THERE is every reason why the Board of Estimate sliould

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 897 ESTABUSHED-^ttARpH2m^ 1668. DnM* 10 R^L EsTAn.BuiLDifJG iS^Rfjf iTEerui^E .Kouso/ou) tewnpiH; Birsiiftss AffoTHEMES OF GE|teRAl IKTER?si^ PRICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE EIGHT DOLLARS Comrauni cat Ions should be addressed to C. W. SWEET Publisfted Every Saturday By THE RECORD AND GUIDE CO. President, CLINTON W. SWEET Treasurer, F, W. DODGE Vlce-Pres. ft Genl, Mgr., H. W. DESMOND Secretary, F. T. MILLER Nos. 11 to 15 Eaat 34tli Street, New York City (Telephone, Madison Square. 4430 to 4433.) '•Entered at the Post Office al Nao York, N. Y., as second-class matter." Copyrighted, 1909. hy The Record ft Guide Co. Vol. LXXXIV. NOVEMBER 20, 1909. No. 217.^^ T HERE is every reason why the Board of Estimate sliould act at an early date and in a favorable sense upon the proposal, now before it^ to extend Seventh avenue to - Varick street and to widen Varick street to a junction with Broadway. Of all the street improvements proposed for Manhattan this project offers the most seductive advantage of small expense combined with great public benefit. The expense would be small, because that part of Greenwich Vil- lage through which the line of the proposed improvement runs remains almost entirely undeveloped. Real estate values are low and there are no modern buildings to be bought and torn down. The purpose of the project is not to relieve any existing congestion of traffic, but to develop business by open- ing up a now neglected district. Greenwich Village has been neglected in the march of improvement, partly because its sti-eet system cuts it off from the important centers of busi- ness in Manhattan; and the object of the proposed improve- ment is that of providing a new thoroughfare through the heart oE t h e district, directly connected with Broadway and Canal street on the south and Broadway and Forty-second street on the north. Not only, consequently, would the expense be comparatively small, but the city would he reimbursed for its share thereof, by a rapid increase of tax- able values in the neighborhood. If a certain part of any city remains dead in spite of the fact that it enjoys the same advantages of accessibility as other parts of the city, the local government is under no obligation to spend money on its resuscitation, but Greenwich Village has been killed by the defects of the street plan, and the improvement there- of is not merely a matter of expediency, hut of Justice. The property owners in the vicinity are absolutely united in favor of the plan, and now that the city has money to spare for the purpose, there is no reason to delay its authorization and execution. way in the viciuity of Canal street and rejoin it at Forty-sec- ond street, and from Twenty-third street north, it would run within striking distance of the busiest part of the middle dis- trict. The Hudson street-Eighth-avenue thoroughfare serves no similar purpose, because it starts at an inconvenient place, and does not reach a really central point until it runs into Co- lumbus Circle. Thus, a Seventh avenue thoroughfare would constitute a peculiarly valuable addition to the general street system of Manhattan. There are other considerations also which should have weight with the Board of Estimate. Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Thirty-fourth street is des- tined to be used hereafter for comparatively important busi- ness purposes. At the present time a considerable numher of twelve-story loft buildings are beiug constructed between Sixth avenue and Seventh avenues, and this number will be doubled during the coming year. Within flve years a similar process of business improvement will be taking place between Seventh and Eighth avenues. Seventh avenue itself is des- tined to become an active centre either of wholesale or of retail trade. All this will mean a considerable growth of local traffic aud will increase the desira.bility of providing some better means of reaching and leaving the district from the south. In fact, the business development of tbe whole part of the middle West Side is fore-shadowed as one of the certainties of the next ten years. If Seventh avenue is ex- tended now this necessary process of business development wiil be encouraged at a very small expense to the city. If on the other hand it is delayed, the district will he retarded without being prevented, and when the extension is finally made as ultimately it must be made, the expense to the city will be considerably increased. N OT only are there no vali(3 reasons for delaying the au- thorization of the Seventh avenue extension, but there are certain urgent reasons why its execution should be hastened. The cutting of a continuation of Seventh avenue through to Varick street and the widening of Varick street would be of great assistance to the city in the laying out of a lower West Side rapid transit route. One of the difficulties connected with a Seventh avenue subway has always con- sisted in the lack of a really satisfactory extension of Seventh avenue south of Eleventh street, and this difficulty would be removed by the proposed improvement. The new subway would then have the benefit of an inevitable and straight route as far south as Canal street or thereabouts, and this would accelerate the running time of the trains, cheapen construc- tion, and enable it to serve its purpose in every way more effluently. Express trains could be run all the way Irom the Pennsylvania station to Cortlandt street without a single 'stop, and by so doing bring a most important centre of busi- ness down town within about five minutes of the most im- portant centre of business in the middle district, and the advantage which the extension would be to a West Side Sub- way affords an indication of the advantage which the whole street system of Manhattan would derive from a new longi- tudinal thoroughfare. Such a thoroughfare would relieve the pressure of traffic on Broadway and other parallel avenues; and it would serve this function with peculiar efficiency, be- cause Seventh avenue would then start from a central point and virtually end at a central point. It would leave Broad- A LTHOUGH the total vote has not been finally and satis- factorily counted, it is certain that the proposal to amend the constitution for the purpose of allowing the city, if necessary, to build self supporting subways, has heen accepted by the electorate, and the city is to he congratulated on this result. Its immediate effect will he to increase the city's borrowing capacity by the equivalent of the cost of the ex- isting snbway and certain docks. But that is its least de- sirable effect, because, the subway question apart, the city is already able to borrow as much money as it really needs for other purposes. But its ultimate eiTect will be to enable the City to extend its subway system as fast as the expansion of business and population warrants. It is to be hoped, however, that city stock will not he issued for subway construction, pro- vided private capital can be obtained on fair terms. No doubt the legislature will impose conditions on the issue of new subway municipal securities that will effectively guaran- tee their employment on remunerative enterprises, hut the plain fact is that the security market has for the last ten years heen deluged with a much larger supply of city stock than it could absorb with economy. It is desirable, cju- sequently, that the issue of new stock should be kept at the lowest possible point until the city's credit has in some meas- ure recovered. Undoubtedly Jt would be more economical to pay even more than four per cent, for borrowed money, rather than lease subway privileges on unfair terms, because in that event the loss on the subway contract would balance auy gain that might accrue to the city from its ability to bor- row at a lower rate of interest. But there is no reason in the world why the city's credit should he used, provided new subways, over which the city obtains effective control, can be built with the credit of a private company. And according to indications, at least two private companies are willing to build new subways with their own money. A formal offer is in existence, which obligates certain capitalists to construct the new Broadway-Lexington avenue route under the fair conditions laid down in the new Rapid Transit Aet; and there are good reasons for believing tha-t the New Haven R. R. Co. stands behind this offer. Only last week President Mellen of that company stated to a Massachusetts commission that the suburban traffic of his railroad made it necessary to secure an entrance by subway into the heart of Manhattan. In the same way the interborough Company stands ready to build with its money extensions along Madison avenue north of Forty-second street and along Seventh avenue south of Forty-second street, and the progressive improvement in the credit of that corporation will douhtless make it still more willing ito 'continue the same policy hereafter. It is to be hoped consequently that the additional power, enjoyed by the city to borrow money for subway purposes, will be held in re- serve rather than actually used, and indications of the policy to be adopted in this respect hy the new administra- tion will he awaited with interest.

Transcript of THERE is every reason why the Board of Estimate sliould

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 897

ESTABUSHED- ttARpH 2m^ 1668.

DnM* 10 R^L EsTAn.BuiLDifJG iS Rfjf iTEerui E .Kouso/ou) tewnpiH; Birsiiftss AffoTHEMES OF GE|teRAl IKTER?si^


Comrauni cat Ions should be addressed to C. W. SWEET

Publisfted Every Saturday By THE RECORD AND GUIDE CO.

President, CLINTON W. SWEET Treasurer, F, W. DODGE Vlce-Pres. ft Genl, Mgr., H. W. DESMOND Secretary, F. T. MILLER

Nos. 11 to 15 Eaat 34tli Street, New York City (Telephone, Madison Square. 4430 to 4433.)

'•Entered at the Post Office al Nao York, N. Y., as second-class matter."

Copyrighted, 1909. hy The Record ft Guide Co.

Vol. LXXXIV. NOVEMBER 20, 1909. No. 217. ^

T HERE is every reason why the Board of Estimate sliould act a t an early date and in a favorable sense upon

the proposal, now before it^ to extend Seventh avenue to -Varick street and to widen Varick street to a junction with Broadway. Of all the street improvements proposed for Manhattan this project offers the most seductive advantage of small expense combined with great public benefit. The expense would be small, because tha t part of Greenwich Vil­lage through which the line of the proposed improvement runs remains almost entirely undeveloped. Real estate values are low and there are no modern buildings to be bought and torn down. The purpose of the project is not to relieve any existing congestion of traffic, but to develop business by open­ing up a now neglected district. Greenwich Village has been neglected in the march of improvement, part ly because its sti-eet system cuts it off from the important centers of busi­ness in Manhat tan; and the object of the proposed improve­ment is that of providing a new thoroughfare through the heart oE the district, directly connected with Broadway and Canal street on the south and Broadway and Forty-second street on the north. Not only, consequently, would the expense be comparatively small, but the city would he reimbursed for its share thereof, by a rapid increase of tax­able values in the neighborhood. If a certain par t of any city remains dead in spite of the fact tha t it enjoys the same advantages of accessibility as other parts of the city, the local government is under no obligation to spend money on its resuscitation, but Greenwich Village has been killed by the defects of the street plan, and the improvement there­of is not merely a mat ter of expediency, hut of Justice. The property owners in the vicinity are absolutely united in favor of the plan, and now tha t the city has money to spare for the purpose, there is no reason to delay its authorization and execution.

way in the viciuity of Canal street and rejoin it a t Forty-sec­ond street, and from Twenty-third street north, it would run within str iking distance of the busiest part of the middle dis­trict. The Hudson street-Eighth-avenue thoroughfare serves no similar purpose, because it s tar ts a t an inconvenient place, and does not reach a really central point until it runs into Co­lumbus Circle. Thus, a Seventh avenue thoroughfare would constitute a peculiarly valuable addition to the general street system of Manhattan. There are other considerations also which should have weight with the Board of Estimate. Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Thirty-fourth street is des­tined to be used hereafter for comparatively important busi­ness purposes. At the present time a considerable numher of twelve-story loft buildings are beiug constructed between Sixth avenue and Seventh avenues, and this number will be doubled during the coming year. Within flve years a similar process of business improvement will be taking place between Seventh and Eighth avenues. Seventh avenue itself is des­tined to become an active centre either of wholesale or of retail t rade. All this will mean a considerable growth of local traffic aud will increase the desira.bility of providing some better means of reaching and leaving the district from the south. In fact, the business development of tbe whole part of the middle West Side is fore-shadowed as one of the certainties of the next ten years. If Seventh avenue is ex­tended now this necessary process of business development wiil be encouraged at a very small expense to the city. If on the other hand it is delayed, the district will he retarded without being prevented, and when the extension is finally made as ultimately it must be made, the expense to the city will be considerably increased.

N OT only are there no vali(3 reasons for delaying the au­thorization of the Seventh avenue extension, but there

are certain urgent reasons why its execution should be hastened. The cutting of a continuation of Seventh avenue through to Varick street and the widening of Varick street would be of great assistance to the city in the laying out of a lower West Side rapid transi t route. One of the difficulties connected with a Seventh avenue subway has always con­sisted in the lack of a really satisfactory extension of Seventh avenue south of Eleventh street, and this difficulty would be removed by the proposed improvement. The new subway would then have the benefit of an inevitable and straight route as far south as Canal street or thereabouts, and this would accelerate the running time of the trains, cheapen construc­tion, and enable it to serve its purpose in every way more effluently. Express t rains could be run all the way Irom the Pennsylvania station to Cortlandt street without a single 'stop, and by so doing bring a most important centre of busi­ness down town within about five minutes of the most im­portant centre of business in the middle district, and the advantage which the extension would be to a West Side Sub­way affords an indication of the advantage which the whole s t reet system of Manhattan would derive from a new longi­tudinal thoroughfare. Such a thoroughfare would relieve the pressure of traffic on Broadway and other parallel avenues; and it would serve this function with peculiar efficiency, be­cause Seventh avenue would then s tar t from a central point and virtually end at a central point. I t would leave Broad-

A LTHOUGH the total vote has not been finally and satis­factorily counted, it is certain tha t the proposal to

amend the constitution for the purpose of allowing the city, if necessary, to build self supporting subways, has heen accepted by the electorate, and the city is to he congratulated on this result. Its immediate effect will he to increase the city's borrowing capacity by the equivalent of the cost of the ex­isting snbway and certain docks. But tha t is its least de­sirable effect, because, the subway question apart , the city is already able to borrow as much money as i t really needs for other purposes. But its ul t imate eiTect will be to enable the City to extend its subway system as fast as the expansion of business and population warrants . It is to be hoped, however, that city stock will not he issued for subway construction, pro­vided private capital can be obtained on fair terms. No doubt the legislature will impose conditions on the issue of new subway municipal securities tha t will effectively guaran­tee their employment on remunerat ive enterprises, hut the plain fact is that the security market has for the last ten years heen deluged with a much larger supply of city stock than it could absorb with economy. It is desirable, cju-sequently, tha t the issue of new stock should be kept at the lowest possible point until the city's credit has in some meas­ure recovered. Undoubtedly Jt would be more economical to pay even more than four per cent, for borrowed money, ra ther than lease subway privileges on unfair terms, because in tha t event the loss on the subway contract would balance auy gain tha t might accrue to the city from its ability to bor­row at a lower rate of interest. But there is no reason in the world why the city's credit should he used, provided new subways, over which the city obtains effective control, can be built with the credit of a private company. And according to indications, at least two private companies are willing to build new subways with their own money. A formal offer is in existence, which obligates certain capitalists to construct the new Broadway-Lexington avenue route under the fair conditions laid down in the new Rapid Transit Aet; and there are good reasons for believing tha-t the New Haven R. R. Co. stands behind this offer. Only last week President Mellen of tha t company stated to a Massachusetts commission that the suburban traffic of his railroad made it necessary to secure an entrance by subway into the hear t of Manhattan. In the same way the interborough Company stands ready to build with its money extensions along Madison avenue north of Forty-second street and along Seventh avenue south of Forty-second street, and the progressive improvement in the credit of that corporation will douhtless make it still more willing ito 'continue t he same policy hereafter. It is to be hoped consequently tha t the additional power, enjoyed by the city to borrow money for subway purposes, will be held in re­serve ra ther than actually used, and indications of the policy to be adopted in this respect hy the new administra­tion will he awaited with interest.

SgS RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

B ROADWAY, west of Central Park has shown evidence of renewed activity. Several important sales have

taken place, all of which wil! probably mean new buildings during the coming Spring; and several interesting leases have been secured by retail houses on that part of the thorough­fare. The price of real estate on this part of Broadway has increased considerably since the subway was opened for traf­fic; hut, there is room for a still greater increase. A great many lots in the Eighties aud the Nineties remain vacant, or else are improved'only with taxpayers or antiquated bnildings. The only available type of new building for these lots consist of twelve-story apar tment houses with shops on the ground floor, and with the increase of such structures and a greater density of the local population the business value of Broad­way property will become greater. Higher prices for real estate along this part of Broadway depend upon the ability of landlords to secure more money for the shops on the ground fioor, and this in turn depends in par t on the increase in the motor-car business and in the growth of the well-to-do local population. What other sources an expansion of values would come from is not apparent. The rentals ot apar tments in fire-proof huildings can hardly be expected to increase; and general business will not push up Broadway very far nor th of Columbus Circle. Central Park has heen a great boon to the West Side and has helped to make it the important residential district it is, hut its situation and bulk condemn the territory both to the east and west thereof to comparatively local and insignificant business development. Whatever local retail business there is on the West Side will be concentrated on Broadway, and together with the motor­car t rade it will be sufficient to make Broadway lots more valuable than they are. But there will be a limit to the possible increase. In the meantime Broadway property owners have the advantage, sfiared by property owners on very few avenues in New York, of tieing able to rent their ground floors for stores, without destroying the availability of their upper floors for expensive suites of apartments .

THIS MAY YFIT BE A RECORD TEAR ill Manhaltan and the Bronx for building, notwithstanding that the plans filed each week for several months past have seemed comparatively few. The estimated value of the projects for new buildings which have been reported so far this year ia still ahead of the record made for the corresponding time in botli the year IHOU and the year 19(.lo, as well as last year, in these two boroughs; but in Brooklyn this year's record, so far as it has been made, is below the records of the corresponding portions of the years lyOo and 190(5. Manhattan and the Bronx together are still about five million dollars ahead of the hest previous record for an equivalent period (which was the record made in the year 19C5), but Erookiyn is about eighteen million behind the record made by the boroug-h in 1905, and seven million behind the record of 190G. It will be recajled that the filings in Brooklyn during the year 1905 were phenomenal. The three principal boroughs, considered together, have fallen behind their best record, but Manhattan and the Bronx, and also Queens, are in­dividually ahead of their best previous records, and the expecta­tion is that tliey will maintain their lead to the end of the year. As to the state of employment, it continues good in all trades except bricklaying. The falling-off in brick-building cannot altogether he accounted for without taking into consideration the rise of concrete construction. It is now believed that the large amount of cement work being done has had some effect in reducing the amount of brickwork offering, but tlie falling-off in 5-sty tenement bouse work is also responsible. Sevei'al trades are reported from official sources to have more work at the present moment than they can well attend to, and among these trades are the structural steel and iron erectors and tlie cemeut masons. It has been a good year for mechanics, on the whole, but at the same time the prices of building materials have ruled comparatively low. One of the signs of the times is the number of 12-sty apartment houses that are being erected and planned. Never before were there so many. More high-class loft buildings also are building or projected than ever before. The quality of the construction averages very high. Riverside Drive and Morningside Heights for large apartment houses, and the midtown business sections for loft buildings, are centres of interest at the present time. There will be few^ vacant sites on the Drive when the present movement ends. There are also signs of a new activity on Broadway, in the Eighties and Nineties. Some of the "liigh board fronts" will be missing before long.

THE PENNSYLVANIA TUNNELS.—Make a note of this.— The first train carrying passengers made a successful trip through the new tunnels of the Pennsylvania Railroad from Harrison, N. J,, to the Sunnyside railroad yards in Long Island Gity on Thursday. Aboard the train was James McCrea, presi­dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, togetiier with other officials of the road and engineers interested in the great tunnel work.

THE FUTURE OF THE FIVE-STORY HOUSE. Tu the Editor of the Record and Guide:

It is surely your intention in publishing articles to give your readers value received, and^you surely intend that any article you publish will be truthful as well as valuable information. I would refer you to a report in Saturday's issue entitled: "What is the future of the 5-sty. house?" In the second para­graph, the speaker is reported as saying that "people will walk five stories high and will pay more for the privilege of getting up tliere," I will give you a few facts. In one 5-sty. apartment building in West yist St., the owners get ^65 for the second and third floors, $(50 for the fourth and lf.5o for the fifth. In an­otlier building on this street tbey get .$55 for second, $50 for the third, $47.50 for the fourth and .'t;4.j for the fifth. In still another building on this street and in three on 94th st., they get $47,50 for the first floor, $50 each^ for the second and third,, $47.50 for the fourth and $45 for the fifth. You will find in most of the .•)-sty. apartment buildings that the fifth fioor rents for less than any other floor with a possible exception in some cases of the first floor. I think these apartments are built on 20 ft. lots. There are a great many smaller apartments that rent from $25 to ^35 each where three are built on 50 ft. lots. Of course, the value of real estate being so enormously high makes the net income less than it was a few years ifgo. But in this same article there is another question that is very ridiculous. It is as follows: "I have the actual statistics of the cost of operating an elevator in a 6-sty. building, -50 ft. wide and having -SO familes in it. I find that it only amounts to about $10 or $15 a month." An expert that claims to be educating the people and giving them actual facts on which to base their conclusions, who wiil state without further explanation, that it costs only ''about $10 or $15 a month" to operate an elevator in a G-sty. building, and in the same clause says that he has "the actual statistics" needs to be investigated at least. He must know that $10 or $15 a month will scarcely buy the raw material to board a man, or even a boy, for a month, in order to operate an elevator, to say nothing about any other costs. D. M. QUAT.

1125 Broadway,

THIS EXPLAINS IT. To the Editor of the Real Estate Record and Guide:

The quotation in your issue of the 13lh of part of my remarks at tlie recent convention of Building Managers at Detroit, does not quite fully report my statements, and in view of the interest attaching to this subject, I beg leave to make the following ad­dition:

My discussion related to the type of apartment coming be­tween the cold-water tenenient and the 6-sty. elevator house, in tbe latter of which the use of the elevator has established a demand for tbe benefits of outlook, light and air of upper floors, which is even extending to the non-elevator house, where such advLintages are obtainable on the upper floors.

This being the case, the question arose whether the commonly accepted view as to the impracticability of the installation of elevators in 5-sty. buildings, may not be now modifled.

If Ihe elevator would so improve the general rental returns as to more than- cover the cost of its operation, it might not be diflicult to provide for its installation in a large numlSer of such iiouses, especially as the work which has to be done by elevators in apartments is now found to involve less expense than was at one time thought to be pi'obable.

The cost of electric current, which I gave, is that of the public supply at regular rates, and to this would have to be added the up-keep of the appliance and interest and depreciation on same, together with wages of operator who would also act, as is now usual, as the hall attendant.


THE ASTOR HOUSE plot, at Broadway and Vesey s t , which was enlarged last week by the purchase by the Astors of No. 14 Vesey St., will no doubt sometime be taken for a comprehensive rebuilding operation, but it is understood that no immediate change is contemplated, as the lease of the hotel was but re­cently renewed for five years. The "improvement" of this splen­did site, when it comes, is expected to be in the form of a larger hotel building. A question in real estate science nowadays re­lates to the economic length of life of the average hotel. Some say it is as short as ten years. In other words, at the expiration of that period tbe site is regarded as susceptible to an im­provement that will return a larger rate of income, even if the original building represented at the time of Its erection the maximum of economic possibility. The site on which the Astor House stands is probably not yielding the maximum net revenue which it could be made to produce, but It is nevertheless a good investment as it stands. And, by the way, has it occurred to any investing or building corporation that since the general migra­tion of hotels from the lower to the middle sections of the island an opportunity has developed for the erection of other really good hotels for business men in the same part of town as that in which the Astor House is situated? Several eating-houses of fine architectural distinction and large proportions have recently been erected there, but no good lodging-place in many years.

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 899

an C O N S T R U C T I O N .

FLAT-HOUSE OPERATION ON A NEW PLAN. Apartment Houses Resembling Semi-Detached Residences to be Erected in Norwood, Long Island City, by the Rickert-Finlay Co.

A GREAT DEAL of attention has been paid, In the last few years, to improving housing conditions of flat-dweilers.

Model tenements have been erected with this especial object in view, and without the first consideration heing the revenue they wxiuld bring. It would seem, however, as if one of the most practical solutions of the question was in a new type of fiats, designed on a strictly business basis, but which seem to meet the situation better than most of the model tenements erected on a semi-philanthropic basis.

The Rickert-Finlay Realty Co. has flled plans by J. Warner Allen, architect, for two 4-sty Indiana limestone and brick flats, to be erected in "Norwood," Long Island City, which are entirely different from the usual kind, in that they have a court On each side of the building and across the rear, and by this

City, on account of the lower land values, the same necessity does not exist, and the flats to be erected in "Norwood" will cover only 50 per cent, of the lot area, or 20 per cent, less than in Manhattan.

If we take $25,000 as the average value of a lot in Manhattan on which flats are erected, and 40 feet front were given to each building of this new type, this extra 20 per cent. In courts would represent, in Manhattan, a land value of $8,000, whereas, in Long Island City, based on an average valuation of $2,500 per lot, it would represent a land value of only $1,000. It Is thus quite evident that a building having a court all around la not practically feasible on land with Manhattan values. It would seem, however, that they would be profitable on land up to $5,-000. per lot, and possibly as high as $10,000, for the Increased

1 V . . . - i


means giving direct light and air on all sides. There are two apartments of six rooms and a hath on each floor, so that each apartment has all the advantages, with respect to air and light, of a semi-detached residence. In place of the usual dark hall in the interior of the building, there is a square hall in the front which has the same dimensions all the way to the roof, thus giving the hall direct light and ventilation on each floor. The flats will have all modern improvements, and in addition a playground on the roof and a roof-garden.

The ordinary type of flat in Manhattan usually covers 70 per cent, of fhe lot area, and in some cases the law permits an even greater percentage to be built upon. On account of the high land values in Manhattan, il is necessary, in order to get a fair revenue, to use every foot the law allows; but in Long Island


rental on account of light and air should pay a good revenue ou the land value of the court.

Permits have been taken out by the Rickert-Finlay Realty Co. for two buildings which will be begun at once, and it is in­tended to have at least ten buildings, with eighty apartments, completed by the time the Pennsylvania tunnels are open in the Spring. Norwood, which has a street frontage of about two miles in the heart of Long Island City, opposite Bast Slst st, is only flve minutes from the Queensboro Bridge, and about the same distance from the Pennsylvania terminals. The new buildings are to be erected with a special view of accommodating the better class among the large population whicli will follow the transfer of the entire operating forces of the Pennsylvania sys­tem from Newark and Jersey City to Long Island City.

90O RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909



A few things improperly installed make no end of trouble and expense during the subsequent operation of an offlce building. One of the things which, in my humble judgment, should be made obligatory on architects is the use of galvanized pipes for all plumbing. The inside of a waste pipe soon becomes coated with a slimy protection which prevents corrosion, but dampness collects on the outside, especially during the summer months and causes heavy rust, and it is only a matter of time until a leak will be discovered and then the tearing up and the consequent expense commences. Vent pipes rust on the inside and become clogged with scales.

The urinals are usually arranged In the same location on each floor, and are often cross connected with the janitor's slop sinks.


ERT-Fl.XLAY CO., AT NORWOOD, L. I. CITY. SO that the water supply to either cannot be shut off without shutting off both. There is no object in having the urinals flush every six or seven minutes during the night, and for a man to climb up and shut off the supply to each urinal tank in the building at night and td turn them on again each morning would prove entirely too expensive.

The urinals should have independent runs of their own with

a shut-off valve in the attic as well as at each tank, so that a man can turn one valve and stop the water waste in less time than it takes to tell it. The separate run will pay for itself in six months in the saving of water. See that the architect locates the water and waste outlets for washbowls on the column along the corridor walls, and not at right angles to the columns, where they obstruct the space and from which position you will be obliged to move them in dividing space for tenants.

A HEAVY BURDEN. A central toilet room in a large huilding becomes a heavy bur­

den on the elevators on account of the necessary inter-flooring traffic occasioned thereby. The installation of a smafl toilet 3pace on alternate floors proves of great beneflt to the service because the majority of persons will walk up or down one story rather than take an elevator. The cost of installation is hea-vier than that occasioned by a central toilet, but the subseqeuent results, when the building becomes fllled, will be most gratifying. I took account of the number of people traveling in my elevators a short time ago, and we are carrying 24,230 people a day. That included all that inter-floor traffic, because we have a central toilet room on the eleventh floor. People go to and from there. The population of the building is not over 3,000. I know It is easy to guess at the population. I have had people guess 15,000. But by the actual census in the building the population is about 3,000.

SPACE UTILIZATION. For years I have been a pronounced opponent of office space

which cannot be naturally lighted. There are two cardinal points which can either make or break a building. The first is light, the second is location. I heard a Chicago architect argue that the more rentable floor area there is in a buiMing, the greater the revenue will be, and this sounds logical, but in the years I have spent in connection with offlce huildings I have found this statement to be absolutely disproved. The fact Is that THE MORE NATURALLY LIGHTED RENTABLE FLOOR SPACE THERE IS IN A BUILDING THE GREATER THE REVENUE WILL BE, but who is foolish enough to lease dark space which it is necessary to light artificially if naturafly lighted space is available?

It is against reason because a tenant is then assuming the ex­pense of a lighting bill in addition to his rental. It has been argued that the light-is furnished in some buildings without charge to the tenant so that he does not feel this extra expense.

-In that case the building feels the extra expense in Its coal bill. To illustrate this point, let us consider a huilding on a corner facing two streets and constructed so that it has two wings with a 60-ft. court between. The offlce facing the streets will natur­afly have good light provided they are not over 25 ft. in depth; the court offlces. however, depend entirely on the width of the court for their light. If the offices facing this court are made deep, say thirty-two feet, how will the ten feet farthest from the windows he lighted, on the fioors below the center line of the buiiding?

In order to get two private offices and a reception room, a tenant must take least twenty-feet frontage, or 640 sq. ft., and in order to make up for the deep reception space, which it is necessary to light and furnish, the rental must be reduced rather than allow the space to lie Idle. How much better would it have been to have made THE LIGHT COURT WIDER AND THE COURT OFFICES NOT SO DEEPj say twenty-two feet. The same price would be obtained for the two private offlces and the reception room without question and the rate per sq. ft. in­creased accordingly. Why, then, is It necessary to huild the extra ten feet of depth across the entire length of each wing? The original investment would have been perhaps $100,000 smaller and the returns would have remained the same. Tou may ask how do I know the same price could be ohtained for the shallow office. My only answer is that during the years T have spent at this work in connection with a. number of build­ings of both kinds, this has been my experience, and for that reason I am convinced.

In these days good service in a good building is expected and furnished, but ,?ood. NATURAL LIGHT IS THE MOLASSES WTTICH CATCHES THE TENANT. Natural light means satis­faction for, and better work from, his employees and a minimum expense for artificial illumination. It keeps the tenants prais­ing the light offices and so advertising the fact to others who may subsequently become tenants.

*The paper which is only io part here given was read by Mr, Randell before the National Convention of Building Managers and Owners at Detroit. Mr. Randell is prominent ic Chicago real es­late affairs.

EDISONIAN PHILOSOPHY.—WTien a man gets $100,000. he figures how he can keep that and get more. It 's the hog in us. The people who are fortunate and happy have incomes of $25 to $. n a week, enough to he comfortable and not enough to worry them. Strictly speaking, neither Rockefeller nor any other man has wealth. He can't get more than so much out of his money. He 5ust has a lot of titles to property. —THOMAS A. EDISON.

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 901


T H.E building of the Panama Canal is now in its fourth and final stage. The first stage was the sanitation of the Canal

Zone; the second, the re-building of the Panama Railroad so as to supply facilities for transporting the soil from the exca­vations to the dumps; the third, the excavation of the canal, the fourth, and last stage, the building of the Gatun dam and locks, and the locks at Miraflores and San Miguel. On August 1st of this year, the excavation (182.000,000 cu. yds., of which 40,000,000 cu. yds. available had been done by the French) had advanced to a point where only 101,000,000 cu. yds. remained to be done, which, as officially stated by Col. Goethals, can be fln­ished by August 1st, 1911. The remaining excavation is pro­ceeding at the rate of about 3,000.000 cu. yds, per month.

Keeping pace with the speed of excavation are the construc­tion operations in connection with the Gatun dam and locks. The most important part of the mechanical equipment are the thirteen Lidgerwood high speed cableways, which were e-spe-cially designed and installed for building the Gatun locks. Upon five of these, known as the unloader cableways. will fall the brunt of the work, and upon the ability of tliese five to handle the amount guaranteed, or more, must depend the question of whether the canal will be flnished and in operation on January 1st. 1915. or earlier. These cableways have exceeded their guar­anteed capacity by such a large percentage that the engineers in charge of this section of the work are confident that It can be finished at a much earlier date. They are recognized unofficially by Col. Goethals as "that 1913 crowd."

THE LOCKS. The work of these five cableways is to handle the broken stone

and sand which will be required for the walls and floors of the locks. There are six locks, each 1,000 ft. long in the clear and 110 ft. wide. They lie side by side in fliglits of three, making a total length of more than 3,000 ft. Together they provide a total lift of 85 ft., with some to spare for changes in the initial water level. In these locks there will be used 2,000,000 cu. yds. of broken stone, 1,000,000 cu. yds. of sand and 2,200,000 barrels of cement. The stone and sand arrive in barges on a branch of the old French Canal. The unloader cableway takes it out of the barges with great grab buckets and delivers it 000 ft, or more away in heaps in the storage yard.

Prom here it is taiven by the cars of an automatically operated electric railway to the mixers, and from the mixers tlie concrete is taken in other electric cars to where the second set of eight cableways can put it in place in the forms for the walls and floor. Four cableways arranged in pairs on two sets of towers handle the broken stone, and a single cableway with independent towers unloads the sand from the barges and deposits it on a storage pile. Each cableway has a span of 800 ft. In the duplex cableways the cables are IS ft. apart. This corresponds with the distance apart of the transverse bulkheads in the barges. The cableways are all mounted on steel towers So ft. high. The towers are mounted on trucks and travel on tracks,

The five high-speed cableways, which are handling, from barges to the storage heaps, tbe 2,000,000 cu. yds, of broken stone and 1,000,000 cu. yds. of sand required to builii tbe Gatun locks.

so that each cableway performs the function of a traveling crane. The unloader cableways travel the length of the stor­age yard. Those for building the locks travel more than 3,000 ft.

They are moved electrically, each pair In unison. Prom the ca.rriage of each of the five unloader cableways there is sus­pended an improved special 70 cu. ft. iron-ore type of excavating bucket. Each bucket grabs an average load of 54 cu. ft. The load is hoisted S5 ft., conveyed about 600 ft., dumped on the storage pile, and the carriage and bucket returned. This round trip has been made in 1 minute and S seconds. The cableways

were guaranteed to handle 50 cu. yds. an hour each. They have carried 90 cu. yds. in an hour and the average operation up to date-is GO cu. yds. per hour. This ought to be materially in­creased with practice. The present record is declared to be double that of any cableway previously employed anywhere.

The high speed and consequent increase in the capacity of the cableways is due to the ease with which the operation of the cableways is controlled; the rope-lead that simultaneously raises

A elose view of the tall lowurs ul Ihu unloader cableways Show­ing the position of the barges and of tlie operators.

and traverses the bucket; the high-speed chock-absorber with which the fall-rope carrier is equipped, and a new type of but­ton-stop.

The hoisting and conveying machinery in the nead tower is controlled by an operator in the tall tower stationed on an ele­vated platform commanding a clear view of the bucket at all times and in all positions. He controls two 150-hp. motors by master controllers of the New Tork subway type, and the air brakes by two levers operating magnet valves 800 ft. away. Tiie physical effort of operation is so easy that the operator can comfortably maintain the high speed. In all previous cableways this effort was so fatiguing that, although it was possible to attain a speed of 35 round trips per hour with mechanical levers, this could not be sustained for any length of time.

STUDIO BUILDING IN GRAMERCT PARK.—Henry Bradford Simmons has named his new operation in Gramercy Park the "Stuyvesant Studios." There are two buildings, one of which is the old mansion at the southeast corner of Irving Place that was at one period occupied hy Stuyvesant Fish, and the other is a new addition thereto, consisting of a four-story building In the rear. The parlor floor in the main house has been retained in its original state, as it was handsomely decorated and could not be improved upon. But with the assistance of George M. McCabe, 96 Fifth Avenue, as architect, Mr. Simmons, as owner, has designed a series of suites that are artistic and comfortable looking and in harmony with the feeling in the neighborhood. The general scheme of the decorations is English; the dominant color tone green. Green is having a remarkable vo.gue not only in New Tork but also in Europe. Mr. Simmons says it is hard to get architects to leave the beaten paths. Most often this Is the criticism laid by architects upon owners. Mr. Simmons has introduced a tea room in the annex that has appointments similar to the "Van W^inkle." jn West -IOth street, around the corner from Fifth avenue, and It also reminds one of the "Colonia," In West 33d street, both of which he also designed.

9P2 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

CLAIMS FURTHER STRENGTHENED. Below is a copy of a letter, just received which further

demonstrates the possibilities of the Record and Guide as a means of producing business for the wide-awake man:

CITT AND SUBURBAN WINDOW-SHADE CO. Prompt Attention Given to Real Estate Men and Properly Owners,

Suburban Dwellings Fitted. 3630 Broadway.

New York, November 15. 1909. Record and Guide Co.,

11 East 24th Street, City, Gentlemen—In the last few issues of the Record and Guide, I

have noticed you published letters received trom your subscribers who claim to have gotten good results from following the leads you publish each week under the heading of "Where Buildiug .Materials are Needed." We thought you might like to know of our success in getting business from the list of conveyances published by you. We have been subscribers lo the Record and Guide for a long time, and can trace a number of good jobs we have finished to information obtained from the list of conveyances.

We feel that the amount we bave paid for subscription has already been returned us many times over, and we intend to go in for the business this season harder aud more systematically than ever. We consider the assistance we get from tbe Record and Guide of great value to us in obtaining new business and holding the same.


Leo Oestreicher, General Manager.

Mr, Leo Oestreicher, general manager, informs us that the business has ^ grown to such proportions by reason of his ag­gressive methods in connection with the use of the information he gets from the Record and Guide that he expects shortly to increase his selling force in order that he may be properly equipped to follow up the leads he finds in the Record and Guide each week.

LITTLE ESTATES.—Much thought is being given now by city business men to estates in the country. Now arises Bolton Hall to proclaim what can be done with very little land in the way of providing support for a home. Mr. Hall's new book, "The Garden Yard" (published by David McKay), shows both methods and results. If a man ean have his own little place, where by a little attention and not too much manual labor he can raise enough vegetables, fruit and other products to provide for his table most of the year, he surely is a more independent man than one who has no other source of income than the wages he earns. This is a time of centralization of industry, but it looks as though the tide might be turning. The extensive distribution of electrical power, the better facilities of travel, and the easier ineans of communication have some tendency to restore the small industries. Among these small industries the most im­portant, and the one best worth restoring, as well as the easiest to restore, is the intensive use of the land. In "The Garden Yard" Mr, Hall aims to show the small worker of every kind as well as the professional farmer, how the most proflt, and the most enjoyment, too, for the matter of that, can be gotten out of the Little Land. As. to the new discoveries and new methods it is exhaustive, and, at the same time, bears the ear marks of the practical, experimental teacher.

CHARLES P. McKIM.—Fourteen societies of ar ts and letters will unite in a memorial meeting in honor of the late Charles F. McKim. to be held in the auditorium of the New Theatre on next Tuesday afternoon at half-past two o'clock. The societies referred to are the Architectural League, the Society of Beaux Arts Architects, the National Society of Mural Painters, the New Tork Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the Faculty of Fine Arts of Columbia University, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. the National Academy of Design, the American Academy,in Rome, the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the National Institute of Arts and Letters, the Brooklyn Insti­tute of Arts and Sciences, the Municipal Art Society, the Mc­Dowell Association and the National Sculpture Society.

WORLD'S BIGGEST SINGLE FOUNDATION.—Few persons in the building profession know that The Foundation Com­pany, 115 Broadway, is doing the greatest worli of its kind ever done in the world, in laying the foundations of the new Mu­nicipal Building at the Manhattan approach of the Brooklyn Bridge. According to an official of this company, it is the biggest contract for any single building ever let. The caisson work alone will cost $1,500,000 and over 70,0(X] barrels of Lehigh Portland cement will be required in sinking the great pneumatic shafts to a depth ICO ft, below the level of the street. The borings so far made indicate about an average of 30 ft. of top soil, then quicksand, gravel and hardpan. So far the presence of shist has not been discovered.

October was the third highest month in the value oE new build­ing begun in East Orange this year, reaching the sum of $323,331. There were fifty-eight permits issued in all. May was the banner month of the year aud of the history of the city, as well, aggregat­ing $408,180, while March was second with .$303,699. Last mouth's figures bring the tolal value of building in the cily for ten months to $2,524,612,

RISE OF THE TUNGSTEN LAMP. The wholesale flower and feather firm of Berlinger, Brown &

Meyer, of GOG Eroadway, have discarded its entire equipment of about thirty enclosed arc lamps and replaced it by one hundred and twenty sixty-watt tungsten lamps, that way reducing their current consumption to less than half wilhout any sacriflce as to the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the installation.

The Edison Montlily speaks of the change as wortliy of record, because it marks a further advance in the supremacy of the tungsten lamp and tungsten lamp features, and we note the following description:

Especially interesting and remarkable is the illumination of the main store, where always four sixty-watt tungsten lamps are combined into one specially designed fixture of great at trac­tion and efficiency. Seventeen of these fixtures are installed, eacli taking tiie place of one of the discarded arc lamps. As to appearance, the flxtures remind one of an arc lamp; in fact, th© original stems of the arc lamp were adhered to. only the light bearing being renewed. The latter consists of a combination of specially designed mirror reflectors which distribute the light of the four tungsten lamps in a particularly specified manner, practically the total light-giving power of the lamps being used for downward illumination. In order to avoid the glare from the brilliant fllament and from the highly illuminated reflector panels, a special enclosing globe or bowl is employed which, though absorbing a good deal, about thirty per cent, of the very strong light of the fixture, not only improves the appearance considerably, but is also imperative from the hygienic point of view.

The opinion is expressed that the goods displayed in the store are more brightly illuminated than before. The illumination plans and flxtures were designed hy Alfred A. Wohlauer, Con­sulting Engineer, 546 5th av., the flxtures manufactured by I. P-Frink, 551 Pearl st. The wiring contractors were Mautner & Freund, 5 East 13th st.

ELECTRIC SIGN ADVERTISING.—A number of new electric signs of striking beauty and brilliancy now attract attention in the theater district. But for the electric lights in these signs "Broadway" would not be the Great White Way." The signs cost a great deal of money and presumably they pay, for they are increasing In number and size. One of the pleasant features of a sail across the Hudson in the evening is the electric sign advertising. "As these signs come into view, one after another," says the Edison Monthly," the evident interest of the passengers changes from the beauties of the Manhattan shore to the signs of New Jersey. Can anyone question rightly the efficiency of such advertising? Can anyone doubt the value of an Interest so secured, or the lasting effect of such advertising, upon the thought and memory of those passing to whom It is intended to convey these various messages,"

GIFT TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS,—A most valuable ad­dition to the library of the Institute of Electrical Engineers has been received from the Western Electric Company. The gift is a patent specification library, and is the largest and most valuable accession since the gift of the Latimer Clark collection by Dr. Schupler Skaats Wheeler. The library just acquired consists of 461 leather-bound volumes, containing ap­proximately 100,000 speciflcations. These specifications date back to May 30, 1871, and cover the entire period to December. 1008. They embody the telephone, the electric Hght, electric railways, and the electric motor. From May 30, 1871, up lo and including the year 1887, the volumes are complete, and contain all the speciflcations, certified, issued by the U. S. Patent Department.

RIDLEY MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH. Ocean Parkway and Foster Ave., Brooklyn.

Brown, McAghon & Strassle, Architects. The edifice pictured here will bave a site in one of tbe most pre­

ferred parts of Flatbush. The architects bave heen taking bids this week for its constructiou, and contracts may be awarded next week. The estimated cost is $50,000 and the materials will be brick and limestone. ' '

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 903

STAINING AND FINISHING HARDWOODS. Answering a correspondent as to which kinds of hardwoods

require staining and fllling. and which are best finished in the natural and without filling, also the best kinds of filler to be used and the manner in which to do the work, a recent Issue of the Painters' Magazine has the following information con­cerning modern practice, which builders can compare with their own ideas:

The hardwoods requiring filler comprise ash, oak. cherry, mahogany, walnut, rosewood, ebony, birch and redwood. Maple, sycamore and cypress are best filled with shellac varnish, while the open grained hardwoods referred to above should be filled with mineral fillers, the so-called paste fillers offered to the



• ,1 V'

A RIVAL FOR THE "HENDRIK HUDSON." This great house, which is estimated to cost $1,500,000, will be erected on Morningside

Heights by a company headed by George F. Johnson, Jr. Broadway and 113th Slreet. George and Edward Blum, Architects.

trade by paint manufacturers. These fillers are offered in light shade or natural; also in oak color and dark or walnut, and in mahogany and ebony. Or the consumer may purchase the filler in the natural and color it to match the wood or the stain. Whenever the wood is to be enriched by staining or one wood is to be stained to imitate another, as In the case of birch to imitate mahogany, or of clierry to imitate walnut, the filler must be colored to match the stain. When the wood has been pre­pared by scraping, sandpapering, etc., and dusted, and requires staining, this operation is always performed before filling, and if tlie work in hand is interior wood finishing oil stains are best for the work in point of durability. They make the best founda­tion for the filler, and by using them thinned sufficiently with turps or benzine can be made to stain fairly deep and dry within reasonable time.

TTie stains being dry and hard, the paste filler Is thinned with turpentine to the consistency of thin varnish and applied in the same manner with a short, heavy brush, crossed and recrossed, so that the grain and pores may be filled. The filler is allowed to set. but not permitted to become hard; then the surface is rubbed across the grain with tow, excelsior or shav­ings to remove the excess of filler and pack the pores. This done, the surface is rubbed over with a piece of soft cloth and from 24 to 48 hours allowed for thorough drying. On very open grained wood a second coat of filler is often required for good work.

When the wood has been fllled to the satisfaction of the operator, the surface should be smooth sandpapered and care­fully dusted before applying the flrst coat of varnish. It has been suggested that a good job of hardwood finishing cannot be had without applying a coat of shellac varnish on top of the filler, but we do not favor this because with a fair grade of interior varnisii shellacking is not required.

As to imitating walnut on cherry, the stain is hest made from Vandyke brown and burnt umber ground in oil, thinned with turps and Japan drier.

GEORGE F. JOHNSON JR.'S LATEST OPERATION. The excavating of the plot at the nortliwest corner of 113th

st and Broadway was flnished this week, and the foundations will be started right away Cor a 12-sty apartment house. The builders are the "Broadway and llStli Street Company." of which Mr. George F, Johnson, Jr,, is president. Mr. Joiinson is already interested in both the "Chatsworth" and the "Hen­drik Hudson," and his experience with those houses shows that there is NO ABATEMENT IN THB DEMAND for that type of high-class apartment houses, the Chatsworth" having only one vacancy out of 88 apartments, and "Hendrik Hudson" one out of 72 apartments. The large number of apartments allows the owner to furnish all conveniences and high efHciency of serv­

ice to the tenants. This house will follow in the lines

established by the "Chatsworth" and "Hendrik Hudson," wliere no trouble is spared lo please the tenants. It will stand on a plot 175 ft. on Broad­way and 100 ft. in 113th st. There will be (j8 suites of 0, 7, S, and 9 rooms, with large foyers. The rent will average from $1,400 to $2,400, The rooms are planned exceptionally large. In the 8 and O-room apart­ments the dining-rooms measure 17x 'Z2 ft., the parlors 15x22 ft., and the other rooms in proportion. These apartments will have three bath­rooms, and the others will have two.

All the apartments are of equal class, and all front on either the streel or avenue, with southern and eastern exposure, insuring plenty of sunlight. All the apartments on Broadway have an unobstructed view of the Colum­bia University Stadium, which makes the view specially interesting. The l lo lh st front and the rear of tlie house give a flne view of the Hudson.

Home of the special features are, a servants' elevator with a special ves­tibule, in addition to the passenger and freight elevators. In the dining-rooms of the 8 and 9-room apartments are panoramic bays overlooking the Hudson, and in all the apartments are bay windows giving a view up and down Broadway.

The facade is of limestone, terra cotta, and brick, with a ricli copper cornice of good proportion. The cor­nice projects 7 ft. and is 7 ft. high. The bay windows, which give a series or strong vertical lines, will also be of copper with ornamental panels. The stores on Eroadway, instead of detracting from the looks, will add interest to the facade.

Sobriety in the use of material was looked for, and as an in­stance the terra cotta and the brick are a perfect match in color, these materials being closely allied.

The entrance will be on 113th st, through the court, and will be simple and dlgnifled. The hall and all the finish, plumbing, e tc , will be up to the standard set by Mr. Johnson on all his Cornier buildings.

The architects are George and Edward Blum, and they are assisted by Mr. Frank Worthington as structural engineer and Mr. Percival R. Moses as electrical and sanitary engineer.

W. S. MALLORY MAY HEAD CEMENT ASSOCIATION.— The executive committee of the American Portland Cement As­sociation has settled upon William S. Mallory, vice-president of the Edison Portland Cement Co., for president of the asso­ciation, to succeed Mr. John B. Leber, who has held that oflice by annual re-election for over half a decade. Because of ill-health Mr. Loeber feels that he would like to retire from that offlce, and the election will be held at the Hotel Astor, in this city, on December 13, 14 and 15. The association has sixty members, -all of whom are manufacturers of Portland cemenl in practically every State in the union. Delegates will attend the conference from as far West as California and from points in the extreme South. This organization has nothing to do with price adjustment, that being a subject within the jurisdiction of the Nortii American Portland Cement Co., of 30 Broad st. The conference may possibly informally discuss the situation as it exists to-day in the east of Pittsburgh district.

T,EN MILLION FOR NEW SCHOOLS.—The WlaShington Irving High School, whicii has been held up for a long time, gets $600,000 to its account in an appropriation just made by the Board of Estimate, The site, in Irving Place, near Gramercy Park, is excavated and boarded up, and has been in this condi­tion since early in the summer. In the last month, the Board of Education, has been allowed approximately $10,000,000 for new schools.

904 RECORD AND GUTDT^ November 20, 1909

WHERE BUILDING MATERIALS ARE NEEDED The Present Market in Its Entirety—A Report of Every Building Operation in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx.



Apai'tments, P la t s and Tenements.

79TH ST, n s, 205 e Amsterdam av; 12-sty brick, stone and terra cotta apart­ment house; flag roof, I>3x63xl02.2; cost, ^^300,000; owner, Weschler & Noel, inc, zyy Broadway; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av. Plan No. 786

RIVERSIDE DRIVE, s e cor 103d st, 12-sly bricli and stone apartment house 125.0xli..0.0xlO0.11, gravel roof; cost, $8lX),000; owner, Brookfleld Construction Co, 50 Church st; architects, Lawlor & Haase, 00 Wall st. Plan No. 784.

Henry W. Hodge, 51 Easl 82d st, presi­dent, .

177TH ST, n s, 100 w SC Nicholas av, two 5-sly brick and terra cotta tenements, plastic slate roof 50x78; cost, $80,000; owner, L. & M. Holding Co, n s 177th st, w of St Nicholas av; architects, Moore & Landsiedel, 14Sih st and 3d av. Plan No, 782.

47TH ST, Nos. 506-16 West, 6-sty brick fiats, flat brick roof, 100x85.5x59.11 5-48; cost, $y5,0U0; owner, Model Fireproof Tenement Co., 35 Wall st; architect, Ernest Flagg. Plan No. 788.

186TH ST, 11 e cor St. Nicholas av, 5-sty slone and brick tenements and stores, 58x58x90, tin or plastic slate roof; cost, $00,000; owner, Donald Robertson, 312 West 109th st; architects, Moore &, Landsiedel, 148tta st and 3d av. Plan No. 790.

41ST ST, No. 258 West, 1-sty brick toilet in rear of 5-sty tenement, 7.Sx7.Sx 22.6, tin roof; cost, $2,000; owner, James P. Mack, 404 Sth av; architect, Jobn H. Kembei, 318 West 42d st. Plan No. 791.

79TH ST, n s, 148 w Madison av, 4, 5 and O-sly brick and stone residence and extension, 30x30x70.5 and 18.6x18.6x20, tile and copper roof; cost, $103,000; owner, William Truslow Hyde, 7 North st, Green­wich, Conn.; architeet, C. P. H. Gilbert, 1133 Broadway. Plan No. 792.

John Downey, 410 West Slst st, mason and carpenter.

Stores, Offices and Liofts, 6TH AV, n e cor 14lh st, 4-sty brick

store and loft building. 56,714x75 tin roof; cost $50,0b0; owner, Sarah J. W, Bent, 1773 Washington av; architects, Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av. Plan No. 783. Plumber not named

SPRING ST, No. 145, 8-sty brick store and loft building, 25x25x67, and exten­sion, 21.8x21.8x8, slag roof; cost, $40,-000; owner. Estate of Mary A. Post (Bertha K. Bartlett and Helen M. Post, owners), care of Frank F. Ward, 203 Broadway; architect, Frank F. Ward, 203 Broadway. Plan No. 789.

Mason not selected.

Factories. 107TH ST, n s, 225 e Amsterdam av, 3-

sty brick factory, 25x25x92.11, tin roof; cost, $20,000; owner, A. Frederick, 95th st and Broadway; architects. Sommerfeld & Steckler. 19 Union sq. Plan No. 779. Corrects error in last issue, when side of street was omitted.

Hook and Ladder House. LEXINGTON AV, s e cor 50th st, 3-sty

granite, brick and limestone hook and ladder house, tile root, 45.4s40.6i^ Irre­

gular; cost, $70,000; owners, City of New York; architect, Chas. B, Meyers, 1 Union sq. Plan No. 781.

JJweUiugs. 71ST ST, No 10, Easl, U-sty briek and

stone dwelling and extension; slale and plastic roof; main, 25x25x71.6; extension, 13.Uxl3.(ixl8.11; cost, $60,000; owner Clias. C. Auchinsloss, 45 East 57th st; architect, R. H. Robertson & Son, ItiO 5tli av. Plan, No. 785. Mason not selected.

Storage House. GREENWICH ST, Nos 547 aud 549, 6-

siy brick warehouse and ioft, plastic siate roof, 50x50x71 and 75 ft; cost $05,000; owner, Becker Realty Co, 206 Broadway; architects, Schneider & Deftinbach, 220 Eroadway. Plan No. 787

Restaui-auts and Cat'es. 2D AV, No. 156, change opening in ban­

quet room in 3-sty brick cate and restau­rant; cost, $250; owner, T. H. Rosenfeld, i,j<5 2d av; architect, Emery Rotli, 20 East ii:d St. Plan No. 2498.

Architect wih superintend.


stairs, put in new floors, 2-sty brick dwel­ling; cost, $250; owner, N, G, Abbott, 1:91 W"est 10th St; architect, W. S. Boyd, 501 Hudson st. Plan No. 2476

ELDRIDGE ST, No. 8, remove, stoop, erect new, lo conform grade of street for 3-sty store and dwelling; cost, $250; own­ers, Hyman Podensky, 13 Eldridge st, and Samuel riherwin, same address; architect, Frank Slraub, 122 Broadway, Plan No. 2407.

FORSYTH ST, s e cor Houston, cut windows, new shaft, new floors, 5-sty brick lenement; cost, $5,000; owner, S. Bernstein, 308 Cherry st; architect Adolph Merten, 33 Union sq. Plan No. 2486.

FULTON ST, No. 199, remove rear wall basement, close stair wells, frame new ones, new toilet rooms, fireproof elevator shaft in 5-sty brick store and loft build­ing; cost, $10,000; owner, Corp. of Trin­ity Church, 187 Fulton st; architect, G. Turland Goosey, 39 W, 38th st. Plan No. 2500.

Jones Construction Co., 1 Union sq. mason,

GRAND ST, s s 85 e Suffolk st, change rear wali, change water closets and wash basins and partitions in 3-sty brick store and tenement; cost, $1,000; owner, Rosie Kowosky, 397 Grand st; architects, Frankfort & Grossman, 63 Nassau st. Plan No. 2485.

Mason and carpenter not selected. GRAND ST, No. 50, remove partition

in 5-sty tenement and store; cost, $350; owner, Leon Mendal, care of 450-52 Broom st; architect, George M. McCabe, 9ti 5th av. Plan No. 2406.

GRAND ST, No. 35t», remove part of rear wall, rebuild partitions, new stair­way in 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $500; owner, Geo. W. Goodrich, 107 S. 5th st, Brooklyn; architect, B. B. Stauger, 150 Nassau st. Plan No. 25(K5.

Architect will supervise, LEWIS ST, No. 80, window opening

and partition in 4-sty brick tenement and store; cost, $150; owner, Annie Miller, 415 3d st, Brooklyn; architect, Henry Klein, 505 East 15th st. Plan No. 2470.

MOTT ST, No. 4, new window sash and partitions in 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $50U; owner, H, Bergh & W. C. Eergn, 109 West 75th st; architect. Max Muller, 115 Nassau st. Plan No. 2475.

Superintendent, Geo. Hallock & Son, 401 Grand st.

MAC DOUGALL ST, No. 125, replace front wall, install new skylight, new sinks and partitions, 4-sty brick store and tene­ment; cost, $500; owner, Mrs. M. E. Hughes, 57 Lena av, Freeport, L. I.; architect, Herman Horrenberger, 122 Broadway. Plan No. 2482.

MONTGOMERY ST, No. 27, build 3-sty brick extension, rear, put in store front, new window in 3-sty brick tenement; cost, $3,500; owner, Leroy Sobel, care archi-tests, Harrison & Sackheim, 230 Grand St. Plan No. 2503.

Owner will superintend. RUTGERS ST, No. 24, cfiange Store

front and partitions in 4-sty brick tene­ment; cost, $3,000; owner, Mary C. Plunk­ett. 57 West 2Sth st; architect, John S. Knubel, 318 West 42d st. Plan No. 2501.

SPRING ST, No. 50, change windows, new flre escapes, windows in new four story and basement brick and frame store and lenement; cost $3,000; owner, Hen­rietta G. Mitlnacht, 238 Spring st; lessee, Dominick Abbate, 226 Lafayette st; archi­tect, Riehard Rohl, 128 Bible House. Flan No. 2498.

THOMPSON ST, Nos. 222-224, change front stairs in 6-sty brick tenement; cost, $100; owner Rosa Perniciono, 222-224 Thompson st; architect, L. De Lorenzo, 418 East 14thst. Plan No. 2473.

W-ATER ST, No. 207-209, remove rear of loft and storage building, and rebuild with cement; cost, $10,000; owner, Es ­tale of W. H. Gleason; architects, Julius Kastner & Deli, 1133 Broadway. Plan No. 2464.

3D ST. No. 132 East, window openings ill rear wall, new partitions in 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $3,000; owner, Leah Cohn Mosbrough, Asbury Park, N. J.; ar­chitect, L. De Lorenzo, 418 East 14th st. Plan No. 2508.

4TH ST, No. 102 Bast, new partition frames, skylight opening, in 3-sty brick tenement; cost $300; owner, Henry Gade, 349 Brown st; architect, Henry Klein, 505 East 15th St. Plan No. 2469.

5TH ST, No, 419 East, remove and re­build openings in rear wall and partitions, in 5-sty brick tenement; cost $2,500; own­er, Jacob Froelich, 271 Grand st; archi­tect, C. H. Dietrich. 25 West 42d st. Plan No. 2468.

7TH ST, No. 85, change bath room com­partments, put in new tubs, new fire-es­capes in 5-sty and cellar brick tenement; cost, $2,000; owner, Mrs. Lena Keck. 684 N. 10th St. Brooklyn; architect, Henry Regelmann, 133 7th st. Plan No. 2515.

7TH ST, No. 98, change partitions in 5-sty hrick tenement; cost $200; owner. Dr. Henry W. Berg, 245 East 7th st; architect, Henry Regelmann, 133 Tth st. Plan No. 2517.

Architect will superintend. 12TH ST, No. 218 East, extend side of

4-sty brick tenement; cost, $500; owner, Dr. Emil Joce, 212 East 12th st; archi­tect, L. De Lorenzo, 41S East 14th st. Plan No. 2507.

I6TH ST, No. 434 East, ventilators for toilets, new water closets, waterproof

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 905

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fioors, slate flags; cost, $1,200; owner, William Waldorf Astor, 23 West 26th st; lessee, Chas. Decker, 274 Humbolt st, Brooklyn; architect, Henry Voliweiler, 696 Bushwick av, Brooklyn. Plan No. 2477.

26TH ST AND EAST RIVER, remove iron stairway, fireproof landing, in Belle­vue Hospital; cost $500; owner. City of New York; architect not given. Plan No. 2493.

Superintendent, M. J. Harkins, Bellevue Hospital.

26TH ST, No. 323 East, take out parti­tions, new steel beams, replace old masonry in cement, new windows in two 5-sty and cellar, brick lenements; cost, $1,500; owner. Estate of Frederick Flac-eus, 102 1st av; architect, Henry Regel­mann, 133 7th St. Plan No. 2516.

Frederick Plassuss, exr, 102 lat av. 2STH ST, No. 324 East, remove parti­

tions in 4-sty brick building; cost, $800; owner, G. Palmer, 324 East 28th st; ar­chitect, O. Reissmann, 31 1st st. Plan No. 2510.

28TH ST, No. 112 West, remove brick pier front wall, new show window, re­move furnace, new water closet compart­ments, in 3-sty tenement, brick dwelling; cost, $2,000; owner, L. J. Keeshover, 112 West 2Sth st; architect, O. Reissmann, 30 1st St. Plan No. 2502,

Owner will superintend. SOTH ST, No. 323 East, remove parti­

tions in 3-sty dwelling; cost, $150; owner, James T. Morrin, 323 East 3d st; archi­tect, James J. Delaney, 392 2d av. Plan No. 2488.

33RD ST, No. 426 West, remove wall, erect new flre escapes, new wooden floors, in 3-sty tenement; cost $750; owner. Jas. J. Carroll, 210 Genesee st. Utica, N. T.; architect, William Kurtzer, Spring st, coro Bowery. Plan No. 2465.

34TH ST, No. 137 East, remove front wall and install new partitions in 4-sty and basement dwelling; cost $2,000; own­er. Terminal Realty Co.. 26 West Slst st; architect, D. J. Comyns, 147 4th av. Plan No. 2487.

SOTH ST, No. 325 East, change rear wall of 5-sty brick and stone tenement; cost. $1,200; owner, George I. Roberts & Bros., 471 4th av; architect, John H. O'Rourke, 137 East 47th st. Plan No. 2512.

SOTH ST, No. 323 East, change rear wall in 5-sty brick and stone tenement; cost. $1,000; owner, George I. Roberts & Bros., 471 4lh av; architect, John H. O'Rourke, 137 East 47th st. Plan No. 2513.

47TH ST, No. 165 West, new windows and change partitions in S-sty and base­ment dwelling; cost, $2,000; owner, Fred­erick G. Pappa, Hotel Bristol, 122 West 49th st; architects, Werner & Windolph. 27 West 3d st. Plan No. 2509.

54TH ST. No. 327 'West, replace wooden girders with steel, new floors, new plumb­ing, 1-sty frame gymnasium; cost, $1,000; owner, West Side A. C-, 327 West 54th st; architect, J. A. O'Rourke, 1931 Broad­way. Plan No. 2481.

Owners will superintend and will do mason and carpenter work.

55TH ST, No, 256 West, remove front wall and partitions in 5-sty tenement to be used for store and lofts; cost, .$6,000; owner, C. M. Comstock, care of archi­tect; William J. Dilthey, 1 Union sq. Plan No. 2497.

70TH ST, 336 West, needle and under­pin brick wall, fireproof pump house, steam heat and electric wiring, in 3-sty stable to be changed to garage; cost, $2,500; owner, M. Louise Marshall, 20 West 51st st; architect, Karl P. J. Seifert, 25 West 42d st. Plan No. 2479

Mason and carpenter, C. F. Bond Co, 1.36 Liberty st.

71ST ST, No.' 171 West, alter walls, change sun parlor, 12-sty tenement; cost, $1,000; owner, Darilton Corporation, 2240 Eroadway; arcliilect, Louis F. Frick, 534 West 179th st. Plan No. 2471.

F. R. Wood & Co., 2240 Broadway will superintend.

81ST ST, No. 242 East, make 1-sty dwelling into business building; cost, $560; owner, I. H, Kempner, 626 Sth av;

architect, a. Wiesenberg, 271 West 40th St. Plan No. 2483.

82D ST, No. 229 East, new steel beams on roof for tank of 4-sty tenement; cost, $100: owner, H. Wallach, 100 West 132d st; architect, S. Haug, 103 Park av. Plan No. 2463.

OlST ST, Nos. 154 to 160 East, rear­range partitions in 8-Ety brick tenement; cost, $2,500; owner, iJIIton E. Oppen­heimer, 206 Ei'oadway; architect, A. Eals-clum, 407 East 138th st. Plan No. 2499.

Owner will superintend. lOlST ST, s e cor Manhattan av, change

windows, erect partitions, to 6-sty tene­ment; cost, $200; owner, Emma E. B. Frolicli, 826 Lexington av; architect, Jos­eph W. Tracy, 150 Manhattan av. Plan No. 2461.

I I I T H ST, No. 218 Bast, new vent, sky­light, new windows in 4-sty brick store and flats; cost, $500; owner, Theresa Nieslini, 218 East l l l t h st; architect, Wm. Schnaufer, 563 East 149th st. Plan No. 2506.

119TH ST, No. 74 West, cut windows, remove and rebuild dumb waiters, rebuild bath room in 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $2,500; owner, Moses Scholss, 24 Waverly pl; architect, O. Reissmann, 30 1st st. Plan No. 2511,

135TH ST, No. 266 West, change 1-sty brick store into moving picture theatre; cost, $1,000; owner, Henry Pollok, Puller Building; architect, Arthur Weiser. 21 West 117th St. Plan No. 2495.

141ST ST, No. 501 West, change gable on side wall, rear, put in steel girders, re­move partitions, install new ones in 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $900; owner, John P. McCaffrey, 288 Convent av; architect, John Brandt, 271 West 12gth st. Plan No. 2504.

AVENUE A, n e cor Houston st, steel partitions and new plumbing, 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $3,000; owners, Helen C. Mostyrs and Elizabeth W. Stevens, 55 East 76th sl; architect, E. Wilbur. 120 Liberty st. Plan No. 2480.

Plumber contract not yet let.

go6 RECORD ANP GUIDE November 20, 1909

BROADWAY, n s, 3Sd to 34th sts, change show windows in department store; cost, $3,300; owner, Saks & Co., Herald sq; architects. Rouse & Gold­stone, 12 West 32d s t Plan No. 2474.

BROADWAT, s e cor 152d st. change front wall, divide basement, in 3-sty base­ment and cellar brick dwelling for stores and dweliing; cost, $10,000; owner, Thos. Ward, s e cor 152d st and Broadway; architect, Henry Fouchaux, 107 Hudson St. Plan No. 2491.

BROADWAY, s e cor West 42d st. erect tenement house roof of 15-sty brick hotel; cost, $2,000; owner, John Jacob Astor, 23 West 26th st; architect, J. M. Gibson, 3485 Broadway. Plan No. 2494,

MADISON AV, No. 1408, replace store front in 5-sty brick store and dwelhng; j;ost, $725; owner not given; architect, C. F , Biele, 331 West 12th st. Plan No. 2484.

MADISON AV, No. 1046, raise rear ex­tension for stores in store and tenement; cost, $1,200; owner, Chas. A, Stein. 1046 Madison av; architect, Chas, M. Toungs, 26 East 75th st. Plan No. 2496.

S. Seimon superintendent. 1ST AVE, No. 2328, remove present

door, new windows and change partitions; cost, $1,000; owner, Angelina Ansalone, 2264 1st av; architect, M. W. Del Gandio, Tremont and Webster avs. Plan No. 2472.

SD AV, No. 1335, change partitions, new windows in 4-sty brick and stone tene­ment and stores; cost, $200; owner, Cathe­rine R, Saxton, 831 Lexington av; archi­tect, John H. O'Rourke, 137 East 47lh St. Plan No. 2514.

Architect will superintend, 3D AV, Nos, 1463, change girders, exca­

vate cellar in 4-sty warehouse; cost, $1,-500; owner, W. A. Metzger, 394 4th av; architect, Emery Roth, 20 East 42d st. Plan No. 2462.

3 R D AV, No. 2199, change show win­dows in S-sty frame store and loft; cost. $500; owner, Patrick Lenahan, on prem­ises; architect, Louis Falk, 2756 3d av. Plan No. 2490.

3D AV, No. 1317, change store front in 7-sty brick store and loft building; cost, $150; owner, Ernest M. Odler, 1506 1st av; architeet, G. Leitersdorfer, 346 East 65th st. Plan No. 2492.

Superintendent, I. Leitersdorf er. 8TH AV, n e eor West 118lh st, change

doors, new show windows, new toilets, in 5-sty brick tenement and store; coat, $500; owner, August Eitzen, 347 West 58th st; architect, Louis Falk, 2756 3d av. Plan No. 2489.


DvFellings. KINGSBRIDGE TERRACE, e s, 425 n

Kingsbridge road, 2-sty and attic frame dweUing, shingle roof, 21x45; cost, $4,-000; owner, Alfred Larkin, 79 West 102d st; architect, John J. Kennedy, Riverdale. Plan No. 1204.

BASSETT AV, w s, 400 n Saratoga av, 2-sty brick dwelhng, felt roof. 20x55.6; cost, $5,000; owner, Prowidenza Cordone, on premises; architect, J. ZiccardI, 586 Morris av. Plan No. 1197.

RTER AV, e E, 111.4 n Burnside av, two 2-sty brick dwellings, tin roof, 21x 51.6; total cost. $8,000; owner, Robt. W. Todd, 229 Broadway; architect, Lloyd I. Phyfe, 950 Ogden av. Plan No. 1194.

WASHINGTON ST, e s 75 n Carroll pl, 2-sty frame dwelling, tin roof 21x48; cost, $4,700; owner, James Dolan, Rhinelander av; architect, Timothy J. Kelly. 685 Mor­ris Park av. Plan No. 1217.

BAT ST, s s, 225 w William av. 2-sty frame dwelling, shingle roof. 20x30; cost, $3,000; owner, Mrs. Annie Begoin, City Island; architect, Geo. S. Miller, City Island. Plan No. 1219,

BAT ST, s s, 200 w William av, 2-sty frame dwelling, shingle roof, 20x30; cost, $3,OuO; owner, Mrs. Gerthe Begoin Stelz, City Island; ai-ehilect, Geo. S. Miller. "City Island. Plan No. 1218.

CRESTON AV. w s, 97 n 18Sd st. four S-sty brick dwellings, tin roof, 18.9x37; total cost, $20,000; owners, A. Warren Const Co.; architect, J. J. Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av. Plan No. 1221.

Abraham Warren. 2036 Webster av, president.

MORRIS AV, e s, 97 n 183d st, four 3-sty brick dwellings, tin roof, 18.9x37; total cost, $20,000; owners, A. Warren Const. Co.; architect, J. J. Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av. Plan No. 1220.

Abraham Warren, 2030 Webster av, president.

STARLING AV, s s, 100 e Sand st, 2^^-sty frame dwelling, shingle roof, 23x45; cost, $5,000; owner, Philip Kaufman, Odel st; architect, Henry Nordheim. Tre­mont av and Bronx st. Plan No. 1222,

Apai'tments, F la t s and Tenements. 105TH ST, s w cor Findlay av, 5-sty

brick tenement, tin or plastic slate roof, 26.97x81.40; cost, $25,000; owners, Moun­tain Const. Co.; architect, M. W, Del Gaudio. 1910 Webster av. Plan No. 1202.

Jacob A. Frankel, on premises, presi­dent.

Stores. WEBSTER AV. w s, 275 n 200th st, 5-

sty brick stores and tenement, tin roof, 50x96.iys; cost, $36,000; owner, Robt. N. Quinn, 2968 Webster av; architect, Harry T. Howell, 3d av and 149th st. Plan No. 1199.

INTERVALE AV, e s, 861/2 s 165th st, two 5-sty brick lenements, slag roof, 37.6x 88; total cost, $80,000; owners, Tully Const Co., 657 Whitlock av; architect, Edw. J. Byrne, 3029 3d av. Plan No. 1203.

182D ST, s e cor Arthur av, 5-sty brick tenement, plastic roof, 91.9^4x81.9; cost, $40,000'; owners. Central Bronx Realty Co.; architects, Schaefer & Jaeger, 461 Tremont av. Plan No. 1206.

F, M, Millert, 1692 Monroe av, presi­dent.

McCOMBS ROAD, w s, 245 s 170th St, 4-sty brick tenement, plastic siate roof, 25x75; cost, $20,000; owner, Antonio Cebrelli, 28 Clark pi; architects, Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av. Plan No. 1201.

160TH ST, n s, from Jackson av to Forest av, two brick stores and tene­ments, slag roof, one 6-sty 48.8x71.1 and one 5-sty 48.8x86.4; total cost, $120,000; owner Emma M. S. Mestaniz, 810 Forest av; architects, Goldner & Goldberg. 704 Jackson av. Plan No. 1216.

NELSON AV, w s, 175 n Brandt pl, two 3-sty brick tenements, tin roof, 20.6x60; total cost, $15,000; owners, Longstaff & Bachmann, 339 Crimmins av; architect, Chas. S, Clark, 445 Tremont av. Plan No. 1196.

18SD ST, s w cor Ryer av, two 4-sty brick tenements, plastic slate roof, 37,6x 77,4, 28.4x83.4; total cost, $48,000; own­ers. Central Bronx Realty Co.; architects. Schaefer & Jaeger, 461 Tremont av. Plan No. 1212.

F. M, Mellert, 1692 Monroe av, president. 191ST ST, 50 w Jerome av, 4-sty brick

tenement; tin roof, 75x45.23; cost, $26,-000; owners. Rehbock Const. Co.; archi­tect, Arthur Boehmer, 407 Tremont av. Plan No. 1209.

August Rehbock, 407 Tremont av, presi­dent.

HOE AV, w s, 50 s Jennings st, 5-sty brick tenenient, tin roof, 50x88; cost, $40,-000; owners, Jackson Const. Co.; archi­tect, Robt. E. La Velle, 12S4 So. Boule­vard. Plan No. 1208.

Benjamin P. Jackson, 1229 Simpson sl. president.

179TH ST, s s, 100 w Prospect av, two 4-sty brick tenements, gravel roof, 36x82; total cost. $40,000; owner and architect, Edw. J. Clark, 83 West 12Dth st. Plan No. 1213.

WEBSTER AV, n w cor 180th st, 5-sty brick tenement, tin roof, 28x72; cost, $28,-OUO; owner, Chas. Bjorkegren, Inc.; ar­chitect, Franz Wolfgang, 535 East 177th St. Plan No. 1223.

Chas. Bjorkegren, 2148 Mapes av, presi­dent.


304 s 173d st, 1-sty franie storage, 60x16; cost, $2,500; owner, Geo. J. Kuhn, on premises; architects, Geo. Haiss Mfg. Co., 141sl st and Rider av. Plan No. 1205.

VAN NEST AV, e s, 140 s Bronxdale av, 1-sty frame shed, 12x18; cost, $50; owner, Anna Mitchell. 642 6th av, Astoria, L. I.; architect, J. J. Vreeland, 2019 Jerome av. Plan No. 1198.

BROOK AND BERGEN AVS AND 15SD ST, 2-sty brick market, tar and gravel roof. 190x44.6; cost, $20,000; owner. John J. Gillen, 136 10th av; architect, James S. Maher, 1267 Broadway. Plan No. 1200.

HOFFMAN ST, w s, 45 s 187th st, 1-sty frame shed, tar or slag roof, 24^4x100; cost, $2,600; owner, Raffael Di Lizia, 2493 Hughes av; architects, Schaefer & Jaeger, 461 Tremont av. Plan No. 1214.

POPLAR ST, s s, 101.9 w Chauncey st, two frame buildings, shed 1-sty, stable 2-stys, 15x50, 25.43x20.73; total cost, $2,-500; owner, Philip Krausch, 1427 Bryant st; architect, B. Ebeling, 1136 Walker av. Plan No. 1210.

GR.ANT AV, n s, 100 •* John st, 1^-sty frame stable, shingle roof, 20x15.6; cost, $700; owner, Alice Thompson, on prem­ises; architect, B. Ebeling, 1136 Walker av. Plan No. 1211.

WEST FARMS ROAD, w s, 224.10 n So. Boulevard, 1-sty briek stores, tin roof, 70x61; cost, $10,600; owner, Jas. C. Mc­Carthy, 1071 West Farms road; archi­tect, Harry T. Howell, 3d av and 149th st. Plan No. 1195.

PROSPECT AV, e s 52.7 s 166th st, 1-sty brick slores, tin roof 30.7x46.6; cost, $6,000; owner. L. Thramann, 1074 Pros­pect av; architect, M, J. Garvin, 3307 3d av. Plan No. 1215.

Storage Buildings.

BROOK AV, w s, 242% n 152d st. 2-sty brick storage, tar and gravel roof, 54.19x 89.58; cost,'$20,000; owners, Schwarzchild & Sulzberger, 45tli st and 1st av; archi­tect, L. Levy, 45th st and 1st av. Plan No. 1207.

BRONX AI/TERATIONS. 13STH ST, No. 631-633, new exits, etc.,

to 2-sty brick amusement hall; cost, $50; owner, Valentine Loerri, 14 East Slst st; architects and lessees, Tisch & Sulka, 434 East 149th St. Plan No. 498,

152D ST, s s, 150 e Courtlandt av, 1-sty brick extension, 30.6x5.2, to S-sty brick stable; cost, $700'; owners, J. & M. Haffen, on premises; architeet, A. Arctander Co., 368 East 149th st. Plan No. 501.

152D ST, s s. 36 w 3fl av, three 3-sty frame extensions, 6x8.6, etc., to three 3-sty frame teneraents; total cost, $3,000; owner, Carl Hulster, 386 East 152d st; architect, Louis Falk, 2750 3d av. Plan No. 511.

189TH ST, s s, 150 e Sd av, 1-sty frame exlension, 15.6x55, to 1^-sty frame stable; cost, $250; owner, John Carr, on premises; architect, J. J. McMillan, 2980 Valentine av. Plan No. 509.

BROOK AV, No. 1524, new beams, new posts, new store front, to 4-sty brick stores and tenenient; cost, $1,000; owner, Emma Schwab. 1S88 Teller av; architect, Frank Straub, 122 Bowery. Plan No. 497.

BRONX BOULEVARD, e s, 1,250 n Pelham Parkway, move and new parti­tions, etc., to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $5,000; owner, Geo. Reiss, on premises;

November 20, 1909 KECORD AND GUIDE 907

architect, Geo. H. Olphert, 677 East 224th St. Plan No. 500.

CHATTUTON AV, n s. 125 e Castle Hill av, 2-sty franie extension, 20x26, and new partitions and move 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $4,000; owner, Martin Dannenfelser, 7th st and Av C; architect. Otto C. Krauss, 2S1S Newbold av. Plan No. 508.

COMMONWEALTH AV, No. 424, move 2-sty frame dweliings; cost $250'; owner, Wm. B. Logan, 439 West 24th st; archi­tects, John J. Dowling Co., 127 Bast 106th St. Plan No. 507.

KINGSBRIDGE AV, e s. 163.9 s 236th st, move 21^-sty frame dwelling; cost, .$500; owner, J. Romaine Brown, 53 West 33d st; architect, E. L. Erown, 4 Hudson St, Yonkers. Plan No. 504.

KINGSBRIDGE AV, e s, 188.11 S 230th st, move 21/^-sty frame dwelling; cost. $500; owner, J. Romaine Erown, 53 West 33d st; architect, E. L. Erown, 4 Hudson st, Tonkers, Plan No. 505,

KINGSBRIDGE AV, e s, 213,7 s 236th st, move 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $500; owner, J. Romaine Brown, 53 West 33d st; architect, E. L. Brown, 4 Hudson st. Tonkers. Plan No. 506.

OGDEN AV, e s, 100 n 164th st, 1-sty brick extension, 13x6. and new store front to 3-sty frame store and dwelling; cost, $1,000; owner, O. G. Klaveness. on prem­ises; architect, Thomas F. Dunn. 953 Woodycrest av. Plan No, 503.

WASHINGTON AV, No. 040, new show windows, new doors to .S-sty frame hotel; cost, $500; owner, Mrs. Richard Weiver, on premises; architect, Louis Falk, 2756 3d av. Plan No. 499.

WHITE PLAINS AV, w s. 250 n Reiss pl, 1-sty frame extension, 15x75, to 1-sty frame stable; cost, $50; owner, Geo. Riess, on premises; architect, Henry Nordheim, Tremont av and Bronx st. Plan No. 510.

3 D A V . NO, 4251, 1-sty frame extension, 5x20, to S-sty frame store and dwelling; cost, $150; owner, Estate of Althea V, Williams. 1911 Arthur av; architects, Schaefer & Jaeger, 461 Tremont av. Plan No. 502.


Fast Work on a Theatre. 47TH ST.—The Columbia Theatre and

10-sty office building now being erected by the Thompson-Starrett Company at the corner of 47th st and 7tii av. was closed this week, and tlie work of com­pleting the interior is now being pushed to the .limit. Should the structure be wholly completed before the end of De­cember, as planned, it would mean tliat the old buildings liad been demolished and the new buildings erected in a period of seven months. The contract calls for completion seven months after possession of the site is taken over by the contractor, and althougli a month was lost, owing lo delay in steel deliveries, the Thompson-Starrett Company expects to make up this delay, and even anticipate the contract date for completion by turning the fln­ished buiiding over to the owners, Weber & Rusli, in time to enable them to open the theatre to the public during Christmas week, when it is planned to make a pro­duction that will be a welcome contribu­tion to the season's festivities.

Plans for Williani Truslow Hyde's Residence.

