Wagner rer--ses to help in embezzlement . rob ,. . - City of ...


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THE NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA T~y's R.~ £.-.. Coidf. (e~ures hut'ldrt'ds ol ltst.inp (or new ind p~ viously owned homa.

Winner of 59 journalism awards in 1992 '



with • hip 1n ~ upper SOs More ~IC rain IS

~ Rfeted Su~y with •~ storm tnOYlng in ~y. Lows ton•ght 1n ttlf' upper 4Ch


26 C8lltl .

Wagner rer--ses to help in embezzlement . rob ,. . ... .


Restitution: Officials say $500,000 would be 'very lucky~ ..._ Former Newport-Mesa budget director, who had promised to cooperate, has provided 'absolutely nothing,' district assistant superintendent Thomas Godley says.

By Joel Beers 6llfl wrw

NEWPORT MESA - The school district will be fortunate to retrieve even $500,000 of the Approximately $4 million stolen by Stephen Wagner, board members said Friday.

"We'd~ very lucky to get back $500,000; that's the most I could possibly imagine," Board President Rod MacMillia'n said. "And that mlght be the pol everybody take!i from."

Other board members arc cvel))ess optimistic. " l am not co11n1ing on receiving .any sort of

si~nificant renumeration on any level," Ed Decker -said. " If we even get a couple of hundred thousand, it would be a bonl!S to me."

Wagner embezzled at least $3.7 million from district coffers between 1986 and 1992, and is suspected of stealing another $200,000. He also owes the Internal Revenue Service $2.4 million in back to.xcs and is being pursued by a bankruptcy court.

"From what I understand, be was up to his car lobes "in debt even before he was (arrested),"


"Mr. Wagner's position is that the school district itself should gtun restitution ... I know it 's hard to understand, but for Mr. Wagner at this point, the school district restitution is a higher pnoflty than his o"'n personal welfare." •

- Paul Meytr, Stephen Wagners attorney, Nov. 30, 1992

By Joel Beers SUI! Wrtler

NEWPORT MESA Despite assurances to the contrary, "jailed embezzler Stephen Wagner has fa iled to coopc;ratc with the school district in tracing or retrieving its

' lost millions, district officials say.

"We have provided many ques· tions to him, very •specific qucs· ti9ns, but he has ~iveri us nothing new, absolutely. nothing," !laid Thomas Godley, a district assistant superintendent who was Wagner':.

immediate supcrvtSOr. Other than confirming v.hat the

dlStnct ln\CSt1ga11vc team ha un­co.,.ered nself, Wagner h:is g1\en the district no help m how much he stole, how he stoic, or "'here he put the money, Godley s:ud.

The distncr hJS n01 mtef\11c"'ed Wagner directly. The Orange County District Auorney s olf11,.:e ha!. done that But the d1~1m:t ha" rel.i)ed questions 10 \\ agner. )U .. h

See WAGNE~ Piii

The rain: Who really needs it? F orgivc me, for I have

grown weak a~ sofr. There wos a time

OHicer ·says Campbell van.

, came close to hitting him

hen I liked the elements. I lived in a small town in up late New York when I was young. It rained. It snowed. The river In town froze. The streets broke and ·crumbled. Sheet~ or ice tumbled from the

Managing Editor

trees like giant shards of glass. It Y>as d1n y and mucky and dingy and I loved it.

The wind, blue and piercing as a lnifc, cut through e\erything >OU wore. It ~ould t:il c )'OU 15 minutes 10

put on all the clothes ncce~ary to go outside. And even then you wo4ldn't be warm. Not even in the same neighborhood as warm. Still, all in all, I thought it wa prc11y keen

But I 'm older now. And v.1 er. So much \\i~er. And, until this )ear at lca>t, dryer too.

Oh, how I long fo r tho>e da)' . The dry one . that 1

It 's been raining now ince New Year's Da)', ave tv.o days along the v. ay when 1t cleared briefly and gave flee ting &limp e of what Southern California is surpo ed to look­hkc thi time o year. Ory. Moderately wann. As predictable and sterile as a



~ The Wellness Community will hold a seminar on creating quality of life running from 10 a.m. to noon at 1924 E. Glenwood Place, Santa Ana. For more information, call 248-12 10.

More community events · cin be found on pige Al.



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M.ocf '°"'"f"O.. "' N.JI

Paulo Querle of Cirque du Soleil brooms off big top in preparation for troupe's performances, to begin Jan. 29 at South Coast Plaza.

Wet weather takes bite out ·of local business ~ Car dealers, construction firms are among those who suffer when storms hit. By Antoruo A Prado sun Wlllt

"Who'll stop the ram?" 1s what area re i· dent$ may be asking themselves as another potent stonn lashed the Orange Coast on Fri· day, triggering flooding, land lides and a gen· erally foul mood from bus1nc e that depend on good weather.

Rain is expected to continue until late today

wnh another storm barreling in early Monday, according to the National Weather Service. Cl~ar skies are expected Tue day and Wednesda~ . ignalling a possible end to the rain pattern.

To .date, the rain has taken a b11c out of business.

Local c~r dealcr>h1ps arc seeing lov.er sales. car washe> ha\C closed and some con trucuon fi rms ha\ e had to curtail part of their acttvi· ties.

" ll's definitely hurting bu!liness, .. according 10 Gary Butcher, sales manager al Norm Reeves Acura in Co ta Mesa "Nobody wants to look at cars.

" We were expecting great thing for the

month," he said. adding that the C\tended pc· riod of storms "ill significantly bring dov.n his dealership'!> January )ale).

Butcher said that he hopes the ram "' ill taper off during the wed.end. becau e the breaks bring hea\ier traffic from cu,tomer\ \\ a111ng to shop for cars.

" In betv.een cloudbur l!I v.e haJ preth good traffic," he said of la.st Saturda) \ bnd pau~es 1n the rain.

The current storm is caused b~ a JCI tream \\h1ch runs from Hawaii to the \\'c t Coa t called a " Pineapple Expre ." according to National Weather Sef\1cc Meteorolog1)1 Bruce Entwistle.


By Tony Oocero Sta'! W,.tr

NE:.\\'PORT UI=.ACH - ·\ pl•· lice officer has · n:portcd tt .11 former Police Chief Arh C:imp· bell. dming a gr;.i) \Jll need up behind and near!) cqlhdeJ \\Ith his squ~d c:ir, and then s""er.ed 10 his ldt 10 t>lod .. him from m0\lnl.! into a ldt 1urn lane the 1)11 11~ Pilot ha'> lc..irncd . .

The rnh rmJt1onJI rcP'-rl made ~nailable to tt'ie nev..,p per thr uugh a C .t forn1.J Pubh~ Recur.h A-.t re'-i .. e''· "':i~J1leJ ~ offil.cr Tom Schombl;rg at he cnJ or hi\ .. h1ft on Jan. 4

Campbell cuu . .:! no1 b r-...,~hcd for <omment Frida~ bu.t h1 31 · torne) Bruce Ptaet qu1ckl) dt,\\n · pla)ed the 1nc1aen1 'J)ing •he or· ficer him'>clf could haH'. been ut fault ~

ln the repon . 5.:homburg al· leges he had JU\t It ft a tr Jft 1.:- 'top on the south end of \\est Coa'-1 H1gh"ay near Jamboree Road ~t about 3 pm wlten he cros ed the. road, v.1th his amber O\C~rhcad lights flashing, and mo, ed into the l\o I lane

" l ob!.er.ed the clo' st \chi le to be appro\tmJtcl) 3, 111 tt .1\\'!I\ (grej \an)," Schomburf \\ !Ole 1n the report . " I mergcJ into the No 1 lane and v.a'I 1mmcd1ateh over taken b\ the 'an II fm3t:, ·.,10" C•I JUSl narfO\\ I\ 3\lltJm~ • COi i IOn \\Ith the lcfl·rcar ol m\ ..:111: •

s .. homburg ,31J .ti 0

lh:n l\\\Jkcd hJ..c the \!In v.a., Cl°''"'" l' allov. him 10 mo'e 1n10 ~t t<e • ne\t l:in • but he s.l1J a' he .. ro,!.cd tt c I nc into the I Joe 1 he 'an p1 ~cd up peed and blu..J..eJ him 111 n m. i.

1ng the lane chan~e " I tumeJ m' hc:iU ICl\l~.ed out

the "in do". .in;,f m:iJc C\ c·-.·u: t:i.i with the dmcr ,,, 11.c. ,a, ..

See CAMPBELL.lllek hlll

They had planned a simple camping trip to Mexico. Little did they know they would end up being ...

City :oHicials say they' re not

LOST IN THE ROOD By Lor1Ann Basheda $11111 W!tlf

S ven Rusch lost hi home, job and bclongin&s aher Hurricane lniki ripped

through Kaui last summer. But

'I think the scariest part

was hitchhiking through unfamiliar

territory with people we didn't

know. I just hope all the other

people 'Stuck down there get

help soon.•

.- ...... the Newport Beach chef ~aid it didn't compare to the past even days he spent stranded in Mexico.

It was a dismal mornina on Jan. 7 when Rusch, 24, and Jeff Ronnow, 22, encountered a bridac that had been wa hed away by a rain-swollen river in sparsely populated EJ Soccorro, 240 miles south of the Mexican border, while retumina from a campina trip ln Cabo San Lucas.

Since phone lines at a lone supply store near the bndse were down, the only thi,. for Ruedl and Ronnow to do wu wait. They weren't alone.

By the end or the day, Rmch Mid. hundredl ol tourists rctumina to the United Stala ud t!anada from v1cationt in Mexico ended up stranded 11 the river's cctac. pilehina tenll la lhc relentless rain.

Rutch and Ronnow used a pl11tic tarp for

.. . ..

.. _.,, shelter that ni&ht. In the day, they gathered · firev.ood that had washed a horc after t~o trailc"" attemptif\I to cro&s the river tipped iR the raging river and smaihcd to pieces.

The drivers made it out alive, Ru h iJ, but several days later, a Mc~ican man w.S swept away in a swift current while aucmp1in1 to er the river Oft foot .

Nevertbcle-. Rmch and Ronnow took their • chaDcM at doi• tho aamc .

..... , kind ol an eent fcclina when yuu wait a week for the water on the bridac to ao 00.n, and storm after saorm kecpe hiuina.'' Ronnow uid.

Tbe eon.a .. Mar arad\aatea had Nn out of calla, ud their food supply •U k>w. So at 7 am. Jan. I~ R"9Ch and Ronnow abandoned their

See MEOCO,._,_

. .

obDgated to hand out raises _. Newport cites tough econoQliC times as it makes legal response to employee union lawsuit. By Tony Oodero Stall Wttlr

NEWPO RT BE:JXCH In a legal re ponse to a la~ u11 filed b a 200.mcmbcr trona emplo ee union, official deny the) art boun~ by the city' ov.;n pol1\; 10 grant $Allry mcrea c .

"What wc'r~ a)ing ba\ically 1

the policy doc n't create a m:and.i· tory dut)' 10 g1"e the employee a rni e," City Attorney BOb Burn­ham said rriday.

The Nev.:pon Be ch Employee Lcacuc. without a contract incc JuM JO, fikd the lawsuit Dec. I•. rontencM& the etty renc1cd on 11\ promite or an ·percent tncrca~ and violated its k>natime pohcy knoq u J· I .

Under J. J, the city · obh ated to pay iu employees' ulari that compare •ith v.hat employee make ia the top-th~c full MMcc cities u. 0ra,.. eoun11•

By DOC anntint raila th year, \ _ the city, has violated the polq. the

league la"' u1t 'talc' But the Cll) countered lh:i l the

J· I poli5=) all~'"' tht c.11' '"' fllrl'go ru e tn tough ec:on"1m1c time~

\\'1th the: e\.OllOOl' \H.1CJ..cJ l \' re· cc h n and the · t tc r:u<.lm • the cit\ Cllffcr-. (,ir s: m1lht 11 l:i t \C3r.

ofh ldh bcl1c\CJ r.11'c' ""c: rC' 1.n11 of the que .. \1on .

George M1lhlm. p:i't pre,1dent oC the league. ,aid the c11y ha rid · den thro h h..>ugh 11mc' ~elore . but :ilv.ll)' J..epl the emplo)CC ~l:a · ric' d~e 10 the top three c111c:\

"There h:i'e l\een time' that v.e ha\e g,1ucn uro v.agc and d1Jn't tule 1 uc." M1l11lin ~1d · \\e'rc 1n t">ugh 111nc' no\\. but 01hc1 Cit• te 'llC k \~IOI lO rCCCl\e inaea\C\ 1n r:ay." •

the Nev.port Ucaeh Polke A\ 1. t1on alro as v. ith ut a con tr ''

anJ declared last month that the a wc1ation and the city are at 1m· p .

The contract MfUabble between the two a i11ion come u the cit) 11 prcparin1 to ta.kc yet an· other hit from the state City Man· aacr ~1n Murphy c•tunatcd th&1 week that the city will nttd to · trim S. snUlion ' from iu tNcttet anJ '"°'' llkcty lay on more aty employees.


Al llllurday. Jllnu.ry 18, 1993

. ..

:Lo ca 1· 0n1 J .......................................... , ...................................................................... : ..

One-of-a-kind Snyder designs at A'Maree's

SpL1 L.1,ll Oel1vt.·r',' A l<llJK . it furr1 .t ·r D <11I\ f'i',: t' q. r :rr11 ·1 ·, ...................................................................................................................

t N EW VO~ DESIGNER MAJUA SNYDER continues her trunk show today at A'Martt's on Westcliff Drive in Newport

Beach (642-.:M23). Snyder's designs include original jewelry and clothing. •

" Her collection is incredible," says A'Maree's. Nancy Brown.

The collection includes ready-to-wear clothing wilh Snyder-designed fabric prints, in vibrant colors, Jots or beading and embroidery, a lycr<l ' line and silk chiffon scarves.

Snyder's unique jewelry, which has been worn

·································································· Kevin Baltzer, 33, a resident of Chestnut Ridge, N.Y., is a 1977 graduate or Corona del Mar High School. He reloca1cd to New 'York•two years ago.

Wiii "1 think it was 1969 or 1970,"

·Baltzer said. "My mom says I was a paper boy for ~bout three years."

WHfllE Baltzer said his route covered

several of the "flower streets" in old Corona del Mar.

" I believe it was as far as the 200 and 300 block of Iris Avenue, down to PointscHa Avenue," he rceallcd.

FIRST JOB .I . ··········*'·····-.,.··············································

"Absolutely. My folks encouraged me to have a paper route as a way to teach me the value of earning money,"

Baltzer said. " I bought a small color television that took quite some time to save up foi:'You know, I think I still have that TV."

" I remember one time l went

collecting and it happened to be the night Neil Armstrong walked on the

· moon," he said. "As a kid, I didn't realize the significance of that walk , and couldn't understand why adults kept telling me to come back another night. In my mind, what could be more important than collecting?"

Other memories also included oollectin1 encounters.

" I recall aeuing stiffed trying to collect from some people who were nf:'Jer home, no matter what time or


. day I went there," he aid.

"Also," he added, " there was endocrinologist Dr. Richard Hoff man, who told me one day thu becau$C he had given my mother &hots durin~ her pregnancy, I w.rs able to be s1and1ng there collecting from him. What a small world."

Alll TIIDAY ' "'jj'~'j~~·;: ·;h~·~~~~~d·~··t,·~~h~i~·~;~·· .. ... degree in recreation management from Cal State San Diego, is a national accounts manager for a health care equipment company.

-By }oftt Sdtrtl'

Sptclal Dtlitttry /1 ao 0«aslo11al ftatutt 6pollltbtln1 fol"IMI' Dall}' Pilot pa~r tarrlus. U J'OU'd liu to ~•part of tbt sult1, u // our Ruden' Hotline at UJ-6086.

• by the likes of M:idonna, Ivana Trump, Christie BrlnkJey, Jody Watley and Queen Latifah, is famous for 11s big rings and crystal-s1uddcd pieces. ll comes in a variety of unusual materials like coated resins and pl;ited metals. Snyder's styles have been widely copied, bu1 for the genuine one-of,a-kind pieces go to A'Maree's.

Cityside r :::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : : : :::::: : :: ::: :::: : :: : : Public Record

Best Buys

0 WHITMAN GALLERIES SEMIANNUAL sale on custom framing and selected framed art continues through the Jan.

Garbage. piles uP . on the Balboa Peninsula 3 J. Custom framing 1s discounted 20 percent and

· selected framed.art is marked down up to 50 percent. Whi1man Ga!Jerie 1s located on the . East Coast Highway in Corona del Mar 675-2478.

0 AT-EASE STARTS the new year with its "famous .once-a-year sale." The sale begins -10day,_and i! )'_OU ha,cn't yet been in years passed, you've missed some great bargains.

Long- and short-sleeve sport shirts .a~e marked down 50 percent; Burberry drtss shirts are also SO-percent off; sport <ioats regularly priced at $225 10 $575 arc now only $49,88 10 $298.88; dress pant!. Iha! were Si)O•or $265 are now S39.88 or S69.88, and selected Reyn Spooner shins, recently priced at $52, are now S19.88.

NEWPORT BEACH - Some Balboa Peninsula residents are stinking mad about the city leaving behind rain-soaked, uncollectable garbage that is piling up in their alleys.

The rain has made much of the residents' trash uncollectable, prompting some to complain 10 the city about its accumulation.

' 'My home smells like the dump," said _Kelly Mac_se~ a_Ralboa_re.sid~

"Animals are gCJting into it and taking it all over the alleys/' said Mike Bara, who said city officials were indirreren1 to his complaintS about trash being left behind.

" It shouldn't be like this in this nice

of a town," he said. .General Services Director David

Niederhaus said rainwater has accumulated in trash c~ns. causing them to exceed the city's 50-pound limit.

He aid these cans arc tagged with red tape, and that residents - af1cr dumping the water - can call the city ro pick up the trash 1he following day.

Niederhaus said that last year lhree city garbage.:hauJe.c.s_ suf!e1cd permanenr injuries, requiring surgery, because they lifted heavy cans.

"We just cannot have our workers ex­posed to that kind of hazard," he added.

He also s~id that a city ordinnnce requires that all cans be covered with

lids, something that never has been enforced. He called the lack of lids a wi,desprcad problem on the Pcnin ula because 1he cans ~re frcquenily knocked over by cars and pusers·by.

Maese said the problem seems 10 , have no solu1ion, because rain geh into her garbage even when her cans are covered with lids.

Niederhaus said that in addi1ion to the liability caused by haulers lifting extn5'Wclght, fhc: city mu~t pay by the ion to dump or rcC)cle rhc garbage.

" We already p3y over $100,000 a month," he said. "Even a 10-percent increase (in the 1rash's "eight) will cost us an ;iddiiional S 10,000."

- By Antoalo A. Prado . --'

Best selection is available today. Sale ends S~1urday, Jan. 30. Ai-Ease i locate in fashion ­Island (759-7979).

Are you feeling social? Come work with us

Applcants •e being. sOUllht lor audit commtttae · 0

FOR MORE MEN'S fashions on sale, J .P. Maxwell on Dalboa Island is having an annu~I winter sale J.P. Maxwell, featu ring traditional menswear, is discounting almost everything in 1he store one-third off. Many P<>pular styles of Reyn Spooner shirts will be 25-percenl off -only S38. Sale last~ through January. J.P. Maxwell is located at Marine Avenue on Balboa Island (673-72 11 ), between Hershey's Market and 1hc post office.

"The SOciety Editor Search" is under way since Vid• Dean, the Daily Pilot's Society Editor for the past decade, announced her retirement, effective Jan. 31 .

"We're sure that within our readership, we have a Society Editor who can come close to filling Vida's leg~ndary shoes," Editor William Lobdell said.

Newport-Mesa school district official are asking for applications from com­mittee members who \¥Ould like to serve on an audit committee that will oversee the district's annual budget review.

Seven community members will be chosen, one from each or the four dis­trict z.oncs and three at-large members.

The ;iudit committee supervises the annual audit of the district's budget, which is done by an outside auditing

firm. Committee member will evaluate the audiior's work, ask questions and decide on rccommend;i1ions given.

The committee. ""ill begin its work in early March.

Interested applicants can submit a resume and reasons for wanting to serve on the committee 10 Board of Trus1ees President Roderick MacM11lian at 1601 E. 16th St., Newport Beach, 92663. Applications mu t be received by Feb. 5.

0 l'VE OFTEN NOTICED that most childreo's clothing stores arc crammed with a huge a~ortmcnt or girls' clothing, ~nd only a few

Applicants should send a resume, writing samples and 250-word essay on why he/she would make a great Society Editor to: The Society Editor Searcti, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.·, Costa Mesa, CA 92627.

. Turn In Christmas cards to help local chll'ltl81

racks are reserved the boys' clothes. .,, Al Petite Marche, boys are treated right. The

selection 1s 50-50. Now's,a good chance to check ii out. A semi-annual sale takes place Monday wi1h almosl the cn1irc inventory at 50-percent off.

The winner will receive a part-time job (30 hours per week) that requires long evening hours.

The pay's not that great., but you' ll get all the fame and fun you can handle.

Your Chris1mas cards can b'e recycled and turned into gift bags to be sold in fund-raisi ng campaigns fo r local chari· tics. The Mentor's Advisory Board dis­covered this way to recycle the ~rd and turn them into cash for charity.

The board, made up of community and national leader • including Rep. · Christopher Cox (R-Ncwport Beach),

D:iily Pilol Publisher J im Gressinger 11nd Board Chairman ;ind sport caster Michael Radford, \HIS approached by Potty Quinn, who repre ents Woodie Wa tc Knot.Cards con be brought to the Daily Pilot offices so they can be routed 10 local organizn1ions. All of the pro­ceeds s1ay with the ch:iritics who get IO\'olvcd. Call Radford at 348-1901. Petite Marche carries a nice selection on

everything from infants' and children's apparel to Europea~fashions,.shoes aod boutique items. The store is locatcd"Qn East 17th Street in Costa Mesa (642·4714). Obituary --------

r: ::: :: : : : ::::: : ::::::: : : : : :::::::::: : : ::: : ::: : : : : ::: : :: : :::: ::::::::::: :::::::: : :: :::: : ::: : : :::: ::: :::::::: ::: :: ::: :::::::: : ::::::::::::::~ : :: : : : :::::::::: ::::: ::::: ::: ::::: :: ::: ::~

0 ARMOIRE'S FINAL CLEARANCE sale on fall and holiday fashions continues a1 Fashion Island. Armoirc for ladies' dresses and sportswear 1s discounting select merchandise 50 to 65 percenl.

John A. Slagel, 93, Newport Beach r•ldent, noted clvll ._. stand on Balboa Boulevard.

_f\rmoitc is Jocatcd across fcom~ciman-Marcu (644-9888) in Newport Beach.

J.ohn A. Siegel, a relircd civil engineer and rcaltor who helped construct sea

II on Blllt:Jo ndudo i.slanas, streets in Corona del Mar and both jellies al the mouth of Newport Harbor, died Jan. 6 at the age of 93. .

During World War JI, Mr. Siegel was a senior civil engineer for the Santa Ana Army Base, parts of which now it the Orange County Fair and Orange Coast College. Then, in 1945, he started his own civil engineering and lt'lnd surveying finn.

- 0 • Btit Buys appurs Thursd•1s. and Saturdays.

Born in 1899 in Ozark County, Mo., Mr. Siegel moved to Newport Beach in 1919 and took a job as an assistant city engmcer. He ervcd on the board of the Chn t Church by the Sea and was the bu1ld1ng chairman for the church's construction in 1933 The church still

Wht tbu you're a mtrcbant or a sbop~r, If JOU

know of• good buy, I 'd lort to 11Yt 1·ou somt pub/Jcity. Call mt at 540-1124, tu mt at U6-4170 o,. wrltt to mt: Btst Buys, DnJr Pilot., JJO W. Bay SL, Cost• Mesa, Calif. 92621.

YOI.. 17, NO. 14

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fhf ~ 8~.l<:M:~ ~ O.t1ly P1lol IUl'S 144 8001 it pf,bltthed Mond.ty tht~ S.tll!dly and tcJbtcnpbOnl ¥t -·Wk IOt ~ 7 SO Pf' rnondl by amtf In Newpol1 kKh and COii.i ~. H 58 pet mondl by ""'' ;nd fof wl«ted octier r()lilft by Cost.I M9ol c.on\munuy Nfwl. .Inc: . 110 w lay SI , Co.u MM. CA 92627 S«onckt. ~ !)91d II COIU Mfta. CA (Prat '"" elude 111 applic.11* Ki.tf l"d loc.al Wt't ) POSTM.4.ST(• s.nd lddms dM,,... 10 TM Not, P 0 b 1 S60, Cau Me.I, CA 91626

'°Pr.'irt No ~ 1t0tie. lllldtf1Uom. edi kif.al INUff Of tclw1t1Mmenti htt.,n may be ~f!d Wlttloul wttltf'll ~""""°" ol COf/'lftf'. OWMf

How to reach us at The Pilot O rcua.tiott Ot~np County 6-42-<433)

='1•2-s61a Olspl.y 64 2 ·•O 2 1 Editorial ~540·1l24 Spotts 642-4.HO News. spons f ilil 6•6·4, 70 ' MIM<>Mce M~ Offlce 642-4321 9Wnl1li fax 6J1·590l

Mr. Siegel moved' to Tustin in 1943, but previous to that he served as director of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. In Tustin, he continued to be active in civic affairs

} ., ....... s.s '1121 ..... .. . sin,"' 1 .1

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and once served on the Tu tin Elementary School Board and city planning commib ion.

Mr. Siegel is survived by his wife of 61 years, Catherine; hi sons, John and • Gary of North Tu~tin; daughter Patricia C. Gibson of Moun1ain Center ei&ht • grandchildren, and I 0 great-grandchildren.

A memorial service was held Tuesday at Fairhaven Memorial Park m Santa Ana.

-By Tony Dotkn

.......... The fo//Qwin1 people --·erc-•rrcStcd

thll p:ut week on suspin<.>n of drtvin1 under the influence. The~ people ha1c only been 1rrestcd on sujp1c10n of 11 crime ind, as wi th 111 such cr1mcJ. they•~ in/'IOC'Cnt until pMcn 1u1lty.


o Jerrr~ M.l"''" N~t. 29, An.1M1m o St~n Tippy Hid.ox, 39, Cn><N o Lynn Pag.in 36, M1~11y City o Sh.Jn non ~~ Cronlh1tt , 2 2,

' HunlJOgton Beach o W1ll1.1m Edw.ud ~u~~ H.ammon_, ~-

'f, ffunungr-oo Bea& -o Jotl C..rei.t, 36, S.anu ~ O George Woodrow NichoLts, H M.l~1m o Sri.in Keith Mall.et, 28. "'~pott 8eKh o Dav~n Smith, 29. l•gv~ Be.tt h o Daniel J11mes 0.t'MOO, H , Hunung1on Be.teh 0 Christ.a NV\ 5.l~r, 29, Huntington Beach a OcWaynt Kf1th McPh.arhn. 2S. Ncwpott Be.teh 0 Matk ~rt~ Johnson n . Huntington Beach o Andrt"a G.lyson H.aug. 2•. Hunllngton Be.ach a Thom.as Ru~ll 0.111s, •9. C~ta Mes.I O Ed\11.tn L;im.ar Shdw, Ill. 22 N~port Beach


COSTA MESA Q Frtdi Dut-nai·S.anchez. 2S. COll.t ~ 0 Ad<f1j00 Oo<Sll'n, 38 C<hU ""l<'W o Fernando R~~-Pe1e1, 19, ~ .. ~ a Miry S..uct!'d.l Jl, c~ .. Me.;,

O Nt1I P.i)'IW!. 25, Costa~ o \.V1ll1<1m MunrOt', 0 , Cosu t..1C'S.l o JUJqu1n Qli\.,Uts·O.-tg('I, 22. Cost.1 ~ o Alphonse Sp.ild1ng, 3&, Irvine O)tffrey Lund, 31 , la!..~ fOI~ o LOf~a Crttn, 54, Nl"\\pot\ Buch o Carlos Unanc, 31 . Ontano o David B~nson , JO, R~ o Kyit ~non. 22, Sanu Al\.i



Via Udo Soud: Someone has been playing two to five phone calls a dJy to a resident in 1he 500 bloc!... Bayside Drive: A Oashhght, binocula~ and a hair dryer were stolen from a boat moored in the 900 block. Grand Canal: An antique walch was reportedly stolen from a residence 1n the 200 block Coul Highway: A 199 1 lolus Esprit valued al S91,000 was reportedly stolen during a test dnve from N~ Imports

COSTA MESA Placentia Avenue: A VCR and radio were d1scuvered sto~n last Tuesday from a ~ in the 2200 block. The burglar brot..e a window to gain entry. Valley Road· A television, VCR and mini-camcorder were stolen last Wednbd.ly from ;a home in the 2000 block

CoM>: A Nintendo g.ime, stereo and jewelry wete stolen l.ut T uesd.iy from a home in the 2800 block. Various loations: Autos were reported stolen Wednesday from the 2500 block of Santa Cltalina, the 2900 block of Red Hill Avenue .tnd tM 3100 block of Coll~ Avenue.

•hnllsy S Or.1wing Mid

FrW,,y, J•n. lS: s. 2, 18, 26. 33

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In 1118 view I -- verdict wn 13'8811

I t is probably a matter or little or no interest to anyone, but I was at one

time the Chief Justice or che High Court or American Snmoa.

II was a great job. I would sit there on the bench wearing my pandanus pod necklace which indicated

The Verdict

that l had the same standing as a Senior Matai (High Chief) and reel mighty important. l was nanked on each side by "3n honest-to.­God Senior Mntai. These were

called As!>ociate Judges. They weren' t judges in the usual Western sense of the word. They weren 't lawyers. Basically, they were there to udvise me a~ to Samoan cu1>toms and traditions whicl} the United States had guaranteed to re pect when we acquired the islands.

Usually. I was the only person in court who didn't speak Samoan. The lawyer) , the parties, the ~ 1 tnesses, the pcctators all "'ere Sai:no:m and all proceedings were earned on in Samoan. Thus, the official court inte rpre ter. High Talking Chief Aruola. " as \Cry important to me. He ~t directly in fron t or me and interpreted a ll that Samoan to Engh h 1>0 1 would know what was going on.

One day. we we te trying a crusty old Mata1 ror blocking acce s across his lands f rom the village to the church and \chool. I 3Sked ham 1f he had an opening 11tatcmen1. ·1 he old man c:;tme to ht~ reel, clo~d ht e)e nnd beg:in a long harangue an Samoan. Court Interpreter Afuola, head bo""ed, said nothing.

I nudged AS)()CIJte Judge TJuanu'u \\ ho wa 1tt1ng next to me " Why i n't Af uola intcrpret t11g'>' '

" Bccau1>e the old man i pra) 1ng.," "' h1 pc~ed Ta unnu u

Well, thJt madnen e. GoJ ob.,1ou\ly doc n't "need an interpre ter. He (or she) 1s obv1ou ly mult1- hngunl. 0 1he rwi\c, he (or she) • couldn't unde r land all tho e prayer) being addres ed 10 him (or her) const:intly in hundreds of languages and dialec t ~. Ho~ever. being more

curious th.so de .. out. l per isted " What 1~ he prayin' about?"

" He pra) mg lo God 10 help you arrne at the right deci ion," c'plained T:iuanu'u.

That wa\ all right with me. I've ne\.er been too proud 10 accept help from whate\er source.

After Ii tening to the e\ idcnce, I ruled against 1he old Chief. Again, he sprang to his feel and began another long harangue. A&ain, Af uola failed to interpret.

This time, l wos more sophisticated. I figured he w:i praying again.

"What's he praying about this time?" I asked Taunu'u.

" He's praying for God to puni'h you for makina the wrona decision ...

Shortly after that, I bega n to suffer from lMpaircd vision. The doctors clnim it 1s something called macular degeneration. a rather common ailment of the elderly. Some or the cells in the rctim\ imply die or old age.

I ~now bcllcr. I'm not supershtiou , but deep down inside I know 1.ny failing cycsiaht is 1he re ul1 of a Samoan cur c.

Robtrt Gardatr, • Coron• d~I M•r rtlldtal, /1 • mllwl Judie ••d • loaftlme °'*""r of lit. la Newport ••tit.


I 1 - .

Saturday, Janurt 18. 1913 a

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.__ _____ ...;;;;,_...;;=~1···· .. ··· ............................................................................................. ....................... . ~your 11~1 lo l'«er lty~n,

The D.Jly ,ilot, 330 W. &ly SI., COlg ~ 92,27.

reday .$.upport group for

widows - A support and information group for widows of all

_servicemen will have a business meeting at 10 a.m. at Western Federar Savings, 4 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach. For more information, call 835-5334.

Before, durin2 and after chemo - flefore, during and after chemo will be the topic of a discussion held for 1 O a.m. to noon at the Wellness Community, 1924 E. Glenwood Place, Santa Ana. for more information, call 258-1210. '

Beau!Y and cancer - The Wellness Community will provide a discussion on beauty and cancer from 1 to 3 p.m. at 1924 E. Glenwood Place, Santa Ana For m0fe inforl'Ntion~ call.l58·J 21 O.

Creative impact - The Wellness Community will hold a' seminar about creating quality of life from 10 a.m. to noon at 1924 E. Glenwood Place. Santa Ana. For more information, call 248· 121,0.

Year of the Woman -The Jewish Secular Association would hke to invite you lo examine the evolution. of the Jewish woman tonight at 7: 30 p.m. at the Orange Couruy Jewish Community Center, 250 E: Baker (near Bristol). Donation is SJ .SO for members, SS for non-members. For reservations and information, call 633-5784 or (3 10) 431-0782.

Tuesday, Jan. 19 New Li fe Choices -

"Women at Menopause. New Life Ch0tces" is the tttle o( a free seminar from 7 to 8 30 p m. at ll 51 Dove Sueet, Suite 280, R"ewporn>eac . f or more information, call 975-BJr

Raising children - Dr Lee Hausner, acclaimed psychologist and author of the boo\.. "Children of Paradise," will speJk on raising well-adjusted children 1n an affl uent, pros~rous enwonment. The IE>Cture y, 111 begin at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Bat Yahm, 101 1 Camelback, Newport Beach Cost is SS per person. S7 50 per

. ~~'~·~ • '""'"~" 10-s • ~11"•~-t 11 • &+

t~·t40Ml ~tef~ Awffi MI. !

cou~. Advanced r~rvation~ recom~nded, but not essential. For moce in(ormation, call 644-1999.

Investing seminar -Merrill Lynch will hold a free discussion on " Investing to Max1m1ze Return and Minimize Riik, •I at its Newport Beach omce I 4695 MacArthur Court from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Call 955-61 54 for reservations.

Technif;al Commumcation - The Society for Technical Communic.1tior) presents Dave Cater, who will speak on technical writing at 6:30 p.m. at Bristol Plaza Holiday Inn, 3131 South Bristol Street, Costa Mesa. Cost is S 17 50 for members, S20 for non-members. For reservations and. information, call 497-43Bl .

Hypnosis workshop - · " Let Hypnosis/Self-Hypnosis Put You in the Driver's Seat" is the title 1Jf ~free Brown Ba lunch" .. workshop in the ·community Room of Newport Center library, 856 San Clemente Dr , Newport B~ach at noon. For more information, call 644-3 181 or 64 4-3191.

News workshop - Le.:irn the process or the "news" V\ Or\...s and the " publishing game'' • first-hand from the editors of Th!! Daily Pilot, The ·Coaster and The Orange County Register at the Dolpflin Division Breakfa~t, ~heduled for 7: 15 a.m at the Newporter Hotel in Newport Beach Please,call 729-4400 tor more information.

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BOO on hand lor opanlni ·01 :1Pv1na Mus•m


S houldcr to shoulder and elbow to elbow is hardly conducive to the '

appreciation of fine art, but the 900 guests who squeezed through Joan Irvine Smith's new

museum saw enough to make them want to return.

It seems that everyone who received an invitation was there

for the VIP opening of the

- .

.19, ~

. '.f

Irvine Museum in a 4,400-square-foot office SUITE on the 12th floor of Tower 17, 1881 Von Karman.

Smith, at the entrance, shook hands.shook hands and shook hands, received

Society congratulations from everyone and, a t the same

time, photographers shot away. · During .all of the excitement, the

museum founder smiled away and looked fabulous in a black coatdrcss styled with satin lapels.

"Yes, it's all come together tonight," said happy-looking Smith as she urged everyone to act a catalog fil led with colorful

-. pictures of some of the more than 60 paintings on exhibit.

As the art-lovers slowly mo about the rooms to get a took at the California Impressionist pieces, Rococo passed trays of hors d'oeuvres - crab in snow

How to submit your nuptial news The Daily Pilot wel­

comes the chance to share the news ·or your engagement or wedding with our readers.

Pick up engasement o r wedding forms m our lobby at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, or send a self -addressed stamped envelope to the Wedding Department, The Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, 92626.

Photos· of the couple or of the bride only may be submitted with the finished form. Write your name on the back of the photo.

For more information, call 642-4321, ext. 350.


peas, warm brie, shrimp canapes and California golden caviar.

" She (Smith) wanted the food to be very elegant to go with the champagne and to set off the art work.'' said Rococo's Kathleen Hickok, adding with a laugh: "This is not the chili menu that we do for her Oaks parries." ............

" I like this kind of art ... 1 saw·~me of it at che Oaks," 5aid U.S, Congressman Chris. Cox.

" I Jove the Edgar Paynes and the Will iam Wend1s," said Jerry Richards.

"They (paintings) arc so beautiful. Having lived here so long, 1 am seeing things I knew that arc no longer here," said Pat Cox.

"Wonderful works," commented artist Maria deL

armen a vo,~attending with husband Dr. Walter Henry.

''It 's so crowded in here it's hard to'get a perspective," commented one guest standing a

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foot from ~inting. (The viewer can go back Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with free admission and one hour validated parking.)

The crowd, greeted by director Jean Stern, also included Emma

Ja.ne and Tom Riley, Lucy Burrows, Bill Rishebarger, Cleya and Bob Howard, Peggy and

Bob Clay, Patricia (her 1

watercolors ate fo..num.eJOUS Newport homes) and Jade Groth,


Maria Crutcher, Mary Roosevelt, Mary Dell Barkouras, Mary Lou and Scott Hornsby, Helen Coffey, No ra and Charley Hester, Lind~ Irvine Gaede, Maralou and Jerry Harrington, Pilar Wayne, Ray and Gloria Osbrink, Nancy and Jack Cald· well, Lucille and Al Adams, Jean and Doug Liechty, Jim Slemons (Tajah skiing), Dori and Jack del<ru if, and Sheriff Brad Gates.

;·. ' . ' . . . :. . : .·. .

''Matter Of Fat'' D1dyouknow

1hm in the Un11-cd Stale' ap­pro,1ma1cl) J:'i null1on Amer· 1can' are more thJn 20'Y abo\e

their ideal hud} "'eight. and oppro1e1matcly 15 m11l1on a rc 40', or more .lbO\c their 1dcJI hod) 1.1.c1gh1 .,

With \tat1'111., hli.c thc--e. u':> no wonder 1ha1 ~ei(?ht gam and rcduc-11un arc of muJor concern todJ)'' One fot: tor in we1gh1 garn 1!> the act:umulauon of fa1 cell' 1n the hod) In fact . change' in the fat telh arc partially re11pon\1blc for your becoming. and remaining OVCl'\l.'Clghl

When a pcr .. on gain' weight. the numher of fat cell !> mcreu~ in

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a "gn1ficant amount ol weight. 11 '' more drtl1cult to lo'c thal wc1gh1 J1J1 t:cll\ JU't don ' t dl\Jfl pear hul the) l Jn dcuca'c 111

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$20 - first

Far left photo: Joan Irvine Smith, right, greets Congressman Chris Cox at the opening· of the Irvine Museu m . " It's all come together tonight," Smith sa(d. At left, from left: Jean Liechty, Pat Hug, museum director Jean Stern and Doug Liechty were among those at ~e opening.

Photos by Jim Dean

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Saturday, January 11, 1993 U

Costa Mesa braces for b-' cUis 8y ,..., 8eet'1 .......

COSTA MESA - U's stlll..a bit ear1y to tell how bitter the pill will t~stc, but this city is bracing ror a poMlble $4-million bile due to Gov. Pete Wilson's proposed bud· get.

That means possible layoffs and tht real possibility or ~duced fu~d~n1 for programs already tee· lerin& .on the brink - most nota­bly small arts programs.

Gov. Wilson has proposed a 26· percent reduction in property tax revenue for local governments. That translate . to a loss or S4 mil­lion for Costa Mesa. An additional SS00,000 may be withheld from

RESTITUTION From A1 Decker uid.

The school district has been as· sured that it will be first in line when Woancr's assets become available. But board members aren't sure those as cts will amount to much.

Although Wagner lived a c.on­spicuously lavish lire~tyle symbol· iud by· mink-lined tuxedos and a Rolls· Royce, his failed businesses and poor investmen1 prompted a personal bankruptcy lalit )'Car.

Hrs huge 1 asset- - his sprawl~

the city's Redevelopment A&cncy . Last year, Costa Mesa lost Sl.S

million. The city was able to handle the

cuu last ye:ir because or e:irly planning and the decision by its employees to not accept a manda­tory pay rai e.

Things will not be easier this year, Roeder said.

"Unless there is some drastic change in revenue, we'll have to make further cuts in the budget and l think some or· tho e art going to have to come from per· sonnel," he said.

The city council has made it clear tllat it wants to keep police and fire at current - ff not larger

1ng Dover Shores home overlook­ing the Back Bay which he pur· chased for $975,000 in July 1990 - has been mortgaged and is worth approximately $200,000 lc$S in today's ofl real estate market, MacMillian estimated.

The district may pursue a court order mandating that Wagner's fu. lure income be allachcd. income that could conceivably be gained through sen ationalizing his own experience.

" l alluded to &-hat point at (Tuesday's) meeting, that maybe he'll serve four )'Cars in pri on and th.en "rite a boo and go on a.-lec-. ture tour on how to screw the

- numben and docs not want to raise tun. '

"There 1«ms to be a real inter­est in lhc community in pulling more police officers oo the street, developina athletic fields and mak­i!'f traffic impro:vcmcnts," Roeder said. · ''Irrespective of what the tate does, 1 don' t think those

local expectations will change." But increasing funding for those

programs while getting less money from the state means cuts will have to come somewhere.

The City Council will hold a special budget meeting Jan 25 to discuss the budget and will pos­sibly schedule Curther community meetings before the-budget's of­ficial July 1 adoption.

public." MacM;tlian said . .. We can only hope that we may get a court order stipulating his assets be tied up until he pays our money back."

Jn the interim, the district will be forced to make do with less money than it had, comparable to an Individual family budgeting fi. nances believing they have $5,000 in the bank only to rind one day that onty S 100 exists.

" We're just going to have to proceed now with being very fru· gal with the .limited amount of dol­lars that we have and work very hard to get oursetves back into 60mc condition or fiscal integrity," Decker said. ·

BIDIM~:S~~~(f~~ January· Clearance r · -: t


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M Saturday, January 18, 1993

En I rtalnm · nt .. Entertainment Editor Matt Coker, 842 .. 321 ext. 388

MQlieri' s 'Miler' at South Coast Rep_ relev.ant today ..

0.0110!>M< T r.WO.tily Piloc

Don Took (left) and title character Jonathan McMurtry in South Coast Repertory's play "The Miser."

' II Trovatore': not enough practice? · By Bob Sillgster Special to tile Dally Pilot

C'OSTA MESA - Kidnapping, mu rder. mistaken identity, deccp· 1100, a fata l love lrian~le - no, it's 11111 da}t1me TV. 11 1s "II Trova­turc." one of the darkest of grand opua-,, prescn1ed al Performing ,\ rt~ Ccnier by Opera Pacific.

In order to preserve the voices vi the principals, two casts alter­n.1re in the production. t:ast SaTur­J '~ night's performance featured Carol Vaness as Leonora, Giorgio I 1~ ppo as Manrico, Mark Rucker ,,, the Count di Luna, and Flo·


. The heaters advertised on page 14 of toda)'s Target adverti mg circular may be in limited supply m ome tores due to prolonged coTd, wet weather causing ex­ceptional customer demand. Bccau'>C of seasonality, we cannot offer rain check\. We. apolog1ie for an} inconvcna.encc this may cau;c . ® -


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By Christopher Trela Specill to ... Delly ,. 'He's a man who loves

money more than he lo\'es his own dnughter

:snd son. It'll the mos1-important thing in the world to him. He's really ob c~scd wi1h having money. He lets everything else go. All he cares about is his money nnd what he can do to protect it. He su~pccts everyone of trying to get it from him."

The s~akcr ~Jonathan Mcfyturtry, and &he mnn he's describing is not the quintessential '80:. mone)•·hungry, junk-bond king, an S&L CEO or even a '90s fleet-fingered city treasurer. M~Murtry is describing Harpagon,­the characte1 he portrays in South

Coast Rc~rtory's production of Moliere'$ biting satire "The Miser" 1ha1 opens this weekend an SCR's Mains1agc.

Moliere was a 17th Century French playwright k.f\own for his boldly satirical plays directed against socinl f au Its, or conventions. Meliere wrote that " the theater's greatest virtue is the ability. to correct vices. To expose vices to everyone's laughter is to deal them a mighty blow." And althou£h "The Miser" was written in 1668, its themes of capitalistic fervound au1horitative in1imidation uc just as relevant today as 1hcy were more than 300 years ago. But director David · Chambers has chosen to $et the play in 19th century Fr3nce, a ·

time which Chambers believes drawl! an even better parallel with current social event .

" It 1s a ~riod when the narchsis111 of capit3lism was In full nouri~h. not unlike recent time ," stated Ch:imbcrs in the current SCR newsletter. "To continue the parallel one might say this is 3 time when the chickens have come home to roost: the demons of family and social violence arc unleashed and sexual and social rcprc sion emerge in full force. In a comic vein, the play looks at the politics of o completely dysfunctionnl family surrounded by the ch nos of excessive greed."

Ghambers, who liken "The Miser," with i1s issues of domestic


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l<evin McKenzie works with hi~ American Ballet Theatre dancers.

-Aa duo float works at Raft

NEWPORT BEACH - When mo I people 1h1nk of a rart, 1he)4 conJurc up image-, of .i big ri,cr lnp, allernalang fant;1;1cs of no.it­ang 1rnnqu1ll) bel\\ Cen CJn)OOS Jlong the Colorado. or high­m_!ched adrenaline ru\hes 1hrnug!i "t111e-~nud.led rapith.

l don'1.

1 l u~ually con·

ncct a raft to Murk T\\ain '~ ideal or a flat · and simple sur­r u c e m oving along a gl3SS) morning'1. M1 1.1s-

.. ... ..

Saturday, January 18, 1113 A7

QualltJ Job one tor ABT artistic director av Devorah L. Knaff ~·e.o.tyPtot

I nlO a 5parsc and rather gtoomy dance season. American Ballet Thezure comes tripping its elegant way to the Orange

County Performing AIU Center hopir)g to lure audiences with some of the brighte t stalwarts of th~ classical repertory.

Performtng Tuesday through Jan. 24, the company will present the full -lcngtb "Giselle" four times, balancing this 19th ccn1ury Romantic work with four mixed-bill performances of shorter, more contempornry pieces such as Agnes de Mille's "The Other," Glen Tetlcy's version of "The Ri1e of Spring" and Harald Lander's "Etudes."

The New York-based company "'ill find ii~ plcn er. If) the e:.sencc of C\.crything that goes v.ay v.cst under the acgh or a new artii.11 into m:iling a dancer from the barre -.orlc on. director, Kevan McKenzie, who aid he sclcc1ed h ':. o \Cry e1citing piece - It reaches such a the California program to provide a bul:tncc of pii..h 11 1hc end ll\ hard not to "rc:im,''he dramatic quality and variety or St} le. -.:sid in a phone intct\iC>N from New York.

The program also pJ~ homage 10 .. And 'Rue of Spring' - \\ihich, of course, as choreographers 1hat have been 1mport:in1 to more modern - •~ such a ph)sical baUet. And 1hc company ince its birth in 1939. McKenzie • then there i) Gtse)lc,' "'hach is the ultimate or described the pieces that the compan) \\111 .. rom.in1icism. It as Mill a terribly mo,ing story." perform here wi1h both in11macy and reverence' McKcnt1e said he 1s optimistic nbQu1 the and rather boyish enthusiasm. eomp•iny's future dc1.p11e 1he fact 'hat ABT,

"'Symphonic Variations' is (Frederick) like other American ballet companies, has bcCJl Ashton's mnstcrpicce of stylistic cla ~icasm . It •~ lung by·1hc rece~~ion. pure dance, really the essence or c10 .. 1.ic;il st)le. " It '~ definitely true 1hat v.e ha\e to \\Ork Lander's 'Etudes' is a theatrical pre enlJlion or under n:duced ci1c.umstance . But a1 the same the training of a dancer, and it'1. a huge crU\\d · See ABT/A11

Baritone to sing with ABT; auditions set • • • ·• .. • • • • • • COSTA MESA - Acclaimed baritone Paul Rowe will sing music by · ' n

Franz Schubert to accompany American Oallet Theatre's performance!. I ~A I or Agnes de Mille's new ballet "The Other" during the company's ,. .. Orange County Performing Arts Center engagement. ~

In other ABT news, men, women and children arc being ~ught to fill I ·· ~t-.J~.-~ I dancing and non-dancing roles for the company's-productions Gf - • - -"Giselle" and "Etudes" during the Tuesday-through-Jan. 24 Co In Mesa run. I I

Five girls plus one understudy are sought for "Etudes." Extensive . dancing experience is required. The audition will be 3 .p.m. Tuesd:iy at 1 · For a limited time choo e one of the 1hc center. · •

No dancing experience is required for the 20 men, 13 women and four f, l l · t F Onl ~ bo)'S ABT seeks for 1he full-leng1h "Giselle." The audition will be 5:45 0 owing en rees Or )' !

. p.m. Thursday. . . I $ 95* I ~JI au~i~ions are res~rvation only. All c~ildre n are rcqu1ted tQ bring · Prime Rib 8 , vahd lnd1v1dual Entert:unmen1 Work Permits. Those chosen mus1 auend

1 ~

all rehearsals and performances, for \\.hich they'll be paid $5 and SlO or Sno'W Crab I respectively. There are some ~eight and weight re5uircments. For more ·

information orreserva1ions,phonc556-


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But for many peop e, S1Jroery seems like too big a step At Hoag Hospital. our comprehensive iomt replacement praoram 1s desroned to give patients all the sk11li and confidence they need to ensure a quick. comfortable recovery Pa\lents are often surpnsed to fmd they're ba on their feet~sually within a couple ot days, Ready to set the pace

We'd hke to mv1te you to attend our free seminars Where we've a mbled some of our JOlnt repllcem nt team members tnclud-•no a Hoag orthoped1C surgeon. pnysicat therapist and orthopedic nurse Our 5P1Clllty team members Will be happy to answer you' questiOOS abOO\ t\iJ> Of knee f1CMICt· ment surgery arld. he4'> you decide " ~ migM be riQht tor you

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.. S..Urdlly. Janl.lllly 18, 1183 New~rt Beach/Colla Meu Dally Piiot

., I • • 1. g I 0 n •

ReUgion Editor Matt Coker, 642-4321 ext. 366

Sunday's 'Festival ol Nations' brings churches together ~The Festival•of•thc Nations" wiU be celebrated Sunday as W members of First United t.felbodbt Cburtb and J1cbia

Chinese Alliance Cburcb worship together at 10:30 a.m. and fiavc a multi-cultural luncheon at noon. The event will

be' at 420 W. ·19th St., Costa Mesa, and the public is invited. Choirs from First Church and Jachin Chinese Alliance will sing at the

,.,.orship service, and the Rev. John Lee of the Chinese congregation and the Rev. GalaJ Gough of First Church will give brief messages on "United By Faith io Chri t," based on John 17:11. The litnnics will emphasize the multi-cultu ral theme.

The. luncheon will feature dishes from many nations and regions. . Tickets, which arc SS for adults and S2 for children, will be available

at the door. J

Santa Monie-a- Agape leader to speak 1ac111Y

T he Rev .. M.ichacl Beckwith, minister of Agape ·c hurch ot Religious Science in Santa Monica wjll speak at the Orange County Inside Edge meeting Wednesday. He will address'Prosperity and

abunJance from_a spiritual perspective. Agape ch6ir director Rickie 8~1:1~ "ill provide entertainment.

The meeting i~ scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. at Scou 's Restaurant, • 3300 Dristol St .. Costa Mesa.

lmide Edg,c mce11n~ include a full buffet 6reakfas1. Cost for · fir!tHtme guests as Sl5. For other guest . it 's $35. Call 647-1909.

Interfaith event raises $12,500 for hungry

T he 1992 Ba~k Bay Interfaith Hunger Walk. in which 220 people of all faith~ participated, raised $12,500.

l he annual drive, which is held along Newport Beach's Sack Ba~. raiseJ fonth fo r FISH food-programs, S.O.S. and MAZON, a Je" i!th rc~pon'>e to hunger. Proceeds will be channeled internationally thuugh Church World Service, American Jewish Joint Distribution Comrniuei: anJ othc'r international agencies. •

0 Hen:·~ ,~ /JJr 1::. hJppcning at local c/Jurches and temple~:


Worship and ht:1r du.s prnttqil Chnst-«niercd, b1blacal ~


Or jdinA Huffman.Jr '-unday.January 17. 1993 rr ..... i..nc ~30andl0·1SAM

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ttred of the pr:essure without God in vour I ife?

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,_ 8ob Shank S.nlot Pattor

Join us for a new foW'·Wcclc series on making peace in an age of stress.

"High Anxiety" ..

This week's message ...

"What, Me Worry?" Bob Shonk. speaking

w~~~~nd Snvitt• S.turday Evening • 6;00 p.m. ...._ Sunday Morning • 9:00 le J0:"5 •.m.

5120 ,.,. ... Ca"Y." Or. trvln•, CA 'ms t7H) IM-1'00

. ~

• Newport B~ach Church of Religious Science N cw Year Dreams with the Rev. Bob Pulliam is prescnred 9:30 a.m.

to 2 p.m. today ·at the church, 901 Dove St., Suue 145, Newport Beach. This workshop teaches God's forgotten language: dreams. Donation is $15. The Sunday service is "Translate Or Recycle?" The Saturday, Jan. 23, program is "A. Walk Through The Bible: Metaphysically" with Scotti Dole. For more information, phone 263-1261. •

Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church I n observance of Martin Luther King Jr. 's birthday, "Savage

Inequalities" will oe the. ti tle of the 10:30 Sunday morning sermon at the chureh, 1259 Victoria Sr., Costa Mesa. The Rev. Dr. James Nelson will focus on schools and children and how our nation treats them, with references to material from the book '"Savage lncql.latitics" by Jonathan Kozol. Child care will be provided. For more information, call 646·4652.

Presbyterian Church of the Covenant ·

A course ti tled "Everything You Really Wanted To Know About Prayer But Were Afraid To Ask" will be held in the church's

Fireside Room at 2850 Fairview Road, Co ta Mesa, at 7:30 Tucllday · evenings, conducted by the Rev. Steve Jenks and Toni Brosius. The ohurch continues to offer Kids KJub on Wednes~ays at 4 p.m., follo~ed by dinner and Junior and Senior High meeting at 6. The college group continues to meet for breakfast on Monday mornings. A New Member aass will begin on Wednesday evenings. For more inform:uion, call 557-3340.

Temple Bat Yahm R abbi Arnold Rachlis will explore the challenge of Jews mainrnining

a Jewish identity amidst the c~nging world, in " Holding Up a Mirror: What Does a Modern Jew Need to Know, Feel and Do?" ai 7:30 p.m. Wednesdny at the temple, 10 11 Camclback, Newport Beach.

To .AdO'e/Ltise

~ou/l - 0RuJLeR ~elle ~ease Co~~

MicRe~~e Mo~tille 642-4g21

Newport Chwch of Religious Science Dr. JuaneUa Evans, Pastor

s.unday, January 17 "Translation" · ·

Service & Jr. Church 10:30am' Satwday, January 16

Workshop 9:30am-2pm W/BOb Pulliam

,,New Year Dreams" . 263- 1261

Dial an wpltation 901 Dove Sl 1145 851 1231 Newport leach

• Char John Wap.e Allport)



(Disciples of Christ)

nst1an urc

2401 Irvine at Santa Isabel Newport Beach645·5781

Or. James E. Piercy. Pllstor Sunday School. 9 00 am Worship 1 O 15 am

Childcare Available &ble Study: Wednesday. 6.30 pm

714-548-3468 Morning Worship 10 A.M. Gene Swanson, Minister 792 VldON Sl1Mt (at ~nlla), Cosl3 Mesa

~~taellYlwl .......... -.c.w .... 111111111. 11111. .... ................

l~~~~~~~-t-~~ ..... -taTl---.--~~-~~

ClllNldllltWI QM c..,,..., . ~,.


St Mark Prcsbytrrian Church Nr:wpofl 8e;ith

j .lmboret :u f.:l H 81 u ((

(.ocron ltom U>'otu 4<1 M.ir It.sh S<hool)

9:30 Worship & Sunday School ChildcJre provided

10:50 Education For All Ages G:iry Collins

;:ind Rob Stewart

Pastors 644-1341


-W' Ml A~ 0€0CATil> To Lov!HO Alfo SERVlllG JuU1 ew.IT Aa l.OIW> Mo &YIOllll •


Trad•IOf'lal 7:30 a.m. Conttn".,orary 9 a. m. Church School g am.

Charltmatlc 10:45 a.m. Wed~ 8:30 a.m. Fr. Owid C. And9raon

Rect°' 3209 Via Lido, N"'P0'1 8Mch

l 7141115-<>210


Organi:ied by the Young Leadership Oivi.si~n of the Jt~ish ~cdtr•llon or Oranae Councy, the progrnm, which wrll 1 ~cl.u~e a dr cuss1on and refreshtncnts, is free to Young Lca~ership D1v1)1on n~ember~._ A $15 cost 'for non-members can be paid nt the door: Fo~ more 1nfo~m1u1on and to make' rc11ervations, call Pa t or Judy at the Jewish Federation 259-0655.

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

T he Setcndipity singles scfies continues its weekly sessions Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the church, ~ Sr. Andr~w~ Road,

Newport Beach. "Finding the Love of Your Life Ten Pnn~1ples F~r Choosing The Right Marriage Partner'' is not ~nly the topic for thrs evening but also the title of a new book by Neri Warren, Ph.D. All singles are welcome. A $2 5fonation wil! ,be reque~t.cd to co~r · refresfiments. No reservations are required. but chrTd care 1s only

·available by calling 631-2885 by noon Monday.

Temple Isaiah

T he temple at 2401 If\ inc Ave .. Newport Dcach, will hold a white elephant sa le 31 a fcllowl>hip C\ening on Snturday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m.

Many items of interest 'will be offered for sa le to help the temple raise funds. For more information. call 548-6900.

ovah's Witness

F ollO\\Crs from ewporl Beach and Co.'tl3 Mei.a '>'ill con ... ene 31 Escondido fo a special event on Saturday. Jan. 23. "I:he theme. of _

the progra · _ 0 Living With Soundm:ss of Mind and Righteousne s"' .and is based o Titu'i 2:12. All interested can auend, The program will begin at 9:55 a. 1. and end at 4 p.m .. No fOllections or rituals.are involved. ll will be held at the As.,cmbly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1873 South Iris Lnne,-facondido.

0 . Pleau ~tnd photogruphs and 1~ pt>d rrlea>t dflaillng i lorits, upcoming t\tnts.

strmO.Q.Jppirs or an> olhtr nt~s in1ohing CO)la :\ltsa and Ne~port Bt 11r h churrho ,. to Rellclon Editor Mau Coktr. Ouil) Piiot, JJO W. Day ' r •• Co11a Mtso, 91617. Vou

can also ra, lltms or lnltrtU 10 ~6-·'1 70. Reita.so art r<'qunttd •~o ~ttls prior to an otnt d111r.

.. f ••


· Dr. Roger Teel Sunday

"Charting Your Course" CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS sc'1ENCE

Child Care P10V1ded Services 8 45 am 10,30 am.. 5.30 pm

Member of the Un1ted Cllurdl of R•flious Scitllet 2205 MAIN STREET. SUITE 23



The Christian Science Chun-hes Of :\e"port l.kach Welcome You To Our \\ e~kl~ Sen ire,.

Sunday, Jnnuary~ 17. 1993, Subject: Life

Golden Tcxl: P!'lalm') 41 :13 ..... m c .... cd lw the Lun.I God or IS"rncl from C\ Crla'itinit. and l o cvcrfa')rini.: .....

Lido Corona <.lel Mar Fir'I Church of Christ, Scicntbt Second Church of Chri,t. Scicntl\t Newport Beach. 3303 Vra Lido Nc""port Ocach Church 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. 3HX> Pacific View Dr. Sunday School 10 a.m. (:hurch & Sund:iy School 10 a.m. Wcdnc day facning Tc llmony Wednesday Evening Testimony

· • · ngil.. .J..7·;,.,301.J...Pp..uml...-----Phone: 673-6150 Phone: 675-4661

CJ11/d Cort PnJ\uJtd At All S<n il'tJ

Ekanchts Ot The Mochef Cll!#tll., The First~ Ot ClwlSt. Scilllti$t ii Boston, MmadluMtls


fllST UMTED MmDm am:H If COSTA MW 420 W. 19th Sl 548-n27

Between HJ/bof IM Nelt'fJOll ffOlllll AT tOO AM #II tUI AM

CHURCH SCHOOL - All AGES • 9 00 AM Nursery • Kindergarten • 10.30 AM

Youth Groups Sunday Evenflgs Ministers· Gala! Gough, fla Wilderm.ilh




644·074S Al.Ur .JUNIOA·S£HIOR

9 00i m. and 10 ~ m. WorshiprCl*I, YOIAll, ~ Sund.ly ScllOol ptXMdcO 1of bolh SeMUS

Rev Robel! MOl1ey Rev Wil f~

LAGUNA United Methodist Church

21632 Wesley Or. l.apna Beach

499-3088 Suoday Momenq Worship

& Chns11an Educa:ioo 10 am. Mulistcrs OaVld Beades & Virginia Wheeler

Wesley CounselinQ C~r Services Avadable

Co$l.a Mtu . MESA VERDE


Worship • Church School 1:30 and fO:OO a.m.

Or. w,11,om E. Steel 979.923 ..


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Service : aturday at 6:00 p.m. unday at 9:00 .

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NeWpolt Beach/Coata Mesa Dally Pilot

From A7 rencc Quiwr a-. the gypsy Azu· ceu .

he Sunday matinee included Deborah Voigt as Leonora, Yalun Zhung as the Count, Fabio Armili· ato as Manrico and Eugc0 ic Grunewald as Azucena.

_ The production might have bcn· cfitcd from more rehcarllals. The forccll under conductor Richard Dud.Icy po!>se )Cd the vocal skills and po\.\cr for the opera, but they diJ not always meld together.

