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THE HOTEL DRIARDAmerican and European Plane. Th*' Klrat-Clean Hotel ot Victoria Free ’Bus from Host a and Traîna

C. A. HARK I SON. Prop.


----- Central for Lon* Dlatan-**when you have bualneea with VANCOUVER, SEATTLE OR NANAIMO.

VOL. «5. VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY. A VU 1ST (i, 196(1. No. 11<i.


Dr. Thomas and Party Enjoy Pleasant Journey Among the Clouds.


Italian Steamer Foundtred After Striking Rock Off the Coast of Spain—Suicide

of the Captain.milr anti !

{Associated Press. » < tain, in order -to short en the route- CartüTn» S^T'Xug. i~X TëêrtBg { Win rImV.Tirrr^ titimtm•cwme ■»

"iSTrln, UTitnSI .. ; • surrtfMftdlrih the Hotmlça* lalands.

Thomas* balloon, «huh left a i*«*un iNirar Port Morr""V!W1 ÜU#'WfT

night, landed here at 5.46 a.m. After ;" <ê« urTng WHer the "passengers Fe-en- T

tèred the car and the tmlloon waev re- j leased, sailing In a north-easterly dl- ! section.

Dr, Thomas sai.i the trip had bim one of. the. most successful he had ever i taken, and so* far had been without a mishap-of any kind.

The trip from Port Ai orris ' to this point covered about 1*#> miles. While t>ff Bridgeport. *Dr. Thomas’ balloon descended uuUl. the. aeronauts rame clone- ewmigtr «.whetfir- Island BmfMHe- enable’them ,1c tarry on a ' convert»-

|.tlQh, with. jr yachting. party. .Xkia.waa ,«t 1 o’clock in the morning. Dr. Ttmmas asked where" fhey'were, and



Employer Says Leogth of Working Day Is Not Itcloded In the


vtt fail#:rains. | without *iiy warning, arid, while run-.■"The Italian steamship Sirin froin ning at full speed the Sirin c rallied

Genoa for Barcelona. t’ailli. Monteyt upon the rovke4with terrific forte. A : video »sqid Buenos Ayr*»*. w ilh ahmit ; few minutes later thr "tern of the vea- j

- M » btwtr.1. **•*.« r.vked4« , «?« sa,lk h,"*'",h ll.u' Th- V«-:

-(Associated ITS»».)Sew‘York. Au*. 6,-TQlSoênîpF work

and printing, represent Ihg thousandsnfter declining an invitation to come *

,ln* ". the ballodnt.t» «me* • the .lrl«e ot ltUlu«.»uhdisappeared.

ministry In the general elections of 1898.

(’ol. Baker ha« a fine'type of the English gentleman. A kifidly, polished man of the world, a scholar and keen­ly Interested hi *i>ort of every dleAcrip-

- ew»#9»SlMiL4g..,W ^rrlvsl inthis province until hi* departure he irks an enthusiast libelle ver In the po­tential it les of British Columbia. He In­vested ht» sH ht -East Kootenay and for many years saw’ little or no return for hla Investment. ;He never lost fàlth hnd ultimately, due largely to jilg per­sonal exertions and unconquerable be­lief In the resource* of the district he succeeded to putting through the deal which resulted In the construction of the Crow’s Nest Pass railway, - the opening up of the coal fields and the springing Into existence of the numer­ous thriving town# and villages that nqw THHe Hast Kootenay «thTtP^fiNh of .the richest and most progressive set lions of the province. _ _____m Hater" was a Conservative in

pnHttrs. htit dUPihg MS ïôfïg public auF




Was Seemingly In the Best ol Health Yesterday—Masonic hnneral

on Wednesday, ___ ;

I , ", ''* . ' .7. | vir. party line» were hot reengnlicd InL , ! Provlnrlkl affair..


iAsatucinled Press. >New York. Aug. 6. -With tempera

Tntegjrees and humidity 81 per J

„ . sengvrs were in a state of horror audHormigasGstesd. ............- (errlfletTT^nltV^Wowds rushed

Three hundred emigrant*, most of wa^L pushillg ^,-h uLlitir. and figbUitg^them Ifaliahs and SpanfAfd*. were -for places In the bow of- the__boat. ,drowned. ____ \ Many fell and were .

The cwidaln *>f the steamer commit- . Trampled to Death.W® aulUile. "“T Dosens of men and women threw Iheni-

The Bishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil, also ; selves Into the sea. was lost, and It I* reported that ah- A young mother who was carrying

her ha by wag advlae.l t„ abandnn the AKIOK ÇLUR CONCERT < h11 it ah't try to save tl$-: s,ir. Thla »herefused to .1... declaring »he preferred | QQgQg PARK TO NIGHT

ure , e.o. a,™ niiri, ariiy ». per : , y ^ <wl,|d,rab|,.cent, thla forenoon, to-day promises to ; - r——-———-prove as oppre,»lve In New York a. ; Th" President of one of the large*! Yesterday. Three deaths and many lithograph concerns ui New York last

night estimated^ that Hie number of

Col. Baker was a brother of Hlr At this Unie of Uie Samuel, the famous African explorer, calendar work Is ' and rWr’VaîOTf tTüF" 1>e 11 e r know n as

- i.t_ V ’iTyh- Saker ahd']hii.»B.ioRlf£ti'-‘11 * brook, will Lave at once f<»r England,

la tilled, thoduaato I ha «nployer.wüi.- Hr llakei. trfth latrd t'nhham. are the

ers and assistants, year much colored < doser!»r delivery in 1 the orders now tn tie


other bishop is among the missing."The rrpialnder of the i>asSengers ahd

tlic .-tfi. . rs and crtHlGot Away 111 the Ship's Boats,

or" w f-v vs- u*' ! 1 v " i s -f l" a ••enf to^tieitrfroîn Shore.

A number of fishermen " who made attempts a’. res<ue xver«‘ drowned.

Z-ZTTndse rescued frôin thé vessel are, 7 pa» jtt Cape Palos in a nil table titffln

ditlon, being without food or clothing.The^ Xlrlo strut k a ro< ky reef, known

as Bajos llermigas and . sank suoii after, stern first. HoimTgas island lies abiuit two and half-miles to the eastward of C*pe Paloa.

that they, die together. Both were* eventually pick'd up—alive from the

. is* m '"'i*-,iii8^iiMf .1’-’ife-tia.-vi*.*'-tain ami offii ers of trie sfrlb endeavor­ed vooly but fn vain to restrain the people, restore à semblance of order, and organize, a ay stem of life **vLng. This was not accomplished, for the vës- êêî auddeety eathet broke in half or gihled <»ff "the nn-ks and foundeml^ln deep water. The captain purposely

Sank With Ills Ship.The Archbishop of Sao Paulo went down with the vessel while blessing the dro.vnlng passengers. The other bishop

... . . . .. who was at first supposed to have beenThe Kin., .at owned hy the Natl- t ̂ ^. .Iai.a f t al la nrt r iT annu . ,He Is at ( artagena.

A steamer engaged in rescue work -has reached port. She had on board the bodies of se.v^ral infants. Another boat picked up a child who was on the point of drowrning.

The Austrian consul at Rio de Jsn- etrrt w»s s«»v«^4, * large amountuf uuuie* wlieu the. veaati. _went dmsnL.4. it>V

The government has Issued instruc­tions that every possible measure for the relief of the stricken peopte-shall be

Relfëf For Survivors.

gazlone Italians Geiioit.-Before he committe«> 'jsuk ide the

captain det.-late<l the steamer had 6*:» passengers on board, and 13T of a crew’. The Sirio

Had Air* Pa'isengers

when ime' left ’JLî cttôû . trat nddtt-hmat Spaniard paseengeni wn» taken on­board at Barcelona, where the vessel touched a few hours before the dls-

The disaster 01 < urred at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The steanter" w as , threading a «lim< ult lissage tiimugh the Hormlgas group, where the Bajo> Hormlgas reef is a continual menace

Splendid Fregr;roue AnaapnA 1er An­nul Oxn I r Event of PepeUr


The fourteenth annual open-air con­vert of the Arlon <*lub, to be given at Gorge Park te-night, should at trat t a large audience. Special «-ar arrange­ments have been made to accommo­date those who alte.nd. four «‘'ârs ïeav-

trlkers In that city at *.Wi>. and thr total Jhroughout the country at 20.000, or about two-thirds of the whole num­ber of men engaged."The Week opens with little prospect of ah early settlement of the trouble. The two side* to the controversy give different explanations of the trouble.

The "fitrlkers insist that they seek i rmly shorter day and ewuMstem wtrh

the class of skilled work In w hlrh they are engaged.

On the other hand a representative employer said last night; "The length

the ,workifW d4> ^ .included ii\this dispute. That <»»I4 easily be ad­justed. The real point at Issue is the substitution of the open for the dosed | shop. There -ara not lithograpbeys enough In the country to handle the work during the busy season, there, will never be uitder the system of apprenticeship In vogue In the cios-

executors named in the will of fhe late Cot Baker, an.I tlv sou will h.iv. ,on- sldcrable business In winding up the estate of-his father. The laner leaves a large fortune.



Special Loundl Meeting This Lvenlng Will Likely Bring Matter to a


Land and Water Sports oe Saturday Enjoyed by a Large


1 1 !..•it

In* Y«l*« and etretta’ ed lbuM,.. Thla is bt-nau*. thy unionevery ten minute* during’ the evening, The programme, which Is given below. Is popular in charscïer, and every item Is a favorite selection of the work of a well known contponer.

There will be ample opportunity for everyone to hear this concert, which baa become une uf the big evtoU#,,u ye^r among music lovers.rchoir will be statbmed on the band stand. Tetdng the water, and Herbert Kent, who will i-onduct. has the large number of trained voices under his control so arranged that the perfection

„ » , , of ensemble singing Is assured. TheNaple*. Auk. « -Many of the and h„rltim, ^lm. ,ud.d

grant, who «ailed for South Aroerka j nri^ranm.e .re both ot a hl*h. on the Italian Me.mpr SIrte; «r-. ked j tcr- en4 h èmefcnt hand»nti Saturday near ( artagena Spain. : M lho„, of Herbert Kent and A. T. were from Southern Italy, apd trrnt <;„aar,t re,„ to be at.eptably

4ejuMrla*to*L».ja»J»*wlbe»i».«« my rtettement . t, rendered. The programme o.„« ofUe rapMly ImmclfarieiY after She trod; frowda of people are «yhtng detail»tolk.wti« number»;------- -------——-Kim, k x lerrihic °r the disaster, and the names-ôf pas-

sengers for the purpose of identifying , Champagne. Song ....................... Schroter

will not permit sufficient new nien to learn the trade to offset the mortality among the older men.

“Workjng etght hours a day we could not possibly fill our orders. What we want is more lithographers, but we cannot introduce new .men except through the apprenticeship of the

what wa fve-vposr t# «O Is to establish the open shop, hire ex périr emed men. wherever we Can and en- coursge young men to learn the busl-



” Scene of Cotifusipn end Panic

ensued on board. The fishermen along j the coast sought to render every assis- , tance ht their power, and sent out boats wlUdb. brought many survivor» ashore. .

Most of the officers and crew of the" Birlo are among the saved.

The survivors h^ve gone into camp on the main square ol the town at Cape Palue. .Here harrowing scenes are enacted a« the s t rlcken famille» anxiously seek belovçvl members among the rescued. A mother who lost her three chihh en went Insane. The doctor of the Sirio gave up his wife and child a* lost, but they were finally brought In by one of the rescuing boats, and the Irene as tM»-famHy wt^e reunited wa* most affet ting.

One of the boats sent out by the fishermen brought In 24 passengers. The '* * ------:

tîondition of the >turvivt>rs — -1* moat deploratïfe. They have*- lost everything, and are without money, f<Kid or clothings

The maritime authorities of Carta-

the lost and saved.The Italian Navigation Co., to which j

the wrecked vessel belonged, has dis- , patched a steamer to Cartagena car- i The Drowey XXuutls

I Proposal .........Tar’s Song ... In Picardie ..

’HaTran He $FENT SIXTEENOsgood

rylng relief for the shipwrecked ■eager» and crew.

Terrible Scenes.Cartagena. Spain. Aug. S.—Reports

conthroe to Errtve here of the i^rrii>le scene attending the wreck on Saturday eveiiiiig off Hormlgas Island not far

Solo Tenor. A. T. Goward.Oh the 8ea .7..

■ehi 1 he Mountains .......Lullabv .....................Ho, Ye Gattsm HallorsLove and Win* ............

Holo Baiitohe, Spin. Spin


............ Ruck..................... Abt IBrahms-Zander |.................. Macy j

Mendelssohn Herbert Kent.

HU Lafft Iotereifi Hi Soeth Eut Koot- eeay Remltel to Amusing

pi Fortune.from Cape Palo*, of the Italian «team- I 72"“;

-,r SI, 10. reaullln* In the lu» of over | Wtoler ........................................ «-“«rdhundred live*.

. The. dwwidti* of the Bishop »*f Sao Paulo. Brazil. Is how attributed to the action of an Argentine passenger who forcibly; topk from the bishop a life­belt with which the latter had provid­ed kimsèïî.

One Italian woman kept her three children afioat çp a plank until they were all rescued.

_ Au. bridegroom who was on his honey­moon los^ hi» bride and sister, and one old man- who w’as saved loetr three chlldien,

Capt Gulsepp! Paradie, commander of the 8lrio was 62 years old. and had

In addition, there will be the open­ing of the new week’s pictures on the London Bioscope. These Include a pantomlne reprt sen ta lion, of Dlcken’e novel, "Oliver Twist.” including tho famous scene at Dotheboy's hall, where

| Oliver ask» for more. - Several amus- ing series of thaumaturglçal and far­dai pictures wfil complete the show.


King Edward and Queen Alexandra and King and Queen of Spain

Watched the Races.

(Associated Press.).45 years experience In navigation.

gena have dispatc hed a tug to the I e-*.»< eue. ïiàrrÿîng f «TippTles T ‘ 1 «’..v.-*,. I ^ le of Wight. Aug. 6.^Thebuildings uf a circus and poor house Genoa. Italy. Aug. «.—The wrec|Lwfixiewew reg*H* ofiened 1o-day imder the are being used »* 4*»mpurary quartets r the,I^tajlan steamet’ sjrlii on .Saturday most brilliant auspice* with a pro- for thp survivors. * off Hormlgas Island near ('artagena, ; gramme of race* under the burgee of

The^ latest reports from the cape say ^ Hpain, cause-1 intense excitement arn- . th»- Royal London Yacht (’lub. Thenng the relatives and friends of the j r0M1,H were , ro.wded with yacht» ».fItalian passengers and crew, most of j various rigs and with stately warships

guarding the Kings of England and

that three boats have brought in a number of -rescued. An additional sad­ness I» added to Ihe catastrophe owing to the fad that a number of fishermen who were conducting rescuing oper-r allons, were drowned in consequence of the

Ovet turning of a Boat.The captain of the Sirio before lie kill­ed himself attitbuied tfie^ wreck to. his own imprudence.

The Sfrlo left G-mia August 2nd. All the ship’* books were lost. It is fin- possible at present to ascertain thefull extent of the disaster. Nine-.) wae a native <>f Genoa and tenths of the passengi'is were Italians, eran seaman, and the remainder Spaniards.

SPENT NIGHT fiNr.BTEAM.EHS.The survi’vors have been landed ai Cape Palos. The Inhabitants at once

ml,.» 1.1»nd. rtlxiut on. mile, from thej misrant. War* Not AUntrod to acene otihe tra**dy j Lend.

Fishermen brought in the news uf the

whom lived here or In this vicinity.The officers of the captain of the port

and 4>f The Italian General Navigation Cwr. to which the Sirio belonged, were ko besieged to-day by agonised throngs seeking information that the police were compelled to establish barriers to hold back crowds, some of whom as­sumed a threatening aspect, declaring tHart facts were being vvithh<yii. ’

Tjie Sirio had s»-cn L’îî years .if srr- Viscount IvfAfh'l l'etonia and other vice, but she was considered to be sea- 1 hig yatch* started. Another race was worthy. Her captain. Gutsseppe Par- | for 70 footers, the competitors^ being

vet- * dee. W. Watkin s yawl Nayahoe. Myles B. Kennedy’s cutter White

. ............................. Heather, Sir James Pender’s cutter

Intelligence has been recetved-of The death of Lieut.-Col. Baker, formerly a Very Important figure hi British Col­umbia politics. His death occurred atParkatowii. Itorsetshlre. __Eng.,___onTu--i.iv. The information «c ro- * dtlvdul at ( iranbrook by Ma aon. V. Hyde Baker, who had had previous ad­vices that his father was suffering from pneumonia. He had. however, made satisfactory progrès towards re­covery, but In hi* weakened condition fell a prey to heart trouble.

<’ol. Baker amassed a fortune after years pf waiting out of the coal meas­ures ol1 Southeast K<H»tenay. having been early. Interested In w hat has nowbecome the" Crow’s Nest, IVaa....Com_-pnny's coal measures.: -The town of Craubrook was named by him after the old Baker home in Dore*tshire. He represented that’dis­trict in the legislature up to the time he retired from public life, andJeft for England. -

Th»‘ city counett of Cranbrook. upon hearing of his death, adjourned a meet­ing which was then in progress.'

(< ('ol. Baker resided In this province from 18*4 until 19119. an«| of these 16 years 14 were , spent in active public life. He was the son of Hamuel Baker, Gloucestershire, England, and was horn January 6th. 1830, He was edu-

Victorta Was Well 'fépSSÊSÊ^^SS^ land and water sports held at Shawnlgan Lake on Maturday. The special train thaï left the E. A N. Depot at 2 o’clock was well idled and a large number look ud- -ventâge \tf t|ie company’s regular srr-

Evi-ry Item went through In tlrsi- clasa style, and the large crowd present enjoyed tbenuHslves thoroughly. Probab­ly the most laUghaMe event Pn The pro­gramme was the greasy pole contest, in which the-re were eight competitors, and UR rnzv was onlyf wen after several dtickinga bad been (lie fate of many eoo-

ilancing, bçth In the hall and on a platform srsatad ion tin; lawn, «xcupted the evwtiag. Miss- TtiaiH » <.r« h«=auw. was In attendeiust. being statbwed on tlv veranda and thus providing music tor built "the parties ineMa -aud-r"outside. It was nearly midnight whin "Auld i*ang Hync” brought the dance to a conclusion, and the people from this city left shortly thereafter on the special train that had bee», held over for an hour to suit their ronrrmcncc. It rs tnrrmb-tt tr, make tins regatta and sports an annual affair. A complete prise list was not obtàinsble

Thoe *■>" niMcrtbid towartl» the ewo- veee of the regalta were os follows; -Chief justice and Mrsi Hunter. Ill her A Leiser. Hudsons Bay Co, Hejiderson Bros.. Simon Letser A Co.. J. Here y A Co., Vic­toria Brewing Co., Thorpe it CN*., Weiler Bros.. R. » vrter A H»ms, Sidney Shore. Watson A Jottes. F. R. Stewart A Co.. West Eftd Grocery <%».. Angus Campbell, Scott a i-.thn. Wlleoe Bros., Dixi 11. Roe» * Co.. Shore A Anderson. laingley * Vo., Mrs. A. ivoenig. Mrs. Blt>«»nHiul»t. Mrs Winter, Rev. Kerr, Checke and Barclay and Messrs. F., A. Copley, G. F. Maumee.- A. St. O. Flint. K. W Blake, F. Klford, ^ » Furlong. W. Sutton. R- Finlayson. C. F. Morris. J. WeW. Baker. Nettleton. Dunda*. Wheeler, H. Hawkins. U. C. Bass, A. Oillls. Alexander, F. Por­ter. Carter. Clyde. W. Collin. Lindsey. It. El ford. G. Oillls, W M.arns. R. Mar­tin. J. Thomas. J. Dwyer. J. B- Heard.

At the conclusion of the sports the prt«.-M were presented to ths wlrtners by Mrs Gordon Hunter, wife of the Chief Justice. 1

J. E. Church, thé real estate agent and lnsunuiuti uolièctor, died thi» morn­ing it! ten minute» to ten. Death was very stidden. resulting from hemor­rhage of th» brain.

Up till yesterday Mr. Church appear­ed iri-good health and spirits. He took

(HV Km»e4ail iPtid the nu)f XMi ever ciWfipTàTheff of In recent weeks was a gevure htadacbe. A man of mvutal activity and of extensive business in- terekts, no one thought seriously of this, and when his demise bcoanji "Known this morriTng«'lt was received with the utmost surprise and with very general regret.

Being genial and affable in manner. Mr. Church made a host of friends, his company was sought and enjoked.

The late Mr. Church had been a resi­dent of Victoria for many years. He came here from California, In which state he received his education and eatiy hAiaiuow was tw£e;married, and by his first wife leaven two sorts, and by the second two boys and two girls, the eldest of the latter family being 14 years of age. Born in the state of Massachusetts. Mr. Church hame west at a very ear^y age. and re­mained almost entirely on the Pacific

The deceased was prominently con­nected with the Ancient Order of Unit­ed Workmen, the Masons and the In­dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Of the first named society he was past grand master workman, and In addi- tfnrr to this post acted as chairmen of

Moat likely the water question,,. aS far g* the city cwnwil «tin eeitiè lt; ^ will be OecKIEiirnL-JuiAliL The usuaP weekly raeethig lias been held over

the finance committee of the order for the past seven or eight years, a posi­tion which In Itself was a good recog­nition of his ability In financial mat­ters.' The funeral has been arranged to take plate from the family residence OH Cad boro Bay road on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'ylock. It will be conducted under the auspice» ot the Masonic order.

Mrs. Church and family have the sympathy of the entire community In their bereavement.

Spahi, who ’vlth* her consorts watched th* race* .from I heir respective royal yachts. The weather was bright, but the wind was very light.

Th#* chief event of t,he day was a handicap race tor schooners exceeding 100 tons over a 48 mile course. In which Emperor William's Meteor, Claude T. t’aylcy » Adel. Herr OulUaume » t'lara, I «*t«d at the <oll..*e rnhool. Wouteater.

and at t’ambrldge university, from which he graduftted'ln 1861. z He enter­ed the Indian navy and subsequently transferee to the army, serving Ip the Crimea. "Upon hi* return to England

Hariad and R." N. Young’s cutter ; Nyrlta. , ,

--t ____________—_____ 1IIBRMA» NiVAt, HaSÆvKM,. jOîpfflBffiD*- ,n '

, ! Arangements Will Prevent Any Ves-Flshermen brought in the news uf the *• 7 vr a. < w

cort sternal Ion here. Boat loads <»f the New Yorlt. Aug. 6.—In compliance) Marblehead,shipwrecked passenger*, and. craw be» with a recent ruling of the department gau to reach shore shortly^ after the . of commerce and labor! Ellis Islandnews became known.

Passenger* confirm the fearful na-. ture of the calamity. From the broken narratives of

The Terrqr-Ftrlcken Survivors,U would-appear that It was the Inten­tion of the captaTn rtf the *t<lr1o after

was shut down a! day yesterday, and wilt be on all Sundays hereafter for the next three months, much to* the dis­comfiture of the thousands of Immi­grants cumin* in on the big ships that

(Aeaciciated Pfvss.) Aug. 6.—The foreignBerlin, Aug. 6.—The foreign office

authorities a'uthbvlxe the Associated Puss to say that the German govern­ment cegerts that the plans of the navy department for the manoeuvres In

fore proceeding." to Brazil. The cAp-

•iot.'k .Sunday. Ln*i night early .2.500 September include every ship available steerage passengers slept between <md precludes detaching vessel» to visit decks on four big liners which r»-ai l|- Vnlteij Ht a tes on the <•« < as Ion of

leaving Bsrcelona to call at Cadis he* ed their piers end discharged the first \ the Amerh**n-GeTma» yacht ratrea eEl bf mliW», edAHWtleii and Immigration.and second class oassana-er*. I Ma» blohaad.

he was actively connected with the volunteer geniee, mtlitef in lk?-. wnh the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1884

. was vtectwt tb the lcg- ure for Kootenay ifnd was re­elected at each succeeding election un t«- *4k «vMtifîC»ry Swoa-.pUhlie life, in 1*00. after tbe dissolution of tjie leglalautre upon the defeat of the H-mltn ,vlm|nls’t..ti.m.

Col. Raker held office under Hon Theodore Davie and Hon. J. H. Turner, entering the cabinet of the former as minister of education and tmmigrathdrf, subsequently becoming provincial sec­retary. bn the formation of the Tur- m«r government on Marbh 4fh, 1895, Col. Biker was sworn ft as minister

office» hi held until the defeat of the


Several Men Were-on Hank of River, But None Offered Assistance.

Marshfield. Or.. Aug. «.-Miss Gal- breth. a school teacher, and the Misses Httda and Margaret Bawyer wei-s drowned. In the South Cods river near Alleghany t<»-da>. .

The young ladles were bathing, and Mis* Galbreth. who could not swim, got Into deep water and cried for help.

Several men were standing on the bank, hut none offered t<> help the young w^oman. so Miss Hilda Sawyer went to the rescue, but could do noth­ing With the drowning girl.

Then Miss Margaret Sawyer went to the assistance ..f the girls and "gave up her life In a vain endeavor to lend them aid. Miss Galbreth la front Eastern


President of Congress Defeated on Bal­lot For-Delegate to Annual



Prof. Prince Found Condltlona Very Sanitary In the North.

Prof. Prince while In the North took occasion to Inspect the canneries for the purpose of seeing If everything connected with them were clean and sanitary. The result of the visit Is the following statement by Prof. Prince:

"The canneries of Northern British Columbia, all of which with one excep­tion I visited, are absolutely cleanly, ahd everywhere I found the greatest care exercised in the packing of sal mon. The canneries, being right on the water, are always in a sanitary condi­tion, and at all times and in all places 1 found that packing conditions could not be improved upon so far aa clean lines» Is concerned, or in any other way for that matter.”

It will be remembered that a com­mittee of the fisheries commission also visited the tanneries on the Fraser. Their report Is likewise that all was satisfactory and cleanliness - prevailed in all of them.


Capt. Henry Stern, of New York. Has Succeeded the Late G. H.

Robinson. ~-

Capt. Henry Stefn has succeeded the late G. H- Robinson as managing fit. rector of the Britannia syndicate, m !» ndw on the coast Inspecting the properties held by the company of

M'Hitrral. Aug. t.^At Thuraday night's meeting uf the Montreat

___________ Trade» and Labor Council Delegate J.| T v- *" v

ie general j

companywhich he has just assumed the" man­agement.

(’apt. Stern is a thoroughly Informed miner, a smelterman. an engineer'of ability. Sud above all a financier. His Home Is in New York. He 1* president of the Tlntic Mining A Development Company of Utah, and president of the Yampa Mining A Smelting Com pany of the same state.