7CTH ST.—Plans have been filed by C. P. H. Gilbert, architect, in the Depart­ment of Buildings, for a new 6i^-sty Eng­lish basement residence, to be built on the north side of 70th st, between 5th and Madison avs, being a part of the Lenox Library plot improvement, for Mr. Will­iam Truslow Hyde, The building is to be 30x90 ft. in size and is to be of the beS't type of fireproof construction throughout, and will have electric elevators, steam heating plant, vacuum cleaner plant, etc.

The facade is of severe classic treatment in design, and in construction will be of buff limestone. The cost of the building will be about $105,000. The contracts for all parts of the work have already been awarded, and construction will-be begun immediately.

Edisou Company's Proposed 41st Street Battery aud Sub-Station.

4 1 S T ST.—The new converter and bat­tery sub-station to be erected by the New York Edison Co. in 41st st, between Sth and Oth avs, will occupy the whole area of the lot, 50x98 ft., extending 105 ft. high above the curb, having basement, con­verter, cable mezzanine, switchboard and static platform, high tension mezzanine and two battery floors. On the roof at the rear end there will be a pent house for a

ventilating blower system. The exterior will be faced with red brick, with granite base and doorway and terra cotta trim­mings at windows and main cornice. Pro­vision will be be made for installing eight rotary converters on the main fioor. The interior of the rotary room will be faced with a light colored buff brick, and a cast and wrought iron stairway will give access to all the fioors and roof. As es­timated, tlie approximate cost will be $120,000, William Weissenberger, Jr,, 55 Duane st, is architect for the company. -

Costly Improvement for the Drive. RIVERSIDE DRIVE.—It is announced

that work will soon be undertaltcn for an­other costly elevator apartment bouse at the northeast corner of Riverside Drive and 158th st, Washington Heights. The plans are now in course of preparation by Architect F. D. Brown, of SS East 20th st. In all probability the building will contain 9-stys and measure 75x99 ft. R. E. Moss, 126 Liberty st, will be the steel engineer; P. R. Moses, 43 West S4th st, electrical and steam engineer, and Alexander Brown, Jr., SS East 20th St, wifi be the general

contractor. No figures will be asked he-fore tiie fli'st of December. The estimated cost will approximate $400,000. The names of the interested parlies are for the pres­ent withheld.

Eight-Stoiy Apartment for l l S t h St. 113TH ST.—Geo. and Edward Blum, ar­

chitects, 507 5th av, have just been com­missioned to prepare plans Cor an 8-sty elevator apartment house, to measure 50x 100 ft., for the Paterno & Son Construc­tion Co., to be situated in the north side of 113th st, bet'sveen Broadway and Am­sterdam av, to cost in the neighborhood of $160,000. There will be four apart­ments on a floor, and the exterior will be of limestone, terra cotta and light brick, one electric elevator. Operations are to be started immediately, the building to be completed by fall.

Latest 157th Sti-eet Impi-ovement. 1 5 7 T H ST.—Plans have been completed

by Messrs. Rouse & Goldstone, 12 West 32d st, for an improvement on the west side of 157th st, 275 ft, east of Broadway, Willi a high-class elevator apartment house covering a plot measuring 200x86.5 ft. The Highwood Realty and Construction Co., of 3785 Broadway, will be the owner. The cost will approximate $350,000.

New York Central to Erect $300,000 Station.

WATERTOWN, N. T.—The New Tork Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. is having plans prepared by Architects Reed & Stem, and Warren & Wetmore, 314 Madison av, Manhattan, for a new $200,-000 passenger station at Watertown. E. W. Kitlredge will be the chief engineer. No flgures have yet been taken.

Brooklyn Hotel to be Enlarged. HENRY ST.—Plans are under contem­

plation for the enlargement of the hotel located at the southwest corner of Henry and Pineapple sts, Brooklyn, by William Trumbridge, the present owner. The pro­posed annex will be fireproof, 8-stys, hrick, steel and stone, 50x100 ft. No architect has yet been anounced. The cost is es­timated at about $250,000.

PiA'e Apartments for Wilkins Place. WILKINS PL, — Messrs. Toung &

Gronenberg, architects, Marbridge Build­ing, 34th st .and 6th av, have just won a competition to prepare plans for five high-class apartment bouses to be erected by Davia Herman, of 132 Nassau st, a t the junction of Wilkins pl and Intervale av. The cost will approximate $.300,000.

Particulars of 46th St. Wai-ehouse. 4 6 T H ST.—Plans are in progress for

tlie new storage warehouse, 6-stys and basement, which the Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Co., 806 1st av, will erect a t Nos. 400-410 East 46th st. Tlie construc­tion will be strictly flreproof, of brick and limestone. Estimates will not be taken for some time yet.

Arcliitect for Branch Post Office. PRINCE ST.—Charles Laue, of 38 Ful­

ton st, has commissioned Thomas W. Lamb, as of 224 Fifth av. architect of the branch-post offlce building, which he is to erect at 103-5-7 Prince st. The building will have two stories and base­ment, 75x100 ft.

Architect for Sloane Building Selected. FIFTH AV.—We are reliably inform­

ed that Jno. B, Snook's Sons, 73 Nassau st, have been commissioned to draw the plans for W. XL J. Sloane's new building to occupy part of the Windsor Arcade site on 3th ^^r

9o8 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

Apartments, Flats and Tenements. R O O S E V E L T ST.—Bernard Golden, 508

Pea r l st, will erect a 6-sty tenement , 40.9x i r regular , a t Nos. 94-96 Roosevelt st , to cost $22,000. C. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq, is tlie a rch i tec t .

R I D G E ST.—Louis S c h w a r t z Es t a t e , 622 W e s t 47th st, owner, will improve the 5-s ty tenenient No. 22 Ridge st, f rom p lans by Gross & Kleinberger , Bible House . E s t i m a t e d cost, $6,000.

19TH ST.—Mrs. M. Muller, 405 E a s t 10th st , will r enova t e the 5-sty tenenient Nos. 4 0 3 ^ 0 7 E a s t 10th st . F r ed Ebel ing, 420 B a s t Oth st, h a s p repa red p lans . E s ­t ima ted cost, $5,000.

BROADWAT.—Irv ing Jud i s , 215 W e s t 125th st , con templa tes the erect ion of a n a p a r t m e n t house a t t he sou thwes t corner of 113th s t and B r o a d w a y . No a rch i t ec t ye t selected, and no detai ls decided.

ITHACA, N. T.—W. H. Miller, Sage Building, I t h a c a , will erect a S and 5-sty a p a r t m e n t house, 60x55 ft., in E d d y st, I t h a c a , to cost, $35,000. Driscoll Bros . & Co., I t h a c a , h a v e the genera l con t rac t .

143D ST.—H. Goldberg, 309 B r o a d w a y , will erect a 4-s ty brick flat, 25x50 ft,, in the sou th side of 14Sd st, 215 ft, wes t of Brook av, Bronx. T o u n g & Gronenberg , Marbr idge Building, a r e m a k i n g the p lans ,

127TH ST.—Israel L ipman , 66 L a f a y e t t e st, will hufld a 6-sty h igh-c lass flat bui ld­ing in the nor th side of 127th st, 192.8 ft. wes t of E r o a d w a y , from p lans by C. B . Meyers , Union sq. E s t i m a t e d cost, $100,-OUO.

L A W R E N C E ST.—L. A. Cushman , 32 L a w r e n c e st, will erect a 6-sty t enemen t a t No. 27 L a w r e n c e st, a t t he junc t ion of 127th st, to cost abou t $30,000. J. J . Smith, 27 L a w r e n c e st , has p repa red p l a n i .

163D ST.—Messrs. Schwar tz & Gross, 345 5 lh av , wil! d r aw p lans for t he a p a r t ­m e n t house to be erected on the n o r t h side of 163d s t , 100 ft. eas t of E r o a d w a y , for B . House , of 8 W e s t 39th st. E s t i m a t e d cost, $175,000.

P I N E C R E S T AV.—The H e l e n a R e a l t y and Cons t ruc t ion Co., 170 B r o a d w a y , will erect a t t he n o r t h w e s t c o m e r of P inecres t a v and 177th st, a 6-sty a p a r t m e n t house, 98x125 ft., to cost $150,000. C. E. Meyers, 1 Union sq, p repa red the plans .

138TH ST.—Moore & Landsiedel , Sd a v and 14Sth st , a r e p r e p a r i n g p lans for a 5 -s t y flat, 50x87.11 ft., to he erected in the n o r t h side of ISSth st , 350 ft. wes t of Broadway , for E d w a r d W a t e r s , of 16Sd s t and Ogden av. E s t i m a t e d cost, $50,000.

W E S T C H E S T E R AV.—Young & Gron­enberg, Marbr idge Bui lding, a r e p repa r ing p l ans for a 5-sty flat building, 100x97.8 ft,, for t he F r i e d m a n Cons t ruc t ion Co., 171 B r o a d w a y , to be erected on the wes t side of W e s t c h e s t e r av, 192 ft. n o r t h of H o e av.

N E W A R K . — D a v i d B r a m l e y p l ans to erec t a 4-s tory br ick a p a r t m e n t to cost abou t $35,000, a t 4 9 1 ^ 9 3 Clinton avenue. I t will accommoda te th ree s tores and n ine families. Mr. Bramley is a d ruggis t a t 488 Clinton av. P l a n s a re sti l l on the boards .

W E S T F A R M S ROAD.—The F r i e d m a n - Cons t ruc t ion Co., 171 Broadway , will erect

a t once two flats on the eas t side of Wes t F a r m s road, 147 ft. n o r t h of Hoe av , 5 -s tys , 50x87 each. Y^oung & Gronenberg . Marbr idge Bui lding, a r e p repa r ing the p lans .

T R E N T O N . — T h e N e w Je r sey T e n e ­m e n t H o u s e Commission h a s approved the p lans of Wes ley L a n n i n g for t he erection of a n 8-s ty br ick a p a r t m e n t house in T ren ton a t t he sou theas t in tersec t ion of Bellevue a v and Prospec t st. The house win cost $2T,000.

ST. N I C H O L A S AV.—Moore & L a n d ­siedel, Sd a v and 148th st , h a v e prepared p l ans for a o-sty flat, 58x90 ft., to be erected a t t he n o r t h e a s t corner of St. Nicholas a v and 186th st, a t a cost of

$65,000. Donald Rober t son , S12 W e s t 109th st, is the owner,

V T S E AV.—Harry T. Howell , 3d a v and 149th st, h a s p lans for two 5-sty brick t enements , to be erected on the n o r t h e a s t corner of Vyse av and F r e e m a n st , Bronx , for Chas . G. Jorgensen , of 1223 Hoe av, 40x88 ft. S tores on first s tory , s t e a m heated , with all improvements , to cost ^83,000.

Y O N K E R S , N. Y.—F. S, Poli te , 74 School st, Tonke r s , will begin a t once the erection of a 4C'-faniily flat building, 4 -s tys , brick, 100x65 ft, in size, cost ing $45,-000. Grewey & B i rmingham, W a r h u r t o n Building, Yonkers , a r e the a rch i tec t s . T h e owner is r eady for figures on sub-con­t r ac t s .

F R E E M A N ST.—Goldner & Goldner, of W e s t c h e s t e r and J ackson avs, a rch i t ec t s , a r e d r a w i n g the p lans for t h e a p a r t m e n t house which the Zingales Rea l ty Co., of 319 E a s t 107th st, will e rec t a t the n o r t h ­west corner of P r e e m a n and B r y a n t s ts , to h a v e 5-stys, 50x100, and cost $50,000. Owner bui lds and will t a k e bids on sepa­r a t e con t r ac t s .

J E R S E T CITT.—From p lans a s p r e ­pared by Arch i tec t George A. F lagg , of J e r s e y City, two flat houses will be erected on the no r the r ly side of At l an t i c st, be tween Jacl ison a n d Ocean avs , by John O'Toole, of 63 Montgomery st. T h e bui ldings will be of brick const ruct ion , four s tor ies in height , a n d will m e a s u r e 50x72 over all . E s t i m a t e d cost, $22,600.

E R O O K L T N . — S h a m p a n Sc S h a m p a n , 712 E r o a d w a y , Wi l l i amsbu rgh . a r e p repa r ing p lans for six 4 -s ty a p a r t m e n t houses to be erected on block known as Lewis av, Vernon a v and Wi l loughby av, Erookiyn , for the W'exler R e a l t y a n d Cons t ruc t ion Conipany, a s owners . T h e plot is 200x100 ft. The bui ld ings a re to be of a Colonial t ype of a rch i t ec tu re , wi th a H a r v a r d brick front laid in a F l emi sh bond, and t e r r a co t t a and s tone t r i m m i n g . T h e in te r ior of each bui lding is to be t r immed wi th oak and cypress woods. Publ ic hal ls to be wainscoted w i t h marb le and h a v e mosaic tile floors. S t a i r w a y s to be of iron and marble . P l u m b i n g fixtures to be of " T h e S t a n d a r d S a n i t a r y M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co." The bui ld ings a re to he equipped w i t h electr ic l igh t ing and s t e a m hea t ing . F i r s t floor will be cons t ruc ted ent i re ly of s tone ash la r .

Rockaway , a re the a rch i tec t s . T h e edi­fice will be erected of br ick and l imestone, and will have d imens ions of 62x125. Max K a t z , of F a r Rockaway , is c h a i r m a n of the bui ld ing commit tee .

Churcl ies . ENGLEWOOD, N. J.—T. H. Poole &

Co., architects, IS West SOth st. New York, is taking bids for the erection of a church for St. Cecilia's congregation, Englewood. The ediflce will be built of marble and is estimated to cost $100,000.

ELIZABETH, N. J.—A parish building to cost $20,3CO w fll be erected at once by St. John's Episcopal Church. Plans have been prepared. The committee is com­posed of Francis Collingwoofi, Warren R. Dix, Theodore T. Johnson and George F. Jones.

NEWARK, N. J.—The contract for the erection of the new temple for the Con­gregation Oheb Sholom, at 668 High st, was awarded during the week to Fred­erick Kilgus. William E. Lehman de­signed the plans for the structure, which will represent an expenditure of about $75,000.

SYRACUSE, N. Y.—No architect has yet been selected for the new ediflce to be erected by Holy Trinity R. C. congre­gation (German), Rev. J. J. Reuland pas­tor, of 501 Park st. The building com­mittee comprises Pius Gottstein. 1204 Helen st; F . X. Hemdshammer, 111 Schneider st, and Jacob Eelgt, 203 Temple st, all of Syracuse.

FAR ROCKAWAT.—Plans are nearing completion for a synagogue to cost $60,-OOO, to be erected.on Roanoke av, for the Temple Israel. H. Howard & Co., of Far

Club Houses. ALBANT.—The Albany City Tacht

Club has commissioned Scopes & Feust-mann, 39 East 2Sth st. New Tork, to pre­pare plans for a new ciub house.

HYDE PARK, N. T.—Arrangements are now under way in the village of Hyde Park which, if they prove successful, will he the means of giving to that village a handsome building to be used for a Toung Men's Christian Association. The prin­cipal persons in the new movement are Mrs. Frederick W. Vanderbilt and Archi­bald Rogers, who will flnance the mat­ter until permanent trustees are appoint­ed. J. S. Huyler, of New Tork, who is the owner of the gymnasium in Hyde Park, has been appealed to and has given his consent to use the building for asso­ciation purposes for one year, and if a t that time it proves self-sustaining he will deed the property to the association, or purchase a new site and erect a hand­some and modern building.

Dwellings. EDGEMERE, L. I.—E. F, Cojean, 44

Kneer av, Rockaway Beach, is drawing plans for a dwelling to cost $20,000 for Schumacher & Levy, to be erected on the Ridge road.

MT. VERNON.—The Fairmount Realty Co, Ct^ouis S. Eickwort, 29 Fletcher av) is having plans prepared by Architect W, C. Schrenkiesen, of Mt, Vernon, for six frame dwellings, 21x33, to cost $4,000 each,

73D ST.—Chas. J. Brennan, of the Chas. Buek Construction Co., 500 Sth av, will erect a handsome residence, brick and stone. 24x102 ft., at No. 125 East 73d st. The owner will build and award all sub­contracts.

NOROTON, CONN.—Hoppin & Koen, 244 5th av, Manhattan, have completed plans and awarded to E. C. Brown Co., of Tyer-ing Valley, Conn., the general contract to erect a 3-sty $25,000 residence for C. W. Moury, at Noroton.

SCHENECTADT, N. T.—H. B, Board-man, vice-president and treasurer of the Schenectady Trust Company, is to erect a 12-room frame and stucco residence on the west side of Lowell road, a t a cost of $8,.50O. Contracts have been awarded,

RENNSELAERVILLE, N. T,—Woollett & Judson, architects, Volckert Building, Albany, are preparing plans for alter­ations and addition to the country resi­dence of F. C. Huycke, of 387 State st, Albany, whose residence is at Rensselaer-ville, N. T. Estimated cost, $10,000.

NEWARK.—A. H. Thompson drew the plans of the three single-family frame dwellings that the Sherer, Owens & Abrams Company will erect in Seymour av, between Schneider and Conklin avs. Each is to be two and one-half stories high and is to measure 38x30 feet in ground dimensions. Each is to contain eight rooms. The estimated cost for all is $15,000.

NEW.ARK.—R. Arthur Heller will build a dwelling, of frame construction, on the v.-est side of First st, near Montelair av. It is to be two and one-half stories high and is to measure 24x35^ feet in ground dimensions. The estimated cost is $4,000. Mr. Heller also will erect similar dwell­ings at the following addresses: 827-829 DeGraw av, 308-310 Montelair av, 824^ 826 DeGraw av and 828-830 DeGraw av.

SAYV'ILLE, N. T.—Mr. and Mrs, W. R, Simons have returned to their Brooklyn home at 904 St. Marks av. The contract for their handsome new home at this place was awarded to Ashby & Brecken-


November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 909

r idge, of Baypor t , who h a v e j u s t flnished a flne residence in W e s t Sayvil le for Mr. Anson H a r d , son- in- law of F rede r i ck G. Bourne , The bidding for this l a s t con­t r ac t w a s confined to Messrs . Ashby & Breckenr idge , F red Smith , of Baypor t , and Rober t N u n n s , of Sayville. E s t i ­ma ted to ta l cost, $40,000, Archi tec t , A, I. Green.

B L O O M F I E L D , N. J.—The F r a n k l i n Hil l Company lias p lans out for two new dwell ings in Wil la rd av, to cost $5,000 and $4,500 respect ively; F rede r i ck L. Moore, of Morton st, is to build a .$3,000 home in Morton s l ; F r a n k M. Cl iapman, a $3,500 home in W a r r e n s t ; John Moore, a t N e w a r k a v and Ba ldwin place, is to erect a .$3,000 res idence; E d w a r d Heckel is to s t a r t a $6,0CO residence this week in Berke ley av, a n d E, E . and H . R, Un­derwood, a $7,000 res idence in Belleville ay. T h e Andrew Doremus Company is also to erect two $3,UO0 houses in Myr t le St. T h e mon th h a s been the busiest one w i t h Inspec to r Cadmus since the olflce w a s crea ted .

F a c t o r i e s . N E W A R K . — T h e Carnegie Steel Com­

pany, of SO Church st, M a n h a t t a n , will expend abou t $14,000 for a l t e r ing a w a r e ­house a t i t s p lan t on the meadows . P l a n s have been filed with t he Supe r in t enden t of Bui ld ings here .

D A N B U R T , CONN.—D. E. Loewe & Co. a re p r e p a r i n g ' to build a n addi t ion to their h a t fac tory , 50 ft. long, 30 ft. wide and 3-s tys high, t he full he igh t of t he m a i n fac tory , W, W . Sunder l and h a s the con t rac t . P l ans a r e now being p r e ­pared,

B R I D G E P O R T , PA.—Designs for a large s to rehouse for s to r ing rags , and plans for a 2,000 horse power boiler p lan t a r e now being m a d e by Mr. F , W . Dean, mill engineer and arch i tec t , of Boston, for the Diamond S t a t e F ibe r Co., Br idge ­port, Montgomery County, Pa,

B E L L E V I L L E , N, J .—Plans a r e in the h a n d s of local contractoi-s for e s t ima t ing on t he erect ion of a plant a t Bellevista and Rive rda le avs , Belleville, for t he Seton L e a t h e r Co., of Newark , e s t ima ted to cost $40,000. J e r e m i a h O'Rourke & Sons, of Newark , are the a rch i tec t s ,

A L B A N T , N . T.—The In t e rna t iona l P roduce E x c h a n g e Annex , N. T. and H a r ­ves te r Co., Chicago, 111., con templa te the erection of a $50,000 warehouse a t Broad­way and Tivoli st, Albany. P r i v a t e p l ans a re be ing p repa red . I t will be of re in­forced concrete, flreproof, 4^stys h igh and 90x100 ft.

B R O O K L T N . - T h e S-sty factory on the sou th side of Wi l loughby av , ex tend ing from Classon av to Taa t t e pi, Brooklyn, will be enlarged with two e x t r a stories, f rom p lans by W m , Bommer , 259 Classon av, Brooklyn, a t a cost of abou t $50,000. Emi l Bommer , m a n u f a c t u r e r of hinges, 259 Classon av, is t he owner,

N E W A R K . — A new pape r p lan t will be erected by Wil l iam T, P lum on Blanchard s t and Morr is Canal , to replace t he one which w a s destroyed by fire a shor t t ime ago. T h e new one w-ill cost $29,6C0 and will consis t of flve bui ldings, each wi th brick enclosing walls, incorpora ted into one mass . The p lans have been p repa red by F . Phelps .

W A T E R B U R T , CONN. — P l a n s have been figured for a fac tory bui lding to be erected in Oakville for t he Bai rd Machine Company . I t will he bui l t of reinforced concrete , 50x60 ft., 2-s tys and basemen t , wi th a t a r and gravel roof. I t will p rob ­ably not be let unt i l spr ing, when a la rger addi t ion is to be flgured. Griggs & H u n t a re t he archi tec ts .

B U F F A L O . - T e n t a t i v e plans a r e being considered for t he cons t ruc t ion by the Beave r Manufac tu r ing Company of a n ­other 1-sty factory on the Mil i ta ry road. T h e bui lding will be 50,x200 ft. T h e es t i ­

m a t e d cost is placed a t $35,000. The firm m a n u f a c t u r e s wall boards . W . F . Mc-Glashen is pres ident of t he company . The factory will bo cons t ruc ted of reinforced concrete .

K E A R N Y . N. J,—The genera l con t rac t for the erect ion of Mill No. 19 a t the worlds of the Na i rn Linoleum C o m p a n y in K e a r n y h a s been a w a r d e d by Arch i tec t Char les P . Baldwin , of 45 Clinton st , Newark , to Salmond Bros . Conipany, of 520 E lm st. Ar l ington. The new addi t ion will be of reinforced concrete const ruct ion , one s to ry in height , a n d will m e a s u r e 62x120. E s t i m a t e d cost, $14,000.

W O O N S O C K E T , R. L—The D e s u r m o n t Wors t ed Co. is now complet ing i ts mill, one-iialf of which was bui l t from designs m a d e two or th ree yea r s ago by Mr, F . W. Dean, mili engineer and archi tec t , of B o s ­lon. T h e port ion now under cons idera t ion is considerably l a rge r t h a n originally planned. The first s tory is of reinforced concrete on the inter ior , and the uppe r s tor ies a r e of s low-burn ing mill cons t ruc ­t ion; t he outs ide walls a r e of brick.

H A R T F O R D , CONN.—The P r a t t & W h i t n e y Company h a s begun work of an addi t ion to its a l r eady la rge p lant , the ground h a v i n g been broken for a bui ld­ing for p a t t e r n rooms and a s torehouse . I t is to s tand on the wes t side of F lower Et, nor th of the ra i l road t r acks , and, when completed, will be the n o r t h e r n - m o s t bui lding of the plant . T h e new bui lding will be 5-s lys high, wi th 150 ft. f ront on the s t ree t and a dep th of 60 ft. I t will be of reinforced concrete and as nea r ly flreproof a s a bui lding of the sor t can be made . T h e con t r ac t is let to C, B. A n d r u s & Son.

H o t e l s a n d S a n i t a r i u m s . R E A D I N G , PA.—Henry J. Elauvet , a r ­

chitect . Mar ine r & Merchan t Buiiding, Phi lade lphia , will receive bids unti l Nov. 26 for the cons t ruc t ion of a hotel a t Reading, Pa., for t he R e a d i n g Hote l Co., care of John H . K e p p l e m a n and B. R. Gerber, Reading, Pa . The es t ima t sd cost is $5CO,O00.

L A K E W O O D , N. J.—D. Wi ley A n d e r ­son, a rchi tec t , 922 B a s t Main st , Rich­mond, Va., h a s p l ans on the boa rds for a hotel and s a n i t a r i u m cost ing $60,000 to be erected on Lakewood Ter race , L a k e -wood, N, J,, for t he Lakewood Ter race Hote l and S a n i t a r i u m Co., 027 W i t h e r ­spoon Building, Phi lade lphia , P a . Dr . A. Trego Shertzer , 25 W . P r e s t o n st , B a l t i ­more, Md., president . T h e engineer is T. E. Sher tzer , care Publ ic Service Com­mission, 154 N a s s a u st , N e w York City. I t will be of brick, reinforced concrete and hollow tile, 4 -s tys h igh and 200x140. I t wiil have a re f r ige ra t ing p lant of 50 tons capac i ty .

Oflice a n d L o f t B u i l d i n g s . E L I Z A B E T H , N. J.—J. T. Burley, of 29

Broadway , h a s p lans on the boards Cor a brick and stone office bui lding which is to be erected a t El izabeth . The bui lding is to h a v e four stories, 50x100, and will cost $20,000.

SAN FRANCISCO.—Lyman C. Smith , of Syracuse , t he t y p e w r i t e r m a n u f a c t u r e r , proposes to erect a 20-s ty office bui lding a t San Franc i s co to cost $500,000. This in format ion was given out in Syracuse upon Mr. Smi th ' s d e p a r t u r e for San F r a n ­cisco November 11.

MADISON AV.—No a rch i t ec t h a s yet been announced for the new 12-sty s tore and loft bui lding which the Hera ld Square Hold ing Co., 220 B r o a d w a y (Arnste in & Levy) is soon to erect a t Nos. 76-78 Madi­son av , the s o u t h w e s t corner of 2Sth st, (See issue Nov. 13.)

/ ^UR EngineGring departmeDt will ^ ^ co-operatB with arehiteeta and en­gineers in tbe planuing and asecutins of difficult fouortatioiis. dock work, etc.


PILE COMPANY NEW YORK, . 140 Cedar .Street CHICAGO. . ISo .Street PITTSBURGH, Onion l!,^uk Building PHILADELPHIA, Laud Title Builjing BALTIMORE, Pratt, am) Concord Sts. ST. LOUIS, , t)20 Chestuut Street UEW OBLEAXS. . 20i Perrin Bldg.

& WITTPENN Impervious Face Bricks


4 4 E A 8 T 3 3 d ST . , NEW^ Y O R K Telephone, 1154 Gramercy




THE QUAY ENGINEERING CO. Tol. 2405 Mad. Sq. 1123 BRO. DWAY, N. T

Contracting and Consulting Engineers NEW VORK BLOWER


".-Automatic Collapsible'' TR-lVELffiO STATRW.iYS

P o r Meeliacical EQuipmont, Power PI,^nts,HcatiEg,Ve•-til;itiug, PliunbiBg.


TOWEL SERVICE to t enan t s of the be t te r office buildings

Peerless Towel Supply Company No. 99 CHAMBERS STREET. N. Y.



F. L. & A, HEIDRiTTER, b. Lumber and Timber, ELIZABETHPORT, N. J.

FIRE! We make a sgecialty of hurry work for fire jobs. Oild sizes made up at short notice

Complete line of T. H. D. Law Supplies. Prices right. FRED. C. SUMNER, 246-248 Canal Streel

W I N D O W F R A M E S , S A S H . D O O R S . T R I M . E T C .

gio RECORD AND GUTDE November 20, 1909

24TH ST.—Fredericli C. Zobel. a r ch i ­tect, of tlie " T w e n t y - E i g h t h S t ree t Ar ­cade ," h a s been commissioned by the "Twenty-F i f t l i S t ree t Company" to p r e ­pa re plans for a 12-sty mercan t i l e bui ld­ing to be erected a t 152-156 W e s t 24th st , on a plot 55.6x93.9, a t a cost of JSOO.­OOO.

42D ST.—Mason & Strong, 7 Wal l s t . a rch i t ec t s and engineers , a r e mal t ing the p lans for the a l t e ra t ions and add i t ions to the bui lding of t he Lincoln Safe Deposi t Company, of which company Thos. L. J a m e s is pres ident . T h e opera t ion will consis t of add ing eleven s tor ies to the ex­is t ing 9-s ty building.

20TH ST.—A 12-sty s tore and loft bu i ld ­ing is soon to be erected by Moses Crys ta l , of t he Crys ta l R e a l t y and Const ruc t ion Co,, of B r o a d w a y and 160th st, a t Nos, 40 to 46 W e s t 20th st , Mr. Crys ta l acquired the proper ty , which m e a s u r e s 100x92 ft., abou t ten days ago. F u r t h e r bui lding de ­ta i l s and the najiie of the a rch i t ec t canno t be given in this issue,

25TH ST.—Architeet P rede r i ek C. Zobel. of t he " T w e n t y - E i g h t h S t ree t Arcade , " h a s been commissioned by the " T w e n t y -Fi f th S t ree t Cons t ruc t ion Co" to d r a w p lans for a new merchan t i l e bui lding to be erected a t 24 and 26 W e s t 25th st, on lot 50x98.9. T h e bui ld ing will be 12-sty3 in he ight and of fireproof cons t ruc t ion th roughou t . The e s t ima ted cost is J275,-000.

UNION, N, J .—Wm, Necker , a s owner , will erect a n office bui lding, from p lans by P e r c y A. V i v a r t t a s , 110 E a s t 4 th s t . Town of Union, N. J„ to cost $60,000. Mr. Necke r is a n u n d e r t a k e r and the new bui lding will adjoin his p resen t premises , a t t he n o r t h w e s t corner of Main s t and Eergen l ine av. T h e d imensions a re 25x 125, 9-stys. T h e project will not be

figured before J a n u a r y . STH AV.—Tlie genera l c o n t r a c t for the

a l t e r a t i ons to be m a d e by the Methodis t Book Concern to the store, oflice and Ioft bui lding a t 150 Sth av h a s been a w a r d e d . The a l t e ra t ion will consis t of a n add i ­t ional s to ry on the a v e n u e and t h r ee on 20th st , t o cost $75,000. Milton See & Son, of 6 W e s t 22d st . a r e the a rch i tec t s . Dawson & Archer , of 150 Dth av . have obta ined the genera l cont rac t .

N E W A R K , N. J ,—Tentat ive plans a re now being p repa red for the erection of a commerc ia l bui lding on the old City Ha l l site a t Broad and Wil l iam sts , recent ly purchased by Louis M. F r a n k and Fel ix

. Fu ld . The genera l p lan is for t he im­media te erect ion of a 4-s ty s t r u c t u r e with s to re space on the g round floor and of­fices o r lofts above. The foundat ions and wal ls will be m a d e sufficiently s t rong to bea r the weight of addi t ional floors to be bui l t la ter .

P u b l i c B u i l d i n g s . H O R N E L L , N. Y,—Architect E. L. Ti l ­

ton, 32 B r o a d w a y . New York City, is d r a w i n g p lans for a public l ibrary to cost $40,000, to be erected a t Horneli , N. T.

N E W P O R T , R. I.—L. P . H u t t o n , 37 L ibe r ty st, are p r e p a r i n g p lans for t he 5 -s t y brick, s tone and steel Army and N a v y T, M, C. A. bui lding to be erected a t Newpor t .

S Y R A C U S E . - T h e S t a t e F a i r bui ldings to be erected here are es t imated to cost $800,000. S ta te F a i r Commissioner Pe r -ren has had p lans p repared . T h e S t a t e Arch i tec t s office a t Albany can give in­format ion.

MONTCLAIR, N. J.—Ground has jus t been broken for t he new a r m o r y for Com­pany K. T h e p lans were p repa red six yea r s ago by Dudley S. Van Antwerp , who is an officer on the staff of the Colonel of the F i f th Regt. , to which Co. K belongs. The company is f inancing the opera t ion itself. Owen Feeney has the con t r ac t for the s t r u c t u r a l work. The bui lding will be 60 ft. f ront by 90 ft. deep, 1-sty. L a t e r on it will be enlarged.

W A T E R B U R Y , CONN,—The Bar low Bros . Company h a v e been a w a r d e d the con t r ac t for t he p lumbing , h e a t i n g and rooflng, T h o m a s P . J ackson the cu t s tone work, J, B. F a r m e r , of New H a v e n , t he s teel work, the Brad ley & H u b b a r d M a n ­ufac tu r ing Company, of Meriden, the o r ­n a m e n t a l iron work and t h e At l an t i c T e r r a Cot ta Company, of New Tork , t he t e r r a co t t a for the add i t ions and a l t e r a ­t ions to the cour t house on L e a v e n w o r t h St. Chatfield & Chatfleld a re the con­t r a c t o r s and George A. U p h a m h a s the c a r p e n t e r work. Griggs & H u n t a re the a rch i tec t s . W o r k will not be s t a r t e d unt i l March 1,

wi th the pier improvemen t a n d sa t i s fac ­to ry to the ci ty engineer . The firm of Scopes & F e u s t m a n n , a rch i tec t s , of S a r a ­n a c L a k e and M a n h a t t a n , will d r a w up p lans , the building to cost be tween ipl2,-000 and $15,000. Commodore Scopes will appoin t a commi t tee wi th whom the a rch i ­tec ts m a y consult .

S t o r e s a n d W a r e h o u s e s . P O U G H K E E P S I E . — C h a r l e s Joseph, of

265 Main st, will erect a 3-s ty bui lding adjoining his p r e s e n t s tore building, t he first floor to be for a store, t he second for ofiices and the th i rd for a p a r t m e n t s .

SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Charles M, W a r n e r is soon to erect a 5-sty mercan t i l e bui ld­ing on the s i te of t he p r e s e n t p rope r ty a t Nos. 44G to 456 South Sa l ina st . T h e plot has a f ron tage of S i ft. E s t i m a t e d cost of bui lding, $100,000. No c o n t r a c t s ye t is­sued.

Ali sce l laneous . CANANDAIGUA, N. Y,—The New York

Cent ra l Ra i l road will erect a new round­house here . P l a n s a re now being p re ­pared a t the Grand Cent ra l Depot, New York City.

W E L L E S V I L L E , N. Y . - T h e Board of Educa t ion , of Wellsvil le, Geo. B. Brown, pres ident , W. J, Richardson, secre ta ry , con templa te rebui lding the high school recent ly dest royed by flre, a n arcl i i tect will be selected a t once.

G O U V E R N E U R , N. Y . - T h e Oswe-gatchie L igh t and Power Co. will erect a l a rge electrical power p l a n t on the s i te of mill No, S a t Hai lesboro in the spr ing. Archi tec t Ea ton , of W a t e r t o w n . is the a rch i tec t .

MADISON AV.—Robert T . Lyons . 1493 Broadway , has p lans for chang ing the old flats No. 507 Madison av, into s tudios and labora tor ies for the St, Ca the r ine Cor­porat ion, 366 Sth av. T h e cost will a p ­p rox ima te $60,000, and no figures have ye t been t aken .

MADISON SQ.—The Madison Square Garden Company will m a k e a l t e ra t ions for t he coming autom.obile show to cost $24,000. F . K, S turg is is p res ident and J. G. T o u n g is sec re ta ry of t he company . Ell ison Const ruc t ion Co., 1499 B r o a d w a y , h a v e the genera l cont rac t .

B L A U V E L T , N. Y . - T h e S t a t e a r c h i ­tect, F r a n k l i n B, W a r e , of Albany, N. Y., h a s in con templa t ion p lans for bui ldings in connect ion wi th a S t a t e rifle r a n g e to be laid out a t Blauvei t , Rock land County , N. Y., and whicii bui ldings a re es t imated to cost .$75,000, P r imar i ly , the re would be a mess hall with k i tchen .

BROOKLYN.—J. L. Hami l ton & Sons, 348 W e s t 27th st, have received the ca r ­pen te r work on the new hospi ta l an n ex for the K i n g s County Hospi ta l , Brooklyn. Geo. V a s s a r ' s Son & Co., 1170 Broadway , M a n h a t t a n , h a v e the genera l con t rac t . Messrs . H e l m e & H u b e r t y , IOO Montague st, a r e the a rch i tec t s . T h e cost for the work is placed a t $140,000.

SYRACUSE.—Gaggin & Gaggin have been re ta ined by the Ci ty Na t iona l B a n k of B i n g h a m t o n to p repa re p lans for a new bank bui lding to be erected a t t he corner of W a s h i n g t o n and Court s t s , B i n g h a m t o n . The new s t r u c t u r e wiil be used exclusively for b a n k i n g purposes . I t will be 1-sty high and will cost be ­tween $60,000 and $70,000'. John B. V a n N a m e is the p res iden t of the bank .

ALBANY, N. Y . - T h e Albany Yach t Club has decided to a sk the ci ty for the lease of enough of the pier to se rve a s a s i te for a new club house and will g u a r ­an t ee to cons t ruc t a bui ld ing in h a r m o n y

Contracts Awarded . 65TH ST.—John M. Bowers , 7 W e s t 21st

s t ; owner, Hoppin & Koen, 244 Sth av ; a rch i t ec t s , h a v e awarded to R icha rd Deever & Son, 309 Broadway , t he genera l con t r ac t to erect a 5-sty h igh-c lass res i ­dence, 28x100 ft. br ick a n d l imestone, a t No. 45 E as t 65th st, to cost $60,000.

4 0 T H ST.—C. Cur t i s Woodruff & Co., 213 IOth st. Long Is land City, h a s ob ­ta ined the genera l con t r ac t to e rec t a 6-s ty brick, g ran i t e and marb le a p a r t m e n t house (13 families) , a t Nos, 144-146 B a s t 40th st, from p ians by W a l k e r & Gillette, 131 W e s t 40th st. Cost, about $45,000, J. P . A. Clark, 111 Broadway , is t he owner.

BROADWAY.—The Keys tone Cons t ruc ­tion Co., 28 E a s t SSth st, h a s obtained the mason con t r ac t on the new 12-s ty e leva tor a p a r t m e n t house, t o be erected a t t he no r thwes t corner of B r o a d w a y

(Continued on page 913.)

Brief a n d Personal , W, L. S toddar t , t he archi tec t , now has

oflices a t 30 W e s t SSth st] h a v i n g moved from 31 Union sq, Tel., 3610 M u r r a y Hill.

Arch i tec t s a r e ev inc ing a new in t e r e s t in s u b u r b a n work. They repor t t h a t t he r e will be more of this k ind of work h e r e ­after .

C. H . H u g h e s & Co., engineers , formerly a t 120 Broadway , h a v e moved to the U, S. R e a l t y Building, 115 B r o a d w a y . Tel,, 3946 Cour t l and t .

Mr. Leona rd Metcalf, of the flrm of Metcalf & Eddy , consu l t ing engineers , Boston, Mass., h a s been appointed a s one of two exper t s to app ra i s e the p rope r ty of the Ind ianapol i s W a t e r Co., Indianapol is , Ind.

Prof. Woolson, of Columbia, conducted a fire tes t on Tuesday , Nov. 16, a t t he new^ Columbia F i r e Tes t ing Sta t ion , cor­ne r of N o r m a n av and Moni tor st, Green­point, of a reinforced fioor cons t ruc ted by the T r u s t Metal L a t h Company .

We know of a m a n a g e r and s a l e sman of 15 yea rs ' exper ience a m o n g building t r a d e s in the mach ine ry line who is de ­sirous of m a k i n g a change . H e has m e ­chanical , execut ive and selling abi l i ty a n d fine references from former employer . See his adv. unde r " W a n t s and Offers,"

D u r i n g t h e mon th ending Oct. 20, 1909, there w a s placed on the Olive Br idge D a m 33,142 cu. yds. of cyclopean m a s o n r y and 2,117 eu. yds . of concrete blocks, a total of 35,259 cu. yds . The con t r ac t is held by the joint firm of M a c A r t h u r Bros . Co. and W i n s t o n & Co., and the genera l s u p e r i n ­t enden t is Mr. M. J. Look.

W e a re offlcially informed t h a t Geo. Dillon, Inc., 329 E a s t 116th st , would like to receive proposals on marb le work t h a t is required in the new post offlce and cour t house to be build a t Council Bluffs, la . P l a n s can be seen a t the bui ld ing or a t t he W a s h i n g t o n offlce of the P . O. D e ­p a r t men t . Bids w a n t e d not l a t e r t h a n Nov. 24.

M. & L, Hess have secured a loan from The Ti t le I n s u r a n c e Company of N e w York, of .f250,000 in the form of a bui ld­ing loan for the Twenty-f i f th Cons t ruc ­tion Company, for t h e erect ion of a 1 2 ^ s tory Ioft bui lding by them on Nos. 24 & 26 W e s t 25t!i st. The p lans a re now be ­ing d r a w n by F , C, Zobel, of t he " W e s t 28th st Arcade" building. The Tit le I n ­su rance Company is lending the s a m e bui lders $1SO.OOO on 25th st, be tween Oth and 7th avs. and a 12-sty loft bui lding Is also to be erected on these premises .

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUTDE 911

BUILDING MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT And News Regarding Source of Supply

p r i c e s S h i f t f o r M a n y M a t e r i a l s .

B u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l f o u n d a n o r m a ! m a r k e t t h i s w e e k w i t h p r i c e s a d v a n c i n g in m a n y l i n e s , a l t h o u g h H u d s o n R i v e r c o m m o n b r i c k is r e p o r t e d l o w e r . C o n ­t r a c t o r s a r e p u s h i n g w o r k in a n t i c i p a t i o n of a n e a r l y w i n t e r , a n d h a s t e h a s b e e n m a d e in e v e r y o p e r a t i o n t o t o p off b e f o r e s n o w f a l l . A m a r k e t s u m m a r y f o l l o w s :

B R I C K — S u p p l y e x c e e d s d e m a n d . C E M E N T — N e r v o u s in s l u g g i s h m a r k e t . L I M E — A c t i v e . C o m p e t i t i o n k e e n . L U M B E R — S o f t w o o d p r i c e s l o w . P I G I R O N — D e m a n d m o d e r a t e . S L A T E — N o . 1 B a n g o r h i g h e r .

S T E E L — S h e e t s a n d s t r u c t u r a l u p . S T O N E — M a r k e t q u i e t . P r i c e s s t e a d y .

B r i c k P r i c e s S h i f t e d D o w n w a r d .

H u d s o n R i v e r h a r d b r i c k d r o p p e d d o w n ­w a r d a q u a r t e r t o a h a l f t h i s w e e k o w i n g in p a r t t o o v e r - s u p p l y . T h e c u t i s s a i d t o b e o n l y t e m p o r a r y a n d b e t t e r t h i n g s a r e l o o k e d fo r w i t h i n a f o r t n i g l n t . T h e s a l e s t h i s w e e k w e r e n o r m a l , s e v e n t e e n c a r ­g o e s h a v i n g g o n e o u t o n M o n d a y , e v i ­d e n c i n g a n a v e r a g e w e e k . T h e t r a n s ­a c t i o n s in c a r g o e s f o r l a s t w e e k a r e : H o l d ­o v e r s , M o n d a y . N o v . 8, 1 2 ; a r r i v a l s , 9 6 ; s a l e s , 8 4 ; a n d h o l d o v e r s , M o n d a y , N o v , 15 , 2 4 .

I t w i l l b e n o t i c e d t h a t t h e a r r i v a l s w e r e in_ e x c e s s of a l m o s t a n y w e e k t h i s s e a ­s o n , w h i l e t h e s a l e s w e r e a b o u t n o r m a l . I t is a l s o of i n t e r e a t t o n o t e t h a t t h e l e f t ­o v e r s f o r t h i s w e e k w e r e e x c e p t i o n a l l y n u m e r o u s . T h e s e c o n d i t i o n s h a v e a n a t u ­r a l t e m p o r a r y e f fec t u p o n p r i c e s , R a r i ­t a n s b r i n g $ 5 , 7 5 t o $ 6 .25 .

D E A L E R S B E A R S I N M A R K E T .

T h e d e a l e r s h a v e f o u n d t h a t t h e i r r e ­q u i r e m e n t s a r e n o t s o h e a v y a s t h e y l i a d e x p e c t e d t h e m t o b e , a n d i n c o n s e q u e n c e , w h i l e ' t h e w h o l e s a l e m a r k e t w a s f a i r , t h e y c o u l d n o t a b s o r b a l l t h a t w a s s u p p l i e d to t h e m . T h e i r o f t ' e r i ngs w e r e g e n e r a l l y a t $ 5 . 7 5 f o r H u d s o n C o m m o n s , w i t h l i g h t h a r d s a t $4 .50 a n d p a l e s a t $3 .50 . T h i s w a s f o u r s h i l l i n g s b e l o w t h e l o w figure s e t b y t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s . F i n a l l y t l i e m a r l c e t c r ac ived a n d t h e n bro ice t o $5 .50 a n d $G.00, w i t h t h r e e - q u a r t e r s r u l i n g y e s t e r d a y .

BRICK. (Cargo quotat ions a t the whar f . )* Per M.

Hudson River, common $5.50@ $6,00 Hudson River, Light Hard 4.50 1.75 Rar i tan River, L ight Hard 5.75 6.25 Crotou Point—Brown, f.o. b 13.00 14.50 Croton Point—Dark and red 13.00 14.00 Hollow b i i tk , Havers t raw size 7.00 8.00

•Car tage and dealers ' proflts must be added to above quotat ions for retai l prices.

F r o n t s : (Delivered at buildings.) Buffs, No, 1 22.00 28.00 Buffs. No. 1 (delivered at b ldgs . ) . 22.00 28-00 Greys, various shades Sc speck led . . 27.00 Sl.OO White No. 1 26.00 35.00 White No. 2 25.00 31.00 Old Gold 2B.O0 32.00 Trenton or Philadelphia Red F ron t s 21.00 24.00

Enameled: English size 75.00 80.00 American size 70.00 80.00 Kiln run 55.00 60.00

C e m e n t i n S l u g g i s h M a r k e t .

T h e s l i g h t r a l l y i n c e m e n t r e p o r t e d a wee i t a g o h a s n o t b e e n m a i n t a i n e d , t h e d e m a n d b e i n g a l i t t l e b e l o w n o r m a l f o r t h i s t i m e of t h e y e a r . D y c k e r h o f f G e r m a n P o r t l a n d c e m e n t s e e m s t o b e a n e x c e p t i o n t o t h e a b o v e c a s e , 7G0 b a r r e l s h a v i n g a r ­r i v e d o n t h e Z e e l a n d , of t h e R e d S t a r l i n e t h i s w e e k , a l l b e i n g s o l d b e f o r e t h e b o a t u n l o a d e d . A n o t h e r c a r g o of 5 0 0 b b i s . w i l ! l e a v e f o r t h i s p o r t n e x t w e e k , p a r t of w h i c h h a s b e e n d i s p o s e d of. T h e r u l i n g p r i c e fo r t h i s m a t e r i a l i s $ 2 . 4 3 , a n d i t is s a i d t h a t o r d e r s p l a c e d b y E . T b i e l e , . t h e i m p o r t e r , a r e a v e r a g i n g l a r g e r q u a n t i t i e s t h a n f o r m e r l y .

B I G C O N T R A C T P O R L E H I G H . C o n s p i c u o u s a m o n g t h i s y e a r ' s c o n t r a c t s

fo r l o c a l w o r l t i s t h a t of t h e L e h i g h P o r t ­l a n d C e m e n t C o . H i r a m S n y d e r & , C o . , a g e n t s . T h i s Is f o r u p w a r d s of 7 0 , 0 0 0

b b l s . f o r u s e i n t h e c a i s s o n s t o b e s u n k in t h e M u n i c i p a l B u i l d i n g o p p o s i t e t h e M a n h a t t a n e n t r a n c e of t h e B r o o k l y n B r i d g e .

CEMENT. Port land, Domestic, la cloth" $1.43 Rosendale o r Natura l , per bbl 80

•Basic price of American s tandard Port land cements . Cloth sacks are repurchased a t 7Va cents delivered a t mill .

Manufac turers ' Quotat ions: The following apeclal quotatlona. Cor cargo lot i

In cloth, are furnished by a g e n u of the branda. and tbey. not we. a re responsible for the accu­racy of tbe figure g iven: Alsen 's (American) Port land $1.43@,^1.58 Atlant ic Por t land 1,43 Atlas Port land 1-43 1.58 Ham Por t land 1.43 . . . . Dragon Port land 1,43 1,58 Edison Por t land J.43 . . . . Lehigb Por t land 1.43 1.58 Trowel Port land 1-43 1.58 Vul' ianite Por t land 1.43 1.58 Alsen 's (German) Por t land 2.40 Dyckerhoff (German) Port land a.43

M o d e r a t e D e m a n d f o r P i g I i - o n .

P i g i r o n w a s in m o d e r a t e d e m a n d a l m o s t t h e e n t i r e w e e k . P r i c e s h e l d s t a t i o n a r y in a l l g r a d e s . T h e i n q u i r i e s w e r e f a i r a n d v o l u m e of b u s i n e s s w a s fiuctuating. O n e s a l e w a s f o r 1,(XI0 t o n s n o r t h e r n f o u n d r y f o r s h i p m e n t i n t o N e w J e r s e y , w h i c h fo r t h i s t i m e of t h e y e a r i s c o n s p i c u o u s . W o r d w a s r e c e i v e d i n t h e l o c a l m a r k e t t h i s w e e k t h a t t h e M c G u n z i e f u r n a c e in t h e P e n n s y l ­v a n i a field w o u l d b l o w i n a b o u t J a n u ­a r y 1. T h e d e m a n d f o r s t e e l m a k i n g i r o n d u r i n g t h e l a s t t w o w e e k s , h a s b e e n h e a v i e r in t h e W e s t t h a n h e r e , s t r u c t u r a l a n d r a i l b i l l e t s s t a n d i n g a b o u t e v e n . S t e e l w o r k s w e r e i n t h e m a r k e t f o r m o d e r a t e t o n n a g e s of b a s i c i r o n f o r t h i s y e a r ' s d e ­l i v e r y . T h e p r i c e t e n d e n c y is u n d o u b t e d l y u p , b u t n o c h a n g e i s e x p e c t e d f o r a b o u t t h i r t y d a y s .

PIG IRON. The followine a re the nominal delivered prices

a t Tidewater for shipment into the first quar te r . Southern prices delivered, Manhat tan , Brook­lyn or Jersey City Include l ighterage.

Nor the rn : No 1 X Jersey City ?19.20@$I9.70 No. 2 X Foundry 18.70 19.20 No, 2 Plain 18,20 18.70

Southern : No. 1 Foundry , s teamship dock 19.25 19,50 No. 2 Foundry , spot 18.75 19.00 No, 3 Foundry 18.:i5 18.50 Basic, Eas t Furnace 18.25 18.50 Basic, Alabama 15,00 15.50 Basic. Valley 17-25 17.50

Steel Piices Shift. T h e a d v a n c e i n s h e e t s a n d s t r u c t u r a l

s t e e l r e f e r r e d t o in l a s t w e e k ' s i s s u e w a s a n n o u n c e d a s of M o n d a y . S o f t s t e e l s h e e t s w e n t u p t e n c e n t s , a s d i d b l u e a n ­n e a l e d , o n e p a s s c o l d r o l l e d , a n d c l e a n e d A m e r i c a n , G a l v a n i z e d w e n t u p fifteen c e n t s . T i n p l a t e a d v a n c e d t e n c e n t s a b o x , w h i l e T a g g e r s i r o n w a s q u o t e d t w e n t y c e n t s h i g h e r . T h e r e v i s e d p r i c e s a r e g i v e n b e l o w .

T h e m a r l v e t a n a l y s i s fo r t h e w e e k g i v e s a n u p w a r d t e n d e n c y t o p r i c e s , e v e n o v e r t h o s e q u o t e d . T h i s is p a r t i c u l a r l y t r u e of b a r i r o n , s u c h a s i s u s e d f o r fire-es­c a p e w o r k , e t c . I n s t e e l n o c h a n g e i s e x ­p e c t e d p r i o r t o t h e fii-st of t h e y e a r , h o w ­e v e r . T h e C a r n e g i e S t e e l C o , w i l l n o t c o n t r a c t a h e a d , a s t h e m i l l s a r e " l o a d e d . " T h e s i t u a t i o n is s u c h a s t o I n d i c a t e a firm s u p p o r t of t h e n e w p r i c e s a n d t o p o i n t t o s u p p o r t of s t i l l h i g h e r p r i c e s e v e n a t t h i s e a r l y d a t e .

A s f a r a s s t e e l a n d s h e e t m e t a l s a r e c o n ­c e r n e d , t h e w i n t e r b u s i n e s s w i l l b e b r i s k a n d q u i t e u p t o e x p e c t a t i o n s . T h e f a b r i ­c a t o r s a r e t r y i n g t o g e t a l l t h e m a t e r i a l t h e y c a n , a l t h o u g h b e a m s a n d c h a n n e l s , a n g l e s a n d t e e s , a r e u p t e n c e n t s , m i l l , a n d z e e s five c e n t s , m i l l . T h e n e w s t o r e p r i c e s a r e g i v e n b e l o w :

STRUCTURAL STEEL, Nominal prices f. o. b. dock, N. V

Mill. Store. Beams and Channels, 15-in. and

under .1;1.70 V2.2o Angles 1-76 2.25 Tees 1.81 2.30 Zees 1.7G . . . .

BAR IRON FROM STORE (National Claaslflca-t lon) .

ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. 1 to 1%, base price 2.(X) •a and % In 1-lOc. ex t ra

FLAT IRON. 1% to 4 in. I % to 1 In., base price 2.00 1«( to 4 X Vi X 5-16 2-lOc extra 2 to 4 In. X 1% to 2 In 5-IOc es t r a Wi to 6 in, X IVi to H4 4-lOc extra Norway Bars 3.35 . . . . Norway Shapes 3.35 . . . . Burden Best Iron ;t'3.15 base Burden II. B. & S ^2.05 base Machinery Sleel, Iron Finish, b a s e . . , . 2.00 Son Steel Bars, base or ordy. sizes 2.00 Tool Steel, regular quali ty 7.00 Tool Steel, extra quali ty 13.00

SOFT S T E E L S H E E T S . Vi aud heavier 2.30 3-16 2.40 No. 8 2.50

Blue Annealed. No. 8 2.50 No. 10 2.50 No. 12 2.55 No. 14 , 2.60 No. Iti 2.70

One Pass , Cleaned Cold Rolled. American,

:f2.90 $3.00 2.85 3.00



No. 10 No, 181 No. 21 ( No. 221 2.85 No. 24 J No. 2,) I 3,05 No, 28 ( No. JT 3.10 3,50 No, 2S 3,20 3,40

GENUINE IRON SHEETS.—Galvanized. Nos. 22 and 24 p e r l b . $5.75 " 26 " '• 6.25 '• 28 '• '• 7.26 T E R N E PLATES. N, B.—The following prices a re tor IC 20x28,

the ra te for 14x20 being half as much. IX Is usually held a t $2 per box advance for 8 to 10 lbs. coat ing and $2,60 to $3 advance for 15 Ib. and upward. The following a re approximat ing basis quotations, and proper al lowance mus t be made for special brands , small lots, e tc . : About 40-lb. coat ing ©$17.30 About 30-lb. coating 15.20 About 20-lb. coat ing 13.50 About 15-lb. coat ing $10.90 11.45 About 8-lb. coating 8.30

RUSSIA, PLANISHED, ETC. Genuine Russia, according to assort­

ment, per Ib IIV*®. t i Pa ten t planished per lb. A„ 10c.; B, .

9c., net . Metal la ths , per sq. yd 22 24

GALVANIZED ST E E L . Nos. 14 anil IG Per 100 lbs. $3.10

" 18 and 20 3,25 22 and 24 " " " 3.45

•• -X " " " 3,65 " 27 " " " 3,85 •• 2S 4.00

llo ' 4.65 No. 20 and l ighter, 36 Ins. wide, 25c. higher . COPPER.

Sheet Copper, bot rolled, 16 oz p e r l b . 18@I9 Sheet Copper, hot rolled, 14 oz p e r l b . 19@20

Sheet Copper, cold rolled, I c per lb above hot rolled.

Sheet Copper, polished, 20 Ins, wide and under, Ic. above cold rolled.

Sheet Copper, polished, over 20 Ins. wide, 2c. above cold rolled.

PIG LEAD. Ton lots Loss 5

FABRICATED SLAB REINFORCEMENT. " T r i a n g l e " Mesh, Style 27 (approved for 6 foot

spans) . In carload lots F . O. B. dock, N, T., $1.05 per 11)0 sq. ft.

" T r i a n g l e " Mesh, Style 26 (approved for 8 foot spans) , in carload lots F . O. B. dock, N, T. , $1.29 per 100 sq. tt.

L i m e M a r k e t S a t i s f a c t o i y ,

L e a d i n g l i m e c o m p a n i e s a r e finding c o n ­d i t i o n s c h a n g i n g s o m e w l i a t a n d i n m a n y i n s t a n c e s a r e p r e p a r i n g t o m e e t t h e m . A s a n i n s t a n c e of t h i s , i t h a s b e e n r u m o r e d in t h e t r a d e f o r s o m e t i m e t h a t C l i f fo rd L . M i l l e r & Co. , of 110 E a s t 2 3 r d s t , , h a v e b e e n t a l k i n g of m a n u f a c t u r i n g h y d r a t e d l i m e , w h i c h i s t o d a y a s t r o n g c o m p e t i t o r w i t h finishing l i m e . T h e p r e s e n t m a r k e t s u p p l y is f a i r a n d t h e d e m a n d e a s y . T h e k i l n s a r e b u s y e s p e c i a l l y in N e w E n g l a n d w h e r e t h e y a r e r e p o r t e d t o h a v e a l l t h e b u s i n e s s t h e y c a n h a n d l e .

LIME. 500-bbl. lots delivered to the t rade In Qreatar

New York. State common, cargo ra te , per bbl ®$0.75 Rockland-Rockport . Com,, per bbl 92 Rockland-Rockport , L., per bbl 1,02 . . . . Rockland-Rockport , special, 320 lbs 1.37 Select finisb, per 350 lbs., net 1.60

Terms for Rockland-Rockpor t l ime, 2c, per barrel discount net cash, ten days for 600 bbl, lote. West Stockbrldge, flnlshlng, 325 lbs , . . . 1.40 New Milford Lime 1.80 New Milford (small bar re l ) 1.00 I lydinled, per ton 9,00

912 RECORD AKD GfTTDE November 20, 1909

PLASTER PARIS. Calcined, city casting. In barrels ,

250 lbs !r-^9 In barrels , 320 lbs • • • • 1-^ In bags, per ton JS.DU IW.uo

Calcined, city cast ing. In barrels , 250 lbs 1-^2

In barrels, 320 lbs 1-»J Neat wall plaster, in bags, per ton*- . . . J i -W Wall plaster, with sand, per ton 5-^o Browning ^7,-Scratch ^--^

•Rebate of 10 cts, per bag- , „ , , . Note.—When sold in bags a rebale of 6 ' i cts.

per bag returned is allowed, SAND GRAVEL, GRIT.

Dock, New York. Screened Cow Bay sand $0.30 cu, yd. Screened Cow Bay gravel .50 .lU. yd. Whi te quar tz rooflng gri t 1.50 cu. yd.

L u m b e r C o n d i t i o n s U n c h a n g e d .

T h e a t t e m p t o n t h e p a r t of m a n u f a c t u r ­e r s a n d s e l l e r s t o f o r c e m a r k e t c o n d i t i o n s , a c c o r d i n g t o s o m e a u t h o r i t i e s i n t h e t r a d e , is r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e l o w p r i c e s n o w b e i n g g e n e r a l l y m a i n t a i n e d i n t h e s o f t w o o d s a n d b u i l d i n g l u m b e r . T h e s a l e s r e p o r t e d b y t h e w h o l e s a l e r s a r e f a i r i n v o l u m e , c o m p e t i t i o n b e i n g s t i l l k e e n . T h e w h o l e ­s a l e r s a r e b e g i n n i n g t o r e p o r t s c a r c i t y i n c e r t a i n k i n d s of h a r d w o o d s , a n d i n c o n ­s e q u e n c e a d v a n c i n g p r i c e s a r e a l m o s t s u r e to f o l l o w .

LUMBER. , , ^ .!.„ These flgures cover only wholesale prices to tne

trade on well manufactured graded stock, classl­fled bv the Inspection rules now In operat ion. Because of te rms of sale, etc. . It la Impracticable to quote retail orlces.

HARDWOODS. ,. , , . ,, •„ The toHowing prices a re the latest rul ing to

the wholesale lumber dealers in carload lots, f. o. b. New York City, within free l ighterage limits,

PRICES, loenr t Clear quar te r sawn Whi te Oak *Sl'Sx Clear quar te r sawn Red O a k . . . . . . . . . . . . . as.w Select quar te r sawn Red and Wbi te Oak. . o9.W Clear plain sawn White Oak 5J.W Clear plain sawn Red Oak OJ-W Select grade Red and Wliite Oak 4o.00 No 1 Common Red and White Oak is . txt Ko 2 Common or Factory Red and White

Oak ^^-^ OAK LUMBER in car lots to the wholesole

lumber trade f. o. b. New York City within tree l ighterage l imi ts : Ash 1 in., 1st and 2d3 ( w h i t s ) . . .$50.00®$52.00 Ash, 1 in.. Nc. 1 common ( w h i t e ) . . 3S.U0 i^^'ii Ash 1 In.' No 1 common (brown) . 35.00 36.00 Bassxvood, 1 in., I s l and 2ds 40.00 42.00 Basswood, 1 In,, No. 1 c o m m o n . . , 30.00 31.00 Birch. 1 In.. 1st and 2ds t r e d ) . . . 48.00 50.00 Birch, 1 In., 1st and 2ds ( w b i t e ) . . 36.00 38.00 Birch 1 in.. No. 1 coramon ( r e d ) . . 28,00 34,00 Birch 1 m , No. 1 common (while) 25.00 27.00 Chestnut , 1 In., I s l and 2ds 4C..0O 48.<)0 Chestnut . 1 In., No. 1 c o m m o n . , . . 30.00 3H,00 Cherry, 1 In., 1st and 2ds 95.00 100.00 Cherry 1 in.. No. 1 common 54.00 60,00 Cypress, 1 in., I s l and 2ds 49.00 Cypress 1 in., shop 33.00 Gum, 1 In., 1st & 2ds (red) (Hazel) 37.00 39-00 Gum 1 in No. 1 common ( r e d ) . . 30.00 32.00 Mapl'e 1 in., 1st and 2ds 30.00 32.00 Maple 1 In., No. 1 common 25.00 25.00 Oak, 1 m., 1st and 2ds ( p l a i n ) , . . 47.00 60.00 Oak 1 in.. No. 1 common 38.00 40.00 Oak 1 in., 1st & 2ds (quar t e red) . 8U.0O 84.00 Oak 1 In, No. 1 com. (quartered) 50.00 55.00 Poplar, ! In., 1st and 2ds 50.00 58.00 Poplar 1 In.. No. 1 common 36.IX) 38.00 Walnut , 1 In.. 1st and 2d3 100.00 105.00 Walnut, 1 In,, No 1 common 55.00 65,00


Clear S ^ S O No. 1 3S.00 Factory 25,50

QUARTER SAWN: 4/4 I s l and 2ds $85.00 5/4 80.00 4/4 No. 1 common 56,00 5/4 67.00

PLAIN SAWN: 4 /4 i s l and 2ds $50.00 5/4 52.00 4/4 No. 1 common 36.00 5/4 No. 1 common 38.00 4/4 No. 2 common 22.51) 5/4 No. 2 common 24.50

All oak and mapie flooring is thoroughly kiln dry, end matched, tongue and groove, hollow backed, bored for blind nailing and bundled. The best manufac turers also sleel polish their product.

HEMLOCK.—Pa. Hemlock, f. o. b. New YorK, base price, .?2).00 per M. West Virginia Hem­lock, base price, $21.00. Eas te rn Hemlock, from one 10 two dollars lower, according lo the stock, manufacture and delivery.

LATH. V/^ in. round wood lath $.^.75@ $3.85 Ess t e rn spruce, slab 3.65 3.75

SPRUCE (Eas te rn ; Random Cargoes.) 2 inch cargoes ?22.rt0@$26-00 6 to 9 inch cargoes 34,00 2G.O0

10 to 12 inch cargoes 27.00 30.00 W H I T E P I N E .

Good Uppers, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 per 1,000 feet $!)4,nO@$06.00

Selects, 4-4 82.00 84.00 Selects, 5-4 82.00 84.00 Selects, 6-4 83.00 84.00 Selects, 8-4 82.00 84.00 Shelving, No. 1, 1 x 10 in 47.00

Shelving. No. 2, 1 x 10 In 40.00 41,00 Cutting up. 5-4, 6-4. 8-4, Is ts m-OO 62,50 Cut t lns up. 5-4, 6-4 8-4, 2 d s . . , . 46.50 52.50 No. 1 Dressing boards 47.00 50.00 5-4, 6-4. 8-4 54.00 51.00

For 1-2-4 cement, sand, stone, add 8% (32 lbs.) Pine Cone Hydrated Lime.

For l -2i /a-4^ cement, sand, s tone, add 12% (48 lbs.) Pine Cone Hydra ted Lime.

For 1-3-5 cement, sand, stone, add 16% (64 lbs.) Pine Cone Hydrated Lime.

LONG L E A F YELLOW P I N E FLOORING. " A " Hear t face rift, D. & M.. 13-16 „ „ ^ , . , . „

X 2V2, counted 1 x 3 $ O 1 , 0 0 @ $ J 1 . O O " B " Hea r t r i l t , D. Sc M.. 13-10

X 2'/, counted 1 x 3 51,00 52.00 '•C" He'art rift, D. & M-, 13-16

X 2 ^ . counted 1 x 3 34-50 37.00 " A " Rift, D. & M., 13-16, counted

I X B 46,50 43.00 - B ' ^ R i f t , D. & M . , 13-16. counted ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^

" ^ • i T * ^ ^ - . . ^ . ' ! : . . ' ' : ^ ' : . T ° ! ! ' ! 30.00 32.50 " A " F la t D. & M,, 13-16, counted

1 I a 31,50 33.50 " B " Flat, D. &. M., 13-16, counted

1 x 3 28.00 31.50 No. 1 Com., D. Sc M.. 13-10.

counted 1 X 3 24.00 25.00 Ko 2 Com., D, & M., 13-16

counted 1 X 3 IT.OO 18.00 " A " Hear t Rift, 13-10 x 3Vi. ^^ '

counted 1 x 4 oo.OO 57,00 " B " Hea r t Rift, 13-16 x S'A.

counted 1 x 4 43,50 51,00 " C " Hea r t Rift, .13-lG x 371,

counted 1 x 4 •• " A " Rift, 13-16 X 3Vi, counted 1x4. 43.00 45.30 " B " Rift 13-16 X 3'/4, counted 1x4. 40.00 41.00 '•C" Rift, 13-16 X SVi. counted 1x4, 30,00 32.50 " B " Flat , 13-16 X m , counted 1x4. 23.00 3l).00 No 1 Com., 13-16 X SVi. counted

1 x 4 24,00 25.00 No. 2 Com., 13-16 x 3"4, counted

1 x 4 17,00 18.00 No. 1 barn boards, 8-ln 39.00 40.50

10-in 42.50 , . . , 12-in 49.50 52.50

No 2 barn boards. S-tn 30 00 37.0i) 10-in 30.00 40.00 12-in 44.00 48,00

No, 3 barn boards. 8-iQ 33,00 10-in 34.50 35,00 l^-in! '.. •. 37.00 39,00

L i n . s e e d O i l S t i l l H i g h .

N o i m p r o v e m e n t is n o t e d i n t h e p a i n t s a n d oil s i t u a t i o n , a n d t h e r e p r o b a b l y w i l l b e n o n e , u n t i l t h e p r i c e of l i n s e e d oil d r o p s f r o m i t s p r e s e n t h i g h l e v e l . S e c o n d h a r d s c o n t i n u e t o o f fe r p a r c e l s o n p r o m p t d e l i v ­e r y , b u t f u t u r e s a r e a t a s t a n d s t i l l p e n d ­i n g m o r e n o r m a l c o n d i t i o n s i n flaxseed. C i t y r a w , A m e r i c a n s e e d in 5 b b l s . o r m o r e is s e l l i n g a t 6 3 a n d G4 c e n t s ; c i t y s i n g l e b o i l e d , A m e r i c a n s e e d i n s a m e q u a n t i t i e s b r i n g 64 a n d 65 c e n t s . C i t y d o u b l e b o i l e d , A m e r i c a n , b r i n g s 65 a n d 66 c e n t s , w h i l e W e s t e r n r a w i s q u o t e d a t 6 2 a n d 6 3 c e n t s . F l a x s e e d , N o , 1 N . W . , i s q u o t e d t h i s w e e l i i n C h i c a g o a t $1 .74 , w h i l e N o . 1 S W . w a s l i s t e d a t $ 1 , 6 4 .

T h e d e m a n d f o r p a i n t s in t h i s c i t y is a l i t t l e b e t t e r t h a n n o r m a l , a n d h a s b e e n s o s i n c e e a r l y i n S e p t e m b e r , w h e n m a n y of t h e b i g o p e r a t i o n s in t h i s c i t y w e r e b e i n g flnished. T h e p r o s p e c t s a r e , a c c o r d i n g t o w e l l - i n f o r m e d p e r s o n s in t h e t r a d e , t h a t t h e W i n t e r wi l l b e a b u s y o n e , f o l l o w e d b y a lu l l i n t h e S p r i n g , w i t h r e s u m p t i o n of a c t i v i t i e s o n a s t i l l l a r g e r s c a l e t h a n t h a t of t h i s y e a r i n t h e S u m m e r . V a r n i s h is u n s t e a d y , b u t s h o w e d i m p r o v e m e n t i n t h e e a r l y p a r t of t h e w e e k .

p r i c e s wi l l g o b a c k t o t h e flgures t h a t m a i n t a i n e d b e f o r e t h e p a n i c . " A s i n t h e c a s e w i t h o t h e r b r a n c h e s of t h e s t o n e t r a d e , s l a t e i s m a k i n g a g r e a t l y i m p r o v e d s h o w i n g .

STONE.—Wholesale rates, delivered at New York.

Bennington building mabie $1.25@ . . . . Brownstone, Port land, Con 60 $1.25 Caen 1,25 1.75 Georgia building marble 1.40 2.00 Granite, black 1.00 2.00 Granite, grey 60 1.00 Granite, Maine 50 .75 Grani te , Milford, pink 1,00 Granite, Picton Island, pink 1-(K) Granite, Picton Island, red 1.00 Granite, Westerly, blue 1.18 3,50 Granite, Westerly, red 1,00 3.00 Hudson River blueslone. promiscuous

sizes, per cu. ft 80 . . . . Kentucky limestone 90 Lake Superior redstone 1.05 . . . . Limestone, buff and blue 80 1.00 Longmeadow freestone 85 .90 Ohio freestone 80 1,00 Portage or Warsaw stone 90 1.00 Scotch redstone 1,05 . . . . South Dover building marble 1.25 1.50 Tennessee marble 2.35 2.50 Vermont white building marble 1.00 1.50 Wyoming bluestone 80 .90

SLATE,—Prices are per square, delivered In New York In car lots,

Bangor, Genuine, No. 1 $5,00 ?6.75 Brownvilie & Monson Mine 6.50 8.00 Chapman, No. 1 5.25 6.00 Peach Bottom 6.90 7.50 Red, No. 1 10.00 JM.K Unfading Green 5.uO ti.2b

S t o n e i n Q u i e t M a r k e t .

E x c e p t for the fact t h a t re ta i le r s and wholesalers in t h e s tone t r a d e cont inue to place good-sized requis i t ions for rough mate r i a l , a n d in near ly every ins tance in g r e a t e r quan t i t i e s t h a n in any yea r since 1906, t h e week was uneventful . Cu t t e r s r e ­por t t h a t while tlioy have a good volume of business on hand they a re t a k i n g few new con t r ac t s , compara t ive ly speaking. ' Most of t hem h a v e work sufficient t o keep tliem moving well du r ing the win te r .


Siate dea le rs r epor t t h a t t he m a r k e t condit ions in t h a t commodi ty cont inue to firm for a n a d v a n c e on J a n . 1. Genuine No. 1 Bangor is ciuoted today a t $5.00 and $0.T5, w i t h the l a t t e r price rul ing, B, J. Johnson , of T h e E. J, Johnson Co., P o t t e r building, wlien asked w h a t the price ou t ­look for t he first of t he y e a r w^as, sa id: "The tendency i'S u p w a r d and be t t e r prices undoubted ly will prevai l a f te r J a n . 1. M a r k e t condit ions a re sa t i s fac to ry for this t ime of the year , and t oward its close

Old B u i l d i n g F i r m Iuco i -po ra t e s .

The George W, Ruddel l Co., of 25 W e s t 42d st , is a corpora t ion recent ly formed to succeed the firm of John & G. Ruddel l , which was establisl ied in this ci ty in 1S62, Mr. J o h n Ruddel i is p res ident of the new company, and is one of the oldest builders l iving and still in business . He , wi th his brother , formed a p a r t n e r s h i p i n the yea r jus t ment ioned and m a d e a spe ­cialty of bui lding p r i va t e homes bo th for themselves and others . They bui l t ve ry la rgely on the E a s t Side, in the 19th W a r d , and completed m a n y rows of houses in t h a t section, hav ing liad a s cl ients m a n y old r ep resen ta t ives of New T o r k whose e s t a t e s the company still does work for. George W. Ruddel l , the v ice-pres ident of t he company , iias been act ively engaged in the bui lding bus iness for m a n y years , bo th a s a mason bui lder and genera l con­t rac to r . H i s work has been carr ied on pr incipal ly on the new W e s t Side, and in­cludes all b r anches of the bui lding bus i ­ness. The George W . Ruddel l Co, is a t p re sen t ac t ive ly engaged and h a s a well es tabl ished business .

H a i T i s o n & M e y e r ' s AVork i n D e m a n d .

H a r r i s o n & Meyer, special is ts in a r t i ­ficial s tonework , of 16 E a s t 18th st , h a v e recent ly t aken some i m p o r t a n t c o n t r a c t s for s idewalk and concrete fioor work. Among them is t he U. S. Casua l ty bui ld­ing a t L iber ty s t and Temple pi, and the H u d s o n Savings B a n k . Hudson , N. T., for the A n d r e w J. Rob inson Co., a n d in St. Luke ' s Hosp i ta l for E r n e s t F l a g g , the a rch i tec t .

This company m a k e s a specia l ty of a r t i ­ficial s tone s idewalks , cel lars and vau l t s . George T. H a r r i s o n and John T. Meyer, a r e botli exper t s in the i r l ine and give personal supervis ion to a l l work. E s t i ­m a t e s a re ciieerfully given and inquir ies m a y be m a d e by mai l or telephone, S t u y ­vesant , 3170. Some of the i m p o r t a n t work t h a t this firm lias handled , is found in the Singer building, where th i s firm laid all the under l loor ing from s u b - b a s e ­m e n t to roof.

G a s o l i n e vs . A l c o h o l .

A gallon of dena tu red alcohol can be m a d e to do the s a m e a m o u n t of work in a n engine a s a gallon of gasol ine; m o r e ­over, t he alcohol does not produce smoke and- is less l iable to yield obnoxious odors, b u t the lower price of gasol ine m a k e s it the cheaper fuel. These conclu­sions, based on tlie resu l t s of 2,000 com­pa ra t i ve tes ts of the two subs tances a s engine fuels, a r e given In Bul le t in 392 of the Uni ted S ta tes Geological Survey .

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 913

New Arcliitectiu'al TeiTa Cotta Com­pany Enters the Field.

The Federal Terra Cotta Conipany has recently been incorporated with a capital of $1,000,000, and with offices in the Trinity Building, No. I l l Broadway, New York. It is tlie purpose of this company to immediately build and equip a model architectural terra cotta factory. Great improvements will be made In this fac­tory, which will enable the company to produce a superior quality of terra cotta and make deliveries on shorter time. The plant, which will be the largest in the country, will be completed April 1. 1910. Land has been purchased at Woodbridge, N. J., with siding connections with the Pennsylvania Railroad, It is also situated on the deep waterway, Woodbridge Creek, which will enable the company to ship in bulk to all the coast States.

The officers and directors of the com­pany are as follows; Directors—De Forest Grant, William Manice, John E. Berwind, Edw. R, Stettinius, Frank A, Thayer, Madison Grant, Dwight W. Taylor, Edwin Thorne, Rodney Thayer, Wm, B. Dins­more.

Oflicer.s—President and general manager, De Forest Grant; first vice-president, Ed­win Thorne; second vice-president, Will­iam Manice; treasurer, Frank A. Thayer; secretary, Dwight W. Taylor.

The management of the company will be in the hands of men who had long and active experience in the terra cotta busi­ness and are well known to the building trade. The company is very strong finan­cially, having all the necessary money to build and equip the plant and carry on a large business.

Other prominent men interested finan­cially in the company are Stuyvesant Pish, Goelet Gallatin, H. Holbrook Cur­tis, H. A, Berwind, B. N. Duke, Wm. de Forest Haynes, Schuyler Schieffelin, Lewis R. Morris, Norman Grant, E. H. Wells, Alfred H. Bond.

In recent years there lias developed a very great demand for a high class of architectural terra cotta. and it is to fill this demand satisfactorily and promptly that this conipany lias been formed.

Au Enaineer on Criminal Courts Unilding.

Since the scare over the possible col­lapse of the Criminal Courts Building has passed out of the public mind to some extent a t least, and various experts have been heard upon the subject of whether the structure is safe for occupancy, it is interesting to recall that its condition was known to be practically the same as it is to-day five years ago. Discussing the subject of foundations in an inter­view with a Record and Guide represent­ative this week, Mr. Fred. Dana Rhodes, of 140 Cedar st said:

"During the construction of the subw-ay I had the honor to be engaged on the committee of examination of the con­struction company, and while our terri­tory was between Brooklyn and the City Hall here, we made an investigation of the Criminal Courts building, and found cracks in the walls and some arches supported by timbers. It is an estab­lished fact that a pile deep driven into the earth until the driving end is entirely "broomed," or until it can no longer be driven, will continue to sink slowly if a great weight is constantly applied to it. That, in my opinion, based upon a casual examination, is what is happening in the Criminal Courts building.

"When we reported we recommended that measurements be taken by the city every once in a while exactly as they now propose to do so as to note the rapidity with which these piles are sinking. That is the only way to keep an intelligent tab on the safety of the structure."

Mr, Rhodes added that he believed the building to be safe in its present condi­

tion, and that dynamite would have to be employed to tear it down sliould such a course bo attempted.

Mr. Rhodes has attained a high reputa­tion as an expert engineer and examiner of buildings adjacent to new s'tructures, being chief engineer of the committee tliat examined and reported on buildings and property to the value of $75,000,000 along the Brooklyn-Manhattan subway extension. Some of the buildings ad­jacent to excavations that he has ex­amined are the Estate of Janet Lavaing, Al. Hayman, The Aeolian building. Men­delssohn Hall, the rectory and church of the Holy Communion, Abbott & Morgan and many others. He is a Cornell gradu­ate and a member of the American So­ciety of Engineers, and has made a life long study of his specialty.

Nassau Steel & Iron Co. to Move. C. J. Wolfe, properitor of the Nassau

Steel & Iron Works, will announce to the trade within the next few weelis the re­moval of his offices from No. 21^26 Stone st, to his own building at No. 525 SSth st, Brooklyn. The Nassau Steel and Iron Works has had its headquarters at the Stone street address for several years, but will move from there on or about December 1.

The works will remain where they are at Nos. 37 and 39 42d st, Brooklyn, where every facility will be offered contractors and architects for turning out architec­tural and ornamental iron. The com­pany's equipment is of the finest and a staff ot expert designers and draughts­men is employed to give careful attention to the minutest detail of all kinds of ornamental iron construction work. Sketches and estimates, as announced in his advertisement in another part of this issue, are always cheerfuly and promptly given.

Trejiiendoug Demand for Front Brick. Front bricl: dealers are reporting a

great demand for that material, and are expecting a busy Spring. Discussing this subject a few days ago, Mr, Houghtaling, of Houghtaling & Wittpenn, 44 East 23d st, made this statement, as illustrating 1909 conditions:

"We are selling up to the capacity of our yards, the Kittanning Clay Potteries, at Kittanning, Pa. During the last six months we have had more business than in any one year. A great deal of the de­mand for our material has been down­town, but while some of it has been in sizeable contracts, medium quantities prevailed. There seems to be much more of this kind of business than usual. This, I consider, to be a good sign for a busy season early next year, I do not look for much this winter, however,

"A good field is opening up in New Jer­sey. Less frame construction is going on, because most of the progressive cities are extending their fire limits. The result of this is seen in Jersey City, where a fine grade of dweliing and apartment house work is going on, Newark is developing rapidly, but as a result of the introduction of the tunnel system of transportation to and from this city, other towns are de­veloping—Westfield, Elizabeth, Plainfield and towns even as far away as Trenton, taking their part in the demand for front brick,"

Riunored l>eal Between Big Companies.

