal education, as a means

of creating an artistic expression, reflection and critical thinking, to provide every school

and library material resources required for effective demonstration of art, including the

media, books, art materials and tools.

Thus, the need for quality universal education is obvious. However, the quality of

education can be only through art education in the context of culture, which promotes the

development of thinking, creativity, initiative and professional skills necessary for life in

the new century.

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Strengthening capacities for creation, improving the status of education and culture in

the XXI century - a complex and important task that predicts the following perspectives:

– Communication arts education with modern social problems of society;

– Increase public awareness and explain the value and social value of art and art-teacher


– Creating a demand for art education and qualified teachers of art for the modern

education system;

– Unique training ofart teacherst;

– Strengthen and expand research in the field of art education and creative exchange of

knowledge at an international level.

So, it is important to draw conclusions on the issues presented.

1. Assessment of the arts education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– The main issue is the lack of concern in the Republic Concept art education integrated

program of art education, which does not provide the public and the social and public

importance of art education.

– Poor communication between creative unions, workers of culture and art, and his own

artistic and teaching institutions.

2. Possible ways of improving the quality of art education and support creativity

– The art and graphics, professional and artistic faculties should start training in world

culture, art culture of Kazakhstan (bachelor of fine arts and world culture), i.e plan to open

double-degree education programs.

3. Recommendations on cultural policies, strategies and practices that improve arts

education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– Give priority to the development of understanding and appreciation of arts education

a significant contribution to the creative potential of society.

– Turn on arts education in the legislation of Kazakhstan.

– To promote research in the field of art education, the state budget to fund research in

this area.

– Involve for complex studies by highly qualified and competent professionals on art

education from different regions of the country.

– Encourage the creation and distribution of popular textbooks on world culture,

history, arts of Kazakhstan in the school and higher education, to give them the status of

national importance, in particular, musicology, description and analysis of works of art.


1. Shcherbakovа A.I., 2011. Art education in the socio-cultural context of our time: some

aspects of cultural analysis: www.art-education.ru

2. Sabeleva O.V., 2008. Implementing of cultural individual potential in art education:


3. State Standard (Primary education.Basic secondary. Secondary Education. Basics), 2008,

рр: 35.

4. Kulmanova S.B., 2006. Art culture. World artistic culture: Curricilum. The main stage.

Project, pp: 13 -18.

5. The concept of ethno-cultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1996, July 15,

Kazakstanskaya Pravda, pp: 7.

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6. Bolatbaev K., Kosbarmakov E., Erkebaeva A., 2003. Art: an experimental textbook for

11th grade secondary schools. Almaty, Publishing House "Mektep", pp: 272.

7. Zolotarevа L.R., 2012. Cultural foundations of poliart education, Saarbrücken, Germany:

LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp: 510.

8. Zolotarevа L.R., 2011. Teacher arts. Almaty, Bilim, pp: 395.

9. Site of the UNESCO Observatory on intercultural creative learning: www. almoca.kz

10. Road Map for Arts Education, Lisbon, 6-9 March 2006. World Conference on Arts

Education: Building Creative Capacities for the XXI Century: www.portal.unesco.org

11. Kagan M.S., 2003. System-synergetic approach to the construction of modern

educational theory. Synergetic Paradigm: Man and society in conditions of instability:


12. Dianova V.M., 1999. Artistic and scientific exploration of the world: the current

condition of the problem. Aesthetics today: status and prospects. Proceedings of the conference,

St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, рр: 33-35.

13. Melik-Pashayev А.А., 2008. On the status and potential of art education, Art in the

school, 1 (12): 1-7.

14. Efremov I., 2009. What an eye you look through the viewfinder?


15. Second World Conference on Arts Education. The Seoul Agenda: "The objectives of

arts education." Seoul, 25-28 May 2010, www.unesco.org.

16. Sobkin S., Levin V.A., 1988. Аrt education and aesthetic education: problems and

prospects, Moscow: INEC "School": pр: 28.

17. Art education of Kazakhstan: understanding of national traditions and the approchement

of cultures", 2010, http://www.unesco.org.

Begaliyeva S.B.



Introduction. Modern trends in social, economic, spiritual, moral and cultural life of

the Republic of Kazakhstan, its entry into the world of civilized states demands from

young people independent, creative and intellectual activity.

In the market of labor and competitiveness the school should build students' need for

constant replenishment, updating knowledge, and teach them to independently acquire


At the same time, despite the updated content, forms and methods of education in

recent years, reproducing, reproductive type of training still prevail in many schools

(playback of teacher presentation, text, textbook, solving problems by analogy). This

situation still occurs even in the universities. Life requires a different type of training as

well, which would be based on a creative cognitive activity of pupils, understood as

transformative, productive as opposed to learning on the model and copying of the installed


The main part. The problem of finding methods to enhance the learning of

independent cognitive activity of students goes back to centuries. The ancient Greek

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philosopher Socrates while working with young people used heuristic conversation, during

which the students themselves were seeking answers to questions.

Classics of pedagogical science (XVII-XIX centuries) Ya.A.Komensky, I.G.Pestalotstsi,

J.Rousseau, A.Diesterweg, K.Ushinskiy and others think that the main task of the teacher

to teach students to think independently, attach to the research finding. They initiated

creating a didactic developmental education. Diesterweg wrote that “a bad teacher tells the

truth, a good teacher teaches students how to find it”.

Kazakh enlighteners Abai Kunanbaev, I.Altynsarin, public figures, writers, and teachers

A.Baitursynov, M.Zhumabayev, A.Aymauytov, who were later political prisoners and

others also called for the development of creativity, independent thought of students in

their writings and practices.

Soviet didactics and psychologists (B.P.Esipov, P.Ya.Galperin, L.V.Zankov,

V.V.Davydov, M.N.Skatkin, I.J.Lerner, R.G.Lemberg, L.S.Vygotsky and others) made a

notable contribution to the theory and practice of developmental education.

Methodological study of the transformative and creative nature of the training is given

by the theory of knowledge. The process of knowledge is not a mirror image of objects,

facts and phenomena of reality in the mind. Images of the world in the human mind are the

result of converting the reflection, which includes creative activities. In this connection we

should seek means for students’ research activities.

The well-known formula of the theory of knowledge says about dialectical path of

knowledge of the truth and objective reality, which runs through the living contemplation

to abstract thought and from it to practice. The formula prescribes also examine how to

transfer the facts to concept, a system of concepts and realizing them in practice, with

which students are introduced initially.

Philosophical, psychological, pedagogical science by now accumulated a vast fund of

knowledge on the problem of enhancing the cognitive activity of students. This knowledge

in pedagogy is called “approach”, although many of them took shape in theory.

First of all, in search of methodological guidelines for studying our research subject,

you need to focus on learner-centered approach.

The origins of learner-centered approach in teaching and educating children are in

humanistic psychology. Humanistic psychology and pedagogy respectively relate their

research, recommendations with the student's personality and individuality. Unlike

behaviorist direction, which also focuses on the development of personality, tying its

technological solution to the biological nature of man, the humanists emphasize the

uniqueness of the person (student and teacher).

The most prominent representative of the humanistic direction Carl Rogers marked

such human characteristics of a person in determining the personal approach:

– “the individual is at the center of an ever-changing world. His own world of

perception of reality is important to him; this private world cannot be fully known by

anyone outside;

– a person relates to the world through the prism of his own perception and


– a person tend to self-knowledge and self-realization, the person has an internal need

for self-improvement;

– mutual understanding which is so necessary for human development, is based on the

interaction with the environment, with other people” [1, p.32].

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External evaluation is very important for man, for his self-knowledge, which is

achieved as a result of direct or hidden contacts.

Many views of K.Rogers formed the basis of learner-centered pedagogy. About the

need to take into account the individual characteristics of children in the learning process

wrote most famous Soviet psychologists such as L.S.Vygotsky, who advanced the theory

of the zone of proximal development of the child, P.Y.Halperin – the theory of the gradual

formation of mental actions, A.A.Leontiev – psychology of communication and others.

Soviet psychologists, adhering to a common methodological basis: the materialist

conception of the human person, proved a set of principles that facilitate the disclosure of a

learner-centered approach. These include the principles of determinism, consistency and

integrity, development, unity of consciousness and activity, consciousness and

communication, personal principle. These principles fully developed in the work of

B.F.Lomov, V.N.Myasishchev, A.V.Petrovsky, etc.

The principle of determinism with respect to the individual is focused not only on the

idea of causality as a set of circumstances that influence on its formation, but also to the

characteristics of the individual as the activity and directionality. Thus, determinism is

treated not only as a means of action from the outside, but also through the internal

conditions (the needs, motives of student).

The principle of developing the theory of personality suggests to regard the person as a

system and the unity of mental processes and other entities, in which the most important is

the relationship to the people and the world, knowledge, etc., and to present it in a dynamic

form. Principle of systems suggests that personality is part of the social entire: community,

society in which he lives.

Systemically important principle in the psychological theory of personality is a

principle of activity. In this process of development, learning a subject-object-subject

connection comes in the unity as the two sides of the same system.

In accordance with these principles, scientists, psychologists are building concept of

models of personality. Personality is a holistic and systematic education. Therefore, in

consideration of the phenomenon of individual, systematic and structural approach acts as


Review of methodological principles was taken as a basis for learner-centered

education. But in the predominance of pedagogical science and practice of an authoritarian

style and traditional class-lesson system it was impossible to implement these ideas in

relation to each student.

Democratic changes, a new socio-economic situation in the society demanded

modernization and renewal of education. The tendency to renew education include gradual

refuse to pass the students “ready knowledge” and intensify independent culture creating

function of education and its openness to innovation, due to the rapidly changing social

environment, with a planetary ecological situation. In education, as in other fields of

manufacture, new technologies, different concepts and projects that focus on the

development of each individual student are used. “Education, becoming a central

phenomenon of culture, increasingly focuses on the consolidation of the essential and

personal origin in man” [2, p.3].

Personal approach to education, as V.V.Serikov marks, which was proclaimed the

leading trend of modern educational theory and practice, does not have unambiguous

understanding in today's pedagogical consciousness. The author identifies several

interpretations of learner-centered education:

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– “on the level of the ordinary, the most common pedagogical consciousness is

understood as the ethical and humane principles of communication teachers and pupils;

– as a principle of synthesis of directing educational activities around its main goal – a


– as an explanatory principle, revealing the mechanisms of personal transformation in

the educational process, pedagogically only to that extent how it works for this purpose;

– as the principle of individual freedom in the educational process in terms of selection

of the priorities of educational “route”, the formation of their own, personal perception

examining the contents (personal experience);

– as education of the individual, “with specified properties” (as interpreted personal

approach in Soviet pedagogy);

– as a priority of identity in education, in the sense of an alternative collective-levels


– personal approach associated with the notion of the integrity of the pedagogical

process. Focusing on person allows overcoming functionalism and prescription in the

construction of the educational system;

– personal approach can be regarded as the construction of a special kind of educational

process (with specific objectives, content, technology), which focuses on the development

and self-development of their own personal properties of the individual” [3, p.15-16].

In each of the treatments laid some positive thoughts, the model of pedagogical activity.

Therefore, learner-centered approach, just like the person, is a complex, multidimensional

process that does not exclude specific concepts of education, which can examine individual

aspects of the poly paradigmatic problem. It is important to preserve the essential setup, the

main criterion, which consists of personal relevance (whole, free) student manifestations of

life in all situations of pedagogical process.

The modern interpretation of learner-centered education focuses on the development of

potential capability of students and on their free expression. “Learner - centered education

is not only the formation of personality with desired properties, but creating conditions for

the full manifestation and therefore development of students’ personal functions” [3, p.22].

Thus, V.V.Serikov marks; there is a clearly contradiction between the social and ethical

necessity and freedom of development (“social order” of society and free education). In

this respect, the existing “standards” of education sometimes contradict the paradigm of

personal development as a person by nature abhors predetermination. The task of teachers

is to work together with students to construct such educational content that takes into

account both parties. Orientation for teachers is existing curricula, which stand out state

educational standard and elective component.

In the development of specific programs of educational content (both required and

elective) must be pursued not transfer students a certain amount of knowledge and skills

(“knowledge pedagogy”, and that even exists in schools), and the goal “to be a person”, i.e.

learn to be an experienced person, thus be prepared to enter into an independent working

life in which they have to perform a variety of functions. To resolve these vital functions

students should be prepared in the educational institutions.

The main functions of a learner-centered learning are as follows:

– “election (choice of values and way of life);

– mediated (in relation to external influences and internal moments of conduct);

– critical (to the proposed external values and norms);

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– the function of self-will in achieving goals;

– reflexive, content creating, orienting (creating personal picture of the world – system

of the meaning);

– the function of responsibility for decisions, ensuring the autonomy and stability of the

inner world, creative transformation, self-actualization (the desire for recognition of their

image of “I” by others);

– provide a level of spirituality in accordance with the claims (prevention of reduction

of life to utilitarian purposes)” [3, p.22].

The construction of the content of education in accordance with these functions is said

in many didactic concepts. I.J.Lerner, M.N.Skatkin include experience of emotional and

value attitude to the world into educational content (along with the knowledge of nature,

society, man, studies on model experience and creative activity), V.S.Lednev includes

experience in value-oriented activities [3]. We must recognize that emotional values

component of educational content is least developed in procedural and methodological

plans. In this respect, the present trend of development and implementation of new

educational technologies are as relevant as never. Learner-centered education cannot be

represented in the usual, traditional software-instructional form (i.e. topic of discipline and

their contents); it cannot be separated from the procedural form. Personal experience can

only be acquired by students through the subject-subject relations, training and

construction of life situations, problems, conflicts, requiring a comparison value to other

values; dialogues involving the search for meaning of the studied material; imitation of life

experiences, role playing, allowing to test this value in action and communicating with

other people, etc.

The main procedural characteristic of learner-centered education is a learning situation,

the leading component of the educational process, which updates the personal functions of

trainees. Construction of such a situation may consist of three basic technologies:

representation of the elements of educational content in the form of multi-level student-

centered objectives, learning content in a dialogue to ensure communication of subject,

reflection, self-realization of personal functions in an internal conflict, competitions. So,

one of the leading options for student-centered education can be represented as a triad:

task-dialogue-game [3, p.25]. Obviously, other procedural options can be developed in

practice [3].

Thus, learner-oriented education in contrast to the traditional “knowledge-orientation”

has the following pattern:

– “If in the construction of traditional teaching the subject of the project activity is a

fragment of the content of the training and the means of learning (what to know, be able to

and how to do this), then the student-centered education is the subject of the design is not a

fragment of the material, but the event in the life of the individual, giving it a holistic

experience in which knowledge - part of it;

– designing training is a joint activity of teacher and student. The dialogue here is not a

planned situation in the classroom, but is a way of life of subjects in education (teacher and

student, teacher-student);

– blurred the line between basic substantive and procedural aspects of learning: process

(dialogue, search, game) becomes a source of personal experience;

– training loses its traditional features of artificiality and external regulation and

approaches to the natural life of the learner;

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– respectively, the interaction of the participants of the study loses formality and

functionalism and acquires features of interpersonal, inter subjective communication. The

teacher does not appear as a functionary, not even as an organizer but as a person, as his

personal inner peace and professionalism becomes part of the content of education;

– examined text as a piece of purchased culture absorbed through the context of “I”,

i.e., personal experience” [3, p.33-34].

Thus, the transition to a learner-centered education is linked to decision fusion of

knowledge-standardized or person-variable components of education, with the union of

content and educational technologies. The basis of this synthesis should be equal partners -

participants of the educational process (teachers and students).

The foregoing provisions of learner-centered education require appropriate

methodological support, which are following the didactic system that reflects a holistic

educational process: goal setting, content (course material), forms and methods, technology

for teaching and cognitive activity of students. This system also includes the subjects of the

educational process: students and teachers, indirectly, parents, librarians and other school

staff [4].

The backbone component of the system is a goal setting (at various levels of the

educational process: the school as a whole, the subject, each student).

The wording of learner-centered educational purposes is very difficult. Let us mention

some positive approaches:

1. First of all, there is no point in sharing educational and educational purposes. It is

one, as a person. Personal characteristics - are the same skills and knowledge acquired in

school, but with a special personal meaning, importance in the regulation of human

behavior. Building ready for anything, attitudes, beliefs, values preceded by assimilation of

relevant knowledge, skills, and the accumulation of experience. If there is no knowledge

there is no opinion about them, beliefs and behavior. To have knowledge of personal

meaning, it is necessary to solve value-oriented component of educational content in the

learning process.

2. Goal-setting in terms of learner-centered education should be of a higher order.

Learner-centered education should liaise with all objective reality, and not just the so-

called “society”. “Man is the universal object, a piece of the infinite nature, but because of

its nature and the real wealth, the wealth of relationships in all reality, including, of course,

a system of social relations” (V.L.Akulov). These relationships of personality can be

formed with science education. Therefore, physical and mathematical and natural objects

should also be humanized and focused on the individual. It should be noted that the

scientific knowledge acquired “personally” in the end is the knowledge of him. Because of

this, self-learning grows many times.

3. The basis of the objectives of a learner-centered education should put integrated

guidelines that express the enduring universal properties of the individual - the

responsibility for their actions, respect for elders, a desire to help younger, optimism and

love of life, creative approach, ability to overcome them and achieve the goal, etc. In the

new social and economic circumstances, it is necessary to nurture entrepreneurship, but

closely related to moral values.

Thus, the main function of the content of learner-centered education is to provide a

coherent orientation in the world from the perspective of human rights.

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During the course of mastering the content of education effective relationships should

be realized, as “knowledge about the relationship of people to the world and to each other

does not replace the relationship itself” (V.S. Shubinsky).

The procedural aspect of training in his personal orientation is expressed in the change

of the motivation of learning and application of knowledge. That is acquired knowledge

must find a way to practice self-affirmation through individual student.

In the process-based learning methodology, as well as in the content humanistic aspects

must be included. First of all, the students in the educational process should be the subjects

of the activities in the organization of which democratic attitudes of teachers and students,

students with each other shall be designed, i.e., “pedagogy of cooperation” should be


Set out theoretical basis of learner-centered approach to learning include students in all

educational institutions, including those in high school.

1. Guy R. Lefrancois, 1991. Psychology For Teaching. Wadsworth Publishing

Company, pp: 187.

2. Lednev V.S., 1989.The content of education: the manual. Publisher MGAU, pp: 360

3. Serikov V.V., 1999. Education and identity. The theory and practice of designing

educational systems, Logos Corporation, pp: 272.

4. Trigubova N.N., 1972. Aesthetic impact on the formation of the social activity of

students: M. S. thesis, Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Instit.

Kulekenova Zh.G.



Introduction. The problems of first language development in children’s speech is still

of great interest and need some deeper considerations. In this connection we suggest some

idea of the ways how the young children acquire their native language, what stages they

pass to learn the grammar structure of their language. It is quite obvious that every child

acquires the grammar of his language in his own way, i. e., he creates his own system of

rules and concepts. To acquire the grammar of his native language the child needs to

understand the social and physical concepts, he must process, organize and keep the

language information which is transferred by means of language. It can be said that the

cognitive development of grammar is connected both with meaning and the form of

meaning. The first grammar categories include actions, agents, results, conditions, places,

etc. and these categories play special at the early stages of language acquisition. By means

of examples we try to show how the correspondence between the grammar category of case

and the structure of action, produced by a child and an adult help the child to learn

grammar. At first the child learns to make the conceptual differentiations of case forms and

then having acquired the peculiarities of profitable position of elements he starts to

substitute the elements which point to these differences. At an early stage the context

seems to be enough because it helps to understand the grammatically not full sentence

clear. As the time passes due to substitution of one element by other signals the sentences

are becoming more understandable without the context. What is really universal is a

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human’s action at an early stage which coincides with the universal case categories. It is a

child’s success in producing actions leads him to acquiring the language. The acquisition of

meaning, effectiveness and success in achieving the aim leads a child to acquire the

conceptual structure and the language. The first child’s words are of communicative

meaning and are characterized as one-word utterances, where some grammatical elements

can be understood by the communicative situation and the meaning of such sentences is

changed in accordance with the situation [1]. For example, in Kazakh child’s speech the

meaning of the following one – word utterance Ber - can be understood as: 1) give me my

toy; 1) give me something to eat or drink, depending on the situation this word has been

used. As soon as the child starts to connect two words the two – word utterance period

begins, but the situation is still important to get the meaning of it. For example, in Kazakh

child’s speech the meaning of the following two – word utterance Mama dariger – may

mean 1) my mother went to the hospital, or 2) my mother took me to the hospital. When

the child begins to connect three and more words it becomes clear that the sentences are

not created by means of spontaneous connection.

Main part. Acquiring the native language a child finds out the syntactical structures of

the language which transfer certain semantic relations. In the process of native language

acquisition a child faces the necessity to put questions and give negative sentences

depending on communicative situations he occurs and this makes a child to look for

corresponding language means, i.e., he shows his language knowledge through creating a

number of different grammars, systems till he doesn’t learn to make correct sentences he

needs [2].

To acquire the language a child has to understand adults’ speech and to express his own

desire and intentions. It means that a child develops in two directions: cognitive and

language development. This way the inner structures, which help to assimilate and

correlate the language and non-language means and express intentions in the form of

utterances, are developed. The more new and complicated communicative utterances

appear in child’s speech, the more new means appear to distinguish the meaning of these

intentions in speech, i.e., the new means are developed to express new intentions. Here we

can say that the child’s cognitive development creates conditions to the development of

language means to express child’s intentions, that is why a child could learn the language

forms long before he acquires their meanings. If the stages of cognitive development are

universal, then the speed and the sequence of developing semantic relations, expressed by

means of language which are constant, independent on expressing the given semantic

relations are universal [3]. This tenet is of psycholinguistic universals. Starting to acquire

his native language a child gradually constructs his own system of language. According to

Leontyev “a child forms a psycho-physiological organization step by step, which having

achieved the highest level of formation correlated in the system of language and can be

described with the help of additional models” [3].

The cognitive prerequisites, which are connected with the knowledge and form of

utterance, are on the basis of acquiring the grammar of the language. It means that to

acquire the grammar a child should be able first, to understand the information about real

things and events, secondly, to built and remember language information. That is why

those language forms appear in child’s speech, which expresses meanings corresponding to

his cognitive development which outstrips his language development. A child must

constantly acquire new language means to express his inner intentions. Thus, we can

conclude that a child’s cognitive activity is the basis of native grammar acquisition,

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whereas the cognitive meaning is the basis of acquiring grammar categories of the native

language. In acquiring the grammar structure of the native language a child passes through

the stages of generalization and development of dynamic stereotypes. For example, the

English children generalize the use of past forms of verbs, Russian children generalize the

use of dative case which appear in their speech at about 2.0 (two years) [3]. In the speech

of a Kazakh child at the age of 2.0 – 2.1 (two years and one month) dative case appears

with the ending of – men, eg. Papa-men, apa-men, ata-men, autobus-men. A child

generalizes the ending – men of the dative case which also has the endings – ben and –

pen. By the age 2.3 (two years and three months) a child can differentiate these endings

(stereotypes) producing the correct words and forms of words, eg. Pistalet-pen, dop-pen,

kol-men, autobus-pen, aga-men.

It is important to note that a child begins to allot the separate morphemes in a word at

the period of “paradigmatic grammar” which is characterized by the type of declension or

conjugation, i.e. by developing the morphologically divided words in child’s speech.

According to A.M.Shahnorovitch’s investigation, the division of separate morphemes in a

word points to the fact that in child’s mind the definite sound complexes (morphemes) are

combined with some real meanings [4].

The greatest moment in overall child’s development is in combination of the process of

formation the child’s language capacity with his practical activity which is expressed in

playing. Playing activity is the basic activity on which the process of generalization and a

child’s image of object and language activity are carried out [5]. The division of

morphemes occurs at certain stage of developing the object and language activity and is

determined not only by language situations but also by certain experience of object or

playing activity. The more a child involves into playing activity the more he perceives the

changes happened with objects, ties and relations between them.

The process of acquiring the grammar forms by a child is not only in creating speech

utterances, but also in the fact that he “divides” them into morphological elements. This

process helps him not only to reproduce ready pattern in his speech but produce his own

speech too. The generalization stage, which we have mentioned above, does not influence

on remembering the ready forms of parts of speech at the age of 2.0 and the development

of child’s grammar is connected with the development of his vocabulary [1].

In acquiring the grammar meanings a child relies on those real relations which he can

observe in the language. The experiments show that at first a child begins to express

connections between action and object, eg. Ayak aua, kol tondy,men bet zhu-zhu, ayu ber,

top-top ki, etc., and then he develops the case stereotypes in using endings, eg. Men ata-

men zhatam. Pistaet-pen oinam. Aga zhumyska. Men atana balam. Ata bolnitsana ketty.

The differentiation of cases begins very early, at about 2.0 years, but at first instead of

genitive case a child uses nominative case. Further a child does not exchange one case by

the other, but he may do such exchanges within one case. This kind of exchange shows that

the case endings are the markers of quite different grammatical relations and in their

generalization quite different stereotypes occur. And within one case the exchange of

endings is possible as it happens in the frames of one stereotype, in the frames of this

generalization and does not change the relation in general.

The development of grammatical structure of a child is realized through complication

and differentiation of meaning: the general categories are acquired first, and then private

categories, which are included into broader ones. The investigations of development of a

child’s speech were resulted in the fact that a verb and a noun are those parts of speech

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which appear in a child’s speech together. If in linguistic aspect the simultaneity of

developing grammar categories at first periods is limited to noun and verb, and other parts

of speech like adjective appears later, then in psychological aspect the simultaneity of

developing grammar categories is not limited to these two categories. For example, the

later appearance of adjective in a child’s speech does not mean the absence of the concept

of object quality. An adverb as a part of speech expressing quality appears together with

noun and verb, eg. Tez kel. Zhumyska barma. Ayu zhaman.

A child needs to be understood independent on communicative situation, which means

not only objects in general, but also different qualities of these objects, and it leads him to

the necessity of acquiring different syntactical sentence structures. The transfer of a child

from one – word utterances to two- and more word utterances is not a mechanical process

of adding two and more words in a sentence. It is a quantitative transformation of a child’s

means of communication. That is why the process of transferring from one word to the

combination of words lasts 5-6 months and even more.

When we deal with grammatically disconnected combinations of nouns and adjectives

it means that a child’s mind overcomes nominal forms of thinking and divides the objects

into separate parts, trying to order them, making correct sentences. Though such ordering

of an object and its qualities still may have the nominal character of thinking, it gives more

possibilities to express relations between these objects. These relations have the correct

speech form when a child changes from simple grammatically incoherent word com-

binations to grammatically correct sentences with a noun, verb, object, adjective in their

correct places in a sentence, i.e., we deal with the fact that a child acquires the morphology

of language [6]. At this period comparing the qualities of an object a child acquires an

ability to fix two or three qualities of an object from the first site and speak on it.

Conclusion. In conclusion we can state that all children determine the form and the

function of the language the same way. In all languages speech consists in expressions

fulfilling some universal, communicative functions like statement, interrogation, request,

order, etc., expressing universal semantic relations and use formal means.

Results. A child determines the meaning of the language the same way as an adult, the

language is used to express his image about the environment, his surrounding; he cannot

use the language form until he does not realize what it means. A child is an active,

constructive learner of language who constantly and unconsciously makes analysis of

language phenomena.

References: 1. Leontyev A.A., 1965. The word in speech activity: some problems. Theory of speech

activity. – Moscow: “Science”, p.99.

2. Sokhin F.A.,1959.The formation of language in the process of speech development.

“Problems of psychology” №5.

3. Gvozdev A.N., 1949. The formation of Russian language grammar in children’s speech.

Moscow. p.31.

4. Shakhnorovitch A.M. Kubryakova E.S., Saharnyi L.V., 1961. A human factor in the

language. Language and thinking. Moscow: Science.

5. Zaharova A.Z., 1958. Acquisition of grammar forms by preschool children. Moscow:


6. Ayapova T.T. 1988. Dissertation work for candidate of philological sciences “The

semantic development of children’s speech”. Alma-Ata.

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Mukasheva A.S., Askarova S.A.



The expansion of international contacts and cooperation at all levels the integration

policy of Kazakhstan into the European space sets a task of plural-linguism for the modern

institution of higher education, i.e. organization of higher education at the level in which a

student has the opportunity to learn not one, but two or three foreign languages. In these

circumstances, there is a social need for Multilingual Education as many members of

society and the need for analysis and synthesis with the experience gained.

Due to the fact that English is often studied in universities of Kazakhstan and the most

popular language, as a second foreign language French, German and Spanish are taught.

There are unified basic theoretical positions and the general rules of teaching French on

the basis of English which are necessary to achieve the educational process. One of the

main demands is implementation of comparative (contrastive) approach [1].

It is necessary to note about the need to take advantage of the interaction between the

native and foreign language which occurs in the Multilingual Studies. Students experience

in the study of the native language and FL1 (foreign language 1) provides an opportunity to

have a positive transference of acquired knowledge and skills in the area of teaching FL2

(foreign language 2). This transfer is possible, first of all, at the learning skills: students use

already known instructional strategies in the study of FL2 including compensatory

techniques allowing avoiding difficulties. Their development is very important for teaching

FL2 [2]. The sphere for comparative analysis is socio-cultural information: socio-cultural

behavioral skills can be the subject of transfer in the area FL2.

Due to the fact that the transfer mechanism during the learning a foreign language

requires action on comparing and ordering, the association ability and the teacher function

becomes important in the transfer management. Lack of awareness of workflow and

language material can lead to errors, particularly in the case of differences in the language

system; hence the strategy should be created for introducing the linguistic phenomenon and

its training:

– Spontaneous intuitive transfer (transfer that occurs without specific teacher

explanations aimed at the realization of similar or different phenomena in the two


– Controlled transfer (transfer providing an indication to correlate events, and the

creation of appropriate indicative basis). This type of transfer is possible in such cases

when there are mechanisms in the basic language which are necessary for learning similar

phenomena in the target language but spontaneous transfer does not occur. In this case, the

orienting basis of action in which a student, first of all, forms an idea of the action

deliberately comparing differences in the first and second foreign languages of support

similar phenomena, and then he demonstrates his speech;

– Managing transfer with the partial orienting basis, if the transfer is made after the

creation of partial orienting basis in the student’s speech [3].

Thus, teaching the second FL is based on consciously cognitive basis using comparative

approach, which is implemented in encouraging students to compare and contrast the

linguistic facts, identify similarities and differences between them to prevent interference

or realization of positive transference.

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Despite the fact that the French, English and Russian languages refer to different

language groups, they belong to the Indo-European languages, which explains the large

number of similar phenomena, but it does not exclude differences at the somatic level [4].

The positive transfer from English into French is observed in vocabulary because most

English words borrowed from French and Latin. On the other hand, over the last decade a

significant number of English penetrated into the French, especially in the economic,

technical terminology and everyday items. A large number of international common root

words makes easy to memorize, understand in both written and oral speech in French,

promotes insight into the meaning of unfamiliar words that are similar to the corresponding

English words, thus adding a potential vocabulary of students and facilitating learning

receptive kinds of speech activity, especially in reading.

nation–nation–нация, réligion–religion–религия

armée–army–армия, sport–sport–спорт

However, the recognition of common root words in oral speech (when listening) is not

as simple as reading, because, as you know, they are pronounced differently in the English

and French languages. Therefore, the mechanism formation for the recognition of common

root words in speech need special exercises, first with the visual support, then without. In

introduction of new lexical items should pay special attention to the pronunciation of

common root words because in the pronunciation of these words are most interference

influence of the first foreign language (for example, the transfer of the stress on the first

syllable, reading the letter g as [ds]).

Village – village

Justice – justice

Prison – prison

Capitaine – captain

As to the formation of articulation base and pronunciation skills from the first lesson

should pay attention to the pronunciation because it is most exposed to the interfering

effects of already formed phonetic skills in the first language (e.g., tense utterance sound

[u], pronouncing the sound [y] preceded by a semi-vowel [j] as in English, the

pronunciation of consonants [d], [t] with aspiration). Thorough training throughout the

training course is also required for teaching intonation, especially narrative, interrogative

sentence, intonation transfer. Despite the general concepts (rising, falling), the intonation

in English and French is differed with melodic patterns. It is strongly recommended to

explain to students the concept of rhythm and system, rhythmic emphasis, articulation of

speech flow binding, coupling and to pay attention to the rise and fall of the tone at the end

of the rhythmic group, not every significant word [5].

The negative impact of the first foreign language reflects in the formation of spelling

skills, it is more about the words that are similar in English and French. There are the

following errors: omission of “e” at the end of words, writing “y” instead of “i”, omission

of “u” in words ending in-geur,-teur [6].

In grammar also exists a number of analogies that do not require the formation of the

concept of phenomena such as the formation of plural nouns with the ending-s, the concept

of the article, the presence of link-verb before the adjective-predicative, the concept of

regular and irregular verbs, forming complex times and tenses, the formation of the passive

voice, the concept of a fixed order of words in a sentence, the inversion. Thus, in teaching

a second foreign language is not required hard work for the formation students

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understanding of the categories that are not in their native language. However, even in the

general categories of the first and second foreign languages there are some differences that

are important to pay the students' attention from the start. There were similarities in the

languages contributes to the overall transfer phenomena of the first foreign language to

similar phenomena of a second foreign language, which causes errors: for example, the

rules of use of the definite and indefinite article in the English and French languages are

basically the same, but in English in front of a noun preceded by a adjective is usually used

the definite article, and in French, with a few exceptions - the indefinite article [7].

Another example, in English in conditional sentences after the conjunction if, when the

future simple is not used whereas in the French this rule is observed only after the

conjunction si. In this regard, we can see that the future tense is not used after the

conjunction quand: Quand je suis libre, je viendrai chez toi. However, this transfer from

English is only possible if the high skill level of formation use this phenomenon in the first

FL because this phenomenon is not the same as in Russian. In this regard, the use of

intensive training with the subordinate clause si in French can also contribute to the

consolidation of this skill in the English language. It is necessary to pay special attention to

the difference in the use of Imparfait/Passé composé and Present perfect/Past indefinite in

the teaching of French grammar as a second language because they do not have the exact

match. Thus, despite the common categories, a number of matches in the conceptual

sphere, training grammatical phenomena of a second foreign language is not to be less

intense than in the first language [8].

The following chart shows the most likely possibility of positive transfer and

interference for a number of grammatical phenomena included in the basic minimum.

As a result, the main approach in teaching a second foreign language is comparative

approach based on the conscious, which certainly is an intensification of the teaching

process; development of students’ sense of the language in the second and the first foreign


There are great opportunities for positive transfer and intensification of French teaching

based on English. However, it should be noted the important pattern identified in the

practice process of French teaching as a second foreign language. The comparative

approach, remaining one of the fundamental principles of teaching a second foreign

language throughout the French training course, plays an important role. With the

development of skills in a second foreign language and the increase in the volume of

assimilated language material is a constant decrease of the influence of FL1 on FL2. Over

time, students become aware of the internal laws of the construction of the French

language, the “sense of language” is formed. The influence of first language is not leveled,

need in stages of mediation through FL1 is not decreased. For example, in vocabulary

teaching in the advanced levels students remember and use new words, not only by the

formal similarity with the words of the first foreign language as by associative links,

identification with the already known in the second foreign language. Although, it is still

possible as a positive transference and interference, for example, due to different amounts

of the word meanings in different languages.

A comparative approach in the study of the second foreign language creates the

conditions for the intensification of the teaching process, in order to achieve effectiveness,

helps to work on the first foreign language.

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References: 1. Baryshnikov N.V. Methods learning the second foreign language at school. – M.:

Education, 2003.

2. Bim I.L., Bim I.L., Teaching concept of the second FL (German-based on English). –

Obninsk: Ed. Title, 2001.

3. Zhinkin N.I., Mechanisms of speech. - M.,1958. Articles

4. Grigorieva E.Y., Theory and practice of teaching the French language as a second foreign

language (the Program). - Moscow: APKiPRO, 2000.

5. Schepilova A. Implementing the comparative approach in teaching French as a second

foreign language (based on English) IYASH number 2, 2000.

6. Xiguang M. McKee UF Education and bilingualism. Hardcover. from French. -M.:

Pedagogy, 1990.

7. Briggs L. Goodman-Stephens B.Rogers P.Route Nationale # 1, # 2.1995

8. McNab R. Crossland D. Avantage, Heinemann, 1995.

Sakypbekova M. Zh., Nessipbayeva Z.S.


Introduction. The first impact of any language comes from the spoken word. The basis

of all languages is sound.

Words are merely combinations of sounds. It is in these sound sequences that the ideas

are contained.

Wrong pronunciation often leads to misunderstanding. For example, when a speaker or

a reader replaces one phoneme with another he unintentionally uses quite a different word,

in this way altering the sense of what he wanted to say. For example, white instead of wide,

it instead of eat, pot instead of port, etc. Every teacher must understand how important the

teaching of correct pronunciation is.

Technique.Learners should study English literary pronunciation, which constitutes

Received Pronunciation. This is the language of radio, TV, theatres, universities and

schools. In our schools, we teach pupils literary pronunciation, which is characterized by:

a) сlear stress in all the rhythmic groups;

b) сlear pronunciation of the sounds, for example, give me and not gimme admitted by


c) typical abbreviations in auxiliary words: it's, won't, doesn't, can't etc [l].

The teacher, therefore, faces the following problems in teaching pupils English


1. the problem of discrimination; i.e., hearing the differences between phonemes,

which arenot distinguished or used in the Kazakh language and between falling, rising, and

level tones.

2. the problem of articulation, i.e., learning to make the motor movements adequate to

properproduction of English sounds;

3. theproblem of intonation, i.e., learning to make right stresses, pauses and use


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4. theproblem of integration, i.e., learning to assemble the phonemes of a connected

discourse(talk) with theproper allophonic variations (members of a phoneme) in the,

months, hard times [4].

The main part. Each sound is also contrasted with the foreign phonemes which

come close to it and with which it isoften confused. The contrast is brought out through

such minimal pairs as:

it - eat; spot - sport; wide -white; cut - cart; full - fool; boat - bought. The experience of

thesound contrast is reinforced audio-visually:

1. By showing the object which the contrasting words represent. For example, ship -

sheep.The teacher makesquick simple drawings of a ship and a sheep on the blackboard or

shows pictures of these objects.

2. By showing actions. For example, He is riding. - He is writing. Situational pictures

may behelp helpful ifthe teacher cannot make a sketch on the blackboard.

3. By using sound symbols [ae] - [e]; [6] - [Љ]. Phonetic symbols do not teach the

foreignsounds.They emphasize the difference in sounds and in this respect they are a

valuable help. To teach pupils howto pronounce a new language correctly in a conscious

way means to ensure that the pupil learns to put his organs of speech into a definite

positions required for the production of the speech sounds of this language [1].

As to intonation it should be taught mainly through imitation, though some explanations

and gestures in particular are helpful. For example, the teacher can show the riseof the

voice by moving his hand up and thefall by moving it down. He can also use thefollowing

symbols: for stress, for pause, for falling tone, forrising tone, and teach it.

Some general principles associated with the teaching of pronunciation:

1. In a pronunciation lesson, it is a good idea to get students listening before they


2. Teachers need to model pronunciation features clearly, before they ask students to


3. It helps students if you provide a white board model of the features that you have


4. Sometimes, it is a good idea to get learners to analyse the pronunciation of an

utterance in pairs.

5. Having heard or analysed a pronunciation feature, students need plenty of oral


6. Teachers need to give students plenty of feedback on their pronunciationL [6].

The secret of success is neither in theory nor in practice alone, but in practice infold

by theory.

More often than not, the teacher should begin a lesson with pronunciation drill. This

does not mean, however, that its place be strictly fixed [1]. The teacher may

turn to pronunciation drill whenever he wants to draw his pupils' attention to the phonic

aspect of the material they deal with and in this way teach pupils correct English

pronunciation. A few minutes at each lesson must be devoted to drilling the sounds that are

most difficult for learners.

The material used for pronunciation drill should be connected with the lesson pupils

study. These may be sounds, words, word combinations, phrases, sentences, rhymes,

poems, and dialogues. The material for a particular lesson depends on the stage of

teaching, pupils' progress in the language, their age, the objectives of the lesson, and other

factors. For example, pupils mispronounce words with [ou]. The teacher selects words

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with the sound and includes them in pronunciation drill: no, go, home, alone, don't. Don't

go home alone [5].

If pupils mispronounce words with [3], the following word and sentences could be

suggested for pronunciation drill: first, girl, word, work, worker, birthday, Thursday,

thirteen, thirteenth. My birthday is on Thursday, the thirteenth of May [2].

If pupils taught how to pronounce [ae] using the following sentence: A fat black cat sat

on mat [2].

Proverbs and some useful expressions can be used as material for pronunciation drills:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

After dinner, sit awhile, after supper walk a mile [5]. '

Dictation. One of the most useful general techniques for improving listening

comprehension is to dictate sentences containing the specific element the student is

working on. For example, if you are teaching students to recognize the vowels in peak

syllables, you could dictate a sentence like "Did you say cheese ortar. If the task is meant

to increase awareness of the extra syllable required by a final or /d/ sound,dictate a

sentence like "We visited several states and wanted to see even more" [4].

Conclusion. I use phonetic drills and some other exercises. Exercises should be simple,

accessible, fun and combine reception and production. Some pupils do feel embarrassed to

pull ridiculous faces when practicing vowel sounds (this may be personal or cultural or

both) but I have generally found that this soon passes and pupils enjoy the pronunciation

work. Where possible, exercises should be communicative in that they should and do

generate differences of opinion and disagreement about what was said/heard [4].

After having taught or exposed the pupils to long and short vowels through listening

and oral work, I checked recognition, retention and ability to discriminate in the following

way. This could also be used simply for teaching.

Stage 1:

I wrote a variety of words containing the target sounds (long and short vowels) on the

board. The following is just one possible set.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Here, the only difference in sound is that of the vowel - familiar to anyone who has

done minimal pair work. As in these examples, the word should begin and end with the

same consonant. 0, 3, 8, and 9, are long vowels and the rest are short.

Stage 2:

Then each word and individual repetition followed. The vowel sound can be isolated

and the procedure repeated until I was reasonably sure that there were no major problems. I

told the pupils that they were going to hear one of the words and had to write the number,

which corresponds to the word they heard. What the L pupils had written was then checked

and compared. This automatically leads into a discussion of what they twisty were

confusing. If a pupil heard 1 when the teacher said 9, they are confusing tyjjwhy the long

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vowel / i; /. The teacher gives feedback and the sounds may then be "modeled again and


Pronunciation is something that students need to experience rather than think about too

much. Teachers can help them do this by ensuring that they focus strongly on listening and

speaking skills in pronunciation lessons. Some written analysis is useful, but it should

always lead to productive practice [3].

Consider the following example sentences.


а) Jane said, "Is that Mister Fogg?"

b) Jane said, "Is that mist or fog?" Question: What was Jane talking about?

In sentence (a), Jane is asking about a person. In sentence (b), she is asking about

something altogether different, the weather. In terms of pronunciation, however, the only

difference between the two utterances is a melodic one[6].

The Findings. In learning English correct pronunciation is very important. Mostly

wrong pronunciation brings misunderstanding. When a speaker or a reader replaces one

phoneme with another he unintentionally uses quite a different word, in this way altering

the sense of what he wanted to say. For example, sheep - ship, pleasant - present, light -

right, pear - bear, mouse - mouth etc.

This type of exercise mimics the actual effect of a stress error. In pairs, Student A asks

question (a) or (b). Student B answers. There is immediate feedback if the question was

misunderstood. Question Answer:

а) What is in the dessert? Sugar.

b) What is in the desert? Sand.

с) Is it elementary? No, it is advanced.

d) Is it a lemon tree? No, it is an orange tree [4].

Only when pronunciation is correct, when all main phonic rules are strictly followed,

can one understand what one hears and clearly express one is thought in English.


1. Rogova G.V. Method of Teaching English. – М.: Moscoweducation, 1983.

2. Acton, W., 2002. Integrating verbal and nonverbal language enhances pronunciation.

TESOL PostConventionInstitute.

3. Dalton C. and B.Seidlhofer. 1994. Pronunciation. Oxford: OxfordUniversityPress.

4. Gilbert J., 2001. Clear speech from the start. New York: Cambridge University Kondo,

Y. 2001. Prosody-based approach to English pronunciation teaching. – Tsuda Review, No. 46


5. Rogerson P. and J. Gilbert., 1990. Speaking clearly: Pronunciation and listening

comprehension for learners of English. CambridgeUniversityPress.

6. Brown A. 1992. Twenty questions. In A. Brown, ed. Approaches to pronunciation

teaching. London: Macmillan 1-17.

7. Trubitsina O.I., 2003. Foreign Language Learning. – М.: Moscoweducationpp, 302.

8. Elizabeth, M.E.S., 2010, Methods Of Teaching English. DiscoveryPublishingHouse, pp:


9. Gali N.D.,2000. Modern methodsof teaching foreign languages.PublisherArctic-Gloss,

Moscow, pp: 120.

10. Poles O.G., English forSpecific Purposes: Theory and Practice:Study Guide2nd Edition.

– Moscow, 2003

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Khan N.N.




At the end of the XXth century the world entered its highest stage of the economical

development. There was a global transformation from “material” to “intellectual” economy

– “to economy based on knowledge” [1]. It is obvious from the fact that today in many

developed countries the two third of national wealth is created due to intellectual work [2].

The formation of intellectual nation – is one of strategic goals of modernization in

Kazakhstan in the XXIst century, the idea of which belongs to the President of the Republic

of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. It is a factor of economical wealthy, successful

international competitiveness, when the main source of development is becoming the

intellectual potential of a moral, creative person.

The intellectual potential of society – is its innovative abilities, the use of which allows

to solve the appeared problems, to introduce something new to historical process and by

this to create the prerequisites for moving the history forward [3].

Under the intellectual potential of an individual we understand the level and degree of

developing knowledge, skills, his beliefs and their realization in his practically- transferred

activity by means of unique decisions in the field of science, technique, technology and in

spiritual-moral sphere.

The main vectors of developing the intellectual potential of a nation are: qualified

education, informative revolution, spiritual education of youth [4]. That is why the system

of education, which is the base of intellectual resources of the country, takes the priority

place in Kazakhstan policy.

On the basis of what has been told before, in accordance with modern realia a school –

is an important social institution in the frames of which the intellectual potential of a future

representative of an intellectual nation is being developed and formed. Consequently, the

problem of training a teacher, capable to solve successfully the objectives of forming the

intellectually developed, spiritual-moral personality of a pupil is becoming actual.

Mental education, the development of intellectual abilities of learners always was a

significant task for a teacher. Nowadays, under the changed socio-cultural conditions in

Kazakhstan, on transforming to the 12th year model of teaching, the scientific-methodical

ideas and the search of renewed mechanisms of developing intellectual potential, spiritual-

moral sphere, the formed informative-communicative competence of subjects in

educational process are required.

In the context of said above, we believe that the following tenets are important in

training both future teachers and workers of educational field:

1. Intellectual potential of an individual is bio-social by its nature, as it is a system of

individual-psychological and personal resources of a man. That is why it is possible in

some degrees, to rule the process of his formation and development.

2. Intellect development occurs in different types of activities, but it happens more

intensively in the process of cognitive development of a pupil under the teaching

conditions. Consequently, the intellect development of an individual can become the

designed result of teaching.

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3. Intellectual potential is realized in the whole pedagogical process and other spheres

of activity by determining the aims, ways of its achievement, analysis, making decisions.

In any life situation the exposure of intellectual potential is characterized by definite

moral-ethic norms, valuable orientations, patterns of behavior, reflexes.

That is why, the process of forming the intellectual personality includes the

development in harmonic unity not only of intellectual abilities and intellectual qualities

but spiritual-moral sides of a person, his desire to self-studying, self-development, self-

perfection. Thus, we think that this process should be realized not only in the direction of

rationalization of thinking activity. It must be humane, humanistic.

4. The formation of intellectual potential of a person and its realization in practical

activity happens in different social communities, in new socio-cultural space. That is why

it is necessary to take into account the modern conditions of socialization, education in the

context of development the intellectual potential of a person [5].

The problems of education, as a ruled socialization, in every country, together with

general world tendencies, are considered in regard with its objectives and priorities.

Nowadays, a new educational-teaching situation is being formed in Kazakhstan. It is

characterized by increasing the ethnic content of education and teaching, account of rich

heritage of Kazakh people’s culture, peculiarities of ethnic communities’ culture living on

the territory of the country, the changes of religious situation, actuality of principle of

tolerance, civil-patriotic education. But nevertheless, such problems as decrease of spiritual

potential, weakening the educational role of the family, increasing number of young people

with deviant behaviour, social pessimism are still urgent.

All this requires the strengthening of educational function of teaching, renewal of its

content, technologies, and conditions of its realization. The President’s appeal “We must

bring up the Kazakhstanis of new formation as the basis of intellectual nation and change

Kazakhstan into the country with competitive human capital” is the guiding line [4].

This idea found its reflection in Kazakhstan’s legislative, normative documents and

materials. Besides, the strengthening of upbringing component of education is conditioned

by the fact that the main reason for Kazakhstani development and success as the poly-

ethnic state is the achievement and strengthening of National Unity. That is why today we

understand upbringing as national one, which is oriented to the solution of such problems

as the development of intellectual potential of a learner, the formation of national self-

study of an individual, expressed in humanism, civic spirit, patriotism, dignity, in the

culture of international communication, poly-culture.

In the given content national upbringing – is a pedagogically organized process of

interaction between teacher and learner, directed to the formation of intellectually

developed, spiritually-moral individuals of learners with the high level of national self-

study on the basis of national and common to all mankind values, citizen and a patriot of

the Republic of Kazakhstan [6].

Such kind of upbringing is necessary for a developing person in his active and

successful activity in the open poly- cultural and poly- lingual world. On the basis of such

approach we consider the national upbringing as the state objective, as an organic part of

developing the Kazakhstan society, connected with formation of new generation of

Kazakhstanis as intellectual potential of nation. The formation of intellectually developed

individual must be connected with the achievement of national educational ideal – of such

image of a pupil’s personality who, under the modern conditions, has a priority meaning

for the society.

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Thus, intellectually developed pupil’s personality is understood as upbringing ideal of a

person having a high level of intellectual abilities, developing his intellectual potential, a

personality with having formed key competences, high general culture, patriotism and


The task of a modern teacher is the development of intellectual potential, spiritually-

moral sphere of pupils. So, the pedagogical universities of the country under the conditions

of transferring to the 12th year education must rebuilt, reconsider the programme of

teacher’s training with the account of changed socio-cultural conditions, innovative ideas

mentioned above.

For pedagogical universities of the country the training of intellectual, spiritually-moral

teacher, who realizing the importance of setting the tasks of upbringing the intellectually –

moral individual, must strive to the development of his own potential, should become the

fundamental task.

That is why, developing the educational-upbringing system, the pedagogical university

must orient to the achievement of national educational ideal of a future teacher on whom

the intellectual potential of society, people’s civil position depends.

– Modern university must orient the students to the actualization of the following


– to form such kind of potential of knowledge, professionally- personal qualities,

technologies of achieving the personal success, which let become specialists, required at

the labour market. For this it is necessary to make the process of acquiring knowledge,

education unbreakable;

– to form the basic ICT – competency, to become a subject of informative –

communicative space;

– to live in accordance with the principles of healthy life;

– to organize the leisure profitably, not just as “filling” the students’ free time, but as

the time “working for him”, the time of “social development”;

– to take into account not only outside conditions, but to realize their inside potentials

in the process of self study. To become an active member of improving oneself through

self upbringing, self education and self development;

– to develop analytical thinking, to acquire the research culture.

Such understanding became the basis for opening a new chair of national upbringing

and self-study in KazNPU named after Abai in 2009, which is also involved into the

elaboration and introduction of innovative ideas under the supervision of university Rector,

academician Praliev S.Zh.

Nowadays the normative, teaching-methodical documents have been elaborated:

– The concept of national upbringing of students in the Republic of Kazakhstan


– Typical teaching programme on “The basis of national upbringing” course;

– Practical-oriented courses such as “The basis of national upbringing of students”,

“Abai study” have been introduced into the teaching process.

– The project “The concept of developing the intellectual potential of nation in the

system of continues education in the Republic of Kazakhstan” has been prepared, which is

discussed by pedagogical public. In future it is planned to elaborate the teaching –

methodical materials for the process of forming the intellectual potential of a future


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– The specialized net resource – Internet club of school teachers in Kazakhstan has been

opened. Its goal is to join the teachers of the country for professional communication,

solution of tasks of formation the intellectually – moral personality of a learner and for the

defense of their professional interests.

– At present times, the course “The basis of national upbringing” consists of 2 credits,

worked out and supplemented in accordance with modern normative papers, determining

the functioning of the system of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– The priority trends of educational activity with the students’ youth (upbringing of

interethnic tolerance, the culture of international communication, healthy way of living,

readiness to innovative successful activity, spiritual – moral, patriotic upbringing,

forecasting of young people’s destructive behavior , etc.) which are the contextual basis of

national upbringing at university.

– Facts, phenomena, concepts are disclosed with introductory aim, to form the students

outlook, national self-consciousness. The course programme is for all university

specialties’ students and has a practical – oriented, integrative character.

– The aim of teaching the course “The basis of national upbringing” is to form the high

level of national self-consciousness, key competencies, including the readiness to

successful creative activity, the developed sense of understanding and respect to other

cultures, ability to live in peace and agreement with people of different nationalities and

religions [11].

The objectives of teaching the subject have also been determined:

1. The formation in students’ youth the active civil position, patriotism, tolerance,

responsibility for the future of the Republic.

2.The formation in students’ youth the respect to the values of Kazakhstani ethnos, to

the common human values and the sense of national dignity.

3.The students’ realization of the necessity of acquiring the state language by ethnos


4.The formation of a person’s valuable relation to the healthy way of living and

necessity in it.

Besides, it is necessary to use all potential possibilities of teaching -upbringing process

for the national upbringing as a guided socialization of a future teacher. One of the main

tasks of university socialization are the creation of conditions for active life activity, civil

self-determination and students’ self realization, maximal satisfaction of their needs in

intellectual, cultural and moral development. To such conditions may concern:

– Understanding of students’ socialization at university as a process of acquiring the

components of national self consciousness, different social roles during adaptation and

integration at university community;

– Organization of pedagogical process on the basis of new educational paradigm

(personal-oriented, humanistic), as human making process, enlarging the possibilities of

developing positive national self consciousness, interaction, exchange of cultural and

spiritual values;

– Creation of social upbringing space in university as special organized pedagogical

sphere, structured system of pedagogical factors and conditions of developing national self

consciousness of a student’s personality;

– Organization of psychological-pedagogical support of professional-personal

development of students in pedagogical process, directed to help a young person to

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disclose his needs, creative and intellectual abilities contributing to self-assertion and self-

realization of a person;

– Modernization the work of socio – psychological help for students’ service;

– Functioning of students social university service with the aim of investigating the

students’ needs and interests, their involvement into the active practical activity, directed to

participating in programmes, projects, campaigns solving social problems; the

development of leisure and club activity as a special sphere of students’ life activity and

functioning the youth’s sub-culture;

– Actualization of students’ activity, the activity of international youth social

organizations as an environment of different ethnic groups’ communication, acquaintance

with culture values, norms of behavior and interrelations in multi-national community.

Thus, nowadays the leading objective of university is that of training teachers capable

of forming the intellectually-creative, spiritually-moral personality of pupils who are the

futures of the country.

References: 1. Inozemtcev V.L. 1997. Theory of post-industrial society as methodological paradigm of

Russian society study. Voprocy philosophii, 10: 29-45.

2. Kolin K.K. 2008. Intellectual resources of a person in informative society// labor and

social relations, 9: 63-67.

3. Kelle B.Zh. Spirituality and intellectual potential. Date Views 10.01.2013


4. Nazarbayev N.A. Intellectual nation – 2020. Date Views 21.01.2013 www.akorda.kz

5. Ananiyev B.G.,1996. Psychology and the problems of humanknowledge. Piter: 326-328

6. Holodnaya M.A., 2002. Psychology of intellect: research paradoxes. Piter, p.p.: 264.

7. Kohlberg L., 1966. Moral Education in the Schools, a Developmental View. School

Review,74: 1-30.

8. Rowe, I., and Marcia, J.E. Ego, 1980. Identity Status, Formal Operations, and moral

development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9: 87-99.

9. Praliev S.Zh., Toleubekova R.K., Khan N.N., Kalieva S.I. Khan N.N. 2010. The concept

of national upbringing of students in the Republic of Kazakhstan (project).Almaty, KazNPU

named after Abai, p.p.: 35.

10. Praliev S.Zh., Ermagambetov M.E., Imanbayeva S.T., Khan N.N. and others. 2012.The

concept of developing intellectual potential of nation in the system of continuous education in

the Republic of Kazakhstan (project).Almaty, KazNPU named after Abai, p.p.: 36.

11. Typical teaching programe, 2012. The basis of national upbringing. Almaty, KazNPU

named after Abai, p.p.:28.

Mendesheva R. A.


Today,as in all times, the issues of culture in society, "culture" should be the main thing

in the context of the progress of our civilization and the world. Enhancing the intellectual,

moral building, the whole culture of people is now a truly decisive factor in maintaining

the identity of any country, its development in the twenty-first century and the third

millennium. Without the qualitative shift in education and training would be unlikely this

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development, because education – it is like the transfer of cultural knowledge from one

generation to another. This education includes a broad, spiritual, moral, artistic, aesthetic,

ethical, human development, and in this multi-lateral process of the special role belongs to

the humanistic values. Twenty-first century and the whole third millennium are involved

with the problem of education of the individual rights and the role of the human factors in

the history. The process of educating the human person - it is a process of "entering" into

the culture, learning skills normal communication and social experience. Spiritual

community of mankind through art, literature, science, moral valuescan be continuously

expanded the boundaries of direct personal experience and making this a continuous

process, a person attached to the most precious - the culture. Teachers and psychologists

deal with the problem of the humanistic and aesthetic education in their works.

The first representative of humanist pedagogic is considered by Francesco Petrarch, he

is considered to be a founder of the study humanistic – program of humanistic education,

formulated as the main task of science and philosophy of human knowledge. Among the

teachers, who made a huge contribution to the humanistic education of the individual, we

distinguish Albrecht Durer, Leonardo da Vinci and Leon Battista Albert and the others [1].

A.Durer in his writings, considering not only the methods of teaching drawing, but also

pays great attention to humanistic education of students. Durer believed that educating the

artist, and teacher should know about "how best to teach a child-kindness, praise or

censure, how to make a child to study with the desire” [2: 35].

Durer stressed the need for spiritual and moral climate in the learning process and

student’s residence where he lived in was a nice house. Thus, the teachers - humanists of

the Renaissance were concerned with the question of humanistic pedagogy and issues of

training the visual arts. All of their work together, thoughts and ideas about humanistic

personality, which includes the achievements of high education, a kind of humanistic ideal,

the ethical standards of teaching the highly educated person through aesthetic education.

Traditions of Renaissance of Humanism was continued by the new theorists of the

progressive bourgeois democracy, by J.A.Comenius, J.J.Rousseau and the others.

J.A.Comenius created a system of education is not for the elite, not the aristocratic elite of

society, but for the democratic sectors of the population of the masses. With the help of the

method of humanistic education, J.A.Comenius explained the students the essence of the

kindness and the exercises of his virtues. Education through the activities seems most

efficient, by practicing the student's discretion, we make it humble, to work in patience – to

the patience. By doing brave things – to become brave. Thus, "...a person lives not for

teaching and for activities" [3: 98] by which a teacher achieves its educational goals. For

the implementation of visual learning to help teachers and parents J.A. Comenius creates a

textbook “World of sensible things in pictures. This book gives an idea about different

things and phenomena of man and his work, about art, ethics, philosophy, patience,

humanity and justice. It was the first in human history textbook in which illustrations are

used as a didactic tool to facilitate the assimilation of educational material that

demonstrates the importance of works of fine art for the learning process and the visual

perception of the studied material discipline [4].

His own humanistic rules J.J. Rousseau describes in the writings of "Discourse on the

sciences and arts", "Discourse on the origin and cause of inequality between people» and

"Emile, or about Education ". The main task of humanistic education, he sees that a person

must first be humane: "People. Be humane, this is your first duty. Be so for all states for

all ages, for all that is alien to man" [5, 32].

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Rousseau set himself the task of preparing a new education rights for future reasonable

and free society. He connects the issues of science, art and morality, social inequality and

education, believes that bad, wrong upbringing breaks the inner world of the child, laid it

destroys the nature of good quality. Rousseau opposes authoritarian upbringing, he

formulates the three conditions, compliance with which gives people happiness and

elevates him as a rational creature: sympathy for another, helping others is the high

sensitivity of sympathy. Summarizing the analysis of works of J.A.Kamensky,

J.J.Rousseau, we concluded that they connected with the humanism of aesthetic education,

where students would have been using arts and sciences to develop the ability and moral


Basis of forming a humanistic and aesthetic education in schools were, considered in

the writings of P.P.Blonsky, A.S.Makarenko and so on. They have successfully developed

the content of moral education in their works, performances drew attention to the

development of such qualities as humanity, kindness, compassion, sensitivity, identified as

the first and most important - a sense of belonging in the community. P.P.Blonsky in his

educational studies paid much attention to education and human development. According

to the P.P.Blonsky, education of the individual is in the process of mastering these spiritual

values, such as science, art, morality and religion. He attached great importance to the role

of art in the education of humanistic qualities of the person: "Education through cultural

humanizes the literal sense of the word, the pupil".

A.S.Makarenko, under the concept of a "true humanism" implies respect for the dignity

of man, his creative opportunities and prospects. Through his activities, A.S.Makarenko,

defended the idea of a dynamic unity of life and upbringing. Pursuing education of the

younger generation, he fought primarily for the harmonious development of the child. He

said: "The children - are live lives " - and taught to treat them as comrades and citizens, to

see and respect their rights and responsibilities, including the right to the joy and the duty

liability [6]. Makarenko believed that students should be surrounded by aesthetically

decorated environment that promotes not only external but also internal transformation of

the pupils, awakening in them a sense of dignity and understanding the social significance

of his personality: "I think it absolutely necessary organizational design aesthetic order,

emphasizing the importance of collective motion..." [7, 26].

Thus, classics of pedagogue P.P.Blonsky, A.S.Makarenko have brought the scientific

and pedagogical creativity especially notable contribution to working out of the theory and

practice of aesthetic education. Innovativeness of their education system is, above all, that

they are aimed at maximum development of spiritual and moral and creative forces of the

child. Sukhomlinsky urged to make the school for a child "school of joy", largely linking it

with the personality of the teacher and his constant concern for the admission of pupils to

the world of high spiritual and humanistic concepts and ideas. Supporter of

democratization and humanization of education and education of schoolchildren, one of the

leaders of cooperative pedagogy was Sh. Amonashvili, followed by Y.N.Khizhnyak,

A.AMelik-Pashayev, Z.N.Novlyanskaya and others. Sh.Amonashvili in humanistic

education focuses on the role of the teacher. "We, the teachers should lead the sensitivity,

compassion, kind-ness, love, tenderness and spontaneity... We should refuse resolutely

from contradicting humanistic education and suppressing the person of the child of

authoritativeness and such forms of manifestation, as crying, swearing, prejudice to pride,

ridicule, rudeness, threats, coercion" [8, 67]. I.P.Volkov, Y.N.Khizhnyak, A.A.Melik-

Pashayev, Z.N.Novlyanskaya believe that a properly organized artistic development

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reveals and enhances creativity in children and builds a culture of social behavior, provides

insight into the inner and outer beauty of people, where the formation of the aesthetic

relationship of man to the outside world, nature, work, learn to understand art, culture

teaches relationships with other people. They involve the formation of a humanistic

outlook in the younger generation through generation of schoolchildren of the aesthetic

views of the world where the education of diverse aesthetic needs is a prerequisite for

spiritual richness of personality. Analysis of pedagogical works of the second half of the

twentieth century indicates that the teachers paid great attention to humanistic education:

the unity of the interaction between schools, families, communities, well-organized

academic and artistic work, the availability of staff, age-appropriate, humanistic orientation

and motivation of humanistic activity of children. In the modern period of development of

society understanding human personality, a citizen of both objectives is primarily

associated with new approaches to the content of education. The last one, seems to imply

such an impact on the person, which would ensure a certain development of his

consciousness, the senses, would form his conduct. Achieving this it is possible with the

development of pupils of human morality and the basic foundations of culture. This world

needs a man with a genuine inner freedom, dignity and personal responsibility. The

magnitude and dynamics of social processes in the world ultimately actualize problem

unlocking the creative potential of every human being. However, as noted by many

researchers today is the alienation of morality and culture in human life. The return of a

man of humanity, awareness of the value of human life, focus on the revival of spirituality

-these problems are now dictating the strategy of education. Humanistic education is

regarded as the most important function of any society and a prerequisite for socialization,

N.E.Schurkova defines education as the space of a person living in a universal culture [9].

Modern pedagogy sees its main task in the education of humanity, and teachers

emphasize the importance of the formation of humanity-a moral person (M.Baltabaev,

N.Ivlev, E.A.Urunbasarova, A.K.Dyusupova, A.P.Seyteshev) and humanization of

education (A.A.Beysenbaeva, J.A.Karaev, Zh.W.Kobdikova, S.E.Kurmanbaev), ensuring

humane relations inculcate humanist culture personality of the younger gene-

ration(A.T.Duysebek, S.M.Bahisheva). Recent works devoted to the identification of the

characteristics of the interrelated components, which suggests the humane to an educated

person. Some have a" humanitarian culture» as "the harmony of cultural knowledge,

culture, behavioral actions, feelings of culture, communication" [10, 15] the others - it's

"humanity -" due to the moral norms and values, the system settings of personality on

social objects (people, groups, a living creature), which is represented in the minds of the

experiences of compassion and sympathetic joy is realized in dialogues and activities in the

aspects of cooperation, participation, care" [11,43].

The authors are unanimous in the view that all aspects of humanity are interconnected

and can not exist separately from each other, as it destroys the structural integrity of the

concept and highlight attributes inherent humane schoolboy: the recognition of humanity, a

vision of humanity in every problem, the measurement of all the phenomena of the

measure of humanity, including the nature, society, human existence in the individual work

is a positive program that includes basic humanistic qualities of the man: the virtues (faith,

wisdom, honesty, courage, patience), kindness (actions caused concern, aimed at the

benefit of others: empathy, sympathy, good attitude, ethics, nonviolence, generosity etc.).

Сurrently, educators are considering individual-oriented methods of humanistic

educational system, they are interested in the process of education prevailing in the student

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body of knowledge about humanism and humane feelings, humane relations and translating

it into everyday activities of student. With the development and introduction of a

humanistic outlook in society, going on and awareness of its need for the younger

generation. T.S.Sadykov, K.K.Zampeisova, N.D.Hops, A.Abishev, S.Kaliyeva, N.Hahn,

R.Muhitova, A.A.Beysenbaeva, Z.I.Namazbaeva, G.I.Kaliyeva in the project" The concept

of higher pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" believe that the future of

modern civilization, all the more determined people willing to solve major social and

economic problems for the benefit and in the name of the person. Now our society has

come to an understanding of the necessity of education of human culture with planetary

thinking, the ability to actively participate in social progress, changing itself and the

surrounding reality [12].

Leading factor in the implementation of this global problem – the system of education,

the protagonist in which a teacher who has a high level of professional and pedagogical

competence. Quality of education at the present stage of life requires the reorientation of

universities to prepare teachers who are broad-minded, capable to address the objectives of

humanistic education of students, the development of humanistic qualities, that is,

education of humanity as personality traits, hard work, skill and desire to work, patriotism,

citizenship, teamwork. Confining these studies can conclude the following: the

development of educational civilization was time revaluation of meaning and values of its

foundation, look at the path, and realize there we go, whether those targets are set in the

education system. If the twentieth century was the century of the birth of a new paradigm

in physics, engineering, age of the atomic and outer space, in our opinion, the twenty-first

century will be the century of educating a new man on the basis of transition to a new

educational paradigm, understanding the value that we created and have the development

of spiritual human world and the knowledge itself. And it demands also change of

pedagogical paradigms, domination of the theory of education, following to the moral

principles, necessary work with people in the decision of this problem, in definition of

semantic valuable orientations and professionalism of knowledge. The problem of the

humanization and democratization of the school remains the focus of social and

educational circles in the leading Western countries. In the foreign pedagogy develops an

humanistic direction, where great importance is attached to one-piece human, cultural,

artistic, sports education and training. The purpose of modern education in Spain – not just

give strong academic knowledge, but also to raise human values, motivate and develop the

student as an individual intellect.

At the core of humanistic psychology of Spain laid the pedagogical ideas of Ferrer,

Pzevesa, Vives. Ferrer in his writings - "The updated school" and "Principles of scientific

morality " revealed the concept of "sustainable education". Under the"rational education"

we can see an intellectual, physical and moral development of the child with a maximum

consideration of their interests and individual. Caregiver, according to Ferrer in his actions

must proceed from the interests of the child: "The whole value of education should be in

respect to the child". The purpose of schools - to bring" people capable to continuously

evolving, able to update their environment and themselves ". In his writings, "The

deterioration of morals", "On the Teaching of Science", "Educating Christian woman",

Vives examined differences between home and school education, issues of moral

education, a number of other didactic problems. At the same time schooling was put on the

forefront in comparison with home education. The inhumane and medieval scholasticism

education and training were condemned. In respect of the child proposed to combine"

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gentleness» and "strictness" with a predominance of a humane approach. Parenting did not

conceived without natural psycho – physiological characteristics of children. Condemned

superstition about the dangers of education for women. The organization of the learning

process linked to the need for penetration into the laws of cognition [13]. According to

Lemus: "Pedagogy is the study of education, where the situation may be characteristic of

works of art and education in a highly active and practical, relevant rules and regulations,

practices and procedures that affect the view or understanding of the world, life and person,

where are created a form or a beautiful human beings. When the education is well thought

out and practiced into a complex high art, because it works where the artist, that is

,teachers should use their love, inspiration, wisdom and skills" [21, 54]. Thus, the process

of education should provide psychological support to students and teachers, which creates

an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual affection. H. Quintana, a Spanish teacher and

philosopher, an author of 65 books offers a system of Humanist Pedagogy in his book

"Because of the Humanist Pedagogy" (1995) "The Reasons for Humanistic Pedagogy"

(2005) and others. He argues that any theory of education based on a particular

anthropology and, in accordance with this, in his book "Theory of Education" (1995)

continuously resorted to various anthropological concepts as fundamentals to understand or

explain the various pedagogical concepts. He insists that the anthropological start is needed

to solve three major problems of education: the choice between allowing the formation or

compulsory education, the excess of the infantile self – centeredness and excess of human

aggressiveness. There are three types of Anthropology: Scientific, philosophical and

cultural, where Quintana pays great attention to the last two, which are the basis of

Pedagogical Anthropology. Philosophical Anthropology deals with the concept of rights,

human nature and the connection between the individual and society. The scientist believes

that knowledge-a reference person determines his own tenets in all of its rational personal

activity: its position is in a dilemma idealism /empiricism, spiritualism /materialism,

transcendence /immanence/determinism, collectivism /and individualism. Such dilemmas

say Quintana, confer an individual a sense of life and define its own worldview and

personal philosophy. The Cultural Anthropology has its own pedagogical applications in

entertainment, leisure and cultural revival. These two ways of seeing art is designed, then,

in a manner to understand the aesthetic education: education for the avant – garde artist is

limited by spontaneous self-expression, for the aesthetes of traditional art education teaches

us to observe the classical procedure of art, doing the same. Thus, aesthetic education is not

only artistic education (active and passive sense), but also the formation of human

sensitivity to the fact that people were able to catch, possess, experience producing

aesthetic value, which can and should embellish human life. Thus, an understanding of

humanism as a process of building a human in man involves the holistic development of

personality in the unity of intellectual, motivational, emotional, strong-willed, objective-

practical, existential spheres, and the scope of self-regulation in various activities.

Such a balanced (balanced) human development ensures its freedom and diversity,

social activism and ways of life, happiness and well-being among people. Artistic

creativity is a universal developmental activity serves as a significant factor to humanize

the educational process of school. Creative and aesthetic line in the content of humanistic

education is designed to carry the spiritual development of personality through art direct

creative work in it. When using in the learning process of artistic images of fine art, which

are the source of the subjective image of the objective world, provided an emotional

awareness and the brightness of the cognitive activity of students. Purposeful development

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of artistic ability has the effect of a more complete overall personality development. Great

importance to the formation of aesthetic culture of human rights and education through art

students give M.H.Baltabaev, B.Bolatbaev and others, highlighting the role of humanistic

art, as the most efficient means of "humanizing a man, "in which "a syncretistic form is

contained and is manifested as creativity, moral, humanistic, aesthetic and cognitive

meaning of life of society" [14, 38] where the significant role is played by traditional

national art. In their study, we note the essential means of educating the humanistic culture

of adolescent art, and we believe that it is indispensable role in the spiritual development of

man in the disclosure of its essential powers and creative abilities in a diverse vision of the

world (A.Ismailov, G.Chardin, G.Ismailov, E.Tolepbai, S.Romanov, E.Sidorkin and


Humanistic worldview can be traced all the works of famous artists and educators. E.

Tolepbai in the book "Ana-Jer-Ana" as regards his art: "All of my paintings, so that they

may be devoted, at its core contain the core of humanism. They turned to the man, created

in order to support, reveal, albeit in a very difficult time, the best in him. In the work the

humanistic personality traits: responsibility, love for the motherland, love for nature,

respect for elders, non-indifference, equality, self-knowledge and self-awareness, love of

man – "need love. Only love people and love of neighbor can destroy solitude, but she is

able to penetrate our borders closed to each other's worlds...and the duty of art to see and

reveal it to people, getting them to empathize and sympathize with other's grief and thereby

to raise and elevate the humble, the destruction of human neglect of the soul" [15, 65].

Thus, the fine arts as part of aesthetic education is regarded today as a necessary

element of an integrated system of identity formation, and analysis of views of known

Kazakhstani artists-teachers confirms the importance of the role of art in the modern

humanistic education. In Spain humanistic principles in the visual arts are an integral part

of aesthetic education. The most striking example of the humanistic art of Spain was the

work of F.de Goya (XVIII-XIX centuries), which is strongly blended with the liberation

struggle of the Spanish people. Goya was the first man who stepped on the road of an

uncompromising exposure of the ugly sides of reality in the name of humanistic

foundations of human being. His sharply satirical etchings, ruthlessly truthful portraits of

courtiers, deeply tragic historical pattern anticipated romanticism in art. Analysis of art

painters (El Greco, D.Velasquez, S.Dali, P.Picasso, J.Antonio, V.Macho, E.Barral and

others) shows that it is life-affirming humanist top and creates a classically clear, deeply

humane image.

Individual human consciousness, including the artist, carries a part of public

consciousness. Therefore, expressing the art of his vision of life, his subjective feelings,

interests, attitude and outlook, the artists convey people and part of public consciousness,

the spiritual life of society. In various historical periods artist reflects the reality of life in

accordance with their attitude to it. Analysis of the psycho-pedagogical, artistic works

allows you to conclude that the original idea of converting the school at the turn of the XXI

century is a Humanism, that is, the recognition of man as the highest value [16, 25].

The introduction of humanistic principles in the teaching process offers a review of

human history, human culture as the development of civilization. In our understanding,

humanization – understands the whole process of training and education, the formation of a

growing person's self-esteem, self-esteem, and altruism, turning it into an equal subject of

education, education for him the creator, who creates himself and build peace. Attitude to

the child and to human nature-the root of any educational concept. Love for a child to a

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man-that's the basis of humanist pedagogy. Humanistic education of children based on

common valuesis one of the priorities of our society, where education – a relatively

controlled and managed part of the process of socialization. Thus, from the standpoint of

humanity the ultimate goal of education is that everyone can become a fully fledged

stakeholder, cognition and communication, that is, free amateur being responsible for

everything that happens in this world. Consequently, the measure of humanization of the

educational process is determined by how this process creates the preconditions for self-

realization, the disclosure of all its inherent natural inclinations, its ability to freedom,

responsibility and creativity.

Beysenbaeva A.A. in their study examines a humane personality "as an integral

structural formation of special humanistic type, endowed with a complex of high moral

qualities, ready to maximize self – realization in a constantly changing socio-economic and

cultural environment" 18, 38. The author has developed a set of criteria that determine

the degree of humanization of education and its influence on the process of education is a

humane person, where the "humanization of education – an integrated set of goals,

objectives, content of humanistic knowledge, skills, attitudes, produced in conjunction

personality – relevant activities and communication between participants in the

pedagogical process control actions of teachers and students themselves, the impact of the

school environment". Dyusupova A.K. determines the leading value orientation and

installation of caregivers that promote humanistic orientation, where the "humanistic

orientation of the person" refers to "the unity of humanistic worldview, humanistic

relations(to other people and yourself) that are implemented in communication and

activities, and facilities for individuals to value Human" [19, 41].