’’The policy of the management of the How c Sound Copper Company w ill remain unaltered,"’ Capt. Stern *ays, ”11 will be along the general lines laid down by the late Mr. George M. Rob­inson during the time he was manag­ing director of the company. Mr. Rob­inson left all the affairs of the man­agement In excellent shape, and every­thing will go along just aa he planned. f«>r he 1ooked-4ar ahead. The output

until tormorrow^»- Three schemes are now before the board, one fathered hy the Mayor, the second by the. water coiumitUH!».. awl tlW “th i rd -by**;Aidas»

... These projects may be briefly uuD_^ lined as follows; *

First—To lay a new jo-lnvh main

frôm-Ktk lake- to-crmnect with the pre- —-— s.-:,i 84-inch on.-, provide a new sys- , tern .if distribution» buiM an lvu.uuo gallon reservoir; on the ridge between Rockland avenue and Ht. Charles street; raise the Elk and Beaver lake dams 8.5 feet and dredge the lakes mentioned. This Is the Mayor'sscheme and the coeruhas been estimat­ed ut 830U.UUV.

SefeoiulTTrlo. j noua -a- Mump. lu-fré coli-. ^ ^ nected with the present 12-inch n.. instal 8,400 meteis; provide for redis- trlbution; build the tank-on the ridge mentioned above and spend ll.OOO In . further in vest ixa lion regarding the HTirinana vaism^r.'?TTlf* lit ibr imer ■ommlttee’s proposal, and the cost was

given In the report as $190.000.Third—To build a new pumping «ta­

lion at Elk lake; a reservoir on Bald hill; and the redistribution that is com­mon" to all. Aid. Davey made this urt^ posai at the last meetng. seconded by Aid. Douglas, and it shoul.J come up ♦ first to-night. The estimated ""cost is $474.000. and It is founded on estimate—££ F as suggested by expert Adams. The coat of his project, however, is reduced by the elimination of $51.000 for the oa; of 3,400 meters and the building of

a 12-lncb pipe to connect with VictoriaWest at a cost of $15,000.__

How the vote will go thta evening 1» — matter of much conjecture. The

water committee's report is supported unanimously by th* members. Aids. Stewart, Fell .and Hall, and they have

strong coadjutor In Aid. Fullerton. Although Aid. Douglas has seconded Aid. Davey’s motion, he is apparently much In favor of the water committee, and will likely, 1f It comes to a showdown, vote with them. With the foui--------mentioned a clear majority of the aldermen wej»S8 be secured. Aid. Viu- uent. although somewhat Ihbre "Bfiti- commlttal. was inclined this morning to lean in the direction of the commit­tee. He is a strong advocate of a cam- plete system of meters and a new re­distribution. so practically supports the water committee with the exception of • a very small proposition of their pro­posed expeldlture. Aid. Go^acre has not expressed an opinion one way or another since the two later schemes were brought forward. On the only occasion, however, he spoke on the subject he expressed himself a believer in Elk lake. " .

Aid. Davey W certainly hoi sup­port the Mayor. He said this morning that HI» Worship’s scheme, proposing to spend $267.910 on a temporary ex­pedient w as not, in his Idea, a good one. and that anything done regarding Elk lake should be permanent, and not merely for the time being. He will support the committee If hla motion for an alternative achem'e -does not pass.

Aid. Douglas, who was also seen, said" that if the Esquimau company did not come down In Us figures he was rather Inclined to favor the committee’s Idea. He. believes the Highland district should be fully In­vestigated. ami if the large am rtttl water believed to be there la existent

nru obtohr It at the- ewrlteiH t*M*dbte moment to be used in conjunction with Elk lake. Though he la snpporHwg. for the présent ât least. Aid. Davey’s

VA,„..M defeated Delegate Al­phonse Vervltle. M. V* of Ik* Aurhb- ers’ Union, for the poaltlmi ot delegate

of Canada, by a majority of 22. Mr. Vervillc is the president of the Domin­ion Trades îmd Labor Congfess ada. and hie supporters at the meeting received the result like ft bolt from the blue. :


(Associated dTcss.l London. Apg. 6.—All oudw

and ih Liverpool are closed to-day.

nothing short of an earthquake which the wfi«W totnrntaln bMo the

water can stop It The development of this properly wg», ao enormous under-

turndiscussed It, l expressed the oplnton that It-would take'$1,000.000 to properly open tt- up. and that opinion has been verified. Tjp be frank 1 never expected to see the Britannia develop the high- grade ore that has been taken out.”

motion to submit the Bald hill reser­voir project to the people most likely he w ill finally vote for the committee’s tu heme, while wishing that the people have a chance to exprea»»i> opinion tinthe alternative suggestions of Aid.Davey. It may be pointed out .here tint, the latter i.< not fully committed to Mi variation of estimate F. hut merely wants the electors to vote upon it.

Aid. Yates is the only one who has consistently been with the Mayor all through. Tfcls scheme may. however, be eliminated from ,,>n#id*i ration. Unless something unforeseen Jiappens there is not the slightest likelihood of its carrying.

A careful canvas of the aldermen re­sults in the following forecast being

be found very neàr-glven. which willof orp from the Britannia la bound to lt not absolutely correct;' ' " * ‘ ■ <***{>&û4*u

Stewart. Fell: Hall and Fullejrton. Pos­sibly. Aids. G.*««laeiv üm»Douglas. Aid. Davey will support this

.if his alternative, «is nlacê'd*

any event.For the Mayor’s scheme—The Mayor'

and Aid. YatesFar Aid. Davey’s alternative pro­

posals—Aids. Davey. Douglas and.-pos­sibly Vincent.

The “life tree” of Jamaica !« harder toEdward Bryan, a young HI John. N who had been drinking heavily Tor j IflTl than any otfirr epedes of vegetable thê"ptt»t " two wedrr. ttrrrw trtmsetf into t growth knoww It «Mwttnua» U* grow and

Im, Uir rivrr ou Kritlai nt*»t and waa | thrive lor -moetha alt«r being uprooted drowned. land eipoaed t, the sun.

Green Eyeglasses & Spectacles P Am SCANADIAN WOMEN FIND RELIEF



All Styles and Shades 50c. and 75c. à pair.B® sure-the Camel is on your Prescription Label

Campbell’s Prescription Store_Ooniar Douglas and Fort Street». 4

: Tfc* Ceee of Ellen Wslby I» One of Tlioeeeirdo •f Cures Made by Lydia E. Pink hem * Vegetable Compound.

How many women realize that* it in not the plan of nature that women should suffer eo severely?


People Killed In Ÿartla at St. ThonrtU. OdL—Collialoii oil

Kiev trie Hoad.


BtiileA.o Pa#*#d on Mamber of Oregon Legislature and Lawyer.

Thp i.loaauro of the Company of Miss VH TO'tlA AND PHlENnx la reimest, oH at GORliE PARK on MONDAY

. Kvalng at 8.30 AND EACH 8UC- CM EDI.NO EVEN I NO—©F THEV KEK. S parlai car aarvfce guaran- 1 rrs again#t Inconvenient* or ilelay*. ■ WMTHfll AND FIATIIINC

autistic 101,1 srrsATit i.v.NEW mosvuPE PROÔRAMMl.;_____f'JitT| ESTRAL CONCERT.


E/Un Wally

St. Thom**. Out.. Aux. 4.-The Mlr fif- gan Ventral and Peri* Marquette pas­senger trains collided In the yards here thfa morning, two people were killed j

< Two Persona Killed.Vermin ton. o.. Aug. 4.—In a head-on

Portland. • Ore.. Aug. 4.-Willard J. member of the Oregon legislature !

Of. l«r.. a wealthy contractor and timber wae , ,(>-day sentenced by Judge

William H. Hunt, of ^ United States n,- — — #- , ”rcul1 <ourl 10 » year’s imprisonment in

dlision between two pissenger trains. ,he ««veminent prison oq McNeil’s Island |: on the Lake Sh<»re electric road this und Pay a Une of Is.ous. He was convicted ' j afternoon tow persons were killed out- ’ nt Vfm*Plr*ty to defraud the government |

right and a third was fatally Injured. ,n liwt year,while, possibly a score more wrere fh- J Thaddeus Htevcns Potter, a well known

I jttiHtU a*a^uijij|y. . ... Portland lawyer, who was tried and con-The western jointly with Jones, wss sentenced

I trie limited crashed into the regular lo *‘ rv' *i* months In the Multnomah 12 eajct-bounU thrj■""! "«he'Tlii^FWUfiSSf*

Tfloie than half Way through Its length hy the west-bound car. Both were run- i ning at 4 high rate of* speed and the two cars met at a curve. About 90 per­sons comprised the passenger' list of the two cats. The collision is said to have been caused by a misunderstand­ing of m tiers. The Injured were re­moved to 4. hospital In Loraine,

singular Accident.Syracuse. .X. X. Aug. ,-jjg.

w heel tmt tnnre than 4 inches"111 dlarn- rt,*r lying unnoticed Just Inside on the "

months .J mPfH Ajunty jail and tp pay a fine oi ,


TUcattamis 0Ç Canadian Women, .hnw- ever, have found relief from all monthly suffering by takjng Lydia K. 1‘mkhame \egetable Compound, as it is then most thorough female regulator known»«BaJ iSm. Ti .OPMÂir (-onditioiv tW/orè noun ,.,-day ,.f th, mn_whidj vauam m mu.* Jacomlort —.l ': 7^ ull.r T..,.,' , . ill,, mo*trut* Ihee urniud# ui tb,i# t»ro.r». HÜ-Th™ *«•<*■«* «Ert-Hte■ Kllfn—ftalliy, uf Wellington Hotel tiOttawa. Out. write». ’ .^*,*7* a

•Ymi- Yi^iMg I —— freight Into the yard when It was de-.3Sf.:5?r!l,Sj95?9Sf_?w «Med on the «reel. The front en,I of

Paris. Aug. 4.-Strained relations lia ye arisen between France and Turkey over thé frontier of Tripoli, adjacent to the French Sahara. Turkish troops occupy the territory on the grounds of Turkey’s suzerainty over Tripoli. France's pro­test was Ineffective, the Turkish ambas­sador here to-day reviving instructions to maintain the Turkish claims. The ofil- otala 4wre do not espeet the affair to »»- sunn* serious dimensions, although the

Laval,,.,van,,, railroad iravll °' *** "«««‘«•Iv 1- ,#ry

dd-th^lwn-UTthWW. 'juSl' TurkTyTreSTS^rered a. Jkfurther evidence of the MusselouuVs 08- poaljloti to Korttpean preponderanceNorth -Africa,.


TO SUIT THE WEATHERmonserrat lime juice, lemon

CRYSTALS, LEMONADE,...And-av-Luxe -e4--tn^rer-ttilrsr’ïfütûrcin'ng'*JfTnk5''aT t he

WindsorOppoolt# Poat Office,

Grocery Company,Government ft



“Black Hundreds" Being Organ’ztd to Fight on the Sid* of the

-— — Govemmeot

“ '«*s«'WlWNtXt6'#y rlttnTM^hTtheir favor, and they are confi­dent that If put to a teat thousands of HoItJiers will refuse to fire on the t»#o-W. ; . : -—*----------- : ~— f;

While the authorities are undouhi- | edly anxious, they manifest equal con­

fidence that the army will not fail I the Emperor, and that the strike will ! prove abortive.

The weakesL point,in the revolution­ary armor Is believed to be the tack of competent leaders.

To-night brought Increased excite­ment throughout the Industrial sec­tions of the city. Although the policeare - - ---------- _______ *3_ .

—»-• r ;— " —~ ■— Miifer-26 ;l‘i"i,hJînd,‘^ fyosp-îAMitjtiu»

iMttyb I Wawn it MJ.ffry:Ut.jwr mnny v«gri getting no relief from the many prescriptif >ns which were prescribed, until, finally liecom- ing dkjOOjBTgge^ with df ^torn Slid thVnt«Q, vinisi 1 delermin d to" try Lydia K. Pink- hamsWlabieVompcm^i. an<l I am glad th:it I tliu, fur within a short time I began to uu4*l-a* an incredible «hurt time the now was reguTax tiatural and t»ain • I’hls seem« too CimhI toXe t-ue ai)d | am indeed a graielul ami haim? woman *

Women who are troubled with painful” or irregular perio-ls, hackairhe. bloating, .

'" TôY ltaTiiléncë T,“dTspliaviueht of organs, inflammation<»rulceration, that ‘ bearing-»

| down" feeling, faintn**e«. indi­gestion. nervous prostration- or the bluea, thgttld Ukfi imuKjUate offSPnotis conaimienr ^ m l V • reslomt to perfect health gnd strength by taking Lydia K. Pinkhum s Vegetable t'otn- POttndf and then write to Mrs. Pink ham. j lynn. Ma n , for t irther ire*- advice <T..-

-'*• <U»*fih4e*^in*ia«: »i i^yriia and for tw< ntv-five years has been ad­vising women free «if charge. Thousands liave been cured by so doing.

EMPEROR WILLIAM.the engin* caught In the gutter and al-I . _ i

I he „,um#i,lu„, the h.a.v i T *H* ,0-d*# from ItiavruU* h,, >l-lher Hubbard- enelne into the ,l'r ' ,n0r. ...,ti| n nt,*,>^1 alum it nil end with til* ° Puls- v» the rcsldeoce of

'he ah. l-d ah»»ly .helt^Twm^n T LT," ’M*T“■ -left with a , ra»K BhlvIrrtJonrwè hea,-J ' k V > *° » h“ «ratidaon. who ' ue neatl . wi„ h,,rn july 4th, du,.„„

.•tT.----" . trip to the Tmndhjrn.f«»r‘ I.Id- Kk, upon the end of «ar which was ataudlt mg, \v4trtng~^r the Uaiu t**- pass. (

Tiie rush of steam and nwr_. caused An unknown prisoner set lire u> tlTe town Jail at Niles. Cal., on Saturday, in Un._cndeti.vur ia -*e*jM.r-mi.t before- the- bUixe i ««Uhl In' discovered or help arrive,

was lalmcd to death.

a panic atid a_ score or more lives were« uitiiigA **-4. -4«tH... -t br- jMy--persoft- ser**'IU'‘> injuted Ha» lli«^ffiglne«'r, Vliar- I» h Veeder. of this city, w hb was ser•"U#ly s« aided. He 1* in St. Joseph - .hoapltal, where tie may die. DO-YOUR KARS A<TIE?^Vtmwmmwn- V -ar Wh- not ' use Pt'.Urn's Nerviline?ami the fireman escaped by Jumping. | This trusty liniment cures earache and ! A man win. saw the accident thought toothache almost instantly. Results the locomotive had explmled and turn- guaranteed. JSc. per bottle everywhere. '

■ a la rtn.~ -afi** -------—--------- —ed tw >■ Are _____ ... ....


Sixteen M«*i


Larg.- Number **f Hills Passed During>L-LlV.-.v Ttmss > «...,-f^irJ

lu lh« Autumn.

Reinforced by Mounted Patrols

tU-Xhe central dietrlets of the rTTy all IS quiet there. '

In the workmen’s quarters, which an }Associated Press representative visit- i ed. there waa ferment. Dragoons and Cossacks were in evidence in the prin-

| < TP»l streets, and police pickets, armed with rifles, were at almost every “uiu"ni

^ eonu-r. Nevertheless, the correspond ‘ “Cage Bill. Mr. X P. rr*r ; dent heard orators addressing crowded Mu*»val Copyright 'BUI.

meetings- ai many places. The police ’"«Ttsplayed open «ddo^ with thé men. ijurning their b«. km to-avoid seeing

what was going on,\» l!l bv namvd commander or ,11 the | bc*u„n""!'u!^‘‘"<hc'ïho^'’'"’'-'’

St. Petersburg, Aug, 4 —With a gen­eral strike formally declared and the country apparently on the threshold of a gigantic struggle, minor issues -fade ■ Hnto the background? If the strike in­augurated to-day gathvrif "' süflïeïefUH headway to endanger the life of the > state It has virtually been decided thit CHrànd puke Nicholas Nlcholaevllch.

London, Aug. 4.^-The new LI|m ral l»arilameni, whl«h adojufned" to-day. distinguished itseli as a working par-liatn^Itt. amL Rte minister^,,, bg vIf A V«n >

amount .of legislation (Missed. Be- sldes («assitTg the print-tpal measure, the Kdu< atlon Hill through the iy.w er H«*use. almost dll the measures prom­ised in the King's o|>ening speech, wera-àtther passed «»r reac hed an ad­vanced stage in committee, which will allow of thôh- being finished"*at the autumn session. The Irish i41 borers’

Placed in the Guardroum j. " at Halifax.

Halifax. N. H.. Aug. 4. -Ap In? Ipient j mutiny am on* the Royal Canadian ar-

. tllle«yinen brake' out at the Cttdael • —Thursday evening, im less than six* j

t-en men being placed In the guard- __ room under close < onflneurent, as being j* the « ause of the trouble.

It appears that one of the garrison ; police entered a saloon on om* of the

„ upper streets for the purpose of arrest- - hiyTwri-mwrtiieiy’or-thg’gfnm«ry > j crew, who were In dishabille. One of!

the s?>)filer» resented this and struck • the ar.estlng offic er 4 severe blow on i

I the face. -After a scuffle, the offender 1 ran to the barracks. The policé then . alle«l for assistance to arreat the sol- ,

Several «.f the gunners, «n being warned for escort duty, refuse.; t.> a. t. •

—tJtlXti- asalattiuca-Wti» then obtained antL f with the aid of uiIrsMd'^lc'ut and

froop* in th- »mpirc “where martial btwxixlsts.’’ which will be tantamount to detq-eelng of

A Military DL.uu.ut,4ap. - It là poaelbK, how t ver. that the gov­ernment will not he driven to this ex­tremity. ms the showing mafic to-day........................W ........ . « nue.j mates ^>»v Petersburg proletkrkti WgftldoatXk UM MV. ,not impressive, although nearly Tu.nnO .—-------- -------workmen were reported to br out at niglyfall. Many of the men appear to be entering the—struggle xrfth diravy: hearts.

The spontaneity with which prac- Ucaily the entire nation arrayed itself against the old regime last fall is lack­ing, The endurance of iht* people haa

—and have even stopped raba. turning the occu­pants of them out Into the street, and instructing the drivers to return home. Searchlights from a cruiser at the Baltic works- and from the roof of the building are sweeping the Neva, and several torpedo boats built In the United Htatt* are scurrying up and

No Collisions «if im.

•opyrWit inn. ’and "Inanfi #'• - , ana

minor bill,.aw^aw.1 Hod Oie Trad« '-,asrd ‘|M’ "'uUUMJ.' b«iî. -VUveU in BUnm.-# Hill an.rTTM.vH,àm, SM" ! «**™*V. II'lng WH are lo mn<t,if,,n Tin* runlivr tr.mblc and a,,..-«to Hrritrti CiiiHrra'-iMII WllleB. with 1 "wn»-»"|,I'«hi mnarhed- lb* w-bobw*]III, Iriah Laborer*- imil win lh'' *uar>' o“«u. «hire they were In , probably form th. ba.l* for .ventually ' 1 -n«n«nmt. and triad lo e*,*pa. Too I Uealln* with the land qttratlon In »u‘' "-rtéd. hut were re.-aptur- ;BtiKland also, wa# only Introdueed e<l- ,he mutineer# .two seniorat lhe. iJusc of th I, *.„■# to """-<""""l»»l'"„d ..m. er# were |,la, e,lKrearer t-ntrth* fn the raforiil of land I umler wre«.l for druBlwuimu^.leptatatloii than aven tKê Iriah Bill, and 1-----will he keenly conteated hy the I nto,,.Ists

For Camp or Cohoo*BOYS’

BRITISH JERSEY*, In Naryand Cardinal, from 76c. up—ac­cording to sise.

r • .


MEN’SSOX Best Heather

aiisiure. so per pair.

These goods form part of jx special importation direct from the famous Et. Margaret’s Works.


71 YATES ST..________________ W.M444

iwrtam e were reported up to midnight.Th'j cabmer. will strike on Monday

Train- Robbery. -—-----------Warsaw, Aug. 4.—A telegram fr«»tn

Wbau say# train robber* tu-d.y be-detlhtea tot • ween Liban and Kaufentun alnle 14".- moTtl, m.,.„OOP government money. Eight pa»#en-( W«gar, ««. wounded, among them being! Th,' ,.,v,ri,me,u', en.wm.ut. major-

The feature of the aut^rim session -Blti. bt the wlniggle Jusi jtpëïïeH" b«- tween the tWh houses over the Kduca-

-Don Bill; IvOril Lansdowne. l*ord HaIshurv and other IVcpt are saltr id he determined to throw oui the bill “il Its third reading. If the House of Gommons declines to accept the mnend-

the House of

Ck»j. Albert Bulllt, orft» of, the most widely known Kentuckians, died at

.J#>ulsvlHe, Ky„ to-day at the age ..f

It is flot Pleasant to Tread oq Corqs, Especially if They are Vous Owq

“Foot Elm” Prevsqts Corqs.

Wood Wood WoodWe have the largest supply of Good

Dry Wood In the f 'Ity. Fine Cut Wood a spet Uilty. Try us and be con­vinced.

Burt’s Wood YardTelephone ttfc H Pandora.

been exhausted by the long strain, the ; the cotiayl-generar of Brazil and a Gel* e^!‘r,,,0UIJ*n,H 1 comfortable,‘sympathy of the more coiiservatlve llb- ; iuah namad Crundmann. ’"TT1? sesshMi did te*< ehmv « n,.vTn^ corns.era Is has been alienated by fear of ;t —________ _ x»eai cohesiot). and., several times was »

* - j reduced to dangerous proportions !

■i'in- us. i > ! fert Elm slope pinch- ihx. chafing, « te., makes tight shoes mnfortable, thus preventing and re-

rcvolutlon and the lower elements of the population have been organised In­to what is known as “Black Hundreds."' * ai*4—asa—ready to-efrter the-fight on the side of- the government if the signal

Dissensions also are rife among the leaders over the opportunities of giving battle to the government.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are ex­pected to d»-< id.- th.- Mane. T; • * i trbsd workers upon whom the u <Jepenrîs have not »-t formally ordered a strike. On the ulterior object of the proletariat leaders which at present is masked nlust depend the

Attitude of the, Troops.Tf the military supporters of the gov­ernment stand up as they did at flvea- borg and Kronstadt the leaders ac­knowledge that the game is lost, but even so. they declare that defeat. If u


The Seamen's Institute» LANGLEY STREET.

Free reading roqm for seamen ana sea­faring men. Open Sally from M a. tu. te *• p m Sunday, 3 te l » ml bdftjr.


Has Filed Another Petition For Divorce In Seattle.

■pdndente.Acting on Mrs. Gates’ b«*half. Attor­

ney Fred H. Lysons yesterday obt lin­ed order to Gates to pay Into, thé han Is of the court 13,000 to be used by *the defendant as temporary alimony, ni- torney’e fees and suit money. The ap­plication stâtes that charges of a na-

..........-, — ............. ,i ,i , tu,‘e equally as sensational a* thus • Inforces the disaffected portion of the | Hates’ complaint will he preferred

olors, will onl/ pre- ««alnnt him. rec iting an account of his

^Seattle. Aug. 4.—William Gates, bet­ter known as 1 :Sxyiftwater Bill/’ again braved thè terrors of the divorce court yesterday by filing action against Kit­ty Gates, third wife of the ■’lucky'àlAJaaiucn miner. The compluiot names r nlong with mr “Y«1i breu t hé it can’t John Doe and Richard l»oe as coSq- fall to reach the source of the troupe!

through the altitude of the !*abc»r section, and the disposition 1» divide itself Into groups stljl remains one of the greatest dangers threatening the»-xint<M,. .,f lie- mmtslrv.

WEARING AWAY YOLRLUXtW Yes. and your strength too. Stop

coughmg and get rid of that catarrh. The one remedy i« ’’Uatarrhozone’’

ff^é» -to tire diseased *Tissues j

army to show it#____pare the way for final victory.

The Wavering of th. artillerists at Kronstadt aiuLThé âtfltude of a major pc»rtion of the^ crew of the armored cruiser Panyat'Asova which remained tiominally loyal, which they believe would undoubtedly have thrown In its lot with the rebels If the rebels had been received, expected support from

conduct w hile bv California. I

It’s bound to kill the germs, and as for healing up the sore places, nothing can surpass <’atarrhozone. If you dem’t get Instant relief and ultlfnate cure you will at least get back your money for Gatarrhmso'tie is guaranteed to cure c atarrh in any |«art of the system. You run no risk—therefore» use t’atarrho- xone—at our expense If not satisfied.



--- ' ■MIRIIIWIIUII ill4*||blood Is deprived of proper nutriment. All changed, health renewed, color re­vived by Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man­drake and Butternut. Best medicine on earth. 25c. at all deals**.


AHMOVB8 PORK AND BEANS. Mb. Tin,. 2 Tins forBONELBW VEAL. Tin ................V .................. "•1A'NCH-BERE. Tin ................""" *..................................MANITOBA «’REAMERV BtiTTER. Pound' ................................................ -WHITE CLOVER CREAMERY. BI TTER. PoMd

The Saunders Grocery Co.. Ltd.PUVSA JC JOHNSON ST.

WHY MIRLH ARE PALE FACED: , wü.'rer.^l^lS'i^ïf^

Bacauao Hi rough renatlpatlon “ ' ~

R',##laii(l. Aug. «.-Th- wood# |„ the aeetlon along th« Cetumbla * Western railway In-tween Caarade .,aj the Hull dog tunnel greahjaae In nlacea. At 11

ïtœrthe roundh.iuae the water tank and à large boariim* houae. Inflicting a loaa of about «.•••. The employees „f theHv ejNwyaH*

Og.rtn#! IT,e Home#, which, afterde-. " atroylng the hulldlnga. paaae.1 on to. ward the Bulldog tunnel.

They now extend along the road for about 2n miles and the entire available c. P. R. force from CasOde to Hobson I* engaged In an endeavor to save the IresiIeH, ..f which there ar> . several , Which are high aiid long on this iiortmn ) rtf Oie iciad. T^erc- has been 0vtM H month -of itryr. Ivor WcaTTici. aTuT oiiTV"

’ a hr** Is »larte«t tn the forest tr bûfhà, , ........ . II qunir



ProprtHor* Of famous •Vyra.mld Brand" Paints and Varnishes, etc.PLATE til.ASM, LAptffHrr RANUK of. Sise# at

nn application according to sises heiiulred. f. o. b to any part of the Province.

lowest rates. Prices Victoria, or delivered

WINDOW GLASS -'-'•and «tor* fa

STAINED AND LEADED ART buildings and' churches. Skilled w orkmen-

M&SkW ,t*K.: latter , agj-s,. jttsmxif#*-* ’ ■ > fa't#/*-,v.Mf ÎI1K- >a,S

GLASS for private* houses.. public rorkmen—Prompt delivery.

WALL PAPERS, largest and best stock In Western Canady

: r » 1 I ' ■! «.veto**jl8TN,lHVpSuKk MI'-1n-ACk' 8HU8HEH. ENAMELS. AND ART-

MELROSE CO., Ld.« 40 Fort Street

Next to Fiyc Sisters' Block, . VICTORIA, B. C.


Shoe EmponhinC*r. 6evt. end Johnson

City Shoe Mouse90 SoYsrnmsnt Street

Are you in need of a pair of Vacation Shoes? We have an UP-TO DATÊ Stock to Choose from :

Ladies’ Canvas Oxfords,From $14.00 to #2.50

Ladies’ Colored Kid Oxfords,*>om 88.00 to 83-30............ .