The rumor was current in the trade this week that the American Steel & Wire Company had effected a selling ar­rangement for the Metropolitan district with the Berger Manufacturing Com­pany, s e cor l l t h av and 22d st, for the steel company's Triangle Mesh Reinforce­ment.

This information, which, from inquiries made by the Record and Guide, seems to

have some foundation in fact, will be good news to contractors in this city and vicinity, as the Berger Manufacturing Company undoubtedly will carry a large stock available for immediate delivery at jobs, both here and in the suburbs. The Berger Conipany already has branches established at No. 2 Sarah Ann st, Tomp­kinsville, S. I,, and in the Realty building, 149th st and 3d av, in the heart of the Bronx. This will enable contractors to get this material in almost any quantity desired at short notice, which has not been entirely possible heretofore.

ADVANCE REPORTS, (Continued from Page 910.)

and 113th st, for Geo. F, Johnson & Son. Geo. and Edward Blum, [303 5tli av, pre­pared the plans. Estimated cost $1,500,-000. For further particulars see another column of this issue.

Municipal Work. DE KALB AV.—Plans are near com­

pletion for alterations, which will rfost $25,OCO, to the engine house at 124 De Kalb av, for the New York Fire Depart-, ment. The architect is H. Bullard, care of the department. The work will include a feed-storage house.

AQUEDUCT.—Bids will be received by the Board of Water Supply, 299 Eroad­way, Nov. 24, until 11 A. M., for Contract 60, for the construction of the Hurley dikes of the Ashokan reservoir, known as Glenford, Woodstock and West Hurley dikes. They are to be of rolled earth em­bankments, with concrete core-walls, and aggregate about 1.6 miles in length. The work is located near West Hurley, nn the Ulster and Delaware Railroad, about six miles northwest of Kingston, in the towns of Hurley and Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y. The security required will be $2,SO,000.

WILLIAMSBURGH BRIDGE, — The Bridge Department is planning to give more strength to the Williamsburgh Bridge structure in order to prepare for the subway trafiic. Commissioner Steven­son says the plans of the present bridge were drawn more than ten years ago, and at a time when subway traffic over the bridge was not contemplated. As early as two years ago, when the Public Service Commission first brought forward the plan to have the subway loop train's cross the bridge, the department began to plan for that new traffic. Two extra bents will be placed underneath the land spans on either side, but tiie work will not be done immediately. No appropriation has been asked for.

Government Work. The bid of Morse-Boulger Destructor

Co., of New York, $3,750 in aniount, has been accepted for the construction of a garbage crematory at Fort Hamilton, N, Y. The worlt is to be completed within 75 days.

TOLEDO, O.—Sealed proposals will be received December 20 for the installation of a conduit and wiring system and a standard clock system in the U. S. Post OfRce, Toledo, O. James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect, Washington, D, C. Municipal Work.

ATHENS. 0,—Sealed proposals will be received on tiie 2Sth of December for the construction (including plumbing, gas piping, heating aparatus, eiectric conduits and wiring), of the U, S. Post OfficG at Athens, O. James Knox T.ayior, Super­vising Architect, Washington, D. C.

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N, Y.—Mark P. Wells, of Philadelphia. Pa., general con­tractor for the new post ofHce building to be erected here, has awarded sub-contract for excavating to Smith W. Robbins, of Saratoga Springs, and the sub-contract for the electric work to R. C, Strang, of Phil­adelphia. Excavating began this week. ,

914 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING STATISTICS. The following are the comparative tables of Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn of the Conveyances, Mortgages and

Proiected Buildings for the Corresponding weeks of 1908 and 1909.


1909 . 190S. Sov. 12 to 18, inc, Nov. 1 3 to 19 . i n c .

To ta lNo. for M a n h a t t a n 197 Total No. tor Manl ia t tan 193 No, wltli cons idera t ion 23 No. wi th cons idera t ion . . 19 Amount involvod $663 ,150 Amount involved $749 ,088 N u m s e r nomina l 174 N u m b e r n o m l n a l 174

1909. 1908 . 9,496 8.509

748 619 $42 ,175 ,981 $32 ,754 ,220

1908 . Nov. 13 to 19 , Inc .

Total No. lor the Brons 129

Total No. Manl ia t tan , J an , 1 to da te Ho. wi th cons idera t ion , M a n h a t t a u , J a n .

1 to da te Total Ami. Manha t t an , J a n . 1 to da t e

1009. Nov. 12 to I S , Jnc.

Total No. tor the Brons . JJo. wi th coneldora t ion . Amount involved N u m h e r n o m i n a l

137 5

$20 ,453 132

Tota! No., The Bronx, J a n . 1 to da te Total Amt., The Bronx, J a n . 1 to da t e ' t ' o t a . l n o . iT l . a i i i i a , t t a . u a n d X b e

B r o n x , Jii . i t> 1 t o d a t e T o t a l A m t . m a n h a t t a n a n d X h e

B r o n x , J a u . 1 t o d a t e

No. wi th considera t ion, . Amount lnvo lved Number n o m i n a l

1909. 6,526

$3 ,852,546

1 6 , 0 2 3

K 4 t i , 0 3 S , 5 3 ?

6 357 .175


1908 . 6 ,723


1 5 , 2 3 3

( 8 3 7 , 2 4 9 , 0 0 1

A s s e s s e d V a l u e IH a n i l a t t a n . 1809,

Nov. 12 to 1 8 . inc . Total No. wi th considera t ion 33 Amount involved 5663 ,150 Asaeasea value *637,0U0 Total No. nomina l 174 Assessed value £7 ,380,000 Tota lNo. wi th conald.,Erom J a n . I t o d a t e 7 4 8 Aniount involved " " £42 ,175 ,981 Aaeeaeed value - " " 534.382,100 Total No, n o m i n a l " " 8,828 Aaaessed value " " S407.S42.261

1908 . Nov. 13 to 19 , inc .

19 5749 ,088 $706 ,000

174 $S,34»,0U0

619 $32 ,754 ,220 $26 ,465 ,640

6,890 £396.589 ,200


, .Nov. 12 to 18, iuQ-M a n h a t t a n .

Total n u m b e r 2U1 Amounl IflTolved S4,348,066 No. a t '12j£ 6 Amonflt tnvOlWa $23,642 H o . a t 9 ^ ^ 1 Amount liivolved S3,120 No. a t 8 % 4 3 Aniount involved 15,107 No, «t83^<f 1 Amount involved »614 No.a t8s^ i t 1 Amount Insolved $4 ,953 No. a t 8 % 5 Amouut involved $6 ,865 No, a t 7%% 5 Amount Involved $8 ,202 N o . a t T i ^ ^ 1 Amount involved $2 ,430 N o . a t 7 % ^ 1 Amount involved $3,341 No. a t 6%% 8 Amount lnvo lved $6 ,924 No. a t 6 % % 5 Amount Involved $5 ,482 N o . a t 6 % % 2 Amount involved S3,o24 N o . a t 6 J ^ % 3 Amount Involved $6 ,140 No.at63/8% . . . 5 Amount Involved $4,5o» H o . a t 6 J 4 % ^„ „ ^ 1 Amount involved $ 2 , i 2 i No, a t 6% 57 I m o u n t i n v o l v e d 51 ,246 ,034 No. a t 5 J ^ % 1 Amount involved $2,103 No, a t oi% 2 Am oil n t involved $11 ,000 No, a t 5% 37 Amount involved £1,507,6 11 N o . a t 4>i% 37 Amount involved $ 1 , I 2 5 , S 0 2 » ( l . a t 4 J i 3 Amount Involvod $45 ,625 NO. wn t i tntares' t not given 21 i A o u p t InvQjvad $321 ,900 NB, fiSoTP ?( Baafe, T r u s t

a n g r n s u r a n c e Oompanles 43 Amount lnvolved $1 ,764 ,271

1908 . — Nov. 13 to 19, inj; , -

B r o n s . M a n h a t t a n . 145 155

•$1 ,296 ,306 $3 ,176 ,963

B r o n s . 115


46 $453 ,050 $1,350,566

56 $289 ,450

20 S77.870

36 $368 ,990

1 $30 ,000

10 $137 ,300

39 $992 ,000

4 $50 ,000

24 $197 ,375

17 $141 ,700

42 £366,387


31 $047,097

18 $68 ,700


0., a^anjtiattap, J a n . 1 to d a t e — m t . j j i a f i h a m n . J a n . 1 to d a l e . . .

. , ? . , The Brpns , Jaii. 1 to da te AT01-, fheBi^iL";, J a n 1 to da^e Ll So., U l a i i l i a i t a n

Total • T o l s l , Td.

T t o i a i 5 J o . , 1 « ^ i i i > a f " « ' a u a n d ^ f b e U r o n x , J a n . 1 t o d a t e .

T o m l A u i t . J l a n l i a t t a n a n d T J i e B r o n x , J a n t l i o d a t e

£435 ,600 51 ,682 ,000 1909 . 8 ,235

$271 ,825 ,290 6.846

•$57 ,952 ,767

1 5 , 0 S 1

Total No., M a n h a t t a n , JaQ, 1 to d a t e — 'ItitaJ Amt., nlanliatt&n, J a n . 1 to d a t e . . . •Potal No., The m i j n s , J a n . 1 to da te Total . Imt . ,Tne Brons , J a n . 1 to da te T u t a , ! N o . , . T I a n l i a t i a j i a n d T h e

ftroux, j E i u . I t o d a t e — •_*••• r o ' c a l A n i i . t E T i D n h a t t a u a n d ' T h e

B T O n x , . t a i k . L t o d a t i e

16 $ 1 1 4 , 0 0 0

1908 . 7,576

$243 ,080 ,060 6.236

$35 ,631 ,931

1 3 , 8 1 2

• S 3 2 9 , 5 J S , 0 5 r S 3 ? S , 7 1 1 , 9 9 1

*Does n o t i n c l u d e m o r t g a g e of $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 g i v e n by A r m o u r & Co., A r m o u r P a c k i n g Co. a n d A r m o u r C a r L i n e s t o F a r m e r s L o a n SL T r u s t Co a s t r u s t e e s c o v e r i n g r e a l e s t a t e , r o l l i n g s t o c k , e t c . , i n t h i s a n d o t h e r s t a t e s .


—Nov. 12 to 18, I t i c .— M a n h a t t a n .

Total nu jahe r 41 Amount involved $1 ,493,450 Np . f t t 6% 1 Amount Involved $2 ,000 Nn. al u>J% 2 Amount yivolved $72 ,000 No. a t 5 % 19 Smotmt involved $963 ,000 No .a t 4 y % IS Amount iuvolved $387 ,500 No. wi th in t e re s t not given 4 i p i o u n t Involved £73 ,950 No. atlove toBanf i . T rus t

an f l l neu rance Companies 11 AinonntInvolved $312 ,500

Brons , 31

$619 ,500 4

£7 ,500

1908 . ,—Nov. 13 to 19, Inc. . M a n h a t t a n , B r o n s .

24 $595 ,000

1 $6 ,000

2 $11 ,000

19 $394 ,500

1909 1,614

$79 ,833 ,207 527


3 , 1 4 1

« S 4 , 8 5 2 , 6 2 r



Total No. New Bu i ld ings : M a n h a t t a n The Brons .

1909 . 1908 . Nov, 13 to 19, inc .Nov. 14 to 20 , Inc .

12 7 44 sa

Grand total Total Amt. New B u i l d i n g s :

M a n h a t t a u The B r o n s

Grand total Total Amt, A l t e ra t ions :

M a n h a t t a n The Bronx ,

5 3

$1 ,620,000 676,950

$2 ,298 ,950

$94 ,950 17 ,450

$112 ,400

891 2,134

3 , 9 3 5

£117,579,562 35,692,260


$ 3 3 7 , 6 8 0 2,496,650

$2 ,734 ,330

$226 ,350 45 ,300

$271 ,650

G6B 1.622

3 , 1 8 7

$74,682,601 17.395,950

Grand total Total No. of New Bui ld ings :

M a n h a t t a n , J a n . 1 to da te The Brons , J a n . I t o d a t e

I V n h t n - B r o n x , J a n * 1 t o d a t e Total Amt. New B u i l d i n e s ;

Manha t t au , J au . 1 to da te The Bronx, J a n . 1 to da te

M n h l n - B r o n x , J a n . 1 t o d a t e S 1 5 3 , 2 7 1 , S 2 3 « 9 3 , 0 3 8 , 4 5 1 Total Amt. Al te ra t ions ;

M n h t n - B r o n x , J a u . 1 t o d a t e « l l , 6 1 7 , l S r ftlO,306,lS7


1909. 1908. Nov. 11 to 17 , Inc . Nov. 12 t o l a , inn.

Total n u m b e r 589 590 No. wi th cons idera t ion 29 2 4 Amount lnvo lved $200 ,822 $218 . I2B Number n o m i n a l 560 566 T o t a l n u n a b e r o f c o n T e y a u c e s .

J a u . I t o d a t e 3 4 , 6 6 9 3 3 , 9 9 9 T o t a l a m o i L u t o f c o n T e y a n c e s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a l e S 1 3 , 3 4 8 , 7 3 5 $ 1 5 , 5 9 6 , 4 4 9

MORTGAGES. Total n u m b e r 585 472 Amount lnvo lved ' $2 ,479 ,335 $1 ,819 ,451 No. a t 6% 331 293 Amount lnvo lved £1 ,116 ,039 $957 ,016 N o . a t 5 > i % 8 9 187 Amount lnvo lved £566 ,470 $651 ,779 No. a t 51% ^ 1 Amount Involvod tjl ,500 No. a t 5% 145 26 Amount involved $668,600 $14i>,425 No, a t 4 " , ^ I Amount lnvo lved . £35 ,000 No. a t 4% 1 Amount Involved $ 4 , 8 0 0 Ko. wi tn i n t r e s t not given 17 16 -Amount involved $86 ,328 $65 ,231 T o t a l n n m b e r o f M o r t g a g e s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e 3 3 , S S 5 S 3 2 , 5 S 5 T o t a l a n i o n n t o f m o r t g a g e s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e • S 9 4 , 7 3 4 , 7 5 0 $ 8 2 , 8 5 7 , 7 9 7 ' D o e s n o t i n c l u d e two m o r t g a g e s a g g r e g a t i n g .$30,021,415, g iven

by A r m o u r SL C O . , of I l l i n o i s . , A r m o u r P a c k i n g Co. a n d A r m o u r Sc Co. , of N, J., a n d A r m o u r C a r L i n e to F a r m e r s L o a n Sc T r u s t Co., c o v ­e r i n g r e a l e s t a t e , w a r e h o u s e s , m a c h i n e r y , e t c .

No. or New Bui ldings , Es t imated cost Total Amount of Al tera t ions T o t a l N o . ot N e » v B n i l d i u g s ,

J a n . 1 f o d a t e T o t a l A m t . o f N C T V B u i l d i n g s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e T o t a l A m o u n t o f A l t e r a t i o n , Jan. 1 to date


$699,230 $42,920

9 , 3 5 8

$ 5 1 , 1 5 5 , 5 1 6

$ 3 , 9 3 3 , 0 8 3



Nov. l a to 18, inc . 141

$756 ,706 $22 ,730

164 $768 ,208


5 , 6 0 0

$ 3 3 , 3 1 3 , 1 9 4

$ 4 , 9 4 0 , 3 8 4

No. ot New Bui ld ings Es t ima ted cost Total A m o u n t o t Alterat ions T o t a l N o . o f N e ^ v B u i l d i u g s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e 4 , 0 9 0 T o t a l A m t . o f N e * v B u i l d i u g s ,

J a n . 1 t o d a t e $ ] 5 , 0 8 4 , 5 3 1 T o t a l A m o u n t o f A l t e r a t i o n s ,

J a n . I t o D a t e $ 7 0 4 , 0 0 6

1908 Nov. 13 to 19 , inc .

8 1 $253,091

$32 ,155


W H I L E t h e r e w a s a n a b s e n c e of o t h a v t r a n s a c t i o n s , w h i c h h a v e c h a r a c t e r i z e d t h e m a r k e t f o r t h e p a s t m o n t h , t h e r e

w a s a v e r y s a t i s f a c t o r y a n i o u n t of b u s i n e s s r e p o r t e d . T h e t o t a l f o o t s u p s e v e n t y - f i v e s a l e s . Of t h e s e , e l e v e n w e r e b e t w e e n 2 4 t h a n d SOth s t s , b e t w e e n E r o a d w a y a n d T t h . a v . A l l of t h e s a l e s w e r e t o b u i l d e r s f o r i m m e d i a t e i m p r o v e m e n t .

B e t w e e n SOth a n d SOth s t s t h e r e w e r e o n l y n i n e s a l e s r e p o r t e d , n o n e of t h e m b e i n g of a n y i m p o r t a n c e .

T h e B r o n x is r e p r e s e n t e d in o u r r e p o r t s b y m o r e t h a n t h e u s u a l n u m b e r of t r a n s a c t i o n s , t h e r e b e i n g t w e n t y - o n e , of t h e s e n i n e a r e t r a n s a c t i o n s i n v a c a n t p r o p e r t y , r e p r e s e n t i n g s a l e s o f 3 5 l o t s .

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 915

Washington Heights transactions were all in vacant lots, and there were only six of these, two of them being in the region affected by the ISlst st station of the Subway, where there is also a very good demand for stores. All o£ the stores on ISlst st, and also those on St, Nicholas av and Broadway at the same point, are rented. The sale of the Field estate holding in the block bounded by Riverside Drive, Broadway, 149th and 150th sts, is the largest transaction closed on the Heights in some months, and more than likely means its imme­diate resale to builders for improvement.



THERE were forty-eight parcels offered in the Vesey street salesroom this week, one-half of them being foreclosures.

On Tuesday, Joseph P. Day offered a number of properties at voluntary sales, but met with indifferent success, most of them being bid in.

Wednesday was the interesting day of the week, as over .IGOOtCOO worth of property was sold. Bryan L. Kennelly offered several parcels for the Robert Barkley estate, one being the southeast corner of Sth av ancl 24th st, consisting of three 4-sty buildings, on a plot 84x75, which was bought by David H. Taylor for $160,000. Mr. Taylor represented the Gould estate, which owns the Grand Opera House, at the northwest corner of Sth av and 23d st. This purchase gives the estate a plot fronting 200 feet on the avenue and 275 and 245 feet on 23d and 24th sts, respectively.

On the same day Herbert A, Sherman held a successful sale of the properties in the Taylor estate, tiie whole bringing $5,000 more than the highest appraisal made for the estate, the total being $147,650. Samuel IMarx, James 1,. Wells Co. and Hugh D. Smyth each sold a Bronx property at foreclosure.

UNIFORMITY IN RENTS. While Mr. Clarence T. Coley, of the Douglas Robinson, Charles

S. Brown Company was making some remarks at the late Detroit convention of building managers and owners, Mr. W. W. Han­nan, of Detroit, asked him a ciuestion regarding the practice here in New Tork witli respect to renting and managing prop­erty. The discussion is reported by Secretary Paterson in "Building Management."

Mr, Hannan (Detroit): I want to ask you a further question which has come up a great deal this last summer in my travels and talks with real estate men all over the country. They have no general rule. A man comes into your oflice who merely wants you to find a tenant. In this city we charge him 3 peT cent of the gross rent. Many persons say to you, "I just want you to find a tenant, I don't want you to look after the prop-, erty." I found a firm in Seattle which takes nobody's property unless they take it to care for it, and for that they get 5 per cent. I want to know if that is the rule you use in New Tork?

Mr. Coley (New Tork): No, we all rent property at the pre­vailing renting percentages. We make a lease and collect a cer­tain per cent of tlie gross net of that lease. If a man rents an offlce for )glO,000, we collect a certain percentage of the. $10,000 for the making of the lease, paid to us in advance.

Mr, Hannan: My friend suggests possibly you did not quite understand me. This firm in Seattle will not take anyone's prop­erty unless they iiave the care and management of it, for v^hich they get 5 per cent of the monthly remittance. I believe that is the correct principle myself, I have never followed it, but I am going to bring it up before our real estate board here. I was wondering whether you followed any such practice in New Tork?

Mr, Coley: It is not uniform. Mr. Hannan: I want to ask another thing: Suppose you have

an apartment house where the rents run above $25? Mr. Coley: A tenement? Mr, Hannan: Tenement, as you term tliem. Does the renting of the ground floor, or first story of the building to a store,

depreciate the value of the flats above? Mr. Coley: No, sir, not when you consider it strictly in the

tenenient district. When you get up to rents of $50, then it does. A Delegate: Would you advise varying the price of apart­

ments in the same building? We have some buildings where the lower floors rent for so much and the upper ones for more. So. in the same building we get a tenant who pays $50 rent, and also get one who pays $25, My point is this: Is it good policy to mix the tenants who can pay $50 with the tenants who pay only $25?

Mr. Coley: I think, in answering that question, that there would be considerable objection on those low rentals, $25 and $50. Thedifference in the way a man dresses, the difference In his education and general appearance, between a man who can afford to pay $2'5 and a man who can afford to pay $50, is very marked, although that it not the case after you get up Into the higher grade apartments. I may be living in an apartment where there are people who pay $.3,000 a year rent. I am only paying $1,000. I dress as well as he does, I have just as good an education and general appearance. In that case it does not depreciate the property as it would in the lower grades of rent where there is a marked difference between the tenants.


BANK ST,—Tlic Clark estate of Brooklyn has sold 42 and 4-1 Bank st, 2 and 8-sty buildings, ou plot 411.2x1)1.3, near 4th st.

BROOME ST.—P. T. Cauavan has sold for Mrs. Sclinoider 56S Broome st and for Adam A. Scliopp ."iTO Broome st, lo Rev. Josepb Shastakns. who will erect a church for Lithuaniau Catholics.

C.\.NAL ST.—S.iiuuel Zipris has sold Cor Celia Calien 41 Canal st, a 4-sty building, 21.10x-^0, to IWax Kobre. The property lias been in the possession of the Cahen family for 43 years. The buyer will erect a 4-sty building on the lot, to whicii he will remove his bank­ing busioess from 40 Caual st.

CHURCH ST,—The Seymour estate is reported to have sold 280-288 Church st, northwest corner of White .st, a 4-sty building on plot .50-X.50,

COENTIES SLIP.—Hibbiird & Lesinsky have bought for a client 31 Coenties slip, a 4-st>- building, ou lot 27.6x4n.Ti, aiSjoining the southwest corner of South st. Title to the property stands in the name of Clara A. Chancller.

GREENWICH ST.—Duross Co. sold for Anna M. Buthfer S02-4 Greenwich st, northwest cor 12th st, two 4-st.y tenements on plot 41,GxC5, The buyer, it is said, will erect an 8-sty business build­ing. This is in the new wine section.

LEROY ST.—P. B. Browu & Sou, in conjunction with C, Carlucci & Co., have sold for Ernest L. Hahn 22 and 24 Leroy st, a G-sty tene­ment on plot 44xS0.

VANDAM ST.—Wm. R. Mason has sold for Anua E O'Neill 00 Vandam st, a 5-sty building on lot 48x25.2.

VARICK ST.-Morris J. Werner has sold through Henry Oppen­heimer a_nd Frank SL Kreielsheimcr 2S Varick st, a 5-sty building, on lot 25x05, adjoining the northeast cor of Beach st.

1 3 T H ST.^Jeromiah W, Dimick and Gustave Burout are reported .to bave sold 6, 8 and 10 West 13th st, a 3-sty and basement dwell­ing, on a plot G0xl03.3. Last August Geo. A. Plimpton completed the purchase of tho adjoiuing property, fronting 150 Et. on 13th st and 26 ft. in Sth av, for the purpose of erecting a printcry. It could not be learned if Mr, Plimpton is interested in the present purchase.

1 4 T H ST.—Duross Co. sold to Douglas Taylor the 4-sty basement aod cellar brownstone dwelling 211 West 14th st, on lot 25x120, for Jane G, Jennings. Mr. Taylor owns 209 West 14ttL St. and with the purchase of this property he enlarges bis plot 2oxl20.

2.5TH ST.—Henry M. Weill in conjunction with David Goldfarb, has sold for Ailolph Allman 15S, 160 ard 162 West 25th st, plot •56x98-9. au<-l 157 West 24th st, lot 22x98.9, Philip Levey is the buyer, A 12-sty Ioft building will be erected.

25TH ST.—William Goldstone is reported to have sold 128 and ]S0 West 2.jth st, two 3-sty building, on plot 50xSl.S, between Gth and Tth avs.

26TH ST,—Henry M. Weill has sold for Jeremiah W. Dimick, the carpet manufacturer, 161 and 1G3 West 2Gth st, plot 44x108. A 14-sty building is to be erected on that plot.

26TH ST.—S. B. Goodale & Son sold for Leo J. Kreshover 120 West 26th St. 21.5x98.9, and hi eonjuuetion with Henry M. Weill for Albert I. Sire No. 118 West 2G(h st, making a plot 43x98.0. Samuel Metzger is tbe buyer.

2GTH ST.—Margaret T. Johnston has sold the Van Buren, an R-sty hotel, at 153 East 2Glh st. The struclurfi is built ou a lot 20 ft. front and has a frontage of 98.9 ft. on Broadway alley, a 13-tt. wide thoroughfare, M-hich extends from 26tii to 27th st, 112 ft. west of 3d av.

27TH ST.—The estate of Mary Koenig has sold 221 W6st 27th st, a 4-sty dwelliug. on lot 21.6x98.9, about 200 ft. west of Tth av. Williani Goldstone is the buyer.

27TH ST.—David and Harry Lippman have sold 122 to 130 West 2Tth st, old buildings, on plot 98.9x98.9, bet 6th and Tth avs. A busmess building will be erected by the purchaser, who has hericto-fore confiued his building operations to apartment houses. With the exception of the 37.6-ft. front plot at 118-120, owned by the Realty Holding Co., and for which negotiations are said to bo pending for a re-sale with a loau, the entire south side of this block 's now in builders' hands. Frost, Palmer & Co. were the tirokers. The Rock-ton Construction Co., Jacob Herb, president, is the buyer.

2STH ST,—T. B. Robertson a-id S. B. Godale & Son have sold for Jenny K. Stafford to Ellen Dunne 113 West 2Sth st, a 3-sty build­ing on lot 21..5x98.9. Mrs, Dunne now owns a plot 43x98.9.

2 9 T H ST.—Wm. R. Nelson has sold 118 West 29th st, 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x08.9, bet 6th and Tth avs. Samuel Metzger is the buyer.

3 0 T H ST.—S, B. Goodale & Son sold for Maria S. Simpson to Will­iam Goldstone 149 West 30lh st, near Tlh av, a 5-sty tenement on lot 2oxl00.

43D ST.—David Bath has sold 249 East 43d st, a S-sty tenement, on lot 20x100.5, to Sothcrn & Marshall, who owos 247 adjoining.

4 4 T H ST.—Martin & Schraonsees have sold for Josenh. F. Gib­bons the 3-sty dwelling 435 West 44th st, on a lot 20x100.

53ST ST.—Duross Co have sold lo Eugene Gerbereux the 5-sty apartment house 235-23T 51st st. The buyer recently sold a couple of 2-family houses in Tonkers to the Duross Co.

.52D ST.—Buek & Crawford have resold for the Adams Realty Co, to Charles Brendon 46 East .52d st, a vacant lot, 17.6x100.

BOWERY.—B. Wagner has sold for the Callahan estate 110 Bowery, a 4-sty building, on lot 25x100, which has been held by the estate for over twenty years.

6 T H AV,—Mrs. A. M. Doyle is reported to have sold the southeast cor of 6th av and 53d st, flve 4-sty fiats with stores, on plot 100,5x75,

IOTH AV.—The Brown Realty Co. has bought 194 10th av, a 5-sty building with stores, on lot 26.2x100, between 21st and 22d sts.

NORTH OP 59TH STREET. JUMEL PL,—Baumann Sc Osorio have resold for John Soltau to the

Newton Reaity & Construction Co. fhe plot TSxlOO, on the west side ot Jumel pl, 166 ft north of IGTth st.

TTTH ST.—It was announced this week that the contract made in 1907 for the erection of the apartment house at 44 to -50 West 77th st was about to be completed. The transfer, which will shortly take

9i6 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

place, completes an arrangement with the new owners under which the corporation now holding the property erected the building. Upon completion it was to be taken over by the Manhattan Square Apart­ment Association at a price arranged iu tlie contract. The stock­holders of the lat ter corporation are to own and operate the new building as a co-operative apartmeut . I t is one of the most elabo­rate of the many new apar tments erected on the co-operation plan within the last two or three years. It occupies a plot lOOxlOi.2 feet, between Central Park West and Columbus av, facing the Mu­seum of Natural History and overlooking Manhattan Square.

SJST ST.—The Frs t Church of the Disciples of Christ of 323 West SGth st, has bougiit the edifice of the Church of the Eternal Hope, at 140 West 81st st, 62.0x102.2. The la t ter church ceased holding services two years ago. It has been used for the two years by the Free Synagogue, which has a lease on the property until next June.

91ST ST.—Heilner & Wolf have sold 36 West Olst st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, ou lot 18x100.8, between Central Park West and Coiumbus av. The buyer will occupy the house.

97TH ST.—Louis Keitipuer has sold for Eva J. Ward 21 West 97th st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 18.0x109,11, to a client for occupancy,

1 1 2 T H ST.—Thomas J. O'Reilly sold for the Advance Building Co., (0 a client for investment. •'The Phaeton," 537-545 West 112th st, a 6-sty elevator apar lment house, on a lot 100x100.11, The asking price was $275,000. Th i s 'house has just beeu completed, and is of the most modern type of apartment house, with but four apart­ments on a floor. The same broker sold this plot to the Advance Building Co. for improvement last January.

113TH ST.—Thos. J. O'Reilly sold to the Paterno & Son Contract­ing Co. for J. Lichtenauer the plot 50x100.11 on the north side of n 3 t h st, 325 ft. east of Broadway. The purchasers will immedi­ately improve the plot with an 8-sty apar tment house.

n 7 T H ST.—Mr. Bolton Hall sold 410 West l l T t h st to Mrs. Mary E. Brown,

135TH ST.—Henry Oppenheimer and Frank SL Kreielsheimer have sold for the Janpoie Sc Werner Construction Co. 48T West 135th st, a 6-sty apar tment house, on plot 37x99.11, adjoining the northeast cor of Amsterdam av.

3,'i7TH ST.—E, Loewenthal & Son have sold 11 West ISTth st, a 6-sty flat, .36.6x99.11, for Julia Rosch to Elizabeth Sheldon.

1 4 6 T H ST.—Duff Sc Brown Co. have sold for I, M. Berinstein a plot 50x100 on the north side of ]46th st, 3.50 ft. west of Amsterdam av.

146TH ST.—The Scheer & Giusberg Realty & Construction Co., of which Jacob Scheer is President, has bought a plot 100x100 on the north side of 146th st, 200 ft. east of Broadway. They will break ground immediately and begin the constructiou of a G-sty elevator apartment house, which will be a reproduction of the Buckingham Palace apar tments a t 555 West 14Tth st. -

AMSTERDAM AV.—A. V. Amy Sc Co. bave sold for the St. Luke 's Realty Oo. to an investor 1088-1090 Amsterdam av, adjoining corner 114th st, a 6-sty new law apar tment house with stores, on plot 50 xlOO.

AMSTERDAM AV,—E. Henry Eckhardt sold 410 Amsterdam av. adjoining the Hotel Lucerne at 79th st, a 5-sty tr iple flat and store property on lot 2-5x100 for Joseph M. Door to Annie S. Almy.

AUDUBON AV.—Hall J, How & Co. have sold for James Rowan the northwest corner of Audubon av and 174th st, a plot 44xl00.x53 xlOO, to Robertson & Gammie, who wil! erect a 5-sty apar tment house on the site. •

BROADWAT.—William Waldorf Astor has sold the northeast cor of Broadway and OSth st, a plot lOO.llxlSS. The buyers are T. J, McLaughlin's Sons. L. J. Phillips & Co. were the brokers. The price is said to be over $.300,000,

MADISON AV.—Clarence E. Hutchinson has sold for Arnold Adler the 5-sty flat, with stores, 2003 Madison av, on a lot 25.x96. As par t payment the buyer gives 1311 and 1315 St. John's pl, Brooklyn, two 4-sty apar tment houses, on a lot 52.8x120. Tho same broker sold the Bi'ooklyn houses to the present owner last December.

B a n k e r to B u i l d o n Park Av.

PARK AV,—George Blumenthal has completed negotiations tor the purchase of a plot 100x125 at the southwest cor of Park av and TOth st, pa r t of the present site of the Union Theological Seminary. The 69th st cor, 75x125, was recently purchased by Commodore Arthur Curtis James, and it is said that Mr. James will add another lot to his purchase. The entire avenue Irontnge, 200x125, will be held by two owners and improved with two handsome residences, Mr, Biumentlial is a member of the firm of Lazard Freres , bankers, and now resides at 23 West .5.3d st.

RIVERSIDE DRIVE,—The Mitral Realty & Construction Co, have sold the northeast eor of Riverside Drive and IS l s t st, a plot lOOx 100. The buyer will erect on the site an S-sty apar tment house.

WEST END AV.—Mrs. Julia T. Keeler has sold 798 West End av, a 3-sty and basement stone front dwelling on lot 16x80, between 98th and 99th sts .

WEST END AV.—Emanuel Kabelsohn sold 195 West End av, a 5-sty flat, on a lot 25.5x100, at the southwest corner of 69th st.

H a r r i m a n E s t a t e Sel ls a H o n s e .

5TH AV.—Adolph Lewisohn has bought from Mrs. E. H, Harr iman the mansion at SSI Sth av. just north of GOth st, formerly owned and occupied by Heber R. Bishop. The price paid for the house is reported to have been $S0O,O0O. The deal was negotiated by the Cruikshank Co. Mr. Harr iman bought the house last May, and at about the same time acquired the old David Dowe property adjoining a t the northeast cor of 5th av and 69th st, intending to unite the two properties into the site for a new residence. The two lots com­bined have frontages of 104 ft. on 5th av and 175 ft. on 69th st. Mr. Lewisohn, it is understood, intends to occupy the house which he has just uurchased. Mr. Lewisohn's present home in this city is at 9 West 57th st.

B R O N X . JENNINGS ST.—Herman Roeder has sold to August Schmidt 749

Jennings st, a 5-sty flat on plot 57x57x irregular, MANIDA ST.—Lauter & Blackner have sold for Charles Hillmann

the 2-family brick house 725 Manida st, on plot 30x100: also for Mr. Hillman the 2-family brick detached dwelling 720 Manida st, on lot 2.5x100.

1 4 0 T H ST,—S. H . Frankenheim Sc Co. have sold for Gertrude G. Grummon to Louis Teitelbaum the 3-sty dwelling 479 East 140th st, IG.SxlOO,

14IST ST.—Paul Baumann sold 405 and 407 East 143st st, two 3 -sty priv^ate frame dwellings to a builder, who will improve premises.

147TH ST.—Leo Levinson has sold 438 East 147th st, a 5-sty flat on lot 25x100.

KiOTH ST.—O. G. Manns has sold for E, Malino the 5-sty apart­ment liouse, on plot 33x117, at the southeast corner of 160th st and Forest av.

2 3 5 T H ST.—Shaw & Co. have sold for Mischo & Muller. a t Wood­lawn Heights, the plot 200.xl00 on the north side oC 235th st, be­tween Oueida and Kepler a,vs, to a builder for improvement.

BRTANT AV.—Le Vien Sc La Velle have sold a 3-sty 2-family brick house on lot 20x100 a t Bryant av and Jennings st to a physi­cian, who will occupy it. The house was recently built by the Elviel Realty Co.

INTERVALE AV.—Patrick J. Reville, superintendent of the Bronx Bureau of Buildings, lias purchased, together with Edward C. Siesel, the vacaut plot, 63xl25x irregular, at the northwest corner of lG3d st and Intervale av. which it is proposed to improve with a 6-sty elevator apar tment house.

LAFONTAINE AV.—Salvat L'Asperches sold lor S. Lasala a plot 75x109 in ihe west side of Lafontaine av, 150 feet north of ITSth st,

M;\R!ON AV.—Salvat L'Asperches sold for Mrs. C. Cronemeyer the private house No 2972 Marion av, 309 feet north of 200th st, on a plot 50x100.

NELSON AV.—W, J, Huston & Son have sold for Peter Hoey to David Anderson the 3-sty brick fiat on lot 25x100 on the west side of Nelson av, 50 tt. south of Brandt pl.

PROSPECT AV.—E. Loewenthal & Son have sold a plot 50x100 on the northeast cor of Prospect av and 170th st, to a builder for im­mediate improvement.

SOUTHERN BOULEVARD.—The Gaines Roberts Co. sold 1023 Southern Boulevard, another of their recently completed 5-sty apar t ­ment houses, with stores.

SOUTHERN BOULEVARD.—Salvat L'Asperches sold 2 lots, SOx 100, iu the west side of Southern Boulevard, 150 feot north of ISTth St.

STEUBIN AV,—0. G. Manss has sold for a client a plot. 75x100, on Steuben av, near 210th st, and four lots on Bailey, near Heath av.

TINTON .A.V,—Tiliie Frank has sold the northwest cor of Tinton av and IGOlh st, a plot oE about 7 lots, having frontages of 145 ft. on the av and 120 ft. on the st, to the 174th St. Construction Co., Ignatz Rotii. president, for improvement. The seller recently ac­quired the property from the McKinley Realty & Construction Co.

UNION AV.—Lauter & Blackner have sold for Leo Levinson the plot 40x100 on the west side of Union av, 26 tt. north of 16Sth st.

VALENTINE AV.—Salvat L'Asperches sold for the Valentine Con­struction Co. a 3-sty frame house at the northeast corner of Valen­tino av and lOSth st, and for C. Huber 2 lots, 50x9S. ia the east side of Valentiue av, 405 feet north of 198th st.

WASHINGTON AV.—Ettinger Bros, have bought the northwest cor of Washington av and 160th st, a plot .50x109, with two 3-sty houses,

4TH AV,—A. Shatzkin & Sons have bought from the Wood Jus t Realty Co. a plot of six lots at the corner of 4th av_aud 222d st, having a frontage of 114 feet on the avenue aud 15o feet on the street .

l i E A S E S .

S. B. Goodale & Son have leased for a term ot years for E. E. Horn to the Sutour Restaurant Co, 2G9 Tth av, near 25th st.

Heil SL Stern have leased for Gutwillig Bros, all of the Ioft space in the building a t 3o and .37 West 3d st, 90x152. This building was also occupied by George Borgfeldt & Co.

Edward McVickar has leased for estate of James D. Layng to N. T, Robb the private stable a t 172 Eas t T3d s t ; store and basement of 109 Fulton st for T. G, Sellew to Isaac Roberts; s tore and basement of 59 Crosby st.

M. Sc L. Hess leased for the Building & Engineering Co. to Bloom­berg & Goldstein the Sth loft in 928 and 930 Broadway and IT East 21st st, and for Wiesen Sc Goldstein to the Imperial Embroidery Co. the 4th loft in 151 to 155 West 25th st,

Duross Co, have leased for Mary E. Clark the 3-sty and basement dwelling, 115 West 17th st, to Charles Chlclacos for business pur­poses. They have also leased the store and basement of 364 Tth av, in the block adjoining the new Pennsylvania depot, to H. 0, Crop­per Sc Co.

John P, Kirwan has leased for A. E. Scallen to Morris A, Forgotston the store 1450 Broadway,; for Klein SL Jackson to D, A. Lippincott the store 216 West 42d s t ; for M. F . Donohue to N. W, Neff the store 136 West 42d st, and for Lewis & Conger Co. to Harry Levis the store 784 Gth av.

Amos R. B. Pinchot has leased for a term of 21 years the former St. Mary's school property a t G and 8 East 46th st, opposite the Windsor Arcade. It consists of a 5-sty and basement s t ructure, on plot 40.8x100,5, and was acquired by Mr. Pinchot last July. The Meridan Britannia Company is the lessee. They are now located a t 218 5th av, cor of 26th st.

ST. NICHOLAS A V . - F . W. Woolworth & Co. have leased for a term of ten years the stores at 1415 and 141T St, Nicholas av. These stores are in the new building recently completed by Gus­tavus L, Lawrence a t the southwest corner of St, Nicholas av and I S l s t St. Al! of the ground floor space in the building on the avenue frontage has now been leased.

Frederick Pox & Co. have leased for T. Unterberg the store and basement containing 12.000 square feet of space in the new building jus t completed at 104-6-8 West STth st, for a long term of years to J. Vorhaus & Sons, fur importers. Also, for Webster B. Mabie & Co. fhe store and basement in the new building just completed at 29 West 21st st, for a long term of years to the Sterling Button Co.; for Ihe Sailors' Snug Harbor, 5,000 square feet of space in the building 5 and T University pi, to Spero & Stanfield.

The Audubon National Bank, whose present quarters are in the building at the northwest cor ot Broadway and 143d st, liave secured under lease a large portion of the ground floor and vault space in the basement of the 12-Ety apar tment hotel to be erected a t the northwest cor of Broadway and 145th st. The new structure is to be put up by the Dow Construction Co. from plans by Thompson & Frohling. The bank recently took a two years ' lease of the quar­ters a t 143d St. Tiie Audubon is the only national bank on the west side north of 42d st. I ts officers are D. S. Mills, President; Emil Schwarz, Vice-President, and William Reimers, Cashier.

Heil SL Stern have leased for the Meteor Realty Co., in their new building. 40-42 West ITth st. the sixth aud seventh lofts to Benj. Levy SL Co., and the tenth loft to P. Eisenberg Co.: for Wei! Sc Mayer the sixth Ioft in the building, 5S4-5S6 Broadway, to Epstein & L e w ; for the Mendel Estate, the third Ioft in the building, 104-106 Bleecker St., to Rothschild ft Rockwell: for the Realty Hold­ing Co,, the ninth lott in the building, 123-133 West 2Tth st. com­prising a total space of 17,500 square feet to John Fried; also for

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND (iUIDE 917

T H E Investors' Number of the Record & Guide will be pub­lished December 18th.

It will arouse unusual interest, especially among those who are considering New York property as a place to invest their funds.

Good classes of investments will be pointed out.

The possibilities of profit to the investor, together with absolute safety, will be indicated.

The Table of Investment Properties to appear in this issue will be of the greatest value to both buyers and sellers.

Every broker and property owner in Manhattan and the Bronx can use this Table to great advantage.

Drop us a line, saying that you would like to know the plan of the Investors' Number and the Table of Investment Properties in detail..

THE RECORD & GUIDE CO. Tel . 4430 Madison S q u a r e 11 East 24th Street

the Realty Holding Co. the sixth Ioft in the building, 40-42 West 27th st, to H, Scher & Co.; and the sixth loft in the building, 38-44 West 24lh st, to Roseubaum & Ginther; also the eighth loft in the building, 38-44 West 21st st, to H, M. Kutner,

M, & L, Hess have leased for Louis Sti^rn, of Stern Bros., the 12-sty building, G0.'^208, at Wooster, West 3d and West 4th sts, which will be vacated on Feb. 1 by George Borgfeldt Sc Co, The new ten­ants who have been secured for these s t ructures are without excep­tion wholesale clothing mauulacturers , who wil! use the space for offices and salesrooms. Their removal to this neighborhcod prom­ises to fix there more permanently than ever the center of the cloth­ing aud allied trades and to counteract, so far as a t least one line of business is concerned, the general tendency to move north of 14th St. In fact, one of the new tenaufs of the Borgfeldt Building will actually move southward from quarters near ISth st and .5tli av. Another of the tenants will be the firm of Eisner Eros., who have large factories at Red Bank, N. J., and still another will be a large concern with a factory a t Woodbine, N. J. Neither of these firms has, heretofore, had headquarters in this city.

S U B U R B A N .

WANTAGH, L. I.—Kaseman & t l intz sold for E. P. Kershaw to a buyer for occupancy a ten-room cottage, on a plot lo lx200, at a corner of Park and Oakland avs, Wantagh, L. I.

EDGEMERE, L, 1.—Joseph P, Day has sold for a client ten lots at Edgemere, L. L, having a frontage of 200 feet on Edgemere av and 109 feet on Wave Crest and Rochester avs, respectively.

STATEN ISLAND.—Cornelius G. Kolff has sold for Mary and An­gela Brosnan a plot 50x100 on 4th av, near Westervelt av. New Brighton, to William Wilkie, who has s tar ted the erection of a private dwelling.

Mrs. Mary Ross has sold to Auna Rickert Hoffmann through J. Sterling Drake the northwest cor of Richmond Turnpike and Cedar pl, Staten Island, adjoining the Moravian Church, a plot 75xloO, with an S-room cottage.

FAR ROCKAWAT.—The Lewis H. May Co. has sold for Mrs. Miu­erva P. Calvi to Arthur W. Connable a plot of 19 lots running down from Point Breeze Place to and aiong Jamaica Bay, at Bayswater, Far Rockaway, L. I.

Duross Co. have sold for the Tonkers Real Es ta te Exchange an­other of the group of 2 and 3-family dwelling houses, just completed by this company a t 94 Elliott av, four blocks from Van Cortlandt Park and adjoining Broadway.

LITTLE NECK, L. I.—Andrew J. Cobe sold for the Cutter Es ta te 19 acres at Lit t le Neck, at Broadway and Lit t le Neck road, to a syndicate of Syracuse capitalists . This property abuts the Van Nostrand farms acquired recently by the same syndicate.

PASSAIC, N. J.—R. SL J, Dick Co., of Glasgow, Scotland, purchased two acres of land at Passaic, N. J,, between Clifton and Passaic, on the Lackawanna Railroad through Frank Hughes. The J, J. O'Leary Co. has been commissioned to build a large factory from plans by Andrew Barclay, of Glasgow.

Pease SL Elliman have sold for Mrs, Ridgcly Hunt her estate a t Highland Falls on the Hudson, known as tho William Conger Pell place, to Frederick A. Libbey. The property cogtains about 20 acres fronting on the river, with a large old-fashioned brick mansion and stable, aud is near J, Pierpont iWorgan's place.

YONKERS.—ELLIOTT AV.—Tonkers Realty Exchange repor ts the sale of two of the Gerbereux Co.'s 2-famiIy houses, 92 and 94 Elliott av, Tonkers. Duross Bros, are the purchasers, and the consideration stated is $14,000 each. There are only five of these model two-family dwellings left, and negotiations are pending on some of t h e s e . , . J .L_..„i^L_^j

NEW JERSEY.-HARRINGTON PARK.—S. Carman Harr io t has sold the 175 plots with the exception of about an acre, which is lo­cated a t the entrance of the Park, to L. A. Skinner, of New Tork City. This Park comprises about 110 acres, and was planned by Vaux & Co,, whose senior member was associated in designing Ceu­tral Park.

STATEN ISLAND,—TOMPKINSVILLE.—The auction sale held by Cornelius G. Kolff last Saturday of the property on the cor of Sher­man av and I s t av. Tompkinsville. resulted in the sale of S lots on 1st av, the cor plot bringing ,'iil,.500, and the inside lots $1,100, the buyers being Walter De Nike and Edgar Sharrot t ; the sale of 3 lots on Sherman av brought upwards of $1,100 per lot, the purchaser being Edgar Sharrott ,

NEW ROCHELLE.—Tbe Clifford B. Harmon Co., which is de­veloping the Pelhamwood tract in Westchester county, has bought from the Luthers aud Greene estates a t ract of about 40 acres at Winyah and Calhoun avs, New Rochelle. On the property which adjoins the company's present holdings the New York, Westchester & Boston Railway will establish a station. The property will be developed along the same lines as the Pelhamwood tract .

EDENWALD.—The Edenwald Land Companies have sold 3G lots on Amuudsou Hill, Pra t t , Wright, Monticello, Setou, Monaghan, Jones and Bracken avs. Among the buyers are Williani Mulchaliy, Carl aud Herman Waldman, Maggie O'Neill, E. J. Schick, W. Lynch, Pa t ­rick Dee, Joseph Levy, Johu McNamara, Carl Muller, A. Rechenbach, Thomas Griffith, Dominick Grogan, Hannah Frank, H, M. Gold, A. Blumm, Isidore Friedman, John Foley, B. Robbins, Louis Frank. Anna Lassen, Mary J. Manning and Jacob Levine.

KATONAH, N. Y.—Mrs, Frank Hunter Potter sold to William Pahnestock of this city, a t rac t of 100 acres in Maple av, Ka tonah , -N. Y. The purchase price is said to approximate ,$T5,t)00, whicii establishes a new record. Mrs. Pot ter still owns about SO acres oE her original holdings. On the portion retained stands a farmer's cot­tage, which will be extensively altered from designs by H. B. Price and occupied by Mrs. Pot ter as her residence. Mr. Pahnestock is also going to build a dwelling for his own occupancy. The property just sold adjoins the holdings of George Nichols and Dr. Turnure,

UNITED REAL ESTATE OWNERS, A regu la r b i -month ly mee t ing of t he Uni ted Rea l E s t a t e

Owners ' Associa t ion wiil be held in P a r l o r A of the Grand Union Hotel , on Tuesday , Nov. 23. The pr incipal business of the mee t ­ing will be the a s s ignmen t of commi t t ees for t he ensu ing year . An auc t ion of boxes will be held in a d v a n c e for the a n n u a l ba l l ' to be held a t Ter race Garden, 5Sth st,, be tween Lexing ton and Third avs , eaidy in J a n u a r y , 1910.

TITLE OFFICIALS OPTIMISTIC. I t w a s said this week a t the oITice of the Tit le G u a r a n t e e and

T r u s t C o m p a n y t h a t it is evident t h a t those about to unde r ­t ake real e s t a t e en te rpr i ses need not hold back on account of financial accommodat ions . Al though the real e s t a t e m a r k e t , is, a s repor ted in the Record a n d Guide las t Sa tu rday , a very l ight marke t , ye t tiie demand for m o r t g a g e i n v e s t m e n t s cont inues s t rong . L a s t week this company suppl ied to va r ious inves tors more t h a n one h u n d r e d mor tgages , a g g r e g a t i n g one million dollars .

9iS- RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

LAND TITLE REGISTRATION. Mr. A. N. Gitterman delivered the regular weekly lecture to

the Real Estate Class at the West Side Y. M. C. A. last week, his subject being "Land Title Registration." He said in part:

"The present method of recording titles has become too cum­bersome. The upkeep of it is a great expense and it necessi­tates vast storage space for the accumulation of all these voluminous records. The incidental delay, adds greatly to the cost of transferring real estate and the possibility of error is increasing annually. Any expense, tax or tariff added to trading, retards the free and economical exchange of any commodity.

WHEN SEARCHING A TITLE. '•Just for a moment let me call your attention to some of the

things that are necessary in searciiing the title to a house in New York, First, the records of the Register's office are care­fully examined and a transcript of all transfers are made. The Surrogate's office is visited next, with a view of finding wills that may have a bearing on the property. The Court records are inspected, to find out any judgments that have been filed against the owner. The County Clerk's office reveals to us all the liens and attachments that have been filed, and the tax books infoi'm us if tiie taxes are paid up to date, or if they are in arrears. The Department of Public Works may have a bill for water charges—The Tenement House Dept, reveals any violations of this Law.

"Tet, with all these full i-eports, the title is not freed from at ­tack, as the State does not. hold itself liable tor any errors that may have occurred in the copying of any of the instruments, and errors ' are occurring continually, such a.s the judgment being recorded against a man of similar name, or the name lias been transposed. The leaving out of the record if the ven­dee is married or single. Tlirough tliese apparently small errors much harm has been done, and future transactions in this piece of property may be delayed until proper adjudication can be had, which may necessitate a lawsuit of years.

"Assume a piece of property of great value has been purchased, and all of this work has been properly done by a careful and con­scientious lawyer of ability and good standing. We are morallj' certain that all the work up to tills poiht is without flaw. Why .should this title be liable to attack, if nothing has occurred prev­ious to this transaction? Would it not be far better to record or register these instruments in such a way that all trades in connection therewith in the future should start from this 'date? Land Title Registration does just this. Land Title Registration secures for the applicant, simplicity, economy and security, in­stead of tedious and expensive searches and researches.

"Ill 1853 Mr. Robert Torrens, Commissioner of Customs at Adelaide, Australia, was in charge of the ship registry oflice of the place. He noted the ease with which ships in transit were registered in the home port, showing not only the participation of the various owners, but the entire histoiT of the siiip and all its vicissitudes in its various travels. Mr. Torrens then con­ceived the idea when put in charge of the Land Registry office at New South Wales, in IS'oO, that the same method adopted by the seafaring men in registering their ships, could well be done, in connection with ground, which is always situated in the same place and always capable of inspection.

"The Australian provinces at this time were inhabited by re­mittance men and penal convicts from the home country. These lawless people did not have a high respect for law, in fact it re­sembled the condition that one finds in a semi-civihzed com­munity.

"With this unsettled condition to work upon, and with the Queeti's various grants, as a basis. Sir Robert Torrens inaugnr-

• ated the system which now bears his name, and by it, the owner, adjacent holders and adverse claimants and liens on the property are brought under the eye of the Registrar of Titles, who gives all parties interested an opportunity to be heard, with a view of establishing the merits of the claims made by the presump­tive OMner, After a specified time, allowing for advertising, and a public hearing, an entry is made by the examiner, and a certificate is issued to the owner, specifying the location of che land, its ownership and encumbrances, and all other details that would affect any transaction in the same. This certificate be­comes a negotiable instrument, and by comparison with the origi­nal at the registrar's offlce the exact status of the property can be found on the shortest notice.

HOW TO REGISTER A TITLE. "The method of proceedure under the Land Title Registration

Act, which went into effect February 1, 1909, in this State, pro­vides that the applicant must present a thorough search and examination of the title certified to by an official examiner with an accurate survey to the Supreme Court, with the names of all parties claiming any right or interest in the property. These will receive legal notice to appear and answer a complaint. The notices are to be conspicuously posted on the property and ad­vertised in the newspapers for forty days preceding the hearing. Tlie proceedings are simple, as in 95 per cent, of the cases, there will be no contestants.

"The only pleading is the application signed and sworn to be the owner or prospective owner if the property is undef con­

tract. Twenty eight days elapse after notices have been given before the Court takes up the consideration of the application. If the title is then found to be good, a decree of the Court is entered directing the Register to issue to the applicant a certifl­cate of title. In a proceeding properly conducted, every person having possible interest in the land is notified, hence the title is practically established as against the whole world as soon as registered. Tiie time required may be SO or 00 days, but this does not interfere witli the active trading, selling or mortgaging of the property during this time.

"Twenty-six years ago the opposition of the lawyers to Title insurance was a big factor in liindering its early growth, but now tiiat these companies which have done so much for real estate in this city,, are continually helping us, we can look for­ward, I hope, to the time, not far distant when tliey will en­dorse and foster Land Title Registration."

RIVERSIDE AND MORNINGSIDE. The last regular meeting of the Riverside and Morningside

Association was held at the "Hotel Langham," formerly the "Marseille," at Eroadway and 103d St., on Nov. Sth. Mr. P. M. Burdick is president of the association and Charles E, Schuyler is secretary. One of the public squares in the neighborliood is named 'Schuyler Square." Other offlcers and committeemen are Rev, Dr. John P. Peters, rector of St, Michael's, and famous as an explorer of the Ploly Land; Rev. E. M. Sweeney, Rev. Dr. Keigwin, J. Aspinwall Hodge, Jr;, W. W. Perrine, Myles Tierney, Alexander Wallver, William P. Clare, Ward Brower and Vincent Loeser,

The Treasurer reported that a number of memljers were in ar­rears for dues, and stated that the work of the Association, which had been so successful in protecting the neighborhood from nuisance, could not go on without money from membership dues. He earnestly requested that all of those owing any dues would forward them to the Treasurer, a t No. 820 West End av. The Secretary was requested to notify all of those in arrears by personal letter.

The Local Improvement Committee, through Mr. Loeser, re­ported that the work on Broadway, of fencing the grass plots in the middle of the avenue, was progressing satisfactorily, and that it was expected that before the beginning of the year, the whole line would be parked from SOth to 122d sts. The Secretary reported that there were no other nuisances complained of.

Mr. Clare, chairman of the Grievance Committee, reported that the work was progressing satisfactorily, and that certain saloons were continued closed on Sundays, but that there was an evident evil in the use of tenements for disreputable purposes. It was suggested tiiat the Clergy of the section hold a meeting to agree upon a basis upon whicii they could enlist the efforts of the parishioners to assist the Association to rid the section of this disreputable use of flats and apartments, and keep the district as a high-class residential section.

Tlie President stated that he would be away next year, and it would be necessary to elect new officers at the next meeting. He also requested that a nominating committee be appointed to select officers for the coming year, and upon motion, the Presi­dent was authorized to appoint such a committee. He thereupon appointed Mr, W. F. Clare, Mr. Alexander Walker and Mr. Vin­cent Loeser, and the Secretary was requested to notify them of their appointment.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until the flrst monday in December, wliich will be the annual meeeting.

CONCRETE WATER-GATES. When Metcalf & Eddy, of Boston, consulting engineers to the

Boston Finance Commission, made their recent investigation of the Boston Water Department, the concrete plant had but recently been established for the purpose of manufacturing, in an experimental way, reinforced concrete gate and hydrant bo.xes to replace the • \-ooden boxes lieretofore used. Tlie wooden boxes naturally have a very short life when buried in the earth, while the concrete boxes should last for many years, if not in­deflnitely. These concrete boxes consist of four flat slabs cast in wooden molds.

The force employed at the time of the inspection consisted of flve men, two masons and three helpers. The helpers oiled the molds, mixed the concrete and dumped it into the molds, while the masons packed the concrete and placed the steel reinforce­ment in it. After filling, the molds were placed in a rack and the concrete ailow-ed to set until hard enough to be removed.

The average amount of work done by the force of five men was then eight slabs per day, or two complete gate boxes. Dur­ing the inspection it took the force but twenty minutes to per­form the complete operation of building a slab. Allowing thirty minutes to each slab, this would mean sixteen siabs or four complete boxes per day, just twice the average amount of work which the force had previously been doing. Later, under the spur of inspection, a force of cigiit men. two masons and six laborers, completed twenty-eight slabs or seven boxes in eight hours. It is, therefore, fair to assume that an output of three-quarters of a box per day per man is not excessive.

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 919



best lai'ms in southeast Georgia, few miles from large city, on main public road; DUO acres, fi-room residence, plenty sliaile trees, two-room house, tliree-rnoni house, barns, stables, outhouses, beau­tiful lake, timber, live slock, implements, etc., everything tor ilG per acre. FRANii WHEY-LAND, Jaclisoiiville. l''l.^.

TO LET—Stoneyard of Kliiiyenbeck & Co., l^iist lOeth Street, about 200 ft. front.. 100 ft. deoi), with tools, implements, machinery, etc., tro.'ii Jun. 1, 1910, 10 Nov. 31. 1011. Address aH com­munications before Nov. 22 to HAYS, IC^UFMAN & LlNDllEIM, 6il Wall Street. Now Y'ork City.

MANAOICR OK S.4LESMAN. Fifteen years ex­perience among bull trades in machinery line, good metiianieal, executive and selling ability; bCKt refeiencea from former employers; present position not satisfactory. BOX 40, Record and Guide.

WANTED, a few ctpable men of experience in Fifth A^'enue Section; goo't oppoi'tunity for the right men. Wortiiington Whitehouse, 573 Fifth Avenue. Nen- Y'oi'k City

FOI\ S.\LE, complete set ut Real Estate Record and Guides, from 1S77 to date; bound In two vol­umes each year; will be sold reasonably. FREUND, S MaifK'n Lane.

BUILDER wants to hire or buy sis W-Sl. Brcjiat Deri'icks; wi'itc, stating tei-ras, to "A. B. C . " eare Record and Guide.

UAN" YOU USE three Jersey bargains? One In West End; one in Elberon: one In Allenhurst. JACOB A. KING, fil W. ISSth St.. New York.

WANT tm—Properties, sale or rent; seiiil pai--ticulars: satisfactory results assured, DUFF & CONGER, Madison Ave., cor. SSth St,

Rule for Valuing Fractional Lots in Manhattau

The rule for valuing fractional lots in IVIan­hattan Borough, prepared by Henry Harmon NelU, has been printed by The Record and Guide on a sheet of cardboard suitable lor framing or hanging on an oflce wall. Copies will be sold at 25 cents each.

Apply at offlce of The Record and Guide. 11 to 15 East 24fch St.

LawyersTitle Insurance&Trust Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $9,500,000

$EJ,000,000 added to surplus in laat 17 years 160 Broadway, New York

I S S M o n l n g n e S t r e e t , B r o o k l y n ,

RECEIVES DEPOSITS subject to cheek or on certificate, allowinfj interest tbereon.

LENDS ON AFPKOVED STOCKS and Corporation Bond3 as Collateral.

ACTS AS TRUSTEE, Guardian, Executor, Administrator. Assif^nee or Iteceiver, Transfer Agent or Itegistrar oi; Stocks of Corporations. Talces Charga of Personal becurities,

OFFICKUS: EDWIN W, COGGESHALL, Pres ident and General Manager,

LOUIS V. BRIGHT. . ,,, _ . , . I-iliRBliKT E. JACKSON, CompiroUer. THORWALD STALLKNECHT, Vice-Presidents. WALTER N. VAIL. Se t re ta . j . L ,. , ,n.T, . , n Tn,i,j,>,.o rf LEWIS II. LOSEE, Ass!, Gpn . Mnniiger. ARCHIBALD FORBES, Treasurer. „ . CONDIT VAKICK. As^t. Treasurer.

GEORGE A. FLEURY. i , . o DAVID B. OGDE.N, Counsel. FREDERICK U. HEED Aest.ben elur .-s



P R O G R E S S IN PUBLICITY is rapid and sure. Tabloid Circulars, as they are to be published in the Record and Guide, are a modern and logical development.


THE RECORD AND GUIDE CO., 11 East 24th Street, N. Y.


The Duross Company have opened a branch office at 369 South Broadway, Yonkers. Their main offlce is at lo3 West 14tli st, with a downtown branch at 156 Broadway.

Gillen & Strykes have removed their oflices to the Fidelity Building: on the northwest corner of 26th st. and Gtli av., where they will continue to conduct a general real estate business.

The Title Guarantee & Trust Company has loaned on 5 first mortgages, of $6,000 each, on tlie 2-sty. briclv and frame dwell­ing, located on the east side oE Perry av., lliy.D2 It. south of 205tli St. Each lot is SO-x 100 and each morlgage is for 3 years, at 0 per cent.

The IVI. Cohen & Brothers' Realty Company has secured a permanent loan of if450,000 at 4^^ per cent, froiii the Title Guar­antee & Trust Conipany, on its property 31, 33, 35 and 37 West 27th st, 10Ox9S,9 feet. A 12-sty store and loft fireproof building has just been completeci on this plot.

yamuel H. Martin has been appointed branch manager for the Phoenix (Fire) Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn., and the New Jersey Plate Glass Insurance Conipany of Newark, N. J. With the increased facilities he is now in a position to give all business personal supervision. Full commission will be allowed to brokers.

The West Side Taxpayers' Association held Its annual in­stallation of officers last evening at 267 West 34th st. The following are the ofiicers for the ensuing year: George Wenner, M. D., president; Charles Hyass, first vice-president; Philip G. Becker, M. D., second vice-president; Charles A, Schrag, re­cording secretary; Fred Keller, treasnrer, and Julius Neke, financial secretary.

The James L, Wells Company found buyei-s for four two family houses on Undercliff av. at an auction sale conducted on the premises last Saturday. The houses are of recent construction, located just south of the Washington bridge. Francis W. Pol­lock secured Nos. 1441 and 1443 for $S,20O and :?G,500 respect­ively For No, 13S9 Charles McGraddy paid .1:7,42.5, and No. 1391 was purchased by John J, Lenihan' for $7,350,

Charles A. Hickey has been appointed receiver of the rents of a mercantile building on the southeast corner of 5th av and 41st st, on plot 19x98.4, in a suit brought by Frank E, Martin against the E. G. Potter Company and others to foreclose a second mortgage made by the E. G. Potter Company on May 5, 1909. Justice IMcCall lias signed an order reauiring the receiver

to file a bond of $3,000. There is a prior mortgage on the property for $330,000.

Suit has been begun in the Supreme Court by Frank B. Martin and Mary C. Maxwell against the B. G. Potter Company and others to foreclose a mortgage of $82,5CO on the property at the southeast corner of 5th av and 41st st, a plot 19x9S.4. The mortgage was made on May 4, 1905, by the E. G. Potter Com­pany to Agnes L. Burke. An assignment of the mortgage to the plaintiffs in the suit was filed in the offlce of the Register on Nov. 1.5. Solomon Hansford, of No. 41 Wall st., is the attorney for the plaintiff. A lis pendens was filed against the property yes­terday.


The total number of sales reported is 74, of which 30 were de-low 59th st, 23 above, and 21 in the Bronx. The •sales reported for the corresponding week last year were SO, of which 20 were below 59th st, 44 above, and 16 in the Bronx,

The total number of mortgages recorded for Manhattan this week was 201, as against 192 last week, and in the Bronx 145, as against 235 last weeli. The total amount involved is $5,644,-372, as against $7,177,S!)o last week.

Tile amount Involved in the auction sales this week was $1,-107,590, and since January 1, $53,7C6,.3O0. Last year the total for the weelc was $786,563, and from January 1, i;50,330,G59.

RIVERSIDE DRIVE.—The vacant block bounded by Broadway and Riverside Drive, 149th and 150th st, has been sold by the Field Estate to a syndicate o£ oiicrators. The property will probably be subdivided and resold for improvement with apartment houses. It is understood that the Field estate has been holding the block at a figure around $600,000. The Field block measures 199.10 ft. ou Broadway, 20D.4 ft, on Riverside Drive, 333.2 ft, on 149th st and 380 ft, on loOth st, with au area of between 2S and 29 city lots. It is the largest plot held in one ownership along the line of the subway from 137th to in7th st, aud the improvement of it will close up oue of the few remainiug gaps hi the almost solid wall of new apartment houses between these two points. Just north of the Field block, from 1.50th to 151st st, is the property of the Hebrew Sheltering Guard­ian Society, whicii will probably be put ou the market as soon as the society's new buildings in Westchester County have been com­pleted.

8TH AV.—C. A. Christman has bought from the Maze Realty Co. the northeast corner of Slh av and 43d st, on a plot 75.3x100. There are six S-sty tenements ou the plot,

BROADWAY.—The Bendheim Construction Co. has borrowed $435,-001) at 4y. per cent, ou the apartment houses, which they have erected in the block bounded by Broadway, Wadsworth av, JSlst and lS2d sts.

920 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Of Itilerest lo Property Owners



Monday, November 22, Bronx Boulevard, opening, from Old Boston Post road to 242d st.

3 p. m. Lane av, &c, opening. 1 p. m. Riverside Drive, opening, from 135th st to Boulevard Lafayette.

2 p. m. Jerome av, widening, from Cameron pl to lS4th st. 2 p, m. Bush st, opening, from Creston av to Grand Boulevard and Con­

course. 10 a. m, 225tb st (Muscoata st) , opening, from Broadway to line dividing

the Boroughs of iVIanhattan and Bronx. 3 p. m. A new st, opening, between Broome and Spring sts, from Bowery

to Elm St. 4 p. m. Rosedale av, &c, opening. 12 m. iVIagenta st, &c, opening. 10 a. m. Guu Hill road, opening, from Jerome av to Mosholu Parkway

North. 2 p. m. 227th st, opening, between Laconia av aud Bronxwood av. 12 m. 22Sth st, opening, between Chapin av and Laconia av. 12 m. Cornell av, &c, opening. 12 m. 205th st (Adee av), opening, from Wbite Plains road to Boston

Post road. 11 a. m. Benson av, &c, opening. 3 p. m. Kingsbridge av, opening, from 230th st to Broadway. 4 p. m,

Tuesday, November 23. Bronxwood av, &c, opening. 4 p. m. Faile st, opening, from Garrison av to point 1S3 feet north of

Whitlock av. 11 a. ra. Cruger av. SLC, opening. 11 a. m. Eastern Boulevard, opening, from N. Y., N. H. & Hartford R. R.

property to Hunts Point road. 12 m, Boston road, opening, between White Plains road and north line

of city. 1 p. m. Wefinesday, November 24.

Tremont av, closing, from Eastern Boulevard to Fort Schuyler road. 2 p. m,

Tr.emont av, opening, from Aqueduct av to Sedgwick av, 1 p. m. Lacombe av, SLC, opening. 1 p. m. Rosewood st, opening, from Eas te rn Boulevard to White Plains

road, and from White Plains road to Cruger av. 1 p. m. Friday, November 26.

Hull av, opening, from Mosholu Parkway North to Woodlawn road. 2 p m. and 3 p. m.

Sedgwick av, &c, widening. 4 p. ra, AT 25S BROADWAT.

Monday, November 22. Westchester av, Rapid Transit , 10:30 a. m. Bulkhead piers, 52d and 53d sts . East River. New st, adj Manhattan Bridge. 3 p. m.

Tuesday, November 23. Fort George, Rapid Transit . 10 a. m. Fordham road, dock. 10 a. m. 120th sl, dock, Harlem River. 10:30 a. m. Brooklyn Bridge, arches. 2 p. m. Loop No. 1, Rapid Transit . 2 p. m. Onderdonk av, school site. 2:30 p. m.

Wednesday, November 24. Piers 32 and 33, Eas t River. 10:30 a. m. Westchester av. Rapid Transi t . 10:30 a. m,

Friday, November 26, Chicago av, school site, 10 a. m. Loop No. 5, Rapid Transi t . 11 a. m.

11 a. m.


1 4 0 T H ST.—Paving with asphalt block pavement, curbing and re­curbing from Broadway to Riverside Drive. Area of assessmeut: Both sides of 140th st, from Broadway to Riverside Drive.

55TH ST.—Sewer, bet Av .X and East River. Area of assessment: Both sides of 55th st, bet Av A and East River; west side of Av A, from 55th st to OGth st.

1 6 7 T H ST.—Paving with asphalt block, from .Amsterdam av to Edgecombe road. Area of a.^sessment: Both sides of 167lh st, frora Amsterdam av to Edgecombe av, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting sts and avs.

142D ST.—Extension of sewer, from the end of the present sewer to the Harlem River. Area of assessment: Both sides oE 142d st , from Harlem River to Lenox av: east side of Lenox av, from 129th to 142d st, including lots Nos. .58 and .59i& of Block 1739, and both sides of 1.33d st, from Leuox av to a point about 160 ft. easterly.

.AUSTIN PL.—Sewer, bet Eas t 149th and East 147th sts, and in •East 147th st, bet Austin pl and Southern Boulevard. Area of as ­sessment: Both sides oE 147th st, bet Austin pl and Southern Bou­levard; both sides of Austin pl, bet 147th and 149th sts .

BRYANT AV.—Sewer in bet Garrison av and Lafayette av. Area of assessment: Both sides of Bryant av. from Garrison av to La­fayette av; south side of Garrison av; both sides of Seneca av and nortii side of Lafayette av. between Faile st and Bryant av.

MOTT AV.—Sewer, bet Park av and E.Tst 13Sth st, and in East 1.3Sth st, bet Mott av aud Walton av, and iu Walton av, bet Eas t 13Sth st and the summit north of Cheever pl. Area oE assessment; Both sides of Mott av, frora Park av to 13Sth s t ; both sides of Wal­ton av, from 13Sth st to 144th s t ; north side of 13Sth st, from Wal­ton av to Exterior st.

MOUNT HOPE PL.—Sewer, bet the west house line of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse and Monroe av, and in the Grand Bo_ulevard and Concourse (both sides), bet Mount Hope pl and East 176th st, aud in the Grand Boulevard aud Concourse (east side), bet Tremont av and Echo pl, and bet East 179th st and East 178th st. Area of assessment: Both sides of Grand Boulevard and Concourse, from Mount Hope pi to 176th s t ; north side of 17Gth st, from Monroe av

to Grand Boulevard and Concourse; east side of Grand Boulevard and Coucourse, Tremont av and Echo pl and bet 17Sth and 179tti s ts .

TELLER AV.—Regulating, grading, curbing, flagging, laying cross­walks, building approaches and erecting fences, bet East lG4th and Eas t 170th sts. Arear of assessment: Both'sides of Teller av, bet East Ki l th and East 170th s ts , and to the extent of half the block at lhe intersecting sts,

TAYLOR ST.—Regulating, grading, curbing, flagging, laying cross­walks, building approaches and erecting fences, from Morris Park av lo. West Farms road. Area of assessment: Both sides of Tay­lor st, from Morris Park av to West Fa rms road, and lo the extent of half the block a t the intersecting sts .

MINFORD PL.—Paving with wood blocks from Boston road to Jen­nings st, and curbing where necessary. Area of assessment: Both sides of Minford pi, from Boslon road lo Jennings st, and lo tbe extent of half the block a t the intersecting sts .

SEXECA AV.—Sewer, bet Whit t ier sl and Hunts Point road. Area of assessment: Both sides of Seneca av, from Whit t ier s l to Hants Point road; both sides of Longfellow av, from Garrison av to Lafay­ette av; both sides of Bryant av and Faile sl and Hunts Point road, bet Seneca av and Lafayette av.

ROGERS PL.—Paving wilh creo-resinate blocks Rogers pi, from Dougan sl to Eas t 165th st, and curbing where necessary. Area of assessment: Both sides of Rogers pl, from Dongan st to 165th st, and to the extent of half the block a t the intersecting sts .

M.ACO.MB'S DAM ROAD.—Sewer, bel Jerome av and West 170th St. Area of assessment: Both sides of Macombs Dam road, from West " 170th sl lo a point about 470 ft. soutlierly.

The Board of Assessors gives notice that all persons interested in the above proposed assessments are requested lo present their ob­jections, in writing, lo the secretary of the Board. 320 Broadway, on or before December 14, at which time objections wili be heard.

MOHEGAN AV.—Sewers, from ITOth to 175th sts . VALENTINE AV.—Receiving basins a t the north and soulhwest cor

of 203d St. 14STH ST.—Regulating, etc., from a point 225.7 west of Broadway

to easterly line of Riverside Drive. 17TTH ST.—Regulating, etc., from Sedgwick av to easterly line of

Cedar av, and between Cedar av and a point IGO ft, easterly the re -irom.

The objections flled against the above assessments after a hearing the Board overruled the objections and ordered the assessment con­firmed.


2 1 1 T H ST.—Opening, from Kingsbridge road to Harlem River. The flnal report of the Commissioners of Est imate and Assessment will he presented to the Supreme Court for confirmation November 22.

SEXECA AV.—Opening from Hunts Poiut road to Bronx River. 17STH ST.—Sewer, from westerly line of Spuyten Duyvil and Port

Morris R. R. to bulkliead line of Harlem River. EDGEWATER ROAD.—Opening, from Garrison av to Seneca av. The flnal reports of tbe Commissioners of Est imate and Assess­

ment have been deposited wilh the County Clerk and will be pre­sented to the Supreme Court for conflrmalion November 26.

NORWOOD AV.—Opening, beiween Mosholu Parkway North and Woodlawn road. The Commissioners of Est imate and Assessment have completed their est imate of damage and beneflt and report has been flled with the Bureau of Street Openings for inspection. Objec­tions must be filed a t 90 and 92 West Broadway, on or before Nov. 23. Hearings will begin November 26. Reports will be submitted to the Supreme Court for confirmation February 24. The area of assessment is as follows: Tile area bounded on the southwest by the northeasterly side of Mosholu Parkway, on the northeast by the southwesterly side of Woodlawn road, on the northwest by a line midway between Perry av and Hull av, and on the southeast by a line midway between Norwood av and Webster av.

BRONX BOULEVARD.—Opening, from Old Boston Post road to 242d s l ; area of assessment: Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly boundary line of the city of Xew York, wilh a line parallel lo and distant 500 ft. westerly from the westerly line of Webster av; running thence southerly along said line parallel to Webster av to its interseclion with a line midway between Mosh-ola Parkway North and Woodlawn road; thence southeasterly along said line and its southeasterly prolongation to its intersection witli a line parallel to and distant 1,500 fl. westerly from the westerly line of the Bronx Boulevard; theuce southerly along said parallel line lo the Bronx Bouevard and its southerly prolongation to its intersection with a line parallel to and distant 100 ft. southerly frora the southerly line of West Farms road; thence easterly along said parallel line to West Farms road to i ts interseclion with the southerly prolongation of a line parallel to and distant 100 ft. east-•?rly from tbe easterly line of Barnes av; thence northerly along said last-mentioned southerly prolongation and parallel line and its northerly prolongation to its intersection with the northerly bound­ary line of the City of New York; thence westerly, southerly, and again westerly aloug the said boundary line of the City of New York to the point or place of lieginning.

Est imate and assessment completed and report filed wilh the Bu­reau of Street Openings for inspection. Hearings will begin Novem­ber 22. Report will he subraittcd lo the Suprerae Court for taxation January 25, 1910.


NEW ST.—Restoring asphalt pavement in front of No. 21 . Area of assessment: Lot Xo. 3 in Block 23.

PARK AV,—Restoring asphaU pavement' in front of No. Iil66. Area of assessment: Lot No. So, in block 1757.

14STH ST.—Re-regulatiug, regrading, curbing, recurbing, fiagging aud reflagging, from a point 225 feet 7 inches west of Broadway to the easterly line of Riverside drive. Area oE assessment: Both sides of 148th st, from Broadway to Riverside drive, and lo the extent of half the block at the intersecting and terminating streets.

177TH ST.—Regulating, grading, curbing, erecting fences, con­struct ing steps and drains, from Sedgwick av lo the easterly line of Cedar av, and paviqg between Cedar av and a point about 160 feet easterly therefrom. Area of assessment: Both sides of 17i th st, from Sedgwick av to the Harlem River; both sides of Cedar av. from Sedgwick av to a point about 307 feet northeast of 177th s t ; both

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 921

sides of Sedgwick av, bet Cedar av and Burnside av; both sides of Undercliff av, bet 176lh st and Sedgwick av; both sides of Tremont av, bet Montgomery av and Sedgwick av; both sides of Palisades pl, for its entire length; both sides of Popham av, bet 176th st and Montgomery av; also lots Nos. 1, 50 and 58 of block 2885.

MOHEGAN AV.—Sewers, from 175th to _178th st. Area of assess­ment: Both sides of Mohegan av, from IT.ith lo 17Glh st; south side of 17Gth st and north side ot 175th st, from Mohegan av lo Marmion av,

2 0 3 D ST AND VALENTINE AV.—Receiviug basins at the north­west and souliiwest corners. Area ot assessment: East side ot Graud Boulevard aud Concourse, between 202d and 204th sts; north­west corner of 202d st and Valentine av, and both sides of 203d sts. from Valentine av to the Grand Boulevard and Concourse.

JEROME AV AND KINGSBRIDGE ROAD.—Receiving basiu at the northeast corner. Area of assessment: Block bounded by Jerome and Morris avs, lOl.ith'sl aud Kingsbridge road.

IISTH ST.—Alteration and improvement lo sewer, between 3d and Lexington avs. Area of assessment: Both sides of llSth st, Irom ;;d av to Park av, including lots Nos. 32a, 32b, 32c, 32d, 32e, 32f and 32g of block 17117; east side of Park av and west side of Lexington av, between 117th and 119th sts; soulh side of 119th st, betweeu Lexington and Park avs.

The Comptroller gives notice that the above assessments are now due and payable, that paymenis made on or before January 10 will be exempt from interest, after that date luterest at the rale of 7% per annum will be charged from the date when the assessments be­come a lien.

] 3 9 T H ST.—Sewer, between Cypress av aud a poiut aboul 197 feet westerly therefrom. Area of assessment: Both sides of East ]39th st, between Cypress and St. Ann's avs.

147TH ST.—Sewer, between Robbins av and St. Mary's Park. Area of assessment: Both sides of 14itb st, from Robbins av to Trinity av.

1S6TH ST.—Paving the roadway and setliug curb, frora 3d lo Park av. Area of assessment: Both sides of ISOth st, from 3d to Park av, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting sts.

The comptroller gives notice that the above assessments are now due aud payable. All paymeuts made on or before January 15 will be exempt from luterest.


LIABILITY OF REPRESENTATIVE LANDLORDS. An interesting case, decided not very long since, was based on

the failure, of the committee of an incompetent's eslate lo re­pair properly an alley or hallway retained in control of the landlord of properly leased. Injury resulted, and an action was brought for damages.

The estale of the incompetent could not be held liable, for very obvious reasons, he not being in a i osltion to contract an obligation.

The question is quite similar to one where an executor or administrator, who is not, as such, in anyway involved with real estate belonging to the decedent whose estate he represents, but if he do assume its control and management lie exercises the same functions as an "administrator de sou tort"; that is, one who acts wiliiout authority—'"butts in"^and as such must likewise assume the responsibilities.

In the case before us, the committee souglit to s^ireen itself from the consequences of the negligence exercised in repairs by the claim of its being simply a functionary appointed by a court, and a mere bailifC of tiie court to take charge of the property.

