2 The Etillboard DECEMBER 0



., Our meeting en the Mitts of November certainly created woe our. Not nine.. the etrike dayg have we brok.,:i in, 0, front ¡Mgr of a morning pepor, and this to mite e loe is it because 'of Mel that we tried tO ...lode newspaper men. It nte• called by mote a "kickers*" mooting. therefor.. e (amity affair. Perim, It evve the natural ....,.....• OUI' people which preented•thehr finding muet fault. for to be front there are lot• of little things which Igoe gone wrong. and ere are sorry to my that thin may coati,.

For mute More there have 'been roomn ci «be Introdnellon et Sunday perfermenees in New York. Several newmpapera printed editorial, on the einbJeot. So Wore 0„, :. we get Into melee« quart..

arrived our people got up on it.. hind teal and protested . vigoromly. Read the following renolution. which oa• paned unaohnoteelyi Renoteed, Il; the members of the Actors. F...121.1 A11•Orill10t1 in ti Meeting amenable& that the Council be and hereby la Imtnnited to pant at the earlie•t poulble WM,

1. Tim( the A. F.. A. In on principle onaltembly opposed to nil performucee of Actors on Sunday. and will ennalMently d 1M beet effort* to preventing nod emending da 7... Th. from the date of the pawing of th e..b is r.atons in torripoy in whiolt Sunday dramatic performaneen are NOT ma eal•bliehnl and legit fact, the wirmhem of , , r • resolution to the following effect :

A- she, rife. t^ •Iite Part in nmile Sundae Performance•. no matter under what auspices they may be ghee or in whet faint the Prennomesnont of them easy take 3. Should r ...uie, drenutio preormiettee• at ett0 future time br made le 11t3 b1 territory in which they am Dot now legal, thee the A. K. A. renerse• to Reel( the right t ,.

whether IS rumba.. .5:1 earn idedo - these ritournaton Aod should A. E. A. under thew condition. iletrrmlne «hit It. laftalt. may take part in meet Monday performance,. then the A. E. A. ruerven to itmlf the right m d,,,,..1 cea take Part in .51,-h 9Uodal Pefformau're or not

And in no raw and tender no conditions, in the territory above detecribed, Mali the f04»; performance be counted as one of Co` eight Peet. ' conettMist e wa under what term• •md ronilltIone sit -i, partiripation et it. tnerobenehle ta

...• Mali be [tau..

4. Nothing In thin resolution shall be vonstrued os preventing any member of the A. E. A. from Ming an Sot or loan Sunday in nny Vaudeville or Variety F.000,..,,..„ work under the A. E. A 4, M. A• enittm,-

1When reading Mum 4 it should be remembered that Vaudeville is %Maids the WM.1140011 of the A. E. A. and therefore any law we may mom for mimed', ,„„..,,n any benefit for • womb, reuse.

The next morning there woe quite a bum of excitement. One thmetelloal erne weal us nerd that It w willing ould be to pay for Sunday performance.. but the moat lomertme them.)

Pretty etrong. eh!

-Dear Sir-The morning paper• no the fact tlene re rewlittlon as passed by the Actors' En; Anwelation yesterday bb

to oppme the luby alleged to hare hem re4 monk-Vice follows: •iale. French. Wit,,,.. Pres. The Acton,. F.oulty Amociation. New York City. shout to be we, to Albany to promote Sunday night Performeneew Neither the Producing Managera' A11110,111(1011 nor Inc tutted Manage.. Proteellee An...elation beve made., move nor authorized any such step. If agitation of thM kind la going on it in by Individual omeagers otoheels we have on knowadge. iffignedl -SAM IL MARREN. Prmident To. Prebo•ieg 0..nneere• am,,,,,,,

"Very truly your..

••MAIIC KLAW. Pruldent The Untied Mangers. Protectiee Amainie.

We believe that the entire Dranialle Profession la agreed th. it 85.• not want Sunday Rerf.mam•••• dir the "Pi"." should be with tea in 11119, for many of their mob

•Iwayie declined. In the pad. to listen to the call of Mammon, but have instated on taking one day off toc tit•

It best met to give him any further publicity. Sometime. it roes to the heed. Cpon learning that there were 190 new members within the last three sweetie one Couoellenan remarked: - Where do tirey 01 come freezer . Following is a 1St:

Some of our friends en., have wondered why we did not Join lo the general rebuttal et the eimegel ma bf • certain Clergyman •••M•t the St •••• A• • mott lierr.n.;;,,,f,..:;;:.

There were liftY-two oew member. elected last wiTek and fire reluteetement, making fifty-Devon in •11. So long as the number eta,. Shore the half eentury mean we argent

Floreure Burdett Loila Ellie A gnu Jf1W..12 I harlot. 1.ennos Itttbert SohlIllog George Wharton Sean Clara lanai. Evans Bertha Julian Guy S. Memel ta,th.,ryn ,Puriell Olive Shelley W lento W ilmer

Marry MK.;

rent AntoinetM 1 glover do Jack ...entitle Rial. N Mel.* . Siseemmn John It Wright

Cordoba Fred 0. Harris Kearns II. Grady Miller Mrs, Anna Sloe Ethel Tame:0mM Alire Wynne

Manila LIbushica Craig ,Seals Eddie W. Sam, Frank W. Iluseell

Rumell Clenevieve lobio 1:.','Ill'o' T.relCyne 1141olle II. Aden a Finny Brad•hew

Mulct De !Wolff Mildred Aubrey Alice Keith

Ralph fee Earle Anthony Ilughes Judith !Awry II•deleine 1.4 Fero Well E. Schaffner Opy Roy Burge. 'I


"THE MEETING PLACE 71 Crete acme t• Intended to be • "metim place" for Managers and Actors. Any Name who wtehm

to communic.• with thces mentlined le.n should aerlu to IS Acton. Exult, AlecelstIon. Ream 605.

Lenuere Building. 1476 IlAwileray. New Tort My.)

DISENGAGED LIST December 2, 1919


Na ConM. !DULL Weight Yr. to Iltwarka. Pug

2. Out • 5-8 145 25 Dee, Peet.. resort.. Irlah. ete. 3. Dim 5.9 159 U Dr1111..le. .11 11111«.

144: G'" 5.8 160 30 Dramatic. ell ham. Ch••arttos red 11,eviee.

19. Dark 54 Its Itl intact rye.. Itaela•. ate. 2• Wand 5-4 115 35 atom. Chin•tre. Jactai, ets 21. Dart 5.8 143 25 Drewatle and DIsecter. 21, Grey 54 130 31 Dramatic.


A. teed. 5.4 1M 40 Dramatic sad Plata's. 10. Dart 5-3 128 Ch•r•tt•r• ut Ga•waal Beeleees 21. Grcy 54 130 greed Demo.


23. Llrbt 5-11 150 a orange,. Doreen*. Characters, Litt Comedy. 24, Dart 6 135 8 Dementia. 25. Dart 5-11 173 4 D.1.111htle. It. Lieht s.e 143 tie. Comedy. I. Med. 5.7 14$ 5 Dramatic. Used Cased,. ,


IS. Dart 5.1 118 9 Dons, Ii,. Comedy. Charseters 14. Lit. 5-9 130 7 Salmon an• rit•in. Draw,. Rm, (lail. sad). 17. Dart 5 110 magical and Dramatic. It Dart 5-5 125 ' j Ora seek. legame Load. 7, Dark 5.5 13$ 4 0 nutria t. Blend 5 98 111 Nedra ,. Dramatic, Kid Parts


• Dmit 11.5 107 8 Orltatal. fieuith. eta V. Daft 54 120 10 Orle•tal. beagle. eta


9. Dart à 105 9. Us. 4.11 1115 E'':."..17;Z.::::i..'."'ir...11741°."°' It. Wale tweedy, Veetyllmeitt, il. Ut1110. Animal Mu. Bicycle Act. Tutu rem. Extearience. 25. Adm.* Man- Buslitess blanaess. Plant, of Experience.

26. Admoce Man. Buelsine Stamper.

NOTICE ti you rave neglected to send in your dues for the present six months'

period send them •t once to Actors' Equity Association. Suite 608 Longacre

Building. 'Jew York. Fisse dollars sent now will keep you in good standing

till M* o, 1920. We wish to remind prospective members that in order to

join the Actors' Equity Association they must be in our jurisdiction. By

that we mean that they must be in the so-called legitimate or musical com-

edy line. If you desire further information on this point we will gladly

furnish it to you on request

z-mnimummi niniur-lutuiumminininiv,mulummlniummininimmiumminuniminininininloimmulinininiummininunimulolutunolv


"Actors Equity Association" Branch of The Aasociated Actors and Artistic of America

Affiliated With The American Federation of Labor.



The Secretary, Dear Sir:

I herewith tender my application for membership in Actors Equity Association and enclose ten dollars, being the tiation fee of five dollars and the semi-annual membership(' of five dollars. One dollar of this suns is for my subscriptie

"Equity." I hereby solemnly affirm that I am an "'"'; that I hard

engaged in obtaining my livelihood in that profession for ad two years, and that I am at present obtaining, or endearotel obtain, a living from the theatrical profession; that I ata a fr proper person to be admitted to and become a member Actors' Equity Association and if elected I promise to &Jr! abide by the rules, regulations and mandates of the Actors' Ep Association and its properly elected officers, as under the Ce tution, Article 2, Section 4:

"Members shall be elected by the Council. amnia and be governed by the Constitution and 13Y-Lilee,,

Association, and any rule, order or law, lawfully ta given by any lawful authority. The Council slul

power to censure, suspend, drop, expel, terminate e berm, ip of. request the resignation of, fine or puid member, and the offenses for which and the candles der which the Council may so act shall be set WO , By-Laws, or in rules adopted by the Council. Aefli whose membership shall cease. or be In any mflnes.

noted, shall have no further right's In the A550eine• property."


Permanent address

Please state below, sufficient information to establish twc active experience on the stage if coming in as a senior Le

air This application must be accompanied by the fee and semi-annual membership dues.

af you are corning In an a Junior Member, strike out the "for at least two years'. In paragraph 2.)

DEcEMSER 13, 1115 The Billboard 3

DELCO SPARK INTENSIFIERS Everybody gettlne big money with them. Got our latest flash literature and contracts free. Our Intensifiers now have patent applied

for en every one.

Get Our Price Right-20c Each; Gross Lots, $3.50 Per Dozen; Samples, 50 Cents Mr. Gen, Evans is now In New °Hearts and can still place some live wires who know how to appoint agents. Will also equip a few with Fords.

M. H. Schley+ Just back from Chicago, where he sold 3,000 Deice Spark Intensifiers. Everybody knows about the Deice.



Will be glad to meet and arrange contracts with man-agers of first-class attractions of all kinds. We will build and finance any new idea that is worth while in the Show World. Will be glad to see you.


CH I CAGO Until December 13


Until December 26


ie Gremlin.. Doss fleasrludit 31.saine It ta Niemen It minas and drams Hodgi birsahwaii late k eoninoe at a ita rage • minute Them Mein. Parnoite Arseetren rates met 13e to 1Se per daps eact eh et In,- Ter desert


.7ae". Pane" Ganntta• tie" Ia• WM:We». ~We TOUT larae DeeSbetiT Kepis. litt-cut Arse and Mixing Meet Si 93

-t&Lity• (ha Wore, wan sine and onetime.. $7.5) NSW for nemrdeta arra-ara TAUNT III G. CO., ins caweet sane. at. lash, lalse•wi.


TDC\VD IMAM) OP TICK :S••.tor.wsie holesImit, of INDetiliROT DOUGILNITS. It Le • mensational business and right noer bringing big peen,» Et on, the eounU7. Operators tell us that 133.54 to ST5.011 nes daily profits Is ore average work •Ith I.

XMAS HANDAERCHIEFS Pure Silk, Fancy Borders.

$1.50 Dozen $18.00 Gross Two San' pies, 25e.






WANTED—A fIrst-clroa Minstrel Show, with own frameup; also a. Platform Or Pit Show. We have all other Shows and Rides. Can place all Concessions e_ gFern Candy Wheel, Bail Games and Shooting Gallery. All Wheels, $25.00, emit, and all others f» 00, fiat. Can use Girls for Cabaret at all times. We PAY tt cents a ticket and Girls keep all tips. Address ROACH & GRAMMAR, leathern Hotel, Atlanta, 0•., until Saturday, Doc. 13th; thin Kann•saur, GA.

WANTED, A-No. 1 MAN ',panto of making ineelein and b•eoroir rerrentage or salary heel. ono

11. 'rd •-tu Laic. owe • ow Mutt. Ale* want to beer frees Arent for eirirui tour who Show. III "utblr P'ea mere »siumele CarwreMosia moo. Cut Off La verb lier. II; Dee . « li4; thin Eeriest Le.. Cbrialula lees& uo male street. Nothing t..• b' mail Pe Christ-

»es C. W. /MILL IHOWa. C. W. main. slimeeer,,


.. ‘..‘

, .

• .. , .


nol-Lis 8 Retails $70


. S2Î 50


10 Malf-Pound Ana Bo dark.

-In Tlx.dka. IOUs Babble. sith WM.

with Wig. and Chocolates, TOO







nary Bossa Chocolates 1 13- In 1 Atta Boy Pokiler. 13 in . I II Wig, and I .illl CID: I 7-tn. and 1 with Cap: 1 10-In. Babble. 1 with Cap: Is Deuce (*Wend 1100.1IDM BOIZU

25% with order, balance



SAKS MFG. 36 W. Randolph St.,

Three Weeks in Mobile--- Dec. 6 to 27 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE



EXPOSITION SHOWS upon request extended their engagement. Can place one good Show. Neat, flashy, legitimate Concessions of all kinds, we can place you. Gentlemen, this is a red one; come on. No time for correspondence. For the season of 1920 we can place Shows and Concessions. Will finance any meritorious Show conducted by genteel and efficient showmen. We want the best. D. M. ATWOOD, Owner.



To be December the Central

High-Class Wheels. WANTED will go pulsive. be in on


of the Cii.y, from under the auspices of

Outfits. No floor required. or any act that

Acts and not re-If you want to

addict, Dayton, Obit


held on Washington 11, 1919, to Labor Union.

Concessions Dancing —Free Acts.

BIG on indoor Tell it all in

the opening OEOROE H. HEISER,

EXPOSITION Street in the Heart

February 15, 1920,

WANTED With Good, Clean

Privilege open. Portable Musical, Single, Double

stage. Must be Real first letter. Time is short.

wire, Prepaid. Address Abeam, 48 Dui«


WANTED, M. L Clark & Sons' Shows Out e winter Is TIMM' end hr Tirades MP. Mimic-lane and Performers: Crone. Troinhene rr.‘r Dr.-r..,. Mire Mailers, A,robats 1.1"erns and other art. suitable ather Mualeiana and Perfcemer. strr 'tied loin at one. Wire mad stir, eddied, W. L CLARK • SONS. EnterMila. Om. II: Dennis. 12: 011ert. 13: 11111tail Ers. IS: all Alabeaba.


4 The Billboard DECEMBER 13, We

Opera Chairs Necetearily feed. berm».

Made in Grand Rapids, the Furniture City.


Low prices on quality goods. Seed Mee grief or sketch ter Free

P an

STEEL FURNITURE CO. ONA• A, Grand Rapids, Michigan NEW YORK CITY—Albert E. Babe. 28 E. 224 St CHARLOTTE. N. C.—Liebe D. Jordan. 203 Trust


SCENERY Diamond Dye. Olt at Water


POPCORN Prrennt Phltonmt. Any variety. Write for Price.

AMERICAN POPCORN CO.. Beg 432. Shim City. is.


Member. A. E. A CA11.1.—Chara-tere. A-I Director. MAlteilE d«hat actrrt Grand Dames Ebtferiencel and rellable. CAB/ BAYARD KTEIlle. Merman Team.

AT LIBERTY on amount now closing. A reel A-I .Pubs. Player for II. J. 0 re Band and TIMM& Can hendle tit-lim-bo: at any priny tirkeL Wife: Remo.- or I,moteeton. can •Isee play Hlide. Address ED MORASCA. tare Gerrard Steele C... week al Stn. Man Texas.


Tt eoughly eopertemeot Sober. ramble. of good ad-dress and eopeerance Addrem Tb. Mks ChM. Cln-mor_a,' fime

AT LIBERTY CORNET AND DRUMMER Drummer bas templet* line Both erperienrei in Vaudeolle and Pletuew. Kate salary Built. rte. A. F. It nonalE ri.13103.-Dts. Llbnuy Park Motel. iielemetoo.

AT LIBERTY DEC. 13 conw.t. ,iotthla Na.nophcrna. c Melody: Play atollo and flute parta on egarchonr. Crr'er location In blenda and tea.-h band where a hotel would call for my eat-«Rhone mirk MAX 00W TENS, raze Pillow Co., lira-juan bilnalutrepl.

AT LIESERTY- -VI-AL-CI:It I. WELLIN011eN. on ac-count of company diming. A-1 Plano Player. read mad fake; Stralghta lo ,Arta end 'emir SPerleilea: lead numiers. A-I denser both on •nd off timber and rehab'. Tickets? Yee Address, cue Billboard. Chloa:o. ••••••••••••-•

AT LIBERTY—ELMER A. NORDSETH Juvenile., Light Comedy . General Puedne.t. Age. TO; Meant, S ft. 7 in.: weight. 13-5. Join mi Mew Ad. dom. llinnesnta.

AT LIBERTY—Plante leader: Vaudeellte: Cloture. Open for an eneetternoL Cc, •rowlitere. Vaudeville Pre-ferred. Anmer. Mate Um cd oehmtra, highest eat-ery. Competent. IlT1 work elide man KPENCER

IFIOCHER. 100 Erma Place. UCci. N. T.

VIOLINIST—A P. of NE Would Ilk,. porinon Routh Willing to go with trmollug cortumv or Went Went°. Etferienced in ad lams. Care

Billboard. THOMAS V. MORCAN. 60 Block M., Abington. Mane Talc; bed.. itorkiand 319-11

AT. EiDERTY-1.1ttlo Dollng Thus, ler Indlan Mcd-temb Chow Troupe. family re 3 Conga. dancing. «hooting. etc. Bead workers and fatal basket malt-cae. Fur met or demetment storm AdIreas Lift o Realm Thieved.. 13 LIbeety Ara, Massena. N. 1

VIOLIN LEADER AT LIBERTY le« rimed loth Wiling 111117 Watson Address LeillS RE LORME, rare To. Billboard. elnrInnsti. Ohio.

WANTED—TRAP DRUMMER. One who plays bells. Pm, man with Xylorgenee and Tympani. Mee A-I Cornet Player. Alm A-I Pl-unge Sb n 111‘1,61 tw «per:timed In theater wort Tab. and tottlire rirtures. Union Intr, paying flet en rer week. Mt dius. and good exult work- 174,T DIB -RELL. 5015E Write or «Ire GEO. HATCH. Leader. Strand Tastier. Fierier,. Alabama.


MUSICAL CASEY wilt fob or freeze allow or art: IndePtondeni or &M-ew». lletert not required. Write rare uf Billboard. with particular..

CHEWING GUM Get ear prim. W4 wake all blade.

liELIOZT CIGM SHOP. . • Mutual,. Obb.




Na. 318—Red Persian Wry Nora Cbalna n•qn or diver Ellaudied chain. $10.75 Gress

Gram $21.510 Salar, llb Red Beal Pendant

N. E• IV, —Red Pen 130 DESIGNS AT

al" 1"" N " Ir Cb111". 10e TO $15 DOZEN 'fancy dealgne. alternat- yet cataloged ing with straps Pear Not drop pendent $5.50 24-Somple Asseirtateat Dazes • S10.00


Rend for In, ?temple Assortment to let • line on them Wort. Our BUY« • Guide does not contain theta.


43 Sabin Street, PROVIDENCE, R. I.



Must Be Strong Enough To Feature With Burlesque Wheel Attractions

FULL PARTICULARS WANTED Wire or write. Engagements of one week each. J. B. DONEGAN, Grand Theatre, Tulsa, Okla. Playing American Burlesque Shows.



"THE LOST BATTALION PP Must have Trombonist at once, others who double band and orchestra or sing. State salary and full particulars first letter. Booked for a year. Week Dec. 7, Family, Buffalo, N. Y.; week Dec. 15, Van Curler, Schenec-tady, N. Y.

GET INTO BIG VAUDEVILLE I write MODERN Arta on tonally. 1930 ideas with erred and rime If you went masething nifty and unique, guaranteed to pul Jall to the Mg. write Dui. Bare opo•riunity for beginner.

CHAS. LANDON CARTER. Plareelent C•leml. Mimed.


SHOW BANNERS AND PICTORIAL SIGNS. Theatres Rigged and Kquipped at Short Notice.

ATLANTA SCENIC & SIGN CO. Studio, Bijou Theatre, Atlanta, Ga.


Can use Wife for Chorus; also two experienced Chorus Girls Address MIL-TON SCHUSTER, Alta, Iowa, Dec. 10th; Hampton, 11th and 12th; Iowa Falls, 13th; Oelwein, 14th and 15th; all Iowa. Permanent address: American Show Print, Milwaukee.

Cos -ruriEn IfillEATUICAL tlIST01.11CAL

/..,/ 1 %% •// .1 el .' -1-

THE BILLBOARD Publlehed weekly at 25-27 Opera Place. Cincinnati, O.


Entered as second-class mall matter June 4. 1897, at Poet 0Mce, Cin-cinnati. under act of March 3, 1879.

92 Pages. Vol. XXXI, No. 50, December 13, 1919. PRICE, 15 CENTS. This issue contains el per cent reading matter and 34 per cent advertising.


TUI COMPOUND SANITARY HEATER Mime yoor Too.. In a fee minutia mans mat area baila tee gas bill down. Absolutely mimIrea. Semi 01.30 ',le sample Aimee wanted. CUIRCOUND lib:ATER hlf Emit Mat it.. New York.

STORE SHOW CUR1OSITIE$ Pnolirad Glut's. Dwell Pled& Mermaid& Wm ILem, Indian Mumma% with sr without lionners marW •IUIP Lefts el maws NELSON Kt PTLT /STORE h In Ith Mt. R ibuteet kimeachugette



Medlin of Impertanew to both mad adjumment.


WANTED bat ran thane. tor taws slew mist hs leUs. and Jentlemen. Good dreeeers en and off. ing MI /AMU

aeot. No parade. Can um Novelty Arta, bLealelee elm Ilhettona le feature. Tres. Itrunmer with 0011 line of Ttme. and llano llame to work to ewe eta,. sege. height and weight and very tome salary' In fire lent« Wo Pag icnneveituiel "v, fu'e ranned warm we know you. Chow epees in Na. Jerre? Jeusuagy I. blanameM I. MarrIMI2 lid De a-we, red porn Mrter Addrma DELMONT BROIL 28 11•11le Street Ileetea. 111110 WIleon. Aleut into



hanky Cornet. ViolIn and Plano Prefer me iba double Mutophone or BaN. Muet be bow by N. Id If y-se doubts ham Inurement, or lay elf • Mane. Phelfer, who.. &As one who icon. J. Malloy or myself wire OP/Ail 101». ett Nola ✓ne,bed Sc. Greennt'a lUaMtellPIA


Genera /Menem Man of Ceterdlen AperialUes; mien... and Milts. irga on wire or hater. l'We Mows a week No Mende' er matinee. All old Mends write. NORMAN r. TUOIL Empire Time,. Ironton, Ohio


for "HUMAN HEARTS" Co. P.m.". for following part* Mee Logan or Jeannette. •,th child fo- Gram: Tuai teems eleett. Jens blame oranso. Mom ibleoWier1 and Band MusteMns. to double stage cr. oeleetze item all Also good Wild-est Agent who will wort. Ahem, by mall cell. • It 11F.nel. twe NM' York.

WANTED for Kibble Uncle Tom's Cabin Cornet to leel band, double embeetni or Maw , Other useful Pam Panie Atkins, Wb/ 1•11131.4. City ¡tal Muse. limet. Chimes.

Wanted—MUSICIANS—Weida Cor,..,. Baritone end femre Drummer, for Deleeuw of thia meson and next shoe etay• out Ull Febru-ary I and opone main Merck I Mat, ?mu lemur eatery and be ante tee Mtre at one. JOHN P mien. Pain.! Lewd«. Roberte' United Ilb••••. *.peee•amel.. • 1.1.1111 Lee S.

WANTED to wort to arta. Other wend geode whit we. eln penny. Song and lume Metre. Tense Clim* to. week WALTlit MAX.T.A. Petreemert1H.


WANTED FOR MED. SHOW illarkf see Comedlin. Kketeh Team. llano Pierom toed bled Prolitle who change foe • week. Long • • ✓et Kum salary. Wire or write and be reel. J If ANSI,' MD, Son neon,. Pennsylvmia

Wanted, Flute and Saxophone for first cla. orchestra. Hilary. TI.'. tee m • wee or ata days. Calm 011.PIIET >I ?MEATY/A. liuntem-tort,

WANTED, Illegaist, IlasSist, Pianist, rinammer. Igilyn nr /Mlle/Urn UM. a, cl ha. tamp. work. Wr I t • SO DIFFERENT. *ere BM • Lew/ Clatinaatl. Oil..

WANTED -TWO GOOD PIANISTS playing Pe Pieter«. al» VenderIlle. Clue In trsrb. A. 0INSBUI10. (Mire, Bank eif lAorang., LealmIge-t:erecia.

WANTED Plum Mayer, for peter. hoow 5% home writ tact 0.14,1.1 Ai

deem 111.PETILIC 1.4t-err, IL L. Terbody Prow Anotry. Minteelppl.

WANTED Opera Rouse Attractions for firer... Art l'opuleflen, 5.1100. PDX lib

WANTED tife,fral enterer review of &be« la fi' pl., or se ergeolard YemderUW Trourr. Icor TA, bel, 17. /seating rupatIty, 9041 address e 1. • curly-Intl. Mir Opon. ilm•••. tau.. mit•

CHEWING GUM CONCESSION AND SCHEME MEN (let our prin. before Melba Ilea W 8110-MWR P•diadr•"

EMPIRE GUM CO, 201 East 2111 elm& GNIGAIlle. Ott. •

Though devoted ,primarily toi the iness end. of the kwrofesision and functioning chiefly and more c less usefully in that molt capacity,

Uhic* 1E3 not ont g aims but contrives to be something mère an a mere trade paper —something bigger and brooder, in deed, than a class publication —bekiau e it serves no special interest, possesses convic-tions arid the courage that springs from thercli ant never distorts, bends, colors or edits the news to fit anyone's purpose, its own least of all. 1

(alright. alt. by Th. 13,11ho•rd reeledng Compsey

Publst eseljy 21.20 OPUS MM, Uosillign. O. saawrIetiost. $3.110 per year. Cat•esd as seseseeless mall nett« Jess 4„ Ital. at Past Oise Cements soar sot et Mutt 3, /VS.

FAIR MEN CONVENE IN CHICAGO American Association Holds Most Successful Session

at Hotel Sherman --B. M. Davison Selected as New President and E. R. Danielson

Re-Elected Secretary

Chicago, Dec. 4.—"Thia association has, taken on new life," declared Presiient B. M. Davison, of the Amer-ican Association of Fairs and Exposi-tions, yesterday, as he paused with up-reset gavel, preparatory to cleteng the 1119 session in the Hotel Sherman. Mr . Davison, In hie capacity as newly elected president, spoke briefly on the promise of the twen.y-ninth seerlon of the association to to clown in hls-tory as not alone one of the most har-monious, but one of the most valuable lad instructive as well. Considerable of the time on the doll-

ing day was even up to expressions on the part of many delegates, who characterized the present meeting as the most successful one of the associa-tion that they had ever attended. The retiring president, It. A. Brown,

et Birmingham. A'a.. called the ses-»Ion to order yesterday. lie expressed his thanks to the members and praised their choice in selectlng their new president. >tr. Davison. of Springfield, 111 Delegates A. M. Hunt, London, Can.;

Sydney Fe Francis, Sherbrooke. Can.: Georges Morisset, Quebec, and J. E. Paisley, Ottawa, Can., expressed their thanks to the convention for courtesies to the Canadian delegates and ten-dered invitations to their respective Mee and tetra Many expressions were offered com-

mending the effective work of Oliver It Ramey, Milwaukee, chairman of the program committee, and his co-workers in the preparation of the pre-gram at thie pension.

"I must mention a fact that every-body has, of course, observed," said Mr. Brown, the retiring President "Not once during the entire session have I been called on to rule on a point of order." The gril vence committee announced

that it had nothing to report Mr. Tierney arose to say that a uronte - pression might prevail with raspee t the attitude of the nesociation toward carnivals, owing to remarks made Thursday before the association by a member from the Far 1Vept. "All of us know," said Mr. Iterney,

'that we must have clean, and only Clean, entertainment at our State fairs. Now, I want to say with all the force of which I am capable that when oilY fair has any other kind of enter-tainment it is tee -nett of that fair _tent-fatten only -tnix r .body

Mr. Remy called the names of Con T. Kennedy. Johnny J. Jones and other carieval men as examples of showmen who could be depended upon to furnish clean amusements. and who, in fact, did not person-ally want any other kind of entertainment with their respective aggregations. Mr. Remey took his seat amid appbtuse.

Mr. Brown ,read the names of the officers elected for the ensuing year as follows: B. M. Davison, Staring-feld, Ill., general manager Illinois State Fair, preeedent; O. P. Hender-shot, secretary Icleho State Fair. Lew-iston, first vice-president; A. M. Hunt. secretary Western Fair, London, Can, second vice-president; Secretary E. It. Danielson and Treasurer Frank D. Fuller were re-elected.

It. M. StripErt, secretary of the Southeastern Fair, Atlanta, arme to it.Ak the report of the committee on resolutions. Thursday Mr. Stolpiin addressed the association on a mutter that he stated was of importance. Ile mentioned a movement seeking to

(Ooettottee e rag* çll

International Association Gathers at Auditorium Hotel With But Two States Not Represented—

G. W. Dickinson Chosen President and C. N. McIlvaine Secretary-Treasurer

Chicago, Dec. G.—"The first annual meeting of the International Maeda-Bon of Fairs aid Expositions was held at the Auditorium Hotel with but two States falling to answer to the roll call.

Pret-ident V14 II. Stratton delivered ha address; roe:tine business was gone thru. "How the Department of Agriculture

:s co-operating with fairs in Canada" ••• 1 ‘‘. .on.

superintendent of Department of Agri-culture, Tomato, Canada. He de-

• . ‘1Ork cf ho (1 ,-,,.artrnent and its growth. The Ontario Govern-ment has been engaged ln this work for 150 years. There are 350 falre and expositions hell in this province each year. These societies have a mem-bership of 450.000, 1.200,000 passed thru the gates at Toronto alone. Five hundred trained judgts are sent out under this department. He laid great stress on the need of keeping the edu-cational feature of the fairs and expo-sitions ever to the front. He made a patriotic appeal' that was greatly ap-

ACTORS' MEMORIAL DAY Proves a Tremendous Success—Thousands Pay

Tribute to Players at Special Matinees— Early Returns Indicate $2,000,000

Fund Is Realized

New York, Dec. 4—Returns from over two hundred cities all over the country, in which special matinees were given yesterday afternoon for the Actors' Fund, indicated that the goal fee the day's drive—$2,000.000—would he reached. When the accountants stopped work late last night over $750.000 had been checked off, but as the final reports of various committees were not in, no figures for the grand total were given out.

Actors' National Memorial Day, as yesterday was called, marked the first national movement on behalf of the theater. It was notable for the fact that people in all walks of life business men, bankers, school children, all who lote the theater. Joined In the effort

to raise an endowment for the Actors' Fund Home on Staten Island. It is the nearest thing the country has known to a national endowment of art.

Ftfty-three theaters in New York

predated by all. FP Invited the dele-gates to attend the Canadian conven-tion, which will he hell at Toronto February 4 and b.

Governor Frank O. Lowden, of II-Unola. than was Introduced. He spoke of the wonderful educational effects of the week, which are of the greatest importance to the nation. He stressed the value of the great Influence that the fairs exerted•In the building up of the social and economic value of the nation. The Governor said that the only real achievement that he ever at-tained and which he cherishes was when he bred, raised and exhibited the champion short-horn bull that won the sweepstakes at the intern:Alone! Stock Show,

The State and county fairs have de-veloped the greatest agencies to bring the lessons of the agricultural colleges to the practical purposes of usefulness. He pleaded for a. larger interest in the homes and the interest that they meet meet as a more important part of the fairs. He stated that if it were not for the millions of American farmers he would despair of the future of mu' country.

Frank W. Murphy, president at the Minnesota State Fair. responded with an address of appreciation for what the Governor had said and done for the betterment of fairs, and his work for them. Governor Lowden was born at Sun-

rise, Minn., and his townsmen bave adopted the slogan: "Born at /Sun-rise and he has been up ever since."

A. L. Sponeler, secretary of Kansas State Fair, spoke on the subject of "Our Association." CapL J. J. H.:flinger. of Washington,

D. C., described the Government ex-hibits from the army and navy. John Mullen, vice-president of the

Iowa State Fair, opened the discus-gave special matinees of their elon by reading a paper on "Free current bills for the benefit of the Spsce, a Relic of the Past" He stated Fund, and they were all sold out. Most of the trades that had underwritten the theaters assigned them returned the tickets they had bought to the com-mittee- These were then resold and the recelles enormously increased.

A ticket for the matinee. of "De-(-lessee," autographed by the Prince of Wales. was purchased by Mr and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr, for 425,000, and turned back to the committee for

Mentioned on pass 131

that there is a great awakening in the farm implements industry. Gia.-.t corporations are forming and arrang-ing for a titanic struggle for business. Competition, tierce and furious, will be the battle cry of the captains of in-dustry. The big organizations will en-deavor to dominate the field of busi-ness to the exclusion of the smaller ones, but, as usual, the small mare.-facturera will furnish the real esre-

(eeettneed ea pan PO)

tat Week's ISM 7d1 SOWN Wiwi 1.526 Claaflid Ads Tetalat 1,014 1114t mg 561 Use Ms. Win 22,321 Uses. 00:1,11n1 29,035 Limb /1 FOUR AND ONE-QUARTER COLUMNS OF ADVERTISING ARE CROWDED OUT OF THIS ISSUE.

The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 52,250

The Billboard DECEMPER 13, 1919


Half Million Dollars To Be Expended on Small Houses for Dramatic Productions—To Be

Located in Lonagacre Square Section

New York, Dec. 6.—The unpre-cedented shortage of playhouses here and the likelihood that there will be an ever-increasing demand for thee-tent have resulted in the Messrs. Shu-bert planning live new theaters which they hope to have ready for occupancy at the opening of the 1920 fall season.

Plans for these playhouses, which will be erected in the Longacre Square section, were filed this week by Ed-ward Margolies, builder for the Shu-berts. Lee Shubert stated that work on the new buildings would be started early next spring and that they would be completed by next fall. Ile added that the houses will be small and suited for dramatic productions. They will be located in Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets and the estimated cost of the live is $500.000. H. J. Krapp is the architect.

"Plays run longer now than they used to," said Mr. Shubert. "This is elpecially true of dramatic produc-tions. Because of these protracted runs I have no theaters for some of the producers who book their attrac-tions in our houses." Such a shortage of playhouses as

now faces New York was never before known in theatrical history, and the erection of new theaters seems to be

Theaters Restricted

In Indiana Because of Seercity of Coal

Indianapolis, Dec.. 6.—While thea-ters of Indianapolis are running as tartlet during the coal shortage, those in other cities of the State a-e not so fortunate. The local authorities take the attitude that a theater audience is better off at its amusement than it wn.ild otherwise, and that the con-sumption of coal is less. Different views are taken elsewhere and many theaters thruout the State are closed down. One show a day is the ulti-matum at Knightstown, Ind. Thea-ters of Kokomo must close at 9 o'clock daily, except Saturday, when they may remain open until 10 o'clock. At Terre Haute Sunday shows are being al-eed, but no heat is being provided. Vincennes theaters have been or-ed to suspend altogether.

New Athens (Ga.) House

Athens, Ga., Dee. 6.—Construction work has started on the new $200,000 Palace Theater to be erected here by James F. Shehane. Plans provide for one of the most modern theatrical houses in the entire South. Due to the fact that the University of Georgia is located here, and has an enrollment of more than 2,000, an up-to-date theater of this kind was badly needed in Athens and should prove a success-ful venture. Work has been delayed because of the scarcity of material and the labor situation, but Mr. Shehane stated that he expected to have the theater completed and ready for oc-cupancy by June 1, 1920.

Burlesque Ball Postponed

Baltimore, Dec. G.—The )-tirth an-nual ball of the burlesque boys at Halazer'S Hall has been postponed from December 10 to the night of

k_elimary 7.

the only hope for relief, as the num-ber of plays for production seems to be steadily Increasing rather than dimin-ishing. F.or several meeks a ecore•or more of plays have been seeking a New York abode and several have been sidetracked Indefinitely because of in-ability to find a house.

The'company consists of fourteen peo-ple and a band and orchestra. Peggy Teeta is Mr. Jansen's chief assistant, while Percy Roberts is acting man-ager, with Walter Webb itt advance and Morrie Weis, band lender,

Mr. Salter is attending to the book-ing and spending the time between the company and Johnny J. Jones' Expo-sition winter quarters at Orlando. Christmas week will be spent at Mtaml, with Key West to follow, and possibly an extended engagement in Havana, Cuba.

Elsie Ferguson

Returning to Footlights

New York, Der. R.—Elsie Ferguson will return to the speaking stage early in the year under the direction of Charles Frohman, Inc. The name of the play in which she will appear has


.111 •Vr•-ar .hortly in • rvw arc pnyJured Er, UM Lee. 1ft/A t• •Iro f,. the 1..sri.".. mud< and slagmg. rik. I. pre•mt woo-,•nalty •pprantii an the Lt.tew Cjitstle In • DelbrIng. -

Immense Stadium

Is Planned for Chicago—Will Erase Seating Capacity of 100,000

Chicago, Dec. 6.—Announcement was made this week of the award et prizes for plane for an immense stadi-um in Grant Park, which wilt be the largest open-air gathering plate in th t world. The stadium is to have :à seating ca-

pacity of 100,000 and the estimsted cost is $1.725.000. According to the plans the structure will be built hortte-shoe shape and of concrete and mar-ble.

"Great Jansen" Doing Fine

Ed It. Salter, who is guiding the destinies of Johnny J. Jones' initial plunge into the theatrical field, "The Great Jansen." reports splendid busi-ness for this prestidigitator. The sea-son opened in Lakeland. Fla., Thanks-giving day, and the greets rezeipte on the two performances reached $1,100.

not been announced. Her last ap-pearance on the legitimate stage was in "Shirley Kaye" three or four sea-sons ago, since which she has been in moving pictures.

Maude's Daughter To Wed

London, Dec. 5.—The engagement of Mrs. Pamela Congreve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Maude, t.) Major the lion. William Fraser, has just been announced. Mrs. Congreve is the widow of Captain William I.. Congreve. the only son of Sir Walter and Lady Congreve, who was kilted in the war after winning the N'ictorla Cross, the Distinguished Service Order and the Military Cross.

Challenges Critic to Duel

Complaints Filed

To Test Validity of County .1ninsentent Tax in Kansas) City

Iítmeas City, Mo., Dec. 6.—M, J. Pendergast, county license inspector, has filed complaints at the prosecutor's offIc.• against W. M. Gray, manager of the Grand Theater, and John Fitz-patrick, manager of the Shubert Thea-ter, charging them with failure to pay the new county amusement tax. Mr. Pendergast stated that the criminal court actions were teed cases and until the validity of the new laws was es-tablished no attempt would be made to collect the tax. Under a new interpretation of the

recent order of the county court, as-ceasing the tax against the ehow com-panies Instead of the theaters, pend er. gas? said companies would be charged 8100 for each week or part of a week. The charge will be made if the com-pany shows only one day, it is said, or a second $100 if the company hoes a second week. Under the original schedule theaters of the Grand and Shubert class were to pay only lleo a month.

Advice* from Paris mate that Al-phone() Franck, director of the Theatre t:yurinase, has challenged Ernest Charles, a noted dramatic critic, to a duel because of offensive criticism of one of Frank's production&

Theater To Replace Hotel

Philadelphia, Dec. 6.—The Stanley Company of America has purchased for 83,000,000 the Bingham Hotel at Eleventh and Market streets. It is an-nounced. and will demolleh the 'erne. tun) and build a combination orti,„ building and motion picture house on the site at a cost of 92,000,000. Work on the new property will be started immediately after the expiration nt present loases about June 1, 1920.

Plans Million-Dollar Hotel

Chicago. Dec. R.—Dr. Max Thorek, head of the American Theatrical Hos-pital. will build on the nerth side a new ten-store apartment hotel, which, It is estimated, will cost $1.000,000. The location is in Frontier avenue, ex-tending back to the lake, and le in the fashionable Sheridan Road section.

English Actors Protest

London. Dec. 5.—There is a Possibil-ity of a strike among English setnre .nd actrese.s. following a stormy meet-ing held in London Sunday night for the purpose of accepting the agree-nient made between the Actors' Asso-ciation and the Managers' Association on the nneption of provincial salaries. the minimum wage being .C2 weekly for two performance, nightly. Many protested at the inalequary of this re-muneration and it was finally agreed that the acceptance or rejection of the proposed salary scale «Would be left to 71 ballot. Sydney Valentine preeldrd at the meeting.

Mark A. Luescher

'To Beemne .aemoriatted With alai-tin Beek in Executive Capacity

Nee• York. Dec. R.—Mark A. Luencher, manager of the Hippodrome and general press representative for Charles B. Dillingham. will retire from his present duties at the end of the year to become associated in an im-portant executive capacity with Mar-tin Beck, preeldent of the Arphetare Circuit Consolidated, recently organ-ized.

Theaters To Protest Tax

Minneapolis, Dee. 7.-1f theater managers and exhibitor/1 mill appear in it body before the Connell Committee on Ordinances, and Legls• laden December 17 to protest against the proposed ordinence tn increase the cost of theater licenses. It was dee elded at a meeting of managers in the Kasten Building this week.

DECEMBER 13, Mt The Billboard


Secures San Antonio Houses

Gains Control of Three Princi-pal Vaudeville and Picture Theaters Thru Southern

Enterprises, Inc.

San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 6.—The Fa-mous Playern-Laeky combination has ;Mot its tiret gun in the Southwest, and secured control of the three prin-cipal moving picture and vaudeville houses in San Antonio thru the South-ern Enterprises, Inc.. of Dallas, which toncern will take over the leases of the Empire, Princess and Royal thea-ters on the first of the new year. W. J. Lytle. wh3 up to the present

has been a domineting factor in local theatrical circles, will be retained as general manager for the three thea-ters at a salary, it l s understood, of /1,500. T. A. Postolon and A. Nichol-son, who have owned fractional Inter-eati in the leases, will retire. Following the refusal of Mr. Lytle

a few months ago to consider a propo-amen =tie by S. A. Lynch, president

(Ct...ensued ea page te)

Rehearsals for Friars' Frolic

New York, Dec. 5.—Rehearsals started yesterday for the Friars' Frolic, which le to he given at the Lexington Theater December :I. One of the fea-tures of the performance will be an allegorical pleylet. entitled "Don't Rock the Boat."

In addition to "Don't Rock the Boat" the Frolic will consist of seven ether one-act playa. A musical ver-sion of "Hamlet." with book and lyrics by }tarnish Mac Lauren and music by Waiter L. Rosemont, will open the program. Then will come "Black Fri-day," a blackface comedy. by Itennold Wolf; "The Deaf and Dumb Min-strels," by Felix Adler; 'The Friars' Follies of '30, '19," by Tommie Gray, and music by Louis Slivers; "All the Way From Denver," by Eugene Wal-ter: "The High Lowbrow," rewritten from De Maupessant; Duncan)', Anatol France, and O'llenry, by S. Jay Kauf-man: s musical oddity with twelve of the beet-known' composers at as man)* planes, each plavIng his own favorite preductIon, and a chalk talk by Friar cartoonist*. The Frolic will close with a reproduction of one of the Friars' famous dinners to prominent person-ages.

New Publicity Bureau

Jacksonville. Fla., Dec. 6.—A flew commercial and amusement publicity bureau has been formed here by two well-known newspaper men, Sydney Wire and Arnold Heide Mr. lieldt is city editor of The Florida Metropolis, JackeonvIlle: publicity man for the Ficrida State Fair and correspondent

for 200 newspapers and several of the larger news services. ale Wire has handled publicity foi a number of big vent. at Madison Square Garden, New York. and Is well known for his pub-licity and feature story work on both sides of the Atlantic. During the past season he wax press representative of the World at Home Shows.

Friars Elect Officers

By William Judkine Hewitt

Blonde tenors with "skimmed" milk voices have spoiled many good girl acts.

Nis* York, Dec. 6.—Col, Walter Scott wee elected to the Board of Gov-ernors of the Priam' Club to fill out the unexpired term of Arthur Hrun-menateln. and Charming Pollock wee elected Dean, taking the place of John J. Gleason, who was recently elevated to the office of Abbot, at a meeting of the HOLM of Governors this week.

N. V. A. could mean "newer vaude-ville ambitions."

Some work on the stage as if the agent or manager was looking at them all the time. That's not a bad way to work at any time, for it ha the public that paye and is entitled to the best efforts of the artist nil the time.

Persistent persietency put Parieh and Peru where they are. Big hit on the Capitol Theater, New York, bill and booked indefinitely.

Sammy Watson, of "Barnyard Cir-cus" fame, did many things for the profession when he was young and active. It's time now for those who have, climbed the ladder of success to do something for "Sammy," who la 8 0.-years young.

Speaking of "putting It over"—It isn't just his music that earned for Ted Lewis the title of "Jazz" Wrig. It's the enthusiasm he puts behind the saxophone—the pep in the clarinet. Whether he dances with it, sings or plays, his per:Partiality gets one every time.

Gone are the days of the old !style clog dancing. '.."Tei a pity! Well do we remember the sliver shower clog as seme of. them called the turn. Why not have it come back? Would It not be new to the preient generation and pleasing to the old ones?

Edgar Allen Wolf can write acts that the audience can understand and appreciate.

Harry Breen's acts t seem to have been written from observation of the "kiddies" at play. It's some "nut-tinge he puts over well.

Vaudeville at B. F. Keith's Palace Theater seems to Improve each week. Some weeks- Its genuine diversified va-riety. Just what vaudeville should be.

Herbert B.-nerd—What kind of an act have you-tor coming season?

Yee Why can't a standard brand of vaudeville be listed on the stock ex-change?

"The King of Devil Stick Jegitlers" —Archie Onri.

Elmer Tents.). of Cincinnati. a monologist of note and a writer of vaudeville material par excellence, has an Idea, a practical and at the same time original one, «hich, if put into execution, will startle thi, said same vaudeville world. We are happy to ray it's neither Gunga Din nor Dan c0 rew.

'Why not more trios like Duffy, Saw-telle and Duffy and Knight Brothers and Sawtelle? And another family act like the Sullys?

All the corking acts do not come from the bottling v. orks.

Harry lioudIre is again going to

wake up the vaudeville world in Eng-land. .Showmanship should be his given name. •

There was a three-act play at the Criterion Theater, New York. called "Mr. Barnum." It did not go. We make the prediction If it was cut to twenty minutes and put on the vaude-ville nage that it would prove to be a solid hit. There is much good meat in It that le real human like and ap-pealing.

They eay the N. V. A. pot la boiling.

Frank Carter is missed from the vaudeville stage when he is in musical comedy. Ile once could truthfully say Broadway was good as a "hole."

"A real entertainer with an atten-tion-compelling personality"—Arnold De Itere.

Why, we wonder, has not someone put Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Man" Into a vaudeville.- offering? It does not-seem hard to Imagine the de-tail and elaboration necessary to put it over. Now, does it?

The writer saw the !fallowing bill at the Proctor Fifth Avenue house, New York, recently: El Clive, Hendricks and Stone, "Flashes" with Doc Baker, Marva Rehm. O'Connor and Dixon, Nonette, Harry Mayo. Swift and Kelly and the Dancing Kennedy's( In the opinion of your humble servant there is no reason (with one exception) why this hill could not be moved intact into the B. F. Keith Palace Theater.

We predict that some day Johannes Josefeson and hie Icelanders will be motion picture stars that will attract world-wide attention.

Heard a song writer the other night telling an artist how he was going to weave the psychology of a woman's soul into a lyric he was writing. This should stop a fellow for a couple of thinks anyway. We will say to ail who attempt te delve into woman's soul that they have "done got" themselves some job.


Nell. alltzi. Wench.


FOUR BOISES (('acting Acrobate) ('LARK AND alcCULLOt/GH (Co-


(Dancing). GENERAL PISAN° (Sharpshoot-

er). LUCY GILLETTE (Juggler). GREAT LEON (Magician). HOBART BOSWORTH (In the

"Sea wotr'). FINK'S MULF>3 (Animal). "TOPICS OF THE DAY" (Wit and Wisdom).


E. F'. Albee. Martin Beck. Alexander rant:uses. J. J. Murdock. Pat Casey. William Morris, Marcus Loew. W. S Butterfield,

Stock To Replace Burlesque

Pittsburg, Dec. ft.--The callapae of the effort to maintain a burlesque theater In the East Liberty district Is no surprise to observers of local theat-ricals. That it will give way to a stock

A Blow to Show Business

Theaters Closed in Many Cities, Performances Cut in Oth-ers—Movement of Show

Trains Curtailed

company promising an adequate cast and an interesting repertoire of recent plays is ample compensation, If any

were needed.

The McOwen Company, which takes possession of the Pershing Theater

December 15, comes from Erie, Pa.

The seriousness of the coal situation confronting the country is evidenced by the drastic measures which are be-ing taken in virtually the entire cGun-try to conserve the fuel supply. Move-ment of show trains has been curtailed in some sections and entirely discon-tinued in others. Theaters have been closed in a number of towns, the num-ber of performances cut and electric displays prohibited in others, and un-iese the output of crust is speedily in-creased further restrictions may be made necessary.

In New York City many of the thea-ters have voluntarily darkened their signs after 8:30 at night in an effort to save coal, .lotion picture theaters cf New York City and of New Jersey have agreed to use electric signs only an hour each night, from 7:20 to 8:30, The Shuberts announce that their theaters thruout the country have adopted that plan.

In Chicago the authorities have de-cided that until the coal shortage la checked theaters will be restricted to six performances a week. The Pal-ace and Majestic theaters, vaudeville, were closed the first half of thls week. The situation was so bad In St. Paul

that it was said all theaters probably would have to close.

In Des Moines all the theaters were closed for one day last week and at Sioux City all theaters are closed for an indefinite period. The same is true of most of the smaller towns thruout Iowa. Kansas and other Middle West-ern States. On December 1 the Coal Committee

at St. Louis announced that no more coal mulct be furnished to the thea-ters; until the output of coal was great-ly increased.

Waahlnarton, D. C., Dee. 6.—The spirit back of all theatrical enterprises in Washington is best manifested by the meeting which has just been held here for the purpose of taking steps to meet situations already arising and certain to arise from the coal situa-tion. The meeting was called by Harry Crandall at his office and Mr. Crandall was elected chairman. It was the sense of this meeting, which was composed of representatives of all theatrical houses here—dramatic, vaudeville, motion picture and others —that the thing to do was to conserve coal voluntarily rather than wait go have the detailed plan suegeeted by Federal departments. The program agreed upon, which has already been put Into effect, was elected by the elimination of all signs and outside lights except those necessary for the protection of the public. Back of this movement was the idea that if all of the theatrical concerns of Washington got together and commenced the con-servation of coal down to the last pos-sible lump all would be affected equally and that the aim of those pres-ent at the conference to aid the public would be accomplished.

Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. R.—The Thea-ter Managers' Protective Association of Pittsburg by unanimous action has volunteered to help in the conserva-tion of coal by eliminating the use of electric sign:, except for one hour in each twenty-four. This hour has been fixed at from 7:30 to 3:30, the time the audiences, as a rule, are entering the theaters. The leading motion pic-ture houses, which are not members of the Theater Managers' Association.

(Continued ea page 53)

8 The Billboard DILCEMSER 13, 19 1


Of Chas. and Hany C. çilaney

To Be Used For Fremieres of

"Th.,. Girl For Me " and

"Not Tonight,

Deane "

— -

New York, Dec. G.—;2aae. E. and tarry

Clay Blaney are st ss.icel..4 Lie scarcity of t..e...ters la New Y,.r t, de:ay to

opening uf two new plays es:beau:el

L. . .t t Nav Year. When the Menem' rend it linpocelble tà

rect.e t-raer ti.ey cbteloed ta p•o-slara t 1.. : ufferiego at astir cum stock theaters bore in the city. The End bc I e-of.,.. 1 N.: I bc a (.." rziedy by Mildred emetic,. rolled "The Glrl For 31e," which will have it* premiere December It at Blaney's Prospect '—eh er la L.s. Bronx.

iairltg C.0 to ti wet-., 1 etc-b r 7 • 1.7 IlrIge. celled "Not Tonight.

Metric." ws:1 he presented nt Blaney's Y.rk•

cille These r, Lexitetun Ace. and stied, sa toner ell thee two new plays rentio:led hit t..s. Blaney will receive New Yu:.

troda.::_a.. ,. In selte cf the crogeeted co..d1-Ova S • c the stical booking that Is ezna-

lug t, 1:1,7 Nye:I-known Broadway rrnducers to tv...7.y als,ut • a-anti« never before con'

1,0 theatrical business.


Pracented by Stuart Walker—Lord and Lundy Dunsany See Perform•noe

witmingteq„ Del.. Dec. 8.--Stuart Walker presented Gregory Kelly and Rath Gordon here Thurwley night In a denci,ea comedy of ”a'te. •W dea-nove manufacture, "Picradr., Jim." Farb member of the cast in an •ri'.et In a terticular line. The play is staged with Mr. Waller's. Donal rare. Mr. Kelly again demonstrates hie ability to read bls lines tso that every one of his b may hear, a

rare art nowadays. His part e a long and esarting one but done with great intelligence. Miss Gordon is pretty and satisfying, and makes an excellent feeder. Burford Wamp-den play, the most Irkeom• and unpleasant

part of the whole thing with his careful re-


air Meredith te director of the wellencorn f.cila of Dramatic Art. Philacleghla. and be «ate that thrtt ble sweetly ad in The Billboard he has emulesrully Increased his dam of neon. et.tte a taunter of his !students are now playing prorrersent verb, with mow or the beet shoes thrtout the mammy. Mr. Meredith will direct the resienten. -Why teeth Left 11-nse." to be even by the Wetiaalra Imlet4W00 ce the Peon-lyfranla ltallread January 9 et Tempts College. PbBbialersta in which many or be pupils will team part-

' -

gird for detail and delights his andieute with

his characteristic drawl which always fsain• ates. Lord and Ledy Dunsany were here for

tbe lerformanee, which wee repeated for the Actors' Memorial lienellt on Friday •fternoen.


Chirega, lee 6.—"Ecxy," a new. play by 1:ceiracr, under the direction • f George

Tyler, will come to Use Blacestone Titrai r I c.r:._:.: : . I Lola Fie.:er and Emmeit

Garrtgaa elec.


Darrell II. 14-1 of the nroadway Amu e-meet C 1121)-.1y 1.1 la New York for • few da,=-11

arranging veile hooking' for the "Freckles"

'mob advantages. There will be no dining rotm, billard room, card rooms. etc. There will be one large boll for the actreeare and anct"er for the actor. In all probability, and

the only lare they aill exercise will be their proximity to the business oilers of Equity and semidry bulletin and callboards. Perbape fe-rIlit'es for letter writing will sino be pro-

vided, but elegance, ewe and entertainment will te conspicuous by their absence.

Nor Is the theater in the bonito.- ednird to Invade the d. ,main of the commercial theater. In all probability It will serve mostly for meetings. Tale cerote to he the factor that

le most considered In argumenta over the eest• mg dupa. 11.7.

Not one penny areaciation fends wit: be teed for the building. All moneys reqnired will

• VFW* *Wes et-e-



Number el 'enamel's performances my to and including Saturday. December


Aphrodite Century Dec. A Volee in the Dark Republic July 25 Aden and Eva Longarre Cep., 13 Boys Will Be Boys (mate only). lireuthuret Oct. 13 Caesar's' Wife I lherty Nov. 24

Morena Pon), 12 Heinen •40. 30 Empire Oct. 6 Astor Dec. ..3 Theatre Parisien. Nov. 19 Bijou Oct. 14 Gaiety Aug Dr Henry 31111er Cep 29 Comedy Pee. 3 Princes Ale. 7 Criterion e Dec. 2 Criterion 1 Oct. 20 Playhouse Oct. 27 30th Street Cep, 12 Broadhurst Jell' 17

C.Nidass C.oUsea Clarence lease», Ethel Barrymore East Is West French Players Ills llouor, Abe Potash

Moonlight and lloneymickle.. ur Lady Freed* Nightie Night One Night in flame On the tur:ce Line Petra,' Days ecasslal The Crimson Alibi The Dancer lepec.ial usorn. metiace The Girl Is the Limousine The Gold Meer, The Jest (re% 'ii) The Lost Leaoer The Mee of Silas Lesplem The Son-Daughter The storm The Unknown %vernal: Three's a Crowd

Many Ilumbande Wedding Bella

16 101 90 74

pert.) LYTIr Oct. I Elting. Oct. 6 Lyceum Fr, '1 Plymouth Sep. 15 Greeswleh village no. II 0-rick 're. 23..

Lemon) ride Selmer. 're. 19 48th Street Oct. 2

Marjorie Rumbean..., Maxine Elliott. Nov. 10 Cart Dee, 4 Booth Oct. 8 Harris %v. 12


73 634 /43

108 7 se 247 su 123 -3 73

91 30

39 Feet Princess NOT. = 19 Dark Ronaleen Powttre Nov, 24 19 Roxy le:11 Feher & E. Cortese Ftlacitatesse.. Dee. 9 — Tea for Taree IA Salle ti 1. :9 .... t ̀ The Aerodttni Cohen'a Grand Cep, 21 en Tillie'. Nightmare Marie Dreseler.. Nov, 23 10 Up in Ilaber• Room Woods Aug. 10 111


company, which la re,-orted as doing great

huelners tbru Ohio and Pennsylvania. The at-traction eill g. into New York and the New England gtates after the holidays. The cast include. Joseph itith, Jeer. WIllingbame, E F. Gautier. Prank Farrell, L. E. Douglas.

Kate Cameron and Judith Raeburn. with Der-rell IL Lyall thilry days ahead and /led Den-

ebane ten days ahead.


It le poi to learn that Meows. Trimble and Equity's traveling peteetiariee, are

meeting w:th uniform enceuee. Equity had any quarrel wi•h the maaagera. It was

the magnates ehe fell out with, bet now the aw lactation lo witletled with Re award and de-sire, not rely to live up to it, bet to go even further and to-operate with the managers.

IXtuity wants to boost the emptcyer'• game. llais la what Meagre_ Trimble sod Dairen are

ont to explain. They have • lise of talk worth listening to.

They $110W the &stabling manager. They e-mcee distrust and suspicion. They • ro out

to allay trouble, not to foment it. The new Equity building, whirl' • coterie

of Equity members are undertaking, la not to be a clubhouse like that of the Lambe or Friary, nor will members of Equity enjoy any



When I and met Gordoe Craig he was • big batty man with plump beads and s ilea y fare. Ile gave one the trapremios of betas very large very white and with yety fat -In fact, • masculine, heavy «tittles s.f mother, Ellen Terry. At that time he bid ea idea that be wet an actor, and, r^srecoet

his somewhat immature, ain 44444 he and gee evilly inefficient performaucea, loe wit s -dent of early Neenah architect-tire. glace

thee he het become an apostle c.f the •-ltatit• drama, and of late years has pul,t.h.-d t•‘. books, cite "On ib. Art of the Theater, - , another "Towards a New Theater."' For same yeara be had bees living In D.,

enee, Italy, and isselng from there, prodded the etigenciee of the small admitted, a e'en ',realt f tho theater. entitled - nu, Yowler"

Beeestry be baa takes gorse, et nest. is, ...lice. feral Time Mallq•la, to them added ate t. letters to prombent actors arid actresses,

dog iip ertlelea written at far bark as lisee, nd rehlishol them la another hoe. entitled ' The Theater--Advaering."

l'a review a book which hie no Ceatlatilt7 -A which, after all, is but ca ("Ile fugitive and vagrant arthete, te motor west ' ternit. Yet there laene connecting link sea. le-It motif--rted, rederadlealtem, based enemas to-tem» love of what Craig 1121011fratliaal• to be the crmileart of the theater.

lf et-trireme want to know their own Yale. on the etage in Edward Gordo* Oralsee eyes tVy etenekl certainly reed thin ette.h. f.)e there la one thing on which be lay, ees.ete stress than another it is the esditico • r

•mebe theater. No half aserenne rue erralg. /retests«. moat be abollebed. The ectrase most herons* ealiset. Thee care w.-.10 own ettneds: "Defoe, the art ef the «tag« csa reel.* woman ninateleee pamedeoff theebverds."

It emay be wane cotteolatie to the laden when they read this bank t,. know that fret*

is not entirely in bee with aches. Ile wg. r-tte that sector, altould wear masks. Be is.

that enaek• will ghee better rer-esmata ,,-, of the &me (has the saetees made en e Let me quote Craig again: "The fare

f tte actor carries en winch conviction," sod a gala "The Mace, the. sparser-curt r tat , (0.

dramatic expremloa, without which acting was 1,1rd to degenerate." Not aatisted, however, with the extinction

f the female of the ogee« sad with reveler the face cf the Mkt Craig very klmily, bat

ce^y ireey. auggeeta sea advisee awl preach.* net alone by or in his ewes gene's, but thee the ale cf 'Dietetic» from M. Anatole P•once, that it wield be better, perbereo if the wiele

of ear perfortneace• were presented by mnr.A-penes arid thug exeunt the actor, mid ectrreese


One tbe ether hand be tires more than à wed of valet, with which I thoroly agree. to the stage manager end the electrician, owl le his they «nay be. sad often are. ai great

trtista al playwrigbt seer,

t her er• we gales vo express our sr

erecta (lea of thee, two artiste when eaoa be raised by the "building bugs" sad kept wholly spart from asswiatien moneys.

Tho new Amilding le badly needed. The °flees now occupied ere much too small and cramped. •Issi, head... are in two different belldines, spare. apart.

If the -building banale,'," anti their frlende 'crew-der! In erecting sod peying for a suitable edifice and then present it to Y.quity the se-

al...1111km would be ecdtsch, Indeed, sot to arrept It.

FA. ard Elliot will play the celef rote is "gbevinge."

Jane Wheatley ha, been engaged to play in "The Wayfarer."

Ralph Edmond. is Sew pell, It; Ma for Billie Burke in ..Csegir••

Calvin Thomas has been engaged to support Willlim Collier in "The Ilotteetet." Alma Tell has been ea to play the

leading rule is "The Mood of the lima." William A. Brady haa engaged Conrad Nagel

for the leading role In his produrtion of "Op-pontent';."

Basil Sidney haa been engaged a• leadnlg man for Lint Carmll'a leteat work, "The Way to Heaven."

Ovring to the enorinone demand for seat re.' sweat-Iona st the Gaiety Theater, New York, tor "LIghtnia'," there will be matinees duties

(Continued es page

waits abolish liP94neet And again. Pe fear :tat yoà may think t am erudite. let ame use h'• exact words: "The •• planae la beelehed from the theater the letter It la for actors amt sadiron,"

So there we here It, so artreessee, en *glee. 'Imply marionette,. sad no •pplanee. If 'III

isn't the molded of red radkallem in tar theater and IleisbeviMe la art, tarred to the nth degree, I know not whet it, amid I am wee that 'the average aulleeee sag the average actor, if they rend this here. wil he fouet shontlog for the theatrical bailee sod en-

eeNvorieg to have Craig exiled for life. Prob. ably they may get as •Injuertke edgiest bum from cosi, eatatemmteat judge, and this' thank bu a ideas art erenbed and tilled. Bet it is goad for the theater, as it la good for any a-t. f,- any bealseei, for sal emeati7, that we should have radirala, that w• ehould hate men so far advaseed that, to the ordinary ere they look like easy eimitte Ine In the far°

off woods. It tweet one think, It metes' oie argue, aad if you wil study hi. beat a• I have atadied it. 100 will esdaubtedly fad mart

that will do both the 'theater and yea. the actors and artreeeee, mach good. The theater seeds radicals., tte present anal&

require. Bolshevists. and Hs Leal», le Coeds' Cesig.-1111111Y MOCNTTORD.

("Tb. neater Adveneteg,'• Edward Goodell Craig, um', Brews It Co, 12.00.)

DECEMBER 1S, MS The Billboard 9

NEW PLAYS "THREE'S A CROWD" lesas Mabel Allan

Fruit Peddler Arnold Van Leer

me/TREES A CROWD'-.'. comedy re three ,14?"'.1:0.rwriler.11. _

seti by Earl Derr Bigger« and Chrlatopber A euitag x e Peddle yerify. Presented by Jobe Cort at the Cert. • Youth Teester, Re* York, Thursday eve•Ing. De, partite/h. ee, e,

Ilertla renter 4. Ithedeclala

Nano TUN CA:4T: Delta*

Parthenla Clonarton hrobyle Pyralle Bacebya Chryaie APbrodite Jester

Porte' Snot'

eiet• Kerb Andre Aubry Harry tether&

»moue »rent Delay Iledd gie, w ee ("Infant") Charier(ompten

Mau Purbes t"Tee Duke") libretti De Ureter Roy Gordon

Phoebe Fr-ter Peter Whitney ("Canada") lisiblere Kent (epee, jobs blolr, A. E. I^ Allen Plneeart Philip Kent Brea Ile•eley

heet Beatrtee Morel -"nd Douglas Re»

The he-v. .1»e, •:,ileyneest....Walter lirEeren

efee.sety concerned with the production of

"Three's a Crowe" biz a good memory. It retche• baek Into lb. Geneel• of farce and 1;0w. r.g..t LO tv Itevelatlea. Ali the "old

toys" are there. and het fee new ones. Tbe bey in ferns» disgulae, caught smokers. of

*Charlie's Aunt." ete dumbwaiter of "Seven ley." and the g sel old "hokum" and mittaken »why et au of them are all there. It la •

regular far... anthology. La Eugllb tin reelding at Stratford-on-Avon

cerreetenda wIth Let army odleere. who fall In

hoe with her. They cbaece epos • letter which tee of ter reticles away with • certain Jo.

The jump to the ciancluaket that this mean, an elopement atol bo satiou• devicea neuggie them.

aeleea Into the Lady's borne in ea effort to pre-vent thee k. o matter of fact 'Jo' le • girl

friend, bat »fore they fled Rea out they dash madly •reund reld ralee bob tbreeet the dura-

tion ef tee pier... reel* Foster ea Kathleen Kent, the letter-

er:Ring »leg lady, Is dleappeInting. eh, hait

dese oto many good things In D.» theater that It la rely fair le »ear» that It I. ber part that

I. ^t felt eel ii"t her. Of the four en-army

eaters Chide. (•emptnn, the lad wbeed eta the Wale deco», and Hereto! The Pecker. who nee, a -bile tee' . EngliaLanin..are the beat.

Roy Cordon, ea the Canadian ofecer who »-Fete plate tuning ea hii exense far breaking tato the girl's home, la fenny eh he bee a dunce to lie ea. Allan Pinehart. an an American captain, wee ant fenny at all. Ile eaa ilea,. noisy and overacted moot of the


Tee best thing ht tbe whale ylere was the per-triont of "u Englesh enraie by WaltereIlerwen. With a emit makeup and breed Erellah diele-t be wa• gery. very roe,.

.1tree'• • trOwd - Wn11.1 do well t• a eielle-e title. A. a vehicle for prefearionel acting It la era» •not imideinete,_tiORDON WHYTE

EXCETIPTe THOM NEW YORK DAILIES /Mu: -An areatesettat little play."

The premise la ye-ewes:one, the

treatment heekneyed, tbe fen forced and et -tee; noinepired. the direction berveleeeiy con-emeettal and reet of the role. roleastet

"More anlee Iban fen In 'rbree'• a Crowd.'"

1« a perfect apecimen ef the bled ef Sae that amateur dremetle riots. revel In" Trierrnrh: "The malo deteet 1i that the sit-

estlone and the chciractern %mold be Icemen...1y

Nest If tly they coedit 1 helleved." Tema,: "New far» ha« nut» old trick.

lad resent: •1r of being written 'net for the

h',., elite."

Wireing sue: "'Three« a Crewe chenil as» eeen »sleeted wittily by renege •tedenta."

"it wan silly."

Tits.e: "It »ed..' •Pfill that even e faree

• de-ent telnimem of pialledbIlltl• and 1M. I, acking la 'Throe. a Crowd.' '•


"APIIRODITE"-Pla• by Pier» Fe-m.181e and

Ceerte C, Tlereiten. Founded on the novel "f Pierre Ice-.. '1iele by Henri reveler

ant Merlyn Decoct. Presented Ty r. Ray inentstnek and Morris sleet, at the Centnry Theater. New York City. Dereeder I.

TTIII CAST: *hyena Fkreellaa Omit», Marne tinten Reeked» Theolenes

renlerick Iletekles Richard,. Dale

Me apt..


Lester eweyd Richard llebwendler William MeNeal

Edward Ilewell Mark Lrebell

Attlee. /lode .tazulJn .ender

Haul Mille: Lou', Limed

Mel Poth Agee* Tate

Gladys Merriest AUVUI4 Magruder

Mande Odell Doeet..1 Dalton

Mildred Walker Henry Cline

Mule Vera Leeward !Shirley Warde Patterson Dial

Dope eutheriand Lorin. La Verne Judea M. Weeeli Hazel Wedbui

Gene-oler, bolero Martin Breval Clerenee Redd

retort Arendt» Loreo Mayer Mi.e, Dar»

WIlliam 3IcNeol tone Culling

eouteartan eLeano I ...Merle Calmerla Dowel Meat ta'a Mother EunIke ringer Chief Butler lijo la tin maki Aphrodasla Old Sailor web itheet

tienne Oirartlet itobert Ay floe

William (letter, Edward Nacht, Wi'llam ¡Tolle.

Jactimn Ilestelll

"ase , it» rferer of the Glutei Ge beteetree lal .eer siti

»nee tit en

Mtrri• emeete Pita A Seeger e lei key Boy Retire

Itenwlek Reset Beall fleiltb

11..ette Codas

"Aphrodite" Is called on the program "A Romance of Manners In eincient Egypt." Judg-ing truce the on:meet. and attitude of many In

the audience they expected to wee •ome very

bad manners Indeed. They wereelleappointed.

Ose of the reviewers of a New York daily,

differing from the rest of bin colleagiem, had dubbed the whew "Indecent." It w•• quite

ettottat that this' had aroused unwarranted ex-pectations, for Ma name was heard many Dees during the cenversatioseat the Interraimion. W e

say "unwarranted" because the. (dew, iaatead of beingelndeeent, as judged by modern *Mod. arda, la not only decent. hat dole

The story of "Aphrodite" le poor, and the ac-tion .4raggy. There le only one moment of real

drama In tee whole piece, and this ree ere 1 o tbe grit scene of tbe latd act The story In

brief tells of Demettios, a-Greek sculptor, toe-

Inc Clwyd', an Alexandrian courtesies. Aa

proof of hin love Chreals denlacida the theft of three peered relies. Demetrlea steals the comb. necklet» and mirror that Cearyale demand., but

when the time comes for bite to claim bls reward hem Cht7.1% his love ha. grown cold and teemed.» her. In the reenlsion of feel-ing which anat, within him, he compela nerd* to exhibit the atolen relics In public, yehleb re-

one• la her death at the heeda of an enraged mob.

Tbla slender story la made Into a *pewter', In, lying much wenery. dance. Donley, ramela

••1 all the perapheraalta of Oriental pomp and clresaantaare.

Aphroteta" in proem-1.1 on a large The erener1 was dose by the Harlem of London. Tile play la from the Preach. ant Michel flitch»

wa• bronght from Resell' to •tagp the deer.» The matinee» are "Dietetic!. but the scenic invea-three ta disappointing, after one ba• seen tbe work of rebate for exams.

As a apeetarle It I. no bigger than the weer-

lion if "Aida." which In rd I ell LI • l• Metre

pantie Opera Hoe» as • matter of »ere ant with a blare of trumpets.

Dorothy Dales, e ho ploya Cheystle, is very good to look at, het demenetrated eru great

ertmatle ablilty, Melta• M rel. aise. loots well -In tart It Mein, an tbo the enat we-e rifted

brat for pbyeleal beauty and efemsdatily for ble•

trestle talent. Mile. r•tle dance. bet one •bort dance, in

elate!' she h•• MO.. Chance to chew ber *MIL

The rent la 'very long and meet ef the par» vet! alert.

It is Raid that "Aphrodite" ha. • very big advance *ale. "bi. 1. dootelees doe to the eery clever preen wort which aceompanied

opening, but It it extremele diettufol It after thia el» le fen...opted It will be a Ne.." York


The- 'herb tilted at glIII•• of **Aphrodlt•.' • •eend which the etnry erosive.. Is played hy

Mildred Waller. !Ulf I. • nbarely yoneg lady who bald, a diet-nit peee for a very long de». The Aphrodite Is cempletely glade oh. •taele In

• shrine, and la such a dim light that It In ditScelt to tell whetter eh. le really a Ilytag

being or not. The mole op and preeentatinn ef (hie feature of the pereemance is ea whit

different from the sentelltus peeing aet• nets it. sandevIlle far men, year*.

news, I. !reliant malarione, Ileentione,

eent or pernagraettle in the entire production, neleithstarettng the elemn made to- the afore-

said re•lewer, and bin effert• to

amuse the rite. Indlinatent einunereel down to • let f futile "(nit-themping."

••Aphrefite" la fonder and a erectile-1f A. »eh It la good. bat better erected», here been Men her, ne American origin, by far.-



Herald: "Literally • rlot of pagan beauty." Mall: "As a drama it will have a greater

ispettl for Latina tesso ..:n810•S"One• •• World: "It was when the spectacle w•• ap-

pealing ezeluelvele to the eye that it beet justi-fied Itself."

'lime,. "A »earful, even magnificent specta-cle. and as socb will make tt• greatest •ppeal."

Tribune: "It Is nearly always spectacular. J. -niftiness beautlfel and again merely abowy."

American: "Wei one volumlneea orgy of Seek --u Mi., and colared, male and female,

' The twn principal elementa are maeultude and nudity." See: "Triumph In stagecraft."

Globe: "Rarely, If ever, In the Dietary of the American Mate, lute so much g y and money

brought forth au Utile of true art in justifica' lion,"


"SMILING l'Illeolerell'•-• new fantastic play In a prolog and three acts, by Illan Lang.

don Martin. Produced by the frelwyea at the Pare Square Theater, Boston, Masi.. December I.

THE CAST: Ranh Weyne Latine Brownell blare Clare Elaine Inca-one J. he Carteret Henry fttepheneun De OM en Mediae .Etheibert D. Hale. Ellen Charlotte Granville Kathleen Dungannon ¿ate eowl 11.. ?Geer. Clare Jane Cowl

Ainley Pbilir Tonge Kenneth Wsyne ferule Cable» Jeremiah Wayne Ortne Calder'

bouton. Dec. le-Tbe antler bee presented •

eutioo• andeganens: play dealing with the ruper-eaterel, giving an imaginary vleweet the spirit

that ham paned into iba grelt beyond, en-deavoring to denen•trate the: the spirits of the

departed are controlling the settees of the It la • play more for istlividnal acceptance than

for the messes. The player, were reeelved roedlelly and retailed many' time«. Tb, m-eet fates bee to the "Other Bide:" there spirits ef two written who bave passed, on are

the mothers. of a girl •D<I • bey who lore each ether, but are kept apart by the sure uncle. who la very bluter towards tbe boy bec-arme of something be bolds ageinet the boy's father.

The areal* any everything wUl come ont all tight. The action opens in the garden of Jobe Carteret at Leedon, in thd year 1014. Car-

teret bee teen betrothed »men° years preeloue, brit on bla weridleg night hie prospective bride le abet and' killed by a diecerded lover. Chr-teret forbidie.hte Mere to marry Kenneth Wayne, giving his redeem% that the 'a--man be loved wit murdered by Kennethet father la that very

garden. The story la then acted out. Teeing Wayne returns from the war in • battered

.eneltlen and aereee with Carteret that he-Ja sot fit to marry Kathleen, his Mere. A spelt comes

to Carteret Informing him of the wrong he le ....Inv he repent• and the young lovers are united. Carteret at a game of domlama falls dead, hie bride et 50 year. appears and states thet they can Dol.* be together for all eternity.

Mina C.,W1 in de dual rile* was eplendld, her emotletuti work being up to her 12.1111 Mg. standard. The other ed.-, were in competent banda and the end., performance Sept the and'.

Pelee In deep tbought ta tbe ile•l certain,-EDWARD .1. COADY.


— "ONE NInfrr IN ROME"-A drama In three

sets by J. Hartley Manners. Preemie at

the Criterion Theater, New York, Theem-ber Z.


Richard flek Philip Merles» Inlet» Mileterne II nsper Signor Diranda George Maternal neut.. Weigle Barry Hatter

Thriving' Collin Coolie liltra ¡Ohs Davenport ireymeur eire. Otk Mt".. Fell: More-i• Nine Redlyerb Loot» Beindet Zephyr Ile'en Moir hiera 01'n Field loll A•01141 La Rambles "L'Esigme tt Lancette Taller

ror her metropolitan appearance ttil• WWW11 latuette Taylor bets chemen an Italian »le. Ph.

Rosen» the character of • palmiet and playa

ir with • faint Dalian aeceat. "One Night in Rene" is • long Jensen ont

Play In Ishii It the d dug of thine,. Is drwribtel •ed little done elelbly. II» eery in a pay.

ehologeal one, but In net earth:ether mainly beeause the "tatty" of the ',arias' in 'Wentn le nt suffelently netiseted.

The etery deal, with the effort of a woman

10 sweeter ber lever.• lark of the dectalve ty, that is In Pay, hola Indecision ou impur-tint m•ttere and the fear engendered by ble enaw iedee of hi. locleel.len. le only tallied

about for two acte arid no practical

example e it given until the attesting which la the c•unal nettle of the play. In attest, la felt awing in the teat act. The

some Wag appLlei to the ebareeteriaatIon ef

Mies Taylor.' part. While n pent in bee life.

in dieted at, It ie not until the teat act nett we know west thl• pest Is and tbeu It Is tad

In a long, long monolog. Laurette Taylor Is • tine actress, one of oar

beet histrione but all that "Otte Night to Rome" cenobites for her be • part-and Pot a

god part st that, the la worthy of a better play.

Pbiiip Merivale, who portrays the- character

of Indeed Oak, glees a fine performance of the indeclelve man. II. Cooper Cliff° Is excellent, playlet the part of a judge. George Materiel. In un Italian role, playa with wee, emphaels.

usther miePleced for the grs•ec part. Mrs. Pell. Morrie in • mother role b. very coartne. leg and very natural. Carry Baxter mane quite • hit as • boisterena juvenile and Helen Blair was good to look at. He played • rattier

ungrateful part well.

Greta Ke.mble Cooper did a bit In the sec-,ad act which wan really delightful. As a giggling, eimperIng sloe made • genuine hit. Iler little mannerieres and her way of pointing ber

linen and buster,a made her brief appearance 'tend one While ale wee on lb, state ahe tecanue the focal point of every e)e In tbe

audience. It ran be truthfully »id tbst the cast cd

"One Night In Itome" is better than tae play.

It Is not a fitting vehicie for Laurette Taylor', talent and not • Offing 'arrester to the numer-

ous good plays that J. Hartley Manners lea written. Every author strikes ettrupe one, in a while and il le evidently wtille in one of the', that Mr. Manners wrote "One Night in Rome."


Times: "Tbe whole namtive la marked by at aetonIshIng poverty of inventlon on Mr.

Manner's pert." Sees: 'It in quite the mold satisfying acting

Laurette 'Iterlor has ever done" Glebe: "ne play It perfect neltber in aerie-

tare nor In mod. Thrti ti.. Interest in the two leadine characters It manages, however, to to.

fairly entertaining thrune.." Eve. Pun: "A fine meledratna. A perfeelle

cast play." World: "An ingenious and a clever play, and

le It Laurette Taylor •1›.111 Prerel•herselr to tit• an actress of ditelaction."

Amer: "A pecellar comedy that In a good vehicle for author'. wife-eate strong."

Tribuno: "Mr. Manners lent ereatsd an inter »ding new character which Hem Taylor Ills

admirably." Herald: "Play be elneere, pretty and later-

eating but halo faults of conetructext that de-trAct from its effect," . Telegrapb , •Wtar obese' editor • ersatitity and Increased breadnees or

Greta Keeir'e Cooper Valentlre Clemow




"THE LCST OF GOLD"-.k new play in three

acte, by Andar G•r•Ily and Liu Tellegea, Prodnred under the management of Loo

Tellegen at Fbrd's Opera Hotter, Balti-

more, December 1.


servant to Tremont ...Tledwig Balder Peter, servant to Tremont -Arthur Fitzgerald Armand Tremont, French Canadian land-

owner ............ ......... Lon Tenn« rcIll Werner, mining engineer

t entire glampden 10h iriom, his wife NI•rearet Linden

Baltimore Dee. e.—Lett Tellegen. under Me

own management, presented himself Mood•y night at rbors Opera lionne In "Tbe Lust of,•• a new play In three acts by And»

(Centime-A on page 11,



MME. NARA/ 60 W•et 45th St., N. Y. • Tel. Bryant 670.


Deere »eerie» and there traintlig weir, Art, Public, Preating. Play Prod.-tour nt.-s-t Iona] Dramatic., Pyritic Mucked": PlefOrrIMICIIM (IPOOtte..) les Mier Bldg.. "Dent B." PleituSse fete. lei Flee.. Item,» hotel


(re* Mee) Ls esst or General Teed- I Jeventlet and General

nona, WIll manes. suare 1 Butdrume Prey. teriette-Pincer. Scripts, short ti... Age, 191 weight 1301 and lent 5 ft. 7te height. S ft. 5 Ltaa at J.44, el; meet. II5 frearlanee nee or one-Malsk Care Wile Chab, Emu« City, loto

GEOttGE EVERETT gleeful*. ea. Illf."20. /eke Cad. Manallat

SCENERY-is-Imam O. lirealer. »fete Artist & Theatrical Contractor. front Landon. England: New Tree »d Chicago. Arktrem NEW Yule; STUDIO« alhaterweert. Is. Old 'Phone, 16.31.

10 . .

The Billboard ..• DECEMBER 13, I 19 le


To Raise Funds for New Theater Thru Ball and Other Entertainments

New York, Dec. b.—A cloud of »peke by

day awl a {Mar of Ore by night hung over Ile- office', of the Arturo' Equity Aieentation's

entertainment department at PM Went Sfath street la.t week au a committee if sixty

lieu...May en ra prepared, in • series uf c on-

fereo.we, for l he Equlti 'u first nuuna I loll is...ember 2/1 at the lintel Antor. Telegraphed bulletino from the Nliddle West and Coast

ettellue reported the .olle uf thou.:min of tiek•

.ts to thestrieal folk who will return to Broadway for thin functlen on the Saturday

before Christmns. The proceed.. ore to be

need as. '•a demonatrat Ion of earning power'

lai oriel' te secure backing from noted finale

idere lu building a new et.10,000 actormana• ser theater and club holier.

The new en* of the age:wit:non will be smug at the loll by John Charlen Themes. Other star. who have volunteered for the Gala

Cebaret include lenald Brian, Dorothy Dirk-

eon atol Carl Upton, Jim Barton, the Bath

Brother. and the Pour Haley Staten..

MennwhIle Colonel Earle Boothe, slth Cap-tain Everitt But terneld. John Emerson owl

ether members of the Entertainment Commit. tee, Mid the foundetions of the permanent pro-

dueing oratniontlou on the actor-man:4,r plan.

IMils organisation—which is composed of the sato, personnel wide]] no sue. resfuay rained

fowl,, for the Equity during the strike—hi al-ready planning balls and 'senate which will

last then the entire theatrical reason. A

statement from the committee yesterday read:

"The theater which is tentatively planned

by the Equity will not only be a means of proving the value of the netur-munager regime

and of elevating the plane of modern drama,

but will be the greatest financial inveetment whieh the organization could make. Ont

present earning capacity 1. very great, as re-

ceipts from the 'ale of $10 Delete. and 4100 bezel% already Indicate. The fact that we have the structure of the name efficient or-

evolution which conducted the Equity dew* during the strike ham mude it pie-elide for usi

to put the matter of ticket soles and pro-

duction plane on an entirely professional

bed, — Fbe ball Itacif will not be confined to tbe

theatrleal profteeloc. We have too:ranee*

that a large proportion of the attendanee will le made up of eselety folk and clubmen—In

fact even the undergraduate collegiate ele-ment le repreneuted In our advance sale..

There will be no faney Areas cuetumee at thin

affair, outside of those worn by the ulleter

cabaret or the performer In the special fea-

tures," len 'The come fling eygetn which Iran Reed

In General Pend:Mew headq r. uarte. during the

war hem been Instituted at the entertainment committee offices by Colonel Boothe and Cap-

tain Butterfield. both of whom nre experts

t these military systems. Among the peon-

eat women of the ehage who will be on duty at the tleket uffice In the Algonquin Ho-

tel this week are Laurette Taylor. Rath Shep-

ley, Jean Shelby. Roberti: Arnold, Margaret Lawrence, Jeesle 4:lendlaning, France. De• marest. Winifred Herrin, Vivienne Segel,

Katherine Emmet. The Ornt of those to pur-chase $100 buses included Blanche Ming, Ham-

nerd Short and Fritz MeGonrke.


Is Planned for Broadway by Adolph


Klanber product of "Nightie Night,"

nnoeuneed tant wsek that even after the con-clusion of the tee year run, which hinghing

audience,, have prophesied :for "Nightie Night."

NeW Yorker. may still anticipate buying wItb them the fusemakers is another farce-comedy

which pronalwe to be quite so hil•rtexpi.

This uttn,tive peenibIllty tole been mad.

prebable by the loci that Mr.,.Klanber hen con-

cluded contracto with the "Nightie Night" (mammy ideleh will limare a permanent , needy

reganlreten 0. Broadway. Moreoler the An-nor, of "Nightie NIgte." Mrs. Staley end

Mine Matthew.. have been ....males/one,' to

"tailor-make" another play which shall con-

tain a port for each and every mender of the

present "Nightie Night" cast. As a usual

thing play* are written around stars only; in

thin 'instance the new play will le wrilne

around the talent* of the entire compasty, which

Inductee Fran -ta fityrne, Dorothy Nlortimer.

Susanne Will», M•eic Chamber., Maleolin Pun-t-an. Grant Mills huby tirasen. Cyril Raymond

and Caere« !terse/it.

There Las not been in New York In Yea* • permumnt eormnly eon-puny. •wil Mr. Klotlber

..upyl, lug the lark by tire sew ure•n1,0114.0,

be • repertoire uotinpotly. play-

lug short rune of noiny playa, t ut • special I .u.t hug 1,1,01 ....egou;s1 thus far

in "Nightie Night" that the pnelueer lo In-a:trine it. eontinnenee for the rest of the long

run ',bond -1 - Nightie Night" and for happily

ever after.

Vivian are the principals in "The Wayfarer,"

*tarring Walter Hampden. the Chriatmastide

drama pageant epectacle which etarts a dye weeks' engagement at %lielleon Square 4:anIca,

New York, Dee, 15, 'Henry K. lladley will be director in ehief, Polansky's New Sympleeir

Orels...tra of 100 nowleinne aill play: and the ...Mutate will be Tionnlore Kerb., Helen Newitt end Bernard Ferene.n.

Next week—The Billleanre flirtation,. sum-

ter: Ila,e y. u t il your Sewed...der ta ye-

nerve /oil • col.y, Yon •re linble to mlae it

if you tion•t. Te'l Plea today. The ProvIneetmen Ph». offered their eecond

bill of the. season lost Pitchy night. On the program were the following abort playa . "%rim ale Cap.," by E.Ihn lit. l'In-eut Antler; ”Oreth

Mr. Whitehead la a •-•ell.tulown


light cornedlw.. ,n.1 1. leading Matt tn. Marie Leneler's mode-tie, of "Tillie& Nighty:we"

-diem le tetraw/•Perbe Studio, New Yek.


In Great Demand for London Plays— Cochran Coming to America

American talent continues Is fient demon.) for London aplaye, deepite the objection rat-m(1

in certain quarters that American talent le

being exploited at the expense of English pLiyers.

DeCoursille and Alfred liutt are among the

prominent London tunnagera who uro fe•turing

American layers, and on Dec. II C. B. Corte.

ran sells for America to look for Y.:sterol

for his cartoon productions.


(Continued Irma page si

Chrintmae week on Wedroseley, Tin:relay, Fri-

day and Saturday and matinees on Monday, %Vedocedgy. l'horedny and tastordey of New

Year', week. ihmry W. Sever% Ise_ *ill produce a %Dem.

intuition by Marion Sleet and Pauline Mil-

lie* of Jue•pl, C. Lincoln's t'alie Corl novel.

• eiv. Tine." Blanche Yurka, J. Harry teethe. Arthur E.

Paul Leyeeac, Jens Wheatley sad Ruth


Holiday Preparations at the Servise House

The season of "good will to man" in 'Went

upon ea and those indefatigable workers—The Stage Wolltele• War Relief. New Y. ,rk cup,

ter--are in the midst of preperatIons for the coming Yuletide to brighten the 11.ise of el

diem now at the Service House. :251 letIngt.0

Avenue. New York—men who have earned wounde and agony if being teemed while

lag the Great Clews* ln Prince,

thee ere aneirel of warmth and rennin* ^orn.

Sett tble Sae updated establishment, fee k yoya bows h•ve become theirs :bra

the effort' nf these workers of the stage Thee will be no lack of good things to eat. for ,lo.

nation, are generenely given by Gene who re' member the :service timer men rendered to the

Tatted Statei—and to auffering humanity. But

there la no appropriation for Sliii•oetileret‘ oe mitMer reecatiune of any kind. Biserelon I.

neemery te lighten the fro.* these soldier/

arn patiently be•ring—not tea. of the hassee. or the Service 'louse to free from wounds—

ao.I for that putteue g email riind ha, be-

come • necessity.

The BIllt.aril rentinuee the Right To Lange

Donpon and the Mule, lure coining from all

towtion• of the renntry. It in scn little tn ask —mut a dime to make a *Adler boy mugi.—

t,, male 1.101 forget the Merle that he ;wok

thrn for tin—fer yea. Caro you hold hook nos when tLe need for rebuilding stuttered serves and health ft. no inel•tent A small pie-ce of

allier, or even a greenhaek acento very trivial

tu you when arranging fees yuur ellopping. Why nut squire is port -of mat fee

the leya whoe did le much fe ywer sestets awl your freedutà. Pat thts ttumght on 'your troste•

eraDrIuM. pooh, il there and then pet it lobs

egerm._:nn peley—thls minute. Your dime will

!rem a Eerie, a lecture, a bun ride nearer te 'frsnoldler 'reny who la eo honestly entitled t•

• 7. -se. eeee•tIon, ('nit out the coupon nee

rine • • delay, t. brinttna• la ta the Mr. Mate

them laugh- -thee.. .bole whose :mallet have bee

dimmed by ontokt suffering.

ere," by Lewle Beach. and "The Eldeet." a drematizatIon by Emily Marie Mete of a «tory

by Dine Ferber,

St. Mark" 1114 he liouwerie fie eueops I , re-cently gave a Ht. Nioollighte Festival The

attraction« among other., n'ere the Prorineve

town Playera in a one-tit t play, the Bernard

Deneers, cernes from (alien aud Sullivan by

1:ertrude el.:noon and °Miele and an e 11111.1-floe of fencing.

Mr, Peluso, MI. I lonr many groat Moe, In

d ir but nothing finer than ''Tine 11a ught es "

The nielou of the pion to 411.1 • $7110,11/10 clair honse lean« lied by enthual•sts in Pipit,

la •Irewly reusing in fur mud, queetluning.

Barlow. liorland'e 41)1n1.1.141," in "Clar-inets" is its rim-Dent bit of work. Borland has

never received the recognition that he de-s, ins Moines is hound to tome, how-

4:..rgm C. Tyler will >Intl, :der Lela Flab., nod Emmet INmelgen in • new "mealy, entitled

"11,," by Clare Kummer . The pity him It, premiere lila week at the Ittarkst.s,a

Chicago. and he neen in New York later la the 'season. In the eae are Beryl Mercer,

(Continued on page 1.1)


14111 Broadway, len- Tort City

Helping the Stage Women', War Rethet. Hurry up, the chatee to make w wounded bey

laugh, liere'e my ten carte! '


A &trees


Chicago, Fee. 11.—"The Scandal* of 1111il" 1$ at the Minute 'Theater, having arrived Stile

«ley night. The play Is by George While.

Ann Pennington and Mr. White are tell& la

the /emit:Mien. Others in the cast are Yvette Untie!, Adele Ardaley, Lou notte..Leater Ailey

soil George htlrkeL


Iteston, Dee. 11.—"Joan of Arknneaw" in re-ceiving exert...ea Improve' by .npatelll en'll -

enre• et the Malratle. The latear offering ef

smear Ilainnieremin. lid, In full of life •nd Attrective mimic and beautiful et•

tinge the es ushi act, whieh win.

•ispleuee at the rise of the curtela The Mere,

llueetional training end rare. The lwo dole lug limp', 4. Iteatrl. e iultlinMere and Genre

l'elnitertou an.l (lao la and Amato are- excellent

him teecive tremeodone applause. Musa tier'

moue an Joan of Arkanaaw In • winner.

dully is her imitation of Ftldle Pry, *Melt , t'ul

mer hig pie... 1. full of bright Centel,. and It look. me if Ito.ton will bold the

here tor the limit. The «ant Include': ilrlen Iroml. Walter tot-as

Ian, Milos:ant Chmelli, Julia Eelety, Frank Me Cormack. Ituaeldi ?lack. lien Greeley. 'inns

liryn Minnie Milne, Joseph Itarton, Emily Ruse Rennie.. Intuturra, getup. reinhertea,

Cortia sitg Amato, and a chortle of Ir. girl. an..1

seven Leyte,

DECEMBER 13, Mt The Billboard 11

T. M. A. NEWS LortsVILLE Lonna NO. A

At (be stated meeting held December re/owing •etleer• were elected to serve No. h edge f r the results attar: if. V. Come., pendent. John Prod. MempreeIdent; Jame., general aerretere-lreamarer; T. re",-ge rie, trustee for tbree yearn; W. II. Ore , chav; Fred tjrlthtll. ni•rahal; P. Greenbery,

ir. llolltagehred, physician. While Louisville Usage tea litely eontrlbstetl quite a •um to we mirinua charitable organiza.

it pas toted at the Itatember meetleg ae pen-ham an adaltIonal Warp worth of War 1,4 ,inite :omit» for the true», to look /get, sill be ...treat new faces men is Louis-e> Ledge soon; »vent of the yodn'er • apt d ti. thentrieal craft hive placed their applice. tea on tie at our list Meeting.



Mc, election of otlicen for the coming year ilesi took place December 4. The poll,' were epa ter we entire day, cleat» at midnight. TM relit eus a• followe. Oaken Prest-Mat. 11.-nry Thum»; tire president, William „ow., treasurer. IIleery Lacy; recording sec-,t,ry Willem Thornton; financial neeretary. Walter Kinney, M•rithal, Eugene Linde; urettnt-•tcand, Earl Wrinkle, mad outer guard. William litho. The centret wee a rather eelr. ltd affair. much advertlelog matter having bee" deallettell among the sariou• candidate. for •411,-... The red and blur tickete received e greet deal of eerie-Mid. the odiern elect rep remelting both faction.- Brother Theme.. presi-dent rite t. outlined hin program for the year.

chief »fret being to increase the member-ebie to eel during AM term. Ile bat the hearty support of ill the membertittip Is thin project. The onnuerial serelee• held In November wets well attended. and very lutPreedee.



The Greet Pre•Ident Itan r. Fierce was down ta Mostreat attending be district meeting of tor I. .t. sod had the pimento of meeting I'. J. Ryan treamater of Montreal bodge. Romeo F. Merril of Ottawa wa. alto at the confer-nee, and received InetrortIon. to get la touch with the toys or Klezzetoo. Brork•Ille. and other tithe in his Jurtalletinn. for 'edified» new »ire. Brother W. J. Fudge wag doren to (»toe Met Snottily. hating gathered sheet afty et ti.. loral twee and gave them a gom tatt-ing to "bent forming a l•etge there. The put-t». eta very rivet-able the orminisatIon meet-log being 'Mated for the miming :let of the month. and the date for IntoltutIng set for the bid !Lunde, is J•onatm. arr. Mudge will ea'a be raining his home in Wemeria Canada, and the emoulmioe of depot, for Ontario will fall on Cluts. W. Leak. of Termite Lodge. The Notices of onicers will take plane st the next »dug, erbmb le usually • very apIrlted "on-test. It Mil be so this year more than ever, se many candidate. being in the debt.


At the meeting held November Ift twenty new appllestiena were received, wtth many more to tone. et car next meeting. San Frieda.° Ledge will merely bate Ino new number. by the belt T. M. A. Cenvent toe, if not more, aq Nether A. Debris( stated at the lart reeves-Goa. that Mtn Frew-tow Lodge is not for the big prize. Watch San Francine° I..dee grew. Mencori•I cervices were held in the beige tweet. Tee en-rises were 'calcite-tat t'y Pre.pirect ode 3termy •tnisted by Chaplain Frank ttearl•••. Hurry beetle, was Witlatel eed Tr-other Dudley made a few rend rim on thegoed nf the order. The heinecentrag banquet for our retuned brother, wan perponed until Tneaday evening, Jannery 13 We h d with u« test meeting ev ler, a anent. tory than Brother Steve B. Newmae wbo. a• we elated la the last mene, wag sick la the hospital le tb. •“ty of New York. but la now conveler eat here. Steve lost some weight, but 'anted lb. wee's he her been here he has grained ell ma». of It bark. Steve atill has the old pep tIth hin. The members present ut the last meeting who nasal Steve talk on the Actors' Enmity ?flake ttlement and other IntereetIng airier. will ven.h for this Enclosed tied letter el Brother A. DobrIng to regards to DePertmeat of Military "• ',et. Tom.,


/Ma Francisco November t, 1019. ThettrIcil Motel AimociatSa,

Native Rome'

Geary met Meson "trots. Ran Frencison,

fleatlemen—lt l• rather a «Oran matter to Sett,'" a communication to as orgealseties with weld' yeta have never »zee In «Meet (contact. Veer erganledine may. or may not, be advised

it( the fart that for ever • yeer. noder Inetruc-tkom from the moment general's etBee of the 1'. s., /nee the l'acide levee, n of the nineri• eel Red en» hag been In charge of all rec.

aetivities areeineted at the letterman Geneett Iioapit.l Pmeldle San Franela..'.

in the tvwlree of the dull... of our dIvIsino, we hive teen presetting vaudeville lemon to our tuothoursnd overseas sick and wommtel it Littermsa lioepital. At a result of the eff,rt• ef the American Red (-roes, and thru the court., tee m̂ot/emit.' of the management of the "Theme ond other ine•il [beater, we have heel oriclifired to anhrit the entert•Iners at Mae robe'e show hoese• to appear before the her. •t Lettermen Moffitt!.

lip compsrlota to nor efforta in other dime-tinto• we foetid that theatrical talent. toe

thm apnearing et the Orphrnm. emoted elemeintly willIng to 'ambit u.. and we were amen ( Is nur prelmeof the Americanism of Or-She-em t•isat.

early in the game. the moped, mus at the Ornbrorm Mr. Arteleh Deming, enlunteered to em_. °' along help oat on the night ohe• the "tee ea• given, to wit Tburalay night, and both berntece of ids penanalit7, as well au there uadentandleg of cues etc., we were ex• teettmly pleased at hin offee 'Rd gladly accePted. A. time pooled en lee we got better anal bet'

ter liclualialtd around the.Orplienra• We learned litteteat OC Olar eflOrtn wan not due to

our "neaten, bat that Mr. Duhring erau prim-mite reepumnible for the enagattkent *holm that we were able to put on, for It eras kin ef• fort. addreesed to tbe talent that got them In-terested, and Retorted our burden.

It took • lnce time after our Initial aermain• taneeebtp for u• to •mertalsi that Thureday wan Mr. DobrIng'• night off, and that be w•a girl» us time that he was entitled to rest in.

In efieclueloa I want to congratulate year organization on having sorb man as a member. tea ly tala letter I went to express the rp »mention and high regard that we ba•e tor your organization Ora the representative that we have come lo contact wilt. I Wee that any of your membera will cause not to have the some opinion cf hem as men and na Americana/

I real's, nIneerely rum. DEPT OF atfl•ITARY RELIEF'.

By ARTHUR A. NEWILOCNE. »sedate Director of Hospital Service.


Actor«. advertising nee, advance agents, ail cirrus men, blilpoeters, cast•ellane, coartmelou men, door non, electrIciens, house odicer.. »ruse drenen, managers suesiclans, moving pic -tone operator., cooling pietism actor., moving pletnre camera men, owner., performer., pro motor., progrmnmene ['ahem, neeretarlre. stage emptier-re and a...latent. (MI brenehe.). Deta-iner., ticket sellera, ticket taken, and till per-en» v.1,0 at ANY TIME have been engaged In ANY of the above occupations (for not lem than sin monthnl. whether they are en retailed at the time of making •pplientIon or NOT. The above are ail eligible and should be accept-

able pmvided they •re white met'. 10t years of mre in anted health sod of good moral charac-ter. Tide organizatkw enerantees to all member.

a weekly sick beneet. • death »need, mat the Perth-ea of a competent pbyelelen, whether at »me or on the road. —F.DW. IlioLLENKAMP. Greed rtecretery.Treasurer, Box T•ie, Clociabati, Obi°,

T. M. A. Ineal No. 64, Hartford, Conn., will give n benefit performance at Foll'a Pal-ace New Year'. Eve.

"THE LUST OF GOLD" ICoattnned (rem page 90

Gamey and LOO Ttliegen; therefore It Is eta,

to sx the reeponotbility for thl, pl•y, which

la a eneeemlon of attractive stentos. bet it It

o t s ra•y to cLansify it, or estimate Ita value, for •Itho It la an Intereatiog eery it

It not very convincing a• a character por-

trayal. It is diverting, and the g I ef-

fect Is remlodfnl of a moving pletnre, bat it really add.' little to one's comprebenoloo of

life. sod while there are some *Coot leenee in the play. wild.% received deserved attelatute.

still the •ndleace left the loom with the

feeling that Mr. Tellegro bad ert ammareal

to as goal advantage In this play a• be bad in "Mind Tenth" or in some of Die motion

pit-tare 'aorta. LOn Tellegen la n eniebed actor and certain'

17 got all there was ont of the role of Tre-

mont. MIR. Helot, Belcher, as Florea. Caine nearer to achieving a character than may of

the other mien. Charles lianapden did well ai Felix Warner, the mining engineer, sod

Margaret Linden Stied well into the role of Miriam, the wife of Winner, who used her •ttraetloim to -vamp" Tremont and Peron.

entettantlal advantages for ber !meted. Ar-thoc Fitzgerald appeared in a mull role ts

Trennott's man servant.

The Lent of nee" is an entertainment of

which It may be said that "It is ail very

well. het It rbeen't mean anytbIng."--E. ED-MUNIMS EC/REEL


"WV LADY PRIENDS."—A, fame la three acts

by Emu Nyltray and Prank Mandel. Pre.

muted by 11. II. Feat» at .the Comedy Th , New York, Wednesday, December

Tfill CAST:

Catherine Smith Vona Eternity Eva Johns Jane Walker MI» Rae laetrile Lecille Early Theresa Maxwell reeo•er Edward Early Frank Mora» Jame* Smith ClUton Crawford Term Trailer Robert Easier Norah Edith King

Jame Warington Jniiy Jessie Nagle

The story of "My Lady !Meade" le pleader

and deal, with tbe effort, of a goer man with

an extravagant wife trying to teach her the

virtue' of economy and a rich man with an

economical wife, trying to teach her the virtues

of extravagance. In order that he may *peed

the money he bas amassed selling Bible' the

latter keepa tbe wolf from the door of three

yeses ladles' estiblittimenta by footing the billa for all the lujurie the feminine heart desires.

Ills efforta to keep the knowledge of the young

tidies' exiatence from his wife fa» the b.-all and eedall of the piece.

The play la funny from •t•rt to tInt.h. Clif-ton Crawford, •• the chief fenmaker of the eempany. extracts more laugha to the moan

Huh from the audience than any comedian seen

on Broadway foe tome time. lie adopts a

mock »dote m that la just the tight

thing for driving hie tenths home, and when-

ever the situation' or lines tend to slow um piece up lie puts in some feu, Piece of bee.


loess that marta the laughs anew. Ile known all the trick. of the accomplished farceur, and

by intelligent nee gets everything poselble out of them.

There are only ten people t. the east. and

they all play their parts well. Mona Klageley, ae Catherine BmIth, the economical wire, eve.

a mont finished performance. lib. 'nits beantl-

ful and lee& an air of greet alneerIty to ber part. To accomplish WI. In a farce Is oie of

the hardest ta•ka that cab be given ea actor sad in the ability to do It Iles the proof of MM.

Klogsley'a ability. June Walker, as Evr. Job», play, the part of a •Dacion• young miss excel-

lently. Therms Maxwell Conover, an Lucille Early, the extravagant wife, got a great many

laugha on her own atecont sad "fed" the other

protagoolatt for many of their.. Frank Morgan an the poor husband of area. Early got a lot of

tun out of his efforts to extricate Clifton Craw-

ford from hie ditOmaltien. Rae floodlit and

Robert Elske. In natter parta, did well. Edith

King, Jane Warrington and Jamie Nagle, na "My Lady Friend.," both looked and acted the

part, effectively,

Altogether It l• a well-belaneed cant that playa "My Lady Friends" and everybody seems

to pall together for the good of the plece. The net result of thin la a hilarious and enjoyable


Times: "Turned ont to be by all ogrte the

fuonleat fame of the season."

Journal: "One of tbe cleverest and cleanest f•ree• that New York tag teen e•r many

Inonna. -

Wofld: "The piece le fairly brIghtly written,

hot Mr. Crawford'. droll performance of its.

feedlot role was prinelpally the tenon' for the

audience• merriment."

American: "Proved to be amosing and froth--

MUM, and ea different an it dared to be." Telegraph: "The proluctIon ha• a mediae.-

till appeal as,' Is *uvulae without being Iter` did."

Herald: ''A truly helpful little play deal-

ing with the Ilehter eel. of home life."

Tribune: "The math--r. hart hit upon an

idea of true comedy loeteeet"es- -Son: "Competent company p . Is new


Evening World: "In hi. easygoing. es, 411f.

ton Crawford made 'My Lady Friends' enter.


Mall: "We were in need of a trod farce

•od now we beer Clifton Crawford and 'My

lady Erimele."*

Globe: "The Idea In 'My lady Friend.' In

really good."

DRAMATIC NOTES (Continued frnm page NO

Vanilla Pattered', %eon Rung, Peal Kelly,

Pant Detect, Joseph Woodburn, Paul Atherton

and George Moto.

Although there le tome disagreement among

the New York char. over the merits of liant -

ley Manner.' play there wa• none whatever

'bent Lanrette Taylor'• acting of it. leading

role. Superb was the roseen.oa of opinion.

The Billboard*. Christman 1.war next week. 'ea page". Photograeure Illoatented metlen.

medal Ilinminted rover. Get your colt! eerily

or get left. Editor The Billboard: Please publish the clot

of "Tb. Old Lady Show. Iler Medal." and

hen.. (Alneldeaal and date of opening.

Private Dewey. John M. afererlanel A Mt. Wliklbron. Theodore von Etta: Mrs Dewey.

Beni Mercer: The Chorus: Clara T. Bratty.

Alice Feint and .1.11Ilan Brennard. "Opened Cl

the Emplee Theater, May 14, 1P11. On•Wedneel•y night a play by TI. Mettles

Adami will be ¡Memento! •t the Greenwich

Village Theater. New York, ...lied "Curiosity."

In the cant are Kathleen aleedonnel. Cril KeIghtley, Itmneey Wallin!, Merle Mlatklern

and Arvid Paulsen_ • William 11. Cram will be seen. In New York

early in the new year in • comedy by Frank

Ilooe. Jr., made from the hovel, aliCapt•In War. ren'• Wards." by Joseph C. 'Lincoln.

Charles Dolton bai been eninged by the Co-burna for the ehnreeter •ef Old Bill in a new

company cf •"The Better 'Ole." DOW being or-ganised for a tone of Neer York State and New

England, opening at Schenectady December 29. "The Phantom :Legion" will to tormented at

the Playhoute, New 'fork, Wednesday. De-

cember 11. In the emit will be Erne Eiteler,

Ilesel Turner. Raymond McKee. Frederick flow•rcl, John Tronghtob. John Wagforreellerry Feeley, Paul Gordon, Jolln. eaf•ttheseeeed Ed-

ward Stealer:die,

Jimmy Gleason. former member of the Baker

Stock Company, Seattle mad [Melia», ewe atan.

ring la Cohan'. "A Prince Ttere Wee." re-

stewed acenalateace• lo Seattle and Portland

lad week. floe, who know Frank Glibitor4. EtInitrr

exerttlee secretary, beat admire him toott. Tie Is simply deeded to the organtaatina. Ile

limes for it, slaves for It and doubtless prays

for it. After a eery lieneeesaNI tour "Mlle Walked

in Her Bleep" elOseeetaturday, December 11.


The Billboard FOR 1919

will be quits the most notable annuai number we have ever put out.

It will be larger than .‘ny of Ile predecessors (228 pages).

It will be better illustrated. It will have a handsomer cover. It will have a rotogravure section. It will boast articles from a long list

of prominent writers and authorities. Note the following who have already promised as

eretribudonl Watch thil adrerimnent for the names of others WM will be added irons Ume to 1.1104.

BRANDER MATTHEWS, Protestor of Dramatic Literature. Columbia ['Meer MM. sides acinowlehted writer on the drama In sluieral and undoubtedlf the gremeet American Shakespearean authority, deals with the autdeet.


to scholarly and leutel3ao-e futern

WALTER PRICHARD EATON, one thee Driusetle F.ditre of The New York Tribune Nee Yoe« loso, Arno-ri -on Magazine Ito Meet' he null author d 'Ameraran huge Today." At tee New Thrum and Other," "Play. and Plat-

ers" and many novels, n1•711 and short Modes and torturer on dramatic topics.

ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT, the brilliant Drarestie Celtic of 'Me New Yore ilmee. and one of the staff d The Pars and Stripes, the moderfulla audetatul organ or the .11, El '.

H. E. KREHBIEL Muted Celtic The New Tent Tritnine. and »Woe of many wort., on innWr, rennet and ornen: »Noe "Annotated Bibilographe of the Pine Arta." Trsrulator »molten. "The Technics of Violin Playing," etc..


W. I. IlEt— ii-EbON, iha widely read milk of Tim New York Ran, and an. trier el "What le Good Mimic r" "Preludes and Mod-ica." "17wo Pitney of Music. - -The Orchestra and dr-ehentrwl Mute." "Mebane Wagner-Hi. Ufa anal Oramea." "Modern Musical Drift" "rumrunners of Hallam Opera, - etc, ete.

JAMES WILLIAM FITZPATRICK, ESQ., author or •Thea Wanderer." "The Pitcher and the

.-rh. 1.3upte Boom" *The Turn of the Tide." and prizewinner in a nhort mory »atom of Goalie&

HARRY MOUNTFORD, ESQ., author of "When the Cat's Away." 'My CtieWa Nino" 'The Cita and the Kitten." "Greeter lame." -Clut,cia and tourner.,' ose.. rte..

LAWRENCE GILMAN, critic_ author. artist. (swipe,' and Mane. will rou-tribute an article on mom that will be »Dolan" timely and pewilartv InCeren1118 to reader* of no Billboard.

FRED HIGH, d (-tentage:ma and le -euni Department d The

11411board. and former Mike The Platform. author of many hooks on that and ostler aohleeta. *ill write on "Intileation• and Powilsee. Of the Delft in the Lem ture Yield."

FRANK DAMES ROSE, smorlets. and for )eam the rriree secretary ed Charts. Feehter. the great romanUe actor, will write on "Personal Recollections of Chutes Pechter and Charles Dickens"

W. STEPHEN 3USH, Ire Mint. year. Ecled cf "The !drains Picture World." and goatee ce Wok, on "Motion Pletem Cenweshlp." Foremost In the Ogle agalme Federal Censorship. Ilea trsteled all over the United Matte and Memo to study and invrelgate the »dal and oreehohemal erects of the motion PictUre. Ihnewn ass a incsoetead and frame... but censtrurum. matte et &murk and ecturoulonal Oleos. Mr. Dueh oar tribute. "Vestries of Censorship."

WALT FUPC431, one of the mold ahoolarty men on the state »lee and • Rimareeesreen acme whose week hac sea hire ormetralmnce in him dedal, oW orlte an article deal-ing with the aubin t 4 "An American Qmermatedre of We Demuth, Arta"

It will be. for sale on every news-stand and at every book store through-out the Englisb-spealLng world at

15 CENTS A COPY No advance over the price of a reg-

ular issue, despite the fact that it will be the biggest, most artistic and beet Christmas Number of a theatrical pa-per ever published.


It Is none too soon to request your news dealer to order your copy now. You will do him a good turn if you will remind him at the same time that the demand for the Issue will be eteecially big and urge him to provide for it.

12 The Billboard DIGEMIIER 1911


"Homeless" in Indianapolis

Stock ForcedToVacateMajestic

Thru Acquisition of Lease

by Lenwood Amuse-

ment Company

Indlanapolle, bee, 6.—After a few weeks

here the Jack ...:entey Players are homeleet,

the lea.* on the Malesti• T.teuter having been acquired daring the past week by the Len-

wood Amusement Ournèany, which aiready bee

started work on remodeling the Santh IIline's Street theat .r. 31e, Bessey boa gi,t abandoned

holm of /labelling the season, and le now look-ing around for a theater in which to continue his efforts ln dramatic stock, The Majeetic Theater Is to be changed both

In subetance and name. .It will bleveom out

in vaudeville ox Christmas Day as the New Broadway Theater, ofe -lng straight vaude-

villes The Ilialto, another Lenwood theater, will continue vaudeville and motion plc-Meg sa heretofore. The Jlajeetic Las had a checkered career. Pp

to this season It eras the home of burlesque. J. Everett Sleek imeca:ed a lea» .3 the I'ark

Theater, however, ail tnnsfer.ed C.e burlesque attractions to that trere, lazing careful, how-ever, to elimiaate tba a. :1 "Inarleeene" (rem all paper aed as for ai possible from the 'poke word. Wentee cf delanapolla who

never attende a turlesrees performanee In their lives are geleg te the rack re—olarly te Pet epos the "extravagease" offered by

Ur Black.

In the meanwhile, the Majestic played to pleturee for a short time. with indifferent ee-rie., Then the Beree, Playere went b, but

receipts were poor, and then came t e true-

fer of the lease to the Leiwood Amusement Company.


Salem, Matte., Dee. 6.—The part eve weeks have seen n few changes for the better at the Empire Tbeeter here. When Ilanng-r 1;atre.

discontinued his stock at the 14-zu house h, brought Ilkshard Lailaile, leafing ro -ea. sod Sadie Galloupe, character woman, to the Em-pire. They repines,' Let. Clement and Virginia

Zolbnan. "The Crowded Fleur." "The fleto-to the Iloorne,'• "eels Ilopkins" and "Parlor.

Bedroom and Bath" ell were presented to good beelaces. Peke to :Vogul week William TI.

Searle'', new later play will be offered for the first time on any stage and, big results are

expected. Mayhem. Estelle le now well established as

leading lady and la moot popular with the •patrens. The big mneleal etiow. "Oh, Doy," la under way fee an early presentation.—TLIAY-ER.


Toledo, O., Dec. It—The Inane/11 careens .ef

he Kinney Komely Kompany at the Palace Theater Las been greatly hampered the pent fenr week* bee•nae of the carlees steer t. Manager Williams and Miller, however, have

been very optialletle and look forward t, next week as thn banner weet•of the rtemton. With

resumption if car terries, and their presenta-tion of the old time sure fire money getter.

"Trade Tm." it Is poPularlY believed they have the right hunch. BROOKS ENGAGES MARVIN

Chimaera, Dec, fl.—Jack liaran, leading man vela, the Lorin J. iloward Players, rlo-ed with

that company after a special ten week.' en- eneement. Ile was Immediately engage by

Alen Brook- in the capacity of leading m-n e-Ph the prociu -eion of "Dollars and genre," open-tug Monday at Cleveland.


Z....wring English Comedy, Presented by Henry Jewett Players

Boston. Dec. 6.—"Misa Robineon" be *ha play to be given next week at the Copley Thea-

ter, and the characters of this tamal and stirring t:agllah comedy a» each ea to glee a wide op-

portent, for splendid acting on the part of the Beery Jewett Playere. Robinson" ta In three acts, and le the work of Elizabeth Baker, who wrote "Chains,' which created much favorable comment when the Jewett :layers did it et the Copley Ian season.

Viola Roach will play Miss Robinson, end the dozen or soother parts are all placed Is capable hands by Director Jewett, who ha. secured the sole American rights to this play.


Given by Woodward Players

Spokane, Wept.. Dee. 6--A very creditable performance of "Pollyanna" was presented by the Woodward Players at the Woodward 'Thea-

ter here this week. Ilatel Whitmore, as Polly-anna, scored her usual hit, al did Albert

McGovern In the role of John Pendleton, Mar-guerite Motto gave a most charming Interpreta-tion of ,Ifi.e Carroll. Others ineluded In the teat of characters were Met. Carmody, 011ie Orell; Mrs, Creme, Mary Nelson; Nancy, Doro-thy Bartley; Mons Polly Ilarrington, Lora Rogers; Jimmy Bean (at the age of 12), Stanley Warner; Bleeeter, Caq Caldwell; Dr, Chilton, William Morse, and Jimmy 'Bean (at the age

of 17), Emmett Vote.


Featured by Carter Co.

Taylorville, III, Dec. 6.—Starting November 30 the Carter Stock Company began playing for the balance of the semen) ¡he following cities and houses, one day every week, with a

eifferer.t lay; Chattertou, Snringiel I, Sunday.; true Twater. Toylorvtile, Monesyr; Decature, Tut-lathe,: Chatterton, Bloomington. Weeinee-

d-y•; Lincoln, Tburseay.; Clint n. nidays, and Monticello, Saturday.. An Illinois cille'.

T`e r-rY'sar plated f-r the opening week "The Stith Commandment.," and the remter was a* follows: Edward Carter, owner and r'anagr"; E:mond Barrett, acttste man iger. Cast: Lem Politer, Edmend Berrett, 'Ward Hatcher, Jack IlamUtnn, Oscar Wheeler. Char-lotte >Lamle Claire, Donna Wilbur, Virginia

Lee and Mrs. Margaret I-fetcher. !Ditcher and Hatcher and Ylrglela Lee do specialty acts la vaudeville between acts. Well balanced tom-pa ni. Owing to the cpal ¡trite, It looks like ail

the (T'entrai litina theaters would be canceled to close until mere coel I. mined. Situation acetone. Lincein Theater here closed this



Show. Increase in Business

Lynn. Mars., Dec. 6.—Now that the stock company et the Auditorium Theater here hat

no opposition, due to the dogleg cf tbe ('entrai mquare Theater, hipline.* ha* bad a Di; boom.

The addition of linzelle Bargees, as leading lady, and John Dugan, as comedian, to the

cast has brought twofold satisfaction, both

to the audio- neo and company. r e presentation of "Mayflowe-," • new rural

comedy, th, week went over tall, Ulmer Watson scoring heavily in the rule of Brown. Dugan'. rube eon; proved a big hit and a hearty ova-tion Irv@ given him on It. Stage Director Livingston is arranging "Branded" r the com-ing week. Ilene), Macon Is the recipient el many complimenta en his excellent work in arranging

and making settinge.--THATER.


Successfully Presented by MacLean Players at Akron

Akron, O.. Dee. C.—"The Miracle Man," neo-ce M. Cnhan's erieinal preinetem. ta be-

ing offered this week by the Palatine MacLean

Players, now in their eeveeteenth week at

Fiber a-d Shea's Milne 'Hall here. The pain-ripe] rule.' are enacted by Miss MacLean and ber inesbeed, Oeerge Clarke Utley. J. F. Mar-low, character man of the MacLean Players,

le cad 1 the role of the patriarch or "Miracle talan." The sepporting cast le excellent It

moat talked of play yet offered by the 11:c.:_sea Players.

Lithograph Paper For All Classes of Attractions: Dramatic, Musical Comedy, Minstrel,

and Uncle Tom Carried In t tack Ready for neneediate Shipment.




LOU WHITNEY STOCK CO Versatile Leading Man, young talented Leading Woman, A-1 Homy Man. Must be up in all late releases and book plays. Two bills a week. Prefer man who can direct and make productions. If you haven't real wardrobe and are not ver-satile don't apply. State all. Photo and exp. WELSH & WALBOURN, Bijou Theatre, Jackson, Michigan.


Genera "tw ee,a Woman, who ran do wow diameters Preference if you dc aperfaltlen State on In Ire and he toady to lain no wire. Gwen Urals, vino Malo-em

ADRIAN "SILLY" LIC. Creek Cres Serlatis, Florida.

CO—PELVIIM —RoesTocg co. WANTS VERSATILE VAUDEVILLE TEAM THAT DOUBLES STAGE, Ingenue, Lady, Gen. Biz man; also Gen. Biz Man who doubles MAW), WIRE. ED COPE. LAND, cars B. E. Corrigan Amusement Enterprises, 311 Culbertson Building, Oklahoma City, Okla.

WANTED LEADING MAN Also man and woman for general business, with Frecialtie State par-ticulars. Address URBAN STOCK CO., Franklyn Falls, N. H., week December 15th.

GRAHAM & ELLIS WANT PEOPLE IN ALL LINES for one-night stand in Canada. Leading Woman, Juvenile Leading Man, Char-acter Man to direct and General Business Men and Woman; Woman for Piano to double small part. Peher.rxe Dec. 22; open Der. 29th Tickets if known. Lowest salary. State all first letter to MARRY GRAHAM, 110 Montreal St., Kingston, Ont, Canada,


lltell' '


Robbins Snores Dg With the Academy Players at Haverhill

Raverbio. Mew., Dec. 6.—"Eletatleg a Ella bee" is drawing large Dame to the ...Mealy of kiwis this weak. The show ta somewhat bitt ferret piece that one 'mould expect treat sect a title. The comedy as well as the dramatic monacato are capably handled both by the ant« and the players. Stewart liebblaa bas the finept rol e sine, coming here and' is getting ante. very fine resulta from it at every letterman,. Ile Is seen •• Charlie Sample, the lillterate wealthy chain store owner, and /flee etninsu•rly as Charlie'. wife he the earns pleattlng litth• lady as usual. The rest of the company le.

des Jane Cilrel, James I. Merin, nyde Pracklia, May Burn and others. Lee '-'terrait fs director.—DIRT 1.zrrtrt.


New York, Die. 41.-4,01IL. Ib. lexIngton Theater and wit a, company, playing at present It -

Theater, Brooklyn, there Ott _ . lease rent till Decoration Day neat ;tee,

with the exception of four weella In rebtturt

when the Chicago Opera Compeey will e.e.,1;.y the theater.

Th• Shuberta have takes over the '

cent Theater and will pet on plays for rm. there. The opening attraction is Al Jelena li "Sinbrid." Thia forced Corm's renmeal are his lease of the Lexington. lila ...reefer will tot "Daddy Loas-Lega."


Stehmood, Ind., Dec. 11—Otia Oliver, wed-known facet prodatter, hi. eleeed his rue of stock at the Majestic Theater, El. Wayne. Ind., arad will open at the Crawforl El Paw', Ter., innee.Hately after the leitial.. 'rada Hellman, whe hale athieved tenell•-state

excels la leading lady with the nii-vo ems-pair. has been retained tor the sieibr rl •


N. W. Remond Now Manager of Lynch Theaters in Atlanta

Atlante, Ga., Dec. 7.—N. W. tenon! oat

Jackman-ilk, Fla., has »melded Hue I. Car doit •a anaeger ef the theaters altd ram I. picture hence. In Admit& opereted by ase e A leech Enterprises. These theaters wen-dement', purchaeed by Yr. Leath from Jake Welk. 'r. brewed has bees Ideetteree with t

atrical Intereats la Jachnorille fer the re* seven years, and for the past three yea" het

managed in. fear theaters Inelachmelylle.uweed and operated by the Leech Entererlees. Prie to going to Jacksolellle he wawa...teat ,' el't Percy O. Williams, managing a thee'•r Brookl,rn owed by Mr. Williams Ile bett the imperial theater la Jaeteeeville chick he sold to the Lynch lateresta.

Yr. (*ardent ha& not na yet event/ice hie plug for the future. but whatever they ms, he they will probably be closely asieclatee

with theatrical work.


New York, Dec. 1.—The ¡cries of Seen perfermances planned by Arthur tinplatne bur been shaadoned for the time being la arder to determine whether there is sue Jett rele

lia demand for the ria ros-templates giving. In making knew' that ho latended to present on Monday afterneen, Dee.

?2, Mauls Gorky'e ''Night Lodging" Mr. 110P-kia• state that thia play will be given at the Plymouth Theetter oely on otf matinees dogleg the week.


Atlanta, Ca.. Dec. 5.—Alexender, femme seer sea irsporiezt of the art of metits1 tei • wima Dine madden, Ill here lart Sato?-day morning, and as a reset the Saturds?

matinee and evening allow at Vie Anon"' Theater were cincele. Alexander tiled • week.' engagement at the lineal playheem led haa bees greeted by parted beseee at eeely performance. Ris phynelaa Ilan «Attlee b,r

to take a eomplets rest fer s ported of t i.a.t six months.

The ere•oeet Stock Compare la sow on thro Monist% ea las "math week •ad a'

lag good testae.

DECEMBER It MS The Billboard 13

ACTORS' MEMORIAL OAT (Continued (rem page

aseale, John IL Meier, e bac1 alined, MIR-tribeted L'..are, paid another for It. gpiatv,i, :tine n'• retail merchauti committee,

tired the hide and leather envision, wet, went ,sabre hat ureters sad where r2.'27el. Tlar. • tomold le ran t tee which bad cure, of tie sale for the Winter Caren, turned in $14,001..

sia,aaar ,, at tee eertous theaters gem' prelate in (I,r ro that enteeelos for their work Miring the car 004 their remarks n..?. ticorour'y epelaod...1. «men them meeker. sere Woe. Central Juba F. O'Itysti, at the liodeon: lamed M. Beth, at the Motor; Uri. Iles« P. Davies, at the Reprice Sheriff I), H. Knott. Bijou; «mop Burch, Empire; Rear Admiral Glentroa. party-Netts ...Street; Rear Admiral l'aber. Green-«Irla Tillage; Morgan J. O'Brien. Knieter-Loeser; Major General liteuher. Cohan. and Hairy W. Taft. at the Ljeeom. The 'hard of Trustees of the Artie' Fund

adopted retardations yesterday, thanking all who lei earliest In making the day a encore.. Daniel Fishman. president of the Actors'

end W. Ward Smith, chairman of the earapalge committee. leaned tine following state-

ment: 'me entire Tatted itt•teni bar reportai to

beedeuartere la the Cv,mraceleste s tremendona relic tribute to tbe actor that saypaaae.4 the seat hogefol estimate* Tho the earopeign for a permanent endowment hap merely oigo., It Ms reeeived web wonderful impedea by today's as to «mere the Attors' Home on mat, wand of eventually securiar the *san-dal Mai , It needs." TO. ceatral .rouriltte• ertead.h.1 aa invitation the turri• of tine Arturo' Home to attend

àsy theater they chow and witness the per. fcrmarre. The aged actors .elected the flippe. drome and Charles Dillingham pleeed lizet at their disposed for the matinee. /kindred.' of emended 'midterm and idle« attended the thef-t'', s. rwet• of the 'arise committees, as did Mosends of school children. The ramie.# performances te Clintineatl tee

the benefit of the Actors' Fund yielded about poi., chairmen John I, tibuff. et the CM-den.ti multiuse innoupred the day follow-er the shows •111c drive on behalf of the actor rame • t it very abed time here" asid Me. Shoff. "It followed a number of other pies for money la varhans causes and preceden the Christiana season. alien evereone le *twins as large eapenellteree. Eeerything considered, we ahem feet ',raged with the repeulte." De Weir II. I‘ner. is 'T. Better 'Ole '' at the

Grad, stad•It, ter Terra. In "The W oman in ROM% 13," At the Lytle. played to large ami-races hot the matinee* at the °Semple and Meier did not reels (be expeetatioes of the esemittee, altho ors of the strongest buriewin• drawing feeds. Dive Morten •n.I "ending" fIlly Wit.., were playing at three theaters. Chicago. fee. 0.-110 full return. from the

nsvelte of the celebration of Actors' Fund Day ha Chicago Friday h-d nit been fully compiled today. het It is rogearied that the result. from the Chicago atudiwdet were dhespreleting. liana J. Rldlnirs, lonnseer of the °oh«, ()mod

Dieter, drainer« of the romealttee in charge ar-enceinente. 'mid Heat he doubted 1f tte

ens-eels will te I. ex-seo of leStfflet. "flic prepeitine did not im over right In Oilmen." raid Sir. Ridings, and the meson may he briefly ropielned by stating teat we failed tu cet the «operation prouderd ma le aid of the movement.

Pt. tools. Dee. II —Only omen amour, wets rallied at the epe.-1•1 matinee* tree ;e.t.d.v afternoon for the hettent or the Actoe•• Fund ef America At the liteeeert.lefferson. where rat. fie "re n enis etinw- were .ffered et Tina each, the recepts were .round dame At the imerician. w'irre “Fine'a a Cori Yellow" I. tanning, the re-elote reached Ste») The 111•WI•o1 yielded i2lif". annwriptioss to the food are alert Nisi takes aid will bp OnmoolIced later. The (vita net for Pt. touts wars itt0,00n.

Attie's. Ca.. Dee. St —That at least 2.500 Pew,. Wiw the "Midnight Frolic." given for the benefit of the Actor's' Memorial Fend at the Atlanta Auditorium last niftPt. without paying fee their Octet., la the et.arge made hi mem-bers nf the committee vetch arranged the affair. following a final rises-Uri TIP a( the Smart« retina Many of the. perinea Ruined entrance by prole( opea the duo« before the Meet takers dcured and then epeeist the various pelt., ihre which hue/rode of ethers Weeded Into lb. pier. Were anything could be clene to stop thorn. Many of the pimple who rot ira this way really had ticket. In their eevev•I, n. and thentrir•I men in cli•rge are In fnere .r lew nonnlary an to how they !ball 'herb nt, on the.. tickets when they re-bind the pewee to the LC1011 tleket hoidens win v•r* nee's. to eet Int.. th* Mora at nll. More then soon wee refumbel at the bey Of11,I. lest togh• e.. Wet holdern who rame ctemorttor hr kiwi...has aft, the ("44 f of 1`..liev had idered that the dote. he Thia order was rot 1...aed tsiitlt the hail • to the very door, env as -nt• enough ticket. were etrigiitalil Alf to ereenowettitte •Il of these Who made Mole's.% stet at loWst 1.000 lio"" itoldena e. known to hers been turned •e•Y at tne dint's r..r la-sk of roue It is a reveals fret that at l•••I 7.iiu gut In wIthont paying adrolarlos An If Hilo were net tereabie enough tor one

light. It hernia knows today that about 2.01.»


Hawaiian Musicians fa end attraction. Meta all north-stare and salary. N.+ A no. •nre•r quick. Mitre. JACK DAR-

in t..csed An. New Rochelle. Nea 'fort MI..£«/M1.

VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES Re.t in tbe wild, fiend for lilt W. IL .1 RH W. Thera. kfilmour.

Al NM CLARINET. alto Trombone Player, wanted et ewe fer Al Kirchnes'ra iowtilot Jan, Ft"6" else* Wee. Wrinkle: Midas Dement. sit B. fib St. antweil lme.

litter) that had been printed and Dot sold were stet« tome time daring the night. Hew. ever, the committee very lu, kily rad a cheek on th)rse ticket» and tiro,. P log them ter refuted in likely to get Int', eeriest, trouble.

l'aiw•rd t. Retailer, repre•entIng the Marne reeve loteriat• In the forth, wag the rhalnean of the ,imatrical committee. an he atated that he would terem•ily refund on every ticket held by thew «rani to get in If it were neceiry for trim ter do en before he would permit the peOple of Atianta to attach any blame for tbla affair to the tbeetriral intoreete of the city, At • meeting of Iba conaudttee, held in Mr.

incea In the Grand Theater Iloilding bite this afternoon, tira members voted enarl-motiely to leav• the entire matter In bla bands and permit him to handle it sa be sees fit. (minded oe this committee in chergo of the "Midnight Piedits" are Julian Boehm. chairman of the Atlanta fiernanIty derider; Louis Muse, manager of the Athlete III Li sri Keene, Mr. echiller's sesletant: Mort Seaman, manager of Keith's 14,1C vanderille hoes., •od other Prominent tbeatrical men awl Mitered men of Atlanta. Their men cnoventrated their Oo03. blued effokts to. make the "111delght Frolic" big unces, tba: .ttlan's might make a seed ,ehoe ,os eith other cities in Ito cootriinntIon to the Actors' mensure.1 l'uni, aid they keenly feel the ilrappointmest caused by tide most regrettable Inchlefit. 'They eeetriboted their sertirent %Meet charge. Mr. Schiller has annemeeed that all legitimate

bider, of tickets who were unable tu tells

where the Prim Club entered wholeheartedly into the endeavor to show the appreciation of the public for the splendid eacrifees wade by the theatrical folk in briabtealog the Ufe of thou who gave their all la the late world war. Yesterday afternoon an aisembige of prom-

'neat citizen, gathered at the Academy of Mu-sic te settee. the anapplest, pepplent show that has been pet ca here for mane years. And not oaly «ai the largo andlente au desire of the sentiment of Una 13411fAmore thea-tergoing poblle, but there were •ieo many large and sohataatial contributions received by the ladefattgabte committee from these who were there la apirlt but were prevented by naivoldable reasons from being there la the deals.

It Iss too early to give &halt* ante" of the proceeds realised, bat the mosey «Ili cootie«. to poer la from the mane friends of the ac-tore.

To Laura [lope Crrws woe decided the honor of reading to the public a teettmonial of gratItode from the profeeslos for

intereet taken by the public its the Attore Fund on a «nand flauclal haute

From the Academy of Muir there appeared Mies Crewe Cyril Scutt and other* of the east of O. the Ellen Line," who gave toe aee-OM act of that comedy. From tbe AudIterlem there appeared Arthur Ashley and Adda Glea-son, le • arene from ••Tte Men Who CIO» Reek." 1.01 Telltales, Margaret Linden and IledwIg neither gave extract" free the -Loot


Mae O'Neill Is a enisti-biern deligner of stage carom. and acenery html of the ocatlarnee for The acre AagaboDi, runntoi ai the Cohan a Kura Theater, Nee Yort, sera designed be ber.

estrume to the Auditorium will have their money refunded.

Refund of the porn banc pelt. to thee ticket holder. mean. that Atianta's roatriteatima kW the fend grill d•Inelle to et.« oneshalf Ite former else, but it rwa not he helped. Lack of sufficient police protection I. said to have been the ratter of the 2.700 "demtheadie' get-ting tat the bail aid seeing the big show free of charge.

FAgar A. Neely, a prominent Atlaat• attorney aid cherries of the Mines? ',unwell.* of the coloolnlomeet . I•sned • statement teaterday night which wee patili•hed la .Atisata news-espera Itenity, ami in this st•tettlert he abode«, the Us...tiled interests or the city from all M•ene. In the affair. Mr. Schiller way highly commended by Mr. Neely le bIs 'determent for for hie fair Anil liberal offer to refund the money to those who atilt hold ticket*. Pr II e'clock Friday night tha Auditorium

sen• packed to the door*, gal between the hours of il and t? o'rinick !roving pieta.* were eleven. Premptly at one minute past the midnight hour, the male show ',settee, comiting et twenty •steleville arts from Lot'''. Greed •nd Keith'. Lyric and other places about town. "b. only 'local art woo s piano recital by l'ent lanainhor, the blind rowne.• of Faitos COolity, Genrgla.

Fricla• arteries. at the Atlanta 'Theater. the M'ollyeens" Company gave a benefit metiers perferressee. whices was fairly well attended, nod the «tire proceeds were turned otee to the committee for the Attie' Mukorla Fearl.

Ilsirlroors, De,. IA.-Nowhere ià the Felted States has greater effort been put forth tr rn ••• a soc -es• cf toe complain for the Ace. oes' read of America than ln Baltimore

of Gold." which la being played this week at Drees Opera Home; and from the Mary. label Theater sketches vrere given by Joseph llowerd and Ether' Clerk. Bert Hanlon. Ma-hon and Islemond F,,ley mid Lenore, rtate Daly and other •rtista. The Mode was forolehed by an augmented

orchestra. compeer' of *elected artiste frum the regular orchetraa of ail the keel thea-ter*.

Palace Theater. where Lew Kelley and hiu conepsay are playing tie week, gave the total receipts from the afternoon matinee, and the employes of that how* helped the fend by d011atlar their talanes to the ranee. The .,..yery Theater, where the "Lid Lifter*" was the attraction, acted in the .ame generous 1:0•111tee.

Diming the Interrolesion at the Anidemy of %leek quite a diversion wag created by the ark-Hosing of a slit parhwerk quilt, made by Rosa Read. an titre« now retired who be-tween forty and Ofty year, ago was • mem-ber of the old Holliday Street Pict Company. The petit tree made from coetenia wore by Mies Rand during her theatrical career and was donated by her to the Feed. The bid-ding was spirited, and the matt wan Onally knocked down to Marna Marberg, a sister of the former United States Minister to the Netherlands,

Detroit. Dee, 6.—The monster benefit metiers at the Now Detroit Friday netted 11.1600 fy the Acton' Fund. The bill wed pretend,' the greatest ever assembled on a Detroit roue The Elks' lodge bought five handled dollars worth of tkkote. John Y. Ward, of the

Gayety, tined over IMO from the matinee at hie bent.

Charleston. W. Ta., Dec. 6.--Chartestmee quota for the Actors' Food of America orrit over yesterday in great Mite. The quote for the city was only WO. Last night from the stage of the Plaza Theater the aneours•-meet waa made that the fond tuel reached the MS mark and that wises all that was pledged was collected It might .be mote than that.

Nitro, W. Ta., Dec. ti.—This little Powder City, the having Outlived Its secedes» •• a powder plant, demonstraMl. thin Its enetribn tin to the Actors' nod of America Benelt. that the "live spirit" still calots here. All of the neighboring either were 'Mertes' a quote ewes they were expetod to meet, out we, were overlooked. The committee tun amusement of the Wel-

fare Department here, having the hearty en-dorsement of 31 ,;ur Trelor. the Commanding-Officer. wired Mr. Frohmaa, asking whit the lute was for a town f 2.200 people. «agog this is the oaly Government owned and uper• ted city is the United Matte and Its people, h•riat aPPreciated the good wort done by the «ion 'Janie the war, were ready and willing to do their part towards the Actors' Fund of America. George Black, Chief of Pollee here, former.

ty of the Bantam a Bailey Cirri, mad HAM Conners, of carnival fame, ably assipted by little Mee Durham. of the T. M. C. A.. get together a crackerjack home-talent vandertils shoe.

This entertainMent, together with the re-ceipts from the motion picture theater and the billiard parlor. netted 1{442, which is four and one-half Luau the torna allotment.

Wbeeling. W. Va., Dee, el—There wur a double bill at the matinee at the Court Thea-ter for the Actors' Memorial Beneet Feat. In sdditloa to the fares remedy, "Up la Mahere Rook]." vandeville actor.; from the Victoria Theater performed between ti., acta, math"( It a continuos. performance. The e•ndeville acta Included Clifford and

31aree In xylophone and peintiag stunts, (Mirk and Lever,. Anderson and Cornea, and Weir and King In slating and clueing opertsitim. During the latermlike William II. >whin, of the "Mabel." company explitaed the object of the fee. Over $1,100 was netted for the fang here.

Seattle. Dee. 6.—Praetleally $2,000 went to the Actors' Fund as a remelt of the ehow given here Friday morning at the Meteepitilitaa Thee ter headed by sir elarry Lander, appearing at that horse. Acta from the Mire (Orpheus vaudeville). Vantages, Falaee. Illpp., Oak. Wilkes and Orpheem theater' stade op the Protein.


The Steam]. inerporia. Ran., will open Teta. nary I. Tim bogie eeet la ebe isighborbotei of $40,000.

Patrick O'Dotanovae sod Peter Linnet have taken over the management of the New Lyrk Theater at liteekley. Mina.

A. I. Lawrence has again seeensed charge of the Lyeenne Theater, River Fall., hilan,, after millet his interest wise weeks ago. W. L. Bashhy, manager cf the Empire.

Quincy, Ill., Is rounding nr) capital to rebuild the theater, partiaLy destroyed in Ore re-reedy.

Fire did an estimated damage of $2..9911 to the probe-tie building of the Risetiethana Theater, Cleveland. 0., WINS DIM beams Igni-ted dorlpa a performance last Week. The Kettle-11rue Rooting trier« have been

moved from 300-11 Orpheus. Building, Seattle. Wash., to the top door of the Palace Hipps Theater Ballictieg In the sam• city.

TI e West ('-ai; Amusement Company tie been incorporated at Porters& Ore.. with • capitalization of SLOW. The incorporators are G. C. Pali., Robert Kaytendell and Mar-vin Hollaird, The Clinton leveetment Company of Delutb.

Mine., bee perchaari the Lyceum building at Kaneda" etreet and Fifth ',eerie. The com-pany contemplates remodeling the building in the near future. W. P. - Fiber of the Lallalle Tbester, La

Ralle, 111., bare geee to fan Bernardino. Cal_ where he will beh Over a proposition offered him for the pnrcheee and operation of flee thee. tent la that and other cities. A /beaks« 'lag d'art« wan elelied be

players, lease-lane aro' stage heads at Pan-tag«, !potato, Wash ll•neger E. Clarke Walter acted a, hoot. The D'ir table wa. het to the dregslog room corridor below stage. The Hippodrome Theater, Glovereville. N.

Y., which ba• been cloud for some time, etvell-ed recently miler the management of Pehlke, Brea.. who armoury that ext./melee •iteratioas have been made. The seating capacity of the house is 1.000. The rotoelen. • DPW Mai« picture theater,

wee opened at McAlester, Ok., Nov. 19, J. C. Roe.. manager, ea« the new theater le «dotty modern and nra to date in •yery respect, an op to date pipe «Iran having heen installed. equivalent to an oreheetre of 21 pieces. with piano, as well as fall organ arrangement,

MEDICINE SHOWMEN EVERYWHERE Toy nan reelly kern • professing' that wilt earn you them» oe rum yearly. To teach you BOW. Tor pmtkular. aaare... Unlverstly Arreethleg Fie 4250 Cattsee Greve Ave., Cherie, Genie

WANTED-GOOD ATTRACTIONS for Cullom Opera Mew. charlotte.. Mkt. Seating espectty. Me. one of the best show towns to Inch. Sian. Thla late., I. a'. ., fie silo Ile particulars, *Pea time and terms rile-. C. It. 0.111011.N, 2.10 W. Wien Am. lactaort Nfilasimn.

RICTON. lia Mulder Sharman_ 5th end Wk. Bradferdsrtla Ke, 11th and Wk., runfflitle Theres. firinalmig

Eld. Moreland. Kr.

14 The Billboard MEMBER IS, Mg



To Retire From the Road

Will Reside in Oklahoma City, Where She Has Bought Beautiful Home—Sells

Private Car

Mn. Leo Diemen bee unid ber private car, letiaa." to Mrs. C. L. Dicta«, uf the Viz-

11.el—e. InmanIn MwePtlee and auraces her latentloma of retiring after is roccesalse

gura in the row briars. She has per-chased herself a beautiful boute in Millibar

no. ( Ir., and will reside there.

bie Birdie will contra/ to operate his Wastrel and dramatic rows Al !ladle,.

general agent, baa been placed le charge of Br Wires now in winter quarters and is

eversteing the nitration sad kno,r resort of

properties. Baoadia la now arranging tor tha purchase of paper to be rue for the com-

ing eprIng opening in Mattis lie will carry 96 people. isciodrg a bead aid erchertna.


Lou J. Palmer. of Poynette, WIn.. le ream! • new Mee of teat which he la coae

lent will brogue a favorite with stock and

repertoire computes prying under mina

when its merits become generally known. it,.

Pirate Matta that with Ida "Palmer Stage Top" the troublesome carer pole la front of

i. atage is done away with, every neat la

the boor emu:reds a» unobstructed view of

ire 'tage. •ael every seat cc the "blues" is an meal eaters from tbe stage and from 20 to 40 per cent nearer then in the present type

of tent. In case of atorms or trampartatir tear-dowa the Palmer Stage Top can etill be

hurdled like a round-top with middle piece

and laid cart on the let la the same manner. Mr. Palmer state»

Many other advantage, over the old style

of top are claimed for Mr. Palmer's inven-tion. on which be bat tied appilroitlou for

Patents. Mr. Palmer does not build tenta of any dewription er.rept the Palmer Stage Ibp.

but furnishes patterns, cte., to company managers who wife to maven their stops late

a 'Palroeft."


I. rite or rat» and roll weather the O'Keefe Ilt Davie Show le doing a !Inept:epees. A Baker ik Lott -a1 hear.« plant haa been installed and with dou'de ei,e walls everytedy I. warm sead comfortatle. Thankeevinc day was cele-brated la Ilattlerwrg, Miss. The managers of the company, Mens O'Keefe and baria, gave the members a big spread at the Hotel Hatties-burg. A long table. «arced with linen, elver

t beantiful Cowers. Grit Met the eye. Covers re laid for twenty-five people. Then a seven-. dire: followed, which lasted from 1 till

II p.m. Members of company pretreat were Mr. end Mrs. Tom (”Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Davie Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Even. Mr. and Mn. Joe Itoth, Mr. and Mrs. V. Rerun Birdie Dave. Beale Leighton Thane., Queen Roselle,

tier' Haynes, Max Stevens, John McGlonghlia. 1,11-in liodgc. W. M. (bIlim) Mathis. Willie

Door!. Fred Grange: and Wm. ItIckles. A vote of Harts wee teederel the manaren, and eveybAy went Dom hapi:-QUEEN ItœRLLff..


Close' After Successful Season Thirty-five Weeks

•Prenles "New Generation" floating theater elate it. 44th one r arn1 rasa.: :t California. Pa., Nov. lifter a thirty-ave weeks' trip on the Ohl., 4laelr.1p7t, Kanawha, Tepees.. and Monangahela rivers. An on bo,..rd left With a big smile, after enjOying a ,critey din-ner. Toe roster included: J. W. Menke own-

er and manag,rt Bea F. Meat.. general Meat:

Charles F. Menke, tickets; Harry .1. Mente, nasAer of transportation: Morris (Lentil La-vine, producer and principal comedian: Anna Levine, Waroe and Murray, Middle and Euls

Martin. Gene and Myrtle Conley, Snyder and Vaughn. Jeanette Bliss, B. H. Ware, manes

Brute, E. L. Daman, W. L. flamairSe10,


Jean Elkins and trthor Abbott The bait volt

winter at Coal Center, Pa., and will open about Dec 15 with hie-class moving ricteres until the latter pert of March, then open the season with a big man•lc•I comedy.


To Close For Week During Holidays

The Martin eistene Company win clot. for Christina. week oo the members can spend

Christmas at their homes and rejoin la time to open New Tear's week. E. C Bickford and

wife will go to their home la Soh-tent Mo.: teed Riley to Waynoka. Ok.: Gabe Garrett and the Martin Slaters will upend Chriama• la Martha. Tense...

Oarrett, the fleet ha. brokers nerds with his openers all fall, ref expects to keep

up the rood work after Christmas. He to a whirlwind when turned loose, and sever delta. Ilex Garrett treated 1,1 ,. Metre emitter to a real dialler Theategivlag Ply. The eogepary

of nine had as limmeraw turkey with an the eying,. The week was rest In Newkirk, Ot

Mr. Garrett Says be la going to ray la Otla boar this season, tire to the gas ullpply, ou ✓etort of coal sbortage.-"BICX-"


Another report emus to The Billboard that the William F. Lawrie Stock Comoro was forced to close at Sloe Hill. Neb., Dee, e da•

to the lack of feel and the Inability to heat theaters, It wee erweseery to start the shows

st lt,ira p.m In ente- to allow the Indio:ice ample time to arrive at home before the city lights were extingolebed at LSO. The Lewis

Company ceased Slay N and bee bad an extra-tiomelly good brine. up until the past two weer when the feel situation bless, serious.

The company will ripen It. 1930 seem. ire« May I.


ClarIt's rude Tom'. Cabin company la son o• It, 111th week playing Peaarlverita and New York elates to c hasher The com-pany numberu fourteen people, iturhadiag bend and orchestra. The teeter George (lark.

Kate Clark. Lillie Phillips Fred Knight Mil. lie Day, Wilfred Berk. J. It. Barlow, Harold

Whiny:in, Peed Lose Gilbert Alert licee Ayer.. George Wheeler. PA Meyer, and Henry

Philips. Piffling will leave to tat, out Philips Err.' Birle Tom'. Cabin company in the emir haws.


No Hindrance to Chase-Lister-Co.

Is rite of the prevailing bad weather roe dittoes the Chase-Later Comoro, wader the

neasagemeet of Glenn P. Chase. I. &dog an

excellent business tiara !Cerra. Alliance Mowed the cumPele t2.1148.‘4. The show will Jump to Sterling, Cot, Xmas Week. Bose lags are eolid no mull the first week in Joe. No +-rage* have been made in the roster

ertich Include.: Glenn P. ('bese, Raymond

Ketchum. Posh Florrichter, Billy Rector. M.

P. Ketcham. Cori rlilliesa, Sara Treedwen. Dorothy riewn. Mary Avery. Florence Brew..

Morino Thleabeet. Mary Peeler and Master George 01111has.

JACK RICE WANTS real Leading Mar.. young, clever Ingenue Woman, Man for General Business. Preference given people with Specialties. Also want Cornet. Clarinet and a

real Trap Drummer. Must play Bells and have at least a Steamboat Whistle and know where to blow it. Musicians, all for B. & O. Don't wire for my top salary: I have none If you're not worth a real %Mary can't use you at all. This is a Tent Dramatic Company of 25 people. Stay out all the year. Every Tuesday is pay day, and you get it. Write or wire JACK RICE, Mgr., Dedmon Royal Players, Timpson, Tex., week Dec. 8; Center, Tex, week Doc. 15.

D. S.—Would buy Second-Hand Khalci Top in first-class condition, not smaller than 60 ft., 10 or 12-ounce.

At libertymilal.H.Plumb &Wife Anything cast for. excepting Juveniles and Ingenues. Ftecrponsible Managers only. All easentials. Join on wire. Height, 6 ft„ 11; weight, 165. Wife— Height, 6 ft, 5; weight. 140. Stock or Rep. Joint or single. Address

HAL. PLUMB. 2547 Lynda's Ave., South. Moone•nolia Minn.


General Nutria Man, macialty Teums, few Parts: Trumb«, Tuba, to double 11101110 turiumwet. Tent basted Mabry ewe yesr mor.rt tr.ecui People wire at writs Va•ehall. 'Pear

Wanted for the Harry F. Miller Players Gen. Bus. Man and A-1 Leading Man. All winter's work In the South Write quick. HARRY F. MILLER, Biardatown, Texas.


graeotric and Comedy Chemists. General Baal- Ileurles. •41 l'oebe,11

nasa retrying riperielUes. WIC DO NOVELTY 911"micAl. ACT. Change on seek. Real tram,. Long ertertenne urend aardroas, Can Mr at roe Repertoire or Mueacal Comedy.

POTTS ANO Petri eas liter MOM. Kamm City. Missouri


PLAYERS Pried» Man and Labe Comedian: PS.., I- ,n at, lime ererteltlea preferred. Also Corramber playing ran part. Addre«. VAL C. CLEARY. 2.» weit We rut No• Tort N. Y.


for email parts. Change for week. Can tine Bose Canvasman and Stage Car-penter. Useful Repertoire People, wire. Show runs all winter. Heat with wood; have plenty. Jackson Vinson. wire Brownwood, Texas, until Dec. 20th. ROY E. FOX'S POPULAR PLAYERS,


WANTED, BRUNK'S COMEDIANS NUMBER ONE Red-hot Specialty Team; Woman for strong line of Ingenurn. Man for Gen-

eral Business or Cornet in Band. Usual people in all lines, communicate. Long, pleasant season to desirable people Wire GLEN DRUNK, Merkel, Tim, week of 7th; Baird, TeX, week of 14th,

_ _

AT LIBERTY EMIL—RODGERS ad MARYIN-AmaL Chemise Core and Barr sr Char».

Characters. A-1 DI- tars, notor.

reatunu Ilarown, 'trine wc4aSi.. laea Mot and Rep matters Week Des eta. Jewell 'oak care hurrwe'• Player: theraaftw. Billboard Oft. therm, Illinois

AT Lie It IITY--MEPE IIT0111 PEOPLE. MAN-4 ft, 7: 1:,1 lbs, Chantotera. lloaelet Cor. mt. Vleelen Iluatold Speriattlm. Ags. 21. leraei

O. Mow wady. Good rearbe. WIPle -a n,. r• lu lbs.: dark Pferlefi type Kelotlmal• Chwartere (*and Drat I:y.1Mo Minting manialues. Id. Orr Hob. illath-elam Dour rianeruk,.. Ne, Mabee& keaulty only. Awl act Minn min a - apowertelorg." Tletwtar Pledterely, now wow

ruffle. New Tack.


To See Mack Stock Company

The Meek Stork Company :wend), rdn7.4

two Weeks' stand at °motel Springs, Misa. to excellent retrial. Cheriestea, oue of tu,

real town. of turned oat @trot despite rein and med. The company 1.

under the management of Goy ritermee and

will moo tread toward brother' Georgia. le.,

fulm, into Alabama read Florida foe the re

mainder of tbe winter season, Zany elaKr. It plana ar• carried oat, wig bad them werl Mg their way barb to the North.

The rester lecladee Constar* (Yemen Clara Radcliff, Ella flaw. 1..byd Centinoli,

Lola liadolltr, Frank Col. Jimmy Taa•ey, Jr t Creels Earl Gold. William Reeve. Hallare

and Inca Moore. Bob Reed. Jeri Alto. Mare

Mayer, and a working crew et eve men.

The company hat been out ST weer ethos • Writ


The Pierre Wattles Players opened the so son in Huron, S. D., November el t. an •s • lent boviree "hillea-Minute Kendall" p•

a good opening vehicle, 'allowed by "lahe Br., sad "It Paye to Myrtle.." Tealltee. Pi t-t

City, la., sad levers' other towu will be roe:

those played until January 26, wbr the co.-pry vOl beete permanently at Mote Pap. S. D., playing or bin • week aid rang ob ..

Bemilwae racemes. The rompan; "rubbed in Croon aid }Impel

Is Herr, where it reheereed for tee day. Vr

Wattles, leading ma» la quite a fii•ebfit.• this territory, having played prominent par"

with various stork compaelee. Ile Is lete of the Morro W,flaee Ployere Bobble %Ohre is

leading lady wilt wins.. Clump ta Ugat come dg roles Others 'winded in the cart are Jact Boyle, Patti McKlaley. »docent ekes. Mr. end Mrs. Headeers. lira Leigh gad Joseph

H. Andrews,


Enjoying Big BMW'« This Season

A big and most:wrier rare l• being ea,07 ,4

by the Emile Marts Attnetlees„ referred to a• Canada's Premier Stork Composite. Ilse com-

Pardee have been oat 14 weeks, the rosters re. mettle tbe aame a• at the apenlag. The Ne

1 Show. featuring Emile and Kittle M‘rka bee dose an unneually geed Inris.,' every-

whet, and will ones start rebate elligare'ont' The N.. 2 Show heat proven • higeourprise the mragement and Wetness rep,te titi'

her,' •I'ellent• It Is under the merger:lent 0, W. L. Philipe. Marts te highly elated freer It

enemas sad commends Minos highly. Both chose are being honked by the A. J. son Bonne Pate, Toronto.


Dissolve Partnership

"Doe" Peed J. Jerre sad Billy l'eang. of the Jenkins th Toung'• pander Players. have drool red pa rtnersh tp, Jest Imo ta king over the reaping as sole owner sad muster. Tbe company wIll hereafter be krona a* lea

bina' Popular Mayer.. The rater lachnie• Doe. P'. Jetties, merger; Irene Jenkins. boa

but; Billy aod Minnie Neff. leads: Sid De Olatrelle, penal hotnes*:111crosess, general

burro; and George stoner, ruse e neel*

lent bearer hat been «eyed by tee eetn'

Mg Seen its opalsg eft weeks ego, Tnn sad hie wife will leave for Oklahoma and tate

eat another company. De nu« In tie« fe tn. dimoielloo.


After s geed week's beanie» at Lewlotone

Pa.. the Cutter Stork Company a rod variation until Dee. 4, when %MI memo

at Mt. Oaruiel, Pa., for Clete- .• week. Cut

ter win natant to the @how P de New York. where he bas been boldly eurstrel formal,

elf Idoliser« hie 'steeper tate oe Me termer *resettle&


DECEMBER 1$ IBtI The Billboard 15


ChM, Show on Account of Coal Situ-ation

no firm report of • company (Meng on se meet of the threatening o!45 of theaters ,7

leek of feet comes ue from the Oies-Par-

oet.Rachford Shows. which closed at Harebell

norm, la. Nov. 30. 'eery member of the compeer bad his or

wr fare pall back tO Clang° with th, et ee pt SI of t .V . who »toed Dubiosity Brest

moo, playing Oklaboi T. company opened weeks ago as C. e Parker Comedy Company.

bet was Inexpert ender the Iowa State 1..„ as the Cat' Parker.Rachteed lbew lait pipet. Three oboes will be soit out met

p.rlr Mr sod Mrs. "BIlly" Arther, Eimer Mandl

sad Matelot La Leant. left to join lb. Du. Many show in Oklahoma. Clyde Weddell sod Merguellte McDonald will open with the

nyers' Stock Company la Jarkeoe. Mich.; Tr. est spittoon° awl Bead, Hawthorne PrItet

ta• Cowling climate •od have accepted con-

tracts with the Marks' Stock Compass; IL G. Nodose goes to Chicago; Haul M. Cam will

p la Chicago for a week then join ber peo. sa, who are wtatortag In Hollywood. (SL;

Hobert Patter will Waage the Waterloo (la.)

Theater sad irreal. plans :or the coming na• ea James • Rachfori will matinee so matta• pr of the Odeon Theater In hitirobantow,i.


The Clem-Corey Players new la !Pitt. De-

pot aid continue to do good buolness la ache

at had roada the past two weeks, To ay played played • return date at Weren't» re-

nal, to Mg crowds. A. C. Andersoe, an et-trooper now traveling for battle( powder cem-

ent. ;old the show 1 visit ht Illtchoort. Aa• Price wed to Dour. Pi the same show with aalok sod come of the old tImes were bred ever main. Tbe company had Ita first sight of Nov. 28

sed took •dvantere of the opportunity and

ram into Reddeld to gee the Clint L Beede L'incisa' •how. Some show! Tice bunch wag frrtgaste is "catchlag" the presluctIon of

"Jerry" sed to say that Bred. Robbins Is deter in the title roll is but potting it mild-

ly. Mr. Dane' has remodeled the Lytle at Iteleeld and anw hag oille of tho prettiest flee-ter' ta Sesth Dakota. Tb, Clese-Corey Show Milner t the filet la Beast. Robbins' show

fete Mediae Dec. 4. aad S. Silly Dowsed, who bas been with lb. Date-

err. St". Co. is Minnesota for sows time,

win fete the Mem-Corry Flayern Dee- 10. P1117 was with the show two yeses ago when it wee known as the Corey Stock Co. He wee

liked ore? In this territory and his specialties ewe a feature with the abow.—BUDDIR.


Prel P McCord, of the Meted Annteement Compos,. recently retired to bta horn. and

'later noartere at "Retell*" from the bed. Me of his mother, Mr*. S. A. 3ft-cord, who has been eery ill at ber bole. In Media», Ma. Tin little lady IS very propellor among the pee'

formers who bare wetted for the lecOora !PM. and an 'rind their beet wishes sad

here fer a needy recovery. Pb. will be moved te the home of ber brother, Thomas Parrett lialhon. whet., her facade will be able to eennnonicate with her. Fred tepees that

heisted has bees very good thru Kaunas and Sidoori with the Kearney from Killarney !hr.


Larry Powers bee jest relearned two of his Oisf• to Enalera repertoire tnanagere—"The !letter Way" to Toeda•ilowley company and

"Arnold Warner's Wife" to the EarleW

nano.. Ills latest play, When Love Bids."

Clii goon he released thin the National Script flempany, which will handle all of Powers'

Pills ID the future. They are short east Mlle.


bear Ptitadpepada, , tale. Ot. -The Cornell-

etke Mere: , closed • most •hereeterai eaglet-mitt at the Star Theater here Islet Saturday

Relate -Ter Pastime Ttester. Rensenetoo. Kan "Peluoll IN; pool shoo town: pod 'toad Shows fee Xonday, Wedn,srlay and Friday d reds men; faa ▪ um. Ploti o thick bsikttnet teparItY, .111: •IN‘ MAO. Peut town in Kan•sa, Could' honk twig tool Vaudeville atone with our Thsuree. Writ. fee dabs 1.1.511E, coiner and :ter of Road

c. W. BONNFITT. Mgr rheum Mows.

WANTiD Geed Valises al Tali& Slaws O Ler- Thdos, C. Hoed wata The peoPigt r motutt. ht

PLAY P!ANO BY EAR PP. 'ear tomer,.Ilueemew 'dog wet. Ado:argur,er lee. den 5 attar am Peden «Malt 3ond tar ntrr 1.r...tenet mil be coovinced. MOUE( ?IMO. 031-4i Em Ava, M OIL\

Stock Tab. Location Wanted Company consista of twelve people, dye Principals. eLt Girls and a real Scenic Artist, Quartette, Hard Shoe Dancers. etc_ We paint special seta for every bill. Thirty-Dye lets of Chorus wardrobe. Up In fifty bills. Have been here for twenty weeks. Will consider salary or per-centage. Preference given to the latter. No town under 15.000. Want to open December 28th. HARRY EVANS' RAINBOW GIRLS, Strand Theatre, Aberdeen, So. Oak.

Permanent Stock Location Wanted by all Musical Tabloid Company. Up in thirty bills. All script bills. Company of twenty. Working People, Chorus Girls wanted. Useful Musical Comedy People write. Route: Grand Theatre, two weeks, starting 8th, Amarillo, Texas.


WANT EM, Straight Man, Comedian Harmony and Specialty People preferred; aleo Prima Donna. Singing and Dan-cing Soubrette, two Chorus Girls. Don't write. Wire. Pay yours. CHAS. HOLADAY, Brinkley Girls, week Doc. 8th, Masonic Theatre, Rocky Mount, N. C. lien Reed, Forrest Nelson, Earl Root, wire.

night. Offerings for the week Included "I. Old Virginia," "Tees of the Stone Country" and "The GUI Prom Out 'feeder." (nappy) ILI Price heeded s cast of capable actors. Vaudeville was offered between the acts. The mammy will play a return engagement here later in lb. seaeou.


Barlow and ITEgoa's raceme Comedlasa Company r•a been playing the State of New Tort for the peat nine weeks.. good binieese

favoring it. The company Is now on it, way moth to escape the cold weather. The rou-

ter will remala int•ot. Three shows are ones weekly, the company being well sp In Mlle. A solid booking confronts It for the balitsee of the mom


A seam of 47 weeks was completed by Bait

almpaon's Comedians, which closed its seseos

recently. The comapamy played exclusively hi Kansas. Tb. roster intunded BM Mill, Friel

Roberts, Bennett Weis. Karl Simplon. Log-es Sherwood, Helen Fenster sod Aga« Praoklin. The compaoy la scheduled to re-open shoot Feb. 15.


The Callahan Dramatic Company cleated Its season November Or. at Clinton. Ga., and whipped the tag tent outfit to Clottworth. M., at "dell tqace it will reopen the regular summer mason *boot May I.


Ileso Baldwin. popular lady drmenter, form-erly with one of the Dublnaky Brea.' big shows, receatly returned to her home ta Duluth, Mina. Miss Baldwin will be wen at the Lytle Ten-

ter, Duluth, as xylophone «dole end trap drummer with a lady jazz orchestra.

No leas was aestatned by (be Lester Lindoer Compaity is a ere which portly eldtroyed the

Princess Theater, Hones, Kan , December S. The company eteeed there on account of the

het attentions.

Bob White end wife, Nelty Henley wad Jobe Hennessey will reside at 71 Patten street tirdlardeld. Ma!! They will be pleated to hate their Mead, call to see them when playing in toe vicinity of Opringeeld. They «Ill take the road nest -nee. In their own prodoettos.


Seattle. Dec. B,-»Sir Harry Lander headed the big show given at the Metropolitan Treater yes-terday morning for the benefit of the Actors' Pend. The curtain went up at 11:3O aryl the last act went ea well aftet diaper. Acts from every theater t. the city made wp the big show. The piteteade oar eery malefactor,.


Yeattgutovra, 0., Dec. EL—Mir° Tosatiltown men., the Soloman twins. Max sad Jo*, have made eecentIonal provers as theatrical man-

tigers. The latter he- bees with Tibet and when abler tbot. 11e entered the Tiber and She.. orpintestion after h•eleg miceortafally

massied the Grand Opera /Town here. if. has

been operating a theater is New PrenewIrk. N. J., few a number of years. Mar Sample

promoted the Market Stint Theater, South Side. liter managed the Strand La Central

Square aid then bought the Orphan:ea In Wert

Peered. The Youngstown men are regarded as two of the youngeet In their line as well as among the meet pnogrenive.


Buffalo, bi, Y.. Dee. (t—The Essex Theater Corporetton bee been formed with • capital

of $30.1100. The directors are Adam G. Fried. crick, Rochester; IlIgh eatterlee. New l'ork

City: Adrian J. Grief, Morton, and Walter J. Morrie and William li,. Dan1.-111 of nobble.


New Tork, Dee. 6 —fihen Herbert Conhell appeared at a recent Son.hty performance here aid did his tarsi in his oeerest, there wa• much

guessing as to the why of it. The terrible

secret Is out at lest. Jost before he made his appearance at the theater lierb had been doing

his bit •t a Green Room Club rehearsal, and

while there ripped bbi troowns. Not having

another to r heady aeceeeltated the wearing of the °Termed. When it woe Pointed Ott te, Der-then that this brand of humor was rettrleted to parody nee. be said: "It was nevertheless a

ripping good lolte."


New York, Dee. 6,—temediately following the 1.011617e. If pregent m rial plane re-

main "pat", the reefed for a week's premieres

will be broken with what now took• like at team aye new plan on ad evening. and (f.

teen new phyla daring the week. fin ocrerai

emotions doting the ram two !car, dramatic

reviewer. and In.-meant anted/Mere hove been coefronted with a plethora of new ploys

te ose evening, and more than once roister disaffection has bees voiced by playgoers.