Men's Calf, Kid and Pat. Leather Oxfords,From 8M3 to 85.00

Men’s Canvas Oxfords,--- From •! «> f# 18.50




PHON* *> _______


► »

« »

«■ S I


*- ■





This property is only a few minutes' walk from the Fort street Irani, and commands a fine view of the mountains. City* water to the property. Prices arc certain to advance. ÉHOCMost Lots 6o feet frontage, and prices..............................$IZ0Terms $io cash, monthly paymenu of $io with 6 p. c interest.

_Thla I* th# »e«aon wh#n th# condition ?ir™L°Ur.,pl",'"ll|nS„ Fixture# demand# >our cIom attention. You cannot afford U> be nealigent where the health of yooiaelf and yom* family is conccrnerl. and de­fective Plumbing and uneanltary Fix-

a .conHt*nt to health.“ Intend making repair# or Install­ing new fixtures, we shall Iglad to £fm'7L a,y0^ *nd ‘n»tall thei“i™,k7.,»8t^î1<1.ard PorSeW« Enamelled 1 1 limbing Fixtures, and guarantee per-'Qrk a* t aaaaow.kL —. —#.. _ _feet work at reasonable ̂prices!

P. O.'Box 488. Tel. «29

A. SHE RET, 72 Fort St

A MONEY MAKER4 1-2 Acres

Good. LandAbout One Mile from Post Office.

WORTH 86,000 OUR PRICE, $4,000

h. h. mm & Co.


-T- armt ««« for earn.Sffiffi&itti'ash> BKII.UID MECHANICS PRICES-



PROMIS BLOCK,Pkoa. l«a SS OHv.rnm.nt Street.

Patents andTrade Marias_ rums h «l nmila

SaareXre t >»li Swatiia caret uiij .U,’“■aTug*. *'"*■ c*“ ** ”,t* -*•

ROWLAND BRITTAINi^,£gsr,&ssjFssi,.


ANHEUSER-BUSCH™ m 0Fftnncuocn ouoim thecniiiPtONS



BYif ̂ Kiummat» ■ *

R P. Rithet & Co. Ld.THE REASON

WHYOur prices>on PKESTRIPTIONS f «MWPHEftHSfe»» —■

MODERATE is because we do the LARGEST —- Prescription Trade - — and can buy'PURE Drugs at Bedrock Prices . ____

EE m *N B. Corner Yates and Douglas

Victoria. B. 0.


; Dr. Àlilnr; 2nd. half cord of wood, XV, j Rosie.

Throwing 16-lb. hamnuK member» of i til. only- U..- ellVer cup,

presented by the society, to be- Won twilce ’ In succession; 2nd, 1 vane of clarat, lit hcr A ldriVr»

i 220 yard dash, open, amateur—l*t, white. atai»^Ck*aL...,Wv d. VViUewH -JwedMti-

ere, Andrew Blygh.

the exception. Owing to the late arrival of the ixonie jaid* no P>X was posai hie until 12.90 p. m.; but In thb short tlhie at their disposal' the visitors scored 364 for the loss of but fynr laiiimen., j Barnacle headed the score with a freely hit 84 (not out), and there can be little doubt that the Victoria captain could easily have secured bis century If he had not thought that by prolonging 1 he Innings he would have endangered the success of.his side. XV. X'ork played a faultless Innings, of 66, and Tye's run of bad lut* came to art.end mm that player contributed a stylish and

■ correct  to tbc score.The Tuconui mt-h *1oo«l their outing

Critàei. ~VV ^ .n.v>"Vr *°J sl,i« k. and<*Tark nnd I'ameYnn got through an lm*

ültCQIS OtlâWl RMli Team - 1 mens»* amount of work with the • ball,svnQ'ng down no less than 29 overs aple« e, .Seven mrmbei'S of their aide pa r-

«tlelpHtvd In the attack.Wt*w -die- Twewcww men baH-ed-ft- -m*

ertdvn! that thrtr exert km* had told up­on them, and only Dow—who hit cleanly and well for his runs—and "Mr. Extras" contributed doublé figures. XV, York, rh He has don«r throughout (he whole season, bowled Very well and claimed 4 wicket's for 23 runs. Baker, bowling with lofs of spin and break- somewhat unique on a cement pitch—dismissed 6 batsmen and had 21 runs hit off him.

The score follows: ^ ’



Victoria Win Lacrosse

—Other Sports.

vuefhloii 'tops. HmirtT * Champion, twfceW RT~tv "Wmon r ’ïtwî: pairIt. XV at son, and a tucker. - R. V. -Wilson, 3rd. box of biscuits. M. R. Hmlt*h tk Co.

Puuiug.-Iti lb. shot, numbers ul society

If ever a battle royal was fought on tennis court in British 'Columbia it was

j on Saturday, when B. P. Sellwengers. of i I this city, was defeated In the finals for I j the gentlemen's f-hampibitehip of British

Columbia by Joe Tyler, the popular young player from Health*. For the first time

j m the history of the sport here- the chain* I pl'inslilp lias gone outside the province,

j but JTy 1er jinade himself so popular that 1| rr™*was an unmTXëirr "préasufi*"Tf»f local j -■**-------—--------Victoria,JU'WÆMt'.dW i'Uit.ka* iei.Girte-'g.tayjiy-y

But Schw«-ngers fought well andThe

It t„..k fr-.n, a U. 11- after two o elm* on- „^7C Mv|.b Clark rrwird great Ty„ ...........

vzi'vj. 4\ Barmocie, Tim out

til the stroke of three and lenthuslasm. -----


»»o»lyw- IjbI . siK . i- clip. . rtmmiHn . ml, um- : ***. JT**?1* ra^?yibrella. lam A Ulwr~:- j 'l*mn.yron ‘he^dle.' j

Fat man s race. 7.'. yards 1st. two hot- « bamplohshlp With > mnparutixu^£se. The | Total j «left 4 Crown Scotch whiskey, Turner. effectR of hJ* hc*Y? m»tch w>fth lichwen- 1 j» y|. Kogers. L. U. Conyers, ti. J.1 Keeton *-Co.. 2mf. buttle Canadian Chib g,*r‘l paused Joe Tyler tc^-follapse In tfof Howe. L' B. Trltoen, B. N. Wâ1%ên_dhlf W<Wh.m»c:.rr^“ - t ♦***"*Mm ÿÉMMÉW

Slow hiry«*le rave. 1S»-pmtN-1st. Imx of P,a>' w,th A T. Optfbrd In thé finals forfigura i*Jt**1*iDL 1 ■"'****Li box of tea» é- *■*'■* liJUtoU£flill| .tiOUtilfB lui! lut pliii'kilySaund-rs Grocery, ' rtMM‘ l” «** «**••»«! and S<1,Wengers and

, KurmTng broad jump 1st. arm chair, j Ma, rrt<> _fol*r w< before OreXVelh-r Bros., 2nd, sack ôf "fTôîTr *T. The fpwrrffa *f*er fhe-IVnoif. Tinu^> went to preas on Saturday kre as

Thtt-w-Uggad.*rava, 10U yardfclH, 2 ties.,XV. Or Cameron and Finch * Finch; 2nd, ] t^nilemen's Singles Championship- Joe

! ; UtMtir.-». ... A. II. vmion » r„ l » >'■ ^hwrnÿVr.. vr. Vt. H. j K Lyon „ B.k,r ..........................

I.,dl. «- sin.Ip. .......... . . ! W. >. Cemwron. c Roeéf». b Baker

►mar•Inning* declaied closed.

TactwrraV Or I*utullo. c L. York, h XV. York

l (]. C. Saule**, c and b Baker .............. .XV. J. II. Clark. V Tye, b Baker .........

j_L.. A. My ley, b XV. York .................. ..j XV. XV. Dow. b XV York .......................•ft.1 J. XVynft'. b W.

inBVLLIVAN & «.'ONSiDi.NE. l-rops.

•ROOT. JASWON. Mgr.A4mlggiun. l$c. Kmlre Xk>—| -- -u . i-__ .....tire Low

Floor and First Six Rows of B«U-cony, 25c. Box Heats. 96c.






Toaemg the caber J members of society only—1st, silver. >up. XV. Ji. ^pe£espears; 2nd. J-piece ted set. J. T. M>*T‘onald.

Running high Jump- lamp.' B. C Furniture Co.; 2nd. pair of fowls, A. Munson. A

1'llTBIflWB- II lb. shutv open, amau ur-lat, half ton oC Coal. Hall tit Walker*. 2nd. value 12 50, committee.

IMtchjng .juolts—1st. ham. West End value Z&y, Hawkins


-R-. XVttvnxr -b . Barker . Patulio, b Baker y. McPherson, not- out

I Hr—■ '■•n.l. rwla. -ttM. Mewktne * 'll,, «1.1. :>,1 1 d -rr -, pdmnar irtwr*.-

Singles i’hkniplonsidp- Miss A.Ryan beat Miss ~M.*)*fôs. 6*4. 641 ■

I Gentlepwn’s Doubles t'haniplonshlp^-B. "P: SchWengers and F. A. Maerai* beat j D .Joe Tyler and A. T. Go-ward. 6-2. 6-4. 4-6. Extras .................. ............................ ............ 19"Tt•- «m %r.;-r,"

who won the mixed doubles on Hiiturdav THE FLANNEL DANCE.mornlug and Miss A. Ryan, and Miss E The Victoria Cricket Club Krill held a

, Ryan who bulk*#' double#, form i fltmtr) tinm-e cu (is* Aw^mbiy room» wi

the twô last-built stacks, four furnaces each havtnr a treatment capacity of 600 tons. The remaining four furnaces are to be similarly enlarged, so that a total capacity of nearly 4,000 tons will' soon have been provided for. Two more large."Jumbo" blowers have been ord­ered, and. for driving these blowers, four 150 h.p. Westinghouse motors, two for each blower, have also been order-

! ed. The Installation of a 'third con­verter stand is Just about completed. All about the works there are signs of progress, and the great Importance of this big Industrial establishment to the

-district becomes mote evident as each month passes. The company Is em-

-v. about*1 Mm smeltingI works and 400 at Its mines.

There 1» much more connected with mining and smelting lit iJjp Boundary

i district that Mr Jacob* vywild like to iiave spcikeo of, but as he did hot reach Nelson until midnight. It wa^s too late, to go Into these matters. He pointed out .though, that although there Is not much stir noticeable In the Boundary towns It I* plainly evident that the dis­trict is making very substantial pro­gress. since raJh^gy, mining, smelting

tion with the mining outlook, and lui- j and power companies are together ex­portant development and additions to | pending money In construction work, plant and mavhlnef-y are being made. ; development, equipment, etc., to an ex- *,,h lhe .mekr *-»-

prrsTaniThi trw. const rates thT»tr TOfl Tirmm?Ii< ë That ain the Boundary especially the min- Proape rout industrial future of the

Ing gnd smelting indug^ieff ar«* ip ^-| fiouhdary »s fully assured. ..............prosperous coAdltlon. t’onoernlng. this ■ ' -"x . • T- ■district he -states that at the British J In an action for «lamages for personal

Extewlve Drelopmnts and Improve- mrnti in Mining and Smelting —

leeresslog Ore Frodnctlooe.

E. Jacobs, editor of the «B. C. Mining Reixyxf, came In from riossland, after !

TvaVlng spent a fortnight in the Hound- . ary and Rossland district, says the Nelson Dally Nexys. He states that In both camps there Is general satisfac-j



injuries, heard In tbc Hhorv<Jlu4i County j, court.. uouiuuJ begww |ds examination »»f

Cvlutnbt* Vopiiet: Cb^Jt siüt’Ulug works the, inatallation-nf. iiie, large small lugplant, to have a .treatmenf capacity of the plaintiff with the formal Auery.. 1.500 to 1,800 tons of ore per dazfTirwrni “You are the plaintiff In"This yaw?" The forward, and It Is expected Inat aboutV piatmrff ai|Xw»*red.— “f don't ittiuw wliat

____ two months hence ,it will he pravt4v-*x>'oy t all me. but L'm the man that got4n - re same awneRkwy.*-»

scarcity of lumber Is somewhat delay- ' ___________Ing lha fc-onstrm tUm of the high iàÜg

«si* * sfetiimniii—i


Members pf Scotch Society Provide Fine —r-pmrrantmr t»r Pirnu armir Bay."

Th** St. Andrew’s Smicty has provided e ►'plendld prograniTriv JXf~SPOfiS _ln con­nection with: its annual picnic to be held at Oak Bay park next Saturday, August 11th. Commencing about 2 p. m., the fol­lowing events will occur:

Girls, lo and under. 50 yards—1st. candy. Value 11. X. Renfrew; 2nd, pair scissors, J.. Barnsley; 3rd. book.

Boys. 10 and under. 75 yards—1st. pocket itntfr: 2rrd. muyfr book; • Mr-W. Want A

Girls. If, and under. 75 yard# 1st, music, fottn, FI*Rcher- TTros. ; 2nd, *palf*"of girl’s Shoes. A Friend.

Boys. 15 and Under. UNi yards—1st, po»-kct knife, Hickman Tye A Co.;- 2nd, pockcL knife..

Young ladles' race, 16 'and over. t5 yards-1st. trimmed hat. ft. Hpencer. Ltd.; 2nd. pair of gloves, Henry Young A Co.

IftO yards dash. open, amateur—Isf. value' 62.5m, O. Carter A Co., 2nd, shirt, value 81.60. Bea A Gowen.

Highland Fling, boyy under 20—1st, gold medal, presented~~by E7 M. XVhyte; 2nd. book. J. T. Taylor, and pair of slippers, W. McKeown.

Hlghlaml Fling, girls under 91-1st,, gold medal, G. Mowat ; 2nd, dressing ease, A.A. Clayton.

Sword Dance, boys under 20—Jst. gold medal. J. XV. El Mot t ;14 2nd. sleeve links,B. A. SfnrMart. nmt tKxrk, Stand*rTl Sta­tion»* r y Co.

Swxail Puni e, girls under 20—1*1, gold tuedal, comniV-lee; ‘2ml. hand bag, D.

■ rswpixH..---------,1—------------——Best dressed, boy in full Highland cou­

tume—1st. I pair.of sllpp<-rs, H. E Mon­day ; 2nd. Sydney Shore, valu.- |1. *

Best dressed girl; In full Highland--t-os- tume—1st. of perfume. Hall A Co.;gnd. RttYf-T 1ïTOO«*i». J. VX' en g» i

Bagpipe < omp»/lltion -let. gold medal.

i Bo*>t race. 100 yards—1st. «;ar ilckeis,| value 12-50. B. C. K. Ry. Co.. 2nd. box of; tea. F HI A Col

Sack race, io yards- 1st. car tickets.: valu» C TB C E. Ry. Co.. 2nd. valu» t.

Pope Statiomiry COiI Chli-ken race — Prise. thoroughbred • Wliite Leghorn rooster; A. Mitmmn.! Fat ladles' race. Î5 yard* -1st. lady’s i 'satchel. W. iHincan; 2nd, preserving pan.Hustle's Fair; 3rd, dos. Jam. Wilson Bros.

I M4 Mali2 bottles Canadian Club whiskey. J. VX'.Aniberry; 2nd. 1 d«jsen assort'd pU.kles.Brw«ly. Houston Co.

. Tbrowjpy 86-lb. weight, op n. smateur- istf 1 dosen cream. Sp»-‘ *1 Br«*s . 2nd, lbs. of lea. R. P. Rithet A Co.

Tug-of-war. members of society only. VICTORIA 6 -men to n team—Prise. 12 sitrk* of roiled ;

.Lfeut.-Governor i*i*d. Mrs. . Dunsmuir j wor»' Interested spectators on Saturday, I an also Admiral Goodrich, V. S. N.. and party. At the conclusion of play Mrs. Dunsmuir presented the prises to^the dlf- [ WHO whiners .1 I* Hunter, on shoulfb-m as se«-refary fell the onus of j preparations, was suitably remembered J bv live gift of a set of cuff links a* a token 1


of apprtaJattonWESTERN CHAMPION.

Kraig Collins, t,wl<-e XA'enterti tennischampion -won tMrtiile for tfce third i tag - * *• eleven from nil - *t ti» ? competing toe msat Chicago on Thursday. He beat Nat. j -------- — o__

' 'inclnn.itI. with a score TI4K OAR.

Auxu*t 24Lh. -TitikeUL ca^. ; be_ obmtoeri.. from any MM-mbvr u( tim.Alub.

\x in l'.'R BÜBHÊKD.Tin- Australians resident in Vancouver

were defeate»! by the Burrard 'Cricket Club on Saturday by a a* *»re of M to 63 in a one-inning «ame.

THE VICTORIA WEEK.Saturday, August 25th, will t** a great

«lay for cricketers here It will be the concluding play of the big week's tourna­ment. and the star feature scheduled is a gam*- betw«**-ii the

way troet.b** IrtPr the w«*rkk and the riew ore bins—the latter to have capacity of about 10,000 tons—but the manager. J, E." McAlllater, who has re- j ttfmed from a vbttt t«r the const, has 1 PrLvata Day *e4»eaJ for girls of ajl ages made arrangements to tide over the Re-ofxuvs off Bepteinber jtRT IlNth. difficulty limit trie- present shortage fr«>m district? mills can be remedied.Pra« ttcallÿ all the heavy excavation xx'ork and building ofsufistantfal mas- . onry foundations for the big furnace*, mot or.< blowers, et«-.. Is "completed; some «îf the machinery is arriving, the j

> eTt.ongfrilM*'' IhweiwM—Wl imiiWHnff 11 L ** ssaaafacture Lp-wDi * 8tu« Gesse, for the converters, et«-.. Is being pro- ' ®e°k. Store, Hotel sad Office Fixtures. « eeded with; the new machine shop 1*1 Cases, Counters. dDelvlng. -usntets,finished and povx-er t«»»ls Installed; the * water supply ha* been re-arranged; and tank storage .-.lor:; high-pressure system Increased to about 1ÜU.00U gal-

• g.etrwMMf^pn^,»*! *'• ■ r- -v ?

Nine dozen—Three- cases of the cele­brated AnmbMk union made softGraeco Hat. '

New Ÿork factory cost 118 t<» $24 dozen. Duty, |»er cent."

Bought them last week at a big pried reduction for cash.

Yj»u can ligure out Just what they*re worth. We will sell them to you this week for

$1.50 EachBlack or vohirsr

< See AVirrdow.j

• Queen’s Academy.s. d. pope, u, D.,



of 6-2. 6-4, 3-6, 6-2


A Store Whb h WI1V Handle the Bla « r Sh«**- Exclusively.


That this city has an abumlanfe of ««»••*! lacrosM- players was amply demon­strated at Oak Bay on Satimldv wli«ri Vancouver were whitewashed by aZ score of five to nothing. F«»r the first time this season a representative twelve lined up. and the effects of their faithful trainingUndet" Lionel Yorke was most annarent

wr* ">*• slK" "f •?'“.**••' !>.->'•" i- w»;, nnc,M.,.i mim mm...... .. ,In Vk-torlH In future the Vdyrr ven Terminal city nrveT re« kon upon getting all tha» 'teal"f certainly Tin- Sl.urrhoe system was originated by Charles E. Slater, president of the Slater Sh**e Company. Mr. Slater is well known in British Columbia, for he formerly trpv- resente.l his house “on the r ?ad.“ IDs « xv*-n« iu c and observations look loan when he de< idled to make the best shoe, stamp the price on It at whlch lt must be sold, fix a fair and reasonable pro­fit for Che dealer »n«I guarahte' ;ho worth of the shoe to the buyer.

__This, city is at present without aSlater shoe agency, but this will soon be remedied, for many shoe men are seeking the exclusive agency which will be grante* to but one dealer. In the meantime Edward Stark, of Vancouver, will quickly All any orders for the Slater shoe for men and women.


ity n. er got .. look In. and, I although the was hard and fast, AL- ia>ew4B.—of- Va m* ouvrir . Wh'O 'grTtv ; feree. only had to send ^two men to the ' fence, imr frmn either team. There was

a large attendance. Including 200 rhlted j State* bluejacket*, wljo witnv*s« d the

game as guest* of the city, i The second — and -third <fua rters were

very lively, aw will t>e seen by the time required f«*r Vi« torla to uhtaln the third goal. XVh. re all playcl so x4yUj/ i* need- leas to discriminate. II. Campbell In goal

! was a tower of strength, and the whole ♦h»fef>.»e worked nuj*t effe*qive4yr—fn thru team play was most apparent, and no players sacrificed anything for

; personal glory. Therein laid., the victory.• up a good article - of !*-

cr«»e*e, but Victoria provided' a better.Following are the time of making the

j Victors goals and the -men w ho made

At the company's Mother Lode mine the main working shaft has been deep­ened to <75 feet, end' a station opened at the 400-ft. lex-el^ with a big ore poc­ket below. By the time the smelter shall be ready to treat ore the mine will be in a |K»sîtlbrnb supply *0fr to 1.000 tons per diem. Then some 250 tons daily will be obtainable front the com*

hamplons and a pick- j Oro Den«»ra mine, 150 tons fromthe Emma. f«)0 t’6ns from the Napoleon, near Marcus, ^hiu! custom ores will make up more than enough to keep the works going; jt their full capacity. Electrb p'lxver will be used almost al­together at both mine and smelter, this to be obtained from the West Koot­enay Power A Light Co. __

At Boundary Falls, the Dominion Copper Co. Is enlarging It* assay «ifllce and adding U» It* laboratory equip­ment. eretting additional bins for b«»th coke and ore, putting In a Janckes- Farr»l crusher with a capacity of LOW to 1.200 tons per day tone 8-hour shift), building a new furnace 255 by 44 In. with 22 JL* in. tuyere* and provided with Giroux hot blast <the first of Its

AL , kind in British Columbia), adding a-f.; • ; te »«»» i Sfsc-j PüSSiSvtlk-blower te b.- run by

1y swimmliiK camlnaUun, tovk plaça In j twd 100 h p Altlir-Chalmera-Bullnck in- cvnnrvllon with Ian Ht. t’latr ■ school, .tortInn motors, and providing for rr-

qulsite im-reases in sampling mill cap­acity, railway trackage, water supply, etc.


Desk*. ArtSpecialty.

DICKSON 8Fhuoe usk

Mirror* order

1 SI-IAS Johaeos S*

|------- CANADIAN HENLEY.Tile Ottawa Rowing « 'lull w .m t Rr- in

lormtaliatt: fours at Mt. Catherine* on Saturday, beating the Don*, of Toront*». by two lengths, and Duluth badly Hen- «lerson. of XVinnipeg. the s»»le Western representative in the Junior singles, was dl»«tUMlifted for fouling a competitor. The -race whs won by Green, of Toronto. The Argonauts, of the same city. Won the junior d«juble*.



WOOD AND COAL At Cuirent Rates.Wood cut any required length by elec­

tric uutuniuery. vruck and Dray wort promptly attended to.


Ladies’ Tailoring ParlorsROOM a. MOODY BLOCK.


Reew a. M>edy Block, L>staim.IRi 1ATBS ITUM1.


JUST ARRIVED- Large shipment of Chinese Pongee Silks, best qualities; also Japanese Cot­ton Crepe, of all colors and prices, for sale by piece or by yard, or In any quan­tity required, at lowest, prices............ .

WAH TUN A CO..9 and » cormorant Street. Next the Fire

Department. Telephone 134.

BesfcaMe «ernes at Lew PricesWe have three choice lots on Bellott street, one on Pandora ave­nue near Fern wood road.. _ and four on Heyward avenue, on Which we wrlit , buiht residences' to suit, and ... sell qn easy terms. Moore 4 XVhlttlngxon,

conmirtfirx. 'phone atto. Agents for tmrr : Moore-Whittington Lumber Go. Rough ! and dre*se«l lumber, sliinglee and mould- j lngs for sale. Mill *phon£, B11QR

TALKING PARROTSFrom $& up. Shipped safely to any point by expretA. Write for Price IJst. XVe make specially low price* to -get the.** bir«l* in all parts of Canada to advertise


The Mtowlng qualified for first-class cer- tWlc^te*; Fred. .Brown, T. Dowkrr, A. Ak-*an«k*Ti -î». R«»bertsen. 1,. Krkkine and M- Berryman. _______ . ■ .

A NOTED HWIMMEt.David Galley, a noted Australian

swlnimer. has arrived in Ban Framdiu <» and will tralo under Sydney (’avili. In­structor of the Olympic Club. If he i p<»r make* good tiv wttt tnrrr The CnlieTT^,., States and Canada.

On I>ecember 31st last the estimated balani es in the Post Office Saving Batik In Ireland amounted to £16,230,000, as compared with £9,847,000 |n 1904—an in­crease of £383,000; In the Trustees' Havings Banks an Increase of £7,0u0 Is shown. In the case of the post Office Havings Banks the number of deposit­ors has more than trebled In the comsr ■ of twenty years.

Cesaford Falrall ..

Fairall ..

. 2 min.16 min.

. 38 min'. 2 min

For pure Cocoa, see that the tin has the Maple Leaf label on it


(Maple Leaf Label Our Trade Mark.)Is the purest, most nutritious and most economical made.

It costs less than half a cent a cup.


5tli F H.knr .......................................... 4 mlnIt was » (ir.Ht day for Ihs drh»-unit

white and demonstrated that a focal team. If fully representative, coutd give I the Rayai, Clly a h»rd run for a vh-tory. i

The standing i»f the teanis Is now as follows:

To !Wfih. Lost. Play.

New Westminster ........... 3 n j ,i •_* 1

Victoria ....................................... 1 3 ft

NEW XVKHT.MINHTKR WINS.New Westminster won the senior eham- )

plonsiilp on Saturday, at, Vancouver after * well fought'game against the Terminal | (Tty. the score being « to 4 hi favor of j the yfoitors. There was| considerable 1 rougli piny, four men being ruled off on ‘ each >Mè> in « n.*h Instance one- of the men offending twice.

RACES IN CLOTHES,The Debenham-Starr cup Is the prin­

cipal feature at the annual meet of the Swimming Club that uses

the well-known body of water In Hyde park. London. The distance Is once

! across the Serpentine, about a quarter j »f a mile, the competitors having to ’ wear ordinary clothe* not less than ! seven pounds in weight.


RUGBY IN AMERICA.__J. Rowland Hill, piesldent* ofEnglish Rugby Football Union, la mak­ing an effort- to interest the American three-compartment shaft, x«■ollegqç in the style of game played In 1 ^ the^maln Vorklng^ shaft^Britain and ha* issued a t-lrruhtr let- * *“ w-*-“ ***ter to them, asking what chance there is of introducing the gaiqe in each col­lege and what steps.should be taken to Introduce-thex-game. Into America. If l>o*alble a visit to America would be" arranged next year—1907. The letter says In part:

"Whilst having no desire to attempt to take the place of your national game of football, my committee thought thkt In view of the correspond

rrm jTs 7i j^s se Yerar wmer de - ‘ velopment and production are b«>th In­creasing. The main ore supply has been coming from the Brooklyn, from which a tonnage of 10,000 to 12,000 tons

month has been uhlalneiL. wiLh a , record of 14.000 tons for one month. The Stem winder Is sending down 1,500 tons, the Rawhide about 2,000 tone, the Sunset about 3.500 Ions, and the Moun­tain Rose la contributing a little. The

I Idaho will soon ha\-e railway connec- j tlons made that will admit of Its Joln- ; ing the -orb shippers. An air rompres-

IM lias USSR OrdtSSd f«»r this minv. t-.h.* operated by a 400 h.p. motor. Other plant is being put in where needed. The romi»any Is employing about 400 men in all at Its mines and smelter.

