UNDERSTANDING Spirit, Soul, and Body GOD Created You ...

Andrew Wommack Ministries • November 2019 Newsletter UNDERSTANDING Spirit, Soul, and Body GOD Created You for a Purpose. MAJOR in Healing with Charis Healing University! UPCOMING Events Make Plans Today! CHARIS Australia Enrol Today! Gospel Truth SPIRIT SOUL BODY &

Transcript of UNDERSTANDING Spirit, Soul, and Body GOD Created You ...

Andrew Wommack Ministries • November 2019 Newsletter

UNDERSTANDING Spirit, Soul, and Body

GOD Created You for a Purpose.

MAJOR in Healing with Charis Healing


UPCOMING EventsMake Plans Today!

CHARIS Australia

Enrol Today!



2 gospel truth • awmaust.net.au



November 2019 • gospel truth 3


Until you know certain truths, you aren’t going to experience victory. People don’t like to hear this because it makes them responsible; but not liking it doesn’t make it less true. It was true for me the day I received the revelation of spirit, soul, and body.

Over forty years ago, this revelation opened the eyes of my understanding to the Bible and the true nature of God. Everything I teach is based on the revelation of who I am in Christ—who I am in my born-again spirit. I want to make sure everyone knows that this truth holds the key that will unlock God’s blessings. Once you understand this, the Bible comes alive.

Every born-again believer has undergone a complete inner transformation.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. [18] And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17–18

It doesn’t say that all things are becoming new or have the potential of becoming new—they are new the moment we are born again. To understand that we are totally new requires us to understand how God put us together. What part of us did God make new? It’s obviously not our bodies, because we are still shaped the same as before. It’s obviously not our minds, because we still think the same and have the same emotions. So what is it? It’s

our spirits. We are all made up of three parts, which some don’t know. Something that helped me make sense of this is that God is three parts too, and we are made in His image. First Thessalonians 5:23 makes it clear: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It was easy to figure out that the new part wasn’t my body or soul (mind, will, emotions, conscience), so I knew it must be my spirit. His Word confirms this again in 1 Corinthians 6:17: “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” Similar to the way that sexual relationships produce a physical union, the born-again experience creates a spiritual union. Our spirits become one with God’s. Since it’s in His Word, we need to believe it, even if we don’t quite understand it yet.

This brings up the tough problem of figuring out how to apply what’s true in God’s Word—our new spirits are one with Him—to our old bodies and souls. It’s easy to understand both our bodies and our souls. We are receiving information from them all the time. For example, if I put my hand on someone’s shoulder, they would know that I touched them. I could also make people feel happy or sad, or I could even hurt them without any physical contact, simply by the words I speak. Those words are processed by the mind and felt in the emotions.

However, you can’t feel your spirit that same way. If you don’t understand that the spiritual reality can’t be felt, then you’ll be confused when God’s Word declares that you have the same power living in you that raised Jesus from the dead (Eph. 1:19–20). If you think truth can be discerned through your natural senses, you’ll be baffled when the Bible says you’re a brand-new creature who can do the same miraculous works that



4 gospel truth • awmaust.net.au


Whether you are teaching a Sunday school class, leading a small group, discipling an individual, or studying on your own, this study

guide is designed for you!Each lesson consists of the Lesson text,

Outline, Teacher’s Guide, Discipleship Questions, Answer Key, and Scriptures.As a bonus, you can download PDFs of

the Outlines, Discipleship Questions, and Scriptures for each lesson in this study guide.

Andrew Wommack, author and Bible teacher, was called to ministry

in 1968. He reaches millions of people worldwide through daily

Gospel Truth broadcasts and Charis Bible College, headquartered

in Woodland Park, Colorado.Andrew Wommack Ministries | PO Box 3333, Colorado Springs CO 80934-3333

Charis Bible College | 800 Gospel Truth Way, Woodland Park CO 80863awmi.netItem Code: 418


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Jesus did—and more (2 Cor. 5:17 and John 14:12).

