Why it's Important to Understand the Relationship Between Stress and Anger?

WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS AND ANGER Shyama Shankar Stress Management Techniques and Anger Management Tips

Transcript of Why it's Important to Understand the Relationship Between Stress and Anger?


Shyama Shankar

Stress Management Techniques and Anger Management Tips

Have you ever observed the role stress has in anger? Stress can certainly create a variety of problems. If

you are prone to anger, then stress will likely increase your angry behaviors. Anger management and

stress management work in similar ways, and this is partially because of the similar makeup of anger and

stress -- they both have a psychological factor.

"A man when feels happiness then there is no stress and anger in him. But a man is in stress position

when he shows his anger to all. So there is relation between stress and anger. When angry count to

ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred”.

India often looks at Japanese or American models to comprehend the concepts of management. In

reality, Indian scriptures can be considered as treasuries of management .The Bhagavat Gita, the Vedas

and the Epics highlight the true spirit of working together and the need for de-stressing the self for

enhanced performance levels. The idea of NISHKAMYAM (to perform one’s own work without expecting

a result) is truly said to be the highest ideology preached by Lord Krishna.


A dynamic condition in which an individual is presented with an opportunity or confronted with a

demand, related to what she or he desires and for which the outcome is uncertain but important, can be

called a stressful situation. The consequences of stress in an organizational set up express themselves in

the form of physiological, psychological or behavioral symptoms, which are harmful to the individuals

who experience high levels of stress.




Increased job dissatisfaction


Decline in productivity

Rapid turn over

High blood pressure

Heart diseases

Head aches


While long term stress is harmful to the individual and organization as well, it is said that short term

stress serves the purpose of task accomplishment by individuals or groups, within the stipulated time. It

serves as a motivation factor rather than a causative agent of frustration. It has been proved by

scientists and medical researchers that stress has a direct effect on the metabolism of a person, that

causes increase in heart and breathing rates, increase in blood pressure, thus inducing heart attacks.


Psychological symptoms arise due to job-related dissatisfaction, boredom, work pressure, irritability and

procrastination. Sometimes forceful involvement may also lead to decreased job satisfaction. The job to

be carried out can be finished at the particular time if the individual is able to give one's best shot. But

when it is performed under stress, they complete the job with dissatisfaction. When the incumbent is

asked to perform a task that lacks clarity, naturally ambiguity arises in his mind followed by anxiety.

Changes in productivity levels, absence, and rapid staff turnover are stress symptoms of behavioral

nature. It might be expressed even in the form of increased smoking, consumption of alcohol etc., Say

for instance, in production department, when there is a need to supply a product in a very limited time,

the workers may be active initially, but the performance slows down when they get totally tired or

dissatisfied with the work. Again the demand by the superior adds additional stress that reaches

unmanageable levels. Similarly, people taking care of administration, banking, marketing and other

office related works fall a prey to stress.


From an organization view point, it is believed that a limited amount of stress may work wonders in

terms of performance, with stress acting as a "positive stimulus". But even low levels of stress are likely

to be perceived as undesirable from an individual's stand point. How could be the notion of

management and individuals be different on the acceptable levels of stress? It does not solve the

purpose. Individuals have to understand that, they have to live up to the expectations of the

management in order to enhance their credit ratings, in terms of promotion and pay. They have to

understand that challenges are to be perceived as opportunities to prove their mettle. Self and

situational analysis, work analysis, time management and physical well- being are some techniques that

practically solve problems of stress.

Organisations can reduce stress of the employees by bringing some changes in the work design, through

job rotation, job enrichment, wellness programs like meditation and yoga and welfare measures for the

workers. Stress has more impact on performance and so both individual and organizational programmes

can be installed to manage and cope-up with stress.


To put in a layman’s perspective, “When something doesn’t happen the way we want it to”; “When

somebody tries to dominate us”, “When we are forced to do something”, “When we get disappointed if

things are not favorable” and many more situations that kindle within us a feeling – which is called

frustration if the intensity is mild and rage if the intensity is huge. This type of anger pertains to “self”;

anger also erupts if our loved ones, near and dear ones experience threat or when you want to oppose a

social stigma or when you feel helpless in a situation.”

“Learn this from me. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a

weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do,

we do to ourselves.” ― Mitch Albom

On top of all this “A Hungry Man is always Angry“, Do you agree with me? I want to ask a simple

question, “Are the poor to blame for being poor?“. Well, this is a social problem and every one of us

must be angry if the people of our own country are below the poverty line and not being able to eat

atleast twice a day.


Coming to Anger Management, it is training for temper control and is the skill of remaining calm. It has

been described as deploying anger successfully. The goal of anger management is twofold: to eliminate

unnecessary anger, and to express necessary anger in healthy ways.

Anger management is the process of learning to recognize signs that you’re becoming angry, and taking

action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way.

We have to understand the crucial fact that “ In no way does anger management mean holding the

anger in or trying to keep from feeling anger. Anger is a normal human emotion, a healthy one when it is

expressed appropriately“.


“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.”― Ambrose


I want to list down some of the most common things that make people angry.

The most common factors that make people angry are:

Grief – losing a loved one.

Sexual frustration





Withdrawal from drugs or some medications

Some physical conditions, such as pre-menstrual syndrome

Physical illness

Mental illness

Alcohol, some drugs, alcohol abuse, drug abuse


Being teased or bullied




Traffic jams


Sloppy service




Financial problems

Being told you have a serious illness

COURTESY - http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/

You know, I get angry even if I hear somebody munching or chewing something and I can never stand

that sound! I googled to know more about my shortcoming and was relieved to find that I have good

company on this issue. Read this news:

‘The sound of my boyfriend chewing makes me want to strangle him’: Model, 20, has a phobia of NOISE

which makes her fly into a rage when she hears someone eating.” (This medical condition is called

“Misophonia” which literally means hatred of sound and seems to be a neurological disorder).

Faith Watson, 20, has misophonia – the hatred of sound Certain noises – including chewing – make her

irrationally angry At meals she has to have the TV on so she can’t hear people chewing She had to drop

out of college after being tormented by classroom noises Now she has been officially diagnosed, she is

rebuilding her life and trying to make a career as a model.

COURTESY - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/

I personally feel that people have become restless in general and want everything to happen in a jiffy.

Rationale and Logic have taken a back seat and we all are evolving as one group with SUPER-EGO and

IMPATIENCE. What is the reason behind this? Are we becoming insensitive to others’ feelings? Have we

forgotten to enjoy moments of happiness how small it may be?


CONSTUCTIVE ANGER – that which helps to solve a problem

DESTRUCTIVE ANGER – that which heightens the intensity of a problem ending in chaos.

In between elements like mild irritation, frustration, anxiety etc., all can be handled or treated.


Stress Free Living

Double Your Productivity

Understand how you react to situations and that will help you to know more about yourself. No two

persons are alike and so are their characteristics, but if you happen to be in the following circumstances

then you may need some help:

1. You frequently feel that you have to hold in your anger.

2. You have numerous arguments with people around you, especially your partner, parents,

children or colleagues.

3. You find yourself involved in fights.

4. You hit your partner or children.

5. You threaten violence to people or property.

6. You have outbursts where you break things.

7. You lose your temper when driving and become reckless.

8. You think that perhaps you do need help.

I welcome comments on “How to control your anger” and “Genuine and Workable Anger Management

Tips for Employees” for the benefit of the masses.