Ho much has been published In the Daily News of the extensions of devel­opment work and' additions 40 plant and machinery at the Granby Co/s mtnesr that ttnrre hrtiilte to "be added.

which Is of the 1

mine. Is. betog. proceeded with. The j opening up of the Gold Drop is pro- j greasing, HOIM.J to 10 cars of ore be- , Ing shipped daily from this mine. These ; mines were not visited by Mr. Jacob* this trip, but he was Informed that they will he easily able to supply the 1 larger tonnage for which preparations are being made at the company's big smelting works at Grand Forks.

At the latter two of the old furnaces have been rebuilt and enlarged to a j

«ice received and 1he many evprei- <*»*■* capacity of MO ton», making with slims of opinion- In the American press ————»B___

F7VERY DRY SUMMER the question of drawing water from Mother Earth 1« brought forcibly before agricutiur» lets and others, for which purpose the BEST pumpJ are re<iulred; that la why we stock


ARE THE BESTIn construction material and durability, xvhich we will demonstrate If you will call on or ^wrlte to the



123 Government Street, Victoria, B. C.P.R.1413

X I' l'ik. A XX INS AT TAf 'OMA.The Victoria tram Journeyed to Tacoma

and on Haturday last defeatrd the « lub I of tlirtt city. A cement pitch ha* hern ' laid down which render* Ih«* bowlrp* little or no M*si*tanve. and, as a cops*'- quencr. high scoring Is the rule .and nbt

of recent months as to the desirabil­ity of a drastic change In the Ameri­can game, ami In order that there might be nn«* gafm«* of font ball In which all English-speaking rai-es might meet periodically, this would be a good time for the Introduction of ,qi|r game Into A'merlca."

(Contlnurd on page 6 )

THE NORTH-WESTERN SANITARIUMLocated at Port Town»«id, Wa»h:. opened to receive patient» June fourteenth, nineteen hundred ind elx. it- I» to be conducted on the famou» Battle <"reek, Mich., Sanitarium plan. Beautiful location, excellent climate, build In* with all modern improvement», fully equipped for the* caring of the elck. Medical end aiuilcal. For full partlculare addreea W. R. SIMMONS. M. D.. Superintendent, or Sanitarium. Port Towneend, Wa«h.

However enthusiastic we may be over our SEMI-READY WARDROBE, we do not want to go up in the air. You can get just as good clothing- as ours» but you will have to get it from an Ex-laETover our>fcest^ —

Semi-Ready Suits at $12,15,18,20,22 and 25 Semi-Ready Trousers at $3,4,5,6 and 7flannel and Outing Suits, at $6.00,7.75 and 8.50

B. Williams & Co., Sole agents for 8emi-Beiaï Tailoring, 68*70 YSitfiS St

assSu ;


\V. Huggeit. of Vancouver. I» Visiting The .city. He I* a guest at the King Ed­ward.Juttr *7 Khrtr of t'hicago. Ttnd Manr

Nr*blt, of Lekamah. are at the Domln-

people. w h«? hold that to attempt te the servie» revenue-producing


$35.00 from $42.50, weathered oak. $32.56 front $42.50. golden oak. $19.00 from $29.00. weathered oak.

from $113.00, golden oak. from $7$.50. golden pak. from $$8.50, weathered oak.

■fore fully Investigating both sides of question involved, and having due re­gard to the special conditions under which these Industries are developed and opera ted 7

5. Is ft hot akin to playing "dog In the mangfr ' to refuse to Gbin^eo land now.I iwtppoee. Hindus» the Hass of wortr white men wpn't do. such work being ab­solutely net'essary and In many Instances short season work?


VICTORIA daily times, muxda v, - AUQUHT li. l!Hm.

THE DAILY TIMES.Published every da*^ (except Sunday)

The Times Printing & Publishing Go.LIMITED.

JOHN NELSON.Managing Director.

ed In the prosecution of ahy such work. And besides, travel In a modern steam­ship can be undertaken with a far greater degree of comfort (halt In the

j most luxuriant of railway trSIns ; th/ough such a. cold, barren, inhoapit- i able region as Asiatic lussla. On the

whole, therefore, we .conclude that the j project of the Czar la aa prématuré asOfllcee ......V*rr.......... *• Broad Street

Telephones: jBuSneSr^flice001* .....................................IW Majesty seems to consider thf gov-’ja——■ 'mL« 'li,.'■*■!*'''h............■ i ■ , çrnmeni of hto country by a constltu-

t’OST OF WATER.j tlon of limited scope.

The New York Post thinks Great Brl- taitT“cannoTalfo>d to throw -FEtifoW W- the United States In the matter, of divorce records. It to not for us to sit In Judgment upon the morals of our neighbors. At the same time we «>b-

thlrtcpn ••applications Tor j/t the marriage tie cam#

- vtidebt'Wrtrtof Toronto and London, Ont., for de­tailed information respecting the ad­ministration pf |he water works In these two growing cities In nettl^i oX these mnntctpo Mttes "haw tt been j serve- that thought neecssary to go to the ex- | dissolutionpense of placing meters upon ordinary I before one Judge in fteattle last, week, household consumers for the purpose , and that the majority of them were of preventing waste. Instead seven granted aF-one sitting of the court, penalties are exacted in all < .«#*•#' of 'That Is ‘going some.” ns the applicants negligence In the fulfillment of corn!I- ' ions upon w hk-h water Is supplied and ;

systems of rigid inspection are In force , The charge# In London are regulated !

accordlng to thc number of rooms and 1 cf services. In Toronto the number

for. relief might say. Ht HI, as has been said, such records do not constitute re- j liable proof "that the s*>clal conditions In the United States are In a more un- heajiKy sawffifefr that* are- Hw- c»n4i— lions in* count Hew where the marital

SeatedSeertitc 4 DAVID SPENCES, LTD.


SALE CROCKERY, Etc.Th« Sale commenced this morning the way one expected it would. Some of the quantities were not large

«enough to satisfy aw. hut rvmeng the variées bargains listed for to-morrow and thoee which shall ha Matedfrom day to-day during etir August Furniture Sale, everyone will no doubt be able to get a share of the good things being sold for the Home.

■ ^m-ïrfnrsrv-.lÀe nunibef. ut rooms ai«> takom- into

consideration in fixing the "rates. Mr. Tti* Lew to and Clark exhibition Baker, the City Ctork^ot London.i says:. ? Poland made * reverd in it* Un» for “In reply to your favor of the 23rd1 this—continent. It paid not only ex-

• 4ttotv. 4-beg-to say that the jrmrrmt mlr | pDWtai but a Amndeome 4ivl4A*»d tu Us-

for a house Is $5"for three rooms, and shareholders. The people of. the Weal seveiity-flve cents for each additional ^re prtivtlyel- auj buslness-üke In all room, to which to added $$.«Q„fwJ w.c1;., j «heir affalis. ,$a> 4w oath and $4 fofi^,gaid*ui hPs«», . .<wëiëëw5^7-r •“ ‘ .»subject to discount of 20 pçr cent. That to to say. a house with three rooms, s-. c.,■ bath and garden house would pay J16.50. with a discount of 20 per cent.. ..equaling.. 813.36.--- Tho ..Manual

American Works, which- Iuia^__^been quoted as an authority In tin

controversy respecting water rates, gives the charges In London as fol- , lows: ‘•Family. $8.75: w, c.. $3.5«>: hath I

tub, $4; horse and carriage. $2: hose. .$9.50: a total of $27.50, and makes no mentlpn of a special discount when the nrt«w are paki wtthm a agi^flyit tlmr

j Walter S. Fraser & Co., Ld.



Wharf St. ’PBbne 3

•he Editor:-1 do not think M could have r**ad my previous Inter ! very larcfuliy-or lias won Id not have writ- i u-n In stub a sarcastic strain, bui Instead j havi condeacended to straight argument j and tried to prove his various stale- j meqta. 1 would like to ask. with irnmwmum. the TottWwtrfg qu. stf.’u»afitfT

a pro via km w hl« h prevails in nearly al! 'trust that some more able pen will follow Cities .and to in pifl.n.aDy ai| ■ î ua-smm its mérita, .withoqt- any .... . _ . . ... p« nsiwaimHryuttir a i r ;ïr7r

VICTORIA B.C;••••••••••••••••••• >•—§•••#—MtWNI

taken advantage of. It ia well know n. that supplies of water in the case »f London are exceptionally difficult to.

. <*btatn. and that the rates in conse­quence are comparatively high. The water In the first Instance Is pm- ure.l from springs a considerable distance

penswgiTTWt-'Wbig -a i 4nr iiài?mgiÿT 2s I. t.’ao *'t». K. M.” name a single farmer

wlui lias started In business because of llic Cbineae Kxchiaiq^ A#IT— —j-

To what « xtent would the cannery business have been developed but for a supply of coolie labor?

X Could the sawmill# sell lumber ahy eaper it" they employed none but white

from the city, and the pressure, in the .labor «if they could get it - mata» I# supplied by meehank-nl power. * ♦- 1» it a fair propos»tton to cut off rbr

In Toronto the minimum rate supply **i labor from any Industry ♦be­ll.50 per annum for a four-roomedhouse with a family of four persons, and the maximum $S per annum for a dwelling, of fifteen rooms occupied - by seventeen persons. In the case of a house of eight room occupied by twelve peraohi the charge ts $3 per annum. In addition to this basins are subject |o a < harge of 50 « enta for the first and 25 e#ms per annum for ea< h additimial. Baths and closets cost $1.25 per an­num each. All the above rates are subject to a discount of 20 per cent- If MUd within a certain time. The supply of writer for Toronto Is obtained bypumping from Lake~Ontarfo. The In-

- . . ----- 7 '.^3Bgwcw«w,»i —take .pipes are run several miles out.Into the lake-and thr water forced In­to a. reservoir built on an eminence north of the city, from w hence It is dis­tributed by natural force, quoted,the Toronto works pay the cost of maintenance, operation, extension, together with a sum annually set aside fqr depreciation of plant. This Is In accordance with the policy endorsed by the towould be wrong In principle as em­bodying an Inequitable form of taxa­tion. The Manual of American Watey Works does not quote the water ratesIn Toronto. —;—:------

DIAMOND RINGSHuyt««->w dlOTwoe* to a matter

that requires experience and Judg­ment. The slightest variation ln_

van***-■iliHiiWikaajLfeH; |* : eortinsvf-or it flaw In the stone will make amnm-trmrrrmH* m ns value.

WE ARE EXPERTSMade so by forty years* nxperienec. You can rely on our J'idgment and reputation when purchasing from ur*. and our fee for serving you to so small that you can always re­sell your purchase for nearly as much as you paid for It. We buy direct from the cutters, therefore placing diamonds within the reach of everybody. •' .

C. E. REDFERN, 43 Govt. St.


A party composed of Abigail Camp | Lt-mon. of Utic-g; tier (rude James: of To

iron to, Ind. : tlt-orgfha Saxton, of Hills- ;dale. Ind.. UlArisw Snlyard. t»t..£JjtBA#lli4

rtt|d ; »nd- •dpean « 'amp. of-Uenteeito. jndi» T are staying at the Dominion.-- ----------- -----------------------—4

J. -A. Anderson, auditor-general, left this morning by the PrlnceSs Victoria for

At the rates ’ *l,«- Mainland on an official tour of in­spection of government offices.


Mrs. Miiston. uX. Spokaiv. and Mr*. Miwdy. of Vam-ouver. are at the KTng Edward.

J. I>. Wilcox. Mrs. R. Jaocbs and H. R. I Jarobe. of Portland, are at the Drlard.| Mia. I* M. Bruwn and daught-r. -*r I Heat tie. are at the King EM ward.

I* B. Joseph, the lumberman o.' Port 1 Renfrew. Is s« the Dominion.


Huntley S Palmer’sBISCLIT#

HEVAUSEThey are THE BERT by TENT. At the Paris Exhibitions i»< i"7H and 1900. when ever) BMbmi MaatthuRsurer -u known reputation .competed, the "GRAND PRIZE" was awarded on both occasions to HUNT-LEY St PALMER ti by the 1 ' N ANT MOUS-xotc of the Jury.

__ _ H P. 1439.

r of K-l-The Cur .,f Rumhi hi.. It Ik ..1,1 j monton. or. it the Hrinrd. 1}

authorized a syndicate to proceed with I J MaeLmhUn. of Winnipeg. I. .utyin, the. construction of a railway which Is ** th< *“ “iora

J. Ifer.dersoij. of Nelson, is a gu*-st ■ the Drlard.

J. V. PatcY-son.Priant.


Au to tot From Heat tie Grows Enthtisl- gFtlc Over ftplendld Highway#

Near This. City.

designed ultimately to connect his Ma­jesty's Asiatic possessions ■ with Am­erica. This project will Involve driving a tunnel under Behring Straits, a dis­tant? of merely -forty miles, mil Includ- Ing approaches. We are fold there are no engineering difficulties, of any mag­nitude in the way of the completion of such a work. It .appears to u# that to bore a hole large enough to accummo- * Interviewed on Saturday by the Se­date railway trans for forty miles ! 6tt** Times. (Taude C. Ramsay, who ... , , , returned to that city oh Friday lastunder the sea is a work of considerable , „ ,h. hô«, .from an auto tour of the Island, has

engineering and financial dimensions. to say regarding the good roads of.But perhaps the Vzar has been « om- j V%icouver Island:paring this task with anoim^~?niTI-, ‘ leaving here Tuesday evening.

July 24th, on Princess Victoria, we shipped our two white steamers over

MAY LEAVE TO-DÀY.The German steamer: Marie» hen will

probably leave t he dry Ao* k thto even­ing or .o-imorrow inormng, when she will be Immediately taken hi tow for Seattle. The temporary repairs have been about completed by the Victoria Machinery Depot, Woolen patch work has been placed OVer the hole# in the hull and over thto cement has been lammed to fill up all cracks. Tearing the. steamer npw in what to calculated to be a safe condition for the voyage to Seattle. ——-

MARINE NOTES.Capl. Alex. McLean, the man 4ho in

loading at Glasgow, and" white eo route, the schooner Carmendta, a vessel from Liverpool the ship was struck by | without a Mag or country, caused Am- a small steamer and received Injuries erlcan patrol boats iiu end of worry w hich were repaired befcH^e cargo was Inst summer, to now running In and received aboard. The Bare ere # local out of Vancouver on the little tug City «•argo Is consigned to RobeK Ward & of Tlpella.Co. ^ Kxt ursion rtm* by tire t*. T; R. steam-

—— j er Joan from Vancouver as planned for: «be remainder af t be season, are aa fol­

lows: Augnst-Sib. ►’'raser River; August ttth. Granite Falls; August 15th. Darflvur

The loaded ship reported In Hatur- day's Times as entering quarantine, which' was sUppvseil to be the British ship Bare*ire. to now .In port. The siip- i>...viii..n as to the Identity --f the ves­sel prifved correct. She was towed into the outer wharf later In the day. The Ban-ore made thé passage, in 138 days. On the voyage bad weather was en­countered off Gape Horn, where some slight damage was sustained. Before

to Victoria, where we arrival Wednes­day,morning at 6 o'clock. After the necessary delays Incident to custom* house regulations we got our steam­ers off. stopped at the Drlard and im­mediately afte. breakfast proceeded to •ec Victoria, and Vancouver Island. Every man Interested in good road*

culty he he* on hi* hands at the pré sent time, and that the estimate is merely comparative. poubtles* the

• day will come w hen business conditions and the demands of passenger traffic will warrant the .Investment uf billions of dollars in the work of connecting all the continents, of thto world except Australia by rail, hut the present U*ar i shmlld go up there and see for himself of .Russia, even if he be vouchsafed wonderful highways thgt have been . ^ , 1 laid out on that Island. Without at-length, of day. (and we would not von- kwp enr rKord of dta.slder his Majesty a first-class Insur- i between places,. we were on the ance riak aa eomiAred with the most., ao from tin* time wi- landvdia.t

ta netèatùzilat- nweMnsi'-w**»likely to live to we the junetlon made. : fed qur steamers from Victoria to . «lit . V’ancouver, ». C., arriving In that hu8-

-.....the population of Uanada, the country wept about IMT mile# north of Nanaimo which ha* Just found herself. I# going . «round Cameron lake and returned by to grow very rapidly from thla harvest I Nanaimo Ladysmith. Bhawnlgan and f ! . __i.#__________ , Hooke lakes over the mountains (1,800

On her excursions among the Outf.- Irilgnitl both Saturday and Smiday. ihe steamer Iro<iuoin had a full com­pliment of passengers. These calm warm dqy* an» very pleasant among the Islands, especially on the route taken by thto steamer, Its narrow winding channels and ever changing acenery making a .continual round of pleasure until the return in the even­ing.

Next Sunday the Iroquois will call at. the Tod creek «entent work# and remain there during lunch hour,

Rush; August 22nd. Fraser River; August 25th. Granite Falls and August 2$th. <i"\\. r l'uinu /

A tel« grani from Por( Esslngton from Captain Bonser, of the elwuner Pheasant, announces tliat lie had made/the trip from Easington to llascltoq bniPbavk In two days and six boura. establishing a record at th»1 present strige Of t$4 WqU r

Hteàiïier Tees arrived from Ahousaht and way ports oh Sunday evening. 8hc brought ’ a lorgi- number of passengers

845.00 BRASS BEDS, $65.00 $85.00-

TUESDAY, $29.00 “ 0 $42.50

“ Ê $57.00

remain incre uurmg nuint mmr, ’ ■ , * ; »that those who "wish van have, thvlr * <-o»6lnnmm, or whale product..lunch under- the shade «if the trees In some of the many cosy nooks in the vicinity. Lunch will also be served on board the steamer.

BEATRICE'S Tte tv y. It.

ARRIVALny's fences»

tüï.toy eveningafter a plutstuit runv8o9tfi from fikag- way. TTie rftemm-r had 80 pasgfengefe

:ii the trljv. 61 of wiiAm were from Al-

AUGUST SALE OF IRON BEDSAt regular prices these beds esnnot be duplicated elsewhere. The August Sale Price

_clear-cut savlngr. Price» .. ............................................... ■ .......................... ..................................... .. . J "

--------------------—................................ ....—...... . ................. .............—

represent clean, -^s .$1.76 to $18.50

MISSION FURNITURE —AJarge stock Hall chairs. Library Table*, Easy Chairs, of all kinds; Novelties In Rockers. Settees, Stands,

etc—all at a saving. -— - ______________





$42.00 from $56.50. weathered oak. $49.00 from $62.50. golden oak.


Wallace Bros.. 1835 Extra Silver Plate on ntckle silver, warranted; Table Spoon*. $2.50 dvxen; Dessert Spoons, $4.75 dosen; Tea Spoons. 12.76 dosen; Tabb' Forks. $5.50 ftnxen: Dessert Forks, $4.76 dosen.

Victoria Nick le Silver Table Spoons. $2.40 dosen; Dessert Spoons. $1.40 dozen; Tea Spoons. 76c. dozen; Table Forks. $2.40 dozen; Dessert Fork*. $UK> dozen.

Roger Bros? 1847 Silver Plate Table ..Knives. Spécial. 84.60 dosen.

Roger Bro#.’ 1847 Silver Plate Des- *#rt Knives. Special: f4.W dosen.

Royal Canadian Wringer, with the latest Improved atachments, solid rubber rollers. $3-65.

Brown Rockingham Tea Pot*. In tall, champion or globe shape.

6 rises. 16c-, A)c.. 25c. and 35c. each. Brown Rockingham Jug*. 4 sizes,

10»-.. 16c.. 30c.. 16c. each.Brown Rockingham Mixing Bowls.

5 sizes. 15<\, 30c.. 25c.. 35c. each. Rockingham Pudding Bowls.

rirni ten IflRockingham Lip Mixing Bowls. 4

sixes. 25e.. 15c.. ;46e. __ _Rockingham UuspIdors. Tow, wide

shape. 4 sixes. 9-lnch 36c.. 10-lnch 66c.. 12-Inch 76c.. mammoth. $1.00.

10 CENT LISTDevil Rat Trap. 10c.Handy Wash Boards. 10c.Uhlld'e Toy Brooms. 10c.Enamel Basting Spoons. 10t-. Enamel Pie Plates^ 10c.Enamel «’up*, 10c.Enamel «sucera» 10c.Enamel Mugs, t sises, 10c.Tin Pie Plates. 10c.Fry Pan*, cool handle. 10c. Jelty-Uaka Tins, with false bottom,

10c.Enamel Bread and Butter Plate.


Enamel Deep Pie Dish, 10c.Rolling .Pine. 10c.Tea fans, decorated, 10c.Wire Broilers. 10c.Tin Pitts, good handles, 10c.«quare «hallow Cake Tins. 16c.Glass Tumblers. 10c.China Creamers. 10c.China «alts and Peppers. TOc.Wire Fly Killer, very ueefuL 10c. China Vases, assorted. 10c.Bread Knives, wood handles, 10c. Retlnned Cup Dipper, 10c.Wood Butter Ladles, 10c.Soup «trainers, wtt* weed handles.

,Pot Chains, with handle. 10c.«voffeé «rtainer», wood handles.

Potato Mashers, with enamel handles. 10c.

Perforated Cake Turner, with wood handle, 10c.

Mirror'House Trap, a sure thing. 10c.

Tin Dinner Horns, Just the thing for\£*mpers. 16c. “

Wire Pot Cleaners, with handle. 16c. Handled «ink Brush. 10c.Shoe Dauber, metal handle. 10c. Whisk Brooms, wood handles, 10c. Large Tin Funnel, with hanger, 10c. Wire Tea Balls, van be removed ' from tea pot with the tea get- tto« any stronger, 10c. each.

Assorted Styles Can Openers. 10c. Stove Lid Lifter, cool handle. 10c. Wood Butter Spades. 10c.Stove Polish, in paste form, very

good. 10c. . /Puta Cream Metal PoUalc 16c.„ Flue «tops, decorated, 10c.Tin Trays, 14-lnch. 10c.Tin Roast Pane. 10c.Tin Eggs «tickers, very useful for

fryed eggs. 10c.Çs Tin Cullenders, wood handles. 10c. Bread Bake Tins. 2 sizes. 10c.Round Cajia Tins. 10c.Tin Jel>y Moulds. 10< .

5 CENT LISTCoffee Strainers, with wire handles.

5c.«ink Shovels, with rubber tips, 6c; Cup Tea Ht rainer*, 6c.Apple Corers, 5c.Preserve Funnels. 6c.Cotton Dish Mops. 6c.Child's Rattles. Sc.Wire Potato Masher, wood handle,

Wood Butter Spades. 5c.Xong Handle Toasting Forks, with

0 IffWIfb. ...... ................Asbestos Mats. preventt_pot from

burning, 6c.Wood Mustard Spoon. 2 for 5c. __Tack Lifters, with steel claws, 5c. Fibre Nail Brushes, "Sc:JTbre Scrub Brushes. 5c.Glass Lemon Juice Extractor, 5c. Cake Turners, wood handles. 6c.Tin <’ake Cutters, "Sc.Tin Doughnut (’utter, 6c.Jelly Cake Tins. 5c.Pie Tins, extra heavy, 5c. -Wire Hinge Toaster. 6c.Wire Egg Whips. 5c. X Wire Skimmers, very strong. Sev Wire Egg Lifter or J5gg W’hlp, 5ca | Nutmeg Grater, 5t.«love Lid Ll/ter* (vopper>, 5c.Tin Kitche» Pepper Shakers; 6c. - Wootl Preserving Hpoon, 6c.Wood Potato Mashers, 6c.«'lothea Pins. 2 dosen for 5c.

XMl Cans, polished tin, 5c.■ Mouse Traps (gee wiz). 5c.Mincing Knife, with Enamel handle,

6c.Retlnned Basting Hpoon, 6c.Childs Tin Mugs. 6c.Child’s ABC Tin Plates. 5c. Solomon Gundy, handy nail box,

contains an assortiment of . wire nails, 6c.

Tin Funnels, with ring hanger, 5c. Wood Butter Mould, 6c.

1 min the Bèchajri statioÉ. The Teee w in to-day load a shipment of 20.000 feet of lumto i* for tb'e n«-w mill at Cloyoquot and

t‘^111 #all for yuatsino »n«l way portsto-moprow -evening; .... 1—- —r-------- à -

Amongst the "freight which -Jh«* steam- « r City of Nanaimo will h»ve for points up .n A.large TiRITer 1 i ’Tïçtorla iln- 1

liilnerv Depot for use at CumbTrlaml.salted for j

British American Trust Co., Ld.

IP you have any stocks for sale

List (hero with us

We have an order for the preferred stock of the Colonial Loan and Investment Co.

Harold N|. Daly, Mgr.Ofllcw: COr. Broad * View 8ts.



The Hickman, Tye Hardware Go.LIMITED



General HardwareP. O. DRAWER 611

Hteamer- Princess Heatri '<

clerk of the j—W. C. Fitzgerald, head Woodmen of the fVorld, will be In the city on Wednesday A special meeting j of the local « amp will be held that ! evening at 8 o’clock In the A. D. Ul W. i

•ashfcMSiUTIMWww •Muiawi«rtui<i,,Jsi!’ii|(Wf8gM,S3feBii»

Amelia Gertrude Pinkerton, of Daw­son. came fioutli ■ on the steamer lit « httrgp of B. B. Pinkerton, who will ac-

* j , „ . -- . . , ^ . rsooxe in He* .jv«r w.e „h,u.,...... t,.ow vompiffiy the corpse east. Amongst theForward. If the undertaking depended , f#>el) to victoria. These fine roads J passenger# were: Wm. Harrtofm, D. entirely Upon the population of this ; lhrough a^nse forests, across moun-> Masters. Geo. M. Henrle. Jessie W. continent It might not He so far in the juins end rivers and along the shores ( Masters, J future as the must pessimistic "of us , of beautiful lakes will alwàÿs j rts. V. A.tmanm-. Bu. there; fa the *>ëii lone I *«h »« nothin, but the meet pletneant ; nu-ke •

* „ . memories of \ b torle and Vam-ouver ! M.- W—lewd -of Asietb- Russia to reck-^r T|ty-regtotei ed ■’ KûTprTF.'T»; TvIV".ü: r.uÿirHîïï. r.nit , ttrm -of mcmbPTs" îtr t*,dimThta todge;

through which thoummds of miles of , nearly 500 miles while touring thé 1st* r A. Hatfield. C. W. Daw Icy. A. W. Fo« k. • No. 2.’ 1. 0> O. F,, fin Wednesday even-unoroductivc road must 6e construct- ' end," 1 D *H. HeveL ,* mw A l.ny al tviida-m e la rr.jucsicd.