God’s Word reveals spiritual reality. If you want to know what your spirit is like, you must find out from the Word, not rely on emotions or other perceptions. God’s Word is spirit and life.

This revelation of the relationship between the spirit, soul, and body has transformed my life. It set me free when I realised that God had already given me everything I needed and it’s all contained in my spirit—all I needed to do was release it. That simple understanding changes everything. The Christian life isn’t a process of “getting from God”; it’s a process of renewing your mind and learning to release what you’ve already received.

If you don’t understand that at salvation you have already received in your spirit all that you will ever need, there will always be doubt. You may know it’s possible, or even promised in the Word, but you’ll be trying to perceive it in the mental, emotional, or physical realm. That’s a recipe for failure.

That misconception can also result in a performance-based relationship with God: “If I’m good enough, if I read

the Bible enough, if I pay my tithe . . .” and on and on it goes, in an attempt to motivate God to give you what you need. It’s wrong to think that God hasn’t already given you everything, and that somehow you have to make yourself worthy enough to get it. You’re already worthy because of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. He paid the price for everything you will ever need. In fact, you’ve already got it! It’s just a matter of understanding the relationship of the spirit to the soul and body.

Understanding spirit, soul, and body is critically important to every believer. It’s the key to receiving God’s grace. It could be a matter of life and death. And it’s the foundation to understanding the rest of Scripture.

For a complete teaching on this subject, I encourage you to get my Spirit, Soul & Body package. It contains the Spirit, Soul & Body book, study guide, audio book, illustrated DVD, and your choice of CD or As-Seen-on-TV DVD album. To order, go to our website:  store.awmaust.net.au, or call our Helpline: +61 7 3177 7681, or complete the enclosed form and return it in the envelope provided.

I really hope this teaching, as well as other teachings of mine, have blessed you and are making a difference in your life. God’s unconditional love and grace are so important for everyone to hear.

You are blessed!


DVD Series

CD Series

Study Guide

Audio BookIllustrated DVD

SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY Package Until you know certain truths, you aren’t going to experience victory. The revelation of spirit, soul, and body changes your entire belief system, and it is something you must understand in order to truly triumph. Let Andrew tell you all about it in his teaching “Spirit, Soul & Body.” It will transform your life!




The Spirit, Soul & Body package includes the Spirit, Soul & Body book, study guide,  audio book, illustrated DVD, and your choice of CD or As-Seen-on-TV DVD series.

Andrew Wommack

AndrewWommackThe ministry of Andrew Wommack, author and Bible

teacher for nearly five decades, reaches millions of people through the daily Gospel Truth radio and

television broadcasts and Charis Bible College located

in Woodland Park, Colorado.Andrew Wommack Ministries | PO Box 3333, Colorado Springs CO 80934-3333

Charis Bible College | 800 Gospel Truth Way, Woodland Park CO 80863

Copyright © 2017 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.



What exactly changed when you were born again? You might see the same

reflection, act the same, or even find yourself yielding to the same old

temptations. You might wonder if you really changed at all. The good news

is—you did. This series will show you what happened when you were saved,

and much more! You will learn the difference between your spirit, soul, and

body, and how to have a relationship with God the way He intended. This

teaching is foundational to everything in the Christian life.

Read by Jamie Wommack



Complete Package


November 2019 • gospel truth 5INSTAGRAM Follow us atInstagram.com/awmaustralia

PINTEREST Follow us at Pinterest.com/andrewwommack

Wherever Andrew teaches, he exhorts believers to fulfill God’s divine purpose for their lives. He says, “God intends for us to live a life well-lived. We can do this if we are willing to do more than just go with the flow; even a dead fish can float downstream. Accomplishing the work we were created to do means making a deliberate effort to find, follow, and fulfill God’s will.” This exhortation is not for a select group of believers. It’s for every Christian.

Wherever you find yourself in life, you can start swimming upstream. Charis Bible College was founded to help Christians all over the world to discover their divine purpose and to equip them for the work God has prepared for them.

