The Role of Leadership in Building Model of School Reformation

The Role of Leadership in Building Model of School Reformation This Paper Submitted to Fulfill Leadership in Islamic Education Lecturer: Dr. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, M.Pd.I Written by : Nanda Cholistiana (12110229) ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TARBIYAH AND TEACHING SCIENCE FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2015

Transcript of The Role of Leadership in Building Model of School Reformation

The Role of Leadership in Building Model of School Reformation

This Paper Submitted to Fulfill Leadership in Islamic Education


Dr. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, M.Pd.I

Written by :

Nanda Cholistiana (12110229)








In the name of Allah, the Greatest and the Most Merciful. The praise and

thanks, we always pray to Allah SWT because of His Merciful and blessings, so

this paper for the subject of “Leadership in Islamic Education” can be finished

well. Beside of that, we do not forget to give our thanks to:

1. Prophet Muhammad PBUH , because of his doctrine that he brought, we can

know and understand about the Islamic religion and the sciences that relate

with it.

2. Our lecturer, Dr. H. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, M.Pd.I who has guiding

and directing us to learn about this subject

3. Our parents who always support us to seeking for science deeply and


4. Our beloved friends who always support us to finish this duty and make us

feel more passionate and attention to study of this subject.

The purpose of writing of this paper is to fulfill this subject assignment

which given by lecturer. We are as writer, hope the writing of this paper can

make us more understand about ethics code of teacher. This paper still far from

the perfectness, so the critic and suggest always be expected from the readers in

order to improve our paper in the next writing.

Malang, May 2015




PREFACE ................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................. 1

A. Background ................................................................................................. 1

B. Formulations of Problem............................................................................. 1

C. Purposes of Writing..................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .................................................................................. 3

A. The Proposed Models for The Development of Islamic School

Reformation................................................................................................. 3

B. Creating Open Communication among Stakeholders ................................. 7

C. The Role of Leadership in School Reformation........................................ 13

D. Sharing of Responsibilities among Stakeholders ...................................... 16

E. The Model of School Reform as a Case Study ......................................... 17

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION............................................................................. 19

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................. 21




A. Background

School is an organization which give take care of education world.

It called an organization because in this institute concern about leader,

manager, and member of organization. Beside of it, school has a system and

has vision and mission which become purpose of the institution. School as

organization can’t be separated from leadership.

Leadership is important aspect in developing and keeping survive

of school as organization. Many school become decrease in their existence

of world education because of failure leadership. And contra with it, many

schools get high image and get successful because of good leadership.

Leadership has big influence in the school organization, so that the writer

arranged a paper with title “The Role of Leadership in Building Model of

School Reformation”. This discussion is very important, especially for a

school because leadership has significance impact for a school which

influence progression or not a school.

Moreover the role of leadership in building school reformation is

needed for developing Islamic schools because it can be reference for them.

As we know that in Indonesia still has dualism in education among general

and Islamic schools. This way can decrease gap among schools and make

Islamic school be better need leadership in the school organization. And

then from it, Islamic school can show their existence and their superiorities.

B. Formulations of Problem

From the background above, writers determine the formulations of problem,

i.e :

1. What is the proposed models for the development of school reformation?

2. How to create open communication among stakeholders

3. How the role of leadership in school reformation?

4. How to share of responsibilities among stakeholders?

5. How the model of school reform as a case study?


C. Purposes of Writing

From the formulas of problem, we can know the purpose of writing, i.e:

1. To know the proposed models for the development of school reformation

2. To know creating open communication among stakeholders

3. To know the role of leadership in school reformation?

4. To know sharing of responsibilities among stakeholders?

5. To know the model of school reform as a case study?




A. The Proposed Models for The Development of Islamic School


The fact of history proved that Islamic school has role and

contribution which not little about educate the national life. Moreover when

we saw how Islamic school founded traditionally because of participation the

society through spirit lillahi ta’ala. Islamic school as one of education

organization can reach all of Indonesian’s areas which can’t be done by

general school although with conventional system. The experiences also

proved that Islamic school not always be looser with general school. We can

saw that there are some school which has better achievements and reputation

than general school

Islamic school as education organization has characteristic such as

learning material which can’t substitute with the other institutes. The learning

material is material about religion education and social behavior education

which developed based on Islamic values. It has meaning that this power

should be developed and be stronger. So that, the organizer of Islamic school

must see and read this opportunity as learning event, especially effort to

compete with others in reaching achievements, increasing quality of services

and make positive impact for society, nation and country.