Dealer ta

A. D. McKenzie. H. D. M«r- hallÿ Paw. Mr#. Paw. M-rs. Nri - ■■

Clarke, Dr. N. Judd. D*% H Judd. AM, . — Importa ni business Including workiirren. Prof. E. E. Prlm-Çï. C. C. hi two degree* will oci-upy the atten-

•PHONB 6».


Building LotsFOR BALE


eONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ■Phan. 1140 Bllord Stmt.

Wanted# Furniture, etc.; 1n any quan­tity. Best and «ash prices paid. Don'tWOOD AND BARK

-OFFICIO, B TROUNCE AVB. PHONE ». j bt luintbusycO. .,»> JWÏ the eaatt.


—Nn crises «ame up in court this inornlng.

- THE ARK lh* 1 cot. 8TOQÛ and PBBaoro se

Tennis GoodsjytcrossfL.

P M- Bale, and BaseballOutfits

John Barnsley & Co sIU OOveeMlENT STRWET....... ÿ


Water Wings35 Cents

Bathiqg Caps26 Cents Up"



CYRUS H. BOWES" " Chemist:





Oak Bay Avenue EIGHT LOTS

Jmt off the Avenue$1,690



TO LET,------- —


•Phone 1976 P. O. Box <21




M< an ...

Saturday. .Vug. 4Deg.

' SXffylhThoTSTrèTfFa. ...........

July. .1M6,~ ■ Deg.

. High*at temperat lire .............. M.St ^y*BFir~TAm i>#f€rtif .r Trrn ... *9 »Mean tempera titra ..................... ®.51

Total prwlpj tat Ion for the mont-h, .16 Inch; Average amount. U.J7 inch.

Bright sunshine. 345 hours 1Î minutes: iivan dally proportion.0.71 (constant sunshine being 1>.




Is There a SpotOn Earth


You can call your own?There should be. It’s

cheaper to own prop­erty than to rent; it makes 700 feel inde­pendent, and inspires you to further effort.

$2,000 will purchase a new bungalow, ten minutes' walk from P. O , with all modern con­veniences, on terms to suit the most exacting. We will be open 9 o’clock to-morrow morning ; avoid disappointment by being on the spot early.

' iv'Vs:



One of Dray’s Leaders Killed After Co!- •tiding With Fort Street Tram


Aji accident occurred yesterday



Extraordinary' Inlreaax In Valor of Ormi j

- Tvda no exaggeration to »ay that In : twenty-five year» there will he a, much ‘I.H k. J-uj, capital In a diamond neck- 1lare a* iher- I» In the average Indue- : trl concern to-dajCoind I lies.'' etoneia III be at *uch a fabulous price as to rv- , . ... . . • -•be beyond the reac h of any but the Piam°tdS HI adjoimnR columnrichest of the rich.

VuuMm.«wLjrtNkh.* iw“aKiKLJM-'1ûealU of a horae iKlcHlginàlTlt. ' Mrav V ?“*?““ **" ***W®W» ’>»■........ .. .............. tent.: during the past six months the

price has risen 10 per cent., and In an­other two years diamonds will I* an- other 20 p*?r

—-Member» nf the Victoria ’ Interna-, septttofl üüâ

tend a business meeting of the, club this-evening at fr uYhxk, (ni he 8j£ M III lam V\ ,i I la «K hall, a» matter* of importance will be T-rmstdered.

Playing a part in the accident were conveyances, limy's tally-ho, au auto- Htobitv driven l»y (tewen. and a trutnvar. 'I Although the opportunity was favorable j- fOf. Serious accHlviite to many, person», bo |

| one n'a* Inju'i ed. and the «lamag# l vunfV.n-d pntetlcaify in fhc 1n** of nn«v fit ! Hi a y a tally.ho leaders'

Tii»- hret trouble <K*rurrvd at the corn# r of Pemberton road and Ilockland avenue.

• The. tally-ho with a full complement- of I sight-seers paused Government House ; and whs juaL a winging round the corner 1 to drive up Pemberton roa«l when the ' auto dri\en by. tiowen. coming in the op­

posite direction nul. about • to proceed up j Kvcklnn.l avenu»1, dashed in between thee

leaders on the tally-ho.Tin horses become very much excited.

Tha extract on the scarcity

front one of the leading Englith jasper s atid^cORclusuely, proves thi^J correctness of the advice we havt consistently tendered to our eus- t imers, viz—Ely Diamonds. Wf have, taken our own advice and bought steadily ; to-day we hold the

• largest stock in Western America

cent, ilsarer.But It is exceedingly difficult io buy I

Ilamomts st nil. First „f all. nij intro-i *fui fKn, Ju** It* he got ti, Ih- syndics te i _

HoUlh A fries n ittn- all of it bought IlEIOKl: the LAS! npnd market, and when this difficult .,„H xer.îr Ur i, woke !...matter Is srrsnge.1 the buyer awaits his turn—generally he has io wait

ikwuy, one. ot them jumping the

the Appointed <|ay he goes to the offices of the syndicate and Is shown a psreel of diamonds. There Is no bar­gaining: the buyer can either lake the diamonds or leave them.

Men "have been offered fl.OWI for their "turn” and have refused If. The reason for t|ie,rl»e 111 ihe price of dla- ■Ksstoste-utwretie

rise and MOST of it UEFOkE the las| THREE ok EOL'R rises; that is why we can sell Diamonds at less than the market prices.

~—J- t "harles McIntosh. »•*( rptary of the fisheries rummlaaion. uirTvcd in the viiy yesterday. having left the Quadra at Albtrmf and here viar-Na- .naimo. j

Vlcforïa f

----- ---------- >>-------Th«- V Ivy of Nanaimo, «arryhig No. j otiu-r iii*n * broken lamp

. -------s- 1 company. of t ho Flf t h Regiment onSte-»?. Drtehf l«W w tswird hllL.tla âSâfrwiSr wl» mrf VaV.'-th»

»nd t la rice M-( drdy gavent hf {troprie. ^ a\ g p n» pivilyualy...wmmmwFftrThen- will be music and refresh inept» on b«.anl for the members and their friend»- -

le»» productive, althinmnrtt l»rm lrtV*r*tt»"anHcully 1 fl„„ more brimint'

uuvvvrdrtt !.. keeping th. IK,... learn under Emeralds -hate gone. per vem . eaatrul and thus sated the passengers ' and there has ti*, been „ big Increase

trom any harm. In/ the price of pearls and rubles.“** .....i-' w-‘ hrauek. 10 a —Extract from the Dally Mall Lon-andetlil and. »i rungdy enough, came don, Eng.

of the mix-up with little injury



47 and 49 Government Street V k tori a, B. Ç.

-George D. Volllfis. left

TUr. f*. A'. HafrTstin,' a mortgage wane real eaiatc |M Biockton. (;ul. AhiuiIu-.m*1 *ul i,aii1 l!z,rv"ul" Ml

forevlofe Ihe mortgage.

ThZSSlh Kegtmeni inaitfl nuidtt Ua-of Néw York

•O tuwirmg—aurmt — i,;

ilr-st apivearnnce yesterday under the new leadership of, Bandmuwlty AV. y. North,- playing a concert- programme at the new Gorge park io a very large and most appreciative audience. The imiMlt p I. IV i.‘-> I gave 1 \ •- v> good Irn- WeH^lon ill Mr. Nor Ilfs «enectîôn «» fsn program nie Tii» ability k'ad

—M. K. «’amillue, n.ritv* i«>- »h«- -TUne»-

ha» been living her. a numl»er of year». The writer spite* that *.h<- ha»

heard iH-rsonally fmm him since but had been told a few years

was blind and that he had

ifot 1SN0, ago that h.

demented. The

- „ . . "• ,uu 111, liik.-n in «11 effort to recovi««lifer a favor .by fetttng'tVT-----whether he {» living or iiet, a*


• was mlteit mit 1 hÏ8 ] ^ ->r^ -rBrEt • meefiner of <he **»iradtaw ,,very much t-. knpWV'^aùd tt wltt -fil”- f.i■morning to a chlrhney fire at the Taylor Automatic Fire Alarm & «’all . hi* Interest to know a Iso." ° , *. a*>!"Corner of lioyd street and Dallas road, j 1 was held at 14 Trounce

! avenue, the offices of the company, on '. Saturday afternoon, when the follow- !

Ing directors were elected Frank Hig-’ II gtns. A. Johns. Alfred Taylor. T. H.Horne and J E Church. Frank Hlg- gln» was elected president and J. E.• hurch, secretary-treasurer.

No damage was done.

Real EstateWe have a number of wall situ­

ated choice lota in a beautiful sub­division. on eway terms, itr ptires that guarantee a large profit In a very short time.

Also desirable house properties In every section.

W.* have some bargains that Should be picked up at once.

Consul- us about your purchases. FIRE INF FRANCE WRITTEN.


—‘Next Sunday on her trip among the Island the Iroquois will stop one h«,ur at the Tod creak cement i.ork*. This Is a beautiful trip. Those who wish can bring their basket* and lunch vti- •der 4 h» shad» of the tree*, fctmrtr ahrr served on board. •

know also.


J. Musk et t Will Continue to Kill That Office I'iider lion. James


—Canoeing accident* at th* Gorge are becoming common, but while there

-Admiral Qoodrlvh and the other? '"*'e la">ly b*»n *éveral >h»> have for ffioers and men of the United States

warships now In Esquimau harbor areenjoying their visit to Victoria. It Is _____ . . . _ _ r, , .possible that they may prolong (fié vUrrc^Ju*1 ‘*ff th»* K < Electrfc Rail

tunately not he»Mi attended with any serious result. On ‘ Sun.lay t as .. *t*f« added to the list. One of these «»c-

H-.J- MuKk-‘tt. who wm* secretary to Sir Henri J«dy tie Lmhlhlere during the latter part of hi* term a* Lieut.-Gov­ernor, will continue to In- secretary to Hon. James Dunsmuir. Since the tak-

Tfrfliifrf'^tTi f*"n“ /rcc fruui luv -uuiüjuy-.l ill# •- til lilt- direction, ot th* statics

along -iii'iM-rton r«md. At the Fort street ! V. pa-ifittK •*•• 1 • am ap­

proached. The driver seeing the danger increased his «peed to get out of tin* Way. an«J aine,ist Huvi'vedvd. The horae* yulight ihe rear i>arl of the car with the result that ony of them. I tad, g, Uut- Xr*yt uredr-and- $-

ffly » ut"^bov< t.ile fetl«>. k. The Iniurica j Mich t lia l it v% Mi 4iv«AA*sa ry to ah«*it

A* I* < oimmni. In muvIi esacS, opinion Is divided l* to whether blunp- attache*, to ‘ anyone or wlietier llic unfortunate oei ui- renct wa* purely a-■«•hi» *ital and outside th- i onlnd of Mnyons coni'scnctl In It. j

at-Uou tpggiAfr-»-, er for tfie loss

*4 t«»» horee. it being i.xitwitloi ou that not give warnlug

roH«:h™«nil (fiat It »ook th»- wriing *UW Tu meeting, thus «lushing directly be- rw«.,' the l»'a«ter* on the tally-ho.

• in th" other *;de it Is ism tended that the circumstance* were ■u'-h that they could not be controlled. The street Is t«y> niirroxis i"t tii»- two eonveyauree to merit and then* wa* no reckless action on the part ot tiie ciiaffeur,

The t'ourta may be asked, to «lecide the |

HOT DRINKSLIME JUICE Quarts ............... . .............MO.N8ER Î AT LIME JUICE.. ......................................GILLUN'8 LIME JUICE........................................................PERSIAN SHERBET..............................................................El FUEL Tt >WER LE.Ml >N A DE.. ........... . ^THORP’S -AERATELl -W-ATERS-. -PE1K»RK.V. :

WATSON & JONES55 Yates Street FAMILY GROCERS Telephone 445


way Company’s park, where a young lady and gentleman were upset, and the other happened just In front of the Victoria Gardens, the victim* *»f thli accident being a coupl* .,f young men.



9. o. DRLG STORE?*■ ncAouiT

visit until Wednesday. Admiral Good i rlchl has rep!le«l to the Invitation of ; H|s M'orship Mayor M"0"rley" requeeting.I *he admiral and his officer* to take a

uiJy-ho drive «bout the eUy with a~ j dinner at Oak Ray hotel. The reply I» ------S 1 to tfie effect ifi*t they will not be abb- . ~"El K- ***r*r. chairman of the f to accede to the invitation, as there \ 22®*^ °f dlret!tora "f the Canadian

I are other engagement» which w ill pre- ^8uïphw* Pulp Company, and j. vent this. Yule, another of the <Jirector*, gré .an

--- -o- - > tiTf* caaat. TfiAy URI go nnrOT to per-I with ,,,, Intermt Incom. wht.h year ! ’™"L '?* Bw ,h! ">- aftrr year tend f,.r M years, laygeb ; ùnr, . L., ■ , ” 7,""" , m , ___

tx. rx/J*U,t. 4eathc1ufm»r. wni, *• tàmf'* I* ^ ^ vgvr*”<5aT^,rserve fund than the Domll.lon^v- CL. "“T" lnduJ,,ry lt ,hal h"h,t d*' dst*ernmetit standard: with the lowest ex- *" ;* f',r *,mie bl"nense rate of all Canadian rompante»; . !î!‘ L •U.'V.l.,y -1*. «P®»!»1» »? result

'-west premium, rate, ot a'l ^anT " a'*

Ing of office by Hon. Mr. Dunsmuir Mr.Muskett ha* continued to act *s se« - i rec.iry. It wa- indoded thut Major Au- j dMln would later assume the dutle* of * private secretary.

Thc*e flans have beep altered gnd '

STIndian «rmy. Were- the only x« ltn«*uies In the police

couri.lo-day -In Captain Griffin'* case.

>kipf*er of the Tug Gave Evidence at Hearing of Charge Against Capt.


<8p«'<;iul to the Times.>\ ancouv*r7 Aug. 6;—Ernest Mitciiell.

- - Victoria; l.lglitkeeper John Grove, in the • and <*a_plalu House, uf the Chehalls.


Nbrthetn radii, Winl>xteml it* Sys­tem to Make Connection.

RUPTUREY*,u get « «.mfoi i aid tttltfK^kn with

a Heard Truns. Free trial.Office Moody Block. 76 Yates .Street.

—Excursion* among the Gulf Islands ! Wednyalay* and .Saturday* by steamer Iroquois. For Information, tel. all. * .

-Sale of gent*1 and youths’ neck ties. Any tie .III «»ur store up to 60c. : y our t hoi« e for 2.« . Robinson * Cash Store. M» Yates street. •

Work was ««unmenced.^Uila.morning . >m'^he cxtenniOTrof the tram line along

Saanich road. It will * he rushed to « ««mpletlon at the earliest possible date, j ™*nt* designed by company employees,

with thinh«> old Canadla'n companies; with no other interest than that of Ue policy- holder* to consider or rare for. how T^LL^LÇ^ejMyyi^bLy t^ter provide for the future of himself, and family than through a policy in the old reliable Mutual Life of Canada. A. B. McNeil special agent;- R. L. Drury, manager. •34 Broad street. •

—Business has been rushing during the past few days at the local offices and station of the Pacific wireless telegraph*. In consequence of the pres­ence of the United Htate* warship*, which of course are equipped, and ! W'hleh b«ve had considerable business ! Tor the American foils Acroaa Straits. The erroneousnes* of the popular Impression that there are varl- • Mis system*" of wireless, each foreign ttf the other, Is Indicated In the < lr- cumstance that while the Boston and < ’hl- agu are equipped with the Stah- yarc»» apparatus and Instruments, and the local station with spec'lal Instru-

<»f the

•f-O--Tli!s w••• k‘* -IrtBl— rntnrtaln-

A «Itspatch t«# the Seattle Post-fnteN

ys: “ » net have timerVice-Prc*Icier11 <'. m. Levey, «f the

NY*rthfrn Patti ti. jl all wayfwapàiiy.left Port Angeles this morning'after a atay of two days connected with the cjimlng extension of ihe Northern Pacific line* ii^iW-Hre-<rtjrmptr

Captain Howse said that, he was keeping on'a steady course when fie heard the Princess Victoria whistle. He Immediately blew two whistle*. Which mesnt that he was going to starboard, and tried to turn th that dl-

" ^ ■ in - i wiiH- . ,_ — »tnent at the Gorge park is expc< ted ivy lM‘nin?iula Mr Levey brought with - . ... - ___ .the management to be Just, a little fwr, T hire a prsrtfrgf -right-of‘tray^-mam• -fn-: -fta-^r-ffiwt-afiw should have craned the

If the Victoria hud p.issed on hi* port side and h* had kept mm I* course he would have been In danger of running Into the Vlctorl*. provided he was fast enough to reach her before whe i»as*e»l. He believed the accident ermid hrrre been avoided by the Vlctorht slo.wing up tilt she could

ther Improvement upon anything that the <‘rnPl°y <»f his company, who has has yet been offered since the bioscope alreadV ff,ir|e to work securing the ne-

H *“*“■ j|| building rtf ther the ‘Pori Auge­

an.! the excellent or. hestra were In­troduced for the amusement of visi­tors. The feature of this week’s plc- lut. in ogrnmme will he a novel ver­sion of Dickens’ "Oliver Twist." |n ad­dition to which there Is a long list of comic*: "Invisible .Men." "When the Masters Are Out." "The Scholar's Breakfast." "The Ice (’ream Rater."The Bridge of Sighs." etc. The musl-

“M programme for the new week Is:

July-23rd, fix*. Isoan A Having*

Raymond. Ahn The U. f*. Permanent

b, mmmDear' Hlr*:—I le g l<f‘th«nk you for- your

, ■for ghe «W1 of tl»t.0«i. being, the with- drawul value of rertlflcate No K*81. i must thank you f«>r the very prompt way in which this withdrawal wns arranged and much appreejat.- the fair treatment s.•corded to me «la ay* by your to

Y ours faithfully.C? «Signed. A. E M«, IRE

the *t«th>rt had im difficult y In Ing up" th«t f’hicagn when she was ten miles off the Gape—or quite fifty miles from here, although the Victoria sta­tion 1* at present equipped for hut thirty miles.

• essary rights for the branch to be known a*1^» A Peninsular,’ and To eSIend Trom Pbrt Angèles e«mthaeiirsrty-trr i^ake (’rescent.

"Mr. William Bothell, an engineer who has been taken front the «Colum­bia river bran.-h of the rood, also met Mr. Levey here -and has been put In < barge of the engineering work on the peninsula, |fpr Bothell. has_Juat. -com.

____ . ____ .w "»^ree<»nimiasance of the prtlpos-:overt ur#. Von THxer’s Hits: cornet ! ed rnu*»> f*f the Port Angeles and <Hym- s«»lo. "WaltIng" (W. V. North); *ele< - ( I>la 'tlvlsl«>n between this city and P»irt tlons from "Red Feather,’* and caprice, Ludlow and' made his report to Mr. "The Whistler and Ills Dog." 1 Levey w’hlle here.

—1 ^■ ■ ■ _____! "Before a meeting of the city coimcH—The annual meeting of the Grand | an<1 prominent husiiieas men «.f the

Post of the Native Hons of British Col- held yesterday .afternoon, Mr,umhla was held «»n Tuesday evening ‘ Levey confirme#! report* iff the pur- làst when, there were present over 100 ' biise by the Northern Pacific of the mendier* aitd visit ing detegarr*. "Am- 1 *Wn Independent raîîrâad ong the delt^gaté* present were Jr represented by the Port

stern of the Chehalis and that It was risky for her to try to get up on the •port side. Anyway, she might have slowed up. said Capt, Howge. and l should not have tàken any chances.

Mr. Bowaer and Magistrate -Williams had another racket this morntng. Mr. Bowser told the magistrate to be quiet end not interrupt him from^he bench. The magistrate «•oinplahied that Mr. BowseT had insinuated that the court favored the C, TV Jt,



Nÿt SttT m A ’rcÇ?:




•Stuart Yates. W. If. Iaingley. Th«*s. , Peninsular and «he Port Angeles & Watson. S. Pea. Jf.. Grand Factor, J<.*. «Mytnpla corporation», of ,which Mr.

Lester Turner, of Beetle, is president

^Ar^«ockeye salmon tagged “G. I.." : one of the dial Ing uiahed signs placed

on the fish at one of the salmon traps, through the efforts of Fisheries In­ape» tor Edward G. Taylor, of Na-

, rial mo. In hi* desire to follow the cours* of the fish from the sea to the Fraser ' Iver. ha* tieen « aptur*d,. The tagged

1 *<H*key# was caught In the net of a Japanese .fisherman off Point Gray oïV

|,r<W»iiloiis , Tu-»:ny monttji* Test.Angeles A ------------------ . ....—


All Aboard For Cordova BayPACIFIC TRANSFER

,t*bl**- Fert «trett. below »?■'• »»<•. *« the place of merlin* forts«* kaves stables. Fort street,P. R. office, every SUNDAY k_____

ING at 8 o'clock, and THURSDAY EVENING; for the famous camping and picnic resort, returning to the city at 8 p. m. Fare, single or round trip, OOc

E. Wilson; Grand Treasurer; Geo. T. Fox and Grand Secretary Arthur y.

"Victoria ; W. H. Walsh itm| -Dr. Da I by from Nanaimo; V. W. Rtew- urt and F. J. Stannard from Van­couver. The usual business of fhe so­ciety was transacted and Vancouver

NightEx» urslonlst» Ha«l to Spend.......... Hr. M. J. t’arrjgan. of (hi* uliyy : A.boar4-4hc Vessel.secretary and treasurer, and stated ' . -----that In purchasing hi* company liad (.XsstHlated Press*)taken over ths obligations of those cor- ! Detroit. Mich.. Aug. «.—About 1.600 porations emb-nlM'd in the framhlse* j^rron* from Toledo and other Ohio granted them by the city of. Port j cities, who left Toledo yesterday mom-


R. BAKER St SON’Pbnc NO, 1______________________ , 30 Ties Street

Chicken Wheat100 Pound Sack*, $1,70

E. B. JONES, Cor. Cook & N. Park Sts. ’Phone 712

I amon the TOP

—, Jmt QUALITY At the Bottom^


elected f„r tht- ensuing year were- Urand farlnr, W. H. Walsh (Van­couver); deputy grand factor. Oeo. Thmc. Fox (Victoria); grand sec retary. Arthur E. Haynes (tltlji term). Vic­toria; grand treasurer, F. J. Stannard (Nanaimo).



—The programme commencing to­day at the New Gram! theatre Is fully up to the high standard set by Inst week's performance*. An original net. by the hifelHMif Quartette, fn the top l.Mi.ri- ’the Mil whL h In. Iu»les H«

-4-s9rr ......of the most expert xyttiphonlst* wfc

sketch, "The Holrfmi," J,y DtDm Fian- (Company, furnisher rqeutymsmrn msamw

Leeds >1 nd a favorite Austra­lian duo. complete the ylslthiK artistesIn an extremely good show . FfiederleRpbefts Is singing "VV.g.n thi* Drloles Are NesUng Again." with Illustrations, «fid Prof. Nagel’s orchestra rentiers

] Angel ee.Mr Leyey further stated that Mil*

f meant that the Northern Pacific would build the two branches of road which are to connect the great bodies of tim­ber In Western Clallam county with P°rt Angeles and Port Angeles with the main line of the road j>y way jjf the j ■ Port Townsend Southern, vlg Klma gad I Centra I la and th# north bank of the Columbia river. ,

"It -was the expevtath.n of Jila com- IMUiy. said Mr. Leve). to have the en­tire peninsular system joined with the j new line down Hie Columbia within one 1 ear from (hi* fail.


Ing on the steamer Greyhound for day’s trip to thl* city and return, spent nn uivomfortable night aboard the steamer which waa blown hard aground on a shoal at the foot of Hl' kory Island, by a sudden »<|uall g bout 7 o'clock last night.

that It iras am»;ng the pttimr r.TTiiff

wSFww'esf'- •■■-**«*&**■■■**In us«* by th»- malivlltte of the Northern I’nVltic* u the Kalamu cro*Hlng of thé |CofunihlJ. N

''The visit of Mr. Levey and the im- j portant atnn«»un«,e-mçn!s made by him ‘ here ha\e » routed a great deal «.f lu-j

materiallyKretschmer s overture. "The T«4(s- teresl in this section and man. New- moving pictured iye throvtu_Liwtped on the alrta«ly decided manlfes- 0,1 ,ho entitled *4The-T)P1ertive" j tat Iona »»f " !«»» dl pr«wpertty. The realnod "The Accidental Rho«rtfng." Tfie i eklatc market In P»»rt Angelr-s ha*

-mu -bW J* ties* gtren at this nf- taketf ûnvtn activity 1tdn*S“Tr»Tr'kTimnr ternnon s mullnec, and has nttra» ind m : aim .- the old boom da>s of fifteeu

be continue^ ! ago.throughout the week.

5,000 NEW

Talking MachineRecords

Beth Disc and CyHtier



The Work That Requires Hand IroningThe dainty summer garment* of the gen­tler *ex—are a specialty of ours during the warmer month*. >

We have Iron era for this work who do nothing else, they ary experts at It. and It Is only reasonable to say that they can launder such garment* much nicer than

[ they cmlIw. #wt t kwtif ;--------------------------Our way saves you a whole lot of hot.

tiresome work. too.

stem muiMTHON*. 1017. 85 VIEW STREET.

. .Granite stud ■ Marble Works

«-MammeaM». TaU*ts„ ftrawtU*Coping*. *ic,. at lowest' prices constatent with first-das* stock and workmanship.



IF YOU STOP AND THINKOf the large reductions we are al­lowing on our entire stock during


SALEAn«l. knowing firm, you Will■r.îTnjnfwW'?

the rcllihllitÿ of thism»t h»v«itat«> i«i .buy

1 '''C:


lEw. wsmrccVLIMITED.

44 Oov't St. Phone 194



We snake a specialty of developing, —m-jni ing. mounting and enlarging /ur 4*01 > i amateurs and professional*.

ILtMING BROS., 50 1-2 GflV'tSt•••'-----------e->r-»)BffT8- imirg.----------

All Eastern Canadian and United States Points

Tickets on Sale August 7th, 8th and 9th Final Return Limit October 31st

Two Transcontinental Eastbound Trains DallyFor' all Information ‘write or apply to

GEO. L. COVRTNKY.District Passenger Agent.

68 Government Street.


sasweire ^•krr-f^gfprêst'7?VHAFTER II.—(Vqiitlnued.)

» ’* - tt-t orteil the other's


September 8th. 9th and 10th.

Connecting at Skagway with -the W. A T. Railway.

LEAVE SEATTLE. » P. If.8. 8. Cottage City. Humboldt, or City

of Seattle, , Aug. 4. 10. 11, 14. leave Victoria 6 a. m. Oity of Seattle. Aug. 11.

Steamers connect 61 Ban Francisco withCompany’s steamers for ports In Cali­fornia. Mexico and Humboldt Ray.

For further Information obtain folder. Right is reserved to change steamers or

a «> ^

BRAY'S TALLY-HO COACHsailing dates.