Personal circumstances can make it difficult to relocate to Colorado and attend Charis, but the good news is that Charis can come to you.

Today, from Pakistan to Portland, students young and old are being transformed and changing the world through online courses at Charis.

We constantly receive testimonies from domestic and international online students, like Edna Klein.

Edna was in her “golden years” and feeling that her opportunities for serving in ministry were over, but God had a different plan. After joining a contemporary church in 2012, ministry opportunities began to open for her, and she eventually became the co-leader on her prayer team.

As she was getting more active in ministry, Charis Online helped her to get the biblical foundation she needed.

Leading her prayer team was just the beginning; the impact she was making kept increasing. “Three years ago,” recalls Edna, “on a mission trip with an evangelist friend of mine, I saw firsthand the plight of the poverty-stricken in Kenya. A multitude of women are trapped in sex trafficking, and many end up imprisoned as a result. [They don’t have the means to pay the fine to be released]. If a woman has small children, the children live in the prison with her.

“The Spirit of God opened my heart to the hopelessness I saw in their eyes. Last year, I collaborated with five other people and instituted a non-profit foundation that partners with established and proven ministries to provide financial assistance to people in East Africa. The purpose is to rescue women from sex trafficking and equip them to learn a trade or open a shop to become self-supporting.

“This has been a broadening experience for me that has opened the way for growth in ways I never expected. Each woman represents a household, and knowing that they will never have to sell their bodies again brings me great joy. These are the best days of my life!”

Like Edna, you can take that first step and start fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. With Hybrid School and Distance Learning available at Charis Bible College Gold Coast, you have multiple options. The Hybrid Program is a combination of online and on-campus study and is available as a one year program OR you can do it at your own pace with Distance Learning. Getting started is easy. Go to charisbiblecollege.org.au to learn more. Enroll now for 2020 and start swimming upstream today!

GOD Created You for a Purpose

6 gospel truth • awmaust.net.au

I’ve been teaching on healing for over five decades and have seen many miracles of healing, including my own son raised from the dead after he was already on a slab in a cooler at a morgue. But I’m not the only one around here who has experienced miraculous healings. Duane Sheriff had his grandson miraculously raised from the dead. Greg Mohr experienced healing from sepsis when the doctors had no hope. Ashley and Carlie Terradez not only saw their daughter, Hannah, miraculously healed but Carlie was healed and walked two miles and played tennis on the same day that she had been confined to a wheelchair. Daniel Amstutz has trained

thousands of prayer ministers who in return have seen just about every kind of miracle you can imagine.

Charis is overflowing with ministers who have experienced the miraculous and know how to share it.

So, I was inspired to share all of this knowledge and anointing with you in what we call Charis Healing University. It’s forty-eight lessons of anointed teaching on healing delivered by myself, Duane Sheriff, Carrie Pickett, Carlie Terradez, Daniel Amstutz, Barry Bennett, and Greg Mohr. It’s organized into three sections: Expect, Experience, and Empower. It will not only help you receive healing but also make you a mobile office for the Great Healer, Jesus Christ.

I believe that the Lord inspired me to bring the most comprehensive teaching on healing together in one place. If you go through the whole Healing University, it is going to be very hard to stay sick. I’m believing

that thousands upon thousands of people will be healed through this curriculum.

With the curriculum, you not only get access to the online course: there are also thirty-plus videos from our Healing Journeys series included. These will inspire you and give you practical application of the things we teach. You also get a book for each section with outlines and review questions, which will help you—or those you teach—meditate on the teachings and get the most out of them.

If you believe that it’s God’s will to heal but have had trouble receiving healing or ministering it to others, then Healing University is for you. You will learn the nuts and bolts of how faith works and hear stories from hundreds of years of combined ministry that will unlock truths to you that will set you free. There’s nothing else like this. I encourage you to get Healing University today.

MAJOR in Healing with Charis Healing University!

