WÊ/ÊÊÊÊ ©mes Belleville's Independent - DigiFind-It

WÊ/ÊÊÊÊ ©mes Belleville’s Independent Hometown Newspaper Subscription $2 "A Year Vol. 20, No. 44 Vêtu* Entered u Second Clua nutter. April U. ltM at tie Poet %0ce et Newark. N J .jtpderJ,he ectj ~BELLKVILLETN. J., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1955 5c per copy Still Must Act On Rent Control Mayor Says Commission Must Adopt Some Measure Before Rent Control Deadline June 30; Tenants Present Petition Asking Control Extension I , Tenants protesting the end of rent control here June 30 presented' a petitiipt iirging control continuation,, at the town meeting'thii? ween. *t '' Mavoh -Tsadore Padula, in answer to Questions trom Janci- loads and tenants,’said the Commi&sioh would have to-adopt jsome kind of measure between now and the deadline. jk ^ T h e CommOs^ion hffd1 set YTriiie 80 as tho deadune ion controls, in a meeting .'about forit rnonths ago, trsx^sd'a.^'.w^g. .ors^.:»h aCterizoa by At aièès' giving stories bf eases some ■ poirJg- t h e . -meeting marked by pjgrsQ&al exchanges be- tween members in the audience. '»resenting th%vpfMfion-,,fÓE. mis. Theóteofa’ Wit- ek of Joralemon • Street '¡said : ... ebninalssio'ners had let the' people down by ' removing con- trols; that 88 per cent of the-. t&Wn was bmlt up; thftt there w - /por •cerò ■ »ocdtRsncy: . in laffif“ «ljàM-S- ;dwgli%ifsd hi thp, last .44 wars. Rhe §aad that the petition' :.wEs a gobi. :barometerFBpw,fibffte- pbpple weie fhr Wo33~littd out* She said *500 names were gotten by V(0/S£ìttg j i t iS B ^ S t o ^ r i| ( r a ? Aida-VoSS® add the petitions also contained let- ters from s-o-pi'etenants; ,. ■ V^to DeFftp said cotetepls had Keen oil 12-W d^''yéiré‘'j^rd that rehf|- had not”Edna . W while coste had gor.e i|p: tW e times. - „•.Bait Greco said it was the prop- erty owners who were paying the toes and were entitled - to at marò a "'BO .pef,, e rti boost. ; , I .'•■Mrs.. «'TOMB :’^4d rémóval of contVolg. W jtól/iptónjif ’ jKif ' lande lord to charge w l^t: 'itteey wanted. B'i..,'. .(¡Continued On ¡Pagò; Khroo) <'. TOWN INCOME TOPS 63 MIRIONS, SURVEY SHOWS Average Family Earned $ 6,662 In 1954; Per Capita Income Above Norm jBellevffle’s inem ne from all sources reached a total of $6B,9o8,0W in 19 3 4; the greatest annual ' wage in the town’s nisieyyv The annual Sales Manage- ment Survey of Buying: Now. York, set th§ 1954 -m- çame at the average -Belleville façdly. at S6)6.'65a an increase in family income of about. '$$00 over 1988. . . The earnings to,-1954 gave, S.glle' ville a market index, ’of Otte p o in t’above the- tefttipiripl ftite'ragè. ’ . In-BelìéVIllèv'.tìie gv.erage fathily’s •7 (OòTt-dntìéd. Oft Pake Twb)/ ART OPEN HOUSE WILL BE HELD STARTING MONDAY People Invited To See Work Of Grammer School Children In Nine Buildings The, ,pu'f?li,e school^, in ree- W nition of -public' SchpQl1Art, Week, May 16 to M a/ 20, are preparing to Welcome what they ihope will W" ai influx of interested v4 $fforte. * Students, teachers/ and principals have boen busy -prepa:tdn|r|t:fi!ffl^ efforts of‘the^aMdren* from the' kindergarten a^,e t h r o u g h ih'e bi^th grade; ‘ Som§ /y'ork by every student will «be on display, .as well -as ex- hibits ■ of special - proi4ete, - All wbrk- "Will be clqably, marked by grade, and with the mamfe of the student, «‘thi •The public vis .invited, M. 'visit the schools any afternoon -during [■jM wpek-'tp' seevtKft; abidehts. ¡at wori^ a---display loC^eabhln^-Msay add enjoy the exhibit, the art de- partment said/-- . ' /.SOocSnu»« Oa- Pm» '»»o); 1 Turn Thumbs Down On Bog Site For School Purposes BOARD W H 1 MEET WITH COMMISSION MONDAY NIGHT W ill Diiscirs« Proonsed School And Possibility Of Retaining Bog CbftipLE OF- THE YEAR . I^ R e y . Msgr, -Jo^ph -M. Kelly/'!^res.entS a Mrs tFrank Rarseuhf.oi Washington Avenue, who Were -named Cana "Couple of the Year’ during the filth anniversary banquet of thqtjf, Peter’s CiwiV Parselli, who will- mark«’ their 4oih- #e4'iing ai> niylrsaray. this month, beehfte" pientbers; of the Cana,move- m ent y/hei;. ItitV ti'itarW d. ’i-Atecr honored .wasi,2$ia.;.Bonala J. O’SiOT/T.Mother Of "the Year.” Square Dahce Tomorrow - .¡Thé,. -Ladles* •CtylR §1 Bethapy .Lu^brah -..ôhÙtbH-s .,wu^A<U|^ a atoarn da'nee.'fftnibrrow flight .at g :16 - in the fefibeatioh. -roOiU 'Vof thfl.(ftúr(áu ’ äh ;'l®i tftb.; Church ; Mrs. Willis ,Ticé, cliairman, jwill bp hsfistCd-fhyrMrs* Harry -.‘Gimbeíj & fry - Hò"|mbh/ ,, Alb®« . .Hblfc Chéries ’ Lèmjp;' :lwbeìt/'McMinhis, August Molt,: .William. -Monks, 'Chartes ReWedbr,,' 'S’aMue' • ’Sh«®*’ ■dôïîï Arthuü: molWj. tsiohplas« Van Balen and Millón aubér.'. • Life in a Necktie Mill Has Its Knots Egg And Ketchup Styles Giving Way To Conserva- tive Wear, Softer Designs By Regina Sjnaridge ' Life ija a ^qck-tle^&eto.py has its knots,; but W also has I-fe & edngfrant- ' «h;ft 'from th f oid Bawailati silnsef, and moro conservative'designs dtf ¡the- longer slimmer sigfes in ,y°¿0 # today.. ; f e where that next’ Christmas or.*birthday ¿ lft,js,bVtli,''tJhe Äi®*- wivie/’ a group' pilirSs.: Workefüj mainly'.WOmeh’' i irate vWWn thé 'mshffií4 ^htej- fhl^th: ábeeá tpadjinjí^ ahílwulsinM steanj '® í§ f Thl8lte tJjd impt^lioh frorS tiff .Spring- tjeckwear Ojteipany, right hete in 1653 Wa^li^fbon Av®®^ : which.. produces, h tr.feds ,of t?et each week, plaids, solids, stripes, polka- Iptej Mh 3 _^ e e ,:-laB K lM |M a it ,haa tufiiing ,oiA... neckwear, under the ' ’«ji^ittoh'.- of Aafrai'Tlfiw^f of M'h- . ker ' Btaoe1and .owflemhip of Mur- • (Continued- Oft jPMV Thres) N E VER IJ.NDERESTIMAT|1 . -. 7¿Vhe ’ pow er of ’abwbBia.E,/8r a"wofüeMis'^ówlfhg;teàm i. Thé ladies, winners by: 84 pins in à"itlSybìgif .efiknipions Friday at TewsS^Âi SeM Îiàl. ?¥es- bÿterian Ctîu-péli, « béat; the Hilltoppérs. Front, left to right, Äs.-- A. YSTemer The bp'iba dtf’btlucation afid th e ' '."tpwnii Mj m^lit 'Monday ilight ift the bf"Sfein>ol rBif The 'conference will be held as .a, W fif of lifers from Mayor;/' Isidore', Faiiula,’. re- quesfiig: a sessioji' to* discuss I^Ctel-vAspansion. 'ipho-gram aj^ hfe3^‘ '.tpwn‘ projeefe. . The board is; ¡hoping, the Com- miasiphi, Vili, ■■ ;^fi3m;;'‘the deed -to site property,;: which wcfii.ltl perait'.ft-e. hoard to offer another- r a f g rwifflmti'.-«-for a . • new .. h i g h echogl." b Mrs, ' Edwaite’. ROclteu, board president, s.aip.,.ttffl .«bpard had wifiSm. . • ESwil Schmidiio of East Orange, would offer a cheaper, high school, Hxbitever,site said, fh?pb'^tdR ,nfi>'pW:¡Hive ^ t v M d ; i|P 'a n y -'Plan&'li until: it, was certain’” where it in- tended /to” put the proposed build! mg. Mrs. goehau said s|ie would, wel- come anjl ideas/town commission, ers migirt haVc on a location. 'TMr?iaogif # e - '^ a s reconsjnende'd to ,tMS; ,h'b&rji as . the best ¡.possible location tor a high school, -i Lofuronia survey., gro^ip here. GRECO DISMISSAL ACTION TO BE AIRED TUESDAY Town Clerk, Others Summoned To Trenton Hearing O f Civil Service Commission Commission Declines To Act On Board's Request For Deed; Land Reverts To Town Body Commissioner Hyde Will Submit Recreation Plans ,j For Area At Next Meeting — Appears Board Must \ Look Elsewhere For High School Site Tbe bbitrd fif fedue£ufsiqfi!'>mtf'st gbt another site if it ,ra n t^ J to bring the proposed new-high school’tb & gecond-iVote, ^ ,/ ot ©lif’isifflededicated h decision Towmi Coftifci$sipn tli^wbfeK in declining to extend- 4he bog siU l deed'to the board.. V:.\ # V L ;J '.v./.,i d It rnBfchg that the‘‘board musfidoolt for another parcel | of-land/llTt-csil'fdnU'es--its plan to get a new.high, school* «■ VJ , idMcaara'. th e:tpfbbaM -ir'-w ^hiOkKiti^ion- " - 'ftegs" and:- property dealing?. if the board proposes to build ®n/| REASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY IN OFFING HERE County Tax Board Says It Can Carry Out The Job If Town Doesn’t Act A .reassessment ..program for every parcel of property in town peAidentiai and indus- trial ' ia the the offing, - Mayor Isadore Padula in a conference, meeting this week told com- ;'mSsidhei^-ibi:tbwh-.h^^ ry, it pii.or the county -.will step in. -I'*1 , He said he already had a pro- posal for the job from the Clem- enshaw company, which he said, had been doing reassessment work in other- municipalities in this private property, in rapidly-filHni;'; BellevillCi The Commission decimate to re- new the property to the board, in the ■ conference meeting before. • fcato meeting, . ; The board had asked extension - th e . dhed . through: a letter fcy,J arte' attorney Max Schwartz to ch* of., the Commissi orjers. -, m Although- the ¡Commission took); .. Sfeprtffl .vote;'the attitude '',WhS;S viptis ' iKSt it Svas reluctant to grant ,the request. Commissioner , E l m e r . -Ij , urged a formal resolution to “pick,,; Up” thé deed. Commissioner • Kenneth Smith said-. S’uch a .motion was ur.noces- saiy beèause •it was provided thv ■property would' revert "when we gave.. them the deed.” . i- Commissioner H a r r y Sullivan suggested , tbes1Commissioners -atit least, »meeUnfc w i.; he Board Monday, and go .to the; meeting "with -an open mind.” *j GOmmisaioner Joseph King Was weasbii," -j^raelfKoeraer, woMnougE aria Gfoödy«, : '’ s '- ' OUT'OF THE WHOEËfÇLOTfl /. ,‘-are tbeee.;%s aid'tie matemab at Spring bféqkwear Here are worker^, Mrs, Oen- evf|i®i®éri,4rid M M Jîïieà; DMftiaer, ^¿tb/ef B^etflll'e. with. Aaron Thaler, general manager,-’ “Heritage of Song” Shaw-ger School Pupils Will Sing Folk Melodies Wednesday Depicting Periods In American History be -presented, by ’pupils of the' James (K:-Shawger Seho'Ol Wednesday night, May 18, m the eehool auditorium. One : hutfdred.and fifty children, representing all' eight grades in the .school, wlh take part. ,/ ‘ A seventh andsighth grade mixed ehorus numbering ;::'|2 bhildren will sing &I k songs representing various periods . in American history. ¿■-v Vooal--’ Boloisie will - inbludai'^^-'— r i/,Bb.ifloy Bu-mPgsaj A rie h s Moa-- |f: ghtb,' Florence ButiAr, .pheryl Zee-, ft 68 j. Marry Ann Mcuh^sh, idhli'' I' ptertis^nd Joseph irisolt p-', MSiamteental-,, 8010191 ;? will Eft ; JoS®h Primavero, pterinetiat; and » CarolfModo’Sa, ftccofd'dpist. j • Cancers will be -Anita RaimOji KiJb Ann Porte, Patrick Zicaro ana W ,' -Saift- .-iD’Andf’os*.w«-.- ., I _ i Capadona will parra|6 v This pro- ! ■ upder 'the direontn pervising teachpr of voeal rausio, V, ^Stibttons i i VOT^SEWt® ’ .W* J/ chestfa will - b e' directed py Frank Kksowuw - teacher of .%danxn|teitaA . nillfe'te m rhd school^ ,T ) Award $1,480 Sports Contract To Savino ’ / TCV tbWn commisSio'ft awarded'ft § 1 .4S0 oontract to Savipp Spori-i b®* <?l.liuU3y for Athletic e®|M hient, Savino was low- of four bid- ders. k the sports ftntohent will in- cludes ly- dozen 39ft b^lls, IS dozen ^Ijahall, fnax—headgflards—thme. dozeit «batei 20 dozen bSseba’ .l capi, ante dO.itiiiform.s amd ea!PS, and 24 j,airs ov-basketball nets. A’Kempis Lunch Monday BUDDY POPPY’SA R TOLD BY SAGARESE . A “Buddy.iTvppyV sale-witt held hefe May 22nd, It” was’ ari- .veunegd this Week by. Cortemr.der ifegepfl.’ .gjtggreBe tif Veterans 0^ Foreign Wars Post. 52B5. 1 - ■Cbtew^ftdSr Sa^Uffts® said that men % hospital wards aild hobby vpo-s^^^^WWB^-AdiimrSei.BafflqM- tedm-eS arid IftSfftelft- have been ’■sifey..making.the artificial nem or al "dowers. Fpr each poppy sold, SûS lislT 'CsA" go®- VFW and f® ;ê Tellitbiücatjon Arid. Welfar® 'Und ; one ceftt-to— the-AF-W-Na- 'lohal Aélfiab Hiration seri-dee, àpi -rent: M; the YÍW Horne for Mb lows arid Orphans; a fourth of, a cent -tv the Kospitaliged Vet&ratei makes andate -.•aftindér rèmàltò in the community 1 n (|oli-i rare- n t .the..iMrmm.p.n.ityh own fteedy élite-diftéblèfl-veterans, FRANZI RE-ELECTED AMYET COMMANDER Jack Franate this week was re- ôlèated oommandhr-of the Belle- ville Amvfets MeriwfW. SftfsN o. Sfotb, teteiròahff* Jpseph finance officer, Sal Péssàfard' judge Ä Ä f . George Berinfi- quista proyo'ät; marshal, John Ma- rotti, 'trustée, J win Bôchîechio, service bflìcer 1,Joseph, Di Mòdica, phaplftîn, ' and 5li¿l|aei. Vi iMfrctiji/ public -rélatiônèi, pxficer., I: The new offleèhs will be in-’ riallitó .• next yióy.th í¿,.cjí®éroé¿, ite the Aaivst- Hdtew/.'-Alh ItìffenlM^'. atfefid the state Arnvet conventi dr. in /^Ibufy Park, .in îühéV ;’:, \ V EARMARK $49,000 FOR TOWN GARAGE ADDITION Stork Flagged On Speed Charge ''Chriifiairrcei which woùld ipérm ii V !■ J 4%ÌSfeSfwo-rfcofT-. adti^ib^® llihll^’illlam Btfieét garage, ‘ 'was Introdricéd by- ©Gmfìùssioiir'fels week," -The mova woqld. permff’ transfer of thè' puhlie tyorks staff fa<alìty and. Ipèrteh-w^SW-v -additionàl : squàré feet qf garage' a n d . ofj^be spftdte : Thè jjew struccù-re wp.ùld- bè Or ifirqtìiSò^iimick. /Incll|®'d-;ih tHft .work-wquldfrbe'-a-truck ilfhnèfffÌR' ifttruotlon of ■ .wi4M9'sW'aInviiée-'-'pw'; Mildiiilr and- .piasabìng impioW|j 'meni, ! ’■ A hearing, or. thè prop.osed yn*' rage * 7 (boUBausd On . Paso Thrèej -. What’s On In Town HOT NEWS OFF POUCE BLOTTER 1 Vivien. ,.IuMfidb|lr'Vf sSll-íMáy: Skeet, bittéñ' ör. ihe right- leg by ft-dog- owued- by-Ai»tlwhy •Guembo -of IBS 'Fe»est Sfreej;, po- lice- report,- > Thp operator at the Cleaning Umt, William Street and Upion schoolboys, waitirfg for a h u jjn front of-his ■store;! "had hrokeh a, plate glass vtjndoy jlCrifi 1 (oiuielR, 01 L t Mihil.j Avenue, reported the theft of two Wore wheel .discs f'jom IBs 4-962. Nash sedan. Joseph- Santigba,, of 149 Bright- on Avenue, told police two fender skirts had bee'n;‘rete°’^ed,from-Ills 194-ii Oia^mo.bile sedan. Mill Street Playground The Annual Spripjr Lunchehn ‘and Bridge Earty' Of The a’Kempis -of iN’ew Jersey will take, place at ■ftspiair Farms, wwt -.’Ofartge, •Monday, May 18. at igiS#'-» m . The ;,town commission this week authorized . an advertised request for proposals to improve the play- m!qun^’. a re a .1i n . ' Mill Street,., by ke at-èh an a'providing pliy^fpinte «qdipme'ù fc, ' Í - Caká i- Séie-'-.-for -- St. Petites Gh%feh -sri Sunday, .May IB after - Bride and Groom Sociali—Pe- kWtt* jTheSday,/ M$y i §4 Annual Lunqneon Æ i.A yer» Chapter-76 Q.'E.S.’—Masonic Tem- ple, J-une; J> J.IÆO mru. |» fciÿfiïîî , Spring-., Breakfast —, ' Wamen-’s Cllhi, Mày Sf,rV'.’ ;i ' JBl|âttoMAÔ# 'jSffiears, PetçeW Stwn^M 7,.':’;; B|eii: fbtgiven, in a hy M ^attfto EdwPrd J. Afcr.oniSor,. . a Main Street speeding viola- tion 1¡after fipsHoteuclng a. hospital, statement .tiiat.’.hje had rushed to |hSAp)||(iiitb v/r.’eh. his Wife had prematurfe labor bains. , ■ Said Ab r ^ feyV "! can anpreci- ’ate^p lr ah®;6^:^|iedtel}S- ea. 'advent. of-’yoUr;fiM''(pteffii,:,lftt'm® know’ if Itte,te ‘tp S ^ r' a g-ifl.” I MAYOR COMMENTS ON NEW ORLEANS CONVENTION TRIP Msybfl ated liNtefttb J- F&’ S&rgeant returned Äis.-week from .Annuat' ,G,pní®rence of átó1 Kuirtci^r- Finalice Officers Association in Hew Orleans. : Mayor ,Padulà said; hf ’•- i$ . wènfc,*t3 thei-Gfotìfsrfente with a great; deal of "; skepticism,' he: bäüse T have" e>:pert.enied .'some; Sted'. ference sessions. Fuithermore, Kbtrt“Driea4 s. ,1 s ayoum P 9- porp er, add } am nst a travel-’ fe r n ’ j-B-ut. tjie. .sdoject mat- ter M :j¿<0 discussion gtqups bore dpbh: our pirtblsme hers, in Beiievt®- that.;! ;co%Sid- sred'jt ß&x$ or less a teuty to go ‘Ht was -very good foÀJiSe- to ||flî::WitÊél^8§; I” ‘-these lÄldk. a fte r v,'sbssioteSj ân'd I can feei.^/êli rewarded. m_iñj|ornta£ion ÿfâk3 . .'and'- A eròy Spsbt, mofetr of th e láBies? Wiûmg îrdm olpTOa '•pullalp.g inspfctof) • 5 W w Ellfí (fieforé Ôi-'è•• state Civil Se.vV i.he'’ Commiesion ^uhjjeeháás were given this week to Mbs, .Florence Morey, town desk, and others- report - edly to Bte cálíedíwill be:;v!3ib- The mayor said Joseph Soli-I mine, seçretary of the; county.tax hoard, "had 1 wriSeh Arthur tV. Glftfk. tax^assessorj_hgre.;.; A part of the letter stated; ‘.'although this board ’has the Sta- tutory right to direct such a, pro- gram, w l would prefer,.tMfr,|ö>e niiiated by- the localfipfiehtls._ VThh.'teiftybf, ftròd. he-.vrould ebn- ï-valuteÎral ’■ HtiMÈÌÉtSl, , missienèrs Kenneth’ Smith - ftftp.h;3 B«iíry;;j ; Mrs;; Mabey . waç Jnsfrwited tq bring • thè '• :oMiftance : relating ^to ;-Ôie; •bsy-Off* '«.ná,,;records1shtpyring- tbs ■riuMb8r''':'6fl'phiiâiteÿ: applioa- 'èoteS'ìte.ttó'last two year period. , ((ConH»V®d Oji Eaga Three) PICK SANDY SHAW AS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HEAD Sandy'. !Shaw is the netv M esidehiiof. h ^ h :' i ||i # töL student wuncil, the- first 'girl, to be elected feA üie- office. - - o u t : • N o rm an Fost in the eleetioris, heráldeíl by ’campbigP-. speeches in tip; audffçihiunïÂj grite p 0 s t e?.r.f around tlift’sclioois. She will sue- :ceed JfpÄ'.IäBnflh : ' ' j • Other ááuoeia elected were: ?e: ter Duca, vide president : Pat Pag- anelli, .sefiitàtary,’, ànd Ælsie;iSiiÿ- •(Oontin\«sd. On Page Tlu«é) iH ' PiKKa' Thn IRKED BY ORCHARD SCHOOL SPEECH Golden Says Industry Should Pay For Betterment; Asks Purchasing Agent Exam sat taÿor Isafloré. I i a k jarä; ieonitmiseior ipiA-ioi's.-Duri'ig rhe l-a % (Continued On - Pago TB ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS Rudolf P, Zoeller Is Re-Elected President At Aiimial : Meeting Of 2 Towns .. ■The^’psHevsh^NgtMr "Tu“ berculoöis Asboöiation, I n c . , \ held ' ;p â fa n n u a l : ' i h e e t i n g and % elsetien' of officer's last Thurs- day1- with Rudolf P. Zoeller being rBiSlectec; president. T he| meeting was held at the home of D r. • Aibiart-.'Gaydos, of 225 Hillside Avenue Nutley. One new officer, Alexander Ross, oh Belleville, was elected tq; sei-Vjë 3 Ï ||m iqóming. year as seö*j;| P5.ii viooXiräSesldsnt. Ï ' a follow-:' ing offiaers ite' .addition to Zoel*; 1er wertif^-Mòròftteto sei'va fór th e , coming, year, . SILVER LAKER Jame^s.Rh Golden, past .town Gommission candidate, said in ike town -meeting this week, that he was irked to hear that William Orchard, former gen- eral manager Of Wallace and Tiernan Co. spoke to school officials, a n p a r en tly as a spokesmah Mr industrialists.— Goldori 'informed ‘ the Commis- sion also, that he .had written the State Civil .Service examination head Urging a dafft he last for 'an examination for the job of C! - DDiiTPÇTÇ UTM irai purchasing agent here. 1 IV U I La31 u IlU iH , Golden, concerning Mr,- '- O r - ! ' r ,r. , r, J^ - r EDISON PLANT «rêek,.* said : “Is this the same* MJ ïy. Orchard w h s . . ® ï ^ s t e 'i f arental;.HQto® * ._•_i a 'nérfe^’tÆSjSaia.’ • , Golden urged. that If industries teyiatltekS, iheffs? 'jhimatibÿÉ; ‘-sys- tem' they shouid'-help ^ay for it, through establishmen of a busi- ' (Continued On Puko Inroe) ' Mrs. Pepe President Of Shawger PTA curtAger ASsoeial ofiaà Era. JoSbÄ Päpö was in- staäed 'p r e s i d g i t . of ■ te t'îjJa,ni&B-;*|G; " pafeíi t-Teachér scKboi' n Sther ndlptef ,SMp#' vice-president;' Mrs, Josdpit - -Rri- maweri, •te-pd Vice-pfesid<at; Mrs. Anthony Moror racording secre- te iy; Mrs. -Jvltll'sr De'Faicb, ‘cof- responiteiing'll^retary and Mfs,- Alex aigea surer.' ' l i f t was-the f.nal meeting of ’the-" sphoal year. Am vets To Name Zärro Honorary Member Sisterhood Dinner Dance ,ih The. annual, dinner dance of the Sisterhood of Congregation Aha- ,vaS Acljim v, ill be held 'Wednesdaj at The‘Gtfidmari.iyVest Oiange. ^JGo^hairmen ar,e Mr3,' Wilfied VijdiJV siid Mrs. JosepK Israe, or Newark. The BellcviRe Arrive!» Ppst 26 Wills.ho®9r Joseph ‘ZarrO Tuesday at _the-' Gfy^tal Lake Casino^ 7,ex loMwill;‘receive ft plaque naYinxig hint an ^miogari' Aemtjer 4£ /thi posfT’ fo r 'eo-qp'eratirig.' with the post - in activities. , The SprdSejjtatioT) will' /be '■mAd’e ^ the howliig dinnbr, ad anfiual affair of the port." , ROSARY SOCIETY PLANS CAKE SALE ¡‘An ‘-btobor Äk® -tolo "sutiaw r ’D fS’ir-gvitn deeds wiU ^o/tOvput/îhaBe oonfes- llqhàiT potatóre!, , , Mrs. Ma,rfga '(|miìm^ jA ^ rmaii-. ■ton s s i^ » ^ m i$ ^ $ R 8pto6 B wii- (iéùi BolL Tpôm&s Cftniff, John '$&[ Janiêt Ryartei’.Wl^ybl B radican,-.--R ' -d -w a r ff- - Da-Ma-v^nô/ (torpid Biafidjii, Thonaç M'ack, Bffwriâ1 Cftrr, ’Cnriiatbf^p Glen- Hannah JVeiS|*-^Lhôlafi'T/s- Jàiàc'lA'.'Jóhn Hughes! ròfl’ .fbi,loses James Simone Cut In Fall .fames .Simone, 14,, of 568 iWash irigion-- Av®niïé, suffered a Jaeefa- tí°SÉPÍ ’Ûift' M i ifopeftïmt which requited 14 htitoWs: ww.en his .aim Went" through a plate glftss don» wiîidow’. ôir.rhe fécond, floor land- if g of bis home.-. ■ ! Library High School Evaluation Head Says Librarian Doing Excellent Job Libr f s T.-KeT .flpnte®St®e-'-io.‘#f*'"%8-s05i’Bidííl. a really superior: woik, remarkable in lirilt òf the handicaps Wjtb. which She is confronted, j T%o çom-Mi'tt6e -reijornme-n ds that si: admihiRnratlve ttuteÿ'.bô made &Í the librarlftBlSytote-' ! -We--aro of the opinioffà't%VfatedMoptÆ.jjey' Ibtenei m trie roibte of a /proxes Monal íiesstar^tVfu!!-ói,. pari-t-ma, snd a e te id if ;èpsistatef. -bo ¡senouftlyi tonsidered, ' Xn'áddiwteg.' thi4Íhi'arián should ¿hé'-froed frs®- otbtó1teulaet sute» as pötoördbmi|ffi® i'ooia'.afetfcffiig: .should ’be removed fCStet thatfwteìppripffiÒ'tì^wtetM’ be re?sttífflKÍ'-%IW;: espéciaTwteSF tion to iwëite'ëedf and- interests of yourig. a d o t e « i f ) A s ¡ . - w ith ad tew Ä ; help avajlftblo macheritäpte department chairnten m sròe^ig,, during, and distrib- - i yuJ tempjS diKl. fiat ylfâgt&SfihWBé»-.limitations: wo p^ohablj' initermountabia' rin tjjxo présent» B'^mip.g' but and when a new highVAftfiool building1 pi'0- graui .|s.uhd^tfhen,.'èvory precau- Í (CinffikÄ ÔS Vage Ttige) Seeks Retaining Wall To Ward Off Water A israsaiàt eff noise., from-ì thè Ediaon. plant in- Silver^ Laica, \Vas .marie at thè tow it' cmnmigsiòn ir e e t i n g., th-ikl week. Carinirie De,Sapio óf Hec’kel * Streeh'éiìff-that & è |^ p n u o u s!!| huffi irom thè Edison Com-.!! pany. prsvènted pieep. or, rasi: :r-j •side thè hòuses. He sancì he liuti ci:’ - ed Charles Tedesco, court clerk ’ sevèra! timps-, and thè Edison com-® pany -ftjso, ■ but tho còridition w*ili .poh reniedied. Comm^gipncr .Harry Sullivàn,.; sai3 tho Bcliaon n&d instaiicd mOr" torà to raouce.: iiiteics’ fròm -tKiSj pianta, and tlie nbjse was-apparont-i Iy fio m the.lmotoi-s.,- •'’ He steid he Wpuld take u;i *thla complalftt^and^fpllo,w~Jdirtogh--Q.ri^ il, invitir^ thè ^ 4 ò f.b.O-paPItei; ahii! invaritPf.’ìfAhi*. own righi,. ' :’ R IH Pat'iGreso . of 87 Carmer nus ■asked the. Town Coimr tfig weak ’to,. prect a /thr'ee -— n , .» I 5 /TT . , retaining writko«. than fapertf Airs, DelGrosso Headg aeoguse ' a , water ccteditio-n^ was, R lk g ,T.,fi<l.ip..g-^A jixllia.iiy . .>« I Mrs. Avu Apxili^y :^Llhii-©ks_Clubj- tOTT" W5 WP 1 Î f| Commissioner Keimte®f , Smith said a . drain a.b'd' catch basite ^ow^ibSteristÄBtev.'fufther i» J w ffî5j»£-tSî5 thjÿ aSoaçiôça wasn't 'dgritected, he . would bring ¡jm matÂ/btefère the toy/n af-, tpffiev fpr »ÿ i ^ |èr remedial ap- EadmEiIesjPd;itioai_- Under Bankruptcy Act Faida iRtdio &’E’SOtrite Co. hefft '¿■■tffcnMjy this v.’esk scek- ibg: kri jariftSMWotet.. with-dite.. cteftte* lb « ,;‘unater: Hae Bankruptcy Act, stating 'It <Is. unftbie to pay its as-- t|§y:,ma|lire. ■■... TKS •fipn has its main .office jjt-Mt'iv York and filed tbs poti- Won to, TJ.®. District Court t£St’a>' ill , 'Tptbf, 'vice-prosi'den|ï M^i -Marÿ. Kiernan, seerstarj' a~( Mm. He^Äpfanan, treasurer, î Tnl»'VW8Ä metalled' .'by. Stev® Kaleigbj'ti&IoKXalted.liuÎeïvbf thaï ;:ks.j Fined S5o For Speeding 0 TT 2 Î - 'AnSpny ¡.Äfii&wa; û’rtPwfljItiWiPwM I ..., spbÄ^g'4te0:U|41 "Bèllyilis. sfcps^fi April IKbÿ Magistrate .Edwarâ' J.’ Aprómssplí . ”■ Dedieaiw/Frank ÂaiÿBÈ-.w^f^^ was ' overtaken Ir. a chasfe fchÄ .'éad^tete/Á sfieete iligh Abfpmaoû told MalfaLtì^ -ftl! ruoR driveriitìiit he 'VÄblli, MV® ¡uspènded ■nk-^ÏIçiPse. b’íit' pe'^yofl ,t f o r -hig-'livelihood -was coMid'etetedl

Transcript of WÊ/ÊÊÊÊ ©mes Belleville's Independent - DigiFind-It

WÊ/ÊÊÊÊ ©mes B e l le v i l le ’s I n d e p e n d e n t H o m e t o w n N e w s p a p e r

S u b s c r ip t io n $2 "A Y e a r

V o l . 20, N o . 44

V êtu*Entered u Second Clua nutter. April U. ltM at tie Poet %0ce et Newark. N J .jtpderJ,he ectj

~ B E L L K V I L L E T N . J ., F R I D A Y , M A Y 13, 1955 5c p e r c o p y

Still Must Act On Rent ControlM a y o r S a y s C o m m is s io n Must A d o p t S o m e M e a s u r e B e f o r e R e n t C o n tr o l D e a d l in e J u n e 30; T e n a n ts P r e s e n t P e t i t io n A s k in g C o n tr o l E x t e n s io nI , T e n a n ts p ro te s tin g th e e n d of r e n t con tro l h e re J u n e

30 p re se n te d ' a p e t i t i ip t i irg in g c o n tro l co n tin u a tio n ,, a t t h e to w n m e e t in g ' thii? w een . * t ' '

M avoh -Tsadore P ad u la , in an sw er to Q uestions tro m Janci- lo ad s an d te n a n ts ,’ sa id th e Commi&sioh w ould h a v e to -a d o p t jsom e k in d of m e a su re b e tw een now a n d t h e deadline. j k ^ T h e CommOs^ion hffd1 se t YTriiie 80 as th o dead u n e io n c o n tro ls , in a m ee tin g .'abou t fo r i t rn o n th s ago,

trsx sd'a. '.w g. .ors .:»haCterizoa by Ataièès' giving stories bf eases some ■ poirJg- t h e . -meeting marked by pjgrsQ&al exchanges be- tween members in the audience.