Seeing Victoria along the famous Beach drive to 'Oak Hay. returning via TICKET OFFICES.Rockland avenue.VICTORIA, 96 Government and <1 Wharf

Sta. R. P. Rlthet A Co.. Ltd.. Amenta. C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Passenger Agent.

16 Market St.. San Francisco.

Dally trip. 1.30 p.m. Seats reserved at any hotel or by direct ‘phone. 112



Through tickets are now On sale at ah ' xilway and steamship offices for Dawson. WmrVttr, -Çgrtboti^ AFhltc Horse, Y. T-*~ -SS* hMiP'-fi1 v P iirbanka and Nome. Alaska.»ecLions made at Skagutiy w'.th our dà*!y reine, and at W bit* >4*rev and ('aelbeu rlth our fine fleet of river and. lake

^patev.wnlng *-wna bathing with violer ..wingshrH. bifiby comfort; lunch rrlellty. "WINEH,


ctrr.'WmMwhk*hf slipped down around her class hotel

the best.LIQUORS, etc stobllrtg.


Good Fishing, WoatsFor Hire







$1.25VfcR HO\

G<kh1 for Cooking and Eating.


Splendid for Table.




(Continued from page

A1 HI.cries.


A new Amerivaif" iimatçür^ reVyrd In throwing the- '28-pound weight. Irish style, »*.« inad^at’ Boston* by Dennis Horgan^ of the New York Athletic

™Chib, who exteet

of an huh. the ml*site being hurled 26 feet and three-fourth* ■*# aïTlivh.-

won o’l Hit* ! wo prc\ iouyTiffa'Wffler wTltT^ ..... 'Of ■»;ptnjisiwv ar-,W.'Ty.' WRTfir>r, tiifw- ♦ vrr, *iiv -ceded in securing hi* ttrst vic­tory- with the beat wore yet. ii, or one •»'** Ilian the p.MM|ble. Other result* were 'Yelk I ,7k. c. P.ain. 26; Rlthet, 36; and le a veil _t

8ho.*i .imuiTtn rrhibt for the Dominion Cartridge Co.** iiiedal.vmnpleted the pro­gramme This I* an event of much Im­portun..-, being -Ïi single bird* with 16- almots to complet.- • the compétition. The winner will.Ik- the marksman having the highest' average In the tirsl ten shoot* ))e


th* paddock official. "Number one!" then. "Coni< on you, Westley! theÿ’re

\ — The ,teti starter* passed In stately .procession from the green-swarded

| paddm k through an open gate to the s.'ft harrowed earth, gleaming plnk-

! brown In the atm light, of the course, j How consciously beautiful the 'thor- I “ughbred* lookedÎ The long sweeping

step, the supple bend of the fetlock a* j It gave like a wire spring under the 1 wefght of great broad quarter*, all ; sinewy strength and' tapered perfer-

i a lean, bony head, set with two great | jewel* of eye*. In which were honesty

an.d .courage, and eager longing for the j battle <tf strength and stamina, and f *t«o»oe*H <d he*rt:. .w*ew the nostrils, , .with a red transparency as of silk, [ spread and. drank eagerly the warm

11 ;'■i ™ 'Tffwnrcr»i.i.

h say he hitlfrr

FVKLD DAY IN X’ANfOVVKR On Wednesday there . w ill 1k- ;t day n

field sports In Vancouver. Including. I».- ..sides rt large proghtuitpe of track sport*. t*alk d

two lacrosse matches and a ttig of-war 1 n,•, X'iA c. > i

Lj^-rÿh.U^ There will be two 16) yards andyrordro Wk;and ftVt men's raves.

PRACTICE.The usual practice will be held on Wed­

nesday by'Tin ■■Udt. mentioned ^and every ^JJWk--Ah4d)l*av.4n^-1 he . oBy-t* JsekoHic »,

attend. It will t>e a • Warming up for "Aug­ust Dili, when tl.. re will be another com­petition for the Dupont trophy and the Dominion Cartridge Co. medal. There will also be some careful shooting In pre­paration for the big Curtis A Harvey,

- CLUB FOR NKLSON There i* a movement*»n foof to bulti a

....MS". "StVmrc ,pi«ib ptfftfr iflVjjfyfrw.ii.k_T**■

gatta has armiwed.enthusiasm in all kinds of sport, and it Is probaldc an institution will ii. tHkOCd sum. whit on the lines of' the J. B. A. A.


1 sumnter air that waa full of the per­fume .of new-growing clover and green

* pasture-land.Surely the spectacle of these lovely

creatures, nearest to man In their ^ thought* and their desires, and su-

Iterkir In their honesty and truth, was [’a sight to gladden the heart* of king*.| of a great certainty it was a sport of

-i king*; and also most certainly had it •tf times come Into the hand* of hlgh-

_ _ I way robber*._____ _j_____________________

_lhm-» un,thing nut" To^Uy'ir bAll "Bmr ,n*5 <w'*5Sr* "f J'*"

Lausanne/' ' '"'That marfl'fl- ~hMY hti

Porter, curtly, xn< ttled^lB*I ock* tire ne*». ^ - ...

I Dixon, noil, lloux- ~,M bel >ou usuioxi th.l. . — — t other, the winner to take both,*' crh*<l

...........>v H" »r’",g . . .. lu. ndtnin », imwlux. ..ofttww- [on.,.nd • inti. «trwiiiirer,'

turn Needlr-** ,p. . le- a«ld.«l, fa 11 ering I > I , ^— •* ■ **- ' ! wri‘." *» • ort' ■ • .,f th

WKDNKHDAÏ s ,-R*fVI. K [ ator, vol,"I ,vant to , l. ur Hint.- Mnd ,or ml Mr ,.orter h ‘̂f 'j;f l.u.-reliu l.u.THIa uni h.r rlv.l, th.w,M»d -but never nrlnd m1h>ui that. .ju<-rled Crane goluen-hulre«l chestnut, Lausanne.Andy. The mate's well - ain't she f an J . , .. He passed through the narrow gate

an't be anything doing with u . us' ± . . ^leading from tie pattock to the grandAUuuL The gate kf»#po^ nodded - |daaa»-

t and I*«-nr* IN._S|tilth. a new marksman, thought s

"saw-the end of the-wmrld-ttnrtng the shoot i Ue ca&hea liLpften when he credit- vesterdaV.'•. On" ÿF(lie bojia liacl painted Î "Hh a uTTiitake, retorted the other.

—rt-Chtn«-*e hat." aw'bla .^ii tmthr. H,. -Well. I've played the- little mare."I to r.-pivwerit a blue rtx k. and when-Smith ! asserted Porter.— i 1

"Maich *|r?" ask

you had an offer <»f five thou- i sand for your Ally. Mr. Porter, half queried Crane.

"I did. and I refus'd It."

times. "bfflns-essr<n rWr—-------■to-_<la^,_».n t;tt iW.?i him for hatf that ■t think „e'lt Win." an„vere,I the "“',ted <h- tmUie, puuWm*-iiwn*

he htoml anti watched hi* beautiful brown rogre. trittfeg withstately step behind the others, lie loved good horse* with all the fevor of his own strong, simple, honest nature.

. Their walk was a delight to him. their toarlng gallop a frenay. of eager.sen-

-eaAknr, T1 uite. *.nM:Au.UbUnt-Ut. Ltoa..wtMniA he loved so hi* daughter

-AWa. IUk Juetlui was thinking

B ASKH ILL.'rERNwi u)H8: "rlpTonV

of the X. Y. A made a new world7-# TSngFufW Pfjffifir'ŸVîv ŸKe'‘'llW1t'A1:record for f he browd Jump. :clearing 11 -e —-feet 6 Ini lies. __ w -...... _____ ... JUSCRLLIMCOI ».

A carrier pigeon bearing the : tt:g. message ; Struck It rich.

*1 Central. 1 Pamcular* by letter.Thin- was a good baseball masretr at

Oak Hay yesterday morning Im1 tween the Vlcto.-la Ft-mwood* and Hillsides. The former won by M sobre-ot-5 to 2. but t In­de lea fed team played gmwl ball. A f.-a.t- qre of the game was two double plays by the Hillsides, for EkiIIi of whleh tin* same players were responsible F. MU*Connell, wltort *t«»p. to Watele*. ha*e. to Mev’imig. at Itrsl. Fr-ttïk Jewell acted as referee. *

INDIANS CUMINGTh.c noted Simix Indian !>..*«>haII tram

will visit- Briljsh Columbia shortly if ar­rangea* nts at present going forward are successful.. After the XVInnlia-g fair the

... Hl.imt ataricd West and should arrive here late -ii the jlre-ent munifl In the eight year# of Its exist eh. e_th« Sioux nine ha* played ;..YkN games, winning 1,263 and los­ing »M.

* pamiovK ae follow - j Angers of 1 tu Unwd I 'I'.'i. .--..* —•r—K. P. j tv rest hi r t

' trilner; "1 didn't get anythV straight—- j Just that thhre seemed a deuced strong

Itlp «tp Laüxàhnê; « on * I de r I n ' that he'd never showed any. form to. warrant it. .Yonder he is, sir. in number five—go n h !B«W s t h tm. ** " "

i A* John Porter walked wi^ros* the paddock a horseman touched the

imr'ilght hand tn his cap. a^yu- JAalf-concealed look" ut_hi-_

the .onairs eye that Porter travelled the sixty times between I knew front experience meant wme-

• -k .tnd Hen SOD Gulch. < *al.. , thing.within an Hour a few days ago. It was j "What do you know. Mike'*” he ask- liberated by E. Pj,Connor at 7 a. in., j *d. < *retesst>'. only half halting hi hi* and caught by hla son J. G. Connor at | stride.blit home an hour afterwards. "Nothin"" sir; but der«- s *<imvbf>dy In. The ; îèh Sowleys. num- know die trip. Ter, mark's a poodberlrg à party of 52 l|i- ludlng wives Uttle filly, w • n sh»-"< right, but ye r and daughter*. vreai-het1 Montreal on • UV against it.'<July 28th. and -wnn their flfst match ! Porter stopped udiQ looked at the the next day by a score of 12» to S2 j horseman. H» was Mike (iaynor against the West holme Bow ling Club. I

Lausanne'* neck."ClURIftM by the pt-rslstenf boast-

fUhlWS >>t lamgdon. Portéf WSa aug.-t:- * 'I Into saying, "if he i-« «t< tn\ mire, I'll give you that for him myself."

' Dtmwi snapped ItanrdonIt. an' I'll stU k to It."

don't Want the home—“ hesan

\ anti y fo him and said; "Hope you’ll do ' "TTie mc1C"wtTtr rhr mtle mare; wtrr rm

twenty "years at the business, and I haven't got over my likin’ for an hon­est horse and an honest owner yet..**

.There was covert Insinuation of svis- pielon, .ilh.-it a-kimlly one. in the man's Tmw^“8Wf#'7'T*ry'*-air*" WFa* - fwR el ike taint ' of iTookedness. else why should the official speak of honesty at all?

Special Cheap ExcursionROUND TRIP RATES „ -■

Pnrt»r :,.,n .Uderruped JUm. . yJn, iui-u'Thut 4ob« t-ôtier" r*u«l <»h. If you, warn fo crawl—” l4l w«n

.'"fhe ’rrnittwl- t he htwn and - leanedHg*first 'the course fence, to take a deciding look at the mare and the chestnut a* they circled past the stand In the little view-promenade which pre-

-c-tul« 1 the '(To be continued^-----

Two only of the visitor's rinks were down at the. finish.

There . was an Inmîvatbm made for the 220 yards « hamphmahip race of the BriUah A. A. r_ held recently at Stain- ford" bridge. The competitors were

trainer, and more than once-pprt*>r had «((Hid his friend. Mlk** always had <m hand three or four horses of Incon­ceivable slowness, and uncertainty of wind and ljmti; < <»nstNiuently there was [Tn e vcr-ji-u urringv Imcbdit y 44* pay fee»! bills, so he had every chance to know

compelled to run In string# giving each ^ M-d Who was h'js friend and who was man hlx" prnper course, ^nd ensuring r’°*.* ^or dried them m<»st sorely

-ti, «mBervc|*wî,'-‘- *Md Portas ffercely.. VI don't want your li«*r*e. but Just to show you what I think of your chance of winning. I 11 give you two thousand

"and a half If you beat my Inure, no matter what win# the race.'*!-'.

"1 think/ you'd better vail' t,hls bar- ” gain off, Mr. Porter." remonstrated 1

“Oh. the bargain will be off," an­swered J<Vin Porter. "if 4'w any Judge. t*usa7ih#*i: runping hi* rft»*- ftjfh! here In the stalU£-

His practiced eye had summed up Lausanne as chicken-hearted: thesweat was running tn little streams down the big ('héstnut's legs and drip­ping from hla belly into -the drinking ; earth spit-spit, drlp-drlp. his head waa high held In nervous apprehension; hi*

He Washed His Feet 2 or 3 Times tvery Day


that none ran more than the proper distance. As already stated In the Times the feature of the meet - was Lieut. Halewell's running Ufe ÿoirtn mile In 4* 4-5 seconds. A* the track was curved there Is a proposal on foot Ttr-see If hr* ranm»t beat Walter world's record of 47 second* straight track. The Crystal . Palai

id well:

The Anal selection# have L»een made for the Ottawa team to represent British Columbia at the Eastern rifle meets: Vic­toria has two representatives Whos« re-♦xtm -shoo?mg shows Us-y w4W-g*v*« a-goaeT, Lra* k. 4a-atr«4gtH-aww

,.t.«swtisswwowei e»miinn'»f» .»wi"ïe»iiis)tilë:^ •against the Eastern crack*.

---- Tile. Lull team - is- ag follow s ; Lieut. T.Cunningham. Sixth Regiment. New Westminster: Htaff-K, F. Iticliarrl-S.II1. Filth Regiment. Victoria; ("apt. ",V Hart-McHarg, Sixth ^teginient. Vancou­ver". Lieut. J. HcTater. Sixth Regiment,

- Vancouver; Col.-Herat. J. Moscrop, Mlxth Regiment. Vancouver; lie. C. P. Rli*s,Sixth Regiment. Vancouver; Corp. JE. B..Fisher. Rocky. Mountain . Iboig^rs, Revrl-

Knrter knew all this quite,.well- h1?*a* . , . / that in spite of Mike'# chronic imp**- 0 cunioelty he was honest, and true as steel u> a benefactor. He watted, feel-

j Ing sure that Gaynor had something to ! t»n.! "Th.» strong I'tfly on r.fnnramnp,

, I ain't th-rr. .Ir?"irter nmided.

"Suro 4 Ing !• • - That-Lmigdon'a a. t ri>nk.j

Also changed his tus ks as frequently and *1441 could get no comfort or re- Hef. "Foot Elm”- relieved him so that he could wear one pair of s«M-ks a week with comfort. It. changed unna- luralr unhwaithy Xcot into healthy". y|g- orous. Joyous feet We will send his address If you don't believe It; 25 cents

lip* twitched, his flanks trembled ltkei hi vested in Foot Elm will do as much “ ---------* —J *u- - L"“- ^for you. Sent by mail If your drugw ind-dlstressed water, and the w hite

Waa showing ominously, LangdAn cast a quirk, elgniAvant,

cautioning look at Crane a* Porter spoke of the ho rap. , then he- said. "You're a fair Judge, an' If you're right you get all the stuff ân" no horse."

"i stam^ to my bargain whatever happi ns,” Portei retoi ted

At that Instant the ^ugle sounded.: '1 jkrt..WesthrrJ’ Langdnn ~t»kl to...

gist doe» not keep' It. ws pay the poat- •ige.. 4-iep^t- ». Stott A-Jury. Bowman* ville. <mt.

■»»!*•• »Kl»n_ ho. wan -,b,.yrr ,„in.freight cars; now he’s a swell, though he's a long sprint from bein' a gentle­man. 1 got de tip dat de re was a kill­in’ on, an’ I axed JDick Langdon If dere was anyt'ing doin’: an’ -Dk k aays to m«‘. says he. puttin' hot' t'umb* up” ,

;« r ; « 1 MtlUrHtd bub hsiub out h'H i- zontally with the thumbs stiff and ver-

1 stoke; 8taff-8ergt. W. II. 1Lattice. FifthRegiment. VicUfftg

For the first time Revelsti ike has a r--press nrattvev

«All |t| 1 « « UtK.sI A numkr of memls-TN • ►f the. Flf<h

. Rcglim nt «pent Satunluy afternVs*n at.1 the t’lover Point ranut Ttw following

scor«*s were made at distance* of 2rV. IflO1 • and 600 yards :

.■>10. 616. Tl.1 tfergt G. S. Carr . 33 31 26 90I « "<>rp. R. J. Butler .. . :w 29 26 X»I Corp. ,R. Parkf-r ............. ■ 25 31 A4

Sergt. W. H. Spurrier . 2S _*« 27 K11 Carp. R. St radian ........ . 29

Corp A. C. Boyce■....... : •Jt u 25 ÂA,Bdmr. O. An«ler*on ... ' 25 26 76S.rgt. Purv.r RUG* .C2T;—57^23 72-

the trialFrank Gotch. the world's champion

w restler, threw Pro/. S< hoenfeld. tlie New Orleans favorite, three times In 24 -minutes and 53 seconds, the other, day at the city mentioned. He had wagered $1.000 thatch»- could do the trick «within an hour, and finished to leas than half the time, the first fall in n.i« w (tn _*n.t body h.rfrf. Tiro wrnnd fa'tC^w ̂ Cxe l ink of JMfc=mln_an'won by the champion In 13.17 with a hammer lock and head lock, and Gotch likewise got the-third and last full In 10.20 with a crotch hold and a half

A# he lifted the hoy to the saddle, the trainer whispered s few roh<TSè dtrec-

“Hold hlrnu steady at the post," he muttered, 11 l ie got him a bit on edg«- to-day. Get off In front ahcTstay there;'" he's feel in' good Enough to leave the xttlL Thla'll hr a matter. of g couplen,., v f trc.-rl rrr-mnstrnfs thf* 'form-of- i ̂V, , , , LuGotoh secured ,, , .... . . | nf Jumdrcl to 4f ym« M u_4# y., , , therea notkliv-dMn. Alike J says her; ., it« a oa-tf Netsnn . ‘ All out? all out!, called the 1

asked Mike, tragi-

Use THE HUB Phone


SPORTS.Good Imported. Domestic and Local

Cigars ana Toeacoa

BYRNE BROS.,Cor Government and Trounce a va




at the Capital Gun (’lab's shoot at the W1U06# traps, when, L. E. LeavelL in.Hie eighth competition tnx* the l*çtérr cup. killed 3\f bird# out of a po*srt»U 0> under very* hard conditions. The only <m«- he missed whs the ;*6lf\ Irlrd. Or nunits-r H.<»r the second series. Am before stated I n t tila_ column. the - .Peters trophy is 4n single bird*. MO r# verse angle# and .'■■ unknown reven * tingle*. Use of. both barrels. Thl* cup has been won twice by both W. N. Ta*nfe»iy and Otto Weller, and it was ex­pected one of them would win It for the third lime yesterday andw^hns own It perrUfinently. Bui the uiv-xpi-cted hap- pwned and. Lea veil made IV# first win with a score that l* Very seldom ap­proached. The Other high mores were: Weller. 34; Ivnfesty. 33; HteVenimn and C. Pears. 23; Adams. 31.

The third shoot also took place for the Dttpoi.; p..w*-r Co.'# iropn.. ,'J w.u

* mm

Fajllng to secure hall for hi* release- Brothler has now changed his mind.

ItitfiS# i" 1 for ip< • dy it ; Since thfrt privilege 4* reserved to him he a ill probably «orne .-up and elect again »hls week.

Jacob Christian, who arrived from the North on the_ Princess May, re­port * that the year is an unusually good one in the. mining camps roun'U AlWiiy—In the -ivan-up of thereason en Boulder « reek, $10.000 wa# taken out. This is considered re­

know in' there was rally.

"It's the biggest (ip that always falls •Town. Gaynor; ahd they’ve got to be prelly. aivlft to beat Lucretlfl,”

"That filly'# all right; she's worked out well enough to do up that field of stiffs. I ain't doin' no stunt about horses. Mister Porfer; I’m talkin’ about men. Th' Ally's honest, and ye'r hon­est!*. air. but - ye don’t ruble th'-j&grc yerself, do yeT\ .

"You think, Mtke—” began Mr. Por­ter. questionlngly : but Gaynor Inter­rupted him with: ”1 don't think noth­in', sir. an' 1 ain't saytn' nothin', -f ain't never been before the Steward* ÿet for crooked work, or «.rooked talk; but there's a boy rid In' In dat bunch Br-tbiy w'«t got alx hundred for_Crow­ing me down once, see? 8'eiji me God?


TO KNOW_ THAT the vest low

EXCURSION RATESWe are ottering to all pointa Eaat are good on the


ORIENTAL LIMITEDTick*ta on sale June 1 «. 7. 23. 26. July 2. «. Aupjt k I. %

September 8, 10. Connection from Victoria via 8. 8. Indlanapolle and Hint-ess VtetoiTa. •

^... fer full particpiars call oti or addiwes ^ ......... ....E. R. STEPHEN

General Agent,71 Government Street, Victoria. B. L.




Has been Issued by the Gxand Tbvxk Railway Surge, And will be mailed

FREE on application to —“W--" CEO. W. VAÜ«4^‘*»So«a>=»»AsNetant Omni P**Mo,»r snrt Tlffcel Agi

'»• A»êW •*.. CMICAOO. MX.





Lumber, Sash, DoorsAnd All Kinds of Building Material, Go to


P. o. BOT 1 .....- ____________________________Wb Hi

San Francisco

j "ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP AOENCy Tlcketa leaned and bertha reserved cov-

! ertng pasaage to and from all European ; points.

A. D. CHARI,TON, E. E. BLA.CKWOOD. . A. O. P. A, General Agent.

Portland, Ore. Victoria, B.C.

, ... . •. -, ... hf pulled Blue 8m«»kc to a standstillmarkably good at so ear > _a Mrlo«l In „ . • , . .T . .' ' - 1 111 j on inc. knowin lhai It would breakme.That «a» at Coney Island, two years ago." r

: .......— ..And you dotl l ^member hi* name,Hfter his unautetaaful attempt to make . __________ M], .....proie. f,.p tkn ro.U»M iro .W- VroCé_ il . * '' ' ' •V,,K‘ -

"I 'lon’t remember nof'ln'^but fhat Y g«»t*it In th’ nei-k. But ye keep yer eye

the season.Charles M. ITatfi*-Id passed th-rougli

the city on Saturday on his way south

open. sir. Ye Vink that none of the h'ys would t'row ye down «ause ye've been'good- to ’em; but some of 'em are that mean they'll steal th" sugar from a fly. 1 know 'em. I Jlears 'em taJk. cause they don't mjnd nie—fTWlff Tfh

: one of th' gang.” /

DODDS v;^KIDNEY; % PILLS JK\\s.,^Wv H L) fjN Cum A'f'* A& v L6«t s d:5Jac/j#®K 4L-S,1 "OtTE 5_eJj^5

rain for the miner# in »he Yukon. H *ame ifl on the Princess Beatrlc from i Ska g way. and went right to Seattle by

Purchase was completed on Friday evening of a site In the west end of the city for a new lire hall. The lot on the southwest corner of Nelson and Nicole wtreets was secured TtIT5Ugir~Thomas Mathews, the price being $3,500.

Two drowning fatalities, both of « hil- "Thank jrou ,rérÿ mu« h, Gaynor; 1 I dren. were narrowly av-rte«V last week appreciate yo«r kindly warning; but 1 r at Kngllsh B«fy. One occurred on1 ” you çs wleUaLem the same,” 1 Wednesday morning at the l»ea«’h. "aid Porter. Then he proceeded on hi*. wheit young Ja«k Corrigan sank be- i way toward stall five. In which was tween the raft and the shore. His Lausanne.strength gave oui. and with a cry for ( /ftow are you, Mr. Porter?” help. he went under. When h* came t It was Philip Crane, standing Just­in the surfai e, Vincent Malloy, the Jl- outK,,Ie of th«* stall, who thus adtlresa- y.ear-old «ton of Dr. Malloy, weht to ed him. "Got womerhlng running to- his r.•#«•(#*, -. 'H#--managed *|o' - *:uiUInued, kv!th. ,va*uc limo-i>rrjg«n, .treading water until he got cern e. ;

A frtfN-'ifrFiSnfnK^ Uiaidt the box. t hu< kl- ;tf****

master in dupurlrÿ. f. . . m starting Lucretta in this rare,” |

ii-: head was thrown forwarcf.àiid j repljed Hone#t (John. . iUi-- would uodouhtedly have hieen j "Oh!" Then Crane took Porter gent- I drownied had not a swimmer Mènent» ly \<\ the -b-.-vr and drew him hnlf ally stumbled agalhst her on the way tvlthin the stall:' "Mr. I-Angdon. who 1 In to shore. It took a good deal of limit ; trains a horse Of two for me. nays (his : 6»»d hard work , on the part of the by-i one'll win" ; and bo Indicated the big. standees to resuscitate the child. chestnut colt that the trainer was !

..... ' —binding tight to a light racing saddle.CONVINCING THE JUDGE. - I ”You'd better have a bit on, Mr. Por-

•-7-’—^ 1 ter.” Crane added.At a baby show at Bristol, the wife f "Lucfetht carries hiy money,” gn-

of the vicar of Redcllffe acted,as Judge, swered porter In loyalty.The mother of one bW wa* asked: ' T,angddn IoôlnMÏ up. having cThched "Ha* she any teeth?” The rector's wife the girth tight, ami took a step to- put her finger In the baby s mouth to, ward thflwo men.ascertain, and the Infant answered in l "Well, we tg>th can t win.” he said, a very convincing manner. i hajf ineolentlyî ."an1 I don't think

LEAVE VICTORIA 7.» R.M.Umatilla, Aug.City of Puebla. Aug. 9.Queen, Aug.Steamer leaves every fifth Jay there­

after.EXCURSIONS around the Sound every

Ave. days.

ForSouth Eastern Alaska

u I


Under New Management.'A. SLATER. PROP.


The most perfectly ap- wiinted health and ptrasur*«*sort- oui side of Victoria. Twenty-eight miles' ride on E A N. railway. Tennis and crSqtiet lawns. ÿïeaeur* boats, fishing and hunting.Get off at Koenig's.

Mrs. A. Koenig* Propriétés»

T^eTraveling PublicU qetek te rroognts. sod patron, es. tin line offering tk. brot nlm tor their money. The -BUT OF EVERYTHING" tehe be fo—id —

•ed nt tatw ne low ne can b.knd on Interior Hero. Eight feet traîne daily Letwe-n Ht. Pan] and Chicago, making clone connection! with nil Pacific Conet train» In Oaten Depot, for nil eneteem ami •oathere pointe.

For all Information rognrddg . raton, reeerentione, etc., call >r


F. W. PARKER, General Agent 720 Second Avenue. Seattle

The Chicago, Milwaukee * St Paul Railway, 134 Third St

“THE MILWAUKEE”“Plrneer Limited,” St. Paul fo

Chicago."Overland Limited.” Omaha to

Chicago.“Southwest Limited,” Kansas

City to Chicago.No train In th* service of anv

railroad tn th* world eqoils m equipment that of th* Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railway. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of ser­vice not obtainable elsewhere.