This year the shortage cif theaters ha the chief note of so essay new Maya being scheduled

thw opening the same week.


Cleveland. O., Dec. 1.—Mack Carter, mana-

ger of the Papilla 'Metter. entertained bin entire staff—bane sttscbea. ortheatm. *tire heeds and all of the thirty artiste appearing oe the hill—at • big dieu, ea 111 Ming

Dal% In all there were men than alsty per-sona present, and the very smeclal service, the mewl and the happy company served to light.

ea the ardnouvaes. of the heavy holiday bad-

mt.. Carrier, in hie career sa manager, ben

remented malty friendehips with the traveling

artist and this Is hot another mark of his

kindness which Om made him the friend of

the performer.


BaltImore, Dee. 1.—Several changes have taken place In Jack Singer'. Lew Kelley

Show, which played here thin week tn big business. James Matta ha. replaced Dudley Faroworth, and Jack Gibson hea taken the

pd., .1 Charles Raymond. both men fillitag

their roles very capably. Two other change. are Helen Satee, who replied Helen Lloyd

as eentsret, •sd Eaten«. Dodlegy. One of the

ponies, who has been promoted to the solo ma-


Look flea the Letter Le is this teme. There jay be a bitter admetteed for yea.



Sydney, Australia, _:.ov. .—TIIE ',MI, DOCRNE CUP was Mu Yellterday: It la 1k.' turf event of the year, and was woe by Sate Herder's's Artillerytn:n. It. owner It a still-lirdiaire dry goods merchant. Tboesamde of Sydney people ere over In Melbourne tor the caraleaL THE AMERICAN MONOLOGIST, George T.

Hell, arrived this week. It is hio seceud trip here, and he will play the Fuller Circuit. WE ARE EAGERLY •oilcipating • freett

consignment of imported acts. Very urea 106111, ose 1N:a over here, but : believe thit Bea J. Toiler, sow in poor c000try, ha booked some Om people, but the preset t troshie seems to be transportation. AL BRUCE. the Anted, ao horleedue pro-

ducer, Is hack at the new Yuller Theater, anti going very nicety with a weekly change of humorous material. Ilin wife (Ysabel Grovel) le bsiiet tristren with the show. WIRTH'S; CIRCFS Is still going well around

Australia. A number of new acts will te added shortly. JAMBS C. 3.1.114. formerly wen-Iniown va ode-

elite eatrepreseur. In now manager for Andy Kerr, et the Gaiety. TIVOLI THEATER has created a record In

tie ran of "The °Moen' Mesa," la musical comedy la which Bert Clarke. formerly of Clarke A Hamilton, la panelonl comedian. QUITE A SENS.1TION wfts caused a few

week. ago when Paramount made • wetter

others, ail went out with a rush. No es e

saamroag. et Its executive staff, oo .istant dire. tore, clerk., puhndty people, ealeemen lid

a great amount of heed paring pari wag eerie-y.. plenatku ms gbote. but It le apparent thlt

The 'Oa, rertatal, appeared to he over. manned. and a treat laving le now effected. ALEC LOBRIMORE still holds gway bet*.

arid enjoys a wide measure of popolarity. REG. I.. (SNOWY) BAKER retormed from

America come time ago, and ha. opened a pic-ture toting claos In Sphser, and don't Wei. With Y., J. Carroll --now in America—ill. linter has Jollied rodeo for the production of Oueralte• Film. "THE it&NTIMENTAL BLOKE." produced by

Its, LutakrOftl, In ukea from the halt ¡If that name by C. J. Dennis. ohleh future. Arthur -rancher!, a local of the bowery boy type. Ile has made a sensational hit in the part of the bloke. E. J. Corroll. who flusoted the node • taking. bas retained Taarbert f. ,c a series of appearances lo • +1III1Iar elate' of him.

101111 LONDON. who i. playing tbe Fells lime here, le going over very big.

J. a N. TAIT are proderlog "Old Lady e1 at the Palace Theater, with Sara Allgood as et ,P. IlaRRINOTON RLYNOLDIewell-karern &DM.

Iran actor, died suddenly ID New Zealand a fortnight ago. Ile sae princirdily blentifted in the drnaftà„ "The Rosary," In which he en-acted Maher Kelly. "STRUCK OIL", taken from an old Ameri-'

rap drama,. and festering Maggie Moore, and It, R. Roberta, le being ecreened by C. Y. Puglleee. UNION THU-Trim LTD.. wham (Meta or

houses eiabrneeet st-itty of tbeibeet in the du, report womierfal beldam. all around. SOLE'S CIRCUS, an Auetralien conablnatlos,

le playing round the North Comet. SEVERAL .FUSTICALIAN soubreta left far

an engeavaieet in Manila Hite week. TOM S.. ANDREWee, min der of Moan-alias

boxer.. ¡tiered hie knee at the Stadium Ian SatOnlay •nd he le- now limping attest. So to date feet of his boys hoe been heaves: the remitting one (Chock Wigton.) to to try toot preterit the Indian edit being placed ea the tenet 'met Saturday night. COIL PF.ItVIVAL the tniner at the

plano. speaks of »he to America in Jannatu. About .11 yenta he woe slur a• t lo the big -rt-tt London theagen. M. B. FIGMAN. the Am.•rle•n comedian, 1

promoting "A Tailor Mode Mtn" at tbe Cr terion coder the management of J. C. Wi Berner's,


• ."

Jamison's All Mar hlinetrele. under the ment of W. L. J•mleon. hate bete

playing to appreciative audiences thosout the South, making one sad two-nigitt lotted.. The elbow consists of tweet, tetented performers and a ten-piece band. If weather permits and basin continues. laud.' will conanne with his show throont the winter. He recently lert the show to call opon *event tent manure - torero le »arch of a new top, and is collide aloe the purchnee of some sew ride.. Jaminon recently visited A/dial-Ma. N. C., he

an endeavor to arrange imitable location for the bit oPtilit uPeultut of Jamisce Bros. Tin Big Metre. together with three ride% water) will he Metalled next ee•ece.

Tom Murphy, formerty with the old remedy sad Illrmoey 'tare., LOOWB a• Mtrrpby, tintine and Monde, bar agate entered the eitnehool field. Tom la trying to round up his brother rat tad Billy Pinking, whom be hopes sill join biro la a vaudeville get. The boys ate some singera mad comics, sot to mention their dee-ding which la par excellence,

OIL PAINTED PHOTO Improd your Lobes. Send Pb.. to be oil misted it', win make list? an. larwmeng. and paint lama for 1.1 ea

aleasatlae—TANGLEY CO—legs


F'AKE FA ()KEY n-1."" "°' 1- li r (decade rUe•wina what bank you nowt lanai *Dee reel.] roasurna lorcer r..11: 1 rel.. tr.,. Cataisra Sledded- 11-1.11Gie •Itnt en, VIT Ino•harntr , T ris


The Billboard DECIMBSR 13, Ini

US) c))(V'E fiE4 ALL THE REAL NEWS FROM ALL THE CENTERS TERSELY TOLD. M norm/from mein* no buill-up.sfories, tzt, energeraled yarns-, no Apile/ill +-sip aIsh2reepeclie/:9 no Jrallarell etene;


PALACE, CINCINNATI, OPENS New Theater, Beautiful and Perfect in Appoint-

ments, Has Auspicious Inaugural—Many Prominent Factors in Keith Interests

Present—Excellent Bill Offered

'The Palace, Cincinnati's newest vaudeville tb -ater, o:ened Raturday afternoon, December 0, without formal ceremonies, but with a caïse-ity audience ln attendance eager to become acquainted with the beautleu of the bou e, as Well au to lee what sort of entert.Inmeut sea. te be offered. The performance, started at 2:3.' o'clock, and was,continnoui for the remainder et tLe day.

.cl.....,...:lati can now boast of oue of the molt beautiful theaters In the country, as well as one of the most modern from every standpoint. The up:eausl sweq, cf L'e andltorium, ite tasty and reposeful decorations were •t once evident to every eye, and railed forth many compliments. There is nothing 'print in the decorations, ee. eryciag being In excellent taete. The foyer is commodious and attractive, and there are pleats-ant rest rooms for the ladles and smoking rooms for the men. furuished in • most attractive manner and with every comfort that could be The seating arrangement. of the theater are

la conformity with the most modern ideas, pro-viding a tine, clear vision from every Ont. The reatilaLug system keeps the bouse provided with fresh air at all Urnes.

Neat`y nr...1.'nrrsed g'rl ushers mid attendants looked after the comfort of patrons and ebdwed t'..e... e.e 7 courte.y, something that won in-stant at predation. A number of the prominent factors la the

Keith interests were present for the (geeing, arid they, together with Manager A. M. Walle and I. Mime, ir. g 1 charge of the com-iparty'e affairs in Cincinnati, were the recipients of nnmeruns good wishes extended In person and pt ro o by telegram from all parts of the country. The

yer was banked with floral offerings from (Miring friends. Throout the afternoon and

evening thonsands of elution inspected the thea-er. The afternoon thew was a son of dress re-

hearsal, toe evening performances being des-ignated rte the inaugural. Attorney B. L. HeldIngsfeld acted as a sort of miner of cere-monies during the day, and John J. Murdock, one of the heads of the Keith Interests, w3, on &sad to take personal cognizance of all that Went on. Other visitors were John P. flan.'" the president of the company owning the Pal-ace: C. II. Humphries, head of the Chicago of-fice of the Keith Interests: Harry Weber, of


Unionized Players Receive Big Salary Increase in Yiddish Theaters

New York, Dec. 6.—as a result of negoti.-tion• carried on between a esmmittee repre-senting the organized Jewish actors of this seentry end the managerial interest.', the sal-aries of all principal players in Yiddish thea-ters will be reset' 20 per cent and chorus sal-•r•es II per cent. Conferenets between the interested parties

bare been la program for some time and it looked as the there night be a strike called at otie point in the negotiations. This we atraighteeed out and the result as outline! shove 'obtained. It is said that, • lot of the credit for the »ere of the actors il due Harry Mountford, who, as International Beery-tiv, of the Four As, was consulted by them apt. sebo outlined • plan of campaign which Pr;sed the way te the settlement.

It is known the Mountford Is highly regard-ed by 'he organized Hebrew actors aud his Judge:tent on organization matters considered of* great value by them. The actor. In the Jewleh theeters are alt organized into strong »ions sail are *Ciliated with the A. 7. of L. thru membership in the Associated Actors and & W M of Amain.

their New York office, and Henry Ziegler, former Cincinnati theatrical magnate, who came to [Own to look over Cincinnati's latest contribn-Ilion to the world cf entertainment. The policy of the theater will be mctinvons

entertainment, starting at 1 o'clock in the af-ternoon. There will be practically two com-plete shows, a complete vaudeville entertain-ment and • complete picture chow, These will alternate, and in this manlier the continuous feature of the house is made possible. The Inaugural show contiuned over Sunday.

and a new bill made its appearance on Monday, on which day the attractions will change reg-ularly hereafter. A review of the opening bill will be fonnd elsewhere in this le-eue.


New York, Dec. the conclusion of their engagement at Proctor's 125th Street 'Theater the Sensational Gerard. will dissolve pertnershie. Alfred will continue the act with teethe- osrtner, end Jack will go with a new act, called "The Two Athletics."


The Writers' Protective .Association of Ameri-ca., at 261 W. 3,rd street, New York City, in-rites song writers to send them complaints of being "stung" by "take" publishers, etc. A thoro Investigation le being made by the aeso-elation, and all complaints will receive careful attention. Complaints must be accompanied by proof in the form of letter?, contracts, etc., as well al receipts for moneys paid the companies.

L. (treadle Grosaman. Warbington, D. C, rs the attorney for the association and will give all complainte his attention. It metes no dif-ference whether you are a ILlen.ber of the also-elation or not, if you can furnish proof of being "stung" It will be weludoned. Register

your letter's sad send them to the secretary of the almoclation, Richard Jay Ward. 361 W. 33rd

street, New York City.


Chkage, Dec. EL—Martin Deck has been named president of the Orpheum Circuit, Consolidated. the title under which the reorganized Orpheum Circuit will be known. Mort II. Ringer is huai-area ni • sed Morris bleyerield, Jr., chain man of the board. The new corporation is capitalized at $50,000.•

000, and it le reported that the circ•t will be extended thru new theaters to be built In van ow parts of the country. The Flan I Henna. Circuit le said to have been acquired by the Orpheum Interests, and the W. Y. M. A., ac-cor,, n: to r p-ct, will be merged with the Or-pheum. (Meet will be retained in Chicago and added in New Tort.


New York, Dec. 6.—News was received heel this week that the counsel for the Federal Trade Commission bad Sled the brief presenting their side of the ease of the Commission vs. the Vaudeville. Managers' Protective Association et al, with the Omendeelon. The respondents have until January 10 to die their brief. After this will come oral arrument before the Commission by counsel for both shies and then the decision of the Commission will be made.


To Represent Actors at Washingtcn Convention

New Tort, Dec. 6.—James William Fittrat-rick, International vice-president, and Harry Mountford, international executive meretary of the Four As, will attend the convention of the presidents and secretaries of all intereatkmal union., railed by the American Federation of tabor at Washington. coadase opens De-cember 13, Franck Wilson, the president of the Feet

Aa, will be enable to attend, so the vice-prise-dent has been selected' to WI his place.


New York, Dec. 6.—Fred !linen, of Hallett and Faller, wee operated on this week at the Peet,Graduate Moyne. A form of kidney di-state la said to be the clause. The operation le reportedms being successful, and the patient le expected to be up and about before lori,



Sites Bought anTc —Bullding To Begin Shortly

New York, Dec. 71 —.—It way oeloially as Pounced by the 'new once here yesterday that Marcus toew had entered Into uvrotistioe. for theater sites in eleven cities ti-ru South and West. With 0110 exception,

bee never had a theater in any or there tows.. Flour theaters are to be built la Chicam, oas

in Rt. Louts, two in on- In Cis. chapati one III Columbus and tw.. la Altos. All are to be of over three thoo..,nd seeing capacity and will favorably rouai -are with tim best theaters of ib. circuit. Loew h./. ue,ee operated a theater la any of these cept St. Louis. A new company to erect a Lone theetr

Indianspolle was formed this week with à espitalisatien of ve.oco. The theater pi be erected in th, business renter of the um, Just mu block from Keith's. Besides. ta-lore peed., local capital is reprmentei the board of directora of the 14IW rompan, A financial sidelight which may or mar n•

have some signillesice was resealed this when the annotuemment was made of the I's Ponta' Interest in the Goldwyn Compeer Goldwyn some time «fore this bad ebtabod th• picture rights of the Shubert prodneticee and Shubert is also represented on Um dime-cont. of lee.% toe., Urn Lea Shubert. With the enancial intermits that are already la on the Loew Circuit and this additioeal Kok win Wall Street, Loew wodd seem to have ahanai

unlimited heckles. Nearly every week ems some indicatioe et eltPanuion on his part sud when the Lmw plies are twin in their en-tirety it t. predicted that there wit he a big surprise in store for certain vaedeville li-tanies who at present costaider their politise absolutely metre and nnammilable.

are Just as essential to a Performer an his wardrobe or makeup. In fact, more so, because the public gets its first Impression from the kind of photos dis-played in the lobby, and, believe me, poor photos will go a long way toward "crabbing" your act.

If 1 make y.)ur reproductions are always assured of PERFECT work, for that's the only kind that ever leaves rn3 stUd10.

I'd like to en lain more fully about ms original methods, as also my POSITIVE GUARANTEE

on all work I turn but. Unless I can give reproductions which are AS GOOD OR BFTTER THAN THE ORIOINALS I don't want your order. That's the only principle under which I operate.

Drop me a line today and let me tell you more about it. 8x10 PHOTOS, $525 for 50; $15.00 per 100, Five Poses. POSTALS, $2.75 per 100; $22.00 per 1,000.

I also make life size Photos, plain or in oil colors. delivered at right prices. BARBEAU"S THEATRICAL STUDIOS, Oeweno, N. Y.



.te 536 1400 Broadway, Krue:•erboeker Theatre (31.40, no, New York City


33 Union Square West, Unton Bldg., New 'York


I write YOUR Act to ern TOtrit needs Ideates. within tau days from receipt of order I bam no modit »Meal to won ow on ann. Ma Prime are haven fur hMtunt guar» wort. I lame • contract Ike prow.l rira tulle Will. fur oriole sod aurae TODAY.

M. J. alICKWHEET, PIC Ko. reomytruis.


Seattle. Dee. (L—euerset xtror Ole sow teener but over e eluding« elh-uit bas bee* sfeinesiched by II number oh New Tan agents to appear ever Mg time eimni.• b.aAtof 00t ef New Yo.k, het to date tn. reoiu4 ail «eh offers, arsording to word receive? 'e'er.


eidetic, Dec. Gypsy Trio were vial. tors at The Billboard ogee UM week and 84. eentered that the trio will open over Pantsges Time January II. They an filling is by playing the Wilms Theater neat wee% and will fallow by playing at Cdelweles Garden two weete he-gtauisg Peretober Hi They are booked tar. the Flmoe Agency.


New Yon, Dee, 11.--Justice Mitchell emitter-4 the referais report la the Gobtle Perstrrion

proceedings List Monday. Tiro Y Jotiroal ol TI1OWISJ gave the derision or the Jere a' fol love

"After a careful mediae of an the teat" end proofs submitted t. the referee I am of r • eieladou that the referee's report should b. on timed. Submit a trial or ter la aCc0,0,... therewith." This ends three reds' Utigatim sail .1

Blilliimed «poets WI will be the Sabsit


New York. Dee. 6.--At the meeting .1 Ile--

'eternatiolatl Board of the Aiwa-latest Am v. 'cd Aetremes of America Dom yeltenIsJ a

''.oft contrite:Mon wee made to the Actor. Toed


New York, Dee. 6.—Darry Tighe tun • , • torten. She ta Altos needs and will 8,- • •

In a new two-act with Um. The ten is •• by Harry Eva«.


New York, Dec. 111..s.-Iihne Ilay, a v-English in. &Deer, formerly with chs car son Open Co.. arrived lure this week. eh. Will be sego either in milidevU3e or

comedy during the MUM

Di.C._MBER 13, VHS The Billboard 17

This Week's Vaudeville Reviews This Week Palace, Cincinnati

(series» Saturday sVellale. Decreed« t) -

The opening bill of the New Palate 'eater ee.esred 3 wed-balanced progr-m f »tint reuse. and ritudeville, the ciao 1,1,7 about

equally dirided between lb. two. A fall bun» greeted the eveaing pert orate s'e--a »kb came as much to set tbe new yttrium» ao for the show itself. probably. a

art of holiday spirit about the occasion that

»de Cie work of the entertainers ran;, an the genre e vim ta a receptive mood and gave

as apt-daises to every act. Deepite the

senor.o of the 'tags everything moved smooth-I/. The feature elide» chosen fur tile opening

hill was II. It. Wara,r In "Tb. Fugitive From

yattlueny," an eatertealrat coined), but a itale hug for a vaudeville andleace. net,-

egt.t minatee

While retiring eetecialle sew or original wan

dieted in the •audeville acts they were all pteaqnr, the novelty act of Ina Japanene Troops baiar ono f the beat on the bill.

MCI Sambolo and Compaay, two men and a

an, Is "Tle Haunted House." had a pleas-t2it ,tuedy pantomime filtrated:1g some ayo-

tifylot feet. of magic. The act was rlevery

p:ewatrd. idol {roved highly entertaining. The egret.. f • Iv« Illoet,sh were 'nightly marred by (»ay lighting. Eleven minutes; two bows.

Lsed not Fuller prevented - Bits of 7..1a and net," a singing, dancing and comedy act that

at eme caught the fancy of the -...owd and t]ey treat over blg. The young lady la pease sed of a pleasing and »prat pense.aty. •ei wire seers' nifty ^velum». ahl:e b.r pont:, elits his eccentric comedy, was a ecre.m. Twv1ve

L.-- r. ne: many bole%

libeling ,,.th • elever tilt of c»ractetlz.ti that very entertaining trata ezet Elio.

"A Final Decision," gave a 4.r:etu twidt the ad b7 tbangIng to cometer singing sod pat' ter that created much lipplanse. Tees Iwo

men have excellent yokes. Their opera bur-lesque wan ereeclally tr.,» 11.1,4 the audience

wed Lave welcomed a great deal more than

tie fourteen aslant» of entertainment they gave They took several bow' and left the ari-

d.ence IpplandIng vociterelelY.

livlill•••• and Douglas had a oreseneical od-dity, elite • lot of old comedy 'tuff, but the »dire, liked it-in fa ,t ' ote it up"-and gave gesenn. applause. Twelve minute; many ewe.

Tetenwart Jape, a troop. •t Oriental wonder. worker., have a novelty act of distinctly big-

Woe raider. They Wen la tall stage, with bestir» setting, and their juggling, teed-

wire-walkina and novelty *ambit's ewe the beet teen toesity. la • long Hose One

member of the troupe, a little Albino w Anna. aid a clever sword walklag art. Millie» min-e» of roust enjoyable entertalement. !Levert' bowa

"Iterrovred" tram Ketth's for Da -recant

Mow, Joe Xenia and Fie .7empbell ottered their enaedy skit, "Ile ave-Ate tier." asei treated a dot it tea. The rom,oJ of Worts la delirt.t.

tat si,. sept the setelence in tendrinal laughter.

n'sn Campbell was pleating, tiro ber staging

wag merely ordinary. Eighties minutes: three Novi.

Minnie' "borrowed" act trout Keith's wan Walter O. Kelly, "The Virginia Judge," ant he ea., but at heartily welceled at the PIA» ai

h• livers la hy Keith audience.. TU. familiar Eirrinla tour room we» Iv a perennial favorite Ole lie »lineages» of the Southern dark! steno/ in real humor.

The foregoing seta made up flittazdar• and SeeSsre hill. A new bill opened oil 7'1a:day

SOd ,notinitee for one week. It Inelodel orris] Ve»tion,. never operatic stare; Peddles ebnino setor.. eleei,n. Mealy and Mettle»:

L Jcdkr. Wild & Comp»: arid Hamlin & Mart • Tb. tIcture I. Mary Mlles %linter. in her

ere Realart production, "Asne or Oreen tic-l'in, -SAX.

Orpheum, San Francisco (Relieved liasslay, December 7)

Son Pranciree, nee. e.-A bill bubbling over With comedy was the-e», eajuTed by • hwts cedience that laughed itself bear». The elm-bodkin of the Intermission here la • great •trlde

telard• the prefect roattoolty of the Perform-

No. I-Sam Owen and Delen Myra, with elan/deal sad reg ottln islet-tines and dancing. Pored to te • splendid opener.

No. u-letaade Iembert and Frneet Ban, in seeoad week, 'lopped the show »re inere.

No. g-olndcor Sporti." another holdover, was twitnoihie for roars a laughter. Tte cowed,

Ite met, bright Hate and la well acs&


pALACETHERTER ffeeiele /84, de JeleYelee iffeeeeekes

(Reviewed Monday Matinee, December 8)


There are no reviews of the Poi so, and Majestic theaters, Chicago, this week. On account of the coal shortage both houses closed Satur-day night, to remain closed until Wednesday, December 10,

New York, Dec. 8.—Much shimmy and jazz on the Palace bill this week, but the audience liked LL The chow lot essentially the modern type of bill with lots of naoh and only a thin spreading of talent In the feature turns.

The Mangean Troupe gave the show a fast start with z, straight acrobatic act. Seven people who do a routine of tip-top stunts dexterously and surely. The "tandem eomernault," which they feature, is a wonderful trick. One of the men turns the nomertUtult with a boy sitting on hie shoulder% from the teeter board to the shoulders of the underatander. A great trick performed in a ma_sterful manner. Only six minutes, but something doing all the time and a corking opener.

McMahon and Diamond were next and made a hit frights spot. Maurice Diamond is a splendid performer. lie sings well and dances better. For a b:g man it he amazing how he doe.. the Russian steps go welL Nobody does more In this line than he, and few as much. lielen McMahon in the rag doll bit scored strongly. The couple are assisted by Ethel Roeevere, and the three put on a couple of harmony numbers that are very pleasing. Fourteen min-ute..

"The Little Cottage" followed. This is one of George Choos' acts. Three principals and ten girls, with special scenery. There is an attempt at a story, bit it is soon lost In the shuffle and the entertainment is mostly in the num-bers. The turn is costumed and mounted beautifully. There are quite a few laughs, but the oh:rnnly is the main attraction. Everybody does it, and at one time there were on even dozen on the stage shimmying the very shimmy ou', of the shimmy. The audience liked it, tho, so evidently they have the right Ideals. The featured principals are Frank G. Sinclair. Cliff Dixon and Goldie Collins Thirty-six manites.

Iteatrice ,lerfori filled the number four spot with her interesting charac-ter!zations. She opened with "The Hat Shop," a study of the milliner's sales-lady. Next came "The Matinee Girl," and she finished with "The Ten-Cent Store Girl." Each of these le admirable. They are all delicious takeoffe, and It Is hard to say which i s the best. Miss Herford 14 at all times enjoyable and the way she heightens a point with a deft, sure touch is the fruit of much

entertaining experience. Many a vaudeartiet could sit at her feet and learn much from this lady, whose vaudeville career has been only a short one. May

she be long with us. Fourteen minutes.

"Me" Quinn. with Frank Farnum, George Kreer and the Memphis Flee. followed with what the program states is "The last word In jazz art." We don't doubt that it is, and, as tar as that goes, wish that the billing was literally correct. The Memphis Five blared and brayed a lot of noise that goes by the na-me of jazz music. The dancers shook their bodies a lot and their feet a little, and that goes by the name of jazz dancing. It certainly is jazz, and It may be art—we don't know. In any event, the audience liked it. for the act was the hit of the bill., Thirty-four minutes.

Topics or the Day followed intermission with a few aphorisms and much humor. Everybody liked that, too.

Bkineom Seeley, in "Seeley's Syncopated Studio," came next. :'.11ea Seeley is assisted by Field,, Grossman, Lynch and Loper She sang a tot of rag songs and snapped, her lingers vigorously during the rendition of one of them. This raises an interesting point. Is Blossom Seeley the last of the finger-nnappers or is she the tiret of a new lot? We leave that to the vaudeville pundits to mull over. For twenty-nlne. minutes the "Studio" worked hard, and at the finish a bunch of flowers was handed over the footlights, thus fulfilling the best traditiont of Palace opening day.

Williama and Wolfus then made their appearance. A big reception greeted

Herbert Williams, and then he rolled up his sleeves and got to his task. This only consisted of making the audience howl with glee for twenty-five minute» He did it, too, but didn't get any flowers. Poor Herbert! Hilda Woifus helped out on the laugh-getting, and, as a further aid, Williams has put in a couple of new ones as good as any of the old. If Williams and Wolfue ever considered changing their billing they might well substitute "A Real Vaudeville Act." This would be novel, deiscriptive and the truth.

Bothwell Browne and his bathing beauties closed the show. Thiel act is a big flash, with lote of ergs in various stages of undress, and Lothwell doing one of those dances. A story goes with the dance and the dancer interprets it. The Program matter is of great aid in finding out what the dance is all about. At the finish Bothwell took off his wig. This was very exciting. Then we all went home.—GORDON WHITE.

Ne. 4-Al an repay thedmae, In piano rapers, were a riot. into •ellence certelely does Wee esimely cod when handed out ta chunks as It is by ,r).7 steam« they jail bowl. The

teem had • hard job to get awry. Ne. 5-Elleabeth Brice, who hesdlieed is err

"Orman' I evne“ with Will levertisey, las •

Tinny better &Feria( lien when It was and shown at the Palace. New Tooth. It is full of rapid ere nett», good singing, and Monist), is rewereil'ile for perpetual merriment. while VI» nrice WIIP ,,,,, la better voice. A leer Pre-tentious nomber.

No. el-Ervolt Jerome sod Big Herbert They

Copead thiefly up» Herbert's size for laughs, hot their acrobatic dancing ta a life »Ter at the

ant». No. 7-if. Tenber'a "'rho fleginaing of the

World," • week novelty of great dare aad beset', closed. IIILLIAR.


New Tort, Dee. 1-idartieettl tad ettreater

are together agats after eepatetha et Dearig

log year&


Keith's, Cincinnati (Reviewed Monday Matinee, December 3)

• really excellent bill is »rem' et tbe local Keith bonne this week and one that was appre

elated. There Isn't a weak spot on the pro-gram. The always popular "Robeville" was the feature art and applause was generous. Elizabeth Murray and Dicklcuron and Dees» alto scored heart*.

No. 1-The bull was given a dying start by Burt and Florence Mayo, who performed on the trapeze and Roman rings. In tb• ail mtnntea allotted to them they brought out a number of good ideate No stalling. Tall stage; two bows.

No, 3-Dave (Vereatility) Roth te a insect's, dais'« *Ind slater, rang especially well with his playing and daacing. De playa • one-string v'olln made from a elklir box and broom lute die and this, together with »vent numbers on the plane, earned three bows for him. Eleven minutes, in one.

)-31ellabse and Chappell, man sod woman, are favorite, here, and their familiar

sketch, "When Hubby Mimed the Trots.' was riven hearty apulause. A couple of clever ea. tertainers. Seventeen minutes, in ese; sewn dive: two bows.

No. 4-A novelty act is that et Moran ani

Wirer, two men, who have a comedy boon-erang-luittlirowing specialty that kept the sod. en» laughing from atart to not». Placod I.

this weld» they went over big. Yourbou minutes; full stage; three curtain..

No. 5-Then came Elisabeth Morny. veto lj always a welcome addition to any hill. '

»mg a number of soars in bath Irish and A • TO; • dialect, told some series, all of which cook : mach laughter. Mies Murray in • ventral', r favorite. Twenty-two minutes, in one; hews, encore and bows.

No. 6-"Rnbeville," which bas been moue, log here foe • number of seasons in making jog* as gnat a hit thin week as it did noon let trot preeestatlee. The comedy aad musical nowhere, both vocal and lunenmental. wee-relisbed. Harry Watson stfil ploy. the pro-prietor et the country store. and Reg Merrill, ,y.otl• ses to play the role of the "constabole,••

à characterization that In worthy of mer.tinn. Twenty-eight minutes. In three; ceentr7 atere

setting: numerous curtains. No. 7-One of the bright sputa on the bill was

Elmer Dickineon and Oracle Denson, who have a clever mid original gong sad chatter act, oae that In nomewhat out of the ordinary. Laughter reigned thrtiont their twenty-three mhintee be-fore the curtain. your bow".

No. 8--Ocorge Herman and Marlon have a weird arl startling contortionist act. Herman. with hie ghovtly Mainline, goes tiara a roe tine of acrobatic and contortion feats that tr. truly remarkable. This reviewer has one»

maay act. of Ufa kind, Out none that surpasses that of Herman's. Fifteen minute., in three (nterior): two curtahm.--8EAWORTIL

Meet With Chicago Federation-of Labor


New Tart, Dee. 11.--The Parisian ratlike /Yolk, with a eel» of French braille. dis-playing the latest feeblest creations from no» sneers of Farte, enters upon the fifth Week nt an engagement muted ledelinite at More Broadway. la addle:be Cecile B. De /tune's seaestional screen spectacle, "Male and Fe-male." will.» -,resented an the chief pictorial

Meng% bee, p..—eeren delegates from thee attraetimIL

Actors' Volley Annoriatinn met »eerily will

the Chtrign Federates of Later for the Brit tizne since the Equity Awboctitien was admitted

to the American Federaline of Labor. Tbe dele-gate. were: Dal» Dome, star of "Pp in Mabera Room." •t the Wood. Theater; Ada Mettle, with lbs "Tumble Inn" Company, at the Car-

rick; Walter loses, wtth "Pp in Moberg Room": Dudley Holley. of the »a» pany: Sam

Hardy, et the "la, ta, Letine" Oampaay, at the Colonial; Arthur Barren, of the "Tea for Three" Oompany, at the La Sails, sed J. Marc» Key». Chicago repreeentattve a Equity. Whee the theatrical delegates were escorted lote

et. headquarters they were greeted with sis plan» arriountiar to an »ad».

The delegates sassed will aerre until nett September, and win meet regularly with the

Federation of labor. All ot th m carried their

asks cards geeterdsg.


Et, Lords, Dec. el.--Cbarles Calla and Frank Tito. .f this city. are on tte Board et llirerbee

of the new '50,000,00e »monition that bee bee» feria» to operate theater. and bend new play-ing/as Ike the Orplemen CLreidt.


$15.00 PER HUNDRED g..4,-:,tos AMU OfraNtT


18 Tb Billboard DECEMBER 13, 1911


Planned by Lotw in Many Cities as Part of Countrywide Chain

Seattle, Weft., Dec. ti —Marcum Loew will

build ft new motion picture theater here at mice a! s cost of 4400,0f0, It Is announced. The new

ho','.,, will have a testing capacity ,f TLe present Palace-111pp. Theater will eon-

slime in the I.oew nonce for vaudeville in Seat-

tle and next month a $.1,000 Hie-Jones neit

orobestr• will be Installed to supplement the

reguier oribeetra.

W. Lamb, New York architect for

lees'. Pare 1,01k on the new fusee will start hunt the prat of January •n,1 that it is planned

In bare the theater ready Tir ocimpanc, by next

Thankneving. When Interviewed by a repro-utet,ithe of The 11111hoard Mr. Lamb slid:

"It le Intended to eonetruct a theater here

ie one of a chain that will ..xtend echo's the

.ontilient and from Vancouver, It. C.. to Los Angeles. It will he In the mime ,lasa with popular priced combination houses ut New York

and other Leetern Otter,. In the past little at-butt.° has been paid to Western 'pope homes in spite r f the fait that both Loew and Acker-

man & Harris had theatrical Intereete here, The orninwed bulPlIng here and them: In other (mud elite- mill not be lacking In any of the

(«Hire, which characterize Emden' theater."

wr. Lamn left for Vincent y today, where •

neW Lome house is to k, built nezt year. Port-

land, Ore., aleo la to bare another Loew bonne. the precent Itiorindrome to continue me s com-

bination bowie mad the new theater to ron pic-

tures. In Spokane • new theater will be built for vaudeville, with the present Illoondrome to

revert to a pictoro policy. The anconver

house will probably be need for tenderale •nd plebe., an Illop. rote nre now playing at the

Columba .1 Theater, boat several years ago.

A local representative of the eirzult said that

Lorre intends to build u new Mime In Ise

.1ngeles with the largest treating capacity of

una theater In the world.


chirago, Dec. 8.—l'urinant to a mi nnlemental

ruling ot the Public Utilities (Vormlasion at

toin today legitimate theaters will te idlowed to give nee night neriormance, and nos matinee

t:aring the week. pending the «deem of tne toe% abolition. Two-a-day bowers, including

vetulev11!” end be:Nee-me, will give rim tight

performances anti five muttneee. The ouly theaters giving theatrical perform•

antra to open yesterday and last night were

the to:rim:me lenses. All theaters are expected to open tomorrow, the two-e-day houses to open

la the after/Pion.


New York, flee. 6.—The Sheerly Agency la w booking the Selwyn Theater Sunday con-

p ar t. It was announced that [brae would be

mounted, ac the calibre of art. 'unrolled

s not high enough. Rheedy stepped into





MORIN, 125 West 42nd St, N. Y City.

.TibrABONE—SARITONE PLAYERS Whn ham trouble with Well High nine ah eisfor our 110-oh. r POINTE:an

See PREP; Same In-trwtrument.




South American tour. $20 to 00 a week. CHAS. CARLOS, Parkway Ave, Jamaica, L. I. Phone, 1396-M. Jamaica.


gum re the perm. With a ormettng. eatele mace that oticks. This song la uenta eel by leading Oat-en, both cm the concert eel and la ‘10-wkill‘e. Eyrie in J. It. Wilerm. mar br J. Ede %sooner.

te Mar It sa any roue. et w`ss dre-g. or sbra reeir nou. 2m3. ^ob.-vélbe. S... ilea. Ile • Pe= a. P.

FOR SALE One f'mee'detCuen" lea nee "ea and low Mote 'ene and ail shaelmers• Not - dent In It. .• tar-get.. Pike, moo. ran« mama.. Massa, Nias.

'wanted--Musicians, tallies ad Gentlemen 11,,z, that detour brae. al., il ' •dt-t• u.vonw .ato.,•••.u. tor newit•I let

UUSICAL muT A.I.Nsro PUlieseS. 14e1 Oroaraem. New Y•flueille.

the breach and began hooking the Lease last $unday with satiefactorY results.

Oolummicine Dee. 21, sheedy will •lei book

tire Vinton Theater. Vaudeville wee announced

for Sunday some weeks ago, but some of the

acte anuonticed did not »clear. Sheerly alumni

be able to provide the billa, at least bis es-

ter-boor in booting Friy'e Theater in Provi-

dence me related hi the Federal Trade Com-mission would indicate that he le able to pet

on vaudeville under the meet adverb, coedi-t IUD!.


New lerk, nog. 8.—Meredee, vanderille'reefa-Mete mystery-end-more set, Pee been booked for the Moss Circuit. Ile l• at Moss' letterer,* al thls week, al the Hamilton next week and

at the Regent ffir the week of December 22. Thin la hie tired appearance anywhere at Polio-ler ;alma.


New Toe, Dee. T.—Yarle Dreame end Mnhel Vanglin •re no longer together as an act. They

will both resnme playing dates shortly, bet each will bate • new partner.


New York. Dee. —At the Hamilton Thea-

ter, beginning December 13, the price for or-

cheetra rants will be reved to fifty cante for night pertirmancest and twenty-Ore ennta for

matinees. The prime now are eve testa lens.

Oreheatra mate will all im reserved at night per-formance«.


Rnektortl, III., Dee. 6.—The Rneaford Wom-

an's Club has taken over the interests nt the RhsonId-Nlorean-Washburne combine In the

Rockford Theater. Hereafter the twin, com-mittee of the woninn'• club will have nharee of the theater exrinelvely. The theatet under the new management will eliminate Sunday shown.


Telerin, O.. Der. r.—The safe ln the berellt e of tire Seinn-tud'tiwinin Theater weis blown early Tneeday morning by yeggrnen, wise seemed ate It /LW, most of which wan war tax trolley. It In understood the loss is covered by hear-robe


St. John. N. D., Der. IL—The Show tt the

Prinrens Theater on Tuesday 'debt, Teitember 2, wanneeken np lee a crowd of college endents,

who pulled trolley poles off street cam and

forced their way into the theater. Menacer Wright, of the princes., nays, he will take

artion egainst the students.


rierelawl, O., Dee. G.—Pinne of motion pic-

ture to aid the community ChrInt.

man campaign were started lent week when

arrangements were made ny al .1. Smith, Cleve-land manager for the Unlverant Exchange.

with Park Commiesioner Waite for the nee of

a part of Poulin Fimere r an entertainment. le ronnectlt n cilio tt le part of the fmtivitlea

1.000 Chi-bonus trem trill be riven away to

poov children. el% *mitt, shag ordered the trees

from 3 -erm in Bonier, hie. During th o holiday

week fifty Untvereal picture* will be abown rrfl Cie Point, Square ender the direction of Mr.

Smith. Them will tie eelected my that the Nil-

day erdrIt will ric emphealtan. Mane eomediee •laci will be stmen. The atiteme la excreted to

awaken a new rhrletines spirit in the first real peace celebrate" singe the world war.


fhthirrah. Win_ Dec. te—The fie/ Theater Co.

haapbeen organized here oral incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000 to ereet and operate

moving oleonre holmo In the Fee River Valley.

D. IS. Stewart and Henry Roach of tide city are the principal etockbolders.


Boxing seema tn einning Into ita own here again. Paw a clamber of good bernia at

the lelJni Theater, arranged try Ms:tiger Fred

Wagner, who aten33 10 loam the secret at

how to 111 hie bonne in spite ef ail mealtime

Nee Larene Pays If ire Stone and Pillard

as your hide Junt due off and hang up your record oigo. femur hunter, Sea.

Bad Abbott Is sow the ”Big Chief" Trees-'wet at the trues, Weablagtoe.

'Wilkie Pahl. the Engitah Clank is gaining

fresh laurels every performance at Faith%

Chestnut etreet Theater. toeirge Sher end Ett• Pillnel. are anziete

for their return to liotoleen in two weeks

time rai that they can at leant enjoy • maple

of weeke at their Iteautifoi Home at Baldwin.

Long inland, Liverge sa,a he eddy wants te

oil tip lira ear. lOirel etbutta, clth -T•ie Artatorth" got a

metal re,erth,n 1..., •I N‘g•t-Ic '-«r-taint, deserved it u. sire invigorates may

amount of pep Into all her work.

Don't he anrorleed how aeon you nee Tern Howard tbe Wise yre•ent olth Hea-

ting, Kartrpte follo Issiked for a Broadway en-

gagement. 11e in certainly delivering Um

good'.. Sabo Ahhot, eat Pony "lei the Atelier and

Pittard S.Low, la , metlie,r ulth her

enjoying the remer7 ateund Manynnk. trireen liendity, late u!Ill MU.

agree. are making • name to be envied with

Rewide 1h11. •t I utrileit N. J. Journey.

Mg to and fro ear h day to their nummer

home on the onakirts id Phial,.

Manager Morri,•on wnull like to know who

mont•ola rire sugar Situation in I'Lliadelpfda.

Who wag the artbde who sent a comic te the "Broadway Tbeater.•• rano•en. in Hurt In

right away, knowing that there was a fall east there all the thie. Surely he didn't rake a unmake, estelally this maid weather-

-ARTHUR *TONE, traveling represeetatielt

Atistridlan Variety and Show World.


¿net finished the one.nightera and the split-

week time. Rverything lowing smonthly and

businens good in spite of the unarm., of the hel-

1 lay season.

Bill Connihan, the hmtlIne matte:ce ef the

NfejeatIr Theater, Perth .f.rulsw. N. J., hrea ber

come a real prod:vet, havinv pot Ont • greet prodnidlon of •• Way 11•,wn eadge• with • corking

good e's't. Dy this Mae 11111 In well op the

toad t careens, tearing opened in Red Sahli, N T., Sevember 24.

Plainfield treading bnriewine very nicely

Hoe 'eon, with Mike Shamir-in on the lob.

Emily Wakeman Hartley. the only managerens

on the wheel, extend, s haarty welcome every

Wednesday and Inritentally the riltette are (WM

alderibly mere than lret4 year. Hotel acremmalatIone In Stamford Ming

metre and rather high priced must of the nhnwit are moving intact after the night terror-mime

te BrIdgenort. The Pork Theater. Bridgeport, hen at last

fallen tato the wen of timer... with n higher scale of aulmlenlon price. «Mole rilee is helping

the grate on the three dime Pre 'Lynch, ex.

manager ofkfhe Perk. espeete tir rn Akron, O.. ahortly. bring interested In 41.Ig theetrittal

venture there. Pell'e Eyrie, wigs 'Mork. earl

the debonair George Arab.« in control, 13 doing for

Wit/ewes Parisian 1Vidri had the Cl.... R.

Champlin Stork In oponsition in Newburg be

ontenne amine to hnrt the popular Billy. Rol Is

peeking them In everywhere, and on the me-

lded attends did the larimmt lrn.Iner.e el the

cement Haim. Tun roro,ta ',mimes very rw,d at both of Mr. Peterson home&

Met John Kelleher, agent (Torten K. Champ-lin Stnek Co., in Newhnre. It wen the first I

had 'ND of him in eight yearn He in now in

hIn afteenth year ahead of•thelname attraction.

The Rialto Theater as undergone many quote«

alma In•t year. On• walku in t-mn the etrent

to the Sore of the boom none,' nt rune down

'den«, the entire oreheaten floor having teen

raised one story. The thea•eg whil e orme 10) lean in meting minority. pmnentn * very rosy

•mwaranret. Billy uterk. in •a trouper la env,

the proprietor of the 11n4son floret. sad rater.

epee-10y ta the show people. Rill ha* a nice nitre. Red makes it real plement for theitrt-

eal feel.

Tied the plealsere cf terra at the menial,- of the Ilerleartrie flubie new eaont , and ran troth-frilly my that they are as tine an any and snore era, 'Rod homelPte thin moan. I, berm rrnwel

erbseleartnem wen on howl and the even genial wrpirldrat, James P. romer. never 0....111P.1 111 tire eif ertreolhur greeting, and «teeing the

heaetlea of the club. No doubt the mom. were

• mitt earmi.o to many, especially members

Who were thre for the lent time, and it in

cafe tn my it wilt he a trig tifirlifiw In. the bey« wtin are in it, Woe when they get

their drat gtinrido.-11 DALY.

Mr.. rum, Turoluw. in years old, mother of Phyett wtresser, of tb. llimilnar Theatrical

Agenry, had a narrow wrap. from death t. o tire st her homer rrlday morning, November

26. MO Wee 11111t 04/10taly Warn


i‘ppointed Manager tor titranii ter, Brooklyn

Sloe. Mark, prerident of the Mitchel IL Mark Realty Corporation, oreuera nod operator% et fitratiel theatere, New lore, ityoukija and oh.,

large ItIva. ...... uncea that he him appointsa

lidward I,. 11)Inan mangier of the new Ititraa4 Theater In Brooklyn, au, eating John leteridei.

lir. hymen rmelved ht. early training wit. the Strand firm in Buffalo, where be was m militant of the late Harold E. Eriri., •nal later tn.

Canoe manager of the Victoria Theater. When

tht war broke out he entered the Omernmeot

territo sa director of Division of Mum for th. War Departuenea Coninalasee eii

Camp Activities',


Marie King, Lotdse Brandt sod Mu Ilion, well known sub-chawletere formerly on Ameri-

can wheel, ere filling in at the "New Detroit" in "sult• Sisteen."

The delete* soubret la Edmond II.

la Ruth Denier, • former Detroit hurl...per,

in her nifty •hbrertatnd (-trammel., vacua un and off frequently, sad eatig itntl dented ter-

soif into ti • hegira of Or. andienea. Mies Bate Derleida has been speeding

a seek with her mother, and calling on 'bet

many local friend, hem, departed to Yule 'h-. choristers of "The All Jags Ravel" la Igo--


Al Perrin, favorite Detroit comte, hi' leg' on irla neck otheraise he la looking 1.1

feeling ¡Inc.

Jeanie Hatch, his been advatieed from cher-luter to prIncionl character parts, and dotal

welt at the "NationaL“

Phyllia Title • former ifitatioaal" faroritth wan seen an a prima deem of mate in "the

Reynold's, •t the Gayety and ma*

well rereived. lbw apeckaity mammy, -Loa, norm, That's All," got her ranch merited ip-

via OF! Mabel Palear'. ntill MOOT* being a favorite

mime emu* in CIncy. at well an In Detroit.

Alan applies to May Harnilton..--Tlin MICH.



Detroit Dee, A —The Ziegfeld "Mlle. oPre. tonight for • two week.. enimgeneeet. The New Detroit la already mid out solid for the first



Manager McCall ben enuiroented complete decorative traneformation f the liberty Thm ter, Oklahoma City. The entire Interia sill he remodeled and when complete- renovation« are made It will he one of the leandenuee theaters Incide awl ent in the sonthweet. The Theater (talen' Association cif sSonthrra _

California gave n midday dingier at the Nee Roma Cafe, lee Angeles. November el 11 Boaley of the Anion:item ?tooter, preehtenr of the amocietion lad Glenn ilermr, weretare. bad charge. Among ntbers present were 8. L ltnthapfel. WIII Ilmarn Mr. Flanagan, Mn, Fidarerd• end Mr Dermiteln, manager et the National Film Comperfv.

Pions. Sryeat 45 West 45th St. S. Y. SW Rohm@ Ste • etti Arm -

EMMELIN & WINTER (deem el Hiehe.taes wise. TIMM. hewatiet.

See our New Part-ing, which rie= our Tau S Win ar, ar nee-al b... ha, aneo-lion rival to Per-torment alga-burs masts an ter entretwnrwww lias

on about retries led*, semi nut-


"SWEET ADDIE DEAR" Send 10o tor cony.


9 So. Church St , Schenectady, N. Y --Sporting and MegivZsr=s,

Moe, Cards, Books, Et& ALI1 (bode 011aBANTIMLit

catalogue Tree.



MI propm. Wpnt Iterordn. \\ I have your Addrere ERVIN, Celdwell, lists

DECEMBER 13, Mt The Billboard I,



TAYLOR TRUNKS C. A.Taylor bunk Works


44 1,112Fr • '1 FM YOR W4 ••••


In Worsted. Mercerised or BIM PRori. MONRKT sad

(MOIR YA.WCT "urn" r %DR — All Kinete—frron et.* m

Marto to Order. Ilaintns gaits. nee wee. tw

Ladles and Gent& Orpovit recut.," en III order&

JOSEPH W. MANSFIELD. 1127 111.1ga Ave.. Pelladilletal& Ps.


JACKSON HOTEL -memo or Me Prem.


bolas. knifed end MAIM eat CHICAGO. late& without nigh.

$4.11 per week tad lall: With OWL ST* pee week Mad


THE WEBSTER Vaudeville Circuit

Seim 1101-1100 Defame, SO W. RANDOLPH ST., DellbliO.


IOTEL VIRGINIAN Hesse el nanaelaal Pee*.

SPESIAL Paten Onaellelf Blair of All Thestres.

ilth Streit. CHAR ESTON. W. VA.

The Liberty Cafe i..... st *but litiagoltd. •Itt.A neatneal Trade I limarialig

ei,..,R,t17.5....,,:..r.,...7.41.,-..-;,se erIfele. inn 331. Itt.

• Ice«. Rates&

VAUDEVILLE NOTES Next week—The thrtatraae

>wee—per:laps larger than that.

Morrie Taut:nano. widely known •andevHle

piano player. bag annonleed Ile. retirement from

theatrical Ilfe and has moved to his farm near Satins, Kan.

Cardo and Noll. doing seine real *light',

proved co be a riot at Tentage.' 'Theater. Van• tourer. P. C.. but week. The team le tenant

co.Ve,,ltla c:cent a :Bonin theater/net". Florence Jonas wall eon!, return to escde

ville with her old partner. Sub D1wInIs. In a

new sketeb ent1tted - Lonesome." Mr. Edwards 1. lo e- nyvy at pry-rent. lotI expeeta a hardy


Gr.. W. mid'? deiced • eucreseful seam the latter part of Wepternber with hie tent vaut, vine and pirrcre ghee, and Is now playing t

balls la Northern Mew York towns. We sell

clean von after New Tear said to tato winter quarter, at homer. N. T.. to prepare tor the

coming 141•1•00-

"Monottom Puea The PIllheard!"--headlIne.

In the small reptile press. Trust little papera to make a very loge mountain out of an le.

MITatecant inole-131:1. .1a a matter of fart. Mr lifotnitf• ref seek., to 4,1 tennettilite that 1, very

well worth doing—onnething whleh If be en,

reed. In d'-tag will f1111411 advert'.

log agents and publisher, everywhere to Mee

op and call Mtn hleased--solinethin tr The ItIll hoard alneerely hope.. hr mlii onreeed t. doing.

I e.. step atyle•rtenilrg ti a advertlement. roily ...incm, v.. to seek to .0.41 The 11111 board. Thae• all roles. Le has done or presses

to do. There baa 1.-en rapture. Ito. feeling.

S. antimaterstandIng.

Those, who eeen• Harry Mouniferd rod'. al are th• most badly mlet•ten pm•ple In the port..

sloe. Ile Is t. reality the most corseervatIve

ef leader.. Ills lineage. schooling. <rainier.

taste«. predilection. and frIendeblio all attest it. There Is ont a trae lied in him.

Our next home la ncr Chriatusas number. It

will be remarkable two. If Yon have hot told your Devredeiter to ,,let for yet you are

liable to tet.0 it. The lodtrattroa pointed to • sale et ftl.lvirc. We are oily able to prtrt TC• • COO on ereennt nf the paper shortage. It w1I1

sell ont "n1-•Slr Heiler beat Om "rover-buyers"

to It. Buy your (Artemis boat early.

Ulis jee kicked taro the leas' lUtt


Say Archiball!,„Snowball will give you the Highball, „, that will send you like a Cannonball„„over the circuit, you will not have to Bawl,„because you got a blackball„„from any Ball if you only let me give you the COMBINATION, for a SPOT SHOT, the agent will give you an OPEN SHOT on his circuit, he will RACK up good houses for you at a big STAKE, and with my CUE BALL, you can't get SEWED UP, I will put an ENGLISH on your POSITION, that will not be a MISCUE, and when you BREAK„you will never have to SCRATCH, you can always BANK, so let me SPOT you about FIFTEEN minutes of ma-terial,—this is your CUE„,so PLAY.

Any one can judge from the mat-trial that I have in my Ency-clopaedia, for $1.50, that my SPECIAL material can't be equaled by any other writer. I Proclaim to he the best, give me a trial.

Rates for material, $5.00 a minute. Special Numbers to Order. Get my Encyclopaedia, of Quality, not Quantity. $1.50.


AT LIBERTY, JANUARY FIRST High-class Theatre Organist and Orchestra Director: sago excellent Pianist and Clarinetist (man and wife): or will tarnish complete Orchestra for artis-

tic picture eettInga Will accept only joint engagement_ All A F. of M. Wire T. C. H.. care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.

CALL—M. G. DODSON'S GREATER MINSTRELS All people ensmtoi ceoe Nte•srri.. Tenn.. not Warr than Den RUN WANTED--Mnsicians en Mg Instru-ments Cy illlofi. doom Tun.. Was, Jiang* rowels. A. C. Anderson. win& Can Oboe the f011owing rerrermer• Won Rhodes sod WIle. Sod Meek and RV& Kelly end Kelly. ,4teenohls Flreern. Ittrà Brown. DR1Ilex and Dud's,. 1.• Posh.. Deft. and Dusk& Anders.% and Andeevon. Woo and istrit-. Manton. John Punorrin. GIIMIte Orson. Nonni lee. Rost PIN. Wile% June. liu). WIltle. end Ole mole The above, at,.; • tine, tr. «rite. tau. vt..ue were« antan. I pa/ all after »Mine. INA is a Two-Car Mineutt. with esenvona flr« and the how of arrenunuelatleela %loin every 'reek 4,j1k, hol,flyArk. Can also place bit-chow White Roo Canvalarn. .tdirme IL S. DODSON. Illenetd& Teen. P. 0. Son Int.


.. 20 The Billboard VECIEMMIR 13 Ii


Want to take this opportunity to thank the m-r41 correepandenta who have written to me, hearty MOO in all, congratulating in. on the TUankegising Article I wrote, which appeared

week• ago, as I haven't time to answer them belt Idually.

• • • Some ask for mor• articles of a like nature,

tot ouch an article le always prompted by the Spirit of the week, aid cannot be invented or written with true, heartfelt emotion except when cirrnmetances give birth to it. But from llme to time I wilt endeavor to pursue a like t.ala of tbonght, mating the re1.0oo es catholic ce possible. By thin I do not mean Roman Catholic. 1 mean catholic in the sense in which It means univernal, embracing everyone—Catho-lice Hebrew... Evangelicals,, Chrletian Scien-tists. Baptist.. Seven-Day Adventist., Holy Boiler., Shaker., Moravian,. and In fart all who look upon God WI th. Father.

a s •

No. 2371, No. 15821, No. 4863. N. V. A. C. B., S. W. K., W. G. and many others: That*, for letting me -eee copies of your answers to Mr. Albee. I hope he etudie. them as caner-till as I did.

• • • Discontent: I know there were no "Facts ea.

Fiction" last week, bot that la not my atilt. I wrote them and aent in matter enough for two ages, but with the scarcity of paper The B. B. was obliged to rut my ..tuff ta cue page. and that wa• my answer to Mr. Albee. This week oleo there ought to he two pages. Ont It Is Imposalble, as the enormous editloe of Tb. H. B. nod Ita great number c,f pages eats op all the paper on hand.

• • • • Anxious: Don't believe everything you read

in The Green Sheet. It le true, 1 am suing The It, it., but I can sue Tb. B. B. on one elan.. of my contract and still maintain and live np to all the other clauses. My contraet with The B. B. and The B. B.'s contract with me dues not ex-pire In Janutry. 1920. eo don't toe alarms& Yon will Mid arti,le• by Me (D-V) in The D. B. for the next ten year..

• • • Constant Royer: lf It wee sold eut when you

got to the news stand why not get tap earlier! • • •

True Blue: Sorry I mlesed you in Chicago, but It was your owe fanit. You did not keep the appointment you made with me. and I am DM in the habit of waiting more than ten minutes for anybody.

• •

Chris: Tee. T enjoyed my Thanksigl•Ing din-ner. Thongh, where I was, there was no Thanks-giving. I mean a• a National Holiday mod reset. So 1 Imported one to please myself.

• • a Reeder: Too are golte right- Anything of

mine that appears In The B. B. I. signed. either by my full name or initials. Nothing elm in the inper, except it may be a new• article, is from my pen, onleae you see my signature or Initials to it, and I am not reeponsibie for any-thing anyone else chooses to write. "Many men. many atiode."

• • • Small 'rime: Any Conntry gets the Govern.

ment it deserves. Any Branch of industry gets the conditions it permits. The actor.. If they Ilk., in 24 lean", could stop live snows a day. I •m doing my best to @how them how, but it t ev remain wilfully blind I cannot be blamed for It.

• • IsquIrer: (1) There haw been no decteloe yet

is the Federal luveetigatIm (2) It will then go to the Department of

Justice. (3) Yea. I know bforee and John R. Wale,

the big Chicago bank-sr, went. The latter died there.

• • • Sick of It: (I) The fact that I.oew Is

spreading out ard has got a lot of money at the bads of him makes it all the enter for ns. Capital la more afraid than even som• actora.

(2) I don't think there ever will be another strike hie-anse the last me coat too mock to mar opponent.; but If It is forced on LI% well—?


knowledge receipt of many 15 cents, which I have forwarded to the head orb... of The B. B. at 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati. O., from which carda and Christmas' Nimbus will be mailed.

• • • I would advise all my correspondeota to be

sure and get next week's Christina. Number. • •

I have read some of the articles, and one or two are noise to create a ion. James William FitsFatrIck'a article ii, "TM. Coming of Ashtoreth." For the benefit of the agents in the Putnam Building and ta the Feiner. 'neater Building I ran now Inform them this Isn't a eundeville topilner, ner is Big Chiefs article preas.ageoting • new shimmy dance. Look up and see If you ran end oat who •'Ailataroth" is. Then buy the Christmas Num-ber.

• • • Reformer: I did my best for the Actor.'

Food. Memorial Day, but 1 quite agree with 70ti that the vaudeville artist should bare hi. • benevolent fee, and 1 have the propeallt n and plan. ty ed out in My deal. but It re-

antrea the ro-operstion of the managers to make it a success, and it la no use adnwating it moll aeanred of their co-operatIon. But It will Come, aid I believe epeedry.

• • A. II: (1) 111.00 for an application, h6.00

of which la for does till April 1. Melt (2) Yes, It may go op January 1. (3) I deal tidal se. _ (4) We don't want all. illWe only want gold-

en). If. X.


MESSAGE T(I'ND k MANAGERS (It is a relief sometimes to use other people's words,

and, therefore, I reprint here portions of President Wilson's Message to Congress on December 2, 1919, which can be read with interest by both Managers and Actors and are worthy of the deepest and the most earnest consideration of Vaudeville Managers of this Country and the members of the V. M. P. A.)

"The only way to keep men from agitating against grievances is to remove the grievances. An unwillingness even to discuss these matters produces only dissatisfaction and gives comfort to the extreme elements in our country, which endeavor to stir up disturbances in order to provoke Governments to embark upon a course of retaliation and re-pression.

"The seed of revolution is repression. The remedy for these things must not be negative in character. It must be constructive. It must comprehend the general interest. The real antidote for the unrest which manifests itself is not sup-pression, but a deep consideration of the wrongs that beset our national life and the application of a remedy.

"Congress must now help in the difficult task of finding a method that will bring about a genuine democratization of industry, based on the full recognition of the right of those who work, in whatever rank, ta participate in some organic way in every decision which directly affects their welfare.

"Frankly there can be no permanent and lasting settle-ments between capital and labor which do not recognize the fundamental concepts for which labor has been strug-gling thnugh the yt:ars_

"It is, therefore, the task of the statesmen of this new day of change and readjustment to recognize world condi-tions and to seek to bring about, through legislation, condi-tions that will mean the ending of age-1-mg antagonisms be-tween capital and labor and that will hopefully lead to the building up of a comradeship which will result not only in greater contentment among the mass of workmen, but also bring about a greater production and a greater prosperity to business itself.

"To analyze the particulars in the demands of labor is to admit the justice of their complaint in many matters that lie at their basis.

"This offers us the way to industrial peace and concilia-tion. No other road lies open to us. Not to pursue this one is longer to invite enmities, bitterness and antagonisms which in the end only lead to industrial and social disaster.

"The unwilling workman is not a profitable servant. An employee whose industrial life is hedged about by hard and unjust conditions, which he did not create and over which he had no control, lacks that fine spirit of enthusiasm and volunteer effort which are the necessary ingredients of a great producing entity.

"Governments must recognize the right of men col-lectively to bargain for humane objects that have at their base the mutual protection and welfare of those engaged in all industries. Labor must not be longer treated as a com-modity. It must be regarded as the activity of human be-ings, possessed of deep yearnings and desires.

"In the matter of international disputes which have led to war statesmen have sought to set up as a remedy arbi-tration for war. Does this not point the way for the set-tlement of industrial disputes, by the establishment of a tribunal, fair and just alike to all, which will settle indus-trial disputes which in the past have led to war and dis-aster?

"Surely there must be some method of bringing to-gether in a council of peace and amity these two great in-terests, out of which will come a happier day of peace and co-operation, a day that will make for more comfort and happiness in living and a tolerable condition among all classes of men."

Facts Versus Fiction I see David Fielasoo haa not carried out he

promise to withdraw from the Male It the actors l'on; and thereby haaga • tittle story.

• Another laterite/oust carer aidmy•elf wet.

•t • bank OD Fifth Agrees*, trenmetiag woe fosortal bailee... for the Foor A'e. sil *Der It wa• ail over the manager of the bast tuned to sa and said. 'By the by., are •Ither of you nwpooalble for Itelamo'• beeekleg bis promise not to produce •ay more player' W. vow. "No," "Well. 1 im glad piere net to blame Derange I thought Behnke Ire• a man of hi, word, and that we bad men and heard Me Igo of him."

• • • It le peculiar how worde Mire Uttered caws t

he recalled. How foolish Many of the state Menla made In the Acton' Dimity Strike a/ fear now. Where Is the roan who waegolie to fun eleretora 7 Where la the other actor sb., teed never art •gainl ht beet la the rule or Cna hnstneo,, anomie' and inhale, that esa going to happen if the Equity wont Where the deasolition of artistic ability orcurred b-eam.' of the "alliaace with bricklayer, sod hod carriere"/ I haven't noticed It. Perhaps io,he of my reader* have and can tell me.

• • • I ese the N. V. A. It gradually turning Into •

Cheese Chet Well rata have always been able to eat all the cheese that wee near thaw.

a • • Whet an awful funny name, "Chen. Club"

Paley aay man of lotelligeore wanting to he known Jae "a piece of chem.." It is worm thaa being knows as • White Rat.

• • I toupee, In the Meet* (1Inb in the N. V. A

they have different totem There I. the ordinary "American Cheese;" there is ti.. Swiss

Cheese" with the Mites Is it. representing the pockets of the suckers who are members. there la the "Limburger," which 'melts Ilke the mutt time managers' methods; thee there le tie "Rrie," which rues weer the top of the ben sal away Dom everything like the members of the

v. A. ham. been roaster away dialog the pa•t week, MA laet, but net least, there le the "Roquefort." all bugs, mold and decay. Who are they/ They repreemit the high et. eclat' of the orgsaliatioa

a • • tint T eirprom anything to male money and t

prevent th• drill, of the N. Y. A cria the pock eta et ita gocifithere

• • • I wee noticing the prket at irate eanderille

theatres it. oilier day. hiegleg outside the bet once. There were go lites thea sit males ef brim». tad It wee gait, a pima» for ese te gib" out bow much I had to pay to go into Me theatre, •••I when I elated for a tlebet, at the bos-otEce wait received with the Dalai dlicoorteey end ;Wears *blob elarecterises the boo-olicee of sIl li4vIll. Wale« bad molt legitimate. theatre*.

• • • It etneot be that thee Is SIX as aerlè•Dt

think it le a mdectioe of the masagene •tti. toe.. toward. the "always Ireemat pebile." sad I. merit! a ref..' of the Managers' tositeleVt Of the pityleg public, which la oily fianillest by their cootempt fur the actor. •

• • Jost shove. I said, vie« I go to a vaudeville

Omura. 1 menettesee 6o, when I notice • same of an act that I want to see. That is the Me thing that takee me to a theatre, be eee ea act whom. mime L term, or have heard or. oc merlons to me.

• • •

• • Am( It Le the mama that ertia ireeeteelly • drag bee vaudeville he the 'Mee gesemlnest • potAtiee. •

• •••

I weed.« W Xt. Altos read oil the si-swim te the letters that he get eel( the were read by his Seerstory aid darts sad only plasma* «me shows Weal I have Letie elarpvtalid at the amber of actors vim have tend him woe ports •f the trunk aid am ealy 'edging Irma theme eaten who

11.•• tent me crew Of thee &Myers to Xt ()limo

• • Bat no one man Is one letter mold give any

thing like a foil account of the •beeee sad 1-Aintree aid wrongs •t preeeet eristigg la vaudeville. It would aced • fell isele cr the B. B. of ose hovered pagea to tell all. 'Yen r It was se big as emit Week', Chrletesaa Now ber, which will be la the neighborhood of 22S nelfea,

• a • To make mare of gettIng it, why not *eel

ma fifteen cent» sad any name and address , Than it will be milled direct

' • • An/ woes run are loading fifteen reams f

the B, B. If you •re not a member of thl. Creanizatem, why not eel for en epptleate , t tos heal ia with ea, who... Mee ate nee. whom. cee hope la te state tl• tratiderli businms • real grottoes.« run en boats,. relnelpies and to develop the •ttlstic aide

entertalneret • •

W. wait te sea the truidrrale artista lend sad morel and we wont Se WM them respected and looked up to. We went ta es• their art aoknewlintred, Wa gut to a•• their Inventive f amity stimulated. W. want ta me there ge(ttag the 1.11 reined of the1r ow:leaven. Lf yee wane ibid, Ins you know what te go. Web tes X X


DECEMBER '2, HIM The Billboard 21














If They Know This Success Secret

lug time treats recruits from th, small time

with tear atone., fruit) llega. Thews it mint 1m. or it. bosmffIce reports will look nicker

then the damsel who warbled "Send me s rose" ii ght • donation of 1402 hen fret Albur Neale. who is a elose etude« of

taeletile reeditkata, an well as a auctemfal writer, tales the Corner Keeper at tais we,eg aad C.Jatell Into the Corner with something a temg aaluable to the thinking. ganbltione

Isays be: -I want to speak to the vaudeville artist.

N.4 to the big-timer and the auccesful-it t. to his knowledge of 'what l ate gulag to say here that be very largely ewes his noce,..-bot the performer with au runest of ....Ill:: la hie own inrticuler liam and yet who

tai t the bookings and salary that

reitiao Ile* la Itla ACT. Vrom rirkles ,4éPf• be pieta different gage-tad gar{ l's..

ram gnaably hate Individual merit. Ile yams them together lad there le bit art. Ile may

' rt a few laughs, but he wondem who be

doesn't get over mild and big. for he KNOWft lia• talent; the trouble t. that he thlaka

be also Can write. I want to expiate that there la sore to writing an act than this drInging together of gaga. 1 am going to

, try and reveal some of the »Meta of wrItteg.

-;:uppose yes, Mr. Artist read two breed sew a os, both of which seem to romess equal

mertt. The test Defers sa audience will chow re teat one act is good. the ether week. Yet

ths audleoce would is. quite unable to tell the

:use rest. why it preferred one tal

And It 1. also very probable that 70.1 ans armed be unfamiliar wittt the rearm.

• Hsi. It le: That goat ate was written by s men with sacral ability for hie work. •

mac full of ConariOne and enbcosclos trick* ef his trade. Isked what these tricks were, in alas calf' out of tea be would be unable to

art( aa explanation. "Plat sows of the tricks would be these: la

r it. artaing that man le able to Selectively produce thst rhythm that le eo apparent to the lelt131.4 In any piece of worthwhile seat, whether a literary masterpiece or • vaudeville

set lie aleo has knowledge of the CORRECT e-i rx.v-r me of Ironic !lad he two-. bow

to marshal those worde tito thaw combinations


IVANTED--Muslettins, Instrumental-

ists, Sinters to learn

llO [ORMUZ; AT SIGHT Mv th ,Iltrati will improve your sight-reading almoet immediately and teach Feu Harmony at the same time. So ample a child em n understand It. No trloko Just knowledge, the same kind that enables you to read this paper If you are professional or amateur Inicher or pupil, no matter what in-

, strument you play, you can not afford

to be without it. A boon to theatr, musicians. Poetpitid.82.00. Particulars on reorient

I. D. HARRIS, Dept. IS, Ray City, Midi.

LAUGHS 'Pell dollars la vaudeville. That's why ao wary performers Ppeak of 11.1DISONS BUDGET No. 17 ae a gold mine. It con-tain, a wealth of nitre-Ire. origis 31 mono-' two. vie for two Melee awl for male no female, MO moo. ens., parodlee.

Gret-parts, sainetret finale. • na.-'1 farce etc. Price ONO DOLLAR sod

SIATIPr.teTtaliT. seat Pun t•• JAXES MADISON. IF'S Third &Term% New Lett.

that will affect the minds of in audience In the antiwar desired. This siearne he la ales ra PSYCHOLOGIST. Tbru observation, prretim-•nd study this man no doubt got Ids "tech-,

nique." But be -a-mild have been a writer without it, neverthelege, inat se It le born lu the real t.lanl.t to play as-. the real artlat to paint, ...a It 1. •atnral in this man to write.

Yon, Yr. Art:et. may be a first-class performer. !lot pal need to ask yourself If It le natural In YOU to Write.

"Here 1. an illastratIou that help u• show what I meat'. lapses Ion join a pro-duction. Ose of the thing,. roe will notice lo Los the director Instate eon your giving the-

Ilnee a. written (Of course. CO,-'lonely etcept • big 111). star «wordiest You easy alter the hoes very *lightly awl th'-

nasa. mime am., revasin. bet IT WON'T 1)0. Not--ter, the author elm thmte word. Mt.. amen( no many thomewl for the 'spree. m-

t. -se of Inelegant the audience fur elttw• momentary effect or to help along the rester: Undo.: awl If those words are altered th-

en. mechanlees he 1. es114.7.11 for Pes"-

loich,'Inithott effect is thrown met of gear. hin effect welded, the whole elfe,t msdled.

"laid you see the name prIneMle at work e-

a smeller scale and to your knowledge wt., you dad you can't get such a laugh for you g:t If owns of Ha sentenc-s are changed. TS moral Usti's" you 1: OW yea can write a melt an you eau entertiln, leave that ems . • lawOnies afoot. Call itt the man et know, and you will .ery see my farewell I the lower +tea> of ••ndleeille lire. Thera a, many creative mind, that can help you. It us to yonr battle disectommat te help you dr

them "Mee, Ilr. Artist , berg is me 'rateable

modereatlemate the inteltigeoce of yo- andierwe. lf sate of your stuff evoked sol -n--ore o (+us the loftier part' of the bow dcr't rf ',mere •si act that .n1 sake goo

at tb. Palace. 'Empty vessels nuke the lost sound.'

"I thank you! ARTHUR NEILL.**


.1 QUARTE'T ACT ter vaudeville; artrore comedy Idea. home wet; raga twestyedo mie-%did, In four.

t GREF.K COBTLWA remforbassi. ed•rted frm play that lee had tr'ele nuisons t

all paria of this eolstrO: real them: ; male lead; historical arcs:vary? NOVEL mreircm.. ACT, good for • prodt -

Gott: flit werked by ese man--or worm

reontres bore horeentwat for ortgloal emo-ha ism: work. In two or full stage with hou • set) Comedian or cornedleawe can use it.

big appeal_ Tooles to ilftee• animist:se NO% PILTY SONG for character "ktd" wit,

god facial espereelos and a little dumb. -

ability? Nothing else but pereosalltir realms • on rt.. -an.1 a plIPar! Anyone 'rho rim use theme type.

caul sews^.. further infortnetles them the Corner Keeper at the Yew Tort ale*.


Th's department ta out for the service of esterybody in the show weed who, work le te • creative nature. Name oro higher than °there on the ladder. State gettleg a

the bottom rung. Some of the latter wonder why more of the

"toe fellow." have not Peelle In Tel. The re:‘son In thls: The "I'll fellows" are

Islet ea anxious to talk things over here for their benefit es one might wish them to be-het as ensu as a name Is Ptetleell as that of

awn. one who hae suereeded-bloole: Ever, mall bring. that "big fellow" pommel let' tere 'eking for *dyke, criticism of work, or even wanting ta, "big fellow" to sell doff, or.

at lout pat it la the band, one who want• to -e.r That's e seating *eat sway and taking

up their valuable Ume for pensmal matters. The idea of the Corser le to be a place where

all can come and talk and listen.

Whet folka try to get • little aomethIng by

the quick and personal route of direct-to-the. big-one's mall, the big ones say "Never agalnl" and the Corner suffers Jnet ae much na Its reader. *offer. Don't pewter the folks who come in to help

you. se well as themselves, by even dimension et topic, or intr.,. to the whole creative fiehl.


Lay composer In or near Chicago who want. to get together with a good lyric writer, for a

tlfty.dfLy pertnership out the song writing stunt. • as be put la witch with the other half of the combleatlos by sending name. athirst and newersedamp to the Corner Keeper.


WILL F. La.lett.E comes la &gala to say that ghee we mentioned ils mule pnblbeldat -.acreages he had been rather deluged with let-ters and lyrics. Mr. Landis cane In to &bow

the way to sateen, but hie publishing is all

devoted to es own work at present, so don't bother Ws

It. CORDON BCH:3E21. Thanks for your

lees«. "bulge Outs" may hare te be aide-tracked till the paper shortage Isn't to *mite: glad 't iey help you. JOI1N OTANLET. Tour Idea la exactly

rlitlit.. The only way for writers to succeed

is to Write and keep on wilting, aleraye try• lag to «make their stiff better, tad to play the omit for winning, so matter how heed the

waking may be, lee, many a writer now at

the top went tinta this bard school-el did who trueust to anything.

ILAOK CALICE. There', sense as well as elnurits te your letter. Bringing composer, 'vrIclet and publisher together la wor*h end so Mort Use material be that will •es eompLiaki this sad.


At DM *ea with renta going food going up-even umbrella. going up-Ilee only slight to esdi the wetteri ret Into the gams

•nd sad eleallty eato the u-eleeator.

The preseig-day method of marketing picture Thee sneceeltalle Is te eft dose and write a -wonderful book, get ft make • name w yourself, and then sell the rats to the Sctnre maker,

La earnest 'esker after Matt bag naked If tab" applies to tableaux, and what the writers f "tab" cs11 themseltee. We haste, to say let a tab- is • tabloid, et condensed natielcal

onbedy; sa for what their anthem e are called, we glee up-milltee tabeleter.

C. S. (-Pep") Heasley is writhe original comedies foe. the Lyome and Meru combleation.

• he 'toff le good, and so are the players; there • by they go so well. There are ether comedy •owd• who could nee same good nat. SU OWte

rum Ins angst» sat sell se how it was done. rolls.

Many vaudeville prams» satt le stye the slime of the authoe et metes se shyest Whet you bend la year staff, vaudeville folk, re-member that a writer'. "same" le just mach

his bread sad batter ee yours letups. Past «him', a writer iliefelld ffe Igsbe the program


/NEIVIRLR, just getting late the writing

gem. asks what met et trier Is beet te see os kin new tYPeletitee. It depends, taquiner. It you're In earliest, to light fair and sin os met«. the type um la "elite" If not, then-"plea."

rile« IL IL C. wants to be told where te get

• book ea how to write atuff for burleume. The beet book we can recommend la a hook ef ticket&

for the sass at some good burlaps hose. 'There you ens off what's been done and how It is handled, and yes can ace how It hlta the set @nee and leers more in that kind of study than you could get set of a book ta tea years Frieda

IL W. O.

.i>r\ of Dig Tiny, caliber written to order at reasonable prices and easy terms. _ fliIiititbialEur.saleiACIreouttICH, Correspondence especially invited from recognised Artistic. Special

•••••••.......... "Pay When Booked" offer to ambitious beginner*. Get in touch with me

AND VAUOPVItte ACTS - twee • ...Rios rum Male l'p Not, linquick. Address. SILLY OE ROSE, Vaudeville Writer, Goshen, Indiana. , Sushi* Aces nto 21 War Pate- (Estabilehed over twelve years.) o es Me Or emed See Ser en. A E. REIM. Its. I, Mitesks WIS,

:pa Malin: STACE ACtS, Sketches and Playlets

JUST OUT McNALLY'S No.g BULLETIN 11 PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER COPY flIganhe collection of 134 pages of new. Wight and original Coined; Staterlat for yawl/Mlle Wage mabradeg eeterthIne that ems be of use to the perfecter no matter what all of an art, aossOatInw. PUS* or ell In bite h. may snubs Notehatamoaing that ileNelliee Ballesta te.. à Is Newer In Quantity and bet-ter ta twenty than seer before tee peke re-main, as area's. SLIM pst sew. It Contains the following elt-edge. up-to-date Cornell Itattaelal

18 SCREAMING MONOLOGUES Farb on, a prottlee bit kinds. including %env. Irish Nut. V,'ep, aid. reeseenstea Itle-k and Whcefaes. . Tramp sod oturup Smelt

14 »OWING ACTS FOR TWO MALES Es h a.• an *release winner.

11 Origleal Ads tot Male sad hash They'll make good co any 1:11

41 SURE-F1RE PARODIES on all of threading% lerst goof him bleb .me la full o' pep.

A ROOf -LIFTING TIRO ACT for taro rules and tee female Tala we la :1-kang. sure-ht• tot.

A RATTLINS QUARTETTE MIT foe four melee. This mt La allee with humor of the rtb-Uritting kind

A NEW COMEDY SICETIR entitled "The Ilan Tamer." Ire a ennui from start to leash

Oriel Tabloid Clowsdy sad Sailossos mottled "Taakee Doodle" It's toter. brews and bubble. mer wars Ma

AN MT FOR TWO FEMALES Mtn act wit poatUrety male seed.

12 MINSTREL FIRST-PAIITI with eathreplIttlag Jaws and ass-Wot «sup-ara &eh

OlUUID MIUTREL FlBALE tweed -et tin Cirrus - b viii liestà the aolleme yelling_

ItURDEEBS • craebie-Put Croas-Tire Jane and Gam, olden two be sined for sidewalk onswersuon for two nubo and sale and fameb.

IIESIOES • menede material wIlleb is mate! he Ile saudwille Perform«.

Remember the prim ar OWL. LETIN NO, 5 ta only Mee Pella, par eq.: or Intl mood you Bulletins Nos 3, a and 3 for $104. with mows beet Marsoteta

WM. McNALLY 81 East 125th Street, New Vet*


IN ON LE WEEK By the quickest and emiest ayatem in the ‘Vorld. Teaches you all tacks and pointer, for pitying roe. ceci BASS, which is wet what ye, need. Anyone can !earl in • week.

Weis Y, W. urns. I leit-elleh is., serrwascet. PA.

How To Baum A Groat Singe' Seen cownethsed. Orisiney wee A 134.1b0AIN far st re Instruction. In Magnets or !team Muni aereemaaled with Mane. andinamad preaUelas llarfliOD am» • ut• may,. • Pommel atetermaa raor. L CALIOGRIO. 13th It,. am, ate. Id. I

"Ceiglmallts Carat." Iteteretam-rour Agent- I "Up« tar • Teacees.." a.,. Munches. EILEIERT 11301.1.1eNy,

(The Artist's Antler) (Deeds. Net Weis) I$M Ns. Clark St. (Interview by Appolntenwht), obi mew ill. Creator of -oesseriai huserati for Ltlectrtu ',aunt .trti.ta••

ACTS SKETCHES, MONOLOGUES. ETC, Initial to order. 'State 'sad ar-m:twat ALEXANDER SE NOUN. 1?A W. WM Street. New 'fork City.


CATALOG .f Frofsedonal and AntatWai Plays Stetetteit Unmeant, Misaim Jokes, letwetions Geode. see


ACTS WRITTEN FOR VAUDEVILLE Bea Waffle Itosecoahla wawa

CARL RIESS? MAW. 2$31 E. Iota, 8,.*.mwoblig. I ad

'ATTEN'TION, AIRTISTS'' Why sot hest yenned to a new act e a (Tristram

I mentere Comedy. Novelty and Orteistalth In all area I writs. Protestaionala or becinnera. .Yetal atoms for price. and terms. LESLIE WART, 3l4 so Owen As., Osabeeia *b. Otla.

amnion III. PLEASI•elt

22 Billboard DECEMBER 11, 191s

ONCERTAND OPE 1 LASS IC DANCING-CHAMBER MUSIC-SYMPHONY CONCERTS The SIIMMiril Midge mecialim se am and Mt% seteeerelas Amami' artists, te V.t me Invitee mew...tees« heat tame Seed me mew p.y. wilg res. ailles. eed ieti es nee« Ifror elleeeleeimale. tee

remoUsas me rezoned, ate.. ete. Adfinme CONCERT EDITOR, The 1111111mard. 1,03 larenthear. Bee Teri.


Internationally Famous

For Her Artistic, Distinctive Dancing, Appears in Dance

Concert at Carnegie ¡Hall, New York

Because of the charm, grace and beauty or

her rhythmic dancing tnia young American zlri

was given the name of Lida, which mesne

"The Spirit of Youth." In her elm began to study dancing, •Irao at th:t time here was no thought of preparing her for a

career as a dancer.

She became the pupil of the beat teachers of the a.t of dancing. end co well was the w_rk

done that ehe is able thru her dancee to con-ley to her audiences the real Damning of thi.

eonapoeer whom work ahe IP interpreting, lier technical Mein:tenon waa gained by •tuding

with the representative teachers of danciag In

the different capitala of Europe. Shen the bad completed her eiudito. Cie

young artist went to Reseda, to the meuratain dietrirt• of Hungary and to the hoisted siertIon.

of Italy and Spain. In order that she might, 1,, livirg the life of the people, personally mud)

iheir national dances. ADM, her programs are largely made np

Rapidan MUSIC, her repertoire includes the in-terpretations of the works of compomere at:

countries. In which, of couree, is Included bee

Dative land—America. luda in known we n

famous artist tu all the principal ritle. of

Europe and the United States, and much cel. brated rempreer• ea (hiere and Sibelius hae,

written compoaltione dedicate,' to her Pertiefile•

um. FM. her program at Carnegie Hall the even-

ing of December .5 Lada interpreted two iJ"rh -

Phoule movemente, one for the "Patio-thine" of Teltaikoesky, atoo the dent movement from

rt's tinflol.hed symphony. Theie were with exquliite gran, and artirtry. "rip

Dance," by Skillon, wee given In foil deem, and evoked :le greebet applause of

evening. The talented dancer was laden

down with floral ,offerings.


Planning Memorial Music Hall ---

Albany, Thin, C.—An elaborate memorial bulid• In honor of the toddler. and «allot, of the

orld War is being planned by the citizens of lbany, and the public la lergely in favor of Ting a structure built an a litadc Hall. With h • building ht would be peceible to bring to

be city the best tartlet. In the munirai world.

lid opera meld also be given. The eitIzene of Ittaay are greatly Interested in the project and

h a con•iderable sum already in band from

sale of Hermann. lideerker Hell. which wa. Iginalty erected for a eoldiend and gallon.'

rial, it would not be difficult to raise a lent amount to pay for the erection of •

w hall.


f New Orleans Devotes Entire Pro' gram to Works by American

Composers —

ew Orleana, Dec. 6.—The nerond concert of ...son was gives by the Marlkozell Chore!

ab of New Orkin» at Dugan Recital Hall the

ruing of December I. comi..Itlenn by Amer-& composers were used thruout the. entire

«rain, and the comp..-re repno)ented were :het, Mattoeoe, Chadwiek and Whiting.


Conduct Orzhestra at First Per. «mince of "Monsieur Beaucaire"

--ear Fork, Dec. 6.—On Thuriday evening.

ember II, when the trot performax.ce of

"Sionetenr Boaucalre" in given at the New Ameterdem Theater, mira Caryll, the well known componer, will conduct the orrhentra

at the @rectal requent of Andre 31,nager, the

componer of the opera. The friendship of Mr.

('styli and Mr. Meeertger daten bark for quite

some time. Mr. Meseager dedicated the mere If re or,era le Mr. C., ryll and requented that he be asked to conduct the oehestra for the

opening performance in Ntw York City.


And Carrie Jacobs-Bond Collaborate on Collection of Negro Melodies

ttilee Mary Gillen, who I. well known thruout

the ratted Matt. an • reader of folk talea, and

was a somewhat lengthy one eminent% for ee-

rier.. were In.letent, and 31e. Sana responded 1.1' , • t


Enjoying Remarkable Attendance

t hleago, lie,', 6.—Three weeks of the opera ...emu in Chingo are pnenes1 and during all of them the attendance has been unusually large

sod for eeveral of the Operas the Auditorium hag been endue:0(.1y edd out. For the fourth

week, commencing December Q, several opera«. which bane not aa yet been heard this year, will be produced. The repertoire will be a• follows: Monday evening. '•LeCheuiliteau:“

'rooster evening. "LaTravinta," with Mme.


(debated ArnerIcan Dauer. *time grace. dill lend art of Intermetaiton ha. non Internationel tarn. for her.

aim ha. recently returned from Tran, e. where she aereed as an entertainer for Om n.,1 brou Ju.t had published • book, railed "Old

Melodies of the Mouth." This book will be of mueh Interent to every musbia•, an it emet•ii. simple melerllen of the negro rare. >lbw Gilpin

gathered her material by per.onal trips thru

the cane and cotton 11.1.1e of the Routh. An In,

tereeting feature of blian Cillen•• new book le that Carrie Ja,calw-liond, .1 naer I. Perm., t women composer, was hee eoll•honetor. Mk,

book will be Intere•ting t., the mum.. paver, also tu the etodent, as the melodies are given just au they its sung In the sotath. and

she has m-de 00 attempt tu Improve or add to them.


Plays to Audience of 5,0Cr

Can Francimo, lie-c. 3.—When Jr,,a, Philip Some and hin band played their concert in the

Chic Auditorium the evening of November :13 they were greeted by an audience of over faratt

M.o.-daily well Ilke-d was the number "Show.

lue Off Referee Company." AIM° the pf0g1701

failiCurcl. ale, alehipa and f.alefli In the caet: "Tosca" will le. given Weinrich., evening, with

kie,.• lisias eineing the title role Other opera« to b. riven be "Nebo')." "The Berber of Seville'• and "LaBoheme," the latter at portlier priete.


Of Cincinnati Will Present First Pro-gram of Season December 17 at

Little Prayhouse

On ()preacher 17 the Cincinnati MerDowell Ho.

elegy will give the tiret program of the year at

the Little Playhome. "('sali- Agnitent," the

seers written by Mr. Italian Lyford, will he Ire. seated In tabloid form. This compoeitien he.

already been glees much prat... It. theme la that of the Crreader•, and the mory is one or

great benuty. The as 1.•1:' Dol attempt to

give It a theatrical perfermanro. but hae sr.

ranged for Thomas Kelly to read the teat whole the illn•trallom from the opera are enter hy

•rtlete uf ti.. seelety. Mr 1 fined will be et

the pleura, •11.1 will be accompanied by Mfr. Ten Have, the welliknowt vlolinlat of Cincinnati


Is Now in New Home

Miasmal, Ila.„ Dec. 13. —Tb• Emir* Merin

School of Miami Reach opened December I for the «aeon, thin being the an't year is Ile Eon

building. Two year. ago Mr*. Martin open.,

this mhool for tourbo• mho came to Miami Bier f„, th e winter eesnan and desired to funI11111.-

thelr school work or musical •tudlen. Ito men

•II1 ,11.atisns were received that at the end n, the and year it was found neremary to olitela larger quarter« and thl. resulted In the new

building, which la complete is every partirniar. The muair department la la therm of Pro-

fenoir C. Poi Planos f New York and lkoiton.

Ile heldn two diploman from the, New Engine Conservatory of Mutile of Potion, one sa teacher

and one as »violet. Ile is • teacher of moll experienre. Mite Mary O. White, "the I. in

charge of the virgin department, la a gradn•t• of the Trento (Can.) Conserv•iory of blase'.

has also eindied with the beet sweeter. in

New York City. Misa Germany, who le in charge of the plano class... he • graduate of

the New England Comervitory of alnele In no.

1012, and hae had eeveral years' experlenee

teacher. Pupila are being enrolled daily, and sa the

seasOn ad the Funk. Martin arbool sir be • very buoy place during the coming (Dialer



Booked for Extensive Tour of Pacific Coast

New York, Dec. 1,—bit. John Rumen. mens.

der of the American Operatic Corporation of 'New York City. het arranged a long tour of

the Peeler Coast for Mr. Sohn itand, well

knoll% tetse. Mr. Iliad will leave New York City the latter part of December t., fultill bo

tint engagement he the Weal, *latch will he

•t Evanston, Wyo., December 30. lie witi aim give «overt.' In the telorlpal cities of

Wathineton and °Teton, and in February will

tour California. Idaho and Montana.


Sold to Syndicate—Deal Doe, Not Change Plans for Coming Season

of Chicago Opera

The Rogermeperry Realty Company, of New York City, purehamil ers December 4 the Lexing-ton Theater at Flfty-fhwt edreet mid Lexington

avenue, New York City. The dmel wee mede in behalf of • eindleate, which I. Interemed In theatrical enterprisea Is the tnetnifmlia. The

*ale of the Lezingten fliers Ileum will not. In any say, effect the •elleon of the chbiago Opera Company, which will eonemeerega•anare 10, a•

the present policy of tite boa., will be coatinuel unill the expiration ef the contraet neat March.

The Isle Omar liatumer•tela built the Lesini ton 'Cheater to be used by him for grand opera

at the expiration of lita contract with the Metro mitten Opera Oompany.


Will Appear as Soloist With Boston Symphony Orchestra

Proton, Dee. 6 -The Beaton Symphony Or (-Moira will fignpleie Oa tour in time to 11 ,,

Ils neat pair of eoncerta In Symphony

Deremtcr 19 and 30. Pierre Nionteaux ha. en-gaged ee sololot for them 1.010-epIll Leo °rumple,

the Yonnif Itueelan rompoeer-pianist. Mr. Orn niel, will play 111arlbovell'• Second Coneerto for

his fleet appearance with the orehealm.


1/9 Angeles, Dee, It. —The »mend aympiniar

...erect ot season by the toe Angel.. SM. phony Orchestra will he (lien Derenaleer Ill, 'rt.

...leant Pe this concert will be .1(wpf Dedlitim Vermi. Hungarian platelet, and he will plea e hichutnann concerto. The oreheetra

Beethoven'. Eighth rtymptmay, whirl bee at

been played here for ten yearn.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 21.


ii.storIc New Orleans Building Was Scene of Adelina Patti'. Ameri-

can Debut

•ty, 0, , 6.-Early to the nacreleg I Yr. dlecovered lit the old Preece

op,u woe sod In a few hourts this lemons

kiwi« neeI. ehtev. The hew to New. Or-,. „,r flytorle building cannot be eeti

emoted and the Ppech artist. who were play .‘ • ea.ft of 0, cr. in the heathen n city

eve 'offered the lde of their wetemee sad

yeren.I 1.h-refine. of great vale..

It ea. In New Orteene that grand °errs for the end time In America define

rs, per ef 1791, and interest le opera w-t-

wroingeti and !teetered until lit13 when •

enter teetered to roe.. the Orione Tb , gr.t opera home, and no •locee•lial

„. proyect that le Me it became need

ery to erect a larger theater in which were

glom ego performaord of mane of the coin-f Ilrirrberr and Mozart.

II *se la 1M9 that the bolidiag whl.h "et reel t. the go.und was built foe the

Mere Aseociatioa sod Into It %ern

un • r e tryeeures emtelool In the u1.1 ;endow. The oew opera home did sot trove • ref I:peony-10 for the er t few ye•re, but la

34a a new ntera Adot tattoo was fennel •ul peg •-• opened hrlitlantly elth 1.1.11,•

hid lit ••Illoorah," lids marking her AnIericsa

neat. The Trove Opera lined has always been

le meting place of faehleneble Fonthera dy and the Mar-ti Gre. Bait always glee ...ere each year. One ,f lid. pricy-Ids peer.

don of tie Opera Amen-Like, was the erlg

'eel *tale netting end at the diet perforo'

site cf "Aida" Is Cairo. 11:EY1.t. *kirk net • ••• neol ultenever 'Tersea epees es. pre

eeted In New Orleans.

The barbing of the Opera Home brings 10-

dd...el misfortune t. the Preneh artist. who

:aye been 'Imbue with the Opera Company. iny de engaged by the late Oscar Slimmer-

net] fer a deed cf ...ere In New York. the See. fer which had to le abandoned apon the

elià cf the fatreom impreearlo, sod they were ins treosfeersd t. the French Opera Coupes:

tte ilenthern city.


Sy American Composer Presented for the First Time by Boston Sym-

phony Orchestra

Nor lork, Pee 6.-At a coarert given la

Iker. 4, by the Hoene Slympbouy ereeetra, Mr. Mainline peddled fun the

Het time lu New York Chart.. T. Griffes' ideal setting lo the Coleridge poem "The

ilenere Done of Ruble Khali." Ceder the

dIno the of Mr, mostratt: the ere... IT, gate Mr. Grilles' rompositlen In a master-ful manner. and the mini, 1.•• very Intereet-

et zed 'hewed much beagle.


New fort, Dec. 6.-The reeved of the 87m-

Cescertii tor Young People wUl be given tY the New York laympturey Orchestra ender tt,

"'en.% of W•tter Dator•re, at Caruegle 11•Il tie •fteracon of December 11. Tbe concert will I. &vetted *r) • program appropriate to the

nolutilmt , sear et, met %III have MI.. Loran..

Weenie e. the a...toting •rtlata. Aft Internet

em [Hoare of the progrem will be the •Ingteg

if a alinN'r of Cbeletnea• hymns by the midi-ewe, under Mr. Damn-nee direetke.


le Meeting With Much Succ•as

hisitos. Der. -Th.. opera in teethe 1.

*Mid •114 eltioTed ha• been denvogetrate4 by la• Bra. andlencea tehleh are in ettraelame • •t to. Artlegten Theater. %here thy.

aaelie relish Opera CompaRy is playing se 11 oele ...roe of "..Tb.-, are presentee

.‘"aelms" this wed, and plea. for the remise

Yd.*o will afford the meek- lodes of Wig.° op

ertultles to leer many of their fseetite enras.

:11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1=


Announces Margery Maxwell as Soloist for Concerts December 16 and 19

ritkeen, 7.-Much is -being oles in the eighth pair of cnooert• to be

11- The F.dleon Symphony Orehestd al

li•Il 11.r.mber 1* •0.1 15. Mi.. %radii '4.1.-.11 will le the poloist •ml `lag eleetlere trout "l'atonie" and "Rig..

anl an especially mut pregram boa

4", arraosed for the orchestra.

Breath Life Voice "All Can Sing if They Know How to Breathe"

Clara Novell° Davies (OF LONDON)

VOICE LIBERATOR Permanently Located in New York.

Voice Trials Every Wednesday Between 4 and 6. Residence

140 West Fifty-Seventh St. Telephone. Circle »53

Studio 104 West Fifty-Seventh St Telephone. Circle 4549



Venus tbe famous grand opera ens«. ame two of he moan • peoud Utia. lb. I. cm. eg the abuse teachers ti thee epee- -Y. ILLIAM W. ROBLNMON. forme Night Edlin Boston

Mere 1 us t. the maws emu« of Vocal Madera. T17E DERRY IGNTEItlillen Derr, N II

SIGNOR SALVATORE CUDIA TEACHER OF DRAMATIC ART, COACHING, Grand Opera Voice Placing. Drama, Oratory, l'elueical

Cotortiy, Photoplay.

Atilespslitut Cpen Seildieg. 112S Breeder/. M Nth Stmt,

New Viet City. hem, Bryant 1271.


Attained by Celebrated Dancer--Pay-

Iowa Makes Decided Hit

Mme, Daviewa. the Rosales darer, his bees

making a decided bit in lielLe time. and It haz lode reported that tbe Italian elm probe-

era hasp made such splendid headway tam Fa... ft. Players le negotiate/ with ltaly'•

greatest director, Armand.


To Be Built by Brooklyn Grand Opera

Ass« iat ion

New Tort. Dee. 4-At Andy last week a charter was treated to the Preoln 'traed

ogera A...elation of New York City. The !Or-iteration L. capitalized •t and arrange-ment. titre already bee. et•rted to erect a

grand oper• home wherein will be eetabilehed a

yearly grand opera deem for the citizen of

Becoklya. The directors of the corporation are Alfred. ilammaggi, Ii, Scottl, S. DICarlo mad &almost' &earl.


To Appear With Three Leading Sym-phony Om', eras of the Country

New York, D.e, it-WM.10 tin next two

ernes Margaret Namara, soprano of the I-bide

Opera Company, will be eololet with three of the leadleg allerimat et- bested of the country, the

New Tort Phillerrnonle, the Cleelneati itym-phony and the Minnemoolie Symphony.

CONCERT AND OPERA NOTES A piano recital will be glees by Candyn Wit.

lard at Mellen Dail, New York, 'be •fterseen

cf December 17.

Os Wellorstiar evening. Per. 3, Brined Wee-rendth, celebrated made hi. ap-

rearm ,. la eemert at Norfolk, Ya.

John Arnett the eels. pianist. mu-really ar-rived la America. Ile IOU give ...meal ncitai.

In New York during January. February sad March.

On Teentay e•melng. Deeember f., and e•tnr-

day afterinds December 13, lime. Tetrimini wan hward la concerts la Id .Angelea at Shrine


Muir. Odette LeFteteaay, recently retuned frost y men aecedeful %Ceder, roared ter,

etortiy he heard It. 'event Metropelitan

Recital.), New York City. • A program of irieh melodies wee given by a

group cf prominent me. clan. In Le Angelee re-cently. Charles Wakefield Cediems the cele-

brated rompome-plaabit, being one of those who


The Aron. (lob of llosterg wlit glee it. arm -.overt ef the need .n Thnewley rveMaig.

JantlarY Ztt, is Caree/I• 11511, Pitt-hunt MMa retitle flehilling. the *Soothers soprano. has

bees favored se soloist.

°role keedell lloletnen, dramatic ...peso of i'dcos^. •reesied sa eiloist with the Mee-lela-whey nob of libleam. Deodatver 7. She returns

to New T.ell *beetle and will he heard in sev-eral Important everts..

%Ilan Clemency. W weedy •pmered le

au Italian harp recital In Memphis, rum her eeli eeleeted precool peeved her t. be

an artist, welch *Ill amine her favor In eon-

rert rivulet.

On the program at the flirted Theater. New

York. this week will be beard the Criterios

Quartet is classical awl p.prsl.r yeleetIons Derothy South, endue, In also ea the

program. Mies Pattie. Whitney, a Cincinnati soprano,

has teeently mdptd a ¡weigh.s is ose cf the

principal chneehee le that sad is thotlaulag her etudiee wIth Thera Redid, of the Cloritteati r..oservstory of Meek

On the afternoon of November 30 Mr. and

ltev. Speacer O. Deg,' gave a receptioellast

koown se a teln/er to mocertilhero of the

West. Concerts tor students and workers, ender aus-

pices of the People'• SYmPbolty, will be given

at the Washington High-School, New York City.

the evenlrogs of December 7.7, Jaaoary 24. Feb

roar, 14, March 13 sod .April 17. Chamber mettle will be given by the Perkehlre 8trIng

Quartet, Florualey Quartet, St, Cecelia Cl"h, Philharmoni, Trio. David mud Clara Manned and

the Hasa Leta Quartet.

William Simmons, baritone, made his ant ap-pearance in re. ital at Aeolian Hall, New York, lost week, him. Simnaofte was • deg leader at Camp Dia, and found a most hearty ...kern*

mditilag him at hin reeitel, la addition to obi tengllah air*, alr. by Hayden and Handel. and three songs by Brahms, snug in toglish, Sir. Simmons presented a somber of edge by Amer-han eonapnere.

Edwin Prank° Goldman and his Concert Band

have beta engaged to play •t the Expowitloo of

Public elpirited Activities which It to be held

•t the Grand Central Palace, New York, the

week begkelog December 22. For the opeeleir

evening 'ir. Goldman will render as all-Amer-ican program, Including weeks of his-Dowel].

Victor Herbert, Henry Hadley. DeKovea, Edgar

Stillman Kelley, etc. A. moot Inter.-.ling program ha• been arranged

by Hugo RIeeenfeld ut the Illvoll, Now York,

for the week of December '7. The New School

of Opera will pr..ent the third set of "Faust."

»pedal stage decorations have been prepared for til l's feature by I'. Dodd Ackerman,. The overture will he "Mignon," and. In addition. • violln solo will tee played by Willy Stahl. and !Irene fdineen will give mi bis organ solo, "Tool-ate." from Chas. II. WIdor's Sym-

phony No. 5.

Coder the ageoled of the Chamber Ifiesic Metz of Detroit three recitals were gives by

the recently organized Pimeellalto Trio, compos-

ed of Prances Nash. pianist: May Mettle, cerlst. and Rehm,* Clarke, viola player. Tbe recitals

were gives Sunday afternoon. December 7, at

the Detroit Institute of Arty: Monday atterwoow, December 5. for the member, of theelember of Meek Society and their tenets at the Hotel

!Haller; and Tueelay evening, December 9, at

the Indite-luxe of the Central Iligh &hool,

ennelcale at tlitir sew re-emend. New York City, sad many persons prominent la "oriel and la

useel.•1 elrelen were preeenr.

Claude Gotthelf, aceempaahrt, wile° last week returned foam a tour with Miss Farrar, had bnt a

few days la New York City, as he left imme-

diately to take op hie work as accompanist for Mary Garden dozing her concert tone.

On the evening of Peo-ember 4 the 07phenaCleb

of Lo. A•ge:es gave their Bet Coordrt of the naeoft. The club is under the direct1us of

&nee learuy and at this concert was *elated

by Alfred Walleeetele. eelUer, and lawmen TIldet,

t doer! 51.rels. the young American 'llanet.

wà• preeented la hla fleet delta) last week at .‘eeilsa Ilan, New York. Mr. Morris' playlet

ellsrlzIed Intelligence •ed excellent tweak-, the two romp...Moue Ty Metering, an "Inter:or:Jo"

and "In Graceful Mood," being muet effectively tied.

At the Rialto Theater, New York, irdloardo Alfas. stag "Credo" from "Othello," and

Me. Rleeenfeld has prepared an overture from "Petrie," by Georges Beset, and the on-heetra will also render .elyetioe. from Victor Herbert'. operetta, "The Debutante." during the week of Dec-ember 7. On February 211, at Carnegie Hall, New rift

City. MallmIllan Rose, the your %edam vio.

halai, will give his seres.! recital. Last ye« when Mr. Ron. gave hi. concert malty ;dole

were unable to obtain tickets and *treed/ ...h.ymned for he ..o-oad recital avers muck in-terest ta this young meek-4s. On send.: afternoon, December 14, a cornett

elll be given at the Century Theater, New York,

for the purpose of raining funds for the relief

of hemele.• remind. Operatic and definite

artista are to tak• part. The decent iv ender

the aural. es of the ht•yor'e Committee ou Relit, which committee ban already taken

care of huadrede of destitute came,

Yid Eva Clark. soprano viager of Man

Praecieco hag received thee F. Delon, the Bel-

gian euamil reseed, tbe "Palen, d'Or le Illedre de la Coeds." a. • token of their ap-

Predation of her slating at a beeguet extended the King and Queen at the Pelee.- Hotel. anee Dart was peek of Giacomo Mlotoett, sod is

Directory of Concert Manage%

This ilia will Iteneporated In and made a festere of onr Ted.. DIreetorY whee it la eventually crowded ont of this poeitlom This list .111 be reeleed noel correeted weekly.

A. Baganey. 1495 Broadway. New Toye Clte. Hugo Itencelt, 111 oieu Mrte et.. N. T. tie. •tbeelne A. Demme°. 53 Wear 3Ott, at . N. Y. C. May Dertie, Union Arcade Pitisbneg. Central Concert 911 Dime Bank Bidg.. De

troll. P Yoteph Congdoe. Illethamtos, N. Y. Gertrude F. Cowen, 1451 Broadway, N. Y. 131t7. Harry Calbertne. 1415 Hyde Park Bled.. CUP-

foedoe. Charitom Carnegie Hall, N. Y. City. Elizabeth teeny, 4254 OUT. at, St. Louie. Mo inlets Palter, Aeolian Hall, New York CHI. Gretchen F. Itlek, 1400 Broadway. N'. Y. City, C. A. Elite 50 State -t. &ego., Mad. 1. Emmett Cade, 127 West 58th et., N. T. City. Kingsbury l'osier. 25 West 42.1 qt.. N. T. city. It. W. Yowler. 1214 Chapel et.. New Haven. Cons.

Annie Friedberg, 1425 Broadway, N. T. City. M. II. Buena. 437 .0th ave., New Tort City. Wendell Heighten, Auditorium Bldg., blanc

spelt., Mean Himmel & Jose.. Aeollae Hall. New York City. Evelyn Horde Aeolian Hall, New Tort City. Horgan a Stela. 21 West 5th at. Pt. Pant, Yu. R. E. Johneton, 1451 Predway, N. T. lcit7. Este M. Lady. Chamber of Commerce Illdg• Coombe*. O.

L. A. Lambert, >7 Weehlegton •t., Portianl. Ore.

LOP KeedIck Moses! Rarrao, 437 5tb ave.. Yee York ctty.

Franete P. Loynd. lie: Broadway, N. T. City. leant Mayer. Aeollati Hall. New York City. All Chicago limical Doreen, 1521 Khnball Elan.

relent*. Metropolitan Mn.ical Bnrean. 35 West 424 et New York City.

Manic League of America. 1 West 34th et., New York City.

5. C. Oppenheimer, Sutter A Kearseywato, Sae Prasclece.

Julian Poilsk. 47 West 42.1 st.. New fork City. Pant Prentrel, 41 Park PL, Waterbury, C0t3

John itamoa. 2e2 West 92.1 at., New York (O.; Cera M. fttetellw-n. all Buekeye st., Hamilton. Antoala Sawyer, Aeolian Hall. New York City ('hartes I, Wagner. 511 5th ave., N. T. City Warren Concert Beeman. et. PanL Wan, Alfred WIlev, 14144 4th ave.. IlentIngtort. W. Y. Winton & ilvineston. Acallan HMI. N. T. City Wolferde Musical Baden, 1 West 34th at. New

York city.


206 West 71 Street, New York Phone, Columbus 2202

24 The Billboard DECEMBER 13, litg



Attraction at the Casino Theater, Brooklyn, N. V., Week of Decem-

ber 1, 1919

P. S. CLARK amr..szlIrNT c01traNr (INC.) OFFER.


Is a Barletta, entitled

"Passing the leak," In Two Acts and Nine tocar.

Gook by Ted Berne. Staged under the personal direction of Peter P. Clark. Musical ensem-

ble and dancing numbers by Billy Shari'.

Music by Max Peleliu=


SIB Syters—A retired burglar Ted Boras Nir k L. 0.1,n—A brewer.... Danny Altephy M-ecexi Coin—A promoter with your money..

Itaymoud Paine M.ick It. Owni—A spaghetti he:mad

Carl Di Angelo Mrs, Helen Cosa—A Widow by consent.....

Drena Mack Ulu Marlon lleno—A vamp. ..Josephine Younge airs. Holleran tlhout—Por prohibition

Freckle Burn. itunauelgia Goode--Good for Jot:males

Eater Lange Alabama Jus—Who runa the elevator

Gene (Rags) Morgan Clitilti:14—Billy Dale. Mary Tyr-J, Eater

Lang. Hattie Smith, Alice Liebe, Lley Etter, Joan relater, Edith Armtage, May Ramos& Margie Knight, Grace Berated, Jumbo Terry. Anna Norris, Edith II•niey, Mable Orell, Dot lianley, Doria Clark, Ella Ileodrickson, Alice Welch, Alma Mack and Margie Lamont.

REVIEW The opening scene wee atep the Garden City

Motel at Long Island, with all Its hirnanniem, color enect.s, supplemented by guests sub sa

are seen a• representative of Loss Island elite

Into the roof garden cabaret stage setting with u home shoe table decorated with miniature

torte of vitriol» colors came an ensemble of live -ly girls who sang and danced their way to fa ,. te.

Raymond at a straight or light come•

die°. was ali that could be desired in aPPearance mud clean manner of working up to the comics thruont the 'dew. We first comedy feed wan

handed to Denny Murp:iy, who appeared in an eccentric botch makeup, and the vocal delivery

of George P. Murphy and him wan par excel-

lence. Paine and Murphy pat over sense clean comedy with their doughzent corporation.

Tb, second scene was the boardwalk at At-lantic City, with Murphy confiding to the audi-ence the frailties of the other principal" and

the red-headed chorister. Ills meaner of debts ate got the lanais,

At Vac "Old Friends' Club" a potter game scene, w'th Ted Burns as a semi-drunk down and ont member, bordered on the dramatic, due

to Ted's recitation, followed by a, eeng, "I Mast Say Good by," and then by an accompaniment by Drees Mack with "Some Days." It was well worked up; not for laughs, but Manama sentiment

and accomplished Its purpose, for the audi -ence apparently liked P. Mies Mack, as the prima donna, was attractive and sang in a beau -litai voice frequently thruont the performance

tor se bleb ber auditors were very thankful.

Comic Monhy, in a specialty, put over a

parody "Momentn." and followed It with a pichont, in which the choristers received turner

ons recalls All and all the girls wereegood tee

look at and Ileten to throout the show.

Carl lee Angelo, in an Italian chararterisitkrn.

furnished none sentimental emotionalism with his conception of George Beban's "Ify Little Rosa." and in his songs and action Carl was

eery acceptable to the patrons of burlesque. Drena Mack and Itaymond Paine, singing

"Preacher Makes Ton Mine." were recalled pee-

eral woes. Paine, at a hotel clerk, bad a fanny session

with senri-drant guest. Ted, and then exited

and left Ted In thirst and what he did was highly amusing. Rags' introduction of booze

tablets furnished the comedy material for Pro-hiblUonint Prankle Borne to pity up to Ted.

and sing "Al ,ebeelic Blues" to (nec-re.,. Freckle liane, as a -French girl, handed Ted some-thing to think shoot until the arrival of

Italian Carl. The lino" were fast and funny. the MIN« naafi: and Lange, two exceptionally

attraeU•e stagers end Queer& pet over a couple of numbers, and why the management does not yeah them to the frost more frequently la be-yond oar understanding. Comic >herby fell and fell hard for the woo-

ing of Mimes Meek and Young. and we do mat blame him, for Mira Mack, In her white

bodice and white tights, wee irrerintIble, $12 ,1

Mlle Your made an attractive contrast in

beauty, and In her number.' sang well. The aecoed part opened la a Newark Deanery

with many and varied glens la place uf menu cards, which le themselves got the laughs.

geos ,Rager Morgan, in a realistic darky

makeup and mannerism that was not overdone. furnished much merriment as the sloppy waiter to Paine, who appeared sa a slop, stuttering. and Cori as a rrutcla walling paralytic until the

arrival of Ted and Mira Burns, who made a roughlionee by the china-breaking method. Rags In • Mating and dancing •pecialty made a de-

cided bit, and came near stopping the ehow.

MI. , Mack singing "You'd Be anrierleed," "T111 We Meet Agate" and "Tell Me," and later

with "Pretty Little Rainbow," canrbt and held the audience with her vocaisUc ability.

Paine, an the devil, minted the comics to do many and varied seats.

COMMENT A ecenic rendoctico In which the stage set-

ting. and costuming were equal to many mu-sical comedies seen on Broadway.

The company of able artists, who followed the book and delivered the goods, altho at times it

was not what Darien» indicares are acme-. touted to, for la the dub acaso and In Carl's

• little Rosa" the show slowed down. Never-

nelsons It was a meritorious presentation of tarry burlesque —NILS!.


Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. el.—The Chores Girls' contest, offered by "The Nitride Dona" at the • was a greet sincere and demoutrated

real talent. The judging proved so hard that Manager Morrison divided the prise money pro rats. Galin, set the pace with bet nee soprano yoke, with "Friends:" Effie Richardson and M•rgie Dillon. with a snug and dance; Dottie

!fall, with "Carolina Sunshine:" Evelyn Kelly, Harriet Rene, Klee Richardson and Mamie

Tucker. ao the "Kew-pie Dolls' Quartet." with "Oh, What a Pal Was Mary:" Marie Ilarria. with a nag and dance. TbI contest cloned with e Scotch dates by Jelin Waldman. >flu Wald-

man han been with th, company two weeks, hay-Meg replaced one ef the girls who was taken

sick and retired.—ARTIIITR STORK, Australian Variety,


When Mm French and his Aeroplane Curls

act were featured with tbe Crackerjack Bar-limners, Jiro thought that he bad arrived

bet since entering vaudeville and playing to ronsecutive time he knows it.

Look Mete the Letter List in this teen& Item may be a letter advertised for yam


YOUR AUDIENCE DEMANDS IT f )1iti to bring back sweet memories of the past. We can help you to

do it by singing our great new idea novelty song,


Write to Al. Piantadosi and give him three titles of your favorite songs and Al. will put them in story form for you in a way that will bring

back sweet memories of home and happy hours.




ORCHESTRA LEADERS Here is a real live wire for your patrons. Write Us and we will show

you why.

AI. Piantadosi & Co., Inc 234 W. 46th Street, N. Y. C.


Attraction at the Olympic Theme New York City, Week of Decent.

ber 1, 1911

r. W. GERILARDY Presents The All New UPI n of

"TIM xacwxzr EAKTRII" la Two Art• and Pena 'tenet Entitled

"Epludes Oe la la"

¡looks, Music, Lyrice and Daum by Joe Wilt,

CAST: Mr. Gabby, the Advertises: Man

-Yoe Weber Alex huge lbs Comedies' Joe fee« [tinny, has asentant Mr. earn Ray., Tony, Operito Mr. Joiney Ceehy Mabel, biles terapety Mies Mabel Iba', Fannie, Mies Dainty Xis* Bonn> Lan Kitty, Idles Jura Allan Julie Moira

WORTS: Mammy Crosby, ru, Leroy, Blanche Valitell

Billie Dever., Stale Brennan. Sobbte LAMM Mena Celibate, Dorothy Adam( Arhus, Maim, Marie Nueur. May Barn«. Locille Gene Gertrude Knight. May Belle Rye:, Nellie Miller, Babe La Tone,

REVIEW: The opening scene was a roof garden eve.

Sooting New York or DOESe other city, alat a it came as peppery an euerable u asp a the Ausericen Wheet Tbe girls ware apparel

ly ont to make a record for persoul appearsic aad treed in their numbers.

Ronnie Lloyd, a chubby little darned, came h the front ea a singlog and diercing ecnbrst the jovial kind. Idabel Clark. OSP of the tamt

attractive girls we have ores in berleema,

• staging and deariag subret was there win the gouda. Joe Wino, as "Mr. Gaby the In ,rtlaIng Man" looked and teed the pet of a

proeperon" promoter. Comics Joe Preed, in a Ditch edurseterien

1100. and Sato Rimier, is Stetson« WOW" and mannerism, mad* their «try thrs the free of the boa» as reedy botcher" and interment

the eagle( of Jolla Morgan. We amuse Rio Morgan waa the prima drain. and we cneceth that lier appearance entitled ber to that nee But when it temes to eremitism we eaglet

that Mile Morgan tones' her nee:SS to PON

sheathe Otherwise Ins. Monte is ewe kv 'twiner in loots aid anion.

It may be due to tau sppruchiag Wide/. anyway the weal Meade, Olympics were ut attendance and thou who were Caere OM the coldest beach that we have ever seen in Ni theater

After a feet start th, entire teraparLf OP POMMY kfOt been Mid MOW'S dOWS antil 11'v

cue gave them a typo of ringer and they NY' back apparently determined le make the se

'ere like the show. Tb. "peed they pat ht their wen Sully aeemerdialred the Patel

rmults, for the codleece did sit up and seen

that finny little laugh of Ousel- Feud. rw. thee Mt "The Idle-hie Makers" had thee

cosiest with the langhter and undone" male* to artists striving to please, and it la • fe that "Tb. Itlublef Makers" died strive t• Pinn and neatly succeeded is doles IMO

Johnny Crosby, in an Italian rharacteriu tie& got theta ranter and reins with b. Male comedy, supplemented with a Tesler Mc, singing voice. Ria "Meet uf a Fool" wee

con fer rustle When Miss Morgan auenerel that ine wiled

a rave man du got him in Comic Freed.

earned ber around acme with the all of bet lag friOVell *fad pleased the "adieu, INS

doIng so- This sue followed by Comic Peet sad Raynor in a Melee/13e boxing dancing be that went over for appialle.

A sidewalk rouversatioul duel beesee• " f fff ODA Crosby on lIPP-4.1tr• plain vs ellea.i

en. laughalle. likewise the hello riding cue' an4 Trull , Policeman The rrIlPt

t-nla ran and did sing a la Italian opet 554

harrinelsed la tile dotage se. Wince as a ex "'clan rerplezed leyeed and amused the nee

ence with his mystifying antare. Bonnie L'ord, accompanied by foot (mitre

drummers, hersided the entry of Use chorister

as hours and salutes and rave each in " a• opportunity to any and do her inentilwl bit, In which austral of them de-malle"'`i that they have the makings of filter* Prityliel‘

l'art two area a garden acts, with Wills, as the caller-out for the fesulsalae mindreene

P.n.& Their manner of waiting the hit evoke

t(kattaatd ea page 111)

0EcrmaIR The, ii.141board 25

This. wealerIal creation: are seas-

Nisi ass sad *RMu as it sot with

diestaada el bay disused*. MORE BRILLIANT THAN RHINESTONES

7—TOMilv ATKINS NAT and awisegER STICK of solld totifiant. Tuoutatioo oto.. uar. stye. Swagger Mkt, $3.110.. DM11 fur WE

RE lee-FUTURISTIC PICTURE MAT at seolkt belle at 21 to e 'net. tr. put to mint. With

m *IND« crown of •Uwr Mr. at ribbon RNA&

LESTER Gowns, Costunikes, Novelties 612 STATE—LAKE 131-113G.„. . •. CHICAGO



TrInoom •1th <..trIrh up• of mugged col,, wino. inlaid with brilliant Dotaadota-$14.110. WIchout oerleti Uos. Stag.. 110 et

11--f PENCN REELS of solid brtUisni. Sae NM Plitt. $3.11. Quickly activated ta 511 •litmer or oh... evict greaser ararld•

No. Ii—POKE betel d solid 1a,, tie‘i Lo Meas. Mead Wae asap« m were OPP.. hark otth doer ribbon streamers 14.04. and se etll babies Nero without sates duns

Nis 12—ELAMIORATIL PICTURE HAT ol solld brilliant.

n to nLn., dianart.. With or without ally« is..

crown. USA&

No. 11—NAlertN of solid brilliant. 13.00.


Iasi %loch. John Bartley Campbell. Jake

Lieberman. Floyd Msg. ee haven't heard an7 tees .1 :tot lately. Where are yoo fellows,

Prink li Swam recently blood the advance of VI* C.. W. Christy Rhos. •t New Orleane

rvo,rte that the -bow l• doing • weeder-toti•cslae.• and will sot nose until Jann•

ire I.

eraser Wire did ael rifled the 14 doter, a Mikes° as he had Intended, bat remained li Jerkiroville, Fla., where Le is <king some

Soh:Fit; wtrt for Johnny Lerman and Goa rersbov.k..

rrlet A. (Tloe) Stuart. who h•• been &lag the .,10•0,.. work for the nood,a1 nunedy.

"She Willed la lier Sleep." going barb to

N.% Tort sod get another Job, •• the show

daea let° the auerboorie Saturday. Dec. 13. Col Et It Salter la out clever

alvertl.Ity f e The Great J•dteen--trd s. Ira

tar. he ...cad. ..bed he le putting over some

rod •tuff In the newspapers, too. There's

• ,oe Rd. R.

(Pnaehi Wbeeler Is I. New °rtes..

sod lb. Elks' Club I. Nis &deem. Ile writes

I it be would like t.hear fr-ms fleo. Moyet,

/Award EariPP. W. J. lestre, Herman Q. alb I:arry it t•'-e:1 Lod I. a Irectaisa.

Rally E. Creole! lea• >dried the Clifton. Eelky a. •geat, rniching theta at

Been. Ark. The show w'll Proh•hlf mu is the sinter is Artiness sad Lonislaaa, Catt-ail *tale/.

Ctir'es W. Pollee. Ib. ra .t summer emend um Ira\ the (1 R. Leggett Show", I. now hold-

ing éron the desk at the Hotel Garland, Bed-

ard. la. Podia., was to lave gese rot with a slow title fell, but arks.* pretreated. Ile le

realm along nicely now.

Who knows what has become of Howard

POnlia. note the clumplon space earratr of

Trod.. O., press agent." Howard ea* Pre. alWat for nearly every theater la tows a fee

YO5l 'Co and he cure did land the stuff.

eb•-• .re yote, 11.ward? If th. 'grits to bot eons miljueted that

PIT.Imial mull. that adorn. the rotund comae-!Imee of Harry W Rice will fade away. At

lest report Harry we• in T.prka. Kars. trains to keep warm •od wondering which way to

immt, wIrla "Oh. Daddy," au all the towns In that mike are elated.

hut P. Preecett tinsel with Eltitacee tale Tom'. Calla st Debodne, Iowa, Nov.


frtar. It but One BEST—Thal. Made b) WELDON, WILLIAMS LICK



Photographs Reproduced 11x10-4 POSES,

113.50 PER 100. BETTER THAN EVER 8x10-4 POSES, • $13.50 PER 100.

.1ts,,1ut sati.foieionÉti.,ronteed or money refunded

GAIRING. - 128 NO. L.a Salle SI., CHICAGO.

WANED AT VIOLIN LEADER, WITH LIBRAR1 Alegi A-1 Clarinet for Theatre Orctiestra. Pictures. Vaudeville and Road Shone. Muet play standard music. Three hours a day; no Sundays. Out-side dance work. Permanent Job to right men. Wire lowest salary to

G. J. MUSSELMAN, Grand Theatre, • • PARIS, TEXAS

PERFORMERS WANTED Singing. Dancing and Comedy, Singiee. Doubles or Trios, male or female, for Vaudeville Show, to work In minstrel part, do vaudeville turn and work in atterpiece. Join on wire. One and two-night stands. Playing houses. Be ex-plicit. State all. JACKS' PLAYER & NO. 2, Talladega, Alabama.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY LADY MUSICIANS PLAYING BRASS INSTRUMENTS; aleo YOUNG LADY that can SING and DANCE, for Vaudeville Act, under oar management. Address MAY MULLINI, care Mullin; Sisters' Music Studio, 63 East Van Buren SL (Suite 324), Chicago,

Illinois. Phone Wabash 7526.

awl bee joined' "Richards the Wizard" tor the 0.1•cre nf rraz1 cz4 7. E. Eh: man. agent of "The Shepherd if the Ultra."

',eat Thanlegiving with Etcher& at Andel'-

s.'3, lad. The show will tour the South this


Wallace Sackett who le pilotteg the tour

of Harold Boll Wright's pleturisatku of "The

Shepherd of the Mlle." under the tensorial M-

antles of W. T. Gaskell Attractioro, is a Val-versa, mas, sad (be *on of With... Mier

Sackett. the well-keowa political editorial writer of The New York Timex. In the part

few years be was in advisee of the late Lewis

Morrlsos, MaAntlie 31rojeske sod Merle waght Wainfor Jules Murry, more sweetly in •d-

•••re of Sallie Pinker, Bed Dow has entered the

elm mime, which he *aye le the greatest tuoney-

getting end of the Omuta. at businese lie use

recently Identified mlth different Chicago dallies_


New Tort, Dee. 14-11eneral Mann played

the Majeette Theater, Iloostos. Tel., last week. the trItle of The Iloseten 'Pram omitted hie

act from the review of tbe show. The seat

day the following letter to the general appeared

In the paper: leer Please, molar marbeman. en the

Jostle WU this watt. Ina laedvsetantly emit-rad la the aint.. ef Theaters is lerreday'a Treas.

11 •••1` A I rrrint Plum% "On it,. 11.14. FP at" Coro of Sa,htleben, Majestic Theater. Sly Dear Mr. el•mso: Ton omet realise that It was pare alld us-

adulterated rerelee•ne.. on our part that yea were not rneoll. not is the Motley Review of Theaters

rampsritsoe root erwsres A., en.. a-it, ran bit the bull's-eye with a .22

ride Is ose hand hi. belt turned to the target, over tad under Ida shoulder. lying down.. With eJtbar band. tars iv* mirror.. manias targets

es well se standing one,.. ta Sot the hind of a De're.11 we would presume to criticize marls tees natationany wan to mention.

BRAVE WITHOUT KNOWING IT We deserts the troll de guerre, with • half •

dozen patine, for eur rareleosnes..

GOOD EYE, ALT. Rirarr The fact that you bass a 'good eye is

Sot what amazed se so much, l'issu,.. Yoe don't here to bit the bell's-eye to peeve

your eye is good.—use look at the lady aindstaat proves It. She rertsinly 'Moped about merely la (bat natty uniform. didn't idle. Please/ Van, she'. some IltHe lady, Neat! Trial Pretty! And, well, you knew, the that ef per-son to make a fellow forget his middle same. erbatt


Aerate that would attempt to rhoot Ib. net rot et a elderet held between those lips et hors. or a news et balks» away Men her bead, ba• got more nerve titan a loll

T"ERT: AIN'T NO Sle/I ANIMAI, No. Phis». we have yet to me the fettle who,

by ondielos or roaearbaloo. will letentlosally tirite the displearare of an EXPERT MARKS-MAN' TIII we meet again.



Atlanta. Ca., Dee. IS.—PrIenners at the ratted

Flat. Pealtrotiary here were entertained last Prindsy afternoon by vaudeville arts playing at

Lore's Grand and Kelthra Lyric theaters the

last of the wept. Atlanta ',seaters are clotted no Bunley brit the sera resonated eeer until

Smithy night in tinter t.) pay •t the peas

Nt the 'hereon's The «dwelt* from Toew's Grated. Mewled by Jibe UsHilessea. fundshed the music, The program we. arranged by E.

A. Schiller et Lem'. Creed.

W. C Miller of Marlette. Ill. ha. Purchased °ma'am Ta..t.r. r.t.a. III., from Day

Patel*. Sereard Kett@ will maaage the (bes' ter la the huge.


ICI liumb4lat lank »Udine

line TALK of the town today la the one salcent new theater which the Marcus Loes. Ackerman-Harris combine is to erect at the rorner of Market and Tutor streets. a bolt • block away from P•ntace• Altho DO definite plain lia.. been iinnounred it appears that ✓ane etas* of entertainment with which tie fspitol Theate: to New York opened will be adhered to. Feature pictures. revues. 57. pboay orrhestra. vaudeville acts, etc., will make up the entertainment

J. J. CLIIITON. resident manager or the keel "Dan." tow.. I. greatly Interested le a new varnieh, which he rays Is a weeder. Clos• ins la fast regalniag bis bealth which bat bee4 la a prerartma consular" for *event years. JADE DEMPSEY. after floirttIng his PIctore

sit the Breton Studios la lee angel's. will play a theatrical route cd twenty-one stands beck te New Tort, mid them intends to ash tor Enrland to meet Oro•liett. ERNEST PICKERING. pre-eldest of Picker-

aura Pier at 0.-eall Part. I. determined to make hit amusement resort the Wiriest sad 'seat place ef It. kind in the world. EDDIE WARD of the Cooling Ward. has

brenlrelly renrvere,1 from his tweet secidoet is whiN be w•• nnfortun•t• enough to break • knee rap. end LI working in the set pet ea the nothing lind ever troubled lase. EVA Plu RX.Y, playing the Orpheus's

circlet, lie scoring a b's hit with Cilbert and Priedlandra " DANNY HALLMAN. Who has disposed of loi

theater bolding here, has left In his car for lem Angel.. THEATRI10.S1. TRF,ASURFRS IldSCT. A sew

dial meeting of this doh was held at the Os-lemma Theater last Weed The club is eon-posed of the bozselre men of the theaters of San Franclure and Outland. and vess founded In 1910. It haa f•-d. l'. °Meet tbe maintemento of a sick sad charity fund. whirl' haa been sop-ported be abau-I e,te-•alitineata. Robert Rom-per. tresairer of the Columbia. is the preelent. 'Ratty Larnert 'now billed as Sir H.ray)

received • tramendon. ovillos at the Oulu Theater lift week, no ha, several see ugsaa is •blition to hi., old favorites. Lauder la continuing hie work ter tkottisb maimed sel dlerN for shoot he has already raised more than half • wallloa denim To this end irate« nr himself am old at •Tery flerforisouaCts lAnder's supporting bill Includes Kltatnnra Tronne of scrotal,. Mu-lel Window. Mile, •sd Morton V.:laare. IT. Fiedler-Barman'. an-tym-pani« Mies Venison and inners In solo arum-bees ?MI HODGMAN. one of tbe best known

sienta la the ...tetra, I. in bare, bailo; just Plead with tar Vatican Choir. FRANK rntitfint..i. tue bought • merra-go-

rogue frolic and rents wheel. ned Bennett's meeker speedway. and with a ear load of

IC ,ar_uerl .11 parr ta) _ ' FREE tettro; , HOW TO MAKE-UP

Writ« aw Ca

M. Steln Cosmetic) Co. no Wsie 3let Street NW Yen


26 The Bill-board DECEMIER 13, 1819


Big Success in Canada

Le Comte & Flesher Attrac-tion Plays Number of Re-turn Dates in Maritime

Provinces -- -

The "Soldier tall towpany", of which le-Comte 4, pleaber are owners., hue Just

a three month.' trip of Ea.iern Canada, intind•

log the Maritime ProvInres, Unable., Wm loon

wonderful, the S. B. O. sign bring out lu nearly all the towns. The noinagera and the

preen were wore than plenwal with the rhow

that LeCuret. & Fiedler gave then,. and they

have • Mending offer to come be', in the

came territory next pens n. During the perbsi in Canada no lees than n half sheen return

daten were played with o oeil -out nt earl, stand. in Halifax, N. F., the niece bed

tbem •Itting In the orrhwdra pit and on tin.

stage. In St. Jo'on, N. , business wan the bigre. it. :le idet.fy of the town for a two

du).* eedagerous. lboal'on. Me., was played

nntakegiv'ag Ità" matinee and night, and the fulke were token by enrprIne when informed

that they were to the guests of the firth

at the Snell liotti for the entire day. A tur-key dinner bard in beat wan nerved. Several

torsets were offered foe the emcees, of the firm.

and Mr. Fleeher responded by withing all the

member's of the company n long and proaper-

oua fremen.—BILLY 51001tE.


Walter Will. and Nora Seiler of "Chin Chu" Company United

Denver, Got., Dec. 1.—The culmination of a road womanre 'which has teen in progrem more

than a year came la-t week when Walter P. Wills, leading eomocil.0 of the "Chin Chin" Company, whlrh laze been playing at the Bruni -

way, and Nnra Heller, one of the chef member, of the chortle, decided to end the ?dispense. They were married tat the rourthowse by Juatire

of the Peace William A. Ube. In the presence >of fellow Theaplann. 3tea Ethel Ioweenre, chum of the bride, wan

present at the rerrumny, while the grew, wag

accompanied by J,.'eph HoYie ant Archie Ron-' matt of the "Clan Chia" f5 ,misney and Charles

Kelly, ash° WW1 playing at the Orpleurn.


(slim-ago, Dec. 6.—Freal Stone has moved wit

of the Colonial Theater with "Jarkwl-Lantern

to make way for "La, la, Lucille." which

opened Sunday night Ti..' production is by low.d jarkenn with mtsle (Pert.. Hre"b -

win. Sam Hardy la one of the leading figurer,

lu the play.


Bowe Muaient Comedy Pompony played

lie Pale, Theeter, Olean, N. Y., week of

Der. 1 and did wonderful bneinme. agere rates. of clever performers has been gotten together by Batea, who takes keen intereet In

r't hi. people. Sperial 'ornery and effeets ri





wonder% in putting the attraction over. The

dIreche, Mr. Luker, is getting excellent re-sulte frs w his numbers. The roster includes:

Bart Crawford and lien Loring, comedians: Fagan, Dora Darla. Irene Fusuby. 5"111

Fred Marlette. rranl. Reed and Arthur abri.

together with a norus f ten pretty melds, namely, Jean flerand. Peggy et-meters, tilmlye

Allen, Ethel Abtadt. Leven Leans., Pat Kerwin.

Let 5forrla Propels tsylveste- and I Hilln Earle


Cleveland. 0. ¡me. n1.—Witeu ere threaten.. to smart or dietrart the attention or the

audience youeg and pretty girls ran le wed to hold attention. The stunt wan tried at the

Shninett'oenlal rnoter 51-uAny night, %ten ere • broke out in the theater MTh «. tue

areond floe of Me Fire engine. ar-rIved. The audlem-e got restle... mind then

the chyme in the "Pawing Phow of 1911" came

rnnged (liong a runway over the orcheetra.

+ant gland "Rubble*" and illnetrated the "'nit l'y hewing toy Anthem, about the auditorium

The audience forgot all ',tout tire hnntworking firemen upetaIrs. The 'firemen usel their trusty

ellIthintiehere •nd soen the 'widen( ma•


beetle. Der. 7.—Dapline Pollard, ruu•Ical

rowedy star, just back from a flyeyear engage-ment in London, will he princes- at the doll :low to le given at the .5rena, iheentler tu raine funds for the Mother Ityther Children'. Ii 'me in thin eity. Miss Indies,' la a !Seattle girl, and she eel her husband. E. Stroller,' ¡tan-h, are N1.1t111,1 their lurent" In thin city

during the tenders. Miss Pollnril esee to New York reen t., etrir in u Brodie's,' produellon.

Da,. you leskwi thru the Letter liai?

4. • • -11-41-40-1141-4,-4-1,-•-•-•-••••••••••-1HF•-•-• •-•+•-•••••••••••-••-•-•-•+•-•-••-•




/ Number of conYerntive performance. up to end ineleing Saturday, December I.

PRODUCTIONS OF THE NEW SEASON • • • Apple Blower's Globe Oct.

buddies, «eiwyn • (ht, CI 'il • . Elide Janie & linr Gong

.etvelch Village /Mile% N reorge M. Cohan

.rril }Sayer. July 15 ber 1

"'is a

• rre :

• • •

otiory Days Ilippoirome Aug. = I7:: a Irene Vanderbilt Nov. Its "4 ; Linger ioniser, Letty Pulteu Noy. uo ::i • NIP. Million.. Iiinrb A Judy Dee, A — • 31..nelenr Iteeucalre Sr. Ameterriam the. Ti

• New Ziegfe:d 311Ms'ight Erolir....New 1tneterclarn Boot Het. ' ld Nothing But Love 44th Street Itet. 13 114 • Passing Show of 1919 Winter Garden f Wt. Z1 33 • Roly Brdy Eye. Knickerbocker Sep. "5 h4 •

The little Whopper al, a realm, hnlert ONcotv . 13 11 44 The Magic Met 1 •

• •

The htile Bhp Devil Central Nor, 2

The Rowe of (Nana I yrsc Nov. .°1 • The Ito •I V•gabond (",han ir Ihrel• Foi,. 17 RIC • eZiegfelà Font.. 'New Amsterclad June It 1t..4

: ... :

• •

• IN CHICAGO • • • i Lade. Pb-at—Nut. Bayes

irraadair, nt 1919—Ann Pennington Illitmle La le lAsellle 1%,1..errill

Cord Noy, 20 • Nee. 1fi

Nr.v. 3.1) • 4 # 9 é

e Tutnhirs In OarrIrk Nov. 9 SS 4, . 1.1 : Take It Prom Me ,ii udebaker bag 17 • • ..-•-•••••-•-•*-0-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-e-e-4........*-e-ia.

`Clweti December 0.

MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANIES WANTED If you want to play tie heat remit in KII/ISIA. Riamuri, Oklahoma. Arkansa• and TAves art to touch with gm No dew" tuo bu g enatly for us to handle. Straight mind., town eon to 41.600 weekly. Alm twr-noise. daze. with .1,4 aubstantle intarantene We ellarNle. Mum& from thirty In Oft/ ',mean erpgyngw, (3)51.1.1)Y AND Islt.t.ti \Tic PErsPLE• ran piew you with ran •uhmanlial Mums at any time •a., 11.113 open.


Wanted Immediately pejny ijouryL. feeae,Ilaa. Apabreatra Sara-abr. Itarovn,) S.1.4nr• 311),./..iii• and i tInrun 1.1fla .11 , tn• stow) mot le able to deliver on a real tab. Add/v.. EUOENE J. MURPHY, Mho Meakettea ClItIlitatly, Dee. II week. Lyceum Theater. Trey, N. Y.: Dee. IS. emits Crud. Attach, N. Y.

Musical Comedy People, y All Lines

Chorus Girls Wanted For BATES MUSICAL COMEDY CO.

Salary, $22.00. Work the year around. In the East. One and two-week atando, MUSICAL CO:in.:MY PEOPLE, ALL LINES. WRITE, stating all. Don't mi.- represent W. 8. BATES, Family Theatre, Roch•star, New York.


Seattle. lee. It—fincar Stern 10 offering g

"Twentieth Century Bettie" at the lodge tala. ret. Eleir Itr/niebe. Lawrence Orth, Irene Erma,

ItIty Branch, Babe Wnlred and Flutes, Knowele's are in the r M ant. ho" Ilnwchs 5Ir. Orth •r.' w•ell known P5 muai-aleon.* and miudeville Owl.... in this territory. Th. rettle la beautifully cordwood and the wenh

and lighting reset, nre in kwidn w g ith the ene production offered. The lodge in ero•dal nightly.


Hattie Yoe bus joined Ilie rout of "Linger Longer, Lett,'" at the Fulton Tto•at or. Ne,„ York.

"Little Simplicity" will lealn an link/relit fag/rot...tat nt tie 1.a Salle Theater. (Ibleago,

21. Ir. Zleitteld, Jr., has engaged 1.1111.n Leltsd.

'Irene performer, (or the New Ziegfeld "lild I Wet Ikulle.•"

Prancls Plerbut haw Joined the taet "loath-

ingr But Lave," at ti., Purty•Eighth Strew Theater, New York,

The Seottlah Romance, a production by Nees

cordon. le booked over the 1'011 line. PullY

Irving, Tb. -ma, N. Johnson and Andy Mrlasal are Included In the riot.

Joe Opp. well known la moaleal cvmedy etr el.. •Iong Itroadway, hat recently odupiets4

a runtioni e0111My in whirh Dolily Morrissey will

1.” seen •I the end of the nen.on. )!annger Purees, of Panora.' Theater at Dart-

ford, Conn., had the S. R. O. *tin out &t fote

pert. emnwee os,,, Al Jobson and Company la "Sinbad." Thc. .bow net a new bonne ;went

Jou'e't. Lerpearanre. Juvenile 0d:indium 1.:1 Ira,' with Pan F. Bowe, manager of "A

blerotin Kid" Company. Ile WIII probably

giren • principal feature part it, the comedy.

l'hilip James, muneal director of the Ceuerni

Perebing Rend of the r., ha. la ea gaged a* dIrertor for "My Golden Girl •• llan.I.I

Virard lia. leen added to the card of thin men nalva l play.

Maggie LeCialre and Co. recently opened '-uthe Poll Time at Hartford, Coon., in a conerlY

rileteb celled "The Unfair Sen." Mie Is rimier and alater Tanta are known on the sr,

defy etas, as the Le-Claire buster.. Ertl lInnewa Footr.ine, the dancer, lug Te

turned tn the Ziegfeld "Midnight Prone," ato., the New Jimaterdnan Theater, New York. in a

new creation. "TineIt101." with mnel.

r.peclatly Pompom,' by PhIlli? Boatel>

Carlo Carlton, preeldent of the Vanderbilt

Pro.ltoing Company, Inc... hen ronelnded a ewe trnrt for the British rights of "Irene," whiai rights were pre uhawnt by J. L Park* of Londe.

It la nntieratred that the piece will be dite is aanorlatIon with $1r .5,1fred Butt, an-t wili ores at the (lately Theater, New Trek, in ilbroarY.

Dim F. Rowe unten that be la now bunilr au-

gaged formulating pu 'na for the 'lunching of

hin big Inuftleni minenly. ..& Up-hp-roue kid."

featnring wife, prefeerdmmily known au flertrude Waleb. The latter la a clever emend

'w-troue peel reputation Mande her well a% a fea

lure to the new mtelc-I offering written by ber . Luaband. Martin Homer will be lbowe'• are>

lute in the enierprbe.

The aixty-eve pnoide comprising the lesY

Muair•I Comwly Company at the stePlaw.

'Fheater, Seattle. were gnem• of Manlger En FIgie ThnnksticIng at telrie• Cafe. Ineinv

Me run of a elm between shown, the pl•Y•r folk, *Cage hands, mchera, neller.. Janitor. '-t.', Were f aerbni by auto to tire rafe where •

id( turkey dInn.r •walted the Mew lei& Ti,. player« in their makeup ron•wl the eurboolI

more than one 'tuner during ti,,. meut. Mr and Mr.. levy nut nt the head of the tel...

mod 'Here raised turk•y until hi* arm wa• lin


obte in ww,e, atsdnely me.. not a Me« mare, s' . One-night Islands. MUHL join Dec. 29tb for relies. rem I. web: me C 54•10,11. L. P. French 0. conipiete p a

Address BERNARD McGRAW, . . . cin ,,,ta,,, , N ew y o _.t... n,o luso: harltallall. Wire re addrew J'..° , ." II surit lenv Si Ant, Alumna, Pa,




Sabred 1+enor feast he .insurr Jurmile, •hle to ( horua Chia IOW, Pal numlarn (nothing to furbish). Muai see phern: sin rel.', Add>. •

MANASER COLLINS' MUSICAL COMEDY CO. 8senI Delivery. Tenets. Osterle. Callada.


Charlie nit...1U' foe. two week, toiiuuty Ir • Ill•no If requIrwl lawn

MERRY FOY. 8.10.k N. 411, It.. Celenbet. oss

DECEMBER 1$, 1» mulannaele,

The Eilllboard

weed otlE NEWS comet to one earele that rio lee-tweed, prefessienally keeere as "no.

Noe" a pander Interpreter of Oriental dance., ses enriched • tabloid, to be toown an rk, ereaend's '*Iteke.k.Wey (has," With Floes eselie of eep and era...lanai veldt bellied the erase It should prove a seeress, and. Judging tun ter past enterprises 'sad reputstiou.

are entry eat net be in vein. Au exaellent

;an le. been ebbed. Including Mr. and Mrs. era te tray, the fernier praise:Log, the latter mina d en.s: "111111e" l'estoc. Irish baritone: bee es. aer, logeons; Pat Brogan, cemedy;

my grin-Meter. Titad Wilcisinen ntd Prim-toe annee and

ern are neceosary adiuneta in edmIllance t, the den«, *Hit, far Includes Io na relate°.

little 'i -."n. )I,rtle Clerk, Bobble Welt!, Neu Morgan awl Irma lene. A. J. Bose, austral director, busy reheareing tbe rotation. ebb h will epee "horny,

el. Bays and tibia, ean7lite 'Luaus peorle. are dales nicely In Texas, het.

leg pet gul•ited a live week.' engagement at

tbe Stay 'l'huiler. Walston. Manager Cabe Imes pronounced It ne one or the very best

reaspantes that haasever eleyed hie theater, and

It. Lastia Bea, engaged the mullein, for 3 OA ',eke' engagement at the Kele Theater,

basaient, following Galveston. where it "a a four weeks' engagement daring the Tell-

ies. :staffer bas medic reveral changers in the rereaseel. Tee Meachnm• have ben redacted

lew Lusher nod Yvonne Marchonne. Stella

linear( neently piped the company ae en a.;. led attraetion. All script bins are tying n.e-I. we entumes and ea-emery bate teen added.

The etrollere Quartet la Porte real Sou

e -may nod uttleg them all talking, and came. I are., I. keeping 'en. lunching.

Tbe ret-r 1.. a% follows: Al Sbeffer. manager: nearer Vane, hew Luther, comediaoe; Frant

lures, tot Moore, leads; Ruth Farea, mete;

hale ool bale, harmony singers; Dilly Wale. asee-be: Petal Chapman, bee.: 'Britt let-gal, inseeli dimmer; O. R. Davenport, tener: filly

barrow, IL ella Chapman, steno Rinehart, MDT Doerr, 'soma. Mareboneas, Text. Peewee -home

-Tan RECCP DE WEE" ceventeca peo-

'le t31.1,21 tableld speeded le The Frame linawasent t'.... of Chicago, opened In Em•

seta, bon., f a • week's eugigerneat Nos. 24. Ike (employ jumped tilreet from Cbicago.

grateer rendition, were extremely lad bet he renewer pleyed to a eery f•le

toaed i'r a week's e ment ln Fl Dorado Sus. ,esenieg Ito..., 1. The rouse- of (be eere. lose le Fred M. 'let, prsdo, or and penalise.

'median. Billy King, enasedi; liutb Merritt. eahr.t; Mae .tldre h. prima devise: .jeet amain:Meru, ell-might.; MI Viola, charm-tees;

beet- Iturrowa, namical director: Clan-nee

hat, hosinees manager in easacce; Chile A. compasy manager, awl a ebonite of

Ibis. Tee restores are the "Harmony

• • big inualcal act. Tb, •Low I. hand. ▪ ase routed *re the Conmildated Welting Miess. of Kansan City. Tbla la the tiara at tecten sent out under the banner if Use Er.

mat Aneeement Cempane.

rlIE JACK WINO American (leanly Shoe sea aisle eery mods in eeldesee lent week at

'Tattletale B. C., Where it did a big buelaeat It the Bijou. King aleo intruslused a novel ea,' 1 distributing hand bills over the city, lie

eld an a•!atar ti a minute to By over the city 'ad drop the hand bills from an airplane, and.

▪ ess. It obtaleed the results. .14. Meg • tbe first tabloid manager to introduce thin "tense of advertising. On the 19th Mr. and

lire Klee tendered a banquet to the entire 'ein,, tit. mouton being their BM wedding

iesi'esate. After el steealte. by differ-et members of the company Dish King made

be rherteet epeessb on reurd, that of "Ditto" O the sued whales, luck and happineaa that the 'leer. bad exprewee, Borne emeoh for Dick, eit (be folks really expeeted more. Winstone

take,. N. C., tbla week, and It'a just like heme. -WILSON.

WALIONS eeeleis lIft WINN nit e" [-Boots" Walton and Ida "Winsome Winners"),

"%deb hi'vertl a week's engagement at tbe Ore Mum Theater In Nanhville. Noveruber 24-:.'9.

"tad debit' hit with the Orpheum patrena, and tailler A. C. Thornton booked Uiti show for leather week. Walton, la one of (Tie cleverest

earkfa.o. ',multiuse that ever played 'south or

Me >teen •nti Islion line. Ille company Is ale> i'"Insesti of clever entertainers. The hills of.

lred by Wales's are all risen anti 1-e.

1'1°14' Ti. "c•all`ge raur. with ite Dundee' • ''t bermes,, always eceree. "Ilve Me-W... nee all new, and the eel* show tan

Pistt•snt •Inestphere UtellOUt, whieh wins ¡D-emo tuorhou .

ellAWS "Blue Ilidge lassies" elsrel return date Tbankeigiving week at the Ye

jest's. Theater, Greenville, S. C.. aid did big Mosque.. "Dad" %gene, the popular measurer of the Majestic. gave a epeeist! Thaukegivlog ¡Ulmer to the entire romperer and the attaehee of the home. TsuAry arts the feature ef (by dinner, (oseee. were laid fur twenty.foor. It (o.1 four days to erepere the dinner, awl to say it west a reyal trset eon'si be putting It mildly.

The fells-setae oere present; 1141 Sinon. Muirae

13.Sharry. 1k W. )torrInye,

Le's' Be-bridge, Violet Eattebee. Mel.* ilailey. Mr.. Fled carets, Luis

I'arin, Neut, Pre•oet, John Cease Maui. here. Hattie Leggin, George Finlay, M, L limiter. Henry Martin. Jamee Unreely, Jim Cotes, Mee. Junee rate' and

"Dad" Mendla. THE IIIG FEATURE eith Charles and Resale

ilartera• erudeal extravegenea 14 tee Floe Span-ish Trout...keen, a troupe ef talented >lagers. dancer. 'Ltd noselelane, who carry ail the nee.. aary parapherresila to malso thl. of the

largest seta with shy tole. alssw. 'the added at' traction is Ward awl RI. bards, who were en-gaged frem the Illimoarome Itoed ghee, awl

who perferm feats. Heinen tinge. trapeze •nd

do a balancing act that can be laskel as • feature on ..ny big-thee vaudeville edit. Thla

.onypaey le en lb. V. C. M. C. Carroll, and d-e.

not carry a sheens, minx all speelnl opening,. atel epeelel 1.11M. The balance of the ',meetly la: Tb.. Hawaiian Duo, The Merrele. The Meactsonee with Slim Meacham a« P. C.; The

eartenanelle. The aloe-tone, Alfrel elareen awl

(be nsaaeote. Little Genesee. and lawethe Slayer.

COIDIE slit.tY. In private life Mr.. Monte • closed a eery pleasant engagement at the Priose., Theuter. San Antares. doe te the policy ef the bu-e chapel's« tort t., vaudeville, lier !males& Monte, es. sompelled to clue, owing to an @Duet of pneumonia. However, be is bark in tame.« again, and the temple are now head-ier the Ideal Ple,er. Stork Company, In Clete. Teem at th , Parnmonat Theater. Bo* are tieing leads. with Riley Myers, real Parnell, Pant D. Methel, Fred Harrington and Lottie Gylmer sa member' of the company, playing

tabloid dram•tle stock. 'They will play a MY areas' Cast/act. With an °ode* of • longer stay. Wilke takes this means of thanking the varioug performers that were no redicItiote of him dur-ing hit alCk0•33, not forgeting Harry Myer,. director and leading man, for the Border Film Company. ORT11 k COLEMAN'S "Majestic aferry-Mak-

ern" made a big hit at the Lyric Th , New-

ark, O., 'seek of November 24, wills the follmw-lug ca.t: Joe Burten, Lester Derr and Billy

Webb. remedially; Doria Greenwald, embed: cirri. Deimae, wooden-aboe dancer; Joeetta La-Yens«. toe Jeerer; Catherine Walker, the natural rube, and cheer', of six. The Italeetien have done a wonderful businees the past @II weeks

en the Sun Circuit, and are booked for reveral return dates. Billy Walsh la manager of the oompasy, and le buoy at all timon p tint on ouveltle.. Wahl., by the way, I. the original

24-hour agent of the first eneceaatul motorired drone Its, will r-turn to the white tone arain

0,11t alln1OP f. DO TOE APPRECIATE the value of this de-

partm, nt. Mr. Tat-told Manager? Do you know that It belong» tu you, and then it you can do wonder' in bringing the tabloid gee lato its eon? Are you one of thou maniple who are

content with the peseent mate of management, tac these ,-olumna as a means of exchanging Ideas. Tell the other fellow how you are man-aging your ahow and what the advantages are. Who's In your eampany and what? Come on, Truk New-man, leek Lord, Jerk King, Charles Morton, Tom Willerd, Iliele Bros., IT. D. Zee-row, Ilal Hoyt, Jewel Golden, Jay McOee and you other balms., tell us all about your show

•al give n. your Wass. Send all communication, to Tabloid Miter, The Billboard, Cincinnati

11E551 I: "Diansood Garter Girls"

are now on their uventh month at the Superb. Theater, Grand Rapids', Mich.., awl bacineta I. meat pleasing. Bessie le potting out a nom'

ber two show which, after coming Into reel shape, will jump to Texan and Oklahoma terri-tory. Many beautiful pre'-ente, •nsi uverel

bouquet.' of flower* were presented Berate on ber birthday. November 2.5. The meter in-cludes Beta,- Merry, prima donna; Jimmy Hellle and Jack lewle. comedian.: Bert Bright, etralgbte. Chorus: Deana Hamilton. Annie Monks, Peggy McClure, Edith Elliot, Winifred Devon and Media Stanley.

SOLLT SITAW'S "Jars Babies" closed at

Poll's Plasm Theater, Bridgeport, New York,

ATTRACTIONS WANTED Tabloids, Stock. Minstrels. Bands. etc, house antts 3,500. Population, 15.000. 15,000 to draw from. Rest town in \Western Kentucky. H. L. McPHERSON,

Mgr.. Tabernacle, Hopkirisville, Ky.

BEVERLY THEATRE sTA'N. BOX 427 Wants to hear from Tabloid Musicat Comedles, Stock COMpanies, Vaudeville,

Independent Attractions, Lady Violinist also wanted. House of 800 capacity.

largest stage in Virginia.

Martin's World of Pleasure Girls Want A-1 Chorus Girl. Join at once. Salary. $30.00. Savoy Theatre, Shawnee. Okla, week Dec. 7; Duine Theatre, Lawton, Okla.. week Dee. 14.


WANTED TO JOIN ON WIRE, MILT FRANKFORD'S SONG AND DANCE REVUE >11A I ALT% I* rl ›PLY IN dle. LINDo t. Sib l'isE Gala at all time.. Art Newman and Family, •rite, and all peep'., Stint ham welted for re batons Playing Megelberg Time. Week Den S. Bearer Theatre. btaun• ton. rrginle

Girl Wanted for Trapeze Iron Jaw To isan at rece. rest. us, weight, heishe salmi. Bodied solid until Jsma. Rotate: Dan Il. ii, la. Fee-fry*. Theatre, ussaimem pa ; se.1, De, IS. Ni‘on. Pieladettesia, and Maryland Theatre, liaseralo•re, Its.; seal Dee ee, Como% roues, truisms-tore D. ce week Dec. -es. Alleelieme Theatre. Philadelphia, Pa. Writs or wire. j. A. 'Relent, Illariager Aasseelaae Girls.

Wanted for Orth & Coleman's Honey !stoners (limns Girls, $25.00 a week. December 8th, Rh and 10th, Lexington, Ky.; 11th, 12th anti 13th. Richmond, Ky. Address all mail and wires,

PHOENIX HOTEL, Lexington, Ky.

CUSHING AND WALTERS COMPANY WANTS peineimi ant isaress.! Comes.ilaw. Ingenue and Chorus Clete State If you do apecialtien Long engagement sennet u this else« new reeee, state loose, and ail tease evite: eint ue bou Met Ken sr COOL Nee We% Weber, also lieu Bub Sod Was Yuan. wen CUSHING • Weft TENS CO.. Strut Theatre. Niue eterlea.

AL SHAFFER'S BOYS AND GIRLS WANTS two good Chorus Girls. Must be good looking and capable. Aliso Musical Coined" people in other lines write. Weeks Dec. 15th-22d, Pershing Theatre.

Galveston, Texai. January 4th and for six weeks following, Kyle Iheatre.

yeaumont Texas

WANTED-MUSICAL COMEDY TAL PEOPLE Chet COMIC% D. and Straight elan. (Waxed les: Whin. Parta and Gismos: Teams doing euidalues prs- H. D. Zarrow's Permanent Address, fermi lemfue lame, airs, earopke who Ines Wore wire at once

HMO HURLEY, Groat Mitre. liorsoodwro. Wait WIWI. SOX an SPRINGFIELD. OHIO.

Dec. 3 and will reopen ou the Seleeenerc Time late In December. The act carries tbree

lute of scenery, with special stage affect-, script bills prevail and fifteen changes ut

wardrobe are used. The roeter Secludes golly "thaw as flaerge Llannon. omelet; Jae Smith,

straights; Jean Pearl, prima deans; Irene @heart, embret: Chrlatine Brenner, legenue, cborua: Rabe Menit. Anna Stetson, Bertha

Meyer-', Marguerite Narra, Kitty La Rock eat

Ruth Rand. Doe \Caltons do a very clever acrobatic' 'specialty,

ART ROGERS Informs us that be has left the tab. game. Ile is now manager of the Midland Hotel, Renege City, Mo., and Ina his glad hand out for al1 his old friends, being reedy to mate new seguaintaneee in the Delegate. Ile keeps open bouse to the profession and te elwaye "at

home." tK3" 1, City, now cloned to entertals. meet dine to the fuel shortage, bolds many

thespians who nightly gather in the lobby of the hotel and nwap yarn,., Frank DeAtley, m aaaaa r of the "Matinee Mae" Cempany,

eresides and la prinelpal *story teller. HARRY .t. ANDERSON, who seems to have

buried himself in 011a boina on the Barbonr

Time, has been beard from. Friend Harry writes os that he going to bring bis "Fool light Frolic" company hack Eut and open on the Bun Time about the middle of January. Barry is otee of the beat known tab, managers in the buelneese and is wel. liked. Ills shoed are of tbe Andenson variety, which when seen are not a disapPOintinent. Ile in a credit to the

field, and his matey frlersda bid him welcome home.


atilt playing the Sun Time with its original roster intact, with the exception of a few

changes in the ehortni. Tite principal comedy le still in the band, of Bob Eagan, who has lean-

dled it tor -the pion three seasons. A new-comer was wekeenel reently, and It In an eight-pound baby girl. Gene and Rose Pagan are

the proud parents. They have named the yonag stem Virginia Bell Pagan. The company jumps ta Eastern Bun Time, opening at Lebanon. Pa. Worrell's Charitetoulans go weft into Indian, DAVE ROBE, of Wallop', Winsome Widow..

la a mod "daddy" now. The Mrs. preeente , him with • seven-pound boy. "Boots" Walton la aimait as happy as Dave. Ile eays that be'• toile to start right in making a real performer out of tee youngsser. Both mother and chile are doles nicely. EDDIE DELOY'S operetta. "LI Lenz Client'

or "A Royal Ambeasador", bas bees eopyrIght ed. The bock le by Eddie Delay and the ma

•Ic by Marshall Walter. The copyright wee registered in Washington Nov. "ell. Tbe tabloid le In three noenes.

BILLY Il. NEWTON cloud with the "Bratty Baby" Company, November ID, at Hey Went. Fla.. where he os. 4 feature attraction. Billy I. now with a company at Mimi, and writes tituit he to clang well. LITTLE le.tTIIERINE COX le *offering from

Injuries reelved In au automobile accident

which may case. her to be crIppled for Life. Tier mane friends are lately it-Meted over the unfortunate oeeurrence.

MIKE Mi DONALD has joined "The Aviator Girlie" playlet blab comedy. All /awl well .Ith Mils. who ably bolds ewe hie and.



The iiyette Basking Excbacge, la the COD, Building. has placed the "So Long, Mary," cote-Pee, under the dieeetloo of William Bum* for a

twenty weeks' stock engagement IS William Sherman'. home, in Canada.

The Milt. Tenter en Ilelatead street. keg th. bante of tale., will change bands the let of the 3rar . D. W. Swartz, the present man.

*ter. is on the lookout for enetber bowie where tabs, will hold forth. The beer owners win

feature tabs, ou their progreens the same aa of old.

Bobby Barter was seen on the Rialto the other day, all fumed op with a new fur bat. Our 11111e Bobby was In reeite • burry, so look

eut for e new tab. or girt act armed tow*. Frank itlets has Bud Duncan. the Bud. of Ilion

and Bud fame, out in a girl act, which ta bring

tng tu tbe bacon. The act le playing the Pelee..

Detroit, this week.

BEN LAMBERT Producing Tab. Come-dian. Alware working. Why? I produce thn

goods. Like to bear from reliable Managers, care Theatrical Bulletin, 601 Cherie* Building, Denver. Colo,

loco a

MEL J. THOMPSON "Sure" hi—fguft Durban)

zs The Billboard DECEMBER la, lei.


Prominent Figure in Music Put:belling World Dies of Bloodpoinoning

New York, Dec. G.—Meyer Cohen died of blonglisolgogning at Illeerloordla Hospital, this

city, Wednesday, at 1 a.m. Ile received a 'scratch on hie hand three weeks ago and blood' Poisoning Ni it with fat,' results

For yearn Mr. Cohen was • •Inger in raude

?rile and was known as "The California Bari-tone," He wee the fret singer of Illustrated west§ In this country rugi ¡Clio the ant to nee moving pictures to Illuetrate • gong. Leasing the stage Meyer Cohen became general manager for Charles K. Herrie and was c.o.-elated with him for seventeen years. Leaving Harris four years ago Mr. Cohen went yr:th Harry Von 'Meer in a like rapacity. Latterly he ran a mock publishing bneinees of hie own. Meyer Cohen was 55 yearn old. About two

month. ago be lost his wife, end leave« no im-mediate relatives Funeral 'beryl,* were held Friday gateman« at the F I Clusretx, ander the auspIcea of the Mumps.


'The Mutual Song Writers Society, • rising organization for eomi-profeeslonel writer's, an. soutire. the reeignatlon from Itn rank. of J. Edw. Woolley, nue of its organizer,. N•than Conne;, • well-known lyric writer, and former vice-president of the society. hae stepped into the vacancy and is developing new fentuures to make the organization better and stronger than it was before. lle bas established his head-quarter. at 104 Main street, Ripon, WM., and la now ready to answer questions and give in-formation about the new pollciee of the eorlety. The members of the organisation regret the

loot of Woolley, ae It win to his capable leader-

ship that the inelety owes much of its curers., • romptelag and arranging ',Ilene., has grown so rapidly that be had to tender his resignation in the society in order to take care of It. He will still be with the society in an ildeory capacity.


The Primrose Four, one of the best known qiim-teta in •sudevtlie, •re lagging the Young Mimic Company's new blob ballad, "Ireland. My Ireland," with wonderful surreal, and pro-nounce it one of lb, test liked song, they h•ve ever used. Lay quartet with • following midi as this one enjoys must necessarily nee good songs, and the fart that they derided to nee "Ireland" gee to allow that It is far above the average popular song, and one that Is full of

harmony eat homes appeal.

Another anger wb,) is istopplag the elbow with "Ireland" Is Bert Viacent, with the Peggy Viseeat rompan;, who writes that be can take as many ea-0am ea he wishes with this song. This number will shortly be released by the L X.. L. [toll Comptny, of Philadelphia. and, no

doubt, will soon be on all of the better known mask rolls. Smother dame number that is finding a place

on th. program of some of the bent leaders in the country Is tee company's new Oriental fox'

trot, 'Yawn' Dern in HIndooland" This la .ire to be popular, as It le • splendid dance number and has a clever lyric written by R. C. Young. leaders who bave need "Alabama Ball"

and ''in bear Old Chinatown" will find this one equally as gad Copies and orcheetration• will le sent to pride...Iota:de who write the profes-sional department.


New York, Dec. (i.--George If. gander'', who la well known as a musical director and rent-poser In this, ba• started a rutudc pub-

lishing bueintase In -which he is ainociated with the Snyder Song Service Syndicate. Ills fret

two numten, are "Lucky Rose" and "I Found the Girl." These are both very excellent gongs, with bright lyric., and tuneful melodic,.

Mr. :sanders Is a graduate of the Royal Con-

'servitor, of Must.' of LourIng, Eng., and was • Imminent tungleul condor-tir abroad before he came to (hi, country. Ile Is ale° the author

and composer of the following musival produc-tions: "The Melody of the Maid." "All Balm"

zed "The leiad of the Chrlstmee Tree." Copies nf bandera' rnblIcetione can be obtained free on

request by addreeeing the publisher at his of-

fice, 145 West 45th street, this city.


Two new songs, of excellent ranter have re-

eecitly bees released by the Mask PuublishIng Coss1P••7 of 234 and 'nelson streets, Rt. Louis, lu "The Windows of Your Heart" and "When Irelaed Hurl I./4 Free." Sloth words and :smelr of the *ones have been written by Gus holstein. "The Window' of Your Heart- le • delightful waltz balled, telling the tale of • lover reading the secrete of rerponeive love In the eyes, re-

ferred ta as •llui windows of the heart" of bla

sweetheart The thonghts are expreesed in • most pleasing manner and the muele strengthens the lovellnena of the lyrics. "When Ireland Must lie Free" le smother sure-Ore hit that pubs more real spirit into the ides for freedom of Emerald lair.. The wont. and 1,111.11f are so arranged that the thought is put over to won-derful advantage. It should prove a big hit.


New Yort, Dee. 7.—itgb liard;, who was in military service during the war, bas returned to vaudeville with his one clia.ler lie Ina

• route In sgaudesille. and la making a big hit

Pieria; "Yearn:ng" on the aforesaid "Yearning" iag a high-rae* ballad. pnbilehed

by T. D. Harm, and Franca, flay á Hunter, and toile., g f the weig ran be obtained from the publishers at 82 W,-et 45th meet, this city.


Triangle Music Publishing Company Is pine. sing it. bluee weld "Why Don't You Drive My Blue. Away?" Many phonograph companies 1.•re already recorded the number. Hundredn of ncts are einging It and leaders nay their

dancer. demand encore after encore every time they play it


In. Inc.. 7151 Serenth •ro.. New York. aneounces that ite latest song bit. "Why?,•' bide fair to be an even bigger hit than "That Naughty Waltz." It has found its way to the vaate•Ille stage and many tics, are reporting

its soc to the publishers. Attlee interested la

high-claes ballad can otitala coplee from the


Why Not Sing YGurOwn Song? BB ORICLNAL. Sing the *onus yroll wrote sad Publish,' We r.• sasiat 11.«. Write Om word. and mod them to us for a mustrel rotten' ht one., th..«Inn«S d ear diaUnguished muff or r-mperber, noun,: «tong are Ectouard Nomethem. TONG COLT great Sumter pisata and mammal, femme ir Europe and nalleltIL: Lee Friedman. motive et some of Awed a'n greens« want ht.. a tine composer Edward, >e'en. roneor of the f &roils Northeastern tschmd ot most, ori el ,,,,apair.

PROFESSIONAL SINGERS are tested soviet nor and in* r.,er our atert .one en,-enwer chan in Ch ham a mug poem written now. bring it or rend It In De a males! setting.

METROPOLITAN STUDIOS Room 127, - 914 Michigan Ave., Chicago

If You should





965 Michigan AV•nUe,


New Tort, Dee, L. Skidmore, pa. tensional manager of the ftlildmore Muni' C.,

ha• reedy for the pr..feeeioe • "blues" leer that la proving a reel winner in Wm Lee. It la

railed "Never Let No One Ilan Worry Year Mind." A curious feature of the eoeg is that it la as adaptable to male ea to female artiste. Jaek Notworth wired fikidea ire that

it la • greet hit for him in the male •erstm, "Never let No one Gal Worry Your MUM."

Skidmore say., he le • great believer it, ensue on "are" up his sleeve. When he pot eilt tita

- Long, Tail, Brown Sala flat" be bad -Some body's Done Me Wrong" reedy, bet 'held It op his aleeve." When he published hit U. hit, "Can't (let Loots'," be had nearly completed this new "blue, are" sod, believing nut tile le the peyehologifsi moment to reknit it. haa pot it ma the market. Judging frtort the resultr, be was right. for

• number of aft. beside. lark Norneorth are

using the number. Collie' foe be obtained fion the gkidmore Musk ('o., 11147 Itmetway, this city. •


Priera L Walker, 165 West 45th etreet, New Tort, are rotting tunes to rugby lyrics writim by song writer. thruout the country. Many a

writer get( bold of a good Idea either la et; or poem, and dogsc not know whem in tootle-tip

with the tubeging half of hit cesnponitioe that is needed to make it a completestiod salable piece of Property. Tilts Briers & Welker aim to eln

in addition to writing opefiat vaudeville material and strangles songs.