The particular ciuestion had never but once been decided by a court, but in that instance sustaining the defence of immu­nity on the part of the committee.

In the case before us (Rooney vs. Peoples Trust Co., Gl Misc., 159) this immunity was changed lo one of liability for the com­mittee, the court saying: "Here is a grant of independent au­thority to enter into the relation of landlord and tenant, and it carries with it, necessarily, an assumption of all the rights and duties that ordinarily attend such a relation. If the committee rents the property under its charge in such a way that it re­tains control over the common passageways used by the vatious tenants, there is no conceivable reason why it should not be charged with all the duties of a landlord, to the same extent as it is possessed with all the rights of such a legal relation. The reason why it cannot be held liable in ils representative capacity is that the eslate of the incompetent must not be subjected to a liability for the torts of one who is not his agent in the legal sense. This reason falls far short of exempting the committee individually."

Directors who do not direct are tlius not alone in a class who assume responsibilities they do not Intend lo fully perform, and committees of incompetents and administra':ors of estates as­suming the function of landlords must learn through personal accountability to perform the duties of tiie relation.

BUILDING LINE ORDINANCES. At a meeting iield between a representative of the Corporation

Counsel's ofRce and Nelson P. Lewis, engineer of the Board of Estimate, it was definitely decided that the new code of ordin­ances now being prepared and expected to be completed by De­cember 1 will not affect any properties that now encroach on the streets. It is the purpose of the new code to include only new buildings that may be erected on present streets and future conslruction on new streets.

Such property that does encroach will be protected, as far as it can be protected, by the method that has been in force for a long lime—through the permits obtained from city departments and officials.

APARTMENT HOUWB HEATING. "Since the question of using open cai'S during unseasonable

weather has been satisfactorily settled for the good of the pub­lic, may I appeal to your valuable paper to kindly take up the question of the healing of our apartments?

"The tenant nowadays is entirely at the mercy of his land­lord; no matter how cold the weather is, he will get heat only when the landlord sees fit, sometimes not before Nov. 1, and rarely after March 31.

"Considering the cost of living in New York City apartments, there should be some law regulating so vital a question.

"M. H," As in Spring the "voice of the turtle (?) is heard in the land"—

search your Scriptures—so, in Fall, possibly even more notice­ably, is iieard the voice of the tenant—and generally in com­plaint.

The above communication to one of our contemporaries—the mouthpiece likewise of . current Polar complaint—is in point. With "Cook nailed," the correspondent possibly hopes to have "flats healed," become a "next" in its Quixotic efforts to right all wrongs due to extreme cold.

Now, the truth is that all these complaints tending to divert just causes of investigation or remedy, from the forum of proper inquiry, either before or after, to the inflammable, irre­sponsible sympathies of "the people," smack of yellow journal­ism. What people will read and pay to read becomes the lode-stone of journalistic seek-and-find. A man Is killed, and the lamb of sacrifice finally selected-usually by newspaper de­tective work—is at least half-tried before he ever gets to the proper tribunal, a judge and jury,. So, of the steani heating of flats; catch the ear of the newspaper public with a cry of in­sufficient heating, and every calm principle of judgment is thrown aside in a burst of popular sympathy. If a man now­adays ever claims to have fallen among thieves he needs no good Samaritan in the rush of the newspaper "flrst aid."

As a man selects, or ought to select, bis wife, by careful pre-matrimonial inquiry, so ought an intending tenant to select his proposed home or flat, and obtain either proper binding previous statements as to what he desires, or learn from past or present occupants if the house has a good name,-and be likely to suit him in the respects desired.

LIABILITY. To the Editor of the Record and Guide:

One of my clients desires to purchase a drug store on which the existing lease has two years to run. The rent is higher than is being asked for adjoining corners. The seller, who is also the lessee, is willing to sell the store for the amount of the debts plus 10 per cent. What my client desires to know is: Does he malie himself in any way liable for the lease in case he purchases the drug business and moves it into the opposite corner?


ANS,—The queslion is somewhat obscure. No man is bound to pay the debts of another unless he assumes them in writing. The question, however, seems to involve the purchase of the drug business, to pay ali debts and lo 'per cent, bonus; the lease is certainly a debt or obligation of the seller, and as such we assume, he would expect to have it covered by an obligation of the purchaser to protect him from ils required rent. The best course for you, as a broker to prevent future trouble, is to have this plainly understood by the parlies to the transaction, for one of them has got to pay the rent required by the lease, for the two years it has yet to run, unless released by the landlord.

TRESPASS. To the Editor of the Record and Guide:

How can a builder be compelled to remove sheds that are on private property? Consent was given after they were placed there. Long since the buildings have been completed and the builder has promised to remove the sheds three or four times— but they are still there. Both the builder's sheds and the tele­phone were placed on the premises during the owner's absence.

Answer,—The removal of sheds placed on your premises by a trespasser ean be easily effected with an axe. Coupled, how­ever, with what seems to have been a verbal license by you made after erection, an implied reasonable right to their being there would seem to have been established, and we would advise a thirty days' written notice, requiring removal, to be served on the builder, before proceeding to remove them.—Editor.

HOUSE AND REAL ESTATE OWNERS. A regular monthly meeting of the House and Real Estate

owners' Association of the Twelfth and Nineteenth Wards was held on Friday, Nov. 12, 1909, at Central Turn Hall, S5th st, and Lexington av. The principal business of the evening was revising the constitution.

9 2 2 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909


W HEN a builder once determines to erecl a large aparl­ment house, he should bear in mind that the addition of

two, tliree or more stories lo his original plans will not increase the fixed charges, with the exception perliaps of a slight in­crease in laxes. The additional revenue that those additional floors will bring, however, more than offsets any possible in­crease in the expense of conducting llie building.

I might better illustrate this point by drawing a comparison with the remarkable increase in the size of the mighty freight­ers that ply the Great Lakes. We might lake, for instance, a steel steamer of the most modern type, about 250 feet long, and a carrying capacity of about 4,000 tons.

The cost of operating that steamer is just as great as the operation of a 600-foot modern leviathan of the Lakes, with a carrying capacity of from S.OOO to 10,000 tons,

COMPARATIVE ECONOMY OF LARGE BUILDINGS. And so it is with the modern apartment house. You pay your

manager, your engineer or fireman, and your elevator men just as much in a six or seven-story building as you do in a ten or 'twelve-story building. Understand 'iiie, I am making these comparisons in round flgures, so to speak, permitting a slight variation of perhaps a few dollars in comparative cost. The idea I wish to convey, however, is that the greater income from the greater building reduces in proportion the flxed charges on that property.

In the early life of the large apartment house it was thought essential to the success of that institution that the apartments be equipped for complete housekeeping. To-day, iiowever, the apartment house that has become rid of tliat feature, and pre­sents to its tenants a well-managed cafe, is, to my mind, the most successful and most lucrative type of apartment iiouse, or apartment hotel, as we have come to term them.

The cafe, however, demands the most exacting attention, as an ill-managed table will do more 'to injure tlie reputation of the aparlment hotel than any other one element. The cafe, to be successful, must be moderate in price and plain in service. Cleanliness is the cafe's essential. Make the cafe homelike, both in appointments and in service. Make your tenants feel that they are sitting down to a liable that provides them with just what they would have were they in their private home. You should remember that the class of tenants w-hich an apartment holel attracts is such that the cafe is tiie pivot around which revolves their judgment of the institution.

In this connection, I might say tliat I flnd from my experience that the most successful apartment hotel can provide a most satisfactory cafe service for from $7 to $12 per week.

RESTAURANT SERVICE. My reasons for advocating the apartment iiouse with cafe

service in preference to that wi'th housekeeping facilities, are principally that it produces a better return on the investment, and at the same time attracts a more derirable class of tenants. There is a desirable element in every large city that wishes to rid itself of the servant problem and the apartmen>t hotel points the way to tiiem.

I do not hesitate to say that the income from the apartment hotel that presents the proper cafe service is from 15 to 20 per cent, higher tlian from the housekeeping apartment house whicii cost just as much, if not more, to construct.

You can take an apartment that rents at, we will say $60, in a iiousekeeping apartment house, and by converting it into 'two smaller suites with cafe service in the same building, you can make that same floor space bring $80 per month.

This class of investment, of course, is beyond the reach of the investor of moderate means. But there is a class of apartment house which is within the reach of the man with practically a mere few hundred dollars, and which brings liim a return on his investment which is most satisfactory in every respect. This brings me to the subject of the duplex or two family dwellings.

THE TW^O-FAMILY DWELLING. The two-family dwelling presents an ideal form of investment

for the man of small means. V 'Kh a little plot of ground paid for, he is in a position lo borrow the money with which to erect this structure. He then makes one-half of it for his ow-n home and from the other half of the house has a revenue which in time justifies the investment. At the same time, the owner is in a position to care for his property by reason of being right on 'the ground at all times, and he thus has at once the satis­faction and safety of a home, as well as the assistance and independence which even a limited income carries with it. Ownership of a home is conducive to ideal citizenship. Home ownership breeds a contentment. It makes better men and better women.

Before the advent of the duplex buiiding, many a man was deterred from erecting a home of his own accord because with

the means ait hand he could not provide a home which he felt would become his station in life. The two-family building, iiowever, has shown him the way. He now erects such a dwell­ing at practically the same cost of a single home, of tiie nature lie sought, would have cost him, and he as an income frora it which finally gives him absolute ownership,

THE DUPLEX BUILDING. That is why the duplex building is so popular in every section

of the United Slates, and now-here more popular than right liere in the cily of Detroit. I make the claim that the highest type of duplex building is to be seen in the City of the Straits. I could point out to you building after building, which, with casual observation, you would say was a single dwelling, but w-hich is in reality the most ideal form of two-family structure.

In this same class of investment I might mention the three and four-family structure, but of course that calls for a slightly higher investment. It gets just a little beyond ithe means of the man who, by careful methods, can come into pos­session of the two-family building.

Do not confuse the four-family building with the four-story apartnienl house investment. The four-family building ordin­arily occupies two floors and in point of attractiveness is a strong competitor to the two-family building, although it does not hold out the appearance of the single dwelling as strongly as does the two-family house.

In a four-stoi-y apartment house the top floor must necessarily bring a lower rental than the other floors, by reason of the tiresome stair climbing. That again brings a different class of tenants, generally, than are found on the lower fioors of the same apartment house. This should be avoided if possible. Every aparlment house should be so constructed as to at t ract one class of tenants as nearly as possible for every floor, and every apartment in tiie entire building.

"Mr. Hannan is prominent in Detroit real eslate circles. This article is a portion of a paper read at the Convention of Building Managers at Detroit, as reported in "Building Management."

THE "ALLIANCE" AND SUBWAYS. The Coinmittee of Legislation of the Taxpayers' Alliance of

the Bronx, of whicii committee Harry Robitzek Is chairman, has rendered a report on the Subject vs. Subway building as follows;

Three actions were brought by taxpayers and In each there was demanded that municipal authorities of the City of New York be restrained fr->m committing the City to certain pro­posed contracts for construction of subways and various other public improvements, and to issue corporate stock therefor, on the ground that thereby the provisions of the constitution with respect to limitation of the City indebtedness would be violated.

Upon application being made for preliminary injunction, an order of reference was made to General Tracy, and the Referee was required to take proof of and to report with his opinion the amount in which the city was indebted for any purpose, and in any manner, on June 30th, 1908, in order that the court might be enabled to determine thereupon the amount of existing indebtedness coming under the constitution.

General Tracy thereafter reported as a margin for the City's limit to incur further indebteness approximately one hundred and six million dollars. The Court of Appeals, on the 22d day of October last afflrmed the report in all regards, except one, and that is as to whether or not certain outstanding contracts which had been entered into by the city of public improvements should be regarded as public indebteness, and in this regard the Court of Appeals lias taken an exception with General Tracy, and has decided that such contracts are to be considered as indebtedness, and as such should be inclusive of the computa­tion above referred lo. These contracts aniount to approxim­ately fifty-four million dollars. However, notwithstanding this one exception to tlie referee's report whicii has been sustained by the Court of Appeals, the aggregate amount of the City's debt limit at this time is over one hundred million dollars, because many improvements have been made since the 30th day of Janu­ary, 1908, which are now public Indebtedness, and to be com­puted and made part of the account upon which the city may compute its debt limit. Because of the afflrmalion of this re­port by the Court of Appeals in ail regards except tiie one spe­cified, the Board of Estimate lias taken up the matter of Fourth Ave. subway in Brooklyn and has acquiesced with the Public Service Commission in this regard, and work will be be­gun in a couple of days.

It is up to the people of the Borough of the Bronx to see that the money now available for the building of new subways will be used for building of additional subways in the Borough of the Bronx,

From a report obtained by your committee, it is learned that the People of the State of New York at a recent election voted against an amendment to the State Constitution exempting cer­tain bonds from being computed as part of the debt limit; even if this report be correct, there will slill be sufflcient moneys available for the cily to build a direct East Side subway.

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE Manhat tan 923

C E C O . , OF NEW YORK HE TITLE INSl 135 Broadway, Manhattan CAPITAL AND S U R P L U S ,

and 203 Montague St. , Brooklyn $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 E r a m l n e s a o d I n s u r e s T i t l e s to R e a l E a t a t * on S a l e s a n d L o a n s , a n d D e a l s in M o t t e a g e s ,

E D G A R J . L E V E Y P r e s i d e n t J O U N D, C R I M M I N S , I T - ' T> •.. .= C L I N T U N R . I A M B S , | V i c e - P r e a i d e n t a . C Y R I L H . B U R D E T T , S e c r e t a r y C H A U N C E Y H. H U M P B R E Y S , ! A s s t . E D W I N A , B A V L E S , ( S e c ' j a . W I L L I A M N . H A R T E , T r e a s n r e r H o n . A B R A H A M R. L A W R E N C E , C o n n s a J


N o v . 2 6 . 153d s t , s s, fJTo w B r o a d w a y , 2 5 x 9 9 , 1 1 , e x c e p t

p a r t a b o u t 2 o x 2 5 t a k e n fo r R i v e r s i d e D r i v e .

ADVERTISED LEGAL SALES. S a l e s to b e h e l d a t t h e R e a l E s t a t e E x c h a n g e ,

14 a n d 16 V e s e y s t , e x c e p t a s e l s e w h e r e s t a t e d .

N o v . 2 0 . C e n t r a l a v | s e c o r S t A g o e a a v , 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 . S t , A g n e s a v | S e a y i e w a v , w s . 1 7 5 s C e n t r a l a v , 2 5 x 1 0 0 . B r i e e s a v [s w c o r W e s t c h e s t e r a v , r u n s s W e s t c h e s t e r a v 1-Ju.l x w 181 .2 to W e s t e r n a v . W e s t e r n a v f x n 12o t o W e s t c h e s t e r a y , x

e 108,C to b e g . C e n t r a l a v jn e c o r L o r i l l a r d a v , 1 1 0 x 4 7 5 to L o r i l l a r d a v | P e l b a m R i v e r , s 4 6 5 , B a y e h e s t e r ,

A n n i e V T a y l o r a g t S a r a b A V a d e n et a l ; D e L a M a r e & M o r r i s o n , a t t ' y s , 20!) B r o a d w a y ; C r o m w e l l G M a c y , J r . ref . ( A m t d u e , $ 6 , -9 0 4 . S 6 ; t a x e s , SLC, $ 0 0 0 . ) B y C r o m w e l l G M a c y , J r , o n t h e p r e m i s e s a t 1 o ' c l o c k n o o n .

N o v . 2 2 . W i l l e t t s t . N o 30 , e s, 137 .6 n B r o o m e s t , 3 1 , 3

xlOO, 4 - s t y b r k t e n e m e n t a n d s t o r e a n d 2 - s t y b r k s b o p in r e a r . M a r y E W e b e r a g t M a x S p o r n e t a l ; T b o m a s J F a r r e l l , a t t ' y , 7 3 N a s ­s a u s t ; A l v i n U n t e r m y e r , r e t . ( A m t d u e , $ 2 5 , 3 0 7 . 4 0 ; t a x e s , &c , $1 ,200 . ) M o r t r e c o r d e d O c t 2 3 , 1 9 0 6 . B y J o s e p h P D a y .

N o v . 2 3 . l l t h a v , N o s 5 0 9 t o 6 0 3 | s w c o r 4 5 t h s t . 7 5 . 3 x 1 0 0 , 4 o t b s t , N o s 6 0 0 & 6 0 2 | t h r e e 4 - s t y b r k t e n e m e n t s

a n d s t o r e s a n d 1 - s t y f r a m e b u i l d i u g i n s t r e e t . F a n n i e S t r a u s s a g t B e n j a m i n L W e i l e t a l ; M y r o n S u l z b e r g e r , a t t ' y , 3 8 P a r k R o w ; E u g e n e N R o b i n s o n , ref . ( A m t d u e , , ^8 ,614 .70 ; t a x e s . SLC, -^741.05; s u b to a first l u o r t of $35 ,000 . ) M o r t r e c o r d e d M a r c h 1 , 1 9 0 6 . B y B r y a n L K e n n e l l y .

N o v . 2 4 .

L a w r e n c e a v i s w c o r F e r r i s a v , 275x100-F e r r l s a v | W e s t c h e s t e r a v l n w co r W e s t e r n a v . 300.':4aOx W e s t e r n a v | i r r e g u l a r . W e s t e r u a v , e s, 2 0 0 n W e s t c h e s t e r a v , 275x100 . W e s t c h e s t e r a v | s w c o r W e s t e r n a v , r u n s w 2 9 2 W e s t e r n a v I x s e — t o C e n t r a l a v , x e 100 C e u t r a l a v | x n 525 t o b e g . C e n t r a l a v | n e c o r W e s t e r u a v , r u n s n 40O W e s t e r u a v I x e 200 to L a w r e n c e a v , x s 4 0 0 to L a . w r e n c e a v ] C e n t r a l a v , x w 2 0 0 t o b e g . R a i l r o a d a v | s e c o r L a w r e n c e a v , 75x15!) . L a w r e n t e a v | S t A g n e s a v i s e c o r F e r r i s a v , 4 2 5 x 2 2 0 to P e l -F e r r i s a v I h a m R i v e r , x — x 3 2 5 . R a i l r o a d a v Is w co r L a w r e n c e a v , 1 2 6 . 4 x S 9 x L a w r e n c e a v | —x—, W e s t c h e s t e r a v i s e co r S t A g n e s a v , r u n s s 475 St A g n e s a v j x e ICO x n 2 3 x e 1 0 0 to S e a S e a V i e w a v | V i e w a v , x n 4 5 0 to W e s t c h e s t e r

a v . X w 2 0 0 to b e g . M a i u a v ]s e c o r C e n t r a l a v , r u n s s 25 x e C e u t r a l a v | 200 t o S t M a r y s a v , x • 2 5 s w 2 0 0 S t M a r y s a v | t o b e g . M a i n a v . e s, 5 0 s C e n t r a l a v , 2 o x l 0 0 . M a i n a v le s, 1 2 5 s C e n t r a l a v , 1 0 0 x 2 0 0 to S t S t M a r y s a v M a r y s a v , S t A g n e s a v [ s w c o r C e n t r a l a v , 2 5 x 1 0 0 . C e u t r a l a v |

R a i l r o a d a v |n e c o r S t M a r y s a v , 2 5 x 1 0 0 . S t M a r y s a v | R a i l r o a d a v | s e c o r S t M a r y s a v , r u u s s — x S t M a r y s a v | e — t o S t A g n e s a v , x n — x w — St A g n e s a v | to b e g . R a i l r o a d a v i s e c o r S t A g u e s a v , — x — . S t A g n e s av] B r i d g e a v , e s , 150 n R a i l r o a d a v , r u n s n 11)

to P e l h a m B a y , x s e — x w — t o b e g . B r i d g e a v \a e c o r R a i l r o a d a v , 1 0 0 x 2 0 0 . R a i l r o a d a v | M a i n a v In w Cor F e r r i s a v . 5 0 x 1 0 0 . F e r r i s a v | F e r r i s a v [n e c o r M a i n a v , r u n s n 300 to P e l -M a i n a v J h a m R i v e r , x e — t o S t M a r y s a v . S t M a r y s a v | x s 2S5 .9 x w 2 0 0 to b e g . C e n t r a ! a v , s w c o r W e s t e r n a v , S 6 x 2 0 5 x — , g o r e .

E . s raond S t i l e s a g t P e d e y S C r o s i e r e t a l

-THOMAS DIMOND • All Kinds of Iron U ork for Buildings

O F F I C E , -ir, W E S T a-i ih S T R E E T ™. , r W e S t ; i : 3 i l S t r , r t N E W Y O R K W o r k s ^ l ^ g ^ t ;j,j,l .sii-eet Te l , , 1035 .Morvay I I i l I

G r a h a m & L ' A m o r e a u x , a t t ' y s , 4 2 B r o a d w a y ; R o b e r t L L u c e , ref. ( A m t d u e , .¥65,S03.1'J; fa>:es, &c, $ 7 , 9 2 8 . 8 2 . ) A t 1 1 o ' c l o c k a . m , a t M u n i c i p a l B l d g . , 3d a n d T r e m o n t a v s , B r o n x , by J o s e p h P D a y .

M o n r o e s t , s s, 132 e C o r l e a r s s t , 4 4 x 7 0 , C - s t y b r k t e u e m e n t a u d s t o r e s . A b n e r D i s t i l ­l a t o r a g t R o s e T L e v l s o h n e t a l ; D a v i s SL K a u f m a n n , a t f y s . 4 9 C h a m b e r s s t ; J a m e s G ' M a l l e y r e t . ( A m t d u e , $ 9 , 8 0 0 . 3 8 ; t a x e s , &c , $883 ,211 s u b t o a f i rs t m o r t o l $ 3 2 , 0 0 0 . ) M o r t r e c o r d e d J a u 11 , 1907 . B y H e r b e r t A S h e r m a n .

I 7 6 t h s t In w c o r B o s t o n r d , B o s t o n r d , N o s 1S51 Sc 1 S 5 3 | 73 .2 x 110 .4 x 1 3 0 . 1 1 x

1 2 5 . 3 . t w o 1-s ly f r a m e s t o r e s a n d v a c a n t . L u ­t h e r W P N o r r i s g d n a g t A u n a H G e r d i n g e t a l ; N o r w o o d & M a r d e n , a t t ' y s , 6 8 W i l l i a m s t ; P b i l i p J M c C o o k . r e l . ( A m t d u e . $ 1 4 , 8 6 4 . 7 9 ; t a x e s . &c , $2,9O0.) M o r t r e c o r d e d S e p t 17, 1 0 0 7 . B y J a m e s L W e l l s .

M o r r i s a v . N o 1052 , e s, 1 9 0 n I C o t h s t , 2 0 x 9 2 . 6 , 3 - s t y b r k d w e l l i n g . L o u i s a B W h i t e a g t M i d ­d l e b o r o R e a l t y Co e t a l ; W m H H a m i l t o n , a t f y s , IOO B r o a d w a y ; C b a s W R i d g w a y . ref . ( A m t d u e , $7,5 .>4.80; t a x e s , SLC, $754 .26 . ) M o r t r e c o r d e d J u n e 30 , 1905 . E y J o s e p b P D a y .

J 0 7 t b s t . N o 209, n s, 175 e 3d a v , 2 5 x 1 0 0 . 1 1 , 4 -s t y b r k t e n e m e n t . W i l l i a m H o f t e t a l a g t W i l l ­i a m A b r a h a m e t a l ; R o b e r t E B e r g m a n , a t f y , .S0,50 3d a v , B r o n x ; L o u i s B H a s b r o u c k , ref. ( A m t d u e , $ 4 , 4 8 2 . 0 9 : t a : ; e s , &c , $ 3 0 0 , 6 8 ; e u b t o a m o r t of .$S.O00.) M o r t r e c o r d e d A p r i l 2 8 , 1904 . B y H e r b e r t A S h e r m a n ,

N o v . 2 6 .

163d Et, N o 286 , s s , 158 ,4 e M o r r i s a v , 16 .Sx 1 1 4 , 1 0 , 2 - s t y f r a m e d w e l l i n g . O t t o B i t t n e r e t ­a l a g t C h a r l e s D o l l e t a l ; J o h n J O ' B r i e n , s t t ' y , 3 2 0 B r o a d w a v : B e n n o L e w i n s o n , ref . ( A m t d u e , $ 3 , 2 8 1 . 0 5 : ta .xes . Scc. .$67.40.) M o r t r e c o r d e d J u l y 8 . 1904 . B y J o s e p h P D a y ,

( C o n l i n u e d on P a g e 9 2 3 . )

ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ADVERTISE­MENT IN T H E CITY RECORD o£ November 13 to 26. 1909, of the coafirmation by the Board ot Rev i s ion of AsEessments, and the e n t e r i n g in the Bureau tor the Coliet t ioi i o l Assessments and Arre i t r s . ot a s s e s s m e n t s to r LOCAL IMPROVE­MENTS in the BOROUGH OF Q U E E N S :

:ST WARD. WILLIAM STREET—SEWER, from Ihe crown nor th of W i l b u r uvenue to Payn­t a r avenue , WILBUR AVENUE—SETWER, from Crescent to Wi l l i am Streets , and WILLIAM STREET—SEWER, from crown norti i ot Wi lbur avenue to H a r r i s avenue , 12TH AVENUE—SEWER from Broadway to J a m a i c a avenue .

HERMAN A. METZ, Comptrol ler . City of New York, November 11, 1909. (Ha7GI

ATTENTION IS CALLED TO T H E ADVERTISE­MENT IN T H E CITY RECORD of Novembev IS to 26, 1909, of the confirmation by the Board of Revis ion of Assessments , and t h e e n t e r i n g in the Bureau for the Collect ion oE Asses smen t s aud A r r e a r s , of a s sess inen t s for LOCAL IMPROVE­MENTS in tlie BOROUGH OF RICHMOND:

3D W A R D . CONSTRUCTING A COMBINED S E W E R in MORNINGSTAR ROAD, from Tni t ' s Lane to Richmond T e r r a c e : in RICHMOND T E R ­RACE trom Morn ings t a r Road to s. point about half way between Van Pe l t avenue and Vaji N a m e a v e n u e : in PROSPECT STREET, from MorniuBstar Road to a point abou t 465 feet eas t ­e r ly ; In SHERMAN AVENUE from Mornings tar Road to a point abou t 56S feet ea s t e r ly ; in INNIS STREET, t rom Morn iugs t a r Road to John S t r e e t ; in CEDAR STREET from Morn ings ta r Road to Housman avenue ; in SIMONSON AVENUE, VAN NAME AVENUE AND BAY AVENUE, from Rich­mond Ter race to t h e t r a c k s o( the Staten Is land Rapid T r a n s i t Company ; in HOUSMAN AVENUE, from the l ine of F o r e s t avenue extended to the p i e r and bulkhead l i n e ; and to connect w i t h an OUTLET a t the foot of HOUSMAN .AVENUE.

HERMAN A. METZ, Comptrol ler . City ot New York, November 11, 1909. (1-1574)

ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ADVERTISE­MENT IN T H E CITY RECORD of November 13 10 56, 1909, ot the "confirmation by the Board of

\ Revis ion of Assessments , and the en te r ing in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and A r r e a r s , ot a s se s smen t s for LOCAL IMPROVE­MENTS In the BOROUGH OF BROOICLYN:

30TH WARD, SECTION 19. BATH A V E N U E -REGULATING, GRADING, CURBING, LAYING SIDEWALKS AND PAVING, be tween 14tb avenue and Bay IStli s t r ee t and between Bay 19th s t r e e t and 21st avenue . , ,,

HERMAN A, METZ, Comptrol ler . City ot New York. November 11. 1909. (14580)

ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ADVERTISE­MENT IN THE CITY RECORD of November 13 to 25, 1909, ot tha conflrmalion by the Board of Revis ion of Assessments , and the en te r ing in the Bureau for the Col lect ion of Assessments aud A r r e a r s of a s se s smen t s for LOCAL IMPROVE­MENTS in the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:

H T H WARD, SECTION 7, WEST 14STH STREET —REREOULATING, REGRADING, CURBING. R E ­CURBING, FLAGGING .-^ND REFL.4GG1NG, from a point 225 tee t 7 inches w e s t ot Broadway to the eas ter ly l ine of R ive r s ide Drive.

HERMAN A. METZ, Comptrol ler . City of New York, N o v e m b e r 11. 1909. (14o6TI

ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ADVERTISE­MENT IN TIIE CITY RECORD of November 13 Io 26, 1900, ol the confirmation by the Board ot Revision ot Assessmen t s , and t h e en ter ing in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrea rs , of assessments for LOCAL IMPROVE­MENTS in the BOROUGH OF T H B BRONX,

24TH WARD, SECTION 10. WEST 177TH STREET—REGULATING, GRADING, CURBING, ERECTING F E N C E S . CONSTRUCTING STEPS AND DRAINS, from Sedgwick avenue to the eas t ­erly l ine of Cedar avenue , and PAVING between Cedar avenue and a point about 160 teet eas t ­erly theref rom. 24TH WARD, SECTION 11. MO­HEGAN AVENUE—SEWERS, t rom Eas t n S t h to 176th s t r e e t s . 24TH WARD, SECTION 12. EAST 203D STREET AND VALENTINE AVENUE—RE­CEIVING B.-VSINS a t tha n o r t h w e s t and south­wes t co rne r s . J E R O M E AVENUE AND KINGS-BRIDGE ROAD—RECEIVING BASIN a t the nor th ­eas t corner .

HERMAN A. METZ, Comptrol ler . City of New York, November 11, 1909. (14570)

ATTENTION IS CALLED TO T H E ADVERTISE­MENT IN THE CITY R E C O R D , of November 18 to December 2, 1909, of the conBrmation by the Board Of Assessors , and tha e n t e r i n g in the 'Bur­eau tor the Collection ot Asses smen t s .ind Ar­rears , of a ssessments tor LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in tho BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:

23D WARD, SECTION 9. EAST 139TH STREET —^SEWER, between Cypress a \ 'enue and a point 197 feet westerly therefrom. EAST 147TH STREET —SEWER, between Robb ins avenue and St. M a r y s Park, 24TH WARD, SECTION 11. EAST ISBTH STREET—PAVING T H E ROADWAY AND SETTING CURB, from 3d to P a r k avenues .

HERM.^VN A. METZ, Comptrol ler . City ot New York. November 16, 1309.

ATTENTION JS CALLED TO TI IE ADVERTISE-MEXT IN T H B CITY RECORD of November 19 to December 3, 1900, of tha confirmation by the Board of Assessors , and the en te r ing in the B u r ­eau for the Collection of Assessments and Ar­r ea r s , of a ssessments for LOCAL IMPROVE­MENTS in the EIGHTH WA RD of the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, pu r suan t to the provis ions of Chapter Slio of the L a w s ot ISSS, and the ac t am­endatory therea t , and Ch.ipter 37S ot the L a w s of 1397, and Chapter 466 ot t h e L a w s of 1901, amen­da to ry thereof :

41ST STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from 2d to 3d avenues . 41ST STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, [ rom 5th to Oth avenues . 43D STREET —GRADING, from 5th avenue to tho old c i ty line (excepting t rom 5th to 7th avenues) . 44TH STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from 23 to 3d avenues . 44TH STREET—GRADING AND PAV­ING, frora Sth to 6th avenues . 45TH S T R E E T -GRADING AND PAVING, from 2il to 3d a v e ­nues . 46TH STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from 2d to 3d avenues . 46TH STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from Stli to 6th avenues . 47TH S T R E E T - G R A D I N G AND PAVING, ( rom 2d to 3d avenues, 4STH STREET—GRADING AND PAV­ING, from Stb to Gth avenues . -ISTH S T R E E T -GRADING, t rom Sth avenue to old ci ty l ine. SOTH STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from 2d to 3d avenues . £2D STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from oth to Gth avenues . 53D STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, t rom 5th to Gth avenues . 64TH

STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, from 2d to 3d avenues , SoTH STREET—GRADING AND PAV­ING, from Sth to Gth avenues . 5"TH S T R E E T -GRADING AND PAVING, between 1st and 2d av­enues . 57TH STREET—GRADING AND PAVING from 2d to 3d avenues , 57TH STREET—GRADING AND PAVING, fl-om Sth to Gth avenues . 6TH AVENUE—GRADING AND PAVING, t rom 39th to 41st S t ree t s . GTH AVENUE—GRADING, from 39th St ree t lo the old cily line. GTH AVENUE—GRAD­ING AND PAVING, from 44Ih S l ree t to old city l ine. TTH AVE.NUE^GRADI.N'C, from 39tb St ree t to old ci ty line.

HERM.AN A, METZ, Comptrol ler . City of New York, November IS, 19011,



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given t ha t the Com-mjSKioners of the S inking Fund , by v i r t ue ot the Duwor.i vested in them by law, wil! offer for sa l e by sealed b ids all the bui ldings , p a r t s of bui ld ings , e tc . , s t and ing upon proper ty owned by the City ot New York, acquired by it for s t r ee t oirening purposes in tha

BOROUGH OF THB BRONX. BEING all Ihe bui ld ings , p a r t s ot bu i ld ings etc.

s t and ing wi th in the l ines ot Cas t l e Hil l Avenue from West F a r m s Road to t h e Publ ic Place at i t s souther ly t e r m i n u s , in the 24th W a r d of the Bor­ough of The Bronx, and compris ing some seven ty parcels , all ot which are more pa r t i cu la r ly de­scribed on a cer ta in map on file in Ihe office of the Collector of City Revenue , D e p a r t m e n t of F inance , Room i l l . No. 2S0 Broadway, Borough of Manha t tan .

PURSUANT to a r e so lu t ion of the Commis­s ioners ot the S inking Fund , the sale by sealed bids of the above described bu i ld ings and a p ­pur tenances there to will be hold by di rect ion of the Comptrol ier at the office of the Collector- of City Revenue a t 11:00 a. m. on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 190i|, For full pa r t i cu l a r s see City Record or .apply

a t Room 141, No. 280 Broadway, Borough ot Manha t t an .

H. A. METZ, Comptrol ler .

Cily of New York, D e p a r t m e n t of F inance , Comp-Irol ler 'B Oflice, November 12, 1909. (145S7I


\OTII ' [ , ; TO CONTRACTORS. TROY, N. Y., November 16, 1909.

Nolir-c is herebi ' gi^'en t ha t p lans and speciffca­t lons for the erect ion and complet ion ot a bui ld­ing called " T h e Centra l School ." will be ready and may be obta ined on and a f te r Monday, No­vember 32, 1909, a t t h e office of the Board of Contract and Supply. A deposi t of twenty-five dol la rs (S25.t)0) will be requ i red , such sum to be refunded on the r e t u r n of the d r a w i n g s and srieclfications.

Bids wil l be adver t i sed for on and a f te r Nov­ember 22, 1909,

(Signed) E . L. GRIMES, City Engineer ,

924- Oonveyances R E C O R D A N D G U I D E Manhattan November 20, Ipt Q


(Continued from Page 923.)

WU st. No 124, s s, 75 w Lexington av, 25x J09 11, 5-sty brk tenement . Malvina Russom et al agt Moses Ochs et a l ; Morton Stein, a t f y ; J ames Oliver, ref. (.Amt due, $6,804.3(; taxes, &c, $300: sub to a first mort of $16,0iKl.) By Joseph P Day.

Madison av, -No 1584, w s, 50.11 n 106th st, 2ox 100 5-sty stone front tenement aud store. Fenimore Realty Co agt I rv ing Bachrach et al ; Davis Sc Kaufman, a t f y s , 49 Chambers s t ; A.dam Wiener, ref. ( . \mt due, $5,414.43; taxes. &c, S540.35; sub to a mort of S25,0C0.) Mort recorded May 16, 1906- By Samuel Marx.

I13th st. No 239, c s, 150 w 2d av, 25x100.11, 5-sty brk tenement . Stuyvesant Mortgage Co agt Angela De Sisto et al ; Carter Sc Haskel i .

a t t ' y s , IS Wall s t ; J ames Kearney, ref. (Amt due. $4,4oo.oo: t a ses , Stc, $533,46; sub to a first mort of .?1S,000.) Mort recorded Ju ly 17, 19l>6. By Chas A Berr ian.

70th st, -Nos 424 & 426, s s, 199 w Av A, 3Sx 100.5, O-sty brk fenement and stores. Abra­ham Poli tziner agt Annie Holland et a l ; Charles Burstein, a t f y , 802 Broadway; Marcel Levy, ref. (Amt due, $16,850.97; taxes, &c, 5 ; sub to a first mor t of $32,000.) By Joseph P Day.

Oth av. No -JS4 |n e cor 37th st, 24.9x100, 5-sty 3r tb st . No 357| b r k tenement and stores, James

Everard agt Cathar ine P Callan et a l ; David M Neuberger . a l f y . 302 Broadway^ Gilbert H Montague, ref. (Ami due, $60,27i .7i ; taxes, &c, $5,952,80.) Mort recorded Feb 21, 1S9S. By Bryan L Kennel ly.

146th s t , Nos 54S to 552 on m a p Nos 550 Sc 552, s s, J2o e B'way, 75x99.11, two 5-sty brk ten­

ements . Twenty-Thi rd Ward Bank of tbe City of N T agt Rae Ginsberg et a l : Lexow, Mac­kellar & Wells, a t f y s , 43 Cedar s t ; Chas L Cohn, ref. .imt due, §2,448.02; taxes, &c. .?I,831.24.) Mort recorded March 4, 1908. By Joseph P Day.

Xov. 27. No Legal Sales advertised for this day.

Nov. 20,

Rivington st, Nos 255 to 2 5 7 ^ , on map Nos 255 and 257, s s, 18,9 e Sheriff s t . oG.3x60, 6-sly brk tenement and stores. Eliza J Smith agt Isaac Sloboder et a l ; A Fred Silverstone, a t t 'y , 150 Nassau s t ; Royal E T Riggs, ref. (-Ajnt due, §20,557.27; taxes, SLC, . ? 1 , 4 0 0 ; suh to a first mort of $45,000.) Mort recorded Feb 2S, 1905. Bv Joseph P Day.

AUCTION S - U J E S O P THE WEEK. The following is the complete list of the property sold, wi thdrawn or

adjourned during week ending Nov. 19, 1909, at the New York Real Es ta te Salesroom 14 and 16 Vesey St. Except where otherwise stated, the prop­erties offered were in foreclosure. Adjournment of legal sales to nes t week are noted under Advert ised Legal Sales. _

' Ind ica t e s t h a t the property described was bid in for the plamtit t s account.

JOSEPH P. DAY. *7Clh s t . No 152, s s, 303.8 e Amsterdam av, 2L4xl02.2, ^ s t y and base­

ment stone front dwelling. ( due. $11,921.07; taxes, SLC, .>y^.y6; sub to a first mor t of $20,000.) Edgar J Levey i,34,0J4

61sE st No 235, n s 275 e West End av, 25x100.5. 5-sty slone front t en-(-imt due, §13,200.01; K.xes, SLC. $526.73.) Dean Holding Co. ement. 14,200

99th st, Nos 06 & 68, s s, 262.6 e Madison av, 37.6x100.11, 6-sty brk len­ement and stores. (Ami due, $0,000.46; taxes, Scc, $i3S.33; sub to a mort of $37,500.) Glassheim & Blaus 44,381

-Prospect av No 601, w s, 255 n 150th st, 20x100, 4-sty brk tenement (Amt due, $1,742,85; taxes, SLC, .$200; sub to pr ior mor t of 88,ioO.) Rose Russell 1".™"

•Clinton av. No 2121|n w cor 181st st , 26x99.3, 4-sty brk tenemeut and I S l s t st. No 721 I store. (Amt due, $4,419.96; taxes, Stc, $434,83; sub

to a first mort of $15,000.) Edward Giegerich 20,009 10th av Nos615 to619 |n w cor 44t)3 st, 75.3.tlOO, 5-sty brk loft building 44th st, Nos oOl & 503 | and store and 2-sty b r k stable in rear . (Par t i -

tion.) Adi slue die • • • 1^3d st No 416 E s. 237 e 1st av. 25x100,11, 4-s ty brk tenement, (Amt

3S, See: $250.53.) Morris H P a r k and Phil l ip H a r r i -10,300

e Columbus av, 20x102.2. 4-Ety and basement

due. $9,815.68; taxes son

»S2d st. No 70, s s, 132 stone front dwelling '-.A' :k:,'^"~" "

Sl th st. No 31, on map No 27, n s, 380 e Columbus av, 20x102.2, o-siy stone front tenemeot

7Sth st . No 150, s s. 280 e .Amsterdam av, 20x102,2, 4-sty and basement atone front dwelling _-• • (Part i t ion.) Har r i e t MacDonald •.•.••••• .••.- . . . i4 .30D

(Amt due $11,115.05; tajtes. See, .$692,44,) Matilda Fi lzs imons et _al, defendants li.OOO

"d av No 1905 w s, 52 n 9Sth st , 26x75. 5-sty brk tenement and store. (Amt. due. $11,126.59; taxes, &c, $676.19.) Mati lda Fi tzs imons et al, defendants li,0O0

•"d av No 2203. on map No 2205, w s. 25.7 n 113th st, 25x100, o-sty brk tenement and store, (Ami due, $6,177.08; taxes, Scc, .$804.98; sub to a prior mort of $20,000.) Henry Ruschmeyer 23,63S

River'Jide Drive, No 54S, e s, 116 s 127th st , 108x95, 6-sty brk tenement . (Amt due. $58,524.13; taxes, &c, $3,919.28; sub to a first mort of $200,-000.) Adj to Dec 2

*100:h st No 321, n s, 325 e 2d av, 25x100.11, 5-sty brk tenement and store ' ( . \mt due, $7,249.02; laxes, &c. $504.07; sub lo prior mor t of $18,000.) Mary F Martin 25,544

4Slh st No 424, s s, 325 e 1st av, 2 5 X 1 0 0 , D , 2-sty b r k stable (exrs sale). Anton J Wet tach 8,000

50th st, Nos 132 SL 134. s s, 350 e 7th av. 50x100.4, two 4-sty b r k tene­ments wi th 2-sty brk stable in rear (voluntary) , J A r t h u r F ischer for Harr ie t 3 J ames 60,000

Amsterdam av. s w cor lS2d st, 70.7x125, 2-sty frame building wi th store (voluntary) . Bid in at $61,500 •

1st av. No 407, w s, 20.10 s 24Ih sl, 19.9x70, 3-sty brk tenement wi th store (voluntary) . Bid in at -$13,900

57th St. Nos 553 & 555. n s, 125 e l l t h av. 50x100.5. two 5-sty brk tene­ments with stores (voluntary) . Bid in a t $40,000

44th st No 161 n s, 101.2 e Broadwav, 21x100.5, 4-sty stone front dwell­ing (voluntary) . Alfred M Rau 111,509

6th av. No 942. e s, 43 n 53d st, 21.6x75, 4-sty brk tenement wilb store (voluntary) . F r a n k M Manning 41.750

Broadway, -Nos 279 to 283, w s, 50.11 n Chambers st . 50.x96.1s50x 94,10, 5-sty stone front store. (Amt due, $5,920.96; taxes, a c , $ .)

Wi thdrawn

Broadway, Nos 279 to 283, w s, 50.11 n Chambers st, 50.X96.1X50K 94.10, o-sty stone front store. (Amt due. $6,749.43; taxes, &c, $ .) Wi thdrawn

BRYAN L. K E N N E L L Y . *Brook av. No 96|n e cor lG4th st, 29.2x74.5x27.6x64,7, 4-sty brk tene-164th st, No 421 I ment and store, ( . \mt due, $16,164.23; taxes, &c,

$403.84.) German Savings Bank in ttie City of N V 15,500 *65th st, Nos 417 on map .Nos 419 & 421, n s, 325.4 w Av A, 37.8x100.5,

5-sty brk tenement and stores, ( due, $13,970.(>S; taxes, £ c , $ 1 , -960.24; sub to a mor t of $33,000.) Lucius H Beers 44,134

97th st, s s, 100 e Madison av, 100x100.11, vacant . (Amt due, $43,057.74; taxes, £ c , $1,646.05.) Van Norden Trus t Co 50,500

Stb av, Nos 2 i l to 277|s w cor 24th st , 84x75, four 4-sty brk tenements 24th st. No 309 I with s tores ( t rus tee ' s sale) . David H Taylor for

tho Opera House Real ty Co 160,000 3d av. No 253. e s, 82 s 21st st, lS.2x75, 3-sty brk tenement with store

( t rus tee ' s sale) . C B Barclay 14,090 74th st, Nos 210 to 214, s s, 125 e 3d av. 50.xl02,2, two 4-sty brk tene­

ments with stores (voluntary) . W J Hamil ton 36,000 37th st, Nos 304 to 308, s s, 100.4 w Sth av. 73.ix9S.9, two 4-sty and one

5-sty brk tenements with s tores and 3-sty brk and frame building in rear (exrs sale). D M Keogh 61,500

38th st . No 311, n s, 150 w Sth av, 25x98.9, 3-sty b r k tenement wi tb store exrs ss le ) . Kohring Real ty Co 20,000

16th st, Nos 320 & 322, s s, 237.6 w Sth av, 37.6x35,11x37.8x39.4, two 4-sty brk tenements with stores (volunlary) . Chas B Gumb 13,475

JAMES L. WELLS, (On the Premises.)

Underclief avINo 13S9, n w s, 227.1 n e Sedgwick av, 25x101.7 lo Sedg-Sedgwick av 1 wick av, x 25x92.1, 2-sty frame dwelling (volunlary) ,

Chas B McGroddy 7,425 Undercliff avjNo 1391, n w s, 252.1 n e Sedgwick av, 25x11015 to Sedg-Sedgwick av | wick av, x25.xl01.7. 2-aty frame dwelliug (voluntary) . John

J Lenahan 7,350 UndercliK av, Nos 1441 £ 1443, n w s, 626.S n e Sedgwick av, 50x124.3

x50.6xll6.4, two 2-sty frame dwellings (voluntary) . F ranc i s W Pol­lock 14,700

*Carter av, w s, 20.9 n 175th st, 31.10x150.3x31.6x148.6, vacant, (Amt due, $998.25; taxes, SLC, $1,103.64.) Wm A Cameron 2,567

HUGH D. SMYTH. Seabury plls e cor 172d st, 50.xl00, vacant . (Amt due, $5,548.24; laxes, 172d st I SLC, $107.39.) Sarah Spero 8,500

H E R B E R T A. SHERMAN. El izabeth st. No 163jw s, 12.3 n Delancey st, r uns n 25 x w 93.9 x s 23.1 Delancey st | to Delancey st x s e 12.3 x e 81.2 to beg, 4-siy

brk tenement (part i t ion). Dominick -Abbate 25,000 Walker st, No 93 |s w cor Lafayette at, 25.8x86.6x22.2x87.1, 5-Lafayet te st, Nos 100 to 104] s t y brk tenement and store (par t i t ion) . W m

.A Whi te SL Sons 55.500 23d st. No 364. s s, 52 e 9 th av, 24x73.10, 4-s ty brk dwelling (par t i t ion) .

John J Duffy 27,700 30th St. No 345, n s, 250 e Oth av. 25x98.9, 3-sty brk dwelling (part i t ion).

Gilbert Kuh 18,450 Crosby st, No 11, e s, 142.2 n Howard st . 25x100. 6-sty brk lenement

and s to re and 6-sty brk tenement in rear (par t i t ion) . Thomas D Day J r ._. 31,700

Anthony avln w cor 175th st 4ox90, vacant . Arat due, $3,666.44; tases , 175th st I &c, $210.69.) Es ta tes Sett lement Co 6,200

SAMUEL M-4RX. Morris av. No I0G4, e s. 310 n 165th st, 20x95, 3-sty brk dwelling, (Amt

due, $2,220.00; taxes, &c, $532.38; sub to a first mor t of $7,500,) Abra­ham breu t lv et al, defendants 9,186

Vyse av, e s, 866,7 n 174th s t . 23.6x94.4x24x89.5, 1-sty frame store, (Part i t ion.) Michael J Dowd 4,250

Total $1,167,590 Corresponding week, 1908 786,563 Jan , 1st, 1909, to date 53,706,300

Corresponding period. 1008 50,330,659

Consult our BUYERS' REFERENCE when about to order any Building Materials. It may save you HUNDREDS and possibly THOUSANDS of dollars, as it con­tains the names of practically all the important Building Material firms and allied interests in Greater New York. If you do not find just what you want, please write or phone us. We will gladly procure, gratis, just such information as will interest you. Prompt attention given to all inquiries,

RECORD AND GUIDE, Tei.4430Madison ! I E. 24th Street. N. Y.

Notice is hereby given tha t infringement will lead to prosecution. The text of these pages ia copsTighted. All r ights are reserved.

November 20, 1909 oon«yMi«. RECORD ANB GTTTDE Manhat tan 925


H. W. McMANN _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _—_ _ _ _ _ _ « ^ _ . ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. E. UONLET

'5 • W H ^ ^ H W B » « « " " " •^•» ^ » - ^ • " ^™ — • Xel., 3780 & S7S1 Murray UiU


a£5 R E A L E S T A T E R E C O R D S

00. let.—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed

wherein all the right, t i t le and Interest of the grantor Is conveyed, omitting all covenants and warranty.

2d.—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or encumbered.

3d.—B, & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, although the seller makes no expressed consideration, he really grants or conveys the property (or a valuable consideration, and thus Impliedly claims to be the owner of It.

4th.—The s t ree t and avenue numbers given In these lists are . In all cases, taken from the insurance maps when lhey are not mentioned In the deeds. The numbers, it will occasionally be found, do not correspond with the existing ones, owing to there having been no oCIicial designation made of them by the Depart­ment o( Public Works.

S th . ^The first date is the date the deed was drawn. The second date is the date ot flling same. When both dates are the samo, only one is given,

Glh.—The figures in each conveyance, thus, 2:482—10, denote that the property mentioned is in section 2, block 482, lot 10.

Tth.—It should also be noted in section and block numbers that the instrument as filed is strictly followed,

8th.—A $20,000—$30,000 indicates the assessed value of the prop­erty, the first figures being for the lot only and fhe second flgures representing both lot and building. Le t te r F before second flgure indicates that the property is assessed as in course ot conslruction. Valuations are from the assessment roll of IDO', ,

9lh.—T. S. preceding the consideration In a conveyance means that the deed or conveyance has been recorded under tha Torrena System.


Nov. 12, 13, 15, 10, 17 and IS. (No. OU.)


Broome st, No 570, n s, 2G.5 e Hudson st, 22,0x84,3, 2-sly brk dwelling, Adam A Schopp lo Joseph Shestokas. Morl $8,000 and all liens, Nov 15, 1909. 2:578—70. A $9 ,000-$ 10,000.

nom Bayard st. No 53, s s, 175.1 w Bowery, 25.lx8o,8x25.2x83.6, 6-sty

brk tenement and stores. PARTITION, Sept 16, lOOSX Francis L Archer referee lo Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Fredrika P and Janet P Ludlam, of Brooklyn, and Henriet ta L. Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:103 28—. A $15,000—$32,000. 40,000

Bedford st. No 102, e s, about CO n Grove st, 22x.50, 3-sty frame brk front teuement. Harry G Goss et al to Edward Louvot of Brooklyn. Nov 17, 3909. 2 :588^42 . A $0,000—$6,500. nom

Bedford st, No 102, e s, about 00 n Grove st, 22x50, 3-sty frame brk front tenement. Edward Louvot lo Harry G Coss. Mort .i;31,0Olt. Nov 17, 1009, 2 : 5 8 S ^ t 2 . A $6,000—.$0,500. uom

Canal st. No 357 | n w cor Wooster st, runs n 72.3 x w 13.9 x s Wooster st. No 1| 69.4 to st x e 22.8 to beginning, 5-sty stone

front loft and store building. Geo W Banta et al to Harr ie t T Banta, 1-3 part. All t i t le. Morl $18,000. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 1 : 2 2 8 - 1 . A $24,000—$34,000. , 4,000

Chrystie st, No 132, e s, abt 100 s Delancey sf, 25x100, 5-sty brk teuement and store and 4-sly brk tenement in rear. Herman Cohen lo Nathan Mayer, All liens. Nov 12, 1909. 2 : 4 1 9 - 0 , A $24,000—$32,000. nom

Cherry st . No 139, s s, 253.6 w Market st. 24.9x00.0, 6-sty brk tenement and stores. PARTITION, Sept IG. 1909. Francis L Archer referee to Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Fredrika F and Janet P Ludlam of Brooklyn, and Henriet ta L Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:250 —70. A $9,000—$10,000. 13,903

Cherry st, No 141. s s, 228,2 w Market st, 25..".x6O.Gx25.5x0O.6, 6-sty brk tenement and store. PARTITION, Sept 10, 1900. Francis L Archer referee lo Jessie F L Robertson of Upper Mont­elair, N J, and Julia P, Frederika F and Janet P Ludlam of Brooklyn, and Henrie t ta L Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:250—75. A $9,000—$16,OOU. 14,500

Cherry st. No 400. n s, 237.0 e Jackson st. 37x97.9, 6-sty brk tene­ment and stores. Harry Rubinstein to Tiliie Wacht. Mort $40,000. Nov 5. Nov 16, 1909. 1:263—36. A $24,000—$52,COO.

other consid and 100 Same property, Tiliie Wacht to Barney Isaacs. All liens. Nov

11. Nov 10, 1909. 1:203. other consid and 100 Christopher st. No 16i s s, 21 w Gay st, runs s 48,9 x s e 11.6 lo Gay sl . No 18 | n w s Gay sl x s w 18 x n w 23.5 x n

55.3 to Christopher st x e 21 to beginning, 3 and 4-sty brk and frame tenemeuts. Henry Heidenis to Chester A Luff of Newarlc, N J. 1-6 part. Mort .$6,000, Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 2:593—14, A $13,000^$ 14,500. nom

Cannon sl . No 04, e s, 125 s Rivington st, 25x100, 5-sty brk ten­ement. FORECLOS, Nov 4, 1909. Waldemar F Timme ref to Geo F Anger. Sub to 1st mort $ - ^ , Nov 12. Nov IS, 1909. 2:328 —7. A $17,000-$33,000. 9,000

Delancey st. No 290, n s, 25 e Cannon st, 25x100, 5-sty brk tene­ment and store. FORECLOS, Nov 9, 1909. Edmund J Tinsdale referee to Fannie Mayer. Mort $18,000. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 2 : 3 2 8 - 3 5 . A $10,000—$28,000. 5,000

Division st. No 201 (2S7). s s, aht 130 e Montgomery st, 20.6x42,| 2-sty brk dwelling. I

Division sl . No 203, s s. 149 e Montgomery st, 20.0x41.10x20,0x42, 3-sly brk dwelling. I Edwin F Wallon to Mitchell A C Levy. Mort .$1G,000. Nov 10. Nov 13, 1909. 1 :287-^2 and 43. A $18,000-$20,000. 100

Grand st. No 568, n s, 100 c Lewis st, 25x100, O-sty brk tenemeni and store. Harry Breuer to David A Shultz, B fc S. Nov 10. Nov 12, 1909. 2 : 3 2 0 - 5 7 . A $17,000—$37,000. nom

Grand st. No 508, n s, 100 e Lewis st, 25x100, G-sty brk tenement and store. David A Schultz to Andrew J Provost, of Brooklyn. B SL S Moris .$40,000. Nov 10. Nov 12, 1909, 2:320—57. A $17,000—$37,000. nom

Greenwich st. No 723, e s, 96 n Charles st, 18.9x68.10x20.8x70.7, 3-sty brk tenement. Harry G Coss et al to Ethv Louvot of Brooklyn, N Y. Nov 17, 1909. 2:G32--41. A .$6,000-$7,500.

nom Greenwich st. No 723 (729), e s. 96 n Charles st, 18.9x68.10x20.8

x76.7, 3-sly brk lenement. Edward Louvot to Harry G Coss. Mort $31,000 on this and other properly. Nov 17, 1909. 2 : 6 3 2 - 4 1 . A $6,000—$7,500. nom

Goerck sl, No 8, e s, 125 s Broome st, 25x100, 5-sty brk tenement and slore and 4-sty brk tenement in rear . FORECLOS, Oct 20, 1909, Geo W Collins, ref, to Thos W Jeralds , of Ashland, Greene Co, N Y. Nov 11). Nov 10, 1909. 2 : 3 2 1 ^ . A $14.000—$24,-000. ^0,000

Henry st. No 57, n s, about 140 w Market st. 25x100, 5-sty brk tenement. Cath C Allen lo Francis A Allen, Y^ part . B & S and C a G. Mort $20,500, Nov 17, 1909. 1:280—19. A $19,0U0—$3S,000. nom

Henry st, No 42, s s, 33S.10 w Market st, 25.4x99.9x25.4x99.11, 5-sty brk tenenient and slore and 5-sty brk lenement in rear . PARTITION, Sept IG, 1909. Francis L Archer ref to Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Moutclair, N J, and Julia. P Fredrika P and Janet P Ludlam of Brooklyn, and Henrie t ta L Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:277—37. A $19,000—$30,000. 30,000

Hester st, No 40, s s, 02.6 e Ludlow st. 25xo0, 3-sty frame hrk front tenement and store, Ethel Banks et al to Adelaide Reading of Kingston, N Y, All ti t le. Q C. Oct 7. Nov 17, 1909. 1:297-1-^1. A $10,000—.1:19,000. nom

Same property. Lydia B Hobbs et al to same. All t i t le. Q C. Nov 5. Nov 17, 1909. 1:297, _ nom

Hester st. No 25, n s, abt 78 e Norfolk st, 25x100, .'^-sty brk ten­ement and store. Isaac Goldberg el al to Mary Leschnik. Mort $41500 and all liens. Nov 16. Nov IS, 1909. 1 :312-37. A .$30,000—$45,000. other consid and 100

Houston sl, Nos 394 and 390| n s, 301.8 e Av C, 40x65.8 lo s s 2d 2d st, NOE 285 and 287 | s l x40.4x70.9, two 3-sty frame brk

front and two 3-sly brk tenements and stores. Herber t S Ogden EXR Ann Mapelsden lo William Fischman, Oet 15. Nov 10, 1909. 2 : 3 7 1 - 1 5 and 16. A $28,000-$31.000. ^ 20,000

Henderson pl. No S, e s, 70.9 n SOth st, runs e 46 x s 16.G x w 10.2 X w l .S X s 5.4 X w 12 x s w 5.0 x s 1.4 x w 1 x s 4.3 x w 14 lo pl X u 30.8 to beginning, 2 antl 3-sty brk dwelling. C N Shurman Investing Co to Alice G Ailing, Morl $7,000. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 5 :1583-25a and 25b. A $5,000—$7,500.

other consid and 100 James slip. No 15, w s, 47.4 n South st, 26x37.2x25.10x36.9, 5-sty

hrk tenemeni and store. PARTITION, Sept 16, 1909. Francis L Archer referee lo Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Fredrika P aud Janet P Ludlam of Brooklyn, and Henriet ta L Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:110— 5. A $5,-300-$ 10,000. _ , 10,.500

Lawrence st, Nos 54 and -iG, s w s, 118.0 s e AmsterdauT av, 50x 100 6-sty brk lenement and stores. Annie Gotthelf to Hedwig Glass. Mort $48,000. Nov 15. Nov IS. 1909, 7:1906—104. A -$lS,0nO—$55,t;00. other consid and 100

Macombs pl, late Macombs Dam roadl n w cor 152d st, 85. lxl09.7x 152ds i I 74.11x09.2, 1-sty frame s ta­

ble and vacant. Hague Realty Co to Teichman Engineering & Construction Co. Morl .$22,900. Nov 15, Nov 16, 1909. 7:203S —9. A $21,000—$21,000, other consid and 100

Maiden lane. No IGO, s s, 22.1 w Soulh st, runs w 19.0 x s 36 x e 12.3 X u 10 X e G.O X n 20 to beginning, 5-sty brk tenement and store. Geo W Hunter el al to Geo P Wetmore, of Newport, R I. Nov 11, Nov 12, 1909. 1:37—40. A $13,300—$15,500. nom

Monroe st. No 78, s s. 59,10 w Pike st, 2.5x81.9x24.9x81,10, 4-sty brk s table. PARTITION, Sept 10, 1909. Francis L Archer, ref, lo .\Ibert Busch and Henry Schwartz, Jr . Nov 12, 1900, 1:254— 32. A $13,OO0-$18,000. 20,200

Monroe st, Nos 36 to 4014 |s s, 82 w Market sf, 91.1x75.3 to Hamillon st, Nos 41 lo 47| n w s Hamilton sl x92.Sx48.7. three

G-sty brk tenements and stores. PARTITIOiN', Sept 10, 1909. Francis L Archer referee lo Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Fredrika P and Janet P Ludlam of Brooklyn, and Henrie t ta L Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:253—84. A $40,000—$85,000. 70,500

Monroe st. No 157, u s, abt 140 e Clinton st, 23.4x100. 6-sty brk tenement and store. Wolf Somer et al to Abraham Gordon. Mt $25,000. Nov 15. Nov IS. 1909. 1:209—4, A $15,000-$3;3,000.

other consid aud 100 Madison st. No 179, n s, 265,0 e Pike st, 24.5x100, 5-sly brk

tenement and store. Morris Sherman to Seymour Realty Co. Mort $37.0U0 and all liens. Nov 15, Nov 17. 1909, 1:273—11. A $19,O0O-$3G,O0O. 100

North Moore st. No 19, n s, 21.7 w Vafick st, 21.7x75. 4-sty brk tenement, Nellie Martin to Thomas Martin. Mort $10,000. July 10 1906, Nov IS, 1909. 1 :190-2 . A $12,.500-$13,5OO. 100

Orchard st. No 185, w s. 175,7 n Stanton st, 25.2x87,0, 6-sty hrk tenement and store. Louis Gordon to Barnet Levy nnd Morilz Gruenstein, 2-3 part all title. Morl $35,000. June 21. Nov IS, 1909 •^•417-62 A $21,000—$33,000. other consid and 100

Pell st, Nos 25 and 27, s s, 63.3 w Doyers st, 31.3x66.6x5.7x00.10, 6-sty brk tenement and slores. PARTITION, Sept 16, 1909, Francis L Archer referee to Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Mont­elair N J. and Julia P, Fredrika P and Janet P Ludlam of Brook­lyn, and Henrie t ta L Adams, of N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1 :102-22 . A $8,000—.$15,000. 30,050

The text of theae pages ia copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given tha t infringement will lead to prosecution.

926 ConTeyances R E C O R D A N D G U I D E Manhattan N o v e m b e r 20, I90()

D E N N I S G. B R U S S E L E L E C T R I C XtWR AfusS og


Ttie Brussel Melhod ot Electrical Conslniction represnts the highest development of Hodern Engineering <'

Engines and Generators Installed Also Telephones, Pumps , Motors

2^,tTJ%. 15 West 29th St., New York

P.irk St. Nos 89 to 93 |s s, 03.7 e from n e s Worth st, runs Worth St. Nos 175 and 177 | s 40.10 lo n e s Worth si x s e

41.11 X n 71.7 to Park s l at point 74.2 w Mulberry st x w 34.;> lo heginning, 6-sty brk lenement and stores. PARTITION, Sept 10 1909. Francis L Archer referee lo Jessie P L Robertson of Upper Montelair, N J. Julia P, Fredrika P and Janet P Ludlam of Brooklvn, and Henriet ta L Adams, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 1:101—30. A $ 28,000—$55,000. 55,100

Thompson st. Nos 27 and 29, w s. 100.10 n Graud sl, 39.llxl00.x40 xlOO O-sty brk tenement and slores. Gussie Horowitz to Isaac Cohen B & S. All liens. Nov 9. Nov 13, 1909, 2:470—40, A $27,000—$50,090. other consid and 100

Washington st. No 2Vo, e s, 52.8 s Barclay st, 26.9x80x27.5x80.8. 7-sty brk factory,

Greenwich st. No 218. w s, 54.3 s Barclay st, 26.0x80x20.Ox—, 5-sty brk factory. Henry J S Hall et al INDIVID, EXRS, &c, Wm H Hall lo Hall & Ruckel. Nov 16, 1909. 1 : 8 1 - ^ 0 and 44. A $47,OOO-$S4,0O0.

nom Water st. No 056, n s, 350 w Jackson st, 20x8.5.0x25x80.9 w s, 4-

sty frame brk front tenement and store and 4-sty brk tenemeni in rear, FORECLOS, Sept 21, 1909, John H Judge ref to Al­bert Henz. Nov 18, 1909. 1:200—19. A $9,000—$10,000. 15,000

Water st. No 2!)i;, n s. abl 150 e Dover st, 25.2x109.10x25,1x118.1.1

Water sl . No 29S, n s, abt 105 e Dover st, 25.7x99.1x24.7x90.9 e s, except par ts for Brooklyn Bridge. I two 4 and 5-sty hrk storage buildings. I Wm C Nesmith to James, Charlotte and Sarah P Nesmith. all of Brooklyn, M. part . All t i t le. Nov l.y. Nov 18, 1909. 1:109 —2S and 29. A $19,900-$35,500. nom

4lh st W, No 288, w s, 70 n l l t h st, 20xG0, 3-sty brk dwelling. Jennie M Noble (now Jennie M Cooper) lo Ella M Noble. B & S Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 2:623—42. A $7,600--$ 10,0:0. com

4th st W, No 2SS. w s, 70 n l l t h st. 20x00. 3-sty brk dwelling. • Wm E Noble lo Jennie M and Ella M Noble HEIRS, SLC. Eliza J

Noble the deed wife of Wm E Noble. B & S and C a G. Feb •">S 1891 Re-recorded from Mar 3, 1891. Nov 12, 1909. 2:023 42. A $7.000—$10,000. nom

4lh st E, No 2.33, n s, 100 w Av B, 24.3x96.2, 5-sty brk tenement and stores. Loui Schwartz et al to TiUie and Solomon Klingen­stein EXRS Bernhard Klingenstein. Mort $3i,000. Nov 11. Nov-1.3, 1909. 2 : 4 0 0 ^ 2 . A $18,000—$30,000. _ 200

4th st E. No 231. n s, 124.3 w Av B, 24.3x90.2, c-sty brk tene­ment and stores. Loui Schwartz el al to Tiliie and Solomon Klingenstein EXRS Bernhard Klingenstein. Mort$34,000. Nov 11 Nov 13, 1909. 2:400—43. A $18,000—$28,000. 200

Oth St. E. Nos 808 and 810 on map No 810. s s. 120.9 e Av D, 40,9x93.11, 6-sty brk tenement and stores. Regina Lazarus to Hamilton Holding Co. Morts $42,250 and all liens. Nov 13. Nov 17, 1909. 2:365—part lot 10. A $ $

other _consid and 100 IOth st B, No 216, on map Nos 210 and 218. s s, 2.JO e 2d av, 25x

92.3, 6-sty brk tenemeni and stores. Henry Tishman et al stock­holders of Composite Realty Co to Henry Tishman. Confirmation deed. Nov 3. Nov 15, 1909, 2:451—19. A $17,009—$29,1)00.

nom l l t h st E, No 517, n s, 220.6 e Av A. 25x103.3, 5-sty brk lene­

ment and store. Morris Janowitz to Ike T'enster of Brooklyn, All ti t le Mort -«34,200 and all liens, Nov 17. Nov 18, 1909. 2 : -405—53. A $1 S.OOO—$35,000, nom

l-">th st E Nos 326 and 32S, on map No 326, s w s, 320.0 s e 2d av, runs s e 37 X s 103,3 x n w — x n e — to s s St Marks Ceme­tery x e — x n — x n e 40 to beginning, 6-sty brk tenement and store,

4.5th st E, No 245. n s, 12.j w 2d av, 2oxl00.o, ii-sty brk tenement. Abraham Schwartz to Rachel Schwartz. 1-5 part . All liens.

. Oct 13 Nov 12, 1909. 2:4.53—21. A $19,000-$45.fl00. 5:1319 —20. A $10,000-$26,000, _ 100

15lh st E, No 512. s s, 195.6 e Av A, 2ox— to u s Stuyvesant sl,l —X—, with all t i t le to c 1 of Stuyvesant st, 4-sty brk tenement.]

Also all right, t i t le and interest, lo all other parcels, adj above, bet s s 15th st, and c 1 of blk bet 15th and 14lh sts, and bel e] and w s of said premises described above. I Wm H Kelly to The Church of the Immaculate Conception on East H t h and Easl 15th s ts , 8-9 par ts . All t i t le. All liens. Jan 15 1909. Nov 15, 1909. 3:972—57. A $8,800—$10,-500. nom

Same property. Mary K Kelly INDIVID and HEIR Wm H Kelly, J r deed lo same. All t i t le lo undivided part. Q C. Nov 29, 1907. Nov 15, 1909. 3:972. nom

IGth s t W, No 251, n s, 209 e Slh av, 17x80, 3-sty brk lenement and store North River Improvement Co to Laura Bayles of Brooklvn. Mort $7,500. Nov IS, 1909. 3:766—13. A $7,000— .$S,500. nom

17th st E, No 018, s s, 288 e Av B, 25x92, 5-sty brk tenement and store. FORECLOSURE, (Oct 28, 1909). Richard H Clarke (Ref) to Henry Tishman. Nov 17, 1909. 3:984—40. A $7,500 -$19 ,500 . _ 20,2Wl

24tb s t W, Nos 123 and 12o, n s, 27o w Oth av, 50x98.8, two (1-sly brk tenements and stores. Bertha Orlick to Henry B Kellner, Morts $65,000. Oct 27. Nov 18, 1909. 3:S0O—25 and 26. A .$40 600—$74,000. other cousid and 100

2eth st W, No 355, n s, 142 e Oth av, 22x9S.9, 3 and 4-sty brk ten­ement, Charlotte M Hamilton INDIVID and ADMRX Thos L Hamilton to Garret S Wright an undivided interest . Nov 15. 1909. 3:750—9. A $9,500-$12.009. 2,000

2Gth st W, No 355, n s, 142 e Oth av, 22x98.9, 3 and 4-sty brk ten­ement and store. Release dower. Charlot te M Hamilton widow to Garret S Wright. Nov 15, 1909. 3 : 7 5 0 - 9 . A .$9,oOO—$12,-000. t'o™

Same property Thos L Hamillon and ano by Charlotte M Hamil­ton GUARDIAN to same. All t i t le . B & S. Nov 15, 1909. 3 : -750 34,500

2Tth st W. No 113, n s, ISO w 6th av, 20.x9S.9. 4-sty atone front tenement, Ernest Harvier to David A Bath, Mort $18,000. Nov 11. Nov 15, 1909. 3:803—28. A $19,500—$21,500.

other consid antl 100 29th st, W, No 130, s s, 150.4 w Gth av, 19.8x98.0. 4-sty brk

tenement and store. Harry G Coss et al to Edward Louvot of Brooklyn, N Y. Nov 17, 1909. 3 : 8 0 4 - 4 7 . A $19,500—$21,500.

nom Same property. Edward Louvot to Harry G Coss. Mort $31,000

on this and other property. Nov 17, 1909. 3:S04. nom

21iih sl , W, n s, e l l l h av, —-\—. Agreeraent as to party wall on boundary line as above. Helena M E and Kath F Lindermann, TRUSTEES Hermine M Schuessler witb George G Kane of Ml Vernon, N Y. Nov 12. Nov.17, 1909. 3:701. nom

32d st, E, No 161. n s. IOO w .3d av. 25x98.9, 3-sty brk tenement and store. George Mulligan to Emily C Mulligan. Nov 12. Nov 17, 1909. 3:S8S—35. A $1S,-".Oil—$20,000, nom

34lh sl W, Nos 314 and 310, s s, 225 w Slh av, 33.4x98.9, two 4-sly slone front dwellings. ..\dam J Hafner lo City Holding Co. Mort $50,000. Nov 11. Nov IG, 1909. 3 : 7 5 7 ^ 0 and 47. A $30-000—$30,000. olher consid and 100

37th st W, No 109, n s, 125 w Oth av, 25x08.9, 4-sly brk lene­ment. Charlotte P Browning to Mary B Bausher, of Chicago, III. B & S and C a G. Oct 20. Nov 16. 1909. 3 : 7 3 5 - 2 8 . A $ 9 , 0 0 0 -$12.0iJ0. nom

39th sl W. No 204, s s, 43.6 w 7th av, 20.0x75.6, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Release dower. Luz Dias Covin widow of Felix Covin y Pinto to .A.lex P W Kinnan TRUSTEE Edward M Gedney, Nov 11. Nov 15. 1909. 3:7S8—51. A $22,1100—$25,OUO. nom

44th sl W. No 435, n s, 440 w Oth av, 20x100.4, 4-sty brk tene­ment. Joseph F Gibbons to George Schwartz. Nov 15. Nov 10, 1909. 4:1054—141^. A $10,000—$11,500. other consid and 100

45th sl W, Nos 141 to 147, n s, 271.9 e 7th av, 08.7x100.4, three 4 and one 3-sty brk buildings and stores. Patrick J McMahon lo Mary C Stewart, of Brooklyn. Q C. Oct 20. Nov 12. 1909. 4 : 9 9 8 - 1 2 lo 14. A $148,000—$152,000. nom

45th st W, No 527, n s, 393.9 e l l t h av, 18.9x100.5, 4-sty brk ten­ement. Marie A K Neuberger INDIVID and EXTRX Damian Neu­berger lo Lillie B Gould. Nov 15, 1909. 4:10/4—17. A $ll,o00 —.$8,500. other consid and 100

40lh sl, W, Nos 12o and 127, n s, 450 e 7lh av, 33.4x100,5, two 3-sly brk dwellings. Mary E McKesson to Solomon Oppenheimer. B £ S. All liens. Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. 4:999—19 and lOVa. A $44,009—$40,000. nom

Same properly. Solomon Oppenheimer to Moses Weinman, All liens. Nov 10. Nov 17. 1909. 4:999. nom

40th st, W, Nos 121 and 123, n s, 275 w Oth av, 41.8x100.5, 4-sty brk tenement and store and 3-sty brk dwelliog. Harr ie t S James lo Moses Weinman. Mort $47,000. Nov lo . Nov l l . 1909, 4:999—20 and 21. A $54,00t)—$56,000._ nom

47th sl E, No 341, n s, 79 w Ist av, 21xu0.3, 5-sty brk tenement and store. Parshelsky Bros, a corpn to Union Holding Co. All liens. Oct 11. Nov 1(!, 1909. 5:1310—221^. A .$.5,000—$10,500.

nom 53d sl E, No 40. Power of at torney. Alice M Olcott to R Morgan

Olcott. Nov 10, 1909. 5:1288. 53d st W, No 540, s s, 225 e l l l h av, 25x100.5, 5-sly brk tenement

and store. New Jersey Utility Really Co to Lewis E Ransom. Morl .$21,000. Oct 30. Nov 12, 1909. 4 : 1 0 8 1 - 5 5 . A $9,000— $18,000. other consid and 100

53d sl W, Nos 542 and 544, s s, 175 e l l t h av, 50x100.5, two 5-sly brk teuements, store in No 542. New Jersey Utility Realty Co to Wra F and Lewis E Ransom and Angle Kilmer, EXRS, &c, Phebe A B Ransom. Mort $42,000. Oct 30. Nov 12, 1909. 4:1081—56 and 57. ^ $18.000—$36,0OO. other consid and 100

54:th sl W, No 432, s s, 383,4 e 10th av, 10.8x53,6x16.8x52.3, 1-sty frame store, Louis Kendal to C N Shurman Investing Co, Mt .$3,225. Sept IG. Nov 18, 190a. 4:1003—49. A $5,000—$5,000.

other consid and 100 55lh st, E, No-157, n s. 95 w 3d av. 20x100.5. 3-sly and base­

ment stone front dwelling. FORECLOSURE. (Sept 28, 1909.) Chas L Denks (Ref) to Geo W Short. Oct 19. Nov 17, 1909. 5:1310—31. A $11,000—$14,000.

.$3,700 over and above I s l mort for 13,000 .56th sl E. Nos 233 lo 237. n s, 200 w 2d av, 75x100.5, three 5-sly

brk lenements and stores. Louis Stroka, a corporation to Beckie Schlaff. B & S. AU liens. Nov 17, 1909. 0:1330—14 to 16, A .$33,000—$75,000. other consid aud 100

56th st W. No 418, s s. 275 w Oth av, 25x78.7x25.2x81.9, 4-s ly brk tenement and stores. Philip Liberman et al to Patr ick McGinn. Mort $S,000. Nov 13. Nov 16. 1909. 4 : 1 0 0 5 ^ 4 . A $9,-500— $13,000. other consid and 100

lllst st W, No 240, s s, 225 e Wesl End av, 25x100.5, 5-sly brk lenement. Annie Zimmerman to Jacob .VI Weiss. All liens. Nov 16. Nov IS. 1909. 4:1152—55. A $6 ,000-$ 17,000.

other eonsid and 100 02d st W, Nos 42 and 44, s s, 100 e Columbus av, 60x109.5, 5-sty

brk garage, Sarah T McAllister widow to Louise and Heyward H McAllister. Morl $75,000. June 16, 1905. Nov 13, 1909. 4 : 1 1 1 4 - 6 0 . A $05,000—$100,000. nom

IlOth st W, No 101. i White Plains and Guu Hill roads, 19 acres. | 224th aud 225th sts, block front. i While Plains road, lot 134 map Olinville. ; Lots 704, 765 and "68 map Wakefield. ' Lots n _ a n d 12a map No 2 of Olinville. | Lots iO,4 and (i64 map Wakefield. j Lots 701 aud 060 map Wakefield. j Lots 748 and 691 map Wakefleld. l • Lot 511 map Wakefield. ' Lots n i l . 1153 aud l l o 4 map Wakefield. ! 5tli s l house. I IGlh st, three houses. | Lot 1203 map Wakefield. I Lots 110 and 149, map Wakefield. ! Land in Texas. | Several mortgages, also cash. | Lots 442. 443, 470. 477, .583. 5S4. .546. 545, .509. 510. 474, 4T5,I

441. 508, .543. 227. 201, 298, and gores 19, IS. 17, 28, 22 and] 21 map of Wakefleld. | Agreement as to sale of properties under deed of trust , also as lo payment of commission to the trustees, fees to attorneys and to division of balance, appointment of agents placing of mort­gages, etc. James C Crawford and Wm E Diller asTRUSTEES

under deed of t rust by Margaret Crawford (recorded Feb 11. 1903, in W'estchester Co) wilh Francis G Crawford, Mary C wife of and Wilbur L Varian. Sarah C wife of and Daniel M Hopping. James C Crawford and Net t ta B his wife. Prances C wife of and Robert M Lowitz and Eliz A wife of and Wm B Diller. July 3. Nov 18, 1909. 4:1138 and A T. nom

The text of these pages la copyrighted. Alt r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given tha t infringement will lead to prosecution.

N o v e m b e r 2 0 , 19O9 Conveyances RECORD AND G O D E M a n h a t t a n 927

N O R W O O D ir„T^^ !'s7fM'lNulli ,ru,':X:L"bZ RICKERT-FINLAY REALTY CO. Queensbt L O N G I S L A N D C I T Y Bridge. Special inducements to builders. 45 WEST 34th STREET

73d st W, No 3S, s s, 154.11 e Columbus av, 20x102.2, 4-sty andl basement stone front dwelling. I

Columbus av, Nos 280 to 284ln w cor 73d st, 102.2xo0, 4-sly hrk| 73d st, Nos 101 to 103 | tenement and store and 4-sty and

basement brk dwelling. | James A M Johnston et al EXRS &c Eliz S Pot ter to Fredk A Clark oE Cooperslown, N Y. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 4:1125 —58. A $19,000—$38,000; 4:1145—31 and 32. A $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 -$109,000. nom

74th st E, No 482, s s, 250 w Av A, 2axl02.2, 5-sty brk tenement. Abe Miller et al to Louis Oppenheim and Theo I Jacobus. Mort .lJJ5,tX)0. Nov 12. Nov 15. 1909. 5:1408—35. A $8,090—.$23,-000. other consid and 100

74th sl E, No 2.34, s s, 233.4 w 2d av, 16.8x102.2, 4-sty stone front dwelling, Herman Hartman to Rebecca Langer. Mort $8,300. Nov 10. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1428—34. A $7,000—$11,000.

other consid and 100 74th st E, Nos 421 to 425. n s, 254.0 e 1st av, 62x03.3x02.9x72,11.