Responses about problem above, nowadays there are tendention or

new phenomena which happen in the society that has implication in

endeavours and expectation about educational model. In this context, Islamic

school has big chance to fulfill the expectation of society, with some reasons,


a. There are social mobility where the emergence of new middle group

especially intellectual group who get big development in this time. This

group give aspiration and their dreams about the development of

1 Agus Maimun dan Agus Zaenul Fitri, 2010, Madrasah Unggulan, Malang, UIN Press, page. 11-12.


education. Because of that, organization of education which has ability to

response and to appreciate their expectation quickly and smartly will be a

choice in the society

b. There are new religious consciousness as the caused of re-islamization

which done by religious organization, religious proselityzing institutes by

individual or group. Emergence of elite santrinization society will give

implication on expectation and endeavours about education which aspire

social and religious status. Because of that, elected of educational institute

minimize based on social and religious status.

c. The quickly stream of globalization and modernization need wise

behavior. Modernization with all of effects require human with has two

competences at once, are science and technology and spirituality values

about faith and obedient. Weakness in one of them will make split

personality so that, it is importance to create an education institutes which

can develop potent of science and technology and also internalization

religious values.

Faced the problems above, there are some proposed models to

develop Islamic school, one of them is “Madrasah Unggulan or Superior

Islamic School”. In the last decade, Islamic education institution show

meaningful development like Madrasah Insan Cendekia and Al-Azhar in

Jakarta, Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, Elementary School of

Sabilillah in Malang, MIN Malang 1, Elementary School of Al-Furqan in

Jember, Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta etc, show

as superior education institutes and chosen by society because they claimed as

school which has category superior and favorite.2

1. Definition of Superior Islamic School

Superior Islamic school is Islamic school which has superior

program from the dream to have Islamic school that has ability in national

and international level in mastering science and technology and supported by

good attitude. Reaching superior level, need attention from input, education

2 Ibid, page 30-31.


process, teacher and education power, management, educational services, and

facilities which supports the purpose. This is illustration about the component

of superior Islamic school3

2. Vision and Mission Superior Islamic Education

Superior Islamic school has 2 visions, are4:

a. Macro vision

Education of Superior Islamic school is created Indonesian society and

nation who has spiritual behavior, science – applied capability, has skills

and professionalism.

b. Micro vision

Education of Superior Islamic school is create someone who has spiritual

behavior, science – applied capability according to life role.

And then, the mission of Superior Islamic school, are:

a. Created the candidates of religious person who has intellectual

b. Created the candidates of intellectual person who religion knowledge

c. Created the candidates who has professional skill and religious attitude

From explanation above, the main of vision and mission of

Superior Islamic school is creating individual who has professionalism and

3 Ibid, page 37.4 Ibid, page 41.



Professional Teacher


Representative class



Sufficient facilities

Conducive Learning






Qualified Output Out




religious knowledge where there are equality between capability of

intellectual, skills, and religious attitude which obedient to Allah SWT.

3. Purposes Superior Islamic school

Based on the vision and mission, can determine the purposes of

Superior Islamic school. Generally, the purposes Superior Islamic school

founded from national education purposes as mentioned in regulation of

national education system where it is creating human being who have

believed in the Ones God, have good attitude, have skill and professionalism,

responsible, productive, health of physic and spiritual, nationalism, and have

future orientation.

In other hand, Superior Islamic school has specific purposes to

create education which has excellence capabilities on5:

a. Believe and obedient in the Ones God

b. Good attitude and behavior

c. Concept of deeply and widely science and technology

d. High motivation and commitment to reach achievement and performance

e. Social and leadership sensibility

f. High discipline which supported by good physic

4. Characteristic Superior Islamic school

Understanding about characteristic Superior Islamic school, must

know criteria about general superior school at first. Djoyo Negoro mentioned

that the character of superior schools are6:

a. Has upper average in academic or non-academic achievements

b. Has complete facilities and services

c. Has better learning system and longer learning study

d. Doing fair and best selection for the applicants

e. Get big interest from the society which proved by more applicants than

class capacity

f. Has higher payment than others

Beside of that, the ministry of education also formulated about

superior school, are:

5 Ibid, page 41.6 Ibid, page 43


a. The input got fair and difficult selection

b. Has complete and good facilities and infrastructure which support the

learning system

c. Has conducive learning environment

d. Has professional teacher and staffs

e. Innovation curriculum

f. Has longer learning time than others school

g. Has qualified and responsible learning process

h. Has benefits for society

i. Has evaluation and remedial program

Beside of criteria above, because the label is Superior Islamic

school, the school must have more criteria or values which become special

character, are7:

a. Has good attitude and behavior

b. Create religious culture in the school

c. Integration between religious knowledge and general knowledge in the

learning process

d. Developing of student’s cognitive, personality, and spiritual in integrative

and entirely

So that, if all of criteria is created, Islamic school can create a

student who has capability both in religious and general knowledge who has

good behavior and has full personality not spit personality.

B. Creating Open Communication among Stakeholders

Communication is very importance in human life especially in an

organization because it pervades organizational activity. Every members

organization is continually involved in and affected by communication

process. For managers, effective communicating is a critical skill because the

manager’s planning, organizing and controlling functions become

operationalized only through communicative activity.8

7Ibid, page 468 James L Gibson, 2006, Organizations Behavior Structure Processes, New York, McGraw-HillIrwin, page 426


Finding an aspect of a manager’s or leader’s job that does not

involve communication would be extremely difficult. Serious problem arise

when directives are misunderstood, when casual kidding in a work group

leads to anger or when informal remarks by a top level manager are distorted.

Each of these situations results from a breakdown somewhere in the process

of communication. Accordingly, the pertinent is not whether managers

engage in communication because communication is inherent to the function

of organization.9

The general process of communication contains five elements, are:

a. The communicator

In an organizational framework, the communicator is a leader, manager or

employee who has ideas, intentions, information and a purpose for


b. The message

The purpose of the communicator is expressed in the form of the message,

either verbal or non-verbal. The manager or leader has numerous purposes

for communicating, such as to have others understand their ideas, to

understand the ideas of others, to gain acceptance of themselves or their

ideas or to produce action.11

c. The medium

The medium is the carrier of the message, the means by which the

message is sent. Organization provide information to members in a

variety of ways, including face to face communication, telephone

conversation, group meeting, fax messages, memos, policy statements,

reward systems, production schedules and video teleconference. Often,

managers or leaders don’t adequately consider the impact of the choice of

medium on a communication’s effectiveness. However, selecting the

appropriate medium can have a major impact on communication

effectiveness and even managerial performance.12

9 Ibid, page 427.10 Ibid, page 429.11 Ibid.12 Ibid, page 429-430.


d. The receiver

For the process of communication to be completed, the message must be

relevant to the receiver. The receiver is someone who get the message

from communicator. It’s the end of purpose of communication.13

e. The feedback

For the managers or leaders, communication feedback is important. And

it’s come in many ways, in face to face situation, direct feedback through

verbal exchanges is possible, as are such subtle means of communication

as facial expression of discontent or misunderstanding. Feedback is

important to know what the message is understood or not by receiver.14

Who…. Says What… In what say… To Whom….

….with what effect

In organization, communication is very importance to keep the

continuing of organization itself. Like in the school as organization, the

school must make a good communication among the members, the

environment and all of aspect that has relation with it to reach the success. All

of aspect that has relationship with the school can be said stakeholders.

The members of school organization must know who are the

stakeholders of the school. And to do it, the manager or leader must

understand about all of forms and service quality of school with the product

13 Ibid, page. 430.14 Ibid.

communicator message medium receiver



which can be produced by the school. The founder and the successor must

have clear understanding about “for what the school is built” which declared

in the vision of school. Some quality of services and products can influence

the stakeholders of school. This is the diagram stakeholders of school15:

Input Process

Cost of Quality of

Study Education



based on Quality

Creating open communication among stakeholders is needed to

reach the successful in organization or school because through it, all of thing

can be discussed with others person or group. In creating open

communication, there are some principles that need attention to make good

relationship, are16:

1. Integrating

It has meaning that between school and the stakeholders has unity

relationship. So that all of information about school can spread to the

stakeholders and the stakeholders can know and understand about the

school activities.