New York. Dec. —1Lerettimg ho reports re mitred by l'ace gx Dandy •bout the need el "'Yellow Dog Blom." os the Deeember het ,flf

Victor, It le going to be the btegbit miler tar have peer had on the records. lob C. @mewl Orebeetra played the number, sad a lankly trombone bit lends • comedy lamb that is à big factor eeding the aeleetiou. Dealers my they eta sot get await' of them, sed Mr. Used? ha• • most expansive smile whet royalty ebeeta

are mentioned.


1, Wm. Usramily and leant Pepe, tbe one(

writing team, have plated with the ButlerMee. Co. two moss of eiceptiolael deer«, tOse la a

high-class ballad, entitled "III tam (be World If I Lcee You," and the other • fox troldbelbst "When 2,43 SIMI» at Me." 'Pb. artist esa hot

a song to tit moat any act at the Butler Male Co., with prevfeealonal cafes ete1431 groadwar,

New York, and artists wt. art no fieturliii "tanin' Sam From &labia" ant familiar with

the county of tie Del« compositkon•

Wade Austin, formerly with the Most. Carter

Moslem! Comedy Company, te new with

DETROIT, MICH. gent"' Dee° of


"'THAT PLANTATION JAZZ" Full of Pep and Jazz

"CUTIIE SVVEETT" Full of Melody and Sweetness

"OH! SOUTHERN GIRLS" Full of Dixie Harmony

Write or wise for fret professional copies. Dance ordiestratIons, 15 cents loin our orchestra dub NOW. Pin one dollar to this and mein 12 Its

JAMES L. SHEARER MUSIC PUB. CO., Inc. 146 beaUgsKtreet. 1111111111•IM.

DECEMBER 1,, 419 The Billboard 29



SOL P. LEVY V ORCHESTRA Z .232ecausel loud* ey,4r=dr

I .25 Cents NET


be :NC I .N

Composer of,




701 Seventh Avenue NEW YORK CITY bEnviN

INC be.



Wader thin beadles mill appear reviews of' the musical elements' of productIons appearlog la Nee York, Only the umeie•I portion of the see. •1:1 le treated of la this solemn. titleel

..f musical plain as sorb will he found in the ilusical Comedy sectioa-of The Billboartk I



(Lyric Theater)

Lyn' by T. C. Wodeboune. kfuede by Armand tersey. Muskat conductor, Frank Tours. Ma-

sk by T. It Harms Company.

Both the lyrics and the music of "The Ruse of Chloe" are good. Ilr. Walehouae hao done

some very Meter rhyming aad .trmaost Verery Ma written a wore which Is tsfoef..I. red. Una every ourt.lwr cootalne a latish of the Palentel, le haa handled the melodies no eltillfolly that

it doe* not Lew«, morsitortona seen for a fell evening's hearing.

Ic the fret art there •re rood WM' bete. "Tale" should be • popul.,r annw t,ee and • Dopey Deer" le a •ery pNt•y wallet "The Legend of the 'Tea Tree" to 1 dIstloctIve

•'Orlental - nua.ber and "Oollege `sbkh Iv sot: as a trio is the 'show I+ a fists. enaP II amber coulee's( a medley of college whew

• I ib used to be very One for dancing le the ir hestral version.

In the second act la thc bit of the ob.'.', "la oar Itungslow.•"Rds number is (useful. with a wellmarked rhythm, sad there le ea doubts it will be in big demand as on in•trumental. rehrl aid piano roll number . It atinDld moho

Ito nay t's the dame tiny spe edgy and he very PoPular there. lo this art "little Bride." "Proposali" and "When Ton Are In China" ,re 'production uombers," •t. vilest of their

bind, but without appeal coterie of the situa-tion to the show Itself. "Testersiar" look , es tte it was dne to he a hlt. "Oa the Banta ie the Subway," which °r-

ears to the third •ct, has the smarteet tyrie trod is musket comedy this season The melo-dy la also good and will doubtless berms* well

lissom as a deice releaser's,.

THOUSAIIDS OF COPIES tf your songs will be sold with our

NEW IDEA ILLUSTRATED SLIDES \Send us your copy and $4.50 for a Sample Set


An orcheetrall medley of the Dumber% I. "Tn.

Rome of (Idea" will be • valuable "'Adana to the

musleal trireetot's library sad the dam-w or-ehestra leader le going to tad • 104 of material la thle show .1,eit he ems prontably use. The record zal piano gall roarer:, will undoubtedly want • lot of thlifenaele and the *lie of sheet

nor& will he t-.; b' the sales in the theater lobby are any lodge& time From the publishers* la obtained the Infirma'

lion that the popubuity of thle numbers •si judged by their eaten le ai follows: - In (ber Idiagalow." "Bumf: Dear." "Yesterday." "flown on the Banks of the esillsw.fy." "Tao

Lostre ill. Li," "Tale:" "Collett.- isfplrit." T‘e review of thli plc re wolld net t.' complete

withdret • weed of commendatess to Irratik Tote*. .,whose rondortine of the orrhe.tra *ea

oil tbvt• It ...borsht he. lie woo setts blatant and oreNeetra was •Iwayse leis:1.4one no that

the won. of the numbers could be heard over yet not OOP tat•te of Itleiely or

of the rolattel hestreti-n es. tniss.d.


After mectitj will success as • %Tenn, rep-

resentative of the Broadway Movie Pablishlt...;

Company, liant tleudman. familiarly known at

—The Peppy It. stain." hua aneouoce I hie osIg nation with that company sad says Sthat be 'viii

sow he chseeted with the Wetenses. Perlin it

Shyster Company ao Mt. Louie reprewratadve

under the management ef Trod Kramer. Flame haa made his headquarters la Cleclusatt for the

pest two mootha.


Advice* from New York to the Oldo Ass-

sedation of Teacher* et Deming say the for trot ls se popular as ever and that there Ls more actual emit:log than formerly in the metropslis, • "straight walls" bring delved

generally when the waits la played, *Mao • few varistIona, lee:adieu a Loudon [sorter step,

which wan intenerve by the Imperial Society if Dancing Teacher's of London and brought to

this able of the wafer by the Prince of Waters, are strictly in vogue.

Belletleld &melee to oocatep rhythm, which ortglea fed at PhIladelphla's rendezvous for the 'smart set, the Belletteld Country nob, is mentkned as the only sew idea in meal doub-ting for two seams's.


Oliver Wallace and Arthur Freed, author's of "ilincluetand“ and Miser popular kltss, have opened their new Musl. lead store at 220 Vibe street, *Wattle. Music rolls, talking machine resort* and sheet music are carried to atock at Yosietaad. Hereafter theee writers will pub-lish their owl mote gilder the Imprint of the tbove hew


New T-rt, Tier. R.—Alfred Dalby, the welt known arranger of thin city, told some interest

log things about the marketing of (tomtit P the Song World editor yesterday. Mr. Dalby hoe made m..ny arrat.gemeats of popular mole bd said that the insportanse of having well

written made is not generally understood when

a compeer submits a song to • publieher ron male. "le the.. day., VI brit ts receive •15,000 or

=1.000 for a populer song le fr (pen mashie-moo." said Sir. Dalby, 'the matter e tretar ostes *wig put lu proper •Lapse for pubutiesdors shooed to given careful attention. I receive

• wag the other day that was goo limekiln: with goal lyrier, but that had • most auentens

tab piano part. Speaking rtiosiculki. it 'a« gramamat wally laporre, t. The harmonies wee wrong and it sae badly written. "Now, a lest presented le that shape tt a polJ

lichee woold not hire e t the attentioo It dr

servid, and yea would tes surprtott to. eee the

nets:her that come to a publieher lu that ahaps. Tiler are geoerally given • hasty glees* eon

thee sent back, whIle a gond pier. of movie is generally given enreful vflasiden

tIon. The angle that the published take. Id that If the composer Ites no toore Intereet te his song than to tend in slovenly copy, then be Is not apt to be a very careful writer of melody. •

Alfred Delby In aseociatcl with (' V. Werolg at 11,5 West Ffth street. this city. and toss late-

ly prepared a number of longs for print with Sharlro-Bernstela. Broadway Noels- Corp. sot other large publIshere. Thl• firm la also tbn origloator of ts tersier for thssee who want ol

ebeetrationa in a hurry.


New Tort, Dee. 7.—The Yoseeed Brother' are doing a new act and the OUly thing that In left over from last season In It is "Wood•ting.'

the popular B. D. Nice number. The erns mate os this •s a dIstlect ,omplitnest, as well it should. "WoodUriag" has tirewm• very possess., both a+ • 'song and lortrumental bomber. Copies case be obtained by addressing the pubilsbere

at 1344 Brodwn7.

Look thre the Letter List In this Isere. Thee may be a letter advertised for you.


FEMALE VERSION, as Featured by MARION HARRIS (of Victor Phonograph Fame)

"NEVER LET NO ONE MAN WORRY YOUR MIND Marion Harris Wirelt: "Absolutely the Beet Blue Comedy Song I've Seen in Years"





Jack Norworth Wires: "'Never Let No One Gal Worry Your Mind' Bigger Hit for Me Than Was Good Man'" DOUBLE VERSIONS—LOADS OF GOOD, CLEAN EXTRA CATCH LINES



f The Billboard


oteemsen ut, 1919


'74,‘ Dcti

111- 121. A1,11 TN.% 0 'id_.N.NATIONIAL S 1 14011 1111% 1'1 01.




LAND OF MY DREAM 1Vrite for professional copies. ‘ahteh a%ill iierit free on requeçt. \itutt



DICK NUGENT , in New York t. .s rid heat \t un th‘eti'c interpretati , n of these rittruhot


MONARCH HAS NEW WINNER GREAT DEMIAND nil SONGS! "Just a Teeny, Weeny Little I:it for Teti,"

tits • Monareh Music Cunipanyht new novelty

bong, la proving to be a wonderful ntowees with

va do, au well ns with the muele dealers. The song, which was written by St.on Speck,

formerly conneeted with Jerome Itmeldc & Co.,

nod the r.nterprIse Mush? Supply Co., In collabo.

ratknt with Aged lth Morley, the hanote City

song writer, le to...riving its share of windoW

'Replay In revered cities, and lute atine point to yecord sales for nmen h puldleationv.

The Monarch people is aleo what they call "Innovation" metre of songs, which they tiaim will reiolutionize the sheet musk. huai.

neo, with the large flee end ten cent atore syn-

dictates, ns they 'fifer two enea a heautlfte/ folio cover at less suet to dealers than What they pay for ove wrng at the present Ilme, which

means a better brunt for dealers that cell the ten cent edition ..f monk.

This firm Is uoss imeoporated in England, maintaining sell-era In Llseepool and London, and Olen has profemloual illieett In Chicago, K•iitsaa City, and New. York City. The gon le featur-

ing other new winders Including "Dimples,"

which boba like another •'Sitillte," and • ityn-ropated favorite, "A. Dixie Lullaby."


The waltz 11,,ng "I`• ta— ta proving a euerette

and a good Tbe worde are by Perry Johnson end mns;c L B. Ciutrtliner, tsetO of

Yoklma, Wash. The >nog him an excellent ef-fort and the lerion eeperielly are appealing.

p "LUCIANA" Positively the only ems of its kind. Romething out el the °motet, a topical Spanish orweeterk voth the -"Pro" Orehostra, cla now made loofeeflonat ...oh" tree Itesalar oddest. 2ie. LOPEZ OROS, leadellaltsrs. ISM W. Mediae% SL. Chiefs's.

ASK for Onec ti.1 1:nr.: MIA peke, $1.ho: band, ne: "I'm Glad I'm Back it-

Tankee Land" (not a war ermv, a novelty hit about an heleres: Tomletyle Roll; —Moue Emoh sed Lwity,•• march: Q. It. S, Roll; ".tderelao." "for.-team "Think of Me," ewes. 10e each. IIIIItmea P.O. Ge., 3O7 E. North Sr., ledlaearmlls. lad.

SONO PLACEMENT BUREAU Kraly writers, ret_our lemma for placing your enture tyrtos. Endoe etamp foe voids. BONG ELAc'ExtUNT 3 Beene IX, Schenectady, Neer Tusk,

To realm • imams of marketing your own ronmesitIon. • boot revering all ementlel ratue is midland. Cion-talne over 100 pager of valuable Infermatlen. Including WM of tanownt atom.. [mule sober. rte. rd 'iodinates roll manufseturers, muda dealers, musical magazine., etc. Positively the best and up ttothetlmes book aim offered. $1.00, poideaid. and if not aa eatmol will refund zocalay. Sold ter detail.

JACK GORDON PUB, CO., 201 No, Boyne Aye., Chicago


--„j_argest Music Printers Gladly Furnished West of NewTork onAnythingioMusic ANY PUBLISHER




2054-206CrW Lake St icago. II I

THE MUTUAL SONO WRITERS' SOCIETY offtes an elatmate and valuable send,' to revue-prof...lewd song writers. It Is an organizallon headed by real sung miters for the twneilt of $.16 .TIVn out), B. W. fUla a fill need In the song world, for • wrItse In netel hep can turn to it with the fon11.1.-nra that he la not up areinat u.sual muney extractIng yeer's rotenbeedilp ern:Orate emotes eviler, ef smote or nurii10 to export smile in Co form of editor, revtilone. criticteris and collaboration» that arg unemesurchle ln value. While the duos are vim. very small. the Tomea are very large If you a ferribmoteseton•I 'r arnatehr with ariety WE CAN HELM TOI', but More you ean Soin wi we must ovr a soreimen of your work. ni:w \ILE tœ IMITATIMOtt. truce our «swam:Ion several Wet-Ices have µlung tut. N'o are unitise any other ealety. /tend for our prommtne and you trill know why. We give roal rervlim for a email fee and euaraotre you that there will be no ripe dues or chive, If YoU are • proffesionel an are track to admit that se hen" toU, but if 1,o are • weilosiSentetal or as amateur with abttlty it. la to your interest to Write U. corwe, ecru:sing stamp fur full detail. of our service. Note Ile ehenee addrem wet sad our annotmeweent in 'nuttier part of WU THE MUTUAJ. SONO WRITERS' SOCIETY. 104 Male St., glees, Wlerem11,

SONG 'VVIZITERS SELL YOUR SONGS AMONG YOUR FRIENDS. START A PROFITABLE BUSINESS We arrange, revise and print Prrice and For $55 you will get 1,000 regular eopiea with original hand-drawn title page and plat(”. arid 250 profeseional copiew and copyright in vour mime. Wrile tot booklet. SNYDER SONG SERVICE SYNDI-CATE, Inc.;Sulto 7011 Music Publishers' Bldg., 145 V:. 45th St., New York,

FORTUNES MADE WRITING SONGS!! .yr rya write onnis or Ledo,. etial to us for partLculane. We are eamtriermerl gong writers anti ham Ts (Alf owes piddiehed by the largest mode firms We will nt mute to your lyrist, or word, tn. your 1.4 fur a moderato fee. >pedal *ohm. •auSruLle wt. and perodits written to order at reasonable calm

DRIERS dt WALKER. Setts fee. 14$ Ws« 431% Street. NEW YORK

"0, DAT GAL 0' MINIE 99 roz•Ttea—fon o' pep. FREE creriyeervailno nod megembensi enre leidam eao des,.

THE MILLER PUS. CO. (Not Ito 1. 124 Lead, at. taItaaa.



The Writers' l'rotertive Awe-lotion of Amer-

ica admitted fourteen menders doming Noten.

lier, three of whom were taken in without pay-

ment, having offered'proof of inability to pay. Twenty...even •pplicant• were refused member.

Maps owing to the lack of autlicient merit. Over

16.11 retiring,n were given during the month,

awl twelve of thme were aoproved •orl reel.


.1.kneln Dunne and Madelyn Mhestpant, botb of

whom are member., are having rimi.14vrablv ono.

Cev N. They bave lately pieced a Leant:fit waltz number with Remick.

A well-known attorney at Wamblogten. D. C.

has come forward, •od effered hit nervicts Is

near-Nag copyright re -ordo, s tr., free to mem-

ber., aa well an any ad, h e and lob math" lot necersiltating an onilay of vtornbe on part.

Thin le ladeed • welesone arquirition.

Raymond Walker, r ter of hundreds of

sad bin partner, lent's Thonier, hate hcvs

enrolled se honorary members. Both peendw

their hearty ceeoperatios. and win give • '(be-'

count on profewelonal work to W. P. A. A. ment-


Bend Hupprecht, of Philadelphia, write. t'-at

C. C. Cburrb ban ached him to »me yrice for a another written to eollabodatloa with so-

other member.

Flatting it to be too (-telly to keep record,

the aurvsiatkro will d'eeontione accepting application* on the monthly payment plea

after December 31. Thereafter Pill/stir.* fee and due« noel be peid full with Aron

cattle's. Those submitting reliable pront of to

ability to pay win admitted, se usual.

Any writer intereeted In the work will ob-tain haformatIon by sending a felfdaddreeeed re.

vetoes!. to the secretary. at 361 W. Neer leek City.


(veer, Dee. e —W. ' rrell, Itirinn au

' The Mlle Song Writ. r" ban placed hi. bear eons hit "The Jali setth end Ilsnly who expeet big re.olte with the

Jess »ember. Farrell's other new .01)K bl'•

* Vs! Cut The Linea For Tb, Swope, Shore".

has been placed with Meyer Cobea. TO. two sings were written la collaboration with

Arthur L. Pirtrner., of Cnkagee,

10S. W.-SUM St CO. PUBUSHERS. PROF. OFFICES 226 Wait 46 St., Now York City

DECEMBER 11, 1919 The Billboard 31 ISOM

The beat • BLUES" goes en the mark.,


(Love Skic mlwes

Professional cop'« reedy.

TILIANOLt MU5IC run. co.. Oreheetrationa in any he,.

148 Wee 4th it, NW TOILE CITY.


New York, Dec. 7.-8. D.N he ha» added TUllan lioehm to ti,e profeastonal tarr. la • tort time this Arlo ha• built up a !mottling or•

palisade., au.1 hag met a doe reward in heavy ,oes o! I's pl.:oleos


Philip J. Lees. of the teem of Lawls lied

Greet, his entirely recovered from Ma recent alma. and once more •t week with Mr. Greta taming out material and >eta for the redeem's'. The boys Win hot ope-n !a vandevIlle le the present as tOey di., not wish to diode-pint their friend% who have recently place" enter, elth them for acts, etc. The act will

itsbaLly open after the grit of the year..


Glitter, Dec. 6.—Joeeph L. Wither, has adtten Filliboerd that be la the author of

the act. "The Gamekeeper or County Mayo." tetrad of Derry Awlitock. an stated te this pub-!kitten recently, l(r, Withers bald that he rat• ti. dot to 31. Ashton to protuee for•Dm. melt A 31.. re.


Theodore 'Geller. gt•ge has& mender of I. A. T. C. P. N... 1, who was ›etioualy ¡Oared by a falltag (limber at the l's1a. e Theater. Oa-damn. November =‘, ant removed to the God

tenintaa itoerltal. where It nee found tug set.luet a P., tared skull, la ltoprorine


81 -idrito. Dec. 6.—llerman rote, wetitiy theater owner and a Member of the law arm of Aintia. Fehr L Om, of Milwaukee, will. ii is reouled. retire from active Minuses ti the near future.

Mr. l'cr Is part owner of Us, MUNI-Late, Tarim and Princesa theater, la Chi ago; the Paley and Majestic theaters in Milwaukee, and 11 a heavy stockholder ta the American Bur-Sense 1...oclatIon.

Mr. rebr le reputed to be yap teas who **die-

on'tree Mort and Will /Mager aid I. 11. Men. at of whom are now prominent In the theatrical vgeld.

IRELAND, MY IRELAND rFOR LCIYNOGUN' tellnd ft song tbat is "chuck foil' of Harmony. will a spiendli

,,r,.• ran be •I•• well as a , lo duct !Flo or quartette

JAllIN' DOWN IN HINDOOLAND tiriontal nmetti gr.r.g; that v.111 tue mIltug end e .. or •-• • Great for dumb nets

ofessiondl copies to professionals Please send permanene :vide's« as' will as present

R C. YOUNG MUSIC COMPANY. • Columbus. Ohio.

MONEY WRITING SONGS • ineemeret mule erespeanetul Subltatiar write, a bout mplalataa bow to maim mama PlaliMhnia onUM Cammita. COMetilfil Tour Faults. Writing a Melody. Dtmentig the ambalsem lama Camel«. Placing Tour am. Befont the Dubuc_ Lam ever De lime Dealers-2M/ Band acid Onlmstra Dealer'. Toe noel Una Islet Only ono of Its load as the mama. oat. Ea*. postreld. Loney bad ir rwa tuaPPO fer euTniar.

UNION MUSIC COMPANY, 431 Sycamore St., Cincinnati; O.


of anything in Music by any process tstimates gladly furnished 43 gears experienc.E. ;nrnusic printing Larges& plan& wesi. of NewYork

Estabilshed ghe OTTO ZIMMERMAN à SON Go. (Incninab' 1876 Ohio


St. Pant Minn.. Dec. 9.—May,e llodgaoe re-ieutly announced the pen...noel of the thee-

trtral remeorahlp committeee vitil,h it was de-died lu epeeist at • Ment meeting attend-ed by club women mot theater maaagera. la

the announcement of the appointment the com-mittee's' parr... In given as "Tri meet wIth theatrical repel...entitle« gad decide upon a

program aid pollutes for the betterment of

their oroduettoa• and the 'donation of public

eratiment is behalf of high-clans dramatic of-



India:sepal«, Dec. 15.—Trunbles are costae

fact for the Spina, of the Mitual Theater Company at Marlon, led. After being Seed f. r operating theater. .n Sunday, George Spurr ,w•• knocked ses,leeg at the doge of

a performance the other night. hta mmailant walking away with $300. the day's receipts.


Singers Famous Thru Talking Machine Records Appear in Person

Cleveland, O., Dee. 6.—Mort unlqoe enter - talnment provided for Cleveland magic lotto., ern was put on here December 1 and 2„ when

the Northern Ohio Tends's Machine Dealers' Association presented eight famous Vktor artiste In • veritable vaudeville. While these artists are not unknown to the concert stage,

they are better knowh, by their Token, as the makers of records for tatting machines. The grrisii included Llenry Burr. Billy Murray, Frank Crorton. John II. Meyer,. A"bert Campbell, Fred Van Epa, Frank Banta. Monroe Sliver.

Their entertainment lactad nearly three loom Included many new and ohl emse and some clever acting. Billy Murree sea the logical asomotter, and the funny .tuff he has made keown to hundreds of tbotieeedi of talkies ma-chine owners was doubly funny with him there ta paren to do It. For real comely Maio». Silver t...,1( the hone. by atom. lie brought the East tilde of New York right to Cleve's:et n. affair was managed by Ed B. Lynne, serre-tari of the local talking machise amoelatton. mullet...1 by Lonis Meler, W. G. Bowie and f. U. Buescher. o gacetietal ira, this entertain-ment that plans for bringing the company to

Cleveland later in the staves already are wider way.


Denver. Colo.. Dec. IL—Ruble Zelts. a well-

known and attricive Denver young woman. has begun quite anvpiciouely a tour of the Or-rheum Cleolt. Miv. Zelts dora a aloes« met whiatling a. t that Is very clever. She will

play praetically •II of the Orpheum Clrettit and has b.okInge which will keep her In vaudeville

until next Jot?.


Deaver. Clo17.— Dec. 11.—Pn. - William fox CorOorali., has not yet announced a successor

to E-tallrS L. Ilyman, who recently rerIzsed as se•seral representative. of Vie 1%1 CorporatIoe

in Denver to take the management of the Strand. N. T. It la reported, however, that Harry

McDonald. formerly manager of the Strand tn

UM rite. May enc.-fed ht. Ilymaa. Mr. McDonald

la now in Pt. Louts. paw





PACE Si HANDY NiliSIC CO., Inc., 11547 13remclwa>'• Gaiety Theatre' Blà-ra... NEW YORK.

31 The Billboard




IF I LOSE YOU" This beautiful Waltz Ballad le one of our new 1,-...uee, and contains an irresistible melody and a wonderful lyric that will appeal to the most critical.



"WHEN YOU SMILE AT ME" Another new issue in the form of a novelty song in Fox-Trot tempo, with a snappy lyric and ap-pealing melody. Equally wonderful for Singles. Doubles, Quartettes or Chorus. A song that will soon find a home in hitland.

"THE SHIMMIE SHAKERS' BALL" The latest, greatest and positively the hest Shim-

mle Song published. Professionals looking for another Struttere' Sall had better grab this one quick.



BUTLER MUSIC COMPANY (RAO-le-lop) 1431 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY we- umsweese .rwas•e-.... • &AV tCle- &-•eal:P m is in is Pal DIP. iti USIC FOR ALL. I NSTREJM eternal


(ClootInned from page íl4)

mock langhter. Morgan, singing "sweetie Mine." led the girl. in a display of lingerie and shapely forme.

Wilton as a man about town drunk to session with Comic Freed put MOM, hatchable Ilnees and action into the bit.

Freed's book on Mermaids and hla Ladder of were all to the rood. e

COMMENT: A typical burlemne preeentatinn, remarkable

for the 'peed with which one and all worked to pleats the coldest audience on record. NEIJ315.


New Turk, Dee. 7. —.At the regular tinada; meeting at the linriceque Club today Lou red• wan banded in hie resignation as secretary, doe to hie engagement by I;eot se W. Gallagher and Rube Bernstein as company manager of the "Bathing Ileanties." Mr. Sidman'airresiguatIon was accepted. Earry Rudder, of Ike Weber'. executive etaff, was elected secretary to replace

11.. Sidman, and Lou Lesser was elected at the prevlon. meeEng r• financial aeeretary. Gina the antics nf secretaries are in efficient banda.

Applications were received and acted tapon and reeuIted In thirty-flee new members, whose names were not available at this writing, bat will ai rear is our seat Mime. Visitors to the club mince the opening celebration included Gnomic Wtite, Frank E. Firman, Hal lone, Maurice Mehlan, Ed LlarrIn, Ted Miller, Al Dow. Rent E Lake, Mrs. Marie Mitchell, George Miller. Nea lovene, George Rafter, .11 Watson. toes Grenet George Stone and Nick Rosenberg. Jim Lake has made the club Ma headquarters Mace Lie arrival from Washington.


New York, Der. 5.—After listening to George W, Gallagher and Charlie Baker reentt on the preliminary opening of the "Bathing Beanties" at the Hudson Theater, Schenectady, yesterday and the excellency of the attraction we derided te verify their report with a review from the daily newspapers of Schmitt-tidy, and on par. chasing me this is what we found: "lindecœ— Robe Bernstein brought Ira 'Follies of Pleasure' W this city yeaterday. The Show is one of the beet dressed organisations that have played in Schenectady in mazy years, and the specialty numbers are of a high caliber. Al Flatlet). SW Winters, Sam Ahdallah and Lillian Held proved in have the knack of ambler the audience laugh mad little lichen Lloyd was • favorite with the front rows. 'Tho mil.' will pis; here for two more days."

It is apparent that the name of Rube 'Bernstein Is so closely identified with "Follies of Pleasure" that the Acbenectad,y scribe forgot that he bad been watching the "Bathing Beauties" and gave the "Follies" the credit that be fully intended gluing the company pre. aentIng "Bathing Beauties."


!Mend Rube: No eosin yee hove theeght it «range that

two have not beard from me before now, but (Oa delay W5a die to overwork counting money for the "Mid.ltirlit Raidena" sad I haven't bad the time to writs T. •''‘,11N:let Maidens" with flee. frfblo

and Metes Spencer have been taking Me West Ike Grant took Richmond; It bap bee, • clean-up ever we opened. Geo. NIbln lit without a doubt the corning

trim," enmedlan of burlesque, he makes nets tine with dean eat comedy. We have lot had 3 eat la MM Mow es the satire trip. Eie doe' sot lieve te rust ts ear tillanir


rC4 i'A' 't:M?eG ST ACP,PBElt.

QUICK Manufacturers and renters of costumes--all descrip-tions. Amateur shows and minstrels our specialty.

OPERA LENGTH SILK HOSE—Just received big shipment, fina' quality, black, white, flesh and pink. All sizes. Write for prices.



Phone Central 6292.

AT LIBERTY, DECEMBER 15th. A-1 Six-Piece Orchestra desires to locate in South. Hotel preferred. at;:,,r.t.3(<*c7,'.4,,tigi».:1`.7°" Mgr. STERN-HOLLAND ORCHESTRA, BOONE, IOWA.


O untie and American Circuit Theaters

(Oontlatimi from last week)


City, Pittsburg; State. Permaylv•ral• Name of Circuit, Columbia LEDOIAM•at

Mum et 'nester, Gayety. Name of Manager, Newry Kertsman. Name if Treasurer, Des Parry. Seine of PresalArest Elmer ale». Name of Adv. Agent, Jerry met Neat of Stage Manager, Wm corns. Name of Leader of Orcheatra. Jean Bally Name of Transfer Man, tacemioe ram., Cempeay.

Name of Theater, Lvreme. Name et Manager. C. tr. Millie,. Name of rleatRIVrf, Guy fathom.

Wanted--Lady Cornetist Name of Adv. Agent R. Vaidlonten. Name of @tare Manager. Coacher.

• Neme of !rem Agent It Vasilinoteo.

Name of UMW of Orghestra. Taidel ,not over 5 ft., 7 In, Ana not to we:ea over 120 lbs. Must join before Doe.. No.. of 'Prissier prrini Tranofor f,„

22d. Address with photo, GRAYCIA ACTON, 310 Putnam Bldg, New York City. Aggres,. 8th ut, sear Cams gamine, lb a.,

WANTED—MUSICIANS—WANTED TWO Solo Cornets, Solo Clarinet. two First Clarinets. two Second Clarinets, Flute, Trombone, Baritone, Alto, Base. Long season in Florida. Good salary, but must be good men. Can also place good Singer, man or woman. Address GAY JESPERSEN, Gen. 13e1., Jacksonville, Fla,

WANTED—NOVELTY ACTS WHO DOUBLE l'aue nervy to c...ble Stage. Monica' Team she work in Ants. Any gond Arts be lied. write State salary Wa pay all. MATONSA MEO. 1.0., al (nibs &VV.. Tweets eases,

to get a laugh. While hie starring partner, ileien Spencer, Is is • class all by hermit when it comes to speed, for she la conceded i y t er; zn la b' te fasteet dancing' eoutmet In buriemse, besides ber dancing. ehe Is • beautiful woman and wears costume, that are • sensation ou the American Circuit. This Is a No. I show on the No. 2 circuit. We

will make them sit tip sad take notice when we b.t Etc O'yontpic f the ,Mid•NIght Meld. ens" Makes ail other epeed show. book like they were standing still. Watch ne rue by the poet a winner. at the finieh.—C111.5. BRAGG, Cut Conecten', MId-NIte Maidens.

COMMENT • conscientious cot collector back with a

a Mow indicates as 'eldest =sager—se ced.—NEIWE.


Jess Wet«, former straight man with rhe Star and Garter Show, who wise recently di.-charged from the service after la months with the A. E. F., wus a caller at The Billboard office, Cincinnati, last week. Ile le looking floe and is in the best of health. Jeep, la now manager of Welargarden and Rine. Coalmine "Peer the Top," which puree! 1-t Cin-Innarl last week. Fla asys that the company la jam-ming them is all over, and hie appearance, eleei• fee prosperity on the per cd latanaelf.


Ths moat notable feature of "The Rewrite none, playing 'Camden. N. J., was a reel old fashioned Maser which took plie. Sun-day afternoon at tire home of Tom Howard at C,ollingrwood, N Z., shout dv. miles oat-Ma of Camden. TOM extended an invitation te member' of the cowpony to participate to ate festivities. It tree S feast alloyed by

u'd until the wee hours of the following morn.

The Premier Renal. Doll Quartet. coverts-': .•• Tucker, Battle Berg, F.the 11.4a•

anima and Evelyn Kelly are exceedingly bes; Use.. day. This prominent singing unit la one of the real Mtn of the @how and were

signed up the fire part of the week for tratà• log records for Victor Talking Machine Cm, of Camden, in addition to recording the pope-lar songs of the day. This splendid quartet has made a big feature of a new Dill, entitled "Floatio' Down to Cotton Town" and at the rod of the burlesque season tiler wet go late vandeville.

Received my card from the Burlesque ash and am at the present time out basetlisr for new membera.—MANAGER MORRISON.


When inkling Tiny Watson's conallati7 graced the stage at the Emprese Theater, Cin-cinnati, last week, all eyes were immediately centered c a the center of the pony ilne in lb. Morns. There Mood Jean Wallace Deming a crop of blonde heir, completely surrounded by brunet., the only bleeds la the 'home. A dainty girl, with • sweet mile mid no hem, that thew a de'l-htfal personality over tbe footlights. Miss Waller. etweld so m be out la frost of the rhoristers of some ma-puny pottier over her natural assets to good advantage ee s principal.

"IRoilea." a Mamie. 1111301kili dancer, hibnv-o na Mrs. Ti. C. Moore, wee the extra attraction at the Amine Theater, rittaburr, Pa., week nf November 24. Pb. proved to be Quite • drawing card. The Committee of the Durissione Boys' Belt he

be held at names han, Baltimore, Md.. the sight of December 10, has arnteged for the aisle to he terelalierl by Professor Noises a Irate' Ortbertra.


AMERICAN CIRCCIT City, Woreeuter; State, Massachusetts. Name of Circuit, • mericas Itritleeque Name of 'Metter, Great. Name of Manager, Joe W. Cone. Name of Treasurer, Ches. fi. Peterms Name of Preis Agent, J. W. Co... Rune of Adv. Agent, E. Alltireth. Name of Stage Minaret Lees Crw•ry. Name et [aider of Orchemrs Artier Cree" Name of ?resider has, John 111. Otitis. Address, 180 Treat 'Meet

(To be Csatiszed neat week)

Car, Diaglistintoe: State, New Tort-Name of Circlet, Name cf Theater, Armory. Name if Maser«, Fred «Ma Nan» of Trimeeree, A. Sprees*. Name of Preis Agent, Tred Nara* of Adv. Sleet. L leeenielL Nam ef Stage .1denager. Owes Gold" Name of Leader of Orchestra, Brim Witmer Name of Transfer Van Voiles

Ito be COnti0 ,3ed s,t Irrel


Kew Tse), Dee. 1.—tesis Itedelehelerir. at bls agency oar« in Ow (Minolta Tbester Sue lag, reports en/stemmata, via.:

Lydia Jespy, Wei& donne: Rey Seem Mar rise straight, for Harry timtime Pig now Jack Dillon, juvenile straight fer the Oh.

Preachy, Company. Mr . and Wm MOM, Stella* ehararter set

chorister, •Isa May Kite atregat. fte Bathing Amami'''.

Illiott and Elliott. «MIN higesite: Pills Kaye. p Imo doses lbee'

nie' IL A. ainma•rs, trim am reiti Walter Mesa, bits, for the F.dly TJetver Stock l'empan;. lialtImore, Md. Tom Robinson, Irish; Graham end Stomp

ehereeter nasa and ingenue: Amer and Seem" netnew emir and bits, for the Gayety Thee ter Stock Company, ilitiadeplda, Ps. terry and Elliott, Datirew rotate aid

beet, mid Bert Seer, «resit. for ts. Theater Stock Orenpany, New Orleans, In

Blench Meek., prim dories, asd Saint Motet sentaret ter "Where Wrote Self," a tab, in vaodeffle.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 33









Letters to the Editor RE BISHOP WILLIAMS

[Mot, of The !Onboard: sir—i am reading par ediVelale with greet

'merest mod recently your quotation of ae »enema of Blehop C. D. Williams of De-troit. Midges, to the effect that If the osly Here were etwee. the (..D1 autocracy and the ter...trued new aetorracy of the roletariaL h. weed he leellead to the former.

This. of roarer. Ragteeted that there wet a third •Itern..ttre. sed as be ha. bee. for nut» Ye." t Proereeelle and Meat IDA to say »di

th:aker who does sot hesitate to esprees he neughts. I was Intereeted Is reading re-ently ba declaration as Preside» of the (larch league fer aortal Mid Isdnatrial De-rencrary as follow.: '11» democratise'," of tedeetee Is relnint

as pare as lonierrow. We have gone tire all the stages of owner mod *lave. lord •nd serf. employer sod employe. The iezt ate, is a re-;-•rottership mastitis» of employer. emplefe sad the peek% the publio renting in to regu-late both anti see that justice is done t • •11 ind that the ultimate eoneelner does sot safer. Rube, William, ha• been one of the foyers

treea of tke o/d order ead while he may soy that he prefers it to relate other renting..-due some woeld doubt erbetter be would wear either golden or If011 •Oara ef v•ry soitomitol.e

Yaws alas:wee 01.1vgita. 11111.EY.


rspia, O., life, 4, 1819. Editor The Billbeard.

elinclesati. O. DealOir—At(er reedhig your "Kick In" article

Is h., week's Billboard I think what I '-(boat t. tell pw, will be real see.

ffte Columbia sees, was hoekel la Mina. 0., Theater. DeceMber I. for a week's eagneta,•re on • penresiase bails of 50-50. with

enarantee. We opened Monday might te a 14 bra. Iron..).it I w. standing la hest

Ffe the b..11me at t1 pen. Ti. ••.istant male seer edied me If I was welling la the show, aed whoa I tole hies ye. Lek said Itedet yo• fetter te getting ready , I asked it he was robe to run say pictoree mid be *aid . "No." I told him he should har• pl ,turea with • »b. *bole if he wanted to (barge 04 renta and ponied him that the eh», «al, ram 43 talent... Teeolsy night we hat y kei 7% home lames) and the manager had as ad la the elCer stating he soared easel the show after that n e and refuted to allow those prireo to Iss chart-I, s• the rho* ws• not worth it and wu, %Wee...tented to hire then the tookicit

s. to it. timidity and would drop (Or eel,. to 55 reel top and DO reeve ente.

IsTo.os la the manager. fie sent wee to to tbro hia autt.taist that he templed the she -e

b1 el why, be »Id be didn't Loose.


Musicians and Performers; also Trap Drummer. All winter's work. Writs or wire, my expense. F. C. HUNTINGTON, Rayville, La.

MUST HAVE IMMEDIATELY Violinist and Cornetist Both aide men. First-class position in a first-class house. You must abso-lutely be high-class Musicians or we won't keep you. Four hours daily. Salary for Violinist $36.00. and Cornetist $30.00. Wire, don't write. R. W. CASE, Riviera «nastier, ANDERSON, I NO.

WANTED, 3 A-1 CORNET PLAYERS also Flute and Bassoon, for the Continental Motors Corporation Band. Must

be A. F of M. Write or wire R. OVERMAN, Mgr. Band, Continental Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.

Wanted, Sister Team, Harmony Singers, Classic and Fancy Dancers and good Musicians who double. Good salary.


but that we. Mr. Keefe' reeseage give. him to be delivered to me. I have sever seem Mr. Knees yet. Every time 1 Inquired for Me I was told be wan ont of town. I was warned of (hie date (Piqua) by the player.' agent. Dot was lasleted n-on by the rockera to play IL I n. to;r1 1.y the tow, re.opte that Mr. Kees h.• ce -- :I -d t, L•catr:cai game la Piqua and can demand any p ie he enomen for any hied of a above I pereonaLy can get two dome people's signatures to tits effect, as he ewes every theater In tows bat one small picture house. This li one time he did Dot get away with its bleb prices. Trusting that you will fled room for all of

tile in your paper and thinking yon In A-vast... 1 am

Professionally. BILLY ZRITLEIL

Mgr. Columbia Revue.


Chicago, Ill., lire. 3, 1919. Tenter The leilltesael.

riacienati, O. Dear Mir—la Variety, ceder date of November

OR, 1919, 1 metre au article pelletal!'" to the .. eel,» b111 of tOO 1. tote Omen,» Theater. which was written by one Mr. Swing Tli• .,rticie.

•••'I st, w on 11, tiro.4 It that It Is more es the hammer lied leek style, sea, ir toy is • vet; erode wittier, as I RDA a part of the ',anew, that had the pleas-ure to witness the (rat pee-entente.

Jueging from Mr iering's version of the bill one would •Imicet be led to believe that the pee-r rue.. were sot worth the price of adasisaim to pee. I notice that be contredirta his owe statements *everal Lines as to Itrbo really was the re_i tit cf the bill.

la el.ogrark No I he *tar» off like • real eritc, hut lu No. 2 be refers to the audience •I betas of the hard belled tYpe, whit h la a very esaggereted wholemeal, •, the audience cams la automobile., which were (bleb on fatale street for »wrest blocks la the vicinity of the theater, bet maybe he was referring to him-pelf. as it most be remembered that he. too, was part of the rest andlence. Why, ob. why, did Mr. Swing pick en that

poor little Card Carl/ Was it becan.e she dld sot act like old mother earth and tarn around? The Howard.' aet is not • trap act, but la clammed by real critics as • combination aerial act. It went over big. ••, d:d Felber is (,pf. ten, who not oaly did we'.1 hot are arti•ts In their line. Clare de Knaita' :hie of gaga were not only passable, but were rite' eel. Any-one with belt an eye ',old see Or» they knew tbeir /melee» by the e•., manner In welch they elepeseed their wit, which. la itee:f, prosed that the gags were Mcleod. Wimple, and Leigbton were good and left a welle,leased sue-ewe, dne (n the equal exertion of both. Dot one, a• is stated by Mr. swiss. Ts* Fred Webster Revue (even If It Is • collectloo of • hodge-podge id old bite pieked op) went over big, •sd always will as long ea (be world !OW, •Oct Mr. Swing 'braid always bear in mind when be

write% tip an &rile» on an art of this type that there le a rising generation veto apprertate this au-called hedge podge. ?airman and Pat-rick's songa and gag. worked havoc with the audience and they rob several bows Mee', Lime need no intrednetiost. and De one can keel% thia act. it always has been and always will be a roaring Racer. Summing It all up I belle,, that the pollee

of the State Centre» Theater 1.11 a good one. and ail doe credit should be Weeded to let performers that appeared at the °peeps per-romance.

caneot understand what real benefit Mr. feting derive, tire • writeup of this nature and there ebneld be • law enacted la Congress to make it a jail sentence for any me (bat knocks a performer', opportunity for advance-ment. It brings • few mere trials and tribe-»tire» In (be already thorny Petit of erform -era hastiad of rests, which tir; fully eu titled so. What eeervederfal feeling Demerit be to have

the power to air meet thoughts tbre the merit -am of the press as a leouttoMere to dispel» their worldly wisdom (I) and bet NY ese It These se-called critics w-ould en doubtemaie

a erktrterind venation tu a hiek tewa, where they did sot knew the eifferesee. beit If It came to a real showdown I would Make my all thon my, product of Zimmerman'. amateur Dome-. - tory would have tie ability to «psi If not Irn prove the writings of this epees.' who an tbeht moulder, thls latest imam a master-piece production.

Very trey 700». nrerre MINEW.

453 Wester Ave. ariksan, rt.

SAN FRANCISCO (eentlneed free page 35)

novelties ban sailed for Manila fee the Fe, nutty erosive. lobo Bowen is thief of the revere:1m department and will handle the rides FILIPINO TIVINN, Struplicio and Lerto

Godlier,, are at the St. Francis Hotel with their foster father. Teodoro FL T•ages, resident minleer for the Philippine boom» In Congresse who le on his way to Webtlatten. The bor. wn'l were lenet terether by mature, hava bees the ',object of many law volts, and after their mother died were adopted by Mr. Tangco le the 1-1111rulne torta ao well as the New York Suprente ('corta. tfiEN BLACK. peolesolomal manager for Shee-

ny». GI:» nod Co., reports the tomtit buri:e•• he be.ter than peer. TUF ORPI1Frif Theater ts practice*, mid

out Borten times a wet, the scalper's oh the outride doing a big beotaege "DOC" BOYD, of Boyd and Downey, la sail

leer toe India to bring bark tea ehreames, st h eight or nine have already been

IT. bee lust shipped the »rye» and time pair of ttgers that ever came to this meat!, to Lincoln Pa-k . Celego. FOLEY AND 13CleKE closed November 39 at

Wateonville •nd "hipped to It. winter qua.'. teca at Oakland,



Beautiful Chinese Ballad, With a Melody of Irresistible Appeal and a Lyric of Charm.

e• IJCOLUMBC.:i THEATRE BLDG., Broadway and 47th Street, CHAS. K. HARRIS Ile NEW YORK

34 The Billboard DECEMBER 13, 1919


TO HONOR COLONEL BEAUCHAMP City of Hamilton, Ohio, Plans Great Testimonial

Dinner to Its Distinguished Citizen for Satur-day Evening, January 3—Rotary

Club Heads Movement

BO January 3. SattlrillaY evening, at 6.30 o'cleet, at the Hamilton Club, the City of Hern-ia°, (04 will give a testimonial dinner to its

dietingnlohel citizen, Col. Lou J. Beauchamp.

Colonel Beauchamp le approaching his ten thousandth appearance on the lecture platform.

Ile has rrrrr appeared before any audience that

i.e ka• not spoken of Hamilton and of some of

the Que things In Its life and history. Ile has

brought fume to Hamilton all over the world.

In addition Colonel Beauchamp ham contributed

generously to and supported with his great mind and talent every publie movement that has

been undertaken for the uplift of the city.

It. bee gone forth no the emissary of the

liumilton Retail 31,-retranto In their trade ex-

tension excursions and has addressed the people

la tie Hamilton trade territory, proclaiming the advantages of Hamilton. Ile haa order refused

any call to appear In any public enterprise to

rdcaoce the city.

Fraternal organizations know what hie peen-

enee bas me-Sut to their gatherings. His wit. Mayen and philosophy hare been the life of the meetings and an lospirati-n for greater &so-

tion and higher achievement,.

t‘ery man, woman and child has felt his lu-eneoce. The churches of the city have found

him useful and helpful. The Y. M. A the

Y. W. C. A. and all benevolent and charitable

societlea have found him their friend.

Therefore, la order to publicly acknowledge

the debt owed him, it ho'. been deemed fitting

and proper that the citizens give • testimonial

dinner January 1 in hie honor. Olsen, will be

laid for more than 200 and the price will be Fri

Per plate.

Tbe Rotary Club is acting as the father of the movement and the committee on erring. menta. Men and women will attend the dinner.

When the news of the proposed testimonial

looked out • number of Itesuchninp's, frienda on

the lecture platform signified their intention of

priacaretary Chautauqua Committee, Cor-coran, Cal., Writes


J. G Trerbionan came ne an aehlest blessing to

roingran Thankegiving Pay, and Injected into

a receptive audience the sésrUM of American. ball. Not that they were in need of It. but.

since prevention in better than the cure, a there

loccoulation with an anti•Boisbeviamblied-Foclul-

tern I. W. W. Ism or any other form of rev.

olatioram political him Is safety and.

Mr. Fieritsman'a antidote for the subtle virue

of the aforementioned mental disease la pure

and unadulterated progressive and constructive Americanism, complying with the pure food

laws of the United fitatee of America. and the

only mental food in the form of political and

social government and laws that tchould be

allowed to be dispeneed to the Great American


Mr. Tlerbsman has been aptly described aa

two hundred pounds of radium, and oh. how

he did radiate pure patriotiom and unadulterated

American ritizenehlp. It was truly a blessing

aud a privilege to receive thane rays of optim-

ism emanatlug frPm him. Mr. Herheimen oboold

be heard by everyone. His appeal touch... a responelve chord in the breast nf etery true

glad loyal American citizen, reminding trim or

her that there is only one nag, roe language

and'One nationality. Tea, even Bleep very men

s* women who peek to substitute anything

et:w for the tried and the true would be con-verted to the red, the white and the blue would

they but open their mind, and treke a sane

view. Illatory ham taught the world tlist there it, no pass ea in any form of guvernment or

no form of government for all the political and

social lila that humanity la heir to,

being preaent and it la gaff to lay the ale lo-roblage thot evening will be the most brilliant ever collected in the city.



Joseph Spring, father of Coyle and Loma

Spring. and father-in-law of Clay timith sad

Guy Holmes of the rkulthetpring-Holmee Or-

chestral Quintet, met with the most terrible occident that id.. befaIien at engineer in year..

TharaorirIng ei e Mr. Spring t his regular

nut front Chicago to net Madison. Ia., on the S. ,131,1 Fe, and Just eithin a half mile or 60

of reselling the end of his trip there wan 3

terrible head-on colli•lon with • freight train

which enlisted both ei-gines to leave the track and roll over, pion...4 rarineer Spring tinder

the wreckage where ;c• st..x Intirs he was held In the grip of a stew,- ipproaching death by

e-ablIng. Ile wsa rcletee.1 azd ,arried to the

hoepital, Where in two boona be died after his.

lag both legs amputated. Ile was conscious na-til the last.

Fpting bad been an engineer of tblc road

fur thIrty•three years. and wag rioted for his careful attention to duty. Ile load more creitIt

m•rk« to his honor than any other engineer of the ayetem. Ilo died at hit post. and his last

worth, were uttered In a contr.-Wu* pride that he had done his duty. Hie nod Inquiry when

help cante to him wee for the *safety of the passengers.

Mr. Spring weer a great friend cif all lyceum and chantouqua people. Ills borne wso always

open to the friend- of hi« children. Ilk pride

lu life w•ta in the work that his children were doing to bring manic and hairpins.* to tboustecia

who flannelly henr the eompany that wit , more to him than It was to any meranher og the organization Itself. Hi» home see the mecca

f r nony who are Inure•ted In the IYeeutn.

eheutatiqua rod music world.

In tea years of personal association, %Melt at times Lan 013de •Iutc.t is une of

the family. we have never heani Mr. 'Spring

utter • oish or • padre for anything for him-

self. Ills evety theueht watt for hie family

and friend.. IT. renbIn't tnicrY even • good meal with tidy hie wn at the tile.

la thc• loe• uf this made ammeter the Ills roam and chautanqua has suffered. Ile was a part of all that his talented ehIldren did. Ile

made their friends his friencio and their trout. lea were smoothed ont and the ria-1 made easier by hin kindly advice and help. Life was to him one long looting pleas.,.... Ile

never took a vitiation, for tie 1, 11•011 that life-

to him wan one continuons roe-stifle. Work was a pleasure to hlm and to help other% was

a glorious privilege.

Ti the death of Mr. Spring we feel that the world hue lees to bold out apt a reward fur

Whs. There ia a aeue of loneliness that silly sm.* s hen one that Is ne, r t UR ill

Of DistinctYetPopularAppeal iii1011)51111Goo




1544 Broadway, NEW YORK

taken nway. He was • friend old companion. lila life waa • benediction and his Influence was an inspiration to on, and le death we a/e certain that bin memory will be one of the

treasure. of the remaining years that we may hare on earth. T. nee him was to admire

him, and to know hlru wan to be drawn nearer to that great doctrine of lose and berries. which

is the supreme test of life. Il' died ot ay

!Km( f duty, a• he had lived. fulallies to great commandment which Jetsuat taught. WO>

the engineer on the freight train Jumped Jw Spring I•bured at that great engine net a, had m•stered for thirty floe years. ”Greater

love bath no man than this, a non it, down his lib, for hie friends.," ,I••

gave his life for the safety of thee %le trusted their welfare to hie keepin



In ill.- column the author •rtertelies the throne where grentrieso la crowned a. ruler

over men. Ills mind bye been too brocdeeed that he peen the greatness in the common.

place. lle writes for nice mad altom•II of ail

degree. of culture. his story is fearinsting even to children.

Billy Sunday hare mild Oast life is • romedl" the person who thInk•: • tragedy P. the, tee

*h., recta The glory of the anta and the little birds in ilife•• combat a• told by ado maser

oti•erver is OUP Mat mat,. Itilly ticiaday-• user.

vation apply to all forma of life-. Ire • rettevel

*curtly well told tale of Nature's tragic, waste and the mother lose that Is found even under

the !pothered breast. of our little freed friends.

If ro are not careful Hodson will abate yes

1.•• the adder. Il.- enh•nees tbe beauty of 0.

fox, makes the ',utterer our essay-tier, the toad nu Instructor, the mole a great friend of niae

the serpent a eyralscl of worship, the pie mere companionable than the bone, and more loys,

than the dog.

The estire volume la written In • simple, de

tbrbtful *Ole, and ite contenta reveal the rare

union of a deep •ppreclation, even agectIno fro life, abet • romprehennive knowledge of Nall" and her secrets

IIIIrlsOu Is famon• for Ida etodlee of nature.

and thls Iles volume la a atOrPhOUlte of Ws!

edge. To read It will be to broaden In Intel

leatual grasp and to deepen in aympathy wits

the world life struttits• Geo. H Doran Compoey of New Torok City la

the publisher.


We will sing you a tent of Chaartanqua.

And we hope it will cheer your hearts There I. nothing that', like flustatiqu•

For the knowledge •nd joy it impart*.

Tor each letter there it a meaning.

Thor, an idea, nice an.? Elea/.

Now listen while se alas It,

Well 'Pell It right riot for T ic


C—ID for the cheery things that'. In 11-11 -la for the hearty latter' you get.

A—la for the •cts both begirt lied ebeer7-

C—la for the noeful thing., and yet

T -comes neat with t•tl• that educate you.

A -la for the 'novae's.s there told,

l• for the universe we travel.

Thia ant/ to till the world we will Deal.

Q—le for the uusdruPle Plealote•

That Chautauqua spell. ont to you. 11--Mseana we hope you won't forget On.

Now with—A We Will bid Yntl adieu.

The» la nothing that'a quite eo arnuoint A. the thine. that Chautauqua holds.

There is nothing thet'• quite era plemling

La the laughter and mirth it unfold' Just rem listen the things that are in it

We will tell it all to you.

We'll spell the word Chautauqua

And ere ru a messing new.


Mande WIllls has Is.e. /Mtn, neepurn Ital. •

•ndied rortlend for 'several clays. Mho Ica• been repeating Inc.. former «Mease« tot,

where is •W. tertitery.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The aillhoard 35

NEW ZEALAND TO SEND TALENT ::.1111111111111111111111111111111111;11- —111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I---- =-. = _ Lyceum and

A raider from Man•ger Paget. of the Auckland = _ —

ante 'crone the Tackle, atilvi•ra Ellimm- = = WARREN PRocToR E. Chautauqua Notes While that New Zeeland *Ill do her aitara. matt —

— , a, I...aria furnMalnat chaut•uqua taieut to = = At ituttin, La . 510-s L. M. Th-trm le tile

the l nitcd Si.,.''. Two addilitotal m a,' ,...,,.. = = 'trrirell.• mpertuter....ent se one or the ilvest

pasties are coming user for t he 19-M timu = = wnwitip ltlelt s.le.cis It, the peliean e.!1te. Huai, Inte .4 threw routpanlem at least will E =. ,,Ii.. :,.. is.nE1110.1 Itue.1.-bluelts mi Lb the go to the East. Ilea. Closrle. poor, them ..., I = Cloap

= :ult.; lls. upit es et li Insisted that it et l'arliwittent, in ale., routing lit Altieth'• for • .." — imply couldn't 1... thare," taut ull ttrla ry-tel-late tour t.ser lit. Inland Shea.

Mr. Foote Is one of the leading epeaL•ra and

ataimmen of the Irla ni thaulubla Ile Ita• been

ea the chnut•uqua platform before t., the

Slater. having leetured for two »wanons

aoah. ear. ago user the old Unman circuit,.


pates dunk' be med.. If at all powilde. even

• tapeurot be brasier than usual in account

ef ter .-toi eltU..1t1. 0 reFlInpo to.. may he

ape to [ling a rimilur elluation to that « f the

its: year. It le 1111(1. ,f1allt to remember

that ...minions r*et,S where ate the tutu, a, te,.,

arm • t ear ago, and that the c.tuntry 1..0 cm will

rien up the title. do.

A little bird tell, U. that *riding bell• are

In Mt in the .prIng for wonse of th. hubert

Pellet girl. «u Colt Tim... lieleee Iturg.m. la

wite..g. •

pretty Aitirbh and Nlary Jane r:unn, cf the

Koran., new high In Fredeilrit. Ilk, It coaling

their. $1'1 Per fir In • iv>rfrt-IIT ans•I airplane. The NieMurphy Cirth house Co. «pens in Eae..,a

tit', week, and the Uniremity Playittoure re.

tie.. In Trlaronstin.

Au Itatul•Itise tebel t,, inveeligate

the Taylor muds. properly trunk the I-angina

tart.. on Colt l'Imet, part their Kettle.. in. The

Taykr loris held agalnat all efftrta, but the

pima m•a damaged ai-ut Fite &dims worth.

rreganlred :Metropolitan Tri.,I. gating th, e-t atslish..d lyceum cruipanie• a run for

their money in the Ea•t under White Itureau

e luau. ment.

Mane Fri-b Triggs plodding boleiward then

tb. mud. after hot entertainment at Elbert. Col.,

la the dark an.1 petite r•lehlog up with him

mid asking - how man the *how It.nlight 11 •11

replied - - lib. there ss•tor•t r•ry mods to

The gulls.. •11.1: "1 knew It ma. g0111( to be

cotta-u, ... I didn't it.

1.101-d Prager. of Whit. 1 Myers' Seidler.'

(purist*, le giving an original planolog. entitled

"I Ceuldn't Hear the Wombs." and lu a

tee rhautauqua peer •nd a trombene wilt. to In

finished in litre. week,. laat Aahford. of the

White it 119.r. ••FIghtIng Americana," has writ-

tea a new thaulautiu• sttng also. Goes, Huff.

Gail Flreher's "Yank.." Just off from While

1 Myeru ant ital•liffe Time. at-spurt in Chi

...Ian en route to It.,r1ser. III., where they «pen


Th. Minot Deily New, glees the ('ake-mil;

Pearl a half -essiunto after their high elmil on

met •sd ps..ed the betwieela profuvelY, eve. to

L. O. R. hInotelf, who orginired the company.

The Belgrade INI-rel.) Commerelal Club ls

Ijiting rolsantage of mor etww1•1 offer tts *pad

the CrwrImart Nnmber, at the regular pries.. In

say nature eon( 10. and has rtubmitled forty

name,. We rend the •pecial Chrlaima•

ember. 1«gether with • •pecial Chriatn..• card,

',tsetse VIAL the idg Chrl.inta. Inati• ma. sent

''ll, the bent elates of the lm-al commilmse

The, only rest 15 ern', each—paper •nd card -

willed t., tros If yen e•nd In lOi

rttutes ne soul make It all Fne F10. Why not try




• h ms Him-min -a an-I In.tructimm sett ran ham. tat• wit work thee aces anywhere. out In the 'awn «twin a itl•tferm. I "millet Ow Chair Art In • Park. Pallyllou for tairole. It man a daub.


71rt2 Floyd Am . Riehmaad. Na.

t iNALE QUARTETTE) Ora••Inot 1.11?

I ent am ant al Wm, Realises tsar Bella

F N GATES M•••••• MrwrIsteth ill ea 4... --

Metropolan Glee Club















.,0 ll sniff nralt. "el on on, one felt 00

o ef Ft elerabol Ilnrean

FIllyinn to her sui.:.ort •plen-

d stir'. 51ms el- .0.3. her uesr le for

• "Iv Fake.," loill•raut. nips ..11111,0. oprned

November 19 mitt, ri..-. Elmore Lowe), end four

other numberu nre t..

Edwards. the I ouisienit Uwe builder. Is DlonerrIng In c. ..... of t s. tossns

of this zee:It Slate pl Hag tile lyceum where

only tile lent itt'nstrel tnmpe grew hefore.

I•loteer is one of ill.» to-s t-ssn• to know the

ly.elint tinter his missi,nury s,er em . but the

interest vuzirests u t-hange in th. town's name.

At Eum.l. also, tile elnpl,so, .4 the 1.1;z nailing

emnpuny liase taken tte hems, .ollroe. owl are

rapt-rt.... Min..; y inn ny season tii-lets

to tlo• siege« otwratite•au well ao Ill. blteo.

— They need the uplift. and it tv «tar opportunity

lo give it to them." sat s Commillitetnin Ceell

Smith. the jell:al bookkeeper té tlor lumber cons•


all my year, of Lyerum w.rk, - write.

r. Si, Gates, - this is the time time that I

hare ever witnessed a ruell a, greeted

the Metrt.poillan Glee Club at Stockton. Mo.

The program Wee NehedUlet1 10 heg10 at F14.:0 o'clock p.m. At S o'clock the m.o .,' ma., eat

large that It was itnis.ssible to get within

thirty feet ..f the entraner, and they were atIll

rotning—the hull was so packed that people

were sitting sr tund in the "len window». Standing r..'.,, was at • premium. The het

m'a, a very lend' pla.'e ta work In. 1 W.011.1

milting that In view of the fact that people

are tot loyil to the efforts of the lyceum com-

mIllee III attending. It would be swell for the

tronlinurl on page S;',1

T. B. Harms and Francis, Day & Hunter, E E STERLING B NTTIS IN LIFE PORTRAYALS

62 ‘Nest 45th Street, NEW YORK E :101e immortal by


E Personal Adger', E3151"*YersfrAZ Chiesee. IlliaeN.

= A. E. F.

j11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MUMM11111111111111111111111111111111111111114 WANTED, QUARTET SINGERS





Studio 909-10 Lyon & Healy Bldg., Chicago


WANTED Versatil e Musicians In line% for lemon. and Cheut•urtua tromerminir Alibis II tItett t« II I. Itl.A•11. irmilt• t nisi-nor,. TO. Mete.a. le ea



Addreu 1120 era Neer AM, Chkafe. IH.


Top Tenor, also Baritone who plays piano. Must read music, no fake harmony.. Traveling concert work, good bookings and good pay, at once. Write or wire for ap-plication blank. Other voices also apply.

LOUIS O. RUNNER, 5527 Lake St., Chicago.


I. L. C. A. COMMITTEE Ril"OiliS Trma figures refer to the grades in the ..... t cards:, 100, audience delighted; well pleased: 80, fairly well pleased; 00, not satisfied.

IC tritInued front tant week i

DR. C. WHITFIELD RAT hir.11.-111, 1111. MIL .... .e "IM in Itrbla. a. Mont... Dot «.1m0n. Id WS Edmonton, Alta, 10I Hemerer Wto, 00 Vrostmt. Alta 111" OPTE READ Shelly, Id, In, Wilton JunctIon. la. • le0 Plain.. Moat. l‘r.0. 11....e.l.r.,07. ::: 101 Ketreiberl. %eds. pm Moore Jaw, Ranh. 100 Wen*. la. 100 Taber, AIM. 9•11 Bnoilyn. la. .010 Fernle, Il. r. SO Walnut. IS. SO

Ira non. la. latugdon N I) 100 Widen*. Mlon, lute ralewartHile. 100 Sliver City. ta. 'MP Nelt0 Stuoron. la. 100 College Soria.. la III,. cam Late %Ilan. 10 itencelnehlge. %to te1011111Ueol on page

. ty.51

hi'. have work wartIng in September ft r men who ham been cser•ew., and who ran handle >Salo Quartet Sing-let Th.— (hurling loll Inerunwittg prttferred WrIt• Of wire r Hank pay I-emu...Yu work. IA Lake e- man.


Instrutr.rwM1 Iloterlainers

ALBERT D. LI . Dressler.

474 %team. Sleet, Seventh Aa -.1 f•silhfirld Street



Extrelle. Olst, Swelal PhysitletlY. C 1Fra!•!,

Milt- • Wilma& Ink., le-riarri,



119 Nate Clark Street. CHICAGO.


Fine Arts Building, CHICAGO.


707 Pine Street, St. Lou Is, Mo.


lareurn and Chautauqua C. bol -'so and E r nttalner, 'rite for part ettejl&Istut lana. Poem 911 Sternetty lisli, el East Er IGuess laL Chieago. 191111ole


imporseaatIrms la latredaslae WW1 and Falk Sarum

Address Ilt-Molit Artte. :701 WiLahlre. IlAi California.

36 The Billboard DECEMIIIR 13, is


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Vol. XXXI.


DEC. 13. No. 50

ditorial Comment

men who naine coal. Business, mantis facturing, commerce, amusements, education, religion, health, comfort, life itself, are all at the mercy of the man in the pit. At this hour It may be vieil for us to look back over the road that labor has traveled. We can better appreciate the struggles of our own time If we understand the long, bloody battles that have been tonight that we might arrive at our present position.

II:nerson says: "The whole inter-ests of history lie in the fortunes of the poor." What has been the laborer:. reward?

Ilas the workingman been given a square deal? From the beginning to the present time every advance in the condition of the working man has been by the force of his own pow-ers against the determined opposition of those who have chiefly benefitted by Als toll. One by one the fetters have fallen as the laborer has toiled upward thru the centuries. At the dawn of history we find the labor of the world being performed by slaves. In Greece and Rome the fields were tilled and menial household duties were performed by slaves. One reads

There was a labor question then. It usas not a question of wages, for there were few freemen who worked for wages, and thesie were utterly despised even by tile slaves. There was no question as to hours of labor or the right of the minorer to organize. The mastere queetIoned: ''I lose can we compel these chattels of ours to serve our needs and our whine?" The slaves questioned:"Ilow can me safe-ly evade the toll that springs from no impulse and brings no recompense?" The wonder deepens that sane man could believe that fetters forged in the heat of such deadly hatred and welded by blows of oppression could hold so-ciety together. Slavery in Europe was doomed, but it took the masters sev-eral centuries to find it out. Gradual-ly it dawned upon them that an Indus-trial sestem which makes your work-man your natural enemy Is economic-ally unsound.

T1IEN serfdom followed. As Prometheus was chained to the

rock these serfs were chained to the soil, enjoying, however, a much larger measure of liberty than the slaves. But.


ILL T. HAYS, chairman of the



National Republican Committee, in a speech at a banquet in New York given by the Republican Women's Ex-ecutive Committee of the Empire State, pledged the Republican Party to the plan of equal distribution of the honors, control and direction of the party, making no distinction between men and women.

This alone Is an epochmaking decla-ration. It means more than its face s•alue would Indicate. It means much more, too, when we consider his next great declaration.

In regard to labor Mr. Hays declared that the economic situation was simply a matter of Roosevelt's "square deal."

"To that end," he said, "we must develop a reasonable method for hon-est and efficient labor to acquire an interest in the business to la-bor is expected to give Its best efforts. Pending this development an equi-librium between production and wages must be established."

This principle of labor's right to a VO .CP in the control of business, its right to a part In She management and direction of theehusIneens which it helps to create, lean epoch-creating declare-lion. At this very hour we see how neees-

tarritAs for capital and labor to unite, iee how dependent we are upon the

The strength of any people lies in their love of home. When the home spirit dies or weakens the nation is doomed. The elements which make for the destruction of that spirit are far more deadly than the radical-ism which is so incessantly harped on today. One of the first things to be dont- ia creating contentment le to help people to have decent homes, with such measure of comfort in them as to permit the enjoy-ment of other essential and rational pleasures to which they are en-titled by the mere fact of living. That the love of home and the culti-vation of the home spirit is a rapidly disappearing American charac-teristic is apparent.

A boy pays attention to a girl. Instead of entertaining him in her own house, In the atmosphere where they belong, they go either to a dare,-hall or a neighborhood movie or any place away from the family lite. This fever to get away from the proper restrictions of home poisons their courtship, and, when they ar.• marriod, nover having developed the home spirit, they are unable to create it in the marital establish-ment. So they continue to do as married people what they did as sweethearts. The virus is passed on from father to eon and from mother to daughter until before long the home gets to be nothing more than a place to eat and sleep.

There Is an excuse for this in homes which by reason of economic servitude are made uninhabitable. There is perfect propriety in occa-sional enjoyment outside the home environment, but the constant ex-position of the holier that "any old place but home, sweet home, is good enough for me" is a most dangerous symptom in the national character.

The underlying blame is to be placed on the shoulders of those who pay insufficient wages to their workers to make and keep a habitable and attractiv:- place for children. There is no hope for remedying con-ditions until that fundamental evil is removed. The rest is a matter of education and effort. The wk:cly heralded "conimunity service" is

another potent factor in weaning US away from home by furnishing at-tractions to pull us away from it. True community service lies not in en-couraging people to get away from borne. but in helping to make homes possible for them and then educating them to enjoy and appreciate them. When the apostles of "AmericanIzation"—that undefined, over-worked, utterly uncomprehended phrase—start out to preach their gospel their first slogan should not be "Back to the land." but "Back to the home."

asIth astonishment of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Cato that "A slave is a slave by nature, that he is born to thls destin)'; that slavery is a pollt:cal necessity, since no man who works for a livelihood could be fit for citi-zenship—that would be fatal to the state, and in order that there may he free citizens to rule the state there must be sieves to support them in idleness." Cicero wrote his daughter. Terentia, that "No gentleman ever made a copy of his own speeches or would fill Ws own cup with fragrant wine cooled with snow, because work Is for slaves, not for politicians."

These arguments, put forth by the most enlightened men of the time, in-dicate the deplorable condition of the workingman at the beginning of the Christian era. Dr. Schmidt exclaims: "What a society was this of Rome, tol-erating orgies where the blood of :drives mingled with the wine of their flower-crowned masters, where mortal comhat mingled with impure panto-mime, where the guests were offered in turn the grimaces of actors, the carnage of gladiators and the kisses of courtezans—where. Indeed, the most monstrous cruelty watt ailled with the most shameless llbertInisml"

evade the burdens laid upon hini and reduce the amount of his compulsery labor. Centuries wore on. Th.-workman began to inquire why the laborer should not have the right to choose his own employer and hies own employment, why the men who do the world's work should not he free men.

Then England was shaken to her center by a great religioue movemenu. which finally ended in the Reforms. tion. The preaching et' John W:rk• lif WIIS the largest influence in break. Mg the fetters of serfdom in England. When Wicklit Proclaimed that priest and king and proprietor get their rights from God and are responsible to Iltm It swept away the found:it:en of serfdom and eacramentalism as

There are other fetters to be broken. The ancient tyrant ordered one of his subjects, who was a blacksmith, to make

a chain of a given length. The chile was completed, when the tyrant order. cd that 14 length should be doubled. This was done, and the tyrant then ordered that the blacksmah be bouni with the chain he had made and cast into the flames. The brain of the la-borer conceived and h's hands wrousht many labor-savine t'eviee., hut the machinery. which is the expression of his powers of intellect, has been used to bind him remorselessly to his toll. "When steam arid the machine pro-duced the mill he %yes us-erse off than serfs, or even the slaves. hi ancestors." The stationary steam engine gathered the workmen emu* it and the factory system took the place of the dontestle system. The strength of the laborer was indefinitely multiplied. and Im-provements and Industr!al changes have taken place with bee imer,ne rapidity during the past century. The factory system changed the workman from a cherished dependent to siinpiy the living tool, of whom the emp:mer knows less than of his steam enzine and cares sit little as he knows. ta many instances the machine could be watched and tended by women an1 children.

the serf was only hit:f free. It seemed to be natural for the workingman to be dependent upon and subject to someone above him. The whole In-dustrial system was built upon the idea of the subjection of the many to the few. There carne a time when little groups of workingmen bound them-selves together for mutual aid and protection. Fugitives from their mas-ters swelled their number. T:teir rights were confirmed by the king, who round it to his advantage to strengthen these unions of free working men. They In-creased his revenue and strengthened authority. Graduainy the fetters of serfdom weakened and broke ne kings sought the support of the oommon people for their thrones, and mas,ers came to see that a freeman is vastly more likely to be a better servant than a bondman.

Th. n the labor question was, on the part of the master, mainly, hew th? workman could be kept in hla place as the member of an inferior clans, how the restrictions upon his liberty could he maintained and enforced, how he could he coerced into rendering service to those above him In the so-cial scale. On the part ot the work-man It was the question how he oould

W HICH one has the right solution of our present troubles, Chairman

Bays or Governer Philipp. of Wiscon-sin, who, in an address before the Na-tional Aneociation of State Fairs. in convention at Chicago. said:

"If the Government did what it ought to do it would appoint a com-mission to investigate the labor troubles, fix wages and let the United States Army say to the men: "You g, to work! If you don't you'll get neither coal nor food.'

"This is no time for pussyfoot poll-t'zlans."

Be ascribed the labor situation fa "labor agitators" and "eePlah, heart-ices employer,' who art nit honest enough to give the labering man hid dues."

"We have given ton much nttentlen to other people's business and (or-gott. n mr own.

"With prosperity before us and the world asking reur price we aro threat-ened with freezing and starving," he said. "It in net the threat of organ-ized labor, but of labor orgion:ze-s Whnt is the laboring man to do? lie must belong to the union and isidou't to its dictation or have his family ostracized."

Let's not forget that the advanee-ment in the march of the peneie's betterment has lucen won In blood and battle and that if we try to continue this reign of terror we are not tilO

whit better than our primitive nn reed ore

'Fight or think—why can't we telF.1106. and give and tnke' In the end 44

fronlInlosl on page ti)


DECEMBER 13, 111111 The Billboard 37

IC _ hicim S

BY WILLIAM „. J. HILLIAR A :tzai Iiioomtiounkailona for thin column to WILLIAM J JILL/JAIL ewe of The BCreard

603 Humboldt Bank Bungling, can

karts. tie Mystery Man of India, now playing tiro lilt and Nevada, han done a wonderful Wineaa ever thee tale .bow opened ti,•ptember

Ile played a return date In Reno. Nev., at

the litait" TheWer for the Iluot tiros. whom. he ute. are wonderful managera and real *how-

men. Regarding the difference between clty wad .mall town andiencea Kara says: "I wish to state I think the small towns expect more of a performer than the city audience, and the

aria reawn the performer has • difficult time petting tds act over to a small town la because, at • rule. he haa very pour ¡tag, accommoda'

Uva'. But we have found that andiencea la

this part of the conntry are good. The man-gers also try to make everything an comforta-ble*, they poaelbly can." On the same subject Havana uye: "My ex-

terlecee la that the large afire give credit to, • well presented clever effect, regardless, of bow old. and they are easily satisfied. The asti towna demand something new, yet they

leak the power to express critical opinion."

Dr. James William Elliott write.: "Front use ruagictan'a point of new city folk, are more

fetal on an average than country folk., rIty pe-nie work an many hours, then they throw off all cares and go out to enjoy them-'elves forgetting all about their work. Country folks have no regular honra, for there's always something for them to do every day In the year, t grave reeponalbillty reefing upon them. and 'Dead of them, hence as a result they are of a mime naiad. It Is seder to mystify a small. own widleoce than a large city one. but the It; aud:ence is beat for comedy."

Ceerge De Lawrence has favored na with a

MCY of hie new book, "A Vaudeville Magic Act." which la complete with dIreettane and

'patter" for the proper presentation of the ration' effects described. We can highly

ecommend the book, especially for the young sonjorer deelrom if breaking into vandeville.

November number of The Sphinx MI:slats of 1.: pager, probahl,T the beet testae from (eery Irladraint that Dr. Willson Ras ever published. When "Ed" Vernello, his wife and the Writer

,r tile page got out the drat number of The Sphinx in the basement of the old frame burl. ag at :82 Michigan avenue, Chicago, In March,

ISr:. we little dreamed that we had given to be rnagleal world a magazine which now sifting

leetised to live until the end of time.

Illact.tone la 'still doing well in Canada. le plays the Empire. Edmonton. Alberta. en ,'aie to tha Coast. expecte to play in in

Preselect., and le conteruplating going from 'ssre tu An•tralia. ¡Lay rtamissu is now man. seer lie Blackstone Company.

t Rush Liss Toy, late with the Mercedes chow, . playing eamlevIlle for the W. V. M. A.

kacwing ftill well that nearly all Interested • mark are eager to get new ideas for triol,.

Ind a hile under no circumstances will The lidlhoard publish anything that might expose Tub' to any way, we hare deckled each week '0 print an effect, 'elected at random from the

our original tricha that are sent to us. We ball only /limbo, the Idea, leaving it to the In

tenuity of the performer to devise the means • ,reritt will he given to the lovenine. •ed odY Iffeete wed that we know are pr•ctical of leomidieliment. but the method employed will tase f., he ligure4 out by the reader,

elleve that thie will add Interest to thie 'Moron. and he the meatus of producing many

merrements on the ordinary mettwds of today. tossIs for a new effect in Oda column next week.

cleeton IN pas king 'otn lu at the Proode Imes, around New York. Ile paid he Is ttollag

huy • camel to drag around lehlust Ida car.

sal if he get• attick Inc can change &hunt anti let the camel lead him home,

it is well for the naplring mulatto to always rie•mber that u•ually the tnost alert minds In lily theater are to he found in the gallery. Tile oIr steal Peream lina the most madder way of

MAGICIANS, Stratus, Snag Beek Men. ", •,, 0ur lib, Site., N-Itay Tuheoa,

eat maw!. 12 dlr. rent Urn,. f'onno.rle IA.( tree. el IA I .t,1 NIAllilt* MP DE, es

analyzing the effect, while the gallery boy thinks ssf the simplest way, and yet he may be wrung In his explanation.

Magic World for November has • picture of J. F. Kneyak on tbe front page. S. O. Paul explain+ hie carrot mad card trick, and U, L. Gilbert writes some pithy patter fcr the wlue

and water trick.

Myeterlou• Smith and Company, featuring Mme. Olga, are playing the came territory they covered lard year, anti buts'neea is even better

than It was then. Smith I! always; inaproeleg and adding to Ole show with the remit that his patrons eagerly await hie annual visit to ti ;.x comma:titled.

Magic in San Franclaco le on the boom. 'six.

liai is being banqueted and feted by the va-rious city clubs and °remit...Hunts (be was one of the gueets of the city'. luncheon to Sir Harry Lander). and Is in great demand at hig'..1a -- Ill affairs. At the ravages'

evet seek the Kutna troupe r:, Japanews magc..::., hare the en,t apprratms that we have ever ...en used by any Illwionits. It 14

Worth • ti•it to the theater just to nee their beautifully decor..ted cabinets, trunk.., table% deaPee. eje. Many a eleeer niagleisin haa fillol t'irai lack of attention tu nil. all Imprtant fea-ture of enecess on the. stage. Kama deserves great prairie for honing what we consider to

be the rant handsome stage setting,, of any n.a-'Irian in vaudeville today. Another art that stands otit protninontly, eider, on 'lemma of its nallne pening, lu that beinst presented

by Pittaff at the Cassino Theate-. It starts off asi a terse dramatic eketch, and everyone Is Di...athletes before a trick is performed. Pinson' then stustaion the intercat with a bode. sd rapid

isis,l,ted by a young nun •11.1 woman. the act is a distinct nova-l'y In magic.

The Golden Gate Assembly No. 2 of the So-ciety of American 51:1,21411ns will hase a ban-quet at .the Bellevue. Potosi December 12.

'Gilbert Nagle Co., of Cisicngo. write,: “Ilare tried -to keep my ad In The rillboart, but a -funny 'situation arisen every time I irt it ran. Cet -so anany orders that I ,'an't handle theta.

When 1 get inure help will keep ad going ern-

U.:tonne!. My stage money' ad In Ti,.' Hillboud »old peces Inside of a week. -

A prominent magician writes ass follsms: "Vandeville magicians are fuolissh to try In., set

the world 'atine' with a bi,r show. for altho they may hare vcsederful acts and have • big

reputation in vaudeville. they Met .ally be.

come "Vent:sr. In s strange land when they enter thy root show tleld. A big nmetc

road show mud, above cterything else, n-tertain, aa writ as mystify and please the

eye, and the buainese management and methodhn of advertising and booking are totally different than in vaudeville. Experlince la the ONE and ONLY teacher that can and will make a

eucce-aftli big road show magician."

The Great Everett would like to find the nap who first Reid Magic was dead. Everett has just purchased a toe touring car for ht, wife, La Mlle Virginia, eat reports that he

Is doing Moe in the South. Ile le going to put out a big magic *bow with J. 31. Benson.

Leroy, Talma anti Bosco made a great bit at .he 31ajeatic, Chicago. their duck vanish and

Production causing muck talk.

Iticharde, the Wizard, says that his badness ht po,itively wonderful, anti be has the bent route ahead of him that he ever had. Richard ,

being made the guests of honor nt affairs

given by Chambera of Commerce. Rotary Clubs, etc.

Muck-Sad-A111, mince he closed with the Wel-

ter Sasidge Shows, ha, had his own company «11 the road. Ile is now In his fifth week, and busines, la very good. Mock Sad-.till playa three night, in each town, giving one hour and forty-tine minutest of magic and mind-read-ing, and changing the 'how completely each


Fret 11. Gordien. haring closed hie ermen, la wintering at Phoenix. Ariz., Gering on some new Illusions for next season.


vier, Ky.—Have PPPPP heard of the Idea, but it opens up a new Meld In Crystal Gazing. If it le bony own keep it ta yourself. !lave sent your letter to a party who we 'si-lleve could make It

for you, and ire will reapect your confidence. 3f. ./. IlEOWNWOOD, Asbn,7 Park. N. J..

r. P. No. 3.—Tew sr- wronti. The "'-celled "Magic wand" is of great importance

and usefulness b. a magicloa: in fact, many trlek , 1.100t t.. pertemed without Pe aid. We cannot tell yon the reawn lore, but when

you commence to study magic you will readily tad nor.

orro FRIEDMAN. Nashville, Tenn.—Con-sult with T. J. Crawford. who Ilioi In your tow it. NAP C. BTRON. Thornton, it, I.—Thnrston

has been d--In z ne illusion you refer to for

several years. AETIWR T. KIRCHNER, 1710 P Street, N.

W., Wuhington. D. C.—Would re. ,OlUttlend you

In, obtala a esEY of Profess. r Hoffman', look. "Modern Magic." It costs 12. and eau be pur-

chased from any magical rie-tir. JAMES Z. SKri.laiN. St. Peter. 311on.—you

nay you can rat any kind of piston without harm to yourself, and want to Anger how much

nonne; you corrId make on the otage d01112' it as an act. Would eriage•t that par go to New lork, smelt :CI of the agents awl ted

(GontInned on page CA)


1 , We make to order tiro' etyle of Ventriloquist Figuro-. complete,

with mouth action, $10.00. Extra movements. $2.00 each; Girl

Figures, $12.00. These are well :still., figures, and suitable for ail

styles of work.

Punch and Judy Figures of ail kinds, $2.50 and $3.50.

j -193 Sotie MARTINKA 84 COMPANY, Inc.

New York City.


Ten Great Separate anti Distinct Departments. WONDERFULLY ILLUSTRATED.

It your name im not already on our large list of reeserTe orders, SEND NOW. PRICE. 25 CENTS, POSTPAID.

THAYER MFG. CO.. 334 S. San Pedro Street. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.

MAGIC—FELSMAN'S—MAGIC ,1„. anal 'tag& largest in the world.

eu•it •nd •itiontenta. taro. teonderrollv %ior•es sin be

retan.ted nigh Orel ord, of II of wore >n ot • :-..ent •t•ratt. for 7O-vag.. Catalogue 'took or L`,Pe el ' •i ins k r 11,4,1 Trivia, t•nivald Peck Card,. 50e

- e • awl .• Iskalkaal Itelea, a r* n/1141C Dla¡Ll111e. :(11,1

ARTHUR P. FELSMAPI. Dint Ii. Su I. N.,. St Pahl.« Hewes Libby, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS.

Surressor te A Raterbarg.



STA, 2. 304 W. 34TH ecw YORK, Prof••••.,nal Catalet. Cat•log. FttJtit WANTED TO BUY—Second-hand Aroma-

tua 1P ok.4, Mediatory. etc.

HORNNIANN'S NEW COIN CUP Far Aisearlem sad oisareeerlas.

A tease cup I, giver' to examine. Pee-former torross • Quarter. which is sraPteat lis tissue paper. Pot in Ityr cup and ejvcn to spectator to bold. Perfumer asks "if be would par lie fo ore • new trick. - lie rim "Tea" Perform, tells him to take lb., paner from cup: ow unarapPlog node Ise Performer remarks -That la ywir s Woo, 111G LAUC.11. FOOLS THE WISEST PRICE. 31.00

DE LAND'S DOLLAR DECK A Deck of Card, with 12.noe rustic,. With this deck P0,1 can perform ere, card trick Icemen. PrIee. new Witt watt 321tamt Hut aad Meettasileal testator. $1.00


PACK OF CARDS redoes, 5 *Mee

Easy in peewits. Ilfecille fer Stage or Parlor. Emeriti Price for • Maori time only. 73 seats.


HORNMANN MAGIC CO., sta. 2. 304 W 34th St., NEW YORK.



the latest and the best, write for our Large Illustrated Gataltn.


HEANEY MAGIC CO, Desk C, BerfutWis.

AGIC TRICKS, NOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Feature Asia in 3Lind reading au Spiritualism. Large stock. Dew Quality. Prompt shipments dar,ie lituatrated Proleestowal Catalog, CHICAGO MAGIC O.

Out D. 72 West Adams Si,, CHICAGO. ILL

MAGICIANS" We are the azannt alt. Tr.ItS for II•nolcurts. Lii Irons. Mall lists Strait-Jackass, Illik tens. and. In fart, crer•thing In the

Drape Lose Large. new Illustrated Ca:alone, which ano connote a complete line of NovNtles, Tricks. Puzzle, end Musk n't. .111.1. Orr the Press. Flux. THE OAKS MAGICAL CO.. Duet. 346, Oenkink. Wla,


Books on Magic, Etc. 5c for List.

BAILEY & TRIPP CO. 580 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Mass.

Thirty Card Mysteries h, Chart, T. Introd.ri, ¿'testan:r , Down•: 29 illustrations;

II .50 the ropy, pompald :aged 2e stamp fur Illow tweed d, .'ru:er and prhe 11,n of or« at-r-out) down ute

CHARLES T. JORDAN Nos 61, Piteleenve Califensisk




MELROSE MAGIC CO. 166 E. Esersom St strirliSE MASS.



CIGARETTE CASE Una the ^um, •,..1 fresh

Cigarette appears Smartie. lie.

Quantity peaces fll termer. , THE CARE MANUFAC-

---:etwo co.. 243 Witt 235 »treed. kw Vera City.


BARGAINS IN MAGIC 34•Page II.t Is now out. It's

DCLIDEN, 2211 5. 11th Si., r). Damon. »LA

• HERE IT IS AT $20.00 LESS she.% a • not, - t I .111 send you the ••ray..lear at require,. *Ire or alretws, in sitetursish, 110 .praking tole. no IlIff.1111 Uf tlfetl 411P•s. no 5.10 or ikr.• so '" bout• SO ...I t,, bUllatklia, Casi be warted nee wslasuim after recalls of "Peeler. - system recently sold for 12.%.00. .t.hlrem

MYSTIC RAYMOND. ears R000n Mehl, winsome. won »elm.

Improve vaur flashy, send istaao to en oll nél, LW). 11,17 and palet same for Oft

Inuwatine—TANGLI : CO —Seria


38 T he Billboard Dictum- 13, 1"9


Managers id performers are motet/ally renumted to contribute Oar dates to this department amt.-, ov..e• resell The MI I anard not later than Friday of each west to insure publhation.

77). Kaltman) fureards all mall to profeeir.ionabi free of charms Benders of the prefandon are invited, erhlia an the road, to hare theAr matt addrensei to care of The Billboard. and ft will be forwarded prompt:Y.

Benedict. King'deY, ('o. (Keith) Toledo, t).:


WFen no date is given the week of

December 8-13 is to be supplied.

71 Regular Ensintra Man (Orphenm) Jaelcaon. Sn,,,.

Ahleitt. Arthur, le Co, (111pp.) Saeranomtn, Cal. Abbott, Peol, ('o. 1Lyreum) klemphia. Tenn. Aces of no-molly Three IllIppd Portland, Ore. Adair, E. & I:. (Keith' Columhas, 0.; (Keith) Iteybm IS-2(1.

Adalr, Jenn. Co. (Keith a Prochlenre; (Prin. re") Montreal IS-20,

Adorn, & tattoo tranhe) Kansas ('ity. Adam.' Es Ilahl tErand) Daluth. Minn.; (Palace)

St. Paul 15-17. Adler, Hyman. t'o. (Lesew) Hamilton, Can. Adolphus, Mons., Co. (Palace) Brooklyn. Ahearn, lion (Novelly a Topeka. Nan, Ahearn. I 'Ira,., Co. a Lyric I Hamilton. Can.;

trrinee., Mona real 15.211. Albright Ital. grant/wee) WInnIPeff. ran. Abilue & Wright Moreleol KIM.. ('tir. Alex., Three tWa-wii-k) l'InoklYn. Alec. Pin , . A Etelyn d'antages) Sin Prancisc0; I l'inlay,».) Otkland 15-1$1.

Alfred & Co., 3dek al orpheum) Skin City. Ia. Allen k Co.. Norm I 111pp.) Seattle, Wart.; 1 illiar. I Taentran 11-17.

Alien, Tommie, Co, (P..111 Woreester. Mass. Aloha (rainer) Fl(nt, Mich. Alvin fr Eenny (Plural Wvreeater. Mass. Amer,. Sisters 1 Rialto, lit-eine, W1... Attalla"., A Jeanette (Pentanes) Ion Angeles. I Pan( sues) Man lalego IS.'2').

Anderwon. Revue (Liberty) Cleveland. Andrieff Trio (Lytle ) fikinhomn City. Angel & Puller (Princess) Wichita. Kan. Armor & Parker ¡Platter) Hartford, Coon. Anthony & Item (Lyeenm) Pittsburg. Ara Slaters (Busittelek) Brooklyn; ¡Alhambra' New York 15.'211.

A realer. law & Gene Myer) Hamilton, Can.: :Temple, Detroit 15.20.

Angier le Belford (Pnatagea) Seattle; (ran-lager.) Vancouver. (Tin., 1SC).

Argonne Five (Palm, a New Ile, en. nazi). Armento. Angelo, ..k. Co. (11;npremat Decatur.

Ill. . »Bee. Anita, & Co. ¡Orpheum) Waco, Tex.;

(Royal) San Antonio 1.:-20. .krnaut itrue. ¡(Irplieum) Vancouver, Can.: (Or` pheum) Seattle 15-Td.

Artistic Treat Mary land I Baltimore; (Keith) Philadelphia 15 20.

Anhley S. litetrieh a Keith) Dayton, 0 Aubrey & Wee Mu-I-rheum) New York.' Audit: & Delaney (I .:adage.) Denver. Asey & O'Neil (kInicellca liounton. Tex.: (SI .-

yeetica San Antonio 15.20. Bailey & Cowan a Ito> al 1 New York: Mush. wick a Brooklyn 15•21,

Bailey Duo. Oliff (Jeffers) Saginaw, Mich.; (Bijou) Bay City 15.-17.

Baker & Row-, (Palace) Ft. Wayne. Ind.: (Re-gent) Muskegon, Mleh., 15.17.

Bak. r & Or,. Welter t('ryidal 1 St. J.erph, Mo. 10 1.4)01.. Belle t Keith e Dayton. O.; I Keith) Columbus 15.5n.

Baker, Phil t 11 Ipp. i Cleveland. Bail & C.,.. Foeter (Palace) }lint, 'Mich. Bell k Wood. (1.yrIee Oklahoma t'lly; (Ma-

janItor Worth, Ten., 15-i-M. Itsilet Three ifielthr Toledo, O.; (Keith) Syra-

cuse. N. Y.. Ream & Co., Joe idrarall Duluth, Minn. Bankoff. lean. Co. gtarphrum klinneepolln:

tarphrung r St. Paul 15.5.0. Barter A daekson tOrpheum) Seattle; (Or-rheum Portland 15-20,

Barbell« I Keith) Itosttan. Bard, M nit( ( Keith) WashIngtma; (Dacie)


Barnes & Freeman (Grand) Atlanta, Ga. Berne, Stuart altrPitenni • Senttle: (Orpheum

Pro Rand IS ::(a. Berne* k Crawford g MaJeatie) Chicago; (Or-pheum e St, lend.

Barney & Chao. ( II irap. ) Spokane. 'Wash. Berrett, l'ut ((trphengn) ('hampaign, liar,ett, Arthur (Pantagem) Voniouver, Can.;

hintnge`al Victoria Barry, Lyalle (Orpheutia I Duluth. Shin.; (Or.

¡rheum, Minima/amain 154:1.1. Burry, Sir. A Mrs. J. (Mary Anderson) Louis-

M(ni'. t Cleveland 15-:.». Barry d. Loyurn INalionall New Tort, Peru., Three (ranter's.) long Bead). Cal.;

trzotagesi Salt Luke. Ptah, 15-5M. Pion sk Allen 1Greglec Sq.) New York. Itou, ru & Mannders (N•tIonal) New Yurk. ltayle & Patay tillpr.) elnernmentn. nark Cf.,n, fOrphelttn) 0r.en "Bay. WI.. Beeman, Wayne (Atenne It) New York. Beginning f the World g Orpheum San Francloio: iOrolacton, ttakland

Bell & Cray (Yoncel Toronto. 11.11 & Adis,- ¡Majestic) iiprIngfit-1,1, Ill.

Arthur A Leah ardor., Ft. Dodge, la. • & Eva tleffer• Dullaa, Tex,

Belle A, Caron atijon) Birmingham. Ala. gisteri. t Ea rtlek r Wilmington. Deli,

Aelmont's Canary opera, (Pallor.) Itoetford, Ill,

1111111a. 1 nungstown 15.211. Bennett, Murray (dephenm) New Tort. Bennett Twin« (Ilipp.) Baltimore. Benny, K. torphetsmi Aleti ria. Cat' Bennington st, Scott tl.ils.rtyi With Walla,


Benny. Ben (Mniertle) Dallas, Ter.; (Ylajestic) Houston 1Teuu.

Baird alrpliemo) Victoria. Can.; (Or-lemma') rant .11, en •:a.

Betmoy. .t. Happy (Orpheum) Kansa• City. Mo.

Berger,. Valerie. Co. 1111pp 1 al.-I-eland: (K..ithl ,'`Yraeo.e.

Redo darts (Majestic) Springfield. 711. It, rtror,l A Duff, tOrpheunt r knietage City; (11r•

¡rheum) Winnitreg. Can. Bernard A: t Empire) North Yakima. Wash ; 'Colombia) Anneunver. n., 15 17.

Brown!, The& trainee) Brooklyn. Bernard & Meyer. (Boulevard) New York, Bernideal 1ln., r Pnntagm.) Portland. Ore. Herren-. Preil rKi,l,l Pro, Men' e; I belt It)

Lzerell. Vass.. Perry. harry, & MI-di (Pantagesi Saskatoon,

can.: tIMotageol Dimonton 15-5N). Bert & TtIC Pay Girl. I 1.11,rrly1 Walla

Wash. 1C-1::; Emphe N. Vathas (Colnnri;la) V.Ineoutcr. ran.. Is.TO

Bertram Is Saxton I A ilia morn I New York Blanen. 5Ille é Ma >stir) San Antonio, Tea.;

NIni,t1., e A net In Til.•knell g belie 'method, Me.

& Dot 41 101tfutirl'a Itravenputt. 7tIrd A K.-nut 'Strand' Eveleth. Mho). Murk A O'Donnell I Orbeam ¡ Winn !peg. Can :

(Orplgeum a Calgary IS 17.




11 , ét nine A Dads I Wall' Presume:, Neb. Browning. IIIIIy troll) t'en.

y I Kelt1.1 how ell. %hoot. Brunette.. Cycilitz trim:sere) Oakland. I Peittageel lat. Anode« IS

Budd. hour o•itate Cithingu. Iltilla we tart., Titre.. (Pantage.) Winnipey.

lk. u. Burl« & Durkin (fa)dta Foil Mier. Meen.

ke, at Band Gardena Kansan Clly. Itorke Olipp.1 Tek• I lark herdt .1. Waiter'. 11.11,031 Burn. S raldh, Ittrplaone 11elue.,

ittepireum) Magill.. 15 To. Pr•nk tl'autaassill Salt loke: a'a at arcs)

I »ideal 15.•-kt. Butters. erial 11.1hertyl ttlhdrirnin tl'ItY. t(k. Itrotell Parker g Ittgelgo I Brooklyn; ( New Sert IS •.:11

ealeirct Be Tali,. (1, (-Wan. Cameron A keened, 111a)..,d Ica .kusein. Tex. Cawill,i'. lards I. ',villa Indian's, poll, Campbells. ('nstlor. Mintier.) San Francisco:

indisnal 115.5m. Cannel,' A It., dirdwome Wom, 'l'es ; (Rey.

ni) >au %Moult IS rantOr.• klinetrel. tgarphettml Breen Bay, Wit.

s N, t venture.. port la nél. Ore, CrtriPt In A teals 111Imi I '('co. Carlton. Cheri Toronto. ('arr. Nat I :get eolooltt.0 ) ItrOokIJD. l'artm e li Dorris meld...ell Purliand, dry.:

'Preto' >In 15.*J.I. Cara., Emme, tfl-pheuin. . Lent.:

jestiel Cbirtro Carnthers, Prof J. P. ,rt. TT.) g.

It. 11.) 71111rank Jset: Piet 'Oren. ill. Indef.

I. avenue Duo Irentnee..1 Spokane: 1 rantare. 1 Seattle I 5-20.

l'haironte Sister. t W1. 1111a. Kan. chanen & Keke 1 Pelaerb (Or.

phew', a Jielcaon 1S-17. Carmen'. Niinstrele (Camay) imfay•tte. Chem, LaIN.ur 4.kenerlean New York.

& Janie %% el , P-en,nt. Neb. 11111001 Lansing. Mich, N1 Illt rj Jon li.01,1 IN111.1eptle) Ft.

Wort It, T. 1. Chum-. Moey tAlhsnihrur New York; (Colém•

lair New York Choy Ling Iler Troupe 'Liberty) Lincoln. Net. tlelstrolta Breen g Onebenui I We. e. Ti-n.;

llteysil Man Antonio 15.Tii. ("hang limn Pour (Paatages) Calgary. ran. ClevolIffl ¡Orpueum) Snit tale City; tOrplieuml

Deuce:. 15-TP.

Pormat C4,, . (tittle I Colonial) N., (*mantle, & Barnett (Marto.) San Aah .,

Tex. court nca s in lkill Wilke. It tingle. Martel ta, Co. (Loew) Toroulo. con, Creamer. Berton & Sparling defferroco Daly


Cranford & lIrderkk (Keith) Lowell, ¡Keith, Itoetion 1',..O,

Creighton. It. A J. MaJeetlea ptdrage. Creory & [ley!». ( Pala. 1.) Chicago. Crum( .1. Menton, t'Jew Montreal. ('tullen, Juntee Orpheum I Portland or,. I 'Indwell, San Pram hoe, 15'211

Commie, .k Willie tIllpp.t Clerclatal. tionerd Slider. 1 klayeell Piqua. il,; taitiadh

Ne-W -t Iv, 10.I., Current . tau g Pala. ea kIllwankee. Vern A Gralvtan tarand) Atlanta. 1:1, l'urson Ch',,' r, ttilie.6) Tomato. D'Anuo. Juggling diljoul Leasing. $11.b.;

joui list t t'reek Ire 17. Dar aa Ne.ille i('rencriO) New Deleting Dole & ayle 14;ra ) Duluth. Salon ; rreivé.,

St. p•-o 15.17. Dame Fantasies irantageal Kan Inegn.

ntoe...a long lieneh Dandle: Dewey 'Pantiles's') Splknoe: ( rantatret

Sent tie Rnr•ey. Joe damn') Hamilton. roe, bé re. Annette Virginian, ben ehe. liner.« libel. 1Colonlall Detroit.

Tim à Ch oborlek t Colonial' Detroit Bevis & lads ll'ulton) Ilresoklyn

k Walker Winery) Pnwhienee, IL I & Orton Wainer) Brooklyn.

Delder. Joe & e&die (Ilettedline) springseie Ma.«

Del•I‘le• Juggling (11Jlerty) Clerehind. Bella r. ..g. tOra Monti Sent: tOrpheun t

' II:O. Te'serete. Henrietta (runtimes° Edmenten, Cam ;

tPantareel Calgary 15-Tn. Del's) & Storer 11.1neoln es$1 I New York. l'e "4.14.• Co., Frank Pl1/1 I"!. Wayne. Ind

E.g.'''. et.. I Mlryland, itatImer" ifjo-Ma

DeWalde.A, Falwanie Ner: Blom Cone DeWitt & Geuther 1111altn1 Racine, Wis. IteWol re ilr'a t K.111h I 111.11•Immilq, In-a,,•-. It, v k Emma ( Hoye! a San .intonio. Ter,:

rtz lehlta I W h-hita Pails 15.5sy Peeker, Pant Co. I Polar-et New liaren. Reliant A Mangles (Strand) 'I:1,1db >non. lagmaren k Collette ?Keith a Weehlagteo.

tfitodo* it, Brooklyn 15-:kl. Been). Jr Donnentan il'antagesr WIon.vt.

ran. . _ De•sall. (nymph' Mach.) l'itt.,t-ert: mu")

(a.. IS ....Iv Tle‘tre.r.:hattz. PrImm & Co. tiling») Apoltane.

Decor Co .rthor I P ne nInco) Way. Isl.: lit" gent t M ‘al.k fem. Mich.. trt-w.

I lininosol a Brenner, o klaryiend a Haltim. re Inek Wm, 1Pantageei Tmeonza. Wash./ q ran.

toner) Portland. ore.. 1.-,.:%). istrkur...rt & I(etigun I Keith, Cincinnet 1. ilillon & Parker t Keith) Toledo, 0.; (Emprarel Grand Ite pad. NI leh.. 15 ;:lk

Dial« Daryl. Three (fzeKalh) Brooklyn. 1.01.00. Prink r Broadway t Mtolintee. Ilk. laaheen. Prank a Ernpree. ) Telee. Ilk l'ocketider. 1 no iSlate I-Ikea Chlragu; tkla pen.. I klilwankee 15-'10

BollY à Calame litrommtwiy) PIW1ngtleld. Bare. Itumlene. Eight (Yong.) Toronto. Donahoe & Fletcher tralacet Hartford. Coon. Donald Sl.tere 1Keith I Wa*Megton; (10.1thl

l', 1.11n:::riut..inTh e.11155 ....,..:1:1«rplueom a NlIoneapolls; (Orpheurm

Donley. PM iAmerlean) New Tort.

loser... ,I4 Msrl...,1. yn. 1Pantages) no o tate; (Pantsge

Do,. I, & It tot.ell tOrpheum I W•eo. Ter.; tit.l all San .%nt. ,n1.. 1:....:11

Th.I..n a itosalo New Sort.

Black, Stand. , n II, ,t,,n 111-mitlyn. Claire's. Duttj %Ito-nets (Tiara) Bridgeport. Daffy & Csidnell Or:Meant) SIOUX ('ity, la. BlIghty slIrle. Three titojol) New Turk; (Duet Conn. Imolirr'• i•celen »le eer• g pronoun) Oakland. Cal

el« k I Brooklyn IS.On. . Clark k Iterzmnn 1 K eltha Boston. Dunbar A Turner (Predates) San Illeffe, Call Illondeitird . Co. tPantares) :Minneapolis; (Pan- Clark & Verdi tEmpress) Erand Kiehl+, Shirt,; (Pantageel Beach 115.20.

tare's) • Winnipeg, ('an.. 15 5)0. I Kel ,h e Toledo. 0. 15 'JO Dunedin. 5f. .k J tl'emplei It'd:tenter. N. Y.. Rion dy. John. Co. it ophoum) Boston. Clark's HOW111/111« 1 Amerirlan) New York. t Prinee... klontrei I IS-20. Bob & Tip tralarel Chleago. Clajton & Clayton al:lobe, beg000. clay. lattehent 11. O'Malley ¡Orphenni Xt. l'ont: Or

Rohl.. 8, Net'. n ¡Temple) Ii-troll; (Temple) Clajton. Bennie, ro, I 11(111,1,111 r Sg. Paul: tMa. l'he nn' I im inth 15 20. ....., 1 .,. Itunn, 51.0.1 S. Marlon (roll) WIlite.-11,. Roehester, N. Y., 15-20. jestler Milwaukee 15 To

Tionconi, kleleta tOnahenell St. Puni; (Ma - elnYl'll Pee.. 1.1.7ee'' rEntrire . N-rli, Tilling'. Dann. .irtnur. Co,. (Plum)) Worceeter. Ba).. jeetiel Silla mikes' 15-211. Waeh.: IC alembic a Veneunstr. (an„ 15.17. I Ineenberry S. Bonnie I Lyric)) Oklahoma t. Ity.

Itonomar Arabs a MaJestlel ilomaton, Tex.; (kla- Ch.M.., Great (Grand) kleinidile. Tenn.. ((.211, Bum ge.. The tOrphemo 1 Winnipeg. Can.: ,IIr adieu», i C..leary IS IT. .imétir 1 San .kotonio 15-20, Cleveland 11/4 tamale,. 111111..1 Von, u, er. Can.;

illIpp ) Seattle 15 IT. %till A S) moo.). d .% IN. mbra I Neo York: tr..' Borden. Eddle. I'''. (Keith' P.rtianil, She. .... IhnilOnt•s Biding S. It•rol t ktehetiel Della, Ter.; Clelel'ind ni li.ry i l I [Ma., Spokane. Weal,. rid, r Wino tirton. Iola.

1101.1esa le) I lou-ton In-0. Belie & Itsmsden (Pentium)) N'Inalgos. "an. Clifford & Will, ag el phegun a New tarieene. Clifford, Be...1 a Mn.l...11. l Vt. Worth, yer,-, Earl. 'ter. A marl' 'Shea I Toronto. Bower.. Waiter. & Cnedier Irene/on.) montrent, I Majedler l ia lia. le".•Jt El.. wit,. I'.,,0 ttpliendo r Dena rt.: d'arrheuull Bowmen lino., g OrphPnInt St. Loul-; (OrpheUM I

klemphar 15.2». clIrton & Co.. label ol,,leenel rt. Werth. ,.. 1'"'"vih• Nei '' , 1.4 2" y u et p Bowman, }Dille illipp.) Ppt&ane, W'esh. almond. A Roger. 0 Itépheonla Rho,. a , Boyden, Jean t Prineee. a rt. teeige. Ia. cmln'otn..n"; I:.;‘,1-?...„"ik ,'‘,11.1.1::̀ ,...I'' .i..4.:•. wriih. Tri.: 1.•..1. or's, yogrl..... l'rI., ( Keith o. Toledo. Or•m, .. litraatr, Seina• I t irpheum a St. Luabt; t klaJtoétle1 ' Mabod le , Della+ IS L'Il. Ld wani.. 1.o., to. I Orph.•11 nt I t a neon( Fr. d hirer., 15-211 Clones. Three Want:we'd Vanronver, Can,: dit,rlitz ty) (1„.0..4.

Beady & Malontey (rantage) l'aeama. Wa-h.: 4..,,.%;,li•_lurlian,lij.i.:-.4. 1Pante gel. b Potila WI, 4,re.. 11:.-119. letIn I Oakland. Col.' 1:•••11"'ff ''‘ “"ni"" ("ley.) Pall". Ten*

eater 15 Lilt. Collin.. & lumbar , I III.» 1 Ti..' Inn. Wash.:. ri"11:131.1.1‘44:,1,..,•'I''1'7'..:':ini:'1111'71'''111.1.711;;Pin: lvua''n...:1::.nre.•• ealna '

Preen, Ilarty (fteptieum) Stour city. la. ittrphentuu I.. Angeles 15-To. Itreva Family (1111.1... (lea eland; 1 KrIllo Syre• edam' A Dar, torpiamms Oakbeel. Cal.

I Mop.' Porl la nol. Or.... 121T. ,i)rpheeun a 'Mineral...Ile 15 ;:qt. ne.,,,nan .% M dr1”y I Bijou I Near Hamm, Conn, Breton. Ted & Corrine tAmert'an) (Thiegro Ill Com Eena.. ; e ¡Diploma, I booln. Nell. ; itir-,,a, a I tuoublo IS 21. Finmett. Hugh. l'o, irk irtorla) New York.

(l'aine) Itm-kfur I I('.-i7. , 1,1, 17. Eldridge. Barlow & Ilidridge t Pant •ge. ' Ft-...onion. Con : Went:10..1 calgarr 15 ..1" Ilrice. I en', ' "0. 1111111.enini I I)... lu. ; gtarpheueu a I...,./.1..1,1r1.1...ei i1/411)K•Inue.g. t:ili,trrir„.,....1", ,,Wt1,1.::(;elies;.r 1.. 1,..,,... ,, ,,,,,,) , wail.. u .Aii .. „..

Ka..n* city 15-211. eh. BrIen(e. The I Kell 1,1 Providence. bee,. a Willanrue (orploonn a klempl,D; t or a boon a l'Ity 15.'Cia. El

larlw..e. &. Mau» 0 Keith, Portland, lb..; (Shea. C•an.^11 h felony 11111.p. ) Sea t Ile, We'll.: idlenin I Net, Irlealet 17. '-'0 prin.'''. 15-5M. tilills) 'Loom., 15 IT, Elliott. Fred t I id11.110 lin oklyn.

Ttrieeoe. leallie 1Shea I Toronto; (Itujal) New Condo's. rani. Jr. Mre Ina , taebk o.p. wa,.. 1:111. %too. co,, ka not. rage: tin

York 15-20. coati°, InlY o Borst, San .Nalte.t.1”, T....; twirl, ....1.:.,1""'" 1.4". M "P"'• ha ' 1...-'1. It«, Wichita Valle 15 '20. I- 1. won'', 11. A I.. Meath§ noston

Illinr.raé'one 4.(k• litel,:l sal:n."111'1 iria'aralle'lla7leattl'''be'n.t",:en. Cli1: 1.. 'nod». E. A; J I Inoleetun a l're.n.,. Cal.; 111r- 1::,,,,,,; I..,l. e`h.‘..I.,71....: 1;":¡i¡Irt,%¡%.,...A";;TI..7 .1.A,,Md0a.,,. 's ¡b j lo•Unr) I. * Angt I, • 1:....:,1. fNai....11, 1111,an 15 sit. IMO...urn, lam:aim 15 :kt,

Broughton k rtirn, 1 Strn 11.1I Winnipeg. Can, Cid•nellY. Ilee” A I'm, I rent egeal Tamina. li t..,,,,,p,„ a laga p .,n,,,,.. ojelmeunn Denser: 'lit itrioka, Parry 11111,41, me) Madison, Sil.,Woe,. 1 Pantages ' Pertl'gel. ore., 15-11. t. Henan, liant. Co. (5,11.111, Nen York. T.., ,,.. u. .,,.,,,,. .1/4 ,,,,....., ,. ;....,,,,i . 1.. 0..„.. min..; i....11..1.1.1112.) 1.1..,ittiiroujn.‘INuoi,b,.. :Alt.,. w..rte. .l...‘ .

Droner. %Vs Der (Shea i Tsron to; i Prig*, ess) ' 1.1,1,... I se, pa na is 17 . Montreal 15'_11, flock ,i, Outman I ilinerj I Pro) Idea' e It. 7. uNisjestie, Ballow IS.:11.

Brow n k Jaekaon (Bijou) 11,7 City, Mph.; (",.....k4.,,,,iyi,.:,,,,,,,IL tta....„..e...,,,,,,g ,. e) Fa ll 1..,,a..',11, I Pun- 11..(.1...niel..- AW1111")..1."1"%\''in"r.w"1"..tkaMillun,sakerfl•nt... C. Il "

(Palle") Filet 15.17. Elem.. Ernest, co. torphemo I Veneow. er. tkaM. Brown, Bothwell. C.P. ill..1..1.01. New Tfek. .',...i, . Joe CI...Mole' Biala-der. N. 1.; I K 1111,1 111.1.1....11., M..», Th. 1:•-(1.

, Brown. A. Sey,nour. l'ulteo, Springfield, Philadelphia 11'20. 1:,orert kluo P ks (ula's.) Ft. Wayne. Ind. Must r'', 'per, lia rry tl'a le •••' Ch go i' a. Nit.. Pr> I iltileo it. NI MM. •

ler..rn n & Faalne (Ganlen) Kansas City. cooper M at M I ajestiei Sim Atom'''. Tea.; Call o A ¡sumo 'shoal, ::esv Y'rk: l heir' 1:r.. n, WIla & I ler..51 t Poll, Wilke« liar,. ,11•Jeg• let A 11.110 I. 10. 1.101.19•11.111,1 LI:It

Ps. eonllni Italia') Battle Creek. Mieh.; tilljuat norton, Ed A Edna iilloa.) npokane, Weak." Brown's, Tom, Se, en kroaleal Highlander, Boy City 15-17 ra,,t..a. 1.-e. 1.11. t Pull 1 .1.1.•..n.n. l'n. I Illsn.. I .Utclo, Ill.: li-Mnilit,i0 Cl., Lola". C"elo sid'''n" ii.nninr.") sr.d‘outi; (Pastageo Varis-11 & Betel, (American New York. Mo., 1.54$.1. eeattle 15•Lsr. reehlemo latVoglie (1111/1..) Wari... Tex.

Rani Hair. Irish Canadian, Jew. Dutchman, 11.25 each: Moore. 45e, 65e, 85c; lagy'a Wit. 12-00. 12.50: %ids. $1.15. Nair Mrs. Dienes or ChM Stands. 23s sac).. estate. free. Kliaffert. Mfr., 4$ Gasper 84, N. Y.

18GEMIIIIR 18, 919 The Billboard 39

roehs n ti la grart• tillpp.) Vancouver. Can.; num., seaille. 15 IT.

Ir..' . a Field» the' hi Lonril, Mom.; ( Kato, ) I-rn '"4 Si ,-.. 13h.

Iwo ,t at Sunderland Brooklyn. Fern. 1:111y, C... tortglomon 1 Den Moinen, la.%

torylo•uni' et. l'nul 13 rern. I., lilt (beta) N'en Rochelle. N. T.

, .15,11 materiner), Conn. r r'S t al I itroamo, 311ch.

Cerr. e >Ilea 1 114•11;r h, Terre Wattle, /wl.

Males illrphcom; gr. rbo• Felon (Paulaace) l'algary, Can. 110,,,:11.1..m.. Mario riirphenut. We..., Ter.;

S .s to. 13 20. & Fluhrer: A talter.t. 11.1C; 3.1.301-

toe. 15•:eo. ,Iselthe rret Men.,

•idarrleki Wilmington. .KeltItt ridladelithiu 1% -.11

à o'Nell tklaimalc, Milwaukee. ...le; A it'Nell gOrphemoi Nee 'Meant.. Voltio illrie (retoprei Detroit: l'reo.ble) Becher..

tcr N V, 15 •..u. Font Si.tera h linnti lorldtrnm) Seattle; fOr-phenol. Pulliam' 15 21.

1..„ (1.>r!..) ran,: (Shea) 11017.1. 1:: U1t.

Fin! & 11..110 tCre ent I N'a Orleans. Church Irontaaest Victoria. Can.;

'Pent uge..1 Tacoma. Waah , rk,t, A W4141 I eirli(.eUM Port Inn.), ore.; ffle. ¡dent», san rlf/111• lee • 17,...:11.

F1,1. I Emn. I Herald ML I ste,,b..»* ill.. (). ley. Ja k (Star) Amityville. N. Y.. Indrf. Err. 131.11, & Younger Foy. (Poore...or) Scot-

tie: il'antatosl Vand.uveg 11.21. France. & Deklar (lliI.'ul ItInoinighom. tra• ley' & Orrpheunt, itlm: (Or-

moll:old 15 co, ) regr Daggett Ji Frea , elfplée11111) Sonth

Ind. l'red A Ahert re.reelry Sq.) New York. trhl A 3.1alr (Family) ladnyette. non. Arthur J.. (So. 1 N Iona I) New York. rhoette 11 Ipp. Seottic. Wash.: (111 1.1. I

ri Su 15 17.

Gallagher a Marl In Arnhenos) Tar,-'outer. tOrpheutni Seattle 15-20.

Gelber'. The Wanton...I Toromtà, Wi.b. Wan-totem Portland 15•20.

Gar•inetil Moingtle I llott.t..n. Ter.; ,Male.tiet San Antonio 13 JO

(ort4nd, Harry 11111".) Dull,. Tel. f;l1e;eter• 1101.1'• Jack_ Co. ll'iniue gal Vlettela.

('on.; trintact.) Totem.. IV•st.. 15-110. ;Pow... New lia•co.

& Wie hit • Tr. . gJeffer.on, let llo. II •.)

GeIll Troupe (Pan.aJcs) Missoula, Mont.; iron. tages) Spokune. Wash 1.6 20.

c..nts of 1rt r heltb I W ..'dnaten. Geri«, A . Mid 11.two 1 Hoboken. N. J. .;,...rre. yr. In (Keith' Syracttee. N. Y.; (11Ipp.) Ciet.elard IS 20

Berard, Lient. Cana., (la. (Arn_betteril Boeing). Gera à Delaney O'Meara!) New l'ork. 1,11,, Jack J. Jew& Woreemer. Ma... Gillen 4 Maleahy Brwnklyn.

& snob. ;Crystal st. J•neph. Si.'. r; a Monis ;('rystal) Mo Gild« at Phillip.. (Pantageta Soakatmen. Can fallette, Lay 'Strand) eraitfordrellle

14n. er. WI-bit.; Ter.; ;Jotter...) Halia•

1:111i.y. Il.;.,.. A Hannon Strand] M Innlpe; Can.

Carerd, Dane, Co. r 1%•1•Ired nortiand, Ore Garsgow Nlehia (Pantsars) CalralT. ('an. 1;,etz & Duffy (Pontine.) Filmrmton. Can

iFantage.) Calgary Golden 11,1 iPatacel M1.1Iae.

Lint CPI, (Pantagral Ankland. Gordon Imo anew) N•v; belie. N. Y. (MM.*A Belmar (Liberty' Otte... &lit. Ok.

Gordon. Fa) h Burt torphema I Juckson. Iralatet rt. Marne. led_ 15 IT.

d•orumo Prank roes; ..r.nd Sit.'), Ged...e., nobble dirpheuni I t'.-,,. "r; rorphenint

Lincoln. Nee,. I" reunion, G. Sways... (Ns. (Fantruree) Fall lak"

City: (Ponlages1 (laden 13.•...t.•• Mr-0,mm Angcle.; (Or

rb•-amt 1.1ke tlly 14.11. Grateoln. Cho, .0 (Ordomml St. Orr phcom1 Minneopolln

Son 1 Alonlresi; (Lyric) Hamil-ton. (an. 15 20,

Graver lk loathe 11.elanceY) N.« "Mg. reeler/1k 3 (ldeptan) Memphle, Tenn. Oteneller Mrpliento I Nee- Ilri•on'.. t3reen & Myra ; Orpheum ; San FraneDro; (Or-

Lon Angel., 13 :M. Co. lOrpheurol Ancelea

raeene. Gen. .Oritheumt New Orleon... t;ten & l'ai,. 0%1. el liar, ford. Conn. nree A Hymn Marriek Wilmington. pelt ; (Maryland I Rap prwee ;70

reel' A Klumet (Lyceum) Memphis. Tenn 1;064.11 h Ember (Colonlall IsWanvn.',.. lad. ',111i.r .• Animal, ilselth) Portia n.l. Me.;

11.0011 Pro. Wen,. 13 10, Crur11. hrnmer & Gruett (Poll) Scr•nton, re. l)ockelt & Delmar g No.eltY) Topeko, Kan. liebn. eller & I 1 lon.ton, (Ma Jeatle e San A nlonl.. 13.20,

Ilaig & %tablet.) ornheum NTemphia; ( Ors Phenna t New ode». 15 AL

Meier, le.. tillits.1 Tacoma, Wilts),; (Mop.) P. Mo.'. (Ire_ 13-17.

11.11 & GlIday (American) Nee, York, Mall, bout,' . To. 'Towage.) ugh'..,. Ptah; 1Ponl.geat 1.enver 1.54.)).

tie& (Paniageo) Ogden, Btuh .. (Tan-taral Denver tr.-20.

tier)hcom I Kt, Baal; (Orphe ni) loth In 711.

1101 & tony ewe.le (MOM>) FP ,Ineteld•

Mortho rPontages) Saelatoon, thini•geol Ed ton Bea),

, 'Templet Doelle.ler. N. Y. 11..ndeorlh h Co. 1h-la.). (111pp.1 feu,. flame.

aid.; tIrr.hronor Champaign. III,, C.-IT. ilailleY• Jerk )Te lllll let Dett,11; (Templet Ito-

,hext.r. Jim A Ila-lon troth Worresler. SI.,".

'1.r.,Mny Thr 11:1111.1`e«.1 U.,tar••

Harmony Trio I Pa of,. gee) Spokane 13.20. darner, Mabel Miami' rya...111e, Ind.

Nolan Moen) Hamilton. Pan. & !tool,. 11111,1,1 Tacoma, W Alb.;

rottland, Ore., I5-11.


Harrah, Mo.. trolool•li 5ca Honig. Dove (Avenue II) Nen York. Honiara% Benny. Co. (C:m.1.y :Um) New York.

Haney & Croce u liberty. Lincoln. Neb. I Inelell I Toney WIllleadtarre. I',.. Mayo. IStron.11 h. Ilateutonttn .knimals Ithalarei MInneespoll«. Wan.; i ; Superior. WI._ 15 17.

nawklim, leer t1111.1.. I 1 0.111gel ,a (I.; Krith) bm 13 M.

Tlayden A Er. el» (Ind.-00 Duinth. Minn. Ilaynr, Urea. (Strand' rraw(orderIlle. 11.tyaorr ilorry 1.1drcr.) Sri:Moo, Alldr;

(Palm.") /11ot Item n. Sam I'Moo) tll.. MI. I,.; I l'al.

1.11..1 13-17. I Ica•lt. It. Co. (Poll • Wilke. parr... 1.... I leather co. ;Poll) Worce-ler. Shoo. 11;;;Iley 'trio (Arpheumi Walloon. WW.; opain,e)

Itocktonl. Ill.. 15-17. Jr. A unit t' g

Helene Trlo (.1renue Ti) New York. I lendler, ttLoestiel Sin knt..n)..,

I m • hod ..% tilt Is st Hendrix Itelle-htle (1,Int,:eat Spokane 13-71. Ilen•haw & Avery Mnrdent Kamm- Illy. licnry h .Ade)ahrie ItNott.oteil Onicary, Con Meru .. & Preston trontazt.1 Salt Ink.. City:

(rontaz..) odger, 13-20.

1 lerhert. linoh, ('o. /51ary Anderson) To, Ile. lierD.r.l. Itentrlee 1Palocet N•to York, Hermon A >1 illipp I ('leveland: (Keith)

1: 20 Tlerman moo-. ill(pp.) Yonng.down. O.: 1ITITM./

('le. tot 13 Ilerleln, 1 111.... Empre.a, n1.3 ad MIch. Henn" n. Sam .11111, ) Vancouver. l'an.; (HIN'.)

"mottle 13 17 .oephene.; Jaekann,

fldloo) fit, 15-17. Ill. Lev A II!. kev I I( Lilo I lIndn*. WI..

kiumn Pane. Pantnae.1 Spoltine; 11Pantag.1111 seattlo

/1111. lt hut I I'S, ,.r Itrldaeport reap, 11111'. Ita I Pontuge.1 WInn1Peg•

In We're I honpree.l Molar., la. lehalm on Lap. tOrphenni, New Orlesni.

Ilight (Stale 1 ,4,-1 Chicago. Jean á .1 -tegnea Miymplol New Ircrifoni, Mow. Jackie di L'Ili« ; Brooklyn: (Or

Phenol; Tinsairn 'teen iltrion) N'.. hinen, eonn.

▪ .n. Joe I Wiehlta I Wichita Falk, Ter.; 'differ...11i Dada. 15-20.

Thrm. rOlobel Kansas city. Jon tlic Wise llonnd 141TP1'elrlo) n".^ re 7.

Wis. ./Arske Toothier Revue (Jeffernon Ill illa• Tome.. Jairland Nasal Light (Keith) Philadelphia. jenclo, fa III. n it rerlu T.lncoln, Ne.; •Trnnivre. The Morrie.' ('.rand) 111nornIngton, Intl, Jerunte A liertert ttirpte. S,n Cran.•;

IOnLIP11. I Ont. la ngl 15 20 Jesters. Da« Oh-photon) Champaign. Ill.; (Ma->Mk) Springfield 15-1i.

.1o, Nitta r MJrvlontir Dait'more• /*noun. Hal, (rn. Mime) doteeton. TeX. J..i`r -one Illlor; PortIond. Ore Joimaoll Johnoon (Creacent) Sew Ar-

leen.. Joloon, 17nrry (Grand) EvanaviT1e. Jordan Cirk, Throe 011rphennt; Vamouver, Can.:

(OriMenml se,.1!.. Torn, Karl iiirphegon klInnennolla. SnrenIlle 1,‘,111e. lircemni ritt.horr. holaltshl'a allan. ,Empr...+1 Omaha. Neh, Kalumn. Princess (Palm.) S. Pant: (Clandl Doha h 15-17.

ramon.. a Roy.. (Ornhenno Neb.: (Or-IMPIIM Kamm,. City 13-101

Knne A Dermal. Pht«bUTR: (Shen)

Kate & Wiley (Tate...) Flint. Mich, I'm!. 15.11) iorpheuw. )1. torle. Can.; (Or-, vaneourer 13-26 see. Horan A Kay )Orpheuml Iatloton. 311,h. Kelly. WJIter C. r Mart An•ler.ont I helth I India naiad!. 15-211

Kennedy. Jack. en, (Majealle) Anent), TeT.: Tulsa. Ok.,

4014/41. •-•41.4-41-41-• 4P> 4/-411-•-• •-•-•-••-•41,-•••••••••••••••••••••••••-••••-••••••••••••••-•• • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • •


• • • •

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City State

Tt rettenelt I. g'1,,• expiration t•-• hero

• le••••••-••••••

t. t'itleary, can.. 'Coloot•il letbleblie

llotr/O•no 1 .••1.1• .e... .1.. Ise.111,1 naafi. laolthen A Ileeron tYgnget TonnOn. 11011.19v A MIllette g Is el (14 T'oirslo. 0. iloimon A g San Antenlo. Tee ; kleje.tle. 1. .M.

Moline.. A 11..111.1..1. I lie 15, toneil. Honor Thy l'hildren g PoItrel ford Ill. 'Woe, ...elmento • hvu.a• Clt,. 'hell. I. .1/4 Sa oSt..te t•htoore. How are) A. K

Goorgia (Bontnacs) Salt Lake City: (Pontages) Amt., Is, •yo

floar,I 55 5551'. il.antoges) Simkaor: iron -lees) !Motile 13.?0.

PorIcs rheum Pert land 13...11

Moiririt, Jim.. Palace) Ii W•ene. llowur0 & 1' Mory K)lamaeoe.

Mich.; grata...) 1,1. Woyne, Ina.. 15.17. lholler, Stein A Ilirphg Winnipeg. I ,a, ; I C11 hotry

Iltaloon Sister, 11 Inenln So 1 Nen Tort. Hugh. J•ck & George t 0111111.1. NA. 11 ^1 1""•._ . Co. Drooklyn. Mitre h Co.. rd..- IPSIncel MollnP. III. Humphreys, Danelog (Pullonl Prooklyn. 1',intern. 'Musical 11111.5eumt Sao Prang•I., (Ornhcomi Oaklaml

Hooting & Brands (Palms.; Chleilln. 1 homey. Jmne.. Co. I Keith. Wo•hInalon. Ilysms A McInl)ro oily:aeon; r PortIond.

(Orphonui) San Cranclem; 15 20. halo«. C;;no A t'oreene IA lha nd.ra 1 New York'.

(Sheol enfant., 13 10. Imperlol Quintet I iI..aI1 Sin Antonio, "IN..... ( I WI. Mt.. POI. 15 20.

Indoor Sia•rt. Mrphemn • Preeno, Cal.; (O., llll I ... Atiaele. 15 AL

1.0,1.1 A Noble (11rneull Kvanntlie, Jne). 0•Zellitt

International N Ille fronlizeal Vantertrer. ftoi.t Vietorla 1A-20.

lu the Ilark (Pnloeet Si Paul. Irwin, ('hart,. I Irk) 1trooklya; (Or.

pheetini Ilrooklyn 15-2).

SeatIle: (Or.

TA Pruitt. Itoy (I'aloce) lbaltford. Ta, Rein. & (kx, ¡'red t(IrphearD) Jackson.

Mich. IA too a A. G II mOre (Illiett) Battle Creek, Mich.: f Itljoul Day City We 17.

le Tour. Frank & t•lara IWall, Premont. Neb. lat'ars. Dancing 1(treeley Sq.) New York, LaVier, Jack Olarin) l'Itt,burg; (1.11pn.)

Youngstown, O., loCine & ('o., Arthnr (Novelty) Topeka, kan. Imehmann Slaters) (Orpheuw) IMInth, Minn.:

lorphenm) Winnipeg. Can., 15-20. Lambert .1/4 flaIl Oltptieum) San Francisco: fOr-

phettml Oakland 13-10. Langfor.1 & Prederleka (Shea) Toronto: (Lyric),

ran.. 15-20. tontine & se.lth (Imew) Montreal,

Jlude"17.«. . iill Jtin.P.Pa Irt 'rin''..ebi:ndI1.1.0 7 . ,.1gP, to, Laughing httly (Jeffers) Suellen, klich. Laurel, suin a. Mae (Pantages) Long Beach,

l'al.; (Vantages) Salt lobe City 15-20. Laurie. Joe (Keith) Pbtaladelphla; (Maryland)

Dail Door.. 13 10.

Lawrence Ray 1Pantageo) Seattle; (rontages) VancouYer lft.Da

Law out A 11 uml ( Illpp. I Tacoma, Wish.; ;111pp ; rtionr. Ore., 1317.

T.Autott ((Irnhem))) Sionc City, la, LeFerre. Graine & May il'antaze.) Seattle;

(Mintage)) Van•soirer. Can.. 15•20. 1.eareaux. .1. E. 11.1hertyl Walla Walla, Waste. Lee & rem, tVirolnlan I hen,-,ha.

Cra ,orphetunt N eh. tether. Ellen & Petty (Family) hofayette. Ind.. Leone, ll'antagei) Sin Diego. Cal.; (Pon-

toon.) Long Beach 13-20. Legmord. J. & S. en. I Kr11111 Philadelphia;

(Garrlek I Wilmington. 11 TA-moon. Couni.os ; Poimml Mtn ford. CODA. Leonia, The Irantartel Long Beach. 0.14 (Pan.

loom%) Solt Lake City 13-20. Lee,. Jack, & Symphony Girle (Grand) Atlanta. Ga.

Lents & White Teroplel Rochester, N. Y. lent., Rert (Loew) Ilnlimken. N. J.

itor.ohy r Wichita I Wlehlta Falls, Tex.; (Jefferaon 111/1a. 13-10

Libby & NeLmn I %It. Jeatiel NI Ilwankee ilehter, liaron (Pantege.) liaekatoon, Can. I berm., & Alcamo', )114)estl,) Alliwankee:

trainee% Chicago 13.20 tin& Ilomer, Co. (American) New York. 1 Indents ann. 11111v 111Ipp. r Portland. Ore. nag & Long (OoKolb) Brooklyn. 1 Inton & Lao N•nre ( Kellh) Boston*. (iZeltbl Brotidere e 13-20

Little Lord Hobert (Lincoln Sq.) New York. 1.1vInesion, •Alierray 1Pantages) Denver. rmyr.., Aerial troll) Itrldaeport. Conn. Lloyd & Wells IMohetle) Ft. Worth, Tes.; flollriri

p11:::1 " 1 2. a rt 1ctrolt. lohee Sterling (Man- Andernon I 14mInville. I. no Tnck Sant I Pnlane. Chicago; tratarel

I St. Leal'; (Or-chews); Men, phi. 13 10.

Lot! ar Wilbur (P:flange's) num.. Mont. 1...yarn Dog. it irphenm • SI Paul.

& rSI, ¡Yin path- I dioustun. Tea.; ( Son, 13.21).

Udell & '(lacy riirphentett Los Angeles; (Or-phenm) Salt Lake city

T.yon. & Clayton (Crnacent I New Orlearlà. I.Y1.0.. Jimmy ;Palace; Superior. WI..

& 1.11+.• 1 1 State 1.-4.t. t•hh.ago. McConnell h Simp.on ('.'i"i.ri.I Sew Ton, McDermott. 11111, irphemn , Winnipeg. Can.;

emir:try NI,Derrnott & lif.1eHey I Keith) Portland, Me. McFarlane. (ledge ;Temple) Rochester, N. Y.:

lOrphemu) Brooklyn 15;20. MoOlveney. Owen (Teurple) Detroit; (Temple)

Illochenter. N. Y., 13-2.). Nferecoda. Chas. fdarrIcki St. Lynda. McIntosh st Alnaleal Nlalds ttlaira(ic) leskirt,

Ter. Mehay's Itecno New llrisen, Conn, McLellan A. Cur. 41 110. rnhlr • New York. NIrlatughlIn & inn Irtinee) lIounton, Ter. gemehon L Diamond (Pained New York. McMahon A. Chappell.. tKeltbl Cincinnati;

the11:11 laollona poll. 13 211,

McMahott Slotern ((;arrick) :41. Tà111114. •-•••-•-•-411-•41-•-•-•-••••10.1.11.n•-•••••-•-• MacItry.le A Day .Orpheum I Pcg.rla, III,

K•81.11// elly. - Macke, ...Muting (Dol:•ce) Nlienetipolla 1.;e2nd)

▪ George iOn.henad Sion% Puln:h. Minn_ 15-17; ll'alaccl Superior. WI,... Is .Pnlace, MinnenimPs. 111no, Mack, Chas.. l'o. Print+. zeal Cortland. Are. Moults. Aerial ( Pant attest V Ic helm Can.; ( Can-

rages) V. a-h., 15 20. Mae & Mack (I.1herty) Oklahoma; C117, Ok.

Anita .p..rir Waterbury. Conn, Nlagle Ohre., (151.).1 Piltalturg; (Keit).) Syra.

"lb,. N. Y. 13-20. Magi.-,ro, ri,, «t Keith t Wo.hington: (Maryland)

Mateney & lioger. (Emery) Provide:we, It. I. Maker A fled( ord I Pant oges) Sou Francisco;

(Pontoon.) Oakland 13-2.1. Man 1 lout rill heono Silt Lake (Or.

obeli.. Denver 13 20, Nhoun. Ben & Mrphrum r Salt Lake CI1Y;

gOrphettot. Deus, r 20 Munninz 11,11 . Majestic) SprInctield. DI.: f tmpre..1 I leenllir

Marconi lino.. (Pontooral etorkatoon. Can. Marconi A Plizothh,n Al an iamb Italthuore:

thelthl Wedlingt n 13-20. Marker k Iltocent) Kalamazoo. Mich.;

(Orphemn) Jack.on If..17. Manuel,' Slater. A Sehooler f Orphenml Minot-

Pra. Con.; (Orphen ns) algriry 13-20. 3darrl.dt Trout., Seattle, trash.:

Tacoma 15-1;, Mantled k Covert Milan) New Haven. Conn. klartelle (Orph t K•nam. City. Atartia & Courtney (Garrick) SL Mariln, Moe (dreeley Zit.) New York. Mary Ann I rootage.) 31 inneopona. 'Maryland Singer. 11,1.deatte) Milwaukee; ;State

Chleatgo tfason. Myrtle I (Irpheum ) Jack.on.

Bathe Creek h1-17. Ma«.. Barry. & rIllpp.1 Tacoma. "%Viola;

111 Portland. Ore_ 1317. Martin á Inelaneey) New York. Moe n, NI; Ole teirplieUt11) Jackwon, MI.).. 51a• ut A Foremt lOrpheunt I New Orin! on. A heeler INterirstici ChIcae. 10.r. photon) St. loni. 13.20,

Mason & C.‘le (Vantages San Prowler.); (Pan-tag,e) Oakland 15-10.

kennels-, ry Andenon, te it.. (Keith. Cincinnati 1310.

Kennedy & Fronel. 111110.1 lInItle Creek. Stich.: (J. efre.) Sizioxie 1547,

Kenneay .1/4 TS, Kenny & 1101Ifa 'Columbia I 'Davenport la. • trnm Ilirpherou h Omaha, Neb.; 'limb...nil hemma City 13 .."11.

Kilkenny. Muir trintag..) otikland, Col.: (Pan-?Ices) Loa \nettle« P.-20.

bang Bret. (DoNa)to Brooklyn. King. Bose. Co. (Orphenni) St. Prod: (Or-pheuml Duluth 15-20.

King. Fern, C., I Orpheuml TSe. Mottle.. I;, Kingaltury A Monroe alroodwayl Sprinettell't Maw.

1:Inkald & Klukald (Royal) .‘ttland . wt.. Kinkald illoulevanli New York, Kinney A Coterne n Marylon.' 'Witmer, Kirke. cassen 'site, K..konot. Ind. KIrkandth Sister... Sly raheat Patrol.; (Meg) Toronto 17...-.11.

aaa mt. (8.-anpre.oa Grand 'Lipids. Alich. Elton. Beesley O irphruto Angele.; (fr. phen. 1 Salt In)... City 13 10.

holmn & Co. ,P.11,1ce, New Maven. Medium-, IA... (BrIucoso) noun-ow (/.,,r(e)

11-mtliton 13-1u. K.".' Shaer. r Itiver.1.1el New Ye, k Kranz & LaSalle (51.-nl IlutTal,,; (sh e,' neon.

to 11:M.

Nrayona Co. (Prince.) Ban Antonio Tex. Kremlin of slosoow (Orphenut ) WoCo. Texas;

Ir San Antonio 13 20. Kneen«, The trainee' Mot. Mick Kuhns, Throe White 11.intige,1 Long Peach.

col ; ,Is.tnt.tgeit 5,11 Lake Cite 13-2(.. Ponr 'Vantage.) Angeler; (ran.

Use.) ems SI.tere r 141111, Si,,,..

LaMar, Leona ftlarylland) roltlittore: (Keith) Notion 15 2)1

to liernIvIca (Moony) Lafayette, Ind. I r. Policttee A Co. ¡Calece) St, Poul:

offleth la 17. InTranee & .1:enn'aly (Pantage.) Butte. Mont.

40 I- he Billboard DECEMBER 13,

Matters & Kart (Shea) Toronto: (Temple) De-troll 15-10.

Maxillas. 3 (Prince) Houston. Ter. Mayo, B. & F. (Keith) Cincinnati; (Krill:

rcOlaneell. 15-LO. Meet= & )4eachum (Prnee.) S. Itornton, Va.

Ir & Gliorm Slater% (Pantagen) Vancouver. ('an.: (Pantager) Victoria 15-21

"Mennen., The (Palace) Chlearn. Melillo Slaters (Princess) Man Antonio. Ter. Mellon, Four (Palatines) Calgary. Can. llelrette Duo (lArpheum) Kra,. City. Melody Garden (Pales.) flint. 11Ich. Melrose, Bert I Keith) Indianapolis. (Keith) ("Meta-all IVA

Melva Sinters lerphennal Boston. Melvin, Joe (Family) Lafayette. lad. Meredith & Sno•cer 1Orsherina, San nameireo;

laaki nd 15 ?O. Mernereaus, The (Yale) Claremore, Ot. Merserean. Verna, Co, (it atagen),

Wash.; (I'entages) Portland. Ore , 15.20. Metrophltan Trio (Fulton) flinetlyn Meyer, Hyman s) Seattle: (Pantagea)

Vancouver, Can.. 13-20. mi.,. Il. mes. Co. noyall New York.

Katherine (Prince) Mounters, Tex. IliFer A Curium 'State 140,1 Chicago. llfl'er ¼ Mack es land) Dartmoor Miller otne ('o., Itiliv 1Paincel Flint Mlela. Miller la Lile (Orpheom) South Beck inri. Miniature Ilesue (Palace) Fr. Wayae. Ind. MItebell & Vmeouser. Can.:

(111p..) Se-ole 15 17. & Wu": Sncerlor,

Munson, Marion, C.). (Orphenm) New York. lb! Cr 11-sv nitro II AmLiod. Wl llongean Troupe Intlacel New Tort. lloarna- Br... 1Emplrel Nn-th Yakima. Wash.;

(Columbia) Vancouver. . 15 171 Monroe & Grant (Columbia) Davenport. la.;

(Palace) Moufle, 14.. 15-17. Motorola F sir n Emsls.1 Net-t;, Yakima. Wash.;

(Comin)O .1 Van ore f e Can 15 17. Monte lc Lyon,. (Bijou) Fall River. Mans. Montgomery. >la rdisll (Orpt ,eum t V•ncauver,

Can.; ((trpheurnt Seer'. 15 Montgomery Ai .Allen (Maleatic) i'Vnrth, Tex r Mich.-m(1er Drib:. 15-20.

lloatromery A Martin (('seine) Salt Lake City 14.17.

Mora A Co. Sylvi Prince.) Wiehlta. Kan. Moran Sict(Irs. T'•••es (l'ainily) I •• 3.••te. Ind, Mo. O L Whrer r• -••11•1 eincinnut Morgan, Ileatriee (Keith) Dayton, t).; (Keith)

coluuttru. Morgan & (lat., rIlaca) Bridgeport, Coan. Morgan eves I Keith t Proton. Air reran Jon A, Hart. (Memoirs Chicago. Mori Boo. (Pantalets.) Edunantm. Can.; (Pan-

largos) ('algey 15-20. Morrell, Beatrice ( Paola gee) San I ranclacn;

(rantages) Oakland 15-20. Si. lids Ellrla (s: eat Toronto. Morrl, & Canal bell (Mary Andersen) Loulellie. Morels. WIII 1Wehing•en) Grier, COY. 111 MorrInwy. Jack lOrpheurrar Oiraisa; (Orpheum)

Dee I. , 13 10. blorrieon & Harte (Yong.) Toronto. Merrosf. Wm.. C". 011,0 New linven, Conn. lb rton. J. C.. C". (Temp.e) Detodt; (Temple)

Pt-cheater. N. Y 15 "0 Morton Jewel Co. (tannage.) Pewter. Morton. James in p'•eum Denver; (Or-pheuru) Llneo"n. Net,., 1r1-20.

Monona,, Four (0r.-heom) Wlnniper. Can.; (Of. !ileum) r dr, '3•.0

Mozart., The (Vantages) Ogden, Utah: (ten-tage.) Deaver 15-20.

Mrs. Ira Su--psiae (Shea) Toroato; (-.oyal) New York 15 20.

MIRIFe. Morten as Co. (Strand) Winnipeg, Can. Mallen & nand. O'Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) Toron.

to 15 Murphy & Wine (Orphenm) Memphl (Or-

r/seam) New Orleana 15 20. Murray. Elizabeth M. (Keith) Cincinnati, 1 del Woodward) New York 1(5-20.

Murray. Cane-ire t Keith) Washington. Myers & No n (11Ipp.) Youngstown, O.; I lo :t13) C 'Imbue 15.:0

NagTfia. The (Pabieel Springfield. Mar,.. Saab & O'Donnell (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Ma.

jeatIc) Milwaukee 15-20. 'urbane Bros. (O.pheum) Memphis; (Orphetun) New Orleans 15-20.

reo, Not, & Band (Orphentu) Vitoria.; (Orpheutu) Vancouver 15 10.

Needham & Wood tOrpheum) Des Molne.n. Ia. Nelanne, Juggling (Keith) Lowell, Mass.;

(Keith) Portland, Me., 15-W. Nesbit, Evelyn rOrpheuml St. Louis; LOrphenni) Mewlrhla 15-20.

Neville & Brockway (Majestie) Dollar., Ter.; (Majestic) Houston 15-20.

Noieli & Meat (naza) Worcenter. Maas Newton, Billy S. ()lank) Miami, Fla., Indef. Nippon Dun (Keith) WaehIngtoa. Nonne. Nora (Majestic, Little Rock. Ark. Norman, Fred & Dorothy (II1Pp.) Sacramento,

Norris Novelty Girlie (Empress) Decatur. Ill.; (31ljertic) Springlield 15-17.

Not-tine . Naida (Pantaren Butte, Mont. Norton & Noble 111ipp.) Warn, Ten. Norton. Dixie. Co. (Greeley So.) New York. Norvellei, The (I(lpp.) Terre Haute, Nersood & Ilail (Orpheurnt Omaha, Neb.; (1:k-

insman') Kansas City 15,211 Not Yet Marie (Orisheum) Lincoln. Neb.; (Or-

p)neuntl Omaha 15-2o Novell Bros. (Pantagen 'Vancouver, Can.; (tan-

nages) Victoria 1n.m. Nugent. J. C. (Prin.-pro% Montreal °Slate, Wm., a Girls; (DeKalb) Brooklyn. O'Donnell & Blair (ll:deltic) Houston, Tex.;

(Majestic) San Antonio 1521 O'Neill & Keller (Keith) Indianapoll.: (Keith)

Cincinnati 15-20. Oakes A Delaur (MaJeatie) nonstop. Ter.; (Ile

jostle) Austin 15.20. Orilsa L Seals (Emery) Providence, R. 1. Oklahoma ['bar (Pantnes) Man Franclereu; (ran. Wee) Oakland 15-20.

Meott, Chan. (Pelage.) Minneapolis. ClIver (Bijou) BlInaIngha to. lever & (lip (Templet Rochester, N. Y. ,Dinon & John.on 1lb:boric, Dallas. Ten.: (Ma-! Jeetle) Houston 15.20. On Manila Bay )111pp.) Snekane. Wash. ir the High SPIV, I Keithl Mar..: 1 (Keith) Portland, Ile.. 15-20 im Tine Albsiscippl (Columbia) Davenport, ta. toluay, Laurie (llipp.) War.. Tea. rren es Drew (Prince. I et. ledge. Ia. 'term:in. lank rOrpheum) VanenlaVer, Can.; icerpbeum, Seattle 15-20.

(nsersena Iles ne (Orphellm) Ran Pranclnen srhst, Pare. Hack .1/4 Mack (Keith) Philadelpiin; n Keith I Wanhington 15 20.

PaInters The (Asenue It.) New York. Palle nbe"rg's hoar-. canierlran) ('hicago. Pnratilre Duo rWnruir-k) Prooklia• Partrosere. rive (i'ant•gers) Seattle; (Pant•ges)

Vancouver. (an.. 15,20. Patrienin .State Lake) Chicago; ' 't Mil-waukee 15 20.

l'ania. Mlle Illajestle) Dallas.. Tex.. •'' ,.:cattes ilutoston 15-20.

Payne, Nina. Co. (Temple, Brashest's'. N. V.: (Shen) Meal., 15-2s,'

Peerless Trio (lVantages.) Butte. Mont., 15-20. Perham. arnu're Itigid n lt.ny.n I I Sau Antoulo, Ter,

Permane A. Shelley (Orplreuns) traralyn. Pennine & hitler Deeatur. III.; (lia-

jeettel Sprinetleld 14-17. Petet Troupe (Prinee.% Nenhville, Tenn. Petrov., lime, Olga I llajearlel Dallar, Tex.;

¡Majestic-1 liouroon 15.29. penny., Sidney (Davin) Pittrbusg; (ILIpp.)

Ciro eland 15.20. Phina ,1/4 (Orpheumi Oakland, Cal. Mangano Orpheum) Itemplair. Tenn.; (Or-

plaeurut New Dries» 15.20, Pletrerrir, The I Orpheum) Salt Lake CIty; (Or. pheum) Denver 15.20.

Pierce & Goff ¡Palace) MIlivankee. Pietro (Orpheutn) Duluth. Mina.: (Ori)leam)

er. Can., 15-20. Plaar1 & Dudley (Imperial) Chicago; (Na-

tl. nail Chicagn Pingree. Earl. Co. (Orptieum) Boston. Plemuo & Bingham (IIIpp.) Baltimore. PI. no. t;,ue -al 4Majeatbq Austin. Ten. Polly. Oz & Chick (BIJOU) Limning, Mich.:

(Jeffers) Saginaw 15-17. Patter & Hartwell (Garrick) Wilmington.

lei,.,; (Mary:anal Baltimore 15-20. Pre.ger, Klee* á Sal (Family) Lafayette. Ind. Price, George. Co. tOrTheum, San Francisco;

lOrpheurrit Oakland 15 7.1. Primnos Four (Keith) Dayton. O. Pr. suer .1/4 Morel (Orpheum) Ilrooklya. prosperity (Grand) Duluth, Minn.; (Palace) St.

Paul 15-17. Pruitt. 11111 ILlherty) Walla Walla. Web. Puppet,. The (Noveltyf Topeka. Kan. 'Putting It Over I Maleat)cI Chicago. Quigley & Fitzgerald (Pantagest San Diego. Cu I. ; (Pentanes) Long Beach 15-20.

Gluon, :ark. á Ted.13 rerystale Anderson, lnd. •Iteljah, poncesr nOcisheum) Lon Angele.. Itarrh. Albertina. On. pOrplieunt I Deliver; (Or-rheum n Linooln. Neb., le 20.

'Owls .1/4 Von baufmsn (Rialto) Ruche. Wis. Ray. John T., l'o. (Pantagee) Vancouver, Can.;

1.11(l'a,,tag.w) Victoria R•ymon I, 31 trg 're: E. Ill.uces r. Fla.:

Inincer lunnowick '.11, Raymond, Lit-rie (Strand) Cram fordsvIlle, Ind. Itnyroad. Al IKeitio ...ton. Readlner, thaur rOrpheum) Duluth, Minn.; (Or-pheum) WInalper. Can.. 15-20.

Ese ¿[las-ir) Pit•mbarg, (Keith) Day-ton, 0., 15-20.

Reed, Jennie (Lyceum) Memphle. Tenn. Rear,' & Lorraine Slaters (Orisbeum) Moog City, la.

Reilly, Chas. (MciVieker) Chicago. Rejane, Camille (Pautagea) Oakland. Cal.:

(Pentanes) Los Angeles 15-20. Remple, Harriet. Ca. rKelths Inolanapolls. Renard & Jordan (PrIncesr) Wichita. Kan. Revue Celerities (l'allace) Minneapolls. • Pal -^et Superb', Ws. 11-17.

Revue DeVogue (Pantages) Long Beach. Cal.; (Pantagee Salt Lake city 15.20.

Reynoldn•Donegan Co. (Palace) Flint, Illeh. Reynolds Trio (Jeffers) Saginaw, Mich. 1;1,ea, (Majesnl Houston. Tea.: (M

»stir) Sin Anlonlo 15-20 ROW° Quartet (Wichita) Wlehlta Falls, Tex :

tieffersoni Dales 15-20, Elan, The (Pantaree Denver. Rice, Frances (Prineenn San Antonio, filch & Lenore (11Ipp ) l'erre Hanle. Ind. Richard.. (lark I Ori•hel1011 Oakland, Cal. Richards. Great (Keith) Syracu.e. N. Y.; (HIPP/ Cleveland 15-20,

Rickard., The tOrpheumt Victoria. Can.; (Or-Inheum) l'anconver 15-20.

Mg.:Antra Pre. rOrpheum, Pnrtlanl, One.; ploum) it la Franclron 15-21

'HWY. Joe J. Acne. rilrawl) 311:neatsni.. Minn. Roach A MeCardy (Pantagee Spokane 15-20. Robert & Demont (Palace) Rockford, Ill. It: beer. :Oros> A. Duffy elltobei Kan,. City. lk,berts. Donald tOrplieurto Lincoln. Neb.; (01.-1 linumt gnu •I

Roberts. Joe dl Ogden, rub. Ih,hlaron & Them: e Orpheum) New York. llobinson•se Elephants (Pantager.) Vancouver.

Can.; Inn:Ong.) Vletoria 15-20. Robinson & Penny (Jeffers) Saginaw,' Mich.;

(Orphenm) Jaceon 15.17. Rock. Wm. l'o. (on Ileum) Brooklyn; (Keith)

Philadelphia 15-20. Rockwell & l'on tErnpre..) Tulsa, ok. Rodeos (Poll, Waterbury, Conn. Rogers, Francis (Kennedy Shows, Baton Rouge,

Le. Roger,., Mildred (Liberty) Cleveland. Rogers, Allen (Lyric) Hamilton. (an.; (Keith)

Boston 15,20, Melling Along (Crystal) St. 3rneeph, Rumen, Powers & Delmore (l'alacet Springffeld,

Romano Troupe (Palace% Milwantee. Homan,. >leer. (Royal) Han Antonio, Tex.:

(Wichita) WIchlt• Fall* 15.20. Ifnme & Cullen Illup.) YounEstosn,

(Keith) Syracuse 15•20. • Rome & Haney 'Poll) 14,-rooton. Pa. Homey & Beat I itiver,hie) New York. Itooneys, Aerial (Virginian) Kennoba. Rome Revue (Loar) Het-token N. J. none, llore; (Ilipp.) Terre Haute. Ind. II.,'., Eddie (Keith: Indianapolia; (Colonial) New Yolk 15 20.

Rose, Lou (Bonleaard) New York, Roth, llave (Keith) CimInnetl. (Keith, In-dianapolin 13-20.

Royal 41..ceiraer, rilrpheum) Minneapolis.; (Or. piteurn I Duluth 15-20.

Royal Poe (Liberty) (leveland. Royal Hussar. Iloew) New Rochelle, N. Y. Iloyees. The rillpn., Portland. Ore. Hoy & Arthnr (Orpheum, Victoria. Can.; (Or. Pheumi Vancouver 15.20.

lleve. Itnth (Alhambra) New York; (BanwIck) Ronal'', 13.2r.

Rubtirlile (Keith) Cincinnati.

Ituoter & Winfred Wanda SM.) New York. itersell, Marie. Co. (Pipit) Ilirnsiagham. Ala. Itusl-eirs Mongrel. IllIpp. t Sacrament... Cal. hymn & Healy Inluerool Montreal. Sablue. Vera. Cu. (Endorser Grand 'tepid..

MIrti Sulam. Juno (Kellinl Colombo, O. Sarlianoff Tri" (Pintas:gm) Witink,eg, Can. Samimoff a Soult (Om* eutot in-on.'. C,e1.: (Or•

pleniu) Lou Angeie, 15 Lie. Samuel,. In,' rl'ulace. Chicago. SansuotT & Girls ifirpheopn Salt Lab. City;

(OrphennO Neer 15 21. Mu' 0. Jim olY. I 'n . Illrpheem l Denver; (Or-ileum t Linvo'n, Non_ II Lys,

Scanlon l'enos to Scanlon tbnesvi M,astreal. Scott X: Climate (1.yeeum) Pittsburg. Scranton,. The Mons IlaudIton, Can, SO.:4.11,1u. 1. &rho, C.. n F-lu. II llll !real. Selbint, >Hsieh (1111•PA Por: and. nr,.. Sehey, Blossom, Ce. il'alacel New York. t'enfla & Weber (Victoria) New York. Sercuarier.. Sl (11Ipp.) Tacoma. Werth.; (111pp.)

Is•rtlaurt. (Ire., 15-17. Shannon. Lar1,1 & l'ct•y (Poll) Bridgeport, Coon. Sharrocks The rOrneum, Lincoln. Nets; (Or-

Mourn) Omaha 15 70. Shattucks. The 1W:chin) %Militia Fall,. Ten.;

(Jefferson) Dalias 11.2n, Shaw, Allan t Maio-tic, San Antonio, Tea.;

(Maje.tlel Austin 15 Show. Lillian (Orpheuml Lew Angeles; (Or. pheuno Salt Lake City 15.2.).

Sheldon & Daley (KeIth, Philadelphia. Sheppard & Dunn (Orpheum) Boston. %Weld". Frank (Peerages' Spokane 15-20. Sinirley, II' -i. & Brad tOrplicum) Freauo, CI11.1

(Or; Icon., I, Asre'e• 13 20. Shane; A T mcv ¿Oroar-un, It., Moines, Ia. Shaw & Bernard (Pantagea) Deaver. Shirley & Shirley 10:111..1 t OelikOell, Wis.

n & Deane tOrpheunt) SI ut Falls. R. D. á Hell (limper.) Decatur. III.; (Ma-

Jetitle) Springfield 15-17. Smith & Ileefe (Palace Rockford, Ill.

& ( l'alun-et Milwaukee; (State Lake) Chicago 15 20.

Smith. Sidney (Pa 11, el Minneapolis, MInn. Snow, Hay, Co. in Ismail Duluth, Mina.; 10r-pheum woo..

Snyder. Bud. Co. (nuanced tilaueapells. Sniar. Willie (Italic.) Victoria. Can.; (Pen-

tanes) Taroma 15 20. Somewacre la 1-'-a Superl •r. Irla. Sorrento Quintet . llatst lc I later lo k. Ask. Stafford, Frank. Co. (Avenue It) New ort. Stagpole Vitnér (Pentane.) Ogden, rub. Staley Birbeek. (Grand( Evan.ville, bd,; (Or-

phertm) Clomp %lea. Ill.. HAIL Stanley. Stan (Bijou) Fall Myer, Maca. St•n:eys. The Intl-tees Superior. Win.; (Palace)

S.. Paul 13-17. Stanley. Aileen ellIpp 1 Cleveland; (Shea) Buf-

falo 15-'0, Stanton. B. A. E. (Eipp.1 Cleveland. Stedman. A. A r. itIrcheuno San nanclwo

8-20. Steele & WInolow (Orpheam) Champaign, Stein & Arnold (Amerlran) New York. fhephena A iloViste• 10:Theum, Denver: (Or. pheum I I ineola Nets Is Ln.

Stephens & Brunelle (Pellagra.) Victoria, Can.; (Pentagon) Tacoma 15-20.

Sterling & llanuerbe nOrphenm. Seattle; (Or-rheum) Portland 15.20

Steven.. Emma (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto 1.1.20.

Stevens & Lovejoy (Loew) Hamilton, Can. Stone, Beth, Co. (Victoria) New Tort. Susie is Kunz ,Or:heum) Omaha; (Orpheus]) Kass,* City 15-20.

iltuart & Kerley Ilicrvadway) Mekeree, Ok.; (Mairssee) It. Worth. Tex., 15-21

Submarine F-7 Co. (MeVicker) Chicago. & ibusrit,n error:71e) Detroit: (Temple)

Ilechester. N. Y., 15-20. Suratt, Veroka, Co, ILlipp.t Cleveland, sutler & Dell PrIn ern, Ft. fk.,(11e. la. Swann, Robert (Broadway) Springfield, Maw. Sweethearts. Two (Lincoln) Chicago,. heeetle. lOrihssum) Ornalo; (Orplouna) Kan-ma City 15-20.

Saur Isms. (Keith) (Alhambra) New York 15.21

Syncopatel Steppers, Six (Majestic) Mien. Tex.

Tag Day (Liberryt Walla Walla, Weh. Tango Sheen rOrpheuns% De. la. Tinsel* & Kawana (Bijou) 'tattle Creek. Mieh, Minima, Julius in phemul (Ma•

jem ealcaro 13- • a Tarzan (Pantages) Lea Angeles, Cal, Taylor, Farrell, Co. (Orplieutu, Des Moises, la.;

lOrphenta) Ornefa 15.211. Taylor. Eye, Co. orepheurni Kansas City; (Or.

pheumt Winnipeg. ('au.. Taylor & Francis (Print-Rs) San Antonio, Telephone Tangle (Orplieum) Champaign,

(I nooses) Iánatur 15-17.

Temple Four (Palace) Udine, Temptation (Pantie«) San Diego. Cal.: (l'an-

begets) long 'Been 15-20. Teruo gm Co., Marry (Prince., Wh-hit a. Rah. Tetsuss an J•ps (Grand% Minneapolis,. Thaler:a'', Circus (Columbia) Daveapert. la. Then á Dandle,. Mnar. (Empire) North T•kinia, W••h.; (Colum`dat Vnennser. elm. 15.17,

Theodore Trio (Metropolitan) Brooklyb. Thornbrooks., E Es IL: Tampa, Fla, Tuna 11:mprexo l Omaha. Neb, TO Jell At Bennett (Orpheum) Champaign,

(Empress') Deratur 1G-17. Teenier, Henry It . Co. r Keith, rirtland. Ile. 1,oreill'a Cirrus (ieww) Montreal. Tot ,, (tallies., Milwaukee. Tonle. Joe rKeitlit Toledo. O.; (n.1.01.1) Erie

Pa., 15.20, Toybsed Pkrootoo. Po. Tracey, l'aimer & Tracey (Wehingtnn) Granite

ity, Ill. Trnine. The (Growls Onlion, Tea sera & Doggie (Orpheanno Victoria, Can.;

((Iribrom) Vancouser Trevette, Irene (Pantages) Spokane 10.2(11 Tenn, harry Ifirpheum) Mouth Bend, linl. Tod,,r >he ll ion 1;r810111 IWhk`febh, Trocano Urn.. r Keith t Donlon. I% S. (nee cloh (Keith n eolombrlo. 11. C. M. Jam nand rlirm,ssms 1 0, Angeles; (Or.

h•rninr Salt lane eiry Valrlare,. Teo filipp.1 Dulles. Tu, valiadi a 'a 1,4. r.:• r K rhitadoiubia:

it • ryinort, ItnItIntern Vero. rleff.neut hallas, Tea. Van Cello', Olrpheumt Portland. Ore.: (Of, ',hewn) Oakland 13 2o.

SHOW PRINTING Herald,, Tonighters, Dodgers, Tack and Window Cards, Half-Sheets, One. Sheets. Three- Sheet., Cloth Banners Card Herald., Letterhe•ds, Envelopes'. Etc. Type work only. No stock paper. Everything made to order. Union labtl printing. Write for prices.


Mattoon, - • illinois

OMAHA'S WELCOME! An Chaplain nf tha &elms' Church A' le

Omaha. Nsnraaka. I woad a royal and i“Tna' 1. enene to ail meœbera of the ThestrItl Profess.: , oa-Mg to oar city. Call upon me for any and co." wolt within na power of acv ahillny to t na, Your fr'end under ,.eery eln-unialubs Tim door, or on, maruns tabreiti Church. 14th and J cta . oven ha. tot std. oven in al ill tiro. lirgo In ot roadenre. 4301 K. rid MI . at /my taws Plena :scum 1091 REV. C. EDWIN BROWN. naseap.i


Tha prototype el The 11111board In Itbe antIpMel now the recognised organ of the ealubitno of ao.frah. and Nov Zealand. and the best adortiort tr...1.1of hr

Melon Plebes Praileaara aag Olanfoters It also deals briefly sin Ilrarna l'Ir. Oies Fors

Pare eol Raring_ Adrenlsing roes on nr, The Itillbo,rd All torornonleallevrt to IIRENNAN & KER9. 210 Pitt It.. Sydney. astmetle An Petters addressed to Australia 'mould hear • •

in mange 're each half ounce or [ration thereof


7121, 4 11..heets

no 7%21. 10 1st:et:1 Si .25 3 n 0 7x21, up 1111:. :5 71:1, lot 20. 15e. Blork• Pt-no. SET Is Shale« Sarea Day. Set te

CENTRAL SHOW PRINT. • brawn Cty. lima

Fifty Classy Name Cards (Ole to Three Lilies) prt. tnd In ton Inc. mensal& Cites DI its() Dore >7. :s Shatter, SL, Ness Tot CIO

ran .t Vernon (rotten) Brooklyn. Neste. Sybil. Co. lOrpheunil Des Moines, la -

i(irrheuno St Paul 15-2). Vairelon .t roll (F.nsplrel North Yakima, Waeh •. (Columbia i Vancouver. Can. 15 17.

Venue Girl.. Eight (Drpheurn) Mellen°, WI. (Palace) lbsekford. III, in.r.

Venina. 0-innteam (KOMI Columbus.. O.; (Keith) Day•on 1510,

VIcker Sieera & Dillon (Oarrlek) Rt. Unlit, VIc.orla Four erjr-Itenmi filsni l'alla. S. D. Victors. Three (Uipp.) Baltimore. Vito. 'meaty & Health (Illpp t Sacramento. Cad Vincent & Çn,, Clalre (Majestic.) Little }Lodi,

Ark Virginia Belles (Ch•p(riam) Smith Bea& Voy laientloe ri yrir) Oklahoma City, Viviies, The t Majestic) Chicago; )h-rheum t

St. lontla 15-20. Weak, Henry. & Lewend Staten ((Unroll Hali-te. N. 5. Can; (Empress, Monetnn. S. It., li-il: (W.1.1,1,1 1 Inn, Maw., Pt 20.

Walmeley h Keating (American New York. Wleh &. Bently ()Ilion) Laniiing. Minh.; (Ile-gal) Muskegon ri-17.

Walters. Flo & 0 lie rOrphenml Salt 1st. City: (Orp'-eum) Denser rtm

Walters ic Walters ) Baltimore. Walton & Itrant (Sipe) Kokomo, hart. Wend' (Grand) Evansville, Ind. Want.r Palluer (Palace) mot. Mich. Ward firms. (Colonial) Detroit. Ward. Will J.. à Girls (Orpheutal Miatostnile.

helm) Duluth II 10, Ward & Ibo•ley 1Orpheutal Jartsm. Mich. Ward & Sing i Ihntagen Edmonton, Can.:

(Pantages) Calgary 15-20. Ward, Prank (tentage's) Ran Diego, Cal.: treaties) lame Reach 15 2(1.

Ward & Ina, I Pentane.) long Beach. Cal.: (Vantage%) Salt Lake City 15-20.

>Verde. Cestinse iOrpheuno Plc-no. Cal.; lOr• phrasal 1.s. Angeles. 15-20.

Watron, Lillian (Delancey) Stew Tort. %Verson. harry (Orpheum} Memphis; (Orphemno New °Mean» I:120.

Watt• & Hawley (Orphenta) Portland. Ito".. (Orpheram) San Treacle, 15-20

Warlahr. Musical (Prince) Illonaton. 'Ten. WeadIck & LnDue (Columbia) Columbia,. S-Weavers& ateyer■ (Jeffers) Saginaw, 311.

(111).,u) Hay Ctrs 13 17. Wearers, flying (Mimi) Iran Inver. Maas. %Veber it Ilidnor (Orpheum) Denser, Welborn.'

Lincoln. Neb., 10•20, Weir, Jack & Tommy (thraylway) Spring')'-' '

>false Weles Troupe (Crescent) New Orle-aa. Welch, bew. (b. ((Wooled) Detroit. Well, Virgina & Weal (lAnnievard) New Yee Werner Amono Trio (Temple) Itoaroter, N. Y Weal, Arthur. Co. (Orpheum) Loa Any/flea: (Or

initeut)ll Malt I ate City 11.-m.

Weetnn le F.line (Unrolls Mg.) New York, Weatnan Models (11Ipp.) Dallaa, Ter, WhIrininda, ion I Liberty n Walla Walla. Wash

White á Ryan ((Sipe) Kokomo, Whitehead. joe (Pentane.) Portland, ('Ire. Wbitneid L. Ireland Empresa) Decatur. ill :

(MaJestir) Springfield Y5-17. Whiting & hurt (Keith, Providence. 'Whitman & Co.. M•ble (Virginian, Kismet's.

WI4. Whittle. W, E. (Pantages) Ina Angeles; (taw

t•IIO) Man 15-20. Wi k 1 Ilird I Emery) Providelsee, It. I. Wlihert. it•ymnel (Panne.) IS•rtino.l. Ore. .• Wilbur, Toweend, Co. (toes) Montreal. • M Hint Te,Illee 11111111. I VIIM.O1 ,, r. (.."" `

IIIII.P• I Mea I/ & Wan, Neu- York

Williams, ')oney, (Warwick) Brookivo Wilson & 31cAvoy (Pelantey) NeW 'fork. Wlorbell (Irmo (Elmerearo Omaha. 11-ab.

