The Perils of Texting

Ashen Wanniarachchi CASE STUDY 03: The Perils of Texting 3.0 The Worse Effects of Texting Disasters, Accidents, deaths all are bringing a tear to the eyes. Any of the People around the word may not like to hear or to see any of the incident that bringing a sadness and always trying to find solutions to avoid and refuse them. There are so many root causes that brings the unfortunate to the human as perils like floods, tsunamis, earthquakes like natural disasters that is very difficult to avoid and the constraints occur war, crimes because of the bad attitude of the people. But if anyone says that the technological advancement which bring the world together and efficiencies the human routine also cause to the bringing perils to the life? Yes the problem is there that is going to mining through this document. As mentioned in above paragraph the invention of the technological things and its advancement are making easier and the comfortable the life of the people. So the Cellur phones is also that kind of great innovation that people was attracted and now there is no one who is not an owner of a mobile phone. As it is mentioned by the International telecommunication Union the mobile user population around the worlds is exceeding the seven billion (mobiThinking, 2014). But in the present this advance technology device has been caused to the accidents occurs in the road due to the bad habit of a people “texting” or messaging while driving the vehicles. As it reveals highway traffic safety administration according to their study of 10,000 of drivers the results has been finally concluded “talking on the phone is equivalent to the 10 point reduction in IQ and a .08 blood alcohol level, which low enforcement considered intoxicated”. And as it reveals by the statics by Edgar Snyder and Association the 3328 people have been died and 421,000 were injured only in America and furthermore it defines people are seems to be meet with accidents not only texting while driving but also texting while walking as pedestrians. So this says how much this bad attitude is becoming worse.

Transcript of The Perils of Texting

Ashen Wanniarachchi

CASE STUDY 03: The Perils of Texting

3.0 The Worse Effects of Texting

Disasters, Accidents, deaths all are bringing a tear to the eyes. Any of the People around the

word may not like to hear or to see any of the incident that bringing a sadness and always

trying to find solutions to avoid and refuse them. There are so many root causes that brings

the unfortunate to the human as perils like floods, tsunamis, earthquakes like natural

disasters that is very difficult to avoid and the constraints occur war, crimes because of the

bad attitude of the people. But if anyone says that the technological advancement which bring

the world together and efficiencies the human routine also cause to the bringing perils to the

life? Yes the problem is there that is going to mining through this document.

As mentioned in above paragraph the invention of the technological things and its

advancement are making easier and the comfortable the life of the people. So the Cellur

phones is also that kind of great innovation that people was attracted and now there is no

one who is not an owner of a mobile phone. As it is mentioned by the International

telecommunication Union the mobile user population around the worlds is exceeding the

seven billion (mobiThinking, 2014). But in the present this advance technology device has

been caused to the accidents occurs in the road due to the bad habit of a people “texting” or

messaging while driving the vehicles.

As it reveals highway traffic safety administration according to their study of 10,000 of drivers

the results has been finally concluded “talking on the phone is equivalent to the 10 point

reduction in IQ and a .08 blood alcohol level, which low enforcement considered intoxicated”.

And as it reveals by the statics by Edgar Snyder and Association the 3328 people have been

died and 421,000 were injured only in America and furthermore it defines people are seems

to be meet with accidents not only texting while driving but also texting while walking as

pedestrians. So this says how much this bad attitude is becoming worse.

Ashen Wanniarachchi

5.0 Accidents due to texting (Edgar Snyder)

The above chart indicates the portion of accidents due to the use of cell phones and the

texting while driving

3.1 Effect of Information Age to Society

As we discusses so far we have identified the technological advancement have been caused

to both good and bad effects. In the perils of texting case also it depicts well how this happens.