Vanes sang exquisitely, with a creamy sound th roughout her range and attcnuon to nuance, Oawle!>S pitch and 'I03ril}g high note . Her acting. wa-. convincing, pJrticularly when !>he made a deal with the Count that !>he will be his if Monrico w:is released. Dot she often )t.lOg her own tempo \\ithout rcg•uJ for the conductor and or·

• chcstr.i. Tenor Giorgio 'J icppo h~ a

11ne, melrow tenor \ 01"c· but paid llCant attention to the drama. In the <hJpel, he managed to sing the entire lo"e duet "'1thout once 10\lking at Leonora, h1\ betrothed.

,.,_.' v.i... "'-"~ Carol Vaness as l e.onora and Giorgio Tieppo as Manrico in Opera Pacific's production of " 11 l rovaCore" at Perform1ng Arts--center.

Rucker pce..,cnted a ) mpathetic Count Ht'» rich bara1one and com· manoang tage presence effectively portr.i)cd a m~ caught in a web of uncontrollJble ci rcum\lances.

Ou•' ar "' a'> a terrif) ing gypsy, \\'ho U'»eJ . her big, sumptuous mcZLo 10 come\ the horror of the C\COb ft; uh1 ng Ill the de3th of her 'on Jnd the dc<llh of ~lannco. "hom 'he had rai'»cJ a~ her on.

J"hc e ts, rented from Chicago's L)riC Opera, pre~cn1cd foreboding \\Jll'> rem1n1-.cc:nt of the "':illed cit) ol A .. 11a ben the ~~enc' in the

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p~n.,c-. and S 15,000 to )Upport )Q·

c1C I) program\ m llk':il '>Chooh.

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palace and &ardcn) \\'ere unrdcnt· anaJy dark; didn't they ha'c Oo"' · crs in l'th century Sp:11n? E'ef) scene looked like a dungeon .

Voigt had a little trouble ~•· tling into the role. and early high notes were ra&gcd !:>he brought a fu~me soprano vo1c;e anJ a rich tone 10 the part.

Her tenor. Armaliato, SdlfereJ

Saturday, January 16, 1993 M

from ragged high note), excc))ivc vibrato, and occa)ionslly indiffer· ent pitch .. But Armiliato's ct1ng \\a5 \igorou) and con-.incing, and his great ;ma, ''Di quella pira," "I "ell· ung. with power anJ druma to pare.

As tt1e Count, Zhang sang "ith an C\Cn, '>'eU·moJulated b3ritone, but might hu'c \3Jcd some rage

to hii. portrayal Grunewald had • nmplc \.'<>Cal kill) \ O do a chilling JOb a Azu ena .

The chorus sang well, but was i.tatic - they might ) well have been on ri~ers .

Conductor Richard Buckley con· ducted with u seemingly clear .and C!Cpl icit beat. The Opera Pacific Orchestra plti)Cd " ith distinction.

lOO's of styles to choose from kl Tea~ Oa~ Ash, Redwood, Mahogcs1y, Pkle, Alderwood & many others. And lOOO's of ciffete11t · designer fabrics ,,,_ also recMed. I

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AtO Saturday, JMUatY 18, 1883

. RAFT From A7 Dobbin, who has also initiated a

f series of monthl7 an ~xhibils to encourage n viewrng repast as well, Art in private places - a perfect personal touch and a sort of visual microcosm for this life-raft's sense of renewal.

Currently on display (through Feb. l) i$ a collaborative showing of abstract paintings and collages by a talented and delightful duo - Donald Hendricks and Donn Wedderien, who will celebrate their exhibit with a pubtlc recep­tion Wednesdfiy from 5-8 p.m. If 1he weather improves, they hope 10 expand the show onto easels for display on The Raft's inviting out­door patio.

Ahhough their exhibitions are collaborative - like their more co'mmercial enterprise of creating ·interior faux finishes and trompe l'oeil walls - these muhi·hued ex·

' Q.ldy Pilol photo

Dan Wedderien (left) and Donald Hendricks with mixed-medi~ piece ·or handmade papers and oils.

surfaces whiAc experimcnlin1 with new forms."

A Southern California native, Wedderien has been a working artisa most of his life, having won numerous awards during his stu· dent years at Saddleback and Or· anac CoaSI colleges. His paintings are represented in private collcc· tlons across the United States and Canada.

Donald Hendricks is ,perhaps best-known locally as co-owner of Silas Dean Ltd.. the recently­closed tastemaker's gallery of dee· orative arts and impeccable .objects which was located in lhe Cannery

Village area ror several ycan. l Having lived in Rivcnidc Cor

!!'any y~ars (until, he .. ~mils, ) n inner voice encouraged ham to r> West, young man, go We•' ), Hendricks achieved early notoriety as an internationally published fashion artist whose work has ap-

• . • I peared m mu)or magazines. Hendricks and Weddericn f.rc

interested in working by com~s· sion, and all work on display, in the exhibit is available for pur· chose. 1

0 Tbe Ran Catt, 2616 Lafaf'ltt

Attt., Newpot1 Btach, 61J-019J. •

Unbelievable "Stakes" ~ . • 't

Without the gamble. ,, perimemal works are done indi· r.====::==================================:;1 vidually.

The colorful pieces each utilize a variety · ·of materials based arou nd the blending of different

l handmade papers collected from many regions of the world. Sketch­es and drawings, some of which are also on display, often precede the swirling but ink blotted-~ke imagery which occurs in conjunc-1icm with the re-working Qf the 1extured papers, paint; fiber-like threads, and other natural materi­als (such as reeQ and· straw), to achieve the unusual '"coloring and Asian-like effect of the finished collag~.

·· 11 i~ difficuh to talk about the process, because 'it varies with 1

each piece," says Wedderien. ''And since we're kiftd of on to SOf!lcthing unique here, I am re­luctant to reveal the techniques we've discovered in working with

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these pape.rs.-The-paperitself does 1----------------------------------.-----~-----------l.--------------­go through a transition which is quite fascinating."

"You treat the paper one way, and it reacts with a certain styling, which might inspire another ap· proach you ·can take from there," Hendricks continues. pointing out examples from the works on 'the wall. "The natural materials in the paper, such as the banana leaf in­corporated here, seem to have a mind of their own. Some of the papers almost disintegrate, others are •tough and heavy almost like wood. Donn has an extensive knowledge of paint and materials, what works and how to manipulate

MISER From AS and moral repression, to Eugene O'Neill~ ospeed, is using a new liberal Ira sla1ion of the play that remains f ithfut' lo the structure, character and spiri1 of Moliere. It 's a tra lation that McMurtry thinks is working out just fine.

''H'e's done a wonderful ~ob," said f\'tcMurtry of Chamber s translation. " It has a modern connotation yet it doesn't get away from the classic feel of the play. There's a couple of phrases that sound so modern but they're really not. They could have really said it that way back at that time. The language is fairly modern."

McMurtry said that he was having fun with his miserly character, although he has found it to be a bit of a challenge.

"He's an old man, a codger. But I'm finding out in rehearsals that it's also a very gymnastic performance. It's very physical. For a man in his 60s. he's all over the stage. l always try to look for a new character, and this one is definitely new. I've never played a character like this before. Usually I try to find the physical pan of the person first, what docs his body do. The other stuff comes along after that. With this guy, they've got' me padded, I have a big paunch. I'm trying to figure out how he moves. I've been finding a lot of the little boy quality in this old man. He starts feeling sorry for himself, genuinely so, as little boys do. The petulanc~ of youth. I've been to old age homes and seen old people that look lilCe little babies, so there's some of that in there, too. And I'm still learning. l don 't know where the role is going to go yet."

McMurtr;- is also enjoying working with "The Miser's" ensemble cnst of SCR regulars, Including Ron Boussom, John Ellington, Art Koustik, Don Took and Hal Landon Jr.

" I know all these people, I've worked with them before. That's

• an a set. You can really cut through the mustard when you have people like that because you know you can trust them. You know what they can do. h's n good company feeling.''

D "The Mi er" i now plar_ing

through Feb. 14. There will 5c a special "Pay What You Will" performance today at 2:30 p.m., with rickets av11#1ble for any pricb (there ii • JUllf!SI~ minimum of lS udl.). TIM bor otra ope111 at 10 .... F« tn0n iJl/onutioa, call IJ7-«W.


LUI' If FAITH ('8·13) .,,. ... PIM! (PS-13) ,__, .. (PG) ..... TO .. (lt) IC8fT., l Wlllll (It) CMAPt.11 (N-1 SI

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1145·215"445·715-945 1130-100-430-?oo.930

123()-JOO.f)30.800· 1015 1230-23()-4J0-6J0.83()-I 030 ., 124S-41H30·1030

tl5·41S-715·1015 t 200-300-600-900

.-, • 1'<1111 ~I Mt 115 l»S4S-«no1015 12tS

:.':"~== . U»t»l»:f~:: ...... 114HOIMJ>.700.$3G-ll00

• ,_,_,. n30l»--S»8QO.t0151230

••• - · 100-lJHOO:.U>-1045 • m wn n• 121s 26-SJHtS·tOtS

31 TRIANGLE SOUARE ....... '~·""'' ,,,., ..... ,. COSTA MESA• S74 T TSS ~ uuau t:AlftJ(CMl .. tAl11flJA CHE EDWA/fDlwl .

SCOTlf l WOIUJl(l) 100-415-7:10-1030 lftWIOm .. (l) 115·415-715-1015

• TNE IGDYllUMD (Ill 1130-200-445·730-tOlS toaY If EYIGOCl (It) 115· 330-545·8QO..l000 LDMJIZO'S OI. (PS-13) 100-400-700-1000 .... TO - (II) 1230·230-430-630-830-1030

• fmYlll Y-(PG) 1J0.40Q-630.900 CNlPlll (N·13) 1200-300-600-900

•..-(8) IC8IT If a-.. fl'> AflW .... fl) ., OF ENllCl fl')

* F.VU T-(PI) .,. ..,l (It)

., ~ l • ~ 100-300· 5QO.. 7oo-900

n30·345·700-101S 130· 430-73().1030

12J0.3QO..f)30.81S.-1035 1230-300·5J0..800.1015

1200-300-600-900 14 UNIVERSITY c • .., •• °'"' D!>r- •• IRVINI • 854 BR 1 1 tp

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I D0-400-700-1000 '230·300-~1015

1230-230-4»6»830-1030 1130· 200-4» 700-930

t 200-23().50(). 730-1(01 1200-300-@900

l 3 WOODBRIDGE ' '" ,, .. " . I ... IAVI Nf • ~'> 1 Ob'•" • ., • .,_2(Pll t115·130-•00 I ..-ms,..111 630-915

l FEW._ .. Ill 100-400-700-945 * AlADlfl fl) 1200-20D-400-600-8Q0..1000 • mPfTC.111 1200-100~6001 * llMmll ,..111 800 •Y OF lYmllCl 1245·300-515·730-945

121s-245-51SG-1030 130·430· no. 1020

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.,,. ms 1'1-tS) 1200-230 I • LEPllDll•" 500-700-900 lUYl (It) 120D-2»SQO..iJO.IOOO

ti' HOFFA (l) e ,_ lt5..t15-715-1015 ~··. ('8·13) . 100..tro-700-1000 CIW'\9 (Pl-111 13Q-.t30-730·1020

• Jiil -.T ... (I) 1200-245-530415 1045 '* fOlnlltY- (Pl) 1230-~1015

· ~tt) "" llOMlllm2 (PI) • -.nca• 11»1»DrU1

6. 1200-~800-1000


···-- 1»9t5 ~

madonna willem dafoe

I )( )( h. < > I

( '\I< It'll<('


<'6 ANAHEIM HILLS · ' •· · ~· · · •· ,1 1 I •. I, •I J

FESTIVAL 8 ANAHl lM • /8/ '>'l'>'I

CNI 200 ICllf W ·-111 1130-2~15-600-JJ0.915· 1030 • ..u•• 11»1JH30 I•~- S»7»9li LOMIZl'1 0l.(Pl-1S) 130-4J0.730-1030 mt If Evmea (l) 115-l»So&S-800-1000 CIAPl9 (Pl-11) 1~700-1000 .... TO• (It) 1230-2J0..4JO.U>.8J0.1030

• Tm mYIUAM J200-2~S-1045

• UAP If Funt (N-111 • flMV'a , .. (N) * W'MCMUI (I) ..... (II

CORONA WESTENO 8 CORONA ~ -.,i I 0'101 .


I !'J

llcldl111 thin funds

Saturday. JMwwy 11, 1113 At t

~ ~

Robben Ford and the Blue Line rewind for success ---, __

.• llooben Ford and the Blue pouiblc," a weary Ford Pid by telephone the morftina after arriving home in Los Angeles from a week of shows in Canada. "A couple tracts


ioina to play later - my hud is full. h 's 101:1gh to totally relax "

Seeming!) out of nowhere, Ron Moss and jau great Ouck Corea called Ford and said "they JUSt I011cd v.hat v.cre doing."

Allft RlmlnQton ilO ... _ ....

STA MESA - Welcome, ~ons. to .the world of cold cap­Ii m, and the scr::imble of the s to survive therein. We wish

Tuck. With the end or generous gov­mcnt subsidies for the Russian ~. concert pianist Mikhail Pict· v took up the baton; orga'nized

new Russian National Or-e5\IO, and with the help o ( a nager and $200,000 of his own ney, started the group on a rtd tour. Last Monday night,

c 120-piece orchestra arrived to sympathetic receptior'I at the Or­gc County Performing Arts Ccn­r with ao all-Russian program. So how are they doing? Wen,, ere's a problem. Grnntin~ Plctnev his remarkable rc'iight in choosing the pa th of rvival for Jlle Russian orchestra,

Line live or Is it Memorex? The powerful blues-rock

band's self-ti tled alb14m is the long-awaited follow-up to Ford's 1988 solo effort "Talk to Your Daughter." Like " Daughte r," "Robben Ford and the Blue Llnc" has been nominate~ tor a rammy in the Best Contemporary Blues Recording category.

Touring to sup p o rt the four-month-old release, the trio's live shows have alrca<ty become legendary. Fronted by vocalm/guitar virtuoso Ford, the ban~ plays at the NAMM Convention 1n Anaheim tdnight and opens for L3rry Carlton at the Co:ich House in San Ju~ Cnpistrano Sunday night.

Docs the album cnpturc thatlivc feel? '

" It's certainly some1hing we strive for. to keep the record as live as

arc indeed live performances: there were no changes. That's what we 10 after."

But th e 4 I -y e ar -o I d N o rthern Ca lif o rni a native likes the idea o f improving a reco rdin& if necessary "bCcause while I'm in the s tudio , I 'm thinking of. the production, what the other guys arc playing, what I'm playing, what I'm

He lries to keep either the vocals or guitar solos from the r.r t take intact on each tract. Keybo:ird~ are also used on the albums to give Ford, bassist · Roscoe Deck and drummer Tom Brecht-lean some brcatJ11ng room. A ke)boardist docs not accompany the trio li .. e.

"Record company problems" led to the four-year gap between albums, Ford said. After "Daughter" was released, Womer Bros Recordl> "seemed really walling to v.astc m)

· time. They're so big, I personal!) feel they've lost touch with 1he artists. That's very understandina in the recording business."

He and Warner Bros. parted ways in 1990, and Ford spent the next two years reassessing things. The band also hit the road, where it has been most of the last three years

They "'ere also interested in

starting a record compan). :and I~ )Cars later Stretch Record> wa ... born Ford v.as tent:ttl\c abOut going w11h the smaller llbcl, e'pec1:tlly smce it was associated v.;i1h jaa, which, while not foreign to Ford. who pla)Cd wnh the late M1lelo Davis. wasn't the path he "'a

0 <l

currently tr11\chng. "But in the end, It made sen~.

We did it 1tnd it's been a fantast ic rclat1onsh1p." ~ .

In foct, "Ro6bCn Ford -!Md the Blue Linc" has already sold more copies in four months th:1n "Talk to Your Daughter" has in four )Cars.

"h's nice . It's like being a big ft I\. in a small pQnd instead of a small fish· in n big pon~. There's a • 1remcndous difference and H's )(I

pos111\c," -BJ /'tbtt Coku


:i conductor he has a long way go. His tempos often missed the r------------------------:---------------------1

:ul... and too orten he had to od­)t acceroingly. He had to slow wn after the opening eight mea­re' of the Tchaikovsky, overdid c built-in schmaltz in the same O\emenl and, in the ultra-fast ace of the finale, gave the hea".Y ra little chance to achieve their J..~amum imp::ict. The undoubt·

JI) firs t-rate players need much ior~ rehearsal time under a con­ucwr with more experience The evening got off to a slow

1Jrl - literally Where it should· :l\I flown like a fresh breeze, the 1r')l movement of the Prokofiev's la"ical Symphony mo,cd politely t :i \Olemn, stately and dull pace. ·he orche tra, un11I the bri k ounh movement. performed as in

tr.ince. Simultaneous entrances ( m1.>rc than one scc11on at u time ere off just enough to be noticc­blc. and there "'ere too many 1)scd note , TU.C per ormance p1 ca up ap·

prec1ably with ScrtJbin's mildly d1lo ant and complex Fourth S) m hony {Poem of Ecstasy), run· nm all in one mo,·ement, from

y ethereal to thunderously fut The eltctronic organ, so often buries acou tic tn·

cnts,. blended pcrfc~tly, add­mcasu rnbly to the sound.

ite occa ionol intonation ms in the v.inds it was an g pcrform:ince with excep-

ly good trumpet work. t nikovsky's popular Fifth

hony, rich· in melodic , con· the scheduled program. its ·

potn~ a beautifully e"ecuted · movement. An unorthodox

h horn \ibrato in the second· ent solo v.as more interest·

an unwelcome - after' all, it of that inst rument's choice

trnl moment • and in no way 1 hcd its 10 .. el) duel • first he clarinet, then with oboe. er 1he Scriabin and Tcha1~-

further demands upon the \ltCrC OUt Of the question. ncore Pletnev cho c Paga· Pcrpc1ua~ Motion. a P.la~Tul ut for h1 \ irtuoso violins. semi-pop Lntin tune that he . with good humor. for

have to ensure that the ct nlwa)s Jit the st:rndard of

T ha been and is. that mean ~c have to be

e~listic ~nd \Cry responsible. r ex3mplc, for this year: we t really capable of doing issioned pieces from new

aphers. t that in it elf provides new unities because it gives us a

e to perform works that we 't done in a number of years. hcse arc great ballets, like y's} ' Voluntaries,' that really

rvc to be seen." enzie said his longer-range

for the company include ing a new " Nutcracker,"

9\n a.11 .. ing a new production of Lake," commissioning from contemporary grapher~ and reviving some

tony Tudor's "gems" such as omeo and Juliet ."

will perform at the Orange y Performing Arts Center, wn Center Or., Costa Mesa,

.m. Tuesday through Jan. 23;

.m. Jan. 23 and 24 and at . m. Jan. 24. Tickeu range in rom $14 to $-48 and are le at the theater box office rouah TicketMaster by 740-2000.

RUFFELL'S UPllOLSTEIY llC' • .................. -· ...... --.......

'Seacoast l&IAll IOOIS .. ,... .. ..=

~lzilg in on outhentl Centrol AmeOOin Mexion Cllisile, .tllh is Q cunry c.elebroron" fi'1h food, ~i!Jle preporotiM all! ex~ flavors. inchmlg fie ho~, roos1ed chti fot <Ml

dii ~oos and sauces. The ec lee fl Sooth Western dee«

"fi;jht btie, pole Silmon or.f cqiper amrl ~ht Mayen o«ents, stone colimns and Wirnnl artwork poilled on the '1111 ls l!cnspa15 yoo Sooth " the Bader 11 (rieldy and~ sryle..


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• ii' • IS • :r ~

Ata Saturday,~ 16, 1993

·community Forum .. Community forum runs on T~. Th~ys and Situr~ys

n 1:i t

Write t o: Piiot Letters, :300 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Fax tos 646-4170 • lleMera' Notllne (cala.&n lettera and commenta:) 942.W • Editor William Lobdell ... 642-4321 , ext. 351 x: !,

ReView of· opera· oH-kiy I t was di::.appointing not to be

able to use Martin '--.. / Bcrnheimcr's review 6r-rf

Trovatore" to tell us whether or not we were having a good time at che opera Wednesday night.

Alas, the cast ::it 1he Orange Count) Performing Arts Center then ''as not the same one lkrnhe1mcr "'rote ahout in

I uc'>dJ) 's Los Angeles 11mes. Drat. Ho\v \\ere \\C: pea~ants suppo cd to kno\\ whether a ::.ingcr is lruly able to "noat the arching pianissimo tones th.it are the hallmark of any b~llla fu.le Verdi.in "

· \\ e "ere lucl ) becau c our night at tbc opera featured a different l')pf.mo. \\'hew' Bcmhcimcr'

rc,1cw spole h:mhly of: "Deborah \ rngt. a local d.irltng (.,.,ho) hJd the unem 1Jb1e ta::.k of lollO\\lng Carol Vaness .1::. the sacnfrcial heroine. Leonora. Unlrke her illustrious prc<lcce!>::.or, Voigt drt.ln 't find much comfort in the high te!l-.itura, and colora~~n11cly bn't her forte.''

On the Coast


1 'm not sure any of u ruhc1> in Orange Count) can tell our t c,~itur;i fro111 our ~ arching

pianis1>1mo). What we need to know 1::. 1>tuff lrke, arc we going to have a good time'? Now 1h:it they project 1ransl.1t1on!t of the lync!t, too bad they

can't do the ~:i mc for re,icws. After all, grand opera 1s little

more than " As the World Turns" "ith good tune . It ill "'ondcrfully human, magnificently cornball !ttuff.

In most of the rest of the world, opera 1!t entertainment for all the people. Crom princes to peasants. Here \\C ha"c re\1ewcrs \\filing so !Jr abo"c most ol ou r pointed heads th.it mJn} of us are scared a"Jy.

Grand opera •~ grand cn 1crt • .11nment and great fun, but ~ou'd nc\er .k.no" 11 from most re\ icws.

My ~1fe Jnd I had extr,1 tickets fot Wcdne,day night' i,how, and we 1mrtcd 1 ..... 0 friends to join u. !'\either h.1tl heen to an opera bclorc. anti 11 took some convincing. lhc) Jtd the~ d1<ln't know anything about opera. didn't understand ltJh:m Jnd \\Crc J lrllle cowed by lhc \\hole 1dcJ.

I .irgucJ tlJJt they didn't need to i-nu\\ an)th1ng about opera becaui,e h .11JI~ Jn)hody cl!tc docs.

Anti the) d1ctn 't need to undastJnd Italian bccau!tc there's • in c:normou) !tcrecn abo'c the stage that d1i.plJ)!t a translation of the hrtC\ .

You JUSI don't get all hung up Jbout tc,>!t1turas. You rclaJC and enJOY the mu!t1c and the spectacle; )Ou ogle the occasional handsome guy or prett> gal, according to your pcrsua!tion: you have wme fun .

You think of it as Joe Grecn'1> new Broadway mu 1cal, "The 1 roubJdor." nol G1useppi Verdi's 140-)car-old (next Tue day) tragic opera, " ll Tro,:itore." '· -

"One of Verdi's biggest hits, 'The Anvil Chorus,' is in lhc show," I told the ladies.

''Oh, well. in that case, sign me up;· !laid Diane Askew. "That' alwuys been one of my favoritc!t."

S o off we went. and de pite an overabundance of intermi !taons

(h\O at 20 minute e:ich) and what the program euphem1 t1call> dc.,cnbcd as "a brief ptiu e be1 ..... cen Act 3 and Act 4" (plu!. three more un"lchcdulcd ''brief puui.c' "), a fine ttmc was had by all.

In " ll Trovatorc." a~ in the other old·.....,.irhor e opcr.1s that J cnJOy, there 1 !t0111clh1ng for everyone

lmpo \lhly complex mclodram<1, terminal 1rai:cdy (heroine Jcrt f1ces herself for lo~er). purple pa ion, high morJI tone ("God deal with evil in the end"), blood and gut (old i>'P y woman tell <on 10 kill Im evil hrothcr - " ru" your sword through his heart") and u.nwrpa'i ccf suffering ( amc B>'P y ~om.in 1nad11ertcntly burn b:iby on .a funeral pyre).

Nuw really. How can anybody take tuff like that so scrioutly?

Frttl AbrlJn '1 toJw1111 t11•1 tttt)

'IWMl•J'• Thund•T and S.lurd•r·

, II

.. ............................................................................................................................................................. , .............................................................................................................. . 1111mu 1............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ~


·Committee for 17,000 doesn't· represent everyone Open letter to the Newport-Mesa Unified School D1 trict Doard of Trustees and The Community:

and abilities and influence change. The community has both the right and the responsibility for input.

We, as community members who have been active in our children's education for many years, have a growing concern, even fear, that we are about to lose one of our moi,t precious rights - choosing by vote those who will ma)ce decisions for us and acr in our

The school board has the responsibility and the authority to provide legitimate avenues for such input and lo listen to and give due consid~nuion to that input. We the voters then hold the school board responsible for decisions and ,(or the integrity of the process. Therefore, we request that your appointments -to advisory committees be solicited from rtie enlire Newport·Mesa communitt and mirror our district's diversities.

It seems lately all we hear ond read are articles condemning the Newport Beach Police Department and nothing positive aboul them. Personally, J believe they arc the best anywhere and arc to be commended, NOT condemned. ' behalf. •

Our concern "ith ffte Commiuee for 17.000 ahd other self-appointed groups i tflat they are under no obligation to be either responsive or respbnsible to us, and )Ct. they propose to make decisions for us. We exhort the school board to employ every .

legitim:ite avenue available for just such input and, at the same time, maintain the integrity or the ballot box.

La1tt summer l confronled a prowler insidC..my bedroom. Within minutes of my 911 call for" help the police were here, a police helicopter flying overhead, a police dog and handler soon follo....,ed. The officers could not h3vc been more cfficienl or consider:.te, including advice on how we could make our home safer.

We don't argue with their right to have input or to speak for those who have agreed to be a part of their group. We do argue with their right to make decisions on our behalf. No matter who "they" are, no mallctr how intelligent, informed, well-intentioned or in accord philollophically with ouf ideas, we lose our voice when others speak for us without our permission.

As ou r elected trustees, your agreement with us, the electorate, is to be accountable and responsible.· Please do not give away that responsibility.




A few days later an officer called to see if l remembered anything further, if 1 was all right and to rell me ch:it lrt hcard'anything that frfghteneu me to call and they would come immediately.

It is most reassu ring to me to know I live m a , community "here 1 can depend on getting the help I need when 1 need it.

We believe that there are appropriate and democratic ways to effect change. The democratic proce~ allows us to select our representatives, a scff·appointcd commilree lacks the check~ and--bal:inec~ of a reprcsentauve government. That i~ our concern. That 'is our fear. DERNARD nnd TERRY SIMON


l sincerely believe the Newport Beach Police Dcparlment deserve OUT ~upport. We certainly have their .

We encourage pa·rents and community members to have a \.Oice to communicate ideas, advise. share time

• JEAN SIKORA Corona del Mar

Inauguration Day r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::~::::: : :: :: ::: : ~: :::::::::::: : :::: : :::: ::: :. :: :::::: :::::

T he inauguration of the Clintons draw nigh. Whereupon the

- Pcnnsylvanm-Avcnue lltroTI of J immy and Rosalyn Carter among the commoner!it 16 yea~ ago will be do....,ngraded by revisionists a strikingly Mmilar to a Red Square military parade.

1 l igh-ranking officials in the impending Clinton Administration. ptakmg on condition of anonymity and

a surance!I that this reporter's wife is a \\Orking mom \\ho di dains teas,

· rc,c:ilcd that the coronation of the president - and presidential partner-clecl - is being fa hioned as the politically correct paradigm of the "people's inaugural."

According to t~elle sources. the Clinton'i, inauguration·day schedule will begin with a morning jog to a ceremonial breakfa\t at a McDonald'!it in a D.C. suburb \\here guests will dine on SJ\J\age McMuffin::. and \\Iller. There i !itpccul:ition that George Stcphanopolous, communications director of the Clinton transition, will t o:i~ t the new first couple with an 0\IZO and orange juice cocktail.

Returning to Blair Hou!te, Governor and Mr!it. Clinton will don their inaugurJI wardrobes, which reportedly will part company with the tradition of hiJh fashion associated with previous prc)idential swcaring·ins.

"The pre ident wall be wearing a busines uit he purchased off the rack at a Mervyn's during his po t-convcntion bus tour,' ' !ta1d one source. " Mr'i. Clinton will be wearing a stunning en emblc from the Jaclyn Smith Collection she picked up at a Little Rock K-Mart."

lt wa~ learned that Mrs. Clinton last week phoned Chief J11stice William H. Rehnq41st re9uei.ting that Justice Sandra Day O'Connor administer the oa th of office to her hu band. When he refused, citing the Constitution as his foundation. Mrs. Clinton reportedly aid. " Right. So it' my fault there were no women al Independence Hall?"

Apparently sensitive that he will not yet be pre1>ident, Clin ton's agenda calls for he nnd Mr... Clinton to ride to the Capitol tn the taxi of a Haitian refugee named Ziggy, who ferried the pres1dent1al couple to a Georgetown coffee hou e during their first visit to Washington after the election.

When the president-elect takes the o:ith of office, said another Clinton advi er, hi lcft hand will not be re ling on the Bible. The Clintons have chosen a copy of "The HiMori~I Jesu " il\stead.

'The president will be wearing a business su~ purchased off the rack at a Mervyn's during his post­convention bus tour. Mrs. Clinton will be wearing a stunning ensemble from the Jaclyn Smith Collection she picked up at a Little Rock K-Martr

- - ...a


A new.era: 1993~ P.t.

According to confidential sources, political correctness will reign during the inauguration.

Here are the details. r By Byron de Arakal

Following the oath, the traditional playing of " Hail To The Chief ' will fall to Kenny G., the source added.

W ith intense speculation swirling around the content of

President-elect Clinton'i, inaugural address, transition aides remained tight-lipped about what the new president would tell the American people. Speaking anonymously. however, an insider did s:iy the fin:il draft of Clinton's inaugur:uion speech - timed at just a hair under 2.5 hours - will be primed on recycled paper and delivered to the inauguration platform by a homing spotted owl di p:itched from the forested confines of the Pacific

Northwest. " lt will be the environmental

equivalent of the Olympic torch," aid the source, who admitted the idea was offered by Vice President-Elect Al Gore.

As for the speech itself, Clinton will deliver hi first presidential orotion in ix difrcrent languages - English,

Spanish, Arabic, Yiddish, German and Russian. French was said to be under consideration but was later dropped a being too genteel.

"The go1temor wants to speak personally to his core cons11tuencie , as well as reach ouc to the family of nation!. worldwide," explained Clinton's inaugural speech writer, Sineud

O'Connor. ~he re,ealcd that " the --presid?m·elJct will toucn on the B:ilkan

crisis, and "111 offer to bring Mr. Pan ic, Mr. Milosevic, and Secretary General BoutrO)·Ghali together at Summerlnnd

· for a Renais :rnce Summit." The lri h·born pop artist confirmed

J~f octre 5 Marice Matin ~will sign the pre ide nt elcct'!t remar~ for the hearing impaired.

Vice Prei,1Jcnt·ckcl Gore will not be del1,cring an ;iddre ) in lieu of tb¢-l expected length of Clinton's remark

" We've said nil nlong"that Governor Clinton and S~n:llor Gore arc II\

complete agreement with respect to the ,­vi ion and policies of this administration," ~aid Stephanopolous. "Senator Gore was very gracious to c\tcnd his time to the prcsident·elcc1 and Mrs. Clinton, \\ho wall be gh ing a brief summary of the pre ident\ 1>peech immedr:itcl) lollo" ing ..

I n a secret memorandum lcaled 10 th1'> reporter. Prc\ldcnt Clinton ..... 111

spend the time bet .... cen the inauguration :md the in.1ugural ball introducing a serie of surprbe tn1t1Jti.,.cs. Among these will be:

• Lcg1i.lut1on that rc-esrnblishes the ltou ... e bJnk and C\tends unlimited overdraft protection to oil members of the House, c~ccpt Republi~n &embers.

• Legislation calling for go"crnment·fundcd re earch on the U)e of chicken b)product as an altcrnJtivc fuel.

• Lcg1slat1on calling ror the iwplcmcntation of the Rainbow Curriculum in nil public schools. Private school .,.,.ill be e~empt.

• Legislation cstablbhing an emergency telephone service s1m1lar to 91 1 tha1 children c:in use to report their parenls to federal authorille .

• Legblatmn establishing a national Policy Work "eek

Finally. the Clinton "111 depart fo r the Inaugural Uall nt the Wa h1ngton D. C. Da) Inn. \\-here guests will d3ncc to repri!.cs by El\ 1s imper onator and a reunited Flcc1....,ood Mac. A leaked copy of the inaugurJI ball menu, which is titled "Viddlci.," rcvc3I!. th:it gucm will dane on poached brea t of chicken, chid.cn·Oavorcd Ricc·A-Roni, Chinei.e chicken i,alad, und Rebel Yell, sour mash \\hi key popular in the South.

A Twi!ttcr tournnmcnt is also s3id to be pl:inned.

Said one aide: "The president-elect promi cd change for the American people. They hnll h:ive it."

Byron dt Arllud Is 11 rtsldent of Nt»port Btach.

Editorial f :: : : :: : : : :: :: ::: : :: : : : : : :: : : : : :: ::: : :: : : ::: : : : : : ~:::::: :: : : ::: : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : :: :: : : : : ::::: :: ::: ::: : :: : ::: :: :: : : : :: : : : : :: : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : :.: ::: :: : : : : :::: :;: ::: : : . : : .: : :: : : :: :: :: :: : :::::::: :: ::: : : : : : :

Idea for longer airport runways shouldn't take on ~ l11unlhll up tn the m11t1 .1n1 stand

tukcn oy Newport Beach orticial Jg<lln't the propo~d c.'tcn ion of the John Wayne Airport runway The uddt11onal 1,750 fret would allow for tnggcr, no1 1cr Jet ·to u e the atrpot1 , though county officials cla1111 the longer runway's needed only to get the jets off rhc ground earlier anti make thing quieter for Newport Beach. We ltrcn't huymg ll Neither hould upervisor f om Riley, who represent~ this d tnct.

cm her MK>u Id you

~ Thumbs up to the detailed report given by Newport-Mc~ Unified

School Di trict · tant Superintendent Tom Godley ind pecial 1ntcrn1I 1uditor


Michael Fine 1hu1 uncovered former budget chief Stephen Wagner' embezzlement trail. Finally, the school d1 trict ha some real financial number~ to work w1tb and not the bogu budaets Wapr had been feeding 1t the pa t decade. ~ Thumb up to interim

Newport-Mesa Superintendent Stan Corey, who'll need everyone's support - parents. teacher , ad mini u a tors and community letdeni to uccc fully .complete his tchedulcd ax·month district tour of duty durina these fragile cimca. A. Thwabs up to C06ta Meaa '1 JOhn ~ Maher, who 1t 81 yean youna bap

groceries at Von's on 17th Street i~ days a week. f1J Thumbs down to an economy which

will cause the City or Newport Beach to slash its already pared down bud1e1 by ,. million in the next fiscal ycor. The cuts will mean layoffs ind reductiont in tervices - two facts that 1hould be considered by union cily employees when ukina for roiscs this year.

9J Thumbs down to any move by Newpon Beach to r1isc1 cues co

m1ko ur ror Che S4 million budpl 1hortfal . The lu& t~ receuion·rtckfd taidents need ii snon &am - ~n when they're dirpitcd u .. fees."

An Independent Newspaper

Published by C~" Community News, Inc.

ffUot Stein, Jr. c~irrnain

Jim Cttsslnpr publisher

Tom John.On .iue>Nte publisher

Willlam S. Lobdell editor & vi(:e president

Steve Marble IM~f'J tdJtor \ .

NeWpOrt Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Palos

MAm.E From A1 Michael Bolton remake.

Now, I know it's probably politically Incorrect given the years QI dry weather we've had and the hn1erin1 drought, but l'm sack of the rain.

l've had it. I'm tired of it. l wish it would move north 10 Port land or Seattle. Heck, Bakerslield \\Ould do.

I think rain's overrated, an)""'ay. Seallle, for instance, gets a lot

of rain . People in Seah le are always carrying umbrellas and v.enring Oanncl. Even in the summer, they have to wear 0Jnnel.


I don' t want to wear nannel in the summer.

Rain, I fiaure , is why folks in Seattle have so much time on their hand , enough time to sit around and make fun or those down here m Southern California. If they weren't always locked inside away from the miserable weather, they might have time to do something more productive than dream-fp reasons to hate Southern California and grind out grungy, depressing rock.music.

When you get down to it, there's only so much you can do when it rains.

You can read, of course. In fact, last weekend I spend part of the day reading Tom Sawyer to my kids. But after a bit, all of us got

. so depreued thinkina about this youq kjd bavin1 adventures in the hot sticky weather Ilona the Miuissippi River that I had to put it away.

Then I decided to noodle around on the computer, v.ork on the old novel. But inspiration

lCSCapcd me. So l took my &On and daughter to see "Aladdin." I could hear the rain rattling on the roof ns we watched. Later, I tried to squeeze all the Christmas lights back into the box lhey ctlmc in. Then I watched a bad, lopsided football game. I considered cleaning out my sock drnwer. Ow l didn' t feel up to it.

Finally, by Sunday, I said heck with at an"d v.ent with my son to the school}ard 10 play basketball .

. •• in the rain .

For a while, I endured the rain because or the drought, I fe lt guilty. Nobody wants •·drought. So I applauded the rain. For a ""hile.

But the more I thought 11 over. the more I came away thinking that Southern California's role in

the drought was overstated, except fo r the fact that there arc an awful lot of thirsty people down here.

We ~eep hearing that we .need rain . But when it raim, all the water runs anto the ocean anyway. So ~hat's the deal?

I "A laborer is out of luck," he said. ··A I

laborer works by the hour, and they can't work I (during the rain): ...

" .

Saturday, January 1 e. 1993 At I

Believe me, I try 10 conse!'e C\CI')' little drop I can, so 11·~ a bit diK<>nccmng when I $CC the rain-swollen Santa Ana Ri\er flowing stnught into the ocean , It

.. makes my efforts ~em, well, a little puny.

What ..-.e need i:. lots of snow in the Sierra Nc\.'ada. That's the mother lode for water, anyv. ay. fl melts. It flO"-!o down the mounl3in!i and graduall~ find!> its •ay to the Colorado Ra\er. And then - by hook or crOQl. - ii get!> piped into our h,omes.

Sance l apparently ha~ no way to 11op the rain, I've decided to ignore i1. Today, in fact, I'm aoin& 1010 s-.imming, pcrhl J>i do a little yard work and maybe a barbecue latEr on.

Witl, scratch the t>art>tcue. And, v.ell, you know what? The )3rd's not that bad anyway. I 'll let 11 go. S\lrimmtng? The sv. imming part i!o fi ne It's the getting it out of the pool that worries me_ Ding.

I Just wbh it would stop raining. Stt•t ftlarblt Is tbt mHagin1

tt.litor. JIJs column •p~an t•try Saturd•y.

"A lot of moistu re i~ tied up in a subtropical mass off the coast," he said, adding that the mass is brought in by the jet srream.

_Entwistle~ded that" a low-p ressure _m tem off of the 0 .regon coast has come down and added to the accumulated moisture over Southern California's s\...ics.

Carmichael added that hiS fi rm prepares for I Oran·ge County's occasional periods o f rain, but that the recen t

extended periods exceed the two to three d3)~ Most Famou~. lri·sh Pub of inactivity he normally expects. I v - The r:iin also ,caused what city official described as a mode rate landslide on the west I seNing all of your traditional favorites idc of Newpon Boulevard near Hospital Road, r------:.U-LL--S-£_R_V-IC-E-~--S-T_E_R_B_A ____ _


Gary Carm1ch-ael of Carm1chaCT Constructton in Costa Mesa said his fi rm is weathering the s1orm by taking the opportunJty to deal wit h paperwork and making telephone calls.

He said his ompany is able to do inside work, such as electrical wiring, some painting and drywall hanging af a structure's roof is already in pl.tee, but th.tt ou1sidc work, such a roofing and ground-breaking, comes to a halt due to the rain.

Carmichael said he ha been busy despite the curtailment of most construct ion activity, bu t tbat some of his ~orkcr are not as fo rtuna1e.

-f:l weH a -scattered trect- flooding -tn--Ecsi;t:

1 Mesa and Newport Beach. AND AN EXTENSIVE BEER SELECTION According to David Niederhaus. Newport I 0 5

Beach General Services Director, the area was I NCLUDING UR IGNATURE BLACK AND TAN rece ntly landscaped and the plants did not take root sufficiently to hold the increased water. I

He said the slide wa .. under control after cit) \.\ Orkers placed p lastic over the hill to hold down the mud. I

Niederhaus added that the city is on a Morm watch, keeping tabs especially on the steep ' I hillside area of Corona Del Mar and the Back

D~rty Nellys 2915 -SOUTH REDHILL, \

COSTA M 'ESA • 957-1951 Kw w1kl ''"~ ulu11~ n l ·n I "'''" 11 i~h t.


~ v..ld b!lpCO 4 ~~pttpwtf Not ~Id ~ Ulf'l-1 M ., th any ochttdfer Dotsnoc inc.ludt cu • 'Vith Coupon Ir • £XP111-9J ~ Bay, which are of most concern. -=.!

--~~~~~~~~~--~~~~____J I - ................ .-. ---There are no:: vetories n the

agars heart d' ase.

•. A . mertean Heart



COSTA l.tESA { A ) 2888 HARBOR BLVD Ill ,'! ~ (~~~~ ·le Soul ti ol 4~ f '"'V

• · •. .., ••• ._. "' ''• X 4 •• .,_,,.,., 241-1300

NOMINATIONS DUE TANUARY 20 nw. o-.. \1o~O"unl-•ult••1u1ut11

<&OJ fb.1 """'1"111 f\tuh(•..t.I \1o ..... l'\lfc ¥n1 f)l!Wt..,..,I In ilJ\OO\Ul<t• tho 1'1'11 < ~"'" \1' \ 1.u11u11I \\ .. 11&1 ul tht• \ '"' " " v.I I.uni hN111 111 \,.. hl'l<I II l I Ill .1 111 u11

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A 1 • Saturday, January 18, 1983 ..

MEXICO From A1 truck and ct out on fool for the border with a couple or granola b rs.

But first they had to er~ the river. Rusch said aJI eye were on them as they inched their way across the swollen waters, struggling to stay on balance.

" 'It was cary," Rusch said. "Everyone was watching us. But our adrenaline was pumped, so we kept going."

Ronnow went down once, but quickly regained his foothold. They crossed that river - and successfully tackled two more - each of which were neck-deep.

At e~ery washed-out bridge tney p~ssed, a ttnt and R. V. city had been erected by stranded American tourists, all depressed by news broadcasts thiitseemed fo have forgotten their plight .

"Every day w~ would listen to radios and televisions talk about evcrythil}& else · oin on .in t e world, but we wouldn't hear anything about us,'' Rusch said.

Finally, after sloshing some 20 miles in sopping wet clothes, the men began to hitch rides -12 in all - each from Spanish

speak.in& people who brought them closer to the border.

They arrived in Tijuana by nightfall, called a friend to pick them up, bought a couple of beers and were back in their cozy Newport Beach beds by midnight after a hot shower -their first in nine days.

" I think the scariest part was hitchhiking through unfamiliar territory with people we didn't know," Rusch said. "I just hope all the other people stuck down there get help soon.''

Rusch estimated the number of Americans and Canadians he saw stranded at well over 500.

"They nc~ help," he said, adding that the bridges likely won' t be ready to cross for another two to four weeks.

Rusch ~aid the Mexican governmefit has set up food stands at the bridges - but he never got more than some dirty animal crackers and cold coffee. The store near the bridge where he had abandoned his truck was nearly out of bottled water the day

_bdO«.lhcy set OU1 fQrJiome. " I felt like we weren't getting

any help from the Mexican government ar our government," Rusch said. "The situation is very grim."

" l 'rh just thankful to be here," added Ronnow.

Oodles of Winners! The winners of our final Oodles contest lire:

Eleanor M . Plevin, Newport Be&eh Chris Cameron, Costa Mesa Mary Tersigni, Costa Mesa enny Rusnock. Losta Mesa

John M . Duncan, Newport Beach

Winners can pick up theu S 15 gilt certificates to Oodles, America's Noodle House, at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St , Costa M esa.

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""Then. when we found h went WBER back ao ·u. it was like 'I forp.' Now it's '86. I don't put a lot or

From A 1 credibility into anything he says." as whether he 11ole any money MecMillian also said that Wag· prior to January 1986, which is as ner may be consciously withhold· far as the district investigation ing information because he may stretches. have hidden sources of funding in

" He's confirmed everything to foreign accounts for when he is re· 1986, but before that, he refuses leased from jail, although he em· to answer," Godley said. phasized "that is merely a per·

Wagner initially pleadod not sonal opinion." guilty to the embezzlement charg· Trustee Ed Decker agreed that cs. But h~ attorney promised Meyer's strategy was to persuodc Wagner would oooperate with the the judge into believing he was district in tracing where the money sorry in order to receive ll reduced went and how to retrieve it. sentence. But he said Wagner's

But Godley said he never truly uncooperative stance should not believed Wagner would help. be forgotten.

" I was not that naive.'' he said. " I would certainly hope the " I never really thought he would judge looks very carefully at the cooperate. I've always taken the fact that Mr. Wagner has not co­position that the district would o~rated," Decker said, adding have to find all this out itself." that the situation angers him.

Meyer did not return calls Fri· " lt angers me becau e 1 feel d.ay. · _ that after a person~ has committed

B'oard President Rod MacMil· the crime he has Committed, there lian said Wagner's credibility must should bt some evidence of re· be questioned in light of his fail· morse and evidence of trying to ure to act on his attorney's prom·_ undo.. the ca~mity- that he has iscs. committed," he said. " His being

.. Don't forget , at first all he ad· uncooperative suggests to me mitted to was the (original) there is no remorse and I find th,at $57,000 check," MacMillian said. highly, highly unfortunate."


Cll'Jl'IRI From A1 Schombura wrote. "I recoanizcd the driver to be former NBPD Chief Arb Campbell.''

Schombura reported that he U.. am1ed over to I.be ri&ht side of the road and turned onto Irvine Terrace. The van then continued eastbound on Coast Highwoy and turned left on Newport Center Drive.

But Praet wondered if the of· ficcr was sure that it was Camp· bell in the van, and he insisted the officer himself may have been in the wrong.

"I don't get it," Pract said. " If I'm in my own lane and a police car wants to swerve over, am 1 ob· ligated to let him do so? Hell no. It sounds to me that he made an un'8fe lane change into.. traffic."

Praet also wanted to know how fast the police car and the van was traveling at the time of the inci· dent.

Officer Schomburg was on vaca· tion and could not be reached for comment, Newport Beach Sgt.

>.My. Oonil said. But jn the report. the olf tc:cr

docin't &cave any doubt about hit interpretation o( the incident.

"It occurred to me Mr. Camp­bell had several opportunities to slow and allow me to mcrac into the turn In and subsequently avoid any near collision," Schomburg wrote. " It appeared he was inten. tionally trying to keep me from completing my maneuver to the tum pocket.''

But police and city officials say the incidcrtt is not being invcsti· gated and the report was filed only for "informational purpo es," when an officer encounters "out of the ordinary circumstances."

"The incident stand on its own," Gonis said.

Prnet al~o questioned the of· ficer's motive for writing the re· po ft •

"Why didn't he pull him over?" he asked. "AJ}d i! he. did~'t pull him over, what is he complaining about? Why arc cops compfaining about Arb Campbell when he's been fired already?"


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ports hturdly Section B . January 16, 1993

The Newport BeactVCosta Mesa Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger CarJson .... 642-4330 ext.387

Cherie Nagy-bowlinw183 Classified/84 Automotive/BB

Here's a toaBt tor the ·-Coach· of . the · Year Ii-Newport Harbor's Jeff Brinkley

deserves some major accolades.

That's not a bia surprise to me. Newport Harbor football players, whether

they're two-way starters with AJl·Clf credentials, or reserves, usually do a Jood job, regardless of the task.

crs within the program are well a .... are of it. There's no den)ing most Sa1lon ha.,.c a good start These players are asked to sacrifice everything, ' to begin """h Brinkley, hke mo~t successful coach­

from their hair to just about every available hour cs. makes "'hatc\er start a better finish

r someone who should be busied with toast­ngs, Newport Harbor High football coach

left outside or school endeavors. Compcting in unfair circles, Newport wins any-Thc rewards arc or lifetime proportions. hft); way

Jeff, Brinkley has found himself instead the subject of roastings.

Amazing. We need to talk. Beau Ralphs, Harbor's standout

two·way lineman, showed up at the Dally _Pilot on.. Ihursday~ .rcspo.n<;ling to recent attacks on his coach in the wake of the Colin Morris saga, at­tempting to set the record straight.

1f you're not aware of ·ihe situation, the bottom line is a reserve back opted to leave the team for a pre-

-planned 11rate- Invitational in Elf. rope, with the CIF football semifinals looming in early December.

You can see it every time the Sailors take the field ... and in my case, when the

yeats from now Phil Bloombe rg will be telling his /\ft,er Ralphs h:id de-grandson or \hose "good old days" i panci:! our nc"s reporte r, when the S:ulors s"cpt to a CIF .' Joyce Schercr,. adm1ttcd she championship showJown-- agnmsi- - .... as. genuinely· "surprised" powerful Irvine way back in '92, at \\hat a nice kid this Beau and how they got there by way of Ralphs "as. I "'as surprised, the 'Qattlc or the Bay IL too, but the surprn.e was

occasion warranu -a visit to the Tars' campus. You can sec it in virtually any circumstance. - -_ As a group, or individually; they're put 1ogcth.er-with a rare combination or confidence, style, class and the ability to compete, and win.

I sec it every fall when we show up for P,hoto day. The Sailors arc there, they' re read and the ~ spond wit in a busmess-hke at­titude.

It's a unique situation in a re­

. As a group. or in-

._ dividually. lhey're put together with a rare combination of confidence. styte, class and the ability to compete, and win.-- - -

His grandson may find his sto- that she v.as surprised. ries or glory a liule hard to belic\c. That's because I sec 1t all I know I do, It was just a few the lime . at Ne"'port Har-weeks ago, and I was there. bor. as well ~s Corona dcl

The past season·~ ~uccess is but Mar, Estancia and Costa µi nother-EAapter-tn-Bnnidcy's-ren~--Mesa. - --urc at Newport Harbor. Good J know Beau, and Phil,

..._ ________ .. kids, bright kids, hard·working and Gregg, and Doug. and

Sports Edijor

He went, won a medal, came back without a team, a" letter or an invita­tion to the team's postseason banquet. Objections were made, protests were

laxed atmosphere. But individually, o r as a group, this happy group wreaks of class.

kids. Hey, a 10 1 of people cJn Jeff, and Just in and Wade claim that much, and they can put a team on the Show me J group of cla~~ feff Brinkley field with superior athletic talent. kid' like tlm and I v. 111

turned down and public reaction was forthcoming, with some major hits on Brinkley.

They're the epitome or what you'd like to sec_ your own involved in.

As a group you'll sec it on the field, before and after the games.

What they don't put -0n the- field. to Harbor's show you a ctm coJch, and a cl:l\s program ... th1'> advantage, is a team with the ded1c • .1t1on. di)ciphnc )Car, laM ~ear. ne\I ~c:ar . and work ethic of a Sailors' unit.

• Ralphs did 11 good job in conveying the facts . The vast majority or players, parents and boost-And that's where Bnnklc> '!> abilities come

through. The Sailors win becau!>e of their program. fhat Bnnkle) found h1m~elf ~n a no-"m po~1-


ESTANCIA-STA•ERS TRABUCO. HILLS~I . a.Eagles ao a. nme dreaming, and with tlw in double figures, it becomes reality. iiR~ Oilli.._ _____ .__,.._.,......._ ____ _ ........

COSTA MESA IMs .__. CUM lrw ~ ............... Hip, ........ ..., ....... c.... ...... ............... b ...... hie Tra--. 111111 la - ., .......... ...... IMI,.., • 0.-. Casn'J'.

"We jml ....... die ..,. __. ...., •u ,_ .. 't *- dabp, ...,.. ... come tne.'" l•mda C-.dl n. Panel Mid, •lrwkc die~· 76-71 -- .....,. ... • ............ wl

, ..,... .................... Dna91 ........ .. .... ..,.,,...._. ........ . Ne, .... - _,. .. ,....

..... Pwa ..... la IMf. II -'tdoM.


TRABUCOHU.S I I ..... . .. • •

, .......... ni••••• tWr ........ streak to fov ...... "Wne ..... ~ .. coafldndy and they*Ye aoc

die .,.... lllld." hnel .. w. "We bow Uaat lf a sltot -~•lllllllri.""'- -

Eecuda. wMCla lteld a 43-41 iakrlllissioa laid, f~ll ........ t!artJ ill tlat Wrd quiWr, !CMS. whea Tn-8-:o W. (I~ l · I) - ...W dlird i• lite laCat Or-. C...cy ~· poll - lait bac:k-to-bKk .. .._ pal•t bo1Ab9 •JICI adclN .. olf-th~gtass j .. ptr .,, Jen. Wilke.

Bat dw FAiia oelbCorld lite Mutang.., 19-9, tM ..... "' ...... rt., QflPed .,, MpltolAGtt Zack Rklt­................... 8l tlat bazer.

... fell .... ft took dMm llcbtly," Tnb.co Hills Ce.di .....,. w• saw. "'Olar ..,.. wraa,. ttai1y to play. &a lf we ...oi'n woe, we probebfy dlda't *-

ESTANCIA ••• • • ••••

~ . It. A.aydaae llHJ (pn-

aa.. •*"> am ,... • It..- dlamploesltlp bdoft it nn starts, It's laard to mot.lni~ (die playus)." Ellaada (IN ""'811, 3-0 ..

llilpt), wllldl Me ..... the -- ..... ,.... .. .., 11-.... ked teams la .. e comq,

. •

. . . . . . . . ••• Elta.cia, wt.kla sltot SJ per­

cetll .. * pAlt (28 ol 53). laacl tlw pa.yen la double llpra,

led by Rtdor' forward JU. Faulkna-'s 11 polata, nl1tt ............ ud dtrtt stnla.

I } J t


••••• • • • . • •

• • • • •••

C9M -.t ................. II of l' ,,_ tile ... _, ........ tllt ... ...., et ff pera.t (II fll 26).

Tiie ~ ....... p' ..... ~ ...... l..,,~ l"lal

- leftl ID 1M ...,... ... II. dl'8irled mlM t1ane-.. tM romtai qaarttt, Estancia did • ot •ftetapt to

See EAGLES,W Estancia's Jim Fa&Aner ps inside for shot attempt.

~CdM has the right combination in a virtuatwire-to-wire victory. ~-~~~ M,, i .50~. • • • /\! • •

one gu\ \IJnd \lUt tonight. l::.vel) ­l)ne-etmtnhutcd m therr ov.'1"1-way, and it " a" a very Mllid e ffort. We really needed .1 "'m hke that.''

By sany Faulkner lpor!SW.

• • • • • •••• ••• •••• • ••• :: : ,_,. : :: : •••• ••• • • • • ••• • •• Newport, which (ell tu 9-8. 2- l ,

~tumhlcd fo r the i;ccond lime m CORONA DEL MAR Corona dcl Mor

High boys basketbaU coach Paul Om only has eight players. but it must have looked to Newport Harbor hke they were .111 play11;1g at the same time Friday night.

.ll"he ho t Sea IGng • util izing a rcvolvtng-door ubst1tu11on pattern, defeated the Sailors, 66-58. to cam their econd ca View League victory of the week, handing the a1lo~ their second straight league I

three mghti;, und will face their nnt three: league roe .. on the road

You might 11ay. 11 " ·•s J ca c of learn heading in op~.,.,1tc d1rec- ~ tions .

CdM found 1ts J1rcct1on early afte r figuring out cwport '~ w ne defense, taking the lead f•u good on a Preston Smead thrtc -pomt play, which made 11 15- 12 with 1:04 left an the opening quarter.

Senior forward Kvlc llwnip n. who typilicd the ea Klng!I' hal ­anccd contribu tion by sconng eight of his career-high IO point-. m

~niury-riddled Mustangs fall short at Laguna Hills .

LA(il '\A Hit I Pld\tng J number. game lhJl eHntu.tll) prO\Cd fJlal , the ( o<.la \.fr<.a High bm~ bJ-.ke th•tll leJ.m wore dm~ n in dropping a 60-42 dcc1"on (JI Lagun.t Hill' Fnda\ night

H1 <. ro 1cr deplt'tcd due to mJum·~. \lfu\tang~ (OJ\.h 8111~ Brcv.er .,taye<l "'llh h1., 'tartm~ foe for cuctr.,. 21

quaner. • .igam\t the f IJv. " Brl'\\Cr lm • .tll' made h1~ ltrst su~111u ­

t]On. ml>eT!lng -.ophomorc R1:{ey W a.\C, w11h four minutes to pla) m the third quarter Then JUn1or Anthon-. Ph1lh~ . v.ho v..i_, nurc;mg .m ankk Injury ,uffercd 1n \\. ednc..,d.t) \ lo'' Jt CentUC) entered


.. "We only have eight playc~. but they're a great eight ," said Orri , wbosc team improved 10 ~-7 overall. 2-3 m league. " We didn't have See SEA KINGSta Newpott Harbor's Ram Shoukry (SO) finds himself in a tangl~d \H'b.

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u Salwday 1 January 18, 1813

SEA KINGS: Newport loses to CdM, again From 81 the second quan er, helped forge a 31·22 halftime lead.

With Newport picking up its de· rensive pressure and gambling. CdM was able to work for easy shots the final 16 minutes, !lhoot· ing 65 percent from the field to finish 25 or 49 (51 percent) on the night.

Senior guard Tod d Me rr i· man, who led t he w i n n e rs· wjth 18 points, drilled a three· pointer to make it 53-42 with 6:09 left, and the Sea J<jngs -answered a sub­seq u e nt 7 .o New po rt r un Thompson ~th five straig1 points to all but decide thing .

AJI CdM nee ed was five of re· serve Fabian Bqhne's seven points in the final 1 :08\ to earn its second win over its Back Bay rivals (CdM claimed a December tournament triumph, 74-54), wiJh one meetin~ remaining, Feb. 5.

Wendell and Bohne. finished with1

20 to lead the Tars, but half or those were from the free-throw line. from the field, the junior guard hit just 4 of JS from the fie ld. Shou~ry also did a lot of hill

damage on the foul line, tallying 6 of 14 points from the stripe. He had seven points in the fir t· quaner, but m11naged just one field goal in each quarter.

Sme ad batt led we ll with Shoukry, finishing with five points and two blocked shots, whi~e Chris • Quinn added 11 points, hitting S ,C9 from the fie ld. •

Merriman sank 7 of 14 field goiil auempts, while Thompson mis· ed just 1 of 5.

Ramin Ba tani, a 6-2 senior re· ~eNe, hit 5 or6 rom the field to finish v. ith 11 points. He also added two blocks. one on Shoukry.

Dan MacMillan h:id two steals and three rebounds to round out the CdM contributors. · Newport's Bob Torribio nc11cd

a career-high nine points. 0

HA vtnt LUQUE C.rone det M• M , N•w,oft Herbor SI

.......,, ~ c;.,._ '9t --.. ft ,,.. .. ft pf Ip S11aw1 • a J U s-111 1 I J S .....,. - •~ stt - s 1 , l' ,,. e o 1 er ...,.,..... · r 2 1 11 lldl -- I 1 I 4 .,,... 0 4 S ' Tqy11 3 0 l 1 ~ 4 0 1 IC ,__ 001~8'11¥" 51 111 ' "" 1 0 1 • • ~ 0 0 3 c Tonoo • o 1 9 &l1llt 2 > 1 MderWt 0 0 1 0 T• IM• 11 ,. 10 ~ Telal• M n ,, ..

k _ .. ,~-

l""P"'l'*D~ ~

Corona del Mar' Todd Merriman (34}, Chris Quinn (right) take their shots in Friday1 night's·66·58 conquest over Newport Harbor.

" l didn't think thi one v.ould Jl a 20-point bk>v.out," 0Fris "Sitid-. "They were a lillk do"n 1hat (pre\ ious game), and we reall} played well. Tonight ""e wanted to make (Eric) Vallely work for every one of his points, anti we wanted to sag and poul\d on the big guy (6·foot·6 center Ramy Shoukry).

Vallely, hounded by CdM'~ Eh

""""°" ~ u I 11 11- ~ C«w d9 W. ' 1' 14 20 IS-66

,__. 91*1 ....,,., H¥acir - V- t T-n• I Tor "*' ecr..•Mar- ....,_2 ~z ~

Club volleyball

Balboa Bay vc goes for gold

~ __.. The Balboa Bay Volle} ball Club

"ill be particip:iting an the Berke· le:> Invitational '93 bO)S "l & Under" \Olle\ball tournament toda\ , Sundav and Mondav.

Thi 1s con!>1dered the · premier tournament as the bo)!>' club sea­son "inds do~n before the high school season begin . There will be l~ team competing from th roughout the \\'e .. 1 Coast.

Team include defending na­tional i:hampion SeJ 1dc Vollc}ball Club from San Diego. Balboa BJ\ \ 'olle\bjll Club Jnd Kokoro from Orange Count~. Uni,cr. ll) Vol· h:)bJll Club from lm Angeles, I re no Volle\ball Club. Santa Crut Vollc:)O.Jll Club. Golden Ue . .ir :ind Parn1c1 Volle)ball Clubs rrom Walnut Creel. and White Rod. Vollc\ball Club lrom Britbh Columbia · .

P0\.ll pll) '' toda~ and Sunda). " 11h double-el1minJl11..>n format on ~londa~

The 8Jlboa B.i\ \'olk\ball Club 1~ coached b) M1l..e D'Alle andro of Long Beach State

Pia~ c:rs tnclude Mitch M.cCoy, Paul Root and Ca~ey Sheward of Ne'' port Harbor High. Brook.! I loppc of Corona dd Mar. Shadd Walker of Huntington Beach, Paul N1h1pJli of fapcrJnta Aaron Gar­cia :ind Enc ~tcKeh IC or Capist­rano. Phillip and Robert Sch1ldts of C.ihJry ChJpcl and Greg Stern­chJ~ uf SJntJ \l.irgantj

-E) tht DDilJ' Pilot

Deep sea


9 a~:ers 1 sc .. ,., 1 ~kllheJd 25 roe.ct.,!! 20"' ~t ~'l S. cl'I

Soccer tryouts set for, East-West Ambassadors ·

The Ea~t·W~t Socur-Amba sadors, America's premier soccer org:inization and leader in athletic diplomacy and total player devel­opment for )OUth soccer players, \\ill be conducting a clinic/tryout fo r pla)ers interested in intcrna· tional soccer tra .. el and competi· tion.

The Ea!lt · WeM Soccer Ambas­sadors looks f Qr players that pos-e s a high lc\el of soccer abjl ity, a

hi.s_h degree of character and a de:· sire to reprc!>enl the Unitt'd State as part of 1t athletic diplomacy program

Players are elected based upon participation an the e tryouts. Age group team) from under·l 2 tf1rough under-19 will be formed for participation in ·the soccer l our!> East· West will be offering. A tT) OU t will be held at the Cra'>'ford Hall Field on the campu~ of UC ln mc on Sunda}. Jan . 24 from 2:30-4:30 p .m.