15 Sugeng Listyo Prabowo,2008, Manajemen Pengembangan Mutu Sekolah, Malang, UINMalang Press, page. 149.16 Mulyono, 2008, Manajemen Administrasi dan Organisasi Pendidikan, Jogjakarta, Ar-RuzzMedia, page 214-215.




Islamic School


Learning Activity

User of School

Graduated Student


2. Continuity

It has meaning that the communication among school and the

stakeholders can do continually and then the stakeholders give feedback

from it. This activities can help the school to make public opinion or good

image through the communication with the stakeholders.

3. Coverage

It has meaning that all of school environment always be interesting, so

that the school can explain about all of information through mass media.

The stakeholders can know the information and moreover will make a

new stakeholder from the mass media.

4. Simplicity

It has meaning that information which given by school is better with

simple way and words. Using simple words which easy to understand and

close relationship can make the stakeholders be comfort, enjoy and easy

to know about the school so that can increase the trust of them.

5. Constructiveness

It has meaning that the information which given by school can create

positive opinion for the stakeholders so that the school will have goo

image in the society.

6. Adaptability

It has meaning that the program of school must adapt with the

stakeholder’s will. It can happen if there are good communication

between school and stakeholders.

Moreover, Islam also has principles to create good communication

among the people and this principles also can apply in making open good

communication between school and the stakeholders, are17:

1. Using right words. This principle based on the Qur’an verse QS Al-

Ahzab’: 70 where Allah SWT said:

17 Ibid, page 215-218.


O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and (always) say a word directed to theRight.

2. Using communication which can give meaning their soul. It is mentioned

in the Qur’an verse QS. Al-Nisa’: 63 where Allah said

Those men,-(Allah) knows what is in their hearts; so keep clear of them,but admonish them, and speak to them a word to reach their very souls.

Meaningful word is important to make the stakeholders give respect and

always remember about school information. Moreover the stakeholders

will spread good information about a school so that can make good image.

3. Using communication language which can make the others become enjoy

and happy. It is mentioned in the Qur’an verse QS. Al-Isra’: 28 where

Allah said

And even if thou hast to turn away from them in pursuit of the Mercy fromthy Lord which thou dost expect, yet speak to them a word of easykindness.

4. Using noble ways in communication (respect and appreciate to the

others). It is mentioned in the Qur’an verse QS. Al-Isra’: 23 where Allah



Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kindto parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say notto them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms ofhonor.

5. Using gently communication. It is mentioned in the Qur’an verse QS.

Thaha:44 where Allah said

"But speak to him mildly; perchance he may take warning or fear((Allah))."

6. Using continually communication. It is mentioned in the Qur’an verse

QS. Al-Isra’: 41 where Allah said

We have explained (things) in various (ways) in this Qur'an, in order thatthey may receive admonition, but it only increases their flight (from theTruth)!

7. Using group system or collaborate with other person. It is mentioned in

the Qur’an verse QS. Al-Nisa’: 71 where Allah said

O ye who believe! Take your precautions, and either go forth in partiesor go forth all together.

From explanation above, the school can create good open

communication among the stakeholders through the principles in make good

communication. Attitude and behavior of school members is needed to

support the successful in making good open communication among the


C. The Role of Leadership in School Reformation

In the era of globalization and free market, only the leader of

organization which can do continuous improvement in establishment the


competitive excellence which has ability to develop. The work of the leader

must be founded by flexibility, good teamwork, belief and has distribution of

sufficient information. On the contrary the leader of organization who feel

satisfied with himself and keep the quo status will be sunken and after that

only waiting for the death. Leadership as one of the guide of direction and

purpose of organization should have ability to fight and to adapt the

development. Big probability of organization which has stagnant situation

will be felt down. Like in the school as organization where leadership has

important position to reform the school.

Moreover, many studies indicate that leadership has big influence

with productivity and effectiveness of organization. Sutermeister mentioned

some dominant factor which influence productivity, are leadership climate,

type of leadership, and leaders18. From explanation above, in the school

reformation is needed leadership to make development and change to be

better. Discuss about leadership in school can’t be separated from headmaster

as a leader in a school. To make a good school reformation also need a

headmaster who has capability and competence about school leadership.

Reformation in a school need visionary and transformational leadership.

Visionary leadership is a model of leadership which purposed to

give meaning on work and effort that done together by the member of

organization through giving guidance and meaningful based on clear vision19.