Gr':EMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 41

tegi.00r,:e We-, 1 lona fillip. ) Young•town. O. sireA ldi- i-er (Maryland, Baltimore.

ttorkon (Pantae•e) Loa Angeles; (Caningee) $ec Diego 15-30. t1/4....1A 11.1.. ton Memo' Frees',. Cal.: (Or. pie-eone Lon A ogeien Inc).

11).-1 A kit Eel Twee tow Moenea. la. World lo Harmony (Paietageo) klinneapollo.

ifier'ed inrehedni. St. Luella; (Or. /1...m-et, la 211.

mlne Tria flint, Mieh.; 11efferel Nue f:;•

wy,.. mom. Co. (Pentane') Oakland, Cal.; Los Ameele. 15 20.

A Merl.. iGranell thelds.wh, Ww. .u.,) it.. sarprl...1 (Finiprcem. De. Mollie.. Is,

llarearet (Temple e Detroit; (Teurid. e Loh, @Keith) Burton, O.; (Ilipp.) yo.)ae.

town 132.0. um ii A co.. IA•o (Malevill") in Antonio.

.olopodiel Anode( liv-20, Erg' • •siers & Ja•z 'tee l',,Tereon, Dallas,

yenn A Drell (liberty) . °Mahon,* City, Oh.

DRAMATIC & MUSICAL yendettel, Ti,.. Cohan & flarrin. mgrs.: (Cohan..

•:, nd I (*blear'. Indef. Aloe reel Fi a 1...ngn,r., New York. Indef. sore.ohte (CenturY 1 New York Indo,

(Gabel New Tort. Indef. (Illeeketonee Celle-ago. Indef.

At 915. Wm. Brady, mgr.; uLyri4 Ctn. enoatl

tarryin. re. I bet. t'has Frolquan. Inc.. mgrs.: iroveiree New York not. 11. Indef.

Ilfsi Of Par-adios. Oliver Mtroaco. mgr.: Omaha. Neb.. 7.15

Boomerang The. David Delasro. mgr.; $t. J. won. Mo. lei; 1.,:srenee, Wan.. II: Topeka 1211: Lincoln, Net.., r Omet-. 10-1l; Sioux fity IL. IS ; Ft. Dodge IS; Waterloo 311.

toy. M I11 Ile liorv: Melt:Pont) N..? York. Indef. Realm: ilefeltryn) New York. Indef. çalpry. The. uPts J.., Cawthorn L Jolla San-thrwn: les'a l.ISeo. Ls),

'beer Pt. Weot Point, 41•., Anseri• en. 11: Columbnet 12; liaron in; Opelika.

Tall..dega W: Annioton 17; Gadaden Is; Rome, Ga., IS.

ebela n Clothes: ) New York. Indef. Claire. Ina. Dated Belesro, mgr.: New Tort Sled 23, Indef.

(larvae: New York. Inlet. untliwo AIM: Itr,ndhur,t) New York, lode?. /1/4,141m. David mgr.: Phladeiphla 24-De,. 20.

Neer. Ti,.: 11..vrio) No, Tr'., Dark Roaeleen, Devid Balsa°. mgr.: Chicago,

East la West: (Aetor) New York. Indef. fv•erteace: Pittsburg, Pa.. S.13: Moffat°. N. T..

15-30, Flitter. Three, Jebel Cori, tngr.: (Grand) Ctn. dread 6-13.

Flew. Mrs n .. Colo k Harris. mgr.: (Sloblard1 NeW York 6.13; ffleitUngion, It. C.. rn-20.

flre 1/411111on. The: 'PrIneemil Chicago. indef. Fr.' tie. (R. Bros iway .Im. Cd.'•1. Darrell T!. Lee, mgr.: Crnnellentle. PS.. in: Fitton-oing 11: Irwin 12: Jotratown 13; Zanesville, 0., 13: Greenville, 13... 17.

Prw•on Pigpe': (Parboe- e New York. Indef. Friendly Enemlea: Oklahoma City. OS., 13-14, Girl in the Limousine: (Chinese) New York,


refae PP iteeterni, Cohan & Genf.. mgrs.: To. mi.. Can., 51-13: eleeebeed. Ota•tab.

3014 Diggers; (Lyreume Ne" York. Indef. Going 1p (Weererni. (*ore-. & It•rriv. mgr.):

lied Wing. )flnn.. 1o: Fen Cl..'-., WI.. 11; Minn., 12.14: 31norertor. WI... 13; ¡We,

iewnis Iiieb., 1.1: Ishpeming IT: Marquette le; Calumet 19.

Oreeosi ,h Village F.dllea (Nora Reyes) New York C"ty, Yon- De ender

n»PPY IvillIngham. mgr.: (111ppo 'Oriel New 'fork. Ind-r.

(lkietiome ate. nt.. 13.11. fi 'peer, DelFolf. tp The Better snle. Jame. F.

Ken-. mer.: 1 dnlallie. Ky.. 1/4•10; FeansrIlle. Inio 11: l'erre Bede 12; BaornIngtoo LI; Monde 15; Dorton 0 P• Columhta 35-

Irene (Vanderbilt) New York Indef. Iasi.. Fide. & lier Gang Osebane New Tort,

Indef. lreet. Toe .1•1, ,..04f1.1 New York. loot of Allinson«, leihnr Ilatutnerstrin. mgr.:

eMaJeatirl Itewton Jet a Minute: (Corte hew York. Indef.

tribe* Pint. mitt Nora Itnyea (Corte (Mein later.

Iv I.. LocIlle: (coloniall Chirac.) indef. 'arbtain': ((layety) New York, Indef.

Irbeer. etty: (d'ultone New. 1..1k, In.

I:stem Leater. John Curt. mire.: Pitteborg, Pa.,

Little RIne Devil (Central) New Turk, Indef. Lfide Whopper: (Geetm,i New Turk, Indef. Loot leader: (Greenwicli Yllizge , New S 'rke Inlet

!are Kim. Al W. Martin. nier.: Ine'rpendence. Is. 10; Savanna ' 111. 11: Ifulempw, 12-1.1; Colar leaped* 14; Itoek 111., 14 Olson IN Freeport 17: Starling I'. M es , 31elody: (Shubert t Now Yrrk. Indef. liorilebt 1, floneymec 1/4“: henry Alfilere New lee5. indef. k Jefra Dream (Owe 111111.1. ItIlly Barry.

mgr.; Thomasville, tia.. lu: gniney. Ina., 11: ikeinterldee. Got.. 12: Dothan. Al.., 13: crania, Ml,.,, 15: Ilettlechure 1,1: Lumber-ton IT; tamed IS; he` eon 13; Nat-hen 20.

in I' •-re .1 e New York. Indef. "Iee Ziegfeld Midnight Emil-. (New Ammer oece Itmef) New York, Indef.

Meld e Sigh!, Adolph hidnleer. mgr.: (Printers'. New York, Indef.

.41((hing lint Uwe: (11th St 1 New Yore, tale? 01 the Wring floe: (Criterlon) New York. I.

der. Night ln llotnn (Criterion) New York. In-

d, f.

Porn!' Finvo: (Playhonee) York, Indef. l'eleang Show of 11.19; IIVInter Garden) Il•sa York, indef.

Peet tint Bette. In The al000ierader: North l'i ,tie. Net.., 10: r•dembee 11: St. Jeearph, Ilo, 12•13; Omaha, Neb.

Prier. There Woo innetemil. cobalt * litlindeiptta 5-13: Bewails' 53-3),

Prince There We. (Weeeeterne, Cohan Jr Barrio. mitre.: Now Weetieleelee. It. (... 10: Yakima. Wa•h., II; Wilts Walla 12: Iewle ton. by. 13: Spokane, Wash., 15441 Ml.-eon's'. Afoot., IT: fluor Isiff.

Rainbow Girl, /Claw e fIrtanger. mgrs.: St. Louie Mo., 7.11; Pittsburg, Pa., 15.2. Re 11/4,1; ryes: .1solekerhorker) New York, Ità-

d. t. Ina '1.--1-1 New Y -1/4. Pd.?

RICHARDS, "THE WIZARD" Arnertese. Largest and Create« Popular TS1-el

1.1.081., I P.11

!try.' Vagabond: (Cohan .4 Herten) Now York. Indef.

ee-dtulal: 119th 51.1 New York. Indef. Se min'. rf 11113: 11111m1.1 Chle:ge. Indef. eee Few: (Cohan) New York, Indef. Son•rter aer. u Whit ney á 'Purr.), Il. D. Col-

lin.. mg? : Chicago 211•14-e. 13, So Long teeny: Oki:lama ('l'y. rily. II-12. . •.

letter- Theater Stork C.o.: Portland. Me.. Me Some Time ("inn %Moshe's neer: Blemmln tern

Empire Players, Harry Kattr., (tnitlire) <,.••111. indef.

twine. Gertrude, tdis, Wm. N. Smith, mgr.. Emporia, ken.

r fth An.. Theater Stock Co.: (Mtn Are.) BrooklYn. Log. 11, Indef.

Fo ,n(rdi,erenth St. Stork Co. New Tort, Sept. 1.

For. 'key F., Players: COMellebP. Ter., 5-13. noreltnler It..'..' Stool. Co.: Ibtakell. OS.. s-13. Grabom Stock co., Prank N. (cabana, mgr.:

luth. Y., S-13; Owego 117,20. Grey, Dom Stook Co.: (Strand) Bellingham.

%Yeah.. Indef. limed Until. Players: Woodellffe. N. J.. Indef. 'laymen. It•rkeley. sto,ir co.: (Orphenm) Prank-

'In. P. Ann I. indef. IlaiwkIneWela Cu.: lEnspreas) Botte, Mont..

Indef. risoltino-W.d,h co.: Mot, Agin., Sept. S. Indef. I Deraden a l'in Andlt nloto ) Lynn. Mann.

'....t iroier

g Champ 'len 12; Peoria 1:1-11

Soundemlyn Sweetheart, Arthur llamniereteln, mere.: Columbia., id, s.13; Pitt «burg. l'a.. 11-211.

Sometady•e Sweetheart (No. 2). Arthur Ila -e-Menetein, mgr.: Darlington. S. e., cop., beg II; Savannah. h. , 12: Augnet,, Mawen 14: .3thene 17: .itinuta 1'20.

Sometime (No. II, Arthur liammeneteln. refer : 131.11,-.11.1 Prookiyn fe -11.

Sometime iNu. 21. Arthur Mamneeratedn. nine : Sprinodeid, III. DI; Ithadmingtou 11; Chdm-:feign 12: Peoria 13.

Son Dale' en-, The iltela•eal New York. 1,11.4. Prane•ea, Darld itelaneo mer.: lt •. N. Y. e•10; Ituffelo 11-11; Pidladelpida 11-Jan. a. r-e, Tse: 11 0th 5: 1 New 'Fork. Indef.

Sheer Sot!, J. C. Rockwell. mgr.: Theme. ville, Ont ., Kinevel,11.- 11; Es 1/4eg Vi: Amheratborg IG; Itleleetown 17: Aylmer 131; T11.--dosint 10; Norwich 20.

Son.hine : Sidney. Neb., 10; I •rarnie. Wyo.. 11: rh•yerir • 12; Sterling, Cot., 11: Greeley 13.

Rweetrat in mete, yam, F. Kell, mgr.,: Cenral''. 1H,, 111; A.bler 11: Itnnunoin 11;

e.1• Dram. le; C•etandale Teller-Ma 1' -bun Jr MeTe : Out-

land, . o1 1 Cbleo 11; Marais:111e 11; Itedellne -elfor', Ore., 17; Eugene IS: Salem 13; ..loris

Take It Poem Me: (Stneletiakere rifle's°. Indef. Tea for Three: tt...etteilel Chicago. Indef. ThIrty-Nine C' irle?. Three Fate. Peat. Cohen Jr IlarrIv, mgr'.:

Sprinatleld. Maso 10; Hartford, Conn., 11- 13; Providence. R. 1. 15-20

Three Wee. Ile's. John I.. Golden. mgr : Ibriton 1-20.

Thoritoo. 31aririvo. R. It. Fisher. mer.: hull. more, NM.. S-13.

Tiger Ro.e. Imeta r.,leeca. mgr.: Galve.ten, Ter., 10: Auotin 11: Antonio 12-14: Waeo 15: Cur.l. ono le; Pale.t!ne IT: longriew

wItà blurb. Dressler 11Pyru-Ore Chlomea. ledef.

Tro llan7 Illi.bandr: (Booth) New York. Indef. l'Iontle Tern to tte -1.n I- Golden. mgr.: Pork-

'rebore. IT Pa,. 10: Mierletta, 0., 1e: Zanio• ville 1:: Newark 11; Columbus 15-17: ton lee30).

Lirio. Lenore. Drwrid Itclayee, mgr.: New Tor% 17. Indef.

Cna. T..rn'a Cabin X NI Dirs. la.. I": Den , City II: fleet ioland. Ill.. 12; Stettin: 11: lTh torial °Amigo 11-20.

Cnknown Woman (alasine Elliott) New York. Indef.

Pp In kiabel's Room: iWoolot Chicago. Indef. N • (It•puidic. Nee' YOH., 1-teief. Warneld. David, David ltelaseo. mgr.: Indian-

'poll.. lo• Loulvellie Ky., 11.11: O 11-em

'le?-Jewett. henry, 'layers: (Copley) Bosun&

lode. Joqu,Pomain Co.: (Home) flatchinsoo. San.,

Oct. G. loin tiatr*. Pidiere: (Central r/..) Lynn, Mali., Som. I. Indef.

Kelth Stork Co. Meleon) C111011 11111. N. J.. ('Opt. I. note.

Sherman. Stook CO.: (Broadway) Se. peri.-r, Wis., Indef.

hiney Komody lie.: (Palace) Toledo. O., in. def.

Lebee. 'Lynne leafleted Player.: Miami. indef.

Levels. Jack X., Player': 'Luepke. Va.. Oct. 20, Indef.

Len fa Ilene. Stork Co.: (Kyle) Beaumont, Tee., Sept. 14. Indef.

Lyceum Mt wk. (So.: (Lyceum) New Britain, Conn.. Sept. 1, indo?,

Lyceum Stock Co.: (1yr:enrol Ti. N. Y., Sept. 1, ItWef

MacLean. Pauline. Players: (Music Hall) Mote, Aug. 25. lade?.

Meldorks•Pare Players: (Majestic) Birmingham, Al... Sept. 11, Indef.

Majestic Theater Stock Co.: Lon Angeles, CaL, Indef.

lle./e•tIc Theater Stock Co.; San Francisco, Cal_ Indef,

Bert, Comedians: Little Rock, Ark., Indef.

Morocco Stock Co.: (Morocco) Loa Angelea, Cal. lode?,

Mar ,..y's Comedians; Marysville. Cal.. fader. New: Bedford Players: New Bedford, Maras.,

Indef. Northampton Players: (Academy of Music)

Nortsameton. Indef, Nutt C CommI Plryers• P noacoLa, Fla.,

S.11. OrI , urn Pilyers: Montreal, Can., lade?. orpteeum ¡'layen, Stroud Jr mgrs.: New-

ark. N. J., log. Ti', lode?. Paramount Player., 11moell Bros.. owner.; alas.

A. Moran. mgr.: Guntoneville. Ala . Indef. Park Theater Stork Co.: Ctira, N. Y., inlet. Payton, Corre, Stork Co.: (Cre.ccnt) Brooklyn

Sept. 1. Indef. Permanent' Players: (Winnipeg) Winnipeg, Can.,

Indef. Perron. Joe. Pleyel,: (Proopect) Cleveland. O.,


'Inert Stock co., Clint .T. Deism, mgr.: Bum, tom l'a,. Dee. "%Jun. 3. -

Metal, fit Debe. >toe': Ce.; Strond.burg, 5.13: %noses. N. J.. 15-20.

r:ayr-g C Crk3: Pro\ i'lene., R. I., Indef, Poll Stock t'o.: Bridgeport, Coon.. lode. I'll Player.: Illyperloni New Maven, Conn., sm t. I. Indef.

Poll Stock Co.: Worreeier, Mass.. Indef. Phnom., Stook Ott•wm Ont., Can., indef. Ilneoride. no-ellan.. Bros.. «.WDeee;

sin herby. mer.: (.nntersville. Ala Seamen Player,: (Raker) retinal. Ore.. SepL

Wedding (Berri.) New Tort, fnaer Shannon Stet Barry Shannon, mgr.: Col:-Where'. Your Wife: (Punch A Jody e New York, No. Ky .. '44.a : Norton, Ts.. )320.

Indef. S'..ed. I'. 1`., TIolyoke. Women In 0 ell 11: IL,vrIce Cincinnati 1-0. b Ziegfeld'. Foll'e•; Detroit. Mich s li Suleindrt eSf.toek Co.: (Shubert) Si. Pond Minn,

Aug. Ti, Indef. Shubert Stock Co.: Milw WI... indef. Shubert Stock (ke.: 311:nneepufbe, Minn., Aug,

44. feeler. Soo, r. I. e. P".0 Sr.: Somerville. llama.. Indef. fesupest Mt.:, Co., J. I.. Tempera. t e,-tertown. 31.1.. >43; feirost t'a.. 13-20.

WursAirteu ) N. Y., hob '. %%likes st. rk Co.: .,(Wiltes) Seattle. Wash., lug. 21, lade?.

Pladers: (Denhaml Denver. Cole.. Sept. ludef.

Williams. 1%1, Stook On.; (Royal Grand) Ma. fren. lad. , inder

Winner:gee, ConseCy Cee.; Beloit, Wiz.. S-20.

Wood Players. O. D. Woodward. mgr.: (Woodward) epokane, Wash., Sept. I, indef.

STOCK st REPERTOIRE Academy Player.: ilseerblii. Ma..., Indef. &leaser Player,: (Alcazar) Sin Francinc.).

Indef. Appell, Nathan, Pleeyent: (Oredhenme Bred:mg.

Pa., Oct. 20, Indef. Arlington Tbeater Players. John Craig. tagr.: lamon. Slo«.. Indef.

Andttnriton P'•yer. ltaiden, lade. Mein. NIllelre.i, eta. k C., 3, J. 3Iffseenlen•

afar : (1.1htertyl Penose.d.". Jae), Players: (11ale.Oce lneltanapolly

inel.. indef. Blaney Stock C.f.: (Prepect) Drool, New York.

Sept. I, Indef. Pinney Played. tNe.bittl Wilkeafterre. lo-

de?, 'Raney Player, (Torkvillel New York, Indef. Priem% bi:ginle. Stock Co.: (qtr..'" q8.

Otero. ("al.. Indef. r:rown.iloweli Stork Co.: (Lyric) Fitchburg.

liana., indef. Pocket, Jr Schooke Stork Co.: (Opera noose)

Lowell Mass Sept. 1, Indef. Illere. Fred, Sleek Co.: (Itihnie Jansen. Mich.,

Indef, Cmder, Monte, Ile.. Cow. Co.: (Oat) Seattle,

wneb.. Indef. Ctbwe-Lister Theater Co (Northern', (llena F.

Chase. mere.: Comod. Neb.. :did. Chicago Stock C1/41/4. Chas. II. Waken.. mgr.:

Manrheyter. N. IT.. s-11; 11,01. Ste rn.J1). Cloninger itelph i Player.: (111011/4) Salt Lake

Vity. Indef. colonial M. en.: (Colonial) Lawrence, Maas,

Sept. I. Indef. Cutter Stork Want., 11 Colter. mgr.: Shamokin. 3•I2 MorthIngtoo, W. Va., 15- 214.

Dailey. Ted, Stoet Co. (Emprelivl laneing Mieh.. Aug. 71 Indef.

Deming, law toque, Theater Co.: (Magic/ ri• pods,. In., inlet.

Dmimond, Mee. Pintem: tOrpteuml Germt, town, re.. Merl. I. Indef.

Elbert à Getrhell Stock (,5o.: Dra 3131nee, Ta.. Leg. 21. Indef.


Beauty Trum: Worrell:re Newark, N. J.. 8-13: leash:toe Philadelphia 15-k1.1.

Denman Show: (Famorei TOM°. 0., 8.13; (L.friot Dayton 13-214,

Itegt Sbow in 'hewn. (Empire) Drontro 8-131 ireeplw.e Philadelphia 13-20,

Bon T'; 'Columbia) New York 3.13; (Casino) Brooklyn 20.

Boatnulaus: (Jacque») Waterbury, s.13; (Miner'. New lerk 13,0.

Romery Buriewtucts: (Colombia) Chirugo S-131 (Ilayetyi Detroit 1543).

Iturireque Mellen: (Gayety) l'Itt‘burg 3-13: 'park' S, U.. 13 17: Ofralsell Akron 18-211.

Ituriewum W. nder Show' (Gayety) Detroit 8-13; (Gayety) Toronto 13-20.

Punks of tbe Ildr: (Parke lentgeitnon. 0„ 5-10; (Grand) Akron 11-13: (Star) (leve. land 15-40.

Guru, a la Carte: (1.yrIci Dayton, O., S-13: (Olympic) Cincinnati 15-20.

ch.l, de lank... 41:at-etyt Toronto $-13: (Gay. ety) BniTato 15-20.








and CARDS •

«elm National




,ris of C. ;.4. A.: (Beatable) STractuse. N. (idamberg) Ctica 11-13: (Gayety) Montrol 13-20.

Golden Crooks: (Ca.luo) Boston S-13; (Bronx) ilartfrrd. Comb. 13-20,

lls.tings, Barry, Show: (Berchell Des Moiner, la., b-10; (Gayety) Omaha 15.).

Arnerica: (Orphemr) Patersen. N. J.. M-13, (Me1estie) Jereey City 15-20.

hIp. Neve riir.lSceiort 8- ny G ir 1l 3 E , ; olea flre;


Bowe's, Sam, Ilig Show: (Star) Cleveland 3,13: (Empire) Toronto 13-20.

Eelly'e, Lew. Show: (Gisyety1 Washington S-13; (Gayety) Plttaburg

Liberty Girls: (Olympic) Cincinnati 8-13: (Star) Chleago 13-20.

Maids of Amerira: (Gayety) Ransom City S-13; open Week 15-20; (Onyetyl St. Louis 22-27.

:Marion, leave, Show: (Star Sr Garter) Chicago ›.:1 ; Wen-M.1e Dw 3"rir-d. lo.. 15.17.

311111on Dollar DwIle, "Gayety) Boston 3-13: (Columbia) New York 15.20,

Oh. Girl.: (Ptopfe's) Philadelphia I1-13: (Pal-lare) Baltimore, 15-20,

Peek a.ftra•: (Ilur:Ig Jr Seamon) New York el.13; Orpheurn) Paterson, N. J., 15 20. R .11, (Ca-Ion) Philadelphia 3-11:

elinitlz .3 Sedneen, New lent; 13 20. Reynolds, Abe, Revue: (Gayety) Rochester

8.13; Syracuse •15-17; (Lumberge rtten 18-20.

110.elated e I; eyey 1 Montreal 9-13 (Em-pire) Albany. N. Y., 15.20.

Sight tren: Open week 843; (Gayety) St. Lonis 15-30.

S 3111.:.• theyerye Duffel° 8-13; (Gayety) Rochester 13-20.

Sportinz Widows: (Gayety) St. Louis 3-12: (Columbia) Chleago 15-20,

stsr & Garter Show; (Camino) Rrooklyn S-13: (Empire) Newark. N. .7.. 1540.

Step Lively (Rile: (Palace) Baltimore S-13; Iffayetvl Washington 15-20.

Sydell, R(We, London Belles: Newburg, N. T., 8.10: Poughkeepsie 11-13; (Casino) Boston 15-20.

Tw--tferti res*ner Sinnford. Conn.. Ifl; (Park) Bridgeport 11-13: Newburg, N. Y.. 15-17: Ponghkeepole 14-20

Victory Belles: (Empire) Albany. N. T.. g.13; (i:arety) remtnn 15-20.

Weisner,, BIlly, Parisian Whirl: (Grand) Pa" f C•nn., '--13; (II^eue,) Waterbury 15 •

Welch. Tien. Show: 131ajestIol Jeriey C • 3-13; Perth Amboy 15: Plaintleld 10: St ford. Conn.. 17; PrIdgeport 15-20.

Williams. 31011:e. Shoo, (Gayety) Omaha (Gayety) lialIKII(t Clty 15-20.

AMERICAN CIRCUIT All Jam Review: (Gayety) BalUmoro S-13

(Lyreum) Wa.hIngtou 13-20. Aviator Girls: (lialeale) Scranton. Pa., 8-12

Ttinghamptren. S. Y Niagara Fall. to-20.

Dotting elleantles: (Weetmin.ter) Providetere, R. 1., 8•13,

[leanly Review: 113U0n) Iladelphla $:13; 'Empire) lloboteo. N. J.. 15-20,

TSIne Rinds: Pa.„ 10; Altoona 11: 1Villiamsport .12; York 13: (Gayety) Belt'. more 15.20.

Broadway "Mlle.: (Broadway) ('arolen. N. 1.. (4.11; Trenton 14-13: (TroCadero) phi,, 15-20.

Cabaret Girie: :Gayety) Newark. N. J.. 11-1-3: Camden 13-1S; Trenton 19-20.

Crdeterleck.: 1Cadillare Detrelt S-13; (Engle-oat) Chicago 15-20.

42 T he Billboard DECEMBER I

I, a n. Henry P.. Eavl.w: ;Gayety) gloat CDT I... n.11.; (C..ettory: Kaye/. City 1.5-X1.

rollin. of Pleainre: fArsneray, lestrtd. u • mu.pirel Cltaelat,4 15->:.

Freorh (Trogradevoi PhIladeltdr• a-12. Wilkes-Barre. Pa.. 15-30. Gies; ;Gayttr) Wineessail. (612;

";1,7•47) fq.:mx CIty. La.. 1.5-1.1). Glrla from the Follies; ;park Indlanapors

1-13: ;Glint/1 1Z-Le) nirlot from Joyisod: (empir.1 Cleveland n-12;

fradillar. Detroit 15-34. G rows' 19 Ba Ides: (Ijowardi Beieldi 6-13;

lOirrnidrè Nis. York 1.5..e. Hay... Edmund, Show: (Gayety) Milwaukee

8-13: (Gayety; l'anl Jazz ntnt7) Kans.". City s-1.2:

ffirand. Tubs.. 14.19. E. .pl, Y.. A-14;

Niagara Falls 11.13: ;Star, Toronto 15-M. Lie Later. li-Freamt 1Vanblegton n13; (P.1 $" , Philadelphia 15.20.

litrioight Maiden.: iEmseowl clnelanatl 14-Lt (Ly•eum. rofirobte. IN.

Illeehlef 31•1....: (Gayety, Brooklyn 8-r; fG•yety) Newark. N. J.. is-lts.

Mont. Carlo GM.: rolyam.le. New Tint 843; (Gayety. ilirgaldyn 15-3a.

On, Firemen!, 11.1•:•1 Spritignell, Mum., 8-13: (Grand. Woreister 1520.

Parernaker, Wilkealtarre. tEr: (Maleidiej Sterantow

Intrisfan Flirt.: ;Englewood, Ctleago 8-13: (Ilaymatiets ("birego 1520,

balnale 11•1:•; ir;csba# rylogy. a 12* ;steadied. at.

Heron! Breaker.: (Mt. Wert«. New York T1-111; .M.Detirg Wilken-Itime. Fa.. 15-M).

Rimini tie Ton-a: igtand•rdi t. Lon» 8-13; (Park, Indlanapoll.

1"011Iie: plat X.13; (Gay-ety. Minneapolla

home snow; if;:tyety. lenirville 8-13; (Fen. press, rineinuatl 15.20.

Sport (drIa: (11.ym•rk.t) adrago 8.13; (Gay-ety) Milwank•e 1511

1,Mree à 'norm'. «tan Slaw. Catarl Brooklyn a•11; (Plar•. aprIngtild. 1T•20.

Ice eet Sweetie Girl.: ;star) INWouto 8-12; (.k.ademY) Buffalo 15 2n.

Tempter.: (Emplr... lloteken, N. J.. a.1.1.• (Star) Innakiy• 15-311.

WiltsonS. Sliding Billy, Show: (Lyceum) Cglumboa, O., 8.13, (Victoria) Pittehnr• 15-20.

Pat. Gaiety (lids: (Grand) Worral-ter. 8-13: (Howard' War," 15-20.

!World Beater.: (TSctorl.) Pitt.l.nrg -..-13; Wheeling, W, Va., 15; ralontown, Pa., Di: jonastoan 17; Altoona lc; 1Villiamonart 19; 1 ork

CONCERT AND OPERA Ilordon F.n,liah cgrmod °ter. co.: Fuattoa. Vasa., Nov. 10-Jan. 21.

Boman Sympbony Orrhe•tra. Detroit, well., 11 Fabling, Itirhard lArgollan Ilall. New York 12. entchin, IVnadgibsen. Md.. 19-20, Elman. D•trilt. Web.. 1ft-20. Eng.lbart. k`rid•; Wrealabnro. Md.. 18.20. itaegiso, Mary; I:Mahal:isogon. N. Y., IS. (lanthl.r, Eva (0reenwieh Village) New York

14. Gordan. Mary: Cell:Imbue 0., In. 11.nopel. Memohle ?ran., 11; (Cohan'. Grand, Chicago. Ili.. 14.

Krebtler, Feltz: ...leademY) Philadelphia 18. Kreldier. T.T., 15.

Frangses; tVor,dtboro, MI .. 19-20. Sliddleton. Arthur: '.111rhini, Kan.. 10; Den-

ter, Colo., 15; Boulder 16; Pueblo 17. Mat:moaner. Margar.t: (lev.imod, 0., 11; To-

ledo 12. Minnispoll. Symphony Orehistra: St. Pant

Minn.. la; 19. Mc('oradek. jg hn rkietropolinin flp.r• Hon..) Pblindelphl• 12; Wi•hingron. D. C., 17.

New lark rhornier Hod.- Society: (8.wego. N. Y.. 10; Auborn 11; .teneta 12; Anrr• 13; Ann Arbor, 311eh., 15.

Namara. liargar.t. Mt. Paul MIno., 1,3; M lane-pr..I Im 11.

N. w York Symphony Orcheetra: Baltimore. Md. 17.

Ornet•In. Leo: Hontington, 11-. Va., 19; Rich-mond. 1'... 15.

l'eteriem May: Montreal, ran., 16-17; Torrid° lg.

Rdentdart, J.,.«f: Chicago, Ill., 14; Norfolk, 1•.. 111.

/toter.. Emma, & Lola Rove.: Motel Statier) St. 1 ouls IS.

tismaroff, Bnffalo, N. Y., In, Sehnma no L lein k. 31 roe. : Meridian. 10;

Spritigneld, Mg, 12; 11urphysburo. Ill., 15; lionne. la . 17.

Sam Carlo Grand Opera Portan. Cello. war.: (Walker) WIllnineX. Clut•. 1'13.

Thlhand. Ja -que.: Portland Me.. 11. yolleteen Trig.: Spartan•buig. S. C., 10; Rock

11111 12- Hendersonville, N. C., 13; Chatham.

TABLOIDS Allen, Billy. Mos. Coin.: Flager.POWn, Md., 8-

13. American Foill.s. Arthor ft. Huebner, mgr. lOrphenmi Nt.hville. Team, s.13.

Itert. Hello Girl. (Majestic) Dan vine. Va., 8.13.

Floe Ora.. Rell... hilly mgr.: (Jodla) rime,1. Ter.. 843.

Camp Fire Girls. Waiter flora. mgr (Lyric) Gary. Ind., 8-13.

Carmelo'.. Fred, Mu.. Com.: (Gem) Great Falls, Mont., Indef.

Chirke. Maids. 'mints N.-Lewis. ma,: (Pri•c111.) Cleveland a-13; (Mystic) Gabortnn 12-20.

Doenard'a, Vine, lb...Is:al Maids: (Diarnowd) Tunealoost, Ala., 8-13.

Gee Whiz Jerk Quinn, mgr.: (rrylvtal) Anderson, Ind., 8-13

Iloey & Moen', Cheerup (ifrenir) Paw. bucket, R. I., 8-13.

BUM, Bro..' Columbla hiero.. Billy Zeitirr. Mgr.: (I.yric) Et. Wayne. Ind.. /443.

Hoyt'.. Hal. Sweet Dimly, Ed St. Moore. mgr.: (New Butler) Butler. Pa., S-13; (Prioress) Youngitown O., 12-20.

Barley's Oh. Say Girls: (Pastime) Martins Fer. Ty, O.. 8-13.

Market' Oh, Liebe Girls: (Hipp.) Salunont W. 111-13.


Nat Reiss Shows,, Ge tInc.


This Will Be A 25.Car Show, Season 1920 We have 6 Rides and 10 Shows contracted.

Will finance any Attraction of merit advanced by responsible parties.

Can use two higb-grade Promoter; capable it exning real incomes.

Will BUY two stateroom cars, one sleeper and two sixty-loot flats. WA sel two fifty-toot box cars in A-No.1 condition.

H. G. MELVILLE, Gen. Mgr. Winter Quarters: Mk Trek. P. 0. Box 165, Peoria, Ill.


Good Plantation Show with small Band. Will furnish a car for same. Also a good Pit Show and Five-in-One. Have our own railroad cars. Also can place a good seven or eight-piece Band. A few Concessions open. Write or wire.

FRANK MARSHALL, Manager. Bethune. S. C.

Ideal Mayer. stgep Monte Wilke mgr.: ;I'•ramonnt b C.., Tem., indef.

Kligge••- Beau. A R..11...11 Sew Straltsville. O.. .43.

King's. Bob, Sontleru 11.1d. (Best) Birming-ham. Al.., Indef.

Land..res Mnswal Comedy (Flun) Denver. (S.l..

Lord A Vitrnon Mue Coin.; Detroit. Mich., In. 4,?-

MargIn's Pootfig1d Girls (Prince) Tampa, 843.

nt•rrin'.. Wort' of Pleasure. (70.6.: (S.. ter. >Insane.. Ok., 7.13; (Dome) Lawton 14-2n.

Mtilion Dollar Reanties. Ales. Pauaders. mgr.: (Real limaba. Net. Indef.

Ilorton•• Muni-al (rrineeen) M. Boston, lu., ti 13.

Morpny'.. Jack. Maryland Be•nties (Rondo) Itarterton. 0. S-13.

Newman'.. Cr.0.k Ti., Merry Casino Girls Manrinster. N. ii.. S-11,

Newman'.. Dave, Tabarin Girls. Dure NeWlilà1, mgr.: Adev111., N. C., 14.13,

Newman'e, Moulin Roui., George Rich. arm. nurr.•. Albany. AIL, S-L1.

Ne•nun'e, tiare, "Tb. Spiders." Wag Cnah-man. mgr.: Elmira, N. Y., 8-13.

Pater l'rea. It.rup ' Andy Melanghlin. mgr.: Winn 1 Seattle. Wish.. 11-1.3; ;11Ipp.) Ta-roma 14-17; (Hipp.) Portland. Or... 18C1.

Fh• All. Fay., & (Cosy) eraik, Tea., 8-13; ;Pernblnift (talviston 15.29.

Kna]ma. Itidg. IARMIem: •SmIl•bney . N. F.. 0-11: Greenxboro

Mar Ilmtleal Tab. Stork. ('has. LaFoni, mgr.: (Star) lent...tile, Ky., Indef.

Univertgty CD., Clifton & Crnoleby. (Liberty) Joplin. Mo., Indef.

Vaulpiee itirls. L. P. W•11, mgr.: (Prin.•...) W•ter ,..o. la.. Ind.f.

Zarrner'. Big Bern.: NT, alimpneld. 0., 10; B.II. Center 11: St. Mary. 12-13; Min.ter 14; (arm) SprIngfl.ld 15-20.

Zarrow'• Girt.: (Casino) Washington. l'n., li-13.

Zarrow'. (Altmy.r) Mel:mouser l'a.. 0.10; .0. H.) 11.1%.

Zarrow'. Yank.: (Arcade) rosineli.ville. Pa., 5.13.

Zarrow'. National (lrl.: (May's) )1•Igina, 8.13.

Zarrne•. Faattlonettes: (Clifford) rtes.., 0., 8-13,

MISCELLANEOUS Almond. Jethro, igta,wa: Albemarle. N. C., Amide:toe.. Parker. Animal. (lbroble

Store) Philad.lphie S-13. Barnum, Prof. 3. IL: Knoz. Ind., indef. lilerre Prod, P., Pree Movies: Bayou Sara.

IA., 10; Baton Moog. 12; Planneming. 13: Don. nhiggonviii. 15; kleCnil 16; Convent 17; 1.nteher 10; New oripan. 20.

Bragg & Bragg Show, No, 2. ill. Bragg. mgr.: LyngionvIlle. Vt.. 10; Itsrton 11: Or-leans. 12; Newport 13; N. Troy IS; Itlehford 16; Swanton 17; St. Albano Is; Itiorlingtoo Ill; Rutland 20.

Carothers 1.10-geb.ollyetie fo., Arthnr It. Cun-ningham mar.: libueton. el. D.. M-13.

Crawford Bro..' Vaudeville Show., Will Bar-mad, mgr.: McBee, S. C.. 10-11.

Crawford'. Vami.ville Shoes, il. L. Crswfonl, osier; le. 11111er, mgr.: Blarkieburg. s.c., 10; Shelby 11.12.

Daniel. FL A.. Magi. inn: Nanalmo, It, C. eu.. rile.; Victoria 17-1'.: Vantonver

Domingo'. Filipino Serenaders: Hominy, Ilk., 11-13.

Port l'arr.. In.. 10. Herrmann, relia. J. A. Sehnenk. mgr.; Mi. Marys, O., 10; Piqua 11: Xenia 12: May.-Mlle, Ky., 13; Part.. 15; lezington lit; Itig h. nand 1,7; Frankfort Ils; Oreenriburg. Ind., 11.; Andenton 20.

Khaym, White llobnlnet: Belt Like City. Utah. 11-20.

Fluorine. lent.. Ail Fistore Show: Dexter. Mino., 8.13: 0.trand.r 15

Lorey, Tho... Elinor.: Jonesboro. La.. 30; An.-ley 11; rbougirs: 12: Castor 12; Tenets. Ter., El: Arms. IA: l'etty 11.

1111.«. John R., Magician: Trenton, N. J., ta. let.

Reilly, Mel. Co.: Fraatlti, la., R-13. Itirton'• glegilcine Slaw: Bradttedvill.. Ky., .13; Gre.n.burg 15-20.

ThotoniOn. Frank II., Show: Council 11111. Ili., 8-13; season ends.

Turtle, Wm Magician: Oedat la., 81.3: Lamont 15 20.

Wormier'. Jean. Sale. Alpine Canta Cruz. Cal.. 11; Srhaitapol Senti. 1".• A • eat. 18: Strtune 17.

The, Hind Reader. libury Park, N. J., indef.


BANDS & ORCHESTRAS ranaulas Jartitnba Orchestra: (Whittle ffiebut

Knoxville. Tenn. cols••101'.. Sisen: Wiiuo., N, r., Indef, ...•7'.. l'ai: New 16rk f'ity ISJ.n. I,

enrelo's Band: l'aglugah. Ky., lad.?, idte•dorf Moab., Kan.. 1011; Ar

k•ns•• ('in; 12.13. Itlarkstil. 1•.,.17. Gibbon., ir'., dirrhr•nr.: fliutP1 00i10,1 leptat

12-Jan. I.

An.relrim Riel, nee. 1./trlird, I',,

▪ hand: !Irma. ft.. 1041. • J I' • Its'esi, N c.. Siel'a. Carl, Baud: Elizabeth City, N. „Id d:,,,rd Itand. Frank Pidla •

l'a., • iltand: ;ski:theme City. Ok., 20.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES Atwood. D. Ezse, Showy:

13, Clifford', Carolina Whole*: Psfro,

Allen's, A. G., Big Min•trtil Show, Harry Mint -mgr.: Hazen. Ark.. Indef.

Alabama Ilindrels tE. II. Jone.'). C. T. Bowe*. mgr.: Boz Kant.. M.... perm.

Arnold & Quirk**. John gut. k. mgr.: 1.0inorli Grove, Kan.. 10; Burlington 11; Sin rig CHY 12 :' Peslada 13: Ilutehlna-n 15.

Risen à Eow•r4' Famous MInetreig.; Mliwanam, Wli.. Indef.

flugd.y Illmitr.i.: :1922 Brighton Inf.. les An gele.4, term.

cobumot. J. A.; Wayerne.., 0a.. 10. Valdosta 11; Americus 12: ',meals 13; Thgenaggellle 15. Bainbridge 17; QuIncy. Fla., Is; Tallahamee 19; Ink. City 20.

Define lire.': Goaands, N. 1., 10: Callaran. gua 11; liarhias 12. Enaporiam. l'a., 13: -Du. bolo 15: Cieartleld 16. Cur...m.111e 17; Belle-fonte It'; Huntingdon 19; Lewistown 20.

Dumont & Enunrt Indiadeiphla. l'a, Sept. 13. indef.

('told'.-. Al It.: Ow.n.boro. Ky.. 1011; lezIng• ion 12-13; Huntington. W. 1.a., 14 17; Par-lierebure 1s-19; Mari,-'ta, ¿I., 2().

Crgorgia Mack & Tnne. Ede, IL Oruzard. mgr.: little lb. It. Ark.. perm.

Ilartey, ensitie: Vandal.. ill., 10, rentrall• 11: tligirrin 12: Marion 13: Belle-ville 14: Calm, 15; Ineinoln 16; rbrist-mher IT: Benton 18.

Ilerbert'.. Jon. I, Greater 332 8, Smallegad 0.. Baltimore, 31,1.,

Gus. Chan. A. William.. mgr.: Gs., 10; Marren 11; rotundo. 12: Alban, 13: Atlanta 15-17; Atheng IS; Augusta 19; mag,

II:Inflation**, F. C.. blin.trelm. J. W. West, mgr.: litoz 413. Belzoni, MI.,. perm.

Jones', N. C.. ;:reattr; rare The BIllboanl, Cincinnati. It., trenn.

ijacolse. Alabama Min.trel.: Frank 11, Stowell. mgr.: Coudersport, l'a., term.

1,11,,nme klin.treis, Bert mgr.: 1GC 111•111 11.11a.1.1phla. l'a., term.

ccnalea' a, J. r., Georgia Illneirels: Bou 1185. Savannah. Ga., perm,

0•Itrien's. Neil. 16. Ar 11.dge. mgr.; (Itte• tank) rcn-ki)o 8.13.

Peelle.. rel.. Verne DeWeIght, mgr.: ttsleurg Pa., Indef.

Prirailloon.111 Greater New York Illn•trel.: Care The Tin 111011 rli. Cincinnati. O., perm.

Royal 3181.0.1., it. II. Brownie.. mgr.: Introit, Mich., Indef.

Tin mown's, Happy Mel: 1111 Wail Ft., Dur-ham. N. 1., perm.

lletory lilt .1mm L Smart Set Co.. 1 M. Free, mgr.: 211 1:rafl,d at., iwir.e.

J.,fin W.: Inds.r.,. N. C., la; numb-Mlle. 12: Wilmington 13.

Wa•hlogrn'r. Leon W.. J. W, Itntenl.e. mgr.. NYW A1111.111), ini.. 1... Bedford 11. 13; itigmmtleld lb: Critnna. lii. . 10; Canton is; Macomb lis. Strongburst

Wolcott. F 3.. Rabbit Font On.: Port ('.11'.' a. ind•f.

Toone., Fmk Maceo neater, Fla., Perm

THE ALLIED SHOWS and irreemIelnr,• arol

saw Inn PERCY a SKASE 4. 4401401414, obie

;toter'. Great•r Millen. Oa, ••13. Danville A Wilianigibida. Il. It. mry.: Boshwin. Tel 0-11

AMERICAN EXP. SHOWS Rao Cant- Reklaa Sanwa hilda. and rnoranion. for Hem lag early la April ta one d (gumminess'. heat iho. towns. Alm for lawns, now nomad. r. xpe('trust. ItrUdels. suite Mt NI.1 Trek.

Famous Itrowleny Shows: Coinmlea, tta., 11; Eufania, Ala.. 15-2n.

rtshlon l'Inte lb & Wiater PrstIvai ans.: 1.hperning. >Itch.. 343;

NOW COOKING FOR 1111W-CALIFORNIA sm.>: tdionve-it. Mum& 11 Rains 4M Consed.n• tiA34 A_NDFIllioN, ligr.. 114 W Norton Mn. Howati Mart II F HALl,, Om. Alt. >or M. •Ifiusffett nl

Great Roothwesterla Shows: Fort Valley. g-13. & Roby Shows. Doe Hail. ragy.: Arcadia. La., ell: 11.-mer 15-20.

CONEY ISLAND SHOW& Kan tanking shows and Consadona for 1411,111 iI Goad aide., groat tows., ipoid agent. Wad owe. Aa Ards WALT131 WILCOX. !tanager Wharom. 1 1

liter... LOMA, Riff MMHG Cards» alselogi,

lerilledr. Can T., Stow.: r.t.aa 11,na... la a-11.

DUFOUR & TILFORD SHOWS, lumen e • arednea •

Sloan. nagrarting Mims and Ride. let ▪ ROOM 311, 1413 Illesagway, Na. Yarn Cl

Legg'. Great Empire Shows: Ileum'. 1a. Motor°. 15-30.

FRISCO EXPOSITION SHOWS Whim, Quart'.'. - Tezartma. Art Lock itoz 7!t2 Now honking Stem. and Conseaten• for Irsem lhM

Lorman•Robinson litbnagt; yaeltweelee. Ile., a-20.

GREAT WHITE WAY SNOWS-Riot« •rUrImIS. Paducah. Ky No. hooking tu..,.,. lude. and e.s nmelory. eith or without wagore. 1. 111 n.a , l'e

C. M. 1118110. Ne.. S.. 311. Padorsa. as

Ferret.. C. hi,, Shows: St. Nhttin.ylit.. 1L13.


JOHNNY J. KLINE SHOWS 1431 8roadanks. Reem 114, NEW TOAK

Liberty Shows. J. K. Cntrer, Fier1.1•• IA,.

P001.1E SHOWS -Son hooking Show. anti Iroo'••• dons +ream Ise corm Mani, le In • Wonted Eli Ferrl• Fl•reeum and Cerl Air IL It. 19.013.1, Me. Ttra ia, ltlam 'it. 0-ides. rain's.- la

Maje.tit shoo- e-11 N».•,, Irate Nnion, Mgr.'

S. C.. '-13 Old Dominion Arnn..ment Co John.ten S. r


MOS. • REYNOLDS' WORLD'S EXP. SHOWS rc« 1.0.4 , I.. •••••,..r, -mor • •emils. 4 Kt.- Mks. and 40 Onnewanne BARRY 310111t '....amer. 220 W. ath St- tloattanouga. Teen

Itn..• Show..; la Fayette, Le., s.1.1. 11.11, «Inns 15-31).

Sottthern rinister Sllowa: It. ;1_ .g1:1

RUSSELL BROTHERS' SHOWS ler•vgdm. la.. flea, (1•13:11dnotteatit. La . 11.•

massing for lelimot an-t congssden.

,,rra (treater Ifinenteh 311)0WE Lexington, N. C.. 3-IC,

CIRCUS 84 WILD WEST TImmlle'll VIM» & Will Weal: Albion, To.k•bom• 11.13; Sawn. 1546; Cholon

rhrlidy Railroad al/mw... Grand ('i.e. La_ Id: N•tehitor his : 1 /14,M.pte 12. Wad.ingt... 1:1; itoridan le.; Emit.. 17

Conley'. Clecne Illoport • & rarniati• .5' sprinerwid. ill. , 1-1 1: (AmiltorInmi

Mlle auk..., Wilt., 2R-2,. Spark,' ; Tampa, mt., 10, Itradentow n 'cono ends.


DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 43

Agents and Solicitors Wanted WORD. CASH. NO AOVO LESS THAN 2,.

fit >411.1.1N01 111.:.atelts Se l,Ii.I1 otolLN 1H1101:11L. P.% 1.2,

Man l'enneylestela. ---- - AGENTS gulch .4Ier: Ida Moll.: 1-1sse, th.sds robes moon tor lotelltra;tom .0IT; tif1101.1.

deete-,a: ratalogue frt11 allwrilliN itt:Arlt 11.12

AGENTS TOI 1111:11•CLASn 1.11t11-1•01 11 dur-ing are Inanta)0: ealan t, „It

¡Imp: b•notele. Lat. IL. >Wooer. terEITNS nit!. t'oe, 3•JI r4. hartne. indeado.


‘t;h•NTS %blur 'Awe neon. betrldind .0.O.. Alorem lost Petrlotle Ilk-tuns. Window le tter,.

Tian.! r Elea- /mot Noartta Wee., Catalog Ir., 111NMIN ro. tow. City, Ind.....

I lesessesle•le lasall'a s. s 14LOO11444,1t. reworkedt tr. to.letto4.1... to. ree t;

hula: 10.1.1 itotaratrIt /t.tle Pt 11 to. -7 Perk Itutdreard. Mtn lehuo. Czliforlda.

ktiEN-Te) An •rilele tisai .'I1T Ironor•lf• %elà. on eight. no ...old,' to .11 Laortsurne elni•,0JI. t., matt.: Formula. 21.r: orttoplet• trItIrt Plan al.. .a.11 «riot. 111-eSEJ_Elr. I 1+ koleIll•kss Mreet. Itn•altn. N..« York.

.11:01NTS light how I. the bleep to dtt laaey •Ith • Hg fish, dpità.' tsinter harr..t. Ilutrkel• ire shsvps.ha uss o '.kt, 1111:11à. 4s els,a

wotn the riddle Itatslah.. to'd In the lasnol lis nor w ow., atop. all ...1.1.. Ir •ant geld fir all iseiriv lamer.. and toln•: It etla•al. to el. Your god to oi,portooliN :Moo nt parker.. mr I eradlter t:a ...1•«-.•ried to ..11 fe P."41.. TII 1101% IS HEUKItY 0'10. 11. 1... Ire:r. 011.1.. doe2. ,

- - I'M% eMENT110 WIT', lalln•ITTFai.

Natural PakerIlle Ils Mt If lroO.a.l of ..1-1-faelottaal LIT 1.;rturra; no..e.o-Or atiaral: •'....nmat,It.g new,-maottandIng boa posople'• oeders. CAI.F.NIkaite.

lartottsyloadola. •

afTalFAN DI aSIIINIIM flaol, Ilk. proulne. Freol etr• iprl•. eat,' teal. Tot •r'l t. r l••••111 thr rat,.

!Op le« l• wanted to MI from han.l.ornet «mph. rue lug (Hen, pleasant Iro-k Write today. 011-XICA_N

lallotItTINel , tUno Att. . lem Crerew New Mew.

1400,1%1T* PlIteTte anatAle LIS eM4 PTIltee, Slew. Lundasen. trial.

Soo. War Ituolt. Pe.,ler ale!. ••1.1.010 Moadinte.- somata.. rte.: ver, loortest Errors: rel.cts neett.t. Ire:» Perlotle and Peas. rteturs In rrolor,

Analreta; Will Rt. rib,. it 2k•; nets mentor $". ier 100 sentele. Ill teue:t ehIpmente: lo days'

rauthWue and itne I frt.. U.. Itoa....r,t •a• new...slues - at'. If ..t.ort t.f 10.1.1'. Star 1001134 r 11A1 1.1:Y co, Insgt Nté 1,or 'Hand Aar.. littrae,

la I: PlesTAGE rT 191% It OU. “I'M. VAIN-•Allt 11051. Match amount: llaehlarts aml (lg•r

Trade eteelallos. Cali on euerthama ..nta irteloo t ..aia ...monsoon. Par..-ular. NI.11-1111W)1wT-FAN Y.1. FLTY Ike III,. >Iberia. II loot, 2a,n2.

AGIFINTS- Peet pr.mlouus and balm. Nape, Attu, Hook& Pkturta. etc. Ptletre

Meta: teat aervIere In South Keel., for r- U' i-040 trade. Write as SALES C.SWANT. arlanta. Georgia ninle

FOLICITORS-1( you are locking for • flratn-Ielei mor,7-111alti-I protentilon to work ehe year around

eAltesa ASIS1111`.1N PERETNIE CO. ieZ2 (°elesit are. Chicago

r11111 TreleK AND LISTEN .- wollePon, eltter see. we here some good ne«. f.„ ,ou. If you •ant to

male eon. long green for the holiolee• wet, today for f.'llrternt IL W KNAPP ea I'll. ell) Doren...ter Art. (11:etau

1•1101*It.%Nlt ..111Terrt.t rat* of making go..1 tummy. Nat o partirulan free KLJOIO t..)Lrs

/Lox 534. Pan .%ntonlo, Tree. •Irel3

WA:NM-I.-Men. erred, employed. I.' sea Sheep-l'aln Mors made ef sonl oheeiwkIn. alth lb ,

eat Ssfl the 10.1 le: rhnon to the wearer drub( spew Is.: litoral onatmentaloar: adlofltrlInn runrantreal WA I Is • IIi re. N 'nark At , Chlearto.

SE HAVE NEW AND IlIFFFRENT 13/ yiti IllS money Write note: te Met roui terrItres. .1 011.:11.1t•AN PFILFI al F. CO. 11022

Pennon On, ChL-mo.

ToUR N.talT: trInde l ropy llonev .11akint jte Str.111 3.2 -1141i. &more an I mall rlealee', ntara•

11fl t If KILAUtt, t0 It allIsnobe. WI..

Animals, Birds and Pets ). WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN Me.

ttIVE-Ten mon.tryw. Pon-tub... Ile; 'met 1••11+-1.'" tIJ1..3 N-ath der•M

A 1+111)NT 1111K .%C.+F I 00.0.4 It till Y Ps' legit? - Ilt0rthrt nIth or. 31-,'.et al I am no.. .1.4011 •

hht huran.a: I can prove It: aninItira. men soi wum., send for my fr.. bo.Atiet: II will s'art Ni t ret the road to sure.. NI. 1)+ ,11‘. PIP t. /Lora 3. Akron, OhIrs

)); >MERU') CEJISION Pttl cr 811011. et. Iterneol Newtounolla.1, Itssalee Maas 4111

all sIsle I.: the ILI'S/Mel, fMe, 01-ok. Iii-t'a. Talking Perna. ',Rory Phonate. loeute Allasse• Nomegoet l'I.T STallt1:. 227 W. II I, /et_ Ctrs inn... 1111111

ruit >AIX elanatrI.,...., Inn yer sleet, tIr. e down for it*.ate W. .0.1p oarraolove. Indo ....

l'etUtttnY ...lee. WM. N.11'915.1 I, prr s111.1., sr. louts. Whaaturt. rItv1.1

EGB Ti) EttrA riff )'KIlhO 11.)%tui . r}.14 ieher rekl modem.. Si 00. prepaid R.

PON. 211M Pth lut . SUletauk.n. laleetaudn. Nrt.•

IF*Al.":1014' A AllY.NT.l DING 'THIN' Just tW tell. shrew to hUT tww-YthMT: NELettN. 211( Stu eu Ulosaot•In





BANDS AND °RCN bum. ewe.. Of BA • 14


IrlitNKinym. Iii.. k Prem.




3.11 larestrwmit) Se


0Ve pl... dune, for iota In the 11•0.111.11 Column* ulso eaM laths, nor t PP. moolened.


CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. os, t- for ad lo t1.1. department ner. reach ta. t Thom-tar. r rn. fce Imertlen In M. following

week'. Iseue THE GILLBOARD PUB. CD.. 23-27 Opera Plana. Claelematl. 01116.

TEN HEALTHY It'll:SI-sr %PINNEY.. C.I•rwored .....o1111811; $272 7,0 rug,. 111.7NKY V.0N

Nt-sS. 010o,t,T >hots, Pm ...H. Florida. rlect3

wArsTs..h. T.ernt ehlminnere: tree' ev..birm mu! gentle. Ike ts0, St. IN4erre.un. rend..

W.iNT11. 111Y 4hs• worm-remelt lore or. Prone Frot poi or,. WIt3o. Inog In- WhI:e

lhasslan Wort Ilot.rnl. 101 11•11..ur Sr. Bradford, l'&

ntlw TOI START A .1111LE PARLOR-Content' 0)11 Information, Area tot mat:e 11.911mor. Term , s . Prior. re It. N412,1b, tea th NIL'.

1.4.110e. Wlessealh.

At Liberty F Ila• and name In Platt (topo -I


A-I TENOR BANJOIST-MEKBER A. F. DF mottlel ilS. t•t Join tr.,eolinc dance. Jet..

hotel or %vaawult.',orrheeirre: ran dellver good. an.! I... heard. and hove repntallon: h read of Tale and p•rt all haranorty Irtor g• 414 r:r IS all minion's.. In ern letter. WILL'« MORRIS. 11.11very, Kan.. City. Mo.

Al vicuierisr AND LEADER AT LIBERTY f.r tlre.tro• .m.areernent;

Woalrro s *tool. Irroirlitsr. ear. Thee.... Snyder, 19.1.1homa.

ACROBAT-HAND BALANCER. TOP MOUNT-er •nol undent.nol«r, "hair ledan.o.r: .0.1 or

!warier.. 11,74/ l-and' 2. ft .7 In.: lit lb. : tom:dint end ...merely: open I y-'In reliable I-ory or t•ntlenocn pirtrer t.e novelty act; prefer pony willInr to break me in at dancing er >tatting. DAY BURFORD. reírS 111.1Co. 15.111"-a 'M. Itna0.1yn, New 1 ork.

í A. F. OF K.) CLARINET AT LIBERTY-% uu Icar-leoll wart pormanort e •

yerhnorel In all kW+ of orelre.gra n. rt. re-:7

enzeoternert• J. F. RIVES. ill K. Bassi,. Si,. M111, 41•111:sh IWO dee20

AICSITIn'S YOUNG LADY - BEGINNER: wou1.1 like to t.11, g...1 Utitirro plen.1:1

pers. onlity: we.« di,Ire f5111 Inform•Ilm L W. B.. v.. 01*N.11 ItuilrlIng, ItInghlmt on, New York. det':7

AT usritry-V101.1NIST: THEATRE CR tintor ..r•heortruc this tent' ey: rdlre le: tn'd-

dl. •gee: 'Ito In band; 1,'ve trohrere intrtp, PlIARLEI E. REESE. Gen. 11,1. Nash- M..


AT LIBERTY - GOOD CORNET: B. & 0.: r.uper al...01111f sslfs'llo sql••••11.1i; If a‘ rt •1

tlokrt rt• n•1 r• ad thlt. U. O. Irrxoe. It lterntusls st . Norfolk. Virginia.

AT II3ERTY - BOTTOM FOR HEAD-T3-head or per. h al year.: 7. feet. I': 1 Co

11. good :pre:Iran. dc hand bilanellthr: moon to j..In p.1111 -1.' partner or conte'y prefer pn-r•rer wIllIne to tenet) Ilse 0,1M. tont• Pin... PAP/ SCHOELER. 1.11 W. 10th Si., Nt".' York City. Ire")

AT LIBERTY-A-1 CHORUS GIRL: NO NUN-bor., part.; solil •eret t tally hest. rol loteo

al,otat mot' mbtr.... DOROTHEA LEE. I:en, P.L. Temp,. FlorPn. .11,31

AT LIBERTY-STAGE CARPENTER: WANT nde. :1C.; marled: s.a.e. ..1-

11,1.1••: 1••••t • f now slth road +how: pret ee co en, Pl., BERT JACK-ON 1tu, raes. plats h. llIs.

AT 1.71SERIT-TOUNG TROMBONII:: DAN'T pr.fereedr toe...Oct....1: l' • O %I..

ono Io'n rt cno«. Write n DELTA SY/TR, 1laa 1111n01..

AT LIBERTY - EXPERIENCED VIOLINIST w1tt: library: obrelre. theal.r re hotel poodtIon

in !tree :'.tern air: A. 1'. .-f NI. Addl..... WILLIAM BOURQUE. 70 North Eaton let.. Hol-yoke, SI lotenehu.tees.

AT LIBERTY - 100 PER CENT ADVANCE ag. nt. nto .111 se« pnper op riel. CIT. REELER. ( nt ropool is 11.1 .1. hawse. CDT.


AT LIBERTY-SECOND AGENT FOR ANY too -I •how: Ilt'oscroph an-I tmuk; cInnt.

repellence: union mln' .0 1 advittere ad.11t: • Ire se se file. LEE SMITH. rare Cole Be... Show, Tallulah, La.. Poe. 3: Deihl. La., Dec. 0,

AT LIBERTY-A-NO. 1 ORCHESTRA FOR Ito-st 1.11171Z11.4 144411.1 t,.

rtot,rt: r. of 31. F. E. LAUGH:EAU, oh10.

AT LINEFTY-IsTOLZE BROS.: ONE NICHE um( pp. raprrieno, tl.t ¡ergo; lut,', allf1

al'o In bend: «site •teol ...nip.-tent an•I ROLEX BROS., It. IF' 1), 4, Indownre,


AT LIBERTY-TWO 000D NOVELTY ACTS by two peon.: morn: IlevolsIng 1.n.bler 10.1 1 he

Death Char: grout.. of elortries1 acts: olto•O f e nor tlind that pay0 rerl money. CRESTnT1 C. STOUGH, 1V-1.. W«.t Miln St., Port Wayne. Indiana. •27

AT LIBERTY-JAZZ CORNET FOR STEAD: thorondhly elms/1.0,4: prefer

to loente: state all. W. M. ILATCKER. «taro o:'rind Throne, Greenville, Crrolina

AT LIBERTY-A.1 LADY ORGANIST: AGE. 353 years: cue ploturet aocipmtely: .1.:hr

reader. trarspo.e and fake: tan gly« Poet rtterewoo.: li yea-.' eeperlenee: 'in play any mike of plpe orr..n: prefer position In >toter: others nr:t., er writ, MUSICIAN'. ...I West 12th St.. Shirt Pull., Son'h Itakoln

AT LFBER-TY-VIOLTNIST AND PIANIST: men vandeville nn-I pkture rc•

/I."-ih Friel ofrer comdtleredr. mernis-r. • f t'o' n 3'1". New To+k City: burr librery. TM. LIPPUS, rem) Rellunee Theatre. ArtlerZe-hue:. sooth Carotin:1.

AT LIBERTY - A.1 PICTURE PIANIST: year" o.f per', extol:1,1,e library of

clam; milk; are anvehere: gnarantee mil. f rotton: >Intr. pertleillers In 111,1 los•ter. PIANIST. Itue 21, 11 Spring- Alan.he.ter, Now Ilaint.hlre.

AT L:PERTY DEC. I FOR MUSICAL TAR.-onotn. eel: thorough.- ',ere...nerd: re-1sest -'y: twen•y-n,e .1.11nrat

thrf monlrobe mloreea; dealre show doing N.eth. DOROTHEA LEE, Gen. Del.. T.Impi, Florida.

At LIBERTY ON ACCOUNT OF CLOSING-Ill-h. o Jr In tblerls dentletuan; elean mini:

Reolloctual . Wert ster.1 In toindreadlin:. sennee• •Inol magi- 11-0- ly trusines, and enprtole: I ill •1111... MTRA BERNARD, v.!, beit..w.l. Chittngta.

AT LIPERTY-A PROFESSIONAL BARITONE player: .h.teble 'ell. pn-for 1..-ItIon: I hill

troupe with dr It, it south sinter: ea-r"..nood I. all thme: Ito trnrv. l,s,'lii.liit 1,11

nint•r noel. In Pis) 1.•••• - ALFRED THOMAS, :arc J. le. 1101mherz .• Store. Penbody, .han.

AT LIBERTY-A-1 FEB BASS PLAYER: B. & 11 • troun: Sr t 3..ttra' rid

..sos•rren,e: enn to'n n nlre. Arian-se FRED-

AT LIBERTY-0901ST: EXPERIENCED: A-1 .ERI.C.X war'. et. I i,,rI,', 11"1"1. 4"1"»".• i•Intaleann.

tore1.0.1re mnsloben: plasInd ond....vnto"Y sYw letn olaw: desire. permanent noodtion eo, 11

3..une• rood eppekrenor: .meto +. 1.1».- AT LIBERTE-JACK GAMBLE: HEAVIER: nett 1,111 pirtletelrir. lIt tIrsrl Totter 03015 .. • Motet,: fell? mend:011er: direet; relia- g or. 11111.tord. I Iminnalli. Mast 111111 vcr. (only: rep.. tnh. or ono-piece;

nit.. ti ft.: welch ,. It: 1: .Il.t'e.or-AT WT101{T, Ind; sure and rtlality: Sr..7 5t o

felight 2'. 7' •• 40, BLANCK MEYERS •Ire.. or wire prepaid to JACK GAMBLE. -are It 1, StItturn. Rehtlls .ts>, slistill(lair Mutt, rub. Po.. Berlin Height., Ohio,

AT LIBERTY-VIOLINIST LEADER OR SIDE. man, eeperienred le anurletIlle, pictures, me.;

rell.rdo nnd mernberr 10 union. Addres• VIOLINIST, Ittr. N. lath Mt_ Shotarydan,

AT LIBERTY-A REAL PIANO PLAYER: union: experienced In vaudeville. nuntlerel

monierly mul pi..ture•: 'create only; Join on wee; If you or« herklint for an A-I man who. in say's on the Job wire of write your loo.t solsri-

I'» KARL A. SAPP, le.: Ile.. St., South, n. Canada.

AT LIBERTY -- TROMBONIST WANIS LO-hob; pictures. vaudevillr. dance: can

furnb-h clarinetist, N. S., 111115,, I

BETTER TRY THAT DIFFERENT DANCER. earl. (sr yoltr neet saloà..r or hanoort

Nio+Ity Orlettlid Ion... In the moaner You !Ike. rom:nunlcate e-Ill, FLO. ROCKWOOD, Hotel II:tonal,. Clet eland, 11., 11.11 telreur, Itysa


CELLIST DESIRES PERMANENT POSITION In theater or hotel oreloortra - A. F. of II.: four

yeare clprrlenor; go.r1 big tone: tlur liwirurnent a ad ph., reader: ellses1 orlehralra and .salary Po.

21.•• full pardon)... tirst letter. X. T. Z., care The 11111boanl, CIncinn•ti, Ohk.. dec13

CLARINETIST AT LIBERTY-EXPERIENCED In all Ilne.; taunt positlon In liret-elmos lb.,.-

ire orolw,tre. K. J. BABCOCK. 77 Mho Si, . Jaw.',tow is, New York.

CLASSY CHARACTER FEMALE IMPERSONA-tor---Stwellw. elsin4111., 'ici- an Ind ear.' 0 , T

whet... Menu, ssl tlfteon cont.; audevIlle, ern nice e IY: manoir. ut opera home, ned theatres write for herald. nnd term. S. WAL-TER. 12. Garfield Clutinnatl. (Htlo.

CORNETIST AT LIBERTY-A. F. 1E. X. LEBERGAN, 47241 %lot Alte„ St, 1.0a1.,


DANCER AT LIBERTY-WISILEIS ENGAGE-meet; 1 number.: relined; Cool appearance;

younr, lily. F. LARVE, • Ire 111111.ard, N. Y.

DRUMMER. WITH TIMPANI. MARIMBA. hclItt: lone experience: hldh-elas. vaudeville

or combination honor: pleture home,. If dosel or• he•tra; cello and other parts on marimba: *let

reader: axe. 31; 311.1.11.• Weal preferred; rain Join on wire; lir-ele i•ulv. DRUMMER, :Fan No, wth lut,. Centerville dee13

EXPERIENCED K. P. OPERATOR DESIREE. uorition where 2.rel P.M.,' Ina

Any make machine; !salary $25. BENSON, Windosor Ave.. Chicago,

LEADER.VIOLIN-FIFTEEN YEARS' EXPEXI-enor: picture.. danoe, hotel: plctures rued

relth beet atandard olloode, popular selection.: ample IIhrory. VIOLINIST, 1.314 Cnrnegle Ate.. Clevellorl. Ohl . d,.-2'l

MALE 1•Leympr-WIFE SOPRANO SINGER: rJege, volume; hluh-olaes eoloe ansi

doable ultutInr with planbre ltenor) of balladP, popular song", et... Fenton» black mammy pe Non t!OU I rf fY relined) for epeeist ulghto. Plenlet A•1; ought ',icier. etc.: feature sole., clasele and raZ: handle any 'show or pItture. Du Debt lion.d.• study, Consider pletore ',pentad where wife can ring spotIldhl or Illustrated sonrpt and tell ticket... or chow neerlInd P13111.If and specInItles. Photo, on request: salary your !Milt; all correspondence •n•wered: fah furnish l'oser. 5 Portable PI lure :Machine and Billhorn orcnn. style K MUSICAL Le. ROTS, box 31:1, Nt Joroi.

MANAGER, PROMOTER. ORIOnteroz-IS , year.* ..... operated own t not,. hook'

log once, trav«iln, monlmnlers. Pt. kn... show hnotiners• thoroly: orlzinal m•Fney.m•kleu Meng: all ementlal.. CLIFFORD, 1154 No. (lark St., Chicago, •

OPERATOR-DESIRES PERMANENT PORI. tIou: theatre only using tl".t -r':• ,00 pode,-

flop eqUIpmeni. deslrInd a man ..f ntslity and experlinwe. OPERATOR, 11..1 123, IlaIdeld. Kentucky. dec13

ORGANIST-UNION; °BEAT CITE ARTIST for pletureot; he..1 of reference.: wants port.

tint wIth Tellable concern; st•le salary. FRANK BARROW, 1 119 Wallace St.. PhIbild.1-phla, P.•umsylvania. deer.

PIANIST DESIRES POSITIION-LOWG EX. peelern" In all line.. at liberty after 1.c.

ilth. Addr. 4. MUSICIAN, 713 ('hero h richbu rd. V Irginia.

PIANO PLAYER (MAN) WANTS ENGAGE-eeperience.1 mo.h.ay comedy

ph:tun-4; read, fa ke tren.p sr, cue end 1m:

Prot I.e: Watitlir only: no grind; salary mu.t t.' op to the time.. Addreee BOX 218, Sey-inrur, Indiana.

PIANIST-DOUBLE ALTO SAXOPHONE: AT liberty nfter Jan, let: want to locate In or

Antonio. and (tallow: raperieure

oil 11nr.i u111 join melon If +1...lred: m•rrled. CLARENCE KRAUSE. 410 N. Zeramore St., Soo .1.41I0hisl. Teens. dec'e'7

TO CIRCUS YANAGERS-AT LIBERTY. BILL ear 111/1113244r for sermon of 19211, lot, of fl.

perlenre. CHET. WHEELER. Centropnlia Hotel. Kane,, City, MIssourl, decIrr

te..N.T11.k- Trained Performing %looker.: elm lietleei err went,. rrIrm Wantr.I Monk,/ Traltarr, Sean!.

C1.11,), WILsoN. loom' EtwaltIon. Or-Wide. Florida. fehlt

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 44 )

44 The Billboard

TIGHT WIRE WALKER AT LIBERTY-Young men; ate. le; tall and of good apptsr-

Linea expes•lenred and tell:C.1e: do manioc and dniseing on wire; work trucks with partner: • neni nitkel plate! rItiGliug: will Join art or parin.r. but relleole re ple only need an. ewer: set•te all. 31X ILA.DE.FES. Box 13. Arling-ton. Teens.

TRAP DRUMILER-TAB. HOUSE, 11121117LF-L; romp.- or Monte; lollop: nu bells; state your

beet. Write ID BURRIDGE, eon. K. & II. Ilot.d. Chu ksbUrg. %Vest VIrzinie.

TRAP DRUMMER WITH XYLOPHONE WILL . ate ultb "firer-tebene dent, orr.o..tra;

two.. nchly familiar svith jars. MORRIS Me-CORNAL, Middletown], New York. dec.20

VIOLIN LEADER AT LIBERTY-ALSO COR-net Player (union): experienced men; large

library; vaudeville or picture. preferred. Al. dress P. O., 123 Beech Ave., Macon, Ga. der13

YOUNG MAN-TWENTY (20) YEARS OF AGE. wince pollino on store with anybody; con

slag (bone or Irk• off or ro nut: bore rover been on stare before; Madre' rented ,' or dra -matic act preferred: will take nn y lists; th•t ermes alone; be (mirk and write XI. EMIL GUERILIHRO, 112 W. 117th St., New York City.

YOUNG MAN-22; BLACKFACE; HAVE RAD no experience, but am sure have tuent and

ability. liane a well developed eenee of humor and a good mimic. Am light on my feet. but lane never bad chsnee to learn •tenth Who sill gist, toe a tryout? CLAIR FELLOWS, Gen Del.. Cleveland. Ohio.

Attractions Wanted Se was°. CASH. ND ADV. LESS THAN 25e.

FOE 1.110hElts, Clubs. Conventions. fir. We sill Ivetusta you 011 tee tato. Wha„ ran you .ft.,

I oniusinleate wIth u• ai taste. SIIITII 4c NEUMANN. Stott rfleld. Menarbus



15 VALUABLE FOILMTIsala. Ttirks. Illusions and Household Biota In our Interesting magagme for

two teem Sent «Inspirer tot 10e. bowEN BROS.. Lot Boy 715. %Vat Elizabeth. Perumeilvaaa,

INA PLANS TO MAKE 310NEY-2 761 money•mak-Ina trade secreta. 'esosrlmedia Butanes. Oppre-

tuniPea." 3 volumes. litre. 13. Yount for 11 tordra at noes IDEAL BOOK ltltüf. 5n01-13V North 'tone; lo.. Chlez.go. dee20

A BOOK. 'The Acme d Perfection in Cod Work." by Ono N Cooed. rnly SILVES & IWO-

DUN ILLGIC CO., 239 1 PUt le.. en Welton. Ilaea. dec13

ACTING PAYR-When you know the twines, side at the profession. Subs-rib. for ''The Theatrical Itul-" Get next quirk; emery I sue that emir, mil

that you don't get ta half a doeen opportunitlee gone. Orse ropy, Inc; there nentht. 25 .; none free. TIM TILEATHIC.AL DI LLETIN, 101 Charles Bldg . Den-ver, Colorado

ACTORS' JOKE 1.1110E-111rm full of the nicet eldo-'Witting Jokes and laughed.";,. Sayingo . roolvelY

the hest collection of Volt and Humor tow gathered Inside the rovers rf a Sego hook: read this Leek and laugh: 10r. WO:14:E urn. Cll.. "VIC." Itinclotroten, New York. der27

BIBLE-Smalletst In *he world; alza of portare stamp; mer 300 pages of the New Tenement. sample. 12 -: s , 73e. prepaid. 1111.15 DYNES. Pub:beer. Win-


CTOILS' trutuncr I/RD.S ClIART--FInd it in the Norenther Issue Tres rode a rit,, three months

IS,,. Addru s TIIE Tilt:Ant If 'AL BULLETIN. 201-C Chards Denver.

/100K S-Clog Dancing Made 1.4,7. 13n: Popular Comic 1in-helm.. IC,: Book of 300 Towne.

Art of VeutrlIouUlam. Ire; 250 Parlor Tricks, , M•er Sled.. Easy, Ion; The Minutrel IsIbm. In, All for 50c. with Book Intl llegic (stakes. 11011KY LEWIS. ISIS Normal Ave.. ( droll

BOOKS ON NAIL ORDIM st-stsEss PRICE -gaud for Mc Our money•maklog magazine. The

Dotson Herald. 10c copy; Your 25-word ad 3 month,. $2.00: 2.MA ?al Gummed IMPkers. ft so; Home Bad-ness for Women On plans). Ilystery of LAS Re-tweed, 25a. Ilerb 1)0.-toe, 10r. 111E DOLSEN KrItV. ICE, 35 Libett7 1St.. Brooleyn. New York dens

-Wledr.ale and retail: Intt ructIvo, making formulas, (tr. tervibles furnivhed at rnst.

(•reha whole-ale petses for no- Meier. PAHIKY LEM1S. 2010 Norreel. Chis-so dat'27

( aRI) IITATERIEN--WIll 'end you hook showing' sou woo to perftrm the nine wenderful card to-irk. Il, an °musses- deol. Send 10 nnte and Manny HANEY J. 110WEN, I Hotly Ant, Baltimore ltd.


EVERYB0111' LIKES TO MAKE MONEY-Tb,, Illue Ribbon Melrose hook leils of a hundred different

ways and schemes to make money; further infinne-Hon sent free J. 11, SHERIDAN, 417 E. Inle New York. der27

DEAR READFUL-If Oerolt. Nee Thought and Scien-tific hooks aprieal to you send ref tun ealog. It's

fee*. 1 Moe books on P1 1:14/11111 ?1•1111e1I4m. Splrltuallna. Clatrvoyan,e. llene-hito, Wilt,

lImit Ilyenratsm. Ileszned•m, Chararbe Reeding Heeling, Myelichm, Murree.. SaleenianshIp. Ilechan• 'les. Entertenen7 I. tic A W. NIARTM111. lturliuton. Iowa dee13

FIVE GREAT NIONET-If1NING FrIlEATF.21. with copy of tut magazine. "The Il seder llonthly" for

1( 0 men. «env, co.. end a Me Inbreeding mall, fl for Inc. CHARLES DYNIM Win-¿aster, Indiana.

BOOKS FOR 3IEN-WrIte Se free realng UNITED SALLS LO.. banmaileld. 'Made feb.

GOLIPEN NUGGETS -TEls whete to buy most aru• thing nnst hand; how to make tense powder. epit-

het% rubber stamps. sublets tens. renew dry boueriet. lamellae gown.. nalher mirrors. eite Contain' 'seven ruait nedtr plant •nri colleen .,r t•r, ill,. iv, TEL Dlle n21-11 21.oalt , lengr11, Ilaas.

HOW TO nr.roatE A VENTRILOQUIST. Fir, King. Iluman Pm CuMron. Cootonloubt. Magneete Art

Sword Sea:lower, Snake Charmer. Dance. rai lirokon Glade in Bun Pert. et..; all for nOr moan order W. U. J. $11.1W. Victoria. Ile -vuri tlet-27

"LtMERA KINES AND PHOTO FADS"-A book-let uf 21 money-making phenol:re; hic 'racemes and

formulae. Tell, how to make transparent rhutos on wants rate. chinaware. eOn Cheenlevl oil Owes. noveitY Plano plaques, red flreilrbt photos, perfect') titled nreatives. photos on elk, stationery. etc. Pnre. postpeld GREENILLLGIL The Lot-Ingon, lo I...opens.. Indle.a.

LATC-T "'AHD rairg FltF11-Fonis the wIte one.. Jus' a r•su tome. It and new deweltalve lbst-

A. KII:KP.1TIOCK. 131. Calhoun Ft. Wayne. teillant. do-s-22

MYSTIFY TOUR FRIENDS- Ester ea-Amine: Mini Reading. Sollrhuallon. Sensational F.mates.

Gambler's Sterns, Hypnotism. Vaudellle 'tirado -em." Blatt Art, Fire Fatly,. Fortune Telling. /el Breaking and wons of miter (woeful" suede" Peer$141 revealed in -11m Myere7 Bonk." Mat publish-It 11 0 00: mukleolorni. Illuetrated book. 21e. PROF. SCIIRM.K. 09 North Mlle Mallon, Pittsburgh. Pa.


'PINK »Kra FOR PAI.E PteeLr."-A senattlon lo the book line. Containu the treason's splast

lotira and panne.. Pneybaly onthulaatie over it. 61 parei, profu•ely !Illustrated with multi-mine. corer. Cory, 15e, podpe.l. THOMPSON PUB. CO., nto2 IT. Nth, cltielmintL owe

Business Opportunities 3. WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 23m

C(INCE.SvalleN 'MEN- Play big date still whae to. rated. (let whitlow or ease ant , 1.,•11 ut, souk rori

Mahe Card., tisha Cupids *two. wheel. In Intone-$.1.i.0 ter hundred ilfte.ti number. glow OLIO.

Ilan. In Mtg. LYNN 1.11.1TIL 15 Virginia .i.e. litletui.

NEW FRA SYSTILAIII AUTONIATIr BAKERIF24--'Gm.. to 11.10,11.0n 1,4411 rota-

Piet. emito as lost a 32.n00.0o Ile the M. In Sole rettor7 srav tau isISTENE 1023 Porte, Street.

I 1-tt..urth Pennoiranta. 1.03

cur tyro nil: to-a-h ro". Writs 3InvIng Ileum Plass Oomph. tour. nee

quirk. SELLEM SUPPLY HOUSE. Allentton. dacI3

SN.1K11 OIL. sh, bottle.: 100 home.. 17; lane1 se-runlina to its; unnilwful odler; exptet

money with' Miff. mains., 427 Larch Street. 7.1.-ren• ton. l'emotylvania dec.20

TATTOOING OUTTITS-13retrin and Iland. $1 up. ROBLItTi t•03tr.,,x-r. sr, Wat Are. It. Buffalo.

Nor lot!.

WE START Toe IN Iti'SINTS.I11. furnishing cetro -thing; men and laomen, 130 OA lo 110000

operating war - New Spann iMecielly Candy Far• torlen' en/where Opportunity Itnilme: booklet free. RAGSDALE CO. Drawer 91. Lint Orange, Net Jere) der27

nasT.cL.Ass 110ARD ornn....roas--cupis sales Card) for Xmas Business rtInntlattsr.

Netter than randy. Fast money to pneteseite loop's-1 *ell Cards onlY 13.50 or hundred. M111 refer customers tu dealers who sell In minimum Miantlera con.ult any lams for Doll ouotatIon, atol tlgure profit. card" brIlig fl 10; Moen man. at Ise rents rah. Ile quirk_ LYNN SNIITII iu 'Virginia Ay.. Bristol. Virg ale.

•••••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••-•.•-• • ******** • • •-•-• • • • • • • • • •

MAILING THE (CHRISTMAS) BILLBOARD The Tilliboard has taken a definite and important position in the


It functions usefully.

It renders indispensable service which no other publication can-or

would if it could.

It has a mission.

It is forward looking, but not radical.

It Is liberal, hut not revolutionary.

It is candid. 'plain and outspoken without being incendiary.

lts editors -tell the truth as they Pee IL

Any member of the profession with a plaint or a grievance can have

it printed in The Billboard if he is honest and writes sincerely.

It stands for the best interests of the profession as a whole and

never Molds a brief for any special branch, class or division In it.

It Is the organ of no political party and advocates no fads, cults

or ismS, hut each week g!res a frank, open and honest presentation of

news, views and facts, together with comments that bring out and empha-

size their significance, and thus is instrumental In helping its readers to

form intelligent opinion.

Every thinking man and woman in the profession should read The

Billboard regularly

You, reader, can help to get them to reading it.

Send us 15 cents and the name of some member of the profession

(in America or abroad) and we will mall him a copy of our next imetle-

The Christmas Number. We will also mall him a beautiful Christmas

card stating that the paper is sent him at your instance with the compli-ments of the season from you. I


When you have finished reading your own copy of the Christmas

Issue, do not throw It away-mail it, too.

• •

• • • • •

OIL SECIIIEN'Sraersaidn Inform/Ube worth mtfltiais to three Interested In oll; be ten des on17, to

Mo. Who eut out this adv.. Viro It to a one-dollar •ti a"d r. Ir. 1.4 NI,„•S Nemec Oklahoma.

ryAsitAllir 11.I.USTRATTnr 111101E. pricing many 4,1tIs tr. to In $ K.41, )rwe•

mine and g.i 'maned. Ile, peeped. COI.LEcsp.Its• I:ICKANCE, 1531 %Vintner. SL, 111114.1e1phIn.


-THIRTY CANTY Charls• '1', Jor-dan. with an inirodurthe by T. Net.. 'aeons;

eery doom, and 21 Illuendlune hr Ell Route An n-ornl-ht hit; hl -his reomnmenel,1 1 y miry rue ear h.• nvel It. Prier. II "ti. postpaid. Addeo.. CHARMS T. rl. Ptengove. Callfirett


TEN li.1Ye-Ttett.r that, Threw Week.; llo raedn't Forte.; lest sin ene reed; 1,Ig Perer ni the lino

"..71 25,. beryl, 11.AtertIrre ING (1). 33 , T147, Ness York. 20

TO ALL SUBS(11111FitS OF 11117 FINKOMPIT maGaNINII-DurIng Dereel,,e1: I 44 III ornd an In-

toratmg hnek on the I easno of Nether.. 3: oaret• be William iionard Tart. Ser.d In your order 'era for the. months' subsorbere at 21 rents rim. T. ROCAO. Sit West 17th St, New York Cite. N. Y.

"MICK 1.1L1WINI1S"-ThIrtv-tect. 'wok of romle. eolutions In too ...rho, tatter an I Inervietions.

Il on For Itecinnert. Chant Talker. .11.1 Wu,. Cer-t.:inlets. BALDA AltT esduveti. Witornaln


TtL GILF:AT irt PHs - •"New fatale In Nraght" Mlat Heading. 11.ildruff, far., :on,

"Merle and I's Ilseterita" Ono. 30, W. II J aletwein. dr.27

1.ANKI:E WILLIAMSON'S POCKET KNIFE NIANV• Al. tell. Ito. to make a .11.1 bode .1111 onlv tun-

able and one mtge. rand MIMI: WILY Nellalerf1/1 th11,/go, that here never teen exhibited before In...teed be the King or Whittlers: made albis on." a letelve4 knife Tne Al.o the. Bible In a nuteliell; tomains IOU rontradletions and tote other rem.rkable ismerw. round Inttantly. Inc_ YANKEE W11.14.111740N, lest Wall IN., Lora Angeles. Calltornla. der27

Exchange or Swap Ta WORD. CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN 21e.

DIANtoNlis leurtvl, lo any et-edition; al. Jewelry. L. rite It. ISLCSIENTILAL. III Iles.. le • Itrokl n.

5,1‘ York_ mn11

etill1W- Mummified t‘utioalttea. II. inaiona. ollar gord,.: alaroa ermis to t &dung.

Whist "toe tou7 AV. J. ('151K, En' Wat Main . Itleittaint.L Indiana doe!?

FOR SALT' oft Th.1.15--117 •Imeso nee 111 ,41r44MI) Netter KW Peanut Ltd INarrons Martsine. at lee

than half end; would trade for •onn. eant three hundred or will Pa7 nag, oral

T1117.4TRI:. Nr.. eanten. Glint-4a Joel?

WANY M.411AME SITA, ant orlar ro-tune Ma-chine; all Mods of stlot Malsittert for sale or trade

IsteTEM ;Niev12.TY 2.15 Mouth Ale . Aurora,

WANTED Melody sasophow: 01 01 pollen-re Alto or tt•x. foe senw Al %V. coON1.17Y. Viroqua


WANTED- .1es.1.. Metillsens ate ft. K t'nunteT Vend-ers; 11,“» rt,11.44411,.:. Tele 1, 10:10 %vim

here Eon? I.' EASE. :11 I Sial,, I •a drab/

n1 1.l. f-11..Ntil: Illtieratts1 Song Mildew, 1,..",:ree I 11114 rriel Itrellallgeles. Yo hol 110, os, Ititl.LV:V. N illtrater.



litrUGIINUTs lu,, .1,41elell4 4.41 'a.. ego walnut Fornala. .-01n II. RS:T.11J.At•IC.

417 1Y-In Illootta, 1, 8i•da der27

!IAN': ANII $ELL 1111'11 nee Goole. start a order Hoene-, yinlr lb: Ne 1,44,1‘ 71.1:

isnleulars fn'. hANE Tmeer. Penambeide

DECEMBER 13, 191,i " I

AUSTRALIAN CZNIENT -Known at -72n. Grip" th, world a Artnavea aelhotlya Monitor";

Ore, water and add proof: mend" «tuna glow porcelain. niartle. Ivory, Inn, un. P1114.0. teethe. rhu.11o au,rt Q1l1,•11, Tide, roarantood formes ree. :4 • I r NIANUFAIT1•11.1NO L11101tATHIJIM Boylatun Iluiltlng. (Meese

26 Illti ANT, MAN. -For meting powders, t.ettIng rim and ye.

antt all for 1.'e, Mender. free 171.W. r_ TAM:. 430 Fall Ave. Lemma,, Pennaylvenla

100 hl*CCESsIFIlv Money-Making lenensui s, and Trade Siena, Ptelpeld. Tin (11AIILEL. 1,50124

WIndwater. Indiana

11.05 at rarIAP eflarvelett• qv* dwernyna, inn rust tents. Ink treat and Mann of mercy tle-

writable. quIrker than lightning: "heap and made: gu•rentent formula Ntle R, 'Rep, FAI1't'ILINII LA II, ilLATOILI Ca. Boy Minn lito ehlragN

A rtowet (i.tanrr..; IN ONE DRort_itna Javanese. 117Pnotic Perfume Pirerier; Mg, Ira.,

mn•tlf)Ing frarranee; one rant uf liquid Perfume e•-, be made for 11.00; produced without •lootwg reese, and Sanip'e. 5'44, no mature efTEVENS mart CO., 326 S Itarine. Chicago.

ENTAR''INti PlIOTOGRA1.1124, rentrIloounm fleeted. Alttering Ittlerotte. llemograph l'al.. 3 ether

estnpleve (Waffles. Courant $1 .00 DOWN. iSis No Clark. Chicago

1.1.13'.NE1TE. th, rnarereoue Glove and Shoe Clearer, titans kid glee. and sheet oultkor than

wonderful more, getter: retire and easily mate. hue, Prtilta: guaranteed formula Inn/unites. Itoe. h t. It NIANT"F.LCTURING LAB(PILATORIE`t, Boylston Building. Chicago.

ttow WOULD TO"' LIKE to make tire dollar. a day in your atraes time .V111 wed plan and arrest'.

one Mew, rerictly leggitimale. Al ire. 10.., GENTRY. 22o5 Latimer. Denver. Colorado

My 101‘IARKATtLf1 DIeCOVERV will >retiree:I re-move your tanuora: safe, lure and olmee pre..

Formula. liii.. li F. 'LARDING. ill N Deter.", et, Phlledelphle ere?

SILVERJTFI -Instantly glom avieearlero tf elver to braaa. Cleeer. German salver, ate. so'

Oct rleh. Coinplete formul• 25e. DR. LATIEtM Ins :31. Seattle

AIANA-172., WASHING COMPOUNTI-MatUreS 'meant cleaner: dirtiest clothes cleaned without rubtane:

guaranteed formola. She ti & It NIANUFAITI (L-ING LABONATORIles Nosiwors Bldg, (luiras.,

THE POftSIBILIT111.4 IVE.tLTU lie In knowl-edge: my four real money-making formula. mdl

financial sure... all mur bent alien meella re fl mon. order. PILAIIAN. 750 Ilewl't Plate. Hier. - New York City

For Rent or Lease S. W011D. CASH. NO ADV, LESS THAN 25t.

CONEY !SLANT> HOUNE. anx125 FT.-For she+ or new ride TONI" YA.M.ANEOTO, Bowery. Co..:

bland. New 'Tort.


etlIOW.41EN--Juet what you hsve been Inking (or. wenehIng new in a erase Freak Slow, re4 side

!shoo, PP, Platform er Miseeurts: Wan Feettae lu large. fan 7 slaw Pins that stand very ,nert inaOe.-tion croen ly dtwtees Stamp for trlo,d Moan. Flt411F14, 2711 Netth Fremont Am. lot Angel. («Slifer, le elo-21

For Sale-New Goods S. WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN :Se

A ILARE HUY In Meet Pictures, Pernery. Frulta 'haulm's and Patriots., all good our)..». 410,100

at $te SI: suitable for Ttust etebernea, Premiuriro end an elegnnt lilt for the lathers." of paddies tat Ps-Ice %Mel.; It eliminates the gambling neon, A bargain 'seer duellratest Art quirk r. 0 an* Nt.scit. 2..14 W. Lake et. Chksgo.

CLCH) DANOISII SHOES, 53 00 PAIR: tend 0 raor. T/IONLAS. At East Van BUR% St..

Chlrago, Minna

11.1.FIGANA For Hidagisto and lease new ideas 1,1,1 fof 'tame lellOY. 33 Stale St. Trek, l'a


KNI%F.14 Volt ILail‘e-Aaaorted rotors. $3.10 ter loo. 10 other kinds In etertmentt, $4.50 per 1os.

ram:dos, re: wo-d Handle Dagger,. litiO sod lit ou per dome. .1. W. IMOVN.R. abershall.


1.111: IIIE (NINCIIVIONAIRES -0.17 Ihe beet l'°' folly theween Ian.. amoeba 41.1k• arid setir.s.

rut trimnovl; nnopItte. It 1// . 19 eo tee dog Merriam !Pan. I.LAR•stoN s PLI1.11)1' DItInsettit 1101..4 Col, atom. 57-6, rth Ann. Milwaukee

the I

NATURAL LILL? ToltAraIll-Pute. rt. h Neur•I leaf gm.4.I..c eet tlustinc. 77e. Per Pound.

laid CHAS Mayfield Komuckg

NEW CONCHS PIPE OW/AN FOB &ALE .0., th• Most En-ten Pneumatic Ascots, te

mantle", pli... radiating Veleta eeml'iln. net

of ride.a of tsenty not.. toneeble egooke. 1,1040 r .11.1 ge4ergt '1 ran tonsawe. In dbl., ready five Metalling. Address MIS» ANN' elf Ittreetor the Essington College .11

levalnere. Kentuelle.

MAC It I El C11 NeV":1EAL RC v7N .t RIOS -reablhilte. I writer. IteiLLIN. 1:31 N Clark. ClUrato

141/1T MAcIONES AT IlAittlA1 5.11 Miii. Lif t'".n„ • Eieeote Healr". II

randy 11ahlties. Arne El,-role Shock, 11.11 Maltort Praust Ileehltiew. boes ItegIna Canna Itent, Cattle Teal.. Madan. le... sther Cup Little Roulette (I It Count«• Wa•ling eel (1..1s. Jerk 1...-• Eleetrie Shrtor• and Fans. Ball Oulu, 1.0‘.: fr Pietore MarIslunt. n07 per set In F. IP ROAR. 301 Main St, (11sesoistor. Meormhulett• .ler30

TATTOOING DENIGNS--Iland.colevol hook .4 1.4 aa-twain" 12 00; .01 atom Ile. 13 00 Mead of 1:

!Nairn, tout emous. .00 All hattrt nib 14 art' ial lepers and Montilla 50e: 'Nedra Impelula. weird. Ir reek, or 3.00 few /3 50 Cave Dade, 1111/' treinta. le earh; 14 foe II 00. GEORGE C. WIR74111. 1130 Rae% Cincinnati, Ohio de.13

',LEK BOOKLF.T tell. how I started a small Stall Order Moines and made 130 a week rem:11nm tee I :no foe sample of article wed. ALBS SCOTT.

<Awe*, Nee York. *as In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

DELEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard d5

For Sale-Second-Hand Goods wORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 254.

14 111(105 Ind 111wilrwied In, L ICT,11.1• ENI'll.A.Nti E. 1534 it illInston Stro.a.

itelladelobla dertt

it.rr Ct•311.1.ETE 51100TINtl tiA1J.Ilitr. Moe; etaidete nodal P.oto Caller,. II ite; iron it,n,a,

lien 0 Pad (lance. 57. Itot lin. for atwoolc-cs lesio•r co .1% $132.. TURNIat. 1.53 %%seeds 1.ilts Ileum. Indiana. tlea..17

AM@ COINS. Medals. Paper Money. anti,» Fire Anact boils° Relies 11.).• free. CEBU/ 11/101'.

11 hough Pole 11.11..kiphla de I

▪ 11E.S31 PLATFIOLM SCALE& ern? penny ohs at. wneent St ale all Iron All been overhan'et

Goad as re. Sean, WY manufactured by (has Fah 1:1 »hoiroale In Iota of le wheat every- -Map (nod elausee 1.0 get In hualnom on mei investment 11 you take them all. only file

$25. 1415TAU LAND CO.. Kaulutena Nlarunen de 50

anomie. ',Prattle. L:115 it Itlekory frame; ra-re/rat deorturaltr, «III .11 for Ilroe (IRAs. 111.1t. 1.45 North Nis Ha. PhliadelnIda

A TAIL 5110W OFTFIT-N'ardnchat trunks and oyes; fur elde cheap ItIL ARTIILIt fiElti/.

1451 so IlhIng St., )'hiladelphia, Pramulvarcla.

Aleut im.cato.x-Albo lot of Magical Apparatus: 'meanie. 7.72,0. 157 W. Est, New Turk.

AnTONIATIC TEN P.NNET DoWLINI7 ALLEY-Carl about ola renteths: practically me aw.M aa new.

.is Isr2ain at 5110(10 fur quit.. aale Ilalf cash. -a:.,-', 4' e Atidn.s U IS Stioaer, hua 1.3 , 1• oconylern a dee311

SILL GAME 11001), P• 'LEN, TWO SETS CATS. ;Lou . se It Tear. Rattner Balls. K r., et -1 eown

!wirers pan; all In good trUnk. for 53V F. U. 1111121. 1415 So lbsraan Are. Chicago. Iiimcd•

&AMAIN *ALE OF ARCADE. scales, sp.tue Mahinea. Pecny and Nlekel Ilartence.

Left &easement of Goals frr Salt. Hoards. cheep ADAMS NOVELTY CO. Isere. >lam, de •2111

SAVAINS IN NEW 041, S1711(N1) IIAND 31.30• 'CAL APPAIIITC/4 (elt II-LC:MONS -mee Horn-

▪ before cenetedleet your money. It «Ill be to your &Neves. ca. Our gouda ante pramn furore buying comarre itecemorr, rol at IltelliNNIANN 31.s(Ilt COMPANY Ilnt 304 West 34,1, St, New leek Catalog ?ref not]

SMIGAIN Pl Sees and Lecture Couttta WYND-HAM. 21 7th Ave. New York. jan3

BARE II',' IN NEW AND l'it1:1) MAGIC-Secrets al II o 'dreading. Deane& IiIu.olono. Cryatal Galin;

Palls 1:1,,,t own tht market. 00 t tuy ..onci•haroi Sod, woke), and Carotin duet, a cents OT70 gAbleM.ANN. 1175 First Are, N.••• York

PEST TICEATItICAL AND 3,1A57.1•11.21.AD-: CUR-TIME ISISINEra. In the treated at Danes

Team. NYtte CtenTl'Ill: \.:,.0 City. Mboouri

CIG.UI ¡TORE Volt amanllobed Meld, I. rwsti loom; doing nor bun,....: mesto

Estee. <Ike lam, sent tagc.e.. ati".1 tear rite. In. eaDistion; minors for swilIng. .1a .11 t itt, amt en•••• urea; don't 0, te tan yl.11 vas butane.; aim arite or rail. I RAN% CAMPBELL, 704 Central Ave.. Neleask• C.ty, eb

CENTIFJ, rAltRrel'SF1.1.11 r.el ers.1••tca G•• Fruits, and Organ Adana.. J 11.12t 231.0. Telco Plellalcli his.. l'.tocelrates. tlo 2 •

tarrnticAL !tract" Lynam.. 41..4 ions-. Fire. Waterfall. Spotlighta, asebetbotta a

Ifcereamt.. Low., and a:0.Tel Sunni. ow,. CI' Ow rer•L MINTON. 31.5 W. 15th tes. Ne.. Tork.

=STRIP Ater por colts o-V.'itt‘c.: lo:', rondel•et; .300.16 rornit. mo

ay. one,

ral-ntso 111Allb.. ("Irrupt isles. ter.. Muth'. ed.1 and otrhanget C. E. C11litir Cli %Ir. Cl.e-

land, Ohio .ian3

FOR NILE t".0 l'pholottrel lb•I Pinola theel Chair • ent•riam rondhlon. Sll'I'Ll'

121 We. 15th ea_ New York.

l'ott 0 IL', Elan e tired, heel illuolon; 11.011 ca'ama ithodon, Incl.., Trued, aell

oi ton-se. thee., .Ith broligroundi torte m'o a• ser eu o-eel Indian P-lorm'a• ••.5. a.,ko Ille petrified body. Curtmetteo. 31neenc• • 5.1 Mc. nanual Mioro >Omitr. Tian, rlágaw • h., lilt W. J. 10111C., 122 1Vret Ilain St., Inchowsed t•,.11 act

net sAu-, Machine: .111 .harten. hone. o•ron ens eel) Reece: bargain; 1 Aollaro; •111 01•1 r II Il

CB 114.{: KATI>. 11. I'. 1), OwIttawn..

rua KI,LF, 12 Seta of Minkel Canards Wan... k' • w Iand 11 &Ora Amine, T11): TAO SIP 11' W W.0.1.1nNon IS., thin.,'., Illinois

W ANT -711) 01: 0,115 Ella TR' •' - 131‘ - *ate .,fmartirlon and loaf« pal.. It II. I.. rare The '40. .1•1•20

FOS s.o,ps -AltrhanIcal teorweled nororble. cull P.n... Eletrir toitIt ealliese taies:

we doing gnat heated in the Imart of 117 on IIII-h *trees IS.luenho• it Itea.on foe. .11-

cnt -r• '0 t•aelfurecla IIEN AleELL I') S., +I toiurtaa,o. tialiv

"TS 01,01 Vi Int P.,rtald. 11.01dlt null Air Ildie Nit.willot Gallery, tare la.. >Now:.

Tqur.t inah.((frina Ines, Wanted_ all khnla 'ton f•Codlotancla and Ferrio 11.11t1tV

ettITII coos, 1.ennosla•tchs

rIft al P otore hihrw. t-esnt %loomed Inc. teo•Il Ch-., an 1 fl.finent 00111 ...•» for Pletum si whom v's 1 1(0101'. II 0111t1,4, IbIliloousl Morn,

"IA A hermit) If Il.114, tune.. the Pro o• h. "•"ar conrume taunt for sta.. ga.nien. Torn"

mt. two Nettle, atone wall three .boe two teiawris, three leonine lotus 00

reentry ahem, four drops meals; erect. ••.1 n•me tea :loam Onerea net cloven ..-rama, hoed, •••• etne. Ito solustres, eo. 13, the 1101 offer •Ii 1161 mine WI, La )10ERSCIII, Facaszâ, Schism"

F0 11 tICICK 202in-fora Tea i,s•tost wall«. ,del and soaped. In good condition- polo.

and OM..., 113.....c. one 10114 khalU Cone...dun Tent 12•0‘. lop, • seas frame. taunter. *Leto", every-/lung eco.u.leto. IOU int: tidal two *nit,. not $127.110. I 1.• -l'un. 3 ...iste s A-I &hate, new battery and res. (daily 1.111 ea-, to ably In. 1175.00 .1 leaylight ;14 cinto. 1.01 toite, I. raiment; nut $17 50 earl,: 1.15.00 cake. Int. fine aim-lally built Stage 1'a:onager Tol Chess T.tylat make. $10.60. Oie..11.alf 0110 Defer. heap,. I'. I) Ie CELIA CILEGG. .531 Brui-ted a :1.. lorin.t. 311-higan.

Melt tAl.r.- Now 114-larep ralotl ktter Electrie Stan. 1415 led, reeling rho Crecl. If Intereated

M. Ili offer. Neer Usai. For farticular* adarea tweirf. JOILN L. FILIEI)EL. Ill JOSerson lit


Plait SAI.F: I ME.11.--.3n entire Tut teen': tmt. 1522Y,:. add?. 'belt, le on. in g.••1 *hate. nut a

hole twirl,. As /Val la new , siete., side • atol, loe. re•A one 0111, a It e , A., r » table .0.1 tarts. Page. Hot: n fro., romans 6 atop, hsek drags olio eurtalrec and 6 lengtha of cirrus mats. 5 Stem blris and ender «Ma for re rare; 3 Ic itorantile Ismer lanterns abd a bus that gm. .1th them; all ready to et up to dower untie' Ira I.,, Ivan''.. The nru One hundred dollars reta the entlor outfit It. J. CILIVES. 1130 N. A'. Prowls. WIticIta woad.

t 4.11.E I 11 -nut, Plano. I ElottrIc rahlnee. Urgen, I I.',, tri,' ctemaln Organ. sith fin,. teeNrii

Prune; I Lilting Machine. S lboi Tables. I Cuff e. m. 1 ('adt Iteebeer. send fie Net." of Plano and

orient U. I. PITCIIEE lei Slain et_ buraturt... Ve-nsunt. 4.13

LICIITN)N.: CARTOON AcT-To he worked by two SLOT 31.0-11LNEM-Steet Cabinet V.udlng Cartoon 100.50; toluello wall double ...eta mats. felted on, %Ingle and double »lot glass Crud to (ID-

blurts. drape. rte. Good art for lady and grut or ' Play tn.-1+i Sto left; mil for 12.o0 each. 5end for grolemon. 521.1.0 complete. slog,, art out- 'ample. cattle Celiac Ike>. $15.00. linrcion

Bag. 5.5 04): Spirometer, oak cabinet. Tung Teeter. 115.10; IS-collier mall Planks, thus°. 570.00; alter-nating motor. 5 roll* music. big bargain. flectrta Star, 2,) tight, gool phrocograole motor, 2,-number 1.-scbccn tor •ame, inelud nc hinged MeliAlted 1.).• all ready for hinenem: crat $73.00, sell for $10 0 ): Sterro,me pt tuns nutelidnes $1.50 clu2. Picture llachtee :azure. 14022, lie earls splor. SIm-pl.-. Name Pa'. Machine. $35 ee. CoMiUt-E ANirsTAIENT 1.n./.. 210-12 21, eth SL, PhihedeIphla. P.nersivanie.

tit, 112.110. It11111. 121 N. 'eta st.. kow.Log.

MACICIA.NA-TrIelts. Cnvoram. priced to •e.l: stamp lo,- bat. CAltL LO1lltEY. 5.1 Garfield il).,. Daltnes.

NI:IV 111:13 FONG SLIOLS-The refloating sets with oniair at $3,x0 tee at Mary listan. Salvation a....

Ion re Ilaking a sr of 31e. [loot Cry. French>: F.01neeky forums Iluale of Wedding Chinese, Eimace, .1neires Never Took Water, Addrem UPEEN YEA-TI"RE SE1tVICE, 1517 1/2 }hat Ave., Ilumingham. A la barna. 1.103

OLD Till .3TRE 1•110fillAIIS FOR SALE -A One rol-l. ten, s•-• hundred old Play 11111s: If you c, u Id r, ‘,0,1. collection here is an cpportunity

In buy them at • neon-rate prim. Sred for Ilst. F G. L., o.‘. Cautuaou. O. tfn

OLIVE 11:14111: CAPTAIN'S UNIroftAt-34: Len Ip.Ither coron,. thine clutters. English Aviation

Ofillrera Dark ('oat, 3o. thirty-flee dollars: Snort Coat. English, knitted. to,. dollars. Canadian nay> blue V-net )Mean,. Wary. 3s. Often, dollars Warm rilmate ma•on fur menhir.. MILLER. 235 Main IS.. Norfolk, VIeliela,

ONE BOSTON TURF:E STAR SLIDE TROMBONE ond on. Electric PIN.. minable for ticket

"pun or automobile: one .mall Gar Heater, ouitable f,r tieket tem. 11_ 1.{ FRANK, Boo 225, liammh. 11111,043.

About This Season's Successful New York Productions ••••••-•-•-•-••-•-•••••••-••••••••-•-••-•-f-e-e-•-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-er

"IRENE" A Musical Comedy. By James Moe.,:orriery. Music by harry Tierney.

Lyrics by Joe McCarthy. Staged by Edward Royce

"Irene" is like a white clover field in full bloom under a hot sun, or like a field of wild, pink roses wet with an early morning spring rain, so different is it from the dreary waste of smelly trivialities of the current musical comedy stage, Let it be announced in the beginning that "Irene" is no relation to the lady with the same name who was the village queen and played on the "a-eordeen."

She is a shop girl combination of King Copehtua's beggar maid and Cinderella. the ash pile in this instance being situated over on Ninth-or maybe Tenth-avenyah. She goes on an errand for the boss down to a summer home on Long Island inet Freeport), and there meets with a fairy book adventure which will not be spoiled for anyone who will see It by be:ng retold here. But dear oll Tenth aven-jah will not be crowded out of lbs pizture by any Long Island estate, because "Irene" has an Irish mother, who tells bet-- out on the fisc escape to "be a good girl," and. when her suspicions are aroused that her daughter is lying to her about certain important questions of the "What time (Ed you get in?" order. Mrs. O'llare pails forth in a French gown to do police duty, only to find that her pride and joy is engaged to a millionaire in Long Island Instead of leading n double life in the chap suey belt in Manhattan. There are songs and dances. of course, interspersed in the action of the story, but the songs are tuneful and the dancing graceful, and the scenes sashay between Long Wand and Tenth avenyah with democratic impartiality.

1:cIP.h Day, in the title role, duplicates the success she made in "Go-ing Up," or rather doubles it. since she has twice as Watch to do in the current Montgomery piece. In fact she is on the stage almost all the time, with the result that the only criticism t...) rnale is that even too much et M:tts Itav Irlo much. She daaczs vosll. singo sweetly, and

• ocrasionaliy t itourb I rive the lyries a chance; is undeniably • prvtty, end. as the pritL, of Tenth avetr.,•ah, givco a cl-ar-eut, well studied • and exectitt d characterization. She is altogether charming, but a wee

bit ublquitoum. There in only oma man I co-sr heard of who lived ex-; elusively on honey and stood it. Eva rue': aal Gladys Milbr, as Irene's e. two friends and sister conspirators, are ala yery attractive, and. with • Bobbie Wallon, do the best dam:: number of the piece. Mr. Watson. a • clever, capable boy, pia)n the most nau '.'oui of all roles to a regular • man, a demi-niaie dressmal:er, and manages ti make it entirely unof-• • fensIve. Ile shares unquestionably in the success "Irene" is sure to • have, as does Walter 1‘....‘gan, who talks and acts like a real human being, • an extraordinary phenomenon in musical plays. Harry Tierney, who • wrote die music, is a former vaudeville actor. Bath tunes and lyrics, the

latter by Joe McCarthy, a writer of popular songs, are well done. and • core more one wonders how it is that the vaudeville magnates permit • every I'll of talent that looms up on the variety stage to be taken away • from them. • It Mims Day would only play the "ii -cortleen" everything would be • tine. But she won't, because it isn't being done thin season.- PATTElt-• • tN J A NI ES. •

•••• • ••-• •-••• *

11111 -Poor Golet .tutornele Foter•liera. 17•110 tad e. follies. It. I Si. 0tlLiJlN. Shane-

• Ill.1•1› ,na. dm 13

11111, t'.1.1E adder. eet .111canome hhi. used ten ne.-k. hariant. n'are huh.. f.'s. Ise., at am..

,4 nil Mona 1,1rt... SIttean' $1 0V. 33 aeldrauttle Netruneld.

de 2c/

Itelt 14A1-117, - Ilrand new net•- •))e-In .ner'• •••••••• make. • ft law 1:a I wan, 14w 1.1.1u.v.

Ps • .treele Ile Addr.... cAler w ANENT. Ilan., is Motu.

FOR SALE /bee It A re....10 S.M. lot liso lint oancierd •Ia. ennui's.. with 1,11,1 1,041,1 ‘4,

Anna In 611. 0,01111.... A bargain. Jois>3•11 PAitel.t.v. Matter,' 11.aoavIvania d.• 13

StiNais 1•••tere Seto Slides 0-er. oat.. I'... Sb',.-. Tessomeal %vented, con...tote

)(Inure. (Not& 1101.1,05. 1331 Ne t•lark, l'hIrce u

It \TV), -eor •1bte For toe Writer'. tentflt. /Watt Snlenabt. 71.0. ante (a. mna-q--.•

(..•,111,,,e rm. St. re show. male "...Milo.. 'law,. Mgt'. rare The It)ilboard Cl.leSes


• • te FOR BLYTUEVILLE 21.1-ND, with trade good le-

irat Pli of I O. ta00 ; Y lute. Solo Clarinet. Solo

Coma. Ten.' Rai, Truce-one, Horns, Saw Drunk-Wet AmatoUrS, I:,.' year stamps. Write FEU'( A1/1-AN"TAILA, Band Lei‘lef. BC. 402. Blytheville.

/ Arkansan.

stem ›urnIsEet->nu.• 0. G., rallInet ntlin Wend-er... Operator Bells, Cattle', Wall Punrber, GrIP

Ma. Woe and ClectrIr MarhIne. cheap. 1321 Fe. 51tb lit. Philadelphia, Pesanyirmen,

SPECIAL CLEAN-UP ft.AI..PI of Uniforms. restate». Ornament,. TM/orators and IlateriaLs. In order

to c:ran bra rwr ator's and dlapeee of an aceutoularlon .1.1) r^ 1 r. we rm o.ferinv these go•d• at

ereatly reduced prim', reatudloass of forewent velum-Write for Ilst. DedIOULIN BROS. L CO, Green-ville

TARP.ICLINS. IS ft. n 20 ft.. paralllnel arety durk; guaranned waterproof'. JENSEN. 569 3d Are.

Bib So, New Yrok, Now York. dcx13

TIIEATTOICAL PDYPLE ran swot half ot thelr luggage hi•Is; *lightly tend truces all slzm and Mahn, at a

gaging .1 1,1; yrn ray for the peds, Dc? the ladre. REDINGT1/...: it, CO. Serail:on, Penns> Irani a. deel 3


TENTS-70-foot Ehald Dramatic, With 40-foot Mid-dle: 60-foot Round Tap, with two 3.So; truth good

cluttsTy smolV51. Galveston. Texas.

WILL 111T-Tom Dom. Ponies and neat., FRANK U. STOWELL. Coudersport. Pennsylvania_

>nay IDEA SONG SLIDES-Th, fulleming act, vith wide at $3.00 per net Oh. Ilelcn, Mary Ibsen.

Salyatern Rose, You're :Making • d 310 Don't cry. >Twat Ken' urky Brealn,, Munlo of wedding 'Wow. I ou're s•I'l on 01.1 rave-quart of Ill,,., Khama, Arawrlea Never Took Watrr. Nose of No Man's Land. 'Elf N'e Meo: Aetna Stalvailon iAmle of lime

CI -177N VESTURE SERVICE', 1917 05 PON Arre., Blnelnewien, Alabama, doll

Help Wanted 3. WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e,

GIRLS IVANITS)-Three; to travel cith carnival conaarty e.d .mist b, Carlo In, Stand. aleo

Amen Game, fineries., not nee- ary. Wrde • HARRY L AND1ZL.ON. oaf., Goo. rel Delivery. + Ansel, Iowa. • • • • • • e •

JAZZ MI'SICLANS-Cao g"1 board. tentage and moon met for flaying in dancer Address

3.1(11505 UNDO:PITY OF SCRINEn& atilliondm Missouri- dear)

Mi'SICIANS WANTED-Organirrd °A./antra, and indieldual• for A.M.. therres et-.: lemons Talmo

for tour; Irotrumen(aitet. ami Entertainers of all kinds hocked; nend photos. ruts, elippings and date all TI1.12.1.3LAN's teRCIIESTRA BOOKING AGI:NCY, 45 Iluttal Life Bidg Jackaonville, Yla,

17.0I3IF:4 1N1) LA PLACE want Tm Mahn, In a liat-Po n, Pmetei matt %Newnan or Child, for

Mary; those that play bras, preferred: don't write unless ywd mention your losrna NON; pl7 your own boob. man for Joe that can *tag, th• piece. 'Firkin.? Yea If we know you Arldrem 110.L14$21 ANT) LA PLACE. fes Part St. South. Co:uneua, Olclo,

LT('ECII TALENT W.ANTED-Organtzed Ladle. Im-orlmenta!kts e: nef,: young an I attractive

appearamv: fur tour through the trotch, Pend photos. not, ono state all TIIELLALL.NS OR-CIIESTit.t litnithING AGENCY. 45 Mutual Life

. Jott, re, riouda

WANTED-Four-plere Coloreal Catheter* for summer season at resort; dancing parilion; 4 nights a week:

moot b, ar.nd 1,,,,uo tam. irod Angers and hare lots of pep .,.!are. Alro ere oroS avd rook:o to live In: hem cf treattnert. Address PETTY'S LAYDeso. fats. Indiana. DRUMME.R: must play vaudeville and picture.: I hare tulsestra, beau.' work

dell,: no Sueday dwelt; salary. Sj3 CO per work_ sTAlt THEATRE. ILeatmen. Ptnnaylaanla.

•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•.•-•••••-•-a«•-•-•-• WONTED rum TAEDEXILLE AND PICTURES-First•elafta Violin Leader. Mania. Drummer; Nate

salary, experlecce. 724 Brisbane Building. Buffalo. T Nee on der27 liE111-11LT WARDIZOlibi THENKS Euual lo near, at

hair crwinal net: get lifetime goods al whslcsals 2•rt laKioN,rnix .1/4: co. 5•Tanne, Promolooda

SeltInTs W.L.NTEls-shoit ta4: flee people. CILM1 wit-Luxes. Gen. Del.. Codumbla, South Caroar.a

I )1.1) 11.01.1. Cil? a ENDING 31-1,-ner• reemslaicle. SILENT sALEM

n.I..NV, ilth St_ PhIladelt•hia. l'a. Janie

>Lie? 3. -111-VIN - legal kind: ir.andit and .told LÀYf 11.01111NY: t:xt ita.s4;i:„ 1137 Vine Sired.


2,1.51ctv - t`rele!..0 rtiffilA. In.. Tuatre Drop. Tore...tor %Vlore. fkaiwit. 1.,avlers. Or, J. P. aiNcTON. Seruelm. Peauoulauda. der13

-tiocrrixe; .11 or trade for meall Trunk• or mler (lane.. Callers to new.

Write for description. C. F. CLINT. Sabina, 01110

NICSICLANS WANTED TO LOCATE-Corn« zed Pub ter anti A1110 Illorlunle !1•t

•ra-i,, Intr. IL IV, uot.1.1:v(,'swoitra. Pa/relic -,

W.tXTF1)-$Ingle Lady. ashe titan piano and or. gin, and does einging. who ran work In art• for

Medicine Show. Adana« (1.111•Z' Ma) JACEICII l'ara. Courts, Shoensakersellle. Peatnerlranla.

WANTElt Clarinet who ran repair clothing: '.1.. oti-ortunny. BERN BRINCE. West Point.

Ima ,14,13

AVELT) ULAIEDIATELT-Drumnser wIth belle and avirelpan, for leading picture theatre In

eenellan out;: tudav week; $32: mate all Address 1•05.31.11 FLEMING, Coen. Delivery. (*law& Can.


.‘s-rt.D-Itnto. Band Taicher, with trade. Writ,. T. L NI:LmeN. Cordole. (Isontla. derla

.1It IITLN I 5.51» S.33IPLE 01101 TRI'NEN.- 012..t. pewts, loo .0e.h CTS °am, and t. N.3NTFIla-Attreetta. loon, Lady. blonde, to tote

Trunk I rood you niil lect a lifetime. They ay t-h•re rill' Eu-hans. stale your ion. " made .1' Thorr. 11•re oolti t'...,.. re the boss n r- I If any. •cht and weight Attn.:1.

and m utom, wALLEN ,f‘ to,,yrisenN. tI Uriblfiglofi 1.1t ROtati 16.3,

N. CI•rk St chleacn. 1111nota donee, Rlectle Idand.

s1Lv Link Rhos Rhin« Van] and Wane and Naha: 3 Obits: $3.00. RICTON.

110.1f• bentecir

SLOT mu-um-re or ALL 3415505 WS,NTETT-For Arcade; nee it oreved-hand: man. Inired Wet,

for cloth S IIENIT. .trnoltlet Park. lows

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

II' %WED It.11. 13.colo. • all line.: goat Noel...111s Acto. Iluda•n• f.,r Hand: al.. 1.1a-10 I'lasor: meant

Join on wire IL1NA•ilin erntrli Co, tkiarot Be-times, Plooluersh. I'mutoylva•ala.

(Continued on page de

46 The Billboard 1 DECE11BER 13. 1911

waNTED a T ONet-Etret-clam, Stan«, ltue. te A -Ns. I. yomg and loto. or pert

1- to.. =CM L.o )4444,.. •!..d t)C.41.n.1 lie..derane Warr ts ?'.C.1 74r4

11.[Xel Itqsn Vt" re. Ms. 1/..p 700 IS ét•1•01,.% el 4,1 Alo.•• P. E. isElYERT. Letadre, 1 •e, _et 111r,10.1.-1.. 210 Mo. Palzbeto „ter, Loastoo....

wAxecer-strs, se Peery damoription. olth torfre. tortoni. I nd.u.n.a. Freak& o trit batons 1 NTE/t

OCLAN SHOP.. Jot tot, CI-several

WANT ALL, BOY-Tor arehtatio; tot r...•,-.•ary; OW, 14r. boogie. er.e.t. A.:doer A ,

wre Tue bienao. lattem.

WANTED-A real Jazz flare... Mane; for due. oreteartra; nte oto .an doide eaz_ or ,• pre-

fers-1 . irea oPer.Ot e, man with • trade or wt., iwitog U. •• et In a voei. L.., sossi tat. ..11-

Ise» Mk= KOILIL bottlarol. 4.13U

MUSICIANS o' afl tnerumetts. and that doubt. 4t. other Inatriumotà, tur Lo•el• Owens an 1 oanes•

Lei.. atol ttat deeige to •.• to 1-kortd• lVer's toe end I ;:nre 7,-11

enter oh t.• 1:•{enetelol le•-••••Ite.•tt .1 7 e - .1. • f TIIELLSIAN P1 foif.CILIEsTIL4.

Atetey.h blutual Lfe Jadmstuelo, t a

Manuscripts, Sketches tit Plays It WM), Cabbl. NO ADV. LESS THAN 23c.

SP PA/H.4'11S AIWOCT T/IE W.Ltt novear salt, 11.1 out. ex.; it: ,tdoe.rd •r.1 Ihee.todot. '71,041, 11/ Boo. I.- . 3 sarsote loon bes. ; reett71/.124 Ire t/..à• LI trailer1 fur woo, .011.1 I.. .2...4 1.1e)s and 0art• I.. A 1.1

rUstion li. lb Ir tuber, 14

1)0 1.14' IiNoW THE. 1.7se AND rel Tit el rom...ta • treereps soo-ese m at. .41 Y If to- ed-h•711.4 tut

'It.. ree • tr e Ilhol-••t•-•• Lew" Lou to eeelate and 1^, Pry. •-s IL •awler11:e, isto:Jaaate.

o 1 1st-et:1a etelt. tree e 44 1 be taor.•1... too. •r.. TIM TI1J-itTltIrAL

Reef., Lower

LL1,1)7t TENLI.1's famous To' no- ear Soorloo. !.-..1.or • r. Le leer:. "Ewe ro. rbe 13•31.1.•

Floe" Par," oridna/ room. Il foe 12...14/.7t YE-NI IT r Tbeere Neer Yon.


ITL otItit.INAL to. - Sunsiene 1 /IT ' 11•112/1. ••Posetore In ...era." "Lan/ .0 Jan. - - Prow/at Mates Tr •

41.u.'• Two ckelses emir: dollars he lon.h. Y., I Panot.1•,. snuen an,

teereel )..ur IL.. teroof.M1N. 3.44 • tluere ItItto• do 21

I WRITE TOR TILI: I:B.f./TT ANT. 11E-IfT lot me •r.te 1.e e,•0 ars• gy•rantees1

Ten-miter. Ssrupte •InIzt.t Mount.« or Tao-Al. /I 0. .4JI'TiilIt STALE ‘e.• 1.7.11e. Nef Vo t

afeeetotool '0.17 ) 'Pb.,.' 42.1 1 ,-r. ro der..79

LIST or PIP/TOPLAY PROT/1 -17ING coweveofiet ee /he Ur...1,d for MN 2atrj• g tree,itee/..

general buer.....• turprort. 21 "set.: guaratIood or zioray ree•trided ERLII, T. Ittn.dlit. 3:1 West 4721 . New York 'Pty. N. Y.

CARL 47111>Irlt VAUDEVILLE ArTIIOR. pr. fer.treal ae.• a4 .Jrso..-b, q,, on.l.r. I! you dowlre

mateen! •rite my terms are Pea; ',femur." and rebel.. ¡C14 East Tenor.. It, diont7.,-I31. Bola: a-

Ill,41 041• Alt•13t., Stew-Lai 'III Rona, Tom fonmely wad 12 of emit. 'et, «oh: 3 be

SI re' tutoner Leek rise.o•ulisi non tostol tn tend,: -11. Rae," ferret. ea.. trout p.m). "Inuor to.; der" .tarleebh .5.1 Ober. . aumtl. Berle+ Mal-.-" iortional nut. -.reaming:), form) I.

'•Ile S. re' • r.trierf 'wend en*" / -The bbo," ttbrdlitsr. rusting/. "I).e.bor's Itrub"

rather'• Intl/mm.1, •-11.1.1" oltOcert,1 'Itio a Sleet. •• Wbar'o, I bare It tternolosno, t, ri &se ,. to. Also 1,•e.. Illustrated IL-cites Isrldoo. .1•••It wet original Itoelt•-'bee. Ine•rot ItOul.t , PeolJ..1

Yet 1.E4'11.1.E Alrfl•Ts re•I mthend will do •erl b., 1 fsr •T.o. Ml,'.'-,' p..•

Topteal Subleent"; to - 1/ ee tine-morn den hut talk right ut. to Ito. minute; Ies met., ¡oc 11g

in •re yot Ion u. ma•erial: I' 141,11. n Itypeo.ritet.1 It. .4. 4111.1.1.1t. tio 4'.I IL, Nee York:

11/YIL4.N1rAL NrIN1r 111141o1Nli WM, tIlle entilt any 1111t.eletedlog art ran be One 20 zoln•

ate• &woe nelson e sane: mouttee tooth. :roast 7 It. . $37 :M. sr I ,1. I 1.11 and 1,am-toe,. to 0.r 1 U., Eire. J L IS,on Ils N Is Selo St. 41.1r•g..

TA mi•olt•Al, Co411111' 4N.4111.11.• .t.\ II ('Eltrt--At.ehte 1.11 tee. "-•4'..

are b. aloe e • ',Ado/. etlee-fIrt Te. olth fat nenet17 le•ete foe 2-2 you aot tte) • 441e. ram.' All purrber, nest In. Coons Und1rel to 20 II do. S • e• II pryw• ag.- 'Ile. It Ituo•t 'Wee Get ,ny II, or tee. atol full sleo• II It

l' ,4 1.1.erry Pouhunt 11.

A-I IllNstrks2., AND F1‘.41.7.4. About This Season's New York Productions Jeer. W. 77re rlf yebt :4 moriau... Domes he too mire or • 11..1 U.., own KANE. 2: 3.. T.à.er I ..l.sok •onia. .1.'13 * --4•-•-•-•-••••-•-•-•-•-••••-•-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•MMII-0-•-•-•

a-i TAI •1"):'.111./: EXCLI'SINE SONGO. ISKEVIIEe. blietrofea.L'Es T.tittorins. etc.

or.reo to (S..It,. • big-t.;D. \al t, twoo.u.e'r tan V , nider. Are!. it. •iWief,11.4 .; .1i,e,"t eater, smut with .110,••tt Mattel &I. •nten by sit... make,.

tmargl,r des are author,; before plait ml r.. • orlar f.c 111110.enIti fit worn put the writer to tle, s _ tee; don't take his word for It. ltuden mater.• and materia) oritten when Wut.lrar,s, reowsel ti.. Beiasare 1,111 land you In the eat.. mod greet. chi« We are the mereL.r3 of leading U.rort dub and "trite Ice leading Mintz met reorgnia...1


bet. wiij amp/ a {no wore cadent Lotlerern nore ••1 fl.trattrare t rit,, rail, or ww,.- à

434.4. We urn. around your ismree..z); that's •hv .1.17 millterlal tire, Ira.. .r.altrert h D'ARVILLE. .tuthors. b. ut.....ners. Producer., noo iren. Sra Vora_ •

• • • • • •

A-I TABL/ADOW TABLOIDS! T.4111.011e, redo& 1 brodurero. Wets y•Asr opportunity to get tr., b.I's

for • itong: -Tles Clitageote Girl" and "Ti,. I., Pirates"; 60 melt: to Woke. tart or treittot .0. leo but real men' rumedy veins a Itrowirso ranee,. Mall ordoe promptly fined. Int.oleo atputnnwett, PLDLIP J. LEWIS. EL; Wert Ileth, .Nne York-

ASA TAEDEVILLE ACTS OF EVIDIT DEreltIPTION •rits to.hing but asue-bre materual A

Lewin A t.reen art rill get Pret the het>, boon., ifshd CL. eve.y. What •e have don. tor hundrol• IA war, esetil artist, we eta sod rill du for sue. Will. belay be our terms. (Interview by appoint-ment ) LEW! ?I A OREJo'.. 121 Wood 114th. N.... Yule-

• - .51stiouTih.v ORIGINAL .3ors ...atoc I.. order. •

Poleenefol maIrrial that noonto booldnis errPteri • IN • ter, »aloe!. einne. Rellable ar.d eetat.11•hoL CARL NILsSr. Vasdollle Author, 261r. East Tnth.

• 1114/AtiatoOn. Indiana.

• •

• •

• • •

TIP"-Illustrate your fansrite Rodualun: re. -. II

door; 12: nu 45.15lorlintmtur of Illuera.,1 C.. ell through audienre, lobby or nest

iteeliatIre• and "Senn Jazz." (Narnine-rill tr.-ono) Ileadquaners !sr Stook at Oritlual Illue- • treed Iteelt•tinte.. 1::11 No. Clark rt. ciiinisn.

ACTH WANTING Nt.t•, warrt ME-1 hare written and proximo...I lames for au. h art., •• :Gs

Iatlf,11,, ben Du., Charles 14.1 Wither.. Jim Its,. ton. 4..e.; royalty and ...dried snore sabl te hand; y onita esAusiro menial; ..ronit remedy art,. k-O•le.1 1r, If you cas't bmk there I

Inen.7111 I.. WITHERS, Wean 114 N. Le 14.11, Sir,,'. (1.1eagn. Illterts

Arlo -paredhe are prou'ar rain. Trr thee, on •11.11 Me." Noreen. Kure and t.h, WI.. • Pa!

Was SlarY. 11. A. MILLER, Ill, W. Ltd se- New I ere_

A 3IINTTE VoIll T14IE. Are Seel •nectteuel I., p-aeh the pinnaele wove. •

In your deueett. tetel, Ir are eou re/Glair/I to nb si oleos seenor, u,,rn eel.« n, toelne automated %.t. taken fren joke look*. budget., and medicine a Ifoillar• try renters oho are Reline money %unite fake pr.-terian by nosing 54 autivoll If yoU are mitl-ded. 1. not Wade time writing to 010. Ng If sou are in the market for an ...elusive act of soy nin4. /. now. Interrior by app,Intment. :;36 Ete 97th Ferset. New fort. de 2,1

24 CONFIC RErITATIONS, Ob; Ile Ir.. colleilon, roweled by Willie Wildware. Clui.10t. library.

41:, Comte E-00; 3 "'HP" ludebe. and :mule (piano). $1.00. 1103111t, to Pope St. Emit Breton. 1Iaemehuseta. 4,13

ACTS. PLAYS. RKE1('IIES. 310NOLOGTES, REC. ITATIO ONS-Exci utit e material; r, Igo ri.

tlernal terma; nothing on ban-I: ererytillog written in order, For prompt repl• endure a too-cnit errant,. If. P. 13.ALBIL141. 730 rust Are.. Olean, New York,

ASSORTED SAIIPLES--Moredocurs, Patter, Jokes. Stones, I;..,, Pennine.. Talking Stones. 3:n.ure

Taker.. Applause Getters. II 00. (Slate wants.) (They bring repeat orden.) You'll want more. RoLLYN. 1154 N. Clark, Chicago.

AUTHORS-LS me do your trisorlting In, y071, Ar well acquainted olth literary look of all lands

List et piton for stamp. FRED T. Roolt4. 351 Wool 47th St., New York. New York,

BOOK' MOTs. 511011? groat») AND SCENA-RIO MANUSCRIPTS typewritten and revised;

mat wort done anorately and reasonably. EDWAIIII (140,413Y. 1691 Broadway. f•lew Yorlt New York.


• • •



By Guy Bolton Lyrics by P, Wodehouse. Music by Armand Vecsey.

Staged by Robert Milton and Julian Mitchell Scenes Designed and Painted by Joseph Urban

If scenery by Joseph Urban made a play "The Bose of China" WOIlld he a good on", because the ›etthngs th:s musical piece at the Eyrie are

charmingly- done. Unfortunately something else is required. and the

book of "The Rose of China" is as interesting as a semi-gelid river of

very thick molasses flowing hetween banks of primroses in heavy, full bloom. (Inc sits and waits for something to be borne along on the sur-

face of the eminently respectable bosont of the treacle that will distract

the mind from the appalling fact that it is treacle, but nothing a!,pear.:. Tleost• who possess what is highly valued in very small provincial com•

munities under the name of "innate refinement" will enjoy the produc-

tion thoroly, but those who like entertainment that ha.: fun and clever-ness as well as "niceness" will come away hungry and bored. To be

sure there are at least two pleasant bits of musle-described by the gen-

tleman behind me as "slick"-and the lyrics when they are intelligible

are bright. But the rest of it is as commonplace as tax bill:.

Jane Richardson, as Ling Tao, the Chinese maiden, sings sweetly. but her "pidgin" English is a more irritating counterfeit than Miss Pity

ltrilntrert original Impossible mannerisms of speech in "East Is West."

whieh have been obviously copied. In plays with a foreign atmosphere

charactr.s the players hould either speak the language of the coun-

try where t scenes are laid or the language of the country where tbe

piece is shown. Speaking with an Italian dialect in Italy or with a

Itainter:sh "pidgin" in China Is neither pleasant, artistic nor real.

Frank McIntyre, who made a fat hit in a fat part for a fat man in

"The Travelling Salesman." is just as fat as ever, but not nearly so te funny as then, but, perhaps, that is the tok's fault. There are au(hors

who hogtie a eomedian with restrictions on his initiative and demand

that he be funny in spite of them. It can not be done. A fun maker must have some scope for his activities.

Cecil Cunningham, from the vaudeville stage, has a certain crude

attractiveness, and. In her number with Mr. McIntyre, "On the Itanks of the Subway," shows her variety training. Vaudeville artists have

faults, but lack of vitality is not one of them, and Miss Cunningham is

at least alive. Oscar Shaw plays Tommy Tilton' acceptablv, and the rest of the company is good enough, but to quote the succinct criticism

of a very well known, intelligent and able comedian, now retired because of physical disability to (Let, and who aecompanied me to the show. "The Rose of China" is a "bloomer." However, it will i'lease those who adored the Eden Musee and who still enjoy a visit to tlie Aquarium--

1 'A TT FAISON JAM riti.


WIL1. 'CHING You a Snappy, Sure. Fir.- A.-. atol eraleht); ptabethi.or

and worthehlle. 11oliTtfia, 2:31 Lae Ttetlt Itidtanansils 11.11•01e,

1.1UleINA1.1T1' lilt NTs. I.N1.1.71(1/4.‘11; - Itist.1•1 .47er till XIII. rotly; Slormloitue. )).. sp.,. h. Paroly. i en; 3 l'armllo.. moreamititt A ..... aure.nout. Tektite Sol.g. II 110; rumple, Aet, tog, 2 yam. Patter. floe); Nut Ihettdoeue. •••I. Itoritarbn. Nut Encore Talk. 11.•0; mot. nee.

noorl. Nut Noe.... reseral neat I:en-Mr. or ltrunk Iltenoluetue, orult,,, Sung 11 aw,ottel Joker. 1.*.ter. Itellebet )no.e

ritroses: r .b. $1.(3::I molt Iteritatiers 1.411we reese ely,

elradeat le. rardolel. :1.0,1; ....Soler Jukes,. Plano% lloneheue nre u le 1.1 ermr,bee ae.l. fl On; S:r•7e sn.1 Team into sr.-141,yr, mutiny, not qua:MO. SI UO; Vent ribotube A.1. reeneelele, •1t h oeteinal °ng. crol. Si on; 11. Plea. 'real .1ramele nett,. II.n enreeel, Wen. itt•l•- your mints fetch., 11.001. l'ore got IL or I can mak.. Il for you. Alone cefer made to get Yull aegu•Intt41 111111 what or/0nel material really le 11 yean• nuerweet so writer, hooking agent. •aude. artist. permitter Ify bee reftortier. note affIelI nveiey•burk ru.rantr.). 'ices,. not ormis I'm • writer. not a talker. Mln• orel Gap.. Ur:retinas and Ineblent•Ily eril• lug lilt Time Ant. I>rluelm. retsina! Material

di• elmin •rina •rtjors rreatte of new, novel rnd orlainal ('...nedy an.1 Thum Tweet,

these I.. orient tremor odes) GM the Plea? (All pereon•117 tYlateevellten I late, linen trnee Ideas. Airplane art, at oubmarlbe price". ET.-BEET 11411ILLIN (The 1.7etablIshed Authre thiteryiee

Anpointruent Orb), 1514 No. Clart St. Chicago, Illinnlz

Pl..414. In 41•nue. ribl. $1:..oft a oar N.. tumors Triel 1'1.•Itel.1 Printing, Steut

.tano, I.e .rualoe. STAtible/RIE EL.41 Cl).. flue ltrodear. Ner 0t.11t,der2r.

TIIE TAII. Illome nf Real Maorlal fn ss.•1 II•tru.l•oeen; nothing for amateur,: Tabloid Xltodeal

easel. Scripts. r2 00 's-h: Kook of hito, ee: the muy 1,5 .5 e 4 It. letn.1 to the tet•rlert BARRY J "gm 's, 3''t. 1..1 ts Wodilt000n. Si? N (lark. thleagn. Marne Ililus able.

Tyre*: 1.1* 11.1 I t1 IstiNg. Act ItATELT AND 1117.41.11N 1.1•1.1* 4,.,- 10.1 of uentegtedeltle

tenIre mollt heel 1:11% 11111111 % Peen 1111, 127 .N. lit arn,on nt., I likarts. Tel , 17,1 .1.13

VtEl.)411.1.5! A ItTIsTS - Rmita.beis wIth a -punch- Itelte• rItten 1 .411 un op tee tielnete

ete•the.e. •'nedne In. k " ' Ti,, Omuta.," •...1 • Wsnim '• 11. the Wine 111 «toned.° Pow aett All for :Mc. II. A. STILLER, 410 W. 42.1 Nee. York. deull

Miscellaneous for SP1r 3a WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 23e

$END TEN l')NTIr te den, II Tel. 1e. tereteent >11:1:11,I4 . lOi I'll, 141., $111e•ukee. %le


PrNIll AND .11.-DY WHISTIAl-A bit mall II months and en tortoni...don elrettlans all for le

node. CRICK ET Ni.'. El Ti rt.. 1117 N. 23,4 St , Omaha. Nebraska_

Ain; 1141 ittLI, tor l'f.A1IN«. new gen. 1/•• *111 aunts

ee ee nu. 11/.e muter rani.. but twk, reel telgloat te Sup. rig 1..04 In en) ',rho tors. Fosy ro p.m and reel mend oi •••• try.

all, lull instruotorw If thà• L. tr. tune vats. In rgre IfIn I 'tall It be" 1.10 ,1 I.' on. et •1_

reetatered at e•O•te nee risi‘ t• Mine 'strut's.% y ‘14,..,\ . psi eanberl fl.14, •• • .1•31

I.) 714..1•Te. •4.77•11'11 ea sale Roman It o ard. If tee bleb. 7 fee s14, otrit ta.

r•Ort,Or. knot, r1111 le,. , 4, rIttà root pleeee wale, r le o

made by It II Ada.. of Rinromsei., „Lb., Ine Site •.10 etrek•

rut .1. 1.11.g. Lao- ré, at ',I .7. III 1.1.1 it »41/ e}-1. g lo- wee/ lee Ignite •e• nth,

a•tr1•1 to . •111 f.e S7',, 424 'Inn a • o c re 1'. M•11111.•Ili. It11-1.1 11I3t Itl 40f. Garde/tee, IIIInoel•.

111,4fE, I1111.: Volltio•s-Isetret 1.ertiot faoorit e for 1.arrieu •r• RA 41,ertml

tr E.41t1.1. Pa.hsrai. Fee,- nek7

SIGNS 1144 STORE AND itelleLot-flOrely Bee reee ont...idly made rIllrAlfo SIEN

II, 334 11:tof St, (1.1,e,en thr24

• 1•174.t11,--.4delos you nr1 all al. to I ftf.: «wean., •ritea Tilts it 0.1.•dn.

tur., r free. 4). sesstriN:. 411 Won Ferry.. Itute. Seo Yen-

Musical Instruments 204t SALE--SECOND-HAND

la Hopp. CASH. NO ANT. LESS THAN fla.

14. à rdb 1ti'lls I 1.s:rt.. P4AtIll and roleteet 3.i•obloie Air 1 eo 1••: •17 ••• Zeal.o are godar.

led. Pink •O•rnte I•rlon end.* reply atel pm, 451 Y. I1AY, Ilanholtorn. Iowa

AtIAZING, It/SIP:AIN.. In hail tro po ursdom...1. luth- Ma-leal In-anower.t. I). I. e bete

wur.ltzer Saris. 00., in omen Wale, -I Idabel rout k ehanse to Ai. Nurinier

Trumpet Mtebe r•qatIe • 1.11 a'l Matt. Fr.J. In tool a/ r e.o.m.. I) • su. ..81).) te/tioe1 Tn. he • Men e'en,/ he odlYarr ear Teteee, Watt and Mot I aeoh eIheee p:•1•1 Wut.4•11ele 0'•Ive Troeneteeoe t, .111 'rude, ram. sr..., le. ribee•Irà I 4r4, meat., ehnwon, «We mo am. /7 "e and Ith. .40.ert C G eelus toatS nee' Clarinet• In ea.. 1:0 I. T,. 5135P Ilan Irish Ilan,. In pero,o orredttbes, to sell 9111."( lai V‘.• I el 1 Ite ‘1.11a, I . 1.1 'A. dorble roc kn., .h t. /ow Aruoreltee 533 "A. $131 o.' stool Mead.

It.I ed. ...Ulu.. t:e.esce Washborne Random I in... $ 13 40., re r01 ItrIery•. I I WI. ;War. •

fine edeI losIrdanent Ni.., I rte tee money led, pa r. J It. kirk mua',- Ismusethsttar Slate: huit,-cra•le. earl lieebi inn» $19.00. an,

14 rt.. , • o.rf to.., Mr editor,. 41-14. Tbe o, ami 1., 7s1 re1..« hoed krA. ✓te., $33.7.e; re• er.r.shsonel te-ruunellteg 1.•••• Lan., In ow: Ilanamlon 11-e•

Of 4•... I to bee lostrorri.e. It.e.. . Kg), ¡nee. t•tere.leeeneel fleeted.•11.. fit IN, - 1 Tatifil.f Ola' how OM. .01 reossle. 'I.. t it.•-lf: our pd.. tit order does ream ton 11.4, .on the lostrument son rant at U. pete ial

Itke te tow, II onuoisfa ton be ah, new. error )out la yosomptit n•un.led BATH, otTlitS •11411•AN y O.o. Metisfardm

'1,1. aso Mot;

ItANIs and u...•1: 11etealre. Ittelstere es.e4

net *red free T' -'.1 • littWITII. Salina Kanso.

ItAN.111•4 1.uos en,: nee 1171.0) wel pato.t.11; S'eurret r 1 peal 150 ,1,:

teme 1, 4.0 Ito Coo. 143,4.W. N tetrad/re. I IfInol.

BEA(;.IN*0 .11141Ew stortal raek, nt.bel-pland. to. .4tinew II o • Otto, sr,..) ssirsto- , Es.'d

leg Itreart 24,-..mos: ea. kré• romh fse• multr fate eq. Ind 1,111, I I K • Ind 8,1 rie .aitot TOM, Is It. Fall.. Yon_

smr. tro- eonulne rrnIerielt wean,- viott, .r.l..else.nasi...les; made tet tell. nose l'at• on,

rash. 1111X dell - -

'It S.4là: I Doan' %depts.', and r-' .7, Ns. s In ressi ...edition. derd Ess -7 tor the r•st 310 so Ilse. to e In. rt.nued• I mr•t e a 3.44 1.14417 Ils.- Isrum In th.

het 1.36M .1.1.1nso T. L W.41.1., Tr1n . de 13


Elul S1.1, Trento., Ibt`l -to U.& We-e mouth,: triple sOnittadated. gold t"". a 3-14 leethee fts lee ...sit prin.. pia ...I

oetI ete tolred 1 taIll ?nun, to 10 on fee...lei eef tI lenniment

toe. I noes, .1 1.1. te hoe •••elthe.017 4.1.1t itoeulrlre fu t' 1r111.11141.7 br

,..u.): -lu,,' 1148.11e). like Mot; •le, It.• s.stem Clarinet and rote. Addreo' sa .saci ,\

. St. Peter rOn-e., Si 1•1•/1. 1.1tet•etent11,

l."14 e‘LE 4')01). TrryIlflwrIfs 110 MI: t'‘''• $1, 4": r's-ineL 57.1sm. sin e,: yen se

44'. I Mt N. I I', I ti' Washburn, Ares, •Iticain

FOR SALE A r dnutee-ortion Darr. are, l In-et A, II 111/1524,, 511ehtegu,

FI an 14 Our rem new RI, ils. . Itaaort, ,̀. Oustruple an., plate, newt finish. Pis.> ho,

Men,' 1.'1 and tn. rage. fir•t Il :•0 It I•I•ee Ild• 11141luen•Ut: II., Ilea: • 1...:11

E. DIANE 11.a 131). 14•Itley. tot VirInzle - - • Etel rtALI: E'en 0.1.1 Am...nail, I rinsen fie

riot: wood remlillon. II. e. M..1111.1.1N. Short, reek. ja,1

11.41tP rtarrin.P: 51,41 10 4 •trines Aught.. ellute: 17.40 111/ .%lu, 11:0ee

1,1 ‘1":" 4% MAW' CO. lell 14. Hamlin Ate, Clii. 1111..4. mnli

•'1NOPIIIKE r Iefele•17, lene pitch ono slloer • 1.11, pearl be,. mid roper. made by

tew . t tuiltion , mod 'wee h

Ill- 410.41, 01- TE111.1.F. General I•lor•ell.

1 11 11.1% 11'll SAP' I...tittle ban fine tote. me.' Ils ItIJIAL4NN, 31:21 il, JA. st •

liewon make. 3% orison., ndll net,. I,., plien, (N.M.( 312., mounted on lilte-

d... teekelirlotel floe rare: recently tuned Is r.ssi alekle hadts I.If

11.1 no Ilk.. A barmen for %I.o.W. Iry •urtretit /I o Po @noel •eleeenwany nnIer h eI•11 1. 111 Il IL n' ClUller1131L rare Camden Tea

Wedett. Wen 'Trees.

CLEVER TWO-PEOPLE REETCIIES-^A (Souple of LUntitles" 1St and "A Lemon In ib. Dark."

23e. $341•100de free with order, STANTON di !i.e."? CO.. Norwleb, New York. dee20 In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

DecEMBER 13, Me The Billboard 47 -

elfhgapipINE lave. I to C. orts pitch. resouatora. Mao ilntr.l floor Taal. roan Ina raw; all Waal r011-

dio..n. sp. s..nt with gristle-1re elimination try. re. 'fila , mien loth Ma3'. n'elalet I.owe o„,otr owel. .1,1 ,11.1staN HALL, GI., so,


Partners Wanted for Acts (NO INVESTMENT)

ii el0110. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 21e.

GEN11.E11 iN t NTN p.sitTegyal. tor Xnmitv Act. must 1. oeil formed: not core le) K. •1111te to learn rates a>mnastle feate. pester Inc that ran alna or dan.e will Send full detail. •n.1 eoto. III he returned. to Ilt.1N ALANEttlUt. gr. knife Itnulevard. Itrookl>n. Nea York.

1.1111' c.saTxrit For Novelty no.- Minall or ggattlum In 'ire Latorletee not required. ran eve

m anor small nose. I'llot,,. ret ne. I FRANK ANIt.1:ItStrN Ilen INI. Waulnatan. hIlado. tanl

LAM* 011 GENTI.ENIAN lutu.r,d e,-,1 v s vuitit.

LATRIt(tr -Triple ngred mealier: wants a Plano Piarre. with •.i. t,. Play small twat.: split 30-51..:

evemo la. hallo and tdetore aos: goal .tmateur no. tinned. nerd photo: full partlemlarn. cane eym and bat,. WAYNE 1.3T11110.F,

r.tarvret ee.‘xTvii Girl. 5 ft.. 1 In.; about 101 retina.; h• a,, !ten, Ace: willing to elan, mull,,.:

rk,, gut /.. retun...l.. hot hark Inert Ice•rn.-, (11ARLIE Il WEINICII. St_ l'hirago,


ratirpNEIA lv tNTED l'an lady for ondevilk: tu tlfre moun..1 Mud It.. •hte to gnat and do op, lalt>•

write tr litre C. F. STEWART. rare 111111boud. Caw.

r3STNER-Fe.r SInging-TalkIng Art with proem-iNch romedtan: I have (ho art and booking.

•,•,. %nut. WIILI.tSlt4. 3(3 tgrheren-rborn tat. roc :13n. sow York,

fUr named en the Yaldeville stage NIAII. 1111110111 lIEN -11ane Kyles If euh. even-t wIll Ion 25 laugh•gmlIng 111•111 Talk stunt., mete Instrortiona. Iturinewa Courses. nr181-

Frr11111olle, Turnovers. Trl.k Pirron,. fer.: a nog ..f 11•11, t.riced 1: no rah; Enlarging Photogt•Ol., eterlal t'halk Talk 1`raym,r, and itooruetions In, how solos MIrrot-s. Ileetratrawh Inifelleateng rbolng Fads to gel auldmille. ail for It 11‘1,s %F. entire ,..11redon. $12 on; tale sample. 25e rmh. I. tl. 14.• 1/allag, r au. MI,. 1.15 I :Nu (lark, (111ra..

IN) Till' WtNT To titt ON THE MTA.:El- I WO tell tou bow. led emotion Moot .trt.. Mgrattra.

.tittneles: I.. to )oll.f el.t engagement: hno • nuilt- up" tie al., . 'Mtn. ter Expi•in. the•trleat hems. , rein/anal' and everything ..winer' , 1 with 111...tage If >ou •re In earnest and atlalt to ender the goof...Inn. acial for nx5 .,Un.. 11 eatdains ts•rt • thing tot, need tat kn.. old all! .tart you rued Pri.s. /1 eal ter ropy. 3 P. >hi:REF:VT. .4 Lexington :tee.. Itr.eltOn. Neat lurk. der27

-111'.1R.t.NTFEle ORIGINAL INSTRI'l"Ti•rN ,.” larurtag Pliongyaino: Formulae etneece

"flue soty.•• - 11.11e." -Traneferine.” f- pereceially typewritten").

re. It1111.1N. 1111 No. Clark_ Chicago. 21an> oth,4

1.A1111•24, fli7.N11.-EME.NI-OrtanIzing, man•slrg, f. naming your own show, theatrical agency, footle

legman> erhinit. at 'Ain. 0,,rlety eont• rr p•rlor attra.tions, featuring tYte. t•lent. 'reaut.Y, eltdoith n..0.* .11..11. 1r cat 1181 and the beat eleatra of meet, community Sample. 1•Se. l'ARAGON ill . Mao Few,, Iwo. California .le 13

DPIDOR3. AGA. re.‘nuAR -Or any .'her Eltmlon. note etolatned. for 50..; 211n.1 Reeding art err: Id

'Minna le order F. E ucrwerenr. :13 Front. Kilo-Mouth, Ohl,

NI.W tilgrtINKRY STARTLEA WORLD-Anion, eon leak, a shelln talk_ Yl-4, we mean arttialit «fult• rdn. tint. lattalt. te. grealr.1 olgtertunItt fie ale.

It., t ark. II. WARREN. Fairfield. Ill

N EAV tt.M.Romi ',Aims in. ALT. 'IL. .1111:14 l,. THE CNITED STATI24-14, the No-

te-other lour; tee a reps; I hr.- neon I.a. 'rot. Addre•• TIRE 711EtTlill'Al. III I.LETIN, tharles Mtg. Denver

VFNTRII.fltil'ISNI, the ern•leried el arts: K"v t. tl.row you. vol.e in trunk. mgt.!. .aintkas. hark

• ,Inor. elem. cellar with of 'turning«n,. Positive iniaranne to make sett a telitflleal111•1 in ten 1,4..41-›A•11/111111, 111' VENT1111.1Nil"Istll, :s2. ilaelbase. 11,1 -riz.. Jan?

PSTfiltiltiCT GY-s•TFRE for 11..11en P1rtUre e,,, III Elocution. 'tetanal ,

Arr. Pu'ille Speaking Tern. mammal:de. TILL-11 N etT1'11111 or EXPIII.SSIrtY. Weet nrle. Nno fork. deel3

!TAY 1'8 N.N(1 ItY F-tit In sir lee.ona. ”SimIdard Systrels - New. quirk, thnreigh method

Poetnald. II 71, r .nd 1.1. for first le.son and par-ilrular. ST1 el all Anti 51' STEM ci•itusilEIL... Pep? "It" Id, ::IN. l'Ioua. Ohio. eter211

11-••••••••-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••-•-•-•-• •

%•T‘ett w.‘x-rEtb h, young matt who It a good • "ale. tigg and ....sari, dinar. it.., hand-halt bees. rharsgl.u. art titter, weight Biter underwander, VILS glitonesi. bass agwalter. ch•easee inionowtan. rearedian. writer and author .5ddrem BOYD. 2550 gimlet et. (l'i. NII•etturl der:8

• •

IIEGIYNT.111-1.ade: eerg allibitiors: tool gore lu'd ro'ity; w1.11, to join 8,1 I. W. 11.. 45%

Nell Rldg • Plirthatoton. Tort

WANTED- lady l'artner. about 3e. ant t•11. who ,te mo, elth tramiltg shoer Splendid

Arnat.ur roaddere.l. Ser d Photo .113., 1.1'11E1. 13-dra N. lith rat. litreninghank Alabema.

RANTED Mosibrette for Aerohatic Comedian; one that • tie small acrohatir Ogres 'Must de Ilerly (Irani

riehleur 1r111 11,AVE R.tNZETTA. 1701 N 02d M.. Philadelphia, Pennayleanla

WaNTEla -Lade Partner fhlonde ah. et , • plare, al.I ran do re will learn Richland Fling

rise. amateur considered. Semi plinto; 'an re-neuel J.1%1Es is. VERNON. I. Boa 22a. ClIntre, Braga,

LtIlY-Small In atature, re? ov.• to mea, helium, ascension* •al r.,it novelty arel•I

.\11 winter.* work In Muth. Send hem an lesericton EARL. ‘1XEE-xT. HalloortIst. IglIngtot. North Carolina

,2 LNTEll-Toung Lady to to ant lll nd,,a4ins for Tawleellle Art: good rotor...OW.1. thou. Idi tarter.

redo again; ran oto reel HOWE. 1121 ›outh Truy tin, Chicago, Illtnek.

Personal 3e WORD. CASH. ND ADV. LESS THAW 21e.

R. B. R.-Tou mind come heme at once: pneur (i. IL Feedbag la teeth" d. al tua danger.

)11%...10 MORI.> touters, one method .4 unt•11,-Ina pelf deelre. PreOn•id .1Ime 1.11Y%

SMEDLEY. 114 Miller, Brooklyn. New lurk. .1..27

021a-Pleatie write me. 1204 Grano.., Dan Antenlo. urs. JanS

Schools, Services. Instruction la WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 21e.

Nunic mplained and IllestrateL and its -Nlae-" Cara Ir«ue. Or, boatgald. Adder«

PRor ZA.L3NO, Ithara. Ne. %ark

.11.RMIATICS r. ors. gold 71e f. r wan No I. ParvIrulane free; over 12% Illtastratkona

ROYAL 11•11LISIIINO Itret 1051. St. John, New Itrumniek

ARTists: t. , Imi ,ate: lb.« of :17 Inalt•thm•: any se loll read, ln,t r. so tour art. Imo, foe

31e .'INl_)ElLOI,N 11r. K. Werhington, Ilunelo 1.110

IlAN 111 TAUGHT ItY SI All. IN El% E LESS, aNS Volt ani• Mar trio .tatunsi .5.1.1 thl. racelnatIng Instru-

ment to sintr lot 11.14•1r(issitSll 1.1:11N.t IU a. sr InlIn. rams Fella. Neu( York. 3511.1

RR A cRATioN CARToONIST am, entertain In Vaudeville, Clubs. Fain. err InetrurtImm and 20

emni, •••rd,a uph palter. telly $1 (re 11.U.11.1 ART sEltVICI:, tasidnels. ertsin. .I...13

11FftaalE InFIAI, 7111. K CARTGaiNlee '" --”-"Ole• lose main. .utnt. patter. Including

itiveslae elverlsine $1 ea: Partl.mlar. t. f ea," FRIO'. Al. IIAFFNI*1, F11 N. Ilth. 11,11 0.1r1-4,1e .1.. --

1•1. M %AEI( .tT FURS Ch11.1 ran 'N."' iamb« keep at: 9.)T111111ett li 11.1K*1•11all

of Ihwt1113. latednelmo odonishe , •11.,",a WeebOrrful •1.1 tu gawers. %Mid

resegiclan.. noted wers aille It, 1.rr .1.,11 111r. •ovUfale. tellable l'ainOst• emlor e 1:

II, like hot melee. Sample hand. %node-'ale Peirce loi reqm-a soiling plan l'redirt >our

Ilfe then »ell hand at 01 El'oth...1‘. tut. Il Oneitctions aft. a«,411.111., 1111.1 R m. Vint. II 33'4 l'art Ma"



The word "professor" is always reminiscent of the man who sits be-

hind a little table on a street corner writing with a fine Spencerian

hand calling cards, twenty-five cents for fifty, samples of chirographic

art. But since Dr. Matthews uses it himself. constantly, in referring to othor

men who lecture and write on the drama, surely he will not object if it

is applied to himself in this review of his book, recently published by

Charles Scribner's Sons. The essay on the principles of playmaking

occupy only a small portion of the hook, which contains papers on

• "Putting Literature Into the Drama," "Shaksperian Stage Traditions,"

• "The Pleasant Land of Scribia." "Hamlet Without Hamlet." "The Play-* wright and the Player." "The Simplification of Scenery," "The Conven-• • thins of the Music Drama.""The Vocabulary of the Show Business."

• "Matthew Arnold and the Theattr," and, the most interesting and read-

• able of all, some "Memories of Edwin Booth." All have a value, as has

• anything Professor Matthews writes. tho that value is more professrial

• than usual. When Professor Matthews gets down to brass tacks, leaves • Voltaire. Corneille, Sarcey. Lessing and all the others in the noble shades

• of erudition and says something of his own the aspirant to stage writ-

• ing finds some sound advice and sane suggestion.

• He says: "A good play must be well written, no doubt, hut before it

is written it must be well conceived and well developed; it must have a

• theme, it must have a story which reveals itself in a sequence of situa-• tions, and this plot must he peopled with human beings who look like hu-

• man beings, who talk like human beings and who act like human beings."

• One way to do this is to go to current theatrical successes again and • • again and again, study them analytically and synthetically, apply what

• you learn to your own brain child and you have made a beginning. The

• other steps to he followed are outlined and are worth reading, because

they are set forth as suggestions by a man who has great familiarity

-e with certain phases of the theater, who loves it and who gives his ail-

• vice kindly without the offensive dogmatism professors acquire from

• classroom domination. • (Inc wonders why Professor Matthews says nothing about the variety

• and the burlesque stage. For, whether they be the hunchback, crippled.

t illegitimate • brats of the stage or not, they are none the less its children

anti deserve attention on scientific and historical grounds. Besides, what è a palier Professor Matthews could write on Matthew Arnold's "Analysis

• of the Burlesque Theater," as made from observation of the contrasted • productions of the Beef Trust Watson School and the creations of the

Al Reeves type. • Charles Warren Stoddard once said that writers, like other men,

• died when their work was done, that there was no such thing as "pre-

. mature" takings off, and that the lament that if they had lived what • • wunilers they would have worked was simple bosh. It is the niore ten-

• able stand than Professor Matthews' when he decides that the riper

development of the American drama in the final years of the Nineteenth

Century was retarded by the premature deaths of Clyde Fitch and Wm.

Vaughan Moody. 110th died because, in the vocabulary of the show busincies-which, by the way, deserves a more thoro exposition than

Professor Matthews gives it-"they we're all washed tip."-PATTEItSoN


• 4›.• -•

117.51tN III,W to lia-,1..trf Eat. , •• lloodlol. I wIll .s. , .1 instritethass for

Performing ills wooded rot II.. of other mkt.- 1•IttrEFSentli TIDOICSoN. me2 F, 5t11. .1,11

I.E.AltY Front •11,1 Reek Rooting de• welted Itt • clear manner how to Irani The Splits.

The, Ilutterfly. Blab Meting. l'as. Md. Thrush Ring. The Crab, lit,' lie k Limber INIStIng real, Bawl Rationing. Sitting .•1 11,41. Neck IttalovatIon. %tatted f.y %Or FISHER. 11 1vq.1, 11, 11.O. 1,1 • • •Al le. Indiana. )•Il

I.F.AR.N NIININ RE.11.ING Si, , eutiete .-.1orighted As be two t•eople masers ese dIffenot "refteco.".

on') gt eanto for porthole!, to PRIM, 7.1. IAN°. Km, eat ht. e ee >Irk

1..F.A.'N To ItInt ITI. tio let «am : I meat Iteelta-don. 'orne.1), M airflow. Degree. lc) il tit morel

hark • leerfulh . n,'U'il oint more tor. eaten I1111.1.‘ North Clark. t•hlrago.

011,11IIN.NI. I N EulargIng• %lake Chop Sues. Chill. Transhrine,

Yore.. 11-erder. Clean, • . Drinks i > pew rho n I • III Folita. 1.11 No Clark, Chiciaina

'tilde...CT Alta ,41.3 J. ‘1„ggii..„,s In RI:1 , 111,T >1%11. 11111,111 1.11-%N -11eta the monef your .1,a, lb., when all others fall: full Itistnnil,wa

tat,' inetrmilnate ler 'robot 110;11111E WE1tNER 23'prryalI,n in‘›ern..)"11. 34:t Pr'Nd. Ra.,, 111111gy 1in31 111,alth. ohln.

- - - GAZING Th.. ,r•re Jena 'elf add, I

gamer.] enact, I. .71 Mo. Asbury Perk. Mar .1•9rne). Janl



TEtt II ti.t•L:ItTisfNt, tiENTs, mal email, meta/miler. saiorte. coromunlile, bargain..

t el. bratty'''. Imlwiese ri rte.. spreial insentimh . • At- 2.0. Preach

• Ileo elln; fern ol•te 3011f own rots 1,4111 I', 11 hundred.0 ef folloa.rt a.' leatIrnot Isla In es. o •-.1.immyltv. lustre .I, n. 2'r. I'S It'll 11, Co I CA11 ..411111 4,13

ST tin. .e %TINE NIA 11. ..111.11R 111•51-\Ess of your mt.,. turn war.. OM, nno.2:

en ...sworn,. ir capital reunited: you hair the "rains, ate t ish the p!at, ...manic', with n month.' ▪ MIMI.,t., Ti„ century.1,hents, f Thy also,'

for 11,111.1log oalf ea. •Irie• ,V1111 Adeld*: Pelee 1.1st. l'ENT1 RN SUPPLY CO., :MC, Ate. Chhogo. 11.011

r11:11. Yell'It OWN F1100 1'11011,1'1-T- 043, cheater tha,r I',, .,r, to hake hrtml. cakes, cracker..

tgwrrIts Start a rotary tin ateleal. chit, of your own for profit,

tomilerov pronerlon. Inaruc-2*., A Eilrotr_ e":t Humboldt Hank 111,1g.

eau Fianeliete. Callfonela.

FATTINNINI., 7111: Milelt1.11•81 GRF-LT1O1T 1,31). para rad losers. S,.,, can •ke It: get ay Instruct!. 1.• and

formula. for dahrt this faein•ttng art . mall me a dollar hill and r, al,. to thls cinch. r k and will In, ited, hemule for removing tatiogng mow St al cji.j)... Di Cliff> Mt, Harriman

START A "CANDY KITCUE7,:"-Rake Mg money: idlnikalle no capital required: guaranteed (-tsar,:

.elee 111.00, aperoi now $1.05., tUiotri had it •1,...aiLstle.I. IlrEAL 110trK 1,4101`. 3151-14C North Rom, st.. Chicago ' der?»

TulE CAREER OFFERED %IOU glUmate. Caharet. Butte-clue; experience winters,

••ey; Iv.,,,. «Only; managers enter, my method. tag Illatoratol boatel and full partleulus free. Write

La1.111.1.E. station 3, Jaason, MI..h, Malt,

TYFF32111TTEN CONITIXTE TtritINT-S . COURSES VENTR111.04.111S21 !originally priced $2 Mr rash):

Enlarging Photograph.. Slivering 21.1ennw. It,. Meath leupinating rot:Ring Pule. 21 complete original In-orta.sions of each. el. .te rollertion. 112 on: one al... We, 111.11,1YOR11. 11 -,1 No, Clark, Chicago.

ENTILILIKYIIIIM>1 AND MIMICRY RF.V.F.ALE11,--. L1{11.1114 every were 120 typ written Pageol. with

....reansingly runny Dialogue and original ring: for-med ,' Priced $100.... while il courses lag, WOO. 1101.1.TN, 1111 Nn, Clark, Chicago.

2d-Hand Show Prop. for Sale 2e WORD. CASH, NO ADV. LESS THAN lit.

3 ENI;1.1$11 leather; good roodition: P1.00 each. TIP'S. L FINN. llorrelek Falls. New

'W.I.-TAM) AT FILWT1ONAL COST-Deagan Ma-riana Typewriter, A-hedow Curtain, portable

Ito(h. Spotlight and rurnPlme °Wilt a evrnrn. • 4" • Una.F.,n Datum and Traveling Case .onapkre al., loll Vilna nt them ant run. J. P. HU) l•irroK, Pennolsaula_ titr2O

5171 'II ItUTS C1pNrii.en: inbuilt and reanished 34•whlstle Alr Calliope; mg rain make; guaran-

1.1adt nrints quirk r' ply and philo s.ttl 111.%Y. lossa. Mel

AT BARGAIN PRIC'EM IP 11()FGHT AT ONCE-One 38-Ineh Hollow Rolling Globe, suttahle for

hack, or ntseilv oretileg. 2 24-Inrh n-gulntton libelles; ell globea ram.. covered: I Table or Pedes-tal. complete, elaborate, nIcitelplate.l, with delarh• ahle stairs: each side rune. for hark: all the hest: made by Van Wyck. used two emits: rao.n for roll-ing. Irai health shirting raern for all: sell ans Part: If yen wish to leis write, otherwise wave alai». 1 f/UNG .W1111.1.11 1•1111.10X. 1124 W. Slat Place. bey

ATTEVTIoN:-Iutt Game Workers, Crtnormkenerk •Prdll11 1111.1ler prlern ,14tilrg Th.remnre oar

.1ektroaw Kids, New. Mole Winded and othea nhlfflelit. ally Pt.*. Dalai', re. D.

lreular• and trier for ..iamp. C. O. T.(Tina. Cdumbla City. 1111.11an•.

ima‘tArr 10,4 ear.i T Si tell'INE--Frilnit i'vt• NII1Iru: Howl. one Itronet. • ne Too Screen. l`urtable

Iron Fry l'ut Stand. three Burners Piping lias Tank and Ihrertions t, r %lining. 11,1, complete 'lame tIrKay rutflt hi,, teen on road An week., ar.,1 mete fr..1 MOMS liare cattier Ilnea and eannot handla towel parked ready t., .hip. l'ret $32200: lint alone! order for $110 me tat,. It. Itill'1111KIITY BROS• TENT è AVYNING 111 s. Fourth St., St, Ignite. NiLloourl.

ft.t1.1.(KINS. Para.-1We.. Inflater.. (Naar, 'tr.. Chutes for aropi..t. Arr. Une. THOM1.-

.• y Idt LIU>. /N Ill Aurora. Minolta der2111

(-Ape-Two-Car show. . «wimp. with tents, team mules. gill. wagons, •rs lIghte, banners:

aroourt taking out lar r 'bell all my lao-ear 'bola ProMMY • n, Is men in Galveston d-ue Christmas CHRISTY elloWS. meivestœ. Tea

citwit-LETE glen ro IIINSTRF1 s1:17TNN3 $171,055: Illu.trated Sea Slides, Theatrical Wardrob0,

It, I LYN, 1:14 N. Clark. Clikag',

CI•RI.NA Fort 2,1'S171:21S-Rtrange Fish. Craha. Teeth. elo.; batieln:

III', W,t deer/

FOLDING ORGAN (Billvoml. all), Tailor THInk merle for organ: four Ventriloquial Figures. : White

✓ut 2 M.A. deters 320 N. Grand, Lansing. Michigan.