'»resenting th%vpfMfion-,,fÓE. mis. Theóteofa’ Wit-

ek of Joralemon • Street '¡said : ...ebninalssio'ners had le t the'

people down by ' removing con­trols; that 88 per cent of the-. t&Wn was bm lt up; thftt there w i » - /por • cerò ■ »ocdtRsncy: . in laffif“

«ljàM-S- ;dwgli%ifsd hi thp, last .44 w ars . Rhe §aad tha t the petition' :.wEs a gobi. : barometerFBpw,fibffte- pbpple weie fhr

Wo33~littd out* She said * 500 names were gotten by V(0/S£ìttg j i t

iS B ^ S to ^ r i|( r a ? Aida-VoSS® add the petitions also contained let­ters from s-o-pi'e tenan ts; ,. ■

V^to DeFftp said cotetepls had Keen oil 12 -W d^ ''yé iré ‘'j^rd that rehf|- had not” Edna . W while coste had gor.e i|p: tW e times. - „•.Bait Greco said it was the prop­

erty owners who were paying the t o e s and were entitled - to at marò a "'BO .pef,, e r t i boost. ; , I .'•■Mrs.. «'TOMB :’ 4d rémóval of

contVolg. W jtól/iptónjif ’ jKif ' lande lord to charge w l^ t:'itteey wanted.

B'i..,'. .(¡Continued On ¡Pagò; Khroo) < '.

TOWN INCOME TOPS 63 MIRIONS, SURVEY SHOWSA v e r a g e F a m ily E a r n e d $6,662 I n 1954; P e r C a p ita I n c o m e A b o v e N o r m

jBellevffle’s in e m n e f ro m all so u rces reach ed a to ta l o f $6B ,9o8,0W in 1 9 3 4 ; t h e g r e a te s t a n n u a l ' w a g e in t h e to w n ’s n isieyyv

T he an n u a l S a le s M anage­m e n t S u r v e y o f Buying:

Now. Y o rk , s e t th § 1954 -m - çam e a t th e a v e ra g e -Bellevillefaçdly. a t S6)6.'65a an increase in family income of about. '$$00 over 1988. . .

The earnings to,-1954 gave, S.glle' ville a m arket index, ’of Otte p o in t’above the- tefttipiripl ftite'ragè.’ . In-BelìéVIllèv'.tìie gv.erage fathily’s

•7 (OòTt-dntìéd. Oft Pake Twb)/

ART OPEN HOUSE WILL BE HELD STARTING MONDAYPeople Invited To See Work Of Grammer School Children In Nine Buildings

The, ,pu'f?li,e school^, in ree- W n it io n o f -public ' SchpQl1 A rt, W eek, M ay 16 to M a / 20, a re p re p a r in g to Welcome w h a t th e y ihope w ill W " a i in flux o f in te rested v4$fforte. *

S tu d e n ts , t e a c h e r s / and p r in c ip a ls h a v e boen b u sy -prepa:tdn|r|t:fi!ffl^efforts o f ‘the^aM dren* from the' kindergarten a^,e t h r o u g h ih'e b i^ th grade;

‘ Som§ /y 'o rk by every student will «be on display, .as well -as ex­hibits ■ of special - proi4ete, - All wbrk- "Will be clqably, marked by grade, and with the mamfe of the student, «‘thi

•The public vis .invited, M. 'visit the schools any afternoon -during

[■jM w pek-'tp ' seevtKft; abidehts. ¡at wori^ a---display loC^eabhln^-Msay add enjoy the exhibit, the a r t de­partment said/--

. ' /.SOocSnu»« Oa- Pm» '»»o); 1

Turn Thumbs Down On Bog Site For School PurposesBOARD W H 1 MEET WITH COMMISSION MONDAY NIGHTW il l D iiscirs« P r o o n s e d S c h o o l A n d P o s s ib i l i t y O f R e t a in in g B o g

C b ftip L E OF- T H E Y E A R . I ^ R e y . M sgr, - J o ^ p h -M. Kelly/'! res.entS a M rs tF ra n k R a rse u h f .o iW ash in g to n A venue , w ho W ere -nam ed C an a "C ouple o f th e Y ea r’ d u rin g th e f i l th a n n iv e rs a ry b a n q u e t o f t h q t j f , P e te r ’s C iw iV P a rs e l l i , w ho will- m ark«’ t h e i r 4oih- # e 4 'i in g ai> n iy lr s a r a y . th i s m o n th , beehfte" p ien tb e rs ; o f th e C a n a ,m o v e ­m e n t y/hei;. I t i tV ti 'i ta rW d . ’ i-Atecr h o n o red .wasi,2$ia.;.Bonala J. O’S iO T /T .M o th e r Of " th e Y e a r .”

S q u a r e D a h c e T o m o r r o w- .¡Thé,. -Ladles* • CtylR §1 Bethapy .Lu^brah -..ôhÙtbH-s .,wu^A<U|^ a atoarn da'nee.'fftnibrrow flight .at g :16 - in the fefibeatioh. -roOiU 'Vof thfl.(ftúr(áu ’ äh ;'l®itftb.; Church; Mrs. Willis , Ticé, cliairman, jwill

bp hsfistCd-fhyrMrs* Harry -.‘Gimbeíj & f ry - Hò"|mbh/ ,, Alb®« . .Hblfc Chéries ’ Lèmjp;' :lwbeìt/'McMinhis, August Molt,: .William. -Monks, 'Chartes ReWedbr,,' 'S’aMue' • ’Sh«®*’■dôïîï Arthuü: molWj. tsiohplas« Van Balen and Millón aubér.'. •

Life in a Necktie Mill Has Its KnotsE g g A n d K e tc h u p S t y l e s G iv in g W a y T o C o n s e r v a ­t i v e W e a r , S o f t e r D e s ig n s

B y R e g in a S jn arid g e

' L ife ija a ^q ck -tle^& eto .p yh a s i ts kno ts ,; b u t W also h as

I - fe & edngfrant- ' « h ; f t 'f ro m t h f oid B a w a ila ti s iln sef, and

m o ro c o n s e rv a tiv e 'd e s ig n s dtf ¡the- lo n g e r s lim m er s ig fe s in ,y°¿0# today.. ;

f e where tha t next’ Christmas or.*birthday ¿ lft,js,bVtli,''tJhe Äi®*- w ivie/’ a group' pilirSs.: Workefüj mainly'.WOmeh’' i irate vWWn thé

'mshffií4 htej- fhl th: ábeeá tpadjinjí ahílwulsinM steanj '® í§f

Thl8l te tJjd im pt^lioh frorS tiff .Spring- tjeckwear Ojteipany, right he te in 1653 Wa^li^fbon Av®®^

: which.. produces, h tr .fe d s ,of t?et each week, plaids, solids, stripes, polka- Iptej Mh 3 _ ^ e e ,:-laB K lM |M a it ,haa tufiiing ,oiA... neckwear, under the

' ’«ji^ittoh'.- of Aafrai'Tlfiw^f of M'h- . ker ' Btaoe1 and .owflemhip of Mur-

• (Continued- Oft jPMV Thres)

N E V E R IJ .N D ER E S T IM A T |1 . -. 7¿Vhe ’ p o w e r o f ’ abwbBia.E ,/8r a"w ofüeM is'^ów lfhg;t e à m i. T h é la d ie s , w in n e rs by: 84 p in s in à " i t lS y b ìg if .efiknipions F r id a y a t T e w sS ^ Â i S e M Î ià l . ? ¥ e s - b ÿ te r ia n Ctîu-péli, « b é a t ; th e H illto p p érs . F ro n t, l e f t to r ig h t , Ä s.-- A . YSTemer

T h e bp 'iba d tf’b tlu ca tio n afidth e ' '."tpwnii M jm ^ lit 'M o n d ay i l ig h t ift th e

bf"Sfein>ol rBifT h e 'con ference w ill b e held

as .a, W f i f o f l i f e r s f ro m M ayor;/' I s i d o r e ', F a i iu la , ’ . re- q u e s f i i g : a sessio ji' to* d iscu ssI^Ctel-vAspansion. 'ipho-gram a j ^ h f e 3 ^ ‘'.tpwn‘ projeefe.

. The board is; ¡hoping, th e Com- miasiphi, Vili, ■■; fi3m ;;'‘the deed -to

site property,;: which wcfii.ltl perait'.ft-e. hoard to offer another- rafgrwifflmti'.-« -for a . • new .. h i g h echogl." b

Mrs, ' Edwaite’. ROclteu, board president, s.aip.,.ttffl .«bpard had w if iS m . . • ESwilSchmidiio of East Orange, would offer a cheaper, high school,

H xbitever,site said, fh ?pb '^ tdR ,nfi>'pW:¡Hive tv M d ; i|P 'any -'Plan&'li un til: it, was certain’” where it in­tended /to” put the proposed build!mg.

M rs. goehau said s|ie would, wel- come anjl ideas/town commission, ers migirt haVc on a location.

'TMr?iaogif# e - '^ a s reconsjnende'd to ,tMS; ,h'b&rji as . the best ¡.possible location tor a high school, -i Lofuronia survey., gro^ip here.

GRECO DISMISSAL ACTION TO BE AIRED TUESDAYTown Clerk, Others Summoned To Trenton Hearing O f Civil Service Commission

Commission Declines To Act On Board's Request For Deed; Land Reverts To Town Body

C o m m is s io n e r H y d e W i l l S u b m it R e c r e a t io n P la n s ,j F o r A r e a A t N e x t M e e t in g — A p p e a r s B o a r d M u s t \ L o o k E ls e w h e r e F o r H ig h S c h o o l S i t e

T b e bbitrd fif fedue£ufsiqfi!'>mtf'st g b t a n o th e r s i t e i f i t ,ra n t ^ J to b r in g th e p ro p o sed n ew -h ig h sch o o l’t b & gecond-iVote, , /o t

© l i f ’is if f le d e d ic a te d h dec is ion T o w m iCoftifci$sipn t l i^ w b fe K in d ec lin ing to ex ten d - 4 h e bog s i U l d e e d 'to th e b o a r d . . V:.\ # V L ;J ' . v . / . , i d

I t rnBfchg t h a t th e ‘‘b o a rd m usfidoolt f o r a n o th e r p a rc e l | of-land/llT t-csil'fdnU 'es--its p lan to g e t a n e w .h ig h , school* «■ VJ , idM caa ra '. t h e : t p f b b a M - i r '- w ^hiO kK iti^ion-

" - 'ftegs" and:- property dealing?.if th e board proposes to build ® n/|REASSESSMENT

OF PROPERTY IN OFFING HERECounty Tax Board Says It Can Carry Out The Job If Town Doesn’t Act

A .rea sse ssm en t ..p ro g ra m fo r ev e ry p a rce l o f p ro p e r ty in to w n peA identiai a n d in d u s ­tr ia l ' ia the th e offing , - M ay o r Isad o re P ad u la in a conference, m ee tin g th is w eek to ld com - ;'mSsidhei^-ibi:tbwh-.h^^ ry , i t p i i . o r th e co u n ty -.w ill step in. -I'*1,

He said he already had a pro­posal for the job from the Clem- enshaw company, which he said, had been doing reassessment work in other- municipalities in this

private property, in rapidly-filHni;'; BellevillCi

The Commission decimate to r e ­new the property to the board, in th e ■ conference meeting before. • fcato meeting, . ;

The board had asked extension - t h e . dhed . through: a letter fcy,J

arte' attorney Max Schwartz to ch* of., the Commissi orjers. -, m Although- the ¡Commission took); .. Sfeprtffl .vote;'the attitude '',WhS;S viptis ' iKSt it Svas reluctant to

grant , the request.Commissioner , E l m e r . - I j ,

urged a formal resolution to “ pick,,; Up” thé deed.

Commissioner • Kenneth Smith said-. S’uch a .motion was ur.noces- saiy beèause • it was provided thv ■property would' revert "when we gave.. them the deed. ” . i- Commissioner H a r r y Sullivan

suggested , tbes1 Commissioners -atit l east , »meeUnfc w i. ; he Board Monday, and go .to the; meeting "with -an open mind.” *j ■ GOmmisaioner Joseph King Was

w ea sb ii ," - j ^ r a e l f K o e r a e r , w o M n o u g E a ria Gfoödy«, : '’ s '- '

O U T 'O F T H E W H O E Ë fÇ L O T fl / . , ‘-are tb e e e .;% s a i d ' t i e m a te m a b a t S p r in g bféqkw ear H e re a re w orker^ , M rs, Oen- e v f |i® i® é r i ,4 r id M M J î ï ie à ; D M ftiaer, ^ ¿ t b / e f B ^e tflll'e . w ith . A a ro n T h a le r, g e n e ra l m a n a g e r ,- ’

“Heritage of Song”S h a w -g e r S c h o o l P u p i ls W il l S in g F o lk M e lo d ie s W e d n e s d a y D e p ic t in g P e r io d s In A m e r ic a n H is t o r y

be -p re sen ted , b y ’p u p ils o f th e ' J a m e s (K :-Shaw ger Seho'Ol W e d n e sd a y n ig h t, M ay 18, m th e eehool a u d ito r iu m . O ne

: h u tf d r e d . a n d f i f ty ch ild ren , r e p re s e n t in g all' e ig h t g rad es in t h e .school, w lh tak e p a r t ., / ‘ A sev e n th a n d s i g h t h g ra d e m ix e d eh o ru s n u m b e rin g

;:: '|2 b h ild ren w ill s in g & Ik so n g s re p re s e n tin g v a r io u s pe rio d s . in A m erican h is to ry .¿■-v Vooal--’ Boloisie will - inbludai'^^-'— r

i/,Bb.ifloy Bu-mPgsaj Ariehs Moa-- |f: ghtb,' Florence ButiAr, .pheryl Zee-, f t 68j. Marry Ann Mcuh^sh, idhli'' I ' ptertis^nd Joseph irisolt p-', MSiamteental-,,8010191;? w ill Eft ; JoS®h Primavero, pterinetiat; and» CarolfModo’Sa, ftccofd'dpist. j • Cancers will be -Anita RaimOji KiJb Ann Porte, Patrick Zicaro anaW,' -Saift- .-iD’Andf’os*.w«-.- ., I_i ■Capadona will parra|6v This pro- ! ■ upder 'the direontn

pervising teachpr of voeal rausio, V, ^Stibttons i i VOT^SEWt® ’.W* J/ chestfa will - b e' directed py Frank Kksowuw - teacher of .%danxn|teitaA . nillfe'te m rhd school^ , T )

A w a r d $1,480 S p o r ts C o n t r a c t T o S a v in o

’ / TCV tbWn commisSio'ft awarded'ft

§ 1.4S0 oontract to Savipp Spori-i b®* <?l.liuU3y for Athletic e® |M

hient, Savino was low- of four bid­ders.

k t h e sports ftn tohen t will in ­cludes ly- dozen 39f t b^lls, IS dozen ^Ijahall, fnax—headgflards—thme. dozeit «batei 20 dozen bSseba’.l capi, ante dO.itiiiform.s amd ea!PS, and 24 j,airs ov-basketball nets.

A ’K e m p is L u n c h M o n d a y

BUDDY POPPY’ S A R TOLD BY SAGARESE. A “Buddy.iTvppyV sale-witt held hefe May 22nd, It” was’ ari- .veunegd this Week by. Cortemr.der ifegepfl.’ .gjtggreBe tif Veterans 0^ Foreign Wars Post. 52B5. 1 - ■ Cbtew^ftdSr Sa^Uffts® said th a t men % hospital wards aild hobby vpo-s^^^^WWB^-AdiimrSei.BafflqM- tedm-eS arid IftSfftelft- have been ’■sifey..making.the artificial nem or al "dowers.

Fpr each poppy sold,SûS lislT 'CsA" go®- VFW


f® ;ê Tellitbiücatjon Arid. Welfar® 'Und ; one ceftt-to—the-AF-W-Na- 'lohal Aélfiab Hi ration seri-dee, àpi -rent: M; the YÍW Horne for Mb lows arid Orphans; a fourth of, a cent -tv the Kospitaliged Vet&ratei makes andate-.•aftindér rèmàltò in the community1 n (|oli-i rare- n t .the..iMrmm.p.n.ityhown fteedy élite-diftéblèfl-veterans,


Jack Franate this week was re- ôlèated oommandhr-of the Belle- ville Amvfets MeriwfW. S ftfsN o .

Sfotb, teteiròahff* Jpseph finance officer, Sal Péssàfard' judge Ä Ä f . George Berinfi- quista proyo'ät; marshal, John Ma- rotti, 'tru s té e , J win Bôchîechio, service bflìce r 1,Joseph, Di Mòdica, phaplftîn, ' and 5li¿l|aei. Vi iMfrctiji/ public -rélatiônèi, pxficer.,I: The new offleèhs will be in-’

riallitó .• next yióy.th í¿,.cjí®éroé¿, ite the Aaivst- Hdtew/.'-Alh

ItìffenlM^'. atfefid the state Arnvet conventi dr. in /^ Ibu fy Park, .in îühéV ;’:, \ V


S to r k F la g g e d O n S p e e d C h a r g e

''Chriifiairrcei w h ich w oùld ip é rm ii V ! ■ J 4%ÌSfeSfwo-rfcofT-. a d t i^ ib ^ ® l l i h l l ^ ’illlam B tfieét g a ra g e , ‘'w as In tro d ricéd by- © G m fìùssio iir 'fe ls week,"

-T h e m ova w oq ld . p e rm ff’ t r a n s f e r o f t h è ' puh lie tyorks s t a f f fa<alìty and.Ipèrteh-w^SW-v -additionàl : squàré feet qf garage' a n d . ofj^be spftdte : Thè jjew struccù-re wp.ùld- bè Or ifirqtìiSò^iimick. / Incll|®'d-;ih tHft .work-wquldfrbe'-a-truck ilfhnèfffÌR' ifttruotlon of ■. wi4M9'sW'aInviiée-'-'pw'; M ildiiilr and- .piasabìng impioW|j 'meni, !’■ A hearing, or. thè prop.osed yn*' rage *7 (boUBausd On . Paso Thrèej -.

What’s On In Town

HOT NEWS OFF POUCE BLOTTER1 Vivien. ,.IuMfidb|lr'Vf sSll-íMáy: Skeet, bittéñ' ör. ihe right- leg by ft-dog- owued- by-Ai»tlwhy•Guembo -of IBS 'Fe»est Sfreej;, po­lice- report,- >

Thp operator a t the Cleaning Umt, William Street and Upion

schoolboys, waitirfg for a h u j jn fron t of-h is ■store;! "had hrokeh a, plate glass vtjndoy jlCrifi 1 (oiuielR, 01 L t Mihil.j Avenue, reported the theft of two Wore wheel .discs f'jom IBs 4-962. Nash sedan.

Joseph- Santigba,, of 149 Bright-on Avenue, told police two fenderskirts had bee'n;‘rete°’ ed,from-Ills 194-ii Oia^mo.bile sedan.

M ill S t r e e t P la y g r o u n d

The Annual Spripjr Lunchehn ‘and Bridge Earty' Of The a ’Kempis -of iN’ew Jersey will take, place at ■ftspiair Farms, w w t -.’Ofartge, •Monday, May 18. a t ig iS # '-» m

. The ;,town commission this week authorized . an advertised request for proposals to improve the play- m!qun^’. area.1 i n . 'Mill Street,., by

ke at-èh an a'providing pliy^f pinte «qdipme'ù fc, ' Í

- Caká i- Séie-'-.-for -- St. Petites Gh%feh -sri Sunday, .May IB a fte r

- Bride and Groom Sociali—Pe-kWtt* jTheSday,/ M$y i§4Annual Lunqneon Æ i.A y e r»

Chapter-76 Q.'E.S.’—Masonic Tem­ple, J-une; J> J.IÆO mru. |» fciÿfiïîî , Spring-., Breakfast —, ' Wamen-’s Cllhi, Mày Sf,rV'.’;i 'JBl|âttoMAÔ# 'jSffiears, PetçeWS t w n ^ M 7,.':’;;

B |e ii: fbtgiven, in a hyM ^ a ttf to EdwPrd J. Afcr.oniSor,.

. a Main Street speeding viola­tion 1 ¡after fipsHoteuclng a. hospital, statement .tiiat.’.hje had rushed to |hSAp)||(iiitb v/r.’eh. his Wife had prematurfe labor bains., ■ Said Ab r ^ fey V " ! can anpreci- ’a te ^ p l r ah®;6^:^|iedtel}S- ea. 'advent. of-’yoUr;fiM''(pteffii,:,lftt'm® know’ if Itte,te ‘t p S ^ r ' a g-ifl.” I


Msybfl ated liNtefttb J- F&’

S&rgeant returned Äis.-week from .Annuat' ,G,pní®rence of

á t ó 1 K u irtc i^r- Finalice Officers Association in Hew Orleans.

: Mayor ,Padulà said; h f ’•- i$ . wènfc,*t3 thei-Gfotìfsrfente with a great; deal of "; skepticism,' he: bäüse T have" e>:pert.enied .'some;

Sted'.ference sessions. Fuithermore,Kbtrt“Driea4s. ,1s ayoumP 9- porp er, add } am n s t a travel-’ f e r n ’ j-B-ut. tjie. .sdoject m at­te r M :j¿<0 discussion gtqups bore dpbh: our pirtblsme hers, in B eiievt® - th a t.;! ;co%Sid- sred 'jt ß&x$ or less a teuty to go

■ ‘Ht was -very good foÀJiSe- to ||flî::W itÊ él^8§; I” ‘-theselÄldk. a f te r v,'sbssioteSj ân'd I can feei.^/êli rewarded. m_iñj|ornta£ion

ÿfâk3 . .'and'- A eròy Spsbt, mofetr of th e láBies? Wiûmg îrdm

olpTO a '•pullalp.g inspfctof) • 5 W w Ellfí ( f i e f oré Ôi-'è •• sta te C iv il S e .v V i .h e '’ C om m iesion

^uhjjeeháás were given this week to Mbs, .Florence Morey, tow n desk, and others- rep o rt­edly to Bte cálíedíwill be:;v!3ib-

The mayor said Joseph Soli-I mine, seçretary of the; county . tax hoard, "had 1 w riSeh A rthur tV. Glftfk. tax^assessorj_hgre.;.;

A part of the letter stated; ‘.'although this board ’has the Sta­tutory right to direct such a, pro­gram, w l would prefer,.tM fr,|ö>e niiiated by- the lo ca lfip fieh tls ._ VThh.'teiftybf, ftròd. he-.vrould ebn-

ï-valuteÎral ’■ HtiMÈÌÉtSl, ,

missienèrs Kenneth’ Smith -ftftp.h;3B«iíry;;j ;

Mrs;; Mabey . waç Jnsfrw ited tqbring • thè '• :oMiftance : relating to ;-Ôie; • bsy-Off* '«.ná,,; records1 shtpyring- tbs ■riuMb8r''':'6fl'phiiâiteÿ: applioa- 'èoteS 'ìte.ttó 'las t two year period.

, ((ConH»V®d Oji Eaga Three)


Sandy'. ! S h a w is t h e netv M e s id e h iio f . h ^ h :' i | | i # töL s tu d e n t w u n c il , th e - f i r s t 'girl, to b e e lec ted feA ü ie - office.- - o u t : • N o rm a n

F o s t in th e eleetioris, h e rá ld e íl b y ’campbigP-. speeches in tip ; a u d f fçihiunïÂj grite p 0 s t e?.r.f around tlift’sclioois. She will sue-

: ceed JfpÄ '.IäB nflh : ' ' j • Other ááuoeia elected w ere: ?e :

te r Duca, vide president : P a t Pag­anelli, .sefiitàtary,’, ànd Ælsie;iSiiÿ-

•(Oontin\«sd. On Page Tlu«é)

iH ' PiKKa ' Thn

IRKED BY ORCHARD SCHOOL SPEECHGolden Says Industry Should Pay For Betterment; Asks Purchasing Agent Exam

s a ttaÿor Isafloré. I

i a k jarä; ieonitmiseior ipiA-ioi's.-Duri'ig rhe

l-a %

(Continued On - Pago


Rudolf P, Zoeller Is Re-Elected President At Aiimial :

’ Meeting Of 2 Towns.. ■The^’psH evsh^ N gtM r "Tu“berculoöis A sboöiation , I n c . , \ h e ld ' ;p â f a n n u a l : ' ih ee tin g a n d % e lse tien ' of officer's l a s t T h u r s ­day1- w ith R u d o lf P . Z oeller b e in g rBiSlectec; p re s id en t. T h e | m ee tin g w as held a t th e h om e of D r . • Aibiart-.'Gaydos, o f 225 H ills id e A v en u e N u tley .

O n e new officer, A lex an d e r Ross, oh Belleville, was elected tq ; sei-Vjë 3 Ï ||m iqóming. year as seö*j;| P5.ii viooXiräSesldsnt. Ï ' a follow-:' ing offiaers ite' .addition to Zoel*; 1er wertif^-Mòròftteto sei'va fó r t h e , coming, year, .


Jame^s.Rh G olden, p a s t .tow n G om m ission can d id a te , s a id in i k e to w n -m ee tin g th i s w eek , th a t h e w as irk ed to h e a r t h a t W illiam O rch ard , fo rm e r g e n ­e ra l m an ag e r Of W allace an d T ie rn a n Co. spoke to school officials, a n p a r e n t l y a s a spokesmah Mr industrialists.—

Goldori 'informed ‘ th e Commis­sion also, that he .had written the State Civil .Service examination head Urging a dafft he last fo r 'an „ examination for the job of C! - D D i i T P Ç T Ç U T M irai purchasing agent here. ■ 1 I V U I L a31 u I l U i H, Golden, concerning Mr,- ' - O r - ! ' r ,r. , r, J - rEDISON PLANT«rêek,.* said :

“Is this the same* MJïy . Orchard w h s . .® ï^ s te 'i f arental;.HQto® *. _• _i a 'nérfe^’tÆSjSaia.’ •, Golden urged. th a t I f industries

teyiatltekS, iheffs? ' jhimatibÿÉ; ‘-sys­tem' they shouid'-help ^ay fo r it, through establishmen of a busi-

' (Continued On Puko Inroe) '

M rs. P e p e P r e s id e n t O f S h a w g e r P T A


Era. JoSbÄ Päpö was in-staäed 'p re s id g it. of ■ te t'îjJa,ni&B-;*|G;

" pafeíi t-TeachérscKboi'n Stherndlptef ,SMp#'

vice-president; ' Mrs, Josdpit - -Rri- maweri, • te-pd Vice-pfesid<at; Mrs. Anthony Moror racording secre­te iy; Mrs. -Jvltll'sr De'Faicb, ‘cof- responiteiing'll^retary and Mfs,- Alex

aigea surer.'' l i f t w as-the f.nal meeting of

’the-" sphoal year.

A m v e t s T o N a m e Z ä r r o H o n o r a r y M e m b e r

S is t e r h o o d D in n e r D a n c e,ih The. annual, dinner dance of the Sisterhood of Congregation Aha- ,vaS Acljim v, ill be held 'Wednesdaj a t T he‘Gtfidmari.iyVest Oiange. ^JGo^hairmen ar,e Mr3,' W ilfied VijdiJV siid Mrs. JosepK Israe, or Newark.

The BellcviRe Arrive!» Ppst 26 Wills.ho®9r Joseph ‘ZarrO Tuesday a t _the-' G fy^tal L ak e Casino^ 7,ex loMwill;‘receive ft plaque naYinxig hint an ^miogari' Aemtjer 4£ / th i posfT’ fo r 'eo-qp'eratirig.' with the post - in activities.

, The SprdSejjtatioT) will' /be '■mAd’e ^ the howliig dinnbr, ad anfiual affair of the p o r t ." ,


¡‘An ‘-b to b o r Äk® -tolo"sutiaw r ’D f S’ir-g v itn

deeds wiU ^o/tOvput/îhaBe oonfes- llqhàiT potatóre!, , ■, Mrs. Ma,rfga '(|m iìm^ jA ^ rmaii-.

■ton s s i^ » ^ m i$ ^ $ R 8pto6B wii- (iéùi BolL Tpôm&s Cftniff, John '$&[ Janiêt Ryartei’.Wl^yblB radican,-.--R' -d -w a r ff- - Da-Ma-v^nô/ (torpid Biafidjii, Thonaç M'ack, Bffwriâ1 Cftrr, ’Cnriiatbf^p Glen-

Hannah JVeiS|*-^Lhôlafi'T/s- Jàiàc'lA'.'Jóhn Hughes! ròfl’.fbi,loses

J a m e s S im o n e C u t In F a l l.fames .Simone, 14,, of 568 iWash

irigion-- Av®niïé, suffered a Jaeefa- tí°S É P Í ’Ûift' M i ifopeftïmt which requited 14 htitoWs: ww.en his .aim Went" th ro u g h a p la te glftss don» wiîidow’. ôir.rhe fécond, floor land- if g of bis home.-. ■!