In R.J.Aubakirova and A.A.Moldazhanova’s concepts of humanity, it discusses how

professionally significant qualities of future teachers with a humanistic orientation,

affirmed the value of the human person, the necessary conditions in a holistic educational

process "the content of the training of students should definitely organized around the idea

of liberalization and humanization of the pedagogical process" [20, 63]. While

concentrating on the formation of a humanistic worldview personality E.Z.Battalhanov

emphasizes that "in the new socio-economic conditions, it is not about forming a pattern of

social ideology, imposed by man, but about making an independent, personal, inherent in

an individual world view, a network of humanistic views, beliefs and ideal son which the

person lives and works". The author identifies the main components of the content of the

process of establishing a humanistic outlook in today's world... – to adapt quickly to

changing conditions of life, to be guided in the economic, social and political environment,

while maintaining its ideological stance, humanistic ideals and values" [21, 56].

The basis for the development of humanistic education of the individual are the spiritual

values, the formation of which some educators consider learning from a position of

pedagogical heritage of Kazakhstan (E.A.Urunbasarova, A.N.Kosherbaeva, A.T.Duysebek)

"in the East have focused on advanced humanism the idea of humanity; throughout history,

the prevailing situation in the education of these people have moral values: justice, respect

for elders, the value of the individual, mutual support, equality and freedom. Eastern

pedagogy was designed to help people in learning life's virtues, in the formation of the

moral traits of his character and behavior" [22, 23].

Analysis of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological works gave us the

opportunity to make a conclusion that the education of humanistic culture growing person

seems to be the core of modern education. Since the early 90's in connection with the

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radical changes the nature of socio-economic relations in Kazakhstan in the society can be

traced change of the ethical ideal, ideology, where the basis of inner spiritual culture of the

individual are universal values. Currently, universal moral and cultural values have taken a

worthy place in the structure of the humanistic and spiritual life of every young person,

embodied in the humanist culture of the individual.

References: 1. Ростовцев Н.Н. История методов обучения рисованию: Зарубеж. Школа рисунка.

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– М.: Просвещение, 1981. – 192 с., ил.

2. Дюрер А. Дневники, письма, трактаты, в 2-х т. – Л.-М., 1957, т .II, с.10-11.

3. Коменский Я.А. Избр. пед. соч. – М., 1955, с.389.

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1988. 416 с. (Б-ка учителя).

5. Ушинский К.Д. Избранные педагогические сочинения. – М.: АПН СССР, 1968. –

170 с.

6. Учитель: Статьи. Документы. Педагогич. поиск. Воспоминания. Страницы

литературы /Ред.-сост. Д.Л.Брудный. – М.: Политиздат, 1991. – 350 с.

7. Макаренко А.С. О воспитании /Сост. и авт. вступит. статьи В.С.Хелемендик. – 2-е

изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Политиздат, 1990. – 415 с. (Б-чка семейного чтения).

8. Амонашвили Ш.А. Здравствуйте, дети! //Пособие для учителя /Предисл.

А.В.Петровского. – М.: Просвещение, 1983. – 208 с., ил.(41-42 с.).

9. Психология. Словарь /Под ред. А.В.Петровского, М.Г.Ярошевского. – М, 1990. – с. 21.

10. Концепция высшего педагогического образования Республики Казахстан, Астана


11. Juan Vivesand his World, Volume 9, p.509-15. The history offoreign literature. Middle

Ages. Revival. – M.: Higher School, 1987. – 139-395 p.p.

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13. Shepard K., Sociology John. – Mexico: EditorialLimusa, 2000. – 296 p.

14. Балтабаев М.Х. Современная художественная культура Казахстана. – Алматы.

1998. – с.156.

15. Толепбай. Е. Ана – Жер – Ана – Алматы: Өнер, 2000. – 160 с.

16. Schneider MF "Francisco Goya", Ed. withit /Gen. Ed. And Afterword. andapprox.

FVZanicheva. – M.: Arts, 1988. – 284 p.

17. Jose Ortegay Gasset. Introduction to Velasquez. Trans.with App. Lysenko, EM, 1991g.s.

12OCR: S.Petrov.

18. Бейсенбаева А.А. Гуманизация образования старшеклассников на основе меж-

предметных связей: Автореф. док.дис. – Алматы, 1996.

19. Дюсупова А.К. Формирование гуманистической направленности личности

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20. Молдажанова А.А. Особенности формирования педагогической культуры буду-

щего учителя: Дис. к.п.н. – Алматы, 1995. – 163 с.

21. Батталханов Е.З. Формирование гуманистического мировоззрения уч-ся моло-

дежи как социально-педагогическая проблема: Дис. д.пед.н. – Алматы, 2002. –303 с.

22. Кошербаева А.Н. Развитие идей гуманизма в педагогическом наследии Юсуфа

Баласагуни: Автореф. док.дис. – Алматы, 2004. – 45 с.

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Almuhambetov B.A.



The long-term practice of development of work descriptions of a specialist, which

established requirements to expertise, knowledge and skills of graduates of various trades

existed in the education system in the post-Soviet territory for the purposes of the higher

school. Meanwhile, the current standing in the Kazakhstan higher education is

characterized by introduction of the credit-based training programs, completed transition to

the three-level specialist training model: Bachelor – Master – PhD, as well as a system of

transfer of credits under development. This system shall ensure comparability of a scope of

achieved mastery of course with the overseas institutions of higher education and many

other things. Therefore, there is direct evidence of a strong drive to internationalization of

the higher education, which is attributable to joining of Kazakhstan to the Bologna Process.

In the aggregate, all that will offer the prospect of entry in the European educational

environment and guarantee recognition of qualifications and Kazakhstan diplomas and

certificates of degree. Consequently, currently it is essential to draw up descriptions of a

graduate’s personal qualities in terms of a competency building approach. Specialist

training up to the world standards by means of a syllabus, educational form, training

resources, and in the first place on the basis of the state standards of the higher education

comprises one of the most important aspects modern integration processes. The necessity

for development of the new educational standards resting upon the current approaches to

education is defined with the following circumstances: learning paradigm shift,

diversification of the types, levels and forms of the higher education and many other

reasons. A national standard of education, establishing the conceptual educational grounds,

is the major tool of this mechanism aimed to exercise control over the specialist training

quality. Conventionally, a set of expertise, knowledge and skills of a graduate defined aims

of all educational levels. Today this approach is inefficient.

A competency building approach is extensively applied in standards development.

Therefore, specialists in the countries – members of the Bologna Process are actively

involved in upgrading of an extent of competencies, acknowledged as of paramount

importance for graduates of institutions of higher education. This issue remains a topical

problem in the higher fine arts and graphics education system of the Republic of

Kazakhstan. For more than 40 years Department of Fine Arts and Graphics of the Kazakh

National Pedagogical University named after Abai is involved in training of the future

teachers of fine arts and drawing. The education and methodical association is functioning

in our department. This association is aimed to consolidate the leading academic art

educators of the Republic. Hence, standards for the three-level Bachelor – Master – PhD

model in the educational discipline “Fine Arts and Drawing” were developed on the basis

of our Department. The standard development team is headed by B.A.Almukhambetov,

Doctor pedagogical sciences, and Member of the National Academy. Specifically, in 2010

the team developed the following standards in disciplines “Fine Arts and Drawing” built of

three levels: Bachelor’s Award (Undergraduate), Master’s Award (Graduate) and Doctoral

Training (PhD).

At the present time the term “competencies” or “expert knowledge” (core

competencies) is used in the most various areas. Initially, this concept referred to labor

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psychology, motivational psychology and management. According to the Great

Encyclopaedia, a competence (deriving from the Latin “competentio”, “соmpeto” –

“achieve”, “correspond to”, “fit”) means willingness or preparedness of a subject to

effective management of internal and external resources for setting and achievement of

goals. Stated differently, this means personal capacity of the subject to resolve a definite

range of professional tasks. A totality of competencies (availability of knowledge and

experience essential for efficient activity in a given subject field) is known as expert

knowledge (deriving from the English “competence”) [1]. The reputed Russian scientists

are working on the development of a variety of competency classifications. Specifically,

A.V.Khutorsky believes that the concept of “competence” embodies a set of interrelated

personal qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, and work methods) specified with respect to

a definite set of subjects and processes and required for the quality efficient activity

relative to them. Expert knowledge means possession or holding by an individual of the

relevant competence, inclusive of his/her personal attitude towards it and object of

activity” [2, 141]. I.A.Zimnyaya defines “expert knowledge” as knowledge-based,

intellectually determined and person-centered experience of the social and professional life

activity of an individual. On the contrary, the “competence” is regarded as the “buried”,

“potential” reserve, never brought into use [3, 34].

The Kazakhstan scientist K.U.Kunakova (Chief Scientific Secretary of the National

Teachers’ Training Academy named after Ybyrai Altynsarin of the Republic of

Kazakhstan) pointed out that the concept of “expert knowledge” has become a part of a

model of psychological development of an individual at the junction of the activity theory

and behavioral theories, it was applied in the situations when an individual had to solve

problems and simultaneously minimize cost of its resource per “unit” of useful effect [4].

The foregoing means that in the current pedagogical researches expert knowledge is

regarded as a multivariate and multi-component structure. Consequently, many of the

authors mark out an essentially different set of its components. As part of the research

some positive aspects of a competency building approach utilization of which enabled to

define more precisely goals and objectives of the up-to-date art and pedagogical education,

range and logic of development of professional competencies of the future teachers of fine

arts were defined.

Given these premises, the state standard for the year of 2011 for speciaeify 5В010700 –

“Art Education” (“Fine Arts and Drawing”) was developed. Competencies embodied in

this standard were defined based on the Dublin descriptors. The term “descriptor” refers to

the qualifications framework. It describes in the generalized form the learning outcomes

for different degrees of skills (4). The system of descriptors is invariant – in other words, it

is not tied to the specific educational context, which makes it easier to compare

qualifications. The Dublin descriptors, which constitute the European qualifications

framework for the higher education, are being implemented within the Bologna Process.

The Dublin descriptors represent the prearranged requirements to assessment of the

learning outcomes during each cycle of higher education and may find application in the

national higher education systems with the greater level of detail [4].

The Dublin descriptors used for qualification during the first cycle (on average, 180-

240 credits) assume that their holders are capable of:

demonstration of knowledge and good understanding in the subject under study

including elements of the most advanced knowledge in the subject under study and an

ability to apply this knowledge and understating in a professional manner;

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production of arguments and problem-solving in the field of study;

collection and interpretation of data for making opinions subject to the social, ethical

and scientific considerations;

conveyance of information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and

non-specialists [4].

As far as the development and adaptation of competencies in accordance with these

descriptors are concerned, the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin

held more than one meetings of the Coordination Council on the development and Expert

Review of the State Standards of General Effect in various trades based on the higher and

post-graduate education at the Kazakh National pedagogical University named after Abai.

However, an issue of development of a draft state standard in our trade most

approximated to the international model, which was developed in 2011, is of our main

interest. The international trade coding system is lacking such professions as “Fine Arts

and Drawing”, and an educational subject “Drawing” is not included in the syllabus in the

foreign institutions of higher education. Therefore, this trade was renamed “Art

Education”. This draft standard in speciaeify 5В010700 – “Art Education” (“Fine Arts and

Drawing”) was drawn up jointly with professors of the Erzincan Teachers’ Training

Faculty in Turkey. More specifically, the first degree qualification of the higher education

requires 240 credits. Pursuant to our standard, 240 credits compose the first cycle, and one

credit is equal to 30 hours and load of each semester amounts to 30 credits.

As to the Bachelor Award training, it contemplates acquisition of knowledge and skills

within the trade elected, in demand on labor market. Moreover, according to the Lisbon

Recognition Convention (1997) the first cycle program shall provide access to the second

cycle programs. In accordance with the Dublin descriptors (March 2002), qualifications

indicating termination of the first cycle shall be awarded to those students capable of

demonstration of acquired knowledge and understanding in the field of study including

elements of the most advanced knowledge in this field, and ability to apply this knowledge

and understating in a professional manner; to produce arguments and problem-solving in

the field of study, to collect and interpret data for making opinions subject to the social,

ethical and scientific considerations; and to convey information, ideas, problems and

solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.

The considerable reduction of social disciplines and introduction of a wide range of

subjects earlier not included in the elective courses are among the principal distinctions of

this draft standard. In particular, the Kazakh/Russian and a foreign language were included

as a mandatory element. Among elective (optional) courses of the GSC category are:

information science, document management, statistics, ecology, basics of vital functions

safety, social science, public relations, esthetics, theater, music, political science,

fundamentals of law, business management, critical thinking, mathematics, cultural studies

and many other.

As to PDG category, elective courses offer: rhetoric, professional Kazakh/Russian,

development and improvement of educational programs, learning theory, learning models,

application of the learning models, logic, religious studies, ethics, adult education,

professional ethics, social support in education, pedagogical and psychological in the art

education and many other.

Elective courses in the CNT category include: technical graphic art, the current issues

of art education, contemporary art, philosophy and visual art culture, state-of-the-art

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technologies in education, multicultural approach in education, training techniques and

many other. The European art and teachers’ training schools in the higher education system

do not offer plein-air painting; however, it is well known that plein-air for the future

teachers of fine arts is an integral and significant part of the professional development. In

addition, international standards do not stipulate for passing of the state examinations and

graduation paper preparation, which means that all educational subjects are usually

completed by passing regular exams. Therefore, the newly developed draft standard

provides for “Art Workshop I-II” as plein-air and “Art Workshop III” as the graduation

paper defense. According to the new international standard, a continuous teaching practice

shall be conducted in semester VII, curricula practical training totaling 10 credits – in

semester VIII.

In summary, this standard is distinguished with the high degree of variability and

provides the large academic discretion to students with respect to selection of their

educational paths.

References: 1. The Great Encyclopaedia, 2000. M.: The Great Russian Encyclopaedia, pр: 567.

2. Khutorsky A.V., 2003. The Didactic Heuristics. Creative Education Theories and

Processes. M.: Moscow State University, pр: 416.

3. Zimnyaya I. A., 2007. Core Competencies as a New Paradigm of Education Effect,

Eidos Internet Newsletter, pр: 3-17.

4. Kunakova K. U., 2010. An Educational Environment as the Development Factor of

Competences of the Higher School Students, Bilim – Obrazovaniye, pр: 2-10.

5. Realising the European Higher Education Area", 2005. Communiqué of the Conference

of Ministers responsible for Higher Education in Berlin on 19 September 2003, www.bologna-


Коzhagulov Т.M.



Introduction. In conditions of occurring basic changes in Kazakhstani higher

education, in transition to multilevel system of training specialists the need of optimization

of educational processes has been increased. Broad application of technologies in training

and the considerable financial expenses required for high quality education, renders a

problem of effective management by educational process even more actually. It is known

that the formation of special abilities begins in the process of perception of model for

portrayal. One of the main features of perception is the sensitivity to illumination of the

subject world, giving the possibility to feel and perceive such properties of subjects as their

colour, volume, size, situation in space and many others. The sources of own and reflected

light comprise the light environment which is felt and perceived by the person in all

variety. Perceived subjects are also the sources of reflected light, exactly, they comprise the

main object of visual feelings and perceptions. An illumination of subjects – the main

condition of emergence of the most various visual feelings, which are the result of

interaction of light energy with an organ of vision. By means of such interaction person

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receives various feelings of light and colour, also perceives numerous colour nuances,

characterizing picturesqueness of subjects and natural phenomena. Thus, the colour

sensation should be understood as the result of influence of material world on visual


Method. The method which is used in my article is contrastive-comparative analysis of

perception of a picturesque image, picturesque abilities.

Main part. Visual feelings and perceptions, as links of united process of sensual

cognition, as forms of reflection of reality, are inseparably linked with each other. At the

same time, they have own features. Unlike feelings, due to the data about separate

properties and qualities of subjects had been got, in the process of cognition, perception

represents it higher in comparison with feeling a step of cognition of reality. In pedagogical

science an elementary abilities had been distinguished, following the knowledge and the

first experience of actions, and the abilities, expressing this or that degree of skill. Ability-

skill emerges on the basis of already developed skills and wide range of knowledge. Skill

is understood as the strengthened way of performance of actions, feature of formation of

skills is their gradual automation. Worked out skills do not demand the control of

understanding their performance (N.N.Stepanov).

In the analysis of the concept "ability" three main directions are distinguished:

1.Activity approach considers an ability as the category of activity. It allows to reveal

the substantial and rational sides of development of ability, but does not affect essential

changes in the personal sphere of students. Ability is defined as the knowledge in action,

i.e. application of knowledge of educational-cognitive activity. In this case the process of

development of abilities is considered in indissoluble communication with external

processes and psychological activity. The personality is formed in the process of activity,

during which an assignment or assimilation of human experience happens (L.S.Vygotsky,

A.N.Leontyev, S.L.Rubenstein). Activities are characterized by concreteness and

subjectivity. Concreteness possesses any kinds of activities. According to A.N. Leontyev,

"the object of activity comes out in two ways: initially - in its independent existence, again

as an image of the subject, as the product of mental reflection of its property" [2, 45].

Therefore the objectivity acts as the possibility of activity reflecting in itself objective

qualities of surrounding subjects. Subjectivity of activity is expressed in that its orientation

and selectivity are defined by last experience, requirements, establishing, emotions, aims

and motives of certain person - the subject of activity.

2. Personal approach gives the base to consider ability as the quality, as personal

quality, as an ability of the student to purposeful activity, as the basis of knowledge ability

to reach a goal consciously.

3. Personal-activity approach proves that an ability is formed in activity, defined by its

objective features, but, besides, an ability manifests and as an ability to purposeful activity

and belongs to important characteristics of the personality. At this approach an ability is

perceived as a significant component of procedural – activity side of training, on the other

hand, as an ability and quality of the personality. All this allows to include ability and

educational actions in the structure, considering it and as a component of educational

activity, and as the inalienable integrative characteristic of the personality at the same time.

Activity approach to development of the personality (work of L.S.Vygotsky,

A.N.Leontyev, S.L.Rubenstein) reveals the following dependence: the personality is

formed in the process of activity, which an assignment or mastering of human experience

happens in the way. The theory of formation of intellectual actions (P.Ya.Galperin,

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N.F.Talyzina) is put on the basis of development of educational skills and habits of

students. Special abilities are the most widespread in training process types of educational

activity, out of conscious mastering with which full assimilation of concrete training

material is impossible. Exactly, these abilities are inseparably linked with knowledge,

representing together with them indissoluble unity. In developing methodical model of

development of skills and habits trained as the fundamental principle the following

definition of systematization was accepted - a complex of the pedagogical influences

promoting a creative character of formation of special skills. Distinctive feature of such

system is its dynamism, aspiration to integrity. The main advantage is an interaction of all

components in the process of creative judgement of educational statements. Integrity is

provided with a number of the backbone factors, the most important of them – orientation

of the system on development of the personality in general and special skills and habits in


Creativity is an essential factor for an active independent activity. The age periods, in

which the development of creative abilities of personality goes more or less successfully, it

had not been revealed by researchers. On contrary, it is generally accepted, that creative

qualities under certain conditions can be formed at any stage of life. So, psychologists

claim, that in this area acts as the transfer mechanism, i.e. an exercise in creativity in one

area, on one material affects well in creativity of other areas. But such transfer is possible

when the development of creative abilities becomes the social care and a problem of

education (M.S.Bernstein). Two main provisions should be noted from this statement: first,

an experience of creative activity in painting, understanding the stages of creative way,

aspiration to creativity would stimulate the creative search of students in method of

training of this subject? Secondly, training both to art and pedagogical creativity has to

become special task on educational disciplines of art cycle.

It is impossible to create the creative person of the teacher of affine art, developing in it

only pedagogical qualities, having overshadowed own art creativity. One of the first

brought up question of creative character of activity of the teacher of L.S.Vygotsky, which

claims, that the education is a creativity of life. Thus, he considered aspiration to creation

of new reality as the main condition and the purpose of pedagogical creativity. The

requirement in new, in his opinion, is the most important quality in the identity of the

teacher. He formulated two situation, important for our research. The first in generalized

type can be presented as follows: only the one who carries out a creative role in life, can

apply for creativity of the teacher. According to this situation, only the subject can carry

out the function of the teacher, which is most shipped in public life as its active reformer.

Thus, only the active relation to life becomes a message of formation of creative style of

activity of the personality.

The second situation corresponds to pedagogical process as the process of creation of

life creativity of the subject, pursuing not simple cultivation of natural data, but creation of

"over natural - supernatural" human life. Differently, the cultural -historical history of an

origin of the highest mental functions directly predetermined a way of so "over natural"

organization of life of the subject and doctrines, namely: developing the ideas,

L.S.Vygotsky comes to an interesting and paradoxical conclusion about that, from the

point of view of professionalism the training "represents the false fact". That is to say, that

such profession in pure form shouldnot be. The teacher, in his opinion, has to be an expert:

"... not teacher, and engineer, seaman, propagandist, actor, worker, journalist and etc.". It

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has to be the people, able to create in any concrete activity. Vykgotsky considered, that

"only the one who possesses a creative vein, can apply for creativity in pedagogics" [1, 48].

The statement given above confirms once again the thesis that the artist-teacher has to

be prepared at high professional level within the specialty. Increasing the creative activity

of students in the process of picturesque image is always connected with the formation and

usage of knowledge, abilities and the skills acquired in various conditions that develop

abilities of students to picturesque activity substantially. Picturesque abilities start

"working" already in the process of perception of subjects for the image and relation of

logic creation of picturesque process at paper that originally corresponds to a plan. The

materialization of the plan promotes to the development of picturesque abilities in the

most effective way, exactly, amendments in contents of becoming picturesque sketch are

introduced in this process, and also concrete abilities are developed and skills are formed.

Ability to perceive the subjects, caused by the light environment, space, is one of the

first and complex objectives of comprehension of laws of the picturesque abilities –

integrity of visual perception which is formed by means of systematic exercises, aimed at

exposition of general colour, interaction of voice-frequency and colour contrasts and

plastic character of complete form. The complexity of picturesque process first of all

consists in basic difference of perception of subject in spatial environment and its images

on the plane. It is known that the colour and tone interaction in nature harmonized with a

source of lighting and air prospect, an interaction of colour spots, various reflexes,

stipulated by air prospect plays an important role in perception of picturesque image. Also,

N.N.Volkov established that the perception of the subject in drawing leans on incomplete,

in comparison with perception of real subject of set feelings. As in case of finished

drawing feelings of depth and relief are excluded, and all light stream is perceived from flat

surface of the picture. "If the perception of drawing would not be differed by the nature

from perception of the subject, it would be sufficient to develop in the process of training

to drawing. On the contrary, if the perception of drawing - special perception, it is

necessary, except ability to see a subject, to develop and ability to see drawing" [3, 50].

This statement fully belongs to perception of painting as the subject image in colour as

well as in drawing, is based not only on colour contrasts, but also in the same degree of

tone, and also the image is under construction on the two-dimensional plane of a leaf. It is

necessary to underline, that the picturesque image is created on the plane after the analysis

and selection of the artist of the most essential qualities of object, establishment of

regularities of the colour and tone relations in painting, often hidden in the nature of most

insignificant details.

The training of painting from nature is based on acquisition of abilities to compare the

thinnest gradation and changes of colours both on their lightness and colour shades, to

reveal distinctions on paper, proceeding from the colour relations put in nature. Perceiving

subjects in still life, the artist does not simply reveal these or those colour relations, but

does not always aspire harmonizing harmonious combinations in nature of these or those

colour details. An ability to establish harmonious relations of colours, the general

illumination, nature of colour, plastic drawing of subjects- are one of the main features of

picturesque perception. The ordinary person does not often perceive thin colour

characteristics of subjects. It is important for an artist, first of all to be able to see in subject

and phenomena of nature those properties and regularities which define their condition

depending on subject colour, from conditions of illumination of the environment, i.e. to be

able to see completely.

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The complete vision is expressed in ability to define the colour relations and the general

colour system answer to the contents of future image. Incomplete perception of picturesque

qualities of subject is expressed in that, the student does not reveal peculiarities of

picturesque relations of the subjects being in space. It is often difficult to the beginner to

build purposeful supervision of the nature, allowing to define an essence of this or that

coloristic unity of subjects and still life depending on influence of the light air

environment. Being able to perceive colour adequately and light gradation is not sufficient

for formation of the painter. Perceiving model for painting, the artist has to see its future

picturesque decision in the sketch taking into account of picturesque opportunities of

certain material, i.e. it is necessary to create an initial plan. The perception of the subject by

the skilled artist has not only been limited by the stage of initial emotional influence which

gives sufficient superficial idea about the subject. His perception is closely connected with

ability of transferring visual impressions on paper plane.

Questions of visual perception are studied from the point of view of physics,

psychophysiology and psychology. Researches of physical features of light getting to an

eye, and also measurements of sensitivity of the eye allowed to output average data on

colour sensitivity of an eye for so-called average observer. From the point of view of

psychology visual perceptions of light and colour of the same quality are not always

identical not only at different people, but even at one person that is caused by concrete

features of supervision. It is known that the visual analyzer contains three colour sensation

of receivers, being three nervous devices which activization corresponds to three types of

excitement, caused by the influence of red, green and blue colours. Variety of colour

features causes various correlation in the size of these three types of excitement. One of the

specified devices of an eye mainly is susceptible to long -wave beams of a range (a red

zone of the range), another is more susceptible to short-wave beams (a blue zone) and the

third - to "average" beams (a green zone). Thus, radiations, influencing on all three

receivers and causing their reaction in the form of electric impulses at the same time, after

difficult transformation would be turned into colour feelings. Due to it the person is

capable to feel enormous number of different colour gradation in the light air environment

surrounding us. In the chromatics the colour circles have been used while considering the

colours from the point of view of their interaction made in such way that one contains

mutually additional colours situated against each other, and the second - contrast. It turns

out white at optical shift of additional colours (in certain quantitative relation). Contrast

colours or colours of simultaneous contrast, consider such which arise owing to chromatic

contrast on an achromatic field. It is known that by optical mixture of three primary colours

of range: red, green, blue - it is possible to receive all intermediate colour tone. They

correspond also to three types of excitement of colour sensation receivers of an eye. At

the same time in the practice of painting, it is accepted to consider primary colours, such

as red, yellow, blue in view of the fact that from three paints corresponding to them, it is

possible to receive the other colours.

In practice the picturesque image is estimated by colour and tone relation. Thus, artists

mean the relations by the tone relations on lightness, though the concept "tone" in painting

is much broader, also it has not insufficiently been limited only by the lightness of this or

that picturesque spot. As a saturation an expressiveness degree is understood in any colour

of its colour tone. (So, achromatic colours have no colour saturation, they had been carried

to colours of zero saturation) The saturation can be determined as degree of difference of

this chromatic colour from identical with it by lightness of gray color. Lightness – the

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quality of colour which possesses both chromatic, and achromatic colours. The lightness is

characterized by the degree of brightness of direct or reflected radiations, but at the same

time feeling of lightness is not proportional to brightness, i.e. brightness is a physical basis

of lightness. In physics an ability of subject which reflects a certain part of light stream

corresponds to reflection coefficient. The coefficient of reflection is defined by the relation

of quantity of the beams reflected from the surface of beams to the quantity which have

fallen to this surface.

Nearby situated colours always interact, giving each other a shade of new quality. In

connection with this, the significance of this or that colour spot in the common picturesque

decision depends on expressiveness of interrelation with next colours. Interference of

colour spots happens on the basis of the phenomenon of simultaneous contrast. It is

accepted to call the changes of lightness of colour light contrast, change of colour tone or a

saturation - chromatic contrast under the influence of next colours. The last is shown more

strongly when interacting colours approximately are equal on lightness. The variety of

manifestation of similar colour relations can be observed both in nature, and in painting

works. Extending in a form of depending on its characteristic peculiarities, light gets

various gradation from the most light to the most dark stain, in this connection the concept

about light- shade relation arises. Transferring by means of painting of volume forms of

subjects located in space, their coloristic condition is possible only by the way of using the

colour and tone qualities making the main properties that colourful material which the

artist uses.

The skilled artist, having habitual constant idea about colouring subject, safely reflects

in the sketch exactly those colour relations, which perceives in nature caused by the

environment. Then the density and confidence are felt on the cloth, in revealing lighting,

and the colour appears to be complicated and enriched with an environment. The beginning

artist cannot be exempted from his notion about the colour of the subject, but, knows the

colour changes depending on lighting condition. At an initial stage it is difficult to decide,

for example, to write in warm colour or the difficult one on the colour of the sky in definite

lightning not by blue colour, for example, gray.

The degree of constancy of perception of colours depends on many reasons, among

which is possible to call such, as the force of chromatic lighting, the size of distance from

which the subject, time during which supervision happens, also an ability of the surface

reflecting light beams, degree of illumination of the environment, as well as the level of the

adaptation of an eye to this or that colour tone (color adaptation) is observed.

The colour adaptation is shown in lowered sensitivity of an eye to a certain colour at its

long influence. We observe surrounding subjects at illumination of rather various spectral

structure in view of what the spectral structure of light reflected by variously painted

surfaces changes also. However, the eye almost does not notice chromaticity changes. In

most degree it is shown at the ordinary observer. Seeming constancy of colours consists in

ability of our sight to adapt to certain blossom as lighting, also subjects, i.e. it is adjusted

on certain tone. It is established that more active colour in this regard is blue -violet,

slightly weaker is red and the green colour has the smallest impact.

Conclusion. To sum up, I would like to say that, the perception of picturesque image

even in the presence of united installation occurs at students differently. It depends on an

apperseption, graphic experience, development of representations and imagination, levels

of possession of special abilities and habits of work with picturesque material. The

picturesque image including cognative operations, can be estimated only in the process of

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its realization by consistent professional skills being convincing indicators of formation of

picturesque image. In realistic painting it is important to be able to transfer tone and colour

interaction of subjects in those proportional relations, in which they are among themselves

actually at the time of supervision. If an artist is able to do it, he has all possibilities of

transferring an image- colour, material, condition and illumination.

Results. Studying the regularities of colour relations is expedient to carry out, first of

all by means of determination of colour distinctions of subjects in the nature on three basic

properties (to colour shade, lightness and saturation) and their transferring on the sketch of

general big spots. Comparison of found ranges of nature and image doesnot represent

special difficulties and therefore can serve as an initial stage in mastering the law of

proportionality of tone and colour relations.

Gratitude. I specially thank to the scientists mentioned above related to the work.

References: 1. Stepanov N.N. The light in an interior. – Kiev: Vicha school, 1985. – 95 p.

2. Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. – M: Politizdat, 1977.

3.Galperin P.Ya. The main results of researches on the problem of formation of intellectual

actions and comprehension. – M: Moscow State University, 1965. – 92 pages.

4 . Vygotsky L.S. Art psychology. – Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 1998. – 480 p.

5. Volkov N.N. The perception of picture. – M: Education, 1976. – p.32.

Nurtajewa N.Sh., Kylyschbekowa A.O.


1. Lernziel: Selbstständigkeit und Mitverantwortung. Die Studenten können nicht

selbstständig arbeiten. Ein Vorwurf, der an kasachstanischen Universitäten oft zu hören ist

und den viele Pädagogen gerne bestätigen werden. Oft folgt auf diese sicherlich richtige

Einsicht, dass im Unterricht alles vorgeschrieben und vorgegeben wird, ja das am Ende

sogar die Diplomarbeit nicht beratend betreut wird, sondern bereits vorgeschrieben ist. Die

Grundlage der folgenden Erörterung ist jedoch die Annahme, dass

a) die Studenten es oft nicht gelernt haben, selbstständig zu arbeiten und

b) selbstständiges und eigenverantwortliches Lernen erlernbar ist. Natürlich ist der

Mangel an Selbstständigkeit und Eigenverantwortung nicht allein den Pädagogen

anzulasten. In vielen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen wird Mitbestimmung nicht eben

gefördert, sondern eher Autoritätsdenken und passiver Konsum. Demokratie wird nicht als

Beteiligung erlebt, sondern wirkt eher als Ideologie (vgl. Karin 2002, 22). Ohne die Kom-

petenz entwickelt zu haben, eine distanzierte, relativierende, kritische und reflektierende

Haltung einnehmen zu können, sind Jugendliche zunehmend dem Einfluss von global

agierenden Medienkonzernen, Konsumangeboten und kommerziell geschaffenen Trends

ausgeliefert. Letztere übernehmen neben den traditionellen Institutionen wie Staat, Schule

und Elternhaus immer mehr identitätsstiftende Funktionen. Diese gesellschaftlichen

Verhältnisse begünstigen die Aktivierungsarmut und unkritische Konsumhaltung von

Kindern und Jugendlichen. Diese Verhältnisse sind aber umso mehr ein Argument für die

Förderung von Selbstständigkeit und Eigenverantwortung, um die Jugendlichen zu

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befähigen, eine eigene Identität zu entwickeln, selbstbestimmte Lebensperspektiven

aufzubauen, Handlungsalternativen zu verschaffen (vgl. hierzu Baer 1997, 33) und

letztendlich mehr Beteiligung in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen einzufordern sowie

Verantwortung für soziale Aufgaben zu übernehmen. Den Fremdsprachenunterricht

betreffend, um den es uns im folgenden gehen soll, bedeutet das Lernen von

Selbstständigkeit aber auch, dass es "nicht nur im Hinblick auf die allgemeinen

Erziehungsziele (Beitrag des Fremdsprachenunterrichts zur demokratischen Erziehung),

sondern ganz konkret für den Sprachlernerfolg selbst wichtig ist: nur wer begreift, dass er

für sein Sprachenlernen selbst mitverantwortlich ist, wird eine Sprache erfolgreich lernen,

eigene Sprachlernstrategien entwickeln und in der Lage sein, über die Unterrichtszeit

hinaus die Sprache weiter zu lernen" (Krumm 1991, 6).

2. Merkmale des projektorientierten Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Ein Mittel, um

Schüler und Studenten zu kreativer und engagierter Eigenarbeit herauszufordern, ist das

projektorientierte Lernen. Die Projektmethode ist nicht neu, wird in Deutschland aber erst

wieder seit den 70er Jahren als Reformidee vor allem in Reaktion auf den Frontalunterricht

verstärkt diskutiert. Im Fremdsprachenunterricht führten Projekte bis vor kurzem jedoch

ein Schattendasein. Schüler und Studenten "sprechen oft nur noch, damit wir Lehrer

feststellen können, ob sie korrekt sprechen. Das, was mit Sprache mitgeteilt oder erreicht

werden soll, ist oft gar nicht mehr wichtig. Das gilt vor allem für den Sprachunterricht,

dessen oberstes Ziel das Bearbeiten des Lehrbuches ist, Lektion nach Lektion, ohne dass

Platz bleibt mit den Schülern auszuprobieren, ob denn nun schon etwas Brauchbares

gelernt ist, womit man etwas tun kann" (Krumm 1991, 4). Auf dieses Brauchbare und das

Tun konzentriert sich ein projektorientierter Unterricht. Schüler und Studenten sollen nicht

auf praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Gelernten warten, um es später, nach der

Schulzeit oder nach dem Studium, im "richtigen" Leben anwenden zu können, sondern

Lernen und praktisches Tun sollen verbunden werden. Das Lernen, das sich alleine an der

Vorgabe und Korrektur von Aufgaben durch den Lehrer und deren Lösung durch die

Lerner orientiert, entmündigt zudem die Schüler und Studenten: eigene Erfahrungen, Ideen

und Kreativität kommen nicht zum Zuge. Ein projektorientierter Unterricht hingegen

fordert die Lerner zur Selbstständigkeit und zur Einbringung ihrer Erfahrungen heraus. Der

projektorientierte Fremdsprachenunterricht ist vor allem gekennzeichnet durch:

– ein konkretes Ziel, das es erlaubt, Neues, Fremdes zu entdecken und zu erfahren und

die Sprache kommunikativ anzuwenden;

– eine nah an den Erfahrungen der Lerner ausgerichtete Themenwahl aus existenziell

wichtigen Lebensgestaltungsbereichen, wie Arbeit und Beruf, Beziehungen und Sexualität,

Gesellschaftliche Partizipation, Konsum- und Freizeitverhalten, Bildung und

Informationsverhalten, Ästhetische Verwirklichung, Erholung und Gesundheit;

– gemeinsame Planung durch Lehrer und Lerner, wobei die Schüler versuchen, mit

ihren bereits vorhandenen (Sprach-)Kenntnissen zurechtzukommen; der Lehrer ist lediglich

teilnehmender Leiter oder sprachlicher und sachlicher Helfer, der die Instrumente und

sprachlichen Mittel liefert, die zur Bewältigung des Projekts notwendig sind;

– die selbstständige Recherche und Aktion der Schüler unter Benutzung aller

verfügbaren Hilfsmittel, wie beispielsweise Wörterbücher, Computer, Fotoapparat, Kamera


– Öffnung nach außen, d.h. die außerschulische bzw. außeruniversitäre Realität wird in

den Unterricht einbezogen oder der Unterricht in die Außenwelt hinein erweitert;

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– eigene kulturelle Äußerungen, d.h. Produkte wie Poster, Comic, Zeitung, Foto, Foto-

Story, Korrespondenz, Aufführung, Website o.a., die auch über das Klassenzimmer hinaus

gezeigt werden können. Für die Produkte sollten nach Möglichkeit Veröffentlichung-

sräume zur Verfügung gestellt werden, so erfahren die Jugendlichen eine Aufwertung,

Anerkennung und Verbreitung ihrer Produkte. Spracharbeit (d.h. Fehlerkorrektur,

Grammatikarbeit, Schreiben) vollzieht sich in Form der Überarbeitung und Verbesserung

des Produktes (vgl. Wicke 1997, 120; Krumm 1991, 6).

Das hier skizzierte projektorientierte Lernen ist natürlich nur möglich, wenn Curricula

vom Zeit- und Stoffdruck befreit werden und mehr Raum für die selbstständige und

kreative Eigenarbeit der Schüler und Studenten lassen. Das sehr prüfungsorientierte Lernen

der Studenten an den kasachstanischen Universitäten, dass auch in den Philologien durch

Prüfungen in Form von Multiple-Choice-Tests gefördert wird, steht dem

projektorientierten Lernen eher im Wege. Multiple-Choice-Tests geben die Antworten vor.

Darüber hinaus suggerieren sie, dass es auf jede Frage immer nur eine richtige Antwort

geben kann. Dies fördert weder Selbstständigkeit und Eigenverantwortung, noch

Kreativität und Toleranz. Natürlich ist mit dem hier vorgetragenen Plädoyer für

erfahrungs- und handlungsorientiertes Lernen nicht gemeint, dass der

Fremdsprachenunterricht nur noch in Form von Projekten stattfinden soll. Sprachen lernen

ist natürlich immer auch Abstraktion, beispielsweise in Form von grammatischem Wissen.

Wenn hier für den projektorientierten Fremdsprachenunterricht plädiert wird, so meint

dies, dass "wir überall da, wo die Erfahrung unserer Schüler es zulässt, wo es der Lehrplan,

die verfügbaren Mittel erlauben, unseren Schülern Gelegenheit geben sollten, die Sprache

selbstständig, praktisch handelnd zu erproben" (Krumm 1991,7).

3. Zu vermittelnde und zu erarbeitende Kompetenzen. Neben den wichtigen

traditionellen Kompetenzen des Fremdsprachenunterrichts - Hören, Lesen, Schreiben,

Sprechen (meist Antworten) - erfordert der Projektunterricht sowohl von Lehrern, als auch

von Schülern, das Erlernen einer Reihe von weiteren Kompetenzen. Der offene,

lernerzentrierte Unterricht ist insofern anspruchsvoller als der traditionelle

Frontalunterricht. Für einen erfolgreichen Unterricht sind Fertigkeiten wie Planen,

Auswählen, Entscheiden, Diskutieren, Argumentieren, Kooperieren, Recherchieren,

Forschen, Entdecken, Produzieren, Gestalten, Auswerten und Dokumentieren zu

vermitteln, zu erarbeiten und zu üben. Die Schüler und Studenten müssen lernen,

selbstständig und ohne Aufsicht zu lernen. Lehrer müssen lernen, nicht mehr alles

vorzuschreiben und vorzugeben. Sie müssen den Lernern helfen, ihre Wünsche Träume,

Sehnsüchte, Bedürfnisse und Interessen ernst zu nehmen und zu formulieren, indem sie

ihre kognitiven, emotionalen, sozialen und kommunikativen Fertigkeiten fördern. Der

Lehrer tritt nicht mehr in der Rolle des Allwissenden auf, der den Unterricht alleine

gestaltet, sondern als Berater und Flelfer, Initiator und Organisator, als Partner und

Mitlernender, der "Lernprozesse behutsam steuert und sein Vorwissen und seinen

Informationsvorsprung" (Wicke 1997, 121) im Sinne der Förderung der Selbsterfahrung

und Selbsterprobung der Lernenden nutzt.

4. Methoden des Projektunterrichts. Im Projektunterricht geht es nicht darum,

Wertvorstellungen selbst zu vermitteln, sondern darum, mit offenen pädagogischen

Methoden Jugendlichen Orientierungs- und Entscheidungsfähigkeit zu vermitteln und sie

ständig zu selbstbewussten, reflektierten Entscheidungen herauszufordern (vgl. Baer 1997,

35) Dazu müssen Eehrer eine immense methodische Phantasie entwickeln. Wie bereits

angesprochen, muss "Projektkompetenz" erst erlernt werden. Gerade zu Beginn kann es zu

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Enttäuschungen bei der Projektarbeit kommen, etwa wenn der Lärmpegel in der Klasse zu

hoch ist, Hilfsmittel fehlen, die Lerner nur in der Muttersprache sprechen oder sich vom

Neuen zu sehr herausgefordert fühlen und aus Angst zunächst ablehnend reagieren usw..

Es empfiehlt sich daher zunächst mit kleinen Schritten zu beginnen, etwa damit, dass den

Schülern oder Studenten ermöglicht wird, in größerem Umfang als bisher eigene

Meinungen und Erfahrungen zur Sprache zu bringen. Projektähnliche Aufgaben wie das

selbstständige Recherchieren, Sammeln und Archivieren von Informationen sind geeignet,

die Schüler oder Studenten an den Projektunterricht zu gewöhnen. Die Frage nach den

Interessen der Lerner und deren Berücksichtigung im Unterricht, die Beteiligung an der

Unterrichtsplanung, die Aufgabe, einen Text für den Unterricht auszuwählen und evtl. zu

didaktisieren oder eine Präsentation vorzubereiten, können weitere Schritte auf dem Weg

zu mehr Selbstbeteiligung und Mitverantwortung für den Unterricht sein. Die vielfältigen

Varianten der Textapplikation, also, das Fortsetzen und Umschreiben von Texten ist ein

weiteres probates Mittel, um kreative Äußerungen von Schülern oder Studenten zu fördern.

Das Verfassen eigener Texte für eine Klassenzeitung, Poster, Leserbriefe, Internetseite o.a.

stellt eine weitere Spielart der kreativen Textarbeit dar. Möglichkeiten der Begegnung mit

Muttersprachlern vor Ort fern des Zielsprachenlandes etwa über Kulturinstitute, Firmen

und Tourismus sollten genutzt werden, um die außerschulische Realität in den Unterricht

einzubeziehen. Dies kann auch durch Spurensuche geschehen. Häufig finden sich Spuren

der Zielkultur am Lernort. In diesem Sinne können selbstständige Recherchen der Schüler

und Studenten zu Gegenwart und Vergangenheit ganz eigene Erfahrungen mit der fremden

Kultur entstehen lassen. Diskussionsspiele, Lese- und Entscheidungsspiele, Rollen- und

Planspiele sind weitere Möglichkeiten, um Realität im Unterricht zu simulieren. Vielfältige

Anregungen zum projektorientierten Unterricht und ausführliche Projektbeschreibungen

lassen sich mittlerweile in zahlreichen Publikationen finden. Auch das Internet bietet eine

Reihe sehr interessanter und lohnenswerter Projektideen. Zum Schluss sei noch einmal

daran erinnert, dass das Ziel eines projektorientierten Fremdsprachenunterrichts neben der

Sprachvermittlung eine weitgehende Selbstständigkeit und Mitbestimmung der Lerner, der

"aufrechte Gang" ist. Letzteren müssen die Pädagogen natürlich vorgehen, indem sie Werte

vorleben (nicht vorschreiben).


1. Baer, Ulrich 1997: Wozu wir Jugendliche befähigen müssen, in: Baer, Ulrich u.a. (Hrsg.):

Lernziel Lebenskunst. Spiele Projekte, Konzepte und Methoden für Jugendarbeit und Schule,

Remscheid 1997, 31-36.

2. Brauer, Reinhard u.a. 1996: Wortstark 5, Themen und Werkstätten für den

Deutschunterricht, Hannover.

3. Hölscher, Petra/Rabitsch, Erich (Hrsg.) 1993: Methodenbaukasten Deutsch als Fremd-

und Zweitsprache, Frankfurt am Main.

4. Karin, Erlang 2002: Demokratie als Ideologie, in: Abseits der Seidenstraße, Berlin 2002,


5. Krumm, Plans-Jürgen 1991: Unterrichtsprojekte – praktisches Lernen im

Deutschunterricht, in: Fremdsprache Deutsch. Zeitschrift für die Praxis des Deutschunterrichts,

4(1991), 4-8.

6. Wicke, Rainer E. 1995: Handeln und Sprechen im Deutschunterricht, München.

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7. Wicke, Rainer E. 1997: Vom Text zum Projekt. Kreative Textarbeit und offenes Lernen

im Unterricht "Deutsch als Fremdsprache", Berlin.

8. Wicke, Rainer E. 2004: Aktiv und kreativ lernen. Projektorientierte Spracharbeit im

Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache, München.

Saibekova N.U.



Introduction. The main direction of an article is the correlated connection of

intercultural communication in the process of teaching language and cultural implications

of source language and target language. The main considerable question is transferring

cultural environment into another one. Intercultural communication is a form of global

communication. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that

naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious,

social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.

Intercultural communication is sometimes used synonymously with cross-cultural

communication. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries

and cultures act, communicate and perceive the world around them. Many people in

intercultural business communication argue that culture determines how individuals encode

messages, what mediums they choose for transmitting them and the way messages are

interpreted [1].

As a separate notion, it studies situations where people from different cultural

backgrounds interact. Aside from language, intercultural communication focuses on social

attributes, thought patterns and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves

understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries.

Intercultural communication plays a role in social sciences, such as anthro-pology, cultural

studies, linguistics, psychology and communication studies [2].Cross-cultural

communication (also frequently referred to as intercultural communication, which is also

used in a different sense, though) is a field of study that looks at how people from differing

cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and

how they endeavour to communicate across cultures.

Method. The method which is used in my article is contrastive-comparative analysis of

intercultural communication in teaching foreign language.

Main part. Intercultural communication principles guide the process of exchanging

meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries, in a way that

preserves mutual respect and minimizes antagonism. For these purposes, culture is a shared

system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms of behaviour. It

refers to coherent groups of people whether resident wholly or partly within state

territories, or existing without residence in any particular territory. Hence, these principles

may have equal relevance when a tourist seeks help, where two well-established

independent corporations attempt to merge their operations, and where politicians attempt

to negotiate world peace.

The mutual relation of intercultural communication with other disciplines is given


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Scheme 1

Two factors have raised the importance of this article:

– improvements in communication and transportation technology have made it possible

for previously stable cultures to meet in unstructured situations, e.g. the internet opens lines

of communication without mediation, while budget airlines transplant ordinary citizens

into unfamiliar milieux. Experience proves that merely crossing cultural boundaries can be

considered threatening, while positive attempts to interact may provoke defensive

responses. Misunderstanding may be compounded by either an exaggerated sensitivity to

possible slights or an exaggerated and over-protective fear of giving offence;

– some groups believe that the phenomenon of globalization has reduced cultural

diversity and so reduced the opportunity for misunderstandings, but characterizing people

as a homogeneous market is simplistic. One product or brand only appeals to the material

aspirations of one self-selecting group of buyers, and its sales performance will not affect

the vast multiplicity of factors that may separate the cultures.

It is essential that people research the cultures and communication conventions of those

whom they propose to meet. This will minimize the risk of making the elementary

mistakes. It is also prudent to set a clear agenda so that everyone understands the nature

and purpose of the interaction. When language skills are unequal, clarifying one’s meaning

in five ways will improve communication:

– avoid using slang and idioms, choosing words that will convey only the most specific

denotative meaning;

– listen carefully and, if in doubt, ask for confirmation of understanding (particularly

important if local accents and pronunciation are a problem);

– recognize that accenting and intonation can cause meaning to vary significantly and

respect the local communication formalities and styles and watch for any changes in body


– investigate their culture’s perception of your culture by reading literature about your

culture through their eyes before entering into communication with them. This will allow

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you to prepare yourself for projected views of your culture you will be bearing as a visitor

in their culture.

Functional-dynamic approach of learning language is conditioned the appearance of

new technologies and conceptions of teaching. One of the main is teaching on the basis of

theoretical conceptions of intercultural communication. Support on the culture in teaching

language has had new perception in modern linguodidactics. Mastering language, people

do not always understand each other, and the reason of this is the divergence of the culture.

It is absolutely clear, that the native speakers of one and another language can be the

representatives of different cultures and subcultures. They can not understand each other at

all. The communication inside one and that culture shows the divergence of concepts.

Teaching language and culture on the basis of the systems of concepts is based on that

the culture is the whole, systemic semiotic phenomenon. The culture is – open, self-

organized system in didactics. The exchange with the environment happens on the

«entrance» and «exit» from the system. The work of the system of «culture» happens as a

result of its relation with traditions and reality. Except this, the culture – is the dynamic

system, functioning on the basis of communication, which happens as inside the system,

and outside too. The exchange of the product of culture with «tradition» and «reality»

gives rise to cultural communication [3].

The intercultural communication presupposes the mutual action of some cultures does

not contradict to the scheme of cultural communication. It is principal for the process of

teaching, straight and inverted connections are in culture. In order to be concept, the

meaning, given to the learner by the teacher, must be perceived and included in associative

-verbal net, correlated with basic concepts of culture.

In the process of teaching free mastering language is achieved not by mere verbiage

and even not owing to the knowledge of grammatical model, and owing to that, on the

basis of them the learner masters the language of foreign culture, that is in national

concepts. The peculiarity of didactics is defined by that it is based on linguoculturological

approach, supported on learning national concept sphere, based on systematic learning of

the culture and language. The didactic approach implies:

– teaching inside cultural communication;

– teaching intercultural communication.

On the basis of new methodical direction lie concept and concept sphere, understood as

didactic units.

Conforming to the process of teaching intercultural communication can be represented

by next schemes:

Scheme 2

1. Teacher the process of teaching student.

This is the simple scheme of communication. The teacher, native speaker of native

language, has some collection of concepts of foreign culture and appeals to the student –

the speaker of the culture of foreign language, considering inverse relation in that extent,

in which student masters the presupposed material [4]. The scheme of teaching language

for foreign student is given below.

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Scheme 3

Teacher Student

2. Teacher, addressing to foreign student, appeals the material, that is unfamiliar for

him. According to this, the aim of teaching is the translation of «foreign» (or the part of

«foreign») to the category of «own».

Scheme 4 Teacher Student

It is clear, that «foreign» teacher connects with «own» in large volume, than in students,

and the aim of teaching is to shorten this gap, in reality –its liquidation.

Scheme 5

Teacher Student

Then the stages of teaching can be seen by next way:

1. Traditional submission of units of «foreign» language. For instance, Russian word

«дом» in translating into foreign language.

2. Including units of language in associative-verbal net.

a) Дом – изба – хижина – хата – дворец – церковь... b) Быть дома, чувствовать себя как дома, владеть домом...

c) Большой, маленький, новый, старый, красивый, уютный дом.....

3. The submission of the word-conception in micro text: «Родительский дом – на-

чало начал». In aphorism: «Дома и стены помогают». «Дома – как хочу, на людях –

как велят».

4. Direct familiarity with Russian house (submission of «denotation»). The aim of this

stage – is to include semantic units to conceptual and emotional sphere, as a result of it









Foreign Own Foreign Own

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foreigner would have private relation to Russian house and concealed comparison of


Conclusion. The conceptual and emotional spheres interconnected arising new

associations. In simultaneous movement two associative-verbal net would appear: «own»

and «foreign», the concept would have been arisen. As a result vocabulary conception,

having universality and schematism «overgrow» with increasing meaning. «Foreign»

gradually becomes «own». In intercultural communication the secondary linguistic

personality would be born. The birth happens owing to mastering concepts of foreign

cultural world.

Results. As a result of above mentioned opinion, the intercultural communication in the

process of teaching occurs between the teacher and student and it can be different

according to the situation. So, intercultural communication principles guide the process of

exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries, in a way

that preserves mutual respect and minimizes antagonism.

Gratitude. I specially thank to the scientists mentioned above.

References: 1.Lauring Jakob. Intercultural Organizational Communication: The Social Organizing of

Interaction in International Encounters. – Denmark: Journal of Business and Communication,



3. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Лингвострановедческая теория слова. – М., 1980:

4. Караулов Ю.Н. Активная грамматика и ассоциативно-вербальная сеть. – М., 1999.

Zhauynshiyeva Zh.B.


This article refers to the way teachers can focus the teaching of the foreign language in

the classroom in such a way that students can communicate in a conscious way, taking into

account their real experiences. Here, the origin of the Communicative Approach as a

combination of different methods is clearly explained, as such as the role of the teacher and

the students in communicative teaching English as a Second Language class. The article

also gives some examples of communicative activities that can be developed in a class

from the communicative point of view.

This digest will take a look at the communicative approach to the teaching of foreign

languages. It is intended as an introduction to the communicative approach for teachers and

teachers-in-training who want to provide opportunities in the classroom for their students

to engage in real-life communication in the target language. Questions to be dealt with

include what the communicative approach is, where it came from, and how teachers' and

students' roles differ from the roles they play in other teaching approaches. Examples of

exercises that can be used with a communicative approach are described, and sources of

appropriate materials are provided.

Where does communicative language teaching come from? Its origins are many, insofar as one teaching methodology tends to influence the next.

The communicative approach could be said to be the product of educators and linguists

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who had grown dissatisfied with the audio-lingual and grammar-translation methods of

foreign language instruction.

They felt that students were not learning enough realistic, whole language. They did not

know how to communicate using appropriate social language, gestures, or expressions; in

brief, they were at a loss to communicate in the culture of the language studied. Interest in

and development of communicative-style teaching mushroomed in the 1970s; authentic

language use and classroom exchanges where students engaged in real communication

with one another became quite popular.

In the intervening years, the communicative approach has been adapted to the

elementary, middle, secondary, and post-secondary levels, and the underlying philosophy

has spawned different teaching methods known under a variety of names, including

notional-functional, teaching for proficiency, proficiency-based instruction, and

communicative language teaching.

What is communicative language teaching? Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate

communication. The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real

life. Unlike the audio-lingual method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and

drills, the communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of a

class exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses. The real-life

simulations change from day to day. Students' motivation to learn comes from their desire

to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics.

Margie S.Berns, an expert in the field of communicative language teaching, writes in

explaining Firth's view that language is interaction; it is interpersonal activity and has a

clear relationship with society. In this light, language study has to look at the use (function)

of language in context, both its linguistic context (what is uttered before and after a given

piece of discourse) and its social, or situational, context (who is speaking, what their social

roles are, why they have come together to speak).

What are some examples of communicative exercises? In a communicative classroom for beginners, the teacher might begin by passing out

cards, each with a different name printed on it. The teacher then proceeds to model an

exchange of introductions in the target language: "Guten Tag. WieheissenSie?" Reply:

"IcheisseWolfie," for example. Using a combination of the target language and gestures,

the teacher conveys the task at hand, and gets the students to introduce themselves and ask

their classmates for information. They are responding in German to a question in German.

They do not know the answers beforehand, as they are each holding cards with their new

identities written on them; hence, there is an authentic exchange of information.

Later during the class, as a reinforcement listening exercise, the students might hear a

recorded exchange between two German freshmen meeting each other for the first time at

the gymnasium doors. Then the teacher might explain, in English, the differences among

German greetings in various social situations. Finally, the teacher will explain some of the

grammar points and structures used.

The following exercise is taken from a 1987 workshop on communicative foreign

language teaching, given for Delaware language teachers by Karen Willetts and Lynn

Thompson of the Center for Applied Linguistics. The exercise, called "Eavesdropping," is

aimed at advanced students.

"Instructions to students" Listen to a conversation somewhere in a public place and be

prepared to answer, in the target language, some general questions about what was said.

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1. Who was talking?

2. About how old were they?

3. Where were they when you eavesdropped?

4. What were they talking about?

5. What did they say?

6. Did they become aware that you were listening to them?

The exercise puts students in a real-world listening situation where they must report

information overheard. Most likely they have an opinion of the topic, and a class

discussion could follow, in the target language, about their experiences and viewpoints.

Communicative exercises such as this motivate the students by treating topics of their

choice, at an appropriately challenging level.

Another exercise taken from the same source is for beginning students of English. In

"Listening for the Gist," students are placed in an everyday situation where they must listen

to an authentic text.

"Objective." Students listen to a passage to get general understanding of the topic or


"Directions." Have students listen to the following announcement to decide what the

speaker is promoting.

(The announcement can be read by the teacher or played on tape.) Then ask students to

circle the letter of the most appropriate answer on their copy, which consists of the

following multiple-choice options:

− a) taxiservice

− b) a hotel

− c) anairport

− d) a restaurant [1].

Gunter Gerngross, an English teacher in Austria, gives an example of how he makes his

lessons more communicative. He cites a widely used textbook that shows English children

having a pet show. "Even when learners act out this scene creatively and enthusiastically,

they do not reach the depth of involvement that is almost tangible when they act out a short

text that presents a family conflict revolving round the question of whether the children

should be allowed to have a pet or not" [Gerngross&Puchta, 1984, p. 92]. He continues to

say that the communicative approach "puts great emphasis on listening, which implies an

active will to try to understand others. This is one of the hardest tasks to achieve because

the children are used to listening to the teacher but not to their peers. There are no quick,

set recipes.

That the teacher be a patient listener is the basic requirement" [3, p.98].

The observation by Gerngross on the role of the teacher as one of listener rather than

speaker brings up several points to be discussed in the next portion of this digest.

How do the roles of the teacher and student change in communicative language

teaching? Teachers in communicative classrooms will find themselves talking less and listening

more-becoming active facilitators of their students' learning. The teacher sets up the

exercise, but because the students' performance is the goal, the teacher must step back and

observe, sometimes acting as referee or monitor. A classroom during a communicative

activity is far from quiet, however. The students do most of the speaking, and frequently

the scene of a classroom during a communicative exercise is active, with students leaving

their seats to complete a task.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Because of the increased responsibility to participate, students may find they gain

confidence in using the target language in general. Students are more responsible managers

of their own learning.


1 ource: Adapted from Ontario Assessment Instrument Pool, 1980, Item No. 13019

2 BC. [1982]. "In search of a language teaching framework: An adaptation of a

communicative approach to functional practice" (EDRS No. ED 239 507, 26 pages)

2 Das, B. K. (Ed.) (1984). "Communicative language teaching."Selected papers from the

RELC seminar (Singapore)."Anthology Series 14."(EDRS No. ED 266 661, 234 pages)

3 Littlewood, W. T. (1983). "Communicative approach to language teaching methodology

(CLCS Occasional Paper No. 7)." Dublin: Dublin University, Trinity College, Centre for

Language and Communication Studies. (EDRS No. ED 235 690, 23 pages)

4 Pattison, P. (1987). "The communicative approach and classroom realities."(EDRS No.

ED 288 407, 17 pages)

5 Riley, P. (1982). "Topics in communicative methodology: Including a preliminary and

selective bibliography on the communicative approach." (EDRS No. ED 231 213, 31 pages)

6 Savignon, S. J., &Berns, M. S. (Eds.). (1983). "Communicative language teaching: Where

are we going? Studies in Language Learning," 4(2).(EDRS No. ED 278 226, 210 pages)

7 Sheils, J. (1986). "Implications of the communicative approach for the role of the

teacher."(EDRS No. ED 268 831, 7 pages)

8 Swain, M., &Canale, M. (1982)."The role of grammar in a communicative approach to

second language teaching and testing."(EDRS No. ED 221 026, 8 pages) (not available

separately; available from EDRS as part of ED 221 023, 138 pages)

Mazbaev O.B, Orazalinova R. Zh.



Die Bildung ist als eine der wichtigsten langfristigen Prioritäten der Strategie

"Kasachstan-2030". Zum Gesamtziel der Bildungsreform in Kasachstan ist die Anpassung

des Bildungssystems an die neuen sozial-wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen. Vom Präsidenten

Kasachstans wurde die Aufgabe gestellt, dass das Land in naher Zukunft zu den 50

wettbewerbsfähigsten Staaten der Welt gehört. Die Verbesserung des Bildungssystems

spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erreichung dieses Ziels.

Die internationale Erfahrung beweist, dass Investitionen in das Humankapital,

insbesondere im Bereich der Bildung, von der frühen Kindheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter,

zu erheblich Gewinnen für die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft beitragen.

Die Investitionen in das Humankapital sind entscheidend für die Schaffung von

technologisch fortschrittlichen, produktiven Arbeitskräften, die sich der schnell

verändernden Welt anpassen können. Erfolgreiche Volkswirtschaften der Zukunft werden

diejenigen sein, die in Bildung, Fertigkeiten und Fähigkeiten der Bevölkerung investieren.

Die Bildung hat man als wirtschaftliche Investition zu verstehen, und nicht nur als


Es gibt eine Reihe von Beweisen für die Verknüpfung von Bildung und

Wirtschaftswachstum. Zusätzlich zu dem wirtschaftlichen Gewinn schafft die Bildung auch

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eine andere soziale Qualität, fördert die Schaffung von Sozialkapital - eine Gesellschaft mit

hoher Bürgerbeteiligung, großem sozialen Zusammenhalt und Integration bei niedriger

Kriminalitätsrate. Ab einem frühen Alter spielt die Bildung eine wichtige Rolle bei der

Herausbildung der sozialen, emotionalen und anderer lebenswichtiger Fähigkeiten. Hieraus

ergeben sich überzeugende Argumente für den Nutzen der weiteren Entwicklung des

gesamten Spektrums von Bildungsleistungen. Kasachstan braucht eine radikale

Modernisierung der Bildung: eine deutliche und nachhaltige Steigerung der Investitionen

in Bildung und in die Verbesserung ihrer Qualität.

Deswegen schlägt man eine neue nationale Vision vor: zum Jahr 2020 wird Kasachstan

ein Land der Bildung sein, mit vernünftiger Wirtschaft und hoch qualifizierten

Arbeitskräften. Die Entwicklung der Bildung muss die Plattform sein, auf der künftiger

wirtschaftlicher, politischer, sozialer und kultureller Wohlstand basiert.

Die Programmziele der 12-jährigen Schule sind die folgenden:

- Verbesserung des Finanzierungssystems gerichtet auf die Gewährleistung von

gleichberechtigten Zugang zu Bildungsleistungen;

- Erhöhung des Ansehens des Lehrerberufs;

- Schaffung eines von staatlich-öffentlichem Verwaltungssystems für Bildung;

- Gewährleistung eines gleichberechtigten Zugangs für alle Teilnehmer des

Bildungsprozesses zu den besten Bildungsressourcen und Technologien;

- Flachendeckende Bereitstellung qualitativhochwertiger vorschulische Erziehung

und Bildung mit gleichberechtigendem Zugangs aller Kinder zu den verschiedenen


- Die allgemeinbildenden Schulen müssen dazu beitragen, dass die intellektuell,

körperlich und geistig mündigen Bürger der Republik Kasachstan ihre Bedürfnisse nach

Bildung, die den Erfolg in der sich rasch wandelnden Welt sichert, befriedigen können;

- Übergang zum 12-jährigen Bildungsmodell;

- Modernisierung der technischen und fachlichen Bildung in Übereinstimmung mit

den Bedürfnissen der Gesellschaft und der ökonomischen Entwicklung innovativer

Industriezweige sowie die Integration in den weltweiten Bildungsraum;

- Erreichung eines hohen Niveaus der Hochschulbildung, das den Bedürfnissen des

Arbeitsmarktes gerecht wird, zu der Entfaltung des Individuums beiträgt, den Aufgaben

von innovativer, industrieller Entwicklung des Landes nachkommt und den besten

internationalen Vorbildern auf dem Gebiet der Bildung entspricht;

- Wartung des Lernens während des gesamten Lebens;

- Formation bei der Jugend eine aktive Bürgerschaft, soziale Verantwortung,

Patriotismus, hohe moralische und Führungsqualitäten.

Zwecks Erreichens der gestellten Ziele waren folgende Aufgaben gestellt:

1. Durchführung der Analyse von Fach-Standards 2002.

2.Gestaltung des Entwurfs vom Lehrplan der 12-jährigen allgemeinen Mittelausbildung

der Republik Kasachstan.

3. Gestaltung von Diskussion über den Lehrplan unter den Lehrkörpern der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai Universität

Ergebnisse: Die globalen Anstrengungen auf dem Gebiet der Bildung haben das Ziel,

negative Tendenzen aufzuhalten, Wandlung und Fortschritt zu fördern. Die Prioritäten der

Bildung sollten nicht nur gegenwärtige, sondern langfristige Bedürfnisse der Menschen

und der Gesellschaf erfüllen.

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Unter diesen Bedingungen ist Bildung zentral für die Entwicklung des Individuums und

die Herausbildung geistiger und moralischer Werte der Gesellschaft.

Die künftige 12-jährige Schule muss ebenso auf die Einbeziehung der Vergangenheit

gerichtet sein, wie sie dafür verantwortlich sein muss, die Zukunft zu gestalten. In diesem

Zusammenhang muss die 12-jährige Schule in dem Maße zu der Entwicklung der

Persönlichkeit beitragen, als sie ihrerseits selbst das Ergebnis dieses Prozesses ist.

Die kasachische Bildung ist vor die Notwendigkeit gestellt, ein modernes Schulsystem

einzuführen und zugleich systematische, aus der Vergangenheit herrührende,

Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden, um eine kontinuierlichen Bildung gewährleisten zu


Es ist anzunehmen, dass der Lehrinhalt von Schulfächern in den folgenden Bereichen

geändert werden wird:

- Aktualisierung von Schulungsunterlagen im Einklang mit Veränderungen in der

Umwelt und der Erzielung eines grundlegenden Wissenschaften, Einleitung neuer

Abschnitte und Themen, notwendig fürs Leben in einer modernen Gesellschaft mit

kultureller Bedeutung, Ausnahme der veralteten Abschnitte;

- Verallgemeinerung von Lerninhalten durch die Zuteilung von Systemkonzepte,

Prinzipien, Gesetze und gleichzeitige Entladung durch sekundäre Material;

- Umverteilung von pädagogischem Material zwischen Grund- und Reifeschule,

zwischen dem Grund- und Profilinhalte der Ausbildung; modulare Konzepte für den

Aufbau des Lehrmaterials;

- Entwicklung von Idee des Bildungsinhalts als pädagogischen Umfeld für die

persönliche Entwicklung der Studierenden; die Einbeziehung von variablen und

wissenschaftlichen Komponenten in Ausbildung, die den individuellen Lehrpfad von den

Schülern ermöglichen;

- Ausarbeitung des Tätigkeit-Bestandteils im Inhalt von Bildung, d.h. Aufnahme in

die Pflichtprogramms der ausgewählten Arten der Tätigkeit, Techniken und Technologien,

Kernkompetenzen und anderer prozeduraler Elemente, die Schüler beherrschen müssen;

- Gestaltung und Entwicklung von Lehrbüchern und Unterrichtsmaterialien einer

neuen Art: orientiert auf Persönlichkeit, dem Profil entsprechend, integriert, in

elektronischer Ausführung, in Multimedia- und Hypertext-Formen, etc.

Also, als Ergebnisse der Studie gelten:

1. Analyse der Fach-Standards 2002 von der Position: Zuverlässigkeit der gestellten

Ziele und Aufgaben des Facherlernens, die Verhältnismäßigkeit der Inhalt der Ausbildung

mit den psychophysiologischen Funktionen der Schüler; genaues Identifizieren der

wesentlichen Inhalte der schulischen Bildung, Erhaltung von Differenzierung des

Fachinhalts in den Bereichen der Profilbildung, sowie des Mindestmaßes an Ausbildung;

Erreichbarkeit der ausgesetzt Anforderungen zum Vorbereitungsniveau der Schüler.

2. Definition eine Reihe von Anforderungen an die Zusammensetzung und Struktur der

grundlegenden Inhalte der Schulbildung und Festlegung der allgemeinen Anforderungen

für den Grad der Vorbereitung der Schülerinnen und Schüler von Anstalten der

allgemeinen Mittelausbildung.

3.Bestimmung der maximalen Lehrbelastung von Lernenden, die Zusammensetzung

der Bildungsfeldern und Fächer. Erfassung der Anforderungen an den Lehrplan: in dessen

Struktur ist staatliches unveränderliches Bestandteil der allgemeinen Mittelbildung

definiert; Sicherung der flexiblen elektiven Struktur, die die Möglichkeit der Demokra-

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tisierung des Bildungsprozesses in der Schule schafft. In oberer Stufe ist der staatliche

Bestandteil des Lehrplans auf der Grund- und Profilstufen vertreten.

Die Lernzeit ist Rücksicht auf funktionale Ausrichtung verschiedener Fächer verteilt.

Die staatlichen variablen Bestandteile des Lehrplans enthalten zusätzliche Themen für

Kinder, gezielt auf Entwicklung der Fähigkeiten durch Aneignung der Schüler zur

selbständigen Projekt-Forschungstätigkeit.

4. Ausarbeitung vom Entwurf des Lehrplans. Der Lehrplan (LP) ist ein Dokument, das

als Grundlage für die Entwicklung von typischen Lehrplänen für Arbeit und Ausgang-

sunterlagen für die Finanzierung von Bildungseinrichtungen. Im Entwurf des Lehrplans für

12 Jahre der Ausbildung ist Umsetzung der Kompetenz-Ansatzes durchgeführt: die

allgemeinen Ziele der einzelnen pädagogischen Bereichs sind beschrieben.

In der Struktur des Lehrplans sind eingeschlossen:

a) stattliche invariante Komponente, die Einführung den allgemeinen kulturellen und

national bedeutende Werte, die Bildung von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen bietet; staatliche

invariante Komponente des Lehrplans ist obligatorisch und ist auf Erreichen von den

Lernenden die Standard-Anforderungen gerichtet.

b) staatliche variable Komponente, die individuellen Charakter von Entwicklung der

Schüler auf ihren individuellen und persönlichen Eigenschaften bietet;

Durch variable Bestandteile des Lehrplans kann man die Lehrzeit erweitern, gewidmet

dem Erlernen von Objekten der invarianten Komponente des Lehrplans, einschließlich

eingehender Untersuchung von Themen, Einführung neuer Studiengänge und


c) auf der Ebene der allgemeinen Mitterlbildung wird Profil-Komponente gesondert,

die Richtung des Lernen-Profils in verschiedenen Kombinationen von Lernfächern, gezielt

auf Bedürfnisse und Absichten der Studierenden in beruflichem Selbstverständnis


Eine Reihe von Themen und ihren Grad der Studie für jedes Profil vom Lernen sind

durch den Lehrplan für höhere Schulbildung, die aus einer invarianten (einschließlich

Grund- und Profil-Komponenten), variablen und Persönlichkeit orientierten Teilen besteht,


Staatliche invariante Komponente dienen dazu, den einheitlichen Bildungsraum zu

bieten und beinhaltet den Unterricht auf allgemeines Bildungsniveau der Fächer, die für

alle Bereiche des Lernens und Profilen erforderlich sind.

Staatliche invariante Komponente bilden die grundlegende Allgemeinbildung-Fächer,

die den Umfeld für die Errichtung und Entwicklung des Individuums schaffen und sind

verbindlich in allen Bereichen der Bildung: Muttersprache und -Literatur, die kasachische

Sprache und Literatur / Russische Sprache und Literatur, Fremdsprachen, Mathematik,

Geschichte, Sozialkunde, Wissenschaft, Körperkultur. Diese Fächer sind darauf gezielt, um

Lernenden zu dem menschlichen und nationalen Werte anzueignen, dienen zur Beendung

der Ausbildung von Lernenden in den Nicht-Kernbereichen und sind vor allem integrative,

verallgemeinernde Kurse.

Im Rahmen der staatlichen Profil-Komponenten wird Erlernen der Kernfächer nach den

pädagogischen Interessen und Bedürfnissen der Schüler organisiert. Die Profil-Lehrfächer

das sind allgemeinbildende Fächer, die eine Reihe von Kern-und Wahlfächer, die

Spezialisierung und die berufsspezifische Ausbildung sichern, wie es in dem Standard-

Lehrplan (im Weiteren TLP) angegeben. Die Profil-Fächer sind auf solche Weise

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konzipiert, um die allgemeine Bildung von Schülern in ihrer gewählten Richtung und

Profil des Lernens zu erweitern und vertiefen, und gelten für diese als verbindlich.

Schlussfolgerungen: die Entwickler des Projekts haben den neuen Ansatz angeboten,

die dem pädagogischen Prozess ausgeprägte positive persönliche Bedeutung und die

Prävalenz von Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit Wissens-Austausch-Systeme verleiht,

was zu einem kompetenzorientierten Ansatz umgesetzt wird. Die Aufgabe der Aktua-

lisierung der Struktur und des Inhalts der 12-jährigen Ausbildung erfüllt der Entwurf von

Arbeitsgruppe, die zum Bestandteil vom staatlichen Bildungssystem der Republik

Kasachstan für 12-Jahres-Ausbildung ist.

Der Entwurf vom Lehrplan ist das Erlernen der Fremdsprachen in der ersten Stufe der

Schule. Als Dominante der Sprachkurse lautet die Bildung von kommunikativen


Infolge der Tätigkeit der Arbeitsgruppe sind folgende Ergebnissen erhalten: 1. Analyse der Fach-Standards 2002.

2. Vorbereitung des Entwurfs vom Lehrplan für 12-jährige Mittelausbildung der

Republik Kasachstan. Die Forderungen zum Lehrplan sind in Rahmen der bestehenden

didaktischen Aussagen formuliert: in der Struktur ist die invariante Grundlage der

allgemein Mittelbildung ausgesondert; die flexible elektive Struktur ist versichert, die die

Möglichkeit der Demokratisierung des Bildungsprozesses in der Schule schafft. An der

Oberstufe ist der invariante Bestandteil des staatlichen Bildungs-Standards auf der Grund-

und Profilebenen vorgestellt. Die Lernzeit ist laut der funktionalen Ausrichtung

verschiedener Fächer verteilt.

3. Gestaltung von Diskussion über den Lehrplan unter den Lehrkörpern der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai Universität.


1.Verordnung vom Präsident der Republik Kasachstan Nr. 922 vom 1. Februar. – 2010

„Über strategische Entwicklungsplan der Republik Kasachstan bis Jahr 2020“;

2. Verordnung vom Präsident der Republik Kasachstan Nr. 957 vom 19. März. – 2010

„Über Genehmigung der Liste von Staatsprogrammen“.

3. Staatliches Programm für Ausbildungsentwicklung der Republik Kasachstan für Jahre


4. Berufliche Entwicklung des Lehrers: Traditionen und Änderungen. Sammlung von

Vorträgen, Band 3, II, Internationale Wissenschaft-Praxis-Konferenz, Astana, Kasachstan, 4-5.

Dezember 2012, Seiten 31-36.

Sabitova A., Sabitov Sh.


“All people are born free and equal in their dignity and rights. They have sense and

conscience and they must behave in respect of each other in the spirit of brotherhood”–

says the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The human rights from

positions of international law – these are essential rights for characteristic of person’s legal

status in every modern society. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International

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pacts, European Convention on Human Rights and other important international legislation

determined that the universal set of human rights and freedoms, which in the whole with

constitutional rights obliged to provide with normal vital activity of individual. That’s why

in modern conditions under the main human rights you should understand the rights

contained in state constitution and international legal documents on human rights. Defense

of human rights is first of all the task of national, domestic legal order. Guarantees of

human rights and freedoms are clearly declared in the Constitution of the Republic of

Kazakhstan. The International human rights constitute an integral part of the system of

modern human and civil rights and freedoms in recent period.

Recognizing the impact of war on women and the importance of their involvement in

the peace process, in October 2000, the Security Council unanimously adopted a

groundbreaking resolution on Women, Peace and Security. Resolution 1325 urged

Member States to increase women’s representation at all decision-making levels for the

prevention, management, and resolution of conflict. It urged the Secretary-General to

appoint more women as his special representatives and envoys, and to expand women’s

role and contribution in UN field-based operations [1].