FoR S.iLE-Tent, 31.‘30; serviceable remelltion: 35 dollar.; an aide wall. CHAS. BRA>USLE. Clinton.

FOR S.U.E-Hunbar Peanut and Popcorn Waiver. Van& Flo« Machine: Khaki Soak.. Pit Write f..

Particular.. 1-ItAT SHIST PROPeitry Et-CHANCE. 1601 Clive Street, SL Leeds. NItesouri.

tiREAT OPPOILTI .N1TT Illith-Frenuener Nlaehine;• 4.Inch WWII; bt.11It for remises, einermea,

ranks and vaudeville %rage: beautiful exhibition; nO 1-egor to Individual operators: I bah the loll net. Including machine •nd apparatus fee enter/enrage*: mire complete. 1105. Te.ei %Irene elan. Cut, half-tone.

for 11: small and large Lidice Mereet Camera. , lemon: roel $13, $2n. and 1.01M OMNI: 4 l-en of picture, .5',' 0,1' quirk_ PRINCE 33,1 ill. Ita-ement. New York City,

ILl USTRATIT. FUNKS. Res-Patina. and Les-twee. 12» • IllaLLTN. 1521 No. Clark.


nnvtiNg cowitior nuivimaNG Bane-is teen. 11111111.11 nly le. jar loa-rd from railroad •-reek. Monet

are slightle .sh.y.ehe >Trey!. $7.311, 12 rodo, r edible and malroa, at $11.4. ILEMINGTHN a NY. tirante-n, l'a. &re

1.10 (1111.11--Nrummitiod: aprelal bargain,. ELM.: stamp fltm rift. Ir. (tali 55 . Dayton.


Wtalt11011F TRUNKS $27. 10; Steamer WardraM1 Trunks. $.230 Repaired and .111 wear Ilk, neer

These are wonderful bargains. Len of Indian and West.m Lobby Display Goon.: fine fnr atom gam. We are not only the langset euluMtre dealers lo rued Phew nnuerte In .tmerica, hut ere are numufarturere or • number of Ilne• of new good.. Menem an.11 Alder-Show flannel, Nrat t. a good llme to hare your bangers

rhrwis .1rA Ella and Cats, made of that everlasting material, mule skin, of which we are ea. robtive manufacturers. Nurtilwe and Percentage «Nola. \\*tile us tour wants lo detall, as 'le C10 not lame ta eatal.gue on acrmant of «rah changing dally . AN1 an anitheng 101 aro not using. We Pay stmt esab 11 rriers1 Refnernber the Ray MOW Property el. change of et 1,W.. is now consolidated with lia. and Me D Ray Phillips I, In charge at the •t. re. wEsTratx edloW PRHPERTY CH, 510 tore et. Kann., City, NILleeouri,

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 48)

48 The Billboard DECEMBER 13, 1919

SINTEEN LNDESTRUTTO WAILDRTIDE TRUNKS- NIEU)DILat written to your wont,: must. • roomed. purchased at STULL sale, gr, to 110, which to l.w, tletardon guaranteed. ALAN BAILLoW, e29 So

than whOlesele Prices lisle>. R.1.7./LNGTON & (ONI. 171h Are, Maymood Itlinola duce PANY, erzantrm, Penn.yhanla. doe:0

MUSIC CONIPOKED Ti) WORDS, with frse publlea-TeN7B--1 have a number of ConentaLon Tula, with tron, on here/anon and baud pans. stan te timt• an I without hinge frame,. axe feet to loe2., feet; !fled ...rummers, some ••hits " DLNNIS B. obk..NS.

write for Let: 1 ewes rare You money . HUTCHItioN Mt_ INC., Ku., tit,. lb..... AWNING AND TeNT 311DR.. Elmira, New York.

bongs and Music le WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 23c.

b "tar* YODELS, word and musk (piano), 11.00. Big tilta by big erttera. snug the cvOntrY mer. the

advertlument under Manuscripts 11...12). 110N1/21. 40 l'ote St.. E-ast Buetun, lizzaa.lauset's. dec13

150 PARODIES ON LATEST POPULIR SONGS.-All complete; to introduce will be sent for 10e,

POMPald, coin or Nampa CILAS. N DYNES, Pub. luter. Winchester, indiana.

AGENTS AND SINGERS WANTED-7? cil the Deals Stusieal Museum; over 100 diffewni songs;

single copy. 15 mints: in 'learn Ifee. r. cent,. • ca.T. NATHAN L LEWIS, £23 Leal 65th Mt. New York-

A NEW MONO SUCCTSS, entitled "I Want To Go to Heaven, fu My Stemma Is Mine Now." You'll

never go wrung if you order this aorta. Mend 15e 1,en. net alarmed to P. H. CIIVR(1111.1.. Musk Puullsher. llox Ile Trinidad. (timed°, and nr,iie your cepy by return mall. Pedit•tel ds.:13

ATTTNTION, PIANISTS!!-Ti,ree fine. melnelloue Marches for theatre work, ete t 'Mother. of Innone-

racy." "The American Red Cram." "On the Square." reed with splendid remit,. for Parade *Mom. ete.1 lbe each. PANI-1.LA bit [(IC CO.. Pittsburg. Va.


AERANGENIENT ANT) NIELGTIT for your song words that In eatIsfactorY Is guarantee!. for yogi do

net one ue one cent until se have rearnined and pronoun el It O. K. And you do not Pa7 us for placing your song until It Is publiehed and I Criel •cetr lea are told. Send your brie now for free examina-tion. And note that we are now located In the heart of the pubPahIng district. If Cornell write* P. It's right COILNLI-L. A. (ion). Theatre Bldg., New York.


BEWARE OF "PANE" Pl'ELIFITERS!-Uee my motive:I In subnelblinz your composition% to rnlable

centre* Mill mall samples. etc, at riot. 25e. coin preferred tVILLIANirl, 21.6 K. 87th Street, New York CiLy. • deel3

BY THE LITTLE OLD LOG CABIN. 11W1.121' K.ATIL LI>1..N. sang song. Send fee it today. 15‘, 31118.

GLAIll'S FI'LLER ILtS311:1,1-1LN. It. Ii. I, blot. eoula Mentana de..13

DOCTOR NIELGDY RATS-If any amateur song writer who think.. he has a novel Milt or lyric

will send It to me with twenty-fire rents 1 will ere blm an honest rettirbon. If commercial. I can get quirk ultra, from pub'Ibers. as thy are crying for new room. Yours MAY be pie the one they are after. Don't delay. Turn your idem into money. Cot me plan. Billboard. New York. doc13

"EXPOSING THE SONG fallARE"-Save homer time, trouble: read dill article in ',he November

lee•e; 10c • cop, three menthe 23e. Address TI1L THEATRICAL ill LLETEN. 501-I' Charley It.dg Denser.

IF YOU'LL MIUTE the words for a song we'll tom-poste tie mimic free and pitellsh the song r-azro'c..e.

IL LENOX CO., 101 W. 12d et. New Teck City. ier.3

EXCLUSIVE so:,:nis-Nry Songs have been used by Lew isooketa ter, Eiteebeth blurred, Grace Ilestmd.

S. IL 'Mbar and many oho,. Do YOU want re ty leette fer you/ Dottie., start* for reply. ARTIEUE HENTIY. 410 W. 12cad lit Now York de 2) 3itrac composm A.sari An.a.Nrrn. melodies liar-

FREE! p'[( [(fly TrIbbeler'a Valuable Inhume- I rtt-iMentl• Tt.l» atTanw'rl and 'edWer.4.4 sent two to :4,,%'t'ri 're, 0.,:ottbi printed and pobllehed; all recreation:A aal ansaieur

ham IL Welk imor rattly. RAY 11.113111rn 1010 need. attended to by our etalT of wel-krown rega-l/thesis Ate_ Chicago po-en,; 1Ln:rulers on al./titration. RIALTO 111'• 1DIC CO.. Suite 708 Niusic Publisher.' building. IC)

, Rest 45th St., New York City. GREAT Atilt:FUCA-The enoz for America Tole. and Plano 25c; orchestration. 10 raft* ami piano, e Used In public siesqs. motion pictures, clubs. ruo:vocita and Musk Roll Nianufmturres and ottoffly mogs. poo.n.LorpE it.sTpupp, mill_ I. Music Publishers-I beer a complete P. ng, words

de. Illinois. Ito: 257 4,20 and insealc. colerirlOol. for gale Ca b or ; , •a h preferred. ROY .1. lioCKINS, 168 W. Oak te

ILLUSTILCTE YOUR SON': S. ReeltaU0111. '-h1"tra dec:57 me, with beautiful band•e timed slides: 12.00 set _

and up. Spread rates t'- writer', memo:eh 1:01..- ,00re-Cornight for tale (Ohio. I I LYN. 1554 No Clark. (hIcaos. lime You flailing): has not tecta retiblirheit Ma.7

..en offer scented. J. L FLYNN. 223 11eicon

"LOOK ors' or nine,: tin ErEte•-sent linnsilt""- ei"°' fez-trot with that haunting melody. Prof. coplee

to ortio.„,¡,,....Ile-ru lar SEND 2•5 CENTS COIN-Por I.,, of New Yorld• B. wileptamorp mptop pew CO., ott.... to. I Intent non, eUrtareers, words and music, with samitl•

land cote, of My megazIne. The Fhonionist. FRED T. ROODS. 351 Wed 47th St., New lurk, New York.

SIUSIC PRINTING, ARRANGING AND COMPOSING -Culled Stake end International Copyrights ar•

cured at uorolual chargea. Write for mPlea met low priers. W .t1INER C WILLIAMS & Dept 11-K, Indianapolis, Imbue. (Largest publishers o

in 1.1.0 otrislt

HUSIC CONIPO:SED FOR IndeIrS-.trranera for my Inatrumentet; pay when satisfied; "Dow., the A:ps"

Marri,, full bind. 3•4 pent. 2'c, JILLIt. (` BUR. TON. (147 L Street. North East, Waebitrui, le C.


>iusie -if yew, seo lo for good sOnirl. well worthy of a place ta any musk cala'

log. You will serve pair heist Interems by asking the undersIgnesi to unit you the finished menuseritta oh "A Ve:-.• rroto th., War if the World." ••1 Want You Ne•rs•r Mi" cod "The Ameriesn etoman.'"Illete three a-nre should prom peritsitle mInnee, for any en.e.--retsina publisher. Kindly address. If Interested. I 11.ellls A WHITE. It s 31. NocOng. Tennecum.


Nrrr-ic ceitiPOSTOIS' STANIPS for erY-las musk ruled pan,. with tub pad in toe:

"'Mier Type Printine resew, Slow 11111 [(abler Toe. l'o stem Marker morns,.

XARSTAiller STAMP WCINS. 1550 S. Jef-fe Lc tot. 111V., dkr:1

PCBLISITCRK-liere are four splendid °ones tbat should appeal to entry publother

row matrelal f, r the corning «awn- "e tel le t" "Coe"d Tee Felti Love Me for f. Cause flare 1:3 Part." "I Jed Got Ti, it. careful With • Girl 1.11:e Ten" ael 1 fist Loney When 1 Fee You Loner. Too." The-. f-or Lone, shou'•1 trove nynney rakers fer any roo fern. Ad tress clIeR1.113 J. IIINhE• LER, 1,5•2 North 13'11 Si., Ff. Louts. Milrourt

PUTILISITERS-11 pm are looking for ne" fonts: vrort`ty rf you? hest elects tone that thou',)

Tfofo big ',more, finenclatte and othemelm, you cil "Ina them In thiee rnnra, "I'm Crewing Buck. Mutt-er, Proie and Teel:""Jost From Fran,. )tut Nintherto Pm." end "Tree In fire -Wm-strove. Abe trot Wahtneton" Poti of pen and sentlment. Al-anrs JAN1FS J JON-791. llos T77. Crerenn. (*levee&

mrsic ('orm) ANT) AM/ANT:ED for any need-notton of Instrumeeds Teems responante Ada,.

J. It 7•431 'rL. owe Imert an.. no: 117, Chicano de•27

KONG WIIITIOtei AND sitsiciAxe-We pay for your co-opt-ratio., Ilave you mame tells te &err-

lot.1 I,. alert %Vole tor lar.ktulara to tioNAlti•11 311'SIC CO., INC , hewing. rritn..)1•111U11. yaltà

ti !LITMUS- Moil in pour brim anti let me emotes... an t martini moiode 1w ru. Nis mume

has ilie Imprint...4 big N. Y. puoiLhars Write for 1 ad 1, " \IltItibt.11" 211 lam 40th 51. Noe lurk. An "Ambrose" inelosly luey bring rtl auc ems


SONO WILITEILs-Let us rumple Ce unfelt. 10 emir tong wed,: end for price atta tanadre. CILleTEN

sTeplcre, 32 ariarmini st., Philad Hide. pa. jat.3

1111.16ING SONGS, Ea:lob. Pariales, Ctrate :fen (sereral engine] saraolost; rlo•dv. fl,c sloardlir

!Gm $1.00. You'll want more BoLLIN. 1531 No, La'gYi. Oahu. (Money it-ek

.11E BIC. IIIT -"Heart of Gold." Great soltUswfdal 1•111tgors. dentonff;aloe. wanted. !Merits and

, Linen, send ale'.. for ri y ool rootlet prime. ill'Lla &it',, (20 leethart

Pitteburzh. I rt•:,;'11:1. o dec.()

MITI AMERICAN T.T.AGUE OF NICSIC Is tito r..turre outside of l.Ig suromsful pu,o. hers that • ds to an opportunity he cominwers of nonle and tams of Rd o to obtain netIonal recoUltlud 79e en La • Wend sod toroPeratim mie, ellemie corn. rem are palil a royalty and augers. musicians tell-. of musk. towhees oh 1-.31- and num.:. ne uf mu LI «derides who fulfill ihin.r reestectlie

agreement» stone in Its eanual net eregte There no coat other than a .mall menderehlp fee. The

r of to I we. Address THE AMIMICAN LE-till'E

9(te Tenth SL. Northeast. Itahlogion, C. - rrn"lon 11:11 lard. ace13

ThCT SAT "The world le comkg to an end " sz MY fro) preculonal mitre are hut. HU

ru2nr, I am keeping a supply fur Iona Ste tUatuniffa. its 1 at one.' for thew really good Songs and ret a free Comte Itseltatbit. tn.:died. "Lei L.i Mule, lel Lai" le elil mute tie lily, who hare been "Oree There" 11-nee am 'VII 1 Retern." "1 Want To Itsmeentse. I Went To Poem:" "You're seti‘h. Vein and Ifeartalesic" "If Cu",) T•tk I ike Ile Can Write." or. and "When You El eel NW'

ItENNTE. 222 West 20th Street. New York C ty.

TOT' ARE. LIST 1 TIZE A MILLION CF OTHE3121-A bsautieul 1-911.1. weedy t rtarenrei D Attie«.

"owl" lv Leo Friedman. Puhll•hed ty Norh 111.1r Co :Uncle rentes. to ChAni-NCI:

AimitoN 13 Feet Mein lit Altl-no-. YoMers "4:diode Demons write Nonni, AMERICAN M1' ('IC CO., III-I23 North (lark tet., Chimers Illinois


ONE REMEDY TO REMOVE THE UNREST Under the above head The Missouri Trades Unionist, of Joplin, Mo.,

November 26 issue, says:

"Unrest thruout the nation might be alleviated greatly by giving the

people more and better amusements at less cost than at present pre-

vails, a thing that Congress can eesily do. Remove the taxation from

the people's amusement, from show houses, from actors. and f"om other

luxuries of the roor people and the middle classes. Congress can re-

move this tax and lessen the burden on the show houses, which could

then give better shows for less money than at present. Remove the tax

on amusements and thus help furnish amusement and recreation for the working people at once."

3.000 rEer folsEWALL 1, 10 aria 12 feet 1,,e• .111 buy row amount from ion feet uo. Lsw;

BENCE ItrIseSILLL. Boz 205. Conti:brownie. Aleuts


ANITILING PERTAINING TO Olt USED IN TI1C MI5/1V Isuraixsee -Nu enalter share res as

„tot n. will boy• your gouda Tr 1' mash and {47 tar tetoes. n -eat et...11511.1M ant mmt redielde looted tira -I, a 11.-1 ita., leonewe In torte. Write ti, 'ala 14 what you hare, WCSTILILN $HOW I ROI I.RTIES, CO 513 Lb./ewe:a St, Kansas Mlaeteal.

CAFII1 FOR WOOD FOLDING (MAINS, Circea st.o... ele, it. E. FLOOD (HAIR CO, 1320 Dwarf Ara.

Clmeland, t hi° tan)

CASH PA:is OUTDOOR 14110W PROPERTY of e'er), Trent. Canoe. K E.

KETCUICII. 1 i21 Iletedeay, New York City. dn":ç C •.,:cacE AND IsLPITLIL -Iliee pus M. C. It. Want to loam linty, Gin,

SElt, tg- 511nnotota. riet II

1 SEN.7) C.% 11 f r old Plush or Dye Drop. 31.11.TON 811,711, Crosiush. New ¡ene;. de.:7

MINATCRE cArtS,..--me. Cub Dear. yours Slate Lion. trained Dom, W1I.1 Aram•b.. Parade Meni-

nges. 75,kol Doles eitatery :wows. Gatem. ton, Thai

mr•Tbiatiell'Et AND 11.1)CTRIC 3111001( SI 'lllNEll - Fur S 1.0 J.; t Di fled-claws Nate and

ready to net %1CTOlt T. A1%1.1E844E6, Can, DO., (Rental'. Arizona.

SECOND-ILLNIN CANTE1,11ACK SPINDLE. Whets or 0, 12 Tent. In grol ronrtIllort; cheap for cati,

U‘ne'v Y. Rando.P11. Massachusetts drq3

MAT MACIIINES OF ALL KINDS-Shot be ehlressi eurdect to eraminarl.n. AllEY ABRAM, Ilwl r.


FILM' NrACILINES WANTED-Operator Della Mel ling. Ilroorle. Jerk Pots. Target 'trail,: a•-• I I,.

Ifiewe Dattipment; elate all in tint lei«. 1321 So, 54th St., I'hiladelphla, l'ennsylvaula

surr MM.-HINE& of all kinds wanted fee triad LOUIS N1.1....401./. 400 Therm 14L, Brooklyn. N

TENT FOR IdIANIAT1C SHOW-Amu. Shp. et:: Dsman Una-Fon; mill buz separate. AR-

ARRAM. Sutler, Indiana. dee20

;CANT TO IWY-An Ell Ferris Wheel; Na 10 rre ferre,), F. K SliEW. Grand View, lows_ do•5:

WANTED TI) ItUT-Freak Animals. iliria,. Pauline, rtql, allw, or mounted EVANS &

Freak Animal bloom, White (Sty l'eh, Chkag., Janie

WANTED--From one to tees Tees lieS: alto lefb-lender Ceeturnes .L STILTIL care The lIC-

board, New York CIO. Peal

WANTED-A mewl low pitch Clarinet and Fazortbote: must be ha:WI, AIMS PARKER, W4(0,


' WANTED TO EUI -Geed leaseptione; alto, ten',' re l i C meiely preCered. li. (1. DIFIlls Greenville 1:I


wAyrrrrtUd OTZLn• "le or raeUunITTI: • •Iso th. following Flints"Cirrus" "floile Tote •

4, Cabin." fteue...s. Adams BOX 321, La Grans: Teems

LOVE'S DEClitTION-A beautiful. up-to-dale. Weh-rle., hailed. fuet off the geese Orehostratline now

ready:. Professional copier free to modulate' singer, Ilo grohar ',vim.. 30., from pour tiradei r dIrrut. LOPEZ ISILL&L, Publisher,, Bid 497, Chicago, 1111nola

ded 3

LYRIC WRTTERS--Our IS arrangements ham to u 1s. o ¡ like • 'hoe 1:5 to /25 arouizerreenbe or

hack your money comes Ire arrange for en! wen-blitetlm. THE HARMONY SHOP. Galt, Misanut

LIEIC MitITEP:s. GRELTING-1 will revise Pro ems few musical sitting $1.90 per ropy. Ail ear}

• onildentlal I am belying other. refine heir poem. ,,Ith en.s, why not you/ FRED C. G1LLITT. Ileatines, NlInnsesta. el,":

"I'VE FORGOTTUNI. COME BACK, I'LL FOE-GIVE"-A acne that will live forever. "(Mother)

The Girl You Phruld Uwe Itee d AIL" One of the protest mother ernes that has ester hem written. Chmun - Fryer, sun-be till sunset 'he'd a ebb you. Thna tenderly lay you rest ehe'd kim res. cane* you and fir,1 knows she'd Wes, sou With hloierIncs she thought he loved beet Isn't back thnugh the Plat you've forgotten, lier mitilene of fares nesil Comoare elth another your heartbroken mother. The girl you should love beet of all 13 rents, a copy or two for 115 ones Or betreattnne rode. Preps-clonal corks free JOE FISHER & 11110., Hearer Smolt. Penneolvanla. acre,

"LYWRI witirrRX--Orlieal melody for your wog ' Pero by New Yoh. popular song writer: sill al., laisalU yen with Information regard'ne the placing

Wint• for lento: rezitedearlerne made. 1"/SINCo." 110 W. 42nd SL. Y. City. der10

.YRIC WRITERS-Tour anos net to zeuele and or-chestrated for 113. PM", melodies and real m-

ows. matinee& RED OAK CONSERVATORY. led OWL In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard,

SONG WIlITEIlls -If V. eat,: "owl" meloillea re-,punnet lirlm, weindieful VII110 mrasgernente wet..

for terms Uow. Cie written rungs that pure rung ty Al Jo/no. (lee. (Ifoneyboy) Esall.. Harry co.., S.; elute l'arc and none-robs others. I1AY 11.11sItEl.)31, 1040 Incious Ave, Chleszo.

SONGS W.%/dT/21-We buy outright or 1,111,11eh 00 royally hods Submit pour ItteL HUD:10N PUB-

LISHING . II Emison ArenUr, Albany. New York. dec13

SONG WRIMIS--Your Uri,» fe111r1zot at. 11 00 each: nontleal staling ,Mniftfte.1: 0tetinft Vottr

Teri, for no. (rent propodlion. ICILANcIS J.1.14KIE-%%1(.7., 1,1.1 Striae:ewe-a Si Grand Replan, Mph


SONG WRITERS-You cann•.t •fforil mlose our Ifottfs11.1. II. an, b•nle re Mu -a-last

rivet mode hou r WAliNnt C W1LLIANIS & he.. Dept. IL Indianapolis Indiana, publiehers tif

he femme "Floret.. Syncopated Waltz." Over 7. corks sold dee21)

IF YOU'LL WRITE the wean for a song we'll coll-ies. the musie fmeanti poldiah the song ermetileei

M. LEN.OX CO, ItirW. 42.1 st... N,na York City. 1an3

btos:(I MIIITEILM-Nlreet Intern-tin- roe...0111Po free. HENRI, 2003 Aretle Atlantl • City, Neer Jere,


SONG MIUTERS-Por ulterior work and harmoninnit inriod'e. *Mtn. In your pone to.... winol'l me

T ems yisees' experience I know how Fonnh eat • don of "Lend of Pleasant Deem.'' •nsi "liniber" lip ttei the ',ors to inn rarr tostoald I/ E Joi1N-Fols. WA 11th Pt. N. K., Washingt•,n, yank

ThIn trical Printing 3e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 23e,

cAr.os. etTut. 1.5O; Murton Ate., (inclunati ohm. des."41

['GINTY.» LETTTLEHEADS AND ENVELOPES: 56 of each (swell), II, pagoda'. STANLEY BENT,

110: Motor,. tro u, der27

YOUR NANG: oN 21 CAT:-ING CARDS. 11- CliNT. 13Regl, Clint nrCle.

Typewriters For Sale le WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e,

new. el: ?A. cue Int:uiled; Cocotta,,, t naerwitale: bargains; ,hippie.' in apts.'s-

al; guarantees!. 111)tVARI) LeTillyr.„ 7,17. No, PL. ('lack('Wear., (4.131

Used Costumes for Sale 2. WO 2,), CA,H. NJ SC V. LCS3 TI1ANI 23t.

IlAsKET 1SEADS. $1 'mind hold only); msh with M Ill boy Cloirup Wardrobe, Kin't.'111 . 1.

1131 lareatl.mag . Neme Jolt. tirr2O

I1F:Aill FT 'I. l'INN }:vt:xtxii Larte Lem it.m.kirt Lee e err .). rut ter 0.; neake .por


COMO 'S WAIiiiltiMiE KACRWICE11 -11: a e•tt Costieue. II: like hem; flaui,y chum,

1 king. Ilreeng. 'billy. Palates., lb,. Girt, Hausman. P-IcTON. Kentudiy.

r.111111T C110111'S DRFesfeES Notr lon usol: Itefulf duller.. IL J. LERMAN, Vssiu Theatre,

eery., liellaba.

151:Ar. l'ueislo t't ale. uval. Lone.. woolen erne. II 50 eat-h; /15 00 di...,

riueoldry Spengler, useted nylon. oval, 'et ; small only: 30^ ptr I 010. Jeseli. l7r doz,,,

? fir Ch-t- 1 an 1 f. II 50 re •11 51 Irene( Cane. slih l'ale, Tarr Is. I.' le swen • -er 11-sese". II 30 each. Send 'title, f.c r.rilr,

Thl• is a reliable boom P20 North (lark 10 1111n-is 1an3

WantPd To Boy. Lene or Rent Te wre',. rule, ariV trot% THAN 23e. ---A TROUP'. three Of TV re. Tralowl moat he

rood UK, tom. preffrroL IL C. 111:AGIIAN. éltsinanamh. tinkle drel1

xrtoruo:st WANTG-N-3 ee Vietnam. with W .-

/keen atad stand for cub. Rato, lam Peim W first le.:er BEA( MONT. 221 N'. Clark St eb, ca:es

WANT:TIN-Ad:re. of Manufacturer of Electric Candi- NILlune. or w.II buy --eurs.1-tan I Rah ie

meet he la ••I condltion. WALTER 310,k, Fa r-mount. Washirwtoa. .1.1;

WAXT::I) Tt) BUY-Small Hand Organ. Write .1L KMITIL lintel Alhs.ny, Denser, Colorado. .en./

WINTL:14-Camusel l'•rte of all kinds: rowel le In drat-clam harm 1 ales hare Merry .Go•Ito..ed

Parts fur ,ale at a hargalei. J. I'. GLEASON, 1,0 W NtathInri. n Ft. Athens Oho,.

WA.,71'711, rt-r--Rm..11 iland Organ. Write A 11 :Oran. Hotel Alban,. Denver, enter.lo. 30017

FILM C_%IIIVET-T..-reel cor.nUes. N• rr-crritti (Ni. 1201 P. Lincoln. Nebraeka deel:

WANT.:1)- At oree. Una-Fork must be and worth the money. IIFI.ASCO THEATRE

Walnut Seetau, 'Trout.

WA NTI21 t en,. Una •Fon: must he chmo. and worth the money. rio-tetv THEATICl

Walnut lepringe. Tegu.

Ye' TI.2e Sial Order Novelties; trample* lowest e holewile peke., prupoolUona: Imprint Circulars.

etc leATTK, E. Foxboro. kluesehusett•



l'AltTN ER- 1750. wanted; • liming OUR AM; salary, 112.1 O0 eerily and quarter toter e

lliiN A Flier. rare The Billboard Chicago. I

PARTNER WANT1•11 wItly capital, for ezenelsnalI •ttrartly• araUfftwaent wow...Mon fof Park.

mg eushere rmore plata p el; and gond note." made .1d.trere teliNTILACIN Pit. 1813 Brudeae Roomy,. Nor Yoga

PARTNElt. artth cero Innuaand. flee hundred dmia, fr beq. pa Ire pourilllon South; finest hotel, 40

room. elaborate,' furnished; naming picture menu facturke rempany in cennectIon: boating all' to ball. 1,111Drif parlors rennected Address JACK MeWART1N, Rog 161.2. Tampa. Florida_


3. WORD, CAIN NO ADV. LESS THAN 29). - - - - - --

3014VIXO PIrruar nxtitarroas. AIIINTION 1-11ela bard chit. lime. min tom be pie:hosed (nee

LIGHT ('I), 400 Third Lye, Foul. In decZT

_ 13, 1919 I he Billboard 49 ^

.!.. itn, I lu • !h. eat of b. 'wood to • ...IV ,,..t .4 Tale.

now. 5 Itl.lieet tea. Pe. Turd .%tr . Peoria. I.iiilu4.dn•27

THE pa,1,34 13NY•ACEINLENE te the only gr• c+1 the novice this piaula elnerlrity; no

ern. ,, •r rahor required; eminent at hos than ble i• or %ante for parebulara. TILE K A, 11131Aat

LiGIIT Jo. 140 ThInl Ava, lillnoba. da•27

Films for Sale-New Ie WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e.

putn ii .E Teo HEEL. 11.t.Nit P.O•sloN 11-OV. $125.09; four -ron-1 Pa...Jon ri.,.

teat ma liner mew fi' the le.11.1ao. 131.s.W(71t111 OhM >At IL5NIfik Ellsworth 111.1g Chicago. du20

111.1ITP. -4. &Monde Mete.. Alsolutely bent roundup ;Mauro III lit mane. har tome. Has

wage ..pep'' and scene.tIonal mums eau all the no. c. then /emeaural All Ores gear., l‘leLiterNie.

FLACHANG17, 1Zu Goldut Cate Aonue, Ilan• nitwit.... alet-20

hpalTs. vary reasonable. on emir«. 5-nel Gault% Feature ever produced: regular. Piq-

ue rd. >ones and Evans. the oratorio,. California tons«, line of advertising. INDIEJ1INDENT SiLli EXCIIANIIE, 120 (,olden tie?. Ate. aen Fran-law. Crallternia. de 30

- -

Films for Sale-Second-Hand da CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 73c.

AllOCT 75 REELS FEATURE t3 seven eels. tIn• rundIllun; extr• good +Libyan.; litho-

ratin : pergalue for qulak tole. ;1.3 Leg. C3Ionatou, 01510. der2tl

1115a1CO-In 3 reel% first-dew eliepe: y ggad pauLtot Banner., 53 Pentarintx. p.enty

raper tor Lade 11+.4.147. cheap, a sell trade for in •Ikor ABILUL Butler. Ind.

1111.74T.eii: lumis elloW ijuitting bud-«INA 14 trauma,. >Ingle anal 11u1-

...,.a. Lad +cline u fie ash. at greet aerrlbre. Any darreer egat• Peony arid partle-talon sill be mailed prunaillr NATION.iL 1.11.A1

tity, dca.27

bit; BUSGAIN Tea Ntlie In • Par Itrom. reel.. Inlet .Y•ellnon. 1ko ma. 51:5

East Lynne. 6 run-la., par.c t r tidal a. Ille 115.10«: lave 3 mi.. ,illtLeo Ileac oth.r rum fo oak, Wrl.n fur nt. II a. Il. It. JOHN.

5...• P. it, oar. U . • 4.23

FILM FOR SAI.E-The fnruttn; Ericurec with 311 ad...easing Dialler 11en a and the Iniun.

5Ienon. theory d Edwin el 1 sire ot. Lent, of Landon. Tho Itec-eal Earl de a o.1 k es anill oil en? of the foe le.3. 123.(1) en.h. Will .11117 C. O. D. rules.« to eiendentlin reavana et II4 ee depoalt if eurvih:e tIt'e •-unett.1 ea.* erle ode. A IL r.r.mta51. 3t. Putter healing rtirrnn,ham. Atablerne de

FIVE I.REEI. ColtEDIDI, Dramas; ei-ar, mender. Mend $3. baPnre. .0 0 D. tee. e'e

earn., tattoo. FILiNK IL 71101.... rION. Leadmtne. Wisonen

FOR SALL-4-114e1 Feature in perfert cond.tion: tun:wt.-le aloe featuring the Great Craven.' Seel

aw that Is r-albut a ralillen dollar. of publicity. J in The Ilan Ftuna We.',

alth in three. and IS one.eht.s. /..53 •lll o lii oe denott Patent.. C. O. I.. re • n 1 examination.

MACK. 115 W. It st . Non, Yen.

FOIl SAIX- 3 1.1"ele reel• /To: Pew di SO :eta them LEWIS KIGGINS. Mteerm •

liC•NC•FiLil males et.1 Wen oft. pll -t.'e. eleer. Ilke tow or nor I • I,: Si bane. 15'17E17 II.

P t‘rtatesr.4., 211 Mutual We Lltdd buffalo. Nee Tel :ant

bil.P1.11Le 11T 111' P.STIr -Cieneill.e. Wed., • 57 00 t•., Tlea: Feature n, on

••tIterallutt gruaranteed biome rettioled Rana« ILL EAVE11.5N 7411111ALS. Ihantaile.


For Sale, M. P. Shows Se WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LEalll THAN 2511.

lee M RUTH Profeeda al Sloping ¡Inure M•Alne. Pli'. teurtiim. everything neoreeary lo out a ern,-

eau all male, et,ng picture ruerhinna, new ini I--built. Wr1 ,• for lid. IIONARCII ruAt e4ntvunl. Dept. TIC.. 22$ 1.131an Ana. Mas.' :SL,, Terror/ma .47121

2d Hand M. P. Access. for Sale Za WORD. CASH. NO ACIV. LESS THAN 25e..

• 111.1tEle of .11 miaow of Itoent Pireure ILA-vnit•-• at poor. Law than you run bur elsewhere:

na.i tot uilt eL•apiett Ilachlure rot Kea or *Mall tuttn u S la low in 133 43; Mea.. nWet& t..para sal F5.1.ung Chan's: 11'm for ro rani as I, a a. $I OS per reel; we bay end Mleta noel be theatre mid emit nnta • SlitlA PIWP::RTIES CO.. 31.. Ivelawate 'w Iliaemet.

• aiNla IN SIISTIIaN ri(*ruut: 5tAt"IiiNh:s a% 1" rn7ItlIorliCONte-Ne. liower el-A. until.

drto. two Melon:ph Theatre bled, nan. 11wre 6 old 15•ao FAIdtaltIon and TO • -11••• nea mat enter roa hit.., with relearn or elniria- light: Marla light ilarhIn.., laud reveral ether bargelne; Dieo lying i'elctuna 13eht A erin14i.'s,, alit, InV.n. -t ten..., ami high prewar.. dLoocreg loy ner•Ilve cave; cat $113 0..; pen.. $511 to. Hlnga-

I 'Wei at iltt..0 lo 5.10 Fit.. Flea Leaure. .1ntaarnenvent atni Patriotic 154.

..++51 15 1.1va_ tonne now Italceekan. combined toro. •nd Dotal Clain. with elearlral niollome -1 1

I., to, ids 0... Pot tar•tol new. I .... h. f"" SATitiN.51. Et31•115MENT en... leg t.V...?

iiirblian lit.. %lunatic Illuneree, alaril

- %it &each Print on .I3fe of '1 "... : lam new: $15000. Tenn% 7150 Si. lei

73 Near Aerie,

111•171tA CRAMS from war camp. 11..1 a' «3 ouch: Ile Elm+. Itarl.. >crane. Me. tit u( cot J. 17. .R11)INGT1EN. N./ante,

11tioa -ands aler13

%INETT los1.1.51tr+ take.. a•ne 17anaer's Iai ,'.-r.,,Ifl, itictletiln nv«;

Pr.t rl • • ana11.10..; new len•; $15 testa. i• A4irm. ti It 141.ACK, 11.e let. weliatoe


11111'..V• Ton 3 t'.5 rnt-.1 'tuna %Ix NO. 5 Powers. one Illotlearaph. far ir nr , e

Camara,. live Spotlights. Iwo Portable flax, a. en hundred Ilein of lila,, em.• g them tome very gun (enures; Cationic 111a•ket• 1.141‘ CrtIlr• I. Corulacers rut 1.enres II. O. whnidtate, 31 WIncLasto St. Itonton. 31aualineetta. Jan3

Ytta KALE AT .5 itiltrlAIN-Csne Preeer'e eutattletr. marls:nee and

r•o an.-•. ere iln rea v it. • bare•Ist at Out rrar. set t•.‘sron: rite.vm-at. Savolor.. 011ie. Georgia. dart.,

GAN NIAKINt: rarrilT. elth hurt,.-.: f ar and ether; In N..' •-•..11t1..1: Sleet.. T110.I. L. FINN.

Fatia, Near York. -

31.5E7, OFF:fit -1 1er'ot l'rojeelha earls in.• ta3rtaiton. E. leatesa « J. A EittAlN. Peru. I:

10V1.170 1.11•11 M51,11:1434- All reakru: ' for Ilg. cIOJIN r>1)111'1U:

ItIrmlnotene. Alabama- don.

MPPVINll IiirTCHE MArILINIOS-Irltms. %Ueda Lanni Cr.t.itesenty ant erupted,. Road slain... re, us- noN

COYLE. tee Ilahuaung sc. Canton, tildo.

1.11"11"rd; 210 00 Un Stenagelrons. t!Itka, tlava. istuff.e. Riait sham, law,.

31.11111.• i,ought. Flu,. l h5ern. Ana centre.. Now lock do 27

Ft.WF:It'S 5 MACHINE rentarte. anew"; Panacea 6 Ilechandain, Shut. Camera. 1,30; Trloel, 15. ILiT.

ll7tie /toe Nut•

-Su.t cannier; harh ins/tulle% mete an.I stereo Iona.. stand. •rc r`loata ..

rewlmicr and flu, reran t4 111n: fin tali,. all. V n• 31.« Iron! h Ilerhanivm. with Om .15th r. ravel ar'i. 10.1 restroier. ron,tte. Oil. tee zee all Ito. atell • 01 t li ma for u it utl 0.4, 1,1/NAI IIAIICANIES. 751 lets, Ape.. Ilat«.1 penn.,Hen•,

wAvrro- Monteath I amnheae, 11.112 main 31. GILLNIIIN.T, Shin Inaota^e. In lace

n chine. avoided«. 1121 00; enchant Oreproof 1.11m

liewInd Ilan. 120.1e. ortc-eithth h. p. D. I'. %lead, nrfect mwolitlea. Ito AL•o have two-h. p. Motor, ir it., ilo you.; It o empty Reels. :Ste Men- Aot cuickly. Ii, R. JOG:5 ,10N, 515 11. Dearborn st , Chicago. doe20

W.LVTED--Ilmenz 11..tare Maohloot and Pert. of •111 twy moot. 5Vhat have you/ Wy..27.T-

12lN MOTION PifT1, 71E 1:031PANY. Denville ¡IL der20

WAN-riza_r-a.• Set-r.,14-Ifantl Mur-Ing Firtnre lector or Machine mph Mazda bight; (tamp for

mil. S. IL. Goseral IltIliery. Greenville. doer]



Acrobats At Liberty Adwietisementi. 25 words, tree if chill..

AT LIIII>ri-T idem . wee and comely anitaile .51.: Torte: de Keeled.. FiltiltT.

sta.t.e. :it ln...tur tot,, Ketrion. IYAr•

ev.litir›0 tumult-1%s giant acrobatic feel law" rtul sensa.letal equillbrie: a Me few ure f ros at -

're - -o, 1Y 17th te.. Detroit.. 3liehlgan.

TIIY. LA CRC/IX-Lady and gent: two dlEerent nov-e'ts &Ma: free aureola,, fa indoor earrCeale, en-

enettlote. candour celebrations, eaudeell'e: roloonable r, on. 1301 Walton Are.. Et. Wayne. Indiana.

+11-1> • •-•-•-•-•

SINGING DISTINCTLY The recent revival of the Gilbert & Sullivan operas suggests anew

two thoughts. One is the unfailing charm of their scores and librettos.

It Is a truism to say that no one nowadays wrUes such music, music that aticks in one's memory pleasantly and permanently. It has grace, charm

anti aimplicity, and it requires no elaborate musical education in order

to b.• appreciated. Perham, the term is inapplicable, bot there is a quality

in it which can be described only by the word "human," and that, per-

haps, in the secret of its longevity. Of the lyrics there is nothing to be

said. It has all been said lung ago. The phenomenal and almost rie-

ternatural dexterity of the rhyme is only surpassed by the fact that every

verse makes sen•te, has a point an-1 is sound idiomatic 1:nglish. Like the humor of Dickens, the fun of the Gilbert Jingles is undying not only be-

cause they bear the stamp of genuine genius, but also because the situa-

tions and conditions they so successfully satirized when they were writ-

ten still exist and will always exist.

There is one difficulty about their appreciation, and it lies in the

fact that they have to be sung articulateiy and heard intelligibly. One of

the most disappointing features of modern inusual camedy is that no

one ever pretends to actually articulate tho words of the lyrics. The actors

mouth them, anti if they do creep across the footlights at ail are instantly

drowned by vociferous orchestras, l'evers from the variety stage are

not so apt to offend in this particular as their fellows v:ho h: not had the training of the vaudeville theater, where distinctness of utterance

is an absolute essential to "getting over." It would be excellent training

for everyone who sings songs in musical productions to take a g ..aduate

course in (lilht.rt & Sullivan. If they can get out the full \•alue of songs

from "Pinafore" and "The Mikado" a diploma should be issued them.

There is some consolation, however, in the delciencv of clear pro-

nunciation ti, far as the lyrics of the contemporary musical shows go. Pew, if any, of them are worth either singing distinctly or listening to

patiently.-FINN MacCUMILIILE.

111 151PLEX. POWER MACHINE+. all epos; ilead• nee 1.000 opera (Tale. b K. 55'. lianln Converter.

24•In. Eifeaust Yana. 220 von, three f wed. Padre I Tatum rte.; I) C. ran, Itraa Ratline: oery.h.n: to otter. • theatre. MIT". ei E. eC11.1141 1116. : 7 :A Wabash Ave 1111nolc de 77

Theaters for Sale or Itcnt 2. WORD. CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN 25e.

MOVING FOR It oesiio t toeing picture rue:bloc.: 1.-art cd rity:

lane elan: INT11 14••• of ouvoirry; he fan.; lioso; b•1 enut-as half

R7iI.TY EXcel.iNGE. Tel Stain IS0, natl. tilde.,

snow si:Artvu ror turViatEl. 55.1. TWELVE; ear.. end !tale ...decal: rver laaadelan a".• price. iJ.. 10/: br wad in thirty des:

other busha..... 1.1.emtee. (Iklahoma.

Wanted To Buy, Films te WORD, CASH. NO AD, LESS THAN rs,

"I•oLLARei ANI) -11» N Irk Ttme -1",„,../. M., Ito." ".1•.-an. se Hut keel." ;

glee. 50 I'll Anita -1 file. end Palhe Colored Films J 11 iwiTLE. %Pert.. Olon, oat. dart à

WA '5 TM) - - laultotr1.1. Edo. 1:1011.1. Acrlonitural. Commercial •nd Scenic !Mona In A•1 crolithn.

tone carbide.. In tiro letter. NIPFON AS..t1C1 5110N. _003 ii. ii.i IS., tlecaeo de.2.0

WII AVD SFLI. new and necept Tsui Film, and Negotha. IN EILII CORPURATIoN.

72.• 7111 An.. New 5 ore, Jan!'

Wanted To Buy M. P. Accessories


5toviNri rit-re ILE TIIIEATIII: . '11 nt Its. St - State pew an -i ramalltIon. LoVLY, SZ,(1 E. 161 Rt, Sea York

Agents and Managers At Liberty Advertieseeseb. 2$ weed*. tree ef Meares.

ADVANCE itiEN-r-Dnent. -Cie yean "aneit.n.m. ennui and tItattleal: redabl.-. bru't'. CILLA ear, Billboard Ogle, Chlre2o. 1E:nets. .5-1 MUVIE: ILLNAGE.i5 11 -ht a, erierace:

rEt-all e rear.nanc; kw« lernee thuroachly; rellable met osai llYntlr, It K. DEAL. 210 515, 30.0.

Nerf -3k, tleginle.

ACTIVE. Yol:NU PERLICITY e'Lls, rennet al.h Ad aunt," n; all a u "doll ens, ln

tobby of Isere. MiLLJAIL CLAYTteN, Get. Ind, Puffer, Nov Yank.

ADVANCE AGENT AND ItILLFUOrTER-Wante to connect with abow or revue that tail rover :inch-

western AM«. met wresaL rtiLL.rosillt NO. 6. e..h. The Billnecarat Vinentodi Ohio,

AT LIREGTY-Jain on ale: tranit e a r /1. n.; ul'airet or inrk any ittra.:In THOS. ASTON. Bolan


.*.T LIBERTY F. It REF -lane. bout wildcat, use trush. Move enter,: no al e with me st my «-

peen. SliteC PIX)17L}.% Ill Cester Valdergrifc. Poor, ̀Tanta.

AT LlltlatTY - A ai te puai, or mane:at'. Ont.- nIgn.rr or ,littdeTIPe who.: Soo' In. loderantent: reliable

a-A J ei Sil (KW. il..Crnen Mons. St. Toed,,. tilo.

AT t IBlatrf Folt THII FIRFT nuac IN 6 Ylltalts -12 years' experience a+ veneer of vau.lealle 4-4

',Limo honer.; aill gu avywhere. JAMES AILVETTE,

MOTION PICTUR77 VANACETt. Wide writer. naol wan; Ka, 30: faennerty ai l, talv; twee. Conerr,:

widen ronnection with Ent-eau house AL •o •••• sn 15.1 Lincen alt Wlo-ao•Itaree Pa.

m%N.1")It 1 Ma It ANIelAvcr,:it AT 1-11.1: roe., n 1 tearing% f I 11•••••••••111. In Pana

THE.5TRE If.V.V.O5ER -Iirea reliablet lance hate it'. done In the leveh; win loceic small tono, O. E.

C11.1. Iv* Orecaa Novc 5valcv

,5P t11.511.3+; oit litTlitv: 51.5N.OIER -Veers o( gerfrifilbef: worsted own theatre+. 1»air-

log often. emmotse. PIC.: Satre all n•eentlitle CLIP-1111111. 15.5.1 No. Clark. Chkago. illInela.

VA 1:1.a. \ 11aI, T1 tEATER IAN.10 ER-10. ..1.. lots leery wet. aleo rial [exiting,. Id Years' v+Ivta

ono. aalary 1,-mInal; Iorate all.Vatiere. C. IIAN. 2.113 ifietilarul Ave., Cincinnati. (Ala

5 Ai I71.5 ILLL 011. HE Ileums MANAGER --lifue of eminence; operate.] 0.12 theatres. Look-

ing the,: leannae, etc.: bane all entantela dab, l.31 No 'lark. Chicago.

Wine Nt.12rio A IDIAL LI5E %CULL ILCNAGER FOR THEIR THEATREI-Ereage me and reel roe

bustles, gr..; n'-ont bnster. 1.1.131;.NE 3.110.1 S. • oi Eranklin Ann, Kalem, Minot+.

Bands and Orchestras At Liberty Advertleeessels, 25 weeds. free of thane.

‘it•rtia •tchait-t L..tnATtrs 1431.5L IT.5LL5N acktpaa. 16: s ito,utm St.,

New York Iltv

Billposters Al Liberty AdvertIsemmes. 25 words, fee if charlo.

.5T LIBERTY -11111poster; for arnoon 1910. E. W. Boa VI, Amory. 51.1mOsippL

1.-1 Hey. t sts1J.Elt IJ Itl.:L1,511LE RILL-posTEit. oho can construct billboards arid man-

age plant In tain of thirty thousand; references. O. G 1111•ItRAT. itlrhrnnnal. inalla.naa

Burlesque and Musical Comedy At Llberty Adyertlwannts. 25 ward,. IWO if Carle.

.5T LIIVERTY-To penance nt) crIsInal Loral talent. minsuo a and comedicet lea! beetle on

Peredagn PILODLC1311.. 17 lienaeorthy Ave.. Glans a ale vow li.rk

.IT LlItERTV---Chitnie.r or namely: no numbers: stock engagement: only tala.: wife, wardrobe and

dore. PEOPLE, 123 Cislrr Kt, Vaualergrirl. I eloaly•nia.

1.1.:ICT AND EIGTTY--Cleor muslati comedy team Man, renal, a, bong. dance. Instrumental 'pedal.

On; groat:ice script bills. number% Woman. Meanie. character., chums Plan, of wanirt be. Soulbuet trvierral. Gen. Del Kentirity.

1.11ARAITER COMEDIAN-Jew, Dutch. real good h.q.-Kra,. ere.; are. 27; 22 year.' experienet L

NEWMAN, rare billboard. Net York.

le•EATERE PRODUCING CollEDL5N AND CHURLS GIRL-11a•I wert• men. Jew. arentri3 ani

black; read lines well; pest eanhole; salary. $75. Joint W I 1.1.1..ULe es WARD, Gen. Del


Flilt1T-CL.CS8 CllIii..OLLN -Jew mud artal‘b spe-ial-ty; Just out of Ilearbe Core.: 1.11iTt nn countries; un-

',inane manager... Icy el' 1'. NO1113B. JR., 5023 Stewert Place, Nure•o

11.5WAII5N Sollolier. ON NO5 32..TY a musical show:

ewe all; stiarr. W-‘1...K.Eit, Ctn. Del.. (7.ns:end

WAYLAND le POSeNTER-ttingle. double. aporieltie. totnealy, b',.. blasa', rube, kid. docent:10 r.oreltr

e-71'..",b. COZ. h+ti rPeciet3 gal leads. A-1 elem. $-0 15 Lanai-en Ave.. Watt P131;a-

..einhia. Prnnnylvenia,

LOLNU ILL\ -.5 lean; blond: natant. 150 Ile . necond comedy or snail pule; hIgh baritone were'

harmentze anynler. ii. L. K. G-n, Dei.. Cin-anomie. Oltin.

Circus aid Carnival At Liberty Agwrihergeatg. 25 ward., reti ar

AT IalblEliTY-Performing louse cats ••1•1 veno.:3-mil in, 110MT WI. 1,13t. Hope Arcane..

AT LIIIIRTY-For era-ua and Mat Otero. South. ete 3 deny art% slack wire. caballing and bal wing:

la ty and otee. CLARK AND suzvarrr.i. 1108 S. lone St , Panda. Minot%

AT LiltEltTY-Ortenal Juggling Raymund. weed'. baton Juggler in a novelty teLoo otterinli

rettehte •hre.• nn.r. VIrtory. Harriman. P.

AT LIBLIITY--1 ,aute iAO,, for 13:0 mouton in carnival. to loan Huff*. u( contx.slun: prefer early

nerialnr. It. Si. RESSEIL. It n 4.14. DernIson. O.

AT LIBERTY- Ban, Chandelle. Man; 12 years' az-preen e uPh the largeot cirrus.% ILAX O.

71..51-.., IKE 1.27 11 .1'ertra Aar. Chl,uaro. II Moe

AT LIFERTV-Men sot .1ft% with atabe dace; no pie or plat? em: >duet/1111z new; ealief or Pelt-

eentate. 11 IL M. .5Iton iloteL Salt Lake Et eh.

AT lalliERTY-Poronuing house eats and rewrite. rode work. DIRT WILLIS, Collage /Iota. tinge

Cif PA I EMI:IT Olt ENIEE-TTL110551N.; AICIC LOCAPI.:-For ate+ %how or earnest &twine ratt

• a'nt .• 11 77NRY. New Driven, La

EIRE KATIJI.. 3IAGICIJLN. LEITURFR-Open for work: to d owl?. 'Rutty 171

"' • e ' . Pro Id n-e Ph de 1.180.1.

Juice ItElaCtICK-7Wr mountee. Phanornbind hand t z'an r.: e-eu tu join a'. at partner No., Mill

Merl. 7 h A e. end 23h tO , New York City,

3113 511A.NICAL MAN twt WAN kiln 1tE. -A-traction for br:ly.h,.. Yr. de-Plo or t.`11t !h.,: at liberty.

+571 111% NAEENI ANN. f'eneral Delivery. Atlanta. Os.

Nt1W !WOKING Indoor •nd .utal an re.ebrallons 3 acts. 'dark vac, Pin& re.

ledy ml c,'-t. t+17INT:TT.5 .5N1.) CLARE. 110; S.

WANT JOB-Winter quarters of any biz drew oc thestrtral truffle or bud, ina venter: een 4.

anything In p•Int llee; go anywhere; «aim?. $30 eg •-, MARTIN. 502-A W. 21«

Itt.. Kane. Mie•nri

Colored Performers it Liberty Adverilsetneels. 25 wens. free et (bane

AT LIM/TY-ale*, IL Bruton. playwright. Ono durer. ate., ner. and droll croodlan: wen

Pi au anal alancd. plen, otyor treovnel. avroalv; Wary your Wet. 325 .5va. Can n

o, rat-Milk

l'OLORFAI TRAP DRCIIIIKK AT LIBERTY-Read Play bell% Won, etc.: rumple+, outfit GEORLE

IrcArif .5ndero t' --,th CaruUna

Dramatic Artists At 1.Ibarty Adviellsements. 25 words, free a thane

1.1lik.T.TV-Frank and Erma Was': Inert-Dew: mug.' buaLneee: stem-. Ilne inie•

i0.1C general bovine.: In-et of wartirobo Gen. P..'-'•,' Yoh ;rev York

5T IINLRT1 rumen an ; can play any er••• h•••,.• •r eau for; for leadn arid

heaviee; automat actor. E. P.UtES, Mande Weir. 5(alden. 51 eseerbtaal

gALE- Geed LUNA. with releum burner. gen. ante. ealerater and hoe,. 110. IL It. GRAN'

11.1 ShIfihmeanie, Indiana. In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 50)

50 The Billboard DECEMBER 11; 19.1

Aft* LIBERTe-3(ara, W. lead* ami characters: wife It for characters and gen, bun.; dwelt@ Permenott

at'v'it or week-steed rent, no one-Meters; reliable. »Wagon'''. write. DOUGLAS C. ILICKAYE. rare The Billboard. Cineinnati. Ohio.

.07 1.111ERI 1 --Charemeti, rhararter comedy and gm. hog.: draina or mandrel remedy; high baritone:

reliable; euga•rlented. RICII CRII ANDIIIAN, 49 Johnson St., loon. Ibowelat.r.t..

GAPT MAXI" ORD ANDEILsoN-Innetee general business; Bezel Penmen. leads. plenum. sceserai

bushels: wardrobe. appearance, ability. 42 (loan? en_ Teeter. Canada.

rQ)UKIr V t 'A L 7-Fidte piano; lady and gentleman; have ph-tme marfilne: all around je-

ple; %tale salary. ele. IL tcrAltES, 4420 It Clinton rit Syracuse. New York

GILttl: 1.11.AND--Monond or Om. Due.: ago. 10 teem' experience; no eporieltiee: Wield. managers

emir ; salary. your limit. N'1 leona. III

JEVENILE LEADING MAN- light Comedian: time stelattlen: age. 24; eardrele. anteroom.: Mate

Aln en wire. .1. LAWRENCE NoL&N, Van' dalia. Illeourl

JIGY K 110tIAN-Generel burbler., earthing mat for: am, 38. 441 W. McCarthy NIL Indlanapoll4.

Miscellaneous At Liberty Advertiettaineb. 2$ Werde. free Magee.

RI.KPTRICIAN .1NO esPIELItit Thu men. at thrill. S. rt. K, e3.1 11•111mme. Iteltlmore. Meryiend.

(1P`P.ItATEl) tiViN TIIFUTI:Itio, landing Ono, teas-elling cotenant., preene,r nerd vaudeville ante; all

mew labs; original guourg.gett Ina g rom. trr. 4•1-11,-Fenn). lard N Clark St . Chlraan. 11:111.11..

ttPERATI, ...a theatre... I...king nth,, treeling ercopany, promoter and vaudeville riot;

usIginal grom-gettIng iromoor. want.' me/ 1531 N Clark. tldrago.

TOENG MAN. 21. snob., to join any Mow; mane experiosee; do meelaltie• will ano offer.

%%1 LL1AM DANVE1Lw. rare Er. Canto. reoctoo. N. J.

YOUNG MAN-32; fine pereesehty; wants pnaltIon in theatre: till dn nmgh work so begin; no4 much

eldarramwe; willing to learn. M'IL SOLON. Dog 32 Values. Oklahoma,

Musicians At Liberty Advertisements, 23 reeds. tree et

A-I CORNET1t4T-To Iffluar all tinter; double alto or leaps MI aniCIAN. 1701 ta. 2,1 N., st. Lotqa,

If kennel.

A-I DREIIIIER -fined render: long ealletowe: rim. tire.' emit; 1,11.: 10 ale; peen..l r vaudeville

top salary; go anywhere. DRUILIEER. 3elmourl.

AT LIRMeTT-YloUrdelt experienced In orchestra, vaudeville. ele: trawl anywhere; West preferred;

double, on cello. EDWIN COIll'ASS. Gem 11..1. Itrooklyn, New York.

Al' 141tERTY--Cornet, It I O.; parts, ebuselng spe-cialties: rem. show prefortel; Texas. Y. C. VET-

TER. 1212 Tracy, Konen. City, Ifigeousi.

AT LIBERTY-Piano Player; doubles trombmse; mate beet salary: prefer location. PON If. sliANKLIN.

care Gerrard (breeds Platens. McGregor, T. eau

LIMEIITY-813 bun player; intendant music; want, le heat. in Florida or eallfrenla: will work at

'Aber work also; married; reliable; union. Il. E. od4 W. >th St. Oklahoma Illy. Oklehme.

AT liltERTY-Mble trombone, solo,: Turiddi Musette. What can you offerl Wei man; lone,

or road show. D REX. Ilvromend. Indians.

AT LIBERTY-A.1 ham drummer: flouts? Iske face tory band: IS >vane experience. JoILN Li/Nines.

AT LIBERTY-4Ornet; A. V. of >1 ; drones steady mullion in theatre. N. e. HELLER, 621 IlelOy

St.. Columbus. turin

AT LIDLIITA-Mr. and Mrs. It A. Mehl*: Manes. Ammeter,. and general bonne.; thoreughly expel-

ercevi In sleek and rep : you name naja,). Florenee, Karat

AT LIBERTY-Drummer: lust left tie Dixieland Jags Bend; will go •nyhhere or Join any rued band

elitEitT IIEE. 31341 W. Jackson luid., Apt. 4. M-emo. Minot&

CLAILLNETIST-A. V. of IL: enterleneed in all Ill,. W. R. HOLCOMB, Cenerall Delt.ery, Lta

Angeles's, Chaffed&

CletILINFIT VI-AYER-1We plated In erne .e the beet organisation. In the Mate of Utah": furnbh

the best cf refereners t.. A. Ilaelitr:ALD. Van-couver. Usel.tortcn.

CORNETIte AT LIBERTY Pull IIILATaL ült-tritEKTF-A-A. P. et ; nouire metre of two

week, Addre, MoRNISTIST. tIro :›13, Belton. TeX.

DRUILWElt-Wsfe. tick. t. or eontrodeni: eaperltnezd; for amoral 102e. .1. W. J., 1311 McKee St.. Del.

lo', Tersa

iLtRPIST AT LLBERT1 -is open for engagement. nAarner. core l'he Ilnelimatl. Ohio.

IIARITST AT LII1ERTY-D torn for Inaagenhoth Add,,'.. HARPIST. (owe ItIlllsoard. flnainnati. 45.

J. LAWRENCE NIPLAN-Juvegille; I;Zeting men; eisorteeent meets: thee epoialtles: hest of nerd-

erse: arnearanee; age. 21 Wire Vendetta, hin.

JAZZ erats-rrier-wt.i., br le.wte hlth dance or. cheer.: nonunirn, hut will /oh.; >blare wanting

lam Irene. FRANK It. HAYES. Iest Webot. Ave., tillnolt

LEAI/ING NIAN-Clooratler or lureetli. rtIrtalne: fee scripts: permanent etork or one r -» preferred.

MELVINE ARDMORE.. Cooed Delivery. Buffalo. Nee York.

IIANO AND ISIILMS-Pleno, double rornel; library; drinnewn 13. & : Plain Part+. meelelelea: father

and met; Mate edam: joint only. fitttrWMAN. Werthen. Bernd*

PIANO PLAYER--Mants engagement; read, fake, trompose. rue and improvise; repel toron]: vaudeville,

musand manoly, pictures; location only. 110X 213. :mower. Indians.

PisiNIST ANI) IMEMMER-Igrom•tlee pbeirm re/f-reely: top eatery house, emly, or would el.:tenter

etto, nark; Central or South Texas preferred. iffelAN. XIX E Oak St.. ruching. Oletehosna

TRAP DRI:31131}31 Al' ILIIIMTY-Tal, home, snits-reel; growl» or havor: union: no hello: ata.e

ten. Write I'D telltRIGGE. K. I H. Heel. («hake beer Wee Virgins&

!OLIN PLAYER -Deem permanent molten: pic-ture theater. middle New York; erne/leveed; A. E

of If. DePOREIST VANE1T, Ohara. New York.

Movinff Picture Artists At Liberty AdvertIsenrenta, 23 weeds, free el eharam

.07• PIrture wile.; will loin red moving picture /venom,: Mae. Wender.) pee.: will

ri anywhere. A. M KINNEY. Or. Wamn Mt_ Herb. II i;... NrsV York

Operators At Liberty Advertisements. 23 wards. tree el erseree.

A.1 l'IttalLITIttNlerT-I)euno tovrnahent egret; lundie env roUluntent toni ran debt, the

rm.14: b”t ref...cetera. MIAllat SANtill. Dead. ley . litho

AT 1.IIIF:RTI A• I op.ralor: ans, equipment; bwate or travel; lv-.1 ...tare your bust. Al.

GoIllgtrigN. 7:2 %-alleti.. ›.‘ ..rlolne. 1.111.dana

11.1 NI. SI 05, oiat.t4 and atrompaid.t. romwetlen till, find-eta. .andocIlle at; will go

1101%Nhorr. 1.Ettitta: 11.0eliWt a et It,'.,. Mt. betnottr. %litn000n

Vaudeville Artists Al kited, Adnerthemeetr. :S weeds, tree et /bare,

.07 1.111E1671 elem. P. :Unreel for vends rIllo or dramatic; Pie) lawn. tut.' .1.4. <'are

lilliboard. I lore 11.4. 111......

AT anti:ICI -A.I senator; elf,, lease. eed Ph.. AT 11J181,11T1 3 ?Irene' tat -Rite. 2 mot. I 14,13-: orgaol-/- l'erg rvaeffloge...,1 com..1c. nued.•1 ael: 11.m1.1... Ito

erea”: auaraoo, our wore; om ,t 1,,, nomoot o „.„t. obs; ass ehanne. iiraud horn. issue. ihr. time P. It. TANNE1*, POI W. tali Si.. \Illtitolt, mouth Dakota.

AT LIIIEKTY- 1•33vviellsvd otrrah'ei 4141. he. chine; prefer Power. a•lt Monograph or SimPlel:

rriflenre: Inning ro loin unions; ...leer, 91:7$ week. fe2: WInshor. Chicago, Illlutd4.

P. orrauTini-W40,1 like to Patel; Pone'. or Sinutre machine only; ah-r. it; will take msv

salary for the pee.. ta; erne wIre, MR, •111Lt• 11.001 J.W011SoN in; mienelona Se, BroMlen. N. I'.

Teo PICT RE IlAt'lliNE oPINATealeal - W.nt steady Imbues essywhere: mend.. •Il nbarldt,r•:

would itke to near fr..) eonnone. lilt. DERNARD 011 LesN 2, 14 K Prairie Ave.. St Led.. Ille•orl.

TWO STEADS' PICTURE MACIIINE OPERATORS Wi, is ruiphn111.11 ••1.0 Vb Tr write .r mire

111•31N.tRla is DILLON'. L'946 N. Prattle Ate.. St. teethe, ‘11,earur1.

BIOTIC SIIITIII-All amend Parker Swing esiu: M. fur Monday; wife work• tlekete or resenelon. Dee.

12, Zeidenen • Indlle et/V. thm-11 niUth4rde rinds. natl. Ithisr.

Parks and Fairs At Liberty Advertisements. 25 nerds, fete of entree.

DALUNINIST- Yaw land sale& Mouthren relobreiami.; one. two or shrew parachute drops.; demo the cloud

EARL vixcr.r. tralerton. North mollna.

GATIA1R-The giant es robatte frog men end ouratinnal equilibrint; a big feature free at.

trectIrn. 701 17th St., 1/etrolt, Michigan.

AT 1.11ellitTY -Emptien 'laths.; •6.r. Iv; dark hair: nouid Irk.. I., put m:t. L. W. II_ 45.

Illnaleatrun. Now V. tk.

AT till Liti r I hold octet I Mg Curti»; 5,0,1, atila or road olio,. ; do .41n r elm: daemon for tea:

will go !Loth. 429 leth Ao., mot.. ttla,„i„ _ _ _ _

AT 1.1111.1gel- O &tolo‘lho nol.lool In .1). .1'-1.01..1 tri..: rtraWIo.: 'malt. an: 0141.

arr. Mor Ibult, It. W. l'APEIts. Gen. Pd., Okla-homa Mae.

AT 1.110.11T1 -Moen'si set; levelly gwortanteng, connote. during and talking,: lady agn1 pot: no

in ilssenws: earn change; 1.ete umeldoc $.•.altEs. 029 S. aliment se.. ere:n.0 Noe Ands

AT 1,1111:11CM-Jeasan : I. 3.ear•. sheeting, «anklet. 418,1.4En remote-me; f• r .1 lila'. wow' eh.

Minot, thieve Or 1••I•••• or...fermi guar Ilanton. 441 I.o.tley lb000try

AT 1.11e131TY-Cilltls VIIRPM3,1911.21.. pair' and Mlower, neveity etolisw. Mande; mini; nted faker:

M. in ell acts; nid men antl chiral,'r I'll,; h. rk trht omelet. Denier.. n. T. •••••••••

AT LIIII:ItTY-Young men; neat esto•retsec. Iswition slit vaudeville: :4 P. Ileht conenic; mime *alert

«us' l'ahilor Geol.'. write. 1 LIPP l.altFLl. O' IL I. .1. %lemmas.

AT LI INERT -Jau vt...Ini« clubs. to torn tousle. ▪ art: "rear experlenre: inolonnn; willing to

Join It 12. nth . Sr eh tIty.

AT 1.111LICT1 Flvit 1111.010 sllusW. Lety and gees: there oroffly asta. wt.. toggling

end lielanelng: undo noel eon erzimerr.t .v.mb O 1.Alth. Jlotanyt


• •



From the' records, of the Treasury Department Bureau of War Risk

insurance it appears that only about twenty-five per cent of the men who

had insurance during the war are continuing to keep up their insurance.

This is largely due to the fact that the men were unfamiliar with the

act which made provision for the policien written on service men during

the w:-r to he continued as permanent Government insurance. or that

they have not felt financially aide to carry their Insurance at this time.

To avail themselves of the otlyertlInIti to convert their war risk in-

surance into permanent Uniteti States Government insurance It is nec-

essary that the men discharged from service. continue to pay their

monthly premiums, and at. some time during the live years following the

formal declaration of Y.eace that they convert into a is‘rtnanent

To guard against any man losing his right to Government Insurance

the Secretary of the Treasury recently issued a ruling allowing every

man eighteen months in which he has the opportunity to reinstate his

Insurance after lie has allowed it to lapse because of nonpayment of premiums.

This reinstatement privilege should be clearly understood. Fo long

as a man is not paying his premiums he is not insured. Ills reinstate-

ment privilege merely gives him the right to again have Government

Insurance without undergoing physical examination and upon payment of two months' premiums.

There are six forms of Government Insurance, as follows: 20-year endowment, 30-year t•ralownient, 2.0-payment life, 30-payment life, en-

dowment at age of 62, end ord!nary life. Whatever one of these forms

is chosen, there are many features which prominently- stand out in the

Government policy, and every former service man will do well to acquaint

himself with these features, full information of whlch may be obtained

by writing the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department. Washington, D. C.

GEOlIglr. BIGGINS-The areohatle frog nun, will be at liberty for all eagagenseeste after Der- 1311s; two

blg oesteatlenal free MU for parks, fairs and Me-brattotaa 'hermitage Motel. Grand Redd& Michigan.

act.iNinia AND CLARK-Now boating all Indoor and tandem' celebrations; three acts, all fretureer

slack wire, cannon ball Pagan& ehair belameing; lady Mid fen.- ll't S. Adman 141., Peoria, Illinois

Tiff; LA C7.0:7:-Lrely inri lent; Ore «rued areal aetz: free attractions for Indoor carnival& earnal.

lion.. ontnieer cot:la:talon\ van:1.111c: Pelt. rut-»nimble. 13(4 %Vetoer Ave, FL Wayae, Indiana.

Till: IA 4..1.4h.). (Lady and Gentlemanl-Teo ditTeree7t aerial azta: frre arts for indror earnInts., teevel-

Bon,. outd...r eMeratamis, vaudeville: prism res. gemehlen Itol We On Ave, Pt_ Wenne, Indiana

Piano Players At Litmetv Advertseneate. 2) verrla, free at Anne.

A-1 11.‘Ntel-r.:perictord all 11:11-.-.; C. nay GOr Meer K; travel er locale. TIMMAS

core Manhattan Theatre. 1030 Manhattan Ave. lineskinn. Ntw York,

A HEAL JAZZ MANI, II.Artat -lent. of pep; c.a.-!filer toed town where light %ono dnr1112 the oaf

ems te secured. KARL A. YAPP. If; ti,-. M.. S., lontorIn. Cena.4a

AT L"1:72:TT-A-1 plonks': tight reader: trombone: err n-e; hand., any elbow er titi Inein. MM. G.

STELLIUN, Edward,', Dung, Kane. Pity, Mo.

LADY PIANIST-11Dievienned mwde More and >f. IS purer; eelros Iffeettan; eon hour* If theater:

mum CM'. »lac and detalla. It., 401 Ilmetnnet,

Kvierloned: three year,. ,•1 Ito, road: • I. hit the. trail again: sabot' Jouir

Nrelt TO1111 1' It A 1...tngt..n. Kr.

1.1ANIST AT LIBERTY Ins Isom.; work arms; long rag...riffle, 11F;'). It 011.EY, Itornu'ul.

R. toe, No... York

VIANtt PIATER AT LIIII:RTY -Reed, fake trans. rune and oltoglonrod in vaudeville, 'Actor.. nut.

Ideal comedy; rue anl Irnortoloo: torallon only 111"N 213. Mevna or, 10,11000,

AT LIBERTY-A-I Irk& producing romoton: ale» du A•I etralgh.; warelpt.r, lerffloality met op.

pounce: iota of script bill.; mate +Mary; sire ur orb, CAL icv.tsce, care tlillioard. Nos. New l'ret.

BEN WAYLA.N11-4Munng, talking, darning. black. free. rube. Md, evnestele eiumlian; %III min good

mteknl tab.: watery the limit tare Mille Ilueleval tionwely Now lurk.

kIt'ACI: AND nTRAPAIT .tate, 25: 2 yewrn on atin..trol. Menlo t.otenhan. too! Anchlowe, soy

time. Yea. Goo tr., writ, C. O. "Mille" WILLI:. 210 Abbott heel, Kotom. 1•10, Meson d

IlLtchrt• rteNt::.a.tx - Singer, taleer, .loseer; I mahe ilusa go; gor.Ilelne ei,s,o oulc. ealary year

i linen: I rn ke good. IltiSi 1AKE, .tveen.

IILACWPACE COAlleialAN-Wlelem a teriner for caudellle or molest omedy. .11.1IN IL

itcyAggil. r.oç N i'rotral Are . 1%11 ore ›lary:a•ol

.1.1 I k ('Illtlettlf1111/111t \idol gimpy, nory.t) teint nOie Tle,1111/g, 111.11f Delve 1.114 awl ward Ilan of rte.

c'aittlet; raparlenotd; Asi.inea tletniermes. T me. C,

1..111)11; IIENSIIAW &Ph than., ler meanly; e ig. llig and talking Mns.1•11.... WI St. Alne• .4..•••••

New York I liy.

FIKST-41-M4.4 ttLACKPAPE. 11111411. Dunk r-trelte, Ulm* run...Ilan: datner inn

ginger; l'ut on all Moth, fly grin, play iunral lararornenbc, aperlaltInt tallfEDIAN, Gel. Del. liarthu-Y. CennwIlein

RHIN IL:YLRICK-Thennmenal ban.I.Inlaneer and o..en to >ill rammulatal art Mena

Made!): we'th 124 in be'itht. 54: aire. 24 year.. New MI". Ph A.. . 3..h Nee I*.ek mite.

JP%"*NLIMI Lir-taxXL: SIAN Oft W.:Atli-et- 4 an and sin e-orl-: • et for my pima

ea., for. ItEILMEDEL t: loniNsoN. 17.0. E rtor uIt Intrehttrolo. Indiana.

E.RETI:11 -TEAM- -Versatile: man and wire: enacted; chart-lens and etrallehta; perm, me-ism, amt

nm wardrobe: •nttising that pm. DAILY .%SiD MACK. rev 11111111.smet. Iltheint 111110.1.

About This Season's Successful New York Productions

11,11 .111 ON AN," bill e: ATF.1t_ nr gloom, anti 1 will 'Aare faro au.,

%1 1 1.0 NI •laglel,t, i.e.,. V

iii wit• 1.11ADER torlehme. C•111-1-t, I Sim .0. Dunn, ami how

Main, lolaod. Non lork

1.1•FIN bruI tt0011 VA1 l/Fit II.1.11 lilt, 't al•M•11.1.1e it, w're-Ilre rt

P.titl(s. Marble. Way. Ii.liko

einy .tAt. vrnt.%I .rtieN ITli v ,h-tirh reliant« tonipany. ¡daring thew n11

• qt., Ode; • Illith-C1••• il0farry art; ellaude wok•••, I 1. Y. 1.1:115, K, trot Mt. It et

II 0111 NI. NIEN .1...sre tin's'. nab met, ram onageoly; 11‘11111 l'Ircult ne',. ,rar: ra„

as•nlilluf 101111EnT T WORM. INcesh. in31. VI,Inl• Ate. Fairmount. h' l'a

th.CNT ill vandertIle or cabana: lotte he tu lomr4.v .0•1

1..14,61111 rt. 01. V11111. \NIS. thelit.1 0.0o...own l`t1

11-V0. 21, makes up fie many ram; wawa flottboo o- 1.1.1 .,•111•: gene esperteno;

•-b• en: hm.. I. Ye, id, re* aeot edit'. %Si 1..a gm. N ,•_"7 -• 44' Otowane traedotee.

Id NI. ALAN -0, avaelrie. exteriersenl. Ir,, ire analln: mold like to Joe emodelen or neem e

T Ile'er Are, Ittodityn. Noe m, yopt•N11 OLIN In 'elm, manta to Mr With towhee;

Istesperh.ed; height. 3 ft., ln. Wnt "Is N " ..ere IIPIlamet. New Vert Illy

hti %IAN Al' 1.21tERTT-Ree hast ewe emel• «on' In acting: am aettleg to mete be ow

Podld nor. fil hoar from mare retied. .( rern hele' use: plate. all It. I) KL11.1•Nagg. 2 h r it P •

MAGIC AND MAGICIANS Illon(lattell from page 37)

them 'our etery. After that te believe tes.

Yon will wl4h that tine of your polo,. Ideaba ...nthl take effret.

There mera u polmer eater at one time-

l'aistale rri•10. e.e t t'a, hi. tamo-ch,

rant lied all ,.ser the world, hot th,.o .so

..... soy le It •nd what with ti,.

I.., et..., if you do take a do. et polhtn 704 Intent .11.1 an hell let It .10 Ile work mew


PETE JENKINS. 1327 Lind Street, Wheeling W. Ve.-Many thanke for your letter. Let M.

hear from pis stale.


William Mane haw clewed with the 'it Pop To AdtertIve" ',tempi:8y tow touting Ream..

Iles& Leroy Liegerman ta JO Mime »tier a lengthy aerie% .1f illness. Friend.. ran addrews her at 7o3 North 5th ¡street. Philadelphia. Pu.

Mae Goldberg bee bold the )1•Jettle Theater. Tilm,MitafrIOrt. Ill., to • company heeded by O. r. Smith of Chicage. The coelesIderelloo was as proximately P.5.0te.

Ti.. St, .Indreh• Amusement Company. Pam. nut City-, Fla., IS a new eel...ration ortaalred under the la W. of that State, Work Mos terse

Ite new theater ois nett *greet.

George W. Stork lea« elected high mystic cf the Cincinnati Mackinnon' Club for the !north ;Imo Monday peening. 'Demurer I. Ingtelb• *Ion of cancer% will held Jenne., 9.

The Caldwell Amtmenient Column>. hoe Mee Incorporated •t l'afilwell. Tee.. with a carnal 'ration of $2.01.11, T. C. Ett.tar. W. W. Wright •nal i.e.. Gerrett are intereeted.

The lemmtello Park & Aintemment Commit, recent ly he'i'n Inconnwated at Sall Liar

ellY. The eompany I. eaplhollited at allblang td'ha ....rlet...e .M.11111e and Thoga.


I`, I, il.whiltps, lawyer, of Kama. env, bee had • varied enters% tuning been anorroeteeti a farmer, 'earlier, actor, otleattm• and lam laeyer. In earl. line hr ha.. been enierew.fal and hie ratmeity for '' .11111Irk rhang..." would Itn.11.... are, tethtit he 14 ramble of hendlIng • Mg h.

Then Royal Tli rrrrr ltnekfor.l. III., erec teem taken roer by • eyndicete Menled by Pherira irittlb. Rowse Chapman and Ertel E. Menge, chief owner> of thr Palm Theater, tine will take piememdmi J ra.1111.18.1•1••••J. y I many changes are

E. E. Druids, proprietor of the Tokyo The' ter. 3111coluit, ill., roOtrlefed a deal last *me with il, lu, prank.. a% Der of the Itned Theater

y.,ba itowleed, forteserIV emisloYed 117 i;r1It'b•

wherelly (1ml") bet...noon 41% Boy I he I:,•••.

to niaarege Ida new property. 'rite Grand Opera 11,-u... only legitimate Mal.

bemuse In Salem, Il.„ ban been reopened A med.n ern healing gy.teen hew Imm in.ialliel, Darn l'IMIdwrif. • local mendrent, he. takes tee, II. Grand, whirl, will play ireintnsto ai Irai''

in tiAarlesee lteilir :em" Ineeitr 14°4 tl Anti.' of larorporatloa hace Iowa greeted Ft

1,1. tIste Anineement Company of eMot.any in homing e dame hall at Moen,

wistels will Ise ready for oretivallOn J8•11.1r,

Ti.. i tirer Il. i . •ssasek4 liol.1r rr...7l ueeriet,crt;ritr.1 ilea

"n bethltir ic el"rweterre lYalle Thiet rie,t.„1 atte.e tbroverm•teh,r.


Cl""rto:nrovill Ste titel'en... reh"neer7 Tr ibedllsteesen... n'1,11 ‘.1«,e'lett" Idetnee... but will nler) be 51.1.• to lower 1.111 mute 1,..aye,

Noredialione Cr. tinder may for the cote ,d Ile nollotit Thentolt. .lnhetrn. N, A". l'he Doom ha. Previn11.11 14.9$ known oe the Conseil Theater and the Burnet Movie Theater. el. IAA.. 1810. who boll. the >co. on the plane, enial.141.4 11 81 t mole 11" lo two esvelot ern. nun Ii C"

nrin is antotintins tor il t" I.' 11 C garni',

Repnrt, that flftygete per rent leg ofIto'"",the company tChill re...4.1;y hostight tas.

ecoevn I base, Watert•swn :X. V., le on red .1". PI,. l'aragnount Pletnre PopporatInn bond. .olor. to the tenet hliat when the louse la rennemied ils. nee, ...Ilea will Ine!Mt• ItlenttPa OM tell ad the leritininte. 'Ille Mont*. Theater anorler-tr eat, •1n.• the toning of the (Ili il'l 210,11•P. lell • ntitontetrod that etwartm are to 1‘4'

.t.oner via il oeo. hat cti11.1 offer legillusair

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 51

DIRECTORY ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIR JEW. Baker & I twkwocA, Seventh and Wyandotte st;.. Puritan Chocolate Co.. Court st. and Central

, t'.'. n Oi Er,. 741 Illrosdway. New rLine ANo NOVELTIES

'k. ri. riz). Th % l l. Th.' CO.. 1:20-222 W. Mala at.. Louis. Frank J. Schnock & Co.. 1107 Times Bldg., New

le r.

Kama. City. Mo. ave., Cincinnati. O.

a tilt r't v. Ir% he te -,,k. 1 0: w 4,,,....,.. Now York City. E. J. Ilaltirll & Co.. Inc.. DM [Carey. Erooklyn. Touruine l'o., 2.-di Ortureway at., 'Boston, Masa.

OF ADVERTISERS Murder Pro- oil , r.i.; ,, iv. New YorkBroom City. e solielre Seenie Studio, 551 S. Web St., Colum-samplinerInc.. 7'..".J Seventh ate.,N.Y. CANES AND •WHIPS

P ro ,e1 N oe: y C .. 1710 rnis st. elirinnotl, O.

AND COMPENDIUM i.:;.....,:....',.'..r.: '''.,"1..owery Nyt% yom, ci ty. AEA« AND i:A.VY EMBROIDERED Tateker Dtok & Robber Co., Ft. Smith. Ark. United States Tent ar Awning Co.. 2.21i Nhilb

diet, H.

Desplainee yt.. Chicago, III. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave., Cleve-

I. EletewitMn & Co., 691 itroiroway. New York. levin Bros. Terre Haute. Ind.

OP' USEFUL ADDRESSES PENNANTS BASKETS ssirranes i.4,41 Co.. !el.( S. F.Ighth st.. t. Louie Sturm. Ca ..., S: 11. ,, ory. New York City. men Sinr Bros.. ii3 Bowery. New York City, ARMY AND NAVY INSIGNIA AND ti ton Willow Ware Shop., lanrlington, la.

er N. Shure Co.. 737.211 W. Matlieun at.. Chicago. ,1,..r.riiso * .. ' 1 writ exreeding (de line in JF.WELRY NOVELTIES Cod & rernival Supply Co.. 13G klftb ave.. heirth will he published. lirotrly el:twined. in New York City. CARBIDE LIGHTS

,, directory, at the rate iff $10 la iiilaante per nutlet Novelty M 3 i'.... 671 lircvde ay. N.Y.C. D. Marnleint pellet Co.. SIG Progress and E07 The Aka:tatter Milburn Co.. Bellmore. Md. >1•217 In: issUeS I. provelmi they are or !in se. m,,,,,,, r ,, i, ,,

4.1 l'r 'oto o-, N' 3 ork CRY. Ca!Tinter et., N. S., Pit tiihurg. l'a. CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW ceriahle nature. Pr:cre Irndthlt, our >car e eub- ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIRS AND Clothe* Zinn & Co.. $4,3 Droadway. New York. v.ri, lion I.% The ItillI additional ria t

mard. NOV El i ES BAZAARS AND CELEBRATIONS United SSttaate,,TBANNERSeat & Awaits Co.. 2'39 Nerth E, , h additional ilne or •ss,

st.ii What edisciridicn. &;.:.0 in admin.- pm: Aen Sir er ::.ii,_. & "; 01,ity co , 31 Attu St.. Jn-5 W. 3Ireire, 701 Sth aye., New York City. DerplaInce st., Chicago. III New 1n-k i tv

g,.• r,I. tii.e line will he all,."'' o . wed tivertierrsi. free Na' Illooni Pe. S'oth r % . I; a* Vrrk 1- i BEADS CARNIVAL GOODS ty. a .., „,,,.. f.,,. earle ape; ss..rtie . f »meet. need '.01t•r:. Art N... lty 1 v. 1.7 id 75.0 it., New (For Concessions) .imerican All Production Co.. 111 WooPter et..

New York City. Y ra i ,.., ”Indon Dead Cis, 3.51S W. PICO st.. An-ew-tar roc j•••r. ei T.K. iiireoor) to rosi tol and o rrecio 0 weekir. '"ro ro ' SI, 'y ' v. 6.5 Brolilwne. N. Y.C. tries. Cat. American-314dr Stnfft Toy Company. 123 than,' in firm bane. iiici el:it:olio, 1.e.c .: re• s Le' , I:c ^ . ̀-' c « ry. Now York 1. Ity. Mtint.r Eros.. 401 Broadway. New Fork City. Eleeclier et.. New York City.

Ellektrn Toy & Novelty Co., 100 Lafayette ....0 it..le II ..(1%.,1. ARMY HAT CORDS title -111i Mfr. co., Pr vid, nee. It. 1. New York City.

il. .7 I,vin• .1 I. -te., PM 2113,1Pon ave., Ncw BOOKING AGENTS Guotave W. Coin 1 Bro.. 741 Broadway, New

ADVERTISING AGENCIr.s 'kork r lry. Co Operativo Docking Azency. 54 Mead Bldg.. York City. , sz,ott .1 item. Ine. tail derldleatee. 330 W. alent.r Prii... et lisa Ito N.... York City. 31unter Brow., 401 Broadway. New York City. 1.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d st.. New York; L11 E., Madiron s z.,ger re ... S2 nosserv. New Y rk City. 4% el. rn Vande. Monagers' .A.ion., Chicago. IIL

Fotiaod. kt,

e t , ci.b ..s-. BlUNDIE DOLL.S ADVERTISING NOV ELTI ES rt••tanI ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS TII lecoratio.: Co., COS Wept Adonis st o EOOK STRIP TICKETS Saimaa. with With 12.30; wilneut. 11 3J. MUTUAL

I' I .h..II l;:. \ Ili. nnl Ticket Co., Shnirokin. Pa. 1/01.1. Cl/ INV.. .7: l mew St., No.. York VIM U.* leaner Gos.tio Co.. PrJ Spring at... New I• ssitel is..ove s ,,,, rh.ei,,,,,,, r,,.. 2.zy se . 4,,,, W..IF.n. Wi'lares & Lick, rt. Smith. Ark. A • .i.. 'Poore. S, ring 47A.

s• . , 5 ,kaluszer,COth st., NeW York (IV. Paramount I el . her t: da l',.. er ut.. BOOKS FOR STREETMEN 1-„.,:„,., .5...,.,,, ted re,.„. •coi e ..,, ,t,„ N, T. c. Prudeutial Art di Novelty Co.. Inc.. 155 Woos-N.-. a. rk City. ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND FIRE-

ter et.. New York. 5 .,., , , 3.:7 341 Ve 31. 1 a e., Chicago. PROOF SCENERY BOWLING ALLEYS Singer Eros., S2 Ihiwery, New fork Cliy. to F. elP.t•erer. tt7.:. I: ‘stdas . N.oac lurk city.

..‘,.•I's Or, r:, >I.. Gardcn • !t- -.t Spvciaity Co.. 26 East ne ,rgia at.. In- Cho.. Zian Co., Ml5 Broadway. New York. ttO,rruatty 1.1tOrgraph Co., lac.. .7...l W. '.*.ith et., delpliin. I, • -• 1 «. Ind.

Nro Yurk 4:11Y• CARNIVAL GOODS AND STREET-ATTENTION DOLLS . P. a t t'n . :7.2 Dralrer st. Indlannpolio. AERIAL ADVERTISING MEN'S SUPPLIES Danvilie Doll Co., ¡Ion. 'it'. 1:1. i

prmei Novelty Mfg. Co.. 1710 Ella pd.. Clneln'ti. eill• J. Conine, W113 reiner it., Cl.:Csga. LI, AUTOMATIC BOWLING ALLEYS Eli RLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES 1.11-:C ,nr - ,..r. ir;.-5 , R un;:ptil73CY.... N1e26e 1.11':;r..t aCrl et ,..• New

AERONAUTS The Ten.Plreiet l'o., '257 Draper et.. 1,1!aneirioUP, .5,-;' nono fanr't“., t.. Circuit. Gaiety 'neater York City. Indiana Iiiid• . New 1-r. C.ty. B Kindel & CaGraham. 753-57 Mission pt., San Fran-elmont Sisters.' Ikallovn Co., Reed City. cloth., l. AUTOMATIC BOWLING GAMES c,•.-n-bla .tm•p.m ,n: Cc.. Columbia Theater

AEROPLANES (Captive) Brian. Spe laity C,.. 76 Earl G - rr.11 m.. 1.1.dr , N, w York C.ty. Levm' Drop.. Terre ilaute, intl. Iticderl Gorvey, zoe De atoo itco-I. N . Y. City. AEROPLANE EXHIBITION FLIGHTS laddinn,..l.. Ind. BURNT CORK L. A Novelty & Toy Co., 413. Sonth Los. Angeles

AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER ..i. Meyer. 1.3 E. rth st.. Now York City. T.1.1.. Siri•niryc.elitel5a.nketa, 151 Prairie aye.. Preto-(Day and Night Flying) N. ii,,wee t.,, I. 11 m.. New York Cliy. )1. 01,-I,,Cish.e"ic (o, 1_l)W. 31,1 et„ N. a. C, Men,. It. I.

WIlkies Aviators. 706S N. Picilisa are_ Chfrago. "ir Broo. Co.. 73: South Los Angeles al., ¡o.AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES

AEROPLANE FLIGHTS Argelep. Cal, MENTS it... Ten•P' Cr.. 252 Draper st., Indianapolis, (Changing Manes in Midair) CAROUSELS

II, trl. a bleago, Ili. Isdia:.a. tielpida. l'a.

A. Bern!. 36 N. 200‘ et. New York City. Omer 1..-Alyar, Illr. Win. 11. l'Ickeni. Stratterà Wm, II. flootarl, .'.it.:11 Germantown ere., Phila.

AGENTS '-'111111111;111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIi1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: AIN..w 1.s Ii,rii 1e/eT.bell Co.. lee.. North Tonawandx, C. ('. Dartrani. European Agee for Everything =

in Snow ituteinees. 333 Mare •t.. hackney, = If you entertain the slightest doubt that advertising In this = ii.t.cspi.-1.1iilmst, co., N.-.rut Tonawseda, N. T. London. Engle nil. = Trades Directory is a - cu.' • nr... thiiive.» LCo .. Coney Inland, N. Y.

AutoAIR CALLIOPES E = Teasley alfg. to- hiss-attn.. la ,


Mend and matio Played) E - = Consider the following carefully: i Philailelp de Taogganweiri.t.h.13K0aDn'uval et., Pulla, Stein & Goldstein, 1443 Gates.ave..11rocklyn.N.Y.

CARS (R.. R.) Arms Palace Morse Car Co.. Boom GM, 332

Pneumatic Co.. 345 Market at., Newark, E. South 011idalgan are., Chicago, Ill. - At 15 cts. a copy Tho Billboard costs you on the stands Nt v Irisey. ... = Houston Railway Car Co., Box 550, flonst011s $ 7.80 =

ALUMINUM FEATHERWEIGHT = - me. I iir:,Lteiiln,;::eritn:inru:sirts:rlforitii.ocm73e-uspt:40..soers.riauFttualt1hbe. I

ALLIGATORS = per year - rtsrids Alligator Farm, Jaeketnville. Fla. = At 25 cts. a line (our regular rate) your ad would cost

and STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS - you for 52 weeks _ - Locust. St. LODI». Mo.

Smells (dais. M9 S;iring Garden at.. Phila. = Total $20.80 = CELLULOID BUTTONS ALUMINUM SOUVENIR GOODS - Pullin & Perry, .100 Bowery. New York city.

deorge Wertheim. 2s.i City. E Yet we give you bath for $10.00. A saving of $10.80. E CHAIRS, GRAND STANDS, CIRCUS AMERICAN DOLLS ..1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117 SEATS FOR RENT

J. mat,' Mfg. C.o. lie Walnnt pt.. Cincinnati. C. E. Flood. 7520 Decker ave., N. E., Cleveland. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF

MUSICIANS North Tonawanda 3111.0i-el Instrument Work*. CABAR ET AND DANCING CHAIRS-OPERA AND FOLDING North Tonaw•nela. N. A. (New and .04teend-Hand) JeN. Weber, Prep., 110.11 W. 40th st..

Y-rk City. The End. 1ph Wurlitzer Co.. Cincinnati, (Maio. „.. th.. - _,. (Winter eerien) 3 N ew Atlas Seating Co.. 10 E. 434 et.. and 7 Z. 430

6r. J. Kerngord, Secy., an: rune at.. St. BADGES. BANNERS, ETC. ore. Ctvilicotlie, 0. General SeaYork City. tdsg & Supply Co.. 28 E. =d at., 1. iis, 119. De M E oulin ros & Co.. Dept. II. Greenville. In. CALCIUM LIGHT Philadelphia Calcium Light Co.,PhIladelphia, Pa . New York City.

EXECUTIVE CONIMITTEE Eagle Regalia Co.. 115 Naseau M., N. Y. city. C. A. Weaver. Niuoicianse' elan. Deg 31-drieo, la. alunter Pr ... 491 Broadway, New York City. CALCIUM LIGHT CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS .5.C. Hayden, 1011 n at.. S. E..wseaneen.o.e. rtanu s Perry. 300 flowery. New lark City. (02-11,ydrogen Gas Manu(acturers) Amoreaa Mist Brodirets Co.. 55 Knickerboeluld Brack Birgel. Go lialeht at., San Francletio. Cal, BADGES, BlJTTONS. ETC. Cincinnati Calcium Light l'o., 10t4 Fourth it., Bldg.. Baltimore. Old, 11. E. Itreuturt, 11,1 W. etah pt. N.w York.N.Y. Cincinnati, O. Chic Mint Gum l'o N. W. turner fifth wadi C. A. Carey, 170 Montroee are,. Toronto. Monier Fri's- 4,1 nr`nbi.lf.. New Yark CRY* M. P. Soles Cot, 517 S. Dearborn st., Chicago. Walnut st,.. wlimington. Del. Canada. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woi dland are.. Cleve- Erker Bros., Gnu Oli ve st.. Si.Louis. Mo. The Ilelmet Co.. 1021 Broadway. Cincinnati. O,

AMUSEMENT DEVICES wind, o. mines's' Co., 737 High at.. Newark. N. 3. l'utilin & Perry, l'..150 flowery. New York City. St. Lout.% Calcium Let Co.. 516 Elm at.. St. Louie. Mu. Mint Gum Co.. lac.. M31 Bleeeker st., N. Y. C. Park Engineering Co.. 949 Broad-

way. New York City. BADGES, MEDALS. PREMIUM CALLIOPES Newport Gum Co., Newport, Ky. Sptslelly CO., :16 Cast Ge.w&I• at.. In' RIBBONS (Automatic k Rand Played) Toledo Chewing Gum Co.. Toledo Pacteriell diacap.dta. lad. E R st Eagle Regalia Co. 115 Naau et., N. Y. City. Tangley 11fr. Co.. Muscatine. /a. CHBIDIgGOTLoAleTiS Toledo, 0, FU Bride. Co.. Jac ksonville, Ili. Ityan Mfg. Co.. 102 E. 121111 pt.. New York City, FOR RACE TRACKS

sa. ner,...seii Co.. Inc., North Tonawanda, BALLOONS CAMERAS Georgia Ferrotype CO., 312 Plnkney at., Dublin, Gramercy Chocolate Co., 76,44 Watts at., N.Y.C.

Nee York. Georgia. Puritan Chocolate Co., Cour t at. and central n,. D.,,,,,, n,,, House'and 111.11n: Devi,. levin Urca.. Ti re. liante. Ind. Maeufaeturer, Lake 551,1,' l'art. Dayton. O. Newmon 31fg. C.5, 611 Woielland are., Clete- CAMP H ANDKERCHIEFS ave., Cincinnati, O.

II. C Evans & Co.. MS W. Adams et.. Chicilgo l'"'li °• ilbsete . M. Rosenberg. '2N: Broome et.. New Vert C117. m Aerican Art Production Co.. 141 Wooster aL. (witotosout) CIGARS

0. E. liarrie. 4511 W. both e... NeW Yon City. Singer Pros.. it3 Ninety, New York City. GuNeteawveY e 1.(''ohlaYeee & Pro . 744 proadway, N. Y. lends Denebeltn & t‘onS. 1:22.24 Oak et., Lae Herat-I....I tt,stillotart Co.. North Tonawanda, N. Y. BALLOONS (P ger Carrying) Knickerbocker ilaadkerrtilef Co., 105 East 74th ells City, Mo, lislitticka" Derby Co., III) Nappan at., N. V. City. (Not Air) at.. near Pouch are., New York City. CU JUGGLING APPARATUS 1' Si --rie: & t'o.. MS: Etet.e use.. t'alertgo. Thomoson Bros.' I' it.'' Co., Aurora. Ill. N. Y. Met. antile Trading Co.. 167 Canal at.. ...... ....,,E Van Wck 643 Coierain are ClacInnatl. O. Neerhan Mfg. Co., 1141 Wood:and. Cleveland. O. ' • a it tot State,. Tent It .aw Ding Co. 330 North u Ninetaer lit.brork„ l:ien. Iti....,,,.. . _ CIRCUS AND STREETMEN'S 0,, the Fsiles Co , 437 w. teth m.. Chicago. 111. fart Leon...ring Corp., 940 Wway, N. Y. City. - Deeolaines st Chleaco, Ill. Stager Brea.. 02 Bowery, New York City.

1 y. New lurk City.

SUPPLIES C.., w Pirlicr. loavenworth, it,,,,. BALLOONS stms ens. & Novelty Co.. 147 Went 36111 at., Oriental Mfg. Co., Providence. R. I. Chi.. A. Stork, 1510 E. Jefferson Joe., Detroit. (Tamengar Carrying, Advertising, Captive, Etc.) New ion City.

Mich.. P. G. Seyfang, 1463 Ilnotilway, New York City. CANDY m CIRCUS WAGONS eir....* Ne:ly Co.. 13'26 Sycamore st., Cln-ilni-Iti 0 BALLOONS. WHIPS, CANES, NOV- n C. Evans A: Co., 1525 W. Adam. at, Chicago. Deign Wagon Co.. Kansas City. Mo.

• . I",ell I orp. - Itector to_ New Ion Cite. _ ELTIES AND DOLLS Illinois, CIRCUS SEATS (New aad Second-Hand) Fair & tarai al Supply Ce., 120 Sil, ave..S.Y.C. felted "tal e* Teat & .Awniag Co.. U'lll North ilpp Novelty Co.. 11pdecanoe City, O.

Des : .s.nco ai.. Chleago. Ill. BALL CHEWING GUM J. .1. lloward. 617 rt, Ile•rborsi et., Cble•go. III. Baker & L.-kw-god. Seventh •nd Wyandotte at, ZS I tiger Coamruction Co.. Pitt burg P•. m..,'eatly Co., 115 Jefferson ase., Detroit. h.,,,, , 41ty. Mo. Silent Sallee co.. 41 N. 11:h id., Philadelphia,

United States Tent & Awning Co.. 2":". North ANIMAL DEALERS Pennsylvania. r. II. Waphhttru & Co.. Court 4k Freight sp.. Deepialnee et., Chicago. RI.

-LI" o "lintels. 72 Cortland et. New York City. BALL THROWING GAMES Brocktou, Mass. CLOWN and P my ind hii. WHI liartele Co., 42 Cortlan.11 pd. N. Y. City. Tbe Penn Novelty Co., Witt ituttonwood et.. CANDY IN FLASH BOXES c

u . Zoo Arena Co.. Keith e y., 1. pa. Pao. Meyer, 1-3 E. 13th et TE.. New York cityla . K. . City. Si": o Sycamore ov. Co., 13 Mor.-Isen Candy Co.. 143 Jefferson ave., Detroit, si. Stein Cosme-tu;' Co., 1:M W. 31st at., N. Y. :0 O.Sycamore at., CinclietL mk.hig...

WS i Irk:Seen, Yardley, Pa. . te I Putnam. 490 %%fl gt u I-. Buffalo, BAND INSTRUMENTS Philadelphia Candy Co., 3'2,5 North Second COASTER CARS st..

\, a York. Dixie Nluele lioupe, 105 W. Madlein pt., Chicago, Ph.ladelphia. l'a. Philadelphia Toboggan Co.. 130 Dural et.. MIL leoe Rule. 245 Grand pt.. New York City, The Rudolph Wurlitier Co., Cinciaaatl, Ohio. CANDY FOR WHEELMEN COLD CREAM les. seek,. Farm, liras nautile, Tea. Ca.. 4'.' M, Stein Cosmezie Co., 120 W. 31st et.. N. F. Cl.

si Dior 't Ilird Store, 331 allebigan are., D (Aut etroit. (le BAND ORGANS Win, Corearan Candy :Manufacturing

omatic Man F .1 Played) • rm o Fremont. San Eranclec. ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES North T nawt.lola 31.1•1^11 Instrument Work.. Lod, lienetelm & Sone, 1:37.3 '34 Oak at.. K CONCESSIONAIRES' SUPPLIES Kan- -Advance Whir C Wee o.. tteld. Sins,.

N/rth 1' trivia:AL N. Y. pee City. Si". Aver .11 Mfg. Co- 37 Colon Square. New York. natal. Itird Store, 6.1 'dyne*, at.. Buffalo.N.T. Tangley Mfg. Co.. More-stine. la. il del & Graham. 7r5547 >Donlon st.. sap Fran. Fair di I. arnhal Supply Cit_ 1..O1 lath ave..21.1..c.

Mich luorolt tint, :31 anchigss su„.., Detroit, ,, n •, w ,.. urtitr Co., C clsco, Cal. ts & incinnati. Ohio. Freak :. Scauec t•., 1107 Times ItIdg..X.T.

. ANIMALS (Sea Lions) BANJO-UKS CANDY FOR WHEELS Tip 'Cop Toy Co.. 671 W. Fulton st., Chicago.

earr.1 n Greece aieGidre, manta ilsehse i,,i.DS s. t Kindel &C41* Uremia, 753 57 Mission II., San Pron. Duddy Dud.. Inc., 557 yolate Co.W.7 36th pt., N. Y. City. . CONFECTIONERY MACHINES ARMY AND NAVY AUCTION GOO GraMerey Cli . 6 rit Watts et., Nrw York eity. WZ. Long Co.. D.I nigh at.. Springfield. O. ?tenets Bannerman & Sons, 301 Broadway, New Yon city. BANNERS Mo m Candy rrha Cay CO.. 115 Jefferson are., Detroit (Continued uu page 52)

Abbot nag Co.. 113 Nadeau at., New York City. suchigior.

52 The Billboard 1 DECIMBER 13. 1919

DIRECTORY (Continued from page 51)

CORN POPPERS W. Z. Ting Co., 'G High et.. SprIngtlehl. O.

COSMETICS Eyebrow Pencil., Fare Powder, Etc.)

M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 'diet st., N. Y. C.

COSTUMES Carnival Costume Co., 267 Wept Water et ., Mil-waukee WI". ( }design Co•Inme Work>, IS2. N. Dearborn et..

rhiettgo. COI.« C0,11.1111e ro.. 10.13 Market et., San Fran. • laten,

Hooker-ITowo ("..tame Co., 30-311 Main et.. Haverhill. Mae,

Plaice femme Co.. 511 3d ave.. N. Y. City.

24n W. 42d Street. NEW YORK. Tel., Bryiutt MM.

Frilled Sint.. Tent k Awning Co. .2-Yr North Deeplalnes et Chl• ogo. Ill.

DRAMATIC SCHOOLS Egan Sehool, Little Theater. Ion Angel,.

DRUMS (Snare and Bass) Inale Mimi,- 11ion, W. 1latlison et., (-blotto. IM• 11, IF & IdoPale. bill N. Lincoln .t. Chicago.

DRUMMERS' SUPPLIES Acme Drummer,' supply Co.. *C.13-15 We-t

Ttapnly Chicago. The Mole 31mdcllanee, 4110 Farrell Ittt titre, Ludy•ig ••• Ludwig. 1014 N. 11.1“•••in et., Chicago.

DUMPIE DOLLS Danville 14..11 Co., Dui.. 111e. III.

ELECTRIC BELTS The Electric APplInewo Kou ELECTRIC INSOLES d, INHALERS The Eleetrie Appliance Itor:ineton.

ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS mot., Co.. tiritko•M, Wis.

ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS A. KOEHLER & CO. Fit lirWrze ('u., I...4...tonle. III.

m.„(0•EitAm.... AN') TuE ,,Ting.‘t (rnipt ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .1. C. Reagan. Itert.nn and C. R.. t Pnrk


Chao. Neoton. -.03 Wert I3tit rt.. N. 1. t'Ity. Universal 1.1...trio $tage Lighting Co., 240 W•

N... York titi'. ENGINES (Gas and Gasoline)

The Fomi 1", Jo , d •••.. ti. ENGRAVING. HALF•TONES AND

SHOW PRINTING Cent rd. I 1:tignnYing edd., dtpt•y2 Cinoinnati,

ESTHER DOLLS Alisto Alfc. Co., 14 Set Walnut at.. Citulnnati.

EYE BROW PENCILS Tio› Ilese t o,. N, T. M. Stein Cosmetic 12u W. 31st et., N. Y. C.

FACE POWDER M. Stein Cuemetle Co_ 120 W. 31.t et.. N. Y. C.

FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES C. Si'. Ba n e., AR 5. State rt. t'hliago. Unit.ri Fair. Itookin.;:102-34-1-r. Earriek Bldg. Phone Randolph 2112. cittes,p. lit

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS Slark ro., 12.4 W. 1.Le et., Clitc•go. Ill.

FEATHER FLOWERS Ile witt Gnind Tuallevar.1 and E. Pruirte a 4 e.. h tole ir'reek, Mloh.

FEATURE FILMS Triangle Flint Colt., 71 'West Twenty-thlrb et.,

Not, York. rniver,1 Film Martufaciming Co., Corty-eighth and Broads% ay, New York City.

TAMS COSTUMES OF EVERY DE-SCRIPTION. foe ream ....don. 9 fir hire or m iei r

Iftel Broedvray. N. Y. CITY.

Weatern enetume DOA SO. Broadway, Lor Angeles. Cal,

CUPID DOLLS S. Mfg. Co., slits Tyelnut et.. ( in. Innati, O.

DECORATIONS Raker & Taw'kwood, Seventh tool Wyandotte at,. Kaneda City, sr...

Chicago Flog St Deoorating Co., 1115-1323' S. Wrd.nah De.. C111.117.0, DECORATORS, FLOATS, BOOTHS,

ETC. Mutant...I lie..cratinrt L. , West Adams et.. Chicagn. III.

M. E. Gordon 100 N. W.•11.4 Chlear.n, lie, I'. John..on Eltig & Decorating Cu., Itt21,

1011 Gratiot ave.. Detroit, Mlelt The !tome Decorating Co., 2. zeo it. fifth gee_ Chleago.

DIAMOND JEWELRY (For Salesboards and Premiums)

AM./toil A. Ibnienson. 201 W. 21mikoo rt., new% Alter & 1413 W. Madison et. Chrango. Alunter Brother.. 4111 Ilroadway. Neu York City.

DOLL DRESSES hedger Toy (11.. rimet10 lit.,.' bdantl ave., New

Ern Ilidg.. Chierco. III. .11 Meltzer k Co., 21t• e. Dearborn et.. Chicago.

DOLL DRESSES (Mk & Crepe Paper)

J. C, No•etty mre. co.. ::01 W. tnt, et.. Kan FERRIS WHEELS na. City, m. Ell Itridze Co., Jarkaeurille, III.

DOLL RACKS 1., Shaw Park Conwtruet/en Co., 115 Ohms. ave., Itroomen. N. T,

Ilerachell :a:Inman. North'Tonawanda, N. T. DOLLS FESTOONING

ie J. Alto M n fg. Co.. 1140 Walnut et. Clnoinnati. NatIor•al Tssu Ma Itrocklpo. N. Ynufacturing Co- 301 Bergen.

CUPID DOLLS FILMS (Manufacturers, Dealers in and Rental Bureaus) ALISTO MFG. CO.. 144R Walnut St.. Clneinnet;. O. 1:‘111101 me' Pilo, t:,. , hvnge. 111..ok Ithig.. San

Antonio, Tea. Alfred Aborfer, r. 'loth at.. N. Y. City, Luelond .. pun, s„, i, .2o1 W . Lak, st, cm_ Amerleatc‘la.1.• Istn!red Toy Company. 122 cago: Minneapolis. tecalta. Dee Moines.

Bleccker rt., New York ('ity. Alutual Film Cu... New Tara City. Calvet-mil Eilm Manufacturing Co. Forty•clghth

anti 'Treadway. :SOM. Tort City. FILM SPECIALISTS

(Engagements. Publicity, Books Playa) Mabel Condon Eachanzo, 11 dlywoot

hit's, tor Angeles, Hamilton & Kern, 2'24-32 Markham Bldg., 1101-

lytt,..1 Los Angel.... Willie .3: Ingila. Wricht A- Callender Bldg"-


ALL FABRICS Aellttin Po 'loot'. w. 47,1, rt., New 'Fork.

FIREWORKS American Italian l'Ircuorks Inc., Dunbar.

Eren•ylvanis. S. liurnain Clreo•uka St f. Co., New

lb...belle. N. Y. ityrne«-Wsiztutd Firettorks Co.. 127 N. Dear-

ho-ti et. Chien:, r.nti ctn.% mk. t n,. New Co tle. Pn. impte W, Pith at New. ork. N, y • Singer It,.,.., linuery. New York City. .Iordon Eirouorks h. N State et., fl.liago. Film Player.• Club, Etat W. 40th et., New Tort. Illtt Firework. Ce., Inc., :,22i-rcr• 3711, live.' N. Y. MANUFACTURERS MECHANICAL

AVERILL M'F'G CO. Payne, Fait and Nonni's- 11.41.1.

37 Union Square, West New York.

Cawooll Novelly Mfg. Co.. DittivIlie, leoniolon T. y Mtg. I' •. , td., titi Front et,. Wert. Toronto. Canada. Dold• I.

Elettra Toy ,1/4 Novelty Co., 4011 Lafayette at..

New Tort City.

KEWPIE DOLL WIGS San, , 'Cl r cro , A KObS. 115 South Dearhern Street. CANN.

BUNDIE DOLLS ftentate. W. 42 CC: witheet, St f(1. MUTUAL DOLL CO., INC, 37 Greene St., New York City.

Pacini & Berni Statuary Co. DOLLS or ALL KINDS

2.,7C.2f-2 ose.. Are., CI-firm-M. ILL

FLAG MANUFACTURERS A ',lenient% Flag Mtg. Co., itastoo. Pa. Emert...di 11fg. Co., tat s•tonia at., San Fran'

4' ION). 4.11 1 FORTUNE WRITERS (Invisible)

S. Rosser. .17 lesington toe.. Nc8 1ofh• N. T• FOR DOLLS

liana Me Dolt C..., Ilunollle. Ill. FOUNTAIN PENS


b I Desk... Street

Perk It,,,.., 541 Itr.adway. New York CIO. cutaway Importing C..., Itroadatiy, 71.'I'. C. 1 evin hr.... Torre Haute. bpi. Mad . Fountoln P. A Novelty Co.. :1 .1no N. 1. NierrantIle Trading C.... 167 Cousl rt., Non York.

Singer Brother.. 42 hosery , New York City. Standard l'en Ea t,,''. lie, In t.

FROLIC It , S. Verdi Corp., 2 Iteci rt., Now York City. FRUIT AND GROCERY BASKETS

t'alr 1' trnlval Supply Co 1.51 311. ave.. N 5.C. 0101e. Zinn A r Itroadoao, N. Y. t•Ity. FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS FOR STAGE AND PRIVATE USE

%Eta. Bien.. lie. W. 37111 st.. New York. I dmin Kuhn St Milo. ttlh New 1 ork.

FUN HOUSE PLANS Antn.emout Co., rdia. Ellicott Bu ffalo,


(Mechanical Devices Float:trial Fronts, Com-plete list•liation)

Zartrotager C..11.41'11.11.. Co., Plit•itnrg, Prt, GAMES

Priant Specialty Co., 3,1 East ftcorgIn at., lu'

GAMING DEVICES II. C. Fines .1 Co,. 1322 W. Adanet at., Chicago, GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES

1-4. Ga. Engine Co., Springfield. Obit GASOLINE LANTERNS, LIGHTING


K. lightIng C.... 31st W. 40th 41.. N.Y.C. GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES 1 uncu..ter Co., I enactor. GLASS NOVELTIES, TUBE & ROD Doerr Clara Co , Vineland. N. J.

GLASSWARE Bay •- k Co., 704 7.01 W. Main et.,

L. ..111e. Ky. GREASE-PAINTS. ETC.

(M ato-Up ISOM. Cold Cream. Etc.) "Poe C... ICherrrola Itultylipt , Itorheater, New York.

31, Stein Corrnetir Co., FM W. hot at., N. 'Y. C. %tinder Woe., In.'., 113 W. Seth rt., N. Y. t1ty,

GREASE ROUGE (lidkr-try Boxes, Cold Cream. Etc.)

rt.. Ile«. tCherrycla A huhylipt. Rochester. New York.

GYMNASTIC APPARATUS T. Simmon., W, moth ai,, New York ciiy.

HAIR GOODS corenaon flair Co.. 6161.; S. Bro.dway, An-

gelo.. Cal. HANDKERCHIEF CASES w, 4...h.a 744 Broadw ay, N. v.

Tir".. llroudway. New York City. tirleutal Mfg. ro., Prot Weave, It. SltryooloT..1•1 the, s21 N. Eighth et.. St, Lehi«.

JEWELRY (For Stage Use)

& Co., 141.1 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago, t, Jug. linen .......'liai 01 Aladiem chi.

tais, I. Sitryoeit-15,1.1 IiI74 N. Eighth , St. Ionic, N. Shure Co., '241 'W. Middlledn at.. Chi..." singer Itrotherr. >12 Buttery, NIP), Tors d >name! Melnhan. Po., 7:22 Fen, sae.. Pittsburg. J. J. Wyk A Bros. , E. 27th •t., Nee

or\ l'Ity. KEWPIES (With Hair)

hiudol A Graham. 753 ,7 Aliredon et., l'on Prase ,iroo,

KNIVES heel Guggenheim. 17 E. 17th at. N. Y. City. Joe. linen Co., Z.1.110 3,e w. at.,

"a:to. Ill, fleck,. Cohen & Cu,. 317 W. Stallion at., Ctil.

redo. 111, V. Shure C..., 237.241 W. Aliullyon at.. cutout°, Singer ItrotItera. 82 llowery, New York City. ',WW1 Wei1111141. CO.. 722 Penn

KNIVES (Knife Rack) Hecht, Cohen A Co., 337 VC, Madison .t., CM-gum,. III.

hIndel A Graham, 783-57 Albotben at.. sea Cal.

LANTERN SLIDES Stamimrd Slide Corporation, 209 213 W. Seth sl,„ New lost city.

LAWYERS P. I.. lioyd. 17 N. Le Salle at., Chleugo. III. P. .1. 11..1clu., 4.10 hallway reelmage

Kan..,.. Mo.

John A. Ulrich, het 1Y. Monroe et., Chicago.

LEATHER GOODS N. colderuitu loc.. 0.1 N, Well. o Chi



& Stark, 12 E. 12th at.. New York, LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS

IM Pont Viihrilludd C..., hioadway, N. Y. Paramount Leather tionalt. Co., Me Broome at., New York,

LEATHER NOVELTIES Bloom lime.' Co, Minneapoll.. Minn.

LEATHER PILLOW TOPS I. D. Dreyfaoh, 482 Itroutos et., New York

Chy. Muir Art Co., 304 w. Alarliamn at., Chicago. 111. M ...tern Art Leather Co.. Tabor Opera Bldg., Denier. Colo,

LIGHTING PLANTS Foltersal Motor Co., Oshkosh, Wks.

LIGHTS K. CI. Lighting Co., 318 Wee 44th St., New

ori. City.

LIGHTS (Beacom, 'Foram. for Cirrus*. slid Tent Dore

mrg• c...• 1:23 N. De.plalne• at,, Chicago. J. Frankel. gasoline mantle. for gasoline nett-

ing, 224 North Wet. Chicago. III little Wonder Light Co.. Terre limits. 1.1. The Alesanler Milburn Co., Baltimore, 11.I. United Staten Tent Je Awning to.. 22:1 North

Ile.pialne. at., Chicago, Ill. J. T. Windhorq 104 N. 15th it., St.

louts. Il.',

LIQUID MAKEUP Ti,,' liras Co. 1Youthful Itte.hertrr, N. Y.

MAGIC GOODS Chitago 31agle Co.. Dept. It, 72 W. Adams et. singor tires_ tr2 Flowery, Sr,,' York City.

WillianeJturg P•st Card coo .t.. "'le'. lit' New York rIty. ArlOnt Fetint•n, 115 e. State at., Chicago,

HAWAIIAN LEIS & PERISCOPES In cm., m,,,i, Co.. 11133 5, IrrIng are., Chl-Victor intention. co., Portiend. Ore. •••go, tu, HONEY-BITS PORTABLE MACHINE 11"*".1. m“gl '« 1.".• n"r". tiortoo•on Mock. Co_ NH 1V. 3Ith et., New

HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Tit‘e"trikake M•gloal C.. , Dept. &12, 041k...h. WI«. Tallw,t NIfg. CO.. Ill N. 13th et., 5•. Lonle. 310,

Nut Blount. 1112 Slat!' ace.. New York City. Thayer Mfg. Co., 334 R. Sum Pedro at., los Are Sete., cal, I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. OPERATORS MAGIC MAGAZINES Cherie« C slot'', Int. Pre... lo7 W. 40th et,, Engle Mai/Irian, 320 Month >tit et.. 31Inneamdb, New 'to& N. Y.

F. C. 1...nan.der. Gen, Secy..Trea.. lo7 W. AI Inne.eta. et, N•. 1 urid. N. 1. MANICURE SETS

Jain. 1.• mho, Manager or OrganiiIng A Claim 1.. .1.47 e7:,n,,:."‘n„t.i.siLemit'iht.3.r. (;""" (." ' le nt.'s" it..


Pere/re...he Toy (..., 102-101 ed.. S.'f•ttle. I'.'. «I., New York, AMUSEMENT DEVICES tu llrl.Ig,' , Ill. Ilereenell Spillman. North Tonawanda. N. T. W. Mandel« 1.1., Coney Nand. N. Y. 4-1I7. ". W. Parker, I eaoenworth. han. 'left Planet Co., rc2 Yen Buren .t.. Indianapolis,

Indiana, It, S. 1,0'11 Corp.. 3 Ret-tor rt., New York (

MASKS (Xusgvorado, Thostrloul and Carnival)

hill'Port. 10 Cooper Sollars, Nee York lily. MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS

Fil ,r..rald rub. ree, la V0414,, at., N. 1. titi. tip> Phillip., Pt, liming.. Ky.

MEDALLIONS (Photo) Putllin A l'erry, atto Itoirery. Neu York City.

MEDICINE FOR STREETMEN Drug Mfg. Cu. 278 N. Welt at., Columbles Pr, J. 31. Thornher, Ferri., Ill.

MERRY-GO-ROUNDS %Ila n Ilerachell Inc., NO, TOndO 0100, N. Y. u10•111.,$t 1 „t.k.1.1.,1a .nin. N. .... ,..w.t1,.1., ..i ztla, N. 1.


I'. I. flack, 18 11, Woodbridge et., Detroit; 1•.11,


ttorni. 2111 11'. at,, New York Cif ,

North Tot.* itota NInddiral Ilbnt fitment M or) •

North Tomoimpla. N. Y. Rudolph Worthier Co., (inviting I

MICA SLIDES Standard Slide Corporation, 2110 213 IT. lath

rdt., Nets York City.

pte,..,,,rka 1,o, of Arrries, Ine.. 'llos N Y New York. . . notatbit, lilt & 'toy co.. 132 Woster at.. New York elty.

Tip lop Toy rod., 223 Fourth ave.. Now York, Tip Cop Toy Co., 021 W. Fulton .t., CnIcago. We•tern 4.0 Mfg. Po.. 304-3',2 W. Randolph

Chlengo, II!. DOLLS (Kewpies)

iitnc,1,k Graham, 7-3.s7 Alission st.. San Fran-elect), Cal,

G12, S.-hen...lady. N. 1'. International blieworka Co.. 10 Park Clare, New

l'irk, and t'Ity. X. .T. Alartin's rit•.work.. Fort thaw.... la. Newton Fireworks Co., 2'1 N. hearhoen et.. nil-

rago. III. Sera, Amerl• an Firework. Co., elate•Lake

Cldrago. Pain's Mard'attan Bearh Firework, l park

Plece. New York City. Tbe Putte Firew.wka Mayday ()Moe one Far.

BUNDIE DOLLS fey, I-Tool:1ln Pan, III,

Itainanin Watt n;;. without. SI.51. MUTUAL ennh'21"'IT (.• Tr'dirse01(1•1Y. N. W. II. Iturton. Hordun. Set,, DOLL CO.. INC.. 37 Creole St., New York City. Thenriellineld l'Irenork. 111.1.1ny 3à; h

( hirer!, Ili.

11P TeP Toy Co.. 2'21 Foarth ave., New York. lip Top Toy (n., gal Fulton at., CM, ago,

DOLLS (Vampires) vr.-q.-raft sewIlm. 1012 5. Itrootto. t 1.. An-

ICE CREAM CONES (Wholesale) Loold. Doorbell,' n Sn,. 1221 Oat, at., han•ar

city, Mo. A T. Dietz. 127 311.-Idgun •t, obto,•it produ,t• co., no N. L. e»ti• Chl


llornmann Magic 04 5V. 'dit!,. et ,, New York.


DOLL MANUFACTURERS Western Doll Alfz. T.. ;4 1.572 AY, Ra ndolph

et., t Id. ago, Ill. DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS

11. C. 1:ran. & C.., tn22 W. Adam. •t.. Chicago. Cair & Caroloal Supply Co., La; COO, ate., New TorIt. ellY•

'I. Gerber 7-;7.72D South at. Pitqadelphla. Pa. .k Grahrro. 31letsion et., Sun re'.,..

el-co .1. Levin Pre._ Terre HUM... Ind, N. Y. 3Imeanille 'Feuding 107 Canal al,. New York.

Prank J. rh•lineok rt CO.. 1 lu7 Bldg.. New York.

Tip Top Toy Co., Li2..5 Fourth ave., New York. Tip Top Tuy 021 W. Fulton 'L. Chlrat%

State t,, PneNtelled 31f,t. (mummy, Inr., 22 part pier.. N., York C•ty.

M. Wocncr Di•plarit, 34 Pare Place, X. Y. Western firework. Co., 1.11-50 'Awn nee al.,

Denser. Colo. FIREWORKS

(Asterlean Daylight) Zonith Produrte Co.. Sprlog Lake, AfIch,

FISHPONDS AddtonlaIlc l'inhIddond rod. 3011 Adam. et„ To.


FLAGS Abbot nag c.... I13 Narrau et., Nee york City. .Sto, Art Pre], C., lit Wooster at., Nee, yo et,, hake, k hoot:wood. Seventh and Wymelutte

sta., 11:âneme Clay, SI.'.

Cidic0c0 st: Isa•TitInt• %Tabus,' ave., Chicago. lIt. . 1 • ',ahem 11r....' Tent A .5oitliti: 1I11 Fourth el.. St. 1...01«. SI.,,

.1. C. Coe. Co., Detroit. 11101, Embed Staten Tent le Awning C•i., 229 North

lieeplattiest st., Chloago Ili,

INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES Idaho Native Ilde'no, It . Sep for


INDIAN MOCCASINS >writs c..., ie S. It...Ion. Tulsa Mils,

INSURANCE. PUBLIC ACCIDENT Interstate Caanulty co.. 173 J rk..


A Co., PC. E. .t, N. Y, C. Tradi ne tr,...7..11 Woo Madison .t.,

Chicago, lit.

JEWELRY & Ildownben. en w. Aladiron, fltiongo.

Perk Pron.. 311 Broadway. New York City, cutaway Importing Co.. 1103 Doedw.Y, N. Y• 1;ddndion St model. I'dd. Inot Ine. I, Ion w. mad iem

et., Chicago. Joe. Hawn Co., 300.300 W. Madtam. at., ''hit.

"ago. Ili.

llecht Cddiarn .% :i:t7 SI' 31...1i.on ea ,, phi. on to, Ill.

I..'. I,, "err, lieut.', Intl. Aluc Etatittain Peu A. Nor. C..... iStla N. Y. C.

DECEMBER 13, 1115 The 13111boa.rd 53

MIND READING ..n. 'a. A.Ipury 1' irk N. J.

MINSTREL COSTUMES & SUPPLIES /1 „, !loot, Coat Co., 30,16 Main at.,


Pula, Pods, Ia.. 357 W. 20th et., N. Y. C. MODEL CITIES, WORKING WORLDS

(Miniatore Figures In Action) Tte 11 tiers. 451 1: Court St., Urbana. Ohio. MONOGRAMS AND EMBLEMS

lirral,annanle 7t1 Montgomery st., J.rogry City. N. J.


EMBLEMS, ETC. Ameeleat, Monegrain Company, IOC Market at.. Newark. N. J.

tut. %sonogram Supply Co., Niagara Isidg., •• •rk. N J. MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS

OLD MILLS (Boat.. Machinery, Sean, Sheds & Plans)

Zarm-linger Construggtion Co.. I.:tug/gag, Pa. OPERA CHAIRS

enroletloudie She. Co.. 52nd and Grand one.. heal* rlgo'. 5'n.

Steel Furniture Co., (*.rand Unpile, Mich. ORANGEADE

America Fruit Prolucts CO.. New listen. Cohn.

Colif. Orangeade en., 543 N. Dearborn, Chicago. Ciiiories or. geode Co.. Madison at Koance, Chicago. In.

Chao. T. Miirrt•aoy Co.. 4117 Madloon Chi-. ago,

0 RC H ESTR AS Flacher'e Orchirotra.. c.1.. Figirlier, mgr. 012

S. Weet at.. halarrato, Mich. ORGANS

Man Helier, R. F. D.. Racal in's. Ohm. Rudolph Waliteer Co. Ong-Matt. Oa ORGANS & OnCHESTRATIONS

.Stag. Spiro to Lease) (Automatic & Hand P:ayed) Relive Motion Picture Co., Ilire Main. LÉ,6


Ls e-nelle Film Service. 201 W. lake •t.. Chi-tog NItonearn11•. ttroahi. D,.•

si p. Sties Co.. 527 South Ike:born at.. Chi. rap, N power A ro 90 Gold et., N. Y. City. MUSIC COMPOSED & ARRANGED as.. 1- Laois, 4551 ltIcLucend at. Clorinnati.


Ratner. Da:helm & Co., 29.54 00 W. Labe at., Cqrag,. Ill.

II. S. Talbott & Co., 2331 Flourncy at., Chi-cago. 111.

Warner C. Williams & Co.. C33-13.1.3417 Prospect at.. Indianapolis. liai.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS C. 1.. nuotihoria. 7 11,9 oie.. Ockalocon. la. Cart Flarler. 50 Cooper Square. N. Y. City. ' C. Art: or Fifer Male Co.. Inc., Quiney, Entire. Clifferd Male Co., Kimball Halt est .. 1:I.

Char:. a K. Harris. Columbia Theater Building. w 1orn City.

1111drerh & Beck, Freeport. L. 1., Nen- York. Wench Malt Co., Reading. Pa. Donne II. Remick. 251 W. aith at.. N. Y. C. Harry You 11Irer Merle Publishing Co., 125 West li'crty-third at. New York City.

Wettr..o. Iteri.n k Snyder, St:and Ti.eater, Nee York ('l'y.

MUSICAL BELLS a SPECIALTIES E. It. Mayhind'i Ss a. Si Willoughby et., Brook. Ha N. Y.

MUSICAL GLASSES A. tramples. litchmc nil 11111 N. Y.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (AntonsatIc & Hand Played)

L. rhriagman. 4827 Independence are., Elnaa•

C117. Mo

J. C. Deism. Bertcau and East Ravenawood Park any., Chicago.

11. C. 1:r3Url & Co., 1522 IV, Adams et., Ogoirago. Fa r k Caraisal 158 5th lire.. N. Y. City.

FASHION NOVELTY CO. alsouraetune ti 1.rk and Lecher Pillow Tops and

187 fersylh Et. Low lgauk bonickertgooker o lef Cg., 105 E. 24th

neor 4th ave. New York. NluIr Art Cn.. 336 W P.I Mails n at. Chicago. Pennant Nov. Co.. 112 Broadway, S. Y. City. Ludoipli & NJtegy Co.. 30% Market at..

Philadelphia. • N. Shure Co.. 217-211 Wea t Niadlson at.. Chi.

cago, Ili. float' ',tethers. KS flowery, New York city. ›,trn Pub. & Now. li7 W. 36th et., N.Y.C. P. Sternthal Co.. 217 W. Madison at., Chicago. TIP Tort Toy gro., 555 Pourtig ate.. New Y rk. Tip Top Toy Co.. 6:1 W. Fulton at.. Chicago. United States Tent & Awning Co.. 223 North

Derpla1cea at.. Chicago, III. Western Art I either Co., Tabor Opera Bldg., Denyer Colo

PILLOW TOPS (Leather) Tnngley Mfg. to.. Mai-tonne, la. 51. Ii rteso t, 4.5 r:,171-41. at.. N. Y. (.51.ty. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS Pinnant Novelty Co.. Inc.. 2z2 Irway. N. Y. C.

- Tip Top Try Co., 223 Fourth ave., New York. BERNS ORGAN CO. PLAYS

rnteareble rardboanl Maim Catalog, 215 West 20th St.. Rew Yee-

G. Mollinart ar S no, at.. Brooklyn. N. Y. John Muni. A Stn. 17a Park Row. N. Y. City. Norh Tonawanda Mu lni Instrument Works.


PAIR SHOPS II. Prank. 12539 Oakdire ave.. Chgago, IIL

PADDLE WHEELS I. Elsenstein & Co., 1E11 Broadway, New York-

C , F ana & Ca.. 1322 W. Adams st. Chi-cago, III.

Fair & Canital Surply Co., 126 Fifth any.. New York,

A. J. Kelm len & ca.. et. Pant Minn. S"holma Pr toting Co.. e...) W. *9th et. N. Y. C. Slack Nlig. Co.. 12,4 W, Lak• at., Chicago. 1. Tip Top Toy Co.. 221 Fourth a.... New Yod. T p Top 7 y Co., 651 W. Pullen at.. Chicago. United StVerl Tent & Awilng Co.. 229 North

lieerdnines et. Chi ago 111. Gm. Zorn, Jr.. blf-.. 34 Market st„, Phila.. Pa. PAPIER MACHE DECORATIONS

Amegn Cran S19 S-ring Garden at., Mille. Pa. Jo' noon nay & Decorating CO.. 10:39-

1011 (Haiti ore.. Petrolt. Ng!ch. raider Niae`e Art Sh^p, 612 S,. Grant ate., Los Anal".

PATENTS SECURED Victor J. Ever. .3; ea, WahIngt• n. D. C.

PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES S. (-steam, P. r.. Inc., Loon ave. and 152,1

PL. Um •`e...rg. Pa. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY Retrace & 11 ke, 1r:11.ns:tells, InJ. PEANUT ROASTING MACMINES

Kingery MIc. Co O.

CARL i !SCHER PENNANTS Beedimanen 11Werprobtna by Male. Catalog fro 41-34 Caesar Si.. N. Y. 334 S. Wabash. Chime's.

Pekin.. Music Co.. 1015 Walnut at. Hansa Cl..r

awsagleg Mingled Inotrurnent Works, North Timawayda, N. Y. P,Ra phone Co.. 31-47 So. 11th at, Ttrooklyn,

N. Y. Tangles, Mfr. ("... Muneatine. la. MUSLIN SIGNS AND BANNERS

Sungilinet Advertising Company, 729 Seventh 11,.. New York City.

Sweeney Lithograt to Co., lac.. 571 W. 10th at.. Nee York City.

NEEDLES Na? IM1 ay... New York City.

NOSE PUTTY M. Stein Cosmetic (So., I>) W. Slat at., New

ork city. NOVELTIES

Altbach & Rosman, 203 W. Matoon st., Chi-cago Ill.

Ana Street Badge 1. Novelty Co., 51 Ann et., New lork City.

Arrow Novelty Co, inn.. 10,1 E. 16th st..N.T.C. Reek Iter , 513 Itroalway, New York City, Israel Novelty Co., 1710 Elie Ii., Cincinnati. 0, 1. Elaatein k r141 N. Y. el"' Equitable N,Ielty Co., ill: Itroadtr•r N. Y. e. M. Gerber. 757 7'29 Sonth It . Phliadeli his, Pa. Giddtoirg ygos •iry 1416 Wyandotte at.. Ka..

ral. City, NIn. Gtoryoy k Sons, 13.'51 Park Row, N. Y. C.

tlemle7 Magic Co.. Berlin. 111.. Karl Guggenheim, 17 E. 17th at., N. Y. City. 3 a Hato Co.. 304-306 W. Madigan at., Chi. ago. Ill.

ti Hahn. 52'-` West bludgeon tit., (licago, III. 1 et:o lie, a, Terre Haute, lad. C 1.1aen. 121 E. Slain at., Dimwit N. Y. %he rount•in Pen & Nov. Co., 21 Ana mt., SPIV

Vi•rk titi tary Art Nonelty f" IT' F.. 27th,N Y4'

Akron. O. Morn. n A Co., 21-23 H. Wabash ave., Chigogo,

liC lihinte rental". 491 Ttroaellw•v, New York (-fly. Newman 311g. Co., 1141 Woodland ave., Clete.

land, 0. N. k. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal et., Now i.ek.

Pedigo & Perry, RIO flowery, Neo York City. Rho,. C"... 237-241 W. Mattoon •t.. Chiragn.

King Novelty Co, 611 5.. Capitol ase., liai.

Sinker I'm.. us flowery, Neto York City. 8:1grei Nc.•it t Co.. 11 Ann .0, New York.

Weinigauri 7:.! Peon are, Pitt.-tmrc l'a.

F.,Ireintranb. 12 (-brain. at, New Tort I'll?. "stern Doll Mfg. Co., 7,44 372 W. Randolph

oi thiragio. lit. % - No...0y Co., IS-4 M(S rkrt at PHI'. Pa. lirMar NI in t' • . I.e., :NO North lolvision at. . NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRLI- Danl.., N. a, talerson 41. Wv.lier. lenneaure Theater. N. Y. C. SOW)

Ilan! Below,. >dam 'cheater, New Tort city. L. Nickerson Trot AwnIng & Cover Co., 173 William A. Brady. Playlrouae, New York City. State et, Baton. Mapp tie,. It ro- lhont, Itreadaret Theater, N. Y. V. SERIAL PADDLES Chao, Coburn. 141.2 Broadway New York City. Cuban & Harris. Cohan & Itarrla Theater. N.Y.C. Fair ''' Fare"! Supply ' 1-6 5th ave-N-T.O. I' Ray Ci niabwk, Princesa Theater. N. Y. Clty. (Continued on page 54) John *rt. liTli lirradway. Yew Tort City.

American Parnant Co.. 66 ilanaer at.. Peyton, NH @sera>. t •s.

Berk RN... SIR Droadwa. Now Took City, th.o.Opr Co.. 333 W. Rolttmerc rt.. Itaithnere. Md.

N. Inure C,.. :37.211 W. Ma3lo-n st, Chicago. PENNANTS AND PILLOWS

American Art P-oductigto Ca, 111 W ,, ter al..

New York Clty. Bloom Br s.' Wary:Noll% Minn. penna nt Nor. Co., 335. Broadway. New York. Prndential .4-t & Novelty CO., la.. 133 Woos-

ter at., New York. Slater Pro«. In1 Mowery, New York ('l'y. F. :Menthol. 217 W. Niaglison at.. C'ileafrO.

Urged State. Tent & Awarg Co., 229 North losplalnes et, Chicago. FL PERFUME AND NOVELTIES

Superier Patinae Co.. 100 N. Well. st. C.dcago. PERFUME AND TOILET PREPARA-

TIONS r. M. Davie Products Co., 13wi.21 Carroll are.,

Chicago. Nat'l /4, op & Perfume Co,, Cambridge Mtg., Chicago, Ill.

PHOTO BUTTONS Patna & Perry, 360 flowery. New York City.

PHOTO JEWELRY roe!i o F. rt.tyy, yen flowery. New York City.



23 West 301h Street NEW YORK CITY,


Arnerlean .Amnsernent Assn., .50% 'When Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.


Stanley Sales Co., 1337 F.T:h ate., N. Y. city. POODLE DOGS, STUFFED ANIMALS,

DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS It. C. Evans & Co., 1522 IV. Adams at.. Chlrago. Fair 3: rarn1val Supply Co., 156 Firth one., New York City.

Kindel & Graham, 7S5-87 IT:salon at., San Francisco, Cal.

N. Shure Co., 237-241 W. Madison et., Chicago. Tip Top Toy Co,, 225 Fourth are., New York. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton at., Chicago. United States Tent & Awning Co., 223 North 1 rep`a nes at.. hlrago, 111. POPPING cor:N (The Grain)

American F-recen Co., Sloan City, la. Ilradchaw 5.6 Creer.. -'ch at., N. Y. City. Albert Dickins.n Co.,C-11 17. 3.5:h st., Chicago. Shotwel Mfg. Co., 1,11 W. Adams at.. Chi-cano. Bush Frfillyitt, N. Y. SPECIALINTs TN Pt'?".

W. TT. McClellan. Tl. D. Z. Arapahoe, Neb. POPCOnN DEALERS LIPAULT CO. BOARD AnsiORTNENTS 1014 Ares. inmo.


R, Partway. 72L37 E. Bridge at.. Oswego. N. Y. Itell Studio, 551 Sth ave., New York <My. CommereHi Ph tcgraphic Co., Davenport. la. PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTO-GELATIN


Asaniebiled Photo Co., Station A, Cincinnati. O PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION (Mingatares. Ilestnesa Cord, and Pont Carla)

Photigrapile Card Co., long IV. 47th at. N. Y. C.

PIANOS (Electric) ;gar Muai' en., to East ilarrisen st., chiragn.

PILLOWS (Silk and Fc!t) America Art Production Co., 111 Wooster at, Ne. City.

St Cohen k Son, 1124 e. 21 at . Philadelphia, ro. . t N, o. 235 lingidway. N. Y. City.

Singer itoo rag...goy. Now York City. PILLOW FRINGE

Max Schonfe:gl. 45 ei-pme at . New York City. PILLOW TOPS

Am. Art Preduct ,ia Co., ill ota p...N.Y.C. Art Pillow 4.4 lirlan,ry at.. N. Y. C. cheesier r..., 304 We. Baltimore at., Baltimore,

Gamy. W. ("Men Itro., 714 Wally, N. Y. C.

William rinott. Princesa Theater, N. Y, Cl'y. A. L. Erlanger. New Anaterciam Thenter.N.Y.0

II. Frazee. 110 W. 42.1 et., N. Y. City. r o Gerd. Ceritury Theater, N. Y. City.

Arthur Ihnunerateln. 105 W. 40th st., T. C, William Harris, Jr Mahon .. Theater. N. Y. C. Alf Hayman, 15moire 'theater. Now Ycr'? Cl.. Aribur Hopkins. 10-nouth 'flower, N. 1. City.

1.:auber, 1.0 W. 121 41. N. I% City. "7"aager. N. 1'. C. & J. J. Pt' TI.I'ert r-ea:er. N. Y. C. Henry MiNer, 1...7.2r Theater. N. Y. City, Oliver Nforepro. Nternan Tbeater Net: Clty. bleary W, Sava ge, rot._ a & Hanle Theme- N.Y.0Co., Seivven ',outer. T'-5 City, Smith A Golden Ilticiwn Theaoer Mgr.. T Richard Waited Tully. 11.2 illroadwa N T. C. A. Wool, Elting.. Tfiray er. Y Intr. Fred Zimmerman, Jr., 310 W. 75th at. N. Y. C.

PUZZLES, TRICKS, ETC. Heaney Stade ('o., Berlin, Wis,


ETC. Jos. llago 3C0-3.1ie W. Madloto et.. Chicago.

IIL Oriental Mfg. Co., Providence. It 1.

ROLL TICKETS Ansel' Ticket Co., 720.7 40 N. Franklin at., rh'ffo "or fi'da"n 1111.,graph . Newpi rt. Ky. Santorini Ticket CO., ShamokIn. Pt. Royal Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pa.

ROLLER COASTERS Amusement Park FreinecrIng. Co., 912 Broad-way, New York City.

Park Engineering Co., 919 ilroadway. N. T. ROUGE

M. Stein Cosmetic co.. W. 3101 st. N. T. C. SALES BOARDS

Hecht, Cohen A: Co., 327 W. Nladian at.. Chi-cago, ill.


Aitharh Rosenson, 201 W. Madison at Cog°. Alter & Co.. If'?, W. Nloolein qt. Chicago.. 1'1. Brahman-Weller Co , 337 W. Madison at., Cbi• ago, III.

In.. 'lago30ri 306 W. Niadiron at . Chicago, litchi. Cohen & Co.. 337 W. Matson P:.. Chi-

cago, TheW. "--- orgo Co., zate West Van Boren I, III.

Iowa Novelty Co.. 510-1174119 NuBin Bldg.. Cedar Rapids, Is.

1603 & ke Co. at.. N. Y. mERcsNinr TRADING CO. Itofromb Ind:amigo!! gi. had.

7lug.ry t Co., Cinciannit O. 1V. Z T. tog Co., 76 Minh sr., S: ringlet& O.

a:: Machine Co., C iltoocli fit . Joitet. Ill, POPCORN SPECIALTIES MFRS.

wr'e: Popcorn Co., 1117 Geary st, San

PORCUPINES Linwood 11. 11:nt, N rth Waterford, Me, PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS • pr!!en Jae', n.!!:.. Ill. nivr, r C n. Wis.


Trarntll Portable Sivat'r,g 111nk Co., 13::1 Agnes at., Kansas (Ty, M

Corcl States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Deapla.nes at.. C.Irago. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS

Calm Typewriter Ca, 1-.c., New York, San Frarriage. (Ito( N. Y.

Heaney Magic Co., Berlin, Whi. POSTCARDS

• & Art Po•tal Card Co., 439 B'N uy, N.Y.C. WIA la mehurig l'• at Card Co., 23 Delancey at., New York City.

POST CARD MACHINES • Daydark Specialty Co.. Ilsydark Bldg., St.

I nu!.. Sta. Millie Supply Co.. nou S. Dearborn at., On-cage.

5arno•tiwn Fermtirre :HO S. Ileeted st., Ch:cago. 13.


EAGLE POST CARD CO "'"••• Y.C-01.oe•I Views to erder. feria Cr (Mined. Ft.:1 lino of no-o t Alurn.num Gods, Fgot *tenants

POST CARD & TINTYPE MACHINES cc"rc•• For^tyre 315 Plnkay st., Dublin.


CHINES AND SUPPLIES Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bidg., St.

POSTERS (Hand Painted) Gencece Sign Co., Utica, N. Y.

POSTER PRINTERS AIM, Printing Co.. ..4 F.. Fourth at, *a An.

geles, Gile Slew Printing Co., 850 Ntlesion at., San

Franchwo. PRINTERS

(Of Pictorial Posters. II c Tn.* 'panda. Stream-ers. Elea

o American Shw Print Co, Miloaniom Wls. II nahlson Lithograph Co., Newport. /Cy. Heap:ran is Co., 311 Gerre•ee 14.5.I ..•

errio. :tag y tri• w Print Cing Ronal. Obigo.

PRODUCING MANAGERS r p .4rnes Little T..eater, N. Y. City.

167 Coital Si.. Nee Vert.

TT. L. Nloody & Co, Louisville, Ky. Puritan Chocolate Co.. Court et. anl Centro!

Ave.. Cincinnati, O. N. Shore CO . 5.15.241 W. Madison M. r. Silver King Novelty Co., 611 N. Capitol

Indlan-polls. Ind. Tie Touraine Confectionery Co, =I Causeway'. r-t

Polled St.','. Tent & Awning Co., =3 North Di soolaints sr. Ci•icarn.

Samuel Weinago ro 752 Penn ae SALESBOARD MERCHANDISE

Keystone Merchandise (ba, gs flowery, 54, Singer Bras., It worry. New York City,


SC4ELL'S SCENIC STUDIO 511-3113.333 Seuth Hieh St, Colombo; Ohlo,

SCENERY AND DRAPERIES The Chicago Studios, 19 W. 20th at.. Chliago.111. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE

Amelia Grain, 11. Spring Garden at., SCENIC ARTISTS

Edwin it. Mtge Scenic Co,, logi Angeles and San Fraln11,0.

SCENIC PAINTERS Hanna & G111,430 W. 4.1111 st.. N.T. Bryant 5131. Wert... weenie. Studio, 1713 Central are.. Kas-nao City, Kan.

SCENIC PAINTERS (And Dealers in Scenery. TM)

M. 4rrotruster á eons. 243 Front st, Columbia, Oh to.

F.nketoli Art Co., 330.0 N. 27th st., Omaha. Neb, The Myersirarey Stalk's, TAO Market at,

Stentiontille. O. lati.‘onl S.enic Stodio. illog 417. Cinehmati, O. The Now York Strello. 134 W. 3oth rt.. N.Y.C. Theodore Relidg ro a:n.4%22 Eat 13th at.. New

York City, 'S. Y. Sr`oll Serric Studio, 541 s. High at., Comm. bog O.

Pnite:1 Staten Tent & Awning Co.. 2'59 North Deaplaines at Chicago, Ill. SEA WONDERS FROM THE SEA

Henry Kyle, 617 Tremont at.. Galveann, Testae SECOND-HAND BAND INSTRU-

MENTS Dille Kook Howe,, 105 W. Italian st., Chicago.

S:ICOND-1-LaND SHOW GOODS United States Tent & Awning CO.. 2.9 North

Depplainea at., Chleago, Ill. SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY Antevean Auturement Awn., 30% When Inds.,

Ind. Weaterto Show Preperties Co.. Sib Delaware st.. Kansas City,


MENT8 ecm-Ohigne Co., 37.47 Ho. 9th st., Itrooklyn. New


r. 1. Flak, 10 E. Woodbridge it,, Detroit, h.


54 The Billboard •

DIRECTORY (Croatian...1 from page :2./

SERIAL PAPER PADDLES N•tIonal Tioket Co.. Shamokin. Pie.

SERIAL PAPER PADDLES & TOYS pair à ('ruin ai SimId) Co., 124 5th a. e., N.Y.C.

SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES Ir•letneyer (Now smith Printing co. Vino nt. riniinnati.

SHEET PICTURES J. King A Co., lee N. Wells "L. Ildeagii, III.

SHOOTING GALLERIES 3. T. Diehman n., inc., 21.-t S. Main id., les

Angel... Cal. I:. It. Hoffmann & Ste, 3317 South Irklug Ave.. •Chleittoi III.


3317 South %Mas Aretue. Chkaae, III.

W. E. Mewet ,. Coney Inland, York COT. F. Mueller Co.. EInton eve.. Cbicago. C. W. Parke'. Leavenworth, «an.


3247 W. Via Berea St. Ill.

SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS Nat'l Printing A ilogravai u: Co.. 711, A Elio atig..

St. Louie, Mo.


Ackerman-Molt:lc) Co., 115 W. l'IttLi st.. Emi-lia.. City, Mo.

Planet Shim Print A Eug. none, Chatham, out_ Canada.

SHOW PRINTERS Jordan Show lirint, 211-113 institute Place. Chleago. Ill.

Pioneer Printing Co., Fourth /v Marlon, Seattle, Wash.

Womte-n Show Prhit, Third alai Jame«. Seattle. Waal.

SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES Nr1Pon Supply, 514 E. 4th st., Melon, Mats.

SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS F.nkeholl Art Co., :015 N. 27th et_ Omaha, Neb. F., J. Harlon Co., Inc., 104-110 Broadway.

IRroot,!n. N. Y. United slates Tcnt• Awning Co.. =1 North peddalnee nt., Chicago. Ill.

SIGNS lisen.niey 1.1thorraph Co., in.-.. 2.11 W. ltith et..

New York City,

SIGN CARD WRITERS' BRUSHES Dick lillck 1.1”.. G•losburr. Ill.

SKATES etti,,,,c,, p.m, skate Company. 221. Stertli Ada

ai., I Nioaen, 411. Bleharlein Stolle co., 154 r.. et.. Metter, John II Williams klanufaeturer of Donley

Railer >lintel., Rit.lowin.l. WI.

SKEE-BALL Flirt, Ball t'.... Itellie st.. MI10,1012, Pa.

SLOT MACHINES SlIrer King Novelty t"... till N. Capitol eve.,

Iwthinapolit, Ind. The ExhIldi Supply co., ;Yrj S. Dearborn at.,

Chicago. Ill.

SLOT MACHINES (Manufacturers and Dealers In)

Stetting Mfg. 11 , ... r..:17. Ere. luau ave.. Cin. cinnati, O.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES Tow* soup') co., me S. Dearborn st., (111-


SLUM GIVEAWAY Kin tel & Graham. 7.5..7 111,Ion st., San Fron-de-0, Cal. • SMOKEPOTS M. Wagner. 3/.Pari: Plaie, New York,

SNAKES Bert J. Putnam. 4:iti Washington at., Duffalo. New York.

SNAKE DEALERS W. Odell Learn A Co., South stile Military

Pisen. SwF! Antonin, Tex. W. A Snake King. limuntevIlle. Tex. Tesgg• Stood. Earn,. llena notule,

SOLDERING COMPOUND Theranella ('i ,.. 11770 Carroll st.. T. G. A A. Ile:, Co.. :21 E. Market st., Hunt-

ington. lnd. SONG BOOKS

/Iambi Ittenitor Moil, Co, 3.31 W. kladlnoo

Chic:17.o. 111. SONG SLIDES

St:guard Slide Carl. 'rotin, 240.213 W. 4Sth •

New York City.


EAGLE POST CARD CO 335 13.*"' Hen o Yen. It u•tie Wesietoride. Iturnt I. Gist, •rtell onata. team' l'alla. Ita.ketà

SPANGLES AND TRIMMINGS Arthur Ti. Alberti% Co., 7 Fulton rt., Itreddyn,

J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC. Son-ease. I.. Si. TIrk», A W. II

IS mid 20 East 27th St.. New York City.

SPIRIT GUM M. Stein C'n...,rth l2i't W. atst at., N'. Y. C.

SPORTING GOODS Il. Fran. k 17.11- Agl•mt et., Chicago II C. Runt a e... Om N. Well. at., Chi , ago.

STAGE CURTAINS LooI• Kuhn Stndlo. 21'in 0th give.. New York.

STAGE HARDWARE J. R. finery. P00 W. Belden ave., Pyracurie, New York.

A. W. German' Ca.. 134 !Beth ave.. N. T. C.

STAGE JEWELRY Art.btL' TI. Alberti* Co.. 7 Pulti.n ltrooki.o.

J. J. WYLE & ROS., INC. Sweemsor• 'n Sherwin k Weil.

Id and 20 East 27th St.. New York City.


West 4401 et.. New York Citr• eh., Newton :WI We-t Gith et.. N. T. CliN• Malt. Elts to:- Stage Lighting. :km We'd 74.0•1

•t., New York City.

STAGE MONEY AND MAGIC raper' Mntrto Co., 1112.1 S. InIng ave., Chicago.

STORAGE Guy Storage iTheatelonll. 22-7.“ W. Henry at..


STREETMEN'S SUPPLIES Berk Urea. Itriadway, New York City. Itrarkman.Weiler Co„ 227 Weid kfatlimiu Ft_ Cidengo.

M. Gerber. 727 729 south at.. Philadelphia, Pa. Gold Meltd Rug fleeter to., Itaffeln. N. Y. coitilotre Jewelry Co., slit Wyandotte et., hon.

no. City, Mo. Eil Ilahn, 222 Wind kintliiton Chl,riPi. Lovin Terre haute. Ind. Mao Poualain l'en Novelty Co., 21 Ann st„

Nest' York City. Morri•-h . S. Walleith ave., Chfraco.

Mulder Brother.. 491 Ilmadwar New York City. X. Y. Mereantile Trading Co ... 147 Canal rt.. N, e' York.

pert, Chemical Co., Pierce Blitz- Chloairm Ill. sidy....k.Tisid Co., 521 N. Eighth at.. St Lonb.. N. Shure en, 217.241 W. siaoliton iéitteago. Singer ltwit.ere (2 Bowery, New York lily. Sine ('henil. al Co., St. Dotal, hin.Su aunt

l'o.. 722 Penn ate.. ritt»bilfg.


SILK. %Vorent. Ltd. Ctioon Tlehtà MeelalLeta is; Lorin. stoat. mat%e ord.,

ni ,s1.e

GANTNER & MATTERN CO, s" "ss'etscs. CAL

J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC estrar .• Wet:.

It and 20 (wit 27th St. New York Cite

M. W. Anstt Moo: limner TOILET GOODS AND SOAP Mind, Itre.. Littiter. E, M. Davin Produi.ta o., 1MG.,21 Carroll are.,

STRIKER MANUFACTURERS Chicago, Cis. North Tonawanda, N. Y. TOYS

Antort.•tt.Mado Stuffed Toy Company. 11$ STUFFED TOYS. ETC. Diee.k.r et. Neu York Clty.

Climoiler II"" VV. "•• Elektra Toy. Nidelty log Lafayette at., Mil. New York l'Ity.

SYMM ET RICALS The Glob,. Teddy Rear Co., me-arb Christopher Weter Bretzfield Co.. 1247 Itnedway, New toe,. Brooklyn. N. T, york. Co.. Akron, ri.

John -e2plecr, W.-aloe at. Broolglyn. N. T. Mullins Muffle' Dunipty Wrestlers. Ise Mad-


Edwin F.. fIrown, 5ge-. PelLge st., N. W., Gran.1 TOY BALLOONS Itmiltb. kWh. Brartl 171.1 Eli,, at.. Clcelnnati. 11.

X. IL Tend,. 1.0", Vine et., Cinoinnati. nhlo. K, my..dy. iiitt s, 'boat ed ut.. chi-ago. Ill ilert Thomidon. 2gr: Worth at. n.1 China., eagle ttn ioa,, 1,...% eioaad. It.

so., New York City. Paultle.. Rubber co.. Addend. O. -- Hahn. Weal Madlisim lit.. cht,-.E., in.


White;,, 2121 Weet lt•ili . New York. N. T. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES AND

EFFECTS pronto', $tIttlioe. W. thit t.1.. N. Y. C.

lmula Kul n SUMP. '-11. 'III a Se, tew York

THEATRICAL TICKETS National Ticket Cm. Shamokin, l'a.


LoIlle Kuhn Studio. zr. atm ate., New TOrk.

TICK ETS (Roll and Reserved Seat)

Bees Ticket Co.. 10 'lame; at., (mamba. Net,

TICKET CHOPPERS If, V. EriEkk, Pr.:wreck 1311g., Cleveland, .0

TICKET PRINTERS Angell Ticket Co.. 7$111-71O N. Franklin et_ Ch'go ilanteek Doe. .2.1 Jeanie Yhtià Francine.. Natl. nal Ticket Co., ST•inokin l'a. llo> al Tit kit Co.. Shamokin. Pa. Trineiunt Pree., Alliany •t., Itiet in, Mee* Weldon, William, & 1.1t I., It, Smith. Ark.

TIGHTS Arthur IL Alberti. Fulton st., ileeklyn Waiter lit...MI.4d to. lia17 Iltro,t.lw•J• N. Y Mingo Cietueue Wtirke. 14:: N. Dearborn It,.

tither.). Ill.

1 DECEMBER 13, 1919

WATERPROOF WAGON COVERS J. C. thee Co.. lietre It. Mich.

WATERPROOFING i'regger.o l'rodlict• Co. Port Mime,


WELCOME HOME PENNANTS Standard Slide Corp., WO W. 45th at., N. T. C,

WHIRL-O-BALL Driant Apeelalty MI Emit Genegla tit., lg.


THE WHIRLPOOL C. D. Cavern, 919 Decades). New York City,

WIGS Alex Mark* I'M B., Sth Ire. at 4411 at,. N. T.

KEWPIE DOLL WIGS dorm.. f3 PA•valrlt

A KOSS, Ilk Leath Denwhave Sagest, Chimer

Zander Row, Inc.. IIX 4sth Pt. N. T. City,

WIG MAKERS G. Shindhelm, lob W. 4.Ith et.. New York Co,

WILD WEST COSTUMES Chalet' P. 'Shipley. &tn.'« (It;.


Vlealle Stott Saddle Co., 2117 Market. sa. Francisco. Cal.

WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES Jumpy» Jewelry Co., h3 Chamber.' at, N. T. C.

XYLOPHONES DIlle Munk Minter, 10.0 W. Mellen et., Chlnihn

J Dragon. Ilertenu and E. Ravenminioi Pa•li Chiragn . 111.


E. IL Street, 2!.. Brook et., nartford, Cowl


'Pm, new theatera are being built In W1111. ton, N. D.

K. It. Cansar will build a theater st N•er.,A Vt., to t.e known ae the Itroadsray. It vt.2. •eat 4.400.

Itichard• mew Twelfth Street Thee ter. K•ntina City, Mn,, will onto .121.togi ant 1.111 teat Lute.

Greeneliurg. Pa., will have • we... elaNtimt. theater, oeolng about 1.-zu.non. .1,kb win he ere-ted by New York and PItteburg elpItalhos.

Mra. 1...nora fleeter will build MR neat honte, meting S.10.1.11o. for Ruth catell. owner 'if the 04.12111. arid Pre,' E. N'y.'. Angetra. at CHARLES WAGNER 1g1';:7, sAelgar....n i, at. 1, le. en, lit. monroa la. k I.

10 and II Chatham So., Nov York City, Newman MtA. Co., Oil Wenilantl Cles•-land. II. non. 2:t7 241 W. kletNnon at.. Chicago,

Slirytek.Tedd Co.. 1.24 N. Eighth at..St. Louie.

TRUNKS m. Kotler. T,11 Sixth ave., New City. Newton It son. 7•1 elm st., Cortland. N. Y, C. .0. Taylor Triguli Works. _N. Emit Randolph

•t., ('hleago. III.

TURNSTILES (Autamatie and Registering)

If, R. Letealow tired il. leatoon. Sucre. Igor), 4714 kid et.. Ile tester. N. Y,

TATTOOING MACHINES rfarlo, Warn, l't 11 Chatham Sit N. Y. e.

TEACHER OF VENTRILOQUISM Pref. S. II. theittriban. 74,3 N. 711, st., l'in 11101,.


Eslinji..n 11-.nd n,rai /•,.:), Washington e•t.. Ito.ton. 1ln •s.

TENTS American Tent .aunisL: 71.7 Waattlogton

ave. North. klimicatailla. Minn. Mellor Supply Co.. 1.10-1m:

tille, led. taker A Lookweel. Seventh and Wyandotte ale., Kansan City. klo.

The Ileverly ed. 2:.M..722 W. Main at,, Lout, Mlle, Ky.

Colunilma Tent & Awning Co., Colombo.. A. rarnle.Giati'le nod Grand toe., IStindua

City, Mo. Dougherty Brie.' Tent ('o., 114 Senil), Fourth at..

St. Louie. klo. Ernmt Chandler, 22 Beiikman at., New York

City. Deter Is Stewart Co.. Inc.. 17h-47:. Pâmfl,

Brooklyn N. Y. Fulton ling 6: roue ShIm, New Trbe14 . St.

Loult. New (Weans. AtIont• anil Della«, Tex. J. C. Gt.. A C Detroit. Well. llenrIX Luelthert klfg. co.. 324 Dewar& San

Cranoiseti, Cal. Geo. T. Ilidt Ce. 52 S. Market st.. nowitog IL M. Kerr Mfg. *Co., to 7 W kindled' st.,Chi'llo M. Magee A Sonn. lac., li7 etilton et., N. Y. c, Nettoille 'Rent .k Awning Co., 312 Plret »CP..

N., Nashville, Tenn, Nat'l I Ineolu Chat:tempo, S)stent, lei N. T.»

Salle at., Chicago. 111. Niekertion Tent, Awning & Cover CU., 173

State at., lihaddin. Many. Tent & Awning. Co..

14•15 Pullerton an e. Chicago, St. Louis 'rent .1 Awning CfL, 1012 Markel at..

St. Little, Mo. Arthur E. Smith A Co., :WI l'anal at.. New York City.

r. somas, tted ('anal st.. Nto, Ydrk CBS. Tuner Rubber en.. FL Smith. .0rk. tithed Staten Tent A. Awning co., 229 North


Hutto:1,1)1-e Co., il I W. Main et.. Norfolk, l'a,

TENTS TO RENT Dow nlii lIra,. ;it S. San Pedro St., Loa .1n-

;ode>. Cal. Iktettr Ai Stewart. In,- ri'1 at., Brook.

uy,,. N. Y. I. C. floita Co.. Detroit. 511.-h, kl. Magee & San lee.. 147 Pidtrin et.. N. Y. C. United Stab.. Tent /. Awning Co., 22-') North

Desplainc• at.. Chleago. III,

THEATER TICKETS (Roll and Reserved Seat Coupon)

Auell Melted 7311710 ik, Prankiln National Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa,


Enlvereal Theatre% Conmeelon Co., 1N0 N. W. bald ave., (hIesign, ill,


TURNSTILES (Cain-Controlled and Registering)

ewe Co.. 122; E. Illth al., Cleve land. ('hi.,.

TURNSTILES (Full Autamatic and Regbitering)

Pere), .01(e. Co., (hum), et.. N. Y. city,

TURNSTILES (Registering and Caln-Contrelled)

/T. V. Bright, Prtepect Bldg., Clew Mend, O.

UKULELES Kintirt & firely1.1. 7S1is7 klIselon it.. San Pr.,

cieno, Cal.

UNIFORMS ' Et. W. Stnekley A. Co., '10 It Walnut al. , Phille

UNIFORMS & THEAT. COSTUMES 0., Dopt. 12, Greenville, III.

VASES ItaYie & 7..1 w. M•In *L. 1,›Di»

title, Ky.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES Ackeringin liarria.1.5.1 ()Terrell nl,. San l'eau -

('ni. I'. M. It...1w, ml >tooth Stale >1., Chlt agni W. S, Cleseland, Proetur• Palace Theater Bldg..

lit Marts, «L . Newark. N, y, Bert te.ey ('in ""Il of V•iiiieriot. intestem Al. «arar Illeigher 141.1e,. Sen Eranobso.

Jon,. 1.11111 d. Sohaefrr. South Stale et.. Chlikdo. Ili.

Widleru Vaudeville Mgrs.' Amu,. chicag„,

VENDING MACHINES MIlliabrit Gum Vending Corp., 4,4 Btaiaduay, New York City.

VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES Ilmoy Marl, I'm, lerlin. Theo. Mack & Son. tr.Ct 5. Clinton at,,

VIOLINS Albert I'. Mogul,, 14.11 Itrogolway, N. •y,


Ilfg, 1:11 N. 1.1111 et., St. Louie, 11o.

• WAGONS WM. Prod, Co., Maple Shade, N. J.

WATCHES Altheyb lo it.saromon, 2its: ‘v. Miluilsom Chic,, Alter A. Co.. Pe Went Math...a, et.. i'illoago ('ittawny iniportilhe WICe il ratina), N. Y. C. M. Ggelter, 727.72D South at., Philudelpids . I'. Joa. Morn Co.. 2gei Meliwin at,,Chiestos

Irving Salto arta .1 Co., 1472 I:midway. NY.

J. A. liming>, of Parker. S. It.. ha. puectimed ground ..n which h• mill bn11.1 ro.deria plarhoiem.. It will iDelude a large 'tare (..r road altiivie,

• ptngra'.ning Bent-Ma. ('al. .0 4111.04.0 Oleo Organ will el, feature. 'W. It. Crooks, manager of Or'', um, will Lave "barge.

Wort hat been alerted o e p Oh- new Ilenti Theater. Monett... Ark. The. elm of the atm tare atIll he 40110 feet, and will pest 7S0 rte. Polley will le plelurwe motel 'het A new theater wIll be Millt by the owners

of theInri.' Theater git Ihirrie.n, Ark.. *Mil will be ready for titeupancy about Felarns-y It It 'kid that the home wIll tied oi.not

Gertrnile Molder, id puttqueed the Park Hotel property. 1 N Y., end will remodel t for • motion plot , * theater. Plana call rot n idayboue to mat tween lifal and 1,100 l'-31e, Work hag leen 'darted on th• new theal.f al

RIvtlimIlle. Ark., bring rametrueted tie 1Y. II White and William Blaylock. The tulidins .111 fi0 by 110 bet, and will seat 1.:00 peo-ple. Otto Harp hit pan-Weed the tio*Intei bleb

remodel hy Handler% Grocer/ at Wadoverth. it., and will remodel It at a root of $15,0110 for • new movie theater to be opened fatly neat aune nl, A new theater .111 le erected tan North kills

atmet. Rockford. 111., and will hare 2.5011 neat. eati•olgy. Derry Gramm, Manager ef the

orolowim: C. It. Itrelolg. ehell It. Smite et al. are intemettsl. The St Inuln note% bulot),, Men., bat been

puroliagied by li. S. and it. J. Cook. Ce rook AMu•ement C lllll pane. The brindle, will le rased and • theater, tenting 11400.00, will

,'reeled on the alt.. Ths eeeontl of the Illue Monte elrenit et nee

ters planted for the Twin Cltlea will he erected on Ilennepin avenue. between Seveath and Ehrhth «teem., 11Inneapollt. Minn. The houee .111 rnet ahoot and will teat goat. A Dower to net 141.7.0A51.1 asiD be hullt •t

Piteadenn Cad. on North Raymond »UMW'. fa, ing Ole Piddle I litrary. Seating capaelly will le 2.fam The ...epee le ...mewed of R. 11 1.11.1,111, 11. Jennen and W. C. Crowell. William J. Stanton will open • theater re

Main street,tn I., known I. the 11111e. Picture, and traveling attrairthe. will he honked. Keating reparity will mn la the neighborhood of ase. Huston hopes t. the Ilivie by New Year's,

J''I. 11 Mehl), manager of the Itoy•I Theater. Oregon, klo,. hae begun wort on hit sew ('Inri When • completed the Mao, will le one of the beat equipped and tuait modern in Ihe northwest part of kilieot with • «rating rapacity of that The home Is "levied to le otimpleted hy December 10,

lie» ere Il, WI, pileD•wit manager of the Wide', Tower Amiea.nient l'art . head. a 'troop of bite blimitlee• t,,en wilt, pitroloonil a tioaint• Mile be ere, thin of • $1111 l llll mii•

pioturt The 1.1111.1Ing. wiprk 'iron Wylie early In the. «tiring. I. "i'lledukst for Libor tiny opeoluit ht will gent 1.4 eh Two new t hell t•ru, far plesuret and tin--

other for pollee: afel la inlet hIe, ire to be bullt at generii, N. Y.. emit. T. Hathaway. ree re"estIng J It (Wheel of Renton hen remiss,

'toot 4 lty. »D option oil • Idle en .1Clebange ',Dept for thr . .