So with all of these technologies the most valuable thing is the information systems as it is a

portion that cannot be remove because it providing basic platform to popular and success of

these technology advancement That is why it is known as these decades as the Information

Age. So with the innovation of information age in the context of social, political and ethical

perspectives which are the three main aspects that runs the human life and behavior, so many

constraints are arising that is effecting worse. There is a close proximity between these

political social and the ethical issues as they as linked together and cannot apart. So in order

to see through these factors it is better to have a common model that represent the entire


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6.0 Model for thinking social, ethical issues (Edgar Snyder)

The above diagram depicts that how these social political and ethical issues a linking and

what are the root casus affect for them. In here it is involving the important part of this

model in analyzing, known as the five moral dimensions. These includes the

Information rights and obligations

Property rights and obligations

Accountability and control

System quality

Quality of life

The reason for to talk about the five moral dimension in the context of these model all ethical

social and political issues raise covering these moral dimension. Since here it will be discussed

what are moral dimensions and how the moral dimensions have involves with the perils occur

due to texting while driving.

3.1.1 Information Rights and Obligations

Information rights and obligations means that what information rights are defining by the

organization and individuals by themselves in order to coordinate their work flows and

protect (Laudon, 2012).So regards to the information system for the purpose of protect

themselves organization have practiced to use this methodology. So in the context of the case

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study, it says that communicating or in other words texting while driving is a kind of

manageable risk. This argument is presenting to the stage by the legislators who are a

responsible portion of a society. And also the neurologists are also saying that the texting

while driving will be help to mitigate the boring situations. So these factors are present by the

individuals in order to prove that the getting legal actions against texting while driving is a

worthless thing and because of that it is violating the freedom of communicating of the people

using the most sophisticated devices. But in the real scenario it should be taken a considerable

action in order to mitigate this problem as this has been cause to the number of deaths that

destroy the valuable lives of the youth and the wise elders. Furthermore in the case study it

has been mention that In Utah the drivers who meet with accidents driving while texting will

be charged with 15 years in prison. Utah is a state in United States of America. So giving 15

years punishment of prison may be consider by you as a very critical obligation of the human

information right. As this punishment is given due to use of digital device while sharing the

information, In fact sharing the information is a human right. There is no doubt with that. But

because of the increasing accidents as this bad habit although people say that this is a

violating of information rights and the obligations in the perspective of moral dimensions. It

has happened to be done that way to overcome this problem and mitigate the bad results.

3.1.2 Accountability and Control

Accountability and control means that who will be the authorized party for getting

responsibility of a fault or any harm happen to the society due to the inconvenience use of

the information system or the information. The web of the information system is somewhat

complex. In fact has been happened that way as when working with information system so

many parties are involving from the developers of the information systems to the number of

users who are getting advantages and maintaining and coordinate the related processes. In

context to the case study the cellur phone and the texting if we just consider the involving

parties as the user who is texting, and the receiver may be the person who is influence the

user to text, the service provider company who connect both sender and receiver, the data

centers who is storing the information about users their package details, and the rules and

policy makers relevant to the data sharing via cellular phones. So in a scenario when an

accident is occur who is the person accountable for that or is anyone there who had to be

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prevent that unfortunate situation. Definitely, you will say that the person who was texting is

the person to who’s account to barring this.

No. when it is looking deeply about this problem and in the broad view as I think number of

parties is involving with this. As it is stated in the scenario number of wireless subscribers has

been increased around 1000 present since 1995. The following diagrams indicates that.

7.0 mobile users and wireless subscribers (mobithinking, 2013)

As it describes in this diagram quantity wireless subscribers are nearly 550 in millions by year

2012, so we can see this much of wireless subscribers as the service providers are not

reluctance to provide wireless facilities any time. But in context to the case there is a context

of wireless subscribers too or in other words the service providers as the drivers are capable

enough of texting while driving as the service providers are facilitating. But in an accident will

the service provide will accept there is a fault on their hand too. Most probably it will not. So

this is a problem with the accountability. Although there is a connection of service providers

also to this scenario they will ignore the complaint. This the problem in the information age

that is difficult to understand. And in the receiver end if the receive is not responding to the

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sender may be it has to be prevent from the accident. But when it is taking the legal actions

they will consider only the driver of the vehicle not only any other.