Pla)cr arc asked to bnng their o"'n soccer ball, \\ater and a Sl5 registration fee to the clinit1try· outs. All participating pla)c:rs will receive an in tructional session, as well as a free T-shirt .

For more information. phone East-West at ( 05) 522-5977.

- By tht DaiJ.r Pilot


'· .... ~ -

Weekend television-radio


7 ~m - l-os Al reprays, . a p m. -Anl1a replays, Ch. 56 Colaq. Basketball

9 am -Aubum·S. Ca1olm. ESPN 1 p.m - Jowa·Ouke. Ch. 2. 1 p m - Wash ·Arll. SL, Ch s 3 pm. - UClA·Oreoon St. Ch. S 4 . 3 0 p.m - Kansas·loulsvllle. ESPN 5 p m - Cineinnati·DePaul, WGN 10 30 pm -Iowa St ·t.A ·ssoun. .PT 1 am -~-LOUISV1lle . ESPN

Collete Soccer 11 a . m . -NCAA Championship, Ch 2

College Football 11 a m - Senior Sowl, ESPN. Noon-Hula Bowl. Ch 4.

Figure Sbtlng 11 a m - Champions oo lte. USA

Sport• Saturday Noon-T ol C ~. Ch. 2

SkJlng 2 pm -U.S Pro TOW', Ch 7

U.S. Otymplc Gold 2 pm -Men's siding, TNT.



3 p m. - Phoenix Open. Ch. 7.

Polo 3 30 p.m.-U.S. Open. PT. Wide WorttrofSpo a 4.30 p.m - Glot>etrotters. Ch. 7.

Coif 4 30 p.m ..: Pro-am tourney, Pl. 5 p.m - Hawa •an Open. TBS

BoxJng · 7 p m.- Foreman-Coeuer. HBO 7 30 p m - '73 Norton·All, ESPN. ""

Pro Hocker 7 30 p m - Jets·KWloS. PT.

Motocroea M1dlll0flt-U S Grand Pnx.. ESPN

RADIO College Baaketball

3 p m - UCLA·Oreoon St KMPC (710) 6 30 p m - L8S-Ulah St. KORG (1190) 7 30 p m - CSF·UCI. KMNY (1600) 7 30 p m. - USC·Oreoon. KNX (1070)

Pro Hockey 7.30 p rn -Jets-King!> XTRA (690)


7 a m - Los N replays, PT

__ ..... Edlor() Tht Ollr Plac And

8 pm. -Anrt.a replays. Ch 56. t a m - Los Al replays PT.

Pro Football rn I m - l!11f5.l)Ofpfilns. Ch 4 1 pm - COl'lboys~9ers Ch 2

Soccer 11 30 am -Eno.LSl'I LUgJe. PT

Skiing 1 pm -us Pro lout Ch 7 •

College Baaketbell 2 p m - Vitg1ma-Ouke. ESPN 4 30 p m. -New Me>0co-SO St . PT

College Tennie 2 p m - National Class c. Pl

Auto Racing 4 pm -Sprint-cars lt.N

· Pool 5 pm - US 9-Si:I. ESPN

Golf 5 p m - Hawa~an Open. TBS

Pro Baaketball 5 pm -Son.ts·Sla.zers. TNT

Boxing 6 pm - Tubbs-Biggs, ESPN

8Heball 8 pm -' Gt~:&ames. PT I

Pro Football 9 30 1 m - AFC playotl. KNX (1070) 1 pm -NFC playotl. KH.X (1070)

Co1J•1• BHketball 4 .30 p m - NMS·SOSt • XTRA (690)

UCI~ ~. CoUMlt ......... ~

py ....... Sfls.t-c:Mllrlt o.w. ,.,,._ ..... !WI OnA1tr1 a Jom Moortldl

1111 ua•111 THIS WEEK'S WlllrlTI TOPICS I ll• Ills •••Tll• Tlll LICllll Chelsea and

LllMll l Cira It '"'' II you'IJ a, the Pill• SChools cm llill

Lobdll Groc.f> M,T,00 • 7:30pm

to 1nllttlin Ind . Oii Slllll a.... 11 .

/nlonn with I t~::r l.lilot·madl P.C._PlillO*

.......... /)llrlonnlncl ~1= lot yrJfl OfgllW- o.c. Economr

a..• utlon, plttM er cal Bl l.cbdfl It 5'0-1224. SI• BaWI Plclls I •• ,.._ w.~sinw ft ........ mort tadliig PilllcloiBI 9:-;!;.,T

,,.,,, 1(4 fypjcll -- .,, .... ...... " ~::r I

ARLSON: . From 81 tion or havirrg to deal " ith a con­tro\Crsial problem i not unique.

:t.'C ry ye'J t, at C\'C ry -school. I here arc: situations v. h1ch require a re· sponsc.

As Beau Ralph!> pomteJ out, the Sailors ha\C the1r rule . and if )·ou brea.._ 1hcm. there are rule for dealing "11h 11. Drinkle) had no real choice:, and he dcall \\1th it. .

Some people find it hard to deal with rule • they'd like the: rules to bend so they can have some cake, and c:;it 11 100. Out athletics. e pc­cially in football ..., ith the team concept, requires rules.

Harsh? Sometime:!> it v.ould ap­pear so. Necc ~ry? Ask any coach, on any fe.,cl. from any decade.

The bo11om line 1 that the: ro:ich mu t mal-.e the dc:ci!.ion, and whatever the decision. ir's his to make.

l993 Mercedes.-Bcru l90E 2.3

$399r~ , , .. ., ... , .. rJ 11 .. ~"· l $~" \.' ' 0 J,,, ...... 11 .. h•-tr• hr't IN.nth r.tl'rT'f't'\t lklf"r\W' t•• •-"J c,.., t .. ul r.o\l'"M1\h SI ' 4~ 1 >«l ltn1J,.•I Sl~U~ h V.-t..<lf' 10 OU...,_. \1•n' "' ' ""'"" lnlcn" Oft<t c...i. JMIWIJ \), 199)

... Confidence, st) le, tla and the

ability to"''" That doe n't JUSt materialize out' ol the blue. It come from within a program generated by the coach, who la}' down a S)'!>lem '>'hich puts the school's ~nrm th~ be t po~Uion to i,uccced. as a unil.

BnnUcy is but one in a long line of coaches at Ne"port H:irbor "ho h3\C: put it on the: line. The\ hare a common dcnomin3tor. a~

other do :n CdM, Estanc1.i :ind C.OstG Mc a.

They're all nskcd to please v.10 all games, play everyone. and, 1! po!. iblc, have an exciting off en c and hut everyone out a~ " ell. Some arc alSQ asked to walk on water anct be perfect in C\e') "-Jy.

A roa~t for Jeff Dnnlley? Not from thlS corner. Plc:ue. JOIO me in a to~t to Jeff Brmklcy. the: 0 311) P4lot's Sea Vic:" League Coach of the Year, and Ncwport·Mc a District Coa h of the Year, n.s "ell as the Orange County Register's Orange Coun1y Coach of the Yc:ir.

® A.£Ii 'HER jt)~~ \! ,1 \ " ...

J\o.'IQ...l~M 7C4 •llQ,\1


FANTASY LINGERIE.r .... • r - . COU~ON - mJ

:JANUARY: : . SALE : 1 Save 1

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The (Jn1'sual and the Unique FANTASY LINGERIE

16111 Hamor Bmf. Foan,.ln \'alley, CA 91.,. (114) "J-8J5' -

Newport BMch/Coata M ... Dally Piiot

Hitting It big Is almost a given ~ Perfection at Kona racked up three times in last Sunday's Scratch 6-Gamer competition.


T hree bowlers rolled pcrf cct games in last Sunday's Scratch 6-Gamer at Kona Lanes. ' ·

Scott Dender was the first to string 12 strikes and did so on lanes 17- 18. Just a couple of minutes later, Cam Honig finished off a perfccto on Innes 31 and 32.

Fi~c ga~cs later. Geoff Troyer rolled his 300. Bender nnd ~onig spht the. first-game sidepot, while Honig had the $42 pot to h1mscl(. The tno split the $200 300 Pot.

Bc~dcr and i:royet wilt be receiving a 300 ring from the American Bowhng Congress. Honig chose a watch as his award.

h may be difficult to believe, but non~ of the three finished in the main prize list!

First-place hono rs this time around were garnered by Jim Lee with 1,453. He bested 41 others for the $400 prize, shooting.games of 214, 248, 246, 247, 287 and 211.

Curt Ouellette, a consi~tent bowler and cas er lil Kon11, shot two g:imntn the-~or­a 1,450 total - good for second place and $200. His block scores were 724 and 726.

Also cashing were Scott Willis, tllird, 1,435, Sl50; Jason Thomas, fourth, 1,433, $122; Jeff Lindenmuth, fifth, 1,409, S 100; Anthony Barone, sixth, 1,387, $70, and Len Huber, seventh, 1,386 (231 average). $50.

Costa Mc!>a kcglcr Z~ke Torok took the ;econd sidepot of the night with a 269.

The big hooters !>how up at Kona Lanes every Sunda} night at 8;if.S:

• Rick Hunter didn't place firs t in last Bowiing

Sunday's 4-Gamc No-Tap. but he sure • dominated lhc action.

Hunter, d 187-avcrage bowler, broke the 300 Pot in game three and was s"bting 11 out, waiting to sec if he " ould ha'c to share the S 100 prize with another bowler in the fourth game

The only threat "as him elf as ho- put another I l <;trike!> on board and then an eight-count for a 298 game. Hunter rccet\.Cd $100 Crom the 300 Pot. then, as a first-timer in the 3-6-9, "alkcd av.ay with $250. He alS9 " on t"'o S21 sidepots and placed second in the main C\enl -.illhJ.08J for S~-'----

FirSt' placc \\Cnt to Nick Tchir with 1,107 for Sl25 and Gary He iner pocketed SSS for hi~ third-place finish " ith I .0?6. Tro} Bl:ickmon, Aud"in Tolbert and John O'Malley tied (OT fourth with 1,015 to share a free entry.

• Last Saturday's Pot 'o Gol9 Mixed Doubles drew a record 25 couples making for a great prize Cund.

David and Lisa Penman never won a sidcpol, but bowled well enough to take the Sl 10 prize -.i.ith 1,503. They were followed by Kelly Chapman and Debbie Cruz with 1,484 fo r $60, Kevi n and Renee Champman wi1h t.472 for 'S40. and Zeke Torok and Mary Mundi with 1,452 for $30. ·

• The Amateur Bowlers Tour visited Kona Lane and !>Orne of Ko03's bo-Alcrs fared well. frank Abel, a member of the Holiday Yeg:is league. rolled to a third·place finish for S250.

S:indy Heflin, H3rlcy Gray and Aaron Thoma al~1 made the ~cmifinats and Tim Dicker on bo"'led one of h1 highest e ts but just missed the cut. Cut scores "ere extremely high "1th both the men's and "'omen's cuts in the plus-60s. · ·

• Herc ' a look at some of 1he pa t '*cd 's top league corl.~ Shirley's Mad Cra)h~~: Jeff Gillum, 634. L3ughhn Bandit' 13111

Bartlett , 233-639: Tim Dickerson, 24 I. Famil} & Friend\ Ste' e Clark, 2.52. Teache~ & Friends: John Francia. 2.$5·60 .

• Outrigge~: Lucly Atkinson, 238-652: Eddie f,;10 • 239-670, Mary Mundt, 222·592; Zel..e Torok, 2..tl·2.S6·685; Jack \\1eland. 606. Spare Us: Bill Gabriel. 230. M1dwcckcr!>: Loui e l l.irt, 2.53-590; Ed Hill, 23 I: Loi Williams. 539.

720 Scratch: Chri Egger . 632; Steve Ferri • 242-670: Judec Galbraith, 571: Mike Hornacck, 247-236-685; Larry Palmiter. 241 : Zeke Toro~ . 233-636.

Chtrit Nag)', ..,host b-0 .. ling column appears in tbt Daily Pilot t •try Saturday, is tht Gt'neral Manager otKooa Lant .

Monarchs ramble Mater Oei High ~ IRVlNE - The •

boys basketball team 'li( continued 1t dfi6 J!. structto n of th"! -South Coa t league Friday night, clobbering l&>ana Hills, 84-40, at the UC ll'\-inc Bren Events Center. '

The Monarchs ( 19- 1 overall, 3-0 in league) made hort work of the Dolphins (9-8, 0·3) with a J 1-potnt first quarter which featured 111nc ,-nts apiece from David Drake· ford and Mile!> Simon.

iroon fini hcd with 19 point and Drakeford added 15. Terence Wilborn hauled down I 0 re · bound , while guard Ka]Tlran Sufi

dbhcd off r.-.e a.ssi ls to pace the Monarch in those dcpanmenh

SOUTM COAST UAOU• ...-o.184,0.... .... 40

Oi1'8Hiil ..... .... .. ft... ..ft,.. 10t7 KrVS 0000 ~·10( V-•71

1 I 4 1 I 0 ) 011 ...... •1 03 Oll '"- 1012 32t ~ 101 1 4. , ........ ) 11 1

O t 2 I ~ 6 0 l IS 0010,..,., 200 4 0 t I 0 Wlllr'lt l 1 I ll I 0 0 l S--0. S 1 0 19 20l. 4JlcUOll 131 $

~· 0010 ,_ 11 0 4 Von lloC1 0 0 0 0

T ..... 11 $ 20 40 T.._.. 27 n 10 t4 ................ DIN'* 14 t I 12-40 --- Dir. ,, 10 27 1 ......

3 CIQl'C .,_ DIN Hlll -l- I ,,._ 0. -~ l. WJinqt 2. Wibotil 2, .. 6WI I

l IE!WrJI .. OrlllllCrO PilOJ 0- ""' Oll'Cll

ENI Fl: Trlbla From 91 stall with a rour-corner pa sina game Instead, big buckets by Faulkner, Richardson and Oay Frenz extended the Eagles' lead .

Twice in the final period, with Faulkner standing bc)Ond the three-point circle and Trabuco Hills' Pa\ Barnes playing up m hi!> face, Faulkner dished to Richard· M>n and Frenz for critical shots

With 5 minutes, 6 seconds left in the game and E tancia nhcad,

. 67-61, Faulkner drew a crowd be­fore pitching to Richardson, who netted his second trey of the con· test and pUJ tht Eagles up by nine.

Following a Parsel timeout w1lh 4: 13 left, Matt Moore s:ink a pair from the foul line for Trabueo

• HiJls, then Frenz nailed a long jumper with 3:20 remaining to g1"e Estancia its nine-point lead back

~" .. n .., ,.,.

(72·63). • There was no slo"' mg down this

offense. "J im knows the othCJ) can

shoot," Parse! said. Faufkner's drive through the

lane with 1:38 on the clock put the Eagles in front, 74·64, to e · seniially ice the victory J) free thm'>'s dominated in the \\Jntng moments.

"The real key was our dcfen~1vc effort," Parse! said. "We tried not to gi'e them anything. We kept up our intensity level for 32 minutes ~Jnd the home crowd w <i JUi>t greal. This is a tough place io play bec·ausc it's tough to shoot at thlJ open end if )Ou'rc not u cd 10 u."

Estancia, \\llh Frenz (15 po1nt!I), Chad Kinney ( 14), Joel \\ amcl.. ( 13) and Richard5on (1 1) 1n dou· ble figu res, raced to a 26· I lead afler one quarter, including .l :!!· 10 scoring raid to begin mJtter!>

1118, 78-70 • No timeout was called by l"ra· buco Hills. The Mustanp, instead, outscored Estancia, 8-4, in the re· mJining three minutes.

Trabuco Hills, led by point guard Brett Poulou~· 21 points and 6·foot·S Moter Dci tran~fcr Der· rck Uhl's 15 points and even board off the bench, cut Es· tancia'!> lead to 31·28 in the ~ec-·ond quarter -

But the Eagles responded with a baseline b ) m by Frenz and a jumper by Matt Chapman to go up by i>CVen,

Trabuco Hills cut the Eagles' lead to 35-33 before Warrick n:uled another triple. this time With 3 l l lcfL

Poulous' three-pointer tied the game JI 38 w11h 2:27 lc(t m the half, but Warnck anw.ered -Aith another 'trey of his · own, then Frenz ~ .. ored ms1dt: on a nice pass from \\.arnck. giving \he host a 43-38 edge.

The Mustangs scored t-AO qv1d. field goals to cut Estancta's lead to one again, 43-42, -but-wttlro~ second left 111 the half, Estanc1J sophomore Mark P1er~n took a charge "hen Brent Kaull dro\.e hard through the lane, null ii\ ing Kaull's ba ket and sending the ·E:t· gles mto the locker room v.1th half o( their dream atcomphshcd


Eetancl• 71, Trabueo Hiiie 70 Tr~ H»&. aa&MW:la-

Po.AM b'!'cl

~ ~ ~...c.

"''* C....nts ,.. T•tale

'9 ft pf tp .. ft pt tp ' • 2 2 21 ,.....,.. 1 6 3 z z c s ' '>'..!Nit• s c ~ 3 1 3 0 ' ; IUMly 6 0 1 . , 0 0 2 0 FrtlV 6 ~ l I! 201S~ CCJ () I 0 0 2 ~JOI> 3 l l 11 2 0 I 4 c·~ • C ' ? 0 , 0 1 s s ' 1$

2' 12 15 'IC Tota l• :s 'I '6 ' £ Score by 01&&rt•re

T~ 'I 24 I' •• -ro ~.. ~ •• 2• 1~-~e

J.~ • "io.c: S - ~ 3 ~ I h lint"' - 'll•'T'C• 3 R.c.·~ 2 ~ 2 f 11r:1 1

Eagl(' ' ophomore Zack Richard'S on gets in ide in upset victory. folio" ing Warnck's first of three three-pointers m the fir)t h.ilr

--> FtlN I '

T~iil.lli\ C~

Irvine Valley posts ·1a-10 win at-orange-Coast

MESA:· From 61 the game for the fir)l tune as the

{ 05 I A ~11:.SA Orange fuurth pcrioJ bcgJn. C llJ't C.\lllcgc 's men\ h,l\l..cth,111 Andre\\ Danua. "ho ''as abo tCJm·, h1J for the son pl.He.tu m hurt m the CcntUI'\ game. Ulted Or.rngc l·mp1rc C11nfcrcncc ,lllllln up hut d1J nut plJ\ "·'' 't11lc:d l·mJ..sy night 1' '"11111g "\\c \IJrtcd getung tired." of· l f'\111c: \ ,1llc), 1.0ilc:hed h) 13111 \1 ul -.. ti..reJ llre\\ Cf ahcr the H;1\\ ~ Ilg.in. p..1 .. tcd j (-,, -60 \ICllH'\ 'ICJdily pulled

I he Pirate,, -t-14. I-~ m<1dc J U\\:J\ lrom a \I\· run .11 lf'\ 1nc \ alle). J ).Q, ~-~. point halftime v.hcn \1.m \fa.n"arrcn 'cored J eJ~c . " It\ prct hud.ct .rnJ J tree thmv. ro pare t} tuu!!h t~> hJn~ the Jl.fa:ll hl b -63 hut IV. O 10 \\Ith jU'll !i\C

'tr ll~hl ('~1\'-C'-'IOn' .ifl..:r th.it gll\\ and \\hen I ,11kJ ltl produce and If'\ me \ al \OU 're prc.,.,,nt: IC\ ·, ( hm )...n,1off retJhatcd v.llh · In the th1rJ :J


tlm:c·po1nt 'hot 10 put the \\tn· 4uar1cr. the> hit ner' 1n1t1 a wmfonaMe po 111on '\l me clutch

)...o\tulf \~ho entered \\Ith. J 311- thrcc!I ( ~IJll ) p..1111t ,J\.Ctagc, had gone 0 for 14 St1hon hit a Corona

lnm1 the l1cld tt) that pomt, and c\luplc from out\IJc .1nJ that linl'hed \\llh three potnh, going I killed u' " lor 15 o\.'C'rall from the field .rnd I l he ~1u,1J11~., (.S-~ ll\Cr.111. 0·3 for 11 al ttw hnc . j in the PCL) Jn.I hJng tough for

OM.Noe l!MltlRI! CONFl!MNCI! the entire tir't h;,il( Oc,p1te ncH!r IMne v .... , "'·Oran.- Coeet TO lcJJtn•• Ill the •1.1mc. JnJ onl.\

'"""- v.-., Onlftee COMt 0 ~ .. n,,. tp .. ft pf 11' ~cmg tied once .ti 7 after the , ~ ~ .~ ;,:....."'"' ~ ~ ! ;~ opening tipoff, Co ta Mc,;i \\ J' o ~ o o ' o "1th1n tr1!..1ng d1!.tance at 19- 1 ' 0 •? Pot'9I I 1 I 'I • ~ • J o o , t \\1th ! 0.5 to pla} 111 the hJlf after ~ ~ ~ 19 ~,i ' G ~ 1

3 l ranc1 co C\mrnl·, 'tc.:il :-nd ' 0 ' 7 M.l flll>T'l ~ 0 3 ' l.J\.Up

&lit""' oo•o 2 1 e But the Ha""' ( . ~-1) fin·

\~ ~~ _ .. "' 3

,_, , 1-.hed the half ~11h a 1-! run. then • -'"91' • occ-troc'1 1 l , ~ opened the \econd h.111 b-. ~ormg

the first the point) 'in 44 second!> to start the onslaught.

Stilson 's pair of thrce ·po1n1 go:ils sparked the Ha"!..) to a 46·

-2S-lcad by the end of three qu~r­ter!>. along v.11h bnngmg 1he Mui.­tangs out of their zone ·defcn:>c

As the fourth qu:irter began. the 6-foot·Slh Phillips entered and sta~ed i.n the game the res\ of the v. J). He !> orcd f1,e potnh. had three bloded shots and l\\O re · bounds during his !>llnt.

"Antho~ told me he lhought the ankle "a!> OK. !>O \\-C put him 10 ·and he pla)ed "ell," said Brc" · er "They v. ere killing us 111 1dc, 'i.>

I h:id to tey :.omething " Despite Phillips' prcscnre. the

Mustangs \\ere nc,er able 10 come closer than 16 the re t of the \\.1\

Corona \\ 3 the game'!> con.ng leade r 'A' 1th 14 points. "h1le M ..111

H:irber chipped in ''1th I 0 Sul,on h:iJ 11 for the Hav. ~


. La9une Hiiie 80, Coate MeH 42 Coeta ..... l.atJIUUI Hiii•

l .... COfllN IU~

Wt<! C.O S'K• t.ue ~':!I


19 It pl tp 19 It pl IP 0123~ 102• ' s l ,, ~·-- ' 0 ' , • ' ; 2 10 M..::io.wid ' 0 • • 0 i l 2 C':4/ltS 2 I C ~ 2331JOl'n 33•9 0000&~ • 029 211St\i.I 203

~fill I 2 0 &.rll I 0 ' It~ 0 2 I

12 •6 12 '2 Totale zc t :• 50 le~• llty Ou.rt.,..

C¢s'.l Mn.I • 13 ! 14 - •1 l lll:V'l '911 '2 1' 20 IC - lo)

l:iod ~ C- MMa-~ I Slit• I l~-- saa.:in l hllll!lf ,

•tctwa1 ... Norlt

·- ----------- -

Locai scheduie

Today BHkelbaJI

coueoe l1let\ - c~ Bapllst at SouUiem Cahtom1a CotleQe. 7 30 p.m

College women - Cal Bapllst at Souttiem Cahfom1a College. 5 30 p.m

High schOOI girts - Corw del Mar at Newport Hart>of. 7 pm

WrHlllng HIQll school - Costa Mesa at 4'!\Jpland

6-way, 9 am

Sea traew standings ----, -o:r.:: .......... "" 8"'S

Lea9ue Ov•r•ll • W ' L W L

l11st n 5 Q 14 3 S~"l'.J Mit;l!'IU 4 1 13 3 11\-nt 3 2 '3 • W..o<!br>O;t 3 2 10 7 Corona del Mar 2 3 g : Ne wport Harbor 2 3 9 8 S..Cd:(:laCll • • 5 11

wm') c 5 3 12 Frld•v'• Seo~•·

CdM ee, .. ewport Herbor 58 ' .,.. nt 63 IJ!l:•tf\. .. f 41 l ~., 55 V.OOC!l' .QOt ~ 2 01 Saro M¥;a"'U SO Sl~t~~ , ,. Wedne1day'1 Clem•• (7:301 NeWlJOrt Harbof ~"$ ~ .~~. "

~~;t ~, .t I' Cotona del M•r (.'S'. '! al Sl::ta ... .,~ '.J

\\~.,"<!;e II Sid~~·

PCL standings BOYS

Lea9ue Overall W L W L

E1tancla 3 0 10 8 TraMo H s 2 ' I~ 4 UQUllaHS ~' 8 8 Centiry 1 2 11 5 U~ ... N 80:11 l ~ 9 6 Coate Me•• C 3 8 7

Frld•J' • Score• Eetancla 71, T ..t>..co.1 '1-S 7~ 1 , ..-"ll h s 6: Coate Meta 42

La, .. ~ Bt ... ' 52 Cert.If 30 Wedne1day'1 <lamH (7 p .m.) -Eetenela • Ct iLl'f ~~ Sea.. 7 Coat• Meea l.JQ:...'11 ~~l ~ ...


Termite Control, Inc. * Avoid Costly Fumigations *

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I 1 I i I I L



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A New Pro.duct DesigneH To, Control And Protect Your Home Frortt Future

Termite Infestation and Fungus/Dtyrot Infection .



' 1-800-300-TERMm

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... s.tura.y' Jenuary 18, 1983

"*IC IOTICll PUIUC .oncu "'8UC IOTICU PUIUC..,.. llWl IC IOTICll w llOTICD llUIUC IOTICU •.!!!UIUO!!!!:!!i.!!•!;n~al!!!;!_~ J.!:!!!~~~!...I w 110T1CD ,.. u ••• ... .... ~ ......... * H .,.. '° " .... ..,.. '* • '[ .... - .... ,.. IC •nc1 -... .. Ch: ... .. ,,.. am .... .. -- .,. ..

• WIOTICll _. 1'41 CouMy a.ft .. Avon a, ~~ ~ W uNitf IN Acillllowe .... c.nr a.la ., ' - 'Ne U I • W ... .. .,._ w •net Or-.. Courly Oii ~ ttlOS Butill#U NMW(•) .... ar.,.. c..., .. .,.,..,., ...... I :. .... ... .. c...r Cllfla ., Rau ... ., ... c:..w.

--;;a;;Mj;;:;-;;--1••. tlt:l '"'' e.u .. ~" •• con-~°" JanwMy., im a. ,.., ••••111-. n.11 -11W11 .. llM a....~• 0.0--~ .. .!, C::::~ .. ~-----.-STAT•BT - ~n• dYCMd Dy. ~-- ~ c ThOINW P9Wat •••tu ut ..... ea...., a.la ., ..... 1• De..... ... ,,, ,,,,

Y'WCI llllUT CW PutlltNO ........,. 9Wft- The reolt11anl(tl c°"'° TN1 i.~ we• ._, ~ ....,_. ._.. n. ;Ila I ....... 0.... Cowley Oft Dec:mM- ..... .,. w.:= L-.. tii.' •lftl -- lo ... usa CW PICTITIOUa ColU ..... 0My Plloc 0.. ~ '° nnuct i bulll• wlll N ~ Cler'l ol C:0.. ..... Dilly Not-.. .,. *-'II~• Mr ft. t• ~ ............... e..-~I

llUalldSS MW Cieft'Mr :it, 1"2, J.,._., ~~H::(•~ ~ CCII.A; Oft ~ '*Y ''• tJ. JO. ,.can.y I. Nf1'0JfT09 MPCANOI ....... CollU ..... .,.., ,_.JM. ...... ...,_, Anlmll 1he ~ pet'IGnl J,e, t•. 11tl abo\119 on o.cemo. tt, ' NH7 4e 1"3 ll CAMP'EOH, MO W ~ ....,_. ~ &MrYI. 11,n.-. 1• 4'1J1.i-.lftY.-..e. :;-~==:: _ a.a" 1c'!1 .......... w........ ....... .. rutihh.a H9wpatt ~ ....._ : 1 eo.... ....... c.lf. ~ w.., •• ~ ~ J-. la47• =•.=:.,-..,._.._. Sinka

...,,. NEWPORT ..wMa. PUil.iC IOTICE Th;--.;;;;.----~ eo.t.a ~ o.ty lllloC JM. ~ IOTICI ..... Oonlllitt. ... P'l ..., • • • I • ""· ,__ w IOTICI ......... " ....,, ING I HUTIHG. 119 C... fl tN r .......... ~ Of Ullr'f 14, 2l. 30 FebNlty t , '" ......_ ..,_ Ana; c.lf, __,. -.w If "° •tlMt _.. Amaneu1 Ste, J, Sin Plcl61._. · .,, """"""' 1993 'Rctllla• ~ ,_...._ of o th• r co"'• o ci.m.nie, C#ll 82t72 ..._,,.... .._. ~ ~yon J~ S.et5 •••--• Mw TN1 INliMM le ~ PUILIC IOTICI llu1l•111 -. 4H1fnecion I• ehewn The '''"uous Bul.ineu ac.eaMIM s. ffHZt• PUIUC llOTICI a.ta••• t:- W..,. wdi1it• "9Mll•• .._,._. ~ to,te i::1on • ::'r.a.o,_.:'~an: &: -1!:u.!~ ~ PubJIMMd ~ Buch- .:::.i:~ =- IMWCI~~ = ••IA1• Nw we~~~ ott..::''Tiy y -*" on A~ril 3. 1890 flt• 5PECl~L ATTENTION C06\.I,..... Diiiy Pilot J~ ,M:Utl9ue COMM 0 JANIT~ .......... . ... ~ .... ..... JUDY' y JUOY. a ... wnn~..;=~ :o. NoF4S2241 S£AVICCS, 157~0 Orange uaryt. tt. 23, 30, itti halne .. ......_ KAVICE; >t01 ,....... .,..,_.. Nilnlef•) le4tO =the ~II penone ttland Dtt¥1, Mawpon ~the eato ef tin Roben Wilham Cas110, Aw , COii. Mesi, Calif S.. 88.t Sta....... Lane #1'8, WW... c.f. ~ an: 01calttber IS, _. .. ~TR'"VU.:E. .,. leech. CaW. 12teO ~.a..-i....- f ......._ NoUa f

21'25 Ave . M~. (J 92627 The Fauo.-ng l*'.otl9 112715 '- "" .. l.. ,., Judy Ann Reel, 83 ..... ..--·• .... • • T«o. c.iit ~ eve LyM LMaon. t570-8 PUIUC NOTICE .,, Ooing btn.lllff• as Manuel Eugene RMcon, Jnut GoN.... ~ er.et O!We, Co- lend O!We. ~ e..cn. •• · Thi• ~· was c;on. Orang• Alie Cotta ..... CAWNG All CARS 21cn :MIOI Partl.- Lane #1'8 Thi• ~ ... lled rona dell...,, c.w. 92625 c.llf t:zteO On• ~ 7, '"s

duete<S by 111 lnd1YIC)u.I Cll1f t2e27 .. . ,tc•M'-• w Kel11' , .. , $1111~ AN. lmne, c.w. m1S • """" .. COIM'lty ~ Of .... Wendy 9 KucNdt. 31 Thia IMlllnH• , • • con- AoKdlo lnve=t Thia ~ was flied V«ne Alt#Jt- L.-too Jr , ......... N- Cibl 91704 Th11 bu1lne11 11 c~ OrMge County on~ c.nWOtl Ctnt Or .. COrorw OUC'9d Wen lndMdl'1I ='~•~=:~ LO~

Witt! tho County Clerk of tSTC>-8 Orange Ave Cott.t S......._.t Tamm•• Biid. 2702 W. duded by .-i lndMdum Mt )0, 1"2 a.I'*-· Celif. t2t2.5 The regl•tranl(I) com- Anaole CA toO' O °12'31 OfllnQe County on Decwn. MoA, Calit ~27 ' The Followlng ~ Keller 14. S.at\i. Ana, Caltl. The regl11r1nt(1) com. ,...... Thia bullne11 la c~ menc.cl lo nnuct bl*- :e,.n~ 1¥ Ric Ne41rien bet 22. 1992 Tnta bu1l11en 11 con- ~• dolrig buuiua H 92704 menced lo lfanud bull> ~ ~ 8MCn. dueled by'"'~ ,,.., under .,,. Fldltlou• T~ .. ·•.t• Oificer ' P\lt)lltned N-pott e.cfl.. duet.0 by 1 gentraj p.vt· VEHICLt 10£NTIFIC.4TIOO Ttus butmen 11 con- 1'11111 under IN f1c:tltioUI Co«a Mesa Oatly Noc Jen. Thi reglatr1nt(1) COl'll- ~' Nwne(1) lllled 0' / 18/ U , 01 / U/t3 ,

Costa MeQ Pilot Jlt--v nershtp NUMBER VERIFIER PAO°' OUCled by I l<mtled J*'· 811SIMH Hwne(•) Ir.., UllY 9 ta 23 30 1"3 IMfud IO ltll\NC1 bulll- aboWll on. NI#. 01130/13 2. 9 , Hi, 23, 19')3 The reglllt&nl(I) com- UCTS. 412 N Coast Hwy . net.n<p •t>Oltl on ~ 4, 11183 • • • • ,... under the Flc:WOu• """"A Red

Sa-866 menc.d lo trannct bull> Sste. 393, Llguna ~ll<:h. Th• reg11tr111t(•) com- Manuel Rucon s...ac> Binln"' Name(•) Mtted Thi• 111tetnont wu flled

__ PUBUC ___ N_O_TIC_,;;,.E_;_;;,.; i.':ne':'.,.4~~<~1e11= ~~ 9W5~enes. 378 LDm1 =~nd! '=~oai= !;,• :C::i ~ ~ PUIUC IOTICI ~=- on: o.c.mbet 29

' ~ ~ ~ The annual report of lhl tix- on· Deeem~ t6 Terr . UQuf\11 Be-.;h, Cald 8uSiMSS Namo(a) listed Or11nge County on JMtullly '1c\ltJeu9 AllO S. Kuc:Ncll ber 1t92

Jeall I lle! Oene zwicll '992 92651 at>OYe on 0.Combef 22. 5, 1993 11u.-... ......_ Thia •~ Wiii fled • ,,, .... Foondalk>n Is ayailable , II y.,"* A !..anon, JI Thll business Is COl'I- 19?2 • ISA224 ........... t With .,,. County Clettl of Pvbllllheel Newpott Bead\· 11\e addreu noted be+o.., This ltaltm.nl wH Med dU(.1ed by 111 tnd1Vldu;W Tammani Bh~I Publ!llle<I Hewpott a.ct.· The FollowC Plf1ION OrMga Counly on Dec«n- Colta MIN Daily Not,,_ '°' 1nspec1J0n duni,;eou- with .,,. County O.rk of The tt g1111a.111(1) com Th•• s~tement wu tiled Coata Mou Daly Poloe JM. .,. doing~. a: '* 30

• 1992

9 us 23 30 t"3 IN bu

1 hou ~ County on o.cem- menced 10 trarisaet buSi w111'1 the Counly Cltttc of fl51Me Ul//tY • • • • .... -"°" rs. trlY bof 16 1992 non Undlf lhe F1C111>ous °"1ngo Count; on Oecem Ul'Y l8, 23, 30, Fet>ruwy 8 . MACK CONSTRUCTION. PubliMMd Newpof1 8eac:hoo S.-678 ........ -

auzen WtlO ao reque111 • ( ) • ..... 22 ,.,..2 • 1993 1357 Fremont St. Alli- The following '*''°"' Wllhlll 180 days tlltf publi· Fl54427 Business Name . d"7V b(:r . 1"" nwn, Calif. 92f04 • Cot ....... Ollily Pllol Jiii- PUIUC NOTICE • NI.,. ~IM - of callOn of thts llOllCI ol .u Publ ·• 9d Newpon Beach· T:;e on o.c.mt>er 15• FSS4977 Sa-89! EtlC:k ~. t357 FntmOf'll uwy 9, 11, 23, 30, 1993 lh• FIC1tUou1 8u1lnM1 ..,.iabohty Coac ..... OaJy Ptlol o. Publashed Newpon 8e1Ch- PUBLIC NOTICE St. MMlim, Calif. 92804 Sa-173 Acttttow. Nen'9 STRESS M C SHOP.

The Joan and een. lwtdc eamt>e< 29, 1992, Janu.vy ri,~.:ta=I was 1 led Costa MH.l Daaly Pilot Jin· Tl'lil bu1ln111 11 con- halne• ......._ 111()4 18 S Lyon, ~ Found•UOn, 5471 Argo~. 1 9 18 199.3 I uary t6, 23, 30. F~ry 6, Flctltloua ducted ~y: an lndMdUll PUBLIC NOTICE ae.t....t Ana. Callf 927~ Hunting ton Beach, CA ' ' ' Sa-BS2 ~;-~~~ C~~~ 1993 Bu..t~ NaMe Tht regl1tr1nl(•I com- The Followlng per10na The Flcllllout BullMN 92649 18 1992 Sa-903 St.t9fftent menced IO ltanuc:t bull· P'M:tltlou• we doing bullnell..: Heme ,.,.,red IO 1b0¥9

ETr.e pn


2J>al m;i~~ PUBUC NOTICE be< • F554H9 Tha Folfowilng person• MA under th1 Fbtlout lklUneu N•- COACH CHIPPER, 62 wu ftled in Orange Countf

UC}e"t ""1Ck. '-" PUBLIC NOTICE are dOing bullnt11 u · Bu•IMU Hame(1) A11.ed Statement Thldtet. INIM. C.W. 92714 on Ale No F36485e SIGNED· Thelm11 Zw1ck Flctttloue PUbllShed Newpol'I Beach· COSTA MESA TRANSMIS- abolle Ofl: Oecemblf 23, The Following pet-.one Ftank H. Wiison, 82 DwMI · Lee Sper1t1. POii Publ11hed Nawport BulffMsaN-.. Cost.a Me wDa4yPllotO... FlcUtloul SIOH SPECIALIST, t"5 '992 aredoingbu$111•IH' Thldltc, lnllne, C.W 92714 Ofllce 8ox 118413, s.'11:1

Beaeh.Cosl.I M..a paai, St.tetftent ternDef 26. 1992 January BualMM ··- Hatbot Blvd .. Costa MeN, E.ndl Macll AiSET ALLOCATIONS. Thi• bu1Jne11 It con- Nw.. Cellf 12711 Pilol J.inuary l6. 19'J3 The Following porsons 2. 9, 16, 1993 Sl•lemen• Caltl 92627 Thlt aa.1emen1 wu Med 427 E. 17th St , Sle 144, ducWd by: anlndN'ldval This ~ WM con-

• SaS99 are 00o11q businesa 11· Sa ass The Foltowing potlOt'IS F11nc1s Jam.. McNab, -'th the County Clift( of Cott.I Mesa. Cll1I. 82627 Th• regl11ran1(1) com· duef.O by'" ~ PUBLIC NOTICE S NO WGHOST, 16822 110 doe119 bus.,,os,..: 1995 Hart>or Blvd., ColCa Otano• County on Jattual'f JOhn '8. Green, 1970 16'h tMnC.ci to ttanuct bull- Danlll LM Spartla

Hos1<1111 St. IB, Hun1mgton PUBLIC NOTICE (•!AGENC Y S ERVICES Meu, cai.r 92627 S, 1903 Sl N30l. Newpon BNc:l'I. net• under tw FICtJtiOUI TN9 Q*'*11 wu Ned __ S_U_P_ER- IOR--C- OO--R-T- 1Beacn Cll<f 92648 • (b NATIONAL TELE· lhll buslneu it con- ,aM2t9 Clllol.92663 Bualnou Ham1(1) lllleel With IM Countf Oett! ol

OF CALIFORNIA, More"' R S11nd11>oe, FlcUUeui CO NSULTANTS . 3106 ducted by 1rtlndlvldull Publlshed Newport Beach- Thl1 bu11n1u 11 con- abo¥eon:JlnUlry7, 1993 0ral'Q9 Cour'lly on Decem-COUNTY OF ORANGE 16822 Hotk111s St 18, BulNfteM N•"'• Coral A11e I C. Co111 Tht reg11111n1(1) com- Cotta Mesa Dail; Pilot Jan- dueled by: M-tnd1vlo\JM Frank H. Wilson b41r 11, 1892


T'O.- rto.... Dfw., ttu01U,QIOll B.e.a.ch.- CallL . State"'ent Mesa, C4hf 91626 menc:od to transact tiu.i- uwy 18 23 30 Fet>ruaty 8 Tl'le rtgl1111n1 (s) com- Thi• ltaWmef11 w11 IHCI Pubbheel ~ ~ • ..._..... 92649 The Fo11 .... 1ng l)«&N\S N~man Campb«l Oren· MH ooder I.he AeliUOUI 1993 • • • • menc.d lb ltltlsact ~ W\U'I the County Clettt °' Coet• ..... "°' o.oem.

P . O. Bo• 14171 Calhnne ""9 Oontben•. are OOln<J business 11 nan. 3106 COral Ave 1C. 8uS1neu Nllme(a) ltsted nest under th1 FIC\ltlOUS Orange Councy on JMIWIY ber 22

2t, 1892

• Jr4M'I Ora1t9e, CA 16822 Hosku'IS SL #8, RENAISSANCE MEDICAL CosLl Me.a. 9ahl. 92628 at>o"'t on. Jenuary 4, 1993 Sa-188 Bus1n1H Name(•I Waled 7, 1"3 5. 12, 1"3 ,

921t3-1571 Hun11ngton Boach, ca.111 SERVIC(S, 361 Hospttal This bu11ne11 Is con- Francis Jame• McNab PUBLIC NOTICE 1boY• on: December ts. f9MSN T«rl In the Matier o1 t~ 9™9 Aoael I 126, Newport dueled by a11 lnd1Yldual Thts ltlltement was filed 1992 Published Newpatt Betctt·

P etJllon to Ch•n~ the Thll bu1lness 1s con- Boacn, Calif 92663 Tho reg1Stran1(1) com- With I.he Counly C1et1I ol flctJtloua Jol'ln 8 Green Colt.a Mel.a Daily Pilot J1n-M. m. 0 I 8 Ry A .. OUde<S l>j CA>P31tnefS Char1H A Robertson, MO, menced 10 ltlf'IUG1 bus!>- Ofanqe County on Janu.wy halneM ....... This l\ltement WU tied Ullr'f 18 23 30 F~. STEVEN TORRES The r191s1rant(1) com· Inc.. Cafllomt&, 325 Via MU under th1 F1ct11ious 8, 1993 StateftMftt with th1 County Qerk ol 1983 ' ' ' '



menced to 1tansact bull Udo Nord. Nowpott Beach, Ou!>iness Name(•) haled F55e742 TM Followlng person• Ofat\98 County on Declem· • ness uncier I/le FICUtioul Calif. 926G3 at>Owe on Docemt>tt 21, Publillhed Newpott 8each- are doinQ bUlineu 11. bet 30. 1992

ORDER TO SHOW Bu,.•nut Name(s) listed Tl'l11 bu1111e11 1s con- 1'192 Costa Meu oi•y Pilot Jan- BRADY & COMPANY FS55MI ---------CAUS~~'!;~NGE T~ on Oecemt>et 24. ~':edr~1:11C:::(s'1ati~m ~h~s °;t';::'Of\t was lill<I uary 16, 23, 30, Flbr\Jaty 8, 7181h Jumlne ~ve ., co'. Publiahed Newpatt 8eac:hoo PUBLIC NOTICE

PETITIONEA(S) BRYAN Allelrow A Sundsboe menc.d to transact t:>u!il· w•th the County Cl8f1c of 1993 rona del Mar, Cihf. 92625 Co5ta Meu Oatly Pllol Jan- ---------1 STEVEN TORRES ha. have This 11.lttomenl wu 111.0 nen unoet the F'1ctihous Oranqe County on o.e.m- Sa-397 7~:::;•~T~ ... ,,:"g!; Ullr'f II. !6, 23, 10,

1': 9lYllllNJ..

l~ad 1 pe1111on l0t an Ofeler w.lh int Count; Cleftl of Bus111es1 NarM(s) · ksled bet 21. I 992 PUBLIC NOtJCE Jao.L.Clet Mac. c.w 92625 4TT to criange n1mes trom Orar>qe Count; on January •boY• on NIA ....F55481t Thi• bu•'"'" '11 con- CNS1078384 BRYAN ST'EVEN TORRES 5 -1993 - C1\111i'J A RObenaon, MD, Publllhl!(t Nowpott Beld'I· Actlll-. ductlel by• .,.. lndhlldual PUBLIC NOTICE NOT1Cf OF TRUITU"I to DAYAN STEVEN GOAR F558:Zt4 Inc · CllarlH ROMl'\JOn. d:osta Mesa 0 1y P11ol Jan- BualrMal NatlM The regl11r1nl(1) com• Plctltl- IAll It IS hertby Otllered ltlal PubliShed N-pott Se~ Prnodent 2 g IC. 23 l9!ll menc:ed '° lrllf'IUCt bu..,_ TrullH Sale No

111 ~· 1n1etnlad 1n ColU Mesa Dady PilOC Jan- This statement was l~eo lli1l'f S 859 The ~~ neu ~ tho ~tloul 1141..ine.. N•- 824111f0U22£TIA

t"4s matter aPc>lllf before F With th1 County Cleft( of • ~-~.,, peBOnl 8 el NMn ( ) " tad St.MeMen• YOU ARF lN DEFAUl 1t11s couf1 1n Oopanmem ~~ !8, 23, 30. ebru~ 6• Orange Covn1y on Dec:om· PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~o"lg t;"~;-:• ~VOA .~: Ji/'lu!v'13 1:S3 The FollO*lnQ ~ UNDCR A DEED or rRUSl No 703 ol ltle Orange ~ 28, 1992 Deni R Brad • .,. doing bullneM H ' DA rro AS SHOWN en ow Count; SupenOf Court at . Sa-4S86 F5555t4 Flctlll- CONSULTATIONS, 116~ Thtt .. t.tai..m.nl u filed EHEAOY CLOTHIHG COM UNUSSVOU TAI{( ACTION the address shown at>oYe _owlnll~NOTICE Publiah9<1 Ne"lJloQrl..Beach lkl.Jne .. NaM9 Ol1 '"'~_<?rde, Fountain VtJ. .,.._ ~ ..... _, ~ °' P.AHY, ll04 E. 8alboa. IW-- TO PROT£CT YOU on U 1611993 al 2 00 o ·c1 rvv .....- - Co M ey, ..... 92709 Otano Cou ........... , bOt. c .. .i 82'41 PROPlRTV. ll MAY BE ock .pm., .;,a 11\0n and Fictitious '" esa D1t1ly Pilot Jan- Statement Do11•ld M Thomp1on, s. 19'J. nty on Jllf'IUVf Uu Gordon. ll04 E Bat· SOLD A. r A PU6UC SAU there •flow Cl\60 11 any uar; 2. 9, 18, 23, 1993 The Following ~IOt'IS 16656 Ollve Circle. Foun- s. 1 3 bOa BafbOa Cllil 92961 IF y 0 v N [ c D AN they have """Y tile. ~Ilion Bua.lneaa ... "'. Sa 1164 011 00119 bo.lt•nt"SI u IAll\ V•lley. Calif 92708 'F'65e282 Trill bu1lne11 i i con- EXPlANA TION OF THE '°' cn1n91 ot ~· 61'\ouid Statement . E.UHOAME.AICAN CREDIT T'11s bustn•H IS con- Publian.d N9wpott 8ollef). Cl~ by 81'111\dtYldual N A. T u R r 0 f TH [ not ti. 9fanlod The ro11ow1111~ per$0n$ PUBLIC NOTICE & TRADE. 900 Hyde Cl ., duc~d by an tnCIMCIUll Costa~ Daily PllOC ~ The ttgl1111nl(I) c~ PROC[(OING AOAINST

1111 lut1het OfdefO<I thal JS •re doonq bu~1ne11 as FlctltlCM.1• Costa Mesa, Ca hf 92626 Th• ragl•lrtnt(•) com- uwy 18 23 30 February 6 menced lo ~ ~ vo.u 'VOU 5 HOVlO oopy ol this Ofdl!I 10 $how (f1)8EH RE.NS INJEANA· Yvonne A Glusek, 1925 meoo.CI 10 transact butl- 1993 ' ' ' ' 11911 undef lhl FICOOoU.1 CONTACT A LAWYCI\ C:.UH be pubhsl'led 1n 'TIONA\. TRAVEL (b) lkt~"·" N•nt• Lanai Or Costa Mesa. neu under lN FICtJllOU• ~ 8Ulln1H Niun.(1) kslad A publoc lvcloon .. i. to Dail PilOI a ~

1 of 8 EHR I: NS INT EA NA Statement Cat.I 9262&-3507 Bueunen Name(I ) 14ste0 ~ tbolle on o.c.tnber 29 he hJGhe•I bidder fo r CHI\ .

gent,., c1rcula1Jo':i ~b TIO NA. L E N£AGV (c)· The FOllOWlng potM>nS Thli bu•1ntn II con· atio ... e on Declembef 10. PUBUC NOTICE 1992 • • CHhler'• checi. dr•wn on lisn

0,,, lh BEHAE.NS INTERNA· aredolnoDuslnessas ducted by 1nlnd1v1<1ual 19?2 UuOMdon ll•t• or ne11onll benll • lea: once 1 '~e~~:·.~: TIONA.L RESOURCES. 230 RYAN R E 6 OUR CE Tht re911111nl(1) com Donald M Thompson Flctllloul Tl'llS ai.temenl WH l.i.d hack drewn by a ttate °'

con:oecut•,.. wet!lts poor tu V1ll:t Point Onve Ne .. J)Ofl GAOUP, 1953 Flarmn90 menced 10 van c:t buV Thit statem9'"4 w.u filed 1141..tneee N•me wiin the Coullty Clet1I of f•d..,•I cred11 un.on °' • lne Clay °' 1ne he11t111g Se.ttti c.i.1 ~ Dflve Costa Mesa, c.J<f ,,.ss unO« the Fict1\ious ""''" the Counly Cl«ll ot Stat-• Of~ Counl'f on Oacem· heck dtewf\ by • •let• °'

JULEE ROB S~ey 8enren11. &902 011 92(;28 Business Mamo(&) llS1eel Or1n91 Coun1y on Decefn" Th F I ~ 30 1891 fad•r• I U \NIG I and loan · INSON, lord Drf..,e , Hun11ng1on Roi;.aljne E Ryan, 1953 above on Docembef 15. ber 22, 1992 1 olOWlng ~ona ' fSSSMe ueo cl et1on , .. vin o

COMMISSIONER OF Beac:h CaM 92641 · Flamingo Drlvt Costa 1992 FS!M99:1 ate dol~ bvslne11 U .. .ocl•tion or ••W\l•tlenll THE JU PER I 0 A Thll 'businen

11 con- Mew Calif m2fi' YllOnne Grvul. P DUPON PA.lM COURT, Putlfllhed ~ a..ch ~lf,.o 1t1 Secuon 5 101 01

COURT ducted by an 1n<1<111e1ua1 Tri11' bu11ness is con- Th•• &tatement wu lole<S ubl•shed N-pof1 B4llch- 21112 Ouponc Of , "-· Coli. U.U Owly Piiot J- ha f onenc1.i Cod• DATE: JAN e, t093 The rog111rantls) com- ducted by, "1 lndl11i0ual w1lh tne County Clerk ol Co5ta Mesa Dtil~tlot Jan. Calif 927 15 uwy 9, HS, 23, 30. t993 eutl'lorued to do bu1lnH1 In Bry•n Steven Torr••· menood IO 1t•11•acl bu.. Th• 1egl11r1nt(I ) corn- Oranqo County 00 Decem· uary 2 , 9 l6, n .'i}'J9J 2~"'v1aM~. ~= S.874 vj'y

11:;~~~.~· ~u~I~ I~ t902 Dewe Aff. , Ir· n~s under Ille Fctill~ menced lo tranJICI bu~ IM>t 18. 19'J2 S.-862 S..ch, Calif 92663 • hown below o l all roght wine, C•. 927f4 Bus.nes>o Name(tl lilted ness una. lho F1~ F5544MS8 PUBLIC NOTICE This b1111n111 11 con- PUBLIC NOTICE itle, and .,,., .. , conveyed

Pu b ll •hed Newport abolle on Decembef 1, Business .Name(s) 1-ste<I Publo~ Ne•Pott Beleh ducted by· 111 Inell~ 0 •nd now t\eld by the Beach Cost.a Mou Daily 1~ 80h T=- on Decombof 1, C<>\1.1 Me~ Daily Pilot 0.. Fictitious The "'Olllrll'll(I) com- .,=:-;::_ rulf .. "' 1h• herell'l •lter

fly rent cembf!r 26 1992 January Bualnfft NeMe mtnced IO ttana.c:t bull- .. ct'ibed p1operty und•• Pilot J.lnUMY 16 23, 30 Th1s at11teman1 wn filed Rosaline E. Ryan 2 9• 16 l9?J · St•t•m•"t n"' uodet I.he Foell!JOUI SlateMef'll •nd puttu•nt to • Deed o t Fet>ru11Y 6 . 1993 w•lh ltl9 Coun1y Cieri! ot This !ll.llomlf'll wat ltlld Sa 8!>4 Th Follow> son• BultntH Nam•(•) kited The Followlng penon1 T1u11 d .. cnbed belOw Tt'9

S a.904 Or1n91 County on Jan.Jaf'/ with 1.1\e Coun'Y Cllttl ot 0 0 0~.,, bu~•:' at>Ovt on oUtnUllY 1 189J we doono ~ u ule w.n b• made. but ---------1 8. 1993 Oran~ County on Docem PUBLIC NOTICE ~ORr~AOE SOURCE Mary Mede.rl• Munaey COLE ~KETING. 8'2J·B without cove n a nt 01

PUBLIC NOTICE F551752 ber 18. 1992 4710 Voo KAiman Avt '. Thll IUllemenl was ttea Cllle Amanecer. San Clem w1rren1y up11u or SUPERK>R COURT Pub1<$1\.cl Ne ... pott 0..Ch F554e76 FlctlUoua Newport Ouch Celll wilh lhO County o.n. ol enle, Clfil 92673 Implied 1agetdw19 lllle

OF T'LIE ST'"TE OF CostJ MH.11 oa.i, Pilot J i n- PubltMMd Newpon O.aeh- Bu•IM•• Mam• 9?660 . Or~• Counly on J~ Philip A. McCrM Jf . ~ p ..9 ••••• I 0 n 0 , • " .. c M D p n..... 8 3 Sant• Ml Ava #0 Coli. • ncumbtencH, 10 P•Y the

CAUFOANlA FOR uary 1€., 23. 30. Februtty 8, Oii.i es.t Illy 1IOI ..,,... St•te"'ent Juoy AntlO S.gol, llOO S.. · 1 Me Cai f 92627 ' remi lninq pt1t>Cll)al eum ol THE COUNTY 19'JJ c:embef 26, 1992, Janu•ry Th• FC1Uowm9 pe; Jon, lane • 92. CorC>tlol Cle! Mar, fl5e743 Th~ · bu

111,,,11 11 con the nol• l• I .. cutad by the

OF ORANGE Sa·898 2, 9, 16, 1993 ate 00-nq bv"'~·' H Calo! 9?62S Published Newport 8Nch dueled by en ~ O .. d ot Trutt ... 1111 lnte rHt In lhe ... tler of the PUBLIC NOTICE Sa 857 LJ'8 ENCINU .RtNG 21912 lhll bus1ntn II con- Colt.I MOM Diii; Pilol J1n- Tl'le roglslrant(•) com- and l•te ch•rg~• thereon, ••

Oco&n"'• .. I.rt Hun11119ton duc1ed by It\ tndMOual uwy 18 2'.l 30 February 6 menc::ieO 10 lrW\ ~ bull- prollld1d In the notel•I Appllcatlof'I o1 PAUL PUBLIC NOTICE Beach, takt 92646 Tne reg11t11nl(•I com· 1993 ' • • • ,,..., under IM' Ad4loul advencH, If env. under the CHRISTOPHER JACK· FlclltlCM.11 Larry Alle n Bouuom, menc;.O to ltanuc:t bu• .,,_ '"""" BullnMs Name(•) •seed t.,m, of tl\e 0.ed ot Trutt SON, PeUUo"er, for Bua.lneu Name frk:tltlCM.11 21812 Oc:eanview ln , Hun n111 under lhe AclJtk>ul _...,..,. lnt•r"t thereon l•u Ch•"•• of "•"'• to State-nt halne•• N1me t.ngton Be.le.ti Cahf 926'6 8 u11nou Ntmt(s) llled PUBLIC NOTICE •=:"~.JI hw\u• and u"ntu of CHRISTOPHER PAUL The Followlng PITl<>nl St.tement Tt111 b11~1nf!H II con· abo"'° on Decembef tS, This ti.temenl WU Ned he f\.IUH 101 tN 101

are dOlng bus.,,.u" The Following persona dueled Dy an •n<:llViOuol 1992 Flctltl •mount l•t the time of the BONNEE MY CHAUFFEUR UMOU· .,, dOlnq buW'IHs u l he reg111ran1(1J com- Jud'( Segel oua With lhl County Qerk °' 11"11llel publlcetlon of the

IT IS ORDERED lhal al SINES, lOO ~l Plaza CALIFORNIA TRANS L.A- tn""9d 10 lt1rtWC1 busl Thl1 atatement wa• fllecl helneM N-. OtW\08 County on o.c.n. Nolle• ol Sale l 1ueonably peraons 1nlorKIOd in lhl PH2 Newpott 8elCl1 eat.I TIONS AHO GE.HERAL ,,_, unoiw \hi F1ct11iou1 Wlln U.. Counly Cletti of StateMeftt ber ll>. 11192 t hM• l•d lo be H .. t fottl'I above matter llj)p8ar in 0.- 92003 ' SE;Rl/ICES 2984 Andros 8u51nlh Name(•I l•lted OrAnQI County on Oecem· The Folio.Ing ~· F5SH70 below Tl\I emQut'lt mey be partmenl 703 ot 1tt11 court, tMwPott N19hU1fe Umou- St , Costa Mesa, Ca111 t bo111 °"' 0.Cemt>er 12. b4lr 2J. 1992 ,,. doing bullne•• u : A Publllhed Hewpon Beach> , .. ,.,on lhe dey of Hie ~led at 3-41 Ctr; Dnlll. Sine SaMce Inc Calilomoa 92626 19112 FSS91 M PLANTA'TIOff GARDEN:., Col'-t Mesa Olliy P1tof J.,._ l tut to1 Pemc1a AM Orange. CaJ,fOfTlll on 2JIJI C0tpor1uon. 100 Schotz Ul lOh Piepenburg, 1984 l.ltry A Bou111om Publothld NewpOtt Beach- 391 la Pert. Ln . Cotta UllY • • " · 23, 30, 11193 Ouu•tt• 1993, Ill 2.CO p"' . or •• fJ'au PH2 N-pon Beach AnOros SI ~ Mesa. Th1:11 1ia1emen1 WH hied Co5ll Mii&, ~. 82821 s..en Duly Appo1ntad lrvtlff M>On thereatlM .. th• mat- Catl1 112<.6l . Cll1f 92628' ""'"' the County Ct8f1c Of MIU Duy Piloe Jin. Amy E. T ennyton. 39' La R • II •I> I. In v .. I "' • n ,. ~y bl hNtd. Ind Thi• bu1lnn1 I• con- Thi• bu11ne11 Is con- Or1.nge County on Decem· uary 2. 8, 16, 2J, t"3 Perie Ln.. Co1t1 M.... PUil.iC NOTICE Corpoiellon, A ColltomJe ll10W CIUM , If any. why ducted Dy· I t«p()(l\ion ducted by- an tndMdual ber 19, 19')2 s.863 c.ld. 1262'7 CorporetlOf\ ~,/."'~~~d c:nn~ b~ Tl'I • r1011111n1.t1) corn- The 11g 11tr1ntt•I corn- F554e70 PUBLIC NOTICE ~~·::~con- Plcuei- e. [91~°'.::!:~A~.~:' ClfL"'OCI menced lo 1t1n:.act bu•· me~ 10 llWl..ct busl Pubfishld N-pon Bitch- Tl'I• reglattenl(t) com- llualMM et.- Auou•t 17. 1889

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED nest undlf the FIC'IJUOUS nett und« the FIClrllOUI Co111 ,,., .. Oaity f>llOI 0. Flctlt'- menc9CI '° ltenaad bu• St.tetttef'I• lnnrument N~r. 89 lhal 1 COPV ot lrnl Otd• &o BllllMll Name(1) lilted 8u11n1u Name(1) 1111.0d cembet 26, l 9'l2, JlnUllY Buatn ... N- MM ur'6ef tho fk:tit1ou1 The Fdlowlng P8'IOtll 438'!111& ertlOW CAUM bo publtshed ~ on. ~bor IS, ·~on .. ~· 2 ll 16. 19'XI •ta•e......e BuslMll Namo(I) 11*1.ed ant dOlnO ~.. Rec0<ded In County ~f In Thi Hewl)Ort 8Nct1 a.aatte ..,..penburg Se-&56 TM Followlng pertOnl above on· October 1881 THE ATilC 1730 Wea Ounoa, Stele of Cei.tomia Co..ia Mesa Dally Pilot.. e Newpon Nlghllil• Inc .• Thll ~ wH IJ.O •• dOtng blJllneH u : Anry e. Tennyton Coul Hwy .. Newpotl Diie encl Tlml of Sale MWSplPflf of a_,., cir Pretldenl Wlltt tM County ·Cltrl! Of PUBLIC NOTICE NEWPORT AWARDS . Thi• lllatement .... llted Beach. Clllif. 92683 Februery ' · lH3 ., IO 00 culll&lon pnn1ed In Or ltllt ltllttl'\81'11 WH tillel Or~ ~ on JarMJITy 31~D AltpOtt Loop Of wlfl the CcM1ty Oetfc of Juh CM1Une 8ametl. 1 f1 A M County c.i.tomit onc4~ WIO'I the Count't Cl.ni 01 5 , 1"3 flctllleua Costa Mesa C#if t2&a ' ~ County °" 0.CIJn- Peart A..,. BllbOa 1.i.nd Pltee ol Se4a At 'he _. few IOUf ~ Orwige County on Januwy f5M2.20 hMMM N•- Newport ldintity fl'roduela, ber 21 , , 992 C.W. 8'2M2 · l'\Ot\h front 1ntr~• to the


°" "'*'-' ........ Ml ... ~..,'"'*•· lhlee~'**t

,,... .,... ""' and • _, ..... Ctllll Yau ar1 buy ... ona dellr«buy"" ---~. fadl part ... ll'leluctia FUU.