LibraryH igh School Evaluation Head Says L ibrarian Doing

Excellent JobLibr

f s T.-KeT.flpnte®St®e-'-io .‘#f*'"%8-s05i’Bidííl.a really

superior: woik, remarkable in lirilt òf th e handicaps Wjtb. which She is con fron ted , j

T%o çom-Mi'tt6e -reijornme-n ds that si: admihiRnratlve ttuteÿ'.bô made &Í the librarlftBlSytote-' ! -We--aro of the opinioffà't%VfatedMoptÆ.jjey' Ibtenei m trie roibte of a /proxesMonal íiesstar^tVfu!!-ói, . pari-t-ma, snd a e te id if ;èpsistatef. -bo ¡senouftlyi tonsidered, '

■ Xn'áddiwteg.' thi4Íhi'arián should ¿hé'-froed frs®- otbtó1 teulaet sute» aspötoördbmi|ffi®i'ooia'.afetfcffiig: .should ’ be removed

fCStet thatfwteìppripffiÒ'tì^wtetM’ be re?sttífflKÍ'-%IW;: espéciaTwteSFtion to iwëite'ëedf and- interests o fyourig. a d o t e « i f ) A s ¡ . .» ■- ■

w ith a d te w Ä ; help avajlftblo

macheritäpte department chairnten m s rò e ^ ig ,, d u r in g , and distrib- - i yuJ tempjS diKl. fiatylfâgt&SfihWBé»-• .limitations: wo p^ohablj' initermountabia' rin tjjxo présent» B'^mip.g' but and whena new highVAftfiool building1 pi'0- graui .|s.uhd^tfhen,.'èvory precau-

Í (CinffikÄ ÔS Vage Ttige)

Seeks Retaining Wall To W ard Off W ater

A i s r a s a i à t eff noise., from -ì th è Ediaon. p la n t in- S i lv e r^ Laica, \Vas . m arie a t th è t o w i t ' cm nm igsiòn ir e e t i n g ., th -ikl w eek .

C arin irie D e ,S a p io óf Hec’kel * S t r e e h 'é i ì f f - th a t & è |^ p n u o u s !!| huffi iro m t h è E d iso n Com-.!!pany. prsvènted pieep. or, rasi: : r - j •side thè hòuses. He sancì he liuti ci:’ - ed Charles Tedesco, court clerk ’ sevèra! timps-, and thè Edison com-® pany - ftjso, ■ b u t tho còridition w*ili .poh reniedied.

Comm^gipncr .H arry Sullivàn,.; sai3 tho Bcliaon n&d instaiicd mOr" torà to raouce.: iiiteics’ fròm -tKiSj pianta, and tlie nbjse was-apparont-i Iy fiom the.lmotoi-s.,- •'’ He steid he Wpuld take u;i *thla complalftt^and^fpllo,w~Jdirtogh--Q.ri^ il, invitir^ thè ^ 4 ò f . b.O-paPItei; ahii! invaritPf.’ìfAhi*. own righi,. ' :’ R I HPat'iGreso . of 87 Carmer

nus ■ asked the. Town Coimrtfig weak ’to ,. prect a /thr'ee -— n , . » I 5 /TT . ,retaining writ k o«. than f a p e r t f A i r s , D e lG r o s s o H e a d gaeoguse ' a , water ccteditio-n^ was, R lk g ,T.,fi<l.ip..g-^A jixllia.iiy

. .>« I Mrs. Avu

Apxili^y :^Llhii-©ks_Clubj-

tOTT"W5W P 1Îf| Commissioner Keimte®f , Smith said a . drain a.b'd' catch basite ^ow^ibSteristÄBtev.'fufther i » J w ffî5j»£-tSî5 thjÿ aSoaçiôçawasn't 'dgritected, he . would bring ¡jm m at /b te fè re the toy/n af-, tpffiev fpr »ÿ i ^ | è r r emedial ap-

E a d m E iI e s jP d ; it io a i_ - U n d e r B a n k r u p tc y A c t

Faida iRtdio &’ E’SOtrite Co. hefft '¿■■tffcnMjy this v.’esk scek-

ibg: kri jariftSMWotet.. with-dite.. cteftte* l b « , ; ‘unater: Hae Bankruptcy Act, stating 'It < Is. unftbie to pay its

as-- t|§y:,ma|lire. ■■ ...TKS • fipn has its main .office

jjt-Mt'iv York and filed tbs poti- Won to, TJ.®. District Court t£St’a>'

i l l, 'Tptbf, 'vice-prosi'den|ï

M ^i -Marÿ. Kiernan, seerstarj' a~( Mm. H e^Ä pfanan, treasurer, î

Tnl»'VW8Ä metalled' . 'by. Stev® Kaleigbj'ti&IoKXalted.liuÎeïvbf thaï;:ks.j

F in e d S5o F o r S p e e d in g 0T T 2Î- 'AnSpny ¡.Äfii&wa;

û’rtPwfljItiW iPwM I ...,spbÄ^g'4te0:U|41 "Bèllyilis. sfcps^fi April IK bÿ M agistrate .Edwarâ' J.’Aprómssplí . ”■

Dedieaiw/F ran k ÂaiÿBÈ-.w^f^^ was ' overtaken Ir. a chasfe fchÄ’.'éad^tete/Á sfieeteilig h Abfpmaoû told MalfaLtì -ftl! ruoR d riveriitìiit he 'VÄblli, MV® ¡uspènded ■nk-^ÏIçiPse. b’íit' pe'^yofl ,t f o r -hig-'livelihood -was coMid'etetedl

300 Quests A t Farewel Dinner For M i s s Dunlap

300 g u ests .a tten d ed , th e teM ifoqhia'l d in n e r held W ed n esd ay - a t th e M eadow brook f o r Miss L e n a M D unlap,

43 B ro a d S t r e e p N ew ark , w ho w ill p e ti te n e x t m o n th aft- '*er JiiKyeaajs, m isebbdl S y s tem ’h e re ' f '1 - „ ..T he d in n e r w as g iv e n 'b y fo rm e r pupils a n d fr ie n d s . .

' iQh)'iil%clpi8: .hey Work w ere i£ad frp m Pp^Sjd,eiyt lB i.sw io 'w 'eri G ovgrnor M^eyriei, and B e p ie se n ta t n e L’e to j \V R o d in o . S^Jsl’pPynlaj) w as p re se n te d With a cJ i^ek jfo r $500

...»Miss Regina. Thierae, daughter (oT Mr. and Mrs. George-iL’biewiir 1 of 131 Union Avenue, was1 hen." I fti&d a - ta rjà iae frylflal show«r- givfn by ifh s nateli”w pte at tòe

raMfcjD (if b irs.tPaal Miller, hostile ,Pwk . , ..Migg Qiofe will be yltoald ef AJ.i I hiemé’i

I'l" ’¿1C*; _"T. I I r.i'llh W '#g, , Jtltó §■* itì Sft :

Ipeteg-’s 'ftRaseli. t . I*

"l Bilik and v ffltér 'sh lfe,deeQi% |^’|5ft.t|sM4 at Mfe° Diarie:

«.Clegg's s u r p JS&pwer given-BrMrs. Barry Mo§py> iiM Mwi, Wap-!

Iren Etdefl, oflitpd: M isi1 A nna. ifòT jS u tób ) ’ór DeWitt Avenue, . . . j|i8S !\ptegg,

il'ffSfflRfflk rf,W P i ' y asj!h$gSriCs-Mect ear ofJi®80 J.®saleB»os. Stsiseet . .. . T h e tBftcv.vi, giver * '. >'■ \L,Cn;';

¿.vafkirabj&jpS! . by 85; guests.

'3h''j(fiiiArid Mss. ' A} '(¡¡¡O'pp&lga of Street., a re enjoying 'the!

Spink saijds Sind b-tw .pi.’.»-Rennuda, where • a p s t y ! fljtend- ’.'fegv'a two week; vacation at tbs „Castle Harbour Hotel . , .'Tfe®:''couple flew down.:. '.• ■,

Attending the annual dEner-of ' IShè!! glye4r-elyb o f the. Arlington

Works divisiép:.-- .éif iDuEdist last Might were® Ssroy : A. D ffw jp«^ Igleorge ’’P._ 0 z E a fe . . QM y|ti^$y B e in e B )T''.Staii% LamittiKi...'fiat-: f seppe Parisi, P ^ s ^ s ls DiBiase,

B — A FUTURE BRIDE", Mr. .and íjf/f. Al;b.qrt ^l^.ul.

Boupced the «afr«¿8& 8h. of ±H.éir dapghlie’i', .Man, * ro^T /: 'Chafl'o' Ö pàn^ti}, , J r , adii’ of Mág.'md. Mrs, PamaMfbol W ©ald*|#i? A y#

The i,wide-èîeSt; i>har&sadtiaífa¡ ,of Belleiff Je Righ ||oiÿohl. gujWt® M l-

eÛÏ i|wa Àiaduiitud. $ty®- Mÿlley ii&sh S à io « ¿na is serm ig mffi thp Üf ;S. Army, ■


The Rev.. Lerenfcr E'ensftoKe

^rlougM ^op^ iT pttW f. wiMsp^at a t ReWssnÿh Presbyterian Ghurcli

»t(ery-.suß^FViS)■■ gj0oIiS^a.EÏÏe®e’% «w .íB ¿bb '«mi- Edward Albr.etsen wUl .conduet the

Mrs. iloiipeUy Ejected

M1SSPETR00CUmm n mi li ; . va iy l M rs. L ou ie P e tro c r l» ,

o f ì l i .Linceo A v e n te , nnsouBC* èlle enfràgefnfWt,. o.f tn.e'r d a ughter, Ang ela , eo G. 'ja c k N a ta lo , son ÓÉ M r an il M rs . Joseph N a ta le , o f 38 Crevioojc Avemrb.

The bride-elect is a graduate .of Hett}1?: SiÌyOhr Hìgh' BufooT and Aetasy S t o &4fitwsj© ,Gpi-' |ege!. SEglS' a’tf'treuBy iìu piber of tlje Franlclpti ’School, Lyndhu^st. Mr Natale y.as graduated fr^m Bellevills High.School cad Upaala

He is-’poing' graduate i\ork iti S’poniÌIaJJ, Jihiyeràity. yIle ffiCerjùdoved oj, Charles Engelhard M e , . N.cwàrlc..-


Micltael a Nhslimafn grdfidsón of Mt. arid Mt? Rubid .Chb^e, of' 184 Rloyd iare^l, hi I w . .<\un

« e t A h a il a sAuhitBÙ' Li,.

Rabbi Al belt h. Tl.iab v.JJJ of ■ % W , f i r . ■ 'P. *' ìb^ iK | | h^ M |H ''b y we,'Sj^àìgogue Show,! Will- «

A. re.c.e.pjtaw w U .¡fotjoiy, giy^b,| fe $ h e «Cffitodsttjàj sS,tótìjhopd. -

Stivarti C. G® -* PVed W. U nes, T o U C p A u x iH a r j P o s tU rns P a g g i and £tódii»n,eo EB» fi} ■ -fi . S f i t ' »ri.

' Spulino. ~ ,Í« ' Audrey ' Maise, ;d,atighter of Mr. '»ñd’ Mrs. Charlea Maise; 'of Ï8 jEorest St?®®ty,-,has - aBSstdd diairman o f ' w t i w i » IßmijiittaA ■ of the M i l # >^ÔÎpftirt&ÂMgKdatlfl®Mâ!rVdw^ .College, where ^i.jlsrfriuñwí'»- §^& S títA g n es W bsMwriHbaek a* pdjnê,' .834 »öpfeei|Ä»Ä;eet,. aftMs I^Ätoeitwstöt '.vaö64iflSsw44 J £ qV0'

ttMtíbr S í t e t e . -sHfcvffil îEîwex

}. 36 M o u n t s TO PAY î . Insurance can be included 3, Loans approved in a few

ruinptesCall 'HUmboldt ^5623 for hewest rate chart, „

T R U S T C O M P A N Y ' s-coRycNiENr o F r i r t s is Newark LATE MODEL CARS FINANCED TOO

Th® AAo$t Exciting Peint News in Years I



■ k .FO íiIj' ,won3¿ffiíl, ifflçjîfss ■^^el?tuX'vgíves:'you.3^/í,#l)' fiat/

fo r walls ânÿ çieilings, ^^^ a& S iff^ .g îesU tid .s ih^g leçs ■

m ra M y to 1^ K f 'fe u fa ^ e d io ^ j.

Bp'v w te ’s the:iieW "Y avét afid I t t i ;§Min! ;£ç^.*’ 0$, to do it!^ ^ p e a is e i f .and-gït.proffissipyiaiK .;: results !■ .

Mel-Lux is teû-oil paint—and » Bf;® ià|îetft|yt i Yep ,caij^H^tie< t£ 6 fa®.et4Af WD,

them ! ;i0}Yei:lÿc^r.Ai 5 a ^ i. ’ ^K^|he "'Velvet aj)d Satin ]Lpok” , mii y o & *dth economical Md-Lux!

, Mrs. ,Tohr..pçtmelly 7/an’^léotëd Ìbsf. yhíe -örganized W or^Sÿ-'A to liä ry of the flMthd Gerëb*al K£¡a;» 'of Es-; seX naaà '^est;iSÖsöB, at a njlet- jgg m Ojyapgc JQ^ûA,

iM redt’lM ÏÏ'^e îâ t fc & S t P t x à dfairl^gK Dlekinsoif ,tjp.e#è' ßo- aÄßtl'^JSsilÄhai ■> Eyery Wiwiftn ïfeo :w®ft<WîSpwpii^'''*i4ght isgt thntfòanee&'fcfeute >?ai@rjatfai t® 5 W SiB SfiT ^

day at’ 0 t 'f e % w ® ^ ^ |r ie Library by pdM. 'iÇiÆr.ôi atejffintSbs mrpalar

eading'-ihpbdta froth 12136' t e Kmîi®aiS l i ä r t d r a t ö r ^

N e w f e ÉArrivals

Mil and .'Mrs> 'P-rank Wawrs&’S H t' ijiiAAti jSjSHral Monitae' the ibiffll

datJHiter, * Jiiyfle EránoaS" B t ¿p^il ilf f f} .fei'

'She, fotos ■ a bidt’hm 't ¿ohi¡, "i8 a M á l l t l m Mrs,: -W^te^fei'te'.tìte:

Jo^.:;®chBèèglis o f . Bell# P i t , A

.. Mr. and M&, ffeoi-naj ;é# ^ 4 4 ,ÍS iten i . way,' JLySd},^^?v r.e- ¿ai,eiats o f ' a l son,|>®»n’April Ifi, - He WeJgfc&S 8eyw- ph#., 'B >oja.•• MrSv Tbiwia-'Jr iD^i Á m ez, Anne Cialde •n fe ^ U C e te ' •Hill Avont*®. " , .

'gáfete, ' àfpea- »"we-.^equaca^ythisííwAek l at &<&jltp6

|ewí3í|OTng ’ -

[Lose Licenses 30 Days■ Atffebay

A vefiss siné sf$.'ffewS^É,--:a M s ’M r J^BMes ter, vokéd. for 3Ó;,dsiys -by,'M’agìstinte' ¡Edward J. Abronaeo^ Idu. Charges m i speeii|t¿. 1 SrSitfRAeadM golfa.,

t e- * > R e c e iv e N e w

A t B e th a n y

■ sfe-|(v i.e e a S)§n<|*y at Luthrran Chuii^h al 11

Ml » » r lfflBé reoeptipin ofAn.eamärie Kg^ngky;,; .Mr*

and. Mrs.' .To'hn' Rob^tspn, Miss S^p^glL'ké.r' anc) iMs® Joan Reecb er finto• ellurch ¡nettibership

Rev! T. -Panile»*' HÆpbdn i 'ill •preaíl! ''tÿüifi Ôukiîation—oï1 U y - áltv!" ;

!»ii-. Kin bf. ni-er-fd seven 1®ing - feoplfe

Ííf the''.jiarish .s% 0n ’iTp'iVi ' 5,1 iípeakW -■rçerem binfe1—wi H-be-i'i-ï1 d—»f>ôr“ -tbe- riew poïiiÿi boutb- 4i!iè': cppw Ì7

m* jM rs. John D o n h au se r


S O F A A R D l g « ,T W O C H A R S

O i§.lotn'; F u r n i tu r e U p h o ls te r in g a n d R e)> am n g-Al l w o r k g u a r a n t e e d


M ildred J. Thompson Bride of M r . Donhauser, Teacher

M iss M ildred .lean Thonipncjn, d a u g h te r of M r. and Mr.s J . Jlowanid L 3^»® an |i, 1^4 3tiA©jy bdean^e i t oS a tu rd a y of J o h in W. Bonhi^nsnr, son o f Sir. an d Mr&\ Leon a r d J. D o n b ah se r, o f , W iJJiam S tr e e t , .‘Rev. D r. .farnes K M orse p e rfa rm e d tM .a e K ^ o n ^ ' in -ffow sm lS i M em orial P res. by ,terian QjyjiBch. A roeeplaon; fo^oxynd ■ a t the. A m ericanL eg ion Post.-

Iflj'isa in jp a r r ia g ^ 'by*sb,W*''f#i4ier; it,lie M iss TlaninP;aon w^s a ttlrld -In a .gotW’-'-Sf ^sfe, oveE'-saifeua, fft|feinssd .WilS- '.a/Pet^r 'Pai^AaRpUF .AU -4o|)g:'4R<WY8H>

Ai^epding' hex were Mis.s Anil B,« f ta ^ a k lW m n , o£ the Jjjaid-hf &fflrf*Miss.esA3aj?y}e: -WiednsaijK- arid :£• MascUflh, cp.uaiftl of ^theioridsi -Mre, leaeph J. iMawm- sfionfcfiiih'e ibBde,S''""sister and ’Mss.ijafeb J, ^ojit«l}.a;rd,-giBter p j i th e 5 m ea^satm ut^

Jefji E. %fiyens^n, ffie

Rpbepfe Mayera ,|ej®ed as £est;

ty, Mr, Ste'/S3&ni MK'" Sd'ihGrd andj iatasa '’'MwiiWi' '-tnd* i-dfiAe.©MdefeeffiCiffi.

• The 'aride' is w!|h 'Mutual Bepe- i't Hfe-Trisufftnce 'Cdtepanyl Jwff-

i^lcg.afi.'a'. .gku'ffWw. Ju ri ser, also a graduate of : ba<ai6-la';«'-4®8T^d'“'trom'-Mston Hall Uni- y.er&^;.Ag.dv- his^tiiastsrr - of-- edigM

pity. He ¡b' teabhing'in school system.


jS^lto#Ing:; là t^s week’s Sjaheddlg.; a t " Qgarie Baptist Citardh : To- 1 dgbi. S .p.m., Men ’ hAwjinglea®}®. ? w 8 p.m,Last ifefr" Jersey Bit1®tet> A®®*!'

At i w t Bhpia dtotaa^i fryirigtOUr LL ’"ll^'uBdBWi * Cheruhoriî^i ^lreMtaal;. $ t45 a«ni., church

rrior. rJt>y Dr; : Albert- IUwson, ÆSfcv^ JneV lSÄ IM ’,’í i .*


Double-Ring Ceremony m a r t s " Tiee-Fecko Chufch Nuptials

In 'db lib ld -f ing f^jfdniohy'SittusS-ay,,,]^^! J tm e 'Idee, d a ii^ n ^ r of £&. and Mrs. D,onald, M. Tice,-.formerly of Belleville, ndw of White S treet, Hillside; was m arried to iohn Feoko Jr., -¿on of Mr. and1 Mrs. Fecko, of 57 WntBiSSiiig Avenue. Rev. Joseph' ifons&oli officiated "in Si. MietelS* Ghurchi dJiiion, - The Club Diana, -Union, was th e snefie of, the reception.' “f N sc S S S iiK K § . his’7 d a u g h t |r in ’m a r r ia g e , S h A ’w ^o-.a

fai^’bfclfille -ana Jaea .gOwri, aydf--nfl,!i ;; ;l'-J • )V-m ' i;wniio orcbifl&

ihe Family >áü5í''áf Beííév Wiiblgi iomrirqUA'at the gaefripV®,8 ?pfunr b '

A >§ÚSÍ'ftnd;.m4i®ri'g>walí ¡he ffetured,

CdtnwWée. members íñolude i^aqfele s^&Ä'Öte,' heiriuari. f/SaRsíi f e d -M,aì%,' Moiam^#0Mj!';A]8fcg

Annfl;® peyíhi v Anri-.-djis®! ® â Moi^óne, 'b a l, ipttsieSekets. ¡and Maary. N-átdkwfe,' ftí* fewnra& iit. 'rt -.

Town Income.! Lr.ylOó.Ttpnuác! Jkq¥a J?aga. Vza)’,

M p i k d - ' r I f ú h , . wksí l , 8 8 | .{fb.ove'-d'hq 'topcrpW- qf, hue .4'S ,4wft®W Í|S% : S C0®e ff£: t f t f ftft&ftgp i^ually :4epaegr,'iífc|i#’': jjsqfeS»-; .Uiles-^Maijdg^ift ít" .'Supvey ■set- <we-

national ; average famiif1' inccuape JUrPA fOg' # 18* • country'a 4f,-

;62,Ps7'Ójé, ¡&oj(Uis|,-'•Jóljúttjé su.rvey Iftev 'Jersey

»|id6M|<toe¡«t4 S te Drtssní- Jnfp v ly incqmos, "with á stater

wide ‘average of |6 fpfQ£i, tquied bnly,l¡rf 'Canaseífeüt with $s,fsfe Mew, York State's average family feéd ife ,was* $6,062*' while in Cali-, ifórnia; it, 'w as--••$0.,490/n in Illinois, g$ ‘ Pjtnuk fbW yl'|'i|W ?.-Thp'doiijeíiJ fftWily hscuiuaB wajie.

| ’3j 13£; Arkansas. $8 4119 Agd ^ Ifbaj^s, $8,85?. |

r i^ io a s f a ine®pe; am}inMi®d:'f0f‘4 am

aids 'Sas 1$1,879 whieji & apoyé ftps; aiAticpiffl: ?1>545 .fedWho®''d'écfrialeu ' tjre fisvr Jersey a y e ^ g |‘pf".$^;§tS';Essex Coriftty' ¡:-§r'. te-pitk inopme wag $i,99u. I

Art Open House' ,' (GofttMuoil. ríWú Fago Or.B) -

ESilh'li^|ÇŒ .|ipl/ddsiJläfdeihljffi nñvjSSlc.íSíe ¡» te r

whlÿidtoy 3 Q S | iBS2m í ¿S436^|Sor |itó á 'ts fljûl: .Vìsite>Ì£s.

Á .list ' o f the - schodls ’and the ’aftaffifflffij'ôf 'V M r'‘‘-Ô^en ';H'Dtu^p •is.¿S’iml¥Ws: ■••

S^b|ß?iC 'MAy $iö, ä<®Q®f ■" 2, May ÌT ; ‘ S.eh'oql % May 19; School 4, Mai I ç f School 5, May f p ï ï i a

Slfikoft}. J , Maj- l-g; Behd.ol- MAy -ÌÈp,&4 hlò.oj- 9,h May' :j m-,.

Misa Mlequon.- Laguna, maid of tongsharid M6^'#nAtShj3kl2iB$i Æritbiri4tte>: • Melitto;- andr'’il^ ïfliW RÄleruritugif bndeám aife ’ ’weve* hylon chiffon gowns in blue, oï- Adi> &.;d.'^í^lqfe,‘ æqepe^uvetei

(¡friSterS. •'• 1 ■.¿Doröthy Jvle, fìowei'’-girl, were hiñe;-ta ff eta. T. W-¡ yfcoiflySV-. oí. the: Mâè'. Wa£<»Mit2DjtâEj.i a vîjierïiyteî^: k w h and tbeii^gáte# . pf:fhe''í’H ^ i' groom wore a göwn of cult

Church Lot Approvedti A ifw ^-jO f i.teu^an^/ ibeiilfeir Míiteiiitgomiaíy Dnssbytajaan . Diursh nafkibg ;,lòt in M^ütSO&ery .Piaci» w m áu ^ ^ :^ m - '.aiwíovéd w-.-iÜitf« ¡Toim*OTttm5Msn-«''|MB 'wees.

hcífi.&nd Vincent Tule a s ushers.■ "--.Mies.' F o¡k®< WBk-graclíi^te3/#roiá- ^iÜffiLie ®;glt- Bihorfi. M r. F.ecko -w. "áh"cal 'M®k Sídiwf.1 Both áre With wpt&in^teri.' Ilump Corporation, Hariéíí®.:

! ! S E L L IN G O U T ! !

F R E D E R I C K S ’ J E W E L E R S

$58 W ash in g to n AvApue BhDnvi]let N . J.

EverythinSf 6old Below Cost.Ap oppor^uhity to Cake care of your graduation

ác J%ath;eif« Day need«.


Dr. M . RoochvargOp t o m e t r i s t

547 W ashington Ave. P L 9-7620


— f/y an ; American Flag!ÈyerJthïûg fòli aecd în;iÿiÿ®! •“. pg$: A hmidsqine. jjaintêd f a i ’.-, . wrio.d pole te' byo acaliyns, .lapned ■ iiûih $ Æ h%d', sp(sgii|l ?SÂ9j-Iñsito t ó P Aftpfcet-cap, and beaiuif ui i/jp-quiilhy,' lon^JJf« BULLDOG, Ü. §. j f e••Pligii., äjor.' Special *Prlcea>;!

I |[ J TJRAMHALL SALES CO.; |sh W J 3 0 F o r a i t S l i e e f B e lle v ille ' N . J. Í ^ L - * PL <0-261«


K * "71 ' Union A venue

WS£.. N T Jilty 2 9:87 4


Italian PiesSpecializing in Sleamers (Hams

Mtsseis and Italian Foods!§£■' B e lle v ille A y e im e ■ B e A ev ille , N . J .

(C o r n e r G a r d e n A v e n t ig )

P I. 9-41Ö2

\*rscoMr». M°r.pÿ »Isp'.was instructed

t* bring records of o ffices ,Ripósi-, it to ns ar\d salaries. i?n ';t^ e /p u b lic 1 "v^'rÿs, and pjrilip ;af#o:jrs depart- ! pients.

I Öj-epo. w a s ' I l ir e id 'w heji Ifhe Tmilfling tnsp'ectof’if >j®) ä^l'ishbh w as - abohs hed by \ C ÖnwuissWi er ¡itmth, a f e w 1 dayp a fte r the ¡pó$t w as sw/ta/jed frytfi K in g ’s Ttepavt- merit, by lïnan^ôMS, ,5#®!$, of ^hte, Gommi ssiori.% Mayra j s a d t a ' Padufa said b®‘

f i t e g* ‘gnfl JBat :%.• b p j |® g B îSÿÎSW ^ W*5 n«C-

•esnar-y-... ■ • ....

Turn Thumbs©'pin -ï»agç ®fle)'

had •mmh: IHM .Ii-ainst Hu- SCthûOÎbieca use .o f fb& ,f69gii gltg,

Town Àofeobtiey Keenan in- an- sw êf top) qt^estftjn by Hyde, said th e . eQuamis^iion, . c o u l d p r e cè d i w ith jpi ans qm the çwpj yaw- le g a l, MSM-gpce th a t M f tow n held t e ' aeed Äy<|ta'?!rf4 h® ¿1&4 , ÿlaà},è foM NÄe area ’apd , mxsï(ft hriftg

i'iBwgj, up , in tÿfo w eeks,' ■ s

id alio t h a t t h e agreement, bëtwpep the^töw n -ajidfiSfr-JM lÈfè S T ÌteW tsbé. 'Q$m>e s j p ù g n e d reverter ddjupie v fiie ji putomaucalfy .retained the. .pndÿkis prty.

Manies R. Goldei.i, form er com.- mission candidate, »aid in th e ptttìj^^ipet^tg t t^ t h u isftoJceh and T » ppop*1 ut y *\b,,u;f<t< be reassigned na> Hyde's depart- rappt, where i t wo'uld'^hìe ‘pn der


afford a aheap .eduoaiianAta p ost'

agesntîeu.e^am^ t e : gi,d had iosa!} se t iw!p wader CSjWiM«r<?w. I&B fo r lorge- W 3& , ïïfiff) i®fr U l t e gfsteis-.to; jgdai'^i bJÇb# hRd proved unavailing,

Gplden said hip, ¡puijr i f a ä y t P axapr?&p J Ä ’t e * no'..nefle,c-


Our code of ethic* dictate* that we serve ail famille* con»cien<tieu»ly ih the'Ufrtl^Wlment pf our d title*. he ! » « con*ider*te, impartial treatment to all. B e^ .ru red that we re.peot and meliculbhliy adhfre to t e p roper ritual* of all religious and fraterni


0 ^ 2 7 6 WASHINGTON AVE., BELLEVILLE, N, J Telephone PLYMOUTH 90114


F u n e r a l H om e'

F , D o u g la s W a d s w o r th

§»24 U n io n A v e n u e ' B e lle v i l le 9 , N e w J e r s e yP L y m o u t h 9-287*9

S e r v ic e s w it h in t h e f in a n c ia l c ir c u m s t a n c e s o f A L L

» N o n -S e cta r ia n

M A Y W E H E L P Y O t E l N Y O U R T IM E O F N E E D .

B#n! ControlI Continuel Vroao Pane 0 * e ) '

Ki chard O T o e le th e n astati what action the Cemmisaion in­tended , Mpÿ.of Feduiasaid the commtnission cou ld al­ways reconsider the ,i*sòÌ»itio,ri‘ and y ó ’pld jh»v® to % -epsplpì tion p a s s e d w a y . hft the :#SSMä before Juste .30.■; iAp ,$b34jj'oipoypl o f co at cal,a would hurt people Plvimg 04 ^B|ab,tec*opityd jfhP.sj oouM, -hat-.;afford bp .pay.i jiurae ceart.

Pefer p,al VeeoW'oHUijEed eon- struction .o f low rent housing ttrojpiljs. '

-Çaj-miue. .Da $ ap io asked for ändi’vidp^"Ro'?ift,P’?tÄ?h' say in g thç ÌandlorRs hp/l ?fp share tbe-Zirliti! p f expanses.' 1

Morris Go'litsdlplH s.td.d ’h e fell fewjÿ ' m at èf|?$Sk j ’w hit' ‘.otoi

' 1-f 'WWW<MÌHb cwlteè%p a .®4r m fet hegatd ift, jrpoy.' ’TOçêbspbâlf .yçartt^ t ó t : ft .WW’- w f o g :Bófei. *Äe ■ #Êtedi; w " •

Reassessment(.Gçritimied jîVom Tii|iJ | rof f i

É tócd ;9 a i# iB î^ Â Æ t^opnty Hoéïd h a s ¿ÜÄ

M jsors ,fe'ï|ÿ[jßtals o f ’tfepvÄBoÄäittee ■-m- a*,3pi)bpk leyty r^-valpalibn, proarat®. ,i y"v;T'ihtt '& p 8 fâ f. nuip^r,,

ï stMMttd »à.* #6w S a résolu . ÎV W Ç W ^ f^ i-n. a ïümÿr«t J f e v o r j f f i ' t ÿ A d s l

SPHphff p rle-stè p t jwoaraim of feqp^limtaOn^*Aj. Gply jfey fUre 3P?‘ Morâeiunmüt. d».-tihet^|iiKiij»... feid :ïfiéi®d'ïist»:! aâfeo: fr.Sltsddicj1

zdtîgih ■pan ^nte* taceortìplisEoa" by ■ a<¿eùvialuÂo® vprogïpjia; pgef^EtMjr/ py çjt •dd'tetdf ;,oôiâûâgt8pt..,pÿienoy. s &osa bbatfcave îipt^hssiêd’iHtr ï^qüsft piay -pye :||^at'.Béf00pi|p^yiàa>,«Poiï*.^ woj» 'i» i^.eà'iateiÿ. ■ff spgÿçst t h s i .liMs cworlt proceed forthwith and ,a report P tho pahïgiiiièfe sjg^cfiuac •&» * tSoyi- 0 h passible." .