November 2019 • gospel truth 7Helpline: 719-635-1111 • awmi.net • GospelTruth.TV



Experience the transforming power of God’s Word as a Charis

Online or Hybrid student!• Study topics such as healing,

identity, the Holy Spirit, and faith.• Learn and discuss with

fellow students in our Hybrid Program which combines online and on-campus study in a one year program OR study at your own pace with Distance Learning.

“The intake of God’s Word into your heart is the single most important thing you will do to

radically change your life.” – Andrew Wommack

Distance Learning OR Charis Hybrid

Getting started is simple!Visit charisbiblecollege.org.au

or call +61 7 5155 0554 (for Hybrid) OR +61 7 5155 0553 (for Distance Learning)

and start changing your life today!

Would you or someone you know like to receive comprehensive discipleship in healing?

If so, then you’ll love Charis Healing University, our premium course with extensive teachings on different healing topics! Seven trusted Bible teachers—Andrew Wommack, Barry Bennett, Carlie Terradez, Carrie Pickett, Daniel Amstutz, Duane Sheriff, and Greg Mohr—share their collective knowledge throughout Healing University.

The curriculum is perfect for individuals, Bible studies, and church groups. In three powerful sections—Expect, Experience, and Empower—Charis Healing University equips students both to receive healing for themselves and to minister the gift of healing to others.

Charis Healing University contains:• Forty-eight video lessons• Six Q&A panel discussions• Three books • Lesson audio on USB• Access to an online course platform • Printable PDFs

Available November 18, 2019!

Order by December 12 to receive Charis Healing University before Christmas!

awmi.net/HealingU | 719-635-1111 Charis Healing University is not part of the Charis Bible College curriculum; therefore, course completion does not count toward Charis Bible College credits.


Give and receive

the gift of healing this Christmas!

N O V E M B E RWomen Arise*

Speakers • Carlie Terradez, Pastor Sue Sheriff, Pastor Sharris Johnson,

& Evangelist Dorothy BrownNovember 7-9 • Woodland Park, CO

World Premiere!Esther: The Queen of Persia Musical

November 9 • Woodland Park, COMessiah*

Colorado Springs ChoraleNovember 16 • Woodland Park, CO

D E C E M B E RThe Heart of Christmas Musical

December 13-15 • Woodland Park, CO

J A N U A R YPhoenix Gospel Truth Conference

January 2-4 • Phoenix, AZ

F E B R U A R YReal Life Church

February 5 • Port St. Lucie, FLOrlando Gospel Truth Conference

February 6-8 • Orlando, FL

M A R C HCharis Men’s Advance

March 12-14 • Woodland Park, COARMI Conference

March 23-25 • Woodland Park, CO

A P R I LGod With Us Musical

April 3-5 • Woodland Park, COCharis Campus Days

April 15-17 • Woodland Park, CO Living Word Christian Center

April 25-26 • Brooklyn Park, MN

Copyright © 2019 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.


Subscribe to our email list at subscribe.awmaust.net.au

For more information on Andrew’s meetings, go to our website: awmi.net/events.

upcoming events conferences

Additional events and conferences will be added throughout the year.

*Andrew will not be at events marked with an asterisk

Step into the holiday season with a Christmas classic: George Frideric Handel’s Messiah. The whole family will enjoy this timeless masterpiece, which celebrates the birth and life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Messiah will be presented by the award-winning Colorado Springs Chorale, accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of the Springs for a total of nearly 150 musicians!

Make plans today to attend this awe-inspiring performance! To learn more or to purchase tickets, visit awmi.net/events.

Date: November 16, 2019Place: The Auditorium of Charis Bible CollegeTime: 2:00 p.m. with doors opening at 12:30 p.m.Price: $15

First Annual


Find unique Christmas gifts for everyone on your list!

A wide array of talented artisans and crafters will

showcase their work during The Heart of Christmas.

Join Andrew Wommack and Jerome Fernando for powerful messages, anointed worship,

prayer ministry, and more!