MULCAHY Wllll•"' .lo•ep Muk:llhw, o f 1 died on ~ 21 1992 .. the eg• 0 58 A heart •bnot matily kno~n a (HOCM) c:auMd audden death. Ser *- ... l'lefd Ooc 23. 1992 •t P1 c illC \/- Memot Petk 8nd -• ~ mt1tl J>:,._.~,.­P•ltlck McP<*l Bil wat born In bus. Ohio pn Oc bet 27, I 034 gr•dulled lrom t untver.ity of Notr; Dame in 195e wa 8 an a C ·

compll1hed a•I•• and mat1c.clng ... ecullve. anct hlld lounded hi• own -vlfonment.al and pro­c: es s equipment comp1ny. Dearly lo~ by hi• ... O.ell Robb i "• Muic:.hy lllld ch•· lahed by hi• mothw, Margaret of lrvlne. He t1 also IUNWed by hi• •9"' cNtdten, Teresa, Pattlck , ~athleen, MIOhael , M aY<een, Mary Bein. Mafk .,,. • ~"lrief and tour gt• -dchlldren, JoHph, SUlphatW, Aandi e.h et'() ()ou. glU Hia fam.ty and many frtondl wtll men him lllld alwey9 remember him e.a a le.Cher end emJJ9· lh.OC c:ounMIOr. The lemlly would •P­precl1te remem­bfanc- In the form of doftellon• to the Atneflcen Hean M­aoci•tlon dellgNted lor r•••arch of HOCM Addreu .n­vetopn to p 0 Boll 60•e. Irvine , CA 92716

r .. ,

"""' pnor lo 1.1\t d.i."' 7• ' 993 Publlllh«t "-wpott BNCh- Statement lnC , Cellfomla Corp., 31tt- P9M834 Thlt buelneu It con- County Cou1'1houH , 700

l0t ll••tnO on mo peWon. ' 5 Hl7t eo.1.1,.... Diiiy Piiot J~ TM FOilowing per'°"' o Alfpott looP °""· eou Publlhed ~ ~ dUdied by an lndMdUal ~~~. ~:t•cA Dffw w .. t For Ad Action ,_Ill IW o.te4 JAM 9, tM:I. PVblllhff Newpott 8oech- U#V 18, 23, 30. Ftbfual'y e . .,. 600tlO OUllnlH.. ...... Calif eme Costa ..... Daly Plot Jan- Th• regl1tr1nl(t) com- E1umaiac1 s ... AMO\int Call a ml lllllWIY JUL•• AOaletSON , Coeta Mew Daily P11oc Jan- 109J 0 M COPV S ERVICE, Thl1 bu1tne11 11 con- u 18 23 30 ,:..-- e IMfud to tranaad bull- U42.702 70

COlllllSSIONI" 0 , U#V 16, 23, 30, Ftbfuaty 8 , SMl89 23411 SuMmerfteld, Allso ducted by I COfP()(atlon llY • • ' --• • nOll under~ Fic:Ulloue ~at O.•c.r1t1tlon 01 ..a;. ... - - M ortu9'y * C"-* TH• SU_.•"

1 0" 1993 Viejo, c.111 9~ Tht r1g111ran1(1) com· '"3 • Bulin•H HllM(s) laWd Proj>erty Lot 7 ot Tree1 No _, _ CtemtOon

COURT s.t!M PUIUC IOTICE 01ry 0 Morton, 23-411 merv;ed lo tfWllACI bl*- s.eoz lbO¥e on: NIA 1173, In lht Crty 0 110 •oeow--------- 1--------- Summerlteld. All .. Vltlo. neu unCl8f tnt F\dldoul ..... .,. -nc• NeW1>0t18tech •• ,_, Mtt1 AO VISOR -•

.-AUL CHfUITCWHO PUBLIC NOTICE ........_. Calif 92656 8ut1nn.1 N1m1(1) tl-.ct r-- "" 5 "-cordecl In eoOk 1 14 p... • Coeta .._. JACKION, 2300 ,.., h•l"H• .,.._. Th11 bualne11 la con- 9bOve on. N/A Plctltl9u• 42 of Miec.11~• Meo• 842·5878 ........ ~~x·~~ ~~ ~~· ~by~~~ ~J~~~ ·~~ i~;;;;;;;~~~====~~~·~;~~~~~~;~llllllll~ ..... CA 9292.9 Put> heltteM N..,. The FotlowttlQ l*MlM The reg111r1nt(I) com- dtnl .._.....,.. ll.ned Newpo,t Beach 5t ... ••"t w. dolr\a buelMal II rMnCed to ltlln:UCI ~ Thia ltltem4WI' .,, lted The Folowlng eo.ti ...... O.ly Pilot Jan TM Following petM)tll A BIRO'a EYE V1£W, 1010 ,_, undlf the flCtl\i°"I 1111tlh lho Cow1ty 0ettc of OOI ~ l*"90N

are doing buetn118 ••· Park H-por1 N-pon Ouatnen N11m1 (1) lilllCI Oranoe County °" ~ •• ng M uary II, 16, 2:3, 30, 1993. (.' w IN N IN 0 I( e y 8 h.ctl Celtf 92Mo 11>01te on Decombtr '°· bor 29, 1992 WIUARD REESE & AS-

Saaa5 (b}WIHNINO l<tYS PRESS P1elfee OftfWa COrpot'I- 18'12 I Fat .... SOCIATES, 376 Vl1'8 ~a. __ PU_ B_UC __ N_O_T_IC__;.l __ , (c)J WT I CO (d)J W UOn, Cllltlom•a. 1010 Park Cwy Morton Publ•lhld Newport BMCll- N::gon 8 11ch, Ca II ---------1 TAHlNBA~ I CO 345 ~. ~ ea.ch, Th<a a1.11emen1 wo ftled ColU Meta Ol4y Pelot. JM. ~ C "'-~- • "'-

Fl tllklu Unlll«af'V Or t 2 eotta Callf t2MO with Iha County Cl8f1c 01 "3 •O .--, 37v .... 11 au.II c Na Me91, Cllrf m27 , Thi• bUtlrwtH 11 eon Orange Covrtty Ol'I January u1ry 2, 9 , tf, 23, 1 8ay1, Newpor1 8t1ch,

• 1 ..... •tne Jin Wienec:M 1~ ducted w • ~ 5. 19'll Sa 115 c- neeo ......._... 345 Unl¥erlity Of f.·2 Tht ttgla111n1(1) c~ '5593 t7 PUIL9C MOTICI Thi• lw•IMM la con-

_,...~=:!. ~· Co.U ....._ Co4tl lm27 ' menoed 10 1t11nWt t>uat- Publl~ Ntwpott &eldl ~edr~:ra~°""' THE MARQUIS APART Thi• bu•lnau la con- net1 under t"9 Flct1t1oot Cott• Mtll Diiiy P11ot Jtn· Flctltleue ~ '° trlnead t>utt-

MCHTS, IOO ,..._pott C1" ducted by en lndMdlsal Bu.in .... Heme(1) list.cl uary 18, "'3. 30, Febtulty e. ...._.,,... ..... - undet fW ~ ,., ~ Sw• 400 N- Tn. • t•gl1111n1 (1) com •bove Oft KIA ti>')) ............ lutinoN Nwne(I) I.a POf1 Bit.il'I. Cellf t2fAo ~ lo .-tnuct butt· PtcWo 0"11011 Corp . Sa 887 The ~ peraont above on NIA MeVIO VrllllO• Asaoct1t" neu undet IN Fie11Uout Pr...a.ne . . 111 dOlng bullMU u · WlllWd C AHN

ltd • 1 Cal<lornlt limlted Outlnen Nam•(•) listed Th11 "\~nc wu f11ee1 PUBLIC NOTICE PAClrtC INl..'NO (HT[A. This .....,,.,. "" !tied ~P 800 ~ tbove on D««nber t , Wl9' IN County Clenl °' PAI" 21Mt ~ wlfl an. County Qert1 vi Center en.,. Su11e 400 1"2 0r1inge c.oun.., on JW'AillY flctlU- St # 30l Hunlh'94•" Orwl09 Counly on ~ Newpor t (leech, C1hl · J.n W*'Kll• Tan.nt>llum 8• t.Ol hlln..a N•Me Buch, Ct11i t2946 .,., u. 1192 920&0 Thia at•tttneitl w1• II.led ' 'IM444 atat._.,en, Wendy Yolttwth Lew, Pll•llO Thll a uslneu It co,. ~ lhe~ly c:;.: Pvblllhed Newl)Oti O..cn. The Folio.~ pet'°"9 21Ci41 Drooto.hurll $t # >03, ~lhed NIWpott ~

dl.lcl-4 by • lomt1ed p.,, bor ~·It!» on COIMa ..... Oarry ~ J.,.. •• du;ng ~·as Huntington hKll. C. ~ .._. n.-... ,.._Jen. ,,.,_,,,p ' uwy 1•. '3. >O. r~ ' • PURUS C .. UlTINO THE 0'640 - r The teg111tanl(•) c.om Pa~t 19'> HV~AU fACTOAl I~ Tn11 bv11neu II c.on- uwy a. I , 11, 23, 1"3 menc.ed 10 1rt1 ,.t butl Put>116'11d ~pott Onell • S• I02 O.~t Lilne, H1.;,mn<1ton dueled bY' an lndlllldual S. NO ,. .. ~ 1"41 ,-, •llOUI C<$I ...._ Deily Pilot O. Bcl~h . Cl _ I flM '9U Tht reglalrtnl(1) COf'llo "'9l.IC IOTICI 11111ne11 N•m•l•I kt.a c.nbet H . IG!n, JllnUlfY PUaLIC NOTICE J ohn J•y """ 1G.X2 ll'f "'41t'ted to ltllnNd tlu9 1 ________ _ .00~ Oii ~!let 11. 2 t tf 1913 111ore Lant. Hunt.ngton ,... urtd« ~ ~ "-...U.U. l"2 • ' · ' Plctftl..a• fle•ch Co•• fl '60 8u111n1t1 Name(•) hted .,......_ ....,.. Mtcnc; Vtllllfil• Auocl• .. , 'S•~S> •'4•1•• •w rn11 ' bua111n1 11 con •~on N/A

LW ~)'lQf'I . W1Dlwn• PUILIC NOTICI Stat•Meftf d 1<tecl b1 an ihel•fteltJ411 Wendt v. IAw MM•"'"'' I 81111.,.ood F1na nci• I TM Foi'OOIMQ petlOnt Irie rtg1,1r1nl(11 con1 Thtt ~ ... a.lid Tiie 'C:::. ~ ~UUCI 92, itl 11"'f't'll pitt ~a 1,. .iotng INtine .. ai lt*Ked to 118" tt bUt1 111 till Counly Clel1' .- ~ ~ It. ner , .... n S her.wood. .......... ·- LINDA THOMAS P C!T fll:U 11M• the rt<.t1U.JUt °'lW"lllt Cout1t1 on Oaam pOtts Cent AYO...:,.~ Ptll>denl ........... PALS fi HTEHP'fUll I luMMU N1me 1a1 lit•.O ber~. l"l leac:.n c!. eaiJ____.,

The FOllc>Mno .,_..,... 111 n Aothme>nd Clfcte' aixw. on Janu ry 1, ' l - 'aeaeaT ONtr' P'oo ., .._ ll et• OOlt1a llulltMKt M Ht1t1t~ a-c:n, Cliif JMn J T1'1Jt PIJbljtMd ~ .._,. 1>ne* eoit.i ...._. C.. HA~(f:AJ INV ST· N14t Cc.~taMeMO..,Plot ..lln ~,. ' ' MEIHI, 1100 Coett Linde C Jlw)Mat, :11172 UA'f t ti. 2), >0. lie) • Th•1 i.utlMH It eon-Hwy . COfON def ... , , ~Id Citcle. ~ RENT .... .,. ~"Y .,..,.., .... C.W l2'GS tot! 9-c.l'I, OIW .,._ TN rff!tlr~(•t _,,.. Ot.,...~......,., Jf,. tt111 ltv1l"911 .. '°~ Coo..,..;. ,,_....le...,......,..

STIRTll& I IEW BUSllESS7? The t..g1j 0tpertment It OM "°' le

plMMd eo ~ • new MMce now ewl•blt eo new bultn• ...

Wo wtll now ~ 1he ntme tot you e1 no _,. c:Nrge, Met .... you tM ttm. Met 1he .rtp eo 1he ~ tbAle In .... Me. TMn. "' oour., .,.., .,. 1W'dl le ~··d .. wll .... ycMH fldtlloUt ~ Mme atlltement wNt tM CCNnty CIM, ~ Ota • ... .. tour .... • r..,nd by ... Incl "*' ... ~ P'oof "' publcell1>11 wt1t1 c:ouney an.

70I ,.......,, c.,..,. d4ll ~ e.y .,. ~ UWOUfll Cll Siited ...... 01111•1 • w wNi11r tte .,_..,.

aw, aw tN1S ftta r19111r•"1f•) com M9 •n .,.._.. *"'-f•t ..... ••••••••••••


t 8Nch/C09ta Meta Dail Pik>t

Costa Mesa, CA, 92827 ..



Bow To P18ce A Claatfled Ad .

____ F_O_R_SllE ____ . By Phone .......•.•...•..•••.. MJll-6.878


2800-2118 80 l C).4I080

8 :()C)am - a:aopm Monda;r thru l'rtda7

I I By Vlaitlng ....... 330 W.t BaJ S&reet

al02·8174 2920-300& 8102-8190

(eor.w- of !lwwpan ~ • 11&7 Ill.) a:ao..m - a:aopm

Monda7 Ulru Prlda;r


Or By Mall .............. 330 Weet Ba;r 8~:

Costa Mesa, CA. 82827

8760-8790 -:A0&-39 39 701 1· 9090 Desullli>es .... .... ~ ..... G-;-30p~ c:W.q for

l'--t __ ~_j_~=-frOO_UNl_m_ES _ __,] . GENERAL POLICY ..._ ... ...._ .,. .....,_ .. _,..,...._TM~

- &mnpa .. -.~ . ...... ,... ... ~ ... - ,__,..... ... __..u...-.,11io 1a ,eez~ M

nen daJ"• publlcaUon.

3 :30pm WeclnMClay for \be Independent

• &WJ 1"' Oal:r Pa. • n. I , I , ..... • IWillllJ ... _, __ la __ • I.-...... .., ................ ... &M - ., . .... ......., ...... ~ ·-- c::r.i1 .. "'1 • ~ .................. IS&30-&IS40


GENERAL 1002 NEWPORT COSTA MESA 2 124 NEWPORT BALBOA COSTA MESA 2624 COSTA MESA 2624 LAGUNA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 106 9 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 216 9 ISLAND_ 2 606 BEACH 2648

For Ad A6t1on Call a

S uper S tarter liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 • ~ptir;- qoiet. l?,tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •$200 OFF!!• Al.A llOANA APTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Super aotlers w oll holp yJrd, nuw carpet, sngl Bay r ldgo 2BR 20A Charrning duplex, Port Benutoful 28A l lhBA $200 OFF!! Lg lBA & Lg 20A Apts lllJPlll ..

GE HERAL 1002 you buy !his homo Newpor1 Beach q;:iraqo, good area. condo, frplc. m icro, N loc 306 •,-'I Coral. 2Br townhome orw. lndry 1 & 2 BR. d/w, beaut panotam•C oc;n Y l41W '

Will help woth loan S8~1mo 8 4 7 -7540 c . ttash compac1or, 2 19a pvt sndk , frplc, rm. patoo $795/cno. blk to beach Ca·I for '? . St II pool atea. Rec rm . · - ~"""""2 lees Why wait J BA ea eeH• l e c r est Home car gar, w /d 1ns1de (ltO) 27J.3JOO by appl 238 A vocatdo deUlllS .. ., , • ..,.,..

w 11 h f 1 r •PI• c • Own your own 2BR 3BR. 2° '"' , frpk:, gar, Call Carol 760-9121 CENTAUR M GMT lndry rm, close to

AO-VISOR &42·5878

••••• FOf 1dd11onal rea.I estate Matings pklaso turn to !tie rogular ctas.llf1ed sectlOn ·

Aft<MnoOtt O.Hvttt 2 ,BR ponthOutle over looking lake Sunny b r I 0 h I u n II w II II vaul1.ed ce1hnga. Cozy flreplace. Designer llfHlylel $1 39,900

C-2 t WelconM . (714t Ha 8875

F1wer Uppe-r 3 BA, 1 75 OA Over sized drivewoty Pool Huge bo~• rm. fp r9mod toe, frml din

• 1172.000 Abandoned on th•

Olufft 3 BR. 2 !> DA Vlld c.01hnga, ma1bte tp, gazebo. sp uclu alve neighborhoo d $244,900

F.U Out of C:scrow lmmaic:u&ate 3 BA, 2 5 BA. 2 ttOf'Y F'orm.I dining, _, b>tf, •• c ept1ona1 neighbor• hOOd $184.900

..,. shops and bu••• ---------$165,000 1 d e n & w•lk t o $1300/mo Avf now BA YRIDGE 20R 29A 642 2288 or 722·9012 $650/MO WPORT

C 2 1 Welcome the b e•ch . F eel O.wo. Aqt 545 7506 2-car g~r. pool/ap~ BALBOA * • C heery furnishe d 5~~ WILSON NE <71 •> 968-8875 :~ 1:~:·~·~=·-.-N-ewpo-..;;._rt_H_e_lg_h_t_•_ $1450. mo lo mo PENINSUIA 2607 studio, $555/mo. No 722·9012 °' &42·2288 BEACH 2669

co"". quiet cottago 1n $ 1:>00 Debi 72t· 11!>4 pou Oa~ & water Incl ES 0 H K iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or- • are•I areat · , --==""'"="'.,....,.,,..,,.....,"'="=-- Lv M sq 846-5 3 30 · •de ueat ouao, 11



Mcxiv<1tedl SS99.500 &« 9 I !>5 Owner Bkr


Rain Or Shine • These Homes Are Still Great

buy I 0 n I y roJr. 1UA 1BA. pJtoo BEACH HOUSE $600 l.lrgo lBA Oupte..t wlfrlg & stove. n/amkr/ S t 7 9,000 N ego- lence<l yard, $750'mo 2or. stove. refrog. •love rolng ulJI pal(l • B e am C elll"9• prot•no pets, $650/mo t18ble . ~ sun-

1 ____ 9_7_?_!>_2a_r.1..___ p..atJQ..._S~ Ult1 P4tJd 41~li'Jrt1Tng, Bonbon IBA unf\Jm, ~ gar, util inc 645-6048 John

day t 2.5; 11 Sea- 2Ufi 19A wtrple 1 car 6-45-8943 N oPe1S !>47· 1t5S lrptc, cflW N o pots EASTSIDE scap e Raytone M1rn· qMnqo, $900/mo BIO C ANYON 2Br 2811 s io5 m o 642•71 • 2 B.c:k Bey cle 83 t - t 0 98 or 242 Cecll Pl Call c.ondo Oe.tutofvl Yi- SU:.O tBr n ew paont & • F u rnished Cott-v• 2BR 1 BA. w ·o hkups 760.5000 Ed t t4 C.1tey Aqt 631 ·2242 o f golt course Avail firs , lndry im. •tovo & lor non !>mkr Utol tnci bac k.yard No pets

Rern•• SC NIJ E '•ld• lUr 20., hs o, Feb Sl850 83 1-6868 relroq Ulll paid 723· E sode lmmaculatel $725/m o MS-183 t 0823 or 3 10 ?24 0043 $695 548·5056 -----~..,....,,,..--- 1

2021 f'on Weyb,.<l flo Open S tiSUn 1 5

Ownor woll ftr'-< o<;U lo qual bYyer Now k ot,. bJths. C.lrpclln1J JOA 2BA vacant

"'JS,000 Gayle Am•to

72 t -4120 or 720 1 760 M ark Cardt'lvt".C:I

g.ir cpVClrps rofrog, 8'• ..-. C nd 11 EAST&tDli w <l 1rplc. No pets .. , .. 0 o.. ·~ THe WATER • •MOVE-I N SPECIAL! Count- Wood•

3BR' 2•nea. 1700 • t. .._ b • • O rdcmr SI 1 25 • ace. Panoramte .,, • ..., 2 oed l.Q clean 2bf 1 a . gar, 2BA .. stdy aplt.tvt. otll ut•I pd !'>44-2 140 S l 7SO,mo I yr ISO 2 UA w 1g 8'aqeL N O nu Cpl, D/W. Storage fl(>. skyll, deck $88~ FREE JAN R E NT! Av1 2J I 844-03 3 5 pets $1 600 673~7092 $750 No Pot 640-2495 No pets. 180 2Ut St 'H'ACIOVS 3 BR 20:\ Bluffs Twnh- 3Br & BAYFRON T 2Br1 tum 2BR 1 \~BA townhou e- 646-4262 °' 645·9543

den 4BR. 2•~Ba tam ,_ 2-try condo patoo pt els 10 terry prt.n<J. lt>b sty... . garage, paoo. Lge 26A 2BA. gar & 1 9"' t8·1S A nane1m rm. Ip, patoo, 2 car . 1 to July 1 3 10-375- pool, $ 700 No pots panong apace . 2466 11 1ms11506422G4'.l pool SISSO 75<M 9? i 5S00303£doewilttlf 662· 1982or646-0105 Sa.nlaAna Ave, IJ\dry

f r -.111y pow .JBn 20A. P •ll•O, I trf't:"> SI .O:.O

Catalina Oen View L O 2 BR/ t B A 51025 d eck.. s 195. n1 . 1504 LAO Furn Bac h.tor,


Elegant commun•ly on -Newpon Country Ctut> ediacent to f a i.n•on lil•nd Spac.ous 2 & 3Bdrm .. :ipt home' w den. w•• bJr wshr dryer h :x>• ups, f,re pt..ce 2 car gar1190, pool & •Pa Sorry No Pets

FROM $2 ,000 A"a lat><f! lrnr" J ''"'Y

Call 644-5189 Prof ¥ 9"' I Oy W t 'KO Bargains!! , _____ _

O w ner tuvonQ the HOUSES/ Al !>O :c>U R 1 I UA . J.> 11 10, I p $ ')50 . Juyc~, A')t 64G 2 J I}')

I OR 1 BA walk l o bch. S 1075 Agt 85<4 560?

N ow pa nt c.arpet , ZBR Twnhso. 2 blk$ lrplc, g.:ardJG no pct'I 10 Triangle Sq Pvt

O a t e d , Boe t Sllp, 857 1776 or 1&0· 1713 patio , a)c, gar, small w /d . near 17th and tr ii-------~ vine S550/m o Call COU!'l'Y They wnnt 10

Hll ... , ... lovetly co~t• CONDOS M hOml.''I t"°W' FOR SALE Mesa Verde 48AI••·-----· 1 hOA. double lrple, MOBllE family rm. sp.acoo.a yard & convtN'Henl lo- HOMES 1100 c:;itl()(I Only ' 220•000 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2 SIOfY JOA 2~Ba on •Why Pay Reno nice cul·da sac •tr•et Bonk Aepp s All

l.)\llGl. CIC In <Ut 1 IJJ tiou~o w o~r Avoc.uJO Street Nu pots. $ 700/ mo 240.22'.i?

N ewport H e ght• 30A I 1140A. fJr, P"llo. new crpt.pnt, no p~·t,, SS?~ 642 5n2

Seller D eape r •t•!

3BA condo. 2.,.,Ba, 2 LAG 38r 20 .. up~r. w pct consid 1921 car Q'lf:tgo S1800 mo cs. C<l•pott S l l?S t Br Allaheom 645-5235 549 I 59!> or 642 0620 upper ~anfrnt, d lw , I========~

Harbor Ridge w1d S895 121 ·8896

Lease use. TH(

2BA. tennis. pools. CORONA PILOrS spa Guarded ga10. DEL MAR 2622 ___ c_LAS_s_1_F_1E_o __ $ 2400 Mah 720-9800 Coast N-l>Ol1 Propet\J., iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



Seabroez:e from oc.e&n' Bach apt, stove/fridge. ulll pct. 1595/mo f dep, avail 960-5 I 79

For Ad ActlOO Call a .., ...

AD· VISOR 642-5678


0 ~

-- .

FIJI this &nc:I Save SSS 3 OR, 2 OA Pool. cozy Ip, very large k •t WJeating area Frml don. hrdwd tlfs, ncodt attenuont $17~ 000

Featuro• Incl f,lm•IY A.leas Low Down £.z rm. vaulled ce11tng1, Ou.:i1111ors Pnymencs foroplace & your own loss man re11t1 •1on

<lllA ?RA W•ter Vu HArbOr V1ow Homes. tw}ll CCM"J, s lfi2 QOO ~UR. llv. ram, f /p, call Pav1.1 !2J 5 I $1800 mo Very nice

•VIEW Bu 1 loc. xva bg 28~ O~on~ Pa~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


~;:;::. OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND n Jutl Of"I the Markel 3 en. 2 BA 2 .c., oar Fp. OOod k>c , t'Oud WOOd firs. aec • Y• lt96,900 ~ 9326

e..cn Pad 2 BR IWO story Now C4'P' Frah p.iont . prl vale pallO S10'U>OO 963 7900

Stops 10 Sand E•cluatve gate guarded neighbor hood. 2 OR Wllh lrg toft. $249,900 R .. tor9d Beac h T"

M ac.Jdem1.:a t ree• Ask 300 up 10 2 ,000 S4 1n9 $231 500 ft Cre.u Loe. 11iou~ 1---------

1 Call lor deta•ls south HUNTINGTON

XLNT COLLEGE land Coil~t M ob•lo BEACH 2140 Homes (714)891 ~I

PARK LOCATION!! JOA l'..\40&. 2 air g at, frptc & ctoso to acho011 & shopping Mkinq $222 000



U in k Foreclosure, 46A ~ '11 11 $ :'24000 1 •, :JO% lt>'IS mark01 ~H lt:e 018 57;> 080 1 Wl' 818 ~TO Ja88

• Alto Other p1~r 1••••••••1!!11111,, ____ -----"" vatlable In N ew Po'l Boac h & HvnlJng 1---------ton BHch • Call For BALBOA


lnlormoto<>n ISLAND 210 6 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

3 BR. ~:~ eom Biii & Donna While w,11or. maon Laq

Och :mn 3BA remod JM: tu b pool $2ZQOI mo Feb May

p1e1e1y refurbi•h•d Webster Vftd c.Ungs. lrml d.n

(3 10) 300.7173

LE.AS( ON LIDO Ouoot 3Br homo , 2Ba, i:lose to beac hos

675 5942

CI050 to bCh , ln<lry rm, avl now $000/mo 720-0402 Of &4 5- 752 I

FABULO U S VIE W Sp11c1ou-s IOr w ·don, lrl) pvt Cleek encl gar $1 9:.0 rno Av.i .1 nolN

C oiU 673 ~l7 1

l.g I BR 1 DA Veruolles condo . wt1 lk fo b c h, ne.111 to Hoag, gn1cd comm. pool . spa. clubhou1e -Pavl 2 I $800 mo 850-0278

LIDO aaYFRONT 30 Nr boa<..h & shops, 2on - ' I BA b11ght & clo,1n .

2Ba. apeci.cular v-. Ava•I $9~ 721· 1304, (rptc. w d . tennis, bch 721 1225 s 18501mo 67J-6239 i---------

LIDO I S LAND XTRA lrg !Or 1 Oa. frplc. Steps to beach. 3BR 031, ocoan view pauo, 28A . St 850fmo leaH. 1 blk to l>Ch Ava•t 2 1 o wnr. e 75-18t 1 675 6636 or 998 ? 122

• Spa •Pool • Vrew

••Waterfront •••Waterfront and Pool

...-Give Address at Guard Gate

2-cat gar Stept to 546-8775 Or

2 BR Duple•, 100 b lk o f Ruby, w d frpt. paltO, $1 000 avail ltH 7/ 1 01 poss yrly 400.6787

beach S2 1t.900 711:."5000 Custom ~ach Eatat• VV'" 2UA 1 ~.u., untum. f p.

Svmml!r "~ 49 7 G2oo. 4~8 21!:>0

uoo Isle, 3 • 3 , lam rm.1---------red oc 2-car gar . COSTA MESA 2624 HOMES s2.soo J10 271. 1583 FOR SALE


Call owner aner 6PM Huge 3 BR est.ate Wf Remu SC,NB 2 car oar. 6h011 term.---------Me>er•t• maid• quar -, -2-,-9-.9-0-0-. -3...,B""R_2_8.,.A-, '13!:>0 mo Beach Tome NEWPORT $ 499 MOVe IN tera. 30 foot AV o•· corner lot. fruit trees, Really 873-8 5 t 1 BEACH 2169 Uve Nr The Beach! • Bright 18drm Apts rage, custom decOfl ,_paint, n- carpet liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S750 IOR 1BA. pool, • C•rPOrt.G led $459,000 536 9328 Agl 733 0<458 ' BALBOA sec, Agt , 8 54-5e09 • Nr Tn Sq Sr Cntr

Ocean View FOf O.uula &42·5858 3 BR, 2 OA w/over Owoor S.•e. CM E.S1de, PENINSULA 2107 •Balboa-Newport NPT Nonh 281 I V.Ba , _______ _

sized gairage Just 2 2DR 20A Twnhao. 2· Altv 723-4494 ::m~e:.ae~nl~/dRe~:fg' blocka to eand 04f, 3-.. Btu comm ·~ 1215,000. 5.30:9326 S189K 7t<CJ&<C6-73'3. 28A 1BA, gar, lndry rm, Yelrfy Rentals! aval4 75g. 12n

Forecic:>Md Estate eoe/572·7'55 Oen fmt. monthly °' Ocnfrt JSR 29 $1800 Nwpt Hta-1~ Cliff °' 48A, 3 BA. 3-c&r gar. wkly. nooo l2 ' 3) 665• Oc11Vw 2BR $1100 bc:k vnit. $1000 mo-mo Ocean views S-p 6920 Of 71 4 875 ls.42 Nr beach IBR $725 2BA IBA, wd firs , w /d. Ing grounds Redoced HUNTINGTON Art deco style 3BR 28A 2 Sly hm 3BR $1500 bck yrd, 875-6517

toF~~~"~HI 28om8e BEACH 1040 • 111r• rm & bch BA. Oceenfront, 2BR 2BA ..,_ ...,_ ,,......, Nr bay & ocean SI 300 1 .. 0 _._ tr 1

3BA. 2 BA. Huge COf' mo yrly 873-4708 Beach Area! W( """ u.,...•. p .

Rent Today & Get The Best Deal In Town! $625 mo a Only S6SO

to Mo.,.. In Lg 'BA In • small , quiet com pie• 03 t · 8 4 2 '1

,_ lo4, cathedral c.11 NEWPOtllT KNIHSUlA gar, lmrnacl S1Q50/mo Inga Prlv•le atrium F 0 r ~ I I • ••wt-nt c ondo. New YEAAl y ()fl V.'IHTER yrly le&M 875-2272 1----$-----new c arp & Pain! ~ BY 3BA 28 "- roof dock, uLA.ul'\ 11.-...... Roomy 2BR 28A. 2 gor, 599 "---•! $2:200 813 E Oay ._.,,...., ....,.._, k .__h pool/ lalll 1219 ,000 3ao-i288 vwr...- 579-4752 °' 779 796~ 1a.,OOl'lio,8tc1100fll wet 10 .,.. • Move In Spec Fell~ of E.crow 1 Bedroom condo ~ tenn No pot• SI.COO/ urge 1 BR 4pl•

Sank. owned 3 en. 2 Downtown Huntington LAO 29', 2 tun bath, Villa Rentals mo Avl 3/1. 63l -5t tt CloM to tne beach! BA. Prrv. apa F0tev., CIOM 10 beach and Bayfront. aecurd bldg SE.Aa NOR• 2DA 26A Call Sadie M2· t..O t vlewa Apro• 1700 aq pler Pool, apa Priced w/2 encl p&tkng spca 675-4912 next to beechll Frplc. 8 k H & ... ti ft l Ut0.000 380 t28& Ir> M iii (11<4)9&0 2868 Fvmlshd Marlnn avall dishwasher. patio, ~939 c::~

1/3 Of Acre S1800 yrty ~5-0308 SI IOO.'mo 973-8557 Ranch style 3 OR, --------- oc• &M FDONT 3BR • JOA 2 llA " 175 & i e•s M owe• You Int 1.76 BA. In HB School JDVJ~ 1044 ~ " • ' • 1

Va1aa111e1. 2 matr M.11tu. ...... Lr kit I ~ "'" 2BA, LAO aundock. $060 Npl Hot• lwnh· n- carpet, ocn vu. 2on 2BA. bltlr'IS, $705. ..,,at. g • am rm, $1800/mo, 3 blks from •••· w /d , lrq yrd. frpk:, 1.,.,ht & tHlght, 1 1 .~. Cat OKI AQI. Pam rollng grounds w / cvrd .. _, 7..1., 0 .. "'2 _.7 7 5 40 .., ~5880 ~ 9~8 ~lo. lmmac cond Turt.. Rock f'or• ._,boa J>lef, "" ~.,. g.iir~ • Mary, Agl. 720-081 I 1222,750 cto..-.e. 2400 eq ft. • 9 1!.A I S LANO. 2DH, View, vi.w, front ro w , •B'alDtl DUPLllX

Oolf CovrM Ealele 38R, den. fam room CORONA 21, OA, bell OOlf courM bac k bay, 81\Jffs, 3DR 2Br 18a, spa tub, 091, ~ QOnel .c OR. 0nty 1325,000 view 6 l;tk• vu 2600 aq n. 2i.tBA Twnhm l1900f yard , w 'd $850'mo a.s B A wJatunnlng °' part(. Alao TVIUe DEL MA.It 2 122 2 ·11ry $3100 644 1123 mo. 759-0168 Appoll14merit M&-ea80

PoOfl luah i.nctscap- Rock Creat. City ltohtS •Udo Penlneut•• OTB COAST e iAiT S iOE • In 0 • d e• Pe'• t e I vtew, '500,000 Fran 2Br I Ba front h<>VM So Unique 1 & 29R Units SO 20R S74S Oaatweter S2N.900 174·7003 Lugo. AQI.. 32$-:M65 °' PCH Pvt c«Mfftyd IOI' ..... Private bch, METRO 2188 pd, oar•ge No pat.a

•M 8TAA mobile Avatl Feb tat, 11000 on bay, 973-9030 2323 £Iden sq.7154 Mt-et77 M artt, 119,973 5292 710 U4o Pat11t ~. SI.,_ VILLAO•

&;;i i t.rt... r •- fO•llry 1055 Cute & CoQ •UPSTAIRS JOr 20• llQ 28r 28a. patio, eRuettc um dwnatra. Tet'rtno !I OR honll In a..nAIO ~ 1BR 10• nauo por· u-•· frplc, 4 car ..... new crpta/bhndalflta patio, refrlQ. encl 0 ' · a - ~ family ~ "' ..- • .,.,.. _. a.550/mo 2 Persona, b o';i;';od w th--:-,; feet tor 1 quiet pe.-.on teps IQ bey a b .. c h • •'•7•I0•(3illll1•0)illll~•-•'3•1 l-,::no~pet~s:_:N~Jt~'5:;:M=•~ ctoMd patio end la~ * Uw In '650/mo. 76~1054 S1450/rno t18/3SMS391 1 •t200 01'1'1 30n

N=k Y••d . UHd tHlck * The Forut Cut• & Cozy 2on IUA 'h BLOCK TO ICM APUTMENTS u'B•. w ,10 hkups, fp In matter, new roof .. ,. ..... r~ ...._... Cottage on Pol,,..tll• s lou 30A ? BA FOa •wt.... f ·~ an d d r I Yew a y , .,..aut,. ... ...,..c '"'"'-· Sma• y.,.d. pallO, hr• pat a ~ & gatltQe, UJ3 au .. _ l t1'2.500 tu•t reduce d to ptac. W/O hk pa gar condo, patlO. dbf gat. ••••••••• l1070 mo ...._?OOt C ·• t A Mele... 13t•,aOO Appro11 1to!.O ,.,.. 87~ ... gt~ W /O t11\up t more


2700 aq ft , au r· 1 ____ .....,....;..'____ t t4 3 3rd St ltettteed ...... .,.,. roUncMd by ., .... 48R OefuH • lrg 3UH 3~. C NT AUR M OMT

C7t4t 839-2t00 216BA. 2 car gar, lge frptc. 2 car gar, w ,d .. 2.2191 Of 72-.1()12 OWIMi Wiii c..,.. tamlly ktl with '"• hllup, a1Mt11 11 IOO Fvlllt remodeled 3 BA. plac e . vaulted c ell Avl 21 1. 7atM>a74 z 8A l tamffy heme wlU'I Inga, 1kyllghla, sun 1,..- 38,. ...... fem tm, lndocw apa. oak cabt room ape tabU'Ovt ..- .,....... net • , ceramic tlle ma9'~ ~oom With ting. "OtY In lat C>lk ___ .....,._...,_.,.........,,....,.. "°°'9, oentrel •lheet. flrec>lace & wet bar. from ocn Ownl479d vetAed oetetno•. ' 2 car AHoclatlon due• Mt tot, quiet toe, '2100/ get, 1 111,500 - lnelud .. pool•, lake. mo IM, AO'- .,.4 ' 7211

O-at A ........ , 1pa1 fW\d tennl9 Cafl Ol.Milnl ~ ffont unll~ ..._.. ............. 5'efanie fOI' appoint frplc, c !QM to ~&eh CTt4t 839-atOO mer1t at IN.ol13, All! 2/S 4'9 M~

~lf'O of ht!Ylng a SIHllM ~1't o.3M ...,._ & wtmd•


weoe .... ., °'" ue v.ur9iftlT WA~Rf'AOHT,. apt , *'•~~. Mlif ,. ... ...,.-v ~ ANf .... GI~ Cl\* lu_., pooe..

PK.OT CLA9a1'1•D BUCH 1 Oii boet tpo 11Yalt N r>e'• Cl041•· to C>Ch ~· .,. .... .,. - '2200 AOnt2aJ~ ltlOQfmo .,.:'.,



t Fabulous.Back Bay View t Exclusive Newport Beach

Location t Private Patio or Balcony 1 ~droom from $855 (714) M0-1314

3 BEDROOMS 20!>4 ()fan~• Ave. Eu~ CM

723·44~ 5259 000

• 1ot via Ge noa. uoo l •le 673·7300 $ 1 185 000

'O:> I Por1 Weyllrtdge NB 72 H$1 20 $4~ 000

Sun, ...

Sal Sun I · !»

3 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 2112 l -•n:I Lane. NB

973-7300 SS5t 000

21 73 C. Oc- n Blvd. 5alboa 973· 7300 S7H.OOO

Sun t-4

.. sun 1~

4 BEDROOMS 206e Of•"9• Ave. EUhfde CM

72J ....... li><C $269,000

:011 Bananea , NeoioirPon a..ch 4'73 7300 l30l,IOO


Saturday 1 2 ...

Sun .....



2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • 3 Rue roo1 1net & u U•o C11nyu•1 N8

120-1 eoo s~ :> OOQ !'>unoav 1-4

3 BEDROOMS • I • f acaoaoe New fl Cr ... : NB

6 73 7300 $245 000

3 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • . .... , .. S~v•••I Dr .. J ' "'In• CrHll C<IM

64• 91~5 SS ,500 a ~un ,..,



4 BR plu1 FAii RM or DEN POa SALE 2<424 Holld•)'. HeWPof'I ~

17 ?WO 000 3 BR plus 2 BR

' .

. .._\



- Satur~. ~ 16, 1993 ' . .. .

.. •awron

.: llACll nwron

HM DACll DWruat ·~

JUI IUC'JI n-.. w-ro'""'ar

ZMIUACJI aoollS .iloe auras TO IUTALS TO avsDllSS OPPICI •USJDSS toS1'.

2111 - a1n a124 m•u , 2124 JOa Dllt 21• onoa1u•111 l'OOllD ~s

.. --

DEWJca 0.-. ...-.~~~~~~!~!'!~~~~~II .. ~====,..., 2904 , . •••• • ,.. • ...._ 1....,

1.,. - Lg y., ....... 8'udlo. Ml • O.. VWf FuM ....., llR w/pvt C.O.M., a llA8Tall Non 9lflOWrtg ..... letn. MYl'ROllT L08T In Newport

1- *-"""- ._ _. - ... MC, ~ IO bch, .. 1 hM IO ~· 2M BA, poollep•. non ..... 29A ~.. IO ........ ....,, ... bduWM as eq ll., Dt!ALE"'40t9TRl8UT<>" H•tohta/'7th .• .,... • w .-v1lf pool, oat W/OflN, frig. HOO/mo. No Peta. ..._ oer •1200. _,1 M11cr, llOO 84CM>2tl noft/emkt. MOOt'mo + F.V. IWMm, rnw .,.. Newport a.ah ~ PT!fr'r Eam BIO .... ~ on --=·

Fr~ chlhW9tV, ~ tip. '850. 721· 1 llO 98'·~ or....,... Seatlhor. e7:1-4974 Furn _ C.... pool, 1/2 ..- MO-OMS 1475 • ""~. •1•1• Uve/prot .. 96onal Of· no ..iMng_ .....,_ In I JM e: a gold Inc No pM9 5"5-4865 •SnPS TO SANO• 1..89 Ver..._ 9ludio In _ ..we.._.._ doM IO FEM non-M11cr lh .. Prof. HIS to .,_,.. COM floe. Free parking. V••· Ltd terrllOtlH bf~ apptoa ~ .. • w-....ow 18R/18A down.lair• quiet toe. --··Ma ......... ' -- C4M ~ 18a d•...a..• .......... Priv bathrm EallY acoeee. ll700 twa•. Min Invest M.IOO -'de. Very MfttJmen..

-- beectt pt 35 -+ non/ _.. ' - • · ' -r mon4h. A alp fot w. uuu7~ .... ~ hll, PINN call Deibbte ............. o1 .. t 2 In tr'--'-• ... $750 mo. BR. futl --. --- IO ..... ..._.... ~.., ..... • ... ..,.-.. w ..... bch storan. W/O ....... s °' coa.. - -- ........ .. ..,_ .... - n.s-~&....n&~ M1lcr ..,_, -~ ... • --· ' ..._. your yacht mey et.o et 7t4(122·1I07. YMls Newt, 2BR. fem- All nowt 847·2922 bch, 1750/mo, .... POa _..., · · yet. S41Gfmo 7eo.1932 Hwy. 1850/mo. CAii be ~ ac en ..,. I lew IOOI ....

lly compln, AW!'11G9 2BR t~ walk-In cto8· Agt. No f" No pets. .u;n & MINU'i'iS a 9mACH Don et 7~ proprlete eddlllonel .._.I eaill now Leet: 0.-V c..blW l'9fll t637•501mo •I• 1 ets, patio, gerege, ,_&44 __ ·7_2_1_1 _____ l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~BOTILS ... utfful. ~ pstt- Buy h. Sell It. Find It. charge. Wont a..t 139-9542 Yellow heed , red mo .... eeo-a31o quiet ., ... 311 34th aHMP 38r iea. beh· 27_ a -.0 .... ~ 2711

Ilk• MnlnQ. ore-t tor Claalffled. Other com- matlllnQ• on cheetl.s. St. ~mo. S45-+U1 no crowde, petio, fp, aoGMS - - &....,;i biking -"' "'"'*'CJ. merclel •pace alep LOCAL PAV PHONE Alu tut 8"f' Prom-

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••. ,... ' home at NW edge of co~a'"9•Y ,. per month. fOf furt.,., SALE t..00-741 -1186 Info end rewm. Phone porch, S 1200/mo . Weatc llff-mlnut•• to quiet, fem pref'd. l400 Fum Studfoe. kitchen- Huntington Beach. nua~ ~ Information call 71•· SODA AND SNACK 073-7U3 (818) 359-4539 ocean, at•P• to •h!OP- • S200 MC. Wts Incl, •tt••, lV, pool. J150 Big. private bedroom •1111•• ESTATE 173-9330 , ...... - . Cash Income. 9.ACHIO.OA APTa. ping. Lg 28t 20.. frpl, Avt Now 7ecM)928 .. up . ..... 294 ~ ·-- ·-L""'o,...s""'r--L-d""'l--Q ... -=1""'d 8'ock to beach $400. pool. S895. 1156-1110 and bath. Prefer tidy •x•c offlc .. , 4770 Ptic:.d right. : • .. On CharwMl·furn $675 Rutland Rd. 8S.-099ot CM near OCC, Safe/ Newport Bay Inn. Spe· 35 female or male Von ~ (JW t..cMMIA Vl!ND Wetoh on 1/t:J/93 In

· ....:~- ....__ f---•- cla l Week ly Intro non•motier. '587 mo.. • lrport, N.8 . ) From va .. DI- -·T• ~~~ .• ~Ina IOt UtU pal4. «M5-81M3 Se ll your home '""""' ·-·-· .,,_ "" Including °'"" e>cc!Ud- 1 'us,......rr OFFICE " / p .. .. - ""'""' ·- ,...,.....,. •• New.-through claulfled. akr, perfect for atU- rates. $160/Wlc. Nice Ing .. _ • .._._ , .... ~ 11 50 mo . vt wor.. Pric:.d Right . Po... .-- 8MCtt FeaNon

84 derlL Utll tnct $350. room•. ConL B,.al<- f1~.;;y:.: fOa ltENT 2769 atatlona $350/mo. P..,, ••llO Wilt, lnoo111• r.i~nd . Sentimental 2 H 78 675-98051662-2123 les.t. Clo .. to bch/elr- office. FrH prlcng, 800-33().-9995 ARD ,._. port. 2070 Newport NB, 28R 2BA to ahr, furn. recept, coffee, l>'alue. REW · _,. Blvd. 631-6000 '"greet area, pool, conf rm. fAX SOc. 6'5-3955.

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-ight· rm, nontamkr, Art Studios copier 1oe. e33.9sso INVESTMENT Im••••••• $500. 644-5007 Fw Rent Al Oulnlan OPPORTUWITY PERSONALS fOUlfD' --.: ' '2925 FOUND • 2925 ltENTALS TO NB, prof non/amkr ahr 1200 or $295/mo. For L••-: Newport 2908•••••••••

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FrH pick up & delivery Coa.._I C•rpenby eic.p. Pina 98M treea, drains, con-1 __ A411_•_~ _____ ~_,_..,,._ He MCNlsa 6'16-3538 Tired of the ._..... Room eodttloN/remodel •FENCEa GATE•• H.:••re, BE.An"PV crete. 551·17•3 • Houee Palntlnv• WE Gill Shel Hing Togechef

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Small Jobs to Complete lhdldlng/Repalr M"'8ce • MASSAGE by nurM Fr" -·· 531-8415 •-._,p,,.....,....-ntJ_,....ng-...,bw,--.,,,P-e-ter- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil---------ACOUSTIC Room Md1Uons At Your Houaecleanlng $30/day. Ovef 30 year. exp/r'9d· In your nom. °' of lnt/EJCt. clean and fHt. Cool Water Pool• WORD

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8381'" ...._.tu

.....,,......; .,.___.,....,... Ivan's Steam Ct.aning Compenlon C_.. Eicp (310) 861-o&ee e1111ef ... e1t10••· r ... 11i, St. llcl 5'9897 636-1758 John Henry'• Certffled Room~. ~~~t.15 S.c'ty/bookkpr. Drive, · IMPaOVEll!N'JS • •••'""*• 151

4'M · TOP euALITY Rooftng. reroof/repalf'a ...... c A bl drl wt Uphol. Wll Damage 13t-6470 errand• , prepare BOMB ~756 very competlt111e 15 J/s local busil'leu - - '-' ~ ----

: :,1 -.1'1:;'- meat1. e7a.eeos FLOOa IMSTAll llOVUfG 3834 tnll• JCt. 11ct1&te228 11c· Ael• ...._.2n •:: ~ •D a D Bu11t1era• CEMENT UPADtS 3&20 c-... Cwtruotlon fS50.SOCMS/ 650-33!>9 Re Aoota i Rep .. ra .,

Kitchen/beth/rm ackU· COMPUTER .._~ldcMorw •3 .... lle.-tng• . Local Ref1, 18 Yra Q) Uone dec lc1/pat1o'a COMCRETI 3526 INSTRUCTION 3557 D8"'•,..., C......,. Spec:lllla In ~-- Alwa ... AvaM. The penrO"Al Gr••ter Pacific Rig • g Ff'M est. Uct1659273 Your mMarial 01 .,. llf9'8•1cll0-1W •- -.aw n 836-19M •&2 1368 C Cl

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la. .,.. ,..., ......_ 1 oo CEJUlMJC DRYWALL ..-1111 ""' ,.., ,....,..... .. 111 111 ....,_ llladl PUBUC NOTICE Q;Ci.a Girt Prtc1ttw SERVICES 3920 e > t:

:~ct~~.;~~ TILES 3528 SERVICE 3584 6~~1-C~p::,!:,Y• =--~=:cllto The Calif. ~btic uc1ti. To nlltt tor dothlnQ, iilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil >( .iii~ ·~•SJfty eSO-~ Glt)941M1277 U.• Comm\Mlon RE· C!.~iie°'~eeo·· Melloulo"8 llcwton'e "' ~ C'll - • .-C.... ,__ THE OAIQINAL Complft Drywall s.rvlce AdleNIM ..,.., LnliM QUIRES th8t • II UMd Moblfe Kreen 1~. W a. "Q

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20 ~ .. p 8904909 :::;: & 1 ,~vi;:::·":.w l"l/rernove. 77H5~ Cell Alck ~~ ' 14&-5917 .....-nu\ 11m.;_ ' ~ c:hz:::;;;s SEJtVJCES

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& Repair. Bethroom•- a .. ropeen Creft•••" • RS ......_ Re"•lna print their r C.P. num-1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiimiiiii ---------• • v AL"P'll!••noNS Shower doofa. Kite- m••JHou·- Tile, painting, ,.,OOf, Ooora,d"' rot ,..,.... bet In •II edvef1! ... I• "1'111L£PUOU'I! ·-

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AUTO UPAJR3447 ~~(2~12~·~ ElECTllCAl 3&10 pentry. Drywell/A• .. ~tnae7~S &.oweec, StOf'llQe, SHOr.•••••••il ~• 3128 ,. palra, Painting, Tiie, ....,,__ -- XLHT 1e~. t hf min Ins •DeffeMM Dtft1n9 • ...,._ lil!l~~~iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiif _________ . Etc. Ken MO-t8t4 T1J1"1 V/MC 7Jl·2951 Cotnpanlon t to l\e> •iii&iiiiiii8••11 AT YOUR A ca CJ.EANING Punic' • ......._ Addi· IJUIDSCAPI a ~ yo11 or your c~ One 1t, o... Tiie

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.......... ,, • .._ • ··n DUPl'Y ,. ·n ····~ XLT. tMO AX7 Ao&.-, GXL. .IOe KMp the SacriflctnQ ~. • ... C'T'RIC llOAT AcQujr9 IN. S:JtO(mo, CoutM loeded ..,,. Im~ ..,.... In M MnQ. bed, femlty tfW"'.,. CfasUlied fl ....__ • .... .. n• a.II Of No - .............. .._... ...._... , - -... ·-"~

JVAI rOQfn & ~turn ,_,,,, ~- ..... • po-w.t c ' 1e I ··--, .,_.. ,__, --· '-· "'" "-· ma11e ,11~n:• Pt;.<::~ aso to''°° n, .. ,87 &aoee78 we.••• •ta .... ...;.. ....:9.o:. pct credit 434.110 114,200. 640-1999

Wortc 3 hour'S a day, 3 Sotid 0.11 dtNng room 42 ft Grand a.nu. '73, A1-e490 '#kdV9 ••• llUSTANQ a"•----------daY9 P« ....- in~ &at>te & cnre ...... t2 . .... •••••••• wood, ..,.,. the.-. Juea liiP .. 80' a •d• ~:an1:-_~tV ':!~o,=:.,MlliiiiliiCEDliiiiiESiiiiiiii9iilii3iiOil .,.. and ••rn •PPfO• '350 obo, bite .._.... r9f\.wU 175K ObO M4- .... P611 ..... •I New lntetlor. Juat .. ~ Muat be 2t Ca• coucn & awfvel ctWr GJUUlGB SALl!S t38IS or 173-3372 Po .. 1bi. llveabowd. ~· .. tob to be •72 280 MUCaMa ::~ P~onal Inf S!M>O obo 8ee~ ' VllUNQ :as. ............. Wtcdya e:t1-Me0 better than new I AIC. ,_.. tl<M

_. ' ·964S &IH 'TWO aAR ST~ ~r ..,._. $2995 060 84&-157t Need• T\.C ftt OU:·XEE. EOE Southweatern .. tytel--------:.--1 ••h 454 Cruaadeta, Wanted: LN9 •~d $1 500 080

•• 300L•111•9' Alo h ctt aMpagne ~lor. fully loe~. 14#\tf, AM/FM acaireo. pnon.. ..*Chet Int & more ~ .... AM boolca & record• 1()8K ~ay '"''" Stl.900 PP 721-1$5t

Saturday, January 16, 1993 •7

1210 noas 1220 .. :a c• 57?)". AcquWe ...... 82115/lftO No money dOWf'I, ne.ct good C#edll 43' ·1747

SELL ~home

through classified

t979 a.... T,..., "' IOn IOnO bed Good tirws, good~ Chrome •heel• • brown Auna grNt $2900 ooo or tr•CSO lOf S 10 mttW tr\ldC PJnM cal "3--$400,

• OltlYalt, IOO<t dellv•ry whh 9-lnch round COSTA llESA 8124 4 ·5 <>n.n. IMI, t'lah. allp 4 3'. top dollar,,________ Call &4&-71•8, '" to loc:a_I colporaie whhewuhed wood dream. New inc. Bri• Catt Ian 955· '390. JEEP 9110, _ _..;cx.....; .. ;.;•;.;.ve..;;_me~•;.;&.1;.;;;.::00.;;;•;.... EKPLOYllENr lllPl.OntUrr EMPLOYMENT

communtli11, oood framea Creamfmlnt/ •MUGa aALa• tot cond. Ms-342<4 723-60M liiiiimliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii'~ao 3.>0 SD 4 dr, ,,..... 5530 5S30 5530 OMV, 21 t Ytl, M· F Pl'* cuahlona. Eire.I· 1----------1 •77 WAGONDlt )(Jnt tlrn, very ct.an. enoi-1~~~~~~~~=-:~~~~~~~!!_!!~~~~~~~:' days, PIT Irv~. tenc condition. S175/ ~:1 c~1~:/"::: SnED • l'UlfSPOITATION mech cond, body/int n"r owner. Reduc;.ec:11' -; Meve1hof'a 261~t78 pa• 714/840-9779 "'" nA, Mu.t •lfl. ;. de.ol IVIC• 16500. s..1-0555 --. - - ..,,, Eaat t 1tn s11 .. t ,~S~la~:0~:~1:~.~:~:·~1~~!~~~~!'!! - .. .... , 1, u•11E.'a, MBE'a, WBE'a Wtut• tove$eat aolabe(t. acroaa I t om the v at 12799. 67~·8042 •i4

380 SL. Mklnight

1 p/u, Deir,, & lnatall Roblnson'a , nicet $75 Wti.rehou .. &42·76t t CAMPERS IV'S '9:1 CNl!..OKl!I!. blue, 1 owner. 45K ml. oHico Furn St. Cntrct a44-7418 t9' QLASTRON '87 ' ' Acqwe IM, $285/mo like "4WW. both tops

7t4 850 1855 Sid 47 UNIT CONDO 190HP MetC/Cl'UfMf TltAllERS 8014 No money ciwn. need S28,900 675-0498 FIT PIT sw.s hetp lex -_-E_R_C_u_•_--15-E-- YARD a.AL• HouM- 110. Open Bow Tri· ~~~~~~~~iLJ~~o-~1>~cfiCf~ed~1t.~434-~~t7~4~7 The Piiot ca. .. ._

I Coisla Meaa Station.ta - UAPU hold good•, eppfl. Hull, Sun-Top, Trailer '78 PACI! AAJIOW Thinking of havtrlg a fled 270 C 17th Sc C M , MlSC. 6015 ances, ctocheng. S AT Lot9 o f atorage. Great 28 ft, 440 Dodge, roof ,..,age ..,.? Give us The most com""ehen-........ tv in ...... ,.on 8-2, 2 t 75 Pacific Ave. ·"I --t 1n eic-I'--" & d ... • ..- ... _,. ..... • ... ....,. .... _.,. a,.., air, genetatcx. a calll IN• and cu,,ent dlrec· IMt_.,.. 9am • 12pm Nintendo O•M•• (BrookhursVHamlfton) ~P~1~ .. , _<'~.oT'o rear bath, TV, micro- PILOT CLASSIFIED tory of goods and ser-

PLOWIERS J>r•pa & StO Call 4 57-1734 Everything must go. OBO. ,. •• j'.. .. .:1


wave, ladder rack. 912· M78 v1ees arounc:t l Dfr.1era P/T, Valentines and leave ,,,.aaage. S 05 to SSOO Fri O to ...., -- towing hitch, more ... weeli. eicp ncx nee., In 2 , & Sat. 8 to 3. 272 tras Mint COOdotlon , ____ ...._ _____ ----------COM 644 1413 Queen or King Patm:i, 8 Villa Nova. 1--------- $8300 758-9923

'"' tau, s20 •a. Herb -~----- -··~ SUPS ------- EMPLOYMENT • EMPLOYMENT loan ollocora. Telemar· ptar.a 135 kinds 11 SAILING SM.I! .uuunlO •ee t..y1.on, 25' rool

"-teta wrth ~ .. t f ea. Ulac S10 674-9422 Maren. equip~ and DOCJ(S 7022 air, awn ....... . sips 8. tu11 14~~~~~~!5!5!3!0!.!======!S!S!3!0: l -v• • o c hardwate, loola, _._th· - "' wrli, F'WI or Part lime. Sh ,...._ '""" •~ BfVBA. dbl axle, 111t w41l trmn. 851 ·8582 ade. Pine, "'r.-r•ss Ing, houaewarea end cond. Must._ to ap-t!"•· 1s11anon, S20 morel t d*"' ......i.. Sat •Doell w/P..., & 1

llOOEL S ••-cH ... 3 t 1 s -, -"' • pre c ate . Asking ---.. • ga Ion planla, 1 Sam· t pm, 939 Weal Wet..- up to HJ'. Mat· $6000. 758-9923 People with Potential, W1Stena $10. 674-9422 t&lh St. cua Channel. St2SI ---------- PART nME RETAIL SALES tfllt, for cat & T.V mo 942 ..... !Mt~ all ethnlcrtlos.

Dock avail upto 40 feet. modars for domes11c JEWELRY, FURS HUNTI.NGTON end Int marll I we In •ART 6025 BEACH 6140 W i t In you, It you aro ~-~~iii!i!iiiiiiiiiii!iii~l,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • •rloua. motivated Very line d ' ----- & EST'"'T• .....

water & elec: hookups, •••••••••• ~•ose 10 matn cnanne1. AUTOMOBILES call Fran 83t·2127

No experience necessary SS 00 per hour MUST LOVE ANIMALS. A grea1 woy to eorn eX1ro money Hours Noon to 8 OOpm, 3 days per wee~ or weekends Apply 1n person, The PetCore Company, 2121 Westcliff Onve-, Newport Beach

end amt.111rous call for ._ .. -apt 213·465 3960 gotd rtng. WtN Mii Everything must go.

tor S800. Call Nikki at SAT/SUN 9-2 PIT • FIT, S9 to !ilart, 967-6750. t0142 Malka!

N.ltJonol rot411 chain, ---------­hat t7 potitions, no Thinking of having a

Dock for 45 ' Boat S200/ ••••••••• mo Also Bo~u for aale ---------­w/mooring. t 25 G rand CHEVROLET 9045 Canal 87S-ao9S

e xp req, 95S-7982 Qarago aala? Give usl•••·····­a call! PIT HELP I~ prep PILOT CLASSIFIED

WlCI aounto• porsOflll 642· 54178 Apply at Luc:cl'a 8!>; 1 Adams Hulltlrlflton Bch


MOORING upto 40 ft: off t 5th al i:tock. cau

3 t 0-.399-0388

'77VEGA Exc•ll•ntl .S900 C•ll 730-3924 Eilf&;+B


R.E. Assist P/T To ti.Ip "'- &le duties Open Houws & com pull'! 111putt1nq A°" 7&~5000 XtOt

rwlgs. womens cloth Ing store an Newpon .. IH:h, Cal &44· 1623

SOLVE YOUR OWN ECONOMIC CRISIS WITH EXTRA IN· COME! PteM • .utt P r worl\, on college G.ilm p uses r P•••ont111g Fortune ~ comp.J niOa Near hOfnO or while 11 vei.ng, Ide I fo1 (retirees, RV11•) . fle11 dr1ys, bot•v,e\ aclvilncome-n t W,lnt new cnroe r '? Aslt a bout r n t 600 9"..0 8472 C.rrt 10

The Lutheran Church Of tho M II Or. 2900 PKlhC V- 011ve, Coron.\ 0.t Mar Is cutrently aook1nq to IHI ltle pot.ruon 01 parl.f.h a e creliH'f Appltca Uons aru v;t1l.lblo in .,,. Chur~h olf1co Of Ace hQUrs ro !loam tn 2pm. Mondoty • frtday

•••••••• ~""° bo aware Ill.·, th• hSllrlQs tn this cat· 9gOry m.iv requo11 'fO\J to c.all • 900 num t>er In wtlteh there ,Is a Charqo Pfl' minu1

lertender Trainees Needed, O•m up to 11~ dl'.llly, •• l<)ty I

dpa, lull or potn 11me 2 wl\ training womGn.

Of All Thiap: Astrology appub to • ""'ck •ptttni•. fro• author1 10 •porta tl&ll.rft - 'from th« h igh and tht 111ljli1y lo I ow andlll•lont Ty. loxtra- Formwt H1h1 h«nywt ight che111plo11 WllJI. f'MttartO .. ,. h• la f..cluted by th• tub}ttt. T wo fortM:r lightwtight clu1apione - I~• Wll ­lla.., and lob Montgo111try - both ~Ind co11awl froin • .ltoldln1 » · tro logtr. Mu IHr, Aquufan fonntr htny w•lghl chainpiort, confided, " If I hold known •bout aetro logy urllu I would h.ao htld on to 111y tlllt lonaer."

ARIES ( Much 21 · April 191 hcb noncuntnit munty ~urv1val p.tYmtnt• ind colll'Cltont d om tn.if' K tnuto C'httk dn•th tOUrn m11tn•I f'l'ad ~ twttn hnh Jund t• ll for prtnctpln Rf'lu~ tu bf' 1n1tm1d11f'd bv ~lltc<>M"

~··rpw TAURUS IAprtl 20 M.t \ 201 kf'old

•nJ wntf' communrcatt op~ lttl · tnga 1n dytumi< f'nt1"rt11 n1ng IJ\1nnt1 ~~on t r-.d.ib1h1v. ~.i nghu publ.c f'l' l,Ut•>M m.anul •ta~ Wh.tt ~tn n f11n.n1on 111.1y ~'"'" wnu1a

C MINI ( M1y 21 Junl' 20) Ant1n · tton ttvulvn • rvund humf' humonv . D\USJC, .ICt lll d rplOtnlCy Sp.11hght 11 IO lln r.-lafto"• w11h 1nd1v1du1I who Pl•v1outly d1uppo1ntl'd you pro>ln tion1lly •nd Pl'f'llO"•lly Forg1vt. fo rg.t

Virgo mt•111•s• Erad1c11t-lf· doub1 T1h •ll'p. fo rw.trd , KCl'nt tndr~nd rn<r of th04.ight . Aetton lndrvldu•I who cl•1m• to lovl' you 1hould ~ to ld

Provr tJ' funds w rll !>to rl'IUJl'd •hun ly

SCORPIO (Oct 23 Nov 21 l Tnm hunc" •«tnt th~4unorthudo.,; u1tl11t tll'ml'nb of 11m1ng urpnw Muon tn your 11gn htghhght• ~rwnaltty mag· lll'ltC •ppl'•I, .tbtl1ty IO pruvt worth tn dr.tmahr fashion Aqwin.-n tnvolvf'd

. SAC ITTAIU US (Nov 22·°"' 21 ) Luck f'"tdo with you' Sttrrt mttt1 ng wur~• lo vour .tdv1nt1gc> - ml'm~r of 11ppotttl' ... ~ w yt ' I ldol'l' you pt>nun dly ind profna1on•lly' rocu11 alllO on tr•vtl com"'iun1c111on ~tor•taon of crt'd 1 In Ir ry

C APRICO RN (Ott 22 l•n tQ1 <. hKI. Lto m~g" ltrmovl' ovtmodfd rn.teh1nny Scorpio Mt>11n h111h ltgh1, •b1h1y to won lr1t>nds .tnd 1n llu .. nCI' J"'Opll' flvorablf' pubhc11v bnnic• vou to lltl'ntK>n of 'bigwig • .