And also these situations will be same in the perspectives of both the data centers and the

rules and policy makers. Policy makers holds and plays a vital role. Because they are the

people who determine the rules related to cellur phones and its usage. And as it defines in

the case study the legislators also says that sometimes the texting will be helpful to prevent

the boring situation of the driving and most probably this type of risk can be considered as

manageable risks. But although they are saying numerous things to prove that it should be

avoid from punish the accused in this type of scenarios. In an accident due to texting while

driving they are not the people who suffers from it, and pay with valuable lives. They are only

making policies. But anyone cannot take an action against them because they do not involve

directly to this problem. But indirectly they are fertilizing to make this problem worse not to

mitigate. So it proves that there is a problem with the determining the accountability of the

problems occur in the information system in the most sophisticated information age. (Zing,


3.1.3 System Quality

As the name implies the system quality in the perspective of the moral dimensions says that

what are the information system standards and the rules and regulation to be demanded

form the users in order to confirm the safety of the related information system and its

processes and to preserve the rights of the individuals. In this case study also the System

quality is arising as a moral dimension. How it happens in the above paragraph also we

described that in a communication via digital device number of parties are involving including

the information systems. So the all the parties should be aware of the standards to govern

the quality of the system and prevent from the bad effects to the society. So all of the users

have own responsibility to suggest and demand for better solution in order to manage these

technologies and the continuous the sustainability. So it proves that this scenario has a system

quality influence in the perspective of demand for the standards and the regulations.

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3.1.4 Quality of Life

The life is the most valuable thing than any of other thing. The human has to live before all

other things to be done. In the perspective of the moral dimension arise in the case study it

depicts that quality of the life is violating and going the worse. How It happens that when it is

considering the criteria’s of the ages, most youthful demographic in the age limit of the

18years to 29 years three quarter of the Americans of 22 percentage are texting regular

comparing to the age limit of the 35 years old to the 45 years old. And furthermore it says

most of the accident case involving the young adults. So this is critical problem with the quality

if the life. If the youth, the most valuable portion of a society is seems to victim in this critical

bad habit of destroying their lives themselves. And as the statics says that in the year 2010

the texting caused 5870 fatalities and 515,000 accidents. So these are not only the records

only show that statistics but also the decrees of the quality of the lives. Furthermore in the

perspective of the rules and regulation or legal actions taking context to the in Utah it is giving

15 years prison. In the accused side this it really a violation of the quality of the life in

physically and also the mentally.

However as we discussed so we can see that most of the social, ethical and the political

constraints are occurring based on the moral dimensions. In context to the case study out of

five, four dimensions have caused to this. Those are accountability and control, quality of life,

system quality, and the information rights and the obligations. So when addressing the

solution it should capable enough to handle while understanding these perspectives. (Emma

Zing, 2014)

3.2 Ethical Social and political Issues

The society is a combination of various factors that maintain the sustainability. So the key

perspectives to be considered in a society are the Social ethical and the political aspects.

When arising a problem or when it is going to give a solution for a problem these three

perspective should be coordinated in a precise manner as the sustainability of any kind of

process in a society balance with this three perspectives. So since here the document will

illustrate what are the social political and the ethical perspective of given case study.

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3.2.1 Social issues

Social issues means that the way a problem effect to the life of the people of a society in a

worse manner. In this case study the major social issue is to identify is the death of the people

including the younger generation the most valuable portion of a society that who has the

energy of contributing to the developing of the countries. The technology is a double –edged

sword. The good advancements of the technology can raise help to the society and also same

way that technology can be root cause to the bad effect. Indeed allowing the communication

using the cell phones is a remarkable invention that helps to the society in order to easier the

processes of communication, reduce the time and save the money cost for the travelling. But

because of an odd habit of some of the people of texting for communication purposes while

driving it has been added a black mark to the this technology saying that the cellular is causing

to the killing the people. As the record implies it 240,000 accidents in year 2002.and it is

increasing to 51500 by the year of the 2010. When considering an accident it makes a big

social issues. The police, fire brigades, hospitals have always to work for solve the issues

related to the accidents and the government also have to be bare up the expenditures. If any

damage happen to the roads, buildings those happen to be prepare by the government if the

accused is not wealth. Furthermore due to this accidents number of people lose their life the

other party except the accused may be an innocent people. So their family loses them. These

are some kind of indirect social issues arise due to this bad attitude of texting.(MIS, 2013)

Furthermore in the perspective of the information system related social issues that the mobile

or the cellur phone and the human has a close proximity that is very difficult to desperate.