6-sly brk tenemeni and stores, Annie Epstein to The R & S Realty Co, Mort $45,000. Nov 15. Nov 10, 1909. 5:1409—10. A $10,000—$56,000. nom

74th st E, No 311, n s, 160 e 2d av, 20xl02.2, 4-sty stone front tenenient. Benjamin Rodezky to Ray Glogau. Mort $12,500. • Nov 17. Nov 18. ltM)9, 5:1449—7. A $6,500—$13,000. 200

79th st W, No 110, s s, 82 w Columbus av, 18x76.8, 4-sty and basement stone front dwelling. Lillie E Kelly to Gurden E Corwilh, Morl $21,500. Nov 15. Nov 10, 1909, 4:1150—301,^. A $13,500—$19,000. olher consid aud 100

S l s t st E, No 229, n s, 254.2 w 2d av, 25.5x102.2, 4-sty brk lene­ment and store aud 3-sty frame lenement in rear . FORECLOS, Nov 10, 1909. Adam Wiener, ref, to Harr is D Colt TRUSTEE Robert S Bowne. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 5:lo27—14. A $11,000—$15,000. 14,000

83d st E, No OOG, s s, 123 e Eas t End nv, 25.^:80.3x2o.3x76.10, 5-5tv brk tenement. Bernhard Bloch to Jacob Kilsheimer. B & S. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 5:1590—38. A $7,000—$10,U00. lOO

84lh st W, No 40, s s, 474.0 w Central Park Wesl, 17.2x102.2, 3-sty and basement stone front dwelling. Henry Steinbach INDIVID and EXR Madeline Steinbach to Ferguson Bros and Forshay, a corpn. Nov 10. Nov 111, 1909. 4:1197—o2. A $12,-000—$18,000. 24,000

SSth sl E, No 443, n s, 94 w Av A, 25x102.2, 4-sty stone front tenement. Louis Volker lo Mary D Heil. Q C. Nov 15- Nov IS, 1909. 5 : 1 5 6 5 - 2 1 . A $8,500—$15,000, 500

85th st E, No 323, n s, 300 e 2d av. 2ox102.2, 5-sty brk tenement. Bertha Bank to Herman Heinemann. Mort $24,400 and all liens. Nov 17. Nov 18, 1909. 5:1.548—13. A $9.000—$22,500. 125

SOlh st E, No 340. s s, 200 w I s l av, 25x102.2, O-sty brk tenement and store. FORECLOS, Oct 28, 1909. R Burnham Moffat, ref, to Roberl Jobanson. Nov 15. Nov 10, 1909. 5 :1548-35 . A $10,000—$32,000. $10,000 over and ahove I s l morl of 2S,000

S7th st W, No 70, s s, .30 e Columbus av. 20x100,8, 4-sly and base­ment brk dwelling. King C Gillette to Emily M Roemer. Mort $23,500. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909. 4:1200—63. A $13,500—$24,000.

nom S7th st W, No 70. s s, 30 e Columbus av, 20x100.8, 4-sty and base­

ment brk dwelling. Lina Gillette to Emily M Roemer. Morl .$23,-5O0. Oct 28. Nov 15, 1909. 4:1200—63. A $13,500—$24,000.

nom 88lh st E, No 217, n s, 200 e 3d av, 25xlOO..S, 5-sly brk tenement.

Gustav Kaliski to Rosa Jacobs. Morl $20,500. Jan IS. Nov IS. 1909. 5 :1534-12 . A $10.000—.$22,000. nom

88th sl E. No 418. s s, 256 e I s l av. 25x100.8, 5-sly brk lene­ment, Joseph Lei terer lo Edward Muller. B & S. Mort SIO.­OOO. Oct 11. (Re-recorded from Oct 11, 1909.) Nov 18, 1909. 5:1567—38, A .$8,500—$17,500. _olber consid and 100

SOth st E, No 317, n s, 275 e 2d av, 25xlOO.S, o-sty brk lenement. John Schreiner to Herman Loden, Mort $15,000. Nov 15. 1909, 5:1552—12. A $9.000—$21,000. otber consid and 100

SOth st E, No 313. n s, 225 e 2d av, 2oxl00.5, o-sty brk teuement. John Schreiner to Charles L Holbein. Mort $15,000, Nov lo , 1909. 5:1552—10. A $9,000-.$21,000. other consid and IOO

S9lh sl E, No 315, n s. 2.50 e 2d av, 2.5x100.8, 5-sly brk tenement. John Schreiner lo Mary Loden. Mort $15,000. Nov 15, 1909. 5:15.52—11. A .$9,000—$21,000. other consid and 100

93d st E, Nos 313 and 315, n s, 200 c 2d av, 50x100.8, two 5-sly brk tenements. Barbara wife of Charles Reinhart to said Chas Reinhart . Morts .1122.000. Nov 15. Nov IS, 1909. 5:1556—9 and 10. A $17,000—$37,000, nom

97lh st, W, s s, at centre line of old Bloomingdale rd (closed), beiween Broadway and Amslerdam av. Agreement as to re ­lease of easements. Q C, etc. The Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Name, owner of land lying east of said c 1 with Samuel Borchardt. owmer of land lying west of said c 1. Feb 25. Nov 17, 1909. nom

98th st W. No 25, n s. 325 w Central Park West, 25x100.11. 5-sty brk tenement. FORECLOS. Nov 4, 3909. Geo W Collins, ref to Robert F Smith. Nov 12, 1909. 7 :3834^19. A $12.000—$28,000.

29,0(X) OSth st W. No 129. n s, 549.1 e Amsterdam av, 24.9x300.11, 5-sty

brk tenement. Lena B Fellows to Florence E Fellows, Mort $12,000. Nov 3. Nov 16, 1909. 7:1853—23. A $10,9(XI— $24 000. other consid and 10')

98lh st W, No 131, n s, 524,3 e Amsterdam av, 24.9x100.11, 5-sty brk tenement. Lena B Fellows to Florence E Fellows. Nov 3. Nov 16, 1909. 7:1853—22. A $30,900—$24,000.

_ other consid and 100 98th st W, No 55, n s, 150 e Columbus av, 2ox3TO.ll. 5-sty stone

front tenemeni. James C Thoraas to Margaret E Napier. Mori $27,000, Nov 17. Nov 18, 1909. 7:1834—7. A $12.000-$24.-000. • other consid aud 100

98th st W, No 59, n .s , 100 e Columbus av, 25x100.11. 5-sty stone front tenement. James C Thomas to Margaret E Naoier. Mort $25,000. Nov 17. Nov IS, 1909. 7:18-34—5. A $12,000-$25.-000. other consid and 100

99th st E, Nos 00 and 6S, s s, 262.G e Madison av, 37.0x100,11, 0-sty brk tenement and stores. FORECLOS, Nov 15. 1999. Dud­ley F Malone, ref, lo Nathan Glassheim and Paul Brans, Mort $37,500. Nov 10, 1909. G:3fi04--H. A $14.000—$44,000. 6,100

99lh st E, No 07, n s, 75 w Park av. 25x100.11. 5-sty brk tenement. Hyman Litfwin and ano to Hannah Kram and Katie Shvev. Mort S21,000, Nov l l . Nov 12. 1909. 6:1605—33. A $9,000— $24,000. other consid and 109

99th s t -E , No 69, n s, oO w Park av, 25x100.11, 5-sty brk lene­ment. Hyman Liltwin and ano to Hannah Kram and Katie Shyev. Mort $23,500. Nov 11, Nov 12, 1909, 6:1605—34. A $9,0O0-.$24,OO0. other consid and 100

100th st E, No OS, s s, 123.3 w Park av, 25x100.11, 5-sly brk tene­ment. Charles W Bancker lo Oscar C Kunze of Newark, N J. Mort $22,000. Nov 11. .Nov 12. 1909. 6:100.5—42. A $9,000— $24,000. nom

lOOlh st E, No 08, s s, 123.3 w Park av, 25x100.11. 5-sty brk tene­ment, Helen C or Hatt ie C Candee lo Chas W Bancker. Oct 15. Nov 12, 1909. (!:300.5—12. A $9.000—$24,000. nom

100th st E, No 311, n s. ISO e 2d av, 40x100.11, O-sty brk tenement and store. Stanislaus N Tuckman to William Menke, Everet t B Heymann and United Slates Trust Co of N Y, EXRS John Menke. Moris $4:j,000 and all liens. Nov S. Nov 12, 1909. 6:1672—9. $12,000—$4.5,000. other consid and 125

301st Hi E, No 106, s s, 47.9 e Park av, 16x100.11, 3-sly brk dwell­ing. Johu L and Louis A Celia to Waller Schaad, Morl $7,oOO. Nov 15. Nov 18, 1909. .0:1628—70. A $6,000—$7,.5O0.

other consid and 100 Same property. Walter Schaad lo Alfred W Giallorenzi. Mort

$7,.5-iiO. Nov 17. Nov IS, 1909. 0:1628. nom 102d st E, No 302, s s, 27 e Park av, 28xi5 . o-sly brk lenement.

FORECLOS, Oct 2S, 1909. Chas M Beattie ref to Betsie Gertner. Nov 15, 1909. 0:1629—71. A $8,.500—$17,.500. 15,000

103d sl E, No o6, s s. 180 w Park av, 40x100.11, 6-sly brk tene' t . FORECLOS, Nov 4, 1909. Morris Cukor. ref. to Carl Fischer. Nov 4. Nov 10. 1909. 0:1008—16. A $17,500—$50,000.

O,.5O0 over and above 1st mort of $40,000 103d sl W, No 365, n s, 120 w West End av, 20x100.11, 3-sty and

basement and stone front dwelling. Rosa Hyman to Frank Gulden. All liens. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 7:3890-51 ' ,^ . A $13,li00— $26,000. olher consid and 300

lOSlh st E, No 39, n s, 119 w Madison av, 31x100.11. 5-sty stone front tenemeut. Hodus Berman to Fannie Siskind, ',<. part . All liens. Nov 18, 3909. 0:1614—12. A $16,000—-$32,(100.

other consid and 100 ]08lh sl, E. No 19, n s, 119 w Madison av, 31x100.11, 5-sty stojie

front tenement. Adolph Katzki to Hodus Berman. Mort .$3o,-300. Nov 17. 1909. 11:1034-12. <A ii;iG,000^$32.0llO.

other consid and llli) l(i9th st E. Nos 308 and 110. s s, 7(i e Park av, 38x100.11, two 4-

sty brk tenements. Sigmund Lissner to Ricka Cohn. .A,ll liens. Nov 17. Nov, IS, 1909. 6:1030—67 aud 08. A $3 5,000—.$20,-OOO. nom

330th sl, E, No 78, s s, 129 w Park av, 14x100.13. 3-sty brk tenement and store. Annie Rozinski to Jacob Roziuski. Nov 15. Nov 17, 1909. 0:161,5—12. A $G,50O—$7,010.

other consid and 300 110th st, E, No 74, s s, 157 w Park av, 14x100.11. 3-sty brk

dwelling, Mitchell A C Levy to Jacob Kozinski. Q C and" Correction deed. Nov 32. Nov 17, 1909. 6:101.5—43. A $0.500—$7,000. nom

l l l t h st W, No 3il2. s s, 2(]0 e Manhattan av, runs s 100.2 x e 33 x n e 8.0 x n 100 to st, x — .39 to beginning, G-sty brk tene­ment and stores. Lena Weinstein to Joseph Abrahams. '4 part . Morts $58,000. Nov 15, 1909. 7 :1840-20 . A $20,000—$58,000.

other consid and 100 n 3 t h st, W, Nos 50i , 511 and 517, n s, 100 w .•\mstcrdam av,

runs n lOO.Oy^ x w 12o x s .0^4 x w 7o x s lOO.O^ to s t reel X e 200 to beginning, three S-sty brk tenements. Paterno Bros, a corporation, lo Southern Holding Co a corporalion. Moris .$4.55,000. Nov 16. Nov 17. 1909. 7:1885—21 to 27. A $112,000—P $150,000. other consid and 100

114th St. E, No 28, s s, 79 w Madison av, 20x.50.11, 5-sty brkl tenement. • |

134th st, B. No 26, s s, 90 w Madison av. runs s 50.11 x_w 1! X s 50 X w 38 X n 100.11 to s l ree t x e 19 to heginning, ;.i-sly| brk tenement and store. | Marv Sherry to Joseph Feinberg. Mort $35,000. Nov 10. Nov"^ 17. 3909. 6:3019—59'^ and 60. A $35.500—$30,600. 100

l l o i h st W, No 41.-i, n s, 10G.S e Amsterdam av, 06.8x300.11. G-sty brk lenement. Fannie G Slattery to Theophile Kick. Mort .$87,-5O0. Nov 15, 1909. 7 :1807-49 . A $35,000—$115,600.

other consid and 100 l lOth st, E, Nos 431 io 43.), n s, 244 w Pleasant av. 5O>:100.11,

6-sty brk tenement & stores. Maria Rubano widow and DEVISEE Felice Rubano to Keats Co. a corporalion. Morts .«(I5,000. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1000. 6:1710—15. A $17,000—$58,000.

other consid and IOO n 7 l h st W, No 121. n s, 250 w Lenox av, 18x300.13, 5-sly brk

dwelling. Ida M Bradshaw to Arthur Chester. Mort $18,750. Nov 10. 3909. 7:1902—21. A $9..30O—$19,000. nom

117th st W, No 419, n s. ISll e Arasterdam av, 18x300.11, 5-sty stono front dwelling. Bolton Hall lo Marv E Brown widow. Ml $19,000, Nov 15. Nov 1.8, 1909. 7:1901—4f>iA, A $10,009— $21,000. other consid and I'lfi

119th sl W, No 313, n s. 120 e Manhattan av, 25x100.31, f.-sty brk tenement. James C Thomas lo Margaret E Napier, Mort $22,700. Nov 37. Nov IS, 1909. 7:1946—23. A $31,00!)-$25,-OOO, o t h e r cons id and IflO

119th Sl W, No 311, n s, 34o e Manhattan av, 25xl '!0,11. 5-sty hrk lenement. James C Thoraas to Margaret E Naoier, Mori .H'Vi -OOO. Nov 37. Nov 38. 3909. 7 :1940 -24 . A $13,000—$25,000.

other consid and IOO 120th s t E, No 53S, s s, 43S.9 e Pleasant av. 38.9x100.11, 2-Ety

brk dwelling. FORECLOS. Nov 9, 1909. Patrick J Dobson ref lo Jacob S and Michael Friedraan. Nov 10. Nov 15, 1909. 0:-1.S1G—35y , A $4,500—$5..500. 250

120th st E, No 314, s s, 3-50 w 1st av. 20x100.11. 3-sly brk dwell­ing. Tcrosina Satriale to Luigi Pasoua. H uart . Mort $S.00O. No.v 12, 1909. 6:179(1—35. A $5,50O-$9.500. li'O

121st sl W I s s. 100 e -Amsterdam av. 285.2 to w s Morning-Morningside avWl side av W xl01.10.'<291) 3xl(X).31. vacant. Fa l ­

con Realty Co lo Moritz Falkenau. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 7 :1003-19 to 29 and part lot 16. A $ $ .

other consid and TOO 321st st E, Nos 442 and 444, s s, 109 w Pleasant av, runs s 103.10

X w 36 X s 0,1 X w 2-5 x n 300.31 to st x e 43 to beginnino-. 0-=lv brk tenemeni and stores. Esther Schulman to .Albert T S"barps Morts $42,500, Nov 9. Nov 12, 1909. 6 : 1 8 0 8 - 3 1 . A .$ $ . . other consid and 100

The text of these pages is copyrighted. Ali r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that iufringement will lead to prosecution.

928 Conveyances R E C O R D A N D G U I D E Manhattan November 20, 1909

122d st E, No 417, n s. 221.3 e 1st av, 10.8x100.11, 3-sty stone front dwelling. Estelle E Watkins to Chas C Waikins, Jr . Mort $4,000. Mar 29. 1908. Nov 15, 1909. 6:1810—9^, A $4,000— .$7 0(JO other consid and 109

122d sl E. No 112, s s, 312.6 e Park av, 27.0x300.11, 4-sty brk tenemeni, Marie Jung lo Mary Falkenberg, Morts $13.4(M). Oct 2. Nov 10. 1909. 0 :1770-07 . A $10,000—$23 .(JOO. gift

123d st E, No 116, s s, 165 e Park av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk tene­ment. Beriha Blau to Commercial Trading Co. Morts $20,200. Nov 13. Nov 16, 1909. 0 :1771 -05 . A $9,000—$25,500,

other consid and 100 125th sl W, No .525, n s, 400 e Broadway, 25x99.33, 5-sly brk ten­

ement aud store. Herman Rein to Ernst ina Marks of Brooklyn. Morts $28,250, Nov S. Nov 38, 1909. 7:19SU—18. A $11,000 —$22,000, nom

126th st E, No 229, n s, 2S0 w 2d av, 25x99.11, 5-sty brk tene' t . Catharine Gerlich to Ella Grnning. All liens. May 5. Nov 13, 1909, 0:1791—13. A $9,000—$25,000. other consid and 550

12Sth st E, No 24(1, s s, 75 w 2d av, 20x09.11. 5-sty brk tenement, Wm S Patten to William McGowan. B & S. All liens. Nov 15. Nov 16. 1909. 0:1792—2SV.. A $8,500—$20,000. nom

133d st W, No 144, s s, 300 e 7th av, 24.9x99.11x24.10x99.11, 6-sly brk lenement and slore. Ray Heyman to Annie Moore. AU tit le. Q G and Correction deed. Nov 11. Nov 15, 1909. 7:1917 —53. A $11,000—$34,000. nom

133d sl W, No 2S, s s, 300 w 5th av, 25x99.11, 5-sty brk tene­ment, James C Thomas to Margaret E Napier. Mort $22,000. NOV 17. Nov 18, 1909. 0:1730—51. A $10,000-$22,000.

other consid and 100 334lh s t W, Nos 65 and 07, n s, 200 c Lenox av, 50.>:99.11, two

5-sty brk tenements and stores, Paterno Bros, a corpn to Mar­garet B Napier. Mort $40,500. Nov 10. Nov IS, 1909. 6:1732 —12 and 13. A $20.000—$54,000. other consid and 100

134th st, W, Nos 65 and 07, n s, 200 e Lenox av, .50x99.11, two 5-sty brk tenements aud stores. Waldeck Company to Paterno Bros, a corporalion, Morts $40,.5O0. Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. 0 : 1 7 3 2 - 1 2 and 13. A $20,000-$54,000. 100

135th sl 'W. No 116, s s, 250 w Lenox av, 25x99.11, 5-sly brk ten­ement and store. James C Thomas to Margaret E Napier, Mort $29,000. Nov 37. Nov IS, 1909. 7:1919—44. A $1.3,000—$26,-QQQ other consid and 100

137th 'st W. No 11, n s, 208.9 w oth av, 30.3x99.11, O-sty brk tene­ment and slores. Julia Rosh to Elizabeth Sheldon, of Mt_Ver-non N y, Mort $36,500. Oct 25. Nov 10,1909. G:173o—28. A $13,000-$42,000. other consid and 100

13,8th st W, No 629, n s, 375 e 12lh av, also abt 132 e Riverside Drive, 50x99.11, 3-sty frame dwelling and vacant. Emma C wife of and Edward D Haggertv lo Edward Waters . Mort $13,500. Nov 15, 19O0. 7:2087—16. A $17,000—$ IS. 000.

other consid and 100 140th st W, Nos 24 to 28. s s, 320 w olh av, runs s 99.11 x w 125

X n 99.8 X n e 0.4 to st. x e 124.9 to beginning, three 6-sty brk •' tenements. Paterno Bros, a corpn. to Margaret E Napier. C a G. Mort $101,500. Nov 16. Nov 18. 1909. 6:1737—!9 to 52. A .$•39 OOO—$341 000. other consid and 1(X)

340lh St. W, Nos 24 to 28, s s, 320 w oth av. 124.9x99.8xl2ox 99.11, three 6-sty brk tenements. Landlords Realty Co to Paterno Bros, a corporation. Morts $101,.500, Nov 36. Nov 17 1909. 0:37.37—19 to 52, A $.39,000—$343,000. 100

345th st W. Ncs .531 and 533, n s, 225 e Broadway, 66.0x99.13, two 5-sty brk tenements. Abraham Arndt lo Alfred Neuhaus. All t i t le. Mort $67,000. Nov 12, 3909. 7:2077—10 and 12. A <p.E;2,OOI0 $70,(3(30. ' other consid and 100

14(5th st W, Nos 514 to 524, s s, 380 w Amsterdam av, 120x09.13. three 6-sty brk tenements. Abijah M Dederer lo Union Banlt of Brooklyn. B & S. Oct 27, 1908, Nov IS, 1909. 7:2077—39 to 43. A $4S,000—S 150,000. otber consid and 100

147th st W, Nos 507 and 509, n s, 1.50 w Amsterdam nv, 50x99.11, 6-sty brk lenement. Riverview Construction Co to Jacob Bloch, Mort S51,000. Nov 33. Nov 12, 1909. 7 : 2 0 7 9 - 2 5 and 26 A $20,b0()—$ • olher consid and IOO

Same property. Ja tob Bloch lo Henry M and Loui_s Bloch. ^A part . Mort $51,000, Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 7 :20i9 .

other consid and 100 l l S t h sl W, No 204. s s, 1-37.0 w 7lh av. 37.6x99.11, 5-sty brk

tenemeni. Adam J Hafner to City Holding Co. Mort $.34,500, Nov 11. Nov 16, 1909. 7:2033—40. A $10,500—$35,000.

other consid and 100 34Sth st W, No 517, n s. 243 w Amsterdam av, 18x99.33, 3-sty

aiid basement brk dwelliug. Carlos M Sarria to Kather ine Mul­lins. Q C. All liens. Nov 13. Nov 10, 1909, 7:2080—22, A $7.000—$12,500. other cousid and 100

154lh st W, Nos 262 to 268, s s, 300 e Sth av, 7ox99,33, two G-sty brk lenements. Caroline Frankel to Naihan and Edward Marx. Morts $86 000, Nov 11, Nov 12, 1909. 7:2039—58 and 00- A $21,OO0-$76,O0O, ^ ^ 100

160th st W, No 550. s s. 287.0 e Broadway. 3i.Gxl00.11, 5-sty brk lenement. Lucius H Beers to Philip Laracy, Mort .$39,500. Aug 18. Nov 15, 1909. 8:2138 —IS. A $15,000—$40,000.

olher consid and 100 163d Sl W, Nos 449 and 453. n s, 275 e Amsterdam av, 75x112.6,

two 6-sty brk tenemenis. John F Fox to Daniel J Mendelson. AU liens. Nov 15. Nov 10, 1909. 8:2110—96 and 98. A .$24,000—$82,000. nom

178lh sl W, No 659, n s, 125 w Wadsworth av, 12.6x300, 3-sty brk dwelling. Marie A Arns to Josephine Arns. Mort $5,000, Nov 35. Nov 16, 1909. 8 : 2 1 6 3 - 2 1 . A $3,600—.$7,500.

other consid and 100 ISOth s t W, Nos 708 and 710, s s, 254.1 w Broadway, 316.8x100, two 5-sty brk tenemenis. Ferguson Bros & Forshay lo Sarah Elkin. Morts $110,000. Nov lo . Nov l i , 1909, 8 : 2 1 7 0 - p a r t lol 39. A $ $ . other consid and 100

3,S0th st W, No 712. s s, 370.9 w Broadway, 58.4x100, 5-sty brk tenement, Ferguson Bros SL Forshay. a corpn lo Lott ie B wife Henry Steinbach. Mort .$55,000. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909, 8:2176 —part lot 39. A $ $ . nom

Av B, No 256, w s, 26 n l o t h st, 22x95.6, 5-sty brk tenement. Louis Oppenheim et al to Abe and Samuel Miller. Mort $8,01X). NOV 35, 3909. 3:973—27, A $11.600—$14,500.

other consid and 100 Audubou av. No 140] n w cor lT2d st, 57x100, 5-sty brk tenm't . 172d sl . No. 551 I Donald Robertson lo Max F Hoberg_and Ber­

tha A his wife, ioint tenants . Mort $06,000. Nov lo , 1909. 8 :2129 -21 . A $20,500—$ . 300

Broadway, w s| bet Olst and 92d sts, being Apthorps lane, now Apthorps lane | closed, extending from w s Broadway, to e s Wesl End av, e s| W^est End av, two 1-sty frame stores and va­

cant. W^estEnd av, w s | bet Olst and 92d sts, being Apthorps lane Apthorps lane | closed, bet w s of West End av and e s of

Riverside Drive, e s| Riverside Drive, vacanl. | John C L Harailton lo Lucy R Ball, Borough of Richmond. AU tit le. B & S. Sept 21. Nov 15, 1909, 4:1239—114, 4 ^ , 5 ^ . SVi, lO'/S, 1214, .581^ and 59. A $66,000—$(50,000: 1251-421,^. 45, 45y2, 4iy2, 48%, 491/2, 50%, 5 1 % , 52%, 53%, 57, 57%, 661/3. 60 2-3, 07%, 08% and 69^1. A $53,000—$53,000. nom

Broadway, Nos 610 to 018 | n e cor Houslon st, 100.-5x196.8 to Crosby st, Nos 150 and 152 | w s Crosby sl, x95.5xl97,7, two Houston st, Nos 2 lo 18 i G-sty brk and stone loft and store

buildings. Nathan Seeley and ano to L Bell Caldwell, of Mount Vernon, N Y, All t i t le. Sub to life es tate of widow of Phineas T Barnum. Nov 13. Nov 15, 1909. 2:522—1. A $560,000-.$680-000. nom

Broadway, Nos 3099 to 3103, on map No 3101, w s, 221.10 n 322d sl, runs n 80.5 x w 78.11 lo c 1 old Bloomingdale road x s 2.3 x w — to c I blk X s 78.2 x e 100 to beginning, 6-sty brk tenemeni. Mitow Realty Co to John M Griffin of Portland, Me. All liens. Nov 10, Nov 32, 3909. 7:1993—13. A $62,000—$ .

other consid and 300 Broadwayl s e cor 163d st, 99.13x100, G-sty brk tenement and l(i3d st I stores. Tomahawk Realtv Co to Adam J Hafner.

Moris $205,000. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 8:2122—52. A $61,000 —$ . other consid and 300

Edgecombe av. No 129| s w cor l l l s t st, 24.11x90, 5-sly brk tene-141st st. No 330 I ment and store. Magdalena 0 Heckman

et al HEIRS, &c, John H Oeters lo Wm F Knickmann. (Name of party 2d par t omitted from caption.) Mort $31,000, Nov 1. Nov 32, 3909. 7:2048—part lot 37, A ,$ $- . nom

Easl End av| n w cor 79lh st, 102.2x148, vacant. Falcon ReaUy Co 79th st I to Morilz Falkenau. Mort $57,250. Nov 11, Nov 12.

1909. 5:1576—21 to 20, A $51,000—$51,000. other consid and 100

Lexington av. No 189, e s, 78.6 s 32d st, 21x100, 3-sty brk dwell­ing. George Mulligan lo Emily C Mulligan. Mort .$9,000. Nov 12.1909. 3 : 8 8 7 - 7 8 . A .$20.000—.$21,500. nom

Lexinglon av. No 193, e s, 58.6 s 32d st, 20x100, 3-sty brk tene­ment and store. George Mulligan to Emily C Mulligan. Mort $10,000, Nov 12, 1909. 3 : 8 8 7 - 7 7 . A $19,000—.$22,000. nom

Lexington av, Nos 1025 and 1027| begins 73d st, n s, 3(39 w 3d av. 73d sl, Nos 149 and 151 | 51 lo e s Lexington av xl02.2,

two 5-sty brk tenements and stores, D A Cushman Realty Co to Hermann Elkan. Nov 11, Nov 12, 1909. 5 :1408-20 . A $4S,000—$95,600. nom

Same property. Hermann Elkan lo Frieda Hart . Mort $96,000. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1408. IOO

Madison av, No 104o, e s, 66.2 s SOth st, 19x82, 4-sty stone front dwelling. Herman Wronkow to Fannie Hamlin. Nov 5. Nov 18, 1909. 5:1491—51%. A $31,500—$41,000.

other consid and 300 Manhattan av. No 547, w s, 48.5 s 123d st, 1.5x74, 3-sty and base-'

ment stone front dwelling. Ellen Sica to Wm C Bergen. Mt $8,000. Nov 16. Nov 38, 1909, 7:1949—50. A $6,700-$11,500. .

other consid and 300 Park av, No 1G47, e s, 64.11 s n 7 t h st, 18x63.4, 2-sly brk dwell- |

ing. 1 117th st E, No 302, s s, 15.10 e Park av, 15.30x64.11, 3-sty brk

dwelling. | Estelle E Watkins to Chas C Waikins, Jr . Mort $8,000. Mar 29, 1908. Nov 15, 1909. 6:1644—C9B and 71. A $30,500—33,-500. other consid and 300

Riverside Drive, No 317 | s e cor 104th st, 22x100, 5-sty slone 104lh sl . No 324 I front dwelling. Emily M Roemer lo

Alanta E Gillette of Brookline, Mass. Mort $55,(X)0. Nov 15, 1909. 7:1890—73. A $38,000—$70,000. nora

Riverside Drive, No 210| n e cor 93d st. runs n 114.4 x e 352.3 93d st I X s 50 X w 0.0 3-8 x s — x w 0.0 3-8 x

s 25.8 lo n s 93d st, x w 97.9 lo beginning, vacant. Atlas Impt Co lo Ferguson Bros and Forshav, a corpn. Nov 33. Nov 3.5, 1909. 4:1252—34 to 37, A $138,000—$138,000. 100

Riverside Drive, No 153, e s. 27 n 87th sl . 23.8x300, 5 and 6-sty brk and stone dwelling. FORECLOS. Oct 34. 3909. Richard H Clarke ref to Martin D Wylly. Nov 3. Nov 18, 1909. 4:1249— 6. A .$.30,000—.$6S,000. 02,500

St Nicholas av. No 121 [ n w cor l lOth sl . 89.1x97x75.11x143.8, 330th st, Nos 201 to 233| 7-sty brk tenement and slores. Pali­

sade Building Co lo EI Nido Realty Co. Mort $220,000. Nov 15., Nov 37. 3909. 7:1922—24. A $85.000-$240,000.

other consid and 100 West End av. No 609, w s. 83.5 n S9lh st . 18x90, 4-sly and base­

ment stone front dwelling. Robert Reis lo Sarah wife of Robert Reis. B & S. Mort .$20,000. Nov 15. 1909, 4:1250—95. A $12,000—$25,000, other consid and 100

West End av, No 613, w s, 64 s 90lh st, 18x90, 4-sty and basement brk dwelling, Emma V Pepper to Roberl Reis, Mort $16,(K)0. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 4 :1250 -97 . A $12,000—$25,000,

other consid and 100 West End avl n w cor 95th st, 25.2x54.2x25.6x50.5, vacanl. Ade-95th st 1 laifle S, John S, Wm H, and Wm K Browning,

EXRS. SLC, Wm C Browning to Eugene Higgins. Oct 30. Nov 16, 1909. 4:1253—72. A $]5,000-$15,000. 35,000

Snme property. Release dower. Therese D wife Wm H Browning to same. All title, Q C. Oct 30. Nov 16. 1909. 4:1253. nom

Same property. Release dower. Mary S S wife Henrv K Brown­ing to sarae- AU title, Q C. Oct 30. Nov 16, 1909, 4:1253.

nora Same property. Release dower. Lizzie H wife John S Browning

to same- All title. Q C. Oct 30. Nov 16, 1909. 4:1253. nom Same properly. Release dower. Adelaide S Browning widow of

Wm C Browning, deed, to same. AU title. Q C. Oct 30, Nov 16. 1909. 4:3253- nom

West End av. No 930, e s, 80.9 s 30oth st, 20.2x100, 4-sty and basement stone front dwelling. Samuel A McGuire and Alice F, bis wife to Mary J McGuire. Q C. Jan 11. Nov 17, 1909. 7:1S7G—64. A $15,000—$25,000. nora

2d av. No 1854 Is e cor OGth st, 25.8x100. 5-sty brk tenement OOth sl. No 300| and stores. Harry Wolfe to Mamie Kenny.

All liens. May 11, 3908. Nov 17, 1909. 5:1558—49. A $21,-000—$33,000, other consid and 100

2d av. No 740, e s, 49,4 s 40th st, 24.8x100, 5-sty brk tenement and store and 3-sty brk lenement in rear. Betsie Wolt to Sig­mund Levin. Mort .$25,7.50. Nov 15, 1909. 3:945—55. A $12 -.500—$22,000. other consid and 300

2d av, Nos S94 and 896, e s, 50.3 s 48th st. 50.2x300, two 5-sty brk teneraents and stores. Emanuel Weiss to Fannie Rottenberg. Morts $44,800. June 8. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1340—51 and 52. A $30,000—$46,000. other consid and 100

2d av. No 1110. e s. 75.3 s 59th st, 25.1x100. 4-sty brk tenement and slore. Samuel Luria to Abraham J Smith, Mort $22,000. Nov 3. Nov 38, 1909. 5:1351—52. A $18,000—$27,000, nom

The text of these pages 13 copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to proaecutlon.

November 20, 1909 OonTeyanceB. RECORD AND GUIDE Bronx 929

5th av, Nos 2227 to 2231, on map Nos 2227 lo 2233| s e cor 130th 136th sl . No 2 sl, 99.11x100,

three 6-sty brk tenements and stores. Paterno Bros, a corpn, to Margaret E Napier. C a G. Mort $1.36,-500. Nov 16. Nov 18, 1909, 0:1700—73 lo 76. A $45,000—$335,000.

other consid and 1(X) Same property. Release mort . Same to same. Nov 17. Nov IS,

1909. 6:1760. other consid and 100 Same properly. Margaret E Napier to James C Thoraas. Mort

$136 500, Nov 17. Nov IS, 3909. 6:17GO. other consid aud 100 Sth av, Nos 2227 lo 2231|s e cor ISGth st, 99,13x300, three 6-sty

on map Nos 2227 to 2233| brk lenements and stores. Waldeck Co 136th St. No 2 I to Paterno Bros, a corporntiou, Mort

$130,500. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 0 : 1 7 6 0 - 7 3 to 70. A $45,000 —$335,000, other consid and 100

7th av. No 204 |s w cor 22d st, 2,5x3)10, G-sty brk tene-22d sl, Nos 200 to 2101 ment and stores. Meyer Preeman et

al lo Meyer Freeman 4-9 paris , Joseph Freeman 1-3 par t and . Philip and Jacob Freeman, each 1-9 part . B & S. Morts $70,-OOO. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 3 : 7 7 1 - ^ 0 . A $30.000—$65,000.

nom 7th av. No 1970. w s, 50.33 s 119th st, 25x1(X), 5-sty brk tene­

ment and store. Florence I Rosen to Paul Koning. Mort $30,250. Nov 15, 1909. 7 :1924-34 . A $19,000—$30,000.

other consid aud 100 7th av, No 1970, w s, 50.11 s 119th st, 25x100, 5-sly brk tenement

and store. Simon Kahn to Florence I Rosen. Morts $34,000. Nov 15, 1909. 7 :1924-34 . A $19,000—$30,000.

other consid and 100 7th av. No 196, w s, 98,9 s 22d st, 24.7x100, 6-sty brk teucnii?nt

and stores. Frank Rosen to Meyer and Benjamin Preeman, Mort $40,000. Nov 8. Nov 12, 1909. 3:771—42, A .$20,000— $45,000. other consid aud 100

Oth av. No 788, e s, 125.5 s 53d st, 25x100, 5-sly brk tenement and store- Dora Groll lo Karl Groll her husband. Morl $20,000. Nov 11. Nov 35, 1909. 4:1043—3. A $20,000—$31,000. gift

10th av, Nos .567 to 573 Js w cor 42d st, runs w 278.9 x s 98.9 4 I s l s l , Nos 505 to513 J x w 46.3 x s 98,9 to n s 41st s t x e 42d st, Nos 500 to 532 f 225 x n 98.9 x e 100 to w s 30th av

X n 98.9 to beginning, twelve 6 and 7-sly brk tenements and stores New York Fireproof Tenement Assoc, a corpn, to Ernest Flagg. Morts $475.0i!0. Nov 12, Nov 13, 1909. 4:1070—20, 33. A $290,000—$585,000. other consid and 100

13th av. No 584, e s, 40,5 s 44th st, 20x65, 4-sty brk lenement and store. Eernadina B Martin lo Thoraas Marlin. Mort $3.0IX). July 10, 1900. Nov 18, 3909. 4 : 3 0 7 2 - 0 3 . A $6,O0O-.$9,OOO, 100

Pier 2 North River, all right, title and interest to said pier and to bulkhead on w s of West st, adj the n and s s of said pier with wharfage, dockage, &c, Sarah T McAllister widow to Louise and Heyward H McAllister. B & S, AU tit le. Juue Kl, 1905. Nov 13, 1909- 1:15. nom


Certified copy of last will of Sigmund Niggi- Jan 15, 1894. Nov 12. 1909.

Copy of last will oE John Haven, late of Rye, N Y, Aug 13, 1902. Nov 16, 1909.

Order approving bond of Garrard Glenn as TRUSTEE in matter of Wm E Smith and Win H Osborn INDIVIDUAL and as firm, W B Smilh Sc Co, Bankrupts, Nov 35. Nov 37, 3909-

Power of attorney. Henry Lieberknecht, of Montelair, N J, to George Lieberknecht of Bloomfield, N J. Oct 25. Nov 18, 1909.

Power of attorney, Jennv Rosenberg to Adolph Rosenberg. Aug 12, 1907. Nov 38, 1909,

Power of at torney. Tryne S Fleischer trading as The Fleischer Co to Charles Berlin. Oct 26. Nov 10, 1909.

Revocation of power of allorney, Robert L McCook lo John J McCook. Nov S. Nov 15, 1909.

Revocation of power of attorney, Johanna Bluen lo Paul M Her­zog. Nov 32, 1909, —

Revocation of power of allorney. Morris J Bluen to Paul M Her­zog. Nov 12, 1909. •


Under this head the * denotes that the property is located !n the new Annexed District (Act of 1895).

•Byron st | n w cor 239th st, 3(K)x300, South Mt Vernon. Lillian 239th s t I Reiss to Eugene Ballweg. Q C. Nov 17, Nov 18,

1909. nom Casanova sl, e s, 182 s Eastern Boulevard, 2.5x100, vacant. Re­

lease raort. The Trust Co of America lo Easl Bay Laud SL Impt Co. Nov 15. Nov 17, 1909. 30:2767—2708, 2774 and 277o, nom

Casanova st, e s, 382 s Eastern Boulevard, 25x100, vacant. Eas t Bay Land & Impt Co lo Joseph Lisanti . Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2767—2768, 2774 and 2775. other cousid and 100

Division st. s e s, in blk bel 176lh st and Tremont av. and being a t north cor of building called Patent Yellow, runs s c 100 x n e 25 X n w 100 to sl X s w 25 to beginning, being lot 26 map Wm Crowlher in Broux, except par t for Longfellow st. Lillian J Hertz to James G B E Ford, Nov 35. Nov 36, 1909. 11:3016.

nom Elsmere pi. No 8141 s s, 125 w Marmion av, runs w 25 x s_ 100 x w Fairmouni pl | 50 x s ICO to n s Fairmount pl x e 7o x n 200

to beginuing, 3-sly brk dwelling and vacant. Release morl. Gustav Beyer to Wm C Bergen. Nov 16, 1900. 11:2954—2955.

2,000 Freeman st | s w cor Longfellow av, 109.-5xl31.9, vacant. Herbst Longfellow avj Sc Co to Longfellow Realty Corpn. Correction

deed. Nov 13. Nov 17, 1909. 11:2993. _ 10) German pl. No 760> c cor 1.57th st, 25x78.1 lx2ox77.9, 4-sty brk 157th st, No 511 I lenement and store. Charles Fischel to

old No 751 I Cornelius Daniels and Isidore Teitelbaum. Mort $1S,000. Nov 11. Nov 13, 3909. 9:2360. nom

Home st. No 882, s s, 211.1 e Stebbins av. 17.1x69.2x17.1x85.8. 2-Ety frame dwelling.

Home sl . No 884, s s, 228,2 e Stebbins av, runs s 69,2 x n e 36.9 x n w 2.4 .X n 42.S to st x w 24.10 lo beginning, 2-sty frame dwelling. Minnie K Van Kirk lo Thos H Roff. All lieus. Sept 20. Nov 12, 1909. 10:2692. other consid and 100

Jennings st. No 749, n s, 150 e Union av, 57x80.8x70.11x44,6, 5-sty brk lenement, t lenry Roeder to August F Schmidt. Mort $19,500, Nov 12- Nov 15, 1909. 10:2902. 100

•McDonald st, n s, abt 357 e Eastchester road and being lots 228 and 229 map No 11.30, of 327 lots Hunter estale, 50x100. Hud­son P Rose Co to John A McDonnell. AU liens. Nov 13, Nov 15, 1909, nom

*Main st I s w cor Orchard st, 2oxlOO, lot begins 100 e Main st Orchard sl[ and adj land John Boule, runs n 62.6 to land of Bell

X e 125 to land of Leviness x s 57.0 x w 125.0 to beginning, with strip 16.0 wide x 125,0 in length adj s s of above, City Is­land. Thaddeus C Rolfe to Sarah Gebhardt. Q C. Nov 15. Nov 10, 1909. other consid and 100

Manida sl„ No 725, e s, 20G.S s Spofford av, 20x70,30 to w s Old Hunts Point road, x 20.2x67.11, with all t i t le to Hunts Point road, 3-sty brk dwelling. Ida Hillraann lo Leo Levinson, Morts $0,.50a Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2708. nom

Manida st. No 720, w s, 200 s Spofford av, 25x100, 2-sty hrk dweUing. Ida Hillmann to Leo Levinson. Mort $6,000. Nov 16-Nov 17, 1909. 10:2708. nom

'•Matilda st, s e s, 300 n 241st s t and being lot 132 map of Wash­ingtonville, 50x100. Emil Hertsch to Kate wife Erail Hertsch. Nov 3o. Nov 17, 1909. nom

Simpson st No 1083, w s, 3-59,10 s lG7lh st, 37.6x100, 5-sty brk tenement. J C Gaffney Construction Co lo Martin S KeUy. Morl $20,000. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909, 30:2726. nom

Sirapsou st, e s, 300,0 s Freeman st, 40x100, 5-sly brk tenement. Simpson Construction Co lo L Estelle Corner, of New Rochelle, N Y, Mort $39,000. Nov 13. Nov 10. lOOD. 31_:2975. non.

*Sheil st, n s, 150 w Elwood pl and beiug lots 7oo and 756 map of Laconia Park, each lot 25x300. Arthur J Mace and ano EXRS Malinda G Mace to Louis Horowitz and Heury Naschitz. Mort $4-50 and all liens. Sept 22. Nov 18, 1909. l,00o,4o

'Unnamed 50 ft st, n w s, 220 e from road leading lo White Stone Ferry st, 2.5x150. being lot 55 raap of S F Meyers al Throggs Neck. Mary A Ford lo Thos J Ford her husband, % part. All title. Nov 11. No_v; 15, 1909. non.

'Willow lane, w s, l i o .o n Madison av, 25.SxlOOx25xl(W. I Tremont road, n s, 75 e Pilgrim av, 20x100. |

Release mort. Washington Savings Bank to Bankers Realty & Security Co. Sept 9. Nov 17, 1909. nom

*lst st, e s, abl 971 s 224th sl aud being lots 1280 and 1281 map of Wakefield, 190x1 Hix—xl22. Alois Geiszler lo Joseph Haven-der aud Martin Geiszler. Mort $2,000. Oct 20, Nov 17, 1909,

100 145th sl. No 356, s s, 78,4 e 3d av, 2-5x100, 2-sty frame brk front

dwelling, Louis Seidman to Mark H Cohen- Mort $6,-500. Nov 13. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2306. other consid and 100

14Slh st. No 517, n s, 100 e Brook av. 25x100, 4-sty brk tene ' t and 2-sty hrk tenement in rear. Kalmin Kalotkin lo Mary Rosen, 4-6 par ts . All t i l le. AU liens. Nov lo . Nov 10, 1909. 9:2275. other consid and 500

150th st, Nos 757 and 759, n s, 44 e Concord av, .50x175, 1-sly frame dwelling, 1-sty frame stable and vacant.

Concord av. No 580| n e cor 150(h st, 175x44, 1-sty frame dwell-150th st. No 751 I ing and vacant.

Louis Gordon lo Concord Av Realty Co, Mort $16,500. Nov 11. Nov 18, 1909. 30:2642. olher consid and 300

152d sl. No 258, s s, 300 w Morris av, 25x318x25x337.33, 2-sty frame dwelling. Elizabeth Dusing widow to Geo H Janss, Nov 12, 3909. 9:2441. otber consid and 100

lo3d st. No 407, n s, 74.9 e Melrose av, 20.3x100, 3-sty frame dwelling and 2-sly frame stable in rear . Release mort. Fred­erick Lese lo Benjamin Benenson, Nov 10. Nov 18, 1909. 9:2375. nom

153d st, n s. 340.4 w Elton av, .54.8x100. Agreeraent as lo release mortgage of tbe easterly 20..3 of ahove premises. American Mortgage Co with Fredk Lese. Nov 16. Nov IS, 1909. 9:2375.

nom 155th st. No 428, s s, 145 w Elton av. 50x100, vacant. Rockland

Realty Co to Tiiomas D Malcolm Construction Co. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 9:2376, nom

155th sl . No 428, s s, 145 w Elton av, .50xHX), vacant. Margaretha K Merz to Rockland Realty Co. Morl $2,000. Nov 3. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2370. other consid and 100

160th st. No 750 I s e cor Forest av, .3.3x118, 5-sty brk tenement Forest av. No 824| and stores, Ernest ine Malino to Max Holtz and

Chas K Beidenkopf. Mort $43,0(X), Nov 15. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2656, other consid and 100

lOls l st. No 407 (661), n s, GG.4 e Melrose av, 25x65.3x25x05.9, 2 -sty frame dwelling aud slore, Chas H Lowerre lo John Geidel. Morl $4,000- Nov 15- Nov 16, 1909. 9:2383.

other consid and 300 163d st, G s, 90 e Ogden av, 25x100, 4-sty brk dwelling. Edward

Waters to Edward D Haggertv, Mort $lo,000. Nov 15, 1909. 9 :2o l l , other consid and 100

179tli St. s s, 100 w Prospect av, 72x9.5, vacant, Sophie Knepper to Nora Really Co. Moris $13,500. June 1. Nov 18, 390?. 1 1 : -3093. nom

180th sl, Nos 964 and 9(58, s s, 30.2 e Vyse av. 80x100x80x99.11, 5-sly brk tenement and stores. Release mort. Enoch C Bell to Forbes Constjuction Co. Nov 31. Nov 17. 1909. 11:3132. nom

I S l s l st. No Go, n s, 1.50 w Grand av, oO.- lOO, 2-sty brk dwelling. Belmar Investing Co to Jennie Halpert. Mort $10,000. Nov l . j , 1909. 11:3207. other consid and 100

186lh st. No 402. S s, 220 e Park av, 20x100, 4-sty brk tenement. Bernhard Bloch to Charles Pinzka and Augusta his wife, tenants by entirety. Mort .$8,000. Oct 14. Nov 12, 3909, 31:3039.

olher consid and 100 198lh sl . No .3-58, s s, 77.33 w Decatur av, 20x75, 3-sty brk dwell­

ing, Wm C Bergen to Mary J Riazuto. Mort $6,500. Nov 3. Nov 15, 3909. 12:3283. other consid and 100

198lh st. No 350, s s, G5 e Marion av, 20x75, 3-sty brk dwelling. Wra C Bergen to Ellen Sica. Mort $6,500, Nov 16. Nov IS, 1909. 12:3283. other consid and 100

202d sl, late Summit av. n s, 964.3 w Briggs av, late Will iams­bridge road, 2oxl00, except par t for Grand Boulevard and Con­course, 2-sty frame dwelling, FORECLOS, Sept 28, 1909. James T Brady ref to Jaraes A Woolf. Oct 13. Nov 12, 1909. 32:-3308. 0,948

Same property, James A Woolf to .\ugust Sauer. Morl .$6,000 and all liens. Nov 32, 3900, 12:3.308. other consid and 100

205th sl . No 109, u s, abt 320.3 s and s w on curve frora 206th st and being lot_53t map Geo F aud Henry B Opdyke, 24lh Ward, 25,31x12-'">x2ox131, 3-sty frarae dwelliug. Abraham Cabn lo E Locwentha; & Son, Inc, Morl .$8,000 and all liens. Nov 15, 3909, 12:3312, nom

205th s t ,Ernescliff pl). No 183, n s, abt 474.0 s w and w on curve from 20Gth sl and_being lot 52.5 map of Geo F and Henry B Op­dyke, 28x117.11x2.1x105.7. w s. 3-sty frame dwelling. Margaret T Conlan 1 > Mary Christians, of Freeport , L I. Morts $8,500. Oct 30. Kov 16. 1909. 12:3312. nom

*205lh st n s block front bet Wallace and Adee avs, 2O0.x7O.7xl Wallace av 203x100. Adee av •Lots 83 to 90 map (No 390) of Adde Park,

CONTRACT. Russell Mack wilh Chrislabel Flood. Mort $3,500. July 23, Nov 17, 1909. 7,000

The text of these pages is copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.

930 Conveyance. R E C O R D A N T ) G U I D T ^ Bronx November 20, 1909

*221sl sl (7lh s t ) , s s, 155 w Sth av and being w ^ of lot 212 map Wakefield, 50x114. Caterina Chiavenulo lo Lena wife Albert Guidano. Morl $4,000. July 17, Nov 32, 1909. nom

Same propertv. Albert Guidano to Caterina Chiavenulo. Morl $4,000. July 17. Nov 32, 3909. nom

*222d sl, n s, 531.7 e Barnes av, 2oxS8.10, Wakefield. Minnie Becker to Augusta Zeller. Mort $3,200. Oct 27. Nov 12, 1909.

other consid and lOJ *223d st, late Oth av, n s, 105 e 2d av and being lot 1042 map

Wakefield, 100x114. Herman F Kolkmann el al HEIRS, &c. Otto Kolkmann to Anna M Kolkmann widow, their mother. B & S and C a G, Confirmation deed. Nov 30; Nov 15, 1909. nom

'223d st, n s, 275 w Laconia av aud being lot 301 map (No 1314a) of 329 lots par t Schieffelin Estate, 25xl09.G. Release mort, Robert N Quinn to Brownhill Company, July 19. Nov 17, 3009.

Olher consid and 300 •233d st, late 19lh sl, s s, 2S0 e 5lh av, 50x114, except pa r t for

233d sl, Wakefield, " | ISth sl, n s, lot o5 map Wakefleld, 25x114. I

Leopold Saiamon to . \Iberl H Klees, Morl $500 and all Uens. Oct 29. Nov 16, 1909. other consid and 100

201st s t [ n e cor Liebig av. 31.6x100, vacanl. Fredk P Fors ter Liebig av| lo the Forster Propertv Builders, a corpn. Nov 1:>.

Nov 17, 1909. 13:3423. other eonsid and 100 *..\v E I n w cor l l l h sl, 108x205, Unionport. Peter Handibode, J r l l t h sl | to Martin Pletseher and Elise his wife, joint tenants .

Morl $7,500. Nov l o . Nov 16, 1909, other consid and 100 Aqueduct av, e s, 462.G s lS3d sl, runs e 102.4 to Macombs Dam

road X n — lo lands covered by mortgage made by parly 2d par t and recorded Sept 11, 190S. x w — to av x s — to beginning, 2-stv brk dwelling. Release morl. Louis C Tiffany to Wm C Ber­gen. Sept 3. Nov 12, 1909. 11:3211. 10.750

Andrews av, e s. 488.11 s Fordham road. 56x100, 2 and 3-sty frame dwellings. Henrv H Vought et al to Robert Biggart. MOFI $ 1 O , -<X>!.), Nov 12. Nov 15. 1909. 11:3218. exch

Arthur av, w s, about 175 n 188th st, lot XI map of 70 lots Cedar Hill plot on Powell farm at Fordham, 25x111.10, vacant, Lewis H Gentles lo Harry C Phillips of Portchester, N Y . B & S. Nov 9. Nov 10, 1900. 11:3066. _ nom

Belmont av. No 1992, e s, 75 n from s s lot 3So on map of Ryer Homestead, runs e 94.6 x n 10,30 aud 14.3 x w — lo av al point 100 s 179th sl X s 27.2 to beginning, 3-sly brk dwelling. Michael J McGuire to Chester Construction Co. Moris $12,SIX). Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 11:3079. other consid and 100

Bathgate av. No 2080, e s, 64.7 s ISOth st, 16.30x09.13, 2-sty frame dwelling. Lizzie Mulhern to Adah M McDermott. Q C. June 1. Nov 13, 1909. 11:3225. nora

•Bassett av, w s, abt 324 n Saratoga av, and being lot 107 map No 3130 of .327 lots Hunter estate. 24.7x100. Bendikte S Gunder-sen to Christine Einersen. Morts $3,700, Nov 11. Nov 32, 1909. other _cons"id aud 100

•Bronxdale av, w s, ISO n 187th st, and being lots 7o and 76 map No 1064 of 107 lots Hudson Park, oOxllOx—x9G. Michael Costello to Nicola Ricciardi. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909.

other consid and 100 *Sanie property. Geo F Smilh lo Michael Costello. Nov 9. Nov

12, 1909. _ nora 'Beech av, n s, 201 e Elm si, 2oxlOO, and being lot 131 map No

981 in Westchesier County oC Laconia Park. Release mort . Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund of the U S of A to Calce­donio Inciardi. Nov 10. Nov 32, 1909. 400

Bryant av. No Ol i , w s. 190.3 s Garrison av, 25xl(X), and being lot 9.3 raap No 1273 of 3G9 lois. owned by Hunts Point Really Co, 2oxlOO, 2-.sly brk dwelling. Release morl. Brouxland Realty Co. lo Chester Construction Co. Nov 9. Nov 12. 1909. 10 :2 i61 .

1,000 Same property, Chester Construction Co to Michael J McGuire.

Mort $9,000. Nov 9. Nov 12, 1909. 10:2761. other consid_ and_^100

'Bronx and Pelhara Parkwav, s e cor Muliner av, 75x165.2x75x 360.9,

'Bronx and Pelham Parkwav, s w cor Bogart av, 25x145.l lx2ox 147,.5.

Bogart av, w s, 147.0 s Bronx and Pelham Parkway, 75x100. Theodore Werner to Bankers Really & Security Co. All liens. Nov 8. Nov 13, 1909. olher consid and 100

'Bogar t av. Lot 55 and what will be lot 56 blk 45 map (No 1138) Sec 1. Morris Park. Beriha M Schaaf lo Wm L and Bertha M Scbanf. Nov 11. Nov 13, 3909^ 100

Bailey av, e s. and being lots 30i lo 310 map (No 3387) of 272 lots Bailey Esta le at Kingsbridge, vacant. Wm W Beidenkopf lo Ernest ine Malino. Mort $2,380. Nov 35, Nov 17, 1900. 11:3237. nom

Bailey av, e s, 409.5 s on curve from Kingsbridge road, 50xl(K), 2-Ety frame dwelling and vacanl. Alma E Poole to Geo E Poole. % part. Mori $6,000. Nov 17. 1909. 11:3239. nom

Bcseobel av| n w cor lHOth st, 139.9x112.6x100-6x82.13. 4-sty brk IGOth sl I tenement and store and vacanl. Cath C Carlin to

Thos H Ray. Nov 18, 1909. 9:2.500. 500 •Bay av, s s. west lot on map of Francis Scofield Esta le on Cily

Island as Nos 1-3 and 14 on plot 2 on said map, said w^esl lot beiug 25x300, Gertrude C Stelz to Annie L Burgoyne. All liens. Nov 11, Nov IS, 1900- nom

*Bayside Drive I lot 30 map (No 76 in Westchester Co) Public road lo Clasons PointI of Clasons Point, except par t for

Clasons Point rd. Margt D Kane to Martin J Kane's Hotel & Grove, a corpn. Oct 2. Nov 18. 1909. nom

Eoekman av| n w cor Oak terrace, 25x100. vacant. Theresa Hirsch-Cak terrace! berg to Michael J Tully. Nov 17. Nov IS, 1909.

10:2-^.^o. otber consid and 100 Clay av. No 12241 n e cor 168lh sl, 34.G.x;^0, 5-sty brk lenement IGSth st I and stores. A J Schwarzler Co to Kale Schick.

Mort $32,500. Nov 12, Nov 15, 1909, 9:2427, other consid and 100

•Columbus av, s s, 78 w Van Buren st and being lot 71 map Van Nest Park, 26s—x25x—. Regent Really Co lo Geo J Silva. All liens. Nov 12. Nov 16, 3909. nom

*Clasons Point road, w s, 26o.30 s Westchester av. 25xl34.3x2ox 128.5. Release mort. Hudson P Rose Co to Antonio Amoro.^o. Nov 9. Nov 12, 1909. _nom

'Clasons Point road, w s, 205.10 s Westchester av, 50x140.2xo0x 128.5- Antonio Amoroso to Hudson P Rose Co. Nov 4. Nov 12, 1909. _nom

'Clasons Point road, w s, 215.10 s Weslchester av, 51.2xl2S-4xo0x 336.7. Michelangelo Casale to Hudson P Rose Co. Nov 4. Nov 32, 1909. _nom

T H s o n s Point road, w s, 140.10 s Westchester av, 75x116.7xiox 121,9, .\ndrea Manzi to Hudson P Rose Co. Nov 4. Nov 12, 1900. nom

'Clasons Point road, w s, 390.10 s Westchester av. 25xllG.7x25x 1.18,4. Release mort . Hudson P Rose Co lo Andrea Manzi. Nov 9. Nov 12, 1909. nom

•Clasons Point roadj e s, 122.3 n Leiand st, .50x102.7 to Leiand st,l Leiand st [ x55.7x76. |

Adam Bauer to George Dumrauf. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. other consid and 1<K)

•Clasons Point, road, n e s. intersects e s Underhill av. 52.xl00x x50.3x98.6. Joseph Keller to George Dumrauf. Morl $800. Nov 16. Nov 17. 190_9. olher consid and 100

•Dudley av. s s. 2o w Cornell av. 50x100 and being lots 129 and 13(1 map No 1333c) of Harr ington Esta le . Westchester. Fredk J Holderman to Domenico Trionfo. Mort $050. Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. _ _ nom

•Dudley av. s s. 3o0 w Cornell av, o0x300 and being lots 124 and 12o map No 1333C of Harrington estate, Westchester. Isaac B Reinhardt lo Gustave Bernheimer. 3-3 part . B & S. Nov 3. Nov 13, 1909. nom

'Devoe av |heglns Devoe av, e s, bet 174th and 177tb sts, at line Van Nest avj het lands of W W Astor and Domestic Realty Co,

runs along said line s o 130.3 x s w 3,000.4 to w s of right of way of N Y, N H & H R R Co X s _w on curve _248.5 to line bet lands of Astor and Watson x n w 3o.4 x n e 20o.30 to e s Devoe av X n e 098 lo heginning, contains 2 G.352-30.IX)0 acres. Wm W Astor of London. Eng. to The Citv & County Contract Co. B & S. Oct 32. Nov 33, 3909. nom

Eagle av. No 717, w s, 110 s lo6th st, 18x99.2, 2-sty and basement hrk dwelling, Isaac Feldman to Israel Newman. Mort $7,500. Nov 6. Nov 12, 1909. 10:2617. other consid and 100

•Fowler av, e s, 32o s Neil av, oOxlOO. Release morl. Van Nest Land & Impt Co to Fidelty Development Co. Nov 4. Nov 13, 1909. nom

•Same propertv. Fidelity Development Co to August Noll of New­ark, N"J. Mort $1,500 and al! liens, Nov 4. Nov 13, 1909 100

•Fordham av or st | s w cor Billar pl, 58x100, Cily Island. Geo E Billar pl I Leviness and ano lo Ella F Liming. All liens.

Nov 12, Nov 17, 1909, other consid and 100 *Gainsborg av, w s, 100 n Tremont rd, 50x100. Tremont Terrace.

Mildred H W'illiams to Edward C Gainsborg, Nov 3. Nov 16, 1909. other consid and 100

•Same propertv. Edward C Gainsborg to August Koenig, Nov 6. Nov 16, 1909. other consid and 100

Hughes av, e s, 100 s 187th st, 50x87.6, vacant. Domenico Lauria to Tony and Giovanni Ciampoli. Q C. Nov 9. Nov 13, 1909. 11:3082. 1,333.33

Heath av. No 268S, e s, 545.3 s Kingshridge road, 25x127.1x25.4x 123, 2-stv frame dwelling. Bertha Van Gilder to Peler F Mul­vey. Mort $5,000. Nov 17, 3909. 31:3240. other consid and 100

Intervale av. No 1234, s e s, 219.4 n e Home st, 24.10x51,lx26.3x .59.2, 3-sty brk tenement. Realty Federation ot N T to Margaret Korlh of Allentown. Fa. Oct 30. Nov 12, 1909. 11:2974. 100

' Jones av. w s, 225 n Randall av, 50x100. Land Co " C " of Eden­wald lo Anna Larsen. All liens. Nov 10. Nov 32, 3909. nom

' Jones av, e s, 275 s Jefferson av, 50x100. Johanna C Blake to Clinton T Roe, of WTiitestone, L I. Nov 15- Nov 18- 1909. nom

Kingsbridge road | n e cor Kingsbridge terrace (Nathalie av) , Kip.gsbridge terrace | runs n 38.2 x s IG.IO x s w 1.10 lo begin­

ning- gore, vacanl. Release all t i t le. Q C and C. Tbe City of N • Y to Matilda Edelstein. Oct 18. Nov 16, 1909. 12:3256. 111,50

La Fontaine av. No 2056 (or 2078), e s, 136,4 s ISOth st, I S . l l x 100, 2-sty frame dwelling. Magdalena Holzkamper lo Jacob Marx. Mort $2,600. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3069.

other consid.and 100 •Lydig av, s w cor Muliner av, oOxlOO and being lots 31 and 32

blk 55 map (No 1138) Sec 1 of Morris Park. Fidelity Develop­ment Co to Margarete J D Louie. Nov 11. Nov 16. 1909. 100

Marion av | s e cor 198lh st , 75.11x13.5.x75x25. 3-sly brk 198th st, No 3o0| dwelling, Wm C Bergen lo Mary E Neary. Mt

$8,500. Nov 15. 3909. 12:3283, other consid and 100 Marion av. No 2S1GI n e cor 19Slh st, late Travers st, S3.4x25.3x lOSth st. No 353 | 25.-3x84.1, vacanl. Lewis H Gentles to Harry

C Phillips, Nov 9. Nov 16, 1909. 12:3284. nom Morris av, e s, SS.3 n 174lh st, 7ox85. Morris av, e s, 26-3.3 n 174th st, 25x85.

vacant. L Estel le Corner to Simpson Construction Co. Nov 13. Nov 16, 1909. 11:2795. other consid and 100

'Muliner av, e s,_l-50 n Lydig av. 200x100. I Bogart av, w s, loO n Lydig av. 275x100. |

Theodore Werner to Bankers Realty Sc Security Co. All liens. Nov 8. Nov 33, 1909. other consid and 100

'Muliner av, e s. 150 n Lydig av, 200x100. I Bogart av, w s. 3oO n Lydig av, 275x100. |

Release mort- Van Nest Land & Impt Co to Fidelity Develop­ment Co. Nov 10. Nov 12. 1909. nom

Marmion av I s e cor 17Slh st, s t r ip 0.2x156.3 to w s South-Southern Boulevard! ern Boulevard x0.3xl5G.3. Margaret Hanley

to Har lem Savings Bank. All liens. Nov 18, 1909. 11:3117. nom

•Monaghan av. e s, 150 n Jefferson av. 2.5x100, Edenwald. Johanna C Blake to Clinton T Roe, of Whitestone, L I. Nov 15. Nov IS, 1909. nom

•North Chestnut Drive, n s, par t lot 91 amended map (No 1038)1 of Bronxwood Park, begins a t line bet lots 91 and 92, 28x96.9x1 28x96.11.

North Chestnut Drive, n s, par t lots 90 and 91, sarae map, be- | gins 28 w of line bet lots 91 and 92, 28x96.6x28x96.9.

North Chestnut Drive, n s, par t lots 89 and 90, same map, begins] 50 w line bet lots 91 and 92, 26x96.4x26x96.6, except par ts for Cedar now Barnes av. | Martin Fleischer to Peter Handibode Jr . Morts $15,000. Nov lo . Nov IS. 1909. other consid and 100

Newton av, w s, 250 n 254th st, 50x100, vacant. Stuard Really Co to Christian Gaul, of Yonkers, N Y. Nov 3. Nov 18, 1909. 33:.3421. other consid and 100

Ogden av. e s, 107 s 169th st , 50x118, except par t for av, vacant, Robert Biggart. Jr . to Henry H and Naihan F Vought. Nov 11. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2518. other consid and 100

•Old Clasons Point road, w s, 36.8 (?) s Westchester av, runs w lHi.8 X n 75 X e 121.11 lo road x s 75.2 lo beginning being lots (1, I and 8, being a subdivision of lot 1 on map of Clasons Point. Hudson P Rose Co to Andrea Manzi. Nov 4. Nov 12. 1909. nom

•Old Clasons Poiut road, w s, 36,8 s Westchester av. 51.4x140.2x50 X12S..5, being lots 11 and 12 on same map. Hudson P Rose Co to Anlonio Amoroso. Nov 4. Nov 12, 1909. nom

•Old Clasons Point road, w s, 30.8 s Westchester av, 51.4x128.5x50 xllG.S. being lots 9 and 10 same map. Same to Michelangelo Ca­sale. Nov 4. Nov 12. 1909. nom

' P i e r av. e s, 1.39.4 n Middletown road, 25.1x116.5x25x119. Tre­mont Terrace. Bankers Realtv Sc Security Co to Julius Berger All liens. Sept 23. Nov 12. 1909. 100

*Parker av. e s, abt 462 s Castle Hill av and being lot 50 map No 957 of 120 lots Daily estate. I

The text of these pages is copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given tha t infringement will lead to prosecution.

November 20, 1909 IjCAses RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan 931

D r o o k l y u L,, 1. Ci ly IVeAV Y o r k H o b o k e n



E a s t JKiver NcTVtOTOn Cr, • l i i r l en i R i v e r Hi idhon J l i v e r

Parker av, e s, at liue bet lots 37 and 38, runs n e 64.3 x w along] line bet lauds of Dally estale aud St Raymond Park, 50.11 x s wi 21.1 to av, X s 25 to beginning, being part lot 38 map No 277 of St Raymond Park. | Anna Kraft to Josephine Lewis. Mort $4,500. Nov 13. Nov 15, 1909. uom

'Pelham road, n e cor Willow lane, ruus n 150 x e 118.11 x s 10(i.9 X w Hj(J.5 to beginning and being lots 1 to 6, 27 and 28 map of 143 lots Paul Bstaie, Westchester. Q G deed and surrender of right of re-entry in virtue of breach of covenants, elc. The War­ranty Realty Co and Benno Cohen to James L Davis. Nov 9. Nov 12, 190t). nom

•Pelham road | n e cor Willow lane, runs n 150 x e 118-11 x s Willow lane | 100-9 x w 100.5 to beginning and being lots 1 lo

0 and 27 and 2S map of 143 lots Paul Estate at Weslchester. James L Davis lo Frank J Marion. Mort $3,5(Xf. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909. other cousid aud 100

Perry av, s e s, 199.0 s w 205th st, 20x100, 2-sly frame dweUing. Perry Avenue Construction Co to Edward G Getz. Mort $6,000. Nov 15. Nov 10, 190y. 12:3345. other consid and 100

Perry av, e s, 375 s 209th si, late Ozark st, 2oxl00, vacant. John P Hanigan lo Winifred wife John P Hanigan. Q C. Oct 15 Nov 10, 1909. 12:3347. _ _ ^ nom

Perry av. No 3184, e s, 20.u n 20oth st, 2oxl00, 2-sty frame dwell­ing. Nellie wife of aud Harry F Clarke lo Chas J Perry. Mort $5,500 and all liens. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 12:3346. 1.50

•Pierce av, s s, 200 e Deane pl, 25x191. 1 •Lot 81 partition map (No 913 in Westchesier Co) Maria F Piercej

et al, Westchester. | Wm H Butler lo The Buller Estates, a corpn. Mort $950. Nov 16, 1909. other consid and 100

Plympton av, e s, at w s Boseobel av, runs s along Plympton av, 73.4 X e 23.11 x e 4(j.3 to Boseobel av x n 01.9 to beginning and being lot 1 parcel 17 raap subdivision Estale Wm B Ogden at Highbridge flled May 24, 1907, vacant. Thomas Donnelly to Kemp-Jones Realty Co. Mort $2,000. Nov 17. 1909. 9:2521.

other consid and lOO Randall av, n s, 50 w Cosier st, 50x100, vacant. Charles Albrecht

to East Bay Land & Impt Co. Morl $1,200 and all iiens. Nov 17, Nov IS, 1909. 10:2708. nom

"Robin av, e s, 1(K) n Tremont road, 25x100, Tremont Terrace, Re­lease mort. Washington Savings Bank to Bankers Realty & Se­curity Co. Oct 25. Nov 10, 1909. nom

•Rhinelander av, s s. lOO e Eastchester road, 31.6x100x0,9x103,2, and being lot 249 map No 1130 of 327 lots Hunter Est. Hudson P Rose Co to John A McDonnell, Nov 4. Nov 15, 1909. nom

Ryer av, Nos 2072 and 2UT4, e s, 34.5 s ISOth st, runs s 50.3 ,x e 101 X n 43 X n w 37.9 x w Go to beginning, two 2-sty frame dwellings. Stephen A Whislen lo Eleanor D wife Stephen A Whisten, All liens. Nov 4. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3149 and 3144.

nora St Anns av. No 427| s w cor 145th st, 49,llx7o, G-sty brk tenement, 145th sl I FORECLOS, Nov 3, 1909. Edward L Parris,

ref, to Nacie Gartner. Moris $35,000, and taxes, &c, $780.28. Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909, 9:2271. 12,500

Southern Boulevard, w s, 350 n lS7th st, 50x102.1x49.5x109.9. vacant. Max Borsuk to Bella A Jorn. Mort $4,500. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 11:3115. olher consid and 100

•Seton av, e s, aht 212,0 n Randal] av and being n % of lot 31 blk 30 map of Sec C. Edenwald, 12.6x100. Release mort, East­chester Savings Bank to Bengt Nelson- Oct 19. Nov 10, 1909.

240 •Seton av, e s, 212.6 n Randall av, 37.0x100, Edenwald. Bengt

Nelson to Claes G Williams Lindh. Oct 19. Nov 16, 1909, nom 'Syracuse av| n w cor Chestnut st, lOOxKX), and being lot 181 Chestnut sl \ map No 1106 in Weslchester Co, of Arden property

at East and Westchester. Cily Real Estate Co Lo Alex P W Kin­nan. B & S. Nov 12, Nov 13, 1909. other consid and 100

Stebbins av. No 1100. o s, 388 n lG7th st, 50x100, 2-sty frame dwelling and vacant. August F Schmidt to Henry Roeder. Mort $2,500- Nov 12. Nov 15. 1909. 10:2092.

other consid and 100 Steuben av, w s, 100 s 210th sl, 75x100, vacant. Wm W Beiden­

kopf to Ernestine Malino. Nov 15. Nov 17, 1909. 12:3326. nom Southern Boulevardj n w s, at e s Union av, runs n e along South-Prospect av I ern Boulevard, 339.5 lo w s Prospect av, at Union av | point 123,5 s 149tb st, x n 23.5 x w 1(X) x n w

7.1 x s w 100.10 to e s Union av, x s 178.8 lo beginning, vacant, Ernest Scxauer to Jefferson National Realty Company. Mort $32,000- Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2582.

other consid and 100 Trinity av. No 994, e s, 181.10 s 165th st, 38.8x100, 5-sty brk ten­

ement. Emma J Hinchman to Melvina S Joiner of Pike, Wyoming Co, N Y. Morts $40,500 and all liens. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909. 10:2039. other consid and 100

'Tremont road, n s, 50 w Robin av, 50x100, Tremont Terrace. Re­lease mort. Washington Savings Bank to Bankers Realty & Se­curity Co. Oct 25. Nov 16. 1909. nom

Tinton av. No 723, w s, 142.7 s loOth st, 25x68.7x26.1x54.8, 4-sty brk tenement. Jacob Marx to Magdalena Holzkamper. Mort $10,000, Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2054. olher consid and 100

Undercliffe av, e s, 225 s Boseobel pl, .50xlll.2x50.xll5,3, vacant. ,John Brown to Catharine Pilkingtou. June 14. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2537. olher consid and 100

Union av, n w s, 26 n 168th st ,and being lot 23 map of Morrisania east of Morse av, 40x101, except_part for av, vacant. Leo Lev­inson to Ida Hillmann. Mort $5,oOO and all liens. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2073. other consid and 100

Union av, n w s, 20 n 3G8lh st and being lol 23 map of iots in Morrisania, east of Morse av, 40x101, vacant, Wm E Uptegrove & Bro el al to Leo Levinson. Mort $G,(XJ0. Nov 12, Nov 15 1909. 10:2673. 6,050

Uniou av. No 1147| s w cor Home st (as same existed prior to Home st. No SOO ] 1894), 70x100, except parts for av and st, 6-

sty brk tenement and stores. Alberl Taubert lo David and John J O'Hara. Mort $52,500. Nov 1. Nov 18,1909. 10:2671.

other consid and 100 ' Valles av, w s, about 400 n 254th st, 50x114.4x50x125.3. vacant.

Stuard Realty Co to Christian Ganl, of Yonkers, N Y Nov 3 Nov 38, 3909. 33:3421. other consid and 100

Valles av, e s, abt 220 s 2oGth st, and being lots .59, 60 and 61 map Samler estate, 78.3xl05.3.x7S.3xl60,4, vacant. Stuard Realtv Co lo clement Swaim, of Yonkers, N Y. Nov 3. Nov 12, 1909 13:3421 „ , . , , .,.„ other consid'and VoO

Veno av 1st st) e s, .^24,31 n 233d sl, being lots 15 and 10 map \\oodlawn Heights, 4ox300, vacant. Chas V Ryer, Jr, EXR Al­exander Heckert lo Jaue Cockburn. Nov 12 Nov 15 1909 12-3395. ' • .J orjQ

Same property. Release dower. Caroline P Heckert widow to Jane Cockburn. All title. Q C. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909. 12:-

^''?J>n^o' ^°^ ^^^^ ^'^^ ^^^^' ^ ' ^' ^•^^•"' ^ Van Courtlandt av 50.x'" 100, 3-sty frame tenement and 1-sty frame building and vacant FORECLOS, Oct 19, 1909, Percival Wilds ref lo Anlonio Costa of of Orange, N J. Nov 13- Nov 15, 3909. 32:3322, 4 200

Same properly. Antonio Costa lo Concetta Natale Nov 33 Nov 3,., 3909 12:3_322. other consid and 100

Vyse av, No 134/, w s, 1;.0 s Jennings st, 25x100, 2-sty frame dwelling.

Vyse av, No 1467, w s, 100 n Jennings sl, 25x100, 2-sty frame dwelliug. Magdalena Murcke lo Lillian M Fishbough. Morts $10 900 am all liens. May 19. Nov 12, 1909, 11:2988 ' nom

Vyse av. No 3407, w s, 100 n Jennings st, —x—, 2-sly frame dwell­ing. Lillian M Fishbough to Charles Reilly. B & S All liens NOV 9. Nov 12, 1909. 11:2988. nom

Valentine av. No 2S70. s e s, 20o.9 n e 198th st, 25x98 11x25x99 Valentine av, No 2868, s e s, 180.9 n e 19Sth st, 25x99x25x99 2

Two 2-sty frame dwellings. ' '

•^>''i!>^?[' ^ S ^ y ^ o ^^ ^°^^^ ^= '° - ^<"'^s $13,000. Nov 9. Nov 1—, _ i j u j . 1--100I;—. i n o

Weeks av, No 1646, old No 1650, e s, 175 s 173 d sl 20x95 Weeks av. No 1654, old No 1658, e s, 95 s 173d sl, 20x95

Two 2-sty hrk dwellings. Isaac Rosenzweig et_al to Sarah Samolar. Mort $17,000. Oct 1

WaUon av, c s, 31.4 n i65th st, 380x300, nine 3-sty brk dwell­ings. Release mort, Isaac Metzger to Wm E DUIer Nov 10 Nov 13, 1909. 9:2472. '>00bo

Walton av. w s, bel 15Sth and 161st sts. Agreement as lo release of easement, etc., to land in bed of Butternut st adj above

1909™ 9 -'4"^4* '* ' ' " " ^ ^ ' " ^ • ^ ' ' ^ " ° ' ' ' ' ' ^^" -"^"^^ -^- Nov 15;

Webster av, e s, 170.6 n lS7th st. 66.8x135.6x66 4x1.32 *> vacant**™

35^'^Tov™l?'l909°'"ll^303"^^ ^^"^' ^° ^''^''"^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^°' ^'^^ Wasiii"^gton av, Nos 1937 and''l939. w s, IGO s 178th st 56x35'o"°

except part for av, 2-sty frame dwelling and vacant J C Julius Langbein lo Clement H Sraith. i/> part, Q C. Mort $30 000 and all liens. Nov 32_. Nov 10, 1909. 13:3034. ' nora

Washington av. e s. OO.o n 179th st. 50x25.11 lo s e s Quarry road closed, xoOxli.6 lo beginning, vacant. Ella L Hebberd to Isaac N Hebberd. B & S. Nov 15. 3909. 11:3040. 100

Walnut avl s w cor 133d st, 212.11 to n s 132d st, x275, vacanl 132d Et The Port Morris Land and Impt Co to B A and G N 133d st I Williams, a corpn. All liens. Nov 15, 1909. 10:2584.

Webster av, e s. 370.0 n lS7th sl, 00.8x135.6x66.4XI6T5' vacant Irvine Realty Co to Michael Murtha. Mort $32 000 'NOV 111'

„ . ^ ' 7 1^' 1^ ' ' - 11-5032. other consid and 100 West Farms rd. s e s, 14(.8 n e Hoe av or st, 100x90.9x96 9x76 11

vacant. Lawyers Title Ins & Trust Co to Friedman Constructiou Co. B & S. Nov 15, Nov IS, 1909. 10:2751.

,1, , , ,1, f. .,_„ other consid and 300 .id av. w s, 201.2 s 173d st and being lot 205 map Central Mor­

risania, part Bathgate farm, 50.1x,80.Gx50x8.5.5, wilh strip bet 3d av and old line of Fordham av, vacant. Wm E Read to Louis E Levy. Morl $6,000. Nov 16. Nov 37, 1909. 11:2920.

*T . 01 , o- ., OC- . ,^ other consid and 100 *Lots 24 to 2i and 30 to 43 amended map No 1131 Adee Park

Davjd G O'Hara et al to Alberl Taubert. Mort $11700 Nov I7" Nov IS, 1909. other consid and 100

Plot begins 322 w Union av aud 122.11 n 165th st, runs w 69 5 x n i4.2 X e ^ X s /4.0 to beginning.

Union av, w s, being a strip extending from above to w s Union av and used as an alley 2.9 ou av x 2.3 in rear x — vacanl

*228th st (14lh st), Nos 840 to 840, s s. 405 e Barnes av and be­mg west 74 of lot 2 i l , raap of Wakefield, 75x114 FORECLOS, Nov 10, 3909, Thos F Grady, ref, lo Thos A Cryan Nov 1.5. Nov 17, 3909. 10:2070 and A T . 500


Under this head Leases recorded. Assignment of Leases and Lease­hold Conveyances will be found. The express.ed consideration fol­lowing the term of years for which a lease la given means so much per year.

Nov, 12, 13, 15- 10, 17 and 18.

BOKOUGH OF MANHATTAN. Attorney St. No 60, assjgn lease. Fanny Herbst lo Jacob Rosen­

berg. Nov 8. Nov 1/, 3909. 2:342 uom Cannon st. No 1-33, all. Marcus Rosenthal to Louis'shuVskv-' "

years from Nov 1, 1909. Nov 32, 1909. 2:.335 . . . . ^-^OO Clinton sl. No 78, north slore. Marks Rosenberg and ano "to'iiariw

Brayer: 2 G-32 years from Nov S, 3909. Nov 12, 1909 2-348 '100 Cannon sl, Nos S3 aud 80, Assign lease. David Bu.sker to Abr'a

'l . ..?_" .'' ^„';- °l?^^^^^'-'^' ^°'"i:, .< ! 1- Nov 18, 1909. 2:334.nom

Delancey st. No 168, double store. Herman and Annie Leiman to Aaron and Regina Shargel; 2 years from Feb 1 1910 f3 vear.: renewal). Nov 37, 1909. 2:348 . . 1620

The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead fo prosecution.

932 Leases RECORD AND GUIDE MMihattan November 20, 1909

m- W A T E R - F R O I N S T Tel. 1094 Rector W W F A C T O R I E S , F A C T O R Y S I T E S F

P R O P E R T I E S LOYD S. CORBIN, 10 Wall St.

East Broadway, No 94, west s tore .and baseraent. Joseph Zabiuski lo Jaraes Fagnani; 5 vears from May 1, 1909. Nov 10, 1909. 1:2S2 7.50

East Broadway, No 143, east slore. Abraham Agress to Aaron Slrauchler; 5 years from May 1, 1910. Nov 16, 1909. 1:283. . .780

Forsyth sl, Nos 108 and 370, all. Barbara Porges to A Joseph Porges; G'A years, from Nov 3, 3909. Nov 35, 1909. 2:421. .7,200

Greene st, Nos 1.59 and 103, all. Es la te of Adolph Strauss to Wertheimer Brothers : 3 years, from Feb 1, 1910. Nov 15, 1909. 2:524 8,500

Grand st, No 594. store, &c. Giovanni Barbera lo Louis Mellen; 5 years from Jau 5, 1910. Nov 12, 1909. 2:321 240

Grand s t No 270, basement. Joseph Kaplan lo Saul Benjamin and ano; 1 year, from Nov 15, 1909. Nov 18, 1909. 2:41S.