AQUARIUS IJ•n 20 -Fl'b 111 ) Lu· nar pc»ttion l'mp""•lf't ll'..Jl'r1h1p. rt' •

'f"'nt1b1l1ty promOfton . cc.-ptt1nCf o r ch• llrng" h>U g11n by wnting ll'ttin11 othf'n l.nuw th.ti yOU 11'1' IW'"" Of n.tlf" ""(lul111nns \r1 rgo plA)'t rvlt

PISCES ( ftb 19 Mirt h 20) Sn-n" 10 lururt'i rom•ncl' ttylt crt"111t1y 1nv11.i11o n to travl'I CNm"tac old1u~1 mtnl m•~M It ._now n to tho.t whu ··rount thll you will no longtr bl' ta~ ·

l'n for gr.ntl'd T .aun.ts b 1n p1C1utt

l.Jft u 1 prutfCJj of ll"J/11 l<l 11.,nt. I ,,,. I !rt m CllJOHTl~nt IQ CllJO)Trt<:nl

S.murl JohnJc>n fl 1Q9. / 7'bJ) - Oil -pncflal rkk llfd rmofloHJ Dl'llUl't will bl' Jliclllly II odd} with 0111' 1nuthtr todly. Thu~ lrt •anouJ lb11tl) )011 UlO"t )OU 5hovld bl' dolnc, but•m•} noc fttl hkt do na tlltm. ThiJ un cauw CUllt, •btn you shirt. •h11 h Pfrc'fl•t'd as dut) and mpont1bthl)', or IDCf'r •nd t'tStDllMnt by dolq tomtthlns you don 'c ••nl to. Loolu llt.t • "no-win" tltu1tlon all arolll'd, but 11 dOl'sn' t h••t to bl'. At lone 11 ,ou takt 1 ttlr-ttnttl't'd 11tltudt, thll h - dolnc only for }ourwtr. tbt mull I\ lllOSl llkt'I) lo bt 11 pmloGJly dt· >c:n~. Tbt fttllnp ot pllt or IDCf'r romt fro111 past procra111mi111 ind •rt nol mil) corucicMu f'l'ICUOnJ. Ants ti Aini '11rcb 20-April 20

'1''11.l f~c 111 crni ~ •nal ch 1llengc 1.~v •nd 11 <.1mpor11n1 not to 1 "'-'re ti ;,nJ h~ ti gic:' l'f• n Wh.it\ (II ed r r I\ I\ r IC 1l>t1>t tllc l\.\llC

•nJ rx•I 1c1 liVll m Pfll) croo11 ... ns 1 ur rc~I" r.\C\ Ir v.1n 1~\c \Ir 11-1h •1'1.S t.,..;i;1111g ~ •c~Uc'\ llu 1n~r1 hu111q l ll1•t1 "9ril 21·t,h) lO

\ k•l!t anJ deep rear a Mel\ 1~ be trigcrcd tod~y. ~"'!Wlf'! 1 •11lncr1t-lc are.a th•t un nc ...., toe adJrcMcd '\' 1•1.11 re p.lll~ m,\ be to trv i nd contrvl ulhcr pcvplc ) .lCt lC'ns . v.hcn m rultt), tl')1n~ tn C'l'ftlrcrl vour own • (.trnlnl ti l111nt.t ''•> 21 -JuM 20

1 pcnonal I<'! th..t a C\cn mor< dif· r.cull lo l\Crwm. \1fl0 fl Analyttl ~ 2..l-Sl'pt. ll

Amhtltt '14 .. n.t~U-10...vam 4 D

IJl.antJ :c "" •ll .imt>1t1Qi.11 pr!IJCCI are \lflllll loJ•' 111" )It(,...., yuur Joo­phne ~nJ 1kJK';al"'" rhar u 0Jtc11 aJ· mired ll\ 1 tho, 1-Jp«t 111 make ma,.-ir tn·rnJ.I• .., tllxJUt tro much cltr• cfforl U bn (I 81 I• D<'t ~pt. 2..l-Ort. 2.l

Watch for Yt>Ur tcndcl1C) tCI go to cttrcmc\ t<KlJ• , 11o<hK:h un alienate pc< pie v.-htn \t•U ll\CMeJl.'I It mtg~l help 10 open-up .ind 1.ilk .ib.>ul feel· 111r tiut th•t me . .n) f.lcin~ fe.sn of ct pt'\UfC <lf ... ,,..~ DCl.'IC\, •l11ch j) v.hat ~·u re tr'1111 10 de"' cafu. Xorpo ti 0..S~ I Ocf. l.J.~Ol"" 21

M011'11nc\$ a11 pul l. J.unpe1 011 en­~ ni pc•lplc Mnd iklf\1hc) Kcal rc:1· \o•nt behind 1hc me~ uc nN I • clv to ~urf••C 1mmcJ1atd1 m.UJ.n 11 1<11• Cl\' 10 linJ t \•11'\C\ an;J t-J:.1mc prorJc (•llQ arc MC 1e'Jl" nublc It '\ a rood t.14\ 10 tnlC\hfJIC "''l!ir"I '"' II'" an­l'<cr \1 11.a!'lli ( I ..Uptn \ 01 2l·Dtc 21

IJ 1mh1tk -, .. r1d Jc- re Ct !"'., hi Ilk 1urf.l,t" »nd \'Ou .kctJc u:Kc 41i':llll V. hclhcl 10 pUl\UC lhcm, C'f I< t lhc:m r;u 11'.a proc~ hcl~ wu de,. "1lll I< rmcr "'uc' tllat ~ffcc1cd Jtcr.1011 before. 111..,.. n1 l1 1r 'f'por1umrie' 10

ler cu •f mcnlment 3~ gu~t taprkona II Lwl DK. ll·hn 19

Build your real estate career upon The Rock *


.. 1~ ~la4C "! • our unsurpwcd 11~i opportun1ues1

• P~.ona avaiallie b 91\t!'luW\tie "'O'"

. indMOIJlls lo operate •ol!e .ng ~--· IOI H«wpott Beaen Com MeY Oa , Pilol

II. YCMI. Our unique .compul·

eru.cd $Upporl S)'\lem

illld a profeuio11al

• Hive an '1\Sliied va: "'~ Of P1'l• 11p " st1

* Enioy ,,ot•.ng ~ m.e l'I he !!•$~· H!T\11'.g Mkrme us

5ales 5ti1f to lnrn trom c.au our office 1od.ty

And st•n ~-our llC"t>

career on W>hd gr JU11d

Call Lt.ut H1r1IDlllD

fOf coofide1rtial IOteMew

'.The PNdenbal 0. Newport ~Hlty




(714) 674-9324 Mommqs


Q . 1-Both vulnt>rable es ~ulh Pa.u Pua Pua J • you ho ld Pa.u 1 '! • Q642 AQ KQ64 • Al06 , · '¥\1'•t IC'tltin do \ OU t.ak,,., Partner opens the b1dd1nit -..1th onr • no trump Whal do you respond., Q .6-A5 ~1uth ·' 1ln,'1lblt, mi

Q.2-Ai South . \'Uloerable; you hold + AJl 04 A7662 7 •K87 Tht b1ddm11: ha proceed~ South Weet North Eut I I • '2 + P ...

Q.3-Neithtr \.-ulnerable. 111 ~uth }flU hold +Q72 Q5 A83 .., I 0962 Tht b1ddmg has PNX'ttdf'd Sorth Eut South W.i I Obi '! \.\.'hat A< ltctn do vou take"

Q. 4 -.\~ ~ulh ,·ulntrabl,, \OU hold • Ql094 K983 72 + AJ6 fhf h1ddm1e hat pnxttdt'd North t;ut uth Wettt

huld • 96 A83 KJlHi • AJ I O":' Tht b1dd1ng ha..' pr• .... todt'd South We.t !'orth Eut 1 Pua l + P .... ? What do )V' bid no,.,.,

Q 6-A ...,.1uth \'Ulntrahlt' tJ

hnld +A83 95 KJ9M + AJ l CJ7 T bto bidd1n ha. F ....,.. ed South West " ortb 1.ut I PUIS l + PUii ? Whet do >tlll.I bid nc ,., " • Looli lor an-"''" in Monda\

Fo r ua!ormatioa about th Charle- C'.o~a Dt'WSlt't~r fu r bridce pleyua, ~ rttf' Gore-J: Bridge 1.At~r . P 0.


IJ.o11 U 2 O rl&J>do, Fie =42802-H28

'- men '1 Qr older C•ll 800-53 2 ·9:t22

CANC£a (Junt 21 July 22) Ob4.11n hint from Crtta11n1 mH»gl' Oef1nl' tum• pl'rttlVI' pc>Cl'nt11I Rtl•horuh1p Lt Wr\O\U C'Ontm"""'''' Prutt'C'I "4'1f 1n l'llWhoMl chnchn Don t gin up tht> firm h>r'lnt,,. wh1~~red promtM'

UO (July 23-Aug 22) Ch«k dur• brl rty of guodt bl' •wart' of prOpl'MV v•lur Study nttl'uuy form• lur,, mo"" •bout tu h~nw ""!U'""mt'nlJ l)th{"°"rl'ly upon vuur w tlltngnt"U to acer pt rHpons1b1l11y C1pncorn tn . volvf'd

If JANUARY l6 IS YOUR BIRTH · DAY· You ut apintu•I. your own m051 k'Vl'rl' c11 t1<. h•v't ln.ac l. for p1cli.1ng

w1nntn tn ftl'ld Ill rnl "'''" You "' ..-n~111vl' prl'Kll'nt. " ttmta ovtrly gentrous P111<1' . Virgo ptrM>n• pl.i t ~"Y rul" tn your ltf• You' ll tr•vtl 1n ff'bn.tu)' •t•ndintc '" rommunttv w ill bl' l'lf'v•tf'd you II Htum• lud1"nh1p rolt' .tnd th" hml' you II gl'i c l'l'Jtt •nd mvnry Ovnng M•l'(h m•ror domnt1c •d1u11mtnt t.tkn pl.t<f' could tncluJt ch•ngl' ol lfttdf'nCf' m.rni.I t1.ttu1 M•r • lto0 ml'monbll'

The dJ\ t\ full of rcspon\lh1l111c\, r11J1tnc\ •nd J1...:1phnc tha( Jrc not pk.l.'Sllnt 10 C1•ntempb1c .\ puwcrrul mrnd (ltkc \oun) c.111 m;1kc roounti1111s oul or 'rni•lc Ml' , and v11.i •tl\4 II ~nu Ch.llN to p.:r.tlVC Ctr~um\tiftCC\ " cn1trcN ap 1~1 "Ill 11 dtoe\n r h~\C '" he lll JruJ1t" hll.I .. ,

"''t m•n\ pwplc .uc more c.1. ~'Uhltng than )'JU npc.ull~ ,.hen 11 tr11nc1 111 aJvanlCmcnt 1111 YOur C<11ccr 1ml>11ton\ Yvu j!el in pc."'11ton h.l make a )lglllf1<..in1 IOO\c 411.J m.t.kr \llfC hi rid\ 111 ~ .. mh n hi l'tm ,. ,.: 1nduJc r1(.J1-.:1rh11c •nJ \Cit\ 1·1•\ Aquar\u) II 11.nc>wl Jan. llHtb 19




llURSE/COMPANION pvt duly. petaonal cate, ~s oap, refs,



~man, Handyman. Dnving & othef hMild dUtloa, live in, e11p & merencn &40 2095

TRADE th.rou9h cla111hed





"""1Q· llUto d•froac tce­IMik«. 1t00. Hatwat 90fd1Walnut trim In ooaor 15._, '39

~•Id••~,. lrtg on wnt. Mtc• ""' "25 OI lf9d• fot •l.c wehr/dryftf &11 ·9033

l'laNJTUU ao t 4

VI RGO (Aug 23·S.-pt 22 ) Long· dt.C•nc• commun1ca11on ,,.i.tft to 1nv · l'I. "'nttng IMtgnmt'nt th11 rould in · \<Olvt wnt11\g pubhthm g Thttt '"' no ltrn1i.11on. t•C.pt for th~ you •mpo!k' upvn yourwlf Ann pl•y• rolt

lllllA- (Stpt 2J ~Oc1 221 Study

Rtoldtrt Wntr · l'v" bttn M • rirta end rnd lng .o inuch 1bout ~pit belrtg •bductf'd by a llem from 011tu .,act •net M lftl unied Oft a Motlwr

hep to b. l•ttr drop~ off irt .01nt

fo,.. lan land. I a111 • S.Siltari.an and rm afraid of b«l11g up th«r. on th.at ah lp Whit 1hould I dor - hu Tultlt, .. ktr1flt ld , Callf. R"portk: C.t • ,.rathvtt! Fro"' lob l•yurd, Toledo, Ohio: " Enry 11- I •tart to tlna. "'>' wit•. a llbraa, ltllt Ml' to tab 1 1howtr. I .a111 a Sff'?IO aftd I'• rolly tlrtd of thowtrl ng. What 1hould I der laponM: Try • dlfftr · t11t colotNI

A\lf.S (M•l'<h 21 Apnl 19) You II t"KT1vr hNrtfth thanlt from ont you ~ntly h•IJl'l'd rorn• °"' ol dttp dt ptH11011 .. «v• on com1r1un1cet1on, aruttr undl'rttand111g Of KOnOmlC rond111on• C.1n1n1 V1rso. S.1111u1v• r.p....-.111fd

TAURUS ( ApnJ 20· M•y 20) YC!tl' ll dtlKt ver1ety of 110undt, 111cludl ng Cl'ffh lnttttd 111 bl'•l\g anno I'd or

fnghi.nf'd . 8\lkt the mo.t ol tt - bnn11 forth wl\M' ol humor You'll ~lvt gHt t nlt1ht "'9tftfnttng t kl'n ol 1ffK1IOn

ClMINI ( May 21 Junl' 20 ) thK._ l'ffl ftt•t4' nOfl"" - °"tllM bo\indf rltt dtllne ttrm•, p.orfkt t«hn1qut1 Co· worktr commun lcelt•, Ny•na. "Without you. t~ 11t I°" out of my

bubblt! " Hunth ahould b. foll~wr r- lnvulvl'd r

CAN H (Junt 21-Jwy 22) Fcxw lll O'lantutton t r.111v11y dtcldlng that ,.latiof\lhlp. 6"pti. C'Of'tlf'()Yt'ft)'. ,.

wunh ~"1""1 potllahl on 14Yl4' ""' tty ""'twllltnt of di1COVery Anothtt .. •nttr natjvr pla)'• mlt

UO (July U · AIC 22) """""fl'O' tnhal. toM111unlc• .. with lftdl•ldNI u1ponnly ...-dlftl OYftW• ~ Nlft ftO lonpr l ppl)' - Mt )'OUt OWft P.<• rro,.tty apprai.wl '""It• 1" ,.._,.1 w,,n. Arwe "'PfW"'ttd

v1ac;o (Aq 2l·S.pc U> Clffr 1way ~ .._. • 4'1~ lab harp of JO'lf OWll ,_ .... ( Ill '9 ntlo,.cf lfltO vi.w.> ~ Cloae •latiw ~."I _. wtth )'OU all tt.. ,..,,. l.-o Will ftpr. ,... ...... ,

U•A IS.,. ll·Ott U) lnNltion

tancn (I tttll Junt ll July 12 · l citing ~ " nc\c r Ci I) !or ~l\I Pcrh•J'\ 11·, b«1u1.e \tu trc •fr•~ i.;r lr"1ng "CWOIY, I , Jcahng •1th the

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\troni lloircs t.> "''"'"" people fl!l\ r ·c but II .., n I bl' "'' Cl\) h J'Ull ull It 1> more cr;u \N'rc rt hnn than • lhct rcoplc'\ •11lo;w.c1 ITl.l lant Ill••

lunda1, Jenu.ery 17, 1913

GM11g 10 ottlCI\ I) lk>l U\ll.ll!\ .II

prublcllJ fot 11\.11 and hl\J•) 1' v.herc )\•u \h111e in th.~.c area' Th" mean• 11

ptr'l'l•ll.al ,,t<:r1lt.:e or "-'rb. for a tltJI· er l(To.trd of pc!' nal utnfawr•n I r ht p•r.t <'tChcr PIJ<'I') t i Btht•t1 ttb. 20.\ttrTh 1'

h-ur ~ !t anJ ""'tll1n( r.1• ire ~ helpful tn ru111n' c-ut Cl'l\\•111·11&1 hrc' l:.>r htl'\ It\ 11(•1 u•uill\ • plc~r. : c tpencn e t.i iump rnto thr\ l\J>C (ll·

u.11t1Qn hut \N (i&JI t ~ar to '"" c lb· en fl(hl or hurt thcm\Cl\c\



1 8ooM 6 Wound marl.1

• 11 Otstr ... Call 14 In IOltl\IOe 15 Hawt< 1~ 16 Malo.I I~ 17 htera 18 ~ n<I of 20 Ba(ley ••1•

Vat 22 C.d gem. 23~1 25 Unlit now 28 F..arateo 29 Not htgh 30 Starled llQMI 32 H8VHlg W!ngl ~ Foott>ell

ottictel 39 8u4llt0'1tf!r s 42 Moornlg lee 43 Maoe~ 45 Some ti• .... 46 1"4Wtl8bl@

eriemy 49 An ekpl06Ne ~ Plaster t>eM ~ Golf cou~ 55 Ot>ta<nl 5e IJnl'*'Oiy 5e Shred 60 Coame11C Mt 63 All. a &e Actr..,

IMng 6 7 Remember

·~ sa Olalec1 111Cat! US

2 3

~aNll 70 SooiOf 71 &Ofoer.o


1 Some gtlds 2 High peek 3 Dnctron ' c.i•l()f flta

Clfy ~Quality

IVft 6 a

""'°'" .... 7 CeuttOUS 8 -- mode II ~I ol 1141r'11

to Cut 11 Boundary

11'\Mker 12 w .. 1em

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ll'W'll ?6 Sun ounoecs t>., n SPl41

City '\() 8roadCMt

to41on .) 1 Knoct-1

llang 3J Shtn lhepe 35 PerhcipSle

In .-nter eipot1 COuntlt!Q


31 81 O f

3tCoz,~ tO Au .., c· •~ 4 1 P11t Off!! 44 Toot 1'""8 41 Rint. c>att on .. Ism lollc SO A Wlll\ pntot • 5 1 Te•e lhrn">ft S2 ...... 1.

• ., 8f(1(!lol'I 100!

• 9 10 \3


88 Saturday, January 16, 1193

New Firebirds. have .

plenty to offer . The sleek new Frrcbird exterior is

made of compo:>1te body' panels ever)'\-.ihcrc- but the rear quarter panels and hood which are made of twp-side galvanized steel. The whole pac~age 1s coated with a basecoat/ Llearcoat paint

Available exterior color!> include nC\\ -ior-9 3 Ycllo". Mee.la um Red Mct.ill1c, Dark Green Metallic and

• Gra\ Purple Metallic along with Bright White, Black, Bright Red and Bright Blue Metallic. ·

The exterior treatment's sleek .ippc.wance 1s cnhJnced by a )leeply-ral..cd 6B degree winrl=;hield, < onlC.•Jled cleLlnL-operatecJ r1:ctJngulJr quJrlZ halogen headlamp), .in integrated rear decklid poilcr and t\\ o one-piece taillamps

\\ ith multi-colored lens' and amber turn !>1gn.1b. The !>leek loo!.. can be upgr,1c.Jecl to include bod>co!or bcxh!>adc moldan{·~. removable hatch rool \\ 'tl1 improved locking system Jnd pm,C'r oubid<.• r<.>Jl'\. 1ew mirrors.

Thl' 1 Y'J3 F1rel> rd Coupe rides 'On nc\' Iv :it\ lud 1 uO hi-tech cast .J!um '1Um \\I <.el~ .1nJ P215 60R16"" -.tccl-bellC'd hl.1rk\\~.ill tuunng tires or J\.JilJblc P2 3j 55R 1 b tot1rmg tares.

airflow. The air conditioning system is designed specifically for the environmentally friendly R-134A • refrigerant.

The firebird Coupe's . driver-oriented cockpit also includes new two-way adjustable reclining front bucket seats -- available in cloth or leather -- with improved contours for more thig,,h and lowcrback support. A four-way manual or six-way powered driver's seat is

· available. A Delco ETR Mll/.FM stereo radio/

cassette with fou r-speaker sound system is standard. A premium sound system -- specifically designed for Firebird -- is available and includes a Delco Electronics 10-speaker sound system choice of either AM/FM stereo radio/cassette or compact disc player, five-ba!ld graphic equalizer and steering wheel radio controls.

The sleek Firebird look is retained on the Formula. The only exterior differer -es arc Formula's bodycolor sport mirrors, smoothly contoured taillamps with neutral density lenses, 16 inch silver sport cast aluminum wheels and P235/55Rl6 touring tires.

Optional exterior features include power mirrors, bodycolor bodyside moldings, a movable hatch roof, and P245/50ZRl6 Goodyear Eagle GS-C steel belted blackwall tires.

Tlw in teror... ui the ne\\' F1rcbird .ire> j!> fluid cl~ the e\terior and Jre .t\ad .. 1l>k• 1n meJiur•i gr.1\ ·graphite or medium bcigt> trim . Rul!nded and LOnlourl'd surlJU.'" .uc• ergo~omically 1racndly and rnJint.11n ,111 organic,

FormulJ shares all of the Firebird Coupe's .:.tandard and optional interior features with the caption of a

_ fQUr-way manual drh..c.r sea , but that's where the similarities end.

cn-,uou-. loo~ Lan~e, CJ!>\ -to-reJd ·Jnaluguc

~augc·::, - - lndlicflng tachomC'Lcr snd trip odometer Me du tcred an the dmcr's d1r<.•ll l1rw o l sigh t, whale ~ound S\i:>ten Jnd H\tAC control:> CJn be reached without .dm.·er:. l'\ er ha' iQg to litt their bJd,s from thl' -.cat.

Performance is upgraded to include the 275hp 5.7-liter VB engine, six-speed manual transmission, FE2 performance suspension, limited slip differential and powerfour-whcel disc brake system as standard equipment,

1993 Pontiac Firebird Formula

performance, content and excitement combined with a bold and aggressive appearance, need look no further than the 1993 Pontiac Trans Am - the Ultimate Firebird.

Targeted Jt single men and young couples with an average income of 545,000, the ultimate in Pontiac sport!> car excitement is so fully conlcn ted there arc only five options - hatch roof, sunshade, compact disc pla>•N , automatic transmission and leather seating areas.

5...Z-lit.eL M~t V8-eng1nc-is standard on the Trans Am. The high perform::ince Pontiac engine is mated to a performance-geared six-speed manual transmission. A iour-spccd automatic is availatle. The VB engine produce:> 275hp at ~000 rpm and 325 lb-ft of torque at 2,400 rpm.

•10Y011 COROlU u.111•Qi111W ~

S5,495 'f7 BMW

•CW ltmlll



- c..i ~

C2l05at4 CIQOIJI

q915 Sl •BMW '85 MERCEDES

M5 511JSEC la .... s--.-,. .... c..11 -- .... sw IM*ll ~

995 S23995

TTIMW 3251 .. ..-.

u.111 ~

s10 •19 5351 BMW - ­,_ ,,,.,,,.,

S24995 Rotary c.ontrub ,ire ea:>y to identify

due to imprmed graphics, nd knob button shape .

Omer reach ha-, al~ been Pnhanccd through an increase of 10 rnm in forward )CJt travel and a new -.ca t tilt f eJ ture. F 1\ c ad1u:.tablc rou.nd .cnt nuzzle::, are the source of cabin

An a'vatlable pcrformance-calibrJted suspension package includes a 3.23 axle ratio, engine oil cooler,. P245/50ZRI 16 tires and a 155 mph speedometer.

Trans Am's standard performance-calibrated suspension includes a 3.23 axle ratio engine oil cooler and 155 mph speedometer.

Driving excitement is enhanced with the Delco ETR AM/FM stereo radio/ cassette with five-band graphic equalizer, 10-speaker sound system and steering wheel controls.

CREVIERGBMW 1500AlmMaHlk.Slla1111


l55FWr•E-l Automotive enthusiasts in search of

unprecedented driver-in-control


Fuly ftJ.ro, AC, loOOed, ~wheels. rod~ & rn>re-Reotal ReUn

am (1426m) mxM3 (1G64)



F~power,AC, 15~, roof red(, & more -Rental Rehm


'89 MAZDA '91 FORD 82200 ESCORT

aAOfT BlllE. S SP, SSP,CA.55 SHOATB£0 UIOffE 0t(730404) 0t(1Z21eo)

$4,995M $5,395

I over 71 Years Of serv.ice To The . community

t "'


R PECT! Some of these

vehicles have been here inore than 2 weeks, our used

car manager is just dying to make a s lar deal so come· -·oown &

pay your respects.



'89 HONDA 8000 PRllUDE


' MOAf- ' li()Rf wt-EELS &~E fW.YL~O Ot(7747W) IOt (ell0711 Ot (257111) IOt (11111111

$5,795 $8,995 $9,795 $10,995 --

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.. '92 FORD TEMPOGL fldD,f>C, PW, POL, llt,

Cassette & trore --Aental P.etlm MXm (12'4942) #88)373 (122835)




f\JU.Y LOADED M.110 CA.SS f'\JU.YlOAOEO llAOHT AEO M:..& YORE ...W:lA..m 1H & OUT IOt llOIOl»I Ot(IOl119t

$15,995 $20,995 -

2060 Harbor Blvd. of Care• Costa Mau• (714) 642-0010 · · • to credit val, see dealer for _dlt1H1

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot


with the GMC SIERRA . ~ ' s the pickup truck has evolved ~from a functional vehicle to an

"in" thing here in Southern California, consumer demands on what pickup models should offer have grown. ~o longer are truck makers focusing tirely on such f unct1onal positives as

great towing capacity and dura bility. ' Take# for example, the CMC Sierra.

The Sierra offers pleClty of attracti\>eness· and creature comforts in its standard form, as well as..ihc t0ughncss and power we've come to e pect from General Motors trucks. But to spice up its diverse Sierra repertoire, CMC also offers the CT Sportsidc, a version of the Sierra accented by

Auto step sides, ·Review chrome-fini5!'ed wheels

and sporty side logos. I suppose I'm typical

the new breed of potential true!.. uyers that aulo makers are trying to

tapture. I rarely have occasion to use Jhe cargo and hauling capabilities of a truck and 1t \\Ould probJbly nc,cr <JCcur to mt' to rnns1dcr'buying a Sierra. But m> head turns '"hen I see one of those big Sierra CT Spor~1dcs cru1:>mg do" n the tru~"°JY, and at lea:>t tor J

~,oment , I con>1UN how fun 1t \\-Ould be to ha' c one

-f0rthl' \\CCk I ') rO\l' the $1crrJ T Spott£1de for thi> rC\.1C1.", I found the

truck to be quite fun and surprisingly comfortJble I c1.cn made use of the truck's cargo capab1l1ties one night, as I hauled home J Chn>tmas trt.'C.

The CT Sporb1dc is not the m())t 1 functton.rl 1crr,\ ou can buy Rather

~an h.i\.1ng thl' bed sides Oush \\llh the OUb1cfo ol tht' \\ hl'CI wells,. th(' CT'!,

1d('S Jrc <:"en \•.1th the inside ot th1..• 'heel \\ells, mal..1ng the lx'd almu>l 26

inchc> n.irrower on borh ends rhan that or the suncJard Sierra.

On the orhcr h.md, 1his no)wl~1c style u'so make) tor a complete!) rcctan~ular b<>d r ath •r than one d1sruptl'CJ by the

CHANGE · f ho: I f - rl; J(~' IPA TUJt'lll ii: l\<'

lSCOMING , nr-. 1.'i<11 ~ ~ ' ,dt, • • \ •499 m ~h 1'1f

ON YOUR TERMS. 36 r, t 11 •1.,500 "' ,.n• ltll~ll! 1h

Udi~ Hiuoo tilt' car ~'U ur.& 10 drn r:

fll,I 00!'\'l'H ~\ ll'IC'ft' ht'f •

Fl llOIHlltl

lll-\.\(,J\(;-'ntE \\ \\ \lJ. Tlll\J>. U)(Jl'J \.\l l:.lllC \\ -'lilllllellE'i

wheel wdb. B1.1t the real bottom line is that Sierra Sportside buyers aren't looking for the most functional truck. They're lwf..1ng for one that looks great.

Thi; truck fulfills that appearance dewc 1n '1rtually e1.cry way. The only appear.me<.> shortcoming r found wirh the Sierra CT Sports1dc is its tires, which perform l11w. but should be more sport}

The S1crrJ I tested for this review was po'"l!rcd by an optional 5.7-lrterV8 tan e~r a S84 S "ith electronic (uel iniccuon, producing and ample 21 O hor>epo1.' 1.•r and 300 pounds-feet of torque lhanf..s to all rhat torque, this hc1ty, 4,044-pound truck practically jump> oif the line "'hen called upon to acn•k•rarc rapidly.

The Sierra CT Sports1dc also handles surprt> ngl) ,,elf for 1t5 >1Lc The truck 1)n 't .ill dlJt athanccd technolo~1call)', anc.l 1t naturally geu a ltule l>0unC) 01.er un<•\en \lrctchesi but 1t ridt'> smoothly on !ht! treeway and corners reasonably \\Cll

Thl' l rue I. ha) front cf 1'.IC and rear drum br Jf..C> \\Ith reJr anti-lock braking

$499 A. .....c>NlH lfASE


!>HUS SOON ~~ OflA.11.S


Llhi. •tloy wheels Many elttrH


$8988 .... ,


1 7 K mites. p/ w. p/ dt. menyu •xtr9• S.I of

Q.M . werr .. prey. pn>Cr9m rentat



The vehicle: 1993 GMC Sierra GT Sportside The price: MSRP !... S15,7.69; As tested - $20,632 The guts: 0 tional 5. 7-lite r VB with electronic fuel

injection, pr · 210 horsepower and 300 pounds-feet of to rque; fro engine and rear-wheel drive; optional four-speed, e lectronically contro lled automatic transmission with overdrive; front disc and rear drum brakes with rear anti-lock braking .system; power steering; and independent_ coil-spring suspension with torsion bars in the front and semi-elliptic, two-stage, multileaf prings in the rear.

The lineage: The GT Sportside is a porty-looking version of G~C's full-size pkkup, the Sierra.

)\>tcm, po"'cr )tccnng and independent c..011-~pring suspension with torsion bar> in the front and scm1-elhptic, t\vo-st.igc, multi leaf sprin~ in the rear.

Equipped with an optiO,flal lour-speed, electronically controlled automJtic transmission with O).erdrsve (an c~tra S890), the Sierra gets a

rcportt-d 14 miles per gallon in city driving and 19 miles per gallon on the highwJy. That's about the mileage I'd expect tor an engine with such large displacement Fortunately, the truck has a 25-gallon fuel tank, giving 1t a scnerous cruising range bel\"c>en llnanc1all\ painful stops at the g.1s


Salurmy. ~ 11, 1113 -

sta11on The Sierra is roomy and comfortdbll'

on the> inside. Two drawbacks: a driver's-side airbag is not offered .rncJ the >lereo and heating and air <.:0nd111oning controls are grouped together in a confusing cluster, a~a\ from the cassette player

Like most pickups, the Sierra n its base form doesn't have many l'qj.11pment extras. My lc>st S1errJ hJcJ a wealth of "O"ptions, including recTn1n~ bucket seats (an extra $490)· slid ng . rear window <S 113). sport susptm.)1on package IS97 4), and power \-\!Odo., and locks ($ 367). Other creatl.lt't comforts, such as stereo with cas~ttl' . )' cruise control and tilt steering arc alltomat1cally thrown 1n with the $1 S4b sports1de pad.age ..

Option!> and del \try brought thl! co'>: of my test Sierra GT Sports1de from a bJsc> of Sl.S "'69 to a total of $20.632 Granted, thats a big chunk of moncv but it's not cheap to buy a vehicle thJt ha~ to be both a 1unct1onJI trucf.. an<l a fun, po\\erful head-turning, all-pur~ modt> ut sooallv dl>sirable transport


'93 PARK AVE. ULTRA $399°7

r"Z=--.,....._• mo. + tax


W/ANY SERVICE Exp. 1/31193



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' •t 0 sadurday, Janu.y 18, 1983

·Subaru Legacy line features standard driver's-side air bag on all models for 1993, the Subaru Legacy line of

front-wheel and all-wheel drive CAWD) compact sedans and station wagons, including the new leather-lined LSI Station Wagon, offers superior traction, durability and the latest in safety and performance technology.

All 1993 Subaru Legacy models will off er a standard driver air bag and, on most models, a standard, improved antNlock braking system CABS>. .

New models in 1993 are the turbocharged, AWD Touring Wagon (introduced on a limited basis in late 1992) and the fully equipped LSi Station Wagon with beige leather interior. Also new for 1993 are 60/ 40-split rear seats for all Legacy

· models and a new exterior color, Jasper Green.

According to Chuck Worrell, Subaru of America executive vice president, "The 1993 Subaru Legacy continues to offer the durability Su6aru nas always-been tamous for


tunlGTON IUCH ACUM Oce1t1 lllMltt & Fl'WI Dt*

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and has resulted In 93 percent of all Subaru vehicles sold in the last 1 0 years still being on the road."

Legacy sedans and station wdgons are available as full featured l models, well-equipped LS versions, tullbocharged Sport/Touring editions and luxurious leather-lined LSi models. Under the refined shape of the Legacy L, LS and LSi sedans and station wagons is a 130-horscpower, horizont.ally opposed. 16-valve, alurn1num, 2.2·1iter, four-cylinder engine;, four-wheel independent suspensfon; four-wheel power-assisted disc brakes; speed-sensitive variable power steering; power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering and 165/ 70HR-14 all-season radial tires.

All manual transmission Legacy models, except the Sport Sedan, incorporate Subaru's unique hill-holder feature making o~f-the-line starts on steep hills easier.

On a hill, a driver is able to remove his or her foot from the brake to


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.~ I SUZ U

Service Parts

Body Shop

Daily Rental• Theodor~ Robins ........, 2111111t1tlJIC.S


GMC TRUCKS M.&91GlllCTRUCG 11110....c:...,

Sin Dllp FWf •-, l.lfN ...... ...-MellMGlllC TW • llQINC c• LAC -·· T•a..C.-,,.m ...

lr\Jf lr\Jll 1 ___ ....., ..... Uilllll ......

• HMlr .... ~ ... 111111111 ... ,., ,, ...... ..

operate the ps aDd clutch pedalS without the Enke disengaltng until the vehide begins moving forWard.

The legacy l comes equipped with front cloth-upholstered bucket se~ts; air conditionlng; dual power • remote-controtled outside mirrors; power wind~ and locks; tilt steering with memory; cruise control; rear-door safety locks; three-point rear seatbelts; 60-Watt AM/f M/assette audio system with preset equalizer; remote trunk-lid and fuel-Oller openers; dual-drink holder; full instrumentation and center console with covered storage bin.

Compact-car buyers looking for a fully equipped car will consider the Legacy LS sedans and station wagons including th~ LSi models with standard leather interior.

Available in front-wheel or AWD, · the LS adds the following to the standard L featur~: four-speed, electronically cohtrolled automatic _ transmission (4EAI>; ABS; alloy


,._.NOMDA Sllll·s.Nde·~

13750 a.di 8hid . ....... 11~aMm

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11232 e.dl llllld~ ~ 8Mdl .,.,.. ---HClllDA UNTA ANA

21 t4E Fnt SL. SlruAt-. 141·_,

COSTA w:sA HONDA tf2 MU SIOUni ~THE 406 2111 Hllbol lllwd, eo.. .... ....

HYUNDAI Tllm.( CUat H'YWl>AI 40 ~o Ctnltf OrM. !MN


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1a•11 IOUTM COllf'f'f 8UN

,, v-.. Aodee o.aw u.u 11111 &.di IM,~ 8eldl ..,.....


2001 ~ Miid-.,,,,. . AnaNill '11.a.2

~~ 3000 w COlll H'#Y~ ...... a.ctl



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whelk; var~ble Intermittent wipers; power moonroof with rear-tilt featurei driwr-seat height ldjuster; power antenna; dual illuminated vilOf' mirrors and leather-wrapped steering wheel, hand-brake and ·shift-control levers.

An electronic/pneumatic air suspension system with height control is standard on AWO LS and LS1 station wagons. The luxurious LSI station wagons and sedans, with interior dressed in rich beige leather, are equipped with AWD; ABS; 4EAT; 80-watt AM/FM/ assette audio system with compact disc player; power moonroof with rear-tilt; cruise control; power windows; alloy wheels and air conditioning (in addition to features found on L and LS models).

Drivers looking for more excitement from their ride, "~II find the all-wheel drive~ La Sport Sedan and Touring Wagon bill. These sporting

,.model bu· upon the AWO Legacy platform wi.th a turbocharged,


.. LDUIOf .. I& ID In ..... °' er.,. C«llly Alllllllll lar llMlldll• °"*YI

22 F., . • 8Mct! M ,, ..... :tia.--.

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Tlllllll•C... 1,. .....


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IUCH UllCOUMl1DCURY IM008Mdllhd ~&.di , BlocM ~ t1111t Sell o.ge r., •m• COSlA MESA UNCOlN MftCtln

S.S. 5eMce ' Lii~ 2621 HMot llllld . eo.. .....

11.....-. llAY R.AOOO( IJNCOlM..,.CUflY

SM• SeMU •~•PMS• lbly ~ ,., ..... 7'000

SAHTA/IMA UNCOlM~ In ()wigt CoYrly""' , ..

a Auo c.. °'. r~ s r.., • Jetribolel ~Jil t


If.ACM MAZDA 17331 llMdl 1M. ~ 8Ndl

2""" IOI.fl of 406 Fwy ,.,~ ...

~ElLMAZl)A 1425WW.r eo.. .....


DAW> J. NWN fllAZDA CMllr ~ Wf1lcl lfQ 1 .. . s.. s.w.

5 fwJ. Mcll. l.lpn ... D?·MOO

IMlllfllAZDA Ll9ll Dllliilf In .. ,.. . Se-. • SIMot

Wine ""'° c... ..,.... IMDMW '11 9'8A PAM 1100~- • ..,. ~ ,,......


PMll'IMOrORCMI 2"" WNld, El TM


~"'~ ~ .... ..._IM, lulN PM .,.. nm:MP aa MDTOCM1 1I01 a..a....~ ..... ..... MITSU BISH I

IOGll*La..,.... , .. lled\811111 , ........ a.ti 9tml;1•••

TVnUC:UC:. .._. .... C..OIM.~ --


160-horsepower, horizontally opposed, (our-cylinder engine; six-spoke 15-inch alloy wheels; 195/ 60HR· 1 S all-season performance tires; vented four-wheel disc brakes with .ABS; upgraded sports suspension and European-style velour interior with black bolster.

According to Worrell, the additions to the ) 993 Legacy line are aimed at meeting the varied need; of compact cJr shoppers.

" In addition to dependability and Vdluc, compact car buyers demand safety, so we have improved our anti-lock braking system and made a driver-side air bag standard on all models."

All Legacy modpls arc available • from the nearly 730 Subaru dealers nationwide. Like all Subaru vehicles, the Legacy range is covered by a threc-yeaiq36,000-m1le limited warranty; rust perforation covcr~ge is for five-years with unlimited mileage .

. ,.


" " °"'VI ColnJ Sill °"00 F ,...., 11 lwtr. L1g1N Nig1J11 m ....

If.ACM O&.DmOll E 17331 8Mdl &Ms .~ 8Mdl

21111.Soullof 406 Fwy ,.,~ ....

JO( MAC9'HER90N OlD9MOIU 2346 N Gnnd 1M , S.. /w --- ~-1

UltWJmTY ~I l GMC nla 2'50 Heltlof llllld • eo.. ..... ..... DAW> J. PHI.UPS '°"'1AC

O\Mly Ill!'~ WVU4"C* 1981 Slits 5etw:t lAQlft Hit S F.,,., • Aloi


IOI L.ONOPAE POHTlAC 13'00 a.di BM! w.. ...

11.-.as1 MClUH POmAC . (;MC TJtUC(

Tlallf!A"10C.. n~n1.-

IOl~IUZUIO How~. DIMtyM ~ "W.,...,.,

13800 8elch llllld 112.flS\.

TUTTLE CUCO TUSTIH SU?Ul(J 40 Ai.lo Ctnltf Dr T 111111 .,,.....

TOYOTA"1 COITA IBA 1M Hlltlor llllld c.. .....

722 ...

JOI lllAQlllHPION TOYOTA 44 Al.to C.-Or • T'*'I DNl11

al MAUY TOYOTA Pw °'*' ., Sellldlr

11111 8Mcft llllld. ~ e.cti '41 ... U... TO'tOTA

.. ,... • • • Selle. SeMce. Plitl. ~ 1~ Blldl. ~ IM-m2

LIW .. llMNI TOYOTA 30 .. C..OM,~--

~-.. ~· t.•~ _ .. ., ~~J.

South County Volkswagen/Isuz


·--­......... a.. ... --





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OFF FACTORY STICKER $16,83000 •Air Conditioning •Automatic

• Air Conditioning • Five Spd Or Automatic • Alloy Mags · • AM-FM Stereo Cass • Leather Or Clothl Int •Full Gauges · •Air Bag • 1.8 Litre Engine • lnterm,ttent Wipers • Rear Window Defogge • Power Windows & Brakes -

ALL NEW '92 PASSA Js _____ · ...._____ • Air Conditioning • Automatic, 5 Speeds • Sunroof • AM-FM Cass • ABS Brakes •Electric Mirrors • Leather Available • Alloy Mags • 24 Valve Overhead Cam Engine • Rear Window Defogger • Power Brakes, Windows & Steering

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DailJPi~. Cover Home Presented By Judy Muncy TARBE"-L REALTORS S11 Pb11 34. For More 1Nf0""4tion


A .Special Advertising Supplement Vol.17, No. 3 Jan. 16, 1993

I •


( '- .(A I u I}-,_~ PAGE 2 I SATURDAY, January 11, 1993

Cover, T art>ell 02 Map 03 . RUMX, Ron Felsot 04 ~max 05 ~max, Walter Mitchell 06 Rcmax, Jone Sungollo 07 cannay Village Realty 08 Prudential Collfomla 09 Prudart.lal Coltfomia 10 Prudential Cotlfomla 11 Prudential . Coltfomla, The Jones 12. Grubb & Ems 13. Grubb & EJlls, P&rs & Shuler

1 • . Coldwell Banker, N~rt ~h 15. Coldwell Banker, N~rt Beach 16. Coldwell Banker, Newport lkach 1 7 Coldwell Banker, Jerry Finster 18. ColdWell Banker, The Olsens 19. Coldwell Banker, Costa Mesa 20. Tatbell 21 Tarbell, Laura Husband 22. Prudential Newport 23 Prudential Newport, Photos 2•. Coest Newport 25. Coolt Newport ~ 26. Waterfront Homes Inc, RClllt.ors


AV f

Laguna Beach

27 Waterfront Homa Inc, Reattorl 28 Biii Feeney 29 Waterfront Homa, Setty & Lon'ekle 30 The Dalebout~socletion 31 T atbell Realtors, GeH Grabner 33 Uongs of Newport 34 Cover~ 35 MWo Realty 36 Looking for classified 37 Es~r Yank 38 MM< Cardelucc1 Real UtM.e 39 •2 CIMstfted 43 COIT • • Valentine Pr~rties


l·JcpnlJy appomtcd wtlh k1U of M1tblc ttld llArdwood t\.JQt• CuiU>G 48R ) ' BA plu• 4 tat pr1p Many budt· 111.l ( JilflfW• Jlld Wltb poc;il " .pa SI ,850,000


I J;qutmt 4 BR, )VJ. BA on 1~cr11Ud u111c Joe Va•• m1>lt1 M.ltlc, h et form po.,f A 'P• , 4 car prasc and JIOI ( u fb appeal Sl,650,000

BELCOURT TERRACE Plan "B" -- --I---,;;;;;;~~=~~=~ ......,.~ .. .-.1'9aE

~ u.-11 11 .,,,, w tom ""' " ' de-. 11ca1mcnh It lf~cly ~ard ""llh frtu 111 ndin& sutbo M ny 011\cr uP&Jtdc:• ' Quick t '"* O K 1

. $715,000


ca.tion• write , ""'up.m c m••lt'r u1tc lt11~~ noun, •hllc t u1u' ' ltJU:hcn & many

cu, wm' blt 1na IM•h 10 1 ) • Id,,. ,,...n ·pr"'uc p1

22 BELCOURT Oil ·o. $895,000


Lal/Uh 6 UR, 11 UA, mul<>r wu11J~ l ll l &•r.gc Sunken tt nn court It "'unm1n& pool ,. 1gro1u1 I ull h•~mcn1 ,

IY"'I· ckvatot lie tn0¥1t 1bu1cr



Dramauc ta.baa ocuo A city b 1 ~ Louly 2BR. 23 8A plua pnvate dcn/otric.c. llardwood floon It plantalJOft lhuucn Quo uaow. OK I



Rccc:nlly rcdccuutcd 3 1m. IU. w gnauc wunlcn It la"Uh mar'blc ll'<nlcr b•lh U.wripktdy • &om lhtu·OU1 l '°"cly f o&J"t g...irdcn

26 CHATHAM CO RT $1, 150~800


~~ ~(,

fl'<( y , A, "ng C C'.C •WTIC :..111 :0 fV lot OW c.uy upanuol\ • , .,cruti... dccor11Cd t'rrval.C ape on m . .u1c1 •u1tc ( ommu111t~ lcnnl\ anJ pool



G<Kswus V1CW •BR,.) UA .. 11 ar ,.,. ru-:•1 • I rec rm Gowmc1 ~11 , la~i.~J\atv "pp;udcd lttnt~ S1cp1 lO pnva1c bc.a~h


1U:DUCEO $SOOK MU rr s •:Ll..!

Pu11d J'C)Qf own dream humc llC1l l4' 18:Ultl ..._ I utata OwMr wJ carry Subnnt!

WAS $1,'50,000 NOW $951M1



NEWPORT BEACH Aff9 Tl lM • u. for le~ th • .n rtnt l...Q\.ely light & bright 2BR in

plu'>h gated comm close to shopping. fine restau· r • .mh, beach & freeway access. Aik for ... R.AYLENE MIRACLE

OPEN l1N 1-4, 100 SCHOLZ PLAZA #201

flJGE BAY I OCfM IEWI 11•• I ht' ' ' c:M:cllcn· h41g.s1n f()( ~ Verutllc5 pcnthotnc comer .~ 1 · :Bk ~BA 1 v. 11h vicv. i of the bay and ocean. \,k for ... WAJ.TER MITCHEU

NEWPORT ITUl. Smi,mll k c:nu.41cd 2 \tOrv floorplan on lu'>h greenbelt. J\pprm: 19<..WI "I It ~ QCWer kuchen & baths,

. 1 1.: lpl J.. pl.inlJl1on )hullers~ 3BR + den. '\1.: '' ~hooh & \hopping Out of state owner ""Jnl ~ 4uK ,,,le' \\It. for ... DIA ' A PRO 'ER

I• • u 1c:rt.s1n1ng \ , .,_ for ... UlA.'A &. ~TE\'l. u t 120

180' BACK BAY VlfW \ • • 1 v.1dc l(Jt (>llJx 133) v. incredible v1~ ~ 4BR " 1. \lt ,1 lrgc fdm rm gdme room frml dining. • ! I" 1 n~ rm . cuurt ~rd, pool & '>pa C)eller

I I • I '>411 JOd v. 111 lrddC down \\k for .. J, l ~ ... LA Bl 'RMEISTER

"<>P ... ' \A f 1-S, 1626 GALAXY

LOOK AT Tia PllCf MM,aJ 4 &!rm home Complemented by a large lot . Re­u. r11h u:pandc:d th1\ home: offer\ the "be)1 \ 1luc l•ir ..quare footage In Newpon He1ghh <J rn: I 111 .. 1dc l•.K.dl ton Ju\t fell out of e~row' A\lt. for ... RM. KOO(Jt.~

lllUDI AIR A ID W • LfAIE OPTm 1516,000 I ~· rnth r<:modcl l -nut1"c (.imil) hc;me 4

IH JI< \1 HA plu' UDR \1 \1.tcd den Large c • 1 1.: tlnrnnic..n • \I/Cd prt\.ste yard v.nh spa & huge I• ~ JI·•' v. 11 lu,li 1.rnd'lo<:apcd Mal.c an offer "\1 rv.' Ask for ... E'J.l"' MAREE KEMP

m¥ IAl.f 1171i,aJ < > .... ncr , .. "' to hrinic dll o ffer.. 3HR pool home v. pd nor J m1c cJa:an & bay views This has goc to he 11nc of the lx:\1 \alues in town ' \ \ &. for .. C'AROL£ PRA "K£L

Of'f.~ ~l '1' 1-4, 1020 KJNGS ROAD

JUST umD CllfMIC.T LOCAllll --1 rirme r model 2UR, 3BA luxury Bclcoun Towne gqurmet f uropcan kitchen, m:utcr suite w/ cnd.,'>Cd prrvcstc l1hrary, CU\lOm rccc~~ hght'J & hc ... llccl mi rror\ l ..avrsh ma~tcr bath w/ steam 1,hov.cr & 1acuu1 tub Profei~1onally land~apcd nc:v. yard w/ pnvatc ~pa Mk for ... RON FELSOT

IAnal W,,._ .. 11--·Halph L.turen" totally remodeled cottage style \Cllrng 4BR, JJ,.lBA oommerc1al sradc kitchen w/ nook <;cpar .tle dining room, spacious "Great room «JVerlooking the bay Aak ror ... MARY UITUWO

. COSTAMESA _,. Piii ml .. 11•• 2BR, 2V.ZBA end unJt twnhmc Well maintained oak cabinets throughout Olzy f rpl • au. 2 car gar. w!1ndry Can be )'OUfS for o nly SJ 69,SOO. Aak for ... DAVJD COOPER &127

Clll1' •nrr --~ 1111• Dynamite JBR, 2J,.lBA upgraded beauty urge master w/privatc !.undcck Move-in perfect Big attached 2 car gar. MU}t ~IH .Uk ror ... ROBIN TENCH

fAllm CDITA MBA S!08,000 Beautiful Easts1de home! ~cllcr rcadr and v.Jnt.. offers . 2BR & 2V: BA, turnkey cund1tmn Alk for .... STEVF. \flTCHf..U.

fAITm COITA MBA 1215,900 ~uptr 3BR. Z SBA t<Jlo\nhomc • 1th •tt•thtd 2 "' w .. ci. prl'V'•lc )Qrd • 1th patio. end umt loc•tKin 1n rc.ir : comple>.. grc•t floc.rpl•n for roommatn or • l.a.m1f\ ' A..k for .. JA KlE HANDLEMA.~


.. 1111.J. IUY 1218,000 4BR, 2BA with detached 2 car gar. good for ~.H, or granny + 700 i<J ft. Clean 7.9o/r a~~um.ihlc loan of $186.000. ~k for ... CHUCJC/UZ JONES

UlllllE ,._, .. •Y .... Ill Q\ier 1800 sq ft. 'BR. 1 ~Ba, new pnnct kitchen, x-Jar,c family room. 2 fol. u~ pJorc, large din1n1 room, hrdwd ftn: ThiS home you must KC to apprectate. .Uk ror_coi-.'NJE CORN

••• a an tans •• MB.• ~pcoal Meu Verde home is a 'BR 38A be. ut) f eJtur1ng a completely rcmdlcd & uparadcd lutch . xcrca lrgc viev. lot, 3 ear pr • pnv cul-de- c locatton

k for. NNE M SLAND

CORONA-DEL MAR ... ·-·-· .. m..t.I ..... 1111,91 Sp«tJcular lln mw o! oc:ica.o 48R, 2~8A, pool & ~r.a

k for . ..Jl\f OIGRAOO .. us•• .,.... 11.mM1 Beautiful cw Bedford .. !abulooi ocean A. lriil 1

\IC'.,.. , CU\tom ~ 1tchcn, upantkJ ma\tcr BR pt~ •md PJ l.ahulnu loc.tllon

a.. fM ... t ntt.R \ NK OPt.~ l 'OAY 1-5. If POINT l.O't

mom.- KUii ._a 11,l!llAQQ Thi c 1trn1 SBR humc lench itself pcrfccth to cnter1:armng & !amaly ltv1n AJI maJOt t _m·~ ha\.C Ut\\UtrJ d hay. OCC<&n cit)i light VIC~ A\k for •. J "f: ~ ~GAil.A .

TOPll.._ cum. w s1.• .• ~~(tilcul.r m .cn1h c~1ndcd cu com1ud Lar 4iM.1Utliport model MHt ~ .DA .. b1a honu, • Ut h11thc t qu.ahty ind la le f JJC prv gated front rd ,\ bJdc ytJ "' puol 'P.a 11hulout vi~ ()( cxun, ti<ar &. ( .at..1lm.1 h ie \Un'Ct Ask fur .. Jl' IJA l..JAO

IRVINE PBHCT WllD I .. ITllTll 11•,IOO Super 2UR 2B;\ home -.'2 ar ,., , man

---=upgr.uJc:, c..cr.imrc.. til( cnt.cy. mumccd urJr.uho., .. .,ul ted <:e1lrn-'. dec l.. 6. patto ~er pool l .. l..c.. tennr\ mu h more

k for ... <:l,(,J k Tll{)~

W , llEMY, llWIBlllf .... 4Bk dc: t11chcd h me ~t \o-aJuc 10 or1h..,.ooo for the h1m1l) v.hu IO\-n r m to c1ucna1n am1 1

lrgc prl\'atc ).trd k fur ... MAXl"f. GOLDI::

4 •ACllll ......... VBllE 1229,000 Double fireplace, family room, attached 2 car pragc. Olnvenient location to school and shopping. Make your appointment to M:e it nuw. Atk for ... BIU.. &: DONN'A WEB~TER

ORANGE Aff9AIU .,, ••

~ ..... ,. Spectacular view from thi~ expanded f·reedom Home u a 8000 sq.ft. lot. 2BR, l l/lBA x-lrge fa.m. rm. -Gre•t potential. Atk ror ... K.Emt RANDLE ........ Lrge 48~, 3BA, two stry home, l BR, full bath downn11rs. Lrgc yrd, 2 car att;achcd gar O..ncr bought another home and " mo tivated Atk for •.. RJTA WADE

3DR, I \•BA, hr~d noon. 7(XK) tq.ft. Soi Quiet ocr.lhborhood r~ fwy access. Reduced co SllO,O:ll Al' for .•. ROBt:RT MIWK.E '

-- ID1M .. 1111111 Over S,000 ~ ft 4UR custom wif)OOI \p.s overlooking R1declinc C.ounuy Oub on CJ\:tr J I

of land All amcnioe . a mu5t ace. Aak for ••• Kl

TUSTIN --I Elllll 1111.-Unt>t1tcvab1c 2182 paciou' 1q ft . l 38R I • IJA down llir, 28R .-.eA u,.,.wn.l:'C:CaJ in IJ• or teen iet·up X tra lrae IOc apprm. 997S sq fl All& for _JACK GlffORD


Hurry and

make your offer now while

fJ trtllltf> #tll/fHll#d Utll-t>f· lloU atl/tr Ul)f

1r·-- -H---.-llff1tf WI A \I O/firi\·o· "

tJll A~lcl) ur~ ~ .. I""'.: p.nlh•iv...- l11J.-• ,, Uf) .itf\J u ,.., ... , n~IO :l N (" rt .. n H .. p1 ..... "J

A Buyea Market!

JASMINE CREEK STEAL! /11 (#H• 0./ ~t

IJ\ 1n~ m11rn. vi1111l"J ..:C'1hng• 'li. yb~hl• 1nJ .. i..- r .... h,.)' v.1nJo v. > tn..li.l' lhh un11 ....-em l1>t ... t I)' •p.i>hlU• I t)!hl .. ~ l'>n~hl llli.l' "' ~··.ilh 0 1 •UD•lun<' rmaa 'Adi uQJ¢1 m.·nt ACPU!\c!I' "

\dkr mu•• .,.-11 lhi- .. ~ .... h1teh ''rt' '°''"' ~ •lor'f 1 f\Jnn """'! '"fl:I I 11>1 I' 1 ·1, t>u1h 1 I ) 1' 1

1o1n~Jto 1 .11r.I~ tuimc- 1("1T\bJ ·a .. uh.i 1111• "

lo r \ '''~·"'"'' I n• !h•n 7•, .,.,h J1•"-n f')l 11' l'o\!)llQK hoi I I> 41 ~ \~ \ 1•111 14 ,., th1 > ' "'

~L'Y"' pwp.;m y.b .. 1110 o ... ·11.-01 •·r1v11y AIJl.! I h1> hom,· I\ .a ).'<"m l '111ll'"'' n.all\ J • u•r.i1.·.i 1h1ou ·hl•ut 11n on ••I th-· I.arr I· 1

IIWLY A UAK(,A I~ A I $379.f.NIO

HOUEsi CONDO BUV!!! " \<.NF I IHN<. \I' \l ~1 71J,INIO"

Ai''4 •lutd) r111 ~'""'' '"•'Jn '" "' """' :tu>\ rl l..1 lhlt•u.i I t>J11n I ''" '""'" ' !lo111h1n • IJ ~ 11 0 •.;ulllul rn1"n'" J '"' "'1th 1b1d. plu•h u 11 p. I ·\l,•n • rh' b)•hl ltltn•' rr1 , nt" t.1 1.r .. n .in J

t ••h 1 .. uhr Jr.ii"'' A. rjd Ir ·nun · \ ' I\ I' \ JI.' .AflJ 'fUl t l hl\ .tll11n II ·•••Ulul "'11111 un11\

ro-•I• 1nJ 1 •r,111• \01 I 11 ~ ti •II 'l"I' r I t•

I h1> ''th.· , ,,.,.,, 111 .. ·J ' ' j 1 •• 11 .. C l'l.in c •• 1 • ••U• Jn1l hlt>'hh \\•u1•ht ;.11\.i :? llf I 1\ N IUlllf'\

'· r.J .. I""'' - ... 11 .. h ,. ··I ... ,.... I "'"'> 1n~ O• I J .· .. r l'hl' h • Jlf" 1 J l.lf• l~ lh•ll bull.,, &. luu• r I.II.ti I I ( •I .,r J • l/.J l uh

1111>'" r ... n.•umn < .i1.w n .. • """ '"."' ' 1r .. m ··nllh' I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~g~~~;;;;;~~:J~l~>C~)~'~l~l~'~\~'~'::!:' ~t~ll~'::!l~l'~.~·~·~~~~~0~00~~~~~ ...... ,,f\J t,·•l'I h\lnt° .'6h'.t l Ul1• \ ~l•ltj•'\IU\ .. llh :: ,• ~p.ilkJ«IJ \h' IO J 1.-.. , >U,!Oltn .. ... ~ 0 11uf\ &. 1.<"11 1ntj• 11.· ... rn.·1 .... 11 & -.1n..i11-. "'"'nnl'' 11nll n .. 11> ""rp.·1 C11 • .,, <'nJ unit"""'""""" '"' ~· "'" lk'" '" ~·r•"""" It <1nJ r-••l C1tlf.:•.,"'' .. uu1111un1I) Y.llh t.Tlnl\ ""J P'"'' l'n .. ,·d Y.4' ".,,,.,.. r.·,.'nl "1W• A \T•:A I. AT .............................. S~J9,000

LEASES I N NEWPORT lOO C C 'rY LN 1101 .... ....... S7'i0/MO .,,,,.,,., ,,,,,. l'lf"ln • •"' um1l11 """' tlrr /.,.o11 l1

lOO CAC CY LN #1108 ............. SBOO/MO o,,,. '~·'"-'"' ,,,,, ""''' ,..,,.,,, 260 CACNE:Y LN 1212 ........... S107SIMO 0.U ll f lc'U 11111' ~JfOtl/11 11111' wt/1 Wlhl ll

210 LILL[ l.N 1218 ................ U lSOIMO

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"""' ol -.•1.anu .. 11hn • ••.iii. \.&t>ln.·r> \ o111h.·J

u•1bn~• 1nJ • li. )h~hh " •Iii. to th.• "°""h (rum lhh f.l"uk>u\ "'nJ. '

. '

lmr-·nJM · V.r,.ulk• 1 ""''' · 1 '"''" r-·nr h<>u' • t••nllo <" '~··"u' ""' {4.; • , ,·.in \ i.·-. • Or.anJ n..•,. J,,,,, 11> 1th , u\lnm hhn.! "'"' .. .arr-· • f"r~•'""' ... h.anJd1,·1 n,· 11> Jrr11.an • • · "-'"' h\lur.·, "'""'' tr.•.11111,·nl\ 1.u •torll •.ti• 1n..•h &: \tr\h,.;I f'\IJnJ, tbr•'ll~'h••UI 8 .. .tUll

lul \lHTIITIUOll) ' " ' mik "' • ..:.· .. nlntnl ·· os · .. · ....... 9000

UNDOUBTEDLY VILLA BALBOA'S FINEST OFFERING \J'<•• ~- ulai p. nlh•1U"' .... nu.• -.11h ''' "1-- I .,. • \ ( l 111> 0 ~rllOIT\\ • .i Jl•n \Unn) .all J..t\

A~""1fu1.·ly •mt><'"- Jf'\k v.11h '"ultL'J .. 1hnt1'

""'''"" J , .. ,.,n.-r v..all & "'•nlln-. '"" nn" 11\oill\&o.• C'Dll'') fir.·pl.r.;,• -. ,•I t>.it 1.U\hWll

marruo It 1tuu1.-, plu \ h -. h11.· ' "Ill''' "'llh ! hu <' "'",.'"ll l.lt'\.li. ' Moll\ .11,oJ "t'lkr h~· rn1.1o.J lhJ\ lo "M.'1114111\ Uy• llufl')

I J,I ·h• 11 •llull In II, t' .J•h fH•lll lb!• l'tlfr •'"U I 1 ... · Jr.11•m n • .11 " " '" ' ·.i I ..111 lu \ u" 1.1•nJ

rl'lu I 1:.rf('' I J, "' ' I 1hJr ' ~t..r .. b.·J <r.d ,,.1 , ,.,, .. 11 .. i.-~o1n1 f11 .· r1 .... ·J II\'"•' """" 11~ .. 1 '" ~11.b n .. rrhJn'- '"" J p.v l. .. "' • • 11Lc .-.in "',,. ·

() ............ 199 BOO •••

.. ,

. .