N. Shure C,... e37.1:11 W*, klailben et., (Ideas... . • trady. formerly coemeted with the turned as

Kallajlaa Expert, 1030 Washington Pt., Iloilo., I. Tannenhaum, 121 t anal et., New York. Regent theater., Gebel& Sao a prtdect for a Maseaebnaetta. dame Welabitua Co., 7e4 I•ealt ate., littsburg. 'movie

and PleInn. home. and lambn Ii. stager Brothers 14:2 Bowery, New York illy 1 d

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 55


Considered for E. Ga. Fair

Phenomenal Growth Leads To Enlargement of Scope—

Officers Elected for 1920

Eadman, Ca.. Dee. 3.—The remind meeting ,•Lo, iler of the Dodge Corinty lar • • .• w it held le. e November

,00r. the °Meets •thonee the a3alra of the owe:ration to be in to,1 eon, loon, tad with,

it-n os• expressed with the maargentcrit toaca .'L. o' sietwing made. Misr the etc. tion of .11rettors fir the coming

year. folloolay tel. ere itere eltoren tr ad-stator lys uf the assettatbn; W. L. DeonO, pros:dent. W. J. Mabel. flot el r• irro,b1.•; John 1.. Wooten. aretna oat: W. It. Cal,. titled vleclusident: James

Jr.. otstretnry aml te surer: n. I'. 11 wan!. Pei.' se- unary. All otleinia rerunin r e 1.• >de th • cy -et lion of Mr.

li err!, si oLos th- positicia teocutded In Co f 3.1 ly hr. IF. A. Jessup. lo•oi, eery ultra -rattle, else:aliens la this

re a ice to the advent cf the bell weevil ohyrt.1 1;rorg'• Coring the present season,

'le f.dr Jost .1m.y'. from the standpoint of terler anti quality of ex:dials. was by far the bin arta asst stoners:El yet held. Great tilran hat has been given the g romtrat of pure-bred

tt...k ant dilverslIcatina of corps by the eperatlen'ef the fair, stalbetles showing thet

mint-Don of cattle. begs anti grain la the snly loss lernesed rnteral honeret per cent

share the first fair wan held In IP16. BY reason of the phenomenal growth of the

lair. It is planned in the cduing year t, en-large it, •Cope to take in several count:ea afJoinlag. The co-rperatira of Tetfoir. Meek-ley. io,tanhl. Wilcox. M..ntg•merl end Wheeler e.e.•:yr v:11 he hnl In 'senta:. the rest ex-ted:* sad the potpie= lint and lulidings ••11 le so rearranged and enlarged to take care of telr (Replays. The counties too:tinned htvo ato falls ant interest ani grattr.rati n Liste boa erielenced by their Mittens:A], In tt-c am-usement that provistenI. being timee tr them te partiripate on an equal bas-le with Doge Conoty .n the falr held here. A new name, ladle-sties of the broader field

to be taken in by the fair. slti neat prctedy be reitoord, altho this me, ras no: yet been drenItely determined npen. It Is Pitt-1y, bow too. that in futtee the fair sill be known as the "Southeast Georgia Expmitton."


X. T.. TInney. nee anal knoss, an -I.-racier.. " has icen tirililnt cmwis at fairs la

the î pit, during the part few %reek.. Ills nerool..,11 li.ftis) foot par :chute drq. from an Wpm- is a great dravOng card for the fella net es, .ryslie•e 11e I as a opeared the crowds tee a.littrael him a reliable dare-devil. TLary app W s ai arel at ay...nuts. eta.. nre• ti ver,, . N,,'ember 1.1 t,

lad at Jackeosollle, Fla.. Nevembor 3:1 to 79 tee eonoinslon of his Florida date.

°•' .111 rilY reoloi for ("sir to eve seeks then eis his ntuta to the Stator be will appear at



In Intr.-national Live Stock Show Than Ever Before

thi,Arn. Flee. 1.—Intered in the Internallun• -1 1.1,r (lost irvonsitl,n. In session lu ahi-''on.-isoi hum il by the fact that there

r""trell hundred mere entries tia.. tait Him tr. In fed, in the tnenty years' history .r the IIN•r• -ift inn. G. 1. ritli•Ce. of notice University. Ne".

".e .bitte et the l'y anti ('rain departmont 'f the ispnaltion field the hay anti trail el . bast ssaa the largest ever arrange)] by tie a•gel

lato•re.t il horse exhibits wan spirited fe tlI• Os ',Ina of the exposition. Horses lit Utter .1>sa. topeolaily, hare nernottsi +lb sdine The ltendance, erpe tally at ni_• •

•1"- established new records in the bi t of tbe show


For Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Plans Discussed for 1929

• o. >1!•.. is, t' -.' 3311 1111

.10.41 f inters if the Mlotalw.h.:.1.AInhama n't Rorie niterr was unanimous's' to, eier!^, 1.1....Itiest of the ¡costa lieu and A. Vent-7.• ttttt italueniely re elected soot- I ary :ri r offlogyer.

• 1:r ye, bad tendered his osignallon to Ike file oses lotion recently nmi had tally la-...h..' to refuse to *crept ot11,•e again this

-s of private affairs being the rem- n. a. eresur• vets to-mclit to hear how e'er -...1 th, °facers and stockholder', of the

fair were Ito determined to retain Mr. George that be finally yielded and devilled to a•ae with the arsociaeon another year. Ile wan voted • subatantiol Inereare in eisry.

After the election of ofIleera the wort of the nomiert yetr wls Whet ever rod plans were made te a bigger an I b•••rr fe- t'--in cur. E‘en •t *ht. early dare Mr. Geo-ste is D.:urine on ettrsolens for Frei Fe is re-gotholug with tee C. A. Worth:on ca'n'tal compaay for the midway attr,,tInns


To Be Held in New York To T"ke Care of Overflow Frorn PaW.te SI•icw

New Toelt. C.—Eurite the wee: of es Tatar. Ant., s'• w, Ja-eary 3 to d tuirl• there Y•11 le 'el in tire %peer. r•

st •t-ee' an I 1.^%.".••on sirena-, na Ityleren ',nt . 0-r-1.11.• nee, tdo,- ke---n. the Arolo-v •• • S'"ve to tee e-es•• C-os

••••-•-o re ' 1 'does if ••••-• red ae• oes•erles . r-- enrble t, fr.1 ar-omto^••••lous at the r.,•• This ix.••.C. is ell! be hed• ender V"- eatt•

neetrurt a..I Ish .1 el ee 11 .0-noire I•x•-sir -•n Co . ay ., filers are 11, .31:e r •

11,• f • 'r e N-osty Fort sl•Ion Cho, and tell i' f t• so awl I f ire's to a'•-rs s er tl‘-‘el• if •arrissi- n 1 e ttbd rib. - te The exo n l's ant en--

men-le netcs. fern a'-,i mer. -ntlie *re'. to I-'., t ,di.•, n' ss. "es I ad. In

o t. ee--• •• - - nyt: Ine pertaining ta the and-not-0o le aml il' numnfactu-e.

In et-moo-eh" with the chow and in corer t, r'e el • 1.• - : retose- ent t>

the visitors n limited number of high41,, .. .•.,......”0”n• win be taken. The first week In the new year is renerelly

knosn in New York Cry is- Auto Week and visitor. tom nil p ris of the rode i tet,tea, l'anuia ant Eorttpe •-e here to look over the 111,V models and t s meet old and new customers 31 My pearly 711111e .1-14 f tiri"0 owners.

r I y • ! I I fer a :urotifnetterer t n- -11-e von ..e et t' -e Pal-te -c t pplleatiou v as strà'• ra far ne a year head nn.1 1,111 then the older awl rernlar exit:lieu were [fro% the preference and hundrets of the smaller mom:torturer* of .1 and the te -r red Ineter r, near-Arum who true aided notes t: the.r tines were (-Im-pelled to neck qunrtere in the various hotels

ou Ve e!:ert•. Fur eis ro -son the 1:1'ot-relent Exnwidtl -n

Coo. deonic.1 it m ›'e Vie elm. In or ter t., t •ke care e f this curd w a- .1 ha• 'eat out notter• to eat eTe --t t V 11 u• utantrforturors whlm •hs y th naht in': - le in. •.-este 1. The re,-Ps toe- tern snen-Sing. t nao t'e hart. zed et-ors-Ding mint, tu 3

(tl!, If not show at ee .lirrnory e• well ns the P.daee.


ii .enl'nrr, Ark., re-. r —Tb' mat. I lr _>••0:1-01cr. '-'a's e here Pre week

'he r II o 're et.".• P-soddent. A II. WC, ni si e•pres.cient, W. I Dines: secretary.

-• 'I J. " us ni P. E. W Is n. It • t' r of er ass -sifter> to 1.1d an

• r • .....n eee. I o I dent to --"c --e' "s rl—•••••mer•s red ro eerango

for the 1`,20 .l-wt•e^ reeerrit wi'l he hell December 10 when the committees will resod

•-".1 ee-ferted.


"THE WHIP" The Latest Amusement Ride, Combines Thrill,

Action, Pleasure and Safety.

Large Returns oil Moderate Investment.


W. F. MANGELS CO., Coney Island, N. Y.


JEFFERSON CCNCEt-EION CO.. tNC. 'Oa the CearJsa.k' litS-NrellCKY DERBY CONLPANY. Introit. Mehtgao. osebry 1Sth. 191O.

hew York. N. Y. Centtemen, ATTIIN-TtON. AILNOLD

I Leg to tnferm >ou that se base rimed cur IMO omen ''ssuuiis-s---hh. hi was the biggest of our busi-ness eareer. and as-wn. a, tis moles. 'tau, moat asaol first honor, as a top money getter to your ronderful roachine—"T•in Kentucky Ilert4."

The ,lcr.1411'y s.: our Derby is romething worth while making mention it. After two years ef hard user. •.I mat nu, nrcesear; to :'ace du, <4,1 n.etat..n a: the ro.anustornent of this 'alp, am the reMartna of a few string, at a co.t of larnty.nre cen'a re..1 sort, of pilot to arid to the rash.

If you Gate anEthin; ta the way of new games for tte waxen of irg1 se soul t be glad to look our >on. lino ILeir•ortfulty >ours TII : dleFT-ItHeis CoNcatetox CO

iRtimei) MY Charles Itotheteuo Secretary.

KENTUCKY DERRY CO, 140 Nassau St, N. Y. City. Mama.




If you have a location and the capital, and wish to build some-thing interesting that will catch them all, communicate with

F. M. WILLIAMS, Engineer and Patentee, I264 W. 127th Street. - NEW YORK CITY.

ONTARIO BOOKING OFFICE Is booking tin Fair Arta for next season. Play or pay contracts. Ten good weeks' work. All Fair Attractions send full partteulars, salary and photos. Also booking Toronto Exposition. Now hooking %-andleville Theatres.

ONTARIO BOOKING OFFICE, 36 `longs Street Arcade, Toronto, Canada.


Expected To Br;n3 City and Country Into Closer Relationship

Winter (sirs rind exhibit., while appealing tn o terser rareer o• people thin the summer aei fel feu, e-e es ree highly !AMC,-rle- 1, Th, T IdPate Flop Products She"-, hell et Mn...^ huh. Cheinnati. was no eneenieet end en eleht-dly session. which

Sittudny, Der. 6, was a most 'Meccas-Pit r-c,

anncureed our-nse cf the show was to advance preninction of more and better farm to-ducts standeollzation of varieties beet adapted to Due Ohl, V- les- end to bring city or--i counter 1-C1 el so zelotionship. There ht promoted the show feel thut a great step

•a• been made tosa -ri accomplishing •Il of t`e.1. Mere •••.• Th•s year's enreolt.m ill is pinanol to mate

't en annu I e rat yas a couhinstion of the annual romey reel •-i-counte ?sir., and was

the reetrit of the ro-cperatirn of the ex'.11.1t^rs col colons mg looPurti eganizneens of three States bird the Chin.ber of rem. mere,. Fran every sundueint it was Welly 'deceit/dud 1, e exhibits were extensive and cared, inetu•ing et only lee geld products sorh a, re 1, ta•oes etc.. hut also garden 1P-duets. fetilts cf all sorts, toluteen and many other • roluctS. Speakers at the various 'sessions ineinlei

s -e tif the be-'t known agricultursi experts and farm lureau mel of 0*.in lientn -h•

N'Tert, Y. Ceoner, president- cf the Ohio Fair Itoys Assacielon, was a epeaker on the peening day aol u-coi the 1ton ,t.n-•• of encouraging the reo-th of the farm to greater ' 'I, Fr f. J. 1Y. 1.'oyd, of the Univer-sity of Illinois. spoke rO "Co-operative Market• ' ̂ " I. J. Tab—, ms.ter of Ohio State n-ange sreke on "Need of Rural O'ganlru-il ft." blanc other experts delivered addresera, me of •h oa :lustratIng their talk• with mo-

*I pictnren T' ene was excellent attendince at the chow

'r•to both country nod city and visitors showed • Dotty interat !a -he exhibits •net the ad. 'ogees. The execn'ire committee which to-uted several renege fair men, among them

cf Cincinnati. and J. LI. - Daleof Ritatela. O.. Is enthn-inetle over the re-

Ida of the show and its possibPities for good. t I rnbable that for the coming year u chow

a much more elaborate scale will be


Te- Pte.. 0 —"are-tar:m.3 original te -ms eti close the mont extended

.ertcan tour in the b.etney of tbe organiaa• ran under the personal supervision of Ralph

f•ankteren. at D illas. Ralph 'tackiest-IL promoter of the Dallas

tme-ican 1 eglon .‘nto Races and Motor Style how fir the 'tees • f December 6 and 7, at-,ntle.1 the meedtets of the American and inter-

national Associatnns of Faint •rd Expositions •-• -^ •••• ••• -Led Auto

Polo f o the 1320 se,,on and arranged for Prelmti. n or Profroil. nil eanetioned into weir at leading Calm of the country.


Rock Island, Ill.. Dee. 0.-11.rectors of the Ws* 1,Iond County F.Ir Association have de-cided In extend the f program one day sell fill , makiam fire tlaa's for the county exhibits Grial iten.1 will be extended • hundred feet, tesis' psvilions hula and •n extensive amuPe. meet pr-gram -dep•el. Floyd E. Thompent la president of the fisreelatIon.


.7ee Curtis. wide •wake manager or the Chat-tan-ega. F.'r, sr toy much in ell -

ne Jacteser ,11" Phil loser la • well-known concessloner of

New York City who hol a hit string of eon-ce. souls it the Macen event.

Mrs. Char, If, Muerrove, ore.- anent for the 1,:entnekv State Fah. a, Loolsville I. 11n, %wok-log on The Courier-Journal and handling the press for aeveral cf the Veal Ousters Seen at he Jacksonville State Fair. Rented'

t:rinse. Sam Knuisn. Ed Robinson and John It. Ierman. of the I/omen-Robinson Famous

Johann' J. Jones. Fred derrla, Mist l'ana Nterhsole. Rhuls Reyal, Chick Deli and

prominear showfolts. Nisbet I. Stine ',remises some surprises it

311ssIssiPPI State Fair next «cation anti she esten that there •011 he many changes in the grounds, buildings and methods of operation. This year.ri fair was a wonder and the gor-e ,a halt etImnInted the energetic Rabb, to new efforta.

Ail who were at Miron, are full of Praise ter the fair ofIlel :Is and errovone says that it w is a great f de. 1,11 isuer, one of the principal roneessioners at Macon, said: "Macon sas n wonderful ror ind the foie au. •,,rittes are eertalnI7 ent.tied to the credit. M o n is a mine- and 1920 will be bigger end doter than ever before. I sea., splendidly treated by Pro, lent Jul'us Ott , and Secy. II.

r.Lhert and Co, roly le -ore that I will


CAPTIVE AEHOPL.A.NES RICHARD GARVEY. Sete Mfr. 1, 117 Rotten Real, N Y. City. Orate: Vsoles CH., Ted 1. allate.

56 The Billboard DECEMBER 13, 1919







Account of Coal Situation

Rhoda Royal Ends Season at Plant City, Fla.. Dec. 1. and Sparks at Bradentown,

Fla., Dec. 11

On account of the emit Rif...Minn both tie Rhoda Ituyal Clrete. and the %park. Oren« were Barred to change their el..«Ing date« The Ru,al (Irene ended its 1.1.1‘1«,11 st Plant Clt. Fla . Pe-eemher I. It had issd..ings Fehriney. It Is ter; likely that thl. will be a teurteen•car ,.how nest year. The ',perks riven«, le-oldl t., do«. nt Pulatka.

dah„ . 1«., will gin P II« ling! enc., ni Itradentown. Fla.. Beeember 11. In-stead.

Here I• the destination .d «ona., of the boy. the sparko show elope« and goes Into quar-

ter, In Central City Pork. Maeon. (1a.: lle.,re" SIneletnn. N. C. I F., t) :Ind Charles Ween-nnr to throne, Cuba. Jaek N. tnt tn New York; Edite Sehafer t.« Cleveland: Shanty Marshall to Philadelphia: Hook 're, t.. Cantan. O. S. S. Mar. M.-GnIne«,, to inured. X li • (1drle, Cole to ChlesKo: Reed te New York ond CI...eland for a 1. , lef visit, then heel: t., ('nor. t, re; Jack ilhetenbeelc. end a party of ten .ensesmen to ti,.. "'.1111.1.1" Grange Groves in Florida Garry Vanderbilt Is rude:null:dine a too make' ant:, Pule over the Dixie llizhway. . Meier Smith's t'.« ione to publish,

4K. W. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET it 1, safe t.. 1:Inerary say thr - and .1. S. ISilm. Cirrue.e. Fairm, rendsaLs. will arrive In ilosten the same day. .1t

...•de Set." tot Bulletin Ne 30. Leonard will winter in NMN« 011.«11«, sol Wm. uptivett•AL MOTOR CO.. °askew.. Wiweasis«. In Cinelmaatl.


>Nashville Tent & Awning Co. H. G. HUSBAND, Mgr., Nashville, Tenn.



1111 Nattai Stmt. • ST. LOUIS, MO.

WANTED TO BUY Second•liand t'oatrey Bats. M'e•dere. and Indian C,,',, 1m. Helm sod Itol«ters Alen Flald or Loud-Check lateet end Cbanweer Solt, both rod wound-band. :Mete «dud sun hate and hevt price.

HOOKER•I:l/WE COSTUME CO.. 30•36 Male Ste«. Haverhill. Mass.

SNAKE SHOWS When all other., fall tr - the ola mu, Mind Rem SIO.00 Dens' and up. Get value meted orderiad nano We

SNAKE KING Pest Me Address, • Brownsville. Texas, Tateerspala Address, • • SeakevIlle. Texas.


TIGHTS t$ au loaterialii--biat of beet de and make for LU PROFESSIONALS:

Peeing Art. Tiller,. Skater,. Cirrus. Perfrern-eve etc. Paddling Frog, snake and 11,n1...- Snit•, Elastic end rinti, SIP-norter. inri Genna ,tic Pomp. and Ga'ter, Send for Codeine's ,. B and

Four Bards." FREE SA urrs,st.


Phoenix. AG, . Dee. daY following the el-sing of the Al 11 Barnes cireu% . G. It ...nee left for the Paelfie Cna,4 t. clew. ni. s--me bnelnee. mattes« at hi« old minter guar-n.r. Venire. Cal. PnrIng the winter eseenn the mhos, .111 be in charge of Al S.nd«, ml, I. Mr. Barnes' Ten:ral moulage Mr. an? 31:. Sande have sernrel spertments and will remain in Phoenix unfil tire %print opening, on or about Mare') 1 In thls eity. Bobby Fonntain •nd wife are al.« to he genet. of the Arleen. city for the winter. It,. Fountain reset, the bit-tern eramem he has ever known rime reuming eherge of the side-e.hew, and the pit attn.'-tin' oith Berne.. Put few nf du> attaehes of the big mleaw will

remain at the winter quarters fnr m .11Y of them are already lined tip mith eon.hInatIon Rt-e.-Gun, fes the e.I.1 month,, . lint de linsw•111, the eh«, beau brummel or the <how who preet.1,,e' ,ter the peed department lack with the trl, is, left the lay fnilowing the elo«. Inc to mori. In pleura., on the Coe.t. Mr liosseill has giant the pent ...rot at tbe ›Opilos. .11 Whitney, asho had eharge of the front door. launched n minstrel now and left re à tonr of th' MonthweNt the week folio.% Inc the elfwing. Ile will pilot the -Tion•smoon 111In•trele" duriner. the layoff porhel. —J. E. RITITARTIres


The World's 31...seum on high etreet. 1m:dam hmi the rnllow ng attraction, ThentegIvIng week: May Musser, %mkt rharrn• er featuring Pole toe eighteen-foot :nett py thdn : ,".nth island loe with hie curios; Prank. Il,, Broom King: I'm,, LIMY« monkey elren•; rr•EtIr W. 11.,rnum .. Buhr!, & Jude . LP Gma ge. mid.tet: WI,. Frazee. acial artist: Prof. 3. II. Cook. banjolet; Prof. Clip gin. Mtn.. •rtlet; M. II Ilaminottrn glas. blower,: Alalmina Cotton Tope rolons1 min eres. Joel; itleharde I. the lannrietor td lb. museum; Bob Mn-11,-e. menrger: P. W. 1111,ser In el-agree of the fret and lecture. The rogn.inr .4,11, ore at the musenm:

Frank Septer WrenchYl. conkhoum*: John glimTP. 'high «triter: r. Ii. llattz•rty. fishpond; (1. W. .od h..opin IT A. Ste. et, h t111.3tm-

win: Charley Redeem Jan bolding alley: I' IT. Walden, mlniatme hearilne alley; S. T. lied *trine game: till , l'aulley hnekley hurt: Ja, it blekinn, y. elgeret Mooting gallery; Steve Boni' One, mitt joint nad duet pond. The curio hall attractions 2re ,'hanged every two weeks. The mnsenm in now la it* tenth week. Jack

Rieharde, the owner. was formerly mu:Mated with the leading eirenue and min«trel ghee..


Tee. Living«ton Trio, rem-edy hor performer, who UP.. W1(11 Illy 5.11.. Floto Show the pa«t «e«....n. opened in ea:Id:-v.11e us the feature number at tie: Grand T11.11. ter. Elgin. Ill.. ThanterlsIng fin>. The trio paid a tritult.• te li. P. Gentry. gen-

eral in:usage .f the Sells Flute show,, mho they •a1.1 pain) their ,alert... In full ,A 1,11e the shon mad belne gland after •tend na Ing to bad Ire,1

IhMhy Crankelton .1..«...1 ith the manse nt Savannell. Ga., and a, ot et nitre to N. a Vork. II.' is propertt man for Nils« Leltael. mho .111 open with tie. -Midnight Frollee" at the New Auederlan, Theater Runt Garden 1h« ember et.


The brigade of the C'. le Ilr.m.• Shows it- aesson at Deihl, La.. Nan. $1, after a ...Lime

:ft weeks, enverIng nineteen State. and three pro« Ines.. of the Ihnultalen of Canada. The hri-g.dp l,a,i the dietin, t1.11 of beIng the fee ad-

nr ant- rin.n. tn bin in tin. far 'welt ,nantre. g.,InZ farther meth than any miler ehow. t.. Big River, Seek. The brigade ..:1 r the -ense-t ef 1.. It. i:'-cenho., with the miler:en a.ehmnte: E h. limek-iln. It. 11 Sherman. E. Cniten. A. C. Matta and Jerk Stark. Greenhaw Journeyed to hie leant, Telle. Ark.. to take charge of Ilk pie-ture theater. General Agent L. C. Gillette via Ited the brigade al Tallulah. La • the day befere it ringed. Ail will be under the E. li . J.anes luenner nest eamm.—R. M. SIIEMIAN.


The %Mow T (Irene openel in lie vana. C,at,a Novemlar n, fer an eight weeks' engagement. The opening we, a tdor event, Pre .1. 'lent Nienveal, of the Republic, heing present. On the pr.gram are the Flying Nelson., Atl,:m. and Head. Jn,rn l'o-rea. Ni..rales Family. Mr. and Mr'. Pallenlarg Ponzlni Troupe. MI-Nincrionald. rmil Schweyer's Ilona Fan. Troupe. earl Eugene Troupe, J. Parolle, 1"1:: ramify. Adams Trio Leant Tennis,, Moral , llena., Rue Enna. Ilemein Tien, f/111 Roder:we. 111 ,« Nlary. Ttsader.lavelle Tra,npe.


Montreal. Ter. R.-11nruce Barre, retired pro. reselnnal - etrong man," died here following an

nt two month.. Sarre. n physh al giant. 'r.-''.' led Ter many year. with Barnum 1, Italley•s and 'tingling Brow.' elrentsee, end ion-ame in ternatIonally known for bin performenee% with thr weights.






ireerntArns FATE.


261-267 Canal Street, New York

ebn-norn. c.-11,itinn Jew en-enntinn with the Muller Bros.:1%mM & Bailee shoua last ....amen. I. In Chleagn fnlinniiur the Close the big allow. Mr. Joeph will eater yetebeille Derembe, 15 at the bispraata,,,, with Pallen, Polar Skating Beare.


Chicago, /lee. S.—George F. Tieneean, gen-eral manager of Ile 1lat shoo s, effle.ei in (wear. Monthly to attend 11... talr

ronventkm. Mr. Donovan ta known as not alone «ne d the Rime annonneere in A111.11, 1.0t il• ene of the bee *Monte* an well lie man a Billle,nr.1 nleltnr midle here.


New /fork. Dee, she dealer in animal,: in tide city, recently U....1,A thrn the te,et of 11...ton a ehipinat nf mls..11anenus bowet, and bird.,

THE BEVERLY co 218424-222 W. Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY

Phones: Long Distance Main 1514, City 7814.

Place your orders now for Tent,i and Banner+ to he used

next season.

Send us the tpecifientions for your next season's require-

Inn-lit ».¡WALTER F. ottivEa. We will be pleased to quote and figure with you on your we Vlee•eres 1 Mar. = Formerly al Chirola. materials. E The BEST SHOW TENT HOUSE in the World!


36 Tears' Reputation Back of Every lent

Gosv9 SHOW a CANVAS Carnival Tents

Seed fo- Catalog and Socaaelianal List





CONCESSION TENTS Show Canvas for all purposes.

Prices reasonable


TAYLOR TRUNKS Swig! lin Cali:Foe

C. A .Taylor Tr unk Works 211 E RAIsDOIPH St :SY .11' MADISON SI


210.44 Stletl YORK N






related. Any else sob &sired.


TENTS If sou we going to huy a Tent at any Cann, :

far If"», you better order rarer or serf soon r' assets ue blab and estrum-1u. and Truss al

Maher next Spring. Write us.

D. M. Kerr Mfg. Co. 1007 Madison Streit CHICAGO

FOR SALE Tan Slain Lido, whAPral l'weeeT S. " 17 ' Male 1.1/ns, shales' May 1, Mg: na, lerroale Let, I.% months old. 7.001ANSIV.AL SOCIETY or me' 1/11V:O. CALIF.

JOHN SPICER " Wmile Semi' ereeklyn. N. Y. snec,wor to Fpicee Bros

MONKEYS SNAKES nut no•e, sunstaile. >Assn.-

S.J. PUTNAM, 4,0 WNMIV.. et_ ginggii‘ N. Y.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 57



We have one Canvas Wagon. one l'oie Wagon with panel sides, two very reasonably. It will iny you to look these over.

your OPENINC. WE JUST COMPLETED A LARGE STOCK OF TENTS. SIDE-SHOW AND CARNIVAL BANNERS, and are ready to start on orders ter 1920. PLACF: YOUR ORDERS NOW and give us what subjects you can so we can commence on your Work

Agents for Bolt. Circus Lights. Lights Repaired. Stake Wagons and one Animal Cage, all in good condition, which we will sell


217-231 North Desplaines Street, CHICAGO, ILL EDWARD R. LITSINGER. Viee-Preerdent. GEORGE J. PILKINTON, Treasurer.


Seen en the etreeta in lince, Oke reeently WMtee Tigner and Tel Slack. sot circus fame.

--- - G. It. Guymon. with Cook Bros.' Circus thin

Often. has accepted la position In the Lyceum Vat/de'tle Theater, Cantou, 0,

Charles L. Smith, tend leader nod calliope player with Ilse, Perm.' Circus. wilt join Carey & Alreander'e Comely 3annery 1.

Tim Carty, last season on the ISellerloto Circus, is sew bead waiter at thoo Sean, Cafe. N.edielite. Tenn. He la in etarge of the grill roe.

C T. Conover. woe. :lewd with tbe Jelin Rob-., a >ha, at Molly Springs, Mieo, ha+ af-

oot in Chbego and will stay there during tee linter.

lierb F. Ramsdell, with the band on the 11.-W Clreue Lee semen. bas established winter quarters at eell W. Gorteun street, Madison. Wlsoemin.

Genre. II. Weymann, rube clown. The t'est sewn with the Yankee Boblowe eleowe, wetter" that he nR be with one of the big 00411 agala neat wawa.

Lon De:ranee sod wife, Babe. after cloning a auereeful rte..s with the 11.-W. (leer, have rete-nel to New York. and are at berme to ail idea.. at 34 W. &Toth street.

--e--Ke:ley Mitchell end Ai Eieenberg have nego-

tiates! e 4,1 whereby they have obtained • leese •n e he tel, centaining ir. room.. •Il fued• etey fierobbcd la Clue neat'. (l.

— j, E T, the circus Ethograeher, was ems Is .sesdri recently aimed of a well.lenown t oee 01m. Ile le getting his usual good show-. and making good as always.

---Fred C. Liai (Milwaukee Malty), for four.

tree eter4 a circus and legal adjuster, formerly wee blegtv:.'n 1 Bowen, le new owner and niait' ar- sf el'ai A Crane' Carnisel Co.

Lee Haggerty, the bilipeeter. arrived in the Qme'r COY reently from Bridgeport. and la st preen( employed by the J. B. Stetson Co.. - torte or ibe electrical eiulpinest.

Val Vino. descriptive lecturer of the Ring. t? :Ire. • & Barton a Halley Cirrne. will Its -t breveport. in., havIne accepted a

r. :ti n with es large oil well corporation.

..•rees r. iferrimen hatcher Ind advertle-• eiblter en the Welter L. Main Show, is • « ^oo in leneinnell for the winter. Reid , et he will b, tack with Downie nett year.

inc Ournessectselle, who chased with John releaser 'thews at Holly Seeing, Mime was

I'M elithogroi elsItor recently. Ile hua is ene en Philadelphia for the winter.

stealer: of tine home. Merles Renee', 'rtrintenolent of !work on Ile John linteneson en., botteht a henutiful cream color reldine ere-, nete Ga. The animal is late bend.

It I, Cresol Tueker, billposter pest ces,.. en s 1 ef the 'Unction" Broe.bilerntore

Show, has taken his old jele beck ae hill-iest, ter the Greed Theater in Elgin. lii., for 'er welter.

Tneiter. lesulettile, Harry Minns. /eddy Miller, Eddie tenant. Torn Lose awl • ember ef other tempera ef the white tope can

•loy h Ming dewn the "Iron Crest" re the City hotel in Chicago.

- —

%erne and Meets, who recently closed with • 1.'1,114., k Wel!ave Cirrus, have eigned with

" e t'..i,v. ("ten, fee ite Month Amer-esa tour. They are at present in Toledo fa .


UNA-FAN Ise li•lie.11nn Melee! Inerurnerit leuresese Ines 'we etrlienn. hut with onefifth the ertete. orte-tesea le she r.1 fIrty th• vnlurnA LtTWrd).f., Catalog if. IllueralLng and deacelleng


sr...-. ()EAGAN, Inc. en, 1760 Oseltau Art CHICA00

..•••••••••••••••-.. -

111%.'ES MD PONIES SIORED • ' l.aartne Show Stack MPTUAle IW A I " Wre »d eat, Fie* Pei Mom 147 Clad..

THE BOITE MFG. CO. C. RUECKERT slis CO., Successors.

rE Portable Circus Lights, Deacons. Blow Torches, Gasoline Stoves, Lanterns. Mantles and Hollow Wire Systems, Etc.

225 North Desplaines Street. - • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.


4,1 eeet • t,/ ;.1-esee , ̀so se: IT WILL. PAY YOU TO COMMuNICATC ses

re tenet Sven° ArryTmrryorIAOC OF CANVAS

330 wyTmon Aya., OROOM▪ ILVN,Ne >re r. ••••••ANTA. OA Sr Lowe moo New u. .

DALLAS, —*tang.

Praetleing at Rey, McCree'a ring barn. They bane purchneed a prineipal horse tram the licCrees.

There was one clown with the Sells-Floto Circus who considere hinieelf lecky—isred L. Gay. wh•o *Myer' in Louletena. Fred will likely remen within the toweled's« of that State thru-out the esieter. 1 wonder why?

W". E. Betsey, with J oen linters« el Circa« Iwo +ream, o• toe k In 1.,.. ile..n. r the %slept' lie writes Pet tee old eirrus grtiond• l.nve lean de -ne awry wtet. bat :hat Loek eleees end room Inc tiny ch-ine that tomes its wry.

W. II. Martin eloreel l'in outdoor engage-ments in Zeneeelle. O. hes teeme town. No-a-ember 11, Ogee I I+ ceriel net tic will Lave two new acee pest re lean M•rt'n would ube In tense the whereete ut' of lita pali, ./11Ct F.:ag-ile:I wed Prul Sees-erne.

crtore leoolvene• •-• e re. In tee priellere partmeut ef tb • Ebeia Rey,' fleets_ called et the h me ore. • f •, 1111.,c1 ,1 !,t en rente to hie hnme at leerel , ini Men•iened t' -• the, lIoyst ebew ead ni Uloet sit fris-son.

Carevent, better known wt Mlle. Cleo, hs• chaugeol her name in Primrose (Inn. She le nee playing elite. In ReitIniore. w th ber husobsod. J. O. Casevare. leoklue after the booking..

Jack Baughman, the well-known eleertielng @toilette?, formerly with the ItIncleag we, is In Inutile. nt 1020 Chestnut epert. Phila-delphia, handling a line of adeertleing nov-elties.

Toni Cent-row, the well.knnown beet biliretter of the leneling-lbsrunin fortes. Is heck in Philadelphia aft,.- • Fqw aid pnwprn.n. rea-son. Tom I. In the horse hneinese for the win -ter, and reports things in Me line Ileurishing.

Jack (Louisville% Zannne. a member of ilia-po•ters' end leest Ne 30, 'attended the Detton Palate •t Weer.. Tex. and wit ,. that it was greet. Says, that he aeos leering for Chicago after four months ef billing the ''.ticks' of Texas'.

Genres Gonelhert the veteran 13Ingling ear manager. Is wintering in leneaster. l's, and reports eecellent fishing in the many ',treacle adjacent to that city. Georges '• an a dent diselpie of tsetse 'Walton. end elweee retneno with • oleo string for his many local friends

--Johnny Marinello Open. Iola vaudeville encare-

meats •t the Prinerte Th , Canton, III. Deeember 11, with nine weeks to foliew In Illinois. leers awl WIneonsin. Johnny cineed 34 WeelOo with the Cele Itroa' Show •t Delhi. Mbar., December 6.

Mr. nid birs. Kelley Mitehell suet Mr. and Mrs, Ai Eleenierg gare e theater party at the Grand Opera House, Cincinnati, December 2, in honor of Mr. and Mr'.. J. Fidler, of the Itobilmhz Mee., after wnicn a tnreeceerte ner was served In the impertinent. of the !Iselin item, revers were lei/ ter twenty guests. John terrleon beet taestmaster.

Roy Barrett, clown with the Blotting-Barnum Show, after ringing Savannah, Ga., went to h s home in New Bedford. Slane, for ThanksgivIno. Ile intended locating in Akron, O.. for the win ter, but er111 remain at home inatend. Ile ire under contract with the same show fo•r the liegl torte:en.

Bert Geyer and wife, Deloris •nel eon. Harry. with their de-g act. eloutee rutting globe and .omenribn. "teed n Rh Neleon Great Eastern t Innis at Grteenenstle. r., reeertly, :not r-une:led to their home In CaleInnati for the winter. They report e pleasant end sueeertful season.

Floyd King, one of the ownen of the Sanger Circu, and fertrer pre.. agent fer rite Hagen-beek•Wallece Cirrus. wee Initiated Into the Al Cher-nine Strine at Memphis. Tenn., Thankegiv. in. Plesel erite• teat he ewe gat some riding. He le no'.' a full-fledged 32nd degree Ma-on.

W. C. Gallaher, for the pan two. season with the ads epee of Jos C. Herbert's Greater Min-eirela, na. «'empelled tn doer with the show nt termen. Ga. Ue I. now townted at hte home. ir13 N. Music street. Fall RP Cr, Mass.. where he would be gled to beer from or see nny of the bey..

Elizabeth It. C ruing. 490 Enterpriee street, E1gir., LI., e rites thoot 1> corneae, alas. Ilan, Leo. trapeze performer •Ilee Santana, husband of Centenntle Fire Queen, is in the County llone Batavie. lti., and wants to hear from Ccontennill, if 'Ding, and friend*. Anyone intereetel may write to Elizabeth Corning for information.

Jake Friedmen'a Oriental and pit shows are with Chrietv Reliroad Shrews. now playing to Mr bus'neire in Lonlelants. Ethel Delmer and Iklith leeCiorre are the dancers. The t hriety Shows

he eon nntll Plenary I. and will he an • ighteer how neat senaon. Friedman has Mined to bindle the acme deportment. In ior20. The show will winter in Calseeton, Tez., 'gen.

Molly, the winter Quarter' cookhotese; Louis Bennett bore trainer* Owego' Grongbfonrie. Mee painter; Ray Thompson, principal bores trainer; Dan, the seal mac. Egypt, the trails. master; R. S. Bigy. superintendent.

E. W. Adams of ¡Gantt. Ga., writes Sally that be Ins seen his share of elrenees the past season. Ills delta follow: Selle-keoto st St. Louie, Slay 2, and at Atlanta, Ga., November 1; John Robinson at Nashville, Tenn., Septem-ber 4; John II. Sparta at the State Fair. Macen, Ga., October 23. and at Newnan, Oa., Novem-ber 26; RIngling BrogeBarnum & Bailey at Atlanta, Ga., November 10,

E. Jay Sillier, the Merton Bay-to-the-Oelf tattoo artist, is arranging to dispely one of the lergest and rarest collections of photographs of tetoosel people end celebrities ever exhibited. Be is adding to his cone -Goon daily. Some of his recent additions are of blarqueosso origin. also Algerian, Samoan and one from Bonne, brought tu Norfolk by manors. The Murgnesan Photos show elaborate work, resembling One lace work and la delicately traced.

irs-on *see ' 'vs tenses. sees, ef lliery Memo., the well-km-we Ilegenteek Cie eu• advance mart. Harry ws• seen in Center-ville rer•nt:y is company n th Fleed King. both busily engaged in getting real pnbileity for •,,e le. mu.len1 ,^ 'reedy proinetien. Fred Orte I. ./.."‘n.1 Tenn web Adams, and they know how to LIII in true cirrus style.

Cherie* R. rollay lake, till. opportunity to thank the ticket /tellers and butehcre, ales Ilerman Joseph and Peel Brelne, • the Ring. line Broet-lissronni In Raney Citrus, for the kineepee "oilmen hint while tirer were in Jaelteee.

Fla. Colby Writes that he will he eon-toed to Ids bel for [sometime he rent, ant will le tried to hear from friends. Ile is at the Atlantic Hotel, Jacksonville,

Carnes Hun formerly of the 101 Ranch ebow, remelt-pet a eurteestol weapon with the Al G. Berne. <Irene. and lu wintering in Phoenix, Ariz. numher of the beee are et the (martens. They inelnde Jelin Ruby, stake end chitin nun: Harry Elliott. An.. canvaemen; Sailor Dili aseletant ben roan: Joe Fish. bOM hostler; "HAPPY," assistant bon, bower:

After closing th, settees' as general evert for the Colonel George W. Hall Circa' Clar-ence Lurking+ went to K•nse• l'Ity, Mo.. where be joined Frank W. Richards-ones one-night. Mend comp's e "What Happened to Mary The show is peeing Western Kann*. Illeosourl and Nebraska. emittings will be back on the Hall Show sa general agent for the acasos 1920. He will spend e few days at hua berme is Ohio in February before going beck to detente, Arkanne.

Jerry D. Martin, aerialist sad eoetortionist. Joined Bailey Brow' Show la October and has teen towing the Eastern pert of Texas. 1111, M. G. Feld°, ihe upelde-down man, who is doing a 100-foot long and 35-foot high elide on • roller "kale fastened to hle head, het !APT his the chow after clotting We free ect with the Tom Allen Shows, K. Riley Matheee, late of Gentry Brea.' Show, bail also joined the show Martha and eta:tree are framing -et double get Ior next seseos.

Ell Fournihr, formerly braes beetle? of the Buffalo Wild West. John (Slim) Epees, who has just returned from oversees nacre be parted in the Engileh Army, and Clint d. Graham, tor the pa•t three seasons superintendent of the Ir-win Brew.' "re e`-eett (Irene, traveller th the New England States, •re countered with the John Sold. T:or:Ing Co., Brooklyn. N. I. Eli hots charge of the stock with the atmee named nrno. with Epghen ns eseletoust. Graham is doing the olliee work far tee Or...

II, B. Stanwood. secretary of the Harrington Sporteinan Cluh, Harrington. Me., writes ea as follows: "This own of 1.500 population bas never had • circus; it draws from seven to eight thousand people, and la the center of seven good towns, with plenty of money, and do net gan why a g in .1 . eew wetild net rev to make the jump. The-n le a rod bet about 100 yerde free] the et-ti a, which be • good place to nnload. mind there is plenty ef water beetle itrtrineton 1^ a ehinhulloi ng town. y -mr, •e. • - ••• to

any show which vronid like to come neat mile son."

T.) Whence retired showman, who diel • •'• •re"-th Tel., November 11 at the age of

111 yearn. and was burled at Texarkana. Ark. • .w tousles,n le the early

arttles wit' the Spaulding & Rngere CIrtea. hut retired after three yean with that show. In leel lie and Lie erother organised the flab' ▪ Bros.' Circus starting from St. fouls. M'e, lie ester ens ravines' with Barn lleFlrun, also Charles tinnier. Ile retired some ten yell age and accepted a position in the carte of the Texas en4 Pelee Railroad at Fort Worth. He wan • Knight Templar and • member et the Order of Railroad Cooduetore. Seth lodges at-tended the funeral in a body. 1/e le eurelved by elz some, ene ef whom in Homer D. Merton of the Biding Flebenne, who were cosine-Del with the Cirons the past season.

Ben Thiele, formerly in the show 'engine» is now with the Royal Palm Reelty I elated •t the Hotel MeAllieter, ellamt. Ft • be clad to heer from nn• snowfols eebe 're gotar to Miami this winter, notelet!" if it

UN-entities"l on pee, rel


BILLPOSTERS who M. ...mete et handlhae • ,out. pereerty fer late, 'ere yi day. Ot.en conditions. no lane truuble teem rumblers reasonable Will PM tram -mess to nod enea: no lot Wee Write neat Weems. UP salary mewed me. &lanes II' L ittTliANAN. ewe The 111111brard • •••


Send for Mosey-Sieele Lie PILAU VAN. North-au& N. Y.


58 The Billboard Oh,CEMBER 13, 1119

CIRCUS ACTS We can usc twenty m re Acts for 1920 .Season of Fairs and Celebrations. Casting Bar, and Flying Trapeze Acts, Comedy, Animal, Bieye4. and Acrobatics of all kinds. Arab, Chinese, Jap and all other Foreign Acts, we can use you. If you have an act of any description

can make good at fairs we can give you six to ten weeks' consecutive work in and 'around Ohio. Name hest figure in first letter.



11,0rayl Another live motet beep definitely an otenuced the donee of Bair 1920 oonteot, /le,. it to. tbst Worth It.oloo. Montt • to 15, X. Season, Jr., nerretary.managor: Bay Mc btu'. y In him vent:tut I'. IL Groot :tun I adnotl«Ing 'ulnae- r and Pal, Tadlook 1, rode director. Elie, t thoy .111 antigen... th,•Ir priz, lint ruins, et.- , lieu the «solution of The Bill hisr,i later. Guy WeadIck 1g 'word from: "lo rending Year

4.1.4110 leering date of November 29, I wt.« indeed oteloorbon I end shocked t lourto of th• death ‘o vier' •Id Daniels. It - cm tatoy reeently I fond racenen, a letter from him, telling. me of lela lettla for the /OtUre. 11.. worked for no. to,, ono-sio with N:eUdellle act 'TI,,' Stamp.'.!.'

and hit performanto. I,, riding tity roan bucking Lorne Ilitle-Inte.' loorobank, with only a handful of inane. Mon not, been equalled, la the small space that O.,. wtoon affords an •L• Ilinitiou of that kind. Ile eow o cool clean boy, and the neon of hl« death wonek...1 mo greatly. : extent: to Iri', relatives no) beartfelt -youpnthy Ir their breutement."

Illen'te a lias bunch. keep ynur eye. on them , R le2e). The FrOlit I( r Content Ca11.1 °Borde: Days." Their seventh umonal "Col, 'ern le,.....'' will taks place at tarangevIlle, id , soot...o 'er ••10, 1930. Tim LininInn N III attnIn ottlrlutc as ,..e.retnre and •lleer Barrio will nolli the un-.-li. try as of yore—only more no. They repuri that the 1910 content Wan a whizzer.' Capacity •-towds that overtaxel even their standing room Prevailed- The money-getter.. In it,,. Melting . ontnite were lint Cash. Tot White, Dace IlgrrIman and Limer Mitchell, GoongevIlle I-• . Ina the home of the latikeue Cowl.ny find. ohleh has just returned hewn Opoknne . Wash.. .•here It wan the 'big nettle' nt th.. Weettern o ..-.11 Livestock ShOW. Wateh oar eolumn• for - .• nows regarding tba Grangeville "Border

''....• " They Worn the leet conbot ob. have Infinitely announced their date, for IfrOtt. Iluroy IIP you other contest committee*, let ser hay.• your'. L. B., Tucson, Arlr.—The name nf the town

la Thermopile, Wyo. Surgewt you write them direct. The hone you mention came from Teltall. Joe Gardner orte owned Idm. Yon oui reach Gay Wendlek by addregono him; ;bl-are Theater IInIldIng, 15etl Broadway, New York City. M. It. Ran nut City, Mo—We .1. no. know the

pecar-nt whereabouts o: Mitt Ilin1,1... Write him care of Tire 111111,oenl, Cln,.Innati. O., and we oil] ndvertige the letter.

11 0,. Iluteldneon, Kan.—Theo. ato several Photegraphere hat lake picture« of the Olrferen: ...went,. Hugged that you sa rite to the ',Pe-

p ., retary • f the content of willeh yen (Ingo, Um photo. and he .11 no doubt be able to give you the Pbotog•orimen mime and addren«.

1.. 11. (1., leittle R..ra, Ark.—There are 'leveret good saddle maker.. Look in ou,r elm:Pilled advertl•Ing lint rind write for information to the «nddle maker. 11•tel there.

Another W11.1 W.ed take, the road the rooting nonnon it will be ealbel Buttent 1911', Overlain.] blow, opening 31nrt,ir 27 at Aota, Ok,, Where It I. lu winter qunrters at present.

Woo Thou. Gundry, of Stockton. l'Iall ii-rites:-n-onid you plea‘e esprenw tun,. 1h,' ,...lutnnw of

The Itillbonni my oireerr thanko to the tempt, of Ardmore. (1k., and all/ the tentewtnntw to° that eontegt. for their numeral* kindnornen to env- >On. Gronleld Daniel-." *Tom and tinry Gilmon bai'.' returned to their

raneh near Havoc, Mont., for the winter. Nora Wello. the lady brunt rider of Edmonton. Can.. 4.. with All three nay they will be at Ilse 19.1.) conteets. Frank (leaky (tittle /Ante) write,, front

Onvannoh. Ga.. that the Wild Went chow no , r on the Rine Grrowo Ainumement Co., hen clonol for the winter. end that lo. na ill probably ',I-Ude-ll, Florida. but will 1., on loom' for the entent to th•• ExporltIon and Fat >tort Ohm,* In Pt. Borth, Tex. next NIftreh.

lick Itrolloro %%litre, from Miron. Ga.. goofing that he in whipping Lim borne home. Ile arks Tex Moab, if he in going to Irate n offittnet anywhere OhIntmas Day. Peel: gioew FigneeP071-Leo. as the aldrets he gee,' lela mall at, an-t amyl, he Wobld like to hear from n11 friends.

Frank P. Gable and Ow olfe. Nan Jane Aapin-unit Gable, known no "Nana" the danner, write thnt they are doino thnir rt.poro. dancing find › Armlet WI1.1 W•at nItaa in Colon. It. I.. an•I that they will lo.ave there for an «oteuded trip ol•na South Atnerlea, wit re Gable oat, l'r. mill proi,ably put on a context in Peru. Rays glens h.• and his will have t, do all tbe riding and roping. ow he bus not seen any net ones down in that nountry. The Diamond Bar Wild Went Sliow cf South

Dakota has has a very entree:41AI —


Ware. 'Tes., Dee. 1;.—A dcii onnootriated ',ere tent meet which will probably hare a bearing .... the t'uttne eontert bushier,. waa the form-Is:g of n perteerehip between £. It. R•ed, merm-en nf Ilemlio Greater Flynn' and Peg Horn II" eery. the well known cunt'« annonneer and Ontololt• expert, for the renewe of staging a v:ffes of Inter eaatasta ta Tezaa and Other


Send for catalogue. 50-S. H. BAKER & LOCKWOOD. BIG TENT HOUSE.


Private Cars For Sale or Lease lialataate with tipper and lower Nell-. 1.-ho.«, bath«. sanitary ronorrelemaa, kitotain, dining rooms, olboo eto. Alin hare Baggage Oars and it-intonation oar, Ireetel N.eaie tn.*. for Cara Wire or write HOUSTON RAILWAY CAR CO.. P. 0 Bea 223, Heweelo, Toau,

LEW GRAHAM Manager 9 "Annex And Side Shows"

RINGLING BROS. & BARNUM & BAILEY COMBINED SHOWS. No. 905 Palace Theatre Building. New York, N. Y.

Can always place high-class Attractions Sur-nc' n respectful negative.

Dramatic Fnd Tents, Large Tents in any style, Concession Frame Tents,

Hoods, Etc. Estimates furnished on request. lour interests are our

interests. Let Ual submit you a price on your next Top.


TUCKER DUCK & RUBBER CO„ Manufacturers, Ft, Smith, Arki

A FEW MUSICIANS WANTED Bandmen for Factory Band. .Xt present In need of cornet, Clarinet, Baas, Bari-tone, 1 rench Horn, Oboe and Bassoon. J. C. LUCAS, Bandmaster, Service Motor. Truck Co, Wabash, Ind.

Sonthern State', Th.. deal, which understood 1.11 In no way erect Reed'. Greater Show«,

call , f•e the invewtmont of several tnon<and dollar, in a large •trIng of outlaw buckling horse', and Wild Mexican steer., A-rangement« Mtn. 'Oren)* been rompletel for

the first contort of ib.' +cries which will be ato,get tooter the aogplve, of the Young Ms-n' -Ba-inca. Length- at Waco. Tex.. December OO-O0, and will be held In the Katy Ball Park in the toodnem neuter of the cuy, and at unfelt will be in -tel Ilberal tool, prize" for the win-ners or varloua etente.

N.g..tiatInan an- moll under way for the see-end mutest In andber lexa• city. the date, of which nre expected t,, be announced eoun. The promoters are of the °plaint, that weather con-dition., are abont all that could keep the /auto, troll holing a otneen, an there hare been such Ng ergo.. rital much raln in Texaa thi« fall the rural re•idento have had little or time that they coal.' epee, from their fann, to at-tetol falra or .en nuen-etneot. and by working In Pon/unction .Ith the various nomrnetelal or-ganization,r awl a it' n «orlo'o of tool, day' ar-ranged in coulunetIon with ti,.. content., great nnmhero of the rood population can be attrac-ted to tire elfin« and both the merenanta and the ouatent management lanented thereby.


P,'. W. Arlame. of Atlanta. united the Sperkee Elton, at Newnan. Oa., toenail, ant the following t. his comment regardlno the show: / journeyed forty down to Newnan, Oa..

to wee the Spark!, Show., November :Z, and arrival there In tiro to wIteca. the street Parade, ('on.l.lerin., toe Intone., of the nearen it made a vet) arTearrnoo on ihn street,, nf that little ,-Ity. pan 'lag Hen the Kate. I had the pleagere of renewing the ae-qteaintanee of Marlon Sparks whom I had m.t at Calhoun, fia.. *born four leer> art. He looked well and talked with me *bruit the sea-son tent ermine to a clew inri Invited me to make alTself Perfeetir ge been. whleh T rilri 1 had wItnemood the performance at Ifiteon on

Ortober ZS In the rain, twit wenterl to nee the *how in eowiethIne. *bleb I did An to the perfornutoe.. It anemand to timer hotter with are gm T MA lint attar, "MY •ete or roeslriang in lark Ph1711rOo Rand. It gewinni overyetody la «Hello, to tie ahem to the nuloh owe of tloo leered seam« la It. history. They had a good

home, nearly every neat taken in the teeny. • end ell the blew" °erupted with a few on canon. on the given& Why not Thy Sport. olboo la a dandy 1101.- fourteen. ar ',how gend Newnan, not he-log had a cire,,,, In font or nee Yearn ennel was ,Ircua humor>. The show earn,. from Barnesville whore only

an afternoon performanee wan given no aommut of a late arrival from Ninntleello, canwed by an aerVent t., the teeln am - i, repaired at Mann, From Newman the *low went ot Gelfrlo and fo ,01 thee. to Florida. where It in routed up to December CO awl may add another week to the route.


The following editorial regarding the late Mrn. 'Tom Thumb, ina• pahlishool In The Ohl,, State Yonrnal. (nIumboa. November 2›: "When It.. middle-ared men of tinily were

boys the greaten Loiletat cf tile year wzoo the date nhen Ilarntont nod Ina cIrrna ranee be town. There were elren• mon 'adore Barnum, thee, han,- been mans> «hoe, but liarnom auppli•d It,.. baila of romporlson for all eln-na attretilono aa he did for ail citron ndvertinIng. Ile um, hove amid there w•• a noo-ker born every mintier. I to un no. tire et. 1,10 a nt ho,' or t h• t oft opooted 04...reflation. Itarentn planned bi« affaira on that hit of wlelom. it. r, ont nut end, tear o. httrvent the boneh Owl lo..1 mane, lint no 'Irmo, man ever rave morn 41' nlItYlir and en. tortalnonnt Oe the money than did Tlarnnm. Even eene halt-a ha, not Alen the pieaaaat mu-morboo of thnumandn when they hear the mime of Ilarnnrn mentioned. Ile wan the lee PrmIteor of hIs day fnr the men fond the bane. "Itarnum brought ont Orners1 and Mr. Trun

That'll.. the moot celebrated mend. of 11111poi-Gong the reentry ha• ever «en. For year. they were one of the big fortnno of the Ilarn,m aggregatIon. Mr.. 'Thumb died re few "aya •IY.. th , t fact rolling Tor to the attention of the pribile after many yearn of peaceful retire-ment. Fhe Wan r; year, of niro., had born happily altneted the Barnum meat nettinor her a fortune. There ore intent,' of men •Il neer Obln who *MI recall thIn dainty Iltal• doll fah, woman, in nee preteetiona noon teca,. and train, an oho ertlIttel ',bow on on e' -rateo? stead hetar• lb. people who had stem or task cola to ma


For the Walter L. Main Circus

O remarkable year wino 1010 for the Wafter L. Male flame. The allow wen on the mad foe thirty weeks, vlelted elateen :atato. and ...were.? neon) eleve-,, thousand ann.,' fe,d, the noire gea•on only slit Perfnlwaan°«. loot dn, to the undaunted rourage of the -won and manager. Andrew Downie Ile nver-ae. neenalnely Imponalble obletarlea that would have been lb.. rain of any bet an m•n rInnecially It eta» the hest •••••-n arer. The Mooing date, Cape ('badea. Va., Noreen's, 17. %ow Ideal 1., every way. Cape (bean beta(

„bd . hot the dome( 'l'y wa• warn, and halo, 'grouted on the water freat, la naturnlly veer

and the aun shone brightly all day lobo The «how played two perforManeno soor and hruelnema waa alnowt ripe, ity at the ann. lees ebow and away above espeetatsoea at the evening performance.

After the 'dew Wade, night In rim. (herb, the thees toile rommeneed 'tatting far gear

in all part, of the United Pirate« Pinky II-Olin and wife left lanmedlately fer Florida t

rl the Spark. Mow fuir à few week. nor Cone and wife were Chlrego Waled, Else Meyer. and wife Intend to »In the Bekaa Mar Wares Mow la th. South. The big show hand negttered to earlobe parta of the onantrY. from !tontine. Maine. to Peterekwirg. III Tbr nIrle.hole band and mln•trelo. node, the dt. netion of Ulnae' Phonon, joined the Margie tlinging« ut Norfolk, Va.

All the performer. ertin toadied -ode Ma .how train Into Barre de rime.. Md. M. elate onarterw. .tmong them were the C•rtal r. den•. florae. alrd. Omen; howart and Onet Beall, Jernme Ihrelman and bu. toolae• ea, rho norm Fatally, Java Kew. oat e. II. Amide°. leant adinater John Fehr omelet aoent: Herman Grieco. ompetintendeat aid Ott* tintTitan, dining rar manager. Bert Tidier Jew -down. left for 'Toledo. O. ItIlly Lane the dieter car ehef, left fer ThtladelptIn aloe Wro Flatterfiery. the hoopla kb!, ahll• Alf Moriana . enanaffer of the anw wen to OnmherIntol, Md. Th• ahow trola tented a Barre de Grace Theoday afternoon and tweet, honn. later •••rythlro wa« «tone, away for the winter In the alte.-traJ ba,itrllnr. twat to it., Pennaylvanla Pt R •Oling After the wonting-men were teold off Weinnolay nlet l•aves Boron, the trea.nrer, left fer Newark N J . to ^•rone the- management of let 10.1,1'• °Root's% Orealt•ra." en tm•rtean Wheel horleoun• «-towline. John t. Fehr, the .peelal agent, be for Philadelphia morning Mr Fetr witl oatfurpt,n,ii.n.y.los....71. oronm,w(thlonAe.1.4a en,tho te..rrilerregal

'dinetter. darted for Litchfield. Ill.. an e.onn au the nhow train arrived safely In thee, de nrwe Ile ••Ys that the aalve in., in cloaed fra the ala -ter. Ile will mend the winter monthn hied»: and flohltur and not man Id. tat bird atom •• orttl pally Intended. !)uM., Rnhertaa .3 RI tn. nIdenhew metier-pr, left for hi• bore in Areal

Sfh-h., for a few wesh. real. Mr ail Mrn Board. an. at Melt, hemp ea ariiri,lcy ling

tres, 1z... ei thr alece, Inelenen asA

All of the •how proeert• rmreh•Ined by Pure Clark of the Itroedwa• Carnival wa. •hlOne to Chentorneld M. 17., after unloading in Herr de Orsee.--JAMfle HERON,


Indignnpoll«, Bee. A.—Th. Ares nf the lour atria( of damage going 'Meng lieu the 'alert or the Ilegenheek•Wallaee Oren* train Jon. 22. Hale in which 100 were killed aid eighty la-humeri began in the Hammond 111,1 Flaperla Como dewing the pert week. The Ono eam th,“ ..r Plertrk ..1«, allege. he we« en badly Injured thud he Hao been nneble to lent hefore It,. toddle elev., the wreck gal" •arreg•tInt ISI ore ono h•••• be.r. flied 'tile* h.. United "laten Itellread AdMInletraOnle.


rhleagn, hier. 5 --Charier. Ilayea head nr horna 'minting depertneent of tine Nattoiu Printing A Fur-raving (N. , ha« heno made la lee'rare MP .,1 th. NatWest AanneW 10. oe Fmranylng f•Illegrat.hent.

UNDER THE MARQUEE (rontInued from Dace '371

in thole fleet dolt thee.. an. the city la remodel with people and the •.e.oe ha. net yet tare Ile will be tried to help them to gel renfle.r.l. tIon•. not In • hatalne.. eon!, a•tho hr I. in t,r rent peat. hmolnew, hut fhr the bln.hip that •hnnItt erial natant all ahow-felk n.en ha' tarn connerted with the show bondman. foe nine. then hr. In varlon. *Ware. hill an ae""ni of ....bin, wound. and hell., n"r ...a• while eft ,' the Conortlin fore,. Ire h•• r•tleed fnun the mim• for the' Prreellt 'rhea that he wan married Murn.t 1 le.t In the Little (hurnh Armond the (Loner Is Nfa York. tus Amy linger.. Moe, ref rate/gloat, ar Va., en nrgaill•t of wwn. ante. They will re ono Permanently In Miami.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 59

Skating News stpa nut WoltI.D'it MEET CLOSE DEC. 20.

foo,filerahle Inlerent la beige taken In tbe world. Profrtielonil Holler Skating Chemplou• able Meet. In which the Maw are now open from am idea nia•agers thrtiont the rountry. efilih's Koller Skating Mat of Columbia.,

fros mirage,' by one Of Oa mat prominent raper meet' tiMnt of the country. itoilla R. lebelmer. sae the find to bend In Its bid or 41.11n0 for the meet.

Daniel J. Ilrlecoll. of the Luna Park Itoller eut. tiurbmAa. Wert Virginia. man n nppr. ee at tbe office of Julian T. IltriettrIrk • few lima ago and plated that Tres. loba hi. Crow. ley "maid be heard from with his hid. A gale, beautiful roller tusk »et opened at l'FbIte flty Atom. meet Park. Chime,: the Riverview !teller Rink. Chicago: Interview Holler Mink. Milwaukee. and limey other large and sue-raoftil bane not as yet been beard from. The champlowibip this year ought to he the

unit rucree•flal of any meet that haw ever Met held in this ronntry. as the skater., have all warned and are envious I ) get hark port nu, eating game and find out who really kb to world'e fluted roller glister. /be bids for the chimplonahlp meet still

alone Deeember ZO. 1919. and •11 rink mesa-,„" h•vIng tibia In by that date will not be considerad tu the awarding of the eiumiuned,lp. Bldg etbnild he Dialled to Ju-ra' T. TItigereld. W. North Avenue. (hirer).


An was peace and harmony at the &entail r.e.,i'vg of the W•vtern Mullo: ai the Hotel Sherman llar. I. Jolla, T. llti-gesald wan re-elected prepldent. Jame. NIc-Woeirue was named vice.primblent and J. W. Sekaffer tweeter, and treasurer. The Hoard

C airol titer tid condole of 1.1, .pt A. %labile. Frank Kalteux. Jame. P. Nolan'. Otto Amyl. Jame. J. Galiegher, harry Hahn. Carl 111. faecir Carl Ilaneen. Hans Garrett red 3 fa It. Selialtd,c,


The flereland City .kmateur fliamploreblp racm "tart at the Lone Pork Wok Saturday evening. 3annery and will be ran t.r preen tartlet Saturday nights. Moire will be dye berça. two eem4finale and on. grand encl. ferles Matthewa. manaxer of the rink, states that entn.• •re roming le fast. -Look ult for needled this year," he *aye. "Them are ...Me of the hoya that can mate the little wheel., sort osertIme. And look ont for Clerelse I/ Colombo. fats the world', meet."

bly Matthrtew la pains rtm one of hie fa-me.» •kating tripe Ode winter and ban picked Mine •• the fowl' to 'brit. Two wpeelal cam ▪ be nhartered ant about 100 couples will make the trip. Matthew, nlIl abet take along kl• polo team anti try to trim Rebind (loofa rehoten tertn. Matthew. ha. glee,' the Clete-Ised •k0ere • (tip ilk. this every year for the plot fourteen )ven-


It .% Klepper. owner and general measiter cf the Inter-Mate Holler Rink. North Broad nmet. Phutadrlphlr, asorannme thet be ex->eta to open the rink tills week It le ooe of th, m"" matant; rronvtrneted and attractlee lit, le tbia country. tir. Klenber ail an esperlenned 'tar! Lta• bora engaged.


The C.Illsearn Rink in Toledo, 0„ le haying • ✓end womon, the owner. I' R. Brelley. "gate.. Tte dab le ender the management .if Wailer soi.ti and Frank forma.. to... flee wires. Wildaesday rial Mode; session,. only are held.


Harry M Rattle, Nate, that the Thant'. fie« masinersde at the Armory Rink. (Tarim. toe W. Va.. brute all recent". Ile la BMW phielni the•t event of the reae,m to be dated on ehrl•tmaa night. Priem •leo will be ne,1,1 feature. on New Tear'. night_ Battle PIrkheimer. of Colima:me. ft,. on the

naght f November ?.• at tel • /tribe Carnival that went over big. Rollie prebably win meet Leo Doyle in a -eerie« of race• at the smith Rink la Co`orrstow and the luas Park Molt in Cleveland, rtirly next year.

Al Menton la getting gca4 omen% at Miele 11111 kirk, tin ,Innetl. Ile le mirth's on ape tat fiAlturrti frnineetly and they h••e made n hlt e'3 CM, intuiil natit.g fans. The -Mod Johnemi Skate Company iutend•

ed to the greater Chicago ekatIng politic • "knot In Humboldt liark Itaa'llon lie. ember etk, known as •-nus great., csleseo Mating licantere• Poo/tier" ¡salta tina were ai tond el to all of tbe men of the city, county and

de. srtnient. noar.1 of Education, Part P'somiwi,mers, old.time 'lister., °Petal. and ""'"nt 'Teed neaten..

The Atroulard fur %earl

SHEA'S NON SUP PREPARATION Ont becteneurteled I.y %main" Rink Mer-

l' in se-11. rtnuie holm st la ae. Sul 'a Itehantson and Chiemao rnal• mfrs..

SHEA FURFACER CO. It W. !Mimi Ave.. Petrel"

nomila anmetIone and lame fur-ri•led 1... IA our ~outer.

FOR SALE 110 rain teicticsib new Itlilharrhem f'. X. X. Rink

Abv. Mud!, (Mina Mor min.@ write b hail MI it 'la nV. iiinetsraton Tenn NOT>: -Matt Roo' er'ie mom frr quhk action.




Will bring larger crowds to your

SKATING HALL You realize that if you want the large

errands. your magic' most all he of the nary latest; op to the minute.

Write to na today and we will send you a large lint of the very latest long bita and favorites. Don't Dala"—Writ.



1111001,11 North %awn« - New York.

Henley's Famous Roller Skates R I N K—RAC I NG—POLO—SI DEWA LK



Perini alert foot-nlate. >Whir buckle nor (me,: goarantred.

In Us• In All Parts of the World

No skates so durable, none so easy to handle. Scientific construction. More pairs can be used on same floor Space. Established thirty-six years. THE HENLEY SKATE CO.


"CHICAGO" Racing Skates teed and endorsed by the fastest skaters-We manufacture and make prompt ship. ment of repairs for most makes of ekates.

CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. 224 N. Ada Street. Chicago, III.


110th good r,s n'-w. Locat.,1 in good park, with Sunday busines ,,. Coaati-r fully equipped with 30 h. p. motor, 12 cars, etc. Roller Rink. 75x150 feet, equipped with 300 pairs of Chicago Fibre-Wheeled Skates, Four-Octave Deagan Electric

Una-Fon, Electric Floor Surfacing Machine, etc. Rink doing good business at [trouent. Located In Cumberland, Md., the city of opportunity. Will sell for reasonable figure. Fie fUrtt,.-e ,-0• --••• write

BRICE AMUSEMENT CO., Inc., A. C. BRICE, Mgr. 130x No. 2, Cumberland, Md.

Free Acts, Notice! Want to hear from Acts of every description and kind to work Parks and Fairs for season 1920. We give you small jumps and place you with the leading Fairs of the Middle West. No act too large for us to route, but 3ou must ab-solutely have the goods, as we will pay the price. Give full details first letter.


BILLIE J. COLLINS, Gen'l Mgr., Central Trust Building. Mason City, Iowa.


THE MOST EXTENSIVE IIIANUFACTURERS Of AMUSEMENT DEVICES, IN THE Amusement Virtu liateemteal t,, Alleherdcal l'un Ifouwa for the coming iras,, eh,ald get in tom*

inmodiatielv We can rurnida traf with plan. and weenier/thin how to build. also van hinny and ca motets driving, Irately to Inealt Fun liwume are the maid talked of devices In the part and have Dewed thereaelvm to it:tour harm r«.1711• I ,,e,parlort to the °Milne .aallay than any Olbef rimier, Operating ...apnoea are ter/ °WWI/ If Interpol. J adelae, and rerereau,taIlee will no.

2ARRO.UNCER CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC., Sao 211.5. Pltbbania, haaryhaala



Dayton Fun House and Riding Device Company Begins Work of Turn-

ing Out Rides

Dayton, 0., Dee. 6.—Tbe Dayton run lions, and Riding Device Company haa rompletod Its factory at Lake Side Perk here, A. l'aszia, the manager. announces. The company will build• bleh-.Mse roller roaater rare, old mull boats, . Modell cabinet*. fun bonne [mots and device« and will also convert old stationary merry•go-ronnla Into Pamper.. A new model ferri• wheel ear has been de-

signed by the inmpany. Mr. Virile etatea that It Is mach more •ttractive than the car ordi-eerily used. The company aloe haa an ender-iy new riding devIce which It will build for the coming action. It la known its the Dayton tiare 'Track. and has a capacity of from 72 tn •4 more passengers It le t two-mlunte. ten-rent ride. An entirely new device for (sa 'mooeq ban also been deebted and will he manu-factured by the company.


Plan Organization of -k1-W•st Book-ing Agency—Will Meet Dec. 15


Lincoln, Neb. Dee 6.—Park managers from Des Moisten, Stool City, Council Elluffe, Omaha. Lincoln, Si. Joseph and Kansan City will meet at the Lincoln Hotel here on Monday. December 1.7, for the purpose of t mantling a MIci-Weet booking agency among themselves for tie com-ing wt.,. The new circuit la being promoted by C. W.

Elrod. amtrtement manager of Capital Beach, Lincoln. It Is the plan of the park manageri to book all bands sad vanderille. eepeciaLly big fetture acts, direct. Mr. Masi has luat retnrned from a tetra thru

the East during which he made several pun-belie. for ble park. He bought n number of new peony erredo machlnes, contrarted for some new bungalowe for the beach and looked at several letinchour eith • view to Piecing • couple of them on the large salt lake at the park. He elso le talking - Over lb. Fall." for one of hls new rides. Among the rides already arranged for is an Old Mill.


Indianapolis, Dec. 6.—The Crescent City Et• ^melon Company has been Incorporated at F.'. anertlie, tad., with a capttaltiatlos of 150,000 to operate excursion bosta oa the Ohio Rive, Tbe directors are Jeff Williams, Thomas A Williams and W. N. Williams.


Baltimore, Md.. Dee. R.—George V. Deters la planning • new part for thl• city. Full as-nonncement at to name and detalle of construc-tion will be made in the near future.


Atonement park promoter. and developers Sr. Invited to correspond with Jame. R. Elliott. president of the Oakley Construction °mesa,. Lan.dng, Mich. Mr. Elliott writes that • plan can be worked out for • big amusement pert In Lansing on 3 MI-acre tract Jnat outside of the clty and reached by tho car Ilnen It le tie cite of the old Waverly Park. Mr. Eillott oars thst tanning has • population 70.000 and that Waverly Park made money when the town had only 25.000 people.

Rave you looked (bra the Letter Lit In tea

Mane? Mier, may be s letter sdvertleed for yes.

Pro Clutomotw Mcdmr Prole.

-LOOP to.A1.0011-Cm. BIG «a ?AST re. Rea I Artamlis feallas Sam

for all Amusement Places, Soft Drink

l'arlors, Shooting Galleries. etc. Runs itself—automatic nickel collector and

scoring device. Everybody playa!

Each Whirl o-Ball Game la 314xei ft. au'i has •a earning capacity of $5 le $10 as boor. Moderate Investment required. .Write today I r catalog and Priem

BRIANT SPECIALTY CO, $4 East Georgia St., Indianapolis, hid.


heady for the market. «Ilk Ma-t matte record Waxing addeatable to le or 11-Inan

(OM %MIA resorts. Open 365 Days a Year/ VICTOR or SKELLY MFG. CO., lii Nola Pis«. • CHICA.

WANTED—PORTABL.E RINK la mud nondltIon for mall. 1.ddrese ItIZIWYB EAIULT, can »moan


60 The Billboard DECEMBER 13, 1919




$2.00 Dozen *21.00 Gross

fat the forte for the Ilolidas L4flo with .1.-.12n. beautifully eversIderol in cor.m.

$3.50 Dozen *36.00 Groom 4 ASSORTED SAMPLES. 11.00.

Otudslei cot. all «are B•leme• C. O. D. KNICKERBOCKER HANDKERCHIEF CO..

la East 24th SL. Wrjte for Cain/op. NEW YORK CITY.




We have the stock for immediate shipment.

Forward your order now.

We ship the same day order is received.

Deposit required on all orders.



Send /Pr cranks atf rOmpIate !ins for demoneratorn Consumer, sari aroma.

I Mead Ibis Sullen Cenibiuliee sod knew it weed sell, end it has proved it. w EASY A DUPLEX SNAP N FRONT $11 GROSS .00 sETS LINKS, D BUTTONS,

KELLEY, TRE SPECIALTY KING, 21 Asa Shire New 'fora City.




nod doubt.. hoboes 3 anti 3 Maslow liner., mother of coin. Put up on

,-,n+1, 9-eel belt board. with ea«.

B. B.5212—


Oa Saltabeara Will Brie. Pew ELAN te $35.00.

S. B. 5214—Art Store abetment, ,..,in,. I., Knives put op se atom. 111.1c cruelty inonatninse wry reilatel• sollerw. 2 and 3 blades, n...d met naciPpY plou... ',rued liners.


WIII Pail Inee. $33 OS to SS*. 00.


Amorted rotors to mai-li the lows able,-ult. Good .prier. Will last a

$12.50 Gross 23% deposit with order, unle.-„eJ rated.


:st. 1A89. 80 Years of Square Dealin e,


For 95 cenis, RUT DIRECT The only COMB

or Stamps, we og that cannot

will send you GOTHAM COMB CO. be broken,

our seven tiff- 32 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY no matter now ferent stylus roughly abused.

Prices given

in not less

than half

gross lots.



"%Ian w ants but little here below"— 31 abe, widotn.

Dr. Vt•rd was ace. 10 Alabama with a good ehow and getting good money.

Whet has become of Harry Turner and DI, mule/ Let's hear froM you,

tirar that I'ddle liteelel is going to double WiLls Jimmie Harnett on an auto paper.

PAPERMEN CREW MANAGERS—SOLDIERS—SAILORS—SIIEETWRITERS: FIVE BIG MAGAZINES; ALL GOOD ONES. Publisher's °Metal receipts and credentials. Plenty sample copies to work with. Our prices the lowest. Write or wire WESTERN ADVERTISING & CIRGLUATION AGENCY, Commercial Ohmic, Benton Harbor, Mich.

Seen on the old avenue in weestuagtoo--Hum Caffeld with oil and beads.

(ladle Reines, it la opine/. tua (dean alonr the doubling up prupoeition with Coorgt. Marian.

It. F. Fisher in repreeenting the II. ilk O. up North. 1co far, ro god. L. C. Marrhnrid — flow le Iowa/

Ilarry SlItehell—Nunr *Mitre., pleame. for a week enrol. Your communication should be t 'marred l'y letter.

Walter Dodge—The "word" yon mention IR

• Mg booet for the town. Help it »lung. It deserves the distinction.

Doe J. Nelson pays the lada have been set-tle( good halne.... on the lea in clontheuetern reuse, and his rres of giro are mopping np.

Charlie Blame in playing the New York license I urea., and room r bu. It that he le to take Dare Ilarrt• in turtDonehlp DIth

Two of the boye, R. I. Thoriton and Feed flail. have opened • novelty houm. lu Dan-ville, Ill., and are paid to be doing line Mai-med.

Sedan sees, bey e• a rule doing gmel: George (Plerace) Franktlo. a colonel ticker of the sheet, was seen In Dr.le.n. Ia.. re-rentli.

Freak Beach—Answer to your latniry re-turned was I/decent. Dare yon taken the road sod wa• the addrees giren a permanent out./ Flezae write again.

Rees in firemoville S. Frisen sad Bea Berman taking ana.p.hofie. Frirot °Hats off, emile--two-blte. please." Ilermln. taking Um-tlone and learning fast.

Hear that Ir. Larry Barrett recently cloned med. ,bow and stored the big ear.

%merlon", f--v' the winter. What's doit' j for the cold Months, Larry/

Understand Chan. Seam now has a bunch of filthy lucre and la Melded Routh. A comment-ration need, yoor bubstantiatIon, Chao. Rick in with your adder.. fr • week ahead.

Hear that tied Weber. over Claeland way. gas. some of the bed. a ch.,rken muillie..— yrs.r, real ohletrit— ThanlegITIng llar.

fowl being imported from hie farm near .Youngs town, O.

'Mac Van and Robbla Jumped Into Frederick, Md.. from nuitImore for rbe motley ...bow, awl

fotoyd it good. Fiddle Illobbinto want• to beer from all the paper boy.. care of The Billboard, New York:

Rumor ha' it that Ilene,. (\font/. Petition bas heen doing nicely with • big company at a prwrolnent .pot in the Smith. Long time elaireee beteveeu your Ink.ellogleg activItt. , )(only. What say/

Not a word Istrir from or ..f Jame. don. In fact, not since he wa. eappeeed t. have left Allentown. Pa., for his home in Call-tomb. R I here •altel of you, James, so let'• have u line

If yon shoot a pipe fur Phu. In the Chel.lnia• Ispeci•I and It Meet t appear, It IS became it arrived t But, there are none r.f 'ern consignmi to the waste basket, so look for it In a later I.cur.

It lis mid that twenty-eight tintype men. ten Lannon ...•eral tepreeentatl•e, of the sheet and two high plichmen played day and date with a circa in Winnaboro, to. C., recent• iy. wit. Newberry, reilowa7

Coderetamil that Dee It. Lee. the ° Sonthern C•otlem•n", expect. to ride the "goat" la Jammu. Let us know what ten!. olar "gnat'' you will tackle, l'es R. There ore WIMP mighty eaky often la that ne-eh Ii,' wool.. Md. t Mee

It. F. Blair Is •tlli in West W•rehare, where be lu• a eres honee-to-honse demonstration... R. i, eepert. to start on a circuit of afore. In the weer future. Wilt re. ['LIM in West Wareham Until Chrlstmee, how. ever.

*Moe( the folks seen entitled Creenville. Is.

C., were Fred Taff, 11111 Oterr, with hi. moil. clots etitntwhi: Boyce and lInghta, slth the loafs li. lockbuy with pen. and %outback., Cherie' Kean, "Whine" Penal, will/ peeler., ara Hiker, with novelties.

Cleo, Covell blew lato A.,, Street, New York, recently tellIss about a real live wire he bad strew. às ...fault. N. 3. l'pon it wa• Isarned that George bad humped Irte Billy Pala, who knowa every pitchman ever working Newark.

PENS We Art HlitiqUarten



$33.22 All pens are equipped with extra good quality miler marks and real act 10m', the, Same :Le high-grade pews. Compare them with et hee,





Pens from $12.00 Ross Upwards


$1.50 GROSS

Depceit tequired on an

BERK BROS., SO ewers", N. Y. CITY


Sales Bulletin For Cho and Caroled Ceocesstnealres, Fir Waders, Sales hard Operators, Pitch. moo, Auction.; Doiloostraters,

Send your putailet addisis TODAY


167 Canal St., NEW YORK




" 10. ...riot It rs p ee ease: mat rani on etworted. II O0 miniature rota. 1% to a Ne C. 0 I) bin Hamm. ratakawa reereld. 1101.4.2.214 rntrrO ISTFDIO, 441 Main to .

SATItilth OIRLII, ARTIST'S MODELS Jack Robbie' ten be will he In New Turk fee rnntt, mirk in nruntin T.,„•fl wsitt avg.. v. the Auto Show, hot as be air been invited to mnine nnint ban; ebt. b% 1 SLR'

(ColLtlitstS on ease en Artie* pieces. It We "'

DECEMBER 1$, MO The Billboard 61

Only 20 Boxes a Day119" Profit! COME ON, BOYS—Line up with Davis now. You have been reading about LUCKY 11,

the Red-Hot Seller, in the Billboard for 10 years. You have seen other fellows making big money with it and promised yourself that sooner or later, you would let it make big

money for YOU. NOW is the time to act QUICK. The Big Rush Season is on. Get your order in right away and get your share of the big money LUCKY 11 is making for thousands of successful agents every day. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity. Send the coupon NOW!

Store Value $3.35

You Pay 55c

You Sell for $1.50

You Make 95c 190% Profit

LUCKY 11 Combination in Display Case—Costs You 55c—Store Value $3.35

AGENTS !—This Special Offer to Billboard Readers Is a Gold Mine

10 %zee LUC KY 11 for $5.50, and elegant purple satin-lined Display Case absolutely FREE. Don't miss this opportunity of e. lifetime. Wire your order for quick service. One-third deposit required on all C. O. D. shipments. We have 30 other live sellers. Send for list. Act at once.

11 high-class, standard Toilet Articles, which ars in 1:)`.g demand everywhere. 11 big values, each full drug store size. Retail value, $3.35. You Day only boo. You sell It for $1.60. You mal:e t'6o or 190re profit. You can sell for any price you want, but most of our agents sell for $1.50, which is far below the average retail price of this merchandise. LUCKY 11 is the most phenomenal seller ever put on the market. Goes Eke hot cakes. It is a »ON-sits which everybody bum It. sells its^11. Furthermore, for the small sum of $1.38, we will send you a complete outfit of LUCKY 11, Including a her,utlful purple satin-lined Display Case This case is • very riot of color and will help you sell many outfits. Bend coupon today

BIC MONEY for Crew Managers Be independent liars an easy big-paying business d

Imalr tarn. Han others workbag and making money for

Yeru. Special dimwitlo Ceew Managez, on large orders. Art yea a lirs wint Then writs in to Davis today 1st

hiiimirke Crew Mars« prepssidea.

F. IL Davis Products Co. Dein' CRICAGO, _L__ JODIE»

Mail Cou Tb. Quicker you get busy, the quick« the

dollars will start rolling into yo« jaw Sand your first order on this coupoo. Don't put this cd. Send it right away—NOWI

E. N. Davis Products Co. Departitail1179, Mee% OIL

Pises X before eifer yes want. Mt.:4mM Id ii 11.116 1.17CILT 11 sernhIsattss ts Miele? dew

BOINI LIMEY II wit% Display Oasa. 1 S for .. BOINI st Loon' il. goad

net of year SO ether big sellers with prisms, alas spécial pz. stun ta Cr.'. 11/11111./L



The Billboard DICIMIIER 13, UM

rEMIUM AND HOLIDAY SPECIALS Mankure Rolls and Men's Traveling Sets $1.111.1727- - leapt /tomb leoty. Valise lined. Crete

Grain leti-rp ...JIM —17-llore, Freezes Ivory, Fancy shaped Handles

Velvet Lined, Crepe Gram 114,11-UP e.B.1111111---Irt•Pime. Mother-of-Pm& Musts Ltoed hon

D.11.5728—lX-Plee. Pearl Handle., Genuine Lrather Noll Up. satin Loot

AB art high-grade Quality and put up in individual brim

$3.50 Each, $40.00 Dozen $3.65 Each, $42.00 Dozen $3.65 Each, $42.00 Dozen $2.50 Each, $28.00 Dozen

SPECIAL 11•111.1•••—Men's Traveling bet. II lin-r.. Kazoo Grabod

raiding Vale, Moire Lneti. brush Pet. Meadows, $3.50 Each, $42.00 Do Se and Tut:et &A pout Imo.'

.Vo Orders Shipped Without Deposit.

SINGER BROS., Nw 82 Bowery.- E YOFtig CITY I Est. 1889, SO Years of Square Praline

The National Double Strength Spark Intensifier

PRICES NOW CUT TO 25c EACH Plenty of territory open. Intensifiers made of black electrical material. all braza trimmings, name, price and "patent pending" engraved right into the material.

Each packed in neat red and white cartons, with directions for attaching. Price $3.50 etamped on box.

A high-class piece of merchandise. No Junk. Live wires, get busy and place your orders. We furnish copy of patent pending papers with orders of 600 or more. Boys, everything helps in selling State and County rights. You can appoint State and County agents everywhere. Live hustlers are cleaning up.

1pWill aleo furnish good black electrical material, smooth edge, % inch

thick. eight holes cut ready to assemble, 5e each, in lots of one thousand and over. Brass Washers, $1.00 per pound; Brass Nuts, $3.00 per thou-sand; Brans Screws, 45e per gross; nice flashy boxes for Intensifiers, $10.00 per thousand. 25% deposit with all orders.

5 GROSS LOTS, Single Intensifiers, all makes of cars, 10c each. With brass trimmings, packed 4 in flashy en-

5% OFF. velope marked $1.00 per cylinder.

We fill all orders same hour as ret?ived. Furnish plenty high-class literature with cuts of Intensifiers.

Send $1.00 to cover postage, etc., I $5.00 in dozen lots, 25e each in on sample, gross lots end over.




Opiasar CJI Cash C Alum» liksakirts

arleas• Pso Cask Cartons. Serra

Gramm Tap. two %tar Perks

Any tar Carla Ara Year Pea Card.


Value can not be duplicated for the money. cocEssionmEs Conta ne 30 articles. Variety of designs, em-bossed In colors.

PIPES (Continued from page (tO)

be beet man at the wedding of got Cagle. end Dolly William" onnetIme during New Tear. week, one of the nowt important of his pre» ceedurett oldie in the big Loon will be te don bla amen..., tubed atitl do the boors.

•—•—ese— Dr. Reber Becker I. 'till rambling along

Oleely down Oklahoma va•y. ¡letter Paya wat -h for the real show be end Dr. Larry Bar-rett will 'enrol text spring. Heiner and lArrI are old sble-kleks mind have traveled many • mile together, . sett over the ro, by roue of the Cundtv-riends a la auto, mot with good re-lodto. Clad tu seu not. get together

"Senator" J. T. etcher, and II. Carona. two knight. Oa. leaf, nsi-. twee holding then Washington, D, C., • few weeks and didng fair. These hole are headed South. They 'ay many of the Aomori boys are *stooping there at the Winston Hotel and would like to hear from Rex Evans, Jack Deem and Ear. rItigtoa.

Eddie Brennan and the Minton recently rlr.erl their second Senr, .11 with Pr. Prod Gaspe. ssey and ray it op, the ewe? pleasant engege-meet of their career, ale. that Dr. Caesars's' went to 114 butte on toe farm about font' allies from tireenville„ l'en., t si,e1S1 the sin-ter and ebore he expects to do some tall bunt-ing. and see are therefore looking forward to hearing of 'tore wonderful kluncitausen tole.—


The newt resat.* na that Mrs .knoll Smith, wife of Loul. smith (Ise White M.enti. de-parted this life at itht •.m. Sunday. NiSPPPOr h.?. 'Si, at the Smith Iva,. :44 elill street rreveforel. N. J. Mrs. Smith hsd fallen victim to tuberculesie and paeael thru a long period

paint-it. Yet Patient inneso before the lit-tin Romer relieved her of her suffering. Onr graa• pethlee to you, Dr. Smith. In your hour of bereavement.

It now teems that there was but one who knee anything about the actna1 /elope or Whine' Persi•Irs r• II in Itonnek• ree eon,-

placed is the band* of the law, and that an leezperienred w m..n o'n ft fnr the Itilh tongue of yomeone pine. 'Waite" received the greater 'part of hi« money heck and would not rrosecnte the care. after realizing the ',Hue be saya. It 1p end the instigator ha• not yet been apprehended.

Beveral boys bare asked who were the con-tracting parties in lb. rumored wedding to to solemnized la the Enst in January, made ne-i, of recently, Well, they do my that Sol Castle, well-kpoon representative of the leaf, will as -come the male party to the contrail, whii the feminine party in to be Polly Williams. eleeer little poultry paper worker. Both have done well in single ba:-nesa, and as p team Ley gbouhl prose ti pair to teat.

Hear that Dr. George Wine recently drooped a b4.4 in Dayton. O.. where a number

of the demonerreton, and empeesloners In Pey-ton for the ludo-trial Expoeltion were phioa of day. past and fitment, and, having he mu. ale bendy, entertained the bunco for a poo lds of Imam Wonderful entertainer, that man

$6.00 Per 100 Packages taepie, 1St. Cash with id«

Carnival Workers, Paddle Wheel Men. Streetmen. lialiesboard Men, Sheet Writers and Peddlers:

Size ot Package, 5x0Si WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF


'AMBER. COMESS You Can't Break 'Errs

Sample Assortment



liii Oemis NI ready. bed he pus son b. dry sad ails pow Wins% as vs és sal sod us.

This assortment shows our complete line mot



11•711 auk Apis albs OM Thu Prices



Skryock-Todd Notion Co,

S He. f--Itute ot costae Leeds« riT.N GNU NO. IM—Mada of T'an re Black 836.1e

urn: Alarm« Leath«. Nicely creased and Puttied for lame, .

rtarapia. re.

N. GOLDSMITH & BROS., lee me -ta Mtge nee CHICAGO, gUe

AGENTS ei.(rir Gold aid Sim Slp Letters Eng gore treats. Warta Madam ¡tam Wine of MI kind& No ave. ewe norweary. Anyone 'Si, nut 11., on and Make Money Mgt( from to. Mart.

1 $3100 ts $10100 a Vied! Ton can will to warty trede or tn.

all eft tai prunes Thore le a Hi demand for Motton entente in men

tome. find for Pm Samples and full Peru 'nu. Laurel °rev to general agents METALLIC Little co.. 431.11 N. Ohrl: ellienn•

MANAGER for thia cruel by the Barypbone; you whisper the volee ferrite loudly awl clearly; mast havesmall capi-tal to open faeces to beadle salesmen and canvamere; our new selling plan tonken em-cees pertain. WYLLIE/ER MILEDE. ILI %Teat Portywec-ood Street, New Tort.



nr4 emoting part. bortalled In thine re' Mee (Immolated to double your 11.1HAS• and •'s,' wee weather wnhout beating or petering letne.rn Jae, Titial trial. Our St louts wen *old h ano t, .10.0 months salt Ukko City man made It.inve in • oink Writ U. a J. CABBUIRETNYB CO. Jantron Dev (Leaps

MEDICINE SNOWS, MECHEM'S AND IITNEETIIIN. dld YON Illik mar gate. list for wodicinee, go that PA ma pet natty fee thee be town.« this »won? Pe member, we wake anything In this line and Mil ii up in your tome and &city... r.,P•Plets AM& to 551 at no met rem If you don't handle our Mid, .• both lost Writs NOW while you think about it DECO MEG. CO. 403 Pa Ines et. oolue.b.e °


lieletiert hens the beat lioatne Mum Aetrome. attrectim poem, suitable to lovers of att.

Silt ASSORTED. 12 .55 PER DOZEN. POST C4110 SIZE, 22 ASSORTED, slit. Nuts Waded—A Ills bailey lialist Ise be

ITALIC* ART Diet, S. ill W. 124 Neat. Me« Yeah City.

DEMONSTRATORS Met worry your head WY maktese Tees Clamnot an mope your cant. Mile a roes shipment.. Half ruail otth order t. = 111111.4. for maple& HOLD WCOAL CLICANBB Ca. sae Non Vent.



Sae a now Dame, sad It le Ur hell put SW One bet for a «wipe and totem to aumb pUt oaun.N.i. areas -mama. B. O.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 63

SPLITDORF SPARK INTENSIFIER All brass trimmings. Fancy wev,..hapsd heavy black plates. Printed in gold. In fancy boxes. .•icts cut to eirty-thay uck bays or six !Inns per

Steel trim.eings. Five lens. Flue per cent discount on fivit•gross lots. It you don't get this write or wire for prices. One-third deposit on ier) 0• .rys For the benefit of the boy. we will not educate their customers by advertising our prices. Single ..r,.ensiflers for all makes of care. w. puera nt•• you better service, better protection. better Intensifiers foe feu money than you pay elsewhere. Your name and address printed on them

e 1,000 lots. Send $1.00 to cover postage, etc., on samples.

FOWLER COMPANY, - - Ferguson Building, Pittsburgh

OLDI E RS Heal Sheets For You :11111TrITERS PAPERM EN My rropositioh sent tree on request. I give you quick service. Real sheets. Credentials that have prestige. Paperrnen. Agents, Soldiers, Sailors.

Solicitors. Crew Managers wanted on my proposition etterywhere in United States and Canada. Press cards and Sheet Writers' yearly credentials, sudent scholars...p credentials, all w,th gold seals. Plenty of sample copies to work L ith FOWLER, Ferguson Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.

AGENTS 1.25 _ IS A — GOLD MINE at sibri, en Boxes a Day Meals S14110311 Pratt

LUCKY' COMIEINATION IN DISPLAY CASI pat ei• or box 1.13% Isobel. rub artkle full due

heal value 11-311: yes sell for 11.25 to m▪ u; n .t, you 'eta SU. 'MUNK or IT! II ARTICLES FOR ONLY Se EACH. When you .bow 1...1 meas.r tbIs utgeoto outfit. with purple padded row. tin array of On• toilet goods (that always u-ps, to notsdr•1 hue) will dual, her ne.. and when al iba end of you teirl you 'date the low prin. Pf $1.21 lw all this lb. money la route. ene 11 die hu I. borrow heft or oral It

11141 MONEY FOR CREW MANASIRS. TM, Laity 'Laren parkas. haa bun a "hicks Sad"

wet Mgr's,* rffplIld 'Or stn. wrix-isi. on, Es ro ill LLIVisali ILLAO-Chs le Beef. sod Sample Case free for use. G.g b../1 ia , k °PIT coo of 4nar tsrlet.r.•• all reel rootra irne-third &punt repaired on largo ceders; +heel. "ab In full

E. II.SAVIS SOAP Cl. 711j7Dei:erint.., SIIICASI



Besatifulls skbl pulid. Certainly doe* the work. Sella ebeeter ahem. Agoras. Deal. tra A-betake. Concemlonalree—you me make mew handling thls atknollre bottler. lietalla Ile Skeels peered. !no Averts WM. Cs.. Die 15-0. 402-11 N Paellas W. Cleve.&

w onder if tleorge remember* the old chur• at the remains., and plfnle. thru Southern dhoti 1,1 I liw'int \tot time to- orbrufle

'•'Sa. pot him to rerobilieno ere.

Walter Harter, manager Walter flirter'. l'hy.fral Culture Show ac.erap.nied by !lorry %Infam. eprp....Ifin and peen,. rf, of the name ron.

mere 'alter* at the indnnatl "Oboe of The niiii«ent Deoeurtrer I. While in tbe city on inkiness. The Ow. Ian been playingOitlo retrItary the greater part of the parrt Peown with very rood reult•. with the exception .f

the northwetern part of the State. They PI.o lent to play indors then Seventeen Ohio diking

the winter, possibly taking a brief trip tine Kenteray.

IL. O. Farmer nays he wa• reading Pipe* re-costly and sew several of hi. old friends men-tioned. atad •• he has bee; rambling over the wester% part, of Irklahneut and Texa• r several weeks sad Ina not oven heard of. mach leg met. • paper man, he long. for a little eppositlou to make It Interesting. at leant re-lieve the InIteenlf,IMP.M. Saya he will be In

Ten.. for about a week. 11. would like to bear from Roes Elijah and other of Ms acerasintances..

1•everal menilverte of Kti. Weine medicine *bow ew playing Indoor. thee teatral and K•stent Men. were vDitors to the Clurinettl odic, of The Fillittnerd during last week. Among three were Dr. Fol. hImeelf. Tb. !limit-toes, Jack Brannigsu and Helen Lotto*. the •••111r1 Behind the Vok-e." Dr. Weiss ban • very clever lot of performer, with kW 'how and all speak eathosiaatically of l'In., both a• georl fellow and as an •inielle, prate

Edward Mathew*, of notion fame, ha. landed In K•naa• lily for the winter, after the biggest sewson ever thee Kansas and Colorado. The ?nuns •ISO had an excellent season at the Colorado fairs. tit. Mathew@ Is having Ittl• old car rt-hollt atad is purchasing another, intending to nett usu. have one art the moat nifty auto tramper. ever framed. Saya beaten... in good In K. C., and a fellow man at pretest get payday* • week at packing plants and fletirire. and IT. town Is also open n'r the onset. Ile would like

o to hear frn lie. C. Lille*, '•Itng Needle' Wilson. lar. Waldron. Amon Mathew-eon. fare of Hotel Oakley. humus rity.

Piped off at Madison Satan. Garden: Jimmie Flynn, of Aun •treet. was seen with • Sue big overere m t sad a ease. 'Tin id Jimmie le eo eseg to purveying canes with Oat* en

tilt he has art-lewd the force of habit. We're f r moi itrette. IT. white lighta ors grand. "Mary Allen" was drink-ing a big woos of near-beer. Saratoga Nat has the cigar *Died is the arena. Sammy cook, with M. .11.•t1 ,, 1.-11. letting 'em krwo

felt what be h.1--eut load. nine* looked mighty Part and street rar soft for —Whine" Nan. l'ut "whttie" wilt

Sileaulue. et_ Lees. Chit-are. Detroit, Clem- Dot hare to IfOrry about the winter—he hart • uff•ler. Raton. Cht-'10"1 •• la. sr«, pu- • doll joint in Newark, mar the lad* from that ea E. WHALEN. 11 -41 Meant Are. timeline O. ae't of the weed*.



Hon isle« me sod Menem WI. Is,,vlh IsgIs.w Keeps the spout of the coffee pot CLEAN and SANITARY. Never mislaid—does not drip--on and off in an instant—

no extra steps—easily eleaneil—alwapi in place.

$9.00 GROSS SAMPLE. 10 CENTS Hall curt With order

FREE wtth *I" InItial °°11°° el COFFEE POT ens gross a derwontlerninf



Ns. ISOAF —Ladies' Invesing. Orma $21.10 N. MAC Ladies' Miming. Groan 21.81 Us, 13211F Men's Deming- Germ 14.11 Ne. Mai Patter teen Oro» ISIS N.. IsOFT—FIne Teat (Nub Groan 41.101

7.1111 lareanko of above tit .olles ill H. Dolgean

AMBER010 COMO CO.. Cue\ Munthetwers. Limmlesler, Maastanewetts

Ne, MIA F —1`erler Comb Cross



1.1[18•Tit. Wit INCNEt M. RANCE OVER t vetaitta esletise esie. et re sums. Played with Isms in.• • verbena Anew oas is 3. tstmase ▪ as slaw

wilt Omen MAW Oat ame. bm« %edam aw Miring Wades. parades etn lUany Wee Imo 'Maas $LN each.

STEWART NOVELTIES. LTD.. 321 W. 4555 IL. IMO Yin. Diet. S.


rhessler rompantrsrircuq


ELEPHANT. in. Iluch. II In, Lee

BUFFALO. '1 In. Ilia la la. Long.

HIPPOPOTAMUS. in. like. I* to. Long.


$15.00 Per


Wbeelmen are buying big quantities of these


Six Simples nailed let

$8.00 THE

Chessler Company Ms W. IteltWeine SL,


II In. Ulan. 14 In. I.ons

Papermen Crew Managers Girls

We want agents to handle our line of high-clam trade and farm magazines. Good any place in United States. Write us for full par-ticulars.


AGENTS HUSTLERS PITCHMEN Make Money 20c Each Save Money

GIANT SPARK INTENSIFIER 3,193,812 Ford Cars In use. Every owner wants one. Free literature,

posters, dodgers and bright, attractive display cards. Packed in Individual boxes, with printed Instructions for attaching

and retail price, 13.50, on box. Send 50 cents for sample. Exclusive territory given and you appoint sub agents. We furnish free all necessary papers, contracts, etc. All orders shipped day received. 20 cents each in lots of 100 or more. 25 per cent deposit required on ail orders. Solid brass connections used thruout (AVOID IRON AND STEEL

SUBSTITUTES) make this the best and fastest selling INTENSIFIER on the market. Ouaranteed as to workmanship and materiaL

Order today and get In on the ground floor.



- Tor the tenet prices on the original (Luminous) OROCITIXEIL ver:U

sp..tthe role manufacturers of three good& The Pioneer LILADIU11 Ilnatirvun CAC. , with metal ernes and wont now. Is without doubt the best »Ring and run

ODUatitetory ea:lumens ankle on the mute< today OVER ISélm: PROFIT ON EVERY SALE.

We elm manufacture an eons-Hive Une !creme Portrait. Cenulold Itedalikma nap. refI. 114.1,1.4. Staret

THE PIONEER CORPORATION 1210 W. 11-341 OIL. Gluten illittek.

Big Christmas Sellers TIFF: SNAP LINKS. put op on handsome vilukay rani. In angle pair and down lots Good patent snap. mu attreollve denims

FINES VI. $11.40, U4 PUt «IOU.

!Set &emit with order anises reel

(4 The Billboard DIEGEMBER 13, 1919


LORMAN-ROB1NSON SHOWS To, Wind Up Tour in Jacksonville, Fla., With Two

Weeks' Engagement for Labor Temple Ass'n —Will Be Enlarged to 26

Cars Next Season

JarkaonYllie, ria.. Dec. O.—The Lorrain:Rob-boron Famous Shows open a too week.' en-gagement on the old cirrus grounds bete next Mond•y and indications tole to a big budness. The allows wUl appear under the 'umpires of the J•eksonville lirbor Toupie Ammtlation which la supicoted by all of the heal trots, anion• relsraenting an oggrigate membenthip of noon- than 10.(sa).

"Plain" Dave Morris tau been in town «bent of the 'bow and he Inc Red been asleep, for the boards are hright with the multi-colored potters of the big show and the ruant-y road. have been well-covered with Lounan-Rubloson paper. The grounds at Eighth and ,Erergreen ore roots-sil-ently Witted and arrabgetnente have been made for special eur servioe. The shown COMP here troll Chariestton, N. C., where they event a itrotitable week under Moose »unto., Bob Rahn, epeeist agent of the shos. but over a wooderfn1 •ntontoldle gooiest at Charleston, gloSeing nearly Mono. The err«. go into winter quarter» here

arA a eplendid property has been leeesd for thle purpose. TII• will 'niggle a mammoth fertory building -nd mveral outhouses with over thirty tree. -f one° grazing load. Johnnie Lormen and "d Robinson. owner. and managers', report • smoderfol mason arcl state that they are hooking plans for >OMe e'a!orate changes In the show, which will go ott teat moue na a tweniy-alx-ear outfit. Sall John Dorman today:

We have started and re mean to keep step-ping until we hove sure even ,'sr best friends of the outdoor slow Tu.:netts. We see 'Moe to entente and we are go'int to elaborate. In the meanwhile we intend to make the winter quarters • rendezvous for ail of or frleads in the ontibut) show husine, and invite all who are ta this iseetIon of the country to drop in


and look u• over Mr. Lerman la on the look-out for a large bowie which will be equipped a• a falny bole) tor the Use of the members of the executive staff of the shove—ell liNF.Y


Slime the torsionlzati n t the Iloti At Roby Shows An weeks on, it iota rambled merrily thru nine different S•ates to a most remarkable homilies*. During thla tour few I.:moues in the Immanuel were turtle. Everyone who has stayed wiltt it the collie acosen la well sotialled and haa eontrarted for neat seam.. The shows will Ilke'y enter winter quarters about February I. Manager J. It. Itoby boa been on the alrk list

the pant eight weeks. Doc Hall asetiMicg the managerial reins and R. C. Atkins t: e advance.

Ruin the past six weeks rp:Ila.1 is:me very good Wash but the ilatlHoby aggregation has never remained over the amen,' week, elther by special requeat or otherwise, 117.13.73 moving every lianday an scheduled. The se.:s n of ISJO sill Cod the Ili.11•110by Shows 3 ma h la --,cr out. DI, probably ten eon. Doc Hail leaves in a few oreek• for the home of the shows I naca•tts:, Ma, At the tame time Mr. Ilail will mike a lupine, trlp to Ratmas City and St. Lonla. Durirg the layoff J. II. Roby and wife. Ruby, will visit fricada at their former home, Nashville, Tenn. **Arin7" Jensen will be general eu:srinteadent while the caravan is in winter quarters. At present the company carries four th wa, lo• elutilog colored minstrel, othiet:c arena, wild animal show, New York Cabaret and • I:cowbell-Spillman mrlog, all of which t-e none t by the management. Fred Shone, on Le tr:.zg trapeze, is furnishing the free arts. The ehowe a.e now in the heist of the great Loul.lina cll te1ds. . ad everylndy hae the "oil fevar." ay.i ta is nt a new ailment. as this orzanlr-atlen Oared ell wis.ko lust apting lo the ilnager, Ten., eection, where Cry claim the "¡video milts's" ends. New •ificals are Pick Kelffer °al wife, with ham, and bee,: Mr. and Ere. Fowler. I urn's. %%list'. and Ernestine Itrosa, the Snow, P. K. Smith art wife. Chit. Lee Castle came home recently after a few weeks' absence. The en. tira company la planning a big spread and enter-tolmuent fr ('h, lomas.

Savo yea Imbed then the Letter Ile/


Fatuous for their beautiful design and tha "um modem Doprtcenwate of merit_ l'atent bores banter honks. r...«,1 telescope ender bones clear platforms hinted mete-pee rountenshala. etutrh. brake. pully and mars constantly roller steel for elietrle light. without loase belts szertostu. PLATFoltlto. week', asucebled makes it THE PilleTAIILE Machine of today . it'. • real attrac-tion. Dtwil overlook It Write for particular&

AVM HERSCHEL" CO., Inc. Earl Hunter, Trouper, in Quod at st. NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y., U. S. A.


Lad Hunter a trouper, who ban been with to woollier of nhocoi, Including Keg:tartly Stork CoMpany, Parkes, IsekrnamIroa, Coo T. Ken-nedy. Great Internationol and several otters. fpa held it'. cite Jail la "t. Louis, ron•Ieted f fret degree morder, ant he Is nestling the Id of members of the ',bow oorid to peure nee. for on appeal. "fly indlotmente." he writes "rharge me with bating killed two ranee offirers of this rit ,. My attorney. Arrnar I.. h..« mete a motion for a new tetst yettep in all prob.:mine will be overruled. ant It .111 them be nereotary to appeal to the Sopreme Court." The •Pfleal will tain.. something lite pal,

'Tooter st•tes, and he has tot elite. He are peols to members of the allow world to con-tribute the nee-scary amount. Cp to the pres-ent time Mr. Wa"twitz ha« roodurted the cane V.Ilboat compensation. he neaten. hut for the ropes' about Senn will be required to rover settler up of the tostino-ny. printing the record and other costs necessarily Inoolved Thom whiling to contribute ran oddrem Tient.

es' at TOO South lit?, street FL Louie, lie glees se reference J, George LOng, Dave Trekman. A. P. illoitney Soong liras. and Frank E. Lay-min. III, father, harry IT Hooter. he saya, boa alway• acted a• bitchiest manager of shows.


Jonesville, ta., Der. 4.—The roller:tabula' plot debate, with lion. .7ohn M. Parker, for Governor, and Hon. Leon Itourhurond. for Lieu-tenant Governor, the prinrIpal speakers, mire 1141 bring in the rrowd• to this spot yesterday. •nd they readily arcepted the use of the Liberty Anonsement company'. big plantetion show top Disler which to deliver their meseagea to the enteric Many Llhertyltes slatted the Con. T, Kennedy

Shows at N•tchez. Miss., this week—Diet •CT.11 the rioer. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Huntington vis-ited the Liberty caravan last Sunday. The en-tire personnel la Indebted to Mr. and Mrs Walker, caterers at Ferrldoy. IA., for courtesies eztended In looking that stand.

Is torkey a water fowl?" Get Earl Malone to define "turkey" for you, boys. Lee Greer soya he doesn't mind heating a bo, drum for show parade mornient another •KgregetIon, nor

to heal the pallbearers at a funeral, but blamed it he fancies the idea of heating •.31 his lima agalnet • wild and hosting polltIral "molt" Why "moh," Teel Explain ,It tc, the buneh. Many of the members have not gotten over the "spell of torte," yet. bot are gradually assam• tag tumoral proportion». Boys, keep' on, ere« no the Lfberty, and warcit 'er BABI 11Ar.



Opening at Orlando, Fla., Feb. 8th; 40 weeks. Show furnishes Uniforms and

good sleeping accommodations. All last year's men write. Want real Troup-ing Musicians on all instruments. State lowest ealary. Florida concert work next winter. Addrenn BANDMASTER PARK B. PRENTISS. Gen. Del. 12-13, Mt. Vernon, O.; 14-17, Mansfield, O.; 21-27, cars Grand, Columbus, O.

FOR SALE Allan Herschell Three-Abreast Machine

L'eed two seasons. New top and eidewall. Never been used. New Way Engine. eight-horse power; new this apring. Swing has five hundred

and fifty lights. Organ in good condition. Price, $3,500 cami, Swing can be seen at winter quarters.

VEAL BROS.' SHOWS, 35th St. and 31st Ave. North, Birmingham, Ala.

THE DEMAND FOR OUR GOODS (Is Our "Indicator" of Satisfaction)

',wt. ..deeti,,,,e cf nog line !Mao. Y'..! Aunt for easy ant peibable selling incenhatulhas te midst We ham sa bansere «out for irotorquar de Ivey, ,d the tepees-mg ¡Lee,

Hire Gaa Rettlum ismuurkers. Martins. Itt s. Taut. Whip. Noe.. )1.1,,, .01 tOSOy 51,515


our Na fte Calabar, la rra dY for denim only


727.739 South Street. - - PHILADELPHIA. pA,.



1920 Mole! Carry-Us-Ana, now going through the factory. con-

ceded better than ever. Patented features for your protection.

C. W. PARKER, World's Largest Antueement Builder, Leavenworth, Kansas.

Had Most Succeszful Season—Winter•

ing at Auoustat, Ga.

Augusta, Ga., Den. C.-71:c II. W. Campbell ihiltel Shows notelet ia aucce•aful sea son her.. November :he chow is now in W:nter roartene. Mt. Campbell having leased Om Fair Grounds here for that purpose, Tile quartera are ideal an I work halo already *tarte« .13 the new ...aeon and front,. of whit b tile, sil is. 1. CA cornet:notion of lb«, be lag under the directing' of A,. ti. Hogan. Manager Campbell 17'.11 C'en thb ltie sea

ron with eighteen throwa aLd 11,-e ridee, chief oolong whirh will le i.e Gaiety Ciro.. art Wild Animal l'hew. Now canctla will be um,. thruont. A ate:king feature will be the parade whleh was so atereeeul the plat mason. A number of tabletop sagen• and :• he1 of et:bet will be added to Cs, 1920 parade feature. The new *boss eontrarted for lire the beat ;km mooey •oil new equipment can pewit.. for. The (-emotive staff whrn the show 1-1..•<+1 es. praeileally the smile roe when the 191a mama opened. Thom who w I:1 winter In Augusta laded.

Ow ter-Man.trer if. W. Campbell sad wife (lord n D. 1.1-11-er*, teslatant manager; Geo. Ntosney. area:A *Cent; 1.1 ti. ligan, ao:erig tentent; Tre_eurer T-ea Forestal tad wife Chap, Williams and w:fe tut a bomber or ears...W.0,ra. A. E. Bentley. ',rectal .seat, hoot gone to his home In Guthrie, Oh. II. 11. Friedman, agent, wIll winter In Jerk. wevEle. James Cano:obrIt, brother cf IL W., .111 winter In New York Glatt. A numb.r of the cceoressi ne-s t:tts playing Iota and dole( nicely, especlrily Spike Wagner. who has 1ne lnegent and tort turkey wheel ever seno lu the South, awl he la "claim:mg up."—G. .L hi


On arrival in Florence, F. C., the Jare•s Y. Henson Etema found the irlt) dressing op la red. yellow and grata, as the ellerinere were tat as poasembe. The slows were located ote blot from the mala *Lest and fairly fond busing« wan the tot of the attractIona and cmoemelnes whh-h were onten.

Several new natiusasiona have lala ame, them Mr. t-ti Mr. Nugeat, with their °is tails rock, and Mr. end ILa. wIlh Imo stands The "hoe." went v.:7 aril retuned with a Crazy House, tlp.Illzh bas ban a ne- ditto« taut. p:.:ntlr.3 it a arena blee with wh:le stare all over it. There were et, eral Thankagiving "Hotel de Klne" epread lt.ef. Het Elite put st, a real tenter teed, amleled by "Pat" Smith. h,ving mica, hi. guests Mr. and Mrs. Roach, Mr. and airs Harry Lee, and other frie"-de. ti -i" -

man left for home, leaving his enbressiona In the banda of Joe Itahho. Dave Morn, sasigiant man-ager and treasurer of the shows. took a filer trip to Poston to alsit Mrs, Mann for a fe. der& The Reuben Show is getting to large Tres

master Everett la worrying where to load ths paraphernalia. 0111e Hookilo Is building se . eral new stands. Fennett's IlatiVng resat's% paid the aloe a visit recently, aril, naturally. they sees escorted around the midway by PIlly Kline, owlet entitled the honors by buying a Ilt• Ile spread after the evening activities. Th. r`rnes nr•el to Like ('lu y, M. C.. bet will re-born to Florets@ until the roal strike ends - if. L L.


Jaokaeo•ille, Fla., l'es. It --Ryder? Wire, eel versally known :trees ateat, amusement Ps' nutter, and. nntII reeentiv. 05, 1.1 -Yarn ea' ner for the World at Home Shows, Is ier• handling the publicly for the 'Armin Robinson Tarnowa nowt, wItieh Lee IQ play • twwweek engagement in thia nr under the allspice* of the l000l Labor Temple Anewlation. Sydney, It la said. wIll remain with the lee

nna Fito.n :" s' -' ' rit'." t, the orgeolantimi of complete piste let's"?'

amb.n and .1rinr ; e th f utt'ekniaite neo of lisP,h'ot ne9P1ba« d tie m. olo!lettlitest. Me.. to l'e nisei in the ahow•tt po lirlty department neat atoms.


Toronto. Dec. 3.—The Canadian YletrirT en. Shows Pedeef,d 11 eery onuyetest staff for the tooling mama. The temp...T.1 p.wers are totted in the followlog• V. 1. Nebr. manager and dhectar cf all promotioba: Nei..., eats-Wile emitter) and treatower; 41. litne17, leg -I renreaten'ollm; Mnee Leritt, euror. lotendent of three J, Biariley, eieririelen; Mr. Ester. tot imprrInten•rot and Mr Archie. tralomnaler. 'f'ie %how will elan carry • reo relent/Lice of the Grate 'Perot ant r• rallreade aa ta the p-st. There I. every re' son to believe •ggregatinn should be as ;moil r• the beet la every respect.

For this torrimee cf lorre .Wog the aflerenon 'Hoodoo,. n'OTT WI'l ea rl a small Curtiss biplane, vile% o ill cat-e daily 1113111.1. 11,h I • in Le evenloo it will le ptrot tinder • t. ,' 11"iinbla for etwn in watch the aviator wIll explain the ...outstrip-lion end meehanism Dee of coat tn the' pnblie. Thla should t" a novel meet in Increasing the atteedanre. A gen. ellInnel free act will silo be eves la tie evesiag.--Id.

DECEMBER IS, 915 The Billboard 6s

CriTdirriS Write at once.



ler Full Dessriptha



OTTO H. BRUNS, 18 N. Second St.,

1111. Louis, Mo.


with motor. Cost $1,200.03. Sen for 1400.00 If bought Immediately. Only ten months' use. Opera chairs, scen-ery, border light& etc_ for sale, If bought immediately.


Camp Funsten, Kansas.

DOLLS 14-inch dolls with Mova-ble Arms, $22.00 per 100; $28.00 with Fancy Silk paper drersea. Splash-M-

DolL,, $14.00 per 100. Hair Dolls with Pure Silk Dresses, $18.00 per dozen. One-third cash with order. Balance C. O. D.

ST. LOUIS DOLL CO. 2733 Cherokee Street, St. Louis, Mo.

CONCESSION TENTS he Mime 111111.0111140111 Mat maser

lecturers wept of Kansas Cet,..





ALL Cilia UP TO 111,14-

Meshle few remind. I7m. hoary brown chock. M /*min Prim. Pm» at Hum tents good du new

Rem the llessermant CILNYILAL iffATTM "MT • Nest strri-Lr CO. Ors .Dar, euroara.

CONCESSIONS FOR RENT- fesann Hite Gorges-win«, eon«. Wet Drink... Thom. and Annumemut

liimde tuft Wiiirteor Rewri end Luna Past yo (wean ('sty, ldamlenct


saesolm II U; lee. SETS. ILEMBRA.NDT trfl:• t't stialuttn elm essittmcim


Close After Two Weeks' Engagement WATCH WORKERS in Savannah, Ga.

The Great American Mhos,, aider the rose. agement of Mortla iillier closed • very encrusts-ful semen at b b, àfter a two weeks' engagement In that city. The paraphernalia haa been placed in quarters there for the WI.-tee-Th. Orel location In Savannah. the Park Ex-

teuslon. as ia well keown to all abowisen acquainted with Hasanaah, is the emit beauti-ful show grounds anywhere in the Pulted State., and on it was enjoyed am of the best weeks in the Matey of the Great American Shows. The management is greatly la debt to lino. Murray I:tee:art Mayor of S : lodge lieldrim. of the Superior Onorti Alderman Waiter A. Jarkenn, the Knights of Kb-caucus. and the KIng'a Daughters. all of whom worked bard to mak• titis event a grand erietesa. The Fhelter. 'i g Ares. à branch of the King's Daughters. were awarded 82.215 as their there of the re-ceipts, and it wa• • plemnre for all concerned to he able to st ln providing that amount to that worthy ranee. The lineup of shows. 2.8 le number, and over 100 concesatous. which graced the midway, were ail elated and WM-tled with the business done. Tim Itingliaajcansum is Bailey Cirrus aim

cl 'ved ti. mower in ft b. and Manager Mil-ler. of the Great American Shows, purchased from Charles !darling considerable show prrp-erty. Including several Dorms end some cars. Mmars, killer, Sullivan and Conti arranged for the storing of the outfit, after which nearly all connected went borne for the /solidity mama 11r. and Mrs. Miller and Babe Ilaa-lre will rest a few weeks in Hot Springs. Attendee. Rnbt. Burns and family WPI/l to their home la lawrericeburg, led. K. Keith' and his aa to Harrisburg. Pa.; l'ete Wheeler and ce-work-ers to Newark, 0 Tom Hollarni sad wife to New York. Robby Gloth and wife to Pittsburg. Chan. 1.1wrence aid Chem Taylor to New York. Wm. Wecitake and wife, Doe Meyers aid wife, In'. and Mrs. Colgiti• and à boat of others to the fah' at Jacksonville. Fla.. while Saperlateed-ent C"ygle Tit:Mali, after matting the avow itsto winter qn•rtercs. took a trip to Angusta to visit his family. Torn Qnlecy sad wife aim went to Jacksonville and Prof. Esposito and hi. band to florida for the winter.--LICINCY.


The till, the abort, the fat, the lean. The immabieed the mightiest—those that lad plenty —them that did not—In fact, every member a. the above describes, was ms Invited [met ef Abner K. Kline. manager and joint °weer the Patterson is Kline Chows, tc a dance and barsoret, to commemorate Nis surceseful meteors of 1919. Thom knowing Dow Mr. Kline dss tillage were not absent. as he left mottling un-

ee, or the mlnutott detail not fully , cmplet-ed to make Ms time a te nt reinicing. as 'wen as that rel.-ma thiocrit cf Dirtier, for the cougenllaity ands go'd tea...shine-at has reins. ed daring the past season se inecchem of Mr. Kline's organisatlee lad brought the folks to-gether se an. big family. This jovial, jubilant. yor juicy jag of "Mete joy" was a Éttinr riling'. Ros•t turkey 'is' everything "le) Professor hsplin's sixteen-Mere comert band to ftwalth lb. antic. The hall was besatlfull7 dicers ted. A-d Tench did not fcrget the kindness

beatewed upon tbeia by Mr. Kline during the pest mama. aa they presented him with a

trite. d• k and rtaa'r, a. we'l an a diemeadeitudded Elks' cloirtn, and sot cite v-ted Hoc ere of Pe "Art pet-pie ca earth" bet riveted him "beet person os earth" The P.K Qestriet, composed of Elmer C'-ban. Walter Jeep 1 Inter Kline sod II. Id JeekInn rendered geteetfefra that were enjoyed by all. The ladles pretreated Mr- Abner K. Kline with a beauti-ful basket of coma chrysanthemums arid rams' tion•. As 'he milk moo bol In-t -m-ted hi, early Morals, Wends We Dirty brae up.—AL W. B.


To Close. Christmas Weak

rt. Cerise% G•., Dm. 4--Tb. Harry K. Main Chow• played Albany. Ga., tact week ea the Waehingten Square lot. Aitho quite a dl out business was good for everyone. "Sally'' Swale. proprietor of the shows' cafe. served aa excellent Thanksgivieg dinner. oie that t3t outclamed the beet efforts of Hie

hotels. This week the ehows are playing Fort Gene..

tinder the atosplces of the linsinera Men's Imo-elation. on • Main street /oration. The city is decorated and there la every indication of big reunite from the engagement. The Harry K. Male Shows will cleft the sea.

eim Christmas week and go Into winter quarters, M aaaaa r Ma:n lease, for the East next week to purrhsae 'bother riding device and order card Tad for lb. thew &how@ be !Weeds to add to Ms present Illaeab. March 1 has been selected as the epeeist date of the 19'20 whams —DO&

Here is the outfit for Demon-strators, Window Workers, Sales-board Operators, and in fact every one using watches of any kind, description or nature.

Here's the biggest value at the littlest price you ever bought.

14 size, electro gold plated, open face, lever escapement watch. Every watch guaranteed against mechanical defects. Gold filled knife and Waldemar

chain, put in satin lined box, as shown in cut.


P. S.—Write for our new Illustrated Catalogue, the BOOK OF BARGAINS, mailed free. Write for it today.


165 WEST MADISON it Ow Gillis' New Ittstaariel.




II Inches la diameter. err lia nureurs. CI SPECIAL 55 Nwielemm

PAN WHEEL DI ladies la diameter, as shown

eel (7 7. I er if Numben ...817-50

complete with Pena

Anamemut Devisee, Delis. Nemitlece. Piro. Tim Yams. Passe Neweiltles. Serial Paggim. Pessaata, Sales Searta 'we me thore with candy. G,,A


Doreen With melee Bend for ear nee nosh"( S1LACK MFG. CO.

III West Lae $tmt. CHICAGO. ILL.

40, 110.

111E00 13,55


$$$$ THE $1,000,000.00 FLASH $$$$ " e






The De/seem thing on the market. Tot up stmlidly for numers and money maims The Uiluou. 10 DoCar idLD is a wonderful deploy earl ce-t, artistmall7 analsout of four One-Paws Collar swum. thus will Set wreak year neelst a parr si Cuff Humes that resemble • five-dollm pear. p, th'pldorg Ring that looks like the nail thine and you muld ham a. lot of fun with It: • Mauls ct 62 tam wth • commented bertiewhIp Scares: an Imitation Diamond TM Pin, with no tinf2eit: ws, barktng: ou mould hardly tell the denture from • rename dimmed if this dhrpiay card let fat

'maim It weadd be meth 8190 00: as it la wa wtti ere ra • maple disrlay card set en media of 60 mom csur r.rice to agents sad jebleas I. 83 54 per dozen or $34-06 Pee grom Dt004eg ('aid Netq. When you gas • WWI., ot the IfIllite•Dollar Plash yew will order • from

P. aid grim tate nrstertunne. as cm ham specie/ clemand fie the floildm on this Item. all orders will be sent oat the sumo day as reverted.



1114 time SL. • • • BROOKLYN. IL Y.

ssss sSlsssssssisst t Stitt

DOLLS 14 INCH 25c "1""`E DOL ARMS LIS 211-hrear stripping. Elemplui, t0 c Tema 23%. PM e 0. D. We teak, 4 6 and 11-1.1. Beach Die NW se

me. Character HUM


1144 Cambridge Avenue, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS




M. A. BROWN PAPER BOX CO., need and 11-43eust deleeet• ST. LOUIS, MO•

66 The Billboard Deosmagn 13, isis






titan Chocolate Co. Cincinnati, 0





MAGIC DICE of Every DeserIption.


Calai,. Free. MAGIC NOVELTY CO-.

721 len• Street, W.« H•leitea, N. J.


REUS lieS.:2=CIICACII ._naaareaftwan ter

Premier are mer aimera Sperme., Pantrame

Geeada, Haawbold Aa•eritstar

Plcture& Tu.



Sell Beautiful French Art Rugs, 36x63

$1.51 WHOLESALE, RETAIL, $1.54 Eut Tauern, ln D'Oirai Freoct doline colora Irre-n. blee. Pink. etc. 810 per dag ose» made Or hustling «enta, aid wee. t'y nrogrereira claret mati Claylua the Faire. WrIte for full particulare. but.

send $2 00 and full sired moule will he «et. prePild-


It Pearl Une BOSTON, MASS.


May,ical Goods - Stage Money Send for Free Catalog Today.


All Kind Evcry D SCriptIOU

HUNT & CO. Dut G, i$ N. Wells SL, Chicago, IL

LITTLE WONDER LIGHTS Lus hait NU User mi %My tien Lighnoor stores, tahonit. elnoches, teue.âowms...ele. Park endette« hghta, and Latte Moader Head Lanterna. Little wender patented menin° Icho amelttellet nelLan 'LUT alti TT, all ratel elan Orle Tbousuds ta tue ecerywhere.W.weer. trieleperdatilewareeleadreare white Cebu lor cc..,). porterie.w. waut sell. lot d.srntanon «hem wu are net cep..-

d. irrite for 1.41114 Wonder Catalogue ose Priera Snell B0112.1. Mitla>. 162 B. SM It.. Terre esetearel

$125 MADE le lbs record for one dey with rar

layisible Fortune Waters" "Magie Wande•"'Ilaele Glatis Tel," ''GYlave Qu'en. - Invidble Readinge In most language.. Write

Illustrated Circuler. NEW ADDRESS:

1. BowER, 47 litahritien Ars N. Y. CITY.

CAN S Borne OtsutlIcan—Ynu ilidn't get loto die va-ut•el yet. Whateanrattial

Meteor hae it that Joe Tilly Is coltIvatitig • big winter bankroll, plating indoor

Next week—The Chrletmaa Billtmard. Buy It early, or you are liable to tind the dealers eold v ut.

Alfred Mehhe, the pointer—where are you? Whit are you doing? You basent been deep eloce you left Toledo.

It le eafil that T. W. (Stim) Kelly will have a big pit atsom with the Lorman-Itotencot, ha. motte Shows next seston.

117111111111fliili COMPANY

P. Petri:sen and C Pistante Yreerle ,

8110H-ORADE ACCORDIONS. Gel') Uedal. P.1 I. Y 2.77-2/1 Columbus Arcane,

Ses Franciste

CHEAP STRAW HATS s'end U041 for eatanles. Order flow t'or next ~on.

RETTBICII é EX/la:TANT. 508 Weahlnaton tee Tranelmo. Cantonale

l'APER HAIS Fer Canaletto. Perneta, Dtathae. DOL. ne el.

Cou». Free GU$ KLIPPERT.

41 Eau« Se.. Mew Tait

Sint. Itrzyford and Chas. Thilperin cet. &cep ta lking to an anto salesman. What's tue natale of the ear, fellows?

Bert Docn. for many' seasona a ronce...louer at Lake Erie Park, Toledn, O. and later et

¡lay. le in Tampa, Fia.

Ilear Albert Cortes mate a., "e!eao.up" with the Crazy Hou. ith the Djucher Show.; dur-log ti,. Inter-State Fuir nt lepokapet

"Whitie" Smith Sara he ha. Lyon on the Zeldnian d Polit. Show, all of the pant seaeno. Wialtie soya it la sure a good one to be with.

Jack lIndets, treanurer of the World at nome nod hushap4 of Mabel Smith, the expert owim• mer. ln talking of putting ont bis own show tut season. ,

Sralocy papi that Vt I'. "te of the enly sil ruai radatracting •gent• hl the earnival wouldn't menti ti the n•ruer r f the ether tive. lie raye it might male a feu' of thtate aatt•I are eut la it *ore.

Mat Miller is ',intime • niiliti bit at•nd he. Items bib mut 15th on Main rtreet. Fort Worth. Tee. Max bas ereurral Ite fret for 441 wheela at the Sont hern Expradtran and Fat ttioca r.t.oer to held in Forth Worth Mnrch ta.13.

D'are Cohen, agent, dropped Into Chimie° Te-regels% after clordn. the toallaolt with the John'? J. Jose» leximelabra. Ife. told • Itillleard vepremeatetIve Jolie the orner, wh, report on ...voilent mea, et and would S.ok • round a raille !store uraturlier plant.

Ilaba Pelgarlin i, aniaying tbe fruits or a idiome( and proaperour rcaw., and b' spending Ithr, of hl. (hue motoring aleng the foret une rond of Floride. Slure7 Wire. 'art l'el' garnie, lo St. .tilenetine, revu the* the big Onentel producer le • rood fellow and a lavlekt entertainer.

Ami non- colore mer'l filet Harry Cl. Steen and Hennie Franklin haire tInidoel tbeir plane for the taking out of tlarir owo •110Vret next Teatten. ¡luth hase bal much experience lu earted brament. cl the t'indue.. and with their tilted effurte the undertaking ehould prote enecemful.

Three drome king% mat on the State Fat, Grounde at Jiteksdav Ille. went loto Conterence to da-ride how the lotpd

WInter quartera of the Frisen Expesitiou Shows at Texartana, —Photo by le IL mime, Texarkana.

Frank Pope cleeed the Pe11.111 with Zeldrnan & Penh, Snow. and Monet Ale roncesehme In Atlante. af:ry which he bled bitouelf to New Orleans for the winter.

Those who remember Arthur Warwirk. at one time with the Cal. Franele Fermi Stiew• witla • Ittgh-etriker, w111 be pleated to Irae° tI•1 Arthur la &tek In Ced England and doing

ana. (DUC) )11:ler the weleran anntioncer 11141 talker, timing the part seaeon with the Garden of Allah on the Greater She-rile /boers, may again acon be seen on the "big white gray.'

Paul L. Clark and w17., Lottie of the Item sell Brun.' Shows, male a eying trip troua New Orleans te Chicago da the Panera* Ilinited to the meeting of Fair Seeretarlee. On the job, eh, Paul? Attnity.

Evervone bal hem 'datte Trarpey Levitt where hl. Wife wax thie somme. Berne, fraye that tine t. e-ell mol r•o-v •ti atreat that eke 1. eettleg the new 'Brooklyn flat ready for harinera hornecoming.

Undent•nd that MInniv Laddie and Neste! Hill have returned froc, a tira-m.1os trip Den )1extre and are epeoding the ',tinter ln noirhia: •Isn that they are planning to return vo tee. atCe lo the tering.

Merle Klosel. he of carousel fame, te tablier lite cary in sono, Floride. Merle Irae laid men ID the I bby of the Seminole Hotel at Jackoonville and he wore • malle that was VOMI-tieely ,eitilia ring.

fine expeutIve Bednoln wettee; liser from the bunch around Times Salaire this ter." Cet on the job, you Times Senareitee, .boot the 'ter loto Ali, ni' band it to BIII Elewitt and he'll do the rest.

Wifl Winter. taking out subit lie plans •is.1 hie Mente thlek will be the beat "rien Mamie ro the road. Peel 'top ',Ph the winter,

Bant keep 'ce ou the map—your extterfitare and ability will do it—*ad Urges bels'.


be.111 «m'A be Imprimer!. O. E. Ilager. Ira 3. Watkins and Harry gicle»? Hogue were the m et Int•rorted ruppeeteni of the new rebute-Doua adopted.

The d•ye of "Beatgek" were re-cently in Jacksonville, ohms Capt. harry WU n and Mile. Aurora were eetertalned

Bobby Mark. The commandera' of wild anl mals 'peut 1 h•liP1 day. durtog the Ste.. foie and naturally the tuple won that f "ymterday."

On• the fellahs laye it would bane barn an Wyat Otite to rail the trat meettne ef seo. eral agent& dnring the Jaekeeectira Fair. an it wnt Id tiare aared mach mileage for the pathdadere. They were there Men) vireur and crame big pleture. have •Irtady been pented f,r the coming miasme

1r:0 Mode' lilt. k.1J W111:Kiri .0. ....... witkil› 111111 taled, te brate H:Jutant

the* Feb , February let. Il. k ibie...0,T.i maternerai aor ectiu art.,,,,

by Itha,I.11 Ortler, euh tt. mi ly and lemming imbecei

Y ei tg, tetill rhIPPli a d...z..... Me an eu', tdcd atol lem. mer ervier tee W

•rel Mes, flou r.e. *III kat* y,,er Nt; Ils witcp.i, f• r the serina rgodet Malt p..

j (butera glatir rUl , '• • ' ai

leu orne« co....0q• EL, BRIDGE COMPANY, illetidem,


T. H.— The OPTI:MRT %logeais» la I. - Ruine Derhe men. A tatoues mer fue, , .

A Port Worth. Tex., fan raya Manager Beckman, of the %Crottante lied Show., It One ttte fellow and has • Corp. cf erad moletante. Tite Ykorthato Nhon., wrltea thle fan. luder Mr. Iteckroln•• ml ffff meet made prpoet,, in Tort Worth white •proaring tuer. recently on a ckcentunn lot duc'.ng /Maine Week.


IT. 11. 'fortes raya htliiy ?tender le "light. lu the dent" le Thett•e..ies and mettait mech ',mgr.... II. C. edd• that he I5 handling the progree anal it le no pik•r•• Job at (bet.

wili tram- nies. •t the ehes of t'o. rame. geimtie meeting. for 1Now Orleam Why New Orleans, 'llortoni Thenght yen liked Oblo?


Manager W. R. Coley. of (treater It t'en,» aea• Pot tu lbv outdone by Mn

teto....dosera toying and t'Idiot 'tourie in ant,,., end l'avine a Tsel titre. as h. Te,rntIT porehamel Almmit • petate err to ramille over the lkdath ii thiu winter. lent Mie C“altuan Will sanction Mr. Italleetra mueriez to It

--The Great Joues Show, compmed nt eight ¡mura who elemel the searon with the John., . laces En/mina:m. la nlarIng esse.sight «tanne

In tbee ter. theu Fholde for the winter. The pereonoel eonelate of Moeris Weiss, remet and leader: Mania Luke, clarlueti ClIr


Mer are, u sue leedlea ln titi unaasuat Ume ati to safety. tronventenete, dvràbIlliy and 'Martre-neea. We ham patented lateroavlue doom. Itrua lei catalos aunt petto&

HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN COMPANY IH Samar, Street Ner11/ Tounpaoda, Ree Ymb


The lamer ramonera end omet atire.ttee sucer ment ridIng derice fer rirai. Fera ead Cardwie Portable sr n'Omar,. Nantes* by on*, Sena" .1 elecirtr remet St r',• trahi, en.1 /et or tell y a artuart If. $1111.Y1 • SM IT Ihert•irreft. Crie






COSTS $33.00 DOZ. Terme C. 0. II. 3.5.5 sl'h n.

der unlem Ilidd II band and It Nothing te arri Coi e


INTERNATIONAL WALKING Na CO. 10 to 14 E. 12th St., New York City.

HOROSCOPES Printed Tommes. Tique. limett.t and routeras Talant "sri.* le ror Cetera end ItarsPlea

•„I. LEDOUX. IN Witte* Are.. Belell.e. N

OUTDOOR SHOWMEN Ti. Neunettne-rp Plie* fer Cire« and Cernir.. t. 7111J,T KLILS'n rars.„ tua« 111111411 Ilote tai Waal , New Tort 010.

I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds cf Mare, Perfusera, Fan Parafer, ?ermite ellivrecurs a, ?rentame entelle lare recr hem and t'ekbfluLoePsites. IXWITABLL BALLA VO, I". Court Mueras Brualtlyw, S Y

SALESMAN, SINE 01 MAIN UNE., in. mit loe m'Iaveh Lee-telle gumenteed Tires. FOT 214 Non-IN-id bals, for 1111.1sli other Item in Mare-ll'ra the.' neerr•neukithlt prommtleo Witte 01.1.411101WATID MM CO., SIS tex 8LIch.igen. 4.1sicepa

The Billboard 67 rDECEMBER IS, sow ,




ISM Wills Street, NEW YORK CITY.


AnTeteler 1-111-1 BIllBOOK


We sr. rp-w giving herder and better etork d ›,,,be then ever t.erore Prim. $Ie.e• nr Greer.-SW* $33.10 eer Grew-Tan. Alm heuer email (II*, it outs/. $42.00 bad $ate* am Grua. ettn-a sae; 35e. bet of four licsets. $1.23.

BRACKMAN-WEI L ER CO. Whim Um, Ilmetallra.

W Mahn Street CHICAGO. ILL

CHRISTMAS Novelties and Gift

SOUVENIRS Beekark al Chat,' change Toy. Per dos... $ S.M

C.wehtelli Moan. Toy. Per don.- 4.1111 Soloed Pon wolf of •htte flannel. Per dos 2.10

erla. etteser It. Canon. l'or dol 7.e• .̀"Li.. :celluloid beanie IA41 Per 2.4 'took bra.elts. Per dos .35

*Mum teLee,d and Mirror. Per doe 12.0,1 ilit--Amitted Bon Children Comm ear

.81 No 11151-delluiold Doll Nursing Pet. ea

dl Lit No It-Cbtme Meal IWO» Pee dos .94 5-• MI -Ned Ihe.1 Novelty, on vire. Pm: doe .75

J.& hill run on not Pee due I.2S IhT Pena Alrptene. Per grom SAS N. MAI-ileum Ponta (yaws en Ines Ya le-Glaaa l'er prom norted Yoke beds. Per gnaw 12.110

Ali goods ant)ert so reWe sate. - owe eine-huf tinsels balm.. C. O. I.

bee Ulm $10.00. nab bu

Newman Mfg. Co.,



PERFUMED SACHET $1.20 Gris., I. ¡Grisa Lab.

11.35 are» let SIN» Greet Leta

E. A 1N,ln,


rAtiti<sbi 8tAtiTY '

- 'Goa. •

.• 0.1•1.•

LADY tovr 'Isms( itt 11141 S2 15 Gee«. Is li.Grue Lots 12 25 Cr..., SHIM Game Leta.

rrot it 1.-o ct.Ttlete1 ANT , « %%crux. SAT( SOAP A PERFUME CO'

Ito tl,,t• Wet.. at. ChM

"eicT REAL MONEY MAKERS nroi anortr.1 aser.1•117 inonnfaetnerra adver•

NI...laity Magaeine: ma" In•orssition. In seleet from; rho.* fall ImPira• 11.•al selling tall, by hert eale•man•hlp writer.: tiros.. betide, forvee esto•re deal: 15.7 P•gelt, " w' th..,. month.' trial. ne.


hf".91• Polis. Sled. 11.ortatt robes-leteleee. ondlts, complete, WIN Per b.ndr"1" /NI MT me.? !bad, to .1.ther Order today.

rim W. L. LANKFORO AR', tie roone at. Erearille lad

WANTED FOR 1920 Stour& Fleet. Whet Deem Wave, Motor.

•- »b.... Of wren dieriptlaw. with outfit& l'ernt ›i .r..t.v Rumen, nao tot, n.a.s.itu. Ow&

BETWEEN NOW AND CHRISTMAS 5. radeabledly tbe »Meat tI.. el the year Sr yelp aid eadwarea.

Watt tlaa enormena rush whirh we already hate and wh_rh. ao • matter of' fart, we han had right along, we will oak TnI1 lo 0.1. Yoe/. ur,lefe WW1 tle tut mime. Everything mom alomr than It Itirmarly sit& won the U. L mail. and aura'

the Eimer rwmpat.lre.

Set D'' ,N.T WAIT. If ea/ h•am sni 01.11.11 to .1".u.t. mad t--•1 haven't • hott to make your orden from for





N. SHURE CO., Madison and Franklin Streets, CHICAGO leresnater. however. that we ituPPL7 people rely who are In iota kind of batnemo. and a* nosh. who hoy "soda fcr their awn um.

saxophone: ✓iolin: It. ems le.: ion, plan..

('ha.. Hubby, Prenrh horn and le. t •rr. trio drum.; (h... .1. Ted Strad. trombone; Larry John and baritone.

eilnhes Amerloan Band elosed a piscis) and .ur.s....(1,1 nine months' with the 11r, sea A byrr ph-w. st sumpt.r. 8. 1'. Th. howl ainlo be le Ilti >blurt* Brown as. 11.y el: held •••••..n. •I•1 In the littering le On, Inn • elreMII ufIlms,e• In %oath e•tollna. preweet bring indellalbly bented in ..Puilapt.r

Itermise of the thorn 4..f bee mother, Yr.. -Ike" Long. Mra, Lhi. tilelen1 Arnold. of the. Proer., thmw• re.ently returo.I to her lo me in Isayton. O. "low" la eta piloting. the Prerre...lve. bet opines that It selll ..-n be barns for them for the winter, •:1,1 this him for the North, men:donated by Clut•

Ileir that Th.*. •Ph, pilot of the Ilbert, Mhos& part...k of so mark Thankegivtag 1,y, the bank with that wore um too •Iludenare ••.1 ran &event hlektown ply • lane almeot to death trying to relieve the *offering. But Thole. molted thrp It all •11-1 the ergt 11-1 w-• kicking beentee be fore. the erenberry same.

Th. Itlillment ba• pot ont many a One Cheat tom, 1”ue la the past, hot brit week we wl outdo all of oar previews efforts. Me 'He put Ong gut • mauler that will be promptly a • wledged •a the "grealeat ever." Boy your ropy early. A neY •nd Chlietmll••

rover will attract mumprofemional buyers, mid It will all ont early,

luny E. Donnell eload wIth the ErJetr"Nr Ilipt.itbet Show. recently la New London. Conn and returned to New Tort city. Itoon.11 left • •'raeherold" contest prometio• behind hiri In Yonkers which w-a o. 'Wooed t., June lh) 1,7 the loral lodge of Mks, sad be retuned to be preeent at the grand Antis.

Barry CIttle.on, partner In the arm et Earl 11 Nee.nheirn. lac.. New York. wwit married Thanksgiving day. Yr. eittwoon le keown many ronimolonere thennelt the reentry. a-,1 while the name of the fortunate lady in s t given. The Billboard joins Ilarry•• friend. In wishing for teltnetelf ned bride • hurl'y and yrooperou• toter*.

Parlow'a Big City Rhos. ar• playing the Petta oantry, until after the boll-

day.. when they will woke • (»lee mt-ty• to the Cerclinie. where they will pay the bed-rare of the "enter months. It. N. Coolie, wIth it. Coolie'. Wild Animal Rho«, joined the or. genhatten •t en amine the linenp. It le DPI& t., eleven paid attractions-

'TI. ea1,1 that Ira Wilson. popular tonne-rimer with the Lenin Tienne Phew., was travel-ing os • train dons bonthern Texas way when med.:belly the engine wa• derailed, naming s "rack .4. leantlfe. youne Intl; •Iltle• urp”elte a 1. throe. it ledo the •rto. of 51r. Wilmot. where-nr. ,n exclatIonl: "Oh, dear, do they have many wrecks oet this rollne,11 - oh, boy.

'Pero ronopieneutis figures nt the, febl. artetarbe meeting at Fhb-ago were Eel Roble.s halt' owner of the Lortnen•Itoblneun hem» e..bow.. am{ Ilirry Brian, general agent of the mime

It'a • bet that theme tw, dynamo* of milvIty let the world bion th t the Lorman-Rolleson Yemen,. Illtene• are o. the map and In the »me elan will the big »en.

W. L. .fghoetrl Ilow•ed, general agent with the C. R. 1 eggette Who.. also, 1917, met the at tiriandrls. l'a., awl after a •hort tide with tir,. 0111,11•••••1 her a tlfltel for Tonle In Ihrenion•m. 11.,*•-,1 nap taken III wIth Jonrelles. e abort while 7r. eloo. at Nat.hltorhe-a. She will reormiln et home for the winter. "Shorty" ha the leggett•

tanked up to and Isciaing Chrietma• Week.

Frank Brinkley, white es mote from Adapt,. ha.. to Cointstons. O., for the winter. wmt •

,lier at the home offlre of The Billboard Prank II. Informed oe that he hi. puma.. • «trine of ten ronremloait of Chat,. Anerb•-wIth wh. ,tu h. hv. tere• mporlated for teeter yearn on the Lehlutan Re Shine Show.. Mr Auerbach. he . say., will enter a mereheintli. balm.. In Philadelphia. brinkley will again be with Zeldmal A Polite neat »aeon.

Quite n bnoeh of fertile:elite* In Payton. Pad HI most •my JnY one wilt lad many u I 1,11.0 at PitIne• s.d ittrirkland'a 'Stevens cm birth elreet. .Stesung the". e- C. Myers. 711,N Willie me. It. C. lb.-km.11, Y. X. Without*, M. It. Blanchard. Pouth Pea bland Joe, B. %mold. •troult ma.: Ye.» Vent», melee; Al hanfatets Tleep $.• tribu?. t1em P. Wright. Prof Ilamlito• mad Prank Ken.

With the Itire-Doentan sal the 3. Geo. Le» arrreptiono wintering la Fort Worth, may

(L'entInned on paiellIDS)


BALLOONS rPf11 Ifsr.ulartuter.

SPECIAL A tweewler, red sud wish. 73 sir* web IthetWeek of eset• Claus ad

Chrletemu. $4.50 nut

lam View! Squiwkon, UM Gnu I-Cdu Patriot's Sallus,

Hovey Cat, 71. - SUS Gnu :Neill 14 el Cerement

Casulad Melons, - SILOS Gnu tallow Sties, - $3.18 Gnu


A Mechanical Run-

ning Mouse_ Each

One Guaranteed To


$6.50 Per Gross Watermelons, Footballs, Balloons of

every description. $1.27 brings a com-plete sample line.

Write or wir• your orders.

25 Per Cent Cwash With Order




Assorted Flashy Colored Neck Chains VERY NEWEST DESIGNS-JUST OUT

75c, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $6.00, $7.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00 ad $15.00 Dos.

Just the goods for Co-,cessionaires, Sheetwribers, Carnival Workers, Fainnen and Boveity Stores.

6' $10.01 Irlegs a big sample assortment el Nock Clubs

MUNTER BROS., 181413 Bruhn N. Y. City. Est. 1411.



1000-Hole Board, $22 00 retails for $50.00,

Our 1500-Hole Board, $40 00 retails for $75.00; •

Ateolutely guaranteed to meet with your approval or money refunded. 40c,1 cash with order, balance C. 0. D.


P. & P. STATUARY CO. Formerly ot 915 East 15th St., Kansas City, Mo.

S•4•141"tufacter" Now Located at 413 DELAWARE ST, KANSAS CITY, MO. se» Distributor of the

GOOFIE DOLL Prim $5.00 Pot Dozes,

4r, KS Ptt Heedred F 0. 5. lessee City. Me.


On orders accompanied by cash in advance we mill

prepay all expreas charges. We are prepared to till

all orders mine day as received.


J. J. HOWARD, 617 S. harbors St., Chicago, lila

SLOT MACHINES FOR SALE Aleo Sale. Boards, assorted. Also we repair all kinds of Slot Machines at the beet price. Experienced mechanics. Try our work. Guaranteed. Also we bu) all kindm of Slot Machine. and Sales Boards, assorted. FLURER NOVELTY COMPANY, Princess Anne, Md.


68 The Billboard' D6CEMBER 13, 1010


B. B. 5005—Men's Watch Sets, 16 size, flat model, open face,

plain polish, gold-plated, gold olla!, Swiss movement, with gold-oiled Waldemar Chain and Knife. Complete, In velvet- $2 so Ilned box. Complete, each

B. B. 5010—Very handsome Men's Watch Sets, 7-jewel, 'Prin-

.:pal - movement, gold-filled Watch, Chain and Knife. $6. 00 complete

• B. B. 1027-16 size, open face Swiss Watch. Corn- $3 75 plete Set, each

B. B. 4906—Ladies' very pretty Watch Sets, w:th cInvertible Bracelet, 10 Ligne Swiss cyllnder movement. Each put $3 75 up in lifruisome display box. Each

We carry a big varlet' of Ladies and Gentlemen's Watch Sets.

B. B. 515—Ladies' Octagon Mother of Pearl Convertible Watch, with 2.0-year, gold-filled bracelet band. Each in $4. 50 a handsome box. Each

25e:c deposit truth order.

B ROS JO YEARS OF SQUARE DE.811.21.13Vrvery. N. Y. Established 1839.

Th8 "Shut Iron Salesman" IS TM.



because tie large e,sio box opens on the side end leidor 1,209 nickels, that can be taken out without turning the machine over--elimlnatIng -, breaking the diem globe, showcase or Machine

Ibis Is a fasciuting Vending Machine wide\ Costa a. Rickel to play. Re, b ball hen a hole drilled through and contains a number which in do-ste• the prise winners as listed on card fur-nished. The "lees Salesman" Fella yeur own mer-chandise, and can be operated in rnoet towns.

$275.00 rtÉ feli3CrFTI

eon easily SR Lunde with 10 machines if properly placed. The "Iron °abstruse" hold. I 290 belle et 1„mn and $60.00 t. re•Pred from ere Tilling. Every - Iron Salesman - pleced in live "'Pd. will make more real moue) for you than 25 penny Pall Gum maollthes.

Cose on, yew butt-14g operators. and get into toe nickel elaee, where all t he big money Is made. Write for special prices for quantity buyers.

AD LEE NOVELTY CO. (Not lac.), 185 North Michigan

•Jaw X•uoi,44 JnoA 15•1103







Salesboard Operators Are Mopping Up With new'.






NOTICE! W. Have Moved Into Our Now Quarters

F. W. MACK, 1311 North Wells Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

THERE'S A REASON 7,1,:enhtne::‘,:e:.-.17-1r);BPLI'e,; E. Z. TIE FORM Sells to tlie betray clam Gold footing Wire for flint and Tar Dollars. A Good Itsgsestm RverbkorlY Wata boolltet. CROW $150; $1.10 002.; SAMPLES, VW

E. Z. TIE FORM CO.. 208 Crew Standing. Oaken% Ott

Carnival Caravans nth:lord fo'I r

pleasant chits and parties, sill likely he in erblence during the my spell. Already, • bit Christmas spread is icing arrenged. with J. Geo. Loos, W. 11. (BIM Rice. g. W. c.dstrn. Max .miiier nisi Claude Hamilton. ati•ertieint meager of the Fonthwestern Exposition and rai !Mack Show, forming the committee on plans ynd fnleihnent.

Agnes Rodgers. who, until recently has bees with the C. A. Wortham Shows, hue joined the Golden Crook Company, as • member of the cbarua. Her chum, muette Peinent. is the prima donna of the stow and induced Agnes to forsake the carnivals for a wh'le f ,r barters-inf. In return Miss Belmont has consented to take Ler fret plunge into rarniral life during the coming summer and they both ezp.A to be with one of the Welding car/lBlile-

-. Peen at one time in the lobby of the Wins-

dor lintel. Plikee-Parror, Pa.: `Ir. and Mrs. Chat. Halperin. Geo. Prerferd. Mike Wirt». Jumes Doyle and eleven members of the liltne-IlEoerin-Brayforell Revise , playing le Wilke. Barre and Edwarieyii • is, i ',espy Mrs. Halperin gare a Thanksgiving dinner to al the folks with the bazaar company. Thirty envers were laid ant everyone enjoyed a great feed.

Sydreey Wire, well-known representative and publicity expert, bee joined handa with Arnold lieldt, city editor of Tb. Florida Metropolia. of Jacksonville. and together they hav• rodablialsed whet le probably only rural publicity Noreen and illustrated pre.n service In the Smith. The twr

hoya will preps» prelim matter, photograph. and eats fer earnlyale, circuses and all kinds

abenre ladoty or out. They ame located rnite 211 Dyed Ppchareh Bldg, Jackeoneille. Fla.

la the pasaleg of Louie Love Canna. the Reath Sea Wand Wonder), one of the oldest and best known freaks of nature la removed frote end will be greatly mhored by tt.e prof...aims le having for many year, been • Tenon-anent fea. Inns is rouseuma, with cirri» ri,keghowe ant

na an Ines-Moat attn.-Goo with csrsiect 0 -. c,nilltioon. Credit le due Albert llaves ,le

fcithfel manager the peel two yearns. who op ted neither meas. nor expense in trying to • the lire of hi. little no-worker.

M. B. Davis rifle. Rosen,. who had her dawdle !bow on the Feldman and Poile Stews the peat seamOD. a'c orteeied by

Poth DeFoare and the former'• • con, tanlos. "Tiny". Mopped over it Cincinnati (Ile day bat week while on thelr way to De. trolt. Mlle. }tore° says It's * them.' f,`, the rosy Oat is Detroit. where they will t•ke tidne. easy until the bin. bird. whistle In the wwing. lier •ttra•thrl was will. the Nore. western Show. during the early part of the bee von.

Prof. C. A. Henry, well-kaown outdoor show. man aid performer, formerLy J riro,,na fem.. lut for tbe past three yea?. fn the carnival bersiness, reteetly sold Ma Circus Ride Mow, en lairre, Great Empire Rhode., to Herman .1aronro, of the latter attrectiona, according to . If. Alexander, who add. thet Prof. Henry

la ,:endinst. the Winter It New (»lean., and las not derided on tort eesson'a *nitride,. hut will libels 'gels I,. eeire vrIth e big '.1,11. t. A dw. Mr. 'exander f khi, the roe. ter of the Cirrus 14',i, Show M th t time of mie ea follow,: Madam 14 Pettit escapee; Celle tato eartn. Mate avower; Princess Juanita, de, apitstIon; ("notelet Eel. emstortlemiet; diad• am Bor.. Buddha: Si stet Piero, torture board; "Murphy," einceted monkey: a sad rat and • wininge four legged animal. Jack Richardson was working, the trout.

Chitig• was the greens of lively d'iota last week. It wsa pro•«I that csral•el men ran write lierntorart's at l'asti when there la real need of their doing ao.

But wheat il come, to permanent organist. Um &moor. who hue emly a send Idea ahont how It es, be done, will meet with • nest eti -

thOotaettr n •t The T'llte.a -d't Mend.

Our interest will be roil."' only when fifty c•r. »Dal managers land lbe fifty meet Include ••• •ereta• of the big fell“wel pu . their same.

dons in Ink under a d.elaralion signifying that tb•y went to. regent's,. « The 11111bosr.1 la Influential. .11ety reol ton

powerful. It esa rt. , many wonderful thing% Plut It foln9,11 ego Site the ouldoor men tint° they are Orel only wittlize hot% amb, to by cog. swotted.

And we are not ¡Wag Cosset* smother atteset astil we are Mews.

Premium r1 Trading Watches 1.65


Geer' le die. this model e. Witch et newarkable lc* pelf, c4.111.114. 'coke like s tie Se Gold Watch- Order sanstde on. Sen' 07 mall voter !stele of price endler extra for poste


It'wonn IBM *MI US

e%41 ear It r



N.. inoosa--:) PI,» Masher, Set. Thia ti our very iateet rmetion in Wenicure Rolls Ret emblem of El clew, of bed Quartet M.* etuniK and whlte gromed irrentl Dom manicure pier*. 'Rimed Trwirh iwcY in glIt letters Fitted in s .1 ,k plush lined. Ines male leather roll. .81,495

arose Our SeeeMi Cat Prise.. NO. a« a a —SriCIAL I7.RIECE, rgrwcu


Few • large variety at (DAM le. mired >se elem. see uor INIent Raleemen Catallgee

of the press, stalled tree to d. elem. I sting 1V•erhee, Ckw•k& Jewelry. larellwv C-

-.11 ,erstre. Freedom.. etc. Write NuW

JOSEPH HAGN CO. test Pelee Vikelasal• SVINNIrar

300•301.1104.101 W. rum.. SL, Diet


/demo& line« mist) co ere) ea Slà 'Mgt re wery bottle Realle fdle, Write fre frif,rosulon. SUPERIOR LASORATORIES OM& SO.Ell, Greed Rees% lifiehises.

Show Banners, Carnival and Midway Fronts(

E. J. HAYDEN F. CO. I nc.,

DtCEMSER. 13, MO The Billboard

Manicure_ Rolls AND Gillette Razor Sets

1431 '21.131,. ManIrtuie Mont Freda« Ls. 1,,r (ern. 'Mk.

$4.00 EACH

11% 1110-14netie rea kM.Tnelb lwx7. Seabee, Linieeinieerk

No. 142-111-11ge• EitAoicarg >it Mae ae &Dom fluwili LIrgiag. 13.30 [sea.

Re 12110-1.1-hree Manicure Eat Plush 1-1.Ott. $3.36 tee&

00 -anew Skeet:4 Rest 0001 Me& 1L0 Ceebe

Or- K.- 0.0.1 Mel Watch. F 3fflis. O. F . SSA, Ease.

Ladlar' Wrist Werls Nets. Bel and Tatra-n BrerWet. $4.11 set 0040 Loeb.

IS.. eld bee,‘TY Ilmee. Ours III set BressIsr«


5A.L.ES BOARD CARDS , S. 3.4 seedier es« maid Carda ter _ _re Sea. CILitte Cords. Gaunt

re, $13.06 pir


t3 Dome. NM YORK CITY.


11 Weer% %Mum $1.55 helm&

I WW1 Prim. 110414eie Perewtle• SebeWeerd.

wtelviale Mee, $11.15. BrIewo et Deleil. MAW


-25 LARGE PRIZES 20 $1.11 neeme Cbserlaboa. 4 11 21 Pasty« Calmolalaa. 1 MI «I Pram« Clieetiaesa. 1 1100-1411 Rerrselle• Miewbeerde

weeteele Mee. $13.141. Miles M Rege/1. 130.10.

ART KNIFE ASSORTMENT 14 >no Ortee, Crew 111,4. 11.1.1 Beletw•ed hea-

d )(thee delete's, thsetered ea • 710-bete Sales-sews Primp. MASO. Criais at Reba. 05.00. 73-it‘LS Ons t3.'..r,1 cut with 0431«, balance a

tiro 44.7 artier 18 reewlytd.


Sporting Goods Club Room Furniture, Playing Cards, Dice and Games of all kinds. 1. age stock of Poker Chips always 0, hand.

H. C. EVANS &CO., 1528 W. Adams Ste CHICAGO, ILL.

ART PHOTOS srUstl• P".41,• 54 besstlral «rte. tree=

• Ina 1441‘plhe 3411i ma- 14 ,A,144414.4. 211e. COLISL1714 AST CŒ. Oress-'" , ltarls


euW1/40 MFG. vo.. 1111 Ineataa Waal. Olio.



The Superior Finish of the Lilly Doll Makes It the Best Flash ,

The Largest Stock of the Best Novelty Dolls in the Country

Del Ivories at once. Catalogue upon request.




The old fashioned knife dea, will not get a look in with this new combination knife and money deal beside, it. Has 9 3-inch Bathing Beauty Photo Knives, two fine Razors and five Transparent Currency Tubes in which you insert 51.00 bilLs. 720-HOLE. Sc BOARD.

RETAILS AT $36.00.

PRICE, $7.50 10% with order, balance

COED. Send for catalog.

GEORGE A. JOHNSON & CO., 1547 N. Wells St.,



by accepting cheaper Pocket Knife Board and Knives.

WE GUARANTEE OUR KNIVES. No. 106-12 Fine, 2-Blade, P3Talin, Cellu bid Handle, 5 colors and Stag Handle Knivea and 2 guaranteed toshave,$ Black and White Rnn.... liana+ ltazors,on a•"""' 114 'etbeert. °LI

00140.Razo107-m l-toniiirtsnivee, Ltlie above, $8 .00

(10% with order, balance C. O. D.)

HECHT, COHEN & COMPANY, 21144 West Madison $1., CHICAGO.

Everyone Is Eating Doughnuts Since the Salva-tion Army Lassies Made Them Famous-

Afl Need kl °Tiler Tnlean 111111111111 Up Big Money This Met Is a Store WiocknY ad My MACHINE One Machine will rut and (Iron 3 eoo Dellelnue noughnuts per hour, at a cost of about 1142.00. You set1 them for $120.00. YOUR PROFIT FOR THE HOUR, $711.00. Complete outfit costs $300.00. $150.00 cash, balance C. O. D.




L1U.T DOLL W1111 W10.

Two More New Ones OUR JUNIOR

Alicertag [11:IE


'A0E1 A l'unit.1 £,e PERFUtg

Nes--800 { Seethes el 41 Sul--Hob

lies el Perham, as So 101411D Fellows:

24-$1.0i S173 Pewee, PRICE 12-52.10 U " 3-52.511 " 1-$5.00 " " 12.00 OMB 'MM. MM. .11 .11•M ••••• •••• «Mmi. am am mu •••

14.4-800 -Hole tic BoARD !lea ef Peden*, es Fellows:

24-5110 Size Pettus% PRICE 24-52.00 " "

$20.00 SI 6-52.50 " " 6-woo

Ceealds rf 11 bi-

with ordo r, balance C. O. D.)

SUPERIOR PERFUME CO. 160 North Wells St., Chita.,

("Originators of the Perfume Wore")


70 The Billboard MEMBER 13, is



CATALOGUE ISSUED ON REQUEST Manufacturers of Manicure Sets, Toilet 'tolls, Military Bruli Sets, Collar Boxes, Traveling Outfits and Ivory

FRENCH IVORY MANICURE CO., 159-1 61 Wooster Si.. New York City

Cancel Last Stands and Go Into Quar-ters Because cf Coal Shortage

Effecting Rail Movements

JackPonville. lin., flee. 5.—Ibto to Neal abort. age, which is • the rani of the South, the World at ilome litmus. which .-.ere to play

Week's engagement at Palatka foill...witdf tie Florida State Fair, were linable t. secare movement Into Putman County ,r i‘storday, so It was decided te 'ore the paraphernalia for tlas winter month... The *how's were looked into ¡'aliaba •nd

Tanep•. and • were to rctorn to Jackeonville, where winter (marter, have been estaldlehel for the Polack Enterprises. Six f the istrifeet exhibit buildings on the fair grounde have barn speared for the etorage of the equipment and all property was quartered in the variou., depart. mento on Monday. 'Cite reconetructlen work has already begun and a a,‘ seen early on the grounds Mondry tueming - at-tacking" the above wagon«. FarPoltera. elee-trtetans, blackamithe and workingmen bave been asignad to their departments and by the end of the week the fair ground.. will be a liourl-bing staved factory. Tom ilea will auperintend affairs around the

Polaek -city" and will he assisted l'y a capable stag of department heads. The work will be ?nailed. aa the World at llome Shows con-template.] making an early opening.--J. %M-EIN:MIN CBOWTTIE.B."


Encounters Blizzard at El Paso, Tex.

The forty-fourth week of the peaann for Clar-ence. A. Worthates World's Bent Shows is one that will not soon he forgotten. crowded inp. It Was everything a showman could want add ale° everything that a showman does not want. The shows arr1vm1 in El Pxso, Tex., after a record-breaking rtin from 1.Ig Spring.. They came tinder the suppicen of the lten,.ur Home, a charity in which nil El l'an-' te, interested. The shows opened with sunny skies, and every

attraction ..nd ride began to real) • harvest-And then the weather man threw the monkey wrench. die opettott the ,nold weather faucet aunt also added a blizzard, wIlltplenty of snow, which at times turned to a hard rain, driven by a wind, and then turned hack to a .now again. For two days the >hoe, were frozen in. and Iriday night the Islam. family stood by to be ready if the canvas city blew down. The frozen



F. O. B. Danville, Ill.


In full with order. These dolls are all packed for freight shipment. We are so delighted with the patron-

age given our Memphis, Tenn., branch that we are moving our entire Danville

plant to that city the latter part of this month and must dispose of all Dane 111,4

stock quick. Get busy


WANTED Clean, Attractive, Lawful Carnivals Sm Eldon bate Put. >Linville, New J, roi. Com-


Were Yes Ever Offered a Greeery Stine? You eon handle Sour. Flour. Canned Goode, Thled Fruit. Coffee sod entire tine of Groceelee. a• well a• PaiDtA. Roofing, Aluminum Ware and Autoeurntle Oils. with go rent to pay. No money inowted. Take large oler• from samples Gonda are guaranteed and proven quality Selling eaPerlance clot nerowary. Steed,. ornatald• work for "workers." Address FLEINTIOIX-K-HILL. CO.. Dent- SO. Chlavgn, 111. Benterence: Any atria or exams tanninan7.

CONCESSIONAIRES Get the Xmas trade. Rent a store or window

and sell our complete


Quite a number of the boys are now running stores of this kind. Ask them about it. Write

for our Special Price List.

Western Doll Mfg. Coe A. J. ZIV, President

564-572 W. Randolph St., FRAfeerPÎ6131. Chicago, No. 35—BEACH BELLE NEW YORK OFFICE: 41 UNION SQUARE, WEST, ROOM 647 With Half Wig. II la. he.

Der. Ca.., EDWIN E. BESSER, in Charge.

No. 54—TEASEME wis sat Ca.. I In. »O.

Oat Cale.

«viva DEDICATED TO HELP THE WOUNDED BIG WINNE * 0110 aa ¡Blur etar5*

IN/rete.a ca er NI•Gm0 Pam,.

Give Soldiers Square Deal OFFICIAL. 130011(


R. Ex•Serrice Mm's Co-Operatiye League

Erect Memorials for the Fallen! "THE DOUGHBOY'S BU ODIE" CONST/TIMOS: OF 711E LEAGUE or NATIONS

Km w the Leese. cl Nat.. out el Polo.. 50.000 W1:011;11

Allt/ neo

lie re. a ',urea.. PI* Teb-flog

THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS 11.à. Hz.. *a..., rd.

re P.. MUG hillt.T.D.


lay WOUNDED SOLDIERS Bortsidev et Expeeed. Fh.....t• thew!

Organize a Local. All Ex-Service Men join greatest movement ever inaugurated to beat the High Cost of Living.

Agents, Sheetwriters, Make MOO a Day Price, 7 cents each. Sells, 25 cents. Receipts, 30 cents.

rcrtnar !OM CONGagenniena0-. • • • r .•••• r. . Mg, - • - U.1•11 ebb mi.... 11..•• ••• •ea• on ••• •••••••• e• • •••••••••

1,11,1•14,e11 sas ••••••1111111Y oes 71.1.

Samples free. ••• • ,..."*""• •••••' ••••• o ''' •wr e•• mewo «me.» epee 4 ••••••••. a 14 •••.

Union Associated Press ESTABLISHED MS


&Medea Ier••11•• no bon. Plele dud, Po.• ••••

Ire.* 1••• —1___-.1.1yr • 1•14 rim we r«.

1111.1•41.1 71.1.v•I

•am o le, se a a law Op legli bane

-re a* b lea. al sea« •at t. e• • be. e••• 01.--4 IF ea.

.1•••4 •••• N.B.05 , •••I




WS to SSO easily made selling the

No Me- No Ft-it-Um. No Canker.. No Alcohot ic•ainable to Uwe. ed Ga. wane. rite Heaters. Or-

flaa Jets. incandevent Mantle Lieu. «4. SIMPLEX GAS LIGHTER CO., 10 E. 14th St., New York City.