Library( Cbhtlnued Prom Page,One) ‘

ÿjôji should ■ bé tik e p ï®kt^i»9P ladéi1p ^ t e *$pacfr for.*'>w^jâptopBsç_jt^ 6i

»lutjibing facilities, and similar E^oip. now '* paufdly' jptfMCJjtliaa ' with. ¡M a acho'öl libraries, pffilhp .{ôi^vf S#i0Îii> t,y}'.pfessiorŒ psef eiâêjiaô. 1 ^^tmiTOTlìit’•»ndoiab-tediy be a .Mg fasto r in S ftò y ifrg general teacher free a t ^ '' l ib r a r y .

teekM'Ties ûçinld b© dcrelbped to, f to'PMSajjSftJii AtSfc^’ûmaWÿ: -«ms»*

) S k*“ cittopglr rècewtìy"iturosvovedi Illumination Is stili Inadequate, v&consties », tre a tsr o a t ,r ïfcd, Woiilu1 he helpful'.


fiw |üse ■ n&ft V ith Heféo «fised Ä re*ide»tè -hSd_

tOl.vpay for dhç.ÿgjjy *bd wap Jold tihd i.t& îi- |p jury l or tt Jhe- çause the construction involved a fiospital.I A.hbhhm!f lB W nanÓ!4:r, 'introduced

t e taw # w a y cars a t the owner's expense if the o tC T ® wei-e abhadoriSl ûriphrRg3

i ^üblic heaiisiji'g ‘w ill we May. 2d..' j.- 'l'[¿ ■ f w » ' ; opdiftances A^tkimarkin-K j*

ifior sewpb, water^piàiin aind ;* * iy A dapt­


Pick Sandyi J iom 'P&gé Ont)7

t Ê k e• ftÿe^surey;' g |Mloha^l p el Boa m ad', uimpiniru

fipéooheg fog* w ^s S b a w f^ p fe ï lo -lÄ fc te f lO S tjfo ö M lg ’ i I '' ' l.iii*.n .À cleric , • GeJlSl'aR.0 ï p r VirglhiR 'WheSibi, Husa’-s ^opponent;TLeôira Calandra |or. Misa raganelli r P h n , ya tìrcù ’liob fór J la rbara Wisèbo,' Mîtes ÊagaR^H’lZoJJôitaBfiî, Tana Koaald 'Ä oria*»» flïr,' Elsie S a w 2,erj aM d.B w w M fb e llJ ç r ,SfJlyj

¿ß iß SynìMr’s opponsirtt I : ¡Sopai»- . i ^ i ^ ib e r o #*d Gajyi ©Jass ppiig; -Kathleen; Botsfora Hbw,ed me p i |j ig 1 " “

Ì li» ataA oh com -pw 4ß’-«ri- P o n to^ B ergâ iî^and, ‘jpd& t P ew res Sa-ng?*er # n d & l w

cat b y e r .machine b y a cut­ter. j ^; “T h e '• ‘undert'the;kh9t’ t i c , m e

det gh d a w n ' i SfipnK '.jnust b e - cut b,y hand,” ThhlerV. said,

;.'Ehoh';t;ie' is. ,©¿4 in Wta 1a x . three sections, and . is taken upstairs and Mpppwd o v e r to the f ir s t oper­ator, fow herruning end stitching into, o n e . piece. ■' Then onto t h e .presser, a gjfll

who wiferdp-a 'jeon, swiffe-ly;-oyisr- tie a f t e r ■ f l y r t t e n . n g l yea mil.--,;■ A 4 % ^ ’ m add nV is ■ u^ ed '‘fbr Mllg'R.the .tie w itb -U c s lif i wpol ■fabric.,,

Then over t o a woman at a pio,l]e^{ia,pe'd hpa^s j|ju®ci*^b o„, r.cr yerseg/'S l^’ipgiht-li. rsn'JJ, ■btasJSZbtetiie .pjpessers, w m I in'sett, a . cardboard {Ajwu# , ,of mdicpted ¡width ‘into, t h o •W'Ti.e,1 w fv i c h pressed into, -shape, and arrives Jinally up fp o n t for bunclliag,] labelling and packaging.

Neck I p Mill■ «lorbijimK'cl Wnora Pag® Ohe) 1

¡ray - haJtap',sf jte sM o b s 'plscS4' ■■ ■ ¡.':f»*ï^î|}'Jîotli«r la v ic i parted t h e b-usinessi,” Aarop' said in a to u r o f '-floor;plsót,';tMs, w ö ä “ He enme' to m is #our4ry from Rumania a s ß pföüftg'rfflii '>■". . -and Jsatìiéd Boetradw 4 » ^ & * 'Yoïte'?' tsem teg ig sr ® l§ 'rè ^ fe f ‘®;' y ?

vW e’re on our slack season ■haW ^i» %Md, B ut By ™ ift wijLjttffe- -ÇO! the T # « p . ifeöe-'iStp E if ig jc .iy wfci^sb^ r

■ Thater, saprUng a pale yefio-w* W yol;tìe rimse'.f, gpinted out. thai; sartoinal neck n it w a s in a sta tp o f , flu« .

Today’s trend is tow ard a gon - aepV |flv^.o0tartftarrow t ^ w a n d stèspi® .design. Thev.oîÿtitiéâis^aa®-,

»¡ge, do4i(te«enc® obSWi sotclis- ,UEe i p aah - ?f f i a / l ¿helves a«d faoibties, ^ W H M

I n d l i a n s a n d S p .a c c C a d e t s ?

i)f all the reasons for saving-naopey-^pind there are huadreds—certaicly ncrne is bi§E0T* or More

■ important titan building up a noatr&gg to talre e^e-of yoto cMilfea’i jbture.

And where’s the best plaee to build up y@m pesbegg? Right -now, 14 million A:neii(Ao&

1 think the best place* is an insured, Savings find ; Loan Association! Hare’s why!

ONE—You- get-.djxcf\lent returni-. Thpt’s be-- pitasp insured Sandags a^M dbdhmglm y m ^ ipyfSt most of their fuada in i 'j te i) steady- paying hoipe mortgages.

TWO—Yopr savings 'Sie yir/$-r-proteQted *.bygood- management -sutdThey are insured up td $10,000 by the; Fedccal

Savto^ j^od Loan ïoswaafçî içb ra tilon^n '. a p n o ÿ -je if^ ^ iit S . iM I B i p f c

TWREE^-These Assoeiations are lix:al .Organ-: jzations, Tliey often: friendly, helped and cofl>


Atid herd’s; apotljer point' When yotfre ftiiibri' ing of bl^’ing a Home, remember .that insured Savings and Loan, Assopiations make liberal loans. They see tn Ir rhaf you gel the money.. quickly—-and at mbderate rates.

Why n o t com ein a n d open sayings accounts for . youf^lLandfffr ^^rphiW w in;:: / f i f t h

today] Andrff you need a home pnrtgagp lojRt let’s, talk atuput .that, too!

DeWitt Savings and Loan Association-463 W a s h in g t o n A v e n u e , C o r . iT ap p an A v e n u e , B e l le v i l l e , N . 'J . !

: kf* tm mà£mmmé> h» T*!*" wHff ■■ •"»—•“ W MtàMMjÿ f*4* BueJ-yv^& r'li #AVi Uvf deMirti*. ivTB^pomy^pMi}• s ■ i

calied fd r e langer tie npvy w* Ìw K È S ta ja t 8?-'InM5,e3 •and noi mere than tbree indres.

in. Blf cffice -o# fli® ¿talli f lw r Thaier eigilftteeiÌ -tié

prneess In wfe)J§i ? jùe;.il9_,'Hi9,dG, fiifrm - 0- -tpa-iNof: -iha - ..

Eve«*:the À m y issues are* .iti sjyicj” he saia, ih4L5S4;b)g A dba§u ,or so khakis Bflr.ging flsjtt'ia; nali •oq Ms o£f:s& daor,'

‘•‘TV,e dó&ft Ekhule noveicies, l& e tóes lì'g^t hp,. o r strine n i1 BbW* fi'èe . . .‘ but -we did m ake ;iip a - iBht^h pf ‘pesk-a^oóf'ineck-.vmwr -sn sp®ciM fj?rd®r.nèeaatlyAf.. ,

1 T ite peele-a-hoo • iu fn a d «ut t o .*$• jipprtSag*a- AB®•linlng.

’Wncke®1 uMufi'i give; s, secoud ¡fflSée).' .aurfng ipK;§i®p, W'hat with hjgib. :.;sp.ooléns SittèK 'Bniiig ;;Jiona;ecl thew ^lli' cwiashtjratìcn «C p.5^w-wffl(k - ba- sde, th^* w.ere Busy -turniijg Out ■Òsk UeckweaT * which--ne<ttect, -th,-em- m -^ tà g à ^ ' 12 W hourracco-rd- ing *tol^éiJjer..

ActuAlly t e i tte la naaie ,im sóc ftbin ite .fln^ngfeijae ftijjt mf;

a hirlt ài. iaBiii®« -t ; *Airriyl®® thè.. -BAèotìi. Uoiss:

ictìCBHiif f'ooifti,,tìifi Aerèeq.i in loug sbeett of pgP.er B^riPWite^ at Bb® 'angle • 1» 'WhicB thè tie,-!? •*■«! ■ w® c i f i ìS .i^ p éiÌ oVjerfhe maferial.

H owisr is snrdnjjlèd • ;ttr%e- fyibnc uruierBeath Mw, ' flie, tje, depfindlr.g’ or t h è design, is

K A T H A R IN E G IB B S in M O N T C L A IR ,

Dignified Funeral Service






LdGTaistori,-hi»»- tìbc iiUlb«

P SfiSlea PfSpilBals Poggi r i i .hfl©qeiîld of, C®mmi»«io rt« r s .of thp. BjeSleVillé, ' ffîmS ' ! JJerwyj. • on .fieftlay, May 24, IMS’. S 0 )fah* Saving Tïrnm, toi; òlfpjii^gtóima ut. 504i61h ;-^®lvp#bì« ì l le^le, N. ar., ''knpy , « ¡ M FT;Block .470> • XfOfe- ÿo, T>y top Sp0¿ïid très, with necwwàry needing, peceffsajiy pl.ay-gïçujjjd .equipn^vt .feefor^ -pouding 'tp

çti Ute in tbe Office of tbe m ^ S \ n e • Agent, .Æown &&W> ^ l4 # e , New .J,er y. : ■

kîà.d addins ôf tL e blddéi* fttid tne n'âme pf-’-the -pTojfeot -iMpi-d p ® p k del-ivelJeû Ap thé’-3?çwn ©In o? .befçmôr S'îÔiffeM.feteM . I »dayf May §4, X955, àt'. t%;/.' n n'LSaJl», éêHèvSîe, New Jersey! 'No -Jbiabbili,be received. After t h a t time, ' ßfcte TÒkìv,re­serves the L'lght -t© reieet any •ewod ll.bldß.

1FI/0RENCÎCÎ'Tojivir-'' ASer.Jc,


<AN OÄkiAsNid® •RR#^m-ÓG FOR TlJE' i0^S?R|lGm©W' . ■’ TWELVE lêfèR iWATBTt >MA^a’-,®RÓM:. .:.T R 'RREgpN'iW m WA^ENÖ’E rO*T»ÈJVÌ©àitfS TOD,Ì Ì W Ì m I WATER- MAJN PTiOW

m T»g NQRìMSM àgiT • 1 » (, t®0.-. .'NiBWARK A/VE- iisra,* EIGHT ' m Ä ‘'AVATm MAIN




.sex, - do orciai i T. êA jfliproypïçi.^t, be ciad Jay,|Ü|e; cqflsp^ctlon qf twelve1 'inch' wpxer mç,in !Î *q»V'- tbp.'. pneserit SoutbygiiM teaaaiimJiJji •Franklin Averi.^i q jiljjpj; $. CanaW BpcLrirwelye (1wb TV -jer , |-ròìp '•Afy;èpiie \£tt tjief Mordis 5 *Öauab, ' a&iig a ^MpS&i-óiC Bebaonb . .ymMe to Newark * ' ' ' ' inch water plait! '

e of 13 ' ' ‘r%‘ Ay

ö»‘ ifeb i in m ^ engfip eervnir or meeeòtion costs and IfegftJ eiiçilienftéSr -or tc Xinanc« th«

IsM&h of 'pPU bLgjie 4s proviapçj i-n.Sficttón-i>4i0.ti'tSS- of the ¡Re- ^i»Od^t^0fes -‘(¿f ''Njkvf Jersey.;-r‘S dtLcfeÖ'**0*, jit .Is heedtoy detonrofned and



F R O M A N Y F H O N E " IN :

N ew ark T h e O r a n g e « - M a p le w o o d B llzab etti M o b o k en N orth H u d s o n K earny - N o rth A rlin g to n Irv ing ton «Jersey C ity C aldw ell- UHlen T o w n s h ip Bayonne»

•except Iron* oota telephone«


S o o n d ir e o i d ia lin g to |n@ st N e w J e rsey poinijs wilj' be in tr o d u ce d - Som ed ay^ — y o u ’l l Ire ab le to d i a l aoyoup . . . a n y w h er e in tlje U n ite d . S ta te s , , , a S rauSntoffl y o u c a ll y o u r neigbix^'B.

W M le sotoe fo lk s in t h is n o r th ^Jersey .area c a n a lr e a d y dial m a n y N e w J e rse y p 9m te .~ y p i.th tlje c h a n g e , the con n n u n itieH t h e y c a n d ia l w ill in e m te e it: n x a n h e t . A n d everyone iui th e se c it ie s w ill h e ab le to

dial d ir e c t ly to a lm o s t a n y New > J e rse y p o in t .

t Times Classified Advertisements

t Sell, Buy or Trade Telephone PLy mouth $-3200

g r d of Thanks?B itE , NETTIE B|MMible to th a n k a ll personally , *:'wish to express o u r s in c e re juid W itfe lt th a n k s to II r ila -tru - B«*, friends f o r the m any a c ts of

te n d ered o u r j 0610Vedf r u r in g th e pas.tLipjytthgwând.

m any Kind* ”»e^feeSsi.(uis. of(vpathy k;a t, Ighjj '.funeral., k l ’aftiçU'

r t f we wish, to th a n k th é K¿v, W. C h a p ín ,o f ^IprAg-oimers-Fres- f rían G hui'eh ,-, , d oc to rs and

0 ,,o£ ,£íotóql^fjpsprtiaif’ of Hellg- tlle,’ W a lte r ’s FlOrfels and'« the onerai d irec to rs , Sifantqii F u n e ra l time, N u t ley'?' •;

j f itó s te t "Whfte,.-aa-ä. 'faa itts;

^ V g r ic u lt ure¥ Q C :A TU R O , eyoavating1, land* f fcsp ing , topfjoil, sc reened , and U nscreened, J a n d c learing . A sphalt

Ifeving, flagston e Shd Concrete .« w a lk s . A., Vohfhpro; -46 jBerton

I»ce, N fttÉ ^ ,\O a Ë ,N 'W ü w '-2*747-9 ÉgLyjnoùih. ; tf

M ummum W i n d o w s

ALW1NTITE ■TRIPL'E - CHAN- ( NEL -“ WlMBiNATlON". WIN­DOWS, manufacturered by -GEN­ERAL BRONZE CORPORATION fjffinest eveipr and oJPEeEjyinced/ no obligation. Telephone in n in g s or Saturday. Fred Klein, Jiutley 2-3078

y - & ® G Q $rA L U M lN U UJ ? . * ’ WINDOW CO.4 A1 - & Marie Volk - eo-ownefs) fi|> W ilhfr St.i » M L 9, ft. J- MAIN QFETCH- à» tìtO'W&QGM ¡ K / ;''6'ö!2- 't â l i s a d e - a v e .

B K / JE R S E Y C IT I, 'N. ■f l , Vo2$9' \ / ,TÓ 2-W45¿duoiiiraitn. poteehs - s tò m windows «..EoOrs, JaiqusÌM,' Awnings. & '

||g ;,$ làìÈ ìnès a t lowest prices Iw Sf-^ Ä Ö '& r detporiroimtioni'iv--.

Asphalt DrivewaysS B A SP H A L T D RIV EW A YS - A ¡ G A B R IE L E B R O T H E R S .: A sphalt

l | | ;ÌBye'vfays,~ pa rk ing lo ts , Side- Walks. R ow er- rbÜed.:Ahâ fu lly iz.- f ttred . A ll Work', g u à ra tìièèd . 99 l a s t C e n te r S t. N u tley 2-0170. E ven ings, G rego ry 1-B5M- ■ '. , ^

fv .-Á S R H A L T ER IV EW A Y S J SAM UEL GABRIELE & CO p a-Mhg--Gon,tm etoîSy-4fow alks and parking lo ts, A li Work guaranteed.

' , We fere fu lly maaçed* ■fid East .C enter St. N utley. 27. J.


B e d d i n g

M ATTR ESSES, ß ü X ÇBRINGp. S All'famous makes; also renovat­ed, S itó la fend juvenile fu rn itu re | tólotv?; .pillow cases;!'shèets, etc.

rSapitot'Seddingj w Washington) M U Belleville, PL 1-0174,. V t f

Decorators & Painters

EXPERIENCE!) OFSBR A T O R S Wanted on ladies, greases. Union

shop, excellent w ages, vacation Wit| pay . pleasant Working 'cbwjl- ■ § 'Tolephohe N utley’ 2-7365. G lendale Dress Co., 664 Passaic Avenue, a | ' 1-7-65 t f

•PA IN TIN G , & D E C O R A T IN G , G eorge A . Snow, John-M ansville

ceilings installed . F re e e stim a tes g iven . P L 9-3607., • t f

IN T E R IO R 'TA IN TIN G AND P A ­P E R ^ H ANGING." reasonable.

M ’S m

D r e s s m a k i n g

T’pÀN ‘ T O U R : SP R IN G W A R D ­RO B E N O W . Call- ‘ipomvy*

P L 9- 507.8, 51 P a r k View A ve.. B elleville.


V IC E, commercial, in d u s t r ia l, residen tia l. O utle ts, lig h ts , sw itches installed . E ssex E le c tr ic Co. > P L 9-1919 ó r F L 9-1860. T . F t

Floor CovetingBU G S - W all to w all carpet, L in - 1 oleum , tiles. S um m er ru g s ,

M eads-Stillor C om pany, 143 F r a n k ­lin A venue , te lep h o n e Nutley,. 2- 4805. • ¡m 2-25-64 t f


SURFACE. Jewel .boxes, dis­plays, turntables, cab ¡»fits; ring insiders 'for' jewelers reflrfshed;. al* so special.. désigna-., f o r . .displays,m m supples. Fop ih fp jV teion i ca ll M. -&-W. Tèxtîleí'Epray: ï i F E 9- 7602. ' 1 • ' 5 -20

For R e u t

F U R N IS S E D . J 5Q.ÇM, a ttr a c tiv e p r iv a te hom.e,-..hé3Îaçp tia l, n e a r

t r a n s p o rta tio n , rRe£ei’énoesv ,P L . 9- 8913. - ■ ' 5-6

l a f -g e c ç m e o r t a b l e r o o m1»; Sjjic^.-: fúrnished, fóam ple c lo se t - space, on e -block a ll :te â n s p o rte tic h ^ R L ‘9-48i$ î» l, 6¿ l f

FURNISHED ROOM, for business éemíem&n,. Iftrgé- bÍ3fe,t¿ ' all Iransp'ottation, High school' section references .exchanged. PL 9.-8407. 161 Holmes St, ■* 5-20

Help Wanted > Female Roofers

.TYPIST & C L E RICA L W O R K ER .P lea san t 'personaility, capable of

handling te lephone orders; M ust be experienced. F ive days, 37 lk hours. N orth N ew ark , H u m b o ld t 2-

M r .‘Cawley. "'•>

RO.OF.ING CONTRACTOR. j All worit done by owner. N ew work

and all types, o f repairs. Shirtgle roofs, hot tar, slate, and chlmfetys. Sky-lights, leader and gutter work. A ll w ork guaranteed, at reason­able ’prices. George Franconefo, PL 9-1873, I , TF

WATTREKS;' part time. " Inquire, 388 (lortlaîidt S trsei. HçlU ville,

GENERAL’ HOU^HWORKEIG de^ pendable, o h e 'day per week



gres8i ve lo ?ut'dian?Wa'nted to' se ll tlie sbarkllgg. iieW ' D qdge’and Pljÿ;jnQutîi, Soe l ^ . ÀMqGoveriK. Boss- Môfcorsi 7?' - Wadhïngter; A venue, iMÜdwlie,' 1OFFICE,B.OY.'ExcelIknt oppurt-un •

ity f o r bright yoibig' poy; varied duties, 6 dayÿ' 87% hours., bene- lits. E ver Ready Labf.i Corp , 857 'GoÄändt’ Street,.. RèllèyìJleì ¡ • : ’

I n s t r u c t io n s

PIAÿO -, INSTRUCTIONS^ w ill • teach in. your hoipeï Marron,-Na-

ifoiilüb, ‘ Sfiz Linden- Av’e,,' B elle- v íM P L 9-5168. ' TF

MISS HAZEL L. ELLSWORTH r ' niaÿQ studidh’detivities all year. S v l'L ittlé treet. P L 9-728SV' - TF


LARS ; rags, 3 c lb \ iron^ brass, copper,1 metals, Singer' sewing ma­chines, \fu m aces, papers, 60c per :§||p.bs*- Immediate -pick nu.i:iKeah< ny Scrap) Metal, 17, Stoyer A ve- nUc, K earny, K Earny 2-0482.

ATTENTION! 11 buy papers and magazines ; s c r a p , irpn- and

m e t a l r a g s , . m attresses; sinks bathtubs and furnaces. Immediatepickiip*■■■04'H L Ltiby St C m-Nttlley2-87.68, ' '


MIEELY F U R N IS H E p ^ROQM, 1 ,‘MdÄ thvB^tKy'sépafáfé éniràhce, ÈPïïyeniôni’ to buses- PL S-150'8.

, . s-a o

Vi GARDEN AND LAWN digging by.rBio-ialler tra'ct&r. Nat Mazziotta

'Téléphoné'Nutléy 2-T08.8. i \ -

FURNIGBED -R0,Q'M 'far -one or two : gentlemen. ■ 1 4 2 1 Joraiemon

Street, Béüèviilôl-Ni J . G-13

jpabinet Maker'f e ß Ö fS T AIAKINGYPEësidïhYa: p work. • Kitchen cahlhets, furni- g irç '' repairing 1 and ? I’ofinisahrig.

•mïumneii and ^ h s : Wôddworkirô- HertèpTfjSss. Beilevilß.

.b l s p h o ñ e ,Flyipbiäial: 0-R5 E8 . " ? .... 4-29-56 tf

BELLEVILLE, 6 rooms and sun parlor, 8. bedrooms, modem' k it­

chen, tab pnd shower bath, ex tra iayatbry, artidiiiatici -oil■--lteifc dttic1 fan, real fireplace. Well furriidh- ehi. including television, deep f d sezey^ litg '^H O M iSiS ^W len t 15- ration near swbol, Stofes ana &Anb-

lease, with.purchase agreement to responsible Tffnmyjv Srjufi, h fffiihv , Cali Mr. Fort Plymhtrfih l® 77Rj -SLEEPING ' ROOM /,, 2nd / ifd o r

front, near hh8 ; 1 0 ^ - ' Rtohitog facilities. $6 weekly. ' Call Piy-

SMALL : FRAME BUILDING, RÔ , i É - R P '/ f flbdrs1,' l ig h t !Çiç 'Wnsh-

I ingtfen ÁyéhTifi V n tR tjigsfs R ticsL . i f e , be used fo r workshop or: s to r­age puipeses. PL 9-4882. *

Carpenters & BuildersCOMPLETE HOME MAINTEN- I ANC®1; also ' alterations ç.r.d

; ROOM i APT, - suitable ï f r jbäsi- ness couple/heat, gas, electricity

upplied ; - aViiSihhlb’uuhfr 'fl-ét; - near all buses. PL 9-1541. ■ 6-27

fepair |obs, - ..•fonerete.-.Miker for. hire. Ldttis G c|feite£^.48 ‘Passaic Avenue;^ TeléiHione! ,PLyîh{ititb;ï..9i § 012. ■

ALTERATION, '• fiOME.4 P-EMO'D- i l ïÇ L É lG î-will repaïwahd -modern- fee ■ youi h o ^ e from . basem ent to i t t ic . Finferieihg ’ arranged. , CáU f daY dr n ight; f re e es-wrnates. F rank Ç&ndiioro. tf

SeARPENTFoY, & . M' A g 0 N - R Y IN ALL ITS BRANCHES; porch-

gdrages, additions, PAster- ingi. brick stoops, concrete vv-alkc

walls. Estimates -or. request,' IK -orga rV. Oliver, fS Nutley Ave, ' N utley , N - J- 2~3g8S- ■' ^

ARPt o TER, M ASfN, CON­TRACTOR- Experienced work-

|y'':r|aèonable', h^cqs,:- / faR’lh?, freefestimates oh yourAóh.']We

iso ¡SfflmBÄQt wóùd .gfetter drléúfteÁ Babuins,' 16. ßi>. Æ m si, ti PL 94816. 1

COMPLETE LINE OF MASON ! WD®®’’ specializing in garages,

b rick stoops, patíos,

HU sh 'blocks, etc. All work guaran- 3} DiArc & DeVito, 217 Fair-

4fay Ave., PL 9-6952; tf

jULTERATTÖNi, REPAIRS, hew: ^ ß « iÄ fö t io n : , painting and paper

h’& g m g . Telephone. P lM o u th V i ' 8852. A fter 6‘ ? . M. Plyinouth 9- -Í618, We are sure you 'will caR ps again.

Carpentry & RoofinglARPENTRY, ‘MEWi'CON^rRUU

r f TI'ON,, rooting, siaaig, combm?1feon ;wh|dow2, overheác dtiórs. V e

Bä £ u t i you, wfil call uè fegaín* namorato and Perks,’ telephony

“MLbmonth 9 -2 o l8 or P lM o h iit: s i § 0 1 8 aftre 6 P . M. 2-24-66 if

For Sale





Q |ph daily a n d B a t /M ^ ip l P b , .Sundays ip |d 6 P. M.: ’c S S f e f V & SMITH



287-247 SMJJhf St.~*70rBfigQ,'N.J. (Between- M alníStí, & Psmc Ayé,

' off No. .DhyO Rangé 8-1182 PL-ymo’uth. S?6.fl 2 3

Rug Cleaning

storage. Furniture

Meads-Miller Company, telephone

Tile ContractorsTILE WORK DONE R EA SO N,

ABLY. ’ Ceramic, metal; and plastic; floors: ceramic, asphalt, rubber,' vfrtyl. Ceiling blocks, rts-

girs. Also “do it yourself k its”..hp; Forte,- ca ll , N U tley 2-Q263

anytim e. . 7-30

Tree ServiceNOW LS THE TIME tohsSVe fruii, > trees, /r im m ed . Orders taken

nÔw fo r frp it tree spraying. Thees trimmed and removed Insured Téléphoné N u tley 2-6794 after 6 P . M,


TruckingGENERAL CLEAJSNtP and rub

bish removal service; hofnes and factory work ; truck for hire. PR •■ 9>

s * * . ,*•* - ' 5120

U p h o l s t e r i n g

R S u ra O L S T E R lN G done b y ex- • p e rts . W ide v a rie ty of sam ple?

Meads-Müler Oémpany, tëlSTOhm N u tle y 2-4805. . 2-25,64 if


th* Te R , tale to tho high«t biddtr title ttnd .ii»t#re*t in , th e ^ n

8ill b« BQid (Unco, witfe -2fl iet ' *eq.

o and auppl«-

Bids ATill Ké ’ t^ceiy>a on .Mpnday, Hmy 23Fd, l»¿5 ‘át 'líí». the MeetingBooái of th* Commiisioncr. on the second flooti t f the Belleville Town HaH.

Sifid 'pVoperties ^il|.v^e offp-ed for sale on , terms and contUtfoo* . which be itMted^"tmldrritp^h^awler^hiich^^ can be «éen at the Department of Revenue and Financie, and Will be . sold. in i^ce' With said terror,/and conditions to :th¿ highest bidders for cash.

Said saleé .wife/fU. subject \ tion by ¿he Bdard of OOmmi:I^RBT í&AOTr ,8 3^-8 5 0 m m

8Lpt I t

more particularly de­scribed as; BEGIN- NING on the Easter- iy.fnne of 'iorileinOr St'feefc r’aD. a>-'-p6m^r therein; distant 15£ feet ‘/Southerly > <fpm , the, corner forn^^d by the iijterBOG.tio /bf the said; lift! 4>fe Joralemoh’Streets With the/So^th4

TOWN ORDINANCEf*UBUC NOTICE Is hereby given that

the following ordinance was passed oh ••«ond and third reading at a meeting of the Board of Commissionerb (?f the Tojgn of Belleville held Tuesday; evening, May i0,' 1865, 1 having keen read !'in'/X:ts final form at laast one wgek prior thereto andlished aocordlng to law.

FLORENCE R. MOREY L \ > i ; Town 1(î,' •



The Board - pf pomUlBeionei-s of jtpwn of Bellevilj«, í .“Gbwnty o f . Es-

to; BeMivÜlè Ä r ä é‘ji4 ¡tp /Belleville ,

Streèt.l’to,' Highland M

fchèi/North ;

m Een'. thén^.^Sóm);86tp

along the same S o « - B2.° •; U.Q0Í? East' i t . 38, fôet; thènc^Soiith^40 BÍ'- West 2,'8Ô feet to the aforesaid Easterly

, Street ; thence along the same N rth, 0° 6' West'-ae^ö'/tö thè point- arid piade- of Begliinlngi , Bèlïevillé,


W antedGpUD HUM®®1 fo r sA-bâblÆKrmfP

cats, two males, one f Ornale, homebrokeri j, gooA pets. Also : hkv4 two -whi£.é-male Persian ' hfflK? <0| kdoptioa. Ntftiuy 2-4028. ’.:94i&’

Wanted To BuyATTENTION. W e pay 5 0 c -p e t

100. Ibs.. for newspapers', m aga­zines delivered ¿0 our yard, _ We also bu y bags, scrap metall, iron, batteries. W e ‘alto pick up, J.. Res;empiti 42-44 Clinton St., B pllévillo, N . J , P L 9-4408. í f

MlSCELLAftEOÜS. Gift lamps; old ■ guns, colored- ' aLasswstre,- Marble

top tables -and tbols. Top prices paid, - fiu-mbpldt 4-8554. ■ . g. TF

YQUR GROUNDS PREPARED isS -i ie w iijssyist! Rb®||i'-'

leif used .> Estim ates cheerfully giv­en, Call OR S y S S l (-i GT C-rfODi.