480 Hester sl, No 25. Assign lease. Moses L Braunsteiu to Ignatz and

Sigmund Noschkes. Apr 1. 1907. Nov 13, 1909. 1:312 nom Hester st. No 25, easl store, bakery, SLC. Nathan Lubetkin to

Moses Braunslein; 5 years from May 1, 1905- Nov 12, 190J. 1:312 -_ 1,740

Lewis sl . No 79, w s, 150 n Rivington st, 2oxlOO. Assign lease and bill of sale. Malli Stlefel to Mary R Goelet, Geo G De Wi l l and Robert Goelet, t rustees Ogden Goelet. All liens, Nov 1. Nov 16, 1909. 2:329 598.98

Mercer s t . No 27, store and basement. Morris B Baer lo Max Scheer and ano; 3 years from Feb 1, 1910. Nov 17, 1909. 1:230.

1,700 Montgomerv st. No 73, cor Cherry st. Assign lease. Jaue Levy

to Geo C Kienzle. Mort $1,000. Nov 15, 1909. 1:259 nom Reade st, No 112, store, basement and sub basement. John H

Haaren and ano to Emil Deckelmeier and ano; 4 years, from May 1, 1909. Nov 15, 1909. 1:140 3,000

Spriug st I s w cor Mulberry st. all. Michael Bonn to Frank Mulberry st Macioce; from Aug 1, 1909 to Apr 30, 1912, Nov

IT, 1909. 2:481 7,000 and 7,700 Water st, No 26, all. Katherine Chambers to Boston Provision

and Ship Supply Co, Inc; 5 4-12 years, from Jan 1, 1910. Nov 15,1909. 1:7 1,100

West st. No 358, e s, 25x98.6x25x97.9, all the lot. Woodbury G Langdon lo Leopold Katzenstein; 10 years from May 1, 1910._ Nov 12, 1909. 2:601 laxes, &c, and 7o0

3d st. No 59 East , east store. Rachel Nemirowsky lo I Rosenthal ; 3 years , frora May 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 2:445 318 and 336

7lh st. No 148, s s, 250 e Av A, 25x90.10. Assign lease. Nathan Hurwitz to Yetta Calender. All liens. Nov 3. Nov 15, 1909. 2 : -402 nom

l l t h st. No 327 East , all. Pangrazio G Galgano and ano to Do­menico Venezia; 5 years from Nov 1. 1909. Nov 12, 1909. 2:453.

2,040 14th st. No 211 East , all. Henr ie t ta L Work lo Frank R and

Nettie K Shepherd; 5 years, from Mar 1, 1910. Nov 15. 1909. 3:896 - 3,800

14lh st, No 32 East , s tore and basement. Evelyn D Rea to Isaac Wolper, of Chelsea, Mass; 8 years from Feb 1, 1910. Nov 16, 1909. 2:571 13,000

14th st, No 32 East . Cancellation of lease, Evelyn D Rea with Isaac Wolper. Oct 22. Nov 16, 1909. 2:571

14lh st. No 18 East , 4th loft, Henriet te I Bolton by Washington Irving, atty, to George Brunssen Co; 5 years, from Feb 1, 1910. Nov 17, 1909. 2:571 1,800

15th sl, Nos 409 to 413 East , assign lease. James Fellows to Flor­ence E Fellows. Nov 3- Nov 16, 1909. 3:947 100

10th st, Nos 252 and 2o4, s s. 93.6 e Slh av, 50x103.1, assign lease. Emily L Hoffbauer to William Engel. All liens. Mar 29, 1907. Nov l e , 1909. 3:705 nom

17th st No 43 West, ground floor and basement. Samuel P Tull lo The Capitol Lunch, Inc, a corpn; 20 3-12 vears, from Jan 1, 1910. Nov 17, 1909- 3:819 2,500 to 3.2-50

18th st. No -38 Westj ground floor and basement. Samuel P Tull, 17th st, No 41 West | of Phila, Pa, to The Capitol Lunch, Inc, a

corpn; 21 years from April 1. 1999. Nov l i , 1909. 3:819 5,000 to 6,500

18th st, Nos 18 to 22 West | 4th loft. Susquehanna Silk Mills to 17th st, Nos 23 to 27 Westl Rubin Brothers, Inc, a corpn; 5 years

from Feb 1, 1910. Nov 17, 1909. 3:819 8,000 Same properly, Sth loft. Same to same; 4 years from Feb 1, 1911.

Nov 17, 1909. 3:839 8,750 39lh st. No 43 West. Assign lease. Henry Prince to Julius Stern.

Feb 37. Nov IS, 1909. 3:821 nom 39th st, No 41 West. .Assign lease. Julius Stern to Gertie Flecker.

April 29. Nov 38, 190.0. 3:821 nom Same property. Consent lo assign lease. Frederick Hoelzer and

ano to same. April 29. Nov 18, 3909. 3:821 —— 22d st. No 30 Easl , basement slore. Julius Pepper to Leo F

Glasel; 4 years and 15 days, from April 15, 190l. Nov 35, 1900. 3:850 600

26th st. No 327 West, assign lease. Marie Grisostomy to Paul F Hausmann. Nov 9. Nov 16, 1909. 3:750 nom

27th st. No 333, n s, ISO w Oth av. 20x98,9, all. David A Bath to Lucv Schwab; 21 years, from Dec 1, 1909; 21 years renewal. Nov" 15, 1909. 3:803 1.200

2Slh st. No 232 West, s tore and basement, David Crawford to Christopher Grisostomy: 3 years frora Dec 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 3:777 480

29th sl . No 356 West, all. Agnes McGirr to Henry A Siebenborn: 5 years, from Oct 3, 1909. Nov 15, 3909. 3 :752. .1,150 and 1,200

SOth St. No 11 East , all. Edmund A Hurry to Edgar G Anthony; 3 7-12 years from Feb 3, 1910. Nov 17. 1909. 3:860

6.000 and 7,000 40tb st No 11 , n s, 220 e 5th av, 20x100,5, assign lease. Chas

R Leavcraft, ADMR . Vgnes J Leaycraft to Frederick Lippold Jr . Nov 35, Nov 17, 1909. 5:1282 14,000

47th st. No 201 West, store, £c. Louisa Appell to Eugene Held; IVs years, from Sept 1, 1909. Nov 18, 1909. 4:1019 3.000

51sl st. No 50o West, ent i re front building. Frank Strohmer to Caroline M Meyer; o years, from Oct 1, 1909. Nov 18. 1909. 4;lO80 .• 600

5.sih st. No 370 West. Surrender lease. Max Yachelson to Chris­topher Sleffens. All title. Nov 1. Nov 18, 3909. 4:304S..nom

.5Sth St. No 370 West. Assign lease. Abraham Diekman to Max Yachelson. Oct 29. Nov 38, 1909. 4:1048 nom

102d st, Nos 178 to 184, s s, 100 e Amsterdam av, 100x100.11, all. Eugene Higgins lo Branch Realty Co; 17 1-32 years, from Sept 1, 1909. Nov 15, 1909. 7:1856 taxes, and 5,000

H;2d st. No 430 East, west 3d fioor. Geo W Grote to Charles Lake and Wm F Hulse; 3 years from May 1, 1!X)9. Nov 32, 1909. 0:1095 1.000

103d st, Nos 10 and 20 East , all. Joel M Marx to Aaron Rosen­stein; 3 years, from Nov 15, 1909. Nov 15, 1909. 6:1608

683.33 and 'lUJ l l l t h St. Nos 232 and 234 East , 4lh and Glh lofts. Lorimer Realty

Co lo Abraham Reiser aud Isaac Bord; 5 years from Dec 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 6:1600 1,800

121sl st, Nos 442 and 444 East , all. Eslher Schulman to Abra­hara Cohen; 3 years, from Aug 1, 1909. Nov 18. 19(MJ. 6:1S08.

•. 3.000 135th st, s s, 360 e Lenox av. — x ^ . I 134th st, u s, 38o e Lenox av, —x—. \

surrender two leases. National Biscuit Co to Thos S and Emily C Ollive. All litle. Oct 25. Nov 12, 1909. 6:1732 8.198.47

102d sl, Nos 560 and 508 West, 7th store and basement from Broadway. C M Silverman lo Ernest Catalano; 5 years from June 15, 1909. Nov 12, 1909. 8:2120 360 and 400.

Av A, Nos 213 and 213, all. Samuel and Max Hirsch to Louis Fleischer; 3 years, from Nov 15, 1909. Nov 15, 1909, 2:441.9.518

Av B, No So, north store. Jacob C Heinsheimer and ano to Lena Opper; 2 years from May 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 2:398

900 and 960 Amslerdam av. No 1746. Assign lease. Naihan Hirsh to Julius

Zancig. Oct 11. Nov 18, 1909. 7:2078 nom Broadway, No 530, first floor. Provident Savings Life Assur Soc

of N Y to Corn Exchange Bank; 5 years, from Feb 1, 1911. Nov 38, 1909. 2:497 6,000

Broadway, No 802, store, SLC. Dauiel Edgar and ano to Peter M Riley; SVa years, from Nov 1, 1909. Nov IS, 1909. 3:846.. .3.000

Eroadway, No 3520, n e cor 144:th sl, s lore and basement. Har­riet W Smith lo John Dietrich; 10 years, frora Oct 1, 1909. Nov 38, 1909. _.-. 1,S00 to 2,400

Broadway, s w cor 49th st, 20 ,2x l l i .9x l9 .4x l l4 ,10 . Assign lease. James Churchill lo ••Cburchills" a corpn. Oct 8, Nov IS, 1909. 4:3020 nora

Sarae property. Assign lease. James Churchill to "Churchills," a corpn. Oct 8. Nov 10, 3909. 4:1020 nom

Broadway. Nos 3461 and 3463, n w cor 141st st, stores, SLC. Garnet Hall Realty Co lo Wm B Riker & Son Co; 4 9-12 years, from Jan 1, 1910, Nov 13, 1909. 7:2073 3,000

Broadway, Nos 2049 and 2051, two stores, each 40x50, and base­ments in Sherman Square Hotel. Sherman Apartraent Hotel Co to W B Riker & Son Co; 9 years and Oyt months, from Dec 15,

1909. Nov 13^ 1909. 4:1102 ^. 7,000 and 7,500 Broadway, No 3o4, e s, 00.11 n Leonard st, 26xl7o, to w s Benson

pl, s tore and two basements. Emma L Jacobs et al to The Ex­change Buffet Corpn; 21 5-12 years from Dec 1, 1909. Nov 12, 3909. 1:171 S.OOO

Broadway, No 648, ground floor, basement and sub basement, Samuel P Tull et al to The Capitol Lunch, Inc, a corpn; 21 years from Apr 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 2:529 7,500 to 10,000

Lexinglon av, Nos 1907 lo 1919, s e cor 119lh sl . Reassigns two leases. Geo C Kienzle to Margaret Toomey. AU title, Morts $7,225. Nov 12, 1909 nom

Madison av. No 1G29, south stoop store and par t cellar. Mollie Goldslein to Thomas Murtha; 5 years, from Aug 1, 1908. Nov 13, 1909. 0:1614 300

Pleasant av, No 299, s w cor 116th st, s tore. John Connelly to Francesco Angiulo; 3 years, from Mar 1, 1909. Nov lo , 1909. (:1709 480 and 540

Pleasant av, n e cor 117th st, all, except corner store and base­ments. Martha Lipman and ano to Louis Preehoff; 3 years, from Sept 1, 1909. Nov 18, 1909. 6:1716 6,200

St Nicholas av. No 1419, s w cor 181st st, s tore and basement. Gustavus L Lawrence to W B Riker & Son Co; 4 11-12 years, from Nov 3, 3909. Nov 13, 1909. 8:2176 4,000 lo 6,000

West Broadway, No 412, all. Anna Jacobi to Emil Dietsch; 5 years from May 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 2:502 684

I s i av. No 1102, n e cor OOth sl . Assign lease. Andrew Walker to Henry Wolter. Nov 17. Nov IS, 1909. 5:1455 nom

Is t av. No 3302, n e cor 60th st, store, &c. Frederick Herrmann lo Andrew Walker ; 8 years, from June 3, 1909. Nov 18, 1909, 5:1455 1,500

3st av. No 3043. store, &c, and 5 rooms on flrst floor. Herman Breitenbach to Chas Molzer; 5 6-12 years from Nov 1, 1909. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1.548 1,260

3st av. No 2167 I corner store and par t basement. Maria Bove 112th st. No 359Eastf to Cuno Colucci; 3 years from May 1, 1910.

Nov 17, 1909. 0:16S4 1,080 Same property. Assign lease. Cuno Colucci to John D Haase.

Mort $4,060. Nov 17. 1909. 6:1684 nom 3d av. No 2127, store, front hasement and 4 rooms on 3d floor.

Mary E Clark to Charles Chiclacos; 7 vears, from Nov 1, 1909. Nov IS, 1909. 6:1645 1,380

3d av. No 33, store and basement ) 9ih st. No 203 East, basement |

Anna M Brown by Clarence S Brown ATTY to Christ ian Rau-scher; 5 years, from Dec 3, 1909; 5 years renewal a t .$2,009, Nov 15, 1909-- . ' 1,800

5lh av, s e eor 39th st, 1st loft. William Knabe to James W Bell, Son & Co; 10 years from May 1, 1910. Nov 12, 1909

13,000 and 14,000 Glh av. No 920- assign lease, Martin J Martell and ano lo John

H Keyes and auo, Nov 10. Nov 16, 1909, 5:1268 nom 7ih av , 'No 270, all. Morris -Abrahams to John Dietrich; 3 years

from May 1, 1909. Nov 12, 19o9. 3:775 2,200 Sth av. No 302. n e cor 28lh st, all. Anna M Aspell el al, EXRS,

&c, Marv R Brennan to James and Michael Harley; 5 1-12 years from Deo 1, 3909. Nov 32, 1909. 3:778 3,-500

Same propertv. Assign lease, James and Michael Harley to John D Haase. Morts .$5,001.60. Nov 12 ,3909, 3:778 nom

8l hav- No 2142- Agreement as lo execution of lease, &c. Florence B D Reynolds to Cornelius T Hanscom. May 12. Nov 15. 1909. 7:2830 . . nora

Sth av. No 362, n e cor 2Sth st. Re-assign lease. John D Haase to Michael and Jaraes Harley. .A.U t i t le . Morts $5,061,60, Nov 15, 1909- 3:778 nom

• Slh av 1 s e cor 126th sl . 49.11x300, Holel Minot. Agreement 120th st | modifying and extending term of lease from 21 years to

42 years, so that lease will expire Apr 30. 1948, a t $10,714.30 per annum. Heury J Humphrey with Ernest Struck and August Schriesheira. Nov 8. Nov 17, 1909. 7:3931 nom

The text of these pages is copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.

November 20, 1909 Mortgages RECORD AND GUIDE Manhattan 933


suitable for






8th av, No 490, all, Mario G Howscr et ai. EXRS. &c, Geo W Howser, deed, et al to Olympic Musee Co; 5 years from Nov 1, 1909. Nov 17, 1909. 3:784 3,000 aud 3,500

Oth av, n e cor 46th st, —x—. Assign lease. Emma Rickenberg EXTRX Henry Rickenberg to Fredk W Langhorst. Nov 15. Nov 16. 1909. 4:1037 • 3,800

Same property. Assign lease. Fredk W Langhorst to Peter Doel­ger. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 4:1037 nom

10th av. No 002, store, &c. Eliz Kroeger et al to Geo H Peper; 5 years, from April 1, 1910. Nov 18, 1909. 3:736 1,080

l l t h av. No 023, s w cor 46th sl, s lore and basement. Bruno Steinel to Louis Sigloch; 5 '^ years from Nov 1, 1909. Nov 12, 1909. 4:1093 1,000

Pier foot East 33d st, as now exists, 40x254. The Cily of N Y by Commr of Docks to Henry Steers, Inc; 5 years from Jan 1, 1910 (5 years renewal a t $o,2.50). Nov 16, 1909. 3:964 and 965..5,000


Timpson pl, w s, 75 s Whiliock av, store, Scc. Ellen M Quinlan to Wm R Houlihan; 5 years from Oct 1, 1909. Nov 12, 1909. 11:2603 480

Timpson pl, w s, 75 s Whitlock av. Assign lease. Wra R Houlihan to John D Haase. Mort $1,250. Nov 12, 1909. 11:2603 nom

Timpson pl, w s, 75 s Whiliock av. Re-assign lease. John D Haase to Wm R Houlihan. AU tit le. Mort $1,250. Nov 15. 1909. 11:2803 nom

156th st, No 401 East , n e cor Melrose av, assign lease. Otto Gerdts to Marie Krother . AU tit le. Mort $4,075. Nov 16, 1909. 9:2378 nom

*2Slst St. s s, 305 w 4tfa av, 100x114.6, and being lot 547 raap of Wakefield. Cily of N Y to Fred W Bain. Dec 15, 1908. Tax lease 1,000 years. Nov 15, 1909 166.94

Brook av. No 130, double store and 'A ol cellar. Mary Dierks to Gustav A Paetzold; 3 years from Apr 1, 1909. Nov 12, 1909. 9:2262 900

•Morris Park av. No 592, store. Maria Farago to Louis Rabinoff; 3 5-12 years, from Dec 1, 1909. Nov 15. 1909 4S0

Prospect av, No 845, store, &c. Sykes Really Corpn lo Rosa Steitz; 5 years from Oct 1, 1908. Nov 16, 1909. 10:2677.

1,500 to 2,000 *Unionport road, No 1674, all, Henry Weber to Vincenzo Nesto;

5 years, from Dec 3, 1909. Nov 18, 1909 GOO to 900 *West Farms road. No 130, all. Fred Damn to Karoline Berls; 5

years, from Sept 15, IWS. Nov lo , 1909 840 to 1,080 Willis av. No 302, parlor floor slore and floor above slore. Ger­

man Real Es ta te Co to Paul Fischer; from Nov 13, 1909, to June 1, 1911. Nov 17, 1900. 9:2287 450

NOTE.—The arrangement of this list is as follows: The first name ia tha t of the mortgagor, the next that of the mortgagee. The de­scription of the property then follows, then the date of the mort­gage, the time for which it was given and the amount. The general dates used as headlines are the dates when the morlgage was handed into the Register 's office to be recorded.

Whenever the le t ters "P , M." occur, preceded by the name of a s t reet , In these l ists of mortgagcB, they mean tha t it is a Purohase Money Mortgage, and for fuller par t iculars see the list of transfers under the corresponding date.

The flrst dale is the date the mortgage was drawn, the second the date of filing; when both dates are the same, only one is given.

Subscribers will find mortgages in this list with the wrong block number attached. The block number we give is taken from the in­strument as filed.

Mortgages against Bronx property will be found altogether al the foot of this list.

Nov. 12, 13. 15, 10, 17 and IS.


Armour & Co to FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST CO trustee. 35th st , s s, bet l l t h and 12th avs, stores, Nos 3 and 4 (doors 6, 7, 8 and 9 in building) known as Manhattan Markel. Leasehold. May 31 , due May 31 , 1939, 5%. Nov 15, 1909. 3:680.

gold bonds $34,625.18 Armour & Co to FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST CO trustees. 35th

st, s s, bet l l l h and 32th avs, stores Nos 6 and 7 (doors 12, 13, 14 and 15) in building known as Manhattan Market. Lease­hold. May 31 , due May 31 , 1939, 5%. Nov 15, 1009. 3:680,

gold bonds .$23,046.45 Astor, John J et al exrs Caroline W Astor wilh Helen S Sillcocks.

76th st. No 137, n s, 363 w Columbus av, 17x102.2. Extension of $16,000 mort unti l Nov 1, 1914, at 4^ .%. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 4:1148. nom

Amundson, Augusta P extrx John A Amundson with Henry S Friend trustee Eva Friend- West End av. No 42. Subordination agreement. Nov 30, 1909. 4:1153. nom

Armour SL CO to FARMERS LOAN Sc TRUST CO as trustee, Cer­tificale as to all underlying first morls dated May 31 , 1909. Oct 27. Nov 16. 1909.

Atalanta Realty Co to EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS B A ; J K . 128th sl, Nos 151 to 355, n s, 285 w 3d av, 75x99.11. Nov 15. 5 years, 4i^%. Nov 16, 1909. 6:1777. 25,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above raort. Nov 12. Nov 16, 1909. 0:1777.

Arnstein, Moritz lo U S TRUST CO of N Y. Amsterdam av. No 792, w s, 40 s 99th st. 21.8x81.7 lo old Bloomingdale rd, xlS,4x 80,2. Nov 18, 1909. 5 years, 4^!%- 7:1870. 20,000

Astor, John J el al exr Caroline W .^.slor wilh Sherman B Town-send. 77lh st, No 327, n s, 282 w West End av, 18x102.2, Ex­tension of $24,000 morl until Nov 1. 1914, 4 ^ % , Nov 10. Nov 16, 1909, 4:1186. nom

Buruhara, Cath M lo TITLE INSURANCE CO OF N Y. 7Sth st . No 06, s s, l(Xl w Park av, 17x102,2. Nov 15, 3 years 5'¥,. Nov 10, 3909. 5:1392. 20 000

Burden, Henry as t rustee for Henry Burden with Saral Silverman Norfolk st. No 169, w s, 275 s Houston st , 25x100. Extension of $2_5,000 mor t until Nov 15, 1912, a t 5%. Oct 16. Nov 12, 1909. 2:3oD. nom

Bianco, Angelo and ano lo ROYAL BANK of N Y. 63d st, Nos 320 and 328, s s, 325 e 2d av, oOxl(X), Assign rents lo extent of $1,600. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909, 5:1437. 1600

Burns, Helen to LAWYERS TITLE INS AND TRUST CO. 173d st No 521, n s, 351.3 e Audubon av, IS.OxlOO. Nov 15, 1909, 5 yrs, •-'%. 8:2330, -"s.OOO

Buch, Eliza A L and Emily lo Agnes Young, 44lh sl . No 254, s s, 175 e Sth av, 2oxl(X).4. Prior mort $5,000. Leasehold Nov 12, 3 years, 6%. Nov 15, 1909. 4:1015. 500

Brower, Wm W to SEAMENS BANK FOR SAVINGS in City N Y. 103d st. No 248. s s, 136 e West End av, 18x100.11. Nov 12 1909, 3 years. 4^7o. 7:1874. 22 000

Bancker, Chas W to EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK of City N Y 100th st. No 68, s s, 123.3 w Park av, 2.5xl(K),ll. P M Nov 11 5 years, 5%, Nov 12, 1909. 6:1605. 1S,000

Same lo Helen C Candee of Washington, D C, Same property P M. Morl $18,000. Nov 11, 2 years, 6%. Nov 12, 1909, 6:1605.

4,000 Bath, David A to Ernes t Harvier. 27th st. No 113, n s, ISO w Oth

av, 20x98,9. P M. Nov 11, due Aug 12, 1912, 6%, Nov 12, 1909. 3:803. 5,000

Busch, Albert and Heury Schwartz, J r to TITLE INSURANCE CO OF N Y. Monroe st. No 78, s s, 59.10 w Pike st. 25x81,9x24,9x Sl.lO. P M, Nov 12, 1909, 5 years, 4>A7c. l ;2o4. 11.000

Blyth, Margery H of Borough of Richmond, N Y. to Michael Ber-ardini- Mott st. No 39, w s, abt 2(A) s Bayard sl, 25x93.6x25x

94 n s. Prior mort $ •. Nov 9, 1 year, 6%. Nov 13, 1909 1:164. 1,028.40

Bloch, Laura to Wm A Spencer and ano t rustees Lorillard Spencer for benefit Lori l lard Spencer and remaindermen. Oth av No 519, w s, 49,4 s 39th st , 24.8x100. Nov 12, 5 years, 4 ^ % . Nov 13, 1909. 3:736. IDOOO

Babbitt , Searles_lo TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 7oth sl No 14, s s. 23o w Central Park West, 20x102.2. Nov 18. 1909, due, &c, as per boud. 4:1127. 25,000

Berliner, Maier and Virginia with UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK Av A, No 79, w s, 20,8 s 5lh sl, 27.4x74.3. Extension of $16,500 mort until Nov 3, 1912, a t 4y2%. Nov 18, 1909. 2:433, nom

Same to same. Same property. Estoppel certificate. Nov 18 1909, 2 :433. -L-

Baltiloro, Michele to Giuseppe D'AUesio. I s l av. No 2123, vv s, 25.11 n 109lh st, 25x75. Prior mort $15,000. Oct 29, due Nov 10, 1911. 6%. Nov 18, 1909. 6:1681. 3.000

Bolender, Geo P or Geo aud Philip H or Philip; and Lillian wife .A.dara Spangenberg wilh BANK FOR SAVINGS IN CITY OF N Y. Arasterdara av, Nos 902 and 904. Exlension of two raorts for $13,500 each until Nov 10, 1914, a t 4 ^ % . Nov lO. Nov 17 1909. 7:1876. nom

Baltiloro, Michele to Araerican Mortgage Co. I s l av. No 2123 w s 25.11 n 109th st, 25x75. Oct 29, 5 years. 5%. Nov 17, 1909 6:1081. 15,000

Beltels, Charles, of Rockville Centre, L I, to Steffen Dieckmann, of Hoboken, N J. Greenwich st, No 396, w s, aht 25 u Beach st 24xS0. July 20, 3 years, 5%. Nov 17. 1909. 1:216. 20.000

Benequit, Isaac A with Albert V de Goicouria. 2d av. No 2047 n w eor lOoth st. No 253. 24.0x94. Extension of $29,000 mort until Jan 11, 1912, a t % as per bond. Nov 11. Nov 18, 1909. 6:1055. nom

Corkrey, Robert to Anna N Rogers. 34th st, No 158, s s, 132.10 w .3d av, 23.8x98.9.\9.11x99.7. Vx par t . Prior mort $ Nov 18, 1909. 2 years, 6%. 3:889. 1,500

Carnegie Realty Co to Julius Oppenheimer. Certiflcate as to mor t for $0,500 covering land in Woodbridge, N J. Nov 4, Nov 17 1909, ^ _

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer at tax lien for years 1904 to 1907 assessed lo Davidson & Thomp­son. Lot 16, on Spring st, s s, bet Mott and Elizabeth sts June 17, 3 years, 7 7-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 2:479- 1,708.41

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1904 lo 1907 assessed lo S I & B F Moltley. Lot GO, on 132d sl, s s, bet 7th and Sth avs. Sept 20, 3 years, 6%%. Nov 17, 1909, 7:1937. 744.34

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1898 and 1901 assessed to C S Alker. Lot 22, on 69th st, n s, bet Broadway and Columbus av. July 1, 3 years, 6>/2%. Nov 17, 1909- 4:1341. 928,08

Cily of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for year 1883 assesed lo Goelet Es la te , Grand Central Palace, Lot 7, on Lexinglon av, w s, bet 43d and 44th sts . July 1, 3 years, 6%%, Nov 17, 1909. 5:129S. 961,68

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1905 to 1907 assessed to Thoraas Gilbert. Lot 42, on 77lh st, s s, bet 2d and 3d avs. July 15, 3 years, 6 3-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 5:1431. 552.75

Cily of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1905 to 1907 assessed lo Thoraas Gilbert. Lol 43, on 77lh sl, s s, bet 2 and 3d avs. July 15, 3 years. 6 3-8%. Nov 17, 1909, 5:1431. .552

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1905 lo 1907 assessed to Thomas Gilbert. Lol 44, on 77th st, s s, bet 2d and 3d avs. July 3-5, 3 years, 0 3-8%. Nov 17, 3909. 5:1431. 579,38

City ot New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1901 lo 1906 assessed to S McMillan. Lot 01, on 100th st, s s, bet Broadway and West End av. Sept 20 3 years, 6 7-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 7:1877, 3,054.97

City of New York to David Lippmann, 19S Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1904 to 1907 assessed lo J B Harkins. Lot 3, on 7lh av, e s, bel ]32d and 333d sts . Sept 20, 3 years. 6 5-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 7:1917. 1,762.49

The text of theae pages Is copyrighted. All r ights are reaerved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.

934 Mortgages RECORD AND GUTOE MaiLhattan November 20, 1909

HECLA IRON WORKS North IOth, l l t h and 12th Streets


ArcNtectural Bronze AND

IRON WORK City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer

of tax lien for years 1901 lo 1906 assessed to — . Lot 61, on lOilth st, s s, bet Broadway and West End av. Sept 20, 3 years. 6 7-8%. Nov 17. 1909. 7:1877, 3,054,97

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1904 lo 1907 assessed to. J B Harkins. Lol 3 on Ttb nv, e s, bet 132d and 333d s ts . Sept 20, 3 years, 6 5-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 7:1917. 1,762.49

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Eroadway. Transfer of lax Uen for j 'ears 1891 to 1893, 3903 and 1907 assessed to Sarah Ciraalti. Lol -30^3. on S7th st, n s. bet Amslerdam and Columbus avs. July 1, 3 years, O'/s^o, Nov 37, 1909. 4:1217.

2,97810 City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer

of tax lien for years 3904 lo 1907 assessed to C Stringer. Lot 34 on Perry st, n s. bet Washington aud Greenwich sts . June 17. 3 years. S7c. Nov 37, 1909. 2:033, 541.3,j

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1902 to 1907 assessed to Maria P Korn. Lol 81 , on S2d st, s s, bel Wesl End av and Riverside Drive, July 1, 3 years, 6%%. Nov 17, 1909. 4:1244. 1,828.97 •

Cily of New York to David Lippmann, 398 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1904 to 1907 assessed to — Lundy. Lot IS, on 123d sl, n s, bet Lenox and 7th avs. Sept 20, 3 years, 6%%. Nov 17, 1909, 7:1908. 816.81

City of Now York to David Lippmann, 19S Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1885, 1892, 1893, 1890, 1S99, 1902 and 1907 assessed lo A Corrigan, Lot 87, on Riverside Drive, s e cor 136th sl. Sept 20, 3 years, 12%, Nov 17, 1909. 7:1890.

3,749.30 City of New York to David Lippmann. 198 Broadway. Transfer

of tax lien for years 1902 to 1907 assessed to Wm Hoffmann. Lot 25. on 55th st, s s, be t Av A and Easl River. July 3, 3 years, 8 7-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 5:1371. 1,471.78

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1902 lo 190(_assessed lo J Dalsen. Lot 54 on 12Slh sl, s s, bet Lenox and oth av. .\ug 19, 3 yrs, 5%%. Nov 17, 1909. 6:1725. 2.703.34

Cily of New York lo David Lippmann, 19S Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1894 to 1907 assessed lo Josephine M Cow-perthar t . Lot 19, on 102d st, n s, bel I s l and 2d avs. Aug 19, 3 years, 8 7-8%. Nov 17, 1909. 6:1074. 2,53S.89

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1906 and lOOi assessed lo Eugene Driscoll el al. Lot 28, ou Pleasant av, w s, bel 107lh and lOSth sts . Aug 19, 3 years, 7 7-8%. Nov 17, 1909, 6:1701. 922.85

City of New York to David Lippmann. 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1904 to liJ07 assessed to J F Peters and ano. Lot 5, on 82d st, n s, bet Avs A and B. July 15, 3 years , 6 3-8%, Nov 37, 1909. 5:1579, 1,875.00

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lieu for years 1904 to 1907 assessed to W & J Bachrach. Lot 2, o n ' l l l t h sl, n s, bet Park and Lexinglon avs. Aug 19, 3 years, 7 7-S%. Nov 17, 1909. 6:1639. 5oo.4o

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1896 to 1898 and 1903 and 1905 assessed to Eliz Grinnie, Lol 12, on 115th st, n s, bet Slh and Madison avs, Aug 39, 3 years, 9 3-8%. Nov 37, 1909. 6:3021. 3,120,40

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 398 Broadway, Transfer of tax lien for years 1890 to 1907 assessed to Jaraes G Lang. Lot 15, on 134th si . n s, bet 5th and Madison avs. Aug 19. 3 years, 7%. Nov 17, 1909. 0:1759. 3,347.11

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway, Transfer ot lax lien for years 1902 to lOOi assessed to S W Clark. Lot 4.5, on 73d sl, s s, bel Arasterdam and Colurabus avs. July 1, 3 years, G'A7. Nov 17, 1909. 4:1144. 2,234.57

City of New York lo David Lippmann, I'.iS Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1905 to 1907 assessed lo Mrs, Manderville. Lol 72 on 27lh st, s s, bet Sth and Oth avs. June 17, 3 years, Si^%. Nov 17„ 1909. 3:750. 014.27

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 190-7. to 1907 assessed to G E Beers. Lol 5, on Oth av, e s, bet 28th and 29th sts . July 1, 3 years, 7y2%. Nov 17, 1909. 3:830. 2,430;74

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1002 lo 190i assessed lo Joseph M Ledwilli. Lot .34, on Olh av, w s, bet 40th and 41st sts . July 1, 3 years, 6'4%- Nov 17, loOO. 4:10-50. 2,727.41

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for year 1891 assessed lo A C Bistein. Lot 20, on 32d st, n s, bet 10th and l l t h avs. June 17, 3 years, 8%. Nov 37, 190!). 3:704. 670.7il

Cily of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax iien for years 1900 and lil07 assessed to John Haggerty, Lot 17, on Priuce st, s s, bel Mott and Elizabeth sts . June l i , 3 years, 7 l-S'yi. Nov 17, 1909. 2:493. 1.2G0.43

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien tor year 1907 assessed to E H Schell- Lot 10, oa lilth sl, n s, bel Madison and 4lh avs. July 1, 3 years. GYiTo-Nov 17, 1909. 3:854. 988.75

Cily ol New York to David Lippmann. 398 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1902 lo 1907 assessed to F R Ryan. Lot 55. on \^'est l l t b st, bel Oth and 7th avs. June T7f 3 years, 8%. Nov 17, 1909. 2:007. 3,983.73

City of New Y'ork to l^avid Lippmann. 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1902 to 1905 and 1907 assessed to Geo F Johnson. Lot 43 on 1st sl. n s, bet Bowery and 2d av. June 17, Syears, 7 7-87c. Nov 16, 1909. 2:457, 3,757.75

City of New York lo David Lippmann, 398 Broadway. Transfer of Lax lien for years 1898 to 3907 assessed lo J B Ireland. Lot -50, on Horatio st, n s, bet Hudson and West 4th sts . June 37. 3 years, S ' / . Nov 10, 1909. 2:027. 1.870.36

Cily of New York to David Lippmann. 398 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1M02 to 1907 assessed to John J Smith. Lot 31, on 101st sl, n s, bel I s l av and Harlem River. Aug 19, 3 years, S 7-8%. Nov 36, 3909. 0:3i:95. 1,098,43

Cily of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1003 and 1906 assessed to E J Smilh. Lol 1 on Canal st, n e cor Broadwav. June 10, 3 years, 8%. Nov 16, 1909. 1:209. 1,801.01

Cily of New York Lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1889 to 1907 assessed to J J Astor. Lot 119 on n o t h st, s s, het Morningside av West aud Amsterdam av. Sept 20, 3 years, 12%. Nov 16, 3909. 7:1867, 0,053,02

City of New Y'ork to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway, Transfer of tax lien for years 1891 to 1907 assessed to F Colman, LrOt 20 on 27th s t ,s s, bet 7th and Slh avs. June 17, 3 years, 12%. Nov 10, 3909, 3:770, 4.053.08

Cily of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1903 and 1908 assessed to Smith & Price. Lol 40 on Broome st, s w cor Lafayetle st. June 17, 3 years , 8 3-8%. Nov 16. 1909. 2:473. 4,953.09

Cily of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lieu for years 1899 to 1907 assessed lo J Harrison Est. Lot 16 on Oth av. e s, bet 15th and 10th sts . June 17. 3 years, 12%. Nov 10, 1909. 3:739- 7,061.S2

City of New York to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 1903 to 1907 assessed to Geo F Johnson. Lot 39 on I s l st, n s, bet Biwery and 2d av. Juue 17, 3 years, G-YiX- Nov 16, 1909. 2:457. 961.49

Cily of New York lo David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1903 to 1907 assessed to Geo F Johnson. Lot 38 on 1st st, n s, bet Bowery and 2d av. June 17, 3 years, 0 3-8%. Nov 10, 1909. 2:457. 997,93

Cily of New Yofk to David Lippmann, 198 Broadway. Transfer of tax lien for years 1903 to 3907 assessed lo O Otlendorfer. Lot 61, on Riverside Drive, w s, bel 135th and 137th sts, Oct 14, 3 years, 12%, Nov 12, 1909. 7:2005. 422.71

City ot New York to David Lippmann, 398 Broadway. Transfer of lax lien for years 3SS3 to 1907 assessed to L J Phillips, Lot 155, on Hamiltou pl, e s, bel 136th and ISSlh sts . Oct 14. 3 years, 12%. Nov 32, 3909, 7:3988. 2,304.81

Olinlon Realty Co lo MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF N Y. i;2d st, n e cor Madison av, Nos 691 to 695, 60.8x50. Certificate as to above mort. Oct S. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1377.

Chace. Hatt ie 0 wife Chas G to EMPIRE CITY SAVINGS BANK. 48th St. No 612, s s, 200 w l l t h av, 24.7x100.5x25x100.5. Nov 8, 3 years, 5%. Nov 13, 1909. 4:1095. 18,000

CHELSEA EXCHANGE BANK with EMPIRE CITY' SAVINGS BANK. 48th st. No 012, s s, 200 w l l t h av, 25x100,5. Sub­ordination agreement. Nov 11. Nov 13, 1909. 4:1095. nom

Criterion Conslruction Co to Morris Frank. 143d st, n s, 200 w Broadway, 75x99.30. Prior mort $95,000. Nov 32, 3 years, 6%. Nov 33. 1909. 7:2090. 12,000

Same to same, Sarae properly. Certificate as to above morl . Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909, 7:2090-

('ohu, Abraham to Caroline H wife of Hugh Johnston. 15th sl. No 213, n s, 207.4 w Rutherford pl, 30.6x103.3. Nov 12, 5 years, 4y>7c. Nov 15, 1909. 3:897. 47,000

Same and Eugene Vallens with sarae. Same property. Subordina­tion agreement. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909, 3:897. nom

Coheu, Solomon to Fredk M Hilton trustee Thos F Carhart. 119th st. No 30, s s, 567,0 e Lenox av, 17.6x100,11. Nov 1.5, 1909, 5 years, 4y,7.- 0:1717. 10,000

Church of St. Gabriel, a corpn to EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAV­INGS BANK. 30th st, Nos 309 to 319, n s, 100 e 2d av, runs u 9S.9 X e 21 X n 0S.9 to 37th st, Nos 308 and 310, x e 139 x s 197.0 to sl X w IGO to beginuing, except pa r t occupied by present church building. Nov 16, 1909, 3 years, 4 ^ % . 3:942. 180,000

Colon (Geo) & Co with City Mortgage Co. 142d st, Nos 137 and 1.39, n s, 350 e 7th av, 50x99.11. Subordination agreement. Nov 35. Nov 36, 3909. 7:2011. nom

Chelsea Realty Co with Elizabeth, Kale, Minnie and Matilda Haff­ner. 13oth st, No 625, n s, 377.7 w Broadway, 52.5x99.11. Ex­lension of mort for $45,000 lo Nov 3, 1912. a t 4 ^ % . Nov 3, Nov 15, 1909, 7:2002. nom

Deckelmeier, Emil and Nicholas Goetz to Lion Brewery. Reade st. No 112. Saloon lease. Nov 10, deraand, 6%. Nov 15. 1909. 1:146. 3,000

Dresner. Rachel to Lydia K Peterson. 54th st. No 338, s s, 225 w I s l av. 2.5x100.5. Nov 13, 1 year, 6%, Nov 15, 1909. 5 : -1346. 1,000

Di Dario- Dominick to Lionello Perera, 116th st, No 355, n s. 78 w 1st av, 22x300.31. Prior mort $16,750. Nov 13, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 15, 190.0. 6:1688. 2,000

Dixon, .-Vnnie G and John J to Bertha Brasch and ano. Topping av, w s. 100 n l i 4 t h st, 32.0x05 (prior mort $12,000); 1st av, No 2272. e s, 25.2 s 117th st. 20.5x94 (prior mort $10,000). Nov 32. 1 year. 6%. Nov IS. 1909. 11:2798; 6:1710. 2,291

Degenhai'dt, Marie to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 73d st. No 205, n s, 80 e 3d av. 27.0x102.2. Nov 18, 1909, due, SLC, as per bond. :.:342,S. 6,000

DietK. Frank with .•\lbert V de Goicouria. 129lh st. No 549, u s, 122.2 e Broadwav. 37,0x99.13. Exlension of $34,000 mort until Peb 7, 1913, a t % as per bond. Nov 11. Nov 17, 1909. 7:1984.

nom Decker, Wra F with Charles V Hoffman. 74th st. No 247, n s, 170

e Wesl End av, 20x1(12.2. Extension of $5,000 mort until Dec 3.5. 1910, at 0%, Nov 30, Nov 18, 3909. 4:116(>. 5,000

Elkan, Himiann lo MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTN, 73d st, Nos 349 and 1.51, n s, illill w 3d av, runs w 51 to Lexington av, Nos 1025 and 1027, x n 302.2 x e 53 x s 102.2 lo St. P M. Nov 11, due, SLC. as per bond. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1408. 80,090

Same to D .\ Cushman Realty Corpu. Same property. P M. Prior mort $80,000. Nov 11, 3 years, 6%. Nov 12. 1909. 5:1408.

10,000 Engel, Geo C with Anna Orth and ano, exrs Wm Orth. 97th st .

No 101. n w cor Columbus av. 100x25. Subordination agreement. Nov 3. Nov 12, 3909. 7:1852. nom

EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR SOC of the U S with Jacob Sternberg. 143d sl . No 201, n s, 3(lO e Sth av. 37.6x00.13. Extension oC $.30.-000 mort until Jan 1, 3933, a t 5 ^ % . Oct 28. Nov 12, 3909. 7 : -2029. nom

EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE V S with Rufus B Cowing. Claremont av. No 49, s w cor 119th St. 62.6x 100- Extension ot $125,000 mort until Jan 1, 1915, a t 4iA%. July 26. Nov lli. 1900. 7:1990. nora

Elkin, Sarab to Ferguson Bros & Forshay, a corpn. 180th st, No 730, s s. 254.1 w Broadway, 58.4x100. P M. Prior mort $• . Nov 15, due July I, 1914, 0%. Nov 17, 1099. 8:2176. 11,750

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November 20, 1909 Mortgages RECORD AND GTTTOE M a n h a t t a n 935



Elkin, Sarah to Ferguson Bros& Forshay, ISItth st. No 708, s s, 312.0 w Broadway, 58.4x160. P M, Prior raort $ . Nov 15, due Julv 1, 1914. (i"',. Nov 17, 1909. 8:2176. 12,250

Ei Nido Realty Co lo Palisade Building Co. SL Nicholas av. No 121, n w cor l lGlh st, Nos 201 to 211, 89.1x97x75.31x343.8. P M, Prior mort $220,!lOll. Nov 17, 1909, 2 years, 0%.. 7:3822.

20,000 Edgar Construction Co to ALBANY SAVINGS BANK. Manhaltan

sl . No 331. n s. 30O e old Broadwav. 72x100x64x100.2, Nov 15. 5 years, 4'A7c. Nov 10, 3909. 7:1982. gold, 9o,000

Same lo same. Same property. Certificale as to above mort . Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909 7:1982. ——

Same to Jos Hamershlag. Same property. Prior mort $65,000. Nov 1.5, demand, 6%. Nov 36, 3909. 7:1982, 40,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort. Nov 35. Nov 30, 1909. 7:1982.

Brff, Geo with Isidor Shlivek. 334lh st. No 56, s s, 325 e Lenox av, 38,4x300.33. Extension of $33,<X)0 mort until Apr 4, 1913, a t 5%, Nov 16. Nov 38, 1909, 0:3597. nom

Ferr is , Edwin of Montelair, N J. to Sherwood B Ferr i s of Lake-wood- N J, Washington st. No 3,S3, e s, 20.10 n Dey st, 20-5x46 xl9.1x40.6. Prior mort $15,000. Nov 10, 2 years, 5^^%. Nov 13, 1909. 1:82. 5,00)

Foster, Cora B with Charles Griffen et ai trustees', &c. of Sam­uel Willets. Cherry st. No 482, n s, 21 w Corlears st, 28x50. Extension of morl for $13,500 to Sept 23, 1912, 5%. Sept 23, Nov 12, 1909. 1:263. uom

Friedman, Harr is to Charles Salomon, 117th st. No 105, n s, 95 w Lenox av, 20x300, Nov 15, 1909, due Dec 1, 1912, 4 ^ % . 7 : -3902. 36,000

Fox David with Jno T Willets guardian Josiah M Willets. 337th st. No 329. n s, .325 e 7th av, 2.5x99.11. Exlension of $17,000 mort until Nov 19, 3912, a t -5%. Nov 11. Nov 12, 1909. 7:2000.

nom Feifer, Bernard to Corcoran Realty Co. Av A, Nos 174 and 170,

n e cor l l t h St. Nos .501 and 503 Easl , 51.7x95.5. Certificate as to reduction of mort, Oct 30. Nov 13, 1909. 2:405, —

Fischman. Wm to Herber t S Ogden. HousLon sl- Nos 394 and 396, n s, 301,8 e Av C, 40x05.8 lo 2d sl, Nos 2S5 and 287 x40.4x70.9. P M. Oct 1-5, 5 years, 5%. Nov 16, 1909. 2:371. 22,000

Frank, Louis with Margt A Leonard. 22d sl . No 320 West. Ex­tension of $10,00f^ mort until Dec 3, 3932, at 4V2%- Nov 35. Nov 30, 1909. 3:745. nom

Falkenberg, Mary lo N Y SAVINGS BANK. 122d st. No 112, s s, 112 6 c Park av. 27.0x100.13. Nov 16. 1909, due. &c, as per bond. 6:1770, 14,000

Same to Wra J Campbell. Same properly. Prior mort $14,000, Nov 16, 1909, 1 year, 6%, 6:1770. 600

Freeman, Benj to Meyer Freeman. 7th av. No 190, w s, 9S.9 s 22d st, 24.7x100. Prior mort .$4O,O00. Nov 12, 1909, 3 years, 6%. 3:771. 4,000

Ferguson Bros SL Forshay, a corpn to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Riverside Drive, No 210, n e cor 93d st, runs n 114,4 X e 1-52.1 x s 50 x w 0.0V« x s — x w 0.0% x s 25.8 to sl x w 97.9 lo beginning. Building loan, Nov 13, due Dec 1, 1915, 4iA% until second advance is payable, and (i% unlil building is completed and 5%, thereafter. Nov 15, 1909, 4:1252, 5-50,000

Same to same, Sarae properly. Certiflcate as to above morl. Nov 13. Nov 15, 3909. 4:1252,

Gordon, A b r a h a m l o Wolf Soraer and ano. Monroe sl. No 157, n s. abl 140 e Clinton st, 23.4x100. P M, Prior mort $25,000. Nov 15- 3 years, 6%,. Nov 18, 1909. 1:209. 7,000

Gordon, Louis. Barnet t Levy and Morilz Gruenstein ' to Jacob Gor­don. Orchard st. No 185, w s. 375.7 n Stanton st, 25.2x87.6. P M, Prior morl .$ . June 21, due Aug 1, 1912, 6%. Nov IS, 1909. 2:417. 10,000

Guiterman, Milton S with Lawyers Mortgage Co. 3li3d sl, n s, 230 e Eroadway, two lots, each 77.6x99.11. Two agreements as to share ownership in two morts . Nov 11. Nov 32, 1909. 8:2122.

nom Getskay Realty Co to North American Mortgage Co. Wadsworth

av, u w cor 384th st, 179,10 to lS5th st x70. Prior mort $15o,-000. Nov 12, 1909, 1 year, 6%, 8:2367. 15,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificale as to above mort . Nov 32, 1909, 8:2167. nom

Goldberg David L to Caroline H wife of Hugh Johnston. 15th sl No 207, n B, 243,7 w Rutherfurd pl, 36.3x103,3. Nov 12, 5 years , 4'A7r- Nov 15, 1909. 3:897. 47,000

Same and Eugene Vallens with same. Same property. Subordina­tion agreement. Nov 12. Nov 15, 3909. 3:897. nora

Gould. Lillie B to Marie A K Neuberger. 45th st, No 527, n s, 393.9 e l l t h av, 38.9x100.5. P M. Nov 35, 3909, 3 years , 5%. 4:1074. 6,000

Gertner, Betsie wife of and Josef lo Eliz Silberhorn. 102d st. No 302, s s, 27 e Park av, 28x75, P M. Nov 15, 1909, 3 year, 5%. 6:3629, 15,000

GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK with Emma Wells. 117lh st. No 132 West, Extension of $34.(X)0 mort unlil Nov 12, 3914, al 4^^%. Nov 12. Nov 35, 3909. 7:1901. nom

Godfrey, Edward L to Geo Peper, of Pearl River, N T. 64th st. No 173, n s, 100 e Amsterdam av, 25x100-5. Nov 16, 1909, 5 years, 5%, 4:1136. 20,000

Glassheim. Nathan and Paul Braus to John Stemme. 99th st, Nos 66 and GS, s s, 262.6 e Madison av, 37.6x3.00.33. P M, Prior mort .$.37,500, due May 16, 1912. 6%. Nov 36. 3909. 6:1604.

3,550 Gulden, Frank to Rosa Hyman. 103d st. No 305, n s, 120 w West

End av, 20x100.11, P M. Nov 15, 3 years, 4^,^%,. Nov 36, 1909. 7:3890. 20,000

Healy, Florence to Har ry C Wingate, Croton st, s s, 389.6 w Am­sterdam av, 25x87 to 365th st. No 511, x2.5x86.10, except par t for 165th St. Nov 1. 3 years, 5i^%. Nov 13, 1909. 8:2123. 0,000

Healey, Margt to John McCarthy. 315lh st, Nos 124 and 126, s s, 208.6 e Park av, two lots, each 17.10x100,10. Two morts , each $6,000. Nov S, 1 year, 5%. Nov 15, 3909. 0:3042. 12,000

Hoberg. Max P to Donald Robertson. Audubon av. No 140, n w cor 172d sl, No 551, 57x300. P M. Prior mort $66,0(X). Nov 15, 1909, 3 years, 6%. 8:2129. 10,000

Haines Realty Corpn with METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO. 5lh av. No 32, w s, 28.6 n Sth st, 26.3x100. Extension of $125,000 mort unti l Sept 1, 1912, a t 5%. Nov 13, 1909, 2:572. nom

Hanley, Nora to EMIGR.\NT INDPSTRI \L SWINGS HAN'K VJ.'.d st. No 242, s s, 62 w 2d av, 18x50. Nov 10, 1909, 1 year, 4i/;%. 0:1787- 6,500

Hermann. Simon to Julius Pauly. 129[h st, No 302, s s, 75 w Sth av, 25x99.11. Prior mort $14,000. Nov 15, 2 years, 6%. Nov 16, 3909- 7:19-55. 3,000

Hafner, .\iiara J to Tomahawk Really Co. Broadway, s e eor 1(13d st, 99.11x160. P M. Nov 15. 3 years, 0%. Nov lO, 1900. 8:2122. 15,000

Herzog, Alexander aud Harry Von Arx with J Frederic Kernochan el al, t rustees Thos B Winthrop. 4()th st. No 344 Easl . Sub­ordination agreement. Nov 18, 1909. 5:1338. nom

Horowitz. Isidore with Barnet Printzman. IOth st. No .349 East . .'\grecment modifying terms of mort. Nov 15. Nov 18, 1909. 2:393. nora

Herzog, Alexander to J Frederic Kernochan et al, t rustee Thomas Buchanan Winthrop. 4Glh sl, Nos 344 and 346, s s, 300 w 3sl av, 40x300.5. Nov 37, 5 years, 5%. Nov IS, 1909. 5^3338. 25,000

HinK, Albert to John J Schmitt. Water sl, -No 6o6, n s, ,350 w Jackson st, 26x85.6x26x80.9, w s. Nov 38, 3909, 3 years, .5%.. 1:260. 12,000

Haas, Henriet te to The American Missionary Association, West End av. No 483, w s, 20 n S3d st. 19.6x79. Nov 18, 1909, 5 years , 4iA%. 4:3245. 38,000

Hamlin. Fannie to ALBANY S.WINGS BANK. Madison av. No 3 045, e s, 66.2 s SOth st, 10x82. Nov IS, 1909, 5 years, 4V^%. 5:1491, gold, 35,000

Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of N Y Orphan Asylum with Leopold and Julius Merksamer, 117111 sl . No 366, s s, 100 e Morningside av Easl, 25x100.11. Exlensiou of mort for $18,000 lo Nov 2, 1931, at 5%. May 20. Nov 10, 1909. 7:3943. nom

Hochstim, Annie to Emanuel A Jackson, l l t h st, Nos 218 and 220, s w s, -329.6 n w 2d av, runs s w 95 x n w 43.6 x n e 42 x s e 0.6 x n e 5.3 to l l l h st x s e 43 to beginning. Prior morl $67,500. Nov 16. installs, 6%. Nov 37, 1999. 2:466. 3,0IX)

Isaacs, Barney lo Saral Wacht. 3sl av, Nos 3225 and 1227, n w cor 66th St. Nos 343 and 345. .50x75. Prior mort $62,.500. Nov 15, 5 years, 6%. Nov 16, 1909. 5:1441. 6,000

Josephthal, Louis M trustee Theresa Josephthal with Barnet Ap­pel. 4lh st. No 206, s s. 288.7 e Av B. 24.9x96.3. Extension of $25,000 morl until Nov 12. 1914, at 5%. Nov 15. 1909. 2:.3S6,

nom Janeway. Theo C with Jesse B Nichols. OOth st. No 131. n s, 85

w Lexinelon av, 20x100.5. Extension of $34,000 mort unlil Nov 11. 1912, at 4'/.%. Nov 12. Nov 13, 1909. 5:1395.

2,002,45 Jackson Geo T to Saml McCauley. 21st sl . No 145. n s, 298.2 e

7th av, 19.5x9S.n. May 21, 5 years, 4%, Nov 37, 1909, 3:797. 17,625

Jobanson, Robert to LAWYERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO. 86th st. No 340, s s, 225 w Ist av, ruus s 102.2 x e 25 x n — x e 0,1 x n — to st, X w 2.5 to beginning. Nov 15. 5 years, 4^^%. Nov 16. 3909. 5:154.8. 22.000

Kendall, Louis to Annie W Hollister et al exrs Henry H Hollis­ter. Fulton sl. No 44, s e s. 75 n w Pearl sl , runs s w 23.3 x n w (1.4 X s w 12.9 X n w 36.10 x n e 30-31 lo st, x s e 26.9 to be'-ginning. 25, 5 years. 57^. Nov 15. 3909. l :7o . 19.000

Kraisman. Ida wilh Louis Fleischer aud Jacob Traum. 5th st. No 71S, s s, 260.6 e Av C, 25x90. Extension of $2,9-50 morl until Nov 18, 1912, at % as per bond, Nov 8. Nov 12. 1909. 2:374,

nom Koning, Paul to Florence I Rosen. 7th av. No 1970, w s. .50.11 s

119th sl, 25x100. P M. Prior mort $29,000. Nov 15, 1909, 5 years. 6%, 7:3924. 7,2.50

Koch, Frank to .\nua Orth and ano exrs Wm Orth. Columbus av. No 760, n w cor 97th sl, Nos 101 lo 105, 25.4x300. Nov 1, 5 years. 4 '^%. Nov 12, 1!l09. 7:1852, 45,000

Kommel, Louis M, Robt, Bertha, Francis and Jessie; Frances Appel and Fannie Mayper with Abraham Kommel, all being heirs under will Saml Korarael, . \grerment as to payment of $3,000 lo party 2d part and that same shall be a lien on the shares of party first part . Nov G. Nov 12. 1909. 1:2.56, 2.57 and 287, nom

Kram, Hannah and Katie Shyev to Hyman Littwin and ano, 99th st. No 07, n s, 75 w Park av, 25x100.11. P M. Prior raort $21,000, Nov 31, 3 years, 6%. Nov 12, 3.900. 6:1605. 2,000

Klein, Joseph lo Caroline F Zimmer. 304th st. No 216, s s. 193.4 e 3d av, 16.SxlOO.11. Nov 12, 5 years, 5%, Nov 33, 1909, 6:3653. G,.500

Lier, Frank to Barbara Brodil. 71st st, No 421, n s, 263 e 1st av, 25x102.2, Nov 13, 3 years, 6%. Nov 10, 1909. 5:1466, 2,500

Lamb. Amelia C to TITLE GUARANTEE Sc TRUST CO. 10th av. No 589, w s, 23.5 s 43d sl, 33,6x80. Nov 36, 1909, due, &c, as per hond. 4:1071. 6,500

Lily Waist & Dress Co lo Julius Alexander. Ceriificate as to chattel mortgage for $1,000 covering property at 138 West 17tli sl , on demand, at 0%, Nov 16, 1909.

Loicbter, Adolf to SH^a C Farnham. Houslon St. No 30(i. a s. abl 80 e Av D. 22.(?x70. Nov 10. 5 years, 5%. Nov 12, 3900. 2 : -384. 22,-500

Levy, Barnet t to Louis Gordon. 115th sL, No 36, S S, 433 e Lenox av, 18x109,13. Prior mort $ . Oct 22, 5 years, 6%, Nov 32, 1909; 0:3.598. 5,000

Levy, Leon wilh .\nnie W Hollister et al exrs Henry H Hollister. Fulton sl, No 44. Subordination agreement. Nov 15, 1900. 1 : -75. nom

Laracy, Philip to Lucius H Beers. lOOlh st. No 5.50, s s, 287.0 e Broadway, 37,6x99.11, P M. Aug 38, due May 15, 1912, 6%,. Nov 15, 19119, 8:2138. 7.000

Landlords Realtv Co to EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK. 340th st. No 20, s s. 363.8 w 5lh av, 41.8x90.11. Nov 15, 1909, 5 years. .5%. 6:1737, 32,000

Same to same. Same propertv. Certiflcate as to above mort, Nov 13. Nov 15, 1909. (1:1737. _

Levinsohn, David lo Lion Brewery. 1st av. No 857. Saloon lease. Nov 11, demand, G7r. Nov 15. 3909. 5:1340. 1,6.50

Lawlor, Hugh J to Fredk T Street. Broadwav, s w cor 169th st. No 600, 90x150. Prior raort $250,000. Nov 11, 3 years, 6%. Nov 32- 1909. 8:2138. 15.000

Lawlor, Hugh J wilh Fredk T Street. Broadway, s w cor 369th St. . \greement as lo correction of subordination clause in mort . See. Nov IS. 1909. 8:2138- nom

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936 Mortcagva RECORD AND GUIDE Mamhattaji November 20, 1909


India, Java and Huron Sts. and East River City 0! New York, Borough of Brooklyn

Telephone 948 Greenpoini

Limbert, August trustee Fredk Gebhard with Geo F Anger. Can­non st. No 64, Exlension of $22,009 morl unlil Nov 12, 1912, al 5%. Nov 32, Nov 18, 1909, 2:328. nom

Louvel. Edward to LAWYERS TITLE INS Sc TRUST CO. 29th st. No 110, s s, 150.4 w Olh av, 39,8x98.9; Bedford st. No 102, e s, abt 60 n Grove st, 22x.50; Greenwich st. No 723, e s, 96 n Charles st, 18.9x68,10x20.8x76.7. Nov 17, 1909, 5 years, i'A7o. 2:588, 632 and 3:804. 31,(300

Lawyers Mortgage Co to Hyman Cohn and ano. 113th st, Nos 13o and 137, n s, 290 e Park av, 41x l00 , l l x irreg xlOO. Extension of $40,000 mort until Dec 1, 1914, a t 5%. Nov 8. Nov 17, 1909. 6:1641. nom

Laracy, Philip to Caroline M Butterfield et al, t rustees Fredk Butterfield. 46th st. No 536, s s, 375 w IOth av, 25x300.5. Nov 35, 3909, 3 years, 5%. 4:1074. 12,000

Levy, Louis lo Thos W Jeralds of Ashland, N Y. Goerck st,"No S, e s, 125 s Broorae st, 2oxl(X). P M.- Nov 15, 5 years, 5%. Nov 10, 3909, 2:321. 21,000

Middle-Town Really Co to Milton S Guiterman. 163d st, n s, 210 e Broadway, two lots, each 77.6x99,11. Two certiflcates as to two raorts for $78,000 each. Nov 11. Nov 15, 1909. 8:2122.

Middle-Town Realty Co to Milton S Guiterraan. 163d st, n s, 210 e Eroadway, two plots, each 77.6x99.33. Two morts , each $78,000. Nov 11, 5 years, 5%. Nov 32, 3909. 8:2322, 356,00)

Middle-Town Really Co to Joseph Schere. 363d sl, n s. 210 e Broadway, two lots, each 77.6x99.11. Two morls, each $10,500, Two prior raorts, each $78,000. Nov 12, 1909, due Dec 1, 1910, 6%. 8:2122, 21,000

Same to same. Same property. Two certificates as to above morts . Nov 32, 3909. 8:2322. •

MUTUAL BANK with TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 56lh st. No 61 West. Subordination agreement. Nov 31. Nov 12, 1909. 5:1272. nom

Mandelbaum, Max with Cilly wife of and Henry Friedman. 5th sl . No 739 (294), n s, 220 w Av D, 23x97. Extension ot .$23,-000 raort until Nov 12, 1914, a t 0%. Nov 12. Nov 33, 1909. 2:.375. nom

Mercantile Trust Co with EUie R Moloney. West End av, Nos 201 and 203. Extension of $40,000 mort until Dec 1, 1914, a t 5%. Nov 8. Nov 15 1909. 4:1181, . nom

Mercantile Trust Co trustee James H Hyde with Sarah Rosenthal. 9th av. No 234. Extension of mort for .$22,000 to Jan 23, 3913, a t 4y,7c. Nov 10. Nov 15, 1909, 3:748, nom

MERCANTILE TRUST CO wilh Sidonia Weiss. 2Slh st. No 329 West. Extension of mort for $lo,000 to Jan 1, 1913. at 4V-%. Nov 6, Nov 35, 3909. 3:752. nom

Michaels, Alfred to .MUTUAL LIFE INS CO of N Y. 93d st. No 325- n s, .300 w Wesl End av, 7ox300.8. Nov 4, due, &c, as per hond. Nov 35. 19tl9. 4:12.52. 110,000

Mclnerney, Caroline to Nora Driscoll. Manhaltan av. No 136, e s, 53.3 s lOGth Et, 37x70. P M. Prior mort .$9,000. Nov 12, due, ScC, as per bond. Nov 15, 1909. 7:1841. 3,000

McDonald, John P lo Eliz K Dooling. 2d av. No 1458. e s, 27.2 n 76lh sl, 2.5x88.8. Prior morl $14,000. Nov 15, 1 year, 5%. Nov 16, 1909. 5:1451. 1,000

McManus, GuiUemina to Alex P W Kinnan, t rustee Edw M Gedney. 39th st. No 204, s s, 43.6 w 7th av, 20,0x75.6. Nov 13. due, fi.c, as per bond. Nov 35, 1909. 3:7SS. 2,500

Miami Really Co lo Penco Realty Go. Audubon av. No 341. n e cor 172d St. 94.6x95- Nov 18. 1909. 5 years. 5%. 8:2329.

332.500 Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort .

Nov 16. Nov 18, 1909. 8:2129. — Miami Really Co lo Penco Really Co, .\udubou av, s e cor 173d st,

100--;95. Nov IS, 3909. 5 years. 5%. 8:2329. 337.500 Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort .

Nov 16, Nov IS, 1909- 8:2329. ^;— Mullins. Bridget E to Vahan Z M Boyajian. 3d sl. Nos 43 and 4-1,

n w cor Wooster st, Nos 233 to 2.37, 42x74.10. Prior morl $47,000. Apr 20, demand, 6%. Nov 17, 1909. 2:538. 1,2.50

Meyer, Max with TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Madison sl . No 401, n s, 3.50 e Jackson st, 2.5x65.2 lo Grand st. No 557, x28x79. Subordination agreement, Nov 31. Nov 17, 1909. 1:265. nom

Newman, Henry to Carnelia B Schwartz. 40th st. No 432, s s, 3 i 5 e 30lh av. 2.5x98.9. Prior mort $32,000. Nov 9, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 35. 3.909. 3:737. 3.000

N Y Press Co, a corpn, to WINDSOR TRUST CO as t rustee . Spruce St. Nos 2] and 21'A. n w cor William st, Nos 187 and 189, runs n 37.1 x n w 5S.4 x s w 22.9 to Spruce s t x e (>2 to begin­ning. Prior raort $130,000. Nov 3, 5 years , .5%. Nov 13, 1909, 3:102. gold bonds, 25,000

Napier, Margt E to Paleruo Bros, a corpn. 140lh sl . Nos 24 to 28, s s, 320 w 5th av. runs s 99.13 x w 325 x n 99.8 x n 0.4 to s s HOth st X e 124.9 to beginning; 5th av, Nos 2227 lo 2231, s e cor 136th st, 99,31x300: 134th sl Nos 65 and 67, n s, 260 e Lenox av, 50x99.31. P M. Prior raort $ . Nov 16, installs, 6%. Nov 18, 1909, 0:3737, 1732 and 1760. 15,500

Oppenheimer, Solomon to Mary E McKesson. 46lh st, Nos 125 and 127, n s, 450 e 7th av, 33.4x100.5. P M. Nov 16. 3 years, 4 ^ % . Nov 17, 1909. 4:999. 40,000

Oppenheim, Louis and Theo I Jacobus lo Samson Lachman. 74th st, No 482, s s, 2.50 w Av A, 25x102-2. P M. Prior mort $15,000. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909. 2 years, 6%. 5:1468, 2,500

O'Neill, Eugene lo Leopold Frank. 52d st. No 347, n s, 325 e Oth av, 20x100.5. Nov 12, 5 years, 4%. Nov 15, 1909. 4:1043.

6.000 Porges, A Joseph to Lion Brewery. Forsyth sl, Nos 168 aud 170.

Saloon lease- Nov 5, demand, 6%. Nov 15, 1909, 2:421, 3.000 Parshelsky Bros, Inc or Union Holding Co lo American Mortgage

Co. 47th sl . No 341. n s. 79 w 1st av. 21x50.3. Certiflcate as to mort for $7,000. Oct 29. Nov 16. 1909. 5:3340.

Person, Chas A wilh Irving Bachrach and Isaac Schmeidler. Lex­ington av, No 1713. Agreement as to amount due on mort and subordination agreement. Oct 20. Nov 18, 3909. 6:3635. nom

Person, Chas .\ with Irving Bachrach and Isaac Schmeidler, Lex­ington av. No 3735. .Agreement as lo amounl due on mort and subordination agreement. Oct 20. Nov 18, 1909, 6:3635. nom

Penco Realty Co with Lawyers Morlgage Co- Audubou av. No 141. n e cor 172d st, 94,6x9.5. Agreement as to share ownership of mort. Nov 18, 1909, 8:2129, nom

Pence Realty Co with Lawyers Mortgage Co. Audubon av, s e cor 173d st, 100x9.5. Agreement as to share ownership in bond and raortgage. Nov 18, 1909. 8:2129,

Quinlan, Francis J to Araerican Mortgage Co. Horatio sl . No 13, n s, 61.6 w 4lh st, 18.9x87.0. Nov 15, 3909, 3 years, 5%. 2 : -627. 6,500

Robertson, Jessie P L of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Janet P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklyn, N Y, and Henr ie t ta L Adams of N Y, to TITLE INS CO of N Y. Pell st. No 25, on map Nos 25 and 27. s s, 03.3 w Doyers st, runs w 31.3 x s 66.0 X c 5.7 X n 60.10 to beginning. P M. Nov 12, 3 yrs, 4V^%. Nov 13, 1909. 1:102. 33,000

Robertson, Jessie P L of Upper Montelair, N J, and Jul ia P, Janet P and Fredrika P Ludlam ot Brooklyn, N Y, and Hen­riet ta L Adams of N Y, to TITLE INS CO of N Y. Park st, Nos 89 and 93, s s, 63.7 c Worth st, runs s 40.30 lo n e s Worth st, Nos 375 and 177, x s e 41.11 x n 71.7 to Park s t x w 34.5 to beginning, P M. Nov 12, 3 years, 41/2%. Nov 13, 1909. 1:101.

25,000 Robertson, Jessie P L, of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Janet

P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklyn, N Y. and Henriet ta L Adams, of N Y, to TITLE INS CO of N Y. Monroe st, Nos 36 to 401^. s s, 82 w Market sl, runs s 48.7 lo n w s Hamillon st, Nos 41 to 47. x s w 92.8 x n 75.3 to Monroe st x e 91.1 lo begin­ning. P M. Nov 12, 3 years, 4i^%, Nov 13, 1909. 1:253. 32,000

Republic of Panama with Nichola and Michelina Mangiere. Mott st. No 123, a w cor Hester st, Nos 177 and 179, 49.10x62.8. Ex-lensi_on of $03,000 mort unti l May 5, 1914, a t 5%. Nov 17, 1909. 3:237. nora

Ross, Katherine wife David with Eliz M Bunting and ano. 321st st. No 312, s s, 241.6 w Sth av, .3.3.6x100.11. Exlension of $22,090 mort until Oct 12, 1914. a t 5%. Oct 4. Nov 16, 1909, 7:3947. nom

Regentoogen- Betsy to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Madi­son st. No 403, n s, 350.1 e Jackson st. 24.10x05.3 to Grand st. No 557, x27.30x79.3. Nov 16, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 17, 1909. 1:265. 18,000

Rozinski, Jacob lo Henry P A Clausen. 110th sl, Nos 74 to 78, s s, 129 w Park av, 42.6x100.13, Nov 35, 5 years. 5%. Nov 17, IIIOO. 0:1615. 25,000

Rand, Mary to Dauiel Loudon. Av D, No 77, n w cor 6th st. No 753, 22.9x52. Prior mort .$^—. Nov 16, due May 15, 1931, 6%. Nov 17. 1909. 2:,370. 1,000

Robertson, Jessie P L of Upper Montelair. N J, Julia P, Janet P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklyn. N Y', and Henr ie t ta L Adams, of N Y, to TITLE INS CO of N Y. James slip. No 15 w s. 47.4 n Soulh st, 26x37,2x25.10x30.9. P M. Nov 12, 3 yrs, 4'A7c. Nov 13, 1909. 1:110. 4,.500

Robertson, Jess ia ip L, of Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P, Janet P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklyn. N Y, and Henriet ta L Adams of N Y', to TITLE INS CO of N Y, Cherry st. No 141. s s. 22S-2 w Markel st, 25.3x60.6x25.5x60.6. P M, Nov 12. 3 years, 4 ' ^%. Nov 13, 1909. 1:250, 65,000

Rice, Wm P lo Martin Keppler. Cooper st, s s, 130 e Academy st , 100x300. Nov 32, due &c as per bond. Nov 13, 1909. 8:22.38.

10.000 Robertson. Jessie P L ol Upper Montelair, N J, and Julia P. Janet - P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklvn, N Y. and Henriet ta L

Adams of N Y, to TITLE INS CO of N Y, Cherrv st. No 139. s s, 253.6 w Market sl . 24.9x60.6- P M. Nov 12, 3 years. 414%. Nov 13. 1909. 3:250. 6,000

Robertson. Jessie P L of Upper Montelair. N J. and Julia P, Janet P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklyn, N Y, and Henriet ta L Adams of N Y. to TITLE TNS CO of N Y. Bayard st. No 53, s s, 175.1 w Bowery, 25.3x85.8x25.2x83.6. P M. Nov 12, S yrs , 41/2%. Nov 13. 1909. 1:163. 21,000

Robertson, Jessie P L of Upper Moutclair. N J. and Jul ia P. Janet P and Fredrika P Ludlam of Brooklyn. N Y, and Henriet ta L Adams, of N Y. to TITLE INS CO of N Y. Henry st. No 42 s s, 338.10 w Markel st. 25-4x99.9x25.4x99.11- P M. Nov 12. 3 years. 4^^%. Nov 13, 1909. 1:277. 14,000

Republic of Panama by Wm N Cromwell i ts fiscal agent wilh Emma L Schirmer. 65th st, Nos 312 and 314 East , Extension of mort for -$33,000 to Nov 3. 1914, a t 4!^%,. Nov 13. Nov 12, 3909. 5:1439. nom

Rosen. Florence I to LAWYERS TITLE INS AND TRUST CO 7th av. No 1970. w s, 50.11 s 139th st, 25x100. Nov 15, 1909, 5 years, 57c- 7:1924, 29,000

Rosenfeld, Beni lo T H Simonson SL Son Co. lOOth st. No 305 n s. 300 e 2d av, 40x100.13. Prior mort $44,000. Nov 9, due April 23, 1912. 6%. Nov 32, 3909. 6:3072. 1.000

R & M Realty Co to City Mortgage Co. 342d st, Nos 1S7 and 139, u s, 350 e 7th av, 50x99,11, Building loan. Nov 35, demand 6%. Nov 16, 1909. 7:2011. 2.000

Same lo same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort . Nov 16, 1909. 7:2011.

Schwartz, Geo to Jos F Gibbons. 44lh st. No 435. n s, 440 w 9th av, 20x100.4. P M. Nov 15, 3 vears, 4i^%. Nov 16, 1909. 4:1054. 3.000

Sinclair, Eliza G to TITLE GUARANTEE Sc TRUST CO. 57th s t No 425. n s, 206.5 e 1st av, 19.3x300.4, Nov 16, 1909, due, &c. as per bond, 5:1369. » 3.000

Stern, William with Daniel Schwartz, of Yonkers, N T. SSth st No 532. s s, 173 w East End av, 25x160.8. Extension of mort for_$13,000 lo Peb 14, 1915, a t 4 ^ % . Nov 7. Nov 15, 1909. 5:1584. nom

Silverson & London Construction Co to Jos Silverson and ano. Riverside Drive, No 552, e s. 86.6 n 127th st. runs n 75 x e 141,33 X s 92.7 x s w .30.3 x w 174.4 to beginning. Prior mort $190,000, Nov 15, 1 year. 6%. Nov 16, 1909. 7:1995. 10,000

Sarae to sarae. Same property. Certiflcate as to above morl Nov 15. Nov 16, 3909. 7:1995.

Spanier, Louis with Wilson M Powell. 12th st. No 526, s s 270 6 w Av B, 25x103.3, Extension of $28,500 mor t until Nov 22 1914 a t 5%. Nov 1, Nov 12, 1909. 2:405, nom

Smilh, Gerlrude L with Marie W Hancox, 101st st. No 100, s e cor Park av, 16x100.4. Extension of ,$8,000 mort until Oct 10 1912 a l % as per bond, Nov 16. Nov 18, 1909. 6:1628. nom

Suydam, Lambert with Ers te Gorlicer Chevra Machiska Emes a corpn. Lewis st. No 1 0 1 ^ . w s. 58 n Stanton st, 22,2x4910x22 2 x50,3. Exlension of $9,000 mort tmtil Oet 15, 1914, at 5%. Nov 12, 1909 2:330. nom

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November 20, 1909 Mortgages RECORD AND GTJTDE Kv»u 937

INTERIOR IVIARBLE A.D ONYX CORK & Z I C H A M A R B L E CO., 3 2 5 - 3 2 7 E- 94th St,, Mew York

Mate r i a l and w o r k t h e s tandard for fourteen years. Our reputation the best positive evidence as to our superiority.


Spanier, Joseph with Congregation Sheveth Acbim. Ridge st. No 26, e s 325 s Broome sl, 25x72. Exlension of mor t for $2,000 lo May 1, 1932, a l (i%. Nov S. Nov 32. 1909, 2:341. nom

Scanlan. Michael J to EMIGRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK, 18th st. No 359, n s, 60 e Oth av, runs n 22.5 x e 2 x n 24.10 x e 18 X s 47.3 to st, X w 20 to beginning. Nov 15, 1909, 1 year, 4'A%. 3:742. 1,500

Schwartz, Morris, Benj, Elinore, Fannie and Solomon by Abraham Schwartz their guardian, and Rachel Schwartz lo Wolf Brand. 12th sl, Nos .320 and 328, on map No 320, s w s, 320.6 s e 2d av, runs s e 37 x s 103.3 x n w —to point 339,5 s e 2d av x n e

' — to s s St Marks Cemetery x e — lo s e cor Sl Marks Ceme­tery X n —lo land Wm Beard x n e 40 to beginning. All title. Nov 12, 1909, 4 years, 6%. 2:453. 2,500

Sigloch. Louis to V Loewer's Gambrinus Brewery. 33th av. No 623, s w cor 40lh st. Saloon lease. Nov 9, deraand, 6%. Nov 12. 1909. 4:3093. 1,200

Stern, Morris H with Frederic de P Foster. 2d av. No 1315, Ex­tension of $35,000 morl untii Nov 30. 1914, a t 41^%. Nov 3, Nov 12, 1909. 5:1424, nora

Smith, Robert F lo Hermine Smilh el al. 98th st. No 25, n s, 325 w Central Park West, 25x100.31. P M. Nov 12, 3909, 3 years, 4%%. 7:1834, 8,0(Kl

Shields, Nelson T to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 5GLh st. No 61, n s, 99.5 e Glh av, 22.9x100.5. Prior morl $46,500. Nov 12, 1909, due, &c, as per bond. 5:1272. 2,500

Spring, Anna R with Wm C Amend. 64th st. No 1.54, s s, 200 e Arasterdam av, 20x100.5. Exlension of $18,0(K) mort until Nov 1, 1912, at 5%, Nov 3, Nov 37, 1909, 4:3335. nom

Seventy-Sixth Sl Co with METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO. West End av, No 336, s e cor 76th s l . No 256, 79.4x100. Exlension of $425,000 mort until Nov 3, 1932, a t 5%. Nov 30, Nov 37, 1909. 4:3367. nom

Southmayd, Maria C, of Middletown, Conn, lo "ilTLE GUARANTEE SL T R U S T CO. Greenwich sl, No.829, e s, 55 n Horatio st, runs e SO X s 5 X e 30 X n 25.1 x w GO lo st x s 20 to beginning. Nov 16, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 18, 1909. 2:627. 2,500

Swan, Edward H and Theo A exrs Lucret ia A Brydon with Annie Gotthelf. Lawrence st. Nos 54 and 56. Extension of .$42,000 mort until Mar 1, 1912, 514%. Mar 5. Nov 18, 1909. i:1966.

nora Shurman (C N) Investing Co lo Louis Kendel. 54lh st. No 432,

s s, 3S3.4 e 10th av, 36.8x53.6x16.2x52.3. P M. Prior mort $3,225. Nov 17, 1 year, 6%. Nov IS, 1909. 4:1063. 305

Solomon, Leah to Kate V Barnum. Clinton st. No 373, w s, 100 s Grand st, 25x100. Nov 17, 1909, 5 years, .5%. 1:333, 30,000

Schmidt. Herman .\. Chas D Donahue aud Walter A A Wells lo TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. SOlh sl . No 218, s s, 225 e 3d av, 22x100. Nov 3, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 17, 1909. 5:1-531. 14,000

Southern Holding Co to Paterno Bros. 113th st. Nos 507 and 513, n s, 300 w Amsterdam av, 325x100.9, P M. Prior raort $ .. Nov 36, installs, r,%. Nov 17, 3909. 7:3885. 44,633

Schwartz, Moritz lo District Number One of the Independent Or­der Benai Berith, a corpn. 79lh sl . No 316, s s, 204 e 2d av, 20x102.2. Nov 11. 3 years, 4'A7c. Nov 17, 1909. 5:1453. 13,000

Sorrentino or Marazza, Felicia with American Mortgage Co. Is t av. No 2123, w s, 25.11 n lOOtttst, 2oxi5 . Subordination agree­ment. Oct 17. Nov 17, 1909. 6:1081. nom

Schwartz, David to Chas K Beekman, t rustee Chas H Neilson. Grand sl . No .39. s w s, abt 48 e Thompson st, 22.6x72.8. Nov 37, 1909, 3 years- 4y^%. 1:227. il,(X)0

TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO with Jacob Wiesenfelder. Am­sterdam av. No 4S5. Extension of $12,000 mort unti i Nov 8. 1914, at 4'/,%, Nov S, Nov 12, 3909. 4:1214. nom

TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO with Wm Oeters el al indi­vid and as t rustees under deed of trust . Edgecombe av. No 129, s w cor 141sl st. No -3.30, 24.11x90. Exteusion of .$25,000 morl until Nov 1, 1912, a t 5%. Nov 9. Nov 32, 1909. 7:2048. nom

Tishman, Henry lo TRUST CO OF AMERICA. 10th st, Nos 216 aud 21s, s s, 250 e 2d av, 50x92.4. Nov 15, 1909, due Oct 10, 3914, 4^^%. 2:451. -58,000

Teichman Engineering & Construction Co lo North American Morl­gage Co. Macombs pi, late Macombs Dam road, n w cor 352d st, 85.1x309.7x74.11x09.2. Nov 15, 1 year, 6%. Nov 10, 1909. 7:2038. 74,000

Same to same. Same properly. Certificate as to above raort. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 7:20.38.

