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M atlf RESaHI F!U. DEH11 meniirs mm





mhrnrt RU«t MeOramb. at nucl* , towMhip, llr^ cloM to tho Duibr IUm. toll dMHl m ho toort t^iktun to

I Ur- Hoover ot Hbcle Friilojr eftorooao. He hod lOBff been ofnictod with llrlsht'o dlaoooe. but hlo coodltloo Fri* dor aoooord.ao wovwo than uwool- He

I woo better hoown br the DleknoiDe, •Rile.” •

Dr. Hoover weM to (he kitchen door In reopoooe to o rop aad -Mr- MeCrunob ooked him if he wloiied eoose aounner broo^t from the form. Ur. Hoover woo repljrlnc when the vtoltor threw





Umhom Cnee Hod Been I p To the up hlo^^ha^ ond exololmed: I llelpibir Itofm and Yeoaflllrhert eort Once . T, H, SngirMtod and

Befeiw. TJf* Hoover tried to ooppert him. per- < ______^mlttinn him to oink to the ground,eoflUy. A gUaoe told the phynlclan ------------

Two Clinton county ceeee were de- i that death hod been Inoiantaneouae lded by the aupieme court on Decem* j Hoauaoeter MoCrumb. of Eaale a ber 29. I»ll. which gave much aoUo- rouain. woo aent for aad the two men facUon to the prlnclpoia -iod to their carried the body Into Dr. Hoover'a attomeya. l4yQn A Rolnet of thia city, (houoe. where It remalaed until Under- One waa the caoe of Roae E Craham taker Btokea airtved from Ornnd va. the (Iraad Trunk Railway Co-, aad Uadge artth bla ambuloace It waa the other waa the caae of Jaaper A- then carried to the late home of theUumhatii agalnat the aame company A aherrt hiatory of the two ooaoa fol­lows:

The Umhi-a Cnse.

deceased.Ur. UcOmnab woo dt yeoio of age.

land woa bom in Oakland county. He ' had been a reaideat of Eagle townnhip

On June «th. IWtS. a washout oc-!wboui 40 yeora. He la survived by

* The committee appointed a month or six weeha ago to make arronge- meou for a banquet to be given by the man of the county who are interested In the highest devoAopmeat of the boya of the town and rural communl* tlao of Clinton county have their plans about coenpieCed. and on the evening of January 16th a supper will be nerv­ed at Masonic Temple when apeakero of state reputation will be present to explain the work done and the results

Happeninga in St.Jokna Society

Mr. and Mrs- Q. O. Dlaol antertolnod eight oouplea at dinner Monday even­ing-

The loilea Md ohlldran of the KaUy family were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Kelly at dinner Fridny ovenlng.

The members of the Coffee Pot Club were gueate of Mr. and Mrs Robert G. Bteel at dinner Monday erenlng. <'.orda furnished diveralott until the dawn of the New Tenr.

Mrs- Jane Hull and daugiuam. Mellaaa and MMa. were gueeta of Mr. aad Mrs. E. 1. Hull from Saturday un­til Moodny.


r. p. 5.1.1 lowuiFiFniiiaMEinmi





The fifth aoml-annual coovantloo of the (Tllnton (bounty Chriatiaa limdeav- or Union will be held at Sbepardovllle on Fiiday aad Saturday, January IS and IS.

The first saaaioa will begin Friday evening at 7:S0 o'clock with a praise

______ : aad devotional eerrlce after which the' regular C & topic for the week. *'Why

LECrrEEN AND UAMQVET HEREjl Believe the Bible.” will be diacuaaed FEATI'BEH. 'under the leadership of R. A. Huyok

i of Victor- Later la the evening C- L. Rowe of Jachaon will addreaa the con





Mork af Prafeaaer Linton and Alox ErTItte Wna Inch



Miss Anna Dooltng has recalved notifloation of her appointment as vice-president of the Michigan Music Teachere' Aaaoclatkm for Cttaton county. This office Is now one ofgreat Importance for the aaaorlatton

.r’v * I dvpenda on the various oountv viee-accompllahed by the County Y- M C ^ ^

veatlon on the work of the county Y.M- C- A.

On Saturday the following program will be carried out—9:S0 Praise ser­vice; devotional service led by Rev- Preeae of South Ovid. Welcome Mias Amanda Olson. Shepardavllle* Re-

perta from outside of this ooun^ / a*^™**?-!.*^****”*the poultry show held In St Johns laatj ^ t,^***^**^ Bndea-week was one of the very beat •niall shows ever held In the state both from i,2* the point of number of birds displayed ham-UHl th. blit. .u»Urt Of broJi. oDsS^.-.JS’.* “exhibition Archie Blakealee. Bingham; Pm-

Many persona vialtod the show dur- ^ if'* ^* Society. 'ing the four days 1^ evenings it was | W,“win.

the affair waa a suci


iddremtea Were Hade by Rev Jeshag ReberiN and Rev. O. J.

Prim, D. D.

etJJv potot Of ‘ Of Ovid. Dart Parr of St^”T^te#idof prtie winning poultry oi j Johns will read a paper on ‘How the m„rauon to a Baptist Md in

h^l PHday evening was an Older Members of the Society May j in* the little church edifice, lalelyjm-iSLovaoitT to tS* ^*"'’ ----- - --------- -------- ""

Following the praise and devotional service at 1.J0 o’clock led by Rev. Mr

un;d ;a the iVne of the Grand Trunk jhU wife and four aon.-4»rant. Mring i 'oo^. him e^-(^ M muMclanatoilway two miles east of Pewamo. the I^y line, lioaa a^ Ford. ! ^ hla tatenUon of attending toe I *“*?•**■„Railway two miles east or r'^WAino, iait- i^guvs hmt*, Ihws «uu rviv*;

leaving the ttack in a langerous con- residing at home, and Ray, who la at-, ‘.VT ^ ~bin« undltion for some dlstai.«‘e. Justin E 'ending a Tuedlcal college in DetroiL I ^°tiuet If he la able m parcel a minor j fnrlfmf iji i^*_*^*******^Graham, a bridge fore., an to tbe em-! A number of ymru ago when an epl-i be^ !he Ha^touitploy of the company, was on the train demlc of diphtheria swept over that ■ .._years ***** ft i* _iao their fintr tnwhich ------ ---------- ^ Ur u<.f*r«,mh ,.hii. ****“ doing wooderful thinga for the ‘* ■**® ***^'^ *» eounteraign

repair the lint'Haven.

The old year vm loth to say good­bye, and epent tbs last day to expraan Ing great regret- The tearful hours of toe momlag gave place later la the day to violent storms of wrath, aad 1911 bode farewell with a chllllaana that aaid more ptotaiy than words that be did not Intaad to return-

The old fellow perhaps thought to work havoc with the rededlcatory ssr- vicea at toe Baptist church, but he failed to hla purpose. Water la an to* splratlon to a Baptist aad in toe room-

tended by more than flfty bualnv mentonnera- After the b^uet. v,. r- /%. i mamber from all the varloua aocle- **“!*?!'I of to** county;

proved and newly dedicated, was com-

tb.t HMI o.b.r .uhout. mlobb J””-^ '*■”*'1' «j nothloit a< u> omnl.Ml nbttir, bM b« »!.«. br tb, | m,v|„|, .h, tb. I ,miJ EW. K.rt.r LiSn' -^Wh^t- b.tw..Mi that ptbc. .ad <lr*i»d « ' ™affb«J lb. boya .ad vouac moa of ^ ih.ir mri. **;““****’ on matt.ra of . icMiora) Intoraat to the I .a, voun. Praoi; do for ib. trorolM. ' ""™ ■■«»...—i .wutuia

Tbo trtdn < o.»l.trd of » on- . J!' '“.i «.d U«- rofal df l°_n ; .~«-l.tloo. Tb. .pwb.r ™mp|lo..ot.j “ M? ; •*> “firr'" <>' '*»'

■ urUHHW 4Eled oy more man nny puam^jYour Soclety'a Aim and What Has lt|fortably filled and the serrlcea were . poultry fanners and procrmelre Accomplished” will be discussed by carried out according to the plana

L. fc. A. I varloua socle- The weather of the evening wnaBeat Plana for' niore inclement than that of the raom-

\Vork,'' 1l,yt eeven paatora and a church f^*® I filled with interested auditors attend-

glne. pili^iiver, house-car and several l*oaltlon. and exceedingly fond of a i flat cars ^oke. He will be greatly missed to .w .

At rorottn. tb. t™t„ -«..opp-; ■‘w;:‘“r.r;'j:;nr.:;;'nd7,“t?'out the various washouts- After re- Raiick. a neighbor and friend P* ypairing a washout west of St. Johns. Burial was In Danby cemetery, they aurted west under orders to runto I’ewamo It was lat«' In the after­noon and rainy and misty After running nearly to Pewamo the pUe- diiver. engine and a number of flat cars loaded with timber ran Into this hole and four men were killed, one of

activity.The work of the organisation pur-

IKwed to be established to Clinton

the passing of a proposed state law for I ^ officers on their method of i k c Hadley Victorthe certification of Music Teachers. I maitogemeni of the show, and con-1

Music teachers who are Interested ,f,»,„iated them upon the support they I in the aaaorlatlon ehould send their ^ received from the busineaa men lyCiMr TAtfmnames to Mtsa Dooltog. of the community- Now that the an- tllulVllL ffUnlHll illlVLn

* nual show la over a tendency to let!INTEKENTI.NG PRINiR.I H BY TLI’B.' **«touslaanj die might result In Inju^

{to the cause that the association la i The Woman's Club met at the borne anxious to foster, and Mr- McVlttle••• me woman a ciuo mei at me Dome anxious to foster.Dlioyc DCQIII T PiTAI I V ' *«unty. if it receives recognition and of Mrs R- Go<*tte Wednesday, January ui-kmI orcaaiastalDUnilU nCuULI rHlIttXl I support, will reach the boy In the 3^, Mrs H. M. Perrto. president, pre- men with ev

^***-; Rev Joshua Roberts, supeiintan- (lent of Baptist stote mlsaioos. preach*

' ed the sermon to toe rooming, aad : Rev. O T Price, D. D-, pastor of the j First Baptist church. I-amaing. de- I livered the evening address Both

Tn UAl MiA7nn UnCOITAI l "»«* »pe*keTa of marked abilitylu MLMinRLUU nUDllIRL and both strongly emphaalied tbeI truth that a church should be a power.


the beneflt of the association. This

meetings when ^RN. EHILY HINf'HMPPN RKAH4IN * *“ * community,



service when he reachM the estate of manhood.

The training develops the boy phy­sically. mentally and spiritually, and induces him to take a lively interest in the things about him If he shows slon

___ Mrs. I'huily Hlnchllff. after an exIntemsting iwpers on the topic were "ortt shf>uld be so pursued that rVin-I »'"*®***®*» *»’ and Weller as

a I to her panity. has l>een adjudged In-1 church building with class rooms andread by Mrw I>ow Kneeland and Mrs. (on county will be looked upon , »,ine by the ITobate Court, and on Sat-, other a|»artmenta requli^ to toe w-Hyron Ihvnley. followed by a discus* ,„ullry center. 1 urday was removed to the Slate Hoa- cessful conduct of a modem churen

Mrs. T. M. Mann played a piano n |s seldom that a i>eraon Is so tn* |endencles towards agricultural pur- solo and Mrs Sllabury gave a humor- tensely Interested to any matter i>eT- i I****! at Kalamazoo for treatment-

whom was Justin Graham, husband of iUIBV BE HRS. LILLIAN .SIHHBNK Roa«- K- Graham.

.Mr. Graham left a family of six children and suit was brought by his •wife as .iBmlnistratrlx of his esute After ten days of Intense siiffeiing against the milroail romiNiny on Aug- Mrs. Ulllan Simmons passed away on ust 12. The caa«- was tried to,New Year s night at 9:45 o'clock.March. l!*oti, iUid plaintiff was given death resulting from hums sustained a verdict of llo.uoo. The < ompany ap- on Friday afternoon, I>ecember 23rd.Iiealed the caae to the supreme court when a kerns**nc lamp exploded, cov-and It was reversed in March. 1908. erlng her with burning oil ■ , . ------------------ —, -------------... ____and sent iMck for new trial. Case was Pate had l»eeo cruel to the unfortu- efflclmt work to I^nawe«<, St T ” -Mrs. f E. Miillsworth on the tnost refreshing to those who have, **to^ tak«m out by relatives who again tried in the circuit coun tn St-1 nate woman Twice had she been the I •*®*^l***' I*3»'oo, Allegan and Hillsdale »~^n»oon of January 18 Johns to EVhiiuiry. 191b, and Mrs. victim of a fire, the first one dentroy* ''‘*’^***^ for some time pane- The Graham recovered u verdict of |9,- ing her home, killing her only child *8H4.29 .\n apiteal was again taken to and iplllcting u|ton her own person

The Baptist denomination was or­ganized tn St. Johns fifty-five yenm ago Ttie ineseat house of worship was erected a quarter of a century since, aad haa recently been repaired and improved, making an up-to-date

suits be is encouraged in that line by ous reading competing with other boys of his own After adjournment, tbe hosteaa. aa- age and procllvltlea In com conteata. slated by .Mrs G.G. Steel, served tlato* or contests of a similar nature- ty refreehments

The County Y. M- C. A. has been do- Th** n**** meeting of the club will

work thus far has lieen some what of C-ootlnued on page 5.

the supn-me court .aid argu*d ln«ceiii-' frightful sr-srs The s*H ond one rol*- »»er. 19lb. and ag;iln In October. 1911 bed her of her life after days of great im liM-i-niber 29, IMll. the supreme -ufferlngcourt flle<l an opinion afflmrng the Mrs Hlmmons who was hut thirty- judgment in the lower court four .ve»n* of itge was Imm at Carson

It will now cost the coiniwny about t'H.v where she remained until the |ll,2*a».u<> to ’U» time of her marriage when she mo^’ed

The llnmhaai Ca**-. to l-^nslng Five years ago her home ,Gn Augtut 2t>. 191b. Jastter A Bum- was burned, and after convub-scing

ham of this citv commenced a suit from th. Ioar lllneaa that attended the against th. Itetrolt Gnind Haven a- injuries InHieted at that tln»e she re-; Milwa«ike«- Hallway Comiian> to re- tum.«d to the home of her itarents. cover .Inmages on account of th.* fact coming to Ht Johns two years ago to ^ that a short time l»efore h.- commenced l^eep hous.* for Oscar Karl, proprietor, the suit th.- condnetor of this railway **f * llver>' stable on Meat iligham , comt^any undertook to «*Ject him from *treet.the train at Orid and at Shepardsvllic. ***’^ *• survlv«xd by her |>arents, Mr. claiming that Mr Humham had not ‘****1 ^frs C J Evans of Carson City, paid his fare from Durand to St. sisters, Mrs A- Haberstiimpf ofJohn> .Mr lltimhani insist.-.! that he Renton Harbor ^ and Miss Mildred had jMild his fan- and satisfied the Jur>’ of New York City, ^uid onethat his claim was correct In that re- brother, J, C Evans of Portland. Ore- spect .-UMl the proofs also show that *****after som. arguni.mt Imd with the con- The body was taken to Carson City ductor of this train he remembered ".*.*!***.*'*'**^. *^f**'f*' funeral services

Good work hameaa Enquire at Bradley A llrlttonh. 'Phone !<2. tf.

The repairs were made at an ax* l>ense of 12.200- Part of this has bean paid and .«ou|to more pledged to pay all but t2Wi of the indehtednesa Mora than $700 waa raised at tbe Sunday servlcaa.

The Baptist denomtoatiion is smaJl------- 7 were of the opinion that she would re* I er than some of the other churebaa tofor yearn ly®® Ptokktog a rover with companionship and good this community, but none have made

single handed, offered to ^ e respond to their l^luence more widely felt thancould at any tlm.« to^lst tne saaoct - treatment, however, .and laat has thD people. For many years Intioti iu the undertakings. again taken to charge by toe the early history of Its exlstance It ax-

C, A- Rloas of Owoaao, a former ZT

. . . ._____ , .V.., w_ -.111 ■ For several weeks Mrs Hlnchllfftalning to the ^bl . - has behaved In a strange manner. o(-volunteer hlstlmeaito seiwice to fur, .t.^tllng the neighbor* by wildther a given rauae but Mr. Wc\ it^is very enthuslsslU ovw , „go she wss removed to tbe Jail butbred stock of any kind, and to a man-' .___ . -'

sheriff.I manager of the I'nlon Telephone Co.. , ,I tn this city, was called upon for a few lon»*somenessremarks, .uid to spite of his insistence

^ that “the line is busy." was pursuaded , to butt in He spoke briefly of the ■ pleaaun* he had ex|»erienced m vlew- I ing the many 1*0^1(11111 birds at the show .iml In witnessing the interest

Continued on |iage 5.

The woman complained of hibited a strong misslonar>' spirit and--------- - I missionaries to foreign

' lands, while several young men rearad In the Hiinday school have itecoaM ministers of the gospel .vnd are now (ireaching to this and other statea-

Rev J. K. Gregorv- Is doing a noble work and Is being ably supported by l>oth the young and the old of the parish.



THIS IS HBHE LEHBN.Theodon* Toombs of Greenbush haa 1

at his famt home a small lemon tree that this season has borne sevenil ev-

The \ews**ofnrl *the lalleT**imTt *“‘*‘*^” death of WllUaiu Patterson In lam ,i*y of January, being January .d to The News office the toiler pan p,,j„rteld. X. J- Mr. Hatferaon for , 3tot.

'it "•"'1' ■•<>'">'!' '"♦for, *0-1 .Snalor WlllUm Aldm SmlUi andand '■!-''’''W~.n«n Port,.,, .Ill b, of

laast wcddk's issue announced the


The banquet of the Clinton County Republican Club will be held on tbe

Y. M. C. A. l>oys of Grand l.edge.

HETHOBIST CHI'RCH NBTEK.- w u tj ***** **0*** o***’ o****! aarvice 00that .Mr Humham had paid his fare )*J**^^**^ ®^*o up^^ the^arrival of the Sunday, with preaching both rnomtag

and evening-

weighed JiMt one i)otiDd. The tree la still to bkMMii and with the blooaoma are interapersed about half a dozen leraona-

Others are being ar-


and allowid him 10 ride to his destina-' *”'oGi*r froni the far weat tion to St John* The case was tried I in Januar>', 1911. and a verdict of $500 was rendered In favor of Mr H'.imbam against the railway romt*any A mo­tion for a new trial was filed and the damages were placed at $.3.M) by toe clreult Judge The r-mof- waa appealed to the supreme court and argued In •**EVEN December, 1911, and on December 29.1911. an opinion was filed to the sii- preme cour affirming the Judgment ofthe Circuit court After a ten days toy off. the plant of

______ ___ the Ht Jolraa Portable Building Oo.



The varloua aocietiaa. tbe Brotbar' hood. Epworth I.*sague and Woman's Bible Htudy Claaa will meet at the usual hour, 6 o'clock.

The Hunday school will meet at 12 o'clock

ITayer meeting each Thuraday eve­ning at 7:30.

You will tlBd a cordial welcome at all of our aervicea.

W. H. WOODBURY SATISREDWITH CALIFORNIA CONDITIONS < IvlT war 'aiidTTiaWenr^'fit. 'johw , 1!!^i^eroalty. broadnem of I county cluba charge $1.

DEATH <»E .1. WILLIAHh Jacob MTI llama, a veteran of the

many relatlvea and friends through-) the speakers, out this iwrt of the state, being a' ranged for brother of H- J. l*attei*on of this city. > The price of the tickets has bean and to .N'ebraoka. where he traveled I fixed at $100- At the last banquet the for ITi years for one firm in tbe hard- i price waa fixed at 75c. and there waa a ware bHolneas and waa known to all i deficiency of about $ft0.00 which had to the Knighta of the Grip aa "Hilly-''I to be met by oubaciipttona. All other

.. ... ' mind, making him a favorite with all________ »"•«>' traveling men-

vikUMvu u*r JimaM gt\ VNJtlVH ****"**' 2^ Ottawa street at » . The following Is taken from the NewFBHHKK HT. JBHNN HtN KNJBlH ^our Wednesday evening Mr. W**-1 York World •Hams la Siirviv^ ‘‘U**** 1 The myaten of the disappearancesons. Jay. in PlalnflHd. .V J-. of William Patter-ben and Harry, and two daughters.Mrs C K- Arnold of Hsgtoaw and Mrs.Roy Bhullera of RstUe Creek-


Al’CTIBN SALE.Of horses at Gardner's Feed Itom-

•w* TM» PiPiniuw 114- TM4 CITV **** operations wlUi enouiRj' Thursday. January 11. at 12 o'clock.Til THE F.LKf^lHS tH TMt. ITl „,Mers Itooked to keep ninnlng during There will be twenty young hovssa(If .HT. JOHNS sesaon. ranging from three to live yeara. and ___

------------ Among the drst buildings that will sii Michigan bred An "special fea-1 mid anticipatNetler of Hr cnrellmeai b,. shipped will be a poruble church j ture of thIa aaie will be

Batunlay. January 27th. Is prtmary to go forward to West Haves. N- J-.; 1 pslr Bsy Msres. weight 2960.enrollment day aad all qualified elec- alao a houae 36x42 feet Thia totter 1 1 pslr Bsy Msrea. weight 3660-tors who may wish to rote at the prl- building, when conatnicted with lla' Terms of sale will be announced by msry election to be held to March, seven roosM. will be s record orsaker the asetiogeer at time of aale.

be enrolled on aald 27th day of for sise. DUNN A JOHNBON. PnJ'hda— s-si-- a.

A letter received from W. H. Wood* bury, a former resident of Bt Johna. hut now located at Ism Gatos. C-all- fomla. statea that one can hardly Im- «gine that It la winter In that state- l^ile there is st times a suapiclon of frost to the air. most of the days are warm and bright, with all varieties of flowers to full bloom.

Mr. Woodbury Is rslslng chtchans a rioek of 4.06O cbichs

during the coming season-

UARD PARTY.The Esstem Stsr will hold a card

party at the boose of Mr. and Mrs. C-

INHTALLATIBK.Joint inatallation of Royal Neigh­

bors and Modem Woodman at Camp Hail. Thursday evening. January 11, at 7:30 sharp

.National Lseturer George Reilly of Danovllle, HI. will be with us.

IW CAMP ('I.£RK 1187.

NUBURRAN HOrNE HOLD-On Saturday of last week Chas- Lr

Putt of this ^ty purchased the flne 10must __________ —— som, «. .... iftijxw m jtmnesfK. crops. |t. Babcock Mooday evening. January , acre farm of FTsnk Ittdenotir, loestsdJanuary. City Clerk Cochrane an* In the three years that tbe Portable R D- Bird. Clerk. August Miller. Auc-; g. a musical pragram will be ran-j near the fair grousds Bounces that any member of any party Building Oo- haa been doing biistness i tloneer- 8lwl dered and refreMiments served Fifty ; Porrbaae made tbrouMwho finds that It will not be convent- to St- Johns the ptont has been closed ------------------------ 1 osnu per couple will be charged, the i parr Real IMate Agency.««t for him to «*iroll on that date, may'dosm but three weeks better than a : BAPTIST (’HI'HUH NOTES. : receipts to go Into the tressury of the ---------------- --—■call at the City Clerk's office any time; good record. At the evntng service sext Sunday orderbetween now and Friday night at this ------------------------ Pastor Gregory will preach s spedsl --------------- —------week and by filling out the neceaasrv .INNI'AL .WRETING- labor sermon and present to ev^ TARD BE THANKSblank have his name property enroll- The annual meeting of the rilatoo •**•** worked 00 the reino^lsd i take this means of thanking myed. This method of enrolling must be. ('ounty Agricultural society will be ‘ church a spMlal dlploM uprsaslng friends and neighbor* for toe Post compiled with before P^rMay

man wno worked 00 the remodelsd |'ounty Agricultural society will __ - - - ...

night, »„4d at the court house to St. Johns. toe apprecIsMoo of the BsptM <^rBh Card Shower and r*, oUi^rwtof* •Iwtori will' m o'clock Soturtey, IS. The oloc* ■ effort of Ike worknofi iB ookoJi and oil kl

have to enroll to person January 27th, ,iion of offleers will tahe place and ***•**■ All laboring men are aickneasa msdilary

ANNOrNCBMENTH _ The ssrond divtsloa of KlngM

Daughter* will meet at tbe home of_ Mrs. Robt- Ins. .Monday afternoon.

iMmutlful tlowsrs «- Bring your pocket-bookshown me during my

1911. 1 other necessary businsss tn The (Tty Clerk will be tn his office I including reports of offlcers-

iwtll nine o'clock p m. on Frldsy eve- [ ntog of tols week 3SwI

. Invited to attend thto mee«ng.__ ^'***'* Revival meetings will be conducted nightly by Psstor Gregory.

The Woman's Missionary serlety of Congregational church will meet .INNBI N| EWI NT. ,1^ ^ 31^ p. R. Walaerotth.

The ladles of the c c A. will hold 2M Cass Avenue West, FrMay. Janu* a coffee nod asi«' of baked goods at | ary 5. at 2:30 p m. Paper* will be | the home of Mrs <T H Chapman on tbe, read by Mloa C A Shaver and Mrs aftemonn and evening of Friday, i ivrrin and Mr* Uvtngstone will play January 13. The public Is c«*rdtally^a violin solo Alt ladiss of the con- Invlted to attend j grsgatlon are invited to be present-

.NimCEHaving m>l i my farm I will sell at

public auction all my stock, feed, tools, ITtone 13S-2Retc. Sale ad- to next week's paper. ----

R 11. SHAW.

pd MRS fua.vk sagr.

FOR sale -fVrar. due middle of (his menth; six pigs, three months old; 11 ewes; one rsni; two oalvea-

JOflN nCRGWHAT.28er3pd-

and a friend with you.

ANNOl'NCEHENT.Ragiilar meeting of Banner Rsbekah

liodge, Friday evening, Januaiy 5. At this time tbe president of the Grand ixMlge of Rebekaha will be present.

Bring yrnir HMea. Pelu and Furs to Kxtrsordlnsrv Glllisnn's Fesd Store. Highest msr-i Shoes and Rubk bet prleeo psid. tf (the store

•Hoe euttisg on I. All over the HARRY MACK.

TO JiSUlT'o’'B r n iwi«» A*if» an H. ”•ii. omn »»•»*' "«• “* "">sd- Dsitvwrsi T. SOHANOK.

cottonseedCome to my January Cloaraace Bale 1 (msI. Hammond Dairy FVtsd aad Red

II Shoes. Fella aad Rubbsm- i Comb FtMiHvy f^od. Plie«o right.HARRY R. MACK- j «f WM. GII«LIRf>N.

BELIE YE ME.If you want to tlekle Old Spot so

fShe will give down more milk. Just 1 have Jnst rseelved a carload of, (tpre her Hammond Dairy Feed Get Bri It------- ■ ---- ------------ * ,1 Glllloon'a Feed Store. tffeed. Including Hi

JOHN HIUKN. RUFFT4 M off onie this month IsOn the inside of the ascend section , yowr opportnaliy. 8Swl

will ho found s two-psge nd of JohnHlehs. Rood evory line oMt

chsncs HUfT*B R off ttwl

Fmir pool B. J. PIHMO

rslstns Me

PlorsoM adv. an

The Helping Head Society of the Church of Chrlsi will Tnest Wednss* day aftemooB. January 16, with Mrs- Elmer Buck os Prospeet street.

4 lbs (Til PlfSnrR

(NUMy Ms. B. J.

RUFTB.ton R off


son of Lincoln. Neb., who. as told to The World, vanished on his way to church on Sunday, was explained yes­terday afternoon- He was found dead, to a piece of woods near a atone quar­ry on the M'atchung Mountains.

Mr. Patterson was slxtyflve years oM. and a close imJ^csI and personal friend of Wllltonijr Rryan. who waa hla neighbor In Lincoln. He waa Presi­dent of the .Nebraska Bryan League to I8MI aad managed Mr. Bryan's .Neb­raska campaign to that year. He was prominent too to the Grand Army, go­ing into the service when be was IX, In 1862. and serving during tbe whole war.

Mr Patterson came asst two nmoths ago to visit hla daughter. Mrs Lsro>' H. Gales, of Plalaftsid, and to be treat­ed for a nervous breakdown He be­came despondent whan, as tbe holidays approached and he wished to go home for Chrlstrosa. hie physician advised against tht planMr. Patiersea Was Made III by the

Shark sf a Bsslsess Less.UNTNIUV. Neb.<—William Pattsmon.

who killed himasif near PlalnAsId. N. J.. waa one of the best known travelling men to Nebraska- He waa one of the organisers of s wholeosle hsfdware house in IJncolm. but he sold bis Interest to It sad established a retail harrlwsre atote la Pleoraat- dale, near Lincoln- He waa prosper­ing when his siore burned with pinc- tlcally all IM coaleots The shock caused by his loss la thought to have brought on a heart allmsnL and olace then be bad bean to falling health. At the time be left lAacoia to rlslt hisi daughter he worried a great dssl^ about hla roadMlos. aad exprsassd toe' belief that be wsuM never rsrovor.

Twenty-eight years ags Mr Patter* sen was elestsd msjmr of Osntrsl City, Neb-, and gatasd pmmlnsass bsosassOT UH OT MV fFfMIlvnHI iMan.

TTckets are on aale with Robert 8- Armour. Secretary of the Club, at the Register of Deeds Office. As only about 500 can be accommodated, par­ties wishing to attend the banquet should write or see Mr. Armour Im* mediately.

A reception to the epeakers will be held at the Masonic Club Rooms to the Mnasnlc Temple from tour to tlx o'clock to the afternoon preceding the banquet.

ELKrTTBN BE OFFICERS OF THE fief; bbpartment.

President. A. C. Lebey; Vlee-Prsnl- dent. Edward Craun; Secretary. Gen. A- Kelley; Treasurer, M- A. Hulas; Chief, R- H. Flupstrlck; Asst Chief. I^ewls A. Wsahbum.

Cos Stephan funHshed cigars for which a rising rote of thanks was as- tended

GBORGR A. KBLLY.Secretary.

IMHTT FORGETThe Ssuirdsy afternoon talk on farm* tog at the High school Saturday p^ m- at 1:30- Prof. J. A- Jeffries of the Ag- rlcuitursl College will be the speaker. Farmer* iisrtlculsrly iarlted No charge

B. ORn.ER A CO.The people of Fowler and ricialty

should not fail to rand the paite ad. of E Gniler A Oo. on aaofher pags It will tall thsm of many bargslna.

This Is th* month we forget tbe pro- lit on Shoes aad Rubbers so If you want to buy Shoos st Factory piisss come hers. HARRY MACK.

(MM) R. CHAPHAK.Read sale ad of Geo. H. Chapman on

anothsr page for bsrgalsn-

II tkc B. J. PIHRCB.

Don't miss the K off RUVTB

at A O.fJwl

pnmpkiB ar eocn M efo


Xm St. Johns News

am INDMPBHDBWT NBW«I*4Pm PuMtaM •wy "nmn^r

ana at Hi Walkar atrMl, «mI. M. Jataa. Mtohtjia. W TIm It JofeM MiN*« Prtatiiic Oowpany.



m Meood>«laM aattar i offtM at M. Jotaa. Mk IpMi uaAar tba aot o<

March t. ItTt.

•n TBli HX MorrMfi ... nan Moirnii

nm aapcii MPacsKHTLO fo« roffooMAOVIRTiailMi av THE



OaMbar th* rmlsfail la th* m wtmr* tha eyelaaaa had folkrvad « oiltar wttli great fraaaaany mp

liof wlUahaaaai tiM haavlaal miafall

Uiara la aay raeortf tiMfafHoriBitir broagia thraa great

froaia la tlia 8aaU. oaa extBaatag telf eay 4oam tlM FlorMa paalaaala. aad off Taaaa IM aklaa lato tha gvif. A ctuiaaa affaat o« thla waa thaMt klllad tba boll waaaal. tbateby malartalty la- iirriMag tba already lar*» eattoa area. Maaawblla tbara «aa a BiirirMBina of atofwa oa tba nMlAe ooaat. la Mla- aaaaia tbara waa aara waatbar aad at

TH (NJB PBIBHIMk Oar readaie aad frtaada of

Tba tt Jobaa Naara who baaa probata aoCleaa to publlab or

wbo ooatrol tboai. will ooa> far a faror upon tba pabUab* ar by raguaartag Jadva Mar rill to bare tba prtnttag doaa la Tba Nawa. If aaeb raquaat !• maia Jndga Marrlll willkladly graat It. _____


kind HKABTBO CLINTON. Tbarr are SM mllaa of highway M

MIebtgan orar which a rablcla wmj ha hauled by boree or ewglne-drlrao. •Itbar In good or bad waatber. at a lolatlrely fair rata of apaad Orar

itMtOa tba faimar naay roach hla

Oaa of tba frealw of tba yaar waa tha tarrlMa cyclaaa la tba PblllppbMa la Noraaibar, which brought with It tba boarlaot ralafall arer raeordad with tba aacaptloa of that Noah oar- Tlrad—aaraa faoc

Daoaoibar brought a oycloaa tor Oooto Rlea that daatroyad half tba

i banaaa crop, unpteeadaatad aaow at Spokaaa two faat of aaow la tba Baa* baadJa of Taaaa—a raoord—aad Loa* don torn la Kaaaaa City, Tbpaba. St- Loula aad Cbleapo. To oap tba clbaaa caaM a Cbrlaanaa oa wMch reatdaata of many dtlea which uauaUy aapar- laaead real wtntar waat around with­out orareoata and anjoyod tba balmy air.

Yaa It baa baaa a eurtoua taanon Aad la tba face of tba paTfoanaacaa of tba waaibar man during tba pane all montba It la manlfaatly Mia to at­tempt to predict what may be as- paetad tor the period ImmadbUaly ahead

Moal anyone can make a Saw Yaarb promlaaa and moat of ua do. but ao they are not corarad by Inaurance no

marlmi town aa aaally duTlng the daya i one realtaaa on tbam of mud aa on dry daya and haul Juat aa

loada Compared with the number The woman with the moat faathara ^mll^of hlih^V there are extend*! on her hat la the ^e Ing through the atata. tbaae 850 mllaa hardaat If a ■*- ‘‘‘ * *

Mil iiii marfa <to Dot make a aatla- uaat iinoa Un-

boy robbed % bird's

of good factory

roads do showing.

not make and this

How many It 1911.

times hare ytMi written

^ w- If '*•«* Year la aa proaparoua(Mun' oondtUM I. h.ppv u Ih. ...mil. rMoluUop.het th.t th«. .1. „ .1,1 h, . humip.r.Slate where good roads abound and other aactlona hare pracUcally none at all- Nome counties hare caught sight of the opportunity to get a large share of aUte good road reward while their neighboring counties were haai- fating, appreciating that once the real ralue of good roada la understood

IBCmiKiiniaKi MLEiHm*

I wish to Inform ynu of tba giuat banafh 1 bnva darlrud frum tba non of Swamp-Root. 1 had baan a auffarar tor more than tsrancy yaaiu from ktd- nay trouMa aiM waa almoat conatant- ly traatad by tba moat amlnant pbyal- clana who oonJd only giro nm tom* pnmry rallaf. 1 had baaa In bad tan

1Swimp noi:it laaMt boura 1 oauM aaa < graally banaStad. 1 oontlmiad to aaa Swump-Root until 1 bad uaad aararml bottlaa wbaa 1 ranlly fait that my old trouMa wna eomplaialy ourad aad 1 am paaUlra that aay pamoa auffarlag srith kldnay or Ilrar trauhla can ba aaiud by tba naa of tblo prapnratlon

1 am now la tba boot of bonlth, bat- tar than I bnra baaa for tan yaniu or more 1 do not bnow baw to expraan myoaif aa strongly aa 1 daolra, la fbror of Dr. Klbaat^a 8wump*Root. aa 1 am aura that It anrad my llta aad that my goad baalth In due anUraly to tbla grant ramady- I baartlly ra command tt to arary auffarar and am oonldaot tbay can ba banafltad aa I hare boon- It la a plaaaura tor ma. gMtlamaa. to hand you this racommandatlon.

MUB H J. PRIOC. 1SS4 Cantor SC, Partamoutb. Ohio.

Paraonally appaared bafora ma tbla ISth of Saptambar. 1PM. Mra H/ J. Prlea. wbo aubonibad tba aboro omta- maot aad mads oath that tba anma la true In aubotnare aad la toec

R A CALVERT, Notary Public.

Da. I

WOlDa Par Tan.

Sand to Dr. Kllmar A Co.. Bingham­ton, N. T.. tor a anmpia bottla. It will conrlaeo aayona. You will alao ra- oalva a booklat of mluabla Informa­tion. tailing all about tba kldnays and bladdar. Whan wrlUag. ba sura and mantlon tba Sc Johns Waakly News. Rsgular flfty-oaat aad oaa- dollar slM bottlaa tor sale at all drug storas.


smn with u ol r hla bung nMgbl la boMtag a Job-

angraaanumla franking prlrllaga » n kM of buainona tor tba smala la about tba nountry*

nkaa ■aatam autbors oooaa tlma an that moat of tba Wild Waat ana Into tba clrano buolnaoa.

Sitting around on n cold day took* tag At tba plAtttraa of wtntar raaorta la no way to onltlvnia oontantmont

InTnlldn uronH ofton an 111 aa ana oRgbt Infar when two of tbam srt to* gatbar and hagln oomparlag notaa-

Vary tow paopla buy an umboraJlA until It mlan. aad tba aaano pareanmga of torofhnnght Mown In olbar mattara.

Tbara ara atlll many pnopla srbo ra* gard banhat ball an opart laataad of punlabmaat

pmiT romNTR dt citt■DITOM

Onr aoOoa of a doAdly hmult M to | propaaa Tbaodora Roaaaralt for rlaai preaidant—Mllsrauhaa Saotlnal. j

la It iiuagilile wa abnll ba coaopallad to go to ClnelnnAtl tor culture? Wbnt la tba mnttar with Booton?—PItin.: burgh DIapnteh |

How bAppy fAthar Ia-Iaw ehould bal to hare a aon-l»>lAw Ilka Nlob Long* < worth to do All tha lAlblAg for him— Atlanta Conatltudoa-



A iUman VanS eMe A Glarpac Trcaria A ShUey

Praoldant Tbft la atlll sltUng firmly on tha IM. hut Ookmal Roaoeralt la making a powerful lot of nolaa on tba laaMe— Mamphla Cbmmarcial-Appeal-

Tba efforts of Mr- Ptoebot to turn baok tba progreoatva oupport from Rooaavelt to LAFollatta are ao ob- rloualy Intanaa aa to ba painful—Now York World.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ALWAM LAKE ♦♦ ♦;


Having Just paM MlLOao to a for­mer srlfa, Nat (loodwln la eonvlncad that marriage may Involve not only failure, but bankruptev—Plttaburgb (Jaxatte'TlDiaa

AX EnrCATIOXAL RKFHKR.There Is a strike on at the Michigan

State Agricultural college—n novel ^ atfike The Btudenta are objecting

there will be auch a general ruato for ^ ^ arhool.mate rewani that each county will be ^ „H>vemeni has been aurted Inraotilrted In the amount it can draw, matltutton 'to have the namewhile at preaaot there are large auma . changed. The foreatera object to•Miiahi* graduate from a school that M an

____ . ^ agricultural school. The pharmlclsuClinton la one of the oountlea , ^ mmllar tale of woe and. In fact,

which la dallying with the matter; |^jj students except those in the Saginaw la one of the countlew appre* agricultural departtnaot proper, are

Its opportunlUaa. and while i objecting on like grmmda To settlethe difficulty they would change thedating

Clinton has not a mile of firai-claua raad. Saginaw has many mllaa aad tlie atnte helped pay for the many mllaa In Saginaw. Incidentally it might be remarked that during the period Saginaw has been building good roads and Clinton haa been beat-

name of the arhool. dropping the "ag- rtcultural*’ from It, and nrnktog It “Michigan State Collage." or some thing like that.

When the eaate agrlcultuml college waa organliad—when tt waa first pro- poaad—the property ownafu and tax­payers throughout the state- voted tor

tatlog. Clinton has been coutrfbutlng I g emte agrleultural aehool. They votedIn mate taxes to provMe Baglnaw arlth fine highways- It la generous treat­ment which this county has accorded Saginaw, but while aaglnaw people are riding over good roada tbaae win­try daya. Clinton people are traveling In ruts or deep la the mire.

BBCORD-BREAblNU WEATHER. Fifty years or eo from now when

there la aay poraaeoua

DOWdlacuooton of contem-

weather conditions you

for a school In the aiatc where they oould aaud their boya aad have them teem the rudhaente of farming, which wouM make of them ariantlflc fann- ava. and help tbam la tilling the soil and getting the beat living for them- aelreu and tboue dependent on them. The Michigan State Agricultural aehool was aot Intended aa an aoade- ray- It waa meant for a purely agri* cultural college Aside from agricul­ture, the state unlvetnlty was to tska up the work- But the agricultural school bss branched out so it now ovarbipe largely the aeope which the

may be able to refer back to the mem- ■Uite university la euppooed to cover wt „ 101. Id many raopecta the state Is main-or.bl. TMr o« ISll. tor tl> mur -^1 t-TSiltutloM oloMot .Uk.,

tt has bean a record breaker. For traveling under different nasinesuch a topay turvy year aa this one | ^mum aaarch long In the annals of the {jeetkma raised by the M A- C. mu- pom; It la doubtful if modem meteor- j denm But It la the school itaelf aad

not the name which should be chaag- The arhool. aa It M M ovemtep-

ptng Im boundaries Properly It ehouM confine itself to the agrlcul* tiiral aad mlntag Interosia of the state. Ita field of learning Is not In the so-called cultumi branches of leemiag Theae Mould be confined to the state uadveralty. The two

After all. who in the dvtlixed world would want to visit Rumia. anyhow? —Port Huron Tlmea Herald-

This far in the campaign Governor Harmon haa ahown that he la much better versed than Governor Wllsoa in the gentle art of sMe-atepping.— 8t. I.A>ula Globe*T)emocnit.

Homebody's got It In for Prank Gla­zier—and It’s not the common people, either —Jackson CItlxen l*reae-

When a man starts to diarusa what la suitable for a gift for a girl's Cbiiat* | mas stocking he is liable to put hla | fool in It. -Detroit News i

Mr. Clark's enemies do not go so far as to Inalouate that (Lionel Hryan'a good words for the speaker were prompted by a daalre to make Jud- aon Harmon the nominee.—Kansaa City Journal.

A aeven-foot grave waa required toi bury a weatem clgarmaker. wbo. by j the way. bad ordered that his t jtnb-: atone be made ctgar-ehaped- Pattern-: ed. too. we presume, after a long-filler, j —Detroit Timas

The friends of Henator LaiFollette say* he la getting all the straw votes- As the friends of other caodldatea aay he isn't getting anything else the dls* turbsnee Is not verj* aenaatlonal.— PhllodelphU Proas

Mrs Kellogg will salve her broken j reputation with that twenty-five tkou* I send and—well, ake may find her way j to the stage If the opportunity la af* { forded—Bay City Times.