According to Barbara Brown, there are 10 competences which must on the

visionary leader, are:

1. Visualizing. Visionary leader must have clear view about purposes which

will be reached and know when the purposes will happened.

2. Futuristic thinking. Visionary leader also think about the future, not only

in the present time.

3. Showing foresight. Visionary leader is planner to predict the future with

consider all of aspect

18 Agus Maimun dan Agus Zaenul Fitri, 2010, Madrasah Unggulan,page 181.19 Mulyono, 2009, Educational Leadership: Mewujudkan Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Pendidikan,Malang: UIN Press, page 122.


4. Proactive planning. Visionary leader determine purposes and specific

strategy to reach the purposes. The leader can anticipate and consider all

of aspect.

5. Creative thinking. In face the challenge, visionary leader always find new

way to solve problem.

6. Taking risks. Visionary leader has brave to take a risk and has opinion

that failure is an opportunity not decreasing.

7. Process alignment. Visionary leader know how to connect his purpose and

the organization purpose.

8. Coalition building. Visionary leader know that he must create good

relation among the member of organization and all of people.

9. Continuous learning. Visionary leader must have capability to has new

think and new idea through his experiences and developed it.

10. Embracing change. Visionary leader know that change is always happen

and he always do innovative to solve the problem.

Beside of that, Burt Nanus mentioned four roles which must be played by

visionary leader, are20:

1. Direction setter. Visionary leader has role to make a vision of

organization and make belief in the member of organization that they can

reach the purposes in the future.

2. Agent of change. In the context of change in society, visionary leader

must be agent of change with do innovative and creativity to face the


3. Speaker person. Visionary leader must be a good speaker person because

it’s needed to communicate all of thing in the organization.

4. Coach. Visionary leader must be a good coach for the organization. The

leader must have capability to take benefit from the members.

Moreover, in the school reformation is need transformational

leadership. Transformational leadership is model leadership which can

support the effectiveness of education organization. This kind leadership can

support the members to do something that become impossible before. The

20 Ibid, page 125-127.


leader support and give inspiration that the members has capability and

existence to do the task and reach the purposes. The leader has some

characters, are has ideal influence, intellectual stimulation, individual

considering, and inspirational motivation.21

From explanation above, we can know that leadership has big role

in school reformation where leadership consider how the form of school.

How leadership model influence the development of school.

D. Sharing of Responsibilities among Stakeholders

Sharing of responsibilities among stakeholders is needed to reach

the purpose of organization. And it can be done through open communication

among stakeholders. According to T Sianipar, communicating among

stakeholders has purposes22:

1. Keep the survive of school

2. Increase the quality of education in the school

3. Facilitate the learning process

4. Get support and helps from stakeholders in developing and applying the

school program.

Further effect the communication has big influence about the

development of school organization. To reach the successful and the vision

and mission of school organization, a member of organization can’t be done

individual. It is need teamwork which work together between school

organization and the stakeholders. As we know that school as organization

need cooperation among the members of school, the stakeholders and the

society. In the school leadership among headmaster, teachers and staff must

correlate to bring the school be better from the environment, administration

and all of aspect which has relation with school environment. Beside of that,

the school must have good relationship with the stakeholders and the society

because education in the school is preparing the student to live in the society.

The program that held in the school is better adapt from the change of society.

Moreover, suggestions, advices and ideas from the stakeholders and society is

21 Ibid, page 131-135.22 Mulyono, Manajemen Administrasi dan Organisasi Pendidikan, page 211.


needed to develop the school to be better23. We can illustrate the impact

among school, stakeholders and society like diagram below24.

From the diagram above, we can know that need sharing responsibilities

among school (headmaster, teachers, staffs and students), the stakeholders

and the society to make the school organization be better and can survive in

the education world and can reach the purposes of school organization


E. The Model of School Reform as a Case Study

World is always change, include in the education world where

there are changing about the development of education world in every time

because following the time. Because of never stop changing in the education

world, there are much innovative and improvisation about education world

and it will be increase time by time. From this phenomena, there are no

perfection about how the education, especially the form of school until now.