1. Women’s rights and Peace.

1.1 Protection of Women's Rights: international legal aspects. Women’s rights around the world is an important indicator to understand global well-

being. A major global women’s rights treaty was ratified by the majority of the world’s

nations a few decades ago. Despite many successes in empowering women, numerous

issues still exist in all areas of life, ranging from the cultural, political to the economic. For

example, women often work more than men, yet are paid less; gender discrimination

affects girls and women throughout their lifetime; and women and girls are often are the

ones that suffer the most poverty. Many may think that women’s rights are only an issue in

countries where religion is law, such as many Muslim countries. Or even worse, some may

think this is no longer an issue at all. But reading this report about the United Nation’s

Women’s Treaty and how an increasing number of countries are lodging reservations, will

show otherwise. Democracy is a valued principle, so much so that some people have

sacrificed their lives to fight for it. While no system is perfect, it seems that democracy is

once again under assault. What are the challenges posed in a democratic system and are

established safeguards helping to strengthen democracy or are their forces successfully

weakening it?

It is often argued and accepted, that women being the “gentler sex”, and typically being

the main care givers in society, are less aggressive than men. Feminists often argue that

women, if given appropriate and full rights, could counter-balance a male-dominated world

which is characterized by aggression in attitudes, thoughts, society and, ultimately, war.

The adoption of Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security

(SCR1325) on 31 October 2000 was a landmark in promoting greater attention to gender

perspectives in the peace and security work of the United Nations. To follow-up on the

implementation of the resolution, the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender

Equality (IANWGE) established an Inter-Agency Task Force on Women, Peace and

Security in February 2001. Initially, the Task Force focused on the preparations for the

Secretary-General’s 2002 study on Women, Peace and Security and the related report to

the Security Council.

With growing demands for improved policy, programming, advocacy, coordination and

monitoring around implementation, the role and the work of the Task Force expanded.

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From 2002 to 2008, the Task Force undertook a range of activities. Among other things the

Task Force: contributed to the preparation of Secretary-General’s reports on women, peace

and security; prepared awareness-raising materials, events and activities related to Open

Debates of the Security Council on women, peace and security; coordinated the preparation

of briefing notes and checklists for different Security Council and assessment missions and

supported the participation of gender advisers on teams; and undertook an analysis of the

Security Council’s work from a gender perspective and a mapping of United Nations

resources on women, peace and security.

Building on this early work on women in conflict, the four United Nations World

Conferences on Women focused on the linkages between gender equality, development

and peace: Mexico in 1975; Copenhagen in 1980; Nairobi in 1985; and Beijing in 1995.

Over the years, the focus of the discussions on women and peace shifted from overall

political issues to the impact of war on women and girls and their role in peace building.

At the 1975 World Conference on the International Year of Women in Mexico City,

governments and non-governmental organizations identified international cooperation, the

strengthening of international peace and women's political participation as specific areas

for national and international action. The Conference addressed women's participation in

the struggles against colonialism, racism, racial discrimination and foreign domination.

The World Conference also gave impetus to the drafting of an international treaty to

eliminate discrimination against women. In time for the Copenhagen Conference, the

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),

often referred to as women's bill of rights, was adopted by the General Assembly in 1979

and entered into force in 1981. At the 1980 World Conference of the United Nations

Decade for Women in Copenhagen, member states and participants saw women as agents

of change at the national and international levels, and in political, social and economic

areas. Women were also seen as key in building more just, rational societies and in the

struggle for fundamental national rights and self-determination of peoples against wars of

aggression. The Conference was concerned with the situation of women living under

apartheid in South Africa and Namibia, as well as with the situation of the Palestinian


At the 1985 Nairobi World Conference, participants considered women's participation

in the efforts for peace in decision-making positions, and in education for peace as vital to

peace building. Delegates discussed strategies for women's participation in safeguarding

world peace, averting nuclear catastrophe, halting the arms race, and in complete

disarmament. For the first time, the various forms of violence against women in everyday

life and in all societies were highlighted as major obstacles to the achievement of peace.

The Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, identified women

and armed conflict as one of 12 critical areas of concern. Delegates discussed the increased

participation of women in conflict resolution at decision-making levels; the protection of

women living in the situation of armed conflict; reduction of excessive military

expenditure; and the promotion of women's contribution to fostering the culture of peace.

The section on action in connection with armed conflict was further reinforced by the

critical areas of concern on violence against women and the human rights of women. The

Platform for Action recognized that civilian casualties outnumber military casualties, with

women and children comprising a significant number of the victims, and proposed a

number of strategic objectives and actions to be taken by relevant actors. It also called for

the upholding and reinforcement of the norms of international humanitarian and human

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rights law in relation to the offences against women, and the prosecution of all those

responsible for such offences.

1.2 Women's Rights in International Agreements In 2000, the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled "Women

2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century" reaffirmed the

commitments made in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The outcome

document called for the full participation of women at all levels of decision-making in

peace processes, peacekeeping and peace building. It also addressed the need to increase

the protection of girls in armed conflict, especially the prohibition of their forced


Professor of anthropology, Richard Robbins notes: “At the same time that women

produce 75 to 90 percent of food crops in the world, they are responsible for the running of

households. According to the United Nations, in no country in the world do men come

anywhere close to women in the amount of time spent in housework. Furthermore, despite

the efforts of feminist movements, women in the core [wealthiest, Western countries] still

suffer disproportionately, leading to what sociologist refer to as the “feminization of

poverty,” where two out of every three poor adults are women. The informal slogan of the

Decade of Women became “Women do two-thirds of the world’s work, receive 10 percent

of the world’s income and own 1 percent of the means of production” [2].

In 2005, the Commission on the Status of Women conducted a ten-year review and

appraisal of the Beijing Platform and issued a declaration reaffirming the Beijing

Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome document.

In addition to its role in preparing the World Conferences on Women and drafting

CEDAW, the Commission on the Status of Women adopted agreed conclusions on women

and armed conflict in 1998, which addressed gender-sensitive justice; the specific needs of

women affected by armed conflict; the need to increase women's participation in all stages

of peace processes, including conflict prevention, post-conflict resolution and

reconstruction; and disarmament issues.

In 2004, the Commission revisited this theme and adopted agreed conclusions on

women's equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and

in post-conflict peace building. It was recognized that peace agreements provide a vehicle

for the promotion of gender equality and that a gender-sensitive constitutional and legal

framework was necessary to ensure that women fully participate in such processes. Finally,

the allocation of necessary human, financial and material resources was seen as critical for

specific and targeted activities to ensure gender equality at the local, national, regional and

international levels, as well as for enhanced and increased international cooperation.

In March 2000, the Security Council issued a Presidential Statement on International

Women's Day in March 2000. It recognized the link between peace and gender equality,

and the fact that women's full participation in peace operations was essential to sustainable

peace. It was an important precursor to resolution 1325.

A thorough review of the United Nations peace and security activities was undertaken

by a high-level panel convened by the Secretary-General in 2000, which resulted in the

Report of the Panel on the United Nations Peace Operations. The report recognized the

need for equitable gender representation in the leadership of peacekeeping missions. The

seminar on the gender perspectives of multidimensional peacekeeping missions led to the

development of the Windhoek Declaration and the Namibia Plan of Action on

Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Multidimensional Peace Operations in June 2000.

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The Windhoek Declaration was another critical step leading to the adoption of resolution

1325 (2000). On 31 October 2000, the Security Council adopted resolution 1325 under the

presidency of Namibia. This resolution was the culmination of several decades of growing

realization of the diverse roles that women play both in conflict resolution and building

peace and the result of active involvement and advocacy by women's organizations. The

resolution has galvanized the UN system, Member States and civil society organizations

and has become one of the best known and the most translated resolutions of the Security

Council. Within the United Nations system, the Inter-Agency Taskforce on Women, Peace

and Security of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality has been

coordinating efforts for the implementation of the resolution.

2. Protection and promotion of women’s human rights and gender equality in


2.1 Equal rights and opportunities in Kazakhstan: some legal aspects. The First mentioning of the union of tribes populating the territory of Kazakhstan

appeared` in ancient manuscripts dated in the middle of the first millennium BC. The

largest of the tribes was collectively called Saki. The prevailing of economy time semi-

nomadic and nomadic cattle breeding. In the early medieval period, in the VI-VII centuries

AD, the Turkic Kaganate played an important role in the process of ethno-genesis. The

formation of the Turkic ethnos per see took place in the III-IV cc. AD in the areas of

eastern Turkestan and Altay. The period of XIII to XVcc is connected with history of the

Golden Horde, created by Gehngiz Khan. In the XIX-XV cc. the Kazakh language was

separated from the Kypchak group of Turkic languages.

In 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Kazakhstan maintains a presidential

form of governance. In accordance with Constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan, all

citizens of our country are given equal rights regardless of gender and age. Kazakhstan has

joined over 20 international human rights agreements and conventions, including the UN

Convention on Political Rights of Women and on the Nationality of the Married Women.

Ratification of the UN Convention on Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against

Women in 1998 highlighted once more the commitment of our state to further

democratization of the society, implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, adopted

by the International Women’s Forum in 1995.

Under Decree N 4176 of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December

22, 1998 for purposes of protection family interests, provision of the necessary conditions

for women’s participation in political, social, economic and cultural life of the country in

accordance with Subpoint 20 of Article 44 of the Constitution of the Republic of

Kazakhstan, there was established the National Commission for Family and Women under

the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The National Commission for Family and

Women under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – Commission) is a

consultative body under the Head of the state. The Commission consists of 28 members.

They are representatives of different spheres of our society, heads of central bodies and

representatives of the regions.

They are divided into sections in 6 main directions of activity of the National

Commission: Woman, power and policy; Woman in economics; Family problems;

Women’s rights and protection from violence; Work with Women’s non-governmental

organizations and their representations in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Family, woman and


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The principal tasks of the Commission are: Identifications of priorities and designing of

recommendations on forming complex state policy in respect of the family, women and

children considering regional special features in the context of realization of the Strategy of

Kazakhstan development up to 2030; Development of the system of complex measures in

economic, social, psychological, legal support of family, women and children and

rendering the assistance in their implementation; Assistance and stimulation of the

expansion of the women’s representation in the bodies of state management; Participation

and assistance in the development of projects of the normative legal documents, which

regulate the position of family, women and children; Cooperation with non-governmental

women’s organizations, international organizations and their representations in the

Republic of Kazakhstan on problems of position of the family, women and children.

The Commission takes part in the development of economic programs in which such

issues as women’s business undertakings development, improvement of the facility of

current and new working places for women through the projects which are funded from the

state and private sources, foreign investments, by means of granting credits, introduction of

modern technologies will be outlined.

The key means of achievement of the given tasks will be designing and realization of

the republican and regional programs for small and medium business development which

include training for principals of business undertakings and psychological arrangements.

The Commission has considerable rights and powers. Reports from the heads of state

bodies, subject and accountable directly to the Head of the state, heads of central and local

executive bodies are expected to be listened at its sessions. The Commission has the right

to demand from them to carry out examinations and official investigations on facts of

infringing laws affecting the family interests, maternity and childhood. The Commission is

forming the data base covering the position of women in society and their political, social,

economic and cultural level. The Commission is ready to collaborate with everyone who is

interested in improvement of the position of family and women in the Republic of

Kazakhstan and will consider all proposals, programs, projects.

Kazakhstan is strongly committed to the further advancement and empowerment of

women and gender equality, particularly through implementing the National Law on State

Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, and the Law on

Prevention of Domestic Violence. Both these legislations aim at incorporating international

standards into national legislation and enacting legal previsions that will strongly protect

women’s wellbeing and their inalienable rights through introducing strict measures for

violators of domestic violence.

Recognizing that the key factor for the economic empowerment of women is decent

work, Kazakhstan has striven to significantly decrease the unemployment ratio among

women to 6.4 per cent; and for rural women, this indicator has dropped to 5.4 per cent.

Furthermore, the wages for women is moving closer to that for men, reaching today some

66 per cent, in comparison with 61 per cent five years ago. According to the National

Strategy on Gender Equality, we expect the average wage for women to rise to 80 per cent

by 2020. In Kazakhstan also undertakes measures to provide allowances for women who

loose or give up their jobs due to pregnancy or child birth, and for economically vulnerable

families. The total budget for family support programmes over the last 10 years has

reached some 3 billion US dollars.

The role of women in decision making is steadily increasing and becoming more

significant. The current proportion of women in the Parliament has now risen to 14 per cent

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and on the ministerial level to 15 per cent. Over 58 per cent of the civil service positions

are held by women. Kazakhstan’s women are more than equally represented in the business

sphere: the proportion of women is now 52 per cent and 66 per cent of these women have

their own small business.

2.2 Discrimination and violence against women and girls in Republic of


Many women face multiple forms of discrimination and increased risk of violence.

Violence against women knows no boundaries. Women are traded across the world as

cheap labour, catalogue brides and forced prostitutes. More than two million girls aged

between five and 15 are sold as prostitutes every year.

The bodies of women and girls are being mutilated and sold because of new

reproduction technologies. Prenatal determination of a baby's sex through ultrasound or

Amniocenteses has led to a situation in which female foetuses are aborted one after the

other in countries such as the People’s Republic of China and India in order to secure male

offspring. Based on the birth statistics and the numerical relationship between men and

women there should be 100 million more women alive on the earth today. In addition to

this, girls are systematically neglected. They are breast fed for a shorter period, less likely

to be inoculated, receive less to eat and have to work much harder. 1.5 million children die

every year because they are girls. Girls and women are abused and raped on a daily basis.

75 percent of rapes are carried out by offenders that know their victims socially. Only

between 10 and 30 percent of these crimes are reported to the police. 40,000 women are

forced to flee their violent men to a refuge for battered women every year in Germany. The

persecution of women because of their gender is not recognized for asylum purposes.

Women and girls are refused the right of self-determination over their own bodies [3].

In many countries, women are refused the right to contraception. The genitals of 150

million women and girls have been mutilated. Each year, this number increases by two

million. Women and girls are refused the right to take part in public life by law, be it legal

or religious. In career terms, women and girls are at a disadvantage in every nation on

earth. In Germany, a mere seven percent of women command management positions in

business, the state sector and science, but are employed in 94 percent of all part-time


For socially empowering women and preventing gender-based violence, Kazakhstan

has adopted a multi-pronged gender strategy that aims to address gender-related issues and

equip women with comprehensive knowledge about their legal rights, as well as access to

those rights. The Government reviews and resolves complaints of individual women who

face violence and discrimination. Victims of abuse have access to immediate assistance in

21 crisis shelter centres throughout the country.

As party to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of violence Against

Women Republic of Kazakhstan takes measures to develop legislation and ensure its

effective implementation to eradicate violence against women and prosecution of persons

guilty of it. On 19 February 1999 in order to take effective measures on prevention and

termination of all forms of violence against women, subdivisions of administrative police

to control violence against women were established within the system of the Internal

Affairs Bodies. The main direction of their activities include the protection of the

constitutional rights and freedoms and lawful interests of women against illegal

encroachments, provision of legal support to the population on issues of prevention and

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suppression of violence, analysis and summarising of information on violence against


The most vivid manifestations of violence against women are homicides aggravated by

alcoholism and drug abuse, rape repeated beating, torturing, forcing to cohabitation,

prostitution, etc. The most widely spread violence against women is domestic violence,

resulting in physical, psychological, economic and moral harm and suffering as well as

threat of committing such acts.

An international movement against violence on women and for the recognition of

women's rights was born out of the daily experiences of women from across the world.

This universality created close ties between women and demonstrated the necessity of a

united battle: Women’s rights were officially recognized as human rights for the first time

in 1993 at the UN World Conference for Human Rights in Vienna.

The international women’s rights movement was successful in its efforts to get the UN

to define violence against women both in public and private as a violation of human rights

and, therefore, to recognize universally the right of women to a life free of violence. This

was a great success. The human rights concept that had existed to this point, that is, a

concept which had been limited to classifying and condemning state (public) violence as a

violation of human rights, was expanded: Until this point, private (domestic) violence had

had no place. Those involved in the women's rights movement regarded this turning a blind

eye to private violence as a large deficit for human rights as an instrument as a whole.

The movement had faced its greatest opposition in the West because of the prevailing

discussion based on a premise that norms varied from culture to culture. According to this

premise, terrible human rights violations such as genital mutilation were acceptable as

culture-specific characteristics. But the World Conference for Human Rights was

successful in beginning a process in which women’s rights would become accepted as

human rights and in which a new international standard was set. Structural oppression of

women in all its forms was no longer seen as discrimination against women, but as a

violation of human rights. This is a new dimension providing women with a far more

effective instrument for putting pressure on governments in their fight to achieve equal

rights [4].

2.3 Implementation of international legal norms on protection of women's rights

in the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (some aspects).

The definition of the term “discrimination against women” as such, does not exist in the

legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, this term is widely used in legal

practice, is used in the Constitution and other legal acts. Thus, Article 14 of the

Constitution adopted on 30 August 1995 reads:

1. All are equal before law and court.

2. No one shall be subject to discrimination of any form on the basis of origin, social,

property status, occupation, sex, race, nationality, language, religion, convictions, place of

habitation or other circumstances.

Article 120 of the Criminal Code, which was in force until 1 January 1998, stated that

impeding women in participating in state, social, cultural activity or other actions violating

equality of women through the use of force, treat, material or other dependence was

subject to punishment of up to 3 years imprisonment.

In the new Criminal Code which came into force on 1 January 1998 there is no separate

consideration of the issue of violation of equal rights of women. However, an analogous

bode of crime – violation of equality of citizens (Article 141) – treats as a crime direct or

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indirect limitation of human rights and freedoms, including on motives of sex and

envisions confinement of up to three month or penalty equivalent to one thousand of

average monthly calculated indicators. The same crime committed by a person while

performing official duties, is punished by confinement for a term of up to six months or

imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or penalty equivalent to two thousand of

average monthly calculated indicators.

The Criminal Code effective before 1 January 1998 contained only one article

referred to preclusion of exploitation of women’s prostitution – “Keeping of Dens and

Pimping” (Article 215-1). The new Criminal Code enacted on 1 January 1998

considerably mitigated the maximum punishment for this crime from 5 to 3 years (of

imprisonment) (without aggravating circumstances) , simultaneously introduced several

articles that were completely new for Kazakhstan legislation: recruiting people for

sexual or other exploitation (article 128) with the maximum punishment up to 8 years

of imprisonment involving a minor in prostitution (article 132) – up to three years of

imprisonment; traffic in minors (article 133) connected with their import to Kazakhstan

or export from Kazakhstan – up to ten years of imprisonment; involving in prostitution

(article 270) – up to three years of imprisonment.

Besides, the diplomatic representatives and consulate institutions of Kazakhstan in the

countries where there is a possibility of traffic in women were given the appropriate

instructions in order to prevent similar practices with women citizens of the Republic of

Kazakhstan. In the event of discovering facts of trafficking in Kazakhstan women, the

proper measures are taken to return them to Kazakhstan.

In accordance with Kazakhstan’s legislation, legal protection is provided on an equal

basis, irrespective of sex. Article 13 of the August 1995 Constitution recognises

everyone’s right to be legal subjects, to have the right for juridical defence of their rights

and freedoms and obtaining qualified legal assistance. Where it is envisioned by law legal

assistance is provided free of charge. Article 14 of the Constitution states: “All are equal

before law and court”.

On 29 June 1998 Kazakhstan joined the “Convention against Tortures and Other Cruel,

Brutal or Humiliating Human dignity Ways of Treatment and Punishment”. By pledging

to observe the norms of this Convention, it confirmed its commitment to human rights


The Law “On marriage and Family” which came into force on 17 December 1998 and

which acts as a substitute for the earlier existing Code of Marriage and Family of 1969.

Article 2 of this Law fixes the principle of voluntary marriage of a man and a woman,

equality of spouses, and resolving family conflicts through reconciliation. It prohibits any

kind of limitation of the rights of citizens during their marriage of family life on the

grounds of social status, race, ethnicity, language or religious creed.

The Criminal Code of the Republic Kazakhstan features positive discrimination of

women related to serving sentence by them. According to the new Criminal Law (article

72), deferred sentences can apply to pregnant women and women whose children are

under 8, except for those who committed grave offences against the person both at the

time of passing a verdict and of serving. Whereas in the former legislation an analogous

norm was focused only on women serving sentence in the form of imprisonment, the new

legislation renders this norm applicable to women condemned to all forms of sentence.

Article 20 of the Constitution 1995 guarantees freedom of speech and creative

activities. Taking into account the higher level of education of the women in Kazakhstan

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compared with men, one can say with confidence that possibilities of the women for all-

round cultural development are greater. This is reflected in the spheres of employment

which are directly or indirectly connected constitute an overwhelming majority.

Nevertheless, the women’s opportunities to exercise their rights in the sphere of culture are

constantly decreasing, which is caused by two factors.

The first factor is the general economic recession that affects culture as well. The

second reason lies in the fact that the women are being steadily ousted from the spheres

of science, arts and culture, especially from the most prestigious levels.

Conclusion. Disunity of the states and confrontation of various social systems are being

replaced gradually with consciousness of generality of all people and necessity of the joint

solving of global problems, including creation of the international system providing

reliable protection of fundamental laws and freedom of the person. Creation of such system

is impossible without a reliable legal basis. The similar laws, conventional legal principles

and regulations should operate in all states of the world community. Certainly, in

conditions of distinction of social systems, levels of economic development, national

structure of the population, cultural traditions and historical features of development to

achieve full concurrence of all legislative systems is impossible. However, the obligations

of the states allow speaking with confidence about successful promotion of community of

peoples to the uniform legal space.

Thus, it is necessary to make propositions [5]:

1. In order to take into account the interests and needs of women who represent an

essential part of modern society, it is suggested that governments and relevant international

organizations such as UN elaborate and adopt the international standard of women’s rights.

It must be based on universal concept of human rights allowing to unite states in protection

of women’s rights.

2. The idea of international protection of women’s rights, and the idea of elimination of

discrimination against women, must, before all, be based on gender conscience of people

that is one of many forms of public conscience.

3. In order to ensure effective protection of women’s rights, it is expedient to legally fix

the notion of women’s ‘vulnerability’ that means that it is necessary to arrange special

international protection of the women whose lives are threatened by objective external

factors, and the notion of aggregate vulnerability of women that arises when a woman is

simultaneously exposed to a few factors causing vulnerability, i.e. additional protection of

women. At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the following groups of

vulnerable women: the women who were exposed to globalization processes; the women

who live in environmentally unfavorable areas; young girls.

4. In order to ensure effective implementation of gender policy, and based on

international law norms of protection of women’s rights, and subject to mentality and

national ethnic traditions of the peoples of Kazakhstan, it is expedient to elaborate a project

of national action plan of protection of women’s rights for the future that must be approved

with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Subject to the condition of

protection of women’s rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is expedient to introduce the

position of Ombudsman for Women’s Rights whose status must be determined with a law

of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. In order to implement international social and economic rights of women, every state

must take a number of effective measures to liquidate women’s poverty based on state

social policy on women’s affairs; to form a system of national statistics on women’s

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economic status; to provide social assistance to women; to stimulate economic

interestedness of states and employers in making healthier women’s labor conditions,

before all, women of childbearing age, using legal levers; to adopt Law ‘About protection

of health of pregnant women’.

6. It is necessary to introduce provision in international law setting forth social and

legal liability of employers and administrative officials who infringe upon women’s

reproductive rights; to create necessary conditions to ensure that women have vocational

training for obtaining proper labor skills.

7. Based on analysis and generalization of the materials about the status of

implementation of international law provisions on protection of women’s civil and political

rights in modern Kazakhstan society, we have revealed certain defects in both legal basis

and information system on actual status of women in the society and protection of their

civil and political rights. Therefore, it is proposed: to complete the existing laws with the

provisions imposing liability for violation of women’s rights, for violation of equal

participation of women on a level with men in public administration bodies; and to

introduce an internal Kazakhstan mechanism to control how international law provisions

on protection of women’s rights are implemented by all state bodies and officials.

8. The member states of the Convention on elimination of discrimination against

women undertook to include the principle of equality of man and women in their national

constitutions or any other relevant legislation, and implement this principle by their laws

and other relevant means in practice. Therefore, it is seems possible to add the following

provision to sub-clause 3 of Article 12 of the current Constitution of the Republic of

Kazakhstan: ‘In the Republic of Kazakhstan, men and women have equal rights’.

9. Violence against women is of no racial, class, age or ethnic nature. Violation of

human rights as an issue of protection of women’s rights includes slavery (forced

prostitution), sexual terrorism (rape), restriction of freedom (house arrest), humiliation

(permanent beating) that are global acts of discrimination of women. The gender

discrimination often leads to murder because the fact of being female is a threat to life.

Although many states do not provide the status of refugee to women who were exposed to

sexual victimization and raped, we believe that the victimization by gender as a kind of

humanitarian repression may be a reason for provision of the status of refugee.

10. Based on complex analysis of international law related to protection of women’s

rights and current practical situation on guarantees of protection of women’s rights, one

can conclude that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

(CEDAW) may not consider individual cases, and it is the competence of the Human

Rights Committee. The only procedure of control how the women’s Convention is

observed is the controlling and reporting procedure. The member states of the Convention

must observe its provisions, and at the same time, they are not obligated to observe the

provisions reserved by the states, and the Convention has a great number of such

reservations. Thus, CEDAW has no immediate means of protection of women’s rights. In

modern international law related to protection of women’s rights the status and role of the

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women formed by UN to

eliminate any discrimination against women must be understood and analyzed anew to

make the resolutions of CEDAW imperative.

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1. http://www.un.org/en/globalissues/women/peace.shtml

2. Richard H. Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, (Allyn and Bacon,

1999), p.354

3. www.dadalos.org/focus

4. Christa Stolle. UNESCO School’s Project, Issue 3/2002: "Frauen und Mädchen der

Welt" hrsg. v. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V., Bonn.

5. Ainur Sabitova. Международно-правовые проблемы защиты прав женщин:

вопросы теории и практики. Автореферат. – Алматы, 2010, С.8-10.

Yermentayeva A.R., Nurtaev Y.



Today person's willingness to act proactively and creatively under any circumstances is

very important. This social demand meets the needs of future teachers to be independent, to

know and be able to use their capabilities in research and teaching and professional


It can be argued that the student who is aware of the need for knowledge in research

activities, self-development, in creation required in the future teaching will be active in

professional education.

But by itself the need in creative transformation of reality does not arise, and creativity

can be developed only in the activities. It is therefore very important to identify the

psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of future teachers. This

allows you to shift the focus from learning as a passive process and reproductive

assimilation of knowledge on the learning with a high degree of independence, ensures the

efficient formation of professional knowledge, encourages the development of cognitive

activity, underpinning the development of creative and transformative power of students in

real learning activities.

The most important of these tools, according to L.F.Avdeeva [1], V.I.Andreev [2],

V.I.Zhuravlev [3], V.I.Zagvyazinsky [4], A.I.Kochetov [5] and others, is that students

perform educational and research works. The research work of students as one of the types

of learning activities actually creates a personal situation asserting the proper structure of

activities providing self-development and formation of experience for developing personal

knowledge, proper opinions, and world view.

Self-development is one of the fundamental needs of the individual, but the ways and

forms of self-development are individual and original.

In foreign theories of personality, based on the idea of internal determinism, self-

development is developed within the broader context of the class of development; its

source is: the internal contradictions, internal conflict (A.Adler, Z.Freud, E.Fromm,

K.Horney) [6-9], the innate human desire for the attainment of spiritual values

(E.Spranger) [10], the tendency of various components of personality to unity – to the

attainment of self (C.Jung) [11] and to proprium (G.Allport) [12 ]. In the theories of

reciprocal determinism, self-development is analyzed through human interaction with

others, the elements of the environment, previous life events (A.Bandura, J.Kelly, J.Rotter)

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[13-15]. Indeterminate humanistic psychology focused attention on the creative potential of

an individual, his need for self-actualization (A.Maslow, C.Rogers) [16-17]. In the theories

of self-determination, the source of self-development is considered to be the proper activity

of a person, his capacity for independent choice of development trends (E.Deshi, R.Ryan)

[18], a reflexive awareness of the determinants and constraints of proper activity

(W.Tageson) [19], the control of basic needs and anxiety, born in the relations with the

outside world (J.Istebruk) [20], the dialectical ability for self-reflection and transcendence

(G.Richlak) [21]. The analysis shows that the presented theories distinguish either the

instance, managing self-development (self, proprium, self-concept), or the principle under-

pinning the self-development (self-efficacy, self-regulation, self-support, interpretation and

forecasting, self-realization, self-actualization, self-reflection and transcendence).

Self-development of a future teacher is a mandatory component of modern higher

education, the indicator of creative and valuable relation of the student to research and

training activities (B.G.Ananiev [22], L.I.Antsyferova [23], etc.).

The problem of creativity is one of the main problems for the psychology of personality

and its development. F.Barron and D.Harrington [24] are the following characteristics of

the creative process:

1. Creativity is the ability to adaptively respond to the need for new approaches and

new products. This ability also allows you to be aware of the new in being, although the

process can have both conscious and unconscious nature.

2. Creating a new creative product largely depends on the personality of the creator and

the strength of its intrinsic motivation.

3. The specific properties of the creative process, product and personality are their

originality, consistency, and adequacy of the problems.

4. Creative products can be very different in nature: a new solution to the problem in

mathematics, the discovery of a chemical process, creating music, painting or a poem, a

new philosophical or religious system, innovation in law, a fresh solution of social


Creativity (from Lat. Creatio – creation) of an individual. Creativity is characterized by

a willingness to produce cardinally new ideas and talents within the structure as an

independent factor [25]. The concept of creativity as a universal cognitive creative abilities

gained popularity after the publication of the works of J. Guilford. The basis of this

concept was his model of the structure of intelligence: SOI (structure of the intellect) [26].

According to E.P.Torrance, creativity involves an increased sensitivity to the problems, to

the deficit of knowledge or contradictory information, the efforts to identify these

problems, to seek for their decisions on the basis of hypotheses, verification and

modification of hypotheses and on the formulation of the solutions [27]. According to

D.Johnson, creativity manifests itself as a sudden productive act committed by the

performer spontaneously in a certain setting of social interaction. At that the performer is

based on their own knowledge and capabilities [28].

Self-development of creativity is aimed at enhancing internal personal resources of the

future teacher in order to fully realize themselves in the process of teaching and

professional activities. The analysis of different approaches allows self-development of

research creativity as a continuous, conscious, purposeful process of personal and

professional development. Self-development of the research work is based on the

interaction of internally meaningful and perceived external active and creative factors.

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Self-development of research creativity has always focused on raising the level of

professional competence and the development of professionally significant qualities.

The motives are known to cause not only an interested attitude to learning, but also to

research activities, to the process of self-development and creativity as the basis of

professional teaching.

We proceeded from the assumption that the study of self-development of research

creativity of future teachers can be implemented if minimum three conditions are met: it is

necessary to identify the initial state, i.e. to determine the creativity of future teachers and

professional motivation to study future teachers. Only then we will have the opportunity to

develop and implement a program of self-development of research creativity of future


The study of self-development of research creativity of future teachers providing the

necessary degree of generality and flexibility is a necessary condition for the realization of

individual trajectories of self-identity of the student’s personality. The main areas of the

study of self-development of research creativity of future teachers are diagnosing the level

of professional training and development of personal qualities.

The most studied is the age-related dynamics of formation of creative thinking in the

preschool and early school ages. There is a considerable amount of research and

development programs of practical creativity of students. The less studied is the students’

age, and the problem of self-development of research creativity of future teachers is not

investigated in full.

In this context, the aim of the study is to determine the structure, conditions and

mechanisms of self-development of research creativity of future teachers.

2. Methods For the experimental study the methodology of creative thinking analysis by

E.P.Torrance (Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) was selected [29]. It was modified by

A.N.Voronin on a sample of managers aged from 23 to 35 years. The test was adapted in

1993-1994 in the laboratory for the diagnostics of abilities and professionally important

qualities of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

To determine the relationship to “self” and to the research work of the future teachers

we have chosen the technique by K.Zamfir "The motivation of professional activity" (in

the modification of A. Rean) [30].

The study was conducted in 2010-2012. The participants of the experiment were the 1-

year students majoring in pedagogics: from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University

named after Abai, Almaty city (156 people) and East Kazakhstan State University named

after S.Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk city (164 people). The average age of the

participants was 17.5 years.

3. Findings

The data from the studies of future teachers’ creativity are given in Tables 1 and 2.

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Table 1 – Indicators of verbal creativity of students by the method of E.P.Torrance.

Fluency Flexibility Originality


value (М)


deviations (s)

Average value



deviations (s)

Average value





65.94 24.81 30.73 12.76 71.52


Table 2 – Indicators of picturesque creativity of students by the method of .P.Torrance

.Indicators Average value (М) Standard deviations (s)

Fluency 21.78


Originality 17.95


Readiness 9.62


Abstractiveness of the name 7.11


Resistance to restraint 12.89


Total value 69.35


Analysis of the results showed that the students are more satisfied with the chosen

profession. Choosing between the best, optimal and the worst types of relationships, most

of the students chose the optimal complex represented by combinations of: BM> VPM>

PTO (41%) and BM = VPM> PTO (11%) (Table 3).

Table 3 – Motivational complex of students

Motivational complex

Number of students

IM > EPM > ENM 41%

IM = EPM > ENM 11%

IM < EPM > ENM 30%

IM < EPM < ENM 4%

IM > ENM > EPM 3%

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IM = EPM < ENM 3%

IM > EPM = ENM 3%

IM = EPM = ENM 2%

ENM > IM > EPM 3%

Note: IM – internal motivation; EPM – external positive motivation; ENM – external negative


– The best motivational complex (the balance of motives); – the worst motivational


4. Discussion

Interesting results were obtained from a qualitative analysis of patterns of non-verbal

battery by Torrance.

First, the figures are quite common phenomena of nature – flowers, mountains, trees,

the sun and children's items – toys, school supplies, etc.

Second, there is a specificity of culture and social environment. Therefore, at the

processing of non-verbal battery of Torrance revealed the specific images characteristic for

Kazakh society, culturally determined cognitive structures.

Based on these results it can be argued that students who display the children's and

school subjects have higher teaching skills. Therefore, these images may serve as more

reliable criteria for identifying potentially capable future teachers.

Now the researchers have no doubt that the success of students depends largely on the

development of professional motivation. Consequently, the motivational sphere (interest in

the subject, awareness, career choices, etc.) determines the development of research

creativity of future teachers. In this regard, the structure of self-development of research

creativity is defined as a complex integrative student presentation of himself in the context

of the real and the ideal, the present and the future. Professional self-motivation makes

research creativity of future teachers sustainable and promotes the development of a

student's ability to set goals and achieve them.

This suggests that future teachers with these motivational complexes are involved in

activities for their own sake, rather than to achieve any external rewards. Such activity is

an end in itself rather than a means to achieve some other goal. I.e. these are future

teachers, who are attracted primarily by the interest to the process of teaching, research and

creativity. They tend to choose more complex tasks that have a positive effect on the self-

development of the research work. So, our study revealed the predominance of internal

motivation of students over external motivation (IM = 58%; EPM + ENM = 40%), and the

prevalence of external positive motivation (30%) over the external negative motivation

(10%). The dominant motivational complex self-development of scientific creativity of

future educators is the complex "IM> EPM> ENM." 41% of the students have this balance

of motives (motivational complex). Therefore, it can be argued that many of the students

have the opportunity to actualize the process of self-development of the research creativity.

The worst motivational complex is specific for 12% of the students.

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Psychological condition of self-development of research creativity of future teachers is

their reflective activities, personal and cognitive constructs. Pedagogical conditions of self-

development of research creativity of future teachers are facilitative, interactive and

innovative educational technologies in higher educational institutions.

The main mechanism of self-development of research creativity of future teachers is

divergent thinking (J.Guilford, E.Torrance).

Features of self-development of research creativity of future teachers are characterized

by their integral features of consciousness, connecting the sense of responsibility,

commitment to the activity and the experience of “self”, the motivation for self-

development and cognitive activity.

The success of the self-development of the research works of the future teachers is

studied in inter-relationship self-awareness, motivation structure and creative thinking of


We have developed a program of self-development of research creativity of future

teachers composed of four stages:

- Diagnostic and analytical stage - analysis of the requirements of society to education,

personality, scientific research and professional activities of the educator; actualization of

the needs in personal and professional self-knowledge, self-examination and self-diagnosis

of the level of their research and development capabilities, achievements and difficulties as

future teachers, study and analysis of the development of research and creativity;

- Planning and forecasting stage - taking a cardinal decision on the need of self-

development of research creativity, setting specific goals and objectives of the self-

development of the research creativity; the choice of the trajectory of individual

development of research creativity, strategy and tactics of the research works;

- Organization and activity phase - implementation of self-development of the research

works on the basis of internal positive motivation; stimulation of creative self-development

of research work, self-control over the progress of the program of research creativity self-

development; adjustment of the program or the progress of self-development of the

research creativity if required;

- An assessment and reflective stage - pedagogical reflection of content and technology

of self-development of research creativity and its results, the definition of efficiency factors

of the process of self-development of research creativity; analysis and evaluation of the

achieved changes in the scientific and theoretical, psychological and pedagogical

knowledge, skills and important personal qualities, comparing them with the intended

objectives and the adoption of a decision on further self-development of the research work.

References: 1 Avdeeva, L.F., 1984. Psycho-Pedagogical factors of success of research work of students.

Thesis of Candidate of Pedagogy. D., 16 p.

2 Andreev, V.I., 1981. Heuristic Programming of Teaching and Research Activities.

Moscow: Higher School, 240 p.

3 Zhuravlev, V.I., 1984. The Relationship of Pedagogy and Practice. Test. Moscow. 4

Zagvyazinsky, V.I., 1987. Pedagogical Creativity of the Teacher. Moscow: Pedagogy, 160 p.

5 Kochetov, A.I., 1975. Pedagogical Research. Ryazan, 178 p.

6 Adler, A., 1910. The Psychic Hermaphroditism in Life and in the Neurose. Fortschritte

Medicine, (28): 486-493.

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7 Freud, Z., 2006. Main Psychological Theories of Psychoanalysis. Transl. by M. Wolf and

A.A. Spector. Moscow: AST, 400 p.

8 Fromm, E., (1994 b). On Being Human. New York: Continuum, 1994.

Fromm, E., 1973. The anatomy of human destructiveness. New York. 9] Horney, K., 1966.

Our Inner Conflict. A Constructive Theory of Neurose. N.Y.

10 Spranger, E., 1963. Human Life and Human Issues. Collected Radio Speeches. Munich.

11 Jung, C.G. 1948. Die Beziehungen der Psychotherapie zur Seelsorge (The relations of

psychotherapy and counseling). Zurich.

12 Allport, G.W., 1955. Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality.

New Haven: Yale University Press.

13 Bandura, A., 1989. Human Agency in Social Cognitive Theory. American Psychologist,

44: 175-184.

14 Kelly, G.A., 1991. The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Vol. 1. A Theory of

Personality. London: Routledge. (Original work published 1955).

15 Rotter, J.B., 1992. Cognates of Personal Control: Locus of Control, Self-Efficacy, and

Explanatory Style: Comment. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 1: 127-129.

16 Maslow, A.H., 1976. The Further Reaches of Human Nature. Harmondsworth. 17

Rogers, S.R., 1972. The Process of the Basic Encounter Group. Eds. R. Cathcart and L.

Samovar: Small Group Communication. New York.

18 Deci, E. and R. Ryan, 1991. A Motivational Approach to Self: Integration in Personality.

Perspectives on Motivation. Ed., Dienstbier, R. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 38: 237-


19 Tageson, W., 1982. Humanistic Psychology: a Synthesis. Homewood (Ill.): The Dorsey


20 Easterbrook, J.A., 1978. The Determinants of Free Will. N. Y.

21 Rychlak, J., 1984. The Nature and Challenge of Teleological psychological theory.

Annals of Theoretical Psychology. Eds., Royce, J.R. and L.P. Mos. N. Y.: Plenum Press, 2:


22 Ananiev, B.G., 1996. Psychology and the Problems of Anthropology. Moscow,


23 Antsyferova, L.I., 2006. Personality Development and Problem of Gerontopsychology.

2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow: "The Institute of Psychology Sciences," 512 p.

24 Barron, F. and D. Harrington, 1981. Creativity, Intelligence and Personality. Ann. Rev.

of Psychol., 32: 439-476.

25 Bogoyavlenskaya, D.B., 2002. Psychology of Creativity: Manual for University

Students. Moscow, pp. 90-91.

26 Chuprikova, N., 2006. The Theory of Reflection, Psychic Reality and the Science of

Psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1): 190.

27 Torrance, E.P., 1988. The Nature of Creativity as Manifest in the Testing. In The Nature

of Creativity, Stenberg, R. and T. Tardif. Cambridge: Cambr. Press, pp. 172-198.

28 Johnson, D.L., 1979. Creativity Checklist (Cch) Cat. No. 33780.

29 Tunick, E.E., 1998. Diagnostics of Creativity. Test of E. Torrance. SPb.: Imaton.

30 Zamfir, C. Methodology for the Study of Professional Motivation (modification by A.

Rean): http://old.psytest.

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Nurbatyrov B.B.


Nowadays in a higher professional education system of Kazakhstan has matured the

objective need of competent personal staff, who can creatively organize the educational

process in modern conditions, capable quickly navigates in the information field, can

independently improve and develop, that radically changes the status of the teachers, his

educational functions and accordingly change requirements for his professional

competence. No exception was the system of higher art-teacher education. On the

foreground there isn’t a formal allegiance to the profession, but the professional

competence, that is, conformity of Art teacher to the professional requirements, adequacy

of the modern conditions of social and economic development of Kazakhstan's society. So,

in modern conditions under the influence of objective factors, the desire for their

professional competence and to education becomes an integral vital need of human.

Constant expansion of educational services in the field of art education (expanding range

of disciplines: computer graphics, design, computerization of education, the development

of culture and art, and new achievements of pedagogy and psychology considerably

expanded the possibilities of art education; the active formation of the system of additional

art education and many others) requires of modern teachers of Fine Arts high mobility,

subjective willingness to ongoing self-education and self-improvement, in order creatively

self-realize in teaching profession.

Thus, modern ideas about professional training of teachers, particularly teachers of Fine

Arts as the specialist related to their professional competencies. Modern Art teachers

should be able to build his professional career on a high scientific and pedagogical level,

make informed professional solutions and independently get knowledge. Due to this,

acutely costs a problem of professionally competent fine art teacher preparation, the

formation which occurs throughout the entire educational process in high school, and in

particular in the study process of special subjects.

Revitalization of attention by foreign and local researchers to the concepts of

"competence", "competency", "competent approach" explains with a number of reasons:

the need for creating a new concept of education which reflects demands creative

personality and modern society's requirements to professional qualifications, knowledge

and skills, the processes of integration, orientation of higher education in the formation of a

specialist not only in the training of future specialists in teaching, but in using their

competences which provides their abilities for self-development and adequate evaluation

of their activities. A.V.Hutorskogo’s view, which highlights three levels of educational

competencies in relation to the content of education, is closer to us:

a) key – which refer to the total (meta-subject) content of education;

b) general subjects – belong to a certain group of subjects of study and educational


c) subject – private with respect to two previous levels of competence, with a particular

description, and the possibility of formation within educational subjects [1].

Thus, competent approach allows:

– to connect the purposes of education and professional activities;

– to go from a playback of knowledge for its use and organization of professional


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– to orient learners to a variety of professional and life situations and etc. In theory of

competent approach distinguished two basic concepts: competency and competence.

Special competences can be regarded as the realization of key and basic competences in

a particular area of professional activity. Key, basic and special competencies, interacting

with each other, manifested in the process of solving the vital professional tasks of

different level of complexity in different contexts. Consequently, we can agree with the

opinion that formed professional competencies in the future specialist is the personal

qualities, skills, knowledge, abilities and skills as prerequisites of its competent actions.

Being actualized in practice, they become competent in one of the levels. Thus, all three

types of competencies are interrelated and should be developed at the same time that

ultimately will provide the formation of professional competence of a specialist as certain

integrity, of some integrative personal characteristics [2].

The term "professional competence" also explains as the ability which actualizes

accumulated knowledge and skills, methods, means to achieve the intended targets, and as

a collection of requirements for the obligatory solution of professional tasks and problems

that relies on the main qualifications of a specialist. In other words, professional

competence means complex (integral characteristics) of several components necessary for

the efficient execution of professional activities.

A.S.Druzhilov identifies the following components of professional competence of

teachers: motivational and volitional, functional, communicative and reflective. The first

includes: motives, objectives, needs, valuable settings, stimulates the appearance of a

creative personality in the profession, presupposes the existence of an interest to the

professional activity. Functional component is generally Communicative component

includes the ability: to express thoughts clearly and precisely, to give evidence, to analyze,

skills transfer emotional information and more.seen as a knowledge about the methods of

pedagogical activities, necessary for the teacher for projecting and implementing one of the

pedagogical technologies. Reflective - is seen in the skills of consciously controlling the

results of their activities and the level of self-development, personal achievements,

formedness of such qualities and characteristics, as creativeness, initiative, exact intention

of cooperation and more [3].

Сonducting of the real study required preliminary specification of the conceptual

apparatus. Thus, as the basic definitions have been selected next: competency – integral

quality of the person characterizing readiness to the effective implementation one of the

social role (professional, community member, citizen, etc.; professional competency – an

integral characteristic of the individual worker (specialist), reflecting not only the degree of

development of knowledge and skills in a particular area of professional activity, and also

a set of personal qualities that reflect the ability of effectively acting in society;

competence – the result of education, expressed the person's readiness for realization of

specific tasks of professional and non professional activities on the basis of their internal

and external resources; the result of professional education, expressed in the readiness of

specialist to implement certain specialist professional functions using their internal and

external resources, special competence – kind professional competence characterizing the

functional specificity of a particular professional specialist. Subject-specialized

competencies related to the ability of a specialist to attract for solving the professional

tasks of knowledge, skills, abilities, forming within a particular subject area.

Educational activity of teacher of Fine Arts due to their specific features requires

constant display of a wide range of professional competences. The modern system of

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training teacher of Arts intended to take into the consideration the changing socio-cultural

situation and to orient all trainings to the development of professional competence of future

Fine Arts teachers. Competence-based approach in pedagogical education, revealing and

exploring different levels of competence (key, basic, special), and the orientation on the

results of the educational process in full use in of such specific area as an art education.

What kind essential competencies presented here in the first place and to what directed

today the attention of researchers in the specified sphere? The searches for answers for to

this question in our research are as follows.

Thus, A.P.Sukharev study is devoted to the realization of competence-based approach

in art education [4].The researcher notes that from the perspective of the competence

approach aims of arts education may be based on such grounds which demonstrate what a

student can learn for years of training:

– to solve problems in the field of educational activities, including defining objectives

of artistic activity, to find optimal ways and means to achieve goals, organize their

activities and creatively collaborate with other students, to choose appropriate sources of

information to evaluate and present the results;

– to explain the phenomena of reality, their essence, causes, relationships using artistic


– to orient on key issues of modern life through art;

– to navigate in the world of spiritual values, reflecting different cultures and world


– To solve problems common to different types of professions and other activities

(communicative, searching and analyzing the information, making decisions, organization

of joint activities and etc.);

– to solve problems of professional choice including the preparation for further

education in the educational institutions of a professional art [4]. Aforesaid means that the

implementation of competence-based approach in art education has an impact to all stages

of the educational process starting from identifying objectives and completing the

assessment of learning outcomes, focusing the attention on the socialization of the entire

system through getting the students subjective experience of solving various types of


G.Y.Ermolenko's research is dedicated to the formation of future Fine Arts teacher

competency. For the first time, in this study was defined the essence of multiartistic

competence, which represents professional integrative quality of a person, provision of the

willingness and ability of future teachers to the organization of integrated lessons of Arts.

Was clarified and systematized the essential characteristics of multiartistic competencies of

Fine Arts teachers which are presented by cognitive, valuable-motivational, operatively-

active, individually-creative components that reflect the knowledge, skills, experience of

multiartistic activity [5].

Researcher S.Doroshenko among the most important professional competence of Fine

Arts teachers highlights: general professional (personal, informative, communicative,

general cultural, organizational, prognostic and gnostic) and special (educational,

analytical, able to design their future professional and creative development) [6]. In this

case only the common complex of general professional (pedagogical) and special

professional competence provides forming and becoming of professional and competent


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S.I.Mokrousov works on the problems of formation the professional competencies of

Fine Arts teachers in the field of computer modeling . In his opinion, the competency of

Fine Arts teachers of in the field of computer modeling is revealed through the availability

of following skills: 1) objects and models in the virtual scenes generally and holistically

perceiving this form, 2) provision based on constructive structure of the object and the

virtual prototype (model) big shape of real object , the ratio of its weight with a holistic

and generalized perception of form in space, 3) modeling in the form of a pseudo-virtual

space of the prototype (model) based on planar images and three-dimensional object, 4)

creation of compositional and plastic design, applying the expressive means of various

compositions in the virtual scene, 5) creatively solving artistic-imaginative tasks on their

computers with the help of graphical, picturesque and compositional regularities, 6)

designing and predicting their further creative and professional development with the

acquired competencies [6].

As we see from the analysis that despite of a particular level of its theoretical and

practical elaborations, such things as content of professional competences and methods of

forming the future teacher of Fine Arts were out of sight during studying the special

subjects. In our research, we consider the professional training of Fine Arts teachers as a

process of developing its professional competency during studying of special subjects.

So, all of the above allows us to make the following conclusions:

– In recent years in Kazakhstan in accordance with the international standards, results

of higher education are formed entirely in the category of competence (competence). This

is due to the need of changing the concept of the educational model from "educational" to

"competence-based." Educational concept focuses on education and learning basics of

science and ultimately it combines together all subjects. In this concept, the results of

education are evaluated not only by the measure of successful understanding of scientific

knowledge, but by the degree of preparation of the person to successful activity outside the

of the education system and are fixed in a certain set of competences and / or


– The concept of "professional competency", is widespread in the foreign education

system in the last decade due to the intention of integration Kazakhstan in the global

community becomes the basis for determining not only the strategies of higher education,

but also for the choice of educational technologies. Competent approach in the educational

system of Kazakhstan is oriented on the principles of organization of Common European

educational space within the Bologna and Copenhagen processes. The modern assessment

of professional education quality of graduates in all levels of professional education

should not be based on the length or content of teaching, but on the result of professional

training (knowledge, skills and wide competences) obtained by graduates. In the current

circumstances it became expedient to single out the professional competence:

– Growth of a person with modern skills is much higher level of system. The objective

of professional training of future specialists at the modern stage of development of

education is forming their professional competence.

– In modern educational research, competency is seen as multidimensional and

multicomponental structure. Thus, different authors identify various structures of its

components. In the process of research were confirmed the positive sides of competent

approach, that using it made possible more accurately to determine the orientation of

artistic-pedagogical education, nomenclature and logics of the development of professional

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competences of future teachers of Fine Arts, forming in the process of studying the special


References: 1. Khutorskoi A.V., 2007. Competence in education: designing experience: the collection of

scientific papers, Research and Innovation Enterprise "INEC", рp: 327.

2. Komendrovskaya J.G., 2010. On the professional competence of translator-interpreter,

Higher Education Today, 5 (12): 12-29.

3. Druzhilov A.S., 2005. Professional competence and professionalism of the teacher: a

psychological approach, Scientific and journalistic almanac: CO RW, IPS, Novokuznetsk, 8

(12): 26-44.

4. Sukharev A.P., 2007. Competence approach in continuing art education. Materials of the

Regional Scientific Conference, Omsk, pр: 34 -39.

5. Ermolenko G.Y., 2010. Formation of multilinguistic competencies of future fine art

teachers, Art in school, 2 (12): 23-31.

6. Doroshenko S., 2009. Formation of professional competence of fine arts teachers, Arts

and Education, 4 (60): рр: 139-150.

7. Mokrousov S.I., 2010. Development of professional competence of fine art teachers in

the field of computer simulation, Pedagogy of art. Journal of RAO Institute of Art Education, 3

(12), Р.37- 42.

Tussupova A.K., Zhalalova A.M., Amirbayeva D.E.



Mukhtar Omarkhanovich entered our lives

not only as a great writer. He is a symbol of our life,

the legend, the sage of modern times, a true poet.

He is a high-minded, sincere, heartfelt

and very charming person

(Irakly Andronikov)

The theme of the poet and philosopher – Abai – permeates all creative works of

Mukhtar Auezov. In all analyzed works about Abai M.Auezov artistically and

convincingly reveals that Abai was a great poet thanks to his highest humanism. The role

of a poet and poetry is the main theme in M.Auezov’s works. M.Auezov’s book “The way

of Abai” is connected with a creative personality of Abai. The portrait of Abai is a great

artistic opening in the world literature. The word pictures of Abai are recreated by M.

Auezov in his world-known novel in a very talented manner. But the most interesting is

that the author showed how aesthetic emotions were demonstrated in the character. The

concept of individuality of the main character in M.Auezov’s novel is distinguished by

historical and social interpretation of the character. The poet, enlightener, sophist and

public figure are combined inseparably in the character of Abai.

M.Auezov has his own professional approach to creation process from the deep

scientific textological preparation to the creation of a full word picture of Abai. The main

originative and aesthetic views of Abai are the part of M.Auezov’s works about Abai.

Textological work connected with the theme “About the role of a poet and poetry in artistic

conception of M.Auezov” allows us to understand the nature and colours of M.Auezov’s

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poetry on this subject. Therefore, in order to show the specificity and individuality of

poetic world of Abai M.Auezov chose his compositions which helped him to get over life

illiberality thanks to traditions and continuity.

Abai’s poetry, its role plays an important role in today’s spirituality. M.Auezov

perceived the mysteries of Abai’s oeuvre showing how his poetry takes ideas and thoughts

from his world of spirit, emotions and, therefore, includes feelings as an important

component of the creation process. That is why M. Auezov managed to recreate that Abai’s

lyric poetry reveal main deep inner feelings of the poet. Such things in the art can be

revealed by only deep understanding his poetry and its nature. The writer showed that

word picture of Abai is beyond the scope of literature and comes into the social sphere. A

high poetry of Abai is shown in the novel. It requires great moral working from the poet-

sophist to transform individual energy into constructive energy of spiritual nationwide and

panhuman world. Abai’s poetry as M.Auezov demonstrates is born in a vivid and open

world of reality. It should be said that the artistic imagery of Abai’s poetry is

understandable through his individual experience and primeval picture of his poetic world

reflects reality endlessness.

Speaking about the metre of the verse in the tragedy “Abai” and then in the epic novel

“The way of Abai” M.Auezov gives the explanations of peculiarities of Abai’s verse metre.

So, M.Auezov who deeply understood Abai’s poetry shows that his poetry is rhythmical

alternation of the tension of the poetic meaning itself.

The specific nature of this epic novel is a deep understanding of the connection between

individuality and activity of Abai and historical process, progressive democratic movement

of progressive social forces in the second half of the 19th century. This connection

impacted on enlightened activity of Abai and defined the traits of his artistic conceptions.

So all expressive means were enriched in the epic novel “The way of Abai” as well as its

structure and all components which served in disclosing ideologic content of the novel.

As far as the novel was designed as a historical, social composition which widely

covers social life, all its stratums it was necessary to depict different and significant

characters possessing bright individuality. M.Auezov needed great picturesque figures with

the help of which he could show the epoch, mental characteristics of people. The main

character of the novel is depicted over the whole period of his life in order to deeply

demonstrate formation and the main stages of formation of his character. This epic novel

reveals semi centenary life of Kazakh society. Historical time of the novel is the second

half of the 19th century till 1904 when Abai died (this time is the ending of the novel).

Artistic aspect of the novel includes not only historical time but generally artistic – the

whole pre-revolutionary history of people. Historical memory of the people, dreams and

thoughts of Abai and other heroes about future widen the borders of imaginative this epic

novel. Poetic, philosophical perception of the world by Abai, his knowing the world

endlessness creates the feeling of wide space-time borders of the epic novel. The

dynamism is created by a lot of rolling events, serious changes in social life.

Scientist in literary studies E.V. Lizunova in her books “Modern Kazakh novel”

(современный казахский роман) noticed that Abai’s poetry in the novel had the great

importance for disclosing Abai’s character. [1, p.302].

It is no doubt that Abai’s poetry was the basis for a deep understanding the social

environment and historical conditions in which this poetry was born.Poems of Abai helped

M. Auezov to fully imagine inner character of the poet and to render all his inner feelings

in the novel. The academician Z.A. Akhmetov writes that the power of M.Auezov is in

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artistic rethinking of nature of a poet’s soul, his emotional state. He made them as organic

properties of his hero which are shown in all his actions. [2, p.32]

The picture of nature often illustrates inner state of the heroes: “Холодный ветер дует

с гор – холодное дыхание бушующей там жизни, полной жестокости. Звуки

бабушкиной песни такие трогательные и теплые, встречаются с его порывами и

растворяют в себе их леденящий холод. В песне – сокровенная великая сила…

Абай вздрагивает от этой мысли и переводит взгляд на небо.

Там неторопливо плывет полная луна. Вот она коснулась одинокой черной тучи,

спряталась в ней и начала выделывать странные шутки. Абай засмотрелся на нее и

забыл о своих мыслях” [3, c.95]. We see that Abai deeps in his thoughts. The sky and

clouds are above him and the face of the moon is easily changing. And the reader feels that

his heart is very calm. It is worth to note that the depiction of moon and moon night is a

traditional feature of Kazakh poetry. In this connection we can remember one of the best

lyrical poems of Abai “Желсіз түнде жарық ай” («В безветренную ночь светлая

луна»). This poem can serve literary material for description of feeling of novel character –

a young poet who understands the beauty of mature.

The moment of appearance of a famous poem “Разве не должен мертвый, я глиной

стать” is rendered convincingly in the novel. It represents a kind of the last will of Abai.

He is dipped into meditation and intensive thoughts alone with steppe nature. Abai’s

perception of nature is full of the great power and wisdom. The poem combines

philosophical understanding of life and poetic seeing of his dear land.

Contacting with an endless beauty of nature makes the poet think of his life way,

moments of joy and grief, thought of present and future times. The poem gives rise to deep

thought of meaning of life, destiny of dear people. The pictures of nature described with a

special feeling can show the whole power of poetic mind of Abai, emotional atmosphere of

high flush of his spirit, the importance of thoughts and feelings. For the deeper description

of true life the following has the great importance: the mastership in creating people’s

characters, disclosing their inner feelings through particular actions. M.Auezov was able to

show the inner world of a character and desires of his soul.

At the end of the second book Abai imagines landless sea, the image of the sail.

Symbolical image of the sail personifies Abai and his strong wish to get the life aim. This

symbol is also connected with traditions of Russian literature. It shows that Abai liked

M.Yu. Lermontov’s creation. At the final chapter of each book these poetic images are the

symbols of live events.

The last book of the novel is ended by poetic picture in which reality and artistic

symbolism interweave. Abai is in deep grief – the loss of his son Magash. In this state Abai

thinks of his life, mileage, destiny of people, his epoch:

«– Кругом ограблен я жизнью! Стою одинокий, как могила шамана. Кто у мен

есть и что мне осталось? О, злосчастное время мое, есть ли живое место на нем? В

чем вина моя, тяжкий грех, чтобы так страдать безвыходно? Или много мне и того,

что все еще бьется печальное мое сердце? – Горькие мысли, пробуждаясь в нем,

пробуждали и его самого» [3, p.718].

This confession monologue sounds as the epitome of life. We find these thoughts and

feelings in Abai’s creative works in which he always thought of destiny of people. The

confession reminds his poems, sometimes phrases coincide.

Abai’s thoughts about life, the aim, about what he leaves to the future generation have

the form of poetic allegorism: a symbolic image of a tree appears.

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«– В безлюдной и бездорожной степи одинокое дерево. Оно жило многие месяцы,

долгие годы. С надеждой и радостью раскрывало оно свои листья навстречу каждой

весне… Каждый год цвело оно ,и цветы опадали, а семена его ветер уносил в

широкий мир…”. [3, p.718-719]

The image of a fruitful tree as a poetic symbol of Abai who goes for the future with all

his dreams and thoughts has a bright artistic personalization. In these difficult times all his

heart is guided by superior purposes to which he dedicated all his life.Artistically

interpreting the figure of Abai as a man of outstanding personality M.Auezov is project the

future. Poetic symbolism dynamically depicts the fusion of reality and dream in the

consciousness of Abai in the last minutes of his life: “И последними проблесками

сознания он ощущает свое бытие изъятым из живой жизни других людей. Он снова

плывет один в мутной, холодной, бездонной воде. И снова нет ей ни конца, ни края.

Только вдали у небесной черты, едва различимая глазом, высится во мраке черная

гора. А за ней – чуть приметная – занимается золотая заря… ” [3, p.721-722].

This picture is a poetic symbol. It reflects a wise poetic after light. That is why this

picture is perceived as artistic expression of Abai’s belief in future. Thoughts of future

show the poet’s soul and perceived as internal thoughts. Word pictures of Abai, his poetic

world allowed M.Auezov to understand the mechanism of rendering feelings and thoughts

in the art and literature.


1 Lizunova E.V. Modern Kazakh novel. – Alma-Ata, 1964.

2 Akhmetov Z.A. Poetics of the novel “The way of Abai” in the light of history of its

creation. – Alma-Ata, 1984.

3 Auezov M.O. Collected edition. In 50 vol. V. 3

Zhumabekova A.K.



Sociohistorical preconditions of science development about translation caused the fact

that the translatologyin Kazakhstan developed mainly as a practice, and then as the theory

of a literary translation. Change of requirements to quality of the texts being translated,

promotion of informative, scientific, official materials into the forefront raises a question

about the development of linguistic and lingua didactical aspects of translation theory.

Expansion of a functioning the national language raises a demand in specialists in

interlingual mediation. It is mostly specialists in the European and east languages, whose

native language is Kazakh. There is a need of scientifically reasonable approach to

educational process of preparation of translators. In this article we would like to take up

some questions which need their solutions.

Theoretical problems:

– development of scientific-theoretical bases of private and special translation theories;

– description of translation meta language.

Methodical problems:

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– full educational and methodical ensuring training of specialists of the specialty

«translational studies» on bachelor, master and two year (second higher education)

educational programs;

– methodological aspects of translation, especially development of the standards for

teachers of translation, problems of professional development of teachers.

In the conditions of shortage of textbooks and manuals in Kazakh language students

study scientific and educational-methodical literature on general translation theory in

Russian and English languages. In spite of a large number of comparative researches

questions about private translation theories require the decision in aspect of concrete

languages: Kazakh-English, Kazakh-Turkish, Kazakh-Chinese, etc.

Special theories of translation need the development: the oral and written (in the theory

of translation there is a question of, whether to consider them as different communicative

activity or different types of one communicative activity), scientific, informative,

advertising, etc.

In our «The bibliographic index …» [1] (published within the student's project on a

grant of the rector Kazakh National PedagogicalAbai University in 2010) we tried to

systematize works of theoretical and practical character in the field of translation, left in

our country for 2000-2010 years. These are books, textbooks, manuals on translation,

dictionaries, collections of scientific conferences, abstracts of doctoral and master's theses.

Scientific articles are grouped in three directions: common problems of translation, aspects

of a literary translation and terminological questions of translation. These sections of a

translatology find reflection in publications of researchers. Over 30 names of translated

(new and republished) books – the classics of the world literature which have left over the

last 10 years were recorded.

It is thought that the done work will help to orient with understanding and solution of

actual problems of translational science, and also will broaden professional outlook .

There is a question of meta language translation theory. Developed in V.N.Komissarov,

Ya.I.Retsker, R.K.Minyar-Beloruchev's works and other Russian scientists the terms

framework issued in the form of small explanatory dictionaries, placed, generally at the

end of textbooks and manuals, was a basis for the modern terminological dictionary on the

translation theory of L.L.Nelyubin [2]. Work on systematization of this terminology in

Russian isn't finished because of a suspense of a problem of unification, standardization,

and also variability.

This problem is very important in the Kazakh theory of translation. Now there aren`t

any separate lexicographic editions except the explanatory dictionaries of translational

terms published for students and undergraduates by us [3]. Work on translation terms

revealed a big circle of the problems connected, first of all, with their systematization and

methods of a semantization. Practically focused, systematic, logically stepped statement of

terms definitions covering in a complex of knowledge of language, translation and

components of professional competence are important for students and master students.

The received information have to be in an ideal sufficient for understanding the essence of

translation process and result of translational activity, and also directed on their practical

usage in real life, daily professional activity. Interdisciplinary connections and use of the

one and the same terms system of all-professional disciplines which, unfortunately, didn't

settle yet in theory of translation are extremely important.

Therefore, in our opinion, the course devoted to meta language of translation (we

develop it now within master training) is absolutely necessary [4]. Concepts of English-

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speaking theory of translation is revealed in the fundamental encyclopedic edition under

Mona Beyker's edition. On classes of translation we analyze the terms used in modern

English-speaking scientific literature, comparing them with the Kazakh and Russian

equivalents (sometimes we state their absence or different treatments).

The solution of the problem of professional development of teachers of translation,

strengthening the scientific and methodical connections between foreign and kazakh higher

educational institutions are extremely significant.

So, in the western system of translators teaching the accent is put on specialization

of translators on oral and written, and among the written – on translators of art and

scientific literature.

The paradox of nowadayssituation is that many educational institutions of Kazakhstan

let out translators of «a wide profile». At the same time government bodies, the large

translational companies, known publishing houses of art and scientific literature, the

research centers complain of shortage of professional translators, both written and oral. A

number of universities prepare translators on intensive 2 year programs (for experts with

the higher education). But educational and methodical literature for trainees of this type

practically isn't present.

Many other problems of didactics of translation wait for the decision. One of the major

tasks is to prepare manuals on technique of translation teaching in the Kazakh language.

Meanwhile in educational process of translators preparation in the Kazakhstan

universities the continuity is broken, repetitions are observed. So, when comparing the

courses «Theory and Practice of Cross-cultural Communication» (bachelor degree) and

«Cross-cultural communication and translation problems» (magistracy) we find out that the

contents of a master course repeats subject of discipline of a bachelor degree [5-6]. For

example, the name of a course for master students «Cross-cultural communication and

translation problems» is identical to the 5th theme of discipline for students of a bachelor

degree – «Translation and cross-cultural communication».

The content of the following sections of the subject «Cross-cultural communication and

translation problems» is given in almost the same wording as in his previous course

«Theory and practice of cross-cultural communication» :The definition of intercultural

communication. The concept of culture in intercultural communication.The categorization of cultures.Verbal and non-verbal communication.Cultural relativism.Sapir-Whorf

hypothesis.Secondary linguistic identity and the secondary «world view».The problem

thesaurus interpreter. Of course, the structure of the master course must necessarily be based on the sections

of the previous year bachelor , but then the wording should be different, more advanced

and scientific-sounding .

The same applies to the subjects of «Theory of Translation» (bachelor) and «Current

Trends in Translation» (master) . Such topics offered to master students, as General linguistic theory of translation. The theory of regular correspondences.The theory of levels

of equivalence. The identity of the translator (linguistic, psychological , intellectual and

social characteristics) have been studied earlier in the bachelor course «Theory of

Translation». Meanwhile, there is no review of translation directions late 20th - early 21st

century, and in fact the name of the discipline master it suggests .

In lingvodidactic plan should, in our view, developed in detail the criteria for assessing

the quality of translations. This question is one of the most controversial in contemporary

translation studies.

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All of this showed the necessity of unification of the rich experience of world

translation school for solving actual problems of training the Kazakh national personnel.

This will build an effective educational model, which could increase the

competitiveness of Kazakh translators, providing society with high-quality translations in

various spheres of life.


1. The theory and practice of translation in Kazakhstan. The bibliographic reference (2000-

2010) – Almaty, 2010 (originators: A.K.Zhumabekova, A.Makulzhanova, Zh.Atabaeva).

2. Nelyubin L.L. The dictionary of terms of translation, 3 ed. – Moscow, 2003.

3. Zhumabekova A.K., ZhumashevaG.A. Short Russian-Kazakh explanatory dictionary of

translation terms. – Almaty, 2005.

4. Zhumabekova A.K., Zhumasheva G.A.Explanatory dictionary of terms of translation. –

Almaty, 2012.

5. Routledge Encyclopedia of translation studies / Ed. by Baker. – M.– L., N.Y.:

Routledge, 1998.

6. The model curricula for graduate specialty 6M020700 – Translation Studies. – Almaty,


7. The model curricula for undergraduate specialty 050207 – Translation Studies. –

Almaty, 2007.

Turgunbajewa B. A.




Mit dem Bologna-Prozess verändert sich nicht nur die europäische Hochschul-

landschaft; auch im außereuropäischen Ausland zeigt sich großes Interesse an einer

Annäherung internationaler Hochschulsysteme.

Dabei wird ein System der Mobilität geschaffen, das dem Druck der Globalisierung

gegenüberzustehen ermöglicht. Es geht um neueste Methoden und Know-how aus dem

heutigen dynamischen und sich stark verändernden Bildungsprozess sowie um die weitere

Professionalisierung der Lehrkräfte.

Dass Kasachstan früher als andere postsowjetische Staaten zu einer ganzheitlichen

Transformation des Bildungssystems übergegangen ist, ist eine bekannte Tatsache. „Das

staatliche Programm der Bildungsentwicklung Kasachstans für den Zeitraum 2011-2020“

ermöglicht es, im Bildungssystem des Landes Verbesserungen durchzusetzen, um eine

schnellstmögliche Integration im Rahmen der Bologna-Kriterien umzusetzen. Es trägt dazu

bei, dass die universitäre Bildung eine wichtige Rolle in der Ausbildung der kompetenten

und konkurrenzfähigen Fachleute für alle Bereiche der Wirtschaft spielt [1].

Einer der Aspekte der Modernisierung des Hochschulwesens basiert auf den humani-

stischen, kulturellen, synergetischen, andragogischen, akmeologischen, kompetenten und

verbindlichen Einstellungen. Dies ist mit der Notwendigkeit verbunden, die

kasachstanische Hochschulbildung in die Bildungslandschaft Europas zu integrieren und

methodologische Einstellungen zur Vorbereitung der Spezialisten zu vereinheitlichen.

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Der Terminus „Methodologie“ ist griechischer Herkunft. Er bedeutet „Lehre von der

Methode“ oder „Methodentheorie“. Daraus folgt, dass die Methodologie sich mit den

theoretischen Aufgaben und Mitteln der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis und der

Gesetzmäßigkeit der Forschung als Schaffensprozess beschäftigt. Es gibt noch eine

Bedeutung der Methodologie: Sie ist die Lehre von dem Forschungsprozess [2]. In diesem

Zusammenhang kann man die Schlussfolgerung ziehen, dass die methodologischen

Einstellungen als wichtige Brücke von der Darstellung zur Entwicklung dienen. Die

methodologischen Einstellungen werden durch eine Tätigkeit umgesetzt und helfen bei der

Gestaltung einer neuen pädagogischen Wirklichkeit.

Also ist aus den oben genannten methodologischen Einstellungen die humanistische

Einstellung als die führende Einstellung zu nennen. Der Kern dieser Einstellung besteht

darin, dass der Bildungsprozess für junge Menschen wegweisende Entwicklungen


Günstige Umstände für persönliche Entwicklung

Sammlung der Erfahrung für eigene Sozialisierung durch Selbstbewusstsein

Anwendung der gewonnenen Kenntnisse für Sicherheit im Selbstverständnis

Bewältigung der alltäglichen Herausforderungen

Deswegen ist es kein Zufall, dass man die humanistische Pädagogik als einen

Bestandteil der Pädagogik, als die Pädagogik des vernünftigen Denkens betrachtet. Sie legt

großen Wert auf die Würde des Menschen und die Entfaltung seiner Persönlichkeit und

seiner Fähigkeiten. Sie orientiert sich an den Ideen und den Idealen des Humanismus. Wir

denken, dass diese Einstellung die wichtigste Einstellung im Hochschulsystem ist und im

System des Aufbaustudiums anzuwenden ist.

Die kulturelle Einstellung Neue Einstellungen müssen der Formel entsprechen: „Bildung ist der Verlauf der

Entwicklung eines Menschen von Kultur“. Das neue Bildungsmodell unterscheidet sich

durch den Charakterzug der Kultur. Das Ziel der Bildungseinrichtungen ist, einen jungen

Menschen in seiner geistigen und charakterlichen Entwicklung zu formen, indem man ihm

bestimmte Arten des Wahrnehmens, Denkens, Wertens, Handels und Prinzipien lehrt.

Der römische Philosoph Cicero meinte, dass die Geistkultur die Philosophie ist. Wenn

es um das Züchten und Anbauen von Pflanzen geht, muss man gut im Garten arbeiten, um

reiche Ernte zu haben. Und Geisterziehung ist die Philosophie. Sie befreit den Geist von

seinen Untugenden und befähigt ihn, gute moralische Eigenschaften einzusammeln.

Man versteht unter Kultur ein universelles, für eine Gesellschaft, Organisation und

Gruppe aber sehr typisches Orientierungssystem. Heute sprechen wir über die

Unterhaltungs-, Berufs-, Benehmens-, Forschungskultur und die Kultiviertheit der


In den 90er Jahren hat die Synergetik geholfen, bekannte pädagogischen Traditionen,

Bildungsgrundlagen aus ihrer Sicht zu begreifen.

Der Lehre vom Zusammenwirken von Elementen entsprechend, geht der normale

Zustand eines komplexen Systems unter dem Einfluss von verschiedenen äußerlichen und

innerlichen Umständen zu Ende. Der Begründer dieser Theorie ist der bekannte deutsche

Gelehrte Hermann Haken.

Die Synergetik erforscht Allgemeingültigkeiten und Gesetzmäßigkeiten des

Zusammenwirkens, die im menschlichen Wesen vorkommen. Die Wissenschaftler E.N.

Knjasewa und G.P. Kurdjumow betonen, dass die Synergetik im Bildungsprozess zwei

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Rollen spielt. Einerseits bildet sie eine methodologische Grundlage des Bildungsprozesses,

andererseits stellt synergetisches Wissen den Inhalt des Bildungsprozesses dar[3].

Die weltweite Ausbildungspraxis verdeutlicht, dass die demokratische Form der

Ausbildungsorganisation, die den Studierenden mehr Selbständigkeit ermöglicht, das

European Credit Transfer System im Rahmen des Bologna-Prozesses ist. Der europäische

Qualifikationsrahmen sollte in nationale Qualifikationsrahmen umgegossen werden. Ein

nationaler Qualifikationsrahmen beschreibt die verschiedenen Stufen und Qualifikationen

des entsprechenden Hochschulsystems anhand von Zulassungsbedingungen, Verteilung der

ECTS-Punkte, Abschlüssen und generischen Deskriptoren. Diese Deskriptoren dienen den

Hochschulen als Orientierung bei der Formulierung der Lernziele ihrer Studienprogramme.

Die ECTS-Punkte sind ein zentrales Instrument, um die Leistungen der Studierenden zu

quantifizieren und vergleichbar zu machen. Mit der Bologna-Reform hat die universitäre

Ausbildung einen grundlegenden Paradigmenwechsel erfahren, der viel Wert auf die

Lernergebnisse legt. Die Studierenden müssen und können für alle Veranstaltungen, für die

sie sich interessieren, selbst eine Entscheidung treffen und sie in einem individuellen

Stundenplan festlegen.

Das Problem des Berufswachstums eines Menschen, sein Erfolg ist der Schwerpunkt

der Akmeologie, die sich als eine Wissenschaftsdisziplin in den 90er Jahren des 20.

Jahrhunderts zu formieren begann. Die akmeologische Einstellung orientiert den

Unterricht darauf, dass man einem Lerner hilft, seine höchste Leistungsfähigkeit zu

erreichen und sein Potenzial zu realisieren. Der Termin ist griechischer Herkunft. Akme

bedeutet „Gipfel“, “Spitze“. Der Wissenschaftler A.A.Derkatsch meint, dass „das Wesen

der akmeologischen Einstellung besteht darin, eine komplexe Untersuchung für die Gan-

zheit des Subjekts durchzusetzen. Seine individuellen und persönlichen Arbeitseigenschaf-

ten werden in der Einheit in allen Zusammenhängen und Zusammenwirkungen untersucht,

um zum Erreichen seiner höchsten Leistungen einen Beitrag zu leisten. Die Erreichung der

Berufsreife, die auf den Berufskompetenzen, auf der pädagogischen Meisterschaft und auf

der ausgeprägten Motivation zur Selbstvervollkommnung basiert, ist die einheitliche

Entwicklung eines Menschen, d. h. die Bewegung zur eigenen “Akme“ (Gipfel) [4].

Die akmeologische Einstellung zum Ausbildungsinhalt, zu den Lehrtechnologien, zu

den Unterrichts- und Erziehungsprozessen ermöglicht es, das Aufbaustudium effizienter zu

gestalten, weil alle Ausbildungssubjekte ihre Erkenntnismotivationen in ein System

bringen und die Ausbildung dadurch zum inneren Bedürfnis und zum kreativen Erkennen

der Wirklichkeit wird.

Die andragogische Einstellung. Im Jahre1833 hat der deutsche Gelehrte Alexander

Kapp den Begriff „Andragogik“ eingeführt. Andragogik ist die Wissenschaft, die sich mit

dem Verstehen und Gestalten der lebenslangen und lebensbreiten Bildung des

Erwachsenen befasst. Die andragogische Einstellung stellt die Lehre und Ausbildung des

Erwachsenen, die Bedeutung des selbstgesteuerten Lernens der Erwachsenen in den

Vordergrund. Sie berücksichtigt, dass der Mensch im Laufe seiner Lernbiographie zuerst

für pädagogische Maßnahmen empfänglich und dann mit zunehmender Autonomie offen

für andragogische Maßnahmen ist [5].