Sarae lo Hague Really Co. Same property. P M. Prior mort $74,000. Nov 15. 1 year. 6%. Nov 36, 1009. 7:2038 S,231..33

Taylor, Washington H with Henry S Friend, trustee Eva Friend. "West End av, No 42. Agreement as to ownership of bond and mortgage. Nov 15. Nov 16. 3909. 4:1153.

Thomas, James C to Margt E Napier. Sth av, Nos 2227 to 22.33 s e cor 336lh sl . No 2, 99,13x100, Prior raort $ •. Nov 17, 2 years, 6%. Nov IS, .1909, 0:1760. 7,000

Travers, Mary widow to Geo McCay. 51st st. No 323. n s, 265 w Sth av, 20x100.5. Nov 10, 1 year, 6%. Nov 17, 1909. 4:1042

1,500 Trusch, Bernard of Brooklyn, N Y to UNION TRUST CO of N Y,

Essex sl, No 137, w s, 125.1 u Rivington st, 25x89.1. Nov 15 5 years, 4"^%.. Nov 17. 3909. 2:433. 25,000

Same to Levy Sobol. Sarae properly. Prior morl $25,000. Nov 16, 2 years, 6%. Nov 37, 3909, 2:411. 2,000

Tishman, Henry lo Wilson M Powell, a t reasurer of the Monthly Meeting of N Y of the Religious Society of Friends, 17th st. No 618, s s, 288 e Av B, 25x92. P M. Nov 17, 1909, 3 years, 5%. 3:984, 14,000

Todd. Perry C and Margt S of Montelair, N J tO' Donna M Davis Sth st, Nos 397 and 399, n s, 77.3 0 Av D, runs e 51 x n 94.5 x w 4S.1 X s 46.5 x w 3.1 x s 48 to beginuing. 3-3 par t all t i t le. Nov 12, due Dec 1- 1912. 5%. Nov 37, 1909. 2:365. 4 500

TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO with Charles Thorley, a corpn 70th sl. No 344, s s, 484,0 w Wesl End av, 28.6x101.8x12.9x100.5. Extension of mort for $13,000 lo Nov 1, 1912, a t 5%. Nov 3 Nov 16, 1909. 4:1181- nom

Uhlig, Caroline lo Packard & Co. Amsterdara av, Nos 1109 and 1111, e s, 80.11 s. 115th st, 40x100, Assign rents to extent of $2,400. Nov 17, 1909. 7:1S67. . 2.400

Union Holding Co to Araerican Mortgage Co, 47lh sl. No 341, n s, 79 w 1st av, 21.'(.50.3- Nov 10, 5 years. 5%. Nov 16, 1909. 5:3340. 7,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above morl, Oct 33. Nov 10, 1909. 5:1340.

Van Praag Really Co lo John J Halstead and ano trustees for Christina Halstead, &c, under will Pearson S Halstead. 112lh sl, Nos 522 and 524, s s, 375 w Arasterdam av, 50x100.11. Nov 15, 1909, due Nov 3, 3914, 4i^%. 7:1883. 70,000

Same to same, Sarae property. Certificate as to above mort. Nov 15. 1909, 7:1883-

Wiesenberg, Rachel and Morris to FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK. 318th st Nos 161 and 163, n s, 190 w 3d av, 45x100,13, Nov 16, 1909, 5 years, 4V37'>. 6:1707, 28.000

Walker, Julia G wife Keit t P to Caroline B Sexton. S l s t st. No 44, s s, 200 w Park av, 19x102.2. Nov 16, 1909, 3 years, 4V2%o. 5:1492. 40,000

Watt . Thomas L, of Scarsdale, N Y, to Louis M Schwan. Lenox av, 7lh av, 139th st, and l lOtb sl, the block. Prior mort -$500,(XH). Nov 13, due June 1. 1910. G%. Nov 15. 1909. 7:2008. 50,000

Wright. Garret S lo .\nna M Jeroloman. 2Gth st. No 355. n s. 142 e 9lh av, 22x9S.9. P M. Nov 15, 19013, 3 years, 5%. 3:750.

11,000 Wolt, Betsie to Sigmund Levin. 24th St. No 2.30, s s. 195.2 w 2d

av, 24.4x98.9. Prior mort $22,500- Nov 35, 3909, installs, 6%. 3:904- Notes. 458

Werner, Rebecca lo Moses Goodman. Norfolk sl . No 113, w s, 151.7 s Rivington sl, 25x160. Prior morl .$23,500. Nov 18, 1909. 5 years, 6%. 2:353. 6,000

Wallach, Hayman aud Max Zucker to Rose Schreiber. Sth sl. No 316, s s, 288,0 e Av B, 19.10x97.6, Prior mort $25,750. Nov 16, 3 years, G7c. Nov 17, 1909. 2:390. 3,000

Waldeck Co to Southern Holding Co. 5th av. No 2229, e s, 37.6 s 13(>th st, 37.5x100. Prior mort $41,909.00. Nov 16, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 17, 1909, (1:1760. 3.O00

Waldeck Co lo Southern Holding Co. 5th av. No 2227, e s, 74,11 s 13Gth st, 25x100. Prior morl $3O,3l.;3.04. Nov 16, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 17, 1909. 0:1760. 1,750

Waldeck Co lo Southern Holding Co. 5th av. No 2231, s e cor ISGth st. No 2, 37,6x100. Prior mort .$55,727.27. Nov 36, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 37. 1909. 6:17110. 3.7o0

Wolf, Fannie to Max Lipman. Forsyth st, Nos 55 and .57, w s. 51.8 s Hester st. .50x99.11x50x100. Prior mort $82,000. Nov 1, 2 years. 6%. Nov 17. 1909. 1::;ii2. 2,000


Under this head the * denotes that the property is located in the new Annexed District (Act of 189.5),

.\rraour & Co and Armour Packing Co and Armour Car Lines lo FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST CO as t rustees . Brook av, w s, 87.0 n 1.52d st, late Rose st, ruus n w 13.3.11 x n e .50 x n w — to Bergen av. x n e 50 x s e 175 lo Brook av. x s w 102.0 lo be­ginning; also land iu Cook Co. Ill, Douglas Co, Neb; Wyandotte Co, Kan; Woodbury Co, Iowa; Tarrant Co, Texas; Hennepin and Rarasey counties, Minn, and Kings Co, N Y, also all rolling stock. SLC. June 1, due June 1, 3!I39, 4 ^ % , Nov 15, 1909. 9:2361.

gold bonds. $.50,000,0(10 .'Vlluiau, Rebecca and Joseph Siun-rman lo LAWYERS TITLE

INSURANCE SL TRUST CO. 34Gth sl, s s, 390.2 w Brook av. runs s 100 x w 0,9 to ws Mill Brook x n 0,5 lo w 30 x n 100 lo 146th st X e 34,9 to beginuing. Nov 13, 5 years, 5%. Nov 16. 1909. 9:2290. 32.000

Same to same. 346th sl, s s, .3-50 w Clifton av; also 340 w Brook " av, 50.2x3.00. Nov 33. 5 years, 5%, Nov 16, 1900. 9:2290.

40,000 Armour, Jane L wilh Harry Goodman et al. Cortlandt av, Nos

706 and 708. Exteusion of -$40.000 morl until Nov 1, 1914, at 5%. Nov 12. Nov 36, 1909. 0:2401. .nom

^Anderson, Charles T of Arlington, N J to Kate S Bell. Seton av, w s. 500 s Jefferson av, 36.5x100x38.7x100, Edenwald. Nov 15. 2 years, 6%. Nov 16, 1909. 300

Braunslein, Abraham with Alice M Doreraus, West Farms road, e s, 438.5 n 174th st, runs n 130 x e 29 to bulkhead liue Bronx River x s w — x w 15 to beginning, Suhordination agreement. Nov 12. 1909- 11:3020. nora

Boehm, Adolf lo DRY DOCK SAVINGS INSTN. Willis av. No 289, w s, 50 n I S O t h s t . 2.5x100. Nov 12, 1!KI9, dne. SLC. as per hond. 9:2302. ' 8,000

Barry Edward A and Arthur J to HARLEM SAVINGS BANK. Prospect av, w s, 33 s 37Sth st, three lots, each 29x100. Tiirre morls , each $15,500, Nov 12, 1909, 5 years, 5%. 11:3093, 46,500

Brener, Saml to American Baptist Home Mission Society. Brook av, w s, 1.S4.11 s Westchester av, runs w 68,0 x s w 30.7 x e ,82.9 to Brook av X n 27.3 lo beginning, Oct 27, 3 years , 5%. Nov 12. 1000. 9:2294. 2,00:)

Same and Jonas Weil wilh same. Same property. Subordination agreoniout. Oct 27. Nov 12. 19119. 9:2294. nom

Benenson, Benjamin to American Mortgage Co, 153d st. n s, 340.4 w EUon av. 54.8x100. Building loan. Nov 11, 1 year, 5 ^ % . Nov 12, 1909. 9:2375. 20,000

Brown, Isaac lo Prospect Investing Co. 367th st, s s, 333.3 w Hall pl, runs w 25 X s 23.5 x w 2.5 x n 38.8 x w 25 x n 346-33 to sl, X e 75 to beginning. Building loan. Nov 30, due Sept 30, 1930, G%. Nov 15, 1909. 10:2691, 60,000

Same and Irvine Realty Co with same. Same property. Subordi­nation agreement, Nov 13. Nov 15, 1909. 10:2691. nom

Bergen, Wm C to Clajrville E Benedict guardian Jaraes A Bene­dict and ano. Aqueduct av, o s, 537.0 s 3S3d sl, 37.0x101.8 to McCombs Dara road, x37.6x302.2. Nov 13, 3 years, 5%. Nov 15, 1909. 11:3211. 11,000

Blanchard, Rachel A with Gorman Evangelical Lutheran Church of St Paul In City of N Y. Topping av, e s, 109 s 170th st, 25x 95. Exlension of $5,500 morl until Oct 3, 1932, % as per bond. Nov 12, Nov 13, 1909. 11:2800. nom

'"Brennfleck, Henry to Kilian Klaucr. Plot begins 740 e While Plains road at point 920 n along sarae from Morris Park av, runs e 100 X n 25 x w 100 x s 25 to lieginniug, wilh right ot way over s tr ip lo Mori-is Park av. Nov 15, 1909, 3 years, 5%. 3,500

The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that infringement will lead to proaecutioD.

938 Mortgages RECORD AND (JTTTDE Bronx November 20, 1909






T h i s Brand ol Portland Cement is (00 favorably known in EVERY COUNTRY where cement is used tn need funhcrdcscrip-tion.

Brook Construction Co lo Manhaltan Mortgage Co. Clinton av, e s, 107 s ISOth st, 41x120-9x46x320.9. Prior mort $ . Nov 16, due, SLC, as per hond. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3094. 30,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as lo above morl . Nov 37, 1909. 31:3094.

Same to same. 180th sl, s s, S0.6 e Clinton av. 41.6x10/. Prior mort .$ . Nov 10, due, Scc. as per boud, Nov 17, 1909. 11:3094, 30,000

Same to same. Same properly. Certificate as to above mort, Nov IG, Nov 17, 3909. 11:3094.

Same to same. ISOth st, s s, 40 e Clinton av. 40.6x107. Nov 16, due, £c , as per bond- Nov 17, 1909. 11:3094. 30,000

Same lo same. Same property. Certificate as lo above mort . Nov 10. Nov 17. 1909. 11:.3094.

Sarae lo same. Clinton av, s e cor ISOlh st, 107.x39.9x107x40. Prior mort $ . Nov 16, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3094. 40.000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort. Nov 16, Nov 17, 1909. 11:3094.

Benenson, Ben.i to Geo H Coutts. 153d st, n s. 320 w Ellon av. 20,3x100. Nov 17, 1909, due, &c, as per bond. 9:2375. 6,.500

Bell. Enoch C of Nyack. N Y with L..\.WYERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO. lOGlh sl . n s. 90.8 w Union av. 2 lots, each 37.6x149.3. Certiflcate and declaration as to ownership, exlension, etc, of two bonds .and morts. N o v i . Nov 17, 1909. 30:2671.

Booth, Vincent ine T wilh Thomas Donnelly, Plympton av, e s, at w s Boseobel av. runs s along Plympton av. 73.4 x e 23.11 x e 46.3 to Boseobel av x n 01.9 to beginning. Extension of mor t for $2,000 lo June 22. 1912, nt 67c. June 24. Nov 17, 1909. 9:2521. nom

Baum Realty Co with METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO. Bathgate av, e s, 274,2 n 174lh st, 42x130. Extension of mort for $32,500 to Nov 1, 1932. a t 5%. Nov 4. Nov 38. 1909. 11:2922. nom

Bolton, Lavinia M to BRONX BOROUGH BANK, Vyse av, No 1901. n w s, about 190 n Boston road, adj land heretofore sold by Walker to Ward, runs n w 150 x n e 50 x s e 150 to av. x s w .50 to beginning. Prior mort $ . Nov 16, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 17, 1909. 11:2992. 1,100

Bergmann, Wm C E lo Fredk W Woltrich. Marmion (Marion) av, n w s, about 48.9 n 37Slh sl, and being n y, of lot 361 map Eas t Tremont, 66x350. Nov 17, 3 years, 5V2%- Nov 18, 1909. 1 1 : -3107, 3-000

Cleiand, Henry to Eliz.MacCarthy. Park av, e s, 217.4 s 179lh sl, 41.5x100. Sept 30, due May 5, 1912, 5%;. Nov 12, 1909. 11:3035.

30.000 Cohen, Mark H to Louis Seidman. 145th st . No 356, s s, 78.4 e 3d

av, 25x100. P M. Nov 13, 2 years , 6%. Nov 15. 1909, 9:2306. 1,500

"Campagna, Leonardo to Henry Ckamberlaine. 223d st, la te Olh av, s s, 330 w 4lh s t or av, 25x334, Wakefleld. Nov 35, 1909, 3 years. 5y^%. 3,000

Cushiug Realty Co to Kate Moore. 230lh st, s s. 25 e Oueida av, 25x100. Nov 15, due, &c, as per hond. Nov 16, 1909.

5.000 to above mort. Same lo same. Same property. Certificate as

Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. -—-^Chester Improvemenl Co to Albert Mamlock. Pa rker av, s s,

175 e Lyon av, 2,5x130. Prior mort $3,800. Nov 16. 1909. 3 year, 6%c. 3,000

*Same to same. Sarae propertv. Certificate as to above mort. Nov 16, 3909.

*Cilentano, Francesco lo Peter Handibode Jr. Lafayette st, w s, plots 3 and 4 on subdivision of plot 455 map (29 in Westchester Co) of Unionport, .50x108, Prior mort $5,(XK). Nov 17, 2 years. 6%. Nov 38, 3909. 1,500

*Caffrey, Jerome T lo Jacob Cooper. Plol begins 74() e White Plains road a l point 400 n along same frora Morris Park av. runs e 300 X n 25 X w 300 x s 25 to beginuing, with right of way over s tr ip to Morris Park av. Prior mort $3,000, Nov 17. 2 vears. (i%. Nov IS, 1009. 1.500

'Diehl. John to Fred^ M Weiss , ' Fort Schuyler road, w s, 15o n Marrin St. 2ox—x2ox91. Building loan. Nov 9. 3 years, o ^ % . Nov 13, 1909. 2,.500

*Diener. Louisa B to Louisa Scliaefer. 172d st. w s, 131 s Glea­son av, and being lot 021 map No 333 Gleason propertj-, 25x100. Nov 12, due Jan 3, 1913, 5%. Nov 15. 1909. 4,000

*Davis^ Vivian W and Willis 0 to Rufus L Scott. Schofield st, n s, oO e land Geo Byles. runs e 1.50 to Long Island Sound x n e 119 X w — lo point .50 e land Geo Byles x s 119 to beginuing City Island. Nov 36. 1909, 1 year, 6%. 300

*Del Donno. Luigi to Herbert S Ogden et al, exrs Edwin R But­ler- Columbus av. s s, 12.> e Garfield st, 50x300 aud being lots 489 and 490. raap Van Nesl Park. Nov 35, due Nov 3, 1914. -5%. Nov 16, 1909. 5,000

*Dumrauf, Ge_o lo -\dam Bauer. Clason Point road, e s. 122.3 n Leiand st. oOv:30J.7 to Leiand s t x55.7.xT6 aud heing lots 5 and 6 map No lOiK.l 12(1 lots, heing a subdivision of plot 23 on map Clasons Point. P M. Nov 10, 3 vears. 5%. Nov 17. 1909. 1,400

Ennis. Sara E t_o TITLE GUARANTEE Sc TRUST CO. Decalur av. No .32(12, e s, 2.3o,4 n 207lh sl, 2.5x190 to w s Parkside pl. Nov IS, 1909, due, &c, as per bond. 32:3355. 4.000

B & W Construciion Co lo Florence A Gallagher. Brook av, w s, 40 s 137lh sl, 40x100. Prior raort $33,000. Nov 15, 3 years, G'^'r Nov 17, 3909. "1:2264. 6^000

*Eiuersen, Christine lo Aline Guudcrsen. Wright sl , w s, and being lot 107 map No 1130 of 327 lots Hudson Park, 26x9Gx—xlOO. P M. Nov 11, due &c as per bond. Nov 12, 3009, 500

Froma Realty Co to .^lice M Doremus of Allenhurst, N J. West Farms road, c s, 438,5 n 374th st, runs n 330 x c 29 to bulkhead on w s Bronx River x s w — x w 15 to heginning. Nov 32, 1909, 1 year, 6%. 11:3020. 3,000

Same lo same. Same properly. Certificate as to above mort . Nov 12. 1900. 11:.3020.

Friedman Construction Co to L.AWYERS TITLE INS SL TRUST Co. Wesl Farms road, s e s, 397.S n e Hoe av, 50x96.OxoO.llx ,80,10. Building loan. Nov 15, 1 vear, 0%. Nov 18, 1909. 10:2751. 33,500

Same to same. Wesl Farms road, s e s, 147.S n e Hoe av, oOx 8 G . 1 0 X ; J 0 . 3 3 X I 0 . 3 3 . Building loan. Nov 15, 1 year, 6%. Nov 38, 3!X)9. 30:2751. 31,500

Same to same, Westchester av, n w s, 191.11 n e Hoe av, 50x 96,9x76,33. Buildiug loan. Nov 35, 1 year, 6%. Nov IS, 1909. 10:2751. 70,000

Same to same. Wesl Farms road, s e s, 147.8 n e Hoe av, runs n e 100 x s e 96.9 x s e 96.9 to Westchester av, x s w 100 x n w 76.31 X n w 76.11 to beginning. Certificate as to 3 morts aggre­gating $135,000. Nov 18. 1909. 10:2751.

Files. Geo W to Arlhur M Reese. Lind av, w s, 202.6 n Lawrence av. 2oxlOO. y> part . Nov 5, 1 year, 0%. Nov 16, 1909. 10:2527.

434 Fors ter Property Builders, a corpn to Park Morlgage Co. 263st st,

n e cor Liebig av, 37.6x100. Nov 15, due Oct 1, 1912, 5V>7c. Nov 17, 3909. 13:3423. ' 8,000

Same to same. Same propertv. Certificate as to above mort . Nov 15. Nov 17, 1909. 33:3423.

Same to Fredk P Forster . Same property. P M. Prior mort $8,000. Nov 35, due Apr 1, 3933, 6%. Nov 17, 1909. 13:3423.

2,025 Forbes Construction Co to LAWYERS TITLE INS & TRUST 'CO.

ISOth st. No 964, s s, 36.2 e Vyse av. 40x99.11. Nov 17, 1909, 5 years, 5%. 11:3132. 29,000

Sarae to sarae. ISOth st. No 968, s s, 76.3 e Vvse av. 40xl00.x40x 99.11. Nov 17, 1909, 5 years, 5%. 11:3132. 29.000

Sarae lo same. 180th st, Nos 964 and 968, s s, 36.3 e Vyse av, SOx 100.v80x99.11, Certificate as to two morls for $29,000 each. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3132. —

Grimm, Louis to Fr i lz Hartz and ano. Minford pl, w s, 34 n 172d st, 33x67: 372d st, n s, 67 w Minford pl, 33x100. Prior inort $29,000. Nov 11, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 16, 1909. 11:2977. 4,500

Geidel. John to Anna M Lowerre. 161st sl, No 407, n s. 66.4 e Melrose av. 25x65.3x25x65-9, except par t for street . P M. Nov 35, 3 years, 5%. Nov 36; 3909, 9:2383. 1.000

Getz, Edward G and Lillie L to Perry Avenue Conslruction Co. Perry av. s e s 199.6 s w 205lh st. 20x100. Prior mort $6,000. Nov 15. due May 15, 3910. 6%. Nov 16. 1909. 12:3345. 1,000

Gomprecht, Carrie. Lena Aronson and Samuel Rosenthal to Bar­bara Heffernan, gdn Wm Pohl. Southern Boulevard, w s. 333.3 s 182d st, 67.1x147.3x66x135.10. Prior mort $ — - , Aug 10, 2 years. 6%. Nov 16, 1909. 11:3111. 7,000

*Gorlon, Eliz to Helena Meier of College Point, L I. Plot begins 240 e White Plains rd at point 595 n along same from Morris Park av, runs e 100 x n 25 x w 100 x s 2-o to beginning, with right of way over s tr ip to Morris Park av. Nov 15, 3 years, 6%. Nov 16, 1909. 800

*Sarae to Mary Eagan. Same property. Nov 15. due Dec 1, 1912, oVi%. Nov 16, 1909. 500

Gaul, Christian, of Yonkers. N Y, lo Stuard Realty Co. Valles av, w s. about 400 n 254th st, 50x314,4x50x125.1 Nov 3. 3 years , 5'A7c- Nov 18, 1909. 13:3421. 560

Gaul, Christian, of Yonkers. N Y. lo Stuard Realtv Co. Newton av. w s, 250 n 2.54lh st. 50x100. P M. Nov 3, 3 years. 5%%. Nov IS. 1909. 13:3423- 640

Gareiss. Augustus with Max Borsuk. Southern Boulevard, w s. 150 n 187th st, -50x102.1x49,5x109.9. Extension of $4,500 mor t until Feb 20, 1911, at 6%. Nov 36. 1909. 11:3115. nom

'GiaccomaKZi,_Maria to Roberl N Quinn. 223d st, n s, 275 w La­conia av. 2oxl09.G and being lot .301 map 329 lots par t Schief­felin Esta te . July 19, 3 years, % as per bond. Nov 17, 1909.

337.50 Gartner, Nacie to Bernard Vogel. St Ann's av. No 427, s w cor

145th st, 49.11x75. P M. Prior mort $35,000. Nov 16. due Dec 1, 1912, 6%. Nov 17, 1909. 9:2271. 5.000

Hitchcock, Jennie C to Fredk G Laemmle. Nelson av. No 1018, e s, 200.6 n 164th sl . 25x70.10x25.2x69.6. Prior mort $5,000. Nov 13, due &c as per hond. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2512. 1,000

Hynes. Mary S with James H Spellman. Ogden av. No 1172, e s. 84 n 167lh sl, —x—. Extension of $3.(X10 mort unti l Nov 1. 1912, at .5%.. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2516. nom

'Hauser , George with Herber t S Ogden et al exrs Edwin R Butler. Lincoln st. w s, 100 s Columbus av, .50x100. Subordination agree­ment. Nov 15, 1909. nom

*Horowilz, Louis aud Henry Naschitz to Arthur J Mace and ano. Shell st, n s, 150 w Elwood pi and heing lots 753 and 756 map Laconia Park, 50x100. P M. Sept 22, 3 vears, 6%. Nov 18, 1909. 450

Horton, Lydiard to Edw S Burghard. 137lh sl . No 461, n s. 620.10 w Willis av. 16.8x100. Nov 16, 1 year, 5%. Nov 17, 1909,

•9:2282. 1,000 Irving Conslruction Co to UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK. Honey­

well av, s e cor 179th st. 32.6x85. Nov 18. 1909, due, Sc, as per bond. 11:3122. 22,000

Sarae lo same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort . Nov IS, 1909. 11:3122.

Sarae lo Frank Hertel . Sarae property. Prior mort $22,000. Nov 18, 1909, 2 years, 6%. 11:3122. 4,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort . Nov 18, 1909. 11:3122.

Investors Mortgage Co with Kate Moore. 236th st, s s. 25 e Oneida av. 2.5x100- Subordination agreement- Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909- 12:3370. nom

Irvine Realtv Co to Sarah E Bruce- Webster av, e s. 170.6 n 187th st, 33.4x333.10x33.2x132.2. Nov 36, 1909. due Nov 1. 1912. 5%. 11:3032. 16,000

Same to same. Same properly. Certificate as to above mort. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909. 11:3032. ,

Same lo Blanche W Cameron, exlrx Henry R Moore. Webster av, e s, 203.30 n 387th st, 33.4x335,6x33.2x133.10. Nov 16, 1909. due Nov 1. 1912. 5%. 11:3032. 16.000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort. Nov 15. Nov 16, 1909.. 11:3032.

Janss, Geo H to Harr ie t Balcom of Norwalk. Conn. 152d st. No 258, s s, 100 w Morris av. 25x118x25x117.11. Nov 12. 1909. 3 years. 5%. 9 : ^ 4 1 . 4,000

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November 20', 1909 Mortgages RECORD AND GUTDE BroMz 939


30 B R O A D S T R E : E : T . N H W YORK Kemp-Jones Realty Co to Thomas Donnelly, Plympton av, e s, a t

w s Boseobel av, runs s along Plympton av, 73,4 x e 23.11 x e 46.3 lo Boseobel av x n 01,9 to beginning. P M, Prior morl $2,000. Nov 17, 1909, 1 year, 0%. 9:2521. 2,000

Kemp-Jones Realty Co to Clinton S Harris . Plympton av, w s, al s w s Boseobel av, ruus n along Plympton av .33.6 x n w on Bos­eobel av 24.7 X w 58.4 x e .53.7 to beginning. Certificale as to mort for $10,000. Oct 22. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2.522. —

Kemp-Jones Really Co to Clinton S Harris . Plimpton av. n w s, 550 n e 170th st, runs n e 30.G to Boseobel av x n 24,7 x w ;)8.4 X e 53,7 to beginning. Oct 20, 3 years, 5%. Nov 12, 1909. 9:2522. 10,000

Korlh, Margt of Allentown, Pa to Theone H Loscarn. Intervale av. No 1234, s e s, 239.4 n e Home st, 24.10x51.1x26.3x59.2. Oct 30, 5 years, 5%. Nov 12, lOOil, 11:2974, 8,000

Kelly, Martin S lo J C Gaffney Conslruction Co. Simpson st. No 1083. w s. 3o9,10 s 107lh st, 37.6x100, P M. Prior raort $26,000. Nov 11, 3 years, 67c. Nov 12, 1909. 10:2720. 9,000

Kelly, Wm C with Hudson Mortgage Co. 17Sth st, s s, SO w Daly av, 80.7x81.4. Subordinalion agreeraent, Nov 12, Nov 15, 1909. 11:3121. nom

Kronenberger (Lawrence) Construction Co to Franz Plory. Seabury pl, No 1460, e s, 275 s 172d sl, 37.6x100, Nov 12, due &c as per bond, Nov 15, 1909. 31:2977. 22.000

Same to same. Same properly. Certiflcate as to above mort. Nov 12. Nov 15. 3909. 11:2977. • — -

Kraus, David lo J Frederick Williams, Pulton av, s w cor 174th st, 18.11x87.7x38-10x88.3. Prior raort $5,500- Nov 12, 1 year, 0%. Nov 13, 1909. 11:2930. 2,000

Kuntz, Louisa K and Frederick T Hoffman to KNICKERBOCKER TRUST CO, 3d av. n e cor 100th st, 50x100x46x100. Nov 8, de­maud, 6%. Nov 13, 1909, 10:2608. 2O,O00

'Lingsch, Fredreck A lo Herber t S Ogden et al exrs Edwin R Butler. Lincoln st, w s, 100 s Van Nest av, 50x100. Nov 15, 1009, due Dec 3, 1914, 5%. 6,000

Luongo, Rosa to Mary W' Reynolds of Brooklyn, N Y. 184th st. s e s, 141.11 s from n e cor 384th st and Bainhridge av, runs s e 83.8 X s w 25 X n w 77 to s treet x n e 26.3 to heginning. Nov 32, 3909, 3 years, 5^2%. 33:3024. 3,.5O0

^Lonie, Margarete J D to Fidelity Development Co. Lydig av, s w cor Muliner av, 50x100, and being lots 33 and .32, block 55, map No 333S, section 3, Morris Park. Nov 33, 3 years, % as per bond. Nov 36, 3909, 2,750

'''Same to same. Sarae property. P M. Prior mort $2,750. Ncv 11, 3 years, % as per boud. Nov 10, 1900. 3,350

LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO with J C Gaff­ney Construciion Co. Simpson st, w s, 397.4 s lG7tb st, 37.Gx lOO.Extension of morl for $26,000 lo Nov 11, 1914 at 5%. Nov 11, Nov 15, 1909. 10:2720. nom

LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO with J. C. Gaff­ney Construction Co. Simpson st, w s, 359,10' s 167th sl, 37,6x 30O. Extension of mort for .$20,000 to Nov 11, 1914, at 5%. Nov 11. Nov 15, 1909, 10:2726. nom

LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO with Leo Lev­inson. Union av, n w s, 26 n 168lh st and being lot 23 on map of part of Morrisania, east of Morse av, 40x301, except part for avenue. Extension of .$5,-509 morl until Nov 15, 1910. Nov 13. Nov 15, 1909. 10:2673. nom

LAWYERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO wilh Herman_ Jarecky,_Eslher Wohlfeld and Rose Baum. Bathgate av, Nos 17o4 and 17o6, e s, 232.2 u 174lh st, 42x110, Extension of $32,oOO morl until Nov 1, 1914, al 5 7 - Nov 10. Nov 12, 1009. 11:2922. nom

LAWYERS TITLE INS SL TRUST CO with Friedman Construciion ' Co. Stebbins av, w s, 100 n Jennings st, o plots, each 40x100. Extension of o morts for $20,000 each until Nov 9, 1914, a t 5%. Nov 9. Nov 12. 1900. 11:2904. nom

LAWYERS TITLE INS SL TRUST CO wilh Leader Bloom and Sil­verman Realty Co. Washington av, e s, 150.2 s 173d st, 2 plots, each -50xlO!).10. Extension of 2 morts for $38,000 eiich until Nov 9, 1914, at 5%.. Nov 9. Nov 32, 1900. 11:2914. uom

LAWYERS TITLE INS SL TRUST CO with Geo H Jacob Construc­tion Co. Boston road, s e s. 49.5 n Kiotb sl. 59.5x97.11x50.2x 129.10. Extension of $43,000 mort until Nov 12, 1914, a l 5%. Nov 12. Nov 17, 1909. 10:2(522. nom

Lawyers Mortgage Co with Eiiz Eisele. 139th st, n s, 206.6 e Alexander av, old line, 25x100. Extension of $lo,000 mort until Nov 26, 1912, at 5%. Nov 5. Nov 37, 1909. 9:2302. nora

LAWYERS TITLE INS & TRUST CO with Werner-Knaus Realty Co. IGGth st, n s, 90.9 w Union av, 2 lots, each 37.0x149.3. Ex­tension of two morts for $30,0(J0 each until Nov 1, 1914, at 5%. Nov 3. Nov 37, 1909. 10:2701. nom

Lilienthal, Lillie B with Eliz C Murphy. College av, w s, 172 n IGoth st, 22x92. Extension of $9,000 morl until Feh 26. 1915. at 5%. Oct 15. Nov 10. 1909. 9:24.37. nom

Lisanti, Joseph to East Bay Ljind & Impt Co. Casanova st, e s, 182 s Eastern Boulevard. 2oxl00. P M, Nov 16, due Dec 3. 1914, 5'A7.. Nov 17, 1909, 10:2767, 2708 and 2774. SOO

Longfellow Really Corpn to North American Morl Go. Freeman st, s w eor Longfeiiow av, 309.5x131.9. Nov 10, 1 year, 6%. Nov 17. 1909, 11:2993. 80,000

Same to same. Same property. Certificate as lo above mort. Nov 15, Nov 17, 1909, 11:2993.

Same and Daniel J Mendelson with same. Same property. Sub­ordination agreement. Nov 15. Nov 17, 1909, 11:2993. nora

MERCANTILE TRUST CO with Adolph Steiner. Willis av. No 142, Extension of $15,000 mort until Dec 1, 1912, a t 5%. Nov 15. 1909, 9:2279. nora

*McDonnell, John A to Hudson P Rose Co. McDonald st, n s, 280 w Stillwel! av, and being lots 228 and 229, map No 3130 of 327 lots, Hunter Estate , P M. Nov 33, 3 years. 5^;%. Nov 30, 1909. 837.87

*Same lo same. Rhinelander av, s s, 100 e Eastchester rd, and being lot 249, same map, 31.6x100x6,9x103.2. P M. Nov 4 3 years, 5'A7c. Nov 16. 1909. 412.50

Muller, Diedrich to GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. Home st, n e cor Forest av, 22.10x100x22.11x100. Nov 16, 1909, due Nov 1 1910, 5%. 10:2662. 15,000

.Malcolm (Thoraas D) Construciion Co lo Enoch C Bell, looth st, .N'o 428, s s, 145 \v Elton av, 50x100. Bldg Loan. Nov 15, 1 year, 6%. Nov 10, 1909. 9:2376. 23.000

Same to same. Same property Certificate as to above mort. Nov 35. Nov 10, 1909. 9:2376. • •

Same lo Rockland Really Co. Same property. P M. Nov 15, 1 year. G7r. Nov 10, 1909. 9:2376. 13,250

McGuire. Michael J to Samuel F Reynolds. Belmont av,_No 3902, e s, about 300 s 179th sl and 7.5 n from s s lol l8.i ou map Ryer Homestead, runs e 94.6 x n 10.30 x n 34.3 x w — to pl 100 s 179th st x s 27.2 lo heginning. Prior mort $8,000. Nov 13. 2 years, 0%. Nov 12, 1900. 13:3079. 4,500

Mortgage Investing Co with Lawyers Mortgage Co. St Anus av, e s, 85 s 137th st, 40x103.7x irreg xl02.8; Sl Anns av, e s, 45 s 137th st, 40x102.8x40x103.10. Two agr_eements as to share ownership in two morls. Oct 27. Nov lo . 1909. 10:2549. nora

Mara, John to Laraont McLaughlin trustee William Murray, Guu Hill road, u w cor De Kalb av, 25,.^x31o,llx25x320.9. Nov 12, 5 years, 5%. Nov 13, 1909. 12:3328, 350

^Mackenzie, Annie F wife Archibald T lo Eliz K Dooling. Taylor av (Harrison av), w s, 1.50 s McGraw av, 25x90. Nov 1, 3 years, 5',i%, Nov 17, 1909. 4,000

Mellwin Really SL Construction Co to Fridolin C Mehler. Honey­well av, e s, 24.11 n 17Sth st, two lots, each 20x312.8, Two morts, each $3,(X)0. Two prior raorts, each $8,000. Nov 17, 1 year, G%. Nov IS, l!)l>9. 11:3122. 2,000

Marx (John) Construction Co lo Sophie Knepper. Washington av, w s, 100 s 309th sl, 35x350, except par t for av. Certiflcate as to mort for $3,230. Sept 22. Nov 18. 1009. 9:2390.

'"Meyer, Rudolph with .A.ugusla Schark. 21tlth sL, n s, 397 e While Plains road, 2ox114. Extension of .$4,000 morl until Jan 3, 1915, at 5%. Nov 15. 1909. nora

•"Mooney, Mary A lo Ellen Connor. McGraw av. n w cor Leggett pl. 75x100 and being lots 335 to 337 map 370 lots McGraw Est. Nov 12, 1 year, 5%. Nov 17, 1900, 2,490

'•Monlerosso, Olimpia wife Rocco to Louis D Riggio ct al. Plot begins 195 w White Plains road al point 95 n along same from Morris Park av, runs n 25 x w 100 x s 25 x e 100 lo beginning, with right of way over strip to Morris Park av. Nov 16, 3 years, 5 ^ % - Nov 17, 1909. 3,000

*Sarae to Marie A Eastburn. Same property. Prior raort $3,000. Nov 16, 2 years. 6 ' / , Nov l l , 3909. 500

Malino, Ernestine lo Wra W Beidenkopf. Steuben av. w s, 300 s 210th st, 75x300. P M. Nov 35, 3 years, 5%, Nov 37, 3909. 32:.3326. 2,000

*Noll, August of Newark, N J, lo Fidelity Development Co. Fowler av, e s, 32.5 n Neil av, .50x300. P M. Nov 4, 1 year. % as per bond. Nov 33, 3909. 1,500

Noble & Gauss Coustruclion Co lo Jessie C Slrauss. Eagle av, w s, 300 s 15Gth sl, 37.0x99.1, Prior mort .$27,000. Nov 30, due &c as per bond. Nov 13. 3909. 1O:L>017. 4.090

Natale, Concetta to Rosalie G F Barr ct al trustees William Barr for Gillian W B Bailey. Villa av. Nos 3383 and 3185, w s, 338.4 s Van Courtlandt av, 50x100. P M. Nov lo , 1909, due Nov 1, 1912, 5V..7C- 32:3222. 2.000

*Niner, Harr ie t of Brooklyn, N Y and Stephen E Carmina to Herman Lowenstein. Edwards av, n e cor Lat t ing st, 50x300 and heing lots 338 and 139, map 1084 of Seton Homestead, Nov 0, 3 years, 6%. Nov 16. 1909. 1.700

O'Hara, David G aud John J lo Albert Taubert. Home st, old line. s s, a t w s Union av. old line, 100x70, except par t for av. P M. Prior raort $52,5i;0. Nov 17. 3 years, G%. Nov 18, 1909. 30;267L 32,000

PiuKka, Charles to Eliza Miller. 3SGth st. No 462, s s, 220 e Park av, late Vanderbilt av, 20x100, Nov 33, 3 years, 0%. Nov 12, 1909. 13:3039. 3,000

Pinzka, Charles to TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. ISGth sl . No 402, s s, 220 e Park av, 20x100. P M. Nov 3, due, Scc. as per bond- Nov 32, 3900. 33:;i039. 7,500

Sarae lo Solomon Katz. Same property. P M, Prior mort $7,.500, Nov 11, 3 years, 6%. Nov 12, 1909, 11:3039. 2,000

Power, Irene with Atlas Investors Co. Westchester av, n e cor Robbins av, 76,6x79.11x12.4x110. Exlension of $30,000 mort until Dec 3, 3912, a t 5%. Nov 13. Nov 16, 3909, 30:2644, nom

*Pieper, Frank to John Struckmaun. 234th st (20th av). n s, 200 e 2d st or av, 25x3 14. Building loan. Nov 36,_3 years. G%. until building is erected and o%, thereafter. Nov It, 1909. 4,001)

Proebsel, Anna lo Charles Massolh. Honeywell av. s e s, al n e s I S l s t st, 70,11x211.4x08.4x19.3; 17Slh sl, n _e s. al s e s Mobe­gan av, runs s e 143.4 x n e 36.4 x n w 14o.2 to av x s w 31,2 X s 4.0 to beginning. Nov 13, 3 years, 6%. Nov 15, 1909. 11:3123 and 3125. 2.000

Peters , Marie Q of Arlington. N J, to Anna Weiler widow. Clinton av, w s, 132.2 n Boston road, runs s 33..5 x w 28 x s 2.4 x w 60.2 X n 31.1 X e 88.2 to beginning. Prior mort $18,000. Nov 35, 3909, 1 year, 0%.. 31:2933. 5,000

Pilkingtou, Catherine lo William Klauberg. Undercliff av, e s, 325 s Boseobel pl. 1.•0x111.2x1.50x123.4. Nov 15, 1900, due &c as per bond. 9:2537. 6,0,10

Perry Avenue Conslruction Co to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO, Perry av, s e s, 339-6 s w 205th st, six lots, each 20x100. Six morts each .$6,000. Nov 15, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 10, 3909. 12:.3345. 30,000

Same lo same. Sarae properly. Six certificates as to above morts. Nov 15, Nov KS. V.)00. 12:3345.

Perry Avenue Construction Co to Anthony F Koelble. Perry av, s e s, 119,6 s w 205th sl, four lots, each 20x100. Four morls, each $1,500. Four Prior morts $6,000 each. Nov 10, 1909, due, &c, as per bond. 12:.'345. 6,000

Same to same. Same property. Pour certiflcates as lo above morts. Nov 16, 1909. 32:3345.

*Pletscher, Martin lo Peter Handibode. Jr . Av E. n w cor 31th st, 108x205, Unionport. P M. Prio • mort .$5,500. Nov 15, 2 years, 6%. Nov 36, 1909. 2,000

Phelan. Wra L to Moses Seelig. Valentine av. e s. 132.8 n I S l s t st, 20x118.3 to w s Tiebout av x20xll8.0. Prior morl. $8,000. Nov 15, due, &c, as per bond. Nov 16, 1909. 11:3144. 2,000

The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All r ights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.

940 Mortgages R E C O R D A N D G U I D E BroBx November 20, 1909


Elastic in i ts na ture , can be applied w i t h 25 per cent, less labor and has 12^4 per cent, more cov­ering capacity t h a n a n y other s imi lar mater ia l .

J. B. KING & CO., 17 State Street, New York

Poughkeepsie Savings Bank wilh John and Nicholas Schlemmer. 138th st, s s, 37.4 e Brook av, 38.11x100. Extension of $32.-500 mort unlil Oct 30, 1914, 5%. Nov 6. Nov l o , 1909. 9:2265. nom

Same with sarae. ISSth sl, s s, 76.4 e Brook av, 38.8x100. Ex­tension of $32,500 mort unti l Oct 30, 1914 a t 5%. Nov lo , 1909. 9:2265. nora

Same to same. Valentine av, e s, 152.8 n I S l s t st, 20x118 to Tiebout av x 20x118.3. Prior mort $7,500. Nov 15, due, &c, as per bond, Nov 16, 1909, 11:3144, 2,000

'Quarg, Frederick 0 to Fredk I Hoffman. Fowler av, w s, 125 n Rhinelander av, 2oxl42.4, and being lot 50 blk 40 map No 1138 Sec 1 Morris Park. Prior raort $4,000. Nov 13, due Dec 1, 1912, 0%. Nov 15, 1S)09. 1,300

1909. due &c as per bond. 10:2768. 1,000 Rizzuto, Mary J to Wm C Bergen. lOSth st. No 358, s s, 77.11 w

Decatur av, 20x75. P M. Prior mort $6,500. Nov 1, installs, 0%. Nov 15, 1909. 12:32S3. 3,000

•Ricciardi, Nicola to Michael Costello. Bronxdale av, w s, 189 n 187lh st, and being lots 75 and 76 map 1064 of 107 lots Hudson Park, SOxllOx—x96, P M. Nov 4, 3 years, 57c, Nov 12, 1909.

2,100 Rothenberg, Ett ie and Lena Segal to John G Clegg. Washington

' av No 1285, w s, 75 s 169th sl . 25x89,9x25x89.8. Nov IG, 3 years, 5%. Nov 18, 1909. 9:2390. 7.000

*RiIey, Wm A, John Cornacchia and Lorenzo Scinto to Eliz K Dool­ing. Treraont av, n s, at s s Tacoma st, 100x25x—x62, and being lot 382 blk L amended map (No 514) of_Mapes Estale , West Farms, except par t for Tremont av, Oct lo, 3 years, 5VJ:%. Nov IS, 1909. gold 7,500

Schwartz, Samuel to American Mortgage Co. Southern Boule­vard, s w cor Tremont av, late 177th st, 1 0 9 . 9 X 9 O . 1 0 X 1 0 0 X D 0 . 0 . Nov 18, 1909, 3 years, 5 ^ % . 11:2960. lo.OOO

•Stickel, Margaretha to Mary I Ehrgott , Glebe av, e s, 101 s Lyon av and being lot 36 blk A map Dore Lyon property, West­chester, 25,5x115.9x26.9x107.8. Nov 17, 3 years, 6%, Nov IS, 1909. ^.500

Schmidt, August F to Henry Roeder. Jennings st, No 749, n s, 156 e Union av, 57x86.8x70.11x44.0. Prior mor t $19,500. Nov 12, 5 years, 5%. Nov 15, 1909. 10:2902. 9,000

Schmitz, William and Gustav Eulenstein with Franz Flory, Seabury pi, e s, 275 s 172d st, 37.6x100. Subordination agreement. Nov 12. Nov 15, 1909. I l : 2 9 i 7 . nom

Sender Fanny and Blanche Kronethal with Annie Dorf. Boslon av. No 974. Exlension of $18,000 mort until Dec 1, 1914, a l 5%. Nov 3. Nov 13, 1909. 10:2623. nom

Schick. Kale to A J Schwarzler Co. Clay av. No 1224, n e cor 16Sth st, 34.6x80, P M- Prior morl $ . Nov 12, 3 years, 67c. Nov 15, 1909. 9:2427. 4,500

Schaefer, Sarah J wife Charles Jr to Eraraa K Janss. Vyse av, e s, 172 s 180th st, 35x112.11x35x113.6. Prior mor t $18,000. Nov 15, 1909, 3 years, 0%. 11:3132. 3.000

Saner, August to James A Woolf. 202d st, la te Summit av, n s, 964.3 w Briggs av, la te Williamsbridge road, 25x100, except par t for Grand Boulevard and Concourse, Nov 12, 1909, 3 years, 6%. 12:3308. 6,000

Simpson Construciion Co to Edna E Pat terson. Morris av, e s, 88.3 n 174th st, 75x85; Morris av, e s, 203.3 n l i 4 t b st, _2ox 85. Nov 15, due, fie, as per bond. Nov 16, 1909. 11:2(95.

6,000 Same to same. Same property. Certificate as to above mort.

Nov 10. 1909. 11:2795. Schrag, Louis with BOWERY SAVINGS BANK. Monroe av, No

1871. Extension of $6,000 mcrt until Nov 8, 1912, a t 4^^%. Nov 8. Nov 16, 1909. 11:2801. nom

Scheuerraan, Clyde E lo Russell W Tether. 3d av, la te Fordham av, w s, 25 s w 173d st^ S7.Sx9S.llx3i.O.';—; also 3d av, late Fordham av, w s, 03 s l ( 3 d st, 37.8x95.3x37.6x98.11. "A Part. Nov 12, due -&c as per bond. Nov 13. 1909. 11:2920. 3,500

Saim Moses to Abraham Kaufman. Valentine av, No 2S6S, s e s, 180-9 n e 198th st, 25x99x25x99.2. P M. Prior mort $ . Nov 9. 3 years, 6%. Nov 12, 1909- 12:3302. 1,500

Same to same. Valentine av. No 2870, s e s, 205.9 n e 198th st, 25x98.11x25x99. P M. Prior mort $ . Nov 9, 3 years, 6%. Nov 12, 1909. 12:3302- 1,500

'Thorn, Thos R lo MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF N Y. Have­meyer av (Av B). s e cor Houghton av (oth st) runs s 108 x e 105 X s 108 to n s Quimby av (4th st) x e lOO x n 216 to Houghton av X w 205 lo beginning, Unionport. Nov 12, 1909, due, &c, as per bond. _6,OO0

'Trisolini , Achille to Hudson P Rose Co. Basset t av, w s, 6DO S Saratoga av, 25x100. P M. Nov 9, 3 years, 5^4%,. Nov 13, 1909. 325

Tinton Av Construction Co to Arthur P Goldsmith. Tinton av, Nos 591 to 59i , w s, IOO n loOth st, 7ox9o.2x75x95.11. Nov 18. 1909. demand, 6%. 10:2053. 12,000

Same to sarae. Same property. Certificate as to above mort . Nov 17. Nov 18, 1909. 10:2653. ~

'Tozzini, .41emauo, Oltiilo and Silvestro, of Westchester. N Y. to Hudson P Rose Co. Lot 93 map No 1371 of resubdivlsion of lots 93. 94 and 108 on map 108 lots Coster Est. P M. Oct 28. 3 years, D^AZ. NOV 17, 1909. 300

''Trionfo, Domenico to Frediv J Holderman. Dudley av, s s, 2o w Cornel! av, 50x100. Nov 16, 3 years, 5%. Nov 17, 1909, 650

Tully, Micbl J lo Theresa Hirschberg. Beekman av, n w cor Oak terrace, 25x100. P M. Prior mort $ . Nov 17. 3 years, 5%. Nov 18, 1909. 10:2555. 3,000

Will, Anna to Lillie Cossin. Lol 1 parcel 9 map subdivision es ­tate Wra B Ogden a t Highbridge filed May 24, 1907. Nov 11,

-due &c as per bond. Nov 13, 1909. 9:2533. 850 Winters , Samuel to DRY DOCK SAVI.NGS INSTN. Longwood av, s

s,_ 147.3 e Prospect av, runs s 102 x s e 58.9 x s 10.8 x e 33 x n luO to Longwood av x w 76.1 to beginning. Nov 15, 1909. 5 yrs . 4i^%. 10:2688. 30,000

W*aterbury, Chas A to BROOKLYN TRUST CO, Mott av, e s, 35.7 n 150th st, 17.7x90, except par t for av. Nov 12, 3 years , o%. Nov 1.5, 1909. 9:2443. 5,000

"Wemyss, Fredk S. Courtney T and James S to CORN EXCHANGE B.\NK. Westchester av, n s, adj land formerly William Cooney, runs s w 90 x n w 147 x n e 101 x s e 84 x s e 103 to beginning, except par t for av. Nov 12, 2 years, 5%. Nov 15, 1909. 3,000

Williams (B A & G N), a corpn, to Port Morris Land & Impt Co. Walnut av, s w cor 133d st. 212,11 lo 132d st x275. P M. Nov 1.5, 3909, due &c as per bond. 10:2584. 60,000

Walton Building Co to Henry G Silleck. Walton av, w s, 468.9 s Fordhara road, late Highbridge road^ 318.9x101.5x317.11x101.6, except pa r t for av. Prior mort $40,oOO. Nov 10, demand, 0%. Nov 15, 1909. 11:3188, 5,000

*Wcrner, Theodore to Fidelity Development Co. Muliner av. e s, 150 n Lydig av, 200x100. P M. Nov 8, 2 years, interest as per bond. Nov 12, 1909. _ 4,000

*Same to sarae. Bogart av, w s, loO n Lydig av, 275x100. P M. Nov 8, 2 years, interest as per boud. Nov 12, 3909, 5,500

Webb, Geo W to C N Bovee. 203st st, n s, 325 e Valentine av, 25x 100. Nov 16, 3 years. 5%. Nov 17, 1909. 12:3307. 4,000

Wolf, Henry F A lo TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Hull av. No 3187, w s, 29.7 n 205th st, 25x100. Nov 16, due. &c, as per boud. Nov 17, 1909. 12:3346. 5,500

Whisten, Eleanor D wife Stephen A to BRONX SjWINGS BANK. Ryer av, e s, 34.5 s ISOth st. runs s 2o. l x_e Oo x s e 36.8 x n 21.6 X n w 37.9 x w 65 to beginning. Nov lo . 3 years, 5%. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3149 and 3144^ 5.000

Same to sarae. Ryer av, e s, o9.7 s 180th st, runs s 25.1 x e lOl X n 21.0 x n w 36.8 x w 05 to beginning. Nov lo , 3 yrs, 5%. Nov 17, 1909. 13:3149 and 3144. 5,000

Same and Edna A Pat ton wilh same. Ryer av, Nos 2072 and 2074. Subordination agreement. Nov 16. Nov 17, 1909. 11:3149 and 3144. • nora

Wright (Wm H) & Son, Inc to Arena A Wright . Briggs av. No 2071. w s, 301.11 n 194th st, 38.9x90.6x17.6x88.7. Nov 1.5. 3 years, 5%. Nov 18, lOOO, 12:3300. 6,000

Same lo sarae. Same property. Certificate as to ahove morl. Nov 35. Nov 18, 1909, 12:3300.

'WASHINGTON SAVINGS BANK with Henry Blumenstoek. Mul­iner av, w s, 229.G s Neil av, 50xl0o.x5Ox 103.4- Extension of two morls for $-500 each unlil Oct 27, 1910, a t 0%. Nov 10. Nov 17, 1909. nom


Nov. 11. 103d St. Nos 311 SL 313 East. Gertrude K Brea-

nan agt Angela M Milano et al; Alfred L M Bullowa, atfy; Francis A Dugro, ref, (Amt due, S4,106.) ^ ^ _ ,

SSth st. No 503 East. Theresa Schappert agt Philip Lynch; Emile A Hassey, att 'y; John J Freedman, ref. (Amt due, 513,116.31.)

Av St Nicholas, n e cor 172d st, 94.Cxl25, John H Behrens agt Kingsway Construction Co; A.lbert J Shaw, att 'y; Warren S Burt, ref. (Amt due, 322,053.95.)

Nov. 12. oth av, n w cor 137th st, 49.11x62.6. Mary

Rosenberg agt Samuel Schenker; Feltenstein & Rosenstein, att 'ys; Albert Blumensieil, ref. (Ami due, SlT.719.0r.)

l.'lTth st, n s, 62.6 w otb av. 51.6x99.11. Johu Staudt agt Samuel Schenker et al; Gustav Lange. Jr. att'y: Lauren Carroll, ref. (Amt due. 513,342.32.)

Lexington av, n w cor 33d st. 26.8x100. Bridget Clare agt Thomas H Monroe; James L Clare. atl 'y; Francis S McAvoy. ref. (Amt due, *i OGfi ^3 )

133d St. No 26 West. Emma Brltz agt Sarah Balagur; Thompson, Koss Sc Warren, att'ys; David Thomson, ref, (.\mt due, §1-1,151.83.)

Nov, 13. 149th St. No 400 West. Germania Lite Ins Co

agt John F Cockerill et al; Dulon & Roe. att 'ys; Adam Wiener, ref. (Amt due. $20,-795.90.)

3d av, n e cor ISSth st. runs e 337 to Fulton av. X n 41.S X w 111,1 X n 87 X w 60.10 x n 50 X w ISO X s 176 to beg. Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank agt Joseph F Schnugg; R & E J O'Gorman, alfys; Gilbert H Montague, ref. (Amt due, 5-57,215.28.)

West Houston st, n s. So.10 w Hancock st. 20 xlOO, Domingo T y Moran agt Samuel Bachner et al; Lemuel Skidmore. att'y; Julius J Frank, ref. (Amt due, 537.55S.8S.)

5th av. w s, 24.11 s 13-5th st, 25x90. Domingo T Jloran agt Mary Hirshfield; Lemuel Skid­more, att'y; Charles Leslie, ref, (.A,mt due, 523,546.25.)

Nov. 15. Madison av. No 747. Florence H Von Asten agt

Hubbard W Milchell; Eisman, Levy, Corn & Lewine, att 'ys; David Thomson, ref. (Amt

flue. §4.635.71,) Nov. 16.

95th St. n s, 125 w 2d av. 25x100.8. Virginia K White agt Ignatz Weisherger et ai; Louis F Reed, atfy; Chas W C Bates, ref. (Amt due, 515,240.16.)

Nov. 17. 133d St. s s, 107 w uth av. 28x99.11. Jacob Plait

agt Louis Lese; F P Hummel, att 'y; Fred R Rich, ref. Amt due, .59.689.32.)

164th st, Nos 434 Sc 436 West. Pine Moon Realty Co agt Max S A Wilson et al; W Ben­nett Marx, alt 'y; Edwin D Hays, ret. (.4mt due. $10,855.23.)

112th St. No 37 West. Morris Levy agt Vir­ginia A Tappeuden et al; Elek J Ludvigh, atfv; Ashley T Cole. ref. (Amt due. $3,-703.33.)


Nov. 13. No Lis Pendens filed this day.

Nov. 15. Slst St. n s. 150 e Tth av, 50x100. Edward Hoc-

tor agt Eliza Hoctor ei at; partition; att'ys. R & E J O'Gorman,

Nov. 16. Plimpton av, w s, 75 s 170th st, 20I.7xIOOx

irreg. John Norton agt James C Picken et al; action to foreclose mechanics Uen; atfys, Mc­Loughlin Sc Martin.

St Nicholas av. No 930. Isidor Bleiman agt Chas P Feibusch et al: action to enjoin, ac ; atfys, Weschler £ Rothschild.

Bronx Terrace, w s. lot 1218 and gore lOS, map of Village of Wakefield. Bronx. Prank M Ab­bott agt Wm B Diller; specific performance; atfy. H B Bradbury.

Stanton st. .\'o 121. I Essex st, Nos 154 Sc 156. |

Emily S Garside agt Sola Roth et al; action to cancel lease; atfy. H A Vieu.

Nov. 17. 2a st, s s, IST.Il e 1st av, 25xl(S.ll, Grand st. n e cor Goerck st, 25x75. Grand st. n s, 25 e Goerck st, 25x75.

.4nn;e Drucker agt Wilhelmina Slngler et al; admeasurement of dower; afy. J P Niemann.

9Sth St. No 2S7 East. Israel Freiman agt David Liebgold et al; action to foreclose mechanics lien: atfvs. Fried & Fried.

lolst st, s s. 220.3 e Morris av. 24.6x118.5. Al­fred J Schmitt agt Louise Schmitt et al; par­tition; atfy, J S Jenkins.

The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rlgbts are rea-rved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to proBeciitton.

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 941

The Ten Million Dollar Dock Improvement Just completed aloug- the North River, from Little 12th St. to 23d St., is built of steel and

EDISON PORTLAND CEMENT Uniformly 10 per cent, finest ground cement in the world

For htrther particulars luatch (his space or write to ihe


Boston rd. No 960- Amelia Fe tze r agt John Fetzer et al ; par t i t ion; a t t ' y , R M Bergman.

Madison av. No 769. Bertha Ullman agt Jean ­ette Busse; par t i t ion; a t t ' y s . Cahn, Nordl in­ger & Landauer .

Nov. IS . 86th st . No 437 East . I Montgomery st. No 62. |

Phil ip Rosenberg, t rustee, agt H y m a n Rubin et a l ; action to set aside conveyance, &c; a t f y , A Palmer .

I S l s t st, s s, 100 w Audubon av, 125x119, Stand­ard Plumbing Supply Co agt William H Bing­ham Plumbing Sr, Contract ing Co et a l ; action to foreclose mechanics lien; a t t 'y , S T Stern.

Sth st. No 315 East . Santiago P Cahill agt David J Simon et a l ; action to cancel deeds; a t f y , W D Stiger.

129tb s t . No 543 West. Northern Bank of N Y agt Will iam Gunn et al ; notice of levy; a t t 'y , C L HoHman.

Nov. 19, soth st, Nos 33 to 37 Bast . Amsterdam Build­

ine Co agt The Thirty-five Bas t Thir t ie th Street Co et a l ; notice of levy; a t f y , Robert W Bernard.

137th St. Nos 027 & 629 East . Ar thur G Muhl­ker agt Richard Kro the r et a l ; action to set aside deeds; a t f y s , A Sc H Bloch.

1st av . No 954. Emma B Miller agt Jacob Hoff­man Brewing Co et a l : action to foreclose me­chanics lien; a t t 'y , E I Herbst .

Broadway, n w cor 179fh st, 111,4x170.2. Max Salmon agt McDowell Construction Co; action to foreclose mechanics lieu; a t f y , H M Levin.

234th St. n s. 435 w Katonah av, 50x100. Geo H Leopold et al agt Bernard Schultz; action to foreclose mechanics lien; a t t 'y , B J Kelly-

Prospect av. w s. 125 n 167th st. 223.7xl0a2x irreg. Sieiman Real ty Co agt Pincus Lowenfeld et al ; specific performance; a t t ' y , W B Hop-ping-


07tli st. No 125 West . Daniel B Freedman agt George Smith. J r , et al ; a t f y , A L Wescott .

58th st, n s, 303.11 w Av A, 18.1x100.4. Maria C Langschniidt agt .Abraham Rose et al ; a t t ' y s , Hull , Arnold & Eberhardt .

Nov. 15, Crotona av, w s 125 n lS7th st, 50x100. 1 Elm st, Nos 85 to 93. 1

Henry K S Will iams agt J o h n M Cornell; a t f y s , Shiland, Shoemaker SL Hedges.

58th sl, n s, 311 e Oth av, 22x100.5. Sydney Bernheim agt Geo W Fa lk et a l ; a t t ' y s . Rose Sc Putzel .

14th st, n s. 326 e 2d av, 25x103.3. Rosehill Real ty Corp agt Giulio Legnani et a l ; amended; a l f y s . Bowers Sr. Sands.

18th st, Nos 648 & 650 East . Thomas M Blake agt John McDermott et a l ; a t f y , P J O'Beirne.

Cherry st, Nos 402 to 40(5. J ames A Trow­bridge agt Caroline E Miles et a l ; a t f y , A L Wescott .

83d st. No 606 East . Cbas C Busch et al agt Frederick Lesser et al ; a t f y . T Smith.

26tli st. No 336 East . Adolph Pawel agt Adolph S Miller et a l : a t f y . J Pawel .

13th st . No 234 East . Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y agt Louis Lese et a l ; a t f y . J McKeen.

Nov. 16. olh av, s w cor 126th st, 20.10x85, George Wad-

dington, t rustee, agt Emily G Pain ter et al ; a t t ' y s , Robinson, Biddle SL Benedict.

2d St. n s. 120.2 w Av A. 20.2x100, Bronx. Richard Fr ied lander agt Philip R Lryendecker et a l ; a t f y s , Lindsay, Kalish & Palmer.

152d st, n s, 350 w Court landt av, 50x100. Henry H Jackson agt Johnston United Real ty Co et a l ; a t f y , S H Jackson.

Tilden av. w s, lot 668, m a p of Laconia Park , Bronx.

1st st, s s, lot 653, map of Laconia Pa rk , Bronx. Two actions. F r a n k Koch agt A Shatzkin & Sons et a l ; a t t 'y , A Caccia.

Sth av, s e cor 41st st, 19x08.4. F r a n k B Mar­tin et al agt E G Pot te r Co et a i ; a t f y , S H a n ­ford,

182d st, s s, 120.3 e Washington av, 18x61.7x i r reg. Josephine F Geiger et al agt Hillside Real ty SL Construction Co et a l ; a t f y s . Oakes, Van Amringe & Schurz.

56tb st. No 240 West . Amy A C Montague agt Frederick J Kel ly: a t f y s . Ear le & Russell.

Nov. 17. Lots 135, 136 & 1.37. map of 336 lots, property

of Sisters of Chari ty, si tuated on Eas te rn Boule­

vard, opposite Country Club, Bronx. Chas V Gabriel agt Edw J Gallagher et a l ; a t f y , B E Rabell.

Water st, Nos 23 & 25. I Broad st, Nos 105 to 107. |

Northern Bauk o! N Y agt Adolph Hollander et a l ; a t f y . C L Hoffman.

95th st, No 229 Bast . Geo S Runk agt Liss­berger Sr, Jacobs Real ty Co et a l ; a t f y , F P Hummel ,

Lots 4, 48 & 49, m a p of 336 lots, property of Sisters of Charity, si tuated on E.-^Etern Boule­vard, opposite Country Club. Bronx. Chas V Gabriel agt Wm P Rooney et a l ; a t f y , B E Rabeil.

S3d st, Nos 127 & 129 E a s t ; two actions. John H D Meyer agt John H Yockel; a t f y , J M Ruck.

Broadway, w s, whole front between lOSth and 109th s ts , 201.10x100. Caroline Hecht agt Manhasset Real ty Corporation et al ; a t f y s , Guggenheimer, Untermyer Sr Marshall .

175th st . No 10301/. East , Robert H Bergman agt August F rank et a l ; a t f y . H K Davis.

Sth av. No 2573. Mary S Leech agt Wm A Egner et a l ; a t f y , H Swain.

Nov. IS. One half of lots Vi to 7. map of Es la t e of Orrla

P Fordham. City Island, Parcel of land under wate t s of Long Island

Sound iu front of and adjacent to the uplands of Ezra L Waterhouse . Town of Pelham, cou-laining 1.G7 acres . Rosalie A Will iams agt Chas H Collison et a l ; a t f y . D Mathewson.

U t h St. n s, 326 e 2d av, 25x103.3. Rosehill Replty Corp agt Giulio Legnani e t a l ; amended; a t f y s , i iowers & Sands.

165tb st, n s, 145,5 e Boston av, 16.4x40xirreg, Gertrude Bougman agt Ida B King et a l ; a t f y s . Black, Varian Sr. Someis .

Brook av, w s. 55.6 n St Pau l s pl, 22.3.x35x20.8x 34. I rving S Balcom- agt Abraham Shatzkin et al ; a t fy . B P Gerding,

136th st, n s, 95 w Brown pl, oO.xlOO. Alice S Anderson agt Nellie B Bogart et a l ; a t f y , M J Horan.

Clinton av. No 1996, Richard C Burns agt Samuel Lewis et a l ; a t t 'y , A S Weltfisch,

Martha av, w s, 85 n 238th st, 20,1x100. Caro­line Fors t e r agt German Real Estate Co; a t t ' y , S Miehliug.

Nov. 19. 97th st . No 106 Eas t , John J Mahoney agt

Rachel Weissman et a l ; a t t ' y , D P Mahony. 97th Et, No l i s East . Same agt John Donohue

et a l : a t f y , D P Mahony. 07th st, No 108 East , Same ag t Michael Lupo-

witz et a l ; a t f y , D P Mahony. Av A, e s, IIS.O s ISth st, 19.6-^:95,6- Josephine

D Kumpt extrx agt Moses Selig et a l ; a t f y , J H Mahan.

113th St. Nos 339 £ 341 East . Louis C Tiffany gdn agt Abraham Norwalk et a l ; a t f y s , De Fores t Bros.

S3d st . No 606 Eas t . Chas C Busch et al agt Frederick Lesser et a l ; amended; a t f y . T Smith,

7th av, w s. 22 n 33d st, 19.2x61.2xirreg. F r a n k ­lin Savings Bank in tbe City of N Y agt Louis Voelker et a i ; a t f y . W M Powell.

Cherry st, No 362. Lawyers Mortgage Co agt Tiliie Heicklin et a l ; a t f y . G Cary.

35th st. No 209 East . City Real Es ta te Co agt Helen McCartney et al ; a t f y , Allen £ Sabine.


In those lists of Judgmen t s the names a lpha­betically arranged and wliich are flrst on each line a re those of the judgment debtor. The let­ter (D) means judgment for deficiency. (*) means not summoned, (t) Signifies tha t the first name is fictitious, real name being unknown. Judgments entered during the week and satisfied before day of publication do not appear in this column but in list of Satisfied Judgments .

The Judgments filed against corporations, etc. , will be found a t the end of the list.

Nov. 13 Asch, Paul—H Miller 5100.-^9 13 Ahrens. Henry J—J Laudy 66.15 15 Apotheker, William—W J Smart 59.41 15 Altieri, Mary—L F r a n k et al 243.09 16 Aderer, Adolph—Manhattan Leasing Co,178.05 16 Ackinson. Johu* SL John T et al—Northern

Bank of N Y 90.40 16 Arnold, Bertha or Brand or Abbott—A Slen­

der 279,47 17 Anness, John—E W Coykendall 857.83

17 Aronowsky, Abraham—B Wel ler . .cos ts , 71.89 17 Anderson, John J—F H Brown et a l . . . . 7 3 . 8 6 l l Austin, J ames C—G B Hayes 367.50 IS Armano, Luigi—R Mascolo 92.01 18 Alexander, Bernard—United States Title

Guaranty & Indemnity Co 40.51 19 Altman, Adolph—A Rosendah! 23.91 19 Archer . Geo M—B M Johnslou et al . .2 ,972.29 19 Apfel. H a r r y - I m p e r i a l Engraving Co. 115.49 13 Ealassa, Cornel et a l - H C Wet te ran &

Co 74.7S 13 Burger . Rudolf Sr Clara—T & E Casselraan.

74.94 13*BradIey, Gordon & Winfleld H—R H Hicks

et al 3i7.35 13 Baum, Max C—Title Guarantee & Trus t Co

costs. 102.20 l: Bradshaw, C h a r l e s - B W Monbo 107.97 13 Bass, jKmes M—U L Bass 1,652.36 13 the s a m e — P N Milsted 2.070.93 15 Bindler, Charles fi: J o s e p h * - P e n n Produce

Co 220.61 15 Brown, Max—J Leibl ing 66.41 15 Blumberg, Samuel—Frederick Stearns Sc Co.

65.76 15 Bowne, Thomas G—C A Fisher 12,289.60 15 Baruch. Herman—A Koplik 50.31 15 Boyle, John et al—People. &c 100.00 15 Baumohl, Harry—L Steinwurzel T9-50 15 Beet, Thomas—M Brill T4.30 15 Bisco, Nathan—H Lewkowitz 161.80 l.t Birnbaum, Louis et a l - C Steiner 947.90 15 Brewster , BP. rue tt '—Interborough Rapid

Transi t Co costs, 73.88 16 Barker , Thomas et a l - J M Bromley. .5,126.92 10 Burnham, Blla F—S Waidelich 7.203,15 10 Brand. Ber tha or Arnold or A b b o t t - A Slen­

der 279.47 16 Burger , Charles—F Schuaufer 193,12 16 Brewer, Mary S - S B Balcoim 166.70 16 Bern, Edward—Encyclopaedia Britannica.41.86 16 Bammann, H a r r y G—F L Froment et al .142.26 10 Bowman, Sumner S—C A Davidson 390.22 16 Eyr))es. Horace D—C Dierek et al 115.91 16 Berger, Emil—W T Koch et al 355.96 16 Berman, Ju l ius et al—R Schwartz 614.29 IT Bland, William—H Batjer et al 190.08 11 Bua, Demetrio—O'Brien Bros 85.97 17 Barnes, Henry—G B Childs Co 39.26 17 Brill, Joseph—B Nathanson 223.41 17 Brenner, Alexander—E Hamil ton 99.77 17 Bedell, Ar thur G—G Kershaw et al 250.00 17 Bleich, Ignatz et a l - J Saltzberg et a l . .486 ,06 17 Benantcid, Bernard Sc Harry—D A Shultz _

Novelty Co 70.43 17 'Berkowitz , Jacob et al—J Aronauer 06.15 17 the same the same 60,95 IT Bedford, Geo P—W Henn 26.89 17 Baxter, F r a n k C—Gimbel Bros 142.47 17 Berkman, B e c k i e - S Leiberman 1,103.92 IS Barbato, Salvatore—I Silberberg 41,91 18 Broderick, Michael J—John Burke Impor t ­

ing Co 193.49 IS Blitzer, Max—State Bank 219.44 18 Bates, Hayden—S May 44.26 18 Brooks, Adolph el al—M J Altschul 17.65 IS Bernheimer Murray S—A H Whi t t l eman .

163.65 IS Beekerman, Louis—P Liehovitz 32.41 18 Block, Henrv J—United States Title Guar­

anty Sc Indemnity Co 62.61 I,S Bush, J ames J—E Dickerman 317.15 18 Bachner, Fred & Pannie—B Gruber 47.12 IS Bergman, Mary—S Mann et a l , . . c o s t s , 6S.47 IS Bergman, Abram—M Cohen 337.65 IS Barne t t . Gustave—Louis Solomou Sc Co.40.56 18 Bishop, Claude P et al—Morning Telegraph

Co 33.42 18 Beck. Reinhold L—Julius Levy Co 125.S7 IS Brill . Joseph—Eagle Wais t Co 06.91 18 Burkhard t , Henry et al—Empire State Gar­

age costs. 120.81 IS the same Jaroes Beggs fi: Co..1,562.TO 18 Barlow. Allred E—Kingshridge Real Es t a t e

Co costs. 47.97 19 Berny. Louis et a l - A Brown 60.66 19 Beer, Morris et a l - G F Anger GS7.31 19 Bovee. Edw C—Gurney Hea te r Mfg Co.222,11 19 Bruno, Leonardo admrx—South Brooklyn

Ry Co costs, 68.54 19 Bisslug, Harry—W F Ir ish Electric Co. .112,50 19 Brady, Joseph L—Mercantile Finance Co.

. . . 48.00 19 Bentley, Ar thur & Alice M—Northern Bank

of N Y 120.90 19 Burke. James F—M Rosenfield et al 78.89 19 Buff, Emil—P Wildhaber 95,22 19 Brayden, John D—Electric Repair Co. ,65.26 19 Bond, Caroline M—Press Pub Co. .costs, 23,08 13 Cnrren, J o h n - C J Carroll et al 3,660.72 13 Cashriel , Bernhard—C H Levit t et al 76.71 13 Cohn, Benjamin—B Bernzweig 1,389.58

T h e t e x t of t h e s e p a ^ B Is c o p y r i g h t e d . Al l r i g h t s a r e r e s e r v e d . N o t i c e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t i n f r i n g e m e n t wi l l l e a d t o p r o s e c u t i o n

942 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

Vulcanite Portland Cementand Berkshire "Snow White" Portland Cement Del ive red in s m a l l o r l a r g e q u a n t i t i e a a t j o b a n y p o i n t in M a n h a t t a n or B r o n x , by o u r p r o m p t a n d re l i ab le t r u c k i n g se rv ice ,

"The Brand with a Reputation." VULCANITE PORTLAND CEMENT CO., Flatiron Building, N .Y.

13 Catherwood, Edw D—.Miucrv.i Realiy Co, IT.-S.Ta

l.j Colnan, Aaron—J N Jorgensen 2,S.3U 15 Cohen. Morris et a l - J Pers l l , i .45 15 Cohen. Mildred—Consolidated Gas Co of

N Y cosls, 111.07 15 Cowley, Edw .4—H B Ayres 434.49 15 Curry, Ida—L D Bendis 113.16 16 Coleman. Edward—D M Juuk 230.38 16 Cohen, Sarah fi: Morris—W Peirez 279.01 lli Ch-isin, Jacob—S Badell 44,41 11) Cooper, Joseph—W Wiltchik et al 24.17 Hi Creelman, John A et a l - J M Bromley.5,126,92 Ifi ConnezzsTa, Domenico—1 Hellman 15,S.53 16 Cooper, Irving—A H Goetting 126.23 16 Caznmever. Jerome et a l - R W Hebberd.S4.72 16 Cohn, Emma—E Hamillon 1,130.88 111 Cohen. R o s e - H L R Himmel :i7.5J 16 Cook, F r a n k - M Donueily 1.463.119 17 Campbell, Wm J—M A Davis 17;i..:i2 17 Casiellano. Tony—D T Merritt et al 64.83 17 Casey, Thomas H—I Modry 66.65 17 Clark, Isabella—J Baumann et al 66.40 17 Cowley, Edw A—John Forsy the ( Inc) , .155.38 17 Castilluecio, Fiori le et al—People, &c.2,OU0.Oi) 17 Caporale, Peter the same 2,000.00 17 Colieii. Louis—H E Sever 46.99 18 Cooper, Louis D—G E M y e r s . . . .costs, 79.42 IS Carlson. E v e l i n a - N Y Edison Co.costs 109.43 IS Caples, Byron H—M Edelmuth 23.78 18 Corcoran, William—M Behrer 416.39 18 the same the same 221.14 18 Cassesse, Biagio & A n t o n i o - H Bohme et al.

65.91 IS Crusius. John N—J T Eagan 1,121.90 19 Chadwick, Robert et a l - R W Hibbard . .49.72 19 Clyli. Victor—W F Crosby 463.41 19 Cohn, Louis—A Weil 563.03 19 Curren, Minnie—M N Clement 1,820.97 19 Canfield. Delia A—N Y Transpor ta t ion Co.

costs, 56S.17 19 Cox, Elizabeth J SL Isabel—Isaac G John­

son SL CO costs, 112.10 19 Cook, Chas E—Carey Li thograph Co...S7.2l'i 19 the same Carey Show Pr in t 3S.j.u;; 19 Calvert, Wm E—A Schmidt 17S,.55 19 Connrie. Alexander J—I H Cokefair, . .167.16 19 Curley. John J—Hollywood Co 103.38 19 Campbell, James J—Charles W Aschenbach

Co 75.67 1.1 Doyle. Andrew M—Columbia Mantel Co.

50.31 15 Donnelly, Richard—W S Verp l ancks . . .319.67 15 Donato. Narciso C—Edward Thompson Co.

188.99 De Palo. Thomaso—J Foelger et al 35072 Dickstein. Samuel—I J Rubin et al 43.16 Denirrest , Andrew J et al—People, &c.,2l>0.O;i Dolan, Joseph et al the same 100.(1(1 Davis, Har ry C - J C Hinr ichs 72.51) Downey, J ames et a l - J M Bromley. .5.126.92 Dolan, James—Press Pub Co. . . .costs, 159.y4 Dallin, Louis—V Hat te rmer T6.41 Duke, Oak—J C Wait et al 4,llS,S.,^S Diener, Alfred I—I Rubensloue et a l . , ..59.41 David Chrs T—M Finkels te in 1(1.15 Dexter. Corydon J—H White 297.32 De Goode, Wm .k—A A Weeks Hoskins Co.

.361.94 Deutseh, Samuel—A Grossman et a l . ,1,167.9.1 De Mesa. H . m u i h a l - E Herz i,39.72 Drapp, George—E S . \ lpaugh et al 7601 De Mille, Matilda B—Geo C Fl in t Co. .177.03 Douglass, Wal te r E—Consolidated Gas Co.

23.20 Dempsey, Charles et al—Central Union Gas

Co 102.42 Dominick, Paul—J M Tully el al 702.85 Dumas, Alexander et al—I H e i s m a n . . . .97.6.'i Davis, Benjamin D—S Hyman Co 68.07 Dick, Adolph E et al—Lake Hopatcong Club

1,211,60 Deutseh, David et a l - W F Clemmons.404.71 Duheshtir , Isadore et al tbe s a m e . . .404.71 Doty, Samuel W—White Van G l a h n ' & Co.

219..35 Dietz, Sarauel—E E Beardsley 52.41 De Pascale , Antonio—S F Bridges 421.52 b reye r , A b r a h a m - S a l t Springs National

Bank of Syracuse 506.89 Darl ing. Oscar—J M Jagger ITS.29 Dodge, Grace—A Blake 171.,)0 Deutseh, Louis—Swift St Co 22.41 Dolphin, M Mar t i n -Unde rwood Typewri ter

Co 30-90 Ephra im. Lee et al—People. &o lOd.dD Ehrgot t , Geo M et a l - C Hyman 237.15 Evans. Willard et al—People, &c lOO.uo Engert , Geo A et al—J H Bromley. ..5,12ii.'.i2 Emdin. L i o n e l - A L Root 129.77 Bhrgolt , Geo M—M J Packard et al 115.87 Eisenberg, Morris et a l - H Berkowitz et al.

105.93 Ely, I-Inrry A—J Johnson 1,040.66 Eichner, Nathan—M A Lawson 507.14 Fan to . Adolph et a l - H C Wat te rau & Co.

74.7, ^ Federman, Charles—D Meyerowitz et al,

691.84 13 Fogarty, Wm P—S A O'Reilly 769.-59 15 Farre l l , Patrick—M Levy 47.21 15 Frankel , Charles & Marie*—H Burg , . . 119 91 16 Ficken. J o h n - C Koster et al 113.21 16 French, Wm S—Metropolitan Street Ry Co.

costs. 70.38 16*Plaherty, Eugene et a l - S P Jones et al.326.T7 16 Prank , iiloe—Aaron Buchsbaum Co

costs. 27.67 16 Feigenbaum, N a t h a n i e l - J L Davis et al.79.79 16 Fi tzgerald. John J—F J Parker 173.15 17 Fellows. John A et a l - A Molyneaux. ..234,.S4 17 Fuller . El la G H—C E Kankke 22S.41 17*Floshenberg. Louis et al—J A r n a u e r . . .60.95 l l Flashenberg. Louis et al tbe s a m e . . . 6 6 . 1 5 17 Feldman, Henry—John Rus j i t s F u r Co, ..SO.28 17 Friedraan, Solomon—L Crone costs. 23.88 17 Freystadt , Daniel 0—M L Erns t et al.3.475.82

15 15 15 15 16 10 16 16 16 17 17 IT 17

17 17 17 18 IS


18 IS* IS IS

19 19 19

19 19 19

19 19 19 19

15 15 15 16 16 IS 18

IS 19



IS F i iedman. Leon—J M Stewart 2'.IS.17 IS Frank, Benjamin A—A Macy et al 192.40 LS Ford, Geo L, & Geo L Jr—W H Knochen-

hauer 46.17 18 Feder, Morris H et al—M J Kramer.2,591.oS IS Fine, Morris—B Boskey et a l . . . . c o s t s , 23.97 18 Fasano, Angelo N et al—Bngel-Heller Co.