All you have to do is to show the deal and it is sold.

CURTIS IRELAND, 24 S. Main Street, - - ST. LOUIS, MO.

teip. nog aldle wall, were witIpperl sheet In a gal.., and every allow with the big carnival wet ithroatennd with deatrirtion, lb -mener. tb. lope held entity, ami until S••• n',-lock the fel lowing morning the ehowfelk were ne hand

fnr any event that might orb*. With the break u.ti day the wind animided and w'ft the routing of the ann the aniow melted quIcklY and 1.-ft the whole tented city in On oat ef condition. listurdag night favorable «7'0"; evoaditiono prevailed sod there wan S 11"." raretal aolrIttol crowd on the droned.. -• that went all the way thru on • eret-etses ticket. Nothing was too good for it. The ahowa to El hum for an engagenient or two weeks. mi hence it is now entering upon it. second week Numlay the aim eh--ne all day and the emw't.

ureel old en ta•see afternoon mod sight Prince. little, the itp•Plevlenn man. Pie"' a. 'lid Team. Joe, the savor,' climber •mi giro. dancer. la 'pite of the fact that his left lilted la very bore Beverly White preen agent of show, is happy. tie stem tie eng of hie little nnti7 1,7 • •lateenlh part of an inch conduit ent of a swinging Ilrelinef ewor of ea ^lb,'


New Yore. Dee. (1.—A new careital la l.'" org•tdred in this etty by A. Englieb Migday J. A. im1.1017 and W. J. Ftetcr, who will si in the CapacIllea of !manner, secretary as In•nager. The new enterprise all take the road stems of 111/..10. uoder the nano' • ‘riiide Show«. Mr. >Baden la • fernier we knows eve.e•eleitalre. who baa boos os the l t.,r two yew's, and baa bees epetattee 'reel" Is this city ate witblIblr. Doses, as partner.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 71 •••

'We Beg To Announce the Organization of the



W. J. (POP) FOSTER, General Manager; J. A. DOLGOFF, Secretary; A. ENGLISH MIGDALL, Treasurer.

Address all communications to the General Office of the ARCADE SHOWS, 117 West 125th Street, New York. This Show will carry its own Riding Devices and furnish tops for all shows. WANTED TO BUY—Three-Abreast Jumping Horse Carrouselle and Big Eli Wheel. WILL BUY TOPS in good condition; two 30x60, one 25 or 30x100, two 20x-10. WANTED FOR ADVANCE STAFF—Good Second Man or Advertising Agent. WANTED FOR WORKING STAFF—Help for Carrouselle and Big Eli Wheel, Electrician and Can-vasman, WANT TO HEAR FROM Sensational Free Act and Ten-Piece Band. WANTED FOR CIRCUS SIDE SHOW— Freaks and Curiosities. ALL CONCESSIONS OPEN EXCEPT WHEELS. High-Class Showmen, get in communication with us. Steve A. Mills, write.

ARCADE SHOWS. Office, 117 West 125th St., New York. Phone, Morningside 9167.


Museum Attractions Can use a few high-class Freaks and Strange or Novel Acts. Have exceptional spot for real Mind Reading Act. Plenty of money. Town filling up with soldiers. Museum opens December 15. Long season to good peo-ple. Write or wire C. H. ARMSTRONG,

601 South El Paso St., ti Paso, Texas.

One Dollar

Will Earn You Ten Dollars

Salesboard Operators Salesmen Haberdashers Our nevitWIN hirt Dual le • Kncek-'rets-Deml gent. Tim est L. •genall and to. Met. NC lay cul me duller t.. ten duller: peeelt. This I. in Mae-tunity for um the (elks. •tth the enall t,ank roll Il they broke tough feu you this mama. pin • one-dollar blil to thi• ml atA tend It In this minute for • teai board end detailed particulate The remit will te that ym will lutes • built rill that will elate a saule by LI:Wiese. Help-amt. sent same hem: zerellett

Dozen, $10.00 Gross, $120.00

Sample Outfit, $1.00 ROCKWEll-MtlAREN NOVELTY CO.

112 Wert 4 Stl Sheet NEW YORK CITY.

PAPERME N AMERICAN HEROES is bigger than ever. Plenty of sample copies to work with. Write or wire AMERICAN PUBLISHING ASS'N,

Parkway Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

Made right in the factory. Stays right on the road. Transport Trucks are built up to a high standard, not down to a catch price.

It is the QUALITY of the TRANSPORT an a unit that puts it in a class by itself.

Send for literature and information and see why tho Transport is the best Truck for the Showman to buy.


We pay transportations both ways and all transportations during season. You tu board yourself. Season December to end of April. Communicate with

CHAS. L SASSE. MO W. 49th Street, New York City.

WM. PINK'S CABARET SHOWS December 31 will place my Cabaret Show with reliable company. Wire. No time to write. Address WM. PINK, Dublin Hotel, Dublin, Ga.


We tun sqlsrthtng rd vital Interest to ay to em-h tte tt u. Neal Ili your "gene sod address on we eso 10.1 In tusets ult. you Intro••11•tele. This Is 'IhItni that e. stssthl kno...1'.^nt• 0 lend for toi. IlMorma -t1J11 Wthri. BUSH SUSSCRIFT1ON CLEARINS HOUSE. Dept 604 A. Bub Temiele. Chime*. IL


A GOLD MINE ABSOLUTELY FREE would not cause more excitement than the sensation

our Vest Pocket



. Every have one.

NOT A TOY, but the greatest SAFETY DEVICE ever in-

vented by the Master Locksmith.

A FORTUNE FOR PITCHMEN Every lock is GUARANTEED. Can he attached to any door or window in a SECOND, and you can sleep soundly with the

positive knowledge that no burglar can enter your room or home.




72 The Billboard DECEM Be 13, 19'9


Owned and Edited by Colored People for the Colored People. Its Editors and Contributors are Twenty of the Leading Negro Statesmen College Presidents, Educators and Financiers of America. it is Published and its Subscription Guaranteed by The Continental Publishing Co . a Company Incorporated and ('ontrolled by Negroes. The Circulation Campaign is open for six months only. 'You can work anywhere. II Ir.; the Sunny South or going there get it now and be the first in the field. This will be the Best Magazine you ever handled. There is nothing like it in the field. Ask any of the ZOO men now handling it. And with its Stag t.1 Editars and Backers Competition or Imitation is Impossible. Get a Real One. January issue 100 pages. redentials, Subecriptien Receipts and Sample Copies complete to work with, and you are representing a strictly IIigh-Class, Legitimate Pub-

licaticn. All Correspondence to Horne Office. THE COMPETITOR, Circulation Department, Pena. Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.


Zorrplete Beason of Forty Week"— Wint•eing in Augusta, Ga.

- — Tb, foteusue of 1919 for the .1. V. Murphy

NtuW4 idd over and the show will winter in Agnate, Ca., in a tine (v.'.-story brick building. with electric lights, running wa ter, electric freight and pateenger eleaotors, sleeping 'loar'

ten foe the help. stable note for the horses and wild nnimnIs. and what 14 more impar' tant than anything aster. the building Is heat- , ed by hot tir. Ti,. tracks are alongside the building. The 0440011 started in Chattannoca. Tenn.. •

and the miepte exhibited 10 Tennessee, t it atoll.. laelassaire. Pennsylvanla. Maryland. .New Jersey, New York, Mensachneets. Connecticut. North Carnlinn, t.h.utb I:endings and sio'rgla The largest city played war Philadelphia and the 'smallest Ilarunell, R. C. The hIggesit

ezo miles and the td' :1C , Tweire Fain' were played and ... .. ynne of bens a record breaker. It was a remarkably

s.teceesful &resin, without coy a o.dlents. out opposItIOn. and without any 'shakedown's, which proves that a show conducted on bold. nets principles, with clean sod moral shelve, dernid of any objeeUocuible features can make money and boll all help, slat.'ws and cone«. e dons together.

Praises and complimentary nottces were re-ceived in every Ware visited. The ri-inotring .irtirie is taken from The stagnate 11eXald• the last •tsrdl: "A cleat show to the decision of the Eagle's DOM corps and, speaking oil the snbjeot. Mr. L., J. Schaal. yresident of the Or. der of Eagles, and chairman of the carnival 'saturnine*. Mad: 'We are prend that we have teen able tn recur. the J. F Mutoshy Shows for more reaannts than nne. primarily Isscanse It la a clean chnss. J. F. Motrpht, the eener-t1 manager, la well known in Anguirta. lie win-ters hia 'darts in Anzu•ta e•••••• ysar. sod ba• alw ay, presented ilia at tractinna under the auspices of the Eagles' Drum C ras. and we j• oan always depend on Ninephy bringing no a " good clean show, and heeds's. who w dd t nos want to see the 'Diving Venus', Margaret Stanton. In her high dive?" A newspaper notice like the above sherds! •n• Insyleation to carnival OWElered, and tu

rhos's. who in the past hase not paid grown ' nttention to the morality of their shows. Pot !On. h. use in order and haae I clean-up and let the season of 1920 kn,i everybody ttemA.t^tine only cLeen and moral shoes.— FELIX BLET.


To Enter Field Next Season—Opens at York, Pa.. May 1

A new carnival erganitation in the fell next reason will be the R 1.. Forreat Shoo., whirl' till play its initial stand at Yon. Pa., corn-menrIng Saturday. Slay I, under strong ans. Plena, Manager Forrest has been conneeted with the

harry C. Hunter shosita for a number of sealant In fact, since the opening of the !lorry Tinnier Jungls Shows some eleven year" ago. Plana call for ten Rheum'. three rides, two free acts. an Italian ban I and numerous concesalons. Wo-k

aireerty alerted for the coming semson, and •oreoil d f the hest sole in l,., item Pennsyleanie still Is• played. Manager Forrest has a new one t• •Oring in the alto. line. called Gigantic Foistan,,. one of the strongest illusion ',time-lines ever staged.--GEORGE McNA1R.


Far the week ending December 11 Cnn T. Ken-redy news are at Natchez. hilan,, on the treets, the end slew that has tad the privilege .• the streets in Many Yea ,. Nat'br, I. in"

of the few towns of the South where the old fltdrita of "Southern hospitality" of ante-hell, ni dove lv still in evidence The city has thrown esids oben its arma t.. the Kennedy rs is. and paltrier from the opening night's business, with fswesable weather it will be ore of the most saseesessl 'tonne in the South.

Virkaly.tre, erne the Thanksgiving day "I'd, mud while the weather was a tells in-element it wan a "red letter". day for al the

nf th. otirsnlastion Carom er Badger tend-rei the MO etarlaes a nnuippmentary din-re- in the tooth-ape, turkey and mince pl.. seth ths aecnnyollnying eelerr and cranberry van., wore th. nrIncipal features of the if- ors' M-s. Con T. Kennedy gave a Thanks. string dtnner in the pelts'se dining mom tei• sluts honor be Mrs. Wennedy's *later, Um.

SI-lnitree sod her Idislond. F. Pt, Mole-tgoss of the Wattling Dram -Barnom ter %the fterart. Other punt. were Mr. and Mrs. Dave larking" M-. and Mrs. Harry Brews. Mr. and Mra. itnitot Murray. Mr. aid Mrs. P. Ilnffman. Mr. •nd her.. Lea. Eslick, Mr 404 Mrs.?. W. 'ravie-, csaree /Tannin. Jame* Dosagbot. R. sni R C. rein. Master Arthnr Palteg and

ntelnfeldt. In ib. evening Mrs. Kee-


The Christmas Billboard You still have an opportunity to be represented in this mammoth

issue of the World's Greatest Amusement Journal. Of course, unless reservation has been made and copy sent. we can not guarantee you any special position, but remember

ANY POSITION IS GOOD POSITION IN THE BILLBOARD and no matter where your ad is placed it is SURE TO BE READ.

And remember, too, we had to cut.down 22 pages account of short-age of paper, which has also crowded more or less advertising out of the regular issues recently. So rush your copy at once, as space will be scarce. And there are others who want repre.sentation—why not divvy up with yout neighbor or your competitor? At any rate, rush your copy now!




Actors! Artists! Performers! Notice! Our authorized representatives have all been strictly enjoined from

soliciting advertisements from playera. They bay.. also been notified that the prohibition applies to our Christmas Issue. and special emphasis has been laid upon the fact—not even "Christrna.s cards" are exempt.

If you are aistirretelied Ili person, by telephone post by anyone representing himmt•if as our mployee or agent. who invIten, importunes or seeks to Induce )011 to contract fur advf•rtis;iàs in violation of the letter or spirit cf thin admonition. Iti.: SURE Ile: is AN IMPOSTOR. SPURN HIM. NOTIFY t's.

BRANCHES: New York. Chicago. St. Louis. tan Frenetic°.



.,,,,, -•. horde.. at a hall held in Kuhr" ,

Meshaninal and other Ilattorna 44.044. Will pladdr 4,4y SW's of went l'ontemblon Men, this Is • Pot "mien, dan''d until it a•".• when tie 't bier e.him. lotions of 'loner, will be spent lo rube. CAN 11.51'17 strung Pit Show Atuaations. •bas atotordnan,, stared a snots" done., %Aids I• one of the bed Aeroplana Carrou•elle. Us. cram 111,4,e*. mow,. Tethe Twoln-see show, lbw. Ks..'.. pets. ws,...,4• e thine« he 'be. after whit' the band planedt VdTdip. Fortune Teller: sersclially want WhirIttmol am wa M ist el Oar". ireraerttetelf 0, -ow I ang 'one" mad "Home, Sweet Home"

CA NOUA & CO . U 31, Hadneddia, caba it teas ..rely e day of Thanksgiving for '"' reasson•; the woe odediedde d one that bae been mg°

e of Wanted To Buy Penny Arcade Machienes ;;;;;;',7. `17,47:'maeih.a.n.lh, the ante aant;* talmier7 •isceessfut rnoteot in VIrkabore. 1...-1,, IY eh' -coma." it. C. Elgin palled oir of14 0 ...4'.

ludotitmitEhAat. be lust had this iiettetib.-11A 1101 .D

1,111 lieedie dee fog in ii,C eirmoIrtarti, hit OsOOPse ter ant :ter. et, 1.44 send Moot 119WK. :Iwo W, Thieeeth Ii,. KIM« City. Missouri, Have you looked Ors the Letter Lett

DECE.MOILR 13, MS The Billboard 73


WANTED—Rlding Device& Will buy or locole party with THREE or more Rides Must be new.

SHOWS—Want Feature Shows of all description.. Will furnish complete outfits to reliable showman. Good proposition for real Wild Animal Show or reel Wild West.

CONCESSIONS—All Concessions open. We are now ready to contract with reliable concessions. Bobby (Mott. K. Kahle., Oderkirk and others that havc written, write again.

BANDS—Want to hear from real American Band of twelve or more pieces

COLORED BAND—Want to hear from real Colored Rand. COLORED PERFORMERS—Want real Colored Performers for my Dark-

town Village. Clara Smith, Raetus, Happy Windbue and all colored perform-ers that were with us before, write.

AGENTS AND PROMOTERS—Want two real Special Agents that are not afraid to work.

FAIR SECRETARIES—Wanting a show that has never broken a promise with any Fair Assn write us.

All address MORRIS MILLER, Box 1114, Savannah, Ga.


Three-Pin Board I

One of the Best Games me the Market

WIt. for latre•atiers and testa THIS IS ANOTHER ONE OF THE BIG


H. C. EVANS & CO., 1'77 W. At.... St. CHICAGO. ILL

• ' We NM built this machine seer four Trare ago to seamti only with pennies, bog our <wantons soon fared au le make teem for Mogul. We my It ta pose reign. tbat ea, de Ulm Let us mod yea a circular. («ARLES N. WEEKS CO.. • Walden. N. Y.


BItT ON EARTH. PRICES RIGHT. 5.-,d (Iv go.fron.

JOHN T. DICKMAN CO.. INC.. 24.7t M•la Streit tine liamtim. Cat

Wanted at Once :'›vligmeHt. Mend, working 11.anagre roe Parteei .-• AJ•reaot )ietn7-flo hound. wr one t, tug bet

In ralrIn. et 11100 red. tee. t-", I Me Niue Add,... MRS. lefIDA ROLFE

Cara** Hill AIab..s,

If You Han an Old Sand Wrangel Tin It la lar Drums' Sillies

Writ* for Wink Dram Catalog

THE DIXIE Ili-tie HOUSE Lb....1..0_6 W. Madison Strogot Chicago 1

5c I THE SUIT SALESMAN contains 1,200 Balls Finest Quality Chewing Gum. Every Ball Per-fectly Wrapped in Bright, Beautiful Tin-Foil. All Colors—Red, Blue, Green, Gold, Purple, Silver. No Soiled or Unclean Gum. No Dirt, No Dust, No Germs. Clean, Sanitary, Sweet, Fragrant. Every Ball Has Concealed Number Wrapped Under the Tin-Foil. No Boring and Soiling of Gum or Numbers Sticking in Bore Due to Hot or Damp Weather. Tin-Foil Also Prevents Melting or Sticking of Candy Coat-ing on Gum 145 Numbers Draw Trade Premiums-10c to $2.50. Every Set of Balls Takes in $60.00 and Does it Fast. Some Locations Average $50.00 Per Week. May Be Operated Where All Other Ma-chines Have Been Prohibited. Not a Gambling Machine—Only a Mer-chandise Trade Booster and Stimulator.

The "Sanichu" Gum Vender is the newest, most up-to-date, attrac-tive machine of any kind that has ever been offered. Requires no Cashier. Delivers its own Merchandise. Always works. Never Out of Order. And how it does gather the nickels!

First load of Gum pays a nice profit in addition to paying for entire Machine and load of Gum.

Oerators—t1 e" mat what- machines you may have you should in-veatigate and be the first in your field and get exclusive control of the Sanichu, as the Public will buy only Sanichu Gum when it la offered. Every Ita-chine placed will earn $1.00 per day. Special and attractive Terms and Prices to y-ou and exclusive Territory

Retal Cigar Sims, Ccelic-timerias, Sines Billiard He and Cantu Stores— Our Machine will

double your profits.

Sells your own mer-chandise. No fancy

overpriced premiums.

Trade checks when desired.

Write us for prices and particulars.



Salesmen We want u.11time or side-line men in every County and State in the Union. Liberal Commissions

and Renewals on all resales of Gum. 15.00 of your coins collected and retained when sale is made. 100 machines sold will yield $250.00 monthly renewals. One eide-line man aver-aging $20.00 daily. No sample necessary— only Photogcaph. Candy, Cigar, Gro-

cery, Soft Drink. Brewery, Saleis Board and Specialty Novel-ty Men, communicate

Wholesale Grocers, Cigars, Confectioners, Drugs, Novelty and Specialty Houses, we give special prices to the Wholesale and Jobbing Trade.

Patriot NUM fe. B.tIl Gum T1n-FHI. ertth Conneaut.°

Number Arpiled foe. AU In-fringermoue or Imitations We./


Price: Dime or Nickel Machine, Mashie. and Ulf Balls Gum, $30.00 Gem for Reloadlag: 1,211 Balls, $12.00


MACY'S OLYMPIC SHOWS Want Plantation, P., Mee, Ferris Wheel. real (*lentil Mae Others write Can nisei ConermInna of all Miele •Im.. utee no Lath...Inn If you can't want oppooltlon you .ouldn t e roe man« nelebele. and

ami • et, tat'l Addreas J. A. MACY. blares/MM. S. C. ULM Wee.


Itoo um peening* In Pool Douse term Cigar Sue«, tan .r.1 ta de Hie enolmale Century note. nerey Parr. }UHT. 7tet N, not (mil d-llar bill for tenter Lt Murat LIM get tbe Minna. eto St.a.r Mirk If you Lant It S. CRUDE'S CO. 407 W. Third It. Oleos. Obi..


A-1 Talker for front, with appearance, and any attraction suitable for a per man, nt wint,r Museum. Now send in your open time. When doing so state all you do and can do. JACK RoSENFELD, Mgr.

FOR SALE remer'e f.t 'Tutor .111M11. 111-ratt. A. C. ItLe born w.,t about ino month: foloWeete. MU% tarta... /165 DO. flee. iallh anew. C. e, antleatIon. Itufftua Autoeratlo Card Prem. matt , an• • .n1.11n..L and twelve driterra 1125.911. Meet orlth ogler. balance C O. with privilege raandwealnit Moe lee t'rears Cone factory equipment. With mule mew% moue cantina, boom. etr.: elute mite. weft. hV0 Lan gem you ma.ney on Mira's Mom. ClothIng and FUrntattIngt. Wbat are sour neadat DAVIS CONE Co.. ilna W. Tillie St.. Dayton. °Ma


\ I



To prove to yoa that oar tolue-wlelte NIRIOAN DIAMOND clearly resembles the foe« palette goolb African Diamond, will mine DAZZLING R•I.BOW•IIUID BRILLIANCY (Guaranteed). we Ill send tile abate Gents fleery Tooth Berber Mat wItti Coe egret gem (Catalogue price 110.20) for Halt2rtee te Intredure. 1111 or mute telog lot ladles Tiffany Stet, alas (catalogue pries $4.01) for $2.50. )1001fflaft Sr. eor floret 12 kt. snld filled qualify. Nettle» Ditemoode art ()CAJUN/TED FOR 20 Yealtn.

SEND NO MONEY 8:talitir enema this advertInee net emal Ship by mall C. O. D. If bet tiettrez ninamed return within TWO DAYS for money beak lass actual ham:Emir charted. Give el». Act link. Offer !Hotted. oeiTemeteetietemer. FREE. AGENT'S WANTED.

MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPOITHIC CO. Date. NY2 Las Crate.. N. Wm. norlIninlee esguron•rs Conadne Meestrom Diamaisal.

DOLLS BEACH "VA 1\il Fe" _ (as illustrated)

Plain, $6 per dozen. With Turban, $8 per dozen. With Wig, $12

per dozen Ask for our new

catalogue. Look for our ad. in

Xmas B. B. e One-third deposit

with order. Balance C.O. D.


PACINI & BERN! 2070.2072 00 OEN AVE. • • CHICA1110.

OH! BOY-It'. oHnte drum. Ludwig AU. Igruel. IfflyatIlle lamina. Send tnr our complete deem team

LUDWIG it LODES "Drum Makers to the Profusion." WI R. Omens It.



"reviled Clrle In nne. from Ufe flanitdre realm& , net. II fe e(em.,. $3.51: Wm. III dlefereng. n (PHOTOGRAPHER) /1041 Siege. Ft Woof%

i• ,. •-....-01,11 CeLulati Forego Stamme-Nirariee War

le. la..... remeueda. Salvador ..ei bi- Ilk . ̀,......, floateenal* rét.n• Me 09

rinse Approval Waite le% bell*. A50 vr aa tog. Big Mg. WU Roe. W• INIII r-mile. gutbi,bcd 11 >earn

HUSSMAN STAMP CO. Oast- 71. St Ueda iier..-eu

74 The Billboard DRORMIER Is, ins



DANGERS TO AMERICAN EXPORT Shortsighted Policy of Producers and Rate of Ex-

change Stimulate Production Abroad--Extraordinary Strength of Exhib-

itors in Great Britain

William M. Vogel haa returned to New Tort from Europe after • three mouths' eajonni then the film centers of the eontInent and Eng. land. His trip concerned 11-elf with two of hie companlee, one the William Vogel Pro-ductions, Inc., which handles the foreign rights of many prodncers in thia countrY. As a result of his actual contact with these

markets and because of his fird bAnd obser-rather' of conditions thruont Scondlonvia, Den-mark, Germany, Aintrin, Belgium, 110Pand, France and England, wen prevailed noon Mr. Vogel to relate bis impreaalons of the film gin:tenon abroad, whirl:, be has done accord. laity, nu follows:

"ln disonsalog my travels I ene give only my pereentil opinions and impression.% bused on my ex periences and observntion• In the limited time at my disposal. Anyone. of as-erase film experience can see that the war bag retarded the development cf the nitnral growth of the film business on continental Europe room three to five years. Every coun-try that I bad the oPportnnity to Tian re-quire* from two to four times 11b many thea-ters to meet immedinte need.. A few thea-ter. are now being brillt bat it la quite prob-able that in most comity's" from three so five years will elapse before the theater need. will be met. Exhibitors everywhere in Europe are making big profits and that lb. their seating capacities are noisily very limited, • Many of the theaters seat only from 2410 to 7,00 people. "SCANDINAVIA. 'The business as a whole

F anL.

Scandinavia is progressing. Sweden has n backward up to C.!, tine Lb...pi-log

classes et film, but the censor body a somewhat relaxed ills arbitrary rulings d the Public is toilug a new Interest in

this class of fil... conditions, together with the braiding of new theater. and re-sired Interset in production have benefited the busineas as a whole en !Mengel( by the in-creased cumher of Coples required to supply the needs of the distrihnting %geodes. "One la quite couvineed Ili dewing the 'whole

situation that Sweden led Beigium stand oat as making the most ra.,-.1.1 progress at this time: ."13ELGIEM. During the sur German pic-

tures were forced on Belgintn. ImmedintelY after the armistice. American p'etoros were taken in across the French bord -r, Most pro-dnctions are contracted thru Paris. ' "'TOLLAND. Due to the 'character of the people, Holland has been slow In the develop-ment of In film market loth frona the ex-hibitors and distributors poll:it of clew. Ameri-can fame meet no preference to the i'l•rman product which I. nsed extensively. This in probably due to the fact that (terraria films were need almost exclusively la Holland from 1111.1 to September 191«. It wso then that our Committee on Pnblic Information began to get results In Introducing our Amerban Production's. The market is, closely ¡repro,-tog, however, and In the roaree of two years we may see a great In coed:Seen there. "GERMANY. The embarg, on importation

of fIlm into Germany will prole-My be in force for some time to come. Cermnn producer* are striving hard to bar the importation of film In order that they may bold this pront• able market for their eXClueive exploitation. When t' e embargo Is lifted an enormoua quantity of dim will he rushed into Germany. Otiose Interests controlling theater,. have •I-reedy secured sufficient cmantitles to Purply Leis betl•MI several years. Special feanire el= will always find a market our the great was. of secondary production of the pgft ten yearn Will go begging and doubtless die of old age.

"The effect on local preduction wisli be to rend the many small film producers to cover. Those producing for • regular outlet or really big film will eurvive. Thosse producing only ordinary tilm for open market sill probably Dot, west/acr the keen 'rompetItion.

escsyt lo the case of • a few pictures, show. but Little comprehension of International film tastes. It Is estimated that there are fully two hundred producing nal:• working on all clases a of productions. They are taming ont nearly as mach footage as that postured In the United States. Their best productions compare favorably with those made Is th:s country a.out two years ago. The great mass of posit lion. however, trims .he Amerlcan sien-point, l s decidedly inferior. Often the subjext matter of their stories Is

(Continued on page

that be bad titillated with alar:ua Leew In the latter'. plans to build a chain of theater's to Detroit. "Tin at•temeat la an abwinte falsehood,"

declares Mr. Krinsky. "It haso't an atom of truth In I. I have' disowned such a proposition with )1r. Loess' or asy of hi. rep-reeeutsti•es. and I know abw.lutely nothing about his pilaus or lineation' In Detroit or else-where. The coupling of my name whit this project undoubtedly would hare a louent to sto k coles moors any prepectil• Wei Investors- who might he approached, bet sane of my euoceea an an ribibltor la Detroit, tut the held •tateuient that am in any war In-terested is wholly untrue." An official atotement la made by First

National Circuit to the effect that there Is what desitribed as a roscerte1 effort in several quarters to create .loubt rind uncertainty to the loin& of em•ii indopeadent exhibitors in every territory by Inspired unison that members of the circuit are athilated with, or ahout to become affiliated with, other chain theater organiaationa or produoing-dIsirlbuthig concerns that • re slowly squiring h. pees,

"The' rumor in every itoitanc• that has come to onr notice—and there have been a doten of them within the last two weeke"—deelaret. an exhibitor-official of the circuit. "le based on the . Insinuation that the First Nations' mem-

ber. are running to roser and jolulag other proposition«. This naturally ban a tendency to create questions and doubts in the minds of many small theater owners, thereby making


• • • • •

•-•-•-••-•-• • •-• • •-•-• •-• •-•-•-•-•-•-•-••••••-e-e÷•••-•-•••••-•••+••••-•-•-•••

THE BILLBOARD will gladly pay for good, live motion picture news from any part of the country. We prefer news of motion pic-ture houses and exhibitors. News of the activities of ex-hibitors' organizations is especially welcome. We only pay for material accepted and printed.


Toledo, 0., Dee, r.. — Irbea the New Pan-theon Theater opened its doors to the public a cherished dream of Its maaager H, C. llora' ter was realised. As he -loos! In the lobby proudly surveying his achievement, be ex-claimed: "I am the happiest and proudest fel-low in the whole city. I have accompliabed what I set oat eve years ago to do." Tbe Now Pantheon bas • secint capacity of

1,000 and got away with • dying start. A select audience filled every seat in the terse auditorium to .110eFe the big sensations! bro. *triton "The Thunderbolt" with Katherine. MacDonald in the leading role, The theater has a beautiful front and Is artistically ase well a. conveniently arranged with ria entrance and four esit doors. The large lobby is clever-ly arranged -with evy corners and nee place,

which give one a feeling of warmth and welcome us r n enter. rrom the lobby you enter the anditorlum Una two large tunnels. Tbia twines yon to the big Tel:mire of the sew theater: tie entire seating capacity is on one floor, built in • stadium effect. The .eat e are a Frew b gray, the pro.enlum drip, Mica and eurt•Ine are peacock blue. The walls are of Italian renalsaanee and de...Anted with panne' effect. The entire Interior. In-cluding lily and vestlbuieW, is illuminated by en ireerted dood lighting eyatem. Mr. Hunter hits an eye for the frItnre. having construeted .11 entice with • 201 foot ',petting and a IM foot depth. Modern in every way with comfortable depart°g rooms below.


---Firat National Says There Is a Rumor Factory Designed To Injure Them

New York Do, 7.—Fhopliatic deal•I Is made by Jabs H. Kunst,. owner of toe F11.1 National Exhibitors' Circuit franchise Po. the Detroit territory, of • statement pubiPhed recently In • vandeville paper to the erect

• e •

them eelig» to 11.ten to «.ree• of PlIr-chase.

"This TICIOne propaganda has been in pro-gress for Moll. Moe. and It is a duty esery trade Journal OWea to Its exhibitor subscribers to apprise them of fact., rani-Marty when

one large eildbltor organlaan.nt le teltur sub-

jected to unfounded remora and indoiratkon as • means of vtavepedng theta !oln the thought that they haven't • chaise •P Inde-pendents. The independent exhibltirs are »et as safe, if not ,nfer, Ida; then they eler Lave

e, tang sa they keep free from the ef-fort. ,f certain preduciag-diatributing eon cents to entangle Item in tong terns eduract• or in options for the unie r• iirl- propertie...••


_Soother letter from an eiltIbItnr who values 'I te 'Sunday pamphlets: The Billboard Puhilatting Company.

bear Sirs—Will you kindly send one some of the booklets on Idontl•y opetIng? I will din-

tribute all you may seal among a huneh of people, who hase au organization founded here at the Mo. of the civil War for the burp.ise of making the lives of red-blooried PhIladelphiana •• miserable as they can on Muuday. I think ttod a l'-rit n that works in the mills, shops lad office. six days in the week should be per-mitted to enjoy the aeventh lu hie or her pe-cider way Some like to to the "movies" or to a show, while others like outdoor eports. The rich folks can do all of the. things dining the week, and therefore do not crave this during Sunday. The pemit that wort* every day bee only one day for recreatba. A few day• ago I WM • scrub bombe team, mad, np of a lot pf -sang fellows that work la factories. An offleer of the law cane steps aid chased them otf the 1,, ',Lae a few roda sway a gang of hypocrites were permitted to play golf, mind a little farther on. a lot of "Wines" were pisitag tennis, II.

Tiara truly, CHARLEY{ J. icra-lizn. itOG W. Indiana Avenue.

Philadelphia, Pa.




How at times the public w Iii vio. lently (Bement even from the beat of r.-vie-worst has once more beea demon-strated by the fate of the big f •atures that have been running in the motion picture hOttiacti on Broadway for th. laet two weeks. Reviewers who ha.i seen "Male and Female" before its pub-lic exhibition condemned it and pre-dicted itts failure. (When I may "re. viewcre" I. (lo not mean the mon who' have to puff every picture because their salarier depend on It.) One well-known reviewer, with a reputation for candor, watt especially fwvere in his. condemnation and eapeeially cock-sure in his prophecy. Well, we all known what happened. "Male and Female," tho it aniply desso-ved ail the adverse criticism it brought down up-on itself, proved a bor-orice attrac-tion of the fleet clase.


Now take on the other hand th, feature called "Eye"( of Youth." which ran last week at the Itivoll. At the private or sorni-pitlhlIC showing in the Astor Hotel all critics agroed, both privately and for publication. that it was a first-class attraction. Predic-tions as to its tremendous Lox-office value weir, freely made and ardor ex' tremely fancleul rentals were asked of exhibitors. (One of the latter faintest %glen he heard the rental price for - three days.) Now Dr. Itlesenfeld gave this play

a most gorgeous inuateal setting, pro-'s Id( 4 a brilliant preludo, with excellent singing, and advertised heavily. In niite of all the crowds persisted in staying away. The week's record must have been a keen disappointment, for the play lost conetantly'. Wedneoulay matinee, for instance, In volts of most favorable weather conditions, the house was alms et empty. The reason? I am sure I do not know. Spoolllation In post-mortems is idle. We must be Is:Attuned as faithful reporters with r•-• cording the verdict of the ouhn, F.,•ervono tote t draw his own conclu-sion.


We are quite unable to underetand our Canadian exhibitors who are plead-ing for Federal (Canadian) eerie-m-11Np. These mob are much harassed by the provincial board", which they denounce. Justly no doubt, as narrow and In-tolerant. Censorehip is not a (lunation of geography, but etrictly a question of prinelple, find yott can not com-¡wombs'. with a principle. All forme of rensorship arm vielotiet and unworthy of the traditiona of a freedom-loving rare. If centiorebip is bad in the Prov• ince it can not be good in the Domin-

ion. 'Me Canadian laws, like those of England and our own country, provide 'dent y of ponlahnlerit for all who trans-gress the bounds of dereney, whether in word or In pirture or on the stage. Let 'quell tranegreimions be punished and puniehed with *II the severity the' law permit.. That is the American was. (lise the screen the fullest ;:b• erty, but make it responsible for pv«ry abuse of it. Are our Canadian friends quite sure that It In in the power of the Dominion to deprive tho verious

Most/toad ea pa» ra

The Billboard 75 r. DECEMBER 13, 1919


Mliel Levy, Franchisee Owner for These States, Issues Enlightening Statement Against Machina-

tions of Monopoly

Fri Ton, Ile, I -Ite. luring that within a

fr. days litany exhibitor.' lit Arnta.•ky •ttl Tea-m ." w ill le pormaneurly atIllieted with the

tiff altithiter•,-operatte plen.of Fleet Natioaal

ribaitori• Circuit, roloori Fred Levy of Lonia• Tint. see., of the, clroulthi (rancid... for the p.e.rethern)'tst.. -Ia.-rates In a et•tement

tide week te First N•tion•l'a announre•

at-it ibet.ttInn • oar to the nnieh with

mweerlielic Wail •treet clIque• for the preeero-eke awl future poeperity of Independent

mare— •5,1 reveal. something at the ' fore of the ',Coal soltilitoe

oreegth thatt. lein; contributed to lt, In Laisei with ucd National, by theater owners

limed the country. **The me-t lug...taut benefit nf the moment

/artery eat.P.It-r .51.• AI-. or t.. Joining O. fa

the ma- ilret att.oaI piss." declared Colonel Levi upon ti. repot% lo II•dil.‘111. from a ea,11-

peewee with members of the u:. Idol'.' (le.

(fey t t.ronAtt., of rimult in Indlan•relle.

to t "I. that fad% °of 'Item • se Ill have Ifhoolutely impregnable .1'1.1.1 of prote. tine

•i•inst the tireatened invatdos of

their territory by the on-railed pewhoer.die

inhaler •shibitor flim faction. which see 'rioted.

be upe Wall street totem-eta to eninr• thle haint at monopoly.

-I ad.r the new- First National plan theeermall

nr...tor la otrranseled 17 the ale.- prete..ti ,e (Woe that provide safety from In-

tmloa am" un'alr competIthe Ile. by pro-

Prerdietributor exhibitor interefis tfer the

breq ater owner.-rae leek premlee or theey ure which

p. bel•ntk and etruntnre of the new and

ream Firt National plan in that every •s-kibitor in the toe pl(tire lulu-try. whether

the owner of a email country theater or the ranee 44 5 forge circuit, l• entitled arol

>oily it7ivIlered to motion...11n te.ine.. nitboot

I ring f01111.-11,1 to en hire the rompetItl•• Wet rf the aery hundo Into chi--Y, beahae pal.)

an rental moue) snontt. In and moons out.

hat to the medic the exhibitor...have made iSIs ladmitry poe•Ible They are deeervIng of

am right to matinee in It, a+ exhibitor., and to

Isdoiendeme 11/ •,t1011, aleeled00 sal huskiest

emert e.g.,. the new Find National plan thin

rim' I. (UM), ',virulent by the exhibitor* who formalated that plum and who tow are peon;

:t into effect 'this new alignment grovIdes

Imo'al •*slotance--frous exhildten--fer own-

s, er •tnall or large theater,. IrAt is needed

lieres•'qg tile fire of theater propertle. or

for Impenensenta to theoi, and for maintaining

the milt, Isom meet. Into which thest1hIbitore

lute pet t`i-Ir own money. time. effort ami P."..

of First National I:xtdbitond

'nit re -ilre that the large theatermenent can ✓eepir onl) when the email exhibitors are

«lever:tut The Mg exhibitor, stone cannot fellsrt in,In•try If It l• t. matinee it. minim •sd natural development. In «th-row,, Ci,,' new pion le a direct e'er thoro

illItlathe of exhibitor Inter-mt., Wended Into In trenntration that WM preterite a reflective

esuol in ...err reelect to any form of ewspetItion that may be created by the ren-

ewer -11.trtnnt, re whn now propene to fasten



if • 8,


We OM ornmples onarnine unn .004 on may payment 1-/in- niait




•17 a Owners $t Chleana

Moving Piers Cameras fr.'', 1:0 to 175: ntermotimas SIX nin Maehinen. /3 s.. I Mae make heeetera. mar and lin SVb.eta fee ins Ficture Meade«. regmlles.

L. HETZ 301 E. 21.1 It. NV. 'fork Cite


dry PBanl", am new or neater beet SI a bottle. PoliPeid r"111' M-P vsnausinii. Mum& Life Otis Milt Nov lark.


-en 'Wolof,' lepfl mmlblog. Seine. ' I be. et My bn/Inali.l. In'n,

`ei'•.' • mituenent. 'Ceereifill etreed. tom. MO.

IWe are hamktuarten for eeeryttdne pertaining to the )4. P. letdown, titaantle nIn.t, leIrn nerrice You prima Writa for priee ltd. Alone& thirteen year. In bualnew.



Entebbe loOnhestn Muk SERVICE MUSIC CO. n E. Van him U., Mime


Five Thousand, - Ten Thousand, - Fifteen Thousand, Twenty-Five Thousand, Fifty Thousand, - One Hundred Thousand,

$1.50 • 3.00

4.00 6.00 15.00

THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE Your own ttneelel not«, any mire. .tree'y ferry ellt guaran-teed. toot.. Maim' fur Prime Itran-mn, 5.00o. lame powers amps-ewe. Irmb with mew. Get the suite.. Semi diagram re Reamed la at Coupon TlekeLe. Mau. bie man) *me dmired. serial or dalas!. Alt mere mou rnninfil to ileternmont regulatkos and bear Intablished prke of admission end tax paid.

NATIONAL TICKET CO., ▪ Shamokin, Pa.

their I see mesa the necks of the rue, who have teen rompelled. In the pint, to color.

•Imetat equally unfelr and diortrou• forme of

rolddelooded remmerrial peraeoition, but 'with-

out the added Onn. of ...mietIng with hotter, that were 1...relot or 1.1till with their mosey,

regard thi• new plan an the grrateat etep

forward the elm in.lirtry ever bat taken. My

Path...Men' oser It Is &hero! In, fully. l'y Len

L. Coldlerg, n.y asesiate Is the First National

fran" him in hentneky as,i Tense-owe, and many of tie no...t prominent unit alert exhititore in

thle territory. Within • few- day• win at liberty to •nnounce the names and theater holding• the exhibitors who now are Join-ing lend* In estalif•hing„ in thin territory. an

aggregate of theater etrearth that will put an entirely different complexion on the plans

of the monopoly neek•ra who t,... la-en thre•t•

entne them with alf I of dire thine. If

they not either Men L mg term eerylee me-

tre-la, sell out It prheo ridienlott•ty low, or

submit to • form of competition wbi, h w••

preoUcted to Insolve price cutting at the box-


''Ttern Mil always be room •TI.} opix.rtnalty

for independent exhibitors, but down here. a.

Wm-every other territory, there will be neither

the chance nor poseibility that •ny other f,-rm

of theater jurieliction will prevail tor lone The exhibitors who are Joining in the new co-

operative inevernent henceforth will have the

united strength of the entire membership In tilt. territory' to etind on wh producer-dietrIbn-

tor competition threaten*. Inetead of being

,onspelfed t.. face ti alone.

"There are inenmerahle pimo-• to nil. De. ahr.itor propedtion n lob hue • eignal In-

terest for every 1.rtineh of the industry. and I refer perticulorly to prod:senora. The new

method of oreration ciT •monridte two thing*:

Ti will guarantee an immediate market of more than i.e thomund of the l.e+t theaters In the eunntre for the post...the« of the worth-while

stare a,.'! poolo...r.: It. eo-operative phase. will

enable the coldt the, t.. obtain these relleaum on

ft hod. withe t. si, elal..ratk.• of the Independ-

ent, open looking policy that the preosit 11r.t

National mender. pnt Into erte, t two years •et,

and width. by tho nOill and entirely ortsical modlecationa it ba• been riven, will 'whir

equivalert ...tying,. In oper-atiug mete [Wit will I.e atrirtly the exhibitor.' but without affecting

Is the le let the naorket ••ine t.f the attractions. "1m1-rtaet exhibits-. in Pits territory, with

Irh0111 I have gone 'o'er the plea, agree with ne that it l• the nitintote •--complhen,ent in

eatrill•hInc the .011,fity of the alno market. Wittnint non for ans "ois thr

operant,. Italetwattenve may exhibit''r sub-

scribing t.. II.

"In brief, the eohildtoo. who own •nil operate 01M. two or. more theaters le 'Menem-het. in 1h.. fullest conning of tint nor,t In11,• 11,n•

pelted by the purport"' and attempted lain their branch of the lailmory nould-le

inonopoliste to I,..-? their individual market

etrearh a.ethe only effectte reran.. for main-lining independen.e. •11 It a modern indttetrial adoption of th•

all adage: United We nt•nd. Divided We

Fall ' Preti, ,nely tho repremet•tivre of the tie Ea.tern ennn.lal temp. pow !mkt.< to the

tolnotry e• s ripe CrOp of u•sets had no ditliculty in lattnitleling mkt blue exhibitor.,

• la tel.:hie...1r g them Intl long term ens-

trirt, with thrent• of developtve Immediate .t.n.ale.n form or another. Each el.

ihror. n. In tobttoll ImilvIduni had no re-

ours. Marpoleg his own gilt and pluck. "Now with exhibitor. at the helm of thin

let' theater nreanleethin each individual operator tun must upon the attire moral and

Entilibeia 1UPClert nt every caber toemter of th• co-operative Dovemeet.••


New York, Dec. 6.—Following the receipt of advice. from Kan.'''. City and Indkating

that the motion picture theater. and legitimate theater.. had been closed owing to the fuel

shortage. Preetlent William A. Brady, of the

Natkeal Awe-Matte of the Motion 11,-tare In-du-.try. designated the following committee to

handle the eitnation: Marc.. Loess lietew En-terpriees.), chairman: B. it. Moe• (Moe. Thee-

tent. (.abri-1 L Ile., (Goldwyn Plettirew CorPO-

rationi, Walter ilayee of Buffalo (Strand Thea-ter intermt•I, Sydney A. Cohen ipreeldeut New Tork State Exhibitor.' League). 0 .car A. Price 1preeldent United Artie.)), William Arendt

tree-Went Brooklyn Exhibitors' League), Ralph Kohn I nuwaig Players-Lasky Corporationi, Al-

bert Lowe (Paragon Laboratories) and Frederick

II. EI:lott, executive eccret•ry of the N. A. M. P. I.

A meeting wir. held at Sian-as Leewhe -r-

are. at 5 ohlort Monelity •fterase. 1110.1 wnn at-tend.,! 1.1 e•ery member of the rommittee, with

the exceptke cf Gabriel L. Tiros who wa. represented by Fella Feint. Telegratus which

bad been reeelvel from the Middle Writ were

read• that condition. •re very serious

•nd might enreal to other eection, of the coun-

try. A committee. cond.ting of Omer A. PH..., Felix Petit ail Frederick It. Elliott. left Mon-

day night for Waehington to refer mitt. Bryce

Clagett, oterrettry of the Railroad Adminletre-tke, with the orb- r officials ef that de-



T. W. Griffith end more than forty members et hie *tar of player' and photographer* are

In Miami, Florida. "en location" for the tatimr of •cenee for two forthmarinse retflith produc-

tion« for United ArtSts an-1 Tint National Ea bibltors' Amer the prominent play-

ers with Mr. GrillIth are Clarine Seymour. Rich

art Barthelmeen Creighton Ilote. Anders Ran

dolph, Fate Bruce. Herbert Stitch, _kdolphe

T.eatina Carol Dempster and Porter Strong, G. W. }tiiu'r, Mr. eamer• toper', heads

the photon-tel.. contingent. At the GrIfilth hesdonerter. In New York.

Albert L. Grey. general manager. etated that

Mr. <>frith would emu maIntain four etortio..

In SP many section* of the conntry adding It

flerida and Kentucky "trill° to thn ee. now in operation in New 'York an'! T40% Am:vie«. Ma

New Tork atollo, recently completed at Orients Point, Mamaroneck. I. one of the largest sal

meet romplete In the country, more than tin

acme being wed for the various buildingn. It I. located on the estate of the late fiery IL



Immoral and has Ilttle to recommend it, from

the viewpoint of American et•nelard.. "In considering the situation In Cermany,

one asset hear In mind, in addition to 'he fact that the local etuilios are turning out

the aforesaid great volume of footage. that all feature. m•nufaelored la the United Stales during the peen toar years as/ more hoot.

not yet had the opportunity of being relt.ired In Germany. It will require weveral year. ter flermany to coneurne Anserican picture.


"There will probably be no other market

I-. Europe so glutted with risottos' pleturea e•

thl• one, tho of course. Belgium. Rolland and

even France today face oonewhat thlo

situation la a Meier .legore.

"ENGLAND. In England the 'Writhe oltu.

tattoo ts the sett :tit of the erbibitors Is die-

tiling market eondltiore. Due to the large supply of film offered, be le booking hie po

grams from taelve to fifteen month+ abead

and la paying hla own price for elm rental

This coalition will pr 'tabby motion, until

tile 'somber of theater- Is very much la-rteeed.

"One of the bright light' of the film mar-

ket in ; undo'. is the Stoll Pirture Palace or Opera lionee. It Is one of the most beauti-

ful picture theater. in the ...rid and ea. •

seating capacity of zi.zda1. Tina theater watt formerly pool for opera; it Mood idle for •

number of years except for occaelonal boot-

ing... Today It is paying big return°.

"The ntst alarming situation main-siting the American trade I. the acute decline la the

rate et exchange. Except for vital neces-

sities in food and clothes, many parts of

Europe will not, indeed cannot afford to part

with their limited credits. Until the pound, the tram, the mark, the lire, the crown an I

otber centinent•I earrenry strike a more nor-

mal rate, elm will prose cheaper to make

in their native etslios lien to Import Into their markets. It l• a plain Dr.Meet prose-

tithe, atol while tb,. American dollar »oars

to unprecedented heIght• and while the Yalf-tee Olub manufacturer mom Inopportunely in-

creaees hin arbitrary prie for ex.luelve rights

to forelin markets, 'Indeed of tryleg to grad-uate them down to a pea' ticni beefa ami thus

protect Isla own export future, the ¡Wilma

the Frenchman. the Italian, the German, •net

the Seandlnavion are haling native elm menu-

factor's foetered for them in • way that they hod drenned

"it lo my opinion that the Amerfean mare-

facturer 't'ai.! hold th'-...e market. row that

be ban them. If I'm Ammeter' servh e la dis-placed by the local or non-AmerIcan product.

It will be newt &Mean for ire to regain the

advantage we now hold."

THE EDITOR'S SAY (C. ,Dthiel•4 fr..rn p•gs 741

Provinces of their inherent right of

regulation, which these Provinces.have

chosen to exercise in the form of cen-

sorship? The enactment of such a law in Canada would be a blow to the op-

ponents of Federal Censorship here.


There are mighty few superfeatures

which will stand up as a complete pro-gram to the exclusion of weeklies, com-

edies and scenics. The people do like

und demand variety, especially in a

motion picture show.

¡'he idea that motion picture studios

are no better than cheese factories In

not quite correct, despite the fact that

many pieces of cheese are turned out

of such studios. The \Vall.Street ma-

nipulators who imagine there Is no art

In pictures, and that directors can be

hired like sandwich men, are a bit mis-

taken. Ince, Sennett, Marshall Sedan

and a few others will furnish the evi-



1-1C. W.. ell or Ile-volt Windy funenth tight Sta-tionary Of portanle wort Moving Woven. drum,. rwrnivale, oto Ukai extendwely by the Army and NWT. Neil fir !bulletin Na 34.


FOR SALE Two Motion Picture Shows

Down Town, St. Louis ases. Excellent Paling theems

Bid show bunk, to comerientlom vaen only. bilIt take Moot 835.614. Moot eett by January I. Agenisive. don't wigs. nun um. Ile P. 8410W, 11$11boare IS. Loeb. ML

SOUTHERN EXHIBITORS W. memthIng wed in a theatre. Get your ouroito anel Ille. from -Dixie'. vireatem ladernlent Tischangs


30-31 Putter Side . Illinniasnem Alabama.

76 The Billboard DECEMBER 172, 1919

THE BILLBOARD FILM DIRECTORY • Manufacturers or producers and distributors

are invited to send their information for listing in the Film Directory to H. S. Fuld, care of The

Bi'lboard, Putnam Building, 1465 Broadway, New York City.


Aug. 31—The Valley of the Glent• (Wallace Bed).— Aug. 3I—The Witness for the Defense (Miele Ferguson). Sept. 7—The II'deeding Widow Billie Burke) Sept. 7—The Market of Souls (Dorothy Dalt••n/ Sept. 14—The Third Elea (Virile Mart)n) Sept. le—The Miracle Met( (Malt-lower) Sept. 2I—Told in the 111111 (Robert ,Iliarw(ck) Sept. 21—erepping Out (Enid Beenett) Sept. 2h—Widow by Proxy (Marguerite Clerk) riept 2b—Egh Crete Wallop t('harlet -Ray) Oct. 5—The life Line Maurice Tranneure. Oct. 5—In Missouri, (Robert Warwick) Oct. 12—The I r•ttery Man (Wallace Reid( Oct. 12—Tb. Grim Game (1Ioudinl) Oct. to—wey Smith Lott Home (Bryant Washbuna).. Oct. 16—Sadle Love (Billie Burke) Oct. 26-116, Official Fiancee (Vivian Martini Oct. 26—The Teeth of the Tiger (AD-Star Cant) Oct. 26—John Petticoats (William 6. Harr) Nov. 2—Turning Il. Table. (flon•thy Gish) Nov. 2—L'Apache (Dorothy Da(ton) • Nov. in Pawn (Marguerite ('lark) Nov. 6--Crooked Straight (Castles Ray. Nov. P—Whet Every Woman I earn. (Enid Bennett).. Not. 16—Male and Female (All-bier Cast) Nov. 16—Tv en ty•th ree and a Halt. Hours Leave

(Dough») MacLean and Doris ,May) Nov. 21—The levier:fie Bond (Irene Castle( Nov. 2.3— It Pay, To Advertire (Bryant Nov. 23—The Miracle of Love (Coemopolitan Pro.).... Novi. 30- -Toueerfeit (Elsie Fergueen) Nov. 30—Scarlet Days—A Tale of '(be Wedt

(Celeith) Dee. 7—An Adventure in Hearts (Roberti Waravick).. Dec. 7—Victory (Maurice Tourneur) Dec. 7—More Deadly Than the Male (Ethel Clayton). Dec. 14—Tbe Cinema Murder (Cosmopolitan) Dec. 14—ifehled the Door (Thos. II. Ince) Dee, 21 —Ille Wire's Friend (Derotba Detroit) Dee. 2I—A Girl Named Mary (Marguerite flirt) the. 21—liawthoene of the U. 8. A. (Wallace Reid). Dec. 2b—Wanted—A Husband g Billy Burke.) eloper Specie,) for Dece.mber—Eve-ywoman (ildstar cast) lier. 23—Red Hot Dollars (Charles nay)

First National Exhibitors' Circuit, Inc. Our Teddy (Theodore Roosevelt) A Midnight TroMance (Anita Stewart) Whom tbe Coda Would Deritroy Mary Began (Anita Stewart( Daddy Long Legs (Mary Pickford) taction of Souls (Aurora tlardiganteni Sunuyside (Charlie Chaplin) Bill Appenson's Roy (Jack Pickford) Burglar t•y Peaty (Jack Pickford) The Hoodlum (Mary Pickford) A Temperamental Wire i(*.n•tance Talmadge'

Kingdom of Dream. (Anita Stewart) Back to Griere Country (Nell Shipman) TM Thunderbolt (Katherine MacDonald) In Wrong (Jack Pickford) Mind the Paint Girl (Anita Ftevrert) The Heart of the 11111. Ntari Pickford) The Beauty Market Litether(ne MacDonald) In Old Kentucky (Anita Stewart) A Day's Pleasme (Charles Chaplin) The Greateet Question (Oritnth-1.11:Isn Gish. Robert

Barron and George Fawcett)

4.1 the Barn (Constance Talmadge) The Inferior Sex (Mildred llarrie Chaplin) A Daughter ot Two Worlds (Norma Talmadge)


Sept. 7—The Splendid Sin (Meltable T ..... Fept. 2I—The Ilerry•Go-Round (Peggy Hyland) Oct.. 5—The Lost Prince's (Albert Ray 4, Elle' -re Fair) Oct. P3-8nareti of Paris (lladirdne Traveree) November—The Web cf Thanes (Peary Hyland( November—Vagabond Luek (Rey ami Fair) November—Toet "Macey (alortlelne T ....... ) December—The Web of Chance (Peggy Hyland) December—Tin Pan Alley (Ray and Fair)

William Farnum Series sptemb.--Wolvea of the Night Oetoter—The Lant of the Dulles November—Winge of the Morning

Tom Mix Series Oct. le—The Speed Maniac Derember—The Dare Deel

Thoida Bara Series

•er.t. 21—La Belie Busse December—Lure of Ambition

Victory Pictures

Sept. 14—Prrken Commandment, (Gladys Breckwell)... eefit- 26—The Winning Stroke (George Welsh) Oct. 12—Marred Ellenee (William !Weed° Oct 20—Chneing Rainbows (Gladys Brockwell) November—The IIVIoning Stroke (George Welsh) Novemie--Feetw erd Ito' (William 1r »eel . December-7 hleves (GIroly• Beekwell) December—The Devil's Riddle (Gladys Brorkwel)

Big Productions

September—Evangeline Oetober—Katbleen Ma.ourneen Noaerober--shouliln Ilushand Forgive?


Unite». ()lead Normand) flenr.e.-e. (Torn Moore , The Girl From Outelde (Rex Beach's) The World and It. Woman (Geraldine Farrar)

Lord and Lady Algy (Tom Moore) Strietly Conffilentiel (Madge Kennedy) ism% of Leer.r (Pauline Frederick)

e Iluebend (Will Roger.) Jinn (Mabel Normand) Tite Gay lord Quex (Tom Moore) Jubilo (W1111 Rogere) The Love. or I..tty (Pauline Frederick) Flame. of the Desert (Geraldine Farrar) The Cup cf Fury itu - cri Hugh«)

Bennison Star Series Sandy Burke of the 1--B•R•17 (Belawmod) Speedy Meade (Iletzwoist) The Road Taller Straight (lletswood) High l'oeketa A Misfit Earl

Goldwyn Specials

The Eerier Legion (Blanche Bates and Hobart worth —$1, Parts,

Por the Freest,un of the East (Lady Teen Mel—Seven Rees)

The Eternal Magtelene


HALLMARK PICTURES CORP. Famous Directors Series

A Dangerous Atfelr (Herbert Rewlinem) W:t W na Florrure iiillin(s)• • love Honor And) 'Stuart liolmer. Ellen Tangibly). . The Phantom lloneTue••n (Ma -garet ?Iambi—J. Searle

Dawley Prodortloa—(l reel.) The Heart of • Gypsy (Florenoe BIllinna—Charies 31111er

Produ••tion--3 well) High Speed (E.In•rd Eerie)


Iler Mistake (Evelyn Ne.b111 life'. Greeted Problem (Mitchell Lewis. Romance of the Air (lieut. Bert Hell and F.4Ith Day). A Woman's Experience (Mary Bolatad) Wbee My Ship Comes in (Jane Grey) When • Woman îtr•kei (Ben Wilson

Theiy) The Other Men'• Wife IT•ntert for Morder Elaine Ilammerstele) The Littleed Scout (Violet Blerktos) A House Divided (Seltie Bremer/ Tie Challenge of Chance (Jeer' Willie,!) Itothapfel Program (Complete Programs)


The Trel of the (letopus (Bea Wileon and Neva Gerber 13 eerie-dm.-2 reels (Farb)

The Sign of the Rat (Harry Carter •nd Ander. eon-13 epireelee-2 reels cacti



Toy• of Fate Rea elation Eye ter Eye Out of Le Fog The Red Lantern • The Bret Stronger Than Death

Screen Classics. Inc. (Specials) of xpericinn (Harold leackwood) A Man or Howie (Harold Lockwood) The Mon Who Steed at Home (All Star ('oe° Lombardi, Ltd. Bert Lytell) Please Get Merle! (viols Dana) Fair and Warmer t May Alliscs) Should a Woman Tell (Alice Like) The Welk-Offs (tlay Ailleou) The Willow Tree ('t Iola Dana) The Right of Way (Bert Lytell) The Best of Luck (Drury Lane Melodrama)

PATHE EXCHANGE, INC. Sept. 7—Baby Merle's Round-Up (Relay Marie Oehorne) Sept. 14—The Virtuous Mslei I Dolores C•seine111).... Sept. 21—The False Code (Frank Keenan) Sept, 2••• -Ti e Twin lawns Mae aitirreri Oct. 3—Impresible Catherine (Vin. "la Peesolf) Oct. 12—A Damsel in Distress, (June Caprice) Oct. 12—Daddy Number Two (Baby Marie Oshoree).. Oct. 1(1—The Moonehine Trail (Sylvia Ilreamer) Nov. 2—The Gay Old Dig (John Tumbrebed) Nov. fa—A Woman of Pleasure (Banche aereet) Nov. 16—The Right TO I le (Dolores Csedoell1) Nov. 23—Miee ()Interim', (Marl. (»bonze) Nov. 2,1—Daen (Sylvia Breamer) Dec. 7—Brothers Divided (Frank Keenan) Dec. 14—The A-B C of Love (Mae Murray) Dec. 2l—The Prloce and Betty (Wm. lfreetnond)


(Diatrtbnusil Through Paths)

(liege It to Me (Margarita Fischer) Some Ijar (William Rowell)

Barbelor'e Wire (Mary Mlles Minter) Trier. Preen Broadway (Margarita ilieter) A Sterling Thence (William Rmsell) Yvonne From Paris (Mary Mee Minter) The Tiger Idly I Margarita Fis-ber) Tbia fiero Stuff (William Morsel°

Flying A Specials

etlx Feet. Four (William Rowell) The lit-Ilion (Ma-garit• Elder)


(Distributed Through Paths)

As a Man Think. (Leah Baird) Dome» Gold (Benj. B. Hampton. Mat) TO* Westerner. 'Baal B. iitunetall. Pron.) Sahara (Louise Gleam) The Bin* Bonnet (Billie Rhodee) A White Mania Chance (.1. Warren Kerrigan) The Voices* flesh Baird) The Ratolanx (Doris Kite«) 'It. Capitol (Leah litird) The Lord Loves the Irish (Warren Kerrigan)


Soldiers if Fortune Hawse (Reyes Part.) The Mystery of the Yellow Room (Cheeterd) (Six Part.) Star Productions

Amer of Gr.ea Gabbs (Mary Mlles Minter) Erstwhile Sumo (Comience Blaney)

ROBERTSON-COLE Speelala The Olen Poor ...................................... ...... The Broken Butte:My The Belot vol Cheater ... .

September Releases !tenter, uu Water. ( Wm. Desmond) For a %%omen'. Honor (li. 11, Berner) House of Intrigue (Haworth Special) The Dragon Painter (Serene ilayakawa)

October /Weasel) Kim, Kell), M. lb. (Bessle Berrieriale) 'The Prince and Eetty Desmond) !her Itelatbgns (Brent woo.1 Productional The Gray Wo(t'• Ghost (II. B. Warner) ...... November lela.... • Ti,. Illustrina Prince (eesaue Ileyakawe) .t Fugithe From tietrinsm) II. Warner) The Blue Betnienna (Wm. Deemied) Decombor Where There. a Will (Brentwood Production) 11.,kohmir 'toad. (Beeele Barrie-ale) The Tong Man (eessue ilay•kawa) The Golden Hope (Edith Storey)

SELECT PICTURES September—Faith of the Strong (Mitchell Lewis) %member—A Scream In the Night (Special) Ge-tober—lal• of Coprinee (Norma Talmadge)


(Distributed Through Select Pictures' Corporation Earhasgoo)

September Silesia' A Regular Girl Kl.le Janie)

()atelier Release& 'The Country Cousin (Kleine Hammerstein) Sealed Hearts (Eugene O'Brien) The Ol• riot)* Lady t0.1,e Thomas(

'November Releaser Piccadilly Jim (Owen Moore) Out 'fonder (Olive Thomas( The Broken Niels') (Eugene O'Brien)

TRIANGLE DISTRIBUTING CORP. Fr-sills cif Puegdon ll•n) one Agene Many (tnit• King) lier Greatest Performance (Ellen Terry) Three Black Eyre (Taylor Ili-'mea) Nov. 2—The Flame or the Yak -w (Dorothy Delves). Dec. 14—Betty of Greystone (Dorothy Gish asd Owen


UNITED ARTISTS' CORPORATION Sept. 1-11Ie Majesty, the Amerirem (Fairbanks) Oct. 1`.l. -Broken litiogeonie (Gil Sit h's) Dee. 3—When the Clouds Roil Ill (Fairbanks)

UNITED PICTURE TELEATERS Playthings of l'aision (Florence Reed) The W•nhao Under Oath (Kitty Gordon) A Mann Kg!» (Dustin Earnum) Iler Game Illoren -e Reed) The Klernal Mother (Florence Heed) The (»rowan Brothers (Duetin %ream)


UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. Jewel Features Destiny (Dorothy Phillips) llome (Mildred Harris) Fortiolden (Mildred Harris) Pell in Advance (Dorothy Phillip.) The Cleat to potpie." (Lengthy Phillips) Blind Ilustend• (Eric Strobelm)

Universal Features The Spitfire of Seville (ll«Ide Nora) The Man is the Moeelight I Monroe Salisbury) • l'etal on the Current (Mary MaelAren) A Little Brother of the Ith-ti (Frank Mayo) Tb, Are of the Saddle (Marry Carey) The Trep (Olive Tell) The Woman Under Cover (Fetal Brunette) The Sundown Trail (Monroe Salisbury) Tommie Prorerly (Robert Aisle:eon, Nell Craig) loot (Ora ('arew) Ronnie, Bonnie anie (Mary tlarlaren) The Itree Breaker (rrenk Mayo) The Rider nf the Law Marry Carey) The Trembling Hour fifteen Ferbly) III, Divorced Wife (Moors %%bury) Coder Sueridelon (Ora Carew) Leer& (Freak Mayo and Edith Roberts)

VITAGRAPH The Hornet', Ne.t (Earle WIlliams) Shadows of Co. Pest I Anta Stewart) The Girl Woman irilady. Leslie) 'The firamhle Bush (Corinne (iriffith) Oyer the Garden Wei (Iteesie Lose) The Wrec3 (Anta Slewert) The Cray Tower. Mystery l(flailY• leslie)

Winehester Wrouel (Ailie Joyge) In Honor'. Web (ilarry T. Morey) The Flahtlrir (% Pees (Peeste love) The Black Gate (Earle WU:lame The Combat (Amite etewert) The Golden Shower °Harty, lesliel The Tower of Jewel, (Corinne (hriffith) The Delimit llour (Hem T. hihrrY) reteen (Beagle Lore)

Specials The lion eel the Moose (Alter. Jnyee) From Ileadquartere (Anita RIPIWITI) Two Women (Anita ateleer)) The Thiel fleI,ee (Alice Jo...) The Fsinied World (Anita Stewart) Defiles Des•.• Pm.' "s' & Peeerly Itayeel••• The Gambler* (Hiler• T. Morey) The Wolf (Fell William.) The Climbers (Cerium. (lrInIth) Tille Verses«, of Durand (Alice Joyce)

virn•Prn DTITTTR,ES Sept, 1—The Pettier (Earl ttetealfe) Sept, lk—Ols Father's Wire (June EirlAge) Sept. 13—Foreet html. (Arthur Ashley) Sept. 22—Where Bonds Are I noted (Dixie Lee) Went, 2P—Mos rrnone 17.enT-Wi( nee A--The Oakdale Affair lEvelsn Oreeley) Oct. 13—Woman of t le. (tone Mlei ice) net 20—'Th. Mark Circle iCreiftiton Betel Oct. 2T—The Arizona Cetclaw (Edythe eterfing)

DOCEfelBER 13, 1919 The Billboard W I"- 77

6 15 3a $3 30 25

eo 10


1106 31

3 3 21 3

Ita 33

33 3

25 e

33 42. 17 1 Creel

lawL Old Comedies 24 leart• of Men. The >iota of te World 33..99,,.. Ise•dous 43

IS Healed The Seller*

Mier Comedies /eagle L Comedy Dremae--(Eathly• WIMasud

6 141

gavel ramp« la New York 27a Lew of Neater, The 3 Llar, The 20 1Jberat Le, The 35

tear Arm of Ilaanister. $33333

Little Mother Utile Orphaat Anal,

Iset Patten«. The Mel Lacer. The


MIckey to



13 20

ky linehead'a Fried« 3 Sy Lady's Garter 25 Mysterious Mr. Browsing. The linter, of 13 11torte) Oem to livery Ilan 17 Opee Your Eye* 111


lee Viper. The 45 &mazy Rye 25 Ylitaa Oil Earth 19

ao 17

fins of the Children 33 11) 1:7-e 41 gelliary eta. The 31 kree WIld 011a .37 seal of a Child 4 117 Season's original Tod-a-V11 )1ovlea e Spoilers. The le gentiles Life Full Alarm, The 33 stele. Order'

The 40. S3 23 45 16

The Price yt,,mao ray. 23


44 17

Tw ,Reel %Vedette', (rezas Guinan) 17 relque counenes (One-Beelers) 3

mt take -e lore. The larerdoe ble Sin. The 13

Tb. Irtooun Men

uno.'., Sinners Welleene Comedies' 47 Werrinr. The JO We,r..f• of LIfe

r. owe. of the Children le IT'sett Nea netray 21 Whelk the Deeert Smiled 3

rt Ronde Are leveed 16 Whir, The 25 Whitt !leather. The 23 bon th,. (Ioda Weld Tl«tvey 221

Ila 3.3 25

. 27 ltur Wife 24d Mine 115

y, ne Brother (Malt Tells term) of Mete


V(‘.‘e lieu Cat Went Dn.' • 11. and Certain 1(144alrelye Greeley)

Poison Pea On» Ciridge) or Know Your Luck ill,thse

. ..1r1 (Jackie Saundere)


linotinicon égi te Childreat ray

..f bore Aopmeent better Nit... The

Comedies wig pen,oeracy. The pate of • Rare, The

Iba bred ti.t N, as to hither wee leutierdy u.rinee of the Aleadika (ge.„.ege of C4lbee, The (sees Path. The feretle Cements reafeeioa. The tre g Kennedy (Serial) bee nnittr, The pecoes 4,a40w, The (feral) gee° of Youth. The Lye. of the World trN of Torah LitaiFertnee. The Merlin nager of .1 make M e Nights y„d... Gold

red Mystery (Serial) Gale 'leery Comedies

GIN /ran Nowhere. The (Id of the Sea W. Mae


46 21 as

edged Elder. Tb.

11111loa Dollar Mystery Mee ketone »Nero Fakeer, A GO prureraties) Tea 1113 nee-Bed Weattriere) Meas Comedle. *Neer

Teruo:hey. Peggy . Reinter, he T Mal Rooriereit. The letlinned

II 26

Intlet Trill. The Ili.-Wolf. The

*wet triar leper:can. The

resoithe Tenineet & Sued:tine The house Itt.ont Children The Neer Ite Well

Thi rieenth Chair The T del Wave teay Toelte of the Day Twelteei ('omedlea elleck Swale)

in nedie

..... 4



Aerie Pl.-lures Corp, 1457 Broadway, N. Y. C. Pieturea, Ine.. 126 West 461h, N. Y. C.

tr.... Film Corp , 2"370 Went 42.d ht.. N. Y. C. ifrona Kim Co.. vs 7tb Ave.. N. Y. C. >roe >him Co., 1104 Commuters Banding, alter,

Wa. A. Brady. 120 West 46th St.. N. Y. C. ItulF• 3). flIt, Corp, 779 7th Ave N Y. C. Buret.% film. Ise.. 1476 Broadway, N. Y. C. ci hat Flic Co . Sunset A Grower Sta. Lee Asset«, Cal. Commonwealth Pictures Corp., 220 Keith elate St. Chi'ago. IlL

fontieeat•I Film Corp, 1443 Broadway, N. T. C.C"watteoto Film Co., 220 Writ 423 st.. N. T. O.

KEY ils Curtiss Pictures Corporation, Moen, Hill . N Y. C. 12 K. I. N., Mobon Pleura Corp., W..f Meat 10th SL. N. Y. C. 13 Elliott. íiumab.ik & lied. Century Theatre, N. Y. C. IC Ez.lualra lictures. 1.4 West 1.1th ht.. N. Y. C. 14. Equity Pleturea, Aeolian 11.11. N. Y. C.

t er t.. ;1 AveN. Y. C. IS Film Market. Inc., 61.17 Thee. Bandies, N. Y. C. 17 Fr:dunes Amueenient Corp. TImee Betiding. N. Y. C. 111 flare, Garsoa, Molise Hill. N. Y. C. 19 Ceemoat Ce.. Feshiug, L. J .14. Y. 26 r; 1 Enterprises Ise.. 1000 Broadway, N. T. C. 21 (*.reptile VIM Corp. 7_1 7th Ate . N. Y. C. 22 D. W. Urifetb. Enterprise., $01 Lonelier, Bundler, N.

Y. C. Freak Mitch reterpriaea, 912 Loagaere Bonding, N.

Y. C. 24 Herz:ea Jan., 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 25 11111er & Wilk lino.). Loopier, Building. N. T. C. 26 Jester Comedy Co.. 220 West 42.4 St.. N. Y. C. 27 Pol. Lenaer, 1176 Broadway. N. Y. C. 27e Link Film Ceinpaay, 721 7th Ave., N. Y. C. = Mae:antic Phetuplaye, 516 5th Are., N. Y. C.

114. llamas Fret CerrestIon, 2 Wee( 11th 51.. N. Y. C. 30 e 3. Moos. M. I'. Corp.. 729 7th Ave.. N. I. C. 30. N•tiostal FIlm Corp.. Iwo 'Broadway. N. Y. C. :1 Oliver 111,s. Inc., :(e, Fes' 4.,11 St.. N. Y. C. 22 leouee Perrett, 1157 Broadway . N. Y. C. '3 PI neer VI', C' r.. LC West 16th St., N. Y. C. 34 Mary Raver, 110 Welt 1113th St.. N. Y. O. 36 g L K. Serai Corporation. 112 West 424 St.. N. Y. C.

g-L r•rdn, tir re. 1876 Tradwey, N Y. C. 37 Social Ilygleolc Illme of America, lee., 1176 Etoadrway,

N Y. C. :11e eolltary sioa Corp.. 1402 Broadway, N. Y. C. 30 state Right. Claseicel M. P. Co.. 126 West 16th et. N.

Y. C. 40 State Itlgbta Distr.butors, Inc.. longaere Bldg., N. Y. C. 40* Tower film Corp.. 71 West =.1 St., N. Y. C. 41 William Steller. 220 Weee 124 St.. N. Y. C. 12 Wlillern stoermer Interbriees. 7:1 7th Are., N. Y. C. 42. Submarine Kies Corp., 906 Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. 13 guesblne Finn. Inc.. 12.6 West 40tb St., N. Y. C. 44 Toplea of the Day Film.. loogiere Bundles, N. Y. C. 45 Tyred Pleteree, Inc.. 729 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 44 Waldorf Pbotoplay• Ca., 23) West 12d St., N. Y. C. 17 Walleme Film Comedies, 25th & Lettish Ave.. Phil'

delpbla, Pa. 44 Warner Bros., 220 West -C2.1 Ft.. N. Y. C. 49 Weetero Import Co.. 1157 Broadway, N. Y. C. 50 W. IL Drodnetleas. 71 Weal ncl Ft., N. Y. C. 51 Ton Filtra. 116 Wed t 30th et., N. Y. C.


Billy West Comedies

Out of 'Tune 2 reela Soaked 2 reels Iler Nitro Knight 2 reels Oa* Night Only 2 reel. Deal Park 'Jere 1 reels IlsonW limes : meta A greeted Romance 2 reels Ilot Doge 2 reels

lkod and Sere 2 reela Bone Dry 2 reel. A Theazaad Dollars Short 2 reel. _1 natal Romance 2 reels

Gale Henry Comedies Pants . 2 reels

2 reels 2 reel' 2 reel.

2 reel. Wife 2 reels

2 reels 2 reel. 2 reels 2 reels 2 reel. 2 reels

I ludo' a Lot It The Detectress lier tiret name Iler Week End that Cheap Year Mete. • la King Gas Kids Sweet Cookle Elam Ai Tbi• Way Out


Laybody's Widow Ile Who Ilealidee

FUrt Tier* Was There Goes the Groom Tb. Cbeerfel Llar ('upid's liold-Cp lobster Preedad love—In 4 filers Rein—All Charge Illa Madera Yale, llome Drew Iler Bear Escape

Christie Two-Reelers

Rowdy .1aa Mary Mores In Shade• of Shakespeare Denier-se. N mn McGrew Ile Mar-led lIla WU. Wad eel _Western A Roman Kindel

1 reel 1 reel

1 reel 1 reel

1 reel 1 reel

I reel 1 reel 1 reel 1 reel

1 reel 1 reel

2 reels 2 reel,

2 reels " reels

reels reele

2 reels

EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. The Retie and the Fawn it. Irgbn Sky Patrol The Pestle, of the Crow A Day and Night at Coney leis« War Spruce The tiered Chairs Tb. "Why" of 4 Volcano

George D. Wright'. "Mexico Today"

What Is • Mellott.) .1 Day With Carrie«

Black and White Comedies

Sept. 1—Where Do the Foothills Get nett' ...... Sept. 1—Pase the Illscolts Sept. 15—After the Ball Smit. 22—Extract of Vanilla Sept. 29—Cnele Tocu'a Calamity Oct. it—A Pelee/ There Wasn't Oct. 13—linelutes la Dustmen

Bruce Seining

Steele Succotash The Lotteitome Pop Fro:ten Th011a -•••• ...... Meal Met I. the IMentalaa Nature—hot sod Cold Itortein tinnier% Suadown

Pala Peitk Trials The rid« et YesteMMY Before Breakfast gerereis Trans The' Welt et Tells.

An Essay of the TP114 ... The lieetless Three The Little IlIgh llore., The Reset Gray and the River Oa The W..nderer eied 11. Whozitt A We. lilt Odd T4144 of the 1 an Ilm er 'Ma Tough To Pe lender

Red Cross Travel Series

Belgium the rrottee Wisdom America's Watch on the Rhine Conetentiouple. the C•teway tf lb* Orient Belief of Ireland

FAMOUS PI A.YERS-LASKY CORP. Te Chang.. WIthent Batten)

Paramount•Arbuckle Comedies

Sept. k :tage 2 tee.. Nov. 16-1'b. Ilditeed 2 reel.

Paramount- Briggs Comedies

Oct. 26—A 1:•1.1) 31..n Ar.end the liouse 1 reel Nov. 2—Clty Dude 1 reel Nor. 9--Camt an,y 1 red Nov. 16—Burg:an I reel Nor. '..3—Before the Circuit 1 reel Nov. 30—Cirrus D..: 1 -eel Dec. 7—After the Circus I reel Dee. I4— alert Welding 1 reel Dee. 21 —Tb,., Distant Conelas 1 reel Dec. ZO—Unuse (leaning 1 reel

Paramount-Burlingham Adventure Pictures

Nov. 2.—A Wonder Spa In the AIM 1 reel Nov. 10—Oar Playground In the Peelle I ree. Nov. 30—The Ascent of the 11 ..... hors 1 reel lien'. 14—Down the Strand la London 1 reel Dec. ZS—Winter Sports st St. Moritz 1 reel

Paramount-Burton Holmes Travel Picture.

Oct. 26—The lawmakers of the Plillippleita... I reel *soy. 2—Rolling Down to File 1 reel Nov. 9—The White Llehhaet 51111tast I reel Nov 1G—Uncle Sam, )siriger . 1 reel Nov. 23—The Salt of AnIdieg b reel Nov. 30—In the Barone Conotry 1 red Dec. 7-1'neb Cart Trills In Formosa 1 reel Dec. 14—A Scenic Clarec 1 reel Dee. 21—la BrIttanY I reel Dec. 213-14Ing Rama at the Royal Wee 1 reel

Paramount-Mack Sennett Comedies

Oct. 12—Salome vs. Sheuaadoah 2 melt No,. 9—Illa Lad Pal« Step • reek. Dec. 7—A Lady's Tailor 2 reels Dec. 21—Love. Honor sad Betters 2 reek:

Paramount Magazine

Oct. 26—The how and Why of Your Tranatolsaleat— Reflections of 4 Bachelor Geri—Cartoon. Farmer AI Felts la Fos« bleeper 1 reel

Nor. 2—Yosr noose and Your 1>anir—Itasuiem Shots Tram the World at Large--Cartooe. Bud and Suds In Monkey Milo« 1

Nov. it—A Foreet KIngdom—Retlectioes et a Bachelor Glrl--Cartoon, Feline Follies 1

16—The Eroletios of • Spring—The Flying Fish-erman—Cartoon by Earl Us« 1

23—Land of the Reindeer—Smart set Wit—Car. toos by Paul Terry 1

Nov. 30—Bandom Shoot From the World at Igelte— Be-Sections of • Bachelor Girl—Carloste. Bed and Basle In Kructured 1

Dee. 7—A South American NI ..... —Smart Set Wit— Cartoon by J. Terri. Egbert and Nen•• • 1

Dec. 34—Chiada and fieneete—Tappler the liras Cartoon. The Adreatur« of Isellz 1

Dec. 21—la the Cabana' Wildle— N114Pb• of the Bath--Cartoon, Bud and Susie la Cheed14 and Da Victims 1 reel

Dee. 26—Camera Flirt et:idles No. 1—art let Wit— Cartons, Bobby Born« I reel

Paremeunt-Post Nature Pictures

Nov 11—A Night in Jane 1 reel Nov. 23—berelone and ebialowa I reel Dec. 7—Memory Lane 1 reel Dec. 71—From • Piscatorial Standpoint 1 reel

Paramount-St. John Comedies

Dec. 14—Speed 11 mete

Paramount-Truex Comsdhill

Noe. 30--A NIght of tb• Dub Z reedit Dec. >1—Too Good To Be True 3 reels











Free* Fletittotta noodling 1 reels TrIsl by Jury 3 reels ilot Senda and Cold Feet 2 redo Work and Win 'Em 2 meld Ills Conscience Ili. Guide 2 redo With the bleatehlne es the Webs« 2 Male Fabian« Formate Fumblers 3 reels A Pool of Peaches 2 redo A Demberelter geselal 2 teele Stripes and Kara 2 roe«


Merry Jailbirds 2 reel» Iler First Else 2 red» Debtellog In Society 2 reel» Illa Nangbty Wife 2 reel. Wild Weve• and Women 2 reds The Yellow Dog Catcher 2 reels Back to Nature Girls 2 elK101 notlIght Malls 2 reels 'The Schoolhouse Scandal 2 redo me Roaming Bathtub 2 reds. Chicken a I. Cabaret 2 reels Ileum Lines and Tender Heart. 2 reed Sheriff Nell'a Comeback 2 reel»

Mutt and Jeff Cartoons,

The Frosts Ncrth % reel gonad Ye« **A" Ilard Lose % reel la gwitzerlaad % reel All That Glitters la Not % reel Everybody's Is log It % reel In Spain tde reel Wiest Book Agents % rod The Chamber Mald'a Revenge % reel Pretzel narmlog 1 Mel Why Mat Left the Tillage reel Was She • Wife reel The Plumbers 11 reel

• (Continued os pare 711)


78 The Billboard DECEMII-ER. IS 1019

SHORT SUBJECTS In the Movies 'che Pawnbrokers A Glutton for Punlabment land cf the Midnight Sun Berth of a Nation

(CoeUntied from page 3e)

reel 1,8 reel 1/4 reel h reel h reel


tio-<., to Every Man (Jack Sherrill) e reel. The She Wolf 5 recio The Glrl of Heirs Agony 2 reels eoutb of Santa Fe 2 reel,. eome Gal - reels fettle ?Ilse Deputy 2 reels The Dangerous Little Devil 2 reels

- Mack Swain Series

Deed, Ambroee Ambrose's Day Off Heroic • Ambrose Ambroee's Predicament

GAYETY COMEDIES, INC. Oct. 20-Dropped Into Scandal I reel Oct. :7-Are Flirts FtwilabI 1 reel Nee. 3-Dark and Clondy ^ reels Nov. 10-flits and )Ilevee ̂ reels Nov. 17-Bride load Gloomy ̂ reels Rev. 24-Lovesick at Sea ^ reels

GOLDWYN PICTURES Capitol Comedies (Billy Parsons)

Oct. 5-0b. Dill. Behave (11111 Paren.) 2 reels Oct. 10--troy Divorce (Carter Deitesen) 2 reels Nov. 2-1.116 Own Iledtrine (13111 Pareon•I 2 reeds Nov. Ire-Moving Day (Mr. and Mr.. DeHaven) 2 reels Nov. 30-A Much Needed Rest (Bill Perrone) •' reels Dec. 14-The Little lienre t Mr. and Mrs Bollaren) 2 reel. Dee. 23-Two Defiant. Please 2 reels

Ford Educational Weekly

Oct. 12-Panama Canal Oct. 19-11y the Ses: Atlantic Cloy Oct. 211-Little Be Peep; The Send industry Noy. 2-Rock of Agee: The Granite Quarriee of Stone

Mountains. near Atlanta. Ga. Nov. 9-Net Prate; Cato-Meg Salmon on the ekeene

River. BMW, Cn Nov. 16-Nature's Echo. with the Canadimi Itockles as

the boat 1 reel Nov. 23-Paper Making 1 reel Nov. 3..-UcopIng Up 1 reel Dec. 7-The Islands ef ft. Lawrence 1 reel

Goldwyn•Bray Pictographs eft. S-Bird C1111 Dwellers-Niee a da Ranee-Cif-

toen; Getting a Story, or Origin of the ehlmmie 1 reel

Oct. 12 -Amaron Trails-Zoo Chef to Wild Animal ,- ea Carbn; teeleme Hints 1 reel

Oct. 19-Three Met In a Bost and a Turtle-The Movies Fitneed--Cartnon: Out of the Ink Well 1 reel

Oct. 26-Gold Mining In the heart of a Great City-Mettler Mind, of America: Irvin S. Cobb -Cartoon: Dud Le•ares Home 1 reel

Nov. 2-A City of KInge-Ennete-al My, llow Timex Ileee Changed 1 reel

Nov. is-Poechos F1,111 Peru -Footlights and New Faces-Cartoon: We'll Say They les 1 reel

Ne v. 16-110w Time Fliee-lerate Catitlee--Carteon: Out of the Ink-Well 1 reel

=_._nerartmtnt Store. oo Who...le-Unnatural Iii.tory, With Yee,. I.- telaer Hereford. 1 reel

Nov. 30-Parsing of the Old Weet-Peop you'd 1.1he To Know-Rupert Hugh... Cartoon 1 reel

Dec. 6--Beformed ('art-on 1 reel

• HALLMARK PICTURES CORP. Chaplin Classics The Floor -Welker 2 reel• The Firemen 2 reels The Vagabond 2 reels

Hall-Room Boys Photoplays, Inc. Oct.. 20-Notblog ltut Nerve. 2 reel. Nov. 3-A Howling Siii`e•ra 2 reel. Nov. -17-Tretty Soft 2 reel.

OUTING CHESTER PICTURES Here Comm the Groom 1 reel Inking After Pizarro 1 reel Mr. Outing ('limbs Aboard 1 reel Getting. tar Ca.eler's Goat 1 reel They Grow Evers where 1 reel A Heltien Night'. Tale 1 reel A Hair ItaJeing Journey 1 reel l'ut l'nur.Caree on be 1 reel Air. Outing . Inetructe 1 reel 'The Giblet faellAt 1 reel }Miller. and Aen,bate 1 reel feral and Onlon. 1 reel The Ii-n. Mr, lap Van Winkle 1 reel Where They Ces Red.-ring I reel When IC, Time To Retire 1 reel IMPeeing on Good Nature 1 reel Coon. 1 reel Hidden G.rdene and Stately Cloletere 1 reel Getting If New Angie 1 reel Polygamy end l'aiomita. 1 reel They Went To See a ItIckshaw 1 reel The Foellse fee or sawteolt 1 reel The flour-Mlle Smoke Stack I reel TreleIng •E•e 1 reel Serial for Breakfast 1 reel The Fifteen -Million 1 reel C.welterahle Posey 1 Teel Temple Bella sod Wayside (Knees 1 reel

PATHE EXCHANGE, INC. Week of October .28

The Wager-First Refunds of Bound and Gagged (George Setts and klargoerlte Coerrot) 3 reeks

Barriere of name (The Great Gamble No. 13) 2 reel. Start Something (Rolln Comedy) 1 reel lathe Review No. "" 1 reel levies of the Day No, 211 1-3 reel

Week of November 2

Coder Arrest (The great Gamble No. 111) Overboard (Bound and Gagged No. 2) All at Sea (Ilan ('omedy) lathe Review No. .23 (l'aite) Dumping Into Broadway ¡Herold Lloyd) TOI-lesthc Day No. 2: (Topical) l-3 reel

Week of November II

Out of the Shadows The Great Gamble No 15) Soared (Bound and slagged No. 3) The Great eeeret (Thu Blaei. secret No. 1) Call for Mr. ('ave Man illolln ('nutee17) Pelee ReV•ew No. 24 (Edileatinnal) Topics of the Day No. 2e (Topical)

2 reels 2 reels 1 reel 1 reel ^ reels

2 reel. " reels

3 reels I reel I reel

1-3 reel

Week of November le

An Unwilling PrinceeN (Bound and Gagged No. Marked for Death The leaek Secret No. 2)

reels 2 reels

Giving the Bride Away o 1(.1 In • omedy) 1 reel Pathe Review No. 25 (Educationa) 1 reel Tiede, of the Day No. 20 (Tope-al) 13 reel

Week of November 13

Held for Rieman. (Poutel and Gagged No, 3) 2 reele Tb. Gas Chamber (The Mark Secret No. 3) 2 rode Order In the Court IlLeln CotiedY) 1 reel Path. Review No. "el 1 re. I Topics of the Dity No 3.) It reel

Week. of November 30 Out Again, In Again (Bound and Gagged No. 61 Itelow the Water Line (The Mack Seeret No. 4) It'. a Hard Life (Itolin Comedy) Capt. KIdd's Elda (Comed)) 2 reel.

Week of December T A Fatal Error (Bound cud Gagged No. 7) The Acid Path The Abet Secret No. 3) How Dry I Am (Rollo Comedy)

Week ef December 14 Arrested (Bound snot Gorged No el 2 reel.

2 reels I reel

2 reel. 2 reele I reel

" reels reels

1 reel

The Unknown The Bieck Secret No. ed looking for Trouble (Rolle Comedy)

Pathe News

Terry Wednesday and Saturday.

ROBERTSON-COLE Supreme Comedies

Betty Intl the Boys Good C.reeleue Graee Sleet the wire Who's With the pally Ills lore Letters A Fair Sample Betty's Back Again Truly Rural Silted Drinks Ills Det.b:e Expe.eure Speed lier Winning Way Be Careful. Kate Too Many Ellis Is Yeur Sweetheart Fa:se? (keel Nlebt. Judge etruok Out

Martin Johnson Series

Tulugl-A Wbit• Spot In a Itlaele Land t reel Througla the lelee of th. New ilebridee I reel The home of the Hula Ilul• reel

Adventure Scenic' The Forldtelen River 1 reel Jul,. Over Yonder . reel I and the Mountelin 1 reel

reel reel reel reel reel reel reel reel reel reel roe] reel reel reel reel reel reel

Nov Noy. Isee,

ROMAYNE SUPERFILM CO. 1-Teareful Valley 2 reel. 13-Keyhole Reporter 2 reel., 1-The Villain etIll Pursued lier 2 reels

TRIANGLE DISTRIBUTING CORP. Mack Sennett-Keystone Comedies Nov. 23--,Other People. Oilveit 2. reel. Nov, 31.-Thirety. the Maglel•ti 1 reel íleo. .-The I Ife of Reilly 2 reels Dee. 14--Creehing Through 1 reel Dee. 21-Keyonne Babies( 2 reels Dec. 2e-Feet Tree,. end Stine Women 2 reels

UNITED PICTURE THEATERS Cuckoo Comedies Oct. IS-Starting Ont In Life * reels Cissy Fitzgerald Comedies Noe, to-Thn tetimmy Gym 2 reels Dec. 14-Clasy'n E-nnomy 2 reels

UNIVERSAL FILM MPG. CO. Century Comedies (Alice Howell) lore-Jenne Hearto and boob. Lions A Village Yew,. A Lion in the llonee Chiming Her Future Daring tione and litro; Lovera lereenle's Dogged,. Tricks A leek, Dee. per

Major Allen's Animal Hunt

Trainee the Leopard Fear Trepelog Lion Trapping

Okeh Comedies

gilie•• net As you Were Rill's Finish One lovely Night Regular Cut Ups 131111'• Atualsersery Babies le Rabies Tallor Maid

Rainbow Comedies -

A Roof Garden Rongh Doom An Oriental Romeo.. Thinly Dammla and Bog« Counts

^ reels 2 reels 2 reel. 2 reel. " replu 2 reel. 2 reels

reel 1 reel 1 reel

1 reel 1 reel 1 reel 1 reel 1 reel 1 reel 1 reel 1 reel

Spur and Saddles Series •' Tenii•ed Cody Terse the. Tables fempeat Cody. 1•Idimper

Star Corned's* (Lyons•Moran)

Penny Ante A Deg Gone :team oh. Oh, Sur-ole

nde 1:egular ('0:-Ils' Vibe's Her Ilushaud God Night, Ladle«

Tick•Tirk Man Ten Nights In a Tea Reyes Woes of • Woman

Stage Wornen's War Relief Series A Star Deer Night (De.ld reel.

WInning Ilie Wife )C;r11 Maude, Violet IlenunIng).. 2 Fighting reelselmi (Maelje Arbesekle) " reel.

The Hots-ruble 034 'Shelly IluIT and June Dean) 2 reel. The Might of Doe tklahel Tallifern, & Robert Elmo» 2 reel.

Western and • Railroad Dramas The Jack of Ileirto The Beet lead Man The Crew At the Polot of • Gun Winning a bride DyeamIte • • The Tell Tale Wire The Wild Weeternee The Fare In the Watch' The F11031114 The Trill of the lloldne Min The Kid and the Cowboy The Lone lland

International News .. leaned Every Wednesday

Uni I Current Events' hued Every Saturday •

Universal New Screen Magazine... loaned Every Mondan

". •

• reel.

reels reel. net.

I.reela 2 reel.

reel. ' feel. 2 nee. reel.

reels 2 reels

VITACTR.APH Big V Special Comedies

Zip and Zest * reel. Sais and Vote, ^ reel. Vaut!. and Variety ref'. Sle•ne stool 511(1.1. tee.. 51001.5 ano) Squabbles 2 reel. VI' his and W blekere 2 reel. ('socs and Coquettes ^ reel. Bungs .1,1Rung:ere *reel.

Larry Semon Comedies

The Star Boarder 2 reels Hie Home. sweet .11oine : reel. The Simple Life, *reel. Dull Care reel. Dew Drop Inn • reel. The Head Waiter : net.

O. Henry Stories • - The Guarolen of the Accolade' (Agate Ayres) : red.-, The Friendly Cell • (Welter Met' and Jolla . 16Wayee

(Redo.) 2 reel. D The ay Ili...urge(t (Gyps Cl p y eThieer aid Webeter Cam-

bell) 2 me.. The Road* We Tok• (Jay Morrly) 2 reel.

Serials . . Perlis of Thunder Mountaln (Limeade lime» wit/.

with Carol Holloway) M le 'ode.

gmeehIng Barriers (William Dances)- • Epleode No. 1-The. Teat of „Courage Episode No. --The Plunge of Death Eidstode No, 3-The Tree ifut of Torture Epleede No. Episode No. 5-The, Living. Greve • " reel. Epimode No A -11vwee a rd t-,/loom ; reel.

Epleode No. 7-Theratei Flight " ref" .0 Eeleode No. b -The. Murder .ar : reel.

Vetted. No. 1.---Draarulte Tree ,.. , : reee Kriende N., I'5--41.erpowenel . " rrei Eulttode No. 11-Tbe Den of Deviltry" reel. Ete!entle Nu. 12-Esidoel.e . Bullet,, 2 reels Eploode No. 13-1'he Deadfall • ..,.. ............... • • • 2 reel Eplrode No. 14-Trapped Like . Rite 2 re,* Episode No. I3-The ilutua• Chain " reels

WORLD PICTURES Chaplin (Revivals) Honk met. Pollee reels ehanghaled ... • reel

Night at the Show .. -• •••••• 2 reels.

: reel. Melt

: belt 4 -The Deed of .the ......... =

Kinogram (News Reels) . . fisted Twice a West

PrIzma Pictures Catallea 1 re. Every« here h re. 'Getout I ref Grand elf17011 re. oa h 1 Fee Japan I re.

I ree 1 reel I r“ 1 rer red

anot of .emerlea res roe

Old Falti•rul Petrified Sky Mnor0•In Eden of Pet Ige Spell of the Yukon

.A • Popular Villain. larnyerd Romance

Serials .rn ea., r e. m Sleghty' (Elmo Lincoln) lb. Midnight Man (Jemes Corbett) d-ieat M•dlnal Mystery (Cleo Medina.)

Special The Heart rude, (Jesa Willard) Sinned the Sailor ..... The Eternal Triangle 2 reel. ^ rue.

2 reel. " reel.

18 tpiaie, le epleade.

2 reel. " reels

1 reel 1 reel I reel I reel 1 reel I reel 1 reel I reel 1 red 1 reel

• 2 rem, •

2 reels Ti.e Demand nf. Dugan ' mat 2 refl. (luto Drees and overalls 2 ride 2 reels Danny Ask. Why' rcele

I.ant of the éteminoles

Judge Brown Series :011ie the (leer Preek


sew Tort. Dec. 5.-Al a meetIne of the Film

Pbeft Committee of the National Aisenetatios of

l• Motion Picture Industry, held recently. the elittatlon in retard to the present extent of ,peratetes by dam thieves was considered, with

-articular referee(' to the effect of the cam-

Deign the committee Ilea been roottertbiz adds« We particular form of lawleseneee.

From err... presented by II. Miunt Mmes.

Chairman of the Committee, tbe emu-lesion wan drawn that the committee's wort. If lodged by the value of recovered film only. weed mere than 'deify It& existence. Will the series of

eremite and conviction. secured It wao felt that

°these evidences of Its determination tn stamp

out the bnainees of thieeery of phninplay. MI the reel 'helm go far toward (-offing the evil, gt least sa •n organized meson..

At the same meeting William Wright of VItà• mph, Inc. ; was unaulmously elected vIe., chair-

man of the committee to art ta the ',wit of Mr. Pltrass•s beivoldable stwohco, These preeest.

In addition to Mr..Pltrean and Mr. Wright, were

s. Mr. •Frencoul of Pstbe Itteasetra Inc. Merry RI.. of Cairene' Film Mfg. On.:

Pert Adler, of 1titiart Pletetee Corporation. and(

Frederick II.. Elliott. Meter/.

Peet tiro tus fetter Llei la this Wee. Thert met 'be a ifvertieW foe' you.

DECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 79

The Billboard Reviewing Service "THE BANDBOX"

▪ k , V.. IleidLiumn;r•tod---netlam, starring Doris

Kenyon. --

R.lea.' by W. STEPHEN itrsit

A ea.- which la mystifying esong1 and

oatato.I tnt cf thrills. The plot move

ver rectal:, and Li at times a bit con.



it'. &I thew the attempt t. smuggle a blO pearl reehlece• laIrs II ,. e...totry. The hringtlet.

orreed III diteeting hat by hr. mine, >nips thing., that the nee-Liner zeta Int. the

repa of a man who I'creptn it a. a favor sc>1

• ut know anything .bout It' content..8The

re of the eery is a content of wit• between

the .mustglere and 5 melt roacititutie detective. k .md. with the throwing sway of the a.iet - pre, «WI' Is.s. pro.' a t«reihh...hnodon...

Tie the marriage nt tit. hero and the heroine.


The play «acne" and it most be 'on.

facet at time* Joe a little eonfneing. Inten..t

▪ th• deelopment of the plat Is well wumin-lewd whit« the element of znepence• la • ills.

lee to the entert•Inment vain, of th. gas. Tr.. halt acts welt, het she divides (Ow

sell of the •ttratIon sad Inter.rt of the •ndi•

m« with the -adventurem. - whom part wet ell ?skein by eeretehen Hartmann. The nap-

tortiu e.0 war or mor. (ban average

Tentage and atrnoephern left little to be desired.

theetei a little cutting might Improve ills



Pee pone sheet.


Will go Well with any program.


Geol. •


lint National Attraction, Tit•rrIng Mary


Reviewed try W. ISTEPRF.N


0ne of the very geed Mary Pickferd

tame. Strong situation& reenarkahly toe atmepbers. star est kan host.

STORT IN SKELETON FORII. Mary Is a primitive daughter of the eons-

lier father murdered by an aremaln sn' she racer, vengèaari. The real mutderer

foam: in tin. tart act and shot to death a-

be shout to atrangle Isla site. The plot la

5(4 .te ?urruit or the nifirderer but tattier the development ol a lore atery between the

ine,tain mail and her erupt.) rustle lover.

The dMIcaltka in the path of theta Inv* really

IT`Telli lot 11503E of the situ:tins* am) drama-

*. sltuaUtea 12 the play.

TUE CRITICAL g-TIAT. Mier riett.ed still emmalabe the eartmet

sut filar cf be public. The Initial perform.

'aces to4 Sunday at heat were exemptionelly tell Mewled, doting the week for mottle re.-

ion !he play did at stand up at The !glued

la a li an had hell expected. Mho. Pickford la itch part attempted some perking Zeting in -

eseci of Nine 'net cute 07 hoydersteh ce (lo-be the hop, akin end jump art. I think 'he

tralillted herself well sad I (hint the audience itte performance. one of the chlet merit.

if thin play Ile the attuDephert of the enemata, Which the director reprocluced with.

Nubble.. ARIL Ilueb of this war really ell-rreeeion but It Wee Well With the Indlenee.

illett was homer and there was path.: rad bee wet commingling of humor led patbot.




Icitatt Ilene 14 Pli TARTS YOU

eltlia teratree""erairinWee OW X E. OS Yalu' AM« IMPt.l iv Tine

All of it conetitoted mmt «atpata ia. /Whit.

ADVERTISING PoSs1111'ATMs Tim ate. and the' dIrertion,

ititANcr; or rttooitAo Anything will do.



AeTtoai Art picture. starring Cnnstance Blaney

Reviewed by IV. STET:DEN 11I'STI

1 A splendid onterteinment antb a ¡no

mixture of hawser and pathos. Tie •ediervo

at the Rialto seemed to enjoy it. Tbe star

la capable and the stery •ttrectlee.

run STitItT IN SR ELETers ro":11 'Ti,, untutor.1 donlbtor of • form•r ItniOng

the Pennsylvania hut.'l, geta a step-mother who

takea an intemrt in her and mada her to college. Sli• pewee.... roll •nd berenc.e se.

«peewee with a man prominent le *bon,

she merle- at the end of the play.

TIIP. rturic.ti. X•RAT

F.xmilent mttings good ,harseteelvatinna and

life-like typon are hut among th. miner Merit«,

of this featnre, le hi. h Is 1«...1 na a well ktown

•t•ge The pled in original and enter-

trilling, while the element of bona r is by an means neglected. There I, rateeb femme path.*

and the climax la satirfyinr. There are drnitgl tepee •ted irrelevant Tent even they

add to the attnoephere. The stir playe.I will,


BALANCE OF PROGRAM WIII not matter mach.



Starring Reitriee 311cheleno, scenario by Lerida

Peareck. Shown at otanley Theater, New

Turk, De. ember

Ref I • he MARDI>: Rrttep,//,

Hot mach to this picture. 01,1 material that ha• no particular appeal being detri-

mental to women'. character" Malicious

nature., &emitter, danee hall atmosphere

of bygone days In the West.

mpoicr IN eiirtr-roe FORM Juanita has been clecelhe Irony of 'Itt"

hall. who transfer, hie •ffmtlons to n Mende

from Frt.,. JUnoltn niorit, him and neeFlIc`• lo o trapper's rein. St" learn, to l's. him

11104 later When Jim wart, her to return •ncl

forget the part ahe re-fuse, and cromm, the

border with th. trapper.

111E CIttTIC.Al. A entreanion of foe cider after the Beene

heroine affnela the only excitement t.i fonnil in thin pleture If we except the brawl, end

letsbhinr •ffrnye, to nay loathing of rePetiti.n 1

felting betwele jealona men. The these wom-

en of the play do nothing let Riveter their affections., lie and chest at the tame of dove.


November 21, 1919.

Mr. Stephen Bush. care The Billboard,

Times Square, New York. N. Y.:

Dear Mr. Bush— I am in receipt of your night letter of November

17, and appreciate deeply the interest that )ou and your progressive pub-lication have taken in the proposed new association of directors and

Producers. With beat wishes. I am

Yours sincerely, MACK SENNETT.

••••••••114.10-41.4-4.44 .-••••

needing simplicity red had her audience- with

b«r frees the te.:Ineng. She was well supported. ADVERTISINI:

See presa aheet.

EALANCE ell' Will g• well with any program.




Hondwyn picture. starring Will Rogers

Reviewed By XV TEPIIEN nt-sn

• slow and era". picture Will Rogers'

la action. Meet of titles fanny.

TtlE STOWE IN OKELETON FORII A tramp In taken is by kindhearted farmer

and hie daughter and In return for good treed

ment becomen ashamed of hi-, ley hedge eat tarn, to work. Ile gaina the ennedeece Of his

employer and guarde M. daughter during his

*barn,. An attempt ti, exise th• girl ir

Icy him. "be an attempt t.c fole the rant of a train robbery upon his innocent employer. lie

mantel the farmer'. daughter, we ore to ¡Teter

from the la•t even*. enmr.u. x•n..vs

Will Roger. len• s personality which la popo-lar with NewTorten who remember hi. roçlact

and talking act, lie la not an artor—Dot a• yet. This fact was brought home t-c the audi-ence alrent every time be tried to •ct. The

pleturt. Berl, is slew, crude and poorly pnt to-'ether. It lacha la pep and punch. The atar's

anppnrt was mediocre, to put it mildly. ref,a yonr ludienee ha• a speele weaker.. for Will

Boger. sad is willing to fleeter mach for the

make of hi. funny meleee you i-ea not conahlet

this a strong pl. tun. 'The title. thruont were clever and brought many laughe--whicte touati-

lute' one of the redeeming pointe ur as other-wise weak venture There are long. dragre sketches when net a thief happen, te ideate* the ',entree of the. a, Itou and them void. the.

diese-tor has attempted to all hi with just win Imgers Pad hie fumy seen&

The heroine h repulsive in the manner In which ahe tries te beguile men: utterly ',lieua to

the fact that eihe had attempted to kill • man.

Nothing pleasant nr nttrectIve "thee the eery talera it were the photographic elots of ne.

wood. and mountalnies country.

TIIE WOMAN'S PoiNT virw The theme or eharectera fall trd attract aym.

pithy. Audience at Stanley lanrhest at gent!.

mental iltIleth.nn which did not ens true.




Thomas It lore preelection, starring Dorothy

Dalton. directed by Joseph Det.r.ame. Shown

at the New York Theater. December a

Reviewed by MAILION RUaSET.t.

Underworld of Paria graphically depleted.

Doretby Dalton in dime role moot convince


TlIft :arcing IN SKELETON POItli.

Itarrhein Eerier. wealthy Ameriren of fe.

Ir Ppendinc: money recalemly In Part.. the underoorld quartera of the Apache..

Flees Armatrono live, la his apartment, be-

lieving in hi. prom', to marry her. Il. r grand-

father Is elperted from !emetics, and the begs Porbeet to beep hl. pi-neut.. Ile treat, her bra

tally and ahe •ttempta to stab him. At a cab-

aret they encounter a ;Tonne t1-1 -haring with

an ngir Manche, iler In ilelen la rem•rk•hie. Fortea etch-e, her to him how*

and she, fearing the -st-loan Apache. hnaband,

times to he aent hack te the rotted State*. Verb.. attacks her and hilen. wishing to spare pale to ber old mintier, prevails noon the aid

Impersonate h•r sad go to the-Chalet" where

the. old gentleman in 'topping. The girl, Na-

talie, reagent* such her ennthtni beauty briars

tapping.« to the grandfather and awakens Mee

ta th. heart of ht. rowan boat. That tight

Ftebee la tuned/red usel Helen clleappeara la the

le detective, refusing to believe that •

woman committed the deed, bunts dOWII the

Apache linaband, recover, th, stolen jewels and

wringn a confesaion from the crook in time to

gave Natalie at the trial, which lo about to

vict her of the rem, under the belief that she le

Helen. Preed of her past life sbe accepts the love of an hoaest man.

TilE X-11•If Mlie Dalton contributes some excellent bits

of screen acting in Dili, realleitIc story of aordld

living, deceit and murder. iler best effort.

are 'e'en in the quarrel with Porten and the reellectlou of lier titlfal peiltinn. flee the ac-

tion permitted wearing • ...lulu gown decidedly decolleto Entitling a stron,,r contend to the ap-

parel or the nthor ch•rnoter. Natalie, whnee

pearanee typleal c.f the 1.te Quarter mottos ••• Part ,. , In the cabarot the star di:Wed

hillbilly with the, wiclied-ey.1 Apache. There

wa• a cenidatency shout her work that made Ow

w.inewilat wont., eory very enter/sluing—If ose

molten exieptIon tor the etyle of material fur-nished. The continuity was noticeable for its

strw.thnes.. the sltenthn h«Ing held with irr.

The ecoirt room crowded with Teeple Inel.ed Aromatic healon, but there were other thrill. ...tepee thrnont the film which

taught the audience and Netlefied seekers after the reneelenal.


Patine and tragedy are ateingly mired in this

pletnes. tho we greatly doubt the heppy ending.

Nothing was told the hero of the girl's pant life, the kle. sol Irmtemrs Are', ...mina withme au

explanatku. MI.-1 Deltoe'• beauty reiglieter.

well In this drama. and the deal role offered many epportnnIties tn eatract nympathy from her •dndrers.


Ton can booed the inhere story; will Dot Ms appoint.

SUITABILITY City theaters,

TO 5.11..ANCH PROGRAM Light comedy.



Paramount -Afters f t production earring David

Powell, directed by Chet WIthey. Stz

Reel.. Shown ai New York Theater

December Z.

Reviewed by MARION TirssELL.

La intensely interesting photoplay. Held otiention to final elimag. Suputar ¿le-so-

ton and flue acting of star and associates

merthg et the highest praise,

srotty IN SKELETON POR11 Paul Sernino la nought by Javot, celebrated

l'reneh el«teetive, as the fames. Arlene Lapin.

greatest Renee of the age. Ella friend, Mar-

zurox. ha, tnrnerl detective, ant when they meet

again hp agrees with Pant to follow the straight

road. Henry Poem., wealthy invalid, telle Pant be erpecta to be tanrdered that night. Incident-

ally Pant is one of the heirs to • $100.00.

(inert tinder the term. of the will of Fortest,

when the invalid tr found dead the seat morning

anapielon fella upon Pant, thee upon the wife of

l'orhe... who ha, • elandmtlne [Deed« with leer ever, cordon Savage, 'he came evening. Dv.

Taney, •theding phy.lcian, hav hill ward is

the same bonne of ruyidery. and she la fa-

minor with Forgot.' Peery end buainews matters. The wife Is jelled. and Pee gone then many ad-

rentnree trying In find the real in, AL

t«r Many...wile. from trap door., hidden cellar.

•nd encounters. with 1111.10o• characters the mur-

derer in found in Pr. Varney, who substituted

poises for morphine Injection., hoping to throw

anapiclon no all the other here, Iban rinsing

the estate Rum his ward, who was the next

largest benetklary under the will_

TRH CRITICAL TRAY Brilliant handling of this cleverly twisted

ingotery •fforde constant eateetaineteet, for


,. Catalog FREE. Show

Sow Wean,

t C 1.10N Y

Capital Starts You sew wad sett rem abeam. W itetee

•• .wr ewes aarnmat pine. ereeretlaine. Write teed».

Atlas Ms bs Mart; Cia. 37 538 lemeneicelneelliagme





ee. -we so The Billboard Dge


ICft ii, leit erlialMes

snepense In one of the chief eletnente in a cinema

dreina of unusual internat. sorb se we have be-

come accuetomed to expect froui the Amen. Lupin aerlee. Eubtle and crafty as clreum-etancee reveal leading role to be, yet ever

rewureeful and dulling, ho manages to work hie

wdy ont of a maze of complications with eaten. 'shine ease. And while it. Is melodrama it la

,.loeed down without any undne exaggeretton, 'erlecing even the skeetical hy the plausibility

of its varying ettnetione. It has more than one

I.1g punch' that lilts the solar plexne blow to ether myetifyine tale!. exciting and bristling

elth action, which herpe the nerves tingling. The prodnetion is effectively staged, with order

homers falling to David Powell. Marguerite Cove. tot. William Riley Hatch, Myrtle Stedman and a

long cast, which euetalne the spirit of intrigue

and impending danger, which contlenouely •s-mile the hero. The centinulty is even, and the

tricks and arar -a resealed by eliding doon, un-

derground pamageways and threatening erplo-

Noes supply more than the average amoont of thrill&


Danger Is visualize' in an effective manner which is of a distinct type, appealing to nil

dames of picture fans. Women lIke these mystery detective tale. and enjoy the earnveltng

of the tangled skein of fate with am much zeal

as the mniculine members of en audience.

ADVERTISING SEGOE-STIONS Detective stories' permit great latitude in the

way or publicity.





Chaplin Comedy. First National.

Iteriewed by W. OTEPIIEN trail

1 Two se throe truly laughable situations of which ate: makes the mat- Mu rest old

.tuff. Seerns as if Chaplin wan loafing on en the job.

Of course there in 00 story: the mimea merely

purport to be pert el the happenings, cf • day's

outing. The seetese where the police offielale

get etnek in the puddle of tar and acme of Um' wede.• in the boat are quite fmmy, the rent in old and tome of it hoary 'duff. Crowds at Strand proof enough that here ta still merle la the Berne of eteteyn, bat comteent• of audience

nfter seeing the picture were not uniformly flat-tering. "Seen mold of thin before," was one

of the repression, heard tu the lobby. The comedy ran eixteen minutes and no one was tired

from laughing mben the end nine.


A Elnworth prodection, etarting &wee Gaya-

waka. Airecteel by Ai 11110m Worthington, adapted from the novel, "The Dragona

Daughter:" released thin Robert-son-Cole


light with hidden enezulec. who carry- her off to ?rare Ogee after totally stabbing her father.

Chen hider for a time in a ferret part of the Tome'. Idol, and with the aid of a sailor, wbom Neu (bee had interceded for and caed from nr-

rent, lo able to tint Sou ('bee, end the three etwape to • vemeei ..ailing for China.

111E CRITICAL X.11-1Y The Interesting part of this picture is Its

strict adherence to the ChIneme stmoepbere.

which Ineliodee a buy' otetsw emugeter'e cellar, black, murky streets in that uiyeterioun eeelion of Cbineteern, and • number of Interior

Aleplaying Idols, dragon, and richly carved

furniture, draperies and costume. I.-nettling to

the land ef the Oriental. Rut u thls Inatenee the ,tory playa a moot important part, an It is well ronntructed along logical linen deviating from the type of peeple what

intrIguest and v-eo are no graphically pictured. A balcony 'were agalnet a harkens:ad of Chinese figures aff,e,led opportunity for the lover, to

meet and tell their avent eecrete, which tryst aiment ended in tragedy for the heart-hungry-Utile Sen (het, capitally enacted by Helen Jerome Eddy. Despite the reputation or the

Tog Ilan, who wields • hntebet with dewily effect, sympathy Is attracted to the else, role

beesmee of hia deer, te improve for love's cake. Ills freinent encounter, with lurking danger

and the clerer manner la which he elide* kis purnuere, draw sympathy for the thancter,

meanwhile holding the moot intense interest for the eiesotater. >tease@ fleyawake twee quite in

his element in thin picturesque drama, which lies thrills gal-'re and will 'eddy the most in-

different. The chese over roofs, fire "...apes,

dangetsius prontagewors. •imaist bringing ont the riot coil, will keep an audience gripping Its

seat until the happy endIng le in eight. A

Presentation, direction and ph.tography above tie ordinary.


We ndmit this is a grneeeme story et fight or dia close, but the punch is rufeelently etrueg

Completely submerged in Chinese atmos-phere, played for the must part by native Chine«, if we except the Japanese star and American actzesa, Helen Jerome Eddy. Au

amosedingly engrossing atory, with suspense ever at fever pitch. Entertainment qualities

millicient to tin • dozen reels.

STORY IN SKELETON FORM in the heart cf Chinatown lend. 707 Mae

flzineee bazaar. incidentally selling ophrte an •

side line. Ming Tel, leader of a secret order

of Tong Wen, demando tribute, which be »-fn..« to pay. Me pretty daughter, Sen Oleo.

la 'seed sweetly' by Lek Chan, a greatly reseed

Hatchet Man of the Tong. Hia embitter 'n to neemnelate money and retern to China w h lile

teide and Ilve like • reepecteble merchant prluee. Mot Tal has a devouring palming for

the innocent atablen and tries to intimidate ber

',Mier. who reluctantly giVes lila enbsent to needle; ^tth Cie wicked eel dun. Ben ('heu' Inhales potent«, inesaae,, 'me ta teso-raed in time

by (ban, who also loos her again during a

Mailing Lists Moviiig Picture Theatres

EVIWY stste—tetat 2.5.300; by States $1.00 Per N.

ler7 Flue Czehaeles $7 SO 313 Nesureeterwe and Studies 3.00

Meeblee •all Suter 13•Sien •- 1 " Ileât for Priee List No Ire showing 3.004


Feether Pertieslars:

A. F. 1W¡ IV.Adson Shut MUM)

land hooter, ete die» t.. Rolr a jeweled beset-let (rem u.n arm. She Is t•arrIts1 off sod hurled

flout a iridio out, an epprosehing granel train.

Iteecuesi by Tom Kb, sett attempts to secure • r-ode wbieh mould uurasel the [eyelet., of the

murder awl also lead t3 the dincotery of hidden wealth belorglug to Mr. Amery.

Paulo. niece of Amory, now lWentne, Palen. of Tone, groeitg lose for tiug, awl at e hem..

party 'nettle' their geed. Rath le accerapenied by Mies Trent who be:de a power over her eon-

!Wiled with the past. Ruth le accused . of being the maid se the late elre Ilityaes. and responsi-ble for her death. She enceinte, Tow a ..1n.

tioce.f the myetery, hut in airholniwd by Hun-ter'. men, l'a la ala., gets caught In the trap

eetegfor huh, but Tom, followiee a eine, ruebee up the ideate, where the gape.% walling t.

'any him.


The one thing which highly recommensle thin

eerie to 'orlon. eonnideration le the ensetree-

don of the atury-, which gets a geed start (ere the timid thrtElag recaps and recapture

come with the climax cf each ePleode• The planeible theme •ttre..te Immediate attention, and the mystery element begin. with the Orel ..ene. Built on • beginning the action

accelerate. with eneh Irene, •nd there t' n" abatement in the exciting ...pence* which pile

thrill npen thrill with clork-ilke regularity. The *erial hie been well directed. and 'splendidly ',hued by Arline l'retty and Ilenry G. belt, upon whom net the burden of the work. A large

net tide all reminsments end some of the actora

tale demperste chance* with life and limb •a the great mystery evolves with many surprining

twints, buetense bolds attention all the way


THE WomAN't: POINT or vtEw

If the babe', of the. thrilling eplendes are

•s @locking in their daring as the first ell which your reviewer wItnewied then the public

cen eleect many weeks of excitleg Plea's ,' in



THE BILLBOARD was the first and only publication to protest against smuggled "ads" in features and comedies. We have been fighting this abuse single-handed for the last year.

RESULT: Exhibitors have waked up and formed an organization to protect their screens against this form of trespass on their property.

THE BILLBOARD has for the past year stood alone in giving active aid to exhibitors fighting for Sunday opening.

RESULTS: More motion picture houses open on Sunday than ever before.

• • •


• • •

• •


Question: What other paper does as field?

much in the motion picture

without the intreinction of the emcee In which Chan thrown the hatchet fa the fare of his

opponent. This Win much too shocking and should be ,IlinInated, for It detracts from the appeal made by the here.


Best Ilayawake picture in an age. SUITABILITY

City theaters frequented by men. To BALANCE PROGRAM


Excellent for such a type of picture.


Screen Trenton by Welter R. nail, directed by Janine Vine-tot, preduced by Seim Pro-

ducing Coe-station. festering Arline

l'retty. Fifteen Epirides.

Reviewed by MARION RLSSF.U.

After vieertng eta epleedea of *is latest serial we are finned to admit that the sup-ply cf hair-raising stunts has not dimineshed

with tie passing of time. Arline Pretty eren excellent work a. the enyeteriessi


TIIE STORY IN SKELETON YORNt Wilfrid Amory, a retired attorney, *end. bla

private neeretery, Tree Thuretnn, to inveetigate a mystery eirronerling the cid Amory hens's. oehleh en minted hammed since the death of

Mee. Haynes'. For her warder an adepted

ilahlrhter was convicted and Meal In prisms the beried ea the estate of the Amery borne. Tim goes into the duet-fevered rooms and toed.. • rogue woman in grey, who is really • noted

'Mimeos Ruth else. Many Deanne and meeepected surprises occur ta the deeterted home,

sirl straggles with another intruder, risti-

speculating as the entcntue at ehla baffling tale

of mystery sed murder. Live, tne, god. Its way dettelte the shorn. and Wellanee preen's., ender difficult coeditIons. Wunlen e•pecially wilt follow then aerial with eager anticipation.

ADVERTISING SUGGESTIONS lias many angle. which permit boosting.

EC1TABILITY All theaters.

TO BALANCE PROGRAM Farce-comedy. I N )(ENT VALUE floe«.


Directed by Allen Grate-Hun. Scenario by Cecil

Smith, starring Elaine Hammerstein.

fielenick releasce


• clean wholesome plater*, with bet nisei action, relying upon • pretty story met In an

environment of steastry estate., where settle (reheat ego display least 'rut alma% soul frivol,» wellies. Miss Kammerstela «ter-

•I and convineing as the windiele girl from the country.

tie Third, contra t. the fa tolt:t the rather

and they take the girl to cse Lji, Neer, lab.;

follows them •041 Is dletree.e.l. st the •lanullie

zonnuer In alell i1c (I/rtlIne la Lying ..miudcred

by the penult.... WMI are lied.: oft the your,/

daughter. Tewksbury 1011.3 Neeey, bet .1w die likes his sneakers* awl tells LIM he be 4 real man •ruoug real meek. leufferitig

and humiliations from Cie •nriebleh set, wt, et.

ro loua et N4DI')'• mho:name beau 3 chop

ogled, sloe succeeds la openieg the el.- , cf the bel -emetto the falsity of the swirly swirl, nod

tbey go beck to the country, where rewistory

follows, to learn the intricacies of forming ou 4 large scale.


There le no plot la tight at the hegionlag dd., ¡l' ture, but the interest aieumulsto

the reels pregnant. To duo* who prefsr the quiet, convincing stories pertaining to tbe slat

pie life, well played and presented, thls fil em

held much attraction by reason of the wown

litne week of Mims Hammerstein, who mad. It,. country cousin a very likesede Toting i-cr'n

runs nothing exciting or thrilling In the no

folding of the theme %blob cae sainee the high-cle ,i, Streita nilin live off the week

or other.. The star ha• a edlent pet

ennality, displaying a pleming optindos sad

m•kese ene yearn to go hack too moan.

ant live among the sheep and heathy Isieldeg cattle, pletoreequely dotting the leed...te,

n'ontreet la shown in the ...hi foneteue Is whi.h there la much to 'satiety the ese,

lug dome •ellinming leautles.

A large east, tin• direetten and really delight, fol camera remelt., add greatly to „1

the present» tioa. THE WOMAN'S POINT OP l'iEw

While thin picture b. Sot of tbr he•ey

the right tempo is there with till tie levier atlas unsettles* of tot ..f-doer wodure. awl

II p•••nts1 effect to ti..

le bet lightly Iniedeei, ,,i70..e irot as rdIsteau gi•Ing a

but enelelent to I lend with the centol Wee

%We Ilittomerstels has youth and puiehrlinee -

a big seset le her•faver.


tthrittld ',Meet many frieede itt'ITADILITY

Ite•identtal section will t•Ii• to. ebb TO BALANCE PROGRAM

An animated eertrem preferable.

ST0111- IN like:LI:TON FORM '.%•ncy Price 'niece...fully ...deducts • large

ferns, nosing impeived merhsele to brig ....att..

lier Lens leers, I'ea dlo. reed (eon a scalawag

henbane', in dleturbe I by tt, aporoaeliing timing

of •ge of her slaaghter. eee will inherit • tol'• doe dell•r• en her idrthila), TI,.' father, with

til• second wife plots to have re girl 11,e

with them in tie city en as t , c•le•r t ho -n ueney. The girl chines lo go with her father

—Nancy Drain' that she be permitted te see

more We titan that frond In Centerville An Eziellebtege named George Tewksbury geybolds




Swerurio by Jolla Crew-feel lentos, stireetel by

Robert Yigeola. eterring Ede.' Chides •

l'arr mount After. ft Shown • t

entelay, Derember 7

Itedewel by MAItION itlitter12,

• mulace story with little entertaining

values, exasperates tether eka• anInee• TerIng te care egetiseloal roan mea la the

trees unpleasant tale Theatrical rue

attuned fat t). impose.

Helen O'Hara. acterewmanacer, admire. a

reetieta adventurer. Masan' Herne. •re absent t--tart on Alaskan trip. Ile elaiire• th

Inettle yeoman nad Helen arrangen f r s Poet. party at ber mountain comp. Iletne fells is

love yet doubts her @Libretti..V.. The,' at. ge'-pri•ed by lielen'a heehaw'. who starts e

wIth ber visitor. Bettering that he boa billed

the was Hartle kidnaps flees and 'reams sell in a yacht with her • eeptive. The Penno

boat meals( him, she leers °verbose, lot le

reamed and recovers in Helen's arms tie thee


Moving Picture Business Ransil r•phia Neel compiete Tlefselheral lleischtue and outfit on Mr Nee Paosrar Shin Write fer Flea Catalog, mine.-ing enrything

Mardi %Ire WM Urdu, IDOL IL 430-42 lierbet St. It, Ludt. Ne,


St IINANIC I. COISNIL Fee, ACTON •rel every arncvNeit 'hazel hew des green bee Ito 'ethos. a, Otrwcor A-tot• weight Procter«. •nd Instructed% Is enellast ore "thee ta •ete on the ridden It Is e terWaibe 5,4 n'reen• eh., rear, actor aimed,' know Met tee• paid foe ti oe.

"lust's anion) or 110TION PICTURES. 111th st eel taitIsetee Ass. Y- t rile.

r; 'DECEMBER 13, 1111, The Billboard 81 •MWMIRIMMIre

I - urea tat the wit.d.• affair had beau elegised by Helen to cure him ef his deer, to roe away

pas c4,lillotlou. where plenty exellement swell.

el without ridding life le the far off piacee el tie mote. The lovers come to as under-

ne ete is free to wed.


Il thl. ineoneedeestLI etury obi lada intl.

I. le ..... t unit... It were a feeling of trelt•tlen tt th. f meterial offered the little

Wade star ta whl.t to exploit ber ehartne. ILLiee a I at a man Is ant always p:eseant

tad tLeee eat ted In over abendaz e cf wit mplay..1 la the rat-Oboea riveted try the herds.. ▪ red, re relne rropenettlel of the ladiZer.eut or, liai to that clan. of moths eattio.1..t

.itet t..k.. their aaino meet. Rightly the wort.%

el. t•ii•ra Witt bate ilttletelliTrrrate. Th„ r..I promi.e. much. showtne

artmen loin., prfrattlle Mph anti Il.. Molder flthtl lookirg very attra.ilve in

Medford akin sled tiotrier Later the oetton up, to modern times with tile title. explIta-

Ise the ,.entrai ties. >losing evriftly enel odemately presented, permitting

tie ennom t. , ',Mee in alite. goteos. thedigtit• pee- affair evelems with other »near. 'knife], mild In to 511 ont the •Iletted time required

t.' a tr.craes fester*. The bewildered feeling tie ell rihst seguely told story /letter, le re-

3,,.'d .1 p.0 eenfeseloc, of the herniae who p451?' 't elm only play actieg after all.


Lie tier depth and enevisolag powet• the midi

ene at the Rivoll armored somewhat Abuse. 'mew la tide •howteg. But Who Clayton ha• a large followIng sad tbe peblic will west to

or her in tern the meet trtvel loft of pietnre. cnosr.`• element la got strong enough to la-

ma Most:der. h LE RTA INVENT •frax.rn



(Continued front page 5)

chute the present rate of taxation ea aerma• we« ,etdoor show, which Ins been embeiged la a hit wow before the Ways end Measetksom. eater st Waablagtos. Mr. entitle mid that b tie elk» the mesetettoe eree mitialed etth the pretest rate of taxation. that the swelatim should Mt be said to fuller the @Me of say other body, *ad that whets ti was abouttared with sanll written it would take Me ttrr op slit Its own reltrewentall•Pll at Iteselates mid a• ewe else. Mr. Ittriplin moot Feet L. Albert as latereeted te prepreed imielstlea sad egaregeed lbe view that CI', araociaftell had el Interest In Mr. albeet'• pima. De rood extracts from rot-rrerodrice rredlted to Yr. Albert la which the inter ta alleged to hare tallinated that be had steady said the aemetatles Om a "categiew."

•.• 41.1 ere- 1 C-1-Ca t t, hsrity secoo• eery that be be allowed to do so alai" ant-seated Mr. @triable. "Tki. •meelatles ta. bo «sweeties whatever

ettlt kir. Albert." mid the meeker. "and I Mak I ami seta la gulag that It desires so saO ,eineeetles. I eggreet that all member* d Omen be bonged to thst elect, so that

roodbility of astanaderetandtaz may exist enh reopen to the attitude of this body."

Ile embodied hie obeereetints. le a reeotetteu stick es. usonlesosely referred be the fem-inine* on Reseutheee. The consedttee, le met-tle It. trisect yeaterday, usanitemody supporti4 the reeeletloo. Moaks were exteaded to the anestagemeat of

the t • sierra-- t It was flu I trod to huid Re 1920 IneeUng t. the same hoteL It wee

nna ..1 ,n to lasite w.reen to the of the tattoo. eel thanks were voted

le the different ommittetra. Mal felt date, for 1920 were oubliette/ ho

th. ee f a:. lb Fr day ea follows: letentate lair, Kankakee. ill., Awe« 16 C 21; Wiecomen Slate Fair, Milwaukee, Wle.. image IS to Z. or Awful 190 to Metegaber 4: lilia-ls :state Fair. tupriagleld. lit.. Agroat 20 te 201 Northwester's Otto, Toledo, 0.. •Mlist 24 to 201: Erie Ere. Pa.. Aline( 20 t' s 1.•41:.• F.:r. I) little. III.. Aa. net » to September 4: Oite Plate Fair. rotata-ble. 0 . dligget $0 to Septelber 4: National leelemeat sad Vetticie !Mow, Penile. Ill_ Mr. timber 3 to 14: Nehreeka Mete Fair, Nei.. eeptember 5 to 10: bedlam, Stele Tale. It'll 5•'i t• I . `erg: to It Wert Tit-fiefs Ptah. Far. Wheerme, IS' Va.. September • to 11> Kontos Free Fair, Teteke, fl.'. Pep-leellwt 13 in te: Kentucky State Fair. Leole• • KY . Iteptember 13 to 18; Teeneesee Mate Pelr Noeh•Ille, Tens . September 30 to =: 3341.okt !metre Fair. 111111sas. Most.. Perim-ter 20 to 28; gam 'ee Dividu Fair. liseselle. Teen., fleptember 27 to October 2: Tel-State Fair, lemnble, Teca.. neptember 25

liettler 2; lat•ta ri t of Idaho. Iloloe. 14.. limplember 27 to October 2: Albion. Plat• Fair. hin,l--.ens. Ali.. 0..é.ter 4 t s 5 r..t• tit-. ea leter Plate Fair. Chattanooga, Tenn.. fielresee 2 to 9: illitaiwilppl-Alebema Tar. Meridian. Wet October 11 te Poutiles•tare Fair AS-rrtsik.a. October 14 le 20; MI. e"1,P1 Ctlte Mr, Juliann Mien. October IS L3 23: (2...nott Piste litr, Marne. Ga.. Oetoter 25 to November 5: Western Royal 1.1•it Stork

SP"keee. Noseraber 1 to 5: North. Wen Lire Clock Ameeltion. I etrieton. Id.. We-velleber 7 to 12; Trt-Illato Plirtneltion. filiveneeh, fla 1tnvem`ter fi to 13: Dietne Inter/tattered Litt •tock Ex -weltioe. Portland. fie.. Nereus. W, 13 t., 20. • ' I will *eh every esee ta woes to let

emealeted with etery other was hera, tu a t". O•Ify.1.0, • ..111 eon•rntiori "

Mmennieed Prouldeat R. A. Stews. of the Amer'. Le; tie's cf et end gereeltiego. "Itch eemeet .t. t-r.e•- annual monist 19..,tee iletel Menses Teatedly. at noes thirty if the forty-Mee number.

W the ...relation bed Memel titi register. ac. 811414 ho keretary Denieleon. ?b. proem&

1920 SEASON 1920

JOHN ROBINSON'S CIRCUS WANTS, for Season of 1920, SIDE SHOW Attractions Extraordinary

ionic 510W FlIZAKill a army thbertptire. œpeetally a bediet fibritia. mite). Musical, Comedy mil ¡tag. Sling Ate, that are out of iba ordinary will. in Inalao Man -he can lemma •nd mate wooed *sealant and bait aotlene to en Ortan'•1 Dement: must be young. toed Meting anti ban high-elate wardrobe Thioi WW1 that ran do an all -:•y grind and tfult flr mu! Mostelans (flageolet sel Itnamt Mlle.. wino,/ pisos bend photo., ania tn werdlonIng tabs into consider/AM that all photo w. OW la year& Mow opens tu

ota• thaa In April. Addrem W. H. Ref ARLAND. Ilea Mew Meese«, Titeintile. Florida.

I` S —61» me r55 saarein at louai fuer aorta ahead, aa I am (41 a bunting and thatma teip and o e aiS mall only erne ten dam.

GENERAL AGENT AT LIBERTY Able Traffic Manager and know the United :States and Canada.

\one but recognized Carnivals who can make good in big cities

;rider real auspices considered. Start any time after holidays.

Address R. A. JOSSELY11, 19 East Raker St., Atlanta, Ga. Reference:

treater Stteesley Shows, for whom I hooki,d a large portion of the

past season towns, including all Fairs.

WANTED—Hall & Roby Shows Homer, I.Oulti.ind, geook Líth, groateet 0.1 centcr in Louisiana; 22d, Ranger, Tel*" 5.000 moneyed strangers in town. We are the first and only one there this winter. You can not miss. Want Girls for Cabaret. live cents and tips; Colored l'erformerte, good Pit Show. Few Concesetione open. Four other oil boom towns to follow. Address HALL ROSY SHOWS, Arcadia, La.

legit of the merles, were of the euermarT melee astute . IscIadiag roll call, reseed et

Amid liberal a elan.. Mayor Wttllana ilionfpnon amended the roamers mid addremed the trestenttm, "Chicago feels diatisetly complimented." de-

clared the Mayor. "In ha•ing this body come • eu- -r for tleentyollne years. Ea-rectally does It feel emeallmented le Yetis« • holy cf men come he.e w*.is regiment 11,0ah ematroetive ideate se doe* this amorteten."

Hon. Mat S. Cotea. Coniresieskoler of Aerie'''. tore of Kenterky. reepoodned to the Mayor'. address. Tbe fellowlag fair bodies were admitted to

1* csu: - I C.aed.., Glpseltlee, of Ottawa; Meth Carolina Fair As-..,111,3 of C-Inas.d.., IL C.; it:sensed ah Fair Amoetation, of !legatee. 'Ia.: Weal Virylnla State Fair .4.-1.etia. of Wheeling, W. As.

The thank• of the svere voted Freakiest Brown re persosally deftertne mbar of his eon ez:etteee t. itlarharging the fune• tione of hl after which the president read his annual addles..

Puf. F Lamont ecritmer. expert on exhibits. Department or At:it-enure, dlomesed the agn• culture! bill providing for 81O0.00u for Govern-Meat exhibits.

"Educational aubjecta are gives the Pref. cream by the Goverameet." geld 'Prof. Ilerlbser.

found • growing decreed for the 'Government exhibits."

Cart. Joseph J. Ilittleger. of the War Depart. Ia.?. -Y.: ".tbe - er-mut at tt..t -t 11, fairs 'help the elm ate help the Government. The Goveremeat emote pay for these exhibits. They aid In making good eltiseno. A:Lyn:deg Mat ates that le prIcelem."

Copt. Illttlager suggested that the different depairtmenta of the Go•erseneat •xbIbite should lot alt colehlt.e at all on. fair.

"It really aboald he dtvided up In 'mottoes" sea be. -Tbeit the different malts could snake about all of the fain ha rite Deere

E. R. Read, chef of the Dleteins rehlics• dons att Ib. Agricultural Depart:neat at Wastb-ladles, said that tise spirit of cooperation be-tereca t. , _t nnd 1w111-1.1arl filr asenciatione w.• daily growled.

R. 3. Nee.. as Anetrallea •Ielter, was militg to tha door and the coseeetios something about the big tallied. It developed that butter rial fiZZI1 1^ .1' ere te:Ilug fee silent •2:, (efts • petted sal dams. reepectively, whereat a green wert up from the listeners

;i:ni "aged. lb vi r.,r L o den enter-tie atemoblege with eau •ery practical

as well an humerus. remelt on the fatr gees. , • ilo•ar.t. r h. tayel a teen knowl-

edge of btu subject aid imoke from the stead-,. itt of both a Drearier tied a farmer.

I cold, "Obi the eldtaebioned lisa of exhtbitiaz farm pr....facts will not &offer by the presence of Innovation' In the .ay of new subjects. Farm yrothret eshildta •re the Lte of the county fair. It takes a loteof county fairs to mate a good State fair." Here Gov. Lowden stepped end salted Fred-

Met Brown: "What woks the 'object on vrhich I was to meal?" Secretary Denieleon whiepered something to

rr...14,,at It: Ira

"You're on your subject sow," glowered the preeldent, am.d apulanae. Then the Governor spoke os "Place of the Plata Fair in State Advascemeet." After be had concluded be was glees au Informal reeeption during • rectee and tie delegates were Introduced to him os

Manefacturing interest. 'unit-alters sad life stock interest.. all lave melted 'Immune-ly Own our Omedlas fairs," aald A. M. Hunt, secretary of the Western Felt, London, Can.. at the Wedne-iny amnion. Mr. Hunt delivered a clearest &admit on "What Causllss Fairs litre Issas To Build Up the Dominion of Din-ts" "Our fair tau rue for fifty-two yeari without

a break," said Mr. li ait. "Tbe Dvreinios Gov. mimes' give* 43.030 a year each to ten of the biggest fair eeeoclatiose of the cociamonwesith. 1St e-hred stunt Intereate. I believe, have besedled most of ell by par fates."

Dart ale, gave 'tome totta,..ettle Ottife• ots the megaltude of the better and cheese pro. Sorties of the aorthern country.

I. the "Battle Royal" on the »object. "Bet-ter Exhibits From Your Owe State; how To t..t Them." the Diacn«alon was led by Vice-rreeldent g, Y. Walborn, manager of tbe Oblo State Fell% Columba. "Live Meek amelatioes ore a greet help

le obtaining exhibits." euggeeted the speaker. "1 predict that tu ten yeare the exhibits des-erety will have doubled."

J. W. Rgeowurea. of Nashville. Tenn., said that dirtriet farm agent. had sided hie fair lieweusellY In obtaining exhibits.

'The erratic's:1 ef the fatted sad feeding cater. event ba• tees ose cf the pia:neat fts tree of the ReStnety State Fair." sett 'Mat S. Cohen. of Louisville, who spoke os "PM-motion of Live Stock ExhibIts •t rort" ;tic. Cohen la credited with basted been '11 1̀1'9.

'1 t`n. r•- z• cf which be spoke. "It brlag• the feeder end the atcek raker together." mkt Mr, Cob's. "sad

la a , rtehalage et' taf•rnitim."

Mr. rehca atol the cf a well. that te • titers eel a bandebake of 'Opel If out wiehea to be • »meats' fair secretary.

"The Ku eagle ham changed •`tee.t the Whole febett of rent tudgetrial tif.." said .1 Den Arturo's. Jr.. monetary of the 'New York !tat, Vair at Byraratte. at the Tuesday morning smekte. Mr. Ackerman read an Istereettag raper on "Value of Mechinery Ezhiblt• and

NI- Ertlititore" ."1 Miey> the u,“blairly exhibit hea been the

Meat 'Mont single ethlbit that cur fair has ever had," eald Mr. Ackerman "It bee ea. abiol the farmers tc keep square alsreaet of the tines is matters of ram autedwery In. rormstt.,u." Itr Ackerman aloe fetid a tribute to the work cf the aerieulteral colleges. The tonowIng bate mew-tattoo. were 'Waled

to f•111 ant1Mherablp la the Anterteen Amorletist of Fairs s.l Exrealtion... West Tesoro». Ills. t-tet ert. 3 •• , -•••• ne. tine. Ontabe: earramenan Free /hate Exhibilleg. Meramenta. eel !Insole Aseneletise of Agra cultural Fein. wprIngtield, Ill; The Northeast Ohio Fair. Toledo.

rreeditnt Itrown this arose, and le a brief ettleg address, introlectel "a teat. reeked ferome," is the peewee of Bonner Raab Cb. Lowdea of nuaois. rat:mica arose.., men-

ITtiele agents helped collect exhibits and greatly stimulated the idea," ealat Mr. lias' wit's. "More thee 400 elattrilltall were Mown for one prtze at the Tenseseee State File Bins their elute We also adepted the policy of girth/ $50 to $13 to worthy entattdlofra wOo falle.1 to get a prise "

"All of which le all right. as far as it goes." mid Freak I.. Mille:. of Memphis. "bet whet alPe said tad dope It takes the right hied of • osperlatendeet Is cheese or exhibit• or yes

set them l'•e msge het f •Ibetee awl hg soccemee then eoperiatendesta"

''Refis eighteen mouths beforehand no your elnàbits If von want la get them." suggested . . Ga. 'ADd 50

matter bow geed your aremennedetima for ex-hibitor, are, keep resting them better. Then iaerosee row ardent of courtesy te eases and out."

V.. ere ralserl enr .11e -.1.1 1.•1‘,. 50 feats to 75 teal, and b,r1 k k worth realeterter." asnomiced Charlee Ketuedy. secretary of the ladling Plate Fair, Indlemp-ell. "We bad teen roaster a fair dace 1951 sthO errata gate, sad after we raised the gets wo had more people than ever." Mr. Kennedy'. subject was "In Slew of

Present Filth Cott. ebotald Generat Adosistiele Prhea to Fairs Pe locreated."

"I have se me f.e free Dare'. declared Mr Keneedy. "Ws ?ase more mosey to our trealrory alure pay false awl body eeema to be **netted We also retoel nor grand stead pekoe from 7S seats to 26.••

Wr . Waite« mote to my that be andenetned that waxy fete associations that raised theft

••aa 1••t ...ens Will *till teethe ei•seel them next «moos. •Tet% have a straw eete on the gestImeet •

thiemoseUng toward ratear gate Prices." tint treated Preeldeat Crowe. The mssentblaga here-tofore treetable sad calm, enddenty woke Into 11fe. Abell' deem' delegates wets o. User fee at once demanding recogetioe.

"It might lea ,* a wrong Impression." a matter for the indi•Idnal amnia-

tioaa to determine." "This ameletio• has no right to suggest to

Isdivklual ananclationa whet they elan do." etc . were ...en.- ttie • hiteol-te. offered "Well, slate the preeldent her gotten LImeelf

into cde• -It,' h. +kW, It any that ist merely aecepted a ewer...tic's have a veto called: it commits Doherty to anytning." said

atnitinaly, and calm eon re-t•oru. "Pregnable tee of Fair fir...lulu Between

Pale." govt t.terc,- ttnR17 di ,c,rs' '1 R. M. StrIplio, secretary of tle laouthenincria l'air, Atlanta.

"We made an amusement part on, of mir fair groned.." the epealier. ”Itie eterted malt, fours! tile Idea gond, sad kept on in-e.e..ene at We row bare a lobe. .olesoins • hnattlouite, seven rides, arbloh *Ill he

tuereanal to bughe.rev. dance pevIlion. and . ther Vi'atte t •-a •nnotiatent B.Mus. We

tit 427 to • - e' t'n • rrn•i•snen:a fiat reason. Them amentrilient+ etto thrn the fair anabece Carnival men 110 not object. Johnny J. lone+, for example, sail h. wan perfectly willing to piny tin &gala. tci die didn't think our nmnremeata kist,tled him out of a dotter. All of OUli aimunorn•nt* •re operated ea a per. restage bed.. The fair amenelatIon owns only the dnnee Iola Ilion " One nf Ito excellent talks wee made by

Secretary E. R. Dan:el-am. en •trse ..f ethe aa Entertahanent pt a State •Falr."

"tVe've trient It three yeare" sait Ste *Dan-Inlmon. - and we are getting tetkoep ii up. The throw la put acoos from th- grand strand, all complete. except that no Is met. After

: if n••.. g:te • to-Pt:inane.. !he horse f g •Iternetety. The cirrus Ides haa

made an aesse7." Mr. Danieldron I. meretery of the Nebraska

Stele Fair, Lineole R. E. French, of Sherbrooke, Qte.. tone oi

the Canadian •Ifetees, after a latid little talk on the Far North tetra, said:

• I at are,ciation for putting the rule Jack above the president's chair bete.« the American tlagsRa eolopttmeat to se of Csaada. T'osa, two Bags lave been %-erY Lee' - f_r a few year. I believe they will Beer be farther apart he mattmeat. Tree, you have pieced the Usion

n- *Is e le a !clue of distress, bet itelluta sot dimmed our pleemetneippreciatIon of your boopitaltty." And Mr. Frasils reemerd Ida seat while hts

auditors smiled Is rompreleneton of the draffl'ilt error. Secretary Daeleleon informed elm that the encor would seeemarily hava to he charged to es, of the lilies, au ti. lag dipper wee an ¡talkie. • When the amorist los was milled to order

Thursday morning Freakiest Brows called as Myers Y. Cooper. ¡readmit of the Ohlo Fair Boys' Association. of Clacianatl.

"Two mtlline perms. la Ohio attewled the State sad county tau" darter or past se oe,e,•• sill Mr. /pester dwelt no in paramount @enmity eat erainisetion Is tte felt bulimia& "That's Use way the war was wei," he said. "Durlagtthe war we tried border Oise ever to 'keep all of our fairs golsg. We •tue. It would pet Its In the Mlle, 'Food Will Wt. the War.' Beelsemilla orgualsatIon is lair work Is of the most vital sec-catty to its suc-cess," o M. Plummer. of Tortiaad, Ore. , manatee

of the Facile latereatiesal Live Bloch Expo-desomeed crooked gem« aid emcee-

Moue •t tetra "It is am 'straits.' be declared, "fee .fair eametatiose to permit the public to be Imposed on by this clam of people."

a- retary of the Ideas State Fair. Lewiston. said that hie amocietket had voted to not book carnival at their fair is th• future.

Freakiest Brows aessimeest that lb. teen-II,. Committee bed voted no isrette women dele-gates and was. friends to the banquet give* by ti'.. aesetation Thursday sight.

le, M. Lawrence, so aaaaa r of the Wittland Ers-e' , Fair, 11 !t:Inea. M-tnt., who termed Mtn-▪ s prtfe‘itinnal enhthttor, dlectemed methods of beet ebtalatag exhibits, "I landed eixtydlett tint prtzen myself la one meson," be said. "la yea and bay department "Osa of the teal thing.. of foam.," Ned

Mr. Lawreere. "te to Increase tbe nember eghtbttore. Our eamelatiou glees away • very large member at prima to farmers. Further-more, we try to offer prizes for the particular predeets that are within sr [armrest' amain, rather than something that he Is not Is lbs habit of relelez."

R. J, White. of Milwaukee. member of the State Tilt Board and speed amerintendent et the ageoclation. said that his fair 'had voted to allow homes», to enter without payermit of the meal entrance tee. Mr. Whit• ex-Dialed thtt tne hasnril that followed the home hesineee 'art led ton betted ito f 'king thie eetios. Ile also said that his fair esed amuse-meat attractions in plenty, good one,., and paid fro them.

J. O. Sulli•es. director of pageantry tu the public «hoot* of Columbus. O. spike of the «wee.. the* has followed his effort* Is Initial p.dteantry a fer feature

"It you will try It." he aold."'ren w II 5'11 ti ea greet an •ItractIon aseOlaf raltlw$7 "

At the merlon Thursday aftensons Lennie ilePletrldge. publicity mature of the tell. ana State Fen. ledianapolle. demrliert tee publicity methods geed by htte, orie feature it which Is • meetbly mageelee, n'allant -The nub of the reverie." "At the seat meeting of this aftwelatlen,"

eugge.ted Mr. McPbetridge. "I etemet that yen brim all of your pubiteity WPC along and let them tell hem they are advertising your faire"

J• retitle Wilton. $ntaininteeent of Fair, and . Erpoettke• of Ontario. Csaada. sold there weer 350 fair aawelat'one le the province. some of

1`1 • • ell "Some of th.- secretaries." be maid, "blve

been on the ph tlfty years."

Mr. Mime *yid that the reniellen gorera-✓ west provided free form ef bed weather

earner/ that !a helpful to the felt amoriatleee. • Ma advocated tie am of fair remote a* elem. ' gre parka and ...greeted the all gsbllag • games be barred from the groonde.

C. rosentleekeser cf Agrlealter• of whimi.t. Rule cet the neemotty of ere

(0eattmeedl ea par. Ch)

82 The Billboard 011CRMSER 13, 1911


' Most Successful Season Since Death of Nat Reiss

sat Radon Shows a heed its seisOn at .viv'teluirg. Mies. Altho It was originally planned to winter the show Smith, Manager Melville de-dried to make the winter quarter« at Peoria, Ill. The "[tel. Special" made the run from rick,. berg to Peen, 111.. a dint-afire of lido% hundred

witbout mishap. and il wee enjoyable. beneral Agent Lobtuar encreedid in getting the fair grounds at Peoria. on which are ordelone buildings and trackage.

It is the intention of the management to in-crease the outtlt from s lifted% to • twenty-car organization for the season of 19110, l'art of the work hae already ...nod in winter quarters. anal after the find of the year n full crew will he kept tansy on the building of new.wagyus. In ad• Mon to new boob% •11.1 other Improvement,. Tbe writer yen elate will t cue enaggoratiols

that the «ramin id IMO has been the to at sue-cerofnl one for the (tel..0 aggregation dn.- the death of the late Nat Rel., say for the 1920 loor the iteles Show. ezpeete to be an liar with some of the biggut carnivals on the road. Among other ottntetlene nix riding device. have already been routrarteti.—ItOBT. S. ItlitENISON.


Orlando, Pia., Dec. 6. —Tite Orange County Fair ground' at Orlando, the winter home of Johnny J. Joni. Exposition, I. today a «elan town mite. Mr. Jones ban mime 145 men on hla ter p !«. in.luiling uzyny blab cisco torch init., end all under the general aupentaion of Fred-erick Lewitt. are touting ont some of the greet-ed cork azer been with any outdoor traveling amusenoint enterprise. Miph prilse lees last seam,. bestowed upon the "14cperha" front, but the four meads. new frontn now being built are lid per cent of Superba's appesrence. Not alone orlil the massive front of the Trained Wild Animal Stadium atirect the admiration of all, but the many Innovation novelties de-elgtted for the interior, will ranee wide-spread commas t.

Mr. Jon. left last week for New York City, and as -eomething la •Peays doing" on these annn•I Irlf., .me lIttOlInclICIE annonnrementa may he expected. If one scheme the doughty Welshman has in mind should go torn It will Catme all the - obesirres" to eat up and take Beth.

PrInce. Ilitle ia 'bitting her brother at Houston Artninti Dewey 11. spending what apare time he has from "honeymooning" in training ten lint. I-to • new net. Capt. Mooney le also rainy with his herd of elepluoile. hbur big showmen were In •ttetplan.e at Or-lando Not ember le. They .,... John and ("barley Ringling, Johnny J. Jones, and Samuel Gumpertz. Waiter Wei. In doing advance week tor the Great Jansen tour. Bert Earle.

' left for Chleng... Harry Gilnian ha. gone to Kaneva Cit.- to open hi« roller skating rink George Rollins Is In Atlantic Perry Roberts is with the Great Jansen aggreg•tion as acting manager. 1.10>d Jeffries wan here the other day . manager of Jimmie Hodgen• "Pretty Batty" Co. The way Mike Conner., of the "Rabbit Foot" troupe. le getting around he mart be wring an airplane --I.D. It. SALTER.


Chicago. Der. el.—The Showmen's Leogne of Amerira ease Ile annual smoker Tondo,' evening. Arthur Darts was delegate,' by President Edward C. Talbott to welcome the members and gueste. Pred Iligh. of The Billboard, spoke briefly In a felicitous vein and won followed by Horace Ensign, secre-tary of the Montana State Fair, who tale ber. Prat number.. Larry Itoyd. manager of Pol-ack Broo.' Twenty•Big Shows. told some OM"-I. and sang. Capt. Joseph J. dlittinger of the war department. ,.poke. Chart., Kilpatrick entertained, end Pad Wevver red George Delwin, member of League club No. 2, ad-dreseed the members and goes.. Al Sweet Made a witty and excellent little talk, like. wle- Col. I'. J. Owens and W. IT. Stratton. of Della.. President of the State Fair of

Clifford Staten. gingers: Bobby Allen nf the Feist Co., and other entertainers responded to many encores, A liberal toteet tone!, woe a feature of the evening's entertainment. Among three present, incInding members and visitors, were:

R. G. Fisher, L. L. Hall, Edw. S. Holder, Prink Peri. Col. F, .7. Oren., Jo.. J. Conley. Harry McKay, John F. Mettrell. IL A. De-vine, W. M. Ewing, V•I Coogan. wro. J. Coolly, II, R. McGraw, P. It. D.P. AI Fish-er, Nathan Miller, Louie Pickle«, Mike Smith. er•nk Alexander, W. Clerk, It. Daigle, K. G. narkew. El.'. Jet...op, A. J. 1.1v. A lotto. C. W. Ifertirren Col. W. t. Levelle. W. C. Flem-ing. Arthur Ott, C. B. Chrysler. Walter Cornet-la, Pete ('ornett& 'leo. Wright. Arthur Davis C. It. Halt G, If. Martin, Ralph Finney. E. I). Cummings. G. L. Dobynte. Waite- P. Driver, It. L. Luhmar, Rateniond W. Conner. W, C. Ilephrey, Burdo. J. Lee. Sid J. Allen, King C. Keene. Joe Steles-4'g. L C. Kelly. Antonio Perry, NV. D. Itildreth. J. Geo. loos. Geo. P. Ihwovan, I. Flreele. Chas. G. 1:11potriek, Con, T. Kennedy, Prot C. Murray. Tr. A. Connelly, W. J. redline, W. 11. Barnes. TT. C. Huggins. hfax Goodman. K. Rodirk. N. hillier. I. C. Miller. li. It. Aldrich. W. P. McGuire, II. G. NIelvIlle, ft. Epstein. J. J. Herman, Leo Freedman, NC J. Riley. ltd.'. A. Hoek. Felix Beer. James Patterson, J. (1. Ellis. Barry F. Gofer, IL Noren, W. K. Campbell, J e. Sampson. B. W. Parles. G. J. Pilklaton, Bill Rice, Irish Dore, P. St. Btrnee Eddie Deertiamps, Eddie Vaughn. EL FL Noyes, Abnor Kline. A. U. Barkley, Edw. :seaman, ham Frankteatein, Larry Boyd, B.

It, Cummins, W. D. Cohn. P. O. Shorten. George MoKay, Fred _manta, A. Mazzarltes, C. ht. Casey, 'Fred T. Hawke,. Irvin II. Ruben, S. NY. (110%er, NVilliam Noting. Aden. henaer. J. IL Westfield. S. P. Teunehlii, Chas, L. Stew-art, V. D. Robbins, Renee H. Ensign, Joe. J. Kittlugur, A. L. Sponger. lialph K. Hemp-hill, If. I.. Poet, It. L. tilaçk, lantio Archer, A. I'. Carey. IL V. llrigict. .1. D. Weaver, Ilirton Myers, P. W. NIeliuberts, Den V, llore, J. L. Besucan, A. P. Sheehan, Paul Baker, II, G. Luce«, C. N. >genuine, W. IL i;trattou, 11. 1. Freedman, 'Ineo lielteenotein, Johu P. I. 'ad,., C. L. • amen, E. J. i.'urtln, Al Seeet, P. M. Lawrence, A. H. Loa, G. Leo Curley, M. Ii, Golden. 11, M. Waugh. Bert Davie, E. D. Robinson. Harry Bryan, D. A. Wallace, A. W. Gould, Ogden Brown, George IL Emory, George Letts,


Macon, Ga., Dec. 5.—Central Georgia, of which thts la the principal city, is convinced of the merit and drawing power of indoor carnivals. Tbotpancle •ttrodeal the recent Shriner* licuar, the fret Indoor midway otaged here.

Credit for the emcee. la dine to Wilbur S. Cherry, of Macon. Who lo • well known tigure In the amusement world. The Macaw Shriner, desire to raise enterient funds to take their pair. I and tend to the national convention In Portland, Ore., next year. A large •madint le required A bazaar was suggeated. The result was one of the moat enjoyable and bril-liant entertainments ever seen in Macon. The new city auditorium is the biggest betiding In Bacon. After a week of hard work for Mr. Cherry and a small army of carpenters and decorator,, the neats were removed. In long noels were the concesslone where wheels spun merrily and one could obtain any thing from a bag of sugar to a Navajo blanket. At one end of the building was • large

dance arena. On Hie stage • dove and monkey pantomime was also staged at regular Inter-vals. A ten-tn-one, Trip to Mars, palmistry, and other features of a carnival also were

Incinded. The "Engle" wu a gigantic Wheel trimmed with incandeerent bulb*, the rays of which were reflected from nalmont.

It was all the result of the work and or-ganization weer ad Nit. Cherry, who was high-ly praised and congratulated on the magnifi-cent event. The Shrine. of %1130013 are loud in their pralee of this master *bowman. Prom enanclal and every other viewpoint it

Was ore of the most onevessful ever held here, and Marco hoe been the scene of Meal big exhibition*.


Yazoo City, Ifiss.. Dec. S.—The Superior Sboww, after entailing a two weeks' engagement In Clarkedale. Miss., to a pronteble bodneee matle a fast ran over tbe V. k M. V. Railroad to Charleston. known as the "Mill City." and located on • "dog run" braneh of the I'. Jr M. V., twenty-ex miles off the main line. On ar-rival of the Golden !torrid the showfolkat were greeted by hundreds of tinter., It telar the flrot caravan to dalt Pie city, carrying lt• own special of fifteen ram The train woe viewed from "stein to stern." On Tuesday afternoon. and In the snide( of big lupinea, and a packed lot, the clouds became misplaced and a ',Pann-ell. doWlIp0Or of ruin began and lasted until Wednesday morning. Ali told the •howe did vs,I Dulness, but had favorable weather pre veiled a banner wee/ would have been the award. The populare for miles around were show hurry and showed their appreciation of the effort' of the members to please therm. Charleston la the home of the I hardwood lumber company In the world, with* yearly pay roll of three millloo dollars. The company also owns and operate. the 1.•eseo hotel, reputed to be the best in 311.1.1ppl. which hooletrY was much enjoyed by ¡be tedipent. The hotel is managi'd by J. S. C. C1nrchill. of Chicago,•who 14 well known among showfolke.

On account of a long jump and long haul the shows did not get open here until Tuesday, hot to date tovoine. had been great, and large crowds are being drawn. E. Vaughn Richard eon hart taken charge of the dining car and rook Donee. and mach clattering comment is being rwssed as to the menu and eervlee—there la none better—all that the market efferds.— ETHEL E. JONES,

llave you looked thro the Letter Usti

Carnival Owners, Attention! One of the most important meetings ever had by carnival owners

will be held Thursday of this week, December 11, in Room 209, 1493 Broadway, New York City, at 7 p.m. It Is absolutely imperative that every carnival owner in the United States. other than those who were

present at the Chicago meeting, be present. A matter of the most seri-ous consequence and vital gravity, directly affecting your business, is to corne before this meeting, and if It is your intention to be on the road

next year you will serve your own intereets best by being present. This meeting is for carnival owners only, or their managers authorized to vote and act for them by proxy.

GEORGE L. DOBYNS, Chalrman, Executive Committee:—CON T. KENNEDY,




People in All Branches of Circus Business Equestrian Director, Band Leader, Riders with and without stock, Aerial and Ground Acts, Wire Acts, Clowns, Elephant Man who can break and work elephants. For Winter Quarters Work— Mechanics, Blacksmiths, Wood-workers, Railroad Blacksmiths, Car Repairers, Painters, also Boss Painter. Have For Sale— Cages, Tableaux, Baggage Wagon.s of all descrip-tions, two Baggage Cars, one Female Elephant broke to an act with two Zebra Hybrids and two Great Dane Dogs (trappings and props for act), one Bison Buffalo, one large Blue Zebu Bull, ten Two-Horse Sets Harness. Address



44 Cortiandt St., N. Y. CITY

NUM 111111111111111111 1111111;„ weft SALUMIARD W 118.8

alf/ OPERMS cid • TWO entimans.



:BOTTLES OF PERFUME • so Free le-Zs. Re Flew. RNA« 2S « 1211., gilfiglètr, The. AR Reuben beat Wuih /FREE

1111 ...i..f...title. aid retoattel Inouirtes from lin • I .to Don 't e a brings Usimmetitair nvotee• aysio r,‘

We • KW bankroll law- gm 1.1 ing kttag winded aseortrarous Turn year me. = row quick. Use ow Quirk 11,4/0.11 Perfume WI On MI. C.d.% that run ..17 I» a few hours Aar 1111 elevator with • mitre. full or our beautiftl im $la. o-.. flirt Itortar ran reate won tn.,,noui. U

ate semer,i,ie.thenu lla lrioult with • trucirJoel .r am.% oan,fls awl t • • im

en •


:2 Beautiful SIS, Gald-Flalsba, Hart.: ▪ Stied, Glft Slat, eoz. has

convokes .Ith soots! planted .4. reel. Weldt MI el., out bet.. In 415 Wi All aware.. sao 1111 ending with 5 fr. Cod you $4.54 lud rift ;

▪ eut e e'd‘ with card: Nor). fi.11'" tor III re( At thew low ream if you are Tel m ad, 1111 moat wtto with order.

«Saud $77 tutu lu Sae AIL, COW*: elw1th cards ad sprallug lustrullea«

['dash's !Insulate illus. We. mpositirdy ship sans lay year tau a• ; •thes. Wrtta on.

• D. & T. PERFUMERY • • 2es E. 4.71b - - - CHICAGO, ILL.


No esperwere ropelreci Anyone tan paint all Mon sr Steno Baotou rates we, an ear surface an our and we sw of hottottas. Cempleto sunk mounting eight elphabeta of letters.. wowed solo and woes, hem b te II Indus we. Woo tour one of ague. eir Not print.. but at. W. p•114.134 rat out of dnrab. tag board, which can be wed over and owe again for roam Also Pruett.. Colors sad 11.4 cf inotractions Prepaid $Y li Utidaetio• Nernst./ ACME SALES CO.. [melee 5,0. Inrew. Cows.

MR. WALTER C. DODGE Rawl Tesloo riaotfied Ailtertisenia,


Chicago. Dec. S.—Arose the pleasant evests et, the week was a dinner given by hirn los T. Kennedy in honor of Wm. Harry G. Bel vine. formerly hire. Nat Rel. at Ce C • "res. llotel. Abut thirty ladle., tiviudIsit the wives et local sae el•ItIng abr.'s.,, sod the stir.n of the r ir oMrt•'• •ttdotrit tb• ronventleas were prewent. An excellent a.. eon?. Itinciwon was owned. Mole( which Mn Melville was the recipient of many tocata Bed IrC.4 Amur the ladles petered were Mot Cos T

Kennedy, Mrs, Harry G. Melville, )1n.' J. P. Weaver. lira. J. George Loo«, tir.. Jade. Dent, Mee. George Dorman., Ifra Ilarry Dste. Mr., !tier. A. Wed« Mr.. .A. Mrs. W. W. Stratton, Wm. Charles B. DaSeld.

Jamo'. Ctiallffe, Nina filitrrett, Mr. A. R, Cbrey, Mrs. C. E. Cameron, C L Men value, Ur.. P. W. !data:merle. Mrs. 'E C. Talbott. Itre, A. IL Spondee Ills, Ben tney and Mn. While.


Chicago, Dee. 6.-1Iarry G. Melville and Wm Nat Rel. were married la Chicago. Wednesday. The veremony, Which wa• private. was att... by R. Ls Lehrnor, general agent of O. Nat Reis, fildwa; Nathan Miller, of the same Maya E. W. Lowenstein, who acted the beet male and Mrs. E. W. leoenatein and ?Ire. LL11•• leagal who scoompinled tin bride. The mnple ("lay for Now York. Later they may late a trip to the (Neat.


The Liberty Mewing at Akron. O.. runup. In de big Maine., In *pile of the reid elwn. sad >I Jack Reeenfeld rlaimo that it eill .. ,0111n , a. Ionia a. he cln gel Ilfr. • uew program ha. been arranged, hot ode. of the old attrartion• will remain. eorh it• Pc Three Raymond*, giau blowing and %vino'. Hose McMillen, the human art gallery' Joey Trick. the fat girl. Der Karl hte• arrived and I• handling the Innide, lertnr ng an the nets ea of reptiles nett received from Menke Klng. Otter attraction. Include Young Moottl. deaf 2" dumb mute, la feats of strength. Mae Jos. tam double bodied, three-legged wonder. who wet fe•torit attraction An the 101 Kneen Wlt.i Wrrt for four years, and last season was a feature •t the Atlantic Clty Circus ande-Ilhow.


‘tianta. fia., Dec. 5.—Mho.' train. ma, ea loner I,. operated in the Southern 1.11.'n ''f cif l'ulted Stale* Railroad AdmInlatration under ea, order I.nued by the regional mil rwunnlif”.•

Look WS the Letter Lie In this Inane. Then

May be • letter advertlied for you.

DECEMMER 13, 199 The Billboard


Te se Twenty-Car Organization Next

Sesson--Arthur Davis, General Agent

(hint^. re% tleorge Lem was a SIM Mari teller glaring the Vide Pt...retard.* meet. ye is• 101. week. and annenmed hie ▪ For the coming •ele.00. Tbe anew will

liareh it. MO. playing the show- •t rt. Worth. TPIII». and will

Idea r than the 1..4 Pe awe, The .duip. m et alit le tran.ported ea twenty care. and

«limey will con.l•t of tweiro show• and low riding device.. Each attraction Or...elite behind a reel trim. John Wortham a bwither et C. A. Worthem. will have the title.. sNitli • conebt of merry-go-round. Terri. wheel,

, trowel and whip. T.., saw 'rumba"-gal de's. with fantastic wagon front. slit dos the midway. Thew.. In conjunction with • number of other 'tercet front.. wilt pu ke tie il- up woind to none in appearance. At ay. wiager quarters workmen are hotly getting lb. equipment it, ehape and Mr. Lo.- •ay» trat be eieve -ill rank among the leader. of lb*

;▪ UM*? Pavia has been engaged as tie ge.. eso agent, and le at work arranging the ronta bikelug 11,, meriting al Ft. Werth. In a later Nw,, the complete rooter will be civet]. Mr. Um will make Id. headquarter. at the Coll-mum. North Pt. Worth. until the opening of lbs se.en


Chicago. Die. 5.—The members of the lee Aulitiary of the Showmen', teigne of Amodca give their Met Inform•I dance of the @awn Wedpeeler evening, ta the Victorian lees of the Palmer lloa.e. Al..nt two bun-bid ambern and gneg.t• woe preaent at 1M-11,.o. Tar lqg ?mint wan hatelvomely decorated for

the fet2mi.11 an.I refre•hment. , were served. Merle was furul.hol by :Smith'. Orchestra. ▪ ag ghe "uert. vo•rf o 011111trrr of \11.1tIre

fair *eeretatie• n0.1 their wine., an well no

any vielting etvotmen and their wince and Mewl«. The member* of the maxillary pro-truded the neraelno OOP of thl, »Oft RPM.,

• in the suziliarra history.


An isformal reception war given recently by Mk viol Met. Jriaeph It. Thowet at their home fie lirrty-wcond etreet, Brooklyn N. T.. is Ma-lariorati,a of the return from Tram* of their •l. Theodore henry. Zr. rtainiet, who la a well-known outdoor

theniaala. has sot fall: determined a• to hie mat se•see's actleitle., but hi. decision la 's-eemed in tw, sere near future.