Die kompetente Einstellung lenkt das Denken und die Handlung der Studierenden

nicht nur auf das Wissen und die Fertigkeiten, sondern auf die Fähigkeit, mit Hilfe der

gewonnenen Kenntnisse verschiedene Alltags- und Berufsprobleme zu lösen.

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Also bezeichnet der Begriff „Kompetenz“ die Fähigkeit, die gewonnenen Kenntnisse,

Fertigkeiten und persönliche Eigenschaften für eine erfolgreiche Tätigkeit im Berufsleben


Die Kompetenzen der Fachkräfte haben die verbindliche Qualität, die interdisziplinären

Kenntnisse zu erwerben und in der Berufstätigkeit anzuwenden.

Diese Einstellung wurde zu einem der wichtigsten Wege der Aufbaustudiengänge in

Kasachstan, weil Master und Doktoranden kreativ und selbständig ihre Zeit sowohl im

Studium als auch im alltäglichen Leben verteilen müssen, um ihre Kenntnisse zu

verbessern, den Gesichtskreis zu erweitern, zu recherchieren und wissenschaftliche

Untersuchungen zu machen. Dazu dient die Beherrschung der Forschungsgrundlagen der

Pädagogik und Psychologie [6].

Eine Zusammenfassung des Obengenannten gebend, lenken wir die Aufmerksamkeit

auf die verbindliche Einstellung, die einen ständigen Entwicklungsprozess darstellt. Die

verbindliche Einstellung wird durch die Intensivierung der Zusammenhänge und das

Zusammenwirken der Elemente und ihrer Vereinheitlichung gekennzeichnet. Dadurch

entstehen neue qualitative Eigenschaften sowohl in der pädagogischen Theorie als auch in

der Praxis. Wir denken hierbei als ein Beispiel an die deutsch-kasachischen Beziehungen,

die über 20 Jahre gewachsen und von Vertrauen geprägt sind. Der kulturelle sowie

akademische Austausch zwischen den beiden Staaten bildet den Grundstein der deutsch-

kasachischen Beziehungen.

In einer globalisierten Welt sind Kooperationen und ein Informations- und

Wissenstransfer wichtiger denn je. Gerade Europa, mit Deutschland als führender Nation,

bietet hier viele interessante Anknüpfungspunkte. Deutschland leistet einen großen Beitrag

zur Entwicklung eines dem modernen Arbeitsmarkt angepassten Bildungssystems.

Kasachstan kann von langjährigen Reformerfahrungen in Deutschland profitieren, um eine

attraktive und wettbewerbsfähige Hochschulbildung, die sich an den Bedürfnissen der

Studierenden orientiert, zu schaffen.

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist weltweit der drittgrößte Ausbildungsstandort für

ausländische Studierende nach den USA und Großbritannien. Die Bundesrepublik besteht

aus 16 Ländern – Bildung ist Länderkompetenz. Den gemeinsame Rahmen der Ausbildung

an den Hochschulen sichert die Kultusministerkonferenz. Die Hochschulrektorenkonferenz

befasst sich mit allen Themen, die die Aufgaben der Hochschulen betreffen: Forschung,

Lehre und Studium, wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, Wissens- und Technologietransfer,

internationale Kooperation sowie Selbstverwaltung [7].

Deutsch als Wissenschafts- und Kultursprache ist in der Europäischen Union eine der

wichtigsten Sprachen: 18% der Publikationen der Welt erscheinen auf Deutsch.

Studierende und Wissenschaftler im Ausland erkennen aber teilweise mit wachsendem

Interesse, dass das Erlernen des Deutschen einen Mehrwert darstellt.

In Kasachstan können sich die Studierenden und junge Wissenschaftler mit guten

Deutschkenntnissen um ein Regierungsstipendienprogramm Bolaschak, um ein DAAD-

Stipendium oder um ein anderes Auslandsstipendium bewerben. Die Regierung Kasach-

stans vergibt jährlich an bis zu 3000 kasachstanische Studierende das Langzeitstipendium

„Bolaschak“ (auf deutsch „Zukunft“). Es ermöglicht, einen Hochschulabschluss (Bachelor,

Master, Doktor) im Ausland zu erwerben. In Deutschland wird das Programm vom DAAD


Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) ist eine weltweite bekannte

Organisation mit einer noblen Mission. Sie vereinigt die deutschen und internationalen

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Hochschulen und ermöglicht die Förderung des internationalen akademischen Austausches

der Studierenden, der Aspiranten und Wissenschaftler vieler Länder.

Der DAAD führt die akademische Zusammenarbeit mit den Hochschulen Kasachstans

über zwanzig Jahre zum Erfolg. Das DAAD-Lektorat an der KazNPU-Abai ermöglicht den

gegenseitigen Austausch von Hochschullehrern mittels Kurzdozenturen, von Studenten

sowie die Veranstaltung von wissenschaftlichen Symposien.

An der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität (KazNPU-Abai)

arbeiteten und arbeiten seit 1993 DAAD-Lektoren und DAAD-Sprachassistenten. Die

ausgezeichnet ausgebildeten deutschen KollegInnen – Hartmut Schönherr, Andreas Ulrich,

Ursula Saarbeck, Eva Portius und Michael Jaumann (seit 2011) haben fruchtbar an den

Fakultäten für Philologie, für Internationale Beziehungen und an der Finanz-

Ökonomischen Fakultät gearbeitet. Die DAAD-Lektoren und die DAAD-Sprachassistenten

engagieren sich nicht nur in der Lehre und der Beratung von Studierenden hinsichtlich

Stipendien oder des Studiums in Deutschland, sondern auch in der Fortbildung von

Germanisten oder der Entwicklung von Lehrmaterial. Mit ihrer Unterstützung und ihrem

Engagement konnten die Studenten ihre grundlegenden Kenntnisse über Deutschland

erweitern und vertiefen. Ihre Mitarbeit hat viel Neues an die Kaz NPU-Abai gebracht, vor

allen Dingen die „lebendige mündliche Sprache“, sowie neue Lehrverfahren im

Sprachunterricht. Im Deutschunterricht wurden moderne Bücher und Methoden eingesetzt.

Viele Jahre lang waren die DAAD-Lektoren an der KazNPU-Abai nicht nur erfolgreich als

Vermittler von Sprachkenntnissen, sondern auch als Mittler zwischen den Kulturen tätig.

Mit großem Einsatz beteiligten sie sie sich an vielen Veranstaltungen der Universität. Die

Arbeit der DAAD-Lektoren ist ein sehr hoch einzuschätzender Beitrag in den Beziehungen

zwischen Deutschland und Kasachstan. Mit den Stipendienprogrammen durch den DAAD

investiert Deutschland in dauerhafte und persönliche Beziehungen.

Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit dem DAAD und der Unterstützung durch den Rektor der

KazNPU-Abai Prof. S. Sh. Pralijew wurde im Oktober 2010 die Vereinbarung über die

Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg (BRD) und der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität (Kasachstan) geschlossen. Im

Rahmen der Universitätspartnerschaft werden folgende Maßnahmen und Projekte

gemeinsam gefördert:

– gegenseitige Besuchsprogramme für Lehrende, Studierende und sonstiges Personal,

– gegenseitiger Informationsaustausch über die Inhalte und Methoden der Studien-

gänge, der Dozentenausbildung und die Aufgaben und Tätigkeiten der einzelnen Institute

der Partnerhochschulen,

– gegenseitige Teilnahme an regulären Lehrveranstaltungen im Gaststatus mit

Anerkennung von Studienleistungen,

– Ermöglichung von Gastprofessuren und –Dozenturen,

– gegenseitiger Austausch auf kulturellem Gebiet.

Im Themenjahr „Deutschland in Kasachstan 2010“ wurden zahlreiche Veranstaltungen

durchgeführt, die unsere Länder einander angenähert haben. Im Oktober 2010 fand im

Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden der KazNPU-Abai mit der organi-

satorischen Unterstützung des DAAD die internationale wissenschaftlich-praxisbezogene

Konferenz „Kasachstan-Deutschland: Historisches Gedächtnis und Kooperation in den

Bereichen Wissenschaft und Ausbildung“ statt. Unter den Teilneh-mern dieser Wissen-

schafts- und Bildungsveranstaltung mit ihrem bemerkenswerten Namen waren Wissen-

schaftler sowie Experten aus Deutschland und Kasachstan: So Prof. E.G. Boos, der Akade-

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miker der Nationalakademie der Republik Kasachstan und Vorsitzender des deutschen

Wissenschaftsbundes Kasachstans, Prof. Dr. J. Rau, Prof. Dr. Maria Steinmerz und andere.

Im März 2011 fand an der Abai-Uni der Besuch von Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke,

Prorektor für Lehre und Studium der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg statt. Während

des einwöchigen Aufenthaltes hat Prof. H-W. Huneke Vorlesungen für die Studierenden,

Master und Doktoranden über die Schwerpunkte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts, über die

Reform des deutschen Bildungssystems und über die Zusammenarbeit mit einer deutschen

Akkreditierungsagentur gehalten.

Im Rahmen der Universitätspartnerschaft ergibt sich ein fachlicher Bezug zur

Germanistik und Förderung der deutschen Sprache - das Netzwerk Germanistische

Institutspartnerschaft(GIP). Angestossen durch Kontakte aus der GIP delegierte die Abai-

Universität Almaty im Wintersemester 2012 sieben weitere Studierende für ein Gastse-

mester an die Pädagogische Hochschule ,im Wintersemester 2013sechs Studierenden

(Fremdsprachen und andere Fächer; Vollfinanzierung durch Heimathochschule).

In einer Zeit von so raschen Veränderungen gerade auch in der Bildung, wie wir sie

heute erleben, spielt der wissenschaftliche und praktische Austausch eine große Rolle. Seit

der Unabhängigkeit der Republik Kasachstan erleben wir eine enorme Entwicklung in

Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Bildung. Bildungsräume wachsen zusammen, der Austausch

von Wissenschaftlern, Experten und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern wird immer wichtiger.

Grenzübergreifende Projekte werden international gefördert. Die Mobilität von

Studierenden nimmt zu. In diesem Zusammenhang misst Kasachstan der Durchsetzung von

Verbesserungen im eigenen Bildungssystem eine wichtige Bedeutung bei. Am 10. März

2010 ist Kasachstan als 47. Mitglied den „Bologna“-Ländern beigetreten. Führende

Wissenschaftler der Republik Kasachstan teilen die Meinung der hochprofessionellen

Experten aus Deutschland, dass die internationale Akkreditierung von Fächern und

Lehrprogrammen im Jahrhundert der Vereinheitlichung der Bildungssysteme die

Angleichung der Studienabschlusse in allen Bologna-Staaten ermöglicht.

Also sind in einer globalisierten Welt zahlreiche Probleme in der Umsetzung des

Bologna-Prozesses sehr ähnlich für Deutschland, für Kasachstan sowie den größten Teil

der EU-Staaten und gerade in einer globalisierten Welt gibt es keine Alternative zur

Bologna- Reform, die sich an den Bedürfnissen der Studierenden orientiert. Dadurch

werden die Zielsetzungen und die Integrationsnotwendigkeiten der Bildungssysteme in

Zentralasien und Europa sowie die Anpassung der Ausbildungsprogramme verschiedener

Länder verändert.

Die Globalisierung setzt die wichtigen Impulse für die Hochschulreformen der

gestuften Studienabschlüsse – Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorandenprogramme in den

„Bologna“- Ländern.

Das alles bewegt sich natürlich in einem regionalen und einem europäischen Kontext.

References: 1. Государственная программа развития образования Республики Казахстан на 2011-


2. Краевский В.В., Бережнова Е.В. Методология педагогики. М,: Академия, 2008г.

3. Князева Е.Н., Курдюмов С.П. Синергетика журнал. // Общественные науки и

современность. – 1994. - №3. – С. 35-40.

4. Деркач А.А. Акмеологические основы развития профессионализма Москва –

Воронеж, 2004. – 750 с.

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5. Филин С.А. Андрагогический подход к построению системы профессионального

обучения персонала предприятия: дис. кан. пед. наук / Новгород. 2005г.

6. Равен Дж. Компетентность в современном обществе: выявление, развитие и

реализация / Пер. с англ. – М., «Когито-Центр», 2002. – 396 с.

7. Управление высшим учебным заведением. Учебник под редакцией С.Д. Резника и

В.М. Филиппова. М.; - Инфа – М, - 2010г.

Iskhan B.J., Dautova S.B., Ospanova B.R.



In the apt definition Akhmet Baitursynuly, "language - a powerful force both for and

degeneration of the nation. The people who did not keep his word, and he disappears "[1].

The development of any language as a living organism, its improvement is closely linked

to the number of its speakers, who consider this as their native language, it is widely used

in various fields of communication. A number of speakers depends, first, on the

quantitative and qualitative composition of the nations, and secondly, on the language

policy of the state where the given ethnic group lives. The latter provision clearly reflected

in Russia's policy towards other nations.

From the middle of the nineteenth century in the Russian Empire intensified policy of

Russification of representatives of other nationalities. Education and training has been

associated with the promotion of orthodoxy. In this direction succeeded such renowned

educators as N.I.Ilminsky, A.E.Alektorov, A.V.Vasiliev. Particularly important is the role

N.I.Ilminsky [2]. They are attracted to children of indigenous nationalities in the Russian

school. Graduates of these schools are great personalities: D.Banzarov, Sh.Ualihanov,

Y.Altynsarin. Everywhere open Russian-otherwise school textbooks are published, even

created the national alphabets based on Cyrillic letters. Thus, according to K.Kuderina, the

first Kazakh alphabet, based on the Russian alphabet, created by N.I.Ilminsky [3].

N.I.Ilminsky designated the specific sounds of the Kazakh language graphically Titley.

Remarkably, he did not include the Kazakh Russian alphabet letters е, в, и, ф, ц, х, ч, щ, ъ, ь, э, ю, я [3]. But this alphabet was not accepted by the local population. Then an attempt

was made by the hands of the introduction of the alphabet natives. In fact, it embodies

Y.Altynsarin - he created the first Kazakh Cyrillic alphabet, wrote a textbook on it [4],

established the first Russian-Kazakh school. So held the language policy of the Russian

empire in relation to the alphabet.

In opposition to such a policy at the beginning of the twentieth century created

"dzhadditsky" (new) current of russian Muslims led by I. Gasprinsky. They are reforming

used by the Arabic alphabet, complementing its graphical notation of sounds of a national

language. The old methods of learning are replaced by new ones. Among the Kazakhs this

technique is called the letter " төте жазу (tote zhazu)" (literally "direct, quick email"). In

the years 1907-14 were published 7-8 variants of the first Kazakh alphabet [5]. Besides

these, there were hand-written alphabet books. For example, the manuscript of the

alphabet, written by Mullah Kokpay. At the moment, it is stored in the collections of the

National Library. But the most systematic, sustained graphically recognized

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A.Baytursynuly option [6]. The magazine "Aikap" (1911-1914) for the purpose of

valuation of the Kazakh graphics publishes articles on options alphabets, creates a serious

wide-ranging discussion on the subject. In solving the problem of actively participating

A.Baytursynov detail justify its graphics system. His alphabet from 1912 is widely

distributed in the country and is in use by the end of the 20s. According to the alphabet still

enjoy the Kazakhs of China. It is a clear expression of opposition to the policy of

Russification of education.

Those who came to power in 1917, the Soviets also impartially continued policy of

Russification. In the first decade of Soviet power to create certain conditions for the

development of national languages. So, after the revolution, during the formation of the

Soviet government formed by the People's Commissariat of the nation, headed by Stalin.

"Declaration of the Rights of Peoples of Russia" on 15 November 1917 proclaims the

mutual equality of the nation, in the decree №2 All-Russian Central Executive Committee

(ARCEC) and the Council of People's Commissars (CPC) on February 15, 1918 decided

that in all instances of judicial proceedings will be used by all the local languages [7].

Of particular importance to the development of local national languages attached IV

Stalin. He wrote: "There is no mandatory" state "language - either in the proceedings or in

the school." Each region will select the language or languages that correspond to the

composition of its population, and will be complete equality of minority languages as well

as in all public and political institutions "[8,70].

People's Commissariat of Russia (Commissariat) passed a resolution "On the school of

small nations" from November 31, 1918. In 1919, at the VIII Congress of the RCP (b)

refers to the need for a unified labor school with the national language of instruction. As a

result, in 1921 in Turkestan (Central Asia) begin teaching in national languages, including

and the Kazakh [9,31]. In March of this year, the Kazakh Central Executive Committee

(CRC) decide that all its members should as soon as possible to learn the Kazakh language


In 1922 he created the Central Eastern Publishing, the publisher of literature in the

languages of the peoples of Central Asia, based on the national charts. For the purpose of

mastering the Marxist-Leninist ideology of every people in their native language, Russian

and indeed the whole world artistic and political literature translated into local languages.

All of these primary policies have served to strengthen the image power among the

peoples of the USSR. By the end of the 20th years of the last century, the political course

changes drastically - starts Romanization (translation of the Latin script), the languages of

the Union Republics. As the V.V.Bazarova, in carrying out this policy, an important role

was played by the authority of the Company's new alphabet and the Academy of Sciences

of the USSR and the special support of the state [11,58]. The author also notes the direct

participation of Stalin: "Attention is drawn to the fact that Stalin did not leave large

documents that would touch his direct involvement in the reform of writing. However, the

large amount of material that was more fully represented in the debate on linguistics in the

post-war years, suggests that these issues are actively engaged in it "[11,58].

Not informed about the background of the language policy - switching to Russian and

orthography - Soviet Turks were preparing for latinization

In 1928, at a meeting in Baku were presented and studied projects alphabets-Latin

script for each of the Soviet Turkic republics. Kazakh project schedules, consisting of 28

letters, was presented to a group led by O.Zhandosov. The project is hotly discussed in

1929 at a conference in Kyzyl-Orda T.Shonanuly, E.Omarov, K.Kemengerov,

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K.Zhubanov, E.D.Polivanov etc. Then he (the project), improving, became include 29

letters. [12]. This option is based on the Arabic alphabet A.Baytursynuly, 20 years

selflessly served for Kazakh society [13]. Alphabet A.Baytursynuly once created taking

into account phonemathic Kazakh language and has been recognized not only as fellow

scientists, but also with foreign counterparts. So, E.D.Polivanov particularly noted: "This

last form, which took a Cossack-Kyrgyz schedule in 1924, I was in any case, I think not

needing as amended and represents the latest step in the historical formation of national

schedules, which can be fully Kyrgyz officials proud of Education - creators of the reform

as a major cultural conquest "[14,32].

As a result of this policy, all the nations of the Soviets, except Russian, Georgians,

Armenians went to Latin.

In 1929, in connection with the transition to the Latin alphabet in Kazakhstan was held

spelling reform. Recognized the fundamental position expressed in the textbook

A.Baytursynuly “Tiл - құрaл (Language - means)” [13] as well as the views expressed in

the First All-Russian Congress of Turkic studies in Baku. At the Congress, in its report on

the nomenclature system, noted the discrepancy A.Baytursynuly nature of the Kazakh

language pronunciation of the words of European origin: "That's why we're going to take

foreign words in such a way that it was easy for the pronunciation of the Cossacks.

Similarly, other Turkic peoples should not be considered as the origin of words, and should

be considered a dialect, the articulation of the population "[15, 277]. So he insisted on

writing borrowed words according to the spelling of the local language.

About the spelling of foreign vocabulary H.Dosmuhameduly in 1924 said the

following: " The peoples of Europe using the Latin words as terms do not leave them in

their original form , and are tailored to articulating the basis of their language . The word is

subject to change in accordance with the laws of their native language, "[16, 95]. One of

the supporters of this trend E.Omaruly in the same year in Orenburg to the First Congress

of the Kazakh intelligentsia suggested : " If the word that expresses the concept of a

particular branch of knowledge , is not in their native language , you can use their Latin

equivalents . But the alien vocabulary should be subject to the ranks of the native language

" [17, 97]. Most of the Kazakh intelligentsia at that time supported this point of view,

moreover, still no pressure to write borrowed through the Russian language words in

Kazakh - due to these factors in 1929 in Kyzyl -Orda officially fixed spelling rules, on

which is written in a foreign language vocabulary according to the phonemic system of the

Kazakh language . As exemplified by the work of a researcher Latin spelling by

N.Amirzhanova , written in that year [18, 190-195 ].

The idea Turkic-speaking peoples of the Soviet Union through the transition to the

Latin alphabet to create a common script, set the close ties among themselves and unite the

Turkic world, to form a unified literary language remained relevant in the first decade of

Soviet power. However, as Western scholars, the implementation of these tasks was

initially impossible. The Turks at that time were well aware of each other, despite the

specificity of each language, yet the difference in economic and cultural development

would be unable to contribute to their convergence [19.8]. As was confirmed in further

Soviet language policy.

Before 1938, the loan words were written in Latin, "Kazakh": «сатсыйализм», «сат-

сыйалист», «кәмүніс», «балшабек», «репорма», «сәбет», «пебырал», «сабнарком»,

«пұртакол» and etc. Since 1938, according to the amendments to the Regulations of 10

paragraph reads: "the words that have become distorted due to the lack of them in our

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vocabulary, and will now be spelled correctly, denoted by the letter consonant sounds х, ф,

в. For example, the norms are хат, хан, химия, фазыл, вагон, совет. Not allowed to

write «Қат, қан, қыймыйа, пазыл, вәгөн, сәбет»[18, 97].

When, in 1940 under the influence of national political forces in the zone of the USSR

passed Cyrillic S.Amanzholov was compiled and reigning alphabet, complete with Russian

letters, previously unavailable in the Kazakh language. That, in turn, contributed to the

introduction to the language rules that are alien to the laws of its development. Distorted,

it's incredibly complicated spelling. For this reason, several processed spelling dictionaries

(1940, 1957, 1978, 1983) [20.7]. The last option - "Spelling Dictionary", approved by the

State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan terminology and adopted in 2006 [21].

During this period, many scientific works of famous Kazakh linguists, praising our

"hybrid" mixed alphabet and spelling. They talked about the favorable impact of the

Russian language on the modern possibilities of the native language, able to pronounce and

write any foreign word [22, 23, 199-205, 24, 48, 25, 22, etc.]. Imbedded common rules in

unrelated languages led to numerous footnotes (exceptions) in the language of law. Deal

with this problem have dedicated their work N.Ualiev and A.Aldasheva [26].

The protection of the nature of language arose many scholars. Thus, long-term

scientific creativity S.Myrzabekova updated the need to preserve the vowel harmony of the

Kazakh language [27]. A.Zhunisbekov first openly wrote about the negative phonetic

processes in the native language [28, 24]. In one of his works, he says, "sounds are not

related and are not identical with the Kazakh language Russian language, first of all, have

dramatically increased the number of sounds in the first. Secondly, it was a lot of words

that do not obey the law of vowel harmony. Third, become complicated spelling. All this is

only the main effects of interference Russian language "[29, 12]. Eliminate the negative

effects can be only one-way substitution alphabet. In the words of Professor A.Zhunisbek "

... replacement of the alphabet do not have to be regarded as a rejection of a particular

language or script, I repeat, is a graphical reform of the Kazakh language "[30, 7].

This reform begins with the design of the Latin alphabet. Currently represented by more

than 100 varieties, among the authors of the Kazakh Diaspora and foreign-language

specialists [31]. Development can be divided into three groups. The first focuses on the

extended (with over - and subscript characters) Latin, aims to create a common Turkic

graphics ( A.Zhunisbek , etc.). The second sticking to the principle of " one sound one

character " uses for the sounds, the designation of which is not on your keyboard,

diacritical signs (R.Abdykadyrov , etc.). The third group uses the basic Latin alphabet

characters, and for those that are not included on the keyboard uses the doubled characters

(A.Sharipbay , etc.). The last two lines are aimed at flawless use of computer programs. It

is known that in the modern Kazakh alphabet has all the letters of the Russian language.

This explains the different number of sound symbols represented in the new versions of the

alphabets. Some authors ( A.Zhunisbek , B.Kantarbayuly ) offer a limited 28 signs that

indicate specific sounds Kazakhs. Other ( M.Malbakuly , A.Sharipbay ) supporters 31 -

character alphabet that includes a foreign language ф, x, в.

Spelling is closely related to a pronunciation. In connection with this provision, there

is an inconsistency between projects 28 and 31-letter alphabet. First for the restoration of

native pronunciation norms of the Kazakh language and therefore suggests to get rid of

borrowed sounds ф, x, в. Consequently, foreign words will be written like this: халық –

қалық, фабрика – пабрика or пәбрике, вагон – багон or уагон. Last for the pre-

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servation of sounds х, ф, в. Its orthograms look like this: халық – халық, фабрика –

фабрика or фәбрике, вагон – вагон or багон.

Among the supporters of the preservation of alien sounds of many eminent specialists

of the Kazakh language. The main arguments of the majority of Russian linguists are terms

that sounds, ф, x, have taken root in the language, articulation adapted. Therefore, new

alphabet they should be.

Thus being offered two solutions to the problem: the first - to limit specific to the 28

letters of the Kazakhs and write how to pronounce the native Kazakh, the second - to leave

in the foreign-language " ф, x, в " and save the modern spelling. Despite the apparent

contradiction, both projects provide a spelling reform. It is needed for the sake of creation

for the younger generation of the national alphabet and development language norms.

References: 1 Baitursynuly A. The greatness of the language. -Almaty : Ana tili , 1992 . рр- 448. (In

Kazakh . Lang.).

2 Ilminsky N.I. From the correspondence on the application of a mixed ethnic Russian

alphabet languages. - Kazan, 1883,р.р- 120.

3 Kuderinova K. Theoretical foundations of Kazakh literature. - Almaty, 2010. р.р - 115. (in

Kazakh . lang. ).

4 Altynsarin S . Kazakh reader . - Kazan - Almaty, 1989. р.р-120. (in Kazakh . lang. ).

5 Nurbaev M. Primer . – Ufa , 1910.

6 Ergaliuly Z. Kazakh alphabet. - Kazan ,1910-р.р.-129.

7 Maldybaev M. Kazakh alphabet.- Kazan, 1912;

8 Sarsekeev H., Arabaev I. Primer.- Ufa, 1913.

9 Syrgalin K. "Kazakh latest alphabet" - Kazan , 1914-р.р.-146. ( in Kazakh . lang.).

10 Baitursynov A .Textbook. - Semipalatinsk , 1922 . p.р.– 120.(in Kazakh . lang. ).

11 Decree number 2 and the CPC Central Executive Committee of 15 February 1918.-р.р.-


12 Stalin J.V. Collected Works. Volume 4 . - Moskow , 1948.-р.р.-123.

13 Boltenkova J.I. Іnternationalism in action. - Moskow, 1988-р.р.-156.

14 Mikhailov M. Bilingualism : problems, searches . - Cheboksary , 1989.-р.р.-165.

15 Bazarov V. Romanization of the Buryat- Mongolian script : the experience of the

historical and cultural modernization in the years 1920-1930 . - Ulan -Ude, 2006 . р.р.- 365.

16 Transcript of scientific spelling conference held 2-4 July 1929 Scientific and

Methodological Council and NCP TSKNTA . - Kizilorda , 1930 р.р.- 482.

17 Baitursynuly A. Coll. Op. 5 t t 3 . - Almaty: "Alash ", 2005 . р.р.- 352. ( in Kazakh .


18 Polivanoff E.D. New Cossack -Kyrgyz ( Baytursynov’s ) orthography . - Tashkent,

1926. р.р.- 213.

19 Baitursynuly A. Coll. Op. 5 t, t 4 . - Almaty: "Alash ", 2005 . р.р.- 320 . ( in Kazakh .

lang. ) .

20 Dosmuhameduly H. Alaman . - Almaty. - 1991.р.р.-245 ( in Kazakh . lang. ).

21 First Congress of the Kazakh scientists . -Almaty . 2005.р.р. - 144.

22 Amirzhanova N. Нistorical fate of the Latin alphabet in Kazakhstan. - Almaty: Institute

for the Development of the state language . - 2012 . р.р.- 300.

23 Bennigsen A., Quelquejay Ch. The Evolution of the Muslim Nationalities of the USSR

and their Linguistic Problems Oxford, 1967.р.р.- 214 .

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24 Spelling Dictionary of the Kazakh language . - Almaty , " Kazakhstan ", 1988-р.р.-125.

(in Kazakh . lang. ).

25 Spelling Dictionary / Comp. : N.Ualiuly , A.Fazylzhanova , K.Kuderinova , G.Anes . -

Almaty : Institute of Linguistics , 2007.р.р. - 480. ( in Kazakh . lang. ).

26 Kenesbay And Musabaev G. modern Kazakh language. - Almaty.1997.р.р.-231. ( in

Kazakh . lang. ).

27 Syzdykova R. Zhanpeisov E. History of the Kazakh language . - Almaty:"Mekte" - 1968

. р.р.- 239. ( in Kazakh . lang.).

28 Aytbayuly O. Kazakh word . - Almaty," Evreux ". - 1997. р.р.-125. (in Kazakh . lang.).

29 Barlybaeva R. Рolitical lexicon in the modern Kazakh language. - Almaty:"Mektep ,

1978 . р.р.-144. ( in Kazakh . lang. ).

30 Ualiev N., Aldasheva A. Difficulties in the Kazakh spelling. - Almaty: " Gylym ", 1986.

р.р.-165. ( in Kazakh. lang.).

31 Myrzabekov S. Рronouncing dictionary of the Kazakh language . - Almaty: " Sozdіk -

dictionary ". 2001.р.р.-145.

32 Dzhunisbekov A. Problems of Turkish prosody and verbal synharmonism Kazakh

word . - Alma- Ata: ADD, 1988.р.р.-156.

33 Zhunisbekov A. Kazakh phonetics . - Almaty: " Aris ", 2009.р.р.-296. (in Kazakh .

lang. ) .

34 Zhunіsbek A. Kazakh alphabet : the ancestral sounds - the native alphabet . - Astana,

2013.- р.р.143. ( in Kazakh . lang.).

35 Online documents:

36 Azer Hasret: «Мы заблуждались. Не ошибитесь вы!» (We were wrong. Don’t

mistake!) http://www.azerhasret.com/

Sauerborn-Ruhnau Hanna




Several studies about preschool children’s reading and writing acquisition show the

importance of the development of phonological awareness1 (fallowing ph a) for reading

and writing acquisition. There are four different positions in those terms that:

a) some researches emphasize the importance of ph a as a prerequisite to school

learning (e.g. Mannhaupt 2003),

1 “Phonological awareness refers to the understanding that spoken words can be broken down to smaller parts. Phonological awareness is a multilevel skill, typically seen as a comprised of syllable awareness,

onsetrime awareness, and phoneme awareness.” (Gillon 2004, 11)

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b) others point out ph a is developed while children learn to read and write (e.g. Morais

1979), (c) others say some aspects of ph a are seen as a prerequisite and others are

developed in the process of reading and writing acquisition (e.g. Marx 2006),

c) different researchers claim that particular cognitive factors have an influence on

either ph a and reading and writing (Wesseling 2000).

In Germany, in particular, position (a) has become important in research and practice

and in response to this several programmes for training ph a have been developed and

implemented for children in the last year of pre-school2 (e.g. Küspert 2003).

The question arises whether ph a is the only important predictor for successful reading

and writing acquisition. Is it enough to train ph a? An alternative perspective is offered by

the concept of early literacy which can be described as a sum of different abilities e.g. oral

language, alphabetic code (ph a part of this) and concepts of print (Strickland & Ayres

2007). In the New Literacy Studies, early literacy can be also understood as becoming

familiar with a literate culture. In this context, literacy is always seen as a social practice

(Street 1984, Barton 2004).

From a theoretical perspective, the construct of ph a can be critically discussed for

several reasons. The argument stems from three points of view which will be developed


The first one refers to a meta-analysis of the effects of training programmes in ph a,

which shows that ph a is an important, but not sufficient factor to explain reading (Bus et

al. 1999). The second one examines the significance of a so-called strong predictor:

according to Brügelmann (2005) one should not only focus on an individual child when

dealing with an unsuccessful learning process, as difficulties in school can never be

reduced to individual problems. Furthermore, he postulates that learning processes are

never linear, and problems at pre-school age do not necessarily predict difficulties at school

age (Brügelmann 2005, 146) and vice versa. He also considers that children with a weak

level of ph a often have problems in many other areas as well. As a result, one can question

if the level of phonological skills can be seen as causing problems with reading and writing

or only as a predictor for difficulties (Brügelmann 2005, 154). The last aspect to be

considered refers to the construct of literacy. Referring to Strickland & Ayres (2007) early

literacy is understood as a set of different abilities within three main categories: oral

language, alphabetic code and concepts of prints. Following this conceptualisation of early

literacy, reading and writing needs more than the ability to transform letters into sounds

and spoken utterances into letters. To reconstruct meaning of a text, apart from many other

abilities, a certain level of lexicon is needed as well as the ability to construct the meaning

of words and sentences and whole texts. Kintsch and van Dejk (1983) discuss in this

context, the importance of distinguishing between low-hierarchy and high-hierarchy

processes. The abilities seen with ph a refer only to low-hierarchy processes (Isler 2011).

To produce a text, apart from other abilities which are needed, one has to distinguish

between the certain register of utterances: Besides identifying the different forms /channels

of speech and writing, linguists distinguish the concept in use. There are different concepts

for both the oral and written form. Oral language is branded by the context. Written

2 The term preschool is used to make clear that children are in the last year of kindergarten. In Germany children go to kindergarten at the age of 3 and usually go to school in the year they turn to 6. There is

no preschool for all children.

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language must exemplify the missing context. The different contexts of using the language

produce various forms of language.

Chart 1 illustrates different concepts and forms of oral and written language. Why is

this distinction important in this context? The concept of written form can be seen as part

of the oral language acquisition in our cultural context (Gretsch & Sauerborn-Ruhnau,

2011), and can be developed before a child actually reads and writes. The ability to

produce an oral text with the concept of the written form is, in this research, seen as an

indicator of being familiar with the literate culture. This is because the development of this

concept depends on the input of language that has the concept of written form, which one

finds, e.g. in certain children’s books.3

concept of oral form concept of written form

oral form telephone call, conversation Lecture

written form Chat (internet), short message via cell


Book, newspaper

Chart 1: Distinctions between speech and writing in form and concept (Compare

Koch & Oesterreicher 1994)

Hypothesis. Built up and developed on the above theoretical issues, this research poses

two hypotheses, examining correlations between early literacy and other aspects4 of

literacy acquisition.

- There is a positive correlation between literacy levels at pre-school age and reading

and writing abilities at the end of first grade, when children are approximately 7 years old.

- There is a positive correlation between various early literacy skills at pre-school age

and phonological awareness at pre school-age.

Design. In a longitudinal study children were assessed in different settings (T0: N = 76,

T1: N = 64, T2: N = 54; the decreasing number came about because some children went one

year later to school after T1, and others moved away). There were three points of

measurement (chart 2).

Several measurement procedures were used; most of them are standardised tests. The

set of questions to measure Lit1 is a non standardised test and was developed in this

research. Some of these questions, which will be explained and described in chart 4, concur

with other researchers’ work. Apart from the dictation of a story (Lit2), all tests are part of

the quantitative data analysis.

In addition, parents filled in a questionnaire at the beginning of the study (T0). The

questionnaire was composed of questions about parents (gender, age, education, language,

3 In German, for example, the simple past is only used in written language. Besides this

aspect, one can recognize book knowledge and with the same task, one can measure

expressive language abilities (referring to the pre-K Standards).

4 Possible correlations between aspects mentioned above show only a relationship between

two variables but they don’t show any causality.

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everyday life referring to reading and writing) and children’s everyday life referring to

reading and writing activities.

T 0

beginning of the last year in

kindergarten (comparable with

the preschool) (ca. 5 years old)

T 1

end of the last year

in kindergarten (ca.

6 years old)

T 2

end of first grade

(ca. 7 years old)

Early Literacy






Dictation of a

story (Lit2)

Chart 2: Research design with three points of measurement

Population. The sample (T0, N = 76) consisted of 32 girls (42%) and 44 boys (58%).

Children came from a range of backgrounds. 18 children (23,4%) came from families with

an immigrant background. The biggest group is from Turkey (6,6%). 25% children lived in

a city, 64,5% in villages 10,5% in a rural area. To survey the families’ social status,

parents’ education was considered (questionnaire, response rate: 97%).

The parents have a variety of levels of education (Abitur 42,7%, Fachhochschulreife

9,3% Mittlere Reife 32%; Hauptschule 16%, without school degree 2,6% missing data


. Most of the families have two children (48,7%). Children’s IQ was analysed to

include an additional variable. The values are only provided in quartiles. Most of the

5 The test for measuring early literacy is a self composed test with 8 different exercises.

Different tasks are described in the fallowing part.

6 CFT measures the non verbal intelligence. There are 5 subtests and I used 3 of them

(classification, similarity and matrices). This test is part of the research to include an

additional variable. Although the CFT is used, it is a kind of test that can be criticised.

However, this criticism lies outside the context of this article.

7 MÜSC measures the phonological awareness.

8 WLLP “Würzburger leise Leseprobe” quantifies the reading rate.

9 HSP measures the writing skills.

10 Abitur and Fachhochschulreife are comparable to A-level, Mittlere Reife to O-level,

Hauptschulabschluss to CSE

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children (48,7 %) are in the upper quartile, 35,5 % in median quartile and 13,2% in lower


Operationalizing literacy - categories of Lit1 and Lit2. The defined construct of early

literacy had to be operationalized. It was decided to ask children a set of short questions

referring to specific literacy skills, which were summarized in a scale11

“Lit1”, see below.

This scale refers to the Strickland’s and Ayres’ early literacy concept, excluding the

phonological awareness,12

plus additional questions referring to decontextualization13


Tasks Lit1. At T0 10 items were part of the scale Lit1 (T1 = 8 items14

). Each item

consists of several questions which were repeated in the same form for every child.

Name of task, referring to Aspect of early

literacy Explanation

compare word length (Probst

2005, Bosch 1984)

decontextualisation children hear two words (a short one which des-

cribes a big thing and a long word which des-

cribes a small thing.) and name the longer one.

three little pigs (Olson 1998,


decontextualisation there is a sheet of paper with the words “Drei

kleine Schweine” (= three little pigs) on the

table. First, the words are read aloud while the

reader’s finger moves under every read word.

After that, the first word “drei” (three) is closed

up and the child is asked: “What can we read


marked memory (Schmid-

Barkow 1999) Brinkmann &

Brügelmann, 1993; Dehn,


concepts of print a memory is marked on the reverse of every

card with the printed word for the animal in

front of the card. So it is not a normal memory.

Children have a hint which cards fit together.

understanding of print’s use

(Probst 2005)

concepts of print the child is asked: “Why do we read and


purchase print (Schmid-

Barkow, 1999)

concepts of print in a small doll shop, children buy signs. The

task is to only buy signs with printed letters (the

others signs were with numbers or pictures)

11 A scale is composed of several items, the questions. You have to look if these items fit

together. That‘s why you estimate cronbach’s alpha. This value can be between zero and

one. A consistent scale has a value between .7 and 1 – a higher value is better (Nunnally &

Bernstein 2006).

12 Because one of the hypotheses refers to the correlation between different aspects of early

literacy and the phonological awareness, the phonological awareness is taken out of the

construct of literacy for the first point of measurement.

13 Decontextualisation referrs to the ability to distinguish between the linguistic form and the

content of a word. E.g. asking the question about the word length it’s not helpful to consider

the actual size of the named word. 14 The last two tasks were taken out of the analysis. Furthermore theoretical questions on

these tasks, the data analysis showed that the internal consistency of the Lit1 scale got a

lower level.

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early writing Dehn & Hüttis-

Graff, 2010

alphabetic code


children take a blank sheet of paper and are

asked to write everything they can write.

early reading (see

logographic reading Schmid-

Barkow, 1999)

alphabetic code


a paper on which 8 different names are written

(children’s prename, MAMA (= mum), PAPA

(= dad), OMA (= grandma), OPA (= grandpa),

children’s family name, brothers’ and sisters’

names or friends’ names) is shown to the

children. The question is: Can you read some of

the names?

letter knowledge alphabetic code there is a sheet of paper with all letters without

diacritica on. The child names every letter he or

she know.

word realism decontexualisation (Bruner und Olson 1978, S. 313))

reading and writing ope-

rations (Downing, J et al.

1993, Probst 2005)

concepts of print several pictures where people read, write, draw

and do handicraft work are shown to the

children. Children are asked, for example, to

show somebody who is reading or writing.

This item was taken out of the analysis because

all children were able to solve the task, thus

losing significance for the study

Chart 3: Different tasks of the early literacy scale

Assessing Lit2. Besides assessing Lit1, a task-based assessment was added in order to

gather data on the ability to tell a story in the form of written language.

As previously mentioned, this task takes into account if children were familiar with the

concept of written language. Being familiar with such a concept is probably a consequence

of living in a context where literacy has its own place. This task is described as, Lit2.

For assessing Lit2 children were asked to tell me a story while using a picture book. For

that I gave them an edited picture book (Dieter Schubert: Murkel ist wieder da) without

letters and asked them to look into the book first. After this, I asked them to tell the story

while they looked at the book again. In a former study, Becker, asserts that five year-old

children only reproduce descriptions of the pictures (Becker 2005, 30). Because a narrative

was needed to elicit the concept of written form, the interviewer told the children that she

would read their story to my children aloud afterwards, and this is why I was writing their

story down as they were telling it15

. This is in keeping with the exemplified method aimed

at avoiding such a description of the pictures Becker found in her research.

Data analysis. For the quantitative Lit1 data every correct answer was counted as (1),

every incorrect answer as (0). For each item, the sum of right answers was divided by the

15 Additionally, a video was recorded which was helpful to transcribe the story into written


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number of asked questions.16

In case of non-responding, the child was asked the same

question again; after the second repetition, the non-answer was counted as (0).

The data were analysed using the Software SPSS 19, to explore the correlation given in

each hypothesis. In addition, regression analysis (multiple regression) was used.

Before interpreting the qualitative Lit2 data, 6 individual cases were chosen, which

represented a wide range of the developmental aspects of the research data. The dictated

stories (=Lit2) of these children were transcribed, analysed and interpreted regarding to

several criteria, some of them are listed in chart 4.

Conclusion. The methodology of this study can be assessed in terms of four criteria:

the design, sampling, data collection and the data analysis.

The design was an attempt to explore a variety of literacy skills in comparison to only one

single factor like ph a in supporting the development of reading and writing. The

operationalization of the construct of early literacy was possible with modifications. The

initial intention was to transform the children’s dictated narrative texts into statistical data

by using computer linguistics and to compare them with the Lit1 data. This was not

possible, because translating meaningful texts into numbers took away the basis of the

comparisons. However, the aim of bringing the different data together could be realised by

using mixed methods, by constructing six individual case studies, which indicated different

types of literacy development. Planned as a longitudinal study extended over one year and

nine months, the development of literacy could be shown. The reliability of the set of

questions used to measure early literacy could be substantiated by repeating this


Reconstruction of the story Register of written language

coherent story

emotive markers

final explanation

simple past

complex expressions


literate expressions

Chart 4.

The sample generated for this study depicts a wide range of different aspects, e.g.

parents’ education, immigration background and so on. However, it was not possible to

realise the project with random sampling; therefore, the results may have to be validated

using a larger, and more convincing sample. This raises the possibility of further research

on the topic.

The data collection aimed to be standardized by asking identical questions and using

the same materials. Different local conditions couldn’t be controlled, as well as children’s

condition on a particular day.

The data analysis was orientated to be reliable, valid and objective. These were taken

into account by using standardized tests and a design drawn from established theory on the

topic. As a result of using predefined categories in the set of Lit1 questions, this increased

16 Example: Item 2: three questions with different examples. There were a maximum of 3

points possible. The sum was divided by 3. At the end the value was between 0 and 1

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the validity of the questionnaire data. The analysis of Lit2 data was scrutinised by external

researchers to ensure the validity of the interpretation. For Lit1 it was only possible to get

an insight into the internal consistency of the scale used, which was reliable. The results

could not be compared to another assessment of early literacy as there has not yet been any

such assessment devised.

References: 1 Becker, Tabea (2005): Mündliche Vorstufen literaler Textentwicklung: vier Erzählformen

im Vergleich. In: Helmuth Feilke und Regula Schmidlin (Hg.): Literale Textentwicklung.

Untersuchungen zum Erwerb von Textkompetenz. Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Forum

angewandte Linguistik, 45), S. 19–42.

2 Bosch, Bernhard (1984): Grundlagen des Erstleseunterrichts. Frankfurt am Main:

Arbeitskreis Grundsch (Forschungsbeiträge zur Grundschulreform, 8).

3 Brügelmann, Hans (2005): Das Prognoserisiko von Risikoprognosen - eine Chance für

"Risikokinder"? In: Bernhard Hofmann (Hg.): Übergänge. Kinder und Schrift zwischen

Kindergarten und Schule. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lesen und Schreiben (DGLS-

Beiträge, 3), S. 146–172.

4 Bruner, Jerome; Olson, David R (1978): Symbole und Texte als Werkzeug des Denkens.

In: Gerhard Steiner (Hg.): Piaget und die Folgen. Entwicklungspsychologie, Denkpsychologie,

Genetische Psychologie. Zürich: Kindler (Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts), S. 306–320.

5 Bus, Adriana G.; van Ijzendoom, Marinus (1999): Phonological awareness and early

reading. In: The journal of educational psychology 91 (3), S. 403–414.

6 Dehn, Mechthild (2005): Problemlösen - Lesen(Lernen) am Computer. In: Ada Sasse

(Hg.): Lesen lehren. Berlin: Dt. Ges. für Lesen und Schreiben (DGLS-Beiträge, 2), S. 121–134.

7 Dehn, Mechthild; Hüttis-Graff, Petra (2010): Beobachtung, Diagnose, Lernhilfen.

Schulanfangsbeobachtung, Lernbeobachtung Schreiben und Lesen, für Schulanfang und

Jahrgang 1. 2. Aufl. Berlin: Cornelsen-Scriptor (Lehrer-Bücherei /Mechthild Dehn; Bd. II).

8 Dijk, Teun Adrianus van; Kintsch, Walter (1983): Strategies of discourse comprehension.

San Diego: Academic Press. Online verfügbar unter


sch%20-%20Strategies%20of%20Discourse%20Comprehension.pdf, zuletzt geprüft am


9 Downing, J et al. (1993): LARR Test of Emergent Literacy: NFER Nelson.

10 Gillon, Gail T. (2004): Phonological awareness. From research to practice. New York:

Guilford Press (Challenges in language and literacy).

11 Gretsch, Petra; Sauerborn-Ruhnau, Hanna (2011): Zum Verhältnis von einfachen zu

komplexen Prozessen im Bereich der Early Literacy. In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft

und Linguistik (162), S. 93–113.

12 Koch, Peter; Oesterreicher, Wulf (1985): Sprache der Nähe – Sprache der Distanz.

Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit im Spannungsfeld von Sprachtheorie und Sprachgeschichte“.

In: Olaf Deutschmann, Hans Flasche, Bernhard König, Margot Kruse, Walter Pabst und Wolf-

Dieter Stempel (Hg.): Romanistisches Jahrbuch. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter (36), S. 15–43.

13 Küspert, Petra; Schneider, Wolfgang (2003): Hören, lauschen, lernen. Sprachspiele für

Kinder im Vorschulalter. Würzburger Trainingsprogramm zur Vorbereitung auf den Erwerb der

Schriftsprache. 4. Aufl. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

14 Mannhaupt, Gerd (2003): Früherkennung und Prävention von Problemen im

Schriftspracherwerb. In: Grundschule 35 (9), S. 45–48.

15 Marx, Peter; Weber, Jutta (2006): Vorschulische Vorhersage von Lese- und

Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Neue Befunde zur prognostischen Validität des Bielefelder

Screenings (BISC). In: Zeitschrift pädagogische Psychologie 20 (4), S. 251–259.

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16 Morais, José; Cary, Luz; Alegria, Jésus; Bertelson, Paul (1979): Does awareness of

speech as a sequence of phones arise spontaneously? In: Cognition (7), S. 323–331.

17 Nunnally, Jum C.; Bernstein, Ira H. (2006): Psychometric theory. 3. ed., reprinted. New

York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

18 Olson, David R. (1998): The world on paper. The conceptual and cognitive implications

of writing and reading. 1. paperback ed., reprint. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

19 Probst, Holger (2005): Testaufgaben zum Einstieg in die Schriftsprache. 2. Aufl.

Horneburg/Niederelbe: Persen (Bergedorfer Förderdiagnostik).

20 Schmid-Barkow, Ingrid (1999): Kinder lernen Sprache sprechen, schreiben, denken.

Beobachtungen zur Schrifterfahrung und Sprachbewusstheit bei Schulanfängern mit

Sprachentwicklungsstörungen. Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Europäische

HochschulschriftenReihe 11, Pädagogik, 788). Online verfügbar unter http://www.agi-


21 Schubert, Dieter (1990): Murkel ist wieder da. 9. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Sauerländer.

22 Street, Brain V. (2004): Introduction. In: Brian Street (Hg.): Cross-cultural approaches to

literacy, Bd. 29. Transferred to digital print. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press (23), S.1-22.

23 Strickland, Dorothy S.; Riley-Ayers, Shannon (2007): Literacy leadership in early

childhood. The essential guide. New York, Washington, DC: Teachers College Press; National

Association for the Education of Young Children. (Language and literacy series. Practitioner's

bookshelf). Online verfügbar unter http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip077/ 2006103048.html.

24 Wesseling, Ralph; Reitsma, Pieter (2000): The transient role of explicit phonological

recoding for reading acquisition. In: Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 13, S.


Betzel Dirk



1. An outline of the problem. It is usual with languages using the Latin alphabet to

capitalize the beginnings of sentences and proper names, and German is no exception. A

peculiarity of German, however, is the capitalization within a sentence, which already

began to emerge in the 16th century and is still valid today, even after German spelling was

reformed in 1996, and revised in 2006. In the survey which is about to be introduced here,

capitalization within a sentence forms the subject of investigation, which is why some

fundamental explanations need to be given in advance.

According to the official rules of German orthography (hereinafter referred to as

“Official Rules”), the part of speech known as the noun is distinguished by being given a

capital letter. Accordingly, the basic rule reads as follows: “Nouns are written with a

capital letter” (Sec. 55, Official Rules):

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1) Der fleißige Mann wäscht das schöne Auto. [“The diligent man is washing the

beautiful car.”]

In the example sentence given, Mann [man] and Auto [car] are nouns, and accordingly

within a sentence written with a capital letter, because they have a fixed gender (der Mann

= the man), which can be seen from the article, as well as being inflected according to the

case (des Mannes = of the man) and number (die Männer = the men).17

However, a

particular difficulty results from the fact that not only prototypical nouns, such as Mann

[man] or Auto [car] can be written with a capital letter. Essentially any word (any part of

speech) can be used in a sentence as a noun. It then takes on the characteristics of the noun

mentioned, and is written with a capital letter. This phenomenon is called nominalization

(Sec. 57, Official Rules).

2) Der Fleißige wäscht das Schöne. [“The diligent man is washing that beautiful

thing.”] The two attributive adjectives in the first example sentence – fleißig [diligent] and

schön [beautiful] – are now capitalized, because in the second sentence they are used as

nouns. They have a gender (das Schöne) [the beautiful thing], and inflect according to the

case (des Schönen= of the beautiful thing) and number (die Schönen = the beautiful ones).

What is highlighted here by way of example is essentially possible in German with every

part of speech.

It has successfully been proven in surveys that capitalization within a sentence has a

positive effect upon reading speed and reading to extract meaning (cf. Bock et al. 1990: 21

et seqq.). This facilitation on the part of the reader conversely, however, requires greater

encoding effort on the part of the writer. Only someone who has sufficient grammatical

knowledge – explicitly or implicitly – can adequately master this complex task (cf. Huneke

2011: 221). In particular for schoolchildren, capitalization within a sentence therefore

constitutes an enormous challenge to language acquisition.

Orthographical investigations conducted in the past thirty years make it clear that

capitalization is one of the principal sources of error in texts written by schoolchildren,

wherein in particular abstract nouns and nominalizations prove to be especially prone to

error (cf. Menzel 1985). This finding is not limited, for example, to the early years of

acquiring written language, as could, perhaps, be assumed, but even still persists up to the

age of 16 (cf. Thomé/Eichler 2008: 107). What is noticeable from the results of previous

surveys is great differences between different ability groups, which already become visible

by the end of the primary school phase (cf. Löffler/Meyer-Schepers 2005: 95), and still

exist at the end of the secondary cycle (cf. Thomé/Eichler 2008: 107). It can be presumed

from the latter that less capable children from the primary schools make little acquisition

progress during the first few years of the secondary cycle, where capitalization is a topic

that is very much focused on, and in particular stagnate in their language acquisition in the

case of nominalized forms, because there are less opportunities for them to derive spelling

rules from the context in relation to what they already know. Whether this is true cannot be

satisfactorily answered based on previous research, as there is a lack of genuine

longitudinal studies (cf. Küttel 2003: 384). The investigation about to be described takes

this research gap as a starting point.

17 Not all nouns inflect according to the number, for example the noun “Eltern” [parents]

only occurs in the plural (plurale tantum), the noun “Erde” [earth] only in the singular

(singulare tantum).

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2. Research questions. Against the background of the research situation detailed,

essentially the following questions arise:

– Can the process of acquisition be determined on the basis of assumed levels of

complexity with capitalization?

– Can an increase in acquisition be proven for all ability groups for the period under


– hat changes emerge, during the period under investigation, compared to the

differences in ability groups ascertained at the beginning, differentiated according to

various levels of complexity?

3. Design of the investigation.

3.1 Overview. According to Fig. 1, the longitudinal studies consist of a quantitative and

a qualitative research module. In the quantitative longitudinal studies, tests are carried out

once a year with a total of 155 schoolchildren from the fifth to seventh grades (ages 11 to

13), in order to investigate acquisition progress, differentiated by ability groups. The

selection of the class levels is firstly based on content of the education plan for this period

of time, according to which capitalization constitutes a focal point in spelling tuition, and,

secondly, research results indicate that learners at this stage in particular acquire skills in

regard to properly using and grasping abstract nouns and nominalization (cf. Naumann

2008: 149).18

Fig. 1: Design of the investigation

The 155 pupils that the sample covers are spread over a total of six schools and eight

classes. The inclusion of different types of school – basic secondary schools, middle ability

range secondary schools and grammar schools – had the function of being able to generate

a sample that was as heterogeneous in ability as possible, in order to be able to form ability

groups independently of the type of school. Based on the dictation gap test in Grade 5 (see

3.2.1), four ability groups could be differentiated, which are kept until the end of the

seventh grade.

18 That the research assumes for this period of time a acquisition-sensitive phase may

naturally be connected with the focus of tuition being on abstract nouns and


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Five children per ability group were included in the qualitative longitudinal studies (N

(number) = 20), in order to be able to conduct individual guideline interviews annually (see

3.2.2). Whereas independent questions are associated with this research module, it

fundamentally serves to supplement the quantitative findings. To what extent quantitative

and qualitative research methods within a design can expediently be combined will be the

focus of this contribution.

3.2 Tools required for the survey and evaluation procedures.

3.2.1 Quantitative part. In the quantitative section, a standardized spelling test, the

Hamburger Schreibprobe [Hamburg spelling test] (HSP), a dictation test where gaps need

to be filled in, and a pseudo-word dictation test involving filling in gaps were utilized for

gathering data. The standardized spelling test was conducted once at the beginning of the

investigation, in order to check, based on the standardized tables, whether the classes

selected achieve average spelling scores.19

The dictation with gaps, on the other hand, has been conducted annually. It contains 45

items on the topic of capitalization and 45 items on the topic of lower case spelling, which

were dictated in the context of sentences.20

The items were chosen taking into

consideration findings from research already existing. For the subsequent evaluation of

data, scales are formed from items having a comparable content.21

Taking the example of

capitalization, the following evaluation structure emerges (cf. Fig. 2):

Fig. 2: Scales for capitalization

19 This is in particular necessary because we are concerned here with a selection made from

particular schools and classes, and not a random sample. 20 All tests conducted, at all times, have been carried out by the author himself (objectivity

of application). 21 From a statistical perspective, a scale has only been formed if the Cronbach's Alpha-

coefficient was 0.7. Items have only been integrated into the scale if the item/scale

correlation amounted to 0.4 (cf. Janssen/Laatz 2010: 586 et seqq.).

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On the one hand, the structure takes into account what is offered to learners by way of

rules and strategies on capitalization in language text books (semantic rule, checking

whether there is an article, typical “noun suffixes”), on the other hand it reflects areas of

difficulty assumed in capitalizing words correctly within a sentence. Hence, specific nouns,

contrary to abstract nouns, already no longer pose any problems worthy of note at the

beginning of the secondary cycle. Checking for the article presumably succeeds best with

schoolchildren when the article is, firstly, actually there, and, secondly, is not placed at a

distance from the noun. Nominalizations which are in any case only to be understood

syntactically or syntagmatically constitute the greatest difficulty for pupils. It has not been

established whether indications based on word formation morphology, for example the

suffixes -ung or -nis, are used by learners, and may thus contribute towards spelling


In a pseudo-word dictation gap test (PWLD), lexicalized words are replaced by pseudo-

words (also known as “artificial words”). The pseudo-word gap test utilized contains

noticeably less items than the dictation gap test, however there are items which were

written by the pupils as genuine words in identical syntactic contexts around four weeks


3) Die eiskalte Dusche ließ ihn vor Kälte zittern.

[The ice-cold shower caused him to tremble with cold.] (Dictation test with gaps)

4) Die pleinkafte Fame ließ ihn vor Kälte blehren.

[The pleinkafte Fame caused him to blehren with cold.] (Pseudo-word dictation with


Comparisons between genuine words and pseudo-words written (see sentences 3 and 4)

permit, for example, conclusions about whether correct spelling is based on stored spelling

patterns (this is in particular to be assumed for words occurring frequently) or whether

grammatical structures can also be transferred to unknown word material. In this

connection, pseudo-words written serve to provide additional information.

3.2.2 Qualitative part. Guideline interviews form the basis for the data making up the

qualitative research module. As a basis for discussion, pupils receive a text, together with

the information that it was written by a primary school pupil. In this way, those

interviewed are put in the "position of a superior, older tutor" (Huneke 2005: 13). Six

mistakes in the use of upper and lower case are contained in this text. In this respect, words

are concerned which those interviewed wrote themselves as genuine words and also

pseudo-words a few weeks earlier. They are asked to read through the text and mark

anything that looks conspicuous. The errors marked then form a further basis for

discussion, where the pupils give the fictitious writer tips on avoiding the errors in future.

The data material obtained in this way subsequently undergoes four evaluative steps, of

which only two are of significance within the scope of this paper.

– Errors recognized and explained appropriately per ability group What is established is what percentage of errors contained in the text was recognized

and could be explained by the respective ability groups. “Explained” is defined here as a

metalinguistic statement, from which the correct spelling can be derived.

– Explanations on capitalization according to ability groups

The correct explanations on the use of upper and lower case are subsequently

categorized according to linguistic criteria, and converted into percentages. The following

categories of explanations regarding the use of upper and lower case could be derived from

the data material: 1) Semantic explanation; 2) an inflectional morphology explanation; 3) a

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word formation morphology explanation; 4) “trying out the article” type of explanation;

and 5) a syntactic or syntagmatic explanation.

3.3 Methodically integrative procedure. Survey designs which combine quantitative

and qualitative research methods are also known as mixed methods designs.22

With method

integration, essentially the principle of compensating the weaknesses of one method

tradition by the strengths of the other one is applied (cf. Kelle 2008: 47).23

A combination

of quantitative and qualitative methods can fundamentally fulfil two functions:

– Mutual validation Various different methods cover the same subject matter. Only if this condition is

fulfilled, can validity be concluded to be the case based on converging results, or lack of

validity based on diverging results.

– Mutual supplementation

Combining both methods contributes towards a more comprehensive and adequate

understanding of the subject matter investigated, because one method compensates for

certain weaknesses in the other.

In regard to the study under discussion here, the methodically integrative procedure

based on Fig. 3 is going to be explained.

Fig. 3: Methodically integrative procedure

The same research subject, namely capitalization within a sentence, is covered both

qualitatively and quantitatively. However, two different facets of this research subject

come into view. In the quantitative part, spelling used by the pupils which has emerged in

an automated or semi-automated writing process is evaluated. With the interviews, on the

22 In the research literature, various different designations are used: “triangulation of the

qualitative and quantitative approaches”, “multi-methodological research”, etc. (Kelle 2008:

47). 23 Qualitative methods often only allow for a limited sampling scope, which is why the

findings in regard to their ability to being generalized are subject to limitations. Conversely,

with quantitative methods particular interrelations and settings are disregarded, which is

why oftentimes only an unsatisfactory degree of explained variation is achieved.

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other hand, metalinguistic statements on capitalization form the focal point (see 3.2.2).

Thus, we are concerned with various different facets of one research subject, because

different forms of knowledge are addressed for the respective tasks: procedural knowledge

vs. analytical knowledge (cf. Bredel 2007: 110). In these studies, the advantage of making

use of the methodically integrative procedure is to be seen in the research results mutually

supplementing one another. In this case, the conclusion of lack of validity could not be

drawn from diverging results (and vice versa), because metalinguistic knowledge on an

orthographic sub-field does not necessarily have to be connected with the ability to actively

apply the knowledge. To put it another way: Anyone who capitalizes words correctly does

not necessarily have to be able to explain why they are written correctly. It can

nevertheless be expected that pupils who are secure in their use of capitalization discover

and can explain more errors than pupils with serious problems in this area.

4. Findings 4.1 Preliminary remarks and overview. Partial results from the fifth grade are

presented below. To understand the mean values (quantitative part), it should be mentioned

in advance that words written incorrectly are coded with “0”, capitalised words or words in

lower case written correctly with a “1”. A mean of M = 1 on the scale would accordingly

mean that all items on such a scale have been written correctly by all pupils in this group.

The converse would be true of a mean of M = 0 on the scale. The results of the qualitative

part relate to percentages.

In section 4.2, it is highlighted on the basis of three examples how quantitative results

may be supplemented by results from the qualitative research module. In advance,

however, an overview of the results of the dictation gap test and the interview is presented.


In section 3.3 it has been argued that correct spelling and metalinguistic explanations do

not inevitably have to correlate positively. In order to verify this, the results of the dictation

with gaps differentiated by ability groups (Table 1) are compared with the results of the

interview (Table 2).

Class 5

Dictation test with gaps

Ability group 1

Number = 33


Ability group 2

Number = 44


Ability group 3

Number = 44


Ability group 4

Number = 34


Capitalization (in

total) .94 (.04) .79 (.05) .57 (.09) .29 (.09)

Table 1: Capitalization overall (mean values)

As expected, a positive interrelation between the practical linguistic ability (Table 1)

and the number of errors discovered and explained at the interview is shown (Table 2).

Accordingly, the better spellers have a higher sensitivity to errors and are increasingly in a

position to substantiate why a given spelling is correct.

Class 5

Interviews Ability group 1

Number = 5

Ability group 2

Number = 5

Ability group 3

Number = 5

Ability group 4

Number = 5

Recognized and

explained 83.3% 66.7% 53.3% 36.7%

Table 2: Errors recognized and explained at the interview (percentages)

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The correct explanations on the capitalization provided by the pupils have been

categorized according to content. Fig.4 illustrates the percentage of proportions of

explanations, broken down by ability groups.

Fig. 4: Categories of explanation on capitalization at class level 5 (percentages)

In the case of all ability groups, trying out the article forms the greatest proportion of

explanations. Semantic explanations on the use of upper and lower case stand out at around

42%, especially in the lowest ability group, while inflection and word formation

morphology explanations usually scarcely receive a mention. Syntactic explanations,

which are of particular significance in regard to nominalization, make up 20% of the

explanations in the case of the first ability group. In contrast, the lowest ability group does

not show any percentage of syntactic explanations.

4.2 Linking the quantitative and qualitative results

In the examples below, first the quantitative results are briefly described and shown in

tables, and these are then linked to the results of the interviews.

Example 1: Article + noun

Constructions based on an abstract noun with a directly preceding article mean a

comparatively little effort for learners. Firstly, trying out the article constitutes a

fundamental strategy in the teaching material for ascertaining whether to capitalize a word,

and is the most frequent explanation given by pupils (Fig. 4), secondly, even rudimentary

article strategies would, in the case of this construction – you capitalize after the article –

lead to the words being written correctly. In line with expectations, the two uppermost

ability groups hardly make any mistakes; ability group 3 still makes some mistakes (Table

3). The result of the weakest ability group (ability group 4) is, on the other hand,

surprising. In spite of the comparatively low academic level of the test, far less than half of

the nouns tested are capitalized.

With the help of the interview data, the low mean values of ability group 4 are to be

looked at further. Taking a look at the explanation categories of this group (Fig. 4), a

comparatively high proportion of semantic explanations provided was found (41.7%). If

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many pupils still primarily connect capitalization with specific semantic nouns, it would be

possible to see in that a reason why abstract nouns are predominantly written in lower case,

despite the presence of a preceding article. The even higher proportion of explanations

when it comes to trying out the article does, however, at approx. 58%, at first sight

constitute a contradiction. Trying out the article is thus known to those interviewed, and

would, in particular in the case of article + noun constructions (Table 3), theoretically have

to trigger capitalization.

Class 5

In total

Number = 155


Ability group


Number = 33


Ability group


Number = 44



group 3

Number= 44


Ability group


Number = 34


Article +

noun .79 (.26) .98 (.04) .95 (.08) .80 (.17) .40 (.22)

Table 3: Abstract nouns with article (mean values)

It emerges, however, from a precise analysis of the individual interviews that

exclusively the two concrete nouns in the interview text were recognized by pupils as

errors, and they mostly substantiated the capitalization of them with having subjected the

word to a test whether it takes an article. This even succeeds with specific and prevalent

nouns if no article exists in the narrower sense (e.g. ins Freibad = into the open air swimming pool). Abstract nouns erroneously written all in lower case, as well as

nominalizations, on the other hand, which similarly would have to be identifiable by means

of the article test, are not noticed, even if an article occurs in this construction. It can be

concluded from the results that pupils in this group hardly pay any attention to the

(minimal) syntactic context. What is decisive seems to be the respective word, which can

then be identified as having to be capitalized if it is semantically specific and prevalent. An

error discovered in the case of a noun stored in the lexicon of the mind can then

subsequently easily be substantiated with the article test imparted in the tuition. In this

connection, the article test seems primarily to exist as passive knowledge – thus, as

declarative knowledge with hence little relevance for practical linguistic ability. Should

this argumentation be followed, the low mean values in the case of abstract nouns with a

preceding article can be better understood. For this group, whether a construction is

complex or not apparently plays a more minor part than the features of the corresponding


A further difficulty which was not considered beforehand was discovered through the

interviews. Some pupils cannot identify inflected articles, e.g. den or dem, as articles. Only

der, die and das were considered articles. As the abstract nouns tested here occurred in the

function of accusative objects, at least the masculine definite article (den) falls into this

problematic category, that is, for many children, obviously associated with an additional


Example 2: Article + noun(-suffix) (derivation)

The capitalization of derivations ending in -ung, -nis, -heit, etc. is clearly identifiable

from the suffixes mentioned. In the dictation gap test, derivations with preceding articles

were tested. They thus occurred in a comparable syntactic construction to the nouns from

Example 1, however, in addition to the article, have a further distinguishing feature falling

into the category of word formation morphology. It is therefore to be expected that the

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capitalization of derivations to a large extent succeeds. The results in Table 4 make it clear,

however, that in particular the weaker ability groups achieve lower mean values than with

the non-derivative nouns (Table 3).

Class 5

In total

Number = 155


Ability group


Number = 33


Ability group


Number = 44


Ability group


Number = 44


Ability group


Number = 34


Article +

noun (-suffix) .74 (.30) .99 (.03) .92 (.13) .69 (.20) .31 (.23)

Table 4: Derived abstract nouns with article (mean values)

Although a derivation occurred in the interview text (Zeug-nis), which, because it

concerns a specific noun, was identified by virtually all interviewees as a word wrongly

written all in lower case, the proportion of explanations based on word formation

morphology is very small (4.5%). Ability groups three and four do not substantiate a single

instance of actual spelling from a word formation morphology perspective. Were the

suffixes mentioned known to the pupils, they would presumably opt for the following

explanation, due to its clarity: “Words with -nis at the end are capitalized.” As this is not

the case, the qualitative data confirms what is already evident from the quantitative data:

Suffixes are not identified by most pupils as an indicator of capitalization being required.

They obviously do not constitute any additional help. The congruent findings of the two

research modules do in fact increase the plausibility of the findings as a whole, however it

does not emerge, from the interviews, why the weaker ability groups achieve lower mean

values with derivations. It can only be presumed in this case that the morphological

complexity of a word in connection with the verbal or adjectival basis for derivation (Mög-

lich-keit) plays a part.

Otherwise, these findings are in support of what was assumed for ability group 4 in

Example 1. Only if the syntactic context is scarcely noticed, but features of the noun are

the deciding factor in regard to capitalization, can differences in mean values for

derivations in the case of an identical syntactic construction be explained, as argued above.

Example 3: Nominalization

Nominalizations are, as expected, by far the category most prone to error in the fifth

grade. The parts of speech used as starting points, verbs and adjectives, are to be written all

in lower case purely from the perspective of which part of speech they constitute. Syntactic

strategies are necessary to identify them as nominalizations. Such an abstraction succeeds,

in the fifth grade, in less than one third of cases. Clear differences can be seen between

ability group 1 and all other groups. The two weakest groups, ability group 3 and ability

group 4, hardly ever capitalize nominalizations, ability group 2 occupies an interim

position, however is more inclined towards the lower ability groups.

Two nominalizations – lautes Reden and nichts Böses – were supposed to be identified

during the interview. None of the five interviewees from ability group 4 managed to

identify a single nominalization, in ability group 3 a total of one nominalization was

corrected and explained. Thus, the results blend in with the quantitative data of both

groups. Noticeably more nominalizations were identified by the better performing ability

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groups, in particular ability group 1, whose comparatively good result will be looked at


Class 5

In total

Number= 155


Ability group 1

Number = 33


Ability group


Number = 44


Ability group


Number = 44


Ability group


Number = 34



tion .28 (.27) .67 (.25) .29 (.17) .14 (.13) .07 (.10)

Table 5: Nominalizations (mean values)

In line with the quantitative results, ability group 1 had by far the greatest share in the

syntactic explanations (Fig. 4). It does, however, transpire, through the interviews, that

syntactic explanations are not the only reason for the good results. Firstly, two examples

are presented to bring to light which syntactic explanation patterns the interviewees in

ability group 1 apply:

[…] [Interviewer] and lautes? [Pupil] is the adjective that belongs to it, which more

precisely defines the noun … [Interviewer] Good... [Pupil] and then it can also not be

“reden” as a verb: “wir lautes reden heute” hmm, that would not make sense.

The pupil indicates, based on the nominalization lautes Reden (talking loud), that she

can use an extended modifier preceding the noun in question as a capitalization indicator.

Simultaneously, she makes it clear, with the attributive adjective, that it cannot be the

identical verb reden (to talk) that is involved here: In an example sentence, in which in

reden is used verbally, she inserts the attributive adjective lautes and afterwards marks the

sentence ungrammatical.

A further syntactic strategy which recurs can be understood from the example below.

This involves the nominalization nichts Böses:

[Pupil] “Böses” needs to be capitalized, it is a noun again here. [Interviewer] But if you

had to explain that to a third grade pupil, he or she would in fact say, “ich war heute böse.”

[“I was angry today”.] For he or she knows the word “böse” [angry] as a typical example

of words written entirely in lower case. And how would you then explain to him or her

how he or she should recognize when it is, in turn, capitalized, and when it is written in

lower case again? [Pupil] Hmm, “das Böse”, capitalized, it sits in one place, where, for

instance, I can, er.. put Freundschaft (friendship) instead, the opposite of anger, that is..

[Interviewer] Make a sentence, then! [Pupil] Well, “he only wanted Freundschaft (us to be

friends)”, and that is how I recognize it.

Retaining the syntactic context, the pupil replaces the nominalization Böses by a word

that is known to her as a typical noun - in this case the derivation Freundschaft. Through

such a syntactic replacement test, she indicates that she sees through the sentence structure

and identifies nichts Böses as an accusative supplement. Her method of proceeding can be

identified to show the following patterns:

He did not mean to do nichts Böses He wanted _He wanted nur Freundschaft

[he did not have any bad intentions] [he only wanted us to be friends]

From the nominalizations, a qualitative difference between pupils in ability group 1 and

those in the lower ability groups in the way that the article test is handled is recognizable.

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The high achievers can also meaningfully substantiate nominalizations with the article test,

by substituting the construction in question by one containing an article, while retaining the

sentence structure:

He did not mean to do nichts Böses He wanted das Böse, what was bad [he did not have any bad intentions] [he was up to evil things]

The article test is meaningfully utilized as a strategy here. In this sense, it is by all

means to be considered a syntactic strategy, the application of which does, however,

assume fundamental insight into the sentence structure. The last-mentioned marks the most

noticeable difference between ability group 1 and in particular the two lowest ability

groups, which explains not only the high number of correct spellings, but also the

qualitative differences in the explanations.

5. Summary

In this contribution it has been made clear, taking an example from studies on

capitalization within a sentence how quantitative and qualitative research methods within a

design can mutually supplement one another in order to obtain a more comprehensive

understanding of the subject matter investigated. In the examples discussed in 4.2 below,

the results of the qualitative research module were used to …

– …be able to better explain unexpected results As a result of the interviews, the low mean values of ability group 4 on the relatively

simple scale of article + noun could be understood and explained.

– …discover further difficulties The qualitative data brought to light difficulties that the pupils had, which had

previously not been factored in (e.g. with the inflected article). It may make an additional

contribution towards explaining some of the findings.

– …increase the plausibility of interpretations

The low mean values of the weaker ability groups in the case of derivations led to the

presumption that suffixes are not noticed in regard to capitalization. As no spelling was

explained by the weaker ability groups on a word formation morphology basis in the

interview either, the quantitative and qualitative results converge, and thus increase the

plausibility of the interpretation.

– …obtain deeper insight into strategies applied by schoolchildren Finally, it has become evident, based on the example of the nominalizations, which

strategies schoolchildren apply. In that respect, besides different syntactic strategies, it

could also be shown that the article test is applied by this group in a way that differs from

the other ability groups, qualitatively. The interview results thus make it easier to

understand the spelling capabilities expressed through the quantitative data, and to, based

on examples, get an idea of what is behind it in terms of linguistic processes.

References: 1 AR (2006): Die amtliche Regelung der neuen Rechtschreibung. In: Duden. Die

deutsche Rechtschreibung. Mannheim u.a.: Dudenverlag, 1161-1216.

2 Bock, Michael (1990): Zur Funktion der deutschen Groß- und Kleinschreibung –

Einflüsse von Wortform, Muttersprache, Lesealter, Legasthenie und lautem versus leisem

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Lesen. In: Stetter, Christian (Hrsg.): Zu einer Theorie der Orthographie. Tübingen:

Niemeyer, 1-32.

3 Bredel, Ursula (2007): Sprachbetrachtung und Grammatikunterricht. Paderborn u.a.:

Schöningh UTB.

4 Huneke, Hans-Werner (2011): Rechtschreiberwerb und Deutsch als Fremdsprache –

Übertragung aus der L1? In: Mingocho, Delgado/Teresa, Maria et al. (Hrsg.) Miscelânea

de Estudos em Homenagem a Maria Manuela Gouveia Delille. Bd. 1. Coimbra: Minerva

Coimbra, 205-222.

5 Huneke, Hans-Werner (2005): Subjektives Rechtschreibwissen. Das Gespräch mit

Schülerinnen und Schülern suchen. In: Lernchancen, H. 48, S. 9-15.

6 Janssen, Jürgen /Laatz, Wilfried (2010): Statistische Datenanalyse mit SPSS. 7.

Auflage. Heidelberg u.a.: Springer.

7 Kelle, Udo (2008): Die Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden in der

empirischen Sozialforschung. Theoretische Grundlagen und methodologische Konzepte. 2.

Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

8 Küttel, Hartmut (2003): Entwicklung der grammatischen Rechtschreibkenntnisse. In:

Bredel, Ursula /Günther, Hartmut /Klotz, Peter /Ossner, Jakob /Siebert-Ott, Gesa (Hrsg.):

Didaktik der deutschen Sprache (2 Bände). Band 1. Paderborn: Schöningh, 380-391.

9 Löffler, Ilona /Meyer-Schepers, Ursula (2005): Orthographische Kompetenzen:

Ergebnisse qualitativer Fehleranalysen, insbesondere bei schwachen Rechtschreibern. In:

Bos, Wilfried /Lankes, Eva-Maria /Prenzel, Manfred /Schwippert, Knut /Valtin, Renate

/Walther, Gerd (Hrsg.): IGLU. Vertiefende Analysen zu Leseverständnis, Rahmenbedin-

gungen und Zusatzstudien. Münster: Waxmann, S. 81-108.