COME ENJOY ·LIFE AT THE TOP ~ygtass I litl--------1--

• c.o.pctcty be ddcd & bpendcd

• s ea 6 s BA.· Game Roofn • Seperate FOITT\4t

Oinmg Room • GraM.e a, Mart>le

Offered at $1,615,000

. • btcMM aanodd • New Rod • 6 Bedtoom • 8cJtrl • Poe.I, ~ ,, GaubO

An Outstanding Investment In

Both Value & Ufatylc

Offered .. $1, 191,000


• , .......... DC .. I • 5 kc:*ooml • M#ttltel' 5(ac ~

Wlth W .. -tn ~ & ~llltl

bdl.nt Pedflc C:O..dllacly~

acer~ $1 ;lOOfOOO R;;;;;:=:;;;;~;;;;;i

Fl~ SuftMts & Oty Ughts

Night ---


-l-t ~oXllT'llJWy 2 95 acres • Custom Home • L.aWh Use d Imported

Mart>k ,, Grar.U ~· ~t' Come dl~cr the unique cxpctlcncc of

• Gourmet ldtchen

Mlgniflccnt View Of s.nu Margartu


Offered et $175,000

,.,. S.lboa IMand Evoy d6'( ., a vacatlOrl wt\e.n you If.le in tnts ~ k>ated ~

house from the bMdt. Reial on ~ rooftoo duk end watch~ bOets 90 by ·

Mall'I Hour..e • bedroom, 2 b«l'I ~ . 1 b«1room, 1 bath

<wrrutJy rented et J900,mo)

Offered at $740,000

· LAGUNA MIGUEL . PAIK • Quiet (anyon Setting • 3 BR, 2 th BA

Drum No More . This is it Offered at $315,000


~ lLvd • 2 c. ~ Glrl9C t 38R, 28A t French poors

A Vuy 5pcdll Ho•s' Offered at tll0,000


CanrierY Village Realty Presents .....


T r1•ll111on.1I ~BR·38A, ~ for luge yacht MM· hie & gri.n11c thrvughout Sl.295,000

NC'* U.Jd1tion.JI 48K·2lr.IBA narblc throughou1 Oodt lor l1ugc )'i£clll Sl ,799,000

On 1 ~ luu 2BR·2BA hwK in front"" dock for 4S' boat Giant p.ttiu Y. ' p.t 2BR·TBA .WO-.c :r C<ilr

&AI• c $769.-

UDO ISLAND 211 Via an Remo

_, . 315 Via Udo ~ud

.S )Car nc• 41:SR·5BA family r()(Jn: & den Do<:·k for J;ar c )11(.hl. s't ,699.000


C'1Gb 111111 b.u 2BR & IBA Slcp$ to bc.M:b & b;iy. Grear rco~I locale C.11 for rcn!l & tcrnn Asking SJ99,


Brand new 2 Bdrm + den, 3 baLhs w \J)ac1ou roof top deck w ouan V\CW Pnmc u.ppcr un111

M.\.ny JlllU. AJlo.iog $349,000


R.irc ltw) ft doc~ . f>HR · i .~A c.on1emp- ir .. ·r; hvmc . i x front feet pool spo1 SJ.900,000

BA\'FRO'•ff (0,1>0 1817 \\-. Bay A~t .

' ( u tom ~BR-;'.!1,1, IJA , pri • .atl p.uio 1.1. 'P" ~.ir .1\ bcJch · SSl~ .000

~··"'° Bf..AC H HO~IE

3 bedroom , "l bo1 1h~ 1 blo•. ~ to o.:c:an l urn·•n ready Sc lcr c<in hd ;> "" •th lan;an ... m

0 ' 1' S..\49,900

JBR family home on desirable '\trcct·tO· ~treit" locataon Family, living & formal dm1og room 3 fircpl11Cts, country k.i1chco. $699,000

2BR· l BA Walk to hastonc Cinne~ VLllage ~hop & reMauran~. beach & ba).


OLD ORONA DEL MAR Chanmnit 2BR homt: " hJ.r~ood n r on extra "idc.: lot Ov.nc.r "111 trade.: tor Palm Spnn1t!> propc.rt) One hlcx:l tn 1>1.c.. .. n

Rf.Dl ED TO S619, . OPE AT/ U 1-5

For More Information On These Properties -Contact: .

Cannery Village Realty In«;. l)..__._._._673-3~7'17-___ _..._

2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Newpo.rt Beach, California 92663 (714) .673-3777

MAGNIFICENT Hl.lTOP ESTAn $11,900,000 The most incredible estale on 8.4 acres of 1ncom~able beauty Every 1mag1nable amenity Vll!ll'!. r; city fights, Catalina & moon1a1ns

DOVER SHORES CUSTOll IAYFROIT $2,795,000 Remodeled custom two story home on bay w/~. large indoor pool, 580 greal view across bay to FashlOll Island

250 ACRE RAJICH NEAR RENO $2,500,800 Pristme working ra~ 8Slale. Park like cond1bon. Polo field, corrals. and stable 1 5 mile tronlage on T ruc:kee Rl~r

BEAUTIFUL UNDA ISLE $2,163,000 One ol lhe larges! locs on Linda Isle Pnvate pool & soa. Roon tor 90' yacht May be purchased lease hold or lee.

j ..._ One ol the largest lots on Linda Isle Puvate pool & soa Roan

'°' 90 yacht May be purchased lease hold or tee $2163 000

PROMOIT-ORY IAY SPACIOUS -$2,~50,000-Period bayfront home 58R 4BA. 3 boat slips. View Spacicw mlertor high te1hnos oak panel ling mart>le ft replace L1bfary. family roan BAYFRONT CARNATION COYE $1 ,175,000 Bu1IO your dream home' One Quar1Br acre on the wafllf w11h prrval8 beac.h Most pres1Jg1ous location in COM Pier & dock permit HAVING IT All $1,l50,000. Your own private sandy beach. dock and space lof a large house and a X-ar garage

YACHTSMAN'S COVE IAYFROIT $1,71D,OOO En1oy bayfront IMng at its Imes~ f>O feet ol dock m ltlts rarely available enclave ol 12 homes Com~ relutblhd A urvl)Je property HlllTllGTOI HARICll JEWEL $1.-,195 A8tli11t waterfront home Elegant marble. sltyf111lts. elevatof, 2-story ce11tngs, a real showpln estate

A STU.•CI CUSTOM $1-_aoo An impOOanl residence hlQh atop Svfglau Hill w/V'elts of Newpot1 Harbor and aty. 5.000 sq ft. w/impeccable taste and sryte.

EXCLUSIVE CHIU COVE $1,Ml_aoo '.Chtna C0\18. doll hool8 ideally~ on f'8 Wlll!f. Panoomic VllW

~Bay and Cadtna Island. gru deck on he~w China C<M sand. 118 CUY• IOllU'I mDJI $1.-­Lg pen1naila lot wtll 180 ft of golf coc.ne front.age on l411 and 1511 holes Prefiminary plans lof epansion to 1rophf home. FOllECLOIUU· llUIT IBl IOWI $1,-_aoo Ex~1sd1CUS10m tllih home In IXClusM OrangecomtrUlity of Hillcrest 2 masaer suim. matble entty, mecia room will W..

•VI• TEMACE, IEAUTIFUL VIEWS ... $1,315,000 .. of tie ocean. bay, city liohls from ttu 38R den home Unus-ually ~roe

kitchen. pool, 3 car garage·

PEUW POINT LOT RESALE $1 ,390,000 Prrvale gated ne1gttomood by tie sea ~bonaf se«i lo:.ation lacing sooth w/Vlew of fairways and oetan Arooous' •

..0QUE LAG .. A BEACH HOME $1 ,350,000 A masterp18C8can be yours w1Cl "11s one-ol +\ind home Goest Qu.1tlet$ Toweong trees Walk to beach WE PE•NSULA PARCEL $1,350,000 Baylront will commercial and residential zoN no'. 50 It troniaoe 196 leel deep to bay Includes pe<m1t for new dock

CAMEOSll)RES-CDM SPECTACtUR $1 ,350,000 Remodel or build on ti ts spectaaJlar 15 300 ..ci n IOI 16') dt>?ree OV!r!n

VleWS, see hi water from atmos1 ewy roar. HARBOR RIDGE VIEW SITE · $1,295,000 One of a krnd ~rtun1ry to l>J1ld y~r dr~ hooe 1n " pie. t 1 •H pflvate convnumty Plan5 aViltlat>le fra<k c., l'll: • 1 '

BEACH COTIAGE IN BE.ACOM BAY $1,275,000 H1~ly sought ahet bayfrOfll conai)e m Se.1, ..,r, !:I.ii' r.. -<r J. , • • , , • le.ave 3$ IS Ideal local tOfl

CORONA DEL MAR IRVINE TERRACE $1 ,195,000 Irvine Ten.a ~BR home w1#1 pool aod areal C1e4i1 and l\Jrbol v :w!.

Localed on aoorox 14,00> SQ ft Custom del.111 !hroognwt

En1oy bayfront IMng al its tinesr f>O teet of dodl 1rnhts rarely mtlable endM of 12 homes Completely relulbshed

A on~ property $1 ,7t0,0DO

IEllODB.ID IA Y VIEW HOME $1, 171,000 Contemporary 48A singte-slory home w/lg pool in e.xclusM residenoai Dover Shores.

IUCllFROIT tall IN NEWPORT $1 , 141,GOD 2-story, 38A. 2 firec»ces. ,.ry customized with ocean Yiew to Catalina Newest and best of IC)flliances & appoin~

PIEITl•Olll UlllA lllE . I '1.-.aao Here's your oppor100ity to buy a waterfront home on L•nd.l Isle at a grNC PflOF. Lind may be lmld ()( bou;ll

llA•P 'A 1aF I CCUITIY CWI $1.-,oaa Gott CCWI Nw Oft 1311 fairway, ~ly furnlhd, highest QUakty constn.ction. This heme Is truly a ~I olleflng •M TO cmou DE1 MAI SllO,cm 4 UnitS on I CO<I* IOI f>O'Xl 18'. With 3 lownhoo• Units • house 00t()f,., Wlfl flnced t.l:*yard. EJCh unit has its own lalndty rOMI


• 211""" 321 ......


,. .


.. elm Clll.•HI mt• Chlnnir'O 38A home di ocean 'N!W ~ lo Ullle C«ona e.ctl • StlC*b ~ ""' tv~ loarJQll • WAl-..J lml WITH DOCI $175,• Soohlskalld, ltmOdl6ld "*1ront home wtfl a large. P'IYM doclt 3 Of •BR 48A A gr•I bu)" IUllOI VIEW Ill.LI llOADllmE $175,. FabJlous 2 70 degree Y1eW d ocean Catalana, halt>of and city lic;lts •Bf4 plus ex1rl o1iot SOIC8 Localld at end of !tl9et w1fl comet ~ ._. VIEW llW IEMOllEL $115-This newly NmOdeled hol1I offars 180 degree ocean. bay & c11y hghts Yilwsl A pn.all SC11 high!~ Ills 38R. 38A lloot plan


BeaJ!l~I hcin. on bly side ot PeninslAa will great bay v~ r.,&us & income unit kitty ccr~ _, QUlel bay beach

~· IALIOA PElllSULA POllT $135,000 L~ dose to lhe beach 1 block on sand 42 It IOt totally remodeled 1n l~ PlitUJOn Nt!rs & mur01s STUlml• IAYFllC*T CC.DO $620,000 Stand new d wMa un11 dlnal>C k1!dlen and ba'1s The views ~e l.Wlbel Mble A boll sl p IS possible

TUST•.CU COIJ..ECTORS ONLY! $599,900 PIUTlllM UIEIALD IAY $151,000 Thepet1edplac2tos10teindshowyou1ars1 Plus 1rwnefrom 4 u~ ts Wondeff\A2SR • den famityhotnt1nwa 1ng disunc:e 10pr1vatabeach Ma n house his av1 ol tie pal\ U11ieue' lllnntS & ~ Poetc~t lor eioansion IALIOA ISWD CUSTOM $599,000 PRESTIGIOUS CAmO SHORES $799,000 Home ru Norll Bayfront 2BR 2BA tam1t1 ioom IJ''.le 11replae.e 1,,.~ Ulge ccrnet lol SolciouJ •BR hone wifl nie blciyatd Preny ol large dai pa!Hl & sunny ya.rd Best $ lor 1 WlSllUC1..ln Ao*ry M POINT DU MAii CLASSIC $599,000 LOWEST PlllCE WATEIFROIT $790,000 ConlefTIC>Mry cnann with 1rad1llOl\ill QUa ry u1lifrlale •·'1 •BA 3SA ~d1gy loc.abor11n gal!d eotMlt.lnily pancnmic M of bay & f~ruly room• bonos on 3 levels • 8albollstand iistc~at>lea1 s1100000 ~ olfer WONDERFUL CORDIA DEL MAR $595,000 ITIMES, IALIOA ISlAIO $790,000 Oesirlbltgatld ccmmoniry 38A 2 SBA oc.eJn Y1 ewfrommaster many 2 stores & 2 "111tmenlS on Manne A~ klcgl tor <Ntrertuter upgrades U~ .. t•DO II COM $741,000 MICH STYLE IN IAYCREST · $S50,000 OM of lhe WOl'ld ctus Mn In all Newport Beach, waterside bakony oll •BR home on ta roe lot Altlac:bW!iy tandScaoed and located on tree-hoed IMng room den wifl lull balh, QQJrmel kitchto street Gr~l lam1ly neigti>omood w/exceUenl sdlools and pa~! • •YILAll IUT IUY $741,DDO IEWPCllT IEACM, MEAT LOCATlm $529,DDO Large 1-slory 48A38A.lam1ly room loonal d111mg room and den Thistlomehastsemendousrubac>eieal Remodeled•BR 38A on alarge Garden yard w11h pool spa, pond and waterfall ... ust '8111 lot close to Ill atnefltl~ Pool & spa ner is very mobvaaed WATDFIOIT ... WITH DOCIU $745,DDO QllET IEWPOll1' IEACM $525,000 ~-'*'"'"2~~~11-a4ock-48A1)00I home on ci11eti:o11er lot Famdy re1gttlomood Countrrst· G<•I pras• Newpcxt e.ctl ga1ed' Ill klthen l~ate

1W1101 VIEW ...S CUSTOM $111,000 IEWPOIT llOITM ft.LAS $524,500 This IS I'll home yru\ie 1iad tort Nearly 4000 sq ft 58R.lg fmly lCMeStpnce largest model redlaoS« OOOlolQt.nchale 48R 3BA rm llbtJiy/den.J.<ar o.iraoe lg lot 3 ltreplus 3 QMagtS Sellef may ca1ry Vft

camo •1U1• VIEW $729,llJO 38R heme wifl ocmn Y1eW l<Xad next ID 16'1 la•twaY ol Newpoit Coast PrMll beactl ~ Vtty caiiet & prrvale

TOP .. Tiii w-..DI LAIUU $121-~na Bllch. 1nclldtble cw#tne city ligtts and canyon YllWS 48R 4~ priOld $390,000 belo# rlCWll C)pfaJsaJI

mTllLAIUIA " $111,llJO ~y l9m0deltd 48A. 48A Qlmly home Wallung dl"1Ce IO bNdl, ca1n VllWS lrcm largem&SW ~•le .


, , CROWi JEWEl-cGllllA llEl... S••l 11 28A 28A and pool light. bngf'lt & rcnanllc Al-hlrdllood lbn roof AC blinds P11va1e Charm oaten'


~ rab.· • Jtalar" I <Y'f ~~ 1n ~ hcnt aJftdllloa 38R 2 SBA lg brn1ly room. 2 hrePDs lllJSt Sell

~-BALBOA PENINSULA CHARii $49,111 Steos to ocean or bay 58R JBA home tut"' 1 Bl, 3 i~. ~ hb 1n mas~r Eeel the ocean bleel!S

NEWPORT NORTH VIUA S'E,111 ~suable ·ea1a1an· floor pl¥1111modl!ftio.condtioa Bt.2,SM.lg 1.?mily room 2 fireplaces ~Seti' CORDIA DEL MAl°S'"FIBT $(11.91 Th s hometw ti atl' Wondet\Jf ..llsnww P-' J8R "WoQllQ!e • ..._ galed on greerbell 1ns1de llXI locmon IEWPORT HEIGlfT1 --- --....- · ....... Gt~I family h-m. 38R 2 58A'dl olicul masllf .e., 8*lg .a 1n kithen Ser.>lrale d1nir)Q room & dat 0.. ad!ned

- WGE LOT IH SOUTll Im $1511,111 2 C~ or1 ext1a wde 40l 118Id111 .m k1ar. ~ 2BR.1BA homes AssuMe kll °"'* tlliSl sell UY VIEW OILY $&,II I Bargain Peninsula Po.nl home W11mlioll$ ~ 2BRICJISlln. IBR+den ~ r\ 3 car~

FAIULOUS OCUJI VIEW $CB, I I Ga~ new custom home OO!Jnaly tull IDf l:JUllldlf' J8R ..s lat Goormel k·~l'IM IOlmal d1n1 roan l~..., Slit

!OUTM OF llGHWAY •Im $m,l I I Nice con.age 1n grt location 38f\.2BA i... .,._,, ,n _. IJl(lo

•ACIOUI fAllll.Y 111111 .... Ex1n large lot 58R 38A. Sunny cMtyard 1n Iron~ cenltll AJC. bly &

48R pool home on QUiii comet 1o1 F~1ly net~l'lood Ne3f f oolridoe rer roosi 9el "*-~ Coun1ry eat·in k11dlen Immaculate TOWlllOME IN IEWNIT -... $1D .-

Frtneh windonVllcn MalJrt fruit tsees

LOWUT PllCI • IALIOA COVU -·­Ml rdad motl f\an $100Kl Nlwly rnodeled 280, 2SA home w/ muiu PlllO rqt on waw. 35' doct Sellef must •Ill ..,_.. •Dll OCUI VIEW $175-LCMfif .... home di many uog1*s Vrt11t ol ocmn Ind afy 19(5 GI .. *" PltdQIOUS O*d comnuuty •T PAIADI ..aAL $111,• 8lidtJI hOfM on bey aldl ol Plninsila Wiil tJUl bay -.s. hllOtacls & 1ncotn1 IN kily conw ID QUiil bay belch

1111,• - ~hly 2 year old- nhomlm •-r ~=====~~====~==~ del.111 38R 35BA 2hreOtas 01J11121009'lllt&__,,,­PCllT DB. IUl-CC.lllA IE. MAI $519,000 Pride ol Oln*lh.P Shows ltlru modtl home 2SA, plus den Light and auy Air cond1bonld butlHn c.ab1nets some ._.m11Ure mcluded

DOVEi llmU VIEW! $509,• f>anof.iic Nlf ol bck t.y & mouNlit\s Thi! lo\lely •Bf4 home has "Waded kl then Clf~tC lilt floots & ITIOl8 A best but

· Q.UllC COTTAIE • CDM S-,750 • LCMly "Waded P<11nl CW Mar home near Ylllage & mps 28R 38A otus Engli~., roan, Ind lcMly '*>O pg soa.

LOOKllG FOR A COST A mESA ...a? $01, I I I Now is fie lime ID buy h:M um Al 211l 1~ ---ws and calhedl• ttilings F..-Y ... .-.. c.y Ill CAIYOI MCI.Am sm, I Glncious2BR rilclmonh!e...,dp rs .. C:..­Gol1 Course ttsge masar U. _, 11111 ouwlt Ciiis ........ - . OVULOOl•I IAY IUCI' •• • I rtus 38A ? 58A has a 29R. 1M _.. .t Alm I' ~ Pa· 089 Hf..tl --

We have a world of resources to make your move a successful one .. . 65.000 buyers and sellers are referred annually.

Best locauon pn the golf course. 180 feet ol frontage: on the 14th green. 15th tee & 16th fai rway, lake & 270° view~.

$1 395,000

l·ou.r BR Broadmore home at en o \t reet and corner lot, 27rf' ocean and city v iew~. Reduced $I 75,000. Sell ~


South Coast Shores gated condo. 2 be -rooms, plus den + fam. rm. 1,700 sq.ft., Air cond., lakes & waterfalls


Beautiful Irvine Terrace ocean ti harbor view home. 4 bedroom, pool and large 14,000 sq.ft. yard. Close. to park ~ & bay.

Lowest Priced $1,195,000.


Point Del Mar home - pride of own­ership. Shows like a model home, 2BR, plus den. Some furniture ncludcd.


9 acres · w/6,900 sq.&. home with or­chards, barn, corral, · pasture and views. Beautiful home and area.


Pnvate beach community, otein and Catalina sunset view & next to Pcl1t4n Hills 16th fairway, 3 bedrooms!


Located in SaddlehiJJ arei of Orange Park Acres. 6BR. 7 cat garage, four horse stalls and attached gucsthouse.




CIRHA•MAI $1,1 ..

llwll Tt1ra 48R home wifl pool and great ocean and hMbof YlfWS localed Oii lj)plOl 14,000 sq It Custom detail hoorjloul

........ ....;::;.....;...__ ...... ,_ 729-7211

• CUY• FAllUUS MfY $171,D 4811. 2.58A. 2 '~ IOflU dining roan S01CQCUla1 ~

yald l•gl pool & ·-~­Md GOfntl Id 3-ar gatagt Stbmelltollrs. , ......

...... _. CllT• .... Thts IS fie home you·~ wa1'9d tor• Nearly «>00 sq fl 581\ lg tnfy rm.hbmy/den 3-ar g.r rage lg lot

Lo-.---=-~ , .....

SPACIOUS FmLY .... sa.• Extta large toe 5BA. 3BA Sunf!Y courtyard in lr011l cen· traJ Alt bey & F tench windows gllofl. MaltKt fruit NS ...,.. ...., 121-12'1


• ~ J, SATURDAY, Januaty tf, 1993 I PAGE 11

11 TME HEART Of NEWPORT $259,000 c ~ ~ ~ ~ l"'OOt-f P'"' lecl home pr • giou~ IJJ' 3 common rr ~ · pools s;w Wln!S COJl1S -

Lalm'*1k.U• 729-7241

... .. ,.an imns .. sm.­ee ""' ., • m tieU&U 28A 28A LA iour modll pent· tlcaalin • communiryctose IO bNch MOOYI rert ,.,.. ..... 721-719

I • . , .

PAGE 12 I SATURDAY, Januwy 16, 19a3

$205,000-$489, 500 #ftfJ'O'" H•IOHT• Two BR c.onOOmlnlum ~9d doM to v.hOOl1 Ch111Chff and ~ HatdwOOd ll<X>r I bflel< PatlO

••ndr '°"" 1205,000

U.T•ID• Th•M BR 3 h 8A. ~ ~ condominium wrth high ~· Mut9f wlttl walk-In cloMt 0wn.,. motlv•t9d .. ttr Jo Q,..m.ld IZU,000

ll•M nAD• FQIJf BA, with many fecenf upgradn and lix­tur .. Newly painted lnMde a.no OUI J•trtH 04Klld IZIU,000

U.T•IH OvM'I locabon, 38A, 2BA, plu9 WQ9 f1mlty rryxn LoU of houM and ywd fOf the price Kii,.,, KnoclN l2H,OOO

0# A KNOLL O..Ua!M comet loution, lollda oJ pdvM:y.. pool & 1p1 JBR 1 ~•BA ~ and gux,.,9d entry K.11,.n KIHICIN



1•11<.Cll 11, u " t001y • ~ Two ma'* ~•. I l.Hli C.lll,.., 1.()(MUl/f'/ SdCt Wiii lease or laM ,µ'">' Ann ~.,.,. or • .,..,.,.. .,..,,,.,

·-~,--u.1t•10• l..11ge !amity or care facility Spaclou1 SBA. <>OA home Cvrrent>y QP9fdng u 1 r~ hOuM KMwn K~IN '41•,000

ll•M VWJtD• Locai.d at &lh l .. of M ... V•<» GoH Courae ThrM OR, pool Prtv ... ioc.t1oo wtU'I IOll of,, ... "°"' J~ ~,000

COllfOllA O•L llAlt • ... .t #wr Ovple11 So of Hwy Ftonc houM 3BR, 2•~BA, µtu1 28A 28A ,.., houM, loCa of p.oo. £.JC. c..ii.rtt v8'1>e Loi• .htor••., UlwM o.M

Curious About Property Values?

Call Grubb & Ellis' Exclusive 24 Hour MarketL1ne'9

(714) 553-2354 Your computerized hnk to the market.

A free market Analy\1s. listing home:\ in your area currcntlv for sale, in escrow or

recently sold, will be mailed to you promptly.

You will NOT be contact~d by phone!

$495,000. $785,000

~--ClfalC Smtlll ~ vtew. ~ and r~. Slcytlght8 throughout. courty.,d entry with ptt.. vaw ape Ann ,,.,..,. ., .....,.,.. .,..,,.,

...... ooo 1t••TCU'1' -. Cwtom hom• on "'11 lllg9 cul de UC lot UpgracMd end ~ ready Walk lo 1hopa, llbflr( ,,.,_..,.,..,, l•Z•,OOO

CCMOU Oft llAIUHll'UX Beadl ootlage pet'8 tMf 28R unit 0ot bloQ< 10 ~ *ding to ~ GfNt ,.,.., Of QWIW/\IN( lmMtmert AIM ,._,.,_ • .... ..,. llNl#or Hll,000

HAIUIOlt M.W HOii•• Aw BA, &om«MI With Eutopun ltyte kltch­.,.., 86cytlghU. perqu41t ftoofing. letg9 ,.., y.,d With wrap llound dedt CloM '° pwtc


$859, 900 . s 1, 1so,000

•noLAS•HIU M~ bey, oce.n, night llghC YMw9 Top ol SOYdaM Hiii Five BR. 38A, model peti.ct .,.... .... ..a#,,.,,,~

> ff, fll0,000



.,,... AlfC# Mr F0411 BA twn#f "°"'9 PancwMlk--... ttom ~ room. French doort. pool end ~ .... ,....,. ...... _...._ ••.a-,ooo OC6All •L WI • COii ~ • MW lal ""OW9M10c*'ltlll ...... Jt6t .,.._. ltlO ,~ Hlltl>Ot ~ '° COIOlle Oii ..., ...,. u... a..., u.. '••••• ••~ooo OCSAll ltL WI ~ • 1111f 11ne1 ._..,AtwtlhS~ 011': GM lr'1 hOtnl T OQI 1:1 88A TIA EJltdlrt 1a1 1tt iwnodll c..... ..... lf,6N,OOO ..


•• ..._...o VIEW FORMER MODEL • 211 + DEN

. $559,000



18 - SHOAL



' '

SATURDAY, J;,,uary ~6. 1993 I PAGE 13

'644-6200 Newpqrt Beach

.......,,, -- .... PRICE SLASHED . PRlmNE 211 + DEN

$419,000 .


TO PA1.0S VERDE $1 ,250,000


Ann Peters 759-5456










Suzanne Shuler 760-0370



. : ·. ,_ ..... ---:.._ . . CUfftlAVIN

1411 IClnga ~ $1 ,•71',000 Kevin K.ancWDave Wong

COttONA Dll Mo\I 32i2 Ocean $1,ffl,000 Heidi Meeder

HV HIW ' 1424 Scmdcastt. $715,000

Jeft-Ewlng HV MOMll

1930 Pt. Lour.nt $489,000 Ju~ Strauss 180 Pt. Taggart Susan Weir


1712 Pt Wfftbourne M96,000 Sue Vernon 17'4 Pt. tt.mley $590,000 Eric Shaw

UDO ISLE 120 Via Trieste $915,000 Velma Timmons 506 Via Udo Nord $1,"5,000 John Campbell

$2,075,000 612 Via Udo Nord Kevin Hutchinson


'°''°"'St $4H,OOO David Pnnce

PROMONTORY IAY 515 Harbor ••. $2,'95,000 Laraine Shaw

nu ILUffS 516 l.av9' Way $2ff,900 Cathy Colesworthy

WISTCUff 11 •2 Pembroke $566,000 Doug Meeder


1•11 I0"9t Id $1 ,475,000 Kevin Kanda. Dave Wong

CORONA Dfl MAI 222 k1s $M9,000 Diana GOldsbeny 3212 e>c.on lt\<d. $1,695,000 Doug Meeder

LUTILUff 2915 Canla $675)>oo Brenda Peterson

MAllOI HIGMLAHOS 1119 l•ry1 Lii. $3ff,900 Jett Ewing

HV NIW 1912 P1. Albans $415,000 Gall York

NV NOMU 1930 '1. Laurent $4'9,000 Susan Weir 174' '1. Nemt.y $590,000 Enc Shaw

UDOISU 121 Via Udo loud $121,000 Steve Suthenen 506 Via Udo Nofd ... 995,000 Jotrn Campbell 612 Via Udo Nord $2,075,000 Jerry Flnster

NEWPOIT "80MTS 2l12 Margaret $321,000 Dave Wong

"OMONTOl'Y IAY 111 Hott>or ls. U .•H,000 Laraine sn.-

SPYCM.US tlU 21 ~lay Uff,000 Joyce QI.on

'"' 9WffS 116 La¥ef Way 1299,tOO DrAd Prlnce

NEWPORT CtfST $237,500 New fisting . owner may unyt One ol tllO best noor plans• 2 spac100s b<I plus a oownsu1rs delV tamdy room This Is lhe least expensive l1stJnO in Ule tract rn one of tile best locations A great value



~~'fflmodel ~ ~ cabinetry ancl 111es 1n kltthen. SCflped cei•111gs. ptl· vate coortyircl with secun!y Inc~ wutier dryer relngerator. gas BBQ, gYdenef and Wiler

THE BLUFFS $197,500 Great surter hS>fne tor single Of couple, Buy in N8Wl>O'l '°' unoer $2001< Located oo beSl green· bell 1n The Bluffs. 2 b<I, 1 ba Spilt leYel wllll .• Ol>4ln beam ce1hng LeasehOIO estate.

NfW'POIT HllGHTS ~.000 Investment property ON!lel user hewport Hetg!'h 1n:>1e1t BeaU!lful unas 2 b<I 1 '1 ba 1 b<I 1 ba Come see tt.s vacation setttno w1h pool S1Jptr O\llfle!S uM h!Qtlly UPQflcleel lOClttOn anCl COOO! t.on makes lfl'S I fabulous value Don tn'MSS OUI

WISTCUff $515,000 f xcf'l)liooally we• maJQtatned 3 Ile!. ~ ~ custom oome Farnfly room o~noou p001 & bac~ yaro wen oes•oned lloor plan with loads ot extra s1or · age

BIG CAHYOH 01 $2;500 PH ::,2f ~ BtG CANYON QCS1 l>Uf $525 000 IOI l>eatrt!My re mooe1ed t k! new 2 b<I 2 Da llOme

UNDER $300,000

NEWPOl'T SHOIH $1",000 Large 2 story. 5 b<I, 21h ba on Ule clllll lronl Wl1tl siGe open views of lhe Wiler. ano ltle fields ot lhe bite! sanc111ary The 1ntenor lealUres lnCkJ<le a spa· c100s Irving room wl1tl 1 rock laeacle fireplace Incl more•

WTSIDf COSTA •SA $199,000 Tomorrow's Nest Egg• This 3 b<I, 2 Ila townhome 1s an end unit wl1h loads of bgtll aoiacn to 1 grassy area W111I woe trees Cape Coll Style

NEWPOIT .. tGMTS $214,500 Owner carry ~ Great opportlnly 10 buy a newty remodeled 2 b<I 2 ba ConclO W111I Vety money oawn ano WlfloUI fie POlnlS and lees ol convenuonal lender New plln1ltion 500ttars. new harOwooel flooB, urpei ano Irle See anyUmel

NfWPOIT IMOllS $2291900LH Chamlrlg single lam41y 111 excellent locabOn well away from Coast Hwy. yet e-z walking dtStMlce to belch & eomrTU1lty pool Thtt ts a great pnee IOt a two btdroOm PIUS a den In hne condition GIHI '°' ~ couple of single &tellm te.neholcl et· Iler bUy 1he *'° now °' continue on ~ leue


Nm.I ROCK " HOADMOOI U2t,OOO FM Suig1e 1am1y 3 b<I totally re·oone v.then. b~. • cet1111os wed nOOtS in neutral '°'°'' Lovely flllOll­bomood with many &men111cs SU(h u rennos. ooot. Cle Assoc

UT ....

MHA VltDf $244,500 Extrtme!y we'. C.Ved IOI 3 Dd, 2 ba l'IOtne lam y room ancl aooeo m152ei bedroom Ol.et cul­oe-s,ac location pertect l0t young tnty pnyi:.e tour1Yard ~ay, ne• er appbNIUS, recessoo I~ anc1 oream OMJD!

NfWPOIT NOITH $259,000 Newport NOl1h townhOme tnCI UNI W11tl t>nghl Incl Oj)ef'I flOof plan 2 b<I 2\? DI 2 Cat attached ga­r1Qe wonoertUI wood ~k pi1i0 la•oe tireptace t1111sriec1 rn !>nek Call IO see ll/lCkftlOCecl ~

llG CANYON $275,ooO Bea11''1!11 ~ghl and r~ 2 ttO !,11Us den ~t rnooei ilMlaCUlJ~ neuua lltcoi is ITIO\e ., con· cl • '()II Ouitt orrvr.e loca~ "" lavt!y CJUllOO~ 1DO'

WTSIOl $275,000 ~' lal""tt .flOme -wt'J'I ~ Olt ?'rta property !>03Sts a yaro taroe .,,. amp spVe)QI eotenainlllg lhe hOme tea!UltS ' ~VIOQ room. tor· mat c1in1no room tam If room ¥w w ·t bar The m.utcr su I t s comp mr ¥w , t.rrpl.tee and a gpa IUD

$300,000 • $750,000

IAYllOGl • $3051000 lowest priGed. VefY desrrablO 3 b<I 3 bl, 2 SU>rf condo rn gm g113rded communrty ot BayilClge Pn· vite locabOn tnelUdino ccmnuMy POOi ancl s~ Pnc:ed to stm Owner mouvat1111

TMl IWffS $S071500 Peffeel few a 5ing1e or CC)Jplt 2 b<I 2 bl, ~ t"1e0ril Ct! rngs Wonoerful 11?1 1¥ge Gretn-l>ellS ano short w across N '11'Ht IO Bick Bay. Exce!'ent pnce few Ole atnen!:'.iet •

MIS$K)N viuo $320,000 r at>ulous 2 t>d. 2 ba lak!tron1 10wMome 1n gun gated community Appro• 1.221 aq fl wllh mllfble entry and panoramic vteW ol Uk.d Mt$slon WIO from almost evtty room•t

.. - .

WHAT A. OE.Al. t Pnce REDUCED SAOK owrw "" c~ 1~ & l'lis 11 not 1 000 h0Ule1 HcMt wu re-<!One ~ .,. ocsion-. hU ~ bf tenclO baek yarO _., 1P1. pate & ~ blf r

neatt>y - ...... , _,.

LONG IUCM SMUOO 4 pltx in ~ l(noftS am ol l" 8elct\ Pncle er

o 2 bCl 1 bl dri'l9 roorn. -tat Jot OOocl ll'ftlll ricome 0-#Nr NI c.-ry

MAllOI MIOIUNDS S>",500 r 'flt rt"(lfnsions •• 1utrig ~ .. c ' lintsst lntorpolllilng ~ s ~

• C°"1! IOC>S 8ctbof Ull>d & Wll lloomg O!iicl QU tr te cs ""°' • lliPcl wOOCI IQunCl eory "rp1K e A UNO"~' ceillnOs Solar 11e~:r:e POOi

WTSa COSTA .uA Mi6,000 YOU DO~ r t.tfD A GUN TO STEAL r H ... Stflef i)ef't s 1 ~ 000 on • ~ !'llTlOOel ' cre.r..,re com!-'ftl n llCCI •t ~t ec f11t,r IOU I yOtll Olin tf!-flis jewd-ol I ,..

HAllOI VWW MOWS $6'5,000 3 bO 2 ba 1.antiy llOml. IOUled fl pre~ ttlr bor V t:>1r HQr'Wls ft~ puqo utenot Cw• r : ~· , tnrrO'OO CIOMlS lnCS tin OI S*.orlQC LO c '1<1 dose to gt Ovtls&nd IOl A ~·sea

NIWPOIT "MltMA $460,000 ~ 8... I 811)' Nie 2 IOCJ & c.llO 4 CO!'i­~ IC S11S.OOO in COit C* r.nt W t eta Qfl you clO NI nat LidO ~ Al w W1MO d~ ot th na mt11nrC1. ~ & "'belcil ..

MA1t01 Y1W MOMIJ MIS,000 lot.\!y rwnodc!' Ffench doors. new ,....,.. .\ bib new root Larve comer IOt ptoles.sow ' ~ ~ wl considef ClfTY!l'O fnt !Mt Oeed In condlllon

..,"° Mlf,000 llfVt Wl4l idtll •or own«;'uMr nw... ere tow home 1ne1 one Ul>Olf: Wiii P* Ct bllcOl'l1 Quid cul·06·sac, wmeo onoes

NIWPOIT NOlnt V1W IUt,000 Pr"""'1 Cornet IOclllOn .... IO ~')' lanclSCIPld OOOI I IOI di pttw1le Olll l.owtl1 OIO>c* ano wonodA dllf"""O ~ Voy !qi "'° brqc hDml • '**" oec0t, muw SIJftl di A10Y MO _.,.,, ~ l\NOy '° ~ill\

• ""'Tf~~, '"''"'ft \ Tn 11q v llllf"t ";>~u t\T.::>n"l M""'IA ... P T ,... .... ~.,


WIS'fCUFft1)CMI SHOlll $565,000 Remodeled and ~ 3 bCI Westcldl pool l'IOtne S.Wllel on a llroe lntenOr comer lot 5tp1. rited tamify room WRTI bulll·WI ~ cerw ~ matblt bat Steps to WlOOts and lhOPOClO

OLD COIOMA OIL MAI $565,000 F ll>UIOui oouble lot wrai 1¥Qe cemocel 3 bd 3 ba llOtne & 1 bd 1 t>a gucit 111'111 Great view of l>ay & par'c trom many rooms double oa1aoe & 4 ~ spxts Zoned Millt!P'e ramiiy residence

llAWIND . $769,000 One of fie largUt ~ In lhe Portst S bd 3 bl on IPCl"QIC 1 0,000 IQ ft IOl. Remodeled In 1990 EvtryltWlg newt Kitchen wllh Olk clblnet.S SUI> zero. JemAle. conventlOO oven. mnle lf'll1Y, wet !>¥, raised panel doorl, smoolh celhnos A must seei

NAllOI VIEW HOMIS $775,000 Fabulous customized fonner Somerset New furo atsion custom kitchen w1ltl su1>Zero, CONn c<U'llers E.x-&aroe fam.ly room. WlSlde laundrf. '-J08 ITllS1tr suite with wal\ ·WI ciose1 & OOUl>le

lASTSIDI COSTA MHA $519,000 SlllU 1>01t1 front bC1s ~ed 3 fl smoo1t1 ceil-4 pleX Uf1ltJ 6 ~ Old "" hiOh income and inos sec system ,.,C ~ "-000 floorS. per· orut totalJOtl IOf o.vner rweslOf 2 end tiWI to..,n. rect conclll!On llOlne stytt IPIS and 2 conoo stack intS Conlem·

.J)C)9IY $!)1.l'Q 5 onoeL.C _apen ~ 1t.1.;1..lll!!tlt--ft:l9lllUl.A~ $ 775,000 IOf aooim and terms Enioy Ol9 wannlfl ClrS 3 bd custOmcltd home h.ls • IAYSMOll CMAIMlt $595,000 Tr IOIOOl\ll 3 bd 2 bl 1Jld.1JONI ctlam1ef Futures ()pCl'I wood ~ C9111Jng:S fr~ dOOrS & wn­doWS. Wfllt on -'*' '*'*' new Blrt>ef CMlltL "" lined l>ricic plt>o & brick flttplate In mng

IOom ~, • .,., pneed to sd''' lllCOUIT TflUCI uat,000 3 bCI 3~ l>I Condo Ab$OMlfy D'll best buy In Bet· COia\. Hlghl'/ uporacled Ind In fatUous greenbelt IOc lllon

MAllOI YllW .is $715,000 • lnStMllly ~ 2 story lfadftklnal Wllh S bd In I

dtum ~kt AIMg ~ I ~ canyon VllW The I#_,, wining landscaping WI OflW you outdoOfs to Irle Pflvltl spa, 1llelS temce Ind llSfl colOfful p&dno1 Oef Wlltely one of Harbor 'Jle-. Hilts flneStl

DCMt IMOlll .,.000 8UUlduly remodeled and pPlflCled S bd cu flm­'Y room *91 Stofy hOme LQe IOt di lo\ltfy pod & soa Gorgeous new kllchln. masw sulll. ffendl dOotl. bay WRIOWI, tk, * · tk I

S7IO,OOO • $1 ~ &MUtll IUCM • .,.,.. Nlw CWlllfn "°"" on ~ • ol .., '*"'" ,,.., 3 lld. 2'tt Ill ... '°"" ...... tram ... "°"'....._ ....... ......... lloottnO. ~ ..,.., CWlllfn .... ~

... -- "" .............. *"'· ~ bMClll

ID oner w 2 tirepqces Wei ~ w11r1 v~ CeilflQS. fr~ OOOfS & updlled kitchen 8ed1uly landSCIPed W1'I l>nek n-y Easy ID see Moiivatej seftetst

NIWPOIT llACM $77',000 Blyf ront IC Blyside cove ReclUCed approx. IJ00.000 fOf fist ulel Ownet ~ MOllef Re· cm 5*s Sl.100.000 and 1<W2 at $9-42.500 Ex· QUlsb rwnoclel by wel known atchltect Boal $bp Mllble

UDO 1SU _ $125,000 Sunny uoo 1s1e1 All rNIOf rooms In au open & Cheeftul Medlton'anean open to I large & ltmY prl· vale sOIAh facing patio Cozy family room wllh lite· place. ' bd plut maids. large multf de Wittl sit· 11f10 nn. Gm! Corntf locarlon on qulel end Of Udo.

OLD1 C010M Dll MAI $149,000 PTtQe l'IClleed drU1lcalyt CNlmlng COM cottage remodlted In 1990. 3 bd 2 bl hOme wtltl open floof plln 2nd floof wAg mutw sulle. batl & walk-in cios.t. New k*hen. dll*'O room, IMldry & 01f101 SUilld on 40' lot w/mn 'PK• to pn Short walk ID COM beach or ..

1M1 U1 IAYMONY $149,000 FllUM Mii Kii blyfforc condo LlfO' llWlO room .., U"t dldl. -... bd ....,.,.., GI.- '°' ..,. .,... Wiit to mllUf1l'llS on tslll>OI tslinO

..... "'°1000 ~ hit! em new 1radei0nal 3 bCI hOuM wltt--Ind~~ tS.000 used bocll ~ _.,. court)'ard & IWTICesl Vn1 LO Mii room. dlnllg room. f~ room di Wilt

.... c..n '°"'""" klchlnl

J'"r.>t ~ M -I~,,.. T ·-

SATURDAY, January 16, 1~ I PAGE 15

KAllOI WW HO.-S $415,000 This IS • Well ~ Clm'lel Ill fie best locJ. • bon Ml Hllt>Or 'hw Comer IOI MlCI 'io Ile ~ In phase 11 --WU1 OCUHFIONT $969,000 One of lhe la.St remMinQ oceanfront lots WI New· port ~ This propeny IS ldWI)' sllUated be­tweell 2 jetl)ts so lhore 1re absOOtely no vlew ob­structions The view is ot !fie ocean wMe wa1Cf & colSl!lrl8. Property is 30' x 60'

UDO ISlANO $915,000 Re~ with a tJmtleu quality Sculptllred glaSs entry dOCn warm toned i.meslOne floofs down su11s w111'1 neutral Befl>Cr ups~ European klttnen W11f\ central 1slllld & wine cooler Spacious master bait! wi:ri w~k-11 c10se1 & IOfOIOlllO onoce. Mn~ •

llG CANYON $995,000 ~ itidltJONI ~ Ml Bio Cl/lYOfl hOITle on quiet cul·dt·SU ff!llth door\ O!*l to clellghltul pool & spa

NIWPOIT MACH $995,000 tJr*1U1 bay1TorC oppottnty. FVch.lse 3.200 new bayiront home and Of leaSe Of purchlse 65' slop for $150.000 or 85 slip lot S19S.OOO and '1NC 1st TD on boat sllp

NIWPOIT NUGHTS $995,000 tncredlbte YteW of oce111. 1>ay and city 11gt11s To­taly remodeled CUS10m hOme Four bec1rooms. •· 1>11ry, l>OooS room and wet 1>at Tons of deck space tcx VieWlnQ plusure


NIWPOIT MACH $1, 195,000 &nlding owners home Appfox 3300 sq ft of ex­ceptloNI upgrades and de$IOll 10 CIP'n h l#IOO­micted l>03t lcilOn views ClrcU1¥ glaSS INStef and IMnQ room 1. car onoe w11r1 prtvate etmtor

SOUTH PIM llTA11 $1,250,000 ~ CWt1rY French tstJtt EllfOY phcoom­enat ocean and city VIOWS trom ha «52 sq ft (re) .c bd. .c""' ba hOme loCated In uWSNt gu¥O O"ed ~ of "Soull Peak EstlleS .

UN W lltAm $1,291,000 ~ 4,342 IQ ft. 5 bd, S'tt bl lllal trort as­tMt Gooonll ~ wtfl too OI Ill line ac>c>ll­.as. IT\lrtllt ftoOfl. 8tttJer C¥plt. ~ C°"*' '°"" "*'°"' rooms Amo5t MtY room 111$ t• ......

I 25,000 0Ut of SUte OVollCI Sl'{S to set this OfXIOU$ 4 bd or 3 l>d plus ·ouest room hOme N:JmerOU$ 5't'C c1

tea:ures inc~llatdwOOO floats lei4ed ~ss l.: oows gorgeous ocean VllWS i1IO IOVelY oa·~ an outstanditlO opportuO'ly uu-NIWPOIT HtlGHTS $1,300,000 Own a 1>«e ol llistory• Someone VCfY spc~ h• been wa<ting to own & reslore lM lairt u1e h()fT'I( This Enohsn Cotswold Conaoe srts on a ~ "' w11'1 a sweep.no 1>ay and ocean Y'C-N

KINGS ROAD/CUFF HAVfN $1,, 75,000 front row bay and ocean views on ores''9 oos. KIOOS R03d lll•Newport Beach Gorocou~ (jj,IOl'll total remo<lel 5 l>O. 4 ba coo~ Fruncti l~ll'P­llllll'stone. mat1> e s~ ellOUQhOcl •op OI lint appl aiices ano quality ma:er ats

NOMONTOIY IAY $1'75000 Ca.su~ eieoance l>eVf\S wtien you wai il1CJ ll't. S1UmlllQ bar vlC't'rs c~ you LIQ-'11 & &"'1 .,. plenry ot winoo.vs to enhance l11C •>e•s 4 l>O ~P & 1 do#!! s pettect tor l'iMY or hav~ oue

uOo ISi.ANO $2, 995,000 Ba~ront It.a .an VI.~ IOcated Oil 45 l~I ~ L "' I lwl Biytront ~ deSJQt1 & cons:n.octlOI this 3 bd. 4'. ba home woncierM USf' ol martie ., trlllY State of Cle art tchtn. comp!Cle't ait concirtioned. SpxJOUS t>ayffont INStcr sooe

LOS IANCHOS nuns $3,G ,000 Al>llfO• 8200 sq n (I'll) on 11 ~ .cres 6 bd 5 Ila mm tioose wltt't Mahogany wooctwor fr 111;11 doors mrdwood tlooft & 3 lttepltces Care t.i• tr house & norse lacthtJes

llLCOUIT $3,,75,000 OWNER WILL TRADE.REDUCED S)OO 000 0 cover tflls magMICent lemis Hutt IOCltt.'d '°

' cooit on a V1eW lot of appm 'h .en c ino 5 !>Cf,.._ '.~ ba,• temS COUit lllf' SP' and llltcNllll'IO pav1llon

\MUMA llACM $3, 950,000 Ocun front ~ 1e11 pircel ~ clnclly on ~ $and In one at LIOOOI 8elcfl beSt l>UCfleS Lo· cad IUS1 souG'I OI fie Surf & Sll)d HOid Inc~ IClPfO¥td ccy ind coastal ccmnission approv ol 7 ocun front condo$ E1th vatued at S' S m!lhon per 111C Re.oy IO stalt cons1NCtlOn "°""1



ftL TRADE UP/DOWN t N lath Id Sc~S,OOOwood HARB---A~w J!EWhomeHloUt .! ompr""""s1no ,.., .. ,..., & ~~.~ ~ ~ ~!_~ F~ 1es1i0deled honle Picture pre ect ew c en. crown mo 1nos ... .,,... ,.,"" "" ·~... "'"' ..... .... •. ,, ~ ... , 11111i .. ,.. ... ... ._... • ..,...._..

floors. French doors. Private lot with back bay and night views ~ ocean. hart>of & 01ght light acilVltY this matQMICent r~ IS Nrldsomety ap­pointed wrth exquisite ~lllte. luneS1one & rare warm woods

Bruce Miller

FWRILD IAY $195,000 BAI.BOA PENINSULA • St ,400,000 S300.000 Price Reduction. Terrtflc ocean and Catalina views trom !his 3 bd horn on QUiet New llstino on lhe OCEAN FRONT Capture lhe sur1. soosets and Catallni views 4 bd. 3 ~. aue..sac. ms newty carpeted and pakrted home already Includes a 3 car garage and has family room and SUBTERRANEAN PARKING are only some of Ile benefits of 1tlis Cape Cod , grear POl!r1lial ., add on a large master suite Sellers very motJvated' home designed W1ttl elegance 1

ULW llUllD SHl,000 On 1he wm tor oodef $1 milfion. 5 bd, 5 ba could be convened to duplex with dock and 2-18' tie ups C-Omp&etety remodeled. light and bright. ready to move in


COROllA DIL llAR St,111,000 Magniflcent 3 bd/den custom home nslng high above CO M main beach. PallOfnic ocean white water and harbor entrance views Multiple view balconies and patios Cl'Nle 1he fa· moos So Cal. indoor/outdoor lifestyle Steps to the sand Walle to shops & restMattS Open savsun

- -- Laraine & Eric Shaw



SOLD in one da



r--- ... ~-


Lido Island Europeaq

· Elega~ce ~no. 5tlA lip ot ~land ,.Jla. gc d<'Clc & view cf ITllin c:hunel artJ j "1uds.

' -


Lido Isla nd OttM locauoe 11 up of Udo. Okkr ~Cod st)'IC homr. Af'Pl'Oll. 58' of B.ay ~ioo118e. Dock fOf IUJt ~l.

Lido Island Bayfront • 80 eotltemporary hO'-W Oii 35 foot wldt lot with ... e dock &lid suany M yftoet ptti<>. Reduced.


Harbor Vitw HJlls- Ocean View Home 480, rcmodc~ n..ittt b.tlh: l.Arge appro.t 114 ecre lot.. Owlltn will _carry or trade down.


Jasmine Park-Price Redu~ 380,38A U{'IJ ckd

n)(Jdcl w11h ~ H . bay a!Mf city liaha vie•·•· '" coed11klaec1. a•lCd convnuaity.


Great Family Home 380, 1.SBA haht. brifllc W~nl llome. Remoddedt.n..ud tltdlee. ~·~ ,.-.~ .... o1 .............. ~·

ERRY· Lemon Heights Tennis Estate $ acre gated tenoi.s e.nate or a.pproiumaedy 9,200 J/f. 580. 68A. aymu.sium. Wine eel· la.r. zoned !or hOfKJ


Little Balboa Island Bayfront $80 , 5.!8A 8.ayfroDL Larae dock. Wooderfu l localioa. & qui.site dd&il.


Lido Island Bayfront (Mat locallOG. o · wide lot Oii ~ S.yfront w1lh room for larae boat. Otikf bomt. Potential to


480 . HBA. famil y room aad den. WoockrfUI ardlitecnara.I design. One block 10 beACh


Bayshores Cl~ic

Cla.mc Santa Ft style Hacienda wt 2 8 0 , 2.58A Oft ovus1ud lot. Larae amim. loan I~ 0o ... n. Will c~'


Lido Isla nd Cha rmer & nale level. Approa . 40' wide IOL Mo,·e in u u Of e .t.pud. Plau ud pcrmiu

tKluckd In pri«. N ~.

- y nckllltd pellO.


SATURDA.Y, January 16,~3 ( PAGE 17

FINSTER, Laguna Beach 112 Acre Parcel Sotualed directly on lht' And ID OllC of uguna's best beach« City anJ • Coa.sta l Commos,;011 approval (Of 7 ocun f tnnl m ndos

Lido Isla nd

pcC1&CUla.r ha.Jiu V1lbi oo wide 4S' baYfrool lot. 3BD. 4 .~BA

Lido Isla nd Bavfront . ~

580. •,~BA Cape C'od style'. C.rcai k..>cat.100 6n

Via Lido l'loc-d. Dod. for laige boat


Corona del Mar Ne• crduplu locatt"d"1n Corou dcl M ar N OfUI <>I

Pacific C<>&n Highway Great ocean vorws Moova~ Selkr 380, 2~BA 1-ron1 I ' n11 '80. 3BA Back :llll.


lara e 2 car aar • ae. fttecfl Wlftdo ... I lli /

Wac bay W\9dow. Sh<Jn .,.al k to vol~ alld Plicific Ocu.

Coldwell Banker Newport Beach (714)644-9060x157




PAGE 18 I SATURDAY, januar[1'6, 1993 NEWPORT eE'AcHrcosYA "tsA f)Ait:.v~ ( REXL ESTATE

*. . . ..

• •

- . .

We Sold 4 Listings in December 2227 Aralia, Eastbluff

2306 Port Carlisle, Harbor View 12 Monterey Circle, Spyglas Hill

19041 Glenmont Terrace, Turtle Rock Terrace .

We Need More ·Properties To Sell!! Let Us Sell Yours

Call Us Tollfree at 1(800)487-4931

DON ~JOYCE OLSON $11 Million in Sales Over the Last 13 Montlzs


Expect tre best

Developer-appointed board members can be re~laced i_n electi_on_ Oear Hotlinl' : We h.ivt' a five-member board of

directors in our single-fami ly home development in Irvine. Two of the board members do not own, nor have they ever owned, proper1y within the development, but rather were appointed ta. the board by the original developer. I carefully chedced our bylaws, which state that board mem- bers do not need to be members of the association. This

'>l'l'm' thoroughly unreasonable to me in that these two members seem to have very different priorities than the remaining three, one of whom is not .tc1ive. •

A'> such, we seem dead&ocked on every issue. What is the purpose of allowing people to act as board members if they are not members of the association?

The rea')(>n behind the provision you C:,p<'dk of 1s that developers often seek to rt.'ldtrl ~me kind of con•rol over the txwd o ( directors at the transition stage.

I would suggest soliciting certain homeowners run for the board at your next election and, to this end, inform the membership at large of the need to have the board controlled by homeowners.

Dear Hodine: My brother lives in a condominium

association in Fountain Valley. The Board of Director of his usociation is threatening to sue him if he doesn' t repaint the trim of his home a cotor approved by the association. They al o told him they a.re entitled to their attorney's fees and costs if they file suil Is this truer

In the !>Idle of California, titer<> 1~ generally no r1~ht to rernvery of Jttorney\ fee!> unle-.., provided lor by a

rrival<' l onrr.llt or d p.:1rt1t ul.tr 1.111111• iowewr. tl'W.• legi<.IJtur(> rt't (•ntl) t'O.H tt>d

C1v1I Code St>ction I ~1)4 wh1c h pro .. idt•:. thclt an) prP\la1hng f).lrty 1n an ,1, lion to enforce an .issoc1Jtion !t declcJrat1on ot covenant5, cond1t1on!. and re!.trH lt<.>n) should be awarded rea<,<>nJbl • auornt·y'., fees and cosu. Thereforr. 1( th· cl5~1at1on 1~ d(>Clared the prevailing party, 1t may recover these C1Cpen'>(><,, ju<>t a.s your brother may re<.over e'ltpt·n~ 1f

ht• " <.k't 1.m:d the pn .... uhng p..tfl'Y Ro s Feinberg i an atto"""Y •nd

m.tn.tging par1ner of F~wtt, ltt & Feinberg, • ~ ftrm emf)N iling lh(' prx:tice of law in the area ol com· munity an~lions. He annoc indjy.Mfu•lly rnpond to question but will answer u "many at pouia. in thf' e;olumn. Write Community Associ.ltion Hotltne, 4 Civic '9~ S4.lite 300, Newpot1 kach, 92660

Betton joins NB Grubb & Ellis Multi-m1ll1on dolldr produu.·r Conni"

Betton has 1rnnc>d the Newport Bearh offke of Grubb & Ellis Residential Brokerage Scfvice, atcording to Ron Mazza no, S<'n1or vie(' pres1dt>nt .rnd d1stnd manJKCr

Benon ume to Grubb & Ellis (rom another leading Ncwport BeclCh r~nllal brokera~ where she was a consistent top producer and award winner.

A long-time Coro~ del Mar resident. B tton specializes in the areas o( Cameo Highlands, Cam'° Shores, Corona Highfands and Shorediffs.

Prior to a real estate career, Becton was affiliated with Braniff Airlines, where she held a senior position.

Complete dedicatjon and commitment to clients are rwo of the major reasons for Betton's SU('Cess.

Enthusiasm, professlonah!.m and tol.11 responS1bility to cl1 nts hd~ tx>en perie<.."'led ~r the years. She g1v~ confidence to buy rs 4nd scllt•r, in th way she handles Iran~ hons. Alwc1Y\ .1 people person, Beuon's 1ntNest 1n re.ii ~ate was spar~ by h<>r succ. ~~f ul bu)mess of redesigning int norr. of prop<>rties for sale.

Betton, today, uses those design talents as she di~usses ways to best market her clien~· properties. She has many innovative and creative ideas to introduce the property to the real estate markeL She is well known for her ability to obtain top dollar with her transactions, leaving both buyers and sellers ~ppy.

Connie Betton can be reached at Grubb & Ellis Residential, 23 Corporate Plaza Suite 190, Newpott Beach, CA.



