Twitter and Language Learning

David Hattem English Language Teacher United Nations English Language Programme [email protected] Appropriate For: Small, medium-sized grammar, writing or vocabulary classes Objectives focused on syntax, accuracy, complexity, and sentence-level writing Intermediate to advanced levels | CEFR A2/B1/B2/C1 Hybrid or distance learning environments Students with no or minimal experience with digital communication tools Students with home internet access or smart phone Visual learners ACTFL Standards: Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting. Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Transcript of Twitter and Language Learning

David Hattem English Language Teacher United Nations English Language Programme [email protected]

Appropriate For:

Small, medium-sized grammar, writing or vocabulary classes

Objectives focused on syntax, accuracy, complexity, and sentence-level writing

Intermediate to advanced levels | CEFR A2/B1/B2/C1

Hybrid or distance learning environments

Students with no or minimal experience with digital communication tools

Students with home internet access or smart phone

Visual learners

ACTFL Standards:

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express

feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or

readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.

Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for

personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Thinking Objectives: (Bloom, 1956)

Remembering – Listing, Retrieving Understanding – Comparing, Exemplifying Applying – Using, Executing Evaluating – Checking, Experimenting, Judging, Monitoring Creating – Planning, Producing

7 Principles for Using Twitter in Language Classrooms

1. SURVEY: your students experiences with digital communication tools. Learn about their

preferred methods of communication and accessibility to various tools. Understanding your

students can help you with task design and implementation as well as who may need assistance.

2. DISCUSS in detail the privacy settings available on Twitter and any concerns any student may

have about privacy. Make sure students understand the different settings and how they can be

changed. Respect students’ privacy to not do the task as part of a group. If they feel any anxiety,

sympathize and discuss alternative ways to complete the assignment, including allowing them to

work individually or write sentences in journal.

3. DESIGN: a task appropriate for the class. Consider such factors as course goals and objectives,

previous experience, access to tools, existing social networks, and motivation. However, remain

open to task transformation at any time during the task based on action research or how the

students may reshape the learning context to better help them achieve their own learning goals.

4. OUTLINE: your expectations of the task for both teacher and students clearly before using

Twitter as well as the grading criteria. It is important that all the participants have a clear set of

guidelines to follow so that the task is fair. Quantify the amount of tweets the students are

expected to write. Break them down into smaller, achievable goals that occur at regular

intervals, such as weekly, mid-semester and/or final goals.

5. DEMONSTRATE to students how to use the necessary features and functions that you have

included in your task and assess to make sure they understand. Be ready at all times to assist

students. A handout explaining such functions and features is a helpful and necessary tool. You

can create your own or find them online. There are some short and useful videos available on


6. MOTIVATE your students by encouraging them to tweet regularly and check their newsfeed,

email, and mentions. Consider adding points, awards, medals or badges for reaching the goal or

parts of the goal to help motivate students. Demonstrate effective tweeting in the class by

showing student examples.

7. ENJOY and have fun. Twitter is a relaxed learning environment that presents many

opportunities for informal and additional learning opportunities.

Suggestions for Microblogging in Grammar Courses

These suggestions can be applied in addition to the 7 principles outlined above.

If possible, require participation.

Retweet and favorite normative tweets for positive feedback

Provide positive exemplars of target structures or vocabulary

Deliver timely and varied corrective feedback

Sit with students and discuss their tweets with them

Create polls and surveys to test background knowledge of grammar structures

Have Ss make tweets more salient through codification and/or capitalization of grammar structures

Have Ss partner up to monitor each other’s tweets throughout the semester and offer corrective feedback

Have Ss link vocabulary or structures with pictures and links

Have Ss write collaborative chain stories 1 tweet at a time.