Jamas B. Oarfteld will stump Ohio against Taft Hla father aaM at a much more osiious crlaia: "Osd roigna aad tba goveramaat at Wash* Ington still lives-'’—Detroit Jouroal-

A Boston preschar wouM convert the church bomament totp a courting parlor A generation ago the main auditorium anawered very well, even without any special settings --PoDdac Press Qssette

.YEW OFFIf'ERNThe officers for the Greenbusb Ar­

bor of Gleaners for the ensuing year are aa followa: Chief Gleaner. Anna Hanratta; Vice Chief Gleeaer, Mrs. Gertrude McKinney; HecTetary-treee uror, Charles Stevens; Chaplala. Dora Stevena; Conductor. Alger Hicka; Oenductrssa. Ninah DeWlu; Lecturer, Joe Hoxle; Inner Guard. Mward Han- ratu Thene offtcers will be Installed at the next regular nroetlng. which will be January 11. It12.


♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ REW 4♦ ♦ 4444444444444444

Holla Barton and wife of Grand Rap- Ma vlaitad hie parents aad oiaier, Mr- aad Mrs. T. Barton and Belle Knapp

' over Christmee{ Mrs- Ttdd and son. A. B- Hugalette j I and family, J. B. Tucker. Belle Knapp' I and son Don. AMwn Yanx aad wife took supper at Thomas Barton's one

, evening last weekMra- Uxxle TTdd and Mrs Retu

' Yaaz visited Mra T Barton one day last week.

MUe Ethel Scott of DeWttt la visit-: Ing Miss Waunlta Rockwell.

Mr- aad Mrs- Pred Huot entertained M- J. Tout and Joe Roman of Lsnsln;; New Year’s day-

Mr. and Mra. George Brown visited . relallvaa in Whtertown from Satur­day till Monday.

I Mr and Mrs Albert Martzke and {aon Jiiotln spent New Year's day with . Mr and Mrs. George Morton in Bing-' ham.

I Mr. aad Mrs- John Norris enter* >taln«al Mr. and Mm. Mark Hill. Mr., I and Mrs. H W. Norris and son Prank { and Mr. and Mrs- Loron HIM of South i Olive New Yeer'a day.I Mlasee Ida l.srg aad Prances Hurd of East DeWItt visited MIee Maggie Brown Wednesday night and Thurs­day forenoon-

Mr. and Mro. Geoige Myers enter­tained Mr. and Mrs- Glenn PVierch of Lansing aad Willtsm Loos aad friend of Detroit Sunday.

Mrs Flora Cook and daughter Min­nie from Bennington vlaited their rel­atives. Mr and Mra Harry .Norris aad Mr. aad Mrs- John Loeher and | family from Tbunsday till Monday.

Mr. and Mro. Henry dark of BMaie i wetv guesia of George Brown aad fbm-1 lly last Thursday, Mr. dark attending. the directors' meeting In St- Jobne part of tibe day. I

Mrs Blla Lankton and daughter Vir- j gle from Clinton. Glenn aad Luwrence of OetroiL violted tbeir Unde Marvin Lankton and family last Tuenday and Wednsndsy.


BRAIN LEARN 44♦ 4444 4444444444

Anyone onn become a Man of Mjm* tary in a omall town by keeping atlll-

Some men aectv to ragnrd life aa a goesalng contoot. aad probsdily tt la to aome extent.

ologicel records offer a pamllel." aasrs j ” the Sprngfleld Republican, and the fncu seem to bear out this statemant- Not only In Michigan or in the United States have the condltlona been out of the ordinary, but the wbole world has felt the uncertaintlea of the weather-

ibllehed il conditions have' should overlap as little as possible.been very bedly upset

Starting particularly with loot July there haa been a ■iirriwaioo of dla- tuTbancee- The extremely hot weather of the oarly part of July, the long otreteh of uninterupted op- preaetveaaoa that broke all recorda in' Michigan oa well os elsewbere marked the hsgianlng of a very uauaual olx months July ams a month, too. of thunder etorma The usprec ad anted heat wan not conflaad to this country. In Burope It wna fully aa phanomlnsl. Old psloUnga began to dlalatagraia aad had to ba token Into cellars to oave them, la the artic roglon there were extraordinary condltkma. Wbal* esn aad govetswaent patrol ehlpa rs- ported open water where It hnd never bean aeon hofsre Aad wMb tba un- praeadented thaw came neveve eartb- gnahee la the Aleutlaa lolandn while three new volenair lalnada were added to the governmentb domain In Alnahn

August brought a roaetian Psrtie* ulsrly noUasahls during thia monlh searv the Mlltag froasa la Alberta, that aont thouaaada of illngeetad farnsern bash acroaa the bordar Indo this conn- try Rarty ta Saptoasher name an- eihar rront that dM tlAtMM dmnaga to the tohaaso sf the Oanaeellaet val*

It ta a good move that Governor Oeboni made when be oolled tha heads of the varloua otale laatltutkmn together aad urged upon them a bet­ter clanslfleetlon of work, a claoolfl- catJon which would prevent overtop­ping In the nouraee It to an erono- mlr move, aad In the end will prove of benefit to the state and students

There Is no profit In changing the nnme of a echool. If reform Is neees- eery, it la needed in the aehool Itoelf- —Battle Crash Rnqulror.

BMIBX FARMBRN' (TLITB. ■Max Fbrmaro' Club wUl meaat In

Bl Johns at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Wnlter Britton on Wedneoday, January 10. ItlS

Re-Music. Ooaat Tour Blaaola panting the Lordb prayer la uataon- Reedlag of mlauieo Rending of aalac* Uon. Mro Mary Rice Qnaafton. Which Biarto the Groatsr laflaenee. Public Optoton or Paohlon? Dtoenooloa open­ed hy R J. Pergussn Dtonar. Music. Jssas Lsvsr of My Roul- Roll Call. My Groaisst Mtotoha la Itll. Pbpor. Tha Parrela Poai. D. R Morrtoon Dto- cutoiao opanad by L P Ottooa Reci­tation. Mra Prank Rloa Roaona. QwasUon. la What Wayo Hm Um Pro- grsas of tha Lost Osotory Ineroaosd Iha Bsrdana of btotoon?

•anttoMni: With mtngtod hope

tha gtod New Tanr.IITH,

Praquaatly a patent fives a man a monopoly on oomattatag that tmi’t worth msch.

Ail rulaa but the one provtdlag the loser shall abuaa tha umpiro. are changed occaatonally.


Scott's Emulsion

are theTwoGrwt

ofEnergy meeng power— power to work, to think, to throw otf odid keep off diaoRgg.

Get ail the sunshine 3roa cen, and teke

Scott’s Enrisimregularly. It will give you airmmgfK and mtaUiy,

Rbasse to get MCOmS-

The Wtlaey Cemetery Asaoclatlon will meet with Mr. and Mro William Calder. January 11th, every one cordi­ally Invited Mrs. Bttle Carpenter's cocnmtttee are on for work All ladies planae bring needle aad thimble.

I^nerol eervieee for A. Srudder of Innelng were held at the WItoey church last Wednesdsy- They were fOTtner resldefits of this ptoce The family have the sympathy of many friemla In this community. Mro Scud* der arae formerly Thday Black, a dnughtar of Mr. aad Mro. M- Black-

All "IdMly Beaa" are roqueatsd to he prvwent at the meeting Saturday afternoon to make arrangemenm for Inatallatlon-

1, Wilhelm aad daughler of Port­land. are vtslttag at the home of hto mother. Mro- Ruehler, In Victor.

Victor Hlel rtolted at the home of his aunt, in lunolng. part of last week

Prank Toust aad family of Lansing spent Xiaae at the hfsne of his mstber, Mro Mary Barnes

Martin I-^^ffloT Is vtolting rotolivee ta Chelsea.

S. W. Sleight of Victor wna a Sun­day caller at E. M Chadwick's.

Ford Rheiibottom violted relativea In Lnaaing from Thursday till Sun­day-

Mr. and Mro. A- Barnard spent Xmas In Owoaao. at the home of their uncle, Jsaaea Stoat. Roeeoe Stoat came hosae with them.

MIee Ida l^erg, who bae taught the echool here for over a year baa been called to Arlaona to help core for her oleser, wbo Is there Her many frliisda hero, eepectolly her pupita deeply regrot her gnlag. She gave them a farewell party Wedsseday af- teinooa at the home of Mr. aad Mrs Henry Hlal. Her brother George will finish be echool.

4444444444444444 4 44 WATERTDWN f’ENTEB 44 44444444444444444

Mias Groce Hunter has returned to bar school work in Ypallaati. after two wseba with her parents hero

Mloa DIca Jonas, wbo haa saelatad ' I Miss Malvm King with her housework i for the past two yearn has gone to I Big Rspide to attend the Perris InstI-1 tutc. Miss Grace Welton takes her ptoce I

vThe young people gave Mr aad Mrs. Prank Nouroe a surprise one evening last week

Mr aad Mrs .Noble Lse spent New Year's at the hfime of the former’s i niece, Mrs. Bathrick, In Delta. '

Mloa Jennie Ixroell is spending some ' ihne In Lansing at the borne of her brother, who arlth hie wife Is In Bos* | ton for a time.

Mr. aad Mro J. L Corbto spent CbrtoUnas with P L Corbin’s famfly In Lanatag

•Mr and Mro Geo^ Ig>we|| entertain­ed the following. Christmna: Mro. Sal- ly Sweet aad daughter aad Levi Sweet and eon Jacheon



vtfcnKl!!^iKIfiyjOin^ dy

Are you satisfied with your NET RESULTS of last year? Unkept resolutions weaken you; DOING what you detarniine to do will build your character. Bring the money you have in your rocket to our bank RIGHT NOWjmd bagin the year sensibly, by starting to SAVE and GETAHEIAD. If you do, one yearfrom to-day you will thank us.

Saving only 25 cents a day—$7.So a month—and in­terest will amount to over ELEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS in 10years.—Let Our Rank be Your Bank.

(let tlic thought fixed in your mind that the way to do a thing is to do it: that the way to hejjin is to begin; no such thing as getting ready; parting your hair and brushing your clothes; adiusting your neck­tie and patting and smoothing nut your pocket book Take every dollar you can spare and open a Savings .*\ccount in Tlie State Bank of St. Johns; all the little details of getting ready will be provided for when you have ytiur dollars earning. Settle the matter with yourself to day; it’s to have or not to have. Which will it be?

TheState Bank of St. Johns


Mro D entarialned theMr. <following toot areek. Mr aad Mro. Krte sad eon of Nehrnoha. Mro Rae Drtty aad daughter, Untoe. Mro- Van- nurirer of lanmlng. All spent New TenrM wlUi Mro Wmmittoe Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Cbarton Pronctoco, Mr and Mro Robert Band spent New Yenrii at the lattoria brothsr, Ganrga, la Rtosham.

Mr aad Mro Sharmaa S—anw of▼totor. opoat lltmSay at William

YOU HBU Ufl iUlEYOnr Baptitatlaa and Roney are I

af TMa Offer.

We pay tor all the medtolne uaed during the trial, if onr romedy falls to completely relleee you of conaUpatlon. We take all the rtak. You are aot obliged to ua la aay way whatever. If you accopx oar offor. CouM anything he more fair for yoa? to there aay reaaan why yon ohouM healtate to pat o«r elalma to a proctleal toot?

A moot eetentlflc. rnmmoa eenoe treatmant la Roxall Orderilon whtoh are oatoa llhe candy. Tboy are very pwpoaced. gentle and planaant la action, aad pnrtlealarty agroaahle ta every vmy. Tboy do not cnonv dtorrtiuea. naoaea. ftotnlanea. griplag or othor Inconvanlance. Ronall Oidor- Itoa are particutorfy good for childToa, ogsd and doHoato paroaaa

Wb avge yon to try Roxall Oidarltro at oor rtoh. INiroe alaoo. 14. M.. aad Mo. nooaomhor. yon oaa gat Roxall raoMdtas la tMa oaaamuatly oor olara. Tha Ranall Rtora ‘ via a Mltoy Drog Rlors.

amir at ^ Tin.

Grinder BargainsEncaHcd Gears. Runs in Oil.CarbonindumJwheels. High .s|»ee<l, Necdetl by everx’ farmer and me­chanic.4 in. wheel, worth $3, for $1.9&5 in. •• “ $4. “ 2.75•5 Mower Knife Grinders 1.96

A Full Stock of Emory Whoela and Stands Saw Gnmmors aad Arbfwa

18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32 and 34 inch Cord Wood Saws in stock. Saw Arbors and Saw Frame* at right prices for instant deliver^’.

3C>"^WI«BO»7fl aad 90 halloa Fead Cooikars Tank Heatars aad Ctwa' 9h«llars

F««<l Griadam aad Cob Crnahgrs Lidlit, Medlani aad Haavy Bobn at Wholaaale Frlcea

M list clean out all winter goods at once.

VAN The Tool ManLailiiBgp MirKigMi

A.T.Va -OM

- .i.*

4. mi.NewsWaat

VOI §ALI OB TBABB.OMnt Bmm 1 I* • 0mrf

OB. L. r


▼ANAMBUBO. oMw ow! Cwmtr riUBfPL oniM hmm •to 11 A m.: 1 to ( OBd 7 to • ». B.PkoM m Bloek. OpnlBl trM*>i

W1LLJAM HAVWB. M. pothtr ptiyoioton aai in rain Of- flco oivOT Mr A n»wtm olotB. Of-Oea Lj»m ftolSAB-aadltoi: p. M. Par CBroaic oai Anno dio-! •ooM^_______________ (Doc, t. m)

BOBBBT C BOOK. M . D. itioaoM d tkm 0r% oor. ooM tmi throot oAly.j orttoo ovor CMbpmon^ atoro.

J. B. DODOBL M. D. Olfleo OBd rod'| 40Bee oTor SpBuldUui'o hovd.. opp.. tool. ________ ____________________ I

C. BDISON OOVBT. PH. D. M. O, PhyolcUm oad ourveaB. gl^lcr opoe* j lol attootloB to ohroolc dlaoaow.j lit E. Wchlaon Ato., iBBOIaf, Mleh. Oet 12, 'll

POB lULE-^ iQoUiBBi. dtaotod cotBor Wolkor St oad OokloBd Avo.. OB* Mi OBO-hBif MidW OOBt of pootuffloi TB-rOOBB hOBBO. wttk kotk. fttrBBBo. BOO. otc Uoc TTolOk. gBToar OB lot- will ooll wHh or wltkoBt —iBao. or noBddor trod* for turn. Ab MobI IoobUob tar par- MB itMlrtaa to taka raaoMra- Ad dr Ml tM Wolkar Bt or oall’ at Hick's atoM. PmOD W. GOODH.

POB BAliB—PiBs 10 sen term, boat at Mil. aoad fair baUdteaB 4 aUlaa fraai at Jokaa- A iBo llttla haasa. POaa If oaM la 10 daym ttJOO Psr parOealava mm U D. PARK.

Daalar Ib Raalty* Both PhoBM 79 Itsrl

PABH—BMtetr oerM tor sale. 2 mllaa soath. 1 fBlla waat ShapanlaTlllA

C M. MBRRILL. Bt JokBa. Illeli-

LIHT Tors PABVH with Bradlar A Britton, at JoBbb, Mlcblaan

OB. B. C LBVAN8BLBR. D. D. Orrioa orw Blata Bank. St Jokaa.

'THOMAS MANN. D. D.(teapmaa'a atom.

8.—Offtoa orar

AR'PHITR OORBIN. Daotlst. offleo at the head of Cllatoo Atsbuc.


H. E. WalbTidoa D. W. Kallar.WALBHIDOE A KKLLET. AttonMOB

at Law, ooar eoraor dms atom. Bt Johns.


POB SALB or ezehanao for term proparty, a bsaatltel roaldaBM wlBt all modem coBrsBlSBCM, with bam; P*'®”'*?*' • and garaaa, caatimlly loeatad la 8t Johns. Itw4



fllaann. as At a aoadaa of tka Prakato Coast

for the Ooaaty of CMataa koMoa d tka Prokata Ofllee la tka (Bty of St

SB latiirday. tka Ittk day af Dili—*— la tka yaar ana tkouaaad ntee boadrad and atavaa-

riiiiTi caadWTiio m. mmbbiluJnda* d Pmkati

la tka madlar d tka Bdata d OfkBay A. ■aappn dutaasil.

Ob risillaa and flHac tka patlUoa. duly radflad, d Hantat M- pmjtmg tkot tka laat will an mant cl sad daaaaoad may baiMd ndmMUd to pmkata. sad tkat ■Is m WVdmaa or aaam otkar Baila­ble posaaB may ba sppaintad enaeu- trlx d said ealata.

*l%afaupoa It is ordered. Tkat 'Thuiaday. tka Ifttb day d Jan­uary. A D- ltl2, at one o'oloek la tka aftomooa. ba aadgaed for tka bMr- laa d aald patlUoa. and tkat tka hatia at law and leaataM d aald deoeaoad and all otkar pareoae lataraatad la

will, are required to appear at a saasloB d aald court then to be bold- sa at the Prokate office in the cHy d at. Jokna and Miow oauai. If any there be. why tke will ahould not be sir>

POB HALB—Hiram Dunn fkrm. Dn- platn twp.. M serM. welf Improrad.Itood buUdlnas; Bl. Johns, and Btele markets. EnquirB Dr. F. C.Dunn or Ckarlm L. Dana, St Jokaa ^ day d hMrtna

17tf (A true copy.)OHARLHB M. MKRRILU

And It la tortker ordered, that notice be lUreo to tbe perMoa Interested In aald estate d tbe paadaBcy d tke heartnp tkared by caualaB a copy d tMa order to be published tn-Tha St John* .VawB s aewapaper prtated sad clrculaUi^ In mid county of Clinton, for tbiee aueceoalre eeeha prertoua to

WAlfTBD. 21wS Judge d Prohate.

J. EARLE BROWN, Attomay at Law. Offlem over State Bank. 8t Johaa.

WILL H. BRUNBON, Attorney at Law, at Johna, Mleb.

LYON A MOINET, Attorneys st Law, at Johns. Mich. Offlem In New National Bank Bulldtna.

WAJmm—White Aah. Hickory, and!----------Swamp Oak'bolts, for further par-1tlculata write M. Wood A (tot, Owoa-'_____so. Mleh. 19wt i STATE



W. R oenOOD. Furniture and Under- tsklny. St Johns. Michigan.


orCllntoa, aa>

WANTBD. PABM— We hare s nam-1 At a saaalon d the Probate Ctourt bar of cllente who wish to buy terms i for the County of Clinton holden at tha in crUnton Ctounty between now sad | Probate Office. In the City of St aprtng. What hare you? The Wol-■ Johns, oa Wedneaday, the 20 day at rerlae Fkrms Co>, Grand RapIdB.! Deoamber, In the ymr one thouaaad Mich. 20w4 nine hundred sad eleran

MERRILL.WAlfTBD -A team between 6 and 8

yoata, sound. Weight S400 to 2800 Ibe. WILLIAM TAIT,

Phone 28-4R

Present (CHARLES M Judge d Probate.

In the matter of the Mtate of Jeoapk Haakeyt deceased- William Hankey

Ptowler, Mich., ^nd jarom LJbey, executors of said ae-21w2pd.

MONET TO LOAN—On mortgasa as-1 curtty at rwanonable ratm and ob | Mtlstectory terma, at *1710 Stata i Bank at St. Johns Large or small | amounts, (toll and am ua. J. W.) FItxgerald, Ctoahler. tf

MONET TO LOAN—At low rate of In­terest Farms and city property for

mie. Inquire st office of H. E. Walbridge.

WAN'TBD To rent by r—poaalMeparty, small house or cottage. Musthave toilet and gaa. Will give leaaefor year. Addre— "B" care Newaoffice. tf.


LIMIT TOrR SPENDING.And mre the balance Is s batter '

way to get a start than to Itmlt your' MThur and spend the balance Tke niatsa reaaty HstIbbs Rank,

(Resourrm 8680.000).Pays 3 per cent interest on all dapaa- Its. Loans money on mortgagm and other spprored aecurlty.ALBERT J. BALnWTN, Prm.

COOIJ5T E. BALU Vice Prm R. C. DEXTER, 'Treaa.

I.OHT—Pair of nose glsmes between Ijsoslng street and iKMtofflce- Finder please return to office


FOI’ND—Ingersoll watch with fob chain. Owner can hare same by proTtng property and paying for this noUoe. 18tf


Until further noUee Teachers' Bx* : amlnaUons will be held m follows: j St. Johns. In Ctourt House, be j rlnning iMt Thursday of April.

9t Johna. In tha Ctourt houM, ba- i ginning eaeond 'Thuraday d August I PROGRAM

tate. hartng made application for tbe . allowance at thair final aocoiint and ! for their discharge.I 'Thereupon It is ordered, that Thurs* I day, tbe 11th day of January. A. D-,

1912. at one o'clock In tbe afternoon. ; be amlgned for the examination at \ mM account, at tbe Probate Office In the (Nty of St- Johna. And It Is fur­ther ordered, that notice be given to the persons intermted In said Mtate, of the time and placT of mid hmrtng by causing a copy of this order to be publlahed In The St Johns News, a newspaper printed and circulating In mid county of Clinton, for three auc* cemire weeks prertoua to mid day of

1 bearing.(A true ropy.)

('HARLBB M. MERRILU 20w3 Judge of Probate.

MORTGAGE SALE.Default having been made In the

conditlona of a certain mortgage, dated October 10th , 1907, executed by Della H. Gale and recofded in the office of the Reglater of Deeda for

THE STATE BANK OFl day—Morning, orthography, J”'IMt. blAlt. BAWiS. Arithmetic, oral and writ-i Wc 184. October the

ST. JOHNS, ten; 'Theory and Art Afternoon, Geo- l.'ith. 1907. on which mortgage there ii due at the date of this notice tbe sum of $1,620.00 principle and $115.62 Interest making a total of principal and interest $1,736.52 besides an at-

HC Jahna. Hlehlgan. i graphy, Govemmeiit and U. 8. Hla-romfERHAL AND HATINGR ' tary.

CAPITAL PAID IN FT7IJ., 960.000. j Second day — Morning. Grammar.____ I Phyalology, Reading. Afternoon. . _ . » . u

r. A. TRAVIS prmttmt 18cb«.. Law. Mmau.! OoM* • 1".M. WELLER Vice PrmMent jof Study, Algebra. Botany and PhyalcaJ W, FTT75GERALD CaaWer' (second grade,) General Hlatory, (aac-A. J S Jury Aaslaunt cashier I ond grade).E. A. TALIaMADGE 'Pellar ! Third day—(for ftret grade appll-

'Three per rent interest paid on eer^ loanta only) Genaral Hlatory. Phyaloe tlflcatm at deposit and on Mrtngi ! “*** Geometry.book accounu. Drafts tmued good In Certlflcatm of all gradm will ba any part of the United Statm or (ton-1 g'<«r.teu at theae examinations.

mortage and by statute, and no suit or proceedings at law or In equity having been Instituted to recover any part of the debt secured by mid mort­gage:

Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of mIe In mid mortgage oon- uined and by statute In such case

sda and In the principal ettlm of j All examinations will begin at S-3( Europe. Arroonta of farmers, mar-1 *• ni.

made and provided, notice la hereby

chants or mechanlea received on teT* orable terms and every accommoda- I tion extended conalatent with mfe \ banking. Superior tecUIUm for mak­ing oollerttans of all kinds.

Money loaned on approved seeurl- tlm.

DIRBCTOIW.F L. Shlley. Otis FullerJ. W. FltxgersM. H. R. Knealand. , A. J. 8 Jury, F A. TravisC. T. Babeoek, • Dr. M. Wallar, |___________ C. B. Olffels.____________ ;

GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY STBTB*. Hekedale la effect Hay 7, 1911.

Trains Depart Gaing BaatMall_____ 7:85 a. m.Steamboat Bxprem ______ 8:47 a.Mall_____________________ 11:52 p.Mail and Exprem___________ 8:27 p.

.. Traias Depart Galag Went.Mall and Exprem________ 10:56 a. m.Mall_______________________2:58 p. m.

THBO. H. 'TOWNSEND. Oommlaaloner of Schooto

Steamboat Bx|Mall.................

7:2? p. m.____________7:tt p. m.WHRRRETT. Agent

i given that on Friday the 8th day of ; March. 1912. at one o'clock in tbe af- : temoon of aald day at tbe weat front ^ door of the Court House for ^linton . ('ounty, Michigan. In the (?Ity of St- : Johns, that being the place where the Circuit Court for Clinton County la held, there will be sold at public ven-

. due to the highmt bidder the land In■ mid mortgage described, via: Lot 6 j and the south one-half of lot 5, In

Block 18, in the City, formerly VII- I lage of St Johns, Clinton County. State of Michigan, for the purpoae at

; satisfying the amount due on mid I mortgage. Said sale will be made subject to two mortgages given sub- aequent to the date of the mortgage aformaid by the aald Della H. Gale to the State Bank of St. Johna. one

! of said mortgagm being given tor the sum of $98.20, October 10th, 1910, pay-

■ able two ymra from date with Inter- , eat at six per cent per annum payable

Below are only a few of tbe many ^ annually, recorded la the office at thebargalna we offer: Register of Deeds, October 28tb. 1910,796—120 acrea, good bourn and bam.! in Liber 99 of mortgagm on page 216.

4 mllm from dty, soil clay loam. The other mortgage Is dated Marchprice, $71 per acre. j 18tk. 1911. payable to the Stete Bank

786—110 aerm 2 mllm from Pewamo.jOf 8t Johna for $28180 payable two


Farm and City Property


IJ. C Flynn

HirniGAX I'NITBD RAILWATfL Time table effective November 5, 1811.

Lnaslng-Sl. Johns DfflsIoB. Lmve St Johna for Lanalng—A. M..

!7:08. 8:08. 11:80. P. M—1:00. 1:00. 6:08. 7:00, 9:15, 11:44. liMve De- Witt for Leasing- A. M.. !7:88, 9:tt. 11:28. P. M.. 1:28. 1:28. 5:28. 7:U. 9:a. 12:12 (night)

Leaving Lansing for DeWItt and St Johaa—A. M.. !8;80. 8:80. 10:00, 12:08. P. M.. 2:00, 4:08. 8:00, 8:16, 18:46.(tors lmve at above time from Down­ey hotel.

LBBelng-JBehaea IMvIalen.Lmve Lansing m follows:Limited—A. M.. •5:46. 8:M. 11:80.

P. M.. 1:20, 3:20. 5:20.Lsoal—A. M.. 7:00. 8:20, 18:10. P.

M.. 2:20. 4:10. 6:20, 8:10. 11:88. LBBBhwr-Oweaa'* DIvIsIsB.

Lmve tanaing af tollowa—A. M.. 7 M. 9:88. 11A8. P 1. 1:88. 1:60.6:88. 7:88. 9:88. 11:8 I—lixfept Sunday — others dally.•—Capitol Flysr, U sngh ear to De­

troitF. W. BROWN,

F B. STONE. o. P. A.. JeekMB

fine houae. aew bam. good losa- tloB. price $7280.

794—80 ecrea, 'Township at Riley, six mllm from DeWIU. price 18060.

788—66 eersB Duplata 'Township, good bouaa and bam. all Improved. prim $4860.

79(t-40 aerm 2 mllm from dty. good bourn and bam. all Improved, prlae62600.

727—110 aerm 2 mllm from dty. ele-gaat houae sad beasamBt bam. one of tks beat teram la (Titatoa county.

786—60 serm flae, bouaa sad ham all improved. 4 mllm from dty.


years after that date with Inteieat at six par cant pajmbla annually and re- oordad In tke offlee of the Reglater of Deeds for Cllatoo County, March 26th. 1911, in Liber M of mortgagm oa page 221.

Dated. Decaoteer 14. 1811.STATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS.

MortgageeStelbrldge A Kelley.

Attorneys for Mortgagee Bualnem ilAdrem. Bt Jokna. Mloh



MaanSB Trevaia Pe.^It i^ma akeet 88 seeoade tor e ■art

88 *8 ''8** 8"* 8"^ 8* **88 ailkaitr cBMe to tke ether. Tkla la

^ 8>e*«yatarsairs:HI—PS. a——, sale

•tea. ■rdr**!***,aara-rrsas

rVM tar iSa aaklm.^

*T)M regular annual msetlag the termevB' Mutual Fhe laaoma Company of (ntatoa aad Omtloc t touaUm wtll be held at FIrmnaak Hall In St Jokaa. Mleh.. oa Tumday. Jaaurary 9th. A. D. 1812. at oma o'okmk p. m.. for the eleetkm at thrm direct □re. for the adopt!oc or ralecUaB of a propeaed amaaidmeet at article 9 at the charter of aald compaBy. relative to the limit of sarplua. and for tke titeimrUen of aaeh other budaa m may properly toma before tke aald meeting. Dated tkla 24Ui day at November. A. D. 1811

CHARLRB R GIFFRUi.17w6 Seerotary.

____ ___ _______ r— (——a—jaartaraait—Miialla—^


NfmCB TD TAX PATBM I will be at St Johaa NBtteaal ■

from Doeeatear lltk eatUI JBaearj 1812. every dBg.



ProBiiiiagi of tba CosaaMM (toWMll of the Ctty of Bt. Johaa.

Coeartl Beam. Doeaatear lA 1911. RaguBr Bwettac af the (Nty Ceeadl

heU eo the aha— date, the amror. R. O. Jeffert— preatdiag

The Co«mel| waa —Had to ordar at 9 e’eleek p-m. Praamt: Aldarmaa PUwlar, MuMar, McCSakey, ■Unw aad Maalth.

Tha natnutm of tha laat regular aad la- tarvealag apsehU m—tlag wara read aad approved.

Tbe ogmmitt— on cialma praaantad the follewUis report:

To the Mayer aad Ooouaoa Conacil of the rHy of SL Johns:

a—tienwn: Wa, year rommitt— oaclalaia. to whom waa referred:Coatlagaat fuad olahaa ...... No. 99 to ITOaaaral etreat food rlalaaa .. No. U to 97Watar fand ctahM -------------- No. IT to .19Blaetrtc light fuad daU— .— No. 94 to M Do hareby raport that we ha— oarafully axamlaed tba aame aad Bad tham correct at ihetr foettaga. and we reapectfulty rec- oauaead that they be alloered by the couacll aad the dark ba lastruetad U» draw orde— on tha propar food for theaevermi aaManta.


Committee on rialnw.Moved by Atdenaan Prowler, aupported

by AMertnan Hmith that the report of the rommitt— OB riaUna be arreptad aad adopted.

A)*—. II—: naya. non#.The oomaUttre on atreeta pre—ntad the

followlog report:To the mayor and romnmn rouaril of the

city of 8t. Johm.Uentleman: We. your committee on

atreeta. to whom eraa —ferred the matter of at—et opening from Church atreet to Ctlntoo Avanue. aouth, do harehy report, that after thorough tnveatlgatlon. (tbe owner of property nrnamry for auch opanina not being wUilng to aall for a r—aonaMe prt—) that we do not deem It adviaabic to take any proceedinga In the metier for the preaenl.


Committ— on Streeta Moved by Alderman fllane. nipported by

AMartnan Md’onkey, that the report of the .-ommlttee on atreeta. upon the quee- tlon of opening a atreet between (Thurch atreet and Clinton avenue aouth. be ac- <.epted aad adopted.

A yea. Aldarmen Fowler. Mulder. Mc- Conkey. Stone and Smith. Naya. nona.

Moved by AUlerman Fowler, aupported by Aldernmn Smith that the •'ommittee on Ft—, water and IJght be requealed to In­ver tigate the various ayaiemr of street lighting adopted In other citlea. and report aa to the pomlhlllty of better lighting ('linton A—nue.

A yea, live: nhyr. none.Alderman Mulder, aupported by Aider-

man MrConkey. offered the following:Reaolvad. that the city clerk be directed

to notify all peraona and office— In the < lty of St. Johna. having charge and con- t—I of any and all p—party of whatavar cha—cter belonging to mid city, to flia In the offlee of mid rtly clerk on or bafo— f^hruary let. 1911. an Itemlaed atatament of nil proparty, merchandl—, machinery and aoppll— owned by mid city on mid date

Avee. Aldarmen Fowler. Mulder, McCon- kev'. Slone and Smith Na—. nona.

Moved by Alderman Fowler, supported by Alderman Smith, that the clerk be In­structed to notify all property owners on Rallnwd str—t. lllgham street nitd Spring street of the airrount of their paving Ux, nn<l request an early reply as to whether they will pay In full, or annual Inaull- ments as provided by law.

•tyea five; tui— none.Move<l hy Alderrr.an Smith, supported by

Alderman McT'onkey. that the city clerk he Instructed to draw an order on the Iflghsm street paving fund In favor of Cliarl— Crom for 111.79. the amount over­paid on paving tax.

Ayea. Bve. na—. noneContlngant fund Dlshursam—ta.

mty Pay Roll, rulm .Vo 99—

K J Molnet .............................. II1.S«(teorge I.. Ttnkham •--- 99*to(leorge A. Smedley---------------------- 114.44Wm Cochrane___________________ t90.toAfla Cochrane -----------------------— 114 47


I-yman M. Alward--------------------- IfO.toFI— Department and Hall.

John Crichton ----------------------- llO.to

Total Pay Roll........................ - 9199.41r^lm No —94—Clinton Republl—n--------------- III.to99—William II. Richmond.................. 99 to94—T—vis * Bhilev------------- flS.toClaim No 97—

R O Jeffarl— ................................ 990 0#Frank K Stone............................... 9*0 toRobert D. Fowler-----------------------99«.toCyrus L. Smith .............. -.................. 990 00Robert MeConkey ----------- -——- 990.94Thomas J. Flahburn----------- - 990 toWm. Muldar -................................... 990.to

Total (tout, fund DIabta ............. 1917.03Oanaeal Straat Fund OtaUursamanta.

Commlaaloner'a Fay Roll.Claim No. 96—

Eairlebert Smith ...—— llO.toOaorgs Pllmo—-------------------------- 111 toRdward Oakloy............... ................... » l O*H. A. (torpmttar .............................. • • ••Tim WIIMania ...................................... I I ••Oao Oidway -------------------------------, -toSchuyler Rom —------------------------ 911.00Murdo Antia------ ----------------------- • • ••

Snow PlowingSchuyler Rom-----------------------F. Trunx ........................................John llopktm ----- ---------------Peer * BruahMurdo Antta -------------------------John Price --------------------Cliergi Pllmnrs --------------------W. H Rlehmoud ----------- ...

113. toIBectrIc IJght and Water Plant 9« to

Total Oummital—*a Fay Boll. 991 to ('lalm No.—90—Muldar Hr— ... .. ----------- • *0

Total Oen Str—t Fund THabt'a. 999.90Water Fund OtoW

n—L— Falar__________

Blaatrta LlgSt fund OMBuraamanOs Fay Bag at Uw FlanL

Oam Na. 04—O, B. Fraai—____________ 948.99AreSta Btakap___ ...______________ ItOtoWax Oorttn ........____ ...——. 190.90Uaorgi Boot ....______ 910.00■art _______ ______________________ {99.40Henry dhiinan ......___ 999.00Ada J. Oaelwmoi______________ 4 *-4*

Tolnl pnr raU_________________ 9177.00ClaUn No.—00—Bleha.d Qay___________________I 94700—Oanacnl Blaetrtc Co.____ _____ -0907-Tha F. Blmall Oa.______________ SU.Ol00—Farr Lumbar (to._______________ 91.1710—U. B. Post OffI—.......................— 9 4.9000—at. Jab— News 9 9.00

Total Btoetrlc Fund DIsbts. .. 9109.04 Tha ooaia of pavtag. — ilslarmlaad by

the c—aril taken f—m tbe city enginear'a report aad aunOn^ axpana— oonneetadtherewtth. Is — foUowa:Rallraad sir—t. Includlag str—t Intar-

mctlo—_____________________ 911,900.40Hlglmm str—t. Including half of

atr—t Intaraaetlon ............ 99,009.90Spring street, laciudtng half of atr—t

Inters—tIon ........ ........ 19.911.00

• Total............................................. 110.090.70of which Ill.OU.U. will be paid by proper- tv (Avnera adjacent to aald pavement and 9t.n7.4t Is paid by the city.

No furth— buain—a app—ring, on mo- ttnn the oouacil adjourned.

Wm. COCHR-VNE. City <?lark.

♦ ♦♦ l»B.\LK IN DIRT ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

n—O. a. Wr—tan-----—....90 PUwlor * Boll..............91—49—at Wiaoi— (Ml (to.

'luooi WUtor fund OMbOa.------9it.l

FroDcoo P. Mnrxon to Wm. 6. Norton n 22 a. of of snl4 ond ow^ of oo^ exonpt 8 o. off nw (wmnr and w part of oVk of nel4 ond oil londo lylnx • of an anglios highway ninning ocroao nwVi of nm\k oxcwpt 5 o. provlousiy sold off D end of loot two doociiptJono. all on section 28. Both. $1.

Gnorgo R. Holmes to C. M. Rod- fem. w 36 foot in width of e 79H feet of lou 7. 8. and 9. block 26, St. Johns, $2,060.

Henry W. Blioo to Theodo— Mar­tin. wVfc of nVk of nwS4 of ooction 22, Riley. $2,400.

W’orren House to Wllldrd A. Clerk. nV9 of ne^ of soctlon 26, Bingham, $4,000.

Nathaniel G. Thurston to Btnily Bxelby. lot 10. wV4 of lot 8, block 3, Avenue addition, St. Johns.

Henry Biles to Henry Biles. Jr. nw^ of sw^ of section 10 and s 18 a. of eVi of ne^ of section 9. Riley, $1.

George White to Nettle B. lA>we ne\4 of section 2, Victor, $8,820.

Edwin H. Lyon to Mar>' Whiteside, wi)4 of nw^4 of section 27, Dlngham. $1

Milan Emmons to Noah D. Peck, lots 17 and 18. block 6. Van Deusen’s add Elsie, $1.

Noah Peck to Harley R. Emmons, commencing 80 rods w of se comer of section 14. Duplaln. w 40 rods, n 104 2-3 rods, e 30 rods, s 24 2-3 rods, e 30 rods, s 80 rtMls to beginning. $1.

Adell Vanderhoof to Murdo Dan- croft. se H of sw ^4 of section 17, Essex. $2400.

Mark Fields to Otbo Williams, s 50 feet In width s end lot 1, block 44, St. Johns. $1.

Msry E. Turner to Willard (tohoon. lots 5, 6, 7. 8. block 6. Eureka. $1.

Helen C. Hewitt to Mortimer D, Wlnsor. lot 5. block 1, O. T. Peck s sub-division. Maple Rapids, also com­mencing 20 rods e of nw comer of ne ^ of section 8 Essex, e 4 rods, s 10 rods, w 4 rods, n 10 rods, $500.

Constantine Miller to Ferdinand .Miller, e of e of ne U of section 21. Dallas. $1.

('onstantine Miller to Joseph Miller, w Vk of e Vk of ne^4 of section 21, Dallas. $1.

Mirstn Cross to Exrs H. Finch, lot 9. block 8. Ovid. $600.

Julia L. Morris to Grin A. Davis, w tk o( «• H o( to ^ of section 33, Dlngham. $1.

John Burgwhat to Herman Flegler. e Vk of w Vk of se 14 o( section 28.Bengal, and n Vk of w Vk of w Vk of se ^4 of section 28. Bingham. $440('.

Helen Turley to Diana M. Huntoon. 10 A squa— from In sw comer of nw % of section 26. Watertosm. $1.

James J. Turner to J'ihn Burgwhat. w 4 of w \k of ne \4 of section 32. Bingham. $3500.

Herman Flegler to Henry F. 811m. n Vk of n Vk of se H of enctlon 5. Riley. $2706.

George N. Reifert by admx to Anna C. Seifert, lot 3, block 21. Fowler $1.

George N, Seifert by admx to Anna C. Seifert, lot 6. block 44. St. Johns.^'beorge N. Seifert by admx to Anna C. Seifert, n \4 of ee H of section 24, Greenbusb. $1.

James Parkhouse to Christ Schra­der. e Vk of w H of se 14 of section 21. Riley, $2100.

Anna E. 8 >*lth to James Parkbouee. same as above.

Daniel Wright to John C. Hood, n 26 A w Vk of ne frl. V4 eectlon 2, Lebanon $1760.

William Rxelby to Hattie L. Hol­land. commencing nw romnr of sw V4 of metlaa 15. Ovid, e 120 rods. ■ 80 rt»ds. w 40 rods, n 40 rods, w 90 rods, n 40 rods to beginning. $2500.

Joeeph T. Hasty to William H. Snelllng, comBMBCIng se comer, lot 16. block 1. male, w 52 feet, n 82Vk tt.. • S2 ft.. ■ 82V4 ft-. $7660.

Edgar D. Poat to Dwight 8. Morri- soB. n 3-« of w Vk of ae V4 of aectloo 9, Oman bash. $4200

Herbert J. Holmns to Itomuel Smith, a Vk of aw V4 of snctkMi 17. and ■ 90 A n Vk of sw V4 of ancUon 17. Duplaln, $7,000.

Frank B. RIee to Fred M. HIcka. e Vk of w Vk nw following V4 toctlon 19. Bingham. $1.

Putmr Briggs to Lillian M. Wordnn. lot 17, block k. Ovid. 140.

Jdmes H. Comnll to William S. Cornell, ne V4 of ne V4 of ototlon ». Greenbuah. $1.

Wllllnm 8. (Tomell to James H. Cornell, same as above,

Orrht A. Davla to Jnlla L. Norris, wVkofwVkofaeM of anetkm 32. niagkam. $1.

Earl C Walla to Albert W. Ztachke. w V4 ne H oar 27. Watertown. 96A06

John W Burke to fOmint L ZlaHike. w Vk ne V4 nor 1. Wntertown. $ I.

Emeat L. Zteckke to John T Burkn. w Vk ne V4 aac 1. WiuertowB. t1

Jobaaas F Zloetike, et al. to Em aat U Zkwhke. w Vk neVk aoe 1. Water, town. 9L

Henry C Wllltema to Flopd L W1I* liMB w Vk e Vk nw V4 sac 16. Wbtev^ tamB, 8166.

rrBBeea P HBmeB ka WllllBm A ROM B«B«mMaaHaBiswH

aa V4 mme 8 a elf aw ear aad w part e Ik aa V4 aad aU Mad IjdM a of bb aagltng highway manlBg aitmad awV4 aa 14 mm 6 a prsrtaaalir aold off a aad at laac two dmerlprtoaa. all oa aac n, Bmtt. 61.881

Otia Smith to Arohta EalU. a M aa H Be V4 aaatkm M. LabaaoB, jl466.

lot 18 bMi 4, VaaOanaaato add. BMe.' 6M6

Oaofge R Hoimm to dialaar M> Radfaia. w 86 ft in wtdSi at e 79Vk ft of loin 7. 8 aBd 8, blk M. 8k. Jahma 66,880.

Haarr W. Bllaa to Thaadove Mar- taaa, w Vk a Vk bw V4 aac 88. Rllay, |8>4M.

Warrua Hause to Wlllaad A- Claik. w H ae V4 aac 86. Bkagham. 14.000

Naghanlel O. 'Thuratoa to Emily Bx- etby. lot 10, w Vk lot 8, blk- 8. Auaaue Add.. BL Johna-

HsBry BMaa to Hmiry BMaa. Jr., aw V4 ew Vk aac. lOaadaltaeVkaeVi ae V4 aac. 9. Riley. 11.00

George White to Nettie B. Lowe, ne V4 aee. 8. Vletor, 88480-

Bdwtn H- LyoB to Mary Whiteaide. w Vk nw V4 aec 87. Bta^iam. $1.00.