Berths In their sleepers are long­er. higher and wider "than In simi­lar cars on other lines. They pro­tect their trains by the Block eye- lama

«. N. BOYDCommercial Agent,

Ml Yesler Way. Seattle, Wash.

H. S. ROWE, General Agent,Portland Oregon.

trains, and at Whit* with our fine fleet of steamers.

For Information apply to iJ. H. ROGERS.

- Traffic Manager. Macktnnon Bldg., Vancouver. B. C.

OCCiRICS.S.CO. ««««ii. etsoe, wrwL «n*î D «re «VOMIT

OMNCI t twt -MMUT,1 8 tf. SONOMA, for Honolulu. -Samoa,I Auckland end 8y«1ney, Aug. J, 2 p. m.

8. S. ALAMEDA, for ̂ Honolulu. Aug.1 IL-tix. m, : ----- ---- >8 tf MARIPOSA, for Tahiti. Aug. «. 11

‘ f* • »*> tl2f, round trip.asmnastNa»..i|ti..ikMifta.Miirtit«.

Fri|H Mm, 3M hrM»..rwa 7. Fiat. il. i r ». aiTHjcT & oo.. un>.. via**



Important Strike on 150-Foot Level of the-White Beat1—Week'* Shlp-

Rossland. Aug. 4.—A strike made f t>n the 850-foot level*of the White | Bear la the "fuoax important that has i yet been made in that time. During! the past week $0 tons of ore hav^l been shipped to the Granby smelter i fcnd 50 tons to Trail. This ore is all | from the. newly-found chute. The i chute la 14 feet wide, of wh.U h at least I

1 erven feet ta solid ore. tarrying lots ef !ropier/ The chute haa been drift.-.i

r 'on t i ud la strong utd welldefined In the breast of Jke drift. The j

^ SO'Ar-'feototinued for the pnrpose ©Tdeterminlng its length. ..An upraise la being made from the lxWV-foot teve-li. for the nui^osv of Inversât-ting this vhute and also to determine how far it , runs down below the SiO-fnot level. The ore runs from $2<> to 525 per top. vIn another place on the *50-foot level a i

• vhute of ore from three to six feet has been encountered. This is also an im­portant 'strike, as the ore is of a good grade.

„ J. JB. Singer and John MvNeely re­turned^ last ^evening from. the_ Itorn t ISiln section!”wh9r» they have been working on the Molly Gibson claim, which adjoins the Blue Grouse and the

» • ■ir^nwii iig[RtMiifKTArtlj^~' ft Fuck a ngtv Quartz 1«

lit width. They have stripped tlu* ledge





Advertise mente under this head a cent a word each inser • >n.

FOR SALK—ailSCELLAAKOVS. Useiueins under this head a cent

a word each mseriiou.

ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn a good income at- home In spar*t, time corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing; experience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Northern Presst3r~^— tiiigfcminrwrTir~~

WANTED- MessengerP: R; Telegraph Co.

TXV0IKI8H SETTER PUPS FUR BA1ÎE -— «» months otifc 170 Yates street.

FOREIGN STAMPS bought, sold or ex- H 'et'U ' J Ring Eu.'

boys. Apply C.

WHEN ANSWERING advertisements . voder tide heading please say that' you J1!* this announcement In th»- Ti n«.t

FOR SALE—Cheap, shooting gallery, or­gan and gup** diaw. cuvk'Ua stows, fur- mnirp. tnr- ~Ar twTrrtrirLrttfcuy Sftbjb cur. and l**dw Streets.




WAITED—FEMALE MfclLr.Advertisements under this head a cent

FOR SALE—20.000 ft. wire at 2c.. ft,. f j dump carts, refrigerator, tools, furni­ture, etc., at The Ark, cor. Broad end Pandora street*

NOW IS T1IB TIME TO PURCHASE an acre of cleared and cultivated land,

.near terminus of. tram line extension.Al garden land, Bllll southern slop,.

-iwironi tmn, ^n*¥wisr •vre. a good spéculation to the early buyer. Purchase now beffrre prices go

Beanment Be*Reel Estate and 1 neufs

Agent. 42 Fort Si. Established 1&S0.

word each insert-ion.WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED, at Vi ­

toria Steam latundryi 152 Yates street.

Fur SALE—outrigger boai, in good con­dition, cheap. Apply Postmaster. Re- I

T—- .... .xperifor tore In small town, must be able to HWrtST m TtTP buyhtg; state age, ex per i ence. w liere last employed and In what capacity: when answering. Address

Dry Goods. Times Office.

ry goods lady ist be al "

Full SALK—Electric battery. $4.50; head light. $r..60; gum boot*. $2..41; large size trunk. $4.5»; Solar gas lamp. S3: Bolterragrnw.—g$7"*-rqatii ‘untl -bt-1— ....... ........cycle. $*. Jacob Aaronson's new and s« ootid-hand store, tti Johnson slnh-t,

for 200 feetr-and have stink a shaft ten feel In depth. The ore is a quartz. - 7, A v i e*rx_ a

Z. va trying gold, silver and galena, the Avalue of which they do not know, as the ore haa not yet been tested. The

- L-dee -matter 4»-eetid awdmaetovc. -sad- Is tbe widest and longest lead that has

i»/B4Nd.,dawto fieu^ed-b* 4hs Hswa«-tfit«is aa-,. tlon. The hanging wall Is prophyry and the fowl trail time. It Is certainly • a contact vein, Messrs. Singer and/Mv- Neely. regard the find as the most Im­portant that has yet -trçen made In the Burnt Basin section, and Intend to do

that they cam thts.yon-" III develfifL;Hr- ........................................... - ----- -

The shipment» for thv week .ending this evening were: Ventre Star, 1.4*0 tons: Le Rol, 2.97» tons; Le Rol No. 2.420 tons : Le Rol No. 2/1 milled). 1.200 tone; While Bear. #0 ton*. Totol. 4.330 HffiWr BWiH fWr^tWe“fe* 1» 1 iWi:S8l,,"lfffiEw*

wiedg** of bookkeeping pr Address. Yttrtng- referenccrP. O. 42u. Victoria.

waitress. at Doqffnion

A XT INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn a good tnrome at home in spare time corresponding for newspapers. no canvassing; experience unne-esenry.

^ Atel.4<s.: fw>a nie m,. - • NoeUeem 4*nw> __Syndicate. Lovkpvrt. N. V.

Foft Bale One Mack horse', five years old. sixteen ' hinds nigh, very ger.tle... one bay horse, ."six years; one sorrel horse, six years, well broke, also bog­gles. carts arid wagons. -mrd~1rsrn*ae Apply 1. J. J. Fisher, Carnage Shop, Stare street.

ENGINE _FOR BALE-iv ..orae power. Can-be seen. Yu operation at the limes Building. $4 Broad street, running Timel * "

WHEN ANSWERING advertieementsunder-this bending please aay that you saw this announcement In the Tinies.

FOR HALE Chça;., fags for decora>!ng fire extinguisher*. fumllur. and stoves Old Curiosity Shuffi_cor. Fori and Blanchard streets.

W ANTED- MlSCELu All KOLB.Adverusetarats wader this head a «—- - • • word eeëh istefiiot,—

NV AN 1 KD—l*a niter to "go upon huntingind proapcCt hi* expedition. Address "Ï-. Times Office.


Bush fires Arc TTTiHi'ir^fi"TfirFrTv$8iFfr* River ^iPpRHPn|

ftiHh Urn me î^glng : thé sur­rounding district and cTnergrm-y -hrr brigades are being organ lied to check the work of dvHtiuction. says a New Westminster disp tch. The Hhp» Mountain district was the scene of a big fire on Wednesday, and before evening several valuable ■ buildings w«-re lying in ashts. notwtthstardlng thé large force of ûghlcr». which gathered. Fire Warden, McKay as ell ss Chief Spain and Mr. Wilkie, of the provincial pojn e, went out to-the .the* Diet-h«h«—fourni the fire *«• threat viing that the government agent. Mr. Fehitiv. was asked fur a uthovlly, to employ a body of men to fight the liâmes. Due» lug the afternoon the residence i<j Xfi- Luetic Smith, us well’a* hia-bam. was totally destroyed. A wymbtr art barns and fences In the vicinity were, also dc-

Fires are also raging in the pari of the Delta, and farmers thet^e are growing very Btftftgy.

A big bush fire along the lines of the . British Columbia Elecrtic railway, about three miles from the < ity. threat ined to destroy’ the power house sub-

* station. " The city fire department was. *Wfl|Wi.W.rWrivi ffl

XV E PAY CASH for ah kind» of junk, voppbrass. rubtxT. holtiss,

■ vgloisssy prices pud. " Chi- »cagu Junk Dealers and HwconU-HanUat ore, lv Store street.

WANTED-Good prices will be paid for liULtiE RAGS of any kind, also old copper, braes, sine. load, cast iron. etc. Victoria Junk Agency. «< (Bore otcaot.

FOR SALE— Naptha launch Blanche, ofthe following dtinensimie. Leng'h, 26 ft,, beam. 4 ft; » In.; depth. 2 n. S In.; : in first-class .condition. For particu­lars apply-eo-Br B. Marvin A ^ XX hari" street

TO DAIRYMEN—For sale, clover hay, containing a. .least ion p<-.r cent, more essential feeding value than ordinary" hay. price fîî_per ton delivered ’ ApfHv

30Mm* i P. V.. Or Speed-

Tcle|ilioue the Time*, and your advertlnemvut will tie inserted at once and the bill sent you, and the chances are ten to one that you will

-•»»* t*» very M»»u«r pd-sfw you need. IMnakes no «lit- ference whether yon want a clerk ora hostler, a steno­grapher or a eook. They all look to the Tlmes to tell them oft he best opportuni­ties In town.


KIVU MONO ROA1). well of Jubile.ti> Jot* on WIIK ai reels,

fine Jit nation ; price from $126 to Szvu per lot. on terms.

8PBCULATION—Blocks of the- above at *1.5». UTUU —PURCHASE "l lo, .n„ 4 d^ou,. lor uuIck ^Ls_________

dwelii^ga; total rental. $20; a go<*d op- BEACON HILL—Northwest comer, Nia- portmjity for a small investment; as gars street and Beacon Hill Park, wry

I sewed for SI.• 50. cholco site for dwelling, two H*Py large

k ROOM ED. HOUSE, attic .ind basement, j lu g * xal repair, hot water and electric j

light, Mtabie, tennis court. 1 acre of j land, on car line, gixal location, only

lots. For quick sale, price $1.700.

. 21 1-3 AGRES, choice garden lend. " slop- , •ing to the south, within 3 miles of town, tuitAur- ivew

GL.ENORA—4 miles from Duncans, im­proved farm. 116 acres, 20 cultivated, lé pasture, buildings, stock (k cows, 1 bull, 2 horses), wagons. Implements, etc, Quick sale price. $L<jUt

ACRES, partly cleaml lan<l. on pipe

bum. With-

SAANICH-40 serfs very choice .Mind, wltii Water frontage, price $3,UW.

—FOR.■gAlÉfcr.ftilüù. hotel, stable and out­buildings. two lots, and business. It Is well situated as.a fishing resort. In close

1 proximity to the Cdwlchan and Kok- i sllsh rivers. A good opportunity for

suitable parties. At this price It is a

I Furnished house. <m Yates street.iu good location. * room*. 445 per mom li


On Improved real estate security, at cur-•*- . —rent rates of interest. -__

INSURE in the fomteetk-ut Fire lusuf- ■nee "To.", of Hartford, Coon.

BUNGAIAJW'—On Belmont wenue, new. modern, and can be occupied-at unye, price $3.360. ___________________ - '

GORDON HEAD-6 scree. In orctiard and •mall fruit, new cottage; price $3,0u0.

age, « ■■lock jUWY Leu La. a bargain.

BUNGALOW —4 . dwelling, very I6.0UO.



WaNTED—All klnoa of bicycle repair work, ail work guaranteed. J. T. Braden. 76 Douglas street. Estimates Blvn on all plumbing and heating work.

XV HEN ANSWERING advert I semen t* Under this heading please say lb-it you saw this xiimsuwmwiii in the limes.

1 AM) i or SALK".Advertisementa under this head a cent

'— . ... * word each Insertion.


FOR SALE.»WPr *TOE1CT--rfit m f Vohmed W-

tage.wlth good grounds and full sized lot. very close lo town, $3.760,

CEDAR HILL CROSS ROAD-4 acres, all cttHivated, p» Ir^ki trees, oottage, horse, cow. wagons and Implements. owner leaving city,

NVRSERYMAN-IW acres fine land. 1 mil# from station, 40 acres Improved, « acre# orchard, large glass house and Bureery. 4 room hçuee, barns, stock, im­plémenta. As a going concern, cau be eccured cheap. __________

CORDOVA BAY—Beautiful home, with fine beach frontage, so scree land; a bargain.

NIAGARA STREET—New bunsatow, to „— _________ ■ ----------- :----——car line, near Beacon HOI park, it760; COWK7HAN «TATION-W KM, -wtth terme. cottage, 10 scree cultivated. 20 acres

l pasture; al^> flook 60 aheepj ylmm-MOSk-


—Toilet soap# given In exchange for"" * fcs. V| f FOR $Atag=4theee coupon# by C. R. King * !

XX hart street, Victoria.

a;reel lo Churchw.l 'üw^eriïï" In*" ‘ l- 'O. L.. 1426. meet. In A O. V. W. Hall, ply Perry Anils, city * " - ^ 1 Yates struct, rirsl and third Mondays

In vavh month. Alexander human,



XX lih.N AN8XX KRING advertlsemvits uader thi* hesdioir p'esse say that yvu »sw this nnnonnceiP*i > ,'n the Time#.

TO LET.AUrertlceiu»nt* uudt-r ihi* head

a word each »n#erU#a.

TO LET—Nicely furnished flat, two nriii- utea from car line. Apply 4» Gorg- road. I

TO LET—Fumianea and Uni urn -mil cot­tages. $7 and $* Apply Flint Me Uv.,

j Troum-e Ave.

. —, - -- cTearetl, fenced, new 1houik», spjemlld soil. 3^ mil,# out. a ■nap, $1,i«4)r Me *<‘ree. « leered, fended, good re.til. SX* miles uul. goud poultry ami fruit soil, spring -v atyr $i luu. n acres, cleared, fenced, splendid #utl, spring wiiti-r, 2Xy miles nut. g«*od rt*ed«. a bargain.»; e, n-e, Saanich, wa ttr front. 4- acre# < lea red. all feneetl., gii«Ml barft, fine new ÿ roormrt house to mile* «ml. $6.975. $975 , aai,. t alance at 5 P^t rent ; ton ncN*. Hlginand. 3 a« rea cleared. 15 slashed, houae/ barn. etc . good water, timber. 12 mile* out. $075; also lots of other farms, houses ami lots. etc. Apply P O. pax ItM, or KT,

lie tween $ and 12.

Dr G.. VL.; X a n g h > u n. Se i rtt t ary ... In the Matter of the Estate of XVIIllam Chisholm, late of rnmeahe. K C. Dé-

COLUMBIA LOIXJE, No. 2. I. O. O. P . t-* ?ieed.meets every Wednesday evening at .. ..__. . .

•lock In Ud«1 FeHowir Matt. DougEsa ! - givent that on the ltith— Fawcett. Rev Bee? 24 l,14V “f J",w ,k* -eM ,k" — "*

BEACON STREET—Good two story houae and two lota, well fitted and very desirable. $3,476.

eiMCOE STREET-Lerge ten roomed house and lot $0x280. usual conveniences, easy terme. $1.600.

COWICHAN VALLET—100-acre term, over *> acres cultivated and paature. 1 room houae, barn. etc., i horse», 4 cçwa. 1 bull. Implements; 1» minute»' walk from church, school and poet office; a going concern; cheap. $L30k

NtAOARA STREET—Five roomed cot- COWICHAN RIVER-1$0 acrea. 16 acre# Al)»»» Ha# ■HI* aaM H' DI. — .In 1a» RAwIC ml ! i V14 I Hi ■ Z4 ~ — ■lAaknil U m I In HlwnsUgj, hot and cold water, etc., lot 60x156,

Wharf street.

LARGE. COOL. AIRY ROOM» for housekeeping, in Dnugta* fiousv. KMHott •treet. half a block from Partisrm-nt Buihlings and une block from C. P. R.

$X ilEN ANSWERING advertisement*under this hemling please say that you saw this ami mm cernant in the Timee

day of July. lbs*, the will of th« said de- era«r*<! was dufy proved In the said Supreme Court and probate thereof granted to Jowpii Chisholm and Andrew Chisholm, the-executors in the said will named. A41 persons IMd^Bfed lb tlie estate nf the derensod are required to pay lo. and all person* having claim* against the said estate are r,-«iulred lo send the same to, the executors on or before the 24th day of August. 1904. at the office of

K. t»F P. —No. 1, Far Wes? I^dge. Friday. K. M. JOHNSON.K. of P. Hall. cor. Douriss and Pandora. . No. $ Broughton Streer, Victoria, B.C..•ta. H. Weber. K. uf IL A ». BOX 544. , Agent for the Kweeutor#


cuhivated. 20 acrea slaahed. % mile river frontage. 2 mile# from Dunanna, price

South Government street.

WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-Victoria f*amp. No. 62. Canadian Order of the : Wovdm« n of the-XX orld. mo is 1» A. O. V. XV Hall. Yatrs * treet, l»i aim 3rd Fridays in the montt}. Wiri.i JackSOn. clerk.


- COTTAGE—4$ acres, at Tyee * $2 too*" cuillVAled*' * Pâture; t

Sts tle-i. price only


FINK NEW HOUSE of 6 apartments.Willi, ail... miidwin -vnnvi-iiiimcei».-—«m «-on- " T W-*) crate foundution, large comer lot. doseIn. $4,6$*.


A O. F. COURT NORTHERN LIGHT. No. 5935. meets at K. of P Hall 2nd aud 4MY WcdtH-edaye. XV. "FTFullerton, Secy.

TO LET—Furnished and unfurnished cot­tages. $6 and $7 per month. Apply 10« Yates street.

Htti »K* A*l> LOTS FOR SALE.Advertisements upder ibis *>%d a cent

a word each Insertion.

4 TO RENT—5 roomed houae. partly nishedj at Vesuvius Ba^;. Salt 8;

ïïthe fire engine and several lengths of .TQ EEKt hose. This equipment was taken «nit on a- fiat <-arv at.ul as the i-ompu'iy las •*-go.»»! well arid ln.nk on the prtunlses the flhe was qui« kly subtlued.

Island For particulespaas; a

8 SSapply to 6.n/

FUR SALE—Five room cottage and one acre of land, at Shawnlgah Lake, near htralhvone HutcL Particulars, address A. B. C., Time». Office.

VICTORIA I»l>GE. No. !. A. O. V. W . meets every second and fotirth Wed- aesilay in month at A. O. U. XV. Hall Members of Order vtsRlng the dty cor­dially invttwi to attend. R. Noble. M W.

COURT CARIBOO. No. m. I. O. F.. meets In K #f P. Hall, corner. Pandjura

none*.Notice is h«reby given that, sixty dr.v*

after date. 1 Intend to apply to the Hon­orable t hief Oimmlseloner ot LantL. and Work* for u iesse of the following de­scribed fort-shore and tidal lands and t« r- ritorial water right» for fishing purposes vlx. : Comn;encing at a pt«#t planted at high water mark on the westerly boun­dary lint- of Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, thence running east one-half a mite *nd extending south to deep water.


SUPERIOR HOUSE of 11 apartments, wtth pantry, attics, cellar, bathroom, etc., stone foundation, full elsed corner lot, retired situation, but convenient to car line. In perfect condition, beautiful garden, altogether a particularly desir­able residence, tMSO.

IrOTH fronting Victoria harbor acb [A feel ofi XVharf street by 117 feet

deep, with two large warehouse», also wharf In .front of both.

LOTS 19$ an«1 IS, Victoria city, situate-at --corner of Yates and Wharf streets; a

| »n*P________ ________________

FRUIT LAND, In quantities to suit pur­chaser. close to town.

8u«te 6f office» on Hut floor In Bonk <f Montreal building. Occupa­tion May 1st. Apply Bank of MontreaL

^ "üss! 'h-'idmir1 «IL1,1 '.j i.1?1 riue #ife"»«• T«S»i0U •' - p - .-or _.n,o,L„.,,o= ,„qu,r, -------------------------------------- --------------

C. B DeavtUe. Fin. Co.'s. Fort sir

Secy., at Melroee

1’he seventh arrest In " the-alleged «tamp frauds unearthed in the XVwll street dis­trict of New York, by wtfirh The state 6T New >urk is said to have jiwt about». -was made on ggnrniuy When"

yTofitl J. Buane 27 years <-f ,iy--. wastaken in « ustfMly. Rnane H«-« lln'-<l to say who liis employers ar«-. and refused'to li*s*er any qtkkloii put to imn by-tke

TO T.ET—Well fi,n..shed house, modern Jn every rtspec». on car line. Apply B. C. I»r.d & investment Agency. LUL. 40 Government street.

BISUXK** (HXXtEI.Advertisements under this head a cent

a word each Inaertion.

WHEN ANSXVERING advertisements under this beading please say that yuu saw this announce nient In the Times.

FOR BALE—Store business, grticerles hardware, whuol * applies, candies' etc. ‘poet office appointment expecred dally), opposite right roomed school

I rapidly growinv district; buaint»«« «.i.,j|ÿ ..managed; no ratîŸàasing, no bad debts'

1 will take cvmlortable cottage In V;-*^

COURT VANCOUVER. STM. A. O. F„ meets first and third Mondays In K. of Pi Hall, cor Douglas and Pandora streets. 8. Wilson, flee y. Michigan street. James Ray. Visiting brothers cordially Invited.

NATIVE SONfl-Peet No. 1. meets K. of p Hall, last Tues of each month. A. E. Haynes. Becy.. RK. of Commerce Bldg,

f. tori a us part payment. XV rite quick.The Times iS the small r̂;„. 4lh FalrvUw- v

ad. medium of the city.

Notice. 1* hereby given that, sixty «lays after date, 1 Intend to apply to the-Hon­orable Chief Commissioner of Land* and Works for a lease of the following de­scribed foreshore and tidal lands and Ur- ritoriul .water rights for llshlng purpose#, vis. COtntm-ncing at a poe; plan ed at

•high water mark on the *hore of Parry Bay. opposite Section five <6). Metchoshi

[ Dtetrie1. thence running north one-half a mile and extending east to deep water.

. ^___ =— F. W. ADAMB.Agent for H. B. Thompson.

Victoria, U C.. July 4th. 1WL *


A broken-down system.Ikàe i. • roaditioe (or ducs*) le which dor lore

glee but samre. hot which few o4 them, really eadis itâiid. It I»simply weakwee»—abrnk -dowa, salt ware, of the ntal forces that rsataip the yntrm. *• matter what maybe it« causes (for ther are al- ■eeleembsilessl.ite symptosas afemoch thesamoi *• mere prom meet beitip sleeplesineaa. sense of

e is wowwif titahiy—^igg

VITAL STRENGTH A ENERGY•s throw off these morbid feelings, and riper en re proves th^t as eight secceeda the day thi« may be•ere certainly secured by a course ef the cele- smmrmsoennm wane

THERAPION No.3thaa by any other known combination, hw surelt *• H is taken in accordance with the pr.ntrd


lighted up afresh,aau a new enistcnce imparted m p-a- - ef whel lad so lately seemed worn-out. " used up,'* aed ealnelese. This wonderful restorative is perrly vegetable and lewecuous. is agreeable to the taste —-suitable for all constitutions and conditions, la either sea; and it i« difficult to imagine a case ef disease or derangement, whose main features are •hoee of debility, that will net be speedily aed permaaintly benehted by this eever-failmg recu­perative essence. which •• dertiaed to cast int# eblfvion everything that had preceded it lor this Widespread and numerous class of h : man ailments

THERAPIpN-i^rSChemists throughout the world. Price In England. M and Fun havers should see that the word 'TaiEAPio*' appears on British Governro-iit •lamp fin white letters on a"red ground' affited 6» every package by order of 1Ii« Meiestu*" Hew Cesser amener», and without which it is a ffisgr-y.

WHEN ANSXX KIUNt; advertuemeat# eador this heading pieitK.- aay that you »sw this sonounvvmvot In the Times.

IF YOU HAVE anything fY»r shle and are ' Averse to having the public know of It th# public 1» not apt to become fnqulaU l live. Make your wants known through , the want column».

A BUSINESS PROPOSITION given pub­licity In Tlmee want ads Is eure of con­sideration. They go Into a man's pri­vets office, hie horde, go Into hie cab or the street care with him. and compel his attention.


ON CALEDONIA AVENUE—Well built house of 7 apartments, with stone foun­dation. <n 46x140 lot. $2,750.

CORNER LOT-Ofr t>«k Bay Ave.. $160.

INSIDE LOT—In same locality. !

LOT—Corner ■ereeta. $700.

Randall and Niagara

CRAIG!E LEA FARM-Property having been *ub-<|ivided Into lots affords ex- eellent sites for suburban residences. The Gorge car line within a few mln-_: ut*a" walk of most of tin- property ren-

^"'ifferer^hrhi specially desirable property;'*'"

SEVENTY-NINE ACRE», with frontageoh Book* harbor.

THREE ACRES LAND in Eaquimalt town, at car terminus

ACREAGE—A few mile# out. In 4-acre : and 5-acre lota. Including a number of i Ideal residential sites. $10» per acre J

For particulars apply toJ. STUART YATES.

22 Bastion Street, Victoria.

lectsd on the output$10.1

W. W CORY.Deputw 0f the Minister of the Interior.

N.B.-Unauthorized publication ef this advertisement will not be oald for.


M188 MILIA. Art Mis’.reae, K. C. A. I»ndon. Leeeona in drawing, painting

. and dveign. Studio. $ Canadian Bank Of Commerce. Government street.


i THOMAS CATTBRALL-1S Broad etreet. Building In «I! it» branches; wharf work and g«•«:;>#! Jobbing. TaL KtO.


VICTORIA COFFEE AND SPICti M1L1> Office and mille. 148 Govern- ment Pt. A. J. Morlry. proprietor.

FRED. FOSTER, taxldermlat and furrier. ORANITh 42*.% Johnson street


AND MARBLE WORKS-Ketlmat* given for monuments, eta. J. K PhllUpe. 74 and N View street. Tel. B1267.


Wt t-«WtS «ALL. Dental Surgeon. Jewell Block, cor, Yales and Douglas streets, Victoria. B. C. Telephone-- Office. 667. Reeidenoa. 12E.

BAHT CARRIAGE TIRES-Harri* .V M«*ire, 42 Broad street, have the latest yppU.iuvu fur re-tlring baby gsrrtaga


Wholesale from Henderson Bros.. Ltd.. Victoria,. B. C.

»wpçd..e$u;h hisvrtimi.