Jett.. Lanett made a dying trip than Penn-etArl. - While theri It. etr,..«1 for four eel, land weeks. evening la liabseoy City the Mt-

Vart 0 1' April. Alt, • Mg Indoor effete le ebesandoah for the e•ily part of nest mouth, eiticb la to be held mtder the amplem of a large bespital TM. latter •ffele Is bundled by the nitre populatirn of the coil retIon ...I-Win. Mr lartett al.n nosed a deal with the timed» oieroioir hnlid a p•rk between Shenendoalt tad Mabel"? City. %teeing ow or eholet Deeem-t in ley. MAI


24 Ivory Bathing Girl Knives, 3 inches long. 24 winning num-bers listed on pad. Last punch gel)

An Open Face, Gold Filled, 16-SIxe Watch Beet proposition ever produced for the operator. A sure win-Der.

700-Hoe, 5c-Board, Retilis at $35.00

$15.00 10% with ',nit -, bal. C. O. D.

We Also Carry a Complete Line of Jewelry and Watches

BRAUDE & CO., 19 So. Wells St., CHICAGO

Vianted--GrMeanSowe-Wanted General Agent that knows the South to join on wire. We ran place for all winter: Good Pit or Platform Shows, also Cabaret Show, Concession ,. of all kinds. good Cookhouse. Tressie McDaniel, wire. Piano Player for Minstrel; also one good Colored Team. All address

WM. W. MAU, Manager, Mau's Greater Shows, Atlanta, Ga.

KRAUSE GREATER SHOWS have changed Key West date to open January 12 for 2 weeks instead as previously advertised to open December 30. Address

BEN KRAUSE, Box 339, Punta Gorda, Fla.

Want Trainers, Carpenters, Electrician, Elephant Man

that can work Art. Dog and Pony Trainers. Wagon Builder, handy Car-penter. Go to work immediately in winter quarters. Circus Sign Painter. State experience and salary: don't say will work for your limit. Roy Rush, Fred Hatfield. Frank Leonard, write or wire. Will be at Anne Hotel, St. Louis, 10th; Saratoga Hotel, Chlrago. 12th or 13th; after that Galveston. Texas. G. W. CHRISTY RAILROAD SHOWS.

SEE THESE PRICES You can not buy as good boards any'

sterr elee at prices we quote. Recent increase in cost of materials and labor hate rompelled us to advance OUT

TrlTel over our previous qu ,tnt lens.

30 }roles 12e each SO Holes

100 Holes 25e 110 Hole 35c 100 }Toles 45e 300 holes 56e 400 Holes 70e SOO Holes 136c thO Holes.....$1.00

riiwt and wool Numbers. NO DUPLICATE NumeERS

NO EMPTY HOLES Oer method ,f tilling hum* maims Meats Um

Mee1w tn ib., Sn, years we have been manufactur-ing we have not had a single complalut •4•111.4 the angangti our «weasel& fatale • fie' Um( I's S the moll of our board& MUM- Cub, with cede, or orte-UUrei hermit lug a' D. melees N,. wider "iveteed mr kw. than me itnaen. In making Mirmenug tesf-fsttre .11i be .1s to th.w. wetting ronitilenee In

Fill •iih r. orleS. w. Lou!" Flairnnent tif ntielaa

We do nnt hou, a ratab.a-te mein( in in. Una*. nwi mane rividitlitia and t•IV.1.1,J,L dome in rsic

t.. inatoriala

W000-PENCE SALESSOARD CO. lit blanket *trot ST. LOUIS. MO.

BILLPOSTER WANTED Reliable AA Billposter. One who can drive Ford truck preferred. Good aal-ary. Wire or write

THOS. CUSACK CO., efbx 428, Davenport, tows.

Want To Obtain For Season 1-41 lairs lbw or stoat wheel Moe., in 111.1n or how Lt., Matt prim sotJ.i,a i•x•TV. RILNTINO CO.. 27 Mery st, sew yet Na. York.


Clown, Comedy Bar Act, Novelty Acts and other useful Per-formers, two Clarinet Players for band. Show will run all winter in Florida. Address Foley, Ala., Dec. 13th; Muscogee, Fla., 15th; Fla., 16th.


Sixty per cent if you have a real show, llave nice, new frameup. Have swell Tlitt.SOrM Shiite for Fat Girl or good Geek; salary or per cent. Can place real Plano ¡'layer, Trombone and Clarinet for real Jazz Orchestra.. Salary all you're worth. Out all winter. Good Talker for one of the best-framed Plant. Shows on the road. West Helena this week, Helena, Ark., next week.

WANTED for C. LEWIS' AMUSEMENT COMPANY IÇA.NT TO DOOK OR MT mail Plant- Oboe at mos. WILL BUT Combination Crtr: Mast be Se ti. sod pew M. C. It WILL lit T 3014 re 301Nikint: must ham me must* end. WILL ROOK Cabaret if run be mid tuitrwmAN. C I• met& write r» at ion,. CAN ri.A.ce ore three wee LEUITINIXTE Conces-

sion, rà_.„1 tiiktg iniee eiNg it.,, in au department& WILL li)t4tTIV12.1' hrritT teUT A.11. TII1S wivrta. liant. People write CURL wRIKLIM. An others. C. LEWth. Cow, IL C.. week Om. 11.

WANTED for Plant. Show; Manager and Athletic People for Athletic Show; Drummer

and Dancers for Cabaret. Place Concessions of all kinds Address L C. KELLEY, Mgr., Clifton•Kelley Shows, Tallulah, Louisiana,

Merry-Go- Round, Talker, Manager and Piano Player



Tb. Ilottkamp tk Richards Show., Meatus. of eery inclement weather, remained over for a week at Ft,rrest City, Ark., where for the week of December 1 Its engagement ig being eon-tinned antler the eimpiceu of the Elk.. and on the main etreet. General Agent Al blabs poet-Potting the Intended stand for thin purpose. Ilea it, the tint caravan to play Torreet sin,. 1912. The Orel week of eunehine for flee week.

was enjoyed at Wynne. Ark.. the 'nand mewl-one to Forrest City, and everything did big Daytime& The ON.* were ale, under the sua pice. of the Elk. and on tie meta turret la Wynne. Mayor Teeter., of that little city. It

to be thanked for the avel.tance he rentlereg1 la making the engagement a &access It wan the first carnival orgaolzatIon to play there In four years.

Panetta! Tligh Potentate. "Doe" Holt. tamp. gave all tb. ovembere of the ortaalaatthe a big dilater Tbankagiring eve, and it waa some epread. During the evening "lOne" almost made a apeect•—e. J. H.


To*, Dec. et—The TI. tel Treetop. oat.-✓ite Mattleon Square Gorden and well know. to elren. folk. le now known ai the llotet El-ton, with the mine manager as before. Damsel Glints,


Detroit. Ifichigan Anaorlatiin or reins will hold It. .moat clign•ention hero December 9 and 10. Generat Manner,. 1;f0. Oickiroon and dire. tor. of the Michigan st•t" rid, win tender vi.gitore a big brilinnet on th• cvening of Woilneeday, December 10.


Chicago. Dec. ts.—Ilerri McKay returned from Peoria. MI_ where he had the eating timi drinking privileges at the Convey 11 ttnalth in-door Ciron., and IIIPPodrome in that city last seek. The allow. according to NI* McKay. did e On• ha. the eating and drinking rogiff.tülrle at th• Ponite7 Show st the Coliseum thie week. inelating. of courta hie bot dogiehnut machine: *ha holiday eland. In Ib. Roetie Store

"UTILITY BUTTON" The latest thing on the market Adds a neat, comfortable and attractive appearance to the coat The "UTILITY BUT-TON" is worn indoors and out. The "UTILITY BUT-TON" keeps the coat in place tho it is unbuttoned.

The "UTILITY BUT-TON" is placed on the coat by placing the shank, which is shown on the back, through the button-hole and looping the chain over the adjacent button.

Retail price, postpaid, 50e

The Billboard «CENSER 13, 1919


BAEZ—eJohn, electrician at 'the Empire Thea-ter. Syr/mote, N. Y., died Norember In that ;tr, after a two months' iliacas.

BASTIAN—Charier, W., for the part 10 years otage doormen of the Colonial Theater, Boston, died December 0, from the effects of a sera)» operatba. itsetlan was well knows and popo• tar la the theater district. U. waa born In Lou-don, England, In 1856, and for many rare ...reed in the BritI'M Array, which h• joined eiten 16 year. old. Forty years ago he wen • hngle and drum major of the Black Match Regimental Band, and afterward Peeved in the 78th nightie:dew. Funeral eervieee were held Sunday •t bla late redience, Int 1Yr.Week utreet. Dorchester.

11A11.3.2-11orace, retired prnfereional strong man, who was a claimant for the world's cham-pion's/11p title at weight lifting, died in Mon-treal. December I, after an illness of two months. Ile was a jell guard in that city. Barre wan a phyeical giant and traveled with many circnees and other •GractIone, becoming fated ter hit pervormance with theewelehts. At the time of his retirement he claimed ten world'• records,. Heweighted 373 pounds, bat lest 100 paunde !Barbra Iris

31101L—Dr. Herr'', a most prominent thee> rkei physician, of New York, died NUM:1lb« re. followlug an operation on hie throat.

CLYILEB.--Catberine Alice, widow of John Dare Clymer, died November 10 at the reel. deuce of ber daughter, Mrs. Charles. S. Men. 1011% illgh street, Pottstown. l'a., at the age of 74. For year. Mr*. Clymer traveled With ber humbend'e ccropany, the sell-known Clymer Pithily. and confirmed after his death with her danghter. Edna. Nhe weer the motheein-law uf Jame. Goodrich, of the Goodrich Oren«, and It. M. Burk of the Feley la Bark Carnival. Pone children service her. Interment was at the Il ntro Cemetery.

COHEY-31eyer. well-known New Tort mimic publieher. died December 3 at the Yilsert-rordla Hospital, New York City. due to blood. poisoning, received as tire result of a terateb on hie hand some three weeks ago. Earlier in his life he was a 'Inter. and at one time was areoelated with Charles K. Harris, being general manager of the liar;le concern op to four yearn ago, after wleiell be Jc:ned Harry Vcn Tiizer in the tame rapacity, remaining with hlm for a Filet tme, then (+peeing his eon publishing house. He was 56 yeara old.

l'ARE--Willimn II. Stowell. Mellon picture Mfrs', wan kiLled In a railway accident veer Elizabeth,Ille, South Africa, recently, according to a cable received by Lie Univerral Nlanufac-luting Company. Fair was si inernber of the smitbennlan African Expedition la Africa.

TENTOM--John, who Iran in te mer.bnaleal cepertment at Hoeley's Theater not t'-e Grand Opera Home, Chicago, for several years, and on tbe road with Mme. Modjeaka and C.s. "Chen-Meth" rompanles, and fer !Le pe -t fifteen years with the American Ermeee Company, New Vert. died October 3, and vela burled in Calvary Feineterl. A widow, ceceo chi'dren. a 'deter and two brother. enrvive. One brother le Mark Pent. n. of the Film Colony in Hollywood, Cal.

FIEEILAN—Adele. <Morns girl. d:ed 1. as the remit of Injorie. received in an entomo. hile soldent in the vicinity of Springfield. Mom- Thnnkcirivie- nireht. rho ere a r,',,, her of "The M-gle Melody" company, and re-tided in New York.

°OEM—George E., accomplished cornetist. riled at Phoenix. Ariz., October N. at the ase of rirc span.. Ile us• active In natieleal circles in PI/nerds for the pa-t 20 yesca, and at ono time was teolo rernetiet for the Adam Forepaw, Bing. 111€ and Waiter L. Mala sirens.... II, was very popular and hie artietle tendencies were com-mented highly upon by ht. many friendo. Tle le minis cd by n widow and three children.

RE.NGLER--John Yllehael, died In London England, recently. It. was tibe last survio•r or the &modern of Ileogler'• Circus.

RERAILEY-11. E., wma killed by en explosion of tilms In the operator's booth at the Cie Theeter, Mankato, Mich. Hershey we the owner of the hence.

110WARD—John, an actor, I.. reported to have killed himeelf to,. drinking poimn at the ,'county jail in Loe Angelic.

LENNARDS---Mrs, Frieeesca S., mother of Paulloe 'entered«, noted artiat and pm-limit of the Chicago Society of Anted.; Marie Leo-nard,* ef the editorial 'staff of The Billboard. and Frank A, Leonard«, mtorney cf t Wens°, died December 1 in Neo Ygrk City. Me,,. Ten-oneds we. hen in Germany and ea. 84 years old. She raine to thin country 64 years ago, and resided in ChleaRo. Her husband ea. an in. rentor. fterrice. were held at $t. Patin% CJIMedrel, New York City,

LOVE—tootle Niter knewn an rOnin. the Imnth !tea bland Wender, an individual attise. ?ion the pmt teo 'masons with Veal Bros.'•, under the Inanagemest of Albert Hayes, tied ef imenmonle December 2 at Immingham, ca. Mr. Love elotracted 3 cetera "old in

AY,. is week prerEus to his death. ofeh quickly deep'. red lato pneumonia. He

wee rushed hy Itla manager ta Ittr-nrnebtim, where earn the ae.r!rer, of a epeclaltet failed to «ate het life. Ile ems 44 yeote of re-, ar.d for tocny years had teen cre of C P mot laterest-Mg, Illtelo• nod '-'refre. treats cf netnre an-peering as a public exhibition, hin end op-;elector. In tbe profession loins o Ith the old John Iteldneun Circus in 18'17. Funeral nervis -en were oodneted front the Ilarrie rmiertekIng Parlor's, Birmingham, December 3, eud ihe re. male, laid to rent la t.race 11111 Cemetery, that «It,.

hfcCORAS—Mre. Alice Morre. formerly of New York City, lied at the los Angeles Hoe-ideal November 29. at the age ,f Nhe was the mother of Carroll Mt-Comae, esteem.

XISSINDER--libert P., who was the fret td stalk arroes the Harlem River on a clack rope in iteG7, died at hie home in New York City December 2. àle was îli learn old.


Can use five girls to pose in an Illusion Show; must be at-tractive and have good figures. Steady work in my El Paso Museum. Write or wire, stating salary wanted.

C. H. ARMSTRONG, 501 South El Paso Street, El Paso, Texas.


Want Merry-Go-Itound to join week Dec. 15 at Columbia, S. C. 75 per cent to one that can be Up for Monday night. Charlie Censuella, write. Open for Cabaret with own outfit. Want good Pit Attraction. I have Platform. Con-reunions of all kinds, no ex corn,. on. WHEELS, $35.00 pays all. WIIAT HAVE YOU? We have a big eight-day celebratio:t later. Work every day. Sundays and all. I will finance arid furnish Shows with outfits. If you have your own wire quick. Flat Joints, $20.00 fiat. If you want to loin wire, don't write. Bosses stay away. This le no family affair. SOUTHERN GREATER SHOWS, Imperial Hotel, Columbia, S. C.


GEORGE MUL.1...IVANI. sme pmeed sway at Iseksemille. Fla. Narenetar 15. ISM

Gems bet set temetata by PROFESSOR CHAS. WACNER. 20. Sew • New Tart

YOODT—Albert. 87, Doted liollniet, who was popular is many old Miler.' conteets held thvu Ohio, died it the home of hie Pea. John Moody. at Marysville. O., iset week. It. le anrvired ay two sons and two daughters.

X0/1111—Billy. of the •endeville tram of Morrie and Sherwood, • blarkfeee act, died suddenly nrter the evening performance •t the Orpheum Theater, lima, (J.. Deernie.r 1. Ile. Morrie. in private llfe war Willem 31-k of Knoxville. Tenn. lie wee • member cf the 111-rents- ceder of Chl ,ago end the Elk. of Knox-

A wider enreleee him

profeneloselly knows ae ram lAcroli..omedy hat juggler, dropped dead from heart failure whit. ebIting • retool In New York, December 1. lIta Wane Was in vic-toria, B. C.. bat be reetd<4 lo NI... York. Ills reaming' were laid to reel et Caleary Cemetery.

PrisraTos—.T. I'., te,th.r of Hear! W. Pemberton. died November 2.; st his home la Chattan ,ege. Tenn. 4mity—jamea. 30, picture r, tor, woe found

dead In bed In & forniebed r sm hem. In N.-. York Nnvember IllS. ILa death was reported to the pollee author-Die' as having bees accidentaL

11.11.13:7—J. C., father cf Cot Pe Reinetsy, died November 16 at Napa, Cal. Ile was form-erly owner of toe Novelty and Empire theaters of that city.

ItilLD—NIre. J. Parker, Jr.. was killed in an (tutor:1.4,11e accident near Springfield. Mara. Sim in the wife of J. Parker Read, Jr.. who le 10 cerifornl• prosinclag • series, of Louie Manna r blared.


ROWLAND HUME, wee died Is Celebes, Ill_ Nee. le, Min

R. I. P.


REAPER-31m, Bertha Hoare. nwther of Yee non Beaver, of Renter & Kelly', Torte Tom's Cabin Rellroad Show«, died at Long Beach. Cal., December 2. Interment was at Hollywood Ifanenienm. A hrorbend and two children mar-rive her.

REYNOLDS—Harrington. well-kneriell Amer' leap aetor. died suddenly in New Zealand shoot two months ago,. iteynolda Wart principally iden-tified with the drama. !beery." in which he enmted the role of Father Kelly,

IYIEITOLDe—ltre. Ms, mother of A. CI. "Burk" Itcynehis. well lowers to the theatrical protrusion. sited recently in Des Mottle., la, ghe was very remoter in the entertainment world e,.1 mazy as aetor had enjoyed a meat at her table.

HITTER--rieorre. motion pfrtnre setor, died s* the result of lobules w'rl'e filing an extra In the filming en --1-* InOelh'e ne was o member of the Film Players' CUM,

20BINSON— Ethaa M., weill.nown showman and theatrical animate mucennosel to pnennionia et his hem. In Neer Yerk City Decenee.r It. Ile won a huis executive of the B. Y. Keith Vendee

Exchange etci leer.« a 1st.. isteveet in these ero-ertler. lll,a early rave'r began w`th a <Irene. w" 1 -Is he left to heroine a het dine. men, hl. tint position In that renecIty Mug manager f...e b'. I'. T'troetor of hie Albany vend.,-Tile Theaver. later Proctor movei him BY h..t Fifty-eighth Street TheMev in New Ton, art manager. After seven-si is that home he entered th. It. F. Keith en , rortem sal be. came • fast friend ef A. ¡'ant Keith. At the time of Keith's de•th h. war. beineat,ei a brie intereet In the P. F. Keith Theater,. ea. SICEpilLD-3«,hg. a 'sell.i,neWtt her e rn ne.

prmlnent in fate circles and «a tn. tnrf, died recently at the age of 1.11.

SPRING—elneeph, father of Covle and Intoe timing end father-in-1*w sf (ley Smith and titry

of the flmith-gprinelloime. Orehe•trel Quintet. wan killed in a headen en'lialon with a freight train at Madison, Is., Nreember 26 Meting was engineer of one of the engines Its had been employed in that c•pnelte for th• past 33 yearn. 11e Ira, a great friend to all

lycennt end eivantamine peeple. who were alga In their w rde of praise f..r him. Ills pride and joy of life centered about hie children. Ille ¡Haine was an open mores for member* of, the lyeemn, chantanqua end tonal.- world. III. eV-..r7 thought wee for hi• family and hle friend., who mie« him sadly.

STAFFORD—Lar. veteran theatrical manager or the West, died at Minnespolle. Minn.. De-cember 3, at the ate of IT. the was Intereeled In the Lyceum Tneater, agar the Lyric, tor nmny years along with I,. N. and Robert Scott Ae a theatrical manager be made a wide a, qualntance among performers aad members of theetrieel enterprteee.

',IMF-William A., well-known vaudeville artlet cf died eolden:y December 1. at Lillie. O., where Le was filling al ea:tsee-rmert. The b-Ay arJa lettered at Kirmille, :vrx, his heme.

In Meaner of My Deer Wire en I Pa', ANASELL WAKEFIELD.

Pied Deveraler 13. MX. Ilene h..t am feeeetk n-leom her Hatband.


WHITTEL—Leonard, employee of the Tee Theater, Nfenksto, wae killed by an ex-plosion of Sims In the operator's booth of that theater.


(erment:lei from pore 3d)

are no better off if we simply take from another and add it to our own. We reap what we sow and we are now sowing as well as reaping.

IZeaders' Column On and after January E 1920, Inquiries for

the whereatente of perenne v011 not he ron lo this department. A department for this pur. pore will be eetablished to the climate...A section, and a charge of 2e per word made for such.

Harry Iloyle—Write your mother at once. Very important

Charles Holmes and Cnriotte Milne% pleine egintaallifrate with Hampton.

Mother—write me General Delivery, Atlanta. Ga., at once. Very Important., Jack.

A. Chapman. 17 Washington Bird.. Detroit. Mich., I,, eallous to hear from Harry Stone end Dee, Plekard.

W. A. 5.—Unlees the whole of the amount is turned over to the benefit canee. war Me and Herne, muet he paid.

Anne Ilsmiltem, sr anyone knowing her where. *Amin ptrage ret to touch with The Ittlileord,

Pldg.. Chicago,

Albert II. Howell. or anyone tinowint hin whereabouta, please.- write U. L. Mor-do-h car. the (Mee Bran & Grain Co., Day City, Mich.

;ohs W. Deye, or anyone knowing hie where. about*, please communicate with Marie W. TI•ye, 22r, W. ilgth street. New Tort City.

Ti.1. Marlene. Or anYonsi knowing hie pee-sent whereeteeta. address Den Robe, W.-.t Belem, WM. Very Important. Concerning his Cleo.

Cherie. Derkliene, formerly with "Tier gel. titer lio7“ comPanY, rr enyon• knowing his wh•mahords, kindly write Pirtle g. rhumb,


"Doe" .trther Hawley. or anyone knowing hie where/M.11(e. write "Fatima" of geli..plotn. littO semen. Addles. A. J. Anderson. YIN N. Adeleidc, Terrell. Tex.

Jobe. Frei or "WhItle" Beale,. or anyone knowing his mimed wsereahouts, kindly get Ir toneh with IT. M. (1,-..eehter totem. Aeldres. Ptillman Hotel, Memphis. Tenn.

WIII Mee. Mari• Lockwooi. knnern on the e.g. es ••Nterle lawrene." communtest• with 1".., P. Rathbon. 100 Slain etreet. Hornell. N. 1'. et enc.. Very important. Charley Brown, met heard of with flares

Greater Shows, or anyone knowing Ms

Mimes, get in touch with Irle mother. Mrs. Am.,. ¿grown. :Me Fourth unreel, Mush's, in, "-

Will relatives of Mr. Lost Pall Flynn o.m mallicate with the Chief of Pollee. Ilteley.e., 17.. at mice. 14r. ¡'Lys.. died While Mamba the tale at Easley, and was burled Is; the eity,

co ,. or anyone meowing hie wireerateet.. George Baker, formerly of Evan: c.rm, a1


1°14klaer,gr"142snytio7'n7tiristirt'velt, hcti.ddrraesths iltelingt.n, la.

lefty (Rabe) &bone. with Daley'. rrsme • lart winter, or anyone konwisa as<

whemabout•, plesme write Arlington Peed.. .trd Cumpauy. Laselpilat Battalion, 1.-t,rt Leeces' worth, Kan

Flo North. ley unto., artist. kneels at lima Flonmey, hest beard of at Hot Spring. Are . an] Mellor Ralph. communicate with ¡Lowey, Tattooer, Went FM, East Liverpool, o., m

onAcen.yonVeerki noimwiZ tir, whereabouts of Herold P. Covington, plearm notify the Duress el Nlieming Persona, Pollee Ileedqoarters, New York. Harold 1, 14 years oil, eve feet eerie inches tall, and hae light Mown hair. Wan !sat seen he wore blue overalls, dark cap ruml black shoe«, underclothee marked "II. I'. re.° The boy left the 'Renato* Military A.itieley March 13 and went tn Norfolk, owtemihts for the porporm of militate, Is the Nan,. The dlearreerenee of the hey bast caused his mother a great deal of worry,

Wm. Arnold Waterbury—Tee. ne.s.0 Met <ne nf the prim-Maio In -Joan of Arkarisaw,*1 a musical comedy which <mimed m the Shubert. Majestic, Providence, It. I., reoently. le a premdence boy, being the Den er • {oval sews paperenan. Ai a boy he was ...inlet In Episcopal (-Marches, sad was a Clerk In a bent il. be-came mteletant manager of the Scenic neater when a rung man, but gave that op to eta the Ward .1t Vote* Pere Later be went late vaudeville with Prank Leto,. Ile is credited with haring opened and oonducted the first nine aret on Broadway. Ile brooch( ont meal dal-"ere end elegers wem are well klioaril no Me vaudeville stage tzday.

Albert Bishop, Phoenix—We do lug know sq ally State when. travellag mes, actor. sod °there who hove to be away from home a greet part of the time ea. vete when away from their b,.. precinct. At trait one gtate, are bete,, bas proposed te remedy tMe defect la tier laws, hut we dn not UMW whether Me premed law hoe been enacted. Tone grievance ta s jem rae,. As ycn any, there are thoneands of titi-:ere ohn are virtnally,hioni—ere se. caneot vot• Witte their wort tat. theta 3WOT from it.• polle—and whtle we ere cwiter. :ding •ceet the •e1e.deterrolnatiou or won peeptes it would her eril for ne in el.. Itttle 1:13 , re thought to "err own preside. Cnnehler the actors, s ande011e artl.Ia. end nuaw teen,: a• e•Il na slag, hands. fdaalrialar. W-inters,, con-err artists. alei «hem of the pref....Ion who seldom hese the neper tnrity t.. raid • vote. At • essortervatIve esti-mate there ere 125.000 of these merle—in all likellhond many thousands more. Yet ere-, Illiterate, mery anti-American eatte a ed.. It ie Mali time tithe state et thln, received cur attention-


DAVITCD(11111LAN—Lee Dark/. wow writer and rv.tprreer s.d Restrict. rtoffroo13, a peso school teaelier of Brooklyn. N. T.. were re ere, November 30. They are intending their beget-moon In the Mouth.

DAYID..ON-CAgg--41.eridan O. Derides. Ia.-•trleal man, mull Ilase4 M. Cam. •1.•-presidert and of "The Case-Perker.R•ehfrel Show*" eempeny, were starriest is Chicago 1.1.-„ .

DATIteltICID--ftein Davie, et New Trot, a dramatic moof and entertainer. and Awl Rogers. of Fahmoot. W. Va.. Mania( uere married meetly at the "Little Cheri, %relied the Oortier'• In New Tort. They will red* in Miami. Fla. where Mrs Deets will metier. t'es' nautical prafeedna. Mr. >III'S furred allia the Canadian ferret lo the world war. ISINEGAN-CUILTIS--Francle X. Denegsa sal

Dorothy Perth, Were enanied Novembm 27 at the Jesuit Church, New Orleans. Mr. end Mrs Donegan are member. of •'Llafell Leefed...* plaYlar the simth DOWNPITARANT—Melle Downey and OPP

trod. Orant were married rim-rode. The peWs imeed• will he eeen In their own act is lita

SerribrtottisNniiit CANATI—Itobert Edmond+ strd Virginia Cameti were entirrled st WatertairT. bC .„ onmane.e ..Noveinb re er 27. Roth a well knows la

1.1131fiNn.wARP3--Rohert ?Amend a else msn of Hartford, Conn., end Virginia Ware n member •r the "lient !Grew in Teen." WOW married at Waterbury, Conn, Tbsnewideg tee. JI:trEt..h-AtcbrutAN--rreed• Je • Tee

rotate dealer of Baltimore sed Jean Jenetra Mnrgen, fernier Denver ma, who I. new Ora .51 30harrel'a "Innhad." married gt the parsmage of the Methediet Mee of th•t city. Enrol. Ns,e.nter Feb lowing the ceremony. Mr ash l blre. lexett turned to Italtimnre, where the "selnhed" Doe

7.e'snl,t1.7naswiptlhar:::eg rompant Sir'. e will rrier elar known In Denver the•trieel riroles. being out' et

Tart to make a state career frr the many les-aiwhn left them for ne-e herself-

e'Wlet—I seen Mo.k•or. mataiffl

,"„1.nletiAy married,vnybt 'llnie m si Coedy Compote." we re re.

MANN•rry e. Mann. ise-ereess: . •I nel Iveitimore, rd., mud ?lade Crupper. with

AIo‘rn..lobv...rJ1u4sIge,'• were Inserted In rut N

mrtAlg,t.11-arime—thrry eral riantta•r of the Nat Helm. Show'', isa• and Sirs. le•t lei.s. owner ter the. csrobs 1 cone neThn,y,,,...wnpetree Inerratrri‘ledstfimiu.,Chfr,lear rrNle,Del.•,,trkls.r.„1.

nr•• eel-rinse to take a trip to the roost.

RTAN-LEE--Edward Eye% a theatrieel lad Mabel Lee, of the "Oh, rrenekr e••••••

DECEMBER 13, MO The Billboard SS

gist were manied recently. Ulm Lee had We !Ming the «Mint role for her Meter, Lof-

for the past twe niontlus. Owing to the lat-ter's Mae... Lottla rejoined the show at the Star, Brooklyn, last week. FUChElt•S% ALCAMP—Ilarlead Seeker, Port-

mud, Ore, and lithe Walt-amp were married la Teti. 0elober 3. They are the leading char-

et a pieties company in Jana. WILLSOIEllellt—Walter it. Willa, teeing

romelien of lbe "Chia Chia" Company, aid bun oae of the Miter meatier* of the thorns. were married at the courthouse la Den-ier. Out., by Juetlee el the Peace William IL lifre. In tint presence of fellow These«. re-featly. Ethel Lowreare, chase if the bride wa• pre.ent at the ceremony. well. the gr)0111 wa• seampanied by Joeeph Boyle and Archie Ron-nett ,,f the "Chia ebla'"Conspeay and Charles betty, who was playlet at the Orphcure. U0OLLEY•KASTNEK—J. Edward Iroelley,

preeldent Retail Song Welton' doriely, cad ZiPera E. haelner, both of Evautille, Ind., owe married recently.


lion, to Mr. awl bin. I'. C. Bleed», of The 71 nee Show, a bete girl Nernst« 27. Tbe child us hoes chriatened Mary Ilargmeritin Eeth mother sad child 'Meg well.

t' ro. to >L. nod >In. Vernon Beaver, a teeiering st Des Molise«, la.. November 21, Mr, 1:1WIrr rIrt owner and manager of llenero it Kelly's "L'ace Tom'. Cabin" show.

ib re. to >tr. end >Ire. Named Webster. • twelve petted boy. et, 0, Dr-ember

Mother and "Sammy, Jr.." are idea. Sec leotir Wetster le a member of the Three Cy-cliebae. Bon, to Mr. mid Mee Glom MUM'. sow

Relent It the Stateway ponta,m, M... tea sad one-half pound girl: «meat Elessors

gemtglea Elliott Both nether and baby got« terellent. Fen. to Mr. sad Nfri. Cite, an fright-

peen hey eel. Ball mother and baby are deter eicele. The child has been chrietened Titelnia Bell Pagan. Ur. ,1•1 Mrs Fagan are Rieder u! 7rerrell'a "Virginia Belles" Com. piny born to Mr. and Mrs. Dive Boer. of Walton'.

.iço.,,,tne Il laneee," 3 •eVén-runuel boy. Octo-ber :I. Both mother and baby are getting *beg sleety. Neu, te lin, and Ifte. Joeepb Elkton., at

their home. :03 Leming . Jactens. Web., a 74-pound baby girl. lae.ensber 3. Mother and child doing tse. Mr. Kilda wee manager of eete f boy Smith'. Who«. Carl" art.. nest nt the Sumter (N. C.) Fair the lot week to November.

FUEL SHORTAGE (0retinsted from pert T)

minettoce the eeme >ley, A telegram tr: this «eel ens sent feel Adininiatreter Direeld. Omaha Nob., Dec. 3.—The fnel committee

h fhb clty his ordered all theaters sed movie bellies closed ea «roast of the eel liberties. This order throws at least one these.« 'boa. hen employefi not of wort, bride, hundreds et Perionitte who sere to appear fera tbio weft. The members of the "Velvet lady," "Bird of Paradise," "Maids of America" and performer' at Mt Orpbeam are all cempeliel is .sy off be». it. teinareneat of the Mendel* bad or-

:resod to beet and light titi. Duster by men« el t kerosene plant net Metalled to meet the Prontency, bet were refused a penile to open. Jut oh« theaters will be allovred to oPts «Peels aline toe coal uprisglield IlL, Dee. 6.—nee to the coal

wilds the Illinois petite utilities eotoireselan ta made th, following tellers appnebla to chasten,. nodeville houses sad 'Mollie, plat« • rtnesement. net laeludieg mottos partite Jew,. They shall be restricted to eervice fee ate [Performasces • wen, simili. one la the *femme/an and i.e is tbe everting and «Oohs« te meet« at all Uses the greatest eene .1 la emanation. lammseeb an mottos picture t ousel norm« vary Uttlo light they are eseepted from the regulation is to ta. bower, mute« to effect ell postible «enemy with the use el light sad hest. 71s• use of the aerrtee to theaters, 'node. ville hone« mad motion petite houses ootaadit if hoses of epienUon IMO be ealy scient to eifegeard against treat's.


trostissed hem Pegs 7) lita %ethers Paterpriset. Is.. as rettlalailb

'mired of tee« theaters. the latter esteem en- based propel, ta the heart of the bustler». • :ve of Sur Antealo for e coneideratiou of 11,92 000 rod easeuered tatestion of erertlag s roedern theater te be (leveled to the «Ideation ad the Famosa Ploretwlauty film «desire!, here. The elfe, wafee is between the Royal lad ?mein theatres in.d as tbe 0990altv ed. If ilataton street from the Priam', ea. bees eleared mi it la understood that It Is now for isle, ladre the neW sinaageseet each of the *Yee

theaters will have • Hoarier. manager. Lour-seta F. Stuart Jean Mtn me Mai Whiteekl a the Dallas "die. are ka charge of the Work W remodeling tin «internee The Prlacess is the fret cm which wort has

Mailed Itemise Meer., chief deeerstor for the (Ina of MItchell e Rellbee, bee bete Placed la charge of the actual work Learner Stuart le division manager of the

belles theaters mid Rat Bliimeld tie been Sand In ornassent tiltinge of tb• Empire.

%reed to the sew owner A. If. Number, iba letter has teen literally deluged with spell-cationa from showtolk sed requests for book-ing from many proeilaent showmen.

This circumstance its is nicely with Mr. Naser's plea of explicate* for the show, and together vidth the re-bootleg of all former at-traction. which Itas been aecompilshed with-out a Mich. «veld go a bog way toward tot-alling hie <leeks to make It toe of iba M01 big efts, met »awe. One thing at tenet, is a sore bet with the welter. If bard work will do It, the shows' sureese la eartared. The re-tacit, for wort the new "bees" has manifested during iba short lime he hes held the nias. genial reins has primes a revelation. aid his adilevemen's have ben m pi and of Impor-tasee.

If present pleas materillie the show next •eases wIll lava the advantage of an mitre. ordinary advertislar enipe:gn. it cta ter Nas-ser Intends to bead out • special advertising crew, wbo will !rare bottling to do bat see that the ahow is well heralded. A gas line of apecial riper will be Ise. Wm. 111111yi Fox haa already tittered Seca hie duties of general agent aid irla early reporta are tin smelly {itemising.

igr. Newer will militate an *fin at Nee-wood, Ohio, until lesser, 1, when be erUl leave for Macon, Ga., to give hie personal etspervialon to the work of going as t. winter quartare.—WILLIT L. 10E.


M•negino Owner Nceoor Ertors En. thusisstioally on His New Outlee

If tee way »age by retest develiewests ife ,eture c• the Metropolitan Shows la peint-r to, nc r ante hu, rhan vo, ulicipeted by

tIre tonat entheelnellr of the *boleti' well faith-.** the Snit mina n enact wa• mole of the iraeefer ref the orgenleitIon from D. B.


(Now York Office)

rite. Ingells—W111 winter in US city. Richard Kromer. engager Rezford Perk,

Sebentetedy. ante heme at Ile. N. T. Es• perte to visit Cuba daring the arbiter. Jon enallhan. ridlag dark* ettorebet. base r the winter at Danburt., Cosa.

ha 'spree to be operating season et 1920, poe-aely at Atlantic City. Nebr.'s« Bill, wild west perforator, arrived

from l'ana, leg., to go la lareriltal ter ea•e" treatment. hopes to be fatly mein/ire la time for nest circus season. Jos Frost. "Cowboy Whistle Mac" put sea-

eon with John Robins« Circus, la tor the win-ter. Herbert InBell• and Mee LaBelle, theater

managers, visiting from Tampa, Fla. May or may oot retire to th, carnival Seld nest see-eon after a year at home In Tampa. William Todd, owner and manager William

Todd metdrised eaode•ilie •bow, which closed most soon/maul season of Its history and vie-teeing la Goldcboro, N. C. lia in combining business aid pleasure during • week's stay In the world's metropolis. Jain Lanett retuned from trip to Bastion

Pcineylessila cities where he booked bazaars and a catmint dale for next season. Dee propoaltIoe to build park near liabasoy City, Pa., to open neat Detenten Dey. Andrew Ihmula, proprietor Walter L. Vain

Circus. In from Da- -e 4. Oran. Md. Bugl-e/as and pl trip. Beat ewe« in circus ',manna William Hamilton, general agent Cook's Vb.

tory Shows. Charles II. Clark of Grand Sepias, ?went

manager Rialto Theater. Champaign. Ill., ar-rived bers last week, ilipeeta to make New York big future borne. Samuel Leavitt, former theatrical advance

moo. Ito a.m. past season with C. A. Worthies

Erpositlon, arrived from Beaumont. Tens. Claims that the carnival «Mae« le the great-est business on earth and that C. A. Is a prince among shown:lee- Mr. Roes Is prelate. lag for a trip to Europe at an early date. While over this he will act sa special repre-sentative for tee Waltham interests and brill hack tome novelties for nest Mason's tear


or a rotative who would be fntereeted in knowing something of the great profession of which you and your work are e part? And the folks back home—wouldn't they like to see a copy of the big Christmas edition of the raper which is devoted to your profession?

If se, you will he interested in learning of the plan by which we will send a copy of the Chriatmaa Billboard and a beauttful Christmas card, In color., bearing your narno as the sender of the paper and the card.

The Christina,, Billboard will be quite the most wonderful edition of a ruhlleatInn of th!5 kind ever Issued. With dignity, scope and credit it will most adequately represent the profession which it serves.

'While the value of a copy of this splendid edition could easily be claimed as it half dollar, because of the many pleasantly startling fea. turco lt will contain, there win not be one penny added to the regular price.

Please be careful to give plainly the name and address of those to whom the paper and card are to be sent. Bend fifteen cents each for as many copies a• you desire sent end you will make someone glad they are your friend.

If you use 100 of these the coat will be 110, and for all additional ones 10 cents each.

'lease send your order so that it may reach na on or before Decem-ber 15. This will Insure individual attention, and your order will be ahead of the great rush which the demand for this.issue will make in-evitable.

Edward Torte. conceesiosaire, signed with Arcade Meow' for nest seas«.

Bert Lees.'« bee invented a new tomsktel instrument whin he will nee In • medical art la elludeville when hunt. Harry Ito« el Harry and Edna Itou, staging

and «mime act. past 'eases with William Todd's motorised vaudeville show oiler canna.

Robert D. Graham, of the World's Zoological Trading Compeuy, ltd., of leadon. Knelled, etpects to build up e big saimal trade In thin country.

Eibbla Fisher, comeminalre of the We«, left fee Chicago. Tommy Gould, neceraothelre with Lomas-

Bobbin» 'bows. left f. r Jacksonallis, Fla. Copenhagen Tani joined the Great Isen'a

marital art to play Beattie,' Circuit W. J. Bloch and Harry Z. Boanell of the W. Meek Bauer Company. Mark Wilt aid Damned °oldie arrived from

World at Home Shows et Jacksonville, na. Will winter le Boston and rest up. Report beet reason if their careen. Greet Loon, magician, bereft for lattoespo-

Ito to epee on Pentair. Time. Y. M. William.. laventor and mutest.. Aare

tibiae Scenic. Monoraliway. Pleat ewe Istflt at Brost EPPO. tee New York pest wihei». Robert L. Cook, owner and manager ('ool'•

Tkter, Shows, wiaterin‘ in Citieridea, Rd Ceot It exhibiting a new' eve peasseger

cat. John M. Murphy. getter beet la hotel boll

nem Now taking French lesson. from Waiter Doggie. George 1. Friedman. rehrembetake, la from

Jaet •ronville, Fia. Now demerit:sting »e-nmities' toys et nimble Brothers departmeet store for the Chicago Persia and Nut Cole-paay. Irate Litigates dosed as maestri' (keep

rims' "lore Hester" la Philadelphia. He Is Dew is the New York oaks of the Ira as meaner of the Meet •andeville prodsetbas After twesty-dve years on the read he aspects toc -rtnaln permanently in the city.

D. Streeter or New Rochelle. N. T.. ;s-velte» of the "W•le-Mot ,r." he» big new idea

elites for son-el see side amusement which

Adolph Oro«, general aseat Finn's Bazaar Coulee/, which le offering «me novelties In that line ender the title of "The Weeder' of 1920,"


Now In Quarters en Fair Grounds at Jaeksenvilitte1a.

Z•etooevilie, Fla., Dee. 5.—After ea* of the meet ascreetful and profitable memos, the Polack Bra.' 70 Big Shows closed Weep for the season of 1919 mid adjourned until nest year. "anter quarter, hays been established os the Tied« State Fair green« and all the es• liWt banding& will be tarred late woes/hops. Two eke% will he opened while the show is in elate- quarter.. a Dueler« edit, down towa In the city and one •t the fate With the Hoeing et the Jacksonville Irene; Shows played thirty-four weekly engages/can ue, ea of which were In Canada ami twelve weeks of fair dates. Attractions for some et the largest fairs lintel the country wen finished by the Polack Shows, which gees entire interaction wherever they played. The reputation they established ea Camidlan obi eanoot he untie/eke& is they were eadetreed by the Castilian press as settle/it the pate for clean amesemeets la the Deedialos. Mr. Pol-ack earretabled himself with an excellent et-eretive road that steered the good -ebiti" la the right channels, and ti. "Tirest' Was reeler:dud as having one of the most com-plete @tan in rarnivalcirra Ai the opening of 1920 the Polack Bro.' 20

Big Shows will take to the road as • twenty-ere ear aggregation with not lee. than eight Me attractions. Several of the feature thew. halve already been erned by Mr. Poieck WILKINSON CROWITIZZ,

Iferbert Alden Swift. well-known minstrel map, ben been •,Intesl In celIctur In the ternal Revalue 01110 , at Waattatteb


iCeatinued feign page 315)

town to look into the matter for better (pe-ters to bold a gathering of this kind, layla.. everything else aside. The plan (hall) la saoth

lag more or lima tliaa • ire trig). At the Aoilitaritun Hotel. Colas" toartag

the aeon« of the State toir aberetartee, Ralph Bingham. Brims netrada. lioatavilto glowers and Trott Mgt Met for • little acci-dental Melt "13Ing" remerked that these little se-Mesta make life Werth while to pester en the

platform; he said when the I. L. A. was ant ergs n bed we were la worse coedit:lea Outs Ire-lead or Resala. After bununing the grit verse of Blest De the Tle that atom ill departed with a hope that we will meet at Waterloo fer

• r••1 107 reet—and the illeelsadmet /Over still town on. "Half the stuff plated about all di. Said le

printed sheet E.W. people. That la heceime the T.-W, people are telling it, the re«. lee the meet part are keeping still (But I d behave they 'saw wood' any better by keeping

still la Hite field. I betleve they saw less wood, for this is essentially a wort where en-thusiasm la steam, and toilet hops up ea-Ottatanta)• 1 believe your news letter be• had • lot to do with keeping 11..W. enthused. If I were rosahia a ottreett, I should exude, rim a news letter. The fella in some of the other good lyceum teids simply dry up by the comets» spirit that pervades them—get lane-some. stream runs down, for they are belated from each other. I wish all humus owe as nonnunicative la E•91."—Ealph Parliette la 11.W. News Letter. • lb, and lira. Arthur Colt of Chreland spent

e few days ia Portland as 'seats at Yr. and Mrs. Roy Ellison oe their way to California.

"Pigs la Piss," 'The Gnat American PM Ce," "It. Reformation of lineld Billy," lied several other eisembeefal books of the same character, Dave tor.d• the same .1 rue Part» Butler ItDOWit from Coast to Coast. Irbe years Mr. Butler Wu been in constant 6senand la New

Tort City and vicinity •là a readerenall ePiister-Mr. Batter Is now en the Petite tout. Ile will leers there about the saldifb ae Mardi, all f gig •ngegemente en route, arriving la New ion City enrly in May. The blend half ti larch has already been booked solidly sae many em-inent/tit' have been made ter the omen ,of April. 111e toar rs tinder the direction cd the • B. Peed Lyceum lluevan.

The following nerve IteM was formithea by ta. M. E. Meredith Press Bureau cie 3sartestou. W. Va.—The Re'eatb Cbautamps bat "et the Lincoln Chautauqua oat at lee way mn West Virginia which will mean • geed deal. The tentrecta were made by the Lines« Chentasine are being «newt ter ti, Reaps* without meek treed,. The West Tirana» field will not be la the haute of the lbeepatli Mattawan with opposition hi mall fifteen from the Radcliffe Chautauqua at Wasittagten, D. C. The bookings for tweets and web« 'inert/dements in Wee VIrglata are targets handled by the Colt-Mber Bureau of tionelonL The bursas seta $110 on eel= sttriactelM in eeeprodteereg. There is • ammo« L eventelse an bookiess of at-truth:me of thIn na-ture la tles State whietterIllien dews espresso and may cut out "Wreeklag Crews" e The %grad, Commercial Club, Belinda.-

Mont, W. D. Roy, seer., la Meting ter • sms-deal ember In early Teens/try fat Its I:reseal FOST14. ?UM Manager Prederiek il. Brooke el the

Mather' hottest& midi in the followlag • story cru the Battle Mematain, Nevada, Cheating« TertleaL "Dee of the leading business men at the lawn «Id hi Mies lileidom 'Say, If this eitatetasene la going tee tee> es coming here, we will have lc deem tale taws op, me two don't go gam together.' at eer-tested s goed way to Peen Irmo be the paint. lag con of the saloon signa, et Which Were oererel as tbe priselpel egoism street. sad he replied, '1 owe bae of there bendier, sad I'll take the lead by palatine Wee eat this weet.' I sealable tbst any esthetics that as de that fol • Nevada town has ewe* smelt."

Director E. W. fleet.' of Me Contra feed. vale winds la the following story: "An Ore/omits by adoptlos has &bray, • better name for the faith that la Is him than an Oregoeleellbeive. for ose la en Ornate* trees CbOtelp •ed the other teem neersetty and accident. 1 leave al-ways reunited the mossback trelltkine et Dee-na, but I me diertmeriag la eat of the way parts et Eastern Ong, e the «titbit 10ertel of this perefetent tradition. Here is • More In point. A «melees 'Dan with • scrabble. wire in a named/se town with a muieleee fortune ln six agues supplias the obey when le well vouched for by his neighborli Wbes *07 Mel man bey. a pair et Pew oruralle bis wile washes them before they are woe* get the bluing out of them for the white clothe, et the fatally wash Can you beat that? And then sometimes the oilers weeders why dtrectro camel get a new eontreet ln a lime whirs a sum is • leading citlies mad liter thorn are other strange births on .imIlar tletra age."

The Billboard DECEMBER 11, 1911

LETTERS, Free, prompt and far-famed. the Mail

Forwarding Service of The Billboard stands alone as a safe and sure medium through which professional people may have their mail addressed. Thousands af performers and showfolk now receive their mail through this highly efficient department.

Mail is sometimes lost and mix-ups result because performers do not write plainly, do not give correct address or forget to give an address at all when writing for advertised mail. Others send letters and write address and name so near postage stamp that it is obliterated in eancelation by the post-office stamping machines. In such cases and where such letters bear no return address the letter can only be for-warded to Dead Letter Office. Help The Billboard handle your mail by corn; plying with the following: Write for mail when it is FIRST

advertised. The following is the key to the letter list:

Cincinnati (No Stars) New York One Star (•) Chicago Two Stars (••) St. Louis....Three Scars ('-•*) San Francisco (S)

If your name appears in the letter list with stars before it write ta the office holding the mail, which you win know by the method outlined -.bove. Keep the Mail Forwarding Depa ,tmant supplied with your route and mail will be forwarded without the necersity of advertising it. Postage is required only for packages—letter service is abso-lutely free.

Mail is heu i but thirty days, and can not be recovered after It goes to the Dead Letter Office.

Mail advertised in this issue was un-called for up to last Sunday noon. All requests for mail must be signed by the party to whom mail is addressed.

Parcels and Amounts Due Mier. ¡Irs. E.. Or ••Itarr. 111111e. 8e •••Brodie. Nell. 10e Bromn. W. *Coffey. Ruth. 20 ••Cernell, Chrl., 10e tsrandall, 'bunt F..5e

•DelVolfe. Forrent, Darla, Cbeg. ••Derant. Bobby. 12e Eldridge. !tube 3e Evan... Bert Ferreck Geo. W..

4e •••Gallagher,

Cc Geller. Joe. 37,c •Garatfozzo. Rosalie%

Gilmore, Ethel. 12e Girard. Gilbert. •GIrran Xgxt..3." Gold. Mrs. 011ie.

37e •Gargezzio. G.. 2r. Grant/Nei. J. B., 2s: IlackengehmIdt. Leo ••flonry. 1V. It y,

15e 'linnet. J., 2c

•CaTeur. Pant, 2, •King. K. L., fe If era Ilion, Joseph •Ma,-lc. IL S., 20 ••llartell. Art 10, •••Martin. Willie, 2e •Merrituate. Robt., 'Miller. Gus 2, •MIteht II, R.

Brandon, 2e

*Monrog.l. M.. 2.• •1imar. Abby. v., *Purcell. ('arleton. 2e

•Quiele7. Mr. Clack Morriney Co.) Yne

**Retype. Rust .1.1 Reber's-h. Ito; E.

le Shaw. W. .fre Smith. Capt. Jack, 6r 1:ardor:I, Wm. A. 2e

;:.;• ••Illehter. Jean, 10e Taylor, flag. V. 3e Tbornbrinke, Mra. E.,

4e Walla'-e. Jame., le. Ward. Joe. 2, Wayne. Jimmie, le •••WIKII, T. It., 4c


Able. Mrs. May ••Adair . Joyce Meir. *Joyce Aaron.. Mrs. Pearl Adam.. Mn. Helen 'Adams, Mine

Bowery (51Adame,


•Adeline. Sneer Allen. Eva Alien. Grare Allen. -MIrkey-•••Allen, Zede

Locialn ••Allen. Dorothy Alien. Isere(' "Alien. Lola A!' on, 3!ra. Inez ••Aorbsrson, Mae

Babe •Argyie, Fiume .trneld, Iona C. ••Ashner. Rhea ¡ghton. Corrine Atkin. E. eorinti. Atwood, Mrs. Nellie ATWOOD. E. •Ant•rey. Lilian C. •••Irobb. Jessie Bailey, Helen Belzer. Three Slaters IA I/bannister. Billie ••11sr-lay. Nan Barlow, Nay Barnes. Joel. Barnett /Dirt. ••Iternelf. Grans ••Barnett„ ••Bcrrieg. Jeer, harry. leanet to ••Barrley, Cecile Pertness, Ilareace

"Barton, 11.. ••Rat tie Angle' B. Palter, Blanche Beaaley, June ••Beety, Jane ••• Berk. Cellla ••Rerkman, Bobbie Beer.. Hazel iSilgeligh Billie. 4 ••Befl. Cryatal Bement. Inn. ••Ifenard, Dora Beale Little Roth Benjamin, Mrg. Ella ik.nnett. Eva Bennett. lira. James Bennett. lire M. *•Irennington. Belle &

lade), Ttenoltnn. Bertha liene.n. Mrg W. G. •"Benton, Jean 'Bernard, Mrs. Harry •Bssaent. 44111an Biddle, Mra. Pearl Ricknel. Georgia •••Bleber, Jean Bigrow. Mrg. f. ••Illair. Ethel Bison/. Merle •••Block Mrs. Ben Boeldt Elenrea Seth Virginia Stale Roswell. Ma. M. Newell Mr.. Roth Bothwell. Lyda M. • Bothwell, Margaret • •Bosin, Lila Ilszler. 131111. ••Boyle, Elien Terry Boyle.. Hr.. Ida Beta. Moire • ••Boze, Ma yre

• Brady. Regina Brennan, Winifred Bride. ell. Gaby f thicht. Mrs. Bert

• Britton. ora lireadmell, Mrs.

Beagle • Broderick, Mrs.

Hewn firomn, NW, lielbu Itromn, Myrtle Brown. Mrs. Vern ••Irroggn. Mary Bryant, Mrs. D. L. Buckley, Isola.. !Welds-v. ¡Ira. 1'. L. Bugg. 'lire. Kenny Bid/wk. Bertha • •Burch. Dora Burgos., Mrs Dorothy 'Magee. Mrs Inning Burk., lira. Thor, M. Burke. Alma Burke, Jessie Burt,. 1 • Burnham, charlotte Bum«. Bobble limns. liable Burns Mrs. Margle • Burn*. Dollies Pitt'-, Mrs. May ''Ito-h. Marguerite Butler. Sire. Chao. Byers ¡ins Frank C. *Cairn I 1.1en CalkIn;e. Mrs Peal esineron. Estelle Cameron. 0111e M. • 'Campbell. Jolla (-BMA/ Mr.. Evelyn Carina Mrs Ed ••carlisio. 'Alga Te••• ▪ Caring. Amalie •CarPon, Viola Carlton. Fanny I 'el Carr Ailelin er,Irr. Mrs. .1. J. •••I'arr II. libige •••Corroll. Ethel Can.,,. Elizsbeti Cagtslin. Carmelite Castello. Vvrelnia Cavansgh, Marlon • •Cayle. Gladys. •Chamberm Etinl P. /ambers. Jennie

Mre. D. NI. Darla, Mr.. Goklie DeAlvia. Mrs. Grace •Irelaney, Eveba •Iiel.aunry. Miss E. •liclauney.

¡Nara. Delaney. Fern Deter., Mrs. • lu•Morce. Mr'..

DeSa gill, Min Pine Boner [WA ey •••Derier. May

, Alive Densmore. Smelt, iree....sitt. Amy DesMond, Marie Diller. I, Bertha

Mr. J. S. !Bonne. Mre. Earl Dollar'. Lena Domnndon, Mr«. E. lemma Sister.. ••rsorle. Mme. Deguria• Billie ••th•mni. Marie • •• Draffer. Gobile PP PP Der. Rose

Dander. Merle Roe. ••• Drew, hi,bble "fluffy, Mrs. Elwood •• Duffy. Mrs. E. Prior... Alive Durant. Ett• ••larielt, Mari

Jaeellne ••Eart Slaters Earl. Ti t Earle. Mrs Bert "Earle , Vern ••EnrIeS. Mar. E. W. Edema Eddy, Pearl Edgar. Mn. Babe Fainigton. Betel Erimardo. Daley Egon. Mr• It. W. •••Fg.r, Mrs.

Ella th Eleta..rn. Violet

Powers Eldrid. ¡Ira A. C. Vitre. Grace Ella. Mrs t' Ella. Margaret

••Garrell. Mrs Al •••Gaugh, Mrs.. Ega hay. Etuma 14nm., Liai;. • •Gerslea ilertrude *Gettig, Eleanor Gibbs Mrs. G. B. Gifford. Mr., A.

"Glenn, Peggy •Glimore. margaret • 'Gilmore, Ma. Gehl. olive Goodell . Mr.. Dolly Gordon. (-hubby 4:onton. ••r;ordon. lesle• Gossett, ituf•j• Gray. Thorne.. Green LO. III . Grey , Alberta Griffe,. l,asephino

Ifegt• Griffin. Mer.I Grilin. Nary Laura "(Willa. Mr.. Frank Griffith. lln. J. C. 4;r01..e. violet Grove, Ma, Gila,.

Marne*, „ Guard. Mrg. R. R. Grace, Mrs. flora • •Ilackler. ••1Iall, 1.1111an Hall, Jane Hamilton. ¡Ire. Dr • •Ilarrillton. Anne Hannah, Gladys Hargsn•e. Veggie I Drrle, Luella Herrin, Elizabeth


••1Iarrla. Anna Hart. Nellie ilortt. Mrs. Blanche Harry. Mr,.. Minnie Ilavcratock, Ma.

Harvey Hoe king. Ma. Roy

Hayden. Mare Ilelth. Mrs. Gertrude •Helene Trio ••1Iendriz. Amanda Ilenery, Nrre. Dumps Healy, Neill.

Johugon, lrfre. Srherinan

•••Jonn., Bobbie *cloned. Mr.. flomet

V. Margaret S.

Katmai, "Swan." Princes.

'Kane. 'Kane. Helen Kavanaugh liargery 'Keefer, Mra. Millie Keeley, lin'. Carrie Kelley. Threes, "Kelly, idae Kemp Marie Kennedy. OW K.nt, 11111, Roland King. Dorothy E. King. %frt.. Jara King. Fra.•'.,' tSgElnalde. Mrs.

Rath lilugghury. Mrs.

Unsuli •••Klrbey, Miklred ••Kirnan. "Kline, lira. Herbert ••KIlae. Beatrice •••Knaop. lira. It Ko.teer. Mr.. Ruth Koenig. Helen Eerie. Mrs. lfargurett

Forte. Mn,, A. If. "Kraemer. Bobble ••Kruger. Mr

(lariats LilIan.. Rabe

Pearl LaBelle. Emma 1Allerta, Kittle ha llore. Praebie (410aPranee, hr..

Peggy •LaGnee. Nina ••Isallar Mae ••Iallairt. LillIan IA Point, Roth Lei...Inter. Madam f-elloy. fps. laVnile. Maud •teVelle, Evelyn LaVernet. Rene • In Taker. Lillian Li•Zoni, Madan:1r

+ sese eon Se•-•se-e-4-11 4-4.-0-0-11-11.-e-aere-•-•-•-•-•-•41-•••4-11-•-•-•-•-•••esse-anIssn•-•-•-er


CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS MPrnlarrri of the profession who rontempla•e using our facilities to

reach friends of whose whereabouts they are uncertain with Christmas and New Year Cards this year will help us greatly If they will send them In early and give um (on a separate postal card or In a letter en-closing the card of greetings) all the information they TORSPari concern-ing addressee), such as line, last connection, etc., etc., that will facilitate our endeavors to fix, find and forward.

We should have all of such matter in hand not later than December 11 in order that any pieces we are'dubloum about can be advertised In our issue of December 20, thus giving addresses (if In America) time to write for and still rerelve the missives before Christmas Day.

SPI•:CAL NOTICE—We can not extend our offer to mall a copy or The Christmas Billboard and a Christmas Card with your greetings, and adulces that the paper is sent with your greetings to Include unknown addresses. Our mall forwarding bureau Is heavily taxed at this season and we can not load it•down with this extra work. The "copy and card" otter is only open to those who send definitely designated addresses.

••chkoznan, Mfg. A.

liar., C. II. Clark, Aehmore Amy Clark, Ella Clark, Mrs V. II. Clark, Emily Clark. Pin Clark. Mr.. gamey (lark. Adeline Fay •Clark. Jolla "Clark. Sylvia Clemernon, Mre. It.

W. Clevo, Latine Click, Lucille

Mra. F. F. Loulee E.

"Clifton, Maxim. ('linceen Alma .0ortey, Cole, Lillian. &

°entire Colgan. Flay 'Conway. Panel. •••Cre.ley, ¡fra. Melia-

*la Bryan • crerdell. Ma. 11.

Ti. eorgIn Mr.. Clanre flunall. Ma. C. R. re,lefrOee. Men Leone Coatello, Alice (otter. Lillian fourths, Bobby

(Cortez) c•ny. Katherine Crane. Marie Crandall, Mrg. M. •Crandell Emilie Oliver. Violet Crawford Madam crowell, Beet coach. Mrio. Martha Varna:dreg, Madge

Mrs. J. IC Dal.. Dorn. *Dale. Mao Pringle Daniel. Leona Daniel., Babe

Mra, Olive Dare. Bobble ••11nre. Polly Asas Darling, Babe Dave, Sylvia Davenport Mr.. Ora Dario, Cliadya Davie, Evelyn

F.IIoltt. Hazel ••Eirot, Fie Embry, Ma. George Esmond, 'IN, Elole Esige7. Jackie ••Earusy. Dot Eater. ¡Ira. J. W. 1:s a neon Mr,. Prune!. "Everett Geynell •P. It. MI.. Fairfield, Flor.nee ••Frn.lo Peggie Carrell *Flo 'Farrell, Mrs. Fin '')'aunt, Violet "['ay, Anna Eva Fergnuon, Mr», Roger

S. ••Perreli Flislen flgher, 'Mrs Al

(Grace) •Flakendort Mr.. Flickenger, Marlon R. • •flory. •Forgyne, lila Fortuna. ("essella reellek. Ilelea 1•11Foster, Mr.. Id atty.

rya 'Fo;, Mr.. Den Patella, Mrs. Frank Fraley. Thelma ••Franel.. Mabel "Frank Minnie Frank Lillian Frt uliford.

Mable Prasier, henal. •Fredericke, Anna Freedman, Mr.. Ss

141, Freeman, Minnie "Freeman. Lana "Frey-, Barbara Fritz A. ••Fuller, Robert •••Fnlisr Mr.. Raid-Giddies Dorothy Gaillard, Ma.

.Mirkey' Galloway. Marlon ••Gervia. Virg-1111a Gardner, hi... Gardner Dixie ••alardner. Min

Tee+, (11 ifardiner. • *S.:Nippy. Alma

Nelly Henry, ¡fr.. A. II. Henry. Mrs Anna Henry. lire. J. E. lbsc.h. Still liett ier, tau Hick', Lillian HIrkey. Hazel Hickman, Mrs. Nellie IMP, Elinor Hitt. Ilrg. Emma lIndge, Mrs. Jim Hodge Sawn. iloffman Bans h. • •11offman. Cleo •Ilotrinan, Mrs L. J. ••1Ioff man. Ma.

Cleo Hollaway. Grade ifolley. Ruby Horner, Merle Hood. lira. At tawell Horner. Mre J. Horton, Gertrude ••1Iouston Elltaheth Howard, Mar. A. L. flower" ['feel ••Iloward, Evelyn

1111,11,1 Huff, Florence ilinghe.. Jackie linen.. RBA •••11nmphrey. Mrs

It. B. c•Iluntley. Alma ** Hurst. 111111. linrt li sot •••11nrchina Irene lIntter, !Inagua. ('tarie lone. Madam Irvin, Mr.. Laura loi•nd. Mabel lacteal, Mac Pan' Jarkgon, Pearl Jam.. li•strice .1 Mee, ale (171 Jame., Mr.. Flerenee •••J•mea. )(obis Jame'.. >fr.. Iteagle Jam.gon. I will. Jeffrlea Marie

¡Ira. Chao Albert

Johneon. Mr Jay W. John., lima ',shown, Pearl •Johnnott, !Mrs. C. L.

•Libresque. Ida ineey. Mickey ••larld, Clara •••Lehall. Flo Lambert. Mettle ••Laamond. Lola Lanragter. Elude •••lane Viola •••Larcità Madame "scion, Mara • *Legere, Fred Laurent. (iera /line Laurette. MI.. lavera, June Laverne, 110111. Lawrene.. A. Anita teazle. ¿elude Laren. lone ••La•ma. Helen ••1-avrna, Birdie LeCherlff, Mts.

Merrell., fella... Ire t le Roe ¡Ira Jack C. ••tellarnean, Marion Lua.b. Ifelru Lealet. lfra L. M. Leamos, Mr.

Elizabeth Tea pore. June Tee. Virginia it, •Ia., FAD& *** Le.. Julia •••Lee, Virginia It Ci)lsrlater, MI*.

VeltI• ill)heinley. ¡Ir.. Dora I 'cabals, Leonia • ••issanon. Lennon, Mary !ems n. Itabe •••Isisrearrl. Mra Mos !eater,

Mr.. nay lento, 3nsinita Stella Lida, Madam

Linn.. Lotowno, Mi l.lpin,hi. Ellnibetu •!,Intoti, ¡Ira. Maud Livinegton. l'rankl. ••• /fr.. hI. fl. •1 orkard. Alta Leetwoadl, /Ira. Jerk • •Lon Mlatera IA Le Bird, Starlight Lose, Mary Leop, lira. Alice

fans, Mrs. Era-leer Its Twin* ••Loughton, Frame** f.., Kit ly

I tryd Mrs. Wilke' •14ickey. tett,..1 •••buticIng, ¡tells Luella, Madame Luther, Mrs. More,

LoVerne, Ahlrley •• Iss'ene. Mr,. Ladie NuAthre. There« McBride, Mrs Radie mociauchern, Mrs.

Stark •••11.<1•In Illaorh McDoneld. *E•tiel ••Mckriney. llgrie •I1eGarry. Mirky &

Elul, McGrath Marie

Mr., Frank futosh lin'. V A.

••Melintyre, ilelen (s)NrKI•olfa, Mra.

William "14..langhlin. >tell, • ••Mc lento,' Mrs V. 'NfeNally. Mra. Bobbie MeNelee • •MoTher...n. Neil!. ••Maelienzie. Colette Ntioey. Neill. Mackey, Mr.. W. II. ••M•euro. Dolly •cllahoner. Mrs M.

J. '"Manley. Mr.. Nola •Mann lira. Frank Ma narl.lrl, Lela >fervid... Gazelle Marlin, Vera Marrietta. Ifni. Roy Mar.hall, Ma, Bobble Maahall. Irene Morahan. Pima lforshall. Aile.' lfarthi, Skuta Marta. Izett• Martha, blush ''Martin treita Magen. Bonnie • • Mona. Pauline

Eetella liagegariad. 7..reet• ••••th•r. Mrs. P. A. ••• Matibeera Jerk> Mottle,, Jenny Marton, 1-orrIne lf•ene, Garde lrelge. Nina r.

>fay •ellereler. Elaine ••Mervicb. Dorsithy • Mernil. Rath %lesera. Viola ••Merzelle. Roby /D.-heels. Ira. Willie ¡fill.. ler. Minnie •*Mill.. 31r.. IlarrY ***Sillier, Mrs. Babe !griller. Mrs. Noma Miller Mend

Mr.. Margaret •elhiler. IfIlatead, Dolly Mit,•hell . Mrs /Clay

Kate liitchell. Mre. J. W. lf. nab. Madman. •elionahan. Mrs. rota

Mr.. J. /4. •••%lost. Mr.. It.

De Nfor tgornery.

lira. Elbert i RI Moore. Mille >loons. Flale Magee. Morgan. Ruby Moreno, TrIlle Motley, Gip., Morley. Mn.. (obese •lforley. flirty Mortoa me.. Morrari, Mrs. Bert Nforrbi. Mr. . t'osa T. Morrie. Mible ll'rrirson Mr.. M. E lisant. Mra. C. E.

Ifra B. ••MnIleng. ?fr.. Marie •Mnillna Dolly •Ntirsay, kholge Unruly, Veg. J. L. 'Merry, IJIHaa N•den, Fools Nadrean till., Nancy, N111.1sesi Neilsen, Mr*. Ionise

CUP,* Nelms. reel? New-nion. Noreln• Newton, Mrs. Earle Nichol., cling Nichol. 31...,11. tee ••Nobl.S Juanita 501.1. Mn. Noll, !lobby • N/ rman. Murrell ••Norrbs, lira. If, N. ••Norton. Goal/ filicnnell. firs. J. J. it'llar. Carets. (Vtilloy, ••0111.. May Oliver. it,-.. • *Mann. Mande Opel. Blanche •orneis. kfie. Ono, Miltabuth • •Sraarf, IbrIma Pslmer, Mello Paul, lira. Pad Ps uletl.. Lena. •Penninetnu, Nell Perry, Vintat Palmer, Ilesa Pal:note SIr.. Lew "'Palmer, Marl. • Palmer. Peelle •• Pa tenon. Petrie t tan». Midd•rd

Pe I he. Cambria Paul, Mrs. Fred

•crearse. Maude Traeger. Mr., Alma Penre. Mrs. D, p. Phillip.. 111.1e.

1•1'•Illinre ilp.,Mlr. A l. rt%

ir niP 1711: • Edgar


iraar.. M Johti Portia ,4

'ti lime n I Prier., Ifni, Mill.

Pyger. Yea. t,, T„ •••Eare. /Ire Vann,. Itarlde. Gra,s Itelonna, la. k •• Kmirga. Mr. R. r. •• Ranfr ¡Ir.


Reel. Ma. Frames,

ite7n1 MMErnea Yll•feajsil ••Renn. NIrri Pral Rentz. Ban Tar •ItKekr/.110. 1)1111,'

enread M. M O Mn.. Bubble hut.

Robinson. Mr.. Ana, Robinson, Babe le. itodRob,tinrs..n.r,. Funuie r.le r.

Itogeree. Mr*. Reliant

RRnodg!‘"é"rs*. llena Roe.. Minnie Rogtelin liarle Roth. Mre. Stara %mfr. Mother reliRouff At. lionn.vaile, Mr.

Mari. "Rowe , Mrs 11 t .

• falsia •Rni▪ amer. Ma. Ir. Ituaell. Charlotte Rissaell, Della ItnPall. Margaret

Y1 elan (B1811tee. Gertrude Ilinaderson. Dante A. %svelte. laneste slieennett. Mrs a NehlrttA. lima, /en •en'h (alder. Teddy Scott, Doily Stott, Mrs. Rootrie

Uwe Senti, Mi.. Willie Scott, Mrs. W. T. S' leott. Mrs. flee Nettle, Mrs. Kate Self "firs. !Pa L •elisynince. Roth Shaw, Mrs. G. I. Sheldon, Winifred ••filieblen. Mr.

I e'en tiaorh. Aberfarel, Mr. Leas lithernan . Hazel iah.rnt.5 Maria, • alh relehrook, nest:lee

Shower.. !JUDI.

s. "Ieradenr...Y.MIM.:(1"ks rin •$linrftnna, 51,11.

Alke Rnth

Skinner. Mr.. M. si4lectim. Mr. C., fUnIth. Agee. lamina, ¡Ira j L Y MmIlh, Smith 111^a seitts, mmith MerrIll Smith, "Babe -

1-Irgtela SimIth. Eta "smith, Alin ur. Mra. t!r:t

iotaten. F15,01.

Rican., Ait.

Sterget.▪ Rath I. rttertl.lnaha.,nartr L Mr.

lategeart. Mr.

'lOto.'klon. tinily


••ra.Ifni.d tns.. ririr

...F .d jelintrhriy‘

Strayer, Perez Matt. V

Isuillran, Mr.

firdwyt▪ el,:,..1.)1r,arL• or.rle

ll"Peee Tabor. flelea T Tandem ¡Ira. Alflec.!

'nary. t• ztell, Thornily Margaret

s!gfr,ri TriBelveo.


DECEMSIER, IS. liii . The Billboard 87

our..., Mrs. Caroller

elholham, Catherine »eperea..e. *I b emep, air.. t•


weer. Meg. Ilese «roe. A. roes

M•r) trzle.r. Mac) rnin1,11,

web., Herne .T.1i.. Helen VOIlluin a.


wn,nwr. Edith Drier Mra. Cha•,

Mr., Zell roil.. Mre. Sum. iwyco•e. Gertnel' fas. III, tir.. .3•11.el #11,1, .et Minnie

tavern.. Julie foiLlith, lira. G. faro... 'lolly fue.r. IlezIne fond.. Virginia *Memel". Babe

Flo.e1. L. 1111,44nt. Jrwnn

ler. Evelin ..Waldridge. Cora

hod( Helen

**Waller. Mrs. Jack Fehr Mr, Earl •••W•ol. Mr.. J. It. .ffenhaw. Jerk


Wri.b.. Mary ••Webber. Ml.... Cora Weber, Three riletrna Weeker, Mr.. W. It.

,ir. Ruby L. Wfith, Helen

Weigh. Mn.. Maude W met moVelo nd. Mary Wrebrooke. 111111. Wheeitr. urn. Pegg) White. Maria White. Mr.. flay White. Mr, C. •WhIt• >111.1re.1 ''White . Urn. Widtmor. Whitney, Mr.. E.

•••Witt., Anne \ Vilify. Rolla William.. Illanrhe W1111.n.. Dorothy WIllInum., Betty Withal..., Jewel W1111...n.

!,ir.. Bobby •WIII., *Mr.. Walter

Mr c 1..ubhitt •••Wlicas. Lu •111. Witten.. A. •WIrf.. Awed. WI., Mr, II. IM1Wolf. MS. Nlary

I Wood Fa y Wood., Mrs. Illryae Wood, Mr.. Fred

Wri(ht, Mn.. I%....1.

'Wright. s.

(>1)Wrighl. Mrs. J. J.

"Yaeger. Marie Yale.. lined ••Yod•r. Ml.. I 1.1.. •Vonne. Grate Z.Iglfr. Non,

GENT LE M EN'S Wen.. J...4441441 e.tiroa. flurry %Melt. Frank M. 'male it . Hoy ue.itcler N.

Nriowel tiara.. 1.. • W. warn. oil,' I..

Ilbert Well Edw. RM.. Mn. f.peri tan,' ilbert Meer'. UheeDen. Otb. • Alle1.1, U. B. • Alen, I. .to

The Greet 11.1. Three ilmendfr. M. F. ot, \Miner, tari.. •••Akier.r. 111.1, Front It., tilti "Into, Geo. "Allen. W. H. !lien. & Bobble M.o. Jake 11.1.1n. 11tUri, LaRtl

••Altne. Hower.' thee, J. 11,1, ¡ln "Att.. liar t ni Lloyd

R. R. inkits Warn. teens. Say 16.1.r• e: Den ...lobo,. W. twhowon. Harry A.

T. Ti. tel.r.on Goode ted.r.... G. Carl •••.\ >tenon. Dove ledrew.. .34.1 f ladn.ff, *.r.I Joe. Sleek Co,

E. A. lath...y. Emmett 1pezh, John inher. Chao. L. Well Dn... Arindelet t. Boy arre.trong. Carl » Arnold. GPO. It booty it,'... Aun Flor. 'tether Inletwo. Fred .A• *lent. Vern .11 id.nry r.. 10....e.. D. g4nnwrr. 14 J.

ishwortb. SI IA Pearl Ark•relui . Aviertwek 'late, 1/... J. NI. Amodio. Nell

errn . Yort•

..1z.Ind., lYnc. N.

• 11.nri. 11111

I Rave. Clotra. krnhr Jrntinfr Ibri.z. Tine. K.

Geo. %Ben. leltoy Trdim. Wm. Mehl)).

Pulir, I. G. itskfr. 11 it krnor Wm. G.

Hnri•I Pu 'r, F. 1.4,11114 %`,1. Matt R. '•• Italtr W. 1.. Toorrofl. N. C. I"`"**' 131e.r B. _Plainer Wan. eenonnte, F. %elm. Won.

Ioleremee 1111111

.11arsed .



!ta .'n.... Edw. lied Ohler Wm.

Barnett Dr. I:. L. Barry Dr. Harry. Chas. Barry A. J. •rnteriel. f'ha•. Rnrriere. Jrn. llart.11. Loh.' •Mtart.ill & Rsoisetta ••P•d.ette. Billy

.1.11n Itaselt k Raney

Jack •Patc.. Yrnek RM... V. W.

Frank •••itetea, Lover F-••Itaner. Rh! Ibinnigarten Wm. Bawkwut. lellte•r Cblef. Stand.

lag Bear.. Rea 'leggier. Al 11... ht.'. (Tester Berk. Reek Fred A. !letter. Roland Iterker. Joe

••Ii.eitee. Ai Tteesoo H. •••Beffe, C. A. ••14rnritard. Earl Beldam Gem •••Bell. J. D. RfII. II. R. Bell J. (1 Bell'. 11.vrallau. ••11/11elair Bro.. . Belong. limit & Co. •rn'enani. Jew. ••Bendla. •141.1.. ••11enitz. rid

Earl ' John it« Mitt Iterorne, Jack Bement Ilarry ••1`-rnar.i. Geo. Derr. Harry Setlender. Carl Pet linter. Larry Pep. Marion Beverly. Roy Iteranann. WhItti., Charlie Mrn•Iry. Orr, "•Iteelodnua. Si. t.

Ilene. 1111.1.1y 144,0 t 4.... •••lienton, 1.. H. Illrrenlirelli renew Berry. Frank

tboti.nd. llorry 111..kford Elmer C.

ilob Itle (T.1.4

Billy Binge. .1. Bo Jr. Bletow. 'Odor •Illttn.r. W. W. Plocr l'arc Mark Il. I.efty ••11Intk.

J. F.. Illarkrtose. Great Illakelv. It .1 •••Flan..hard. TMe W.

W. W. 111 willp, Virgil 1•144.14.44 .111.11 Mock. II C ••11inth.a, The •Ilollmen. It. Jerre •Itoten, lied'. 111...m. Albert

lew ••Itoone. Frite E. Bode uy W. Bonnt. Nate, Pee

Mono». Joe Burgling. A1.1 Borronshe Bottled Troup.. llornmy & Itlebinond Ikrnwell. Henn Itrnew.1.1.

Earl HoWrna. 14.4,11 Row rrt. Erederlek

ern I. Itoolln. E. fl. • • Boa men. Ito yawed •11.1.1. Ja... W. Boyl., J. Welling*. n Boyle. Chao.. A. ltrar ha Plod 'Rotten, Bert Braden Frank

.4,1 I. Brady. i'w.n A. ••Itrady, Cho. Brady, Crank J. Krandrold. Julio. itrnnnag.n. Lark. Bray. the, 'Raiff, Jollier Jtrerinon. I'. Itr.z1n•Ilne. lit. Bright. Sam Itrlaht, Bright. KII urban... Jam.. II. itroedtmrk. 111... linnet. ell . 11. M. Itnek. Win. S. •••Itocile. Nell •••Brolll.r, .\ ether 0:41 Itnek... •• Claud. linok., It. O. Itronn. Low, Brook., Fred •Itrook., Herbert Brook. John •Itromley. Geo. 1tro.u, Ilemphil Brown. o R. ht,.'.'. Chao. Drown .. W. C. It,.... n hilly ••11troeu, C. L. htnoma RI..h ilrow n.. Ilerrl. Prownlf. Bed Browning. 11. 'Roy)... Frank Bullard. Dean Itullo. 1. (Tarim Dull.... Victor Itullynifist. W. •••Itnimm..11. H. D. •••Itnnyard. Clay Ibutyard W. C. tSlitnrein Jerk Itorge.., Burk., Jule. J. 'Inn.. Lew 1 I.nry Iturt• II. ••Iturelam. M. linenhem. C. F. •Itnrn., 'ferry Brno+. Happy Jack Born., I.. L. R. ¡tort . De•e ••liortnik. (14.4. Borten Jo. Itirt••n: Rohr. G. ••Itnrion, Nat lin.rberna, Willie Ilnw.nlene. II. G. 1in...her% Harry Butcher, l'!•nth ••Putrhre. Aetboay Ratler. J. II. Unripe, l'ai Irntler, Fronk Batt.. rrm 'gyn. Br,.... Trio Byrne.. Elmer Call. il•rry *Callahan. Gen. Calloway. Calhoun. rbobby

Erf.1 ••Celklu.. Arr1,14.

Fred E. ••Camptell. Wm. flemphell, Crs'g "Campbell. Itob Campbell. Jett Ceinptell W. T. ••Campbell. 11. T.

Cannon. rho.. J. •I'anton Trio ••Cantsell. Edw Carey. 4.eo. Carey, Do. Carleton. Ernie V. Carina Ikm Carr, P. II. Carr. Ja... J. '.'Carroll It., Carroll'. E.. MI.,* (aney, Ingen.11 CamItly. Wrn. II. carter. Edw. ••C•rt.r. F. I.. Carty, Camy, Ten Ca.ey.

tayde W. ••carnelln. Itolade Ca. allo P. ter •M'avaiatigh. Jack Ilizolwirk. II e. Chaulorick & Talbott •••CbIllberg 11. Cherselltr, .Irt

l•frry 'Ti,,

uno. il Cco. Stephen Cerome. 1Tul J•.. Chancy, ti'!'. Chapman. Slim Fred

I•n,f. A. Clanfemi, G. Clark. 'red C. Clark. 'fiery **Clark, (I II. flirt. INtri I, ••Clarke Joaeph Clerk., 11rna Claritron. Fred Clayton, Lem ••Claylva, ¡art

Clearwater, Doltish' Cletuese, Freak Clemeraon, II. W. Clf•eland, W. JI. (11.7ord. Geo. ••ClIfforti. May Clifton. 111111. ••••Cilfton flornedy ••Clfuentea, Albert ••Clintou. Geo. • 110144W I I. .f, t.

••Cifuenter, Albert Clingruan. v. E. i'lovere Tbe Clyde, John •••Coo.t 1. WInfl.1.1 (*okra, It. I'. •1.1ten. Geo. Cole, Graf

layibe 11..1a.maa. Itov John •colemen. Harry hi. "too., JInntor •••Coll. Harry il. Dori.. Peter

('. It. Drake. .arthur Coll... Elmer Drake Ben •••Coaln. T. F. •"Driegl.r. Kenalth Coogan, V• I •1‘.4.411,1. t'renk F. Commie...It, II. A. Cornwell, 11. W. Conklio, 1'..1. Conl.y, Jon Connor. J. J. Conner'.. Connolly. J•.. I. *Clot R. W. "('00k, 1h11y Cooper. Allen T. Cooper. Henry Cooper lino,' Shown Cooper. A. II. •••Crnier, Chao. A. "Cordell. II. D. rorerr.....o. G. •••Cory, Eelw. Corey. Nil( l'ornlIer. Wm. Correll. Cl•nde Correia, *Cornet ro. Colton. Col..ra.1., ...Cumue Cowan. Bed Cot, Chu.. II. Coz Guy Cosim. A. W. rule Cortor

•••(',..-der. B. D 'Crane. Jerk Crane, Earl A. Crawfonl. Arthur Crawford Morrow fo. Crawford.. Two SIC.... Lew

Fritz Crockett. BIll Creker. rry Crotaley, 11.11 Crepl.y, Kurtz M. Croetry. ••Crtty. Freak "('roach. Jack (Tome. C. R. ••Crowden Harry (Towle. J.a. T. •Crowiej, Row. Crernaleid. .iether •••C'roy. Ilav• Crurn C. C. *Collie... A. F. 4-4411•In. ('ta,. Callen. Roy,. Cunningham, J. J. eanningbam, Curti.. Emmet Currant. llike

Corn. •Fuoubm. en. ••Daeker. Ed

Ji.. I*. ••Dally. Jame. Trnle. John ••Dalroy. Rabe D•11..n. Wm. Dail% D. D. 'City. Wm. Jot'. Damer. C. L. Ilontrle. Nat Dan...r.. Won. ••Der:Ing. It• *Darr.. Frank

I' 41, Tht.l.h.on. la.. F.. •••liovis. 7.. L. •Do.1.. Darla. Rlarkle Doric .1•41. Arthur flail.. Carl Davis, Ilarry F. Da•la Jock A. Darla. Ray Dail.. Rumen De•ben, Pete Paw.... Milton Day, F. L. Tle-Aro Pert

Star De1:111Ot t, Fred •DeFoni, Edwin fleCcro. Earl •IleGroffm. Aerial ••Dfr.ay. C. A. 11441.4444.4. D. B. DeLuca. Frank DeNieree, De \1111., Freud. Dellott. Bill DePerea. Rolcet DeValene DeVerf. Charle• DeVonden., Ilsrry ••11.Voll, Mies ••DeVoll. Cal DeVore, lient DeWitt. W. Ed **DelVolf. tIc •DcWol f.. Forrest Deena, Mitige Dean, J. /UMW DrarrnIr , Albert Deck, Fr.nk O. •Det.keek• Troupe D.laney. J. P. •Delrne. Jerk Delrottl. Nicola Denby. (leo. Deming', It. R. Denott, liarr7

Den». Chris W. Detwiler. Geo. fil)1/1•1, J. A. des, Enrique Dlekmee, Wm. G. Iffetrith. Tema.. Mass Walter DIII, 'Milt 1,111. k Dill •n Richard *Dim., Joe. DIP.. J. It. •rit,,,,. W. E. ••Doman. The Great Donahue, G.o. Donald*. CIIR Donald.... Dr. Z. I loom., GM°. Dooms, J. C. Doyle. Harry A.

rtlIOCI400d. Jame. Itry,!rn . Charlie DuMont, Arthur Dube., J. Dub., John J.

Cnry ▪ ItIlly

Jrnepb 1 lomItr....n. Slut, >moot, L. A. •Dneenz•h..11... Joe. bancao. .%aely louneoo, Dos hi. Duralne. J..

J W. Vaud, Wing. Chief ••Earbart. Lod* **Earl. J. D. Ebertilug. Der Geo. Erkbotr. Aerie Edern• Edw•rd.., IL E. tillEgs.r.. Ansest Elehborn. fbac Elder, Raymond 1:khoff. Albert Ildred. A. C. •Elese• Joe ••FIllih Roe. ••Ellernian F.d, 7111m. PeWe. ••Elli. Earl 1.111s. Cot ton ••Eille, Loul. El.., J W. Elton ••Elj. Frank Em.rnon. Harry •Eznery. Fred W. Emory, Bill •• Fat. Malta Rodney

Adam ROrnell

}:rrtiag ton 31m. EITOntr, 1...k( sr. Jimmy Fate.. Harry II. Ellnr.f. Bob Crane 1.. Evane. Harry

Whitry Evan.. Cbarle• Eveamm. Jerk •Evrrett. Gr.nt , Tom

Billy Earrada R. J. l'atIn Jim Fah'. C. R. IS)Falrbaake, Tez l'alrl.y. C. N. ••Falrify. Noble •FTIlt...lorf Mr. Farber. Arch!., l'art.;. Al T. Farb.. Frrnik A. Farley, flock Farley. Eenroft •Feriev, C. A. Farrell Farrell: lied •••Fanstat. Cland. l'ay, Bobbie •Fefferl.... Arnim

:Veber Feoloo tul. Fern, Jan. J. Frran..0. tui. D. »rrirk. J. D. Ferri.. Gee.

T. NI. Field. Fred Illhert. Wm. Elneharr. Ralph W. l'Inserhut, John riot, Ray J. ••Flrey. L W. Fieber, 11. P. •Ilaher. Robt. •••11.h.r. Jack El.ter. ¡elk Fletutgan. Al •11.mming. W. C. l'irtcOrr. Chbis •••Elood. Frei ••Florin. Frank •Flowern. Thenderbolt Ilnellen. Claud •••Elyen. Fraud. J. Forbes., Robt. Fbnl & CRedrldge

W. II. J. D.

Foater , Doe Corner. Mack Fluintalne, Bobby Fowler. A. W. .S)Fowler Jar,. F.. "'Foi. Major ••Frentla Ray Prairie, teo Frank. Montana Franklin lbwer. ••E'rederlek P. .1 Free Martha fliedru.n. Chug. Frmuont. Itkble Felt z. Jerk. Fritz. 141n. •Frobusan. Fryer. Haley ruiler. John

Faller. Bert J. Cassell. Reswell

BeeedIrt Gallagher, Daniel J. ISIGallarber. C. M. Galmway. J. E. •Gant, Wm. Garent. Floreveote 'Garin. Frank J. Garners Thomas "Garner. Frank Gerzouzi, Gee. Cooley & Harriet Garet'. Emilio ••G•rdner, Jack Gergenl, Fred Garter°, Fedele Garner. E. E. Gactou, Albert *Geer. John Henry Gelb. J. •*(le111 Tnozpe Gen.1111. Patsy •Geaar. Geo. Ii, Gronge. Claire George, Matt George, Wilbur F. George, P. George, Frank Gene.. John G. •Gerner: Fred •••cheehe 8. C. CD..., >Roy 4.1town. Floyd Gall. Tho.. L. Gillman, Harry A. Gladeonr. C. 41. (loth, Joeepb 4:17» Wm. Godfrey, Will Goggin«. Edw. 151(014 Marry Golditon Bay GoblamIt., M. J. Greelmaa, kl ••Coodmen. Jce Go.iwin. Glenn ••Gonkl. 1.yod Gerherh. 'Ted Gordon Walter rionlon: Bert 4:onion . Ilrnry iSHIordon All ert Corium, Jobe Gottch .0, I,. EraDele Cowonda. Mobawk Goy?. Emory ••Grabel I% J. Ciare, Ge.. W. Gradick. J. W. Grady, liant Graban,, Roy Grehain. Harry V. Granger. R. T. Grant. Ilmry E. Grathl., loø 'Granted eam Grove.. W. C. Gray. B. II. Grey, Bad A Jeorie Gray Arthur GrayhIll, Albert *Green. Mat Greet., Dan Green. Willie 'Greenwood. Billy "Creer. Geo. Cnmorie. Geo. Grey, Johnnie Grey. (ha.. E. fri)Griraa. Harry ••CritTle. (IA.* Orlflith, Jack l.r1Mth. (diver Griffith, Curley GriffIth Fred L. ••Griffitb. O. B. ••GrIll A J. (Rime. Mr, 1'. Grimm,. Harry Gnmulng. Be. . Grubb. la.. W. (In•rtl..itaymood S. Guertin Loeb* Gol.t, jame. E. Gnarls. Illaraey Guy, Harry ••liale. Harry Haley. W. A. Hall. Cr.. I 1/111. 1.111144411 •I tell. Artle 11,11. Eddie Gel Hail Wilber

WIII Hamblin Claude ••11amIlion. flee. Hampton. Ililty

TI. TT. ••1Iaacock. H. H. 'Haney. J. E. liaeley, Dock IlInk.. LeRos ••I lane... W. F. 11.0ren, Beni. L.

.Irthnr Hinting. Morris 11 in.. A. Teo ••11•rris. Mac , Hand., W. W. Harker Jlmie Barite. Ernile "linemen, Harry Harriman. harry ilarrle Boyd •I1.erl., Joe ••11errl.. Maz ••11arrla. Carl E. •••11arrls. K. C. liars-Don, Diek

Robent Harrl.e. T. r. R. ••11arrhrne. John L. ••Tfaatlaa«. Fred J. Hart Joe Hart: Itot,l,le. Jr, Hart. Carlos B. Hart, nil Dart & Dymeed ••1Iart Porn.. Harvey. R. P. Ila.kitrn, Jack Ilatrh. G. IT. 11.thaway, Frank W. •Hitheenty. Jerk Tlableld. Harry llarermaa. Mr.

flawklna. E. IL Heyde., Frank S. Ilaym, Jafflea liebert. is -a Ilettor. A.. J. ilernien. Bert II tmerl, TODy •Flelr000rnus, Frank lifIdln. F:. Ilellfr. Geo. •••11eller. Geo. 11.111.4 Bear. Helm, Lenny Ileime Ge.. 1 Imunan. Cap Henry. Eddl. I 1.ntemann. Hurry K. •Ilfrinao, Young Hen, Henry. II. 1 11..kinae. C ••Iiirào. Jas. K. Illek., Al Ditty, Melt, Juba W. ••Illett, Fred illas"ei. Fret* 1 1111. C. N. 11111, Man. S, Hilt AMP Hillary. C.c.. ••11111.4. Leonard 1111thronner, ••111rehhenr. Walter Illte, C. ('. Co. II...pill. Alert llodeinl. A. 1 I. ffm•n. Joe K. ••1 }cabman. E. H. ••I loge.. Ti •Holbert. E.I

BIll Holm.., Willy L. llohne., Freddl• ••lioloway , Jerk . Ilommel. Carl, Frank lloorker A fat!. Hooker, I 1. C. Hoover, Jake IlopItIo• Donald llopkin., J. W. Hopper, Arthue 11. na. Coloefl Horebrook. Gas Horn... W. A. ••11o•khz.. Jerk

Earl Ilonmion, Paul V. II...ton, C. W. ••ilowani. Paul IloWelni. Gen. ilow•nl. Dr. Harry llow•rd. Booth

Slit,. Howard. Robert ••Howard, Peel ••1144. ell. Paul

Lerner Ilea

Hoy? . `W•Iter Ilughes. Pert linahf.. Dart/ Hugo, ('bailer Hero Harry Mail. .B111 Hun Cara. On. lira Len 11nromIngten, Ralph

Hoot. Rob lInnt. Jut ••11neter. Geo. lirodon. Joe Ilutehle. John T.

Foi R. Hyde. E. P. Hyde. e.roellaq Ilynd. Colin 1.11^e1.• Troupe lu.keep, Carlo. ••Irsin, Je C. Trate, John F. Irwin & Irwin Irwin, II•rry L

•••Jarote. Jaeloce. Arch W. ••Jatirequa. 13. Jack. , F. IL •••Jark..on. E. A. Jacob.. Otto F. Jacobs, Ileurlee Jacob... John D. Jarobwon. If. M. J•Mrn, John •Jarnmena. Four •Jeralf Harry J. ••Jarrl.. G. reek.. R.. A. Jeuelng... Jennies.. Rirhani 'entry, ( haril. J•folnr. Ralph *Jerome, Ralph Jewell, Robbie

clident 'JI,.... J. John.. O. A. Johumon. Pay Jame. John..., Sliver.. John. 13, W13111. •••John.on, Ronald Ti. John.... A. N. Jobe..., W. ... Joturnen. A. F. •Johaw•o. Ed. John..., F. M. Johnenn: Earnmt T. •Jobeeon, Chem. J.

'e 1John...n. W. B. ••Johrson. D. T. Joheston. Harry Joha.ton, I". II. Jon... 4'art Jones.. 11'W•Y .10114444. F. M. eloper Carl TV. Jon. II L. Joan,. Harry ••Jonee, Montague Jon.. N. C. ¡one.. Biota. •Jomph, Herman Joy..e. Faddy Joyee, Jame* •• •Julla lee. Great *K. J., Mn,


••"Kaal. Jolla Katka, Kalania, J110. S. KalamakIkl .Ilitio ••Kalael. (Mo. D. Kalmkee. Dave Kammerer. Jack 0000000 I, Cain

Na.,, Bobby Kane Jae. D. "Kan,', R. E. "'Keep.. tool. Wane!. David S. ha....11. P. •Kaultnite. Lout. Katz Ike Kaufman. Be, Kaufman, Fred •Keetleg. Jeff Keeley. 0111f. ••Keeler, Lucky IL E 'Keeler, B. A. ••Kelfer. Johnny •Kflr. Peter Keller, Bert Keller. Harr) Keeler, Joe, Kelly. Billy Kelly, Dan Kelly, Carl & Merle Kelly, Frank G. Kelly, Harry R. Kelly, Jae Humphrey "Kelly, Frank Kelly. Vera Kell... Ti,.. Kelly, 3.11ke ”KcIlY. E4 & Wife ISIKelly, Bob Neb.. cr.. It, Keened). Wm. Irwin 1(.nt (T. O. Kerr: Rob G. 'Kern.. Leo K.rwin. M.,1 •••Krt.htrin, Bob Kidd I- liorhert tt) 1.1.11. JI,.

Kimball, Earl Kineyakalch, ElI Killg, Joe B. King. Ch•rIle King, II. Stork

Co. Elnaaer. Louis Kirby, C. R. Kirk, D.wItt KInzan. Tommy Khierin. J. I. Kleby, Bart *Melee, Paley iarndele E. "Knapp. Roland Knox, itarroond knhim•n. E. I.. •Korrle, Mike Krell, Jack •Krazufr , Pan) ISIKrIsteff. Jolo, •Kroomer, Ralph .% Knmalee. Jan. Kurtz. E. W. Kyle's, A N. IAA.. Jack L analroe, Harr, LaFrantv, E J. IAGIroan.

Br... I/Mert. Sam lolinet, Lloyd T. LoPoInt. Tille ••tAroomo. Charlie TA Ronl. Prof. Juta. ••LaTourneau, •Iol'•11. Ge., la,VS In Trio Gen. C.

k Grrenbalsb ••lethiff. Thos. Lamar. Harry ••Lainhert, Carl Lemert. Lon TeMont, Freels E. Lemont, Carl q.t... Bill Lange, Albert E. lanehaw Playera Lan.. Fred ••Lartorte. J. R. Lanson'. It E. Read Larne, Billy, Stew iffila••11. Jolla, C. Laorrenee. G. ••Lawresee. e. le•Rouz, Ted J. (8,1 eVer. Bobble ladd. Edw. 'Lemon. Harry •Lamont, R. Londe.. Flits Liwiry. Wm.

Jenn Leronrhe Dan ••• Rotai. V. Latirnm, W. I" ••Leaeh Ilugh t earibLCGuinlae 1.14' •Lei.vell. H. P. Leech. Cart •Lefflell, Free% Lee. Eddle J. J. Lee, Robt ••Lee. flare, 'f... Lee, flail.! & Wife • WIII Lee Roy. rhea.

R•atog L... J. W. LerernaL Louis lamest. Early Lehman. A. n. Lehr. Rayeor Telbleog France, *Leith, te.ter 'Linn. Bee Leland. J. P. ••1'.e... Ed ••Lenp.old, Wm. Lea KfIllere. Uarry 1....1 1., Leslie. N. L. Le.ley. Robe Teeter, Curley '.1.-.! 'r, Tim •Letta. A. W.

on pose elè

88 The Billboard DECEMBER 13. 1919

CANADIAN VICTORY CIRCUS SHOWS I r:Tcltsilcc:: suite 85 Y4)1 8. St. Arend.. TORONTO. CAN. I We new I4iTa T.

IWThisti Write V. I. REISS HavU'eeritives're3=ced. Al Canadian Territory. tad rf ECT AIR

LETTER LIST (COatilthed from page 87)

Leray. Maz Levine. Willie Levit. Herbert Lewis, Cherie" Lewis, WIU Lewis. Jas. V. fewis, Frank Lewis. Jas. O. Lewis, J. L. Llbes, F. A. Libra Erne.' ••IAghtatone, Maurice LIlleta., The Two *Utley. Er' uk LImetjok. Thos. Liodwalti. W. L. Lint. Jar.. Whitle "Lin. Men-s W. Line, •Walter Rod LInfne. E. W. Lipscomb, C' It. Liviugston, Doc Llewellyn» Herbert •••Little Ctleti Lloyd, Steve • •Locklia rt, Belton 1.ocliwood. A. Loeb, Sam Loebsack. Arthur Inter Wilt •London. Maurice Long. J, IL Dee Loot:till. Joe Longo, Salettera Lopez, B. loon, & born Lord, Jaa. J. Lorene*, Chad.

•'Lenz. Raymond Lorette. Billy Loring. Tez. "*Loring, Tr,» bones.. Jaw. 'Love, Richard T. teeing. Rolla Lowther, Wm Lowell, Clif toe

Kenneth ittwcry, ref Low ney. Bat Loyd. Joe IÀ.ckner. Eugesie Londherc. .itto

'l ese. ('his. A. IMon. Jon. Lynch. Martin H. "Lyon. Jock

.r. 0. McCarter. R. C. McCauley. Win. MeClarkey. Havre W. •••McCorlthill. Walter "McCormick. Daniel (illIf el'ormic t. MCormIck, Dotal •34.411y. I mile McCrea, Neil hirl/otald. A. A. Menem-11d. L. E. ••Mcl)onald. Tester Melsoal.l. Prank B. McDonald. Tact ••Morlon•Id. Donald McPutbe. D. S. McFarland, Red •••MoGnnigal, Clay McGrath, Geo. McGrath. Joe. Teddy •••MeGurle. F. C. McIntyre; Ernest MrIver, Harry McKee. C'. D. • McKenna. Harty McKenzie, gen. •••MAKetule McKinley. Bert ••MoEinnon Nen McLaughlin. T.. I. Mol.anchlla. E. B. Meted. Arthnr A. McNair. I,» R. McNary, Chse. TT. McNish. rank E. Meteosokia. Ran Mreeaton. ••ttoW1111grag. Harr, Mac Rae .k Clegg Molch•ne. Pat ••Metirlillams, !tall •••Mierarlank Geo.


Mace. Eddie •Maranley. We. Mack, Char. Mack, Pridie Mark. Geo. Mack. Rube Mark, >roll». "Mack & Basting% COMarle. J. J. hiarlaen. Mao ISIMacy, Ilowerd R.

Malloy, lee, T. Maloney. Pick Mang ik Bayder ••Mangela. Jae. Manley. Jack *Mann. Frank Manning. A. P. Manning, Itlohard Manning. Edwin hiann'or. rim" "Manning, A. P. Manolo Matt •Mano & Duffy Ifantan Colored

Comedian" Marchl. Marlon Marks. Jo* M. iffi!Harlow, Frank Marlowe. Edwin it. Marshall A. L. Marshall, T. R.

Marston. Harry E. ••Martell, Art Martin, Saw. O. "Martin. E. H. "Martin. J. II. Martin, Jas. Martin. Jimmie Lee Mason. Motion. A. J. Mason. Edward Wawa. Barry J. Masten!. R. Mayes. Amtesto Mayhart, Plieetèr Maya 11. L. Mazerti. Al. liecebtail. J. It •••Meadoe, Harold P.. Meeley. Joe "Mears. L P. 'ffeaney. Freak W. **Medford. Jimmie Meta. C. ••MeLwy. Nick

Melville, Ms ArtbUr

••Mendora. Ettanueel Meese Bernard •MercUritch, Meredith. L. E. Merlin, B. Deena •l'ertiman Rotor. Merritt, Doc liereereao, Wallace

licortie, Henry' Foie

!Meyers, Lep Mirkier, Melvin Mifflin. Billy Ntlhlemann. Din Mlles. G. Millen. C.

•••MIller Monroe P. Miller, e. Peck M'iler. Frank Miller, A. B. Miller, loWtling Miller, Lonnie E. Miller. Sam IL

•MIller, Henry Mute. TIP Miller, Jai. Loeb. •Mmer. Gus •••11111er. ('yip "Miller. Jack E. Mill., F.. C. Mimniack. Geo. W. Minder. W. Si. ••MIntyer. Fred A. Mitchell. Gordo" Mitchell. Kelly ••MItchell, Artimr MOc•el Mitchell Pro«. •Mitchell, Brandon •••Ifitchell. Fred D. Monaghan. Sad. Monfort,

CIIRRET1' A. BURK, last heard ce in Detroit. Molt. Nov. IL UM Au/

epeaing hi. whereabouts plais writa • Megliumdr Tenet.

WANTED Aire Information about WALTER •"" CUNNING. TIM SEER. Ma me.-

eut addreag. Ile. M. A. MONtION. 753 Kheittrook mt. Winroper. Canada.

ANYONE KNOWINS THE WHEREASOUTS OP Edward ('Eetterle.) La e.h.•n nieto. wrlio te MR:4. L. LA GINA,«. WI Palmer St, :Verruca.. TB. Dominant.

W. E. WORLEY ¡PIANIST) WANTED $25 nill he glom to •nrone notifylror me el his whereat-outs RICTIY.N. Showman. gib Itrailfordsidlie. Kimura-,

DEAR BEATRICE AND BILLY, co., lacis far low. Write otten. Famine


SHOWMEN. 'TAKE NOME. Weer err Vactrte Irkialea it your shoes. They do the work_ Mall me gee of Woe with a froanDollar Tow sooner back if net tatlidled. DOC HURD, lo113 Last 77th L. Clerreliag. Oita.

Moths:on. W. M. Montroae, Geo. 'Moore, E. J. Moore, Part Moore. W. F. Moore. E. J. tiled1 Moorhead. Jack Morale.. Falls Morale.. Gee, A. Morale,. Martin Moran. Mart Mor•rra, J. V. forenburg, ('bat. E. Morehonse. Beg Morgan. Morgan, Marl Morgan. harry J. •Morrig. Harry R. ••11orriwis. Harry ••Moree. Harm R. Morrell. Prof. A. In Morris. Lon Morris. Orville ••Morrls. C. T. Mort. Peter Morse. Wm. A. ••Mortinier, Frank Morton, Peter Morera. CLate. Meshy, Capt. C. P. Mott. P. E. Mowatt & Mallen Mozart* Edw. Madge, !Mind Muffler. Fran. ••11.11key, reed "Mullin', Johnny Monnya. The 'maltai •Murpby, BlIlle :Murphy. IT. IL Morphy, W. G.

Morley. .1. R. Saw. ball

Murphy. A. J. Mnrrly & McGee Murray. Levi •Mnrray. ••Mnrray. Alha V. Marra,. Joe. W. P. Myers, Jerk Myer.. Riley Myers. 'ratier Myers. Harry H. Myers, Montre,se ••M'yers. Geo. Neer:warm The Aerlal •Naelodeil Alel.tnier Naples f4harY•y ••Naeh S. M. ••Natanron, Lewis Neal Jack Neriram B. W. • Nefendo. 'role Nelson. Karl Nelson, IL V. Nelron Thor. R.

Howard Nicbola. Wm. G. Nile.. Albert Nolan. J•ck Morley, ROM. S. Noonan Howard

•••Nor• Malone Show Norris, Hank Norton. Freak G. Norwood. (Mlle •Novikoff, Ernest.

Troupe .l'Prien I.. R. O'Brien. Dote. *O'Brien. Honest Red O'Connor. 11. J. O'Day. Jimmie 0 Parton. 'The,. D'ElInn. Eddie Oefiradv. Jon. A. *O'Halloran. Jar. Crliarn. Rnbt. O'Neal. Chao •O'Nell. Chan **O'Neil, Jon.

O'Neill. Tip O'Rear. ¡nul. •Cklevralder. Oldisrrer. Ed W. Ochres & Beam*, Cateirn, Jale ••Offori. Harry

Johnoon Jr•. K. Jr.

Oleolk. John •••011ce. Om. W. Oliver. Geo. •••oilve. Bog Onto. Tow Opurni, Char. Orman Frank 'Ormonde, H. D. Orville & MeKnIght 'Oster. Prof. Owen, Ruben Owen. Jack

(Whistling Ready, Oaren• Robe J. ••flrarf. Martin Pace. Obertlan 'Packard. (Serle Painter Albert ••Palei. ••Palnier. PAW. Palmer . Al Pelmet', Poet

Harry Parnerandole. Prank Parke. Clyde A. Parker. Len) B. Porter. Roht. X'. Tarter. Barry Beet Parker. Z. T. Perkhnnet. TT. Cs Partridite, J. Tool Parke Roo W. Perrino«, The Pleases, lack •Psoha. All **Pattering'. B. •Panl. "en,»

Tine, lInme Payne, Tommy

Ernest Prot, Per perter. Fraiek t. Peldmonr. Benny •••Pendletos. (Blg

Walt) Pendleton. Walt Pennock Murray A. Penny. Rnee "Pepper. Frank Perdri•t. Eugene Pectins, Dr. N. E. Perkins. R. E., .k

Wife •••PerkInatila, W. Ti. Perry, Perry. Jon. A. Perry. Tex. ••Petern Pn4 Peteraon. Jee Petery, Geo. Petterwro, A. W. 4:411`eyner, Iodide Phelps, Fred Phelps. C. W. PhIltdo Then PhIllon ., Jack Philip., J. P. Phillip", Paul V. ••Pioard. [hire Plerad Ilrow Plokens. Piedmont, Kid ••Plefirr. Frederick Pinner. 'I'. J. •••PIier. Bad ••Pite ,ff Tte Great Pitta, Shirley 1%ene. Ralph W. Poilitt. Jun. A. Polly. Gee. O. Peewee. Albert Pont. T. K. Port 5. W

Potty, Karl Frees •Pott• J. W. ',cond., Cherie Powell, Albert Powell Charlie "Powell. Walter Prandfoot. It. F. ••Pritt. Barney rresrv. Chas. Priveit. rt. T. ••Privett. W. •••Pritestoo, Roy •Purcell, Carleton Purl, Billy B. Paull., Frank ••Prirchi. TT. P. Domenic* telxloo. David RatibItt. Wm. Raines, .h1 Ihrlph, Edw. •••Itandelph, J. I. Rand', lung Circus Raub Waller ••Raretta. W Raye, Eddie Ray. Toll' Raymond. Billy Raymond. Edw. 'tarts. Jolla, Readlne,a. Fliur Beagle. Edgar Rear. retry & Bros. Rehman, ¡no. •Reklaw Red Peril Mr. •Iteri florid, Chief rteddlck. T. O. •••Red.ling, It. T:.

Harry Redmond. Geo. Reed. .1. R. Reed. ('laide Reed, I'. F. Iteed-r. J. H. Reese., Frank A. •• RM.'S, Art ••, Bad Regal. l'art iteuron. Thee' (PiRegamey. Gene •Reilly. Jack Reno. Perry Rena, Pan' Remii. C. (Curley) Bernard. A. It. •••Itheinbardt, Corp.

I:. bo Rhodes Foully ¡Dorer. N. K. Moe. •ftre. Mika Moe, A. N. /We P. R. (Jack Richards. 1..ic Maw ' RIchards Llewellyn Iticharden. Mark •••RIchertbem J Richmond Billy •••Richmnrul, 11111in Riddle. J. R.. •••Itidge, non B. Rlely. A. J. Rlermann. Lewis ItIrner. Cod Illigan. Dove

It.slierts. Hal Robertson, A. Items it-terrace. Gee. P. Itoterteoe ., Erie T. ••Robert,en. Alto* • • Reset ta«. Harry Robinson. C. IL ItnhInnon. Thou. •Itohloros, p C. ••Itobin.o.n. Roy •Roche, 'Teddy Rockplie (Colored

Ouvaiodlaol 11'1'Irsar. Jerk Rookwell, It. C. Rodger., Rohe Rodin. Wilber Rogers Oscar Rogera Dock !Colley: Jo. Romo. Jeecinla •Itone.1.... O. To Roney, Charlie Rooney, JImmy lt.seey Ja». J. Howard», Tb. Roscoe. Win. Rove. Chas. C. Rose, Harry k Edna ••11o.... Sam Roesrn Joe It.'aenthsl. P.

Ernowt Room:. Coll Itree A Anit "Rowe, II. R.

R....ley. Percy 'Roy. Henry E.. Royal Osall Jap Morrell. Frank A. •••Ruhy. ¡no. %dick, Ell •Rael Rennie REHM,. Jan. Rumen. ItIlly (Burnt

Cork) Rusaell. Jack Ity•o. Paul sadl•r. J. R. itallrbory Family ••Somayo S.n.ers. erdrnders. Mae. B.

P. 'Rooney. Frei •kaunderez. Ola "Sawyer. Oga Sartre. Dock ••Scarboro, Fred Schaffer. Jsck Schroder. Frisk •••Sobelln•rnmer

Herbert T. •••Soterruerhorn. W.

L. licline.mer Pry Schimberg, I. Schisine. Pried Schrny ClIfY Schwab. Ova @coral. Mr. Scott Geo. T. ••scotty. Denelng Joe •Morogra. G. W. Sdrogita. W. G. Scortrlor. Leon ••SenrIere. Arthur Pearl. Joe fterterry, R. L. •••lielf. Zeta Selling, rronlr Sella. S. W. "Sells Allen W.

Everest Settle. Jar* *** e * II. E. Seymour, If, K. Phanirlin. Earl Forenoon. Welter ••trin•plro. ••Sharwhnemiry. Jos. Shaw, Barry *Maw. F. I.. thesrley, Tom

Earle Sheets. Th.. U. >hello.. W. A. *Shepard. 11, J.

elWihr,,hard. Jesse Poh

Sher man, Bobbie Sherman & %holm gherr. Aire Sherry. Stanley !Choree..d, Vicoue Shernone. liar. •Shleirls. .Arrlunr •••54, loornlya, (Teo. Phoenherger. End' Shore,* 4'. E. Short. rani Show P. Ci. ••14hrev.. ileek Shutt,. %Vevey •iushier Joe tilmmon• De,

Phir R. Simpron. KItOnl Slagle. Noble & nee


•SItto. Meth W. Sklowere (lave

Rlle• toird• Slater Dirk

••Riley› Mae. P. ••MIstor. Al (SIRlley. SIBS Skew, (1..n. Marling Albert 'riper. Wm tr. Ripk• IT. A . ismeltaer. V' Cl. Motel. Jirelf Smlih. li•iver Ripple. COma. smith, Role. M. Ritchie, SU» Mont., W. II. Ritter. H. H. AmItt, j. pi.

, Roods Jail" Swill, Tracy ' Robbie', Milt "'Patti.. Judd"

Robblne. Geo. N. ••14volth. )iaiv*ci ••Robbin• Itartreed **Swill. N. L. ***Robbie& natty *Smith. Bert Roberta. Dee C. •Iimith. (Ri... U. geJtoberts, am isertaie. «op

•Sinitb's Anlusala Smythe, tea Don Snapp, Troy C. •••Iteell. Texas fled (Sleoow. Lam

>foL•ed Snyder. l'oint •vgayder. Marry 'Snyder, W. U. Wobble, BMW Soura rig Act ••:aparke. Leslie •Spauldlogn Edw.

Wells (S)Speer. Pool @Tellman, Percy è

Mary Spellman. Frank P. Spirell P. R. Spring.. bay "Spurner. Fronk c. gt•oloo, Jan B. Flail:teak. Richard Stanley. -.kart 'Stanley. N. M. Planton, W. ••Stapletoa. J. B. Star, Milton •itt•rir. C. Nick Starr. Dan "Stein, Louts Steiner Bros. Stellnoun. Wm. >tender. Billy Stephens. ''Iv ••eitepherie. Robe. R. elephene. M. Sterling. Fred Stern, Jack Stevene. Stanley D. •St Harry

Budd •••Steveneen. Ben. R. •••:4tewart. Marry •••Stelvart. Fred P. ••stewart. Jack •Stlen, Billy Stillwell. Lint. "Meer. Harry Stoke,. flares', Stoker'. «leek Sloe.. Jack A. Stone. T. Spence ••Stone. Bernard g. "Stone, Panay !good crier. to.o.t. Theodore ••Streeter. Pilly Strickland, WIllle •Stookbart. Col. IF.

D. ittnielllelleld James Stomp, iv. k. ornronlo. ro-lo Frank frturgla. Boo Stares, Pete Trillan S. M. ithili•.e, eon', o.o.olline. Dennis Summerville, E. V. Surratt. Freer •suthe-laol C. F. Stitt-tern. Merts 11. Mutton. Bert otrosuttnn, Shorty Swan. Frank

Earl Swift, Fred Sylvester. F.ruent Pylveater, 11. H. Tadao, Jerome II. Tait, tester Tskito Talbot. 14.11 ro, Tallad. Fronk •••rilley. Ernest *Tama. Arthur ••TannehIll. 1st Sew'. ••1"e-or Horny Tarieell é« Tonne ••T•arell. R•rney Talcum, Fall Progon Taylor, II. O. "Teigne, liaorice Tes•ley Cle• •Terhow'a rat• CSITeloney. Duke Ten. la Oa.

Terrell., The Slagle/ Thigpen. Alba Tinuse•, W•Iter Tieum•« (leo. ThompsiK. Chap. C. TienrIll..111. L. Thornier''', MG Ilrengerni, Milton Thompson, It. G. Thompson . Frenohlo Ilreopom, T. J. Tieooirbm, Frederter

A. ••Vreoimon Herb •Thorat.... gran», ••Thrurern. Curl Tire. Mello TIllwo. Rea Tilton, M. R. 'Edda, Audio, Todd, Wilson Ti, Told Jipi TollIn. lours Toulon'''. M. Tony. lice Alligator

Roy Toomey. Fronk Toopler. Gen. Trnilor S. I.. Travelutte, Herbert

Treadway Lenn ',',11er. J'ack TO., Charlie Trnehart, 111117 Tooker. Tron Tacker. rrank Tarter , Fred (1. •••Tuf0eY. Dart,' &

Wife "Turnbull, Howard

Turner, Ed Tyler. Rey EL Turberger, Joe Umplebg, C. IL

Nick 414 )1' sel twe Leonard

'Valerie, E. 41. Vaidaeoe. Three "Valentine, Geo. Valentine, E. P.

Pact l'an Falk, WI». Van Sickle Capt. Vaacony, tawreeee Va. Vallreobarg,

e. Van Wert. Vasa Dog dk Pony Act varande. Idea ••Vangbo. T. R. Venting. II M ••Vcrtnelto, cures.., Se cano. Reekiese "Vincent. Jew ell

•••Viollnlat Claribet Volt rrank

Geerney W•dilell, Carl Wadell. Etanley 'Wadley. Robe

Wadsworth, 13111 Waite, Keesaerh •Walt.., (Gym Ti, W•Its, Australian Wild, Bird Welder, Howard R. Walker. Bug% Walker .41Kert ''Wail. Jobs A. •••W•llaa. Main Wallace, 1 K. 'Walsh, James Ward. TWA. N. ▪ 'Ward, Chao. A. "Ward Allen C. 1Verfleht. Edw. Warn. Billie Warner. Barry Scot Warrenlr. J. Warthingtoa. tr. L. W•terman. Jack Wattles, Ilal 'Waream. Clifford V. Webb. .10e B. V'ehher. Walter H. Weidle, n.u. Ed w. Sgt. Welnkle M. Welistranh R. B. Wei..., Bort Weiss, Geo. Welling. Frank Wellington. .trtbor \Voile. Kelly ••WeIllagton. Welter '"Welsh. Henry W.eley, Sam "Weal. Andy 'Wart, W. 11. •Weet Cliff L. Weet, 'It. ti,. é WIT. ;Weetcolt Meese. Co. .1Te•tcott. Mort ••Weet.cott. M. Bs •••We•t•ro Art "Western All Star

CA. Wheeler, Beery Wheeler. Alma Wheeler Marc,. ••Wheelook & Hare White, All.. O.

('latest, White, Jack White, O. In

Mike W)ltesidtnl. Jame.. Whitney. Everett T. (SI n'h I tney. Everett ItIgge, Rattle Wight. Millard ••• %YlgleY. J. E. Wiley, Omer Wiley, C. W. •••Villey, ('el. Geo.

Wilà•t Troupe Wilkermn, Thad. Wilkinnon, C. IL ••Willard. C. D. William., R. W.

Charlie Williams Verse A.

'-ma. Cha., (Tr...fen

Wllliains Y. C. wnu•... „re.,41

Jobowe I. William., S. o, Williams, Testes Willlamem. Bore Williard. Tom W11110. Three neott. Wlinh. Jo°. Eh. WIlls.11. Fred Wilem, Ger. S., IVIInon. Joe II, WIlsoa, Toni A. Wliae T J, Wilson. Il. J. ••Wilson. B. IL ▪ 'Wilts. Il O. WInhclidi floppy •••WIntleid. Frank ••Wlaters, Jack ••Witstou. D. C. Wirth, Then, Wise, Sam •Witt. Sam Wolfe. Ramey Wolfe, Wm. "'Wolfe, Woodford. Jset '"Wood, Foliose] A. •Woods. 111. Bid Woods. 101111. Wood., Bryan W ^', Dirk "Woods, Jn•

Wtoila T Petard Woodward, It, D. Woodward, rio t 11. ••Wemsher. Ws. e•Wonchldo. Wm. Worth•ta, Ji.' L. ••Wothero. Tom CelWrIY, Mari Wright. Jas J, Wright. Jitney Wright. Ward

Flday) Wright. II. J. "Wright. Erati &

Bra. (311Trtglet. Ms}or

Worley, Ralph Worth, Lea Tetley, Waal& Jr Tiles, Wesley Yarborough Gee. Yarboisugh T. IL fork. W. Tort k King Nailed

Ve. 'York, Max rDog •

Ice Tease Wm. Young. Barry Young, Bee D. Young. Bent Tamar Robt. LL Yeast Leland ••Yeang. (boa P. Toanitedred. Wilms "Tul.. Eacharow, I. ZaebrY, J. W. Raze, Dare Devil Zell, "drink.. Zenata, the Omer

Zler. B. *Loth,. Pref. Fetwta Zenith. Th. Great Zephenie. The

Ilypootiet 7.1tom. ?Abney. Mike Zorgenger, Nelsoa

WI% Toilet. Freak

Look thrn the Utter List In this issee. Tterf may be • letter advertised f'.1. you.

Buy Dependable and Useful Gifts for the Holidays


1 .Ow Pelai. r., i...: ,. , G.,z ..,... 108.00 Kaye, The ONLY safer PI'• ono. that fey rennot on ',woof " I'

i tarretrà" In trahren• l Odell Worth 111 he Amu'. 15.1.

. ma. boat $1.04 fo admen Me" 1 bee If net satisfied

Simard Safety Rare Co,Me. 1 I 2844 gresems. Pittsburg*. PA

$20.00 DAILY 11.04 TM. Soper KU.. No N"

tient, cur, loin" punelaire MAO% sanade rrew Bore ItNIS'MATii: 1.14.0 01 PANT. 1113 Mlohican Ave , rh'ogro

LIONTNINS SILVER Pouse4 Clew, 110114 Mint Plated Ware. (lawman 141 1m. Brans, lissai 1fr strioniorni. eV. TOM pariage, loc. man e. .1- C. 141.001WIX )(haulm. Marilee D.-mn


bECEMBER 13, Mt The Billboard 99


pepolved Toe Late far Olusiltoatiee.ehe lag. slat Zesitea, Paje U)

41:ss. 1`-cd, Comedy Co.: (Star) Cherry, Ill.,

8-31 aaa: L..... shows: DeWitt Ark.. $13., yaws', l'ulted Pleura. O. 11. Daidwin. air. !oaf •rd, N. O.. 8-13. brio. Stoma:Roillig Forka, Mina., $13. • a ituded Shona: Edward., Mite, &lg. Pete; -• Players: Marshall, Tex., $-13. • t:roos .tinunenteat Co., il. R. Creagar, ▪ Md. It'd. 1.13.

rain. I... ii Buns * Mow.: Entarpriao, Al... II: 1.1tleallle IX; Oaarit 11. • IseRry Stews, L. C. Kelley, mgr.: Tal

1.a.. M-1'. ic Baby Dolls, Lelloy Osborne, mgr.:

tittoo Forge, Va.. 11.13; Stanton ',scoot's. C. L.. Pawl: Linea. O., 10; Kal,.ma no, 51.. h., II; lionne 12; ((torils 13: Kale• 'wan. Ill; Weeniest«, l'a., 15; McKee•pari id; Wheeling. W. Va., IT; V•ndergrift, Pa., i; 31••» igal.ela City ID; Washisgtos 20.

estssal lI,PDt1t Mow, W. S. Corbin, mgr.: Cincinnati. O.. 8-13.

Gaisla Show: liatnaucrod, La.. 5-13. Gillette. William, Chao. rr9haaa,l ac., men.: Baltimore. Md., II-13; Norfolk. Va., 13-17; Neeport News Richmond 1920.

Grey. Roy. Show.: Magnolia. MI..., II-13, Crett I r Shosns: Caluu Point. Oa., s-13. Saba , il Muskat (2o., with Al Palmer: ricotta ear Neb., 10; Mitchell 11: Gering 1.2; *Jae, Pt: Allience 14; Broken Dow 13.

ileaon....d, Hypnotist. George Ilanintond, mgr.: giritagton, la., 1112! Geoloema 12.15.

&instal, & Richards Shows: dIaleoa, Ark., 14.

>screen's, Gay, Band; Jacksonville. Vie.. 4-24. beaus. A Webster 1111pp.) Ilaittlagtou, W. Va., 11-11; (Ada) Eeriest«, Ky., 1.5-17.

Lana Great Empire »owe: Shreveport.

irega Cuiedlaos: Humble, Tex., $13. leLemo.e -Citadel Shows: Winter!, 'Ng., II-13; Merkel 13-20.

%hale Wort.' Shows: Hepworth, OIL, 5.1,3. liadalle, The (Palace) Milwaukee 13-20. Risser. Otis, Chaa. Feeblest». lac., sign.: New. pert News, Va.. HI; Norfolk 11-13; Herrin-km:, Pa.. 13; Keating IS; Laraine'. 17; ecrsaton là; Easto• 19; Allestows 311.

bethern Ripe. Mows: Bede. Wm.. /pm Talbert Miaow; Headland, A:• e-1!. lIsliate. Magician: anew 11111, N. C., 11491 àyden 17111; Wendell 1S-20,

Wallick Shows: FramiavIlle. La., $11. »ester Raps. Slows. Bob SIAM., mgr.: Wood-bury. Ga., 1143.

ElleilseLud Shure: Lake Arthur. 14a... $1.3.


(000thooet from use 1111)

Pitied agrl.utta.e. 17^ a.a red a (libel, b the advertiengs peeMbIlltles of tha pet» ring. Ou mottns gas Interstate Fide Auer ietioe.

el Solna Bud. lad., was admitted to member-M4 In tbe association.

TM banquet glue la the >sale XVI room b tha lintel sherman, the alums room occupied by Pie aseetiag of the agneelation, Thursday eltet. wee a fusetio• attended by more than » member. arod their friends. An eight-eenmo dinner ses *erred and a •umber of intertalners •ppeared os a large stage that l.1 hem conatructe4 for tn. cresol«. TM follosag acte aid artists appeared: Oolanibla

•• • .a ...a. enter-altur I -erty OM Poster, character comedians; Oro» Junes.

I r. r t enter...Menu. Dolly Wee. o•-eity 'lager; Clem' MilleT Trio, ma-sks! •s.eity arthets: "'rem-. Ingersoll. whirl-Imo .., tromie dancer: Nix Basel Wallick Dam-on Toe entertataela were furs:shad by the talirn Fairs itookled Aseoelatioe, Tharle-DeBeld lelreseorks Company. Great ratters.* Meel Cos T. Kesnedy snows, :ohney J. loses txpositim, World at Hoene "bosom, J. Alex Run and North American Fireworks Compaay. Onvernor C. L. Phillips. nf Wlecueln, sous

Se guest of the everting. as.!, after Deis, intro-aired by Praaident Moira, epeke to the aseem• , blaga tor • half hoar In as bitarestlag vela. Mrs•rg those preens' were: Herr, C Rebert, seecretary mad general man-

eger t.eoritla State Fair, Mecca; V. J. alarrie. tuber Fair Board, Kern, Ky.; W. W. Cole, treeta. superintendent Nebraska State Fair, Liarg.ln: il. M. Wokott. Cuba' Cie. Nett-reeldent Nebraska Ittat• Fair, Limmln; Z. T. Lesko, St. Paul. Neb., director Mate Board

Agrloulture: E. IL 13.4li‘l of Maim 'Mrs. Nebrask• State Fair. Lincoln; Ctierlea Graft 14a,roft. Net, , repreeeetisi Nebraska Mate Fair; W. C. Read, Slocatbaastern Fair ismemilon. Atlanta; Jess Perris', sae* fair: 5.5. It. hi Strtella, «me tale; Rath Reed Na. lair; r. T. Kremer, Xesterby State Fair, lemi.sitie. II. W. Freedman. (rural agent runcheli Unit's! ehows. **gotta, Oa.; Harry ErYttn. ttcherat attest Lorneaslitotinass «bowel 1. J 51e.trdie, director Nebraska Mite rair,

il. Palmer. tillisdala. 111.. abberis-b•d•nt 11.-et Island (busty Fair, as.!

lilies M. Ingalls, Chita», W. V. M-t " Jr.. Melva Mende ll.11ll111.•

MERRY CHRISTMAS M N SIMI Ohm Fiore No 3271, atage $8.58 Gr. 4 Inched.

N.,. 1064 site Su. Gr. 5% Whet. :.B.8 deposit required with

all ('. 0. D orders An ea. mated moonlit of postage

r•luired with Pared Post .rders. Bru.! for oar is-'lard catalogue of other 'I'• Puna. Ire free.

ED. HAHN (Wil Treats Tea, US W. Melees S!.,

CUM». • • Zas

tAIREE Now Increasing Our Show To Thirty Cars and Will Book Two More Shows They must be first-class in every respect. There will be ab-

solutely no restrictions in regard to the amount of space required. Wagons or space, the very best in America, will do well to join us immediately. We will positively play fifteen large fairs and twenty of the best still towns in the United States this year. We are now building in New Orleans the best portable motordrome money can buy. We are adding a whip and an aeroplane swing and building the show called After Midnight. We wi 1 play the following cities during this winter: La Fayette, Louisiana; Thibo-daux, La.; Houma, La.; Morgan City, La.; New Orleans for three weeks; Bogalusa, Baton Rouge and Plaquemine. Our spring route and fair dates will be, in the estimation of all show men, great. All people who have anything and want to place it advan-tageously for next year wire or write us, and give full details, please. Clean concessions open. No exclusives. We furnish wagons for all shows and concessions. Fred Bates, wire us immediately.



ALL UNDER STRONG AUSPICES, IN TEXAS Will make liberal inducement to one Good, Money Getting Show. Athletic Plant. People write. Stateroom accommodations. Address H. B. DANVILLE, Manager. Bonham, Tex., this week; Dec. 8 to 13, Clarksville; Wolfe City follows.

Slecr, Chleage.• Homer Dailey, secretary Rock huid Comity tilt. Hillsdale, 111., an.! lira. Dailey; D. M. Fowler. Dan•114, Ill., Pieeltie Fair Assorlatint, and lits. Fowler; James E. Dowalsg, Alberta Ga., leader Mate ilg Club: W. O. Ireland, leerla. lii., speed superintend-ent Illiaels State Fair, Sprimidald: Capt. gel-sey I. Trawl*. secretary-treasurer Centada'a Greet renters Extribltins, aberbeeote. Can.:

It, Noyes. El Reno. general agent Bat-tersea 4k Else &bows. Janie. K. Paisley. ;Ma' agerearretar, Central Casale Exhibition 1.a.-ex:talon. Ottawa, Mort« O. enerer, lielacksberg. Va., assistent sapertutralent live stork de--intrnent l'irenia !Data Fah.; E. B. Keeled Virginia State Fair, Rielan-rid: Govres Moriseot. /greeter? Gut., frovlw-lal itXreAl-

tboa. Quebec, ran.: Elm II. Thompson, aeslot alit secretary Idaho State rah., Soie-e: c1. M. r:1111:afara. llf`f falry O- 4,-• • r N • I t.' tienal Lire Stock Expoeltiot, Pc.rtlaml. Orm: 11, V. Bright, Clevel•mi. 0., represent-Mg cote tareatnes: E. F. Rinehart. dltectnr Idaho Stare Fair, Wale; Edward A. Tate. I. L I l'air. Danville. Ill., and lire, Tate; Jacob Pass, ch.). co. Neb., trea rrrrr Nebraska cDat• Fair, lin. rota; T. U. Wake. reoresentIng Netwaska State *Mr. Iolneolii; Earl W. fa-ortsa. rutted rem Bootleg Anomiattes. (Bloat - Jobsny J. Jonc, owlet Johnny J. .lOses' ErP•eition. Orlando. Fla.; R. T. DeRerrY, IlminhAdt. Tens., Mist« Transom. State Fair; C. it. DorSeid, Chicago.

• '- a y Cue:ate: T F. Hock, Colter Creek. Tens.. Tenure«, State lair; J. W. Rankin. Na•hvIlle. Time.; It. 0. Nnil; W. T. Itoberts. _mans Tenn Tenneseee State Felt: Rob Rey, Title, Teatimes* State Fair; George IT. Emory. l'e LI, reeret re National lag.lement Veniele mow: .1e. M. Lawrence. Malland Em-pire Fair. •111111age, Most.; J. L. Deal, Alabama Statoslralr, Birmingham: Mrs, A, M. limn. 1.oe-doe, Caa.; Mrs. J. L. Dent. Bimingham Ala.: Thomas Grant. 'Indiana State Fair. Indlamip-olio: Charles F. Kennedy. Indiana State Fair. Indlaimpoils; Lean« hicIlietridge, director of publirity, Indiana State Felt, Indianapolis: F D. Fuller. secretary-manager Trif-tate Memphis; FlisrIes N. Liadley. president Indi. •na State Fair, Indlaaatonir. K. It. Paalelson. serretary Nehrooka Mate Fair, Ilneelo; II. T. Locus, Nashville Tenneaere !Deis Fair: 51. B. Golden, tendon. 0 geneal agent Polack Dem.' Show: Phil Little. com-esalon•Ire. Dallas. Tex.; A II. George, secretary-manager Vii.olleippl• Alabama Fair, lieridl•a, Mies.; Pant Baker. comegatualre, Memphis; A. T. Rbeahne. Chi-cago, r. P. Tent & Awning Company; George Nestles. greworbe, Clears; Irving J. Polaek. -ran me: W r! 1 • t me w. and P. la ̂ it Ryas.' 30 10g echoes. JarknonvIlle. Fla.; Wm- H. 11 A kWh, sla• kscsyllis, Fla.. World at Due Shows: II. D. Aldrich. mime; Larry Boyd, nab-•ger Polack Bros.' 30 Rig Show.. Jarkscerllia. ri,. Charles I.. Stewart. ladlaaipolis; Mrs. It•ial J. Polack, Jacksonville, Fla.; V. V. Rotateins, Crown Point ' Ind.: E. J. Deeplentar. Chicago; Adam Kruses% World at lloma Shown laekansvilie, Fla.: t'. W. ilirte, Watertesra,

representing Wisconsin State Fair; Frank Teapienter. retrain: Mrs U. G. Eller; lira. M. T. Cooper; Myers Y. Cooper. preaWein Ohin Fair Boy.' Aseeletion, Cinclimatt: r. G. Eller; II, O. Ilantlaga. preindoet Soetbesetera Fair Areoriatice, etlanti., Fred H. Meore, Chicago. •Ice gracoldent Nattenal Swine Slaw; Joseph R. Curtis, secretary Chattssoega gad Fast Tu-nes.« Dtvialon Fair, Krwarille: R. It. Jones. gates and admission.. Georgia State Fair. Ma. else: Illaton Gilmore. Ile Federated Free'. cm-(440: Mrs. Mates Gilmore: W. O. Middle. Woo». Manager li, stmt. OPC41111 State Fair. Ifitoul O. E. Iteisey. secretary Wiaeoesis State

Fair, Milwaukee; IL J. White, Milwaukee: P. ('I.?torpid, reMaileaSoser of Agriculture. @adi-

eu. Win.; A. M. Hut, Mastery Western lair,

landora, iCale.; X. A. @rows, presideat Ala. St tia Birmigthata; 00 •. S L.

PtIllipe Madison, Wis.; B. M. 'Davison. gen-eral manager Illiaoin State Fair. Sp7'nylield; E. T. Walborn, masiger Olio State Fair, Co-lumbus; W. C. Saaidere. *ternary sad gas-

vt•aa Blain J. Lock!, superintendent Ontario As. seriatim!' of Falra and Expositions, Tomato; It.. X. Rtriplin, secretary einntheastern Fair. Atlanta: W. E. Pogue. secretary and ma North C•relma State Fair. Raleigh; 31a tthrwr J. Riley. owner Keystone Shows, Newark, N. J.: li. W. Pollack, Pollack roster Print, 13cif•

1..rgemds. New 1.11‘; G. L. Dobytis, Em-Ire Amnserlent Company, New York: Ralph

Blaney. WIlitams• standard Shows and Joseph G. Ferrari. Inc., New loth; Abater K. manarer retie-son sea Kilns Shows. El Reno. Ok.: J. C. slisiwit. Jack« ovine, Fla.. Wo-Id at lieu. Ph,"..: hi C Warner, Jacksonville.

itrus.• A. F. II di-rector Mla.sla.pp1 Butte Fair. Jackma; C. IL. Cumming. Erie tx-raltion, Eels, l'a.; A. L. fichultze. Stile Compuy. Cleve. lud; J. Bounders Gorki, N.rtb Americas lire. sort. Company. Chinago: E. C. II:shop. Inter-state l'air. !Rona City, la.; W. II. 'Witt, etwanwa. N. C.; D. r. F.tird. secretary /tooth CarnEna Fair Ass.elatlos. Columbia; W. D. Voshen, sient Johnny Jonas' Exposition. Or-lando. Pia.: J. Alex Slum, Chicago; O. El. Mosard. Ohicago: It. E. Dickey. C'hlot go; Ed/1a Vaughn, Johnny J. Jones' Exposition. Orlasdo, Fla.; Max II. Elninierer, same shows:

W. Caries, antra *haws; L. R. Rapp.*Coism-boa, O.: George F. Wohnke. Chicago: M. II Figh, Toledo; Fells Iteleb, New York. •Ited Fa'rs Foot r.g Aram-tenon; George E. IV. Ant«. Keetacky St.te Fair, Loularlila: .1. Lewis I it tome, director Restock) State Fair, Logan/ilia: A. li. Bantuy. general agent Johnny J. Juno' Exeunt -a. Orland ,, Fla.: C. Vandarlip. men' as« lelealpec F.tronitka, Winnipeg, Can.; T. Frame, crest Newton Firework• Company. Chi-vato: rr". 1x filet, raters' agent J. F. Murphy Shows Augusta, 04.1 eludes imager, Chi-cago; 1f. Clifton. Isdlaupolls; t'.. Keys. Fond do Lac Fair Assoclatka. Fond du Lac. What M. Fltsetamose. trea•urer •gricultsral A•soclatlos, Fond de Lac, Wle.; R. P. Noreen. ChIcago: J. W. Fleming. secretary Tri.atata Expolottion, Savannah. Ga.; G. J. PIllelagtoa. Obleago: W. K. Campbell. U. I. Test & Awning CoTOnnY. Chicago - Wal:ar F. Driver. the 14,--erly Compaay, Louloville; Raymond W. Conner rune; Rowe El. Brainerd, Chicago; Arthur T Inalserd, Greet Pittner.% Shows, Paola. Kan., Atli/ F. Wesoatee. A. T. Moretti. Attreetions. Cortare, Wilt.; Maj. F. T. Les, t'. R. A.; James O. Ellie, Great Fattener,'!thew., Paola. Kan • !emu Pattern's. meter Patterson Mows, Paolo Ran.; Ian Small, secretary Kubik.* District Felr, Kankakee, Ill.: I.awrence II. Becker, r 'eternal. Falr. Xatiluntee. Ill : Rim J'. Levy. ratted Fair* Bootleg Amoriation. Chicago; Phni F. Boyd, aecretan- Whiteside County Fair. Moreau, 111.; new. Bolteentala. secretary Ileac enmity Agrlesitersi Board, Cambridge. 111.: Charles L. Trimble, Alt-ear-Ben Expositlos, trnisha; Will Salutes "TM lloreeman.'' in Maginot's; N. E. Claw. secretary of agricol tare, Ohio State Fur. Columbus: Theo. A. Sr Mitt. Olio State Pair, Colgmbsa; C. W. Mc. Farb's& Mt. Gilead, O.; Homer eutteefteld, Olno fut• Pale Onirteabsa: E. I'. Carruthers. guard ts r ratted Fairs Bottitimi amorl ation, Chicago: 3. F. Itios. Mean: Pail Camber. Jatiwn. Mimi Willett 7., Roe Metro-politan Shows, Maros, 0•.; A. M. Kamer. owner Idettopolitin @bows, Maros. Oa.; William M. Tieviee. nature; Robins» S. Drown, Kentucky State fair, Loolerille; Geoids T. McCarthy.

Ais.: Rub.. (Imbue. earlier Roble Merry !Mows. Montgomery. Ala.: Z. D. nab-

lam& Larvaafrilablasaia Same, Jut/gorilla.

Fla.; Fred Mantra«, Oreatar @beetles ;-.1, ws Prnmoola, YLIL: W. C blaming. aeons J Murphy, owner 1 9'. Murphy Shows. I ,-Cia.; G. J. Neta« and Fred Hellman, ri. board, Chicago.


(Continued from page 5)

Pettit.» end let us hope that they ril seruely aloag I. the promotes. But ell, , r the outcome, the demand for eabitt,t .t fain will Sarnia» and grow Immeasurably the coming years." The tractor manufacturen were shown to be

In meek* at the Couples iletal and w rl waa received that they bad resolved to cut it the National Tractor.' showy, an 90 per cent of the ones in •tteoclasei were tractor people or legis than 10 pet cent were farmer. Interested Ls tractors. The convention then toot ate,* to make it

uniform that ch•rgaa hereafter be made for all outdoor space coulstent with local cos-anions.

J. Alex Skae_talked as the "Future of Auto mobile Racing at Fairs." Ile stated that the Peat year showed act lese than 33 14 per cent le-rreaee is the •ttandance at Moe automobile roue, while the alarming race. bees lost at least 81.000,000. He mated thet the followtaT seuon will be the greatest In Interest Is ante.-mobile racing. A splendid Magnet wound up the .day'rr weft

and then an eriainearotertatement was thorn') enjoyed at a Penh. This entertainment was fornithed with the osaplimenta of Tlot•ele-Pulaski Firework. On.. C. A. Wortbam, Co, T. Kessedy. Y. M. Bane.. Ilk., and waa as follows:

Prof. lienach•ll'a °reborn. dientoce, Pre-mier Aceordlon Virtuoso; Allman mad Country Fiddlers: Van Grime Operatic Q,' riot Walmaley and IleatIrd, "Oomicalities of Life:" Deafly Slmoria, "TM Recruit Bart from the Front:" Ward Brie... Winter G•rdan Revue, °Wary Serenaders. H-8 »alga Illontana Horan). Nellie Nichols. Gen. Leonard Wood visited Ose lisallhert !twin

during the entertaining.« peeled sad wan en-thullsetlemilY received. fi, made • very plain. Mart to heart talk that pet the *adieu,e with e oetborot or approval when he elated that we have no plate la America In any *than 1..1.w ,Le hIgh school for tIoa atody of any language other ha. our ewe. Coseionsly or oucomiclonsly the general gave a real outline of his political platform which be hopce t,, carry Wm to the White House, and the r• tin0 of hie views allowed that ae far ar th. meretartra go he certainly bad struck th acne that would resin in • gamin' aunty .. the lines he laid does. At the morning session, Friday. Mrs. A

Spaoldlni presented the wort that the CI Art Ininitate Extension Department 19 dohs - its Better Homes Inetltnte ate conducted rl • Crane. W. H. Sneollingar. *Ureter, et' the Ante71-sr.

Trotting Amoriation„ talked on "What ,;.- em.ry To Ile Done to iltimuLtte Barnes» Doren Ilaring a. ae Attraction." Be abograd why the trotter la inch a world power, aa he Is hoth a prize wiener at the 'porting end ef tad ntlin•irlau worth on the 1artel, in toffli ate., la all the Marla *hike à reel herein is OeN1.

11.,gnue rawe, secretary of the American Harness llone Assoriatitel, spoke on tie topic. "Added Mosey Plea of fuma.. Racing, Har-eem Horse Annotation." ila showed that the fah,, are fast ab,,idoning the old method et conducting races, btat that last year 150 faira, many of them airtong the greet @tete fair,. were coeducted according to the new rules el the Americas earners Home Aseeciatioa. Ile stated that the •annal meeting of the Annerl-can Harms. Horse damoclatIon, which ail I be held Dec. 17, will prenest for adoption •rtlete• pledging clean racing, oppoeillen lo asppree

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*wow« Pringle 11« re



Teat brads is hem UN W / Mr on mob Sod, wbaah mile to star« for el/ es. and the warititspers ',met to site* sad n uses reds

lerid 1$. Ph.. Silver Ma 87 M

goatagan Presa Camerae NM cam

Plume I v•ry IS. Plies Mules., bah. ▪ re astute. ?roue tv•ry 7.

Phu T•Ilat Seta OS webblia. timara Iliadl

gleie•Piime Wean. Gas% land Ralf, bit

»Mole' lirmaist, W a t •

eurbesses S a t, 111110 eessiele.

elliefti elf Oe Said Weep Rae pars suoinalia Geier. are maim

ta fut. and 4 ar-um prompt deliver-lei Swot you early me is. dirt' rd with this mall inse.• rr

LIPARI CO. ramediegim.

go The Billboard \••••••••••11MMIEMMO,

otooloots 18, 1911

INTERNATIONAL ASSN. FAIRS (Continued from page BD)

-ton of thun. wearing of approoriato colors by driver.. uniforming groom., licensing of pnogranameta in order to have torrect wore cards. in fact everything to correctly stage ,tit, alert, and le the near (nitre that tte American Ilarnens Horse Aitocletion may re-timed that •II fair raree be open to the .tmerban Harness Dore, Awael•tion motu. 'era ,.nly so that they can enforce and carry out there reforms. Hugh smith. of Heron, Et. D., read a paper

dealing with the traneportatien problem •e It jffert the fairs and the racing bone.. Ile adv. rted • united effort to get better work. lag greangementg by cooperation la these et-forte.

Peet. Y. Lamson Scribner. expert ea ex-hibite, E. EC Dept. of Agriculture, deecribed tlie work of this department, the epending of the $100.000 appropriated by Congress for tide purpose. During the preeent emi•on hie pertinent made displays at 7.5 fern. These were atteuded by more than 12.O0,000 people ace they covered a «Detente of over 35,000

Game. Pet Stock, Poultry, Dog and ("at Show, Michigan State Fair. was dlecassed bi George W. Dickinson, of tlie Michigan State l'air. Ile showed that four out of the of all in attendance vieited their new Wild Life Exhibits. Ile 'dewed how tbey •ruueed the letereet of the boyg and girls of the State in poultry raldng. The teal et the Michigan

petmsneney in en of their exhibition feature., was heightened by their wild life show. The board la rephily betiding up what «veutnaliy will be • great zoological perk. •hIch will form one of the slaw Ogres of Detroit the year aronnd, irking its place as a.

Adgie and Anderson's Indoor Circus MLLE. ADGIE CASTILLO

PRESENTS HERSELF AND THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS Anderson's Junior Circus and Congress of Educated Ani-mals, Talking and Waltzing Ponies, Maude "Hee Haw," Elevator in Rear; Peanuts, The Diving Monkey, Poodles and Canines Full of Tricks, Millie Octavia, the Celebrated Lady Magician, and Kallalula, the Beautiful Hawaiian Dancer.

ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINAM—A GENUINE HEADLINER Now packing them to the doors at The Hippodrome, Cincinnati, O. MU . Adgie Castillo and her Hoists of the Jungle, the Moot Graceful, Artistic and

Daring Artist in the World. Dancing and Performing among Five Great

African Lions. The only lady in the world dancing with a full grown lion

weighing 460 pounds.

WEEK OF DECEMBER 22 OPEN Managers of Indoor Circuses and Opera Houses booking independent, com-

municate with ADGIE CASTILLO, Grand Hotel, Fourth Street and Central Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio.

.ark with Detrolt'e tamed Belle late. 11"1" 2.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,- yan aloe, to make the fair grounds a perm'..-. aent institution which will be need by the = RoBEitirs, uNITED peeple nf oie city and State every .lay of the = year, matead of mat ten daga during fair

• • Afternoon smile° was opened by a Stagna.

tereet" proved to be a ilve topic. Ile told of sHowS WANTS In- ••• TS by Freak L. Albert. "31atters

time. time.

' hie hawk at Washington. P. C. In connection with the revenne billa and the arranging of = the tan ruling.% as they affected the adults, =

= Strong Team for Plant. Show; salary $35.00 If YOU can deliver. WIII = ,letp, at the fairs. dte called upon J. e. SImpeon. of Spring. = place strong UrInd Show or any Feature Show. Have outfit for Athletic: =

no-ti, ma.e., to explain the difficultie. the = furnish same fifty-fifty basis. Can place Concession/6 of all kinds. Ont = nay slats Fair bag bed with the Internal fleversue Dept. user the tax admienion ruling., se they applied to the local conditions itt that es.C.e. The present rulings. said Mr. Albert. were

mote >tern, 2,8 covering the preeent method .ef collecting the admieelon tax.

lie ',bowed the fallacy of depending upon a mere ruling of the department. and that slat la needed Is • bill to be put time ("-n-a'-.'., settling these points in the point of law. Ile. read House filli 7018 and captained it general purpose and explained the coodi-Ti‘411, a., between the merits of the moving pictures and the •griciatural amusements. Ile made • ..ry wholesome pica for an abolition of the tex that is aimed at the poor people who are taxed to laugh or play. Ii, sell • letter wee written by Preeident Mare Klaw, of the Theater Managera' Protective Aems-la-tion, to the Ways and Mean. Committee ask-ing the repeal of the amuvement tax on the /entomb or the legtImate theater" on the ground that thew t•xeg are paid by the pa-irons and not by the theaters.

Ile then gave an exhibition of big heel. Deem fornre ageing that showed his work at Waehington, D. C., bad trained him In this line. Mr. Albert talked for an boar and forty-

dye mina tea. D. W. Parrett. of Utah, then opened the

Round Table deenselon. He made application on behalf of the State -Fair to become a mem-ber of this aneociation.

Thog, II. Cantield then spoke ott the propo-sition of Mr. Albert's to farther get behind the work of pre-sing the repeal of the •trinse-ment tar 35 It affects the fairs. Don V. Moore, nt liaron, moved that all 0 matter) relative to the future activities of

tax burdens be given to the executive officers with poser to act, which was unanimonely reseed.

E. C. Finley, the newly elected leeretary of Washington, w•a introduced and made impli-cation for membership la this aseociation.

By nnanimons vote G. W. Dickitaen. of De-troit. nn.ts elected President: L 8. llaban. Oklahoma City. Ok., was then 'meet:Doti/1y elected Vice-Preeldent; C. N. Mclivaine. of liaron, S. D., wait neaalmounly elected Sec-retary and Treasurer; Doreen Emden of Helena, Ment., A. R. Corey, of Day% Moines, la.. were elected to the Board of Directors.

Dates asegned International AsioclatIon of Fern and Expositions: Colorado State Fair. Pueblo. Colo., Sept

19-26; Eastern States Agricultural and Lades-trial Expotation, Springfield, Massa, Kept. Ite-ll3; Interstate Live Stock Fair, Sioux City, la., Sept. LO-Z: International Wheat Show. Wichita Fair and Exposition. Wichita, Fan, act, 4 16; Iowa State Fair and 1:naeltinit. Dee Moines. la.. Aug. 2.5-Sept. 3; Kalamai% State Fair, lintchineon. Kan... Sept. 16-=; Michigan State Fair, Detrolt..Mich.. Sept. 3-12; Mieneaot• State Fair. Hemline, Mien., Sept. 4-11; Missouri State Fair, Pedalia. Mo., Aug. 7-14; Montana State l'air and Expoeltion. Ileletur. Mont.. Sept. 13-16: North ¡jabota state Fair. Grand Forks. N. Dal,. July 1-24; Oklahoma Free State Fair, Montage.. Okla., Ort. 4-4; Oklahoma State Fair and Exposition. Oklahoma City. Otis., Sept, r•S-Oet. 2; South Dakota State Felt% Heron, M. flak.. Sept. 13-18: State Fair of Loutelana, Shreveport, Ls., Oct. 27-Nov. 2; State Fair of Texas, Dal-las, Tex., Oct. 9-24; Teets C ,tton Palace, Waco. Teak.., at. an-Nor. It; Washington State Fair. Yakima, Sept. tan-22. One of the pletoreeque Ogling at ta- con-

vention was Charlie /nee. who ha stepped tato the limelight aye tu re by the *ewe- — L'an ai acts of Wm. Carlisle. the Ulan bandit,

= all v.-inter. Showing Apalachicola on the streets this week. • NOTICE—The rumor that has been circulated regarding this Show E

= being for sale is a mistake. I wish to thank the people for the many = wires regarding saine. Instead of selling we are enlarging. Want Mu- = = siclans for Band. Address JOHN BUSH. Want Ell Ferris Wheel to join = = at once. All others J. STANLEY ROBERTS, Apalachicola, Florida, this =

= week.


PLASTER DOLLS $36.0° a Gross

PAPER DRESSES $5." a 100

Think of it! A dressed Doll at 30 cents each. 35% deposit required

Bayless Bros.& Co, inc. LOUISVILLE, KY.


that can split and play for Shows and Ballyho. Winter's work in the sun. ehlne spot of the world—Florida State. Salary—Positively no fancy salary. Eight weeks in Tampa. Must be real Band. Do not ask me what I will pay, say what you want. Former ad was offered nine Banda; not one stated salary. Also want Independent Musicians for my Circus on the ncrad. Mao Perform-ers for the Circus. Just as long as you make good and get your salary you will stay. State salary. CAPT. JIM MOORE, Tampa, Fla.


Give all particulars and very lowest price for quick action. F. G. G., cart Billboard, Chicago.

WANTED ---SELLS-FLOTO SHOW Bear Act, Seal Act, Cockatoo Act, Jap Act, Chinese Act, Wire Act, double Iron Jaw; 24-Hour Man. Address

II. B. GENTRY, 236 Symes Bldg., Denver, Col.

who turned the eft/ of the sewmpaper nudge, of America to Wyoming for several weeks After Cerliilea elan* from the pealims.

tuAta wryil.agt. Nuvhotel and regial.15.n.d eint la eremen

lie boarded an eaatboundl freight train, repro-nesting himself ai a train Inspector and wee not molested by the crew, lie tode tee freight as far a• Lattude and then beetled the le« .tugeles Limited, seartheland, whiten he robbed on the talent of Nov. le, near Moll. dada bow. Carliale said the robbery netted Mtn $14, of which i.e had el when Capturo-i_, Ties sheens bullet Passed then dale toll st m'-net. Charlie Irwin led the entail posea that ras

Carliele dowa and captured him in the miner's einla where he was overtaken. Irwin bad a one dotter and • firs-duller bill, loth if which had several bullet holes thru them and ev re 'tallied midi the bandit, blood. Theee reline be prise. very highly. Thl• is the sr. ood time that Irwin has eaptated thin «me

Q°Lter.w he,,andie Iten'tt gmbeub:re..1 agent tor the talon peede road, wheat president wired him: "Cen. gratulationa o• year warted rapture of Cur. Hale. Come te New York at oats. Ic e eomethieg fur you." And he tree ce his wa) and *tented off at Chicago to vielt the fair .4-retitle. and to &tag min brace Lesley the wend familiar dittlee "Alfalfa liai" anet

the Riv er teimaDoe rtawa.o lelasted and promoted the Ilre big (key... Wild %Vest Roundup. « heyenne Paya are tr. Ng anneal events of the Northwest and CL. lie Irvate le the tag chief l• ail of them.

Present at the banquet at the Anditerlut Hotel, Thured•y night, were the following:

Martin Walter. Jr., Colorado State Fair 1•. ,tumlasioner, Pueblo, Polo. t Wye t t Boger. l'utebto, Dol..; J. L Iteamen, Pueblv, Colo.; A. Ii. corer Iowa State Fair, Des Miele. lows; E. J. Curtin, low" State Fer. Decorah. loin; c. E. Cattieroa, Iowa State Fair. Alta, Iowa; Nf. L, litteena, Iowa Stain Fair, Dave. Port. Iowa; J. P. Mullen, Iowa State Fair, isuada, lows; A.Sulph P. Art. Eldridge. lose t'. V, Cartier, lows but. Fer. Amen% Iowa; if. 1.. Pike. Iowa State Fair, Whiting. Iowa: P. M. Pelletier. laterotat• Lire Stack Fair Am... Sloult Ctt, lo,"•; F. I- Estee, late. atete live Stock Fair Asas., Sloes MY. lere Dare Itarldeue. Interstate Llee Pteeli Fair Awn., sioux Eby, Iowa; duo. J. Large Inter• st•t• Wye Stock Fer Ana.. Sloes City, Iowa: A. L. Spoisaler, Slitellaa State mt.

Kan.: Lout. O. Mechem, Wink. Fair, Wichlti, Kau.; E. E. Friuli. Ka.M• State Fair, Urged, Kaa.; O. r. White's. Kamm. State l'air, Topeis. Sea: O. O. Wolf, Kansas State Fair, Ottawa, Kass.; IL S. Thompeoà, Kenai& State Fair. Sylvia. Kee.; S. T. (err, sties Fair of Loulei.eng,• Same-fart. U.; W. B. Bind,. With e boulelana. Shreveport, La.: It. 'Shreveport, Is.; Thomaa Canfield. Menefee State Fair. Hemline. >Ilan.: U. t.. Post. MIA-ueeota State Vai r, Idiusealesila.11Pas.; Lee V. W•rner, Minnesota State Palta S1, Peal. Minn.; C. S. Batmen, Ulnameda State Fah. St. Peel, Mien, W, F. Sanger. Ilineeeota State

liamilne. !flan.; Merman Ito. Ulu. eota titato l'air, limmihm. Ulan.; George At-kin.".,, Mianievia State Fair, Mediate. Minn.; tieorte S. ilasereer, bilemesee State Fair, St. Cloud, Mina.: Y. W. Murphy. tiler e.t.a State l'an, Wheattvn. Minn.; John Dave* Minnesota State rah% Two Harbor.. 141ea Curtis V, Jobaius, leaseema state l'ale limb City, Mine.: Ftaak• Logan. Mauna@ State Fair, itailkse. Mims.: J. c. Sortagield, time.; V. L. tartlet». Emden States Ezpositio% Springfield, Mam.; C. A. Nash, Eanters eats» ExpeMtioa. sivringlettl.

Milarseaa.;a .11°Mrsoneet.: 1, ArthurTe.lonNterna 8th. leta.lit tawiri ntirtr State Fair. Lebanon, hie.: O. W. Dicklowe•

State Fair. Detroit. hick.; r.. S. Ball, Michigan State Fair, Hamburg, Mich.. W. T. Tiller, Michigan State Fair, (Velma.

Loci V. Moore, North Melee stet. l'alr. Creed Forks. N. D.; r. W. blebteherts. North Dakota Meta Fair, Fargo. N. D., Saw F. Crags', North Dutton State raw. Parse. N• bred C. lturray, New lab, N. 1.. L 8, Mahan, Oklahoma State Fer, Oklahoma (hg, okia.: George lf. II,sioombe. Teas Live Stock Cznietion. Tulsa. C. N. mell• /um,. South Dakota State Fair, llares, S D.; M. L. Tobin. /Moth Dakota State Fair, HMS A. D.; W. 11. Stratton. State Fair of Teas. Della., l'ex.; It. Ittilvard. State Fair of Yew. Dings. Tex.; Seth N. llaytield. Texa• Cate,. Fr:liter eo.f Whaera,'41. w.rinea ;J. E. tuft.

Brett lows stat• rids, Des Men». loca; N. 11- Camp, D. W. Parrett. Marian Menem. Jr.. Geo, tictonsid. Illretn Myara, Say Lainettle• • It. Talmate, W. U. Tombeve, C• A. lir°r• than.. Jobe J. Jurist, W. P'.

s,• IUDIrobbt.SeitiathliaarnMntekvej'Ae'heeek. Inee Woods. Merl

IW-• elan. Cb.ol'Ilhn»...1.1tobeC. r‘ttaTu.b'lireltaprill,nar.m CY.ceir•1.-bott. It. Henson, V. I'. Duffield. Fred Terre

li(aggniaor. 11 ssa.m .1. 8. 1.8v:7w, r. reeve I.

• illttlager. Fred Al sweet. Cisivati.r e s at.:

Malone, Charles O. Kilpatrick, Don Darts. J. D Weaver. Arthur Davis. J. J. Fertoeli-J. Veers. Loco, J. Cualltr.•, A. r T:herti‘ ceag. ti•rrett, A. It. Helga. Cari lv Cima. AA. j •izteig.0. Freak feentney, R. rt. Pairn , Coo T. Kesoedy, Edward blare., ir H.

Mit.ribeta:tarltarkyieelemo: n.urnea.antriA'nni.berteeti.eMeram4ee.. k.Wt.eaateeneleeghsiumi::cts,: resd'A.I. John I'. Martin, U. O. Metallic, DI 11A-Iiiintilt

SKIT MIS Vitt litaT10111 TU11111.11.110ASO YOU PVT IN A Win IOU VS.

rDECEMBER 13, 1919 The Billboard 91




art Sor I•s. Castes. Seedy. Mottoes. Petri-stlea Dogs. Hemet, BegotlIel Girl.. rte. ale.

Get our quantity price. Free Circular.



Send $12 nn U U Sample DoL


î, l'allet. Tiffany Thor. Cullapart Cuff .re without •

, acme urthi le«t mad. Vert t...r. 1.1 • 01 ,, n t1 In d•Tntant1 erttr-ra arts. $12.10 Great Seta No. t.

$150. Gres. No. 2, Hart E. Rafael. $36.06 Gress; Na. S. silted Enamel. $,000

a' ' 14 It I. i'lne 1....h leeae nibs

real csut. $30.06 is

Shimmie Dancer All the Boys Say Is, See

Minnie Shimmie, 25c Each, and They Sell Them Fast, We Assure You.

Price, $9.00 Gross.

Fine Flash, Tiffany Setting

• stick Pin. the Real Diamond. S5.50 Gross.

Gold Plated Si!net Yeats Ring, S9.00


Ja:1 orders sh1;.prl same dar. tarnt, g largo et... ta for the L.- Ay rjuti. SO% rash wlih cedar. 043 116 .1 el. O.






largest nnd most complete stock of merchandise under one roof in tile country for Streetmen, Carnival Con-cessionaires. l'Itchmen. Premium Userm. Sheet Writers. Auctioneers, Saiesboard Operators, Demonstrators and Medi-cine Men. When writing specify your line of business_ No catalogs to con-eu mers

Samples, 25c each Per Dozen _ _ _$ 2.00 Per Gross 22.00

Terre 1-11mte,

SALESMEN--PITCHIMEN--AGENTS What Are You Going To Do for the Winter? Why not aril In artleq• that Le re actual nermety to a'.1? HERE IS A CHANCE FOR YOU FlUbTlallá. THE NISH-Putt.

WAIN EAR ANO NECK PROTECTOR. Thla 1111,11. loue 4,f11 and in k mane. It t.

worn tent, oho, a .ellY hat or ray. It I. made ar the ntisii-411:44-waix fur. atol I,WWII by t•..

Id leep thrum warm.

FIFTEEN ($15.00) DOLLARS a Gross e4n.d niter • «,n,i $1 SO

dre.50 n.quirod en all .4.1.r. 0. e,


.' •


• ot all descriptions carried in stock and manutacturci t ) your order

J. W. HOODWIN COMPANY 2949-53 W.VanBurenSt.Chicago.111.

%%e ship your order same day as recei% ed


IOWA NOVELTY CO., 516-517-518 Mullin

V,I0t Mantel, • Ilk. raw

It Lt. T....nta.11yc

beralltu1 deverabal AA

Knifes ren a.. display pad

I•aarti tnoludeal .

The moot atWeo-

Um Knife ateet -

mad tyre offered

to the ,tmerlea•

publle It et!

rah:* the ru+tors-

(ea eyo. Tula eall

tad so whon yom

we IL 1400-11ole Cleo-Cent Itt...rtL

retalls $40.00; root

to operator $12.30.

10% rath otitis

tial•ho• 0. D. W. area

t h I. orl -Ina'rre. Watch out one. peltors L'y la (01.

.r. XI orders .'deptal sana.

lor I, f^ /dead.

Bui:ding, Cedar Rapids. Iowa.

MR. CONCESSIONAIRE Get gent te Yeurnilf gad use my Droned Hale Dell Thle Nair Dell Is settle, a real play. Try a sample deria aid Tau *Ill reenter.

Doll stands 13 inches high, mov-able arms. crepe paper dresses, as illustrated. $9.00 Per Dozen. $70.00 Per 100. Each Doti Is wrapped in tissue paper, with arms attached and tied in individual ex-celsior padded boxes, making de-1 liveries certain.

A. KOSS 115 So. Dearborn SI, Tel Ccetral 3452,





.rated anywhere The Indirator tells la many che-ka you sill neeire. kalaite

OSUMI hit eIrrneets chancel.

REGULAR PRICE, $100.00. Reduced to $75.00 for 30 days only. HnerJal price to 'aerators In l'en ,d tIth at $IIIS

tarh. llate • (,--r at rarlt in entnallana runitIn• order and apiewarire Thl• Is tho suondee& and hcet hi, L .51., lime huilt: I. 1111..1 ellh rhnint. ready le ait and I. t lb% nier 11.1 ran bet 14 lo pay red. nt.t,e1.• If sou teh. on Z. 4. 9. IS. Id od 10. Sferhanl.m Remo as the f•nleu. 11,..eratur• All It:eel. ea./ Iron. Send $20.00 dre*d. L•lanre Paid 4,41 rorelrInd It. Get sat for «Utter we take ht imaY. Ordt.r for text Saturday's ¡'tu.

SILVER KING NOVELTY CO. 609 No. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

REAL HAIR Wigs only, with hair Nets and Pins, ready to put on your Doll.

Sample Dozen, Prepaid, $3.50 Gro.lots,$36.00 • Tb-, Mt: That made

the Kb.. (woos'.

One - third ad-vance with all orders, balance C. O. D. Note-We have

Wigs for any Doll. What bave you? Send for prices.

3.P1ECC CREPE PA-PER DRESSES. WOO Pee 100. $53 der 1.000.

Tattooers, Take Notice I am retiring from the Tattoo business, and before doing so I I . . decided

to supply all Tattooers with a good display of designs nt the folloning rates. Polit I.. saate. ..2 >tat get y our money's 44 orth: .-lieete of Designs, $3.00 per sheet or five sheets for $10.00 ,il good Stencil impressions 3.00 , x Chest Designs, colored, and Six Design Impressions 5.00

of 21 Design:4, nicely colored 5.00 All designs are different. neatly. drawn and nicely colored. Send in your

r.ler floss'. Sta:111, for reply. All tirst-class Designs. 1..:1 your ,

HARRY V. LAWSON, 253 Court Street, • . • NORFOLK, VA.


•arh • er.el T. 4, rore era. never mil US tba• g....• a- fore goatee* Telerea•••• er•roo,o,all one • I the Wee:I re-Arnow..., • rer•1.•• d'onerea, •• reo•tol en,,re •••••••••

ON SEA e ue.eo e lorbee,.., or. n over 3 I In 4 ere, am, TA" OR RANK.' /her ••• n.r.,y a.... seer. .lb eamefal 1••••••

eeleonlb pmertel a." med• to ace...nal retells of In erremeet• heretofore eeld for (man Li tea.. 41•••••••••• tut. •••••• 1:••ry ea. Ih .h• .."” • r at •••• O• re•er •. .•••...1 rare*, y ....or. o-• ,•• • ,r•weneatam. and no ir,..' • b.-v..1 oe • ,..noot rne

orrery, ,oet new a besot fol • T• e•cone Sill s.jrnhS ceder ye • • , . h.,• •••I are Drth..1•1 to mennabh.n• •••• g•hl 1,1 nee, or • aye... said• • pan ed. premed, for nn.11PS *a.m. • ,,•.• relokme of %auto., •eng Iron earn °fore 1" kfl ."•••-t.z,•:".i.,-!-r,-'s.^-••••".'"'"'"e-'red'ees7erd eir."..I.7r. ••• gam at. ..1,..1..r........ree•hustat.••••7•1a5...,ee'lr. T. 0;«* ,. -

EASTERN NOVELTY CO., D. M., 172 East 93d $t. Nu« Toot,




THE POINT OF ALL THIS IS: Do not decry a thing because it is new

THE FROZEN SWEETS have at all times fulfilled all the representations


UNIVERSAL THEATRES CONCESSION CumPANY Altho this Confection is sold in many hundreds of theatres and

shows, the integrity of this firm has never once been questioned




Shipped 250 Packages to Carton.

We Ship Entirely by Prepaid Express and Deli ver Free Any-where In U. S.

A Sample Assortment of 100 Packages

Shipped by Prepaid Express Upon Receipt











It.. O..-HASA& ere IC
















Theatre Department. 180 North Wabash, CHICAGO, ILL. P. A. WENDOVER,

Manufacturing and Distribut,,,,