SIWI TUNlfllllO $4tt,900 (Pnce s1'shed on ~ 4BR. 3'ABA. 3400 s F Mesa veroe crum pun Spacious ltfOOO ettrr Ocsionct ~ & oorveous lllUJI rock soa w eo go11 & pat\S Mvcll more Buy o1 lhe yutt (27STA)

MUA VllOI StAft m $2U,000 4 d0Ub6l·slze BR, 2 rNt>lshed bit BA. HUI new CMpet oainr & papetS, mmnd wardrobe doors CMt?G P1!10 Gfnt ~ (320WASH)

SATURDAY, January 16, 1993 I PAGE19

1NI '8flCT FOCH . $209, 900 The perfed hOme for lnOse wtlO Ii e to do lhelr own decorO'IQ Prtsett condlt>on ~ !lie pnce low A real 1'nd IOI a Mesa Verde hOrne Do It over Ill your own~ Act locUyl (31SAM)

IOMAHnC LOFT SUlft IN FOlfClOSUlf $125,000

High ~ w1'l a new on Ille.hen & new kitchen awt•ances French aoors open out onto t:le p°ltJO Large \Ott bedroom w11t1 a w ··In closet Double car QMaoe w !o o c c Pnceci to se l 14YOR) mw .ai


UNDEI $220,000

lltmlS, STOP 1MOWINO YOUI MONIY AWAY $U4.900 ln¥es1 11'1 Y01.W 11*.n PowiN Soutl COUI Pl&zi aru 28R. 1V•BA uPPtt urvt l.¢1 & bnglltl Gatta c~ (25SUN)

l.utlSTal MONnCIUO St•9,900 2 sDy IOWl•'°'1'1e l..¥99 tNS1lt w fl ., clOael !MQe 2... CL.. WC!led GfUt loCJ· rion Pnced '°'a tut sa•e ( tiY 1

FOllClOSUll lllMIHT $156,900 Sciret PlfllCS 11 Hetcls Q114Clii. u now Buirotlll ~ C00tt 2SR t <Mo OPOI SAl 12-4. t30£LMJ

STIAL MS MOW $160,000 Grut 'talUe A rul bargain Approx I S30 sq II Cozy family 1oom wtrittpllce 38R. 1 'h8A Sculh Cout ~o na PU'C. clean & sa~I (26SAI)

FOllCLOSUll LOOMS $ 1M,f00 LM!y 3BR. RV access R~ ~ & ball LotS of 111e1 SkybglllS Pnuo to UI tut &U to Die bneh" (19MEY)

fOllClOSUlf·lle lfDUCTIOH $115,000 GfNl home for fltst C11ne buytf11 38R. 1 l •BA. "'Oe cnciOSed p.ttlO Close lo ShOppno & sehools 2 W Omot Llfge CllllnQ ath. ~ guests ltO\i1d cozy ltY rm ftrcplxe (22MAPI

411 HM + UNfT $199,950 48R 1V.8A cosmetic thet AWox 2100 SQ IL P'J$ IBR 11111 wl#I pnvate deelt fR OR • Good neigtl­t>ort.ood l 11 DOR)

MOVI ... AT FDCU PltCI $211,99' 6eautl1vlly UPOf'loecl llOme tn "gre.i lwnily ne¢­b0nl00d' Gtut enCI Ol CUI-di-AC loeltlonl e.1 llfve bxkyatO •.rl tetl luscious IMt trlfSI Mani· euttcl yaros, room tor AV! ( 1200N)

OWi 000 ten HUI Utt,000 48A. 38A. •• '7 81clt Bay 8est "* fof East· Pde CM ~ poof • spa (l&lOU)

UflGl.ADID-HIWll.IJfOIDMU $1H,OOO ... 2 st1 towmorr. ~ Pnvall - ~ -IWlded Seier tlU Dclqt. !Mt sci (lQOW)

WI ON MAim $t79,900 s.iote S1oty Cipe setles 111$ 38R & 28A BeautfU ~S COfTllnOOTy pOOI & CIUOl'loUse. Utge patio 11 r• Close to shopping Ind beach tiUtT'f oefore

- 1 s gone (42GLO)

lOWHT PltCI • WlllOI . $1~,000 <MIC ll'IG _.. has 2SR 1 BA on SllQle IMf Grut IOf fnt lime t>uyet 01 retncl COUPie Pal1t Ind 8tf · ~Wl!Ct~ ~ Pl1<: riclti<les 5 Yf Ol<l rflngetllor Cozy l•~ce in W10 room ano lg PIMle woocs deek patJo 11 1e., Prcea to seW QUICk (24ElD)

2 MAml NDIOOM ~ $152,900 Move 11'1 c0ildtb00 Neu!J~ tolotS many upgrades. Mexic.n payers, cdledf 11 CtlllnO 2 CM atlJC.heO oiriOt Low asSOCW!on lte MR Cl.£AN lMS HERE. (23MlN)

STAl11NG OCIT IN mu $t67 ,500 You ooni hM ID gm up anything! Spacaous, WV!Y 28R W\11'1 huge 2 car oar , 2 pauos. bal· cooy, lirtplxe, white washed Vauted Ceillngs poot ~ (10WES)

WMY 11"'7 $02,900 8'1gN & llf'/ end tllll towmome IOcaf8d 111 CoSQ Mm ~ 2BR. 1 ~BA. mt deelc patJo, pnvatt tront area. ncil llghlino & mucll more B ke ro belCh Best YMlt"l (10WES)

NtCID TO SIU NOW $199,900 Must Id! Gnat home IOI fll money f replace hlrdwOocl ftoon. 28R. 1¥•8A. 1400 sq n, st.flleO glass ~w Huoy, lhls won't ~ (31Kll)

S.ACIOUS Ul-M" lMDINO $199,500 T asllfultt oecorated encl unit with 31lR a lomlil dll'llllQ wea wtltt a we1 bat ~tlC viUlted c~ lngs Parquet lloomg In flt lutchen Enpy ~ pn­Ylle Pl!IO Call lodly to see' (23VAN)

JUNGU FMll U1•,999 ~ 2 master SR townhomt V.1#1 2 Cir g4I Double freocll CIOOB. ucunty 1ystcm. ovtr $30.000 ., ~ Cioroeous (9?VAH)

MCtC MY APnOX 17'5 se n $2tt,OOO •M 38A. waa OI M Sack Bly ~ pool lot h '1Ulll conscious 0wrier l1ldy ID mcM (361..0U)

OYll V• ACRI LOTII W1$IOI $219,000 ~ loC 811110 2 twsts Al#OX 12 232 sq II Of bU11C 2nO hOuse behlld ClO 38R. 28A, H 8 7 SQ II OOme f11eplace hatONOOd lloofs (21RUR)

Ult OPPOl1UNl1'Y $219 ,900 Mesa Veroe Counlry Cluo Viii• P1eS11gious area • Cl'WmlnQ 28R Wdh cozy tam room Upgraded

Chen 2 lg patiOs Obi att3Che0 garaoo Seconiy gile. m.iclt moie (30CIUJ

IXICUTM lMMG $219, 900 Lonowood Gteens over 1600 SQ fl ot 1uxu1y • 2 mulf!t srntes Pi!S <lC!LDLO~ rm~~~ L<MIY POOi & spa aru Ocean t>rtti es (Inly 22 l#lltS (27L0N)

PltYATt MM ISTATt $229,500 3 SJ>ICIOUS SR master ste on st1>ara1e Side T11~ c~ ~cheo ~erlo<>U luSh gasOtns Lots 01 ~ trees (270ES)

lUXUltOUS COtlAN $2U,OOO 48R, ll•BA home w super V.tl'len Conat1 cOt#ltm laminated e1blnets w'WOOCI inlays LJtOt BR. new uri>et & rool {28lAS)

FOCH! ffXlll FIXlll $237,000 48R, 28A fixer w pool Over 1800 sq It Needs some carpcc & PM1t Sders itt mo!Mted Submit al oners (10PRE)

PAIK YOUI IV HUI $237,900 •BR. t l•BA tiome ClOse to wmmer lunl Fair grounds. Shopc)lng. Ind p¥kS Cau fOf l'l10f't lrlfOf· rMtion (27SAN)

Lim! OI NO MONEY DOWN $239,500 1100. •BR n .. eA home Assooi.lble 1ain • wy QU•Jty Stller lrWferreO · l•st s.1'e nmoo Nevwer klfchcn root & miwe (28Vl l I

20,000 PltCI llDUCTION $%40,000 38R could be oonvened to •ai. surrounded t>y ltJSh ~ wllh ltont COUl't ~'\I PO$Slblt' RV auess (168AK)

SWW INTO 1NI NIW YIAI $24',750 TM IS a Qml bUy w 58R 2~8A largo poof and spa ~er carpet new roof, new pal/'lt. newei ippNnces! Al It netds is a new o#llt'f f.usllC ~ '« Cftlldten SchOOI close (3 ICOR)

YOU wtU NOT lfllM $2'4,000 Ext:tl>llON."'1 i.ce 4~ hOme in a gr al a•ea C ;>f

to .scllOOls inCI paits You "' 1ccoon•1e tr. .. a ~ Acl now & ca11 (IOCHfl

EXClWNT lASTSIOf LOCATION $252,500 Cul Oe sac Nev.er constnicbon On~ nal 48R oq ll!mlly hOme No~ 2 l.l'l>IS 2811 UC i.. ~e >e, re11 001 ottiet 1m oo1

DfSfWLE 'll'W/IUU11FUL SPA $2S.,900 Ufl)! open Country ~Clle'n. tam '/ I C~tlO Bui• ~\_~alc1ast bar Oversi1e i....~ ca1 oar.i9e Worl>; ocnch. but~-11\S etc New roo1 Glea1 cue O<:· J~JQC.aJ.!al ~CAR}

GllAT FAMILY HOME $255.000 L~h! i. ') 4011 atrium llotne " c ~ , r in l Fl P:"til'• JO I~ r.n & Cllt\ e• f,car "' "" P•.,,, & carpel Oulet I am y IO< ar'()t'I "' Mesa Ve d ~Ott' I l7MWl OPIN SAT/SUN 1-4 1771 NfW HAMnHtll

IDW NOMI $259,000 ~o:s 4BR ·~ ·SA ~ .,.-. ylrd do.be ~' ., w ::Xl'tO ~ nl ,,...oc: locJtion · 8mg tile ~ ~I to~C l 111A ... 3t

lHf HADY IUNCH... $279,900 coo~ five here 5BR, 38A. sepaiaie bonus roor"'

Large lol located on a cuH1e-sac stJee Stw • muter BR s:e rictuc1es tO x tO ~er tla1'\'ba • cony and wa -111 clOset Don t miu h$ oo Priced IO se" (30R0A) -

tlDUCID FOi FAST WI $305,000 From curt> to ~ glass enclO~e1! p ' '> Tl· r IS wat'IT1#1 anO ~ Hre~d er.tty ' ·"' r ' ~ ~ ~ 4iR forrNJ DR Frencn Ooc>fS 'OF~

OUTSTANOtMG llMOOILED HOMI $325,000 38R 28A $t\..uded ;JI ba< p.i "' c id r. I pool lld spa Sl!yqQflt~ lhrougholll ' r he.1!"19 Owtw-r tra11S.ltrrtd ·· 121'W!l)

cm ' cozy Ul5,ooo R111.1y on 11)11 mW!el • 38R 1 $tory IOC.lhl llfCSltQIOUS UOOfl Blfd Mc$J Vetet 1 SR fl entry • ;rNI tor nome office CuJ·Oc· uc 1>y kl'f p&tU wa ro QOlf A oreat ~ty 12;aeq

DIStilU 511, 3 CAI G¥AOf $J39,900 L IV1'IO room wllt CeltSll.Jt Cl'flnOS & lll"1tlQ fnptace Uro" bOrUS room One bedroom & down ~ seciiwv s~ PDO! & spa Oated IOI ~ $1feTy (97GOll


t" l 11\0 ropr M .nr·in~I. YAOAUTA2 PAGE 20 I SATIJROAY, January 16, 1993

Newport hoc:h ~ Hovw '92 Home of Mrs John Woyna A te· duded tennf\ esto19 with o tn09111f1Genf ,,..,., 5 c111· tonwHd bedrooma wotes. 7 5 bo!N. T ennil c;.ouf1 & podlon Pool, apo. IOl/nO , Wine cellor, " lireplcx.ea. Arttst's studoo & ,,...ondo Home off'oce ..ireot ond ~ polnnrng room Pric.d o1 $2,900,000. Coll Jud, l4ltw:y OI 729-7161

............. Gt'9Clll town.\ome ...alue. 2 bedfoom1, 2.S botht. •• lo btoch. 0.nlftg . '°°"'he,':· oloal. French doof'I . 2 bolcon.es. C · Ing Cope Cod styling. VoaJM, OWnet bOvght onother ond nMds lost aoi. 121 ~.900. Coll 720-06J 1.

... ....... Open Sunday 1.s 28 Cc.on Vmo, New­pon a.ocn. t;s 3 bedroom, 2.5 bait\ townhome boC to ~ aeodl Country Oub Count, oillording ..,. P9tb ~ ~ 2,600 eq ... W• bor, fireploc.. ldeol lloorolon '°' entlftoH\· 1ng. Mony uporodea. $695,000 Col 72(). 0611.

New.-rt leoch W~lll ocean wnMt ond hofbot Yi9wl from thtt 3 bedfoom, 2.5 both Seofoire condo. Jult 2 ,eon old ,~ oooditloo. loob like o model. WRIJ>-Gf'OVnd lllmJee. Front row locutlofl. S•59,000. Coll n.o. 0611 .

:'.>A~r::t IAQC'H1t .. OT I REAL ESf ATE

_ ( . -. ' --




Impeccable taste, warmtfi and style abound in this wonc!_erful 6 bedroom - JI/2 bath home. Enter through a haven of greenery and brick pave rs to a trellis-covered patio ideal for family enjoyment and entertainment



__ THE MAIN HOUSE feature a ·pacious living room \\i th wood-bumin fire lace, vaulted ceilings, formal dining room, 4 bedroom' md _ 21 ~ b.iths. - -


THE SEPARATE GUEST HOUSE. ... For the teenager • in-laws, or hou e guest ... Acros from pri' Jtl' counyard lt•Jtunn~ .rn entertainment room, bonu room \\ith built-in de k and book heh·e , two bedrooms and tull bath . .

A well e tablished community, the Pon treet are highly sought after a one of the fam1lv area~. kno" n tor its lu~h ~n:cn~el1', . park , children and friendliness. Pool , a pa, and lovely clubhouse contribute to thi l o\(~ly Jnd unique area.

Acclaimed al o for it ' elementary . chool and high schoo,I, both nation:illy recogni1ed and honored with "Exemplary chool



12:00 - 4:00 Private Showings Also A.vailable by Appointment

Shown By:

LAURA HUSBAND [{ you are in che m;irker to buy or sdl a home now or in r~e future, please phon~ me fo r a pro(essional anafr. is ~>f vour homt.'' ' up-to-dcate v.alue in today's m;irket. The favor.Jble m ortgage mcerest nres has provided a substantial booM to hou mg JffordJbi/1n

m Newport BeOJch. CALL DIRECT LINE: (714) 285-6476 "


• •

~ )

. ftAGe-n /"SATURDAY, Januarrte':l~ _........., ...

LIQUIDATIONS NlJST UQVIDATE NOWl ...•.•••..•..•.. $159,MI Plan 1 4 in NNlpon Crut C>.t.iner may c:any financ· mg ~ebf off master 3BR: 21hBA- Plantation shut· 1ers & Berber ~ng Moo-e in condl~'

COll:POllATE LIQUIDATION .. ....••.• ssat,900 OwrwJ 11anskrred JBR. 28A l..aguno &ac:h canyorv mounl.dln view home must be sold' Marble baths/ showen. elllendl'd vww deck. new solid pane French door\ I' •

HADOil RIDGE UQlJIDATIONlf ... $449,00I A trut showpiace1 Sererw views hght hardwood !loon CWICJm verde copper molding Make offer I ..o.;n b4iol1U! $392 ()()()

SP£CTACULAR OCN W-NUST Hl.1.$541 ,500 ( orporaie owned tuStom home featuntlQ. inaedlble ocean W?WS from eve!Y room 38R. 21.7BA 2 fire· ~ bre.»dMt ~ & sun deck

RAat F1IONT UQlJIDATION . ... $1,249,000 Rent Pllljs The l..oa."11 Newlv remodeled duplex with $90K pa ye111 tnCorN 38A, 28A upper urut. 2BR. 1 BA lowier urul 3·Slded coastal views Exallent on­* Plrianq large assumable loan Submit offm/ trade$. ~ "SeJler n~ acoon'

NEWPORT CREST CllUT-CUSTOM KITCHENl ....•...••.. $145,000 Plan I 3 State-of the At1 kitchen wtth eaung area, all new dppll6nCr.. & rustom C<1bmetry Grear community ameru~pool spa & tennis

CltEST · WALi( TO BCH A TENNIS $269,000 $paoous Pion 3 loca1ed JUSI ~ to one of the b«st (.001U 1r community 3BR 2"'1BA fir~. patio & deck A:»cx pool 2 e& gar age C>.t.iner will cons1dtT c.anyang

Cll£ST · (PUN J ) NEAii POOU ....• $269,000 38R 2i,...BA, c-atmg em 111 kitchen Jusf Steps to out­~ c:ommumty amenmes- pool spa tennis Walk

OWNO MAY CAJm\'-NO POINTS .. $155,000 38R 2~8A townhome in great complex 1N1th pool & '4>nnas c:ourn Wan. to the bench Art oversued deck 0-al IOf mtfttblmng high!Jghts thas home 1n rnove·tn c.ondrtion

ClllEST-END UNIT1 ..•.......•...... •••.•••• $279 ,000 Highly uwaded Plan 12 townhome. 2BR 21,.;BA, hardwood flcxn wood bummg f11~. pl,ontaUon shutlen & an added offic:e off the master 1Uite A wry pnvale end umt

ClllEST -T'ENlfts.POOL-llOIAC ••••••.• $279,500 ~m candJtion .JBR, 2Vi8A Plan 13. Earing area 1n kdchm. formal dining, liwlg room w/vault.ea ~u. ing. bu¥ alarm Locakd dow to pool/tennis

NEWPORT BFACH YCJ(J9 OWN NE...cMIT PAD ONLY Slit.MO WaJ~ or btke lo b«ach from this «Xfcu11ve =ti:••uum G.led .. ~ntty Quf amt'Ntws.

. 1p11. uuna •nd bintards

NEwPoRT BFACH Aff'OllDAlllZ n:N11IOOKJ .......... . ., .. ... Mow ngj'lt into this aanny 6cmer 2BR. 28A Pent­houw in gated community Overlook IN trees & fountain rnpiau In I.Iv. rm . uwaded with • • fbt. tures & shut:tm Complex has pool, spa dul?houM. euraw rm . pool rm Walk to b«ach!

PEllFECT BACllEl.Oa llETRf.AT ..... $1,,,000 A l-BR JeWel fea!\aing extensive UJe of tn4tble ftoor. ing & fireplace wlcustom wa.ll covenngs & drapes Pttk-a·boo view of the <Qan off yow own petlJO Must 5ff .

a&.UFn •U-GaAT V1EW1 ONLY .. SJM.900 Neat COM & loeded with ch.arm Located _.DI cul-de-sac Flnblir 48R. 2BA BOOf plan tree~ bid pebO Vi«W ol Back Bey & oty lights


1424 Hald.ty, Newpor1 a.di im.cm J-4

SATURDAY ONLY 2175 Padflc Avt . IG.S, c:a.i. Mae 5214 .500 1-4

SUNDAY ONLY 1 14 fAcapedw 0 ~ Cia1 524S.00l 1·5 2011 e.n-.nc... ~ Boch $309900 1-4 406 E 8liRJoe at.id , Alc-8. IW Pmin $425,00> 1-4 112 E &IX» ~ . Bllbol Ptnin '5.50.00> 1 4 2112 t.......d UI , S.,O.. S$.W,OOO 1-4 2173 E Ocan at.id • Bllbol p.,... 5m.IXXI 1-4 101 v .. O«no.. Udo'* 5 1 , 1~.ooo 1-4

ONLY I aLOCI< TO llCH DUPLEl . $549,500 Each u111t has own laundry & fu-eplac.e 4BR. 2BA & 3BR. 28A 2<.ar ~ + 3 add1ll<>nal spaces <Mor· au lot Spoaoui patio

KLCOUn ADDtlES9 FOa ONLY .• 1565 .... Secluded & enormous ga.t.-guarded condo With ~ Central A/C and ~tral vac Pretty woodsy view Great locot!Qn.

MYCllQTJDOVEa SllOUS.\llEW/.1559-..... T radltlonal ltyle remodel Back Boy/mountain views 3BR. 2~BA with famllv room on quiet, tnc..tined street Lots ol bride, tilt & catpdlng. REDlJCED!

8TE.P9 TO IAND • .MUIT HU. ....... SstS .... Specious b«ach duplo Vay large townhom.~ bllCk to back units on ownu«I 3Q X 104 • lot Each unit has 4BM\o\BA. Flrtplac. It pedo.



80. COUT •18CI (..., ............. Siii.Me MeM o&r for CMtt out Owner ii highly moovaledt ~ to Pnbmlng AIU ~ & SO COMl Pia.ta Wi.D~i.r..opaon

VDSAP I !S I RDllOOll ............. •IH.IM Na ooodomlnJum with MCOnd toe. beAcoiiy f.ang ctw fountain II Ideal as~ home°' WftMnd l1tf· a-way•

llAWIN ar.AUTY.cosTA MEM .. , SIU.IN Gorgtous 3BR. 2~BA home In gam~ c:om· . muruty Family room, Iott, uwaded buOt·tn kitchen Community pool It ~pe 2 yt4" MW!


INV!STOll'I DEIJGH11 SU8Ml'1' •••• SIM .... ~ lnvatrMnt property Of OWMJ~ Mat the ~ and ht-Kil' 3BRl2BA up, 2BRllBA down B«aubfuDy r«d«eofakd unlb

UNIQU! IAVFaONT A IUP ••....... . 1771, ... = ~of on~ Franc~~ \RM~ quality rnatmeb uMd ~ ctw artiAn ~ r~ tac.des, tic MWt ae. ro ~

COUTICATAUNA VW.llCll FDT. se1 .... Older 3BR owinfront cottage wt.th both fl'Of'lt .,.cio lncluda a l BR llpllltl'MnC off the doubk air QlrtOt Bul&d *idt family hcwM + un1t or duplex or 2 con­doll


~~-~ RDllOOM ...... ONl.Y •7A .... ~·--~·and gorgeous tOUth·flldng Pede> lendl llM:i( lo cn~1ng Bnght, ~t Md ally u~ (tmily room Welk to IJdO Vilage tt lhoppng



. ,


SATURDAY, Janu.y 11, 1993 I PAGE 23 '

Nobody Knows The Territory Any Better • ,_.----------------~~~~~~-- .-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~---

Aak for ANNE DENNIS wtpbOne) CU'10m home Ofl a large comer lot ~•th pnvat courtyAtd Bay view from monnous master su1ta l BR wit downsaan Wond4!rlul f.m1ly game room v. \Wt bar Fom\Al d1n1ng room, IArgt IU&d~n w SYbUroa Bright utllity room v. •11tn1 storage Walk lO Udo vin.. rnovw theatre,

~ & restaurant$ Ofta-4 ., 11.115.oeo

217S E. Ocaa lhtl. •Balboa Pu. ----~---------Aak for DAYNA PElTTT

A lowly 38R, 3BA ~ home with 1ncred1t* .bay end °"an VleWS . TRM ~n family IMng 1n the Q\Mllllty community o4 Balboo PcnlnSU&a P0tnt - 101 • 35 ft lot ld«aDy located nght nnt to the beach for half the ~ at 1715.000


REDUCED TO $S~.000' $fin has bought another home Md must wl now Small down take OlleJ' e1usung loon. owner 1NJI c.any 2nd JUSt name your te1"1n61 l.oalted m lowly gbte~ communiJy this 38R. 2BA family home with dwm & character futures room to npend Aho, short tenn lase ~ S2100fMO

2424 Holhb1y • Newport Beacla Aile Tor DANA Boa:

4BR. JBA r.nch style 2 ·Stoty home in fabuJou) f6truly neighborhood 2 master suites t\lghhght th home with lots ol Windows, dining room. famtJy room with ft.r~e. upstatrs bonus room with f1rq>lacc , kitchen features bu1lt·1ns & tiled counters Lovely bock patio

Offere4 •• $395.000

S711 a.. .... Pl.• Newport lea.IHI Aak for ClAUDETfE TAYLOR

WATERFRONT dup&.x with a dock fOf 3 boats 2BRl'ZBA unit up, 1BRl2BA unit down Located on 82' of wai.r frontage CouJd be conwned to 5'1l9k family raadenc• OwMr wlll take ltis 1f etCJOW dotet pnOf to 3/1/93

o•re4MSau ....

SS4 ° L" Stnct • Balboa Pe•lu•la Ask for DAYNA PEITJT

A be.iuofuUy unique 2-~tory Cape Cod home Just completed 4BR 2 •BA country kitchen & all the finest appbancl':i. :Co nan countl't tops ~nerous use of skyhgh~ o roof dt-ck 1A.11h panoramic VlevJS T the stuff. dream!> are made of. Off•~•d at 925,000

2144 E. Ocea• Bhtl •Balboa Pe•. Ask for 01\-VNA

A mnark.tb6e 3BR JBA ~ "" 'th Q\Jal c ~ or1 a pnme 60 loc f •4tur..'1 an f4'1Y no,.. pLI1 th.ti ~~ry woman dream. about Th~ dram.lbc t.om.- hlh ·en recently ' rtmodeled 11nd boasts all the upgr.wk\ inckding a ~ counnv lu1dwn ~ith $ubUio refrigeraklr plus ""°'' A must W«


Oflere4 .t UH.too

406 E. Bantoa Bhtl. • Bal\oe Pe•. Ask for GIB WALKER

Duplex MAI' the l4lld & Balboa Pier 38R,'28A, 2 large decks & fir~• up 2BRl'lBA. fireplace & piillO down Both h.w washer dl'\lft hookupi 4-aw gMagc. TJ.e counters tn kitchen & baths Upp.r Me> awililblt lor ltue ~ M $tl5 ....



~ ·


' ..






644~1600 Featured

New Listings

Corou det Mar 1 Bd. 2.5 Ba. home wt family room. tnMter retrut Walk to bud\. O.u Wall $615,000


Featured New Listings

Coron del Mar Oua.lity duplex near Ocean Blvd 3 Bd 3 Ba/2 Bd 2 Ba Do•na Wall $695,000

Sea View Picture perfect l 8d l 8a home With den. family room & 1 car pace flx & Smith $725 ,000

Udo Isle SUpefbty located Udo bayfn>nt wl p4er. slip & ~Ide deck. Cortlett & TMMer $2,0H,000

•11az• am:hldlvlildl .. , .. ps..,

11 Rue Fonlline 10 a.nt Hiiis 140llalst .......... ......... .... 11 MonlCX> ,,....,, ..

s•...,• ••••fl• ....... (1-4)

SIAf'.000 S. Cl-4)

sa .m .ooo SU tl~t Sl.2".000 S.S. (I~) 51,,,,,000 s-. (I~) Sl.9".000 SUft (I~)

562,.000 5ua fl~) sm.ooo Sit .. ~.

Sl.m.ooo 5un .....

..,,_. I 19 t IMI

.... ...........

....... ........

~ ..... ......_ ...,., •• ... Ullld

rSAop ' ' ' • ,.. I l t. - c- , ...,. ~ TURDAY, January 16, 1993 I PAGE 25

r---____ G_u_a----rd· Gated Communities· ~ $8ff,000

lllc09'tC•lMI ... $1 ,•9',000 ' ... u ... home wtch bftc:t J>Mk>, pool, ' a1 ...... · Pellawozkl&z..a

.. lcoen TetftCll S.t1.ooo Cradow &wt• family home ) hqe 8d ~ous llep-down flfnlly room wl ftr• pl.ce folaMCMI & hftdl

lelcowt Tenace $Ut,OOO 5pectacul•r ·c- plan ln excellent loca· don One d che aricln.ll model homn J

Id. l 5 la aa.llom upendet Debi Bibb

Specucular ' 8d <1LltOm home OramMk eroy. lot tryle famty room. wee bar & ai.n­

ded. Lqa m.l«er suie Debi Bibb

' .. c..,.,. $1,295,000 Perfed fer entefWninc' T™1lt1onal 5 8d l k home with ~ farruly room. lovely yard. pool & spa. Blbb & Lecrud

Eeenld .. , $1 ,ff, ,000 Spe<lacubr ocean view New' 8d aatom ~ Hb'ldt~ & H•llYI•

... C.•J(M' $2 ... , ,000 Contemporary showplace. custom c oif c:ourM atJiee. Babb & LecnaMI

Harbor Hll $1 ,'95,000 Stunnlnc ocun view estate Trve p~r­fe ctao n In qual ity craftsmanship & dullf' Pool & spa RalaM ~

EJnenld .. , s 1,800,000 Spec:tao.1lar IW oce.an & sunset views.

~' 8d '5 ~ v ttudy. famaly room. cnnry uchen Hlnc.Wer & Hl•ma•

r-_____ W_aterfront Properties Beaco• Bay Nace lot . beach house. dodr.. 50 It shp and side tie Cood loa­t ion J 6d I 8.a Lnsehold by clly

PealH•la Pol•t Must M• ~anfront popet'ty! ' 8d l.. roof-cop balcony 1609 OC»ll\, IUNIC & ~ YlilWll On the and Patrtck Battolk Sin• .ooo

.... ,.. ..... lun '"t.d 2 Id plua ..................... Gl'tll l • •' ... .,.,.,OQO

Marie rarso $1 .2so.o0o LH.

Balboa Peninsula Prime oceanfront location. sandy beach, comer location, larie ~oo. lqe loc• • 8d 2 5 B.a home. EvH Corkett $1 ,4,, ,000

Harbor lsl .. d &reathtaltlnc bayfront lot with pier & slip DHICJ'I your O'M'I home dh Newport's most pres{~ ISland sa.wee, Hams $2,lfl.000

Harbor lslaad Drt¥e Custom home on the bayfront 6 9d 7 5 8.a 2 family rooms. pnvale pool & spa. bayfront patio. dock UIKlsay & Morphy $2.89',000

Harbor lslaad Ort¥e 5 8d · home situ~ at~ on 70 ft of b.yfront w/ pool & dod Be\erfy Mori*J -$h-9'0,000.-

Cresce•t Bay Macrufk ent ocunfTOnt home w/ spectacular white water views Contemporaty 5 8d home w/ pool & spa Carol Aliso. $4 ... " .000

Family Neighborhoods ·

Newport Nordl ~olut• doll houM four years new Tout MC.lusion c,.. U.bardl $09,000

EMtbhtff Lusk-built J 8d plld flll'l\lly room Special opportunity to buy the I~ or ttay Of\ le...tlotd until l•er Cob, Ward $J,,,000 LH.

Ceroaa def Mar ~~In .... id• auno.phere. sut™>le fof owner ~ 2 eci awwwuni & l Id hDne CobJ Ward $41' ,000

.. , .. o,.. Sunny loc:auon This l 9d couaee hM ~nter patio for entef1•1nlnC flltoY th• emenlt• of the bay & be.ch o.111 ... & DlallJ _. $499/#.l LH.

Newport Nortll Lovely customiz.ed J 8d home with family room on an extra 1-ce private lot Lu.sh p~ns. Koi pond Carol AD"4>ft $5S9,000

Snclau HID Priced to sell• 6 8d. H Ba ~on lqe lot 8Nl.Cifully ~ ..; Rend\ doors. b9)t wdows. pool & SI>' Nl&a Trtcter $849,000

Spt ..... HIU Uptraded 5 8d. home on lwt• !c?t Wf view d halls Beautiful paclo and crass.... L.arte master suit• • ..., & .... S.9',oOo

5'0N Cllft8 hmlly llvtft& et IU best. O\ilmlnC 5 Id flmlty room. poOa ' mpa S.. Codi.a $M9,000

644~1600 Trade


Belcourt 5 Bd • 5 Ba custom ho me with ocean view Will trade d own Belle Partch $1 ,195 ,000

Corona det Mar Wide lot on ocean side otfers views from every room of this

f contemporary home Wtll trade down Bob & Mliry Dea Weclan $2, 199,000


Harbor Rldce 5 8d C\.IStom home w/

chmaltc VleWS. pool & Sf» Will trade s ..... ulrd Sl.235,000

Blc C.nJOft Custom home on 2 lots with fabulous c oif course view Can be pur­dla.d MJ>inlely Will trade vtrst• .. Zetu $2.900.000

Ll•d• Isle New sophistlcited l Bd bayfront with private dodt and pal!OS Wlll

tr.de " SMrteJ Hantl $J, 7'0.000

,,.. c... Double lot ..... b 8d. 6 .~

la WYI tr1de 'as> for~ ....., ...,.,. $2,,,,,000

. . .

_ ,


.-PAGE-26 / SATURDAY, Januaryi6, 1993




OSTA MESA 'Hall 9f Fo111e" troc1 2 stv 4 bd h<>rM 1..-m11c pownual Hrdwd fiOOf~. cedar-fined clo.ets,

rtvell<! bdtk yard "" Fruit trees Attoched double garage • R'. ;-i.Hk1119 Qu1~1 1menor loc:ct tton

11 1400 $219,990

TRIANGLE SQUARE Be)t priced 3 W tO\Ainhome 1n Vendoml' complex w comm pool New pomt & corpel, Ille pdllO hrd'"'d flr m kitchen 631 14ll0 . $159.900

CENTRAL COSTA MESA an R·2 lot "" tmy cottage m an e11.cellen1 locauon clo5'. 10 Courtyards shopping Suildble for 3 condos 631 1400 Sl bS.000

SEAWIND Upgraded 2 '>ly 2 bd condo. (;Cramic Ille, minored doors & ce1hn9 Ions Quiet loc:ctuon, neor commur111.' po<> 6H MOO S l 84,000

NEWPORT SHORES 2 sty 3 bd home w 1.uge deck OV\'r garaqe Vduhed n11ltng~. rwlc 11). hvmg rm Comm pool & 1cnn1) LH 631 1400 $189.500

COSTA MESA College Park 3 bd & fom 1ly rm w 1new carpt>I & p.t1n1. upgraded kJtchens & both11 & lovely rronl & rear vclrds 6 ! I 1400 $238.500

BAYVIEW COURT Bnght . immaculate, ~w~r 2 bd condo on lower level in Newport communify wlffi pool. spd & lu\h greenbelt' 6J I 1400 $249,000

MESA VERDE Ret1u11fully remodeli>d 3 bd homl?, sl1d1ng rr doo"· oak kuchen & Ca~blonCll Ions Lovely yord w 2 pallO'> 61 I· 1400 ~259,900

EASTSIDE (ns1a Mesa lmmllculate 3 hd home. f•r!'placP in l1vmq room & big yard wifn111 trve• ( n .1400 $269.000

NEXT TO NEWPORT Well ma1n1z11ned owner oc­cupied duplex in Co<>to Mesa Heights Each unit wf2 bds, gar~e & yard R-4 lo t REDUCED' 6.1 1-1400 $295 ,000

EWPORT HEJGHTS Newer nicely remodt led tory 4 bdrT(I home w1fam1ly room Small ocean & 'etty 1ght view from top floor hvlng room w/skyhghts. walls 1 windows. marble frpk:. wet bor & deck

1· 1400 $429,000


OPEN HOlJSES SA11JllDAY ONLY 4800 Rlwr. Udo Sands

Nancy &rl\eld 3 Bel.HM $486,000

S43 AJiso, N !1 Heights ___ 3 BdHM.

Marle°M Hassel $499 .000

SA11JllDAY a SUNDAY 257 Bttntwood, East.sJde 3 Bel HM

Carolyn Ston/Cheryl Carlson $279,000

1620 Kt'nC Lane, Npe 8ch 4 Bel H MAtk JocksorvCarolyn Starr $415.000

542 Fulterton, Npe Hght.1 2 8d HM M StellJ!lQIB T ompklru/P Hamson $434,500

215 Vta Nice, Udo Isle 2 Bel Hse L Farrington/M Oot.vney $469,000

4520 Cortland, C.m~ Hllndt 4 Bel Hse

Anne Freeman $629,000

1595 E. Ocan Btvd. Penln Pt. 4 Bel Hse PattJ Conover/Sh&on McKlnnon $795.000

204 E. Ottan~ont, Penln. Pt. 3 Bel Hte Roy FreemarVVd o Lee $825,000

1821 Klnge Rd .. Cllffhaven. NB 3 Bd Hte Margo StuarVReggte $895,000

120 E. Oceanfront. Balboa 3 Bel HM Austin Dn~ianne Peacock $945,000

15 Bordeaux, Harbor Ridge 4 Bd Twnhm Georglbnne PeacocWJohn Mark $ l , 195,000


SUNDAY ONLY 22 10 C.nyon Or. F-2, Mesa Bluff•

LotS Zimmerman

427 Canal. Npt Shores Betty Comegys

2072 Mandarin. Mesa Verde Roy Freemon

400 Tustin, Npt Height• Morlerw Hiwel

2236 He"ther, Cherry Lake, NB Monica Ruggi rl

3 Bd Twnhm • - $1~000-

4 8d HM S l59,000

5 Rd fiH SJ90.000

3 Bd Hae $439,000

3 8d Hie $445,000

609 lrts, Old Corona del Mat Margo StuArt

3 ... 3 8d Ouplo

1574 E. Quan Blvd, Penln•ula Pt Maty Ann ~hercutt

414 3tkh Strut, NNp<>rt 8ch Janice Hyer

1531 Santanella, lrvlM Ttn, CdM Nancy Barlwltt

1100 Su Lane, Harbor Vu Hill Jeannine Stake

202 Pe.it Aven~. B.tlbo.t Island Mask Jad<son

402 lklwt!, Pmln Pt Ecthcf F1rw

2506 W. Ocunfronc, Penlntula Olga MatthewlllJt Otwn


1 Bd Hee $575,000

s 8d Hit SM9,000

18d tlw $699,000 _

3 8d HM sns.ooo 3 8d ti $799,000

3 8d HM $&80,<XX>

S 8d HN Sl,395,000

• .

NEWPORT :J bd, 2 both 1 IV UP<J'ctd'°d hum ~11h d1n1~fam1ly rnu l u~ k\IW a~-xl ~-anl Clmc to bo<.k h1lung & b1klng 631 -14 . . . ... .. SJ19 ,000

BALBOA ttwm1ng, bi.?Autih.1~ t - Of led '\ y ar old 2 bd llNnhm w duullle flo>hl!J'! Stt>f'i to ~ty, an, Balboa fmv & re touranli 631-1400 329,000

NEWPORT HORES C .. 1rnpk tdy r mod l..:J 4 Ni (Of 3 d n) New rool, C<'\rp.tt & 1<11 .. h ·n t 10 ocean. community PoOI &. 1ennl> RElXK..f [) 6.11-1400 ~~~ 000

WEST NEWPORT f rc hly pdlnll'd dupltl11 "" fwd ,i bd Ul\lli , frplcd'" & d1-t11AiMhU> & dbl<t 9·' ' R • urnlJy r rurbt~heJ ,., ... , lrg uppl'f 6 73-6900 SJ99 000

MESA VEJID! LO\I ly 5 hd ho rn "" lotnMI dining frpke1 in IMng & formly rm• lmrno u"'t low ma1nte· Mnce gar~n w pool 6.U -1400 S:\90,000

BLUE LAGOON 'l bJ multi kwl L.tgun. Bu h - rondo " at .. 't V1i1WS ~-ataf "'CJttllmiri.r-

community ~ 'beot h, 1)()<>1 & trnn1~ h.1 1· 1400 S43?,000

CHERRY lAk! f.8TAT£8 AllrotUv 3 bd horn -. fomlly rm, 2 lmk & veuh Ill c.:11109' Only 11 hom ' tn pnvate !JAi •d C'ummun11y · 6.U . 1400 • ~\6.5,000



. 714-631-1400 714-673-6900



OOVEll ~HORES DISTRESS ALE Un" ~t\. •l bd chorm r, 5 doon lo c9mm ixb h [) r hw1~ &: l11m1•, rms w frplc Lt land al S.147 fn.1 6..11 · I400 )4b9 0 J{)

.BLUF'FS R~mod zd Tona conv rt tl to 2 hJ ~ tiu~ mMI r (~n r tum 10 3). back b.\11 iry light vu, mr ... th c•ihng. r r doori.

(d l -1400 ·4rr1 l)Q(i

n :11')1100

uP'!r v.shw lor 11.tra • IO llf)J)\ r l hd ~ dt


CORONA DEL NAii '111~ .. n 1wnt1n<J oun1ry fn~h~h 1 bd hom. ""l a mu1 • • illrnJ; lud ... J I '' l,; trpl. +. I tJd umt 011 I 100

MID PE.NINSULA Oc1tan & bdy vw frum J i.t, , .i bd con1 mporaty twnhm 2 wvt ban 'I lrph • db! u.tra wcunty lfl>' to b.il.td1 6.U . 400 kl 14 15!)

CANNER\' VILLAGE C.on1 mptXary ~s~"" 2 bd condo w den, 3 baths l. pcsOOi & faoolou5 bay l/l(!W\

Boat Mlp~ AWlllablc 631 1400 . . . S<.i2'1 if.JO

BALBOA ISi.ANO duplell Of ~ fom1t;. 1n ~unny corMr loc..ahon He>1n• w bcli of{i£e & !am I nn + I bd pl (Of 4 bd home) b 1 j 6900 S6 79 ()(X}


BALBOA C .>nt~mpor..iry tn - l~vel 4 bd wood & (lid» horm. o'"I com.!r lot. 1 hous.e to b.syfrcm1 w grcot vu·) Solbl' Pd on CO\ioi!r "">J p.allo 6:J 1 1400 S69'J.000

--HARB<>ll--YIEW ncert--W! ffc>m gorgeou' :+ hd-­homl' d., ,igned ~ 1mpi•1:.(,c)ble la<i.t1t T v.o frplcei. & 1,r door. to J><'llO "' pool & pa . f'lll 11 () S77f'i Ot.WJ COl\ONA DEL NAR ' B.ikourt ' at the biedch Cor.

• r. .. 14- l bd 114.nhrn ~ d1n109 fd mtl-,;' mii. & ircJ nr n,.h!~r Op.?n hi fvuftop lpci 6 7 i 6')110 1'i'l'J ()(J(J

' BALBOA ISLAND SP3 IOU) ; j lxf de>tgner ) Cc.un· m, Fn 1 h home~ kn family rm, fr doors bd 4-lrl · d "'-• 1 bd loft dpt • o7J hA(J S799 oc.-i BALBOA ISLAND I u1nmc;u, r w J bd Col>'? Cod hon1" "' dintng & f,w11l;; rm' & lxmu' rwm cJff1l • Till· mnrblc & v.aolil•d v.c,ocb REDUCEJ)I o7 i 69':(1 S79'J.lk.IO

LIDO ISLE BAVFRONT C h.1rrnmq trnrl11io11.i. n .. wly Cdrpt?led 4 bdrm h .01._ on Wr)Jd ~1lJlh 11.Hln'.) lul "' du< k &. Pfhldlt lJ.:o h Du ... '1"bld1r~ d"n I & fl(\ • IO<J) '1cll m kuclt\!n liotli <If"' n 10 l.srid:.capt>ci 1nh:no1 ~ho 6.'il 14C1J ~I >\7'JIJ(llJ

PENINSULA POINT Gorg 'ou' i bd home on (JCW· d,. I (~lvu1e Lari ()\. ::orator k11cl,41n '"' buck floor , dm

PENINSULA OCEANFRONT n .• ·w i 51> hnn" ~ i bd> & den &. ~p.. Id ul.u 1 ~ I 11p qu.,1111,1 11111 r11ll• ~ AC &. ~·\Jnl)i & ,J c dr pdri<1n•1

-' 6JJ 1400 ~I i 1fal0


mg & 1om1ly rm~ 6. t.k11 • t»H 111)() , . . $8&1,00ll

NEWPORT ~,10111 . hu!J" lot Mam hou..-!, approx hOfJ(J ~ fl w 5 bch dining & family rmi. & librory, 9•• t101J~ ""k11chen, pool & •pa 1>.J J 14 00 StsH9. 'JOO

MIO Pf:NIN8ULA Rare opponun1ty to purchaMI! .i adi0trung lots in prefened locdtion St~i» to oc ~m bey beikh , 631,1400 $925.000

BALBOA 0Cf.ANF80NT Best buy, magnific'1nt vu' from al l'NIJ<>r rms of 3 bd Tud<>f •l)ile hou>e "" 2~ ba1h, Great ar"a b.:11.A.<t?n pier' f)JJ . 1400 sew, 0()(1

UDO ISLE beauuful 2 )ly 3 bd w dining & fom1ly rrm rn.t.ru qrtn d n, hdwd ftrs & fr doors Will e,., . cha~ d()l4.1l for ~ach area 631-1400 $995,000

BA.UOA ISLAND bayfront duplex greal r •ntal un11.1 ck...e to town w'hay & city light View~ EA h wf3 bdi & loft 673 6900 $999,000


PROMONTORY BAVFRONT !'\ 1 """" r lr01ll"SJ' "· l.srge do. k Like nt'4' i W h .rr.1. \4 d, n clu 111 l ~ family rm> Mollvdh d >1:llt'r llBMJ1t 631 - 1400 ' ill'J511fl

NEWPORT HEJGHTS Oatst.nnd ng ha1bo1 •• Jlu1

\>11.~> It''' n .. .sr '""' ""' Jfn 111 I, \t'I 5 tid 110 • 11 bt-duhl11l tr.id111011a1 1>t~I 611 1400 ll r,< i (J(Kl

NORTH LAGUNA 1 ntdlly r. rnnct. l~-cl I• hd hru •9 rTn & drt t.Jd , , 1 pnn • corn. r 'lf" 1 1 i!G1 ~d t• \/Oat~r, tx-,, h & c4ny• 111 \llli\4"> t>.il 1400 $1 111 I> I

NEWPORT COAST f>d1-<rn f'i:J11 1 ' rncrr11 1m 011 • 1 1111 on BluH cul <I-. .1 ~ '"' ' ''"' r~ goll C<•lJrM l.1i.1,, ~ :· [ Ju ha11.11• !Jdtcd c,, , .u1fh>r11 dh ,, o.11 1100 } i llJO f)!)() .,

: i r,t,(I !J( NI

DANA POINT i ror.11c111ou~ O<'~,,nfront lot~ .4 m11•1 n1f1~ "11t 1.11... • u1 .'!,,; d<Mn co.nt Oki, r i htl I.om. on m1cldl lu1 v. ~n P•lrd1 /oJ.. d~n

6J 1-1400 ~:J h'J:.i 111 10

IRVINE COVE 11.~ ulllmjjll' Ill I CH11t~11rlC"1ljjfV d1·~1fjll & ffidlfi'.rtdf~ 'ipct Id Uldl .J ) I Ory f1 hcl ll1rlll! W p.111 ordmit OC~drl llU~. poc1l bi >rit 631-1400 ~:J.'~"' fJ'r1

SOUTH LAGUNA P.1.>gnrf1 nl 9 hd ~anhunt Vllla gu t house st.aff qrtrs 9ara91 for t> Cdl'~ tair to ~<.lth REDUC£:1)' b;il -14ti0 ~CJ.lXl(J1)(J(1



714-6 31-14 0 714-673-6900


. ..



PAGE 28 f SATURDAY, Janua'l'_ 16, 1993

OPEN HOUSES From one to five p.m.

Newport lslmd B.iyfront 414 38th St ret.'t Open Sunday


Lind.i Isl,.; "'('\'ion.ii 38F c..~0' y Yge dock L.. ~ . ..ahOn, pool


Bar'<"\ Est.itt SBR, 5 .58'C._~O~ ~nodcll'd

70' dat ~ . sandy beach $~,ODO

St~ BtlfrtY-' -<""' yhont 6DR, 5.SBA E._10~~w I dock Reduced~ ~ .,, cxch. down


Lido 1 '1 1~ rg.iin 38R, 2DA o~ \/ ....,O,(XX) Overs S . ..outh ~ho


Lido Isl{'"("\ -kty 38R, 38A • Q\ y ~ honw! Beamed l ':> :r. large ~ho


Cliff Hav~ '\ "\) de led 38R, 3~ C...0 y ., mnodcl

Best ~ .n Oiffhaven I $449,000




675-1058 • 631-2100

. Linda Isle Estate 6BR, 6.58A +large dock Dramatic home w /Tr on the bay $3,995,000

Linda Isle Cape Cod SBR, 4.58A, extra wide lot w~oc:k Reduood $600,<XX>, recently , fer llnd! Sl,695,000

Lido Isle Traditional 38R, SBA, fm rm., office, ~Ids, custom home Reduced $200,000, will cxch. down $995,000

Newport laland Bayfront 2BR, 1 BA cottage+ rentAI unit Boat dock. large aunny patio '"9,000



Udo Bavfront Bu-gain 4BR. 3.5 BA con temp. w I dock · South orientation- bcit t>.yhont value! Sl,195,000

Custom View Estate SBR. 4.58A new (amity home Great bey views, pcrlectlon• Sl,.595,000

Udo lale ~· ·<"\' .. ot 6BR. SBA ' o~V.nlly home Will exc.S •• ror Lado, 7200tq ft b $995,000

COIUMeulupln 3BR. 2BA, petio, wood burning firq>lace Froshly pi9.lne.t • tarpeted 119',.tOO


ORI SEACH/tOSTA ~ESA DAllY~o/ ' RE"Al ESTATC ·~ SATURDAY, January.16, 1993 / PAGC'29


ExclusJVe Orange County Afft/iates of Sotheby's International Realty .

Sally & Lorrain~ Feature Exceptional Buys * Open For Viewing Sunday 1- 4

* SOLD!! 6804 W. Oceanfront $1, 199, 000 * LORRAINE FARRLl\IGTON -fh s- '1t«FtOCH

SpedaCUW oc:.n Hwt>or & ctty hghts view. lmpeccat* de99l & taste. T otltty remod 1l1d 38R. 3BA home & customaed wtth the finest amervtaes. Bay wtl'dow In 1p1C10U$ master swte OYettookl pool & spa. .

RIDUao TO $775,000

200 PARIS LN # 310 1249Yl W. BALBOA BLVD. En,oy wonderful ocean & sunset views Town house on 13th St. from this flawless penthouse Sea Faire Fabulous ocean & bay views from this uort. Beautiful decor Most desirable two large contempe>rary townhouse. A few master suites model lmmacolate short steps to the beacft Four decks. tum-key condition. Fum1t\Jre negobable. JBA. 2 'hBA. Only 3lears new Beautiful OWNEA WIU CAflAY, TRADE. OR d & d $6 4 950 LEASE OPTION $449,90<> estgn ecof. ,

215 VIA NICE Absolutely darling and 1mmacolate remodeled home 2BR. 2Ba. aJ1 new kitchen. White ble throughout Shows like a model

REDUCED TO $469,000

CALL SAUY OR LORRAINE FOR ANY ADDrrlONAL INFORMATION Specializing in properties for sale or /~a e ... on the water ... near the water ... and with a vi~. of the water ...


24S6 W. COAST HIGHWAY 7 14 -631-1400

Preparation: Key ~hen working with a loan officer B, S•e\tn E T~

Apply1n" (0< a loan 111 not ncc~nh a ~1me•C t>n~umin 1 and d1l1tcult proces.> tua11\, 11 is a $impl procedure - 3 lo.an OJticcr completes a loan appt.uuon w.th 1he borrowers financial hi>to') . pro•·idcs th 1:nding officer \\l lh the inroaNtion, •ind rt.'CCI\ ~ pprO\al 0t d nial " 1thin 15 o.o~ In re.slitv. however, the applic.t1on. period onc:n becomes a length and tomplo proc:tdure l.uting up to 30 d.lvs

What can be done to i.implii) and ~"· i> ~1te thi) proc~ for the borrO\\N and hJ.ln oifict!rl Simple: prep.irat1on.

In mo>t 1n:Kances. borroy.:('r and t''- n IOJn office!') are not prcp;u ('(f with tht' nt'Cc ry information to proc~ 3 lo.m applic.u1on. If )'"Ou are hununs tor a I n. imply a the lo.;a.n olftcN tor .l d1(.>(U1st or th Item rcquirt'd tn com· p t•le th appliatlOn

Usually, an applicant will nl'<'d 10 pro "1de tl."CCnt pay (tub) and \ 2 f0tm or two v ar> o( 'Ux tcturn> and prot1t/1os-. ~.item nts 1f thc.-y.re lf-cmp~ed . If motl' than 25 percent ot th<- borrower') income •> dcri\lt'd through a partne~hip or corpotahon, t.u. retur~ from these companies will be required, These finan­C1i1I state-~nts are imperative '° a lend· er <:.1n det~rm1ne income. Without them, the &o.ln approval ptocess will be ~1 n1fiQntJy ~·

14• In add1llon, a complete list ol assoo and cash on hind are HSent1cll. Provide t~ lo.ln officer with the names ol ins lltutions, branches. addres1et, phone and account numben, Include all IRAs, '401 lk) plana Ind current mn or ~ge 1nf0tmadon.

Ir suppll•mt•ntat in umt• 'uch a ah­mom b bc>tn u::iot.>d to qual11~ . t>._-. ~'l to prrnlO<> rop1~ o• d1vorct• CNt1f1r.it~ and 11n;inc1.1I .1~rccm£>nt .. li:<'mcmh<>r. Jn ap· pt.ran: c:in uS<> 'upplC'menta1 inOOml' 11 1t , .. ,11 tx- u.~<'1,<'cl tor at l('a .. 1 fiv v<'ar a1t••r lhl' loon on ina11on dat~

To cn ... url' rtw apprO\JI proc'l run .. '>m thl, . ch loo,(• r\i<'r\1h1n' II Crl~11 1. poor or ·,, lhPrt' an• an\ p.1~ 11nclnc-1al d1I·

ficult•<'"' tC'll tht• loan r•ll•C'<'r

Once "clll th(' requirC'd inrorm,Jtton " sathered ma!..<' cop1~ Pr 1de photo­cop•(') 01 .lll hnanc1al s.tatt:mt•nt> )U~h a:. ch('('t... qubs, ta.' return' .lccount b.llanct> ~et-band d1\'0rcc papc-~ ~ thouch man ~n 0111~l'rs '"ll rNurn orrg1n3f, 1t I) in \ Our be<,( intcre..t and rx'.lCl~-o:·nllnd to ptO\.ide ropi~

FinJlh. a bo<rCM~r mu'l tJ~C t6pon t ·

b1l1tv i0t prolC'Ct1ng tht.•m:.t.•IH':> b\ ~P ping around tor an 1n~1lulll\n or broL.cr

and romp l:'IO : l'lf homl'\\'O'I.: Bl: tJtl :o unders:.ind : '-' d 'it.' t. n: pes oi lo.m) th<' pol c1e- assoc1a~ed ' :h :h m the appl ca:1on pro-~~ and m • 1mpor 1. nt thl' '"'t :, · " c.::l'.'r1n1: t t.? oon

A re ident of Corona dcl \tar !>ltH•n E. T.:irtaglini is president and chief C\ ·

ecuti' e officer of Colden t.ltc 8.lnL., FSB. The bani. offers a complete line or hom e lo.in products for Cir)l·time. mo\ e· up and ime tment buH 'r

Phillif=>pi named ·September award .

winner 01.1,t N<"wport Prop<'rt•l" 1' proud

to an noun< t ' th.11 Mari.)n Ph1lhpp1 ha., bN'ri n.1mt'd -,.111..., Jnd l istin~ ~g .. •nt tnr th<· month to "< ptcm"''' 1992.

Ph1llipf)1, \\h•N '>f"l'C•alt\ 1 IMn rerr.1 •' 1n < nri'n;i dd Mar, ha rl:prc'-t'ntl:'<1 i.'ittwr th< hU\''' pr S(']lcr m 11 of rh<• 1 ~ hi mt~ S()ld tn t~t .ir('J th ... ~<'.Jr. .

One ot the k<.1-s to her ~ t:CS) 1

consta ntly thinking <>I new "a~ to mJke a dwllenging marL.N "'°'k for her clients Phillipp• ha\ al~ ~n creali\.C in n('got1Jltt>nll \\1th buyer.. and sellers

" I 'm commtttc.'<.f to m.iL.in~ the sale happen," she SJ1d. " Thl• mJrL._ th dclinitl'ly changing .u1d I th10L. people arc seeing th valul' in "'l'll·prkcd listtn~ . ··

Ph1ll1ppi cu.'d1ts h •r sucn; ~ 1n the Irvine Terrace neighborhood b«au)e

she has lived Jnd worl..'-•d 1n tht• Jr('a for many )'-Par.. . She is proud 1h.1t most ol her busin~ 1n th('r(' comt" trom re terr al

Among her pt'<.'r... Ph1lhpp1 '" L.no'' n for a l..00\\~~S<' 01 ttk> m.it L.t t and anention to detail Bur ttK- rt>Jl L.\'' \ 10 ~ r success i her 10\i.- ot poop!t-

" I really en,oy worl.: inR " th people," she sa 'S ' and mJn~ o( m d tenis have become my best tu nd over the ye.us."

Coast Newport Properties is proud to h.1ve MaNin Ph11l1ppi on 1t5 teJm.

" It's fun to be 1n an ofiicc ~~re everyone works together," she said . "One person can't n~nly ch.ln the rMrket, but IS a team we can rMke It happen."

The Co.st Newport Properties off ices 11re loated at 4 Civic ptau. Suite 260, Newport BNch, (714) 6•4-1600



t" 3r)AQ ~eet M V"Fl l"'rl YAORlJTA2

PAG~ 30 I SATURDAY, January· 16, ·1993

I '

DOVER SHORES ••• Thia luxury home features an Impressive view and a li.t of outstanding features. Marble entry. Crown moldings French doora. Pella w indows. Scraped cell1ngs. Air condhlonlng. Security system Library wfth rich book.cues. tiardwoocl floors Master suite whh a alttlng room. Pool and spa .. .... . S985,000

LINDA ISLE ••• Serene elegance. On the bayfront Great noor plan. Five bedrooms. Four and on•haH bath•. LMng room haa 24 foot celling1. View Chrt.tmas bOat parade. Dock wlll accommodate a large yacht. Land 11 ai.o avallable lor purcl'l~ Price reduced to . .. ...... $1 ,490,000LH

KINGS ROAD ••• Custom home bulh to capture the moat spectacular water vlew1. Including both channels tht amnnc:e 10 ttla hatt>or and aunNt vlewa ol Catahna Bedrooms are located on bott't floors EJecttte 11airway chair allowt conYanlant access to tl'la mast• avtt1 &ceptlonally wan built .. ... . .... . ..... S1 ,425,000 Open l at·lun. 1-4:30 ..... 1201 KJnee Roed

CLIFFHAVEN ••• There Is . quite 1lmpty, no other r~ence on the martcet today which oftera the tl'loughtful environment of this authentic English Cottage Three bedrooms. Three and o~alf batl'l1 There's a view to be savored, an Impressive pool and a separate guest cottage ....... St .395,000

THI! VINTAOl! ••• Thls Terrace condominium is located ~ the Pf"~ Vinlaga ~ Club tfl Indian Wiiia Th11 apec:llCUlar propafty ii louted on Iha penthouse level ovarlooklng the golf tolne, pool, llld mountam1. Featuring expansive use of ~. granite. oall llld top qulllTy hardwata S 1.295.000

LONQ BEACH ••• Rart oppor1unc1y to buy ao much square footage In the 11clutlva Bixby Knolls area. Two story Sil bedrooms Four Ind one- hall balht Thia custom home· a l#llqUe mUll-purpoee deUgn lllow9 lor maid 1 quarttfa wnh a HP•ata anlJy Immaculate Inside and ou1 St ,t99.000

BIO CANYON ••• Motlvated??? la thla 1tllar really motivated??? Juat conalder this. Orlglnal fitted price was St .295.000 Ust price haa beet'\ dropped to S950.000 Sell9f wanta to ... an offer1 Poputat Plan One. Thrae wings Muter wing. Chlldreo'a

~'~el Ma~d :~ .~u~e.~.' ... ~ .. ~.~.~.~ .. ~~~~.~ Open l a t-lun. 1-4:30 •• 4 Wlfteed 'oot Ulne

NEWPORT 81!.ACH ••• lllCC>rM property. Fan­lafttc vt.w of the bay. Two atory. Two upper unlta, two Iowa< unh1. White sandy beacfl II • favorite launching spot for wind aurfera, kayakert and the like. Centrally and convenlentty located. Good aolfd Income. Easy to rent units ........................... $875,000

Ll!MON Hl!IOHTS ••• Drutlc pric. redudlonl Must 1tltl Custom l'lome. OM-half Kre. Park Mk• Mttlng. Views from every room. Four or ftva bed­room•. Three bathe. Huge family room Two alf condlttonen. Two furnaces Large family kitchen. Submit .. ofter• ..................................... sns.ooo ~....., 1-4:ao ... 1aaaLa Lw °"" DOVWR SHORU ••• Every once In• whlle an eW1taordlnary property eomea on the mark.C. Thia It auch a property. MllQnlflcent atrium entry. Single atofy. Four bedrooms. llvH baths. Thia home haa ... that ttretch .. fat .. your lmagtnlitlon. Thl9 II a treatufe ................................................. $125,000 ~ ._., 1~:ao .. 1IOO Sent .... DrM

JT hT;>3 JA3R ro uq v JIAO A;>=tv - ... ""' ,.."' .. '"'l .P Tpf'qw.,·• NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA OAJLY ptLOT I REAL ESTATE


CORONA HI. llM •• .Just wNlf "*• ttila proJ*ty worth the money? TWo 1hlnQa. OM It the e~ld loclltk>n. "The other la the uncommon roe. Thi• charming ~ .. locllted just thrff doorl from Ocean Boulevwd It'• 11tuated on a 45xt18' lot. the ~ are liml'ltesa ....... __ ,, ........ ...... . ·-·· .. --·· $749,000

BAYCReaT ••• Priee reouc.dl Lovely family ori­etlted neighborhood. FOl.f apecb.- bedloomL Tlvea ball'll. Thia home linclUdlt an UW'lded kltdlln whlctl opanl onlO • ~ pdo Ind pool Prtvata tnalller suit• complete wtth courty•rd and ap•. Lushly landlc:aped. Securtty galed '"""· .. ·- ........ - ..... $589.000

HST Nl!WPORT ••• This duple• la steps away from the OCMn. Large Comtf units wftl'I ~ed patios. TheM units haw bMf'I exttemety well ~ t.alned. ~ un" la four t>.droom•. two battla.