This is because of in the modern world the without an any of the argument the easiest way

to connect with people around the world or in the context of the global is the cellular. In just

a second you can dial the number you need and connect. So banging the right of sharing

information by prohibiting the texting while driving due to the bad attitude of the some of

the category of people. The most recent incidents for this banging is in Utah it is receiving

15 years of prison if they caught with an accident while texting. Think that they will not

consider whether the size of the accidents. And In America total 31 states are banging the

texting while driving and the His Excellency the president Barrack Obama also contributing

that. Because of this the teenagers will miss the right of aware about their friends parents

while drive in the car. May be they will anxious about the isolation. And in the other side the

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parent will not be able to know about their children if they are on the road while driving so

this is a big issue in the maintaining social connections of the human. (Laudon, 2012)

So when considering above factors it proves that the relevant to the this case study because

of this bad attitude of the people of texting while driving so many social issues are

occurring.(Vefal, 2012)

3.2.2 Ethical Issues

Ethics refers to the “principle of right and wrong that individuals are acting as free moral

agents use to make choices to guide their behaviors” the ethical issues or the good or odd

habits of someone may make the consequences to the society by changing. In context to

the case study the main ethical issue that can be see is the reluctance of the people to admit

that the texting while driving is a bad attitude. Because people are not see this as a threat for

the society the number of accidents occur within a year and the damages to the property of

the people is increasing. If the people individually do not think to avoid this bad attitude from

their behaviors although so many actions are taking to prevent this the problem will be

difficult to solve. Indeed the people may have different point of view about the same problem,

recently example is whether massive of people are realizing this problem, banging including

the Barak Obama a strong character Of United states of America.

But another party is having another concept of this as people are unwilling to give up their

mobile because of the pressure on them due to the complexity of the today society and the

loneliness they feel. And according to the point of view of the neurologists they say that

human is capable of multitasking because of that texting while driving will be help to reduce

the boring situation of the driving so no need of getting legal actions against them. But

ethically the all of the people cannot agree with that as number of human is meet with

accidents and die because of this critical situation. And also the legislators trying to establish

a concept that and they are arguing that the communicating while moving on a vehicle is

manageable risk so obviously no need of getting legal actions against them and bang their

human rights by given them the punishments like 15 years of prison. So this is the constrain

as I mentioned earlier the human have vary point of view although the both legislators and

neurologists know the accidents due to texting while driving has become a critical they are

not contributing to avoid it only trying to preserve their information rights and the obligations

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In fact in this case you also may argue that receiving 15 years prison like heavy punishments

should not be given and ethically not prefer. But there is no any other solution if the people

are reluctance to accept this is as a critical solution and individually should try to stop this.

So the responsibility of all the human of the world is to be concern about the safety of the all

other without considering the age, col0ur race etc. that is the ethically recognized way of

running the society. But do people think, who texting while driving in order to fulfil their

purposes that the valuable life of people is destroying. NO. this is the ethical issue in this case.

And also the governments, police department and other legal establishments foundations has

happened to get critical actions that may be not good in the perspectives of the epically but

as no other options in order to mitigate the constrains.

3.2.3 Political Issues

As my point of view, Political issues related to this case study perils of texting will arise when

establishing the legal actions are taking them into actions or execute them. The political

governance is really needed when it is developing some rules and regulations entirely effect

to the countries. So in here some considerable or responsible party as neurologists and the

legislators are saying as this is a manageable risk those should be not treated critically and

they are representing arguments against the legal actions for preserve their rights and

obligations. So political issue as it is stated. Although the National Highway Safety

Administration conducted a research in year 2003 a serious problem was occurred when it is

going to publish the analyzed records. Because of this the results were not immediately

publish. The reason was the pressure came from the congressman to the NHSTA or National

Highway Safety Administration. Because the congressman ware worried that the popular for

them and the voting percentage of them will be reduce by the actions taken to bang and

restrict the use of cellur phones, As the that time most of the people have used to do

multitasking while driving. So National Highway Safety Administration was in enthusiastic to

present the results actually they gathered, but unfortunately the results established in the

last were a striped down version of the original publication analyzed data. Because the

pressure from congressman. Actually this is the problem when working with the society we

have to concern about balancing all the perspective in order to achieve the success any way

this has become worse as the close proximity between the government organization and the

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inequality of the distribution of the power among them. If the all organization has the right

of working individually most of the time it has to mitigate the so many problem by few effort.