Milan Bmmooe to .Noah O. Peek, lota 17 and 18. blk. 5 VanDoesea Add- Eteie. 11.00.

Noah Peek to Harley R. Emm one, ootn 80 rda w of ae eor see 14. Du- plain, w 80 rda. a 106 2*3 rda. e 30 rda a 36 3-4 rda e 30 rda. o 80 rda to beg-. $1-00

Adell Vaaderhoff to Murdo Baa* croft se V4 aw Vk aac. 17. BMaex. $8,400.

I Mark Flelda to Otho T. Wnilams. a 50 ft Ib width. 8 end loti, blk 44. SL Johim, $1.00-

Mary E Turner to Willard (tohoon. Iota 5, 6. 7 and 8. blk 6. Eureka, $1.00.

Helen C. Hewitt to Mortimer D. Wlimor, lot 5. blk 1. O. F. Peck's aub- dirtaion. Maple Rapids, also (*om 20 rda e of nw oor ae Vk sec 8. Essex, e 4 rds. e 10 rda w 4 rds n 10 rds-, $5W-

Coastance Miller to Ferdinand Miller e Vk eVk ne Vk aec. 21. Dallas. $100.

Conataace Miller to Joaeph Miller w Vk e Vk ne Vk sec 21. Dallsa $1-00

Hiram E. Cross to Bkra H. Finch, lot 9. blk g. Drtd. $000.

Homer J. laither to Henry R De­Vries. nw Vk sw Vk sec. 25, Greenbusb. $500

Henry R. DeVrtee -to Renxe De Vries, nw Vk aw Vk sec 35. Greonbush. $1 00.

Charles W. Hslsey to Charles A. Brooks, w Vk ne Vk sec 11. Riley. $2400.

George I. Jarrta to John H. Robson, n Vk nw Vk sec 36, snd e Vk m ew Vk sec 26. Grid, 14400.


60 asraa Bsnt of noil. 10 soibb of good tSabar. QooA balldii«a. Wmr mllaa from 8L Johaa Prtea 67466.

160 aeroa A No- 1 aoll. bate at balldiBga 3 BBlloB from —raBiii Frtoa 675 par aera

40 aoroa Goad aokl. teir bulldl^p, iVk sMIaa from Eowlar. Prtaa ■,T6A

40 aaroa good aoU, teIr buUdhvB 8Vk mllaa from Powlar. Prtaa 66406.

60 aaroa gmxal aad loam aoU, gaBi hoBBa ham 30x40, 4 aarsa appi# os^ chaal. M aaroa plow load, li aerm wooda IVsn& wall fsaeud with wtrs faaatiig. iVk mllsa fran Hotasalad. A hargiiii at 66400.

100 aaroa A Na- 1 oo4L 6ns ball4> lags 4 mllsa from Sl Johaa Prtaa $100 per acfu-

60 sarso 7 mllsa from 8t Johm- Fine now houas. teir bam. A No. 1 aoll. Price |60 per aero.

884 aaroa boat of aoll. fine laigs S banu, pisnty of out-bnttd-

laga 7 mllsa from Hhaos. Price |66 parjicre, Vk dawn. baJaace to suit pur-

00 aerm. beat at aoll. good buUdtaga 4 mllea from Sl Johaa. A good taato gain uiU be glxcn on hh* term If soM aoca-

Hare many mare dcalrablc term bargains to ofter.

Do you waat a houas and lot la town? If ao come and aae ma Haro aoM a numbsr the pant few wesim Haro many more doalrable obss to offer.Bare a laife aamher ef tetma tmi

tttr rroliaasas to eflsr. Sea mm Ifyea waat to hay, sell, er —I"—gi

L. D. ParrDealer in Realty

Pkomt 79

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ NORTH TICTDR ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A

Mr. and Mrs John Gelsenharer and j daughter. Miee Lils. of DeWitt. viidted | Mr. and Mru W’. RMenour last week, j

Howard Hariland of Bt- Johna rtsit'j ed Mr. and Mrs (leorge Trancholl from ^ Thursday until 'Tueadsy morning. j

Ml— Gretta Ridenour went to St-' Johns aad Bengal laat Saturday to rts- . it relatiree for two weeka |

J- B. Craae waa in St. Johns, at-j tending the county school officers* j meeting last 'Thursday.

.Mr. and Mrs- Fred Greene and son i Cleon rtsited his mother, Miu Mary Greene. New Year's.

•Mr. and Mrs. E- C Hadley spent the day .New Year's with Mrs Mar>- Greeoe

'The Groxe Sciiool opened January 2 afttr a week's vacstion for the hol- idaya

There are rertral meetings being held at the Holinem church at prroent.

'The Woman's Home Missionary meeting will be held Jan- 11 srith Mrs. Ed. Smith

Mr .ind Mrs Charles Sheehen re­turned home laat Saturday, after rta- itlng in Alba for a week.

---- i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I ♦ ♦♦ DrPL,iI> .iND GHKKXBrSH ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

'The I.Adies* (Yirtstlan Aid Society ^ will meet with Mecdam— Dora and < Nina Sllvemall. Wedaeeday. January. 10, at ten o'clock. i

(rcorge Halner Is spending a few dayu in Jackaan.

Mrs. Marts Moore, who has besn (toting for her slater-ln-law. Mrs- John Mahar. for tbe past two weeks re­turned to her hOBie st Elsie. Monday.

Mr- and Mrs. Ralph Sllremall en-j tertalaed a few of their friends .Vtor j Year's day- j

Ml— Nina Mahar relumed home I Saturday, after spending a week with j her eleter, Mrs Millie Sweet of Iaui* < sing.

Ml— .Nora Beeber w— home from I Itoaatng to spend the holidays. I

Mr. and Mrs Earl Acker eatertalnedm—ds a few days laat week

FARMSSaxe time and mooey by letting me

show you farms- For want of spame cannot giro but a few of them, but come In and let me giro you deecrlp- tlon and tenna-

186 acres 7 rail— from St- Johna, fine soil, good buildings. Vk mile from ear line, price $10,000. 'Take small farm in exchange

810 acres 5Vk mil— from St Johns, 190 Improved, gravel loam soil, fair bulldinga. chance to speculate. $55 00 per acre- Take smaller farm In ex* ebange-

186 acrem fine dark loaxn soil, good buBdlnga, 6 mil— from St. Johns. 6Vk mil— from Fowler. Le— than $100-00 an acre buys this.

188 arms 6 mil— from St Johns, level dark loam soil, good buildings. $85-00 per sere.

186 acres 1 Vk from city, level dairk loam soil, good buildings, fin—t looa- tlon around St Johns, easy terms-

*16 acres 3Vk mil— from St- Johna, fine farm and location, a little le— than $100 00 per acre if bought soon.

86 acres 7 mil— from St Johns, fine farm and bulldlags, 10 acr— sugar bush. $80-00 per acre-

88 acres 4Vk mil— from St Johna, level dark loam soil, fair bulldinga aad ffloc—. $65.00 per acre, a bargain, a little improvlDg srlll be worth $100-00 per acre, good beet land.

86 acres 7 mil— from St Johna. 60 acr— improved, gravel aad clay loam eoll, SO acr— good young Umber, teir buUdlnge and fenc— A bargain at $4,000 00. Easy terras. Inquire at this office or J. Bari Brown-

Flae 16 acre fana, 3Vk mil— from St Johna. good land and bulldinga all kinds of fruit

Good brfek hease, barn and two lota, block south of Ctourt Hoime. $8,760.00-

Geed 8 neem hease, cellar, cistern. —wer coanecUoaa. gas, two lota, good barn, chicken coop, fruit Bargain at $2,060-00-

'The oaly 10c barn in county aaat city, a money maker-

Farms sad city propsrtles. all alxsa. and prfe— to suit- If you have any­thing to —11 we find the people who want IL

P. H. BOYDPhone 149- Office over State Bank.

SI86P WtH TtBigMDoe'llMcoMrtp—oe leSIssirt—. er l—y H—r rob roe ol Um ptaeoeto oi rotroshi— stMO.

•rVELAXOSSbet iBittosl. Tobm •— lero°rsto« On


i CoBK and See ov Farm List!

240—Ac- 4 mi. from dty, 14B Ac- of tilgble laad, the hBianor if thabtr, a gigit banpin. mmtt be sold with­in IS days.

162—Ac. fine bldfs. of lU kinde. 125—Ac. of work kmd. heiiiirr dmbtr worth 92.000, if taken within IS days 98.(X)0 cash will bay this farm.

160—Ac. 6 mi. fram dty. good farm booat. lerge booenient bom. well faooed. fiae nrrhiy 952.50 par acre. "

240—Ac. fiaaet kind of farm and bidga. well fgacad. no waste laad. 962.50 per acre.


Oltt— opaa eroatimB

f. 1

f I


M«r be proonlBcl hj tkote wKo mm/Af cImmb Ibe NHaa now mcI ■mi, wImi ■ Bwa ol a buHnw fMie^f. b)r takiag e ikMU^miwbJ el dw ever riiriMiiHi ivlioUiowe md takf hnniriil S)mip ol F^t aad Elbdr ol Smmi, wiiidi m no

pMved by ike


ito boKfecHl cHbcH k iealMqre ^ to biqr tke genMiA bMe>

ike MMe ol tke Conyy FW SjFrap Cou—pMalf



That w«* arr trying to give the best value for your money note a few of the lines of goods we caiT)-. _________________


Sold «t pri«M to dt Tour i>ur««.

Port* (iortont. (lor pair....................ProaidTot Husprodor*. )>Tr pair...'iUcBumoo Hoar, por pair...............2ftcD. M, C. Cotton in white and coiom. JoriiMonCoraotCu ’t“J. C C.” Coraot Auiertcan Heautv Coraott.Sahlin ••|‘erfort’^ Konii Cunwta.Bove Brand N**cdle»in Tube*.

J. L TailoringIf everyone knew “Tayior Tailoring"

there wouid be no other taiiors.

Ball Band Heavy Rubbers, Siraldbt Line lldbt Rubbers

Myt ffceeto tar JMOHy

MWtViU IBMttll0§ COSMMMO# MBVtSoadnjr, Jnsuarr 7, ooedoctod to itor-------'ny for mmk •orriee ttoftvM wmtk: Snsinr moralse. Jutaj ChrtaiiaM- Bundar iTaelee. Whst la BaeMMlas: Maeday erostse. Whot la MuBiUty: Tueaiay eraelae. TIm Sareaat and Chvtat: Wadsaaday aTe- alae. 'tlw Uacortalaty of Ttoaea* TBuiaday evealas. “Hia Oautoar clanaad; ftoday avaalae. TW Itar- eoctaa Wtoar-Jar aad the Naw Oarnaa. •anrlca BBaiwaatM ararr aroalac aft 7:» asoaeft Boaday.

Jaalor toidaaim aft t piClirtaftiaa Mdaa-Trr topir for Jaaa-

ary 7. inS. TIm Chrlafttan Vlttnaa. Bertpe. Itaalaa 17:1-14. Cnaaarratloa aieatlae. I.aadar Maa U C- Vlaeaaft.

IMrlaloa No- 1 of tke Ladftoa' Aid will aarre a lie dlaaar aft tka hoMe oT Rokert Auona oa Tkuraday. Jaauary 11. All are welaoaaa.

■. I. ChaNta Maa.The Bpworth Laapaa laaUlne aaat

Suaday evaelBC will ba lad to Mtaa Lasle Wooll. Tka topic will bo "Tko wndornaaa Sbopard; Balltado aad Bpirltiial Vlaftoa Amoa 1:1, alao 1:7- 14. Oalatlaaa 1:1(-17. All ara wal-OOBM.

Jimk»r laaene Baaday aftaraooa at t o'elaek. Lat tkara ba a fall aft- teadaece.

Praachlae Suaday moralac aad ara* nlae to tba paator. Bubjact. taoralae, Tka Praahaaaa of Lito- Broalnc. Tko WeloooM Hone We larlte you to tkeoo aerrlcea

Tke WoBiaa’a Hoom ftUoaloaary Bo- decy will meet at tbe borne of Mrs Clara Chamberlain. Wtdaeaday, Jaau- ary 10. IflS. Tke laaaoa will ba froan tbe AdTaace In tke Antlllea. All la* tcraated in tkla work are Indtad to bo praaoat

Our new a S. Ilbfary books hoTe oooie but aa tke librarian baa to nun* ber tbe librnry all over aad we baTe to arrange a aew catalogue ake will not be able to let then out unUI Jan. 14. Let all books be brought In next Buaday.

SILOS Do Not Cost Money— They Save Money!itoto ri ■ of MktoSto


THe LAiising( SiloA combination of many exclusive features that makes it the strongest, most

lasting and moat convenient SILO that money can buy.

•Start RiflKtEvery Lansing Silo is made of specially selected Lumber, 3

‘ ind pockfinches thick.

Cm be furnished, to suit j^ur needs and pocket, in one. two or three piece staves of Red Cypress, Oregon rir, White Cork Pine, Red Pine, Tamarack and Hem­lock. One piece staves any length up to 36 feeL

Prices are REAiSONABLE

I have a great deal to tell you about the Lansing. It’s Patent continuous me. The patented door with out locks or bolts and the Lansing

gre door fra “g-

opening Draw L _

The special tonguing and grooving of the staves which make the Silo per> fectly air-tight, the use of the steel Spline and weather strip in the end of the stave. Come in and talk the matter over with me or write for my catalog on the Lansing Silo, the best and cheapest for you to buy. SPEC!At DISCOUNTS FOR ORDERING EARLY.

THe Climax Ensilage Cutter

Will hll your silo in less time and with less expense and trouble than any other cutter requiring the same horse power. I have one of these Climax Cutters on my demonstrating Hoor for your inspection. Also a model of the patented door-frame and door. Samples of all different kinds of wood suitable for silo con­struction.

Gaaolme Eoflioes Ooiflts

ilinflaad Water S ysteoM Power A Haadi Wasbnd WwHuwga

Feed Grinders Com Sheers! Fodder Cokers Saw Fraines Saw Handrek Saws of aO Sizes Power Panips Bekiad Shaftind Shaft Eaa^ers Pulleys

.Batteries, Etc.

No. 101 Tea. lb. .lOcChase &S«ioborn CoffeeAt varv ftlight tulvnnr** over old pneePo rwi«>r 2Ac' Cimlw. aoM.___ iiHc

” •• •• .... aBc

H. J. Heinz & Co’sSweet Cucuiiilwr l*lrkle< |ter dux. lOrDill I*lckle^ per can........................... J.VMincemeat ner iwu...........................;)OrApple Butter |>er jar........................ :tilcMu»tar«l )»er Iran.......... ...................... iOrTomatd < ‘atbiip, l>ottle................... lArKvaporated Horae*Kadibh {larbottle.................................................... 25cBakeil Baann (ler cNn....................... lOcWhite Pickllinr Vinegar par gal...25c

^Candies. 10c lb.

S. P. Ho^General MerchandiseMAPLCfRAPIDS, MICH.


Fence1 f• 1

1 •1 1 Mil• 1• • •4 S5l

if 5;

lava menay by buying your fanaa of ma. I gat It from ona of ttw olUaat and largaat and moat ral labia fanea manufacturara in tba country and ev­ery rod la fully guarantood.

It it mada of HIgb Carbon Hard Blaal WIra and baa Alumnium in tba g Ivanlatng and will not ruat Ilka otb* er tenee.

Saa ma bafera you buy.

Jolm W. Snyder.ST. JOHNS. MICH.

Pbona ItO. S>r.

Mra. Sarah Kelley and aoo. Jay, of Durand, are apaodlng the weak with ralatlvea here-

Mr. and Mra- Milan Bmmons have retumad to Detroit, aftar apandlag aeveral weeks vlalting frtetida

Mrs Jay White and three chlldreo, returned to Owooao. Monday craning-

Mlaa Agatha Anderaon of Maple Rapida haa bean spending aotne time with Mra. Oleii Mitchell-

L H. Doarnle la quite aick with Jaundice

Mlaa Della Brlgga returned to De­troit. Monday, after spending the boli- daya with her parenta here-

KM- Blunt and family of Fanmore. fpent the hrst of the areek with her parenta. William Chemberlain and wife.

Prank Williams and wife of Maple Rapids spent Wedneaday of this weak with Cbarlaa Peek and wife-

Mrs- Henrv Baker la on tbe sick Bat

Bol Bowen loot a very valuable horse this week. It slipped and fell on the Ice breaking two legs-

.Mrs. William PIsxie has been III for several days. Saturday aha suffered a serious operation for appendlclUs and tumor <rf tbe abdomen.

Milan Bmmona haa purchased a lot of H. (HUehouse.

.Mr. and Mrs J- W- Davit and daughter. Pern, were in Owoaso. Mon­day.

Glen Oran gave a party to savaral friends Monday evening.

H. P. t'obb. wife and two daughters, alao limest Grlmaa and wife of D«* rand spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. M. E. Schenck-

A 7M pound baby boy came aa a .N'ew Year's preaent to Mr and Mrs. William Dunham.

Mr. and Mrs- Allison Sanderaon of Strongvllla. O.. are visiting relaUvaa hare

Mr. and Mrs. E ITrlck of Quincy and .Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Buckingham of Laalle. ware called bar this weak ow­ing to the saiioua condition of thair father. E Buckingham.

R. 3. CLAMSales Maoa^r

m 9 A rri*! M 307 msh.- at. w-tFarmers Leiiieiit liie Machine Company

Clayton Prtsbae and wife of Orid, j were guests Baturday of George Pteldn jand wife i

The friends of Solomon Bingham; reminded him of a birthday. New j Year's day by taking him In grocertaa. i provisions, clothing, etc., of which he was somewhat thankful and aurpriaad.


Your attention la harahy called to I the foDowIng raooliitlon adopted by the Common Council of tbe City of SL Johns on Tueaday evening, January 2. 1»12:

By Aid. Fowler:Resolved, by the comroon council of

______ Mias .Nora Martin and friend, iD wife of lietroll, William Hockenburh. and J. P. Platte

n* relatiTea In Owoaao the holidays at the home of Mr. and , ^yhereas. the common council of' ■•*** ®lty haa heremfore, by raaolutlon

Mlm I adopted, declared that It was aYears day with her cousin In neciaaary public Improvement to paveBernard M«mln .P«t 1^ Wednaa.;

day in JohM « busli^ cUnton avenue to the enat line of

k' •**«»«***« <be east line of^th her parenu. Mr. and Mrs Christ, ^

1 land street, also to pave Hlgham street from the eaar line of Clinton avenue

wife, alao visiting relatlvaa have returned home.

Mrs. George McCllntock and baby have returned to their home In Du­rand. after a abort visit with friends here

The Disciple Aid met with Mrs Joe Somers. Thursday, all having a pleas­ant time with a good attendance-

Charlea (Sood/ond wife and baby UMvk New Year's dinner with flienda In Owoaao Do not allow your kidney and blad- \tiwaaeu ■ - — . , • . j .w : to the west line of Spring street, aiao|»

Uttle Prancla Randall haa been very ' der treble to to ^ ^e southsick all the week with pneumonia

Oliver Bmert of Detroit called on old friends here a few days.

Earner Smith and wife of AtlanU were guests of hla parents here during the holidays

Mrs. Charles Albaugh and children spent a few weeks at Marian Springs have returned home

Chaiiaa Albaugh of Owoaso spent PrMay here with friends

reach of medicine Pllla- They give proroptnaaa-

Take Polay Kidney quick raaulta and


STATE OF MICHIGAN. County Clinton, as.At a aaaalon of the Probate Court ___ ___

f®*; H».iiflcaUoiii''wlth U»riitli^itadcost of said public improvsmaat, which

line of Hlgham street to tbe south line of Railroad street. Roil rood and Hlgh­am streets to be paved with brick upon a concrete foundation, and Spring street to be paved with concrete, to* gether with curbs and necessary drala* age. and did order and direct the en- glneer of said city to prepare plans

FaleyN Haney nnd Tar ramgaand•M’arss in Fvary ('nae.**

Mr. Jamas McCarffary. Mgr. of the Scblltz Hotel., Omaha. Nab-, recom- luaada Fhley’s Honey aad Tar Com­pound. because It cures In every caaa- ”1 have used It myself aad I hare re- rommeoded It to many others who have since told roe of Its great cura­tive power In dtaaaaaa of the throat ant^liings '* For all roughs and colds it Is speedily effective. VanSickle A Giasple.

the l*rohatc Office In the City of St..... ....... ....... - Johns, oa Satu^ay. the SOth day of the sold engineer did there-

Charlea Good and wife entertained I Decembar, In the year one thousand comply with;friends here from Owooao during the; nine hundred a^ elerw. And wberaas. said common councilholidays- ' Pre^vnt^t^ARLHB M. MEKRIU... two-thlrdo vole of all

Fred Brans and family spent Moo- Judge of Probate alderman elect, did declare thatday with J- M'. Buell and wife- In the matter of the o* such public Improvement should be

Mr. Wilson la very alek with pnau- t arravt, decraatd, low Munroe. ad- ooostructed and was conatructad by :noola at the home of hla daughter, | mlnlatrator of said estate, haring made' contract according to sold plans and


APair of


with every |>air of M'omen's fS, $K.50 aixl 44 Mhoes, we s^l this weak at S^.AO. That really ^etns rhiictiious to give away a ■’iOr artirie, with an item sold at a cut price, hut there In iiielhotl in our iiiadnes*. and w« will do that very thing vlated in our headlines. The shoe- oflereii are the

Se&soih*a Best Stripsand moat up-to-date laats, all sewed, and incimie such leathers aa patent cull, dull calf, viri kid and patent viei, also velvets, with light ami heavy soles, every |>air af:i. fS. Vi and M value, for this week, we offer them to v >u with a 5ttr pair of rubber*, at only

The sftare ta pat y*nr fnitk la>2.50


.leraas the street frsm iaterarhoa Waiting Haank

CRy 125 29jamss Somers and wife

Mrs William Cox of Old Mlaakm vlaltHig relatlvaa hare this weak.

Faley KMaej Pills

appIleaGon for the allowance of hla, gggclflfatkwnnoi account and for bis dtacha^; ^ whervsia. It appaara >o the aatto*

The^pm It la orderrt. that Th"*** facUon of this eouncll that an Indebt- Jnnanry» A- D. cgacaa of >8.306.12 will be Incurred In

*•12. at one o'clock in the aftemotm, coastructlon of said Improvemaat. Always give satisfaction becauae they tor the_ aa^lnatlon ^ which said ladebtednsas will ba paidalwaya do the work J. T. Shalnut. **** account, at the Probate office In ffom the deferred paymenta from theBremen. Go., aaya: “I have uoad Fydey *^*;^*J, ? prop*rt> adjacent to aatd Improve-Kldney Pllla with great aattafaction '*^tther order^. that n^l^ magt;and found more relief from thatr uoa j . ‘“*T^** *5 deemed by said councilthan fnwn any other kidney medicine. ?^^***^ to be for the beat Interaat of the dty,^nA I have tried almost all kinds I causing a copy of this that the amount of the aoch Indebted-can cheerfully recommend them to all! *** publlahad In The St Johns iomi sImJI be borrowed on lu faithaufferera for kkhwv aad bladder trou- printed ^ cirw- .ad credit, and that paving bonds of

latJag In aatd county of Clinton, for nild city shall ba Isouad and sold bythree succaaatva weeks prevtoua to aald city for the purpose of raising i

ARE YOU ONEl?Of the many satisdad cuatomers who do thetr grocery buying of

of ua. If not jota tbe ranka-


ble " VanSickle A OlaapAe

R. F. D. No. 3. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ______________ ♦ ♦

♦ GLNRT ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

sold day of hearing.(A true copy )

(CARLES M.- MBRRILL. 28w3 Judge of Probate

. ** /»wgiij la a fad aad so oftan naad- taagy daa* aatw-days that mwah of It la rsal mt fassadsiss* Why porvalt Urn kaWs ta ba hapUsad la year Mead whaa ■wt oaaaa of appiwiUrttla flaaeor. astufts. Fpttc* mUataao. mavol. pMa«. roptgpa, aartstere. tmanr. ulaer. varteaas or tas- aaaad vsins aMosateai aad pahrtr alls of awn or womsa foar b« CUnBO WtTH- Oft/T OUTTINOr*

I aaod to do oaa*ldsvaNa sargsry, have arm haoe pmtoaanr of oc.gsrr m OMdloal aallaaos. poossas aaad laatnaaaata aad tof* t** thsat. os If oparollaa la daolred caa aarnwaiaaafts pisaty. npw- sevr, aa tisaa aad largs •xportsasa aM- ad to my iwadtoal rissarBsa I have faaad oaaor, aator, setter ways of troatlag awny cowditleae for wMehH used to (aad athrro BtUI coatlaaa la) eat New wtwa a as-eaJtad “swrataaJ oass" prtaiato. I aah lavaplf If la aash oaadHtoa 1 waaM poraiti aptrattoa aa anr owa psraaa, aad as. Sotag as I wauM ha daaa by. I oara alar aeera sat of tea (tor wMm otiisra ant) to rattoao) aad Bsaaareattvi oMdl- aal aiMhedi

Mrs r M Randall aad Mrs. George Flehti spent Suaday with G. A. Ran­dall aad family at Elba.

Mlaa Ruth .Naff has Jotnad her par­ents hare, who racagtiy moved hare from Ohio- She will attend Elsie high school.

Purl Baasirwiao of .New Haven waa a gaaat of hla friend. Mlaa Barths Al­baugh. Sunday-

Mr- Naff 1^ family aatartalnad a Aland from Jft Plaaaaat. Sunday- ^ Mm J. W. Baoll wm on tha slelt

Mot a few daya haa racoverad.A aoa waa bom Saturday to Magana

Mmart and wife. Weight tone amd a half poonda.

A tsiaphogp haa kean kmuilad ta the hoasa of Mr. WaodaiH. Nn M. tinwa long one short ring-

Miss Phsipa ban ratuimsd from her hoasa In Saginaw aad has again com- maaaad aehool aflar bar vaenftloa

Ifrttaa year hady ardo sf **tiaah m

w r 1


TNION P4BMBRR’ CLITB.The January meetlag of the Hmlon

nirmera* Club will be held Saturday.January 4. at the home of Mr. and Mra- F. H. Ewer.

Program for the meeting aa tollowa:Paper by the Host; Music, Russell

Ash; Minutes of the last meeting, roll call, answered by New Year’s rsaolu- tlons; Recitation. Mrs Itather Pixxall;Paper, Mra O- M- Pearl; Sale aad Ex­change Liat. Question for Dtaciiaalon:Raaolved. that borrowing Is a magaee to good nelghborllneoa- Dtacuaalog to be led by Mr. Rwer and Jannie Wil­cox ; Quastion box-

A very Interaatlng meeting was held In December at the boose of Mr. and Mrs. O. C Bmee. Some good paperswere read and quastiogs dlscuaoad- i M Iba- Ovid Plour_______There ware also a number ^ good ^ seiaetioga of moaic and recitations n. ..

year ware I ^ PnwpktoPreoldata. Mm * cana Sweat Com --------lent. John I


Granulat’d Su^ar

$1.00.41 It

Offlcam for the coming aiaetad aa foHosra L Smith; Vlce-Praoldant. sail; Sacratory, Mllaon Youag-

Ramambar the date aad place of tha January meetlag. Pvsiybody Inntad to attagd MILBON YOITNG.



ToThe Hangar af Ln HHppt

la Its faul teadagey to poatnaogla cure yoar logilppi ooogha taka Poley*# Haney and Tar Compound- R. E- Plaksr, Waaktagftan. Kan-, anyn: **I waa trouhlad wHh a aovore attnek at la grippe that throoftanod pnaumoala. A frlaad advlaad ftotar'a Haney and Tnr Compound, aad I got roltaf oftor toltlBg tha flvaft few daooa I took three bonlaa aad my grippe was cared ” (lot the gsnalna. la yellow pnehoge Voagtakle g Otaopia.

BIHMAM QRANHB.Thia meetlag will ka tha opaglag of

tha now kali IMnaar aad oappor will ka sorvod- Tha program wUI cnaotat af moaic aad rsrtlarioas Thais will kadaaeiag and cart ptaylag la tha


4 Iks. X 7 boro Swift's Whlta Soap 4 bars Ivory or .Naptka gaspt6c Matracta, bast qoaltty-----4 Ike (toad Rice______4 Iks- Paaey Japan Rlee .........6te pall Cora Syrup______Stc pall (torn Mprap.............. .lie phg. Bast Ooaaa7 Mm toda .... .............44c Coftae par Ih......4tc Coffee par Ih-___84c (toftae par Ih ..Me (toftse par lb-___Mr Japan Tsa..........Itr Japan Tra...... _....4tc Japan Taa._____Me Japan TW ____Me Japan Tra.^_____

funds to dafmy the expanse In part of aach Improvaosaat;

Tharefore. It la datermlned aad re­solved by aald ooromoo council, timt bonds ilsaignatad "Paring Ronda of tha City of St. Johns" ohall be Issued aad sold by onhl city at not laaa than par value In amount of I8M6.12 In the denomlnallon of I1.0M I4 each, aald bonds to bear date oa the 15th day of January. A- D- 1912, aad bscome due aad payable as fbllows:

12,074.28 on the IMh day of Jaauar%'. 1911;

tt.o74M on the 16th day of Janoary, 1914;

12.074.28 on the 16th day of January. 1915;

t2.074J8 on the 1.5th day of January. 1914;

With latereat at not exceeding five Mr per rant par anaum, payable on the JM 14th day of January, A- D. 1912, aad j|-1 annually thersafter, aad both priacl-

pal aad iataraat shall be payable at I the office of the city trsaaurer la aald

4M city of St Johns; fie' Pttrthar. Utot tha dty dark ba. aad

be la harsto diredad. to advartlae In the toeal papem for aoalad propeaalata be rseaivad up to 4:M o'eoek p m- on Monday, tke fth day of Jaauary. A. D. 1912. aanh prapaaal to ba accompaalad to a oartlflad ebaek ta tba sum of tlM. Right la raaarvid to rajod any sad all bida

Adopted to the folowtag voM: Yoaa—AMarmaa Powlar, MoMar,

McCoakay, Rtoae, 6. Noyo. aono WM- nOOHRANE. (Nty (tosrii-

Chy (naffhM (Nflaa St JahaaJfleh. Jaaanry 2, 1912.

Because the beat la offered you la everything—(No goods stated to be above a reasonable price and then lowered to allow what a grant saving.- One price to all- (Can you afford to buy elsewhere-)

DONT FORGET!Vncle Sam'a Breakfast Pood If you are troubled with your stomach

(OHM) ofv feeling beilor for havlag ased ID- Money refunded If It doean't do jost aa stalod- (TbatM Pair.)

COFFEE LOVERSAre becoming aware that we carry the beat. .Nero at 2tc par Ib­

is auparior to many 24c coffaaa Home-made Baked Goods. Prlad (tokaa, Gama. Salt Rlslag Bread, (took! a. Plas- Por braaltfaaft. Holland Ruake fill tbe bill. Buckwheat Flour makes good colma aad our Maple Syrup mokes them batter-


17 Clinton Awwnua



Horse 2 HarnessAfid Yen An liable to Get iito TVtwUc,as soiw have who erected a cheap or untried constnicticn.

■UI1.T m 1898Yoo KalamazooCan be

%ownaaaad as a ballet. Have boon flltad at eractsd. aad tha Miclagan Asylam Is "BALMliMgT** la Umatriad moaorial i of MT earvtaa to yoo? Cooworwrito

7 of tbe




WMMItmi AMMIYIMtiABT.Mr. aad Mm Marl Itoanlagtoa of

RIlay eatohmtad thatr SfUi wadding aanlvataory. Darmahar 2Mh- Ahoat M ralaU

ly haaatlfai and oksfai praaantsi glvaa to thoai Aa sight ooovaa I

Tha haaaa was' wNh holly and Xmas hollo.

Fowler, llllcliliiMO.

(My Oms Tliiiit Bmigr TImb n


111 TOWN Aim OUT

lBMir» with D. h. Himt tfOlMMS nttfld. Dr. miMlr tf

Mr ud Ml*. W. H. BuHw aad dauabtOT, MIm Marto. at Cbleaso waf*,----- - of Mr* Jobn D. Haadmonorar Naw Taar^.

Mlaa Btea AMrad of OoaMaeUaat. a •tadaat at tlM U. of M. aaaat thm holi­day aaoM la St Jabtaa with Mlaa Praa» wa Oraaa.

Mr aad Mr* 4aa Boehalaau aad fa»Uy froai CHWwa. Oaaada. ha^ haaa rlalUiMr ^ paiaata Mr. aod Mr* W A. Jaaob

Mlaa Marla BUiaard rataraad t* baratartlnr la Tfiallaatl Tuaaday aftar bar- tad aa«t ^ ^tbia dty.

Dr. A. H. Klaiaaad Mt Moaday to rautra to Oladataaa aflar ■paMlng tba )M»llday* at bla boaia la St- Jobaa

Mlaa JaMoaCta Waaagan waat to aaa Arbor Tuaaday to rmmmm bar atudla* at tlM ualrataMy.

Harry Salllek of Iowa rlaltad bla paraata la 8t Jobaa dartav tba boll'

Mr. aad Mi*. L. D Naucbar aad cblldrea of Oiaad RapMa apaat laat waab la tba boaaa of Mra M PMach. Mr. Boucbar rataraad booaa Saturday, bat Mr* Boucbar waa callad to Waat- pballa Moaday bacauaa of tba aailoaa illaoaa of bar atocbar.

Mhw Judith CbMk rlaltad ralaUraa in Maoon part of laat waak

r. Lr Boot of Battle Craak was la St. Jobaa laat waak.

Mr. aad Mra Claytoo Seboao rauire* ad to tbalr home ta Carson City Moa- day aftar a abort rlalt with the lattar** paraaia Mr. aad Mra. Haor>' Hekbait-

B. B. Clark rlolted frlaada In Brart from PVlday until Tuaaday-

Mlaa Marjorie'Stowall who spent the holiday season In St. Johns with .her parents. Mr. sad Mrs. Bred Stowell ra- turned to Ann Arbor Tuaaday.

The Mlaoee Bdlth and Reoa Clark were aueats of Owooao ralatlrea from Saturday until Monday.

Mlaa Helen Beckett who spent laat week at her home left Monday to re­turn to Sutton's Bay where she is a teacher in the public schools.






TONSILINEmio Qwocir eniti it.Bc.saSIOc. NstaitalSiMtI.

If you bare any difficulty In seelOK naturally and clearly, or any pain or! uneasineae In the eye. have ua exam- > Ine them and we will tit them with, the proper xlaaaer. Yo«i*]l aave money: and pain toy actinp promptly. L<ena aiindinx-


Lansing, Mich.Where tin- eyes are always movlna

in the windowOpen Wadneoday and Saturday eve-

mna* CIta. l*hoae ini.

DO IT NOW!( Irdt-r .1 hunch <>f

Flowers.Ok A

Blooming Plantfor ytnir wtftr. mot her. sis­ter. friimtl nr s\v»*t!iht?;iri —nothin)' s< • ••.\|>r»-sHiv»* of frifinlshii* or smiiinrnt.

We d<*llvwr to any addre^SMS with yur


WOODBURYS Flower Siore

PImm SS S7 dnasM Aea.

B- I. Hull from Balariay natU Wm- day.

Mlaa Oraew Kyan of Portlami has basn apaadlag aararal daps la 08 homaa of Mt*. F. iby and tba MMsae Ryan

Mr. aad Mra 8. L» Maraball and Mt- Ua dausbtar of Hlllidals rlaltad Mra Uaorsa Foarcb from 8aturdajr until Monday.

Frad C. Bulk waa oaltad to Oblo loot waak baeaMs of tba illnoas of hla fbthar-

Mra Anaa Bane t and baby and Mlaa Mlanla Slalsahar apant part of tba boi- Idny -m— with tbalr parsnts. Mr. snd Mw Will Pbrraat.

Mlaa Cara Parkar la apondlag tbla arlntar with bar grandparanis. Mr. and Mrs T. Wblsbt

Jobn Ordaway baa baan U1 for two

Mra Hattie Ralnsgr snd son of Owoa- ao bava boon oallad boMs on aoeonat at tba Ulnaaa of Mra BainarM aratbor, Mrs Tsary WrIgbL

MMa Mlanla WooRbura ban rataraad to Datrolt aftar a tan daya' rlalt at bar botaa la this dty.

Mlaa Bstar Claik will laara tba lat­tar part of tba waak to rstnm to Ohsd* atona. aftar a two waaba* rMt with bar alatar, Mra L» 8. Raad

Mr. aad Mra 8. B. Inasy wars oallad to Mulllkan Monday by tba oarlooa 111- naoa of tbdr dau^tor, Mra WiUlnm Rouadsrllle.

Mra 0- J. Johaaon aad lltUa daugh- tar rlaltad Blaie ralatlroa orar Sun­day.

Fra^ Footit. wbo opaot tba holiday aanaon la tbla dty at the homo of bla parantn Mr. and Mra Will fbotlt. baa returnad to Albloo.

Mr. aad Mra W. B Mutton of Oraad Raplda Tldtad ralattvaa in tbla city part of loot waak

Carl Paokar riattad bla alater. Mrs Will Palmar, la Flint, laat week.

Mlm MarjoHe Smith, taaebar In tha j School for FMbla Minded Children at Fort Wayna. Indiana., rlaltad bar I mothar, Mra Bra Smith, laat waak. |

Mlsa Anaa Fedawa, taachar in a' suta laaUtuUon at Coiambus. Ohio. I visited her naoCbar aad alatar in St- Johna laat weak, returning to hari

Mlaa Ruth Henderson haa returned to Detroit to resume her etudlea In

I the ('onaerratory of Muatc, after a i two weeks' rlalt with her parenu. Mr. j

I and. Mrs W. O. HendersonMrs. J. Parkhurst aad sons Jobn and :

Benton of UreenrIIle were guests ofi Mr. and Mrs. lOnoe Blissard and family { Sunday and Monday.

Mias Belle McLain of Toronto. Ont..i Is visiting her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mra Alex Crichton, and other rela-1

: tires .and frietida for a short time. | Mr and Mi*. C. H. Iknmoaa and

Mlaa Bird Murry, who apant the holl*' day season in the home of Mrs G. W. i Fhnmone. bare returned to I>elrolt.

Mr. and Mrs- FI- M. Huston and i daughter returned to their home In Uidlngtoo Monday, after a short visit j in the home of Mr. and Mre J. C. Hlckt * and with other relatives.

Mr*. P. R. Berler returned Saturday from a week's rlalt with relatires In llllledale and Jackson.

Mlaa Ruth Palmer haa raiurnad from Toronto. Ontario, where for two weeks she visited friend*

Ml*. Jane Hull and daughters, the . Miaaea Mellaa and MMa. of Orand Rap­lda. were the gueaCs of Mr. and Mrs.

i school duties Tuaaday.lion Kinney rialted relatires and

friends In Lansing Tuaaday.(Mrdon and Howard WIckea. Oliver '

Spaulding and Ino Ruraett returned to Ann Arbor the flrot of the week. | after having spent the holMay aeaaon after having apent the holiday recaaa at their respective homaa In this city.:

Harr>' Wilcox spent ten days with - Ills parents. Mr. and Mi*. C. A- Wll- i ! cox. returning Tueaday to hla studies I In the senior claas of the enplneeiing ! department at the M. A. C.

Miss Opal Morris, a toacher In the | I achoola at Standlah. visited her par-1 I ents. Mr and Mra H. W. Morris, dur-1 i ing the holiday aeaaon. II Miss Ruth Rood returned Tuesday! from a ten day*' visit with ralativm | and friends in Cbtcago. Gary, Indiana, 1 Hollsnd and Orand JtopMa. i

Mrs Archie Morris of Northv1Ile| spent laat week In flt. Johns with her: mother. Mrs. Julia Bhielda, and sla­ter. Mrs. Catherine Holton. * '

; Mrs. H. EL Hart will leave In a few | da>'s for Praukfort. Indiana, to remain i Indefinitely with bdr daughter, Mrs. i K J. Matteaoo. i

Mr and Mrs. R. V. Henderson and little daughter Bllzabeth of Lannlng j

^ were gueeta of Mr. and Mrs- O. W. | I Fhiimorni Hiinday and Monday.

Miss Margaret Kelly has returnad' j to Flaet Jonlan. aftar opending the hoi- i : Ida) vacation with her parenu. Mr- j I iiod Mrs John Kelly and other rela- -i tlre«





Mlaattan Bay. Hal far HMsb. 8-

Uudar tbe provlalena of tba ravin ad and arasnilxtl sUUa-wlde primary set of Itll, tbe city dark la privHacad to raealve tbe enroUmant d all votata daslrlng to qualify tbamaalvea tor rnatlaf a ballot at tbe primaries

AU oMol EarallFortberiaore. * thone who waat to

vote at tbe next spriag primary elee- Uon, wbetber earoMad now or not. muot enroll with tbe dty derb be­fore January dUi. or moot anroll at thalr poHlag.^lace on tba laat Bat- urday In January, whan a geaaral enrollmant day uadar tbe act takaa place Tba act U awaapiag and de­clares that evary body moat re-enroli In orde r to be ^le to vote In tbdr party primaries.

Those wbo wiah to enroH with tbe dty eieik by maktag tbe proper affi­davit before him. maat do so before January 6 In due to a provUlon of tbe act that dl those wbo enroll with tbe desk, roust do ao at least two inontha prior to the primary election If they wish to vote at that election.

The object of this provision la claim­ed to be to prevent "cokmisatioo" of voters In the larger rltlas In the Intar- eot of some particular candMste for nomination- in order to vote “rolon- I’at" voters wouM have to enroll in the dty at least two montbr Prior to the election, which would make this plan of swinging an election an expensive one.

Prinmr} ('oaM>ii KnrllerThe spring primary election, un­

der the new act. occurs the flrgl Wednesday la March, or March 6. more than two weeks earlier than It ocrured laat year. Two motuhs prior to this la January 6th, hence those voters who wish to cant their ballots at the spring election and who desire to enroll by affidavit must do so be­fore the latter date.

Those voters who forget to enroll with tbe city clerk can enroll at the graeral enrollment, taking place the ^et Battirday In January, 'nils would entitle them to vote at the March prim­ary, tbe two months' provision of the act not applying to general enroll* menta. *

Baton County Y. M. C. A. Cora Contaat.-ys*.

T.tC.IL eMQOETMJMIMITIIint GflEIITSUCCESS(Contlnnod from First Papa)


Awnalni ONIlcultlaa of English Poepin In Making Thamaalvaa Undar

Bleed In Thia Country.

In hla racant book. "Matnoriaa of a Labor Laadar,” Mr. Jobn WMIaoo. M. P., givaa an amusiog Instance of tba confoslaii which ariaas from tha dlffar- anaaa batwaan tba names of artidas of boma uaa in England and tbdr namaa In ABMrica.

Mr. aad Mrs. Wilaon formarly llvad la imarlca. Tbay bad as a neighbor, la a Paanaylvanla minlag town, an old Indy wbo bad left Tynaaide soma yaan prior to tbalr aaqualataoce with bar. 8ha gave them an account of bar ant attempt to make beraalf on- daroCood mt tbe general otora. Rha daeartbed to them tba many mlaun- diramndlngs which arooe batwaan bar and tba storeman until aba eama to tba last artlela. which waa traocla. Sha had naver ebaagad bar dialact. but spoke tbe pure Walleand. with tba burr antouchad.