~ .. ~ ..... ~~ .. ~ .. ~~~~ ... ~ .. ~ ... =oU HARBOR HIGHLANDS ••• Thia horN la eml­nenttv pradtcal. Ave bedrooms. Four balha. ~ proximately 3100 square fMt Extra large lot. Hew lchchen appllancM. Reftnlahed kttchen cabfnet.a. Near new floor c0Yerlng1. TWo nreplac:... Two forced air tumacea. New roof. Very w.11 ~I

.................... -....... . . . .......... _.$575,000

BAYCRl!ST ••• h takn onty ru to realize this II• horN of ex~tlonaf~ . A hlg~• feifld JOC:aflOn. Lilge rnanl'C"" t. Slnc:l'e i.vel. Fout bedrooms. SeCtuded muter ault• lwo and on-half batha. Conan kitchen. Air-conditioning and more..... ... .. . ..................... . ..... . ....... . SS49.000 ()peft........, 1-4:aG •• ao21 ............. Lw

BAYCR•aT ••• Enough la enough! WMte heve you been? Thia la OM of the flnMt homM In the .,.._ tr• been on the mattl.C a yMt and haan't I04d. 0u1 or town owntr'I want thle propeir1y QOM Ind have reduced the prtce eccordlna!Y. Now trutv. the best vlllue In the .,.., Four becfl'Ooma. Thr .. b~tha. M~ maJntalned ................... $495,000 op.n .. ..._.. 1~:• . 1e1a Luwanl Lw

BAYCMaT ••• ExceollonaltY wet lltUated. Bunt· Ing wtltl polllbllllee. ,. . ..,.... pctct. ~ "°°' plan. Four bedrooms. Two and one-half bathe. G~ propo!1lollld tOQme. BeeullflA courtyard. Ouallty you can ... Combt you can fMI ......... $485,000

NlltllaULA. •• Ptlee ~I Cu91om duplft. Steoe from the ~ wtltl an oceian Yl.w from the root top dectc. &ult In 11115, Ihle home shows bMuttfully. Cathedral cellngl. IMge petlo. CtoM fO

~ .... ~ .. ~ .. ~~ .. ~ .. ~.~ .. ~79~ llAYCMaT ••• Ptlee r~I Thie home com­pllmenta Ra Ndn ~· Four bedrooms. Two and OM-helf Wthl. Hew paint. Hew ewpetl ~. 8craoed ~ Two hp&acea. LatQe plHNp9d IOl ~ fwo C# glnge.1435.000 0.- .__, 1 ...... t.01 Traill w1 Ill Lw

naTCUPl' ••• Price reduced! Come end ... thlt d-* Seurteovent home. Ol'tglnlll owner. Wood bNmed ~ In the IMng and famly roome.

~~~~~~I:· :ma~ Or..e pote11t191 .............................................. ~


• LAGUNA BeACH ••• ~ ~ ~t A romantle Ndeaway Tflete • a ..,.. of romance and an edge of eacftement to ~ here Thll home r990NtM wttl'I cl'\Wm, ar~ and warmth Two bedrooms Two Ind OM-half balha P~ 09k floora

· Beamed c.lllngt. PrMte k>t Wftn a wNte water ..,... ... .... ... .... .. .. -·- 5' 79 000 ~....,,., 1-4:MUO L1•reft Ser.et

N._ORT BUCH ••• Prtce reduced! WMn you hut ''HWbof V\ew Knob .. you tNntl locatk>n, tranquillt)' Ind chatm Countiy like Mtang Sweet> Ing vtewa of the followtna Nb ~ Saddlebectc .,. 'lialbte from moJt rooms ln this thtM bedroom. two lllld OM-·h.111 balh home . . ........ .•. .. '389,000

CORONA Dl!L M.AR ••• SandQ1t1e condo­minium End unit Two bedrooms Two baths N~ ly UC>Qr8ded Tile entry ltalan matbte flr-eptace W8' bat." Sun room SQaped c.iungs. Shutt.,. throuol'I· <>Yt. Within wallllng distance to Ful'llon Island, S-... bOa Island and the beach .... .. 1299.700

BAYCRl!ST ... Thit i. one of the be9t ptk:ed proptf1y In Newpof1 8Nch s... .. ~ 9l'Ct extremety motMted Slngte at<>ty Four bedroom Two...bath..~ ~ ~ 811tll "'• ~. Two cat attached garage ... -· .. 1295.000 °'*' ht¥rd87 1.a ••. ~ •• 1.0. ................

11.-.PORT BUCH •• .At>M>tutety adofll* Thia enonnouary llt!.'11C1tve .. ting la attua1ed In one of the dnlrable locatlonl In Newp<>Jt BMch Thla one ~. hloh PfalM fOf lta talteflA •menltiM Freach doors F'°'f'eneh wli'ldows. Scraped ~ A must .... . .. ... .. .. ........ - ..... .-.ooo llllWPORT CRHT ... Thtt ~ 1a pncect to Mil A most aougl'll after Plan 4 wo atory LMVt muler badtoom wfttl r•MI. b.*ony Ind "' OCMn ..

PTMlit ~ ~·· Pool Sp&. Tame lMoa doubla gnga. EJdra Plt1dng lor ~ . - ._$255.000

. POUllTAJN VALLllY ••• Poputar parbkM eetate ~ opernlng to a lo\ltfy backyatd. Single *>fY Thf'M bedfoorN One and ~ betha. Sepw-. formal d!Nng room wttt\ a &ult., cabfnet. Marble er1Cry floor ..... .. ...................... $237,000

USTalDa coaTA ••SA. .. lklMdabte R-2 lot. °""" comet localon. EJdlllng two bedroom. home C*I prO'MI sold ,.,. Income unll ~ .. rMdy to CONtNd two condon*'klml on HI CO!Wtlillll • " Fenced yard. °"8c:tled ""991 - ...... _ ...... - .. '225.000

naTCUl'P •• .Altotdable. Y9C you muet he~ en ..,. tor pDlllbl!M • .....,,, loclllOn. Two bedrOOMI Two and on.NI beh. £Jara larga ,,_ bedrooma. ~ In tia Mno room °"" psllo. -*' Wlldng c11111naa "°"".,...,... you need.·--- aoe.ooo COaTA llmaA. .. w..._wiect. w~ ~ In ... ~ Two llOfy. One Mdroom plul Conftftfbte dtn Ot two bedroclfft. One and ............. °"' of lie ,... localorll In lie ~ tn "*'I condlllon. ........ ~ ...... _ ............ , • • ooou-t 0.- ..... , 1M •• 1411 PM1a:n 1lr °"9le



Gail Grabner 548-3199

773-603.3 pager ... . • ... '

Be.iuuful rcm..xlclcd !'cwpon He1ghh wu;iec l 1kr: 1

new home tn nk & oul : bcdrl'•om1. 11.11h lm -.1ndQv. Lhr~l~ h.t~ floorr l..ll:ht .ind Bn,ht' ~Wl.000

--· - --- . __ ~ 1lf ()WJ, 'JJ'U!mn dlOHte on Top of tbt World in an Clemente

199.000-~29,000 1.3 ac. - 2.58 ac. Inc edible p.ar cb Beau11ful c,n, roouot.i n cit\ u(ht \IC"' ' Build th~ ~ll1m.11c home un tht)C Lu l\ room tor tcnn~ roun p<Xll In '(duJcd. pmatc Jc\clopmcnt, nl~ ~1 lob llllmc.\ ~ '1 SI .; m1lhun Trcmcn~xi' potcnhal tor .ipprcciation \ppn1'cd t:1tcd ummunit~ Prupl~d

Ii f:t.'11 ursc Where cl ruuld ~'It! hnJ w~h !Jrgt l1•t' with th~~ ''C"'\ 1~1r the~ prllC'' \\ r Jc T .\RBELL, Rultors l Corporate Plaza ~ewport Beach

~-•• . . " . . . ) . . ~ . . -.__ _ _ ..i.;..;;.:::::;;::.,;~-....:...-- · • •• -~---......

_Coldwell Banker exceeds '91 Toys for Tots donations

<.. nld\i\. II Bank r South« rn C.lli torr\l.t ..... r.lpj)('d up t~ 't ar with oinolh •r 1.int.htrc d1 play of \upport tor th U s \\.\nnt" Corf)) Rt~"'~ Tu few- Tot r.lmp•ugn

b.c ~1ng lt1\f 1991 don•ttons, the Southwn C.1lirorn1t1 c>ktwell Banket olfK ·~ rt•apt'tl 11 bountiful coll<'ct1on ol rlonJtt"Ci. toy> from tht m<'mbCrs of tti cummun1t1cs, in ~rlt• of the local drop 1n contnhutiun ,

Yit'lding mOfe \Nn a 1,500 un~rclpJX'(J gifts '°' ch1ldrl'n throughout ~outh rn Californl•, Coldwell 8.ink r

au omph .. he<I whJt thl. \ t' pl'-t '{J to t ~rt'\ - to till .h m.m~ l'mpl\

o.t<'l<'k1n~ firt•plJCC h drth l)f

und rpm 1 l~'<f children ' cir Jm' t,1 a holida gift

Coldwdl Banl..N wa., the fi,...t natlt>nJI r~1dcnt1 al n•al estJh' comp.ln\ to pon..or the Ton for l ob pn>gr.l m ,1nd

has rcm,11nC'd .l t l\l' • n r. 1'18 7 founded in J 4 , lu-y,, lcr lot hJ~ f!VOIH-<l from a '' 1.111 l ~ng••lt .11c.1 proj ~t to a n.1t1om' ch· c. 1mp.11~n. prov1dtng,oy.. to m • ~ ' > c; h1fclr1•n durin~ the h<>l1dJ)


SATURDAY, January 16, 1993 I PAGE 31

EDGE CUFF ... JEWB Of THE SEA.'°~···· .. •· $3,950,000 This INg!Olfic~ tn-levd • bedroom ""laSt of rare erchttecturel soph1st1c(: on end pa11tSteklngly ddatkd Claftsmenship WM blended ot merol( & gtantt and ~~ Ill 1989 PanofTMIC view of Cetahna lsWd. Big ( ()(OM end ~ Jetty with dnmatic rodes and ocean spwmlt~

FOUR 8EDROOM · + GUEST HOUSE/VIEWS ...... $~11t91,7()q "" Ocean Y1CW estate sue parcel With pnvate oeacn

access FOtM ~~. separate ~ house end btth plus lush gardens ewo1ts your ~ Huse master suite With lounge and Yl<W\09 <kclcs of mo)CSUC hll!Sldes ood blue pacific 'Wee fireplbees thr«<at garoge ood tons ot storage '

SPANKING NEW OffEllNG $465 000 Top tlrght QUOhty & newty built tron( UM beautlf\.l ly finished 3 ~droom, 3 '"' both coodomlntum home Vau1ted ce1hogs, upper P'tJO ~ louoge and dining Vlewtng bot· cony 2-ar enclosed garage and ~ foe 1ty pius bu11t-1n freezer retngerator com­bonauon !Jghl, bngtlt, auy and south of · PC H m okf Corona <:kl Mm.

HEW Of'fEJUNG ... _.,_. ...... _. $619,000 FestidlOUSly rd>ullt home ood income 1nt spefln9

costs foe h19h q11thty Nleflek Oftd­~ Hardwood flooo, used bock ood rnortat wood bl.ming firepleces, quaint bnck c~"Yord ond ttne<er portang plus new t ~ OCtPt ~ concrete fOOCJngs

OH THE BEACH W/SEPAAATt GUEST HOUSE $!,391,500 Picking fresh trut for o we~ k*I from ttces Ill tne guest hOuse C~ IS 0 speciOI treat_ OS

1s thi"\ ocean bluff home & separat< beach house EJloy the colnwlg SOIMldS ol Sllf from <rth<r of the VICwtll9 tenaca wt.ch overk>ok o fatn<M buc.h & lots of )ocht hort>Ot u citancnt

O¥ftB Wl1 llADE LUGE M.DAllE LOT ........ $415tOQO

A Wge ~ *Mt percd ~ bulidlnS p&or\S for • new ~~ ~ home " ~ ~ ~cuon ~ IPPfOV., ~ arr his ~ ~&~thc~fortl800 sq ft bulldlng jlat t\oYO bb:b to the wet a·~

f.d9e Owner w.ii tt.x.


PAGE 32 I SATURDAY, January 16, 1993 .. Unaerstanding tax laws that benefit-homeowner----By Karen Lynch. Pr..ot t, C~ 'OO!la RcJ•t

It '!> bcc:n pupulJr Im year!> to bJ!>h the fl •dc·r ,1J gu\ ernmr·nt for 1ts bewildering l.1., '> Jnd m1,gu1d1:d d1rect1on - not to nwntiun 1ts fJilurP ' " give hope to tlw pt.'\ipll'

:\cvcnhele!>!>, there are some laws and rule.•!> th.it do benefit ho meowners and 1m <-">turs with import.int tax breaks.

Mo!>t re.ii (•SL.lie investors underst.lnd 1lw 103 1 rule that deals with exchanges. )imply rut, the law says if you have a p1<·c.c.• o inve!.tmcnt property known as 1111 1>flH.' or rental property, you are .1ll11wl •d to exchJnge 1t for another piece. Y<1L1 Jrt: essenti.i lly trading equity for a "li l..c f..ind" piece o f property. You can tr.1de a warehouse for an apartment uuilding, an office building for a piece of I.ind providing 11 comes under the 1 .ltl'g1,ry of an 1nv~tment. This tax ck:lc>rrcd opportunity 1s used endlessly t'ollh \-Car to benefit a taxpayersby d1·l.1v1ng thl' g.i1n that will uft1mately be p.1 d I•> Un< 1,. Sam

In a !>1m1lar way, a residential homc·owner !>l'll1ng his/her principal

. ,

Newport-Mesa Realtors named to state committees

)<·vc.·n mt•mbcr!> o f the Nt-wpurt·M t:sJ A!>c,oc1at1on of· f<1•,1ltor) hJV(:

bt·l'n appointed ru ..erve on the .1,1tew 1dc.• r c.mm11tct'!> o t the.· Californ1J A!>soC1at1on of !<(',1hors IC A R l

MJrgar('t Ciit:dc"kc. 19'J3 A~S' >C1Jt1"n l' r• ''>tclt•nl. .in11<1unfl d ti ·-· Goed cke tr1lluv.1ng .1p1HJ1111ments· B.irbJr.l Ano~l...idt('r l .rnc.J UJt• and rm 1runmt·n1 .Jl u1mm1ttl'c, Dun ()1 · l homt1'>, Lllld111rdfT cnant 1 omm11lt•(• .ind Re.1ltor Consuml•r l'11..1tcrt1on < r1mm1t1c.·c. Doug I lcx.kctt, CunsumN lnwstmcn t rwum, JoAnne Perkins, Common l ntc:rt~t Sulx:fiv1!>1un committee, rum Sutro, CARNET Advisory

c.1)mm1ttec, Computer and Busin<..'\S rechnology committee, and Multiple fating Service committee Jnd Zackary Wright, Professional Standards comm ittee. Goedeke will serve on the EduCclLional Services committee' and the Local Covernm£'n1'1I RelJtions committee Tricia Mooce. CAE, fxl.'Cut1ve Vice President, was Jppointcd to the Executive Offic('rs !>leering committee and Pension .rnd Retirement Investment comm1uee

As C.A R. Directors the Newport-M esa rcpresent.ltwes will attend quarterly C.A .R. meetings to WO<k on a wide range of projects with the goal of improving the quality or service ottered to the public bv the real estate lndu~ry. They w ill also encourage the preservation of private property rights.

reside~ can also benefit by the 1034 Rule. rssentially, this " rollover rule" has been used for resid ential tax deferral for many, many years. Section 1034 is filled w ith tcchntcal language that is better left for tax lawyers and CPAs to decipher. And as a matter o ( fact, it is mandatory for the homeseller about to dose a transaction to deal w ith a pro fessional who will help structure the d etails o f the 1034 provision. Translated it means the gain generated from the sale of a peoonal residence is taxable in the year of the sale.

However, the 1034 offers homeowners a great chance to defer the profit on the sale o( their principal residence. Even better, if your former home has appreciated greatly over the years, you will be able to use that build-up to pay for your next property.

If you purchase a new home for the s.ame or more than the selling price o( the former residence, you are able' to defer your gain from the fi rst ho use. That 1s, even though you may have a huge gain. you are allowed to roll that gain into a new property.

I ( (or S(Jmc reason, you purchase a

home that is somewh.lt le>s than the home you sold, you will be taxed on the d ifference of the two properties. l ike most sections nf the Internal Revenue Code, you cannot make any misul..es nor c.an you bend the rules what.socv<.>r, they mu t be followed exactly.

For this reason, real est.lte representatives best serve their clients by comm unicating this opportunity exists and then urging the homesellcr to seek p rofessional advice from an attorney, CPA or other financial adviser. Under no cire,umstances should 11 realtor help- a - . client structure the, program to dcfor the profit on the first home unless the realtor happens to be a CPA o r attorney. Even a small change in the rules m ight undo the provision that ~ homeowner is seeking.

The length of time is absolutely fixed to a maximum of two years. It canno t bt.­extended due to hardship, death, illness, forgetfulness o r any-o~cr excuse or reason. The new prtn p.il residence mu~ be purchased and oc pied within two years after the sale of the old principal • residence. The homeowner may b uy the new'"rcsidence beforttsclltng the old "'"'P

Ka~en lynch

Js long as the ht) l r('S1dence 1s ~Id \>\lthrn the two )PM period.

A princ1p.1I rcs1dencE.> dO<'S not ha be .i trdd1t1onal home. It can be a condominium. a hou)(? boat, J mob horn<! or land upon which o1 new s<>ins to be bu1h If )'OU arc thinkin selling your Curr nt home and bu1I new home. be ~urc you ..:onsult \'\l

pro!~ 1onJI 13.\ pcrv · " solidi()· ~o p<)')itron

1993 Rally According to r om \' 1lli.11

pruident or Cold"C'll 8.an" Sc>ull'tt rn C:.lifoml1, the Or County r!&lon of ColdMll e r r«enlly held ih 1993 k raUy 1t the Hy.in Rtgency,J

Enlightening c.1p.ac1ty •ud ences. \\tll·"-ri°""n ult• s~ Or. Clifford Baird 1pob 1t l event.

Plctur~. from ltft, are D Clifford B•lrd ind Cold~tll "' Br.inch M.ln•gers Chef)I H~ner, lone Buch; M k h Cr~,-<:0tt.a Muarlbn Huntington Harbour; J~ South l.lgu~; Mille Watson

lun.i BHch; Collttn Mehr i~trsldt; Joe umelot. Cl.ar

emo n1; Tom \V1ll i1ms, presi of Cold"' t ll B•nbr Souther ifornia; Joe Un~, YortM Lind ChC'rle tllrtm.an, 01n1 POIO On.lrcJ K1ll1on, l.iL..: ruru l, D.irryl Nt l5on, Mission Vitj

Real estate sales · · · • . . ... -Re<enr rNI ~<Jt~ 1.1/e as ~«/ by L~ Conti·

ncnrJ/ L<>wyf'rJ Tit~ Co. "' S.int.1 NM.

Costa Mesa u 287 flower SL, S2S7,SOO, 2 bedroom, 1 b.llh to Scott Pt>ttro o J2J7 lcbho Pl .. S257,000, • bedroom, 2 ~th lo C.CroW' f' An.tst

o 3220 Oel<awue Pt., S2 t0.000, J bt.'<lroom, 2 b.l1h to Oougl.u 0 Brown 0 J16s BHmud.i Or., S2• o.ooo. • bedfoom, 2 luth tu Don.aid 0 Br.idley o 1629 1.alutr St., S 188,000. J ~rOCJm, .1 b.a1h to lft'I lu1

o 2959 Country O ub Or., 1329,000, l bedroom, 2 l»th lo ~mond Nitt11Ch o 1649 P.tl•u Pl .• s 2so.ooo. l bfodroom, 2 b&th to Wilham H lhorpr o 1651 SMt•r P't., S2l5,000, l bedrootn. 2 b.ith to Willi.am H KttlH o 2145 lol Viau Or •• $29 1,000, • bftlfoom, l l»lh to Minh A. N~ o us1 Alab.lma a., ueo,ooo, • bedroom, J ~ to. Otnntt C Nonillrom o J>OJ Flotlda a .. Uls,ooo. • bedroom, 2 b.alh 10 Ali ft. l<hotr .1tn6h.ihi o 1 '82 ahode ''Ltnd a .. s 1 es.ooo. l b«ftoom, 2 b.lth to , .. ,.,. R..ahlmi

o I 703 New H.tmplh'r•, 1216,000, J bfdtoom, 2 bith to Coro S..lcurtll .. o 940 Cotoftado Or., S222,SOO, • bedt00m, 2 b.tth to IOMph W. Dteh.ln

0 2791 Fr.anclt une, 1218,000, l bedroom, l bath lo Jon Schr~k

Newport leach o 6804 W. Ocun f'ront, S960.000, 2 bedroom, 1 b.ath 10 E.zut A. Milch.ail o 215 CH.at St., S2• S.OOO. J bedroom, l b.llh to )<l~ G N1~11in

o •4S Seville Ave., S42S,OOO, 1 b«lroom, I b.irh to MICh.lel I Kim o SUS fl Modena Ave., 140 ,000. J bedroom. 2 b.ath IO .)<Mph f 8r1And o l5S2 O rde Or,, S750,000, to Ocobt• 0 81bb o 75 Und.a 11i.. 11,092,000, 5 brdt«im, 5 b.ath 10 ~mt't H Mel.a~

0 11 Und.i l1le. S 1,756,000. 5 bcodrQom, 4 b;ilh 10 Milt.on I Ousin D '9 Und.i lale, S1 ,97S,OOO, 5 bfodrnom 6 b.ath to M1b fe<ry

0 2211 l.AytW. 0r .• s 1.100,ooo. 1 bedroom,, 1 b.Jdl IO ~ l tndborg o 1906 HIPLwf Or., U2S,000, l bedroom, 2 b.ltll to ();Md M. Ulle

O)OOI Com Pottonno. S•&o.ooo. to MfcNel Sp.lief 0 1 Plneft11nt lane S91S.OOO, s bedroom. 3 ~th to John W1lion

0 60 aGyal S.int Ceora•, Sl ,100,000, S bedroom, J blttt to J.H. Stret't o 2l Auau•LI lane, S 1,260,000, 4 bedroom, l bid! to Jillt'l A. SiKo O 11 c,,,_, ...._.LIM, HlS,000, S btdtoom, )

b.a1h 1c1 W1ll11m I Au.a£1no O IS Cormounl C1.. UI0.000, 10 JJmt"\ s~ell

O 22 Egret Ct., Sl 10,000 tu ~,y L C..1u~ O 1 Ch;adbourne Ct., S2.900.000. 5 bt-droc h.)1h 10 J.ai.on I 11 ... .lng o 7 C•nyon Cl. S9C.O.OOO, J lkodronm • b r I f uN!l.ash1 o 97 Peliun CL, Slll,500, 10 l11ur• A M•n• o 1ao1 Tops l~ une sa2s.ooo, 4 b.lth m • Robcft P C. lrfred ~ " ' SU1do1Ut Or SSS0.000. l l>ttlroc b.11h 10 Amir C"MK-m• P lo..7 Port Prm~e Pl., S52S.OOO, l btd ) lMth to St~n P 9~rooty O 1'US Po11 lri\lol CL, S.o447,SOO. J ~ b.lh 10 kff1~ A. Ht'lmlM 0 1924 PC>fl lrltlol 0., '765,000, • · bfd b.lth 10 MJ1il C.audlO

o 1153 POtt Shtfr .. 1ct. SSS0,000, • btd bith to ~ Vl'f'l('11.t

a 1211 Key ~ S700.000. J btd b<tth to Crepy A PK c.hw • o 121' ec.et Or .. 1561,SOO. • btdraom, 2 Vic10t E ~n o 1111 Port Ath~ rt., ~as,ooo . .. b.lth IO llllnft S Wfut~ c U29 K.MI Or., $510,000, • btdroom, l J.amn S. Whttehoutl 0 J 720 .. Key, s l, 100.000. 4 btdroom, J 21 ~~ ROid. H67,500, J ~ J to SUnley O. Friedman

ga a r

\ .


OWNER S~\YS : "WE'RE MOTIVATED" I OVERSIZED LOT. Upgraded Mon­aco Modet Plans for 1.800 sq. ft. ex­pansion, an on one kwet. Fabulous $75,000 price reduction REDUCED I t.-74,900.

MODEL PERFECT-View Carmel model in Ph. Ill, on very largeprivatecometlce. Many attrac·

tiveupgrades. $5391000


LOW-LOW PRICED COM DUPLEX Fane location, great 1nc0me: 2 BR/2 BA plus 3 BRl3BA, new paint. newer carpets. large deck and more I REDUCED! $424,500.


Fme property and excellent location Monthly income 1ust under $3,000 N\.!w roof, many upgrades Ad1a· cent "twin• duplex ava1~ at same pnce. $419,000

J Bedroom, family room,. French r-------------­doors, & windows. ceramic ttle. ABE YOU REFINANCING? choice location. Near school & WE HAVE FIXED RATE ANO AD­greenbett SA69.ooo JUSTABLE RATE MORTAGES


295,000? Lovely, "'iet loca­

JIOO,. 4 BRs and 2 5 baths. attached 2 car oar Brand new carpet & paint Close to schools/ churches I Harbor view Homes the ;'.'ort Streels - ttie best value tn all or ~e,,.,port Beach. Call us. we nave

represented over 150 buyers or sellers wfllle sel1Jn9 011er 120 nomes In Harbor v lew I tomes

, Local realtors reaclrtheir goal­

Ccu~lia O~ Cron•, left, and Diana Carpel

Re/Max shopping winner Congratulations to Cccclta De Crona

L 1 E.htside C~a Mesa "'"ho was the luc~y winner of a S 1,000 N<>tdstrom gift \ l'rt1f1C.lte.

OtJna Cappel .:.nd StC\IC West o( Re/ \\ali South County helped sponsor the drawing Cappel and We-st mailed about 800 entry forms in their Bayer~. ~l',.,.port Beach and EaSb1de Costa M(.'S.1 fJrm areas. \\/hen De Crona rt"Cc1vcd her 1t1J1lcr she quickly responded.

"Thank you," she S..lid. " It re.illy p.>ys tu Ii t )OUr home wilt> agcnb who are ·~:rvice oriented and go the ci<tra mile."

CuppclM'est are the listing .1gents for· Oc Crona's three-bedroom. two-b.lth home, with a spacious master suite. For J personal tour, call Cappel or West at (714) 760-5000, ei<t. 120.

for food drive The 70,000 cans coll<.'Cted by the

Newport-~ As.soc1atton o( Realtors marlr.ed the succ~ of the as.soc1Jtton's seventh annual Chn~mas C.:.nTree campaign. Members o( the as.soc1at1on organ11ed food dm~ 10 benefit the .. Sal"atton Army of Or.mge County

"This was the first year "'e chose not to set a numerical go..11 for our CanTree collection." SJ1d Stan al(, 1992 C.1nTrcc chairman. "II was agrN>d that our goal would be 10 do th(' b<-.. t we could do. So I am extremely proud of the f.lg('nts efforts to raise o"er 13,000 morl' cJm than \\ere coll('(tl-d tn 1991.

All CanTrce part1c1panb and winners ol the 1nteroff1ce compc11tt0n Jr<.' 10 be rec<>g11izcd al the association' Janua') general member hip me tins f1(')I and second place aw.uds will be pr~ ntcd to offic~ based on category size .lnd the most cans collC'Cted pcr Cdp1ta

This year·~ winner~ "'en? Single Olf1Cl' category Jackie Gilh~ 788 cans. SmJll office category Real Estatrr Realty Networ~ 26,000, Waterfront Homl'), Balboa Island 125, Medium office c.ategory. The Dalebout Assoetat1on 3,260. Prudential Newport 1, 122 Jnd th<' large office category Coast Newport Properties 20,000, Tarbell Realtor~ 4,512.

Other off i<es contributing to the collection were: Metro Realty, Vali.'nltn(! Properties, Grubb & (lits, Watcrf ront Homes, PCH, Coldwell 8Jnkcr C~t.l

S.ATURDAY, January 16, 1993 I PAGE 33

Friday at Spm that is. Take advantage of our extended deadline for your Saturday listings. ¥ou now have until Friday at Spm

to place your ad 1n Saturd~y's Classified. Call Classified at 642·5678 to place your advertismg.


Grubb & Ellis took first for the Most Creati"e C.1nlree and Mo~t lmpro\-ed Office.

M(.>)J, Prudential CA Realty. REMA.X, Cc ldM~ll Ban~cr, NC\\-port Beach, 8.1nk of Amenc.1 LC>Jn Center, Ro ten Realty, Sand~ lnvestm nt and Fan~I Walker, Realtor .

Add1t1onal awards "'ill be pr~nh.'Cl to The O.ilcbout Association for Most Tr.1d1tion~I CanTrre and J>rudent1al Ca hf omia Realty will receive The

Pr~ 1d<.>nt '!. A, ... ud Grubb ~ El 1!. t 1~ th pnze tor Mo!>t Crcat1\.e Ca '1 T ru~ :incl Most lmpro~l-d 0 1ficc.

The Nl'\vport-Mc'SJ A\SOCtaaon of · RcJltO() spon~rcd three C<lnT11.'<• lund raise~ which endudro a l hNtw ,-; &ht J

r.lfflc tickN drtvc and a ~ntJ Photn Da\ A donation of S 1 ,300 w <b .Jlso mJd to the Salv.uion Army.

l ....



..Jl ft.1~:! -t~n I I .>.J I , .J ~-fl '-'JV'''"''" .... r u ,, NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT-/ AEAl EST

COVER HOME ''La Roca'' Design House '92

Tarbell, Realtor's Preferred -Properties Oivisio presents "La Roca" the home of Mrs. Joh Wayne. This spectacular Back Bay estate w transformed by 26 professional interior designe into Design House '92.

No expense was spared in the approximately 8,000 square foot floorplan. Five customized· bed­room suites and seven and one-half baths.

Eour firepJ~cesJn all. Home office ·retre.at.~rty planning room, artists' studio & veranda and wine cellar. The lavish foyer boasts marble floor af1d a spiral staircase with hand sculptured and etched glass panels.

The formal dining room features a crystal buffet and mirrored walls along with twelve-inch crown moldings and columns.

John Wayne's retreat, a suite of rooms includes bath, sauna, library, retreat, built-in bar and roof­top high French doors overlooking the bay.

A spectacular' kitchen offers double refrigerator/freezers, two dishwashers com­mercial stove. Faux limestone tiJe and a Corian counter top offer a classic look.

Outside you'll find a fantastic pool, spa and sauna along with a fantastic ten nis court and viewing pavilion.

Priced at $3,900,000

• For more information call Preferred Properties Specialist, Judy Muncy, 729-7161 ............. __________________________ ___

Prudentia l Ca l Realty wins Can Tree P- esident's.-Awa r-d

The Newport-MeS.J Association of Rt-.iltors' CanTree Committee presented 1l!> Ptl's1dcnt's Award to The Prudential Clliforn1a Realty for "an incredibly cr<.•at1ve and unique Christmas tree," Jccording to CanTrec chairman Stan Sax.

The tree, made of rows and rows o( c.:mnC'd goods. was decorated with authentic Lithuanian ornaments by Prudential sales associate laima Prcdkelis, ,.,.h~ parents are from Lithuania.

The ornaments. all handcrafted by L.11ma and her family over a period o ( <,t•veral >Cars, are made of white drinking '>lra\vs to form stars. lanterns, tulips, lilies, .,nowflakes and other traditional shapes.

" Everyone in Lithuania decorates their

trees 1n exactly the same. way," Predkelis said, "so it creates a real sense of kinship every Christmas. I thought it would be wonderful to create that same feeling of goodwill and fellowship in our Canltree display."

The President's Award was created last year to provide an additional ackno .. -vtedgment to the reaJ estate community for its tremendous participation in the CanTree food drive.

"Our goal last year was 45,000 uns and we collected 58,000," Sax said. "This year, in spite o( the rec~ion, we collected in excess of 70,000 cans."

The food goes to the SalvatJon Army, and It is then distributed to needy f.lmilics in the Costa Mesa Mca.

l..aima Predkelis (left) of Prudential California Realty, displays ~nTree President' s Award with Maxine Montgomery, vice president/man· ;aeer of the Newport leach ~tee.

Peters and Shuler named top sellers December 1992 proved to be a

banner month for the team of Ann Peters and Suzanne Shuler of Grubb & Ellis, Newport Beach office.

Through persistence, unique customized marketing plans and lollow4hrough, Peters and Shuler were named the top producers of the SO·p;erson office for December 1992.

Both are broker associates and maintained a successful record all year long. Not only are they respected by

their clients, but also by associates. The dynamic duo believes that

caring for clients' needs enables them to do the best job possible for buyers and sellers. Shuler and Peters successfully represented both buyers and sellers on many transactions during the year~ This speaks highly of the trust their clients place in tne team's honesty and professionalism.

Call them at 644-6200, Grubb & Ellis. 23 Corporate Plaza, Suile 190. Peters Shuler

'9~ third .qu.arter winners nanied by Coast Newpo

Coast Newport Propert1(.') has stayed lop of the industry by the u~ of creat1 and innovative marketing strategies. The company 1s pleased to announce its top agents (or the third quatter of 1992.

Gild Thomas, the top salesperson for the third quarter, ha5 been in residential reaf~te for 13 year~. She attiit5utes much of her success to her talent for people. Thomas 1s known among her as being cau~~orientcd.

" I believe in going the extra mile to that my clients n :ds are met,me said. " feel completely re.pon~ible for my cl1l·n well being. even after they'w purthast'd their new home."

Born and ratSed Kl Phoenix, Ariz., Cigt ~to Newpon BHch 11 years d!O· Her love of the .area '5 one element in h succes, as she truly bef~ Or.i~ County is a wonderlul place to live.

"The weather is perfect, you're conveniently loc.ited to skiing, boat ln~ Mexico, the theater and Los Angeles, said. " It's truly p;ir;idisel" ~ra Hinman, who has closed the m

tran~ctions for the third quarter of 1992 has been In the real estato bu~1ness for 1 years and has consistently been a ' multi-million dollar producer and one of the top selling agents in Newport Beach.

" I make sure T follow through Lo completion with each and everyone of clients." she said.



BIG CANYON Dover Model

f •

3 Rue Foontainbleau L ..

. •• $525,000 l ,_

SATURDAY, January 16, 1993 I PAGE 35

720-9422 .'

Ask for: MADELYN GONZALEZ (714) 720-1600

... $164,000 ... $698,000 Ask for: Qary Sully

... $535,000 Alk for: Dami/I Posh

~ - ..... ~

Ask for : Frayda E_llW

24 Salzburg • Hatbor llidge .... "°"' .. ~ ... ~ ""a

... $530,000 Ask For: Danell Posh

5 Cc~r~<Y'_Jte • Newport Beach 720-9422


Hinman is <1lso a rel ahon ~ 1~fi<.t Having moved to Ortln C\lun(\ fr(\m Ch go, she relatt"S Wl'll h> bu~" coming to Califom1J from other areas Of the U.S.

''I know what you go through when you reloate, "she·Ykt, ''and t can relate to the cutture shodc that rNny people e>epenence "

Hrnman a.dies her aood fortuM to listening skllta, hlrd wc:wtt and atte11tion to detail. She ffnds Ytisf Ktion in knowing she hn listened to the clients' needs and developed an approp~te st,.tegy to help them k>clle what theY want

Gres l-•uc1 hM taken the mOfit •


li<.trn~ l(l rh<' 1h11d q11.11h'r 111 1 q92 H 1)

'>flE'\ 1alif\ 1 .. t~ ""('\\.fll.lrt North an.>a

N~vpt lrt .... Nth " .I nt'\\

ront£>mf)'1rar\- ,tnd .11tnrd.1hlt"' de-\'t•loprt'lf'nt,' ht• -..11d 'wu t Jn buy a

dMadled hom ''' "'""~>11w .ind mo"e right in - ther '' n1'I nt"l.'\i h'I rebuild

Lombardi bel \(.., th.ll nNwOfl..1ng and target m.lrkcttnN arl' ttw I..<" to J wccesStul r~id nil.ii r •al t~.tlc tan: r. He works very ckN>ly with th<' cht•nt.s, and follows up t•ath ~··r of the ~Jy. He also networks with oth<'r Jg<'nh and values the 11.nowk-<lh't' ~t111t.'<i from tl1-. pttf!t. • . ~

" I'm .iblc to ht•lp my <lien~ m. ~,. dectSK>ns by rnnttnu.1lly t-dm .1ti~g t~m about the curr~nt m.trl..N condition~. he said.

Lombardi has res1d ~ in the• N wport North area rnce rts 1meption. He believes in the communit)'. and th ' unique lifestyle rt ha to ofter H1 lo"<' uf Newport Beach and the Newport North area has made Oeg .:unong the top agents m the area

The three outstanding .lgents, and all the agents al Coa>t NewJX>rt Properue-;, make an edra effort for their dtenb. They use more creative marketing efforu T,hey make listings stand out They are more creative m thinl..ing how to put buyers and selle~ together. The asents at Coast Newport Propertte'!. never give up They make success ~ppen for each client. ·

Coast Newport offices ~re location at • (Mc,,..,., Suite 260, Newport Bt'ach Phone (714) 64+ 1600 ..

Sweeping ocean view .\n J,"h tl~tur;il Jl.h t' H'nll ' t '

tt- • d.h)K. -.t\ e hJ, bn ' J1.h.l '('d --.0 thl Ur Jnil ""''' IO\Ullllu"

rl')llfonc1.• ,1tuJtl-d nt·'tJo J p..111.; .ind O\t•rlool..ing thl' blut• P.iltl•l.

Jnd CJt.1lin.i 1-.IJnJ Thl' luH•h hone hJ, in Jd,J t on

to lour b1.~Jroom' lour bJth ... 1

' ' ·"m 1.1m h rlXlm, :'-t..'p.ir.lll' ~.1mc mom, pm Jtt.• 01111 .. l' )pJutlU'>

lorm.11 d"''°~ room. prl>f('.,)1tln,1I chd') l..1tlhl'n c'p.in')I\ l.' h"n~ room and .1 crJI~ ut1!it'y' room

Th('rl' ,., an 1m1t1ng l'nlL•rt.l1n nwnt centl'r 1n the cl'ntr.JI p.illtl "1th " built ·in tur ~ b.\r bt•u1l' .rnd J rl'trigNJlOr l h1..• CL'r.llllll trlt>d cuuntl'' I) 1wrt<'d ll>r huHN <K'r· \Ill'. Thl' 1nd1M.'' outdoor fl't.•1111~ 1~ lurthN <'nhJnc l'<J " 1th t•1~ht .,i-.,.. hghb and llvl·r,izl'tl '' 1ntt1)\\., .rnd door) This I':> ,1 honw uf ult1m.lh' qu.ihty and bt•aut Jf>J>'.>tnlt.'l1 '"'" <.'\qu1!>1te lrmt--.lone, g1.1rllh' •111d warm \\OO<.b

For .idd1tional info1m.111on on th1!> lu\uriou'> r<":>1cJencl' olf ('rt>J .lt S 1,350,000 c.111 L)'ll'('n and Jl'll E"''°S of Coldw •II BJnl..cr. NC\\- Beach. (1141 ti44 ·90ti0 .



I .. I



. In Ille regular classifieds, (Section BJ of todays DailY '1ilot! . _, "' ,.. . Tiit. \t\\1111<T llt.\! II • I o..,'t\\U~'> . .\


/ -

. ~---- -~- -

When J9U're ready to buy, do it the . fast, ~and least .

• eNJe,; '!clY ~ check o open· House Directory ...

lllilJ 11111


515 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach

. located non of "' ~part BNt.h ')

r '' d irJbl communit1 ".'>, 1t'i1 r\. t IOU~ dnd elegant bJ)i°ro nt homt•

ha ~o I 'I of waterfront cl doc l.: for d hr~c· )clChl plu!> side 11 and a c h.tnn<.·I "'~ from ~ery room f nh•r rh1 .. custom home through J pm.1t(' ' •urt\tard, perfect (rn <.>nlertain1n~ T~1 • t d . ..,.ird fCJtur<."i J grJw,, l.1v.n ~trd• •n .lnd .,;anrfy bt?a<:h C on' Ol<'ntl~ loc.Jtt"d m1null'S ,H., ,J, uom f.1..h1o n IJ,md John \\ .wm• \•rport f't>rtorming Arb Cl•ntPr. "ri•al r1: !aurJflb .md bcJcht,. r ·.11u r1•, c; LN.lroonh and 4.5 bath) 1,1m1h n-" m

R (71 4') ~ 3633

~----R (800) 333 2191

R (71 4' ) 4'94 2005

I( (71') 83J.~

R (71 4') 3'8·8700 8 (71') 79().2e71

R (71') 730-7049 .__ __ K (714') 681-2688

I( (714) 2S5-9e00 I( (714) 863-11, 1

I( (800) 943-7846

,....;s.._._ _______ R_ (714) 863-1520

__!_ (310) 711.-00 B (714) 291· 1818

R (800) 12SM579

~ (714) 248-1171 IC"iiaiiii9Ci• - 11(t (714) 558-3278

K (714) 851~

R (7 14)~ ----R (714) 253-4156

K (800)~

R (71 4) 388·5862 __ R_ (800) 400-1441 _ __ R_ _Rt~ 248-2233

A (714~ J20.M40


Expanded and customized 5 bedroom New Bedford with fabulous ocean and city lights view. Flagstone patio and beautiful landscaping, plus pool and spa. Customized kitchen and expanded master suite make this a wonderful value at S 1,275,000

NEWPORT NORTH-· REDUCED The best Marbella • 4 bedroom, 3 car garage • largest plan tn Newpon North wrth an ove~sized lot and beautiful interior. Owner says sell at

$479,000 ..

HARBOR RIDGE LOT This is one of the finest lots 1n this prestigious communrty. Unobstructeo­v1ew of ocean, bay and crty lights. No comparable view anywhere in

Newport Beach. Will trade or carry some financing. Reduced S 1,850,000

WESTCLIFF Totally remodeled home. A real cream puff. Owners moving out of state. Fabulous buy. $275,000 In upgrades. Almost like a new home. Must see to bertevel p,..forecloeure, ll•k•.,. offer. REDUCED $430,000

MESA VERDE Largest 5 Bedroom. Buccola model on large lot. Lovely quiet location on prime street. Priced to sell! Owner motivated. Will carry some financing.

REDUCED $415,000

Member Remax Hall of Fame For Tltt ..., In PmonM/zed S.IYIC!f _~I &titer Yank

OFC:780-5000 RES.tMU-1529 .



7 75()'11.

7 75()'11;.

7 875' 7625,

7 375'


7 875' 8~

7 TSO'll.


7875' 8 ()()()'Ii.


111s--. 7150%


7 875"1(,

7 875 ... 7 750'Mo


7 875'-

8125' 7 75()'1(.

:ao., .. , ft•ed LOCK·


10 1 500 12 7 94

5 1 375 12 793

10 1 125 25 803

10 1 875 15 7 86

10 4 000 21 7 83

20 1 000 30 857 10 , 000 12 802

20 0 375 21 808

5 1 875 '5 7 91

10 1 375 12 7 93

5 2 000 30 81 2

10 0 000 12 8.04

5 1 750 30 8.22

s 2000 30 812

10 1 750 21 797

10 1 750 21 797

s 2000 30"""" 8 12

10 1 500 '5 807 10 , 500 12 794

10 0 000 12 804

10 1 750 15 8 10

10 1 000 21 8 02

10 1 750 21 7 97

10 0000 25 1.16 10 1 500 12 794


4 250\.

4' 250% 4 250%

4 125'1'.

4 4SO'llt


4' 950%

4 7~

4 OOO'll.




10 1 250 10 1 500

10 1 375

10 2000 20 1 000

25 0000 20 1 000

20 0000 10 2 500 10 1 500

20 1 500 10 0000

4 950'lf. 10 1 000 4 750% 20 2 000 5 500'% 10 1 000

4 250% 10 1.625 5 500% 10 1 000

5 375% 20 1.500 - ---4 250% 20 1.250

4 875%

20 0000 10 10

20 20

1 875

1 250


0000 4 36C)l)i,. 30 1 . 500

30-year •dJuatabl•


6 41

5 67

643 5 71

6.29 633

632 702


6.05 640



e •2 593 6,'5

640 632



600 6 41

5 14 598



203 150

203 150 203,150

203.150 750,000

1.000.000 750,000

203,150 203,150

203,150 500,000


203. ISO 500.000 203,150

203.150 203,150

203.150 500,000 203,150 203,150

203,150 203,150

500.000 1.000.000

2 875 2 125

2875 2 125

2 750 2 750

2 750

2500 2 875

2 500 2 750 2.125 2 750 2750-




2625 2875

2 875 2375 2875


2500 2.750



6CO 6M


6CO 6M

L6M 6M


L6M 6M

110 1M


eco 6M

L6M 6M

L6M 6M

1TS 6M


6CO 6M

1TS 1Y

1TS 1Y

H S 1V

1TS 1Y


eco 6M HS 1V

L6M~_6M __

L6M 6M 1TS 6M

. ,. .



•. .




Ne!itled o n the blufftop of one of Corona del Mar's most popular neighborhoods sits this recently remodeled , Mediterranean-inspired home. Spectacular wide bay and ocean views are a stunning backdrop to this th ree bed room, three bath home. Gated and walled-in for privacy, this property also o ffers a black-bottom pool and spa, fountain, luscious landscaping, two car at tached garage with roll-top doors,­Spanish paver entry floors, tiled kitchen counters, rrench door and windows, and the great quality o f life that comes with living in Corona del Mar.

Wl,~c__~cci- . Real Estate

BANK OWNED · Offered at $1,250,000 __ _

(714) 720-1760

27 53 Vlata Umbroaa lowest poet Mid ~t l\oolplcvl '" ~ SIUlfs. ~ bat loc.lbon' View of greaiblet &

pool Most f\.mlt\n 1ocluded tO pnce' Thrs hol)'le rs on ~ Replt()('s 'be:St t:iuy" hst1 •SR t

8orlis Room $375,000 FU


Duplex - Steps To Beach 2 btdroom 1111 bath split le"el unit - hard wood floor -open airy kuchen. 2 bedroom 1 bath with decks off both bedrooms - rare 4 c1r garage .................................................................................. $430,000

Old Non-Conforming Duplex - Steps To Beach 1 bedroom 1 bath front house 2-1 bedroom 1 bath un~ts with excellant rents ...................... $430,000

Oceanfront Lot 25x75 with city approved plillls .............................................. $749,000


Oceanfront 2 Bedroom Home On A R-2 Lot Great loc'ation ........................................................................... $925,000

Lido Isle 5 bedroom '4 bath lovely home. Ope'i1 ·-iiry floorplan - great for large family - formal back !'ard dining room - country kitchen & family room - Secluded back yard ......... '/'.............................. 50,000



SAT\nnjAY, Janually H;, 1?.)3 / PAGE 39

A Sunbow Realtv Inc. - 6Jl ·22Al •


• ~.FREE!!!

1941 SPE~IAL · $235,000

3BR, 2BA custom bv1lt · bv on91nol owner A cla ssic lom1ly home. Exclusive l1st1n9 (01 Owl"ler' s request) Principals only Owr>er wilt help finance .

·f SBO' s, Expired Listings & Owners.Who tteed_to Sell_NOW!!

• Want the anlwers on How To Sell in Today's Market

• Learn what makes a Buyer Buy Instead ol Waiting

• Develop A Sales Program That Worlcs!

When: Thursday Evening 7:00 p.m. January 21, 199~

Where: 126 E. 19th St. C.M . h O«< 1111• ol ..,~ Ot! It,. "'''W ol 19'ti & Chutdi ~across IN s•·• ~~ <td ~ v_, ·"'

Seottng b llmtted, pleoM col to........- a MOt at (71 4) 631 -2142.

IPOlllOUD IT: • Sunbow Realty Inc. • Plaza Funding • Orange Coast Title •Freedom Escrow

Shop over 14,000 loan programs provided by the best wholesale lenders.

U.S.Financial Network provides the consumer with

the largest computerized multiple listings of loan information

in Southern California. Rates Mailed or Faxed Within 24. Hours.

FREE Loan Information!

(714) 675-2501

· 1



6 Bedroom Bayfront 60' of waterfrontage. Dock for 2 larse bOats &. side ties. Wading pool &. in courtyard. Family room, formal dutlng room, 4.58A PRICED To S (Well below their purchase price.) $1,199,000 . OITTR YOUR PRI

Mesa Verde . Four bedrooms, den & 2.5 baths. A classic New England style hlghlighte a herringbone brick walkway. Hardwood floored kitchen &. entJ}' &. a n remodeled kitchen w/granite & oak. Real private rear yard & ~i!'g of park. Pool & spa. Asking $329,900

One Block To Beach Duplex Rm Buy Av111ablt

3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireelacc. upper, 2 be4rooms. fireplace lower. 2 garage + 2 or 3 extra parking spaces. Reccntty repainted ...

Only $369,~ Submit!

Eastside Pride ..•.. Barpin Price Immaculate 3 bedroom home in fine Co ta Mesa area. 3 Bedrooms h lighted b~ ~ood butte~. skylight , fine wall coverings. & lush landscap Pnccd '4cll under Comp Sales at JU t! $335 090 . ..Anxious Sdler·Sa

3 Waterfront Homes With Docks From $500,000 to $649,000

Serene & Private Huntington Beach condo Listed Lower than other recent SOLOS, but ni 2 large master suites, 2.58A, mirrored .wardrobes, built-ins., etc.

0.ty Sl . . Fantastic Value

Drive by 720 Center Street in Costa Mesa. A big new home + mcome u OYer double garage. All kinds of goodies. Asking $350,COO. LOOK.ING F AN OFFER!! ·

Villa Balboa-Newport Beach Lowrst Prictd Doublt Masttr BR Suites, "D" Plan. Wonderful Interiors, New Carpet. Paint & Tile. Park·llke Selling. lawns & Trees Expand uving Room Views. Act Before It Sell !! .... $211,000 + Other Spteial Buys At Villa Balboa

Versailles-Newport Beach Ocean & Harbor Views from Dea. 2 BR, 2 BA. All new Applian Gorgeou Upgrades. European Gourmet Kitchen. ....SIM, ...

Many Other Venallles CoDclos From Wkicb To Select

Sea Faitt-Newport Btacb Large Master Suite. Private & Quiet Location. Ocean Views from Deck. Filled with Upgrades. fireplace in LR. Pale Azure Blue Cpt. .... $1'7,000 + Muy Otha- Sta Fain Proptttia Avan.blt To See

Villa Balboa 2· BR, 2 Bath Penthouses J. Gor,$COUS Ocean 7 Catalina views from all rooa and deck. Doubk tcr Suttcs. Beveled Mirror Walls. Fabulous Tnterion. Tropical Paradise! Su sets over Catalina! Just Reduced -J31,,• 2. Harbor, ocean & Fashion Isl. Views. 2 + 2 Penthouse. ...$343,M·

Many uases And/Or Lease Options Available

3 .. 0RT~~'MI~ IM"'-" f.,_Ol j REAL E.-T~TE

Corona Del Mar "Prestigious Cameo hores'' Elegant cu tom home completely remodeled in I <>91 "- llh out,lJndine ocean view and access to private beach 4 hcdn>Om'I. 4 ba lh'-. huge Ji\1ng room, family room, formaJ dmmg room .md 'talc ol-thc-an tirchcn. all with ocean views through wall of glJss. Th1o; nnc lc, cl home ha an entry courtyard with pool: 'pa. Jnc.J " atcrlJll on 1 la rge corner kH. Your mu t sec tha property to apprec1Jlc the quality and be.Aul~ Ju~t Reduced $100,000 for an a king priLc ol SJ.595.000.

Nellie Gail Ranch Lagun 1 Hall cqucstroin communit} with lar~c lms and Jl\t1n~u1,hct1 home Thi large 4 bedroom rec,1c.Jencc h.1, .1 'CP h..ithmom tor caL'h be_J room plus a gue l 20"der room Appr 13110 '4 ll 111 wdl ~ks1gncd ~PJ(C: ideal for entertaining "-Ith huge lam115"" w1.Tul ,,-" 11 -1n \\Cl .1r. pacmu' fo rmal dining room and ll\lne, room \ 1c, .. ol hl!hh and hilb

from thl' Jppr 20,()(X) sq.ft. hill 1de lot t c.1": 11pt11ln 01 ..... N r·,,._1hlc. call lngJ for detail ' ' "-'"!! 599.000

Corona Del Mar's Elegant ~horecli fT~ ~ hJt Jn opponunity to purchase m 1h1'I C\4u1'11 C'ltJhh~hl'd 1.0,t'ltal 1.ommunll) ~hdr pncc go up to O\c:r 4 m1lhon Thi, h me need'> rcmtxkhne It is no" .1

4 hdlrriom,. 4 bath h\O- tory trucrurc of appr )Ill 1 ,q 11. \\ 1x:t>.tn\1c\\ from lhl :nJ tory Only Vi block from pm'3t~ bca h .11..:c"'' [ \Cdlcnt O\\Ot:r

linun in~ 3va1lablc AJso tr.tdc for mailer. home ., P'-'''1hle O"ncr need!. 10

'Cll nc"' "! Bnng u your offer k.an~ J,O!i0.000

• For Det.ifa end Ptlwte l~ng, C•ll ...

lfll'l'!" · · Inga lehnert

~::..~ RE/MAX of IRVINE

~J 854-5205 ___ • r· 559-9400

S TUROAY, January 16 1993 I PAGE .. 1

GAYLE AMAT 721-4120

or 720-1760

2021 PORT WEYBRIDGE o,,.. S.tS•• J -5 • IChen ~ Conan cour1•er lops """' bad-rooms 'PA rub ;n r'\4SWJ, ~

l IJ4l.ll'ed inside and ou1 al¥! aov.n mold'1lgs ();.'Tift v.ill fin.mce ~'1 3 bfdr()C)!"' , IU' Cl1 '!Id ~r $435,000



'OOlll~ A1'CI u~ H.sibol ~ 'ttw ldlrn 41i>o'IWU End Und 14. th \:A!('f'\I OI

mmun ind 1'1tng Bui.: in rtll'igm11or ""'' Built-in sttrto ~ ~ ,.,~ .... " r ~' L Ul>U.u.Jrt:;:llj os00 f!10r• $260,000

VILIA BALBOA :BR • ,x., Gated ....,..,....,.,,...\1 .,. en f10Q "'"' .., ou

$ 170.000 ,.

BAYVIEW TERRACE ....: r• Sle.C', t .i.U ~ ,! ' 11.tlh single Ima.), ~ .U wsd. O.M n..•• "!41-

r.\W frnanct $ 3 53,000

WE HAVE BANK OWNED PROPERTIES C"al l..r $199,000 to $2.900,000

Pat & Joe·


(1141 ~~~--1s_o_o-.N .. U...-&l,.....l1

..... ~711f,...O~· ~Vi~~~.,----c1_1_4> ~1-s-36-­Grubb & Ellis Laguna Niguel

W'e#. ··- · ·~ ~ " ,... .... .. Y0u I ill '°"" W<!!I "', nloo C'OO'd~ ~111M o/!1 ~-

-~ .

c ·

>' - ·




· EASTSIDE CHARMJ'IG! Well decorated home in Back Bay area JBR + den, privlte patio. Located on huge lot th4t back~ to park area. · $297,eoo OPEN SAT 1-4 2327 WESTMlNSl'ER

BEAL 'Tlrt L BROADWAY ~e. JBR, 2BA, family rm, 2 fireplaces, hardwood Ooors., master hedroom 'uitc. 3 c.ir garage ..- v.orbhop. (}\om1zcd lot SJ39,IOO

AU10ST COMPu:TE Beautiful 3BR custom home w country kitchen, fanu.ly rm, dining rm &. \aulted c.c1lmg.s Located 1n "the 400 block ~2S1• . SPACJOl' & LOVELY De~nbes this 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms + den, 2 baths home w/ .11tmll\C h.s\ V.tndows on ~er Street. Large lot. O~'LY sm, ... ()\\~ER DE~PERATE TO SEU.. Th~o· ~room, 2 Bath home w/fam1ly rm on popular \trcct u ted under market k 'ii ''- Sl59,,..

COZV C01TAGE on huge lot wnh hardwood Ooors., frun trees, grapevine & much more. Great family neighborhood • $245, ...

Jl'ST LISTED AND Rf.ADY TO BE SOLD NOW! Custom 4_8R. 2BA home. Beautiful fireplace in spatlou' lt\1og rm Nev. carpet & roof. SJ25,•

NEWPORT HEIGHTS PA '<OWfJC VIEW of ocean &: rooun1a1ns 1s one of lhc many features of spacious 48R custom 2 story home wlbeaut1ful new kite.hen. 3 car garage, + boat p0n and other amcoillcs. $74',M;'

Premier Lido Bayfront 827 Via Lido Soud, N.B.

;:it or sw10, bwcr newer dock. 180° views. 31' on the ·:1'1" .. ., ""1<-"szec oa-rorr na m;, neau u er ry, bncl'lAXJ'nyard, '3 r , r J· 1 un 2 'h r '1 ns f1Pt)t ,111 1rt '81. upgraded tn '90 Lots of granttC:1 f.. r ..... .J'r~·· · Gare or,r.>n<'1Jn tt tc, ouy 1n 8CX) block for only $2,000.000


J- ll1nclou Owner,tlrobr 714-813-1212 , 714-171-1422

Balboa-Newpo~ Real 123-4494'

).. . . C>c.eant=ron• Es•a•e Sale

Fourplex on Two •-2 Lots 60 1eet of oceonfrool frontage. Two bui'ld 1ho1 connot be dvplicoted E.cellent lfX Two 4 bedroom, 3 ba1h uppet unJl, """° 3 bed<oom, 2 bolh lower unds.

Offered-Gt $2,145,.GOO-

lest '"' On Oceanfront Lo1ge d.iplex thcl ~on not b e duplicated 4 bedrooms, 3 bolhs up ANO 3 bedro&ns, 2 botlu Gfeot locoto0nl Only $1,049,000

A Rare & Unique Opportunltyl

1 o own the ONLY three conl•g>CM R 2 lok 0~1loble on Nt'#potf's bes! beoch 90 feet of lroruoge. pome corner loc.ot.on. 6 large Utllll J1W ' e;tCe >ent 1ncomel

. Asking $3, 150,000 ~ . .

Great Eastslde Location ..................... , •••••••• , ••••••••••.••••••• COSTA M 4 8~. 2 8A home Mo! •o•ed wi11erl Jvsl listed and poc.ed Jo ~u at

OPEN SAT/SUN 12-4 2-Story Home •..•••.••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••..•••••.•••..•••••••••••••••• COSTA 3 B~. 2 8A Eosis~ home, vou •ed ce •ngs, S90 RV. Qtceu -t more 2054 °'9'11 Aft

OPEN SAT/SUN 12-4 $259, · Bay View- Flxerl ••.••.•••••••.••.••.••••••••••.•••.••.....•.•..•.•.•.. NEWPrOIT IEA.

Duple• w/ 'itew of c.hcnne!s grec1 locot<>n !"ear Potls one! boy beorl-I M...st se I ONLY $379,000

182 SHORECLIFF OceoA & Con_yon Views#

2 Years New

NOWI $1 ,595,000 Hyla lertea 644· 1043 ~&IHls ...,._.200

Roomy 2BR, 2BA, split leve oversized 2-car gar. walk to beac community pool, spa, tenni courts. By owner. wm cooperat with agents

$230,000 C.11 831-8111



· SAi\JROA'1'

-m it-of-An·ahei m

• t

Vintage Place II ideal for_ young couples u

h.11.l' dl"'~"l'J thl' pl.In'> tor V1nt.lg1.' • Pl,m~ II Jnor<l1r:'f,I) ," ').})"S .irch1tl''\.l \\'ouc.lll· " T1xl.1y'\ ... ,luc con){IUU'> l>u)N'> \\Jlll homl"> thJt CJtl'r to tht•ir bu>)' lill t'ylt"> .ind 01t1•r J \\ ,um ~clcoml' .11 th<.' l'nd o l th<.' d .1y

\Oluml' u•1l1n~ . 1..u,tom "r Jill'< I ,1a1rc.i~. llrl•plJc , O\.\'rlw .. 1tl

l ),~!t.1'1 h.t .. -\~'tl hwldlll' h\U h"' I\

()/,Ill~°'' l l'kllll\ h•I l\\\I "' ""

H omcbuyer interest 1s steadily building as con~ruction progrCSllCS on the three modt'I

a• 1ntage Pl.lee II at The Summit of Anaheim Hill~ The brand new ) n!;lc-f.1mily detached nci hborhood is schc'Clulcd for Gtand Opcningln r cbru.lry of the New Vear Prices for the three· and four-bedroom, h \O .-ind-one-half bath homes arc now pr ccd from S199,990.

Traff 1c ha.s been exccption.llly hc.1'1' t~lrough tbc Vintage Place I sales fac1l1ty \1ncc Kaufman and Broad - South C £. Inc. began concurrent premodel \.1~ for Vintage Place II ~ith a clo-.e·out sale for Vintage Place I, Orclngc County. 's number-one s<?lling neighborhood ~1gned by Mich.lei L. Woodl y,

AIA of the Kaufman and Broad Archttectur.il Group, the Vintage Place 11 plans have been tar~ specifically for the young couJ)le/young family

··mark(!t ;ind range from 1,S04 to 1,931 square feet.

. " In tod.ay's market~ consumers .)re king and queen. We've listened to what homebuyen haw been uktng fOf and

""When thl'Y drM' htm~l'. hom<.'O\\.nl'f \\JOI 10 'il'l' .ittr.Kll\l'

strl'Ctsedpl~ " 1th J '4.'n!IC of ind1v1duahty Tht'Y 11 1..l' d1llt>r<.'nl typt.'> of C\tcnors ~. ' "('\C t.Jr,l\\n J \.Jricty of TrJd1t1onJI (ralblll.ln Jnd C.,Jl.1111.Jl

clcval10n) Jnd wn•n them ·' frt">h. contempt)! ary loo!.. "

T he V1nt.1gc PIJu' 11 homl"> ~·II fcJturc COH'rt'\I porches, tht' l .. 1tl':>l

window dl' 1gm. nwltiplt.> root hnl~. • 1ntcrt')t1nH trim dl'l.t1I) and tmp .11,,.Lcnt hl.c p.in1..·l1'<l wOlxl 1•n11 d1xlf and colorful concrNl' tile wob Pl.tn 1 .1nd 2 will hJvl' 1hrC\' l)('(lroorm, Pl.m ), four bedroom or tlm~ lx'<lroom) with a loft Two Ooorpl.1m. will b<> JrrJnh'<'d with f.lm1ly room'>, m{'(i1.1 JkO\~, brNl..fa)t nool.s .md 1nwdur l.1undry

room Bacl.cd by ..:.1ulmJn oind Urwd

South Co.1st.' Inc.' 10 y<'Jr structural woarroanty, all hom<.'S will hJ\I<' dramatic.

pot hl''"~· 'trl' .. m1hm.xl l..1h ht'"' .md JllJlhl'\I t\\O t Jr ~.llJg\ \\ 1th d rn t intl'rior JCCt.")

L ocJtcd Jt Tlw umm1t ol An.1h1•11n 1 lilb, VtnlJb'l' Pl.llC I .md \ 1nt.lhl'

PIJCC II J rc l'J'tlly J (.ll') 1bl1• It) rn.l,\lr frC\."""'~ and ('n1plo)'nwn1. ulmml•ruJI Jnd re<:rCJllOrhll faul1t11• Lh1ldrt.•11 h\1ng within th • p11....,t1g1m•'· 'iOO ,ll ll' m.l'>lCr plJnru'<.t tocnmun•tY .1ttt•nd schoob In tlw OrJn~\' .ind Pl.1l\•nt1.1 Uniliro School D1'>tm.l • ""'d' .m• r.ml..cJ .imon~ lhl' h1rl""' "' till' , I.lit.' Jccord1ng to rl'\('nt Calilo1m.i A> :>">~mcnt Prugr.im t' t 11'"'"' bu)l'I' with fom1lil~ will •'PP'l" i.itt• th.It tlw community bo.l'>b tltll' of tht.' low'"' c rime r.u~ 1n tlw tounty

._.iulm.1n .ind Un).}d ~ll1lh ( UJ .. t , Inc I a wholly owned 4>UtNd1.iry ,,r K.luf mJn .-ind Broad t tonw ( otpor.1tton, th<' l.>rgest bu1ldl'f of \11\~lt' t,1m1ly hom<'S in C..1hforn1J llw ' ""'" 1,11 ' t.ib1lity of thi~ "''!.(.)( ,,,11on 1., compl mcntt-d by tlw dt.•1>th ul expcr~nct ol the mJn.1gt'mcnt tNrn, heiadcd by pr~nt Rofand 0 ~uod .

111 .1dd1tum t.1 1111,•1111~ \ 1 t.1~1· l'l,h' .11 t l,1-."' 111rl P"'-''" thl 11 ' ' • • (I\ 1 .md \ 1 11.1~1· f'l.11 ,. II .1t pH•1mi.;h•I ~' ' " prk ,.., ll\1111 l •l•l ,•M l, ..::.1111111.111 ,lltt l tlr. i.11.l ~1uth l 1'-hl, Ill\ · h.1 ... 11wtlh'' b1.1nd ll\'\\ Ill 1~hll\111h'""I .It l h1• ' lfl\O\ll 111

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__.. .


PAGE 44 I SATURDAY. Jmll*Y 18, 1983

5 101S of 1WOX- 8,000 sq ft. posslblt Zoned R· 1 8ull0ef17?

PCP PY COltONA OIL MM $691,000 Custom 38R home • .,st steps IO Ullle COM l>e~h.


UNDA llll ,"9, 48R, .t~ • A rut mu11 pea • P'ltlnl ~

UDO ,ENIHIUIA $1,200,000 WI hde. 28R plnllllUl8 • bly & cc.\ --.

- llG CANYON $1,191,000 DMIMll w111--.. DOI ecuM ._,·...,_pod. UDO PENINSULA $971,000 Spec1ICUI# bay & ocan view. lMve 291\, 28A. camm. pool.

HARIOI RIDGE $8M,OOO Approx 3,S1S sq.It • 3 ~. 3 Car G1r1C11 • Oceln Vllw.

llG CANYON $795,000 ~ & remodeled OoWf • 38R • Pool ~

IAl.IOA ISLAND $696,500 C'*"*1o 38R + • priYlle bricked & lalice PltiO Wei spa

UDO PENINSULA $659,000 Premier IOClllOn • 2SR. 28A • magnlhcent biy VleWS

WESTCUFF $625,000 48R, ,38A PlQle IW!y home wl#I hr~t • Hice Jtrttl

BLUFFS $399 ,500 58R w/~ system • mnaculate condlbOn on greenbelt.

PENINSULA POINT 450J0:.=00~--38R • Grell IOCabOll • IU'1 1 house trom ltle bly & otNn

BACK IAY $335,000 Golf. Bike & Swm'I Active IJmty Wan1ec1 • 3 BR s & Pool

CORONA DEL MAI 323,500-$375,000 fwr condoS • 2·38R & HBR. lirepbce • Tudor style

HUNTINGTON IEACH $325,000 2BR. skyllot1ts. plMUbOn st.mef1 • Walk 111 bud\. Near ocun

NEWPORT HEIGHTS $319,000 48R Single Fl!Tlty Home on R-2 kJl • Nice yW.

~~-~ ~ ~. ,s:,,_ooo llOOIMIW $211,000 Wiik ID btldl • 91111' cGrlWIUllly • 28R 2 Cir & ..._

COSTA •IA $209 000 ~ TO'MllllUI • 9R W/~ cond • Alldlld .....

llMNI $141,900 2M. 1 t'•BA • comer locllon W/~ P1110 • OOtVtOUl-

1,?YJ.'tf..~~~ & IPI •• 1.1~.:0 OPEN HOUSES 2215 OolcMft CKde 2 Rue OrMd Oucel 381~8aya 2903 Elden # H 3750 D9ftoclt 2 Rue Chenllly 1564& ROM 8t. 25 PNhUf'lll ... ~ 315 AIMltlyet 511 Mllrguertle 1031 W. A8'nbow F ... 300 Cllle eu.w 3 Hulllll~ Court

$336,000 $815,000 $319,000 $209,000 $375,000

$1 ,185,000 $111,000 ... 000 $195,000 Mle,500 1'10,000 $237,000 1221.~

$1 ,IM,000