10 Menzel, Wolfgang (1985): Rechtschreibunterricht. Seelze: Friedrich.

11 Naumann, Carl Ludwig (2008): Zur Rechtschreibkompetenz und ihrer Entwicklung.

In: Bremerich-Vos, Albert /Granzer, Dietlinde /Köller, Olaf (Hrsg.): Lernstandsbestim-

mung im Fach Deutsch. Weinheim: Beltz, S. 134-161.

12 Thomé, Günther /Eichler, Wolfgang (2008): Rechtschreiben Deutsch. In: DESI-

Konsortium (Hrsg.): Unterricht und Kompetenzerwerb in Deutsch und Englisch.

Ergebnisse der DESI-Studie. Weinheim: Beltz, S. 104-111.

Decker Yvonne, M. A.




1 Einleitung. Die Ergebnisse verschiedener international vergleichender

Schulleistungen rufen in Deutschland bis in die Gegenwart immer wieder Debatten über

die Bildungsbeteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund hervor.

Die Ergebnisse des Bildungsberichts 2012 bestätigten erneut, dass in Deutschland „nach

wie vor ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen Herkunftsmerkmalen, Bildungsbeteiligung

sowie Kompetenz- und Zertifikatserwerb besteht“ (Autorengruppe Bildungsberich-

terstattung, 2012, 211). Trotz einer allgemeinen Verbesserung der Bedingungen, unter

denen Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland aufwachsen, sind

deutliche Disparitäten im Vergleich zu solchen ohne Migrationshintergrund zu kons-

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


tatieren. Als Risiken gelten v.a. soziale und finanzielle Schwierigkeiten sowie ein bildungs-

fernes Elternhaus. Folgen dieser Risiken sind schlechtere bzw. fehlende Schulabschlüsse

und Ausbildungszugänge sowie eine geringere Kompetenzentwicklung, insbesondere im

sprachlichen Bereich (vgl. Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung, 2012, 211).

Allgemeiner Konsens herrscht darüber, dass der Sprache und der sprachlichen Bildung

hohe individuelle und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung zukommt, da sie Schul- und

Ausbildungschancen sowiedie gesellschaftliche Teilhabe maßgeblich beeinflussen (vgl.

BLK & BMBF, 2013, 4).

In den letzten Jahren wurde daher in Deutschland intensiv an möglichst früh

einsetzenden Sprachbildungsmaßnahmen gearbeitet, mittels derer Kinder mit sprachlichem

Unterstützungsbedarf beim Erwerb des Deutschen unterstützt werden können. Mittlerweile

existiert im Elementarbereich sowie im Schulsektor eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher

Modelle und Konzepte zur Sprachförderung (für eine differenzierte Übersicht vgl. z.B.

Bund-Länder-Kommission (BLK) & Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

(BMBF), 2013), deren Qualität und Effektivität bislang teils noch nicht ermittelt wurde, da

in der Vergangenheit kaum systematische Wirksamkeitsanalysen der Einzelmaßnahmen

erfolgten (vgl. BLK & BMBF, 2013, 5f.). Zum Teil können die Modelle erstaunlicherweise

bereits auf eine lange Tradition zurückblicken, ohne jemals auf ihre Bedingungen und

Konzepte hin differenziert überprüft worden zu sein.

Ein eben solches Modell, das im Schulsektor je nach Bundesland bereits seit rund 50

Jahren existiert, steht im Fokus meines Dissertationsprojektes. Es untersucht

Vorbereitungsklassen (VKLs), die seit 1964 in mehreren deutschen Bundesländern, z.B. in

Baden-Württemberg, eingerichtet werden, um Kinder und Jugendliche nichtdeutscher

Herkunftssprache beim Erwerb deutscher Sprachkenntnisse und der Integration in Schule

und Gesellschaft zu unterstützen. Obgleich mit der baden-württembergischen

Verwaltungsvorschrift „Grundsätze zum Unterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit

Sprachförderbedarf“ (MKJS, 2008) Rahmenvorgaben für VKLs vorliegen, erscheint die

konkrete Umsetzung der Klassen an den einzelnen Schulen nach wie vor unklar. Ziel der

Studie ist es daher, ein möglichst breites und differenziertes Bild über die aktuelle

Situation, die Umsetzung der Verwaltungsvorschriften und die Bedingungen von VKLs in

Baden-Württemberg zu erfassen und damit einen empirischen Beitrag hinsichtlich der

Stärken und Schwächen dieses Sprachfördermodells zu leisten, auch um damit ggf. auch

dessen Effektivität zu erhöhen. Der vorliegende Beitrag skizziert aus Gründen der

Nachvollziehbarkeit zunächst die historischen Hintergründe und aktuellen Vorgaben von

VKLs. Auf Basis dieser Vorgaben wurden Forschungsfragen formuliert, die in Kapitel 3

erläutert werden, ehe in Kapitel 4 das Studiendesign und die eingesetzten

Forschungsmethoden vorgestellt werden. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Skizze der


2 Theoretische Grundlagen und Forschungsstand zu Vorbereitungs-klassen in Baden-Württemberg. Die Einrichtung von Vor(bereitungs)klassen wurde auf

Bundesebene erstmals durch den Beschluss der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister

(KMK) „Unterricht für Kinder von Ausländern“ (KMK, 1964) im Jahre 1964 empfohlen.

Darin hieß es, dass ausländische Kinder, „wenn sie in größerer Zahl in einem Wohngebiet

wohnen […] nach Möglichkeit in besonderen Klassen (Vorklassen) zusammengefaßt

werden, bis sie in der deutschen Sprache so weit gefördert sind, daß sie am normalen

Unterricht teilnehmen können“ (KMK, 1964, 1). 1971 folgte der Beschluss „Unterricht für

Kinder ausländischer Arbeitnehmer“ (KMK, 1971), dessen Neufassung von 1979 (vgl.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


KMK, 1979) bis ins Jahr 2000 in den meisten deutschen Bundesländern die Grundlage zur

Beschulung ausländischer Kinder und Jugendlicher bildete (vgl. Langenfeld, 2001, 35). In

Baden-Württemberg wurde den darin ausgesprochenen Empfehlungen zur Einrichtung von

Vorbereitungsklassen zunächst durch die 1977 erlassene Verwaltungsvorschrift „Unterricht

für ausländische Kinder und Jugendliche an den allgemein bildenden und beruflichen

Schulen in Baden-Württemberg“ (MKJS, 1977) Rechnung getragen. 1982 wurde diese

durch die Vorschrift „Unterricht für ausländische Schüler an den allgemein bildenden und

beruflichen Schulen in Baden-Württemberg“ (MKJS, 1982) ersetzt, die, abgesehen von

kleineren Änderungen, bis zum 31.07.2008 Gültigkeit besaß und in Teilen nach wie vor

besitzt. Zum 01.08.2008 trat in Baden-Württemberg die aktuell gültige

Verwaltungsvorschrift „Grundsätze zum Unterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit

Sprachförderbedarf“ (MKJS, 2008) in Kraft, deren Titeländerung als Konsequenz auf die

eingangs erwähnten Schulleistungsstudien und einen damit einhergegangenen

Paradigmenwechsel verstanden werden kann. Während die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an

einer Sprachförderung in früheren Jahren ausschließlich für Kinder und Jugendliche mit

nichtdeutscher Staatsbürgerschaft (Ausländer) in Betracht gezogen wurde, setzte sich

mittlerweile die Erkenntnis durch, dass sprachlicher Unterstützungsbedarf weniger im

Zusammenhang mit der Staatsbürgerschaft von Kindern und Jugendlichen als vielmehr mit

sozialen, finanziellen und bildungsbezogenen Risiken sowie mit familiären

Zuwanderungserfahrungen steht. Die Zielgruppe schulischer Sprachfördermaßnahmen

wurde insofern folgerichtig von „ausländische[n] Schüler[n]“ (MKJS, 2000) auf alle

„Kinder und Jugendliche[n] mit Sprachförderbedarf“ (MKJS, 2008) ausgeweitet.

Gemäß der Verwaltungsvorschrift obliegt die Koordination der Sprachförderung der

Schulleitung bzw. einer dafür vorgesehenen Lehrkraft, die wiederum für die Erarbeitung

und Fortschreibung einer auf die Schule abgestimmten Sprachförderkonzeption sowie die

Durchführung „eine[r] differenzierte[n] Sprachstandsermittlung und die Feststellung des

individuellen Sprachförderbedarfs“ (MKJS, 2008, 2) zuständig ist. Nach wie vor wird die

Möglichkeit geboten, dass die Schulen zum „Erlernen der deutschen Sprache, des

Fachwortschatzes und schulischer Techniken und Arbeitsweisen“ (MKJS, 2008, 5) sowie

zur Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht der Regelklasse Vorbereitungsklassen einrichten.

Diese können ab einem Mindestbedarf von zehn SchülerInnen als Jahrgangs- oder

jahrgangsgemischte Klassen für Kinder und Jugendliche nichtdeutscher Herkunftssprache

gebildet werden; der Klassenteiler liegt bei 24 SchülerInnen (vgl. MKJS, 2008, 4; MKJS

2012). Der Unterricht in VKLs der Grundschule umfasst 18 Wochenstunden, in Haupt- und

Werkrealschulen sind 25 Wochenstunden vorgesehen (vgl. MKJS, 2012). Die Aufnahme in

die VKL erfolgt auf der Basis altersstufengemäßer Sprachstandsfeststellungsverfahren,

mittels derer die Kenntnisse der SchülerInnen in „Wortschatz, Satzbau, Ausdrucksfähigkeit

und Leseverständnis“ (MKJS, 2008, 4) überprüft werden. Ebenso sollen sprachliche

Fortschritte während des VKL-Besuchs erfasst und für den Übergang in die Regelklasse

dokumentiert werden (vgl. MKJS, 2008, 4). Der Übergang wird als gestuftes Verfahren

„mit sich erhöhenden Stundenanteilen in der Regelklasse nach Zuwachs in der

Sprachkompetenz“ (MKJS, 2008, 4) empfohlen. Die Entscheidungen zum

Übergangszeitpunkt, zur vorgesehenen Klassenstufe sowie zur Schulart richten sich nach

dem individuellen „Leistungsstand, Leistungsvermögen und Motivation“ (MKJS, 2008, 5)

der SchülerInnen. Eine Teilnahme am Regelunterricht in musisch-technischen Fächern

bereits während desVKL-Besuchs wird empfohlen.Für die inhaltliche Gestaltung des

Unterrichts, die Auswahl geeigneter Sprachstandserhebungsverfahren sowie für

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Hintergrundinformationen zum Zweitspracherwerb und zur Didaktik und Methodik des

Deutschen als Zweitsprache existiert seit 2009 die Handreichung „Deutsch als

Zweitsprache in der Grundschule“ (MKJS, 2009).

Wenngleich die an dieser Stelle in kompakter Form dargestellten

verwaltungsrechtlichen Grundlagen für VKLs auf den ersten Blick recht differenziert

erscheinen mögen, werfen sie bei einer genaueren Analyse doch etliche Fragen auf, die

sich auf unterschiedliche organisatorische und inhaltliche Aspekte von VKLs beziehen und

die Hypothese nahe legen, dass sich hinter dem einheitlichen Terminus

Vorbereitungsklasse eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Modelle verbirgt, die es genauer zu

untersuchen gilt. Da die Diskussionen um Chancen und Schwierigkeiten von VKLs

allenfalls in den 1980er Jahren Beachtung fanden (vgl. z.B.Schmitt, 1980; Meyer-

Ingwersen/Neumann, 1981; Boos-Nünning, 1982; Schmitt/Lörcher, 1985), eine

systematische Grundlagen- und Begleitforschung des Modells jedoch weder in Baden-

Württemberg noch in anderen Bundesländern je erfolgte, erscheint es dringend notwendig,

die grundlegenden Bedingungen und Umsetzungsformen von VKLs näher zu beleuchten.

Dies stellt das Hauptanliegen meiner Studie dar. Deren Forschungsfragen werden

nachfolgend dargestellt.

3. Fragestellung. Obige Ausführungen zu administrativen Vorgaben für die

Sprachförderung in VKLs zeigten, dass innerhalb der Verwaltungsvorschrift Baden-

Württembergs zwar grundlegende Maßgaben zur Schülerzahl und den Wochenstunden

sowie Hinweise zur Feststellung des Förderbedarfs und zur Gestaltung von Übergängen

enthalten sind. Daneben geht aus der Verwaltungsvorschrift hervor, dass die baden-

württembergischen Schulen in der Eigenverantwortung stehen, individuelle Förderkon-

zeptionen im Bereich Sprache und Spracherwerb zu erarbeiten und fortzuschreiben (vgl.

MKJS, 2008, 2), wasdie Annahme nahelegt, dass die Umsetzung und Ausgestaltung von

VKLs auf unterschiedlichen Wegen erfolgt. Diese Wege mit ihren jeweiligen Chancen und

ggf. Schwachstellen zu erfassen und, davon ausgehend, Optimierungsvorschläge für

zukunftsfähige Sprachförderkonzepte zu unterbreiten, ist Ziel des Dissertationsprojektes.

Die übergeordnete Forschungsfrage lautet daher „Unter welchen Bedingungen findet die Sprachförderung in Vorbereitungsklassen in Baden-Württemberg aktuell statt, auf welchen

Grundlagen basiert sie,und welche sprachlichen Entwicklungsschritte sind bei den Lernenden zu erwarten?“

Um diese breit angelegte Frage beantworten zu können, wurden auf der Basis der

aktuellen Verwaltungsvorgaben und der Handreichung „Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der

Schule“ acht Fragedimensionen festgelegt, für die zwar Hinweise existieren, über deren

Umsetzung in die Praxis keine Informationen vorliegen. Dazu wurden Subfragen

formuliert, die auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen (Verwaltung, Lehrpersonen, Lernende)

untersucht wurden. Tabelle 1bietet einen Überblick über die Fragedimensionen (grau

unterlegte Zeilen), auf die darauf bezogenen verwaltungsrechtlichen Hinweise (linke

Spalte) sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Sub.

Insgesamt wurden 14 Subfragen formuliert, die mittels eines komplexen

Forschungsdesigns beantwortet werden und damit ein möglichst differenziertes Bild zur

aktuellen Praxis in baden-württembergischen VKLs ermitteln sollten. Das Studiendesign

sowie die Erhebungs- und Auswertungsmethoden werden nachfolgend vorgestellt.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Vorgabenin der Verwaltungsvorschrift

(kurze Paraphrase) Teilfragen

Dimension 1: Organisationsform

- Erarbeitung einer Förderkonzeption für Schule durch

Schulleitung/Lehrperson (S.2)

- Flexible Unterrichtsorganisation, nicht nur Klas-sen-

verband, zeitweise Teilnahme am Regelunter-richt

ermöglichen (S.4f.)

1.1 Welche unterschiedlichen

Organisationsformen von VKLs existieren derzeit

in Baden-Württemberg?

1.2 Welche durch Organisation bedingte Vor- und

Nachteile werden erkannt?

Dimension 2: Zielgruppe

- Kinder und Jugendliche mit nichtdeutscher

Herkunftssprache und ohne ausreichende Kenntnisse in

Deutsch (S.4)

2.1 Welche Kinder u. Jugendlichen besuchen

derzeit VKLs (Geburtsländer, Herkunfts-sprachen,

Aufenthaltsdauer in Deutschland)

Dimension 3: Unterrichtsgrundlagen

- Keine Vorgaben in VWV

- Hinweise (unverbindlich) in DaZ-Handreichung (vgl.

MKJS, 2009, S. 27ff.)

3.1 Auf welche curricularen Grundlagen

(Rahmenpläne, Lehrwerke, Materialien) stützt sich

der existierende Unterricht?

3.2 Welche Inhaltsbereiche werden bearbeitet?

Dimension 4: Didaktische u. methodische Prinzipien zum Umgang mit Heterogenität

- Keine Vorgaben in VWV

- Hinweise (unverbindlich) in DaZ-Handreichung (vgl.

MKJS, 2009, S. 24ff.)

4.1 Welche didaktischen u. methodischen Prin-

zipien nutzen Lehrpersonen, um den heterogenen

Voraussetzungen der Lernenden gerecht zu werden?

Dimension 5: Sprachstandserhebung

- Differenzierte Sprachstandsermittlung, Feststellung

individuellen Förderbedarfs (S.2)

- Sprachstand vor Aufnahme in VKL, Erfassung

sprachlicher Fortschritte, bei Wechsel in Regelklasse

mit altersstufengemäßen Verfahren, die u.a. Wort-

schatz, Satzbau, Ausdrucksfähigkeit, Leseverstän-dnis

erfassen (S.4)

- Hinweise (unverbindlich) in DaZ-Handreichung (vgl.

MKJS, 2009, S. 14ff.)

5.1 Welche Verfahren zur Sprachstandserhebung

und zur Feststellung individuellen Förderbedarfs

werden in VKLs genutzt?

5.2 Wie häufig und zu welchen Zwecken finden

Sprachstandserhebungen statt?

Dimension 6: Organisation und Begleitung des Übergangs

- Vorherige Teilnahme am Regelunterricht musisch-

technischer Fächer

- Kontakte mit Regelklasse pflegen (S. 4)

- Flexible u. individuelle Festlegung des


- Zuweisung der Klassenstufe u. Schulart durch

Leistungsstand, Leistungsvermögen, Motivation der


- Probephasen können vorgeschaltet werden (S.5)

6.1 Wie wird der Übergang zwischen VKL u.

Regelklasse organisiert?

6.2 Welche weiteren Fördermaßnahmen kommen

nach dem Übergang in die Regelklasse zum


Dimension 7: Qualifizierung der Lehrkräfte

- Koordination der Sprachförderung gehört zum

Aufgabenbereich der Schulleitung; eine Lehrkraft kann

mit Koordination der Sprachförderung beauftragt


7.1 Worauf basiert die Auswahl von VKL-


7.2 Welche Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen existieren

für Lehrkräfte in VKLs?

Dimension 8: Förderziele, Erwartungen an sprachlichen Kompetenzzuwachs

- Erlernen der deutschen Sprache, des

Fachwortschatzes, schulischer Techniken und


- Vorbereitung auf u. Integration in Regelklasse (S.5)

8.1 Welcher sprachliche Kompetenzzuwachs

findet bei Lernenden während des VKL-Besuchs


8.2 In welchen sprachlichen Teilbereichen besteht

auch nach dem VKL-Besuch noch Förderbedarf /


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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Tab. 1: Dimensionen und Teilforschungsfragen der Studie auf Basis der

verwaltungsrechtlichen Hinweise

4. Forschungsdesign, Forschungsmethoden und Auswertung

Die Vielschichtigkeit des Modells Vorbereitungsklasse und die Vielzahl an Subfragen

erfordern bei der Untersuchung eine Triangulation. Durch Triangulation wird u.a. die

Validität erhöht, wichtiger ist jedoch die Ermittlung eines differenzierten Gesamtbil des

von VKL saus Lernende) durch den Einsatz verschiedener.

Erhebungsmethoden (vgl. Bortz/Döring, 42006; Flick,

32012;). Abbildung 1 stellt das

Studiendesign anhand der Analyseebenen (innere Kreise) und der auf jeder Ebene

eingesetzten Forschungsmethoden (äußere, grau unterlegte Kreise) dar.

Abb. 1: Studiendesign

Ebene 1: Erfassung der administrativen Grundlagen und Rahmenbedingungen

von VKLs (qualitative Dokumentenanalyse) Um dieaktuell gültigen administrativen Grundlagen von VKLs theoretisch fassen und

ihre historischen Veränderungen nachvollziehen und ordnen zu können, wurde zunächst

eine explorativ qualitative Dokumenten- und Datenanalyse durchgeführt. Es wurde ein

Inventar der verwaltungsrechtlichen Vorgaben für VKLs erstellt, mittels dessen die

Entstehungsgeschichte von VKLs rekonstruiert und aktuelle Erscheinungsformen des Mo-

dells erklärt werden können (vgl. Bortz/Döring, 42006, 381). Als Datenbasis dienten alle je

in Baden-Württemberg für VKLs erlassenen Verwaltungsvorschriften, Organi-

sationserlasse und Dokumente zur Umsetzung der Sprachförderung in VKLs. Die

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


rechtlichen und organisatorischen Veränderungen wurden in ihrem historischen Kontext

analysiert. Daneben wurden sie mit Daten des Statistischen Landesamteszur quantitativen

Entwicklung von VKLs, deren Verteilung innerhalb Baden-Württembergs sowie zu

Schülerzahlen in VKLs seit dem Schuljahr 1994/1995 abgeglichen. Die Ergebnisse der

Dokumenten- und Datenanalysen wurden schließlich in Beziehung zu den Ergebnissen der

Befragung von Lehrpersonen (Analyseebene 2) gesetzt.

Ebene 2: Erfassung der praktischen Umsetzung der VKLs mittels einer

landesweiten Befragung von Lehrpersonen (Fragebogen) Um die praktischen Umsetzungsformen der administrativen Vorgaben zu erfassen, fand

eine landesweite schriftliche Befragung von Lehrpersonen in VKLs statt. Als Forschung-

sinstrument diente ein umfassender 15-seitiger Fragebogen, dessen Fragen sich auf die in

Kapitel 3 dargestellten Dimensionen von VKLs bezogen. Der Fragebogen setzte sich einer-

seits aus geschlossenen Fragen zusammen, deren quantitative Auswertung Tendenzen bzw.

Verhältnisse hinsichtlich der praktischen Umsetzung von VKLs liefern sollten. Anderer-

seits enthielt er halboffene und offene Frageitems mit dem Ziel, konkrete Umsetzun-

gsformen, individuelle Bedingungsfaktoren der VKLsund die subjektiven Erfahrungen der

Lehrpersonen zu erfassen. Die Auswertung der geschlossenen und halboffenen Items

erfolgte deskriptiv, da im Fokus der Studie v.a. eine Beschreibung und übersichtliche

Darstellung des Modells und weniger die Ermittlungspezifisch relevanter Variablen steht

(vgl. Bortz/Döring, 42006, 371f.). Die offenen Frageitems wurden einer qualitativen

Inhaltsanalyse durch induktive Kategorienbildung (vgl. Mayring, 11

2010) unterzogen.

Eine besondere Schwierigkeit der Befragung von Lehrpersonen stellte die Rekrutierung

der ProbandInnen dar. Da es sich der Intention nach um eine Vollerhebung aller in Baden-

Württemberg tätigen Lehrpersonen in VKLs handelte, mussten für den Kontakt zu den

Lehrpersonen zunächst die einzelnen Standorte von VKLs ermittelt werden. Die

Erstkontakte mit den vier Regierungspräsidien Baden-Württembergs waren ernüchternd, da

dort keine Informationen zu Einzelstandorten von VKLs vorlagen, so dass an die unteren

Schulaufsichtsbehörden verwiesen wurde. Diese befanden sich jedoch gerade in einer

Umbruchphase, dawegen der Verwaltungsreform die Neuordnung der Behörden anstand,

samt Neuverteilung der Zuständigkeiten von ursprünglich 44 unteren Schulaufsichtsbe-

hördenan 21 Staatliche Schulämter. Informationen über die Einzelstandorte lagen folglich

auch dort nicht vor. Erst durch den Kontakt zu einem an der Studie interessierten Mitar-

beiter des Regierungspräsidiums Freiburg, der die Anfrage zunächst an alle Staatlichen

Schulämter des Regierungsbezirks Freiburgund sodann auch an seine KollegInnen in den

drei weiteren Regierungspräsidien weiterleitete,konnte ein Großteil der VKL-Standorte in

Baden-Württemberg ermittelt werden. Bis eine Datenbank der einzelnen VKLs erstellt und

Erstkontakte zu Schulen aufgenommen werden konnten, verging jedoch ein Zeitraum von

knapp eineinhalb Jahren.

Die Kontaktaufnahme mit den Schulen erfolgte zunächst telefonisch. Es fanden

Erstinformationsgespräche i.d.R. mit den Schulleitungen statt, in denen diese über die

Hintergründe und –ziele meiner Erhebung informiert und um erste mündliche Angaben zur

Existenz und Umsetzungsform der VKLan ihrer Schule gebeten wurden. Im Anschluss

daran wurden die Fragebögen gemeinsam mit einem Anschreiben und Hinweisen zur

Studie via Email an die Schulleitungen versandt. Diese leiteten die Dokumente an die

VKL-Lehrpersonen ihrer Schule weiter. Der Rücklauf erfolgte i.d.R. postalisch, in

Einzelfällen via Email. Abbildung 2 stellt die erforderlichen Teilschritte der Befragung

nochmals überblicksartig in chronologischer Reihenfolge dar.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Abb. 2: Teilschritte bei der Befragung von Lehrpersonen

Ebene 3: Erfassung von Lernerprofilenmittels Sprachdaten (Sprachproben,

Wortschatztests und Elternbefragung)

Im dritten Schritt wurden Sprachdaten erhoben und die Lehrpersonen u.a. per Fragebö-

gen um eine Einschätzung gebeten, welche sprachlichen Kompetenzen von Lernenden,

bezogen auf die Fertigkeitsbereiche verstehen, sprechen, lesen und schreiben,am Ende des

VKL-Besuchs zu erwarten sind und in welchen Bereichen vermutlich auch nach dem

Übergang in eine Regelklasse noch Unterstützungsbedarf erforderlich sein wird.

Zugleich sollte ein empirisch gesicherter Blick auf die Sprachaneignung der Lernenden

geworfen werden, um densprachlichen Kompetenzzuwachs (Dimension 8) zu den

Förderzielen zu erkennen.Daher wurde der Zweitspracherwerb von acht Schülerinnen und

Schülern einer Freiburger VKL als qualitative Fallanalyse erfasst, bei vier Kindern über ein

Jahr und bei vier weiteren Kindern über zwei Schuljahre hinweg (s. Begründung unten in

diesem Abschnitt). Die Fallauswahl erfolgte in Teilen bewusst, da die Klasse aus der die in

die Fallanalysen einbezogenen Kinder stammten, bereits vor Unterrichtsbeginn festgelegt

wurde. Es handelte sich um eine separat geführte VKL, die bereits seit Anfang der 1990er

Jahre existiert und in die üblicherweise SeiteneinsteigerInnen aufgenommen werden, d.h.

Kinder, die erst im Schulalter aus ihrem Heimatland nach Deutschland zuwandern und zum

Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme in die VKL über keinerlei Deutschkenntnisse verfügen. Die

Auswahl der Klasse war in bereits bestehenden Kontakten zur dort tätigen Lehrperson

begründet. Als Stichprobe wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip die ersten acht Kinder, die im

Schuljahr 2008/2009 neu in die Klasse aufgenommen wurden, ausgewählt. Damit sollte

gewährleistet werden, dass eine Dokumentation des Zweitspracherwerbs von Anfang an

möglich ist. Mit den Eltern wurden bereits bei der Schulanmeldung Informationsgespräche

geführt und Elternbriefe mit grundlegenden Studieninformationen in der jeweiligen

Herkunftssprache herausgegeben. Alle per Zufallsprinzip ausgewählten Eltern willigten

sofort in die Teilnahme ihres Kindes an der Studie ein. Im Rahmen von leitfadengestützten

Beobachtungsgesprächen wurden die Eltern anschließend nach soziodemografischen

Angaben sowie individuellen und familiären Hintergrundinformationen des Kindes befragt.

Die Kontaktaufnahme mit den Kindern erfolgte zunächst durch teilnehmende Beobachtung

in der Klasse, ab Dezember fanden auch Einzeltreffen mit den Kindern statt.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Im Rahmen der Einzeltreffen wurden im Schuljahr 2008/2009 von jedem Kind drei

Sprachproben erhoben, die mittels Tonband aufgezeichnet wurden und eine spätere

umfassende linguistische Analyse ermöglichen sollten (vgl. Heidtmann, 1987, 16ff.). Als

Stimulusmaterial dienten Bilderbücher, Bildergeschichten und freie Redeanlässe. Daneben

wurde zum Schulhalbjahr und am Schuljahresende ein umfassender aktiver Wortschatztest

durchgeführt, dessen Grundlage ein von Oomen-Welke (1980) empirisch ermittelter

Grundwortschatz für Sprachanfänger bildete.Dieser wurde seit 2005 weiterentwickelt, d.h.

er wurde nach Sachgebieten gruppiert, um neue geläufige Lexeme ergänzt, in weiten

Teilen illustriert und um Auswertungstabellen erweitert (vgl. Oomen-Welke/Decker,

2012). Die rund 500 Bilder wurden den Kindern als visuelle Stimuli präsentiert und der

aktive Wortschatz der Lernenden in Form einer Benennungsaufgabe (vgl. Glück, 1998)

erfasst. Die Testungen wurden ebenfalls als Audiodateien aufgezeichnet, die Ergebnisse in

Tabellen festgehalten und durch Beobachtungsnotizen ergänzt.

Vier der acht Kinder wurden nach dem Übergang in die Regelklasse im Schuljahr

2009/2010 weiter begleitet, um einerseits den Übergang samt der Aufnahme ins

Regelschulsystem und die Unterstützungsmaßnahmen dort zu erfassen. Andererseits sollte

eine longitudinale Perspektive der sprachlichen Entwicklung entstehen.Als Methode

dienten weiterhin Sprachproben im monatlichen Turnus, also in kürzeren Abständen als

vorher und daher intensiver. Am Schuljahresende 2009/2010 fand daneben ein weiterer

Wortschatztest statt.

Die Sprachproben wurden nach ihrer Transkription zunächst für jedes Kind in Form

von Einzelfallanalysen ausgewertet. In die Analysen wurden insbesondere die lexikalisch-

semantischen Entwicklungen durch eine quantitative Berechnung derType-Token-Ratio,

separiert nach Wortarten(vgl. Mißler, 1993; Jeuk, 2003, 122f.),sowie durch eine qualitative

Auswertung semantischer Problemlösestrategien (vgl. Jeuk, 2003) einbezogen.Daneben

wurde die syntaktische Entwicklung jedes Kindes anhand der vereinfachten Profilanalyse

nach Grießhaber (2006) ausgewertet und die Transkripte in Anlehnung an das

Sprachstandserhebungsverfahren HAVAS-5 (vgl. Reich/Roth, 2003) auf inhaltliche

Vollständigkeit und das Vorhandensein morphologischer Übergangserscheinungen hin

untersucht. Die Auswertung des aktiven Wortschatztests erfolgte einerseits quantitativ,

getrennt nach Gesamtanzahl der Wörter in verschiedenen Wortarten sowie in

unterschiedlichen Sachgebieten. Andererseits konnte hier eine ergänzende, facettenreiche

qualitative Auswertung der semantischen Problemlösestrategienvorgenommen werden.

Schließlich wurde für jedes Kind ein individuelles Sprachlernprofil ermittelt, daneben

wurden Gemeinsamkeiten in der Sprachaneignung der Kinder herausgearbeitet. Diese

bezogen sich sowohl auf Kompetenzen, die von mehreren Kindern in ähnlichen

Zeitfenstern erworben wurden, als auch auf sprachliche Bereiche, deren Aneignung sich

für mehrere Kinder als besonders schwierig herausstellte. Die Erhebungsergebnisse auf der

Ebene der Lernenden wurden wiederum in Bezug zu den Ergebnissen auf der Ebene der

Lehrenden gesetzt. Als Konsequenz ergab sich eine Zusammenstellung von

Handlungsempfehlungen zur zukünftigen Gestaltung und Konzeption des VKL- und des

Regelklassenunterrichts, aber auch zur Qualifizierung von Lehrpersonen.

5. Darstellung ausgewählter Ergebnisse

Innerhalb meines Dissertationsprojektes wurden differenzierte Perspektiven auf die

Praxis in VKLs erfasst, die Antworten auf die Fragen lieferten, unter welchen Bedingungen

die Sprachförderung in baden-württembergischen VKLs aktuell stattfindet, auf welchen

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Grundlagen sie basiert, und welche sprachlichen Entwicklungsschritte bei den Lernenden

zu erwarten sind.

Die Ergebnisse der Befragung von Lehrpersonen bestätigten die Hypothese, dass unter

der Bezeichnung Vorbereitungsklasse aktuell unterschiedliche Organisationsformen

schulischer Sprachförderung zu fassen sind. Diese lassen sich grob in zwei Modelle

einteilen, deren Ausgestaltung je nach Schule variiert:

(1) Separat geführte VKLsbei denen der Unterricht für ein bis zwei Schuljahre

primär oder sogar ausschließlich in der VKL stattfindet;

(2) Integrativ geführte VKLs bei denen der Unterricht primär in der Regelklasse

stattfindet und der Erwerb des Deutschen durch verschiedene Zusatzmaßnahmen (z.B.

Einzelförderung, Kleingruppenförderung, Teamteaching) unterstützt wird.

Daneben ergab die Untersuchung, dass in Baden-Württemberg nach wie vor Schulen

existieren, die jährliche VKL-Deputate erhalten, an denen jedoch weder separate noch

integrative VKL-Konzepte vorliegen. Stattdessen werden die VKL-Stunden für andere

Organisationszwecke im Schulalltag genutzt. Für die real existierenden VKLs lässt sich

konstatieren, dass deren Konzepte unterschiedlich weit fortgeschrieben und in den

Schulalltag implementiert sind. Zahlreiche Schulen befinden sich nach wie vor in der

Erprobungsphase und können nach eigener Angabe kein Konzept vorweisen, das sich als

uneingeschränkt praktikabel erwiesen hat. Zum Teil wird dies mit den heterogenen

Zielgruppen (Seiteneinsteiger ohne Deutschkenntnisse versus in Deutschland geborene

Kinder mit unzureichenden Deutschkenntnissen) der VKLs begründet, die jährlich neue

bzw. andere Bedarfe aufweisen und wenig Planungssicherheit ermöglichen. Die Erhebung

der Sprachdaten erbrachte ferner, dass selbstin der Gruppe der SeiteneinsteigerInnen keine

homogenen Spracherwerbsverläufe und Förderbedarfe zu verzeichnen sind, sondern der

sprachliche Zuwachs in einzelnen Teilbereichen je nach Lernendem unterschiedlich viel

Zeit benötigt.Dieses Ergebnis stimmt mit dem aktuellen Forschungsstand zum

Zweitspracherwerb überein und unterstreicht Forderungen nach einer durchgängigen,

fächer- und institutionenübergreifenden Sprachbildung (vgl. z.B.Gogolin u.a., 2010;

KMK/BMBF, 2013), die in der Wissenschaft seit mehreren Jahren aufgestellt, in der Praxis

jedoch nach wie vor zu wenig umgesetzt werden.

Die Umsetzung dieser Forderungen geht u.a. mit spezifischen Anforderungen an

Lehrpersonen in Vorbereitungs- und Regelklassen einher. Diesen kommt die Aufgabe zu,

die individuellen Entwicklungsschritte der Lernenden förderdiagnostisch zu begleiten,

longitudinal zu erfassen und die Unterrichtsinhalte entsprechend darauf abzustimmen.

Hierzu sind neben angemessenen Materialien und Konzepten v.a. fundierte

Fachkenntnisseerforderlich. Dass dieseallerdingsbei vielen Lehrpersonen nicht vorhanden

sind, ist ein wichtiges Studienergebnis. Sowohl die auf Unterrichtsgrundlagen und

Sprachstandserhebung abzielenden Frageitems, als auch die Angaben der Lehrpersonen

hinsichtlich ihrer Qualifikation und dem Angebot an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen zeigen,

dass vielen Lehrpersonen fundierte Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Zweitspracherwerb und

Sprachdiagnose fehlen, was Auswirkungen auf die Unterrichtsgestaltung und damit auch

auf die Unterstützung der Lernenden hat. Zugleich können die umfangreichen Antworten

der Lehrpersonen auf offene Fragen und der darin mehrfach geäußerte Wunsch nach

Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen und einer stärkeren Vernetzung mit anderen VKL-

Lehrpersonen als Zeichen dafür betrachtet werden, dass die Motivation und das Interesse

der Lehrpersonen an ihrer Arbeit und einer Weiterentwicklung der Bedingungenhoch sind.

Dies stellt eine wichtige, aber nicht die einzige Voraussetzung dar, um zukünftig gemein-

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


sam an einer Optimierung von VKLs und der Effektivität schulischer Sprachbildung zu

arbeiten. Weitere Handlungsempfehlungen, die sich aus den Studienergebnissen ableiten

lassen, werden in der Abschlusspublikation dargestellt.

Literatur: 1 Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung (2012) ‘Bildung in Deutschland 2012. Ein

indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zur kulturellen Bildung im Lebenslauf‘, (online)


2 Boos-Nünning, U. (1982) ‘Schulorganisatorische Formen für ausländische Schüler‘,

Informationsdienst zur Ausländerarbeit, No. 3/1982, pp. 120-122.

3 Bortz, J. and Döring, N. (42006) ‚‘Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und

Sozialwissenschaftler‘, Springer, Heidelberg.

4 BLK and BMBF (2013)‘Expertise „Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift (BiSS)“. (Bund-

Länder-Initiative zur Sprachförderung, Sprachdiagnostik und Leseförderung‘, (online)


5 Flick, U. (32012) ‘Triangulation. Eine Einführung‘, VS, Wiesbaden.

6 Glück, C. W. (1998) ‘Kindliche Wortfindungsstörungen‘, Lang, Frankfurt.

7 Gogolin, I. et.al. (2010) ‘Durchgängige Sprachbildung. Qualitätsmerkmale für den

Unterricht‘, (online) http://cosmea.erzwiss.uni-hamburg.de/cosmea/core/corebase


8 Grießhaber, W. (2006) ‘Sprachstandsdiagnose im kindlichen Zweitspracherwerb:

Funktional-pragmatische Fundierung der Profilanalyse‘, (online) http://spzwww.uni-


9 Heidtmann, H. (1987) ‘Neue Wege der Sprachdiagnostik. Analyse freier Sprachproben‘,

Marhold, Berlin.

10 Jeuk, S. (2003) ‘Erste Schritte in der Zweitsprache Deutsch. Eine empirische

Untersuchung zum Zweitspracherwerb türkischer Migrantenkinder in

Kindertageseinrichtungen‘, Fillibach bei Klett, Stuttgart.

11 KMK (1964) ‘Unterricht für Kinder von Ausländern. Beschluss der Kul-

tusministerkonferenz vom 14./15.5. 1964‘, KMK Beschlusssammlung, Bd. 3, Abschn. 899, 5.

12 KMK (1971): ‘Unterricht für Kinder ausländischer Arbeitnehmer. Beschluss der

Kultusministerkonferenz vom 3.12.1971‘, KMK Beschlusssammlung, Bd. 4, Abschn. 899.

13 KMK (1979): ‘Neufassung der Vereinbarung „Unterricht für Kinder ausländischer

Arbeitnehmer“. Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 8.4.1976, i.d.F. vom 26.10.1979‘,

KMK Beschlusssammlung, Bd. 4, Abschn. 899.

14 Langenfeld, C. (2001) ‘Integration und kulturelle Identität zugewanderter Minderheiten.

Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des allgemeinbildenden Schulwesens in der Bundesrepublik

Deutschland‘, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen.

15 Mayring, P. (11

2010) ‘Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken‘, Beltz,


16 Meyer-Ingewersen, J. and Neumann, R. (1981) ‘Abschaffung der Vorbereitungsklassen

= Integration?‘, Informationsdienst zur Ausländerarbeit, No. 3/1981, pp. 23-28.

17 Mißler, B. (1993) ‘Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse in der Psycholinguistik‘, AKS,


18 MKJS (1977) ‘Unterricht für ausländische Kinder und Jugendliche in Baden-

Württemberg. Verwaltungsvorschrift vom 11.7.1977‘, K.u.U. 1977, 1160.

19 MKJS (1982) ‘Unterricht für ausländische Schüler an den allgemein bildenden und

beruflichen Schulen in Baden-Württemberg. Verwaltungsvorschrift vom 14.12.1982‘, ABl.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


1983, 1, geändert durch Erlass vom 29.3.1993, ABl. 1993, 92 und durch Erlass vom 7.7.1994,

ABl. 1994, 445.

20 MKJS (2000) ‘Unterricht für ausländische Schüler an den allgemein bildenden und

beruflichen Schulen in Baden-Württemberg. Verwaltungsvorschrift vom 24.11.2000‘, K.u.U.

2001, 1.

21 MKJS (2008): ‘Grundsätze zum Unterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit

Sprachförderbedarf an den allgemein bildenden und beruflichen Schulen.

Verwaltungsvorschrift vom 01.08.2009, i.d.F. vom 11.11.2009‘, K.u.U. 2008, 57.

22 MKJS (2009): ‘Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der Grundschule‘, (online)




23 MKJS (2012): ‘Verwaltungsvorschrift des Ministeriums für Kultus, Jugend und Sport

zur Eigenständigkeit der Schulen und Unterrichtsorganisation im Schuljahr 2012/2013

(Organisationserlass) vom 14. März 2012‘, K.u.U. 2012, 34.

24 Oomen-Welke, I. (1980) ‘Grundwortschatz für Ausländerkinder‘, Sonderheft Deutsch als

Zweitsprache, Praxis Deutsch, pp. 37-38.

25 Oomen-Welke, I. and Decker, Y. (2012) ‘Empirische Basis von Wortschätzen in Deutsch

als Zweitsprache für Kinder‘, in Merten, S. and Kuhs, K. (ed.),Perspektiven empirischer

Sprachdidaktik, Wiss. Vlg., Trier, (KOLA Bd. 10).

26 Reich, H. and Roth, H.-J. (2004) ’HAVAS-5. Hamburger Verfahren zur Analyse des

Sprachstandes bei 5-Jährigen‘, Li, Hamburg.

27 Schmitt, G. (1980) ‘Deutschunterricht in Vorbereitungsklassen und Förderkursen –

Konzeption für einen didaktischen Baukasten‘, Ausländerkinder. Forum für Schule &

Sozialpädagogik, No. 2/1980, pp. 4-32.

28 Schmitt, G. and Lörcher, G. A.(1985) ’Ausländerkinder in der Schule.

Aufnahmeunterricht für „Seiteneinsteiger“’, DIFF, Tübingen.

Mächler Better Lissette





1. Datenerhebung. Bei der laufenden Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine Fallbeispielanalyse.

Akademische Texte von fünf Studenten bilden das Korpus, das textlinguistisch analysiert

wird. Ein linguistisches Korpus wird als „Sammlung von Texten“ definiert (Albert & Marx

2010, 51), die in der Regel zusammengestellt werden, um ein linguistisches Phänomen „in

authentischen (gesprochenen und geschriebenen) Texten“ analysieren zu können (Albert &

Köster 2002, 69).


Bei dem vorliegenden Beitrag handelt es sich um einen Ausschnitt aus dem laufenden Dissertationsprojekt „Erwerb des

wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in der Fremdsprache Deutsch“ von Lissette Mächler Better.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Die zu analysierenden Texte sind der Textsorte Seminararbeit zuzuordnen. Diese bildet

die „didaktische Paralleltextart“ zum wissenschaftlichen Artikel (Ehlich 2003, 20ff), deren

Zweck sich als das „Erlernen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens“ bestimmen lässt

(StezanoCotelo 2008). Dabei trainieren die Studenten eine Reihe von Fähigkeiten:

– Erweiterung von Fachwissen durch eigenständige Rezeption von Fachliteratur;

– Erlernen und Anwenden von wissenschaftlichen Methoden;

– Kennenlernen verschiedener Ansätze bzw. Schulen der Disziplin und Erlernen der

kritischen Einschätzung;

– Erlernen von Textartenwissen inklusive routiniertem Umgang mit Formalia

(StezanoCotelo 2008, 35).

Die Studenten übenbeim Verfassen von Seminararbeiten das forschende Lernen (Ehlich

2003), das im Rahmen einer Lehr-Lern-Kommunikation an der Universität praktiziert wird.

Dadurch eignen sie sich schrittweise die schriftliche wissenschaftliche Kommunikation an.

Die progressive Aneignung vom forschenden Lernen in der Fremdsprache Deutsch, das

sich in studentischen Seminararbeiten wiederfindet, bildet den Forschungsgegenstand des

vorliegenden Projektes.

Bei der Zusammenstellung des Korpus für die Analyse des oben beschriebenen

Untersuchungsgegenstandes wurde berücksichtigt, dass die Verfasser der Texte folgende

Merkmale aufwiesen:

– die Verfasser der Texte sind Studenten;

– die Studenten sprechen Spanisch als L1;

– die Studenten sprechen Deutsch als L2;

– die Studenten weisen eine ähnliche akademische Sozialisation auf: Sie haben ein

Erststudium in Kolumbien und ein Zweitstudium in Deutschland abgeschlossen;

– die Studenten haben Geisteswissenschaften studiert.

– Die ausgewählten Texte studentischen Ursprungs, die im Korpus aufgenommen

wurden, sollten dementsprechend folgende Kriterien erfüllen:

– die zu untersuchenden Texte sind im Rahmen eines Studiums in Kolumbien und in

Deutschland entstanden;

– die Texte sind zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der akademischen Laufbahn der

studentischen Autoren entstanden;

– die Texte sind entweder auf Spanisch oder auf Deutsch verfasst worden;

– die Texte sind eigenständig verfasst worden;

– alle Schreibprodukte sind der Textsorte „studentische Seminararbeit“ zuzuordnen.

Das Korpus des laufenden Forschungsprojektes „Erwerb des wissenschaftlichen Schrei-

bens in der Fremdsprache Deutsch“ umfasst insgesamt 15 akademische Schreibprodukte.

Die Texte wurden von kolumbianischen Studenten verfasst, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache

im Rahmen einer „Licenciatura“ an einer kolumbianischen Universität,d.h. im Rahmen

einer Deutschlehrerausbildung im grundständigen Studium, studiert und anschließend ein

Zweitstudium in Deutschland absolviert haben.Ausschlaggebend bei der Sammlung der

Texte war, dass diese im Rahmen der akademischen Sozialisation von der erwähnten

Studentengruppe verfasst worden sind. Dadurch sollte gewährleistet werden, dass die

empirischen Daten in einem authentischen Kontext – unabhängig von der vorliegenden

Untersuchung – entstanden sind.

Das Korpus lässt sich wie folgt zusammenfassend vorstellen:

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


1. Fünf Abschlussarbeiten, die im Rahmen des Erststudiums in Kolumbien verfasst

worden sind, bilden den Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung. Es wird angenommen, dass

diese Arbeiten die bis zur Beendigung des grundständigen Studiums erworbenen

wissenschaftlichen Textkompetenzen widerspiegeln. In vier der fünf untersuchten Fälle

wurde die Abschlussarbeit auf Spanisch verfasst, weswegen sich daraus Rückschlüsse über

die wissenschaftlichen Textkompetenzen in der L1 Spanisch ableiten lassen. Im fünften

Fall wurde die Abschlussarbeit auf Deutsch geschrieben.25

2. Von jedem Studenten wird je eineSeminararbeit analysiert, die im Rahmen eines

Zweitstudiums in Deutschland entstanden ist. Diese Arbeiten sollen die

Entwicklungstendenz wissenschaftlichen Schreibens zeigen, weil sie zu einem späteren

Zeitpunkt der studentischen Laufbahn, nämlich während eines zweiten Studiums, verfasst

worden sind. Die Besonderheit der Analyse in dieser Phase der akademischen Sozialisation

liegt hier darin, dass die Arbeiten in der L2 Deutsch verfasst wurden. Aus diesem Grund ist

an dieser Stelle zu rekonstruieren, welche wissenschaftlichen Textkompetenzen aus der L1

sich in den auf Deutsch verfassten Seminararbeiten wiederfinden.In vier der fünf

untersuchten Fälle haben die Studenten einen Masterstudiengang absolviert. Im fünften

Fall hat der Student ein Bachelorstudium gemacht.

3. Fünf Abschlussarbeiten, die im Rahmen des Zweitstudiums in Deutschland

geschrieben worden sind, bilden die dritte Phase der Untersuchung. In vier der fünf Fälle

wurde die Masterarbeit auf Deutsch verfasst. Dieser Text gilt für die vorliegende

Untersuchung als größte wissenschaftliche Leistung der studentischen Schreiber. Im

fünften Fall wurde die Bachelorarbeit auf Spanisch verfasst.

In der laufenden Untersuchung wird angestrebt, eine effiziente textlinguistische

Methode zur Rekonstruktion des Erwerbsprozesses wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in der

Fremdsprache Deutsch herauszuarbeiten. Diese soll in den folgenden Abschnitten kurz

skizziert werden.

2. Textlinguistische Datenauswertung.

Pohls (2007), Steinhoffs (2007) und Feilkes&Steinhoffs (2003) Untersuchung-

sergebnisse haben u.a. ergeben, dass sich der Erwerbsprozess des wissenschaftlichen

Schreibens als abgeschlossen gestaltet, wenn u.a. die Ausdrücke der Alltäglichen


als „kommunikatives Instrument“ in den studentischen Schreibp-

rodukten eingesetzt werden bzw. wenn die Studenten „domänentypische Ausdrücke“

kontextuell angemessen verwenden. Im Hinblick auf die Untersuchung des Erwerbs des

wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in der Fremdsprache Deutsch erweist sich m.E. die systema-

tische Analyse der erwähnten Ausdrücke als produktiv. Erste Untersuchungen von Ehlich

(vgl. 1995) haben zu wegweisenden Ergebnissen geführt. Man würde meinen, Fachtermini

aus wissenschaftlichen Texten würden fremdsprachigen Studenten besondere Schwierig-

keiten bereiten. Das ist aber nicht der Fall. Paradoxerweise sind es gerade solche

Ausdrücke, die der Alltagssprache entstammen, die ausländischen Studenten problematisch



Das fünfte Fallbeispiel dient zur Untersuchung möglicher „Rückimporte“ aus dem Schreiben in der L2 Deutsch in das Schreiben in

der L1 Spanisch. Darauf wird im vorliegenden Artikel nicht näher eingegangen.

26 Der Begriff stammt von Ehlich (vgl. 1993, 1995, 1999).

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Bei der Alltäglichen Wissenschaftssprache27

handelt es sich um Ausdrücke, die in der

Alltagssprache ihren Ursprung finden und als „Kommunikationsressource“ für

wissenschaftliche Zwecke verwendet werden (vgl. Ehlich 1999, 9). Es geht um die

sprachlichen Elemente, die Fachtermini in den wissenschaftlichen Texten miteinander

verbinden. Die Rede ist von Ausdrücken wie „Ansatz“, „Bedeutung“, „ausgehend von“

oder „darstellen“, die lange von der Wissenschaftsforschung28

unberücksichtigt gelassen

worden waren.

Der Erwerbsprozess wissenschaftlichen Schreibens soll im vorgestellten Korpus anhand

wissenschaftlicher Textprozeduren (Steinhoff 2007)rekonstruiert werden. Diese

sprachlichen Elemente werden dem Bereich der Alltäglichen Wissenschaftssprache

zugeordnet und lassen sich als „historisch gewachsene, sozial etablierte Routinen des

wissenschaftssprachlichen Handelns“ (Steinhoff 2009b, 169) definieren, die „mit den

generellen Anforderungen an das wissenschaftliche Handeln in Verbindung stehen“

(2009a, 101f). Mittels solcher sprachlichen Elemente können unterschiedliche

wissenschaftliche Handlungen sprachlich zum Ausdruck gebracht werden, wie zum

Beispiel das Verweisen auf den Autor des Textes selbst, das Verweisen auf andere Texte,

das Gegenargumentieren, die Bildung von Begriffen, die Kritik an Texten u.a. Je nach

wissenschaftlichem Zweck unterscheidet Steinhoff demzufolge fünf verschiedene

Prozeduren: die verfasserreferentiellen Prozeduren, die intertextuellen Prozeduren, die

konzessiv-argumentativen Prozeduren, die begriffsbildenden Prozeduren und die

textkritischen Prozeduren.

Im Folgenden soll beispielhaft vorgestellt werden, wie die textlinguistische

Untersuchung im Falle intertextueller Prozeduren durchgeführt wird.

Bei der Analyse intertextueller Prozeduren werden Textpassagen aus unterschiedlichen

Seminararbeiten desselben Autors mit den Originalquellen – Bezugstexten – verglichen,

aus denen der Autor zitiert bzw. referiert hat. Beim Vergleich wird u.a. berücksichtigt, ob

der Student die zitierte bzw. referierte Textstelle in korrekter Form wiedergibt und ob sich

im Laufe der Jahre – d.h. bei fortschreitendem Studium - eine Entwicklungstendenz

erkennen lässt.Ein in Anlehnung an Steinhoff (2007) und StezanoCotelo (2008) selbst

entwickelter Fragenkatalog liefert den Ausgangspunkt für die Analyse intertextueller

Prozeduren im Rahmen des laufenden Projektes:

1. Welcher Muster bedient sich der Student, um den Bezug zu anderen Publikationen


– Wie wird die verwendete Quelle eingeführt?

– Wird der Konjunktiv – wenn dieser im studentischen Text vorkommt-funktional

richtig eingesetzt?

– Wie wird der Autor des fremden Wissens einbezogen?

– Wird der Autor lediglich als Urheber der wiedergegebenen Stelle genannt?

– Tritt der Autor im studentischen Text als Handelnder auf?

– Wie wird das Wissen aus der Forschungsliteratur im studentischen Text verarbeitet?

– Werden Strategien des Umformulierens und/oder des Zusammenfassens eingesetzt?


Siehe Definition weiter unten.


Siehe Definition weiter unten.

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– Kommen evtl. Kürzungen oder Auslassungen von Textstellen vor, die den Sinn der

Quelle verfälschen? Und in diesem Fall: Welche Textstellen werden verkürzt dargestellt?

(vgl. Mächler 2012).

Die vorgestellten Fragen dienen zur Rekonstruktion der vom Studenten vollzogenen

wissenschaftssprachlichen Handlungen, in diesem Fall intertextueller Natur. U.a. lässt sich

erkennen, ob dieverwendeten Sprechhandlungsverben funktional eingesetzt wurden, ob der

Student sich verschiedener Muster bedient, um den Bezug auf die Fachliteratur

herzustellen, und ob der Student das Wissen aus der Sekundärliteratur richtig verarbeitet

und wiedergegeben hat.

Nach der vollständigen und systematischen Analyse der intertextuellen Prozeduren in

den fünf zu untersuchenden Fallbeispielen können allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen über den

Erwerbsprozess dieser wissenschaftlichen Textprozeduren gezogen werden.

3. Auswertung der Methodik. Die Sammlung von studentischen Texten zum Aufbau des Korpus bereitete aufgrund

der spezifischen Merkmale, die die Textautoren und die Texte erfüllen sollten,

Schwierigkeiten. Zudem muss an dieser Stelle betont werden, dass die Untersuchung dem

Gütekriterium der Repräsentativität – aufgrund der Tatsache, dass hier nur Fallbeispiele

analysiert werden –, nicht gerecht werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat also – im

Hinblick auf die Repräsentativität–lediglich den Anspruch, Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere

umfangreichere Untersuchungen zu liefern.

Die Suche einer passenden Methode zur Datenauswertung gestaltete sich ebenfalls als

komplex. Die Hauptherausforderung bestand darin, eine passende Methode zu finden, um

die spanischsprachigen mit den deutschsprachigen Texten zu vergleichen. Die Analyse der

wissenschaftlichen Textprozeduren scheint sich in diesem Fall als produktiv zu erweisen.

Da die Untersuchung noch nicht abgeschlossen ist, steht eine abschließende Auswertung

der methodischen Vorgehensweise noch aus.


1 Albert Ruth & Cornelis Köster (2002): Empirie in Linguistik und Sprachlehrforschung.

Tübingen Narr.

2 Albert Ruth & Nicole Marx (2010): Empirisches Arbeiten in Linguistik und

Sprachlehrforschung. Anleitung zu quantitativen Studien von der Planungsphase bis zum

Forschungsbericht. Tübingen: Narr.

3 Ehlich, Konrad (1993): „Deutsch als fremde Wissenschaftssprache“. In: Jahrbuch Deutsch

als Fremdsprache, Bd. 19. München: iudicium, 13-42.

4 Ehlich, Konrad (1995): „Die Lehre der deutschen Wissenschaftssprache: sprachliche

Strukturen, didaktische Desiderate“. In: Kretzenbacher, Heinz L. & Harald Weinrich (Hgg.):

Linguistik der Wissenschaftssprache. Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter, 325-350.

5 Ehlich, Konrad (1999): „Alltägliche Wissenschaftssprache“. In: Info DaF 26, 3-24.

6 Ehlich, Konrad (2003): „Universitäre Textarten, universitäre Struktur“. In: Ehlich, Konrad

& Angelika Steets (Hgg.): Wissenschaftlich schreiben – lernen und lehren. Berlin u.a.: de

Gruyter, 13-28.

7 Feilke, Helmuth & Torsten Steinhoff (2003): „Zur Modellierung der Entwicklung

wissenschaftlicher Schreibfähigkeit“. In: Ehlich, Konrad & Angelika Steets (Hgg.):

Wissenschaftlich schreiben – lernen und lehren. Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter, 112-128.

8 Mächler, Lissette (2012): Erwerb des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in der Fremdsprache

Deutsch. Exemplarische Analyse von intertextuellen Prozeduren. In: Info DaF, Jg. 39, H. 5,


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9 Pohl, Thorsten (2007): Studien zur Ontogenese wissenschaftlichen Schreibens. Tübingen:


10 Steinhoff, Torsten (2007): Wissenschaftliche Textkompetenz. Sprachgebrauch und

Schreibentwicklung in wissenschaftlichen Texten von Studenten und Experten. Tübingen:


11 Steinhoff, Torsten (2009a): Alltägliche Wissenschaftssprache und wissenschaftliche

Textprozeduren. Ein Vorschlag zur kulturvergleichenden Untersuchung wissenschaftlicher

Texte. In: MartineDalmas, Marina Forschi Albert und Eva Neuland (Hg.): Wissenschaftliche

Textsorten im Germanistikstudium deutsch-italienisch-französisch kontrastiv. Akten der

trilateralen Forschungskonferenz 2007-2008. Trilaterales Forschungsprojekt in der Villa Vigoni

(2007-2008), S. 97–107.

12 Steinhoff, Torsten (2009b): Intertextuelle Prozeduren. Aneignungsprobleme und

Förderungsmöglichkeiten. In: MartineDalmas, Marina Forschi Albert und Eva Neuland (Hg.):

Wissenschaftliche Textsorten im Germanistikstudium deutsch-italienisch-französisch kontra-

stiv. Akten der trilateralen Forschungskonferenz 2007-2008. Trilaterales Forschungsprojekt in

der Villa Vigoni (2007-2008), S. 167–178.

13 StezanoCotelo, Kristin (2008): Verarbeitung wissenschaftlichen Wissens in Semina-

rarbeiten ausländischer Studierender: eine empirische Sprachanalyse. München: iudicium.

Mall Peter





Currently, classroom music education in germany faces several problems. While highly

trained teachers can be found in secondary schools, primary schools suffer from musically

undertrained teachers who are forced into music education. This problem is especially

aggravated in the state of Baden-Württemberg where the three subjects art, music and

culture (local history) were affiliated into one new subject called MNK.

On the other hand, there is an availability of a variety of musical outreach activities that

grew over the last decade. In particular, symphonic orchestras (Mast and Milliken, 2008),

operas and music festivals want to get in contact with young people and provide them with

interesting insights into their work. Not only does this include concerts for children but

also all kind of activities like open rehearsals, classroom workshops and joint concerts with

children and adolescents (B. Stiller et al., 2002; Wimmer, 2010b).

The study presented in this paper intends to show that cooperation of schools with other

musical institutes (especially symphonic orchestras) improves students’ attitudes towards

music in general, and generates a positive influence on music education as a whole. It takes

into account the analyses of the extended primary school in Hessen (Bähr, 2000) as well as

studies on the JEKI (every child an instrument) project in North Rhine-Westphalia (Greuel

et al., 2010; Hemming et al., 2007) that show the positive effects of intensified music

education on early development of children and integrates actual concepts of orchestral

outreach activities (Schneider, 2000; Schwanse, 2003; B. Stiller, 2008; Wimmer, 2010a).

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The purpose of this article is to provide insight into the approach of this ongoing

research; therefore, results will not be presented at this time.

Theoretical Background

Concerts for children and music education

From the early 70s, there has been an on-going, broad discussion about how concerts

for children can be part of formal music education. One reason for this is, that only at that

time, orchestras started to provide special concerts for children (Schwermer, 1976) and

cities like Berlin (Riepenhausen, 1976) wanted to involve their orchestras into music

education. The discussion clearly supports an educational purpose of concerts for children;

however, as the possibility of using recorded music for music education became more

feasible, the original contact with orchestras faded and less students were likely to have

seen a classical concert at that time (Große-Jäger, 1979). Then again, with a growing

number of concerts for children, the discussion about their purpose resurfaced so that by

the mid 80s, it was no longer clear whether concerts should be part of the music education

curriculum or simply provide students with the experience of attending a real classical

concert (Gruhn, 1986). What seems to be a minor difference here, affects not only the

content but also the organizational issues of concerts for children. Being part of the school

curriculum, concerts would normally take place during school hours, be cost efficient for

the schools and take school curriculum into account when choosing the program.

Orchestras, on the other hand, play their concerts in the (early) evenings, have an (although

still reduced) entry fee and provide an on going concert rather than musical examples.

Finally, starting in the mid 90s with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (Mast and

Milliken, 2008), orchestras initiated their own music education programs and built a

system, that was mostly unconnected to schools. Moreover, orchestras also wanted to

address social problems like initiatives, developed by the “community music” system

(Higgins, 2012: 28). This newly emerged concept of “Musikvermittlung” (“musical

mediation”) quickly spread all over Germany and again raised the question how live

concerts as independent activities could be part of the curriculum. Nonetheless, these

activities proved to be not very cost efficient and soon new problems emerged (B. Stiller,

2005). Orchestras seemed to be forced into educational work by their institutional

authorities and public opinion but they neither had the staff nor the budget to do so (B.

Stiller, 2005). Again, this was done in recognition of a fading contact with children and

young adults.

At this point the SWR Symphonic Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg (SWR SO)

started a collaboration with three schools to rethink the idea of integrating their outreach

activities into the school curriculum and to merge the best of both worlds in order to

improve both, the orchestral outreach activities and music education in schools, especially

in primary schools where where a lack of musical expertise abounds.

In terms of empirical research, several concepts that represent an improvement in

education were taken into account. Projects usually have a very short duration and

therefore, they are unlikely to directly improve knowledge. But, with the concept of “brief

interventions” even short projects could lead into behavioral change. Therefore, we

empirically tested the influence of outreach activities on musical self-concept and

motivation, as these are strongly connected to learning.

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Research on self-concept dates back to the late 70s when Shavelson et al. (1976) and

Bandura (1977) published their theories. In particular, Shavelson et al. influenced the

research with their hierarchical model of the self that connected learning and general self-

concept. They defined an academic and a non-academic self-concept. Both of these

concepts were supposed to influence the general self-concept so that high values in parts

influence the whole. Subsequent research (Bong and Clark, 1999; Vispoel, 1995) attempted

to extend this model by investigating how these parts influenced each other and the general

self-concept. In the end, this research could not substantiate that the parts together build the

general notion of self-concept.

Markus & Nurius (Markus and Nurius, 1986) then developed the concept of the

“possible selves” that extended the model with an emotional component. People not only

refer to their academic or non-academic skills, but also to a future “possible self”, someone

they may or may not like to become. Studies showed, that this model is important during

adolescence, where peers become more influential (Freer, 2010).

In recent years, it has been debated whether educational research could provide non-

musical reasons for music education. Researchers said that music education could improve

general self-concept (Bastian, 2007; Schumacher, 2006). As it was difficult to prove these

findings, ensuing research focused on a specific musical self-concept and how it could

influence musical learning (Busch and Kranefeld, 2012; Spychiger et al., 2010).

Similar approaches exist in physical self-concept research, where relationships between

physical skills and physical self-concepts have been found (Conzelmann and Hänsel, 2008;

Dickhäuser and Schrahe, 2006; J. Stiller and Alfermann, 2005). While there are

relationships inside specific domains it was not possible to find them between different

subdomains of the physical self-concept (Tietjens et al., 2005).

Motivation Today, motivational theories are based on a two factor model categorized as the internal

(Learning) and the external (Performance) motivation (Herbert W.Marsh et al., 2003: 190).

Marsh et al. define learning as “the endorsement of the intrinsic value of learning as an end

in itself, aiming to improve over time new or existing skills“, while Performance is seen as

the „focus on social comparison processes, desire to gain positive judgements and avoid

negative judgements endorsement of the extrinsic value of performance“ (Herbert

W.Marsh et al., 2003: 190f). The factor Learning therefore is a positive value while

Performance is a negative one because it only measures knowledge by success (Herbert

W.Marsh et al., 2003: 193).

Interestingly, there can be overlaps between the two factors where particularly skilled

students use them strategically to optimise there skills (Herbert W.Marsh et al., 2003: 194).

These overlaps (Herbert W.Marsh, 1994) are mostly related to the personality of students.

This study uses a treatment called, “Skalen zur Erfassung der schulischen Lern- und

Leistungsmotivation – SELLMO“ (Spinath, 2002), which is well-known in the German

context. It distinguishes the factors: Mastery, Approach Success, Avoid Failure and Avoid

Work. As the latter is strongly related to the school system and homework, it seemed not to

be purposeful in the desired context and was not used.

Brief intervention

Another psychological concept that was taken into account is the “brief intervention”

that was developed from the motivational interview. “Brief interventions” are interventions

that are significantly shorter than “standard” interventions and are therefore much more

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cost efficient. Studies date back to the 1970s and it has since been proven that good results

can be achieved in all areas of health care (Werch et al., 2006). With the motivational

interview, doctors, in particular, get special training to focus on the patient’s problems by

addressing them employing special questions that mention the problem and try to start a

process of rethinking. The major goal of “brief interventions” is a behavioural change that

takes place over motivational processes.

Two characteristics of “brief interventions” are particularly interesting in the context of

this study. First, the intervention has to be undertaken by a respected person (mainly

doctors) and is therefore outside the parameter of self-help groups (Werch et al., 2006: 95).

The second relates to the target group. Studies could show, that brief interventions are

especially successful when people show a “baseline readiness” (Dunn et al., 2001), that

means that they are generally ready to change their behaviour.

If these notions of self-concept, motivation and brief interventions could be transferred

to music pedagogy, it could be shown that “brief interventions” (projects and concerts)

used as a supplement in music education (school, music school) could have an important

impact on the musical development of students.


Initial investigations showed a high demand for outreach activities in the schools that

participated in the collaboration with the SWR SO, especially in the primary schools,

where most of the music education is taught by musically untrained teachers. If the positive

impact of outreach activities could be proven, a broader variety of musical projects could

be introduced into the school curriculum. Besides the impact of outreach activities on the

school curriculum, this study evaluates how these projects influence the motivation and the

musical self-concept of children.

A qualitative approach was chosen as research design in order to develop grounded

theory (Bohnsack, 2010) and it follows the question:

How can outreach activities be integrated into the school curriculum and to what

extend can they be part of the musical development of students?

Three levels of evaluation were defined to designate the different actors and their points

of view. The first level is the students participating in the projects. Then, there is the

project level, where teachers and musicians work together to provide activities to the

students and finally, the institutions that provide the environment.

Level One – Influence of outreach projects on the musical self-concept and motivation

of students. Students of one primary and two secondary schools were questioned in a longitudinal

pre-post study. The goal was to find the influence of musical outreach projects on the

musical self-concept and motivation of the participating students. The questionnaire was

developed following the system and questions of “Skalen zur Erfassung des schulischen

Selbstkonzepts – SESSKO” (Schöne, 2002) and “Skalen zur Erfassung der Lern- und

Leistungsmotivation – SELLMO” (Spinath, 2002) and the questions were put into the

musical context in keeping with the approach developed by Schmidt (2005).

The musical learning and achievement motivation was represented by the scales

Mastery (“I feel most successful in the band when I really improve.”), Approach success

(“I do my assigned work in band because I want to receive high grades from my teacher.”),

and Avoid failure (“I do my assigned work in band because I DO NOT want to receive

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criticism from my teacher.“)29

. Following the external/internal frame of reference model

(H. W. Marsh et al., 1986) the musical self-concept scales were divided into the reference

orientations “social” (“other students”), “criterial” (“academic demands”) and “individual”


The children were first questioned before they joined the projects (pre test) and after all

activities of that year were finished (post test). The data were examined using three

different approaches. First, we had a look at the question, if there is a significant difference

between children that play a musical instrument and those who don't. Interestingly, there

was also a difference in a third group; those who wanted to play an instrument. This can be

explained by the theory of the ‘possible selves’ by Markus & Nurius (Markus and Nurius,

1986). This indicates, that the students put effort in a goal that they wanted to reach. The

second approach was to compare classes in the pre post setup as the students joined the

outreach activities class wise and not individually. Finally, in the pre post setup, there was

the distinction between students who play a musical instrument and those who don't.

Level two – Teachers and musicians’ view on outreach activities.

The next level took a look at the teachers and musicians, who had been involved in

most of the projects. After two years of joint activities and two big joint concerts, teachers

and musicians were asked to participate in a guided interview (Gläser and Laudel, 2010).

These interviews were transcribed and analysed following the documentary method

(Bohnsack et al., 2007; Nohl, 2009). The transcribed interviews first undergo a phrasing

interpretation, where the content is paraphrased by the interpreter. The next step is a

reflective interpretation that follows the path from what is said to how things are said. This

method distances the interpreter from the text (Nohl, 2009: 47f.) and extracts the frame of

reference of the interviewee. By comparing different interviews it is possible to find

diverse frames of references that lead to a typology. Other than the grounded theory model

(Glaser and Strauss, 2005), the documentary method endeavours to find and describe

multidimensional typologies.

The first framework for finding typologies is given by the interviewed persons, as there

are teachers from primary as well as secondary school, who in the German system have

very different vocational and academic trainings. Also, teachers without musical training

are involved, as they have to lead projects as well. Conversely, there are the orchestral

musicians that took part in the activities who have, in general, no training in education.

This broad framework is the first reference for the analysis of the interviews and serves as

a guide to find answers as to how outreach activities can be implemented into the school



The study on musical self-concept and motivation was initiated in the first year of the

collaboration. It shows significant differences mostly in the motivation scales but also in

the self-concept scales.

The interpretation of the findings indicates that outreach activities show positive effects

on musical motivation (Mastery, Approach success). These effects are more prevalent if

students are musically trained (play an instrument, receive a more intense musical training

at school), have a stronger relation to the musicians of the orchestra or have been involved

more actively. Specifically, the two latter points depend on preparation and follow-ups

29 Samples for motivation scales taken from Schmidt (2005); the questionnaire contained

similar ones in German language

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(e.g. build contacts with musicians, prepare scores for students and provide practice). At

the current state of research, the intention of the orchestra to target with its outreach

activities (children concerts, open rehearsals) musically uninterested students and those

from educationally deprived families appears not to be promising without special

preparation (e.g. introduction to concerts, organology, play along activities, personal

contact with musicians). This preparation could then be integrated into the curriculum.

Several other studies also prove this concept to be the most satisfying (Gotthardt, 2006;

Kreutz and Brünger, 2012; Schwanse, 2003). For a final interpretation and an appropriate

theoretical framework, the data have to be integrated into the interpretation of the

interviews with teachers and musicians. For a standalone theory, the sample of students

was too small and the division of the treatments was not totally clear, especially as there

was no control group.

Finally, there were other interesting findings concerning the answers of the students.

Connecting the data of “What did I like” with the “Why” shows that there are three main

reasons: activity (and here mainly “making music ourselves”), persons (mainly the

musicians) and content (music, instruments). This proves that students especially like

“making music” in music education (Bowels, 1998) and everything that helps them to do

so is enriching their career in music. Also, they want to meet musicians from outside the

school. Bringing these “experts” into school is a challenge that the teachers have to face.

The analyses of the interviews are supposed to give answers as to how this can be reached.

References: 1 Bähr, Johannes (2000), Zur Entwicklung musikalischer Fähigkeiten von 10 bis 12

jährigen: Evaluation eines Modellversuchs zur Kooperation von Schule und Musikschule

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Musikunterricht braucht die Grundschule. Konzeptionelle und unterrichtsspäzifische Beiträge

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Rott Benjamin, Leuders Timo, Stahl Elmar




1 Introduction LeScEd (Learning the Science of Education), funded by the BMBF

30, is a research

project composed of researchers from the University of Koblenz and Landau, the

University of Göttingen, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Freiburg, and the

University of Education Freiburg. Central research questions of this project include

modeling scientific thinking and working of university students.

30Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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This article addresses a sub-project of LeScEd that studies the attitudes of students

towards science with a special focus on mathematics using the theoretical framework of

epistemological beliefs. The global intentions of this sub-project are (a) to identify

epistemological beliefs about mathematics as a science; and subsequently (b) to develop

the instruments to do so reliably and economically. The focus of this paper is on describing

these research intentions and the first step of the development of our instruments in detail.

This will be exemplified by the topic of certainty of knowledge.

2 Theoretical Background Epistemology is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of human knowledge,

including its limits, justifications, and sources (cf.Arner 1972, ch. I). Research on personal

epistemology is a part of both psychology and education that examines the development of

epistemological beliefs (which are beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowing) and

the way these beliefs filter perceptions, influence learning processes, and direct actions.

Early studies modeled personal epistemology as a one-dimensional sequence of stages

in which “individuals move through some specified sequence in their ideas about

knowledge and knowing, as their ability to make meaning evolves” (Hofer 2001, p.356).

Recent studies consider personal epistemology as a system of more or less independent

epistemological beliefs which allow for a more differentiated way of describing personal

epistemology development as well as for a discipline-specific understanding of

epistemology (cf. ibid., p.361). A widely accepted structure for such a system of beliefs

was proposed by Hofer and Pintrich (1997). According to Hofer and Pintrich, there are two

general areas of epistemological beliefs (nature of knowledge and nature or process of

knowing) with two dimensions each (see Table 1).

A growing amount of psychological research presents relationships between

epistemological beliefs and various aspects of learning. Examples include college students’

epistemological beliefs influence their processing of information and their monitoring of

comprehension (e.g., Mason & Boscolo 2004), their academic performance (e.g.,

Schommer, Calvert, Gariglietti, & Bajaj 1997), conceptual change (e.g., Qian &

Alvermann 1995), cognitive processes during learning (e.g., Kardash & Howell 2000),

learning processes within computer-based scenarios and with the internet (e.g., Hofer

2004a), and their engagement in learning (e.g., Hofer & Pintrich 1997). Furthermore, there

is evidence that students’ beliefs about knowledge and academic concepts depend on

teaching style and epistemological beliefs of their teachers (e.g., Buelens, Clement, &

Clarebout 2002; Hofer 2004b; Tsai 1998). It is generally assumed that more sophisticated

epistemological beliefs are related to more adequate learning strategies and therefore better

learning outcomes (cf. Hofer & Pintrich 1997; Stahl 2011). However, there are some issues

regarding the methods used to identify personal epistemologies.

Nature of Knowledge Nature or Process of Knowing

(what one believes knowledge is) (how one comes to know)


of Knowledge


of Knowledge


of Knowledge


of Knowledge


about the

certainty or

Assumptions whether

knowledge consists of

simple facts vs. it is a

Assumptions whether

knowledge originates

outside the self and

Assumptions about

how to evaluate

knowledge claims,

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tentativeness of


complex network of


resides in external

authority vs.

assumptions of the self

as knower, with the

ability to construct


the role of

empirical evidence,

experts, and how to

justify knowledge


Table 1: Areas and dimensions of epistemological beliefs (cf. Hofer & Pintrich 1997)

2.1 Methodological Considerations

A common method of measuring epistemological beliefs is through the use of

questionnaires. The most influential one is the “Epistemological Questionnaire” (EQ) by

Schommer (1990) that is used widely among researchers andhas inspired numerous

variations and follow-up versions (Stahl 2011). However, all these questionnaires raise

serious methodological issues:

“[A]ll attempts to date to develop a questionnaire with strong reliability and validity

have brought little success. The main problem is seen in the unstable factor structure of the

instruments. Another problematic aspect concerns the items which are often indirectly

related to epistemological beliefs” (Stahl 2011, p. 41 f.).

Muis (2004) identifies additional difficulties with questionnaires in their effectiveness

and in their capability of measuring general as well as domain-specific epistemological

beliefs. She concludes that questionnaires should be developed that “address

epistemological beliefs effectively” and that there should be “two types of questionnaires

[o]ne should be specific to each domain of interest, and one should be general across

domains” (ibid., p. 354).

Stahl (2011, p. 46) suggests the use of interviews and observations rather than classical

questionnaires to understand epistemological beliefs of learners in detail. He also

recommends using a different theoretical perspective to interpret the results of research on

epistemological beliefs: epistemological judgmentsthat are “defined as learners’ judgments

of knowledge claims in relation to their beliefs about the nature of knowledge and

knowing.” (ibid., p. 38) See Rott, Leuders, & Stahl (submitted) for a more detailed analysis

of our research with regard to epistemological judgments.