"Aa waat some treacle.*’ aha da- mandad. In uaadultaratad Nortbuo* biian.

*1 don’t underataad wbaf you moan, ma’am.**

**That In tbare,*’ aha said, pointing to a hopshaad.

’That Is raolassee.****That's wbat As want Oi* mo a

pond of K.”’’Wa don’t sail it by waIgbL ma’am;

wa sdl It by meaeure.”Tbo old lady gaapad in uttar aosaae-

maat.”Daa ye mean to aar,” she faltered,

**tbat we sdl trascle by tbe yard In this ootmtryT’—Youth’s f'onipanlao.

an axpartmanui charactar, tha Mata workara proesadlag alowly until tha aiioeaaa of tba mevamant waa aaonrad- Now k In eartaln that tbU kind of work

anot fall, aad forty oountlan la Mich- tgan aloMs are randy and wnlUag for a parfectad orpantaatlon.

Wtaoo tba wo?ft la tboroughty orpan- Isad with a oonnty coosmktae oom- poaad of buMaaaa profSoaioaal and progreaolve agrtcultural man alactad from rartoua losaHtlm of tbe county, an export county aacratary will ba am- ployad wbo will davose bla entire time to carrying out tbe plana of tba comnUttae. Undar tbe direction of tbe

eretary tbe boys of tbe county will be gatberad In tbalr roapactlve natgb- borbooda where there are eamigti boys and aufflclant manifeatad iatar-

t to warrant a ktoal orgaailtatiao. Tbe county committee uaas voluntaer leaders In these community centora to direct tbe work. Tbeae men. one or several in each localKy, have charge of the Mble study which Is held each week In every aoeoclatlon, the parliamentary drill, the debating tbe practical tdka by busbiaaa aad profeaaional man. the banquets, soci­als. garner and athletic work- 'The whole scheme of the county Y. M. C. A- ^work hinges upon the local leader. The groups which have bad tlte beat results In boy Improvement have been the groups where the leadership in the activities have been tbe beat-

In each of the flve counties where the work la now perfected several hun- dre«k boya are receliiiog the heneAt of the training under the direction and leadership of the bast men in their cooimunltlea. .ind are naturally super­ior in every way to the boya who are not having the training In these dif­ferent directlona-

It is not tbe purpose of this organ- imtion to build up Itself nor to get many members, but to help the people generally to recognise that something must be done for the federation of rural and community InatituUona. An effort to train boya for leadership will help, and when the boya themaalves asauroe reaponsibility their discontent with home affairs—the church life, the form life, the social life—and the reatlaaa drift to tbe cltlaa will ceaae. bacauae these boys will have become main factors in the aolutlon of the problem aad will no longer be the projMetii tbetnaelvas.

Proa Taft aad ex- preaidant Roasp volt are heartily in sympathy with this movemant. and all the Michigan state officers are men connected wHh such oonoeraa an the Cleveland Cllffo Iron Co.. Berfcey A Oay F^^ra- Oo., Pteraon A Hough Co.. Cadillac Motor Co., Monroe Olaos Co., wall known banka throughout the aute, Michigan Aglcukural College. Albloa Collage and the State IlBivaraity- •

C'oudid the boya of this county do batter than to organise into an raaocia- tJon over which aome of the beat men of the state have aupei vlaiou?

Mr. Farmer, do wkat 3rou can to let your son aad your neighbor's aon have the advantages that other boya in the state are receiving to At them for the highest anjoyment of life. Mr. Buslaeaa Man. you want none but the bent sort of fellows In your employ. Don’t let the mimsters aad profamlon- al men push this thing along Maybe they will not be able to do It Rmulate the style of many of the landing busl- nam man of the larger cltlaa aad give


POUITIIT SHOR(Contlaaad from First Page)

gtHORB In tha entarprtaa.WHh a drsanad chlokaa la hla handa

F. O. Ottmar at Riley. Illnatratad tha potata to ba loohad for in gsnaral ntll- Ity fdwl, a maat aad agg piodoear. HF stated that high priced meat la brad not fad, oiandlng tha paultry ssen wMI In hand to una care la aalaetiag a brsad.

Mr Ottmar reoommandad a pal low aklnnad fowl for table parpoae. but Prof. IJnton of the M. A. C who fol­lowed Mr. Ottasar on the program, took Iflone wMh him on this point, be­ing of the opinion that arhlte aklnnad binds ore In aome rmpa^ auperior to the yolfow sklanad foarlo.

A short buslnaas osaalon followed the sddraaam when C- E. A. forage sraa re-electad prealdwwt; F- G- Ottmar. vlea-prm.: Ralph Wlgglna. secy.; and C- 8 Clark, treasurer.

Prisaa were awarded oo the follow* Ing breads:

Columbia Rock—.S'. Barnhart, lot | ban. 2nd pul.. 2Bd ck., 2iid chL

Barred Rocks—Button A Wbittakar, t let. Jad. 3rd. pul-; let ek.; lat. 3nd! 3rd ckl.; 2imI hen let exhibition pan; I C. E- A. Bunge. Nr hen. 1st pul. bred : hen; 1st pul. bred ckl., lat ckl. bred pul- Chaa. Frits. 1st ckl. bred hen.! 2nd ckl.

White Rocks—Bert Jolly, lat ck-,; 2nd. 3rd pul., 1st pen.

Partridge Rocks—E. Oruiler. 1st ok-, - 1st. 2Bd. .Ird. ckl.. 2Dd. 3rd. hen. 3rd pul-, 1st pan.

White Wyaadottea—W. W. Hodge, lot ckl-, lat 2nd. 3rri hen. let pen.! Herman Katbe, 1st ck-, 2Bd. 3rd ckl..' 1st. 2nd, 3rd pul., 2nd. 3rd pen.

Buff Wandottea—F- Brnst, 2ik1, 3rd ckl-, 2nd hen. L- Holbrook. 2nd ckl.,; 2nd. Srtl pul.. 2nd pen.

Columbia Wyandottes—B. Jolly, 2Dd pul., N- Barnhart 1st. 2iid ben. 1st ck.. 1st ckl.

Silver Inced Wyandottes—E. W.: stepheoaon, 1st. 2nd pen,; 2nd, 3rd pul.. 1st ck.. 1st pen.

8. C- White licghorna—W. Martin.; 1st. 3rd pul.. Isc. 2ad. Srd hen; lst< peei; F. Davison, lat ckl.; Cunningham Bros.. 1st ck., 2nd. Srd ckl., 2nd pul., 2nd pen; Q- Rumner. Srd pul.; G. Lapham, Srd ck., Srd pen; G. Barret, Snd ck.

R. C. Wlilte l.<eghoraa—B. Graham. 1st. 2nd ckl., let. 2Dd. 3rd pul., 1st pen-

R. C. Buff I.<eghonia—R. WlgMns. lat. Snd ck.. 1st. Srd ckl., Ist, Srd hen. lot. Srd pul., IM. Snd pen; B Huloe. Snd pul., Srd nk-, Snd ckl., 3rd pen; A. R^, 2nd hen; A. Retd snd C- Btep- baa tie for Srd ckl.

R C. Brown Lsgbora—B. Bowen. Snd. Srd ckl. Snd. 3rd hen.

8. C. Brown Loghora—E. Rowan. 1st hen. Snd ckl.

8 C- White Orpingtons—N- Barn­hart. Sad hen; A. B. Bollard. 1st ckl., 1st. Srd hen. Srd pul.. Sad pan; Chaa. Hunger, Snd ckl., Snd pul-; H Mack. Srd ckl.

R. C. White Orpingtona A. B. ^1-' lanL lat hen- ^

8 C- Buff Orpingtona—G. Stoerck,, Sad ckl.. 1st. 2nid hen. Srd pul., Snd pan; Otto KJac, lot. 2ad pul.. Srd ckl.; I Howe A Cutler. Snd ck-, 1st. Snd pul.. I Srd hen. lot ckl.; H. Douglas. 2nd ckl, j 1st ck-, 1st. Snd ben

While Langahans—Chas. Hunger, Snd ck.. lat, Snd. Srd ckl.. 1st. 2nd, Srd ' pul.. Ist. Snd. Srd hen. 1st pan-

Blue Aaduluelon--D A. Fsrrent. lat' haa

8- C- Black Mlnorras—H. Gohn. 1st;

Your doctor will tell you that a fountain Ryrin)^ should be made not only of the best quality rubber, but it should be fitted with the best of connections.

The syringes in our stock are fitted with rapid flow tubing-a patent shut off. and other fittings of the latest pattern, and of the best quality.

We guarantee our synnges|for i year. This guaran­tee is our personal recommendation that the}' are good goods and will give you the best service.

We have a fine line of fountain syringes ranging in rice from 75 cents to $3.40. Slate, Black, andbite Rubier.

Dikes CoU TabletsCure a cold quickly and do NOT contain quinine.Don’t forget Millman’s is the only place you can

buy Dikes Remedies.

J. T. Millman,The Druggist.


During the month I vrill give

A 10% Reduction On all Tsulor Made Suits suid

Overcoats.Now is the time to get your old suit dr}* cleaned and

repaired. All my work I guarantee. A call solicited.

Frank FarweDOver Ward's Grocery. St. Johns, Mich,


♦••••••aww***a**w***a*aaaa••••*#••••# OOOOOOOOOOOOi

C. J. SOWLEThe Granite Man

Largest stock of Barre, Mahogany and all other kinds to select

from in the CountyPlsifkMe Come in nncl see!

Miss FJdiUi Holbrook haa rsturoed to Mohawk. N. Y., after having spent a vr,*^k with her paretua, Mr. and Mrs. J Ifottorook.

i 111) JHM'IETT.I The .North Olive M. B AM Boriety i will meat with Mra- Rlla Walker naxt I Wednesday. January 10 for diaser. -t'ordlsl lavtutloo to all.

Message Travtia Few,>It takas aboat SO aecuaAa tor a skort

laimage to go from o*a aad of Um AtlaaUc esMa to tba otkar. TMa laaboat lAO ailloa a seaoad.

•It 814


HLTwn Naig VmWHd Tgveamkea*me Ceeagty Ser

saVaaeetM ear bMOMeeMe rme la get yww tteS*. .m We lHi.e Mt iite

liper OHani wi


Tba readavs af UNs paper wOt ba ptemmeO to learn that tkare la at least e*e dreaded dtsaaoe that estsaae has toaen aSle la ewta la all Its oSagso. aadtlMt Is eatarrh. Haifa Oatarrb Care Is the esly peeltlva oat* loMwn la tba OM-dlaal freieralty. Qaiarrii belaa a maatltutlM-•1 dlseaaa. reqmrea a roastnntlaaal tveat- oMat. Haifa Catarrii Cat* Is mkea la- leraally, eet^^Mt^y apsa ^Of Sestmytag tba

To tba Mannar Barn.Mas Muller, tbe famous Raaskrit

scholar, was fond of recalling that ba bad oaea eaao Queen Victoria aad the Rmpreos Eugenie enter a Paris thea­ter together. Tbe audience cheered Itaalf hoarse; but what intaraated Pro- faooor Muller was the contraat la tha coaduet of tlrat^ royaltleo.

Both bowed In oaawer to the pland Ita, aad then aat down; bat wbaraaa nugoale glaaeed bohlad bar. orach aa you or I wooM Ao. to make aura of tbo ehalr batag tbera to reeelve her. Yletorla bapt bar eyua to the froat. aad teak the ehalr for graated

That waa tbe dlHareace bstwaaa balag bare late the parple aad mar- rylag lato it.—TouthY O

IIA Kural Y. M. C. A.

Juai Dyfag to Oo H.Sarvaat—No. tbe vtaar la aoC la Jaat

aow. la there aay maaaage?OM Woasaa IchearfuHy)—Wall, toll

him that Martha HIggtae would llhe to bo burled al two o’cloak tomorrow uftaruoau?—LouAau Opihlau.

Feley*s Houey oui lo a ruBahle fMHily a to your chlMrsu. auAwbau pea foal a oah

ItGlvu H


tbe boya of (^llutou couaty the rimaoc to Improve tbumoelvea aa Ao the buol- aeaa msu la Whyue aad Kaat eonntlaa aad aa the msu of some of the smaller 'uuustlea stre atoo Aolag.

Tbe boat of spaahet* will be at the baaqoat it will be wall worth your time aud memoy to haar thaui If you are the lauot Mt In Aoubt of thto pur- ehuae a tieket of Che lunwnlttee aad prove It to yoursolf-

Cbariaa Durham of Lovtugton. Ill., haa aueresAsA ta fladlag a aaaHIve cure for bad watttag. "My RUle boy wot Uto boA evory night elaar through oa the floor. J titod oavoral klada of IrtAaev uisAlefoe and I was la tha drug atore lauhtog tor semsthlag diflaraat to help Mm whaa I hauwl otWdor KM- aay PUto Aflar ha had takaa thorn

Uatma thtrda.of a hoi-That maa dforai alx

ckl.. Sad. Srd hue. lot poe; C. Rtoph- «as 1st baa; R- Btoby. Sad pul.. Sad okl.. Sad paa; G- ’nakham. lot pul-. Srd ckl., Sfd poa.

f'oralsh ladlaa Game F- Ottamr. lat ok., lat. 2aA, Srd ckl.. lat. Sad. Srd hea. lot. Sad Ird pal.

s. a Rhode lolaad Rad—Floyd Hleka. lat eki-, lat pul.

Hottlad Aacoaaa Floyd Illcka, 1st hea; G. foimasT, lot. Sad pul-

Indioa Runner Dasha C U Putt, lat drake; lot. Sad duck.

Muaeovey Dacha W. Doekhsm, lot old duek. lat young Auek. 1st old drake, lot young drake

White Holland Ducks Floyd Hlehs. 1st ok., lat ban.

Buff Cochin Baatami Chaa Man- gar. fad. Sid ok.. Sad ehl-i lot. Sad, Sid baa. lat pal. ^

iriilto Ooehla Baaaaao—Chas Man- gar, lat ah., lat. Sad. Srd ofel.. lot Sad boa. im. lad. Sid pal-, lat pan.


WantedGood Live Men and Women to sell [ Health and Accident Insurance for

The Great Eastern Casualty Co.Cotnpuiy Thml Dobs pRy**

For full particulars write to

HARRY BRADLEYDistrict MaiMigMr, St. Johii8,[lllidi.

Ionia, Clinton. ’Gratiot. ShiawaRae, Eaton and InghamCounties

OHITTARY. !naaday moralag. Fuasral oa^ I wars bald at tha Wlioay ohaiah

8. Bendar, who dtod at g^aday aftaimooa, Rav. FMhar < tha City hoopltol at T naalag. of paaa- gttag. latoraMoa la tha Wlioar moato. Batuidoy evualng. Doc. SS. id 1 story.tha age of M yuaaa. mas bora la thoi _______________ _township of Oliva. CHatoa oeuaty.June SS. I88i. Ho won uaHod ta a rtoge to Mloo ONvu D Blaek. alao af Ottve tomaohtp *rha daooaaad la 1 vivad by Ma wtto aad ftv* ehlMtaa, tha aidant dying at tha ago af sight

baM at


Anitas. Mia- J. A-Ooarafriy. C F.

fttfLL m

OMiaan*Ai«K»aiT rnf^mmy Hrm«T wm

iMfa In Ollv^ JuM U, !•«• H« wm mmrimi m Uainor Blaek. nlno of (Ntva. If jmm tm- Mn ahlMiaa «ot« bata to tfMn, llv« at whoai with bln aKoa fnnivn hUa

Hn bad Itvnd tbn mast of bin Ufa la OUT*-

Two yaw aao ba awaad bin tawIlT to T r~-*ng. wlwffa ba baa warkad ta tba Pnaddaa Bloab aaor aiaea. fatar- dajr, Daaowbar Id. ba want bswa fraw bin work atek- Tba aaat Msadar ba waa tabaa to tba cltjr baapltol wbaaa ba dapaitad tbla Itfa antuitUr aaaalac. Dacambar M, Ifll. baiac atok )aai a waak Hio fnaafal was baM at tba WUaajr ebureb to Bovtb Oily, Wbd* aaaday. Daoaaabar t7. 1911. totanaaat to South Oily oaowtarr. Bav, Q. T. flahar offlclattoc- Mr. Scwidar la aar- ▼taad by hla artia and Sy eblldraa. two alateia. My Jaanaa Clayton of Ctoytoob Craoatoc, My Bba Howa of Pina Run

Ha WM iaauiad ta tba Knifbu aad LadlM Inauiaace Oo, also had a aick Md acctdaat policy which will bo a fftaat balp to the baraarad family. Ha WM a ktod huatkoDd, fathar. frlaad and aalcbbor.

My Jana Northway la vary alek at tba praoaat wrltins-

<3anh Tuckar or Partallo. hM baan rtoittoa bia parenu Mr. and Mra 8- ^lekar, during tba past waak*

Tba yport la that U. Mbii Seott bM aoM hla farm to Hannas Llataka

Mr. Mllbura rlaitad hla old botna BMr Panello, last waak.

Rav. Dr. Pranch of LnnoliMt. waa a fowl to dtamar at tha homa of Ra%’- asd My O. T. PlnshoT, laat Priday.

Laatar Wilcox of South Btnfbam. Caah Tuckar of Partallo. My. Jamw Ctoytoo of Oily. M. D. Smith of Rllay, aray oaJlay at tha home of Mr. and My Varnay Paarce. iMt waak

My Ada Badall of t iBMtna. rtaitad Mr. and My Jaroma Dllla. toot weak

Mr. and My B. Cola and son scan* ad on thair raturn trip homa laat Tburaday nlfht. aftar >ialttoR DaWitt frianda a waak.

Mtoa Hafly VaaPlaat wm tha fuaot of My M. J. VanPlaat laat Sunday nlfht She yturnad to Cblcafo Mas- day- j

Mr. (tilban'a daufhtar of Ijanalnf. j Tlaltad at hla home Stmdoy. j

Andyw Wafer la quite alck at pres- , Mt -My Wafer to very low. .No hope of bar recovery.

Mr and .My B. C^e and eon. of Vt.. Mr. aad Mra. A Mliitaker. of Riley, My Raftna VanPlaat of Chicafo. Mr.

ME MIGHQBES IN YOUR SCULP?It Ha« Hyn Pyiad That Micybae

f'Mw HaMaa««.

M. J.

My Pnwk Masa la balptof cay for My Jana Nfidbwasr.

Mr- and Mm. SaMMl Tuidwr iwetov* ad waad tone waak that tbair eaaata. WHlIaw Waad of Imnatoto asnd ti yaarn. waa daad. Mr. Waad wm doabtloM tba oliMt blaabwnirti to Mtoblnan- Ha wnrtwd at bto trade

Mton Bnma Mn>«sba of Lnaainf. cnitod on Mr. atod Mm. D- ■- PIba

MlM UaMla Saak of tba St. Jobaa oantml wm a collar at tba hanw of Mr. and My Floyd WtlHawa. Bondny evantof. ^

Horry WlUto of Chorlocto. vialtMl DaWItt frtonda Sondoy and Monday last.

to D wnUanaa Md doufbtar, Lnuy aad Mtoa Lato Wabb way anwitotnadto dtoacr at tba booae of Mr aad My- Ployd WlUloBBo Monday. January 1. 1911.

Mr. aad My. V. D- Paaya of Olive. Mr. aad Mm Prad Tuckar of Ptmlrto Craak. Mr. aad My Pmtoa BHak and daufhtar. Oenrada. way mUrtntoad to dlnnar at tbe boanc of .Mr. sod My Varney Peaica. Monday iMt-

Ravtaai meattana bam baan poa<- ponad at tbe Witoay ebureb la South Oily Indafaltely.

Rav. aad My G. T. Ptohar antar- tatoad tba followtiif fucaw to dinner toot waak Wedaoadny: Mr. aad My. A. J. Tboibure. Mr. sad My Georfa Tborbura of Holt. Mr- aad My Oamr Pairbanha of PaaplatoB. III-

Mt. aad My N. A. .Norria aad aoa. (layto. were entertained at tbe home of Mr. aad My John Wetbeyll. Mon day.

Mr. and My Orton Drake vlaltad Mr. aad My P. W. Hacker In Lnn' alns. .New Tear’a day.

I>yle I^rnn started Wedaaaday for Blf Rapida whey he will attend the Pento Inaciuite.

My. Kate Grinold and Mr and My- Ruooell (IrlnoM entertained Mr. and My Bmeyou CrtnoM of Grand l.<edfe, Mr. and My. (toorge Wllllamo aad Mr. and My <!arl VanKIwt to dinner .New Year'# day.

Mtoa Mnrfuerltf Woodruff return­ed to her school at Rockford. III., Wedneadny.

l\Mnono Oynae will mact with mnfhani Gynge. Wednesday. Janu­ary 10 Rlngbani could not get ready for 1‘onMMia this week-

bams ttowaarty tba W. R. DHlbhooM) wbay obe tlba to n vary awf* aoa caniltloa. aot asMb bapsa cf bor|lapocaiT-

J. a Bard of Ptoayalif. was to town CbHataton

Harry Potonasyor ytnraaj to Iowa aftar a abort vlalt at WIlUs McLoaMito.

A aurpttos party waa glvoa Mtoa Ida Larg at tbs booM at Will Gaidar. Prtday evaalas- A coMpany at ttfly* two guaata way pyaaat and aajarad aa oM fbahlnaort doom At tba clam of tbe party, Mtoa Larg was pmsaatad with a baauttfttl ebate and laabat from tba goaato. Mtoa Laia wlobaa to thank kar fiianda for tba glfl R will ba a aaatoaato at tba piaamat iTiaif apant wttb tbaa all. Daaaai bar W. 1911.

Harry M Roaaa laft for Lnntong. Tburaday. wbay ba basnn work at hla formar play at tba Olda Mniori Wbrba

My BUyr Moan to taklag cam of My .Northway at tba boms of Dr- Slmmoaa-

Mr. aad My Bart Soou ham uovod frooB tba rooaas ovar Bebayy'a atom .nto raoBM omr tba bardway atoy-

Harl Scott by sold bto farm la tbe west part of tbe vHtofc to Har^ man Zishke at oy bundrsd dallay

IMl. Man Oaryto Mmt*

G- Dixon aad wttoto Banday ta Iba 1

Gyrgi Post and wifb apyt TVaia- dajr avantag at Ambto Sbrttbb-

Oyapa Past and wlfa aauartatood a laay eaaspaay at mladya. Cbrtot*

OasasB Ito wnaairad TTfTTT?? ntoMm Uhbto MaO y a foaot ta tha

Id and wtto vlaltad wife of Fbwiar

aa of Waxfotd Co.. booM of ■! Baalth.

My fctalto Wood vlaltad frtonda to Malr yoatoly-

A. Baalth wy to Dotrolt Wadayday am banlaMaa-tartalaad a oooiip£ny*to itlatima Now

Profeasor Unna of Hamburg. Germany, and Dr. Sabourand. tbe leadlDK Prench dermatologist, dla- eorered that a mlrobe cauaea baldney. Their theory by time and again been amply verified thmugh reaeareh exper- tment* carried on under the obaerva* tlon of lodges in the Sebum, which la the natuyl hair oil. and when permit­ted to flouiiah it deatroya the hair fol- llclea and in time the porea entirely doae. and the scalp gnulually takM on a ahiny appearance When thia happetM there is no hope of the ernwth of hair beinr revived

We have a remedy arhlch will, we boaesily believe, remove dandroff, ex­terminate the microbe, promote aood cirrulatly in the realp and around the hair roota. tighten and revitalize the hair roots, and overcome baidneaa, 90 long aa there ic any life In the hair room

We back up thla statement with our awn personal guarantee that tbla remedy called Rexall “9S” Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all CMt to the uyr if It falls to do m we sute.

It will frequently help to raatore gray and faded hair to its origlml ylor, providing loy of color haa been mused by disease; yet It to In no yny a dye. Rexall ”93’’ Hair *roaic accompitohm thsae results by aldiag Ml making every hair root, folitcle. and pigment gland strong and active. Md by stimuiating a natural flos’ of ealorlng pigment throughout the hair ylto.

We eyrt no obllgationa or promtoy we almply aak you to give Rexall ”’93’ Hair Tylc a thorough trial and if not yttofied tell ua aad are will refund the auioey you paid y for It. Two alxy priem sec and tl-dO. Rismembar. you ann obtain It In St Johm only at our store- The Renll Store The ’Travto A SBhtley Drug Store

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦♦ KIVKRNIDK <9♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A A♦♦f

Mr. and Mra. A- Wlager and Mra. L. .Northway are very III at thla writing-

John Hesritt of Detroit wy in town New Yeara-

(’yh 'Tucker of Portello spent a few days In town Isal week calling on old friends and visiting hla relatlvea-

Mr. and Mra George Williama. Mr. and .Mrs Karl VanPleet and Kmeraoa GrlnoM of Grand I.<edge. ynt Monday with Russell Grinold and family.

Mra. Rimer Mann la taking care of Mra .Northway at the home of Dr. R. Simmons

f'haries Wilcox and family enter­tained Mr- and Mrs William Bmery. Mr and Mrs Perry Pierce and family, Mra Mary Daviyn, Mr and Mra. Will HIrks and daughter. Vera, of .Novi, .-uid Glenn .Miller of South Riley. Christtnaa

Mr and Mrs Pred Tucker enter­tained Mr and Mra Samuel Smith and ' aona. of l»ralrle Creek, and MIm Merle I Harte of Hath. Sunday I

MIm Rlglna VanPleet left Monday for Chicago, after spending the holi­day vacation here with relatives and friends

Mr and Mrs. Omar Dllla spent New Year’s day with Prank Hurd and fam­ily of South ItoM’Itt

Mra Gerry W Dllla ami daughter. Foreste. of Detroit, vtolted at O B. Dliis from Monday until Priday.

Mr and Mra- Charles Ix>renze and aoo. Alvin, were In (toyloni from Wed­nesday until Sunday, the gueau of Mr and Mrs. Amid Parlor ’They foiiml snow IK Inches deep and huge snow drifts in tiaylord.

.Mark Fennel visited from Prtday until Monday In ('htcago. the guest of Mr and Mrs A. H. Alexander

.Miss Ida l.<erg left Tuesday for Wln- klertuu). Arizona, where she will flnish teaching the school Mtoa IdlMbeth I^erg had commenced teaching but re­signed before the holidays.

A serious auto accident has just taken place in thla village this after­noon (Tueadayt One of the testing mschines from Isuising which wy oc­cupied by a man and hla wife, who were on thsir smy from St. Johns to lamsing. when the machine alesred on the hill north of the Bapttot church, smashing up the machine and throw­ing the orcupanto fifteen feet- Tbe woman, who waa plebed up uncon-

p^r acre.Dyto Linn lalt Tuatoay for Big

Rapida srhere he will take a ooaaaiar- clal cottine in tbe Institute.

■d. Cole and family toft ’Thursday for tbair homa in 8t. Albans, Vannont- Mrs Jannle Cola, Urn. Grace Ham- moad aad Mias Latah Wlloox ae- companlad tham to I analog, wkara they spent the evening

Mr. aad Mrs. O. B. Dllto cave a party In honor of Mra. Gerry Dllto, Tburaday evaning. Among the gueato present were Mtoa Bdtth Brlckatt at Holt.

A son sraa born to Mr. aad Mrs. Paul Lsltska. Wednesday. Dacambar 27. Mra Lsluke waa formerly Barths Roharer.

Mra George Heitor of DattoiU spent last week at Dan Heltor’a

George Lsrg. who baa been attend­ing the Big Rapida Institute, returned home Piiday. and srlll dnlah the aehool In Rew which sraa. begun by Mias Ida Larg-

Tbe Ladles’ of the O. E. 8 will give a chicken pie dinner at the Maaonlc hall, Wednesday. January 10. 1912. Everybody Invltad. •

Mtoa Hdith Biicfcett of Holt, was a guest of Mtoa Lalla VanPleet several days last weak

Randolph Lorenz received among hie Chrtotmaa preaento a oollactlon of old books, one of srhich he values very highly, being an oM bihle printed In Prance SSu yeara ago, and baa bean handed down In the Pavlor family several generations

Ray Simmons of Detroit, waa at the home of hla parents, Mr. and Mn. R aiminons. over New Yeara-

Plfty-flve numbers were sold at the -dance given by the D- of R. at the Woodman Hall, Monday night.


\ ♦ UnPAmiTILLB ♦;♦ ♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mtoa L. Ball aad Ruby WlnSald ra- : turnad to tbair aebool work In Ypai- ^ laaU- Ball to at tbs stats normal I comptottog for a Ilfs cartlSeate and I Ruth to taking miioa timtotog

J. J. Saab and ftonlly at Gunnison villa, attandad tbe masting at H- A- Parmlee'a Priday nlgbL Also vtolted at W. H. Wtnfleldto and Gaorge Me* Iwad'a orar Sunday.

Rav, Bancroft praaobad a vary aa- lertatolag asnnon tont Sunday morn­ing. Hla thame wno^ tba old and tbe new. Praachlng aarvlcan naxt Sun­day evening at tba usual hour, to which a cordial Invltatloo to extended to all-

A. C. Baker to vtoiUng ralatlvao near Bay City tbla weak-

Extanolve praparmtlona are being made tor the Hp^orth League ooavan- tlon. which srlll convene at thla place Janaiary IS and IS-

Lsora Baacraft Is 111 at this writ­ing srtth heart trouble.

Mr. aad Mm- B. Hbsle of Duptoln apant New Year's day with P. K- Hbxle and famlly-

The abarlff of St Johns made a buatnaaa trip to this place Monday.

Bert Oox of Grand RapMa spent a few daya tha fore part of the weak with hto paranta Mr. and Mrs- J. C. Cox.

John Daley to Improving slowly.

ditto Per Ptale-was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, In New Orleans in 1342. Mighty costly for those srith atomach trouble or In­digestion. To day imople every where use I>r. King's New Life Pills tor these troublee aa well aa liver, kidney and bowel dlaontara. Easy. safe. sure. Only 2h eta. at J T- Mlllroana. Van Sickle and ttolaape. Travto aad Shiley.



Dept*We are well equipped to (III praoertptlans. family raealpta and stock madlclnas Our syatam at recording guards against mto- tnkaa and you can always gat exa^y the aaoae rsealpt filledagain.

Leaf Sage ratoad In Cllnioa County aad free from all leaf Mad pound ...._________ _________

Put Your Name Oto yrosar

tha .

IfA two line rubber stamp cento ___ _ ______MrLeave order bare aad odvartlae your producta. A stamp pad coats lie addlUanai-

Hunt’s Compound 25cStops tha tiable and cuma tha cold.

; Sal Vet—frees stock from worms ;AORl yiou get the benefit of all tbe com ye«t toad lo dollam aad ream Try a package aad receive money back after uolag. If net oattoded Aak for book on euriaa

Dept.Mfnad HnpMa Htrold Bargain ilftor aati Blata Journal. Dally, l^aaiag Detroit TImao aad Map_____ _____

to Janaary 1&. ------ BMB ,

Iwf I kg Stn - bWitt, Md-

P W Jason and family spent Xmas with H C. Clark and wife of St. Johns

Mrs. William Hoffman and daugh­ter, Mm F. Speerhrrcker and Miss Ruth Hoffman of {..anolng spent the week with relatives In Riley.

O- E- Robaon entertained company from I^inalng. Xmas

Henry I*1tu and family spent Xinaa with her mother near FOwler.

.Mr Becker of Lansing spent one day laat week with F. W Jason

Ira Richards to vtoltlag at W’. Ben­ton^

.Mr and Mm J- D- Ai^fema enter­tained relatlvea from Lanaing over the holldoya.

William Cole nad wife spent Xmaa with Alec McArthur, near St Johns.

Arthur BHtxard spam part of Iasi week In Ijznolng

lAoten for the wedding bellsHd. Btoaoll and wife spent Xmaa in

WacouaiaThe M. W. A of PVzreot Hill Camp

have rbangad their meeting nights from Saturday to Wednoaday and would Ilka to have all mambera praa evt naxt regular night. January 10. as very important buolnsoa to to ba dtoctmaad-

Oacar .Nuffar received a latter from r N. Cowles and wife stating they had purchased aa orange grave la California

BPJl'rRH TfflAlf flPANKING. • Spaaktagdeea aec cave ehUdroa of bed-

wetUag. There is a caaatttutlaaal rnaai for tMs tnmMa. Mm M. baaMMcs, Bos W. Notro Daaae. lad., will aaad froo to say motNor bar oweesoatol booM treat oMst. with tall laatruc-Uoas load no aMwoy. but writ# hor today If your ehU- tfrsn trouMo you la tbla way. Dpa't blaata tho cMId. tbo chaaaao are It <ha*i oolp It. TMs traotaieat also euros adulu and ogad pooplo troubled with urlaa dif- flcutttoa by day or algbt.

on the atoh Itot-

Joana ■vans rstarw in Ponnaylvaaia. last

Mtosao Mhal f^offto ftox raiarasd lo thsir Witt and Bath Into M

a vtott

da to Da- r, aftar a

Mr. and Mm Otto Runyan and babe returned home one day last week, aftar >islting her parenu in Rome

Mm D Rnahoa to conaidamkli bat- tar.

Thara will ka a psdro party at Wah- arto Hall this avanlag gtvan by tha Young Man's Haaiaty.

Mr. and Mra. Anitraw Sahaallar vto- Had hto paranta. Mr. aad Mm M- Behiiallar. for tha pant waak.

Wort was racalvad kam Sunday that Waltar WbHtan. formerly at this piaea. bat now at noar Ignna. dlad of typhoid tovar. Saturday avoalag. aad tha fuaami waa held there Wad- Boadny.

Mtoa Raglaa Sutton. Mtoa Mayam Mulllaa and Mtoa GoMa Back vlaltad Mm Floraace fbs, In DaWitt. from Saturday until Monday.

Mm. Frank Ulrich aad ehlMrea vlaltad la HaattngB. Chrtotmaa waak.

Mr. aad Mm Fred Millar. Jr-, vto- Itod her parenu. Mr and Mm C. Feldpauoeh. Chrtounns

Mr. aad Mm Louis Behuallar vto- Itod hto paranta, Mr. and Mm M. SchueHar. during holMaya-

Mr.' aad Mm Alfred Orular vlaltad hto brotham aad atoura the fimt of the waak.

Mm Frank Grular rauimed to bar borne la Potoskay. Friday, aftar vtoltlag bar mothor, Mrs H. Mac- Laughlto. aad othara, a faw daya-

Tha Ladles’ Aid Saelaty will nuat with Mrs Corwin Sturgis naxt Tuaw <lAy afumooa. All mambam are m- quostad to ba praeauL

Mr. and Mm Morlce Crane vlsitad hto parenu In Lynns. Monday evn- Intog-

Mn 0 Feldpauach retumad to her home In HaattngB last Saturday, af- ur helping take care of bar atotar. Mm. D. Roehoo, who la a great deal battar.

Howard BWrldge ratumed to Big Rapida Tuesday, aftar being homa during holiday sanaon

H. Raymond Masmra returned to Ann Artior T’ueaday, aftar being home for the peat two weaka

Mlaa Pearl Baldwin returned to bar school last Friday to Fort Wayne, Ind

Mm. Bmle Thornton retumad to bar home In Kings Mills tost Satur­day. after visiting her parenu. Mr. and Mm George Baldwio and family, alao other relatlvea aad friends

Mrs. B- L. Taiiman visited bar oto- tarn. Mrs. C F. Meyer aad family. Mm W. W. KIniey and family, also other friends, returning home Tuea- day noon

Mr. and Mrs- Anthoney Bertram aad hla brother. Alex., from Lansing, vlaited rtlativea here during holidayaeaaon

.Mrs K J. I.4>ddlck and son. Roth., from Montague, was here vtolttag oM ! neighbors and fiienda. going from here to Ovid, Tuesday.

witot a cold it ■ lo loag ai tkmm DWnng RRMKl QW BOMS. OHIwbesilM tili down to bar

tr. ____ <--l- -L,-n,

It to thea die aeedi a Pwfectiua Snaihebto CXI Haaler. Ili quick, gkywiag beat wanm up aroooi kmegt to bo tmm,

Tbal is tba haanly ol a Padseboa SmMLm OI Haatof. k a dways raady for um; yon con awry it rdtoraver you piaaoe; and you igfat it only urban yon want iL

danse iaoBSi dua k i» labakU. wla •adaeoasniBai—boms aiaa baan aa eos Hap HoadMwa laem

ndawi ar'

Standard OH Company

Tbe Beat Way ia die Simpleat Way------------- ■ ' ' i-i--HamnBSBi-—

Just received a Carload of

Cutters Md Cutter GarsCall and inspect this line of

New Cutters and Gears before buying — It will pay you.

A full line of Warm Blankets at Right Prices.

R SHAWSt Johns. Michigan

J. W. KX.iPP A i'il. I J. B. KX.4PP A (’(». J. W. K.NAPI* A ro. J. W. KNAPP A ro.

A Hera In m Llehihauai.For yenm J. S- Donahue. Bo. Haven,

Mich., a civil war captain, aa a light- houae keapar, avartad awful wracha. but a queer fact to he might have baan a wrack. bloMsIf. If Blaetrtc BtUam kaul not prevoatad. '’They eurhl mo cT kidney trouble and ehllto.** be wrltao. "after I had taken otbar ao enllod ouraa for yaam wttbout banItU aad they alao Improved my sight. Now. at aaveaty. I am toallog ftea" For dyo- papaia todigaatioa. all atomach, ilvor and kldnar troublaa. thay’rv without equal. Try them Oaly SO cto at J- T. Mllliaan'a. VaaBicMe A GlaapU’a. Tra­vto A ShUay^

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ B♦ LIBANOte ♦♦ ♦

Harman Baxter, Who to attandtag aehoni la Bt Johns, apant tha holt- daya with ralatlvaa hare

William Burdick aad wife ratumad to thatr bonw In Muir. Monday.

Mr. omd Mrs Arrkle Booith vtolted friaada ta Mapie Rapida. Tuaaday.

Jaaiaa and C J- Muadall aad faml- Iton spent Chrtotmaa at tha hams of Mictmal MorlU of Fowlarf-

Haidy Maitor vtoitod Wllltom Bax- tor Bunday.

Lathar Phil mtamad to hto hoaaa

to Mr. Mra.

January Clearance SaleBi^r and Better Than Ever

Starts This Tuesday MorningP'or years wc have made the morning after “New Vc.ir” nicnu>rahle by beginning our January Clear­

ance Sale, offering our entire winter stock of merchandi.se .it radical reductions. These sales have come to he looked forward to as the best opportunity of the whole year to complete your winter purchases at a splendid .saving on early .season prices. In point of the variety of this offering and the real economics made possible, this will he the greatest January Clearance Sale we have ever inaugurated.

The New Year of l‘)12 brought to a clo.se the most successful season wc have ever enjoyed, with a re­markable volume of business wdiich necessitated constant reordering, keeping our stock always new and up-to-date. The result is that the opening of this January Sale finds our stock more attractive than ever before, representing, in as.surtments .seldom found in clearance sales, the verA’ latest and best productions of the world of fashion.

This sale covers every department of this great store, not a section here that does not respond with i prices reduced all the way from 10 to 50 per cent.—With such goods as we sell, a Clearance Sale means something to you, .something worth while. It isn’t simply that you have a chance at this .season of the year to buy Merchandise for less money than usually paid for them, but you have a chance to buy unusual­ly good Merchandise at leas than usual.—You know our method of Merchandising—these goods must go— We’re getting to the point now when we’re looking forward to spring; we have to look a great deal farther forward than you do of course, if we’re to be ready with spring goods when you want thevn.

Lower prices for 15 days than we have ever given. Come.

"Tha SiorQ that does M H odtrertJaes’"___

<!)!w.Knapp<S^^^Come to this tile mCENTRM. MKH-RULIADLE: STORE

will not be diaap- JLAAFH/AfH • Mrc.Pt\pointed, Ev^ arti- i

cle reduoad in price. mIc.

Thia is YOUR oppor­tunity. 'The cofisider-

^ ation of economy, if not an immediate

nRRd, should attract 3foa to the special val- offered in thk



Continuing for Two Weeks, Closing Saturday, January 20

Geo. H. Chapiimn*s Elntire Stock to be reduced in two weeksby reducing and closing out thousands dollars of Dry Goods. An event which is eagerly

looked forward to as an opportune time to select your future wants in Dry Goods.We boom our business by giving our customers good stuff for their money, jTime and space will not allow us to quote prices on every article on sale but everything but thread and corsets are marked down in order to make this the biggest sfde we ever had. We’ll meet or go below every price quoted by any firm in this or adjoining cities. Most em­phatically we say CHAPMAN’S is the place to trade. The quality of the goods and low prices will hack up this statement.

splendid Opportunity to buy CloaksThi-•'Cason-newest fMusli i For $4.96 you may have'

■-'oats, all sizes, lined with a *y<>nr choice of .VJ winter coats ; jjtiaraiiieed liniii}.^. Real val- in hlack .'incl colors. *>0 ;in<l ne We sold them inches lonp .many full silk-special at now we «»f- lined that stdd at Slo to Slin.ler them at . .. . ........... $16.96 _________________________ ;

.A few .SIS.rMI an.l S^O.IH) plain Plush C'oats. to close

Fine Sealette Flush Coats, j jwith handsome satin and I

..........................$14.96 $:r7.5<). at clean-hrocatled silk linings, worth

All new and np-to*<late *'»nd L,p fnlly jjiiaranteed

Fourteen Caracnl Phish Coats, real value Sln.df), soUl s|K*cial at SPk’jO. now. .$9.96

Eleven Imported Pony Plnsh Coats .stdd at $16,7.5. look like real Russian Pony fur, now....................$12.59

You can clean up some money dur­ing our Clean-up Sale.















Why not have the best and trade atChapman’s

Everything awaits you. Everything invites you. For the good of both of us we want you to come to this sale Saturday. Our winter up to January Ist has been mild. We are overstock­ed with nice warm blankets, underwear, cloaks, and Hosiery. We are bound to reduce stock. We need the space for new goods. We need the cash to carry on our business. Both good land sufficient reasons for this big reduction in former price of our goods.

The Winter’s most Import­ant Event in Underwear.

The Clean Up for the entire winter.Note Low Prices^

Women’s 5(lc I’nion Suits | Children’-' heavy fleeced and vests and pants, fleeced lined vests and pants, all sizes

for children from 4 to 12 yrs., worth Joe to d9c, cleaninj(-np price............................... 19c


\\ omen’s an<l Misses’ Mix tnre^. A fine new stock with lartje sailor collars, double faced material, Roh Roy mix tnre>. all sizes. .Ml rrtlnced t«: close out.

F(>rty-.-'even Children’s ■•’oats. jr»)od warm jrarmeiits, tjfoud style an<l very reason­able at f«inner sellin^j price, now Half Price.

Elomestic Bcirgains

Wool Dresses, Silk Velvet Gowns.L. L. Cotton, worth 7c, now.................6cL. L. Colton, worth 8c, now........... 6^cLonsdale bleached, worth 12VSc...8^^

W e had a splendid trade in wool dresses and silk Rowns.j Pest Standard Print.s, worth 7c ... 47^cThe reason—we had a city stock to .select from and prices Manchester Percale, worthmuch nnire reasonable. However, we have advertised a ..................................cut in Tirices throujrhoiit the store and now come and jjet ai press (jinjjham, worth ICk now. •-oViC

Dress (fineham. worth 12‘4, now, lO^^c new dress at a harpain. ^

lined at 43cWomen’s Fleeced

Cotton Union Suits at . .87c

One table full of odds and ends to close out at just half

Xice clean j^rments, only broken sizes.