3.3 Use of Ethical Principles for Decision Making

According to details we discussed so far and factors we argued through this few of chapters

we understood that the ethically unacceptable things can be seen relevant to the case study.

So soon after identifying the issues of any kind of related scenario the best thing is to do is

preparing a plan to mitigate those related root causes. So before going into the in details

definitely it should be done the analyzing part in a precise manner. For this we can use several

steps as identifying and defining the factors cause to the situation in a clearly a manner,

Identify and prioritize the higher order of the constrain factors, Identify the stakeholders or

the people who involve with the case. Identify the reasonable options can be taken to mitigate

the problems and be aware of is there any of the consequences of the taken actions. After

that it should be focus on what ethically accepted principles should be used to overcome the


So in the process of overcome the problems we can use following ethical principles known as

Candidate Ethical Principles. Those are as follows

Golden rule

Immune cant’s categorical imperative

Descartes’s rule of change

Utilitarian principle

Risk aversion principle

No free lunch rule

Since here we will discover how and what are the usable ethical we can use relevant to the

case study

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3.3.1 Golden Rule

Means putting your selves into the scenario as the object and compare how the situation will

be effect to you. Simply this means think your selves as the persons facing the problem. So

then we can decide what the actions to be taken as we feel. So in context to the case study if

we think as the accused who is texting while driving we can think how much it is ethical and

as it is not that a good practice as a wise versa it’s better to avoid from it. And indeed if you

think as the perspective who is injured in this kind of a situation definitely you will get an

action against texting while driving and to bang it. (Laudon, 2012)

3.3.2 Immune Cant’s Categorical Imperative

Say that to think in a way if each and every one do something that relevant to the scenario

whether the society human and the organization will be survive. Think if you use this this rule

before make ethical decisions I think you will never present your ideas as neurologists or

legislators here as thy say the texting or mobile communication while driving is a manageable

case for the multitasking people and also as it cause to avoid from the boring situation while

driving, because this is a very critical effect to the society. A number of people are dying

because of the accidents due to texting if this continuously increase this way the society will

be not survive. So when it is thinking that way definitely you will not represent your ideas that

way and argue that taking legal actions against those situations are not ethical. (Williams,


3.3.3 Descartes’s Rule of Change

In this rule it says that when getting a decision do not think only about the variables and

environment that you can see now, think in a broad manner considering the future effectives.

Think in this kind a situation as the law rules establishing foundations, because of the force

and pressure from the political aspects if you are going to make decisions that those not much

will suffer the drivers who are texting while driving we will never be able to avoid from this

critical situation and the deaths. And in this scenario your decision may be acceptable but it

can be made so much of bad effects.

Ashen Wanniarachchi

3.3.4 Risk Aversion Principle

Through this rule it is saying that when taking decision avoid from high failure rate actions

and be innovative to get the most optimal actions that will less harmful and give the solution

to the problem. In this scenario we can use awareness programs before going in to legal

actions to be taken. And further more if the problem is very difficult to solve the solution can

be taking that to change the mind of the people. This will be most effective to practice

because the getting in to the prison for 15 years like actions may be effect badly in the

perspective of personnel. The optimal solutions need to be taken.

3.4 Summery

Technology is double edge sword, most of the time technological devices are invented in

order to assist the human to easier their processes. But because of the bad attitude of the

people and the inappropriate use of the technology. In the context the cellular technology is

also a can be considered as a benchmark of the technology revolutions that make the global

communication process easier. But with the advancement of the technologies related to the

cellur and the combining with the bad attitude of the human the cellur has become a disaster

to the human lives because of using that for texting while driving. Annually number of

accidents are occurring due to this bad habit of texting. Although so many legal actions rules

and regulation are taking over this constrain still it has been difficult to overcome the issues

related. And also because of this so many social political and ethical constraints have been

occurred. In order to mitigate those problems decision making rules can be used for

assistance. Those revels how those problems are effecting and what is the way to overcome

those problems.

Ashen Wanniarachchi