Dowitt Savings & Loan Associ-w ls K h p 5 S ? A T6P1ie'"

Belleville, fP/ J. Finder please r«f*i r f -tí jjp&S&S’attfirlstf. s’, h

SAVINGS-PASS'BOOK Np.’ 57495, Dewitt Savings & Loan Associ­

ation,-t:-468 Washingt- n Avenue, Beîlévilie, N. J. _Finder pl-easé.-re* itíittayto'iáboys

M a t t r e s s e s

GUSwQM MATTRESS M AK ER S;complete line o f bedd.ing, fea-

tejh tiY S h ifin a p ”, “ SlftlpjhastoF’, iSCITfr and -“B.urtomUlxie'- mat­tresses. B ox springs',made- to or­der. Re& ovatin|: saihe. dfey-s^dc®. Full lin e of ma,ple furniture. £5 Franklin Avet.- N utW *: 3*0764. Open evenings u n til 9 ,' Saturdays 6 P.M. ‘ ■ t f

Oil BurnersWELTZ FUEL OIL, 221 Prospect« !|AyA:;.N |i; A r h n ä ^ . . ;^ - ; 'L 0 5Builiers, fuel oil. Complete, auto rlat'ic oil heating, inwallations. Oil burner' .cffítíerley' .-.'our -specialty.Kearriy-gfGfiP,;

Property Improvement

W a n t e d t o R e n t

4 OR 5 ROOM APT.-oii-first-flojm ¿v.xaofborAáúd 2-^3oKool'-ç^ul'dfcA Gali evening's PL 9-8581. .. T l

ROOM UNFURNISHED APT. 2 adulte, in Bellevillb; up to St-M

FLi'ß '-AuÄM on.’dky tta-u F rito -, 9Áp_6 P, M. .......5-211APT. WANTED,,- Business «ibuple

needs' four rooms,, Nutîeyj Bellé- ville, ,or BlooJpibwTS-^5 child boarded put all week, borne Sundays only. Rér.t reasibiabìè.Nutley 2-8548. u-27


-ß? 6-te , . - ’>


••■Pt*«U3#0BKP-;M Üc-reby elver. th$ fdlloWÌng pFopueed - orimahcô' was iri .

troduced and passed Oh first reading at ^nad’èfcîng' of the Board of Comínísaioner* dí tHA To.wn of Belleville hold ^Tuesday ÓVénlng TMtay- 1Ä . i'49B* fod further no-

Kerwiy given that tbo sfçônd àiadKhitd. ,.readin,g;; of. ijaid ordi _Wn8idered by said .BoRrd at'a jpeetibg to be held £t the Town Hall, Washington Ay-e- nm anA bJIrvUI® Avenue, Tuesday eve­ning May .S,4ih.;X966, at -eight o'clbok -F* jM- Eastern ,-Da iight paving Time,' when all o&Jebtiorts .to ‘the passing of the same wlli beL heard' and considered-

J'XaJ'RENGE R. MORifY, S .j .To w a i§k ‘ •



• SM ón 1. That Improyeihent • be made bat the óúristmtlon of water rrfain, together irfith, din>1irtenances,.. on Fairway Avenu« frotó its present-northerly tèrminusrnòi*th-


Work Wanted

ialareir tliaij lt"fs' iieiloSBai'y -3 ^ 'tHi 7«fei*llf?ill«, : a .»ä®- ; C6Sfl%; 61. utirnt « lu í - «iöwey ítb'-tbt' pxmxmv

síj-’feñd t w t w 6»tia«&w rMBdw BL|!f- jâmîyv

M>4 • that "tea- .ôÔlmâMÏ max!- um amaiir.t oí notas nKwpkrj' 'to Be if- :eii îMï s¿íd purpoBe iá $3;eoo.ao.’ rc Stólte '8-.' To finança said ÿuqwao Ü-er« o'* ó¿ .Issued, ï>'icsuant.,_ jhe^wsen-

,ÖDD JOÇS’ÎDOftE. Rubbish-and jid irt removed ; cellars abd jmnfe

ajaaned. DurlFAuuefc to M èi Æ.dîf- i l l ’ Market 2-2521, 6‘KïïMy f t M à i) -P. .M. IrSA b U

SipH B E A U T Y A N D PRIVACY 'tìf JhWülfel própcrfy,’ :lot u® 'instan.- a cyclone ¡fbpebjñt Wood fence. We repair and maintain all fences. All Work is - guaranteed. T. Sparaciño, « ëp ttô n e :-Nutlëÿ' S*2»Q,9. . 1

J 4-29-56 fe£

WOMAN, bO.-yts. oM dfesites -posi- ; tifili :':4 s companion to- iuyalid-. Hospital (experience/P L 9-49'2p/

suräoöatk-s kotice 1ESTATE OF KLI/A LA AOSE, deceased,

. kodee of Setllemint : -Not'ôe-:îa dièreby given -teat the fcoCbjuu

NEW ,SIDEW ALKS »nd repairing.New law ns and re p a ir , A ll-labo r

work a n d truck ing . V. Sam paio, 79 C a rm er Avei, BelleVÜlè, N .'J . PL "9-5859.


i p H U IP E4 1 » % , * 4 6 'mdfpr’ apd *’i nov/ battery. Call PLjoUoutli 9 6811 a fter 6 P. M. ] - 5-20GROSLEY-SHELVADOR refrlgdr- 1 ator, Veiw. goo,tt:. . éân’diiion, - trea­

sonable..:' f f f -N e w - S tree t, .B elle- vtM -

PAINTÏNG ^ n d p a p e r h a n g - alterations and repairs, lit*

terioy and exterior. We are .sure i to l'-te again. Innathorato

atrd Perks,-telephoiie. Plymouth 9S ftsv-ot Plyufouth 5-69T8, after

m B m e s S E g S g f n ! A-24^5a M£J

T H O U SA N D S ç f y a rd s o c m a te r ia l ,,7' f b r 1 dresses and drape ries a t g re a t savings S ^ P .C O V E R SP E C -, IAL, 8 pé. ¿ e t R-ith 5 cushions m ade from -^uslp|we'!Aark.ctd’|^ '» t t e r p s . pers, ? 6fi,. .C u r ta in s , b e d spreads fttd d rapes ’m dd4 tî> ç rd% . V is it 0;iDf s to r e ^ t id , geë- m a te i iiw fg w o re i Open.: ..«vW ings •- ex c e p t -T-!uesdi».ys: &f(d 'W ednesday ;. ' F s fm lt Shop, ’A R idge R oad , No. ÀfÜ rittfdù.- K ea r- ny , T F

A BUM IN1- B t o i }l j vt p Z I’o- Tiv-mortoWs siding today, in Whife

M f iA ,’.b « a i i t 9 ^ - i ( S ^ ’,’8lSi®(iK- Jobs bemr done at 95 RfeynirdU’d g i j to u e / Ntitley and 219 Garden I I B ^ W K llii^m aym ei)#--

Bpert Roofing anil' Siding' Com-biyr i l l

Wr Ytaephonb‘ Iffiitley ■ 2n if'057. ~ é¡EyKild Carea t ,E B R E T O N , NURSERY

P lan nM projp?®i3eíun+- i e r trained sup^rvisiori to develop

anpipôjÿidenfc ghäidren Bfcë-‘yrs,-',Ô 'tolSansM rte'0:onî^è'm ce lo v e r s Belleville, Tsútley & New- Irk- Nutley ÿ & Î Z % - r . } -j..ïj fjä

SAXLB.QAT, 17’/feet, with trailer' and rowboat fpLvmoutt 9 6445

or PLymouth 9-27311, , . 5-JL8

VfCTROLA, Cabinet phonograph, 6 albums^ 72 rècoids. ?5. 176 D L


K IT C ffift C - Ö M B I V , \ T l O V STuyEraádl and gas, all wh t©r

like new, TL 9-8667/ ‘ ï F-2CTCLEARANCE SALE' UfiED SEW­

IN G MALTONES. ' Low prices, terms arranged, liberal trade in al­lowance, Demonstration in Votir hWie,. 11 Téléphoné d a ily»9 -to*-Si BlcÉómfíélu1 Y -é f if l . , b.lÊ ?* '1'

CO CK ER SP A N IE L ^ lioucv-color" ed, 1 year, bMV hpùsò bxolj^g;

iiMautatea; ¡wúnjderf'il gfjaj <,liil- dieU f likes to bA’d iite id e ; have pa- pelts ; ' . njbying írpiH'» 'Ätate ; -f®*- PL 9-8218. -

M ® ,. IN f f lE SADDLE, Samuel Ltldani, 'Painter & Decorator,

Newark, f t. ' J.|& b b & A 4 5 B 4 . ■ .T f

R e a l E s t a f e - W a n t e d

% 2 FAM ILY H O m f e v fttygaiage or driveway.; St. Petdr’s

pfebishi W rite .'BfHE -i»!}, ■ Belleville ft* J.

MAKE SURE you biiy o|-86Íi real . estafé tbfoúgli a rëaitôf. A real-

Wtpsigniftes ‘prote<Mi)}i’« A realtor:.ig_a_mem4t«F-oi-t>he—Bea-rd-of—R ealtote,7PP'v‘ A f Vsw*'1 ' *'“■ 4

-OW NERS • OR'B U Y E R S ' ■

Are you troubled with-Töiilty prob ,, -, la ä ® *Hon'tv-fîefctU

LEaVUS LEND OUR , , A S S w ANCH : • ,

Call Mr. Nardiello Bloomfield 2-Ö494 of -residence

P L 9-69-90.F i o r e -Re a l t y g o .

— HltitrnÄM'dFtMT^TW"5-20

RoofersIF YOUR ROOF1'L E A K S CALL ‘ HAROLD HARRISON, roof e x pert; leaders and.gutte.ri. instfUIed all kinds o f roof repairs, chim ney repairs and slate repairs. 316 Chestnut Street, Kearny or te le ­phone Kearn> 2-5"49T or KearnyI M S m

Will and Tostàmeïit ot: ELLA LA. ïtQSE, dtóosod, -will be- audit«!: a;:d siat«d Wy the Surrogate and i-eported ior elitUerriuni.

» Ese«m Cdatìiy Oóurt, ï'rtdmte UiV)--tdon/'On Tviesdair, ' the .tóh day oL MaJi


¿nunercsrStìitó’’ rk 2, Ñ. - J.

CSìJ»'!.È.'.;'A<'l te F m i f s m



FOLBY, or., Surroga-be 'onderei go ed, -W '-plstratoif. ‘i. deceased, notice la hereby ayet% creditors ot sald_de<i«aled,_ ftsarlher wM£>bkth- teelr elalrns and demands ;*g&I late of aald deoeiised, within from this date,, or they • will barred froto, prp'seaetlng bp, ree

810 Broad Street Newfk 2, N. J. iCS - 6-E ,


1 ' ' l Notice nt Settlement ■ .

Last Will and TcataiRRkS'ÇÔN. dereaoed. stated hy:- l Bettlament Frôbftïe ¿ÓDated1 i Àpÿit., Iwvß.fTHOMAS J, PBDSTpN, *R.


t e ä KCtel i a* ■ ÂtfdTU 744 ''HFofàd SÔiëçfc 11


WlU' - Téstftíppnt NOTÍDSy OOUL'SON,


m m m m mDrive, ;-TroBÌ;èo€ Pía

d .fend ■ ! ìio'wibìcwer Avarine at, Ao\y, High ‘StTe t end norRoitmore .’Fla ti« ¿ud ’ BrewAhd Stre

dead .( pà '>north' Lto Overlook Avexiue.hereby determined a:111 that

Section 7. No part of thè < i ofmaKbgttgalnat property gp«eial-

f benefitted thereby.Section 8. It is hereby determined, and

eolhrèd that, the $^plètó'en'^3 Debt Stai®- lent* required by ./¿Id Act hoa, been « duly iâde ând' filed in thè Oiìtóè di the ToWh !lerk of »aid Town,, and that fWeh state-

by $46/6iguanee of ’aald notes ia -ttermlttèd; by an XceptiOh . to % the debt limitation» pre-

Bcribed by said Revised Sta tuteo contain­ed in' Subdivision j (d) of sqqtion 40 mM <jf said Reviäed Statutes ,pf New Jersey.‘. ^qfoTi 9. This ordínhhtíe shall take af­fect twenty days after1'.tîiô first publl- cation thereof after fina4 pu»*a«ge...... ••TN ¡ß Fee: |lßf12


the' iq^p ing/. ordinance ..was passed second and wird reading at. a meeting.of the Board of * C6m#4ssionere of the Towti of 'Belleville - held fii^ q y , evening, May 40,' ,49&6,1 having bean read in • its final iorm Rf least op.® week prior thereto ahd U therefor now ’h law and 1« hereby pun-


set forthj. án maximum amonplibim ’ Ued from ¡pft

if ila/ooo.f1 at


The’Board- of 'Oonamissiimers -of the Town- of:“ Belleville, thé- -County ' bf Essex do, ’Ordain : ■ '

Section X. That Improvement ’-be mpd« ihe'i oonBtëuûtidn; twelve -inclan eight inch transité' pipe sanitary

fr^ '¿i'dm/MeaddwhrOQ sewer ,to Sanford dbe,, 'togdthet! ^th ‘.necessary appup-

Be lisped; for »aid pu pdke Is $ ^ * 0 0 0 . « SèctÌòA 8Í Td-fife¿n0e said purpose there ¿Í1 be issii4sd¿ pureuant to thè Local nd A.Ot of the SU,te -of New Jersey, In

is danoe of_bopds, ^ondAnttàpàtion ’'No


said Town, which 3çeèed' • tó ', aggregato principal

éiim,. of tiìllup,unsaid -notes whiqh »hall

m m Pm': (6Vo) .Perneÿed frô^b üimei-tó

, ........... to/ d'^Rhin, the limita^tloné pïe»toùb^)py;ísaid ' Act. All mattery wits' r«8peçt tò’ skid" notes 'not determined I>y./ tUls- 'Ppdlnaincè shajl be' determined by iesöjut]oh»;toa be , héreàftér adopted. ‘' BèctJo.h <, • Nòtv.-mòre. than ef the.

»uni tSb rbè w¿ed by - the Issuance Àf said«'n^S vA° ÿt be used to finance inr terest' Op obligatlphs Issued to ' finance ¿aid .- purpose, -Whètbér oèm-povary or per­manenti'; ,onv^ financé' qngîpeering or in?. an tiOp ôosts smdvlégal- expense» or !tp finance- the ' îssuancte óf süph obligations as próvidw in Section 40 :d-66 Of- the - Revised- Statutes of -New Jersey.' i ¡Öeöttön 8. ?It fs “hereby dòtennined ■ and decÌàred/Vtbat tKe' l riod of ( usefulness of the púrpóse fár the .financing of. which said potes áre ko ■ be ■ Issued is“, a ? period : of; 40 years computed from .the date of J said ßopds. • V- • ' í'-1,' » ■t .S6Ä'.oij 6.':So v^ri.oî.ïfcs cost of.making said. Impro’Yom'eot has been or la to DO- speoisll® aisessed agcinct pfODerty sçae- lkW teniïlfcl^ai-'ÆIrteaji;'• Section V. Jt -is hereby détemlMd rnift

declared tbgt thè •SiSPloaianlnl Dent- Stato- toent cailvired tfy skid Aotihnf been duly made and filed ln thj Olitele of the ,ToWn Olself çi Town, and that | j ’

i. -teat wó/,-«ross delta m ii aèidèised-ln jW ßn aOlW

of "Revised Siaitetes, le Inorenaod by this orSteanos by and la-Siianee ni 'sdld/ftote»' le permitted by an exœntlSh to' te? 4tef iJtoltatlonc proscribed hy'istel Rew|9d''i'Bt#s!fe''''Conttdj ■ ■guMTOtoS’-.:;® Æ Bseaan ,sáH1.3ívl8éd Âÿ-taWs -PÍ NeSv-Jersey.

Section, 3» This òrdlnnara i¿a)I tsj® .effect..twenty'--;days ■ ■ -after- iha first pub- Ht&tlws 'tberèiMîv after final .-paSBegev Fasste first-re*®#» April 26, 1968. Biased acco-nd-rca'dir, ;' Kay M, '1066 Passed ■ Wird readtegi May "l|i- -liES, ADOPTED : ’ Slay .IBW K'«*. -r T j. ÍAPtíLA


: harry Æ. iKiLLiyAX-, . , I , 4 .. Ckjoiunioimiera


- STATEMENT'.S The tordlliéîi« ' OTbllehed, herewith haB

' beert-.fin*l'ly- -;ps#esd ani ttó. : tvfhty day period ó f llB'Itafisr, within white.a snlt, aotìop ór proceeding questioning the valld- ¡Zy of *:.;cK Ardlh«»*. ci» be,tQfflteeisMa äsVproviucd'“itti' w>6' LoOäI - Bänd ..A95¿ ISRS berlin to r.,n iiooi ’-he -date of- the Tirât Jjubiicfitio ’■

I a*' AéWW'íth# ’State of Ito.Itntlclttafclon;of...tha Issuartoa-Of tends, W i i i W & t t “ “'Noto«• ‘oí <Md 'Town.

' ifiall hot aseeed In aggregate prlri- Ueioan.ti thei shto of Í6,?ol.fiP. said ÍK&, bearrinteheaii fa-, a lAté. «hw* nil -excécd] per ceutbffi W&2 dhuto and :m«y he- rSnjWfd 'HWh

).lfne to. .time Rhrrtenl sto S5T lltaltatlons MreióHbed > g-

TOWN ORDINANCEPT.'lU.)0 no t i®®

the wassecond and third readingjAt- v the Board’, p f ■ Gon3tnis|Ioners c 6£, ReRéviRç held Tüqsd Y tf

haying.-becri. road

ia /thèreïoi’ now a- law' *nd ifl

hereby give*

a meeling.o^ 1 the Town J;.

FLORENCE R. MOREYAN OOTlNANCE PROVlDiNGl'KOR: T lp l, INSTALLATION - OF NEW HYDRANT TO -REPLAGE HYDRANTS ¿ I M l W LOCATtONS INTHETOWN, APPROPRI- AtING' t h e .SUM \ OF m o o o ; THERE­FORE AND AUTHORIZING-THE igSU-y, ANCE'.GF BOND ANTIGIFÀTi ON NOTFSi . ^0% ^ ID “RU'RBOSEi——-■- , The Board- 'Of Gommissioaéï»; of the Tow ' /bf Bellevi'llcj., In the ,poupty, of'. Essex, do .ordain :

Section ,1. That, improvement be made by thé inatafetioh; of ' psw hydrahts• to.:’ re­place hydtahfeH àt varibus locations ih - thei

of ..Bellevillts,‘vSei iCfii Lt ia hereby. determined and ' deolarea/thiCt it Is neo sa-ry that' he Town.;.’ U 'Bellwile, 1» Gpunty of Essex, shall-. Mlo money for-the - purpose above- set xdrfch, and .that - the -estimated maximum amount -pf money, necessary to be raised.?., from all feources ’for said iDurpbBe is M l»’ and ithat ' the estiinated ' maximum- iamounf Uf 'not^vnebesaary to be issued m m said purpose .is,% iger4ionv'8. To flnanQe said'purpose there- shall be 'leBued,- pui^uant ’’to the .Ldoal •Bond« Act of: the. State Of New Jersey,

tion -Ja|uance of bonda,.

Section 2, .It ; i?- bas'bby ideternUned anddeclared that it lé nebesiry- thk'fc thp Towfi

ileville, in the Cpunty of Essex, shall money for’ the purpose of construct- : welve inch and an eight inch trans- pe sanitary sewer from Meadowbrook

to Sanford - Avenue; together /With javy appurtenances, and ( that the es-

timated maximum amount of money neces- dctormlned and:be raised frohiis $9,2.0 , and that the ssiimat*

dd.-tnaxlimim. amount of\ notes necessary be issued for said purpose ie $8,700. ....

Section A To finance said purpose there . appropriated the sum.iif. _whjcii

... made available foi

rise’ ijv previously adopted budgets of Tpwhi under the caption of “Capital

provided In S<Statutes of N

I. Section 5. 1 declared that the period of usefulness of. the purpose for the financing of which said notes are to.be issued »9 a period . 40 years computed from the d te bf said -bonds.

Section 01 No part of the said"5 improve)

mpFpvement Fund“ in said, previous bud-■ Section 4v To finance said purpose there

shall I be issued pursuant to the Local Bond-Aftt - of-the State of New Jersey, infthficipation. of the iBsuanot. of - bonds, Bond Anticipation Notes of said- Town, which ’shall ncit ’exceed- six Per centum

per annum and may be renewed fForn. time - to time pursuant toy and with­in -thé limitations prescribed by said Act. All matters' with respect to mid notes not determined by this ordinance shall be de­termined b# resolutions ■ adopted« • ,- Section -5. Not more th

sum,to be'raised by the issuance of ■notes may be used to finance inters obligations issued to financé aaid ptM whether temporary -or finance engineering c and legal c

bè hereafteVof-the

6$ his^eetton costat to finance the cost

„. ________im iih obligations as .PrihvidedViti Section 4fl: 1-65 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey, / : . a . ^» Section 8,toii: is hereby determined and

declared that the period of usefulness of ¿ a purpose for the financing of whichJAJJI _ .ers -t/\ K«-|RHtlAd 19 & peiMOd

ditto ofot. ...40 years computed iron said bonds. , ,

,section 7. No part of the < said'1 improvement- '

of makim la -to-;bô


^lectio? 8; ÍL ii)’ hereby deiei’mined ».»mdeclared that thé âüp$èmentaV, mont' required; by

Bond /Anticipation Nbtes of ?aid Town, which' shall not exceed in aggregate ■prin*.: cipal arfiount} the sum of $11,0,00. Said- notes shall-bear interest at ,;a rat - wh hi-; shalb- not- exceed six- per centum (Wo)- pdr, annum and may- be -renewed -from, times to time pursuant, to, and within U)e! linSi’f tations prescribed by spid Act.'1 AH' ma *! Urs ’With respect' to said notes not diK termihed by this Vordinanee. shall., be. cle-*' terfeined by resolutions ' to be hereafter adopted.: Section 4. Not more than $1Q0> of %

siim ‘to' be raised by the «issuance pf'safU: notes may be U^d to, finance interest on obligations issued to, flhance said pur-’

Whether temporary

and legal i fJM the

laklng........m ___ I bcfroeT rd against property BpebiAUF

benefited'thereby. • / ( .vC-Section 7. It is hereby determme^ana:

declared ’that the ^npi^ehtaFDeot menf refluited bv said, Act haB beeh dmF;... made -aim' filed in the Office of the Town Clerk cf Baid Town, and that such state- .- ment so. filed shows that the 'gross debt of said' Town, as defined In Section 40 :1-7.3 of Revised Statutes; is increased, by thm ordinance by- $11.0'iXtíaption 1 scribed by i

,d that -th© r erinltsted by an

the ' debt, .limitations' pro- id- Revised Statutes <»ntallied

Subdivision (d) of Section 40:1-16 Pi said Revised Statute». Ot T*<m , J e r se y .’

Se»tl6T> 8.1 This ordttWS 'Utelt Jfiltelle{r feet twenty days alter the fir.« publicationthereof'aftor^ finAl passage.Passed first reading: "April 2«, 1965. Passed Heond rsadmgi May Passed third reading: May ADOPTED i- May: 10 ” ”



.. HARRY J.’ SULLIVAN Commissioner:


.STATEMENTThe ordinance’ published herewith has

been finally passed and the twenty day- period 0/ , limitation within, which a suit, ictianlorproceeding <lue»tionifl .the villici- Ity oi -sueh -OrilBanfe : can he- commenced“ as provided In:. the to«»! Rood' A«t, hag begun- to run from the dato di'.the first ublicatibri of this statement.FLORENCE R. MOREY,

*iäe: ted filed in thé Offlee ^ t»S *«wnÆafaMi.irtlf.Tewifflüteg,.^ »ueh_r^te-totet »6 fnaa te ? » A * ® ?J ïT0S, 5J ;of tód Town as rteîtoed • !r.- Sertiorr.*0rM6 of Revised Statut-os I» Inereaste hÿ t í*

¿í»é bf SSHîQii *BM that.the ”Issu- of stthh-noto* ie -pet-mlttod.: by1 an

MtAMitt«» the - debt ■ HmUhtionk « w M


mit H S m H ordinpíé&ô , d¿értnlrt«L by resolùtjòi*/ to bè -bôrô"fier J0pte4* .Sécti.oft 4. Not*

pejÎPiMmîr!tt(Aü**4 lui«;

■ obligatio»!«„w RH HSHHR Interest.

sBued finance aaid pur- ‘tètóporary ■ ör pçfmi

to fináhce/'aiíérihaerin:S, apd legal, expenr

ihevcöw; of


issuance of ôûiçh’- OtólíNj '5ô¥s“- â’à pfroviM in.. Section . 40:1-56 of thè RèVisëd' Statutes of New_ W .- ' Sèûtion 5. It is hhreby, determined ^nd

4 r í « t í » ' for f i o f . fbtoh li) ydara o^gh*te!;-fromi'||^ date o* saia

Steitoa 9. No ptó-ofdMa'1’SmfewV’emétfb .has teen or is B J ÿ ÂtSttelÿ'. -asieéted. ggaînei Vtÿpegr te.e°- lllj-.tehdfitted' ttei-teP

of^àlìdt-Townr and letto so 'filed shows that the wo»»I Ä i l ' T Ä ' a» defined Bhfl' oi-Rteltod BSteas. -.it ü s Ä i t t t e V $6.800;00, and that the

said notes is ■“ *S S o t o l i f t t i '1 a# i a t o » « , B i t e s ' -tew I S atto^ i n^ nof S » “H A Í4) of « - i- i» ottito Rev-Hod .Statute» o’t NW J!f®3y-tike WSeotton 8*' 'S}», ordinance teall taae S f t ó ’iwenty. dáVs -after the first P«bU- a t lte tbe’reol altor fir-al iassa|^_ . - •

PüfflAb A0TÏÔ» J f W * ?tte.'fo’,lowing to-tHnsnoe was pas.seu ecPAd >pd‘third rèading ®t , , ^

the |o«®%.of .OoflhC»tej^ i L S t . 4

lished dooordlng “ L, ! ^ CB » . MOREYU p l TtSwa dplork

Ä i ? V » P it il * k Hoard'ht I r a U H H « e u.


.'«MÍiyét*4¡6n^2l ™ Ü orinan oíImmtelMeV atte» 1™

-he fñeht ¿hall -be

M i l i «»'j ■ ffijee» au- Pasted- »teond- har if regate and Passed third tea Etres Comi- .ADOPTEE-- .May





..FL0RENÍ3B R„‘MPRBY, ’ .TOten ClSrit» " :

', v r . i : Fêei '?li6.Sb

to t»« . ÖKÖINANÖKhftoébï :&v«h

e-l Íb(íb-f Idii ‘ itriiptei-u Ji0 fri.*1 ^Os- Ireitoh Ifltseüirfa'Jiinsi

„ ______SH o£ QofnHfltslôner,■of the Town of I»U8vi'.i«. hold Tuesdayffíening ■’iSw- J0äuU»W®wrlgite«:'’,'J«i-yjje ¡a hereby glveñ’.-.thac.te»' second' Sndthird reading of seid ordinance will heooMidtete^hfijald' fflgWj* a %>id flelirw tSéi.IBOTOïHMU; Wwhlngto* Ave­nue and Be'ilevilto. Aven«*, Tuesto eve-

May 2tvh.'.Í9K i? fight .c'ciack P. M; EasU.-n- Danta»? síntíg Titoe,-’-'vfhen’ al óW-íoHilíf Of thè same willhe toaW a n , R . ’ MOREY,





i Ü M fc U Tliat improvement .the' 'te® teuVáéri, pí.,»i' ftf:block garage gad dífi# building òr. Tpwn- owncd proiKrty ■ located ■ “* *'1-“ gteeet toltote teB- nna^sa.

6445 Wil’d■ ■ P H P _.Jok. Î0), Bel le­nd Installation oi addtfional

tedy'lnRMWo»vB-f’-,'* truck Hit (a .»».present garage'búllíigg., . ■ieoÿçr. a. It. W f«W>? determined

W f d M ■” — “,*tIMS!.

scary that the County of lor the purpose--.ok â j fc a a a

tíáragé k¿hd urítós Julldlng on TownrQwn-

CLúÚ ‘ 25 - uiïd -;#Ftf#look ; -JO)»N . J . . anüï iAjtoallhg nddltloMl toiletftÛîlltoltevhrsooriitouçtlnE Sf windows gnu S W of a. IrJiZ ï? - In the ’present.maximum '^ ou«t «...tooney^ MOf««"?

Subdivision Ml 'of Section 40 SOTftef:iSÄ4|»''hf:New Jersey. -1 e«?«»» è. .'S » A /fact twsntV days -after, tns fiftt publication thereof ? after/ .final pass»-'Paesed first reading! Ajg 26, 1965.

isSF'tliird rreaRfhEiTMSádlngs Mir/:.io. 1966.


f f f ' May' ' f c ä Ä.EtMER. S- HYD,'"

f f 'feLW A PiilaoiMdrs


Comtoh-re ra. ATTil^r: FLORENCE R. MORH*

T IlFir 1' 1 Tptfn Oterk fiffl iSTATEMENT i [

The; ordinance published Ubrii «Énally " passed and -the ;fwgf#7 jw psriod o f: limltatíon/vllmtiiW hm a actiQjj or .Proceeding questioning the. valid­ity -'of such1 ordiñancfe dan be commenced ¿o provided in the Lo’dal ' Bond; Act, haB begun to tqu from the date of the first' a j e it t o n o f . HoaEYi

cl. y , Town Clerk, j mw" . h. Pea: $12.’80


Seaite -presola;» wl2' '°3 rsestosc ty tte Board of CWUniSsioners ot thè Town |OÌ BalìgvlllB1 «1 li»’ «itetlilg. io tte,,TOTirhiHnj- Bei’.erilie, N»f Jersey: à'n TùstesA May 24, 1966'¿trgite.P- M-. Eastern W - Usht Savlngs Time, for thè purohese of -two -fffi’-Tm» of 'Calttdr Bsis-TOre -ae- :ecH:dihg: , to :apteìflc*fiòa».-oh . fila, in tBe Offioe of thtePùWbssinB Agent, Munloi- ute'SÌÌJldlàS,":RsIlevll!e. NaW Jersey.

propoaais are to', n . subtolttod aecordlng .tó' .'the'toSQuirementó of thè speelflcattons

^ Eaci bld n-uet he enoloete in a -»»'»d aSotoSétoatiir.g-. oh thi- tep»«h 'tee. uhmSitd:Bddate.-:uf:.itetew#'!ltóte.ite^nma.of - tee irojeht aitd must he delivered tp the;:,!3W dark ‘on- obibetoraitelOÌ:, SVJi,Eaetern Eayilght Savlngs TlBle on 'gieB- éty, May tei. 1966, at thè Town Hall, Berfevilllf New Jersey. , No bidè wlll be recòl ved aftor that ttee. : The ToWn -re- servee thè rlght to rejeri aay ritobfl?’■ ÌLoRSNCB R. MORJIY.

Town ClarkTN, S8:<


In. the Town

fór eaW purpose is

1 • ■ B p 'EBkÍ j S® Sit Ní«^-terses, au aèlon df the / 98Uaÿ ‘6 M Œ id Autieipstlòn Noie« of sali. “ JJ- eh t e i l l l « Sshted Ih aggregate, pita- d-«mount the shöi'Of ilSßSBt- ;;fted

teimineS by WSttSTSS to be r.erenrto.

ihsbedtioTi¿it / ÖÄ lgpi:o.p-uu-po»*/ wh^tber, ternitdr fo vflnanpe - 6h|ineqcx)»ts I aiid l*«4 i M W ü Sü on s^ í ^ r i d ÿ f  y ° Ô n ' Vf i l Äthe Revised '-'Statoitiis S Now Jeisey. ,

Stólta s. flu.T í'tótey aettrinipte »»irleclered «Urt Ow. .perite-O® úsefulneSs of the óbrpose-’1 for'the’financing of which SAW note» -’«te to’ >ê. ¡(ftiç] íf ft, periOÎ of CO' years càçtpÂcd -froui .tile .dcieoofj calci

unlcaUoli cqulpn

Eaetern Day- satter control r the Clvillai nattons Oh fill

In the Office * of the Parchoemz Agent, Municipal Building, Belleville, New Jersey,

Proposals ate to. be submlttou aeoordlrlg to tha reouirements . Kr.d eiwilfloation Whlsh will be furnished by the Purchaelm

bld.iittust be tnpMnd- in a seated: envelope bearing bn the ogtsido the natile and address of ’ the bidder;S*id-fiie-ns of te'tf 'p Ä e » and’ ntoSt Se doUVored tee Town pierkton or befol-e 8:00. P.- ““ 241lh, .1966, Basto,™ /!^ '

The town the right to rejeta any

LBfflAL NOTICETAKE NOTICE that Wfilneris I W r t

iff./Oorporatîoft of the .Stdto Of New Jersey) trading as WiUno-s LJquor 'iU ¿pitea to the Esala» Board of Be!!«-, villa, * JwÆjJaaS-*5y Ratait.-piMbú; tlöh-: license ior premises■ ritu&ted at -lwt Washington- rAvenue» BellcvUlm- N. J.