\\'omen’s fine wool Union Suits preatly reduced:S1.o<) wool suits at.... $1.29

1.7.5 wool suits at .... 1.44 P*’**^®2.1 N1 w<»o] suits at .... 1.592.50 w(Mil suits at .... 1.98 2.50 wiml suits at.........2.89

Outing Flannel Night RobesNice warm jjarments, pretty braid trimmed, good

lengths and full for less than you can buy the material..SOc (jowns at....................43c $1.00 (iowns at................. 88c75c (lowns at....................54c S1.25 (towns at............. $1.108*ic G<»wns at....................75c $1.50 ( iowns at.............. $1.23Dress Ciingham, worth 15c. now . .ISVaC

Bc.st fancy outing worth 12^2, now . .9c i • i i ^.Ml our lOr fancy Outing, now ... 8^c| W^arm Wool FiniShCQ CJottOfl olanKCtS.All our He fancy Outing, now........Bjt^cW e offer 8c Crash at......................6* jcWe offer 10c Crash at....................854cVVe offer 1234c Crash at ..................10cWe offer 15c Crash at....................1234c

$15.00 Silk Dress al....$12.49 $10.50 Silk Dress at....$13.951

$7..50 VV<ud Dress at.....$5.95$10.00 W’omI Dress at.. .$7.95$12..5() W^onl Dress at. .$9.95iS18.50 Silk Dress at....$14.95| wool dress gootls at ..$15.00 \\ Old Dress at..$12.59 S20.00 Silk Dress at....$15.95'(>5c wool dress gootis at...$20.(t0 W'ntil Dress at..$16.95 $25.(X) Silk Dress at....$19.95j75c wool dress gr»o<ls at...---- ---- ■! ! 89c wool dress ^oods at .

SILK WAISTS. '-------------------------------- __________________ _________$.1.75 Silk Waists at.....$2.95 CRIB BLANKETS.$5.00 Silk W'aists at. $4.29$5.50 Silk \\ aists at....$4.59$5.75 Silk W aist^ at.....$4.79$#).50 .$ilk \\ .'lists at.....$4.95$8..50 Silk \\ ai ts at.....$5.95$10.00 Silk W .'lists at... $6.95

Dress Goods are all marked down for this big event.50c wool dress goods at....................44c $1.00 wool dress goods at..................87c

1.25 wool dress goods at................98c1.29 wool dress gnotls at..............$1.191.50 wcM)l dress goods at.................1.34 •1.75 wool dress gootls at.................1.4B !


$1.00 Waists at................. 75c$1.25 Waists at............... 89c$L.50 Waists at............... 98cWomen’.s Wcm»I Dre.ss Skirts Big line of hlack and color-' in fine French voiles. serges„ panamas and mixtures. ■ )dd skirts at less than half price. Look them over.

In pink and blue, in bow-knots. Teddv bear. .A. B. C,and Bunny designs. large'iize and heavy, worth 75c,«m sale at...................... ....63c


4000 Yards Shaker Flannel worth 6c, at 4^c

(Darpets, Curtains, Rugs

COATS.New up-to-date styles

bought direct from the mills, all sizes and prices, ntiw 25 per cent the regular price.


WINTER PURS.In .Ma.ska, Fox. Jap, .Mink,

French .Mink, Black Fox. etc,, from $2.50 a piece to $40.(X), now on sale at one- quarter off.

Nothing hut a large stock and turning merchandise into cash would tempt us to quote the price we offer in this de­partment.No OU Stock. No Dmmmged Goods

Extra heavy granite carpet, on saleat, per yard.........................................l$cHalf wfK)l filled ingrain carpets, good

patterns at......... ^.....................3kBest quality half wool filled ingrain

carpets, reg. 45c quality, sale price, 86c Best all-wool filled ingrain carpets . .44c Strictly all-wool ingrain carfiets ... 94c Extra super, all-wool, ingrain caqiets, 99

The balance of our Xma.s stock to lie sold.$1.00 Hand Uhrs at.........83c'' ”?•• •l''al'«y. two ply$1.25 Hand Bags at.........96c$1.50 Hand Bags at.... .$1.25,$1.75 Hand Bags at.... .$1.39$2.(X) Hand Bags at.... .$1.49^.50 Hand Bags at.....$1.96 i

tngrain carpet aac

Tapestiy, velvet and a.xministcr car­pets. all at a REDUCTION.

9x1134 matting rugs, good patterns,be sure and see them....................$2.69

,9x12 Matting rugs, gooil patterns, .4,99 8 1-2 X 10 1/2 .Axminister rugs .sold in

many carpet stores at ^).00 and $22..W, our price during this salewill he..........................................$14.90

One lot of 9x12 axminister mgs $20 and $22.50 qualify, markeddown h>r this sale at................... $19.96

One lot of 9x12, $25 quality, axminis­ter and velvets on sale at...........$16.90

We have in stock all sizes from 434x6*4 to 12x15 mgs, a beautiful line of patterns and colors, all marked down for this sale. Be sure and see them.

YOU WILL BE PLEASED WHEN YOU SEE THEM.50c Blankets at................ 49c *$1.30 Blankets at..........$1.19(..Sc BKinkets at................ 55c nianki-ts at..........$1.»

$1./.*) Blankets at..........$1.43/.5c Blankets at................ 65c 5200 mank,,, ........... $1.65$L(X) Blankets at.............88c $2..50 Blankets at......... $1.95

We offer the best dollar blanket on the market and will compare same with any blanket shown.

Winter Millinery.About too hats to choose from, all shapes, all prices,

all trimmed by our milliner. .All mu.st be sold. Its impossi­ble to quote prices but we’ll promise you more for your money than ever before. Our loss is your gain. They must ^ sold. Are you supplied? If not do not let this oppor­tunity go by.

Silk PetticostsIn black and colofa T1m> MUrc

iKoek at a Ms rMtuctloo All can mfford one at ptfcaa quolad:M.Ob pattkxMrt at __ IMS


tft.on patticoat at____16.76 petticoat at ____It.M paMleoat ai____17 60 patUeoat at_____teAO pattlaoat at_____IIO.M pattleaat at____ttt.50 petticoat at____Aa atoaaal Haa a# Mai la BiiraaftBid lalia and 1146 (ladaraldrts id at tl.Sf uadiialilrta at 1140 iiadiraliIttB pa at ts ao uadaiaklm pa at ti.ia uadaiairtrta po at It at uadaiaMrta pa at

Silks of Qualify’RIack illk. 34-lDCliao. goaraatead

black taffeta. baauUful laatre,worth II aad 11.16, at......... N7c

'Tblrty-ali-lach guatantaed Maek taf­feta. aoM at II.si; now Jl.tt


Table LinensMr all Itaaa at ..Mr all I1a«i at76c all Itaaa at , .II M all ItaMP at llAi all Itaaa at . II M all llpoa at 11.76 all llaaa at^

MJi i Our extra value of M-lndi guaraateed Mack taffuta. worth 11.61 aad |1 16.M ........... -.siJi

▲II our M-taeh U.M eolofud taffeuat ------- $tM

$!•#) All our 11.01 allk druoa aad waMC IBjgi pattaraa. aale prtoe .. H7e

Sli aa ' M-tach luaaaallae allha, worthIIAO a ran. at______ __ SIJS

Thirtr-alx-lach white Chlaa alHt.worth « ceata. aour____ .. Me

ThIrtr-aix-toch white lapaaeae allk,worth Na. aow _____ Me

All our rMBPuiiia of allk AT A in« IHn’OI’XT.

All our S7-taeh Chtaa allk, la M dlf- threat ooMra. worth Me. aow Me

Napkinsll.M uaahlaa at ....... fSe9\M naplrtau at .___________ Sl MIIAO aagSMa at , _____ flJS11.71 aapStaa at-------------------- tl^SM.M aapklOB at _________$f4»

Me MAO aasklPB et ^ iLSN•4M aaaldaa at____________ ' aaS

■lOH*. TH£8T. JORlf8lfSWt.Tm^UmiT AFTmfCXni—JiUTUAXT 4, mx


• mnI BwifeW« ia racMpt of fitMB

Mrs. Eva Goaldas, M4 Maditaa St, H<opakj. Kam., and Mr. P. H. Ga»al Im. Wagoaar, OfcU.. as''woU m nuMiy albert, rdliaa aboat the woadarfal ra> aalts they have ■ecared hi the core ol ibMr ttoaBach aad liver troabftea by Ibi aee of Dr. Caldarall's Sjrrap Pay-

_' Thia reoMdy. aa ell raadeea deaMleaa

»w. aee baM beTere (be pablle for a “ ' 1 la aow baliw motm ea-

tbaa aar ocaar ritidr liver aaa bawal aeai*

ta. Aaoerdlaa ta raltaMa taatl- It aaaoM to be a varr qateb aad

oera tor coaattpatlaa. ladlaao* S ayeetaela. liver troaMa. nU-

baaaaobao, aaar mtommatk, mom oaaeb. droaralaaaa after aatlM

M OkmUmr dlrordera. It la a lleold iWi taalo otfaat, aad aa aMMaad aaa* ala act lea that a ebtid aa araU aa a pawn ptraca eaa taba It. la fact. It BTpaapiai^ for ehUdiaa. vreatia aadft aroaaea tba law of jaefrle Jalaa

luUar aatloa tralaa tba•a a aarda

[♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I;♦ ♦!♦ UBKBXm'Hli ♦!

!♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦]

A. O- ailaea arae tat laaeiad oa ba^ laaaa leot ■atuidajr. I

Harold Mhhar of Bela eehaol. ayeat |' the holldaia with hla paraata, Mn aad - Mia Joha Mahar.

Carl Rohart of WL Johaa vtoltad hla ^ auBt far a few dajre iaat weak.

Ufa. A. D. Ollaaa la viMtIac bar dauyhtar. Miw H. J. Bahar. la Waal-

News Short Storymis FOR WILD

Aae Mary BilWhl la Atta Qaaw hy ImMallat Their

1 aad ehlldrea of Brie layor-


of A

trial br mommmt Paar atfbeae to la ,

Oavellaa_ loaraod of tba aoro. Later, whoadMIeffliiT It la the raaicdy yoa aaad. do ad aCbara are dolaa aad bi^ It of year kawpltt at'dfty oaaU aad oaa dollar % bottle.>Dr. Oaldvr^ daoe aot foal that tba

■Vebaae of bla raaiady cads hla obll- Blloa. Ha bae cpaclallead la etoaMkOb. Baer aad boaral tfaaaaoa for over forty aaars aad will bo plaaccd to alva tba ipdar aay advtae oa tba oablM free m ebaraa. All are wclcoan to writoi HMb Wbetbar for the ■ailoel adviea fa the free caaMle eddcaaa him Dr. m B. Caldwell. Bl Caldwell balldla«^ Biatleello. OL

Mia. W, Q- WId of 8L Johaa are n eall aad (aailly.

C. C. Badlegr waa In J Oauirdar to Wodaaadap.

Hasal aad Pearl Marahall of 81. Johaa aad HUia aad Albact Mafaball of LaaalBs vMtad thoir praadparaata. A. D- Oileoa aad wife, over ChHatmae

W- J. Whltioek, wife aad eoa aad Miw a M. Aadma aad eaa Miller ate Chrtattaaa dtaaer with Mre. BUoabetb Smiley.

Mlder Hoxle has been boldlac a aar- iea of nieetlaye at the Advaatlat fihureh-

Rlchard Welllayi end family aad i Ployd Pbatar aad wife attended the Drake reuakia ta Deniyl (Thiiatmae.

Mlaa Nora Beebe of the Imnelnp j blind school spent the boHdeys with i her pareatA W. P. Beebe and wife.

Mlea Bteelr Andrva of St Johns la ; rtamiip bar paraata. J< P. Aadma and - wtta.

Mrs. C. C. amllay la vlalUng bar mother la Jaeheoo ft>r a faw weehe

Theroo Inperaoll vlaltad la Oread Rapids aad Ionia durlnc the holldaya.

Mrs. J. P. Andma vtalted her dauch* ter. Mrs. Roaa Sutfla. la Oread Rep- Me leot waak.

DpaUe iMst



Proven l>y Hie bcM ol eervioe on tbe Bbla ol throe generMioae.

HfiHKDS mb:

4e ••SOtPfr Plait that Wtan. ** Ih become the hcknowlaloecl stanH- msL No mhMer vrhat the article. Iwge or small simple or dahorale. fou can ahaoluteiy Hepemi on iti snaring quality il stamped **IB47 OBBIS —the original RogersBros.* trade marh. We carry a good Idc ol all the patlema.


1 Flnanelal Imaab Up of Pettier In Lam Did Nat

I Him to Worry.

! OoL Aleseadar 8. Baooa,‘ of tho Mao's BqiMl 8ttffraya Laayaa j of Brooklyn, eald tha othar day to I e raportar:

Tae. lt‘a true that yoa wen*t flad I nany AaMrlcae peeraaase aaroUad I uador tha euffreye beaaor. Tha girl i who lata a forelgaar merry bar for ! moaoy la..enywaya. e rethar poor I epaelawn.**

Coloaai Bacon frowaad.I ‘*Tbara‘a e Now York maa.** ha aaM,

‘‘whoaa deaghtar. dnriac e wlalar la J Iflea, yot enaeaad to e oartntn Oooat I Baau da Baaumont Tha Hem York I men wea rleh et that tina, bat a tmw ' waaka bafora the deto oat for tba mad- ! dlay ha want to amaab.

“'My daar Count Baau da Baash i moat.* ha groeaad that night. Tn j vary oorry for you. You are to asarry ' my daaghtar—you wara to hava bad

ISS.080 e yaar—bat tba nraah has ' rone. I’m ralead now. Bow aorry I : aai. oonat!’

’’Bnt Count Baau da neeamoat gavo tha Now York maa a raaoaarlag alapOB tha back.

**'Oh, don’t yon worry aboot ma. Mr/ he eald, with an aaoy laugh. *Wlth a tlUa like mine, you kaow, I tm Had aaotbar hafraaa tooBorrov/**



u^n itsparrnt doc^ not end with food, clothes and shelter. Thfre’sone more—[a photof^raphic record of its youth is a lef^itimatr claim. In fact ft •!& a neceaaity’. Many parents^realize this.




Rt Johns. Mich January I. 1912.


Wheat, red_________________________ S9Wheat, white....... ..................................... *7Oats ........ 47Rye______________________ 86('holce hand picked beana_______ tl-OOKeans over 10 lb. pick baala ... ......41.90Other beana 5e per bu. tor aaeh Ib.


New com ___ _______ J8 to soCora, shelled, per buMiel___ S6 to 68Old com In ear.................. 26Clover seed. June ___________ tll.OOClover seed. MamoBOth - . . $11.00Clover seed. Aleyke __________ $9.60


Cattle, fatted........................$4 00 ff $600Veal calvaa____________$6.66 • $7.60Hoga. par cwt.. ________$6.00 O $6-00Sheep, per owt - M.60 • $$J6I^mbe. per cwt_____............... $4.60


Beef, dramed _______$6.00 O 17.60Pork, per owt.________ $6 00 • $7 60Calves. dreoMd________$7.00 O 96.00Mutton, draesed ............... -...... $7.06Tallow .......... 4

LITE POUliTl^H.Chlckeaa. large. Ikfc....................$ to 10Cbtekeas. light or tirta....... .........6 • 7Haas, large, fst ■ ■ •Heat, light or thla_____________ • 7Ducke. large, MS..........................9 • 10Dueks. eaudl. tMa.__________________6Oeese . t'Turkeys, largb fSt IS

tfOTl 111909 I , ..........Horae Mdaa ________Calf akiaa. green ___Daaeoa Mdae-----------aheep pMte--------------PMMITCI, YMBTAl Batter______________

m to 9l.6i




Cider applaa. per ew? Potatoes......... .........- .

■AT. ivnuw. WfNIM.

New TInethy No. 1 . New *nnMitky. No f

Mixed ......................New No. 1 Clover__

Mixed __________.New No. 1 CloverWood, hard _____Wood. sMaod --------


Mrs. IMakley rame over eltli s hetek of bvaed fOr Stepkea atroag.

ekoeld think you’d get nianiei.** the aaid. daiiagty.

Stephea amlled at bar. "liow amay times have yeu eald that to aw. Mrs.BHnkleyr*

”1 Khali aay it until you give me an answer.** *

"All that la over for aw.** bitterly. • Mrs. Brinkley turned aad faoed him. “You’ve aever forgottoa Mary Doenr*

Nobody had spoken to Stephen of Mary Dean slnoe. ten years ago, she had lilted him.

Hie heed went ap. bat he smiled ■ediy, as Mrs. .Brinkley laid her wrlakled hand over hla Mg brown one. **I want to aae you bappy.” aha aaid softly.

“Oh. I am happy, and I’m getting to be a ver>’ good housekeeper.**

Me carried the situaUoo off ao ligbtly that ahe bad notbtng else to ■ay. but when she reached the door ahe turned and asked sharply. “If Mary ahould coam back, what then?**

8tepl.en stared at her. He had aever thought of that. He had planned hie future with rafereace only ta hla bachelor needs.

He walked to the gate with Mrs. Brinkley, and when be coxae back the loaellneoe of bis Mg double house struck him with a chill. Stephen's mother had been with him uatll her death, aad she and her eon bad lived 111 the newer part. The older wing, fiiralshed quaintly la the style of early Victorian days, was open oaly once a year when Mrs. Brinkley superviaed the cleaning aad siring.

It was Mra. Brinkley's nelgbborll- aees which had made It possible for Stephen to live alone. He loved her not only tor herself, but because she had always been a frtend of Mary Dana.

Yet she had never dared speak to him as she had spoken today. He went about bla tasks fnrloualy, try­ing to put out of his bead the thought of his humiliation and ronaequent auf- feiing

Outside, It was a night of wind and of ttorm. Within, a fire burned on the hearth, aad a oat purred In the warmth and glow. Stephen made a cup of coffee for himself and gave the cat some meet and a dish of milk. In younger manhood Stephen hod aot oared for eats, now there wea something of coxnort In the presence of this gentle, white oreeture.

He set long over the Are that night dreaming. The door was shut be­tween his portion of the house aad the empty rooms. Suddenly be eat up' startled. It seemed to him that somewbero. faintly, he beard the rustle of a woman’s dreoa.

He rubbed bis hands across his eyes He must have fallen asleep, and the swish of the rain on the win­dows had caused the lllnsloa.

He rose, lighted a lamp and went to bed. He left the cat on a cushion on the hearth. He thought be heard the click of a latch. “It Is the wind ** he aaid to hlmaelf. and fell asleep.

In the morning when be went down the oat waa still on the cushion on the hearth rug. but there was something else on the rug—a little fine square of white linen.

Stephen picked up the baodker chief aad stared at it; then he looked at the cat. If only she could speak what would she tell?

It was while he waa still standing there that Mrs. Brinkley came rua- nlag over. "Were you in the other part of your bouse last night?*’ she demanded breathleesly.

“No." luattactlvely Stephen hid the little handkerchief la 'Ms big hands

"There was a faint Slcberlag llsht." Mrs Brinkley said, "tn one of the upper roonM."

"You must have beau dreeatiag.""I coaMn’t have beea," Mrs Brisk-

ley laaieced. “tar I called Mr. Briakley up to look at It."

"Daar Mre. Briakley." Rtephen asked, “who woald coam lato that uaheated pleee on sack a night?"

"Well." Mrs Bnakley mid. de­cidedly. "If I believed ta ghost I should my that It was a ghoat. aad. anyhow, ft pare am aa awfni fright."

•Staphea snitched her tram the aah- )eet 1^ Inqaltiag tnetfhity sheet a certain chocnlat# onhs wMch ahe bad prenyeed to hake far him. aad ptna- eatly oho Sew homeward to boat ap aad bnhe.

When ahe bed gene Stephea steedatm ta tha middia of the Soar. '*We>e sot to look lalo this, poeay oat." ke eald. to the little oat.

He went to a drawor and took oat a Mg hey aad Inserted It softly ta the leek of the divtdtag door. A Meat of oMll. damp air stnmk Mm. He ahtvered aad weal oa. ft waa a ghastly ptan. with the gray wtatm light atfttag thransh cloaod bitada ta the parlor there was ao sign of aay Itvtag prmaace. so Staphea an* coaded the carpeted stairway aad came to the laadtng wltheot havtag omde a soaad Aad it wee there he

float, ahlvertag sad iMaklag. her chmha Sashed, her epee bright.

"Oh. Stephen." she aoM. ‘Nrtaat wlU yon think of am?"

He meat ap to kor aad took her haad "I thtek iMo." he said Madly,

i “that yoa are vary oold aad that yoa I mam aoam dowa aad mt by my Sra."

"I mt thars laet alght." she oald ! mwerfy. "U waa oo bttlar np baaa that whoa 1 hoard yoa go to bod 1

I orapt la aad aharstl tW marmth wtih I tho^pmey eat."

aaid It, aad he mw how weak aho

I “Ton maM noma right down." ho I oald with oathorlty. "Toa*!! froeae here. Mary."

j She hrohe desra and aehhed. "Oh.I nobody has taken flare of am for I years," she aaid. "When mj baa-

band diad I tried to gm work, .aad , then I was in. aad at laet I oaaM back ta the storm, aad when I pamad here I mw the light shlaiag oat. aad

I 1 wanted to stop aad ask yoor I nmther to take am ta; hat I watched and mw ahe waant here, aad m I crept lato the other pert of the boom. I rsmamhsisd the way we need to got ta when wu were ehlldrea. Ste­phen."

"Aad It wm year haadkerehlef I foaad OB the hmrth," he aaid. "Soom- how I felt that it was yoora. Mary "

He helped her down the stairway aad pat her Into Ma own Mg chair. Then he went for Mrs. Brinkley.

“Mary Doan has ceem back. She's sick with a odd and she needs Im­mediate attention." be stated. "TooH coxae, wont you?"

Mre. Brinkley's chocolate cake baraed to a crisp wMle she went oa her errand of mercy, bat she did not care.

She seat Stephen for the doctor. TTmn ahe klaaed Mary aad cried over bar aad lectnred her. and mded by myiag. “Rtephen Is the very bmt auui In the whole wide world."

"Oh. don’t I know It?" Mary asked, "ft seemed to am, Mrs. 'Brinkley, that If I could only gat back here and see Stephen once more I wouldn’t care If I died "

“But you are not going to die." said Mrs. Brinkley briskly. “You're go­ing to get well aad nmrry Stephen."

"Oh, no!" MaryN face flamed. “IleTI never forgive mm, Mrs. Brink- ley."

“You get well," mid Mra. Brinkley, “aad see bow qaickly, he'll forgive you. Rtephen neem you. He's a loaely man—loaelyjpcauae of hla love for you."

In the days that followed Stephen and Mrs. Brinkley and the doctor fought for Mary's life. One morning Rtephen brought her out and put her Into the big chair oa the hmrth.

"YouTI be perfectly well in a few days." be said, bmrtJIy.

Mary looked at him llstleoaly. "Aad then.” ahe aaid. "I moat go away."

"You are going to awrry me," he mid. quietly.

Rbe would not. she protested, not after the way she had trmted him. He urged and argued uatll at last be brr.ught Mrs. Brinkley In to oonvlnoe her.

“Tell her bow I need her," be mid.“Mary Dmn." mid Mrs Brinkley,

severely, “are you going to condemn Rtephen Rtrong to keep house with a iMissy rat for the rest of bla days?"

And then Mary gave in. and Mrs. Brinkley baked the rkscolate cake for tbelr wedding feast.

Tim ladlaaa kava a eaO or tola for nearly every aaiaml. wrikm Mr. Joka0. MlUals ta “Newfoundland and Its TTatradim Wapk." They eaa brtag a fOK right up to within twenty yarda hff maktag a MbUaat aatae prodaead by easklmt the beek of the haad. mm aard takm It to he the cry of a monm ta dlMcnltlm. mta sslilem taUe to ad- vaaea Mom to the aoaad.

■lag carthoa are toled by gragUag kmdiy ta two dtflbroat uggw. a vaoal effioft wMeh raeulres Uttia aktU or praallM oa the imitalaita part. The “heed" stag win quicMy answer the caller, aad adraaee for a short dhP taaoe. bat the travoltag" stag will ooam vary fllom IfOhe calls sre prop­erty msds at saitaMe latarvals.

Wild gsms oaa be called when they Arm arrive ta the sprtag. by wavtag a white rag aad tmltadag their "honk- tag" call, but after the Srst fortnight they take little ppUee of the lore. A small whits deg Is alee attraeOva to geoea la the sprtag. aad oas ladiao I kaow of has killed nambers of them Mrda by uetag one for a decoy.

Dmvera. whoa thay-have bsmi ns- dlsturbed for long, are very curteua tn relatloa to atraage aoaada. They win coam swimming oat of their hoam even at the flrtag of a gan. Tha tos- dtaas usually call them with a hlaMng nolm, or one produced by munchtag tho lips. AuoCher favorite tale is a souad nwds by tapptag the trouaera with tbs band. The meet surtismWi hmvar-caller la Newtouadlaad killed greet aambers of bmvers. ta the open ■smon. by maklag a eouad that re­sembled the catting of cMpe off a trm. It la said that tbs aafortnaats bmvsra never fall to rmpoad ta thla Botoe.

The Indian hm ao call for the lyns. bat oas or two of tbsm can attract the otter by Imitating its shrill wMe- tlau—Youth’s Compaaloa.


Wh^Ais You}M im. ssld ristagi ia

grew er

Ihs Diseovery** H aot aaM Sol el kai^iiliaHlhs^ pri^ja

IM ------'-f » It Is a Said aatruet omdo wMh piM ptwear Rltsafth, from tha rosit of

MS. WofM’a PiipmMry MsMsaloMdissl.JTrV.

Celerod Man Wm Afraid White Foltae Would Think He Wm Just Coea-

men Traah.

"X heap a colored nmn arouad the booee who waits oa the table aad dom various things." aaid tbs lawyer. “Up to a ymr ago he was gsttlag $21 a month. Then he came to me one day and said he must have more money or he would strike. We talk­ed It over, aad settled oa $28 a month. Ho has got along at that ilgurs ever i < since until the other dny, when be | walked tn on OM and said:

" 'MIstah niaak. I'm sure got to go ' oa strike die time*

" 'But 1 thought you were mtlafled*. | Robsrrt,’ I replied.

" 'No. aab—no. sah. I halnt dun m IsSad.*

" 'Well, bow much do you want?*"’I don’t want any mo', sah.*"’Tbon’s what's tho troubloY " 'De trouble am. sah. dat de strtha *

bnilaeea am in de air all 'round me. ! an' I'a got to atrtke or bmt.’

"’Are you going to Imve?*" ’No, ash.*"'Bnt you want more moaoy?*“ ’No. oak.’" Well, what thcnT " *A ymr ago. sah. I struck ford’s |

fur $18. Now I’sc gwloe to atiike back-; ward fur de same $26. Sorry, ash. but I must dun strike or deoe white folks 'ronad yere will think I’m jm com­mon traah and hev no reapeet fur: me!*"—Cincinnati Commercial Trib-1


The best we can give you for as low a

price as possible.

Many photographers do not like to

take pictures of

CHILDRENI do. Bring the children to me.

When you order a dozen photographs of me you get 12 GOOD ones. “No culls.”



be your photographer for 1912.

St. Johns, Michigan


« ,


His C.ie MenuA ^cry stubborn man is ofua

wtoog. but aeldoBi dlaboseat.

Up te the Bae asters.If every bachelor would contrlbaM

$60 te a ooesmon fttod there would he ao dependent chUdraa.

tag! He made Me way to tbs end veom. As be approaekod tbe open

$1.71 fleer he mw a tittle Sgum swalbstl tl J6 • $1.7$ I la Mankato sMim ta a Mi ekair by

POITl/IST* 1 hag Uva peaHiff tke frii

He epehe oafUy: "Mary."■to gave a HtUe ery a^ ba baany otmmtm Ml at

PUT AX EJimiltioimNoeK

HtaariV Byapepeia TaMeis Will De theWerfc e( Two or Tkfve Hleamrba.

Ifteria leetoat Belief.

FREE TBIAI. P.II'KAHE.When your food dam aot digest,

when gaem form, whm you experleace that iiaromfoTtable feellag of fullaem. when tbe breiuh la foul, tbe teague coated aad that tael taste le ta tbe meuth—take a Stuart's Dyspepala TaMet aad watch bow quickly every 00 of them eynipiaam dkmppmr. All that wee needed wee ta digeet that lump of fond ta roar etewmeh.—aad the glaada. whose daty It la to euppiy the naatrlc Jutoea. had Mmply glvm oet from overwork. So whoa you teak that little tablet you were oeupplylag exactly what wm aeeaoaary to com­plete the proeam of digaotloa that the stomach had hegaa hat wm unable to ftatoh

If you vNMid cosMlBue to take a StamitM Dyepspala Tablet after each BMsI for a while, year stomach would have a chance to root up aad act wellaad etraag agate

Try }aat one box and you will aever want to he without this wonderful little remedy for atomarh trouhlm. Stuart's l>yapepala TaMem ceatata aa nlgredlent. one grain of which will di­gest 8.660 gralaa of feed- They are 00 entirely hermlms bssaase they hare ahoolately ao offset on tbe ayatem one way or aaotber except to do Just tbe one thing—ditpmt food.

40.666 phyaletoas um aad lacoae- aamd thto National Remedy, ■very drug store everywhere sells aad rs- niamiiais BtaaviM Dynpspala Tabisto Tbe price le 66 ceato per box. A aom- ple will be osnt frm If yea will writer- A. mrntm on., las stamt bms .

A Canine Negetlaier.An an niag the|

Morocco ronada oi KIderlen- ftti dog < dog and One Ilvw remind Thtoves'' dog take lag at til tbe OMMt eoarm ol the Fren ratem hi from the ulato hla Waechtei board bis tbe dog. The two llbely to tbe kolas tween th Mala, aa serving: aee me I oeiva tbs

Mng the Herr von a beaatl- pn. The sparable, act, they I’o "Two at. The ittooa ly- - and for at ta the anettmes Doclemly m growl I ta amd- Klderlen- laloer on tlOM ago dad him.

lUoa. bat

Blty. ob- 00m ■ to tbaa ra-

"Well. ]tba grmli tral grav tha hard

"Away, ana of th

tmthall t "Mo. I

“Jeoh wo die leh IIloado theaftor the

Itaewlth nor oen-

tated on

on the

mityrod- Her that

We sell

Tungsten Lampsand Tungsten Lamps mean 2^ times the light at same current

cost or the same amount of light at 2-5 the Cost of cur­

rent consumed by the ordinary carbon incan­

descent light.

E L HuUUncWrtelnr ^

Ruffs CirpHli ■


taipars oar

got aoqueinfed with oar R with othwa aak any qm

aad oar

to laarm how we oaa he of oorvtoe to yea ta year boyiag-Dit—otaiin JmwklryWMdMg Clodui

Oit OltaM SUvkrwapg, Btc.Ton wfll alwapa flad oar stoek m f omplato aad onrmivm m

rssMy to pleans. Oar TTlah—"May yoa live as long m yoa Ilha, aad have all yaa lihe m long m yaa live."

In anmiimflBi asm tntentions for the fntaia. wa deotre ta convey flstr thaahe for year patronags Do aot forget that wa do all htada of repair work end gaaraatoe It-


An Auctioti Advariiismsnt in The News k lead by 8S percent oi the fernAs of thk county. Then, too, we heee a large number oi reeckn in the townkiipe edjQiniiig thk

No OM huendtng to hold ■ 9de KhouM


Pkget 9-16

VOLUME xxm—No.

THE »r. JOHNS NEWS Sectian Two


CASTOR IAfor Infants and Children,

ClNstnilN la * ImrmiMMi aubatitute for Caator Oil, P»a- ^orie, I>rop«i and H4»«»thin|r HyruiMi. It la PlntMaai. It eoBtadna neither Oftiiuii* nlorphlun nor otl»er Narrotle Biihatnnee. It dcutroys \Vomia and ailaja Feverlidiueaa.It onrea I'Harrlinnt and Wind Colic. It rellcvoN Tooths liW Tmabl«*a and eurea Conatlpatlon. It rcaiilatoA Um Mtomach and li«iwclm grivinfr hnUtlty anil natural alaay, Tbe ChUdruu'tt i*auaoea—The MnUier*a Friend.

The Kind Yon Have Always BoughtBears the Signature of

In Use For Over 30 Years.

A Short TalkSmoking Tobacco:



To get the greatest pleas­ure, the keenest enjoyment from a pipe smoke, one should use a brand of tobacco made from two or more varieties of leaf, forming what is known as a blend.

Maple City Smoking Tobaccois a well known brand of high quality, is perfectly blended with Kentucky's choicest smoking stock, has the pleasing aroma of the natural leaf and is a perpetual source of delight and comfort to the smoker. Suitable for meerschaum, briar or cob pipes. Your money’s worth in every smoke. Start tcxlay using .MAPLE CITY SMOKING TOBACCO and get in line for our valuable premium. AT ALL DEALERS.

F. B. CASE, Manufacturer,NORWALK, OHIO.


HAvin^ Mof*e

MONUMENTSrhan we can aftord to carr)’ through the winter, we will givea GOOD DI.SCOl'NT on anything we have in stock to be erected this fall.

Walter tSl Hcxlgie


well known and w»rll liked by all good housekeepers.

Your Grocer has H.

Fowler Roller MillsFowler, Miebliian.

No Man’s Land


bf Bty

A paU ■Mils adaad his trouSft^S llpa. “aMak!** ba said; aad wim a ahma raaamait Uw baakward war.

UalissSsi at Ida kaaia tka bMid Soc drassaS. maaala aad tall adroop. uttar- las aow aad thsM a woalul wklna ao faint tkat It aaanad hardly laora tkaa



**Ta8. Whan I kad oallad Chaas. 1 want down to tha haaefa. I waatad to ba alona. so that I mlsbt tblnk. To­day baa baan diaadful to ma—alona tbara with hla. tba man I waa mar- riad to. knowtns ba waa a raurdarar: alwaya faartns ba auapactad aad try- las to babava aa if xmUUiis bad bap-

■vanlBs ww advanelns In nttar anhn whan Oonat rasnlaad tka baaeb bafoaa tka iaaartad rlllasa Tka wtnd knd diad awny to niara Tasraat baantba. bnraly atroas **~*f*» to darhan that dully pollabad. uagalat floor at watar. wldaalas la loaaUaaaa from tkoaa daaolata. fos-bound aboraa. j

Paoalas baatda tka baackad oatboat i Coaat atarad buasrlly at tba llttla vaa- ! aal off akora. santly swiaslas at Ita { nMwrtas. How to raack bar. bow i ■aba uaa of bar If aaada lauat? . . I

Ha abook hla baad la doubt, atroas- ! ly aaaurad now that ba would aat foot upon bar daeka only tbrousb asardaa of forea.

Hla bopaa ravartad now to Appla- yard aa tba laat raaort. Without tba ; llttla nsan aad tba Echo—or aoina otb- -

*T know, 1 I ar boat—ha waa powarlaaa. a flsura j for tba mirth at bla aaamlaa.

At hla faat tba bllad dos crouebad, '

'Ha waa talllas bkxw tkaa for may bauar raaaon. to sala Uaa a raadjaat hla Ytaw point.

’'Not anilraly.** ba wm aayl^ atUl wttk hla avU aacfut aaalla. *1 don’t alad talllas you. ateoa yo«*ra onrl- oaa, Ur. Ooaat. I did bava tba dartl'a own tkaa with au^ ayaa for a while, and baUovad I'd loaa ay alsbt anUra- ly; I hoaaatly want abroad on tkair account alona. Ona of tka faw konaat aetldna I boaai, by tka by If yoa don’t *1*^ tka Intarpolatlon okaos*

Mttarly la Coast's

Coaat foldad bar eloaa know,” ba aald aofUy.

At tbalr fast tka dos sUrrad raat laasly, wblmpartns; and alannad. tba ! nuitlonlaaa aa atoaa. aaamlns to search womaa daftly illeanfased baraelf. with | tke Inflnlta with tbe unwlnklas atare a tarrtflad slanee up tbe atrassUnc. de- i of Its dead, oolorleae eyas. . . . aerted atreet. But etlU tbay wey j AbrupUy a eound of palUas faat SnttafuUy If deaparataly aloae aad ua- ' traasformed tbe eeeaa. Tbe blind dos watobed. , lifted up wtth a jump aad faced round.

'Tben—tbe ebook of betas toM we | srowls. rumbllns la Its throat Coast were to leave tke ialaad ... I wanted | turaad. startlad and appykaaolre. to tklak. ... I waat waat alons ; Down tha thiy to tke beach Cbaag tba beach, wtthont notlclns—eoasa dla. j was ruaalas at a carious. ouUaadlan taaee bayond tba wastem point Than ; )os-trot. baad low baiwaan bla broad, suddenly I found tbe boat drawn up ! gaunt sbouldara. Apparaatly be was close under tbe bluff. Invisible from I heading dtracUy for Coastaboy. At first I tbought It : With a llttla thrill of fear tbe Amer>meant Mr. Power had coom back, and lean glanced round for loiiie means of than I aaw bow unllhaly that wae. aad defending blmaalf. He bad no doubt triad to explain It And suddenly It that tbe Cbinamaa bad been commla* came to me—the real meaning of It aloaed to dlapoee of him even aa poorAnd I hurried to find you

”Tbaak Ood!" said CoastPower bad been done away with. In a sudden flush of ansae ha laid bold

She looked up. wondaring at hla of tba first thing that caught bla bye—which happened to ba tba half rotted tlUar of tba oatboat a hoary and formidable club if It did not break with tbe Initial blow—and mored a

‘1 mean It's oaa way out" be aald aoberly; “a mlgtatly ailm ebaaoe—but yet a chance: I mean, the boat I'ybeen pusxUng all along—If worat came pnoe or two forward, bolding blmaelf to worst, there wee the catboat—but m » poolUon of deConce. bow to get you aboard bar? You But within a hundred yards tba Chl- oouidn't swim that far . . She swerYed widely, tben held onahook her bead. "I could: but eran •t«ndUy toward tbe nortbsm sand tben would It be poaelble to work her ,pit. a moment or two later be ar- Inshore and take you aboard unob- rlred at tbe waUr'a edse. and while Barred? PV>r If they aaw us. I'd be Coast stared half atupefled. stopped under Are and . . . Dlackstock has stripped to hla linen drawers, then my p'stol." he ended lamely. , took to the water, wading out until ne

She uttered a low cry of distress; loat footing, tben swimming with long, but be could only shake his head In powerful, orerband strokes, straight melancholy confirmation of the tld- off for the catboat.logs, detailing the way Dlockatock bad aeUed the weapon.

Watching the round, shaven poll with Its colled pigtail cut swiftly

"But DOW,” be wound op with a sor- througbt the glimmering sllrery sheet ry show of optimism. ’’It’s another of water. Coast loat blmaelf In anxious story. With tke rowboat, we can get apeculation until recalled by a quick off. Aa things stand, Applayard . . i movement of the dog at hts side, ac- . Well, ww’d better not liak waiting ' eompanled by a deep-throated growl, for him. The cat lies out of easy He wheeled then to discover Illack* range, and If they try to swim out to stock close upon them, his burly body stop us. I can beat tkem off with a swaying heavily aa be came on at a boathook or an oar. I think we can . moderate pace.nmke It- IsMt. It's worth trying. A second growl, that more reeem-in go now and have a look at that . bled an angry roar, brought tbe manboat.’*

She drew a deep breeth, with a nodto a atandatlU. with a hand moving nervously tosrard tbe aide pocket of

endorsing this forlorn hope. "Vsry ; bla coat, in which a firearm sagged well." abe said tersely. "Qo. tben. I vlalbly.must burry back, for fear be may mlas DM. . . . Tea. I can brave it out; don't worry—1 shan't let him auspect. . . . And there’s sDotker reneon." she continued atnbbemly, when be

“If you’re on speaking terms wtth that brute." said tbe man brusquely, "call him off before I take a pot-ahot at him."

“Keep your band clear of that pock-tried to object: “I can get you a re- ‘et." said Coaat abarply, advancing, “orYolver If I go back. Tea. my own. have It In my trunk: I'm aure

I ru take a chance at you myself." 'You?" Blackstoek’s tklok Ups

doesn't know of It. for I never thought eurred. contemptuous. Take your to show It him. It la loaded, too: and chaaoa. by all means, wtth that allly.

worm-eatan UUar, If you’ve got the nerve: but oaU off that dog. or I’ll aboot him deed. I want a little talk with you."

Coast, without ceasing to watch tbe man. for fear of treachery, bad

•••••eeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeewweeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeee « w^ • ^

: L* o S E • ^ Expenmentiiig• :

e with unknown flour.J^Better youre• baking daily by using only

: T I M E: Rule Fkiaraweeeeeweeeeeeeeee

I can gat It anally. . . . Now 1 willwo"

*Tery sreU." be ooanaated reluctant­ly. “They won’t miaa nse. that's sura: bat you . . . Try to slip away about dusk. Make soaae excuse, and—I'U be walUng here, nil prepared. And stepped to tbe deg's side and caught . . . make sure of that revolver, hla fingers In an aged and weather- flrat thing you get beek. Tube cere of worn atmp round lU throat, before be Tournalf above all tklngs. . . . Ob. appreciated tke fnli algnlfleeaee of don't worry about me: be doesn't; Blackstoek's worda. 'Tbao bla Jn*' with my fanga drawn. I'm no longer a i dropped and bis ayes wtdaned. factor la bla calculations. . . . Oo. ' "What!" be cried, astounded. Hla than, aad—Ood heap you. Katbarlae." gaae was keen upon tbe plump, dark.

He could Imagine tbe effort that her brutlah face tkat leered at him; be banve smile at pertiBg cost bar. . . . aaw ita small eyes no longar dull aad

UnamlUng. somberly thoughtful, be fixed, but twinkling with an evil, imp- wntebed bar away, tkw harried down lab gllttar. Tbe dim aosplclon that to tbe baaeb. I more than ones be bad rejected from

Tan minutes of steady walking bis thoughts aa extravagant and Idle. Ill iii^T him to tke pleee where be was suddenly raaolvad Into convletlon. had bathed that morning egee ago! ' ’'flo," he aald slowly. ’Tou do aea^ aft- A saant hundred feet further on. at ler an?"the very foot of the binff that arched ^ Tke diseovery." aald Blackatoek a allghUy ooaeaaa fkee above It. lay a with a ponderoea affartaUon of mor- rowboat, bottom up. aeraaasd by a | daat wtt, “doea ersdlt to your perapl- buga bouMar. Bogs palpitant la bis | ealty. I toagratulaie you on maktug boaom. laapiBg and dying IBrn n oaa- {Ik—when I chose to let yea " die in tke wtnd. he basteaed to It. i Fkr a momaat occupied with re- beut oegr. bands beaaelh tha thwart strainlag Iks dog. which aaamsd balf- aad stood it on Its aide. A low cry mod with deotae to fly at Blaekstoek's of dlaappoiatmaat algked oat from bis throat Coaat mada ao reply. In the Itpa. Ba tat tha boat fall bask to tta i light of this revelation the altuatloo ortglanl pooHkm. waa taking oa a aaw aad fairly tarrl-

Tkate ware oaitkor oars aor row- fylag oomplesloa.“Of tke two of us. I must say you’ve

been tke blind set" Blackatoek oaa- tlaeod In a manner of MtUag irony tbet aeeosod to amwea him. T won­dered front tke first how long you’d taka to flod me out. Kate, of course. I'm eccnstoa>!;d to; I've bed bar byp-

An Auction Advertiaement in The N«v/« m reed by 85 percent of the fanners of this county. Thra, too, we hsve s large number of readers in the townahipe adjoining this county. No one intending to hold a m'm should oeorlooh

In a cloud of earth aad dust,a*rock aaverai hundred pounds In walgba; one aetlrv aide of tbe dory bad been crushed In

Oooet'B gaae ranged upward. Aleag tke edge of tke Muff notktag aaovad.