154.30 19 Finkel, Hyman—J Lapinsky Sc Co 121.71 19 Finkelstein, Meyer et al—O Walsh et al .78.53 19 Faybick, John—M Fr iedman 48.07 19 Feenev, Michael et a l - R W Hebbard ot ai,

49.12 13 Garfine, Oscar et ?.l—S Meyerhoffer 5;4.31 13 Gladow, Adolf—V Loewers Gambrinus

Brewery Co 1.633.57 13 Golding. Gustav—L Golding costs, 97.30 15 Griffin, John et al—People, &c 100.00 15 GalL-gher, F ranc i s - ; 3 Blech 84.90 J5 Graff, Harold A—Brooks Bros SS.84 15 Gross. Anuie—3 Silberstein 5,129.92 16'Goldman, Har r i s et al—L Saideman. . . .331.91 ifi-Goldenblum. Abraham et al—I P ickus . .224.65 16 Gleason. Michael—W Hill 1,649.69 16 Gommel. Peter et a l - J M Bromley. .5,126,92 16 Greenfield, W i l l i a m - F Schnaufer 201.72 16 Gluck, John—E Kaufman et al 235,54 16 Greene, Har twel l S—National A l u m n i , . .78.63 16 Gregory, Ji'mes—S Morris 126.50 16 Goldberg, .Morris—Gleason Tiebaut Glass Co.

149.95 16 Grnbn, SamuEl—Gill SL CO 262.79 16 GroH, Chas W—S Bernstein 2!).41 16 Gravoys, Samuel &. Bessie—M Mandel . ,115,63 16 Gottel, Charles—Schwarzschild & Sulzber­

ger Co 42.12 16 Gross, Max et al—R Schwartz 614.29 17 Glaser. Max—D Weissberger et al .costs, 69.30 17 Gardiner, Oliver W—G F Maddock 106.04 17 Gentile, Michael—E J Davey et al 278.87 17 Gersbowitz, Mendel—E Meller 6-53.78 17 Gottlieb. Fannie—W H Bormsnn 1.423.22 17 Gill ingham, Chas N—W H Hussey et al.

114.l;l 17 Gotlman. Willie—M Gruber et a l . cos t s , 13,0,:i 17 Gorham, John M et a l - A L Sykes 2BO-92 17 Grasshorn, George—J E -X'ichols et a l . .291,23 17 Gerbereaux, Edward—H Will iams 152,12 18 Goldenberg, Albert A et a l - W J Bla i r , .35 .31 IS Goldstein, H a r r y et al—Catelina D V Potter .

100.03 IS Guriau, Henry et al the same 106.03 IS Gifuni. Joseph—United States Title Guaranty

& Indemnity Co 95.76 IS Goldberg, H a r r y et al—I Goldstein 98.30 IS Geiser, Chas J—Record SL Guide Co 40.15 IS Gigioli, Federigo F—Slallman Co 7S1.27 IS Gallasher , E l i z c b e t h - N a t h a n Hirsch el al.

costs, 17.31 IS Guire, Lizzie—W Pra tz et ai 74.21 19 Gilts, James M & Aracely de B—H Jacoby

et al 87.86 19 Goldman, Barnet or Barney—A Schlesinger

291.67 10 Grlem, Gustav A et al—C S Rosenblat .318.25 19 Greeu, John—Steinway fi: Sons 227,56 19 Green, L a i i t i a - W W Ladd costs, 73.88 19 Godet, Henry—A E Hasbrouck 1,934.13 19 Goldstein, Max—W C Rosenberg 174.55 19 Gillies, F r ank B SL Wm P—C B Elckhoff.27.41 13 Hea thman . Harry—A Heyer 90.:i3 13 Heiaizelmcnn, Henry—E L Forsgren et al.

35.32 13 I-Iomburger, Lionel M—S Schiff 227.61 13 Hyde, L i o n e l - D J Sargent 31.91 13*Heilziier. Frank et a l - E McC j a q u e s . 1,654.42 15 Harawitz , Abraham—Edward Thompson Co

21)0.03 15 Hafner, Fred et a l - C Furch t 139,18 15 Hal leman, Jacob et a l - A Petry 234.75 I'l Hennindinger , Bert—C Toerge 61.05 15 Hyrn i s . Samufel-J H Sturk 59,41 15 Helland, Nathan D et al—M Seidner, .606,26 15 Holl ins, De Ruyter M—A K Bourne

costs. 47.85 15 Howard, Lawrence et al—People. & c . . . .109.00 15 Holmes. Tbomas et al the same 2011.00 15 Herfurth. Rudolph W—N F Scribner et al.

117.22 111 Hut ter , John—E J Gillies et al 28.66 16 Hollander, Christ ian B—C M Neundorff. .37.35 16 H r r t m a n , Albert C—B Soloraon 75.00 16 Har tenste in . H Rich ihe same ,39.31 lli Henne, John E et a l - R W Hebberd 84.72 16 Harnet t , Michael D—0 Mills costs, 107.95 IT Hine, Caroline S—J G Kloes 137,47 l i*Horeman, Eolomon et a l - G H Lewis et al.

428.67 17 H?ymann, Amelia et a l - J PollakofE,!5,223.23 17 Headier . Menschel et a l - J Saltzberg et al.

486,00 17 Hess. Anton M—Philip Hano & Co 265.29 17 Heaney, Bart ley—Thompson-Starret t C o . . . .

costs, 13,0^ 18 Holmes. Wm C - J J Bar ry costs, 47.S5 IS Horii. Nathan et a l - B Libowitz 175,41 1,'; Herzberg, Joseph—United States Titie Guar­

anty SL Indemnity Co 22.91 IS Hillenbrand, E Francis—Consolidated Gas

Co of N Y SG..39 IS Huber, A u g u s t a - H Holmes et al 52.80 IS Houlihan, J?mes J—Preferred Accident Ins

Co of N Y costs, 263.89 IS Hararick, Oliver M Sc Winfield S et a l - R

Cohen 668.01 IS Hirsch. Sarah et a l - J B Gut t in . .costs, 72,78 IS Hass , Jacob G et al—City Fireproofing Co

et al costs, 94.60 19 Hollander. ' H e r m s n & David—G Willcomb

.304.86 19 Harr i s , Abraham A—Peoples Bank Sc T rus t

Co 387.20 19 Hill . Isidor L—A M Lasser 81.81 15 l ana io . Carmine or Yanaro—Ebling Brew­

ing Co 860.20 17 Israelowitz, Ma.'^-3 Rosenfeid 2O0,(K) 1.** Irving, R Johnson—C M Higgins.costs, 202.73 !,•< Ingold, Wm F et al—Lake Hopatcong Club.


19 Ireland, Jobn B et a l - B F Goodspeed. .693.80 13 Jackson. Geo G et al—F P Maup:ii 305.2i 15 Johuson, Kutus et al—People, SLC lOU.OO 15 Jenkins , Wm T. J ames A & Annie S—E L

Sykes 62.97 16 Jackson, Aonie—T Gibson 60.90 16 Jaffe. David & Baske—A Levy costs, 32.50 17 Jordan, Edw L et a l - A Molyneaux 234.84 17 Joyce, Michael F—J 0 Naughton 1,027.T6 l l Jabour . Anees fi: David* et a l - W Henkel

J,- 484,41 17 J r h l . Richard H—Saks £ Co (Inc) 88.25 IS Joline, Adrian H et al, rec'rs—J Malone . ,

,- 2.629.53 IS Jacobs. Jacob—S M Goldberg costs. 69.68 IS Jus to , Toaey—C Massco costs, 25.00 18 Jus io , Touy—C Massco 52.22 18 Janney , Samuel M et al—Windsor Trus t Co.

5.213,74 18 Jacobs, Jennie by gdn—City Fireproofing Co

et al costs. 94.10 18 Jacobs, David et al the s a m e , . c o s t s , 124.55 19 Johnson, Ida E—I S Vought et al 2(j7.91 19 Jacobs. Abraham—Growers Cut Flowers Co.

147.30 10 Johnson, Wal ter D et al—Night Sc Day Baok

16:!.37 19 Johnson, Walter D et al—C S Rosenblat .

318.25 13 Kelleher, F r a n k - H Ronner 90.6ti 13 Kafka, Beckie—J Lapinsky & Co, Inc. .151.91 13 the same^ 1 Mandel 93,17 13 tbe same M Levy et al 175,01 13 Klein, Samuel—Princess Dress Skirt Co.64.06 15 Kemper. H a r r y et a l - J Pers 113,45 15 Krieg. Oscar B et a l - E McClure Jaques .

1.645.42 15 Kar l Chas P et al—People. &c 100.00 15 Krul i , Alexander et a l — t h e same 100,00 16 Klenke, Horatio C - H F Clarke et al

costs. 110.32 16 the same H F Clarke et al

costs, 110.32 16 Kaufman, Edward—Cudahy Packing Co.152.02 16 Keyser. Clarence—Secood United Cities

Real ty Corp 100.31 16 Kearney. Clara—J G Kloes 43.88 16 Kauderer . F r a n k M—R Fr iedlander et a l . .

112.72 17 Kut ler . Samuel et a l - G H Lewis et a l . ,42S.67 17 Koopf. Max et al—I Weiman 117.31 17 Karger . Mendel—I Weiman 117.31 17*Kersh. Johu et al—A Agress 121.27 17 Koblreiter , Nathan—S Shanker 872.15 11 Kronengold, Adolph—J Bauman et a l . ..30.75 17 Kornfeld, Samuel & Max—L Rothbart.5,533.32 IS Knevals , Louis S & Anloinette A—S L

Gross 855.61 IS Knepper, Herman—United States Title Guar­

anty & Indemnity Co 34.41 IS Kropp. Charles—P Baumgar ten et a l . . . 4 0 . 8 2 18 Kimball , Wilbur R—John A Roeblings Sons

Co ot N Y 19.SSI 18 Kane, Bernard J adm—N Y, N H & Hartford

R R Co costs, 113.21 '19 Kleinfelder, George—G Josephie 1,389,25 19 Kropacok, Frank—Frankl in Brewing C o . . . .

3,080.50 19 Kulla. Jacob—Cudahy Packing Co 189.93 19 Kraus . Jacob—M Morrison 15.41 19 Kolb. Jacob—J 9 Berozweig 34.12 19 Kur rus , Edward—Dreadnaught Tire Co.88.41 19 Kadushin. Philip—A J Jacobs et a!

". costs. 110.88 19 Katz. Sam et a l - G P Anger 687.31 19 Kronengold. Philip—Asbestolith Mfg Co.225.81 19 Kennedy, David E—F A Jaeger 94.41 13 Lehman. Daniel—Edward Kirschner.1.823,89 13 Luce, C l a r a n c e - R N Crothers 347,51 13 Loper, Geo W—H E Keeler 746.52 13 Lesser, M Monae Jr—R Weber 63.06 15 Levy, El ias G—Edward Thompson Co,313.15 15 Lemonis Athanasios—E Mylonas 49.05 1.1 Lyman, William* et al—C F u r c h t 139,18 15 Lowenthal , Edward—-^ Pe t ry 176.72 15 L:ing, Rudolph et al—People, &c 100.00 15 Lee, Wm A et al the same 100.09 1,1 Lemlein, Philip—G Scarano 366.66 15 Leavit t , A b r a h a m - H de Vries costs, 90.-30 15 Lissauer Theodore H—C Tamsen 479.05 16 Lupovitz, Wiiliain—H Santt 143.91 16 Legget t . J A—N Theobald 164.91 16 Lieders. Oliver et a l - J M Bromley. .5,126.92 H5 Lyons, Samuel H—J V Varallo et a l . . .169.91 16 Levy, Julius—.\ R Jenkins 184.83 16 Lus tgar ten , Abraham—I 3 Lichtenstein.116.91 16 Lapinsky. Jacob et a l - R Schwartz 614.29 16 Lazaore, Jacob J—S Pushkoff 373.40 16 Levy. Morris et al—R Schwartz 614.29 16 Lanson, Fidele—G Stiegler et al 09.22 16 L iza rd , Wi l l i am-Schwarzsch i ld fi: Sulzber­

ger Co 2,34.64 16 Lawton, Virginia E—C Lippert et al ;i3.44 lli Lallemand, Virginia A - V Z Root.costs , 109.S3 16 Levinson, Max—H U Bernard 339.55 17 Lewis, Louise—Mercantile Safe Deposit Co.

25.11 17 Lebowitz. Rubin St Jacob—A F r e d m a n . .35,65 17 Lippner. Chas S et a l - S J Weil 132.35 17 Laughl in , David—Title Ins Co ot N Y, .124,77 18 Lyons, Mary—B Drucker 2'28.12 IS Levin. Isidor fi: Leon—Eureka Silk Mfg Co.

164.41 IS La Rocco. Josepli—I Brusco 84.67 IS Longfield. A r t h u r - P J Kiernan 45.61 IS Lawson Samuel—Independent Consumers

Ice Co 180.51 IS Lent, Smith et al—First National Bank of

Ossining, N Y 1,425.88 18 Leviuter, Hyman—Consolidated Gas Co of

N Y costs, 68,47 IS Le Roy, Emma F et a l - R Cohen 668.01 IS Lax, Jaques—S Stern 47.65 IS Lentz, Louise—Solotnon's Independent Con­

sumers Ice Co 264,82 18 Levine, Max S—I Heisman 97,63 18 Llneh, Geo W, rec'r—C Marot la 74,73 IS the same T Marot la 74.T3 18 Levin, Louis et al—M J K r a m e r 2,591.38

The text of these pagea Is copyrighted. All righta ara reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.

November 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 943


is made in Germany. T h e superior quality amply compensates the con­sumer for its higher price. It is perfect,

E. THIELE, Sole Agent, 99 John St., New York.

IS Lewson, George et al—S Goldberg 21S.74 18 Lewin, Samuel A et ai the same 218.74 19 Livingston, L Helen—J M Robb et a l . .417.5S 13 Mllay, J ames C admr—J B Perazzo. .1,003,,3li 13 Mandel. Lippman—J Fer t ig 21.31) 13 Minaldi, John .A—L. Bloom US,27 13 Morrell . Mary—Schorn Pr in t ing Co 50.63 13 McKeon, John—L Schneider 75.71 13 McManus, Terence J - J Dobbins 334.74 13 McGinnis, Daniel—M Rosenfield et al.,179,.39 15 Moustaki, Marc—M Berardinl 143.91 15 Mrginnis, Robert W et al—People, &c,lOO.OO 15 MacNicgoll, Wm A—Parkinglon SL Slaight,

Inc 307,27 15 Mulholland, James—J G Taylor 4S7,67 15 Morris Pa t r ick Sc Alice—M Meinhart

2,244.66 15 McDonough, William et al—People, &c, ,I€O,O0 15 McKennee. Joseph H—Manhattan Photo E n - _

gineering Co S l . l i 15 Myers, Caroline—C Brickelmaier et aL13S.13 16 Monahan, Pa t r ick et al—Northern Bank of

N Y 96.40 10*Malzman, Pincus el al—L Saideman, . .331.91 16 Mayer, Mary T—A Joline et a l . . . c o s t s , 86.88 16 Munch, Edward—C Heundorff T2.22 16 Morgan. John—A P Lincoln et al 49.72 16 Mershon, Stephen L—N Y Evening Post Co.

12637 16 Meyer. Emanuel SL Albert—J Albert 40.40 16 McDougall, Avery et al—JM Bromley.5,126.92 16 McGrath, William—J D Mooney 215.09 16 McMahon, John T - C e n t r a l Foundry Co.90S.87 17 Muiiins, Patr ick et al—M N Clement. 1,820,97 17 Mandel. Samuel et al—Atlantic Terra Cotta

Co l,li4r..TT 17 Melbourne, George A et a l - E L Sykes.2S|).92 17 Minetti , Christina—J Simonelli 127-78 17 McCann, George E—J J Tierney 1,765.83 IS Miller, Chfs ;5—Oppenheim, Collins & Co.

113,18 IS Mullins. E l i z a - D Schumer 49.72 18 Maudel, Henry et al—Central Uuion Gas Co.

102.42 18 Med win. Morris—S Minskoff 412.82 IS Miles, James—F B Rosebrock & Go 70.33 IS Maguire, John T—M Sonn et al 107.lii) 18 Meinken. Frieda—A J Herlich et al 182.66 18 Morris, Max—Cudahy Packing Co 11,41

' 18 MacCormack, Wm A—E Prober t 167,03 18 Meryash, Louis—Murray & Hill Co. .2,869.01) IS Michaels, Lawrence J A—E Hamilton.1,541.28 IS Meyer, Louis et al—M J Kramer 2,.591,58 18 McCarthy, James—Centra! Union Gas Co, .

102.57 18 McElroy, James—George L Storm & Co.71.25 IS McAleer, Thomas J—G C Large 113.79 19 Mangels. Heury A—J Creagan et a l . .217.98 19 Meyer, Joseph—E C Hecht et al 2S1.06 19 Meyer, Joseph fi: Benjamiu—G Holober ct

al 2i i9I 19 Miller, Isaac B—Jacob Doll SL Sons 22S.25 19 Myers, John D—F B Vivian Bond . . .3,743.29 19 MacBeth, Wm H et al—Night Sc Day Bank.

162.37 19 Miller, Walter or Paige—W C Clark, .211-31 19 Morris, Andrew or Andy et al—M Adler.93.25 19 MacBeth. Wm H et a l - C S Rosenblat . .318.25 19 Mogal, Mitchell et al—O Walsh et al T8.53 19 Miltenberg, Arnold et a l - J Levey. . . .1,272.73 19 Milazzo, Har r i s Sc Nicholas—-L P Robertson

Sc Son 1,6.32.14 19 McElfatrick, Marguer i te E—C Pickslay.68.46 19 McAuiiffe, Dauiel fi: Patr ick*—J Stabl J r

St Co 36.11 19 McGovern, John—J C London et al 61.66 19 McCarthy, Timothy or Tim et al—M Adler.

93,25 15 Newman, John D—W P Harne t t 1,002,98 16 Neik, Isidor—H M Scbadewald 114.91 17*Newman, Jacob el a l - J Aronauer 66.15 17 Newman. Jacob et a l — t h e same 60.95 19 Norcross, G r a n d i n - S Rausford SSS.71 19 Nash. David—Osmers Dougherty Co 68.11 19 Noone, Pbilip J—M Rosenfield et al 78.85 19 Noblett . Edw A—Bankers Sc Merchants

Agency Co 24.41 15 O'Connor, Henry J—Clover F a r m s Co. ,78.41 15 Oates. Edw S—W P Irish Electric Co. ,175,08 17 01 insky, L o u i s - B Se! et al 87.37 17 01ms. Louis W—Stewart Distill ing Co.167.91 18 Oruitz, Sam et a l - C D V Pot ter 100,03 18 Ortloff, Camillo—W A Walsh 5,84.20 19 O'Brien, Es the r V—Simpson-Crawford Co.

175.15 13 Post, Clarence F—Darling Bros Co 2Rr,.:i7 13 Petry, John—I S Vought et al 93,:!l 13 Powers, F ranc i s F—A E Force et a l . . . . 1 5 8 . 4 1 13 Palmer, Alfred C—M -B Hewlet t 70.S7 13 Piazza, Vincenzo—G Sykes costs, 87,65 15 Parker , 3 Webber—H Tompkins 742.82 15 Pisek, Frank—J Branisch 110..'.5 15 Pierce. Alvin S—M 3 Todd 2S9,09 15 the same L L Todd :;52.15 15 Pick, Albert et a l - C Steiner '-I4T,90 15 Porter , Josepb et al the same 947.90 16 PolyakowJtz. Philip—J Dunishofsky U0.15 16 Peshkin. Nathan—People, See 11.5.17 16 Pringle , Charles et a l - S P Jones et al.32l>i'; 16 Pirk, A m a l i a - I E Abbott 44.21 17 Pitrello, Vincenzo et al—People, ScC .500.00 17 Phil l ips. J Wilbert—J H Cullen 133.35 17 Pi l insky, Isidor—S Sudnowsky 2,50,00 18 Pittelli , J ames A et al—I Heisman 97,65 lS*Pizarello, John et a l - E n g e l - H e l l e r Co.l.i4,.30 19 Parker , G e r t r u d e - F C Jefferson TT5,53 19 Paige, Wal ter S or Miller—W C C la rk .2n .31 10 Perry, Wm T—H F Taylor 1,505 59 19 Pell, Freder ick H—F Richard ,"V0.20 19 Periello, Louis—A Kellv costs 115..30 13 Raphael . Samuel H—Garner SL CO. . . .3S;i.6fi 13 Richman. Jacob—R Buchman 92.65 13 Rinaidi. Akfredo—B K Bloch 2S3.22 15 Ryan. Bdw .1—E I-Iansgen 06.28 15 Reilly, Joseph F el al—People, &c 100,00 l;j Roth, George et al the same 100.00 13 Rubinstein, Jacob et al—M Seidner 606.26

Id Khcinstrom, ls::at: et al—Gansevoort Beef & Provision Co 392.78

16 Ralph, R Larkin—H B Dominick 39.48 16 Rudnick, Herman—A Har tung 97.55 16 Renwick, Harold S—A Bloch 80,90 16 Rosansky, Louis—G H Harr i s Co 219,58 16 Ritzwoller, Wm A—P Korn 148.31 16 Raphael , Samuel H—W K r a m 11S.15 16 Rowlands, Agnes S SL Wm R—H A Moody,

, . . 509.81 16 Rehbock, August—L Macousey 297,82 16 Beeves, Alfred—P Greenwald et al 160,00 17 Ravitch, David SL Joseph et a l - J Pollahoff.

15,222,23 17 Ryan, James F—Edward E M Buhler C o . ,

2:^4.S1 17 Reilly, Eugene E—O'Reilly Bros New York

Storage Warehouse Co 115.15 17 Reisgo, Louis A—H C Hopper 63.11 17 Rinaidi, Michele—People, &c 500.09 n Robinson. Geo H—P Boettger , ' . .1,174.55 17 Renn. William—J J Kaue 625.19 IT Renz, George—Wisconsin Condensed Milk

Co 45.71 IT Rinschler, Jul ius H—International Provis­

ion Co 78.79 17 Robinson, Adele—Mrs Osborn Co. , - .2,11.5.54 18 Ronfeiti , Ams,nte—M Cassaga 573.88 18 Rothstein. H a r r y J et al—M T Attschul.17.65 18 Reiff, Charles et a l - H Berkowitz et al,105.93 1,S Ryder, Bartholomew el al—First National

Bank of Ossining, N Y 1,425.88 18 Rolf, Bernard—George McKibbin fi; S o n . .

2,438.49 I s Rcsenblum, Morris—United States Tille

Guaran ty fi: Indemnity Co 273.21 IS Richards , Arthur—A Abraham et ~i 67.09 IS Robinson, Douglas et a l - J Malone. .2,629,53 IS Rosenfeld. M o n r o e - E Smith 30.94 19 Russ . Herman—L J Kahn 193.56 19 Rice, Clarence B et al—P R H u n t e r . ,8,329,75 19 Roche, F rank J—Mercantile F inance Co.42.70 19 Ren.sch, Theodore—J Lawson 32.41 19 Roliin, Ar thur F—Dreadnaught Tire Co.27.59 19 Rosenthal, Samuel et al—N Gordon et a l ,

89,40 19 Renna, Pietro—Brooklyn, Queens County &

Suburban R R Co 118.65 19 Rosenberg, Sieg et al—J Levey 1,272.73 10 Robinson. Douglas et al rec'rs—G Cagnani.

57.21 (Correct error in last issue when amount was

omitted.) 13 Sehall, Samuel et E1—S Meyerhoffer. .534.:il 13 Sallzman, Abraham et al—M Salem..1,037.87 13 Stroh, Isaac—J Slern et ai 1S5.09 13 Singer, Abraham—C Golaner 62.65 13 Seidner, Heury—J Boyd 76,13 13 Senia, I G r a n t - L W Lee 223.47 13 S^mith, John Sc Ida—J Sh?rk 79.46 13 Smith, Henry G—T R McMann Co 209,35 15 Schwartz, Michael J—State Bank 342,27 15 Schultz, W.ildron W—E Lemberger . . .119.99 15 Schwarzberg. Jacob B—L W Fay Sc Co. .44,40 15 Schulman. David—S Trochman of N Y.42.29 15 Shay, Michael J et a l - B B Davis 256.7M 15.Schwartz , Chas—E Tunis et cl 29.11 15 Stavredes, Peter—P Tsebeiis 99.65 15 Silverman, Joseph et al—Gansevoort Beef

& Provision Co 392.78 1,1 Schwartz, Tobias—J Tishman 261.80 15 Soramer, Jacob—S Rothstein et al 89-35 15 Schindl, Prank—L Frank et al 59.41 15 the same the same 176.20 15 Simon, Fannie—A Fink 00.,S7 15 Sandy, Bdw J fi J o h n - S P Jones et al.377.4!) 15 Smith, Thomas j » et a l - B B D a v i s . . , ,256.79 15 Sraith, Chas R—Universal Auto & Motor

Boat Supply Co 196.65 16 Siria, Jacob et al—L Saideman 331.91 16 Schneider, Helen—A & J M Anderson. .275.16 10 Schneider, Nanet te L fi; Geo F—H H Damm

cosls, 34,95 16 Schapiro, Louis E—R H M Dawbarn , .461.16 16 Sweeney, Patrick—J Hirschberg 224.67 16 Stoue. Joseph—F Schnaufer 45.02 16 Secor, John A—S H Mills 1,322.14 16 SFsseen, Aloysius F et a l - C J Beard. .151.45 16 Stiles. Ctias A - M E Ruby l:-!7,99 16 Seriuger, Peter et a l - W Fichter 42.72 16 Schmidt. Auguste* SL M i n n i e - C L Rogers,

42,41 16 Sears, Richard H—R A Foster 40,29 16 Stern, David Sc Joseph*—Barrett Mfg Co,

419,61 16 Scblesiuger, Laura—E Hamil ton 424,31 16 Schrecb. Geo C—B K Bloch 80.07 P! Silberman, Ike et a l - R Schwartz 614.29 16 Secord, Sarah J Sc Emm-^-S L Secor . .136.70 16 Schwartz . Har ry Sc Wllll?m—M Donovan.

119.65 16 Sherni tsky, Solomon—Schwarzschild fi; Sulz­

berger Co 12S.49 16 Schinofsky, Israel—Swift fi; Co 107,43 17 Spooner, F Edw—Eastman Kodfk Co,..9:3,76 17 Schwartz, Katie—S Mitchell 21.49 17 Swartz, Adolph—B Swartz et al 466.01 11 Shaughnessy, Henry adm—Standard Dairy

Co 75.,SO IT Storck, Jacob—B Barthold 58,.57 17 Sagor. Jaroes fi; Arnold—J Talcott 3,888.5S 17 Springer, E e r n r t et a l - J Saltzberg et a l .

486.0I> 17 Studwell, Geo S - C R Jaeger 30,44 17 Sherman, Isidor,* Max,* Abraham* & Ben-

jami]] —H Bernslein et al S2.;!6 17 Schneider, E rns t E W et al—United Metai

Covered Door fi; Sash Co 194 05 17 Singer, Jacoh et a l - A . \gress 121.27 17 Simon, A d o l f - N Wulff l,2SS.tlO 1 I Silverman, Samuel—Rio Grande Western R

R Co costs, 7T,35 17 Scheinherg, Charles, a d m - M e e d e Transfer

Co eosts. 13.08 17 Seligman, Louis—R R Wilson cl al 10.91 IS Scheinmann. Meyer S—J W Place 72.72 IS Sullivan. Michael J—American Surety Co

of N Y 49.41

IS 'Smal l , Samuel el a l - W J Blau- :;5.:;l 18 Sadowski, K a l m a . n - H Waldman , , . .l,.577,!)i) 18 Suslewitz, Morris et al—B Libowitz. , . . IT.i.41 18 Skene, Frederick—R L Morrell 4,47.^.NI) 18 Schmith, Herman et a l - C D V Pot te r . 106.1)3 18 Schan.ske. Joseph the same 152,31 IS the same -O C D Potter 1:',9,,53 IS Strompf, Joseph—De Peyster Realty Co.124.41 18 Snyder. John I-I—B McGeehin 519.40 18 Schultz. F r a n k - R Whyte 71,S.99 18 Stetson, Albert—A Kohn 18:;.01 IS Strauss , Charles et a l - J B Guttin,costs, 82. iS 19 Seliger, Annie—R Komrael costs, 68.72 19 Schal tman, Jacob—P H Samilson 13.01 19 Seifter, Lena—.4 H Joline et a l .cos ts , 123.SS 19 Shotwell'. Townsend W—L V Ludlow. .337.50 19 Silverman, David et a l - A Brown (iD.liO 19 Sonik, Xathan et al—M Gordon et al. , ,8!).40 19 Samson, Morris—Brooklyn Heights R R Co.

costs, 105.94 19 Scbnurmacher , Markus—S Nelson et al

1,109,06 13 Terlach, .\nton—Metuclien Real ty & Im-

proverhent Co 5:M.67 13 Tag, Robert et al—F P Maupai :ln5.2T 13 Taradash, Elias fi: Es the r et al—M Salem.

1.0:37.87 13 Tutlnover , David I & Ido—S Mannovich.257.65

"15 Tripler . John H—W Bruggermann 79.:i4 15 Taddonio, Antonio—Filippo Abatelli et al.

1.088.!I7 15 Tolmach Julius—Schieffelin SL CO 91.21 16 Tull Bdw E—J D Will iams costs, 08,49 16 Travers . Louis—C G Dufft 30.56 16 Taussig. Emil—Welsbach Gas Lamp Co.177.29 17 Thorapson. George—C F Miner, , -costs , 23.08 17 Teichman, Abraham—J Bauman et a l . . l O i . l 5 17 Thorpe, John B - J W Butler 496.61 IS Toch, Max B—Toch Tile Co 2i2.,S2 19 Taylor. James E—J Goosby costs, :i:!9, i3 19 "Taradash, George—Mount Vernon National

Bauk 113.70 16*Upshiel, Stephen et a l - W Fichter 42.72 18*Underbill. Joseph C et al—Morning Tele­

graph Co 33.42 19 Ullman. Chas L. adm—W Moller el ai .979.31 19 the same the same 1,283.75 19 lhe same S W Allen 9S8.64 13 Vorhis. Albert B—R D Buchard, . . .1,501.78 15 Von EglofCstein, Claus R—N Y Evening

Journal Pub Co 511.91 15 Valentine, Chas W—Fletcher Stanley Co.

355.13 16 Velebil. A l f r ed -E ich le r Pub Co 203.90 16 Van Ness, F r a n k B et a l - J M B r o m l e y , .

5,126.92 17 Van Gordon. David P—W Siegrist 173.29 IS Vermilyea, Thomas E ^ C e n t r a l Union Gas

Co • 153,70 18 Van Riper. H a r r y E—A Abraham et al,.34.34 13 Wolfensohn. Haskel—F L Cramer 29.97 13 Werstein, Sam—H Levenberg ,H7,5S 13 Wilder, Mary & Benjamin—I Grunste in . .41.65 13 Whalen, John J—United Brush Manufac­

tories 167.46 i:! Winter , S i i m u e l - J Fleming 69.72 i:i Ward, Andrew J - J Marshall 376.77 15 Weistman, J r m c s M—Coy Hunt fi: Co..^51.2,5 15 Wisbar t . George—F C Lucke d 'Aix. , i5 i . (n 15 Wilkinson, Jaraes B—St:ir Co 61.J7 15 Wenk, Joseph—Samuel Gans Co 291.-19 15 Weil, Sigmund & Mae et al—P Meyer, .25,00 15 Wallenstein, Louis N et al—People, &c.lO() OJ 15 Wells, I Irwin et a l - R Hi l lman . .costs, 48 OS 15 Wagoner, Christian W & Wm J et a l - R

Hil lman 4S.03 13 Weiss. Harr ie t J—Juergens & Anderson Co.

145.47 16 Weil. Leopold—F C Mussgiller 320.47 10 Westervel l . Isaac—H F Dabelstein et al.273,.50 111 Waller . F r ank J D et al—C J Beard. . , 1,51.45 16 Wein. F r a n k & C h a r l e s * - C F Samstag et

al 45.61 17 Wallace, Gustavus S—H Shwitzer 433.67 17 Walker." B5rnet—I Cohen et al 66.65 17 Whitlock, Thomas C—G Barr ie et a l . . . 103 .33 17 Weisherger, Ignatz et al—J Saltzberg et al.

3,86.06 17 Well, Leo G—L Schwartz 1,1,30.12 17 Watson, J i c k F—Albert Hotel Co 51.91 11 Wagner , Fred—C Schuessler 31.02 17 Wintern ' t z . Charles et a l - S J Weil 132..35 17 Weinstock. Sam—State Bank 278.6S 17 Way. Orland E - C E Fischer 238.48 IS Wexler, Mav—City ot N Y costs, 32,72 IS Whitcomb, Herman S—W M Shipley. ..126.79 19 Watson. Alexander J—F W Robinson. .220.49 19 the s?me W N Hardy 442.98 19 Watson. James—C H Homan 22.42 19 Wiley. Elbert M—A P Moore costs. 1-52,80 19 Wolinsky, Morris—Keller Embroidery Co.

102.40 19 Williaras, Samuel J—Impervious Package

Co 129.47 15 Ypniiro, or l anaro , Carraine—Ebling Brew­

ing Co 860.20 10 Yanacopoula, Amelia G—Gillies Coffee Co.

42.06 17 Yeandle. Geo W—P Castaldo 9S.30 17 Yudin, Sam—State Bank 390,03 15 Zellweger, J o h n - A M Smith 95.31 19 Zinke, G e o r g e - J Popper et al 41):).38 19 Zapf, Gustav—E Costello 253.99

CORPORATIONS, 13 H Wolfensohn, Inc—F L Cramer 86..59 13 Henderwood P r e s s - C a r e y Pr in t ing Co..240.43 13 Harold E Vreeland Buildiag Co—M J Moo-

nuMi 32.25 I'l Enterprise Hardware Co—Standard Co..26..54 ':i the same Union Nut Sc Bolt Co...97,:32 1H Clasm Engineer ing Co—Manhattan Rubber

Mfg Co 216 25 13 the same American Hard Rubber Co.

27.93 V.i I-Iargraves. Mill—M Lowenstein et al.1.523.45 13 Rulls Head Oil Works—F S Hornady.4.875,50 13 Harold E Vreeland Building Co—G Lund.34.70

The t e x t of t h e s e p a g e s is copyr iehted . All r i g h t s a r e r e s e r v e d . N o t i c e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t in fr ingement wil l lead to proaecut lon.

944 RECORD AND GUIDE N o v e m b e r 20, 1909

G E O R G E D O A N R U S S E L L T R I B U N E B P I L O I N G . 154 NASSAU S T . . K. T .

L A W Y E R BPKCIALTY: Bnilding Business, Mechanics' Liens Etc

7 Years' Practical Bnilding Expariepce. 13 T e a r s L a w y e r .

13 the same J E Turpin 40.50 13 the same- J Nelson 43.37 13 Blsch-hoef Real ty it Construction Co—I E

Abbott 522.18 13 Prescott Real ty Co—H D Colt 1,577.45 13 Raphael Tuck Sc Sons Co, Ltd—Atwood

Raven Co 2,924,13 13 Judge Co—City Real Es t a t e Co 1,481.68 15 N Y & North Shore Tract ion Co—C Mc­

Girr 1,132.88 15 the same .p McGirr 632.S8 15 the same M Gillis 300.00 15 Bordens Condensed Milk Co—M Bracbfeld.

918.78 13 Empire State Coal Co—C B Howe 60,65 15 American Carbureter Improvement C o -

Johnston Export Pub Co 198.70 15 Evans , Turner Co—L Hordes 42.47 15 Spring Valley P a r k Real ty Co—M J a r m u l - ^

owsky et al 112.15 15 Throgs Neck Building fi: Construction Co

et a l - C Hyman 237.15 15 H B Chrlstensen Co—B W Levltaii 569,41 15 Wrshed Quartz Gravel SL Sand Co—Alcolm

Co 316.S1 15 Saint Margare t ' s Church—M Cohen et al.321,50 15 Saint Margare t ' s Church—Michael Cohen fi

Co 321.50 15 Jacob Mark Sons—Uaiversal Foundry Co.

-291.08 15 Boyce Paper Exchange—C W Rantoul Co.

434,65 16 David Mayer Brewing Oo—E J Knauer.376.49 16 Film Import & Trading Co—A Mart inez . .

2.92S.77 16 National S tandard Brewing Co—R Grammer.

costs, 29-29 10 Metropolitan Mercanti le SL Real ty Co—John

Boyd Plumbing & Heat ing Co 165,49 16 Bayside Review Co—Enders fi: Knopff Co.

20G.11 16 Rochester fi Southern Construction Co et

a l - J M Bromley 5,126.92 16 McArthur Bros Co—C J Osborn 349-84 16 Pucci Contracting Co—P Cebrelli 116.12 16 Sani tary Wool Cleaning Co—White Tar Co,

158,77 16 Rice Sc Knight Co—Underwood Typewri ter

Co 102.99 16 Pantheon Concrete Construction Co—Olney

& Warr in 283-42 16 Ragus Tea & Coffee Co—G W Lynch

costs, 17.41 16 Continental Specialty Co—E Friedberger et

al 160.50 16 Karp Bros (Iiicl—S Langer 780,15 15 City of N Y—W Rutherford et a! 32,943,00 16 Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum—S

L Secor 3,274.50 17 Uuited Dressed Beef So of N Y—J Toye. .

2,131.88 17 Illinois Surety Co et al—M N Clemeut.1,820.97 17 Equitable Engineer ing C o - J J Bigelow Co.

72.33 IT Hars tu fi; C o - M J Gordon 3,224.55 17 Apar lment Construction Co et al—Atlantic

Te r r a Cotta Co 1,645.77 17 Schneider fi; Her te r Building & Construc­

tion- Co et al—United Metal Covered Door Sc Sash Co 194,05

17 Nugent Heat ing & Venti la t ing Co—Phelps Bros Co 816.89

17 City Motor Service et al—A La Sykes . .280.92 17 Quinn SL Smith (Inc)—J Gilles 415.90 17 Cily Motor Service et al—L E Sykes . .281.92 17 M Bowsky Dressing Sc Dyeing C o - M Mey-

enberg 21.91 17 Quinn fi; Smith (Inc)—John Gillies Co.459.00 17 Donna Dora Mining C o - J Aitken 77,84 17 Park Circle Garage—J W Hoey 2,019,68 IT Press Pub C o - J M Brown 535,44 17 Fi rs t National Supply House—Waterloo

Pr in t ing Co 3T1,02 I T A Lubin C o - E Speiser 654.03 17 Scriptol Ink- Co—Ssmuel C Ta tum J r . .171.01 17 Buckley Real ty Construct ion C o - H Ander­

son cosls, 86.25 17 Trident Tore Co—W L Wemple 2,229,37 18 L Schepp Co—I E Ribensteiu et al S67.70 IS Fi rs t Hungar ian Congregation OUab Zedek—

J King et al cosls, 83.07 IS Downings Storage Warehouse Co—P H

Gregory 85.41 18 Greater N Y Builders fi: Contractors Co—

C V D Pot ter 1 M , 0 3 IS the same the same 177.03 IS New England Metal & Tile C o - M C Fogel.

153,41 IS E igh th Avenue Tr iangle Co—T L Wat t et

al costs, 107.97 IS Unique Equipment C o - E Tompkins . . . . 1 3 0 , 3 3 IS Trini ty Spring Co—C W Meisner lOi.SS IS A J Pevton fi: Co—Evening Post Job Pr in t ing

Office 37,92 IS Traction R R Equipment Co ^the s a m e , .

126.19 IS Horsfall Construction C o - H Isaacs 519.41 IS Real ty Transfer Co—C E Kimball 12,41 IS Louis Meyer Real ty Co et a i - M J Kramer ,

2,591.58 18 Stone Valley Distill ing Co—National Dis­

t r ibut ing Co S4.41 IS Dillman Fireproof Constructiou C o - H

Pfeffer 908.18 18 Bonavista Lumber Co et al—Windsor Trus t

Co 3,213.74 IS Guy B Wai te C o - M O'Rourke costs, 90.00 IS James Beggs Sc Co el al—Empire State

Garage et al costs, 120.81 18 Louis Meyer Realty C o - J W a r m 44.86 18 F r a n k A Hutchinson Co ( I n c ) - N Damico.

123.55 18 Vance & Sullivan Co—I. S F u n k 342.62 19 C F Davenport Co—Rome Locomotive &

Machine Works 872.01 19 C B Rice Co et al—L R H u n t e r 8,329.74 19 Breakers C o - M Keppler et al 206.42 19 Celia Phos Syrup Co—Dodge & Bliss Co,

74.87 19 Southern Boulevard R R C o - M J Stoitz,

3,147.22 19 the same -H Steitz 647.22 19 Erookiyn Ice Skat ing Co et al—B F Gond-

speed 693.80

19 J Gordon Smith Co—American Glue Co.32.81 10 Sackett Plaster Board Co—Amsterdam Dril l­

ing Co 36.91 19 United Talk ing Machine Co—H C R u e s s . .

519.40 19 Jacob Marks Sons Co—C Brox et al 295,41 19 N Y & Bridgeport Transpor ta t ion Co—R H

Horschner 62.11 19 Bohemian Publ ishing C o - H L Walker et al.

430,50 19 Pain Mfg Co--Nordlinger Charlton F i r e ­

works Co 490.09

SATISFIED JUUGMENTS. Nov, 13, 15. 16, 17, 18 and 19.

Abrams. Isaac et a l - J Greenberg. 1909.1,021.53 Abramson. Abrara G—J Bluestein. 1009.2,594.06 Andrews, F r a n k M—H T J Fuebrman . 1907.

434.72 Anderson. Ruth el a l - R J Brown et al. 1908.

112.61 Anderson, Wilma et a l - R J Brown et al. 190S.

112.61 Arnstein, Max C—A Levy et al. 1909 52,91 Bruno, Geo N—M Lanigao et al. 1909 16S.46 Boyes. Sarah—C L Cohn et al. 1909 531.91 Barrv, Richard—B F Mundy. 1909 231,07 Baker, John 0—W Seggie. 1907 109.32 f'Blaney Chas E—Shubert Theatr ical Co, 1909.

?2,236.20 "Same same. 1909 1.629.49 Berges, Freder ick H—Crandall & Godley Co,

1890 92.52 Bourne. Robert W—H C Zaro. 190S 1,30.41 iRrescha. P a s q u a l e - A Bonfrisco. 1909 330.27 Blaut . Joseph F—Bryant Building Co. 1909,

287.75 Berry, H a r r y J—W F Creegan. 1909 873.94 Burton, John R—M H Sniffen. 1909 118.33 ^Ciaffobe, Lorenzo—F Sporzo. 1909 206.91 Cady J Carlton—F S Shephard, 1907 192.33 Cole, Geo N et al—Diamond Rubber Co. 1902.

135.54 Cons, Josephine—3 C Pulis . 1909 24.60 Coroneos, J o h n - S C Pulis . 1909 13.85 Dauphin, Will iam—Hudson Structura l Steel Co.

1909 141.34 De Angelo, Antonio—C 3 Horton et al. 1909.

180.73 Erff. C h a r l e s - M M Erff. 1900 81.50 Epstein, L o u i s - B E Beardsley. 1909 25,41 lElson, Louis—City of N Y. 1908 29.43 Feinberg E l i a s - M Litowich et al. 1909.5,038.26 Goldberg Will iam—P McCarthy. 190S. .1.-392.25 Same same. lOOS 5,035,23 Geisler. Albert et ? 1 - J Bieber. 1909 221.43 Groll, Charles—United Dressed Beef Co. 1909,

.1,079.58 Gargiulo, Pasquale—H L Kringel et al. 1909.

, 1,170.09 "Goodman Abraham—M Smith et al. 1907.644.83 "Same -3 Seigel. 1907 529.65 Gunn, Wm A—W C H Brown. 1909 156.91 iHurs t , James—People, &c, 190S 500.00 Huben, J u l i u s - A B Berk, 1909 250.20 Johnson, Robert—J Green. 1909 173.00 Kennedy, Frank—M Rosenfield el al. 1909.

149.61 Kennedy, Lola—B H Heppenhelmer, 1909.,200,00 Kornfeld. Max et a l . - J Bieber. 1909 221.45 Krausch . Philip SL Marg—J Morgenthaler . 1909.

.3.39.22 Kowaloff Benjamin—H Bernstein et al. '1909.

60.03 Same A Nemerowsky. 1909 85.59 'King , J ames et al—People, &c. 190S 590.00 Kirknat r lck , John 0 et al—I T Wil l iams et al.

L195 270.07 Leviton Lena—D J Allen Co. 1909 2211,65 Lynch, Cornelius—D Daly. 1909 S41.3S Lamb, Lawrence E—M M Morine et al." 1909.

54.01 Lesser, Louis—E M Arnold. 1908 S9S.34 Lesier , Wm C fi Edw A—F J Griffin. 1907-15.00 Mulholland, James—A M Pringle . 1909 979.15 Same W Nelson et al. 1909 1,073.64 McAlpin Anna—Bergen Real ty Co. 1909

29,224.32 McAlpin. Anna M et a l - G R Simpson. 1909.

538,87 iMvers. Joseph I ^ J 3 Enste in et al. 1909.920.09 McGown, Henry P J r - V a n Norden Trus t Co.

1904 173,92 Mooney, Thomas J St Mary—I Osserman. 1909.

1,984.52 McKensie, Henrv D—H E Parker . 1908,-119.91 Morse, Chas W—W E Bird Jr . 1909 16.078.24 Same same. 1909 2,215,28 Norton, Jim—I Blotsky. 1908 45.35 Nelson. Andrew J—C Lippman et al. 1904.201.44 Oelsner, R u d o l p h - W i l l i a m A Miles & Co. 1909.

3,714.69 Same same, 1909 76.38 Paradiso, Mauro—A Mosea. 1909 161,35 •ipe^rson, Rodman J et al—F J Kirkwood et al.

1908 18.713.32 Pierson. Wal ter G—Manbattan Screw Sc S tamp-• ing Works. 1909 147.49 Paradiso , Mauro—A Mosea. 1909 161.33 Parachise . T e r e s a - R G Wilson. 190S 233.65 Ries. J o b n - I R Coben et al, 1909 278.33 Renwick, Harold S—G W Smith. 1909. ,.299.46 Hosenlhal . Sadie B—J W Aitken et al. 1903.

361.4S Ruhin, Jacob L et a l - J Greenberg. 1909.1,021 ,13 Reohr Chas D et al—R J Brown et al, 1908.

112.61 •^Rothenberg, E t t i e - N Newmark. 1907 493.92 iReilly. John—City of N Y. 1905 156.85 Raii=om. John B et al—I T Will iams et al.

1S95 270.D7 Rothenberg, E t t i e - M M Goldschmidt. 1908.18.31 Sherman, Marcus et al—M Halner in . 1909.553.59 Sherman. F lo ra et al sarae, 1909 ., .553,59 -fSmith H a r r y M et al—F J Kirkwood et nl.

1908 ' 1S,713..^2 "Schaum. Abrahara—Gude Bros. 1909 129.17 Schanz Cbas F—American Sales Book Co.

1909 11.34 Sussman, Max—E L Lewis. 1909 38.22 iRtvatton Edward J r - H A Murphy. 1909.3,814.50 Siff, Louis I—J Jaffe. 1909 569.61

Schneible, Carl . \—Travelers Ins Co of N Y. 1903 69,54

Schulman, Wm B - W J Riordan. 1904 115.90 Silber, Samuel & Morris—M Levy et al. 1909.

953,50 'Sa r t i r ana , Angelino—A Dickson et al. 1909.

131.68 Terapany, Hewllt—Philip Ruxton (Inc). 1909.

122.41 Taylor, Ralph P—L Sachs. 1908 69.40 Trauter , Geo C et a l - W I Kollisch et a l . 1003.

08.22 Will, Fred et a l - W I Kollisch et al. 1903. .68 22 Whiteley, Seth H—Trust Co of America. 1909.

503.64 Wynn, Thomas J Sc J ames C—Warren Chemi­

cal SL Mfg Co. 1906 194.29 Woop, Will iam et al—Diamond Rubber Co.

1902 135,34 Wolowiych, Bernard et a l - H McNally. 1908.

527.47 Whi taker , Frederick W—P Cameron. 1909. .

1,146.05 nvoods , Albert H—J Barondess, 1909 838.69 Wilson, Bernard et a l - G R Simpson. 1909.538.87 Wicker, Cassius M—Sheffield F a r m s Siawson

Decker Co. 1909 164.83 Whisten, Stephen A—Chesebro Whi tman Co.

1909 66.73 Whisten, Stephen R—McDougall SL Pot ter Co.

1909 276,29 CORPORATIONS.

Bergen Real ty Co et a l - G R Simpson. 1909. 53S.S7

Charles E Blaney Amusement Co et al—Shu­bert Thealrical Co. 1909 1,029.49

Cass Real ty Co—A Wahlberg. 1905 2,746.22 Char ter Oak Lunch C o - J E Nichols et al. 1909.

226.31 Erie R R C o - J Palmieri , 1909 3,6.37.95 James Eve ra rds Breweries—W Sommer. 1909.

543.17 Harlem P lumbers SL Tinsmith Supply Co (Inc)

—T R Allen, 1909 366.90 Ital ian Union Real ty fi: Securi ty Co et al—M

J Ross et al, 1909 36.65 Middleboro Realty Co—0 Lowinson. 1907.49.24 N Y Evening Journal Pub Co—J J Lord. 1909.

96.41 Same same. 1909 875.17 Ter ra F i r m a Building Co et a l - H McNally.

190S 527.47 Brooklyn Master Bakers Supply Co—Travelers

Ins Co. 1908 S5.03 Manhat tan Refr igerat ing Co—W H Henneber-

ger et a!. 1909 — -Zeltner Brewing Co—P R G Horst . 1909.. .116.85 Same^ same. 190S 3,296.41

'Vacalcit by order of Court. -Satisfied on ap­peal. ^Released. -'Reversed. ''Satisfled by exe. cution, ".Annulled and void.


Nov. 13. 116—Delancey st. No 152. Joseph Grille et al

?gt Isaac Lefkowitz and King Sc Salkin.$42.75 117—Mt Hope pl, s s, 114 e Jerome av, 50x100.

Vincent Lo Re & Co agt Rehbock Construc­tion Co 250.00

n s—Broadway , e s, 54.3 n 57th st, 33.10x131.2 x 5 3 x l l l . 3 . Eureka Fi re Hose Mfg Co agt B F Goodrich Co and James D McEntee.l,0S3.O0

Nov. 13.

119—125th St. No 543 West . Andrew F Gallu-gan agt Cataline D V Pot ter and Greater New York Builders SL Contractors Co (re­newal) 170.00

120—63d st, Nos 22 to 26 West . J ames B Frase r agt Benjamin B Davenport and Paul de B Laighton 3,500.00

121—SSth st. No 311 West, Chas M Pine agt Es ta te ot Oharles Lehr i t te r and Charles Lehri t fer 110,45

122—Clinton st. Nos 5S to 62. Teddy Connolly agt Es ta te of W Hammond and Clinton In ­vestment Co 2,800.00

123—Satisfied. 124—Belmont av. No 2475. Fordham Wood

Working Co agt Giovanni Carozzo and Nicola Damiano 20,00

125—127th st, Nos 141 Sc 143 West. H a r r y Meltzer agt F r i eda H a r t and Max Har t . . 265 .60

126—42d St. No 120 East . George Durham agt Third Avenue R R Co, F Pearsal l and F rank Hei tzner & Co 245.04

127—99th st, Nos 62 & 64 East . Frooke E n ­gine Co agt Jacob Shenk (renewal) 60.75

Nov. 16.

12S—46th st. No 155 West, Pa t r i ck McCarthy agt Freder ick J Lancas te r , t rus tee and •—-Wilson 267.73

129—Bracken av. w s, 100 n Randal l av, SOx 100 Bracken av. w s, 173 n Randal l av . 50x100, Israel Komlssar agt Joseph Steen and George Er lacber 200.00

l:jO—123d St. No 116 East . H a r r y Chaimowitz agt Max Blau 60.00

131-1523 St. No 378 East . Will iam Blumen-auer agt Tannenbaum Construction Co and S Tannenbaum, Pres 900.00

IS-i-233th st, Nos 122 & 124 East . John Bell Co agt Sidney H Blower. Howard Construct­ing Co, G Colona and Thomas Araahile. .450.00

ISS—lGth St. No 164 West . Ju l ius Braunsle in agt Tbomas B Hidden and Emanuel W Bau­man 263.00

134—Kossuth av. s e cor Concord st or 239th s t 100x30. Tremont Moulding Mil! agt Mina Muller and Antonio Meredino 650.00

135—3d av. No 2141. Chris t ian S l aye r agt Otto Meier and Joseph Bpstein 196,00

T b e l e s t of t h e s e p a g e s is c o p y r i g h t e d . All r i g h t s a r e r e served . N o t i c e Is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t i n f r i n g e m e n t wi l l l e a d t o p r o s e c u t i o n .

N o v e m b e r 20, 1909 RECORD AND GUIDE 945

TKe combination of aljsoiule siructutal sltenglli togelher with D A Y L I G H T I N G capacity is only lo be had wilh L U X F E R reinforced concrete vault lights.

AMEKICAN" LUXFER PRTS'M CO. SjJZ'JZtQ ^ ' " • f f j ^ 507-S09y^s-6BroadYVGyACY.,

136—32d st, Nos 3-14 & 340 East . Louis J a m ­pol et al agt F r a n b r o Realty Co and Man-del Building Co 300.00

137_Hughes av, n w cor 179th st, 107x186. Moses Kaplan et al agt O'Leary Real ty SL Construction Co and L Isaacs fi; Co 61.00

138—Grand Boulevard aud Concourse, e s, 150 n Burnside av, 37x104. George Mongo Sc Son agt Tremont Temple Congregation Gates of Mercy, L Tager and Jacob Katz 741.96

Nov, 17.

139—Grand Boulevard and Concourse, e s, 150 n Burnside av, 60x109. Church E Gates & Co agt Tremont Temple Congregation Gates of Mercy and Gurli t t Manning Co 707.09

140—2d av, Nos 140 fi: 142. Acme Rooflng Co agt Max Menschel and Freder ick W Fisher,

157.00 141—Heath av. No 3055. Lenox Tile Co agt

Michael Mahoney (renewal) 102.17 142—127th st. No 147 East . H u g h H Graham

agt Anu Day Sc Thomas F Day 61.00 143—Audubon av. No 319. Jacob Schlesinger

agt Freder ick G Hobbs and James Smith.360.00 ' 144_Pear l st. No 32. Kalman Allwoltz agt

Hungar ian Home and Alexander fi: Roth.30.00 l J 5 _ M o r r i s P a r k av. No 65S. Morris Levenson

et al agt Dominick Negri and Await & Mac­donald 100,00

146—li5th st. No 203 East . Israel Bornstein agt Mary Israel and Rosenberg Contracting Co . . . . ; 114.00

147—Broadway, No 3099, Morris Goldstein agt Mitow Real ty Co and Isidore Cohen. . . .485,45

148—Bathgate av, w s, 335 s 172d s t , 25x114. Charles Schneider agt He rman Na than and Jacob Wolfe 112.90

Nov. 18.

149—Madison av, e s, whole front between 5Sth M d 59tb sts. Dimock & Fink Co agt John D Crimmins, Wal ter J Solomon and 59th Street Madison Avenue Co, lessees (renewal) .

1,3S3.25 150—42d st, u s. 125 w 5th av, 72x100. Same

agt E s t a t e E A Hoffmann, E B L Carter , t rustee, State Real ty Co and Wal te r J Solo­mon 738.05

151—49th sl. No 38 Wesl . Same agt Trus tees Columbia College and Wal te r J Solomon ( re­newal) 251.04

152—SSth St. No 178 West. G Selkin & Son agt Edward Carroll J r 91.50

1.53—Sth av, Nos 750 Sc 752. Rapid Floor Sur­facing Co agt Metropolitan Mercantile Sc Realty Oo 250.00

154—Tinton av. w s, 75 n 150th st. 75x94.11. John A Murray agt Tinton Avenue Construc­tion Co 1.575.00

155—Same porperty. Seward Engineer ing Co agt same 2.077,00

.156—Same property. Gustav E r n s t agt same. ! 1,050.00

157—185th st, n s. 125 w St Nicholas av, 25x —. H a r r y Zudek agt Pincus Lowenfeld, Wil -licm Prager and Max Toonkel 65,00

158—.Sth av, s e cor 129th st, 20x—. Same agt same .* 30,00

159—Grand Boulevard, e s, 150 n Burns ide av, 57x104, Louis Tager ast. Tremout Temple Congregation Gates of Mercy and Gurl i t t Manning Co (Inc) 3,510,00

1 6 0 - l l S t h st, Nos 161 SL 163 East . Sol Mins­koff agt Rachel Weisenberg and Morris Weis­enberg 420.00

Nov, 19. 161—15fllh st, Nos 2 6 7 ^ 0 273 West . Nason

Mfg Co agt Bisch-Hoef Realty fi: Construc­tion Co Sc Knickerbocker Plumbing Con­t rac tors Co 534.63

162—Ryer av. e s. 125 n 180th st, 75x103. David Bradspls et al agt Ju l ius K Brady, Rebecca F Levin, Joe Lowenfeld. Samuel Merksamer and F rey t ag & Diamond 625.12

163—Hoe av. e s, 125 s 173d st, 75x100. Car­ter Black SL Ayers agt Jobn Marx Construc­tion Co 195.00

164—Intervale av, w s. 75 s Home st . 75x72,8. Same agt Volga Improvemenl Co 300.00

165—130th st, Nos 113 to 119 East . Roof Main­tenance Co agt Meyer Sacks and Lexington Sheet Metal Works 125.00

166—Hudson st, Nos 401 fi: 403. Max Roth­bar t agt Tr ini ty Church Corp fi: M A Ryan, I n c . : Ml.OO

167—109th St. No 231 East . Max K a n n e r agt Jane Thorburn Sc Thorburn Smith, Inc . .295,00

168—3d av. No 2141, Jacob Efron agt Pbilip Jesselson. Otto Meier, Jacob Por tman fi: Jo ­seph Epstein 237.00

16!)_Washington av. No 1281- Carter, Black SL Ayers agt John Marx Construction Co. . . . . . . . . . : 353-60

170—234th st, n s, 435 w Katnoah av, 50x100. Fordham Pa rque t Floor Co agt Bernard gchulta 187.00

Nov. 17, 1909. . Editor of Record and Guide;

The lieu which Vincent LoBe Sc Co. has filed against us we consider unjust . We will bond the same immediately and contest it.


Nov. 15-

137th st, s s, 155.1 e St Ann 's av, 50x100. Wilson M Powell loans Freder ick Vollmar lo erect a —sty building; 4 payments 20,000

Clay av e s. whole front between 166tb & 107tb sts, 568.5x80. Kate P McKenna loans A J Schwarzler Co to erect a —sty bui lding; 7 payments 65,000

Riverside drive, n e cor 93d st, 114.4x152.Ix irreg. Title Guarantee Sc T rus t Co loans Ferguson Bros fi Forshay lo erect a 12-sty apar tment ; 16 paymenis 550,000

, Nov. 16.

155th st, s s. 145 w Elton av, 50x100, Enoch C Bell loans Thomas D Malcolm Construction Co to erect a 5-sty tenement ; 11 paymenis .

McCombs Dam rd. n w cor 152d st, 85.1x109.7 x74.11x69,2. North American Mortgage Co loans Teichman Engineer ing Sc Conslruction Co to erect a 6-sty building; 15 p a y m e n t s . ,

74.000 Aranndson av, e s, 125 s Nelson av, 25x100.

N Y fi: Suburban Co-operative Building Sc Loan Ass'n loans Er ik G Nyman to erect a —sty building; — paymenis 3.000

Nov, 17.

Mapes av, n e cor 180th st, 93.10x47.1. James G Wentz loans Mellwin Real ty & Coustruc­lion Co to erect a 5-sty apa r tmen t ; 8 pay­ments 34,000

Clinton av, e s, 107,8 s 180th st, 41x120.8. Manhat tan Mortgage Co loans Brook Con­s t ruc t ion Co to erect a 5-sty apa r tmen t ; 13 pavments 30,000

ISOth st, E s, 80.6 e Clinton av, 41.6x107. Same loans same to erect a 5-sty apa r lmen t ; 14 payments 30,000

Clinton av, s e cor 180th st, 107x40. Same loans same to erect a 5-sty apar tment ; 13 payments 40,000

180th st, s s, 40 e Clinton av, 40.6x107. Same loans same to erect a 5-sty apar tment ; 14 payments 30,000

Longfellow av, s w cor Freeman st, 131.Ox 109.5. North American Mortgage Co loaus Longfellow Real ty Co lo erect four 5-sty apa r tmen l s : 14 payments 80,000

234th st, u s, 206 e Carpenter av, 25x114. John St ruckman F rank Pieper to erect a 2-sty dwell ing; 3 payments . , , 4,009

Nov, 19.

Belmont av, n e cor lS9th st, 90x100. Man­ha t t an Mortgage Co loans Cipriani ReaUy & Construction Co to erect a 5-sty apa r tmen t ; 13 payments 56,000

Webster av, n w cor 194th st, 1OO.KT2.6X]O0X 62,T. Wm S Pa t t en loans Freder ick M Mel­lert to erect two 5-sty apa r tmen l s ; 10 pay­ments 54,000

^Hughes av, n w cor ITOth st . Moses Kaplan et al agt O'Leary Real ty & Construction Co. (Nov 16, 1909 61.00

West End av. No 305. Will iam Doellner agt A R Stern et al. (Oct 8. 1909) 89.50

'Pike Slip, Nos 81 & S3. Morris Hochberg agt J McSweeney et al. (July 0. 1909). . .65.00

^Same property. Louis Sanlowitz et al agt same. (Aug 21. 1999) 25.00

^Same property. Joe Wexler agt same. (.\ug 3, 1909) 35.00

^Same proiierly. Osias Pest agt same. (Aug 2, 1909) 100,00

'Same property. Isidor Kasofsky agt same. (Sept 13, 1909) 130,00

Essex st, No 111. Alberene Stoue Co agt Joseph A Wangler et al. (Nov 5, 1900).129.25

Nov, 18.

Audubon av, w s, whole front betwen 177th SL ITSth sts. Norwalk Lock Co agt Washing­ton Heights Development & Construction Co et al. (Nov 15, 1909) 1,821.15

5th av. No 85 1 16th st, Nos 5 & 7 Eas t |

M F Westergren (Inc) agt Carrie M Butler et al. (July IS, 1907) 3,513,19

142d st, n s, 350 e 7th av. Oriental Fireproof Sash Sc Door Co Egt R fi: M Reaity Co et al. (Nov 10, 1909) 216-00

l l S t h st, Nos 161 Sc 163 Bast . United P lumb­ers Supply Co agt John Doe el al, (Oct 19, 19091 54.50

146lh st. No 307 West . Morris Per lman Co agt Ahraham Nelson et al. (July 3, 1909) . .

52.75 'Whi t lock av, Nos 965-969, 973-977-981 and

985, Pa t r ick McCormack agt J ames F Mee­han et al. (Oct 4, 1909) 180.00

Nov. 19.

Canal st, Nos 213 to 219. Thomas Hanley agt Newman Cowen et al, (Sept 14, 190S, (canceled) 157.04

44th st, Nos 34 Sc 36 West . Hull , Grippen SL Co agt Phi Gamma Delta Club et al. (June 12, 1909 T73.47

^Discharged by deposit, -Discharged by bond. ^Discharged by order of Court.


Lot 37, map of Setoa Homestead. Bronx. Fred M Weiss loans John Diehl to erect a —sty building; — payments ¥2,500


Nov. 13.

3d av No 137, Sam S Glauber (Inc) agt John Doe et. al. (March 24. 1909) $175.00

Nov, 15.

5lh av. No 85, Robert Leve agt Carrie Butler cl al. (Oct 23. 1907) 145.15

Broadway, w s, 93.9 n 190th st. Frederick B Benedict agt Henry C Haumann et al. (Aug 10, 1909) 600.00

Same proijerty, Freder ick B Benedict agt same. (Aug 10, 1909) 160.00

=26lh st, Nos 22 & 24 West . M Eberhar t SL Son Co agt John Doe et al, (Oct 20, 1909).


Nov, 16,

-98th st. No 287 East . H a r r y Sobel agt David Liebgold et al. (Oct 7, 1909) 88.00

-Bathgate av, s w cor ISSth st. Otlo L Spann­hake (Inc) agt Mountain Construction Co et al. (Nov 8, 1909) 675.00

-')65th st, s s, whole front between College Sc Findlay av. Same agt same. (Nov 8, 1909).

625.00 -Manida st, n e s, 113.11 n w Lafayette av.

Ficklein Concrete Construction Co agt Ma­nida Co et al. (July 29, 1909) 1,375.10

Same property. agt same. (June 10, 1909) 1,375.10

Trini ty av. Nos 992 SL 994. William David agt Mary Kurshman et al. (Sept 27, 1900), 130,00

Walton av, w s, 85 s 183d st . Torregiani SL Seveiino agt Bedford Park Construction Co et al. (Nov 1, 1909) 300.00

Delancey st. No 134. H a r r y A Berger agt Ottenberg & Becker et al. (Oct 26, 1909) . .


Nov. 17.

^St Nicholas av, s w cor IS l s t st. O'Shea Con­struct ion Co agt Gustavus L Lawrence et al. (Sept 2, 1009) 3,861,26

-Minford pi, e s, 129,4 s 173d st. Tony Bruno agt Geo F Picken Construction Co et al, Nov 1, 1909) 2,000.00

ORDERS. Fox St. n e cor 167tb st. Loek Plumbing Sc

Construction Co on Altro Realty Co lo pay E F Keat ing Co .^,221.63


Nov. 11.

B T Burrowes Co; Geo T Parsons ; $2,036.29; L Levy.

Lindbeimer , Leopold fi: Albert ; In ternat ional Hide SL Skin Co; ,ii793.04; Hays , Kaufman fi; Lindheim.

Cleveland Trus t Co; Sallie S Brown; $3,400; Breed, Abbott Sc Morgan.

Nov. 12.

Ellis, Chas E ; Nathan Bieder, t rustee, Scc; $196,860; Cohen, Creevey & Ricblcr .

Stoddard, Rose C SL Chas P ; H a r r y M Bisbon: .'f 1,609; Goldsmith & Rosenthal .

Nov. 13,

Richardson Construction Co; Eugeue C Wor-deu; ,^41,427,75; McLaughlin, Russeil , Coe & Sprague.

Appley, Chas H, Ethel D, Leonard G, Fred­erick E, Wal ter SL Herber t L ; also Lillian M A Oliver, Ju l ia E Bogart fi: Blva R A Heckler ; Joseph D Gallagher et al ; $120,000; T Cleve­land,

Nov. 15, 10 and 17,

No At lachments filed these days.


Nov. 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and IS.


De Rosa. H. 628 Mead st, Bronx. .Seward Bug Co. (R) $350

Ferguson Parkway Garage. 110th st and Cen­tral Pa rk Wes t . .Raisler Heat ing Co. Hea t ­ing P lan t . 850

Le Roy Construction Co. 190lh st and Cres­ton a v . , U n i o n Stove Works . Ranges,

Mountain Const Co. Bathgate av and ISSth st . . E N Y Refrigerator & W Working Co. Mantels. 630

Minsky & Engel Sc Siener. 195-7 Chrys t i e . . Maintenance Co. Elevator . 20O

T h e t e x t of t h e s e p a g e a is c o p y r i g h t e d . All r i g h t s a r e r e s e r v e d . N o t i c e is h e r e b y g iven t h a t i n f r i n g e m e n t wi l l l ead t o p r o s e c u t i o n .

12 RECORD AND GUIDE November 20, 1909

Alphabetical Index to Advertisers

Acme Metal Ceiling . - • - , , * Alliance Realty Co Oppos. Edit . A d e n ' s Am, Port . Cemeut W o r k s . I n Record pp, Araerican Luxfer Prism Co In Record pp. American Steel Sc Wire Co ^ American Window Shade Co • • • . 5 Ames SL CO Board of Brokers p. Amy & Co., A. V 1 Appell, Jacob k' • ; • • • '• Armstrong John Manhat tan Brokers p . Arns Co., H Manhat tan Brokers p_. Art is t ic 'Marble Co l " Ashforth, A, B .....•- ^ Associated Engineer ing Specialists b Atlantic Ter ra Cotta Co • . l a Atlas Port . Cement Co In Record pp.

Bachrach, W. & J ,:.• • ; • '• ^ Baiiey F S Manha t t an Brokers p. Baldwin, Geo. E Oppos. Edit , p, Barclay. Wright Oppos. Edit . p. Bataille Sc Co ^\ Bates, Pu tnam A . " ^ • • . • • • ' Benjamin, Wm, M Board of Brokers p_-Benvenue Grani te Co liJ Berger Mtg. Co 4 Bloodgood, F . P -. - . ' Blumberg, J Oppos. Edit . Bohnenkamp fi: Schneider Oppos. Edit. Bollon, R. P ^ Borkstrom, O. G 1-J Boyd & Co.. J ames J , " ; - " •* Boylan. J. J Manhat tan Brokers p. Brewer, W. H -1 Brooklyn Metal Ceiling Co 4 Brooklyn Vault Light Co 4 Brown & Co., J. Romaine 1 Brown's Sons, R. 1 Bronx Brokers p. Brnssell , D, G In Record pp-Buchanan, H, W 1 Buermann Sc Co-, Chas Manhat tan Brokers p-Building SL Sani tary Inspection Co-,Oppos. Edit. Burwak Elevator Co 13

Callan, Jas , E Bronx Brokers p. Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd 1 Candee. Smith St Howland Co Las t Cover Canton" Steel Ceiling Co 4 Carpenter, F i rm of L. J 1 Carreau, C t Carter , Black fi: Ayers 1 ' Casmento Roofing Co 4 Cheesman, C. V 13 City Invest ing Co Oppos. Edit , Cohen, D 4 Cokeley Wra. A Bronx Brokers p. Collins, Lavery Sc Co lo Commonwealth Rooflng Co 4 Corbin, F S In Record pp. Corbit & Co., Jos Manhat tan Brokers p, Corcoran. A. J 2 Cork Sc Zicha Marble Co In Record pp. Corning Co.. Edward 1 Cowlin, David 1:> Cruikshank Co 1 Cruiksbank 's Sons, Wm 1 Cudner, R, E. Co., A. M Board of Brokers p.

Davies, J. C 1 Day, Joseph P Board of Brokers p. De Selding Bros Board of Brokers p, De Wal l tearss Sc Hull Manhat tan Brokers p, Dillman Fireproof Construciion Co 13 Dimond, Thos Inter ior adv. p. Dowd, J. A Oppos. Edit. Dowdall. C. E 13 Doyle & Sons. J. F 1 Drouve Co •' Du Bois SL Taylor Board of Brokers p. Duff & Conger Wan t & Offer p. Duross Company Board of Brokers p.

Eagle I ron Works 13 Eckhardt , P. 0 1 Erielm;?nn, L 13 Edgar SL Curtis Manhat tan Brokers p, Edi.son Port land Cement Co In Record pp. Electric Floor Surfacer Co -' Ely Sc Co., H. S 1 Empire Brick & Supply Co Las t Cover Empire City Wood Working Co 15 English. J. B Manhal tan Brokers p. Estey Wire Works Co 13 Experl Mortgage Co 6

Faulhaber , B. G Board of Brokers p. Finegan, .\ Manhat tau Brokers p. Finkelstein, J Manhal tan Brokers p. Fischer, J. .• Oppos. Edit , Fisher Co.. Robt. C 1 Fiske SL CO., Inc 15 Fitzgerald & Broderick Bronx Brokers p. Fitzsimmons, T, P Oppos. Edit . Fi tzsimmons-Shil ler-Wilson Co 1 Foley, J. R. fi 0, L Manhal tan Brokers p, Fordham Stone Renov. Co Last Cover Pox Sc Co.. F Oppos. Edit. Fredenburg & Lounsbury Last Cover i.'roraan fi: Taubert Manhat tan Brokers p. Fuller Co., Geo. A 2

Gallagher, 0 . i 15 Gass, Frank Bronx Brokers p. Geoghegan, P. A Board ot Brokers p. George & Co., E 2 Golding. J- N Oppos. Edit-Goodwin & Goodwin Manhat tan Brokers p-Grab im, T. P Board of Brokers p. Grant & McCloskey 6 Grossman Brothers SL Rosenbaum 13 i^^iarantee Mortgage SL Title Ins. Co..

Oppos. Bdii.

For Buyer ' s Reference see page 1 4

Haase. W. A 5 Hallock, J r . , Sons, Geo. O,Board of Brokers p. Harft- C Oppos. Edit-Harr ison & Meyer 13 Haslehurs t , Weston & Co 1 Hatfield, George E 4 Hayes Co., George 13 Heaney Co., P. J Las t Cover Hecla Iron Works In Record pp. Heidri t ter . F . L. Sc A Constr. News p. Heyneman. R Oppos. Edit . Himmelberger -Harr i son Lumber Co 5 Holland Machine Co 6 Holly. J. K OppoH. Edit . Houghta l ing Sc Wit tpenn Constr. News p. How fi: Co.. Hai l J 1 Huston & Asinari 1

Israel, S. A.

Jackson & Stern 4 Jenks . O. A 6 Johnson Co., The E. J Las t Cover Jones, Wm. P, & Son. . . .Manhat tan Brokers p. Judd, Philip H Board of Brokers p. J u s t Company, George A In Record pp.

Kane Co., John P Last Cover Katz fi: Co Manbat tan Brokers p. Kellogg, John Kenset t 1 Kennelly, Bryan L Manhat tan Brokers p Ketchum, George Oppos. Edit Ketchum, F i rm of J. B . . . , B o a r d of Brokers p King, Jacob A Want & Offer p King & Co., J. B In Record pp Kirw?n, John P 1 Klaber, A. & Son 2 Kohler, Charles S 1 Kreiscber Brick Mfg. Co 15 Kruger & Co., W. B 2 Kyle SL Sons, James 1

La Spina-Morris Cut Stone Co lo Lawrence Cement Co Last Cover Lawyers ' Mortgage Co Oppos. Edi t . Lawyers ' Title Ins. Sc T rus t Co.,

Want fi: Offer p. & 7 Leaycraft fi Co., J. E 1 Leitner, J Bronx Brokers p. Levers, Robert Manhat tan Brokers p. Lines, Harr ie S Oppos, Edit . Lippman, D. Sc H 4 Losere, Leon Bronx Brokers p. Lowenfeld Sc P rager 4 Lucas SL CO., Jobn 6 Lummis, Ben], R Manba t t an Brokers p.

McCarthy, John A. & Bro Last Cover McCormick, Stephen Manhat tan Brokers p. McKeuna, Dr. Chas. F 5 McLaughlin Sc Co., A. W 1 McLaughlin, Thos. F Manha t t an Brokers p. McMahon, Jos. T Oppos. Edit. McManus, E. D 6 Mahle, Webster B & Co 1 Macaulay, C. R 13 Macdonald & Co., Ranald H 1 Maclay fi: Davies Board ot Brokers p. Mailloux, C. 0 . Sc Knox, C, E 5 Mainhart , F. E Manhat tan Brokers p. .Mandelbaum St Lewine 4 Manhat tan Fireproof Door Co 13 Marschall , Richard 6 .Mark Sons, Jacob 4 Maurer & Son, H 13 Mehltret ter , C. F Bronx Brokers p. Miller, Rudolph P 5 Miller, McMann & Donley In Record pp, Mooyer SL Marston 9 Morgenthau, J r . , Co.. M . , . . B o a r d of Brokers p. Mosher. H. H Oppos. Edit . Moses SL Bro,, Chas. Griffith,

Manhat tan Brokers p. Mulligan, Jos . T Board of Brokers p. Murray, J. P. & E. J Board of Brokers p.

Na.ssau Iron fi Steel Works 13 .Sebon fi; Collins 6 -New Amsterdam Realty Co 4 -New England Grani te Works 15 -Vpw Jersey Ter ra Cotta Co 15 New york Edison Co 3 New York Metal Ceiling Co 4 N. Y. Root Pa in t Co 4 .New York Tennis Racket Co 5 Norman Fireproof Construction Co 13 .Noyes Co., Chas. F 1


O'Conner, Lcwrence fi El l ison. . . .Oppos. Edit. O'Donohue. Louis V. . . .Manha t tan Brokers p. 0 F i n CIAL LEGAL NOTICES.

p. preceding Conveyances Ogden SL Clarkson Board of Brokers p. OTI-fra Bros Bronx Brokers p. riliver. W. H 2 Oppenheimer, Leo 4 Hrr Co,, John C In Record pp. Ostrander & Co., W. R 5 Otis Elevator Company In Record pp. Otten, Henry H Manhat tan Brokers p.

Palmer, Edward D Manhat tan Brokers p, Priyion. J r . , Co., Philip A.,

Manhat tan Brokers p. Peck, N.- & W, J Last Cover

Peerless Towel Supply Co Constr, News p-Per lman Iron Works, A 13 Person fi Co 15 Pflomm, F- fi: G 1 P to lenhaner -Nesb i t Co 15 Pocher & Co 1 Polak, Edward Bronx Brokers p. Poliazi SL CO Manhat tan Brokers p . Por ter fi Co 1 Powers Flreprooflng Co 13 Price, George Bronx Brokers p .

Quay Eng. Co Constr. News p.

Rapp, Jobn W 13 Rapp Construction Co 13 Raymond Concrete Pile Co. . . .Constr . News p Read & Co., George R 1 Reeber ' s Sous, J Last Cover Reiter , Louis Bronx Brokers p Rhodes, Fred. Dana 5 Richtberg, Will iam Manhat tan Brokers p, Ricker t -Finlay Co In Record pp. Ritch. Inc., William T 2 Rockland-Rockport Lime Co 6 Roome & Co., Will iam J 1 Rosehill Real ty Corp 4 Ruland SL Whi t ing Co 1 Russell, G. D In Record pp.

Sachs & Co,. H- J Board of Brokers p. Sayre & F isher Company 15 Schmeidler & Bachrach 4 Schopp, Adam A Manhat tan Brokers p, Schrag, Louis Board of Brokers p . Schuyler & Co., Charles E . . B o a r d of Brokers p. Schwegler, Geo Manhat tan Brokers p. Schwiebert, H Bronx Brokers p. Seeligsberg, Wili iam Manhat tan Brokers p . Senior Sc Stout Oppos. Edit , Shanker, S 4 Shapiro Sc Aronson 6 Shatzkin St Sons, Inc Bronx Brokers p. Shipway SL Brother, J. H 1 Simmons, E. de F 1 Smith, Frank E Board of Brokers p. Smith, G. W 4 Smith fi Dorseti Company 4 Smvlh & Sons. Bernard Oppos, Edi t Staley SL Gillespie 13 Standard Concrete Steel Co g Star Wire Works 13 Stedman, R, L 6 Stewart Really Company. .Manha t tan Brokers p . S t rauss Sc Singer 6 Sugarman SL Kahn 6 Sumner. F . C Constr, News p. Supreme Security Co 6

Tablet & Ticket Co 5 Taylor. Ronald i g Thatcher Furnace Co Last Cover Thels Sons. Pe ter i g Tbiele. E In Record pp. Thomas & Eckerson 1 Title Guarantee & Trus t Co Oppos. Edi t . Title Ins . Co. of New York,

> p. preceding legal advs . Trembley, C. W In Record pp, Tripler & Sons Last Cover Truslow, A r t h u r Board of Brokers p. Tucker, Speyers & Co Board of Brokers p. T y n s , Jr. , Sc Co., Stephen H Oppos. Edit .

Ullman. C. L ;T-. B rons Brokers p. U. S, Mineral Wool Company 13

i^-^.i.;>UaSji I

Van Wert Sc Land 6 Varian. W. L Bronx Brokers p . Vogler, Edw. C. H Board of Brokers p. Voigtmann & Company l;j Von der Linden Co Bronx Brokers p-Vulcanlte Port land Cement C o . . . . I n Record pp-

Wants and Offers Dept In Reading pp. Ware. William R i Warren & Skillen ^ . , .-Board of Brokers p. Water Supervision Co Oppos. Edit. Webb. J ames Nash Manhat lan Brokers p. Weber, Charles A Bronx Brokers p. Weed. Wm. E 6 Weil, Henry M Manhat tan Brokers p. Weisberg-Mark Company 15 Wells, Arch. Iron Co 13 Wells ' Sons. J ames N 1 Welsh Machine Works 13 Wetmore & Van Winkle 6 Whale Creek Iron Works 13 Whalen, F r a n k S Manhattan Brokers p. White SL Pierce Board of Brokers p. White Sc Sons, Wm. A Oppos, Edit . Whltney-Steen Co Constr . Newa p. Wilcox &. Shelton 1 Willard SL Company, B. 3 1 Wilson, E, A Oppos. Edit, Wise Co., Nathaniel Las t Cover Wissmann, P. DeR 1 Wohlauer, Alfred A 5 Wood & Co., P. R Board of Brokers p-Woodbury Grani te Company 15

Yorkville Iron Works 13

ZItlel, Frederick Board of Brokers p.