^ r ' OFFrCBRSwilt .iam g. . wxotnër. ,, lVFtasident, / M e if e and Stockho1dor,_, :1- “■■M U'jj)' l’hi(ë^ W V5V'l,Spff SAMOTU1 J. WIOTNER, Í I ^ ä. Treasurer, 'Ärerairy» Director and Stowç-

holder, # Femwoddi .Tcr.race, , Nytlçiyi " ' W, jy ’’ ' •BBRNARP*0. WïtMOT- , „ , , ,,Vice Präsident, Dîreetçrr and Stockbblder í -10- 'Piito®4- Newark, N.'J.' 'SAMOTU W. LUCAS,. - , - f eAssistant SècretatiT* 118%. Gqrrinne Tgr

rkôe-jv*MoUntalnsidoi.N<.-'J«------- ---- —.OPÎÂanfir'Ii m y, Bhould m made im

môdîfttely in wr'iting

TN ! $I1.80i

TOWN ORDINANCE-PUBLIC *HOTICSi iB hereby given that a. -ídUpvi.pg^prpp^ed ftrdinftnce w s,.

troduçed and passed bn ;itrst reading at meeting of the Êoifd of Commissioners

of - the Town o£ Belleville hep Tuesday Miw lÎMâi», 1965f and further no-

. . . . _ hereby • glveq that the second and third . reading of said .ordinance will be

by said Hoard ' at a meeting to be’ held at the Town Hall,. Washington Ave­nue and-: Belleville Avenue, Tuesday. ..eve-. ning May Z4tb. 1956 at eláht o’clock P. M. Eastern Daylight Saying Time, when all pbjeptidns to the.'pHssljiig of t|via same will

nsidoreo. ' : t FLOrHNGE m MOREY.

: • f] -TpWnl ClerkÑ ORDINANCE P E R T A I N T O IM-

heárd and


The Board of Commissioners of tnb Towp bf! Belleville do ordain:

Section 1. Whenever any member of the. Belleville Police Department finds a vehl-

upon -a public highway in the Town Belleville and: •

, a); ; SUoh vehicle. is i parked in violation of ? any of ; the provisions of the., Motor Vehicle Laws of the- State of New, Jer- ey nr • in viblation. of any provisions of ny ordinance of the Town of Belleville, (to). Sucli! vehicle is parked without iden­

tification markers as provided .by laws of i the State.:• (bî Bucflv vehicle. Is .so disabled as to con- stituter àh obstrufitWti'-.bo traffic "’and the ■; driver, or person, owning or In charge 06

oh- vehicle .willfully neglects or re- bcs to mo ye ■ the ! same to à place where e vehicle shall not obstruct traffic. ’ id) Such member"hats reasonable grounds

_ believe that such, vehicle hao been aban­doned. ■ Continuous parking of vehicje; bp a publlo rhfehwa^for a period’ of forty-* eight (48) hours sh&Jl ’be deemed suffi«« oient evidence of abandonment.

Such member may move or secure the rèfripval ôf sych vehicle to such garage. 1 or place as may be designated by the di­rector ns a garage or place for the( im- I pounding of sùtoh/ Vehicles, and such vehi­cle Bh.ai.Lbe there.retained and. impoundedu: until, the person owning suph J vehicle shall pay the 'cost of.'such ::-talcing .'and removal* together With a garage charge of one dollar for each and'1 every* day' such vehicle iB retained and Impounded. Immediately after a Vehicle is so removed, the Chief of Police or such for himshall notify the registered and legal own­er 'ih! writing, by personal. Service or bÿ ■ registered mailr fet the last known address of the owner, of the removal of such vehicle and the reason for the-same and, the location of the vehicle. After the vehicle has been ln-r.the possession of* the Ppltcé Department for olx months and the owner is unknown and cannot toe found or refuSes to receive such vehicle, the director may proceed, to sell such vehicle : in accordance 'With the provisions of the Laws of rthe State.

Section 8, In any nroceadinttr. under this oro nanep. . proof that the particular veh- ide desdribed 1A the complaint was parked

vtfklftMon o f one 6r mbrb of the *nro- v-isionsof tH5a or dip an ce,., together with the proof .'Shat the defendant named dp the complaint was at the time of such »mrking tfc* registered ownel of such véhiPia, plmli constitute In evidence a pri­ma facie presumption that the registered owner- was the pewon who parked 'such' vehicle1 at thp-' point» whm*e, and for thd - time during .which slhh violation occurred, unless ooESluBly-aly proven otherwise.effect twenty days !After the first publi­cation thereof after* final passage*TN • , t m

BELLEVILLE PROPOSALS*ed by the ifti^n oí the Town

Tuesday,May 24/ 108Í at /BtUCt'm • Ensbein Day­light ' Sayings ■ Time

.......... : End. Lohderwith Back-Hoe Atfariuáent, phe (Í). Street Sweebe? ahd bna •(!)- Vacuum Leaf. Lo%di

•Tïinal’—puWdl'n'sr-Bei'lcvHlö' Sparate proposals ési

rNeÁvnf-cri’S'ey;------1 . to • be ..submitted.

requirements ,'0? t|ic .specifications which Will be Turni shed b / th -Púrfid-iasIng Agent.

%uh 'bid Yaust be enplosed in a sealednvpló'pe bearing’' on ,iha putsidte the

and- véddï?e»s of - the;, bidder and .the of the p'rojeef and "ihust be delivered tothe Town der» on or bèfûre_ 8:0Q Pv ,M. Dastepa -Daylight Savings Time onyTués-

May 24, -1066, àt the Tow f Hall,ersey*.' No-bids’will it. time. The Town rè- p rejledt apy and all bidse* ?LORFNCE R,' MOREY;

Town CJerk.

° / H o u n d S t e n

| V ^ f o r s p i ,*"«•<w S m

*rfe <'hoos¿ Z* ” 'tgh t, a

\ F a t ^ à d e d ! Ù

m Ê m à¡ o^A orne w ill pay‘

H s S B mOVEN-REa ú y

p ç b . . ~ : M

r í ÍyH and äoubie yours ® f f / g C p r ; S

'T ■ ¡ güSÏ' f»Hen«d jfly*r '*«»>«> |¿£ ¿ *»*<WM i« e s i í P Ô « Ca n n é o ¿ i c a í a s :

*k l o in sNewt Exciting Otter!

t . & r e e n t r a n t


Spaghetti 2;,:ff|y|çarmöu'r;s ... v- :' ■'* \ ^

Beef Stew WmkS TA IN LES S


« VVÍ ÍS-Pyrfchase

a ’j l a r n ie h . w o n ì r u s t , , w o n ’t ¿q¡ftr,o<jLc¿. S ( # i | ?wijj:h ¿ | rp i e q e ,ng¡ ir^¡ dinner kitffe Itatpwli» ' r t p # l í ‘

A n d t e a sp o o n for o « ly 7ftc! S « e a ll p ie c e s now o h ¿ ¡ s p la y , !à | / à H i'A c M | iA ír |teuL !,'.'A:' p r ë iN % -“% ^ r t .te r i ia tio p a l- 'S j üptnpany. - | * ••’’j/.- w



Margarinesi? I 3 3

Oreo Creme Sandvvitii C<®f?NABISCO S

Swiss Creme Sandwich Cool


v e i e r ÿ PASCAL’ ->

Tom atoes LARGE

^ ^ S S S E ^ E :£ 7VT ;¿ 5 tS¿S p Ä reh O nions

. Af l ~ r pWw* í ¡ w ‘O

BIRDS EYÎ Sliced «

S t r a w b e r r i e s v 2 : 49 '


Salm on *TEAK 63c i V o l u m e N o . 1

Virgìnia Lee PÌàtn, Eiigareci or Ciknamof

COES <■'©>’ ¿ A tte -MQNDAlfv MAV -lO

E ensm em .n l B C O ÌÙ A -W È E S f ® r! 12 C orrm loîe V olant*»! R ighi front the p a g e s o! POPULAR M E C H A N IC S M a g a ­tine . ■ . . J 2 ■ .•■.T.i

R egularly 33c! testée», from our

ow n bakery: A * W treat:

Supreme L a rg e L o a r

M en in . Seivice■ Robert “ t», ^BeMnett, /IJ S

e Corps, son o f Mt and M rs . Bennett, o f SB Davidson

Stree t, has been assigned to the Naval Air Station, Atsngi, Japan, f« r duty with” Mitrino A ircraft Groap 11.H g ★ ★ ★ .

T " P fe: -Peter-'PACIsfn zfdy-Stffi“*Wf Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ClarfRiovp'f 10 M ount Pleasant A v a lile , has keep released from ketiVe duC^ ip th e Army. ' %

★ . a •.MA A c Richard E. V an Tieghafli,

eon o f Mr. an(j M rs., Richard Van Tiegham, of 222 William StS-eet, has been -chokerv A/u!; the April llÓnór Flight yvlth the SftfO.tKi'Se' curity Squadron, WaiLRmgAoh, D, (51

★ ★ ★' Ralph Zizza, Jr , son (* Mr pnd: Mrs. Zizza, of.' 10 i Li t ' .sa è c tj hós been assigned ieYQompanJ' F, 366ih 'R egIm e)it, a t Fort Dix,

A A" 5 ★i, pvt. Fred Scordo» sbn of Mr. pnd ,Mr%, Anthony,, gcor^o, o f , '25 M ount Pleasant Averiue, graduated’ from the 10-ueek1 c,uiita;u‘<iti.o.2i

Regiment, entered the Arm y in Jhiy 19b3 and was Stationed Jtt; Fbit K nox, Ky. Eg

H -it.- ★. .iv a te A lfred. Vigzone- of 382

No 10th St., has arrived here and been assigned tpA}6.t‘,’%. 366 Regt of the 69th Infantry D ‘v ision 'for eight w eeks of basic train ing * 1.

His parents are Mr. and Mrs. M ichaei V¡Szbne of 3'8S'" N or fOth Sg, B ellev ille, N." J. ,

B it j T ) ponard M., G |attnetti o f

2 0 t Garden Ave.,’has arrived here and been assigned t<j C,o F , S66th Inf R egt T f t^ e /6 9 th Infantry ,BwU4iR»;;ddfc.M^ i<t.# aakgi of .nbahic training. • ’ i■ His parent; are M ichael -and Miidted. 'Graiinetti, of 2 0 1 . Garden AVe„ Beßeviile.i/N. J , \ L

K .. , £ 'Ir , A ' ■ ★ .Private Donald C.hlttPiItO pi. 1Ä2

GlertWood A \ e, Bloomfield, JS. 1., harf Arrived hore^’and heeJ> assigned /to ! Op “Mv 272öid. Inf Regt,.-.of thöc69tK Infantry 'Divi-

tiion fdr, , pigtit ° i basicSainin g . S /

His parent.5 "are Mr „and Mrs.

pVveh;itcV/ Be'Heijlle',, «\v J erspy.Hjs tvifeij 'Barbarii- (yppm.o.v ’the

daughier of - 'Mr. an<J M-i/d.. Harrv .Fredericks, is residiiig ah'$8 Monji-' gohieryDl., JSllevdlie, New Jersey,

★ A ★ “ •Private Pejiy/E, "Maivers, of ’ 3'7

] Davvson Streep has arjive’d-hpie nd been a^g p ed ^o fGo.‘>| ' , i,365't:h

,* Pvt. Rpbert Masjero', son of .Anthony Masiero, <m 104^ Wash­ington Aveiiue, reden lily arrived

.in PuhTtfa, Ri'ftf). arid ',is Ì iSeiftber o f the 2.3id In fantry Division at Camp Lospy: , A ,

★ ; H Pvt jRphetti i t i ofA nthony Masiero,1 164 Washington A venue, iceceptly arrived in Puerto

ÌRico'. and -isthosfe^hàembeE -,&f tfa# ‘<23 In fantry Divigfph afc Caidp Losey. .*> 'P r iv a te M asiero, v a mechanic RjOiM'? 'Heed Quartets., Gompany ‘o f the j tìi’'àsion[1g.,j5l’th

Inf. Regt. o f th* 6»th Infantry Division for eight w eeks o f basic t ^ n ih g ^ ; d .?*!£%*$£■ ■

His parents are Mr,- anil Mra. Berry . B.. M ayers o f .37 Dawson SK^B^lleville. ^

Prior to entering the service. Private M ayers attended r He was form erly employed by North Jersey E lectrical Contrac­tors. 'i< ©Ufiiig his training ha will re- ceiveV inntructidh in ge n e ra l. mill- tsrv subjects, ^jfiiaiftBy1.' W^fipoha end- 't^ric*;,'dla8';i^ ltt:,a l' character guidance programs . which are un­der the supervision o f tile- Post

A fter the iiiitial! eight weeks, he W be g iv e n .. a t\Vo-v.;eek leav*, and- one'; o f thre8 assigntnejjtsy . ( l^ receive' ¡eight weeks more of ad­vanced-infantry train ing, (2 ) be

¿¿nrolle’iP 'j ii one of 11 specialist schools conducted -here; io i/ ( .3 ) .be transferred‘to another. Army pest for training in one vo f the Army techmea) schools.

Revokes License 30 Days-Arthur M-i,: f 1) e.of 'o i ! 9^^H'cckel

Street, had nis heensr ¡.reyoknd tytj dhy-s fo r V cateless driving i failure to k eep right and disre gard o f a red bjifikey light, ~ac- iioiiding'-to-, Frederick''J Gassert, Jr D iyectb /io f Motor VShldesj. *

COMPLETE TV SERVICEW e ' ¿¿por W arranty, We Make N ecessary Replacement*

and Charge ‘O lij^ for Labor.

Gall PI^9-3465 ior 24; hr. TV ServiceF E R R A R O TV S E R V I C E

■ ’“SINCE 1946”“ We G iv / th e F inest ‘Within 24 HOtlr’ Service**, ¡A

316 G ray lock P a rkw ay - T el.: Plym outh 9-3465 - Ballavilla.'N . J . Installations, C on trac ts — ,;Naw a nd Ranaw alai

, RaaSirs a n d Conyarsioey Fo r All; Models T

T h e D u tc h fo r c e n t u r ie s h a v e k n o w n t h e m e a n in g o f relaxation

W ith -tiié IIRW h .perhiqjB -aioia'. t h ^ ^ i t h t a p y other,|ieO(pl§) the; good l if e .js a # c u s to ft of lon g stand ing . , , ^ , / ,N o r 'ÿ 'th is ÿraditdon ever rtu;>re pJea$V?ty ob served th a n in tBb easy^tiïûd» disso lajpg p astim es o f the g am e deck—or in th e ca fe s , the»ballroom skand sa lon s p f n o llan d -A ip en ca lin e r s g (

-A d ded to th ese pleasures aye oth er D utch ifftd ttioh s-“im m acuM çt§hipkeejp; in gpo^ ipefcçnt seam ansM p, th,e w r i e n i t i b ^ r ^ w Wth in g s .considered—th e acltvet p l e n u m ahd t^c"‘tranquil u p joym en ts - l i f e VycfTP is an art. Tt. is cme thn l seasoned traveller^ bolin'd fo r Europe or c ru lie pq rtÿîtaketilgiw ith: ea^e, a g a in arid 4^kifa, j

. s e e , yiaURFtcikveL âqunt

Fraqusnt sailings to — -V/., IRELAND-ENOLAND—FRANCEiand H CLAMp <0/ «11 EUROPE. (Jhoose the luxurious flagship N1EUW AMSTERDAM; the ons-clasi motortwins iWEStERDAM and NOORDAM- ttia twin thilttllners RYNDAM and MAASOAM.

Suosrb CBUISt PROGRAM in sfl seasons. / , -



Now On Sale!

m a yFamilyCircle


FRIDAY, MAY Ì3, :i955c© h e B c l l e m t t e © i m e s

EditorialB M ' ■ / " " ' «taw

- T H # t e L l ^ H i E R r f i ^ S - N E W S 'vii VERTI SING, NEWS ANO BUSINESS OFFICE

US WASHINGTON AVENU*RubttaiMd every Th ufada r by Tb* BeHevilh

W*w* Corperatm», Rallevili«, N. J. i r«l*phMH> PLymoüth 9-3200

RALPH E. HEINZCN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER.. ; , . Joaaph J. Haaaonica, Naw» Editor . .'

Mr*. Regina Smaridge, Social Editor'


A S ong . Of. F a i th

i watchfed a wren m a willoW ‘trete • Building h er nest today j? ,'B tr higgling withy a* tiny; b ra n ch 1’ 'And tugging hard away.

■ H e r obfecfc w as to 'g e t' th e ■ branch - - i Witfun"T 1dr V i p e h V d o b ' r ’ i ftarhags t o (in4 ^e a.scantling; i Or a ngstang.uflooywS ¡■'Mrs.. Wnin t mrgeri and nulled. i Dropneft'Chn. brarnotorto re s t; ».-Raised.-her lffette h ea d w ith joV » i\£'.A n d sang h e f very t^est’.'

A -^fgg^foP tp i^ i^v t^M ^ierseJt —1 tiioagKr%h'e reasorfea^wron^,B ut — she h ad faith~*ud gxafeude, Andtawoniiphäh#d’!i^Vwith. sdjg.

.datiSsf.' i®JwiMs.

■ ' M tìB T b rta Ì® £ y B jpnor

t ¿Plans are. h i. the.oMiig' fo r ano ther Memo­ria l ì)ày tfebservBncri»,8,-ii, th'eJ )War M'&iorjdl in Union Avenue when t i e holiday comes'rip1 M ay .SO. ; jTh*,l

, AecOEdfe^to reputes fronSTJEe c o m m itte e ^ ‘few er and , fe w |r resident® - in

:feftedt . the cere- !nKffly. w.hls«^%fhors this veterans o f all w^trs.

Pellp.rilf e g a v e a lot' ' o f bote ’ bo ' th e 1 ‘s^fev- ieès -ih thèfli9F im e, many of whom paid this penalty i t took to keep th e W estern World freè^rJtfe ns^-fecRmuol)rto ask for-peopfe-tÌF-

. rqijfaojpihiaà^jjiia.d tjp-vjbio in all .gave ® good'Slichi.of.itheir fliv$ t o ‘th e s trug ­gle. t J J . J , f i?

j B o g g e d D o w d

" Any tropes t® 'B o a rd of Edneation had of-... introducing. ¿\ rsecop'd referendum »-^- a-pro- - posed high»-sShool )©n th e “beg” s ite appear gone down' The T o ^ .U o ih m iss^ imr^wgad^ Jis^adeolinsd tit? e n t^ ta f ii a ieq u rit. from th e board* to extend tl|e ’deed on th e t O-wn^wned.-fpEopenty■... . . s© now tlie -^it^ autom atically r e v e r t s 'f h e K o m w s i io i i .

(vomrniarioner E lm er S. Bade already.,!?^ ^d ritM ’iht’eai^nd has SCc88w

legal assuraube from T ow n'f^ttorney Law-« •prA'jrh.a can gdjlalffiSd with has'-

U1'Aly-4taA< an p !!n r^ i% m rir will'change its view s; and thevproposed “bog” s ite thus is ''dism issed fo r gold as a possible-, Site fo r a h igh school b u M in |.

The'hity 'oT'fifiil‘iug-o£-ws® over tlie/prop^., en t^dsufealy rilmischgol boafd n p y will -foe forced "to build O n-private ,'Sr®eWy,’'l'^T "ir

!.■ @0ftiii'd§Siite wmskf fo r a mffv f w ith pried' wars*

and" n o m in a t io n 's ^uch a procedure entails, y y I j p t l . t«r>ard ‘ spend he ..get*,a, p rivate site, .m linavjJy-dfiVfJ=., Oped • laa y well the

area, ^ ife " 'p o in te Td out by educational au- | - t e r i t i f s / a i thu; b.^st possible slti- fo r a new-

h igh gfeooL' ^Pl?(rVdgrPf-vvar,.’, lack of cooperation and

» harrbony febytefib m f f ‘lwW:goversing^ 'biodlesi; points ilp^the need fo r a n ep tra l body like, a planning Obmd'3'’ iu d b a bd^^-bsad it been established1, rimig ago would have se t aside

'l£k& tr a f ^ y i to ’iTO^et population "and expan- ?-iidn on oif acquired other. dow n property ijvMil ro BeileidUe's welfare as : - .thu P p ftjBlMfea-A?

. is a n o n s tan ff ric tio n beT''«tw^eai th^bw fies^f or property,-and^4 hsfestant

vying- hi »'th'eHoinm«riSpSrtrn;Sbta: themsclv.es,' to 'fu r th e r their"¿Wii A d jects. Who pafs for

1 m e frictions? Mr. Taxpayer. *An e?mm|ile' ia "lack of foreed-ght is^the-

Syer crowded tow n fegiL entailing such an ad1-. : Mm.dn> && m®. W ^ham w A reet garage, '5wlt£. I gonae-of®.ce& in th e town being moved to “the, ■?, upcpwinl^ additRffiSf**. ^ T ^ I^ fiiy 'M teB S b re de&irable deteomieal#

^¡iy m e towinh departm ents 'together.| rl&fc because appapp tfem o . p t e w a sl'c o n ^sri. —¿H-tdlhav^ a ei ^ ^ c - t ei ^ ei^r-whe n ' Bejieyrile-

was* lmid-riteh, t h ^ t f is decen tra liza tion . WTe ha<ve g Recreation H ouse here, a town ghrage

■ and public w orks offices, there,, a tow n Irall t scwies^othenplac^ a public library sam e place '••else. 9 f * ' ' L J. H.

W h e n t h e b o n d s f o p t j f h e 'T u r n p ik e w e r e so ld ',, t h e y . w e r e * p u t o r i t h e m a r k e t w i t h th e . a s s u r a n c e t o i n v e s t o r » t h a t ^ e - h i g h w a y w o u ld b e “ s e l f - s u f f i c i e n t , a n d t h a t a l l ’ o f it> i n c o i n e , w o u l d ,b e u s e d t b l iq u i d a t e i t s . d e b t .. T h e i n v e s t o r » w e r e p r o m i s e d 1 f e a t i | b ^ .’c o ^ t r o l l e d y b y a m A u t l i o r i t y a n d c o m p l e t e l y »If;:

i V o r e e d t f r o m B a lr l f f i t e 'j•.V^eh.%e;'Btat,e Legislature vofed the law

creating -the 'G arden State'.l’Fafltway, it under .a specially vcreated S tate J ^ h w a y i 'A uthority: Wte ^ f ^ !,ii:d ld 'Jh a t;jto ; g.iiaran- f,ee4'Jprifi^|i|forsT w-ntten into, the'DOuCissjite were*'so drastic ,th a t I f was .impossible to, lite'^tify the „mastiake and remove the tollgate* a t Brife'Kule-Avenue' whioH' lhtsivUs off from free travel,, w ithin Essex C ounty * Now, a{)r parehriy,, ithidse, guarantees^ werte iminteduip;1 rUbf/eri typh-' - They' are, flexible and w here -ijt would'benefit f e e . t h e y can be twisted'’ and tifimed.1

'I t labour conten tion tljn 't the S ta te ha> n.'. lbgal, pdw^r to tam per w ith either A uthority unless both, A uthorities h av e \fully refunded the- 7i7ifc,milhon dollars • +>orrowefLTi'om in- ^¡egtprs^p buijdt.4*heniiy,ylln d e r th,ei provision oTHhe^laWs establishing b o th Authorities-, the fell' 'ihCofrte ^Of" b®tte lughw ays m ust fee wlvolly devetiHl to lSj.uidafting, their debts orprpjfidiiiaK l.fdfi' ':.eyulio'ge-1

ip ’ iftTa I f f i t^ o r lim a te th iit P au i L. ’Trodsf: r i dh^SPM i'Pjfiihe Tf^hpike .A h th « |ty n v H e{ is. b^oxid/pidjtical'' reach , of ^the,,,®>vennbr ahdf -twd 'Of. 'th e three A u thority members^ are^^pT O ic^iis1 to ';M & '.hira- up. K'riixveryl hn lilc riy-feat' Gfrairinau Tsoa'stdwili^riy^ Be

.paytimr to. ,#peh'’ h ig h w a y ! e v |r ithough it is; equally unlikely th a t Chairman Orrie- de Nooyer of thevB ighw ay A uthority would fppose th p Governor hi jme p ro jec t wds evei^ 'brduglit' jto' a hhad.'

As foon, as the . Garden S ta te P arkw ayh iu oihb ejicgadh its" fur?rdiug rriihrge&l' HighWay A uthority Should remove the Belief rill,® A v ^ u g i tpllgate whoge. e^criqiTwaS one Of th p ^ )S ttp iA ']^ s Ja ti^ r iu a ta k e & fo r; w h ilh th e .Antons,, th e Ellwpod- Russells -and t i e Barnes ipust, alas, all sh are responsibility,

R. E . H.

One M an ’s Opinion-New Military AUiatweù Of Red Europe, To Bè

Signed In Warsaw, Its Communist Answer To Bonn’s Rearming

B ÿ RaJplTrÈ^ricr HeïnzenA xen-year period off^priibatxfn • fo r Germ any hhvmg,

shded', tije,, jgatffle^'litids werev redtaVpi across iJb<> map 'f t Bmrope this w eek w ith greatel-' c larity thanief'rai befo)1 , T hf Em ission of We>st Germany, to^N m fh Atlantic. TrO an Or ?anization fcOUnblls' as'-’a) po fereign equal wat cqvjnfexed bV; ihe •¿joyfet' rinioni’ehunilaterah ¡ictioh, ips.ofahpm g its treaties if friendship willVj^^iice-tei^, Gydat- B ritain, ' v if’tAV Sriff-etary of S ta te,B ulled IJarold Ahx'Mdlan;, Rrtl Kobeigriflegretaiy} EfeiicbTPreHnet.JEdgar Fain i .imfebbarf eUor Adenauer, s a t down w ith the’ delegates, of Xtaly Bel-,

ifUun, the Netbhrihtids'riduHju^dinbourg, Molbtbf prepared tq go,-to'•’W ars’aw where,, th g Soviet ’bloc ©f red. satellites arfe Isi

iRed R ussia , a)riiffeipi'-a * s ft® ife1 trea ty *ii$,answer tOiifth^aSrrohag of "yWesf Gerinanv,' ’

Neveri haVbxfhe battle-hhnsf- ,^—5— —f ------- j— --------- *^ |w »M of.d^ffR ed, y§ t Âëf% Tiri thnJ'Cuinqöi 'ih r w a r appedr h,ror,e rglnötg, Tm r baimi L.-dl1 pp wem in Bürofpe .ipn.u-a toö1 ® |e f®f dijhef side to ^h m t|ÿ i i s k of w at; f i w ar is lo-fonjÓ,

^ À x ir it corife frottu th è âfigâj- lien t o f foàe^s outside of

Slffiriige in the Jrar E as t, most Jkply, ‘ *

C.omf.arison Of StrengthMtMtoityri|A«w®^r, .the • ih«#--

^&s fcìm, xË dfi liwfe 'S#fsf^tÄ(Q rt; .the .».lítóítotiúli .hnÄfsiifa ¿pi

’KSTroSSI^FShk1“ AkafastSorii äurtiÄU'* aliinri- rii* tàè-- ¡sud tfa ri? gSsc Briten1S ta ta r Erari ae, ÏM ftT ® -diiji® ‘ttfetipBi.:, ojßr.'ihe- bpwp ishdij sud Wear With opstnbeing, develppefl- 'benlnd' tliëKii', Óp

‘thsrie 4s--'-'Äi telíapivhuláária,: Ûtedliofeîoyakla, H ungaiy ,. Poland’. .and Rumania, riúugsi& 'riia 1 Red. Aiycy. ;bf- Rttk- aia. !:V J id ' 'eór.trást, is‘ all in - ojie &yp.t>,’:.; A i

À;%ririJ^ÿSdiffere.iioe ligi.- Inrilîi "tfeetbÄivÄ'hiri' "fî’ést-j. »ma.mSn.-fc. Käs- heSp ijlfeped und&r cptiS-ri S&d, .v§±aiiá»OTp8U¿5. „Back. .’riällÄ, pBöditsea i s f a Äof opdrdinated production. IinDle Bsistj ■ Süssfe- fî®a®®ee--Aik-d. -RttÄ. arfns her. alh.es.- They are noajilo teè ítmisted. wilt..- arms plants Jp*

’ siMarshall Plan Sue

m . Beyiving. Th.e. “Courtesy Cards” ;A 'S n id ria ttem p t is beiing made to revive

thel,thotougii,iy^i8(U?editpd-'pdlfcc coiirtdsy edrds in feri- sfa?be, L w st-i» 4 r thte S tate Legislature passed- &--law, which Governor Meynei; signed, outlawing cotin^sy cai-ds^A m lasfffe' n l s '‘h d ^ ' been T n iroM ced , m the ,ribglsiathSe by •Setmt,Qr-,hVank W ShershiU, 'J t., Couh'^yrifriiublidSti, th a t wouldre in sta te f e y policy courtesy ca rd 'radket;

T w so-called ‘‘conrfesy cardd” were hied' med sbecatisK if thq ribsifosiifiris:-;of h n s a v ^ y collusion between New Monk ;md New Jersey policy in an effort tj>- «aolSeVh' favoritism for wie*1 j^ rii^ 'fi^ T b la re rs . : G&&K ' Oyer

i in '-iiihtMy w e, hajff-a:>mosh- >unfertUnh%'$n-. stari-cejl^here cw driria'^C® ^

akspeediug ra 'o fc iri^ anrieipaHng p iefer- eniialA'trearineht'pf-and) angered W hen he Sid' n o t g e t . ih jlanfflj-4■ganging'Up oh1'a fellow policeman, o'btainfag

'hfs' ^ g ch a rg v riiT o u g li a1 s ta te 'c iv il service -funcrib&aif'y^’fib'fii «»ce^h® 8 b®®- -suspended.

v.. Xhppe riiPO- .5Q.pn.cl need, an^j^piiessiohOf favoritism ‘b y th e p o lee . ' f t # aro p £ i|, to do a job and**--ffi^"sK ^l(T^iTt honestly'

. and w r i^ M b f^ ir ,or-fav<^. i^iey 1§§lve .¡moreLright ;th i^i -.hi|yd\ men, th e tax-coHeclorsr or garba^epien to, dis­pense th e ir “edurtesy c a r d # 'Or peddle pro-

' tection. ' '«wwAtei#» ■ lThe ldXCtnuMr'be :tH'h'rfear&e iri

: and its, nmforGgi^my^ m u ^ < b e l lS f f 4MUid loyalty. Tlieif. ia 'psirobm in -America fo r d priviiegftd elaas^of c U a ^ s , outside -the law,

y endowed wi,tli icands., to 'iprqv© rthfeir status, as specM ^- protected-by th e pelleephslice fe i-

- mune to ar^esXifii.^'piridirilg i i r h ih 'e r i-fdfffc _vidlations.' IfTh^t^i.s tfbt W> purpose of % e polihev'ffe.qtiytegy cards”,- ‘th e n m i te 'js- mO' o tS w « ^ a so n ^ o i^ e v jv in g K'feem i,»r And' SueK ■a purpose is'un-Americ^hft-'Unfair and intol- ‘erirt)lfi,p We mope the Essex*County legisla-

j f e S dejfgatioh Will ma-kq shOTt'^slirift o ^ fh c B hershm bill. . | ' ’R;. E.. H.

Livi- s i.