He Hataaed tntaatly. Not a aaaad

hiaods tka Oermaa agertallsM. howaver," ha resumed, “worked won­ders; I found my acraogtb of vtalon returning, but woe tempomiily amused to continue tke make-believe: It waa Immensely diverting for a time. I re­ceived ooaslderatloa that I wouldn’t have, otberwiee. aad 1 aaw a lot 1 wasn't expected to see. And then, slowly, as I began to see more aad more clearly, I realtied tbe Imaenae advantage It would give me to keep oa pretending. . . . You can figure It out yourself, from your own rldlen- lons oxpeiiottoe."

A slow, dark flush ooloved Coast’o faca. “Tben." ba aakad a trace thick­ly, “why are you giving yourself away now?*

“Because it diverts me extraor­dinarily, by your leave," Blackatone told him with unconcealed amusement. "Your mortified look, your aanoyanoe —It's licb. my word It la! Bealdas, the necessity of kaeplng you In tbe dark's eliminated. In an hour, my giddy squire of dames. ni be bidding you a foad farewell. It's been a very pretty farce, while it laste4t. aad I'm Immenaaly obligated to you for mak­ing such an uncommon aoa of yourself tor my benefit, but tbe curtain's about to ling down. Hence these epilogue."

“Wbat," said Coast slowly, “do you think you mean?"

“Literally wbat I'm announdng to you." Blackatoek yawned affactedly. “Tbe plain truth la." ba ooutlnuad with a mocking pretence of candor, ‘Tm a bit bored by this place. It's served Its purpose well enough—I owe It no particular lU-wlll; and I’ve bad my fling down here aad made my bit of ready money; but now—no thanka to you, by tbe bye—this neck of tbe woods la growing a trace too hot for me. So I'm going to beet it and leave you cock of tbe roost."

"You mean you're going to try to escape tn that catboat?" Coast nodded toward tbe craft In question without removing hla regard from Blackatoek.

“That tub? Nevar-r^rl No—Inquisi­tive! but I don't mind—I’m going to go away from bare In a nice little, tight little motor-boat that's now on tbe way down from New Bedford, kindness of tbe same friends who seat me tbe

CHIllED?that cold'drive

s yon at ika hik maser. A alaaa


HOT COFFEEdrties all tke ehllle oat of your syetom. The sdeBtlfic ma uaed la blaudlng aad roeatlag give Royal Valley Coffees tb truablng flavor that drlakars of good coffee appreciate

Nero Celtae aelle at file.Marigold at tOe. Tsar at tbe. fleyai Valley at 40e.

MTAL ¥ALLaYJAPykM TWAStmi If ar ww SraOr. *0€. Mr. far A







' ee i ee

looks. . . .Daopalr Maohoaod tba sky for btm

Ho awuag about meehealcally. la e daea of fmotratad bops, aad alarted baek. ploddlw baavUy as wRb welgkt- ad feat.

Fifty yards ewny from tke beat, a leeoMiidlag oraok boktad btm brought notlaed on loug tkat she aever dreams hkn to the akout faee with a start. of queoUoulag tka matter, no arntter

Whether by aeddent of nature or how barefaced I am But you—Lord! kumaa dealgB a porttou of tka over- : I thought you'd show more dlacrtintae- beagfng bluff, ju. t at lu verae. bad : tleuf" He okuekled grimly, rosttag aa given way. prvclpif..i njr'i:on th- !!«>?♦ elbow on tbe aMe of the cei

bant. “You. tke knigbt-emuit!" he Jeered. "Bllad aa a bail Oaod Lord!"

Coast apoka to the deg aad aueaeed lOd In qnletlag It tampornrily. "You've beau faking all along?" ba aekad without vlalkie reuautaMBt. "ffver olaee you akovrad up la court wttb

"You Can Figure It Veuraetf."

Cornalr—which you Interfered with. As for that okell ont there, I guess not!”

“Then why . .“See for yourself," Blaokstook

nodded.Coeet turned to look—rotalalag with

some dUBculty bla grasp upon tke dog- collar. Intermittently while Black- etook talked tbe'blind collie bad bean rr«^*»<»g ndoas attempts to break away, apparently Infuriated by tbe man's barah aad aardoalc accents. Anrf mecbaalcally Coast bad bean re­straining him.

ladlsttactly la tbe falling light be made ont tbe tall, gaunt figure of the Cblnaoaan polood with littod arms oB*’ tbo gunwale of tbe boaL preparing to dive, and be received a vague tmpree- elan that tbe boot Itself was rldlag lower In tbe water. At first ba failed to tnaha tbe oonneetlon betwaen tbe two. Then, as be wnteked. Cheng leapt lightly up aad out, timed la midair aad aatorad tke water as neat­ly m an arrow, with beroly n poi^ eapcibla aplaok.

Ton one." cotnmeBtad maahstoek wtcb a nose of Impatieace. T though I'd rsMovs at leaot obs burden froM your alreedy overotmlaod Intelll-Bouee."

Hie tneolsBoe fanned to a flame tke emoMertng rsosutmeat la Oeeot's boeoM. “What tke devil are yon BOt* ting at?" be deumaded hotly.

Ton." retamed Blaoketoek. un­moved. T bed aa Mae you were mak­ing skaapa* eyes at my little bent, so I deddad to dellvar you from tampta- tlen. aad aaat Cbaag out to seutUa bar. A olmple matter watob bar sot^ tllag now!—Jnsi a strong twlat of tke wrist end out comm our bilga plug aad In oomos tke water aad—down ake goao!"

Coast, okoklig wtth despair aad rage. In alienee sew tke prediction veow tfiod to Its bitteroat letter. Then bo owaag back to lila tormaator. qmlvur- lag witk tadlgaaUoa eves'es tka dag ba held qatverad aad siralBsil gpBaat raotralat.


»aeaaeaeeeeaeaeeeea aeaaeeeaeaaaeeaeeeaaeaeaaaai leaeaeeaeeeeaeaeeeeeaeeeeeeeeaeeeaeeaeeeaeeaaai

Jud^ the FLOURby the Result your Baking!

The Housekeeper who is look­ing for the greatest food value

for her money will buy

Tube RoseFlour, good flour, has more food

value, contains more nourishment than any other known product of the field, but much depends on the wheat and the milTer. Michigan’s winter wheat is not approached by any other wheat grown; it com- m ands a premium price and t’s worth it. _.

This Michigan winter wheat properly milled makes the whit­est flour, good rising, easily work­ing dough and bread with a rich, nutty flavor containing a super- abundance of vitality building gluten and phosphate.

Order Flour that goes the farthest

Ovid Roller Mills

'Ovid, Mkhi^ii





THE 8T. JOHNS NSV^ THUkSDAT AFTERNOOM--JAJfUARY 4. 1912.>rv<~>nnnrrYTrrYYYyyYrgr>r>rrrrg«rggr>nrmQQQty»nnnnn«»oooooocxaooooQQQg3oncrMfrrArttae«^

Appreciate a Few Money SavingWe Quote a Few for Discriminating Buyers

Good New Shoes CheapRalston Shoes, $4.50 and $5.00 kind

at .................................................. $4.00

Ralston Shoes, $4.00, at...................$3.50Red Cross, $4.00, at.........................$3.50

Ibe Ralston Patent

Leather Shoe - $3


AH Men s and Boys’ Sints15 per cent off Hats and Caps

HATS$3.00 Values at.................................$2.50$2.50 Values at.................................$2.00$1.50 Values at.................................$1.25$1.00 Values at................................. 79c

CAPS$1.00 V’alues at................................. 79c50c X’alues at.................................. 40c25c X’alucs at.................................. 20c

A Few Odd

Suits and TrousersSUITS, $8, $10, $12, now............... $3.50TROUSERS, $1.50 and $2.50....... $1.00

VESTS, 75c and $1.00................... 35c

Some BU Bardotaa In

Sweater Goats

Underwear$2.00 GARMENTS at.................... $1.50$1.50 GARMENTS at.....................$1.25$1.00 GARMENTS at................... 85c50c GARMENTS at....................... 42c

A few Hen’s Wool llBdershirts$1.00 GARMENTS to close out at 50c BOY’S 35c UNDERSHIRTS at.. 15c

The Store Ttat Sovei You Mowy** DOTY & REED St Johns,


50c MEN’S WORK SHIRTS....... 35c25c BOY’S FL.\NNEL SHIRTS 15c

A Special lot of Colored Bosom Shirts, some fine values.......35c or 3 for $1.00

ooooc^ •: c)ooc<xx:c«ac ocxxxtt: Dooooouc<yy:<x':^*~aCKxxxxx)iXXxjc<xKxy.xxxxxyyr> x'i


Sfstem Through Which Retail­ers Buy From Fanners.

EUMWATES THE MIDDLEMAN.Saaratary Wilaao Hsa Adveaatad Some

Suah Plao—Raeant Raport Show* Hawv Prteae Ara Doubled—What D«oMeioaa Haa Oaoa.


That tbe t'onaoiurni of tbo cltlm

bare been compelled to pa> from two to bre tlmee aa much for food producta aa tbo***

prodnetn coot on tb« farma la a fact that baa alowly lieea alnklna bume in Uie American mind. That tbH la the groat caua** of biith price* baa ulao lx* coma a gaoeral conviction. How to aaaet tbe altuatloti ba* been tbe <)uea- tion. Tbe common eenae unawer U tbat tbe farmer and conanmer muat gat togatbar. This cannot ba dune In dlvldtially, or at least It la not done Therefore tbe only way la for It to be done collectively. Luckily tbe m operative movement in other part* of tbe world fumUbe* an object )e*«<>u aa to tbe way It may lie accompllabe*!

A co-operative movement that would bring about direct contact between the producer and tbe conanmer or Iw tween tbe (irodurer and tbe retailer

ot tbe profit upon cooC* laclodod in tb* recall nelllnic price.

Thla “profit upon coat,** known aa tbe “dlrldend.” la paid *n cash to aarb member of tbe co-oparaUve aoclety

^ pro rata to tbe amount of bis pur- ' ebaae* In tbe store of his soclacy.

Aeftlefnenta are made qturtarly.Re«lde* his “dividend.** tbe member

I receive* Interect on bla stock at a rata : varying from 9 to 8 var cant par aa- ' nnm.

In tbe payment of this caab dividend I quarterly to tbe member, an idea ' which must be credited to Robert ' Owen, lie probably tbe Htrength and I tbe grentent cauae of tbe (lopularlty i and atupendou* jrrowth of tbe co-op- i erotive movement In the HritUb Isle*

The gigantic movement, started In ' 1844 writb the liumlilevt lieglunlng. was of ver>- alow growth, having had to

i carry on for over forty years tbe bani I eat coni*elvable light against the com I bined force* of tbe manufacturing.I wholesale and retail selling, banking ! and legislative repreeentaUvas of tbe nation.

j But It wras a fight of tbe wage earn- I era. tbe people against abuses and ex tortlon on tbe part of tbe distributer*

i and retailer* of the neceaaarie* of life I Their cau»e was Just. They were en- ' titled in exebanr** for their hard aarn- i ed money to receive full value for their ' purcbaaaa of all necewNirla* of life ' I'hey won because their cause wa«I Jo««-I In tbe last twenty year* tbe might i of right has hacome tbe might of nnm- i her and baa placed co-operation tn

England on an tndeatnicdble and per* I manent basisI The example sat by England la being I aagerly followed among all clvUlxed ' nations of tbe old world.

Prom tbe moat recent data gatbeml ' from autboritaUve •oun'se. aueb a* ' Hans MuUer. for Instance, we learn I tbat tbe present results of co-opera-

would eliminate moat of tbe protlis ; Uon In continental Europe, though fortbat have been going to a numlier of j middlemen. This U tbe high prl« tw quaatlon In a nutsbell. Until tbe American people are reedy to protect tbemaeive* by following common sense and baying tbeir produce direct from tbe farma. or oa naerly ao as can Iw contrived, they will continue to be Im­posed upon. Tbe present system gouga* in two directions, forcing down tbs prlcaa tbe farmer receives and forcing up tbe prices tbe cousumer paya. Yet tbe producers and conaum era constitute the vast bulk of Um* population. Tbeir salvation la tn tbeir own bainU .Vll they ueeil to to come together for tiielr mutual Iteneht and provide mat btnery fur direct commerce bet ween them

This UMciiinery to alreody Iwlng taabtuuMl by tbe grange tbnt has bad a long term of preliminary training In tli«‘ grange store*. In tbe city of .New York tbe grangers und business men working with them have formed Ih** United Mtores aaaoclatlou for the ex- praa* purpose of bringing together pr<> dneer and retailer. Tbe (kaii Ima been sot forth la tbe proaiwctue of tbe com pany. from which liberal extracta an* aade, Tbto priMpertua wna written bp Uolaod Ontifroy, founder and exo cutlvo chairman of tbe United Store* aspoctattaai

Ce-opeeotieft ttw Only Way.Tbo coutlnoouB rioe tn tbo prteoa of

tbo nosaooaMoa of Ufu with tbo con- aaquont praooure upon tbo couoMnera. duo larvaiy to unaoceoaary lutarmi Jl- mam and cooUy metboda of dtotrlbu tian. ouggaoto tbat tbs ttine Is oppor tuna ftor tbo Introdnctlou In tbo Ualtod Hatoa of aa laaprovud syotaui for tbs ania and diatrihotloa of all ooumnd- Mao to tbs cousumem

DlatfllRttlve co-oporattsa la aaw tbs aaly psaaiaie sad I'dii taatly taatad ram ady agBlaat tbe arils af tbs Mgb esai mt Itviog.

To Orant Brttatn boioaga tbo baaor of havltig placed tbs i a oporatfva oanvaoaeut oa a aaaad. modota, eaai amrrtal bo*la aad of havtag uMde It tbo **giuataat Indaatrbil farro la tbe ssorM ** Tbe KagUob aiatbad caaalBts la tUo nrganlsattoo of paratl'>aoi wboao prla ally oolo objoet la tb —Hliatlaii of aU

ty years younger, now axccad Eng buid'a stupenduns ngurao.

Amartae Next.Tbe United Htaiee nredo co-opera­

tion DOW. but It la a new nation, and its legislation, agricalture. Industry, commerce and flnance differ In many ways from those of Euroiwan couii trie*. Any lmi>nrtatlon of tbe co-op­erative plan muat lie accomisinled by Improvementa and modifleationa wbich will adapt It to tbe character. meCb- oda, bablu and requirements of tbe American people, and tbto under pen alty of failure.

Tbe failure to recognise and comply with these cantlnal <-ondltlons la re­sponsible for the hick of aucceea of the prevloua attempts to eotabllab co oiieratioii in this country-

Rnt there exists an American plan. DOW ready to tie put tn operation. 11 la tbe result of twenty yeara of clooe study of the coiullllona required to meet tbe Instant favor of all without attacking or Intarferlng with any of tbe Indnstrinl, cnmuMvclal. prodnrlng and Snanclal Intereeu at praaaot ex­isting In this country.

Tbe alow of tbe United Rtores aano datlon tbrougb tbe iiennaoeat organ- taatloa of ita Improved ayataaa of “dlatributlve co-operatloa“ ara:

To bring clooa together tbe three ee- dal bat divided etemeate—coaeaaier. dietrlbater and prndacer — caaalog thsm to raciprecate in a motnai aad eooaiaat effort to belp aarb otbar.

Tbera are two claaaae of mambara tbs aaeaelate parctaeaers aad tbe aaae- date daalera

Tbe mete objerte ef tbe aeeodatlnn ragariUag tbe lioaaamar, Ite aaaacteto

I parebaaar. are:FIrat—To aaable Mai to peorura alt

: aarasaarlBB of gesd qaabty. of jaat aMMura aad waigbl aad at fair prtoas

Barnail Tn pay orar to him fram tteto to tteaa. aabjart only to tba alm- pla fagalatlsaa of tba aaaadatlaa. a

! eaab rafaad ar “dlddsaff* to propar{ flea to tba aaaoaat of Mb aad hte fba$; Rr*a rrada witb tbe storm ar drum ! duly Uaeaead by tbe aaeedatioa.

at 6 per eaat of tbe taial Mde by tbe member

at caroeat retail prteea

Tbe Field le Open.The United 8toree aeeoclatleo plan

la only given es a sample of wbat may be dona. At praaaot Its Held of opor atloas la In New York city. Bveotaal- Ij It plans to extend to otber cltlea In tbe meantime there la iiutblng to pre­vent otber aaeoclationa or even groopa of private Individuals from doing tbe mmi* tblog. Un this point lion. James WUson. secretary of agriculture, says | in a rapurt Just out:

“Farmers* co-opera tire selling aaao- datloDs are numerous In this coun­try,** said tbe aecrrtary. “but co-op­erative buying aseoclutlona among tbe people of dtle* and towns are few. Why do not ctinsumera buy directly from tbe farmers?

** Aside from buying saaoclatloDs aaalntalue*! by farmers, hardly any co- operatlou exists In this country. It la apparent that tbe consumer baa rnneb to do to work out bis own salvation with reganl to tbe prices be pays.

“Potatoes were selling In tbe spring of loop In some placee where there bad been overproduction for 20 cents a bushel and In some placee for even 0 cento a bushel at tbe farm, while at tbe same time city < onaumer« were paying SO to 79 cento a busbeL al­though there was nothing to prevent them from combining to buy a car­load or more of (lotatnce directly ftom tbe grtfwer and for delivery directly to tbemaelvas.**

Kfierroeus Predts.Tba department of agricultrira last

year made a rather tborongb Invaatl- gatlon Into tbe tncreaee in coat of fknn prodneta In their tranafbr from producer to rouaumer. This teveatl- gatlon cetabllsbed certain facta 'whlcb tbe secretarr of agriculture baa suas- mariaad aa follow*:

The milk consumers of seveaty-aigbt eltloa paid for milk an Increase of 10U.8 per cent above tbe price received by dairytocu. In otber words, tbe farmer's price was fully doubled. Tbe lowest Increase among tbe geographic divisions was par cent In Ibe aoutfa Atlantic states, and tbe highest was 111.11 |ter I'snt In the western state*.

Officials In tbe department of agri­culture |iolDt out tbat this wide dis­crepancy Itelweeii Hie prices rwolved by farmers and tbe prices (tald by i-oa- aumers la not of recent origin. Twelve years ago tbe Induatrial commlssiuii went Into this subject somewhat ex- tenalvely. It develo|*ad some large per- - cantages of Increase of prices to con­sumers—139.9 |ier cent for cabbage bought by the bead. 100 |ter cent for maluDS bought by tbe pound, for but­termilk sob! by tbe quart and for or­ange* sold by the crate; 2110 per cent for onions bought by the peck. 400.4 per cent for oranges Istugbt by tbe doaeu. 111.1 |»er cent for stnswberrtes bought by tbe quart and 300 par ceat for watermelons sold singly.

Tbe Inveetlgatloo of a year ago by tbe department of agrtcnltnre showed that itoultry almost doubles In price between tbe farmer and tbe conanmer. POr the arrenty-cigbt cltlea the farmer received 95.1 per ceat of tbe conanm- er*a price. f>f tbe price per doaan paid by tbe coaaumer tbe producer recalved ffO per caat In tbe case of eggs. 79 per eoBt to tbe case of dried beans when bought by tbe buahil. 4N.1 per cent In tbe cnaa of cabbage when bought by tbe bead. 79 per ceat In tbe cnae of caalUtewer when bought by tbe daaeo and to tbe case of celery ffO par ceat whan bought by the bnaeh.

Parraiary Wlloan daclarea that the tevwetlgatlon the dapartaaoat made provea coucloolvely that tbe couaumer baa no well grouadad coaaplalat apateot the former tor the prirea that be paya It le plate, tha aacratary aaya. tbat the fonuer la nat gattlaa asarhICaat prlcaa for Ms products aad that tba coat of distrtbutjun from tbe tiam ef delivery at destlaatlon by tbe ralhuad to delivery to tlw muromer to tbe feature of tbe prahlam ef Mgh priree wMcta prmeate IteeM to tbe cou- eumer for troatmaat.

oaU dteartly tohaa haeu tbe piaa that *

teat was rarautly otsuwd. mw mt Ibis Has Usiups sf

tort to reduce prices may prove of beoedt to otber communities. The ceet of living liecam* on high In tb* Iowa city tbat a commtaslon was appointed to Investlgata This < ommlsakm found that prices were higher In l>ea Moloee than In t'blcagu and considerably high­er than In smaller cities of the mid­dle west. For example, pricea to l>n- buqoe were 29 to 39 per (‘ent lees. Now, I>ubuqu* Is only about 200 miles from He* Moines, and natural coodl- tlona are practically tbe same In tbe two clllee. The one great difference was dls<*overe<l to lie tbat Dubuque bad tualntnliietl from time Immomo rial a market when* farmers and burk- ster* might *ell tf> consumers direct.

Tbe result of thl* Investigation was tbe Ites Molne* market It was not established without bitter oiipoattteu from tbe commission men and whole­sale denlera In produce. Hut it did bring down prices. Tbe measara of Ita snccaas may be judged from tb* eatab- llsblng of the second market The plan la almplkify Itself. It simply pro- vMea a public place—a public aquare. open space, (lark or building with booths, aa the case may ba—from which tba farmers and bnekoten may retail tbeir gnnda This Is under tbe direction of a city market master.

The awakening to tbe need of co-ap- eratlve selling and buying In America la Indicated by the program of tbla year’s meeting of the national couaar ration congress at Kanaaa City. Among tb* subjects aaslgned ware “t'o-oparatlon Among Parmera.** by W. A. Beard, a member Sff Uoosavalt'a country life commission, and “Cattlag Out the Middleman.*' by rhartas 8 Barrett, president of tb* Parmera* Ed­ucational and C'o-operatlva Union of America. This ••rganlaatlon has mil­lions of memlier* tn tbe aontb. If It enlist* tn the movement of radneteg prices, a* tbe grange la doing to tbe north, there win be rroulta.

IThen tbe .Iraerican people ar* fhee to face with a problem they usually work It out. They are now foee to foce with high prices, obvlouaty tbe key to the solution of tbla prebl^ 1* ro> opera tlaa.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ WKKi.i; hennirt ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦ 4'♦ r.NIDN HONt: 44 44444444444444444

(Too late for last week.)The Unian Home (’emetery Aaaocta-

tton will meet with .Mr. and Mrs- Bert (iardner, Thursday, Jan. 4th, 1912-, ever>-oOe inrited.

Mr. and Mrs Walter Oreen and two children of Battle Creek, are guaats of Mr and .Mrs. \MIII Hyde tbla week, will visit other relatives during their stay here

Mr and Mrs Alton Kirby moved to the William Hteven’a farm Inal week.

Clifford, the young aon of .Mr. and Mr* i'ieorge .Stevens, one of the family who are il] with Typoid fever, died Christmas morning very suddenly, at 6 o'clock The little form was laid to rest In Union Home Cemeterv. other members of the family are still very ill.

Mias .Neva Crubaugh who is an In­valid was kindly remembered by her many young friends and relatives on Christmas day-

Old King Cole

Was A

Merry Old Soul

Fiiahtfal Polar Wiad*. blow with terrific force at the far north and play havoc with the skin, causing red. rough or sore chapped hands and lips, tbat need Bucklen'a Arnica Halve to heal them. It makro the akin soft and rnnootb. Unrivaled for cold-eore*. also burns, bolls, soree, ulcer*, cuts, bruisea and piles. Only 29 cto. at J T. Mlllman's, VanHickie 4 tJIaapie's. Travle a ahlley a

HeadnoliOBand than ramapea tha emiaa.

Sold la naaisli lenn ooly. Me or tec TABHICELE A OLASPIS, SC. JakH

A Merry Old Soul Was He!

If Alive Today,

He Would Burn Our Coal,And Even Merrier Be!

Burn CXir Coaland be Merry!

Job! F. Pan“The Coed Mtuiff

P E Baumgardner left Friday for Lima. Ohio, to join hla wife, who went there the prevloua week to aaalst in caring for her alaker. whose coadl- tlofi la sertoua

Mr. and Mrs Arthur Sbultx and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Palmer^ of HIley, and Mrs Lixsle Shaffer of 8t- Johns, were .Htinday gueata of Mr. and Mra Amos Palmer l*art of the com­pany came In slelgfaa. finding this mode of travel preferable to a buggy in the soft snow.

.Mrs K. E. Moore has been suffer­ing for several day* fmn Intarcnatol neuralgia. I>r. I>umi la attending her Her ronditioo ia somewhat Improved at thla writing.

Mro M. M. Bolloa aanl aona, Roseoe and Monroe, aad L. C launlera were Sunday vlaitor* at Merle Beaeb. Mrs Holloa remained to oare for Mrs Moore

Mra. B R. Moore and oon. Oalian, arrived .Monday at Merte Bencb.

Mrs- Byron Palmer of Riley aad M. P. Trowbridge called on tbo s$ak at Merle Beach House- Sunday.

Mr. and Mro E R. Blnloell bwl a family gathering of tbeir obildrsa oo New Year** day. Mro Wkre of Lon-

the gueomIt la tbe IntanUoa to boM tbe pedro

party aa aanoumred. 'Tueaday evening. January f.


Will be held at the fami of the late Elarl Wilcox, two m iles north and three and one- half miles east of St. Johns on

FRIDAY, JANUARY 12Commencing at 10 o’clock, at which time the following described property will be sold

at auction:

Knees Becatwe StiffFinn Ynnvn of bnvnro minuMinilnro

Tb* cure ef Henry J. Ooldatein. 14 Barton tttreet. Boston. Mass., la anoth­er victory by Hood’s Saraaparltla. This great msdletoa bos anccasdsd la many ooaaa wbeve otbar* bav* utterly foiled Mr. Ootdsteta om: *n nif- fered from rhsunmUam five years. It kept me from baalnaee and oanaed ea- eructating pain. My kneas woatd be- roro* OB stiff as staal. I tried many medicin** wHbeat ruHaf. then toeb Hoed*s garaaparilla. aasa fait mneb b*<ter. and near eansMar myself en­tirely cored. I reeamanend Head**.**

Oat M today la aanal itoaid

HORSB8.Bay mar*. 14 yosra old. wt. 1,280 Bay mare, 12 year* otd. u»t. 1,190 Driving mar*, wrt 1JJO0 Heraa eoH 2 yrs. etd past Mar* eelt, ■ month* old

CATTLE.Roan Durham eow, • yra. oM. due

MarshRad Otsrbam eow, • yra. eW, due

MarchRad Patad batfar, 2 yaara old. Orada Helatain, it montbe eld tiaar. It months old Two ataar oatvaa, 7 months old


Turn brood aousa• ahoato. walttri about 129 poundo each


20 brood awaa THraa awa lamba thropahira lamb


40 bans and ehlakano


Lumbar wato"Dash raak, now Pair bob atalgha tat doubla baavy bornaos tat doubla light barnaaa tingla hornaoa Two top buggtaa Whaai euHIvutor ipringtoath barrow

tat 900 pound Buffalo aaafoa Cottar pole Paod cookarIff) foot rope, fork and pulllaoIren kattlaWhaalbarrow10 eordo weedCorn ahallarLawn mower

HOUMHOLD QOOOb. Barrel churn Bench wringer Heating stove Rafrigaratar, nmfiy new Qaed dining room table Organ, In goad oonditton 9 plaae badroam suit*There will alao b* offered far

great deal of other property.sale a

TERMS—All sums of $6, and under, cash; over that amount ten months tiine will be given on bankable notes at 0 per cent interest, and one percent off for cash.

F. F. HALL, FxecutorAUGUST MILLER. Auctionaar.

Application of CountyDrain Commissioners

8TATB or mCHlUAN. OoMity 9i CIIdUMU M'AiVmbIob of tlM PniteU 0«irt

Idt Mid ODMBtjr of CUntM. told ml the Probttt* omee t0 tbrndtr of m. t>S2 mMM. tk. 1»U| dM of Do- MMkor. A. D- itii*

Hor- CluuiM M> IlMTltl,JimIm of PvohRto-

Ib tAo iMiKor of tAo lAo OoMtjr Drain Ooraartiidonora of

ooubUm of Clinton and tn ainto. for tho appointinMt oftferaa dlotntaraatod ap^i^ Comralo-

ton drain knoarn no tka ‘•■oinn ♦ aad for tke tairtnp of prtrato piuparty tor tko UM kanodt of tho public for tho purpooo thoroof; and tho juat riiraipMoafr" to bo mndo thorofor;

Whoraan. on tho 15th day of Pooo«- hor A- D. Itll. an application In writ* toe waa nwdo to thla Court by tho Mid County Drain Comialaaionora for M« appolntmont of throe dtolntarant- M aooclal CoHunlaolonora to dotor- mine tho Booaanlty for aaid ^r^^ tor tho. tahlng of piirate propel tor tho uao and bonofH of tho public for tho purpoao thoroof, and t^ oooipeBoaUon to bo made therefor;

And Whor '%■, thla Court did. on tho

M .m 4 1:1 4: 4 xmU M 4 X: a 4: 4 imu M 4 X: 3 4: 4 imu M 4 X: a 4: 4 xm14 M 4 X: 6 4: 4 X83U M 4 • .XX 603 149M M 4 •OX 6:a imn .m 4 eu t:M xmM M 4 X: 4 4: 3 xm14 M 4 X: 4 4: 8 im» M 4 #:a 5: t xm31 M 4 •: 3 4: 4 ima M 4 •: 1 4:tt XI4a .a 4 X: 3 4: 4 IMM .4i 4 3: 4 3: a XMa .aS plua .ff

4 3: 7Fane l4aa

XX: 1 xm

SUUloa oh aat every 2 i

awl gnIds huba ore

BotwoM atatlona tho depth la to tol* low tho grade of tho bottom, whleh la baaad upon tho depth of .the drain at each atatlon-

Tho width of aurtaco oxearatlott Ahall bo 1 tlmoo tho depth added to tho width of tho bottom-

Tho extrene width of land noeoe eery for the tmproTtng of aald drain obeli bo IM toot eeroaa aald Imt par­cel.

The ooator of aaid drain, arroaa aaid laet parcel, ahall be the abore aur- veyed lino. Tho width of aurtoce az- carmtlon and extreme width of

IStolay of December. A- D- l«n. up-j neceaaary for tho depooiUon of the ^ ^ - —*- ' Mirth In the improremmt of aald drain

ahall be at equal dletaacea upon oaohaide of aald ourreyed line

PARCEL THRBE—ConmioBCtng at the South Beat corner of tho North Weat 14 of Sooth Eant 14 of SaoUon M. Town 6 North. Range 2 Weat. Coon

on a duo examinatJoo of auch appli­cation, and of all the proceodlnpa theretofore taken In the piwlaaa, find and declare the to ^cotdance with the S^te In a^ oaao nsade and prorlded, and did,thereupon, by an order entered there- --------------------------------in annolnt Frlda>'. the l2th day of jan-, ^f Clinton, State of Michigan. thoaM

A- D- Ikll. at one o’clock la the. ^rer and acrooa the NORTH WEST 14 aftotnoon of that day. aa OP SOITTH east M of Section Id.and the office of the Judge of Probata j town, county and atate aforeaald. own- In the City of St- Johna. In aald ooun- j by ACGU9TA AND ALBIWIT RAN- ty of Clinton, aa the place when and DAjjL,, • diotance of lS-97 chalna. aa where a hearing upon auch appllea-t followa; North 8t* Weat on the South tlon would be had, and did then and; itne of the aaid landa lt-97 chalna to there order that all pernons whanO|« point 1S.97 chalna Weat of the South lanM were to be traveraed by auch. itoat corner of the North Weat 14 of propooed drain, and who had not re- j the South Baat M of aald Section M

right of way and all damagaa The depth, width of bottom, width on accouiK thereof to appear at thej^f surface excavatloo and extreme time and place deelgiiated. and to bo I width of land necearary for the do- heard with reaped to auch appllea- pooitloo of the earth In the cleenliig tlon. If they ao dealre. and to obow | out. deepening, widening, atralghten- cause, if any there be. why aald ap- i tng. extending and tiling of aald drain plication ahould not be granted. acrooa aald laat parcel la baaed upon

And Whereea. there la now on llloj the following table tn feet and inchea. with thla Court a deecrlption and aur- to-wlt:

.So Grade ! “fHtatlon

Bot’m Depth Surface


ft. In.rka)

1: i l: 2 1: 0 1; 2 1: S 1: 3 0:11

Bar ft. In.


feet» .DC

10 .0611 .0612 0613 06 41< .06 4 1:3 6: a13 « 4 0:11 6:101.'. niu« n Farm line

Station etakea and grade huba are aet erery 8 roda-

Between atatlona the depth It to fol­low the grade of the bottom, which la hated upon the depth of the drain at each atatlon-

The width of eurface excaratlon ahall be 2 timea the depth added to the

vey of auch propoeed drain, from which aald deacrlpUon and aunrey It appeara that the land to be traveraed by such drain, and the commencement, general courae and terminus of auch drain are aa followa, to wit:WKl.YIN DK-UN WINI TES OE HIJB-

VEY.Minutes of surrey of center line for

cleaning out. deepening, widening, otraightening extending and tiling a drain on Sectlona 26 and 35 of De- Witt Townahtp, Clinton County, Mich­igan. known aa the Melvin I>raln. and running aa follows:

!»AR<'KL ONB—<'omm«nclng at a point 7.96 chains North and 12.13chalna East of the South Weat corner | width of the bottom, of NE M of SE 14 of Section 26. Town The extreme width of land m 6 North, Range 2 Weat, County of | aary for the Improving of said drain Clinton. Stale of Michigan, thance scroaa raid laat parcel ahall be 100 over and acroea the NORTTl EAST 14 feet.OP SOITH EAST 14 of Section 26,; The center of raid drain, acroea said town, county and atate aforeaald. own- laet parcel, ahall be the above our- ed by Z CHANDIjER ESTATE, a dla- veyed line. The width of surface ex­

cavation and extreme width of land nrceonarr for the depoaltlon of the -arth in the improvement of aald drain shall be at equal dlatances upon each side of said ourveyed line.

PARCEL POPR—Commencing at a |H>lnt 6 20 chalna Eaat of the North *4 lioat of Section 35. Town 5 North. Range 2 W’eat, County of Clinton, .State of Michigan, thence over and acroas the WERT 14 OP WEST H of NORTH HAST 14 of Section 36. town.

tance of 16.76 chains, aa followa: i South 29 35* Weat 915 chalna to the South line of aald parcel, thence .North 89* Weat on tho South line of aaid lands 7-61 chalna to the South Vr’eat comer of the North Baat V» of the South East 14 of aakl Section 26.

The depth, width of bottom, width of surface excavation and extreme width of land neceaaary fof il>e de­position of the «)arth In the cleaning out, deepening, widening, atralghten- Ing extending and tiling of aal l drain: county and atate aforeaald. owned by acrooa aald last parcel la based upon P C EYE8TONE. SID.VEn* R. EYR- the following table In feet and Inchea, .STO.N'E AND WIPE, AND OIBSO.N W*. to wit hD'BB'TONE. a distance of 17-80 chainsNo Cnwie liofm Depth 8urfac« Exc. foUowa: South 1* West 0-20 chains,

thence South 45* West 4-80 chains.

MUb 51* UmmL 141 cbahaa, ihiM mtk r WaM 14t ahatoa. tbOMa

North TT Waac lAt ahahm, tbMM aonih 75 S-4* Warn 141 cbalaa. tkaaaaNorth ni4* Wool l.fl ebaiaa. tkanaa South MM* WiMt 247 ohalha, thanM South 49* Waot 247 ebalna, tbonea .North 74* Waot 2.19 ebalna, tbanaa .North. 2M* IMnt l-M obntno. thonna North 52* Want 2.12 chalna. tbanoa North 71M* Waot Lit cbalaa, thonea .North 44 M* Waot 7-92 cholM, thonea North SiM* Wool 949 ehalao. thMoa Sottth 27M* Wont 1.24 chalna, thaneo South 54* Waot 2.15 chntna, thM South 71M* WiMt 2.M chalna. thM South t5M* Waut 249 chaiM, thanM South 94* Waot 2.tt chalna. thM South lOM* Maat 249 chalna, thM South t* Baat 242 ohaixmt to a pol 10.10 chalM RBac of South Wool oa Bor of North Want M of North Want Mof atotf Saetlon 25.

FV>r the depoaltlon of Mrth, ato., plaee of land from the ahove Saoertbod landa ahall be neeaaaaiy, dooortbod M followo: Couunanclng at a polat15-99 chalM South at the North M pool of aaid Soetloo 25. thanoe North 5.90 chalna. thance Waot 044 ohnli thanoe South 540 chalM thMce BMt 0.94 chnlM-

'The depth, width of bottom, width of ourfaoe exoaratlon and oxtrome width of land noesoMry for tho de­position of the earth In the cleaning out, deepening, widening, etralghten- Ing. extending end Ullag of aald drain acroM said laat parcel le beoed upon the folIowlBg table In feet end Inehes. to-wit:No. Grade Bottom Depth Mae.of widthntatlon ft. la. fast

(Ileeaafna)44 J6 If-lach Tlla 1:14 IM

(DM North of 44 on Htekory Blov. nJO)

46 .» lamch Tllo 4:11 1(Grade breaha at 46.)










.M .10 .14 .14 .14 .10 .10 .It .10.10 is-incfi '(RM North^Rank Ele

le-lBCh Tile U-Inch Tile It-tach 14>lnch 14-tBch ll-Inrh14- laeh Tile15- Incb TIU 14-Inch Tile 14-Inch Tile 14-lneh Tile It-Inch Tile 18-Inch Tile 14-Inch Tile14- lnrh 'nie15- Inch Tile16- Inch Tile 16-lnch nie







.1# • M .10 .10 .M .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .06


16-lnch 16-lnch 16-lnrh 16-lnch U-4nch It-Inch 16-lnch 16-nlch Tile 16-lnch Tile 16-lnch 16-lnch 16-lnch 16-lnch 16-lnch 16-lnch 16-lnch



of ft ft. In. KxfStation ft- In

(ltcnuirk«»0 4 0: 0 0: 0

IIM Poplar left of » Kle 12.S0 Klevalton hub el " aeoumed

to be 10 feet1 06 42 X 43 44 K 45 « 4« or. 47 06 4


Width Ifeel {

Tile 8: 4Tile 3:14Tile 3: 4Tile 4:11Tile 6: 3Tile 0: 4Tile 7: 3

16-lneh Tile 4: 3 (Grade brenhe at 14.)

M .06 16-lneh Tile 7: 0)C .06 16-lnch TIU 6:1063 .06 16-lnch TIU 4: 4M 06 16-inch TIU 0: 0

.06 16-mch “nu S;'4(DM W Ash Rnst of K Ele

86a.>•6 « 16-lnch TIU 4: 1•7 * 16-lnch Tile 3: 4Plus >6 Farm Line.

Stattoo ntakaa and grade huba mre act ovary 4 rods

Ratween atatlona the depth la to fol­low the grade of the bottom, which la baaad upon the depth of the drain at each atatlon.

'The extreme width of land nrooa aary for the Improving of said drain acroas laat aald parcel ahall be 100 feet

The center of aaid drain. acroM aald laet parrel, shall be the above sur­veyed line The width of surface ex­cavation and extreme width of land neceeMry for the deposition of the earth In the Improvement of aald drain ahall be at equal dlataneaa upon each side at aaid aurveyed line-

PARCEL SIX—Commencing at the point 10.10 chalna Eaat of the South Weat comar of North Weat M of North WeatM of Section 35, Town 5 north. Range 2 Weal. County of Clinton, State of Michigan, thance over and acroM the SOCTH H OF THE WEST M OF THE .NORTH WERT M BXCIBPT TEN ACRES OFF THE SOTTTH SIDE

___ thaACRM OPT TIB BOOTH 8IDB OT THB WBBT M OT THB !WBBT M of BaatiM 21. toom, and Stale aiara aaM. ownad by CNDOnOB 9. WIBLAND. a dlotanM of 5-99 ebalna, m follows: BcmUi 2-4* Boot 549 ehalM to a point 549 chttfoa Waot at Snath BMt oernar at Waot M at North Waot M at oaM SaetlM 25.

Tho dapth. width at bottoon width at aurtnea oxMuatlon M width at land noMoaniT for tha do- poottlM at tha anrth la tha elaantai (Mt. doaponlnn. wldanihg. otralghtM lac. axtendlfor and tlllag of said drain aeroM aald Inot naroal Is bonsd tha tollowtag uMa la foot (Md i to-wit:No. Grada Bettam Dapthof wMthhtalKui ft. la. f<

(Reamftw)IM • M-meh TIU 6: 7 144

(BM Btaa Boat of Mi plua .M BU 3I.U

m M M-laeh TIU 4: 8 194Mi .46 U-lach TIU 6: 4 M4NT .46 M-lach TUe 3:11 IWMi .46 16-laeh TIU 3: I M9l*tiia .14 Farm Llaa

Station oinkM and grade hubs ore aet every 4 roda.

BetweM etntlone the depth le to tol low the grade at the bottom, which la haaod upon the depth of the drain at each alatlM-

'The extreoM width of lead necM onry tor the Hnproving of onld drain aoroM mid laet paroel ahall be 100 feet.

The OMter at aald drain. acroM said last parcel, ahall be the above Mr- veyed line- The width of Mrfaee ex­cavation and extrame width of land neeeoaory for the depesltloo of the earth In the Improvement of mid drain shall ba at equal dlotanoas upon each aide of aald ourveyed line.

PARCEL BIOHT—CouMnmclng at the point last above deeorlbed. vlx: 5.00 chelna Weet of the South BMt corner of Weet M of North Weat M of Section 25, Town 5 North. Range 2 West. County of Clinton. State of Mlch- Ignn. thmee over and acroaa the WBBT 3-4 OP Tm SOITTH WBBT M of Sec­tion 25. town, county and state afore­aald. owned by JOHN MELVIN, a dis­tance of 3941 cbalns. as follows: South 8* Bloat 549 chains, thence South 3* Eaat 9 71 chains, thence South 10 M* Eaet 1-70 chains, thence South 2*. West 5.45 chnlnn, thence South 12 M*. Itoat 7.12 chains, thenee South 49 M* East 8.44 chalna to a point 4-29 cbalM itoat and 9.09 chalna North of South East comer of West M of South WMot M of Section 35, which last described land shall be the terminus of aald Mel­vin Drain.

The depth, width of bottom, width of surface excavatton and extreme width of land neceemry for the de- Itoaltlon of the earth tn the cleaning out. deepening, widening, straighten­ing. extending and tiling of aald drain icroM said last parcel la baaed upon the following table In f(Mt and Inchea. to-wit:

Grade Bottom Depth

ManBaalf.71 at the

49 to lii

laeh tlla72;


No. ofStation ft. in.




0: >

1; 6 1; 4 1: t l: 6 0:11 1 3

6 06 4 1:14Pliie 76 Farm IJne

Station atakea and grade huba are aet every 8 rods.