WANTED—A teacher fur Rock Creekschool. For piirtlviil.ii s apply by letter

'.ry 8. jplttaaffilgh. secy, 'school

AV44KN -ANSWERING SdVev2 under thlw heading please say

a. gaw .this aowiiiwciniMi! in th«

n LOST A AT» FOI N».Advertisements under this head a cent

a word each Insertion.

LU8T— Puree, containing money and rail­way tlcketr Finder kindly retutide «dfire and rv-reive reward.

la»8T—f fiafiwuHt ewr-w-rerW. ‘ S'*, rewardfor.returg trt the

LOST A baby's btv.let tH'U’Mi Niagara aud St. Andrew street». Finder kindly return lo Tlhiee Office.


NO MATTER where you bought your shove, bring them here to be repaired. Hibbe. 3 Oriental Ave., opposite old Grand Theatre.


j M CARTER A DRY8DALK. builders and contractors. Houses built on Inslal-

| ment plan. $1 First street, l'fione APJ62.

CHAS A. M GREGOR. $6 Yates street. Jobbing trade a specialty. Twenty year» expcrleooe. Orders promptly .


VlEXX'S of Toronto, Montreal, Quebec. Ottawa and Winnipeg, all colored, 25e» dox. F. W. Fawcett, dlep* nslrig

tiiimKTnzsruHk 4

CHIMNEYS CLRRNKD-lXefecUve flue* fixed, etc. Wm. Neat 32 Quadra street. 'Phone lots.

f'njMNJEY ('I.EÀNINO, houae cleaning

full or drop a card to A. Irioyd, 4à l>n- «timt Hirw-i. Best of refer ncea.


CANTON. BAZAAR. MS Government St. Just arrived from China, exquisite em­broidered and drawnvyork table covers and dollies; also linen and si lit em-

1 breldcred, goods.* China** fire crackers.............t

, iTflU8!NES* CAN OO WTTHQDT AD- i VERT IHI Na-8o can a w agon without

1 g res eing, bof àe both Instances It goes • » hard. |

VICTORIA DYE WORKS. Ill Yat streets Dye.ns and cleaning; modem pla.u; satiafaction guaranteed. Tel. 717.

B. C. STEAM DYE WORKS-Largest dyeing and cleaning establishment in the province. Country orders solicited. Phone 200. Hear ne A Renfrew.

1A~K LEE. ladles' tailor, manufactvw of ladles' silk undrrwmr. Wrapper* and waiata made to order and repaired. $0 Blanchard etreet.



Any even numbered section of Domin­ion Land» in Man!too* or the Northwest Province», excepting • and as. not reserv­ed. may be homesteaded upon by any person who la the sole head or a tamily, or any male over lb years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of M> scree, more or lea*.

Entry may be made personally at the tot al land offl« e loi thr dial net In whichlb# land tu be taken la situated. 3 iti. . . ,

HOMESTEAD DUTIES: A eel tier who | dM' 41baa been granted an entry tor a home- ! 1JT**,^ .Blkachard avenue.Stead la required to perform the eowti- , p14; eid<‘' rIlona connected therewith under one of i B^nchurd avcnue to yuadra strret the folloxvlus trions:

(D AJl*ast alxxao«»thst resldenee upon

NOTICEtlon of the Cfty of Victoria having deter­mined that It i* desirable to construct and lay permanent sidewalks of concrete on the following street*, namely: -------

1. Gorge road, south aide, frtmi Govcrn- ment^ street to David etreet.

2. Caledonia avenu»*, imnh side, from Douglas street to Blanchard avenue.

3. Flaguard --------

MRS. HOOD; nurse. Phone No. Aide.

17 Alfred street.


5. Fort street, north side, froiii Stanley venue to El ford etreet. ____ _____

and cultivation of the land In each year . „,R_ " ^ort h ejd-v from Gov-A..^.lg the term of three yearn. 7 to P°uFl*s

If the father (or mother. If the V' !Kîllï,J5fnîr bo,h »«**■ from■Imcoe street to Dallas road. Including boulevards •

VICTORIA STEAM LAUNDRY. 152 Yates etjreet. Telephone 171 • Satisfac­tion jruai *>tced. Our wagons call everywhere. .


PATENTS-Egerton IL Casa Tempi*

Sul tiling. Toronto. R. U Drury. Eeu . P. P.. reference. *



OECHGE CROWTHEIi. engraver a«d

Îtaocri cutter, 12 Wharf etreet, opposite •ost office. ®

SMITH A JOHNSTON—Barristers, Soli­cit ore. etc.. Parliamentary and Depart­mental Agents. Agents before the Ilail- way and other Commissions nnd In the Supreme and Exchequer Courts, Otta­wa. Alexander flmtth. W. Johnston.

_jrK>tit*n Bldg.. Victoria. ____ __


WALT.PAPEUS-New designs Wall­paper department well «locked. fee. Bear». $1. 85 Yates street.


C. M. COOKBON. plumbing

BOARDS OF TRADE. Tourist Associa­tion». etc., should consult ue when pre­paring guide book», advertising liter», turé. snd all kinds of Illustrated fold­er*. We group photoe artistically and

Suarantee bei>i résulta. B. C. Photo- >1 graving Co.. 26 Broad street.

15.000 TO LOAN—On city real eetwte, first mortgage. Apply ’ Money.” P. O. Fox


IF Yfsl* WANT iiwrough instruction In

MONEY TO LOAN on *!1 kind* of ap­proved security. Unredeemed pledges for sole, cheap, at G Johnson street


L. HAFKP. General Machinist. 150Government street. Tel. ttO. ------ -

2.Lu Uilllan, principal. MUSICAL 1MSTRU1


BEST "JAPANESE PORCE1.AIN and fancy goods al Kawal Urge. Up., ,# DougRBi strstn. - -«■»--- - -

TTIf'KS A LOVICK PIANO CO.-Agent*for "Mason A Riaeh" planus. Hie Pianola piano, the Orcheet relie. 122 llaatlngs street. Vancouver, B. V. •IbyMl.- 1241 -. .

fitting; jobbing promptly attended Agent for Hydro Carbon Light, aieo Best Light; a J kinds of gasoline lam* and fittings. Gasoline at lowest price In eperlal auto cans. $7 Johnson street!


(2) if the father (or it-.othçr. If the ! father Is deceased) ot any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry under the provisions of this Act. resides upon S farm In the vldrriTy of the land entered for by such person aa a homestead, the ! requirement» of this Act It to residence , prior to obtaining patent may be aatiafled by such person residing with the father i er mother.

($1 If the settler has his permanent real- ! dr nee upon farming land owitd by him In ^the vicinity of hla homestead, the require- 12- »t. mente of this Act as to residence may be '•"Kingston satisfied by residence upon the said land.

APPIJCATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, before the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the Home­stead Inspector. ■

Before making application for patent the settler must give six months’ notice In writing to the Commissioner of Do­minion Lands at Ottawa, of hla intentlos


Coal.—Cool land» may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for an­thracite. Not more than $au acres can be

T,1 * v’ ^«frewr JIMS’- ?ft°UND acquired by one individual or company, FIR® QUAY, FLOWS* POTS. ETC. RoysJty at the rate of ten cents period1 2" C. S2îXlï>nX.7S"1h,i,,r,ÎÆ.t,‘ «-’OR- °« :-ow Pounds .ball be’coUctltd on in. NER BROAD AND PANDORA 8T8.. gross output.vjtciOBlA, r,_------ «■ ftninw *» imw* rwiMnu* i«


8. Clarence street, west side, from Sini- eee street to Nfagara street. Includingboulevard.

I. Hit hot street, norih sld», from Mei- -tygyt Iu Sou - h 1 urner street,

10. Michigan street, eouth side, from Government street to Men site street.

II. Oswego street, east side, from Uue- bec street to Hellevllle etreet.

12. St John street, east side, from tnrston etreet to Quebec street.And that each and every or *ntd works

shall be .carried out In aeeordan. e with th«* provisions of the Local Improvement WJfWW Ry-Liw. and the City Engineer Bo City Assessor having reported to the Council, in accordance with the provi­sions'of Section 4 of the said By-Law upon the said works of local improve­ment, giving statements showing the amount chargeable in each case against the various portions of real property benefited thereby, ami their reports hav­ing been adopted hy the Council, NOTICE Is hereby given that the reporta In «use- tlon are open for htwpertlon at the office of the City Assessor, City Hall. Douglas street.

WELLINGTON J. HOWLER,_ C. M. <X -city Clerk•« Office,

fc Victoria, a f*„ July fftk. IWW.—'■" w'-’DISSOLUTION Of

HOR8KOWN BBS. ..... ................. .new goods hlglieet quailiy and loweet prti-es, rail at A. 11. Shot bolt's, as Douglas. Porter Blodt.'* .

fee to Stiff grr sex 1 rrs imMinsm >, i' ‘ i cbfdlng to easfiâi.

AT-rENTTONr-For I A free miner, having discovered mineral PROVINCE OF BRITTFM COLUMBIA in plavr. may locate a claim 4Affairuu iVM’MTY'- CUT X't<*T4iHIA.

FlO#KR*. MUSIC.rfetirk

NEW MWKKT BEAM are now coming opt. We can show you Uladyr UnWfn Evelyn Byalt. Jolm Sugnim. i>,,rà Bn-iidmore, Henry K«*kfonl. Sybil Eck- ford. Beacon. and many others Flewln's Greenhouse*. I'urk road.

VICTORIA COLLEGE OF MUSIC. M» Cook etreet. Principal, Mr. A. Lons- fleld. F. V. C. M. Leasone lr. piano, violin, organ etc. Terms on application.

TRUCKING*-OtilrkWahtb— Vire, reasonable

TetBaker's Feed Store. 30 Yat,

Tbe fee for recording a claim Is $5. , fJV*'V. JAt least Stiti must l»e expwuk:d on the ' J 'i ^ H**tttvtl> lu» iu1>» i* vt lb* tirm

Claim each year or paid to Uu* mining re- “Î* v ," •i<A t*^ rdacksnilths Incorder In lieu thereof. Whew-fftA-fc** I v a, *ty • . “'t*4*; ,l,*‘ !Vl>1'‘ *'rbeen expended or putil. the locator may, , ! Cf. n?L IL* < bristle, «lu hereby cerrlfyupon _ having o survey made, and upon

WAtfll BEPAIR#*0.The liaient orovldi-e tor the navment nr Buiintsa.




LATE CAIWAfW PLANm 25c. per 100. $2 per I.Otii); cauliflower plants, Dprr* m0. $2.."<l per 1.606; greephotiae and bed­ding plants, at reason Su le price», p. g.

Çird will find us. O. A. Knight, Mount olmle P. O.


t ailor and «. tiU cj, i. Sore tison .emnivnt slr«« t. .Yo*1 will find a new

A. VETCH. 51 Douglas street. Specialty of EngKaftl iWatch .repairing. All kinds of clocks «pd wfitchss rspMrtd.

I*S4R 1X4T..

»io.k of rln. nooHrne. ind prlur» fc lo CANADIAN CAHUALTY AND BOll.tIR HO tow-r Ihnn mhvr». HfmrmVr, K 1NÜURANVE VO. In.ur», *11tloy.mmrht over tbe Western j lorMem. *nd .l-knes* No rwrtcilon» per snnum ror eecn mile ot nvrr lebrvl -, Tin»» no ar- rnr mur» or. ih. rVnlon Tele«r«>b ulflve. [ c. 8. Buter. Dl.i. Agent, M Wh«M St. i, at the me ol .1, ^er venu cm I reni demenu »SSV£pl5r w Æhî»

bald eswnvrshlp was. «. . . . UsparivVd.-Mr. Rntt-

-4aken—over tl»cThe patent provide» tor the payment of v ^

a royalty of 2*i per cen on the sales. ..'V'W* ^î!r han<1 nl Victoria °» thr PLACER mining claims g -nerally are : Hi11 July. 19«,. ..

MS feet equare.; entry fee $5. renewable . «Signed! *VGBE$nW L]6DIW5HAM. yearly. ELBRIDO>< J. CHRISTIE.

A free miner may tibtaln. two leases to îîîiJ.**!! ' ■ • _____—...................—dredge tot gold of five tuiles cadi ter » j Jas. $r. SU-14ls, -AF" -Gt rh»1 RtgrtKrrirt1 «'f

i nmn of twenty years, renewable at ‘he P'«b< • r MulIngliAnt and t.lbrldgc J;• dlstiYWlwi pf the liUHxter of The tntefror. I UhrKtu-v """ —~r~r”-

The leeeee shall have » dredge In op*-ra- «*—*——*■*—!lq».*»**-—♦ ?e"2on trovn date of HE*9 A W18l> 0745, »ho. when he wants the lease ror each five mile* Rental, $10 help, refers to itie want « olumns of th* per «tinurn for each mile of rivbr T1ni«> Thry .«r», the tndrx ofy th* cur-

FRONT ROOMSolid Ouk Folding lit* «4 with t*h«»val

Glass. Euauge, Domestic String Mu chin#1, Quartered Oak Ladv'* Kst-ritofre; M-irri* «'"hair, Walnut Settee. Gard Table. Folding Wainui Table, 6 Oak Chair» and ItiH-k# r. Bird tenin,Trvîmr™T3TPF" "rmTarnsr BruHaeli Carper, office Tah$#-. etv.

Driving Loads

IT IS ALL IN THE WOOD,WORKMANSHIP/*.»»' w'tea-e.w-Miv... -


« FSJWttEi

Early English Bedroom Suite

AMONGST a quantity of v«y beautiful bedroom suite* we have just placed In our third floor showroom la a very handsome suite built of solid oak. with finely matched grain. In the Tudor period style. The suit# consists 'of double bed. chiffonier, bureau and washstand. The only

V ornamentation 1s fine latth ewortf which throws out theartlatle simplicity of ‘he rich woodwork. The handles;

cVc., are in antique brass work. The price for the suite la $S5.




5Ê» - £\[mm\


«te. el «•war*

TÏÈÊË3BE.Ifp-euboi .iintltKj-saa&ii®B98E5|oess




The new Automatic Sealers w'hlch banish worry and sticky messes.

EZE to Seal ! EZE to Open I. Mm*. <1. Quarts, lllin, Half-gallon. tTSOrper do*n.

=— ALSO ----------Mason’s Crown and Economy Jars


Headquarters for imported and domestic fruits r.ius.

Tackle BlocksCommon

or Iron Bushed

-FOR sale BY—

Messrs l. taton 4 co. trevor Keene Peter McQuade & Son____ _ lWfcYing .fur New Y«wk, w*U e*U b> *—4—- S^SüMÜâ ——,4

"Public Auction ^ J— _______L H&SJ N- T UÉU IT Y ■ -,-.........

Auction Sale

Wholesalej^nd Rçlail

At-His Residence, '

287 Yates Street___tNeax. School 8hi,__



All I4|la Magnificent

Furniture A Effects„ PARLOR.Kimbr I'i.iuo tL-tau ï Hand , arved.

KlMirty Music and Brit -a-Hr.t. Stands. I arviij Oak Musi' Stand. Handsome Mn-m.'ld SllveY I’iuijO Lamp, OverStuffed Brocaded Silk Armchair. 2 OxeYsiufb-d Brocaded Rasy Vluiirs and 8*ttee, Mas wvw Feewh avfiay «’look Vn MVsck f>nrr o Etchings. 2 Choice Wat.rcobirs by Rcichen. Venetian Statuarv. Dresden Figures. Onyx Va». *. Brlu-a-Brav. etc.

Lining room.---------- —Handsome Quartered Oak Huim.i F>

■ 1-eflstoK T*ble. B»f * Qn;vmT«^<*ŸAlr' >%,Wrs«Alligator Leather Covered, • <>*t flTâi. Fine Ela viland China Dinner S**t. S» T*u « en of Choice English Hate. Fin** Collection -Cuthry and Stlv««rwnre? T'otli-i tlon i$er-

. man Bterms. l« Piece» Llbbey’.i Cut Glass. Walnut and Brass Swiss *-l>a> Clock. Bohemian Fancy China Hri-Vi-Hrac. l’or­tie res, etc.. Brussels Carpet.

BEDROOM NO. 1.Elegant Brass Bedstead. Dominion

, Spring. 2 Oat crip oor Mattresses, Hand­work#.I Satin Cover#*#! Rid«>r Down Quilt, oak lfr#‘*scr ami Washstand. Mahogany Chiffonier. Couch; Billow» Blanks!*,RtK'kcrs. llcturea. etc. -

BEDROOM No. 2Oak Bedroom Set t3 piecest. Rlankids,

PrHnwe. Bill»1 F «-s.wo QslWi 4-(MI «Toys, Book*. Rifle. Toiletware, etc.

-BEDROOM No. 3.Iron Bed t\ stset. Bureau. Bedding.

Carpet, etc. ,KITCHEN

• Albion Rang.- tin use only short time). Uramteware. Tin war-. Crockery. Jam Bottles. Glassware, Cutlery. 2» Yards Inlaid Linoleum. Ho#- .’ Garden Tupl*. 8tep-l lddt-r, ^Boy s "CoTuntMa Whe+*l, <’àr- . pet BWetper, Window and Door -r#*ens.

S. rn. EO » p m Tueaday. August. .m «lay of- sale.

At Salerooms. 7T and 79 Douglas Street.

Friday, ÂügïïatïOtï"BEST PLACE TO SE 1.1. YOUR GOODS.

Goods"1 chn*jgT)11d ‘fr,r »ale covered by Fire Insurance!

Trevor Keene. Auctioneer

I. 0. O. F. VM- mix rs of Dominion laxlge. No 4. arc

ttapMMkUnl tu «wst at the odd Felbiw*" 1 - Hall, Douglas street, on We«in«*sd*î'■. Aug- j

d*i Mir. a? 2 38 p m.. tu attend the funeral • r.f onrd itr- hmThrr. J K." rnuKlrr"'Vlstr: fI tênd ^>ri tT rrrfflnHri ii


F DHl'SaEft—NoBb> Grand.


deco ration sti uuld_ ln.sptMt^ .ff-’lmporiatbtn of English eject ricy

htltngs In antique hammer# 4 brass. They are -eoples of the flneet " TUDOR PERIOD ART

-----BRASS- WORK"-----------

EOS Ell 00.29 Coversmeot Street Victoria. B. C.

H let



This vessel will commence discharging cargo the orut#-r wharf Tu* *day morn­ing. Aug. Tilt, and following days. Con­signe- s are requested to present bills of lading it .the office of the undersigned, pay freight and rwshe order* for, their

All k «aïs remaining on the wharf after■5 C-ClCvK «TtLjkSJ!ly^bSe—tïL. ! ^wharf, will la- at Tbe rislt oflbr con- si*rices t hereof respecttvely. ami may, tw #tor«**| at their expense

ROBT WARD #v Cf» . LTDAgents


The Liverpool 6 London 6 Globe Insurance Co.OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON.

FIRE RESERVE FUND ~~ $19.997,360 NET SURPLUS, SUET Si4.499.6io

Having tbe LARGEST NET SURPLUS of any Fire Office in the world.

BICHARD HALL, General AgentOffice 1$ <03 Government Street.

DONT FORGET.The- hour of *ale. 11 a. m.Th"«* place of sale, 2*7 Yates street.

juear JSchool street. .------- -The date of sale, Wednesday. A tiff-



Bargains in bothResidential and Business Property

Money to Loan on Approved Security

A. W. JONES, Ltd.Xr^Xri

The Auctioneer

Messrs. L. Eaton & Co.Duly Instructed by M-ssrs Ijavis * Buttery, will s#TT <7>- public nuvtlvn at the !

“Black Ranch,”Royal Oak

McKENZli:. M,t*i- r Neither! the master nor th,- t nderslgned

, will he resp<»neible for any debts vun- ; rmeted by the crew of the «hove vessel

without their written authorityROBT. WARD Ac CO. LTD..'

_______ ___________ Agents.

•'Vi AGREE rich bottom land, cleared, close‘it,, $1.2641. 106 acres, only 11,200; 165

good b#SWIng*. -gond -6rootneu hmiser,- lose l- pirk. g^lbits; *$50 each. A. Williams" * Co.. Ltd . 1(H Yates street. _ -

Friday, AuSust 10 Our BusinessAT 12 NOON,

75 Head Cattle and Horses

AlsoSheep, Swine, Poultry,

Farm Machinery,Etc., Etc.

'Rue wnr leave Tbe founts on Fort 8;. at 11 â. uu Return fare, >1 v#nte. Re- fwhwents served at the .sale.

Th* À net inn ear b L. EATON A flnsow mtvvtvovwid s#, univfl 06 VO


THURSDAY. 9th $ P- "1-We are instructed to sell at'our rooms, i* Broad, without reserve, a most

Desireble Lot of Furniture, and Effects

On Thursday. 16th, we sell under in- sLrùvtii n* frq*n. Mrs. High.un al her re­sidence. 71 Hup# riot street, almost new Furniture and Effects.

MAYNARD St SON Auctioneers.

is to dispense PRESCRIPT­IONS in the right WAY. It

was not learned in a day, but by year 1 of study and persis­tent work. Our drujjs arc always pure and fresh, com­

pounded accurately, priced honestly ami backed by a guarantee that they are just what wc represent them to be Let us Gil your prescription.

John Cochrane,CHEMIST N W. Cor

•■Yates and Douglas Sts.

mr try

E. B. MARVIN & C074 Wharf Street, Victoria, B. C.

For Marine Hardware, Yacht and Launch Supplies,

Manila, Hemp and Cotton Cordage. Local, Can-

—; adian and British White Lead and Paints.

Tar Pitch, Rosin and Oakum, Cotton Duck and Flax Canvas, Flags, Galvanized and Black Steel WireRope

THERE are two1 distinct claeses of furniture—the one which can with absolute truth be termed perfect, built, of the

_ flneet seasoned wood* of selected graining*, by the mpet efficient workmen and finished by hand with friction

‘ wAfAth: «rat*/ r w ^; rtastr srTTTt' imperfect t It Is buTT! out of the Woo-Tk fejert-

ed from the first « lass, the grain runs any way, no artla- tio .gt er I» employed In Its construction. It b*-finished hv -heap. lne*perlen«ed-4abor and chemical stains. The first das* Is an In­vestment which Improve» hi valqjp as the years roll by; the other class deteriorate» with astounding rapidity and is a positive eye­sore to every member of the gentler sex who, value» her home sur- .

WE STOCK only the perfect class, because we depend en­tirety on ■ furniture" and furnishing arresorteir. T)ur mter- e»t In maintaining the highest Standard Of -iiiility hih! unrkm.anship is absolutely «üehtül 6» the ftfe and pros­perity of our bualneas. The imperfect c lass can only be

got rid of by'a pr ocess of imaginary price-cutting. The ladles of the present day ere too wide awake to pay

tegiifkr pHeéê' frit fnàrffstîc and bffdfÿ^^ffà'tfÙcfecirFtïrnWuf^.’cràzecf china arid earthenware, odd-pleced dinner sets, low-grade carpets, etc.



SHOWROOMS :To which you are cordially Invited to inspect all that Is beat In

'urniehhtga and Art Wares frhm London, Parle. New York, Viennaand Berlin.


Corner of Broughton and Government Streets, Victoria, B. C.


Number of Passenger* Lost Their; (Special Corn spondcn<*e of the Times.)Live* After Kscaping From the j Ganges. Aug. 4.—H." I* Robertson, of

Italian Steamer Slrio. j Moresby Island, had the misfortune to___- • ! have his house burned dow n on Mon-

<A»»<r,-irtte.i rripT day night. The. fire started about mid-UartageitH. H*«h4h, Aug. 6.1v-The Strlo ; night from an unknown cause. There

Is Fmanotren to be n- total low. | wa* a slight breese and the ftamesA number of bodies erf the drowned gained such headway that Mr. and

were burled to-day. Mrs. Robertaon with their children ex-Ten passenger* died after being perlenced extreme difficulty In *map-

brought ashore. Tlie survivors gay the,; ing from the burning Slrio SHnk-.wlth extreme rapidity. Many j ing and exmtenta were destroyed of the passenger* wef*» oil deck as the


DRESSMAKING—Wanted. asalata»t* I» . «Ir- ssnuücing. also skirt haiul* Apply

dressmaker andMr». M. Harding. .« ladies’ tailor. '248 Fort

FOR- *ALIÇ-1 express wagon and boat. Apply m H. v«wk. Marine Railway,ff»qul mait.~—------ ^ '


TWO BOTTLES For 26 Cents

steamer dls«pi»earpd. The boat* were so overcrowded that a number of them immediately capsized, throwing their occupants Into the water.

Quantities of food and clothing for the Survivors are arriving here from all parla of the - oiintry.

"A "ritibtlc"’Rubscrtritlori* started for The relief frf the dertBnte' |ai*»enger* has already reached a large sum. The *ur- vivors are quartered In the theatres, hospitals atid-vlnbs;

Was UfiDialn Saved.

rt'K-KSB ' - - *h«64wrecked steamer Slrio,- revelved- a dis­patch last night purporting to"be from the captain, reserving his report of the detail* of the. wreck, but saying the < rew were tntveU. . TJ»is raises the pea- { slblllty that the captain ultimately was 1 rescued. -

H. I'aldvvfll. the North Halt - Spring road foreman, commenced work on Wednesday. He has .a large gang of men with him.

LOHT Lb tween 12 and 1 p. m- to-day. lady's alllgutor skin card <aw and purse, irnntatntng money ;ind key*. $V> reward If returned Inta'c.t to Proprietor, Driurd Hotel.

W A NT FI1 ■ An exp#irl«inced hotel clerk. Apply iHiinlnlon Hotel.

Inquiry Opened'.


Madrid, Aug. 6,^-The naval authori­ties here have op<yied an Inquiry Into the , wreck of the Italian steamer Slrio. The officers of^the .Birin will be detained at Cartagena 1.0 await the re­buff.


' The report from New York (hat a number of nurse* al Bellevue hospital were poisoned by eating canned meatsle

FOUND—A gold-tilled watch. Owner can Imv- *.*iw by proving prôperty and paying the advertisement. Apply at fhis office.

l<< >H'V On Sunday afternoon, between John street at)d HpringiMd avenue. , hlid's ï.rwël. v. Finder ph ase return t,. this limer and revolve reward.

CALEDONIA PARKLots $450.00 Upwards, Mostly 1.50 Feet —

Deep. Easy Terms.

B. 0. Land & Investment Agency, Limited40 Government Street



WANTED—Twenty, cottage, with two br more lot*. <-*»t or west preferred: cash paynymt, balan«*«- on Installments at 1 per venl. Rambler, tbla office.

Everybody Smokes OW Chuia

J. KINGHAM 8t CO. Victoria Agents tor the — Nanaimo Collieries


Tne b,yit houeenqïd fuol m tb- mar*' fc.t at current rates. Anthracite coal tor sale. Dealers in Cord and Cat



G. J. JUtmSTQfN - Proprietor

POULTRY PAYS—U; when the hens lay, and. to keep them at it, use

Sylvester's Excelsior tyeal at $1.50per sack (for the morning) and

Sylvester’s Hen Food at $1.75per ioo lbs. (at night) *•

Write us for romhlete rataleeue on pounltry foods.STLVESTBR FEED COMPANY • ' a ■ «-» ATE8 8T.