3. Methodology

Following the recommendations of Stahl (2011) and Muis (2004) in a first step, we use

interviews to measure domain-specific (mathematics) epistemological beliefs. In a second

step-building on the analyses of these interviews – we develop an adaptive, web-based

questionnaire with the aim to identify epistemological beliefs effectively and reliably. In

the following, the first step will be described in detail.

3.1 Selection of the Subject – Matter – Exemplified by the “Certainty of

(Mathematical) Knowledge” To assess epistemological beliefs of mathematics in depth, we chose different key

questions from the philosophy of mathematics. This broad discipline provides us with a

rich background of subject-specific theoretical positions and arguments. As an example,

we looked into the key question ofcertainty of knowledge. This is one of the dimensions

Hofer and Pintrich (1997) proposed in their literature review of epistemological beliefs.

Likewise,certainty of mathematical knowledge is a deeply discussed topic from the

philosophy of mathematics. In the following, this very topic will be used to exemplify our

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research; other topics like the ontology of mathematical objects which are also dealt with in

our project will be discussed elsewhere.

In psychological research, certainty of knowledge can be summarized as follows:

“The degree to which one sees knowledge as fixed or more fluid appears throughout the

research, again with developmentalists likely to see this as a continuum that changes over

time, moving from a fixed to a more fluid view. At lower levels, absolute truth exists with

certainty. At higher levels, knowledge is tentative and evolving” (Hofer & Pintrich 1997,

p.119 f.).

Naïve manifestations of this dimension go along with the view of “knowledge as certain

and [the belief] that authorities have all the answers.” (Hofer & Pintrich 1997, p. 98)

Becoming more sophisticated, learners recognize that knowledge may be uncertain and that

authorities may possibly not know the truth. At even higher levels of sophistication,

knowledge is regarded as “uncertain and contextual, but it is now possible to coordinate

knowing and justification to draw conclusions across perspectives” (ibid, p. 101). Expert

authority is critically evaluated at this stage.

Looking into the area of mathematics and its philosophywith a historical perspective at

first, one can observe that knowledge was regarded as certain for a long time because of a

unique characteristic of mathematics: formal proofs and deductive reasoning with respect

to valid rules and axioms (cf. Hoffmann 2011, p. 1 ff.). Compared to other (natural)

sciences, mathematical knowledge does not depend on observations and experiments but

only on logical conclusions. Arner (1972, p. 116) points out that “[t]he historical

importance of mathematics as a paradigm of a priori truth needs no emphasis.” According

to Arner (ibid.) with the discovery of non-Euclidean geometries, all references to data and

applications were abandoned.

“Next it was demonstrated that not only geometry but other branches as well can be

developed by the deductive method, from a relatively few assumptions, and likewise

without reliance upon empirical data. As a result all pure mathematics is found to be

abstract, in the sense of being independent of any particular application. It was here [in

‘Principia Mathematica’ by Whitehead and Russel] proved that the initial assumptions of

mathematics can all be dispensed with, except the definitions. The truths of mathematics

follow merely from definitions which exhibit the meaning of its concepts, by purely logical

deduction. Judgment of such mathematical truth is, thus, completely and exclusively

analytic; no synthetic judgment, a priori or otherwise, is requisite to knowledge of pure

mathematics. The content of the subject consists entirely of the rigorous logical analysis of

abstract concepts, in entire independence of all data of sense or modes of intuition” (Arner

1972, p.117 f.)

The assumption of absolute certainty revealed several flaws in the more recent history

of mathematics: (I) In formal proofs, each conclusion can be drawn by rules of inference

relying on preceding sentences up until the axioms. But, it is impossible to justify these

axioms and the discovery of non-Euclidean geometries has shown that different

determinations can lead to divergent mathematics. (II) The finding of contradictory

derivations from axioms (Russell’s paradox, 1901) led to the attempt of establishing formal

rules of derivation and of finding a complete and consistent set of axioms by Russell

himself (“Principia Mathematica”), D.Hilbert and others. But, this attempt was doomed to

failure because of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems in 1931 that stated that any

sufficiently strong formal system cannot be both consistent and complete (cf. Hoffmann

2011, p. 52 ff.). (III) Mathematical knowledge is spread by publishing it in journals and to

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ensure the correctness of submitted proofs, mathematicians review each other’s

submissions. However, this review process cannot guarantee identifying all inaccuracies or

even incorrect parts that might be hidden in these proofs. Often, mathematical work is so

specialized that only a handful of experts is able to comprehend it and the history of

mathematics is full of examples of accepted proofs that were discovered to be wrong years

after their publication. (iv) Finally, a growing number of mathematical results are achieved

with the help of computers (e.g., the famous proof of the four-color theorem) and no

mathematician is able to verify them without trusting the machines as well as hoping for

error-free hard- and software (cf. Borwein & Devlin 2011, p. 8 ff.).

The discussion about the fundamentals of mathematics during the last century has led to

a panoply of different philosophical stances which coexist in the community of

mathematicians and even within single persons, since there is no way of proving the

validity of one position or another. As a foundation for our research, this wealth of

arguments is the basis for creating rich interview situations.

3.2 Development and Implementation of the Interviews Starting the interviews, we presented quotes of representatives of opposing

epistemological positions to the interviewees and asked them to relate themselves to these

statements. This proved to generate more insight into our subjects’ beliefs than direct

questioning (e.g., “Do you think that mathematical knowledge is certain?”), because this

way, our interviewees had different positions to refer to and got an impression of the

breadth of the argument. After this initial prompt, we asked further questions and

intervened with information contrary to the subjects’ positions to further identify their lines

of reasoning (see below).

During the first phase of data collection, we optimized our selection of quotes to start

the interviews with as well as the pursuing questions. For example, we added explicit

headlines to our quotes (“mathematical knowledge is certain /uncertain”, see Table 2)

instead of solely presenting the quotes to emphasize the two positions.Starting with only

one intervention for all students (“is mathematical knowledge really certain?”), we also

developed additional interventions for the various positions and reasons our interviewees

raised. From a methodological point of view, this can be seen as an application of

Grounded Theory (cf. Strauss & Corbin 1996), which postulates that the research design

should be developed further with respect to successively analyzed data.

Mathematical Knowledge is Certain

“In mathematics, knowledge is valid

forever. A theorem is never incorrect. In

contrast to all other sciences, knowledge

is accumulated in mathematics.

It is impossible, that a theorem that was

proven correctly will be wrong from a

future point of view. Each theorem is for


(Albrecht Beutelspacher) [2001, p.235;

translated by the first author]

Mathematical Knowledge is Uncertain

“The issue is […] whether mathematicians can

always be absolutely confident of the truth of

certain complex mathematical results.

With regard to some very complex issues, truth in

mathematics is that for which the vast majority of

the community believes it has compelling

arguments. And such truth may be fallible.

Serious mistakes are relatively rare, of course.”

(Alan H. Schoenfeld) [1994, p. 58 f.]

Table 2: Starting positions for “Certainty of Mathematical Knowledge”

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In our sample setting, the interview started like this: “These are two positions of

mathematicians regarding the certainty of mathematical knowledge. With which position

can you identify yourself? Please give reasons for your answer.” (See Table 2 for the two


Further questions were: “Can you explain your position on the basis of your own

mathematical experience?” and “Please compare the certainty of mathematical knowledge

to that of other sciences, for example to physical, linguistic, or educational knowledge.”

These questions proved to be helpful in revealing our interviewees’ content knowledge,

methodological knowledge, and ontological assumptions.

If a subject settled on “mathematical knowledge is certain”, we confronted him/her

with information about the scientific review process and the history of the Four Color

Theorem: In 1879, A. Kempe submitted a proof for this problem that was accepted by the

community of mathematicians, only to be shown to be false by P. Heawood eleven years

later (cf. Wilson 2002). The currently valid proof by Apple and Haken is so complicated

and so large (more than 400 pages) that no one can be sure of its correctness.

If a subject expressed that “mathematical knowledge is uncertain”, we gave him/her

additional information about deductive reasoning and presented an easy proof of the

Pythagorean Theorem. “How can a theorem like this one, with hundreds of proofs,

countless validations and practical applications be regarded as uncertain?”

4. Initial Results Interviewing university students of mathematics as well as professional mathematicians

and professors of mathematics, we can present the following first results /for more detailed

discussions of the following positions see Rott, Leuders, & Stahl (submitted)/:

We found several representatives of either “mathematical knowledge is certain” or

“mathematical knowledge is uncertain” as well as some interviewees that were undecided.

For both “certain” and “uncertain” we found participants that showed substantially

different argumentations due to their backgrounds.

For example, the student T.W. and the mathematician A.R. both chose “certain” for

their position. T.W., on the one hand, claimed: “How can there possibly be errors in

mathematics?” He mentioned the Pythagorean Theorem as an example of an everlasting

theorem and did not know about the mathematical review process (and its limitations)

before our intervention. A.R., on the other hand, was able to activate more content

knowledge in the form of Andrew Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem as well as the

Riemann Conjecture. His claim of certainty was based on the deductive way of reasoning

in mathematics. Even though he knew about possible flaws in the review process, A.R.

attributed this error not to mathematics: “Humans are fallible. There might be errors in

proofs which are accepted by many people. But when a theorem is proved correctly from

the axioms by formal rules of derivation then it will last for eternity.”

The same is true for the claim of “uncertainty” which was expressed by both the student

B.G. and by S.W., a professor of mathematics. Whereas B.G. could only rely on

fundamental conceptions (“I generally do not agree to statements referring to ‘ever’ or

‘never’”), S.W. used arguments referring to the review process as well as ontological

positions: “Mathematical knowledge cannot be definitely certain because that would imply

an infallible system of rules with an otherworldly justification. Mathematics would need a

justification outside of the human sphere and outside of the mathematical discourse, a

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realm that could be observed and described. That there is such a realm, such a sphere, I am

very skeptical about.”

5. Discussion and Future Research The analyses of the interviews show the breadth of arguments of the epistemological

question whether mathematical knowledge is certain or uncertain. There are naïve as well

as reflected representatives of both statements. This could be interpreted as a contradiction

to results from research on personal epistemology as “absolute truth exists with certainty”

is valid only for “lower levels” of sophistication (Hofer & Pintrich 1997, p.119 f.).

However, the example of A.R. shows that this position regarding to mathematical

knowledge can be held in reflected way.

For an interpretation of these interview data in the light of epistemological judgments,

please refer to Rott, Leuders, & Stahl (submitted).

As mentioned earlier, the data we collected and the experience we gained from the

interviews was used to elaborate a questionnaire to measure epistemological beliefs about

mathematics. Because of the known problems with common, paper-based questionnaires

(see “Methodological Issues”), we settled for a web-based questionnaire that is able to

adapt to the participants’ responses. If, for example, a participant answers “mathematical

knowledge is certain”, he will get the “Four Color Theorem” intervention but not the

“Pythagorean Theorem” intervention (see “Development and Implementation of the

Interviews”). The first field test of this questionnaire with about 100 pre-service teachers of

mathematics is scheduled for July 2013.

References: 1 Arner, Douglas G. (1972). Perception, Reason, and Knowledge – An Introduction to

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2 Beutelspacher, Albrecht (2001). Pasta all'infinito – Meine italienische Reise in die

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3 Borwein, Jonathan & Devlin, Keith (2011). Experimentelle Mathematik – Eine

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4 Buelens, Herman; Clement, Mieke;& Clarebout, Geraldine (2002). University assistants'

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12 Muis, Krista R. (2004). Personal Epistemology and Mathematics: A Critical Review and

Synthesis of Research. In Review of Educational Research 2004, 74 (3), pp. 317 – 377.

13 Qian, Gaoyin& Alvermann, Donna (1995). Role of epistemological beliefs and learned

helplessness in secondary school students' learning science concepts from text. InJournal of

Educational Psychology, 87(2), pp. 282 – 292.

14 Rott, Benjamin; Leuders, Timo; & Stahl, Elmar (submitted). Epistemological Judgments

in Mathematics: an Interview Study Regarding the Certainty of Mathematical Knowledge. To

appear in Proceedings of the 19th

MAVI-Conference, Freiburg 2013.

15 Schoenfeld, Alan H. (1994). Reflections on Doing and Teaching Mathematics (Chapter

3). In Schoenfeld, Alan H. (Ed.). Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving. Hillsdale, NJ:

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 53 – 69.

16 Schommer, Marlene (1990). Effects of Beliefs About the Nature of Knowledge

Comprehension. In Journal of Educational Psychology 1990, 82 (3), pp. 498 – 504.

17 Schommer, Marlene; Calvert, Christy;Gariglietti, Gianna;& Bajaj, Amit (1997). The

development of epistemological beliefs among secondary students: A longitudinal study.

InJournal of Educational Psychology, 89(1), pp. 37 – 40.

18 Stahl, Elmar (2011). The Generative Nature of Epistemological Judgments: focusing on

Interactions Instead of Elements to Understand the Relationship Between Epistemological

Beliefs and Cognitive Flexibility (Chapter 3). In Elen, Jan; Stahl, Elmar; Bromme, Rainer &

Clarebout, Geraldine (Eds.). Links Between Beliefs and Cognitive Flexibility – Lessons

Learned. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 37 – 60.

19 Strauss, Anselm L.& Corbin, Juliet M. (1996). Grounded Theory: Grundlagen

Qualitativer Sozialforschung. Weinheim: Beltz.

20 Tsai, Chin-Chung (1998). An analysis of scientific epistemological beliefs and learning

orientations of Taiwanese eight graders. InScience Education, 82(4), pp. 473 – 489.

21 Wilson, Robin (2002). Four Colors Suffice. Princeton University Press.

Schulze Heuling Lydia




It was in 1935 when Ludwik Fleck first published his book, “Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache” (“Genesis and development of a scientific

fact”, 1979). In this book, the recently rediscovered empiricist introduces “text book

knowledge” and “popular knowledge” which he distinguishes from “professional


Characteristic of the “text book” and “popular knowledge” sciences is the

presentation of facts, figures and theories in such a way that makes them appear simplified,

linear and interpolated. According to Fleck, “professional knowledge” (fachmännisches

Wissen) is passed through a process of simplifications and in this manner, turns into

“popular knowledge”. This means that the researchers’ everyday life tasks and routines,

dissonances and detours of scientific findings fade or even vanish. But beyond that, the

epistemological statuses of knowledge are no longer visible. If we follow this thesis, it is

31 Fleck, 1980 (1935), Seite 148

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not surprising that recent surveys of pupils’ beliefs about science diagnose misconceptions

regarding the generation and localisation of scientific findings.32

A similar situation can be

concluded for science teachers.33

In accordance to Ludwik Fleck’s postulate of” text book” and “popular knowledge”

science, it is proposed that these types of scientific knowledge as being the art of science

teachers’ encountered in almost every teacher training program. However, it is too short an

argument to explain these often called inadequate, pre-concepts linearly by the complexity

of the fields of research, e.g. the abstractness of modern physics or chemistry.

In contrast, deficits can be identified within teacher training, which very often orients

itself to canonical or habitual content matter. In most cases, our future teachers are asked

(in their training) to follow recipe-like tasks and instructions and are rarely introduced to

methodological reflections or aspects of the philosophy of science. Typically, our science

teachers are educated in sciences that appear static, coherent and linear. The dynamics,

discursive aspects, historicity and situativity being immanent to scientific undertakings are

no longer visible. Consequently can be concluded that future teachers and also teacher

educators receive a fact-based teaching training within their curriculum, but are not

sufficiently trained in methodology.

Research about meta- knowledge in the sciences Since the second half of the 20th century, educational research has drawn attention to

the importance of teaching meta-knowledge about science.34

Against this background, the

question of “What is the Nature of Science” has been brought forward by e.g. the recent

studies of Lederman35

or McComas36

. Moreover, current didactic and educational research

refers to philosophical reflections on methodology and theory, and also on science-

sociological discourse.37

Nevertheless, an elemental weakness of many studies concerning

the Nature of Science (NoS) is that in many cases, inadequate teacher concepts about NoS

are diagnosed without actually clarifying the underlying adequacy dispositive of the


Another phenomenon about educational research into meta-knowledge is the

variegated conceptualisations about NoS which, despite all differences, seem to share the

idea of creating a normative model for terminological clarification. While the question of

the necessity of one single normative model remains unclear, the science education

community appears to mourn “the lacquer of a standardised definition for adequate

understanding [of the Nature of Science] “.40

When in 1997 the educational philosopher

Brian Alters pled for an open discussion within the NoS discourse, his call for diversity was

rejected by leading NoS researchers.41

Other scientific communities have demonstrated

that it is possible to assume an alternative vision: Philosophers of science theory, science

historians, feminist academics and science sociologist present a broad spectrum of theories

32 Barke, Hazary & Yitbarek, 2009, and Gilbert & Watts, 1983 33 Simanek, D., 2008 34 See Litt, 1959 35 Lederman, 2007 36 McComas, 1998 37 See Kircher & Girwidz, 2006 and Kircher & Dittmer, 2004 38 Schulze Heuling, Nückles & Mikelskis-Seifert, 2013 39 A good collection of references for further investigative reading can be found in

Lederman, 1992 40 See Meichtry, 1993, p. 436 41 Smith et al., 1997

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and models which might also encourage educational researchers to move towards a

pluralistic discussion within the Nature of Science debate, allowing coexistence between

different approaches.42,43

Another question that should be brought forth within this scope of

this discussion is about how teachers construct their individual Notion about Science.

Nancy Brickhouse44

showed in a case study of six teachers that physics teachers possess

implicit concepts about the Nature of Science. The project presented in this essay, however,

aims to provide a complementary, descriptive approach to how physics teachers construct

sense into science. Instead of starting from a normative model, a bottom up approach is

used that begins with descriptive interview analyses. Consequently, this study refers to the

term Notions about Science to separate from Nature of Science.

The present interview study aims to elicit Physics teachers’ Notions about Science and

to describe a taxonomy of physics teachers Notions about Science.45

We oriented ourselves

along a taxonomic approach lent from instructional research. According to the

methodological approach described in the MoI-taxonomy of Peter Baumgartner, the

explorative and descriptive analysis conserves didactical diversity and empirical


An interview study towards the understanding of “sense making" in science teaching

The interview survey was conducted in order to understand in which way an individual

physics teacher, as a representative of science, constitutes her or his notion about physics.

The advantage of such an interview study is not only that it is free of a normative

dispositive but that it does not impose something in a teacher’s mind, which is not there in

the first place. The guided interviews were structured to serve different study projects; so

that not every question is consistent with the aims of the project described in this essay.47

However, the teachers were asked to answer questions about how to explain what science

is, which basic concepts and methodological perspectives they think are of general

importance; are important for pupils to learn or which of these they teach in class.

According to the scope of this research, it is necessary to understand how, in each

individual case, the scientific understanding is constituted. Therefore, it is important to

understand at what level of thought a statement is based.48

In the very first step, the basic

sensing, the material is screened in its entirety. In working with interview material that has

been collected in connection with another study; the second step is the reduction of the

material on contextually relevant passages.49

In the next step, the segmentation, interview

segments for coding are determined. It is important that the individual segments do not fall

below a certain size (grain size) so that the idea unit is kept as a hole. On the other hand,

42 The symposium on the structure of scientific theories organised by Frederic Suppe in

1977 gives an example for formats of exchange between science philosophers. See Suppe,

1978. 43 Another important example which provides sources of pluralistic views on science is

provided by Carolin Merchant in the discussions that followed her book. In her classic “The

death of nature” Merchant explores a feminist perspective on the history of modern science.

See Merchant, 1980 and Park, 2006. 44 Brickhouse, 1990 45 The following account is based on my article „Myth and Measure“. 46 Baumgartner, 2011 47 All interview data has been kindly provided by Professors Reinders Duit and Peter

Labudde. See Tesch & Duit, 2004 and Bruggmann, 2011 48 See Suppe, 1968 49 Simon & Simon, 1978

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the correspondence with the leading research question needs to be ensured. Another task to

segmentation is that explicit or implicit meanings are conserved and carved out.50


higher the grade of latent or implicit information about the issue, the higher the sensitivity

and awareness to the process of segmentation has to be. However confronting the work in

segments challenges and exposes the researchers to complex material holding information

on and between the different levels of local descriptions and broader structures.51


the subsequent analysis, the interview segments are grouped and structured. Thereby the

structure might change several times. Gradually, the types, or sub- categories, take on a

clearer shape so that at the end, the various intermediate levels integrate into a coherent

overall picture, each one depicting a characteristic Notion about Science as a part of a

category system. Concrete passages of the segments are now going to function as

prototypical segments (anchors). Anchors help describe and define the sub- categories.

They also may be used for e.g. inter-coder reliability tests of a category system. The

following represents two typical cases followed by an overall descriptive summary.

Example one We are going to have a closer look at the content of a typical physics teacher interview.

The central message of this physics teacher, hereinafter called teacher number 1 (TN1), is

that from fundamental physics; all other sciences can be deducted in terms of methodology

as well as history.

It's about physical quantities. The mathematicians only help us. This is nothing but an

auxiliary science to physics itself. And all other natural sciences are then classified

utilizing physics as the frame of reference. Biology is only concerned about some of the

questions raised within physics and chemistry and again raises questions a bit different

from Biology. So I try to put an emphasis on physics.52

For one thing, the reason why TN1 sees physics as the prototype of a natural science

lies in the particular area of interest. However, what is even more important for the

teacher’s argumentation is the history of science which shows proof of the vast background

of our teacher’s personal history knowledge (Personengeschichte). With the help of

personal history, TN1 highlights the importance and power of physics: Physicians are

thorough workers with creative minds. They invented powerful theories, developed the

technology our recent society is built on, were ahead of their time or at least had to suffer

from zeitgeist. This argument is illustrated in abbreviated versions of the lives of Newton,

Galileo and Guericke. Furthermore, explaining the crucial experiments of each physicist

extends the presentation. TN1 does not only present profound, historical background

knowledge; there is the inclusion of arguments, examples, and experimental sketches; as

such, TN1 integrates his inner argumentative structure of scientific processes into the

explanation. For example, Galileo’s drop tests: TN1 explains the scientific results of

Galileo’s drop tests and illustrates at the same time the nature of the “scientific method” as

a chronological order of the following instances: 1) clarification of model, 2) research

hypothesis, 3) experimental setup and 4) measurement and interpretation. This background

50 Chi, 1997 51 Kaufmann, 1996 52 „Wir sind in der Physik. Es geht um physikalische Größen. Die Mathematiker helfen uns nur. Das ist ja

nur eine Hilfswissenschaft für die Physik selber. Und alle anderen Wissenschaften in der Natur sind

irgendwo dann mit einzuordnen. Biologie kümmert sich nur um einen Teil und die Chemie wieder um ein

bisschen was anderes. Also ich versuche die Physik da schon ein wenig herauszuheben.“

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reflects on the goals TN1 formulates for his physics classes: In school, it is of great

importance to teach and learn the subjects defined by the canonical requirements. If

classroom contents are taught through experiment, hands on experiments are distinguished

from demo experiments conducted by the teacher in front of the class. Hands on

experiments comprise simple setups and lists of measurements to be taken by the pupils.

Analysis of generated data serves to either prove hypothesis or to confirm something

already known. Generally, the way canonical contents have to be taught is one that allows

pupils to reconnect with their life and experiences outside classrooms. This is not only of

importance for sustainable learning but for the ability to have a say in discussions. To

summarise, the scientific notion of TN1 embraces aspects of positivistic methodology,

science history and socio-political dimensions.

Example two

When dealing with ontological issues concerning science, teacher 2 (TN2) refrains from

explaining personal views. TN2 puts more emphasis on explaining what pupils should

learn about physics in school. One central claim is to allot physics its own significance

amongst the school subjects. Whilst on the one hand, TN2 proposes to stronger demarcate

physics from other subject matters, the teacher concurrently complains about how little

effort is put into interdisciplinary teaching.

Image 1: Collection of historical experimental devices

(photo: Reuther & Heuling, 2012)

Overtly, TN2 exhibits opposing opinion on the subject content and teaching techniques.

In a later segment of the interview, the teacher confirms the ambiguity of his position. This

is when TN2 repeatedly claims interdisciplinary teaching and how other school subjects

can, and actually should, relate to Physics subject. TN2 illustrates this by the intersecting

example of colour mixing. Colour mixing is taught in art and physics classes in different

ways and with different focuses, which could be linked. When asked which techniques

precisely TN2 utilises to teach subject matter beyond pure physics content knowledge, the

teacher gives one long, intricate, dissonant but relatively simple answer: Teaching is

strongly restricted by the syllabus, and as a teacher, the syllabus is the most important

guide for teaching. This answer confirms the previous supposition about TN2 holding

ambiguous or at least fragmented notions about the school subject of physics. Although

TN2 sadly does not answer the actual question, the teacher gives us information about key

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aspects of lessons. In order to ensure successful learning, the most important thing in class

is repetition. What TN2 wants to be repeated over and over again are models and

measurement errors.

I take different, simple phenomena and approach them with the methods of physics. For

example, how one generally designs the experiment and what one has to consider. How

one creates - for example, a model of solar darkness for the lab, on a small scale; and, then,

in the experiments as one observes, how to collect these observations. Evaluation, for

example, like handling measuring mistakes et cetera - in class, these physics methods are

practised repeatedly. To see that natural sciences are those which observe completely with

their own methods, purely observation, models, experiments et cetera. And that this already

reaches my pupils heads, so that physics already gets its own value.53

The above quote holds a description of Physics subject issues TN2 wants transmitted in

schools. Beyond that, the last sentence “that this already reaches my pupils heads, so that

physics already gets its own value” suggests that the above mentioned aspects of physics

refer to aspects of physics as a natural science. According to that argument, physics as a

natural science is characterised by a) phenomena, b) models c) experiments and d)

measurement including error analysis. It is the task of schools and science education to

cover in their teaching the basal aspects of scientific standards.

Comparison between the two presented interviews Let’s have a look in which ways TN1’s notion about science bears resemblance to

TN2’s notions and where differences lie. For both teachers, physics as a natural science

bears certain fundamental characteristics. Common characteristics for TN1 and TN2 are

models, experiments or experimental setups, measurements followed by analysis and

interpretation of data. r, Furthermore, both teachers agree on the same chronological order

of these elements within the scientific process. However, as a closer look at the differences

will now show, these commonalities are located at the level of structural order from which

it should not be deduced that we are dealing with two, more or less identical Notions about


For TN1, a researcher encounters the material of interest for the first time in the

experiment according to the scientific method, which is the chronological order of the

above listed core- characteristics. Nevertheless, an experiment implies, first of all, that the

observers’ view is already restricted to some research hermeneutics and implies

furthermore a manipulated, lab- suitable condition of the material of interest. In contrast to

this, according to TN2, the progression of the scientific steps commences with the

phenomenon (from Greek: φαινόμενoν). A phenomenon is an occurrence, an appearance

we experience. It is something we notice with our senses, something that can happen

without human intervention. A phenomenon, in contrast to an experiment, is something we

can describe but it is first of all, free of interpretation. The next aspect TN2 emphasizes

53„Das man einfach verschiedene Phänomene mal aufgreift und dann versucht mit den Methoden der

Physik an die Phänomene ranzugehen. Also dies, zum Beispiel, wie man überhaupt das Experiment

aufbaut und was man da berücksichtigen muss und wie man das, zum Beispiel ein Modell der

Sonnenfinsternis auf so einem kleinen Maßstab nachbaut, wie man experimentiert. Dass man diese

Methoden immer wieder wiederholt und anwendet. Wie man diese Beobachtungen sammelt, auswertet.

Zum Beispiel wie man mit Messfehlern umgeht. Dass es eben eine Naturwissenschaft ist, die mit ganz

eigenen Methoden, eben das Beobachten, Experimentieren und so weiter, dass das schon in die Köpfe

gelangt. Dass die Physik schon einen eigenen Stellenwert bekommt.“

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stronger than TN1 is the physical model. A model develops out of collected observations.

Humans create models whereas TN1 regards a model as an issue concerning the frame of

reference for a given experiment. The idea that scientific knowledge and practices possess

a history is something only TN1 refers to- extensively and literately. Which other aspects

serve physics teachers to construct sense into science? What follows is a summary of the


Summary and discussion

Let’s summarise the findings of all interviews. These are best presented in three units:

Firstly, all teachers differentiate between physics as a research discipline and physics as

a school subject. This occurs in explicit confines or, which is mostly the case, by

considering only one possible perspective. For school physics, models are distinguished

from experiments and related to learning goals. Models function either as predictive or

explanatory models, whereas experiments done by the teacher serve as demonstration or

proof. Student and teacher experiments are mostly of a reproductive nature and are meant

to enrich the scholars’ experiences.

Secondly, some teachers talk in a way as to almost akin physics to the awe of a

religious cult. At the same time, the core reference that should be rendered homage varies.

For some teachers, it lies in the combination of ingenuity, creativity and inventiveness of

the researching individuals with the something is particular to physics that makes them

shout, “Eureka!” Others outline that nature itself is the mystery, but it is the power of

science to uncover nature. This power of science is highlighted, in fact praised, by some

teachers. Then, there is a third group underlining the magic of historical events and crucial

experiments, focussing on stories, rather than scientific methodologies, so that myths of

scientific findings and invention are told like the parables from the bible.

Thirdly, some teachers are true methodologists, describing the necessity and strength of

strong methodological practices, which are oriented along experimental practices. There

are many positivist thinkers among the experiment-emphasising physics teachers, putting

forward the fallibility of facts by experiments. Interestingly, our interview analysis

suggests that this type of a scientific notion corresponds with authoritarian methods of


Furthermore, three different focuses for procuring issues about philosophy of science in

the classroom can be identified in the interviews. Teachers belonging to type one attach

importance to discovery, hands on experiments and technical aspects of experimental

practices. The second type emphasises the importance of measurement and calculations.

Next, a minority, but firmly assured in their views, are teachers who see the beginning of

imparting philosophical issues in physics by starting from physical models as e.g. the mass

point or the atomic model. However, it does not depend on one of the three focuses

whether a teacher chooses personal history, history of ideas, philosophical texts or

reflections or other philosophical issues as additional class content.

The aim of the study introduced is to describe physics teachers Notions about Science

with the objective of describing a taxonomy concerning Notions about Science. Extended

analysis of the interview material delivered four such specific notions relating to scientific

issues as scientific processes, recognitions, predictions and findings. Analogous to the

Notions about Science, taxonomy about methods of instruction in physics classes has been

developed to gain insight into the interdependencies between Notions about Science and

Methods of Instruction, a large scale questionnaire survey is in the planning.

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However, given the consensus of the necessity to integrate aspects of meta-knowledge

into the science curriculum, we have to ask what we can deduced from the results of this

interview study and applied to the new curriculum development endeavours. The interview

study revealed a broad spectrum of teachers’ knowledge inventory about meta-aspects of

science, and physics in particular. This affects multidisciplinary knowledge as well as inner

consistency of meta- conceptual constructions about science. However, it is notable that the

interviewed teachers also, beyond physics content knowledge, referred only to male

individuals or masculine interpretations of science. It seems that female scientists,

regardless of profession or age, and alternative readings of scientific structures or

collectives do not yet occupy space in the canonical syllabuses and curricula.

References 1 Alters B.J. Whose nature of science? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34,39-55,


2 Barke H.-D., Hazari A., Yitbarek S. (eds.) Misconceptions in Chemistry. Springer, Berlin,


3 Baumgartner P. Taxonomie von Unterrichtsmethoden. Waxmann, Münster 2011

4 Brickhouse N.: Teachers' Beliefs About the Nature of Science and Their Relationship to

Classroom Practice. Journal of Teacher Education 41(3) pp.53‐62, 1990.

5 Bruggmann M. Innere Differenzierung im Physikunterricht. Eine multimethodische

Analyse von Lehr-Lern-Überzeugungen und unterrichtlichem Handeln. Dissertation, Basel,


6 Chi M.T.H. Quantifying qualitative Analyses of Verbal Data: A Practical Guide. The

Journal of the learning sciences, 6(3), 271-315, 1997.

7 Fleck L. Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache. Suhrkamp,

Frankfurt/Main, 1980 (1935), p. 148.

8 Fleck L.: Genesis and development of a scientific fact. The University of Chicago Press,

Chicago 1979

9 Giesen B. /Schmid M. Basale Soziologie: Wissenschaftstheorie. Opladen: Westdeutscher

Verlag, 1977.

10 Gilbert J.K., Watts D.M. Concepts, Misconceptions and Alternative Conceptions:

Changing Perspectives in Science Education. Studies in Science Education 10(1), 1983.

11 Kircher E., Dittmer A. Lehren und lernen über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften – ein

Überblick. In Hössle, C., Höttecke, D., Kircher, E. (eds.): Lehren und lernen über die Natur der

Naturwissenschaften. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler, 2004.

12 Kircher E., Girwidz R. Physikdidaktik. Theorie und Praxis. Berlin: Springer, 2006.

13 Kaufmann J.‐C. L'entretien compréhensif. Paris: Nathan, 1996.

14 Lederman N.G. Students’ and teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science: A review of

the research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, pp.331–359, 1992.

15 Lederman N.G. Nature of science: Past, present, and future. In S.K. Abell, & N.G.

Lederman, (eds.), Handbook of research in science education (pp 831-879). Mahwah, New

Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 2007.

16 Litt T. Naturwissenschaft und Menschenbildung. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1959

17 McComas W., Almazroa H.: The Nature of Science in Science Education: An

Introduction. Science and Education 7, pp.511-532, 1998.

18 Meichtry Y. The impact of science curricula on student views about the nature of

science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 30(5): pp.429-443, 1993.

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19 Merchant C. The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution San

Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980.

20 Park K. Women, gender, and utopia: The Death of Nature and the historiography of early

modern science. Isis 97(3), pp.487-495, 2006.

21 Schulze Heuling L., Nückles M. & Mikelskis-Seifert, S.: Wissenschaftsverständnis und

Lehr-Lernmethoden - Eine explorative Studie anhand der Physik. In S. Bernholt (Hrsg.),

Inquiry-based Learning - Forschendes Lernen. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und

Physik, Jahrestagung in Hannover 2012 (pp.404-406). Kiel: IPN, 2013.

22 Schulze Heuling L. Myth and Measure. How physics teachers conceptualise Notions

about Physics. In Garland, P. (ed.), Education Research Methodologies in a European Context.

Sheffield Hallam University Papers in Education, Sheffield: SHU Press, 2013 forthcoming.

23 Simanek D.E. Didaktikogenic Physics Misconceptions. Student misconceptions induced

by teachers and textbooks. Lock Haven University 2008, http://www.lhup.

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24 Simon D.P., Simon H.A. Individual differences in solving physics problems. In Siegler,

R. (Ed.), Children’s thinking: What develops? Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,

325-348, 1978.

25 Smith M.U., Lederman N.G., Bell R.L., McComas W.F., & Clough, M.P. How great is

the disagreement about the nature of science: A response to Alters. Journal of Research in

Science Teaching, 34, 1101-1103, 1997.

26 Suppe F. (ed.): The Structure of Scientific Theories, Champaign, University of Illinois

Press, 1978.

27 Suppe P. The desirability of formalization in science. The Journal of Philosophy 65, pp.

651-664, 1968.

28 Tesch M., & Duit R. Experimentieren im Physikunterricht – Ergebnisse einer

Videostudie. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 10, pp.51‐69, 2004.

Kramer Tim, Stahl Elmar



1. Conjoint analysis Conjoint analysis is a popular quantitative technique in market research (e.g., Orme,

2010), but its usage is not widespread in educational research. This technique asks

respondents to rate, rank, or choose among multiple products, features or services. The

word conjoint comes is thought to come from the idea that respondents are asked to trade

off product characteristics ‘CONsidered JOINTly’. This is a useful mnemonic and an

accurate depiction, but “the word ‘conjoint’ actually means “joined together or conjoined”

(Orme, 2010, 152).

For conjoint analysis, respondents typically consider their preferences of whole product

concepts described on more than one attribute level (characteristics such as brand, color,

size, or price). Researchers vary the appearance of attribute levels in the product profiles so

that the unique contributions of each level can be estimated independently. Statistical

methods are used to deduce customers’ preferences.

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Market academic Paul Green recognized that conjoint measurement could be applied to

marketing and business problems in 1971; he used a full-profile, card-sort conjoint


To describe conjoint analysis in more detail, humans employ a variety of heuristics

when evaluating product alternatives. Many products are made up of a dizzying array of

features (e.g., laptops, cell phones, or insurance policies), while some are more

straightforward (e.g., coffee products or bicycle tubes) and are mainly differentiated by

brand, packaging, and price. Market research uses conjoint (or trade-off) analysis to predict

which product consumers will buy when faced with a variety of product characteristics or

designs. Accordingly, rather than using their own intuition, the recommendations of

design engineers, or looking to competitors to indicate what already works, they use

conjoint analysis to research product features that costumers prefer (Orme, 2010).

2. From investigating epistemic beliefs to the generative nature of epistemological


Before we apply conjoint analysis to investigate epistemic judgments, we will present

background information on general and recent developments in research on epistemic

beliefs and judgments.

2.1 Why investigate epistemological judgments? A sophisticated understanding of science is an important base for actively taking part in

a modern science- and technology-based society (e.g., Bromme, 2005). However, several

empirical studies show that many students (of all ages) generally exhibit naïve and

unrealistic scientific knowledge (e.g., Buelens, Clement & Clarebout, 2002; Hofer, 2004).

Furthermore, numerous studies show that sophisticated epistemic beliefs co-occur with

appropriate learning processes and better learning results (e.g., Schommer, 1993;

Trautwein & Lüdke, 2007). Epistemological beliefs are thus meaningful predictors and

learning goals in school and university education.

2.2 Research on epistemological beliefs

Epistemology is an area of philosophy concerned with the nature and justification of

human knowledge. Educational research in this field focuses on how individuals come to

know the theories and beliefs regarding the knowledge that they have developed, as well as

the manner in which such epistemological beliefs are part of and influence the cognitive

processes of thinking and reasoning (Hofer & Pintrich, 1997).

The term épistemologie génétique was introduced by Piaget (1950) in educational

research and describes his theory of intellectual development. At approximately the same

time, Perry (1970) investigated how students interpret pluralistic educational experiences at

Harvard and developed a stage-model of epistemological development in college students.

In their review of epistemological models, Hofer & Pintrich (1997) sum up two main

lines of research interests: Perry (1970), Belenky et al. (1986) and Baxter Magolda (1987)

have been largely interested in how individuals interpret their educational experiences.

Because Perry’s previously examined sample included only males, Belenky examined an

exclusively female sample and Baxter Magolda, intrigued by gender effects, and

investigated similar concerns for both men and women.

The second line of researchers is more interested in how epistemological beliefs

influence thinking and reasoning processes. They focus on reflective judgment (e.g., King

& Kitchener, 1994) and skills of argumentation (e.g. Kuhn, 1993).

Conceptual epistemological frameworks can also be split into groups of (a)

developmental models, (b) epistemological beliefs as moderately independent dimensions,

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(c) Hofer & Pintrichs' Model of Epistemological Theories, and (d) Hammer and Elbys'

Model of Epistemological Resources. The Generative nature of Epistemological Judgments

can be considered as a fifth approach, which will be introduced in section 2.2 and used as a

framework for applying ideas of conjoint analysis.

Developmental models describe changes in beliefs regarding knowledge and knowing

over time. They focus on different epistemological belief dimensions: Perry (1970)

developed a Scheme of Intellectual and Ethical Development; Belenky et al. (1986)

developed the Women´s Ways of Knowing Model; Baxter Magolda (1992) the gender-

specific Model of Epistemological Reflection; King & Kitchener (1994) the Reflective

Judgment Model and Kuhn (1991) the Model of Epistemological Thinking. All models

articulate ideas of developments or stages, including dualistic, multiplistic or relativistic

points of view.

Schommer (1990) presented epistemological beliefs as moderately independent

dimensions. It contrasts the uni-dimensionality and fixed stages of the developmental

models. She proposed a system of five more or less independent dimensions since it cannot

be assumed that these beliefs mature in synchrony. The five dimensions are hypothesized

as structure, certainty, source of knowledge, and control and speed of knowledge


Hofer and Pintrich (1997) proposed the Model of Epistemological Theories, which

describes personal epistemology in two categories:

– Nature of knowledge (with theories about certainty of knowledge and theories

about the simplicity of knowledge)

– Nature of knowing (with theories about the source of knowledge and the

justification of knowledge)

These four dimensions separate the Model of Epistemological Theories from

developmental models, which promote one-dimensional development, and integrate ideas

of Schommer’s model. Hofer & Pintrich (1997) state that these four dimensions are linked

to each other and do not exist independently of each other.

In significant contrast to previous models is Hammer and Elbys’ proposal of

epistemological resources (2002). In contrast to the earlier models focusing on the

discrepancy between naïve and sophisticated beliefs, Hammer and Elbys’ model describes

personal epistemologies as a set of cognitive resources that exist in all humans, which can

be activated by varying the instructional context of the learning environment. They

describe personal epistemologies as fine-grained, cognitive resources which are highly

sensitive to and dependent on the contexts in which they are invoked.

2.2 The generative nature of epistemological judgments

As a theoretical framework for using conjoint analysis to measure epistemological

judgments, we will now describe the idea of the generative nature of epistemological

judgments (Bromme, Kienhues & Stahl, 2008; Stahl 2011).

A main interest of this approach is not to examine some kind of “abstract” epistemic

belief, but to understand the process of how a concrete epistemological judgment of a

“knowledge claim” in a certain learning situation is justified.

The main assumption is that we are always measuring epistemological judgments in our

questionnaires and not “abstract” epistemic beliefs. These judgments may result from

activation of different cognitive elements used to judge the content.

The approach is in line with recent developments in research examining

epistemological beliefs. In the early stages of research, epistemic beliefs were seen as

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general and rather stable and develop from more “naive” to more “sophisticated” beliefs; a

stage-like development was proposed as described in section 2.1 of this article. Recently,

the existence of discipline-related beliefs was confirmed empirically; context-dependency

was examined, and therefore, applied epistemic beliefs or so-called “epistemologies in

action” have been studied. Approaches such as those of Hammer and Elbys’ (2002)

epistemic resources attempt to explain such context-dependency.

Consequently, flexibility and contextualization are currently seen as increasingly

important for understanding the effects of epistemological beliefs. More generally, the

approach is also in line with theories of educational psychology. Many examples

acknowledging flexibility/contextualization are available: e.g., Schank (1982) dropped the

idea of relative stable schemata in favor of memory organization packets (MOPs), small

cognitive units that can be combined in relation to the affordances of a specific context.

Barsalou (1987) presented evidence that concepts are unstable and change as a function of

context. Kintsch (1998) revised his model of text-comprehension to the CI-Model, which

explains how the cognitive system is responds to changing contextual demand. All of the

models explain the flexibility of the cognitive system based on continuous interactions

between different cognitive elements.

Epistemological judgments Thus, what are possible cognitive elements that can be used to generate an

epistemological judgment?

Epistemic beliefs about simplicity,

certainty, source, justification on a

general, discipline-related and

topic-related level

- Contextual cues

- Personal Experience

- Ontological assumptions

- Content/topic knowledge

- Knowledge about scientific methods

- Faith

- Tradition

- Success

- Religious


- Reason

e.g., Schommer, 1990;

Hofer & Pintrich, 1997 Stahl, 2011



Epistemological judgments

To summarize the approach used in the generative nature of epistemological judgments,

it is assumed that different cognitive elements can be activated to justify an epistemic

judgment. Each of these possible sources can include elements that are elaborated or

stereotyped; the activation of such cognitive elements can be automatic or conscious. The

elements either interact and complement or compete with each other.

Therefore, this approach is less well-defined but allows for higher flexibility or

contextual analysis, which is appropriate for examining applied epistemological beliefs.

3. Investigating epistemological judgments of biology teachers and primary school

science teachers in different German school types

In our ongoing study, we are using conjoint analysis. In this section, we present the

concept and some impressions from our study.

In our research, we compare teachers from different types of German schools.

Currently, different types of schools in Germany based on the idea that children with

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practical talents attend the “Hauptschule”, “intellectual children” attend the “Gymnasium”,

and half-intellectually and half-practically oriented children attend the “Realschule”. The

means of becoming a teacher in one of these school types differ greatly. To become a

teacher for a primary school or Hauptschule, one must have a background in general

education and pedagogical content knowledge. To become a teacher for Gymnasium,

training is subject-specific, for example, biology. Empirical results of systematically

comparing the epistemological beliefs or judgments of these different German teacher

groups (Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule, and Grundschule) are unknown to the

authors of this article. Most empirical findings come from other European or American

countries and may not be comparable with the German school system (e.g., Haerle &

Bendixen, 2008).

We are interested in how teachers justify their knowledge or argue within their

judgments. Because teachers study under different majors (education or biology) to

become a biology teacher, they may have different epistemological beliefs/arguments or a

different concept of the nature of science.

We have completed a qualitative component of the study involving semi-structured

interviews. Based on these results, we will develop an online-survey for the quantitative

component of our project; at this point, conjoint analysis will be used.

4. Measuring epistemological judgments using conjoint analysis

Conjoint analysis assumes that customers use an internal and subconscious additive

point system to evaluate the overall attractiveness of the offer. The approach of the

Generative Nature of epistemological judgments assumes that individuals use different

cognitive elements to evaluate controversial knowledge statements. To evaluate product

alternatives, humans employ a variety of heuristics. For an epistemic judgment, humans

activate a variety of cognitive units. Given these parallels, epistemic judgments can be

measured in a similar manner as used in market research.

For software-based conjoint analysis, special software such as Sawtooth SSI Web is

offered commercially. However, free tools are also available, such as the free software

oFB/SoSci Survey (Leiner, 2013). This program generates profiles of controversial topics

by picking statements from collected examples of attributes that are placed in urns.

We will present examples for different cognitive elements. To evaluate our qualitative

component, we noticed that it is not easy to separate the different groups of elements from

each other. Thus, they are summed into four major groups: reasoning & gut feeling;

methodological scientific knowledge; context & topic knowledge; personal experience.

Below are examples from the three major groups of how respondents reacted to the

following text:

If you treat the nightshade plant potato wrong, it will become seriously toxic. To defeat

and resist harmful organisms, it develops natural poisons such as glycoalkaloid solanine.

This toxin affects the nervous system, causing weakness and confusion and can lead to


Stern, German weekly magazine.

Gut Feelings & Reason:

– I don’t believe that neon light makes potatoes harmful to your health.

– I can’t judge how poisonous potato skin is right now without further research, but I

am sure if it was seriously dangerous, this would be common knowledge.

Context & Topic knowledge:

– It’s the opposite: Potato skin is healthy; it contains a lot of fiber.

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– In high doses, natural poison is dangerous; that’s for sure.

Personal Experience:

– I enjoy potatoes with the skin and will continue to do so. I never got diarrhea or

stomach pains from it.

– I am still alive and I always eat my potatoes with the skin. So they don’t seem

harmful to me.

For an example of the urns oFB/SoSci Survey uses, we fill two urns with statements

from cognitive elements used:

Urn 1

I don’t believe that neon light makes potatoes harmful to your health.

It’s the opposite: Potato skin is healthy; it contains a lot of fiber.

I enjoy potatoes with the skin and will continue to do so. I never got diarrhea or stomach

pains from it.

Urn 2

I can’t judge how poisonous potato skin is right now without further research, but I am sure if

it was seriously dangerous, this would be common knowledge.

In high doses natural poison is dangerous, that’s for sure.

I am still alive and I always eat my potatoes with the skin. So they don’t seem harmful to me.

To build a profile, the software picks randomized statements from urns 1 and 2.

Between the statements, the program adds an “Anyhow:” to link the statements in an

appropriate manner.

Thus, the respondents of the online survey see choices such as those shown below:

Please read the following text from the German magazine, Stern.

If you treat the nightshade plant potato wrong, it will become seriously toxic. To defeat

and resist harmful organisms, it develops natural poisons as the glycoalkaloid solanine.

This toxin affects the nervous system, causing weakness and confusion and can lead to


Stern, German weekly magazine

Which of the following comments is most likely to represent your own thoughts?

I don’t believe that neon

light makes potatoes

harmful to your health.

Anyhow: In high doses

natural poison is

dangerous, that’s for sure.

It’s the opposite: Potato

skin is healthy; it contains

a lot of fiber. Anyhow: I

am still alive and I always

eat my potatoes with the

skin. So they don’t seem

harmful to me.

I enjoy potatoes with the

skin and will continue to do

so. I never got diarrhea or

stomach pains from it.

Anyhow: I can’t judge how

poisonous potato skin is

right now without further

research, but I am sure if it

was seriously dangerous,

this would be common


None of them nearly

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represents my thoughts

about it.

Of course, these ideas of measuring epistemological judgments with conjoint analysis

must be explicitly tested in empirical research. Our next step include creating a test with

many more items and run pre-tests in order to ensure a valid instrument.

References: 1 Barsalou L. W. The instability of graded structure: Implications for the nature of concepts.

In U. Neisser (Ed.), Concepts and conceptual development: Ecological and intellectual factors

in categorization (pp. 101-140). Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1987.

2 Bromme R. Thinking and knowing about knowledge: A plea for and critical remarks on

psychological reserch programs on epistemological beliefs. In: J. Lenhard, M. Hoffmann & F.

Seeger (Hrsg.), Activity and Sign – Grounding Mathematics Education (S. 191-201). Dordrecht

(Kluwer) 2005.

3 Bromme R., Kienhues D., & Stahl, E. Knowledge and epistemological beliefs: An

intimate but complicate relationship. In: M. S. Khine (Ed.), Knowing, Knowledge, and Beliefs:

Epistemological Studies Across Diverse Cultures (p. 423 - 444), New York (Springer) 2008.

4 Buelens H., Clement M. & Clarebout G. University assistants´conceptions of knowledge,

learning and instruction. Research in education, 67, 44-57, 2002.

5 Debreu G. Topological methods in cardinal utility theory. In Arrow, K.J.; Karlin, S.;

Suppes P. Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences, 16-26, Stanford (Stanford University

Press) 1960.

6 Hammer D. & Elby A. On the Form of a Personal Epistemology. In: B. K. Hofer and P. R.

Pintrich, (Eds.) Personal Epistemolgy: The Psychology of Beliefs about Knowledge and

Knowing, 169-190, Mahwah (Erlbaum) 2002.

7 Haerle F.C. & Bendixen L.B. Personal epistemology in elementary classrooms: A

conceptual comparison of Germany and the United States and a guide for cross-cultural

research. In: M. S. Khine (Hrsg.). Knowing, knowledge and beliefs. Epistemological studies

across diverse cultures (S. 151.176). New York (Springer) 2008.

8 Hofer B.K. & Pintrich P.R. The Development of Epistemological Theories: Beliefs About

Knowledge and Knowing and Their Relation to Learning. Review of Educational Research, 67

(1), 88-140, 1997.

9 Hofer B. K. Epistemological Understanding as a Metacognitive Process: Thinking Aloud

During Online Searching. Educational Psychologist, 39 (1), 43-55, 2001.

10 Kintsch W. Comprehension: A paradigma for cognition. New York (Cambridge

University Press) 1998.

11 Kitchener R.F. Personal Epistemology and Philosophical Epistemology: The View of a

Philosopher. In.: J.Elen, E.Stahl, R.Bromme & G.Clarebout (Eds.): Links between beliefs and

cognitive flexibility: lessons learned, 79-104, New York (Springer) 2011.

12 Kuhn D. The skills of argument. Camebridge (Camb. University Press) 1991.

13 Leiner D.J. SoSci Survey (Version 2.3.03) [Computer Software]. Available from

https://www.soscisurvey.de (2013).

14 Luce R.D. & Tukey J.W. Simultaneous conjoint measurement: a new scale type of

fundamental measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1 (1): 1–27, 1964

15 Orme Bryan K. Getting Started with Conjoint Analysis. Strategies for Product Design

and Pricing Research. Madison (Research Publishers LLC) 2010.

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16 Perry, W.G.Jr. Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years: A

scheme. New York (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) 1970

17 Piaget J. Introduction a l´épistemologie génétique. I. La pensée mathématique, II. La

pensée physique, III. La pensée biologique, la pensée psychologique et la pensée sociologique.

Paris ( Presses Univ. de France) 1950

18 Schank R.C. Dynamic memory: A theory of reminding and learning in computers and

people. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1982.

19 Schommer M. Epistemological development and academic performance among

secondary students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85 (3), 406-411, 1993.

20 Stahl E. The generative nature of epistemological judgments: Focussing on interactions

instead of elements to understand the relationship between epistemological beliefs and

cognitive flexibility. In.: J. Elen, E. Stahl, R. Bromme & G.Clarebout (Eds.): Links between

beliefs and cognitive flexibility: lessons learned, 37-60, New York (Springer) 2011.

21 Trautwein U. & Lüdtke O. Epistemological beliefs, school archivement, and college

major: A large-scale longitudinal study on the impact of certainty beliefs. Contemporary

Educational Psychology, 32 (3), 348-366, 2007.

Streiling Stefan, Riess Werner, Hörsch Christian




The system theory is widely accepted in multiple fields of natural science. In biology,

living creatures are understood to be extremely complex systems. In turn, these systems are

part of even larger and more complex systems of populations, ecosystems and ultimately

the entire biosphere (Riess & Mischo, 2008). At the same time, each element is a

component of a superior system. Through the interactions between components, the system

gains new properties and structures (emergence); it becomes more than the simple sum of

its parts. Schaefer (2003) defines a system as an accumulation, in which components (the

elements of the system) constantly communicate and interact with each other. Clearly,

system complexity results from the number of components. However, it also depends on

the strength and diversity of the component interactions and their integration into superior

systems. Biological systems highly depend on initial or boundary conditions. These

dependencies are additionally non-linear and, therefore, difficult to predict (Schurz, 2006).

Complex systems, such as the global climate system, for example, are typically neither

fully understood nor predictable. Although they are difficult to control, components of

systems can be used or exploited. The consequences of these manipulations, however, can

be positive or negative. "By the idea of sustainable development the international

community has now committed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to a guiding principle which

requires an understanding of even higher complexity" (Riess & Mischo, 2008, p.4).

Sustainable development contains ecological, social and economic dimensions, which

inevitably culminate in high complexity. In the mid 1990s, Bolscho & Seybold (1996)

claimed to promote systems thinking in students, environmental education, subsequent

education for sustainable development, and didactics of biology. This opinion was later

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shared by Rust et al. (2003) and Mayer et al. (2004). Subsequently, various investigations

to support systems thinking in students were conducted which showed that systems

thinking in different grade levels could be promoted successfully (Ossimitz, 2000; Assaraf

& Orion, 2005; Mischo & Riess, 2008; Bräutigam et al. 2011). At the same time, the

promotion of systems thinking played a rather minor role in teacher education and teacher

training. Hattie (2009) showed that successful learning of students strongly depends on the

expertise of teachers. Therefore, in our study, we discuss that a successful teacher training

program should be developed and evaluated. Lipowsky and Rzejak (2012) identified the

essential characteristics of a successful training program: it should be sufficiently long,

lead to a deepening of the pedagogical content knowledge (Shulman, 1986) and improve

diagnostic skills. In particular, the "entanglement of input, testing and reflection phases" is

considered a key concept to achieve lasting results from teacher training down to student-

level (Rzejak & Lipowsky, 2012, p.7). According to Gräsel et al. (2004), teacher training

should not provide ready-to-use teaching concepts; rather, by offering ideas and building

blocks, teachers can be encouraged to reach a state of ‘self-activity’.

The present study focuses on systems thinking. Using a sample of 9th grade students, in

middle schools (German “Realschule”), we investigated how system thinking can be

improved through adequate teacher training.

Theoretical background

What is behind the concept of systems thinking? "Systems thinking differ from non-

systems thinking. In systems thinking the principles applying to complex systems are

involved in the cognitive analysis and representation of these systems" (Riess & Mischo,

2008, p.5). Important principles are the nonlinearity or the presence of numerous

interactions (Bertalanffy, 1968; Capara, 1996; Bossel, 1992, 2004). The term systems

thinking has many synonyms with similar meaning, such as system-oriented thinking,

ecological thinking, complex problem solving or networked thinking. To capture the

concept of systems thinking, Ossimitz (2000, pp. 532ff.) made an important contribution.

He defined four key dimensions: (1) networked thinking (thinking in terms of feedback

loops), (2) dynamic thinking (thinking in time sequences), (3) thinking in models and (4)

system-specific actions. Similar concepts were proposed by Maierhofer (2001) and

Bollmann-Zuberbühler (2005). Evidence of a relationship between system-related

knowledge and guiding action were found in an empirical analysis of dimensions 1–3 by

Funke (2003, pp. 164ff.). These dimensions were considered to be independent of each

other (Leutner & Schrettenbrunner, 1989). In 2010 (p.33) Assaraf et al. published its

“System Thinking Hierarchy” model: “(A) Analysis of system components”, “(B)

Synthesis of system components” and “(C) Implementation”.

"In the tradition of Ossimitz (2000)" Rieß and Mischo (2008) "understand systems

thinking as the ability to identify, describe and model (e.g. structure and organize) complex

areas of reality as systems. This includes the ability to define system elements and

interactions, to capture temporal dimensions (dynamics), to provide explanations on the

basis of modeling, make predictions and design ‘soft’ technologies. We understand ‘soft’

technologies as strategies which will not change or destroy the dynamics or emergent

properties of systems and thus, the systems themselves. This approach is inspired by

subjective theories of Groeben, Wahl, Schlee & Scheele (1988). Therefore, "as a subjective

representation (subjective theory), systems thinking plays the same role for the individual

as system theory (objective theory) plays for scientists" (Riess & Mischo, 2008, p.5).

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To promote systems thinking in adults, various computer simulation studies have been

performed (Leutner, 1988; Dörner, 1989; Dörner, 1992). Sweet (1999) and Funke (2003)

showed that the memory capacity, the content knowledge, motivational factors and partly,

intelligence were important in systems thinking. Corresponding studies of students were

conducted by Schecker (1993), Leutner & Schrettenbrunner (1989) and Klieme & Maichle

(1994). A similar study with students of 9th

and 10th

grade showed that important aspects of

systems thinking can be promoted. Furthermore, "systems thinking is not an isolated area

of competence characterized by a single value, but much more a bundle of abilities

"(Klieme & Maichle, 1994, p 62). Ossimitz (2000) demonstrated that systems thinking of

students can be clearly improved by the teachers. Additionally, systems thinking in high

school (German “Gymnasium”) can be promoted by computer simulations (Maierhofer,

2001). Bell (2004) found that systems thinking had a positive effect on high school

students in respect to ecological, economic and social issues. Bollmann-Zuberbühler

(2005) showed that teaching geared to systems thinking can achieve similar success in

middle school students. By examining an environmental education program, Assaraf &

Orion (2005) found an increase in systems thinking of middle school students. For

elementary school, Sommer (2005) described that system competence probably composed

of two sub-skills. One can be found in the system organization and the other in the system

properties. For 6th grade of high school and middle school students, Mischo & Riess (2008)

demonstrated that a combination of classroom and computer simulation achieved a

significant increase in systems thinking. It "is obviously not enough ‘to place students on a

computer’ and motivate them to deal with a computer simulation … In teaching, systems

thinking experiences and knowledge gained with computer simulation were only

significantly increased if reflected, placed in a larger context and related to theory … it can

be shown that systems thinking can most effectively be promoted in school by a

combination of specific lesson and exploring a computer simulation. It has also been

shown that the utilization of a computer simulation alone led only to a minor increase in

the achievement score for systems thinking.” (Rieß & Mischo, 2008, p.18).

Based on the definition, of Mischo & Rieß (2008) the SysThema team designed a

heuristic competence model to conceptualize systemic thinking. SysThema is an advanced

successor of SYSDENA. Figure 1 describes the underlying model. The model has four

dimensions, which includes declarative/conceptual systems knowledge (Dimension 1), the

ability of modeling systems (Dimension 2), solving problems using system models

(Dimension 3) and the ability of evaluation of system models (Dimension 4). The skill

level increases continuously from dimensions 1 through 4. The competence model forms

the basis of the conducted teacher training (intervention) and of the survey instrument.

Methods From January 2013 to July 2013, a quasi-experimental intervention study in a pre/post-

test control group design was carried out. The training of middle school teachers took place

from late February to early March 2013. All participants taught 9th grade biology classes,

concurrently. The teacher training represented the independent variable (IV). Following the

training, the teachers gave an eight-hour lesson on systems thinking in their classes. The

effectiveness of the training was quantified directly with the students using the pre/post-test

method. The dependent variable (DV) was the systems thinking of the students, which was

tested. From October to December 2012, the questionnaire used as measurement tool was

tested for its suitability in a preliminary study.

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Two experimental groups and one control group were implemented in the study (see

Figure 2). Each experimental group consisted of four teachers. The total number of

students to be tested was N = 360. The two experimental groups (1 and 2) had 120 students

each (distributed among four teachers) and the control group had 120 students. The

intervention in the experimental groups varied only on the last day of the teacher training.

A special testing and reflection phase to configure teaching concepts related to systems

thinking was provided to experimental group 1 (time-on-task paradigm). An alternative

program without any relation to systems thinking was provided for experimental group 2.

On the first two days of training, the content knowledge aspects of biological systems were

explained. On day three, a pedagogical content knowledge overview to systems thinking

was given. On this day, it was crucial to capture and describe systems thinking as such, and

learn practical ways to promote systems thinking. The control group received no input in

this respect.

Figure. 1: Heuristic competence model to conceptualize systems thinking

The “stepped-design” allows statements about particularly effective or ineffective

elements of the intervention. The transition from the second to the third training day was a

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transition from content knowledge to pedagogical content knowledge. The research group

SysThema assumes that only a combination of both, content knowledge and pedagogical

content knowledge, in teacher education and training leads to the desired result.

Our questionnaire is an enhanced version of the measurement tool successfully used in

6th grade by the SYSDENA project (Bräutigam et al. 2010). It was adapted to the

performance of 9th

grade middle school students by conducting a pilot with N = 72

students. Pre-tests of the experimental and the control groups were carried out over a

period of 2 to 3 weeks before the teacher training. One to two weeks after the

implementation of the lessons, the corresponding post-test was performed. At the same

time, sampling of the control group classes was conducted. In these classes, only regular

biology lessons were taught.





Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


Group 1






Basis of





Analysis of






Basis of






Planning and

reflection of





Group 2



Visiting a




with methods

of system-


Control Group

No intervention

Figure 2: Design of the intervention study

The questionnaire was intended to detect systems thinking quantitatively through a

paper and pencil test. The topic was based on the forest ecosystem. Consequently, it was

extended to other areas of biology accessible to a systemic approach, such as the nervous

system in human biology. Systems which play a central role in promoting systems thinking

are represented by effect diagrams (see e.g. Bollmann-Zuberbühler, 2005). Therefore, these

diagrams were central to many aspects of. To focus the significance of each question on the

ability of systems thinking, the questions were designed to be solved without larger content

knowledge in the relevant biological topics. The processing time was limited to

approximately 45 minutes. The heuristic competence model developed by the research

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group SysThema (Figure 1) and the dimensions and levels of expertise contained therein

were used for the development and adaptation of the questionnaire used in the 9th grade.

Multiple-choice items and a few half-open tasks were used for specific detection.

Accompanying the covariates gender, age and native language of the parents, as well as the

trade marks in mathematics, german and “NWA” (scientific work, includes: biology,

chemistry and physics), the academic self-concept (social reference norm by SESSKO,

Schöne et al., 2002) and motivational orientation (after SELLMO; Spinath et al., 2002)

were recorded.

The evaluation of the questionnaire considered checking the items for selectivity and

difficulty, calculating the internal consistency and retest-reliability of the scales and

investigating the competence areas on their grading in terms of their difficulty using

analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. In this context, a Rasch scaling

was also considered. It was performed to render abilities of participants and difficulties of

items in the same dimension (Rost, 2004). The effectiveness of the intervention is expected

to be shown by means of covariance analysis.

Preliminary Results The piloting of the questionnaire (N = 72) suggests that the preliminary measurement

instrument is suitable to raise systemic thinking in students. The 24 items (semi-open,

multiple choice) show a total average difficulty and internal consistency of .69 (Cronbach's


Acknowledgments: The research reported in this article was supported by the Graduate School Pro|Mat|Nat

(Educational Professionalism in Mathematics and Natural Sciences). Pro|Mat|Nat is a

project of the Competence Network Empirical Research in Education and Teaching

(KeBU) of the University of Freiburg and the University of Education, Freiburg. The

Graduate School is funded by the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.


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zur Evaluierung einer Unterrichtseinheit zur Förderung systemischen Denkens. 75. Tagung der

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Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Otto-Friedrich-Universität

Bamberg, 28.02.-02.03.2011.

10 Capra F. (1996) Lebensnetz. Ein neues Verständnis der lebendigen Welt. Bern,

München, Wien: Scherz.

11 Dörner D. (1989) Die Logik des Misslingens. Strategisches Denken in komplexen

Situationen. Hamburg: Rohwolt.

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„Computerszenarios“ in der psychologischen Forschung. In: Gundlach (1992): 53-87.

13 Funke J. (2003) Problemlösendes Denken. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

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Theorien. Tübingen: Francke.

15 Klieme E. & Maichle U. (1994) Modellbildung und Simulation im Unterricht der

Sekundarstufe I. Auswertung von Unterrichtsversuchen mit dem Modellbildungssystem


16 Leutner D. (1988) Computersimulierte dynamische Systeme: Wissenserwerb unter

verschiedenen Lehrmethoden und Sozialformen des Unterrichts. In: Zeitschrift für

Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 20, 338-355.

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Realitätsbereichen: Evaluation des Computer-Simulationsspiels „Hunger in Nordafrika“. In:

Unterrichtswissenschaft, 17, 327-341.

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naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht, 57(3), 166-173.

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und Nachhaltigkeit. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 36, 346 – 364.

23 Rieß W., Nerb J. & Konold W. (2011) Systemisches Denken im Umgang mit Natur als

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24 Rost J., Lauströer A. & Raack N. (2003) Kompetenzmodelle einer Bildung für

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Akademischer Verlag GmbH.

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165-208). Berlin: Springer.

28 Schöne C., Dickhäuser O., Spinath B. & Stiensmeier-Pelster J. (2002) Skalen zur

Erfassung des schulischen Selbstkonzepts (SESSKO). Manual. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

29 Schurz J. (2006) Systemdenken in der Naturwissenschaft. Von der Thermodynamik zur

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30 Sommer C. (2006) Untersuchung der Systemkompetenz von Grundschülern im Bereich

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31 Spinath B., Stiensmeier-Pelster J., Schöne,C. & Dickhäuser O. (2002) Skalen zur

Erfassung der Lern- und Leistungsmotivation (SELLMO). Manual. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

32 Süß H.-M. (1999) Intelligenz und komplexes Problemlösen – Perspektiven für eine

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34 Tepner O., Borowski A., Fischer H.E., Jüttner M., Kirschner S., Leutner D. et al. (2012)

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in den Naturwissenschaften. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 18, 7-28.

Kohl Kerstin Eleonora




1 Preface

The Research and Career Development Office (RCDO) at the University of Education

Freiburg aims to foster research for education. Our service is open to all researches of the

University, from doctoral candidates to the experienced professor. One of our tasks is to

assist researchers in preparing proposals, such as graduation theses and third-party-funded

research projects. Additionally, we provide advisory services to prepare manuscripts for

publication in academic journals. Because we are not experts in every scientific discipline,

our advisory service does not focus the research details. Our professional goal is to give

advice regarding formal and strategic aspects of academic writing.

Seeing a situation from a reader’s perspective is a difficult task. Researchers typically

focus their efforts on developing their thesis, clarifying theories and expressing arguments

in a detailed manner; thus, that they may not realize how their text will be received,

interpreted and reviewed. Particularly, writing a PhD proposal and thesis is often tied to the

researcher’s identify – to become a researcher is a highly tentative phase of life.

Researchers reveal their enthusiasm and excitement for their research themes, making it

challenging to organize and critically evaluate their own writing to ensure that the content

is presented in a clear, straightforward fashion; the large amount of content must be

conveyed using a pre-set structure with formal constraints. There is, for example, no space

allowance for praising, polemicizing or exhorting as these inclusions may undermine the

importance of the empirical research. “Never attempt to manipulate the opinions of the

readers, you have not to judge the adequacy of your thinking” is a sentence that a young

researcher should remember while writing.

In Germany, there is a highly pre-set structure and formal requirements used in

academic writing. Writing style may be the most important factor in conveying your ideas

to the scientific community, funding agencies, advisors or journal reviewers. To overcome

the challenge of formalism, we offer academic writing assistance, especially for young

and/or foreign researchers who are not familiar with the requirements and conventions and

now have to write their first formalised academic text. Perhaps the researcher must

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compose a European Union research proposal or publish his/her research results in a

European journal to receive international feedback. This chapter emerged from the most

common problem areas for writing novices, and thus it contains practical hints for

academic writing in our culture and includes expected text elements.

2 Writing with scientific conviction There is wide cross-cultural variation in the manner in which scientific information is

conveyed and the dissemination of study approaches and evidence (Owtram N.T., 2011);

being a successful writer is imperative.

Each researcher must be enthusiastic and interested in his/her particular field of work.

However, when writing a research or grant proposal or an article for a scientific journal,

evaluators, reviewers, and the scientific community in Germany and most Western

countries are primarily interested in more formalized information. You are the expert – for

that you must be strongly involved – but those analysing the writing take a position based

on your basic approach and the conclusions. Readers may not be deeply interested experts

in your particular specialised field. Thus, subjective side excursions with exhorting or

polemicizing must not be included; the purpose is to express the exact nature of the matter

to be investigated and to give the reader a detailed account of the methods to be employed.

To say it clearly: your ideas will not be convincing when they do not adhere to the

formal expectations of presentation. The most important suggestion conveyed during our

advisory services is to “Reduce the content to one remarkable message, give assist for fast

cognitive content scanning and observe the formal context!”

Your readers will be interested in:

– details regarding the reasons for and approach towards undertaking your research


– a strong awareness of the (international) research context and discussion towards

the current state of research and related publications with an outline of your meaningful

connection to these factors,

– evidence of intellectual purpose and originality,

– a focused verbalisation of the research problems or questions you intend to address

in your project.

To realise these goals, there are pre-set formalized structures for various types of

academic texts and writing that involve the use of scientific English (or German). Before

discussing the structures of academic texts in the next chapters, some advice for writing

clear, scientific English is given.

2.1 Writing formal academic English

The English language has become the European language of science. In Germany

children start learning English at primary school. Thus, familiarity with the English

language in combination with the general richness of English vocabulary gives German

writers tremendous flexibility in the words they can choose. However, many words

familiar to Germans do meet the specific formal scientific expectations. Based on this

information, the following recommendations are given for writing convincing academic

texts (referring to Skern, 2011; Gustavii, 2008):

– You should write out all verb forms and do not shorten them. Thus, you have to

write “it is” or “have not” rather than “it’s” or “haven’t”.

– Be careful when using the personal pronoun “I”. In Germany, the use of “I”

suggests subjective reasoning, but research should be objective and supported with

stringent logical argumentation. You can use the pronoun “I” sparingly in a thesis or in a

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proposal in a chapter explaining your own preliminary studies. In an article or chapter

about the current state of research or the results of research, use of the third person or a

passive wording is recommended. Different usages of the personal pronoun “I” (English)

or “ich” (German) are classified in a publication by Steinhoff (2007). Steinhoff

differentiates between three types of “I”, from which two types, (“Verfasser-Ich” (author-I)

and “Forscher-Ich“ (researcher-I)), are used in academic texts by senior experts when this

usage is restricted to argumentatively writing procedures to fulfil requirements of

authenticity and originality.

– A passive voice is generally more effective and accentuates an action but not the

performing person. For example: rather than writing “First, I will thematizise the problem

of XY…”, it is better to say “First, the problem of XY will be thematizise …”. Instead of

writing “I will verify that…”, it is better to say “It was verified that …”.

– Do not begin sentences with “and”, “because”, “so” or “but”; do not place “get” in

the middle of a sentence, and do not end sentences with “too”, “yet” or “also” – these

words are do not conform with formal English rules. To link sentences together, it is

preferable to use words such as “in addition”, “moreover”, “in contrast”, “instead”,

“otherwise”, “for example”, “in summary” or “further”. Rather than using the imprecise

“get”, it is preferable to use “have”, “receive”, “obtain” or “become”. Instead of “get

better”, you can use “improve“ or “recover”.

– Be accurate and avoid words such as “a little” or “a lot”. Avoid “maybe” by using

words such as “possible”, “seems”, ”likely “, “not inconceivable”, “probably”, “suggest”,

“may,” “indicate” or “perhaps”.

– Avoid the use of long-winded phrases (use "afterwards" rather than "at this point

of realised investigation". Omit all needless words.

– Avoid redundancy – repeating information does not underline the importance of

your project, but may indicate to the reader that the writer is insecure about the clarity of

his own concepts.

To make your writing amenable to fast cognitive content scanning, it is necessary that

the text has clear structure and layout. The text must be easily legible, so use broadly

spaced text lines and text types such as Arial or Times in 11–12-point character size. Do

not use different colours of text or font types to code the content.

Sub-headings and paragraphs are helpful for readers and all graphic visualisations are

welcome; however, every graphic should fulfil an informative function and not a

decorative function. A chart or diagram can improve clarity. All graphics should be sub-

titled and be referenced in the text. Short and simple sentences should be used, in addition

to positive sentences without “no”, “not”, “nothing” or “never” or double-negatives to

make sentences easier to understand. For example, “Children from foreign countries should

have the same chance” is preferable over “Children who are not German should not be at a

disadvantage”. Additionally, writing active sentences and omitting unnecessary words will

increase the likelihood of using proper academic English.

2.2 Intertextual correctness

Correct referencing of sources is a central requirement in Germany. Sources should be

chosen with caution; it is a quality characteristic that your sources are up-to-date,

international and taken from academic publications. Quotations and sources with foreign

scripts, such as like Cyrillic script, should accurately reflect the original meaning and

should be translated into Latin script.

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Any assumed passage or paraphrased chapter from another source should be approp-

riately cited. This applies even to single sentences or a phrase taken from other authors.

Quotations, which repeat the exact words used by another author, should be placed

within quotation marks. When using quotes, you must provide an in-text citation stating the

author's surname, the date of the source and the page number (e.g.: Kohl, K.E., 2013, 34).

Quotations can be helpful when you wish to present an authoritative definition from a

scholarly source. Quotes are essential if you wish to reproduce the precise words used by

another person, such as for a definition. Nevertheless, quotes should be used sparingly

because another author’s words do not demonstrate your own understanding of the subject

except when you annotate the text with your own critical thinking or when synthesising the

quote into your own argument. The quote should be deliberately balanced by paraphrasing

and summarising.

Paraphrasing involves close attention to a particular section of a text and aims to

capture the essence of the original text in your own words: “To paraphrase a source means

to put it into your own words in an accurate way, so be careful not to distort the meaning

as you rephrase the words. A paraphrase of a source should be approximately the same length as the original passage” (Neville C., 2007, 37).

Paraphrased sections should be integrated into your text with a clear introduction to the

source and a comment regarding the value in relation to the argument you are making.

Thus, a paraphrase is always annotated and has an in-text citation, even if you mentioned

the author before or after such as in the case of a quotation.

The third form of correct intertextual writing involves summarising to demonstrate your

ability to read critically and select arguments from a text which are most appropriate for

your own writing. In this way, you can demonstrate that you are in control of your own

writing by judging the best evidence to use. To summarise a source means to give a brief

account of the points that are relevant for your own writing. Summaries are much shorter

than the original text and give a synopsis of a comprehensive text part or a complete work.

For summaries, in-text citations often only stating the author's name and the date of the

source but not the page number are used (e.g.: Kohl, K.E., 2013). For correct referencing,

also see the work of M. Deane (2010). If no reference style is specified, include all

references in APA style. The APA (American Psychological Association,

http://www.apastyle.org) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social

sciences in Germany.

In addition to these global guidelines, the following chapters offer specific information

on the formal requirements for writing a PhD proposal, grant proposal or journal article.

3 Writing a PhD proposal

Prospective PhD researchers have to submit a research proposal to as part of becoming

a PhD student. The research proposal, called “exposé” in Germany, is standardised in most

subject areas. The purpose of the thesis proposal is to verify that the candidate has done

adequate preliminary reading and research in his/her area of interest.

The proposal has three important functions, so significant time should be spent writing

the proposal and ensuring its accuracy:

1. It is a mean of communication and academic self-promotion to those who can

provide discussion, consultation or funds. This document will be approved for

implementation of your research project. You must convince members of the academic

community (and the members of your faculty) that you have identified a scientific problem

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and a methodical approach for solving the problem within a realistic time frame and at a

reasonable cost.

2. It is a work schedule for your research project. Your project requires careful,

systematic and pre-planned observation. The value of your results is judged based on the

adequacy of empirical methods and therefore in recording and interpreting the

observations/surveyed data. The plan for observation with its arguments and explications is

the basis on which the dissertation will be judged. The dissertation and therefore the

research can only be as good as the plan of investigation, which is set by the PhD proposal.