Between atatlona the depth is to fol­low »* * be bottom, which la

pth of the drain at

6: 6 <:10 «: a7; 3 6:11 6:10 6 6 «: 1


thence South MH* Weat 3.18 chalna, (wtion to.nSouth 19* Weat 3- 95 chalna. thence 2^South 4* Weat 5.56 chalna. thence

aurve face land the « drain on at

PA the Souti M a town of Cl over Bor eouni KAT and 41.52 WmI 2149 19.94 at tl

ourfare excavation e depth added to the anIdth of land neeea oving of Mid drain [Hirrel ahall be 100

■aid drain ac hell be given above rhe width of auT- id extrame width of r the depoaltlon of mprovement of aald equal diatnnem up- M ourveyed Itne.1— Commencing at halM Boat of the r of the North Beet L M of Section M, nge 2 West. County of Michigan, thence le SOmi HALF OF of Sertion M, town, aforemid, owned by ANNA D. MORGAN to AN, e dtatance of follows. North 8f* h line of anld landa nee South 1* Weat point 940 chalaa Boot pool at laid aaetloa

th of bottom, width ratloa and axtran iPtOMry for the de- irth In the oleantag Odmlas, etralghtm- il Uliag of aald drain wreal la baood upon e In foot and t:

Depth Sarfaea

South 58* Weat 0 11 chalna to a point 1.5 89 chains South of the North M post of aald Section 35.

The depth, width of bottom, width of surface excavatton and extreme width of land oeceomry for the de- poaltion of the enrth In the cleaning

1441 out. deepening, widening, straighten­ing, extending and tiling of onld drain acroM aald last parcel la baaad upon the following table In feet and inchea. to-wit:No Grade Bettam Depth ofHtatlen ft. In.

«R«Barlca>M .U 16-lnch Tile 3: 6

(B M. on N. End of Wall of Culvert Btev 17d4 >











8: 4 3: f 4: 3 3:11

».)4: 6 6: 3 3: 6 6: • 6:11

i: 0 6: 4 4: 6 4: 4 3: 3




n m Bm.ft. la.

amvwa)1; 6 4:a9.U l:a1: 3 4: 41: • 9: 91: 9 if 4



14-lneh 1710 14-tneh Tile 14-lneh Tile 16-lneh Tile

(Oiade brealM at it-lneh Tile 14-lneh Tile 14-ineh Tile U-laeh Tile 14-lneh Tile 14-ltkeh7^14-lpeh Tile 14-laoh Tile 14-lpeh Tile

n J4 M-meh Tile(Grade breaha at 44.)

tl » 14-lneh ’nia 4; 4tS J4 14-lnah Tlla 4:14« 94 14-Hieh Tile 4:M43 plus .47 Farm Lies

Station Ptnksa and grade huba oav oat every 4 roda

Batwam otntloM the depth le to fol­low the grade of the bottom, which is based upM the depth of the drain at each otatlM

'The extreme wMth of aary tor the hnprivviag of aaid drain acroM loot aeld parcel ohnli ba 190 foot

*111# center of aald drain, acrom mM leaf pnrrri. obeli be the ahove mr- veyed Itne- *7)10 width of mrfaee ox cavatlon end extrame width of lam neceaaary for the dapeattJon of the •mrth tn the laMmtvaaoMt of mM drain •hall be at eqtml dtatmcM upon eneh tide of anld mrveyed line

PARCEL FTVB—Commencing at tha point laat above dooefoad. vtx: 15.M chalM Oaath of the North M poet of SectiM 25. Town 5 North. Rirage Weat. Comity at Cltoton. Sinfo of Mich­igan. thanoe ovwr and aarom tha BABTM or THB Nmmf wmm m and Tum Borm halt or nm north

M or NORTH WBBT M al 25, team, aanaty

hr B. B. auLuam,

and state aforesaid, owned by C. E HOWE, a distance of 15.94 chains, as follows: South 8* Bast 0.49 chains, thenee South 22M* Bast 4.81 chalna, thenreSouth 49M* Baat 1.53 chalna. thence South 8* Bast 4-97 chains, thenee South 15 M* Bast 3-20 chains, thence South 3-4* Hmt 1.22 chains to a point 5.12 chains Weat and 5 chalna North of South East corner of Weat M of .North West M of aald Section 25.

The depth, width of bottom, width of eurface extmvatlon and extrame width of land neoaomry for the de- poaition of the enrth In the denning out, deepening, wldMlng, straighten­ing. extandlng and tiling of aaid drain acTXMB onld iMt parcel la baaad upon the followfog ubie In feet and Inches, to-wit:













No ofhtatton

Grade Bottom Depth Exr.wMth

ft. tn. feet


S:M 3: 4 6: 4 4: 4 1:11 4: 8 4: 8 4: 3 4: I 6: 4 6: 4 i: 4 4: 3 6: 1 6: 8 4; •



fRemarks).46 16-lneh Tile.46 16-lnoh Tile.46 16-lnch TileM W-lneh Tile.• 16-lneh Tile.46 16-lneh Tile•6 16-ntch Tile•6 16-lneh Tile.« 16-lneh Tile.06 16-lneh Tilem 16-lneh Tito•6 M-lneh Tito.46 UMneh Tito• 16-lneh Tito.91 16-leeh Tito.41 16-lneh tito

14 Farm LineSUUm otabM and grade huba are

set every 4 radnBetween atatloM the depth ia to fol­

low the grade of the bottom, which le based upon tha depth of the drain nteach atotlm

The width of euTtoce excevatlea ohnli be 2 UmM the depth added to the width of the bottom.

The extreme width at eery ror the Improving of anld drain ePTOM onld laat paroel shell be 199 feet

*The emter of mid drain, ac! loot parcel, ohell he the above mr­veyed Mne- The width of outface cavatlon and extreme width at lead neceaaary tar the depasttlM of the mrHi In the Improvanrant of onM drain ohell he at eqtml dloinacM upm aneh aide of anld aurvaynd tine.

PAROBIj 8BVBN—OoBunMCfog at the polat loot eheva deacrlhod, vis 5.12 ChalM Waot and f chafoa North of Baath Baat aotnar at Wool M of North WlHt M of 25, Town 5Banm 2

tlon 72 to BlatlM 19li 15 taeh tlla ahall ba Md. and from Btatlnn 199 to Bfo- tlon 121. 12 Inch tlla, and from Btotkm 121 to SUUoa 145 plM .71 or tanalnaa, 19 laeh Ula shall ha laid.

2—^AU tlla ahall ba laid to a traa and ualfonn grads, ciorraapomllhg to the aeiabllehed gradi at tha drain and In a tnm line with the mrvay at mdd drain except at migfm whfoh shall ba uirnad on aa aaar enrva boginahN; at least two roda aoeh way from tha ancla otaha-

4-^1 UU ahall ha laid on a amaath. wall-ahapod bad. and have tha earth wall tnmpod along tha aldM ofaama to hold dla In plma In n tnm llaa.

5.—In laglag aald Ula ao opm jolnta olmll bp left, hat each ahall hava a traa jalBt with the a4M prevloMly laid.

4.—If qulek-aaad or otbar matarial ahall ba Mt. bat each ahall have a traa teadancy to ran In through the jolnta of aald tlla. tha woth ahall be atoppad Immediately and the Drain Conunla- slooer and Engtoear in charge ttmll at once be notified. Cement or ontt- able oollara ohnli be used to exclofo quiolmuMl or other soli from tha tlla-

7.—All tlla that do not oonfomn to the ahove condidoM are laid at tha riak of the oontraetor.

2—AH the die ahall ba laft in an az- pooed condlthm undl accepted by the Drain CommianUmer or the engineer In charge, after which the drain may ba fillad. care being taken to fill with nothing but anrth.

Surveyed Auguat 22-26.1911, by order of Louis F- OreM, Drain Commlaolonar for Clinton County. Michigan.

V. W. ROYCB Surveyor.

(Ilemarka)13- tnch Tito IS-lneh Tito M-lneh Tito M-ineh Tito M-lneh Tito IS-lneh Tito M-lneh Tito M-ineh Tito M-inch Tito14- meh Ttto 12-lneh Tito M-Inch *01#M-lneh Tito M-lneh Ttto M-lneh Tito M-Inch Tito M-Inch Tito M-lneh Tile M-Inch ’flto M-meh Tito M-lnch Tito

BM (tok Wmm of M3 Ele 27.60

M-lnch Tito le-Inch Tito la-inrh “nto la-lneh Tito le-tneh Tito KKlnch Tito le-inch Tito lO-inrh Tito 14-lneh Tito lO-lneh Tito 10-Inch Tito 10-lneh Tito 10-inch Tito 14-tnch Tito to-Inch Tito lO-lneh Tito

146 plus n(Farm Line and Terminus.)

Sution alekes and grade huba are aet every 4 rods.

Between atatlona the depth la to fol­low the grade of the bottom, which la baaed upon the depth of the drain at eiu:h station-

The extreme width of land necee- anr>' for the Improving of aald drain acrooa last sold paivel shell be 100

The center of aald drain, acroaa aald loot parcel, ahall be the above our- veyml line The width of surface ex­cavation and extreme width of land

for the deposition of the earth In the Improvmnent of aald drain ahall be at equal dlotancee upon each aide of aald ourveyed line-

SPBTIFICATIONS A.—That portion of drain betwem

SectioM 0 and 25 plua -40 ahall con­form to the foHovrIng apeclftcatlona

1. —BUUon alekea and grade bubs are aet every eight rads sod are num* bered conaecudvely from 0 at the out­let to 25 plus .90 which la the terminus of the opm drain.

2. —Betwem atatloM the depth Is to fellow the grade at the bottom, which to based upon tho dapth of the drain at each atatlon*

2—Tha wlddi of the aurfoec exes- radon ihnll be two Uhmo the depth added to the wMU) of the bottom

4.—The extrame width of land n mry for the eonatracdon of mid drain

be 190 feat. 59 feet on each aide of the aurvey line whleh ahall be the cMiar doe at the drain

5—All angles not affecting the high­way shall be turatal on an ansy curve baglanlBg and ending at leant two rods from the angle stake.

9—All timber, brash, etc-, within the llmtto of the excnvnUoaa. berm and depooltlcn at the earth are to be re­moved-

7—Suitable openlana ahall be left in the spoil banka to permit the ready paooMF at water to mM drain at onch pohMa M the surface of the ground may require and at all blidiwaya

i—A goad clean 9-feot berm Is to he left

9-—The slope of the hawk ahnll be oae font hortamtal to one toot verti cnl.

19—The wMth of the bottom ahnll be four feat throughout

R— That portion of the drain from rnaikm 25 piM .99 to 145 piM -71 shall

to tha toHoartng apaatflm

And Whereas, It also appMrs thoit the foHowtng dasciibed traete of lead are ownad by pemms who are noa- reaMmta of the township at OeWltt, County of Clinton, the exeeudon at a release of a right of way which hm been neglected or refused by them, will be traversed by add drain, to wit: Tho SOlTHH to or THE SOUTH BAST to OF SBCTION 24. TOWNSHIP OP DEWITT. COUNTY OF CUNTON, STATE or MICHIGAN, a portloo of which to owned by ANNA D- SMI’TH.


Now, 'Therefore. All such non-resi­dent persona, ownera of the above de­scribe lands (or guardlano or peraona having the care, or with wh(Nn resides any minor or Incompetent peraon), and each of them, are hereby cited to be and appear before thla (Tourt at the time and place laet above mt forth, to be heard with respect to such appli­cation. If they so desire, and show cause, if any there be, why the mid application for the appointment of three dtolntereeted Special Commls- alonera aforeaald should not be grant­ed. falling ao do do, they will waive all irregularlUea In mid proceedings al­ready had-

CHARLES M. MERRILU Judge of Probate.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i


aai graie hubs are eel

(Too UUe for laet week - Wllliam Talt and daughter Lizzie,

returned Saturday evening from a two weeks visit with friends, and relatives in Wayne Co-

The Mlaeea Ada. Myatle, and Marlon Patteraon spent Saturday night with their slater, Mrs. E H- Fletcher, in Fowler and attended the (Christmas tree, and exercleea at the M- E. Church for the Sunday School. In Fowler.

Momter Alfred Patteraon and slater Ada. spent Sunday at the home of their Uncle William Talt and family.Mr and Mrs. MIlea Talt spant Christ*

mas with bar parente Mr- and Mra. M- M- Messer. Mr. and Mrs Tail expect to get settled tn their new home near Maple RapMs this week.

Erford Niwh left laet Friday to spend (.XMiatnme with bis aged mother In Plymouth. Ralph Cole la doing chorea for him during hla absence

Mr and Mrs. Paul Zell and daughter Esther spent Cbrtatmee at hto parents, Mr. and Mra. CStarlea Zell'n

Mra. Llxxle Naoh and deughtor Mary visited Mr. and Mrs William Talt Sun* day.

Floyd Patteraon. who for the pmt month hm bem working at carpmter work, near DeWItl. oeme borne Sat­urday. During the week he tat a alivar In one of hla fingers which oeme near causing blood polaon Dr D. H- Mc­Pherson traatad It on hla arrival tn Fowlar and It to much battar-

Mr and Mra. Frad BanJamln and dau- ghtar Opal and Dr and Mra- E H- Fletcher and MIm Grace Reeb, were the Chrlatmaa gueata at the home of Mr. and Mra- John W. Patteraon and family Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie WahafteM and ohlMron apont Chrlatmaa with bar ai»- tar, Mra. Clark 'Tarry, and family In

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BATH t

♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

(Too late for huMrs Frad Olaoa. and son HaroM.

opant Sunday tn Choonnlng with

Bert Smith and wife of Durand ennm Twmday to vlalt the former's ala* tar Mra Bd ImNoble and family.

Mr. and Mra Wkn. Goodrich, were eatertalaed In hanging Chrlatmaa at the hoaae at Mr. and Mm. Frank Dnvta

Mr- and Mra Robert Herhtooo enter­tained their ehlldraa for Chrlatmaa. they were from Kelanmsoo. (.'htoago. Bay City, Lansing, and this piece.

Mlea Sella Cllae. of Detroit, la here spending the holldnys with reletives

Bert Hell wife and chIMran of Lon- flng and Horace Hall and wife and dauiditer Josephine of l.npeeT were entertained for Chiiatmea at the bonte of W. 8- Hall-

Blhmi Harrington of Detroit, spent Chrlatmaa at the home of Mr. and Mra. George Herrington

Chrletrane aaarctoee tor both church*as were beM lest Friday, evening, and they were bnth vary flne-

*rhe JnnuniT masting of tha W. C. T- U. will ha a matharia moatfog. and will ha hsM at tha hams of Mra-


$500,000 oAered for ihp reCPTB of the Great Red .

Rdby known aa


For pBftIctilHn resd tliB pcnuurkiihte tale of romance and adventure

LOUIS JOSEPH VANCEtote of ‘Vto Bmm Bn,” nto Om* BmC' to,

about to appear in this paper in serial form. Astory that (Tides have ranked with Wilke Collins’ famous, novel, “The Moonstone.” Full of life and (X)lor, dash and go, thrills and throbs.

Watch each iiBiie untfl fint chapter

malIf you will call at this office for

sample copy of the FABN JOIJKNAL we will be pleased to show you the Money Saving Secrets. Without any doubt the most complete trea­tise on different subjects to be had anywhere—The very liberal offer made in connection with this paper should enable you to secure these most attractive little booklets, which give statements and facts for your immediate benefit.

Cal for Sample Copy of Farm JoHmal

The St JohnsNews

i9C« a$OBDB^

A At ifi'w Yom Ametkm THE ST. JOHNS NEWS.


-JAMUARY 4, 1912.

[ S'

h Pay* to Trade at Joliii Hicks’









Cloaks, Suits, i%irts, and Furs.!■ oar ym will the very beat iMaej will bay la f’aal*.

Salt* aB«l Hklrt*. UU* beiaa the haaie af **Wii«tlex** aanaeal*. the bhch «UuMlard at whieh jaa are all faailllar, eTery aaraieat baiac ab*alatHy aaaraatee^ far two ttaasaati* natltfaetary wear.

They are all aMUiied aa a oae priee haal* aad are exeelleat xalae* at their remilar piiee*. bat darfaa oar aale all will be areatly ledaeed, a* fallaw«t—All Ladlaa' and lltaaaa' Caata. coaaUtlnK of Pluabaa. ('ararula. Pehble Cheviot,

Ttroaddoth aad lllxturaa. aatin lined. .’>4 in- loan, reffular value IX&. aale priee iltc7e All Ladlaa* and Miaaea* Coata. coaolatlnK of Pluahea. ('ararula, ISroadrIoth. Keraejr.

Satin lined to walat, S4 tncbea loojc. regular value $18.00, aale priee__________ $IB.7&All Ladiea' aad Miaaea* Coata, ronatatinyc of Pluahea. Caracula. Korney* and lllx*

turea, 54 incbea long, recular value $16 00, aale price....................... .. ........................ il<.7eAll Ladiea' and Miaaea' Coaila, conolatlmt of blaek and navy blue Kameya. Ilaht

ahadea aad mixturee, 54inebe* lonp. reiruiar value $12.00, aale priee .... .............All Ladiea' aad .Miaaea' Coata, coaaiatinir of black aad navy blue Keraeya, lltibt

ahadea and Mixture*. 54 lachaa Ions, repular value $10.00, aale priee_________All Ladiea' and Miaaee' (!oata, black Koraeyn, .54 Inehea lone, itood atylea, raicular

value $7.00 and $7.50, aale price________ __ ____________________________ _____All Ladiea* and Miaaea* ('oatai regular value $5.00, aale price........ .............. ...................All CblldTeo'* and Junior Coata. conaiatinp of Pluahea^ C'oracula and Plain Cloth,

in black, navy blue, red, brown and mixture*, atiea 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 yeara-very anappy parmenta. repular value* $8.00, $9.50 aad $10-00, aale price______

AH Cblldren'a aad Junior Coata, conaiatinp of Pluahea, Caracula aad plain cloth,black, navy blue, red, brown and mixture*, remilar value* $8 aad $8.50, aale price $5.75

All Children'* aad Junior Coata, repular value* $7.00 aad $7.50, aale price__________•4.75All Children** and Junior Coat*, repular value* $5.00. aale price ............... 11.75All Infanta* Coata, Pluah, Caracul, Bear Skin and Cloth, all color*, aixe* 2, 3. 4, 5,

• year*, racular value* $5.00 and $5.50, aale price........ ....... fi*75All Infanu* Coat*, retrular value* $4.00 aad $4JM>, aale price .............. 11^25All Infanta* Coat*, remilar value* $2 50 aad $2-75, aale price ....... il>75AH Infanta* Coata. retcular value* $2.25 aad $2.50, aale priee........ .................. IMLMI

Cravenette RaincoatsOne lot, black, navy blue, pray, plain collar, repulttr value $15, aale price •l•.7«One lot with “Preato’* collar, repular value $15.00. aale price--------- lllAiOne lot tan color, platn collar, repul*!' value $10.00, aale price------ ---- 17.75One lot •*Pre*to collar, rapuBu’ value $1000. aale price-----------------------------------------INtt

Rubberized RaincoatsOne lot plain color*, repular value $7.50, aale price......... ............. ....... ...... ....................tUOOae lot ailk atrlpe, in black, navy blue. wine, preen aad pray, rap. vai $10. aale pr. 17.75






Furs Broken Line*, all at 25 per cent ITavwo reduction * UTS

Silk, wool, plnpham dreaae*. brohen aaaortmenta, Ladlaa' aad Mlaa**', durlnp aale at 15 per rent radactlea.

Infant'* aad cblldren'a ptapham, Indian bead, linene aad white dreaaaa during aale S6 par feat redactlea.

Ladies* and i* Suitsla ear Hall depaitmeat yen will Hnd the be«t naaertmant af Lnlie*' and tailar

made «nif», in black aad navy Mae »etp*. brandrieth. dlapwnnl and HMay beanUfal ahadea in plain calani aad fancy aUxtare*.AH Ladlaa' aad Miaaaa* Suits, fwpular value IS0.00 and IS54I0, aale price lB-5dAH Ladlae' aad Mtaaaa’ Suita, repular value $22.50 aad $25.00, aala priee....................Jftt 75AH Ladlaa’ aad Mlasaa' Suita, rapular value $20. aale price..^-- 111.75All Ladiea* aad Miaaea’ HaHa. repalar valae IHjOO aad 11541, aale priae 111.75

Underskirtssilk, Hratlirrhlaaai. O. H • TafMa and Meraarfaad, baaatlfnl aSylaa, b*4h wide aad aar

raw rafflad. phMa aad I'BiiiwIdarad. the pieaiar partlan baiap the Ibbmnh Mlave FflUap ShifO* at Uie fallawtap radaeUanatAll Uadarahtna. rapular value $1.01. aala ptina..----- . ......................... ....... .................. ^AH Uaderahina. rapular vaina $1J5. aala p»$aa----------- --------------------------------All Haderahlrta. mpnlar vain* Sl.M, aale priOl AH Underakirta. rapular valae $1 Hi eale prtce All MIk rndareteHta. repular value H.SO, aalo pries..


A heaatlfnl aaaartaMat of vellaa. pawnaaa. aatp aad taa topalher wMh tamer laoseh atlxearaa, laiaac i All ladiea’ ShtrlB. repalar valaaa 11541. aala pHaa All Ladlaa’ nctna. rapalar valaas llt4Si aala pUM All Tiadlaa' Shi■ la, repalar valaaa IIO.SO, aala priaa. All Irnmaar Shim, rapalar valaas IMO mti ftM. aal All Ladtaa* WUfla. rapalar valaaa |14S aad lUl^ « AH LaMas* Wktnm rapalar valaaa $7.10 end $741^ aal AH Leiiiaa' fliun*. rapular valaaa IMO oal IMO, oal All LaHaa* aurta, rapalar vedaaa 15.00 aad IMl. oal AU •napoa’ Mkma repalar valaaa IMl aad lAOO. ai

ta Maoh, navy Mas brown, pray


This Department ia oae of the atronpeat. here you will find the beat In the market and at the lowest price*, every ataple listed below la pood value at the repular price, but during our aale price* totally eclipse all former price*.Brown Cotton. 4—4. regular price 7c. sale price........................................5eBrown Cotton. 4—4. repular price »c. aale price...................................... leBrown Cotton. 4—I. repular price 10c. aale price......................................9eBrown Cotton. 4—4, repular price 12^c, aale price............................... iOcHalf bleached (HiH'a), 4—4, repular price lOc, aale price................... ScBleached Cotton (Pruit), 4—4, repnlar price lOc, sale price.............. ScBleached Cotton (HIH’s) 4—4, repular price lOc, aale price.............. le{.onadalc Cotton, bleached, 4—4, regular price 12Hc, sale price ....ScI.onadale Cambric, 4—I, rapular price 12Hc. sale price....................... 10cLockwood Sheeting, brown, S—4. repular priee 24c, aale price.........21cl.ockwood Sheeting, bleached. 8—1. repalar price 2Sc. sale price....22c Lockwood Sheeting, bleached. 9—I. repular price 28c, aale price .. 24c Lockwood Sheeting, half bleached, 9—4. rep. price 3Sc. sale price, 24cLockwood Sheeting, brown. 9—4 regular price 27c. aale price...........23cPillow Tubing, 42 Inch, repular price 18c, sale price............................IScPillow Tubing. 45 inch, repular price 29c. aale price .........................liePiiiow 'Tubtag. 50 inch, repular price 22c. sale priee........................... 20cFMncy Ticking, repular value 35r and 40c. aale price ........................29eFancy Ticking, repular value 25c. aale price ....... 19cWide and Narrow atriped Ticking, regular value 25c. aale price ....19c Wide and Narrow striped Tlcktap. repular value ISc. aale price ....12c Wide and Narrow striped Ticking, rapular value 10c. aale price....leFancy Toweitap. regular value 75c. sale price...________ ________SOcFaacy Towellnp. repular value S5c, eale price.... ........................ ..— 40cFancy ToweHng, repalar value 5ac, aale price.................................... 39cPMney Towellnp. repular value 35c. aale priee......... .. ............................ 29cFancy Towellnp. regular value. 25c. sale price........................................ 19cStevens' all linen Cmah. rapular value 15c, aale price......................12!4cStevens* all linen Crash, rapalar value 12Hc. sale price........................ 10cStevens’ all linen Craab. repular value 10c. aale price............................IcStevena* all linen Crash, repnlar value 8c. sale price............................7eStevens' all linen Crash, repalar valne 7He. aale price..........................5cCotton Crash, repnlar value Sc. aale price------------------------------------ 4’/ycTenxle Down Outlnp, regular value 12Hc. sale price................. .....IOc"1921*' Outlnp, rapular value 19c, sale price................................................IcAH OuUnpB, repnlar value 8c, oal* price..................................... 9eAH OuUnps, regular value 7c. aale price...................................................S'/fCAH Outings, repalar value Sc. aale price...................................... ..........4V«cAH Percales, repular value 12\kc. aale price .—....................................lieAH Drees Oinpham. repular value 25c. aal* price ----------------- -------- 19cAH Oalatea Cloth, regular value 15c, sale priee............. ..................12*/feAH Dreae Oinpham. repnlar value 15c, aale price..................... ....IT gcAH Draos Oinpham, rapular value 12^c. sale priee................................ 10cAll Dreo* Oinpham. rapular valne, 19c. aale priee...................... IcApron ch«ek Olapham. rapular valae Sc. aale price......................... ...ScSimpson and American Prints, repnlar value Sc. aale price...............4‘/tc

FLEECED GOODS.Duoklinp fleece, Peoola cloth and Aberdeen cloth need so much for

wrappers, asoquee and klmonas, beautiful patterns In Persian deaipna. Just the season of jrear for them and all reduced aa foliowa:AH fleeced pooda, regular value* 25c. aale priee............................... 19eAH fleeced poods, rapular value* 15c. aale price...................................... IScAH fleeced poods, rapular values 19c. aale price......... ............................ Ic

COTTON BATTING.Pluffy, saow whit* batta for those quilts aad comforts, all reduced

In prieeeAll batu, rapalar valaaa 19c. sale price................. ...................................... leAH batta, rapular value* ISHc, oal* price ......................... .................. lOeAH batte, rapular valaaa lie. sale price.........................................................lieAH batu, rapular valoo* 29c. ante price.................................................... HeAll batu, rapalar valaaa 22c. aal* priee.............. flOe


Dress Goods and Silks.A visit to our Draaa Ooods Department will convlnea you tbat in this

Department we excell. Here you will find the best qualities sad pat* terns and at the right piic**, but during our Annlveraary sale all will be offered at the following raductiona.AH Jap and China Silk, rapalar value 59c. sale price ............. ..........35eAH Taffeta and Boft Silk*, repular \'alue 85c, sale price......... .....99cAH Taffeta and Boft Silks, repular value $1.00, sale price......... ........ 79eAll Taffeta and Soft Bilks, repular value 11.25. aale price................WeAH Taffeta and Boft Bilk, repular value $1.35, sale price__________99cAH Taffeta and Soft Bilks, repular value, $1..'>0, aale price_____ flJMRichardson's (iuaranteed Batin. repiHar value $1.00, aale price ....79eSkinner's Sattn, repular valne, $1.50, sale pric^................................$1.08AH I>reaa (IocmIb. repular value 25c, sale price______________ 19eAH I>resa Good*, repnlar value 35c. sale price____________ 29cAH Ureas Goods, rapular value 5«c, sale priee................................ 39cAH Draos Goods, repular value «5c. sale price.......................................49cAH Drea* Goods, rapular value 75c. aale price ............... ................ 99eAH Dress Goods, rapular value $1.00. sale price__________________79eAH Draaa Goods, rapular value $1.25, aale price....................................a9eAH Dress Goods, rapalar value $1.50. sale price................................flWAH Draaa OcKKla, repular value $1.75, sale price..............................91.29AH Dreoa Goods, rapular value $2.00, sale price................................$1.39AH Dreoa Ooods, rapular value $2.50, sale price ................................ 91 AO

Linens.Our Linen Dapanment is knowo as one of the atronpeat and moat

complete Hnas in Central Michigan.Here you will find a complete assortment of Table IJnen from a

4t»*tach merreiixed cloth at S5c per yard, to a 7S-inch Double Damaak. at $2-50 par yard

Evary place I* the very beat value at rapular priee, but during our Annlvaroary aale all will be greatly reduced.So inch Marcerlxed Cloth, rapular value 25c, sale price____________19eSO inch Mercerixad Cloth, rapular value 35c. sale price................... 29cS4 inch mercarixad Cloth, repular value 50c. special price................... SOcS4 inch all linen Cloth, rapalar value 75c. sale price____________ 99e70 Inch all linen Cloth, repular value $1.00, aale price.......... .............79e72 inch all linen Cloth, regular value 11.25. sale price........................ 99e72 Inch all linen Cloth, rapalar value $1.50, aale price.....................91.1972 inch all linen Cloth, repular value. $1,75, aale price......................$iA972 inch all llnan Cloth, rapular value K.Oo. aale price......................91A972 inch, all liaen Cloth, repalar value, $2.50 sale price___________91WAH Napkins, rapalar value $2.00, aale price______________________llAOAH Napkina. repular value $2.25. sale price______________________91.79AH Napkins, rapular value $2.50. aale price............................................IIAOAH Napkins, repalar value $3.00, aale price........................... S2A9AH Napkins, rapular value $3-50. sale price..................... ................ .. faaaAH Napkins, repular value $3.75. sale price...................................... t3A9AH Napkins, rapalar value, $4.00, aale piica............................... 1SA9At. Napkins, rapular value ^.00, aale price......................................* 94A0

SPECIAL—0 doxan Napkin*, slightly aoilad. rapular $1.00 to $1.SS. value, sale price____________ _________________ __________________ 4^

AH linen piaca* — Doflla*. Bcarfs, Center Pla^.'8biuM. Towels. during this sale at 25 par cant reduction.

LACES.At our lace couotera you will find a strong Hae of Valaaclennas.

Torrhoaa. Cluny. etc. Dainty patterns in both lace edge and Insertion, ranging In price from 5c par yard to SOc. all reduced durtng aale os follows:AH lace and Insertion, regular value 5c. Sc. 7c.. sale price ...............3eAH lace and insertion, regular ^-alue sc. 9c. IOc. aale price ....IIIl Sc All lace and Insertion, rapular value 12Hc. ISc. sale price .Illllll iOe AH lace and insertion, repular value Dtc, 29c. 25c. aale price .II..I 17cAH lace and tnoertion. rapular value 3oc and 35c. sale price...........2ScAll lace and inaartioa. regular ralue 49c. aala price..................IIIII*29eAH lace and Insertion, rapular ralue SOc. aal* price.......................... I.SOe

OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNSBxtra quality outtap flaaual, white aad fbacy, aamda up with yoke,

baald trimmed aad plala.

Oar NoUou dapartmant Is mo oomka. hairplaa. hat pWa. oaoli ataoka. aSe. Durlap aala oil rw&i All aitlalaa. rapular vain* We. m All aftlelaa. raguiar value 31c. a All ortlalaa. regular valua We. m AH artlelaa, regular valu* Tic. a All artlelaa. raguiar valu* $I.W.

Mplata coaalatlap of balta. bugs, a. collar plua, bafrettas, collars, as folloara:

liaa __________......_______ 19e


AH Ladlaa* AH Ladlaa* All l.ei41la** All Ladlaa* AH Ladlaa 1 AH Ladlaa* 1

ChiJdraa*a night i I ChUdran’s night I Chndrao'a night Chlldraa’a mpht 1 Chlldren’a night ChUdran’s night 1

rap. value idc. sola prle* ..39e ■ rap. value 75c. aala price ..49e . rap. valua S9r. aala price ..99e

rap. valua 91c. aala prle* ..79c. rap. vahM $lJt................... 99erapalar valua $1.50............. WW

This M Juat the thane baautlfbl vasuarr amtn priAU WmlWaa. r

SILKOLINES.tima of th«> year to mah* qall miteaa are Juat tha maSaflala are away below regular pHaai

hw valaaa. 19a. ttWc and 11a, 33 Cfinton Avonue.





rmamAY Arraaancm—junjAKr 4.1912.

k Pajrs to Trade at John (kcks’





Please Rem^nbert SATURDAY, JANUARY M, 1912. ebarged. Eferthiag spot rash

Bade to anpone under anydrcumstences.

Underwear and Hosiery. Cotton and Wo(d Bed BlanketsaRpartraent you will Had the vary boat auch as tha calabratad Uadarwfwr. Matrbl«w« and Pony Hoalary. all axoepUoMal

inas at rocular prlras, but during Annlveraary sale rodurad as

raar, ramilsr value 20c. sale price-----------------------------.-.17cr, resular value 25c. sale price----------------------------- ISe

roar, remilar value 30c. sale price ..........................................21cr, reRular value 35c sale price------------------------------ 2Se

roar, reicular value 40c. sale price---------------------- - —. 2*csr, resular value 45c. sale price--------------ir, resular value 50c. sale price----------------

rrwaar. resular value Sl.OO. sale price--------------roar. roRular value 11.50, sale price-------------rear, rosular value $2.00. sale price.................rear, roRular value $2.25, sale price —rC....rear, rosular value. $2.50, sale price . —.........rear, rosular value $2.75, sale price.................

try, rosular value 15c. sale price...........................rosular value 25c. sale price-------- ----------

ery, rosular value .35c. sale price--------------------aj, rosular value 50c. sale price--------------------

Red Blankets, rosular values 09c and 79c. sale price.........Bod Blankets, rosular values k9c............................................Bed Blankets, rosular values 99c, sale price............... ..Bad Blankets, rosular values $1.19, sale price .................Bed Blankets, rosular values $1.29, sale price______ _Bad Blankets, rosular values $1.39. sale price...................Bed Blankets .rosular values $1.49, sale price ...______Bed Blankets, rosular values. $1.59, sale price_________Bed Blankets, rosular values $1.09. sale price.................Bod Blankets, rosular values. $1.79, sale price_______Bed Blankets, rosular values $1.99. sale price.................Wool-Nap Bed Blankets, rosular values $2.25 and $2.29.. Wool-Nap Bod Blankets, rosular values $2.49. sale price . Wool-Nap Bad Blankets, rosular values $3.50. sale price . Wool Bed Blankets, rosular values. $5.50. sale price__

Bed Spreads


Nice assortment of patterns, plain bemmod. frlnsed aiyt acallopod square and cut comers, axcoptlODal Rood values at rosular prices.All Bed Spreads, rosular values $1.00, sale price........... ................... 79All Bed Spreads, rosular values $1.50, sale price...................................99eAll Bed Spreads, rosular values. $1.76. sale price.......................... 91.29All Bed Spreads, rosular values, $2.00, sale price .. .............................91A9All Bead Spreads, rosular values. $2.50, sale price............. ..............$1.99All Bed Spreads, rosular values. $3.00. sale price................................92.49All Bead Spreads, rosular values 93.50. sale price ......................... 92.99All Bead Spreads, rosular values. $4.00, sale price........................... 93.29All Bed Spreads, rosular values. $4.50, sale price............................93.99


have a nice assortment of Velvet. Plush and I.Mthor hand Imuts. In price from 59c to $7.50. imiiriR our sale all will bo offered r cant discount.

Comforts. roRular value. $1.00, sale price .......................Comforts. roRular value $1.25. sale price..............................Comforts, rwirular value $1.50, sole price_____________________91.29Comforts, rosular value $1.76. sale price......... ...................................91.49

KIMONAS.Beautiful silk klmoaas. dainty pattanta and bast of stylaa.

All Silk Klmoims, rosular values $4.90, sale price .............. 92.99All Silk KImonas, rosular values $5.50, sale price .............. 93.99All Silk KImonas. rosular values $9.50, sale price.............................. 94.90All Fleeced KImonas. rosular values $1.00. sale price.......................... 79*All neecad KImonas, rosular nUuea. $1.60, sale price ........ 91.19All Pleocod KIrtMmas. rosular values $2.25. sale price........................9l/f9

WRAPPERS AND HOUSE DRESSES.All LsMlIaa' Wrappers, rosular value $1.25. sale prtce........................ 99eAll Ladles' House Drooaao. rosular value $1.00, sale price..................79cAll Ladles' Sacquao, rosular vi^oas $1.00, sale price..............................79cAll Ladleo* Bacqaaa. rosular value 59c. sale price.................................. jpe

......................... —.................. .


Carpets, Rugs and LindeuinsCarpets


All Velvet Carpet, body and aUlr, rosular $1, $1.15 values, sale price.Lowell extra aupor Insnln Carpet, 79c and 75c values, sale prise....... .All wool Bmpire SUte and Bold Medal. <5c and 70c valueagaale pvise

Wool filled Carpet. 40c. 45c and 50c values, sale pries........................All Oranlte Carpet. 2fc and ISc values, aale pviss------------ ---- -................All Stair Carpet, rosular values 45c and 50c. sale prtoa.......... ....................All SUlr Carpet, resular values S5c and 40c. aale pitoa—.... ...................All stair Oarpot rosular valuea 25c and SSc. sale pries..........................—All Art Squaroa, 70c yd. values, aale price per aquare yard........... .............

SWEATER COATS.All MImm' All MUeeo' All l.adlea' All Ladle*' All I.jMllea' All Ladles' All Ladtae' All lAodiaa' All Ladles'

Bweeter Sweeter Sweeter < Sweater < Sweat4»r Sweater Sweater Sweater Sweater <

, resular value, 1 . rosular value, resular value, resular value, resular value, rosnier value, resular value.

, rasulSi value, resular value.

aale price . . aale price . sale price ). sale price . aale price

aale price. , aale piica ; aale piieo , sale price


LADIES’ WAISTS.A nice line of Silk Wriats la meaealtry stmI taffeta. In Mack, navy,

gray, reeeda. roaa. green and plalde, low" aaek and abort slaavaa. hlgb aaek and loos slaavaa.All Silk Walou. rosular valaoa 95.99, aale pHce.................................. .99.79All Silk Waleta. rosular values 99.75, aale price................................98.79

Wbite Llasecie and tailocad waists, boaattful aeeertmeat. boat of siylea. ^All Ladles* WalaU. rasalar vataea 59r and Sic. sale piiea......... ...J9eAll Ladlae' waists, resular valrma $1.90, asla plica.............................. TieAll Laillea* walata. ragalar vahma $1.29, aale price ................iie

adlas' Walau. rasalar valaoa tlA9. aale price............................91.19All Ladlae* Walau. rasalar valaea 91.79. mie prise............................91.99All Ladles* Waleta. rssnkir valaaa 92.99, aois prise............................91J9All Ladles* Walau. rosolar valaea 99.29, *010 prise............................91J9All Ladles* Walsu. resnler ralae 92A9. sale pries..............................9949All Ladies* Walau, rasniar valaeo 92.75, aale prise................ 9tJiAll LadUa* Walau, rosblsr velaoo. 99A9, aale prise_____ ........98A9All Ledlea* Walau, rasninr valaao 92 29, aale price................ ......98.79

Rocmi Sszed RugsWilton Ruse, 9 ft x 12 ft. resular $95 value, sale piiec 9iM9 Wilton Ruse, $ ft 3 In. x 10 ft $ la., rap. 32 50. val-, anle 9t9A9 Wilton Ruga. 9 ft. x 9 ft., resular $90 value, sale price .iM59 Btcctrs Axmlnotcr Rus*. 10 ft* < In. x IS ft. 6 In..

32.50 value, aalo price-----------------------------------------IMAiBlcrttra Axmirmtor Ruga. 11 feet 3 laohoa x 12 feet, 920

value, aalo price..... ..... -—— —............................... til 58Blectra Axmlnator Ruga. 9 ft- x 12 ft-. $25 val.. sale price 981A9 Klcrtra Axmlnator Ruga, 8 ft 2 In. x 10 ft <1 liL, $n4»0

value, aale price________________________—...................919 59Smith's Axmlnator Rus*. 10 ft- 5 In. x 12 ft 6 In , $20.00

value, aale price ................................................... ................JW IdSrolth'o Axmlnator Rugs. 9 ft x 12 ft, $20 val., aalo pr. 917-59 Bmlth's Axmlnator Ruge, 8 ft* 3 in. x 10 ft- 6 In., $18.00

values, aalo piiaa...........................—----------------91549Smlth'a Saxony Ruga. 9 ft. x 19 ft. $18 vaL, aale price 91549 Velvet Axmirmtor Rugs. 9 ft- x 12 ft, rog. $18 val. aalo 91549 Body Bnioaola Ruga. 9 ft x 12 ft., rag. $15 val., aalo price 991 59 Body Bruooolo Ruga. 8 ft. x 9 ft, rog. $18 val.. aalo peicr 91549 Tapeatry Ruga, 11 ft 2 In. x 12 ft. rag. $18 val.. sale pr. 91549 Tapestry Ruim. 9 ft x 12 ft. rag. 915dO vnl., anla prioe 91949 Tapestry Ruga. 9 ft* x 12 ft., regular 912 vnl., aalo jrlco 9949 Tapestry Ruga. 8 ft. 8 in. x 10 ft • In., rog. $12 vnl* onlc 9949 Tapeatry Rugn 8 ft 8 in- x 10 ft- 8 In., rag. 910 val., aale 9N49 Tapestry Ruga. 8 ft. x 9 ft. rag. $8 value, aalo pticc 9949 Tapeatry Ruga. 8 ft x 9 ft. rag. $7 value, aalo price .9999

^naH RugsWilton Ruga, 36 In x 83 la., rag. value $740. aale price ... Wilton Ruga, 37 In. x 54 In., rag, vnluo $590. anla price ..J Axmlnster Ruga, 38 In* x 72 Ut- rag. vnl. $2.50, anle piica Axmiaater Ruga, 38 In. x 83 in., rog vnl. $3, sale price . . Axmhmur Ruga, 27 In- x 80 In*, rog. val. 12 J5, aalo prloo Axmlnator Ruga, 37 In. x 54 In., rog. val. $2, aalo price .. ..J Axmlnator Rnga. 18 in. x 38 In*, rag. vnl. $140. anla price 1 Axmlnator Ruga, 18 In. x 38 in., rog. val. $1. aalo prieoCocoa Mau. regular value 80c and 75c. sale price---------Woodoioum. I yd. wide. 50e value, otUe piico-------------------Woodoloum. 2*3 ydo- wide. 35c value, aale price —----- -



Matting RugsJap Matting Ruga. 9 ft. x 13 ft-, rag. val. $4.76, aale price 9M9 Jap. Mattlns Ruse. 9 ft* x 9 ft, res* ral. $3.75, aalo price 9949 Jap. Mattlns Ruga, 8 ft. x 9 ft. rag. val. $2 75, aalo price 9149 Jap Mattlns Ruga. 38 in* x 72 In., rog. val. 76c. aale price iie Jap. aad China Matting by yard, plain simI fancy pattanm.

offorad during aalo gl-----------------------S5 par east radgcMan


National and Biaads Carpet

Sweepers.PRICES 2.50 to


ANNIVERSARY SALE Prm,25 p«r-c0iit Reduction.