The society just has view about which one the school that get the best rank

or has good image. Further, the society which has multiculturalism also

support the view of no one perfect because a school get difficulties in

23 Beatriz Pont, et all, 2008, Improving School Leadership: Case Studies in System Leadership,Paris: OECD Publishing, page 56-58.24 Lantip Diat Prasojo, 2006. Manajemen Pendidikan dan Model Pembaharuan dalamPengembangan Sekolah, Yogyakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,page 50.



Open Communication






with society

Taking Decision Together






answered and realized the willingness of the society, so that there are various

forms of school in the world based on their vision and mission why the school

is founded.25

In the recent day, the development of school still find what is the

best form of school. Many ways, innovative, creative and new idea were born

to get the perfection of school. New ideas always emergence not only from

the leader of school organization but also from the society who has attention

in education world. All of them also happen in Islamic schools education

which become part of education system especially in Indonesia.

In the first, Islamic school is pioneer of education in Indonesia’s

history. But in the development, Islamic school is left by society because

there are stereotype that Islamic school is “ancient” or “traditional”. Need

change and transformation to survive in education world, so that there are

emergences of reformation in Islamic school. One of case study is “Modal

Sosial sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Madrasah” where there are study in

MAN (Islamic Senior High School) 1 Surakarta. The development of this

school use social capital, are trust, networks and shared value. This school

organizes the networks with the stakeholders and internally with school

community like teachers, staffs, headmaster, and school organizer who has

high commitment to develop the school. In aspect trust, the school effort to

make belief among parents and the society believe in MAN 1 Surakarta. And

then, in aspect shared value, this school effort to keep good social value based

on Islam, so that the student has good attitude. This school become model in

Islamic school and hoped others school be better than school through

innovative in school development.26

Based on explanation above, need more new ideas and reformation

in developing Islamic school and it can be done through case study in every

school so that a school can take decision about the model of school.

25 Kathryn A Riley and Karen Seashore Louis, 2000, Leadership for Change and School Reform:International Perspective, London: Routledge Falmer, page 34-37.26, Rahmat Rais, 2009, Modal Sosial sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Madrasah, Jakarta: Litbangdan Diklat Departemen Agama RI, page 132-135.




Islamic school as education organization has characteristic such as

learning material which can’t substitute with the other institutes. The learning

material is material about religion education and social behavior education

which developed based on Islamic values. It has meaning that this power

should be developed and be stronger. So that, the organizer of Islamic school

must see and read this opportunity as learning event, especially effort to

compete with others in reaching achievements, increasing quality of services

and make positive impact for society, nation and country. Moreover, to solve

the problem, there are some proposed models for the school reform. The up to

date model is Superior Islamic School. This model want to create superior in

all of aspect to make Islamic school be the best and can compete in the

education world.

Further, to make a good Islamic school is needed good open

communication among the stakeholders. Creating open communication

among stakeholders is needed to reach the successful in organization or

school because through it, all of thing can be discussed with others person or

group. In creating open communication, there are some principles that need

attention to make good relationship, are integrating, continuity, coverage,

simplicity, constructiveness and adaptability. Beside of it, Islam also has

principles to make good communication, are:

1. Using right words.

2. Using communication which can give meaning their soul

3. Using communication language which can make the others become enjoy

and happy.

4. Using noble ways in communication (respect and appreciate to the


5. Using gently communication

6. Using continually communication

7. Using group system or collaborate with other person.


Another aspect that has big influence about progression of school

reformation is the role of leadership. Leadership has strategic position to

consider the form of school reformation. To build school reformation need a

leader who has capability and competences about clear future view and can

support the members to reach good reformation. This problem can be solved

by visionary leadership and transformational leadership. Visionary leadership

can bring a school into unthinking school before because the leader has clear

vision and mission and know when the purposed will be reached. And then,

transformational leadership can support the members has self confidence and

open their eyes about the potency of the members.

School viewed as organization where to reach purposes, vision and

mission need work together. In the school leadership among headmaster,

teachers and staff must correlate to bring the school be better from the

environment, administration and all of aspect which has relation with school

environment. Beside of that, the school must have good relationship with the

stakeholders and the society because education in the school is preparing the

student to live in the society. So that, need sharing responsibilities among

school with the stakeholders.

Changing in the world can’t be stopped, so that the people must

adapt with the change. Like in the education world where the school must be

adapted the changes. From this situation, need more new ideas and

reformation in developing school especially Islamic school and it can be done

through case study in every school so that a school can take decision about

the model of school.



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