3. It is a contract which defines your tasks on the obtaining your doctorate degree

and the type of supervision you will receive. Substantial revisions require agreement from

the faculty.

Additionally, the PhD proposal must (Locke, L. F et al., 2007):

– define a clear research question and a methodological approach to answering it;

– accentuate originality and significance;

– argue how your project adds to existing literature in the field and develops new

evidence in connection;

– persuade the reviewer and/or funders of the importance of the research project. It will

bring out why you are the right person to undertake the project;

– prove that you are capable of critical and analytical thinking and that you are able to

communicate your ideas clearly in a focussed and realistic manner.

3.1 Structuring the PhD Proposal As part of the application process for becoming a doctoral candidate, you will be

required to write a PhD proposal to outline your research intent. Writing a PhD proposal

typically requires a few months of intense work and consultation with your advisors.

When writing this proposal, you should follow the ‘3Cs’ rule: write clear, concise and

coherent. Determine the word limits and specific guidelines for the proposal. Generally, a

proposal at a German university should contain between 3,500 and 4,500 words.

Standard design for the PhD proposal contains the following chapters:

1. Title

2. Introduction (with purpose and rationale, questions or hypotheses)

3. Overview of the research project (for positioning of the research with review of

literature and definitions)

4. Own preliminary studies

5. Research design and methodology

6. Milestones/timetable

7. References

1. Title (up to 30 words). The title is the first contact with the reader and should evoke a positive response with

general acceptance and thematically appropriate receptiveness. Important key words should

be included. A declarative title goes beyond simply describing the subject matter — it

describes as accurately as possible the exact nature of the project. However, the research

method itself should not be mentioned.

2. Introduction with purpose and rationale, questions or hypotheses (e.g. 300–400


After giving short overview of the research project, you should describe the purpose of

the study, the expected gain in knowledge and the underlying questions (qualitative

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approach) or hypotheses (quantitative approach). If there is more than one question or

hypothesis you should use a list (numbers or letters) so that you can refer to them when

describing the research design later on. Be sure that all listed subjects are mentioned again

in the design and timetable of the study. It is important to describe the major approach you

will take and rationale for taking this approach. To illustrate the appropriateness of the

method, you should establish a logical relationship between concept, theory and chosen


3. Overview of the research project (e.g. 1500–2000 words). This chapter demonstrates your comprehension of the field of research. To illustrate

this, identify actual theoretical and/or practical gaps that your research will address. This

section is intended to contextualize your research questions, not to provide a detailed

analysis of existing debates. You should identify the (international) key literature, key

researchers and their key research findings. In this essential chapter, you will answer how

your question is important for existing academic discourse, debate or literature and express

what your point of contact for those publications. This is only possible if you describe

where your research fits in with the international academic discourse. When explaining the

context of the research, be as specific as possible in analysing the academic discourse and

identifying the question you are attempting to answer. Do not forget to clearly describe

why each of your research questions or hypothesis is reasonable. Provide documented

reasons for asking these questions. To summarize, this chapter documents the significance

and thorough elaboration of the project based on the immediate and international state of

academic knowledge; to do this, use literature reviews and definitions.

4. Your own preliminary studies (fewer than 200 words).

If you have previous experience in the field of your research project or of you tie in the

experiences of an existing project or working group, you can describe the findings in this

optional chapter. Point out how these experiences will be used for your project.

5. Research design and methodology (e.g. 800–1000 words).

The research design is logical and is determined by the purpose and questions or

hypotheses you described in Chapter 2. In this chapter, you should describe the methods

you will use and why you will use them to answer your research question. Explain how

you will structure your research. The specific methods and rationale for adopting these

methods should be described. First, describe the methods that will be used for data

acquisition, and then describe the process for data analysis. Be sure to include all

parameters of the research. Discussing the methodical approach and your rationale for

adopting this approach is extremely important for identifying the research desiderata.

This also include kinds of resources consulted, specific techniques such as statistical

analysis, semi-structured interviews, analysis of material artefacts and/or participant

observation Include specific techniques, not just your general approach. Additionally,

specify the objectives; for example, describe how many subjects will participate in your

study and how you plan to acquire data.

6. Milestones and timetable (e.g. 300–400 words).

In this chapter, you should briefly discuss the tentative timeline for achieving your

goals. Provide information regarding your estimated timetable, preferably in table form,

and indicate the sequence of research phases and the time that you will need to realize each

phase. Provide time for writing the dissertation and for publication. A PhD research project

typically takes between 3 and 4 years.

7. References.

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List the academic publications which you used in your thesis proposal in APA style.

Publications should be recent, and at least some should be international sources. You

should only list publications which you have actually used in the writing, not those which

are also worth reading and thought to be helpful for your undertaking.

4 Writing a research project proposal (grant proposal) Eventually, you will require funding for your research and you will need to obtain a

grant. Most grant awards begin with a Request for Proposal; this is an invitation by a

granting agency to submit an application. With the release of the request, you can begin

writing. Above all, state your idea early in the proposal. Do not make the assessor read a

large amount of “rationale” and “purpose” before finding the central project idea. To

formulate a significant and innovative research question is the primary requirement for a

successful proposal. In contrast to submitting a PhD proposal, a grant proposal is

characterised by rivalry. To illustrate the best possible fit of your idea according to the

request is a precondition for success. This is as important as the building a strong research

team. A strong team combines the specific academic reputation of each member to

persuade the grant reviewers of the capacity for successfully completing the proposed

project. Early-stage researchers are welcome (everyone knows that they will conduct a

large amount of the work), but they also must collaborate with senior researchers to benefit

from their experience and expertise. This typically involves a multidisciplinary team with a

diverse range of substantive and methodological experience that should be presented well

in the proposal. Because of strong competition, it is highly valuable implement a research

proposal focussing on a question with a central question that remains unanswered, but the

results must also be generalizable or transferable. The results must be useful and lasting

beyond the well-defined specific research tasks.

The research grant writing process itself does not differ significantly from writing a

PhD proposal, but the emphasis of the chapters differs and additional information

regarding costs and cost-effectiveness of the project, co-findings, evaluation, dissemination

and sustainability of the results must also be addressed. Grantors, estimators and external

assessors are very special readers with their own ambitions and concepts of quality. They

may bring methodological or subject-based prejudices into their evaluation of the proposal

(Wood et al., 1992).

In addition to academic writing, skills you should have a high tolerance to frustrating

circumstances, requiring a large amount of motivation to write a grant proposal. Most

proposals will be declined and a large number of sophisticated projects will not being

funded. This challenge should motivate the writer to present the best proposal possible to

increase his/her chances of obtaining funding.

Typically, a request for a proposal is combined with formal guidelines for the

application, which includes restrictions regarding the overall length. Application guidelines

must be followed exactly. Most German guidelines follow the structure of the DFG

guideline. The DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German Research Foundation;

http://www.dfg.de/en) is one of the main research funding agencies in Germany. Providing

detailed and organized information will increase your chance of success. Thus, you may

wish to use a list to ensure that all information was included.

Standard design for the grant proposal according to the DFG contains the following


0. Title page

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The first page includes an informative title (< 15 words) for the submitted research

project and typically includes an easy to remember acronym. For example, the acronym

“LIVE” could stand for “Learning Informatics in Virtual Environments”. A good title

captures the essence of the study goals and objectives. Additionally, the names and

institutional affiliations of the submitting researchers are listed on the first page.

1. General information

Here, you should describe the formal aspects of the project.

1.1 Applicant Provide information about the research group as well as publication lists and addresses

of the host universities (tabular biographical sketch).

1.2 Topic

Give a short but precise description of the project, not exceeding 140 characters.

1.3 Research area and field of work (State your discipline and your field of


1.4 Anticipated total duration (for example, up to 6 years)

1.5 Application period (for example, up to 3 years)

1.6 Summary

Finally, give a short, simple summary of the key objectives of your project (< 300

words). This summary should be generally understandable as it is designed such that

members of the funding agency can understand it; it should not address subject experts

(assessors). The abstract is a concise presentation of the project with a strong statement of

significance. Describe the hypotheses and/or research questions with the corresponding

methods and analyses. The abstract should answer the following four questions: What is

the intention? Why is this project vitally important? What has already been done? What is

the concept of performance? As a guideline, use 2 lines of text to introduce the topic, 7

lines for the aims and hypotheses/questions, 3 lines for methods and 3 lines for the gain of

knowledge. Explicitly state the connections between your research objectives, research

questions, hypotheses, methodologies and outcomes.

2. State of the art, preliminary work 2.1 State of the art

Explain precisely the technological advances in your field and its direct relationship to

your project as the starting point for your own work by quoting and discussing the most

important (international) relevant publications. Include publications of possible assessors.

Make clear in which context your own research fits and for which questions (goals) you

wish to make an innovative contribution. Clearly state your hypotheses and/or questions.

However, avoid being too ambitious; do not propose a project that would take decades to

resolve. To be overextending is fatal. Point out the impact, advances and potential of your


2.2 Preliminary work

Give a summary of previous research work (mention the research methods!) of each

member of the research team, including specific references of up to five relevant

publications for each member. Convince the assessors about your (team) potential to

realise the project. In this chapter, visualisations of prior research results are welcome to

serve as a quick overview.

3. Objectives and work schedule

3.1 Objectives

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Present a concise description of the research programme and the objectives. A well-

defined working hypothesis is essential for the research subject.

3.2 Work schedule Give a detailed account of the steps planned during the proposed funding period and

provide a detailed description of the methods that you will use. Justify the feasibility for

the duration of the study. Give a working schedule for every member of the team. The

quality of the experimental design is critical to the success of a funding proposal, so pay

special attention to it. This section comprises almost half of the text of the proposal. In this

section, there is sufficient space to very thoroughly state the schedule and goals; thus,

describe the intervention or system to be studied, outline the target population, provide

criteria of inclusion and exclusion, state all measures and instruments and justify

methodological choices. Specify the measurement plan for every construct/question in the

overarching conceptual model or theory. The work schedule should clearly state why the

grant is needed and how it will be used. Give a visual version of the timetable; clearly

define when each step begins and completes.

3.3 Reference list 3.4 Data handling (concept for storage and reutilisation of data)

3.5 Information of scientific and financial involvement of (international) cooperating partners and existing technical environment (Clearly state all technical and personal

requirements needed to perform the project)

Because of the funding specificities involved in financing personnel cost and

facilitation of instrumentation or travelling, only the titles of the sections are given below,

with a short annotation when useful. You must verify that every cost is essential to the

project and justify its necessity in relation to the core support furnished by the institution.

4. Funds requested

Funding requests should be depicted as separate amounts for each year.

4.1 Staff costs (Explain staffing requirements in detail and give job descriptions)

4.2 Scientific instrumentation (proof any costs, enclose offers or pricelists)

4.3 Consumables 4.4 Travel (give details, e.g. visiting partners, workshops, field work, conferences and


4.5 Publication expenses

4.6 Other costs (e.g. compensation for test persons, scientific literature)

5. Prerequisites for carrying out the project (Resources that will be available)

5.1 Members of the team (everyone who will be working on the project but is not


5.2 Cooperation with other scientists 5.3 Scientific equipment

5.4 Running costs for materials (paid from the institution’s budget)

6. Declarations (mention a submission for the same request of funding to other


7. Signatures

8. List of attachments

5 Writing a journal article After conducting your research project and analysing the data, it is time to publish the

results. Publishing new results is an integral part of the research process to establish your

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role in science; you must legitimize your research work with its findings by publication and

by taking part in academic discourse. If this is the first article you have written, it may be

helpful to consult an additional source of information. For detailed information, we

recommend the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010).

For practical advice, see Denscombe (2010, pp 308-321), and for strategic considerations,

see Murray (2010). In this annotated summary, we only can present some basic

information. In our experience, the challenge for young/foreign researchers is to find the

right story to arouse the reader’s curiosity. Curiosity is a basic need to gain readers’

attention and to generate interest in your central idea. You cannot evoke curiosity when

your content is dissected into too many statements, declarations or questions. While your

project can be an interdisciplinary or trigonometrically survey, complex or large, you

should focus on a single idea, concept or new thought, highlighting the basic necessity of

your study. Focus the reader’s attention on one convincing idea, and do this without being

too dramatic. Remember, the most important criteria for successful academic writing are

accuracy and clarity; you should write simple and directly. Good organization is central to

this goal, and the standardized format of a journal article consumes much of the work load.

Standardized formatting allows readers to read an article from beginning to the end and to

scan it for a quick overview or for special information. Making information easily locatable

by scanning is a central reading skill often used by researchers.

Your article should be a straightforward narration of a clearly defined research problem,

the search of a methodological solution and evidence and analysis. One linear narrative line

should stand out boldly; never lose the “red thread”. Provide logical links between the

sections. The following quote underlines the importance of this concept: “The study ought

to have a thematic line throughout, and all sections ought to reflect that thematic line in a logical way. The thematic line consists of the substantive issues guiding the hypotheses and

the decisions of the investigator (with regard to procedures and analyses) that are used to elaborate these hypotheses” (Kazdin, A.E., 1995, 231).

Fig 1: Article design

Typically, an academic journal article is thematically written in the

shape of an hourglass (Fig 1). After a short abstract, it begins with a

broad general statement (introduction), progressively narrows down to

the focussed specifics of your study (methods and results), and then

broadens out to more general considerations and the implications


However, as a preliminary step, a scientific abstract is required. An

abstract introduces the article and should inform readers of the article or

proposal content, but this is not its only purpose. An effective abstract

should stand alone and be understood without reading the paper.

The abstract summarizes the content in such a way that the

following text adds no new information. To write an excellent abstract

is very challenging; the content of your research must be condensed into

200–300 words. Be sure to include the background, methods, results

and conclusions, in order. We strongly recommend using ‘major

questions to guide journal article preparation’ as elaborated on by

Kanzin (1995, p. 232).

However, the title should be fully explanatory; the title accurately

and briefly indicates the study contents. You may wish to use a subtitle

for this purpose.

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5.1. Introduction – state your hypothesis and the purpose of the study

The first section introduces the background and nature of the problem being

investigated. It begins broadly and becomes more specific in the second half of the section.

Give your idea enough space; this is necessary for leading the reader step-by-step to the

formal or theoretical localisation of your research. Use examples to illustrate theoretical

points and provide definitions to introduce unfamiliar conceptual terms. Your theme must

be anchored with one (!) central idea or problem here – this is the “red thread” that remains

a theme throughout the article. After this broad introduction, summarize the current state of

knowledge in the specific field of research. Introduce the reader to previously conducted

international studies, but avoid an exhaustive historical review and non-essential details.

Only publications that are appropriate to the specific field of study should be cited by

emphasizing the pertinent findings, including the relevant methodological issues and major

conclusions. It could be very adjuvant to refer to an integrated review of the field of study

or to a meta-analysis.

After this broad beginning, you can introduce your own study in conceptual terms.

Often, this can be effectively done by pointing out gaps in the current knowledge or

criticizing the previous research approaches. Four basic elements should be included: (1)

purpose, (2) scientific literature relevant to the subject, (3) hypothesis in the case of

quantitative research or question(s) in the case of qualitative research and (4) reasons you

believe your hypothesis is viable or the question(s) targeting the point.

5.2. Methods section – describe how you tested your hypothesis or collected the

data and advocate your particular realisation of research

The methods and results sections are the most specific; thus, they are the small topical

neck of the hourglass. The methods section typically is written in past tense and in a

passive voice. It describes how the study was conducted (research design), provides

conceptual and operational definitions of the variables used in the study or summarises the

questions that were discussed in a semi structured interview or a focus group discussion

with a description of recording and transcription; it essentially justifies your procedures.

The description of the methods, the materials and the sampling procedures enables the

reader to evaluate the appropriateness of your methods as well as the reliability and

emphasise the validity of your results. Some details are necessary such as the return quote

of a posted questionnaire and the possibility that non-respondents differed from

respondents. Adequately describe the sample, including sampling procedures such as

selecting participants, and give details regarding the sample's demographic characteristics.

Readers are interested in the setting and the procedure of an experiment or interview and

appreciate being able to observe sample items used on questionnaires or pictures of the

experimental setup. Describe the methods used to collect and analyse data as well as

strategies used to enhance the quality of the measurements (e.g. control group, cross-

checked qualitative data-analysis). After presenting the methods, discuss ethical issues

involved in the study; many journals require statements regarding ethical considerations

and are very strict on such conditions. End the methods section with a brief summary of the

procedure and its overall purpose. In this section, describe how you retained the results, but

you state the actual results. Draw an arc of suspense to the result section and do not forget

to point out your red thread.

5.3. Results/findings – provide the raw or uninterpreted data you collected This section appears to be paradoxical: the results section is often the shortest section,

while at the same time is the most important part. The methods section addresses how you

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obtained the results; now, you should express the data in compressed form, such as in a

table or diagram. This section requires the inclusion of three forms of representation to be

meaningful: text, tables and figures; references to your data are presented in past tense.

“In the Results section, summarize the collected data and the analysis performed on those

data relevant to the discourse that is to follow. Report the data in sufficient detail to justify your conclusions. […] Do not hide uncomfortable results by omission.” (APA, 2010, 29)

You should not draw conclusions of the appraised results; this is part of the discussion

section. Only report the facts. Widen the arc of suspense to the last section. Before

presenting your results, give a short description of how your study successfully set up

conditions for testing your hypotheses or answering your research questions. For example,

you should describe the procedures for converting your raw observations into analysable

data or how you coded interviews for analysis. Next, present the data that allowed you to

draw conclusions; this is the only purpose of the results section.

To structure the results section, begin with the central findings and then move to more

peripheral findings, stating each result clearly in prose before displaying it numbers and

statistics (table form) or figures for summarising the relevant data. Your reader must be

able to see the major findings by reading or by looking at the tables and figures; thus, they

must be titled clearly. Within the text, point out the visualised results stating the tables or

figure number, e.g. “As shown in Figure 1 …”. Figures can include maps, photographs,

drawings, flow charts and line, bar or pie graphs; always keep figures as simple as possible

while following the rules of ergonomic graphic design. Again: do not code with colours. If

necessary, use greyscale or graphic patterning.

5.4. Discussion – explores the implications of your findings and states the potential

limitations of your research design “The researcher ‘makes sense’ of the findings by considering their implications beyond

the confines of the current research” (Denscombe, 2010, 315). The discussion section

begins with the implications of your research study and then becomes broader by

generalisation and opening the field for further research studies; you have now arrived at

the bottom of the hour glass. Open this section with a clear statement of the support or non-

support for your original hypotheses (quantitative approach) or the basic findings in close

conjunction with your questions (qualitative research approach). Often, the results appear

to be self-explanatory after presenting them in the former section. Most of the trends were

understood based on the visualisations and the reader already has a clear idea of whether

the hypothesis was supported or the questions were answered. Nevertheless, you must

inform the reader of the consequences of the results you obtained.

Move from the specific conclusions of your study to more general aspects. Describe

how your results fit into the larger discussion of your scientific community. In a sequenced

manner, the line of arguments presented in this section include: (1) a description of

whether the hypothesis was supported or the questions were answered, (2) mention the

existence of deviations and unexpected (minor) results, (3) present the conclusions based

on your results, (4) liaise your results with findings in the same or similar fields of research

and (5) discuss the theoretical and practical implications of your study by giving future

prospects for further research. After these sections, the reference list must follow as the last

part of the article. Include all references in APA style unless the journal specifies a

different format.


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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


1 American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association. Washington DC.

2 Deane Mary (2010) Inside Track to Academic Research, Writing & Referencing.


3 Denscombe, & Denscombe, M. (2010). The good research guide: For small-scale social

research projects (4th ed.). Maidenhead, England: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.

4 Gustavii B. (2008) How to write & illustrate a scientific paper (2nd ed.). New York:

Cambridge University Press.

5 Kazdin A.E. (1995) Preparing and Evaluating Research Reports. In: Butcher, J. N.,

Graham J.R., Haynes S.N., & Nelson L.D. Special issue: Methodological issues in

psychological assessment research. Psychological assessment: vol. 7, no. 3. Washington, DC:

American Psychological Association.

6 Locke L.F., Spirduso W.W., & Silverman S.J. (2007) Proposals that work: A guide for

planning dissertations and grant proposals. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

7 Murray R. (2010) Writing for academic journals (2nd ed.). Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open

Univ. Press.

8 Neville C. (2007) The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism.

Maidenhead: Open Univ. Press.

9 Owtram N.T (2011) The Pragmatics of Academic Writing: A Relevance Approach to the

Analysis of Research Article Introductions. Bern: Peter Lang.

10 Skern T. (2011) Writing Scientific English. A Workbook. Facultas: Wien.

11 Steinhoff T. (2007) Zum ich-Gebrauch in Wissenschaftstexten. Zeitschrift für

germanistische Linguistik 35, S.1-26.

12 Wood F.Q., Meek V.L., & Harman G. (1992) The research grant application process.

Learning from failure?, Higher Education, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 1-23.





Мақалада Республикадағы жетекші педагогикалық ЖОО – Абай атындағы Қазақ

ұлттық педагогикалық университетінде білім беру және ғылымның интеграциясы

сұрақтары қарастырылады. Қазақстанда педагогикалық білім беру саласында мамандар

дайындау кәсіби түрде қамтамасыз етіледі.Университетте білім беруд үдерісінің негізгі

мақсаты – өзін-өзі дамытуға қабілетті, қоғамда сұранысқа ие шығармашылықты

маманды, табысты түлекті қалыптастыру. Профессор-оқытушылар құрамының

кәсібилігі, олардың жоғарғы ғылыми-зерттеулік, педагогикалық және шығармашылық

потенциалы көптеген халықаралық және республикалық конференцияларды, дөңгелек

үстелдерді өткізуі, ғылыми және ғылыми-әдістемелік жарияланымдарды шығаруы

дамудың басты көрсеткіш болып табылады. Университетте білім берудің стратегиялық

басымдығы – бұл әлемдік ғылыми, білім беру және мәдени кеңістікке ену, сонымен

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


қатар жоғары білікті мамандарды даярлау, бәсекеге қабілетті оқытушыларды дайындау

болып табылады.

Тірек сөздер: интеграция, ғылым, білім беру.

Казабеева В.А. ҚАЗІРГІ ТІЛ БІЛІМІНДЕ ДИСКУРСТЫҢ ЗЕРТТЕЛУІ Қазіргі таңда тіл білімінде адамның мінез-құлқын ақпарат беру және қарым-қаты-

нас тұрғысынан зерттейтін еңбектер жарық көріп жатыр. Бұл ғылымдағы өзгерістер

тіл білімінде «жаңа ғылыми парадигма» немесе «дискурстағы өзгеріс» сияқты жаңа

ұғымдардың пайда болуына әкелді.Мақалада автор қазіргі тіл білімінде кездесетін

«дискурс» ұғымына байланысты қалыптасқан концепцияларға талдау жасаумен

қатар осы мәселеге байланысты өзінің ойын көрсетеді. Саяси дискурстың түрле-ріне

тән белгілерді зерттеу жеке тұлғаның сөйлеуіндегі ұлттық-мәдени ерекшеліктерді

айқындауға мүмкіндік береді. Дискурс мәселелерін зерттеуде тілі, елі сияқты лин-

гвоелтанымдық феномендерді назарға алуды ұмытпау керек, сонымен қатар ұлттық

санссезімге тән ерекшеліктері, мәдениет ерекшеліктері, жеке тұлғаның қарым-

қатынасына байланысты туған ерекшеліктер, қолданыста жүрген сөйлеу формалары

мен түрлері есепке алыну керек.

Золоторева Л.Р, Оспанов Б.Е., Шайгозова Ж.Н. КӨРКЕМДІК БІЛІМ ҚҰНДЫ-


Мақалада Қазақстанның әлеуметтiк мәдениет құндылықтарының әлеуеті көркем

бiлiмнің трансляторы ретінде ашылады.

Мақаланың авторлары көркем бiлiмнің сапасы тек қана мәдениет контексттіңде

бола алады, өйткені казіргі заманға сай ойлау, шығармашылық әлеуеттiң дамытуына

мүмкiндiк туғызады, тұлғаның кәсiптiк қабiлеттiлiктерін дамытады деп сенеді.

Тірек сөздер: Көркем бiлiм, әлеуметтiк мәдениет құндылықтар, көркем мәдениет,

ЮНЕСКО – ның көркем бiлiмге тұжырымдамалық көзқарасы.


БАҒЫТТАЛҒАН ҚАТЫНАС ТУРАЛЫ Мақалада жеке бағытталған қатынас барлық оқу орындарындағы, оның ішінде

жоғары оқу орындарындағы оқытудың негізгі ұстанымы ретінде қолданылатын

күрделі көпөлшемді үдеріс ретінде сипатталады.

Тірек сөздер: тұлға тәрбиелеу, тәлім-тәрбие, оқу үдеріс, тұлға.



Мақалада ерте кезендегі баланың сөйлеу тілің дамыту грамматикалық форманың

генерализация кезенінен өтеді және ана тілін меңгеру стереотиптін қалыптастырады.

Автор алғашқы сөздер мен сөйлемдерінің туындауын, қазақ тілді балаларының

сөйлеуін дамыту жүйелілігі мен грамматикалық құрылымдарын меңгеру тәсілдерін

көрсету үшін қазақ тілді балалармен жүргізілген ғылыми тіжірибесімен бөліседі.

Тірек сөздер: бала тілінің дамуы, когнитивті даму, тілді үйрену, граматикалық

құрылымын үйрену, ана тілі, граматикалық категория, бір-сөздік және екі сөзқдік

сөйлемдер, ана тілін үйренну стереотиптер.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten




Бұл мақалада бірінші шет тілінің негізінде салыстырмалы тәсілді қолдана отырып

екінші шет тілін оқыту қарастырылады. Сонымен қатар, интерференцияның

болмауын алдына алу немесе тиімді тасымал үшін екі тілдің ұқсастығы мен

айырмашылықтары анықталады. Ағылшын тілінен француз тіліне жасалған тиімді

тасымалдар лексика аясында айқын байқалатынын мақалада мысалдар келтіру

арқылы көрсетілген. Екінші шет тілін оқытуда салыстырмалы тәсілді қолдану оқу

үдерісінің интенсификациясы мен жақсы нәтижелер жету үшін жағдай туғызады,

бірінші шет тілін толық меңгеруге мүмкіндік алады.

Тірек сөздер: Салыстырмалы – салғастырмалы тәсіл, ШТ.1 (бірінші шетел тілі),

ШТ2. (екінші шетел тілі) мультилингвалдық оқыту, спонтандық интуициялық

тасымал, жарым – жартылай нысанды басқармалы бағытталған негіздегі тасымал,

танымдық негіз.


ТҰЛҒАНЫҢ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛДЫ -АДАМГЕРШІЛІК ДАМУ МӘСЕЛЕСІ Мақала Қазақстанның жаңа әлеуметтік-мәдени жағдайында болашақ мұғалімді

дайындау мәселелеріне арналған. Онда 12 жылдық мектеп педагогын дайындауға

негіз болатын жаңашыл идеялар көрсетілген. Оқушының интеллектуалды адамгер-

шілік тұлға ретінде қалыптасуына баса назар аударылған. Ол ғылыми тұрғыдан

негізделіп, оның сипаттамалары берілген. Мамандарды интеллектуалды шығарма-

шыл, рухани-адамгершілік тұлғасын дамыту басыңқы міндет болуға тиісті. Оның

тиімді шешілуі ұлттық тәрбиені өзектендірумен, университеттің білім беру кеңіс-

тігінде студенттердің интеллектуалды әлеуетін дамытумен тығыз байланысты. Осы

бағыттағы Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті іс-әрекеттері-

нің кейбір элементтері көрсетілген. Болашақ мұғалімді кәсіби және тұлғалық

қалыптастыру, өз елінің азаматы мен патриоты ретінде тәрбиелеу міндеттерін тиімді

шешуге қажетті қазіргі оқу орындарының мүмкіндіктері мен шарттары айқындалған.

Тірек сөздер: Ұлғаның зияткерлік әлеуеті, зияткерлік-шығармашыл ұстаз, білім

алушының зияткерлік дамыған тұлғасы, ұлттық тәрбие



Бүл мақалада, XXI – ғасырдың аралығында мектептің педагогиқалық-рухани күйі

мен өнер саласындағы жұмыстыңда негізгі ойы: "адамгершілік" ең жоғарғы баға

болып есептелетіндігіне талдау жасалған.

Тірек сөздер: гуманизм, гуманистік мәдениет, эстетикалық тәрбие.


БЕРУ ЖҮЙЕСІНДЕГІ ҚҰЗЫРЕТТІЛІКТІҢ МӘНІ Түйіндеме. Бұл мақалада көркемдік педагогикалық білім беру жүйесінің

құзыреттілігінің мәні айтылады. Автор білім стандартының жаңа түрін қарастыруды,

соның ішінде заманауй білім тұрғысындағы жағдайлардың себептерін келесідей

көрсетеді: көптеген әртүрлі және жоғары білім түрлері және денгейі, әдіс-

тәсілдерінің түрлері, білім парадигмімен ауысуы.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Тірек сөздер: Бейнелеу өнерінің мұғалімі, құзыреттілігінің мәні, бакалавр





Мақалада автор білік түсінігінің мағынасы мен қатынасы туралы психология-

педагогикалық әдебиеттерді талдап және жоғары оқу орындарындағы көркем-сурет

факультеттерінің бастауыш курстарындағы студенттердің живопистік білігін дамыту

мәселелерін қарастырған.

Тірек сөздер: көркем бейненің бейнесі, креативтілік, кескіндеме қабілеттері.

Нуртаева Н.Ж., Кылышбекова А.О. DER PROJEKTORIENTIERTE


Проект жұмыстарының әдістемесі аудиториялық сабақтарда ғана емес сондай-ақ

өзіндік жұмыс барысында информациалық- коммуникативтік технологиялардын

пайдалануына әкеледі. Ол студенттердің және жас мамандардың болашақ жұмы-

сында қажет ететін компетенцияладың танымдық кызметін өркендеуіне және

дамуына әкелетіні сөзсіз. Мақалада проектік жұмыстарға деген коммуникативтік

қызметтің басты негізгі жағдайлар және талаптар талқыланады.

Тірек сөздер: дербестік,жауапкершілік, тілдің қарым-қатынаста қолданылуы,

ортақ жоспарлау, дербес зерттеу, өзіндік бастаманы дамыту.



Мақалада шетел тілін оқытудағы мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынастың рөлі

қарастырылады және оқытушы мен студент арасындағы ассоциативті -вербальды

желі мысалдарымен берілген.

Мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас басқа елдер мәдениетін түсінуге көмектесе-

тіндіктен аса маңызды болып табылады. Мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас ақпаратты

бірігіп қолдануды білдіреді және басқа елдердің мәдениеті мен әлеуметтік топтар

арқылы алмасады. Бұл жағдайда, мәдениетаралық кедергі коммуникацияны немесе

ақпарат алмасуды шектемейді. Мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас басқа лингвис-

тикалық және мәдени тегі бір топтардың немесе жеке тұлғаның арасындағы қарым-

қатынас ретінде түсіндіріледі.

Тірек сөздер: мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас, интеракция, мәдениет, ана тілі,

шет тілі, шет тілін оқыту үрдісі

Жауыншиева Ж.Б. ТІЛДІ ОҚЫТУДАҒЫ КОММУНИКАТИВТІК ӘДІС Бұл мақалада коммуникативтік әдістің тиімділігі мен оның басты принциптері


Тірек сөздер: коммуникативтік амал, аудио-тілдік, уәж, даярлық деңгейін көтеру

мақсатындағы іс-шара.



Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Мақалада Қазақстандағы 12 жылдық оқуға өтуге байланысты негізгі проблемалар

қарастырылған.Осыған орай зерттеу тобы 12 жылдық оқуға байланысты деңгейлік

орта білім беру базалық және типтік жоспарлар жасады.

Тірек сөздер: базистік және моделдік оқу жоспары, стандарттар, халықаралық

тәжірибе, әлеуметтік жауапкершілік, білім мазмұнының компоненттері, білім

берудегі жетістіктер.



Бұл мақала халықаралық әйел құқықтарын қорғау мәселесіне, гендерлік теңдік

пен әйелдерге қарсы жасалатын қылмыстармен күрес мәселесіне арналған. Әйел

құқықтарын қамтамасыз ету, мәдени, саяси, экономикалық салалардың барлығын

қамтитын қазіргі кездегі халықаралық құқықтың өзекті мәселелерінің бірі.

Тірек сөздер: халықаралық құқық, адам құқықтары, халықаралық адам құқық-

тарын қорғау, әйел құқықтары, әйел құқықтарын халықаралық қорғау, әйелдерге

қарсы қылмыстар.



Зерттеу мақсаты: магистранттың өзіндік дамуында шығармашылығының шарт-

тары мен механизмдерін анықтау. Зерттеу үшін Е.П.Торренстің шығармашылық

ойлары бар мәтіндер; К.Замфирдің оқу-кәсіби қызметіндегі оқу-әдістемелік мотив-

тері таңдалып алынды(А.А. Реан және В.А.Якуниннің модификациясы).

Өзіндік дамытуда ғылыми-зерттеу шығармашылығының құрылымы білім алушы-

ның сол контексте бүгінгінгіде және болашақта өзін шынайы және идеалды түрде

көрсететін күрделі интегративттік құрылыс.

Магистранттардың өзіндік дамуында ғылыми-зерттеу шығармашылығын психо-

логия тұрғысынан алса, оларға рефлексивтік қызмет, жеке басының когнитивтік

қызметтері жатады. Педагогика тұрғысынан алса, оларға білім алуда факультативтік,

интербелсенділік және инновациялық технология болып табылады.

Магистранттардың өзіндік дамуында ғылыми-зерттеу шығармашылығының

жетістігі студенттердің сана-сезімдерімен, мотивациясымен және креативті ойлауы-

мен байланысты болуы.

Тірек сөздер: өзіндік даму, шығармашылық, рефлекция,бақылау локусы, өзіндік

сана, креативтік ойлау.



Мақалада бейнелеу өнерінің болашақ оқытушыларының кәсіби біліктілігін ар-

найы пәндерді: суретті, көркемсуретті және композицияны оқу барысында қалыптас-

тыру проблемасы ашылады. Автор бейнелеу өнері мұғалімінің кәсіби дайындығын

арнайы пәндерді оқу барысында оның кәсіби біліктілігін дамыту үдерісі ретінде


Түйінді сөздер: бейнелеу өнері мұғалімінің біліктілігі, арнай пәндер, сурет,

көркем сурет және композиция

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Түсүпова А.К., Жалалова А.М., Әмірбаева Д.Е. М.ӘУЕЗОВТЫҢ “АБАЙ


ӘЛЕМІ. Мақала М.Әуезовтың шығармашылығына, сонымен қатар оның “Абай жолы”

атты эпикалық романына арналған. Ұлыақын-ағартушының ақындық мұрасын

зерттеп, олардың күрделі мәтіндік мәселелеріне назар аударып, жеке шумақтар мен

жолдарды қалпына келтірді. М.Әуезовтың шығармашылығын салыстырмалы-лек-

сикологиялық тұрғыда зеттеуге және Абай шығармалырының магистрлік зерт-

теулерде зерттеуге баға жетпес үлес тигізетін ғылыми талдаулар жазды және

ғылыми библиографиялық мағлұматтарды жинауға зор көмек көрсетті.

Тірек сөздер: Абай, Әуезов, ақын-ағартушы, көркемдік әлем.



Мақалада Қазақстан жоғары оқу орындарындағы аударматанудың теориялық

және әдістемелік өзекті мәселелері қарастырылады. Автор нормативті құжаттар,

орыс, ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріндегі оқу құралдары мен сөздіктерді негізге ала

отырып, студенттер мен магистранттардың оқу үдерісінің құрылымымен мазмұнына

талдау жүргізеді. Аталмыш мәселенің өзектілігі қазақ тіліндегі оқу-әдістемелік

құралдарының тапшылығына байланысты болып табылады. Мақала барысында

автор көбінесе өз оқытушылық тәжірибесімен оқу-әдістемелік басылымдардың

құрастырушы ретіндегі тәжірибесіне сүйенеді. Сондай-ақ аударманың жеке және

арнайы ғылыми-теориялық негіздерін анықтау, аударманың метатілін жасау

қажеттілігіне де ерекше назар аударылады.

Тірек сөздер: аударманың теориясы мен практикасы, білім бері үрдісі,

теоретикалық және әдіснамалық мәселелер.



Мақалада жоғары кәсіби білім беруді жаңғыртудың бір астары ретінде оны

гуманистік, мәдениеттанымдық, синергетикалық, акмеологиялық, андрагогикалық,

құзырлылық және интеграциялық амалдардың алынатындығы жайлы ой негізделеді.

Сипатталған әдіснамалық амалдар отандық жоғары білімнің әлемдік білім кеңістігіне

кірігуінің стратегиясын анықтауға мүмкіндік береді.

Тірек сөздер: өзіндік даму, шығармашылық,рефлекция, өзіндік сана, креативтік


Исхан Б., Даутова С.Б., Оспанова Б. ҚАЗАҚ ӘЛІПБИІН ЗЕРТТЕУ


Кеңестік тілдік саясат ұстанымы зерделенді. Бұл саясаттың патшалық Ресей

саясатымен сабақтас екеніне назар аударылып, оның қазақ әліпбиі мен жазуының

қалыптасуына тигізген саяси ықпалы сараланды. ХХ ғасырдың басында қазақ жазуы

араб-парсы және орыс тілінің әсерінен құтылу мақсатында араб әліпбиін рефор-

малап, ұлттық әліпбилер түрін дайындады. Солардың ең жүйелісі – А. Байтұр-

сынұлының нұсқасы. Ол қазақ қоғамында 1929 жылға дейін қолданылды. 1929

жылғы қазақ жазуы латын графикасына ауыстырылды. Бұл әліпби А.Байтұрсын-

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


ұлының қазақтың 28 төл дыбысын таңбалайтын әліпбиін басшылыққа алған еді.

1938 жылы латынша қазақ графикасымен халықаралық сөздердің жазылуында

бірізділіктің жоқтығы алға тартылып, қазақ тілі дыбыстық жүйесіне тән емес х, ф, в

дыбыстырының әріптері енгізілді. Сәйкесінше жаңа емле ережесі қабылданды. 1940

жылы латынша графика кирилшеге ауыстырылып, орыс фонетикасындағы барлық

әріп қабылданды. Осыған байланысты емле ережелері бірнеше рет толықтырылды.

Қазір қазақ жзуын кирилшеден латыншаға ауыстыру қайта қолға алынып жатыр.

Осыған орай, 28 әріптен тұратын төл әліпби құрастыру керек немесе өзгетілдік ды-

быстардың әріптерін де қамтитын әліпби дайындау керек деген мәселе пайда болды.

Қазақстандық лингвистер осы мәселені емілеге (орфографияға) байланыстыра

отырып шешуді қарастыруда.

Тірек сөздер: жазу, латынша, емле, өзгетілдік сөздерді жазу туралы.



МЕСІ . Бұл зерттеулердің аралас әдістерінде (сапалы және сандық әдістер) , мектеп

жасына дейінгі балалар сауаттылықтарына қарай екі рет тест сынақтарна алынып,

бірінші сыныптан кейін олардың оқу және жазу қабілеттіліктері бағаланды. Сауат-

тылықты зеттеудің неміс әдістері ерте оқу мен жазудың ең маңызды алғышарт-

тары ретінде тек дыбыстық құзыреттілікке бағытталады. Осы зеттеудің мақсаты

дамудың ,яғни бастапқы сауаттылықтың құрылымының басқа маңызды қырларын

ашу болып табылады. Бұл мақалада болжамдарға алып келетін қағидалық негіздер

туралы айтылады; зерттеу жобасындағы әдістемелік сұрақтар, сонымен қатар

сауаттылық құрылымын бағалау барысындағы нұсқалармен көрсеткіштер қарас-


Тірек сөздер: оқу және жазуды үйрену, бастапқы сауаттылық, дыбыстық

құзіреттілік,аралас әдістер.



ШЫЛЫҒЫ Латын харіпін қолданатын барлық тілдерде сөйлемдегі бастапқы сөз үлкен әріп-

пен жазылады. Дегенімен неміс жазуында өзіне тән ерекшелігі бар: ол зат есімдердің

ауысуы.өткен зерттеулерге қарағанда, ғылыми санақ көрсеткіштері оқушылардың

қателік жасауларының себебі яғни ең маңыздысы олардың ауысуды білмеуі көрсетті,

бұл тек оқушыларға сонымен қатар студенттерге кешірімді. Бұл мәселе дидакти-

калық маңызға ие. Дегенімен бұл әдістер меңгеру шеберлікті қажет етеді. Сондықтан

ұзақ уақытты 5 және 7 сынып аралығында өткізілген зерт-теулер аралас әдісттерді

(сапалық және сандық әдістер) қамтиды.Бұл мақалада зерттеу жобалары мен сынақ

әдістері суреттеледі. Аяғында, зерттеу нысанын терең түсіну үшін сандық және

сапалық әдісттердің бірігуі мүмкіндігі бойынша мысалдардың нәтижесі дәлелденеді.

Тірек сөздер: сөйлем шегінде ауысуды игеру, ұзақ мерзімді зерттеу, жобалаудың

аралас әдісттері, топтың қабілеттілігі.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten




ЛІКТЕРІН ДАМЫТУ. АЛДЫН АЛА ОЙЛАСТЫРЫЛҒАН ЗЕРТТЕУ. Баден-Вюртемберг федералды жерінде, сонымен қатар басқа неміс жерлерінде

дайындық сыныптары ( Vorbereitungsklassen ) неміс тілін білмейтін оқушыларды

оқытудың жалпы үлгісі болып табылады. Олар 1960-шы жылдарда бекітілгеніне

қарамастан олардың ғылыми зерттеулерде тиімділілігі жоқ. Дегенімен тәжірибеде

әкімшілік нұсқаулықтардың (Verwaltungsvorgaben) қалай қолданылатыны белгісіз.

Бұл Ph.D. докторлық жобаның мақсаты дайындық сыныптарындағы өткен тәжіри-

бедегі дифференциалды көрінісін көрсету. Осы мақсатқа жету үшін, аралас әдістер

қолдану арқылы алуынуы шарт. Бұл мақалада зерттеуді жобалау мен зерттеудің

әдістемесі сияқты мәселелерге назар аударылады. Кейбір нәтижелерге түсініктеме

беру арқылы анықталады.

Тірек сөздер: дайындық сыныптары; Баден-Вюртемберг федералды жері, жалпы

оқу жүйесі; тіл; ықпалдылық; неміс тілді емес балалар мен жасөспірімдер; миграция.





Алдыңғы ғылыми жобада «ғылыми жазуды неміс тілінде игеру" Колумбиялық

студенттермен L1 испан тілінде, L2 неміс тілінде жазылды. Аталмыш зерттеудің

мақсаты, академиялық әлеуметтену барсында меңгерген неміс тілінде ғылыми

жұмыстарды жазуды зерттеу.Ғылыми жазудың бірінші қабілеттіліктерін студенттер

Колумбия университетінің бакалаврында L1 испан тілінде үйренеді кейін, универ-

ситтердегі қабілеттіліктердің синтезі арқасында L2 неміс тілінде жазды. Академия-

лық жазуды меңгеру үдерісі мәтіндердің ғылыми тәртібі негізінде қайта құрылады.

Мақалада мәліметтер және саралауларды жинауға әдістемелік тәсіл көрсетілген.

Тірек сөздер: ғылыми жазу, студенттік мәтіндер, неміс тілі шетел тілі ретінде,

зерттеу әдісі.



ҚАЛАЙ ӘСЕР ЕТЕДІ. Білім жобалары ғылыми зерттеулердің шегінен шығуда. Симфониялық оркестр-

дің 3 мектеппен байланысы әртүрлі жобалар мен іс-шаралардың жан-жақты сарап-

тамасын жасауға мүмкіндік береді. Бұл жобаны зерттеудің аралас әдістері байла-

ныстардың барлық деңгейлерін қарастырады және біріктіреді (мекемелер, оқыту-

шылар , музыканттар мен студенттер).

Ақпараттық- насихаттау ісінің студенттерге әсері олардың музыкалық уәждемесі

және өзін-өзі бағалаушылық зерттеуге дейін және зерттеуден кейін қарастырылды.

Ынтымақтастыққа және оның мектептердегі музыкалық білім беруге әсеріне деген

көзқарастары бойынша оқытушылар және музыканттар онлайн-сауалнама және жар-

тылай құрылымды сұхбаттар арқылы сұралды. Бұл сұхбаттар деректі әдіс арқылы


Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Бұл мақала жүргізілген зерттеулер жобаның қағидалық негіздемесі , сонымен

қатар маңызды мәселелері туралы көрініс береді.

Тірек сөздер: музыкалық білім; оркестр, музыкалық бағалау,музыкалық уәждеме;

қысқаша араласу; деректі әдіс.

Ротт Бенджамин, Лойдерс Тимо, Шталь Элмар. "МАТЕМАТИКАЛЫҚ



Бұл мақаладағы зерттеулер екіжақты болып табылады: (а) математиканың ғылым

ретіндегі эпистемологиялық көрінісін анықтау және (б) экономика құралдарын

өңдеу. Бұл үшін математика пәлсапасының сұрақтары таңдалынды (а) (мысалы,

математика онтолгиясының нысаны) және (б) жоғарыда көрсетілген эпистемо-

логиялық сенімдердің веб- сауалнамалары өңделді. Біздің сауалнама жүргізуіміздегі

алғашқы қадамдар зерттеу сенімдеріне қатысты айқындамалар мен дәлдемелердің

жазылуына байланысты болды. Аталмыш мақалада математикалық білімдердің ай-

қындамасы тақырыбына шоғырланған сұхбаттарды жүзеге асырулар және өңдеулер


Тірек сөздер: эпистемологиялық сенімдер; білімнің деректілігі; математикалық





Бұл эссе ғылымдағы сонымен қатар физикадағы мета-түсінікті зерттедегі сұх-

баттардың нәтижелері туралы хабарлайды. Нақтырақ айтқанда, физика пәнін оқыту-

дың мәнін оқытушылардың қалай түсінетіні туралы сұрақтан басталды. Барлық

сұхбаттар сапалы түсіндірме көріністерімен талданды. Бұл мәліметтер аталмыш

саланың зерттеудегі заманауи жан-жақты шолуында табылады.

Тірек сөздер: табиғат, физика, ғылым білімі, педагогикалық білім.



ТЕУЛЕРІ. Мақалада білім беру ғылымы үшін ортақ талдауларды қолданудың мүмкінші-

лігін қолдану қарастырылған. Мысалы, эпистемиологиялық пайымдаулар. Аларман-

ның қалауын бағалау үшін нарықтық зерттеулерде жиі қолданылатын көп өлшемді

әдістің ортақ талдауы. Сондықтан, оқу зерттеулерінде ортақ талдаулар жеткілікті

таралмаған. Бұл мақала білім саласындағы эпистеломологиялық сенімдер мен

пайымдаулардың соңғы зерттеулерін суреттейді. Мақалада биология пәнінің

оқытушыларының мысалында бұл ортақ талдаулардың өлшемін шешу көрсетілген.

ғылымның табиғаты және білімді игеру үрдістерінің болжамдары оқутышылар мен

оқушылардың эпистемологиялық пайымдауларының негізі болып табылады.

Кілт сөздер: Тірек эпистемиялық сенім, ортақ талдау, эпистемологиялық пайым-


Штайлинг Стефан, Рисс Вернер, Хорш Кристиан. БИОЛОГИЯ САБАҒЫН-



Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Жүйелілік ойлау табығи ғылыми, экономикалық, мәдени-әлеуметтік мәсерелерін

өңдеудің әсіресе «Тұрақты даму білімі» саласы үшін (ТДБ) ең маңызды кілт болып

табылады. Алдынғы зерттеулер тікелей студенттірдің жүйелілік ойлауына көмек-

тесуге ғана бағытталған болатын. Ал аталмыш зерттеу бір қадамға алға қарай ұмты-

луда: оның мақсаты студенттердің ойлау жүйелілігін дамытудағы оқытушылардың

дайындығының тиімділілігін, нәтижелілігін зерттеу.

Тірек сөздер: жүйелілік ойлау, мұғалімдерді дайындау, тұрақты даму білімі.




Академиялық жазу мәдени келісімшарттың нысаны. Кезкелген мәдениеттің

қағидаттарына байланысты, әртүрлі мәтін түрлерінің құрылымын оқырмандар және

сын берушілер күтеді. Бұл қағидаттарды орындау табысқа жетудің шарты болып

табылады. Өздерінің бірінші жұмыстарын шетел тілінде жазуға міндетті жас

ғалымдар немесе шетелдік зерттеушілер мысалы Германия тәрізді Батыс Еуропа

мемлекеттерінің академиялық жазу прагматикасымен таныс емес. Сондықтан олар

көп жағдайда Фрайбург педагогикалық университетінің ғылыми –зерттеу кеңсесіне

біздің бағдарламаларымыз бойынша кеңес беруімізді сұрайды. Бұл мақалада PhD

қосымшалардың, шәкіртақы алуға сұраныс хаттардың және журнал мақалаларының

жазу мәдениетімен байланысты біздің академиялық жазудың зерттеулеріміздегі

маңызды нысандық және болжамдық қырларына шолу көрсетілген. Сонымен қатар,

мақалада ресімді ағылшын тілінің мінездемесі, мәтінаралық дұрыстылық және нақты

бөлімдерге арналған мазмұның құрылымы сияқты мәселелерде қарастырылған.

Тірек сөздер: ғылыми жазу, мақалалар мен тапсырыстар жазу.




ABAY-UNIVERSITÄT Im Artikel betrachtete man die Fragen der Integration der Wissenschaft und der

Bildung in der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abay Universität - der führenden

pädagogischen Hochschule in der Republik Kasachstan, in der man die professionelle

Ausbildung von Fachleuten in der Sphäre der pädagogischen Schulung sichert. Das

Hauptziel des Bildungsprozesses ist die Formierung eines erfolgreichen Absolventes, den

die Gesellschaft bedürft, eines schöpferischen Spezialisten, der zur Selbstentwicklung und

Selbstrealisierung fähig ist. Die Professionalität des Lehrpersonals, die früchtenbringende

Erfahrung aus den organisierten internationalen und republikanischen Konferenzen,

Runden Tischen, zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und lehr-methodische Veröffentlichungen

sind die Hauptkennwerte des hohen Forschungspotentials und pädagogischer

Erfindungsaktivität des Lehrpersonals. Die strategische Lehrprioritäten in der Universität

sind die Integration in den Internationalen Bildungs- und Kulturraum, Heranbildung

hochqualifizierten Spezialisten, Erziehung konkurrenzfähiger Pädagogen.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Schlagwörter: Integration, Wissenschaft, Bildung.


LINGUISTICS Derzeit scharf Interesse an der Erforschung des menschlichen Verhaltens in Bezug auf

die Organisation von Informations-und Kommunikationsmaßnahmen und im Hinblick auf

die übrigen gemeinsamen menschlichen Tätigkeiten, die zur Entstehung eines “neuen

wissenschaftlichen Paradigmas” oder “diskursive Wende” in der Wissenschaft geführt

erhöht. Das Papier analysiert einige bestehende Konzepte des Begriff “Diskurs” in der

zeitgenössischen Linguistik, auch vorgeschlagen sein eigenes Verständnis des Begriffs.

Untersuchung der spezifischen Formen des politischen Diskurses offenbart die Natur des

ethno-kulturellen Besonderheiten der “mentalen Raum” sprechende Person. Dies umfasst

sowohl die kulturelle Unterschiede, Wissen lingvostranovedcheskih Phänomene und

verschiedene kulturelle Aktivitäten speziell für die Massenbewusstsein und

linguopragmatic Merkmal der Arbeitsweise ihrer spezifischen Arten und Formen der

Umsetzung dieser oder jener Art von Sprache, Kommunikation und menschliches


Schlagwörter: Diskurs, den politischen Diskurs, die Aktivität des Sprechers,

Kommunikation, Rahmen, Mentalität.

Zolotareva L.R., Ospanov B.E., Shaygozova Zh.N. ART EDUCATION AS


Im Artikel wird das Potential der Kunstausbildung als ein Translator der sozialen und

kulturellen Werte von Kasachstan erschlossen. Die Autoren des Artikels sind davon

überzeugt, dass eine Kunstausbildung hochwertig nur im Zusammenhang mit der Kultur

sein könne, die der Entwicklung von Denkweise, Fähigkeitskapital, Initiative,

Berufsfähigkeiten einer Persönlichkeit beiträgt, die so notwendig für das Leben in neuem

Jahrhundert sind.

Schlagwörter: Die Kunstausbildung, soziale und kulturelle Werte, die schöngeistige

Literatur, konzeptuelle Standpunkte von UNESCO an Kunstausbildung.



Der Artikel befasst sich mit persönlich-orientierte Ausbildung als ein komplexes und

mehrdimensionales Verfahren, das ein grundlegendes Prinzip des Unterrichts Schüler in

allen Bildungseinrichtungen, einschließlich derjenigen in der High School ist.

Schlagwörter: Person-ausgerichteter Unterricht, der Lernprozess, Persönlichkeit.


STRUKTUREN IM KINDER MUTTERSPRACHE Im Artikel handelt es sich um die Entwiklung des Sprechens von den kleinen

Kindern. Im fruehen Entwiklungsstand des Sprechens werden die Stereotypen der

Muttersprache geformt und die Verallgemeinerungsprozesse vorgegangen. Die Autorin

stellt aut dem Grund der durgefuehrten Experimenten dar, wie die kazakhischen Kinder

Vokabeln, Saetze und die grammatischen Structuren erlernen und wie bei ihnen das

Erlernen der Redeteile aufeienanderfolgen.

Schlagwörter:Kindersprachentwicklung, kognitive Entwicklung, Spracherwerb,

osvaiavat gramatcheskuyu Struktur, Muttersprache, grammatischen Kategorien und Ein-

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Wort-Äußerungen dvuslovnye Zeitraum Verallgemeinerungen, Stereotypen Assimilation

der Muttersprache


METHODE IM TERTIÄRSPRACHENUNTERRICHT Der vorliegende Artikel berichtet das Erlernen der 2. Fremdsprache auf dem bewusst-

kognitiven Grund mit Einsatz der vergleichenden Methode. Es wird auch über die

Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Sprachen erwähnt, um die falsche

Interferenz zu vermeiden. Richtige Interferenz aus Englisch ins Französische beobachtet

man im lexikalischen Bereich. Vergleichende Methode beim Erlernen der 2. Fremdsprache

schafft Möglichkeiten für das intensive Lernprozesse, für das Erreichen der besseren

Ergebnisse, hilft bei der Arbeit an der 1. Fremdsprache.

Schlagwörter: die Fremdsprache, die zweite Fremdsprache, die Mehrsprachigkeit, die

Ablehnung, die kognitive Grundlage, intuitiv, spontan, der vergleichende Zugang.




Folgender Artikel beschaeftigt sich mit den Fragen der Lehrerbildung in Kasachstan

unter der Beruecksichtigung der neuen sozial-kulturellen Bedingungen. Zugleich wird ein

Ueberblick ueber innovative Ideen,die die Platform sein muessen,auf der der Uebergang

zur 12-jaerigen Schulbildung basiert. In diesem Zusammenhang muss die 12-jaerige

Schule in dem Masse zu der Entwicklung der Persoenlichkeit beitragen, als sie ihrerseits

selbst das Ergebnis dieses Prozesses ist. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird auf die

Erreichung eines hohen Niveaus der Lehrerbildung,das zu der Entfaltung des Individums

und der Herausbildung geistiger und moralischer Werte der Gesellschaft.beitraegt und den

besten internationalen Vorbildern auf dem Gebiet der Bildung entspricht,gegeben. Auch

werden professionelle Kompetenzen von den zukuenftigen Lehrkraeften,die an der

Kasachischen Nationalen Abai-Universitaet ausgebildet werden, geschildert.Die Autorin

geht von einem weit gefassten Kompetenzbegriff fuer die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer aus.

Dieser umfasst fundiertes Wissen,sowohl fachspezifisches, fachdidaktisches, paedago-

gisches Wissen, als auch Ueberzeugungen, Motivation sowie berufliche Selbstregulation.

Schlagwörter: Intellektuelles Potenzial des Individuums, intellektueller und

schöpferischer Lehrer, intellektuell entwickelter Individuum, nationale Erziehung



Artikel analysiert die psycho-pädagogische, künstlerische Arbeiten, die zu dem Schluss,

dass die Grundidee der Transformation der Schule an der Wende des 21. Jahrhunderts

Humanismus, das heißt, die Anerkennung des Menschen als höchster Wert ist zu führen.

Schlagwörter: humanismus, humanistischen kultur, ästhetische erziehung


KOMPETENZANSATZ, DER LEHRER FÜR BILDENDE KUNST. Im Artikel wird das Wesen eines Kompetenzansatzes an künstlerische und

pädagogische Ausbildung erörtert. Der Autor betont die Notwendigkeit der Ausarbeitung

neuer Ausbildungsnormen, die sich auf modernen Ansätzen an Ausbildung beruhen,

welche durch folgende Ursachen bedingt sind: Auswechseln des Ausbildungsparadigmas,

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Diversifikation von Typen, Niveaus und Formen der Hochschulausbildung und viel


Schlagwörter: die Bachelor-Vorbereitung, der Kompetenzansatz, der Lehrer für

bildende Kunst.



FAKULTÄTEN Im Artikel analysiert der Autor den Inhalt und die Verbindung der psychologisch-

pдdagogischen Literatur, und betrachtet die Probleme der Ausbildung der Studenten der

Anfangskurse der Malerei in der Hochschule der kьnstlerischen-graphischen Fakultдt.

Die Stichwцrter: Die Wahrnehmung der malerischen Weise, Kreativitдt, Die

malerischen Fдhigkeiten.

Nurtajewa N.Sh., Kylyschbekowa A.O. DER PROJEKTORIENTIERTE

FREMDSPRACHENUNTERRICHT Die Projektmethode stimuliert Anwendung der informativ-kommunikativen Techno-

logien, aktiviert eigenverantwortliche Arbeit der Studierenden. Die ausserschulische bzw.

ausseruniversitaere Realitaet wird in den Unterricht einbezogen, dass zweifellos praktische

Anwendumgsmoeglichkeiten des Gelernten, eigene Erfahrungen, Ideen und Kreativitaet

foerdert. Im Artikel beschreibt man Grundsätze und Anforderungen zu Projektarbeiten,die

zu professionellen Kompetenzen und zu der Entwicklung der Persoenlichkeit beitragen.

Schlagwörter: Selbstständigkeit, Mitverantwortung, Sprache kommunikativ

anzuwenden eigenverantwortliches Lernen, eigene Sprachlernstrategien entwickeln,

gemeinsame Planung, kommunikative Fertigkeiten fördern, die Beteiligung an der

Unterrichtsplanung, selbstständige Recherchen.


AUSBILDUNG DER FREMDSPRACHEN Zusammenfassung. Im Artikel werden die Rolle der interkulturellen Kommunikation

im Lernen der Fremdsprachen und das assoziativ-verbale Netz zwischen den Lehrenden

und Studierenden dargestellt.

Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Fragen der interkulturellen Kommunikation. Zuerst

geht es um die Situationen, die die Kommunikation nicht beschranken, sondern zur

effizienten Kommunikation zwischen den Gruppen und Individuen der anderen

linguistischen Kulturen beitragen.

Schlagwörter: interkulturellen Kommunikation, Interaktion, Kultur, Muttersprache,

Fremdsprache, prozess der Ausbildung der Fremdsprachen


In diesem Artikel geht es um die grundlegenden Prinzipien der kommunikativen

Methodik und ihre Effektivität beim Lernen der Fremdsprachen

Schlüsselwörter: die kommunikative Methode, Audio Lingua, die Motivation, die


Mazbaev O.B., Orazalinova R. Zh. BASIS- UND MODELLLEHRPLÄNE


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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt den Inhalt eines der größten Probleme des

Übergangs zu einer 12-jährigen Ausbildung in Kasachstan. Das Forschungsteam hat die

Grund- und Standard-Pläne für die Niveaus der allgemeinen Mittelbildung in den

Verhältnissen der 12-jährigen Bildung entwickelt.

Schlagwörter: Basis- und Modelllehrpläne, Standards, internationale Erfahrung,

soziale Verantwortung, Bestandteile der Bildungsinhalte, Bildungsleistungen

Sabitova A.А., Sabitova Sh.А. FRAUENRECHTE IM VÖLKERRECHT Dieser Artikel behandelt den Schutz der Frauenrechte im Völkerrecht, Genderaspekte

und die Gewalt gegen Frauen in Kasachstan

Schlüsselwörter: Völkerrecht, Menschenrechte, Internationale Menschenrechte,

Frauenrechte, Gewalt gegen Frauen

Yermentayeva A.R., Yerden Nurtaev. FORSCHUNGSARBEITEN DER


Folgender Artikel beschaeftigt sich mit den Fragen der Festlegung von Strukturen,

Bedingungen und dem Mechanismus der Selbstentwicklung der

Nachwuchswissenschaftler. Fuer die experimentelle Forschung wurden die Tests des

schoepferischen Denkens von E.P.Toppens,sowie die Methodik des Erlernens der

Motivation in der Lern- und Berufstaetigkeit von K.Samfir (Modifikation von

A.A.Rean,W..A.Jakunin)ausgewaehlt. Im Artikel wird zunaechst ein Ueberblick ueber die

paedagogischen und psychologischen Bedingungen gegeben, die zur bewusten Kenntnis

der Reflektion,zur persoenlichen Entwicklung, zur Entfaltung des Individums und zur

Erreichung eines hohen Niveaus der Ausbildung der Magisterstudierenden beitragen. In

den weiteren Abschnitten werden die guenstigen Umstaende fuer die Sammlung der

Erfahrungfuer die Anwendung der gewonnenen Kenntnisse und die wichtigen Faehigkeiten

der Nachwuchswissenschaftler dargestellt,sowie die entstehenden Zusammenhaenge

zwischen der Motivation und des kreativen Denkens geschildert.

Schlagwörter: Selbst-Entwicklung, Kreativität, Motivation, Reflexion, Locus of

Control, Selbst-Bewusstsein und kreatives Denken.



Im Artikel wird das Problem der Bildung der Berufskompetenz zukünftiger Lehrer für

bildende Kunst während des Erlernens der speziellen Lehrfächer wie Zeichnung, Malerei

und Komposition erörtert. Der Autor untersucht die Berufsvorbereitung des Lehrers für

bildende Kunst als ein Entwicklungsprozess seiner Berufskompetenz beim Studium der

speziellen Lehrfächer der Fakultät für Kunst- und Graphik.

Schlagwörter: die Kompetenz des Lehrers für bildende Kunst, spezielle Lehrfächer,

die Zeichnung, die Malerei und die Komposition.

Tussupova A.K., Zhalalova A.M., Amirbayeva D.E. THE ARTISTIC WORLD OF



Der Artikel ist dem Schaffen des beruehmten kasachischen Schriftstellers Muchtar

Auesov gewidmet.Im Artikel wird zunaechst ein Ueberblick ueber Auesovs Forschung

des Vermaechtnisses des kasachischen Aufklaerers Abai gegeben, die die Platform

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


war,auf der die wissenschaftliche Analyse der gesamellten Schriften von Abai basiert.

Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird auf den poetischen Roman von Muchtar Auesov "Abais

Weg" gewidmet. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Beteutung Auesovs Roman "Abais

Weg" fuer den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs betont.



Der Artikel beschaeftigt sich mit den aktuellen Problemen der Vermittlung der Theorie

und Praxis der Übersetzung in kasachischen Universitäten. Der Autor analysiert im Detail

die Struktur und den Inhalt des Lernprozesses in den Schulen und Universitaeten.

Ausserdem wurden die vorgeschriebenen Dokumente, die vorhandenen Lehrbücher und

Wörterbücher für Englisch, Russisch und auch die Woerterbuecher der kasachischen

Sprache untersucht. Dieses Problem ist besonders aktuell, weil es an den Unter-

richtsmaterialien auf Kasachisch mangelt. Die Autorin stützt sich auf ihre Erfahrung der

Lehrerin und der Verfasserin von pädagogischen Publikationen. Die besondere Aufmer-

ksamkeit wird auf die Notwendigkeit der wissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Grundlagen

sowie der privaten und exklusiven Theorien der Übersetzung, die Beschreibung von Meta-

Sprachen der Übersetzung gelenkt.

Schlagwörter: Theorie und Praxis der Übersetzung, der Lernprozess, die theoretischen

und methodischen Probleme.



GRUNDLAGE DER VERBINDUNG VON THEORIE UND PRAXIS Artikel beschaeftigt sich mit den Fragen der Modernisierung der Lehrerbildung in

Kasachstan unter der Beruecksichtigungder neuen sozial-kulturellen Bedingungen. Einer

der Aspekte der Modernisierung des Hochschulwesens basiert auf den humanistischen,

kulturellen, synergetischen, androgogischen,akmeologischen,kompetenten und verbin-

dlichen Einstellungen,die mit der Notwendigkeit verbunden ist, die kasachische

Hochschulbildung in die Bildungslandschaft Europas zu integrieren. Zugleich wird ein

Ueberblick ueber die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem DAAD und der Kasachischen

Nationalen Paedagogischen Abai-Universitaet gegeben.

Schlagwörter: Selbstentwicklung, Schaffung, Reflexion, Selbstbewusstsein, kreatives


Iskhan BJ., Dautova.S.B., Ospanova B.R. STUDY ON THE PROBLEM

KAZAKH ALPHABET Es ist die sowjetische sprachliche Politik studiert. Es ist die Betonung auf ihrer

Nachfolge mit der Politik zaristischen Rossi gemacht, es ist ihr politischer Einfluss auf die

Bildung des kasachischen Alphabetes und des Briefes differenziert. Am Anfang des XX.

Jahrhunderts reformierte der kasachische Brief, um dem Einfluss der arabischen,

persischen und russischen Sprachen zu entgehen das arabische Alphabet, hat die Varianten

des nationalen Alphabetes entwickelt. Am meisten systematisiert von ihnen – die Variante

A.Bajtursynulys. Er wurde in der Gesellschaft bis zum 1929 verwendet. Ab 1929 war die

kasachische Schriftsprache auf die lateinische Graphik übersetzt. Das neue Alphabet war

auf der Grundlage der Graphik A.Bajtursynulys, der die 28 spezifischen Laute einschließt

gebildet. In 1938, unter dem Deckmantel der Nichtübereinstimmung der Schreibung der

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internationalen Wörter auf der kasachischen lateinischen Schrift, ins lautliche System des

Kasachischen waren fremd ihr die Buchstabenkennzeichnungen der Laute х, ф

aufgenommen, das Jh. Waren die entsprechenden neuen orthographischen Regeln

übernommen. In 1940 haben die lateinische Schrift кириллицей ersetzt, es waren alle

Buchstaben der russischen Phonetik übernommen. Infolgedessen wurden in die

orthographischen Regeln mehrmals nachgetragen. Zur Zeit geht die kasachische

Schriftsprache von der kyrillischen Schrift auf die lateinische Schrift über. Infolgedessen

ist die Streitfrage entstanden: das althergebrachte Alphabet zu schaffen, das aus den 28

Buchstaben besteht oder, ins Alphabet die fremdsprachlichen Buchstaben der Laute

aufzunehmen. Kasachstanski лингвистырассматривают das vorliegende Problem in der

engen Verbindung mit der Orthografie.

Schlagwörter: die Graphik, die lateinische Schrift, die Orthografie, über die

Rechtschreibung der ausländischen Lexik




In einer quantitativen Studie, kombiniert mit qualitativen Daten, wurde die Early

Literacy von Kindern im letzten Kindergarten Jahr mit den Lese- und Schreibleistungen am

Ende der 1. Klasse korreliert. In Deutschland scheint eine verengte Sicht auf den frühen

Schriftspracherwerb vorzuliegen, in der die phonologische Bewusstheit als zentrale

Vorläuferfertigkeit beschrieben wird. Das Anliegen dieser Studie ist es, andere Aspekte der

Early Literacy zu berücksichtigen. In diesem Artikel soll der theoretische Hintergrund zur

Entwicklung der Hypothesen erläutert warden, ebenso methodische Überlegungen zum

Design der Studie, zur Operationalisierung des Konstrukts Literacy sowie eine

Beschreibung der Population dargelegt werden.

Schlagwörter: Schriftspracherwerb, Literacy, phonologische Bewusstheit,

methodenintegratives Design


EXAMPLE OF A SURVEY ON CAPITALIZATION WITHIN A SENTENCE Die Großschreibung von Satzanfängen und Eigennamen ist in Sprachen mit lateini-

schem Alphabet üblich, so auch im Deutschen. Eine Besonderheit des Deutschen stellt die

satzinterne Großschreibung dar: Substantive und Substantivierungen werden satzintern

großgeschrieben. Vorangegangene Untersuchungen belegen, dass die satzinterne Groß-

schreibung eine der Hauptfehlerquellen in Schülertexten bis zum Ende der Sekundarstufe

ist. Allerdings handelt es sich hierbei um Untersuchungen einzelner Jahrgänge oder um

Querschnittuntersuchungen, die nur bedingt Rückschlüsse über den Erwerbsprozess erlau-

ben. Deshalb wird eine Längsschnittstudie von Klassenstufe 5 bis 7 durchgeführt, die quan-

titative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden kombiniert (methodenintegratives Vorgehen).

In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst das Untersuchungsdesign und die Untersuchung-

smethoden beschrieben. Anschließend soll an ausgewählten Ergebnissen aufgezeigt

werden, wie die Kombination quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden tiefere Einblicke in

den Forschungsgegenstand ermöglicht.

Schlagwörter: Erwerb der satzinternen Großschreibung, Längsschnittstudie,

methodenintegratives Design,

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten




WÜRTTEMBERGS. EINE EXPLORATIVE STUDIE. Vorbereitungsklassen (VKLs) sind in Baden-Württemberg und anderen deutschen

Bundesländern ein Modell zur Sprachförderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen

nichtdeutscher Herkunftssprache. Obgleich das Modell bereits seit den 1960er Jahren

existiert, wurde es zu keiner Zeit wissenschaftlich begleitet und hinsichtlich seiner

Wirksamkeit überprüft. Stattdessen ist bis in die Gegenwart unklar, auf welchen Wegen die

Umsetzung verwaltungsrechtlicher Vorgaben für VKLs in der Praxis erfolgt, auf welchen

Konzepten die Sprachförderung basiert und unter welchen Bedingungen sie durchgeführt

wird. Ziel meines Dissertationsprojektes, dessen Erhebungsphase abgeschlossen ist, war es

daher, ein differenziertes Bild über die gegenwärtige Praxis in VKLs zu erfassen. Um

dieses komplexe Ziel zu erreichen, mussten Subfragen generiert und eine Triangulation

qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden vorgenommen werden. Die Darstellung der

Fragestellung, des Forschungsdesigns sowie der methodischen Aspekte bilden den Fokus

dieses Beitrags. Er schließt mit einer Skizze ausgewählter Ergebnisse.

Schlagwörter:Vorbereitungsklassen (VKLs); Baden-Württemberg; allgemeinbildendes

Schulsystem; Sprachförderung; Integration; Kinder und Jugendliche nichtdeutscher

Herkunftssprache; Migration.




DISSERTATIONSPROJEKTES Das laufende Dissertationsprojekt „Erwerb des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in der

Fremdsprache Deutsch“ beschäftigt sich mit akademischen Texten, die von

kolumbianischen Studenten sowohl in ihrer L1 Spanisch als auch in der L2 Deutsch

verfasst werden. Ziel der Untersuchung ist festzustellen, wie das wissenschaftliche

Schreiben in der Fremdsprache Deutsch im Laufe der akademischen Sozialisation

erworben wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Studenten während ihres

Erststudiumsan einer kolumbianischen Universität das wissenschaftliche Schreiben in der

L1 Spanisch erwerben, und dass die erworbenen Kompetenzen auf das Schreiben

wissenschaftlicher Texte in der L2 Deutsch übertragen werden. Der Erwerbsprozess

wissenschaftlichen Schreibens wird im laufenden Dissertationsprojekt anhand der

wissenschaftlichen Textprozeduren rekonstruiert. Dabei wird ein Textkorpus analysiert,

das Seminararbeiten desselben Studenten auf unterschiedlichen Aneignungsstufen umfasst.

Im vorliegenden Artikel wird der methodische Ansatz für die Datenerhebung und

Datenauswertung vorgestellt.

Schlagwörter: wissenschaftliches Schreiben, studentische Texte, Deutsch als

Fremdsprache, Forschungsmethode.




Außerschulische Musikvermittlungsprojekte entzogen sich lange Zeit weitgehend einer

wissenschaftlichen Begleitung. Die Kooperation eines Sinfonieorchesters mit drei Schulen

bietet nun die Gelegenheit einer umfassenden Betrachtung verschiedenster Angebote und

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Aktionen. In einer mixed-methods Studie werden alle Ebenen der Zusammen- und

Projektarbeit (Institutionen, Lehrkräfte/MusikerInnen und SchülerInnen) betrachtet und


Der Einfluss von außerschulischer Musikvermittlung auf die musikalische

Lernmotivation und das musikalische Selbstkonzept von SchülerInnen wurden in einer

längsschnittlichen Pre-Post Studie untersucht. Lehrkräfte und MusikerInnen konnten in

Onlinefragebögen und halboffenen Interviews zu den Projekten befragt werden, wobei die

Zusammenarbeit untereinander und die Auswirkungen auf den schulischen Musikunterricht

im Mittelpunkt standen. Diese Interviews werden mit der dokumentarischen Methode


Der vorliegende Artikel gibt einen Einblick in das Design, die Fragestellungen sowie

die theoretischen Grundlagen der Studie.

Schlagwörter: Musikvermittlung; musikalisches Selbstkonzept und Lernmotivation;

Kurzintervention; dokumentarische Methode

Rott Benjamin, Leuders Timo, Stahl Elmar. “IS MATHEMATICAL


INTERVIEW STUDY TO INVESTIGATE EPISTEMOLOGICAL BELIEFS Die in diesem Artikel präsentierte Studie besitzt zwei Ziele: (a) die Identifikation von

epistemologischen Überzeugungen über die Mathematik als Wissenschaft und (b) die

Entwicklung von Forschungsinstrumenten, um diese Überzeugungen ökonomisch erfassen

zu können. Um Ziel (a) zu explizieren, wählten wir Fragestellungen aus der

Mathematikphilosophie (beispielsweise zur Ontologie mathematischer Objekte),und (b)

entwickelten einen web-basierten Fragebogen, der es ermöglicht, die zuvor erwähnten

epistemologischen Überzeugungen reliabel zu erfassen. Unser erster Schritt auf dem Weg

zu einem solchen Fragebogen ist eine Interviewreihe, um mögliche Positionen und

Argumente bezogen auf die untersuchten Überzeugungen zu sammeln. Dieser Artikel

berichtet über die Entwicklung und Durchführung dieser Interviews, fokussiert auf die

Frage nach der Sicherheit mathematischen Wissens.

Schlagwörter: Epistemologische Überzeugungen; Sicherheit von Wissen;

Mathematisches Wissen


AN EMPIRICAL INTERVIEW STUDY WITH GERMAN PHYSICS TEACHERS Dieser Aufsatz berichtet über Befunde einer Interviewstudie unter Physiklehrkräften zu

Metakonzepten von Physik als Naturwissenschaft. Ausgangspunkt ist die Frage, wie

Physiklehrkräfte ein sinnhaftes Wissenschaftsverständnis konstituieren. Zur Beantwortung

dieser Frage wurde eine verstehende Interviewanalyse durchgeführt, die charakteristische

Wissenschaftsverständnisse von Physiklehrkräften deskriptiv erfasst und systematisiert. Im

ersten Abschnitt dieses Aufsatzes werden der Stand der Forschung und Hintergründe zum

Forschungsanliegen aufgezeigt. Anschließend werden zwei Interviewausschnitte

exemplarisch vorgestellt. Der Aufsatz schließt mit einem Ausblick, wie die Erkenntnisse

der Studie in der Lehramtsausbildung und im Schulunterricht berücksichtigt werden


Schlagwörter: Bildungsforschung, Lehrerbildung, Physik, Wissenschaftsverständnis.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten




JUDGMENTS Der Artikel diskutiert die Chance des Einsatzes von Conjoint-Analysen in der

Bildungsforschung am Beispiel des Messens epistemologischer Urteile. Conjoint-Analysen

sind multivariate Methoden, die insbesondere in der Marktforschung zur Bestimmung von

Nutzerpräferenzen eingesetzt werden. In der Bildungsforschung sind sie nicht verbreitet.

Der Artikel skizziert neue und grundsätzliche Forschungen in der Erhebung

epistemologischer Überzeugungen und Urteile. Er zeigt an einem Beispiel, wie diese

Urteile von Biologie- und Sachunterrichtslehrenden mit Hilfe einer Conjoint-Analyse

erhoben werden können. Epistemologische Urteile von Lehrenden und Lernenden

begründen deren Annahmen zur Natur von Wissen und zum Prozess des Wissenserwerbs.