Have Ss search for, favorite and retweet authentic examples of target constructions

Have Ss search for and collect tweets on current and historical events

Have Ss analyze and favorite their classmates’ tweets for grammaticality judgment quizzes

Have Ss favorite their own tweets to create a learner portfolio

Have Ss make controlled exercises from their favorited tweets

Have Ss search internet for particular constructions and then tweet them

Have Ss follow native speakers, including their favorite brands and entertainers and maintain a journal about what their learning about language and culture from the tweets

Have Ss portray alternate native speaker identities and role play the identity

Have Ss contribute read and contribute to trending topics

Have Ss backchannel or write examples sentence at different parts of the lesson Sample Codes for use with Grammar classes:

Code Construction Code Construction Code Construction

AC Adjective Clause

PPP Pres. Per. Prog. SPr Simple Present

RAC Restricted Adj. Clause

PP Pres. Perf SP Simple Past

NRAC Non-restrictive Adj. Clause

PaPr Past Progressive SF Simple Future

APP Appositive PrPr Present Progressive

SPr Simple Present

Radj Reduced Adj. Clause

M Modal SC Subordination Conjunction

PV Passive Voice

MP Modal Past CA Conjunctive Adverb (Connectors)

PVG Passive Voice with Get

Q Question Form Pr Preposition

PVing/ed Participial Adjectives N Negative +P Adjective, Noun, Verb + Preposition

Sample Task Handout


Output, or production of language, contributes significantly to language acquisition by allowing the student to test

ideas they have about language, by noticing a gap in their language output, and by giving them the opportunity to

use meta-language to reflect on their production (Swain, 1995). In addition, becoming a member of an English

language community also can aid acquisition, both cultural and linguistic, by allowing the student to participate in

a community first on the periphery, then as an outright member Finally, micro-blogging helps to build classroom

community (Newgarden, 2009).


Microblogging is a social media platform which has become quite popular in the United States. It consists of

writing short messages, or updates, of 140 characters or less, and then posting them to a public timeline, which can

be viewed by anyone. A person builds their network by following people. As you follow people and they follow

you, your messages appear on their home page, and vice-versa. This is the core of the microblogging network.

Similar to Facebook and other social-networking sites, users can post short messages, photos, videos and audio to

their profile, and even engage in conversations; however, microblogging differs from social-networking in that

one’s network of friends may be based on similar interests, rather than on prior friendship or acquaintances.

The most popular microblogging service to date is TWITTER. Twitter is used by more than 6,000,000 people in

the United States, including famous actors and celebrities, well-known businesses and news outlets, even President

Obama. Being the most-well known service, Twitter will be the microblogging platform used for this class. To

further acquaint yourself with microblogging and Twitter, view these two short videos:

With Twitter you can:

Update your status: 140 characters including spaces

Send direct messages: private messages to your friends

Favorite someone’s tweets

Retweet: display a friend’s tweet so all of your other friends can see it

Reply to someone: use the @username to reply to someone’s tweet.

Search the public timeline: use the search box to enter words you want to search on Twitter.


To develop grammatical competence especially accuracy and complexity in sentence writing and conciseness

through micro-blogging.



During the course of the sessions, it is your option to use Twitter. I suggest you write a total of 75 tweets. This

averages out to approximately ten sentences per week. However, I encourage you to take advantage of this

opportunity to have your English reviewed and write as many sentences as possible. I will give you suggestions

during each week about which grammar constructions should be in your updates; the content of the updates should

revolve around your life and interests.

As you begin to Tweet, I will do one of two things. First, I might REPLY to a tweet you have written and

MENTION your name. If I do this, the tweet is non-normative and should be corrected. Second, I might

FAVORITE and RETWEET your sentence. This means that the sentence is normative.

Assessment and Grading Criteria

This assignment is optional and does not count towards your grade, but should you choose to do it, you should aim

to write 10 sentences per week throughout the session. I will provide you with feedback for all the sentences you


Twitter’s Layout

Home Page

On your home page is where you write your sentences. You write them in the box that says WHAT’S

HAPPENING? Also on your home page, you can check any mentions by clicking on the @username link. Those

are the two tabs useful to you for this task

Profile Page

Your profile page shows all of the tweets you have made. It also shows you any tweets that you have favorited as

well as any people you are following.

Message Page

On Twitter, you are allowed to send users private messages, messages that only you and the user can see. You can

do this on your message page. Simply create a new message and choose which user you would like to send it to.

Follow Page

On the following page, you choose who you want to follow. Enter their twitter name or email in the user box.

When the user appears, click on the FOLLOW button. This user’s updates will now appear on your page.

Twitter Resources

Getting Started: Twitter Guidebook by Mashable:

7 Things You Should Know About Twitter The Voice of Twitter Users: Evan Williams (Co-Founder of Twitter) Twitter for Teachers: Enza Antenos-Conforti A Visual Guide To Twitter:



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Microblogging and Language Learning

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