Th'e Marshall Plan was rea]jio}- -fee.

tinaWi®^' ally fhV.S® M ri6s“W ® ?-rassilGftij

llshed .' In the' -EaSfc, there . fos RSen. r.p?, ghunisripar; o-f the ■ 3ur- shril 'P i to ^ - t - ~ S « a . ,a._h%^spBd®ad»l}^r LJa

hugme.lia.s SSa ftd oVeat|

.hsdi, inufe 'buffillhiu p ’her b v ft5 ^ ^ W tt 'i t j^ k e e | Mbf 'WW'ife^SHpdjlWt'.

jrh% riidor- pfittfifal p tbriF fahead -fe- -fte -liui-OS ,a i .ar div4ti<*ft (Jfeifmany,-TiMs ld#oSBM'-'OTfe|. evfeis1, ®qi6r^orl ,®aht G-eMnany'^hy'ilfc#- "*gri|kt ■ ’¿fiM IraEoiij’ci Central t tiwhhhtffi'll'’brihte tj’ih*i 'ed a r iR 'eS® io-^f ® i i n Dema--

Sdti&iie.'BivP' dangsrous Kgt™®' of WorlcT W ar II.

B.®tlv Dh ‘ -■ in iS p S y f f i i : ,pjremf4r'®l&) G to few o lw ^ ;[Bdfit Gersuar-y/saipear to. rsSl!z% Ithfr .writ tn[speeches las& Sunday, xEamng^thb tr ii'i^ -iu riiyeriife vi b filtoe. |cpllapse of Hitlers. G'eiuriaay .Herr GroteWd^R- l& ir^utvri

urii-oit-te-itf •. • ■1 Herr '-Qrd^SSiSi sri’d" feafevEa» tSeii^ri'y ‘ wiSh-rigii the Wais.ay

W eekl^P'Stni MS’efe OT. u®}cp.tio?i' .of, Germany. He

ly.. Boar, b i a treaty , icodehd’ dh. .h®- peaeb jdcfc.whifri M siwW itf# fered t$r a pafef *whwfe^o'-^ijreccu^« iS t A e futowt G » i ri®?-'rbV|tacv.3 01 .a heUrai|l.'^gS

Aispltltidfi laS h g l^ ie pblng appIiiCM Aurirla» Aidi would, he.possible ,flf W est Ger­many--. regains A er tod^PbniSfiSa, lad1- sysapsvtliW'Paris , Want P*rU P«|Cti ,Snr«^pp«'l

tfS l, ¡¡Jpf I süïs of Mjïritry. 'i - s- s ,0n ’hâ^'er/ West Germariy tidrit1 häfe feaam jr of., twelve ‘dMktoaft' The Çeiésmdi are fedfjjt f t lu® iidimug-. ,‘a^ÿityfdftittg' rroabi,' i as

bu t, woitP b | ^ ™ ’Æ r i i . e m ^ y i S i r' t a t t tri'-,’ |teaa*s.-: a trié^ t fej.f-^'-teÜcient.'i|i nivMoh1' GspMh .iJfriHy -w «J. Ä the.'ißeldt'^ÄuiiUi’wSfe tÿp yeà ■ßl SjiL afeWtffl sSyakrtifli everydune i f call to prevent tJios| divisions fbbrol vjt tSxJ Adèr.a.-aer pçomfeed,' tha

ïegis&tîijî#to’Æejpf the pîobiraaj liph«(Sd-r^eäiK)4iäirient sanÄuidd by Ä i , Paris agrèteierts Ä t i l j i «sp sa ftêd . î n h t p ’ '’¿ m i iS B iÄ thougîi, -hé ’.wantf high-level'■ talks between, w 'ffl&qt' and th§ Ea® [ ^ fd ® ^ i ra ^ ‘,'S!I^K^Tr,JtlK "pom I atteriptiEg an;/ -perrr.&nent- detath-

etae te rn ¡frilsO T haprovinces, : '

fupd'am.Ätitl app»oad|ito ■ »;. font-power .conlerr] enee_ is', tjât'/ife'is batter, to -^alt ftM;®.^pare. eâreïuhyrifean#fâ(|B prectri®t’e;äö3:lriä&. ffeilubé." "He 3fete.ittatASiare«§ - .eagerness - of- ^6.:,,®™!!!! ".and French Govern »enisj'iob1' hS’i.harlyArieetiiig \ l,;;,r

.Th*v •(GbSapeh'0?’- «too' is etp» rinaed* that tlrde Is working for BUeiJW terri.' powers'" arid that the ¡',5®^^;’-^mbrir? mu'st .cnake sonable -■'■s deinsBit':in Europe in the end. This. opinion is b«Sed

IhsSlthe ÏJttiêiCÏSÀëiaiî. po'ler end .that ijdin;nu- nist-..C3liaria..-gr.Q35ia® .steeMÖMsÄ ineritably-»-resiÿ; ' , joîTOit}ts"'':of- interest) petwarn- Mosqow and Helping. . ’, China A,. P rob lem

A d e o ^ U ^ 'is ssffi"^e|i’'Si®t

. iPher-Çfeneelloii. is expected to: urge MA 'ïhiHèâj B riti^ 'Foiriri1 Secretary Harold Maainiilan arid.

Minister Ar.toirie iF a n ^ ii' stawi fast, first,oft tlri

equipment. '1 ’ ■‘.‘i'he’W^'óíHnese «barges- and deyelopmen ta1 add's irp Jo a rathqi t-èm'àrkahl'e- toröl d i r progress,’’ hijiT-riy'-n. McAn.lnffe.'G'ó'ri'mani.leríjjf, tneí'-feiidtíjS''.Stäites Äh Ärrrlyl r®eiîblV,'1 ’ i

A m »ric»n Str*ngtK*ning The position" o f United State

mound Jlhrçftl-.IP." Rftrinfter.in. ..lAtfim Sffi-' today ts a good eX^m^e.' 8®-’1 years« - a t o '«these coiSSistedi of' oh®«, brigade of ’(.o’i'-’lilm l'ir strung-* diiWalo'ngThe zönaftbllrdäsr,. an;d’ one iiifànfcry- diyisjobt''■■ ■ c ’

'fòli' lb ^ ^ h * ^ ^ i^ ^ 'S f ^ roñ‘ä'■’Srú^ö ,ec, “ffireti

1 SSMBw&sf W h'äfßiorec ■«roup H yri® ffieluítós three me llpm tàjik bajftdïôiiâ, an anhair wife -¡a

reèjaiife ig-, 'artillery batlaKqed 0fJ diffèrent type®-,, and aiPruhesb.11are at fuTi?”dowbat KEepgtte V,:I; .";

jsSlEteff ■OdOTlMlt®WfAti6! ÛTO8wé» m ep ts'in ■^^apoapíof' aìr iost every flrijl.i, 'Europe are, i tip jSbTOd'ifhe 'tò®‘ nòie. ÿtwni<

,ifuri'.'-the li& ste'.JbttP ’ aif«• ©brÿr■paral'i',':>ril®l®'':!i''Wtet-''^yäWeepei; 4*iÄai*eraft .iswÄtfis, ar.á.th® H-13. p , ^ H - p . h J t e f t ¿ s (L ’’ * ■ ThéSe; ^àèp5i}|) 'Bavé'bdên# te¿t- isd i n ' fíela exereisÿb b ÿ -th a ffâf éTSdw%nd Biîîih« Ittêts have sup-

,pli’dd‘i i r i i b Ä ä i i ^ been^ e J'C í^^ ¡¡¡£ ;'rifai,

O vercom ing Red N umber*

Chameleon« and Seal«¿BWfe«K-.-| |<MavilJ

. fjóìxgi agpÿiiïriBlÿry. .oonjAiasders ini thë 'WW ' rèriteèd' 1’.ïhlV, the

g /bfi;. ,th;eiif orees .ooi^ptted'With-riosfe' U^&R. haâ, ®JjM'dveycofffe.'M rtiHtked superiority in WedporiSj •goípWtó^r-krfe^iíwMi^'fss *s- a böpBiunfeätioiftri W Ai

T h» toJÂybas- "beeii¿4¡tó|eved MC Mly 'i^ tn e ETriîfèffT Bthfàf Army but also in the .amies ox i& .rifeï'.rilfes ih West .Germany. .Gbriií’ÁSted M.. Gmerithé‘;fécéïifr' ly ..stätedllfchat Ai’iéd forces',, in Qerpsny'rio-g'^ret three /io ;>f ptir yries ,.%.. strong ás . when. Geh Dwlgb# -®.« El®BÖw,weii left Eu­rope . xdw/yßris--' egri ;* ' Thspa jígriffcarit oh&nges ,biRve; had rthrirbefferi «porithe général

iitd-i3ä&rfi-%^s:a'tly--'been'-ÿtseè Upon the poheept jof paving to

L E T T E R STo The Editor

Now tbri the criáis has passed i d ï|t’'yidnurS&t' •ans©bg‘.fe‘sa>ssi THfefee- fivet;.ea®^dlifes-.w%öw^ íísbit 'Trirt', ÎÇ-add - ave’-titg-am t r i ’rio-i# of* pWlìc ediiaafloiy r i BelleVflle.

fs el|p¿ fy.bd Äjhidsy tHéif BïlWyÔk- »Siffilfy; 'Ö iri-f^wfiM® k'-fribd accoVdihgte ite' w ^sfif'sri t vititeri vr «hardr • aM'rtlJ&ri wdsp« èducàBte

.hetrifiried-i, .. fo». ri 'knri*’

vbere- (tM&s^bbd'-sddhodl^Eysril11”"ß lobaté^ bèriâsq, ,freip; ri®‘ ree-, ij-d, f t ié îlot j i t Belleyille,* Mr. uiri&rÆ'ùKrii-riâids dttjy. one ,‘at- rimpt that I kiiow of/to add to

■ó i Thei MBfe -tìfar. tl-nri \ grouii,1 qr . Wvrnéetri® at '“rie , '^èjJwW Park

at»t®ririri<i r i ’riavk h refriw> edheeu

m e, Lov154 Sm allwood Ave

Silver Lake RailroadStluilir/ swai

The .Conftniriicmas blithe1 Town of; ■ ■BritejlM'lirittld .rijftrise ■ - thst. Sa'.ílTOrbé^ri^/ri'^ft^* they r ir it iripri?ve tl%ba^ .coisffitSöiir.whi# hepheeeri J 9 ^® eï ’ri .tb®¡ cítlz4il% oT Bsllévlllíí ¡y*"’’î- api, '‘èpèMclEi?' by réference tf

®5-‘aBtiéuaiedf; teilpoadu crossings iiHriááisí«a ;,lriri ltC]aífc/ á¡sélA .. sento a oliar and' present ìpui-géi; tb ‘ *t:s. > it-,,presents a daE 6r r i iria-'-ohjidien as Wqll as a w r i ’ by •hot •" haying i the 'propör-j« sl.déwalk .fäcilitiee ■ ïfifflt r i r i iíaolp. ■/■..

,It. is íMjSftíh" constat distfepair that the 'feWh/ Woatri'be ristW ef Hn®5vw^d54foIiBkóSc ' >- w.The, way it looks to Sie-iS", that riSvéwn-'ffiriore àr^‘-Ttìrii/naùyq, interested ' ih ¡ this, tabriád than",

tk é f àre;«of; th© ciijzeag. ,iwri t v.fthentf-ripife Satoiee;' 4,”’*Vjs1

I'V%!9j}$fe' w nlfe one of ihua, & A jissien .^ri will - , r, s ¿ J , - M têsîrial .fortitude ..to take .tHiO5afi.Æ}jwË& Ji J:It© jiriiliriaq. V |jjNew Jersey?

.1. -rie/;f çilujg •rip.t j.'MÎTO ohfw-Whd has this g'eWpr&iidM’

%0 attitude regardless of* ’ which ?6tf?fl~the, rear, po-rijie' people. ir ik Ä yt, ^jfie^etóaiy- ■-wen^briri® ’îtâ®b. ’/d t .r ih p , 3$fetqU fhatih® people of; H ellev îile ;,h#âSeèh- ' ÆU'o|éfted - to.; hig . b r illta é1* ’riéftteçhi'i fiftwl'0' îstruést]Thó B.. Soil

ß5 Lake Str

^Itc^fBe-lIevllií Tím^-News'i , ■ff.Police and Youth

1 Badçe A%ï , l& 1 m ridxy; p'f'sd :co«*--jJftfofeva,-T y -tfielp’di inarri':! âé. toSpiring;ricq,tmt, ';a reitl'llVe 1.1 ,ys«I,.. --- .. f u - i , -ôKee' officer, ohe ■ o J 'Belleville S’ f te s tr > A flesh.and- Kôed sto’if-'C'f service above and beyond- 'rie'.sall ,ô|:,offitdaj .tiuty; - It, is interspersed^.

-pdignant' pévelations'-of'lthe- éxplçits; ' of a siraliiri/'ijiri d^d’s': ^dbradoiivef ' neighborHpod, .ÿftffSjë ïéftri tbev ■ heálrifjil ¡ riniiérieeR j® | gridende’ and ’ inspìritibn *' exfertgj u-pox. 'rieri riisjtrig.r.ÄPäl’e y e ^ l^ a cobjiuct.. ,,. » H à B o l r i ^ 'R e f t l ÿ V Wi *is a 'copv As-pis -naine’- indicates

h â iS ^ - fS l& x h s í'T íB & tíylé^E SM■^^o-tad 'W ith all thè admiraS-Si*; properties which niake the ' Irish/ not only greàt police oiïicsrs, \ wonderful people and un tie rs tad -^ r i s aUmànit&rîans, Harold, fes Ij,®¡

^ÿèctf'ôriâtéw çâli’ î r iy  h 'J.tohaizea all those inspirational ariltributes * that , -knd aporieosize4J .rieetorifelri ihe heyo of' any, red-lv foloöded.; Arnarlcan ,Ijoy,<^ ^ m ® ^ ;O u x ® iîÿ ,',coiïies by hisfl .rolé lais a içan of distinction, py no ir.eie soribldence, he hâ'î earned h;5* ritle by ponducfilig ah ;alTO0Sf/bnS'5 •niSh. PAL >organization by- biniseliV. j He stands idolized and respected hy his,:yoiuhg charges wiihin-whonH he is iiñplanting fin ’fe e i i . impres-'i

Higiliway Robbery‘ The proposal emanating from Ircnton. to

nierge^the New J e r s e y ‘Turnpike-A uthority and the S ta te Highway A uthority into a single agency JiM eff the direct juH§idiitiori of,, the- State- H ighw ay D epartm ent and"''td pu t'

, a ll “te^cess1 neyeplu.^" a t the disposal of the 'h ighw ay departm ent to fi-namcC*ebn-structnon •andiimprovement of non-t611 public highways ?is h ig h w ^ robbery, pure and simple.

* «hh Eompulsory Auto InsurancA..A t th e p resen t trine one motorist" out’ of

every jive is opera ting a Vehicle on New. J e r ­sey stree ts and highw ays Wilhobh any^form of financial re sponsi^ iity . ,\\vhen applied1 to

/a’CQ.dent- statistics,** tffis m eans thah.an u n iri ■’¿ rire d 'in o to ris f 'is lhVoIvecl in tw enty-nine out of m m i .oxushhundred--accidents

A bilk'A-118,*h°w pending in th e S ta te Legislature wouldteofeect th is situation, b y requiring m otorists to- establish financial responsibility , befpre an accident happen?

_Eatherithan-a£terJrhe-bilLshouW ~be^nad«4n-to law because m ote {iad accidents ar^ caused by,the careless th an by the careful driver. A careful driver carries insurance io r th e pro­tection m E riipscif 4ih<3 Jhp ,'piher;(.driynr,;--,„ A -careless driver sayes/a’ bj|-Oarrriipg,rin;protectiofrbu* in Bfs' case; tne r is k Snafeci

• by 'ever«J|tKer driver on fe e raa.d.■ & Fj

,. .Prcrequisitea for a ..-relaxfttiob px SBléltéd, age; ®i-nulnieiri dfì the" Pliris paris, ta r i Bétaeex 'East , aad •. - Wèffe ■ •}■'®4E xany/?rié/Botioiìs, a1--joiftt’ Ifast-Wcst .Gèi,

As n.eé-®®! S ûub an<f dfîthriawâl of ooChpafloii

■ Ä S crcaBonjriofbiíth ¡sd? fieman

tehknä’for free atf-Gerraaiv êlfç-;5§5S5t3~^jt®“,TOB' 5T

ri©,rsuQited German, state.to join r is W ^ f in t alliance. *-

i t s . soycreignty, s r*d. its iriftyj' « w a r g n m p m t l i

. -ÄS jmnj. as bori. htílv.eB'O’fífieííta'nFt wexè-'unaradri; '®^Äpti''ri|l::ppwe^il'S|öIicä friri®:

__rii rie te i r ilong asbpbtaSiri.'.a*-

"SCancI And Figh... .This va§ guSuewtfe^Lalfe, airihy fiv© years ‘ago there were iieithei the."troops u.cr th©.-. weap.ons f.o

’ aritha‘t‘'ri®' ■ Ah ilta, solipS had,.fetay's tb: kSep. or.e eye looking OflatWards an i S tp tS T S S K y f b . : ; mlpSi^h..,'.. it'.-i Is adhiitted that •preaent AUloa. .forcbs. arc stili not ;;s,0’ fefcrOiferri*-tP-be able .fe, ,aef-ffiS"''WeSt^Getahn#' agiari^t s®., -ailPohfe-.ftttSel * - they^Sfcfflwrri‘aker'aii‘ g'fcesiwii adfcack

SCSt^M®wh r i - ,..■ hafe bi-Bligbt-a boMri,s ririlril. i ffightm'l' for every inob of ’ Tbund a f pffCaeSt 4®-®.*-ffe&irltVhSiB ngL Jtsen Without ltg;

n o-wafa^i >ta-k „ ttVAte4q%te|p^' f prmbrlgllodi» AtKfia * retreats,

Iàrgé-seaìè/Wariàre, j '-itethis nuclear figs*.jrip ,teb/i|y, <Ä: giisratfrie 'that. .;■!ßßihmsü might n ri"he te Ä .'a•.battlefield -.tVîfcb- érawífté.'iof armed ; forces - 'iMgnfc te.,,cecaa3ary1 áa th«• urelu-d6'';. to fibMPidtitoiyi'. lEhis - i%. wft.®, caui-ea1 sc imich, edftsofm,. tro/ffljJlÎ5ns.'u.Ôf Germanè* - who - h«ve fresh- li¿- thetc’ memory- thç tremendous, destruc­tion ratae4:suírpÄ, ,tba 'sklès;, ten years ago, by Allied 'bombers.



EMidolph Township, Eievallon f,200 ft,. “Every Samper A Swimmer”

REAL CAMPING with 2 Sleepover Nights

• Beautiful Swimming Pool :• Gmapiete Arts ..ami Crafts.

Hot- Meals Optional•- Teacher, Counsellor Staff ! 4. S Weeks Season .# Ages 4 -lkD irectors: A llan Schw artz , M.S.

Rita Schwartz, B.S. WA 3-6802 — KE, 2-4911

Times Have Changedv A ’dtifriisjn roirih ,heard,'“rièri.Germans' who are opposed to re-ftrriäÄ©itt: is- fchÄri t e t i -'biiiify willto e i E S™ í® li® » ■,TEffl?, tlÍio*® ü ■rifel " ésÍb533S-p , tà.'UÔffifflfK: iS w tó sè a fyjjjengo-’ ¡ri. .too' â | i u riA efifeettve action- against aaggressor,'inmate so éls-d will bel the AjHed forces mafr/vÎIl fsjjiriîl |a^.fÔrririlffe-^^tri^%ri®sê' ita-

ris wiridrari1ri'éSd-.’fió ítóu .eoil'lïi caise df an «tropfe riprii''-: thdlj ^ t e - ■■- from this point]of .'yiew 4ö 'n o ri rih&t'.VriSjhsp- wnsdl^fefr-ri^ef-AlHedtwri»ris---tì l

récent ÿgaSte ipriti dû-1 rily to .îWte tev?', ritreh átriftáey. riev îd-g foday.’ as, .tenparid with eyierihy®'-’,y*a Ä ago, TháSs iri-' ptoyémèn.te ane not only in' the number bf -iliBpS’ ‘hÄlfelsd»teihilr

PE ^R O ^T A AGENÖYINSURANCE ADVISÖRS Wiiiihirtoti Ave. Nïi«ey NU 24Mff

m .

-, APPOINTMENT PRONE . NtHPfcEY* 2-Z4-85:HOUHg: 4 , '£m .T^Ì^I^èi^-gBX pBPT WEDNESDAYE^ENiN ÓS.:<; i ’ 4 6 \ Ís4 % ‘ WöÜ I>Âÿ -vÄ & FRIÓ AY

Harffl J. Wolff, 0> D.BYE EXAMINATIONS

,375 FRANKLIN AVE. NUTLEY, N. J.f- Opposte Poflt Offici

4il| Kfealtl-Mijt •irim ;fh^T ïiz 'PR 7r


■ÈAS-H i




Take a'look at the want ads in .the bjg'Sunday papers and you will find hundreds ¡of companies — large and small — bidding fo r Engineers, . . .

Never has there been a time in our country’s history when the demand for Engineers has beefa so gffeat. Never Have there been, so mahy fine opportunities for our Engineering sehpol graduates.


■ America is becoming more and mor^dependent upon^ machines, and. as we advance towards the. future the j country will need more and more Engineering brains. A.

You who are- eonsid'ermg oontinuing your education by going to college this Fall would'do well to give thought tb Engineering.

Within, mu- s t a t e * or close, by —r- there are a number, lofTnshtutions with sound courses., in- Bhgia®®rhi-f. * training. It wonM b e welt to- write them for inf o rn a te » , concerning preparation for 'Engineering . d e g r e e s , <


/nica! Engin fi,. Specialis ‘

RE3S íhhtkrke

T lf ÿffk think it wise, showM;y^Mgparentst

¡Published in commemorathh of the 75 years of effective influence of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


-i™ ENGINEER...^

, ET

z S jM F i

ÏNÉFRI ppòrtunrf

,ilNi ‘AIRCRAFT Ah rfti linen

LEITERSI To The Editor

¿Continuad F tom autori»! T*»»«)

Uonable minds a r'eyerc-ntia’l re­gard andijespei t for law and order Ijti-gether with thosb'-sbund / basic foncqpts of living that lead to good wholesome cjtiienohip. ‘

•, Most Popular . It is' a reassuring pleasure to

the athletic ' nvSftiiicIiioP he imparts, oni-Jus own to hi*boys, h is ' transporting - l i or more wounmsters, oil 'hfcUwp, to a safe »all field jkn'd hiakeen rritereit and

Thes a te but a, few of the evi­dences of .why' jypjfqemah- O’Reilly, who w ears budver No, 4-2 it, to'hhe' kids, a t lea-.' »in »f he •. i‘l* |npsfc popular cops, El^iie^mayfJniiEr ■fiiwi'&isfeot tew of fcniploB -we'iSiifteenini; ¡screeching h f ■ tires* n s a risadcap ho^roiiiler S a teens 'w fi rases crazify |the cjuietatreetsf of quf . suburban toy«,, weird . thunderiM© blasts R ilin g A stp fh iitg ly ' firtiivHits ndisyi bkhaustite . ran i w oill .)»r|pg; jazy a te ; Of icer O’Bofilyi off duty,,, fpxtndful that hi? i? & ZAho.ur Job as a public Servant $ w rn to uphold

Bethany Rummage SaleA rummage sale will be con­

ducted Jodafy u n d e r the au- spices of the Ladies'Quild 'of Beth­any Lutheran Church in the church basement from 9 „¿to 3:30 p. m.

Mrs. H a iry Ginibdl, chan man, will be assisted by Mesdames Charles Lemp, W dliam Monks, Rudolph Luhrs, Harry U nit, Nich­olas ,VauBalen, H arry Bowden, Charles, Rb'hledtl1 and Arthur SRoity, ’ ' ,

f i d e l i t y D iv id e n dThe Board of- Direcfors«oi-~EU

d’ç.ljty Union Truèt Cö'mpany has declared^ a- quarterly dividend .of fiOi/eents* a share of the !m H H chares. of capitol stock of the bank outstan.iHng.'ÿpa^ahle May ,2-’


Last. Bay Friday a « ! C L . BródéiiSk 'f.w K chard'!■■■■■ «¡pah \

“ N E W Y Ö R K C O N F I D E N T I A L ”

Elroy ■ Hirsch -ife^rhara - Hals.’“UN CHAINED”

’ Sul, Äffi-i Mon,, Tues.

f B & in c J p S } ^ 0?® Oolor, Hsüieb -Williams » Btowa*d» Ke®l¡wJWITEIt’S DARLING”

Kirk' Douglas - Béla Darvi“TH E RACERS” ' ;- Í

lòia Show Saturday 'ffrilliBÿ' 14 W '■

ML È®ris Karl-of * !‘FRA NKENSTEIN ^- E

i B Ma 'Lugosi î*'“ D R A C U L A ”

' 'S »Color ifSartocms, 6 * Shf

¡¡ |e law gland - %Mthct’■sen.slog tin- iin'ineihate hazard this thoughtless slfehd^lomoii • -ojEerg -jjp l h e | l ^ ^ . S 0f-;thfe' snjall fry, , hur­riedly scrambles Bibo his car, tears nfte?. "t w itecLlohs -j speeder, . byfer-;f-akh? ilUhti; forcing hj ii n, thc-*nu[cbj a t the risk , ofo-bis- own sa fe tr tü i fehat’of his o.wh Hrntcle, 11 as heg‘Ms

authoilty and. issues, a traffle summons; Ind i gn ation ,1) e --frays.ih deep |esgn% ent (S teer DHleflly holds f i r tnoQe, ?ifch äs this, Who Wantoplf endanger those

WM w 'I Ä J”‘T:ertand whoin-lje so.Ideally loves.*

LtitiCS ape. many .o thers ' on pur polite force who are doing the tam e splendid too-rk, w ith the vpvmgsters of Belleville We-old-, oners who v:t> " =o iov'*d l" those things we höhl- so im portant might fdo* well’ to gaze iä^outp;!!« frdm’^n je > td^& se and recognize and appreciate tfie fine work heiligdone By these ^eptlemen n t wjjyi M&yiifiinHi; § SS

James R. Golden , f 62 Teppen Avenue

Dateline'South AfricaMiss Wharton’s Tour Of South Africa Brings Her Ail Introduction To Gandhi’s.Son; Gold Mine Visited; Tribal Dance, Other Wonders(Ed. Note:! Thia ia the last o’f ’a-®*

of U tter from . Misa Agnes Wharton, who arrived home Sun­day aftar a two-month tour of Africa!) l'.ç --’i

March 26 . . . Crossing- the Rivêr to ‘T-h#fskefi’we saw. the -na tWeg4n~red blan ket si

our trek through, lovely fountains tô a rentóte Have- lóclbash'estoíí mine where ihë pro- ?hi'|Ts n iust' be transported- to -the B f f l H Barbertónk for distribuì B iB B W ilM M W iM Sw H scène, ofthe firi.L,HPdtB;Africani. ePMemiiyfe

, M H W W . j - . BM&f at-i » r u g e r ■Nsfflma.l. W * ? dyed f|qm ;the red: >dperi<lr'.j-on-lthat region. > 1 -'j @ahHv§Ci^With shiiWfer Although, In Dtntata we visited BSNEA fa n ' ¡j^nc-RMlailEora bring anjj;'prepare ga,” native parbpmei)tijipu?| Then Uhpn own food, hhe ’pa ^ Oj-js equip \Ve drovie -through lovel,y>uTeeh irulls y,£i

Starts Wednesday ,- £ -May L8 to 21

i b m M

“H I T T H E J D E C K ”Q}8n Ford - Baîraain^tatiWfpkl

“ V I O L E N T M E N ” ,



Delaporte & MacKinnon

P L C M I Í I N G - H E A T I N G % A S F I R E D B O I L E R S .

' Çonverlioii Bumer» Autom «tip,W« 1er H®«t«r*. 61 F o r e s t S t r e e t s '

B e l l e v i l l e 9, N . J ,Phone PL 9ik323

native dress’ and undre s They are glad* “to ‘posc. foriav^irato;; fo r u X tiiffi^^^s/tlire^peu 'ce I

TheVnoinE oif-inieres'tiin Kokstad Was the y;oorf,hreakk«i' MuSeum where thw ol»tlimg, r l i f -ug ufi n> silk, 'dishes, bdoks -and recyildE ’ Vi the eatly 'Dutch-settlcrB hr-O^dh; dig£

•In bujeban,! .the & io iffh l sub- t iop i'd ’ it i i i rVhci i ¡¡!i i..i. no '’ ' the One i,” We had,a rare opTur ' tun ity to yjsf% the . Indian -gpttle- rUentiWhihL-'1. direetexl |iy Manilah1hvho started- thh^dtk'O'P. years agoj

MR being carr adJ piiu by, h i Mr, dMtotiful¿ptofidh'*He showed us-.through th e settlerhenfi, and giafSOTfhf,■us. a t - a tea - S

Stalk. Wild Animal. ViThe;game roserve in oHvaziiand

which is not a part pS, hp-t apart from) tl&’piutM ‘i^rruled an Idyllic Kin^ % lifth, ,4-('r ioai1 splendor. Here we slep t in .liQjida— USa of a-pflm itii^® »® ii.d |ffl?®A wild game ifi’’ite“native kurrOmjd' la g s ,| W e' were ,fortiAifltWfftsWr- fng1- the Srapala/thp, ta jo u ^ h e “dip ’ana, thii zebra, wartheg, .buffaloy

such birds as t h e ; teoretary hirdi- and- wewfhfe- birds, .

pe<l afflP¡Mto»4> r¿shaffr^ffi,.'vhé,re

Campus é'jWj. Oral Corner

mMt o ijthe Kpihjrts« prefer, td eat. H M addition to. ananiflsvApen’ in’liiilhlo\vo,.,v e saw cpdotabst'anq. |yppos-i/We neard UofiV roaj, but Ipht wege'.:ple\er eno'fgh to hide' ^ |i,d l® ifefa?8 'U 'ntit we had pa«s- ed(,. The. of the park setMdCfior dJoffa4wS(p ;,p h '‘o2 a b

Winding Dp^rripi Vietonp. Swift Ji1hahne^burg and ipw we ate look- i& .To^aid-to glzta ■ ’*1n ' '"Kk l 1 a* Kimbeiis', Jim d t o o ^ ’ htih'e, Although we wifi no t’be per-- ffifflid 4o ,M dhwn OTaJLd miphJ ijj&srftm Jft•nixM 'tp’JJtitik we have negd a S k h te e - o i f lw e precious seines. ^ T h m m to 4ape Tpwn foi a, thr66-day past, and. vj&it lriead l.,A #er that w e feel w^ghw.; be piepared fob "oUh Ld'day ¿¡41 over theRTOlA&e roffte” ^nd g’-hd-

-jV wdwofide goodMFe rRm 9.‘ i

;• Agne. Wfiartcm * ‘. 3 3 f ‘Stophena Street

Mark R. Forte, of,*- 41 King* Street, a m echanical .engineering m ajor in his junior y ea r , and V iti, tor A. Greene, o f 64 >Mt,' .Prospect A venue, an electrical engineering m ajor -hi hi? sophomore year at Newark College of Engineering have been accepted .into Honors

'c o M in g .t o p r d ^L m iu b in i t, 7."Rel3t*i9ha ’ Department.Honors .'Option is.ji,! ouaptfhti™

‘v.’.ork-study. program conddctcii b>| ®i®E 'to ¿supp'lerftent thg’’ §ro3'eot’’s professional training jwithvifldus- .Irial on-the-job experience.