Schlagwörter: Epistemische Überzeugungen, Conjointanalyse, Epistemologische


Streiling Stefan, Riess Werner, Hörsch Christian. PROMOTING SYSTEMS


Systemisches Denken gilt als Schlüssel zur Bearbeitung komplexer

naturwissenschaftlicher, ökonomischer und sozio-kultureller Fragestellungen, die

insbesondere im Umfeld der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) eine zentrale

Stellung einnehmen.

In bisherigen Studien ging es vor allem um die direkte Förderung der Schülerinnen und

Schüler in systemischem Denken. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es nunmehr, eine

Lehrerfortbildung zur Förderung systemischen Denkens durchzuführen und deren

Effektivität auf der Ebene der Schülerinnen und Schülern zu untersuchen.

Schlagwörter: Systemisches Denken, LehrerInnenfortbildung, Bildung für nachhaltige





Das Verfassen akademischer Texte ist durch kulturelle Konventionen mitbestimmt. Je

nach kultureller Zugehörigkeit wird das Einhalten spezifischer Vorgaben der

Textausgestaltung von Lesern und Gutachtern erwartet. Somit ist das Einhalten dieser

Richtlinien eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um mit dem Text den gewünschten Erfolg zu

erzielen. Nachwuchswissenschaftler und Wissenschaftler aus anderen Kulturen, sind oft

noch nicht vertraut mit der Pragmatik der Textausgestaltung in westeuropäischen Ländern,

wie Deutschland, wenn sie zum ersten Mal wissenschaftlich Schreiben. In diesen Fällen ist

eine Schreibberatung hilfreich, wie wir sie im Prorektorat Forschung an der Pädagogischen

Hochschule Freiburg anbieten. In diesem Artikel wird eine Zusammenfassung der

wichtigsten formalen und strategischen Aspekte des akademischen Schreibens in unserer

Kultur gegeben. Die Ratschläge beziehen sich auf das Verfassen von Exposés für die

Promotionszulassung, auf Forschungsanträge sowie Zeitschriftenartikel. Es werden dabei

unterschiedliche Aspekte thematisiert, um einen Überblick über die Charakteristika des

formalisierten englischen Sprachgebrauchs zu geben. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die

intertextuelle Korrektheit und der klare, logische Aufbau der Argumentation mit einer

korrekten Zuordnung der Informationen zu den jeweiligen Textabschnitten.

Schlagwörter: wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Verfassen von Anträgen und Artikeln

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten





NAMED AFTER ABAY In the article the issues of science and education integration has been reviewed, in

Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai as a leading pedagogical

university in the republic of Kazakhstan, where the professional preparation of the

specialists in the sphere of education has been conducted. The main aim of the educational

process at the university is to developing the successful specialist, required by the society,

the creative specialist capabible to self development and self realization. The

professionalism of the teaching staff and fruitful experience in international and national

conferences, round tables, numerous scientific and educational publications, are key

indicators of their high scientific research, teaching and creativity. Strategic priorities at

university - it's integration into the global scientific, educational and cultural space, the

training of highly qualified specialists, competitive education teachers.

Key words: integration, science, education.


LINGUISTICS Currently sharply increased interest in the study of human behavior in terms of the

organization of information and communication activities and in terms of the other

common human activities, which led to the emergence of “a new scientific paradigm” or

“discursive turn” in science. The article attempts to analyze some of the existing concepts

and interpretations of the term “discourse” in contemporary linguistics, the author’s own

understanding of the term is proposed as well. The study the specific forms of political

discourse reveals the nature of ethno-cultural characteristics of the “mental space”

speaking person. This includes both the cultural gaps, knowledge lingvostranovedcheskih

phenomena and various cultural activities specific to the mass consciousness and

linguopragmatic feature of the functioning of its specific types and forms of implementing

this or that kind of speech, communication and human behavior.

Key words: Discourse, political discourse, the activity of the speaker, communication,

frame, mentality.

Zolotareva L.R., Ospanov B.E., Shaygozova Zh.N. ART EDUCATION AS


The paper reveals the potential of art education as a part of socio-cultural values of

Kazakhstan. The authors are convinced that art education can be of high quality only in the

context of culture, which promotes the development of thinking, creativity, initiative, and

professional abilities of the individual which are so necessary for life in the new century.

Key words: Аrt education, socio-cultural values, art culture, UNESCO conceptual

approaches to art education.



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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


The article deals with learner-centered education as a complex and multidimensional

process, which is a fundamental principle of teaching students in all educational

institutions, including high school.

Key words: Student-centered learning, the learning process, personality.



The article considers the problems of developing the children’s speech at an early

period? When a child passes through the stages of generalization of grammatical forms and

elaborates the stereotypes of acquiring his mother tongue. The author shares with her

scientific experiences with Kazakh children, to show the development of the first words

and sentences in speech, the ways of acquiring the grammatical structures and the sequence

of developing the parts of speech in the native language.

Key words: development of children’s speech, cognitive development, language

acquisition, to acquire grammatical structure, the native language, grammatical categories,

one word and two words utterances, generalization period, stereotypes of native language




There are unified basic theoretical positions and the general rules of teaching French on

the basis of English which are necessary to achieve the educational process. One of the

main demands is implementation of comparative (contrastive) approach. Thus, teaching the

second FL (foreign language 2) is based on consciously cognitive basis using comparative

approach, which is implemented in encouraging students to compare and contrast the

linguistic facts, identify similarities and differences between them to prevent interference

or realization of positive transference. A comparative approach in the study of the second

foreign language creates the conditions for the intensification of the teaching process, in

order to achieve effectiveness, helps to work on the first foreign language.

Key words: comparative (contrastive) approach, FL1 (foreign language 1), FL2

(foreign language 2), Multilingual Studies, spontaneous intuitive transfer, controlled

transfer, managing transfer with the partial orienting basis, cognitive basis.

Sakypbekova M.Zh., Nessipbayeva Z.S. THE ROLE OF TEACHING

PRONUNCIATION The author describes the chief difficulties in learning English. This article discusses the

way of teaching grammatical structures in English, focuses on creating varieties of learning

the correct pronunciation. Particularly emphasized the differences of pronunciation of

difficult words, compares the transformation of English grammar with the Kazakh,


Key words: Pronunciation, sound, Received Pronunciation, the problem




The article is devoted to the problems of training the future teachers under the new

socio-cultural conditions of Kazakhstan. The innovative ideas which may be the basis of

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training teachers for 12 year school have been shown. The special attention is given to the

formation of a pupil as an intellectually – moral personality. Its characteristics and

scientific foundation have been given. The task of developing the intellectually creative,

spiritually moral personality of a learner must become a priority task in the professional –

pedagogical teacher training process. Its positive solution is connected with the

actualization of national upbringing, development of intellectual potential of students in the

educational process at the university. The definite elements of the activity in Kazakh

national pedagogical university named after Abai in this field have been suggested.

Opportunities, conditions necessary for the successful solution of problems in professional

and personal development of a future teacher, a citizen and a patriot of the country at the

modern higher educational establishment have been elicited

Key words: Intellectual potential of a person, intellectually- creative teacher,

intellectually- developed personality of a learner, national upbringing.


KAZAKHSTAN In article analyzes the psycho-educational, artistic works, which lead to the conclusion

that the basic idea of the school transformation at the turn of the twenty-first century is

humanism, that is, recognition of man as the supreme value.

Key words: humanism, humanistic culture, aesthetic education



The article uncovers an urgent problem of development of description of the personal

qualities of a graduate of an institution of higher education, namely: in the sphere of fine

arts education in terms of a competency building approach. Specialist training up to the

world standards by means of a syllabus, educational form, training resources, and in the

first place on the basis of the state standards of the higher education comprises one of the

most important aspects modern integration processes.

Key words. Bachelor’s Award, a competency building approach, teachers of fine arts,

and educational work in fine arts.




The author analyzes the contents and communication of psychological-pedagogical

literature, and considers the problems of training of students of initial courses of painting in

higher educational institution of art and graphic faculty in this article.

Key words: perception of a picturesque image, creativity, picturesque abilities.

Nurtajewa N.Sh., Kylyschbekowa A.O. DER PROJEKTORIENTIERTE


The methodology of the design work promotes the use of information and

communication technologies, activates independent work in the classroom and outside the

classroom, which undoubtedly contributes to the development and improvement of

students' cognitive activity and competencies necessary for young professionals in their

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


profession. This article provides an outline of and requirements for the project work as a

mean of communication in teaching foreign languages.

Key words: self-dependence, responsibility, communicative using of language, coope-

rative planning, cooperative research, developing own initiative.



The role of intercultural communication in teaching foreign language and associative-

verbal chain between the teacher and student are considered in the article and have been

given with concrete examples.

Intercultural communication is important to understand other cultures. Intercultural

communication means sharing information or exchange across different cultures and social

groups. In such situation, cultural barriers do not restrict communication or sharing

information. Intercultural communication is defined as the communication among

individuals or groups of different linguistic and cultural origins.

Key words: cross-cultural communication, interaction, culture, source language, target

language, the process of teaching foreign language


This article highlights the basic principles of the communicative method and its

effectiveness in teaching foreign languages.

Key words: communicative approach, audio-lingual, motivation, , workshop.



This articles deals with one of the most important issues of transition to 12-year

secondary education in Kazakhstan. Research team has developed basic and typical

curricula for various levels of 12-year general secondary education

Key words: base and model educational plans, standards, international experience,

social responsibility, component of education, educational service.


This article is about of protection of women's rights in international law, gender aspects

and violence against women in Kazakhstan.

Key words: international law, human rights, international human rights, women rights,

violence against women.

Yermentayeva A.R., Yerden Nurtaev. RESEARCH CREATIVITY OF

UNDERGRADUATES. The psychological condition of self-development of research creativity of

undergraduets is their reflective activities, personal and cognitive constructs. The

pedagogical conditions of self-development of research creativity of future teachers are

facilitative, interactive and innovative educational technologies in higher educational


Features of self-development of research creativity of undergraduets are characterized

by their integral features of consciousness, connecting the sense of responsibility,

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


commitment to the activity, experiencing “Me”, the motivation for self-development and

cognitive activity.

The structure of self-development of research creativity is defined as a complex

integrative student presentation of himself in the context of the real and the ideal, the

present and the future.

The success of self-development of the research creativity of the undergraduates is

studied in inter-relationship of self-awareness, motivation structure and creative thinking of


Objective of the study is to determine the structure, conditions and mechanisms of self-

development of research creativity of undergraduates.

For the experimental study we selected the tests of creative thinking of E.P. Torrance,

techniques to study the motives of educational activity K. Zamfir (modification of A.A.

Rean and V.A. Yakunin).

Key words: self-development, creativity, motivation, reflection, locus of control, self-

awareness and creative thinking.


TEACHERS This article reveals the problem of formation the professional competence of future

teachers of Fine Arts in the process of studying special disciplines: Drawing, Painting and

composition. The author considers professional competence of future teachers of fine arts

as a process of development the students’ professional competence during studying the

special subjects of art graphic faculty.

Key words: competence of the teacher of Fine Arts, special disciplines, Drawing,

Painting and composition.

Tussupova A.K., Zhalalova A.M., Amirbayeva D.E. THE ARTISTIC WORLD OF


“THE WAY OF ABAI” This article is devoted to the work of M.Auezov, in general, and his novel – the epic

"The way of Abai". In particular, by studying the poetic heritage of the great poet-

enlightener Abai, Auezov paid attention to complicated textual problems, has restored

individual stanzas and lines, has written comments and facilitated the creation of scientific

bibliographic information that will be invaluable assistance in the Master's research on the

works of Abai and study work of M.Auezov in the comparative-lexicological perspective.

Keywords: Abai, Auezov, poet – enlightener,artistic world.



The article describes the current problems of teaching the theory and practice of

translation in Kazakh universities. The author analyzes in detail the structure and content of

the educational process of students and master students on the example of regulatory

documents, available textbooks and dictionaries in English, Russian and Kazakh

languages. This problem is actual, because of shortage condition of educational and

methodical literature in Kazakh language.The author relies on his experience of the teacher

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and the author of educational and methodical editions. The special attention is paid to need

of development of scientific-theoretical bases of private and special theories of translation,

the description of translation meta language.

Keywords: theory and practice of translation, educational process, theoretical and

methodical problems.




Article explains the idea that one of the aspects of the modernization of higher

education is its construction based on humanistic, cultural studies, synergistic,

acmeological, andragogical, competence and integrative approaches. The described

methodological approaches allow to define the development strategy of higher education in

terms of integration into the world educational space.

Keywords: self-development, creativity, reflection, self-awareness and creative


Iskhan BJ., Dautova.S.B., Ospanova B.R. TO ISSUES OF RESEARCH OF THE


Studied the Soviet language policy . Emphasis is placed on its continuity with the

policies of Tsarist Russia , differentiated its political influence in the formation of the

Kazakh alphabet and writing. In the early twentieth century Kazakh letter to get rid of the

influence of Arabic, Persian and Russian languages reformed Arabic alphabet developed

variants of the national alphabet . The most systematic of them - Option A Baitursynuly . It

was used in the community until 1929. Since 1929 , the Kazakh script was translated into

Latin script . The new alphabet was based on charts A.Baytursynuly , which includes 28

specific sounds. In 1938 , under the pretext of non-compliance of international writing the

words on the Kazakh Latin, a sound system of the Kazakh language were included foreign

to her letters represent sounds x , f , c. Have been enacted new orthographic pravila.V 1940

Latin alphabet replaced the Cyrillic letters were taken due to the Russian fonetiki.V than a

few times to make additions to the spelling rules . At present, the Kazakh alphabet goes

from Cyrillic to Latin. In this connection there was a controversial question : to create

original alphabet consisting of 28 letters or include in the foreign-language alphabet letter

sounds. Kazakh lingvistyrassmatrivayut this issue closely related to spelling .

Keywords: graphics, Latin, spelling, vocabulary about the spelling of foreign



FOCUSSING ONLY ON PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS. In this mixed methods study (combining qualitative and quantitative methods), pre-

school children were tested twice for their abilities in literacy and at the end of first grade

their reading and writing skills were assessed. At this time, German literacy research

appears to focus exclusively on phonological awareness as the most important prerequisite

for early reading and writing. The aim of this study is to bring into focus other important

developmental aspects, such as other abilities of the construct of early literacy. This article

gives an account of the theoretical background leading to the hypotheses; considers the

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methodological issues in the design of the research, including a description of the sample

and the indicators required to measure the construct of literacy.

Keywords: learning to read and write, early literacy, phonological awareness, mixed




In all languages using the Latin alphabet the initial letter of the first word in a sentence

is capitalized. But apart from this, the German written language has a characteristic feature:

the capitalization of nouns. Statistical surveys from previous research have revealed that

capitalization is the primary source of errors for learners, and this holds not only for young

learners. This issue is therefore of major didactic importance. Nevertheless, these studies

scarcely allow for insights into the subtle path of acquisition. Therefore a longitudinal

study from class 5 to class 7 is being conducted, which combines quantitative and

qualitative methods (mixed methods design). In this article the research design and the

testing methods will be described. Subsequently, exemplified results will prove how

quantitative and qualitative methods can be reasonably combined in order to gain more

profound insights into the subject of research.

Keywords: acquisition of capitalization within a sentence, longitudinal study, mixed

methods design, ability groups



BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERGS. EINE EXPLORATIVE STUDIE. In the federal state of Baden-Württemberg as well as in other German states,

preparatory classes (Vorbereitungsklassen) are a common model for language instruction

to students from non-German families. Even though they were installed in the 1960s, no

scientific studies of their effectiveness exist. In addition, it is unclear how the

administrative guidelines (Verwaltungsvorgaben) are put into practice, on which

conceptual framework they are based on and under which circumstances they are

conducted. The goal of this Ph.D. project therefor is to obtain a differentiated picture of the

current practice in preparatory class. In order to achieve this goal, several subsequent

questions needed to be generated, using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods.

In this session, the focus will be on the guiding question, the design and the methodology

of the study. It will close by giving an overview of selected results.

Keywords: Preparatory classes; federal state of Baden-Württemberg; general

educational system; language instruction; integration; students from non-German families;






The current research project "Acquisition of academic writing in the foreign language

German" deals with academic texts that are written by Colombian students in their

L1Spanisch and L2 German. The aim of the investigation is to determine how the scientific

writing in the foreign language German is acquired in the course of academic socialization.

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It is assumed that the students gain their firstskills in scientific writing in the L1 Spanish

during the first undergraduatedegree at a Colombian universityand these skills will be

transferred to the writing of scientific texts in the L2 German. The acquisition process of

academic writing will be reconstructed on the basis of scientific text procedures. In the

present paper the methodological approach for data collection and data analysis is


Keywords: academic writing, student texts, German as a foreign language, research





Educational outreach projects have long been outside the scope of scientific research.

The collaboration of a symphonic orchestra with three schools now offers the opportunity

for to conduct a comprehensive analysis of different kinds of projects and activities. This

mixed-methods research project examines and integrates all levels of cooperation

(institutions, teachers, musicians and students).

The influence of outreach activities on students’ musical motivation and self-concept

were evaluated in a longitudinal, pre-post study. Teachers and musicians were interviewed

by means of online questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and their views on

collaboration and its influence on music education in schools were explored. These

interviews were interpreted by using the documentary method. This article gives insight

into the design, the main questions and also the theoretical background of the ongoing


Keywords: Music education; Orchestra; Musical Self-concept; Musical Motivation;

Brief intervention; Documentary Method

Rott Benjamin, Leuders Timo, Stahl Elmar. “IS MATHEMATICAL



The goals of the study presented in this article are twofold: (a) to identify

epistemological beliefs about mathematics as a science and (b) to develop the instruments

to do so economically. To this end we (a) chose questions from the philosophy of

mathematics (e.g., about the ontology of mathematical objects) and (b) elaborated a web-

based questionnaire to collect the above-mentioned epistemological beliefs reliably. Our

first step towards such a questionnaire was a series of interviews to record possible

positions and arguments regarding the investigated beliefs. This paper reports the

development and implementation of these interviews, focusing on the topic of certainty of

mathematical knowledge.

Keywords: epistemological beliefs; certainty of knowledge; mathematical knowledge



This essay reports findings of an interview study on meta-concepts in science, and

physics in particular. More precisely, it begins with the question of how physics teachers

make sense of the subject they teach. All interviews were analyzed qualitatively for

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


descriptive depictions of sense-making. These findings are situated in a comprehensive

review of current research in the field.

Keywords: nature of science, physics, science education, teacher education




The article discusses the opportunities of using conjoint analysis for educational

research, for example to measure epistemic judgments. Conjoint analysis is a multivariate

method that is often used in market research to assess customer preferences. Consequently,

conjoint analysis is not widespread in educational research. This paper describes recent

research in the investigation of epistemological beliefs and judgments in educational

research. The paper illustrates how these judgments can be measured with conjoint

analysis in a sample of biology teachers. Epistemological judgments of teachers and

learners are the foundation of their assumptions about the nature of science and the process

of knowledge acquisition.

Keywords: Epistemic beliefs, conjoint analysis, epistemological judgments

Streiling Stefan, Riess Werner, Hörsch Christian. PROMOTING SYSTEMS


Systems thinking is an essential key to handle complex natural scientific, economical

and sociocultural questions, which is especially important in the field of “Education for

Sustainable Development” (ESD).

Prior studies have focused on directly promoting systems thinking in students. The

present study goes one step further: its aim is to investigate the effectiveness of teachers

training in promoting students’ systems thinking.

Keywords: Systems thinking, Teacher training, Education for Sustainable




PROPOSALS AND JOURNAL ARTICLES Academic writing is subject of cultural conventions. Depending on the guidelines of a

particular culture, the arrangement and structure of various types of text are expected by

readers and reviewers. To follow these guidelines is a precondition for success. Young

scientists or foreign researchers who must write their first foreign-language text are often

not familiar with the pragmatics of academic writing in Western European countries such

as Germany. Therefore, they require writing consulting such as our program at the

Research and Career Development Office (RCDO) at the University of Education Freiburg.

This article provides an overview of the most important formal and strategic aspects of

academic writing in our research culture relating to PhD proposals, grant proposals and

journal articles. Several subjects are addressed in this article, such as the characteristics of

formal academic English, intertextual correctness, and the importance of clear,

straightforward composition with the correct assignment of different content to specific


Keywords: academic writing, composing proposals and articles.

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Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten





ИМЕНИ АБАЯ В статье рассматриваются вопросы интеграции науки и образования в Казахском

национальном педагогическом университете имени Абая – ведущем педагогическом

вузе Республики Казахстан, где обеспечивается профессиональная подготовка

специалистов в сфере педагогического образования. Основная цель образователь-

ного процесса в университете – формирование успешного выпускника, востребо-

ванного обществом творческого специалиста, способного к саморазвитию и

самореализации. Профессионализм профессорско-преподавательского состава,

плодотворный опыт проведения международных и республиканских конференций,

круглых столов, многочисленные научные и учебно-методические публикации,

являются главными показателями их высокого научно-исследовательского, педаго-

гического и творческого потенциала. Стратегические приоритеты обучения в

университете – это интеграция в мировое научное, образовательное и культурное

пространство, подготовка высококвалифицированных специалистов, воспитание

конкурентоспособных педагогов.

Ключевые слова: интеграция, наука, образование.


ТИКЕ В настоящее время резко возрос интерес к изучению человеческого поведения в

плане организации информационно-коммуникативной деятельности и в плане

реализации других видов общечеловеческой деятельности, что обусловило

появление “новой научной парадигмы” или “дискурсивного поворота” в научной

деятельности. В статье предпринята попытка анализа некоторых существующих

концепций и интрепретаций понятия “дискурс” в современном языкознании, также

предложено собственное понимание данного термина. Исследование специфики

форм политической дискурсии позволяет выявить природу этнокультурной особен-

ности “ментального пространства” говорящей личности. При этом охватываются как

культурные лакуны, знание лингвострановедческих феноменов и различных видов

культурной деятельности с учетом специфики массового сознания, так и лингво-

прагматическая особенность функционирования ее конкретных видов и форм,

реализующих ту или иную разновидность речевого, коммуникативного и чело-

веческого поведения.

Ключевые слова: Дискурс, политический дискурс, деятельность говорящего,

коммуникация, фрейм, ментальность.

Zolotareva L.R., Ospanov B.E., Shaygozova Zh.N. ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ



В статье раскрывается потенциал художественного образования как транслятора

социокультурных ценностей Казахстана. Авторы статьи убеждены в том, что худо-

жественное образование может быть качественным только в контексте культуры,

которое способствует развитию мышления, творческого потенциала, инициативы,

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профессиональных способностей личности столь необходимых для жизни в новом


Ключевые слова: Художественное образование, социокультурные ценности,

художественная культура, концептуальные подходы ЮНЕСКО к художественному



СЛОЖНОМ МНОГОМЕРНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ В статье рассматривается личностно ориентированное обучение как сложный и

многомерный процесс, являющийся основополагающим принципом обучения

учащихся во всех образовательных учреждениях, в том числе и в высшей школе.

Ключевые слова. Личностно-ориентированное обучение, учебный процесс,



СТРУКТУР РОДНОГО ЯЗЫКА ДЕТЬМИ В статье рассматриваются вопросы развития детской речи на раннем этапе, когда

ребенок проходит этапы генерализации грамматических форм и вырабатывает

стереотипы овладения родным языком. Автор делится научными экспериментами,

проведенными с детьми казахами, чтобы показать появления первых слов и

предложений в их речи, способы овладения грамматическими структурами и после-

довательность развития частей речи у детей казахов.

Ключевые слова: развитие детской речи, когнитивное развитие, освоение языка,

осваиавать граматческую структуру, родной язык, грамматические категории, одно-

словные и двусловные высказывания, период генерализации, стереотипы усвоения

родного языка



ЯЗЫКУ В данной статье на сознательно-коллективной основе рассматривается проблема

обучения второму иностранному языку с применением сравнительно-

сопоставительного подхода и выявлением черт сходства и различия между ними для

предотвращения интерференции или осуществления положительного переноса.

Положительный перенос из английского языка на французский наблюдается в

области лексики. Сопоставительный подход при изучении второго иностранного

языка создает условия для интенсификации процесса обучения, достижения лучшей

его результативности, а также помогает в работе над первым иностранным языком.

Ключевые слова: Сравнительно - сопоставительный подход, ИЯ1. (иностран-

ный язык 1) ИЯ2. (иностранный язык 2) мульти лингвальное обучение, спонтанный

интуитивный перенос, управляемый перенос с частичной ориентировочной основой,

когнитивная основа.




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Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме подготовки будущего учителя в новых

социокультурных условиях Казахстана. Показаны инновационные идеи, которые

могут стать основой подготовки педагога 12-летней школы. Особое внимание

обращается на формирование школьника как интеллектуально-нравственной лич-

ности. Даны ее характеристики, их научное обоснование. Задача развития интеллек-

туально-творческой, духовно-нравственной личности обучающегося рассматрива-

ется как приоритетная в профессионально-педагогической подготовке специалиста.

Ее продуктивное решение связывается с актуализацией национального воспитания,

развития интеллектуального потенциала студентов в образовательном процессе

университета. Представлены отдельные элементы деятельности Казахского

национального педагогического университета имени Абая в данном направлении.

Выявлены возможности, условия, необходимые в современном вузе для успешного

решения задач профессионального и личностного становления будущего учителя,

гражданина и патриота своей страны.

Ключевые слова. Интеллектуальный потенциал личности, интеллектуально-

творческий учитель, интеллектуально-развитая личность обучающегося, националь-

ное воспитание



В статье анализируются психолого-педагогические, художественные произве-

дения, которые приводят к выводу, что основная идея преобразования школы на

рубеже двадцать первого века является гуманизм, то есть признание человека как

высшей ценности.

Ключевые слова: гуманизм, гуманистическая культура, эстетическое воспи-



ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ В КАЗАХСТАНЕ В статье раскрывается сущность компетентностного подхода к художественно-

педагогическому образованию. Автор подчеркивает необходимость разработки но-

вых образовательных стандартов, основанных на современных подходах к образо-

ванию, которые обусловлены следующими причинами: смена парадигмы образова-

ния, диверсификация типов, уровней и форм высшего образования и многих других.

Ключевые слова. Подготовка бакалавра, компетентностный подход, учитель

изобразительного искусства.


СТУДЕНТОВ ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННО-ГРАФИЧЕСКИХ ФАКУЛЬТЕТОВ В статье автор анализирует содержание и связь психолого-педагогической

литературы, а также рассматривает проблемы обучения студентов начальных курсов

живописи в высшем учебном заведении художественно-графического факультета.

Ключевые слова: восприятие живописного образа, креативность, живописные


Нуртаева Н.Ж., Кылышбекова А.О. МЕТОДИКА ПРОЕКТНЫХ РАБОТ В


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Методика проведения проектных работ стимулирует применение информа-

ционно-коммуникативных технологий, активизирует самостоятельную работу как в

процессе аудиторных занятий, так и вне аудитории, что несомненно способствует

развитию и совершенствованию познавательной деятельности студентов и компе-

тенции, необходимых для молодых специалистов в их профессии. В статье

рассматриваются основные положения и требования к проектной работе как в виду

коммуникативной деятельности в обучении иностранным языкам.

Ключевые слова: самостоятельность, ответственность, коммуникативное ис-

пользование языка, совместное планирование, самостоятельное исследование,

развитие собственной инициативы.


ОБУЧЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ В статье рассматривается роль межкультурной коммуникации в обучении

иностранному языку, ассоциативно-вербальная сеть между преподавателем и сту-

дентом дана в конкретных примерах. В образовательном процессе межкультурная

коммуникация важна для понимания других культур. В нашем понимании меж-

культурная коммуникация подразумевает совместное использование информации

через обмен различных культур или социальных групп. В такой ситуации, куль-

турные барьеры не ограничиваются коммуникациями или информациями. Меж-

культурная коммуникация определяется как расположенная коммуникация между

индивидуумами или группами других лингвистических и культурных происхож-


Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, интеракция, культура, родной

язык, иностранный язык, процесс обучения иностранному языку


В данной статье рассматриваются основные принципы коммуникативной

методики и ее эффективность в обучении иностранным языкам.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативный подход, аудио-языковой, мотивация.


DIE ZWÖLFJÄHRIGE SCHULBILDUNG В статье раскрывается содержание одной из главных проблем перехода к 12 лет-

нему образованию в условиях Казахстана. Исследовательская группа разрабатывал

базисные и типовые планы для уровней среднего общего образования в условиях 12

летнего обучения.

Ключевые слова: базисные и учебно-модельные планы, стандарты, междуна-

родный опыт, социальная ответственность, компоненты содержания образовании,

успехи в образовании .



Данная статья посвящена международной защите прав женщин, некоторым

проблемам гендерного равенства и преступлениям против женщин. Обеспечение

защиты прав женщин является одной из актуальных проблем современного между-

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народного права, которые охватывают все сферы жизнедеятельности : культурные,

политические, экономические.

Ключевые слова: международное право, права человека, международная защита

прав человека, права женщин, преступления против женщин.



Цель исследования: определения структуры, условий и механизмов саморазвития

научно-исследовательского творчества магистрантов. Для экспериментального

исследования выбраны тесты творческого мышления Е.П.Торренса; методики изу-

чения мотивов учебно-профессиональной деятельности К.Замфира (модификация

А.А.Реана, В.А.Якунина). Структура саморазвития научно-исследовательского

творчества определяется как сложные интегративные представления обучающего о

себе самом в контексте реального и идеального, настоящего и будущего.

Психологическим условием саморазвития научно-исследовательского творчества

магистрантов являются их рефлексивная деятельность, личностные и когнитивные

конструкты. Педагогическим условием саморазвития научно-исследовательского

творчества магистрантов являются фасилитативные, интерактивные и инновацио-

ные технологии образования в высшем учебном заведений. Особенностей само-

развития научно-исследовательского творчества магистрантов характеризуют их

интегральные особенности самосознания, связывающие чувство ответственности,

готовность к активности и переживанию Я; мотивация к самораз-витию и когнитив-

ная активность. Успешность саморазвития научно-исследовательского творчества

магистрантов изучается во взаимосвязи самосознания, мотивационной структуры и

креативного мышления студентов.

Ключевые слова: саморазвитие, творчество, мотивация, рефлексия, локус кон-

троль, самосознание, креативное мышление.


ЩИХ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНЫХ ИСКУССТВ В статье раскрывается проблема формирования профессиональной компетент-

ности будущих учителей изобразительного искусства в процессе изучения

специальных дисциплин: рисунка, живописи и композиции. Автор рассматривает

профессиональную подготовку учителя изобразительного искусства как процесс

развития его профессиональной компетентности в процессе изучения специальных


Ключевые слова: Компетентность учителя изобразительного искусства, спе-

циальные дисциплины, рисунок, живопись и композиция.

Тусупова А.К., Жалалова А.М., Амирбаева Д.Е. ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННЫЙ МИР


Данная статья посвящена творчеству М.Ауэзова, в целом и его роману – эпопее

«Путь Абая». В частности изучая поэтическое наследие великого поэта-просветителя

Абая, Ауэзов обратил внимание на сложнейшие текстологические проблемы,

восстановил отдельные строфы и строчки, написал комментарии и способствовал

созданию научных библиографических сведений, которые окажут неоценимую по-

мощь в магистерском исследовании по творчеству Абая и изучением произведение

М.Ауэзова в сопоставительно-лексикологическом ракурсе.

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Ключевые слова: Абай, Ауэзов, поэт-просветитель, художественный мир.



В статье раскрываются актуальные проблемы обучения теории и практики

перевода в казахстанских вузах. Автор подробно анализирует структуру и

содержание учебного процесса студентов и магистрантов на примере нормативных

документов, имеющихся учебных пособий и словарей на русском, английском и

казахском языках. Эта проблема приобретает особую актуальность в условиях

нехватки учебно-методической литературы на казахском языке. Автор опирается на

свой опыт преподавателя и составителя учебно-методических изданий. Особое

внимание уделено необходимости разработки научно-теоретических основ частных

и специальных теорий перевода, описания метаязыка перевода.

Ключевые слова:теория и практика перевода, учебный процесс, теоретические и

методические проблемы


НАУЧНО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИХ КАДРОВ В статье обосновывается мысль о том, что одним из аспектов модернизации

высшего профессионального образования является его построение на основе гума-

нистического, культурологического, синергетического, акмеологического, андраго-

гического, компетентностного и интеграционного подходов. Описанные методоло-

гические подходы позволяют определить стратегию развития отечественного

высшего образования в условиях интеграции в мировое образовательное про-


Ключевые слова: саморазвитие, творчество, рефлексия, самосознание, креатив-

ное мышление.

Исхан Б.Ж., Даутова С.Б., Оспанова Б.Р. К ВОПРОСУ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ

КАЗАХСКОГО АЛФАВИТА Изучена советская языковая политика. Сделан акцент на ее преемственности с

политикой царской Россий, дифференцировано ее политическое влияние на форми-

рование казахского алфавита и письма. В начале ХХ века казахское письмо чтобы

избавиться от влияния арабского, персидского и русского языков реформировало

арабский алфавит, разработало варианты национального алфавита. Самый система-

тизированный из них – вариант А. Байтурсынулы. Он использовался в обществе до

1929 года. С 1929 года казахская письменность была переведена на латинскую

графику. Новый алфавит был составлен на основе графики А.Байтурсынулы,

включающей в себя 28 специфических звуков. В 1938 году, под предлогом

несоответствия написания международных слов на казахской латинице, в звуковую

систему казахского языка были включены чуждые ей буквенные обозначения звуков

х, ф, в. Были приняты соответствующие новые орфографические правила. В 1940

году латиницу заменили кириллицей, были приняты все буквы русской фонетики. В

связи с чем несколько раз вносились дополнения в орфографические правила. В

настоящее время казахская письменность переходит с кириллицы на латиницу. В

связи с чем возник спорный вопрос: создать исконный алфавит, состоящий из 28

букв или включить в алфавит иноязычные буквы звуков. Казахстанские лингвис-

тырассматривают данную проблему в тесной связи с орфографией.

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Ключевые слова: графика, латиница, орфография, о правописании иностранной



НАВЫКОВ ГРАМОТНОСТИ В этих смешанных методах исследования (сочетание качественных и количест-

венных методов) дети дошкольного возраста дважды были протестированы по

грамматическим способностям и в конце первого класса были оценены их навыки

чтения и письма. Германские исследования грамотности сосредоточены исключи-

тельно на фонологической компетентности как наиболее важной предпосылки для

раннего чтения и письма. Целью данного исследования является привести другие

важные аспекты развития, такие, как способности конструировать начальную гра-

мотность. В этой статье рассказывается о теоретических основах, ведущих к

гипотезам; рассматривается методологические вопросы в проекте исследований, в

том числе описание образца и показателей, необходимых для оценки конструкции


Ключевые слова: усвоение письменной речи, начальная грамотность, фонологи-

ческая осведомленность, смешанные методы.


ДОВАНИЯ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАНИЙ ВНУТРИ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ Во всех языках, использующих латинский алфавит начальная буква первого слова

в предложении пишется с прописной буквы. Но помимо этого, немецкая письмен-

ность имеет характерную особенность: капитализация существительных. Статис-

тические исследования от предыдущих исследований показали, что капитализация

является основным источником ошибок для учащихся, и это справедливо не только

для школьников и студентов. Этот вопрос является, следовательно, основным

дидактическим значением. Тем не менее, эти исследования едва позволяют взгля-

нуть на тонкие пути приобретения. Поэтому продольное исследование класса от 5 до

7 класса ведется, который сочетает в себе количественные и качественные методы

(смешанные методы проектирования). В этой статье будут описаны проекты

исследования и методы испытаний. Впоследствии на примере результатов будут

доказаны, как количественные и качественные методы могут быть разумно

объединены, чтобы получить более глубокое понимание предмета исследования.

Ключевые слова: усвоение написания с прописной буквы внутри предложения,

долгосрочное исследование, смешанные методы преобразования.




В федеральной земле Баден-Вюртемберг, а также в других немецких феде-

ральных землях общей моделью для обучения языку для детей и подростков из не

немецких семей являются подготовительные классы (Vorbereitungsklassen). Хотя

эта модель существует с 60-х годов, никаких научных исследований в их эфф-

тивности не существует. Кроме того, неясно, как административные инструкции (

Verwaltungsvorgaben) применяются на практике, на какой концептуальной основе

они базируются и при каких обстоятельствах они проводятся. Целью проекта PhD.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


является получение дифференцированной картины имеющихся практик в подгото-

вительных классах. Для достижения этой цели, необходимо было сформулировать

вопросы и предпринять методы с использованием смешанных видов качественных

и количественных. В этой статье ,акцент сделан на вопросы, приемы исследования и

методологические аспекты. В конце статьи дается обзор результатов.

Ключевые слова: подготовительные классы; федеральная земля Баден –Вюртем-

берг , общеобразовательная школьная система; обучение языку; интеграция; дети и

подростки из не немецких семей; миграция.




Настоящий научно-исследовательский проект «Обучение написанию научных

работ на немецком языке как иностранным" занимается академическими текстами,

написанными Колумбийскими студентами на испанском языке L1 и на немецком

языке L2. Цель исследования можно определить, как приобретаются навыки науч-

ного письма на немецком языке в ходе академической социализации. Исходным

пунктом было, что студенты в первых годах бакалавриата Колумбийского

университета приобретают навыки в научного письма на испанском языке L1 и

приобретенные навыки ими переносится на написание научных текстов на немецком

языке L2. Процесс обучения научному письму реконструирован на основе научных

текстов одних и тех же студентов. В настоящей работе представлен методо-

логический подход к анализу и сбору данных.

Ключевые слова: научное письмо, студенческие тексты, немецкий язык как

иностранный, метод исследования.



Проекты по внешкольному музыкальному образованию давно нуждаются в науч-

ном исследовании. Сотрудничество симфонического оркестра с тремя школами

теперь предоставил возможность провести всесторонний анализ различных пред-

ложений и мероприятий. В этих смешанных методах исследований проекта рассмат-

ривались все уровни сотрудничества и проектов (учреждения , учителя , музыканты

и ученики).

Влияние музыкальной просветительской деятельности на обучающихся на их

музыкальную мотивацию и самооценку оценивались до и после исследования.

Учителя и музыканты были опрошены с помощью онлайн- анкеты и через частично

структурированные интервью, при этом в центре внимания находились сотруд-

ничество межу ними и влияния на школьное музыкальное обучения. Эти интервью

были интерпретированы с помощью документального метода. Эта статья дает обзор

о подходе, основных вопросах, а также теоретических основ проводимых

исследований .

Ключевые слова: музыкальное образование; оркестр, музыкальная самооценка,

Музыкальные мотивации; краткосрочное вмешательство; документальный метод.

Ротт Бенджамин, Лойдерс Тимо, Шталь Элмар "ЕСТЬ ЛИ МАТЕМАТИ-



Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


В этой статье представлены две цели: (а) определить эпистемологические

убеждения о математике как о науке и (б) развитие исследовательских инстру-

ментов чтобы эти убеждения экономический обосновать. Для этого (а) были

выбраны вопросы философии математики (например, об онтологии математических

объектов) и (б) разработаны веб-вопросники для сбора вышеупомянутых эписте-

мологические убеждений. Наш первый шаг на пути к такому вопроснику был ряд

интервью для записи возможных позиций и аргументов в отношении исследуемого

убеждения. В данной работе представлены разработки и реализации этих интервью,

при этом внимание сосредоточено на вопросы достоверности математического


Ключевые слова: эпистемологические убеждения; достоверность знания;

математические знания.



ФИЗИКЕ. Это эссе сообщает о результатах интервью исследований мета-понятий в науке, и

физики в частности. Точнее, он начинает с вопроса о том, как учителя физики

понимают смысл преподавания предмета. Все интервью были проанализированы

качественно с описательными изображениями. Эти данные находятся в все-

стороннем обзоре современных исследований в этой области.

Ключевые слова: природа, физика, науки образования, педагогическое обра-





В статье рассматриваются возможности использования совместных анализов для

образовательных исследований, например для измерения эпистемических суждений.

Совместный анализ многомерного метода, который часто используется в марке-

тинговых исследованиях для оценки предпочтений клиентов. Совместный анализ не

получил широкого распространения в учебных исследованиях. Эта статья описы-

вает последние исследования эпистемологических убеждений и суждений в области

образования. В статье показано, как эти решения могут быть измерены с помощью

совместного анализа на примере учителей биологии. Эпистемологические суждения

учителей и учащихся являются основой их восприятия природы науки и процесса

приобретения знаний.

Ключевые слова: эпистемические убеждений, совместный анализ, эпистемо-

логические суждения.

Штайлинг Стефан, Рисс Вернер, Хорш Кристиан. СОДЕЙСТВИЕ СИСТЕМ-



Системное мышление является важным ключем для обработки сложных естест-

венно-научных, экономических и социально-культурных вопросов, что особенно

важно в области «Образование для устойчивого развития» (ОУР). Предыдущие

исследования были сосредоточены на прямом содействии систем-ному мышлению у

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


студентов. Настоящее исследование идет на шаг дальше: ее целью является изучение

эффективности подготовки учителей в развитии систем-ного мышления студентов.

Ключевые слова: системное мышление, подготовка учителей, образование для

устойчивого развития.



РАБОТ И ЖУРНАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Академические письмо субъект культурной конвенции. В зависимости от прин-

ципов той или иной культуры, организацию и структуру различных типов текста

ожидает читатели и рецензенты. Выполнение этих принципов является необхо-

димым условием для достижения успеха. Молодые ученые или иностранные иссле-

дователи, которые должны написать свои первые тексты на иностранном языке часто

не знакомы с прагматикой академического письма в странах Западной Европы, таких

как Германия. Поэтому они требуют написания консалтинга по нашим программам

в научно-исследовательском проректорате педагогического университета Фрайбурга.

В данной статье представлен обзор наиболее важных формальных и стратегических

аспектов академического письма в нашей культуре, а также советы, связанные с

поступлением в докторантуру, с подачей заявок на гранты, на публи-кацию статей.

В этой статье тематизированы некоторые аспекты, такие как характе-ристики

употребления формального академического английского языка, интертек-стуальные

правильности и ясная логическая аргументация с корректной классифи-кацией

информации для конкретных разделов.

Ключевые слова: научное письмо, написание заявок и статей.


АЙЫМБЕТОВА Ұлбосын Өтегенқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университетінің саясаттану және әлеуметтік-философия пәндер

кафедрасының PhD докторанты, мәдениеттану магистры

ӘЛМҰХАМБЕТОВ Берікжан Айтқұлұлы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университетінің көркемсурет факультеті деканы, педагогика

ғылымының докторы, профессор. Қазақстан Республикасының Ыбырай Алтынсарин

атындағы Ұлттық білім академиясының академигі.

ӘМІРБАЕВА Дана Ешмағанбетовна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университеті Магистратура және PhD докторантура институтының

филология мамандықтары кафедрасының магистранты.

АСКАРОВА Сауле Аскаровна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университеті. Кәсіби шетел тілі коммуникациясы кафедрасының доценті, филология

ғылымдарының кандитаты.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


БЕГАЛИЕВА Сауле Баязқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университетінің шетелдіктерге арналған орыс филологиясы кафедрасының

меңгерушісі, педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор.

ДАУТОВА Сауле Батталовна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университетінің ғылыми–зерттеу институтының директоры, филология

ғылымдарының докторы.

ЕРМЕНТАЕВА Ардақ Ризабекқызы – психология ғылымдарының докторы,

Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразиялық ұлттық университетінің қауымдастырылған


ЖАЛАЛОВА Ақшайым Мақсұтовна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университеті.Магистратура және PhD докторантура институтының

филология мамандықтары кафедрасының аға оқытушысы.

ЖАУЫНШИЕВА Жазира Білімовна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университетінің, кәсіби шетел тілдері коммуникациясы кафедрасы,

аға оқытушы.

ЖҰМАБЕКОВА Айгуль Қазкеновна ([email protected]) – Абай атындағы

ҚазҰПУ-дың магистратура және докторантура PhD институтының филология

мамандықтары кафедрасының филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессоры.

ЗОЛОТАРЕВА Лариса Романовна – Е.А.Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды

мемлекеттiк университетiнiң бейнелеу өнерi және дизайн кафедрасының

профессоры, педагогикалық ғылымының кандидаты.

ИСХАН Бейбіт Жалелұлы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университетінің ғылыми–зерттеу институтының ғылыми қызметкері, филология

ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент.

КАЗАБЕЕВА Виталия Алексеевна – филология ғалымдарының кандидаты,

доцентi, Жаратылыстанудың Ресей академиясының профессоры

ҚОЖАГҰЛОВ Тоққожа Мұқажанұлы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педаго-

гикалық университеті, живопись кафедрасының меңгерушісі, педагогика ғылымда-

рының кандидаты, профессор.

КУЛЕКЕНОВА Жанар Габбасовна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педаго-

гикалық университеті, кәсіби шетел тілдері коммуникациясы кафедрасы, аға


КЫЛЫШБЕКОВА Анар Ортаевна – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың кәсіби

шетел тілі коммуникациясы және аударма ісі кафедрасының аға оқытушы.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


МАЗБАЕВ Орденбек Блисбекович – геграфия-экология факультетінің деканы,

география ғылымының докторы, профессор.

МЕНДЕШЕВА Раушана Абдрауовна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

университеті көркем-сурет факультетінің аға оқытушысы, "Болашак" стипендиаты.

МОМБЕК Әлия Әнуарбекқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университетінің ғылым басқармасының бастығының орынбасары, педагогика

ғылымдарының кандидаты, Педагогикалық білім берудегі халықаралық ғылым

академиясяның корреспондент мүшесі (ПББХҒА)

МУКАШЕВА Айша Сериковна – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университеті. Кәсіби шетел тілі коммуникациясы және аударма ісі кафедрасының

профессоры, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты.

НУРБАТЫРОВ Болатбек Боданович – Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық

педагогикалық университет қызметкердерінің кәсіподақ ұйымының төрағасы, өнер,

мәдениет және спорт институттың графика және дизайн кафедрасының доценті.

НҰРТАЕВА Несібелді Жұмабекқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университет кәсіби шетел тілі коммуникациясы және аударма ісі

кафедрасының профессоры

НУРТАЕВ Ерден – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық универ-

ситетінің Магитратура және PhD докторантура институтының докторанты

ОСПАНОВ Баймұрат Ермағамбетұлы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық

педагогикалық университетiнің ғылым басқармасының бастығы, педагогикалық

ғылымының кандидаты, профессор. Қазақстан Республикасы суретшілер одағының

мүшесі, «Дарын» мемлекеттік сыйлығының иегері.

ОСПАНОВА Баянды Рамазановна Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университетінің ғылыми – зерттеу институтының ғылыми қызметкері, филология

ғылымдарының кандидаты.

ОРАЗАЛИНОВА Роза Жаппарқызы – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың кәсіби

шетел тілі коммуникациясы және аударма ісі кафедрасының аға оқытушы.

САБИТОВА Айнур Алимхановна – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ халықаралық

құқық кафедрасының меңгерушісі, заң ғылымының докторы, қауымдастырылған

профессор, e-mail: [email protected].

САБИТОВА Шынар Алимхановна – халықаралық құқық кафедрасының

қауымдастырылған профессоры, филология ылымының докторы.

САЙБЕКОВА Назира Усенқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық

университетінің кәсіби шетел тілі коммуникациясы кафедрасының аға оқытушысы.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


ТҮСҮПОВА Алма Көкбаевна – филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент,

Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті Магистратура және PhD

докторантура институты.

ТҰРҒЫНБАЕВА Ботагүл Алтайқызы – педагогика ғылымдарының докторы,

профессор, Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Магистратура және PhD докторантура

институтының педагогикалық мамандықтар кафедрасының меңгерушісі.

ХАН Наталья Николаевна – педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор,

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Магистратура және PhD докторантура институтының

педагогикалық мамандықтар кафедрасының профессоры.

ШАЙГОЗОВА Жанерке Наурызбайқызы – педагогикалық ғылымының

кандидаты, Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық педагогикалық университетiнің Өнер,

мәдениет және спорт институттың академиялық сурет және арнайы пәндердің

әдiстемесі кафедрасының доценті.

ДИРК Бетцель, М.А. – Фрайбург педагогикалық университетінің неміс тілі

және әдебиеті институтының мұғалімі. Жұмысының бағыты: орфографияны

игеру, жазу дидактикасы.

Ивонн ДЕККЕР, M.A. – Фрайбург педагогикалық университетінің бакалавриат

бөлімінің мектепке дейінгі білім беру курсының меңгерушісі және оқытушысы.

Қызмет саласы: неміс тілі екінші шетел тілі ретінде, ата-аналармен жұмыс.

Лидия ШУЛЬЦЕ ХОЙЛИНГ – Фрайбург педагогикалық университетінің және

Фрайбург университетінің университетаралық Pro|Mat|Nat бағдарламаларының

шәкірақы алушысы. Ғылыми қызығушылығы: жұлдызаралық астрологиялық физика,

физика және оның дидактикасы, ғылыми зерттеу.

Доктор Керстин Элеонора КОЛЬ – Фрайбург педагогикалық университетінің

ғылыми-зерттеу кеңсесінің үйлестірушісі. Қызмет саласы: жас ғалымдарға кеңес

беру және ғылыми көмек көрсету, мәтінаралық және шығармашылық ұрлық

бойынша зерттеулер.

Тим КРАМЕР – Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті, Білім беру

саласындағы медиа институты. Қызмет саласы: эпистемиялық сенімдер, бастапқы,

жалпы білі беру пәндерінде медиа қолдану.

Профессор, доктор Тимо ЛОЙДЕРС – Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті,

Математика институты. Қызмет саласы: математиканы оқыту және зерттеу, арнайы

дидактика бойынша зерттеу, құзыреттілікті модельдеу.

Лиссете МАХЛЕР – Антиокия университеті (Медельин, Колумбия), Фрайбург

педагогикалық университетінің және ДААД-ық лекторы. Жұмысының бағыты:

Неміс лингвистикасы, жазудың ғылыми үлгісі, ғылыми қызмет.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Петр МОЛЛ – Музыка пәні бойынша мұғалім, Фрайбург педагогикалық универ-

ситетінің, музыка кафедрасының докторанты, Жоғаргы мемлекет қаржыландыру

бағдарламасының шәкіртақы алушысы. Диссертация мектептік және мектептік емес

мекемелердің арасындағы музыка бойынша білім беру ынтымақтастығы туралы.

Профессор д-р Вернер РИСС – Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті,

Биология дидактикасы институтының директоры. Қазмет бағыты: биология және

оның дидактикасы, экологиялық білім беру, тұрақты дамуға бағытталған білім.

Доктор Бенджамин РОТТ – Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті, ғылыми

қызметкер. Қызмет саласы: математикалық білім, мәселелерді математикамен

және эпистемологиялық сенімдермен шешу.

Ханна ЗАУЭРБОРН-РУНАУ (mагистр) – Фрайбург педагогикалық

университеті, неміс тілі және әдебиеті институтының оқытушысы. Қызмет саласы: тілді меңгеру, жазу тілін оқу, сауаттылық.

Профессор, доктор Эльмар ШТАЛЬ – Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті

Білім беру саласындағы медиа институты. Қызмет саласы: білем берудегі медиа,

ғылыми білім, ерте балалықшақтағы білім.

Стефан ШТРАЙЛИНГ – Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті, Табиғи

ғылымдар институтының биология кафедрасының ғылыми қызметкері.

Қызмет саласы: экология, табиғи ғылымдар саласындағы жүйелілік ойлау,

тұрақты дамуға арналған білім, адам биологиясы.

Доктор ХОРШ Кристиан.- Фрайбург педагогикалық университеті, Биология

дидактикасы институты. Қызмет бағыты: биология және оның дидактикасы, эколо-

гиялық білім беру, тұрақты дамуға бағытталған білім.


AIMBETOVA Ulbosin – Doktorandin am Institut für Masterstudiengänge und

Doktoranden an der Abai – Universität.

ALMUHAMBETOV Berikzhan Aytkulovich – Doktor, Professor, Dekan der

Fakultät für bildende Kunst und Grafik der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-

Universität. Mitglied der Nationalen Altynsarin-Akademie der Republik Kasachstan

AMIRBAYEVA Dana Eshmaganbetovna – Masterstudierende des Lehrstuhls für

Philologie am Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden an der Abai – Universität

ASKAROWA Saule Askarowna – Professorin des Lehrstuhls für professionelle

fremdsprachige Kommunikation der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-


Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


BEGALIYEVA Saule Bayazovna – Doktor, Professorin, Leiterin des Lehrstuhls für

russische Philologie der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

Korrespondierendes Mitglied der Russischen Akademie der Naturwissenschafte

DAUTOVA Saule Battalovna – Doktor der Philologie, Professorin, Direktorin des

Forschungsinstituts der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

YERMENTAYEVA Ardakh Rizabekovna – Doktor der Psychologie, Associate

Professor, Eurasian national university L.N.Gumilov

ZHALALOVA Akshaim Maksutovna – Dozentin des Lehrstuhls für Philologie am

Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden an der Abai – Universität

ZHAUYNSHIYEVA Zhazira Bilimovna – Dozentin des Lehrstuhls für Philologie am

Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden an der Abai – Universität

ZHUMABEKOVA Aigul Kazkenovna ([email protected]) – Doktor, Professorin des

Lehrstuhls für Philologie am Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden an der Abai

– Universität.

ZOLOTAREVA Larissa Romanowna – Doktor der pädagogischen Wissenschaften,

Professorin des Lehrstuhls der darstellenden Kunst und des Designs der Karagandaer

staatlichen Je.A.Buketowa-Universität.

ISKHAN Beibit Zhalelovich – Doktor der Philologie, Professor, Mitarbeiter des

Forschungsinstituts der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

KAZABEEVA Vitalia Alekseevna – Doktor der Philologie der Kasachischen

Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität, Professorin der Russischen Akademie der


KOZHAGULOV Tokkozha Mukazhanowitsch – Doktor der pädagogischen

Wissenschaften, Professor der Abteilung der Malerei der Kasachischen Nationalen

Pädagogischen Abai-Universität, Mitglied der Vereinigung von Künstlern der Republik

Kasachstan, Sieger der staatlichten "Daryn"– Preises.

KULEKENOVA Zhanar Gabbasovna – Dozentin des Lehrstuhls für professionelle

fremdsprachige Kommunikation der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-


KYLYSCHBEKOWA Anar Ortajewna – Dozentin des Lehrstuhls für professionelle

fremdsprachige Kommunikation und Übersetzungswesen der Kasachischen Nationalen

Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


MAZBAEV Ordenbek Blisbekovich - Doktor für Geographie, Professor, Dekan der

geographisch-ökologischen Fakultät der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai

Universität, Almaty, Republik Kasachstan.

MENDESСHEVA Rausсhana Abdrauovna – Dozentin der künstlerisch-graphischer

Fakultät der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität, "Bolashak"-


MOMBEK Aliya – Stellvertreterin des Abteilungsleiters für Forschung der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität, Doktor der pädagogischen

Wissenschaften, Рrofessor. Mitglied der Internationalen Akademie für Leherbildung.

MUKACHEVA Aischa Serikowna – Doktor für Philologie, Professorin des

Lehrstuhls für professionelle fremdsprachige Kommunikation und Übersetzungswesen der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

NURBATYROV Bolatbek Bodanovich – Gewerkschaftsleiter der Kasachischen

Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität, Dozent der Fakultät für bildende Kunst und


NURTAJEWA Nesvelde Shumabekowna – Professorin des Lehrstuhls für profes-

sionelle fremdsprachige Kommunikation und Übersetzungswesen der Kasachischen

Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

NURTAEV Yerden – Doktorand des Lehrstuhls für Psychologie und Pädagogik am

Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden der Kasachischen Nationalen

Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

OSPANOW Bajmurat Jermagambetowitsch – Doktor der pädagogischen

Wissenschaften, Рrofessor, Abteilungsleiter für Forschung der Kasachischen Nationalen

Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

ORAZALINOVA Roza Zhaparovna – Dozentin des Lehrstuhls für professionelle

fremdsprachige Kommunikation und Übersetzungswesen der Kasachischen Nationalen

Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

SABITOWA Ainur – Professorin, Doktor, Leiterin des Fachbereichs für Völkerrecht

der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai Universität Е-mail: [email protected]

SABITOWA Schynar – Doktor, Professorin am Fachbereich für Völkerrecht der

Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen Abai-Universität.

SAIBEKOWA Nasira Ussenowna – Dozentin des Lehrstuhls für professionelle

fremdsprachige Kommunikation der Kasachische Nationale Pädagogische Abai-Universität

TUSSUPOVA Alma Kokbayevna – Doktor des Lehrstuhls für Philologie am Institut

für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden an der Abai-Universität.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


TURGUNBAJEWA Botagul Altayevna – Professorin, Doktor, Leiterin des

Lehrstuhls für Psychologie und Pädagogik am Institut für Masterstudiengänge und

Doktoranden an der Abai - Universität

KHAN Natalya Nikolayevna – Doktor, Professorin des Lehrstuhls für Pädagogik am

Institut für Masterstudiengänge und Doktoranden an der Abai - Universität

SCHAJGOSOWA Schanerke Naurysbajewna – Doktor der pädagogischen

Wissenschaften, Dozentin des Lehrstuhls der akademischen Zeichnung und der Methodik

des Unterrichtens der speziellen Disziplinen der Kasachischen Nationalen Pädagogischen

Abai –Universität.

Dirk BETZEL M.A. – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Akademischer Rat am

Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur. Arbeitsgebiete: Orthographieerwerb,


Yvonne DECKER, M.A. – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Akademische Rätin,

Geschäftsführung des BA-Studiengangs Frühe Bildung. Arbeitsgebiete: Zweitspracher-

werb, Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern, Diversity.

Lydia SCHULZE HEULING – Stipendiatin des Graduiertenkollegs Pro|Mat|Nat der

PH und Universität Freiburg. Arbeitsgebiete: Interstellare Astrophysik, Physik und ihre

Didaktik, naturwissenschaftliche Performances

Dr.Kerstin Eleonora KOHL – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Forschungsrefe-

rentin im Prorektorat Forschung. Arbeitsgebiete: Forschungsförderung und Beratung wis-

senschaftlicher Nachwuchs; Forschung zu Intertextualität und wissenschaftlichen Plagiaten

Tim KRAMER – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Institut für Medien in der

Bildung. Arbeitsgebiete: Epistemische Überzeugungen, Medien im Sachunterricht.

Prof. Dr. Timo LEUDERS – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Institut für

Mathematische Bildung. Arbeitsgebiete: Lehr-Lernforschung Mathematik, Fachdidaktische

Entwicklungsforschung, Kompetenzmodellierung

Lissette MÄCHLER – Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Kolumbien, DAAD-

Lektorin und Doktorandin an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg.

Arbeitsgebiete: Deutsche Linguistik, Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Wissenschaftliches


Peter MALL, Dipl – Musiklehrer und Doktorand der Pädagogischen Hochschule

Freiburg, Abteilung Musik; Stipendiat der Landesgraduiertenförderung. Dissertation über

Kooperationen außerschulischer Musikvermittlung und schulischem Musikunterricht.

Prof. Dr. Werner RIESS – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Direktor des Instituts

für Biologie und ihre Diaktik. Arbeitsgebiete: Didaktik der Biologie, Umweltbildung,

Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Dr.Benjamin ROTT – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Wissenschaftlicher

Mitarbeiter. Arbeitsgebiete: Didaktik der Mathematik, insbesondere mathematisches

Problemlösen und epistemologische Überzeugungen.

Hanna SAUERBORN-RUHNAU (M.A.) – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg,

Akademische Mitarbeiterin am Institu für deutsche Sprache und Literature,

Grundschullehrerin. Arbeitsgebiete: Spracherwerb, Schriftspracherwerb, Literalität

Prof. Dr. Elmar STAHL – Institut für Medien in der Bildung. Arbeitsgebiete:

Medienbildung, Wissenschaftsverständnis, Frühe Bildung

Stefan STREILING – Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Wissenschaftlicher

Mitarbeiter am Institut für Naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Biologie. Arbeitsgebiete:

Ökologie, Systemisches Denken in naturwissenschaftlichen Kontexten, Bildung für

nachhaltige Entwicklung, Humanbiologie.

Dr. Christian HÖRSCH - Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg,Instituts für Biologie

und ihre Diaktik. Arbeitsgebiete: Didaktik der Biologie, Umweltbildung, Bildung für

nachhaltige Entwicklung


AIMBETOVA Ulbosin Utegenovna – M.A. Cultural Studies, doctoral student of

chair political sciences and socio-philosophical disciplines of the Kazakh national

pedagogical university named after Abai.

ALMUKHAMBETOV Berikzhan Aitkulovich – Dean of the faculty of Fine Arts and

Graphics of the Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai, Doctor

pedagogical sciences, Professor, Members of the National Academy of Education named

after Ybyrai Altynsarin the Republic of Kazakhstan

AMIRBAYEVA Dana Eshmaganbetovna – Undergraduate student of the chair of

philological specialties Institute of magistracy and PhD doctoral programs KazNPU named

after Abai

ASKAROVA Saule Askarovna – associate professor of professional foreign language

communication chair Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Сandidate of philo-

logical sciences.

ВEGALIEVA Saule Baiazovna – Doctor philological sciences, head of the chair of

Russian philology for forieners, Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


DAUTOVA Saule Battalovna – Director of the Research Institute of the Kazakh

national pedagogical university named after Abai, PhD Associate Professor

YERMENTAYEVA Ardakh Rizabekovna – Dr. psychological sciences, associated

professor, L.N.Gumilov Eurasion National University

ZHALALOVA Akshaim Maksutovna – senior teacher of the chair of philological

specialties Institute of magistracy and PhD doctoral programs KazNPU named after Abai.

ZHAUYNSHIYEVA Zhazira Bilimovna – Kazakh national pedagogical university

named after Abai. The chair of professional foreign language communication, senior


ZHUMABEKOVA Aigul Kazkenovna – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department

of Philology of the Institute of Magistracy and Doctoral Programs PhD Kazakh National

Pedagogical Abai University.

ZOLOTAREVA Larisa Romanovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor

of chair of the fine arts and design of the Karaganda State University academician


ISKHAN Beibit Zhalelovich - Researcher Research Institute of the Kazakh national

pedagogical university named after Abai, PhD associate professor

KAZABEYEVA Vitaliya Alekseyevna – candidate of philological sciences, Associate

Professor, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

KOZHAGULOV Tokkozha Mukazhanovy – the candidate of pedagogical sciences,

the professor. Member of the union of artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner state

awards "Daryn". Head of the department of painting of the Kazakh national pedagogical

university of a name of Abay.

KULEKENOVA Zhanar Gabbasovna – Kazakh national pedagogical university

named after Abai. The chair of professional foreign language communication, senior


KYLYSHBEKOVA Anar Ortayevna - senior teacher of the chair of professional

foriegn language communication and translation studies KazNPU named after Abai.

MENDESHEVA Raushana Abdrauovna – senior teacher of chair of painting of the

art-graphic faculty, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Аbay, "Bolashak"


MOMBEK Aliya Anuarbekovna – deputy head of department of science of the

Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai, candidate of pedagogical

sciences, Corresponding member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


MUKASHEVA Aisha Serikovna – professor of professional foreign language

communication and translation chair Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university.

Candidate of philological sciences.

NURBATYROV Bolatbek Bodanovich – heard of professional union of staff of

the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, docent of the chair

graphic and design.

NURTAYEVA Nesveldi Zhumabekovna - Professor of the chair of professional

foriegn language communication and translation studies KazNPU named after Abai.

NURTAEV Yerden – PhD student of Institute Magistracy and PhD doctoral programs

of the Kazakh National pedagogical university named after Abai

OSPANOV Baimurat Ermagambetovich – head of department of science of the

Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abai, candidate of pedagogical sciences,


OSPANOVA Bayandy Ramazanovna - Researcher Research Institute of the Kazakh

National Pedagogical University named after Abai , Candidate of Philology .

OSPANOVA Bayandy Ramazanovna - Researcher Research Institute of the Kazakh

National Pedagogical University named after Abai , Candidate of Philology .

ORAZALINOVA Roza Zhapparovna – senior teacher of the chair professional

and foreign language communication and translation deals, Institute philology and

Multilanguage education of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after


SABITOVA Ainur – Head of International law Department Kazakh State Pedagogical

University named after Abay, professor, e-mail: [email protected]

SABITOVA Schynar – professor, International law Department Kazakh State

Pedagogical University named after Abay, professor.

SAIBEKOVA Nazira Usenovna – senior teacher of the chair of professional foreign

language communication, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.

TUSSUPOVA Alma Kokbayevna – Candidate of philological sciences,docent of

Institute of magistracy and PhD doctoral programs KazNPU named after Abai.

TURGUNBAYEVA Botagul Altayevna – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,

head of the chair of pedagogical specialties of Institute of magistracy and PhD doctoral

programs KazNPU named after Abai.

KHAN Nataliya Nikolaevna – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the

chair of pedagogical specialties of Institute of magistracy and PhD doctoral programs

KazNPU named after Abai.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


SHAYGOZOVA Zhanerke Nauryzbaevna – candidate of pedagogical sciences,

associate professor of the academic drawing and technique of teaching of special

disciplines of Institute of art, culture and sports of the Kazakh national pedagogical

university Abai.

Hanna SAUERBORN-RUHNAU – University of Education Freiburg, Lecturer at the

Department for German Language and Literature, fields of work: Lanugage Acquisition,

Reading and Writing Acquisition, (Early) Literacy.

Dirk BETZEL – University of Education Freiburg, lecturer at department of German

language and literature. Fields of work: acquisition of orthography, didactics of writing.

Yvonne DECKER, M. A. – University of Education Freiburg, lecturer, Manager of the

Bachelor degree course Early Childhood Education; Area of work: Second language

acquisition, German as a second language, Cooperation with parents, Diversity.

Lissette MÄCHLER BETTER – Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia,

DAAD-Lecturer und PH-Student at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany;

Field of work: German Linguistics, academic writing, academic research.

Peter MALL – Diploma in music education, PhD Student at the University of

Education Freiburg, Department of Music; scholarship holder of the State Graduate

Funding Program; Graduate thesis about cooperations of musical outreach activities and

classroom music education.

Dr. Benjamin ROTT -University of Education Freiburg, postdoctoral research fellow;

Field of activity: mathematics education, especially mathematical problem solving and

epistemological beliefs.

Prof. Dr. Timo LEUDERS – University of Education Freiburg, Institute for

Mathematics Education, Areas of interest: Learning and teaching mathematics, design

research, competence modeling.

Prof. Dr. Elmar STAHL – Institute of Media in Education, fields of activity: media in

education, epistemic beliefs, early childhood.

Lydia SCHULZE HEULING – member of the interuniversity graduate programme

Pro|Mat|Nat of the University and PH Freiburg; Fields of interest: interstellar astrophysics,

physics didactics, science performances.

Tim KRAMER - University of Education Freiburg, Institute for Media in Education,

Focus of Work: Epistemic Beliefs, Media in Science an Social Studies in Primary School.

Prof. Dr. Elmar STAHL – Institute of Media in Education, fields of activity: media in

education, epistemic beliefs, early childhood.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Stefan STREILING – University of Education Freiburg, Research Assistant, Institute

of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology; fields of activity: ecology, systems thinking in

natural sciences, Education for Sustainable Development, human biology.

Prof. Dr. Werner RIESS – University of Education Freiburg, Director of the Institute

for Didactics of Biology; Fields of work: Didactics of biology, environmental education,

education for sustainable development.

Dr. Christian HÖRSCH – University of Education Freiburg, Institute for Didactics of

Biology; Fields of work: Didactics of biology, environmental education, education for

sustainable development.

Dr. Kerstin Eleonora KOHL – University of Education Freiburg, research coordinator

at the Research and Career Development Office; area of work: research funding and

advisory service for junior scientists, research about intertextuality and academic



АЙМБЕТОВА Улбосын Утегеновна – магистр культурологии, докторант ка-

федры политологии и социально-философских дисциплин Казахского националь-

ного педагогического университета имени Абая.

АЛЬМУХАМБЕТОВ Берикжан Айткулович – декан художественно-графичес-

кого факультета Казахского национального педагогического университета имени

Абая, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, академик Национальной академии

образования имени Ы.Алтынсарина Республики Казахстан

АМИРБАЕВА Дана Ешмаганбетовна – магистрант института магистратуры и

PhD докторантуры Казахского национального педагогического университета имени


АСКАРОВА Сауле Аскаровна – доцент кафедры профессиональной ино-

язычной коммуникации Казахского национального педагогического университета

имени Абая, кандидат филологических наук.

БЕГАЛИЕВА Сауле Баязовна – заведующая кафедрой русской филологиии для

иностранцев Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая,

доктор педагогических наук, профессор.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


ДАУТОВА Сауле Батталовна – директор научно-исследовательского института

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, доктор

филологических наук, доцент

ЕРМЕНТАЕВА Ардах Ризабековна – доктор психологических наук, ассоци-

рованный профессор Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н. Гумилева.

ЖАЛАЛОВА Акшайым Максутовна – старший преподаватель кафедры

филологических специальностей Института магистратуры и PhD докторантуры

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая

ЖАУЫНШИЕВА Жазира Билимовна – старший преподаватель кафедры про-

фессиональной иноязычной коммуникации Казахского национального педагоги-

ческого университета имени Абая.

ЗОЛОТАРЕВА Лариса Романовна – кандидат педагогических наук, профессор

кафедры изобразительного искусства и дизайна Карагандинского государственного

университета имени академика Е.А. Букетова.

ИСХАН Бейбит Жалелович – научный сотрудник научно-исследовательского

института Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая,

кандидат филологических наук, доцент.

КАЗАБЕЕВА Виталия Алексеевна – кандидат филологических наук, доцент

кафедры русской филологии для иностранцев Казахского национального педагоги-

ческого университета имени Абая, профессор Российской Академии естествознания


КОЖАГУЛОВ Токкожа Мукажанович – заведующий кафедрой живописи

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, кандидат

педагогических наук, профессор, член Союза художников Республика Казахстан,

лауреат государственной премии «Дарын».

КУЛЕКЕНОВА Жанар Габбасовна – старший преподаватель кафедры профес-

сиональной иноязычной коммуникации Казахского национального педагогического

университета имени Абая

КЫЛЫШБЕКОВА Анар Ортаевна – старший преподаватель кафедры

профессиональной и иноязычной коммуникации и переводческого дела Казахского

национального педагогического университета имени Абая

МАЗБАЕВ Орденбек Блисбекович – декан географо-экологического факультета

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, доктор

географических наук, профессор

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


МЕНДЕШЕВА Раушана Абдрауовна – старший преподаватель художественно-

графического факультета Казахского национального педагогического университета

имени Абая, стипендиат "Болашак".

МУКАШЕВА Айша Сериковна – профессор кафедры профессиональной

иноязычной коммуиникации и переводческого дела Казахского национального

педагогического университета имени Абая, кандидат филологических наук.

МОМБЕК Алия Ануарбековна – заместитель начальника управления науки

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, кандидат

педагогических наук, член-корреспондент Международной академии наук

педагогического образования (МАНПО).

НУРБАТЫРОВ Болатбек Боданович – председатель профсоюза сотрудников

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, доцент

кафедры графики и дизайна

НУРТАЕВА Несвелде Жумабековна – профессор кафедры профессиональной и

иноязычной коммуникации и переводческого дела Института филологии и поли-

язычного образования Казахского национального педагогического университета

имени Абая.

НУРТАЕВ Ерден – докторант института магистратуры и PhD докторантуры

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая

ОСПАНОВ Баймурат Ермагамбетович – начальник управления науки

Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, кандидат

педагогических наук, профессор, член Союза художников Республика Казахстан.

ОСПАНОВА Баянды Рамазановна – научный сотрудник научно-исследо-

вательского института Казахского национального педагогического университета

имени Абая, кандидат филологических наук.

ОРАЗАЛИНОВА Роза Жаппаровна – старший преподаватель кафедры

профессиональной и иноязычной коммуникации и переводческого дела Института

филологии и полиязычного образования Казахского национального педагогического

университета имени Абая.

САБИТОВА Айнур Алимхановна – заведующая кафедрой международного

права Института филологии и полиязычного образования Казахского национального

педагогического университета имени Абая, доктор юридических наук, профессор, e-

mail: [email protected].

САБИТОВА Шынар Алимхановна – ассоциированный профессор кафедры

международного права, доктор филологических наук

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


САЙБЕКОВА Назира Усеновна – старший преподаватель кафедры профес-

сиональной иноязычной коммуникации Казахского национального педагогического

университета имени Абая

ТУСУПОВА Алма Кокбаевна – кандидат филологических наук, доцент Инсти-

тута магистратуры и PhD докторантуры Казахского национального педагогического

университета имени Абая.

ТУРГУНБАЕВА Ботагуль Алтаевна – доктор педагогических наук, профессор,

заведующая кафедрой педагогических специальностей Института магистратуры и

докторантуры PhD КазНПУ имени Абая

ХАН Наталья Николаевна – доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры

педагогических спеицильнотей института магистратуры и докторантуры Казахского

национального педагогического университета имени Абая

ШАЙГОЗОВА Жанерке Наурызбаевна – кандидат педагогических наук,

доцент кафедры академического рисунка и методики преподавания специальных

дисциплин Института искусства, культуры и спорта Казахского национального

педагогического университета имени Абая.

Дирк БЕТЦЕЛЬ, M.A. – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга, преподаватель

института немецкого языка и литературы. Направления деятельности: изучение

орфографии, дидактика письма.

Ивонн ДЕККЕР, M.A. – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга, преподаватель,

руководитель курса бакалавриата дошкольного образования. Сфера деятельности:

немецкий язык как второй иностранный язык, работа с родителями.

Лидия ШУЛЬЦЕ ХОЙЛИНГ – Стипендиатка межвузовских программ

Pro|Mat|Nat Фрайбургского университета и Педагогического университета Фрайбург.

Научные интересы: межзвездная астрофизика, физика и ее дидактика, научная


Доктор Керстин Элеонора КОЛЬ – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга,

координатор исследований в научно-исследовательском проректорате. Сфера

деятельности: содействие исследовательской деятельности и консультационная

помощь молодым ученым, исследования по интертекстуальности и академическому


Тим КРАМЕР – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга, Институт медиа в

области образования. Сфера деятельности: эпистемические убеждения, медиа по

общеобразовательным предметам.

Профессор, доктор Тимо ЛОЙДЕРС – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга,

Институт математики. Сфера деятельности: изучение и преподавание математики,

исследования в области специальной дидактики, моделирование компетенций.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten


Лиссете МЭХЛЕР – Университет Антиокия (Медельин, Колумбия), лектор –

ДААД и докторант Педагогического университета Фрайбурга (Германия). Область деятельности: немецкая лингвистика, научный стиль письма, научная деятельность.

Петр МОЛЛ – дипломированный учитель музыки, докторант кафедры музыки

Педагогического университета Фрайбурга, стипендиат программы по содействию

научных исследований. Диссертация о сотрудничестве между музыкальной школой

и внешкольным музыкальным учреждением.

Профессор, д-р Вернер РИСС – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга,

директор Института биологии и дидактики. Направления деятельности: дидактика

биологии, экологическое образование, образование для устойчивого развития.

Доктор Бенджамин РОТТ – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга, научный

сотрудник. Сфера деятельности: математическое образование, решение проблем с

применением математики и эпистемологических убеждений.

Ханна ЗАУЭРБОРН-РУНАУ (магистр) – Педагогический университет Фрай-

бурга, преподаватель института немецкого языка и литературы. Сфера деятель-

ности: изучение языка, изучение письменного языка, грамотность.

Профессор, доктор Эльмар ШТАЛЬ – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга,

Институт медиа в области образования. Сфера деятельности: медиа в образовании,

научные знания, образование в раннем детстве.

Стефан ШТРАЙЛИНГ – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга, научный

сотрудник кафедры биологии института естественных наук. Сфера деятельности:

экология, системное мышление в контексте естественных наук, образования для

устойчивого развития, биология человека.

Доктор ХОРШ Кристиан – Педагогический университет Фрайбурга, Институт

биологии и дидактики. Направления деятельности: дидактика биологии,

экологическое образование, образование для устойчивого развития.

Заманауи университеттік білім берудің өзекті мәселелері

Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus bildungswissenschaftlichen Universitäten




HENUNIVERSITÄTEN Beiträge aus Kasachstan und aus Deutschland

Дизайнер /Дизайнер /Designer – Байкулаков Е.Т./Baikylakov Y.T.

Техникалық редакторлар /Технические редакторы/

Technical editors – Құлыбек Арда /Kulibek A.

Еркожа М.Е./Erkozha M.E.,

Амирбаева Д.Е./Amirbayeva D.E.

Басуға 04.12.2013 ж. Пішімі70х100/16

Қағаз түрі Сыктывкар. Қаріп түрі. Times New Roman.

Көлемі 32,75. Тапсырыс № 292. Таралымы 100 дана.

Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетінің

“Ұлағат” баспаханасында басылды.

Алматы қаласы, Достық даңғылы,13.