Linoleum19-4 Linolanm, raguAtr vnlna 9979, aale pHaa.......................JMi9-4 T Inalanm. rsgnlar vnlna 91.99, anla prtoa...,............ .........J99

ragalar vntaa 9ia. atUa grtm— -------------Tierognlar oalrm Me. anla prtaa........ .....—.........H9

Kasmir, Aleino, Woed Fibre and Fibre Rugs

Kaamir Rum, ^ rt. x 9 ft-, rag. vnl. $7.00. aalo price ....95.49 Kaamtr Ruga. 7 ft 8 In. x 0 ft. rag. val. IS.50, anle pries 9949 Kaamir Ruga, 9 ft. x 9 ft, rag- val- $10. sale price... 9M9Kaamtr gug* 9 ft. x 12 ft. rag vnl. $12. sale price..... 9M5Kaamir Ru» 10 ft 8 In x 12 ft. rag. val. $16, atria pries 919 49 Wool Fibre Ruga, 4 ft x 7 ft. rag- vnl. $490, aale price. 949 Wool Fibre Ruga. 8 ft x 9 ft, rag. vnl. 99.75, anla prieo 95 49 Wool Fibre Ruga, 8 ft. 2 In. x 10 ft* 9 In., rag vnl- til, airio 1949 Wool Fibre Ruga, 9 ft x 12 ft, rag- vnl- 912. aaJa price 91949 Wool Fibre Ruga, 10 ft* 8 In. x 12 ft. rag. vnl. $14. aale 91949 Fibre Ruga 0 ft. x 9 ft, ragnJar nriua 95, aale prieo 9149 Fibre Rnga. 7 ft • In. x 10 ft 6 In, rag vrri- It. ania prieo 449Fibre Ruga 9 ft x 12 ft. rog. vnl* 919, anla prtaa ............. 9M9Aleaao Rnga. 9 ft x 9 ft. ragnlar nalaa 94. sale prieo . JMI Alamo Ruga 7 ft 0 la. x 9 ft. rag. vnl. 94-59. anla prtea 9U9 Alamn Rnga 9 ft. x 10 ft • In*, rag nal. 99.50, anla prtea 9599 Alamii Rnga 9 ft. x 12 ft*, rggilnr vnlrm $749, anla prten. 99to Alanao Rnga 19 ft 9 ta. x It ft. rag vnl. 9940, anla priea..9i99 Alama Rnga It ft x 15 ft, rognlar vnlna lit, anla prica 9919

Lace Curtamt

Curtaint and Gxich Coven91 m pm

19# <



Our 1st Annual Something Doing SaleGreater Vainee to Arotue Greater Interest RoasingVoIueMto Create StUIGreater Imprest

Come Consider Criticize - - CompareSaturday, January 6th, 1912

Never such an opportunity to purchase Fall and Winter Clothing from such a stock of high class, re­liable merchandise: Never such assortment: Never such values. TTiis sale holds forth money tempt­ing advantages to the economical. Rerrtember, All New Goods of the Best Assortments.

SUITS AND OVERCOATS$12.00 values at................... .....................$9.00$15.00 values at................... ...................$10.00$16.50 values at................... ..................$12.00$18.00 values at................... ...................$13.50$20.00 values at................... ...................$15.00$25.00 values at................... ...................$18.75


2-piecc Suits, were 50c, at......................... 39c2-piece Suits, were $1.00, at.................. ....79c2-picce Suits, were $1.50, at................. $1.15Union Suits, were $2.00, at................ $1.65Union Suits, were $3.00, at................... ^.49Union Suits, were $1.00, at.........................79c


Shirts, were $2.00, at.............. ...............$1.65Shirts, were $1.00, at.................................. 79cNightrobes, were $1.00, at..... ...................79cNightrobes, were 50c, at....... ....-............39c

Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens IS to 25 per cent diseoant.

KUHNS & MERRILLOld National Bank Building,

J. Rll«y wM a biMincM visitor at at- Louis on Saturisy.

Mr. and Mr*. Claud* Buncet r»- tumad to tlielr hooi* In Charlotte on ffhdnosday, aftar artaadlnit a faw days with relatiraa hare.

Mrs Anna Holocak rtsltad her par- anta. In Owaaso. over Sunday.

R. H- Waatoo was a bualnaas visl- lor In tb« aoutbem part of the state Isat week

daher Lathrop was In Ithaoa on hnstneas Saturday.

Misa Mae Dlckeraon visitad In Ash- lay on Prlday.

Mis John Oardman was an Owoaao visitor on Friday.

Mrs Klla Bishop la vIslUnc her son. Charles Bishop and wife, of Owoaso throuab the holtdays.

Allie & Gray returned to his home In Detroit on Saturday aftar a week’s ▼Islt with friend* here

John (illsao and family of St Johns were aueau at E- B- Benstnaer's last weak

Miss .Mae Dickerson and brother. Doualss returned to their home in Detroit on Monday.

Mrs K A. DeC'amp vlaltad friends In Detroit last week.

Mrs Clam Letts is sick srith the mumps this week-

Mn> Gibb Bensinirer and two daugh. tans, of Middleton, were guesu of fiiende in town last weak-

Mt* Alice Crell of FUale. and Lam amtdi and family of Dupiain. ware Bunday auesis at K. H. Weston's.

William Campbell and wife return- ad to their home in Detroit on Wed- naaday.

|rr. Mulvay of Alma was In tosrn on Batorday and Sunday.

Mrs D- Qleaaan was called to Bay City on Monday by the serious Illness of her daughter

Mm- W. O. Hamilton returned from her visit In Shephard on Saturday.

(Too lata for last weak.)Mr*. Ira Hoover and Mrs J. dandar

wore buelnasa visltovn In Blsie on

Mr. and Mrs- John Oharlin are entar- talatng their daughters from Harbor Bprlags this weak.

Mr. and Mm Bert Spusback entar- tatnad a sMser from Rhode Istond last

relatives from Marietta. Ohio, a few day* this weak.

Mr. and Mrs P. T. Bennett of Romeo were guests of their paranu here over Christmas-

r. S. DIckerBon of Adrian was a guest of his mother hare the first of the week.

Allie E dray of Detroit is a guest of friends here this week.

Mr* Archie (Mppen Is sUll very 111 but slowly gaining.

R. B Bensingar and family are an* talning friends from Bt Johns this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fox visited friend* near CThapln over Cihnstmss

Mr. and Mrs. John dardham entsr- Uined their daughters. Mias Laura dardham. of Toledo and Mrs. Blanche Perkins and family of Aldan, also Roy dardham and wife of Osrosso. over Christmas.

A. W. Dickerson, with bis son Dou­glas and two dau^ters, the Misses ('ressie aitd May Dickerson of Dstrsit are visiting reiaUves here this wsak.

The Alma Sugar Beet weighing Ktatlon at this place has closed for an Indefinite time.

I.arr*nxo IMckarson of Detroit Is spending the week here with his mother.

Mr and Mr*. Howard Oilson of l-hrreka, spent Christmas with Bert Bensinger and family.


FssiHy HessiaB.The second annual reunlos of the

Wright family was bald at the hoaoe of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lsstar Wright, last Thursday, Dscambar 28. 1911. All of thair cbildrsn srith thalr families were present as follows: Mr. and Mrs- John Wright and two sons of Alma. Mr. and Mrs. deorge Hyde and three children of Bensonia. .Mr. and Mi*. Hhnest Larktns and four children of Bingham. Mr. and Mm Virgil Wright of Bureka, Mr. and Mm. Ernest Wright and daughter. Vada. of IMngbsm. and Mr and Mm Walter dresB and tsro chlldrsa of Battle Creek. Just thirty being present The day was spent aecially and pleasantly and a bountiful dinner was one of the Important features of the day. to which each one did ample Justice. Af­ter dlimer was over the businass part of the meeting was called to order by the president and new officem were elected for the coming year as follows: President, Mm Esther Larklu; Sac- retary. William Wright. After a dainty supper was served, at a late hour they adjwmed for another year and de­parted for their different homes hop­ing to meet again next year at father's and mother's house.

Mr. and Mm. Lathrop as at their parental In

It Chrlst- near Bt

R D. and Howard Piwsy are spend* lag the weak srith thalr grandmother at Perry.

Wm Oampbsll and wife of Detroit, are apanding the holiday* ham with dm former'* parents Dr. and Mm DOMSpbell.

F. Wswaon and wife were gnssta of Mr. and Mm Wsaioy Bmith on Chrlst- SMS day.

P. C- Peek and wife entertained Mr. and Mm Wilbur of Valentine Ink*. MMs 'nille hsmee at Kingston, Lew ■mMon end fOmtly of Ovid. Mm Jsy Bsasloo of Bfcetidsn and (Usnn Peek at Onplatn for (TbiiataMs diaasr on

C D Woolsy adverttaan another pshMc dsnee for Thursday evsntag Jan fth. every bady lavlisd.

Owes Hamilton and wife vtsitsd fHandi at Bkipnrri over Bsnday.

Mm Jshn dardham and daughter Man. Pevklaa wore In Owaaso Wsdnao-

(Too late for last week.)Bamh Montagtie underwent a anc-

ceasful operation for appendicttia at Dr. ('Amp^Il'a and Dr. Mcdllllcudy's hospital at OvM Saturdar, her fiiends gave her a postal card shower this week Wed;: aday.

Mlaa Rood our taacber la spending her vacation at Holland, dary, Ind-. j and Chicago Bcbool begins Wednesdsy < Jsn- 3rd

The dstistmss tme snd progmm given by the Price school was much enjoyed by a full house I

August Fiicke and family spent ^ Cbiietmaa with deorge laahell and. family. |

Mr. and Mm William Doty enter*, talned the relativea to dinner Chrtet-

Mr . and Mm Wra- Bartlett and | daughter Meva. speat Christmas with j their daughtem Moaa and laes Ashley. J

Mr. and Mm. RIaon Hoard and child- i ren spent Chrletmae with Ada Authur. j

Mr and Mm Jay Dnfte have moved la with Mr. Bullaid Mr. Davla will work for Clyde the coming sunnaer.

dleaaem of Prosper Arbar laatatled tbeir officem Wedaeaday evaalng. Jan. Jid a ftae pragmm was given also aupper.

Mr. and Mm Roy Btllson spent ChfistaMs at Ovid.

Augnst Frleke went to I eneiag. Tuesday to be with his eteter Mm. BnMdly srbo was to have an opamtlon

Farmem are bney hauling basts to the cmaalag.

Ssreka Evaagelical rirmll Services for Haaday .las. 7.

Bunday Bchool reorgsnitatlon snd annual Hectlon of officem In Eureka10 a- m- Preaching by the pastor at11 a. m.

County Line—The postponed Mis* sloonry Meeting will be held at 2:30 p. m.

Fultoe—Revival meettaBS every night excepting Baturday.

Washington Center—Bunday achool at 10:30 a. m.

A gdad welcome to all.CHARLES W. LYMAN.


DartsvtsItlRg la

F J. TfIMan

A Mlrl** WIM MMnlgiil Wde- To warn people of a fearful fa mat

fire in the cntakllls a yonng girl rede home baek at midnight and anvad many liven. Her deed was glortows hut lives am often saved by Dr. KlaWs .Vew DIseovery In curtag luag trenMe. roughs smd nalda. wMeh might have Haded In ronaumptlea or pneamenle. *'1t eursd me of * dreadful nnagh aad luag diaaaae.'’ wrttea W. R. Pattavnon. Wellhigtoa. Taaaa„ **afler fenr In ear faailly had died with ooaaamptlen. and I getmd 87 pounds ** Nothing so sare aad aais far all throat and lung tiwahlee Prtce Me aad tl4B Trial battle free Onamnteed by J. T Mill- man. VeMlcthl* B Otnsple. Tmrte B BMlay.

Mr. aad Mm. Robert Oahoon re­turned home last week from a month's visit with bis pareau at Baraanc

Webb Palma and son. CInreBce. vla- Ited friends at Careen City, last week-

Om C^ahoon of Hamnar la apendlag the holldaya srith relativea hem.

deorve Hyde and family of Home­stead. Benxie oonaty. am hare vlelt- tag her pnrenm. Mr. end Mm LesU Wright, and other relntlves and

John Wiight and family of Alma, ware hare kwt week to attend the Wright renaion

M«m Opal ReyaoMe of Ovid. Is spending the holMnyn with her gmnd- mother, Mm O- P. Kirby.

Mine Lillian Ldvnan aave a party laat Friday evening to about 26 of her young eanerlatm A vary pleasant

Oke Refreak me nte ware served la a very dainty maaner, and all mpart a joHy time.

Mm Janma Oaggrtt retumad hoow from Breekanrldge Batunlay. after epeadtag about aavun wwahe with bar daughter. Mm. Hasal Moniaon help- lag to ears for her NtUe new grand­daughter. Halua Mnxioe

Mr. aad Mm Clyde Perehlag of Drtd. rmae Saturday for a week’s rteit with ker parsom. Mr. aad Mm C. W. PeaMilag

A paat card ohowor sraa teadersd B. J. Rlalager. Ckrlattaae. by the eub- eertbem on the CItatoo teiephone tine hem. which gtvun each exeellent aar- vlee. He reeelvad over 40 aad thanhe Ms many frleade for aamo

Mr. and Mm Arthur Btamne and chHdrun of aaar Brtdgsrtlle. agent New Tearte Day with Mr. and Mm Willard Qshssn

The llhmaa ddelha Kalsar, Rhea and (Mem emrihle aad Ralph Keiaar

Mias Bteils Maler returned to Ypai- , Isnti. Tuesday, after speading the I holiday vacation at her home la drand I I^edgt*.

The ftineral of Charlea Morgridge ; was held at bla home on W. Front St. j I>erember 26.I Mlee Merle Lance entertained sev- «ml of her friend* Wednesday after­noon-

Mm W B. I*eagel aad tsro sons, are I spending s week with her parents. Mr. . and Ml* William droner, north of ' town.

Mm. ('hiis Maler attended the funemi of her aunt In Jackson the latter pan of the week-

Mr. and Mm W. J. Williams and I daughtem. Ruth and Emily, and son. ! Earl, spent Xmas week vlslUng their i daughter and sister la Jsclmon

Alfred Lance, wife and daughter, Doris, ate New Year's dhmer at the home of William Oroaer aad srife-

Dr. Paine baa sold hla practice on account of poor health and in com­pany with hht wife left for .New Mex- ico They were also accompanied by D. Bhuan.

Mias Alma Duguld. teacher of Bng- IMi. has rmlgned her position aad m- turend to her home In Toledo.Anna L Phrane of Ada bae been on- gaged to fill the vacancy.

Mr. and Mm. deorge Smith have gone to Detroit to visit their daugh­ter.

Mloe Busts Lawrence of Hnetlags. epeot the holiday week with her par-

♦ ♦♦ RRNRAL rSRTRR ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

There win be pmaehlng la the ball next Bunday at 2-80.

RUthty were mMertalnsd at the Ben­gal Epworth l.nagne. whieh was held at the home of Mr aad Mm C. L. tihafly last Friday evenlag. A good program was glren. refreshments wem served aad a yery pleaaaat ereatag waa enjoyed by all. The fbllowtBg ufftt-em wem rteeted: Preeldeat. Ray Harper; let Vice-President. Buele Rice; 2Bd Viee-PreeMent. Lma Crow­ley; Sni Vice-President. Mm. A- R Harper; 4th vitt PmeidiBt. Rmms Hlchs; Weerstary. Nellie Tmvts Tress uror. Flossie Hill; OrgsalBt, Merle Plowman.

Mm Bank of Bt Johns rtelted at Roy Pope’s the latter part of last week.

Mlaa Mtirad Daafcel of Bheparie- Tllle spent last Friday with Mm C L ihnfly.

Idrnn Harper rsturoad to Big Rap-Me Tneaday.

Mlaa Ofne* Htohs retiiTned to Tpal* lantl Tueadny.

St. Johns, Michigan' spent the day last Tueadny, January {2Bd. with Mabel snd Otto dower, the I occasion being the l&th and ISth ; birthdays of Aletba Kelser snd Mabel I (fower They hope to spend many I more pleasant birthdays together.

Mm. Mabel BMer end daughter, j Marlon, mturaed to thalr boase in BUk- I too laat week after a month’s vMt I with her penrenta. Rev. and Mm- C- I W. Lyman.

Mm. Mary Couter and daughter, dladya. of 9t Johns, imm guests at John Couter’s from Batunlay till the middle of this weak-

Mm Clarlaan Parks Is quite 111 at the home of her son. Albert Parks.

Mias Nellie Pemhlag spent a part of last week with relativea snd fiiends In Ovid.

Perry Bsrnaby snd Albert Smothem are In Lanstng where they hare ear- ployment

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ CRA.ND LBD4IC ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' other Fellew’e iiieeeee,^ Most of the other fellow's sucesm

B (MRLAND B ig eswditad to leak, aad the rest of tl^ paaurtoaa disposition.—AAahlaaa

It of WIedem.Don't ep«nd your money Bret

sount the cost afterward. Ton sgperlen^ unpleasant surprtaa

Mr. aad Mm Albert Borge of Beav-| erton. visited the former’s brother,, ('harlee Sorge and wife, laet week.

A. E. Shannon left 'Thuraday for an I extended trip to Florida, Cuba, aad the ^ Isthmus- Mm Bhennon accompanied: him to Toledo, returning home Sat-: urdny.

Mr. and Mm John draham went to- Ann Arbor Saturday to spend New j Yenm

.Mr. l*erTla of Owoaao was in town; Fiidsy.

Fred datss Is preparing to build si house on his lot recently purcihaaed of A. E. Shaanon-

A number from here attended the' dance St Chapin Monday night

Mr and Mm Hoy Player of Lan­sing are visiting his parents. B Player and wife

Fred dates waa In Owoaao on bust- neas, Thursday.

Mr. and Mm Harr}- dates speui ^ Friday In Burton-

Mr. and Mm Roy dardham and daughter, Btata. of Owoaso were New Year's guests of R. J. Shannon and: wife-

Mm Etta Killian waa In Elsie on j buelneaa. Batunlay.


Ready Moneyis la sasy la apswd. Il haras halasia lha psshsl ofths ssaa who has U. Ta asshs spar* ssaaay safa froai ysarssif pal il ia a haah. Il will ba smemem thars. aad alssays hassdy la gal whar yaa aaad H, bat aol so aasylo gal a* whaa the isBpals* eaosos la spsad it faalLhly.

Loose Change Spends itsdfMaasy ia lha haak is sal* sad si wavh. Yaa will Ihiak Iwlss bsfera

■psadiag aioaay aawissly if yaa assMi firsi go la lha baak wMh yoar pass- pooh sad draw il oat-

It i< bettor to •scriBco s littloaaw if ascosssry tbaa to want lalar ost.

Four par cent interegt on money if lefttfaree months.


AuctionHaving rented the farm 1 will sell at auction at the place one mile

north and five miles west of St. Johns, or one mile north and four miles east of Fowler on

Tuesday, January 9thCommencing at one o’clock sun time, the following described prop­erty.

HORSES.Bay marc, weight I.-IOO Brown marc, weight 1,200 Brown marc in foal, wt. 1,200 Grey gelding, wt. 1,050

COWS.Durham cow, 6 yrs old Red Polled grade cow, 5 yrs. Heifer, 17 months old Durham calf, 5 mos. old HOGS AND POULTRY.

Two brood sows 50 hens2 pair Pekin ducks

11 Breeding EwesTOOLS. ETC.

Mowing machine Empire grain drill.4-row beet drill. Beet lifter. Steel roller.Wide tire wRgon Double wagon box, new Spring-tooth harrow SxTacuse plow Shovel plow 2-seated spring wagon.Light road wagon Cutter

Double work harness Double driving harness Set bob sleighs Stone boat 2 log chains 100 feet hay rope Hay fork and pulleys 1-2 hu. June Clover seed 1 bu. timothy seed Pair horse blankets 50 sap pailsPair good horse collars 20 grain bags Bushel of seed com Numerous other articles

All sums of $5 and under, cash; over $5, one years’ time will be given on good|bankable notes drawing 6 per cent interest.

H. V. Hostetler, Prop’r.AUGUST MILLER, Auctioneer.


4. 1912.


iBWATfi MJiLT m nrniuiiM1CBI41AII.

1 inirr' ^— ba*«of •ood rmtm MU t& MUhl—,

hf tkm m ottiM fel^wajrMM Jvly 1. IMi. •oeofdlac U> ■IMMMBt BHMl* to Oov. OabOtfl Il7 aShwAT OdbbMomt H. T. Bjr. (M tMo «iHaM» tlMCA bflB bMA $UI pM lA alAto rmmad. whtofa ■Ml HIT"* to thaw OOMBtlW thw hwo Ml«d to toko adTWWc* of tbo Twwrd Iwr, M how oosttUwiad aw- mtiwIt ta taxw to aAd tboir omma pio- Cf«wiv» ■■tjlitnn OatWlA counttw whiefc haw adoMd tiM oounty rood ■ywws Haw tMr wMw of oooatjr roads ooaaoetlBC ap tholr prlaelpal laarkot tow, ptaebeally oowplotad ■■d Iwva drawn iwittiiioly froai the state tor aid of their eatsrprto* • while the BM»e IscbMIt cosatlee which atded them hawe aothlas maeh to show hot tax recetiKe tor their Mire la the etate's vwtiiTr alooc these

Of the total ailesce ooaatnicied. 514 Bdlee were grarel road aad 311 miles meredam road. This la not all. however, for as a raanlt of reeeot ae- dvttles these are MO miles hi course of ooastniotloci or Jast completed, on which the award Is peadlaif. DarlOK the year esMUnc June SO, Itll. there were 304 miles coasaructed, of which 21C miles were travel road, the form of hlshway construction which seems to be most popular In thla state and on whitb the atate has paid $193476 In reward. It Is a ahoarins all around of which the department Is proud and the officials ssy that aeverai countlea are piannlnc equally as extensive op* eratlons next year, some of them pro- poainx to complete their county sya- tema and Ret the benefits of easy travel In bad weather as well aa In «ood.



r-L. J. ■Mill sf shnich hss sa-

a eall to Tinb, lad.

CoaaQr will

M this dty


Hawl w of ta this eUy PM*




II ofMarqastls |ths cirealt torasfa'

d prawssttag at* daclsrsd ths la- » last laa gsasd

ta taductns ftrat offhadaia to part from thslr sell waya and aa la- eahiabla factor In wtahllnldna aood ilwiptlaa In the pstBoas of ths ststs

law of araat asrvlw to as In tUlna In toaah rrtth nsw saa.’* said ths war- dsa> Hs rslstsd ths advice hs glvas

• I ■ j nsw aaa oa thslr eatsrlas prisoa sadadOlNAW—That OtSD Wish on oasse I the rsqasat he mahw that they choow

to hla death hy hla orva hand ww the | bstwsaa beoeaUas aDod asn or ooatlB* verdict of the eoransr's Jary. Raahlon.: ulnc thsir evil ways, addlac: tbs man who was held paadlnc t^jWsia naa Twa-iMidt Waks Otti outooBe, was alsaaad.

HOLLAND—OoraaUss of Urasd Hapida who eseaps ths lails aarlaa tor crladBal about thras waste apo^ was bsadsd hare Pridsy.

1%# waidaa ststsd that alace Ssptsmhsr, INt, wksn ths law waat Into eftoct, thsre have baaa 390

___ ^ priaoaara parolsd fnan Marqustts;pIMsd rmTSillty awThS eximM-1are 236 who have bean dls- UoB was set for Jan. A ** eMatlw of puxtle. ate

_____ I 63 BOW out ate maktaa soed oa theIiOW-4aaa OTlsil. a veteran i

of ths avll war. waa foute dste in!***^*parole ate 59 have bsea recaptured

SCXlPIlTLiO—Osorpe Heaa a local' ■alooalrapp*'. wrw arrsatad, charpsd with Tiolatl^ ths cloeinc law- Hs{



date inj***^*his bed at his boas near here. Hs P*role ate

70 yeaia old ate death wm due to heart disaose. A daughter Is seri­ously ill.

GRANT—It la very piala that Grant wilt not Ions be without a hotel, tor since tlw bumlns of the local hostelry last week eeveral outside people have \'ialted the town aad are looklnx over the different locations.

59 have hi aad retumad to prlson-

in an aditraaa prepared tor the proaecutofe' mestins ate delivered before the two aaaoclatlooa, Judfte Wleat of Laaalns said:

**3081 bow isBic society can atate the present rush tor divorce I do not know, but It Is to be hoped that the 600 ate more husbands ate wives adjudged guilty of conduct

________ demandtng tbe Mverance of theALLBGAN—fleonre .Vsndorf, of ot-; *"■"*•«*** retatlon in this county j

tawa la In the county Jail, charged '■ “PO" I*** 'with torgsr>'- A letter conuinlng a check for $50. addressed to Fred .Veundorf, was delivered by mistake to .Vendorf. who forged the name Fred .Vtiendorf iind cashed the check-

how i;will not cause others to It can be arcompllahed "

Judge P T. Van Zlle of Detroit! read a paper on tbe divorce evil. In which he advocated interlocutory de­grees of divorce, placing the parties

AUJSflAN—From present appear-! •«wklag separation on probation for a .mres there la going to be a merry ■ more liefore the decree la _

; war on here soon among prospectors ™tee final. i________ jfor oil Gompanlea are taking leases Officers were elected as follows: :

SI’G.iR WGRkKR PROB-Und will sink teat wells next spring. ITealdent. L. B. l>ea Volgnea. f^aaso-■Several years ago a teat well was put i P®**** Mce-preaid««t. W. B. Perkins,, down here, showing a good amount Rapida; secretary-treasurer, j

■ I of oil. ® Collingwood. I.anelng ISAtJINAW Bamuel Mlahon. thirty} _____

GHA.VD RAPIDB-The Michigan State Telephone company Is arrang­ing to conduct a vigorous campaign for extending Its local service next year. Over 200 employees will be senthere after .'ew Yeaito to begin ex-|clf)alng meeting of the .'isaoclation of I tending Its linen Into the residential ' prosecuting attorneys this afternoon i

years old. eniidoyed at the C'arrolton factory of the Michigan Sugar Com­pany. was found l>ing In a {.ool of blood at his rooming bouse on Elm street, with a bullet hole In hit head. He was removed to Saginaw General hospital, where bis coteltlon la re­ported aa aerloua. At a laic hour be bad not regained conaclouanesa

Sheriff Rlmmele. who Investigated, arres«e<| Andrew Ruablon. 24 years old It Is believed that he knowa something of the affair.

While It may not be a case of foul play. Indications point that way. The bullet entered back of the right ear, taking a downward course. I>r. Crane,

Want Haada) Law Repealed. |There arc numerous laws whicb;

the prosecuting attorneys of the state ; would have changed or repealed. | among them the statute relating to ■ tbe obserrance of Sunday. At the


Noble BurnettWill Opan His


January Qearance Sales, cm Saturday, January 6th

Every ready-to-wear garment is offered in this opening sale at prices sure to make a quick clearing. This sale includes many of the season’s new­est styles in high grade and popular priced

Cloaks, Swats, Furs, Dresses, Rain Coats, Waists, Skirts, Kimonos, Rohes, Sweaters, Shawls, Caps, Bon-

nets. Hoods, Scarfs, Knit Skirts, DatingGowns, Petticoats.

Every garment is marked in plain figures or on printed list, and samples wil^ be on display in show windows Thursday and Friday with special marked prices. Sale opens Saturday. January 6th. at 8 a. m. and continues while stock lasts.T Sales in other lines will follow and will be announced in next week’s papers and Samples will be on display ia our windows. It is not so much what you pay for what you get in this sale as what you get for what you pay for. 1 am always glad of an opportunity to give everybody good value for their money and the time is here when 1 shall give the people a real old time value giving sale of my entire stock. Watch my smoke and follow the procession.


OWOSSO- The Masonic Temple as­sociation of Owooao has filed artlclM of incorporation. The naaoclatlon holds two valuable lota oa the noaln street of the city, where a handsome Msaonie edifice will be erected. Shares of stock will be disposed of st $10 each for this p«irpose

It was set forth that the present Sun- | day law Is practically a farce, ate | through their iegtolaUre committee j the prosecutors may attempt to have! the ok] law repealed and a new on** j passed at the next session of the legis- : lature

The legislative committee will also I be asked to consider a proposltloln to ^ revise the nan-««ipport laws and pro-! vide a punishment tor one who iMves' his family without funda. It waa sug

••••aoooowaooaoaoowowoowooooooowaaowwwwwwanwwww^ »••••••••••••••••••••••••••••sosooooaoooaoaoaawaat

who removed the bullet, believes thiscould not have occurred If Mlahon had! I’ORT HPRO.N—J, J Morrlaoa. dls _____ _______fired the shot A revolver with two manager of the Michigan State , sestevl that the law give authority toexploded shells was found In the. Telephone company of this city, hsa a Justice of the prooe to place such of- room. also a bottle containing nonw*. been transferred to the Grand Rapids fenders on probation for one year or, whisky Several pieces of furniture divltloa and will leave this city the: to require a bond for that length of! were broken and coadltloas generally: T'f** ®f ibe year. Frank O’Brien will' time. That non-payment of alimony. I pointed to a free-for-all fight. 1 suceete him in thla dty. having been j for the bsae<1t of chikirmi at least.

Rushion s fare l>ears several Traverse City. j constitutes abandonment and Is a fsJ-;nishkiae which appear fresh He In-' .. " j ony. !• the opinion of the prosecutingslats they are old marks RAimJ*. CRH^ - After coaslder-; attorneys They would also abolish I

*r«n all omninvMi in tha MiMr *“*** <lla**uss4on the bosrd of educs* the dlstlDctlon betwesn daytime and IPlant, live In the houae Mlshon doing 1*** ****«J[!^***'^ *** * pop<«lar demand nighttime in cases of larceny and bur-! T: for a night school and sessloas will slarv


That Should Interest Every Person in this Vicinity

^ cooMg T^en* have ^ njany. ,he new high achooolrights there of Iste whk-h the author- ^itlves have been called Am all the met) are flcult to serun- any Information

build- will be

Red upon to at<^. j,^,j i^abllshedRuaalaiM. It la dif- Member* of the high achool facuin

HAD BEEN BEAD TWD DAYSI,n iHT- high achool faculty ' will tsach a variety of subjscta, large­ly practical In their nature.

F»KTOSKRY’ M B Reynolds of Center township Is out $160 iinisas a

nus’MMaib'PB '^ttonlsalon houae purrhaaer known ^ Records appears ReyaoMs aoM a

'car of (lotatoea to Records, and shlp- — ped it to a ChleagD commission house.

OWOasO —Tbe iKidy of Mr* Joseph j

IMH»T GF GWGHHGIH Kor.\n—f'lHi; gf srii idf

nolds secured the mosey st a localftMind oa the floor in her home, i ^ •J*;' !

She had evidenily been drod over 4X i h*d no mosey inihourm A bottle conuinlng chloro- = <7*!*^?* ** **** *nto«nt Iform ate a handkerohier that had i r®**'** iT' been Mturated with the poison ur i“**'**’*™ n*®”**®** 'Bssr her When relatives of the worn-! *»»par Wednesday, but has not been j aa Twturreil from out of town and were ' jinformed by the neighbors that Mrs. i Shafer had sot been seen for two days, they torred a door and made the dla-1 oovery. Mrs Shaver took dinner'

glary-I The legislative committee will ^ I also be asked to coaaMer the I advisability of a law making Jail-! I breaking a felony, and also a atatute i I that will iiermlt a srlfe to testify i j against her husband in certain oases i j The attorneys would amend the gen- ' , eral liquor law by requiring a pre- j scrlptlon tor the sale of liquor by i drugglata and revise the disorderly t act.

The following officers ware elected; s President. H. D. Crowley. Chebo>intn; i vice-president. Bari Mlcbeaer, Adrian; seerstary and treasurer. Henrr Milt- ner. Lake City.

To make room for NEW GOODS. I will offer for a FEW DAYS ONE-FOURTH OFF on the following articles:

i’ and G^t’s Umlx’eUas Ladies’ Silk Steel Ribbed Parasols

Hats said Oqjs — Bush’s Standard Line

DECIDE TD HAVE ONE PHONEBoy’s Underwear, fleece lined strong values at 20c



ONLY. Ladies’ and Misses’ frnni..$1.00 to $3.00 Men’s from.......................$1.50 to $4.00

GFGWGMIMI PTBLir WOBKHrsturnlng home th*- followag morn* witl


-At meeting to dll


tag. when. If ki believed, she rcwnmlt- tsd snlrlile. Her husband haa bean working on a farm near the city Th« woman had been it, poor health and her act ia attributed to deepasdeacy.

SrPT. C.trHKH rG\P|’««IG)4.



JAiTKBO.N- Ite bearing before Gov. Hataon of Ohio la the matar cf the

of Aalfww J. iBrnmlnga. la thto sate on a charge of

nmtmm, has ast yst bean hsM.has hsea made hy

PtasMwttsg AUornsy BaHer that the ease mOmm MRtoa J Daly of China- •a. who Is toclag a brihai chsme la ■samctlaa with the aacksK priaan ■aaatel, will he tried a the Jsnasry tsra af ctrruR oawrt. even thoagh

mtmm la the looal Is Mt aasared betere that ttee.

OWOSStl—The board of public wnrke le In a quandary beesuae num- rmie importam deuGe of the depart­

ment hare been tost track of. owha to the death this week of C. H. Cessltt. who had been superlntesdent of the worhe for 30 years. Mr. Cossltt kept a great maay of tbe records la hla hate iMtead of oa the boohs The loee- tlos of msoy wa4sr malae sad tbe Watus of aspotlatkae wRh oaaido roacevna aro asKSNr the thlaps the board will have to flte oat tor Itaolf.


with the Michigan teiepboae aad adopt i a nne-tHephone aystero, giving the' Cltlssps' fompany the bualaaas aa ‘ aoon as praaeat costrsca run outfTTA soon .as present contraca with the Bell cfwnpaay expire About SM men •tteteeri the meeting- Over SM buol- neae ate professlrisal men have olgned on agreemest to adopt Che oae-tsle- phone system. The CttUens' company offered a slightly lower rate than the Bell. A warm teiephoae war la sa- pected. The Bell company now has about 4.M0 ’phonm ate the eltlsma sot quMe 3.0M.



FAUL VAN BUNBN, O. M. (lOseaawe-Taereste)

I9i U.9 a a a 9 pa

AVOW Tiadhg.M y 1



Mr. r. NorHa vtoHed NorTts. Miaday

Mrs- » Ooie of Bt Alhana Vi. ate Mas CbaHao Colo of DsWItt, ware ealleva at the bsam of Mr. ate Mtu Vanay H. Pearoela last wash.

Mam Huioaa haa aaiid Mva Baaah! ^ lipdeh form ate wUI smws oa the

Mr. MIMb fromAte fhmlly of laaatag. vtoltod

Mr. ete Mva. M DilgMa. l«t Baaday.Mr ate Mm Ball Taylor ate Mm-

Ur of Motel ONva* Mr. «d Miw John

Havoa, visMod Mr. imd Mm- Bart *nif-

TBKOfMHA -Mm James FWi. a promlaant etab wnoean. wva faute dead upon the trttchea flaar la her home a Doaa Friday by bar hushate- Mr*. Flak had heaa prsparhm dhmor ate had apparently attompted to eat a piece of aaat tatea froai a ketUe oa

ve. M la thnaght the moat choked her ate broaght m a fatal at* task of hoavt troahlv with which oho

bar of ■tataro Star Froa brothor, died m a olndlar

Darltag. a

A Kne of Men’s, Women’s, Muses’ and Child- chii.iren s from...................25c to $i.soren’s !%oes at these prices

Sweaters, Cotton and Half Wool, all sizes 25c to $2

A few heavy Work JewdeetsHoy’.s $1..^ values at............Men’s $2.00 values at..........Men’s $4.00 values at............Men’*; $5.00 values at.............



Lanops—A few fancy globe Laoepa, worth $3.50, to go atAflk to sec

$2.00 Haw




Tht If«w« Job D^pwtiiMnt ii hiUjr BqptgpBd to do b1 kindi d eocimBrciBl and boob prtiulnf. Oat

1 flU


^ 1912.



I ALTERATION SALEOf Diy Goods, Gent’s Furmshii^ %oes RuUiers, Wall Paper, Carpets,

linoleums. Matting Crockery, China, Umlmilas, Jewdry, Etc.

Saturday^ Jan. 6 and continaes until d»e cloae of Saturday, Jan. 20(Hove and NitleB

SpecialOur entire stock at this

sale at prices never be­fore given.$1.50 gloves and mittens at..... Si. 19

1.25 gloves and mittens at______ 90c1.00 gloves and mittens at . 79c*75 g'loves and mittens at 90c.50 gloves and mittens at 30c• 25 gloves and mittens at.______ 19c

Men’s and Ladies’ Fine . Dress Shoes

This season’s creations and your money’s worth at regular values.S2.cx> values at_______

2.50 values at. ...........3,00 values at.......................3.50 values at___________4,cxD values at__________4.50 values at ___________

A discount of 5 per cent on Workshoes and Light weight Rublier goods and Rulibrrr Boots.

A discount of 10 per cent^ on Heavy Work Rubbers.

91.80 - 2.20

2.65 . 3.15 . 3.65 . 4.10

Ladies Hosiery

10% OffOn our famoiM EiffnI Bmnd

Ladiot’ Hom.

Nras Heavy Work Goats.

Mackinaw Wool S4.50 value at $3.89Duck Water Proof, Blanket Lined

....................... ........ $2.25 at 1.99Duck Water Proof, Blanket Lined

$i.5oat U9Imported English Cordroy, Blan­

ket, Sheep, Pelt and Bear skin lined ......... ......... S3.00 at 2.99

Imported English Cordroy as above____________ $3-75 a* $9.19

ImportcNl English Cordroy asabove___ .. $5.50 at $4^09

Imported English Cordroy as above ______ $6.00 at $4.99

Leather Reversible $6.50 at HMPontiac Knit $a*75 at ̂

TH« fvricM

for j prlct

roslsactlcm In


Men’s Fine Dress Tronsers.

Must be sold at this sale. Splendid values.u .50 values at________$4.00 values at___________$3.50 values at_________$3.00 values at______________ $1.99$2.75 values at______________ .9^1.79$2.50 values at....................... 01.69

Men’s Heavy Wool and Cordroy Trousers.$1.50 value at________ SI.36$2.00 values at____ ________ SI.69$a .50 values at__ .......... ... . S2.19$2.75 values at_____________ S^36

Men’ DressShirts.Dress for evening or

general wear, fine variety of materials and styles.50c values, at'75c values at_$i.cx> values at

Ifen’s Wool Shirts.1.00 values, at 1.50 values at „ 1.75 values at ...

- 79c S1.39

_ 1.39

Men’s Neckwear.All our Men’s Silk Four-

in-hand ties extra quality and very pretty styles.50c four-in-hands at__________ 39c25c four-in hands at___________ISc

Also special lot at 5 aod lOc each.



A SpecialRed Star factory by bolt.......754cRed Star factory by yard.......854c

BlanketsI , Excellent values in Gray and Novelty plaids.

I SOc values at.............. 39c

I $1.00 values at.........................79c: $1.25 values at.........................99ci $1.50 values at.......................$1.29I* $1.8‘> values at.......................$1.59f $2.25 values at.......................$1.89I $2.50 values at....................... $1.99

I Steven’s Gra^i 6c values at.................................5c

10c values at......................... 854c11c values at........... 9V^c1254c values at........................ .11c13c values at......................... 1154c

TaUe LinensThis lot is especially priced for this sale only25c values at........................... 20c50c values at........................ .....43c5Hc values at.............................49c75c values at.............................64c$1.(X) values at......................... 87c$1.25 values at................... $1.1254

(nn^hamsand PrintsBc.st .standanl print................... Sc.Apron gingham, 7c, at............6c.Apron gingham, 9c, at............8cDress ginghams, 1254c, at.....10cOutings. 10c, at..................... 8*4cOutings. 12c, at................... 1054cLonsdale muslin, 12c, at.........10cFlannelette, 12c, at............... 1054cFlannelette, 10c, at............ 854cCrcttms, 12c, at....................... 10cCretons, 9c, at.........................754c

Lace Gurtains.Newest patterns and

extra values fn white and ecru.75c values at $1.00 values at $1.25 values at $1.50 values at $1.75 values at $2 .00 values at $2.25 values at $3.50 values at

. 69c


$1.09 -. 1.29

1.49 _ 1.59

1.79 - 2.99

Sweaters - Sweater CoatsMen’s from__________ 64c to $2.96Ladies’ and Misses’ ___ 43c to $1.6oBoy’s from ............... 43c to 63c

Work Shirts-OverallsValues here never be­

fore thought of.Men’s Overalls and jackets

_____________________ 60c at 54cMen's Overalls and jackets

___ Hoc at 72cMen’s Overalls and jackets

__________________ 90c at 81cMen's Work .Shirts ___ 50c at 45c

Wool Dress Goods.All Wool French Ser­

ges. all wool storm serges including black, navy blue and a full range of colors.I He values at -- I6c25c value at„. _______________ 21c35c value at______________*......29c55c value at „ ..... 43cH.Sc value at_________________ 72c$1.00 value at _____________ 86c$1.25 value at______________ $1.06$i.5o value at______________ 1.29

Men’s Hats and Oqjs$3.00 hats at....................................... $2.19$2.50 hats at...............................-...... .$1.49$2.25 hats at.................................... $1.33$2.00 hats at...................................... $1.21$1.75 hats at........................-............. $1.00$1.25 hats at............................................ 80c25c caps at................................................. lOc

50c caps at.......... 39c>1.00 caps at.... ..79c Other good values

in odds and ends.Caps as low as 8c.A AmA mt SSc kTable

The enormous trade during our Holiday Sale naturally leaves a lot of odds and ends, remnants, etc., which will be found on our Buiain Table, at prices which have no intent of profit, cost will not be considered. An unheard of assortment of quality askings.

GRIM•A ><iinfl for Nearly Half

Grocery Special18 IW. GnwelaleS tapv Her tm wttfe y«t mJ» Is tbto alter tepvt-

7 5c boxes of matches at________ 25cBulk starch, 8lbs. at____________ 2***8 bars Acme soap ________ 28c50c tea, per lb_________________ 4Dc40c tea, per lb._________________ 31cSoda______________________ JcBread, per loaf 4c3 pkgs. Corn Flakes____________ 25cYeast Foam____________________ 4cClothes pins, per dozen__________ Ic

Men’s and Women’s Fleeced 2piece suits____ 50c at 39c

Children’s Fleeced 2 piece suits______________ 21c to 34c

Men’s and Women’s FleecedUnion suits _____ 50c at 39c

Men’s and Women’s Wool 2piece suits ....... _ $1,00 at 79c

$1.50 at $1.19Men’sarid Women’

Suits______Wool Uuion___$1.50 at $1.19

$i.75at $1.49

Carpets - LinoleanisI Extraordinary values and most extraordinary prices, to make more room for our alteration.Carpets. 25c value, at__________ 20cCarpets, 50c value, at__________ 41cCarpets, 69c values, at..... ............. 56cStair Car|>ct, 35c value, at______ 30cMattings, 35c values, at________ 29*^Rugs $i.5o values, at______ 91-282-yard Linoleum. $1. 25 values at 1.16 2-yard Linoleum. $1.00 values at 89( 4-yard Linoleum, $2.65 values at 2.51 O il cloth stove rugs at reduced price.

Crockery.10 per cent, discount

on our stock of Crockery. This includes many worth more than regular price. which must be sold now.

(nonile WareThe general reduction

that you find on all our stock at this sale given on this most complete line in the city.

A fsgtelM

Qtelcll* tell Bio btebtetitiat— tlOM.

inat totlbte ^oo€lte«

or ifteltte-ImUNECARLT