NEWSCASON;r m m e u s ;


Miss Rita Weims,ifein' daughter o f Mr. and Mrs, MoSe) A hjf.ei-m stem ld o f '533'; BehfgTjlc ^AVeunff has boyo ^pppqipted an < English Language’ ArtsVnr'aclice.¿1 crt’chhr' at ^ashln'gthn High) '.School, lnd.-aii-, npolift lnd Hpe *wiu “i eoOiye'-her degree S h » sneondarjo .edupqtgpn

W 8 S S | in ^ J h e .Miss \ye ihstoin , "a "iL.duit> ol

® # ft i^ h * ,S^pol}iThk5 be&n a pldy-x ^ ^ ^ ^ c t l re c to T fo* rod p ast w r i t sainrperSv »

WMMC, campus radio -t.'itjon

Miss, Joan tíavanapgn, ’ daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold, Ji Cava­naugh, of Tappan Avenue, has been' ëlectêiFWkè president d f’fne 'Occupational Theiapy’ , Club, at; Milwaukeg-Dpwner (College, W,is. She'w ill be a junior n’ext 'year.

has exe.cutied th e works; la p cf i and ¡hit.'and charcoal. Hbr"!lrawih'gsi were ,chosep ae; D}e oUtstondlng sketches from -H>e-Agurc .draw ing class. Miss Lambrecht, an art rhäifor,’is'iPrt^etlitor for the student Literary M agazine. ,

gers University, has been eléctéd'’ •historian' ê f 'th e /S ta te TJnjversity

hapter jo i -phr Phi fraternity.

Mjss Elaine Hahn, o f 162 Tap- pan A,venue, was, elected A lheltic A%-hciáú<)Ti Heard re iu esentatile a t DouglaSs, tiallege, ' w 1 ‘

Warren L Kimble, squCoT War- yen- H. Kimble,; .'of ¡125- Poneet Street, has been eJected pre.8Kto.ni »f tin jufiiI)’ d a s at hyi scus Uni itehsifiy.: ■ H e w ill .;.gpp.eak- :. neatt htt&Ithand has becm& tweTi|L the varsity JJapeli?!g> srt'ufillj;j He.vi’isOij Ued,in M eibSllogn of, Fine Art.^ maygmig % Mojphirejal 'art aMVei'ttgi'hg. '"t'

M i h $ d a j i g h i s ; tei1 öf .ßev.' ahd Mrs. Albert Law- spnj ctf Pl. eBo&'M-sfinei vfa® rehently u leu w ” ttdi.5âr&i 0 ?<»hpmnre -iûlâss at J\JacMurrayGjmte&e, I'amfiohMlla, Til. Mi®? x»awS9h i iS, sä Friaen mkjor, &fid Wg -fe^nt'aÄiefnbsrisöt the Greet- •¡ifesq'isehodJ’'' W’lt’-nàtìonal Relations. Club, recorder, SS f i H Bhr'Kabpa Delta soMe^- and ha? béer. *"0fr, .thév-Síéff'.r.'ef,

F OUR - ACT S HOW S F O i MS SATURDAYall hftw-Wökffgfß PaRk I .,4í5Í0"i..m. every day

€VNA 6 LEON-¡¡¡fact fmMLsn'rtimft; lo" perfö w w P lw # “ ':- ■ to-hand, spin lifts.





M arine Supplies «

Belleville Marine

• Initiated into A lpha’Phi Delta gîirofiCy at UpáMU CdííegéL v-dreJeannécLe-vrtpÿrffiÂ’dïi'Wa111 -Stroeti-M arflyo- HjUàv Mgliues®ewJhnd?Miii#TithíighíStíeet,‘hu? j’o&ed, Sbji .Oiaegu

Lämbkeebt, 'daugh- feér of Mr 1«iff Mrs. Herbert F Larnbreçüti ‘ of1vet.B^ervolr Çlace a S M a t Allegheny Lffl-lMtaM; S'h&e <¿ fe;dj vm’gs,-qñ at i S S ^ M )dents aè ’modelli -Miss Lambrecht»

.R obert •,Çiacgbbe_v o ï , 86 High Stréet, wds co^ííh*irmhii' ’oíThe «tu-, dent commifctèe m chaigetgof re, fréshnient., booths for the Aggies’ Fjeld Day,, a t R utters,, Cóhj leg e’of1 ÀgçTdhlbùre. ■ “

Jacob J Haft,, o t -55 Broino.nd Street, ’a frfesnman at Harvard U ni­versity, lias been nam ed to the dean’s lisp for th e preceding seroes-

•RepresentedeblÍé®aWf MbiítIoiÍ¿ of art à t the, Milwaukee—Art Institute, is JoanÉàYanaugh, of Tappan, ’W sd^artínaüFh's éntry id^lW fbdí Än ttuMton.p -DajH'tìfGlàrk, oí ÍS8 H ® Street, Teoetyted hp.nprablp. mor.'iio'r. for’ a

the liter--O T p H p $ « | p » î by thA.Ä-<rate, scho'o^miéwspapei ?'qE SefÖn

T’r;epi*j bor-y.-&c Q'o3.jg.nccort<iÂrigJo H.ev. WiUpím Xellerj- moderatpr^

Mjsa Suzanfie O’Brien, daughter1 W f M r . ' : .® - 1 Mrs, RaywondtoiJ;' O tjSripai ta f ijil) O f k -Stto m , 4 j o ® S ; mpre,;ab Ma?D' Washln|tc!n Cofluge

Ifftlvertlty of Virginia, has ibeeh - jewfff-" toeeretary of toe Oriental Cluhrvfor next year. She Shlfli's in dfajnaidb art3i -. ,

►- Alan ¡A* Wickham, son of Mr, ffiiftMrs.'%' wi<3diam,,,0x De- •.'W iit'Avenüedh. sSphpHÍore a t R u t,

S8 Washington AvenueBellêvElêr-ÆA 'fl-“?--

our swmmniH *ooi\ t .WILL OPSH MAY M ,f CART WASH* Ì4«0;|

So Much for So Little100% FERTILIZER


*> SOIL CONDITIONERA # Minuolltad . . . Han-JynHialUi


A S I M E R T Z A Y E , V . ' ' . ‘ . P L y m o u t h 9-3247

■ * GLOftlON aianaBÿ/hangcs ¿and and clay Into fripble loar

* QLORIOÎiÊttü%B^auÿrulhêW%Wijs.j.teVitalizMoldpne»,

• GEORION’S calcium content iliirinates need for liming.

» GI-QWCN-elimiaates need for expensive top soil,

« GLOKIOM piûdtaf«-iw»t»fttdi^-worfcfl^Wul.flow«*. íittióte'-flavorful y.egetábjfá...increase| résisfanch to dltoasé,

. . GLÖWÖN'5 long m-oíitoto T£tainin¿- capacity- p m i J f à 4iTnfAiì1 ind -gMîses'. - -

• GLORJONhring« you öpiillty, «conotny aftd completenessi Jn ode -p<wa¿ft -»No;ptHéfc .fgrrtlBKeí'arf *;.«* uch,

n i\ mjim ONt ffd ln g lotit al

’■ífíN ^ 4-ftJI plui high carbol

molybdanum.cobalt, barort,

P U H . . niai ai aganli , jn ä ’ ebldl^t»’. ih diakino',«bu

a m Ê , melili avallablo a i plan! artd gra«" ><('. QtÓWQNÍ bffar* oXoryibhtt'

ia«d for gordôrt or I4wn .,

Send for FREE brochure.

■“ I f e , , i ß - § A you a «ìskMi

then be iure

heated .with 0

A Proauch b f 'Soil Builders- International Gorp,

BURNETT . . . . . CÜKP.Hort porf, ,v ., „

In New. Jersey teiíephóiie JÖ$t|ce A rty'S

ArDtifton „...fMd(T4

Bloom in gdalc Ced«r Grov«

, Ar tHE5E Dealers

i HdWVe,



★ Ä ’iS Ä J T iÄ i« % for akMMPa n tm m

* B Ä A:.“r z X i

WHY NOT iNXEST| * .,. w ith th e ■. <c-.' îMi i



E d w ard Che Sky J r . , son of M r. And M rs. CHedl&y o f 57 F a irv ie w rdage.,,bag beep elected se cre tary plnlif! ‘FaiirLeigh D ick inson . College Jun ior: »C harter o f , , th e -Hotel G reeters o f A m erica. H e is now llim ^em hg his" Juhib? y e a r a t thaiolleg«,- • — jag - ■ >- — i

DhoMey w as one o f 22 studen ts -W ho"'attended the 37th an n u al cbiiiVehtion. 'o f th e New Je rsey g rtf ir; Hotel A ssociation M ay 1-3 a t A tlantic;. C ity . ' ’

1 ‘Mfek M argaret. Kelly, daughter',,of : Mr. and Mrs. - W illiÿaar-, Kelly, of 2' Éelmdbrt S treet a hoplíórobte a t Biickirelf University, will serve .as iunior- counselor for freshman J n fflpFall.

Gley field AlnniinpniProdp,ctB

'C om bination Wìnclovvo- J aloutid« D o o r ia n d S id in g a

!'À : DdF’ABBIO■NO M4ZlS,f‘ ' 1 ’ iBL-*2J24«5

Savings Tnlurtâ ' ,'4, -.UFederal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. ; \

JaiÜje Ypur Choice of


ID E A L tY A jC A T ID N n F O R ■ R O Y S ,

W h ite B ir c h A p é t i c ' - 'B # “-<3ähi#.yp : f¿k toys from ' 7- to 1?,. inclufive. at Bpÿs transported to and from cam p.

fewer battaryi

tfan* CsaCartM Ananory, M rib D

7 $ S 2 M s £ T

Mrm. C. Snüth OPTICIAN ‘

140 Washïwgloia Ay

P L 9 62B2

A »uràîflier day O akland , New Jer»<(door »«rvicè)' :

■ r ■Hxpfe'rli iUslrUctlori in baseball, .«wimttti^g, t r a c k , handicraft* and harm onica playdrig. A d u lt supervision.;. - :

R eg iite r nolv lo r cam ps tfpoulng on Ju n e 27. Caiuper» m ay reg is te r fo r tw o-w eek period*. Season ends A u g u s t 19,

FRAFTK Mo n a c o , Ittrectpr(2 8 year* teach ing and ¿¿ach ing experience)

F o r i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l K E 2-1743 K E ' 3-2211


' A t i t o s e j a n d , S i n c e 18% , ^ o r 95 Y e a r s

Milk - Cream & Dairy Products Now Available For Home Delivery


“ A B e t t e r P r o d u c t A t N o A d d i t i o n a l ’ C o s t ”.... Please (Jail. Distributor ' / 1.1 11'

L. CORNISH, SR.15 S o . V a l l e y R o a d , \ y e | ) ; O r a r ig e , -N . J i' "

O R a n g e 5- 5000’ T;- C A ld M ^ l l '6-2000*

r r r m

W A T E R H E A T E Rthe original glass-lined heater

proved in over 2,500,000 homes

J. Mac kenn

mmClifton JpHw p«Vô» éfe Bone

---- Nnr*:r?----- --¡Blonter ................ ^ & 'Dumont .... Dumont Coni A LumWrknfl«wyn<t ...... Gottnchwlk Gnrit«ii.

Ctr., Houne A Gwrden Ctr. j^nirlRwri Plymouth P«rk Hdwre.Harkrnsark ........ Uomfort Coil ;.|i


BartippAiiy....tçoy HIÍI- Gdiu, (^n

; Tree Hfíw

cSsurÙe's B GniU. Store

i ville .... Len’* Sale* .& Sexy,;.Til* .... Hlw«y Ifwme Suptïîy.... Berirn to^l Rental Co.

) Ahi Noth fry Lincoln G«lnR.

,... Riin -RelieU

Gardon CU.


10 year guarantee plus 10 ‘.year free service — a doubleguarantee-no-other-^water -healer-dares-wlfer:-----


s . o . w a s s e Ri a n

F E S T I V A L .O F S A L E S \j ' SEE YOUR 1

FAYPr *TE » 1FORD ” "- /


Ä a S w a y e /

Boro N.urnW-, 368 Cortlandt Street ..PI. 9-4141

Belleville,* N. J.B 9 -AT 4 2

K$ G E T T O P T R A D E - I N

$ G É T T O P A U J E $ G E T i O R P ’S

. . T R A D I T I O N A L R E S A L E V A L U E

■ H190 Washington Avanne Rallevine, N. 4

Take your picki Not oney k inds of

era&m from Burden’s 1

HALF and HALF!"HtohëV than jnllk! Lighter ■than cream!

LIGHT!For-- ymií-coiîee,ueKeal. and fruiisl. -,. ,, •/


Light ondagh tb»pour, heavy .efto gbito-tliupl li - voi

HEAVY!Wh-lpB l ik e u d r e a r a lQuickly!

SOUR!i Uftkeshi-U® jwith i vegetshjei - • and fruits 1 < j

W he^. you ^ee^the ELSIE D A ÌS^-oii the cartón, you k tí¿$ itV 1 e’-


Al your food sforo, ■' "tïatÿoyrdoor.


SHTRRY . SA V E ... II I1 IR VI l a s t R i g w e e k . . 1 i

« a h e

V I & O R O

ÌLDEH V IG O R O 11OPEN LATE! Thursday to 9 pm Friday to 10 pm

R e q u S o r V ì g e r e

• ■Rlgufe'rfr'io1

ijH B j

— 1111

Florida O ranges P ascal Celery

Sale Price

Saturday 8 am to 4 piti ¡ ■ » B É I M B b'I:;.::

s iliiiiliS liifflj

kP o m p e i a nPure Virgtn,tm|jórt^d

O l i v e O i l

" ^ bX 14ç ¿39 169 e,


Egg Noodles


I l * î ir " ï I I - I I

Chun KingS -Chicken Çhow Mein

<: Hecker'sFlour


or Beef G k o p Suey

Chow Mein ■:... l« 8 7 c

* Lazzaro'sJ ' £ Twsfryf ©niff. -• :f ' |

* Italian Bread

-aft. A blöf.d SfM

Qne ^«atV flour

your baking


S • L a R a s a - * * - • -1* • *■ R l d - O - M o t hI Filza "Pie Mix : Pari Crystal*

>■ 6r:Nuggets

,131/2^-0 7 «■ pkg. 3 /

WM ¡•a&l

Ü li^rriî^lunètn^inü^îH-îiîilpinitihg^^pliiîn^îiîï^irSKiiîîiitnîïH:^^^^

p q h f a Liqujd I5‘ off Saie É

i Iq u a rt btrt 14Th« 6*iv W«Y,|i<ju[tl Jt«rçh.-*" N»

-~«U«i»vu—. ..Jr. nniriVÎ'g |r i f " Â iwk 'new-.

................ #•#„■••• e » ..............................

¿ni^ : - . ~r Stem'sNew Kosher

F a n c y Big S w e e t

Fre-Mar PeasC h u n k S ly le - T W h i t e o r L ig h t M e a t j ■■ ^ .<

Star-Kf; TunaWhite, Soft, Absorber,*

Vanity f i i1 c S a le

Tetley Tea Rugs. T ^ ^ e e d * P U l ^ n S R i M ^ i i » f . S j y N ^ §


2 - 29*2H w C A (




#3 ;*>i 200

p k g .o f 64



j-C Party Pandi 2 39§ TOMATO SOUP ,er | f

Dulany Potatoes 3 25'

A !m o s t a M e a I in I ts e l f !

W h o le W h it e

III ijjjj rS,-1- 1- “ - ur H i


Swiss Fair

Gruyere importedState Fair Premium Çuality


6 port. Æ Mm C .Iwiizerländ 'pkg.

Yellow Quarters


É É È tK r a f t 's

Cheei Whi? 27 -\trmr¡af

H | F o o d Pair .

f i f f Frosting - 1 Pickle Spears \ Book Ma,°beS K ^ ™ i s ' i - v ' H I S i

W 7* ', Cko^pl^fe ,

l _ ‘5:29e Sp:

Blue Ribbon ? .1 Washing Fluid :


2 ,

Roy lies Doilies

f l n

Now/ The MODERN Way

to Store Everything on

Your Pantry Shelf,. *



Canisters| Featuring A

Different Size | Each Weekl

Build ai largì a *•/ ooÿou-mid. ..Buy at many as you wish —* Bach $5.00 in pyràfîài»» inUflès you To-buy ONE at this SEN­SATIONAL LOW ERI CEI





IN O U R B A K E R Y D E P T .

b m t FAIR

tsiy er. Cakes fF. raiiy Size # I C U Cm m ea' J ^ f n ,

m uy.'FA 'R r «

Qÿfcssae Xitlfffon Rings 3lc

« • • ^ » • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e a a te a W fe e e e e e a e g||j| •

Necco | Reed'sSugar Jells : Butterscotch




PS© T O rp U A L lT Y -’REAPY-TO lAT

S h a iiii' _ IPortion Ifc. j p f

FuH Cut Shank Half « 47Portion l . ^ y

Fult Cut Butt Half- Picnic Stylé 5 "

Fresh CalasU a h , Top Qoallty — Locally

Slice# Bacon

PSG* Jop-Qoolity — U.S. Choice Boneless

Cross-rib Roast 4 fFarmer Gray Top Grade "A " Evlfcerated

Ducklings Lorig Island »


' *Smoked lender .G^jv't ’Stipei^isidrv to assure yofy less shrinkage thfo.ugR cooking -rr- Assurln^t more {yin .Ifeyor and tender eating Ham T<o \y |tt!iFai1nily- Table.'"

OCEAU FRESH SEAFOODS"S ave M are a n P ietsw eet

Top Q u a lity Froxen Foods“


Green Peas Fresh Caught — Boston Selected; L a rg e

Mackerel 29' Shrimp 5 lb. Freezer Unit



Vegetables mixedpigtsweet :.

RaspberriesPI-ÊlSWËET ■ ‘ .


H y ÿ ra d e 's


' ' Serve Tuna-RScef;F . ^'CasserQle Tonight!

| Unde Ben's• Conyeyted Rice

.*• 14 o i. -f) n r , JS ’ f W ¿ 1 .

i» r4 5 c £M |!J , pkg. I J ' j j l P f i j l j g

_ Lqng grain, guar*B . arite^ct'to cook up• vh|t% end'fluftylp p

ReadiFfencH Fried Onion Rings



PICTSWEET — Beef, Turkey or

Chicken Pies 3 65c

PET RITZFresh Frozen ■


ce llo


1 Chocolate Chip i Cookie Mix

H H f c é l ï• p i? *• •

¡S iasBoitY a golden SÌSteiSr?I Peanut Cookie Mix ^ 29cI'. mm.....• Steero •

ï Bouillon Cubés !* ? •\QiJcbn or. Beèf* ' J '

i 3& 23c


1 Waffles

iiiir - * * * z S A V E . . . W IT H FO O D FA IR 'S SPECI AL SERVICE FEATURESi l p S AXELROD:

Ç9rnbiga, fip, Sàie . •/Cottage Cheese 18c

Blaeberry . 23 oz or Peach qkg,


DungareesEnjoy R e a lly G ood C o ffe e

Mild, MelloW ,

Fyne-Taste Coffee^ 79cRich, Winey ' f'i \

Lady Fair Coffee 3 3 cVacuum Fack'exT '

FoodFaiFCeffeeAr89'| | |

O U T S T A N ß l L 'G


S IZ E S 7 to U


pairs 3.50

m m fa ir


Reg. 1.15 VNue

2 « * ' ' ' $ | . 7 9

Cottage Clie«*-,® II«:,

,<l ‘ Bath Per*-Only

: ' U ® W l : f 2 3* 0«« a/k«. vJi,*Reg> 36c Vâfcè,.

M g g tiÉ S M

60-GAö'GE* f? DENIER : I Regi, l:.â5-*VaJue-

Q UTiIf--«; seI mle^ ^ n resist

f l i r a s F

Weston Coolies



J Faihrcy Assortment|p:|Wm

h j f l w

P o p e ,

Italian Tomatoes

WìtB M o i.* \- i. Pa*tfr.*. ..can,;. f


— Michigan Mints



• • *• ?•

Leaf Cancfy Musical


N ì s é ì

29e q ^ R i Ï Ï g s

A. M. R. Whit*

? ....* *• Clothes Une

Instruments A E so ft. “e r rs i r - M W n ' hank- * 0

^ ^ 7 Q. |6 9 & T | j Plastic Brooms -§4 ei|v»,' v ' « P f l : . BaggieS 3# 1

554 Wasbinfton Avenue BelleviHe



ALE OTHEk PRICES MA# ^ ^ 1 3 & 14! ONLY


P la q u e s ’ Vére aw ard ed Mrs.

I'illiam I S. Fisher a n d ’-Kitten J law yer ftir their hè^iéVo'fó, gctmj nit 3 0 1 during th e intendssion

g f a va r iety show, s ta g e d by the ¿ o u t s a t Wesley C h jir c |v 'Harry I . F ren ch , ,assistanjt„ ^ ¿ o ^ . Ex- arative o f fhe'iRobert T reat Gran­f i , m a d e the awards. * inv m- f , Mrs.

, aen m o ther-_of..jDe»k- . I we, was given a-“cubbin(r p la q u e tO F 'her W<»rk w it h the'OtìJ) S cò iip 'Muring ‘he past. s$y;en \ears '

rostmaster Kant Lftending School• Johxi j-.'jiianf, fioijfc,- o fficft,su per­il tendexit, utfatbpidBnfr lariftpostal ià in ir a s j^ cjitioF'iff TMewarij! with Brièfeh • - 'iM p IB p ^ m e ^ e w a fk -

tostai District, including, Post sters5*rhn.s' ‘A- Redly

'ReiHy' 'sa)d''thé |r'SjYPalir'nrtmrt“ a. dèr-^d-tj,al¡S -JH K M nW ‘imp

eove-^J|jp iiihy («iti Wrdmote tr re la tion s with t h e public and Vproved- 'àssodal'tela b e tween post \inà’nag ’8


lercantile LicensesI^Tne Town kh, 11fc-rspk adopted a 'w so ^ ti pJÌ,«ran t |tig a mercantile -ufieose ,'tp dlel«4r ek iich o f "V \ \ a sh in ^ p ii, <Awa

bLOmas g lis tic e . of '5,63 ¡A’a'shingrton A v t6 J l& ^ 4 i4 <5Rs,(?.-I-1} ir e P ep si «SslaeW'^oi^r a oMojtfej Iati- approved ¿heva-ppUeaiionr a t HE tftofeftf

- b in g o set-up.

S i® ' âï®ÆÂhk - and

( òur Child This^Suifimet ill ENTÒY ¿ENEIiD.', irqn!

j CA M P FBRSÔfcÎFEÈ 'I . . P«yquannock Town.»hi'R v ® I E . J . C“ Inky") N EU M A Y ER, »

i A Eisti-aStlye^áy Gítmp.fór *

I P U R E LAKE SW IM M ING . s | m em ber W. J,'p sy ;'0® ç^ Æ sîL j

ô p e n J u n e Z7<

I i M l M

T his 'beautiful P a rk e » "Jets- f a ” 'ba ll^g^Q jeia . g iw ^ fo ttvetyone .opening a jjaw ^c- Jp u f it o f .$1$ op i n o r e €iy ipaii o r in person, •’ ,


, a n d o í CoMs, h-6 Jqiety

th a f tfagre'g jp la e e like

ÍÉhe Fraibi'liji ba in o .

•in and 'g 'et ae4uaintèc(!,

FRANKLIN CASINOp :S 38> Franklin ‘A venue

Belleville .PL 9-21 l ì ; '--ri


. I I ^ , . J I------- ’ I V ^ ¿ 7

J o in th e m t U ie n s o f t h r if t y »Köppw ho s in g th e p r a is e » o f



Broiliefl & Frying A A ,■ _ Fresh W Crib-SIzM wder 3 Ihe. *

* £ rnrf"9 CW«ke~ m W ^m

RIBS«* REEF U • 53« “ H POven-Ready Ribs of Reel .S.«S— • *63t e" ‘ *

B B S B M i M O U IK r T i AMR *» <i M M POT ROAST K RSTEA«*" * 75«’' — * 79t ROUND POT ROAST-— 75c

-5 3 c BRISKET BEEF „,.,-.{^‘ 65* ® B 8 i P P | CROUND BEEF m £ &

FRANKFURTERS^.... ** v m io m m r . r . ‘*»e

S S S '«"*ikS3e ’" i iv67° Smoked Pork B utti - ” i" ll® R te S toMU lb g j , s , , , ^ Boot Tongue*6«W Steak* c.us.«. sup,r-Ri«M m»* ilb-35eLinl,plb'55cShoulder Lamb Chop« M | J g * *

S m S ii • ~

MORE GROCERY PRICE REDUCTIONS!SINCE APRIL Ir i Aflrf HAS REDUCED 200 MORE GROCERY PRICES . . . this bringi thn totel reductions made since January 1st to 990. Compare A&P's prices wifli what you've been paying elsewhere . . . then come see, come save at A&P!

S ultana B utter B ea ls . ■ “c “ 1 0 C

String Beans i K wm 29ccans

Red Beans : 2 l t o ‘ 19«c«m ; BV

Carrots & Peas 2*a « 21«Libby’s Cut Beets . * mmLibby’s Shoestring Beets 2 m mLibby’s Slieed Beets . .

2 m 27c

Fruit Cocktail Bartlett Pears Kieffer Pears B artlett Pears Purple Plums Sunsweet Prunes

, A4 P'bri odi . J \p.pOûr frnosi^uoíítyt ’ " ' &*n

idilli^ AÄP oo<i* h j jk t ulKfîrtéstÎçji iijtj . .¡PïjY'cên

Think You brsn'd 2 ' 7° lona-bmmi 4 <6 e

Sa-foéi quality 4 conAiP-brand ñ 30 c

Our flrt.st quality 4 r.r

Greenwood’s Beets |4Greenwood’s Red Cabbage j Libby's Succotash . . . Larsen’s Veg-AII . . . 2 c7; Tomato Puree 2 2C9JChef Boy-Ar-Dee « 1 1 Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ravioli Spaghetti Franco AtyttlAn

m ü*19* 33* 49* 49«

2 'l r 4 9 * ¥ 3 37«

mmiPineapple Chunks

• finest quality J 8i/l ‘A&P braH.d — cCherriesRealemon Lemon Juice *";20* '•Treesweet Lemon Juice ^ J1 Clapp’s ;^ .:# ‘^ 3 P 25« 9 371Libby’s Baby Food ^ Strained 3*« 25 Forman’s Piccalilli , . , '^ 2 3 Pard Dog Food . , . . 7 9 5

Special fo r the W eekend!

BUTTER Sunnyfield Fancy, Fresh Creamery t lb. Sait or Sweet (In 14 ib. Prints »> 63°) brick 61


B lu eberry P ie


8 inch size .

Golden Sunshine Cake . . . 39« Daaish Coffee Ring •*eh39®Oaramei R allia Buns •' 6M39*P r o f i l g fm J forwe;,hbwateh«n lari 23°O u lg e O h H iw e s k * Ä * , - * » •

'w ^ t r s t e . in<t‘Mr»a ■ aach J J ®

.Sugarad, Platear Cinnama« pkg. of | g for 23®

p"*25® i 89°pkfl. * " 6*1- W kBird.Eya J i o t (Ç J 0

D O N 'T M IS S THESE5Q eX H i/ •Knrtirtf v | t

Social Teas “•*“• 2Van Ì È * f e M? ^g Boss Spaghetti ;


s ih -n *, ♦ ttos. 4Q(

18« 85«ar— -v -J®istáU ® Pk9- " ' PkS-

J u n te R e a n a tP u iid e r . 3 35«m m m

87* 23*


Orange Juice ™ 4 - 49«Oownyflake W affles . . 2 ^ 31* Ice Cream D*^M*d*Orange Juice Concanlratad

Welch’s Crape Juice ? .h21*F n ach Fried Potatoes ^ 2 ^ 33* Fish Sticks W g r « e Girds Eye Fryers a 67*Cod F llle t or Ocean Parch m X 35«


Large Eggs “ 49c White E g g sÄ irr53c

51« 57*


TOMATO SAUCE - 3 20CATSUP Bel Mont* 3 botttes 50c PEARS - S! ceti Osrtlett 3 g't


Purple Plums . . .Cherries Royal Ann# or Dfcrk

Cooked Prunes


More Del Monte Food Values!

Diced Carrots2 .43«* glatiai " .

Golden C é r i ^ Stewed Tomatoes

asses 77c49c

33« 29«

! 19®No bonas about it

Cap'n John's — Quick-Friizen

Fish Sticks 2 : 69<Pr«-caokcd— just h ut 'mm »nd eat 'em

The best dressed salads in town are made w ith

Ann Page Safad Dressing

■ Í23«' r39«ANN PAGEMayonnaise

( M M W h h g e G d i h dWSÉÊËeà K e e £ r n f w a J Rrisiey Soap^,J;;xÄ bawdry Glue «.«•'fa.m

pkjt;8 c,k,i 57® i

Nuanster Cheese F.Keyw^on,„Sliced Swiss Cheese Fancy doniff*tic

Danish Blue Cheese Imported ? VÍ;:Í J 7S« Cream Cheese * ¿ 19*Cottage Cheese ' £ 31°Gaby Goudas ^ h43°Borden’s Buttermilk . 2-j ; j l 37« Borden’s Milk ^ Í£..#' i£M9 Heavy Cream • ^ ; - § £ | 9# &.73*


Sweet Corn Florida,Farms 5 27«Fresh Tomatoes 'Sbidrlp*Fresh Carrots j§ j?w 2 New Potatoes XXX.Iceberg Lettuce Woitmfn fan

Green Peppers Southfrn farms. . Ib. 19« Salad Mix

I t * 17« Fresh Strawberries ¡ I t 9.19* Yellow Onions 5 ib». 37« Florida Oranges S19« Winssap Apples S S * 2


Seedless Raisins bA*npd 2 fÊ 31« Sunmaid L ittle Raisins 6 m 23« Seedless Raisins y f o t e ‘p5“ i 9c Raisin Bran ^ o s j l j White Raisins ™ 2 ;h 2\c Raisin Bread m i s


Gerber’s Baby Food

fiÍ f íír .8 9 *

NOfCal BeveragesGing.rAI»,!l«ekCÍi.rry¡Cr«.mt

Root Beer, Kol*

Vanity F air- Facial Tissue* W

Contadina Tom ate Paste


GriteoPuré n t

'MÊÊÊÈm Price, effectivo thru Saturday, Moy 14th; In Super Markets and Sêlf-SèfVtee stor«i.,only.

„ Lihhy’s-------Corned Btef Hash


SwaaeoryT o w e is~' W . iid,th.*t<

* ^ : t ;M|' SS«- '

^OainaySeap-For *ollt» «nd boTlì' ' ■

1 ' . í l * -

CamayScapy Especially k»«th

2 S » •

Ivory SnowFor f ine f* bri e» e nf| . ifhfltyï»jpg

— 1vory~flakesFor and dishes- ,

tef-------------For wsifíí ng -‘dish M .

i r*g- Q(|c ■ 79obaHto. T'* botti. U

Spie & Span. IW w.thing p.int.d surf»«.

Oxydol DetergentFor iho f«mily woth ind dlthtt

Blue CheerN.w washday «ids 0 ‘

Urna Wá|j| 1 94* -,Tide

For »K« family wash and di.h.r. „ l«ra*..8Ha.-9Íf.n.,.7ée~, ¿ ■ pkg.e* f «i. 14 ;

ÿ;',Brefhj r' For th, family w«»K »nd diih.r >1 _____ J«'«* jMlo......

buzForfemll.yrwesh and dbhai. v

i— -1i:9*30r ä 72c 4

Laddie Boy Chicken Dog Food

■ * - - - O IS pi- tTo- - e ......... "■ pï’. 38* pi,. 72* ^ 1. : pì» H' pltq. . pi,- - 1'^;, 1/ *

A 4 P’s Newel» Superm arket - 333 FrawfcHn Ave¿ Near Joralem on St.Anolhar Nearby A&P Supermarket at 169 Washington Avo.

Open Thursday and Friday Evenings to 9 P. M.

Plenty of Free Parking S pace Opp. Town Hall